

美劇 六人行(老友記) 字幕 中英對照



六人行 第1季 第01集 莫妮卡的新室友The One Where Monica Gets A New Roommate
沒什麼好說的! 他不過是我的同事!There's nothing to tell. It's just some guy I work with.
少來了,你和那個人一起出去!You're going out with the guy.
和你交往的男人一定有問題!There has to be something wrong with him.
打住,喬伊,嘴下留德All right,Joey. Be nice.
他駝背?既駝背又帶假髮?So does he have a hump and a hairpiece?
慢著,他吃粉筆嗎?Wait,does he eat chalk?
我只是不想你重蹈我和卡爾的覆轍I don't want her to go through what I did with Carl.
各位別急, 這不算約會Okay,everybody relax. This is not even a date.
我們不過是出去吃晚餐 而且不做愛It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex.
聽起來好像是說我的約會Sounds like a date to me.
記得中學時代的夢, 我站在自助餐廳I'm in high school,in the cafeteria..
突然發現自己全身赤裸and I realize I'm totally naked.
我做過那樣的夢I've had that dream.
我低頭一看, 看見有一支電話…Then I look down and I realize there is a phone..
- 而不是…? - 沒錯- Instead of - That's right!
我沒做過那樣的夢Never had that one.
突然,那個電話響了All of a sudden,the phone starts to ring.
我不知道該怎麼辦,大家都看著我What do I do? Everyone starts looking at me.
之前他們就不看著你?!They weren't looking at you before?
最後,我覺得應該接這個電話Finally,I figure I'd better answer it.
發現是我媽媽打來的,And it turns out it's my mother.
這十分怪 因為….她從來不打電話給我!Which is very,very weird because she never calls me.
這傢夥說“你好”的時候,我總想殺了我自己He says,"Hello," I want to kill myself.
你還好吧?You okay?
感覺好像某人伸手抓住我的小腸,從我的嘴里拉出來I feel like someone pulled my intestine out of my mouth..
- 再在我的脖子上打結… - 要餅乾嗎?- and tied it around my neck. - Cookie?
卡蘿今天搬走了她的東西Carol moved her stuff out today.
- 我給你拿咖啡. - 謝謝- Let me get you some coffee. - Thanks.
不,不要! 不要清理我的靈氣!No,don't! Stop cleansing my aura.
- 不要管我的靈氣,好嗎? - 好呀! 繼續痛苦吧!- Just leave my aura alone,okay? - Fine,be murky.
- 我很好,好吧? 我希望她開心. - 不,你並不希望- I'll be fine. I hope she'll be happy. - No,you don't.
是的,不希望! 去她的,她離開了我!No,I don't. To hell with her. She left me!
你從來不知道她是女同性戀?You never knew she was a lesbian?
不知道!! 行了吧?!No! Okay?
為什麼每個人老是提它?Why does everyone keep fixating on that?
她都不知道,我怎麼會知道?She didn't know. How should I know?
有時候我希望我是女同性戀…Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian.
我大聲說出來啦?Did I say that out loud?
我昨晚告訴爸爸媽媽了,他們看起來還好I told Mom and Dad last night. They took it pretty well.
那我淩晨三點接到一個女人打來的可笑電話抽泣著說So that hysterical phone call from a woman sobbing..
“我不會有孫子了,我不會有孫子了.”是怎麼回事?打錯電話啦?"I'll never have grandchildren," was what? A wrong number?
沒事的,羅斯,瞧. 你現在感到很痛苦Look,you're feeling a lot of pain right now.
你很生氣.你感到傷心You're angry. You're hurting.
我告訴你答案是什麼?Can I tell you what the answer is?
脫衣舞俱樂部!Strip joints!
別這樣,你單身了!有需求的!Hey,you're single. Have some hormones.
我不想單身,好嗎?But I don't want to be single,okay?
我只想….再次結婚!I just want to be married again.
而我只想要100萬美金!And I just want a million dollars!
- 瑞秋?! - 噢,上帝,莫妮卡,你好,感謝上帝!- Rachel? - Oh,Monica! Thank God!
我剛到你那裡去,而你不在,I went to your building..
那個拿著大錘子的傢夥說你可能在這裡,你真在這裡,你真在這裡!and a guy with a hammer said you'd be here,and you are.
- 你想點咖啡嗎? - 無咖啡因的- Can I get you some coffee? - Decaf.
好了,各位,這位是瑞秋,另一個林肯高中的倖存者Everybody,this is Rachel,a Lincoln High survivor.
這就是各位啦 這是錢德,菲比This is everybody. Chandler and Phoebe..
喬伊. 還有,你還記得我哥哥羅斯嗎?Joey. Remember my brother,Ross?
- 當然,你好! - 你好Sure!
那你現在可以告訴我們了嗎,還是再等等四位濕漉的伴娘?You want to tell us now,or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids?
好吧,大概在婚禮前半個小時.Well,it started about a half-hour before the wedding.
我在禮品間裡I was in the room with all the presents..
我正看著那個船形鹵肉盤. 那是個非常好看的船形鹵肉盤and I was looking at this really gorgeous Limoges gravy boat.
然後,突然-When all of a sudden
有代糖(既甜又低熱量)嗎?Sweet 'N Low?
我發現我對這個船形鹵肉盤 比對貝瑞更有衝動!I realized I was more turned on by this gravy boat than Barry.
然後我嚇呆了,突然想到:I got freaked out,and it hit me:
貝瑞看起來多象土豆頭先生呀How much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head.
我總是覺得他眼熟,但是…I always knew he looked familiar,but..
不管怎麼說,我必須離開那裡,我在想I had to get out of there,and I started wondering..
“我為什麼這樣做,我為誰這樣做?”"Why am I doing this," and "Who am I doing it for?"
我不知道該去哪裡,而且我知道我和你有點疏遠了I didn't know where to go,and I know we've drifted apart..
但你是我這個城市裡唯一認識的人but you're the only person I know here.
- 也是沒被邀請參加婚禮的人 -噢,我不希望提起這件事….- Who wasn't invited to the wedding. - I hoped that wouldn't be an issue.
我猜他給她買了個管風琴,而她很不喜歡那個I guess he bought her the pipe organ,and she's really not happy about it.
吐拿魚或雞蛋沙拉?快決定!"Tuna or egg salad! Decide!"
“克莉絲汀吃什麼我吃什麼.”"I'll have whatever Christina's having."
爸爸,我只是…不能嫁給他!Daddy,I just I can't marry him.
對不起,我只是不愛他了I'm sorry. I just don't love him.
這對我很有關係!Well,it matters to me!
“如果我不抓著我的頭髮,我的頭就會掉下來.”"If I let go of my hair,my head will fall off."
噢,她真不應該穿那條褲子She should not be wearing those pants.
我說把她推下樓Push her down the stairs!
把她推下樓!把她推下樓! 把她推下樓!Push her! Push her down the stairs!
爸爸,聽我說!Come on,Daddy,listen!
這就好像,在我一生中,所有人都告訴我,“你是鞋子!”All my life,everyone's always told me,"You're a shoe!"
“你是鞋子,你是鞋子,你是鞋子!”"You're a shoe!"
然後今天,我不這麼認為了,對我自己說,'如果我不想成為鞋子呢?What if I don't want to be a shoe?
如果我想成為一個包?What if I want to be a purse?
或一頂帽?Or a hat?
不,我不是讓你給我買帽子No,I don't want you to buy me a hat!
這是個比喻,爸爸!It's a metaphor,Daddy!
你能發現他哪裡有麻煩了You can see where he'd have trouble.
爸爸,這是我的生活Look,Daddy,it's my life.
也許我可以和莫妮卡住在一起Well,maybe I'll just stay here with Monica.
我猜我們已經確定 她和莫妮卡住在一起了…I guess we've established she's staying with Monica.
也許那是我的決定Well,maybe that's my decision.
也許我不需要你的錢Maybe I don't need your money.
等等!我說也許!!Wait! I said maybe!
呼吸,呼吸,對啦Just breathe. That's it.
只想著一些讓你鎮定的好東西…Try to think of nice,calm things.
玫瑰上的雨滴 還有貓的鬍鬚(《音樂之聲》的插曲)Raindrops on roses And whiskers on kittens
門鈴和雪橇鈴還有手套…Doorbells and sleigh bells And something with mittens
啦啦啦,還有一些麵條…La la la something And noodles with string
我現在好多了I'm all better now.
我幫上忙啦!I helped.
瞧,這也許是最好的?This is probably for the best.
獨立了,把握自己的生活. 就像你說的“帽子”的事情Independence. Controlling your life. The whole hat thing.
還有,你還需要什麼,你可以來找喬伊You can always come to Joey.
我和錢德就住在對面. 而且他經常不在Me and Chandler live across the hall. He's away a lot.
喬伊,不要再勾引她了! 今天是她結婚的日子!Stop hitting on her! It's her wedding day.
怎麼啦,難道這還有什麼規定嗎?Like there's a rule,or something?
我來I got it.
請不要再這麼幹,那是很討厭的聲音Please don't do that again. It's a horrible sound.
我是保羅It's Paul.
天呀,到6:30了嗎?讓他進來!Oh,God,is it 6:30? Buzz him in.
- 誰是保羅? - 保羅,調酒師,保羅?- Who's Paul? - Paul,the wine guy?
等等,你今晚的“不是真正約會” 是和調酒師保羅?Your "not a real date" is with Paul,the wine guy?
- 他終於約你出去啦? - 是的!- He finally asked you out? - Yes!
噢,真是個可以載入日記的時刻It's a "Dear Diary" moment.
- 瑞秋,等等,我可以取消…. - 不,別,你去吧,沒什麼的!- Rach,I can cancel. - Please,go,I'll be fine.
羅斯,你還好吧? 你希望我留下來嗎?Ross,are you okay? Do you want me to stay?
那會很好的…That'd be good.
- 真的? - 不,去吧! 那可是調酒師保羅!- Really?- Go on! It's Paul,the wine guy!
那是什麼意思? 他賣酒,喝酒Does he sell it,drink it?
還是抱怨酒?Or he just complains a lot?
進來,保羅,這是.Hi,come in! Paul,this is..
大家,各位,這是保羅everybody. Everybody,this is Paul.
- 你好! 保羅! -對不起,我沒聽清楚你的名字.保羅,是嗎?- The wine guy. - I didn't catch your name. Paul?
好啦,我就….我就回來,我要…….I'll be right back. I've just gotta go
好了,坐會兒. 很快就好Sit down. Two seconds.
噢,我剛拔掉四根睫毛. 不是個好兆頭I just pulled out four eyelashes. That can't be good.
你好,保羅! 告訴你個小秘密Hey,Paul,here's a tip.
她很喜歡你來回在同一個地方揉她的脖子She really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot..
重複來重複去,直到變紅為止until it starts to get red.
閉嘴,喬伊!Shut up,Joey!
那麼瑞秋,你今晚…打算幹什麼?What are you up to tonight?
我本來應該到阿魯巴度蜜月I was supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon..
是呀,你都沒辦法過蜜月Right. You're not even getting your honeymoon.
不過,阿魯巴,這個時候…?Although,Aruba. This time of year?
你可以談論下.Talk about your..
大蜥蜴big lizards.
不管怎樣,如果今晚你覺得寂寞的話If you don't want to be alone tonight..
喬伊和錢德要過來幫我組裝我的新傢俱Joey and Chandler are helping me with my furniture.
是呀,而且我們為此感到興奮We're very excited about it.
謝謝了,不過我想今晚還是呆在這裡吧Thanks. But I'm just going to hang out here.
- 今天可真是漫長. - 是呀,沒錯- It's been a long day. - Oh,sure.
嘿,菲比,你要來幫忙嗎?Phoebe,wanna help?
噢,我希望我能,但是我不想I wish I could,but I don't want to.
愛情就像夏日沖涼一樣甜美,愛情是無以倫比的藝術品Love is sweet as summer showers Love is a wondrous work of art
但是,你的愛呀,你的愛,你的愛…But your love Oh,your love,your love
就好像一隻巨大的鴿子…Is like a giant pigeon
在我心中排泄Crapping on my heart
謝謝Thank you.
我應該把支架固定在側面I'm supposed to attach a bracket-y thing to the side things..
用螺紋蝸輪…using a bunch of these little worm guys.
我沒有支架,沒有看到螺紋蝸輪I have no bracket-y thing. I see no worm guys whatsoever..
而且..我的腿麻了and I cannot feel my legs.
- 我想我們弄好書架了. - 看起來不錯- We got a bookcase. - It's beautiful.
那是什麼?What's this?
我認為那應該是個L型支架I would have to say that is an L-shaped bracket.
- 它應該安在哪裡? - 我完全…沒有主意- Which goes where? - I have no idea.
-搞定書架了! -完工了!- Done with the bookcase. - All finished.
這是卡蘿最喜歡的啤酒This was Carol's favorite beer.
她總是倒出來再喝,我該知道的She always drank it out of the can. I should have known.
- 你要是再開始那些話,我們就走了 -不要把快樂搞砸了- Start with that,we're out of here. - Please don't spoil all this fun.
羅斯,問你一個問題Let me ask you.
她得到傢俱,音響,電視-She got the furniture,the stereo,the good TV.
你得到了什麼?What did you get?
- 你們呀. - 天呀. - 你被坑了. - 上帝!- You guys. - You got screwed.
- 我的老天! - 我知道,我是個笨蛋- Oh,my God. - I know. I'm such an idiot.
當她一禮拜見4,5次牙醫,我就該知道了I should've known when she went to the dentist five times a week.
誰的牙齒需要這麼乾淨呀?I mean,how clean can teeth get?
我哥哥正在克服這種事呢,他糟透了My brother's going through that.
你是怎麼克服的?How did you get over it?
你可以試著砸爛她的一些貴重的東西He might accidentally break something valuable of hers.
- 比如她的… - …腿?- Say her - Leg?
那是一個辦法! 我砸了她的表That's one way of doing it. I went for the watch.
你真的砸了她的表?You actually broke her watch?
我幹的最壞的一件事是… 把我男友最喜歡的浴巾撕爛了The worst I ever did was shred my old boyfriend's favorite towel.
- 消除痛苦. - 沒錯- Steer clear of you. - That's right.
貝瑞,對不起,對不起Barry,I'm sorry. I am so sorry.
你可能認為和那天你穿襪子做愛有關,但不是的You probably think it's about making love with your socks on,but it isn't.
這和我有關,我只是…It's about me. And I just
嘿,剛才答錄機又把線路掛斷了.The machine cut me off again. Anyway..
我知道會有很幸運的女孩 成為貝瑞·凡可太太的I know that some lucky girl is going to become Mrs. Barry Finkel.
但她不會是我But it isn't me. It's not me.
而且我現在也不知道我到底是誰. 但你得給我機會去.Not that I have any idea who "me" is right now,but you just
我離婚了!I'm divorced.
- 我才26歲就離婚了! - 閉嘴! -你得停下來!- I'm only 26,and I'm divorced! - Shut up!
我花了一個小時才弄好那個That only took me an hour.
我們的戀愛關係從未超過吃一顆曼妥思糖的時間We haven't had a relationship that's lasted longer than a Mento.
而你已經和一個女人相愛四年了You have had the love of a woman for four years.
四年的親近和分享,最後她把你的心給傷透了Four years of closeness and sharing,after which she ripped your heart out.
這就是為什麼我們不這麼幹!That is why we don't do it!
我不認為這是我說話的重點!I don't think that was my point!
最可怕的是如果每個人只有一個女人適合Know what's scary? What if there's only one woman for everybody?
就是說如果你擁有一個女人,就成了I mean,what if you get one woman,and that's it?
不幸的是,她擁有了一個女人…Unfortunately,in my case,there was only one woman for her.
你在說什麼呀? '一個女人'?What are you talking about? One woman.
那就好像你只有一種口味的冰激淩That's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream.
讓我告訴你,羅斯 還有很多種口味Let me tell you something. There's lots of flavors out there.
有石板街(夾雜堅果、棉花糖和巧克力),甜餅果凍和櫻桃香草Rocky road and cookie dough and bing cherry vanilla.
還可以和糖條,果仁,或者奶油一起吃!You can get them with jimmies or nuts or whipped cream.
現在是你一生中最好的事情發生了!It's the best thing to happen to you!
你難道是八歲結婚的?You got married. You were like,what,8?
歡迎回到現實裡! 拿起勺子!Welcome back to the world. Grab a spoon!
- 我真不知道我是餓了還是饑渴了. - 離我的冰箱遠點!- I don't know if I'm hungry or horny. - Then stay out of my freezer.
從她離開我之後,我…Ever since she walked out on me..
難道你想邊吃麵條邊講出來?You wanna spell it out with noodles?
不,不止是要和你第五次約會的事情It's more of a fifth date kind of revelation.
噢,那麼會有第五次約會咯?So there's going to be a fifth date?
你不想?Isn't there?
不,我想Yeah,yeah. I think there is.
-你要說什麼?What were you going to say?
好吧,自從,自從她離開我之後Ever since she left me..
我就一直不能,不能.I haven't been able to perform..
- 噢天哪,對不起,對不起… - 沒事,沒事…Oh,God! I'm so sorry.
我知道被人吐水應該不是你現在需要的Being spit on is probably not what you need right now.
- 多久了?How long?
- 兩年. - 哇哦!- Two years. - Wow.
哇哦!我真高興你砸了她的表!I'm glad you smashed her watch.
那你還希望有第五次約會嗎?So you still think you might want that fifth date?
是的,我希望Yeah. Yeah,I do.
我們今天聚在這裡參加瓊安·路易絲·坎甯安We are gathered here to join Joanie Louise Cunningham..
和查理斯·恰棋·恰棋·恰棋·阿可勒and Charles. Chachi,Chachi,Chachi..
的神聖婚禮in the bonds of holy matrimony.
可是瓊安愛恰棋! 這就是不同!But Joanie loved Chachi. That's the difference.
“拿起勺子..”"Grab a spoon."
你知道我多久沒拿勺子了嗎?Do you know how long it's been since I grabbed a spoon?
難道《比利,別逞英雄》(《永不止步:大衛寇克斯的故事》插曲)\n這句話對你沒意義?Do the words,"Billy,don't be a hero," mean anything to you?
真是個好故事!但是,我得走了Great story. But I gotta go.
我要和安墜,還是安吉拉,是安墜約會? 該死I got a date with Andrea. Angela. No,Andrea.
安墜是愛尖叫的那個,安吉拉有貓Andrea's the screamer. Angela has cats.
好啦.謝啦.是朱莉.我走了Right,thanks. It's Julie. I'm out of here.
問題來了.. 就算我想.Here's the thing. Even if I could get it together enough..
約一個女人出來to ask a woman out..
我該約誰?who am I going to ask?
是不是很不可思議? 我以前可從來沒沖過咖啡Isn't this amazing? I've never made coffee in my life.
- 是很不可思議. - 恭喜你- That is amazing. - Congratulations.
我認為如果我能沖咖啡,我就什麼事都可以做了If I can make coffee,there isn't anything I can't do.
我認為應該是,“如果我能入侵波蘭,我就什麼事都可以做了.”I think it's,"If I can invade Poland,there's nothing I can't do."
你現在正進入角色,有沒有想做個煎蛋捲之類的東西…If you feel like you have to make a Western omelet or something..
不過我還不太餓…Although,actually I'm really not that hungry.
不錯,萊尼和斯奎基在這裡\n(《拉芙妮與雪麗》中的角色,隨便闖入別人的房間)Oh,good. Lenny and Squiggy are here.
早上好 早上好- Good morning. - Good morning.
- 早上好. - 早上好,保羅- Morning. - Morning,Paul.
- 你好,保羅. - 嘿,保羅,對嗎?- Hello,Paul. - Hi. Paul,is it?
- 謝謝你! 太感謝你了! - 不要這樣!- Thank you so much. - Stop.
昨晚上我就好像我所有生日、兩次畢業典禮Last night was like all my birthdays,both graduations..
再加上《目擊者》電影裡蓋起穀倉的慶典那種快樂plus the barn-raising scene in Witness.
我們過會再說We'll talk later.
好的,謝謝你Thank you.
那不是真正的約會?!That wasn't a real date.
你真正的約會幹什麼?What the hell do you do on a real date?
- 閉嘴,把我的桌子搬回去. - 好的!Shut up and put my table back.
好啦,孩子們,我要去工作啦I've got to get to work.
不過如果我不把那些數字輸入,… 也不會有什麼區別If I don't input those numbers,it doesn't make much of a difference.
你們都有工作嗎?So,like,you guys all have jobs?
對,我們都有.. 這樣我們才有錢買東西Yeah,we all have jobs. That's how we buy stuff.
- 對,我是演員. - 哇!我有見過你的作品嗎?- Yeah,I'm an actor. - Have I seen you in anything?
我不認為.大部分是地方性節目I doubt it. Mostly regional work.
等等,除非你在公園小劇場Unless you saw the Wee One's production of Pinocchio..
看過重排的木偶奇遇記at the little theater in the park?
那還是份工作吧?It was a job!
瞧,蓋比特(匹諾曹的製造者),我是個真正的小男孩."Look,Geppetto. I'm a real live boy."
- 別這樣羞辱我. - 你是對的,對不起- I will not take this abuse. - You're right,I'm sorry.
“當我還是個小木頭人,小木頭人…”Once I was a wooden boy A little wooden boy
你們該知道,他快死了You should both know that he's a dead man.
你今天怎麼樣? 睡得好嗎?How are you doing today? Sleep okay?
和貝瑞談過了嗎? 我笑個不停Did you talk to Barry? I can't stop smiling.
看得出來,你就好像睡覺時 有個衣架在你嘴裡I see that. You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.
我知道,他只是太…..I know. He's just so..
- 你還記得你和托尼·迪馬克嗎? - 是的,記得- Remember you and Tony Demarco? - Oh,yeah.
就像那個..我是說感覺Well,it's like that. With feelings.
- 哇,你有麻煩了. - 沒錯!- Wow,are you in trouble! - Big time!
想要婚紗嗎? 幾乎沒用過Want a wedding dress? Hardly used.
我想我們談的遠了點I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves.
好啦,我要站起來,去工作了,而且不整天想著他I'm going to get up,go to work,and not think about him all day.
或者只是站起來工作Or else I'm going to get up and go to work.
- 那麼,祝我好運! - 為什麼?- Wish me luck! - What for?
我要去找那個工作的什麼東西I'm gonna go get one of those job things.
- 嘿,莫妮卡!. - 嘿,弗蘭妮,歡迎回來!- Hi,Monica. - Franny,welcome back.
- 佛羅裡達怎麼樣? - 你做愛了,是嗎?- How was Florida? - You had sex,didn't you?
- 你怎麼知道的? - 我恨你- How do you do that? - I hate you.
我在和我的羅茲阿姨穿過鸚鵡叢林,你卻在做愛!I'm pushing my aunt through Parrot Jungle,you're having sex.
你認識保羅嗎?You know Paul?
保羅,調酒那個? 是呀,我認識保羅Paul,the wine guy? Yeah,I know Paul.
你認識他就好像我認識他一樣?You mean,you know Paul like I know Paul?
開玩笑吧? 保羅還欠我人情呢What? I take credit for Paul.
在我之前,他兩年都沒辦法過性生活Before me,there was no snap in his turtle for two years.
當然那是個謊言!Of course it was a line.
為什麼?為什麼有人會做這樣的事情?Why would anybody do something like that?
我想更複雜的答案是I assume we want an answer more sophisticated than:
“和你上床”"To get you into bed."
我恨男人,我恨男人!I hate men.
不,不要這樣,你不會希望把他們趕出宇宙的Don't hate. You don't want to put that out into the universe.
是因為我嗎?Is it me?
是因為我有某種導向類的東西,只有狗和…Is it like I have some sort of beacon that only dogs..
有感情問題的男人才會發覺?and men with emotional problems can hear?
好啦,過來這裡,把你的腳給我Come here. Give me your feet.
我只是以為他是個好人I just thought he was nice,you know?
我真不敢相信 你不知道那是個謊言!I can't believe you didn't know it was a line.
- 猜猜怎麼樣? - 你得到工作啦?- Guess what? - You got a job?
開玩笑嗎?我一點經驗都沒有!Are you kidding? I'm trained for nothing.
- 我今天被十二個招聘的嘲笑.. - 而且你還這麼高興.- I was laughed out of 12 interviews. - You're surprisingly upbeat.
你也會高興的 如果你發現約翰·大衛的皮靴打… !You'd be too,if you found these boots on sale..
5折50% off.
是呀,你多瞭解我啊…How well you know me.
