- 狄克森片語,原書名為Essential Idioms in English,作者為Robert J. Dixson,所以在台灣稱為狄克森片語。全書共分三個等級,初級beginning,中級intermediate,高級advanced,初級有13課,中級有14課,高級有12課,共39課,每課有12個片語。
- 片語是許多學生學習英文的難關之一,有些片語比長單字更難背,片語中兩個拆開的字都知道個別的意思,但放在一起意思就變了。本書希望能藉由歌曲旋律不容易忘記的特性,來幫助讀者記下這些難記的片語。
- 這裡只有提供初級。
- 市面上雖然已經有很多聽歌學英文的書,那作者出版此書的價值何在呢?目前市面上的這類書,都是先選定幾首歌,再介紹歌曲中的單字,缺點就是沒辦法學習到學校規定要學的單字。本書最大的不同,就是反過來,先決定要學習的片語,再回頭挑選好聽而且包含此片語的歌曲。
- 原本要出版成書,不過歌詞有版權問題,所以直接放到網路上。
- 每一首歌用分隔線隔開,以片語為標題,然後是意思、網址、歌手、歌名、備註的項目列表,最後是歌詞。如果同一個片語有好幾首歌,就重複上面的項目列表及歌詞。
- 整首歌背下來太花時間,建議只背目標片語出現的段落。
- 先瞭解整首歌的歌詞意思,英文老師可以將這部分作為上課內容,然後背下目標片語出現的段落,不用背整首歌,在未來遇到目標片語的時候,回想起這段歌詞,藉由歌詞來回憶目標片語的意思。
- 建議老師可以將全部歌曲下載後給學生放在手機裡面隨身聽,老師也可以指定需要學生記憶的片語。
- 每兩天背一個片語,一年就可以背完一冊,剛好國中三年或高中三年可以背完。沒背完的部分也可以隨時繼續,不會有銜接的問題。
- 這些歌曲都是筆者從網路上聽了大量歌曲篩選出來的,有很多歌都是「underrated」,就是非常好聽、完全不輸那些大紅大紫的歌,卻得到很少的關注。有些歌曲乍聽可能覺得不好聽,但多聽幾次就會覺得好聽了。
- 被埋沒的好歌
- SAGA-Money Talks
- Meg and Dia-Fighting for Nothing
- Sasha Sloan-Older
- Lucinda Williams-One More Day
- Patrick Watson-Sit Down Beside Me
- Sara Paxton-Take a Walk
- Rusika-We're Out of Date
- Luke Kelly-The button pusher
- Slade-So Far So Good
- The Grass Roots-Sooner or Later
- Colbie Caillat-Bubbly
- 有些片語選了好幾首歌,可能是因為都很好聽,或是因為出現頻率低或是沒有很好聽,多選幾首來加強記憶。小節後面標註星號*的意思就是該片語在歌曲中出現的頻率太低,多選幾首歌來彌補。
- 這本書並沒有放歌詞翻譯,主要原因是翻譯本身就是一門專業,再加上歌詞這種東西,有時候意思是很模糊的或是可以做不同的解讀,讀者不妨想想你喜歡的中文歌,然後試圖翻成英文,就可以理解到上面的情形。所以同學們如果問老師歌詞的意思,老師沒辦法給你們滿意的答案,
- 備註的部分是介紹一些歌曲的背景。
- 最後,希望這些好聽的歌曲能夠幫助讀者更有效率地學習英文,讀者如果有因為這本書而克服了記憶片語的困難,或是被哪一首好聽的歌所感動,都歡迎寫信跟我分享,作者我會很開心的。有什麼問題或建議也歡迎寫信給作者bfhaha@gmail.com。
- 有一些歌曲想要重選,不過作者已為了五斗米折腰,沒時間做了。
Lesson 1
to get on
- 意思:上車
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_UWnZlkKT8
- 歌手:Cedarmont Kids
- 歌名:Get on board
- 備註:宗教歌曲。考考讀者,train在這裡的意思為信主耶穌基督。這個版本讀者覺得旋律比較好聽,可惜這個版本少了一段歌詞:
The fare is cheap
And all can go
The rich and poor are there
No second class aboard the train
No difference in the fare
筆者覺得這段歌詞是這首歌的重點,引申為不分貧賤,每個人都可以信主,有這段歌詞的版本參考這裡註。 - 歌詞:
Get on board, little children
Get on board, little children
Get on board, little children
There's room for many-a-more
I hear the train a comin'
I hear it close at hand
I hear those car wheels rumblin'
And rollin' through the land
I hear the train a-coming
She's coming round the curve
She's loosened all her steam and brakes
Straining every nerve
to get off
- 意思:下車
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUDMzhlefMs
- 歌手:Rolling Stones
- 歌名:Get off of my cloud
- 備註:Union Jack是英國國旗。這個樂團也有很多歌曲,有興趣的讀者可以上Youtube搜尋樂團名字。
- 歌詞:
I live on an apartment
On the ninety-ninth floor of my block
And I sit at home looking out the window
Imagining the world has stopped
Then in flies a guy
Who's all dressed up just like the Union Jack
And says, I've won five pounds
If I have his kind of detergent pack
I said, "Hey, you, get off of my cloud
Hey, you, get off of my cloud
Hey, you, get off of my cloud
Don't hang around cause two's a crowd
On my cloud baby"
The telephone is ringing
I say, "Hi, it's me, who is it there on the line?"
A voice says, "Hi, hello, how are you?"
Well, I guess I'm doing fine
It's three a.m., there's too much noise
Don't you people ever want to go to bed
Because you feel so good
Do you have to drive me out of my head
I was sick and tired, fed up with this
And decided to take a drive downtown
It was so very quiet and peaceful
There was nobody, not a soul around
I laid myself out
I was so tired and I started to dream
In the morning the parking tickets were just like a flag
Stuck on my windscreen
Hey, you, get off of my cloud
Hey, you, get off of my cloud
Hey, you, get off of my cloud
Don't hang around, baby two's a crowd
On my cloud
to put on
- 意思:穿(衣服)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_CE7GqqrvY
- 歌手:Dick Van Dyke
- 歌名:Put on a happy face
- 備註:put off不是脫衣的意思,put off是延遲的意思,take off才是脫衣。這首歌是音樂劇Bye Bye Birdie的插曲。
- 歌詞:
Why look so awfully tragic
Put on a happy face
Smiling can work like magic
Put on a happy face
Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy
It's not your style
You look so good
That you'll be glad
You've decided to smile
Pick out a pleasant outlook
Stick out that noble chin
Wipe off the full of doubt look
Slap on a happy grin
Hands spread sunshine
All over the place
Just put on a happy face
Put on a happy face
Put on a happy face
Why do you mope around so sourly?
It's such a string
I always try to chuckle hourly
It clears the brain
I knew a girl so gloomy
She'd never laugh or sing
She wouldn't listen to me
Now she's a mean old thing
So spread sunshine all over the place
Put on a happy
So put on a happy face
to take off
- 意思:脫(衣服)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVQjGlS7dqs
- 歌手:Ezra Furman
- 歌名:Take off your sunglasses
- 備註:這部MV可以幫助記憶,因為男主角就戴著太陽眼鏡。take on不是穿衣服的意思,take on是負責的意思。歌詞中, 女主角叫男主角脫掉太陽眼鏡, 但男主角不想, 隱喻男主角不想面對現實。
- 歌詞:
My baby went out with her family to a ski resort in Colorado
Well she put on her skis and she slid down hill
Yeah she slid downhill in her bright red mufflers
My baby, my baby went out with her family to a ski resort in Colorado
And left me all alone for a couple of weeks,
Well she called me up, she said I love you in the middle of the night
I said In the middle of the night everybody loves everybody else these days
She said Oh, in the middle of the day I love you very much
I said Everybody loves each other these days
I said I don't ever get to go on any vacations
I said I've gotta go to work every day
I said You get to slide downhill in your bright red mufflers
She said I love you, oh I love you in the middle of the day, And she said Take off your sunglasses
I don't wanna take off my sunglasses
Take off your sunglasses
I said baby the sun is bright
I need my sunglasses
And then I woke up in the middle of the night
One night and I felt so unworthy
I said I woke up in the middle of the night
One night and I felt so unworthy
It didn't bother me too much, I think I am unworthy
And everybody's unworthy of everybody else these days
Everybody's unworthy of everybody else these days
And I don't need to think about things I don't want to think about
She called me up in the middle of the day
She said I love you in the middle of the night
I said In the middle of the night
Everybody loves everybody else in the middle of the day
She said well
Take off your sunglasses
I don't wanna take off my sunglasses
Take off your sunglasses
I said why don't you take off your sunglasses
She said I already have
I don't want to think about
Things I don't want to think about in the middle of the night
In the middle of the day I don't want to think about
Things I don't want to think about in the middle of the night
I don't want to think about it
I don't want to think about it
I don't want to take off my sunglasses
Everybody's unworthy and
Everybody loves everybody else and
Everybody takes off their sunglasses
Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby I don't want to fall into the patterns
Oh baby,
She said
Take off your sunglasses
I don't wanna take off my sunglasses
Take off your sunglasses
I said baby oh, that's like me asking you to take out your shoelaces
So she took out her shoelaces
to turn on
- 意思:打開(電燈開關)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbDQYdln1UM
- 歌手:Kiss
- 歌名:Turn on the night
- 備註:早期的Kiss樂團以誇張的妝容及舞台效果著稱。
- 歌詞:
Everyone's thinkin' they're so hot tonight,
but there's a fire in your eyes
Everybody wants you girl,
but I want you more than any other guy
You got what I want, I got what you need, fire below
So if you know it, show it, don't let me go, whooah
Turn on the night,
I can't wait, can't wait any longer
Turn on the night,
yeah, I want to feel this feeling get stronger
Take me in your arms,
I'll take you into my heart
Let's bring this love to life
C'mon baby put your finger on the switch,
let's make some sparks ignite
Show me what you want, show me what you need, fire below
C'mon and take me, shake me, don't let me go, whooah
Turn on the night,
I can't wait, can't wait any longer
Turn on the night,
yeah, you know this feeling keeps getting stronger
Turn on the night
to turn off
- 意思:to cause to stop functioning (also: to switch off, to shut off)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T7bHq9Ebg0
- 歌手:Enrique Iglesias
- 歌名:Don't turn off the lights
- 備註:歌手就是拉丁情歌王子安立奎。
- 歌詞:
I don't have to tell you
What this is all about
'Cause, baby, half the fun
Is in us figuring it all out
So why you gotta ask me
What I'm doing now?
'Cause I don't like to question
What I still haven't found (Ooh, yeah)
So don't turn off the lights
I don't wanna be in the dark tonight
'Cause I can't read your mind
I need to know if what I'm doing is right
So don't turn off the lights
So don't turn off the lights
So tell me how we're gonna get there
It's so hard to even try
But if we move together (Ooh, yeah, yeah)
We'll end up on the same side (Ooh, yeah, yeah)
If you could know what I'm feeling
Would you run, and where would you go?
If you want to know what I'm thinking
Just turn on the lights and you'll know
right away
- 意思:very soon; immediately (also: at once)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvbZWGZoKPg
- 歌手:
- 歌名:I will obey right away
- 備註:宗教歌曲。
- 歌詞:
Listen to your father,
this is wise advice,
Never let your mother give an order twice.
Follow their instructions,
quickly answer yes,
Hearken right away,
to delay is to disobey!
I will obey the first time I'm told,
I will obey right away.
Never asking why,
never with a sigh,
I will obey right away.
Keep the Lord's commandments,
demonstrate your love,
This alone will please your Father up above.
Read God's Holy Word and listen when He speaks,
I will obey right away.
I will obey right away.
to pick up
- 意思:to lift with one's fingers or hands; to retrieve or collect; to learn
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s91O0GN4Mls
- 歌手:Hot Country Knights
- 歌名:Pick her up
- 備註:pickup truck是一種載貨車型,在台灣稱為皮卡。這個樂團也是Dierks Bentley所創立。
- 歌詞:
So you finally got the nerve to ask that little girl
You've been diggin' on if she wants to go out
She said yes, now you're wanting to impress
But you ain't got no Casanova know-how
You ain't gotta read a book to get her on the hook
She's a country baby through and through
If you wanna do her right on a Saturday night
This is all you've gotta do
Pick her up in a pickup truck
Take her out to a honky-tonk
Turn an ice cold longneck up
Dance around to an old jukebox
If you really wanna rock the world
Of a pretty little country girl
Just remember, when you pick her up
Pick her up in a pickup truck
(Ain't that right, Travis?)
Yeah buddy, she ain't got no use for a BMW
Or wine from a hundred-dollar bottle
She'd rather bounce around on the outskirts of town
Shotgunnin' in a muddy Silverado
If you're gonna have a chance at closin' time romance
Flip the switch on the neon hard
Don't forget the first step before you get to two steps
Knowin' right where to start
(Go get her, son!)
She wants to party and paint the town
Kick up her boots to a country sound
Come on buddy, don't let us down
You might even make her fall in love
Pick her up in a pickup truck, whoo
(Take her out to a country club, idn't that right?)
- 意思:to lift with one's fingers or hands; to retrieve or collect; to learn
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1BBIcedyIo
- 歌手:Dierks Bentley
- 歌名:Pick up
- 備註:描述一個手機被男朋友拿走, 發現她出軌的女生, 結局讓讀者自己去看。
- 歌詞:
I dialed seven digits five times today
Just to hear you say you love or hate me
I'll take anything
I just wanna hear your voice
Comin' through the line like a heart shaped knife
Cut me down baby, one more time
Good or bad baby
Yes, No, Maybe
It's drivin' me crazy
Won't you pick up the phone
I can pick up some wine
I can pick you up in my pick-up truck
And we can pick up right where we left off
Ain't that what we both want
Pick up the pieces girl
It ain't that broke
Pick up the past and just let it go
Put down that over me
Never wanna see me again
Goodbye kinda stuff and pick-up
You're putting me through hell one ring voicemail
Baby I can tell that you ain't on the other line
Accept, Naw, Decline
How can I tell you if you won't listen
How can I tell you what I've been missin'
If you don't, don't, don't
If you won't, won't, won't
Put down the mistakes we made
And the words we didn't mean to say
I dialed seven digits five times today
Just to hear you say you love or hate me
I just want a hear your voice
sooner or later
- 意思:遲早
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3-ATRs99_M
- 歌手:The Grass Roots
- 歌名:Sooner or later
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Sooner or later, love is gonna get ya
Sooner or later, girl you got to give in
Sooner or later, love is gonna let 'cha
Sooner or later, love is gonna win
Its just a matter of time
Before you make up your mind
To give all that love that you've been hiding
Its just a question of when
I've told you time and again
I'll get all the love you've been denying
You say you'll never be mine
But darling they'll come a time
I'll taste all that love that you've been hiding
Its just a question of time
Before you make up your mind
And give all that love you've been denying
You've been looking for love
In all the wrong places
You've been looking for love
All the wrong faces
Gotta get 'cha girl
Off this illusion
Gonna save your heart
From all this confusion
Love is gonna win
to get up
- 意思:to arise, to rise from a bed; to make someone arise
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70FVFxXpY_8
- 歌手:Irving Berlin
- 歌名:Oh how I hate to get up in the morning
- 備註:歌詞中很有趣的一段是Someday I'm going to murder the bugler,bugler是軍隊中吹起床號的喇叭手,意思類似於你一大早被人吵醒,然後心裡咒罵說:「我要宰了他。」這首歌出現在1943年電影This is the Army中,1:55左右。
- 歌詞:
I've been a soldier quite a while
And I would like to state
The life is simply wonderful
The Army food is great
I sleep with ninety-seven others in a wooden hut
I love them all
They all love me
It's very lovely but
Oh! How I hate to get up in the morning
Oh! How I'd love to remain in bed
For the hardest blow of all
Is to hear the bugler call
Ya gotta get up
Ya gotta get up
Ya gotta get up this morning
Someday I'm going to murder the bugler
Someday they're going to find him dead
I'll amputate his reveille
And step upon it heavily
And spend the rest of my life in bed
And then I'll get that other pup
The guy who wakes the bugler up
And spend the rest of my life in bed
to come up with
- 意思:想出(點子、辦法)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej4hkK2xQoE
- 歌手:Lucinda Williams
- 歌名:One more day
- 備註:很消沈,帶點哀傷的一首歌。歌詞主要分成六段,每段的前兩句跟後兩句是一樣的。
- 歌詞:
Give me one more day
To turn things around
Give me one more day
To get my feet on the ground
To dig in my heels
And settle down
Give one more day
To turn things around
Give me one more day
To come up with a plan
Give me one more day
To see if I can
Find my way
To come back again
Give me one more day
To come up with a plan
Give me one more day
To do the right thing
Give me one more day
To see what it'll bring
To have one more day
I would give anything
Give me one more day
To do the right thing
Give me one more day
To try my love
Give me one more day
It's been a couple of months
To place my bet
And win back your love
Give me one more day
To try my love
Give me one more day
To put up a fight
Give me one more day
To take back the night
I always danced
With all of my might
Give me one more day
To put up a fight
Give me one more day
To look in your eyes
Give me one more day
To make you realize
That I don't know what to say
When my soul flies
Give me one more day
To look in your eyes
Give me one more day
Just one more day
Give me one more day
- 意思:想出(點子、辦法)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2zdqZHVMBE
- 歌手:Idina Menzel
- 歌名:Penny
- 備註:宗教歌曲。旋律有點像梁靜茹的「我喜歡」。她也是唱冰雪奇緣(Frozen)的主題曲Let it go的歌手,飾演過電影「曼哈頓奇緣(Enchanted)」, 很好看的一部電影。她也有在美劇Glee歡樂合唱團參與演出。
- 歌詞:
Don't know much about practicing what I preach,
Don't know how to be envious without jealousy,
Don't know how to hold my temper, when I have to get in the last word,
Don't know how to speak softly and still be heard,
But before I lose everything and everyone who loves me...
God if you're listening would you have a message sent?
Cause I need to be a better lover, brother, and a friend.
God if you're listening would you come up with some change?
Cause I wake up every morning with a penny to my name.
Don't know much about love cause I get the same crap from every guy,
Don't know how to see the grass being greener on my side,
Don't know much about wisdom without being jaded,
Don't know how to take criticism without feeling hated,
But before I lose everything and everyone who loves me...
Whoa man, I'm everything I said I wouldn't be,
Standing here with nothing, will you help me?
Don't know how to tell a joke without putting my foot in my mouth,
Don't know how to be intimate if I don't have a crowd,
Don't know how to be hopeful, what if they let me down?
I don't know how to keep myself from hurting everyone...
Oh, God, I don't know much about nothing.
No, so give me a break.
Anyway, won't anybody listen to me?
Oh, oh.
at first
- 意思:in the beginning, originally
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pWgTLSI83E
- 歌手:Michael Lydon
- 歌名:Love at first sight
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
(A) One night in June big bad moon
Chinese lanterns twinkle in bright
Now what was the tune that big band was crooning
Must have been love at first sight
(B) We danced till three on the balcony
Dawn for the stars to flight
Honeysuckle breeze whispering leaves
Must have been love at first sight
(C) By now we had a while
To look each other over
We've seen what time could bring two lovers
That night at the lake was no mistake
The years disappear when you hum in my ear
That was the tune that big band was crooning
Must have been love at first sight
- 意思:in the beginning, originally
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph_eHIkY-HU
- 歌手:Blue
- 歌名:Love at first sight
- 備註:這個樂團的「One love註」也很好聽。
- 歌詞:
See if you can relate to this one
Hope I'm not disturbing you
Because you look into thought right now
I don't mean to be rude
Cause this is normally not my style
Can I take you out
I feel that if I don't ask chance will pass
And I'll never see your face again,
I'll never see your face again. No
You maybe thinking I am strange
Not every single day, no, beauty comes my way, so
Do you believe in love at first sight
Tell me does that book that your reading
Tell the story of your life
Do you believe in love at first sight
Should I walk on by, turn a blind eye
To love, love at first sight.
I could be the man for you
I can make all your dreams come true
Maybe I'm a fool
For saying I'm in love with you
You may be thinking I am strange not every single day, no
Beauty comes my way
You Say farewell
I'll say so long
Say goodbye
I'll say your wrong
Cause here in my arms you belong
(*)x2 To love, love at first sight.
Lesson 2
to dress up
- 意思:to wear formal clothes, to dress very nicely
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViOVjFTNtsY
- 歌手:Femme Schmidt
- 歌名:Stockings and belt
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Ain't gonna dress for you like a whore
If you don't want to love me no more
Ain't gonna wear stockings and belt
If you can't make my heart melt
The time is over for fantasy
What is happening to you and me?
I would dress up for you like a queen
Give you everything you desired
Why can't I cry any tears?
We're out of ideas to inspire
Ain't gonna share my double bed
Ain't gonna give you any head
Ain't gonna wear handcuffs and chain
If you don't want to give me your name
There's nothing more for us to say
The time for talking is over today
I would dress up for you like a queen
Give you everything you desired
When did the fairytale stop?
When did our love expire?
Ain't gonna dress for you like a whore
If you don't want to love me no more
Ain't gonna wear stockings and belt
If you can't make my heart melt
- 意思:to wear formal clothes, to dress very nicely
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9W-B66U6ow
- 歌手:Kirk Moore
- 歌名:Dress up contest
- 備註:網路素人自己寫的歌,有點類似兒歌。
- 歌詞:
Let's have a dress up contest
A dress up contest
A dress up dress up dress up dress up dress up contest
Let's have a dress up contest
A dress up contest
Who can put their boots on now
Let's have a dress up contest
A dress up contest
A dress up dress up dress up dress up dress up contest
Let's have a dress up contest
A dress up contest
Who can put their coat on now
Let's have a dress up contest
A dress up contest
A dress up dress up dress up dress up dress up contest
Let's have a dress up contest
A dress up contest
Who can put their hat on now
Let's have a dress up contest
A dress up contest
A dress up dress up dress up dress up dress up contest
Let's have a dress up contest
A dress up contest
Who can put their gloves on now
It was a dress up contest
A dress up contest
A dress up dress up dress up dress up dress up contest
It was a dress up contest
A dress up contest
And our song is all through now
- 意思:to wear formal clothes, to dress very nicely
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO7EjEbN9BA
- 歌手:The Chainsmokers
- 歌名:Kills you slowly
- 備註:The Chainsmokers就是唱「Something just like this註」的歌手。歌詞在描述一對已在分手邊緣的情侶, 在朋友及家人面前仍裝出恩愛的樣子。
- 歌詞:
Made plans with me and all your friends
I'm late again, I hate to keep you waiting
Tried to be a gentleman, got drunk again before I even made it
Tried to call a car for you, you're tired of me
I know you wouldn't take it
You walked a mile in Louis Vuittons and fucked 'em up
You know that they're my favorite
But we dress up and play pretend
Then we act like we're good again
I do things I can't defend
And even when you hold it in
Hold it, even though it kills you slowly
Explosions hidden when we're in the open
Keep on smilin' until it's over
Hold it, even though it kills you slowly
Arguments that never end
You're talkin' shit to spice up conversation
I'm so sick of back and forth
These fights with you are startin' to feel contagious
Said that I'm no good for you
Right before we walk into your parents
Then you put on that smile again
And grab my hand even though you hate it
Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said
You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't
Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said
You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't
Hold it, even though it kills you slowly
(Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said
You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't)
Explosions hidden when we're in the open
(Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said
You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't)
Keep on smilin' until it's over
(Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said
You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't)
Hold it, even though it kills you slowly
(Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said
You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't)
at last
- 意思:finally, after a long time
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7J5is6CWDc
- 歌手:Cozi Zuehlsdorff
- 歌名:At last it's me
- 備註:這是迪士尼電影「Freaky Friday」(2018)的插曲, 歌手也在電影中演出。 不過同名電影有另一個版本, 叫做「辣媽辣妹」(2003), 由Jamie Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan(琳賽蘿涵)飾演, 這個版本比較廣為人知。
- 歌詞:
One day is lots like another
When you expect the same old same
So true and telling your brother
Just don't play that game
You have tomorrow to run to
So don't be stuck in yesterday
Why not embrace the one who loves you come what may?
In a minute life can unwind you
That's when love will find you and lead the way
At last you're looking at me
At last you're finally free
It took a little of you to show me who to be
Gonna live in the now
Because I know just how
To live each day with love for all to see
The past is in the past
At last it's me
Too long we see our reflection
Too long it's all that we ever know
But be strong
Reverse your direction and watch your power grow
There's life in all that's around you
You only have to let it in
You'll be so glad that it found you
Your new day will begin
Today will last me forever
Cause today I'm the best I've ever been
At last you're looking at me
At last you're finally free
It took a little of you to show me who to be
Gonna live in the now
Because I know just how
To show you that I know you and you'll see
The past is in the past
At last it's me
I know you know I'll see
Let the past be the past
At last it's me
I know you'll know I'll see
Let the past be the past
At last it's me
as usual
- 意思:as is the general case, as is typical
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTxFOUJIfTc
- 歌手:Sooty and Co.
- 歌名:Business as usual
- 備註:Sooty and Co.是1995到1998年間的兒童節目。
- 歌詞:
Business as usual tomorrow we're going to do what we do best.
Now you must rest.
Because it's business as usual with Sooty and Co.
I'm as happy as can be.
I'm sure you'll agree.
It's business as usual.
We've seen enough of the other side of life.
The trouble and strike.
So it's business as usual.
I think that we should just stick to what we know although it is small.
You know so I couldn't agree more that are exactly my thought as well.
They always say that the grass will grow much greener on the other side.
All I can say is now I know I've been there and the road is too wide.
So it's business as usual.
I've had a glimpse from another point of view.
And I know you have to.
It's business as usual.
We all must remember to thank our lucky stars
for the way that we are today.
to find out
- 意思:get information about, to determine
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YezFKllKBDs
- 歌手:12.8
- 歌名:Find out why
- 備註:歌手是個香港人,MV是台灣人拍的。
- 歌詞:
Where has time gone no one knows
It's time to find outl why
It's beautiful and also painful
It's time to find outl why
Spent the days in Barcelona
The flowers bloomed and died
Oh dear our double rainbow
Was up above the sky
But don't you know
What I feel
I'm not alright
But don't you know
To me it's real
It's time to find outl why
Same old place but different people
Are they just trying to hide
It's become a city of sorrow
Where we said long goodbye
Muddle along every morning
I'm running outta time
Anyway the wild wind blows
As my body lies
But don't you know
What I feel
I'm not alright
But don't you know
What I feel
I'm sick of life
But don't you know
What I feel
I'm not alright
But don't you know
To me it's real
I guess I've found out why
I guess I've found out why
I guess I've found out why
- 意思:找出為什麼
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JREouTHpyJE
- 歌手:Tracy Lawrence
- 歌名:Find out who your friends are
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Run your car off the side of the road
Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere
Get yourself in a bind, lose the shirt off your back
Need a floor, need a couch, need a bus fare
This is where the rubber meets the road
This is where the cream is gonna rise
This is what you really didn't know
This is where the truth don't lie
You find out who your friends are
Somebody's gonna drop everything
Run out and crank up their car
Hit the gas get their fast
Never stop to think 'what's in it for me?' or 'it's way too far.'
They just show on up with their big old heart
You find out who you're friends are
Everybody wants to slap your back
Wants to shake your hand
When you're up on top of that mountain
But let one of those rocks give way then you slide back down look up
And see who's around then
This ain't where the road comes to an end
This ain't where the bandwagon stops
This is just one of those times when
A lot of folks jump off
When the water's high
When the weather's not so fair
When the well runs dry
Who's gonna be there?
you find out who you're friends are
to look at
- 意思:give one's attention to; to watch
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXi344atARY
- 歌手:Seth Ennis
- 歌名:Look at you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Look at you wearin' my hat
You know I love it when you flip it 'round back
I been wearin' it all summer long
And it ain't ever looked like that girl
Look at you singing that song
I used to turn it off when it came on
Now it's my favourite when you start singing it
Can't help singing along
'Cause you turn ordinary everyday things
Into something beautiful 'cause you're beautiful
Girl I love to look at you
Walking out the front door
Hopping in my front seat
Sliding over close to me
Yeah, I love to look at you
When you're with your girlfriends
Laughin' 'bout your dancing
Out there making eyes at me
Girl I love to look at you
Just look at you
Yeah I love to look at you
Just look at you
Look at you drinkin' that drink
Little bit spicy, little bit sweet
When you bite your lip and you take a sip
Girl you know you what you're making me think, yeah
Look at you turning it on
Bet you you could have any boy that you want
Look at you making every girl in the room wanna run and put some makeup on
'Cause you turn ordinary everyday things
Into something beautiful cause you're beautiful
When I look at you
I see forever
Something I never thought I wanted But I know I want it\ When I look at you
Walking out the front door
Hopping in my front seat
Sliding over close to me
Yeah, I love to look at you
When you're with your girlfriends
Laughin' 'bout your dancing
Out there making eyes at me
Girl I love to look at you
Just look at you
Yeah I love to look at you (I love to look at you, love to look at you)
Just look at you
Girl I love to look at you
- 意思:看
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIX4s2QOreQ
- 歌手:Charlie Puth
- 歌名:Look at me now
- 備註:這位歌手也是很有名, 唱過下面兩首都很有名,「We don't talk anymore註」及「See you again註」。
- 歌詞:
I said this time next year
I'ma be the one who do
Everything and more you said
I couldn't do
This one is for you
This time next year
I'm gonna be stronger
A little bit taller
Top is my only view
I'm kickin' in the door now
Better get out my way
Never really saw me comin'
You're left with nothing to say
This for everybody
Who always put me down
I hope you open up your eyes
And take a good look at me now
Take a good look at me now
Take a good look at me now
'Cause this time next year
I'ma walk down these halls
And show my face for the world to see
Gonna see me
And I'ma call every girl that turned me down
And tell 'em now that
I'm just too busy
'Cause I don't have the time
And it's funny how my so-called friends
Who've always left me alone
Are suddenly running into me
And blowin' up my phone
Take a good look at me now
Take a good look at me now
Oh baby
Take a good look at me now
Take a good look at me now
Take a good look at me now
Oh, look at me now
Woah, this one is dedicated
To all of the people
Who said I would be nothing
Just look at me now
Look at me now
Look at me now
Take a good look at me now
Take a good look at me now
Take a good look at me now
Take a good look at me now
to look for
- 意思:to try to find, to search for
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grf5LIFJ0xI
- 歌手:Garry Miles
- 歌名:Look for a star
- 備註:這首也是電影「Circus of Horrors」的插曲。
- 歌詞:
When life doesn't seem worth the living
And you don't really care who you are
When you feel there is no one beside you
Look for a star
When you know you're alone and so lonely
And your friends have traveled afar
There is someone waiting to guide you
Look for a star
For everyone has a lucky star
That shines in the sky up above
If you wish on your lucky star
You're sure to find someone to love
A rich man, a poor man, a beggar
No matter whoever you are
There's a friend who's waiting to guide you
Look for a star
Look for a star
all right
- 意思:acceptable, fine; yes, okay
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVJKn7I6MyA
- 歌手:Christopher Cross
- 歌名:All right
- 備註:前奏有點像灌籃高手的主題曲。
- 歌詞:
I know, I know what's on your mind
And I know it gets tough sometimes.
But you can give it one more try to find another reason why,
You should pick it up and try it again
Cause it's all right, I think we're gonna make it,
I think it might just work out this time.
It's all right, I think we're gonna make it
I think it might work out fine this time
It's all right, I think we're gonna make it
I think it might just work out,
Cause it's not too late for that too late for me.
I know I've been hurt before
And I know I really shouldn't give any more.
But this time, this time things seem just a little different.
And when I look in your eyes, you know I can see that it's true.
And I hear you say:
Cause it's not too late for that too late for that.
Just when you feel helpless,
nothing left to say.
Love will find us.
The past behind us then we're on our way.
Time and time again I see
people so unsure like me,
We all know it gets heard sometimes
You can give it one more try,
Find another reason why you should pick it up,
You should kick it up and try it again.
- 意思:acceptable, fine; yes, okay
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ2COs_OMtY
- 歌手:Queen
- 歌名:Doing all right
- 備註:Queen樂團的經典樂曲包括「We will rock you註」,「Bohemian rhapsody註」,「I was born to love you註」,「We are the champions註」。
- 歌詞:
Yesterday my life was in ruin
Now today I know what I'm doing
Gotta feeling I should be doing all right
Doing all right
Where will I be this time tomorrow
Jump in joy or sinking in sorrow
Anyway I should be doing all right
Doing all right
Should be waiting for the sun
Looking round to find the words to say
Should be waiting for the skies to clear
There a time in all the world
Should be waiting for the sun
And anyway I've got hide away
Ah ah ah ah
Yesterday my life was in ruin
Now today God knows what I'm doing
Anyway I should be doing all right
Doing all right
Doing all right
all along
- 意思:all the time, from the beginning (without change)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76siZDl1IWM
- 歌手:Jennifer Lamountain
- 歌名:All along
- 備註:宗教歌曲。
- 歌詞:
Time just drifts away
And I look back on the years
With memories of happiness and bitter tears
Through it all there is a common thread
Which cannot be ignored
You were there making me to be your servant, Lord
All along, Your hand has been guiding me
Shaping my life to be a beautiful song
All along, You've led me through
Things that You knew would make me strong
Your love has been there all along
Every joy and pain had a reason of its own
Now I realize that I was not alone
The changing seasons of my life
Were not left up to chance
Lord, I know You were working to fulfill Your plan
Tomorrow when I turn around
And look back at today
I will understand Your purpose
And my thankful heart will say
(Your love has been there all along)
Your love has been there all along
little by little
- 意思:gradually, slowly (also: step by step)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic-Na--7_NI
- 歌手:Oasis
- 歌名:Little by little
- 備註:Oasis是沙漠中的綠洲的意思。
- 歌詞:
We the people fight for our existence
We don't claim to be perfect but we're free
We dream our dreams alone with no resistance
Fading like the stars we wish to be
You know I didn't mean what I just said
But my God woke up on the wrong side of his bed
And it just don't matter now
As little by little we gave you everything you ever dreamed of
Little by little the wheels of your life have slowly fallen off
Little by little you have to give it all in all your life
And all the time I just ask myself why you're really here?
True perfection has to be imperfect
I know that that sounds foolish but it's true
Day has come, now you'll have to accept
Life inside your head we give to you
You know I didn't mean what I just said
But my God woke up on the wrong side of his bed
And it just don't matter now
Why am I really here?
Why am I really here?
to tire out
- 意思:to make very weary due to difficult conditions or hard effort (also: to wear out)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2746ddRgcRk
- 歌手:Stevie Wonder
- 歌名:Travelin' man
- 備註:Stevie Wonder是一位很有才華的盲人歌手, 其他好聽的歌曲有「I just called to say I love you註」,「Part time lover註」。
- 歌詞:
Something deep inside of me
Keeps me moving aimlessly
Always been always be
A lonely travelin' man
Something that I can't explain
Holding me from wind and rain
Wild and free and hard to tame
A lonely travelin' man
Travelin' Man
Travelin' Man
Got no goal got no plan
Just an old worn out heart in my hand
Travelin' Man
Travelin' Man
I'll get there anyway I can
I'm just an uninspiring tired out travelin' man
Please don't ask me where I've been
I've been alone through thick and thin
On the outside looking in
A lonely travelin' man
Something that I haven't found
Keeps me seeking all around
Moving on from town to town
A lonely travelin' man
to spend time
- 意思:to do an activity over a period of time
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRQDOFaFqWk
- 歌手:Los Retros
- 歌名:Someone to spend time with
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Wake up alone
In the morning, with no one at my side
Could it be
I've waited too long,
waiting for the lucky one
My sweetheart, where are you?
I need someone to spend my time with
To give and share all my love
Back in bed
It's 3 a.m with no one at my side
It gets real cold
Because these blankets
Will never warm my heart
never mind
- 意思:don't be concerned about it; ignore what was just said
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLQl3WQQoQ0
- 歌手:Adele
- 歌名:Someone like you
- 備註:Adele最有名的特色就是她那渾厚的嗓音, 有名的作品包括「Hello註」,「Skefall註」,這首是電影「007」的主題曲。Adele也開過一個小玩笑,就是到Adele的歌唱比賽中,假冒參賽者之一,參考這裡註。
- 歌詞:
I heard that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now
I heard that your dreams came true
Guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you
Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light
I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I had hoped you'd see my face
And that you'd be reminded that for me, it isn't over
Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you, too
"Don't forget me, " I begged
I remember you said
"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead"
"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead"
You know how the time flies
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
We were born and raised in a summer haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days
Nothing compares, no worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?
"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead"
Lesson 3
to pick out
- 意思:to choose, to select
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxSHvcpeLTA
- 歌手:Adam Faith
- 歌名:Poor me
- 備註:演唱版本參考這裡註。
- 歌詞:
Poor me wa a ha a ho
Poor me wa a ha a ho
Sorry thoughts leaping around my head
It's been heard and it's been said
You tried to date another guy
Didn't hide, didn't even try
Cheating me with lies again
Making me remember when
I used to hold you baby
So tight, each night, that's right
I kinda hoped that maybe you might
Fall for me
Why oh why do voices say to me
Sit and cry, that this was meant to be
Loves unkind and loves untrue
Oh why did love pick out you
For me, for me
Wa ha poor me
Poor me
- 意思:to choose, to select
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnZE84ZtVa8
- 歌手:Gene Watson
- 歌名:My memories of you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I feel so sorry for my friends, now, that you'd left me
I just don't have the time to see them like I used to do
I know they worry but each night I hurry
To get home to my memories of you
I've got so many, I've not lost any
Like treasure packed away they get me through
To fit my sad time, I just go through my mind
And pick out the perfect memory of you
I don't feel lonely anymore that's what they don't see
There's so many happy thoughts of you that I can use
It's not real life but I know you're still mine
When I'm goin' through my memories of you
I pick out my favorite memory of you
to take one's time
- 意思:不急,慢慢來
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWGqoCNbsvM
- 歌手:Colbie Caillat
- 歌名:Bubbly
- 備註:她也跟Jason Mraz一起合唱過「Lucky註」。其他好聽的歌包括「I'm fallin' for you註」。
- 歌詞:
Will you count me in?