這就是我的新皮靴 我不需要工作,我不需要父母They're my "I don't need a job..
我有我的新皮靴!I've got great boots" boots.
- 你用什麼付帳的? - 嗯,信用卡- How did you pay? - Credit card.
那誰付帳單呢?And who pays for that?
嗯… 我… 爸爸My father.
天呀,各位,這真的必要嗎? 我隨時都可以停止使用的Is this really necessary? I can stop charging any time.
你不能靠你爸爸過一輩子You can't live off your parents.
我知道,這就是為什麼我要結婚I know that. That's why I was getting married.
給她點時間,第一次獨立生活是很困難的Give her a break. It's hard being on your own.
謝謝你Thank you.
不客氣,記得我第一次來這個城市 我才十四歲I remember when I first came to this city,I was 14.
我媽媽剛自殺,我的繼父進了監獄Mom had killed herself,stepdad was in jail.
然後在這裡我不認識任何人I didn't know anybody here.
然後我和一個擦車窗的白化病人住在一起I ended up living with this albino guy who was cleaning windshields.
最後他也自殺了And then he killed himself.
然後我找到按摩這份工作. 所以相信我,我完全瞭解你的感受Then I found aromatherapy. So I know exactly how you feel.
你接下來的意思是:The word you're looking for is:
-準備好了嗎? -不,我怎麼能準備好?- You ready? - No,how can I be ready?
“嘿,瑞秋! 你沒帶降落傘就跳出飛機了?”"Ready to jump out of the plane with no parachute?"
- 不要這樣,我做不到! - 你行,我知道你行!- I can't do this. - I know you can.
- 我不這麼想. - 來嘛,你會泡咖啡!你能做任何事!- No. - You made coffee,you can do anything.
來吧,剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,…Cut. Cut. Cut.
知道嗎? 我想我們可以就把它們放在這裡You know what? I think we can leave it at that.
- 這就好像某個肢體符號… - 瑞秋!那是圖書卡!- Kind of a symbolic gesture. - Rachel,that was a library card.
知道嗎,如果你仔細聽,你可以聽到店主們在尖叫If you listen closely,you can hear a thousand retailers scream.
歡迎來到真實世界!Welcome to the real world!
它很糟糕,但是你會喜歡的!It sucks. You're gonna love it.
好啦,夠啦. 你要在沙發上睡?That's it. Are you going to crash on the couch?
- 不,我要回家. - 你還好嗎? - 是的- No,I gotta go home sometime. - Are you gonna be okay?
嘿,莫妮卡,瞧我剛在地板上發現了什麼Look what I just found on the floor.
那是保羅的手錶. 你就把它放回原處吧That's Paul's watch. Just put it back where you found it.
哦,孩子們,好啦Oh,boy! All right.
- 好吧,晚安,各位. - 晚安- Good night,everybody. - Good night.
- 對不起,你拿吧 - 不,你吃吧- 分著吃? -好- I'm sorry. Have it,I don't want it. - Split it?
好吧,你可能不知道,在高中,我曾You probably didn't know this,but in high school..
暗戀過你I had a major crush on you.
我知道I knew.
你知道!噢….You did?
我還以為你一直認為 我是莫妮卡的怪哥哥呢I figured you thought I was Monica's geeky brother.
我是這麼認為的I did.
聽著,你是不是認為..?Listen,do you think..?
噢,你不要太在意我的脆弱Try not to let my vulnerability become a factor here.
但是你認為我可以約你出去嗎?有時?可能?Do you think it would be okay if I asked you out sometime?
好吧,可能我會…Okay,maybe I will.
- 晚安. - 晚安- Good night. - Good night.
再見….See you.
等等,你怎麼啦?Wait,wait. What's with you?
我只是剛剛拿起勺子I just grabbed a spoon.
- 我真不敢相信我的耳朵. - 我真不敢相信我的耳朵.- I can't believe what I'm hearing. - Can't believe what I'm hearing
- 怎麼啦,我說你有個- - 我說你有個…- What? I said - What? I said
- 你能不能不那麼幹? - 噢,我又學人講話了?- Would you stop? - Was I doing it again?
- 沒錯!Yes!
我說你有個好臀部. 但不是個很棒的臀部.I said you had a nice butt. It's just not a great butt.
-如果你不打一下是不瞭解一個臀部的 -可以想像- You won't know a butt if it bit you. - There's an image.
有人要咖啡嗎?Would anybody like more coffee?
你沖的,還是你端的?You made it,or you're serving it?
- 我端的. -- 好吧,我要杯咖啡- I'm just serving it. - I'll have a cup of coffee.
孩子們,新的夢…Kids,new dream.
我在拉斯維加斯I'm in Las Vegas.
小姐?能再來點咖啡嗎?Miss,more coffee?
哦,對不起,你能把這個給拿到那邊嗎?Could you give this to that guy over there?
快點呀.. 謝謝Go ahead. Thank you.
對不起. 繼續吧,拉斯維加斯Sorry. Okay,Las Vegas.
我在拉斯維加斯I'm in Las Vegas.
…我夢見自己是麗莎·明妮莉(電影演員)I'm Liza Minnelli..


你們男生不懂親吻對女生的重要性You don't understand.
對我們而言,親吻和其他任何部分一樣重要For us,kissing is as important as any part.
當真?You serious?
- 你想瞭解的一切全在初吻之中 - 沒錯- Everything is in that first kiss. - Absolutely.
對我們而言親吻就像是開場For us,kissing's an opening act..
就像平克·佛洛德樂隊出場前like the comedian you have to sit through..
你得耐著性子先看完滑稽表演before Pink Floyd comes out.
對,我們並非討厭滑稽表演And it's not that we don't like the comedian.
只是那不是我們買票的原因It's just that that's not why we bought the ticket.
問題在於演唱會結束後 不論表演有多精采The problem is,no matter how great the show was..
你們女生總還想再看滑稽表演you girls are looking for the comedian again.
我們在車上奮力與交通阻塞戰鬥 只是拼命保持清醒We're in the car,fighting traffic,just trying to stay awake.
給你一個建議 回去拉上滑稽表演者Word of advice: Bring back the comedian.
否則下次,你們只能坐家裡聽唱片Or next time you'll find yourself listening to that album alone.
我們還在談論性嗎?Are we still talking about sex?
六人行 第1季 第02集 超聲波檢查The One With the Sonogram at the End
不,這樣很好No,it's good. It is good.
只是她看起來是不是有點生氣嗎?It's just that Doesn't she seem a little angry?
她有麻煩事Well,she has issues.
她有嗎?Does she?
她嘗試和“參與者先生”生活在一起Try to live with "Mr. I'm Evolving."
他在外頭亂搞女人而她在家裡設法去除地毯上乳齒象的味道He's out while she's home getting the mastodon smell out of the carpet.
瑪莎,他們是穴居人Marsha,see,these are cave people.
他們關心的問題是Okay,they have issues like:
吉,那條冰河愈來愈接近了"Gee,that glacier's getting kind of close."
談到麻煩事,那不是你前妻嗎?Speaking of issues,isn't that your ex-wife?
- 不,那不是 - 是的,是卡蘿,嗨- No. - Yes,it is. Carol,hi!
好吧,是她 我會到冰河期去找你Okay. Yes,it is. I'll catch up with you in the Ice Age.
- 我可以留在這嗎? -不- Can I stay? - No.
- 嗨. - 嗨- Hi. - Hi.
- 我來的時間不對? - 不,這裡是…- Is this a bad time? - No,it's..
石器時代the Stone Age.
你的氣色好極了,我討厭看到這樣You look great. I hate that.
抱歉,謝了!你的氣色也很好Sorry. Thanks. You look good too.
好吧,在這兒任何人Well,you know,in here,anyone who..
直立行走的人…stands erect..
- 最近如何? 還是… - 女同志?- What's new? Still a - A lesbian?
那是你都不知道的 家庭生活如何?You never know. How's the family?
- 瑪蒂的疑心病還是很重 - 卡蘿,為什麼來這兒?- Marty's still totally paranoid. - Carol,why are you here?
- 我懷孕了 - 懷孕- I'm pregnant. - Pregnant.
她似乎不急著離開She didn't leave in such a hurry after all.
這是“斯瑞家族公司”,他們有誤會的那集This is the Three's Company episode with a misunderstanding.
我看過這一集Then I've already seen this one.
喝完沒?Are you through with that?
抱歉,吞下去的時間太慢Sorry,the swallowing slowed me down.
這是誰的小紙團?Whose ball of paper is this?
我的,我寫給自己一張便條 後來覺得自己不需要Mine. I wrote a note to myself,then I didn't need it.
於是將它揉成紙團 現在我不想活了So I balled it up and now I wish I was dead.
她已經拍松過那個枕頭. 莫妮卡,你已經拍過了枕頭了She already fluffed that pillow. You already fluffed It's fine.
我只是不想讓他們有借題發揮的機會I just don't wanna give them any more ammunition.
我們都知道父母對枕頭平的孩子有多凶Parents can be cruel about the flatness of a child's pillow.
放鬆一下,你每次都這樣 這裡看起來已經很棒了Relax,you do this every time. The place looks great.
你這裡有義大利烤寬面 這看起來好極了You got a lasagna here that looks good enough..
還不許碰to avoid touching.
莫妮卡?嗨!Monica? Hi!
莫妮卡…你嚇到我了Monica,you're scaring me.
我是說,你現在這樣子慌慌張張的I mean,you're all chaotic and twirly,you know?
顯得不是很好Not in a good way.
安心吧.沒看過每次他們來時羅斯會慌張Calm down. You don't see Ross getting twirly every time they come.
因為在我爸媽心目中羅斯不可能犯錯That's because my parents think Ross can do no wrong.
他是個王子You see,he's "The Prince."
顯然,他們在我出生前有個大型儀式They had some big ceremony before I was born.
什麼? - 醜陋裸男有個“美腿器”- What? - Ugly Naked Guy got a ThighMaster.
- 有人看見我的訂婚戒指嗎? - 有,很漂亮- Has anybody seen my engagement ring? - It's beautiful.
天啊! 天啊! 天啊! 糟了Oh,God! Oh,God! Oh,God!
嘿,不要動它們No,don't touch that.
明天就要還他戒指 我似乎還不夠擔心Like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough,having to give it back.
“貝瑞,記得我嗎?我是那個穿白紗讓你在親友面前出糗的人”"Hi,Barry,remember me? I'm the girl that stomped on your heart."
天啊,如今我必須還他戒指 偏偏戒指不見了Now I must return the ring without the ring..
局面更糟糕了which makes it so much harder.
別急,我們會找到的,對不對?Easy,we'll find it. Won't we?
一切都會好的,我們會把它找回來的Look,it's gonna be okay. You'll give it back..
-而且我們會吃霜淇淋 -好吧,是一個珍珠型的鑽石- and we'll eat ice cream. - Okay. It's a pear-shaped diamond
不管我們找到什麼樣的鑽石戒指都會給你的Any diamond ring we find,we'll run it by you.
- 最後一次戴是在什麼時候? -狗崽兒,大概是在遺失之前- When did you have it last? - Doy,right before she lost it.
這年頭說狗崽兒的人不多You don't get a lot of "doy" these days.
我今天早上還戴它I know I had it this morning.
我戴著它在廚房跟…I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with
- 別生氣 - 你不會- Oh,don't be mad. - You didn't.
- 對不起 - 我就讓你做了這麼一件事情- Oh,I'm sorry. - I gave you one job!
你看麵條現在變得多直But look how straight those noodles are.
莫妮卡,在義大利烤寬面中找訂婚戒指不是那樣找的That's not how you look for an engagement ring in a lasagna.
我辦不到I just can't do it.
孩子們,我們上場Boys? We're going in.
- 這可不是開心的“嗨” - 卡蘿懷孕了- That is not a happy "hi." - Carol's pregnant.
我找到了I found it!
你再持續兩小時,就會變成我這樣Do that for two hours,you might be where I am about now.
如此一來,枕頭的事就可先放在一旁了That puts that whole pillow thing in perspective.
你現在要怎麼辦?How do you fit into this whole thing?
卡蘿說她和蘇珊想讓我加入Carol and Susan want me to be involved.
但是對這件事我不太感到舒服,我不想捲進去But if I'm not comfortable with it,I don't have to be involved.
- 所有的事情都找上我 - 她人好好,我真想念她- It's totally up to me. - She is so great. I miss her.
- 她所謂的“加入”代表什麼? - 你的階段性工作已經完成了- What does she mean by "involved"? - Your job is done.
也是最有意思的階段哦And the most enjoyable.
菲比,說點什麼Phoebe,say something.
她們要我去做超音波檢查They want me to go down to this sonogram thing..
明天和她們兩個一起with them tomorrow.
記得當生活變得簡單了…Remember when life was simpler..
她也不過是個女同性戀了and she was just a lesbian?
這就是生活啊Those were the days.
- 你打算怎麼做? - 我也不知道- What are you gonna do? - I have no idea.
不管我怎麼做,我還是孩子的父親No matter what I do,I'm still gonna be a father.
面還是被攪亂了,不是嗎?This is still ruined,right?
瑪莎路金的女兒會打電話給你Martha Lugwin's daughter is gonna call you.
- 怎麼會有咖喱味? - 因為有放咖喱?- What's that curry taste? - Curry.
這東西很好吃,真的I think they're great. I really do.
你還記得路金一家人吧? 路金很惦記你The big Lugwin had a thing for you.
- 他們一家都很惦記你. - 不要這樣,媽媽- They all had a thing for him. - Oh,Mom.
抱歉,她為何要打電話給我?Why is this girl going to call me?
她剛畢業,想找份烹飪的工作吧She just graduated,and she wants to be something in cooking or food..
我告訴她你開了一家餐館I told her you have a restaurant
-我沒開餐館,只是在餐館工作 -他們不需要知道- I don't have,I work in a restaurant. - They don't have to know that.
- 羅斯,能幫我做義大利面嗎? - 好的- Ross,help me with the spaghetti. - Yes.
我們吃義大利面呀?太簡單了Oh,we're having spaghetti. That's easy.
我們本來要吃義大利烤寬面的We were going to have lasagna.
- 我喜歡義大利烤寬面 - 不過現在沒有了- I love lasagna. - We're not having it.
那為什麼要提到這個呢?這下他就來勁了啊Then why bring it up? He latches on.
我知道這樣要求過於自私This will sound unbelievably selfish..
你能不能和他們說一下 小孩或女同性戀之類的事?but did you plan to bring up the baby/lesbian thing?
因為這樣可以讓我喘口氣It might take the heat off of me.
那個瑞秋…我們在俱樂部碰到了她父母That Rachel. We saw her parents at the club.
他們很不開心They were not playing well.
我不想講他們為此婚禮花了些什麼I won't say what they spent..
但是4萬塊不是個小數目?but $40,000 is a lot for a wedding.
至少她有機會把一個男人留在教堂裡的聖壇At least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar.
- 什麼意思? - 沒什麼- What's that supposed to mean? - Nothing.
- 隨便說說而已 - 不,不是的- It's an expression. - No,it's not.
別聽你媽亂講話,你一直都很獨立Don't listen to her. You've always been independent.
就連你小時候胖嘟嘟的Even when you were a chubby kid..
一個朋友也沒有的時候,你還是活得好好的and you had no friends,you were just fine.
你會待在你房裡看書…玩拼圖You'd read alone in your room. Your puzzles..
而像羅斯這種人則追求卓越People like Ross need to shoot for the stars.
博物館,出版論文…With his museum and his published papers.
其他人則安於現狀Others are satisfied with staying where they are.
告訴你,這種人不會得癌症These people never get cancer.
他們對擁有的一切都很開心They're happy with what they have,content..
就像奶牛一樣like cows.
她知道我有多喜歡奶牛She knows how much I love cows.
我還知道這些女人想擁有一切,幸好I read about women trying to have it all,and I thank God..
我們家的小口琴(與莫妮卡拼寫相近)沒有這種問題our "Harmonica" doesn't have that problem.
- 我跟你說,你很不錯 - 謝謝,老爸- I'm telling you,you'll be fine. - Thank you,Daddy.
天哦,這個居然還能用Oh,so this does work.
羅斯,最近你怎麼樣?So,Ross,what's going on with you?
最近有什麼新聞八卦之類可以和老爸老媽分享的Any stories? No news,no little anecdotes to share with the folks?
好吧,我知道你們想瞭解Look,I realize you guys have been wondering..
我和卡蘿之間倒底怎麼了what exactly happened between Carol and me.
事情是這樣的And so,well,here's the deal.
卡蘿是個女同志Carol's a lesbian.
她和一個名叫蘇珊的女人同居She lives with a woman named Susan.
她懷了我的孩子She's pregnant with my child.
並打算和蘇珊共同扶養She and Susan are going to raise the baby.
這些你全都知道?And you knew about this?
你的狀況真的很糟糕嗎?Folks are really that bad?
你要知道這些人十分專業Well,you know,these people are pros.
他們知道他們要做什麼They know what they do.
他們會躲在那裡,再來個突然襲擊They take their time. They get the job done.
常言道:父母是無法交換的They say that you can't change your parents.
如果可以,我要你的父母Boy,if you could,I'd want yours.
我要去尿尿了Must pee.
如果你是雙胞胎情況會更慘It's worse when you're twins.
-你是雙胞胎? -對,我們不往來- You're a twin? - We don't speak.
她是一心追求事業的人She's this high-powered,driven,career-type.
-她從事什麼工作? -服務生- What does she do? - She's a waitress.
- 你們倆長的一樣嗎? - 大家都說我倆長的很像- Identical? - People say we look alike.
但我不這麼認為But I don't see it.
各位,我得打掃了You guys,I kind of gotta clean up now.
錢德,你是獨子?你沒有這些困擾?Chandler,as an only child,you don't have this.
沒有,儘管我有個想像中的朋友No,although I did have an imaginary friend..
而我爸媽比較喜歡他who my parents preferred.
幫我關燈Hit the lights,please.
我在裡面多久了?How long was I in there?
- 我只是在打掃 - 需要幫忙嗎?- I'm just cleaning up. - Oh,you need any help?
好呀,謝了Okay,sure. Thanks.
明天要見貝瑞,緊張嗎?So you nervous about Barry tomorrow?
有一點A little.
很緊張A lot.
有什麼建議嗎?So,got any advice?
就一個最近剛被甩的人而言You know,as someone who's recently been dumped.
你應該避免用“甩”這個字眼You may wanna steer clear of the word "dumped."
更不巧的是現在他可能痛不欲生Chances are he's gonna be this broken shell of a man.
因此你不該顯得豔光照人,我知道這一點很難做到You should try not to look too terrific. I know it'll be hard.
這樣吧,我拿戒指還貝瑞Or I'll go down there,and I'll give Barry back his ring.
你陪卡蘿及蘇珊去做檢查And you can go with Carol and Susan to the ob-gyn.
你明天得見卡蘿You've got Carol tomorrow.
- 此事何時變得這麼複雜? - 你可問倒我了- When did it get so complicated? - Got me.
-還記得我們在高中時代嗎? -記得- Remember being in high school? - Yeah.
你沒想過自己會遇見心上人Didn't you think you'd meet someone..
戀愛,然後廝守終生嗎?fall in love,and that'd be it?
- 羅斯? - 在.在- Ross? - Yes. Yes.
沒想到自己會淪落到這個地步Man,I never thought I'd be here.
我也是Me neither.
抱歉,我遲到了,我忙得無法脫身於Sorry I'm late. I got stuck at work.
那些大的恐龍之類的事情There was this big dinosaur thing. Anyway..
- 羅斯,記得蘇珊嗎? - 我怎能忘得了?- You remember Susan. - How could I forget?
你好,蘇珊,她的手好有力啊…Hello,Susan. Good shake,good shake.
那麼我們在等…So,we're just waiting for?
- 歐伯曼大夫 - 他…?- Dr. Oberman. - And is he?
- 是“她” - 當然是…她- She. - Of course,"she."
她瞭解我們的特殊狀況?Is she familiar with our special situation?
- 瞭解,而且她非常支持 - 這太好了- Yes,and she's very supportive. - Okay,that's great.
不,我只是No,I'm Oh.
羅斯,那是用來打開我的子宮頸的That opens my cervix.
- 貝瑞 - 進來吧- Barry? - Come on in.
- 可以嗎? - 沒問題- Are you sure? - It's fine.
羅比得待在這兒好幾個小時Robbie's gonna be here for hours.
最近好嗎?So,how are you doing?
我很好I'm okay.
- 你的氣色好極了 - 是的- You look great. - Yeah,well.
法伯大夫,傑森有作嘔反應Dr. Farber,Jason Greenspan's gagging.
馬上到,我馬上回來Be right there. Be back in a second.
我甩了他I dumped him.
事情會如何發展?So,how's this all gonna work?
嬰兒在母親身體中一個特殊的部位生長The baby grows in a special place inside
謝謝Thank you.
我說,我們該如何處理此事?你知道的…I mean,how's this gonna work,you know,with us?
比方說某些重大的決定When important decisions have to be made?
- 舉個例子 - 我也說不上來- Give me a "for instance." - Well,I don't know.
- 比方說孩子的名字 - 馬龍- How about with the baby's name? - Marlon.
如果是個男孩馬龍,如果是個女孩就叫米妮If it's a boy. Minnie,if it's a girl.
和米老鼠的女友同名?As in "Mouse"?
和我奶奶同名As in my grandmother.
不管怎樣,聽到這個還是想到老鼠Still,you say "Minnie," you hear "Mouse."
這個怎麼樣…?How about..?
朱莉亞?How about Julia?
- 朱莉亞 - 我們決定用米妮- Julia. - We agreed on Minnie.
真幽默,我們曾決定共同生活一輩子We agreed we'd spend our lives together.
世事難料,兵來將擋Things change. Roll with the punches.
朱莉亞,就這麼決定I believe Julia's on the table?
抱歉Sorry about that.
近來可好?So,what have you been up to?
混得過去Oh,not much.
- 我剛找到工作 - 這太好了- I got a job. - That's great.
你為何曬得這麼黑?Why are you so tan?
我去阿魯巴了I went to Aruba.
你自己一個去渡蜜月?Oh,no. You went on our honeymoon alone?
我和…I went with..
- 你也許會很不好受 - 我?- Now,this may hurt. - Me?
我和明蒂去了I went with Mindy.
我的伴娘明蒂?My maid of honor,Mindy?
對,我們現在有關係了Yeah,we're kind of a thing now.
你去做植發了?You got plugs!
小心,還不固定Careful. They haven't quite taken yet.
你還配了隱形眼鏡?And you got lenses.
你討厭將手指放進眼睛裡You hate sticking your finger in your eye.
不討厭她的手Not for her.
我真的得感謝你Listen,I really wanted to thank you.
一個月前我想傷害你,我從未如此激動過A month ago,I wanted to hurt you more than I've ever wanted to.
我是個整牙醫師And I'm an orthodontist.
你說得沒錯,我以為我們會過得很快樂You know,you were right. I thought we were happy.
我們不快樂We weren't happy.
但是和明蒂在一起But with Mindy..
現在我很快樂now I'm happy.
-吐掉 -什麼?- Spit. - What?
這東西屬於你的,或許以後是明蒂的I guess this belongs to you. Or maybe some day Mindy.
她會勉強接受的Like she'd settle for that.
是的,看來是真的Yeah,that's true.
我覺得這是一個不錯的戒指But I think it's a nice ring..
謝謝你送我and thank you for giving it to me.
謝謝你送還給我Thank you for giving it back.
- 拜託,海倫有什麼不好? - 海倫蓋勒?- Please,what's wrong with Helen? - Helen Geller?
- 不行 - 她不會叫海倫蓋勒的- I don't think so. - It's not gonna be Helen Geller.
- 謝謝 - 不,我是說她不姓蓋勒- Thank you. - No,I mean,it's not Geller.
難道她叫海倫威利克It'll be Helen Willick?
老實說,我們考慮用海倫威利克班奇No,actually,we talked about Helen Willick Bunch.
等等,為何有她的份?Wait a minute. Why is she in the title?
因為她也是我的寶寶It's my baby too.
真的?我不記得女人也會製造精子Really? I don't remember you making any sperm.
我們都知道那是個極大的挑戰And we all know what a challenge that is.
-你們兩個,別吵了 -不,功勞全讓她搶了,我也在場- You two,stop it. - She gets a credit. I'm in there too.
你不會想用海倫威利克班奇蓋勒吧?這有虐待兒童之嫌Helen Willick Bunch Geller? I think that borders on child abuse.
當然沒有,我想用蓋勒威利克班奇Of course not. I'm suggesting Geller Willick Bunch.