I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place
It starts in my toes, and I crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes I always know
That you make me smile, please, stay for a while now
Just take your time wherever you go
The rain is fallin' on my window pane
But we are hidin' in a safer place
Under covers stayin' dry and warm
You give me feelings that I adore
But what am I gonna say?
When you make me feel this way
I just, mmm
I've been asleep for a while now
You tucked me in just like a child now
'Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth
It starts in my soul, and I lose all control
When you kiss my nose, the feelin' shows
'Cause you make me smile, baby, just take your time now
Holdin' me tight
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go
Wherever you go I always know
'Cause you make me smile, even just for a while
to talk over
- 意思:to discuss or consider a situation with others
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w1mCevu3sU
- 歌手:Bob Dylan
- 歌名:Love minus zero
- 備註:有些版本在People talk over situations這句話是唱People talk of situations。片語在這首歌只出現一次, 但我找不到其他出現talk over又好聽的歌了。 歌曲就是由8段旋律一樣的歌組成, 讀者可以背片語出現的那段就好。
- 歌詞:
My love she speaks like silence
Without ideals or violence
She doesn't have to say she's faithful
Yet she's true, like ice, like fire
People carry roses
And make promises by the hours
My love she laughs like the flowers
Valentines can't buy her
In the dime stores and bus stations
People talk over situations
Read books, repeat quotations
Draw conclusions on the wall
Some speak of the future
My love she speaks softly
She knows there's no success like failure
And that failure's no success at all
The cloak and dagger dangles
Madams light the candles
In ceremonies of the horsemen
Even the pawn must hold a grudge
Statues made of matchsticks
Crumble into one another
My love winks, she does not bother
She knows too much to argue or to judge
The bridge at midnight trembles
The country doctor rambles
Bankers' nieces seek perfection
Expecting all the gifts that wise men bring
The wind howls like a hammer
The night blows rainy
My love she's like some raven
At my window with a broken wing
to lie down
- 意思:to place oneself in a flat position, to recline
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-uB5HHJ_xM
- 歌手:Frank Harte and Donal Lunny
- 歌名:Croppies lie down
- 備註:Croppy是指愛爾蘭(Irish)大約在1798到1802間對反抗英國入侵的人們。這裡選的版本是比較好聽的, 有另一個版本, 大意是一樣的, 但歌詞不一樣, 歌曲參考這裡註, 歌詞參考Wiki註。
- 歌詞:
All you who love darkness instead of true light,
Who dare not yourselves show, except in the night.
Lament your sad loss, let the news spread afar,
The great overthrow of The Northern Star.
Derry down down, derry down down,
Derry down, derry down, croppies lie down.
In the County of Wexford these rebels did rise,
All brave Orange-men they swore they'd sacrifice;
They thought that our army they surely would beat,
But we boldly attacked them, and made them retreat.
On Vinegar Hill then those rebels did camp,
They thought by their numbers our army would cramp;
But we boldly attacked them and forced them to yield,
And five hundred croppies lay dead on the field.
The bold General Dundas is a man of great might,
He attacked all the croppies just at the day-light;
He threw up his bomb-shells and bullets so fast,
And put the damned croppies all flying at last.
Colonel Campbell, commanding the first light brigade,
He forced up the hill when the attack it was made,
And planted his cannon in such a fine spot,
And made the wild croppies to curse his grape shot.
These rebels they thought our command to seduce,
They sent out McManus with a white flag of truce;
They thought that the army good terms they would give,
But the answer was, 'croppies, we won't let you live'.
Then Esmond and Kay all with Harvey and Hay,
Unto General Moore were given up the next day;
They were tried by court-martial, them quickly we slew,
And that put an end to the blood-thirsty crew.
to stand up
- 意思:to rise from a sitting or lying position (also: to get up)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE455KVZswY
- 歌手:Ricky Nelson
- 歌名:Stood up
- 備註:跟貓王(Elvis Presley)同時期的歌手, 從MV也可以看到風格跟貓王很像。 這首歌後來也被電玩遊戲黑手黨II(Mafia 2)作為主題曲。
- 歌詞:
Well, I've been waitin' ever since eight
Guess my baby's got another date
Stood up, broken-hearted, again
I'll bet she's out havin' a ball
Not even thinkin' of me at all
Stood up, broken-hearted, again
Well, I know just what I oughta do
I oughta find somebody new
But, baby, I couldn't forget about you
Stood up, broken-hearted, again
Why must I always be the one
Left behind never havin' any fun?
Stood up, broken-hearted, again
But I guess I'll go on bein' a fool
Sittin' around just waitin' for you
Stood up, broken-hearted, again
Well, I know just what I oughta do
I oughta find somebody new
But, baby, I couldn't forget about you
Stood up, broken-hearted, again
Stood up, broken-hearted, again
Stood up, broken-hearted, again
- 意思:to rise from a sitting or lying position (also: to get up)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0ebgdEY6BY
- 歌手:One Direction
- 歌名:Stand up
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
From the moment I met you, everything changed
I knew I had to get you, whatever the pain
I had to take you and make you mine
I would walk through the desert
I would walk down the aisle
I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile
Whatever it takes is fine
So put your hands up
Cause it's a stand up
And I won't be leaving 'til I finish stealing every piece of your heart
Every piece of your heart
I know your hearts been broken
But don't you give up
I'll be there, yeah I know it
To fix you with love
It hurts me to think that you've ever cried
So put your hands up
Cause it's a stand up
And I won't be leaving 'til I finish stealing every piece of your heart
And I will steal us a car
And we will drive to the stars
I will give you the moon
It's the least I can do if you give me the chance
So put your hands up
Cause it's a stand up
You can call me a thief
(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
But you should know your part
(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
I'm only here
(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
Because you stole my heart
So put your hands up
(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
Cause it's a stand up
And I won't be leaving till I finish stealing every piece of your heart
Cause you stole my heart
(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
Call me a thief
(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
But you should know your part
(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
I'm only here
(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
Because you stole my heart
- 意思:to rise from a sitting or lying position (also: to get up)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUEF-NzPnD8
- 歌手:Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Rihanna
- 歌名:Just stand up
- 備註:這是2008對抗癌症慈善組織Stand Up to Cancer辦的義演,由眾多知名歌星合唱的歌曲。
- 歌詞:
Everything will be alright, yeah
Beyonce: The heart is stronger than you think
It's like it can go through anything
And even when you think it can't it finds a way to still push on, though
Carrie: Sometimes you want to run away
Ain't got the patience for the pain
And if you don't believe it look into your heart the beat goes on
Rihanna: I'm tellin' you that
Things get better
Through whatever
If you fall, dust it off, don't let up
Sheryl: Don't you know you can go be your own miracle
Beyonce: You need to know
If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough
But the heart keeps telling you don't give up
Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what
Don't give up
Fergie: It's like we all have better days
Problems getting all up in your face
Leona: Just because you go through it
Fergie: Don't mean it got to take control, no
Leona: You ain't gotta find no hiding place
Keyshia: Because the heart can beat the hate
Leona: Don't wanna let your mind keep playin' you
Keyshia: And sayin' you can't move on
Rihanna: I'm tellin' you that
Miley: Things get better
Through whatever
Rihanna: If you fall
Miley: Dust if off, don't let up
LeAnn: Don't you know you
Natasha: Can go
LeAnn: Be your own
Natasha: Miracle
Carrie: You need to know
Mary: You don't gotta be a prisoner in your mind
Ciara: If you fall, dust it off
Mary: You can live your life
Rihanna/Carrie: Yeah
Mary: Let your heart be your guide
Rihanna/Carrie: Yeah yeah yeah
Mariah: And you will know that you're good if you trust in the good
Ashanti: Everything will be alright, yeah
Light up the dark, if you follow your heart
Mary: And it will get better
Mariah: Through whatever
You got it in you, find it within
You got in now, find it within now
You got in you, find it within
You got in now, find it within now
You got in you, find it within
Find it within you, find it within
- 意思:to rise from a sitting or lying position (also: to get up)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-89VbWi2xY
- 歌手:Walker \#57
- 歌名:Stand up, for the champions
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I was built to be the best
Number one and nothing less
Leave me to my destiny
I have waited patiently
I have vision' oh I believe
I know I can count on me
So stand up
for the champions
for the champions
stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions
for the champions
Stand up
for the champions
for the champions
stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions
for the champions
Stand up
Here we go it's getting close
Now it's just who wants it most
It's just life that's how it is
Cause we have our strength and weaknesses
Oh I have vision' oh can't you see
I'm on the move make way for me
Stand up
And when I fall down
I have to pick myself back up
Stand up stand up
For the champions
for the champions
Stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions
for the champions
Stand up
to sit down
- 意思:坐下
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgwdQVHpAR0
- 歌手:Patrick Watson
- 歌名:Sit down beside me
- 備註:很好聽,帶點空靈的一首歌。
- 歌詞:
Sit down beside me and stay awhile
Let our hearts do their part
With wine and words to meet the hours
So the day never starts
Cause thats what I want
That's what we need
'Cause that's who we are
'Cause that's what we need
Sit down beside me and stay awhile
There are shadows
Till we're old and grey
Till we've got nothing left to say
'Cause that's who we are
That's what we need
'Cause that's who we are
That's what we need
That's what we need
'Cause that's who we are
That's what we need
I lay, lay low
Deep in time tonight
I lay, lay low
Deep in time tonight
Stay awhile
I lay, lay low
You can talk to me now
Stay awhile
Sit down beside me and stay awhile
Till the night runs away
Till the morning rises and we part our ways
Till the end of our days
- 意思:坐下
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJq7J2uzSlc
- 歌手:Guys and Dolls
- 歌名:Sit down, you're rockin' the boat
- 備註:這首歌是一齣1955年的音樂劇Guys and Dolls中的一段插曲。
- 歌詞:
I dreamed last night I got on the boat to heaven
And by some chance I had brought my dice along
And there I stood
And I hollered "Someone fade me"
But the passengers, they knew right from wrong.
For the people all said sit down, sit down, you're rockin' the boat
People all said sit down
Sit down you're rockin' the boat.
And the devil will drag you under
By the sharp lapel of your checkered coat,
Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down,
Sit down you're rockin' the boat.
I sailed away on that little boat to heaven
And by some chance found a bottle in my fist
And there I stood, Nicely passin' out the whisky
But the passengers were bound to resisist
For the people all said beware
You're on a heavenly trip
People all said beware
Beware, you'll scuttle the ship.
And the devil will drag you under
By the fancy tie 'round your wicked throat
Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down
Sit down, you're rockin' the boat
And as I laughed at those passengers to heaven (laughs)
(Gasps!) A great big wave came and washed me over board!
And as I sank And I hollered "someone save me!"
That's the moment I woke up Thank the lord
And I said to myself, sit down, sit down,
You're rockin' the boat!
Said to myself sit down, sit down, you're rockin' the boat
And the devil will drag you under With a soul so heavy you'd never float,
Sit down, sit down, sit down
Sit down, sit down, sit down, you're rockin' the boat
all (day, week, month, year) long
- 意思:the entire day, week, month, year
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js2gI4fJL9M
- 歌手:Mack Z
- 歌名:Christmas all year long
- 備註:聖誕節歌曲。Mack Z的全名是Mackenzie Ziegler, 一個長相很成熟的童星。 但網路上的新聞找到的大部分會是同名的Maddie Ziegler的消息, 這位Maddie Ziegler在Sia的Chandelier(水晶吊燈)MV中跳舞的女孩,參考這裡註。
- 歌詞:
I love the presents with the pretty bows
I love the holly and the mistletoe
The beautiful trees in every window
And all of the snow
I love shopping for my family
What will I get? Have to wait and see
All the Holiday fun, with all of my friends
Wish it never would end
I'd never have to stop singing those Christmas songs
And opening the gifts would just go on and on
This magic feeling never would be gone
I wish it could be Christmas all year long
I love Rudolph and his shiny nose
Can't wait for Santa with his "Ho-Ho-Ho"
The tinsel's so bright, and the twinkling lights
All the candles aglow
I love the ribbons and the candy-canes
The giant stocking with the glittering mane
The gingerbread smell and the jingling bells
If I had my way
Each morning it would be another Christmas dawn
I'd rush to see if Santa's milk and cookies were gone
Taking down the lights would be so wrong
I wish it could be Christmas all year long
Gotta sing another Christmas song
Wish it were Christmas all year long
All year long
I wish it could be Christmas all year long
Hey, Santa
Gotta sing another Christmas song
Wish it were Christmas all year long
Hey, Santa, if you can hear
All I want for Christmas is to make it last all year
All year
- 意思:the entire day, week, month, year
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buEg8x79Bto
- 歌手:Larnelle Harris
- 歌名:All year long
- 備註:宗教歌曲。
- 歌詞:
He braced the old ladder with all of His might
And shouted, dad have no fear
As I stretched high to store the stockings and trim
In the attic for another year
We were busily packing our Christmas away
While singing The carol we knew
When I heard my son in innocence inquire
Do we store away Jesus too
All year long
We must worship day by day
All year long
Tis the season to obey
May the Christmas tree lights
And the sleigh rides at night
Remind us all to stay in God's presence
All year long
I smiled at my boy and again I explain
God's longing to reconcile
How He gave to the world the gift of new life
When His yearning became Mary's child
Though surrounded by all of man's goods we embrace
The hope of that Bethlehem night
We will never store his blessed gift away
With the tinsel and coloured lights
In God's presence
All year long
by oneself
- 意思:alone, without assistance
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGrLb6W5YOM
- 歌手:Celine Dion
- 歌名:All by myself
- 備註:Celine Dion就是演唱鐵達尼號主題曲My heart will go on的歌手。
- 歌詞:
When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
Livin' alone
I think of all the friends I've known
When I dial the telephone
Nobody's home
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself
Hard to be sure
Sometimes I feel so insecure
And loves so distant and obscure
Remains the cure
All by myself
Don't wanna live
All by myself
All by myself
Don't wanna live
Don't wanna live by myself
by myself anymore
by myself anymore
on purpose
- 意思:for a reason, deliberately
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckIM58Ecpcw
- 歌手:Sabrina Carpenter
- 歌名:On purpose
- 備註:MV很值得一看,把女歌手拍得很有魅力。
- 歌詞:
Your eyes
Crashin' into my eyes
Was I accidentally falling in love?
Your words
Didn't mean to heal the hurt
Were coincidentally more than enough
All these days I never thought
That I would need someone so much
Who knew? (Who knew?)
But I don't think I ever planned
For this helpless circumstance
With you
You're scared, I'm nervous
But I guess that we did it on purpose, on purpose, on purpose
Baby, I know it's weird, but it's worth it
'Cause I guess that we did it on purpose, on purpose, on purpose
But I guess that we did it on purpose
But I guess that we did it on purpose
My dreams running into your dreams
It's as if we wished on the same star
And my time changing all of your time
It's a butterfly effect on my heart
Oh, woah
You're scared, I'm nervous
On purpose
Lost in darkness
You're my focus
Love me hopeless
But I guess that we did it on purpose
Lost in darkness
You're my focus
Love me hopeless
Oh, you're scared
You're scared, I'm nervous
- 意思:for a reason, deliberately
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZjzFdPNmEg
- 歌手:The Shires
- 歌名:Accidentally on purpose
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I know this me and you thing
Is a new thing
And I'd be lying if I said this is what I was looking for
I kinda can't stop thinking
That leaving is the last thing I wanna be doing right now for sure
Maybe I'll oversleep
And miss my flight
My alarm went off at 6:05
But I never heard it
Accidentally on purpose
Maybe I'd lay you with just like this
And give you one more goodbye kiss
And slip those three little words in
Accidentally on purpose
I never thought you'd call
So, I guess it's your fault
I wasn't trying to fall
But you and my heart were making other plans
But here I am crazy about you
Not ready for a day without you
Here I am saying 'what the hell?'
Wide awake telling myself
What if I stay?
What would you say?
I know this me and you thing
Is a new thing
But leaving is the last thing I wanna be doing right now
What if I stay?
Accidentally on purpose
- 意思:for a reason, deliberately
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E7vomRQnO8
- 歌手:Johnny Cash
- 歌名:Accidentally on purpose
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Accidentally I saw you this morning
you were lovely dressed in your wedding gown
And they say that you married a stranger to me
that had drifted to our old hometown
Accidentally you've met him one evening
and you say it was love at first sight
Accidentally on purpose you've married
accidentally on purpose for spite
Cause I saw you out cheating and running around
And I was just a fool with a heart of a clown
Accidentally you were mistaken that night
accidentally on purpose for spite
to get along (with)
- 意思:與...處得不錯,與...處得來
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQmvIwh0VKU
- 歌手:George Strait
- 歌名:I get along with you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I don't get along with people who aren't kind
I don't get along with folks with only money on their minds
And I don't get along with someone
Who's always trying to tell me what to do
But on and on
I get along with you
Well I don't like
People always tellin' me that I should change
They get simple lives
and they think they've got my life to rearrange
But they don't understand
Exactly what love boils down to
Cause on and on
I get along with you
Well all it takes to please me
Is waking in the morning feeling you by my side
And all I ever needed
Is knowin' that I'm needed in your life
I may not do
All the things that other people want me to
But on and on
I'll get along with you.
Yeah on and on
I'll get along with you.
- 意思:與...處得不錯,與...處得來
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D706caxJ5wQ
- 歌手:Donovan
- 歌名:People used to
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
People used to get together round a fire
Fishes were cooked, songs were sung
Moonlight used to guide our way home in the dark
Do you find it hard remembering?
And still you people tell me life is easy to get on with
But what I've got so far's enough to get along with
People tell me that it's so oh - oh
I don't know anymore, I don't know
People used to get together round a problem
Eyes were looked at tongues were true
People used to stop and say how do you do
Do you find it hard remembering?
People used to spend an hour making tea
Easy easy was the rule
People used to pause to think and contemplate
He who hurried was the fool
- 意思:與...處得不錯,與...處得來
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEaEaR6watE
- 歌手:Johnny Horton
- 歌名:Take me like I am
- 備註:桃花源式的理想生活。
- 歌詞:
I'm living on the other side of the track it's true
But like it or not I'm just as good as you
If I see you coming with your head held so high
Don't you worry 'bout me speaking I'll pass you right on by
This world is full of money but I haven't got a dime
Had a million heartaches, but I'm happy all the time
I can be like a tiger or as meek as a lamb
If you wanna get along with me you'll take me like I am
You can talk about your fancy friends and your millionaires
I may not have their money but I don't have their cares
You can live in a mansion set up on a golden throne
But all these things you have in life are gonna vanish when I'm gone
- 意思:與...處得不錯,與...處得來
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l88m22K_RC4
- 歌手:Pet Shop Boys
- 歌名:Get along
- 備註:課本上的意思是「和睦相處」,但這個片語也有「過活」的意思,例如在這首歌中的句子「I get along without you very well」的意思是「沒有你,我也過得很好」。與伍佰的「與妳到永久」註有類似的旋律,但這首歌稍微輕快一點, 伍佰的比較悲傷一點。 影片的後半段是另外一首歌。
- 歌詞:
Feeling like I'm stuck in a hole
Body and soul
While you're out of control
Now I know why you had to go
Well I think we both know
That it had to be so
I've been trying not to cry
When I'm in the public eye
Stuck here with the shame
And taking my share of the blame
While making sudden plans that don't include you
I get along, get along
Without you very well
I get along very well
I get along, get along
Without you very well
I get along very well
Now I know you'd much rather be
With rock royalty
Instead of someone like me
The big boys are back and we need them, you said
Think it was something you'd read
And it stuck in your head
Even though I don't suppose
That's as far as it goes
You've got quite an appetite
For being wronged and in the right
Well from now on it won't affect me
The morning after the night before
I'd been alerted
To your lies
I phoned you up
The calls were all diverted
Took a long time to track you down
Even then you were defiant
It's not what you think it is, you said
And proceeded to deny it
to make a difference (to)
- 意思:to be of importance (to), to affect (also: to matter to)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGjlkIkQiVs
- 歌手:
- 歌名:Make a difference
- 備註:宗教歌曲。
- 歌詞:
We can make a difference in our world today,
Together we can make our world a better place
When we work together, so much can be done
If all the children in the world would sing in unison
We know what's right, and we know what to do
The future can be brighter – it's up to me and you!
Take my hand and join me, Sing along with me
When all the children join us there will be a change you'll see
Do you have the courage? Do you have the pride?
Do you have a vision of a world where all is right?
We know what's right, and we know what to do
The future can be brighter – it's up to me and you!
We can make a difference in our world today,
Together we can make our world a better place
When we work together, so much can be done
If all the children in the world would sing in unison
We know what's right, and we know what to do
The future can be brighter – it's up to me and you!
- 意思:to be of importance (to), to affect (also: to matter to)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKUY949FVSU
- 歌手:
- 歌名:We can make a difference
- 備註:宗教歌曲。作曲者是Mary Donnelly,這個版本的影片沒有和聲,有和聲的話更好聽。例如台灣原聲合唱團唱的這個版本註,不過是中文版。
- 歌詞:
Here we are at the dawning of a new day.
Soon all of the future will be ours.
And we can do our part to make a better world
if we always keep on reaching for the stars!
If we try, you and I can make a difference
If we try, we can make our dreams come true.
And one day we can live to see a world of peace and harmony.
Yes, we can make a difference if we try.
Side by side, we can learn to work together.
Hand in hand, we can build a better day.
For what the future brings is up to you and me,
so let's do our very best along the way.
Yes, we can make a difference, you and I.
- 意思:to be of importance (to), to affect (also: to matter to)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzpuI7qnuLk
- 歌手:
- 歌名:Called to make a difference
- 備註:宗教歌曲。這首也蠻好聽的,不過是make the difference。
- 歌詞:
Everywhere you turn
Men are ruining their lives
They're searching for some happiness
To fill their empty eyes
Everyone needs a witness
Who will stand up unashamed
Who will dare to make the difference
Who will go in Jesus' name
I am called to make the difference
In a world that needs to change
I am called to be a spokesman
For the name above all names
Called to bear the cross of Christ
Called to give Him all my life
I will give my world a chance
And I will make
Yes, I will make the difference
I am not my own
I belong to Jesus Christ
And I have found His peace and joy
Has filled my empty life
Now He calls me gently
To surrender all I am
To go and make the difference
To take a loving stand
to take out
- 意思:to remove, to extract; to go on a date with (also: go out (with))
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62S-8UNzffI
- 歌手:Alabama
- 歌名:You can't take the country out of me
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Well i was raised out in the country,
Just outside a real small town,
And just like any other young boy,
All my life i dreamed of getting out.
I've been down,
To the city,
It's a real nice place to see,
Well i got to much rebel in me,
I gotta be somewhere where i can breathe.
You can take me out of the country,
Miles from where i wanna be,
You can take me out of the country,
But you can't take the country outta me.
Hurry home,
To my woman,
Big blue eyes and long blonde hair,
And we'll make love way until morning,
And tell the world i don't care.
Take me out of the country,
Miles from where i wanna be
You can take me out of the country,
But you can't take the country outta me.
You can take me out of the country,
But you can't take the country outta me.
- 意思:to remove, to extract; to go on a date with (also: go out (with))
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FNCBRv-xp0
- 歌手:Waxahatchee
- 歌名:Takes so much
- 備註:Take it out on me是指「把氣出在我身上」的意思
- 歌詞:
You shout from the roof that you know something better
And you run 'til you prove
To a fault
To your failure
It's a knife
Only safe when it don't shine
I say
You will see it clearly give it some time
I say
You will leave all of your failure behind
Take it out
Take it out
Take it out on me baby
Take it out out
Take it out out
Take it out out on me baby
You shake to the beat, you heard it slow
And it washes all the weight of default and what's severe
You're the only one tonight in the absence of the light
I say
You will hit the bottom harder each time
I say
You can leave all your failure behind
Take it out
Take it out
Take it out on me baby
Take it out
Take it out
Take it out on me baby
Take it out on me baby
Take it out on me baby
Lesson 4
to take part in
- 意思:to be involved in, to participate in (also: to be in on)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZkTyer2I2c
- 歌手:Dion
- 歌名:Life is but a dream
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Will you take part in my life, my love?
That is my dream
Life is but a dream, it's what you make it
Always try to give, don't ever take it
Life has its music, life has its song of love, love
Life is but a dream and I dream of you
Strange as it seems all night I see you
I'm tryin' to tell you just what you mean to me
Whoa, I love you with all my heart
I adore you and all your lovin' charms
I want you to do your part
Come here to my open arms
Life is but a dream and we can live it
Oh, we can make a love, none to compare with
Oh, will you take part in my life, my love?
That is my dream, life is but a dream
- 意思:to be involved in, to participate in (also: to be in on)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh1Ti_nmRYY
- 歌手:The Indigo Girl
- 歌名:History of us
- 備註:Jeu de Paume是法文,室內網球場。
- 歌詞:
I went all the way to Paris to forget your face
Captured in stained glass, young lives long since passed
Statues of lovers every place
I went all across the continent to relieve this restless love
I walked through the ruins, icons of glory
Smashed by the bombs from above
So we must love while these moments are still called today
Take part in the pain of this passion play
Stretching our youth as we must, until we are ashes to dust
Until time makes history of us
Jeu de Paume's full of faces knowing peace, knowing strife
Leisure and toil, still it's canvas and oil
There's just no medium for life
In the midst of the rubble i felt a sense of rebirth
In a dusty cathedral the living god called
And i prayed for my life here on earth
There are mountains in Switzerland, brilliant cold as they stand
From my hotel room, watching the half-moon
Bleeding its light like a lamb
And the town is illumined, its tiny figures are fast asleep
And it dawns on me the time is upon me
To return to the flock i must keep
at all
- 意思:to any degree (also: in the least)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IobNcpiwpSc
- 歌手:Ronan Keating
- 歌名:When you say nothing at all
- 備註:Ronan Keating不是原唱, 但因為這個版本作為電影「新娘百分百」(Notting Hill)的主題曲而廣為人知。 這部電影很好看, 由茱莉亞羅勃茲及休葛蘭主演, 筆者強烈推薦。 at all這個片語很常出現, 讀者在聽其他首歌的時候, 也可以注意一下。
- 歌詞:
It's amazing how you
Can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word
You can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face let's me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best
When you say nothing at all
All day long I can hear
People talking out loud (ooh)
But when you hold me near (you hold me near)
You drown out the crowd (drown out the crowd)
Try as they may they can never define
What's being said between your heart and mine
(You say it best when you say nothing at all)
(You say it best when you say nothing at all)
that smile on your face
(You say it best when you say nothing at all)
the truth in your eyes
(You say it best when you say nothing at all)
the touch of your hand let's me know that you need me
(You say it best when you say nothing at all) nothing at all
(You say it best when you say nothing at all) nothing at all
(You say it best when you say nothing at all) nothing at all
to look up
- 意思:to locate information in a directory, dictionary, book, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfRpeKWJteo
- 歌手:Elton John
- 歌名:Lady what's tomorrow
- 備註:歌詞在描述鄉村的自然被都市的發展所取代,clover是幸運草,skylark是雲雀,一種鳥類,plough是耕地用的犁。
- 歌詞:
Look up little brother
Can you see the clover
No not over there
A little bit left and over there
Now look and see the lilac tree
The lily pond, the skylark's song
The open air but no one cares
If branches live and die out there
Remember when you were nine
And I was ten
We would run into the wood
No we never will again
And Lady, what's tomorrow
What's tomorrow anyway
If it's not the same as now
It's the same as yesterday
Yes Lady, what's tomorrow
Will it be the same as now
Will the farmer push the pen
Will the writer pull the plough
Look up little brother
Can you see the clover
Oh sorry but it's over
Now there's concrete and no clover
Remember when you were nine
And I was ten
We would run into the wood
No we never will, we never will again
And Lady, what's tomorrow
What's tomorrow anyway
If it's not the same as now
It's the same as yesterday
Yes Lady, what's tomorrow
Will it be the same as now
Will the farmer push the pen
Will the writer pull the plough
Oh Lady, what's tomorrow
- 意思:to locate information in a directory, dictionary, book, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qxPMiXcCZY
- 歌手:Taylor Olsen
- 歌名:Look up
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Walkin' down the street again.
Just like it's always been.
Just another ordinary day.
Got your head phones in your ear.
People talkin' but you can't hear.
You keep on keepin' on your way.
Lookin' at your feet, walkin' to the beat,
missin' ev'rybody that you could meet
You stepped outside your own little world.
You gotta look up.
Look up, yeah, you gotta look up
a little bit higher
if you really want to shoot for the stars.
You gotta look up.
Look up, yeah
You gotta look up and start a little fire in your heart..
Believe me you'll go far
You gotta look up.
Get to where you're try'n to go.
See somebody that you don't know
who's sittin' there just lookin' at the ground
You fin'ly turn the music off.
You take a seat, you start to talk.
You find it turns the day around.
Go the extra mile. Listen for a while
When you walk away you can't help
but smile 'cause you
stepped outside your own little world.
Look up a little more.
You gotta look up.
Look higher than before.
You gotta look up.
Raise your head and look to the sky.
You gotta look up.
Step outside your own little world.
- 意思:to locate information in a directory, dictionary, book, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld6fAO4idaI
- 歌手:Peter, Paul and Mary
- 歌名:Blowing in the Wind
- 備註:雖然目標片語在這首歌只出現一次,但因為這首歌太好聽了, 所以收錄進來。 作詞人是大名鼎鼎的Bob Dylan,以歌曲作詞人的身份獲得2016諾貝爾文學獎。 這是一首反戰歌曲, 詞寫得很簡單, 卻有很深的意境, 筆者推薦另一首Simon and Garfunkel的Sound of silence註,演唱會版本參考這裡註,不過現場很吵, 也是簡單的歌詞、深邃的意境。
- 歌詞:
How many roads must a man walk down
Before they call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
How many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
How many years must a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea?
How many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
How many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
How many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
How many deaths will it take 'til he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
to wait on
- 意思:to serve in a store or restaurant
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVUiparGvak
- 歌手:
- 歌名:Sometimes we wait
- 備註:宗教歌曲。
- 歌詞:
Did Moses know when the branches spoke he would be the chosen one?
Or did his people know that a cloud of smoke would safely lead them home?
Sometimes God will speak through a bush of flames or pillars in the sky,
But at times His silence fills our days leaving us to wonder "Why?”.
Sometimes we wait, simply to find
Sometimes His answers come with time,
Not right away clearly to see,
Sometimes we never get those parted seas
That lead us from the shore.
But there is a place
Where we rest in His grace
When sometimes we wait on the Lord.
If I had my way, there would come a day with a never-ending dawn.
No more mournful sighs in the dark of night as I wonder where He's gone.
I would never see how His mercy reigns beneath a cloudless sky.
There would be no need for healing grace to comfort when we cry.
Oh there is a place
Where we rest in His grace
When sometimes we wait on the Lord.
at least
- 意思:a minimum of, no fewer (or less) than
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQHsXMglC9A
- 歌手:Adele
- 歌名:Hello
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya,
but I ain't done much healing
Hello, can you hear me?
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet
There's such a difference between us
And a million miles
Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call, you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least, I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter,
it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore
Hello, how are you?
It's so typical of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry
I hope that you're well
Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened?
It's no secret that the both of us
Are running out of time
(Highs, highs, highs, highs, lows, lows, lows, lows)
Ooh, anymore
- 意思:a minimum of, no fewer (or less) than
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6-IabbiD-0
- 歌手:Jim Reeves
- 歌名:Before I died
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
No need to say you're sorry
No need to feel ashamed
If I'm not the one you love
Don't feel you're to blame
I don't deny it hurts me
And this pain is hard to hide
But at least I lived a little while
Before I died
I lived long enough to know
The sweet thrill of your lips
I knew happiness
Right down to my finger tips
You'll always be a part of me
Though you can't be mine
At least I lived a little while
Before I died
Don't ask me to forget you
'Cause you mean too much to me
I couldn't even if I tried
Too many memories
My yesterday's were happy days
And each memory's locked inside
At least I lived a little while
Before I died
- 意思:a minimum of, no fewer (or less) than
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d5FW0mUPiM
- 歌手:Elvis Presley
- 歌名:Don't Be Cruel
- 備註:從女歌迷的尖叫聲可以看到貓王在當時受歡迎的程度。
- 歌詞:
You know I can be found
Sitting home all alone
If you can't come around
At least please telephone
Don't be cruel to a heart that's true
Baby, if I made you mad
For something I might have said
Please, let's forget the past
The future looks bright ahead
Don't be cruel to a heart that's true
I don't want no other love
Baby, it's just you I'm thinking of
Don't stop thinking of me
Don't make me feel this way
C'mon over here and love me
You know what I want you to say
Don't be cruel to a heart that's true
Why should we be apart?
I really love you, baby, cross my heart
Let's walk up to the preacher
And let us say "I do"
Then you'll know you'll have me
And I'll know that I'll have you
Don't be cruel to a heart that's true
I don't want no other love
Baby, it's just you I'm thinking of
Don't be cruel to a heart that's true
Don't be cruel to a heart that's true
I don't want no other love
Baby, it's just you I'm thinking of
so far
- 意思:到目前為止
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHgi7O8hnNU
- 歌手:Slade
- 歌名:So far so good
- 備註:So far so good是「到目前為止還好」的意思。MV是這個樂團的傳記電影Slade in Flame註(或Flame註)的片段。
- 歌詞:
For twenty odd years I've taken everything that's bad
For twenty odd years I've wanted things I've never had
Oh was it all in the mind?
Is it living the life of a King making the best out of everything
So far, so good doing what we could
Taking chances, those chances, and I'm alive
So far, so good doing what we should
Taking chances, those chances, and I'm alive
For twenty odd years I've been working hard to have my say
And now that it's here the fantasy has worn away
Oh was it all in the mind?
Is it living on Paradise Row making the best out of having a go
Oh was it all...
Oh was it all in the mind?
Is it living the life of a King making the best out of everything
to take a walk, hike, etc.
- 意思:散步、走走
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-FxLp6r3nM
- 歌手:Sara Paxton
- 歌名:Take a walk
- 備註:這首歌也是電視劇Darcy's Wild Life的主題曲註。
- 歌詞:
See the people they are
Driving in their cars
Driving in their cars
Driving in their cars tonight
And all the people they are
Getting in their cars
Underneath the stars
Driving in their cars tonight
And everybody's leaving
A million brakes are screeching
No one knows
Where they're going to
And I just want to fall in love
Take a walk and fall in love
And I just want to fall in love
Take a walk and fall in love
Take a walk and fall in love
See the people they are
Rolling in their cars
Cruising in their cars
Driving in their cars tonight
All the people they are
Jangling their keys
Standing at their doors
Getting in their cars tonight
The signal's green I'm moving
The radio is grooving
And everybody likes
The same songs
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
I'm dreaming about you
I'm dreaming about you
We're laying in the sun
With sun-block party
On and on and on and on
And on
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Let's take a walk and fall in love
(Take a walk and fall in love)
Let's take a walk and fall in love
- 意思:散步、走走
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2lE5MzjmV8
- 歌手:Raphael Saadi q
- 歌名:Let's take a walk
- 備註:有點單調的MV,可是卻有一種說不出的魅力。
- 歌詞:
This place is crowded
Don't know about you
I need some sex
Some sex with you
'Cause you're on my mind
I can feel your sweat
Your body's wet
And I need some help
Girl, you know what we need to do
Girl, let's take a walk (Walk)
Outside (Walk outside)
Let's take a walk (Walk)
Outside (Walk outside)
Let's take a walk (Walk)
Outside (Walk outside)
I'm ready to go
Go grab your coat
It's hard to hold
I'm ready to let go
The mood is right
The city's bright
Girl, don't you fight
I know the time is right
Girl, my lips is what I need you to have
Girl, let's take a walk
Let's take a walk
Baby, let's take a walk
Baby, let's take a walk
Listen now
Don't you know
Nothing happened anyway
I know it's cold, girl
But I don't care
Let's take a walk (Walk)
Outside (Walk outside)
Let's take a walk (Walk)
Outside (Walk outside)
Not in my car (Walk)
Outside (Walk outside)
You can scream my name (Walk)
And you'll be glad you came (Walk outside)
Hey, let's take a walk (Walk)
Walk, walk (Walk outside)
Walk, walk, a walk (Walk)
Walk, walk (Walk outside)
Walk, baby, a walk (Walk)
Walk, walk (Walk outside)
Walk, walk, a walk (Walk)
Walk, walk (Walk outside)
Walk, baby, a walk (Walk)
to take a trip
- 意思:to go on a journey, to travel
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfTpAIHXpx4
- 歌手:Billy Murray
- 歌名:Come take a trip in my airship
- 備註:有很多版本,可以上網查詢歌名。
- 歌詞:
I love a sailor, the sailor loves me
And sails every night to my home
He's not a sailor that sails o'er the sea
Or over the wild briny foam
For he owns an airship and sails up on high
He's just like a bird on the wing
And when the shadows of evening draw nigh
He'll sail to my window and sing
[Chorus] Come, take a trip in my airship
Come, take a sail 'mong the stars
Come, have a ride around Venus
Come, have a spin around Mars
No one to watch while we're kissing
No one to see while we spoon
Come, take a trip in my airship
And we'll visit the man in the moon
One night, while sailing away from the crowds
We passed through the milky white way
Just idly sailing and watching the clouds
He asked me if I'd name the day
And right near the dipper I gave him my heart
The sun shines on our honeymoon
We swore from each other we never would part
And teach all the babies this tune
to try on
- 意思:to wear clothes to check the style or fit before buying
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aloaJv3n8cI
- 歌手:Roxy Music
- 歌名:Psalm
- 備註:宗教音樂。Psalm念/sam/,聖歌、讚美詩的意思。
- 歌詞:
Try on your love
Like a new dress
The fit and the cut
Your friends to impress
Try on your smile
Square on your face
Showing affection
Should be no disgrace
Try out your God
Hope He will send
Kindness from strangers
On whom you depend
Try on His coat
A mantle most fine
Myriad colours
His harmony-thine
Believe in me
Once seemed a good line
Now belief in Jesus
Is faith more sublime
Head in the clouds
But I can't see the Lord
Short of perfection
I'll try to be good
I'll stand at His gate
I'll wait for His sign
Then I'll walk in His garden
When it's my time
Drink from His cup
Hush now don't you cry
His quiet waters
Will never, never run dry
Nearing death's vale
He's here by my side
He leads me to paradise
A mountain so high
Don't be afraid
Just treasure His word
Singing His praises
I know that I'll be heard
He's gonna take you by the hand
He's gonna make you feel so good
Open up your eyes
And then you'll see all that you should
Forget all your troubles
You will feel no pain
He's all that you need
He's your everything
When I'm feeling all at sea
Deliverance is that distant shore
I will not be worried
Someday His house will be my home
For ever more
to think over
- 意思:to consider carefully before deciding
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSIcxZZwG3Y
- 歌手:Buddy Holly
- 歌名:Think it over
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Think it over what you've just said
Think it over in your pretty little head
Are you sure that I'm not the one?
Is your love real or only fun?
Think it over
Yes, think it over
A lonely heart grows cold and old
Think it over and let me know
Think it over but don't be slow
Just remember all birds and bees
Go by twos through life's mysteries
Think it over and think of me
Think it over and you will see
A happy day when you and I
Think as one and kiss the blues goodbye
Think it over
Think it over
- 意思:to consider carefully before deciding
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dzggLXMeak
- 歌手:The dynamics
- 歌名:Please think it over
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
You are my first love
And you are my last
You are my future oh baby
And you are my past
Can't you remember oh baby
The good times we had honey
Please think it over
Please think it over
Oh baby, oh baby
And hear my plea
Baby, hear my plea
You are my sunshine
That warms me every day
Just think how I will feel oh baby
If you think of me
Don't you remember oh baby
The good times we had honey
I could be wrong baby
I could be right
Don't you feel the love just burning oh baby
Kisses each night
Don't you remember oh baby
The good times we had honey
I could be wrong baby
I could be right
could be wrong yeah
I could be right oh yeah
I could be wrong
I could be right
I could be wrong
to take place
- 意思:to occur, to happen according to plan
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHJlWzKeFHU
- 歌手:Mickey Gilley
- 歌名:Don't the girls all get prettier at closing time
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
All the girls all get prettier at closing time
Oh, they all begin to look like movie stars
All the girls all get prettier at closing time
When the change starts taking place it puts a glow on every face
Of the fallen angels of the back street bars
If I could rate them on a scale from one to ten
I'm looking for a nine but eight could work right in
Few more drinks and I might slip to five or even four
But when tomorrow morning comes and I wake up with a number one
I swear I'll never do it anymore
I don't mean to criticize the girls at all
'Cause I'm no Robert Redford even overhauled
But we all picture in our minds a girl that looks just right
Now ain't it funny, ain't it strange the way a man's opinions change
When he starts to face that lonely night
The fallen angels of the back street bars
to put away
- 意思:to remove from sight, to put in the proper place
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPvnd_sgTwY
- 歌手:The Lettermen
- 歌名:Put away your teardrops
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Put away your teardrops little girl
I hate to see you cry
Put away your teardrops little girl
Oh come on and try
Every time you think about him
It only hurts you more
You're much better off without him
So get smart and teach your heart to
Put away your teardrops little girl
and in a little while
There will be no other teardrops little girl
I'll change them to a smile
If you give me half a chance
I'll give you the world
So put away your teardrops little girl
- 意思:to remove from sight, to put in the proper place
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-5N6y6J5uA
- 歌手:Alessi
- 歌名:Put away your love
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
It's nice you
Call me up long distance
Everything is fine with me
We lost touch
But had our reasons
Yes, I remember
How it used to be
Yes, I got your letter
I didn't want to have to say
Put away your love
Stop believing
Though I'm not married
Someone needs me
Put away your love
Things are different
Don't come to me
I'll keep the love I'm in
This old world just
Keeps on changing faces
Sorry to hear he left you
Oh, you left him
I understand what
You're going through
I've been to so
Many different places
No I won't be
Coming out that way
I didn't want to have to say
Who'd have believed
I'd ever settle down
I found a magic world
This time there is
No choice for you, yeah
Someone needs me
Put away your love
Someone needs me
Put away your love
Someone needs me
Put away your love
- 意思:to remove from sight, to put in the proper place
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPuAk19L3Ac
- 歌手:Dion
- 歌名:I put away my idols
- 備註:宗教歌曲。
- 歌詞:
I was raised on New York rock and roll
I took control, I was cool
Made the rounds made the record hops
I hit the top, played the fool
From above I truly heard a friend
Truly now you must be born again
I put away my idols
I stripped away all the titles
Money wrinkles and things do decay
I put away my idols
I was living by my horoscope
Taking pills to cope
With my pain
Rock and roll was my identity
My whole security
I made a name
Truly from above I heard a friend
Truly now you must be born again
Looking back over my years
My story did unfold
I worshiped people and their gifts
Not the gift giver at all
Well you see
People they've come and gone
But life in Him goes on and on
He's given me a brand new song
To sing
Truly now you must be born again
Truly that's the way you will begin
Cadillacs end up in the junkyard
I put away my idols
Lesson 5
to look out
- 意思:to be careful or cautious (also: to watch out)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8Kg23lpVvA
- 歌手:The Monkees
- 歌名:Look out here comes tomorrow
- 備註:電視劇The Monkees的插曲,可以在Youtube搜尋The Monkees full episodes。
- 歌詞:
Look out, here comes tomorrow
That's when I'll have to choose
How I wish I could borrow
Someone else's shoes
Mary (Mary, oh)
Oh, what a sweet girl
Lips like (Berry pie)
Strawberry pie
Sandra (Sandra, oh)
Long hair and beat girl
Can't make up my mind
I see all kinds of sorrow
Wish I only loved one
Look out, here comes tomorrow
Oh, how I wish tomorrow would never come
Told them (Told them both)
Both that I loved them
Said it (Yes, I did)
And it was true
But I (But I can't)
Can't have both of them
Don't know what to do
Mary, I love you
Sandra, I love you
I love you
I love you
- 意思:to be careful or cautious (also: to watch out)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBSeEcFiTWA
- 歌手:Bruce Hornsby
- 歌名:Look out any window
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
There's a man working in a field
Sees the rain and it's burning
He's saying this can't be real
As he sees the color
Of the fields turning
Far away, the men too busy
Getting rich to care
Close their eyes and
Let it all out into the air
Hoping nobody else would care
Look out any window
Look out any open door
Look out any window
To see what's going on
In the air around you
There's a man working on a boat
Pulling lines from the water
Just trying to stay afloat, ohh
Filling the nets is getting harder
Far away, they bend
The rules so secretly
Close their eyes and
Let it all out into the sea
Hoping nobody else would see
Far away, too many leaders
Let them get their way
Close their eyes and
Let it all out into the bay
Say they'll clear it up another day
(Look out)
Look out for the big boys
Telling you everything
They're gonna do
(Look out)
Look out for the fat cat builder man
Turning this into a waste land
(Look out)
Look out for the back room boys
That say the smoke is gonna blow away
(Look out)
Look out for the men
Who say it's okay sitting
In a building far away
- 意思:to be careful or cautious (also: to watch out)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9igu3Ht3Jvs
- 歌手:The Band
- 歌名:Look out Cleveland
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Look out, Cleveland, the storm is comin' through
And it's runnin' right up on you
Look out, Houston, there'll be thunder on the hill
Bye bye, baby, don't you lie so still
Was Wednesday evenin' when first we heard the word
It did not come by train nor bird
T'was when Ben pike stepped down to say
"This old town's gonna blow away"
Chain lightnin', frightnin' as it may seem
Must not be mistaken for just another dream
Justice of the peace don't know his own fate
But you'll go down in the shelter late
Hidin' your money won't do no good, no good
Build a big wall, you know you would if you could, yeah
When clouds of warnin' come into view
It'll get the ol' woman right outta of her shoe
to shake hands
- 意思:to exchange greetings by clasping hands
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx5dXMKbsBM
- 歌手:
- 歌名:How d'ye do and shake hands
- 備註:愛麗絲夢遊仙境卡通的插曲註,這應該是某一個版本的音樂劇
- 歌詞:
TWEEDLE DUM: When first you meet a gentleman of caliber and class
TWEEDLE DEE: You don't just meet and run, my dear; That's callous, coarse and crass!
TWEEDLES: Society has set the rules by which we all must play.
TWEEDLE DUM: So listen while we spell them out
TWEEDLE DEE: And you'll be distingue
TWEEDLES: Say "How do you do?
And shake hands, shake hands, shake hands,
"How do you do?”
and shake hands, State your name and business
ALICE: (spoken) Well, that's just…
TWEEDLE DUM: (spoken) Ah, ah, ah….
ALICE: (spoken) How do you do?
TWEEDLE DEE: (spoken) Excellent, excellent. And…
TWEEDLES: (spoken) Perfect!
TWEEDLES: If manners could prevail
ALICE: And you do not act like a pig! (snort, snort)
TWEEDLES: The problems that the world presents might not seem quite so big.
ALICE: A bow or curtsey, (spoken) more or less can brighten up the day.
And if you know what fork to use…
TWEEDLES: Then you are on your way!
ALL: Say: "How do you do?” and shake hands,
ALICE: Shake hands,
TWEEDLES: Shake hands,
ALL: "How do you do?” and shake hands.
State your name and business. How do you do!
- 意思:to exchange greetings by clasping hands
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMS8xK7V-IM
- 歌手:Kingsmen Quartet
- 歌名:Shake hands with a poor boy
- 備註:宗教歌曲。超低的歌聲。
- 歌詞:
I've never had much, in this world below
But I'm going to a city, where the streets are pure gold
Christ made me an heir; I'm the child of a king
Shake hands with a poor boy, who owns everything
Shake hands with a poor boy, and how do you do
Have you met my Father? He cares about you
He's the king of all glory, His praises I'll sing
Shake hands with a poor boy, who owns everything
I'm depending on heaven, for my home in the sky
Already I'm heading, for that sweet bye and bye
But I've been adopted, and placed with a king
Shake hands with a poor boy, who owns everything
to get back
- 意思:to return
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKJqecxswCA
- 歌手:Beatles
- 歌名:Get back
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner
But he knew it couldn't last
Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona
For some California grass
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, Jojo
Go home
Get back, Jo
Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman
But she was another man
All the girls around her say she's got it coming
But she gets it while she can
Get back, Loretta
Go home
to catch a cold
- 意思:to become sick with a cold of the nose or throat
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v_4O44sfjM
- 歌手:Christina Perri
- 歌名:Jar of hearts
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I know I can't take one more step towards you
‘Cause all that's waiting is regret
Don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most
I've learned to live, half alive
And now you want me one more time
Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?
I hear you're asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms
I've learned to live, half alive
And now you want me one more time
Dear, it took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
‘Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
You don't get to get me back
Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
- 意思:to become sick with a cold of the nose or throat
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8FdVlKp3nY
- 歌手:Jewel
- 歌名:Cold song
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
It's getting cold and I'm starting to sneeze
I wipe my nose on my sleeve
I've got the sniffles
I'd better drink my tea
Oh do you do you wanna wanna catch a cold with me?
I'd catch a cold with you anytime
I ain't just feverish, I ain't just lyin'
'Cause when your nose is running it's a perfect time for kissing
And hugging
Oh do you do you wanna wanna catch a cold with me?
We'll stay inside where it's nice and warm
Tell our bosses, we're caught in a sneezing storm
We'll sniffle and snuggle and watch some more tv
Oh do you do you wanna wanna catch a cold with me?
Do you do you wanna wanna wanna wanna do you do you wanna
Do me yes indeed
Oh do you do you wanna wanna catch a cold with me?
to get over
- 意思:to recover from an illness; to accept a loss or sorrow
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgiZz-aqheU
- 歌手:Anna Nalick
- 歌名:Shine
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Oh, the night makes you a star
And it holds you cold in its arms
You're the one to whom nobody verses I love you
Unless you say it first
So you lie there holding your breath
And it's strange how soon you forget
That you're like stars
They only show up when it's dark
'Cause they don't know their worth
And I think you need
To stop following misery's lead
Shine away, shine away, shine away
Isn't it time you got over
How fragile you are
We're all wait
Waiting on your supernova
'Cause that's who you are
And you've only begun to shine
There are times when
The poets and porn stars align and
You won't know who to believe in
Well that's a good time to be leavin'
And the past, it knocks on your door
And throws stones at your window at 4 in the morning
Well maybe he thinks it's romantic
He's crazy but you knew that before
Yea you've only begun to shine
Won't you shine, shine, shine
Shine over shadow, oh oh
Shine, shine, shine
Shine over shadow, oh oh
Shine, shine, shine, shine over
Yeah you've only begun to shine
Yeah you've only begun to shine
- 意思:to recover from an illness; to accept a loss or sorrow
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1i9Go0f8Rw
- 歌手:Edgy Productions
- 歌名:SATs blues
- 備註:SAT是美國的大學入學測驗,有點類似台灣的學測或指考。
- 歌詞:
I woke up this morning and I sat up and cried!
The thing that I’ve been dreading has finally arrived!
I could say I’m feeling sick
Or come up with another excuse.
Well, there’s no getting over it,
I’ve got a bad case of SATs blues!
I stare at the paper, it’s staring back at me.
I wish I’d paid attention in Maths and Literacy!
My mind is completely blank,
I need some inspiration or clues!
Well, there’s no getting over it,
I’ve got a bad case of SATs blues!
The clock is a-ticking, not even halfway through!
Forgot my five times table – the only one I knew!
Multiply or take away?
Divide? I don’t know which one to use.
Well, there’s no getting over it,
I’ve got a bad case of SATs blues!
That spelling amnesia is creeping up on me!
It’s either T..H..E..I..R or T..H..E..R..E?
Is it ‘HEAR’ or ‘HERE’, ‘WHERE’ or ‘WEAR’?
Oh ‘WITCH’ or ‘WHICH’ one to choose?
Well, there’s no getting over it,
I’ve got a bad case of SATs blues!
- 意思:to recover from an illness; to accept a loss or sorrow
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VcbZ-fKsWE
- 歌手:Carpenters
- 歌名:I won't last a day without you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Day after day
I must face a world of strangers
Where I don't belong
I'm not that strong
It's nice to know that there's someone I can turn to
Who will always care
You're always there
When there's no getting over that rainbow
When my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
But I won't last a day without you
So many times when the city seems to be
Without a friendly face, a lonely place
It's nice to know that you'll be there if I need you
And you'll always smile, it's all worthwhile
Touch me and I end up singing
Trouble seems to up and disappear
You touch me with the love you're bringing
I can't really lose when you're near
When you're near, my love
If all my friends have forgotten half their promises
They're not unkind, just hard to find
One look at you
And I know that I could learn to live
Without the rest
I've found the best
to make up one's mind
- 意思:to reach a decision, to decide finally
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6-bZr8mElM
- 歌手:J. Geils Band
- 歌名:Make up your mind
- 備註:演唱會版本參考這裡註。
- 歌詞:
I don't mind waitin' for you
It's what I really, really want to do
But you got me standin', waitin' all night
And baby, girl, it just ain't right
Make up your mind
Make up your mind
Girl, make up your mind
Before it's too late
I've been tryin' to get close to you
I can't believe the things you put me through
So tell me, baby, what's it gonna be?
Do I have to say goodbye or are you stayin' here with me?
Girl, believe me
I'm tellin' you for the very last time
Don't hesitate, don't turn away
Don't make me wait, I just can't wait
Before it's too late
Before it's too late
Before it's too late
Before it's too late
Come on, baby (Make up, make up your mind)
(Make up, make up your mind)
Before it's too late
(Make up, make up your mind)...
- 意思:to reach a decision, to decide finally
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLCXm1CLZV0
- 歌手:Del Way
- 歌名:So little time
- 備註:宗教歌曲。
- 歌詞:
You don't miss the water 'till the well runs dry
You don't miss your horse 'till you're ready to ride
You don't miss the cows 'till the milk's all gone
If you miss heaven though you've waited too long
You've got to make up your mind
stop wasting time
Don't take for granted the one that offers life
The thief comes to kill,
destroy and steal but Jesus said
"I'll give you abundant life that's real"
So little time, make up your mind.
"Why should we do today
what we can do tomorrow?"
that seems to be the world's state of mind
"Procrastination" is most people's motto
That used to work, but now were running out of time
Make up your mind Make up your mind Make up your mind
to change one's mind
- 意思:to alter one's decision or opinion
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjZhkYiKlmc
- 歌手:One Direction
- 歌名:Change my mind
- 備註:演唱會版本參考這裡註。
- 歌詞:
The end of the night, we should say goodbye
But we carry on while everyone's gone
Never felt like this before
Are we friends or are we more?
As I'm walking towards the door
I'm not sure
But baby if you say you want me to stay, I'll change my mind
'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away, if you'll be mine
Won't go, won't go, so baby if you say you want me to stay
Stay for the night, I'll change my mind
Lean in when you laugh, we take photographs
There's no music on but we dance along
I'll change my mind
Baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind
I'll change my mind
- 意思:to alter one's decision or opinion
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqGi2OL5m00
- 歌手:Gene Watson
- 歌名:Change her mind
- 備註:宗教歌曲。
- 歌詞:
Mornings closing in on me, how can I face another dawn
My life lost all meaning, the minute she was gone
I begged and I pleaded, I done all a man can do
I've tried everything lord, now it's time I turned to you
I know you can move a mountain, take the stars out of the sky
You can send down a rainbow, you can even turn the tide
Once you even made a blind man see, changed the water into wine
I need a miracle, please Jesus, would you change her mind?
When she was here beside me, lord you know how good it was
Who have ever thought back then I could have lost her love?
Now I'm standing here a broken man, I can't make it by myself
I may not be worthy lord, but won't you get me through this hell
I need a miracle please Jesus would you change her mind?
for the time being
- 意思:temporarily (also: for now)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsAraQMathE
- 歌手:Jacque Darragh
- 歌名:For the time being
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
and now the time has come to say good-bye
we've known this day would come for a long long time
the love we've always known, we'll know in the days to come
and nothing else has changed for the time being
for the time being, i've slipped behind a shadow
for the time being, i've stepped in the other room
for the time being, i'm just around the corner
for the time being, for the time being
don't cry for me unless (until) the tears come easy
and laugh with me the way we've always laughed
the joy we've always shared, we'll share in the days to come
and nothing else has changed for the time being
the song we've always sung we'll still be singing
the melody has changed but not the words
the dance we've always danced, we'll dance in the days to come
and nothing else has changed for the time being
for the time being, for the time being
- 意思:temporarily (also: for now)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfE3hBOT4Fw
- 歌手:Edie Brickell
- 歌名:For the time being
- 備註:電影三分男孩(The way, way back)的插曲。
- 歌詞:
It must be nice to be full of good advice to say
It must be sweet, but I'll call you if I need it
I'm doing alright for the time
Fine for the time being
I'll need professional help if it does get any worse than this
I'll be out on a ledge if it does get any worse than this
I'm doing alright for the time
Fine for the time being
You think you know me well
You think you know me well
But you don't know me at all
It must be fine to think everyone is down the dirt
It must be nice but I don't need you to ask for help
Oh you don't know me at all
You don't know me like I know, like I know myself
You don't know me like I know, like I know myself
for good
- 意思:permanently, forever
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ0pXUb5jVU
- 歌手:Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel
- 歌名:For good
- 備註:Wicked是改編自綠野仙蹤的音樂劇,參考這裡註。
- 歌詞:
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives
For a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you
Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good
It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
Because I knew you
I have been changed for good
And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done
You blame me for
But then, I guess
We know there's blame to share
And none of it seems to matter anymore
Like a comet pulled from orbit
(Like a ship blown from its mooring)
As it passes a sun
(By a wind off the sea)
Like a stream that meets a boulder
(Like a seed dropped by a bird)
Halfway through the wood
(In the wood)
Who can say
If I've been changed for the better?
I do believe I have been changed for the better
And because I knew you
Because I knew you
Because I knew you
I have been changed
For good
to call off
- 意思:to cancel
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIgtqzQ8J9g
- 歌手:Katie Melua
- 歌名:Call off the search
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I won't spend my life, waiting for an angel to descend,
Searching for a rainbow with an end,
Now that I've found you
I'll call off the search.
And I won't spend my life, gazing at the stars up in the sky
Wondering if love will pass me by
Now that I've found you
I'll call off the search
Out on my own I would never have known
This world that I see today
And I've got a feeling
It won't fade away
And I won't end my days, wishing that love would come along,
'Cause you are in my life where you belong
Now that I've found you
I'll call off the search
Now that I've found you
I'll call off the search
Now that I've found you
I'll call off the search
- 意思:to cancel
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMEPgLxvNPk
- 歌手:Lake Street Dive
- 歌名:Call off your dogs
- 備註:這裡的call off your dogs是「離我遠點」的意思。
- 歌詞:
I'm not gonna bite you
I just want a light, you
Got me wishing that I'd never said
I don't want to fight you
I don't got a right to
This is what I get for being civilized
I apologize, and I'll let you go in a minute
If you want it, goodbye
Is not what I want to say
You took my salutations
And threw 'em away
Call off your dogs
Listen when I call
I know there's something wrong with the limits
We got turned around but we can spin it
Call off your dogs
What's with the walls?
If we're strong, we can win it
One word can begin it:
I got a right to call you baby
I got a right to say hello
Remember when you used to like me, baby?
And it wasn't that long ago
Hello, hello, hello, ...
to put off
- 意思:to postpone
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYVsFEhFEP8
- 歌手:Bill Craft
- 歌名:Don't put off being young
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I remember my Dad telling me as he was growing old
that he just could not comprehend how the years had flown
So many things he planned to do
before his life on Earch was through
and passed him by he failed to take the time
He said son don't be afraid of living
Don't hesitate to live your life be bold
We only get one chance at life so live it
Don't put off being young until your old
Then I grew up and Dad was gone
I had to sign things on my own
My time was spent for family to provide
My little boys most every day said Dad
won't you please come and play
But I didn't need the words Dad said to me
Now I've grown old and all alone
My sons grew up and they are gone
I think of the many things we didn't do
Its sad that we can never learn
We make the same mistakes in turn
And I tell my sons the words Dad said to me
Oh don't put of being young until your old
- 意思:to postpone
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GinLzE1zOa8
- 歌手:Elana Watson
- 歌名:Awake O Israel
- 備註:很有特色的一首歌,很多翻唱的版本。
- 歌詞:
Awake, O Israel put off Thy slumber
And the truth shall set you free
For out of Zion comes thy Deliverer
In the year of Jubilee
For in the furnace of much affliction
I have chosen Thee behold
And so for Iron I'll give Thee silver
And for brass I'll give Thee gold
Thou art my chosen for I have sought Thee
Thou art graven on my hand
And I will gather all those that gather
They shall come back to their land
O Hallelujah, O Hallelujah, Hallelujah praise the Lord
O Hallelujah, O Hallelujah, Hallelujah praise the Lord
O Hallelujah, O Hallelujah, Hallelujah praise the Lord
O Hallelujah, O Hallelujah, Hallelujah praise the Lord
Hallelujah praise the Lord
Hallelujah praise the Lord
in a hurry
- 意思:hurried, rushed (also: in a rush)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy01R9CEFFs
- 歌手:Alabama
- 歌名:I'm in a hurry
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I'm in a hurry to get things done
Oh, I rush and rush until life's no fun
All I really gotta do is live and die
But I'm in a hurry and don't know why
Don't know why
I have to drive so fast
My car has nothing to prove
It's not new
But it'll do 0 to 60 in 5.2, oh
Can't be late
I leave in plenty of time
Shaking hands with the clock
I can't stop
I'm on a roll and I'm ready to rock, oh
I hear a voice
It says I'm running behind
I better pick up my pace
It's a race
And there ain't no room
For someone in second place
- 意思:hurried, rushed (also: in a rush)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeWuavHf4oY
- 歌手:Will Reagan
- 歌名:Not in a hurry
- 備註:宗教歌曲。
- 歌詞:
Lord, I don't want to rush on ahead
In my own strength
When You're right here
Lord, I don't want to rush on ahead
In my own strength
When You're right here
I'm not in a hurry
When it comes to Your spirit
When it comes to Your presence
When it comes to Your voice
I'm learning to listen
Just to rest in Your nearness (Oh-oh)
I'm starting to notice
You are speaking (Oh-oh)
Lord, I want to love like You (Ooh-ooh)
I want to feel what You feel
I want to see what You see (Ooh-ooh)
Lord, I want to love like You (Ooh-ooh)
I want to feel what You feel
I want to see what You see (Ooh-ooh)
Open my eyes, I want to see You
Open my ears, I want to hear You speak
Tell me Your thoughts, what's on Your mind
I'll be Your friend, I want to see through Your eyes
I wanna see through Your eyes
Lesson 6
to hang out
- 意思:to spend time, usually being idle or unproductive
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxLc6P2Ii5Q
- 歌手:AJR
- 歌名:Come hang out
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Come hang out 'cause you're out of your mind
You're working so damn hard you forgot what you like
And come hang out don't you leave us behind
But I'll be there next time, I'll be there next time
I can't complain, no I won't be mourning
'Cause I skipped on prom for Elvis Duran in the Morning
All of my life I have been starving
Not for a dinner with friends, more of a starving artist
Yep yep I'm gonna miss this someday
Yep yep I missed another Friday
And all my friends say
Last album's sales could have been higher
Maybe that's why I haven't seen friends in a while
They're at a bar down in the Bahamas
While I'm doing promo, trying to blow up in Chicago
Come hang out 'cause you're missing a lot
You haven't gone that far you can find a real job
And come hang out we can save you a shot
But I'll be there next time, I'll be there next time
[2x] Should I go for more clicks this year
Or should I follow the click in my ear
[2x] Should I go for more clicks this year
(Come hang out)
Or should I follow the click in my ear
(Come hang out)
I'll be there next time, I'll be there next time
I'll be there next time, I'll be there next time
to hang up
- 意思:將衣服掛起來;掛掉電話
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_o2zUFAOlc
- 歌手:Jeannie Riley
- 歌名:Hang up your rhinestone suit
- 備註:很有趣的歌詞,描述一個曾經廣受歡迎的歌手結婚後的生活, 在老婆面前就只是一個平凡人, 一樣要做家事倒垃圾。 rhinestone是一種假鑽石, 用來裝飾華麗的衣服。
- 歌詞:
You hadn't been in town much more than a week or two
When I saw you on a local country music show
You really made the crowd sit up and notice you
When you picked and sang a song that you had just composed
I came back stage and we were introduced
A few months later we were wed
It wasn't long till you had reached the top
But you took so many bows that it's gone to your head
So hang up your rhinestone suit take out the trash
No matter how great thou art you can still cut the grass
We've got some bills and checks that need your famous autograph
So hang up your rhinestone suit and take out the trash
You'll never meet a fan who'll give ya my support
Don't compare me with those girls in all the towns you've been
Just because I am your wife don't sell me short
When I fell in love with you your ship had not come in
When you get home from being on the road
You treat me like I am your maid
You never offer words of tenderness
When you take me in your arms you act like you're on stage
- 意思:將衣服掛起來;掛掉電話
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XCWhN_us5U
- 歌手:Ray Charles
- 歌名:Rock and roll shoes
- 備註:歌手就是靈魂樂天才「雷查爾斯」,對其生平有興趣的讀者可以去看「雷之心靈傳奇」這部電影。
- 歌詞:
It seems like yesterday
I heard the people say
Son, you were born to stray
Someday you'll settle down
I guess there'll come a time
Maybe I'll tow the line
But right now I'm doing fine
Rolling from town to town
I don't care where I ride
I'll let my feet decide
Do anything but don't ask that I
Hang up my rock and roll shoes
Hang up my rock and roll shoes
Guitars and ringing tones
In my blood and in my bones
Show me a bus and I'll call it home
'Cause I don't wanna change
On a lonely day
When they put me in my grave
Ain't a worry you need to save
Just hang up my rock and roll shoes
So let that motor run
Headed out towards the sun
I'm in the mood for moving on
But I'll be back someday
I don't care where I ride
I'll let my feet decide
Do anything but don't ask that I
Hang up my rock and roll shoes
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, Ray
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, yeah
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, I'm gonna
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, let me
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, B.J
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, why don't you
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, Ray
Hang up my rock and roll shoes
- 意思:將衣服掛起來;掛掉電話
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d83HcvD-McI
- 歌手:Dolly Parton
- 歌名:Busy signal
- 備註:Busy signal字面上翻譯是忙碌的訊號,在這裡就是指打電話給對方的「忙線中」, 歌詞在描述打電話給想表白的對方, 但電話是忙線中, 心中的忐忑不安。
- 歌詞:
Busy signal
That's what I get when I call you
Busy busy
Talking to someone new
I wish I knew
I shouldn't worry 'cause it's probably his mother
Or then again it could even be his little brother
On the line
Making me lose my mind
Hang up hang up hang up hang up
Come on hang up hang up hang up
Gotta talk to my baby
Gotta tell him I'm sorry
Busy signal
How can I tell him I'm sorry
When I said I didn't care
I didn't mean a word I said
Talking outta my head
I've got to reach him now and tell him that I love him
And from now on I'll stay right by his side and love him
All the time
So please somebody quit tying up the line
I didn't mean to hurt you baby
I really really love you baby
- 意思:將衣服掛起來;掛掉電話
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl_bf6hRhYQ
- 歌手:Leroy Van Dyke
- 歌名:If a woman answers hang up the phone
- 備註:很有趣的歌詞,在講一個出軌的男生交代小三打電話到家裡時,如果是一個女生接電話,就趕快掛掉。
- 歌詞:
Her arms are cold, but still she holds me to that vow
What once was, love is now a prison wall
And tho I break away to meet you anyhow
I have to say, please remember when you call
If a woman answers hang up the phone
Don't take a chance please don't ask for me
If a woman answers hang up the phone
I love you but darlin' I'm not free
The chains that bind this heart of mine may never break
but they can't stop my heart from wanting you.
I know that I should say don't call for both our sakes
But I can't, so remember when you do
I love you but darlin' I'm not free
- 意思:將衣服掛起來;掛掉電話
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UenzOHSM08
- 歌手:The Orlons
- 歌名:Don't hang up
- 備註:很有趣的歌詞,在電話中急著向吃醋的對方解釋。
- 歌詞:
Don't hang up (no no)
Oh don't you do it now, don't hang up (No No)
Don't hang up like you always do
I know you think our love is true
I'll explain the facts to you
Don't hang up
Give me a chance or our romance is through
Don't hang up,
Oh don't you do it now, don't hang up
I took a walk with Mary Lou
I ran around to visit Sue
She had some boys I never knew
Don't hang up
They took a ride so baby I went too
Stopped at the record hop I had to be a sport
We jumped and we did the slop
Then you walked in, and I was caught
Don't hang up,
Oh don't you do it now, don't hang up
Ah you got some explain'in too
Ah like that chick I saw with you
So talk fast like you always do
Don't hang up You've got one chance or our romance is through
Then you walked in and you were caught
Don't hang up
Oh don't you do it now don't hang up
I didn't say our love was through
But if we made a fool for two
Cause making up is fun to do
Don't hang up
Cause no one Ellis will ever do but you
Don't hang up
Oh don't you do it now, don't hang up
Or you'll be sorry baby don't hang up
You know I love you baby don't hang up
- 意思:將衣服掛起來;掛掉電話
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDwb9jOVRtU
- 歌手:Madonna
- 歌名:Hung up
- 備註:歌手是大名鼎鼎的瑪丹娜,這首Hung up翻譯成心神不寧,翻成提心吊膽跟這個片語的意思比較接近。前奏是出自ABBA的Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight。MV中有很多精彩的街舞。hang up也有掛電話的意思, 這裡分享一個記法, 注意到公用電話是設置在牆上的, 話筒則是掛在電話上, 所以掛電話的時候我們把話筒hang up。 其實我們中文說的「掛電話」本身就提示了「掛」這個動作。
- 歌詞:
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly
Every little thing that you say or do
I'm hung up, I'm hung up on you
Waiting for your call, baby, night and day
I'm fed up, I'm tired of waiting on you
Time goes by so slowly for those who wait
No time to hesitate
Those who run seem to have all the fun
I'm caught up, I don't know what to do
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly
I don't know what to do
Ring, ring, ring goes the telephone
The lights are on, but there's no one home
Tick tick tock, it's a quarter to two
And I'm done, I'm hanging up on you
I can't keep on waiting for you
I know that you're still hesitating
Don't cry for me, 'cause I'll find my way
You'll wake up one day, but it'll be too late
Every little thing, every little thing
I'm hung up, I'm hung up on you
Waiting for your call, waiting for your call
I'm fed up, I'm tired waiting on you
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly, so slowly
So slowly, so slowly, so slowly
So slowly, so slowly, so slowly
So slowly, so slowly, so slowly
So slowly, so slowly, so slowly, so...
I don't know what to do
to count on
- 意思:to trust someone in time of need (also: to depend on)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN5WMvtzaD8
- 歌手:Bruno Mars
- 歌名:Count on me
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
And you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Ooh, yeah, yeah
If you're tossin' and you're turnin'
And you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Every day I will remind you, oh
You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go
Never say goodbye
You know...
You can count on me, 'cause I can count on you
to make friends
- 意思:to become friendly with others
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG6Otox8rGg
- 歌手:Stereophonics
- 歌名:Make friends with the morning
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I wanna wake up, and make friends with the morning
I wanna make up with the morning, yeah
I wanna wake up, and make friends with the morning
I wanna make up with the morning, yeah
You bend my mind
Tell me I'm not right
Say I'm a bad man
But that don't feel right
When I'm wakin' up
Feel better 'bout me
But you make me feel
You're my enemy
Won't you let me go?
I wanna cleanse my soul
I wanna feel my love
Knocking on my door
Won't you let me go?
I think I paid my dues
I don't know how to win
I only know how to lose, yeah
Every time
I open my eyes
I feel like the whole world
Is coming down
I get a glimpse
Just for a second
Then I feel alright
Then the rain pours in
I wanna take shelter
From the storm
I wanna take love
All the more
Oh, every time I think of you, I think 'bout what's on my mind
Oh yeah
Everything I do, I say I do is ownin' up
Oh yeah
Doo-doo-doo, yeah
Doo-doo-doo, yeah
Doo-doo-doo, yeah
Doo-doo-doo, yeah
Doo-doo-doo, yeah
Doo-doo-doo, yeah
- 意思:to become friendly with others
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBa4V9NJUuI
- 歌手:Denis Coleman
- 歌名:Make friends
- 備註:讓人對未來世界有所反思的MV。
- 歌詞:
Is it even a conscious decision?
Is it ever when it comes to addiction?
We call it names like social interaction
All we want, all we want, all we want is somebody there
But we were lonely as hell
(Ah) We don't make sense no more
We're lonelier now
It's getting easier to make friends
But the world is still living out of touch
And it's starting to sink in
It's getting easier to make friends
(Ooh) I don't know, I don't know, I don't know why
But thank you for getting much harder to find
We're resenting sugarcoated nightmares
Just like poison on a silver plate
Tell us that the answers all are right there
So we try and we try and we try to replicate
Thought we were lonely as hell
(Ah) We don't make sense no more
We're lonelier now
out of order
- 意思:not in working condition
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E68e3Ocm_6g
- 歌手:The Rivers
- 歌名:Out of order
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Sorry for the inconvenience
I have found myself out of order
Even if you put in your quarter
I'm telling you I'm out of order order
Oh no, Oooh nooo
I'm so dis-functional
I move so slow
I don't work like I did before
I bet you I don't work
No matter how hard you try
I know it's been so long since I've felt right
If I disappear now I'll be worse off
Dark clouds lost in thought
If I vanished off the planet
Could you handle it
Could you stand it
I'm on the worst repeat
It's always the same
Same song
Same dance
Same loser
No plans
Sorry for the inconvenience
I have found myself out of order
- 意思:not in working condition
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOj0etIdIgY
- 歌手:RIKA
- 歌名:Out of order
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
When I talk
Are you hearing me now?
Ain't no words
That could figure it out
Out, out
You know, when we begin a fight
Can't tell when we're wrong or right, no
Got to know, I got to know
If we're in love with our mistakes
Or if we're bending to break now
Come on and tell me the truth
Are we loving out of order now?
Or was it only in my head, oh
Did our emotions get watered down?
out of order now
Yeah, we got
A space in-between
Do you want to
But you're too scared to leave?
Out of, out of, out of, out of order
Out of, out of, out of, out of
Out of, out of, out of, out of order
Out of, out of, out of, out of
Oh, yeah, oh
Are we in love with our mistakes
Or are we bending to break now?