絕對不行,你看他,沒人會叫她全名的See what he does? He knows no one's gonna say all those names.
他知道別人只會叫她蓋勒 這樣他就得逞了They'll call her Geller. He gets his way.
我得逞?你認為這樣算我得逞?My way? You think this is my way?
相信我,我沒想到自己會淪落到這種地步Of all the ways I ever imagined this moment being..
我是不得已的…這很辛苦的this is not my You know what? This is too hard.
有人在嗎? 今天如何,想嘔吐嗎?Knock,knock. How are we? Any nausea?
- 一點點 - 只是一點點- A little. - Just a little.
我只是問准媽媽,很感謝你們的分享I was wondering about the mother-to-be,but thanks for sharing.
- 躺好 - 知道嗎?我不加入- Lie back. - You know what? I'm gonna go.
我認為此時自己無法進入這個家庭了I don't think I can be involved in this family thing.
- 我的天呀 - 快看啊- Oh,my God! - Look at that.
我知道I know.
很神奇吧Well,isn't that amazing?
我們該看什麼?What are we supposed to be seeing here?
我不知道,可能是要攻擊進取號(《星際迷航》)I don't know,but I think it's about to attack the Enterprise.
如果你們把頭稍微向左偏,兩眼放輕鬆If you tilt your head and relax your eyes..
它樣子就像是一個顆老馬鈴薯it kind of looks like an old potato.
那麼就不要那麼幹Then don't do that,all right?
莫妮卡,你認為呢?Monica,what do you think?
- 你熱淚盈眶 - 才沒有- Are you welling up? - No.
-你有,你熱淚盈眶 -我沒有- You are. You're welling up. - I'm not.
- 你就要成為阿姨了 - 閉嘴- You're gonna be an aunt. - Oh,shut up.
明蒂,我是瑞秋Hi,Mindy. Hi,it's Rachel.
我很好,我今天和貝瑞見面了Yeah,I'm fine. I saw Barry today.
對,他告訴我了 不,沒關係,真的Yeah,he told me. No,it's okay. Really,it's okay.
我祝福你們幸福快樂,真心誠意的I hope you two are very happy. I really do.
如果一切順利And,Min,you know,if everything works out..
你們結婚生子and you guys get married and have kids..
希望他們有像他那樣的頭髮和你的鼻子I hope they have his hairline and your nose!
我知道這招很賤,但我感覺好棒That was a cheap shot,but I feel so much better now!


菲比All right,Phoebe?
如果有一天我變得全能,我要世界和平If I were omnipotent for a day,I would want world peace...
不再有饑餓,雨林不再遭受破壞...no hunger,good things for the rain forest.
還有更大的胸部And bigger boobs.
你說了我的願望Well,see,you took mine.
錢德,你呢?What about you?
如果有一天我變得全能 我要讓自己變得永遠全能If I were omnipotent for a day,I'd make myself omnipotent forever.
看吧,總有這樣的人. “給我一個願望,我就要更多的願望”There's always one guy. "lf I had a wish,I'd wish for three more wishes. "
如果你變得全能,你希望做什麼What would you do if you were omnipotent?
大概是自殺吧Probably kill myself.
什麼?Excuse me?
如果小喬伊死了 我就沒再活下去的理由If little Joey's dead,then I got no reason to live.
你是無能?You are?
羅斯,對不起.我以為是一個理論問題Ross,l' m sorry. I had no idea. I thought it was a theoretical question.
六人行 第1季 第04集 (克林頓親信助手)喬治·史特噴那彼拉斯先生The One With the George Stephanopoulos
她是怎麼辦到的How does she do that?
我在公共場合根本睡不著I can't sleep in a public place.
圖書館,飛機上,電影院…Libraries,airplanes,movie theaters....
你居然在“大峽穀”睡著了You slept at the Grand Canyon.
父母從來沒有帶我去過大峽穀Hello,Mom and Dad never took us to the Grand Canyon.
難道父母帶我去過大峽穀嗎?Mom and Dad took us to the Grand Canyon?
你看她, 睡得那麼安祥Would you look at her? She is so peaceful.
什麼事?什麼事?什麼事?What? What? What?
-沒事 -你只是又打瞌睡了-Hi. -It's okay. You just nodded off again.
你是怎麼了?What's going on?
我昨晚沒睡好,我祖母有新男朋友了…I got no sleep last night. My grandmother has a new boyfriend...
他們倆在床上翻來覆去,還有耳聾…...and they' re both kind of insecure in bed,so And deaf.
於是兩人不斷確定,彼此是否盡興They reassure each other that they' re having a good time.
簡直是吵死人了You have no idea how loud they are.
-如果願意你今晚可以和我及瑞秋睡 -謝謝-You can stay with Rachel and me. -Thanks.
95,96,97.我說得沒錯吧95,96,97. See,I told you.
從我們的住處到這兒不到一百步Less than 1 00 steps from our place to here.
你浪費的時間太多了You got way too much free time,man.
他就是今天的壽星?There's the birthday boy.
瞧,騎兵隊與企鵝隊今晚的曲棍球門票 我們要帶你去看Hockey tickets. Rangers-Penguins tonight and we're taking you.
-生日快樂,老兄 -我們愛你-Happy birthday,pal! -We love you,man.
你們真幽默,我的生日在七個月前It's funny. My birthday was seven months ago.
- 所以呢? - 一定是你們多了一張票-So? -So you had an extra ticket...
找不到人一起去看...and couldn't decide who got to bring a date?
我們不是看到杯子有一半兒空著的人(悲觀)Well,aren't we Mr. The-Glass-ls-Half-Empty?
天啊,今天是10月20號Oh,my God! Is today the 20th? October 20th?
-我正希望你沒記起來 -20號有什麼不對勁嗎?-I hoped you wouldn't remember. -What's wrong with the 20th?
萬聖節的前十一天? 所有的好服裝都被搶走?Eleven days before Halloween. All the good costumes are gone?
今天是我和卡蘿…T oday's the day Carol and I first...
…第一次進行…...consummated our...
…肉體接觸…... physical relationship.
-你告訴你妹妹了? -相信我,我告訴了所有人-You told your sister that? -Believe me,I told everyone.
我不去看球賽了I better pass on the game.
我還是回家,想著我的前妻和她的同性戀愛人吧I'm just gonna go home and think about my ex-wife and her lesbian lover.
去他的曲棍球,我們回去一起想吧The hell with hockey! Let's all do that!
羅斯,別這樣 你、我和喬伊、冰人之夜好不好Come on,Ross! You,me,Joey,ice! Guys' night out!
怎樣,大個兒?Come on,what do you say,big guy?
-你打算幹嗎? -我不知道-What are you doing? -I have no idea.
-拜託,羅斯 -好吧,或許能讓我忘記傷痛-Come on,Ross. -Maybe it will take my mind off it.
- 但你要幫我買個泡沫塑料做的大手指 - 一定-Promise to buy me a big foam finger? -You got it.
大家看,我的第一份薪水Look,look,look! My first paycheck!
看看這框框,嗨,我自己Look at the window! There's my name! Hi,me!
我記起拿到第一份薪水的那一天I remember when I got my first paycheck.
礦場塌陷八人慘遭活埋There was a cave-in in a mine,and eight people were killed.
-你在礦場工作? -不,我在奶品皇后(霜淇淋品牌)工作,怎麼了?-You worked in a mine? -No,I worked at a Dairy Queen. Why?
真叫人興奮,我賺來的 每天擦桌椅蒸牛奶Isn't this exciting? I earned this. I wiped tables for it. I steamed milk.
這真是太…And it was totally...
不值得了... not worth it.
誰是FICA(聯邦保險收入稅)? 為何他拿走我所有的錢?What's FlCA? Why's he getting all my money?
我說,這是怎麼回事 錢德,你看I mean,what? Chandler,look at that.
沒那麼糟This is not that bad.
就第一份薪水而言,你已經算不錯了You're fine,yeah,for a first job.
單靠它就夠你過日子了You can totally,totally live on this.
沒錯Oh,yeah. Yeah.
-對了,今天的優秀服務員 -沒錯-By the way,great service today. -Yeah.
-曲棍球 -曲棍球-Hockey! -Hockey!
-曲棍球 -曲棍球-Hockey! -Hockey.
天呀Oh,my God!
我發誓我在野生動物王國看過那些鳥這麼做I swear I've seen birds do this on Wild Kingdom.
你們來這裡幹什麼?What are you doing here?
我們到市區逛街,聽你媽說你在這兒工作 結果是真的We were in the city shopping,and your mom said you work here,and it's true!
瞧你的圍裙 好像在演戲一般Look at you in the apron. You look like you're in a play.
-看看你,你的肚子好大,我簡直不敢相信 -我知道God,look at you! You're so big! I can't believe it!
我知道,我現在可是雙人份的I know,I know! I'm a duplex.
琦琦,你看起來不錯. 你看來好像減了一噸重IKiki,you look phenomenal. I mean,you've lost,like,a ton of weight.
你真的是…(表示琪琪得了厭食症)And you should...
…真的是,是時候停下來了 你看起來很不錯... really,really It's time to stop,you look perfect.
你發生什麼事情了?What's going on?
你猜我爸的公司和誰合夥?Well,guess who my dad's making partner in his firm?
我們還有這個消息And while we're on the subject of news....
看,我有手腕Look,look! I have elbows!
將球傳給李奇Passes it up to Leetch.
李奇看見納斯有空檔.一記妙傳Leetch spots Messier. Here's the pass!
我們先暫停一下! 讓納斯看看女鞋先…We'll take a time-out while Messier looks at some women's shoes.
那一夜卡蘿穿著那種靴子Carol was wearing boots just like those the night that we first....
你知道的?事實上,她…You know? In fact,she....
從沒脫下來過She never took them off.
因為我們…對不起It's because we Sorry,sorry.
我實在是無法相信I can't believe
-什麼? -桃核-What? -Peach pit.
那天晚上,我們吃了Peach pit. That night,we had
-桃子? -事實上,是油桃,但是…-Peaches? -Actually,nectarines but....
也可能是蜜桃Could've been a peach.
然後我們穿上衣服 然後我和她一起…Then we Then we got dressed and I walked her to...
…走到公車站.我沒事...the bus stop. I' m fine.
那女人的臀部和卡蘿的一樣Hey,that woman's got an ass like Carol's.
怎麼了?我以為我們在找東西What? I thought we were trying to find stuff.
好了,你們快點跟我講八卦Come on,you guys. T ell me all the dirt.
最大的八卦,還是你在聖壇前拋下貝瑞Well,the biggest news is still you dumping Barry at the altar.
-好了,我們來談點正經的 -好吧-Let's talk reality for a second. -Okay.
-你打算何時回家? -什麼?我不回家-When are you coming home? -What? Guys,l' m not.
-拜託,我們是好姐妹 -我不回家-Come on. This is us. -l' m not.
這就是我現在做的,我得到了這份工作This is what l' m doing now. I've got this job.
我甚至自己洗衣服了I even do my own laundry.
-這就是我現在做的 -當女服務生-This is what l' m doing now. -Waitressing?
我不只是當女服務生 我是說…I' m not just waitressing. I mean,l' m....
我寫下每日特餐I write the specials on the specials board.
摘下瓶中枯死的花朵And I take the dead flowers out of the vase.
有時老闆還會讓我在餅乾上塗上巧克力醬Sometimes Arturo lets me put the chocolate blobbies on the cookies.
你媽沒有提起巧克力醬Well,your mom didn't tell us about the blobbies.
瑞秋,和朋友聊得如何?Hey,Rach. How was it with your friends?
想喝杯“提克死亡之擊”(一種雞尾酒)嗎?Okay,how would you like some Tiki Death punch?
-那是什麼? -是郎姆酒,還有-What's that? -Well,it's rum and
既然菲比要來過夜談通宵Since Phoebe's staying,we'll have a slumber party.
我們就買了一些八卦雜誌 餅乾麵團和扭體遊戲We got trashy magazines. We got cookie dough. We got Twister.
我帶了“手術”遊戲來 不過我把鑷子弄丟了,所以And I brought Operation. But I lost the tweezers so we can't operate.
不過我們可以演練下But we can prep the guy.
-瑞秋,是信用卡的人打來的 -問他們想幹什麼-Rach,it's the Visa card people. -Oh,God. Ask them what they want.
請問有什麼事嗎?Could you please tell me what this is in reference to?
他們說你的帳戶有問題There's been unusual activity on your account.
可是我已好幾個星期沒刷卡了I haven't used my card in weeks.
問題就出在這兒That is the unusual activity.
他們想知道你是否沒事They wanna see if you're okay.
他們想知道我是否沒事? 我想想They wanna know if I'm okay? Okay,let's see.
好吧,讓我看看. FICA把我的錢全拿走了Well,let's see. The FlCA guys took all my money.
我認識的朋友不是結婚就是懷孕就是升職Everyone is getting married or pregnant or promoted.
而我只是端咖啡 而且還不是端給自己喝And I'm getting coffee. And it's not even for me!
如果這樣叫沒事的話 就告訴他們我沒事,好嗎?If that sounds like I'm okay,then tell them I'm okay. Okay?
瑞秋剛出去,你能再打來嗎?Rachel has left the building. Can you call back?
好吧All right! Come on!
我們來玩扭體遊戲吧Let's play Twister!
-對不起 -對不起,對不起,對不起-Sorry. -Sorry. Sorry,sorry.
你和卡蘿來的那一夜有冰? 塑膠座位?There was ice that night with Carol? Plastic seats?
四千名憤怒的匹茲堡球迷?Four thousand angry Pittsburgh fans?
不,我是說 我們可能不會坐在一起No,I was just saying we're not sitting together.
既然你已提起,沒錯,那一夜有結冰But now that you mention it,there was ice that night.
第一次結霜It was the first frost.
坐下吧Sit. Just sit down. Sit.
你應該感到自豪 你正在學習了不起的獨立You're doing this amazing independent thing.
莫妮卡,有什麼了不起可言?Monica,what is so amazing?
我放棄一切 到底是為了什麼?I gave up,like,everything. And for what?
-你和傑克沒兩樣 -樓下的傑克?-You are just like Jack. -Jack from downstairs?
不,是傑克與魔豆No,Jack and the Beanstalk.
另一個傑克Ah,the other Jack.
對,他放棄某些東西 但是得到了魔豆Right. He gave up something but then he got those magic beans.
他起床後 發現有棵大樹…And then he woke up and there was this big plant...
…在他的窗戶外面 充滿一切可能...outside of his window,full of possibilities.
他住在一個村莊 你住在一個村莊…He lived in a village,and you live in the Village.
菲比,傑克放棄了牛 我放棄了一個整牙醫生Okay. But,Pheebs,Jack gave up a cow. I gave up an orthodontist.
-我知道我並不喜歡他 -傑克深愛著那頭牛-Okay,I know I didn't love him.... -Oh,see,Jack did love the cow.
那是有計劃的,一切都很清楚But,see,it was a plan. It was clear.
一切都會發生,就好像…Everything was figured out. Now it's like....
-怪異、困惑和糊塗? -對-Floopy? -Yeah.
我們也常不知自己何去何從We don't know where we' re going.
你步入正軌了 就能不再怪異困惑糊塗It's all gonna come together and it's just gonna be un-floopy.
對,真是好詞Yeah,like that's a word.
好吧,莫尼卡,但如果無法步入軌道呢?Okay. But Monica,what if it doesn't come together?
因為你… 我不喜歡這個問題Well,because you just I don't like this question.
瞧,如果我們沒拿到魔豆呢?See,you guys? What if we don't get magic beans?
如果只拿到一般的豆子呢?I mean,what if all we've got are beans?
宰掉他…宰掉他…Get him! Get him! Get him!
笑不出來了吧,老兄Yes! You're not laughing now,are you,pal?
那正是你需要的 一群以棍子互打的傢夥All you needed were guys hitting each other with sticks.
快傳,快傳Pass it! Pass it!
-他有空檔 -射門,射門-He's open! He's open! -Shoot it! Shoot it!
瞧,我們上電視了Hey,look,we're on that TV thing.
對不起?Excuse me?
上面說不滿意這條巧克力糖 可以撥這個號碼It says to call if you're not satisfied with this candy bar.
我並不滿意Well,I'm not completely satisfied.
好吧,標籤上承諾的是堅果的品質Well,the label promises nutty goodness.
這是緊急事件,我想你很清楚 否則我們就不會在這兒了It's an emergency. But you know that,or we'd be in the predicament room.
等等,拿去填資料 坐在那兒填Hold on. Fill these out. Sit over there!
我不想惹麻煩,好嗎? 我現在很疼I don't want to make any trouble but I'm in a lot of pain.
-我的臉凹下去了 -你得照順序來-My face is dented. -Well,you'll have to wait your turn.
-大概要等多久? -快了-How long do you think it will be? -Any minute now.
真是對不起,我不是存心讓你們不開心的I' m so sorry,you guys. I didn't mean to bring you down.
不,你說得對 我的人生毫無計畫No,you were right. I don't have a plan.
-送披薩的 -食物終於來了-Pizza guy. -Food!
-菲比 -幹嗎?-Phoebe? -What?
-你有計劃嗎? -我連“計”都沒有-Do you have a plan? -I don't even have a " pla. "
磨菇,青椒和洋蔥?One mushroom,green pepper and onion?
-不 -不,這不是我們點的No,no,no. That's not what we ordered!
我們點的是乳酪脆皮口味We ordered a fat-free crust with extra cheese!
你們不是喬治·史特噴那彼拉斯家?天呐,我爸一定會宰掉我的Wait. You' re not G. Stephanopoulos? Man,my dad's gonna kill me!
等等,你是說喬治·史特噴那彼拉斯?Wait! Did you say G. Stephanopoulos?
對,他住對街 我一定是送錯了,笨Yeah,this one goes across the street. I gave him yours. Bonehead! Bonehead!
當你這麼做的時候 你不過是在打擊你自己When you do that,you're only hitting yourself.
是不是那個矮小的地中海人 一幅聰明樣的帥哥?Was this a small Mediterranean guy with curiously intelligent good looks?
-對,應該就是他 -他穿著迷人的藍色西裝?-That sounds right. -Was he wearing a stunning blue suit?
-打著領帶? -不,他只圍一條浴巾-And a power tie? -No,pretty much just a towel.
-上帝呀 -你們忍心讓我把它帶回去?-Oh,God! -You guys want me to take this back?
開什麼玩笑? 我們要吃喬治·史特噴那彼拉斯的披薩What,are you nuts? We've got George Stephanopoulos' pizza!
菲比,喬治·史特噴那彼“格”斯(瑞秋口誤)是誰?Pheebs,who's George Snuffleupagus?
大鳥的朋友(史特噴那彼“格”斯是《芝麻街》中大鳥的朋友)That's Big Bird's friend.
-我看見披薩 -讓我看-I see pizza! -I want to see. Let me see.
我們在偷瞄誰?Hello! Who are we spying on?
白宮顧問,克林頓的助選員White House adviser,Clinton's campaign guy.
他有迷人的頭髮性感的微笑 帶勁兒的屁股The one with the great hair,sexy smile,cute butt.
是他!那個小矮人? 我好喜歡他Oh,him! The little guy. Oh,I love him!
-等等,我看到一個女人 -告訴我那是他媽-Wait. Wait,I see a woman. -T ell me it's his mother.
-絕對不是他媽 -不-Definitely not his mother. -Oh,no!
慢著,她走過地板 她走著…她走著…她走著…Wait,she's walking across the floor. She's walking,she's walking....
她去拿披薩了 不是給你的,賤人She's going for the pizza That's not for you,bitch!
抱歉,我們已等了一個小時 許多情況比我朋友輕的人都走了We've been here for over an hour,and people less sick have gone in.
那個腳趾有毛病的傢夥 他和誰睡覺?That guy with the toe thing,who's he sleeping with?
朵拉,別生氣Oh,come on,Dora. Don't be mad.
我知道我們都說了些…傷害彼此的話I know we both said some things...
但那不意味著我們不再愛著對方...we didn't mean but that doesn't mean we still don't love each other.
我想她不會再理我了You know,I feel like I've lost her.
-來吧,推我 -不-Come on,push me. -No.
-來吧,推我 -我們碰到麻煩了-Push me. -We' re gonna get in trouble.
不要像個小孩子一樣.推我,推我Don't be a baby. Push me. Push me.
好吧,我要推了你哦,準備好了嗎? 不如我像這樣推你吧All right. I' m gonna push you,okay? How about I push you like this?
現在你將在輪椅上度過你的餘生,我親密的朋友Now you're gonna be in a wheelchair the rest of your life,pally-wally....
非常對不起,我能給你簽名嗎?I am so very sorry. Can I sign you?
-燈還關著,對嗎? -是的-Lights still out? -Yeah.
或許他們在小睡Well,maybe they' re napping.
-拜託,他們在做愛 -閉嘴-Please. They' re having sex. -Shut up!
你們認為喬治是什麼樣的人?So,what do you think George is like?
-我認為他很害羞 -真的?-I think he's shy. -Yeah.
你必須勾引他Yeah. I think you have to draw him out.
之後他就會漸漸顯露出獸性And then when you do,he's a preppy animal.
-你們認為這些小夥怎麼樣? -我們的小夥們?-What do you think of the guys? -Our guys?
-是的,我們的小夥 -談論他們我覺得很有趣-Yeah,our guys. -I feel funny talking about that.
-來嘛 -好吧…-Oh,come on. -Okay. Well....
我覺得喬伊就像…一個小騎手I think Joey's like a little kiddie ride.
你只需把他放在角落裡,他自然會走You just have to put the quarter in and it just goes.
他也許會給你驚喜. 有一次,他幫我穿上外套…He might surprise you. One time,he helped me put on my coat...
…他真的很體貼...and he was really tender.
來吧,我們走Come on,baby,come on. Let's go.
錢德是一個感情內斂的小夥 你必須勸他才能上床Chandler's one of those repressed guys who you'd have to seduce.
我覺得就像是一齣戲 錢德比他實際看起來更有內涵I think it's an act. Chandler is more sophisticated than he seems.
-你知道誰有那種性感嗎? -不要說-You know who's kind of sexy? -Don't.
-羅斯 -不會吧,他是我哥哥-Ross. -No,guys. Please,he is my brother.
我完全明白你的意思 他真的很沉穩I know exactly what you mean. He can be really smooth.
你能想像他在床上的樣子嗎?Can't you just picture him in bed?
我一點也不想I really don't want to.
來吧,笑一個Come on,laugh. Laugh.
我記得月光透過窗戶照進來 她的臉龐露出…I remember the moonlight coming in the window,and her face had the most...
…無比甜蜜的微笑...incredible glow.
月光,微笑 魔幻的感覺,說得好The moon,the glow,the magical feeling. You did this.
誰能拿點止痛藥來嗎?Could I get some painkillers over here,please?
他說得對,你夠了沒? 今天有什麼大不了的?He's right. Enough. What's the big deal about today?
你和她第一次上床,了不起?So you slept with her for the first time.
之後你又和她做了七年You slept with her for seven years after that.
事情沒那麼簡單It's a little more complicated
那麼問題出在哪兒?她把你甩了? 她愛上女人?What is it,that she left you for another woman that likes women?
大聲點,行嗎? 12樓有個昏迷的人聽不清楚Louder. There's a man on the 12th floor in a coma who didn't hear you.
我和卡蘿的第一次My first time with Carol was...
…是我的…...was my....
是我的第一次It was my first time.
和卡蘿?With Carol?
這麼說你這輩子只和一人…So,in your whole life,you've only been with one?
天啊,看曲棍球真是個錯誤Oh,boy. Hockey was a big mistake.
本來今晚我們可以幹很多事There's a bunch of stuff we could've done tonight.
我有了Okay,I got one.
你記得我做的那個蔬菜麵團嗎…?Do you remember that vegetarian pate...
…你非常喜歡的那個...that I made that you loved so much?
好吧,除非鵝也是蔬菜Well,unless goose is a vegetable!
和強森上床的感覺沒那麼糟Now I don't feel so bad about sleeping with Jason Hurley.
-什麼?你和強森上床? -你們已經分手了-What? You slept with Jason? -You had already broken up.
-多久之後? -幾小時-How long? -Just a couple hours.
-真好 -我也有了-Oh,that's nice! -Okay,okay,okay,I got one!
情人節湯姆放在你置物箱的東西 其實是我放的Anyway,the valentine T om left in your locker was really from me!
什麼?Excuse me?
你以為他真會送你東西?Hello! Like he was really gonna send you one.
她當時太胖了She was a big girl!
真的?胖女孩至少不會在七年級時還尿褲子Really? Well,at least big girls don't pee in their pants in seventh grade!
當時我是在笑,你逗得我大笑I was laughing. You made me laugh!
他來了,他來了Oh,my God! There he is! There he is!
-在哪兒? -我們看了一整夜的地方-Where? -Where we've been looking all night.
-他真帥 -我的寶貝喬治,快拿掉浴巾-He's so cute. -George,baby,drop the towel.
- 快拿掉浴巾… - 求你了-Come on,drop the towel. -Drop it. Will you please drop it?
你能相信他只和一個女人上過床?Man,can you believe he's only had sex with one woman?
這樣很好啊 甜蜜I think it's great. You know,it's sweet.
又浪漫It's romantic.
才怪,這傢夥是怪胎,我要審判他You kidding? The guy's a freak. I judge him.
-老兄 -兄弟-Hey,man! -Hey,buddy!
真是迷人Oh,that's attractive.
你在《沉默的羔羊》裡演得真好I thought you were great in Silence of the Lambs.
快承認吧,縱觀一切,你今晚很開心Admit it,all things considered,you had fun tonight.
開心?哪裡開心? 告訴我哪一點值得我開心?Fun? Where was the fun? T ell me which part was fun.
我的曲棍球在哪兒?Where's my puck?
-在那小孩手裡 -孩子…-The kid has it. -The kid
打擾一下 球是我的Excuse me,that's my puck.
我找到的 誰發現歸誰,丟掉的人活該I found it. Finders keepers,losers weepers.
爭氣點You gotta do it,man.
是嗎?我是橡膠你是膠水…I' m rubber,you' re glue. Whatever you
我做不到I can't do it.
-聽著,還我的球 -不-Listen,give me back my puck. -No.
-過來,不如這樣? -不行-Yes,how about? -No.
-球還我 -不-Give me my puck. -No.
別在急診室鬧事No roughhousing in my ER!
把球還我Give me my puck!
那才叫好玩Now that was fun.
莫妮卡,右腳紅Okay,Monica. Right foot,red.
本來我們是要玩大富翁的,但是…We could've played Monopoly,but no!
菲比,右手藍Okay,Pheebs. Right hand,blue.
羅斯,和我換一下 菲比就能成為你的2號了Ross,switch with me and Phoebe could be number two.
不行,這是扭體遊戲. 規則就在盒子的背後Nothing. It's a Twister thing. The rules are on the back of the box.
信用卡人員打來的It's the Visa card people.
-好,願意代替我嗎? -我是瑞秋-Okay. Will you take my place? -All right. This is Rachel.
你好,不,我知道,我很久沒用了Hello? Oh,yeah. No,I know. I haven't been using it much.
謝了,我沒事,真的Oh,well,thanks. But l' m okay,really.
-綠色的,到綠色那裡. -噢,不-To the green. -Oh,no.
我有魔豆I've got magic beans.
不,當我沒說No,no,never mind.
左轉,左轉To the left! To the left!
我沒事I' m fine.


- 各位 - 菲比- Hi,guys. - Hey,Phoebe.
- 你的約會怎麼樣? - 不是很好- How did it go? - Not so good.
他送我到地鐵然後跟我說 我們應該再來一次He walked me home and said,"Let's do this again."
他說要再來一次? 那不是很好嗎?He said,"Let's do this again." That's good,right?
不,"我們應該再來一次"意思是"你將無法再見到裸體的我"Translated,"Let's do this again" means,"You'll never see me naked."
什麼時候這樣子的?Since when?
一直都是這樣的啊. 就像是…約會用語Since always. It's,like,dating language.
比如,“問題不是出在你”代表“就是你”Like,"It's not you" means,"It is you."
“你真好”意思是說我要和皮革族的酒徒約會…"You're nice" means,"I'll be dating alcoholics..
然後向你抱怨and complaining about them to you."
“我們該試試別人”代表"We should see other people" means:
“我已和別人約會了”"Ha-ha,I already am!"
大家都懂?Everybody knows this?
對,善意的謊言Cushions the blow.
沒錯,就像父母使小孩的狗安樂死時Like your parents putting the dog to sleep..
他們會說它跑到別人家農場去住了and saying it went to a farm.
真有意思,不過我爸媽是真的…That's funny. Because our parents actually did..
把我們的狗送給別人養了send our dog off to live on a farm.
米納他們在康乃迪克州的農場Hello! The Milner's farm in Connecticut?
米納他們家的農場好棒The Milners had this unbelievable farm.
有馬還有可供追逐的兔子…They had horses and rabbits to chase.
而且…And it was..
噢,琪琪Oh,my God! Chi-Chi!
六人行 第1季 第03集 手指The One With the Thumb
知道自己不久人世有何感受?How does it feel knowing you're about to die?
華頓,我的痛苦將在五分鐘內消除Warden,in five minutes my pain will be over.
但你得承受埋葬一個老實人的痛苦But you'll live with the knowledge that you sent an honest man to die.
表演得真好是嗎?That was really good!
謝了,咱們繼續吧Thanks. Let's keep going.
好,你要我怎麼做,迪默?So,what do you want from me,Dimon? Huh?
我只想回到我的牢房內 因為這樣我才可以抽煙I just wanna go back to my cell,because in my cell I can smoke.
你就在這裡抽吧Smoke away!
我想這就是迪默自己一個在牢房裡抽煙的原因I think this is why Dimon smokes in his cell alone.
- 什麼 - 手放輕鬆- What? - Relax your hand.
手腕自然點Let your wrist go.
別太過火!Not so much!
好的,現在吐口煙All right. Now take a puff.
- 給我來 - 不,我不能給你煙- Give it to me. - I'm not giving you a cigarette.
無所謂的,你到底想不想演這個角色?來It's fine. Do you want to get this part or not? Here.
看著,別把它當成香煙Now,don't think of it as a cigarette.
把它當成是你想念多時的東西Think of it as the thing that has been missing from your hand.
夾著它你感到自在When you hold it,you feel right.
讓你感到滿足You feel complete.
- 你很想它? - 沒那麼嚴重- You miss it? - No,not so much.
好吧,抽煙All right. Now we smoke.
噢,爽呀!Oh,my God!
- 把它給我 - 不,你有幾種選擇- Give me that! - No. You've got options.
你可以像這樣抽煙You can smoke like this:
- 錢德 - 或者只是把它叼在嘴裡- Chandler - Or hold it in your mouth.
把煙給我Give me the cigarette!
- 你來試試. - 謝謝- You try. - Thank you.
怎麼樣?Okay,how's this?
還不壞Okay,that's not bad.
好的,當你結束的時候,彈掉它會顯得很酷All right,when you're finished,it's cool if you flick it.
就這樣,不斷練習All right,you keep practicing..
我去撲滅著火的沙發and I'll go put out the sofa.
我認為那東西跟自己腳的大小相等I thought it was foot size.
不,是和拇指尖到食指尖…No. It's the distance from the tip of a guy's thumb..
的距離相同的to the tip of his index finger.
這太荒謬了That's ridiculous.
隨便哪個姆指都行?Can I use either thumb?
我寧可相信腳長理論I'd rather go with the foot theory.
別告訴我…All right. Don't tell me.
無咖啡因卡布其諾,是喬伊的Decaf cappuccino for Joey.
和冰茶And an iced tea.
- 我進步神速 - 不錯- I'm getting good at this. - Excellent!
我真行Good for me!
- 菲比,你沒事吧 - 我還好- You okay,Phoebe? - It's not worth
我的銀行It's my bank.
他們對你怎麼了?- What did they do? - It's nothing
我看我的信件時 看見他們的每月通知I get my mail and open their monthly "statement."
我的戶頭多了五百元And there's $500 extra in my account.
撤旦的奴才又開始活躍了Satan's minions at work again!
沒錯,因為我得到銀行找他們處理Now I have to go deal with them
- 別傻了,留著自己用吧 - 這些錢不是我的- What are you talking about? Keep it! - It's not mine.
我留下來就如同偷竊If I kept it,I'd be stealing.
如果你拿來花就如同購物But if you spent it,it would be like shopping.
好吧,就比方說我買了一雙很棒的鞋Say I bought a great pair of shoes.
你們知道我每走一步會聽到什麼嗎?“不是我的…不是我的”Know what I'd hear with every step? "Not mine. Not mine. Not mine."
即使我再快樂再雀躍都會聽到Even if I was happy and skipping,I'd hear:
“不是我的…不是我的…”"Not-not mine. Not-not mine."
知道你的意思了We're with you. We got it.
我無法享受非份之財的樂趣 會有報應的I'd never be able to enjoy it. It'd be this giant karmic debt.
錢德,你在幹什麼?Chandler,what are you doing?
你在幹什麼?What are you doing?
- 這是什麼 - 我在抽煙…- What is this? - I'm smoking!
你這三年來一直表現良好You've been so good for three years!
這是我的獎勵And this is my reward.
等等,想想你戒煙後是怎麼活過來的Think about what you went through when you quit.
就算忘了你自己,至少想想我們是怎麼過來的Forget about you. Think about what we went through!
所以這一次我不再戒了So this time I won't quit.
- 熄掉… - 好吧,我熄掉就是- Put it out! - I'm putting it out!
我現在喝不了它了I can't drink this now.
我要去換衣服了,我有個約會I'm gonna go. I've got a date.
又是亞倫?進展得如何?With Alan again? How's it going?
進展的還不錯.我們在一起很開心It's going pretty good. It's nice and we're having fun.
我們何時能見到他?When do we get to meet him?
今天是星期一…Let's see,it's Monday..
- 永遠別想… - 不要這樣嘛- Never. - Come on!
不,不要再來像史提夫那次的事…Not after what happened with Steve.
你在說什麼?我們都愛史提夫 史提夫很性感What do you mean? We love Steve. Steve was sexy!
我對他有何感覺都不知道 給我一點時間想清楚I don't know how I feel yet. Let me figure it out.
這麼說我們可以見他囉?Then can we meet him?
喬伊.放過他吧Joey. Let it go.
我為何要讓他們見他?Why should they meet him?
我帶他回去後,他們就像I bring a guy home and they're like..
就像郊狼一樣找畜群中的弱者下手coyotes picking off the weak members of the herd.
聽著,作為一個見了過多壞牛排的人Listen,as someone who's seen more than her fair share of bad beef..
我告訴你這並不是一件壞事I'll tell you,that is not such a terrible thing.
你的朋友他們只是關心你Your friends are just looking after you.
我只希望帶一個 他們真正喜歡的男人回家I wish that once I'd date a guy they liked.
你知道的,他的機會會更渺茫的…You realize the odds of that happening are slimmer..
- 如果他們根本就沒見過這小夥 - 這個我知道- if they never get to meet the guy. - I know.
- 能讓我小聲的哭一下嗎? - 哭- Can't I whimper a little bit? - Whimper.
好了Okay,I'm done.
羅斯,讓它去吧!Let it go,Ross.
你又不瞭解琪琪You didn't know Chi-Chi.
- 你們都保證? - 對,我們保證- Do you all promise? - We promise.
我們會很友善的We'll be good.
錢德,你保證會很友善?Chandler,do you promise to be good?
你可以進來了,但是你的煙屁股朋友得待在外面You can come in,but your filter-tip buddy stays outside!
親愛的布菲小姐 謝謝你提醒我們的錯誤"Dear Ms. Buffay. Thank you for calling.
我們已將五百元存入你的戶頭 造成不便之處請多包涵We've credited you $500. We're sorry for the inconvenience..
請接受此足球電話…and hope you'll accept this football phone..
做為禮物 你們相信嗎?as our gift." Do you believe it?
現在我多了一千元和一個足球電話Now I have $ 1000 and a football phone.
這是哪家銀行?What bank is this?
他來了Okay,it's him.
- 是誰? - 亞倫- Who is it? - Alan.
錢德,他來了Chandler! He's here!
我看起來怎麼樣?Do I look okay?
最好再扣上一顆扣子One more button.
-我是說扣上!扣上怎麼樣?Closed! How about closed?
- 我不太清楚 - 好吧- I didn't know. - Yeah.
拜託,別亂來Please be good.
記得你們有多麼愛我Remember how much you all like me?
亞倫,這是大家 各位,他是亞倫Alan,this is everybody. Everybody,this is Alan.
我對各位已如雷灌耳I've heard so much about all you guys.
謝謝,我明天再打電話給你I'll call you tomorrow. Thanks.
開始攻擊亞倫吧Let's let the Alan-bashing begin.
誰先開始?Who's gonna take the first shot?
來呀Come on!
我來I'll go.
我們就從他不停剔牙開始Let's start with how he kept picking
抱歉,我辦不到.我們愛他I'm sorry,I can't do this. We loved him.
我們愛他We loved him!
等等,我們談的是我約會的物件嗎?Wait! We're talking about someone I'm going out with?
那個辣椒的小把戲That pimento trick!
我絕不會再這樣看橄欖了I'll never look at an olive the same way again.
你們都有注意到?And did you notice?
知道他什麼最棒嗎? 他的微笑有點邪邪的Know what was great? His smile was crooked.
對,就像是鞋裡的男人 - 什麼鞋?- Yes! Like the man in the shoe! - What shoe?
詩裡的From the rhyme.
有個駝背的人有著扭曲的微笑There was a man With a crooked smile
他住在鞋子裡,有一陣子Who lived in a shoe For a while
我想亞倫…So I think Alan..
將成為日後男友被丈量的標準is the yardstick by which future boyfriends will be measured.
什麼日後男友?Future boyfriends?
- 不,我想他就是了 - 真的呀?- I think this could be "it." - Really?
他學大衛·哈塞爾霍夫(《海灘遊俠》主演)\n的樣子我就想嫁給他了I'd marry him for his David Hasselhoff impression alone.
你知道嘛,我也要在派對上這麼做You know I'll be doing that at parties.
- 知道我最喜歡他哪一點? - 哪一點?- Know what I like most? - What?
他改變我看待自己的方式The way he makes me feel about myself.
比賽如何?How was the game?
我們贏啦We won!
太意外了!問題是,這怎麼可能呢?Fantastic! Question. How is that possible?
- 亞倫 - 他真是太不可思議了- Alan. - He was unbelievable!
他就像兔寶寶一樣守每個位置Like the cartoon where Bugs Bunny plays every position.
但我們有一壘手亞倫、二壘手亞倫…It was first base,Alan. Second base,Alan..
他使我們形成一個團隊It was like he made us into a team.
對,我們讓對手見識到什麼叫壘球We sure showed those Hasidic jewelers a thing or two about softball.
能問你們一個問題嗎?Can I ask a question?
你是否曾感覺亞倫有時…Do you think Alan is sometimes..
我說不上來,太亞倫了I don't know. A little too "Alan"?
不,不可能 你不可能太過於“亞倫”Oh,no. Not possible. You can never be too "Alan."
沒錯我們欣賞的是亞倫的內在It's his innate "Alan-ness" that we adore.
我一個人可以喝下一加侖的亞倫I,personally,could have a gallon of Alan.
- 嘿,露西 - 嘿,古怪女孩- Hey,Lizzy. - Hey,weird girl.
- 我帶字母湯來給你 - 你挑出有母音的了嗎?- I brought alphabet soup. - Pick out the vowels?
但我把“Y”留下來了 因為Y是半母音I left in the Y's. Because,"sometimes Y."
- 我還帶了其他東西給你 - 鹹餅乾嗎?- And something else. - Saltines?
但願你喜歡一千元和足球電話No,$1000 and a football phone.
天啊Oh,my God!
- 這裡真的有錢 - 這我知道- There's really money in here. - I know.
你在幹什麼?What are you doing?
我要給你,我不想要I want you to have it. I don't want it.
- 不,我得拿東西給你 - 不用了- I have to give you something. - No,you don't
- 你要我的錫箔紙帽嗎? - 不要,因為你需要- Do you want my tinfoil hat? - No,you need that.
- 不用了,謝謝 - 求你,讓我表示我的謝意- It's okay. Thanks. - Let me do something.
這樣吧,你請我喝汽水就扯平了I'll tell you what. Buy me a soda and we're even. Okay?
- 好吧 - 好吧- Okay. - Okay.
不用找了Keep the change.
你真的不要椒鹽卷餅?Want a pretzel?
- 不,不用了 - 再見- No,I'm fine. Thanks. - See you.
一個拇指?A thumb?
我知道.我打開時它就浮在裡面I know. There it was,just floating..
像個搭便車的like this tiny little hitchhiker.
或者這是一場競賽,比如集滿五個有獎?Maybe it's a contest. Like "collect all five."
- 你們想看看嗎? - 不用了,謝謝- Does anyone wanna see? - No,thanks!
別那樣,拜託Don't do that. Come on!
這比姆指還糟糕It's worse than the thumb.
- 這不公平 - 為何不公平?- This is so unfair. - Why is it unfair?
我有缺點不行嗎?了不起嗎?So I have a flaw! Big deal!
喬伊常扳指關節就不惹人厭?Joey's knuckle-cracking isn't annoying?
羅斯把每個音發得太清楚Ross,over-pronouncing every word.
莫妮卡大笑時的鼻音 搞什麼嘛Monica,who snorts when she laughs. I mean,what the hell is that thing?
我接受大家所有的缺點 為何大家就不肯接受我的呢?I accept those flaws. Why can't you accept me for this?
扳指關節會惹人厭嗎?還是只是他比較煩Does the knuckle-cracking bother everybody,or just him?
沒有它我也能活的下去I could live without it.
覺得有點煩嗎? 感覺就和看到菲比咬她的頭髮時一樣?Is it a little annoying? Or is it like when Phoebe chews her hair?
菲比,別介意 我覺得那樣很可愛Don't listen to him. I think it's endearing.
真的?是嗎?Oh,you do,do you?
咬字清晰又不犯法There's nothing wrong with speaking correctly.
的確沒錯Indeed there isn't.
我該回去工作了I should get back to work.
那麼有人就會拿錯他們點的東西了Otherwise someone might get what they ordered.
頭髮冒了出來,手套滑落下來 (全都發洩出來了)The hair comes out and the gloves come off.
你曾和一個你朋友都喜歡的男人約會嗎?Ever go out with a guy your friends really like?
我在和一個我朋友都喜歡的男人約會I'm going out with a guy my friends really like.
我們在談郊狼嗎?Are we talking about the coyotes here?
一頭牛居然逃脫了All right! A cow got through.
你能相信嗎?Can you believe it?
就像是,你知道嗎…It's just,you know what?
我毫無感覺I just don't feel the "thing."
而他們卻有感覺.我毫無感覺They feel the thing. I don't feel it.
你應該要有感覺Honey,you should always feel the thing.
如果對他沒感覺,就把他甩了If that's how you feel about the guy,dump him.
- 我知道,但很難 - 沒錯,但他是大人了,他會熬過去的- It's gonna be really hard. - He'll get over it.
不,他沒事.我擔心的是其他五人No,he'll be fine. It's the other five I'm worried about.
- 難道你不尊重你的身體嗎? -你難道不明白自己在做什麼嗎?- Don't you respect your body? - Don't you see what you're doing?
還有你們的癌症肺氣腫和心臟病I've had it with your cancer,emphysema and heart disease.
至少抽煙很酷,這點你們也很清楚The bottom line is,smoking is cool,and you know it.
錢德,亞倫找你Alan wants to speak to you.
真的,他找我?Really? He does?
老兄,什麼事?Hey,buddy! What's up?
她告訴你了?She told you about that,huh?
對,我偶爾會犯煙癮 對,現在Well,yeah. I have one now and then. Well,yeah,now.
沒那麼糟It's not that
這倒是真的Well,that's true.
天啊,沒人這麼說過Gee,you know,no one's ever put it like that before.
好的,謝謝Well,okay. Thanks.
天啊,他真棒God,he's good.
- 如果他是個女人,那該有多好 - 是的啊- If only he were a woman. - Yeah.
小羊排!Lamb Chop!
那襪子到底有多舊了?How old is that sock?
如果我手上戴著襪子三十年 它也會開始說話If I had a sock on my hand for 30 years,it'd be talking too.
有人該換尼古丁貼片了I think it's time to change somebody's nicotine patch.
- 喬伊在哪兒? - 喬伊吃了我的最後一片口香糖- Where's Joey? - Joey ate my last stick of gum..
所以我就把他殺了so I killed him.
你認為這樣不對嗎?Do you think that was wrong?
- 我想他在對面 - 謝謝- I think he's across the hall. - Thanks.
好啦There you go.
我又重拾快樂的生活I'm alive with pleasure now.
菲比,你還想吃那個小松餅嗎?Phoebe,do you want the rest of that Pop-Tart?
誰想吃剩下的?Does anyone want the rest of this Pop-Tart?
我要Hey,I might.
抱歉I'm sorry.
汽水公司那些笨蛋 給我七千元當姆指的補償金The soda people gave me $7000 for the thumb.
天啊,七千元別鬧了 我回家路上又踩到口香糖And on my way over here I stepped in gum.
這世界到底怎麼了?What is up with the universe?
- 怎麼啦? - 只是覺得大夥兒在一起很溫馨- What's going on? - It's just nice when we're together.
如果大家都有穿內褲會更好It's nicer when everyone gets to wear underwear.
各位,我有話要說Please,guys,we have to talk.
等等,我有似曾相識的感覺Wait! I'm getting a deja vu.
不,好像沒有No,I'm not.
- 好吧,我們需要談談. - 瞧,來了- We have to talk. - There it is!
是有關亞倫的事Okay,it's about Alan.
關於什麼,告訴他我們會去文藝復興節的Speaking of which,tell him we're on for the Renaissance Fair.
在此之前,有件事應該讓你們知道Before you get into that,there's something you should know.
真的很難啟齒There's really no easy way to say this.
我決定和亞倫分手I've decided to break up with Alan.
有第三者?Is there somebody else?
沒有No,it's just..
只是世事難料,人都會變you know,things change. People change.
我們沒變We didn't change.
就這樣?結束了?So that's it? It's over?
就這樣結束了Just like that?
放下防禦,真心對待一個人…You let your guard down. You start to care about someone,and..
- 我可以繼續偽裝… - 可以啊- I can go on pretending - Okay!
這樣對我不公平,對亞倫也是 對你們大家也是That wouldn't be fair to me,Alan,or to you.
是嗎?誰要公平?Well,who wants fair?
我只想要回失去的,回到往日I just want things back,you know,the way they were.
- 我很抱歉 - 她說抱歉,我舒坦多了- I'm sorry. - Oh,she's sorry. I feel better.
我真是不敢相信I can't believe this!
假期就要來臨了 我要帶他去見我的家人With the holidays coming up. I wanted him to meet my family.
我會找到新歡的,另一個亞倫I'll meet someone. There'll be other Alans.
- 你們不會有事吧? - 我們會好的- Are you guys gonna be okay? - We'll be fine.
我們只是需要一點時間We're just gonna need a little time.
我瞭解I understand.
我真的很抱歉- Wow. - I'm really sorry.
我也很抱歉Yeah,I mean,I'm sorry too.
- 我有點松了一口氣 - 松了一口氣?- But I'm a little relieved. - Relieved?
對,我是說我和你在一起很開心Yeah,well,I mean,I had a great time with you.
只是我受不了你朋友I just can't stand your friends.
記得我們到中央公園划船嗎?Remember when we went to Central Park and rented boats?
沒錯,那很有趣That was fun.
他劃得就像維京人一樣He could row like a Viking.
情況如何?So how'd it go?
你知道的You know.
他有提到我們嗎?Did he mention us?
他說他會想念你們的He says he's really gonna miss you guys.
- 悲慘的一天? - 你無法體會- Rough day,huh? - You have no idea.
過來寶貝Come here.
- 我受夠了,我要抽煙 - 不行…- That's it. I'm getting cigarettes. - No!
我管不了那麼多了,我投降,我是懦夫I don't care! I'm weak!
我要抽煙I've gotta have the smoke!
如果你不再抽煙我就給你七千塊If you never smoke again,I'll give you $7000.
好吧,沒問題Yeah,all right.


別再爭了好嗎? 這又沒什麼大不了的Let it go. It's not a big deal.
沒什麼大不了?這簡直是太神奇了 你夠到之後,把它扯下來Not a big deal? It's amazing. You reach in,there's one maneuver and bam!
胸罩就從袖子出來了A bra. Right out the sleeve.
據我所知,男生可沒有那樣簡單的事情 對不對?As far as I know,guys don't do anything that comes close. Right?
拜託,男生可以站著尿Come on! You guys can pee standing up.
我們行嗎?我倒要試試看We can? Okay,I'm trying that.
知道什麼最令我嫉妒?Know what blows my mind?