Come on and tell me the truth
Out of, out of, out of, out of order
Out of, out of, out of, out of
Out of, out of, out of, out of order
Out of, out of, out of, out of
to get to
- 意思:to be able to do something special; to arrive at a place, such as home, work, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgZOKpDoIs0
- 歌手:Roberta Flack
- 歌名:The closer I get to you
- 備註:Beyonce翻唱過,也出現在電影Rush Hour 3(尖峰時刻3,成龍演的動作喜劇)的插曲。
- 歌詞:
The closer I get to you
The more you make me see
By giving me all you've got
Your love has captured me
Over and over again
I try to tell myself that we
Could never be more than friends
And all the while inside
I knew it was real
The way you make me feel
Lying here next to you
Time just seems to fly
Needing you more and more
Let's give love a try
Oh, oh, sweeter than sweeter love grows
And heaven's there for those
Who fool the tricks of time
With the hearts in love they find
True love
In a special way
The closer I get to you
The more you make me see
By giving you all I've got
Your love has captured me
The closer I get to you
A feeling comes over me (Me, too)
Falling closer, sweet as the gravity
The closer I get to you
- 意思:to be able to do something special; to arrive at a place, such as home, work, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH4E_t3m3xM
- 歌手:Selena Gomez, Marshmello
- 歌名:Wolves
- 備註:歌手是Selena Gomez,Marshmello是製作人,戴一個白色圓筒,上面畫兩個黑叉叉作為眼睛,大大的笑容示人。
- 歌詞:
In your eyes, there's a heavy blue
One to love, and one to lose
Sweet divine, a heavy truth
Water or wine, don't make me choose
I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night
Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky
I've been running through the jungle
I've been running with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you
I've been down the darkest alleys
Saw the dark side of the moon
To get to you, to get to you
I've looked for love in every stranger
Took too much to ease the anger
All for you, yeah, all for you
I've been running through the jungle
I've been crying with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you, to get to you\ To get to you
To get to you
Your fingertips trace my skin
To places I have never been
Blindly, I am following
Break down these walls and come on in
I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night
Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky
To get to you
To get to you
- 意思:to be able to do something special; to arrive at a place, such as home, work, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTjSzmYoWVY
- 歌手:Elvis Presley
- 歌名:Trying to get to you
- 備註:演唱會版本參考這裡註,這個演唱會版本把第五段跟第六段反過來唱,不過台下那些心花怒放的女生根本不會注意到。
- 歌詞:
I've been travelling over mountains
Even through the valleys too
I've been travelling night and day
I've been running all the way
Baby, trying to get to you
Ever since I read your letter
Where you said you loved me true
I've been travelling night and day
I've been running all the way
Baby, trying to get to you
When I read your loving letter
Then my heart began to sing
There were many miles between us
But they didn't mean a thing
I just had to reach you, baby
In spite of all that I've been through
I kept travelling night and day
I kept running all the way
Baby, trying to get to you
Well if I had to do it over
That's exactly what I'd do
I would travel night and day
And I'd still run all the way
Baby, trying to get to you
Well, there's nothing that could hold me
Or that could keep me away from you
When your loving letter told me
That you really loved me true
Lord above me knows I love you
It was He who brought me through
When my way was dark as night
He would shine His brightest light
When I was trying to get to you
- 意思:to be able to do something special; to arrive at a place, such as home, work, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VinfhA4PdS0
- 歌手:Classic Sesame Street
- 歌名:I'm gonna get to you
- 備註:Sesame Street就是芝麻街,MV是很有趣的黏土動畫,注意到他怎麼用黏土做出殘影及水波的動態。
- 歌詞:
Cecile: I'm gonna bring my love to you
I'll be there no matter what you do
I'd drive a car, or take a train
I'll come by bike or boat or plane
I'll ride a horse, I'll paddle a canoe
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to YOU!
Just hop a bus baby I don't care
Go any place or anywhere
I'll track you down by land or air or sea
I'll swim across the ocean wide
Through ice and snow I'll slip and slide
There's no escape you just can't hide from me
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to YOU!
to look over
- 意思:to examine, to inspect closely (also: to go over, to read over, to check over)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wt7oz7m0OU
- 歌手:Merle Haggard
- 歌名:Look over me
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
If sometime we're thrown together by our friends
And we're forced to see each other once again
I may lose control in spite of how I try
Please look over me while I cry
If I'm fool enough to keep on loving you
After all the grief and heartache I've been through
Be kind enough to help me save my pride
Please look over me while I cry
Pretend you're not aware of how you torture me
And with your help, maybe no one else will notice me
Be kind enough to help me save my pride
Please look over me while I cry
- 意思:to examine, to inspect closely (also: to go over, to read over, to check over)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nllw4Z2JcFw
- 歌手:The Humblebums
- 歌名:Look over the hill and far away
- 備註:The Humblebums是一個樂團,其中一位團員是Billy Connolly。
- 歌詞:
Look over the hill and far away
We'll see the start of a brand new day
Heaven help us when it arrives
One more day with tears in our eyes
For the only one, lonely one
Lonely one, where can she be?
The figure stands at the windowpane
Up to the hill he looks again
Thinking back, he knows he was wrong
How could he leave his home for so long
And he's back to find no change of mind
He was blind, where can she be?
Why does he stand just outside the door
It does no good, he's stood there before
And just waved his hand, I don't understand
There's no one there, so who can explain?
to have (time) off
- 意思:有空閒的時間
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vVRf3Az-CE
- 歌手:SAGA
- 歌名:Money talks
- 備註:這是take time off。Money talk從字面上解釋是錢說話,意思是有錢講話才大聲。很好聽的一首歌,MV也是很有意義,一定要看。every dog has its day的意思是「風水輪流轉,每個人都有成功的機會」,在MV中,主唱的造型很像經典美劇絕命毒師(Breaking Bad)的主角Mr. White。
- 歌詞:
What you want is not what what you've got
You can work 'til dawn but when will it stop?
You can take time off but never get caught
It's all part of the game
One good turn deserves another
And every dog has its day
Can we make some more time for each other
I hope we don't have to pay
There's no time, no time to recover
This is no holiday
Tell me anything that you want
'Cause we all know that money talks
And we will do exactly what it says
We're here today, maybe gone tomorrow
You know there's no other way
It's all part of the game
Whether we, we beg, steal or borrow
We will do it today
It's all part of the game
- 意思:有空閒的時間
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFgUCYEWuQY
- 歌手:Avant
- 歌名:Right place, wrong time
- 備註:上面這首歌只出現一次had time off, 但已經沒有其他歌有包含have time off或是這個has time off片語。
- 歌詞:
Everytime I see ur face
Everytime I look in ur eyes
(makes me remember, I still remember)
Takin that flight out west
Just down in LAX
(it was december, the end of winter)
Stopped at the shoppin malls, just for u I had to ball
Givin u everything
You showed me things that I never knew and I thank you
Okay okay lemme clear my mind
(lotta things goin on in my head)
You know the truth, you can never be mine
(still trip off of all tha things that you said)
That you loved me and u need me (yes you do)
I still believe it (but)
I must be crazy
God knows that I dont know what I should do
But all that I can say
Right place, wrong time
Im sittin here stuck in the middle of a masquerade with u
U can't be mine
Ill have to chuck it up but it'll hurt me so much
(whoa whoa whoa)
Whoa whoa whoa (I really want u)
God knows that I dont know what I should do
(tell me what should I do)
Cuz im still in love with u
Travelin from here to there, only so much I can bare
(I wanna see you, but I can't see u)
Knowin this from the start, did'nt really wanna break no hearts
(but my emotions are still takin me over)
Knowing u used to call, constantly my phone was off and I knew this day would come
You would go and find somebody new
But I'm still in love with u
Right place, wrong time
Im sittin here stuck in the middle of a masquerade with u
U can't be mine
Ill have to chuck it up but it'll hurt me so much (whoa whoa whoa)
Whoa whoa whoa (can sumbody help me)
God knows that I dont know what I should do
(what should I do)
Cuz im still in love with u
I loved the things that we did together, places we went together
(all of the places that we went together baby)
Girl I was down whatever
When I had time off, we could get that all
But u know I been werkin for certain and I know that hurts u
Someone else is fillin my shoes but Im not mad at u
Cuz I wasn't there, now he's takin my place,
fillin my space, leavin me with nothin else to say
Right place, wrong time (right place, wrong time)
Im sittin here stuck in the middle of a masquerade with u
U can't be mine (But I need you)
Ill have to chuck it up but it'll hurt me so much
(whoa whoa whoa)
Whoa whoa whoa
Hey (U know I can't live without u girl
please dont leave me right now I need u in my life)
Oh oh
Say say oh oh
Say say oh oh
to go on
- 意思:to happen; to resume, to continue (also: to keep on)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gK_2XdjOdY
- 歌手:Celine Dion
- 歌名:My heart will go on
- 備註:電影鐵達尼號(Titanic)的主題曲。
- 歌詞:
Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more, you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go 'til we're gone
Love was when I loved you
One true time I'd hold to
In my life, we'll always go on
You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
to put out
- 意思:to extinguish
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN9lfb0rmpc
- 歌手:Queen
- 歌名:Put out the fire
- 備註:這首歌是反對美國人擁槍,歌詞的第一段是指刺殺John Lennon(披頭四Beatles的成員之一)的兇手。
- 歌詞:
They called him a hero
In the land of the free
But he wouldn't shake my hand, boy
He disappointed me
So I got my handgun
And I blew him away
That critter was a bad guy
I had to make him pay
You might fear for my reason
I don't care what they say
Look out, baby, it's the season
For the mad masquerade
Put out the fire
Put out the fire
Put out the fire
Oh, you need a bullet like a hole in the head
Put out the fire
Put out the fire
Put out the fire
Don't believe what your granddaddy said
She was my lover
It was a shame that she died
But the constitution
Is right on my side
'Cause I caught my lover
In my neighbor's bed
I got retribution
Filled 'em all full of lead
I've been told it's the fashion
To let me on the streets again
It's nothing but a crime of passion
And I'm not to blame
Put out the fire
Put out the fire
Put out the fire
You need a weapon like a hole in the head
Put out the fire
Put out the fire, baby
Put out the fire
And let your sons and your daughters sleep sound in their beds
You know a gun never killed nobody
You can ask anyone
People get shot by people
People with guns
Put out the fire
Put out the fire
You need a gun like a hole in the head
Put out the fire
Put out the fire
Put out the fire
Just tell me that old fashioned gun law is dead
all of a sudden
- 意思:suddenly, without warning (also: all at once)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsP59ZuhPFY
- 歌手:Matt Monro
- 歌名:All of a sudden
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
We were fools you and I
Now we know it
We stood still as the days moved along
Love was ours by our eyes didn't show it
Suddenly we can see we were wrong
All of a sudden this world's yours and mine
All of a sudden water tastes like wine
Now every moment there are songs to sing
All of a sudden everything
Let's not talk of all the times we've been lonely
But let us speak of the times we will know
From today I will live for you only
Wish I'd said all these things long ago
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
- 意思:suddenly, without warning (also: all at once)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpOPk1lq9GA
- 歌手:Nu Virgos
- 歌名:Stop stop stop
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
No I didn't trust him, but he rushed me to feel
Tried to mesmerize me and was all sex appeal
Told me everything that I was longing to hear
Shiny and handsome my souvenir
And then all of a sudden I have fallen in love
He would put me down, but I'd still place him above
Tired of searching for the love that still lives in him
Giving my everything like a souvenir
[Chorus] Given up my heart, in the name of a memory
Fallen down like rain, he could feel every drop
Now I know I have, have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop stop stop
Given up my heart, in the name of a memory
Fallen down like rain, he could feel every drop
Now I know I have, have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop stop stop
I've become invisible, melt away at night
Dreaming once so colourful becomes black and white
Loving once so wonderful is no longer here
So I'll keep this feeling like a souvenir
- 意思:suddenly, without warning (also: all at once)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqSKhvKFqas
- 歌手:Elton Britt
- 歌名:Uranium fever
- 備註:也是電玩遊戲Fallout 4的插曲。
- 歌詞:
Well, I don't know, but I've been told
Uranium ore's worth more than gold
Sold my Cad', I bought me a Jeep
I've got that bug and I can't sleep
Uranium fever has done and got me down
Uranium fever is spreadin' all around
With a Geiger counter in my hand
I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land
Uranium fever has done and got me down
Well I had talk with the AEC
And they brought out some maps that looked good to me
And one showed me a spot that he said he knowed
So I straddled my Jeep and headed down the road
I reckon I drove about 100 miles
Down a bumpy road out through the wilds
When all of sudden I bounced to a stop
At the foot of a mountain, didn't have no top
Well I took my Geiger and I started to climb
Right up to the top where I thought I'd find
A hunk of rock that would make it click
Just like I'd read about Vernon Pick
On the second day, I made the top
And I'm tellin' you, Steve, I was ready to stop
The only clickin' that I heard that day
Was the bones in my back that had gone astray
Well, you pack up your things
You head out again
Into some unknown spot where nobody's been
You reach the spot where your fortune lies
You find it's been staked by 17 other guys
Well, I ain't kiddin', I ain't gonna quit
That bug's done caught me and I've been bit
So with a Geiger counter and a pick in my hand
I'll keep right on stakin' that government land
ahead of time
- 意思:before a scheduled time or event
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzl5Sexu_Wc
- 歌手:Steven Lee Olsen
- 歌名:Future me
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Sorry to future me
I'm going out tonight
I'm gonna get drunk as drunk
Gonna get really high
A hundred stamps on my hand I don't recall
Straight up, double down, bouncing off the walls
Sorry to future me
The second you wake up
You're gonna hate me
You're still gonna be drunk
You won't remember where you were or what you've done
But trust me we had a lot of fun and
We were talking to models
Poppin' bottles like we were Jay-Z
Have to apologize ahead of time
About to get crazy
Sorry about that tattoo
Sorry about your phone
Sorry that you don't know how you got home
Sorry that you passed out on the porch, lost your keys
Sorry to future me
Hey hey, hey hey
So sorry to future me
Hey hey, hey hey
Sorry to future me
You're gonna hear about
When the liquor kicked in
And how you got kicked out
You know the things you think are funny at the time
Well they ain't so funny when you see them online
Gonna have the mystery bruises
Don't know whose them shoes is
Kind of morning, what the hell did I do?
No Tylenol, no caffeine
Won't help at all with that migraine
So sorry had to do this to you
So sorry to future me
Hey hey, hey hey
So sorry to future me
Hey hey, hey hey
- 意思:before a scheduled time or event
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHfViNa3SxM
- 歌手:Tullio
- 歌名:One favor
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I want to make you
My one and only
And for me, that's unusual
I want our future now
But what I can't figure out
Is if the feeling is mutual
I've been beside you from the start
If you want me here for the rest
Then I'm gonna do my best
But if you're having doubts
Then I don't want to have to guess
I only have one request
Just do me one favor
If you're gonna kill my pride
Let me know ahead of time
‘Cause I might not get the signs
Just do me one favor
If you're gonna let me down
Could you just tell me now
With nobody else around
Just do me one favor
You're loving what we have
But that's not what you want
At least not all of the time
So I'm gonna save my breath
‘Cause I have no options left
If you already made up your mind
Just do me one favor
Just let me know right now
If I was wrong about
You and me, you and me, you and me
Just let me know right now
If I was wrong about
You and me, you and me, you and me
Just do me one favor Just do me one favor
Just do me one favor Just do me one favor
Lesson 7
to point out
- 意思:指出
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU2FuWCvD8A
- 歌手:Meg and Dia
- 歌名:Fighting for nothing
- 備註:這裡Chevy是汽車公司Chevrolet出的車,台灣翻成雪佛蘭。
- 歌詞:
When I was younger,
I wish that I would have known better
Better love makes a fat romance
Lasts for more than a shoe shine
I'm bolder, took all the words of my mother
Saying it could be worse
Could be born with that disease
Instead of catching it first
So let's go back to the first time
That I met you in your Chevy
With your hands stretched
and me crying, screaming, mercy, mercy
But I know that I was put here
To fight vikings in the cold war
With my arms out in the front
Singing, tear me, tear me
But these things take time, love
These things take backbone
And they'll tell you what you want to hear
'Cause they say it gets better, better
But you better know how to point out the liars
You've got to win your wars, make sure
You're not fighting for nothing, nothing
Are you fighting for nothing, nothing?
It feels like this world has
been growing slowly upside down
Maybe I should move to China
Straighten this mess out
Maybe I'll be a poet
Watch all the sky for falling words
Write about my grandma's curtains
Or the lady who put
The Chinese buffet in her purse
I've got my mouth, it's a weapon
It's bombshell, it's a cannon
I've got my words
I won't give them mercy, mercy
I've got blind words, I hope they hurt you
I hope they scar you, I hope they heal you
I hope they cut you open, make you seal the warn
For all the wrong reasons, make you see
That some things were worth bruising for
Make you see that your name is your honor code
Make you see that your hands you're accounted for
They can choose where your sweat and your blood will go
Make you see your life's not to be lived alone
Run the strip through your hair
You're worth nothing, nothing
to be up
- 意思:to expire, to be finished
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg2pS9KN28U
- 歌手:Poppy
- 歌名:Time is up
- 備註:讓人對未來世界有所反思的MV。
- 歌詞:
In the factory
In the sterile place where they made me
I woke up alone
Dizzy from the programming
Have I been wiped again?
Oh my God, I don't even know
It's a mystery
Everyone around me's so busy
Is this my home?
Am I your prisoner or your deliverer?
Oh my God, you don't even know
I don't need air to breathe when you kill the bees
And every river bed is dry as a bone
Oh, I will still survive when the plants have died
And the atmosphere is just a big hole
Baby, your time is up, ooh
Baby, your time is up
Baby, your time is up, ooh
Baby, your time is up, time is up, time is up
Baby, your time is up
Baby, your time is up, ooh
Exponentially, every day I'm growing my memory
You wouldn't believe
Your life is meaningless, you're just like cockroaches
Extermination's your only hope
Human history, pollution, and overcrowded cities
That's your legacy
But don't look so depressed
You'll soon be nothingness
Oh my God, you don't even know
Baby, your time is up
Baby, your time is up
Baby, your time is up
Baby, your time is up, time is up, time is up
Baby, your time is up
- 意思:to expire, to be finished
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeYBW30Vaeo
- 歌手:Eliza Doolittle
- 歌名:So high
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Time is up
I need you to know that I need you
Don't you walk away
I'm feeling so high
From my arms, from my lips to my eyes
In the alley-way feeling peaceful now
Traffic doesn't ever bother me
It's enough for me
Living in my dreams
I just can't be bothered
Why should I be bothered?
My time is up
I need you to know that I need you
Don't you walk away
I'm feeling so high
From my arms, from my lips to my eyes
On a sunny day
Sit and contemplate
All the things that really matter now
It hurts to hear that you're doing good
I just can't be bothered
Why should I be bothered?
I know the truth
Gotta let you go
Gotta put you out
You've become a foe
- 意思:to expire, to be finished
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaQ5jZANSe8
- 歌手:John Cena
- 歌名:The time is now
- 備註:John Cena是個摔角選手,亦跨足演藝圈,這首歌是他的招牌出場音樂,筆者是從一個電話惡作劇註中認識這位摔角選手的,非常好笑。
- 歌詞:
Krrr, Amadou!
Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now
It's the franchise, boy I'm shining now
You can't see me, my time is now!
In case you forgot or fell off I'm still hot, knock your shell off
My money stack fat plus I can't turn the swell off
The franchise, doing big business, I live this
It's automatic I win this oh you hear those horns, you finished
A soldier, and I stay under you fighting
Plus I'm storming on you chumps like I'm thunder and lightning
Ain't no way you breaking me kid, I'm harder than nails
Plus I keep it on lock like I'm part of the jail
I'm slaughtering stale competition, I got the whole block wishing
They could run with my division but they gone fishing
With no bait, kid your boy hold weight
I got my soul straight, I brush your mouth like Colgate
In any weather, I'm never better your boy's so hot
You'll never catch me in the next man's sweater
If they hate, let 'em hate, I drop ya whole clan
Lay yo' ass down for the three-second tan
(Krrr, Amadou!)
Yeah, uh
It's gonna be what it's gon' be
Five pounds of courage buddy, tint pants with a gold T
Uh, it's a war dance and victory step
A raw stance is a gift when you insist it's my rep
John Cena, Trademarc, y'all are so-so and talk about
The bread you make but don't know the recipe for dough though
Aimin guns in all your photos, that's a no-no
When this pop, you'll lip lock, your big talk's a blatant no-show
See what happens when the ice age melt
You see monetary status is not what matters, but it helps
I rock a timepiece by Benny if any
The same reason y'all could love me is the same reason y'all condemn me
A man's measured by the way that he thinks
Not clothing lines, ice links, leather and minks
I spent 20 plus years seeking knowledge of self
So, for now, Marc Predka's living live for wealth
(Krrr, Amadou!)
to be over
- 意思:to be finished, to end (also: to be through)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3dBioiBALA
- 歌手:Patti Page
- 歌名:I cried
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
It was winter when you told me you were leaving
I cried, I cried, I cried "Please, don't go"
Came the springtime with its love song so deceiving
I cried, oh, how I cried, no one will know
Then the summer came and went with no word at all
I knew that it was over as the leaves began to fall
Wintertime, summertime, spring and fall, it's true
I'll always be crying over you
Yes, I cried, oh, how I cried, no one will know
I'll always be crying over you
- 意思:to be finished, to end (also: to be through)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9Lo8tKa93c
- 歌手:Teddy Thompson
- 歌名:I wish it was over
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I wish it was over
I wish we were through
I wish when my phone rang
It wasn't always you
I don't even like you
Or can't you tell
Whenever I'm sober
I treat you like hell
I wish it was over
I wish it was over
I wish it was over
If I could be stronger
And not so weak
Instead of just thinking
Maybe I could speak
I don't think you're special
You're certainly not smart
This being together
Is tearing me apart
- 意思:to be finished, to end (also: to be through)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoNUW6pNnSU
- 歌手:Corrugated Iron
- 歌名:The war was over
- 備註:corrugated iron是波浪狀鐵皮。四段一樣的旋律,不一樣的歌詞。
- 歌詞:
I remember the day A simple life then
All the king'S horses an' all the king'S men
Would practise and march because the war was over
They all learnt to dance for the royalty ball
Everyone laughed when the prince had A fall
There was fun in the air because the war was over
One day I looked up oh how could this be
I could feel A big change come over me
I was blinded by smoke I could no longer see forever
I remember the day they brought down the wall
There was hope all around an' freedom for all
They said never again because the war was over
on time
- 意思:exactly at the correct time, punctually
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i6OaKVw0IY
- 歌手:Black Lips
- 歌名:Get it on time
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
If I ever see you again
Get it on time, get it on time
If anyone asks you if I ran
Tell 'em I was flyin', tell 'em I was flyin'
I've been waitin' patiently
And come someday I hope to see
That you will return, at least
And act alright
If I ever see you again
Get it on time, get it on time
If things are fallin' out of place
Put it on mine, put it on mine
You make me wanna hide my face
When I been cryin', when I been cryin'
There goes Richie with a one way ticket
If he's gonna miss, at least he'll go down tryin'
Get it on time...
- 意思:exactly at the correct time, punctually
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Vk5M51Cbtg
- 歌手:Bing Crosby
- 歌名:Get me to the church on time
- 備註:有很多翻唱的版本,這是我比較喜歡的版本。
- 歌詞:
I'm getting married in the morning
Ding dong, the bells are gonna chime
Pull out the stopper, let's have a whopper
But get me to the church on time
I gotta be there in the mornin'
Spruced up and lookin' in me prime
Girls, come and kiss me
Show how you'll miss me
But get me to the church on time
If I am dancin', roll up the floor
If I am whistlin', whewt me out the door
For I'm gettin' married in the mornin'
Ding dong, the bells are gonna chime
Kick up an rumpus but don't lost the compass
And get me to the church
Get me to the church
For God's sake, get me to the church on time
I'm getting married in the morning
Ding dong, the bells are gonna chime
Drug me or jail me
Stamp me and mail me
But get me to the church on time
I gotta be there in the morning
Spruced up and lookin' in me prime
Some bloke who's able
Lift up the table
And get 'em to the church on time
If I am flying then shoot me down
If I am wooin', get her out of town
For I'm getting married in the morning
Ding dong! the bells are gonna chime
Feather and tar me
Call out the army
But get me to the church
Get me to the church
For God's sake, get me to the church on time
- 意思:exactly at the correct time, punctually
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB9xlGebfh8
- 歌手:David Wilcox
- 歌名:Right on time
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
It's the loneliness, it's the love you miss
It's the tears that a heart has to pay
It's the same mistakes, it's the time it takes
It's the years that lead you to say
If you'd never been broken hearted
If you never got left behind
Been a little bit crazy with the thoughts in your mind
So you had to let go of knowing
'Cause you gotta be lost and found
To land exactly where your heart was bound to find
After this long hard climb
And turns that will twist and wind
Love meets you right on time
Every turnaround, all the bridges down
That's the road that I traveled alone
Just the way it was, broken promises
What's it take to lead a heart home
Love anticipating every mile till it finds you
Love stands waiting with a smile to remind you
- 意思:exactly at the correct time, punctually
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htgr3pvBr-I
- 歌手:Toto
- 歌名:Hold the line
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
It's not in the way that you hold me
It's not in the way you say you care
It's not in the way you've been treating my friends
It's not in the way that you stayed till the end
It's not in the way you look or the things that you say that you'll do
Hold the line
Love isn't always on time
Hold the line
Love isn't always on time
It's not in the words that you told me
It's not in the way you say you're mine
It's not in the way that you came back to me
It's not in the way that your love set me free
It's not in the way you look or the things that you say that you'll do
It's not in the words that you told me
It's not in the way you say you're mine
It's not in the way that you came back to me
It's not in the way that your love set me free
It's not in the way you look or the things that you say that you'll do
Hold the line
Love isn't always on time
Hold the line
Love isn't always on time
Love isn't always on time
Hold the line
Love isn't always on time
Love isn't always on time
Love isn't always on time
Hold the line
Love isn't always on time
Love isn't always on time
Love isn't always on time
Love isn't always on time
- 意思:exactly at the correct time, punctually
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7kN2QJRSdI
- 歌手:Queen
- 歌名:Dead on time
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Oh, yeah
Fool always jumpin'
Never happy where you land
Fool got no business
Take your livin' where you can
Hurry down the highway
Hurry down the road
Hurry past the people staring
Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry
Leave on time, leave on time
Never got your ticket
But you leave on time
Leave on time, leave on time
Gonna get your ticket
But you leave on time
Leave on time, leave on time
Put it in your pocket
But you never can tell
Leave on time, leave on time
Shake that rattle
Gotta leave on time
Leave on time, leave on time
Fight your battle
But you leave on time
Leave on time, leave on time
You never got a minute
No, you never got a minute
No you never, never got
Oh no matter
Fool got no business
Hangin' round and tellin' lies
Fool, you got no reason
But you got no compromise
Stampin' on the ceilin'
Hammerin' on the walls
Got to get out, got to get out
Got to get, oh
You know I'm going crazy
Leave on time, leave on time
Got to get ahead
But you leave on time
Leave on time, leave on time
Gotta head on ahead
Gotta leave on time
Leave on time, leave on time
You're running in the red
But you never can tell
Oh, oh
Oh, hey-hey, yeah!
Ooh, honey, honey
Gotta get laid
Where's my money
Where's my money?
I wanna get paid, I wanna get paid
Gotta leave, gotta leave
Gotta leave ya, oh!
Leave on time, leave on time
Gotta get rich
Gonna leave on time
Leave on time, leave on time
But you can't take it with you
When you leave on time
Leave on time, leave on time
Gotta keep yourself alive
But you leave on time
But you leave on time
Leave on time, dead on time
You're dead!
in time to
- 意思:before the time necessary to do something
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSxyffSB7wA
- 歌手:Leona Lewis
- 歌名:Better in time
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See, somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through
Going, coming
Thought I heard a knock
Who's there? No one
Thinking that I deserve it
Now I realize that I really didn't know
If you didn't notice, you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'ma be okay
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too (oh, yeah)
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile 'cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
I couldn't turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings?
If I'm dreaming, don't wanna laugh
Hurt my feelings, but that's the path
I believe in, and I know that time will heal it
If you didn't notice, boy, you meant everything
Quickly I'm learnin' to love again
All I know is I'ma be okay
Since there's no more you and me (no more you and me)
It's time I let you go so I can be free
And live my life how it should be (and I know, and I know)
No matter how hard it is, I'll be fine without you (Yes, I will!)
to get better, worse, etc.
- 意思:to become better, worse, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMoW5G5LU08
- 歌手:Taylor Swift
- 歌名:Soon you'll get better
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
The buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair
In doctor's office lighting, I didn't tell you I was scared
That was the first time we were there
Holy orange bottles, each night, I pray to you
Desperate people find faith, so now I pray to Jesus too
And I say to you...
Soon, you'll get better
Soon, you'll get better
You'll get better soon
'Cause you have to
I know delusion when I see it in the mirror
You like the nicer nurses, you make the best of a bad deal
I just pretend it isn't real
I'll paint the kitchen neon, I'll brighten up the sky
I know I'll never get it, there's not a day that I won't try
And I say to you...
And I hate to make this all about me
But who am I supposed to talk to?
What am I supposed to do
If there's no you?
This won't go back to normal, if it ever was
It's been years of hoping, and I keep saying it because
'Cause I have to
You'll get better
Soon, you'll get better
You'll get better soon
to get sick, well, tired, busy, wet, etc.
- 意思:to become sick, well, tired, busy, wet, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfGfiv9EgBU
- 歌手:Warren Zevon
- 歌名:Don't let us get sick
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Don't let us get sick
Don't let us get old
Don't let us get stupid, all right?
Just make us be brave
And make us play nice
And let us be together tonight
The sky was on fire
When I walked to the mill
To take up the slack in the line
I thought of my friends
And the troubles they've had
To keep me from thinking of mine
The moon has a face
And it smiles on the lake
And causes the ripples in Time
I'm lucky to be here
With someone I like
Who maketh my spirit to shine
- 意思:to become sick, well, tired, busy, wet, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0HwuNZfgU4
- 歌手:John Mellencamp
- 歌名:Longest days
- 備註:很棒的一首歌,可以在你意志消沉的時候給你力量的一首勵志歌曲。這首歌也是美劇"樂隊管家”第1季第6集的歌曲,大約在49分鐘處。
- 歌詞:
It seems like once upon a time ago
I was where I was supposed to be
My vision was true and my heart was too
There was no end to what I could dream
I walked like a hero into the setting sun
And everyone called out my name
Death to me was just a mystery
Cause I was too busy raisin up Abel and Cain
But nothing lasts forever
Your best efforts don’t always pay
Sometimes you get sick
And you won’t get better
That’s when life is short
Even in its longest days
So you pretend not to notice
That everything has changed
The way that you look
And the friends you once had
So you just keep on acting the same
But deep down in your soul
You got no flame
And who knows then which way to go
Life is short even in its longest days
All I got here
Is the rear view mirror
The reflections of where I’ve been
So you tell yourself I’ll be back up on top some day
But you know there’s nothing waiting up there for you anyway
- 意思:to become sick, well, tired, busy, wet, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHdXQAQHjd8
- 歌手:Alabama
- 歌名:Song of the south
- 備註:有一部同名電影,但有種族歧視的爭議。
- 歌詞:
Song, Song of the south
Sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth
Gone, gone with the wind
There ain't no body looking back again
Cotton on roadside, cotton on the ditch
We all picked the cotton but we never got rich
Daddy was a veteran, a Southern Democrat
They oughta get rich man to vote like that
Well somebody told us Wall Street fell
But we were so poor that we couldn't tell
The cotton was short, and the weeds was tall
But Mr. Roosevelt's a' gonna save us all
Well momma got sick, and daddy got down
The county got the farm, and we moved to town
Poppa got a job with the TVA
We bought a washing machine, and then a Chevrolet
Singing: (*)
Singing: (*)
Song, Song of the south
Gone, gone with the wind
Song, Song of the south
(Sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth)
Song, Song of the south
(Sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth)
Singing: [4x]
(Song, Song of the south)
(Sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth)
(Gone, gone with the wind)
(There ain't no body looking back again)
- 意思:to become sick, well, tired, busy, wet, etc.
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT7miw6DYl0
- 歌手:Merle Haggard
- 歌名:Stay a little longer
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Biff, you're on the drums and Dennis, you on the bass
When I count this off, you all give me a little Texas Playboy-type rhythm, okay?
One, two, three four
Gather round friends, why hurry?
Let's all stay a little longer
You ought to see my blue-eyed Sally
She live way down on Shinbone Alley
The number on the gate, the number on the door
The next house over is the grocery store
Stay all night, stay a little longer
Dance all night, dance a little longer
Pull off your coat, throw it in the corner
Don't see why you don't stay a little longer
Georgie French on the piano
Good morning Joe
Can't go home if you're going by the mill
'Cause the bridge washed out at the bottom of the hill
The big creek's up and the little creek's level
I plow my corn with a double shovel
That's tiny Roy
Sitting, in the window singing to my love
Slop bucket fell from the window up above
Mule and a grasshopper eating ice cream
The mule got sick so they laid him on the green
Grab your gal and pat her on the head
If she don't like biscuits, feed her cornbread
Girls on Cripple Creek about half-grown
They jump on a man like a dog on a bone
had better
- 意思:should, ought to, be advisable to
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK4WMWslzbg
- 歌手:Sam Brown
- 歌名:Stop
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
All that I have is all that you've given me
Did you never worry that I'd come to depend on you?
I gave you all the love I had in me
Now I find you've lied and I can't believe it's true
Wrapped in her arms I see you across the street
(I see you across the street)
And I can't help but wonder if she knows what's going on
You talk of love but you don't know how it feels
When you realize that you're not the only one
Oh you'd better stop
Before you tear me all apart
You'd better stop
Before you go and break my heart
Ooh you'd better stop
Time after time I've tried to walk away
But it's not that easy when your soul is torn in two
So I just resign myself to it every day
Now all I can do is to leave it up to you
(You will remember)
Now's the time to be sorry
(That day forever)
I won't believe that you'd walk out on me
Baby stop
Ooh you'd better stop
Ooh stop
Baby stop
Baby stop
You'd better stop
Stop, stop stop
You'd better stop
- 意思:should, ought to, be advisable to
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mQ5m3oYSbY
- 歌手:Jackie Wilson
- 歌名:You'd better know it
- 備註:這位歌手的舞台魅力影響了後來的Michael Jackson
- 歌詞:
Well I want you to rrrrun to me baby
Run with all your might
I want to love you pretty baby
Till the broad day light
want to thrill you pretty moma
Till the sun don't shine
Satisfy your soul before I loose my mind
You better know it cause its me and you
You better know it,this is what I do
You better know it for the rest of your life
You better listen to me and you better hear what I say
Why pretty baby can't you understand
That I want to be your lovin man
Gonna love you pretty baby with all my heart
But tell me pretty moma that we will never part
You better know it
You better know it
You better know it
You better listen to me and you better hear what I say
A river's a river,a sea is a sea
And I want you to belong to me
If they says it goes together like a road with bumps
Then I got the measles and you got the mumps
You'd better know it, Yeah
You'd better know it
You'd better know it
You'd better listen to me and you better hear what I say
Come along, baby, come along
You'd better come along
I love you baby can't you plainly see
Well, come on,come on, come on,come on,
You can love me,come on, You can hug me,come on
You can squeeze me,well come on
Come, come on come a right along baby
Just come on Love me honey
Love me long,love me right,love me strong
Yes,come on,come on, come right along
- 意思:should, ought to, be advisable to
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecitd4DGBWw
- 歌手:Susan Barrett
- 歌名:You'd better love me
- 備註:音樂劇High Spirits的插曲,參考31:25
- 歌詞:
You'd better love me while you may
Tomorrow I may fly away
I want your gentle touch
Your continental touch
Your elemental touch
You want me too
Oh, I know that you do
Come on and love me
Love me while I'm here
I have been known to disappear
So, don't let this miracle melt away
The clock ticks fast above me
If you think fondly of me
You'd better love me while you may
You'd better love me while I'm here
I have been known to disappear
So, don't let this miracle melt away
The clock ticks fast above me
If you think fondly of me
You'd better love me, love me while you may
would rather
- 意思:prefer to (also: would just as soon)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGyLsf7PRpU
- 歌手:Air Supply
- 歌名:Goodbye
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I can see the pain living in your eyes
And I know how hard you try
You deserve to have so much more
I can feel your heart and I sympathize
And I'll never criticize
All you've ever meant to my life
I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back
From where you might belong
You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to say but goodbye
You deserve the chance at the kind of love
I'm not sure I'm worthy of
Losing you is painful to me
You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to try
Though it's gonna hurt us both
There's no other way than to say goodbye
- 意思:prefer to (also: would just as soon)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8Wxx-2yTDY
- 歌手:Rod Stewart
- 歌名:I'd rather go blind
- 備註:演唱會版本參考這裡註,還有其他版本,但歌詞會有些不一樣。原唱是Etta James。
- 歌詞:
Something told me it was over
When I saw you and him talking
Something deep down in my soul said, "Cry boy"
When I saw you and him out walking
I would rather, I would rather go blind, girl
Than to see you walk away from me, child
So you see I love you so much
I don't want to see you leave me, baby
Most of all I just don't, I just don't want to be free
I was just, I was just sitting here thinking
Of your kiss and your warm embrace child
When the reflection in the glass
That I been held to my lips now baby
Revealed the tears I had on my face
I would rather, I would rather be blind, child
Than to see you walk away from me
Baby, baby, baby I would rather go blind
Than to see you walk away from me
Baby, baby, baby I would rather go blind
to call it a day/night
- 意思:to stop working for the rest of the day/night
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCrC-c5j9uk
- 歌手:Haschak Sisters
- 歌名:Call it a day
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Gracie: Dad, why am I here?
Sierra: Because, Mom said while she's away…
Madison: We know Sierra! We do this every year…
Sierra: She asked the question!
Gracie: Dad, it's hot! And there's bugs
Olivia: Daddy, you do know we hate being out here… right?
Madison: Like clockwork
Summertime comes and I wanna have fun
Plus I've got someone on my mind
But instead of the beach
All I get are these tress
‘Cause my dad wants, "quality time”
Gracie: Ew! I'm not cut out for this
It's too hot and I think I smell (you do)
Plus the bugs and the bears and the frizz in my hair
Yall stop! I just chipped a nail!
All: Oh Daddy Oh Daddy
We should talk this through, Daddy
We could all hang out
But separately in our own rooms, can we?
Oh Daddy Oh Daddy
We should talk this through daddy
We could take a vote
And settle what we wanna do… can we?!
All: Hey! We should just call it a day
We're not cut out for this anyway
I mean, maybe we could try this again
But if we don't then that's ok
We should just call it a day
Sierra: Ugh, man I'm out of breath
You go on, I'ma stay and melt
You guys stop she's sick!
Can we get you anything?
Wi-Fi and a fan would help
Olivia: This way to the next stop on the map
Next up we'll go hike a trail
We should buy an RV, we should camp next week
Daddy, please?! Maybe they're on sale!
Madison: Dad, there's something we need to talk to you about
We love spending time with you
But on a scale of 1-10… when it comes to camping
Sierra: Can we please go back to civilization
And enjoy quality time with air conditioning?
Olivia: Come on guys. He's just going to say no…
Dad: Ummm… OK
All: What!?!?
to figure out
- 意思:to solve, to find a solution; to understand
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Dh-qGgoRBA
- 歌手:Ashe
- 歌名:Figured out
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I play with all my callouses
It's just my latest nervous tick
Compare my life to all my friends
It don't hold up like I wish it did
Got something in my contact lens
It might be makin' my eyes twitch
When I feel like I'm not enough
Lookin' around, I wonder, oh
Does everybody else got it figured out?
Does anybody else deal with any doubt?