女人隨時都可以看自己的胸部Women can see breasts anytime they want.
低頭一看…它就在那裡You look down,and there they are.
真搞不懂你們怎麼會有心工作How you get any work done is beyond me.
知道我搞不懂什麼嗎? 男人可以做許多下流的事…I don't get how guys can do so many mean things...
…卻能毫不在乎...and not even care.
多重性高潮 沒錯-Multiple orgasms! -There you go.
六人行 第1季 第05集 洗衣服The One With the East German Laundry Detergent
了不起,週末夜,重要的夜晚Saturday night. The big night!
約會的夜晚…週末夜…Date night! Saturday night. Saturday night!
- 沒有計劃是嗎? - 一個都沒有-No plans,huh? -Not a one!
連和珍妮絲分手的打算都沒有?Not even breaking up with Janice?
對…閉嘴Right,right. Shut up.
錢德,沒有人喜歡分手Chandler,nobody likes breaking up with someone.
凱文·米勒除外,願他在地獄裡爛掉Except for Kevin Millmore,may he rot in hell.
-你明白的 -我知道,但是這確實太難了-You just gotta do it. -I know. But it's just so hard.
你坐在她身旁…而她卻一無所知You're sitting there with her. She has no idea.
最後你鼓起勇氣You finally get up the courage to do it.
在這實在尷尬的時刻 當你將紙條拿給她There's that awkward moment when you've handed her the note.
在她看完紙條之前,你嘗試著跑出飯店You try to run out of the restaurant before she's finished the note.
幹嘛分手?…像個男人樣,不再打電話就行了Why do you have to break up with her? Be a man. Just stop calling.
如果願意,我和你一起做If you want,I'll do it with you.
謝了,但這樣她會認為 我們是聯手來對付她She'd feel like we're ganging up on her.
你和珍妮絲分手 我和東尼分手You dump Janice,I'll dump T ony.
-東尼?你要和東尼分手? -他人很好.但是我對他再沒新鮮感了-You're breaking up with T ony? -He's sweet,but it's not fun anymore.
我不知道問題是在於我 還是他的絕食抗議I don't know if it's me or his hunger strike,I don't know.
還有人需要什麼嗎?Do you want anything else?
你做了有核果,巧克力之類的派…You had a nutty,chocolate-y,kind of cake-y,pie thing that
沒事,我還好Nothing. I' m fine.
怎麼啦,怪怪的What's wrong? Why so scrunchie?
是我爸…他要買賓士敞篷車給我My father wants to give me a Mercedes convertible.
那傢夥真叫我生氣That guy,he burns me up.
如果想要賓士我就得搬回家了Yeah,it's a Mercedes if I move back home.
太可惡了…他稱我為“年輕的女士”It was horrible! He called me "young lady. "
我最受不了我爸這樣叫我I hate when my father calls me that.
他是不是又說你年紀太輕之類Did he say "You' re not up to this" again?
對,他在這次加長版中說了三次…I got the extended version with choruses of...
…“你不可能獨立”... "You'll Never Make it on Your Own. "
天呀,安吉拉Oh,my God! Angela!
被你甩掉對她大有好處Wow! Being dumped by you agrees with her.
-你想過去嗎? -不,是的,不-Are you gonna go over there? -No. Yeah. No.
不,我不.我不想顯得太渴望了Okay,but not yet. I don't wanna seem too eager.
一個密西西比,兩個密西西比One Mississippi,two Mississippi...
…三個密西西比.那看起來真酷...three Mississippi. That seems pretty cool.
-安吉拉 -喬伊-Hey,Angela. -Joey.
你看起來不錯You look good.
因為我的衣服突顯出我的胸部That's because l' m wearing a dress that accents my boobs.
看得出來You don't say.
瑞秋,你今晚有何節目?So,Rachel,what are you doing tonight?
精彩豐富,我要和莫妮卡去洗衣店Big glamour night. Me and Monica at Launderama.
想知道有個巧合嗎? 猜猜誰也要去洗衣店?You wanna hear a freakish coincidence? Guess who's doing laundry there too?
-誰? -我-Who? -Me!
難道還不夠清楚?Was that not clear?
何不…Why don't...?
何不讓我加入你們?Why don't I just join you both there?
你的公寓沒有洗衣間嗎?Don't you have a laundry room in your building?
有,我的公寓有洗衣間I do have a laundry room in my building.
但是現在有老鼠了But there's a rat problem.
它們顯然對烘乾機裡的香料紙感興趣Apparently,they're attracted to dryer sheets.
進入時還好 出來時卻毛絨絨的They're going in fine,but they're coming out all fluffy.
-7點左右見? -好的-Anyway,7-ish? -Sure.
-免了,我現在和鮑伯交往 -鮑伯?誰是鮑伯?-Forget it. I' m with Bob now. -Bob? Who the hell's Bob?
鮑伯簡直是棒透了 聰明,成熟,又有真正的工作Bob is great. He's smart,sophisticated,and he has a real job.
你每個月面試三次就稱自己是演員 但是鮑伯You go on three auditions a month and you' re an actor. Bob
我們在一起時很開心Come on! We were great together.
不只是尋歡作樂我們也聊得來And not just at the fun stuff,but,like,talking too.
抱歉,喬伊 你曾說我們當朋友就好,那麼Sorry,Joey. You said," Let's be friends. " So guess what?
-什麼? -我們只是朋友-What? -We' re just friends.
Fine. Fine.
我們四個何不一起出去吃晚飯? 就像朋友一樣Why don't the four of us have dinner tonight? As friends.
哪四個?What "four of us"?
你和鮑伯,我和我的女友…You and Bob,and me and my girlfriend...
…莫妮卡... Monica.
要我說,這小夥絕對適合你I' m telling you,this guy's perfect for you.
算了吧,從你那打嗝會嗝出字母表的表兄後 我再也不敢了Forget it! Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet.
沒騙你,他真的很棒 他叫鮑伯,安吉拉的…Come on,this guy's great. His name's Bob. He's Angela's...
…哥哥 鮑伯簡直是太棒了 聰明,成熟... brother. He's smart,he's sophisticated...
…又有真正的工作...and he has a real job.
我呢?我每個月面試三次就稱自己是演員I go on three auditions a month and say l' m an actor,but he's
-上帝啊 -什麼?-God help us. -What?
醜陋的裸男在鋪廚房瓷磚Ugly Naked Guy is laying kitchen tile.
我在求你幫忙Look,l' m asking a favor here.
如果我能為她哥哥做點事 或許她會回到我身旁If I do this for her brother,maybe Angela will come back to me.
你是怎麼了? 你和千百個女人約會What's going on? You go out with tons of girls.
我知道,但是安吉拉很不一樣I know,but Angela's different.
她就像那一種…那種雪花或者…She's like one of a kind,like a snowflake or....
-其他像雪花的東西? -是的,是的-Something else like a snowflake? -Yeah,yeah.
我犯了天大的錯誤 我不該和她分手Look,I made a huge mistake. I never should've broke up with her.
願意幫我嗎?求求你Will you help me? Please?
等等…你能不能不要碰其他的東西Hold on a sec. You need to not touch any of those.
莫妮卡不能去了 現在只剩我和瑞秋Monica's not coming. It's just gonna be me and Rachel.
等等,老兄你確定自己仔細想過Hold on,camper. You've thought this through?
只是去洗衣服,沒仔細想過It's laundry. The thinking-through is minimal.
你是說只有你和瑞秋? 只有你們兩個?Just you and Rachel? Just you two?
這叫約會 你們要去約會This is a date. You're going on a date.
-我有一陣子沒幹這個了啊 -她都不知道能算是約會嗎?-I haven't done that in a while. -ls it a date if she doesn't know?
當然是的 星期六晚上,什麼規則都可以用Yes,absolutely. Saturday night,all rules apply.
你在說些什麼呢? 該再刮刮鬍子或挑瓶美酒?What are you saying? I should shave again? Pick up some wine?
或許你該再考慮你那骯髒的內衣褲Well,you may wanna rethink the dirty underwear.
因為她將首度見到你的內衣褲 想讓她看見你那骯髒的內衣褲嗎?It's the first time she'll see your underwear. You want it dirty?
衣物柔順劑也有問題And the fabric softener?
我的熊寶貝柔順劑又怎麼了?Okay,now what is wrong with my Snuggles?
這代表我敏感貼心What? It says I'm a sensitive,warm kind of guy.
就像一隻毛絨絨的熊寶貝You know,like a little fuzzy bear.
-好吧,我會在路上買其他牌子 -這才對-I'll pick something else up. -There you go.
謝謝Thank you.
鮑伯長什麼樣? 到底是高還是矮?What does Bob look like? Is he tall,short?
-什麼? -什麼什麼?-Which? -Which what?
-你沒和鮑伯見過面,對不? -對,可是…-You've never met Bob,have you? -No,but
-拜託,這傢夥可能相當… 嘿,喬伊-For all we know,he's horribly -Hey,Joey!
非常的吸引人. 我閉嘴就是了Horribly attractive. I'll be shutting up now.
他們在哪兒?他們在哪兒?Where are they? Where are they?
感覺真好,我們倆從未獨處過This is nice. We never do anything,just the two of us.
對,或許明天 我們可以租輛車撞幾隻小狗Great. Maybe tomorrow we can rent a car,run over some puppies.
我不想那樣I don't wanna do that.
-她來了 -祝你有個愉快的分手-Here we go. -Have a good breakup.
-珍妮絲 -真高興你打電話給我-Hey,Janice. -My God,I am so glad you called me.
我從來沒這麼悲慘的一天I had the most supremely awful day.
不妙That's not good.
能端杯濃縮咖啡和拿鐵來嗎?Can I get an espresso and a latte over here?
我們剛在有蔬菜的那個攝影小站拍了照 但那些蔬菜爛透了We got the proofs from the shoot with the vegetables. They sucked.
我的整個下午就這樣毀了 我去逛街購物I blew off the afternoon. I went shopping.
然後就為你買…And I got you....
我在找…我在找…I'm looking. I'm looking.
我為你…I' m looking.
-我為你… -什麼?-I got you -What?
-什麼? -你幫我買什麼?-What? -What did you get me there?
我幫你買…I got you...
馴鹿布威圖案的襪子(《飛鼠洛基冒險記》中的動畫角色)Bullwinkle socks.
-真可愛 -我知道你已有松鼠洛基的了-That's sweet. -I knew you had Rockys.
你可以穿一雙布威的或穿一雙洛基的,或混著穿You can wear Bullwinkle and Bullwinkle or Rocky and Rocky,or you can mix.
馴鹿和松鼠,隨你高興Moose and squirrel. Whatever you want.
我再去叫一杯濃縮咖啡 想再來一杯拿鐵嗎?I'm gonna get another espresso. More latte?
不用了,我的還沒喝完No,l' m still working on mine.
-你這樣就搞定了? -是的,你知道這樣做很難-That's it? -Yeah,it was really hard.
-沒錯,那個擁抱真慘烈 -你又不是當事人-Yeah,the hug looked pretty brutal. -You weren't there.
-對不起 -事情處理的怎樣?-Sorry. -How are things going?
怎樣?還沒有進展. 她給我買了襪子Going? Things are not going. She got me socks.
可以配你的洛基了啊! 她真的很關心你,對不起These go with your Rockys. She really cares about you l' m sorry.
借過,讓開…Coming through. Move. Move!
抱歉,我用這台洗衣機Excuse me! I was kind of using that machine.
是嗎?不過現在不是了Yeah,well,now you' re kind of not.
但是我占位置了,我放了籃子在上面But I saved it. I put my basket on top.
抱歉,這是你的籃子嗎?I'm sorry. Is that your basket?
真漂亮, 但是我沒看到肥皂水It's pretty. Unfortunately,I don't see suds!
沒肥皂水就不算保留,行嗎?No suds,no save,okay?
怎麼了?What's going on?
沒什麼 這個凶女人搶了我的洗衣機Nothing. This horrible woman just took my machine.
你有把籃子放上面嗎?Was your basket on top?
-有,但是沒有肥皂水? -然後呢?-Yeah,but there were no suds. -So?
-沒肥皂水就不算保留 -沒肥皂水,抱歉-You know,no suds,no save. -No suds,no Excuse me.
等等 這是我朋友用的機器Hold on a second! This is my friend's machine.
她的東西沒在裡面Hey,hey,hey! Her stuff wasn't in it!
你明知根本沒這個規矩Hey,hey,hey! That's not the rule,and you know it!
表演結束All right. Show's over.
沒什麼好看的Nothing to see here.
洗衣服吧Okay. Let's do laundry.
這簡直是太神奇了 我連湯都不敢退That was amazing! I can't even send back soup.
因為你是個溫柔可愛的Well,that's because you' re such a sweet,gentle....
你?你? 你得用洗衣粉Do you? Do you? Oh,hey. You must need detergent.
-那是什麼? 烏伯懷斯-What's that? -Uberweiss.
來自德國的新產品 洗淨力超強It's new. It's German. It's extra tough!
瑞秋,你不打算分開洗嗎?Rach,are you gonna separate those?
天哪,我像個洗衣大白癡Oh,God. Am I being a total laundry spaz?
我得用一台洗襯衣 用另一台洗褲子嗎?Am I supposed to use one machine for shirts and another for pants?
你沒洗過衣服?Have you never done this before?
沒有,但我認識這樣洗過的人Well,not myself. But I know other people that have.
好吧,被你說對了 我沒洗過衣服Okay. You caught me. I'm a laundry virgin.
別擔心,我會用輕柔絞洗Don't worry. I'll use the gentle cycle.
你得用一台洗你全部的白衣白衣Basically,you wanna use one machine for all your whites.
另一台洗其他顏色的衣服A whole other machine for your colors.
第三台洗…And a third for your...
…貼身.胸罩和…...delicates. That would be your bras...
…內褲之類的...and your underpanty things.
這些棉質的白色內褲呢?These are white cotton panties.
與白衣還是貼身衣物一起洗?Would they go with whites or with delicates?
隨便你That would be a judgment call.
他好帥He's so cute!
你們在哪兒長大?Where did you grow up?
-布魯克林 -克裡佛蘭-Brooklyn Heights. -Cleveland.
-怎麼會這樣? -天哪!-How'd that happen? -My God!
我突然感到一陣暈眩I suddenly had the feeling I was falling.
但是沒有But I'm not.
你和安吉拉在一起?So,you and Angela,huh?
-差不多 -你真幸運-Yep. Pretty much. -You' re a lucky man.
知道我最想念她什麼?Know what I miss most about her?
她輕啃東西的聲音That cute nibbly noise she makes when she eats.
好像是快樂的小松鼠…Like a happy little squirrel...
…或是鼬...or a weasel.
-我倒是沒注意過 -以後注意聽-I never really noticed. -Oh,yeah,yeah. Listen for it.
莫妮卡,莫妮卡很好Monica. Monica is great.
沒錯Yeah,she is.
不過不會維持很久But it's not gonna last.
她要的太多了…在床上She's too much for me in bed.
我得告訴你,鮑伯簡直是太棒了I've gotta tell you,Bob is terrific.
可不是嗎Yeah,isn't he?
能遇上聰明幽默 心智年齡超過八歲的人真棒It's great to meet a smart,funny guy who's emotionally older than 8.
知道嗎?他在床上更是不可思議You know what else? He's unbelievable in bed!
我哥從未跟我談過 他何時失去他的第一次My brother never even told me when he lost his virginity.
真好That's nice.
你能辦到的 這就像是拔創可貼一樣You can. It's like pulling off a Band-Aid.
快速拔起…露出傷口Just do it really fast,and then the wound is exposed.
快去Go! Go!
我是說,我想我們不該再交往下去了Here we go. I don't think we should go out anymore.
好的All right.
我知道了…Well,there you go.
停下來,停下來….Stop it,stop it,stop it.
這和你無關This isn't about you.
我知道,只是你害怕承諾I know! It's about your fear of commitment.
我一點也不怕I' m not afraid.
-拜託. -我不怕-Please. -I don't!
-我不怕!我準備好了隨時都可以承諾 -真的嗎?-I don't! I' m ready to commit anytime. -Really?
我知道這聽起來很傻…I know this is gonna sound stupid...
…但是我覺得如果我可以做這些... but I feel that if I can do this...
…我想如果我可以自己洗衣服的話...if I can actually do my own laundry...
…我就沒有辦不到的事...there isn't anything I can't do.
我一點都不覺得傻That does not sound stupid to me.
就像卡蘿離開後,我第一次動手做晚飯The first time I had to cook for myself after Carol left me
抱歉,時間到 接下來到我了I'm sorry,that's all the time we have. Next on Ross....
怎麼了?-Uh-oh. -What?
衣服洗好了Uh-oh....the laundry's done.{
這是一首歌It's a song.
我們唱的一首洗衣歌The laundry song we sing.
衣服洗好了Uh-oh! The laundry's done
-到底怎麼了? -沒事-What's the matter? -Nothing.
衣服洗好了…The laundry's done
羅斯,快給我看…Come on,show me.
好吧,白衣中有一隻紅襪 所以白衣全變成…It's just that you left a red sock with your whites,and now...
…全變成粉紅色...everything's kind of pink.
全變成粉紅色?Everything's pink?
對,但紅襪還是紅襪Except for the red sock,which is still red.
抱歉,別傷心,任何人都可能發生這種事Don't be upset. It can happen to anyone.
但是對我還是發生了But it happened to me.
我穿這些看來會像一隻棉花糖粉紅豬God,I'm gonna look like a big Marshmallow Peep!
我到底是怎麼了?What am I doing?
我爸說得對,我無法獨立生活My father's right! I can't live on my own.
我連洗衣服都不會I can't even do laundry!
超狗(感恩節遊行中的標誌卡通形象)氣球出了意外 它的頭無法充氣Something went wrong with Underdog and they couldn't inflate his head.
於是…So anyway...
…於是它的頭就落在百老匯了...his head is flopping down Broadway,right?
我心想這實在太不像話了And I'm thinking how inappropriate this is.
有東西跑進我眼睛 能到燈下幫我看看嗎?Something's in my eye. Could we check it in the light,please?
-我的天呀! -怎麼啦?-Oh,my God! -What?
我們是坐在同一桌嗎? 這就像是…Were we at the same table? It's like...
…阿巴拉契亞的雞尾酒會(太離譜了)...cocktails in Appalachia.
-他們感情很好 -感情很好?她舌頭都伸進了他的耳朵-They' re close. -Close? Her tongue's in his ear.
你和羅斯就不會有小動作?Like you've never got a little rambunctious with Ross.
喬伊,這令人太難受了,讓人噁心Joey,this is sick. It's disgusting. It's...
這不是真的,對不?... not really true' is it?
誰說是真的?Who's to say what's true?
-你到底在想什麼? -好吧,我也不喜歡這樣-What were you thinking? -l' m not proud of this,okay?
或許有一點Well,maybe I am a little.
-我要走了 -等等-l' m out of here! -Wait!
你喜歡他,我要她,他喜歡你You like him. I want her. He likes you.
-真的? -沒錯-Really? -Yeah.
我想只要我們一起想辦法If we put our heads together,between the two of us...
就能讓他們分開...we can break them up.
真是抱歉沒想到我會這樣I' m sorry. I can't believe I did this.
你的諾曼·梅勒(美國著名作家)的故事讓我笑得嘴巴合不攏I couldn't stop laughing at your Norman Mailer story.
服務生,再來一盤雞翅Waiter? One more plate of chicken wings over here.
我們是不同類型的人Here's the thing. We're different.
我就好像丁丁丁 你就好像梆梆梆I'm bing,bing,bing. You' re boom,boom,boom.
糟了,抱歉Oh,my God! I' m so sorry!
你沒事吧Are you okay?
沒事,只是我的隱形眼鏡It's just my lens. It's my lens.
我馬上回來I'll be right back.
我打中她的眼睛,眼睛I hit her in the eye! In the eye!
這是有史以來世上最糟糕的分手This is the worst breakup in the history of the world!
我的天Oh,my God!
-你到底喝了幾杯? -我也不知道,一百萬杯?-How many have you had? -I don't know. A million!
錢德,放輕鬆 快回到你的快樂天堂Chandler,easy,easy. Go to your happy place.
-我沒事的… -好吧-l' m fine,l' m fine. -All right.
-不好,她回來了 -在這兒等著,深呼吸-l' m not fine. Here she is. -Wait here,okay? Breathe.
-你是怎麼辦到的? -我有天賦-How do you do that? -It's like a gift.
我每次分手都該找你We should always break up together.
我樂意之至I'd like that!
你已把衣服洗淨了 這是最重要的The clothes are clean. That's the important part.
大概吧…只是衣服都成了睡衣I guess. Except everything looks like jammies now.
抱歉,推車本來是我們的I'm sorry. Excuse me. We had this cart.
我的腰圍本來是24寸 你丟東西了I had a 24-inch waist. You lose things.
讓開,別擋道Now,come on. Get out of my way.
抱歉,或許我沒說清楚 這車是我們的I' m sorry. Maybe I wasn't being clear. This was our cart.
這上面沒有衣服There weren't clothes in it!
你又再亂編規定了Hey,hey,hey,hey! Quit making up rules!
放手,車是我的Let go! Come on,it's my cart.
好吧,想用這輛車Listen,Mitzi,if you want it...
你就得推著我一起走...you' re gonna have to take me with it!
-我贏了,看見沒? -你真是太神奇了-Yes! Did you see that? -You were incredible.
女士們先生們,一位脫胎換骨的新女性A brand-new woman,ladies and gentlemen.
多虧了你我才能辦到Thank you. I could not have done this without you.
烘乾機裡還有衣服?More clothes in the dryer?
-我沒事,我沒事 -你確定-I'm fine. I'm fine. -Are you sure?
-你確定你沒事 -是的-Are you sure you' re okay? -Yeah.
-還疼嗎? -是的-Does it still hurt? -Yeah.
真是聰明,衣服顏色都很配 我也要這麼做What a neat idea! All your clothes match. I' m gonna do this.
-嘿,怎麼樣啦? -很好!-How'd it go? -Excellent!
我們拆散那一對 並將他們占為已有We ripped that couple apart and kept the pieces for ourselves.
真是美麗動人的故事What a beautiful story.
-順便說一下我沒事. -對不起沒注意-I'm fine,by the way. -I'm sorry.
-錢德在哪兒? -他需要一點時間療傷-Where's Chandler? -He needed time to grieve.
我自由了…我自由了…I' m free! I' m free!
他應該這麼做That ought to do it.


你們看,是喬伊的照片Oh,look! There's Joey's picture!
真是令人興奮This is so exciting!
你總是能看見 從未在自己作品中出現的某人You can spot someone who's never seen his plays.
注意力強,無畏無懼Notice,no fear. No sense of impending doom.
"三號男演員不能讓維克.夏皮羅演""The role of man number three will not be played by Vic Shapiro. "
看來我們來錯時間了啊.We came on the wrong night.
不敢相信我居然把雜誌忘了I can't believe I forgot a magazine.
-這樣也許更好一些 -我不知道-Come on,this might be good. -I don't know.
標題上的驚嘆號讓我害怕 這不只是佛洛德,而是佛洛德!The exclamation point scares me. It's not just Freud,it's Freud!
奇跡就要出現Magic is about to happen!
你今天的表現不錯...we've done some excellent work here.
我得說……And I would have to say...
……你的問題相當清楚...your problem is quite clear.
你只是想要一個風鈴All you want is a tinkle
你討厭流行的東西What you envy's a schwang
聽它發出清脆的聲音A thing through which you can tinkle
撥弄著它,或是掛在那邊To play with or simply let hang
六人行 第1季 第06集 屁股The One With the Butt
丹尼爾·E·漢克出品 新音樂劇《佛洛德》
我感覺自己受到冒犯了I feel violated.
還有誰感覺想剝他們的皮Did anybody else feel like peeling their skin off...
或者做點其他的事情?...to have something else to do?
是嗎?感覺像是兩點Is it? It feels like 2.
-不,十點鐘 -什麼?-No,10:00! -What?
一位美女在8,9,10點鐘方向There's a beautiful woman at 8,9,10:00!
她太美了 她讓我的夢中情人變得有如矮胖的禿子She's amazing! She makes the women l dream about look like fat,bald men.
過去啊,她旁邊沒人Go over. She's not with anyone.
對,我該用什麼開場白? 打擾了,啦啦啦啦之類的And what would my opening line be? Excuse me....
拜託,她只是個人,你可以的Come on,she's a person. You can do it.
請告訴我,我配得上她嗎? 羅斯,做我的後盾吧Could she be more out of my league? Back me up.