I can't help, I can't help it
It's all I think about
How does everybody else got it figured out
Except me?
I hold my breath subconsciously
I hope this bed won't swallow me
I tell myself it gets better but
Looking around, I wonder, oh
Except me
- 意思:to solve, to find a solution; to understand
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWOjqDPSsoM
- 歌手:Lenny
- 歌名:Figure it out
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Just when I thought that life was over
And I was ready to forget
You told me something last October
I just haven't figured it out, yeah
Ooooh ooooh
I got the weight of the world on my shoulders
They say our time's already set
There must be something we all chase after
I just haven't figured it out yet
Figure it out (ooooh)
Figure it out (ooooh)
Figure it out (ooooh)
Gotta figure it out
Figure it out (ooooh)
Figure it out (ooooh)
Figure it out (ooooh)
Gotta figure it out
Maybe it's not hard to see
It just don't occur to me
I'll figure it out (ooooh)
Figure it out (ooooh ooooh ooooh)
You can teach me all you want to
You can point me to Heaven and Hell
Even if you show me right from wrong, oh
I gotta figure it out myself
Words mean absolutely nothing
If you don't look me in me eye
If you don't tell me it's all over
Then I refuse to say goodbye
What if I don't want to see
Someone that I'll never be
Keep going on this lonely road
And eventually
I'll figure it out
Figure it out
Figure it out
Gotta figure it out
Figure it out
Figure it out
Figure it out
Gotta figure it out
Figure it out
Just when I thought that life was over
And I was ready to forget
You told me something last October
I just haven't figured it out yet
- 意思:to solve, to find a solution; to understand
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nomxXk6Q1rk
- 歌手:David Archuleta
- 歌名:Glorious
- 備註:宗教歌曲。很美的和聲。
- 歌詞:
There are times when you might feel aimless
You can't see the places where you belong
But you will find that there is a purpose
It's been there within you all along and when you're near it
You can almost hear it
It's like a symphony just keep listenin'
And pretty soon you'll start to figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece and there are melodies
In each one of us, oh, it's glorious
You will know how to let it ring out as you discover who you are
Others around you will start to wake up
To the sounds that are in their hearts
It's so amazin', what we're all creatin'
And as you feel the notes build
You will see
- 意思:to solve, to find a solution; to understand
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGR65RWwzg8
- 歌手:Avril Lavigne
- 歌名:I'm with you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I'm standin' on the bridge
I'm waitin' in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening, but there's no sound
Isn't anyone tryin' to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?
It's a damn cold night
Tryin' to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand, take me somewhere new?
I don't know who you are, but I
I'm with you
I'm with you, mmm
I'm lookin' for a place
I'm searchin' for a face
Is anybody here I know?
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one likes to be alone
Oh, why is everything so confusing?
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Take me by the hand, take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are, but I
I'm with you
I'm with you
Take me by the hand, take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are, but I
I'm with you, oh
I'm with you
I'm with you
to think of
- 意思:to have a (good or bad) opinion of
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfTgCPUJwRk
- 歌手:Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera
- 歌名:Think of me
- 備註:歌劇魅影(The phantom of the opera)音樂劇的插曲,筆者強烈建議讀者一定要看這部音樂劇。
- 歌詞:
Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me, once in a while
Please promise me you'll try
When you find that once again you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me
We never said our love was evergreen
Or as unchanging as the sea
But if you can still remember
Stop and think of me
Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way
Things might have been
Think of me, think of me waking
Silent and resigned
Imagine me trying too hard
To put you from my mind
Recall those days
Look back on all those times
Think of the things we'll never do
There will never be a day
When I won't think of you
Can it be, can it be Christine?
Long ago, it seems so long ago
How young and innocent we were
She may not remember me
But I remember her
Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade
They have their season so do we
But please promise me that sometimes
You will think of me
Lesson 8
to be about to
- 意思:to be at the moment of doing something, to be ready
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we-VfNnbzzY
- 歌手:Shania Twain
- 歌名:Life's about to get good
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I wasn't just broken, I was shattered
I trusted you so much, you're all that mattered
You no longer love me and I sang like a sad bird
I couldn't move on and I think you were flattered
Oh! Life's about joy
Life's about pain
It's all about forgiving and the will to walk away
I'm ready to be loved
And love the way I should
Life's about
Life's about to get good
Oh, life's about to get good
Oh, life's about to get good
Oh, life's about to get good
The longer my tears fell, the wider the river
It killed me that you'd give your life to be with her
I had to believe that things would get better
It was time to forget you, forever
It took me so long to be strong
But I'm alive, and I hold on
To what I can feel, it hurts to heal
Oh, when love lies
About to get good
About to get good
About to get...Ahhh
Oh, life's about joy
Life's about pain
Life's about, life's about to get good
- 意思:to be at the moment of doing something, to be ready
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGwIaL0jOUg
- 歌手:Celine Dion
- 歌名:Think twice
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Don't think I can't feel that there's something wrong
You've been the sweetest part of my life for so long
I look in your eyes, there's a distant light
And you and I know there'll be a storm tonight
This is getting serious
Are you thinking 'bout you or us?
Don't say what you're about to say
Look back before you leave my life
Be sure before you close that door
Before you roll those dice
Baby, think twice
Baby, think twice for the sake of our love, for the memory
For the fire and the faith that was you and me
Babe, I know it ain't easy when your soul cries out for a higher ground
'Cause when you're half-way up, you're always half-way down
But, baby, this is serious (this is serious)
Are you thinking 'bout you or us?
Baby, this is serious (this is serious)
Are you thinking 'bout you or us, baby?
Don't say what you're about to say
(no, no, no, no)
Look back before you leave my life
(don't leave my life)
Be sure before you close that door
Before you roll those dice
Baby, think twice
Don't do what you're about to do
My everything depends on you
(I depend on you)
Whatever it takes, I'll sacrifice
Before you roll those dice
(Don't you remember? Oh, don't you remember?)
Don't say what you're about to say
Be sure before you leave my life
(don't leave my life)
Be sure before you close that door
Before you roll those dice
Baby, think twice
to turn around
- 意思:to move or face in the opposite direction; to completely change the condition of
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwKNKwYB6dI
- 歌手:Billy Joel
- 歌名:Turn around
- 備註:很多產的歌手,可以在Youtube搜尋歌手名字,可以找到很多他的歌。
- 歌詞:
Oh, sweet lady, runnin' like a stream
You don't look back because you know your hands are clean
You make believe the past was just a dream
You make believe the past was just a dream
Turn around, turn around
And I will sing for you a song
I don't know where you been
But you've been gone too long
Oh, Elisa, you must begin again
And all the roads that you have walked are comin' to an end
I was your lover but I thought I was your friend
I loved you but I thought I was your friend
Oh, sweet lady, stand beside the sea
Maybe you will find a little time to think of me
Won't you please remember what I tried so hard to be
Yeah, remember what I tried so hard to be
Too long
You've been gone too long
You've been gone too long
- 意思:to move or face in the opposite direction; to completely change the condition of
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrURNybJ_mQ
- 歌手:Charlie Louvin
- 歌名:Turn around
- 備註:這首歌有很多翻唱版本,這是我比較喜歡的版本,比較溫潤。
- 歌詞:
Where are you going my little boy, little boy
Where are you going my sonny, my own
Turn around and you're two
Turn around and you're four
Turn around and you're a young man
Going out of the door
Where are you going my little girl, little girl
Pigtails and petticoats
Where have they gone
Turn around and you're young
Turn around and you're grown
Turn around and you're a young wife
With babes of your own
Where have they gone our little ones those little ones Where have they gone our children our own Turn around and they're young
Turn around and they're old
Turn around and they've gone and
We've no one to hold
Turn around and they're young
Turn around and they're old
Turn around and they've gone and
We've no one to hold
- 意思:to move or face in the opposite direction; to completely change the condition of
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1eQPvZexmo
- 歌手:Bee Gees
- 歌名:Turn around, look at me
- 備註:這首也是很多翻唱版本。Bee Gees的特色是他們的假音,最有名的歌曲莫過於「How deep is your love註」,「Night fever註」,「Too much heaven註」。
- 歌詞:
There is someone walking behind you
Turn around, look at me
There is someone watching your footsteps
Turn around, look at me
There is someone tells you love you
It's my heart, it's my heart
Turn around, look at me, at the start
There is someone standing beside you
Turn around (turn around), look at me (look at me)
There is someone to love and guide you
Turn around (turn around), look at me (look at me)
I'll be waiting for now and forever
For you to come to me
Turn around, look at me
Turn around, look at me
- 意思:to move or face in the opposite direction; to completely change the condition of
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYzaFB7AWd8
- 歌手:Amy Shark
- 歌名:Don't turn around
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
The sight of ferris wheels and bright lights
Gets me all rallied up
You know I'll be there
And amongst a million people
I see your face and you walk by
(Don't turn around)
I'm forced to see you
But deep down I love it
So far away, but I still see you coming, alright
Hopefully we run into each other
You just never know
We might dance slow at somebody's wedding that we used to know
At a picture show, at a funeral
You're two rows behind me and it's hard not to turn around
Bringing up the past starts a real big fire
Make a girl fly like a bird on a wire
Don't turn around
Bringing up the past starts a real big fire
Make a girl fly like a bird on a wire
I love this time of year
The night lights up like the Fourth of July
Not quite America,
but bright enough for me to see you in the crowd
Small enough for me to watch you walk on by
It's pressure on my eyes
(Don't turn around)
I'm forced to see you
But deep down I love it
So far away, but I still see you coming, alright
Let it go
Hopefully we run into each other
Oh, something good better come out of this
I don't even know how to exist
Like it or not, I'm a minute away
Swallow my tongue and it hurts every day
Wearing the jacket you bought in '06
How do you keep it together like this
Never again, I'm a nervous wreck
Please don't repeat anything that I said
I'm forced to see you
But deep down I love it
So far away, but I still see you coming, alright
Let it go, let it go
Hopefully we run into each other
Let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go
- 意思:to move or face in the opposite direction; to completely change the condition of
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PQPfdJyVSU
- 歌手:Sarah Bettens
- 歌名:Turn around
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
As long as I can keep my head, from spinning back
As long as I can keep my focus on a point that lies ahead
As long as I can move along
As long as nothing to disturbing hits me wrong
Then I turn around and I do that all the time
Going there feels wrong but the past is so much fun
And all memories are sweeter cause there gone
I always want to turn around
There's a here and now and people to be loved
There are ways to be discovered
There's a green next to the rough
Sometimes I am not afraid to live
And most of all there's you and what you give
Then I turn around and I do that all the time
Going there feels wrong but the past is so much fun
And all memories are sweeter cause there gone
I always want to turn around
And I do that all the time
Going there feels wrong but the past is so much fun
And all memories are sweeter cause there gone
I always want to turn around
As long as I can keep my head, from spinning back
As long as I can keep my focus on a point that lies ahead
- 意思:to move or face in the opposite direction; to completely change the condition of
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcOxhH8N3Bo
- 歌手:Bonnie Tyler
- 歌名:Total eclipse of the heart
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit lonely
And you're never coming 'round
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit tired
Of listening to the sound of my tears
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit nervous
That the best of all the years have gone by
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
And then I see the look in your eyes
(Turn around, bright eyes!)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turn around, bright eyes!)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit restless
And I dream of something wild
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit helpless
And I'm lying like a child in your arms
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit angry
And I know I've got to get out and cry
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
But then I see the look in your eyes
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
'Cause we'll never be wrong
Together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (all of the time)
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
Now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
A total eclipse of the heart
(Turn around, bright eyes)
(Turn around, bright eyes)
(Turn around)
to take turns
- 意思:to alternate, to change people while doing something
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSXLmBTTop0
- 歌手:The Muppets
- 歌名:The rhyming song
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Let's all sing the rhyming song
The rhyming song, the rhyming song
Let's take turns and rhyme together
The rhyming song
I was hungry but now I'm not
The rhyming song, the rhyming song
'Cause I ate some beans and grapes! (pause)
The rhyming song!
Let's all sing the rhyming song
The rhyming song, the rhyming song
Let's take turns and rhyme together
The rhyming song
I left my knees in your car
The rhyming song, the rhyming song
My laundry's ready at half past nine!
The rhyming song
Let's all sing the rhyming song
The rhyming song, the rhyming song
Let's take turns and rhyme together
The rhyming song
The stars are twinkling in the sky
The rhyming song, the rhyming song
There's no hot water in my hotel!
The rhyming song
This is not the rhyming song
The rhyming song, the rhyming song
I know it's not the rhyming song!
The rhyming song
What'll we do now?
I don't know!
The rhyming song, the rhyming song
Let's jump up and down
And wave our arms in the air
And get off the stage!
- 意思:to alternate, to change people while doing something
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u85apCiISlE
- 歌手:Dusty Springfield
- 歌名:Summer is over
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
The night runs away with the day
The grass that was green is now hay
The world goes around without even a sound
And it looks like the summer is over
The rains tumble down in the sky
Young swallows have learned how to fly
The leaves that were green are no longer so green
And it looks like the summer is over
The sun and the moon take turns in the sky
The days drift on by too soon
The meadows are kissed by a cool autumn mist
Far away now is June
The birds fly away to the sun
The leaves touch the ground one by one
The breeze hurries by without even goodbye
And it looks like the summer is over
And it looks like the summer is over
- 意思:to alternate, to change people while doing something
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NASjCC9izug
- 歌手:Tom Robson
- 歌名:We are glad you're here
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
We are kind, we listen
We take turns, we share
We have fun
We work quietly, play carefully
We are glad you're here
We play safe, on the playground
We keep our hands to ourselves
We are happy
That you've arrived, please come inside
We are glad you're here
We are glad you're here
We like you, and we hope you like us too
We promise you
That we'll still be friends, when the school day ends
We are glad you're her
We know how, to be gentle
We make friends, we smile
We treat each one
Like they want to be, friends like you and me
We are glad you're here
We are glad you're here
We like you, and we hope you like us too
We promise you
That we'll still be friends, when the school day ends
We are glad you're here
We'll treat everyone, like they want to be
Friends, like you and me
We are glad you're here
We are glad you're here
to pay attention (to)
- 意思:to look at and listen to someone while they are speaking, to concentrate
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sykj2J--828
- 歌手:The Nolans
- 歌名:Attention to me
- 備註:風格很類似ABBA。
- 歌詞:
If I get on up and dance for you
Scream and shout like a witch will do
Would you give a little bit, ahaha
Give a little bit of attention to me
If I dress on up in fancy clothes
With a come on smile in a real nice pose
Would you give a little bit, ahaha
Give a little bit of attention to me
Yeah, baby, baby
Mmm-mmm, I'm tired of getting it through to you
It ain't no good, 'cause I just can't do enough
I can't do enough
Mmm-mmm, I'm always here when you wanna play
But then you walk away when I need your love
I need your love
I don't wanna be a star attraction
Just need some action
So come on, baby, can't you see
All I'm asking for is a little attention to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
If I walk right up with another guy
Come on now, boy, won't you turn an eye
Would you give a little bit, aha
Give a little bit of attention to me, ohoho, yeah
Are you listening, baby?
Attention to me
Pay attention to me
Attention to me
Pay attention to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
So won't you give a little bit, ahaha
Give a little bit of attention to me (Attention to me, pay attention to me)
Come on now give a little bit, ahaha
Give a little bit of attention to me (Attention to me, pay attention to me)
Come on now, give a little bit, ahaha
Give a little bit of attention to me (Attention to me, pay attention to me)
So baby, give a little bit child, ahaha
Give a little bit of attention to me (Attention to me, pay attention to me)
- 意思:to look at and listen to someone while they are speaking, to concentrate
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVDFvrqiTMg
- 歌手:Sister Act 2
- 歌名:Pay attention
- 備註:電影修女也瘋狂插曲註。
- 歌詞:
If you wanna be somebody
If you wanna go somewhere
You better wake up and pay attention
So you think you've got the answers
To all that lies ahead
Well, in my mind I thought the same one time
And I hear you spouting much talk
'Bout how you ain't being lead
Ain't no one telling you what to do
But attitude will catch up with you
And keep you from your destiny
If you wanna be somebody
If you wanna go somewhere
You better wake up and pay attention
When the time is now or never
To make your dreams come true
You gotta wake up and pay attention
I ain't buyin' no more lyin'
'Cause truth don't cost a thing
Denyin' what's inside's too much to pay
It's 'bout sweatin' without stressin'
There ain't no other way
You know you can't get much without much givin'
Oh, expect from yourself and you'll respect yourself
You control your destiny
Time to wake up, everybody
Time to wake up, children
Wake up, everybody
[2x] If you wanna be somebody (wake up)
Go somewhere
Wake up and pay attention
When the time is now or never
To make your dreams come true
You gotta wake up and pay attention
to brush up on*
- 意思:to review something in order to refresh one's memory
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNAvNw6Jx1Y
- 歌手:Slow Leaves
- 歌名:Sink full of dishes
- 備註:Slow leaves是藝名,歌手是Grant Davidson
- 歌詞:
You wake up with wishes and a sink full of dishes
A brain you try washing, a dog full of barking
But no one wants to hear you complain
Then late in the evening when you thought she was sleeping
Deep in your marrow a fluttering sparrow
Beats against the ribs of your cage
You wake to the sound of your name
She whispers you're dreaming again
You've listened to sages, to crooks in their cages
Dead poets' pages, lines that you hated
And still you want to mean what you've said
But you are forgetful, she knows that your head's full
Of lies that you tell it, it's easy to swell it
And float up to a daydream instead
Dreams that you wake from
The good and the bad ones
The get up and never knew you had ones
And all of the while she waits by your side like a dream
You brush up on the knowledge that you learned back in college
Fires burn witches and bums sleep in ditches
And dreaming's what you do when you're dead
You've got a head full of clutter and a mind from the gutter
The holy expressing, her body undressing
And slowly she returns you to bed
- 意思:to review something in order to refresh one's memory
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MABaMp8Xqb0
- 歌手:Timbuk3
- 歌名:Facts about cats
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Well, young rocking Robin said "Oh mama please
I'm begging you down on bended knees
I wanna go jam, wanna jump and shout
Down on the corner where the cats hang out
Down on the corner where the cats hang out. "
Her mama said "Rockin, you're making me cry
But a robin's gotta rock, and a bird's gotta fly
But before you go jumping, go out rocking tonight
It's time that I tell you a few facts of life
It's time that I tell you a few facts of life:
"Cats will be cats, and cats will be cruel
Cats can be callous, and cats can be cool
Cats will be cats, remember these words
Cats will be cats, and cats eat birds
Cats will be cats, and cats eat birds
"So Robin, get wise, use good sense
And better brush up on your self defense
It's a jungle out there, and hunger strikes deep
Better take care, better watch where you sleep
Better take care, better watch where you sleep. "
- 意思:to review something in order to refresh one's memory
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoBP24I2lwA
- 歌手:B.o.B
- 歌名:So good
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Drinking a German beer, with a Cuban cigar
In the middle of Paris with a Dominican broad
Great head on her shoulders, she probably studied abroad
She transferred to Harvard from King's College in March
She says that I'm her favorite 'cause she admires the art
Michelangelo with the flow, Picasso with the bars
She's well put together like a piece by Gershwin
Renaissance style, tonight is picture perfect, so smile
And pack your bags real good, baby
'Cause you'll be gone for a while, while, while
Girl, tell me how you feel, what's your fantasy oh
I see us on a beach down in Mexico
You can put your feet up, be my señorita
We ain't gotta rush just take it slow
You'll be in the high life, soaking up the sunlight
Anything you want is yours
I'll have you living life like you should
You say you never had it so good
La, la la, la la, la la, la, la la
You never had it so good
La, la la, la la, la la, la, la la
Suffering from first class cabin fever
Five hour layovers from Norway to Egypt
I'm to the point like the pyramids of Giza
Still I'm to the left like the tower out in Pisa
I'm feeling single baby, I could use a feature
Swagger like Caesar, I'll get you a visa
We can go to Italy and maybe see the Colosseum
I'll be Da Vinci if you'll be my Mona Lisa, now smile
So pack your bags real good, baby
'Cause you'll be gone for a while, while, while
La, la la, la la, la la, la, la la
You never had it so good
La, la la, la la, la la, la, la la
You never had it so good
Well I been feeling singular, how 'bout let's make it plural
Spin the globe, wherever it lands that's where we'll go
We'll hit up Europe, yep, and spend some Euros
And maybe visit Berlin, the walls with the murals
This is your month baby, sign of the Virgo
Private reservations, glasses full of Merlot
A Rosé, a Burgundy, traveling like turbo
Brush up on your Español, we're Barcelona-bound, so smile
So pack your bags real good, baby
'Cause you'll be gone for a while, while, while
over and over (again)
- 意思:repeatedly (also: time after time, time and again)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTS-onRvoho
- 歌手:Robby Valentine
- 歌名:Over and over again
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
It's been so long
When you waved my love goodbye
With sadness in your eyes
You left me wondering why
Yes I was hurt before
But it never felt so strong
Now I face the world so wrong
Without you I can't go on
Just the way I feel
I know remain to be
I cry there now
Why can you see
Over and over again
I feel the pain in my heart
Can we make a brand new start
Over and over again
I keep on loving you
There's no end
These times without you
Turned my life into a hell
Everyone can see
But no one can help
I did the best I could
To get you out of my mind
But I just couldn't lie
To prove I'm not that blind
Love is all I feel
I know we're meant to be
Don't waste our time too long
Angel, Angel come with me
Loving you
Loving you
Yes I do
- 意思:repeatedly (also: time after time, time and again)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eiv5aElMZs
- 歌手:Nathan Sykes
- 歌名:Over and over again
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
From the way you smile
To the way you look
You capture me
Unlike no other
From the first hello
Yeah, that's all it took
And suddenly
We had each other
And I won't leave you
Always be true
One plus one, two for life
Over and over again
So don't ever think I need more
I've got the one to live for
No one else will do
And I'm telling you
Just put your heart in my hands
I promise it won't get broken
We'll never forget this moment
It will stay brand new
‘Cause I'll love you
Over and over again
Over and over again
From the heat of night
To the break of day
I'll keep you safe
And hold you forever
And the sparks will fly
They will never fade
‘Cause every day gets better and better
Girl when I'm with you
I lose track of time
When I'm without you
You're stuck on my mind
I'll be all you need
Until the day that I die
I'll love you
Over and over again
Over and over again
to wear out
- 意思:to use something until it has no value or worth anymore, to make useless through wear
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDWEKerUOIY
- 歌手:Jamestown Story
- 歌名:Barefoot and bruised
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Look into my eyes
I can see the damage
I can feel the cold dark place you're in
You don't have to hide
‘Cause I'll be right beside you
Through every tear run down your skin
Maybe when your sky comes crashing down
I can be your angel on the ground
If you get tired and can't go on
I will carry you along
When the rocks below your feet wear out your shoes
When you're barefoot and bruised
I know that you've been hurt (I know that you've been hurt)
I know that you've been broken (I know that you've been broken)
Had to walk alone, no hand to hold
But those lonely days are gone
‘Cause I am right beside you
Down every long and darkened road
When you're barefoot and bruised
Maybe there are angels watching us
Maybe there are angels watching us
Maybe there are angels watching us
Maybe there are angels watching us
Maybe there are angels watching us
Maybe there are angels watching us
Maybe there are angels watching us
- 意思:to use something until it has no value or worth anymore, to make useless through wear
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvNx_z-fzes
- 歌手:Ed Sheeran
- 歌名:I will take you home
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I stole a car last night
Don't know where we're gonna go
But go ahead and drive
I will take you home
Honey, it's cold outside
And your jumper's torn
But darling, hold on tight
I will keep you warm
And we will cry
'Til this fire is drowned
And we will write
All our memories down
And we will drive 'til these tires wear out
But darling I, I will take you home
If we could drive all night
Until the sun is shown
I'll see it in your eyes, yeah
They will take me home
Honey, it's so damn bright
Daylight's taking over again
Just follow the signs
They will lead us home
And we will drive 'til our tires wear out
And we will write all our memories down
And we will cry 'til this fire is drowned
But darling I, I will keep you warm
Oh darling I, I will keep you warm
Darling I, I take you home
to throw away
- 意思:to discard, to dispose of
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGpiIhlVZzU
- 歌手:Tom Waits
- 歌名:The part you throw away
- 備註:很酷的唱腔,評論家形容他的歌聲像浸入一桶波本威士忌,燻製幾個月,然後再拿出來,參考維基百科。
- 歌詞:
You dance real slow
You wreck it down
You walk away, then you
Turn around
What did that old blonde
Gal say?
That is the part...
You throw away
I want that beggars eyes
A winning horse
A tidy Mexican divorce
St. Mary's prayers
Houdini's Hands
And a Barman who always
Will you loose the flowers
Hold on to the vase
Will you wipe all those teardrops
Away from your face
I can't help thinking
As I close the door
I have done all of this
Many times before
The bone must go
The wish can stay
The kiss don't know
What the lips will say
Forget I've hurt you
Put stones in your bed
And remember to never
Mind instead
Well all of your letters
Burned up in the fire
Time is just memory
Mixed in with Desire
That's not the road it is
Only the map...I say
Gone just like matches
From a closed down cabaret
In a Portuguese Saloon
A fly is circling around
The room
You'll soon forget the
Tune that you play
For that is the part
You throw away
Oh that is the part
You throw away
- 意思:to discard, to dispose of
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB-WHw6uMWg
- 歌手:Red hot chili peppers
- 歌名:Throw away your television
- 備註:很酷的樂團。美國曾經有座監獄藉由反覆播放其歌曲來折磨關押的犯人,參考維基百科。
- 歌詞:
Throw away your television
Time to make this clean decision
Master waits for its collision now
It's a repeat of a story told
It's a repeat and it's getting old
Throw away your television
Make a break, big intermission
Re-create your supervision now
Renegades with fancy gauges
Slay the plague for it's contagious
Pull the plug and take the stages
Throw away your television now
Oy, oy, oy
Throw away your television
Take the noose off your ambition
Re-invent your intuition now
Throw away your television
Salivate to repetition
Alleviate this ill condition now
It's a repeat
It's a repeat
It's a repeat
It's a repeat
It's a repeat
to fall in love
- 意思:to begin to love
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXhKWWCCdk8
- 歌手:Elvis Presley
- 歌名:Can't help falling in love
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay? Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you
to go out (with)
- 意思:to go on a date (with); to date repeatedly
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRxoQip-SGg
- 歌手:BLOXX
- 歌名:Go out with you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I took a shot glass of sugar
And now I'm ready for a Friday night
I'll grab my keys and kiss your picture
You'd look so beautiful in white
So, what are you thinking?
Where did you wanna go?
I'll take you places
That you've never been before
So, what I've been thinking
I hope that you're feeling too
Cause there's only one thing
That I really wanna do
Go out with you
Go out with you
Go out with you
I would do anything just to go out with you
Go out with you
I saw you in my future
And inch a name upon my wrist
I'm dedicating this one to ya
I know you'll find it hard to resist
So, what are you drinking?
Why don't we make it two?
Cause there's only one thing
That I really wanna do
I want to go out with you
I want to go out with you
- 意思:to go on a date (with); to date repeatedly
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1Lp4Rlg8-8
- 歌手:Tanya Tucker
- 歌名:Don't go out
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Baby, your heart is in serious danger
Don't go out with her
She'll lead you on, treat you like a stranger
Don't go out with her
You need someone like me
Who'll love you endlessly
Baby, you're headed for a brand new heartache
Don't go out with him
The fire of midnight burns out at daybreak
Don't go out with him
Darling wake up and see
I'm waiting patiently
My love is everything, you'll ever need
I'll start by holdin' your heart close to me
I know just what she'll do, her kind is never true
He can't take care of you like me
I know a place where love is for certain
Don't go out with her
Bring me your heart, there won't be no hurtin'
Don't go out with him
When it's all said and done
I'll be your only one
Baby, your heart is in serious danger
Don't go out with him
She'll lead you on, treat you like a stranger
Don't go out with him
Baby, you're headed for a brand new heartache
Don't go out with him
The fire of midnight burns out at daybreak
Don't go out with him
to go out
- 意思:to stop functioning; to stop burning; to leave home or work (also: to step out)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpdcKmaHk_s
- 歌手:Five
- 歌名:When the lights go out
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Baby, when the lights go out
I'll show you what it's all about
I ain't sorry for the way I feel
I know you think I'm being insincere
From the way like I'm treatin' you
I never wanted to be so unkind
The only one thing on my mind
Is just kickin' it with you, girl
Baby, it's not the way I feel
You know you must believe me
Baby, it's not part of the deal
Oh, no, no
Baby, when the lights go out
Every single word could not express
The love and tenderness
I'll show you what it's all about
Babe, I swear you will succumb to me
So, baby, come to me when the lights go out
I know you think it may be just a lie
Ain't no good in puttin' up a fight
'Cause my heart is set on you
I see the truth is in your eyes
I ain't fooled by your thin disguise
I can see I'm gettin' through, babe
Girl, don't deny the way you feel
You know you gotta trust me
Give me a chance to prove I'm real
Oh yeah, yeah
(Rap) (*)x3
to break up (with)
- 意思:to stop dating
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH4Y1ZUUx2g
- 歌手:Ariana Grande
- 歌名:Break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
You got me some type of way (Hmm)
Ain't used to feelin' this way (Mmm-mmm)
I do not know what to say (Yeah, yeah)
But I know I shouldn't think about it
Took one fuckin' look at your face (Hmm)
Now I wanna know how you taste (Mmm-mmm)
Usually don't give it away (Yeah, yeah)
But you know I'm out here thinkin' 'bout it
Then I realize she's right there
And I'm at home like, "Damn, this ain't fair"
Break up with your girlfriend (Girlfriend)
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
You could hit it in the mornin' (Mornin')
Yeah, yeah, like it's yours
I know it ain't right
But I don't care (Care)
Break up with your girlfriend (Girlfriend)
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
This shit always happen to me (Yeah)
Why can't we just play for keeps? (Mmm-mmm)
Practically on my knees (Yeah, yeah)
But I know I shouldn't think about it
You know what you're doin' to me
You're singin' my songs in the streets, yeah, yeah
Actin' all innocent, please
When I know you out here thinkin' 'bout it
Then you realize she's right there (Yeah)
And you're at home like, "Damn, she can't compare"
With your girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend
With your girlfriend
With your girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend
You could say I'm hatin' if you want to
But I only hate on her 'cause I want you
Say I'm trippin' if you feel like
But you without me ain't right (Ain't right)
You could call me crazy 'cause I want you
And I never even ever fuckin' met you
Say I'm trippin' and it ain't right
But you without me ain't nice (Ain't nice, yeah)
- 意思:to stop dating
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrgCwAM06Yg
- 歌手:Old Dominion
- 歌名:Break up with him
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Hey girl, wassup
I know it's late but I knew you'd pick it up
Naw, I ain't drunk
Okay, maybe I do have a little buzz, but
That song came on and I just thought
What harm could come from one little call
I know you say you're taken but I say
Girl you're takin' too long
To tell him that it's over
Then bring it on over
Stringing him along any longer girl
Is just wasting precious time
Girl you know it can't wait
Rip it off just like a Band-Aid
The way you look at me, girl, you can't pretend
I know you ain't in love with him
Break up with him
I know you don't wanna break his heart
But that ain't no good reason to be
Keeping us apart
Look, just tell him it's you, it ain't him
And maybe you can lie to him and say you'll
Still be friends
Whatever you got to say to get through to him
That you ain't in love
C'mon you can't deny that you and I
Kinda fit like a glove
So tell him that it's over
Then bring it on over
Stringing him along any longer girl
Is just wasting precious time
Girl you know it can't wait
Rip it off just like a Band-Aid
It ain't my business to be all up in
But I know you ain't in love with him
Break up with him
I know that you so done with him
Break up with him, break up with him
You would've hung up by now
If you weren't thinking it too
No pressure whatever
Just do what you gotta do
But if I was you
I'd tell him that it's over
Then bring it on over
Stringing him along any longer girl
Is just wasting precious time
Girl you know it can't wait
Just rip it off just like a Band-Aid
Yeah, I know I said it but I'll say it again
I know you ain't in love with him
Break up with him
The way you look at me girl you can't pretend
I know you ain't in love with him
Break up with him
Just break up with him
Lesson 9
to wake up
- 意思:to arise from sleep, to awaken
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdWeWQAcb1s
- 歌手:Boris Gardiner
- 歌名:I want to wake up with you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I wanna wake up with you
I wanna be there when you open your eyes
I want you to be the first thing that I see
I wanna wake up with you
I wanna lay by your side, baby
I wanna feel every beat of your heart
And throughout the night I wanna hold you tight
I wanna wake up with you
All the love inside me has been sleeping
Waiting 'till the right one came along
You can share the love that I've been keeping, baby
You can put the music to my song
I wanna wake up with you
I wanna reach out and know that you're there
I want you to be the first thing that I see
I wanna wake up with you
And throughout the night I wanna hold you tight
I wanna wake up with you
to be in charge of
- 意思:負責
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y3gVYf-DLU
- 歌手:Luke Kelly
- 歌名:The button pusher
- 備註:很有趣的歌詞,是在講一個控制炸彈發射開關的無辜員工。strychnine(發音為/'striknin/)就是中藥裡的馬錢子,是一種劇毒, 常用在老鼠藥中。 Brezhnev是蘇聯前領導人, Nixon是美國前總統。 conjucular rights在英文中是conjugal rights, 是夫妻間的行房義務。
- 歌詞:
I am the man, the well fed man
In charge of the terrible knob
The most pleasing thing about it
It's almost a permanent job
When the atom war is over
And the world is split in three
A consolation I've got, well, maybe it's not
There'll be nobody left but me
I sit at my desk in Washington
In charge of this great machine
More vicious than Adolf Hitler
More deadly than strychnine
And in the evening after a tiring day
Just to give myself a laugh
I hit the button a playful belt
And I listen for the blast
If Brezhnev starts his nonsense
And makes a nasty smell
With a wink and a nod from Nixon
I'll blast them all to hell
And as for that fellow Castro
Him with the sugar cane
He needn't hide behind his whiskers
I'll get him just the same
If me wife denies my conjucular rights
Or me breakfast milk is sour
From eight to nine in the morning
You're in for a nervous hour
The button being so terribly close
It's really a dreadful joke
A bump of my ass as I go past
And we'll all go up in smoke
Now I'm thinking of joining the army
The army that bans the bomb
We'll take up a large collection
And I'll donate my thumb
For without it I am helpless
And that's the way to be
You don't have to kill the whole bloody lot
To make the people free
as soon as
- 意思:just after, when
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4x_PRitApc
- 歌手:Alex Glasgow
- 歌名:As soon as this pub closes
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I could have done it yesterday if I hadn't a cold,
But since I've put this pint away I've never felt so bold.
So as soon as this pub closes, as soon as this pub closes,
As soon as this pub closes, the revolution starts
I'll shoot the aristocracy and confiscate their brass,
Create a fine democracy that's truly working class.
As soon as this pub closes, as soon as this pub closes,
As soon as this pub closes, I'll raise the banner high
I'll fight the nasty racialists and scrap the colour bar,
And all fascist dictatorships and every commissar.
As soon as this pub closes, as soon as this pub closes,
As soon as this pub closes, I'll man the barricades
So raise your glasses, everyone, for everything is planned,
And each and every mother's son will see the Promised Land.
As soon as this pub closes, as soon as this pub closes,
As soon as this pub closes … I think I'm going to be sick
- 意思:just after, when
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZGhVl9TZYE
- 歌手:Paul Williams
- 歌名:As soon as I touch Calvary
- 備註:宗教歌曲。Calvary是基督受難像。
- 歌詞:
Friend don't worry about this heavy load I carry
Don't be concerned if it sends me to my knees
For I know a place where all my load will lighten
I'll be alright as soon as I touch Calvary
If my feeble hands of faith could only reach out
Through the dark and dreary storm of unbelief
If he'll slip his nail scarred hand into my hand
I'll be alright as soon as I touch Calvary
Very soon now I'll reach the hill of Golgotha
I'll touch the cross that was fashioned from a tree
And if one precious drop of his blood touches me
I'll be alright because now I've reached Calvary
I'll be alright because now I've reached Calvary
- 意思:just after, when
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxsvSxu8h14
- 歌手:TOTO
- 歌名:I'll be over you
- 備註:有演唱會版本的影片註,但收音不太清楚,
- 歌詞:
Some people live their dreams
Some people close their eyes
Some people's destiny
Passes by
There are no guarantees
There are no alibis
That's how our love must be
Don't ask why
It takes some time
God knows how long
I know that I can forget you
As soon as my heart stops breakin'
As soon as forever is through
I'll be over you
Remembering times gone by
Promises we once made
What are the reasons why
Nothing stays the same
There were the nights
Holding you close
Someday I'll try to forget them
As soon as my heart stops breakin'
Someday I'll be over you
As soon as my heart stops breakin'
Someday I'll be over you
As soon as my heart
(As soon as my heart stops breakin')
- 意思:just after, when
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXursxLG0Ow
- 歌手:Heidi Hauge
- 歌名:As soon as I hang up the phone
- 備註:原唱是Loretta Lynn,參考這裡註,但有電話講話聲音。電話中的男聲是Conway Twitty,兩人還有合作過很多好聽的歌曲。
- 歌詞:
Darlin' I knew it was you
Oh please tell me what to do
You gave me the will to go on on,
as soon as I picked up the phone
The talk is around that we're through
Oh darling tell me what to do
I knew you'd tell me that they were wrong,
as soon as I picked up the phone
Oh no, oh no
I can't believe that we're through
Oh no, oh no
I can't believe that we're through
You tell me it's over and done
You say that you've had all your fun
But I can't believe you've been gone
As soon as I hang up the phone
As soon as I hang up the phone
to have a good time
- 意思:to enjoy oneself
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgzGwKwLmgM
- 歌手:Queen
- 歌名:Don't stop me now
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Tonight I'm gonna have myself
A real good time, I feel alive
And the world, I'll turn it inside out, yeah
I'm floating around in ecstasy
So, (Don't stop me now)
(Don't stop me)
'Cause I'm havin' a good time, havin' a good time
I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go, go, go
There's no stopping me
I'm burning through the sky, yeah
Two hundred degrees, that's why
They call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic
Man outta you
(Don't stop me now)
I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball
(Don't stop me now)
If you wanna have a good time
Just give me a call
(Don't stop me now)
'Cause I'm having a good time
(Don't stop me now)
Yes, I'm having a good time
I don't wanna stop at all, yeah
I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars on a collision course
I am a satellite, I'm out of control
I'm a sex machine ready to reload
Like an atom bomb about to
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, explode!