他這副德行一百萬年都別想得到這種美女He couldn't get a woman like that in a million years.
但這種美女,身邊總是跟著蹩腳貨You always see these beautiful women with "nothing" guys.
你也可以成為其中之一You could be one of those guys.
-沒錯,你能辦到 -你也認為?-You could do that. -You think?
沒想到我竟有這種念頭I can't believe I'm considering this.
-我一向謹言慎行 -快去-l' m very aware of my tongue. -Come on.
我上了Here goes.
退後,夥計.炮火來襲.Stand back,everyone. Incoming ego shrapnel.
好的,我能做到的All right,I can do this.
-怎麼? -嗨.-Yes? -Hi.
下個字是…Okay,next word would be...
…錢德... Chandler.
我叫錢德Chandler is my name and....
我知道,你說過Yes,you said that.
對,我說過 但我沒說我想說...Yes! Yes,I did. But what I didn't say....
我想說的是……What I wanted to say was...
……願意與我約會嗎? 謝謝,晚安...would you like to go out with me? Thank you. Good night.
-想不到你會跳舞 -你演戲了-I didn't know you could dance! -You were in a play!
感覺如何?What'd you think?
-想不到你會跳舞 -你演戲了-I didn't know you could dance! -You were in a play!
拜託,沒那麼糟吧 我是主角It wasn't that bad. I was the lead.
這次我在輪唱中出現 至少你們可以看見我的頭It was better than the troll thing. At least you got to see my head.
-對沒錯 -我們有看見你的頭-You're right. -We saw your head.
這德國口音怎麼樣?How about that accent?
不錯,你的W全變成V了Yeah. All of your W's were V's.
她答應了…She said yes!
好爛的戲,夥計,爛Awful play,man!
她叫亞蘿拉,來自義大利 她叫我“錢德呃呃呃”Her name's Aurora. She's ltalian and she pronounces my name " Chandler. "
我喜歡她這樣稱呼我I like that better.
領座員要我把它交給你The usher gave me this.
-這是什麼? -艾斯黛雷納德經紀公司-What is it? -The Estelle Leonard T alent Agency.
經紀公司拿名片給我 或許他們想和我簽約An agency left its card. They wanna sign me!
因為這場戲?Based on this play?
因為這一場戲!Based on this play!
瞧!背面有字Look! There's a note on the back.
"喜歡你的工作.請叫我挖牆腳的""Loved your work. Call me a sap. "
顯然她非常的動人She was obviously very moved!
你應該馬上打電話給她You should call her fairly quickly.
越快越好Yeah! As soon as possible!
請進Come in!
嗨,我來找艾斯黛雷納德的.Hi. I'm here to see Estelle Leonard.
等等,讓我看看她在不在……Just a moment,let me see if she's in.
-你是艾斯黛? -我知道……-You' re Estelle? -I know...
……你在期待 一位美麗動人的小姐....you weren't expecting someone so fantastically beautiful.
笨小夥.放下負擔 親愛的,坐下來Love lump. T ake a load off already,darling. Sit already.
我無法用語言表述 到這裡來我有多麼興奮I can't tell you how excited I am to be here.
為什麼?Why not?
-我的意思是說 -你不介意我邊吃邊聽吧-What I meant was -You don't mind if I eat,do you?
……讓我問你一個問題...sweetheart,let me ask you a question.
你看過"西雅圖未眠夜"這部電影嗎?Did you ever see the movie Sleepless in Seattle?
-喔!你要我扮演那些演員 -不是.-Wow! Do you represent those actors? -No.
你知道結尾的,最後他們快樂的在一起But you know the end,where they' re happy?
那將是你和我的結局That's gonna be you and me.
你是說你準備和我簽約You mean you wanna sign me?
不,我要到帝國大廈頂樓去親熱.No,I wanna go to the top of the Empire State Building and make out.
我當然是要簽你啊!Of course I wanna sign you!
小姐,我實在是 -噢,小夥子-Miss Leonard,I'm so -Oh,boy.
-坐在那裡,牛仔. -對不起!-Ride them,cowboy. -l' m sorry!
我看不到I don't see it!
-試著穿透過去 -讓你的眼睛離焦.-T ry to look through it. -Unfocus your eyes.
集中?沒有什麼東西可以集中眼力Focus? There's nothing to focus on.
-是自由女神 -對啦-It's the Statue of Liberty! -Right!
-自由女神在哪裡? -那裡.-Where's the Statue of Liberty? -There.
現在我看不到了I can't not see it now.
到這裡來.你在這裡看到什麼了嗎?Come here. Do you see anything here?
-看起來像一隻船 -一隻船.-lt looks like a boat. -A boat.
正好在自由女神前面Right in front of the Statue of Liberty.
我坐在這兒都七秒鐘了 竟沒人問我的約會如何?It's been seven seconds,and you haven't asked me how my date went.
你的約會如何,錢德呃呃呃?How was your date,Chandler?
真是令人難以置信It was unbelievable!
我沒見過像她那樣的人 她的生活真是太令人稱羨了I've never met anyone like her. She's had an amazing life!
她穿過以色列陣地She was in the Israeli army.
幸好子彈沒打中引擎 我們才能越過邊界None of the bullets hit the engine,so we made it to the border.
真是有驚無險But just barely,and l....
我整晚都在談我自己,抱歉I've been talking about myself all night long. I'm sorry.
你呢?說來聽聽嘛What about you? T ell me a story.
有一回...All right,once...
我搭地鐵... I got on the subway.
是在晚上And it was at night...
...那晚我搭地鐵到布魯克林區...and I rode it all the way to Brooklyn.
僅為了無聊Just for the hell of it.
我們一直談到兩點,那真是個美好的夜晚We talked until 2:00. It was perfect.
可以這麼說More or less.
突然我們發現自己身在葉門Suddenly,we realized we were in Yemen.
我們,我們是誰?I' m sorry,so "we" is...?
我和瑞克"We" is me and Rick.
瑞克是誰?Who's Rick?
瑞克是誰?Who's Rick?
我丈夫My husband.
-這麼說你們已經離婚 -沒有-Oh,so you' re divorced? -No.
對不起,這麼說你是寡婦? 希望如此I' m sorry. So you' re widowed? Hopefully?
不,我們還是夫妻No,l' m still married.
告訴我你丈夫做何感想? 你坐在我身旁...So,how would your husband feel about you sitting here with me...
...腳伸到我大腿 足以數我口袋裡的零錢?...sliding your foot so far up my leg you can count the change in my pocket?
別擔心,Don't worry.
我想他會接受的 因為他也接受伊森這麼做He'd be okay with you because he's okay with Ethan.
伊森?有伊森這號人物?Ethan? There's an Ethan?
伊森是我的男友Ethan is my boyfriend.
告訴我你期待我們之間會有什麼關係...What kind of relationship do you imagine us having...
既然你已有丈夫和男友...if you have a husband and a boyfriend?
大概是性關係吧I suppose,mainly sexual.
真是遺憾,你們散了Sorry it didn't work out.
什麼,散了? 週四我還要和她約會What,not work out? I'm seeing her again on Thursday.
難道你沒聽懂?Didn't you listen to the story?
難道你沒聽懂?Didn't you listen?
這太離譜了!你怎能和這種女人交往?It's twisted!How could you get involved with her?
開始我也無法接受 但後來我想此事也挺好I had trouble with it at first. But I get the good stuff.
只有談天說笑和做愛...All the fun,all the talking,all the sex...
不用負任何責任...and none of the responsibility.
-這是每個男人的夢想 -是嗎?未必吧-This is every guy's fantasy! -That's not true!
-羅斯,這是你的夢想嗎? -當然不是-Ross,is this your fantasy? -No,of course not.
沒錯,是Yeah. Yeah,it is.
你們男生不介意 和已有對象的女人交往?You'd go out with someone going out with someone else?
-我辦不到 -幹得好,喬伊-I couldn't. -Good for you.
和女人交往時,我必須確定...When l' m with a woman,I need to know...
...我交往的對象比她多... I' m going out with more people than her.
一次我和一個剛離婚的傢夥出去Once,I went out with a guy who just got divorced.
這很麻煩.相比之下 他的孩子更喜歡我一些It was hard. His kids liked me better than him.
錢德必須作些什麼呢?What does this have to do with Chandler?
關於這個話題我什麼都不想說I didn't have anything on that topic.
好吧,我換一種方法So I went another way.
你知道,一夫一妻值得商榷You know,monogamy can be a tricky concept.
就人類學的觀點而言…I mean,anthropologically speaking
好了…不聽是你們的損失Fine. Now you'll never know.
逗你的,告訴我們吧We' re kidding. T ell us.
-我們想知道 -快說,-We wanna know. -Come on!
好吧理查李奇提出這樣的理論…All right. There's a theory put forth by Richard Leakey
現在都這樣打招呼嗎?我喜歡Are we greeting each other this way now? I like it.
瞧,我大掃除了Look! I cleaned!
我擦窗戶,拖地板I did the windows. I did the floors.
我用了吸塵器上的所有功能除了那個圓形的之外,它有什麼用處?I used all the vacuum attachments but the round one. What's it for?
沒人知道,我們也不該問Nobody knows. And we're not supposed to ask.
你們感覺怎樣?What do you think?
-很乾淨 -真的看起來不錯-It's very clean. -Really,it looks great!
你移動了綠色的墊椅I see you moved the green ottoman.
怎麼會呢?How did that happen?
我不知道,我以為擺那兒會更好看I don't know. It looked better there.
咖啡桌旁就多了一個座位And it's an extra seat around the table.
這倒有意思Yeah,it's interesting.
這樣好了,只是好玩...But you know what? Just for fun...
...我們看它在原來位置的感覺如何...Iet's see what it looked like in the old spot.
只是做個比較Just to compare.
讓我看看Let's see.
放那兒也不錯Well,it looks good there too.
就擺那兒一陣子吧Let's leave it there for a while.
我無法相信你竟敢搬動了綠色墊椅I can't believe you moved the green ottoman.
幸好你沒攤開雜誌 否則她鐵定會挖出你的眼睛Be glad you didn't fan the magazines. She'll scratch your eyes out.
-各位,我沒那麼凶吧 -你就那麼凶-You guys,I am not that bad! -Yeah,you are.
記得我們住在一起時嗎? 你就像個…Remember,I lived with you? You were a little....
這太不公平了That is so unfair!
拜託,我們小時候 你連“破爛的安”(一種衣服破爛的布娃娃)都弄得一點都不破When we were kids,yours was the only Raggedy Ann doll that wasn't raggedy.
我有責任感有組織性Okay,so I'm responsible. I'm organized.
可是我也能很懶散But hey,I can be a kook!
好吧,懶女人,All right,you madcap gal!
想像這個情況Imagine this.
電話單來 但你不立刻去交錢The phone bill arrives,but you don't pay it right away.
-為什麼? -因為你是個大懶人-Why not? -Because you're a kook!
一直拖到他們寄催繳通知單來You wait until they send a notice.
我可以辦到I could do that.
你讓我去買日常用品Okay,then you let me go grocery shopping
-沒問題 -我還沒說完-No problem. -I'm not done yet.
我買了洗衣粉,但是是不容易倒出來的那種.And I buy detergent,but it's not the one with the easy-pour spout.
有人會那樣做嗎?Why would someone do that?
有人會想…One might wonder.
我就沒有問題But I would be fine with that.
有人在咖啡桌上留下杯子 沒有墊子,天氣很熱,一杯冷飲A glass is on the table with no coaster. A cold drink. A hot day.
小水珠逐漸逼近桌面…Beads of condensation are inching closer to the wood....
夠了Stop it!
天啊,Oh,my God!
沒錯,我到底是誰?It's true. Who am l?
莫妮卡,你是媽媽那樣的.Monica,you' re Mom.
天啊,Oh,my God!
好,我會去的Okay,I'll be there.
我的經紀人打來的That was my agent.
他安排我在艾爾帕西諾的新片中演出My agent has just gotten me a job in the new Al Pacino movie!
-太棒了… -演什麼角色?-That's great! -What's the part?
你們能相信嗎?是艾爾帕西諾 我就是喜歡他才立志要當演員Can you believe it? Pacino! This guy's why I became an actor!
"違反規程?你們違反規程!整個審判不合乎規程!"\n(《伸張正義》中的臺詞)" Out of order? You' re out of order! This whole courtroom's out of order! "
言歸正傳,什麼角色?Seriously,what's the part?
"當我認為已出局時 他們卻又將我拉回"(《教父》中的臺詞)"Just when I thought I was out,they pull me back in! "
快老實說,什麼角色?Come on. Seriously,Joey,what's the part?
你是…什麼?You' re.... What?
我是他臀部的替身I' m his butt double,okay?
我演艾爾帕西諾的臀部I play Al Pacino's butt.
他走進浴室,然後...All right? He goes into the shower,and then...
...我就是他的屁股... I' m his butt.
天呐Oh,my God!
別這樣Come on,you guys.
這是一部艾爾帕西諾主演大製作的電影It's a real Pacino movie and that's big!
別誤會,這真是太棒了 這是你應得的It's terrific. You deserve this.
這是你多年努力的成果 你終於能登上大銀幕After years of struggling you've cracked your way into show business.
行,笑吧,我不在乎Fine. Make jokes,I don't care.
-這是我千載難逢的機會 -沒錯,-This is a big break for me! -You' re right. It is.
你準備邀請我們參加你的首映會嗎?So,will you invite us to the big opening?
-我得向你借些保濕乳液 -幹什麼呢?-I need some moisturizer. -For what?
今天可是我的大日子T oday's the big day!
你有鑷子嗎?我的毛髮太亂啦You got any tweezers? I think I have a rogue hair.
好吧,進浴室要用什麼自己拿God. Go in the bathroom. Use whatever you want.
只是別告訴我你在裡面幹什麼Don't ever tell me what you did in there.
謝謝Thank you.
-喬伊在哪兒?他媽打電話來 -他在浴室裡,-Joey's mom's on the phone. -ln the bathroom.
-你最好別進去 -拜託,我們是室友-You don't wanna go in there! -Come on,we' re roommates.
我的眼睛!我的眼睛!My eyes! My eyes!
我警告過你I warned you.
誰在大吼大叫Who is being loud?
一定是莫妮卡Oh,that would be Monica.
我能借點東西嗎? 我想為亞蘿拉做早點Can I borrow stuff? I wanna make Aurora breakfast.
她陪你一夜?You got the whole night?
沒錯,我們只剩20分鐘 直到伊森…Well,I only have 20 minutes until Ethan,so....
難道我感到了怨恨?Do I sense resentment?
不,沒有怨恨,相信我……No. No resentment. Believe me...
……絕對值得...it's worth it,okay?
在你交往的過程中 有多少重要的時刻 會讓你懷念一輩子?In a relationship,you have moments you'll remember the rest of your life.
與亞蘿拉相處的每一秒都是Every single second is like that with Aurora.
而我已浪費35秒和你們說話I've just wasted 35 of them talking to you.
莫妮卡請幫我開門So,Monica,can you help me with the door?
錢德,老莫妮卡會提醒你The old Monica would remind you...
……用塑膠刷刷特弗龍鍋...to scrub that T eflon pan with a plastic brush.
但我不會那麼做的But l' m not gonna do that.
不好意思?他們熱身的怎麼樣了? 我都起雞皮疙瘩了Excuse me? Can they warm it up? I' m concerned about goose bumps.
大家準備好沒?Everybody ready?
我只是想感謝你給我這個機會I wanna thank you for this opportunity.
我是說,我知道這只是第一步 但是我期待有一天I mean,I know this is just a first step,but I hope that someday
解開浴袍Lose the robe.
好,我正解開浴袍Right. Okay. Losing the robe!
浴袍已解開Okay,and the robe is lost.
各位,我想一次解決I would like to get this in one take.
來吧,Let's roll it.
放水Water's working.
開始!And action!
停!And cut!
屁股男,你在幹什麼?Butt guy,what are you doing?
我在洗澡I'm showering.
不,你在擠屁股No,that was clenching.
我認為他很沮喪The way I see it,the guy's upset here,you know?
他的太太死了,弟弟失蹤了His wife's dead,his brother's missing.
我想他的屁股一定很憤怒I think his butt would be angry here.
我想他的屁股會想在午餐前拍完I think his butt would like to get the shot before lunch.
再來一次,開機 放水Once again,rolling. Water working.
開始And action!
停!你又在幹什麼?And cut! What was that?
我要表現出絕望I was going for quiet desperation.
如果你要求這樣的話But if you have to ask....
天啊,我愛這些手指God,I love these fingers.
謝謝Thank you.
不,我是指我的手指No,actually,I meant my fingers.
你瞧它們多開心Look at them. Look at how happy they are.
-天啊,我來不及了 -天啊,不-Oh,my God,l' m late! -Oh,no!
-不要走 -好不好-Don't go. -Okay.
-我得走了 -看,她走了-I have to. -Look,she's leaving.
抱歉,他在等我了I' m sorry. He'll be waiting for me.
-我以為你跟瑞克談過 -不是瑞克-I thought you talked to Rick. -It's not Rick.
是伊森?他要陪你一整天Ethan? He gets the whole day!
不是他,是安德魯No,it's Andrew.
我知道……I know there'll be moments...
……我會後悔問你這個問題,但是……...when I'll regret asking the following question,but....
-這個安德魯是……-And Andrew is? -He's...
……新歡... new.
你是說瑞克,伊森和我 三人還不能滿足你?So you' re not completely fulfilled by Rick,Ethan and myself?
我以前不是這種人No,that's not exactly what I was
不知道多少女人……Most women would kill...
……被我們三人迷倒...for three guys like us.
-你想要什麼? -你-So,what do you want? -You.
-你已擁有我 -不,只是你-You have me. -No. Just you.
-什麼意思? -甩掉其他人-What do you mean? -Lose the other guys.
他們全部?Like,all of them?
我們這樣不是很快樂嗎?為什麼不行?Come on,we' re great together. Why not?
我們為何不能即時行樂?Can't we have what we have now?
為何不能只是聊天,做愛……Why can't we talk and make love...
……彼此沒有任何負擔?...without feeling obligated to each other?
今晚之前,我以為這也是你想要的Up until tonight,I thought that's what you wanted too.
部分是我想要的Well,part of me wants that...
...但我就像是雙面人 一個說“閉嘴,這樣很好”... but it's like l' m two guys. One guy's saying,"This is great! "
但是還有另一個But there's this other guy.
當格林奇(童話人物,心臟只有別人的1/4大)的心長大The guy who wells up when the Grinch's heart grows...
衝破了測量設備...and breaks that measuring device.
他說“這太難了,快脫身”He's saying,you know,"This is too hard. Get out! "
你聽哪一個的話?So,which one of the guys will you listen to?
兩人的話我得都聽 他們爭執不休I have to listen to both. They don't let each other finish.
哪一個?Which one?
第二個The second guy.
好吧,I see.
改變主意後再打電話給我吧Call me if you change your mind.
抱歉,是第一個動的口Sorry,the first guy runs the lips.
這樣想吧,你把她甩了Look at it this way. You dumped her!
真的?我是說,這女人性感……Right? I mean,this woman was unbelievably sexy...
……美麗聰明而且遙不可及...and beautiful,intelligent,unattainable.
再告訴我一次,你為何這麼做Tell me why you did this again?
電影明星他回來了Movie star!
等等,你不是在艾爾帕西諾新片中 演屁股的那個?Wait! Aren't you the guy who plays the butt in the new Pacino movie?
不是?怎麼了,大個兒?No? What happened,big guy?
大個兒?Big guy?
感覺就像“大個兒”時刻It felt like a "big guy" moment.
我被開除了I got fired!
他們說我太投入了They said I acted too much with it.
我到處宣揚I told everybody about this!
-現在大家都想到戲院看我演… -知道嗎?-Everybody's expecting to see me. -lKnow what?
-喬伊,沒人會認出來的 -我媽就認得出來-No one will be able to tell. -My mom will.
真是令人感動,又噁心There's something so sweet and disturbing about that.
六年來我除了演些爛角色一事無成I've done crappy plays for six years...
如今機會來了我竟將它搞砸...and I finally get my shot,and I blow it!
等等,或許這不是你的機會Maybe this wasn't it.
機會是否來臨自己最清楚I think when it's your shot,you know it's your shot.
你感覺這是你的機會嗎?Did it feel like your shot?
很難分辨,我當時全身赤裸Hard to tell. I was naked.
我不認為這是你唯一的機會 你的機會不會只有一個I don't think this was it. I don't think you just get one.
我相信大好機會就要降臨到你身上I believe things are gonna happen for you. I do.
你必須想著 將來有個小夥子跑到朋友面前說You've got to think about the day some kid will go:
我被錄取了… 我要演喬伊崔比亞尼的屁股"l got the part! I'm gonna be Joey T ribbiani's ass! "
你真好You think? That's so nice.
真遺憾,喬伊 各位,我要去睡了I' m sorry,Joey. I' m gonna go to bed,guys.
-晚安 -晚安-Good night. -Good night.
你要把鞋子留在這兒?You' re gonna leave your shoes out here?
真的?就這樣亂丟?Really? Just casually strewn about...
...就這樣輕率的,隨意的亂扔?...in that reckless,haphazard manner?
無所謂 我明天再拿,或者算了It doesn't matter. I'll get them tomorrow. Or not!
她真懶散She is a kook.
既然這麼困擾,就快去拿吧If it bothers you that much,just go out and get the shoes.
不,千萬別去No,don 't do this!
太愚蠢了This is stupid!
我無須證明什麼,我要去拿I don 't have to prove anything. I'm gonna get them.
但如此一來他們都會知道But then everyone will know.
除非我去拿然後早起放回去Unless I get them,then wake up really early and put them back.
誰來幫我一把!I need help!
-你只是想要一個風鈴 -不要唱這首歌-All you want is a dinkle -Not that song!
-你討厭流行的東西 -夥計們,不要這樣-All you envy's a schwang -Come on,you guys.
聽它發出清脆的聲音A thing through which you can tinkle
撥弄著它,或是掛在那邊Or play with or simply let hang
你只是想要一個風鈴All you want is a dinkle
你討厭流行的東西What you envy's a schwang
聽它發出清脆的聲音A thing through which you can tinkle
撥弄著它,或是掛在那邊Or play with or simply let hang


各位請安靜,中央公園很榮幸為各位介紹Everybody! Central Perk is proud to present...
…菲比布菲小姐的音樂...the music of Miss Phoebe Buffay.
首先我想從一首...I wanna start with a song that's about that moment...
有關頓悟人生那一刻的歌…開始...when you suddenly realize what life is really all about.
開始囉...Okay,here we go.
非常感謝Okay. Thank you very much.
什麼?這下可…Oh,great. This is just
六人行 第1季 第07集 紐約大停電The One With The Blackout
這簡直是酷斃了 紐約大停電This is so cool,you guys. The entire city's blacked out.
我媽說是整個布魯克林 部分曼哈頓和皇后區It's all of Manhattan. They have no idea...
不知何時恢復電力...when it's back on.
-這可真是大停電 -褲子和毛衣,為什麼,媽?-You guys,this is big. -Pants and a sweater. Why,Mom?
停電我能去見誰?Who will I meet in a blackout?
電力公司的人? 單身的趁火打劫之徒?Power-company guys? Eligible looters?
-以後再聊,好嗎? -電話能借我嗎?-Can we talk about this later? Okay. -Can I borrow the phone?
我想打回住處 確定我祖母是否安好I wanna call my apartment and check on my grandma.
等等,我的電話幾號?What's my number?
我從未打電話給自己過I never call me.
天啊,是她 維多利亞的秘密(內衣品牌)的模特兒Oh,my God! It's her. It's that Victoria 's Secret model.
叫什麼古亞克的Something Goodacre.
媽,我是潔兒Hi,Mom,it's Jill.
沒錯,潔兒 潔兒·古亞克 天哪!She 's right. It's Jill. Jill Goodacre. Oh,my God!
沒想到我和潔兒.古亞克同時被困在提款機室I am trapped in an A TM vestibule with Jill Goodacre.
是小室還是正廳?Is it a vestibule? Maybe it's an atrium.
那才是值得注意的部分,笨蛋Yeah,that is the part to focus on,you idiot.
對,我沒事只是被困在銀行提款機室I' m fine. I' m just stuck at the bank in an ATM vestibule.
潔兒說小室? 那我也說小室Jill says vestibule,I'm going with vestibule.
我沒事,不,旁邊有人I' m fine. No,l' m not alone.
我不認識,某人I don't know,some guy.
某人?某人Oh,some guy. I am some guy.
潔兒,我昨晚看見你和某人在一起Jill,I saw you with some guy last night.
沒錯,他是某人.Yes,he was some guy.
今晚主持停電晚會的 是猶太教士崔比亞尼Officiating at tonight's blackout is Rabbi T ribbiani.
錢德的老室友是個猶太人 我們只剩這些蠟燭Chandler's old roommate was Jewish. These are our only candles.
祝各位光明節快樂So happy Hanukkah!
瞧,醜陋裸男點燃了幾根蠟燭Look! Ugly Naked Guy lit a bunch of candles.
一定很痛That had to hurt!
已過了14分30秒All right,all right! It's been 14 1/2 minutes...
…你卻連一字也沒說...and you still haven 't said one word. God!
爭氣點,打破沉悶,微笑Do something! Just make contact. Smile!
效果不錯There you go.
算了吧,你正在嚇她You 're definitely scaring her.
喂? 媽媽.Hello? Oh,hi,Mom.
媽媽,你在嗑藥!Mom,you' re tripping!
德特是一條狗 大停電把他嚇壞了Dexter's a dog. The blackout's scaring him.
如果你不知道 你也可以尿在爸爸的鞋子裡.You'd pee in Dad's shoes too if you didn't know.
好吧,給我回電話All right,call me back.
-是媽媽. -是的.-Mothers. -Yeah.
好小夥!一個詞.Attaboy! A word.
這樣不壞.媽媽,是的!That wasn 't so hard. Mothers. Yeah!
媽媽,是的!完美Mothers. Yeah! Perfect.
不要笑.Don 't smile.
你需要給別人打電話嗎?Would you like to call somebody?
是的,和我一起上高中的300個小夥Yeah,about 300 guys I went to high school with.
-你好? -是我-Hello? -It's me.
-是錢德,你好嗎? -我還好-It's Chandler. Are you okay? -Yeah,l' m fine.
我被困在提款機室...I' m stuck in an ATM vestibule...
和潔兒吉亞克一起...with Jill Goodacre.
-什麼? -我被困在...-What? -l' m stuck...
...提款機室了......in an ATM vestibule...
...和潔兒吉亞克一起...with Jill Goodacre.
我聽不懂你在說什麼I have no idea what you said.
叫喬伊聽電話Put Joey on the phone.
-怎麼了? -我被困在...-What's up,man? -l' m stuck...
...提款機室了......in an ATM vestibule...
...和潔兒吉亞克一起...with Jill Goodacre!
噢,我的天那Oh,my God!
他和潔兒吉亞克被困在提款機室He's trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre!
別以為我沒這個念頭Like that thought never entered my mind.
換人,快-Okay. -Somebody.
好吧,換我-I'll go. I'll go. -Okay.
大四在桌球臺上Senior year of college,on a pool table.
-桌球臺上? -這就是我妹啦-Pool table? -That's my sister.
我最奇怪的地方是在...Okay,my weirdest place would have to be...
...紐約市立圖書館二樓女廁...the women's room of the New York City Public Library.
拜託,你去圖書館幹什麼Oh,my God! What were you doing in a library?
-菲比,你呢? -密爾沃基市(威斯康辛州)-Pheebs,what about you? -Oh,Milwaukee.
真是一個奇怪的地方.It's a really weird place.
迪士尼,1989年小小世界Disneyland,1 989. " It's a small world after all. "
不可能…No way.
機器故障The ride broke down...
所以我和卡蘿就到荷蘭機器兒童後面...so Carol and I went behind those mechanical Dutch children.
從此他們禁止我們再到奇幻王國去We were asked never to return to the Magic Kingdom.
好吧,還剩下…Let's see,that leaves....
-瑞秋? -拜託,我說過了-Rachel? -Come on,I already went.
-你才沒哪 -我說過了-You did not go. -I did.
快點告訴我們T ell us. Come on.
好吧,最奇怪的地方是...All right,the weirdest place would have to be...
...床腳...the foot of the bed.
-真沒意義 -我們有優勝了-Step back! -We have a winner!
這就是冰箱關上時候的樣子This must be what the fridge looks like with the door closed.
有人餓了嗎?我們有科隆迪克冰激淩…湯Anybody hungry? We got a Klondike...soup.
我從來沒有那種關係也沒那種感受I've never had a relationship with that kind of passion.
在主題樂園中你忽然欲火中燒Where you have to have somebody even in a theme park.
當時只有這件事可做It was the only thing to do that didn't have a line.
貝瑞連在打迷你高爾夫時 也不肯親我Barry wouldn't even kiss me on a miniature golf course.
-不是吧 -是的-Come on. -No.
他說這樣會耽誤後面的人He said we held up the people behind us.
你逃婚的原因是…You didn't marry him because...?
你認為有人這輩子沒有過那種…Do you think there are people that go through life...
…從來沒有過…... never having that kind of...?
-也許吧. -真的?-Probably. -Really?
但是我得告訴你 激情被過度重視.I'll tell you something. Passion is way overrated.
-沒錯 -是的-Yeah,right. -lt is.
最後激情很快就退去Eventually,it kind of burns out.
但雙方仍保有信賴,安全感和...But hopefully what you're left with is trust and security and....
以我前妻為例…女同志主義In my ex-wife's case,lesbianism.
因此,缺乏激情之人還是有…For those people who miss out on that passion thing...
…其他可取之處的...there's other stuff.
但我想你不是那種人-Okay. -But I don't think that'll be you.
-你認為我不是? -我認為...-You don't? -See,I see...
-你的未來將充滿激情 -真的?-... big passion in your future. -Really?
-你真的這樣認為 -沒錯-You do? -I do.
羅斯,你真好Ross,you' re so great.
不可能發生的It's never gonna happen.
-什麼? -你和瑞秋-What? -You and Rachel.
為什麼?Why not?
因為你拖太久才行動You waited too long to make your move...
現在只能待在“朋友區”...and now you' re in the "friend zone. "
-不,我沒在朋友區 -羅斯,你是朋友區主席-l' m not in the zone. -No,Ross. You' re mayor of the zone.
我在靜觀其變,行嗎? 我正在為以後鋪路Look,l' m taking my time,all right? I' m laying the groundwork.
我每天往前推進一點Every day I get a little bit closer to
告訴你,羅斯,她根本不知道你在想什麼I'm telling you,she has no idea what you're thinking.
她剛剛用她的手指縷我的頭髮.She just ran her fingers through my hair.
-你沒看到那個互動嗎? -不,不,不.-Were you missing that interaction? -No,no,no.
這才是縷你的頭髮.This is running fingers through your hair,okay?
這不過是弄亂你的頭髮罷了.Now this is a tousle.
如果再不快點約她出去 你將困在朋友區永遠無法脫身If you don't ask her out soon,you'll be in the zone forever.
我會的 我只是在等恰當的時機I will,I will. I'm waiting for the right moment.
-什麼,現在? -是的.-What,now? -Yeah.
你缺什麼? 美酒?燭光?月光?What's messing you up? The wine? The moonlight?
你只需走到她面前說 瑞秋,我想你…You gotta go up to her and say," Look,Rachel,l"
-什麼? -我們在噓…-What? -We' re shushing...
…因為我們正在聽... because we' re trying to hear something.
-什麼? -難道你沒聽見?-What? What? -Don't you hear that?
-想來片口香糖嗎? -無糖的嗎?-Would you like gum? -ls it sugarless?
-抱歉,不是 -不,謝了-Sorry,it's not. -Then no,thanks.
你在搞什麼東西?What was that?
切記!潔兒請你吃口香糖你就吃Mental note: If Jill Goodacre offers you gum,you take it.
她叫你吃動物死屍 你也得吃If she offers you mangled animal carcass,you take it!
紐約大停電New York City has no power
牛奶變酸And the milk is getting sour
不過沒關係But to me it is not scary
因為我不喝牛奶Because I stay away from dairy
-你決定啦? -我決定了-Here goes. -You'll do it?
-我決定了 -需要幫助嗎?-I'll do it. -Want help?
如果你出現你就死定了You come out,you' re a dead man.
--羅斯…祝你幸運 -謝謝.-Good luck,man. -Thanks.
你要去哪裡? 外面 不行,你不能去外面Where you going? You can't go out there.
-為什麼? -因為有理由-Why not? -Because of the reason.
-那是什麼? -不能告訴你-That would be? -I can't tell you.
喬伊,到底怎麼了?Joey,what's going on?
好吧,但你得答應我 不會告訴羅斯是我說的You gotta promise you'll never tell Ross that I told you.
-說什麼? -他正在準備你的生日舞會-What? -He's planning your birthday party.
-天啊,我愛他 -你最好裝成一副吃驚的樣子-Oh,my God! I love him! -You better act surprised.
-裝什麼? -我的生日舞會-About what? -My surprise party.
-什麼生日舞會? -少裝蒜了,喬伊已經告訴我了-What surprise party? -Oh,stop it. Joey already told me.
他沒有告訴我He didn't tell me.
別看我,這是羅斯的主意Don't look at me. This is Ross' thing.
每次都這樣,我總是最後知道的人This is typical. I'm always the last to know.
你不是,我們都有告訴你哦You are not. We tell you stuff.
錢德在動物園被孔雀咬 我是最後知道的人I was the last one to know when Chandler got bit by the peacock.
也是最後知道喬伊剛搬來時 你對他有意思的人I was the last to know you had a crush on Joey.
看來我是倒數第二Looks like I was second to last.
你對我有意思?You had a crush on me?
好吧,這不算是有意思,是有點印象.All right. It wasn't a crush,it was a dent.
很深的印象?Big dent?
你搬了我的傢俱 我想你的胳膊不錯,僅此而已.You were moving your furniture. I thought you had nice arms.
胳膊不錯?Nice arms,huh?
嘿,莫妮卡,我在搬動椅子哦.Hey,Mon,l' m moving the chair.
你感覺怎麼樣?Do anything for you?
所有的燈都滅了,你才可以真正的看到星星啊.With all the lights out you can actually see the stars.
真不錯.It's so nice.
我有個問題I have a question.
也談不上是問題Actually,it's not so much a question.
只是…It's more of a general wondering....
-好吧 -好吧,是這樣的.-Okay. -Okay. Here it goes.
這些日子以來我一直想…Well,for a while now,I've been wanting to....
-對,沒錯 -瞧那只小貓!-Yes,that's right. -Look at that little kitty!
我在世界萬物之上俯身看塵世Top of the world Looking down on creation
我發現唯一能夠解釋這一切的And the only explanation I can find
是愛,自從有你在身旁Is the love that I found Ever since you 've been around
好吧,這只是洗傷口的藥不會痛的All right,this is just Bactine. It won't hurt.
-噢! -對不起,是蠟油-Ow! -Sorry,that was wax.
可憐的小貓快嚇死了 我們得找到它的主人Poor little T ooty's scared. We should find his owner.
何不將它放在走廊?Why not put poor T ooty in the hall?
大停電時?它會被踩死的During a blackout? She'll get trampled.
亡羊補牢.回到口香糖的話題Damage control. Get back to the gum.
口香糖是絕佳的選擇Gum would be perfection.
口香糖是絕佳的選擇?Gum would be perfection?
口香糖是絕佳的選擇Gum would be perfection.
我大可說“口香糖不錯”,但不,Could've said,"Gum would be nice. " But,no.
我說的是"口香糖是絕佳的選擇"For me,gum is perfection.
我真鄙視我自己I loathe myself!
不,她們是修女,討厭一切生物Oh,no,they' re nuns. They hate all living things.
我們剛撿到這只貓 目前正在找它的主人Hi. We just found this cat,and we' re looking for the owner.
貓是我的Yeah,it's mine.
-可是它似乎很討厭你 -確定,貓是我的,把貓給我-He seems to hate you. Are you sure? -It's my cat. Give me my cat.
-等等,它叫什麼名字? -鮑伯鈕扣-Wait a minute. What's his name? -Bob Buttons.
--鮑伯鈕扣? -鮑伯鈕扣,過來,鮑伯鈕扣-Bob Buttons? -Bob Buttons. Here,Bob Buttons.
你真是個大壞蛋You are a very bad man!
你們欠我一隻貓You owe me a cat.
小貓咪…你上哪兒去了?Where did you go,little kitty?
小貓咪,過來.Kitty,kitty,kitty. Come here,kitty,kitty.
-嗨 -晚上好 (義大利語)-Hi. -Buona sera.
莫妮卡,願意搭我的跑車去兜風嗎?Mon,wanna go for a ride in my racecar?
我會帶我的胳膊一起去的.I'll bring my arms.
我們為你的牙齒準備獨輪車!We can bring my wheelbarrow for your teeth!
來吧,幸運六Come on,lucky sixes!
各位,他是保羅Everybody,this is Paolo.
保羅,向你介紹我的朋友 這位是莫妮卡Paolo,I want you to meet my friends. This is Monica...
-嗨-…這位是喬伊…-Hi. -...and Joey...
-嗨 -…還有羅斯…-Hi. -...and Ross.
他不太會講英語He doesn't speak much English.
看啊!Look at that!
那,保羅來自哪裡?So,where did Paolo come from?
我猜是義大利Italy,I think.
不,我是指今晚,這棟公寓? 突然介入我們的生活?No,I mean tonight. Suddenly,into our lives.
那只貓結果是保羅的 這不是很有意思嗎?That cat turned out to be Paolo's cat. Isn't that funny?
真有意思,而且瑞秋不斷摸他That is funny. And Rachel keeps touching him.
我找遍了整棟公寓,但就是找不到貓I looked all over and couldn't find the kitty anywhere.
我找到了,是保羅的貓I found him. It was Paolo's cat.
瞧,我又是最後一個知道Well,there you go. Last to know again.
由於沒人告訴我,我猜他就是保羅And I'm guessing,this is Paolo?
保羅,她叫菲比Paolo,this is Phoebe.
當然了You betcha!
好吧,下一步呢?All right. Okay. What next?
吹泡泡,吹泡泡不錯.Blow a bubble. A bubble's good.
可以很好展現男性魅力,頑皮的一面It's got a boyish charm. It's impish.
來吧Here we go.
吹得可真好,小鬼Nice going,imp!
不要緊,我只需把手伸過去It's okay. All I need to do...
將它放回口中...is reach over and put it back in my mouth.
救得好,現在我已重回軌道Good save! We 're back on track and I'm...
而且還嚼著別人的口香糖... chewing someone else 's gum.
這不是我的口香糖,天哪,我的天啊!This is not my gum! Oh,my God! Oh,my God!
很好,現在你嗆到了And now you 're choking.
你沒事吧You all right?
天呀,你嗆到了My God! You' re choking!
-感覺好點沒? -好多了-Better? -Yes.
謝謝,那真是…Thank you. That was....
-那真是… -絕佳的選擇?-That was.... -Perfection?
這可不是把頭髮弄亂而已That was no tousle.
-他講什麼這麼好笑 -我完全搞不懂-What'd he say that was so funny? -I have absolutely no idea.
女人都這樣That's classic.
天啊,我在幹什麼? 這太不像我了My God,you guys! What am I doing? This is so un-me!
不介意的話我要上了If you want,I'll do it.
我只想咬他的下嘴唇I just wanna bite his bottom lip.
但我不會這麼做的But I won't.
他第一次對我微笑時The first time he smiled at me...
那三秒鐘比我和貝瑞 在百慕達的三個禮拜還令我興奮...those seconds were more exciting than weeks with Barry.
你們租腳踏車了嗎?Did you rent mopeds?
因為我聽說…我離題了Because I've heard Oh,it's not about that right now.
我知道這樣很膚淺 而且我們毫無共通點I know it's superficial,and we have nothing in common...
連語言也不通但...上帝啊...and we don't even speak the same language,but,God!
-保羅 -羅斯-Paolo,hi. -Ross.
有件事你該瞭解Listen,something you should know.
瑞秋和我Rachel and I are....
有那麼一點We' re kind of a thing.
-一點? -一點.是的,一點-Thing? -Thing. Yes,thing.
-你們做愛沒有? -沒有.-You have the sex? -No.
技術上而言,還沒做愛No,technically the sex is not being had. But that's....
但這不是重點But that's not the point.
重點是瑞秋和我應該…The point is that Rachel and I should be....
瑞秋和我應該在一起Well,Rachel and l should be together.
如果你來到And if you get in the
-床上? -不是-ln bed -No.
不是,我不是指那個No,not where I was going.
如果你來到我們中間摻合If you get in the way of us becoming a thing...
我會非常…難過...then I would be,well,very sad.
所以,你…So,do you...?
-你懂一點英文? -會一點-So you do know a little English? -Little.
-你懂什麼叫“人渣”嗎 -不懂-Do you know the word "crap-weasel "? -No.
不懂?真好笑 因為你就是個超級人渣That's funny. You are a huge crap-weasel.
我們玩了一小時,很簡單的We've been doing this for an hour. It's easy.
試試看Okay? Now try it.
不,你該拍一下You gotta whip it.
看,最後一根蠟燭就要燃盡Look,look. The last candle's about to burn out.
負46,負47,負48…... minus 46,minus 47,minus 48....
-謝謝 -謝謝-Thank you. -Thanks.
沒有燈光有點恐怖Kind of spooky without any lights.
停,我這個最逼真Okay,guys,I have the definitive one.
羅斯,現在提並不恰當This probably isn't the best time to bring it up...
但你得為莫妮卡開個派對...but you have to throw a party for Monica.
-玩得真開心 -對-This has been fun. -Yes.
謝謝你的手機Thanks for letting me use your phone...
並救了我的命...and for saving my life.
再見了,錢德 此次停電我玩得很開心Well,goodbye,Chandler. I had a great blackout.
再見See you.
我的帳號是7143457Hi,l' m account number 7143457.
我不知道你們有沒有錄下來I don't know if you got that...
但我想要這卷錄影帶的拷貝... but I would really like a copy of the tape.


帥哥,怎麼樣?Hey,gorgeous! How's it going?
螢光燈下的脫水日本面Dehydrated Japanese noodles under fluorescent lights.
我能有多好?Does it get better than this?
問你一個問題 你目前沒有約會的物件吧?Question: Are you dating anyone?
我遇見一個和你是絕配的人I met somebody who would be perfect for you.
絕配或許是個問題Perfect might be a problem.
你若說共同獨立或自我毀滅的話…Had you said codependent or self-destructive....
-週六想要有個約會的對象嗎? -當然,拜託了-You want a date Saturday? -Yes,please.
他人帥He is cute.
-而且風趣,他… -你說的是“他”?-He's funny. He's -He's a he?
糟了,我以為…Oh,God! I just
你人品很好,上帝啊You' re nice Oh,God.
很好,雪麗,我要到馬桶去把自己沖掉Good,Shelly. I' m gonna flush myself down the toilet now.
再見Okay. Bye-bye.
六人行 第1季 第08集 (祖母)娜娜死了兩回The One Where Nana Dies Twice
聽完後我沒心情吃面了 這不荒謬嗎?It's hard to enjoy noodles after that. Is that ridiculous?
你能相信她會有這樣的想法嗎?Can you believe she actually thought that?
我第一次見到你時 我以為你是When I first met you,I thought maybe...
…可能…... possibly...
…也許...you might be.
你真的這樣認為?You did?
對,但後來你在菲比的生日會上 一直盯著我的胸部You spent Phoebe's birthday party talking to my breasts...
…我想你大概不是吧...so I figured maybe not.
你們第一次看見我時 也是這樣認為?Did any of the rest of you guys think that when you first met me?
-我是 -我也是-I did. -I think so,yeah.
-我不是 -不,我也不這麼認為-Not me. -No,no,me neither.
雖然大學時代的蘇珊·薩蘭登這樣認為Although back in college,Susan Saladore did.
開什麼玩笑?You' re kidding.
-你有告訴她我不是嗎? -沒有-Did you tell her I wasn't? -No.
因為我也想跟她約會I wanted to go out with her too.
我告訴她你和伯尼·斯伯曼是一對I told her you were seeing Bernie Spellman...
因為他也喜歡她...who also liked her.
所以,這簡直是太神奇了Well,this is fascinating.
是什麼原因?So what is it about me?
我不知道 因為你既聰明又風趣I don't know. You' re smart,you' re funny....
羅斯也是聰明又風趣 你們有想過他是嗎?So is Ross. Ever think that about him?
-是哦 -到底是為什麼?-Yeah,right! -What is it?
我也說不上來 但你就是有那種潛質I don't know. You just You have a quality.
-沒錯 -是的.潛質-Yes,exactly. -Yeah,a quality.
潛質?說得好 我還擔心你們看不出呢"A quality. " Good. I was worried you were gonna be vague about this.
我想對你應該有用I think this is gonna work for you.
-你說什麼? -好吧,好吧-Excuse me? -Sure,sure.
女人發現你沒有威脅 就會敞開大門…Women find you less threatening,they let their guards down...
…你就像一個偷偷摸摸的異性戀者...you' re like a stealth heterosexual.
-瑞秋,是保羅從羅馬打來的 -天啊,從羅馬打來-It's Paolo calling from Rome. -Oh,my God! Calling from Rome!
他從羅馬打來 我也可以So he's calling from Rome. I could do that.
我到羅馬去就是了Just gotta go to Rome.
莫妮卡,你爸打來的 你能長話短說嗎?Your Dad just beeped in. Can you make it quick?
我正和羅馬通電話I'm talking to Rome.
我正和羅馬通電話I'm talking to Rome.
爸,怎麼了?Hey,Dad. What's up?
羅斯,是外婆Ross,it's Nana.
-你們還好吧? -嗨,爸爸-How you doing? -Hey,Dad.
她的情況如何?So how is she doing?
醫生說只剩幾小時了The doctor says it's a matter of hours.
-媽,你還好吧? -我?我還好-How are you,Mom? -Me? I' m fine,fine.
真高興見到你們來I' m glad you' re here.
-你的頭髮怎麼了? -什麼?-What's with your hair? -What?
-看起來有點不同 -沒什麼變化呀-What's different? -Nothing.
或許是這個緣故Oh,maybe that's it.
-她真是令人難以置信 -放鬆點-She's unbelievable. Her mother's -Okay,relax.
看來我們得在這兒待一段時間了We' re gonna be here a while.
我們可以談你男友和工作的事來蓋住We still have boyfriends and your career to cover.
她皮包裡有發黴的錢幣The fuzzy little mints at the bottom of her purse.
真噁心Yeah,they were gross.
你們知道我喜歡什麼嗎?You know what I love?
她的人工袋糖Her Sweet 'N Lows.
她總是從餐廳裡偷走How she was always stealing them from restaurants.
不只是餐廳,我們家也一樣Not just from restaurants,from our house.
蓋勒太太Mrs. Geller?
她看起來好小She looks so small.
我知道I know.
至少她現在有外公和菲力斯嬸嬸陪伴Well,at least she's with Pop-Pop and Aunt Phylis now.
菲力斯嬸嬸死了?Aunt Phylis is dead?
是的,大概有差不多六年了Yeah,for like six years.
-我當時在哪裡? -我們不要跑題,行不行?Where were? Can we focus,please?
到底怎麼回事?What is going on?
護士說她已過世了You know how the nurse said Nana had passed?
實際上不是Well,she's not quite.
她還沒完全過世 她還活著,她回來了She's not passed! She's present! She's back!
怎麼回事?What's going on?
她可能死了She may have died.
她可能死了?She may have died?
我們正等著消息We're looking into it.
我進去看看I'll go see.
這種事幾乎不可能發生This almost never happens.
現在,她過世了Now she's passed.
我必須要知道I just have to know,okay?
是我頭髮的問題?Is it my hair?
對,正是你的頭髮Yes,that's exactly what it is. It's your hair.
你有一頭同性戀的頭髮Yeah,you have homosexual hair.
她怎麼樣了?So did she...?
-兩次? -見鬼-Twice? -Oh,that sucks.
-你們還好吧? -說不上來,好詭異-You guys okay? -I don't know. It's weird.
我知道她已過世 但我感覺…I know she's gone,but I just don't feel....
或許是因為她還沒有Maybe she's not really gone.
不,她過世了No,no,she's gone.
我們檢查了We checked.
好多遍A lot.
或許人不會真正過世No,I mean,maybe no one ever really goes.
我媽死後,我偶爾…Ever since my mom died,every now and then...
…會感覺她就在身旁... I get this feeling that she's right here,you know?
還有黛比,我初中最要好的朋友And Debbie,my friend from junior high...
在打迷你高爾夫時,被閃電擊中...got struck by lightning on a miniature golf course.
用那枝黃色鉛筆時…I always get this strong Debbie vibe...
…我總感到一股強烈的“黛比感應”...when I use a little yellow pencil.
-我好想念她 -來,菲比-I miss her. -Here,Pheebs.