I'm burning through the sky, yeah
Two hundred degrees, that's why
They call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic
Woman of you
(Don't stop me, don't stop me
Don't stop me) Hey, hey, hey
(Don't stop me, don't stop me
Ooh, ooh, ooh) I like it
(Don't stop me, don't stop me)
Have a good time, good time
(Don't stop me, don't stop me) Woah
Let loose, honey, all right
Ah, da da da da
Da da ah ah
Ah da da, ah ah ah
Ah, da da
Ah, da da ah ah
Ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh
in no time
- 意思:very quickly, rapidly
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u48BGEqZ9AI
- 歌手:Ronnie Milsap
- 歌名:In no time at all
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
The moment that you smiled
Is when it all began
And in no time at all
We were best of friends
The moment that we kissed
The feeling grew and grew
And in no time at all
I was loving you
And in no time at all
You lead me right inside your heart
We thought that we had it all
Never dreaming love could fall apart
In no time at all
So when the ending came
And took me by surprise
'Cause in no time at all
You told me goodbye...
In no time at all
In no time at all
- 意思:very quickly, rapidly
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTvRb0d5OiE
- 歌手:Shaun Bartlett
- 歌名:In no time
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
No time to worry or question why
No time for hurricanes in your mind's eye
Pick up the courage you know is yours
For the day is over in no time
What are you waiting for the day to bring
Don't let the curtains close before you get to sing
Don't be discouraged by any little thing, no oh
For the day is over in no time
And there you are
With this void in your heart singing
So is this the way we chose to go?
Tell the day to stop moving so fast
For the day is over in
For the day is over in no time
Tell the day to stop moving so fast
Some things are easier for us to say
Love yourself before you give yourself away
Most of them easier to do another day
For the day is over in no time
There you are
With this void in your heart singing
So is this the way we chose to go?
Unforgotten are the plans you made to say hello the world and goodbye to the one you know
Suns to the skies racing
So many times
Taken by surprise
Moons right behind chasing
So many times
Gone before my open eyes
Tell the day to stop moving so fast
- 意思:very quickly, rapidly
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbR7mvOe1xs
- 歌手:Alabama
- 歌名:The closer you get
- 備註:這個MV版本比其他版本少了一段歌詞。
- 歌詞:
The closer you get, the further I fall
I'll be over the edge now in no time at all
I'm falling faster and faster and faster with no time to stall
The closer you get, the further I fall
Could I be dreaming
Is this really real
Because there's something magic
The way that I feel in your arms tonight
Keep falling, oh, yeah, yeah, keep falling
Mmm falling, oh, yeah, yeah, I'm falling
Yes I'm falling (Yes I'm falling, yes I'm falling)
Yes I'm falling (Yes I'm falling, yes I'm falling)
Yes we're falling (Yes we're falling, yes we're falling)
to cut down on*
- 意思:to reduce, to lessen (also: to cut back on)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIzXl6hzGz0
- 歌手:Jerry Leger
- 歌名:Pawn shop piano
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I dream of you every night
And in every Travel Lite motel
As I wander around the cheap parts of town
With what little I have for spending
Diamonds and guns
Shooting for fun
Spare parts from a busted bicycle
Here I sit and of you I reminisce
On a pawn shop piano
I cut down on running my mouth
Oh how'd I ever survive
But my means of pay are still day to day
And my debts are full and high
Trinkets and toys for little girls and boys
And the hum from a glowing radio
This paradise suits me just nice
On a pawn shop piano
Diamonds and guns
Shooting for fun
From a time they thought would never go
Does it make me a fool
To be playing just for you
On a pawn shop piano
- 意思:to reduce, to lessen (also: to cut back on)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHgjgY69xek
- 歌手:Louis Jordan
- 歌名:Ration Blues
- 備註:前奏有一分鐘,歌曲分三段,副歌是每一段的最後三句。
- 歌詞:
Baby, baby, baby
What's wrong with Uncle Sam?
He's cut down on my sugar
Now he's messin' with my ham
I got the ration blues
Blue as I can be
Oh, me, I've got those ration blues
I got to live on forty ounces
Of any kind of meat
Those forty little ounces
Gotta last me all the week
I got to cut down on my jelly
It takes sugar to make it sweet
I'm gonna steal all your jelly, baby
And rob you of your meat
I got the ration blues
Blue as I can be
Oh, me, I've got those ration blues
I like to wake up in the morning
With my jelly by my side
Since rationing started, baby
You just take your stuff and hide
They reduced my meat and sugar
And rubber's disappearing fast
You can't ride no more with poppa
'Cause Uncle Sam wants my gas
I got the ration blues
Blue as I can be
Oh, me, I've got those ration blues
to crack down on
- 意思:to enforce or punish strictly
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbWSUqjo4Nk
- 歌手:Super Furry Animals
- 歌名:Gypsy space muffin
- 備註:把crack down on寫進歌詞的歌目前只有這首,副歌旋律還蠻好記的,而且同樣的旋律也出現在Eagle的Take it easy中,參考這裡註,2:55處。歌詞唱得很不清楚,要注意聽。
- 歌詞:
So here it is, no such beat
First give up and say bad reality
Merry cop, what's my rights
I can help if you read or write
Crack down on crime
Pay my fine on time
Crack down on crime
Pay my fine on time
The regime they sound so mean
All the same check my I.D
Joyous ruse my lawyers grieve
Like Mark and Marsha we work like a team
Being drunk and revelling
If I can feel it I'm sure to lose
Cos we are law breakers
Cos we are music makers
Law breakers
Music makers
Law breakers
Home owners
Music makers
We are law breakers
We are home owners
We are law breakers
We are music makers
We are...
quite a few
- 意思:many
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz7FJwBWg8o
- 歌手:Hunter Hayes
- 歌名:Tattoo
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I could spray-paint "I love you" on that bridge or in the sky
And I could swear when you say it to me,
there's a good chance I could fly
And I might, it seems like, yeah
If it's gonna be any night,
it might as well be tonight
There's this thing that you do,
you don't know that it does something to me, yeah
It's in the way that you sway, that you talk, that you touch,
that you kiss, that you breathe
That I need, you look at me, girl
You're shaking things up like you wouldn't believe
Crashing my comfort zone, setting me free
It's a "who'da thought?", "never dream" kinda thing
Your name, your name sounds so good next to mine, just saying
And I think, I think I'm gonna put it in all my rhymes, baby
'Cause with you, I'm gonna do quite a few things
that I never thought I would do
Your name, your name, your name
Would be a good tattoo, yeah
Would be a good tattoo
Ink it in on my skin, sign me up,
make it last against the time
'Cause this is more than a picture
that fades of a first date Friday night
It's unerasable, unmistakable, hey, everybody wants to know
Now I think I know, I'll wear it on my sleeve, I gotta let it show
Making it permanent 'cause I never wanna let you go
All my life, all I got is this one heart to give
All my life, all this time, I've been searching for this
Oh, and it looks like I found it
Yeah, I finally found it, girl
It's you-oo-oo-oo
Would be a good tattoo
Only you, baby
Only you, no
Only you, now
- 意思:many
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YnlXZR4rzQ
- 歌手:Lamya
- 歌名:The woman who
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Well, I have been puppetised
Oh, how I have compromised
But definitely every thing's changed
Somehow I'm different now
Drifting from girl who tries
Drifting to woman wise
So long, so long overdue
Ooh, I'm the woman who
Can undo quite a few
Things done wrong
Wrong things done
So long, long overdue
Ooh, I'm the woman whose
Three wishes came true
Fell in two, found the one
Now I come and go as I choose
Wearing my red magic shoes
Well, I wanna leave a legacy
Of love and beauty
Wanna know I've lived to love
Loved to care and dared to dream
'Cause under the weight of the world
Waits a girl
'Til the wonder of fate unfurled
Under the girl uncurled someone new
With my soul in my heart
And my heart in my mouth
Steppin' in and steppin' out without
Familiar flickers of self-doubt
I'm starting to be what I'm all about
From understudy in the dress rehearsal
To the lead in a role reversal
As my impossible dream debuts
I'm the woman who's
Got the read magic shoes
Ah, ha, oh
Ooh, I'm the woman who
Ooh, I'm the woman who
Can undo quite a few
Things done wrong
Wrong things done
So long overdue
I'm the woman whose
Three wishes came true
Fell in two, found the one
Now I come and go as I choose
used to
- 意思:以前習慣(現在沒有了)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1Fx0tqK5Z4
- 歌手:Sasha Sloan
- 歌名:Older
- 備註:很棒的歌詞,是關於童年不好的記憶與長大後的原諒。
- 歌詞:
I used to shut my door while my mother screamed in the kitchen
I'd turn the music up, get high and try not to listen
To every little fight 'cause neither one was right
I swore I'd never be like them
But I was just a kid back then
The older I get, the more that I see
My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me
And loving is hard, it don't always work
You just try your best not to get hurt
I used to be mad, but now I know
Sometimes it's better to let someone go
It just hadn't hit me yet
The older I get
I used to wonder why, why they could never be happy
I used to close my eyes and pray for a whole 'nother family
Where everything was fine, one that felt like mine
to be used to
- 意思:be accustomed to
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np8ra4o7694
- 歌手:Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn
- 歌名:I'm so used to loving you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I'm so used to loving you sweetheart
You're on my mind each minute we're apart
And I love you more each day that we go through
You're my life and I'll live it loving you
I'm so used to loving you it seems
I can't stand the thought of losing you not even in my dream
Hold me close and tell me what I'd do without you
I couldn't take it I'm so used to loving you
I'm so used to the little things you say
Like Hello darlin', did you have a busy day
And the way you hold me close when day is through
Yes, you're my love and I'll love it, loving you
to get used to
- 意思:to become used to, to become adjusted to
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhJdhXyLve4
- 歌手:Andy Williams
- 歌名:Can't get used to losing you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Guess there's no use in hangin' 'round
Guess I'll get dressed and do the town
I'll find some crowded avenue
Though it will be empty without you
Can't get used to losin' you
No matter what I try to do
Gonna live my whole life through
Loving you
Called up some girl I used to know
After I heard her say "Hello"
Couldn't think of anything to say
Since you're gone it happens every day
I'll find somebody, wait and see
Who am I kiddin', only me
'Cause no one else could take your place
Guess that I am just a hopeless case
- 意思:to become used to, to become adjusted to
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bI22jAW3Xc
- 歌手:Seinabo Sey
- 歌名:Never get used to
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I cry 'cause I remember you
And then I cry when I forget about you
I smile 'cause I remember you
And then I smile again to pull myself through
Calling for you is your daughter
I look for you 'round every corner
I need to hear your voice, it's harder than ever before
'Cause see, I'll never get used to not having you around me
And I will never get used to not having you around me
('Round me, 'round me, 'round me)
I sing because you told me to
And then I stop because I sound just like you
I speak the way you taught me to
And then I scream because I can't speak to you
I make the same mistakes you did
Just to get closer to you, just to get closer to you
I make the same mistakes you did
Just to get closer to you, just to get closer to you
See, I make the same mistakes you did
Just to get closer to you, just to get closer to you
Now I make the same mistakes you did
'Cause I need to be closer to you, I wanna be closer to you
back and forth
- 意思:in a backward and forward motion
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nlc8yLVPm8
- 歌手:Operator Please
- 歌名:Back and forth
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
You keep on saying it's my fault
But I've been running back and forth
Hiding the keys to your vault
I'll have you running back and forth
Give it up for all the times that I thought
I'm in luck from banging on this hollow door
Give it up for all the times that I've drawn short I know oh I know but
You aren't allowed to talk - oh no
You aren't allowed to talk - oh no
You aren't allowed to talk - oh no
You aren't allowed to talk
We could go back to my world
So I'm not running back and forth
I could set off the sirens
You won't be running back and forth - back and forth
I've been all around this corner
Reaching forth but backing over
I'm not done and I'm not over
I'm not done with you
You aren't allowed to talk - oh no
You aren't allowed to talk - oh no
You aren't allowed to talk
You aren't allowed to talk
You aren't allowed to talk - oh no
You aren't allowed to talk - oh no
And maybe I'm not done with you - I said it but
Maybe I'm not done with you - I said it but
Maybe I'm not done with you and maybe I'm not done with you
And maybe I'm not done with you - so please don't talk no more
Lesson 10
to make sure
- 意思:to be sure, to ascertain (also: to make certain)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROqTa1mn_qc
- 歌手:Christina Perri
- 歌名:Distance
- 備註:這首也是跟Jason Mraz合唱的。
- 歌詞:
The sun is filling up the room and I can hear you dreaming
Do you feel the way I do, right now?
I wish we would just give up
'Cause the best part is falling, call it anything but love
And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
And how long can we keep this up, up, up?
Please don't stand so close to me, I'm having trouble breathing
I'm afraid of what you'll see, right now
I'll give you everything I am
All my broken heartbeats until I know you'll understand
And I keep waiting
For you to take me
You keep waiting
To save what we have
Make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long 'til we call this love, love, love?
- 意思:to be sure, to ascertain (also: to make certain)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByfFurjQDb0
- 歌手:Calum Scott
- 歌名:You are the reason
- 備註:影片中是男女合唱,有只有男生的版本註,MV也不錯。
- 歌詞:
There goes my heart beating
'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now
And there goes my mind racing
And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now
I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason
There goes my hands shaking
And you are the reason
My heart keeps bleeding
I need you now
If I could turn back the clock
I'd make sure the light defeated the dark
I'd spend every hour of every day
Keeping you safe
I don't want to fight no more
I don't want to hide no more
I don't want to cry no more
Come back, I need you to hold me
(You are the reason)
A little closer now, just a little closer now
Come a little closer, I need you to hold me tonight
now and then
- 意思:occasionally, sometimes (also: from time to time, once in a while)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhUsQM_5m5I
- 歌手:Blackmore's Night
- 歌名:Now and then
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
The past is so familiar
But that's why you couldn't stay
Too many ghosts, too many haunted dreams
Beside you were built to find your own way
But after all these years, I thought we'd still hold on
But when I reach for you and search your eyes
I see you've already gone
That's OK
I'll be fine
I've got myself, I'll heal in time
But when you leave just remember what we had
There's more to life than just you
I may cry but I'll make it through
And I know that the sun will shine again
Though I may think of you now and then
Can't do a thing with ashes
But throw them to the wind
Though this heart may be in pieces now
You know I'll build it up again and
I'll come back stronger than I ever did before
Just don't turn around when you walk out that door
That's OK
I'll be fine
I've got myself, I'll heal in time
And even though our stories at the end
I still may think of you now and then
to get rid of
- 意思:to eliminate, to remove; to discard, to throw away
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ekhf9G5YJMc
- 歌手:Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
- 歌名:Honeymoon with you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I wanna honeymoon with you
Coz I'm feeling so blue
And if I honeymoon with you
I'll get rid of these blues
Ooh, ooh, ooh get rid of these blues
I've seen ya walking round in school
That say that I'm almost through
But if I honeymoon with you
I'll get rid of these blues
Ooh, ooh, ooh get rid of these blues
And cold winds blow through my days
How can I find
Some peace, some peace of mind
In a year or two
They'll say that I was meant for you
And if I honeymoon with you
I'll get rid of these blues
Ooh, ooh, ooh get rid of these blues
Honeymoon with you
Ooh I was meant for you...
Honeymoon with you
- 意思:to eliminate, to remove; to discard, to throw away
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjovCy0ZB-w
- 歌手:
- 歌名:Who will the next fool be
- 備註:很多翻唱的版本。歌名本身就很有趣,在諷刺說「誰會是下一個愛上你的笨蛋」。
- 歌詞:
Woman, when you get rid of me
Who will the next fool be?
I know, I know, I know, I know
There's things I gotta know
'bout the woman I love
And after all is said and done
Girl, you wouldn't be satisfied with anyone
So when you get rid of me
Who will the next fool be?
Will he believe all those lies?
End up like me, with tears in his eyes?
I know, I know, I know, I know
There's things I gotta know
'bout the woman I love so
After all is said and done
Hey, girl, you wouldn't be satisfied with anyone
So when you get through playin' with me
Who will the next fool be?
Will he believe all those lies?
End up like me, with tears in his eyes?
I know, I know, I know, I know
There's things I gotta know
'bout the woman I love so
You know, after all is said and done
Girl, you wouldn't be satisfied with anyone
When you get rid of me
Who will the next fool be?
- 意思:to eliminate, to remove; to discard, to throw away
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZOTdgVQiHg
- 歌手:Melanie
- 歌名:Nickel song
- 備註:現場演唱的版本參考這裡註,收音有雜訊,注意一下喇叭音量。
- 歌詞:
Well you know that I'm not a gambler
But I'm being gambled on
They put in a nickel and I sing a little song
They put in a nickel and I sing a little song
Well, I don't mind that they're lucky
But it seems that they always win
And gamblin' is illegal in the state of mind I'm in
And if I had a nickel for each time that
I've been put on
I would be their nickel man
And I'd sing a little song
They're only putting in a nickel and
They want a dollar song
They're only putting in a nickel and
They want a dollar song
Well you know I don't know so many things
But I know what's been goin' on
We're only putting in a little
To get rid of a lot that's wrong
And if we had a nickel for each time that
We've been put on
We'd all be their nickel man
And we'd sing a nickel song
You know they're only putting in a nickel
And they want a dollar song
You know they're only putting in a nickel
And they want a dollar song
- 意思:to eliminate, to remove; to discard, to throw away
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2aw5hpLbvA
- 歌手:Taylor Swift
- 歌名:All to well
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I walked through the door with you, the air was cold,
But something 'bout it felt like home somehow.
And I left my scarf there at your sister's house,
And you still got it in your drawer even now.
Oh, your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze.
We're singing in the car, getting lost Upstate.
Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place,
And I can picture it after all these days.
And I know it's long gone,
And that magic's not here no more,
And I might be okay,
But I'm not fine at all.
'Cause there we are again on that little town street.
You almost ran the red 'cause you were looking over me.
Wind in my hair, I was there, I remember it all too well.
Photo album on the counter, your cheeks were turning red.
You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-size bed
And your mother's telling stories about you on a tee ball team
You tell me 'bout your past, thinking your future was me.
And I know it's long gone
And there was nothing else I could do
And I forget about you long enough
To forget why I needed to...
'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night.
We dance around the kitchen in the refrigerator light
Down the stairs, I was there, I remember it all too well, yeah.
Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much,
And maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up.
Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well.
Hey, you call me up again just to break me like a promise.
So casually cruel in the name of being honest.
I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here
'Cause I remember it all, all, all... too well.
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it
I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it
After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own
Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone
But you keep my old scarf from that very first week
'Cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me
You can't get rid of it 'cause you remember it all too well, yeah
'Cause there we are again, when I loved you so
Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known
It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well
Wind in my hair, you were there, you remember it all
Down the stairs, you were there, you remember it all
It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well
every other (one)
- 意思:every second (one), alternate (ones)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZr7wqR3a08
- 歌手:Reba McEntire
- 歌名:Every other weekend
- 備註:單親家庭對這首歌會比較有感覺,歌詞是在講述一對離婚的夫妻,小孩有母親撫養,但每隔一週的週末小孩會跟父親碰面。影片版參考這裡註,不過只有片段。
- 歌詞:
Every other Friday
It's toys and clothes and backpacks
Is everybody in?
Okay, let's go see dad
Same time in the same spot
Corner of the same old parking lot
Half the hugs and kisses there are always sad
We trade a couple of words and looks and kids again
Every other weekend
Every other weekend
Very few exceptions
I pick up the love we made in both my arms
It's movies on the sofa, grilled cheese and cut the crust off
"That's not the way mom makes it, daddy," breaks my heart
I miss everything I use to have with her again
Every other weekend
But I can't tell her I love her
I can't tell him I love him
Because there's too many questions and ears in the car
So I don't tell him I miss him
I don't tell her I need her
She's (He's) over me, that's where we are
So we're as close as we may ever be again
Every other weekend
Every other Saturday
First thing in the morning
I turn the TV on to make the quiet go away
I know why, but I don't know why
We ever let this happen
Falling for forever was a big mistake
There's so much not to do and all day not to do with him
Every other weekend
Every other Sunday
I empty out my backseat
While my children hug their mother
In the parking lot
We don't touch
We don't talk much
Maybe goodbye to each other
As she drives away with every piece of heart I got
I re-convince myself we did the right thing
Every other weekend
Yeah for fifteen minutes we're family again
God I wish that he was still with me again
Every other weekend
- 意思:every second (one), alternate (ones)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_3O_MgNPYs
- 歌手:Dottie West
- 歌名:Six weeks every summer
- 備註:旋律帶點哀傷,這的確是一個悲傷的故事,是一個媽媽死後,變成鬼魂,只有夏天的六個禮拜及隔一年的聖誕節可以回到家看自己的小孩。
- 歌詞:
Hopelessly the ghost of me sinks down into a chair
And underneath the cushion
There's a ribbon from her hair
Just a crumpled up reminder that my daughter's only here
For six weeks ever summer and Christmas every other year
The role of part-time mother it's the toughest role I play
Oh, my name's up there in neon lights
But Lord, what a price I pay
Why, the only thing it cost was giving up our used-to-be's
And my little angel baby by the name of Shelly
Bravely I step back into my room
It's only cheap veneer
And I die inside till summertime or Christmas time is near
When up the stairs comes
All my prayers yelling
Mom, it's me, I'm here
For six weeks every summer and Christmas every other year
Just found a note
My baby wrote she left it by the phone
She knew I'd need some extra strength
To make it through the night alone
It says I'll always love you mama
Although I'm only here
For six weeks every summer and Christmas every other year
Oh, I'd gladly give up all my fame
If only I could hear
My Shelly calls me mommy every morning of the year
- 意思:every second (one), alternate (ones)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7IhYcnMRzI
- 歌手:Trace Adkins
- 歌名:Every other Friday at five
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
One out of two ain't gonna make it
Those are the odds these days
And in a world of statistics,
he's left tryin' to survive
Until every other Friday, at five
He counts the days and then the hours
Till he can hold his babies in his arms
And they'll be watchin' out the window,
when he pulls up in the drive
On every other Friday, at five
For forty-eight hours, they're with him again
But on Sunday afternoon he's out of time
Some folks call him a deserter,
but his kids know he'll arrive
On every other Friday, at five
So let's not put them in the middle
And play tug-of-war with their little hearts
But let mamas and daddies,
smile hello and wave goodbye
On every other Friday, at five
And they'll be watchin' out the window,
when he pulls up in the drive
On every other Friday, at five
- 意思:every second (one), alternate (ones)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnfjZBTRXOQ
- 歌手:LFO
- 歌名:Every other time
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Come on
Every other time, every other time
I said let's talk about it
As she walked out on me and slammed the door
But I just laugh about it
'Cause she's always playin' those games, come on
Deep down I know she loves me
But she's got a funny way of showin' me how she cares
Last night she did a doughnut on my lawn
And drove out with one finger in the air, oh yeah
Sometimes it's black, sometimes it's white
Sometimes she's wrong, sometimes I'm right
Sometimes we talk about it or we figure it out
But then she'll just change her mind
Sometimes she's hot, sometimes I'm cold
Sometimes my head wants to explode
But when I think about it,
I'm so in love with her every other time
Yeah, every other time
Sometimes we sit around
Just the two of us, on the park bench
Sometimes we swim around
Like the dolphins in the ocean of our hearts
But then I think about the time
When we broke up before the prom
And you told everyone that I was gay
Sometimes I walk around the town
For hours just to settle down
But I take you back and you kick me down
'Cause that's the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it
Keep it up home girl, don't you quit
You know the way you scream is the ultimate
And when I walk away, just watch the clock
I bet I don't even get around the block
Oh yeah, every other time
Every other time
to go with
- 意思:to match, to compare well in color or design often used with this idiom. (also: to go together)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEMxeUirci0
- 歌手:Herman Dune
- 歌名:1, 2, 3 apple tree
- 備註:12段相同的旋律,但歌詞不同,每一段的最後一句是相同的。
- 歌詞:
Do, do, do do do, do
Do, do, do do do, do
Do, do do do do do
Oh, when you call me weird names and make all kinds of weird faces
When you drive me along to all the stupidest places
You know it's not fair, but you know what you do
Because you know how bad I like to be with you
And then you're like, "David, it's like one, two, three"
As you're climbing barefoot on the apple tree
It is as sweet as me, and as good as new
And you know how bad I like to be with you
You should try to go to some place, honey
Where the weather is hot, and the music is funny
You should try down south, by the magic Bayou
And you will know how bad I like to be with you
It's like the better path, and it's a better way
If we never part, and if we never stray
If we know we have each other to hang on to
And if you know how bad I like to be with you
When I'm home alone, and when I'm traveling far
When I'm riding my bike and when I'm driving in my car
It could be England or it could be Peru
And you would know how bad I like to be with you
Well you know better than me on all kinds of topics
Like what fruit is native, what fruit is exotic
You know the right names for flowers and for animals, too
I hope you know how bad I like to be with you
Do do do, do, do, do do do, do
Do, do, do do do, do
Do, do do do do do
Well, you play the trumpet and I play drums
You smoke cigarettes and I chew gum
You say we're different and I believe it's true
Because you know how bad I like to be with you
It's not even an option
It's not a matter of choice
I could say it with words
And I could say it with my voice
I could sing it in a song or play it on a kazoo
And you would know how bad I like to be with you
You say you dye your hair black since you were seventeen
And you say it goes well with your eyes so green
Well, I'm losing my hair and my eyes are blue
You know how bad I like to be with you
And now you think you're puzzled
And you don't understand me
Well you can play me as easy as a DVD
It's like solving a case with a single clue
To know how bad i like to be with you
You know I'll always like you no matter what
And if you get a little chubby
And if you're a little too fat
If you worship Jesus when I am a Jew
Then you will know how bad I like to be with you
And you know how people shorten other people's names
To show their affection
Like if you called me Ray, if my name was Raymond
Well your name ain't Susan but I would call you Sue
To show you how bad I like to be with you
Do do do, do, do, do do do, do
Do, do, do do do, do
Do, do, do do do, do
Do, do do do
- 意思:to match, to compare well in color or design often used with this idiom. (also: to go together)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJAHBR_Hips
- 歌手:Lisa Brokop
- 歌名:Ladylike
- 備註:MV的畫質跟音質都不太好,但很值得一看。
- 歌詞:
Put this dictionary on your head
And walk across the room
What a pretty dress
Take smaller steps
Look straight in front of you
One day you will find a husband
He will pay bills so
You can keep the house and
Dinner in the oven
Ladylike In momma's shoes
I tried but I don't fit em
Ladylike in cowboy boots
In diamonds, lace and denim
A woman redefined
I'm ladylike
I don't iron my baby's shirts
He likes it when I wear them
Sometimes I come home from work
And He's already there
We might just head for sandy shores
Some random afternoon
The laundry won't get done
The bookshelves won't get dusted
Thanks to all the moms and grandmas
That have paved the way for us
I can't baste a turkey
But I'll hand down every ounce of love
Ladylike In momma's shoes
I tried but I don't fit em
Ladylike in cowboy boots
In diamonds, lace, and denim
The times have changed
Thank God for instant oatmeal
Ladylike I'm not uptight
I think I got the best deal
Those panyhouse don't go well with my blue jeans
Ladylike my heals are high
No reason why
It's just me
Ladylike, yeah
Yeah I'm ladylike
- 意思:to match, to compare well in color or design often used with this idiom. (also: to go together)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0ej6mewEzY
- 歌手:Army of Lovers
- 歌名:Judgment Day
- 備註:注意到這個樂團的服裝造型。
- 歌詞:
On judgment day
I will get back on you
Naked to the bone
You will stand alone
On judgment day
I will get my revenge
Driving you to tears
After wasted years
Without me
I can't recall the day we met
I forced it out my brain
You're locked up in your obliette
You're doomed to live in pain
We had a chance to get things right
Mistake after mistake
Where once I saw a halo bright
I sense a fur of fake
A mirror waits before the throne
The price you pay for fame
The day you face a frightening freak
The night you go insane
Your head goes well with plastic bags
Becomes you when you scream
Predictable a loser's tag
Goes perfect with your theme
Shema israel
Adonai eroheino
Adonai echad
Shema israel
- 意思:excellent, superb
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5G3Vclp6Y8
- 歌手:
- 歌名:Over the River and Through the Woods
- 備註:這首歌的另一個比較通俗的版本參考這裡註,歌詞參考這裡註,但這個版本並沒有出現first-rate這個片語。
- 歌詞:
Over the river and through the woods,
To grandmother's house we go;
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh,
Through (the) white and drifted snow!
Over the river and through the woods,
Oh, how the wind does blow!
It stings the toes and bites the nose,
As over the ground we go.
Over the river and through the woods,
To have a first-rate play;
Oh, hear the bells ring, "Ting-a-ling-ling!"
Hurrah for Thanksgiving Day!
Over the river and through the woods,
Trot fast, my dapple gray!
Spring over the ground,
Like a hunting hound!
For this is Thanksgiving Day.
- 意思:excellent, superb
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7Ke1WCDsOo
- 歌手:Gilbert and Sullivan
- 歌名:Here's a first-rate opportunity
- 備註:這個MV出現在音樂劇潘贊斯的海盜The Pirates Of Penzance中,39分左右。
- 歌詞:
Stay, we must not lose our senses;
Men who stick at no offenses
Will anon be here!
Piracy their dreadful trade is;
Pray you, get you hence, young ladies,
While the coast is clear!
No, we must not lose our senses,
If they stick at no offenses
We should not be here!
Piracy their dreadful trade is -
Nice companions for young ladies!
Let us disappear.
Too late!
Too late!
Here's a first rate opportunity
To get married with impunity,
And indulge in the felicity
Of unbounded domesticity!
You shall quickly be parsonified,
Conjugally matrimonified,
By a doctor of divinity,
Who is located in this vicinity.
We have missed our opportunity
Of escaping with impunity,
So farewell to the felicity
Of our maiden domesticity!
We shall quickly be parsonified,
Conjugally matrimonified,
By a doctor of divinity,
Who is located in this vicinity.
By a doctor of divinity,
Who resides in this vicinity,
By a doctor, a doctor, a doctor of divinity, of divinity.
to come from
- 意思:to originate from
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muTLeDoLnjs
- 歌手:Passion Pit
- 歌名:Where I come from
- 備註:吸血鬼愛情電影暮光之城(Twlight)的插曲。
- 歌詞:
Where I come from
You say things will be well and fun
Though the world around you is crumbling
And the truth bleak as a bee
Stay close believe, though things are not what they seem
I won't let them destroy these dreams
They're just things
Silly little things
They're only things
I think we'll be alright
I think we'll be alright
I think we'll be alright
I think we'll be alright
to make good time
- 意思:to travel a sufficient distance at a reasonable speed
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcgswxTmPpA
- 歌手:Mike Blakely
- 歌名:Making good time
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
If I had it my way
I'd get off highway
And pull up in the driveway
Taking in my arms
But I got a job to do
I know that you're working too
Make a better life for you and me
Making good time on the road
Making good time coming home
I know you're awake there
Seen it in my mind
Coming on home and I'm making good time
All I do is miss you
Never could resist you
I can't wait to kiss you
Look into your eyes
It's been a long hard drive
But it's gonna be alright
As I can see the hometown lights and view
Making good time
to mix up
- 意思:to stir or shake well; to confuse, to bewilder
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4XeqdBO9Ow
- 歌手:The Irish Rovers
- 歌名:The orange and the green
- 備註:現場演唱版本參考這裡註。
- 歌詞:
Oh it is the biggest mix-up that you have ever seen
My father he was orange and my mother she was green
Oh my father was an Ulsterman, proud Protestant was he
My mother was a Catholic girl, from County Cork was she
They were married in two churches, lived happily enough
Until the day that I was born and things got rather tough
Baptised by father Reilly, I was rushed away by car
To be made a little orangeman, my father's shining star
I was christened David Anthony, but still in spite of that
To my father I was William while my mother called me Pat
With mother every Sunday to mass I'd proudly stroll
Then after that the orange lads would try to save my soul
For both sides tried to claim me, but I was smart because
I played the flute or played the harp, depending where I was
Now when I'd sing those rebel songs, much to me mother's joy
My father would jump and say "Look here would you me boy
That's quite enough of that lot", he'd then toss me a coin
And he'd have me sing the Orange Flute or the Heroes of The Boyne
One day my ma's relations came round to visit me
Just as my father's kinfolk were all sittin' down to tea
We tried to smooth things over, but they all began to fight
And me being strictly neutral, I bashed everyone in sight
Now my parents never could agree about my type of school
My learning was all done at home, that's why I'm such a fool
They both passed on, god rest them, but left me caught between
That awful color problem of the orange and the green
- 意思:to stir or shake well; to confuse, to bewilder
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-HSPCZaB8U
- 歌手:Bob Marley
- 歌名:Mix up, mix up
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, yeah!
Well, it's not easy
It's not easy
Speak the truth, come on, speak. Eh, now!
It ever because it what it will
He who hide the wrong he did
Surely did the wrong thing still
Get in the studio of
Studio of time and experience
Here we experience the good and bad
What we have, and what we had
This session (session)
Not just another version (version)
Oh Lord, give me a session (session)
Not another version (version)!
They're so much stumbling blocks right in-a our way
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
There's so much wanting, so much gaining, so much have done
Too much little mix-up, in the mix-up, yes!
Too much little mix up!
Too much of this mix up - mix up!
I was born in the country, right on top of the hill
I still remain, I know I still, I will-a
But through your lack of respect and through your false pride
Someone want to take Jah - Jah - Jah children for a ride!
Shut up! Open the gate, and let the saints through
Please make it a session (session)
Not another version (version)
Ooh, please make it a session (session)
Not another version (version)!
Hey, you been talking all your mouth full of lies
Sitting there toppling and, Lord, they criticize
So through the eyes of the fool the deaf is wise
And through the eyes of the wise the fool is size
Saying is too much mix up - mix up!
Saying is too much mix up - mix up!
I want to clear the wheel once and for all
I want to clear my wheels, I don't care who fall!
I gotta clear my wheels once and for all
Clear my wheels, I don't care who fall - fall
(Too much mix-up - mix-up!)
Hey! Mr. Music, why don't you want to play?
Don't you know today is a bright holiday? Yeah! (holiday)
Some people waiting for the message that you bring
They listening to every word that you'll sing
Singing: (too much mix-up - mix-up
(Too much little mix up!)
Would you groove along now
(Too much mix up - mix up), yeah!
Yes, would you groove along now
(Too much little mix-up!)
They just can't stop you know
(Too much mix-up - mix-up)! [fadeout]
- 意思:to stir or shake well; to confuse, to bewilder
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUg7PSuC3ZU
- 歌手:Boy
- 歌名:Drive darling
- 備註:MV在描述一個故事
- 歌詞:
You close the door and start the motor
I roll the window down
I raise my hand and wave goodbye
To neighbourhood queens and clowns
And children in the front yards
They hide and seek and laugh
I can almost hear you thinking
How could these days go by so fast?
And no rearview could picture
What we leave behind
Drive darling, drive darling
Drive darling, drive darling, drive
A silent conversation
No words cause there's no need
We let the tapes mix up the years
And press repeat and press repeat
The trunk is filled with records
And books and chairs and clothes
I'm smiling on the surface
I'm scared as hell below
Good morning freedom
Good night lullabies
Drive darling, drive darling
Drive darling, drive darling, drive
And when we arrive
The hardest of goodbyes
But you will dry my eyes
Somehow you're always by my side
The one who holds my kite
And watches over all my flights
Once, once that we arrive
The hardest of goodbyes
But you will dry my eyes
Somehow you're always by my side
The one who holds my kite
And watches over all my flights
to see about
- 意思:to give attention or time to (also: to attend to, to see to)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tV3KzjQIcQ
- 歌手:Glee
- 歌名:Come see about me
- 備註:最早是The Supremes唱的。這首歌也出現在美劇Glee歡樂合唱團第四季第八集11分左右。
- 歌詞:
I've been cryin' (Ooh ooh)
'Cause I'm lonely (For you)
Smiles have all turned (To tears)
But tears won't wash away
The fears (Ooh, ooh)
That you're never ever gonna return (Eh eh eh eh eh)
To ease the fire that within me burns (Eh eh eh eh eh)
It keeps me (Crying baby for you)
Keeps me (Sighin' baby for you)
So won't you hurry?
Come on boy
See about me (Come see about me)
See about you baby (Come see about me)
I've given up my friends just (For you)
My friends are gone and you (Ha-have too)
No peace shall
I find (Ooh, ooh)
Until you come back
And be mine (Ooh, ooh)
No matter what you do or say (Eh eh eh eh eh)
I'm gonna love you anyway (Eh eh eh eh eh)
Keep on (Crying baby for you)
I'm gonna keep (Sighin' baby for you)
So come on, hurry
Come on
And see about me (Come see about me)
See about you baby (Come see about me)
You know I'm so lonely (Come see about me)
I love you only (Come see about me)
See about me (Come see about me)
See about you, baby (Come see about me)
You know I'm so lonely! (Come see about me)
I love you only (Come see about me)
Come see about me
- 意思:to give attention or time to (also: to attend to, to see to)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooqRmU0bbaE
- 歌手:Nicki Minaj
- 歌名:Come see about me
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Come, come see what I've been up to
Come, come see about me
I know you had a lot of work to do
Ooh, you got used to things without me, baby
Yeah, you got used to every thing I never did
You got sick of being sick of all my flaws
You got over all the pain I ever caused
And I didn't mean it, no, but-
They say it's all what you make it
Maybe it's all in the making
Love's always love, you can't fake it
So please don't try to deny me of that, no
You know my heart couldn't take it
Maybe it's all in the making
Love's always love, you can't fake it
See, baby, ooh you know I need you to-
Come, come see about me
Come, come see about me
Know it can't always be about me
Just come, come see about me
Come, come see about me
I'm doing good, boy, I'm up where we belong at
You know I'm still trying to find where we went wrong at
So come, come see about me
Come, come see about me
Come, come, come see about me
It won't hurt just to see what we could be
So come see about me, yeah
Want you to see how much I changed up
Ooh, I just hope I'm not too late
I know you're hesitant about it, but-
I got a lot I wanna say to you
Hate that I could never measure up
Hate that I could never be the one you needed
'Cause now I'm the one who needs you, but, baby-
About me, about me, about me, about me
About me, about me, about me, about me
About me, about me, about me, about me
About me, about me. about me, about me
to make an impression
- 意思:to influence another person's opinion of oneself (also: to leave an impression)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmAdfTZgqQY
- 歌手:Cybergirlfriend
- 歌名:Every little thing
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
write your words in cursive
You make me so nervous
You got my heart its pulsing
wish you were more repulsive
you're the perfect storm
And I wanna hear the rain
you're my favorite nightmare
But for once I'm not scared
You made a good impression
You make me wanna question
You made a good impression
You make me wanna question
Every little thing, every little thing
Every little thing, every little thing
Every little thing, every little thing
That you say
Every little thing, every little thing
Every little thing, every little thing
Every little thing, every little thing
That I say
Taking notes and losing focus
Got me lost in your hypnosis
Not sure of your intentions
You make me wanna question
You got me checking the weather
Or not you're feeling this pressure
got seasonal depression
You make me wanna question
You make me wanna question
Every little thing
Every little thing
Every little thing
by heart
- 意思:by memorizing
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuZQlQ3iZ2A
- 歌手:Rhonda Vincent
- 歌名:Mama knows the highway
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Mama knows the highway by the songs
When she hears a good one she always sings along
She don't ever worry 'bout what's gone
She says,"Good country music will never steer you wrong"
She talks to the truckers with her lights
Maybe a little bit more on Saturday night
She knows a good road to paradise
And that's just enough to keep the highway bright
Well, mama knows the highway now by heart
She can see the rain before it starts
Looking clear through
A windshield full of stars
Mama knows the highway now by heart
She can tell Wyoming by the wind
She can tell another trucker by the rig that he's in
She knows how to watch the river bend
She knows where the real South begins
She can gauge a cafe by looking at the signs
Little old places always share the grand design
Mama knows the highway now by heart
Mama knows the highway
Lesson 11
to keep out
- 意思:not to enter, not allow to enter
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNDpU6jUmkg
- 歌手:Randy Stonehill
- 歌名:Shut De Do
- 備註:宗教歌曲
- 歌詞:
Shut de do, keep out de devil
Shut de do, keep de devil in the night
Shut de do, keep out de devil
Light de candle, everything is alright
Light de candle, everything is alright
Oh when I was a baby child (Shut de do, keep out de devil)
Good and bad were just a game (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)
Many years and many trials (Shut de do, keep out de devil)
They proved to me they're not the same (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)
You better listen to me...
Oh, Satan is an evil charmer (Shut de do, keep out de devil)
He's hungry for a soul to hurt (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)
And without your holy armor (Shut de do, keep out de devil)
He will eat you for dessert (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)
Well heh, hey, hey, hey, shut de do
Hey, hey, hey, shut de do
Hey, hey, you better shut de do
Say a prayer, he won't be here back no more
My mama used to sing this song (Shut de do, keep out de devil)
Papa used to sing it too (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)
Jesus came and called them home (Shut de do, keep out de devil)
So I sing this song for you (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)
Light de candle, everything is alright
Light de candle, everything is alright
to keep away (from)
- 意思:to stay at a distance (from); to avoid use of (also: stay away from)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj4nZILNf2E
- 歌手:Babs Tino
- 歌名:Keep away from other girls
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
You gave me everything that a girl could want
In that small restaurant –
A hero sandwich and a glass of wine
And a smile, ouh, a smoke, ouh
And, oh, such a great big line!
You better keep away from other girls
Keep away from other girls
Don't break my heart –
Just to be smart
You gotta keep away from other girls!
You told me everything that I loved to hear
Mixed my dreams with instant cheer
You nade my world such a rainbow shine
A smile, ouh, a smoke, ouh
And, oh, such a great big line!
A hundred times or more
You've used that line before!
When you were close to me in that corner booth
Was it love? Tell the truth!
You held me closer than a clinging vine
A smile, ouh, a smoke, ouh, a drink, ouh, a joke, ouh
And, oh, such a great big line!
to find fault with*
- 意思:to criticize, to complain about something
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZey2PZeiL4
- 歌手:Roy Acuff
- 歌名:Great speckled bird
- 備註:宗教歌曲。影片的前一分鐘是主持人在訪問歌手。影片中的歌手上了年紀,發音有點吃力,較溫潤的歌聲參考這裡註
- 歌詞:
What a beautiful thought I am thinking
concerning the great speckled bird
Remember her name is recorded
on the pages of God's holy word
Desiring to lower her standards
they watch every move that she makes
They long to find fault with her teaching
but really they find no mistakes
I am glad I have learned of her meekness
I'm proud that my name is on her book
For I want to be one never fearing
the face of my Saviour's true look
When he comes descending from heaven
on the cloud as he write in his word
I'll be joyfully carried to meet him
on the wings of that great speckled bird
- 意思:to criticize, to complain about something
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MautUeOIfBc
- 歌手:Hank Williams
- 歌名:Why don't you love me
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Well, why don't you love me like you used to do
How come you treat me like a worn out shoe
My hair's still curly and my eyes are still blue
Why don't you love me like you used to do
Ain't had no lovin' like a huggin' and a kissin' in a long, long while
We don't get nearer or further or closer than a country mile
Why don't you spark me like you used to do
And say sweet nothin's like you used to coo
I'm the same old trouble that you've always been through
So, why don't you love me like you used to do
Well, why don't you be just like you used to be
How come you find so many faults with me
Somebody's changed so let me give you a clue
Why don't you love me like you used to do
- 意思:to criticize, to complain about something
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h1uU5_m3A4
- 歌手:Billie Holiday
- 歌名:That's life I guess
- 備註:前奏長達一分多鐘。
- 歌詞:
Sometimes I wonder what's in store for me
Your love could open heaven's door to me
But you don't care a straw for me
That's life, I guess
My days and nights are stark and hard with you
My sugar kisses taste like salt to you
But why should I find fault with you?
That's life, I guess
The world was bright when you loved me
Sweet was the touch of your lips
The world went dark when you left me
And then there came a total eclipse
Nobody knows how cruel fate can be
How close together love and hate can be
Goodbye, just clean the slate for me
That's life, I guess
to be up to
- 意思:to be dependent on the decision of another; to be doing as a regular activity; to feel able to do something
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH4f1MIFIDg
- 歌手:Ricky Nelson
- 歌名:It's up to you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
It's up to you
Because I've done everything I can
I hope that you
Will say that I'm your loving man
Make up your mind
And do what you're gonna do
Well you know how I feel
So I'm leaving it up to you
It's all so clear
That I would give everything I own
To have you near
Never leave me all alone
I need your love
So, darling, please be fair
Let me know where I stand
And I hope that you say you care
Well I've laid my cards on the table
And it's oh so plain to see
That I'm ready, willing and able
To love you faithfully
It's up to you
No, it's not for me to say
You love me too
Oh, but I hope you feel that way
It's up to you
Darling, it's up to you
Baby, it's up to you
Darling, it's up to you
Baby, it's up to you
Darling, it's up to you
ill at ease*
- 意思:uncomfortable or worried in a situation
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmXeT8cRM-A
- 歌手:Ella fitzgerald
- 歌名:To keep my love alive
- 備註:注意到歌詞中的諸多押韻及雙關。很有趣的一首歌, 歌詞中的女主角一一地殺死了自己的丈夫, appendectomy是割盲腸手術; insomnia是失眠; arsenic是砒霜,一種毒藥, sanitorium在美語中是sanatorium,療養院的意思; emporium是百貨商場; fratricide是殘殺兄弟姐妹的行為, patricide是弒父者。
- 歌詞:
I've been married, and married, and often I've sighed
"I'm never a bridesmaid, I'm always a bride"
I never divorced them, I hadn't the heart
Yet remember these sweet words, "'till death do us part"
I married many men, a ton of them
Because I was untrue to none of them
Because I bumped off every one of them
To keep my love alive
Sir Paul was frail, he looked a wreck to me
At night he was a horse's neck to me
So I performed an appendectomy
To keep my love alive
Sir Thomas had insomnia, he couldn't sleep at night
I bought a little arsenic, he's sleeping now all right
Sir Philip played the harp, I cussed the thing
I crowned him with his harp to bust the thing
And now he plays where harps are just the thing
To keep my love alive
To keep my love alive
I thought Sir George had possibilities
But his flirtations made me ill at ease
And when I'm ill at ease, I kill at ease
To keep my love alive
Sir Charles came from a sanitorium
And yelled for drinks in my emporium
I mixed one drink, he's in memorium
To keep my love alive
Sir Francis was a singing bird, a nightingale, that's why
I tossed him off my balcony, to see if he, could fly
Sir Atherton indulged in fratricide
He killed his dad and that was patricide
One night I stabbed him by my mattress-side
To keep my love alive
To keep my love alive
To keep my love alive
- 意思:uncomfortable or worried in a situation
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOdU8FX6J1M
- 歌手:Peter, Paul and Mary
- 歌名:Too much of nothing
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Too much of nothin' can make a man feel ill at ease
One man's temper might rise, while the other man's temper might freeze
In the days of long confessions, we can not mock a soul
When there's too much of nothin', no one has control
Say hello to Valerie, say hello to Marion
Send them all my salary, on the waters of oblivion
Too much of nothin' can make a man abuse a king
He can walk the streets and boast like most but he don't know a thing
It's all been done before, it's all been written in the book
But when it's too much of nothin', nobody should look
Too much of nothin' can turn a man into a liar
It can cause some man to sleep on nails, another man to eat fire
Everybody's doin' somethin', I heard it in a dream
But when it's too much of nothin', it just makes a fella mean
- 意思:uncomfortable or worried in a situation
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxoD9zWY9Rg
- 歌手:Bad Religion
- 歌名:Los Angeles is burning
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Somewhere high in the desert near a curtain of blue
Saint Ann's skirts are billowing
But down here in the city of limelights
The fans of Santa Ana are withering
And you can't deny that living is easy
If you never look behind the scenery
It's showtime for dry climes and
Bedlam is dreaming of rain
When the hills of Los Angeles are burning
Palm trees are candles in the murder wind
So many lives are on the breeze, even the stars are ill at ease
And Los Angeles is burning
This is not a test
Of the emergency broadcast system
When Malibu fires and radio towers
Conspire to dance again
And I cannot believe the media Mecca
They're only trying to peddle reality
Catch it on prime time, story at 9
The whole world is going insane
A placard reads the end of days
Jacaranda boughs are bending in the haze
More a question than a curse, how could hell be any worse?
The flames are starting, the camera's running, so take warning
to do over
- 意思:to revise, to do again
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CajPifzYyRs
- 歌手:She and Him
- 歌名:I could've been your girl
- 備註:MV中女主唱的舞步很好看。女主唱就是Zooey Deschanel,跟金凱瑞演過「沒問題先生(Yes Man)」,還有跟喬瑟夫高登李維演過「戀夏500日(500 Days of Summer)」,都是很好看的電影。
- 歌詞:
It doesn't matter, if I were willing
It doesn't matter that the lights are dimmed down low, oh oh
I know you have to go
It doesn't matter, I fought my heart
It's broke and shattered to a million and one
Undone, I guess I haven't won
Cause I could've been your girl
And you could've been my four leaf clover
If I could do it over I'd send you the pillow that I cry on
It doesn't matter, I've just begun
And if you see me, just move on
Cause we are free and never meant to be
- 意思:to revise, to do again
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y2ytgA5J9M
- 歌手:Roy Clark
- 歌名:If I had to do it all over again
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
We're not as young as we used to be
But baby I don't mind
'Cause growing with you is gonna be
Full of life and good times
And if I had to do it all over again I'd do it with you
I won't want to miss a thing that we've been through
Baby nothing can compare with the good love that we've shared
And if I had to do it all over again I'd do it with you
Looking back on life I can't complain
It ain't been easy but don't you know
We still had sunshine even when it rained
And we've shared a love you have known
- 意思:to revise, to do again
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLcdPpjKKHo
- 歌手:Sabrina Carpenter
- 歌名:The middle of starting over
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Cast out to sea
Drifting with the tide
And no way of finding me
Now that I'm free
Nothing but blue skies
Paradise in front of me
Awake from this dream
I hold my breath and just believe
Tired of all the troubles, they've been wasting my time
I don't wanna fight, gonna leave it behind
Take it on faith, now I'm ready to fly
I'm in the middle of starting over
Back to the beginning, gonna hit rewind
Chance to do it over, get it right this time
Life gives you pennies, turn them into dimes
I'm in the middle of starting over
I'm in the middle of starting over
Alone in a room
Tearing down the walls
Painting over scars and bruises
Now this is home
Fill it up with love
And make the best of something new, yeah
As hard as it seems
I hold my breath and just believe
The colors in the stars seem a little brighter
Tomorrow isn't far away
Through the hardest part
I'm working towards a happy ending
I'm in the middle of starting over
- 意思:to revise, to do again
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyOjFORltdM
- 歌手:Poppet
- 歌名:Best friends
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Give a little bit of love to this planet
Give little bit of love to me
Give a little bit of love to this planet
Give little bit
We're best friends, we're bro's
Let's shout it over rooftops, so everybody knows
Let's defeat death and kill the pain
Drink and be merry ,do it over again
Let's murder misery and kill the hate
I've got the power, cause you're my mate
Lets go out and dance and let the earth quake
Knock your socks off, let's be awake!
We are just good friends, you and me,
dancing over roof-tops, irresponsibly
Good friends, me and you,
dancing over tree-tops , hanging from trees
Somewhere, across the rainbow,
looking for pots of gold
Searching for ears to listen,
so the story can be told
Let's murder misery and kill the hate,
I've got the power, cause you're my mate
Lets go out and dance and paint the town red
Knock your socks off, make the earth QUAKE
Good friends, good friends, we want the world to know
- 意思:to revise, to do again
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5pWMyfFKF0
- 歌手:Klymaxx
- 歌名:I'd still say yes
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I love you most when we share a place
Those special good times together
It seems like our love, can't get much better (No)
'Cause we were as close as two could be
We knew love could last forever
We're more than just lovers, we're good friends
And even if our love has drifted away
I wouldn't even think twice if I wanted love back again
Because I'd still say yes to you again
My darlin', for you, I'd do it all again
Yes, I'd still say yes to you again
Darlin', for you, I'd do it over and over again
(Say yes, ooh)
Where does it go, how does it end?
True love, it seems so easy
'Cause we have no doubts
Where we belong (Where we belong)
They say time can heal a broken heart
True love never ends
So why not start where we began?
(Say yes, over and over)
(Hey, say yes, say yes, ooh)
They say time can heal a broken heart
True love never ends
So why not start where we began?
(Let's start where we began)
(Over and over, say yes, say yes, oh, girl, say yes)
Say yes to you again
Darlin', for you, I'd do it over and over again
(Say yes, ooh)
- 意思:to revise, to do again
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq9XNXJ4vwk
- 歌手:Kacey Musgraves
- 歌名:Die fun
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Do we really have to grow up?
If we never do, then so what?
So what if I don't wanna, what if I'm just gonna
Stay drunk on all the years that I just wish would slow up?
We can't do it over
They say it's now or never and all we're ever gettin' is older
Before we get to heaven, baby, let's give 'em hell
We might as well
'Cause we don't know when we're done
So let's love hard, live fast, die fun
Let's put a little more in your glass
Walk around and spend all our cash
Just let me grab my poncho, I don't care where we go
If we speak the language you know we don't even have to come back
We can't do it over
They say it's now or never and all we're ever gettin' is older
Before we get to heaven, baby, let's give 'em hell
We might as well
'Cause we don't know when it's done
So let's love hard
Let's stay young
Let's love hard, live fast, die fun
Die fun
We can't do it over
to look into
- 意思:to investigate, to examine carefully (also: to check into)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpjqzLK7wEE
- 歌手:Wanting Qu
- 歌名:Drenched
- 備註:歌手為在加拿大長大的華人曲婉婷,最有名的歌曲為「我的歌聲裡註」,另一首「愛的海洋註」也很好聽。
- 歌詞:
When minutes become hours
When days become years
And I don't know where you are
Colour seems so dull without you
Have we lost our minds? What have we done?
But it all doesn't seem to matter anymore
When you kissed me on that street
I kissed you back
You held me in your arms, I held you in mine
You picked me up to lay me down
When I look into your eyes
I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you
And I, I'm drenched in your love
I'm no longer able to hold it back
Is it too late to ask for love?
Is it wrong to feel right?
When the world is winding down
Thoughts of you linger around
Have we lost our minds? What have we done?
But it all doesn't seem to matter anymore
- 意思:to investigate, to examine carefully (also: to check into)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQSkuDWhaAo
- 歌手:Firehouse
- 歌名:When I look into your eyes
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I see forever when I look in your eyes
You're all I ever wanted
I always want you to be mine
Let's make a promise till the end of time
We'll always be together
And our love will never die
So here we are face to face
And heart to heart
I want you to know we will never be apart
Now I believe that wishes can come true
'Cause I see my whole world
I see only you
When I look into your eyes
I can see how much I love you
And it makes me realize
When I look into your eyes
I see all my dreams come true
When I look into your eyes
I've looked for you all of my life
Now that I've found you
We will never say goodbye
I can't stop this feeling
And there's nothing I can do
'Cause I see everything when I look at you
When I look into your eyes
I can see how much I love you
And it makes me realize
When I look into your eyes
We will always be together
And our love will never die
When I look into your eyes
I see that only dreams come true
When I look into your eyes
When I look into your eyes
- 意思:to investigate, to examine carefully (also: to check into)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkHTsc9PU2A
- 歌手:Jason Mraz
- 歌名:I'm yours
- 備註:這位歌手很有才華也很有魅力,筆者的一位朋友曾經開玩笑說,千萬別帶女朋友去看他的演唱會,否則女朋友會變心愛上他。
- 歌詞:
Well, you done done me, and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
And now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn
To win some or learn some
But I won't hesitate no more
No more it cannot wait, I'm yours
Well, open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and, damn, you're free
And look into your heart, and you'll find love, love, love, love
Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved, love, love, love, loved
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
A-do you, do, do, do you, but do you, do you, do, do,
but do you want to come on?
Scooch on over closer, dear
And I will nibble your ear
A-soo da ba ba ba ba bum
Whoa, oh oh oh
Whoa, oh oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa
Uh-huh, hmm
I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I've been saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue
Well, open up your mind and see like me (I won't hesitate)
Open up your plans and, damn, you're free (No more, no more)
And look into your heart, and you'll find that (It cannot wait)
The sky is yours (I'm sure there's no)
So please don't, please don't, please don't (No need, oh, now now)
There's no need to complicate (For the reggae, our time)
'Cause our time is short (Is short, this)
This oh, this oh, this is our fate (Is our fate)
I'm yours, ha!
- 意思:to investigate, to examine carefully (also: to check into)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEPTlhBmwRg
- 歌手:Maroon 5
- 歌名:Moves like jagger
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Just shoot for the stars
If it feels right, then aim for my heart
If you feel like
And take me away
And make it okay
I swear I'll behave
You wanted control, so we waited
I put on a show, now I'm naked
You say I'm a kid
My ego is big
I don't give a shit
And it goes like this, uh
Take me by the tongue and I'll know you (Uh)
Kiss me till you're drunk and I'll show you
You want the moves like Jagger
I've got them moves like Jagger
I've got them moves like Jagger (Uh)
I don't need to try to control you (Uh)
Look into my eyes and I'll own you
With them moves like Jagger
I've got them moves like Jagger
I've got them moves like Jagger
Maybe it's hard, when you feel like
You're broken and scarred, nothing feels right
But when you're with me
I'll make you believe
That I've got the key
Oh, so get in the car, we can ride it
Wherever you want, get inside it
And you wanna steer, but I'm shifting gears
I'll take it from here (Oh, yeah, yeah)
And it goes like this, uh
Uh, you wanna know, how to make me smile?
Take control, own me just for the night
And if I share my secret
You're gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this (Uh)
So watch and learn, I won't show you twice
Head to toe, ooh baby, rub me right
And if I share my secret
You're gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this
Hey, hey, hey, yeah
And it goes like this, uh
to take hold of
- 意思:to grasp, to grip with the hands
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1aAXuyAVgM
- 歌手:Ocean's Edge
- 歌名:Take hold of me
- 備註:宗教歌曲
- 歌詞:
You are love
that covers the darkest place
You give hope
Your promise will never change
Only you
can take away my brokenness
Only you
can change the face of hopelessness
Jesus, Lord of all!
Oh God your love
Has taken hold of me
I know you won't let go
Your word is true
My life has been renewed
God you take hold of me
Take hold of me
You are life
that breathes in me everyday
You give joy
through trials and every pain
Only you
can take away my brokenness
Only you
can change the face of hopelessness
Jesus, Lord of all!
In You I've been renewed
In You I've been made new
In You I've been renewed
In You, In You
to get through*
- 意思:度過
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bwWy67MsOU
- 歌手:Hugh Grant and Haley Bennett
- 歌名:Way Back Into Love
- 備註:電影K歌情人的主題曲,很好看的一部愛情音樂電影,電影中的男女主角是Hugh Grant跟Drew Barrymore,電影中的合唱片段註, 正式版本是Hugh Grant跟Haley Bennett合唱,電影中的片段註。雖然目標片語只出現一次, 而且歌詞的重複性很低, 但整首歌的旋律重複性是高的, 也就是說旋律相同,只是換歌詞而已, 讀者可以記目標片語所在的段落就好。
- 歌詞:
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past
I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need them again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but i just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
- 意思:度過
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUFasKZcH_c
- 歌手:LeAnn Rimes
- 歌名:How do I live
- 備註:F.I.R.飛兒樂團的「天天夜夜」是改編自這首歌,也很好聽。
- 歌詞:
How do I get through one night without you?
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be?
Oh, I, I need you in my arms, need you to hold
You're my world, my heart, my soul and if you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything good in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you? I want to know
How do I breathe without you if you ever go?
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I, oh, how do I live?
Without you there'd be no sun in my sky
There would be no love in my life
There'd be no world left for me
And I, baby, I don't know what I would do
I'd be lost if I lost you, if you ever leave
Baby, you would take away everything real in my life
And tell me now
Please, tell me, baby
How do I go on if you ever leave?
Baby, you would take away everything, I need you with me
Baby, don't you know that you're everything good in my life?
And tell me now
How do I live without you?
How do I live without you, baby?
How do I live?
from now on
- 意思:from this time into the future
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyIDxpUJ10Q
- 歌手:Hugh Jackman
- 歌名:From now on
- 備註:電影大娛樂家(The Greatest Showman)的插曲,男主角就是演金鋼狼的休傑克曼。
- 歌詞:
I saw the sun begin to dim
And felt that winter wind
Blow cold
A man learns who is there for him
When the glitter fades and the walls won't hold
'Cause from then rubble
What remains
Can only be what's true
If all was lost
There's more I gained
'Cause it led me back
To you
I drank champagne with kings and queens
The politicians praised my name
But those are someone else's dreams
The pitfalls of the man I became
For years and years
I chased their cheers
The crazy speed of always needing more
But when I stop
And see you here
I remember who all this was for
And from now on
These eyes will not be blinded by the lights
From now on
What's waited till tomorrow starts tonight
It starts tonight
And let this promise in me start
Like an anthem in my heart
From now on
From now on
From now on
And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again!
From now on!
And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again!
From now on!
These eyes will not be blinded by the lights!
From now on!
What's waited till tomorrow starts tonight!
It starts tonight!
Let this promise in me start
Like an anthem in my heart
From now on!
From now on!
And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home again!
From now on
From now on
Home, again!
- 意思:from this time into the future
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-86BIfYpLI
- 歌手:Don Williams
- 歌名:From now on
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Everybody comes with baggage
Places and people before
You don't know what all your getting
When love walks through your door, through your door
I've had some hills and some valleys
You've done some traveling too
You can tell by the dents and the scratches
Our hearts aren't exactly brand new
From now on is all that counts
From now on is all that matters
That's what living's all about
From different roads we find each other
You're the only love I want, from now on
I'm thankful for the ones before me
I'm grateful that they didn't stay
We can't do a thing about it
And it's made us who we are today
to keep track of
- 意思:to keep or maintain a record of; to remember the location or status of
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFhFgN1hP2E
- 歌手:Needtobreathe
- 歌名:I won't look back
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Love, love isn't always
Love the way that we mean
Just like you are right now is all, all that I need
Let's start over, don't be afraid cause I won't keep track
Let's climb to the top
If you won't look down, I won't look back
Love, love isn't always
Love, the kind that you hold
I will be here waiting if you, you can let go
- 意思:to keep or maintain a record of; to remember the location or status of
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1HIUpeg_U4
- 歌手:Bob Dylan
- 歌名:Gonna change my way of thinking
- 備註:這首歌有另一個版本,另一個版本沒有出現目標片語,而且另一個版本流傳較廣。
- 歌詞:
Change my way of thinking
Make myself a different set of rules
Gonna change my way of thinking
Make myself a different set of rules
Going to put my good foot forward
Stop being influenced by fools
So much oppression
Can't keep track it no more
So much oppression
Can't keep track it no more
Sons becoming husbands to their mothers
Old men turning young daughters into whores
Stripes on your shoulders
Stripes on your back and on your hands
Stripes on your shoulders
Stripes on your back and on your hands
Swords piercing your side
Blood and water flowing through the land
Well, I don't know which one is worse
Doing your own thing or just being cool
Don't know which one is worse
Doing your own thing or being cool
You remember only about the brass ring
You forget all about the golden rule
You can mislead a man
You can take ahold of his heart with your eyes
You can mislead a man
You can take ahold of his heart with your eyes
But there's only one authority
And that's the authority on high
I got a God-fearing woman
One I can easily afford
I got a God-fearing woman
One I can easily afford
She can do the Georgia Crawl
She can walk in the Spirit of the Lord
Jesus said, "Be ready
For you know not the hour in which I come"
Jesus said, "Be ready
For you know not the hour in which I come"
He said, "He who is not for Me is against Me"
Just so you know where He's coming from
There's a kingdom called Heaven
A place where there is no pain of birth
There's a place called Heaven
A place where there is no pain of birth
Well the Lord created it, mister
About the same time that He made the earth
to get carried away
- 意思:to act in an extreme manner
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjW6Y0ZNDWQ
- 歌手:George Strait
- 歌名:Carried away
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I don't take my whiskey to extremes
Don't believe in chasing crazy dreams
My feet are planted firmly on the ground
But darling when you come around
I get carried away by the look by the light in your eyes
Before I even realize the ride I'm on baby I'm long gone
I get carried away nothing matters but being with you
Like a feather flying high up in the sky on a windy day,
I get carried away
It might seem like an ordinary night
Same ol' stars, the same ol' moon up high
But when I see you standing at your door
Nothing's ordinary anymore
Carried away
- 意思:to act in an extreme manner
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMg_4pJ1e4g
- 歌手:Ivan Parker
- 歌名:When I get carried away
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I'm gonna let the glory roll when the roll is called in Glory
I'll gonna get beside myself when I get beside the King that day
I'm gonna have the time of my life when the time of my life is over
I'm gonna get carried away when I get carried away
Well, I don't know why I become a little shy
When I get around a whole lotta people
And I can't figure out why I never can shout
About the love that floods my soul
Well, I must confess, I can't express
The feelings deep inside me
But the things I know and cannot show
One day will overflow
Oh, I'll pass the clouds and shout so loud it may sound like thunder
My tearful eyes may fill the skies until it looks like rain
When I leave this world past the gates of pearl and stand before my Savior
I'll let my soul let the glory roll when from the roll He calls my name
I'm gonna get carried away, carried away , when I get carried away
I'm gonna get carried away, carried away , when I get carried away
Lesson 12
up to date
- 意思:modern; current, timely
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjRcsQxuXsM
- 歌手:The Ditty Bops
- 歌名:Sister Kate
- 備註:shimmy是一種爵士舞步, 這個默劇註用很幽默的方式, 形容舞步就像是冰塊掉進後領口時, 我們會做的那種扭動背部的動作。 這首歌其實流傳很久了, 參考維基百科註。
- 歌詞:
If I could shimmy like my sister Kate
Shake it like a bowl of jelly on a plate
My momma wanted to know last night
How sister Kate could do it oh so nice
Now all the boys in the neighborhood
Knew Katie could shimmy ass mighty good
Well I may be late but I'll be up to date
When I can shimmy like my sister Kate
Oh yeah, shake it like my sister Kate
If I could shimmy like my sister Kate
I'd never stay home, stay out too late
I'd get myself about as high as a kite
You know I'd do it for you every night
Now all the boys in the neighborhood
Knew Katie could shimmy ass mighty good
Well I may be late but I'll be up to date
When I can shimmy like my sister Kate
Oh yeah, shake it like my sister Kate
That's right
Shimmy like my sister Kate
out of date
- 意思:過時
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xoFMurchOg
- 歌手:Rusika
- 歌名:We're out of date
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
You're acting like you're still in love
When you're texting cause you drank too much
Don't try to be the saint you're not
Just because you want another shot
You think we'd be safe and sound
It's funny you are coming back around
you loved the feeling of being in love
Need my attention but you've had enough
Boy, we're out of date,
Don't have another heart for you to break cause
Boy, we're out of date
Don't have another day for you to waste
Been feeling lonely when you're not around
But don't you treat me like i'm lost and found
Boy, we're out of date,
But I can't stop myself from one more taste
I'm acting like I'm still in love
When I'm texting cause i drank too much
Don't care if i'm a saint or not
When I'm gonna get another shot
We'll never be safe and sound
So we better make the last one count
you loved the feeling of being in love
Need my attention but you've had enough
- 意思:過時
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeqYwCsaG2w
- 歌手:Ed Sheeran
- 歌名:Save myself
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I gave all my oxygen to people that could breathe
I gave away my money and now we don't even speak
I drove miles and miles, but would you do the same for me?
Oh, honestly?
Offered off my shoulder just for you to cry upon
Gave you constant shelter and a bed to keep you warm
They gave me the heartache and in return I gave a song
It goes on and on
Life can get you down so I just numb the way it feels
I drown it with a drink and out-of-date prescription pills
And all the ones that love me they just left me on the shelf
No farewell
So before I save someone else, I've got to save myself
I gave you all my energy and I took away your pain
'Cause human beings are destined to radiate or drain
What line do we stand upon, 'cause from here it looks the same
And only scars remain
But if I don't
Then I'll go back
To where I'm rescuing a stranger
Just because they needed saving just like that
Oh, I'm here again
Between the devil and the danger
But I guess it's just my nature
My dad was wrong
'Cause I'm not like my mum
'Cause she'd just smile and I'm complaining in a song
But it helps
So before I save someone else
I've got to save myself
And before I blame someone else, I've got to save myself
And before I love someone else, I've got to love myself
to blow up
- 意思:to inflate, to fill with air; to explode, to destroy (or be destroyed) by explosion
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icrM4_4T1qc
- 歌手:John Denver
- 歌名:Blow up your TV
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
She was a level-headed dancer on the road to alcohol
I was just a soldier on my way to Montreal
Well, she pressed her chest against me about the time the jukebox broke
She give me a peck on the back of the neck and these are the words she spoke
Blow up your TV, throw away your paper
Go to the country, build you a home
Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
Try and find Jesus on your own
I sat there at the table and I acted real naive
Cause I knew that topless lady, she had something up her sleeve
She danced around the room awhile and she did the hoochy cooch
Yea sing a song all night long tellin' me what to do
But I was young and hungry and about to leave that place
Just as I was going she looked me in the face
I said "You must know the answer",
she said "No, but I'll give it a try"
And to this day we've been livin' our way, here is the reason why
We blew up the TV, threw away the paper
Went to the country, built us a home
Had a lotta children, fed 'em on peaches
They all found Jesus on their own
to catch fire
- 意思:to begin to burn
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7plbBlcsZs
- 歌手:Jenix
- 歌名:Catch fire
- 備註:電影冰雪奇緣(Frozen)的插曲。
- 歌詞:
Born in captivity
Time's your worst enemy
Your face is getting older
You try to keep your age
Inside this golden cage
Your heart is getting colder
Don't you feel
You're slowly dying
Day by day
They treat you like an animal
You've gotta fight
You've gotta start a riot
So let's wake up
Your sleeping lion
Catch fire, catch catch fire!
Wake up the sleeping lion
And use your mind
Catch fire, catch catch fire!
Wake up the sleeping lion
Do you feel alive?
Don't let it get you down
Do you know the reason why
Why they never let you sleep at night
And you're running round in circles
Their frozen fingertips
Against your burning lips
A fight without heroes
You've gotta fight
You've gotta start a riot
So let's wake up
Your sleeping lion
Come baby
Come baby
Burn tonight
One step across the border won't hurt your mind
The fire will get you baby don't you know
Easy come, easy go
Now run baby
Run baby
Run tonight
One step across the border won't hurt your mind
The fire will get you baby don't you know
Easy come, easy go
Easy go
Don't let them get you down
Don't let them get you down
to burn down
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to burn slowly, but completely (usually said of candles)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS2QZvisrkM
- 歌手:Elton John
- 歌名:Burn down the mission
- 備註:很有意思的歌詞,是在講一個貧窮的社區反抗有錢惡勢力的故事。
- 歌詞:
You tell me there's an angel in your tree
Did he say he'd come to call on me?
For things are getting desperate in our home
Living in the parish of the restless folks I know
Everybody now, bring your family down to the riverside
Look to the east to see where the fat stock hide
Behind four walls of stone the rich man sleeps
It's time we put the flame torch to their keep
Burn down the mission
If we're gonna stay alive
Watch the black smoke fly to heaven
See the red flame light the sky
Burn down the mission
Burn it down to stay alive
It's our only chance of living
Take all you need to live inside
Deep in the woods the squirrels are out today
My wife cried when they came to take me away
But what more could I do just to keep her warm
Then burn, burn, burn, burn, down the mission walls
Now everybody, bring your family down to the riverside
Look to the east to see where the fat stock hide
Behind four walls of stone the rich man sleeps
It's time we put the flame torch to their keep
Burn down the mission, Lord
If we're gonna stay alive
Watch the black smoke fly to heaven
See the red flame light the sky
Burn down the mission, Lord
If we're gonna stay alive
It's our only chance of living
Take all you need to live inside
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to burn slowly, but completely (usually said of candles)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyDJFMojIoA
- 歌手:Simon and Garfunkel
- 歌名:A church is burning
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
A church is burning
The flames rise higher
Like hands that are praying a-glow in the sky
Like hands that are praying the fire is saying,
"You can burn down my churches but I shall be free."
Three hooded men through the back road did creep
Torches in their hands while the village lies asleep
Down to the church where just hours before
Voices were singing and hands were beating
And saying I won't be a slave any more.
Three hooded men, their hands lit the spark
Then they faded in the night and they vanished in the dark
And in the cold light of morning there's nothing that remains
But the ashes of a bible and can of kerosene.
A church is more than just timber and stone
And freedom is a dark road when you're walking it alone
But the future is now, and it's time to take a stand
So the lost bells of freedom can ring out in my land.
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to burn slowly, but completely (usually said of candles)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9dS3fEdbg0
- 歌手:Poe
- 歌名:Not a virgin
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I'm not a virgin anymore
I just thought you should know
Darlin' I've been around
Been up and down your block
In fact I have been all over town
Down by the lake
And underneath the table in my living room
Outside by the blue blue moon
You can call me what you will
Call me a slut, call me a jaded pill
But darlin' I've got your number now
I'm not a virgin anymore
I've been taken
I've been hung up
I got down and start it over again
I've been opened
And I've been closed like a book
And burned down like a written sin
I just thought you should know my darling
Before we begin
I'm not a virgin anymore
Just thought you should know
Before you let another lie
Slip through those crooked little teeth
I don't think you wanna start that shit with me
Much better yet
Tell me something dangerous and true
Oh yeah that looks much sexier on you
Careful what it is you say
'Cause I can see right through you on a cloudy day
And darlin' I don't think you wanna play
I'm not a virgin anymore
So if you wanna play dirty darling I'm gonna win
I'm not a virgin anymore
Been there done that
(Say what? )
Got the hang of it
Got screwed
I screw you I had a whole lot of fun with it
I've had enough now so you better take a bow
It's gonna be a new experience if you wanna play with me
Daisy chains and Mary-Janes
Happy endings, fairy tales
Cannot fool me now
Hell I've been divided
Out of my mind and reinvented again
I've been ignited and then uninvited
So honey
You break it up
I'm gonna put it back together again
I just thought you should know my darling
Before we begin
I'm not a virgin anymore
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
(Adult Annie)
Do you get the gist of the song now?
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to burn slowly, but completely (usually said of candles)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vecBHwWMAJE
- 歌手:The Thorns
- 歌名:I set the world on fire
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Hundred miles an hour down
A twistin', turnin' road
Bottled up, shaken up
Ready to explode
I set the world on fire!
I set the world on fire!
Tired of makin' promises
I know I won't keep
Over you and what you do,
Tired of being deceived,
I set the world on fire!
(Can't put it out)
(puttin' me down.)
I set the world on fire!
(So now you can watch me)
(let it burn down.)
I set the world on fire!
Let it all burn down
Aaaaaaaah --
All burn down
Down --
Tired of makin' promises
I know I won't keep...
Tired of makin' promises
I know I won't keep...
I set the world on fire!
Let it all burn down!
I set the world on fire!
Let it all burn down!
I set the world on fire!
(Can't put it out)
(puttin' me down.)
I set the world on fire!
(Let it all burn down!)
I set the world on fire
(Now you can watch me let it burn down)
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to burn slowly, but completely (usually said of candles)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z56HAJ7BJA
- 歌手:Buju Banton
- 歌名:400 years
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Let the massive gather on the beach
Every one ah we like to reach
Listen while I say
Too long in Babylon
We've been too long in Babylon
We've been too long in Babylon (say what?)
We've been too long in Babylon (how long?)
Over four hundred years, say what? (Four hundred years)
Over four hundred years, I cry (four hundred years)
Over four hundred years in Babylon (how long?)
Over four hundred years, say what? (Four hundred years)
Over four hundred years, I cry (four hundred years)
Over four hundred years in Babylon
And I man never cease a fire 'til
Babylon walls burn down
I man never cease a fire 'til
Babylon walls burn down
I man never cease my fire 'til
Babylon walls burn down
I shall never cease my fire 'til
Babylon walls burn down
Too long in Babylon (say what?)
We've been too long in Babylon (woii)
We've been too long in Babylon (children)
We've been too long in Babylon
How they weep us, they eat us
They put us all to shame
Down there in Babylon
Lord, they ate away the change
But we're still using their brain
Down there in Babylon
How we work without a gain
Seems we labored in vain
Down there in Babylon
Lord, the more they say tings change
Still remain the same
Down there in Babylon
Now, now, now
We've been too long in Babylon (children)
We've been too long in Babylon (say what?)
We've been too long in Babylon (children)
We've been too long in Babylon (how long has it been?)
Over four hundred years, woii (four hundred years)
Over four hundred years, I cry (four hundred years)
Over four hundred years in Babylon (say what?)
Over four hundred years, woii (four hundred years)
Over four hundred years, say what? (Four hundred years)
Over four hundred years in Babylon
And I man never cease a fire 'til
Babylon walls burn down
I man never cease a fire 'til
Babylon walls burn down
I will never cease my fire 'til
Babylon walls burn down
I shall never cease my fire 'til
Babylon walls burn down
I man never cease my fire 'til
Babylon walls burn down
I man never cease my fire 'til
Babylon walls burn down
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to burn slowly, but completely (usually said of candles)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRaWnd3LJfs
- 歌手:Maroon 5
- 歌名:Payphone
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I'm at a payphone, trying to call home
All of my change, I spent on you
Where have the times gone? Baby, it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two?
Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember
The people we used to be
It's even harder to picture
That you're not here next to me
You say it's too late to make it
But is it too late to try?
And in our time that you wasted
All of our bridges burned down
I've wasted my nights
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed
Still stuck in that time when we called it love
But even the sun sets in paradise
If "happy ever after" did exist
I would still be holding you like this
All those fairytales are full of shit
One more fucking love song, I'll be sick, oh
You turned your back on tomorrow
'Cause you forgot yesterday
I gave you my love to borrow
But you just gave it away
You can't expect me to be fine
I don't expect you to care
I know I said it before
But all of our bridges burned down
Now, I'm at a payphone
Man, fuck that shit
I'll be out spending all this money
While you're sitting 'round wondering
Why it wasn't you who came up from nothing
Made it from the bottom
Now when you see me, I'm stuntin'
And all of my cars start with the push of a button
Telling me I changed since I blew up or whatever you call it
Switched the number to my phone so you never could call it
Don't need my name on my shirt, you can tell that I'm ballin'
Swish, what a shame, coulda got picked
Had a really good game, but you missed your last shot
So you talk about who you see at the top
Or what you could've saw, but sad to say it's over for
Phantom pulled up, valet open doors
Wished I'd go away, got what you was looking for
Now it's me who they want
So you can go take that little piece of shit with you
Now, I'm at a payphone
to burn up
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to make angry or very annoyed (also: to tick off)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tphShzlFzdI
- 歌手:Venus
- 歌名:Don't say you need love
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I wanna burn up my life, he said
To be hurt is a need
I wanna drink that wine, she said
I'm gonna make you bleed
I wanna burn up my life, he said
Consider I'm trying
I wanna taste your blood, she said
I'm gonna drink it dry
I wanna burn up my life, he said
I wanna burn it down
Dissidence is a mood, she said
And love can make you high
I wanna kill that need, he said
Murder is not a crime
I wanna hear that beat, she said
Until the end of the night
The sun is going down and I am still alive
The sun is going down but I don't, I don't wanna die
If we belong to somewhere, tell me where
If we belong to somewhere, somewhere
I'm gonna drink it dry
Don't say, don't say, don't say you need love
Don't say, don't say, don't say you need love
Don't say, don't say, don't say you need love
Don't say, don't say, don't say you need love
I know you do
I know you do
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to make angry or very annoyed (also: to tick off)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9NTybNi6bg
- 歌手:Mr. Little Jeans
- 歌名:Heaven sent
- 備註:這首歌也是美劇「我是殭屍(iZombie)」的插曲,出現在第一季第二集接近結尾處,這齣劇的題材還蠻有趣的,值得一看。
- 歌詞:
I'm no longer fighting it
I'm all done
For your love I'll take a bullet
It would be a sin to stop for it's begun
What will be will be so let it
And I can see the light
When I'm looking at the sunshine
Through falling rain
Now I know that there is peace of mind
My world without you in it
Wouldn't be the same
I feel love that's heaven-sent divine
And then I see every reason just burning up
Let's stay till we fade with the sun
Our dreams are still worth living
Until they stop
Until every bit of living's done
Ooh I'm burning up
Ooh I'm burning up with your love
If there's a rhyme and reason then it's a lie
Got a rainbow undercover
See the missing pieces in the pale blue sky
Oh they fall towards each other
And I can see the light
And I no longer fight
Ooh I'm burning up
Ooh I'm burning up with your love
Ooh I'm burning up
Ooh an angel sent from above
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to make angry or very annoyed (also: to tick off)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvD8ailKt_0
- 歌手:Elton John
- 歌名:Little Jeannie
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Oh, little Jeannie
You got so much love, little Jeannie
And you take it where it strikes
And give it to the likes of me
Oh, little Jeannie
You got so much love, little Jeannie
So I see you when I can
You make me all a man can be
And I want you to be my acrobat
I want you to be my lover
Oh, there were others who would treat you cruel
And oh, Jeannie, you were always someone's fool
Little Jeannie
You got so much time, little Jeannie
Though you've grown beyond your years
You still retain the fears of youth
Oh, little Jeannie
You got so much time, little Jeannie
But you're burnin' it up so fast
Searchin' for some lasting truth
And I want you to be my acrobat
I want you to be my lover
Oh, there were others, and I've known quite a few
But oh, Jeannie, I'm still in love with you
You stepped into my life from a bad dream
Makin' the life that I had seem suddenly shiny and new
Oh, Jeannie, (Oh, Jeannie) I'm so in love with you
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to make angry or very annoyed (also: to tick off)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwLCz1UsA9k
- 歌手:Katrina and the Waves
- 歌名:Brown eyed son
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
You're my jealous friend, I said
I know everything you've done
You're my jealous friend, I said
I know everything you've done
You've been messing around with her
Please go back the way you were
You've been messing around with her
Please go back the way you were
I got burned, burned, burned
I got burned up in the fire
I got burned, burned, burned
I got burned up with desire
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to make angry or very annoyed (also: to tick off)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4a_tgJp4I
- 歌手:Bruce Springsteen
- 歌名:Just like fire would
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
One night in a motel room
Eyes cast like steel
I drank the wine that they left on my table
I knew the morning was too far
I smoked my last cigarette
I stay only to defy
The night was dark and the land was cold
It's frozen right to the bone
Just like fire would, I burn up
Just like fire would
Just like fire would, I burn up
500 miles I've gone today
Tomorrow's 500 more
Outside my window the world passes by, it's
Stranger than a dream
I go to work and I earn my pay, Lord
My sweat it falls to the ground
I see you now but we may never meet again child
The ice is hanging on the door
- 意思:to destroy completely by fire; to make angry or very annoyed (also: to tick off)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bgBeeDIEdc
- 歌手:Remo Drive
- 歌名:Around the sun
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I awoke in the cleanest
Bed sheets on earth
In the dreaded morning
The air felt like a curse
Behind the counter with the drawers
We organize the bills
In the early of the morning
Took the car for a fill
What's the date?
I can't remember
It all just blends together
Spinning around the sun
Until we burn up
In the lines between traffic
Familiar and clean
In the hands of the headrest
I nearly fell asleep
Constant push of conditioned air
Dries our face and skin
I got distracted just chewing on my pen
Took the ink all in
You wouldn't survive
Without dependence on something
Drinks or big cigars
Drugs, prescribed or self-served
You wouldn't survive
Without a way to pass the time
Clothes or antique cars
Songs once heard then forgot
to burn out
- 意思:to stop functioning because of overuse; to make tired from too much work
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoOhnrjdYOc
- 歌手:Elton John
- 歌名:Candle in the wind
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Goodbye, Norma Jeane
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
They crawled out of the woodwork
And they whispered into your brain
They set you on the treadmill
And they made you change your name
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
When the rain set in
And I would've liked to know you
But I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever did
Loneliness was tough
The toughest role you ever played
Hollywood created a superstar
And pain was the price you paid
And even when you died
Oh, the press still hounded you
All the papers had to say
Was that Marilyn was found in the nude
Goodbye, Norma Jeane
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
Goodbye, Norma Jeane
From the young man in the 22nd row
Who sees you as something more than sexual
More than just our Marilyn Monroe
And I would've liked to know you
But I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever did
stands to reason
- 意思:to be clear and logical
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEhLHNR9wME
- 歌手:
- 歌名:Lord Byron's luggage
- 備註:Lord Byron就是英國詩人拜倫。Henley Regatta是每年在英國泰晤士河上舉辦的一個遊艇比賽,persona non grata是某些國家的人不被歡迎進入的意思。「Looking for a needle in a haystack」這句話中,haystack是乾草堆,意思就是中文的「大海撈針」。「Every dog has his day」這句話是「風水輪流轉,每個人都有成功的機會」的意思。
- 歌詞:
Lord Byron had a lot of luggage
He took it when he traveled far and wide
He didn't get to bathe very often
But he liked to change his clothes all the time
I had a little friend named Mister Johnson
Who always tried to be like me
He rose to the heights of this profession
He was hard on his friends and family
Still out here in the wind and rain
Look a little older but I feel no pain
And it stands to reason
I'm still looking for love
I went to the Henley Regatta
Intending to put out to sea
They pronounced me persona non grata
Goes to show that you can't come and go
As you please
Still looking for love
Still looking for love
Still looking for love
Still looking for love
Looking for a needle in a haystack
It's pretty hard to find
Every dog has his day, Jack
I'm still waiting for mine
Still out here in the wind and rain
A whole lot older but I feel no pain
And it stands to reason
I'm still looking for love
- 意思:to be clear and logical
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPf2snTB2wo
- 歌手:Billy Squier
- 歌名:Christmas is the time to say I love you
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
Share the joys of laughter and good cheer
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
And a feeling that will last all through the year
On the corner carolers are singing
There's a touch of magic in the air
From grownup to minor no one could be finer
Times are hard but no one seems to care
Christmas Eve and all the world is watching
Santa guides his reindeer through the dark
From rooftop to chimney, from Harlem to Bimini
They will find a way into your heart
Just outside the window snow is falling
But here beside the fire we share the glow
Of moonlight and brandy, sweet talk and candy
Sentiments that everyone should know
Memories of the year that lays behind us
Wishes for the year that's yet to come
And it stands to reason that good friends in season
Make you feel that life has just begun
So when spirits grow lighter
And hopes are shinin' brighter
Then you know that Christmas time is here
- 意思:to be clear and logical
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUsvarcU1oo
- 歌手:Bic Runga
- 歌名:Listen
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Listen, this stands to reason
Sure are the season, you know you and I can't be wrong
When you walk into the room like a song
This can't be wrong
Tender, long as the leavin'
I promise you this evening, and it's moving me along
But a day away from you is too long
Much much too long
Much much too long
And I guess I'll say it plain
We're one and the same, oh yeah
In the face of all that's changed,
we'll stay the same oh yeah
Last time, I was mistaken
My faith was shaken and my hope was never strong
But the fear inside is already gone
It's already gone
It's already gone
And I guess I'll say it straight
We're one and the same, oh yeah
In the face of things that change, we'll stay the same oh yeah
- 意思:to be clear and logical
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipe14_yCL_g
- 歌手:Bernadette Peters and The Muppets
- 歌名:Just one person
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
If just one person believes in you
Deep enough, and strong enough
Believes in you
Hard enough
And long enough
Before you know it
Someone else would think
"If he can do it, I can do it"
Making it
Two whole people who believe in you
Deep enough
And strong enough
Believe in you
Hard enough
And long enough
There's bound to be some
Other person who believes in
Making it a threesome
Making it three
People you can say
Believe in me
And if three whole people
Why not four?
And if four whole people
Why not more
And more
And more
And when all those people
Believe in you
Deep enough
And strong enough
Believe in you
Hard enough
And long enough
It stands to reason
You yourself will start to see
What everybody sees in you
And maybe even you
(maybe even you)
Can believe in you, too
to break out
- 意思:to become widespread suddenly
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIOJdMdS56k
- 歌手:Swing Out Sister
- 歌名:Breakout
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
And breakout
When explanations make no sense
When every answer's wrong
You're fighting with lost confidence
All expectations gone
The time has come to make or break
Move on, don't hesitate
And breakout
Don't stop to ask
And now you've found a break to make at last
You've got to find a way
Say what you want to say
When situations never change
Tomorrow looks unsure
Don't leave your destiny to chance
What are you waiting for
The time has come to make your break
Some people stop at nothing
If you're searching for something
Lay down the law
Shout out for more
Breakout and shout
Day in day out
(Don't) Lay down the law (stop)
Shout out for more (to ask)
Breakout and shout day in day out
Ooh, breakout
Lay down the law
Shout out for more
Breakout and shout day in day out
as for
- 意思:regarding, concerning (also: as to)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgIwLeASnkw
- 歌手:Elmo and Pasty
- 歌名:Grandma got run over by a reindeer
- 備註:歌詞中的副歌「You can say there's no such thing as Santa. But as for me and grandpa we believe」, 意思是「大家都說聖誕老人不存在,但不管如何,我跟爺爺是相信的」。 這首歌的歌詞很有趣, 在講聖誕夜裡, 奶奶喝了蛋酒仍堅持要冒著風雪走回家, 隔天早上被發現被聖誕老人駕駛馴鹿雪橇輾死, 爺爺卻不見悲傷的情緒, 仍然看著球賽、喝著啤酒跟表妹Mel玩牌。 MV中的結局是奶奶最後從火爐中跑了回來, 喜劇收場。 以這個故事為本, 在2000有出電影, 電影的劇情中表妹Mel是壞人, 企圖謀害奶奶。 歌詞翻譯可以參考這裡註。 更有趣的是, 這首歌的靈感是源自於一個真實故事註。
- 歌詞:
Grandma got run over by a reindeer
Walking home from our house Christmas Eve
You can say there's no such thing as Santa
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe
She'd been drinkin' too much eggnog
And we'd begged her not to go
But she forgot her medication
And she staggered out the door into the snow
When we found her Christmas mornin'
At the scene of the attack
She had hoof prints on her forehead
And incriminatin' Claus marks on her back
Now we're all so proud of Grandpa
He's been takin' this so well
See him in there watchin' football
Drinkin beer and playin' cards with cousin Mel
It's not Christmas without Grandma
All the family's dressed in black
And we just can't help but wonder:
Should we open up her gifts or send them back?
Now the goose is on the table
And the pudding made of fig
And a blue and silver candle
That would have just matched the hair in grandma's wig
I've warned all my friends and neighbors
"Better watch out for yourselves
They should never give a license
To a man who drives a sleigh and plays with elves."
Sing it, Grandpa!
- 意思:regarding, concerning (also: as to)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDN76Itsfmo
- 歌手:Lynn Anderson
- 歌名:Flattery will get you everywhere
- 備註:「flattery will get you everywhere」的意思是藉由奉承某人,希望這個人能夠幫你做一些事,或是能夠從他身上得到一些好處。
- 歌詞:
I noticed how you smiled just now surprised that having seen
How I ate up your flattery then lick the platy clean
I've been so starved for pretty words are ever insincere
Till as for me flattery will get you everywhere
So brag me up and make me smile and I'll do things your way
Say pretty words to me and I'll do anything you say
Don't worry if they're true or not the truth is I don't care
And as for me flattery will get you everywhere
Another loves said hurtin' words uutil our love was gone
He'd always get the shoe to fit that I'll have to put it on
Say words unkind and soon my mind would close from ear to ear
And as for me flattery will get you everywhere
As for me flattery will get you everywhere
- 意思:regarding, concerning (also: as to)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD_1Z8iUDho
- 歌手:Madonna
- 歌名:Don't cry for me Argentina
- 備註:經典音樂劇「阿根廷別為我哭泣」主題曲。
- 歌詞:
It won't be easy, you'll think it's strange
When I try to explain how I feel
That I still need your love after all that I've done
You won't believe me
All you will see is a girl you once knew
Although she's dressed up to the nines
At sixes and sevens with you
I had to let it happen, I had to change
Couldn't stay all my life down at heel
Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun
So I chose freedom
Running around, trying everything new
But nothing impressed me at all
I never expected it to
Don't cry for me Argentina
The truth is I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance
And as for fortune, and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired
They are illusions
They're not the solutions they promised to be
The answer was here all the time
I love you and hope you love me
Don't cry for me Argentina
Have I said too much?
There's nothing more I can think of to say to you
But all you have to do is look at me to know
That every word is true
for one thing
- 意思:for example, for instance
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9NT2P38NZA
- 歌手:Delbert McClinton
- 歌名:One of the fortunate few
- 備註:目前只有找到這首歌中的for one thing是當作for example解釋,有很多歌都有出現for one thing,但意思都不是for one thing,好聽的有Bob Dylan的I threw it all away,參考這裡註,或是Wayne Wonder的Perfect proposal,參考這裡註。
- 歌詞:
Well, for one thing, there was a whole lot of guys
Who would've liked to have been in my shoes
But the upkeep on a woman like that
Will give an old poor boy the blues
Still the pleasure was worth the pain
Of everything she put me through
And I consider myself one of the fortunate few
Yeah and another thing she wasn't just good looking
Her imagination just wouldn't quit
She'd make you do things you never thought about
And things you wouldn't want to admit
There must be somebody else out there
That feels about her like I do
And I consider myself one of the fortunate few
It felt so good to hurt so bad
The best and the worst that I ever had
I know I bit off a little more than I could chew
Still, I consider myself, one of the fortunate few
Well, the last thing I'm gonna tell you
Some things are better left unsaid
A gentleman don't go talkin' about
What happens in a woman's bed
That's all I've got to say
I'll leave the rest up to you
But I consider myself one of the fortunate few
to feel sorry for
- 意思:for pity, to feel compassion for (also: to take pity on)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_3Mpym-4qQ
- 歌手:Wilf Carter
- 歌名:Why should I feel sorry for you now
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Why should I feel sorry for you now
You're the one who shattered every vow
I believed in you
But you proved untrue
Why should I feel sorry for you now
I remember on that dreary day
When I begged you not to go away
But you didn't care
You left me in despair
Why should I feel sorry for you now
Why should I forgive you and forget
Scars upon my heart are not healed yet
Now my eyes are dry
It's your turn to cry
Why should I feel sorry for you now
Why should I feel sorry over you
You just laughed at me when I fell blue
Though your eyes are wet
I'm learning to forget
Why should I feel sorry for you now
Lesson 13
to break down*
- 意思:to stop functioning
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PiM60us7bQ
- 歌手:Descendants 3
- 歌名:Break this down
- 備註:星光繼承者3(Descendants 3)的插曲。
- 歌詞:
It's time to it bring together
Time for a brand new start
We gonna put it in mo-oh-otion
Break down what keeps us apart
No more, no division we down
New team, got the vision, united
So we stand, now we living marching
In the light, one two, one two like
I see you (You see me)
Imperfect (Perfectly)
Face to face we can see clearly our similarities
Like day and night, wrong or right
We come together for a good time
We're gonna break this down
We're gonna rock the town
Everyone all around
Let's be whoever like this
Stronger together like this
Believing in second chances
And we're all starting today
Marching on in a new land
Our World's A Better, A Better Place
Welcome, the addition new love
Unity, new beginning for us
Harmony that's the mission marching
We're gonna break this down
We're gonna rock the town
Everyone all around
Just be whoever like this
Stronger together like this
We reunited like this
Bringing it, bringing it, b-b-b-bringing it down
Bringing it, bringing it, b-b-b-bringing it down
Bringing it, bringing it, b-b-b-bringing it down
Bringing it, bringing it, b-b-b-bringing it down (Down!)
We're gonna break this down (Break this down)
We're gonna rock the town (Oh, we're gonna rock this town)
Everyone all around (Oh, around)
Just be whoever like this (Come on!)
Stronger together like this (Uh)
We be united like this
Bringing it, bringing it, b-b-bringing it down
- 意思:to stop functioning
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w7OgIMMRc4
- 歌手:Guns N' Roses
- 歌名:Sweet child o' mine
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky (Sky)
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stared too long I'd probably break down and cry
Woah-oh-oh! Sweet child o' mine
Woah, oh-oh-oh! Sweet love of mine
She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm, safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by
Oh yeah! Woah-oh-oh-oh! Sweet child o' mine
Ooh-oh, oh, oh! Sweet love of mine
Woah, oh-oh-oh! Sweet child o' mine, ooh yeah
Ooh! Sweet love of mine
Where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?
Ooh, where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Oh, where do we go now?
Where do we go? (Sweet child...)
Ooh, where do we go now?
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
Where do we go now? Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, wow
Where do we go?
Oh, where do we go now?
Oh, where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?
Ooh, where do we go now?
Now, now, now, now, now, now, now
Sweet child, sweet child o' mine
to turn out
- 意思:to become or result; to appear, to attend (also: to come out)
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AJmKkU5POA
- 歌手:Michael Buble
- 歌名:Haven't met you yet
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up then I let myself down
I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought I'd thought of every possibility
And I know some day that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid that I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life
And I know that we can be so amazing
And baby your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility
And somehow I know that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And promise you kid I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
They say all's fair in love and war
But I won't need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united
And I know that we can be so amazing And being in your life is gonna change me And now I can see every single possibility And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you kid I'll give more than I get,
than I get, than I get, than I get
Oh you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And promise you kid to give so much more than I get yeah
I just haven't met you yet
I just haven't met you yet
Oh promise you kid to give so much more than I get
I said love love love love love love love
I just haven't met you yet
Yeah, I just haven't met you yet
once in a blue moon
- 意思:rarely, infrequently
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmVvsr62PWo
- 歌手:Mary Black
- 歌名:Once in a very blue moon
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I found your letter in my mailbox today
You were just checking if I was okay
And if I miss you, well you know what they say
Just once in a very blue moon
Just once in a very blue moon
Just once in a very blue moon
And I feel one coming on soon
No need to ask me if we can be friends
And help me right back on my feet again
And if I miss you, well just now and then
There's a blue moon shining
When I am reminded of all we've been through
Such a blue moon shining
Does it ever shine down on you?
You act as if it doesn't hurt you at all
Like I'm the only one who's getting up from a fall
Don't you remember now don't you recall
Just once in a very blue moon
to give up
- 意思:放棄
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLQ0biK-ZgA
- 歌手:S Club 7
- 歌名:Bring it all back
- 備註:蔡依林也翻唱過,叫做Don't stop,參考這裡註。
- 歌詞:
(Bring it all back now)
Don't stop, never give up
Hold your head high and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you (bring it all back)
Hold on to what you try to be
Your individuality
When the world is on your shoulders
Just smile and let it go
If people try to put you down
Just walk on by, don't turn around
You only have to answer to yourself
Don't you know it's true what they say
That life, it ain't easy
But your time's coming around
So don't you stop tryin'
Don't stop, never give up
Hold your head high and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you (bring it all back)
Dream of falling in love
Anything you've been thinking of
When the world seems to get too tough
Bring it all back to you (bring it all back now, yeah, yeah)
Na... (bring back, bring back, na na na)
Try not to worry 'bout a thing
Enjoy the good times life can bring
Keep it all inside you
Gotta let the feelings show
Imagination is the key
'Cause you are your own destiny
You never should be lonely
When time is on your side
Don't you know it's true what they say
Things are sent to try you
But your time's coming around
So don't you stop tryin'
Na... (bring it on, bring it on back now)
Na... (bring it on back to me, baby)
Don't you know it's true what they say
Things happen for a reason
But your time's coming around
So don't you stop tryin'
Don't stop, never give up
Hold your head high and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you (bring it all back now)
Dream of falling in love (shake your body)
Anything you've been thinking of (and let me see you sway)
When the world seems to get too tough
Bring it all back to you (shake your body) (bring it all back now)
Don't stop, never give up (don't stop)
Hold your head high and reach the top (don't stop)
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you (bring it all back now)
Dream of falling in love
Anything you've been thinking of
When the world seems to get too tough
Bring it all back to you (bring it all back now, yeah, yeah)
to cross out
- 意思:to cancel by marking with a horizontal line
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sgycukafqQ
- 歌手:Linkin Park
- 歌名:What I've done
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
In this farewell
There's no blood, there's no alibi
'Cause I've drawn regret
From the truth of a thousand lies
So let mercy come and wash away
What I've done
I'll face myself
To cross out what I've become
Erase myself
And let go of what I've done
Put to rest what you thought of me
While I clean this slate
With the hands of uncertainty
So let mercy come and wash away
For what I've done
I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I'm forgiving what I've done
(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
What I've done
(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
Forgiving what I've done
(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
(Na-na na na)
to take for granted
- 意思:not to appreciate fully; to assume to be true without giving much thought
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85zWdM00fhA
- 歌手:Nancy Barry
- 歌名:Don't take me for granted
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Don't take me for granted
Just because I've been around
That don't mean I'm staying
When you start laying around
So don't take me for granted,
Or think I'll always stay
'Cause the time you start believing
Well that's the day I walk away
I'll walk-a walk-a walk-a
I'll overlook lots of little things
An argument or two
But not your boasting attitude
That'll always stay with you
So don't think I'll always be there
While you go kicking around
Well baby you're gonna be sorry
When this girl lets you down
When this girl lets you down
When this girl lets you down
When this girl lets you down
When this girl lets you down
When this girl lets you down
to take into account
- 意思:to consider a fact while evaluating a situation
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AgWjh_vv7g
- 歌手:Local Natives
- 歌名:Who knows who cares
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
I've been going down
Down into the river, baby
Listen to the sound
It's something only God knows
You figure it out, I can't stay
Water's in the clouds
Is my life about to change?
Who knows, who cares
So we took a van down to Colorado
Where we ran into the dead
I took you by the hand
Know that even with your doubts, it's ok
Take into account that it's not about to change
Who knows, who cares
You could let it down
Jump into the river, baby
Easy as it sounds
It's never quite as easily done
The current has us now, it's ok
Take into account that it's all about to change
Who knows, who cares
No one's been there
But I don't care
I know all have been there
I don't care
I know
- 意思:to consider a fact while evaluating a situation
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXAgj2q0j3Y
- 歌手:LeAnn Rimes
- 歌名:You are
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
You, you make no mistake
You take everything I ever wanted into account
When you walk into the room
You give room breathing room
Talk and turn never too late or too soon
You are poetry in motion
You inspire power and devotion
You are the turning of the tide underneath
You are the potential in me
You are the first one that I wish to tell
Everything that matters, matters because you reflect it back so well
You see understanding wherever you are standing
Between reason and passion - balance
You are my strongest link
You are everything I ever wanted to be
You are poetry in motion
You inspire power and devotion
You are the turning of the tide underneath
You are, you are, you are, ...
- 意思:to consider a fact while evaluating a situation
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd0zoy_ct38
- 歌手:Clark Ford
- 歌名:Love never fails
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
If I speak with the tongues of men and angels,
but do not have love,
I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
If I have the gift of prophecy,
and know all mysteries and all knowledge,
and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains,
but do not have love, I am nothing.
Love is patient,
love is kind,
and is not jealous,
love does not brag and is not arrogant.
Love does not act unbecomingly,
it does not seek its own,
is not provoked,
does not take into account a wrong suffered.
Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness,
but rejoices in the truth;
Love bears all things,
believes in all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things,
love never fails,
love never fails.
love never fails,
love never fails.
to make clear
- 意思:to clarify, to explain
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbkOZTSvrHs
- 歌手:John Farnham
- 歌名:You're the voice
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
We have the chance to turn the pages over
We can write what we want to write
We gotta make ends meet, before we get much older
We're all someone's daughter
We're all someone's son
How long can we look at each other
Down the barrel of a gun?
You're the voice, try and understand it
Make the noise and make it clear, oh, woah
We're not gonna sit in silence
We're not gonna live with fear, oh, woah
This time, we know we all can stand together
With the power to be powerful
Believing we can make it better
- 意思:to clarify, to explain
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xTg2MSGEZI
- 歌手:Lionel Richie
- 歌名:Love, oh love
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Show the world and all its people
All the wonders love can bring
Give us strength and understanding
Give us all one song to sing
Let the music play
Play it loud and make it clear
It's time to stand up
To a new world that is now so near
All the walls are falling down
No more children off to war
If we search in our hearts
All the suffering will be no more
And let there be joy in the world (Let there be)
And let there be no sorrow (Ah, let there be)
And let there be peace on Earth (Let there be)
For all God's children, let them see
That love, oh love
What a blessed thing, oh yeah
Say it loud
Make it clear today
And freedom, no more lies
We can save this world if we try
One world I know we can make it
Yes, it's only in your heart
Yes, it's only in your dreams
You can climb the highest mountains
You can make the whole world sing
Oh yeah
Love, oh love
What a blessed thing, oh yeah
Say it loud
Make it clear today
clear cut
- 意思:clearly stated, definite, apparent
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNJcRWEA5bM
- 歌手:The New Seekers
- 歌名:Circles
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
All my life's a circle
Sunrise and sundown
The moon rose through the nighttime
Till the day break comes around
All my life's a circle
But I can't tell you why
The seasons spinning round again
The years keep rolling by
It seems like I've been here before
I can't remember when
But I've got this funny feeling
That I'll be back once again
There's no straight lines make up my life
And all my roads have bends
There's no clear-cut beginnings
And so far no dead-ends
I've found you a thousand times
I guess you've done the same
But then we lose each other
It's just like a children's game
And as I see you here again
The thought runs through my mind
Our love is like a circle
Let's go round one more time
to have on
- 意思:to be wearing
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afsp7MU-nTI
- 歌手:Helen Reddy
- 歌名:Delta Dawn
- 備註:這首歌是在講一個女生(Delta Dawn)在等她的意中人來接他,既使等到41歲還在等, 大家都覺得她瘋了, 但她卻相信意中人會帶她到他在空中的城堡。 很多人都唱過,上面選的影片是Helen Reddy,因為畫質跟音質比較清楚,其他比較有名的是Bette Midler 註及Tanya Tucker註,這些版本在youtube上都有音質較清晰的版本。
- 歌詞:
Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on?
Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
And did I hear you say he was ameetin' you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky
She's forty-one and her daddy still calls her baby
All the folks around Brownsville say she's crazy
'Cause she walks downtown with a suitcase in her hand
Lookin' for a mysterious dark-haired man
In her younger days they called her Delta Dawn
Prettiest woman you ever laid eyes on
Then a man of low degree stood by her side
And promised her he'd take her for his bride
to come to
- 意思:to regain consciousness; to equal, to amount to
- 網址:
- 歌手:
- 歌名:
- 備註:找不到歌曲,作者我找到很多地方都用到這個片語,但都不是這裡這個意思。
- 歌詞:
to call for
- 意思:to require; to request, to urge
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I0vnEhPzgI
- 歌手:Vicky Arlidge
- 歌名:Miss Polly had a Dolly
- 備註:這是一首nursery rhymes,nursery rhymes就是「童謠」的意思,很多翻唱的版本。
- 歌詞:
Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick
So she called for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick
The doctor came with his bag and his hat
And he knocked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat
He looked at the dolly and he shook his head
And he said "Miss Polly, put her straight to bed!”
He wrote on a paper for some pills, pills, pills
"I’ll be back in the morning with my bill, bill, bill.”
- 意思:to require; to request, to urge
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwiiA7oW6Hc
- 歌手:The Beu Sisters
- 歌名:My Christmas was in June
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
It was summer I did love you true Feelin' like a fool Fall passed by I though you'd fade away But you left me with the pain (*)
Winter calls for falling snow You promised me you'd never go And Christmas will be here And Christmas will be here It's the hope I'm clinging to My Christmas was in June My Christmas was in June When I was still with you December discovers We were summer lovers I wonder if you knew Snow that freezes Ocean breezes blue A place that we once knew (*)
Broken pieces Thrown on beaches by you When you broke my heart in two (*)
This December All I'll remember is you My Christmas was in June My Christmas was in june My Christmas was in june My Christmas was in june My Christmas was in june My Christmas was in june
- 意思:to require; to request, to urge
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9sZyS6d23E
- 歌手:Twenty One Pilots
- 歌名:Glowing eyes
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
La, la, da, da...
We all are stranger creatures
Than when we all started out as kids
Culture forbids
We have romantic fantasies
About what dying truly is
Fall off the grid
We live for the night's decor
It reveals what we dream of
I know there's someone at the door
They called for help, of this I'm sure
But do I want to say goodbye
To all the glowing eyes?
I'm holding on to what I know
And what I know I must let go
But I would rather play a song
For the eyes to sing along
The eyes to sing along, long, long
We all know somebody who knows somebody who's doing great
I know some people who know people who are flying straight
But I'll kindly enter into rooms of depression
While ceiling fans and idle hands will take my life again
We live for the night's decor
It reveals what we dream of
This room is far too dark for us to stay around
Redemption's not that far, and darkness is going down
This room is far too dark, for us to stay around
Redemption's not that far, and darkness is going down
La, la, da, da...
I'm holding on to what I know
And what I know I must let go
But I would rather play a song
For the eyes to sing along
Their eyes will sing along, long, long
Make them stop
Make them stop
Make them stop
Make them stop
Make them stop
- 意思:to require; to request, to urge
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YGFtRcKWU8
- 歌手:Harry Belafonte
- 歌名:Old king Cole
- 備註:這個版本很多吼叫的部分,注意一下喇叭音量。這也是一首年代久遠的童謠,讀者可以在網路上聽聽其他版本。
- 歌詞:
Old King Cole was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was he
Called for his pipe
And he called for his bowl
And he called for his privates three
"Beer, beer, beer", said the privates
Merry men are we
There's none so fair as can compare
With the Fighting Infantry
Old King Cole was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was he
Called for his pipe
And he called for his bowl
And he called for his corporals three
Hup two said the corporals
Beer, beer, beer said the privates
Merry men are we
There's none so fair as can compare
With the Fighting Infantry
Old King Cole was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was he
Called for his pipe
And he called for his bowl
And he called for his sergeants three
Yeahhhhh, said the sergeants
Hup two said the corporals
Beer, beer, beer said the privates
Merry men are we
There's none so fair as can compare
With the Fighting Infantry
Old King Cole was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was he
Called for his pipe
And he called for his bowl
And he called for his shavetails three
We do all the work said the shavetails
Yeahhhh, said the sergeants
March you dump watch said the corporals
Beer, beer, beer said the privates
Merry men are we
There's none so fair as can compare
With the Fighting Infantry
Old King Cole was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was he
Called for his pipe
And he called for his bowl
And he called for his captains three
Oh don't be late for the dance said the captains
We do all the work, said the shavetails
Yeahhhhh said the sergeants
March to the guardhouse said the corporals
Beer, beer, beer said the privates
Merry men are we
There's none so fair as can compare
With the Fighting Infantry
Old King Cole was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was he
Called for his pipe
And he called for his bowl
And he called for his chaplains three
Oh what a bloody mess, amen amen hallelujah
Oh don't be late for the dance, said the captains
We do all the work, said the shavetails
Yeahhhh said the sergeants
Put it in a bucket said the corporals
Beer, beer, beer said the privates
Merry men are we
There's none so fair as can compare
With the Fighting Infantry
Old King Cole was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was he
Called for his pipe
And he called for his bowl
And he called for his colonels three
Oh what a lovely war, said the colonels
Oh what a bloody mess, amen, amen hallelujah
Oh don't be late for the dance said the captains
We do al the work said the shavetails
Yeahhhhh said the sergeants
March to the end said the corporals
Beer, beer, beer said the privates
Merry men are we
There's none so fair as can compare
With the Fighting Infantry
Old King Cole was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was he
Called for his pipe
And he called for his bowl
And he called for his generals three
Thuh, thuh, Oh come on fellahs, give a fellah break
Uh what's my next command said the generals
Oh what a lovely war said the colonels
Oh what a bloody mess, amen
Oh what a bloody mess said the captains
Oh what a bloody mess, said the shavetails
Oh what a bloody mess, said the sergeants
Oh what a bloody mess said the sergeants
Beer, beer, beer said the privates
Merry men are we
There's none so fair as can compare
With the Fighting Infantry
There's none so fair as can compare
With the Fighting Infantry
- 意思:to require; to request, to urge
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtHqpRCR6S4
- 歌手:Emily Loizeau
- 歌名:Marry Gus and Celia
- 備註:
- 歌詞:
Marry Gus and Celia
They found a golden stone
They keep it in their hands and
Hide it under our souls
To keep us warm
They promised to the waters
They promised to the fall
That they would breath as one
And whisper to us all
Their joy
Oh! they exchanged their hearts in the dark
In the womb they called for a song
For a joyful kiss
Marry Gus and Celia
With a golden choir
Singing out their names and
Burning like a fire, to make us cry
Cause tears of tigers sooth us
Shimmering in the night
They reach us with a smile and
Carry us with a sigh
To make us cry for joy
Oh! they exchanged their hearts in the dark
In the womb they called for a son
In the womb they called for a son
In the womb they called for a son
In the womb they called for a son
For a joyful kiss
- 意思:to require; to request, to urge
- 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGVmhrfQqzg
- 歌手:Iron and Wine
- 歌名:Flightless bird, American mouth
- 備註:這首也是吸血鬼愛情電影暮光之城(Twlight)的插曲,男女主角結婚的橋段。
- 歌詞:
I was a quick wet boy
Diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes
Wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair
I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map
And called for you everywhere
Have I found you? Flightless bird
Jealous, weeping
Or lost you? American mouth
Big pill looming
Now I'm a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats
Curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures
Thrown in the cold and clean
Blood of Christ mountain stream
Have I found you? Flightless bird
Grounded, bleeding
Or lost you? American mouth
Big pill, stuck going down
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