你要嗎?Want this?
-謝謝 -不客氣-Oh,thanks. -Sure.
早上剛把她削好I just sharpened her this morning.
我不信這一套I don't believe any of that. When you' re dead...
人死了就是死了 死了就成了蟲的食物...you' re dead. You' re gone. You' re worm food.
錢德看起來像個同性戀對吧?So Chandler looks gay,huh?
我不知道此人是誰 但絕對不是黛比I don't know who this is,but it's not Debbie.
爸爸,我們需要做個決定Dad,let's just make a decision.
你是對的,要把她埋在土裡You're right. It's going into the ground.
我們應該把基本的東西弄好We should get the most basic thing.
“上面有白色薄片的,不受保護的波紋纖維板”"The non-protective corrugated fiberboard with white laminate. "
爸爸,我們不能把外婆穿的像一隻食肉鸚鵡Dad,we can't bury Nana in a dresser from kea.
這就是你媽媽買了我的衣服的原因This is why your mother buys my clothes.
我討厭買東西,討厭I hate to shop. I hate it.
這是不是就像是Isn't this more about the fact that...
一旦你作出決定,知道外婆真的走了一樣...once you decide,it's like acknowledging Nana's actually gone?
不是,我只是討厭買東西No,I really hate to shop.
-我以為要用密封的棺木 -這並不代表她不能看起來體面一點-I thought it'd be a closed casket. -lt doesn't mean she can't look nice.
孩子,你想你能進去嗎?Sweetie,you think you can get in there?
當然可以I don't see why not.
這是我的牙齒矯正器Here's my retainer.
我在想…I was just thinking...
-…我走的時候 -爸-...when my time comes -Dad.
聽我說Listen to me.
我走的時候,我要海葬When my time comes,I wanna be buried at sea.
什麼?You what?
我要海葬,好像挺有意思的I wanna be buried at sea. It looks like fun.
什麼叫“有意思”Define "fun. "
那一天你們會玩得很開心的 你們會乘著船帶著午餐…Come on. You'll make a day of it. You'll get a boat,pack a lunch....
然後把你的屍體丟入大海 真是有意思And then we throw your body in the water. Gee,that does sound fun.
每個人都自認為瞭解我 他們都說傑克太一成不變了Everyone thinks they know me. Everyone says I'm so predictable.
或許我死後他們會說 海葬,哈?Maybe after I'm gone,they'll say," Buried at sea? Huh? "
他們大概會這麼說吧That's probably what they'll say.
希望如此I'd like that.
-美女 -嘿-Hey,gorgeous. -Hey.
昨天的事我很抱歉Look,l' m sorry about yesterday.
別擔心,相信我 顯然別人也犯了相同的錯誤Don't worry. Apparently,other people have made the same mistake.
好吧,咻!Okay. Phew!
為什麼你認為我是?So,what do you think it is about me?
我說不上來I don't know what.
你就是有那種…You just have...
-…潛質 -潛質,是哦-...a quality. -A quality. Great.
真可惜,因為你和羅爾本來很登對It's a shame. You and Lowell would've made a great couple.
羅爾?會計部門的羅爾 你覺得我們很配?Lowell? Financial Services Lowell? That's who you saw me with?
有何不可?他很帥What? He's cute.
他不像布萊恩He's no Brian in Payroll.
布萊恩是不是…?Is Brian?
我不知道,只是如果你想替我配對I don't know. If you were gonna set me up...
我希望你會挑他... I'd like to think it'd be with somebody like him.
我想你配不上布萊恩Brian's a little out of your league.
對不起,你認為我配不上布萊恩?Excuse me. You don't think I could get a Brian?
我絕對配得上他,相信我Because I could get a Brian. Believe you me.
我真的配不上I'm really not.
這一個?This one?
我已讓你們看過每件衣服I've shown you every dress we have.
除非你們想讓她永遠穿著檸檬黃長褲Unless you want her to spend eternity in a lemon-yellow pantsuit...
配上紫紅色衣服...go with the burgundy.
不論我們選什麼 她都會說我們選錯了Whatever we pick,she'd say it's the wrong one.
沒錯,就選紫紅色吧Right. We'll go with the burgundy.
不錯的選擇,我要出來了A fine choice. I'm coming out.
等等,還缺鞋子Wait! We need shoes.
-這一雙如何? -這是一雙白天的鞋-How about these? -That's really a day shoe.
她去的地方 大家都很會打扮嗎?Where she's going everyone else will be dressier?
能找鞋跟細一點的鞋嗎?Could we see something in a slimmer heel?
我找不到紫紅色的晚鞋I have nothing in an evening shoe in the burgundy.
不過有雙銀色的鞋或許適合I can show you something silver that may work.
-不行,一定要紫紅色 -除非我們另找一件套裝-No,it really should be burgundy. -Unless we go with a different dress.
不,等等,我看看No,no,no. Watch this.
後面或許有Wait,I may have something in the back.
天呀Oh,my God.
你沒事吧,孩子?Is everything all right?
沒事,只是外婆的東西Just Nana's stuff.
各位如何?準備好了沒?You guys ready?
早上媽來電話叫我別紮頭髮Mom called to tell me not to wear my hair up.
-我的耳朵並不是我最漂亮的部位嗎? -有時候我認為是-Know my ears aren't my best feature? -Some days it's all I can think about.
抱歉,我遲到了 我找不到我的“風度”(多加了一個b)I' m sorry l' m late. I couldn't find my bearings.
你是指你的耳環?You mean your earrings?
我剛說什麼?What did I say?
-你穿這一雙? -對,保羅從義大利寄來的-Are these the shoes? -Yes. Paolo sent them from ltaly.
我們這兒沒賣鞋子的?What? We don't have shoes here?
-早安,準備走了沒? -穿上衣服後,我們是不是都好看許多?-Morning. We ready to go? -Don't we look nice all dressed up?
這是廢話對吧?It's stuff like that,isn't it?
-剛剛的儀式簡單而隆重 -可不是嗎-lt was a really beautiful service. -lt really was.
過來,心肝Come here,sweetheart.
你該使用晚霜了You know,I think it's time for you to start using night cream.
沒什麼,只是你的外套聽起來很像\n布瑞特·馬斯伯格(體育節目解說)Nothing. Just that your coat sounds like Brent Musberger.
-瞧,巨人隊對牛仔隊 -你在葬禮時看足球賽?-Check it out. Giants-Cowboys. -You're watching football at a funeral?
不,這還只是熱身 我要在招待會上看比賽No,it's the pre-game. I' m gonna watch it at the reception.
你真是個惡劣的人You're a frightening,frightening man.
不,保羅送我的新鞋Oh,no! My new Paolo shoes!
希望沒壞I hope they're not ruined.
多美好的一天啊God,what a great day!
什麼?我是指天氣What? Weather-wise.
我知道I know.
空氣,樹木The air,the trees.
即使外婆已過世,就好像…Even though Nana's gone,there's something almost life
羅斯,你還好吧?羅斯…Ross,are you okay?
我沒事No,l' m fine.
…我最大的夢魘終於成真,但是…... having my worst fear realized,but....
別擔心,我只是看看你是否肌肉痙攣I' m just checking to see if the muscle's in spasm.
-怎麼了? -你的皮帶環掉了一個-What? What is it? -You missed a belt loop.
是痙攣Okay,it's in spasm.
來,孩子,我擦傷時都用這個Here,sweetie. I took these when I had my gall thing accident.
我叫安朵拉Hi,l' m Andrea.
桃樂絲的女兒I'm Dorothy's daughter.
我叫錢德,我不知道桃樂絲是誰Hi,I'm Chandler,and I have no idea who Dorothy is.
看看誰出現了Look who's up!
-感覺如何? -感覺好多了…-How do you feel? -I feel great.
感覺好多了…感覺好多了…I feel great. I feel great.
那些藥丸可真有效Wow,those pills really worked.
對,不是第一次那兩顆 而是後來那兩顆Yeah. Not the first two,but the second two....
我愛你們大家I love you guys.
你們是最棒的 我愛我的妹妹You guys are the greatest. I love my sister.
我愛菲比I love Pheebs.
你真好That's so nice.
錢德,我愛你I love you,man.
聽著,如果你想當同志,就當吧And listen,if you wanna be gay,be gay!
我不在乎It doesn't matter to me.
你說對了You were right.
我最愛你了I do love you.
哦,羅斯,我也愛你Oh,Ross. I love you too.
哦,不,我真的愛你Oh,no,I really love you.
我也真的愛你I really love you.
哦,你沒有明白Oh,you don't get it!
-那是什麼? -只是個助聽器-What do you got there? -Just a hearing disability.
比分多少?What's the score?
巨人隊以17比14領先 第三節只剩3分鐘結束1 7-1 4,Giants. Three minutes to go in the third.
菲比,能拿塊餅乾給我嗎?Pheebs,could you maybe hand me a cracker?
你外婆一定不喜歡的Your grandmother would've hated this.
當然,這是她的葬禮Sure. What with it being her funeral and all.
不,我聽到的是No,I'd be hearing about...
“我為何沒有蜜汁火腿?”...why didn't I get the honey-glazed ham.
或是我買的花不夠,或者她會說Or I didn't spend enough on flowers. Or she'd say:
“何必花那麼多錢,我死了不需要花”"Why waste your money? I don't need flowers,l' m dead. "
口氣像外婆That sounds like Nana.
知道和批評你每句話的人…Do you know what it's like to grow up...
…在一起生活是什麼滋味?...with someone who is critical of every single thing you say?
我可以想像I can imagine.
告訴你,我希望你媽會成為…It's a wonder your mother turned out...
…一個像她一樣樂觀、積極的人...to be the positive,life-affirming person she is.
真是個奇跡That is a wonder.
媽,告訴我 如果可以重來So tell me something,Mom. If you had to do it all over again...
如果此時她在這兒... I mean,if she was here right now...
你會告訴她嗎?...would you tell her?
告訴她什麼?T ell her what?
她如何使你抓狂 挑剔每一件事How she drove you crazy,picking on every little detail.
例如你的頭髮Like your hair,for example.
我不懂你在說什麼I'm not sure I know what you're getting at.
難道你不認為說出實話 情況會改善嗎?Would things have been better if you'd just told her the truth?
我認為某些事最好還是不要說Some things are better left unsaid.
和睦相處比較好It's nicer when people just get along.
再來些酒嗎?More wine?
我也這麼認為Oh,I think so.
你戴這副耳環真好看Those earrings look really lovely on you.
謝謝Thank you.
你給我的They're yours.
其實是外婆的Actually,they were Nana's.
真叫人難過Now l' m depressed!
比剛才還難過Even more than I was.
哦,快看,我的一年級照片Oh,look. My first grade picture.
請略過恐龍蛋T恤衫Please ignore the Dy-no-mite T -shirt.
-這個光屁股的是誰? -那個人就是我-Hey,who's this little naked guy? -That little naked guy would be me.
瞧那個小東西Look at the little thing!
對,那是我的小弟弟Yes,fine. That is my penis.
成熟點行嗎?Can we be grownups now?
那些人是誰?Who are those people?
-可把我問倒了 -中間那一個是外婆-Got me. -That's Nana right there in the middle.
我看看Yeah,let's see.
“我和大夥兒在爪哇喬家”" Me and the gang at Java Joe's. "
莫妮卡,你和你外婆長得一模一樣 當時她幾歲?You look just like your grandmother. How old was she?
1939年…39年Let's see," 1 939. "
他們好像玩得很開心It looks like a fun gang.
看…光屁股的莫妮卡Look,look,look! I got Monica naked!
我看看Let me see!
不,還是我No,no. That would be me again.
我在嘗試新事物I'm just trying something.
會計部門的情況如何?So how's it going in Financial Services?
就像是狂歡節最後一天沒有紙糊的頭(一團亂)It's like Mardi Gras without the papier-mache heads.
你呢?How about you?
好的,聽著…Good. Good. Listen...
我不知道雪麗如何對你說我這個人…...I don't know what Shelly told you about me,but...
…但是我不是... I' m not.
我知道,我也是這樣告訴她的I know. That's what I told her.
你看得出來?So you can tell?
差不多吧 我們有某種…雷達Pretty much. Most of the time. We have a kind of radar.
這麼說你認為我…So you don't think I have...
…沒那種潛質...a quality?
代表男同志發言 我得說沒有Speaking for my people,I'd have to say no.
對了,你朋友布萊恩,他是By the way,your friend Brian,from Payroll? He is.
-他是? -而且你配不上他-He is? -And way out of your league.
我配不上他Out of my league!
我可以得到布萊恩 只要我願意就能得到他I could get a Brian. If I wanted to get a Brian,I could get a Brian.


特瑞,我,我知道我在這裡幹的時間並不長Terry,I know I haven't worked here very long but would it be possible...
但我在想您是否能考慮預支給我100塊薪水...if I got a $1 00 advance on my salary?
預支?An advance?
這樣我才能和家裡人共度感恩節So I can spend Thanksgiving with my family.
每年,我們全家都去韋爾滑雪 通常都是我父親為我出票錢Every year we ski in Vail,and my father pays for my ticket.
但是我現在已經開始學習獨立But I've started this independent thing...
嗯,這實際上也是我為什麼要幹這份…“工作”...which is actually why I took this "job. "
你是一位非常,非常糟糕的女招待You' re a terrible,terrible waitress.
真的,真的糟糕透頂Really,really awful.
好吧,我,我明白你的意思了 我同意您說的I hear what you're saying. I'm with you.
但是我,我一直很努力地在做But I'm trying really hard,and I think I'm doing better.
我想我會做得更好的I really do.
-有人需要咖啡嗎? -是的,這裡-Does anybody need coffee? -Yeah,over here.
噢,你看!Look at that.
六人行 第1季 第09集 超狗氣球飛了The One Where Underdog Gets Away
打擾一下,先生. 您是這裡的老主顧了Excuse me,sir? Hi. You come in here all the time.
不知道您是否能考慮預支一點小費給我?Do you think there's a possibility that you could advance me my tips?
算我沒說. 我為以前用咖啡潑到您表示歉意Okay,okay. That's fine. Fine. Sorry about that spill before!
還差98塊5Only 98.50 to go!
你知道老爸老媽要去波多黎各過感恩節嗎?Did you know Mom and Dad are going to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving?
-不,他們不會 -他們要去.布萊明斯邀請了他們-What? No,they're not. -Yes,the Blymans invited them.
你亂講You' re wrong.
-我沒有亂講 -你就是在亂講-I am not wrong. -You' re wrong.
我剛和他們通過電話No,I just talked to them.
我要打電話給媽媽I' m calling Mom.
-嘿,嘿 -嘿-Hey,hey. -Hey!
這裡是“緊急求助部”,你化了妝嗎?And this from the Cry for Help Department: Are you wearing makeup?
是的.從今天起,我的正式身份就是 喬伊.崔比亞尼,演員兼模特Yes,I am. As of today,I'm officially Joey T ribbiani,actor/model.
真有趣,因為我正想說: 你看起來更像,喬伊.崔比亞尼,男人兼女人That's funny. I was thinking you look more like,Joey T ribbiani,man/woman.
-你給什麼當模特? -你知道那些城市免費門診的招貼畫嗎?-What were you modeling for? -Posters for the free clinic.
哇,那你不就成了那些 “健康一族”中的一員了嗎?So you' re gonna be one of those healthy guys?
-那個哮喘病人還真可愛 -你知道你為什麼代言嗎?-The asthma guy's really cute. -Know which one you'll be?
不知道,但是我聽說腦膜炎還缺人,所以…No,but I hear Lyme disease is open,so you know....
-祝你好運,老兄.我希望你能染上 -謝謝-Good luck,man. I hope you get it. -Thanks.
好吧,你是對的 他們怎能拋下我們不管? 這可是感恩節You were right. How can they do this? It's Thanksgiving!
我在我那兒做頓大餐,怎麼樣? 我會做得和媽媽的味一樣的What if I cook dinner at my place? I'll make it just like Mom's.
你會弄成塊的土豆泥給我吃嗎?Will you make mashed potatoes with the lumps?
這個,他們真不該把土豆… 我做土豆塊They're not actually supposed to I'll work on the lumps.
-喬伊,你要回家,是嗎? -沒錯-Joey,you' re going home? -Yeah.
錢德,你還在抵制所有清教徒的節日嗎?Chandler,you' re still boycotting all the pilgrim holidays?
-當然,他們中的任何一個 -菲比,你要和你外婆一起過?-Every single one of them. -Phoebe,you'll be with your grandma?
是的,還有她的男朋友And her boyfriend.
但我們是在12月慶祝,因為他過陰曆節日We're celebrating Thanksgiving in December because he's lunar.
那麼,你星期四有空了?So you're free Thursday then?
-是的.噢,我能來嗎? -當然-Yeah. Oh,can I come? -Yeah.
-瑞秋,你定下來要去韋爾嗎? -沒錯.“咻,咻,咻!”-Rach,are you gonna make it to Vail? -Absolutely. Shoop,shoop,shoop.
-還差102元就可成行 -我記得剛才是差98塊5-Only $1 02 to go. -I thought it was 98. 50?
沒錯,但我又摔了一個杯子Yeah,well,it was,but l I broke a cup,so....
-我到卡蘿那裡去 -噢噢! 我們幹嘛不叫上她?-Well,l' m off to Carol's. -Ooh,ooh,why don't we invite her?
噢噢,因為她是我的前妻,而且她可能還想帶上她的Ooh,ooh,because she's my ex-wife and will want to bring her...
噢噢,女同伴侶!...ooh,ooh,lesbian life partner.
卡蘿在嗎?Hi. Is Carol here?
-她開教工會去了 -噢,我過來想把我的頭骨拿走-No,she's at a faculty meeting. -I just came by to pick up my skull.
嗯,不是我的,是…Well,not mine,but....
-進來! -謝謝-Come in. -Thanks.
是這樣,卡蘿上回借走上課用的 我現在得拿回去還給博物館Carol borrowed it,and I have to get it back to the museum.
-它是什麼樣子? -就像一張沒有皮的大臉-What's it look like? -Kind of like a big face without skin.
是的,我對這個解釋比較熟悉Yes. I'm familiar with the concept.
-我們來找找看. -好吧-We can just look for it. -Okay.
哇,你們有這麼多關於怎樣成為一名女同志的書Wow,you guys sure have a lot of books about being a lesbian.
嗯,你知道嗎,你必須接受一門課程Well,you know,you have to take a course.
否則,他們不讓你當同性戀Otherwise they don't let you do it.
嘿,《烏龜耶爾特》.經典作品Hey,Yertle the Turtle! A classic.
沒錯,我現在在念給寶寶聽Actually,I'm reading it to the baby.
噢,那個還沒出生的寶寶?The baby that hasn't been born yet?
你是不是瘋了?Wouldn't that mean you're crazy?
什麼,你覺得寶寶在裡面聽不到聲音?You don't think they can hear sounds in there?
你不是開玩笑吧,我的意思是… 真的 你…真的跟寶寶說話嗎?You' re not serious? I mean,you really talk to it?
當然,經常說.我要讓寶寶記住我的聲音Yeah,all the time. I want the baby to know my voice.
那,你提到過我嗎?Well,that's just Do you talk about me?
-有的,經常. -真的?-Yeah. All the time. -Really?
但是,嗯,我們稱你為提供精液的鮑鮑But,we just refer to you as " Bobo the Sperm Guy. "
不行,如果她和寶寶說話 那我也應該有一些“肚子談話時間”If she's talking to it,I just think I should get some belly time too.
但這不表示我相信這個Not that I believe this.
噢,我相信.我覺得寶寶什麼都能聽見I believe it. I think the baby can hear everything.
-真的? -我可以演示給你看.可能會有點怪異-Really? -I'll show you. This'll seem weird.
你得把你的頭放在這只火雞裡面But you put your head inside this turkey...
然後大夥兒說話,你肯定能聽到我們說的...and we'll all talk and you'll hear everything we say.
我想說我完全贊成這個實驗I'd just like to say I'm totally behind this experiment.
而且,我還非常想把你的腦袋塗上黃油In fact,I'd very much like to butter your head.
-嘿 -瑞秋,錢拿到沒有?-Hey. -Rach,did you make your money?
沒有,都關門了 忘掉韋爾吧,忘掉家庭團聚吧No,not even close. Forget Vail. Forget seeing my family.
忘掉“咻,咻,咻.”吧Forget shoop,shoop,shoop.
瑞秋,你的信 -謝謝,放在桌上就行了-Rach,here's your mail. -Thanks. You can put it on the table.
不,這是你的信!No. Here's your mail!
謝謝,你把它放在桌子上就行了Thanks. You can put it on the table!
你不想現在就打開它嗎?Would you just open it!
喔,天哪!你們真好!Oh,my God! You guys are great!
大夥湊的We all chipped in.
-大夥? -你欠我20塊-We did? -You owe me $20.
謝謝!太感謝了!Thank you. Thank you so much!
錢德,這是你的感恩節大餐 你的番茄湯Chandler,got your traditional holiday feast. T omato soup...
你的乳酪雜拌和你的特大號洋蔥小吃...grilled-cheese fixings and a family-size bag of Funyuns.
等等,錢德,這是你的感恩節晚餐嗎? 你和這個節日到底有什麼過節?This is your Thanksgiving dinner? What is it with you and this holiday?
-好吧,我9歲那年… -噢,我厭惡這個故事-I'm 9 years old. -I hate this story!
我們全家剛剛吃完一頓豐盛的感恩節大餐.我…We've finished this magnificent Thanksgiving dinner. I have...
…塞了滿嘴的南瓜派...a mouthful of pumpkin pie.
我的父母就選擇那會兒來告訴我: 他們要離婚了And then my parents tell me they're getting divorced.
噢,天啊!Oh,my God!
是的.一旦你有過這樣的負面印象 就很難對感恩節大餐有興趣了Very difficult to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner once you've seen it in reverse.
這是什麼? 我從沒在媽媽的感恩節大餐中看到這個What's this? I never saw this at Mom's.
-這是紅薯 -拜託….-It's a yam. -Hello....
這不是紅薯.紅薯都是放在紫色罐頭裡的This isn't a yam. Yam comes in purple cans.
不是的,紅薯不是放在這裡的They don't They don't come in these.
羅斯,不要指責什麼錯誤, 滾開Ross,don't take this the wrong way or anything,but back off.
-我們一起工作過 -有嗎?-We used to work together. -We did?
是的,在梅西百貨 你是那個“迷幻”女郎,對吧?Yeah,at Macy's. You' re the Obsession girl,right?
-是的 -我是“阿拉米香水”男-Yes. -I was the Aramis guy.
-阿拉米?阿拉米? -哦,想起來了-Aramis. Aramis. Aramis. -Yeah,right!
-我得說,你是那裡面最棒的 -少來了!-You' re the best in the business. -Get out.
你太讓人吃驚了 你知道什麼時候噴霧,什麼時候放回原處You' re amazing! You know when to spritz. You know when to lay back.
真的嗎? 我受寵若驚了Really? You don't know what that means to me.
你今晚聞起來妙極了. 你身上是什麼?You smell great tonight. What are you wearing?
-你想不想去喝上一杯? -好的,哦-Listen,do you wanna go get a drink? -Yeah,that would be
-怎麼了? -我剛想起,我還有要緊的事要做-What's wrong? -I have to do something.
-離開 -等等,嘿,等等!-Leave. -Wait,wait,wait!
我想你們都看見了So I guess you all saw it.
-什麼? -看見什麼?-What? -Saw what?
不,我們只是在笑.你知道,笑也是會“傳染”的No,we' re just laughing. You know how laughter can be infectious.
我得另找個地方過感恩節了 我全家都認為我有性病Set another place for Thanksgiving. My entire family thinks I have VD.
今夜,此花怒放"Tonight,on a very special Blossom. "
嗯,看起來不錯.好了Looking good! Okay!
蘋果酒搞定,火雞搞定,紅薯搞定Cider's mulling,turkey's turkeying,yams are yamming....
我不知道.媽媽不在廚房感覺就是不一樣I don't know. It's just not the same without Mom in the kitchen.
夠了!出去別煩我!Get out and stop annoying me!
這樣有點像了Oh,that's closer.
我拿到票了! 我拿到票了!I got the tickets!
再過5個小時我就要 “咻,咻,咻.”Five hours from now,shoop,shoop,shoop!
-噢,別“咻”了,好嗎? -我去收拾行李-Oh,you must stop shooping. -Okay,l' m gonna get my stuff.
錢德,你今晚會來嗎?Will you come in?
不,我喜歡和歡樂保持安全距離!I prefer to keep a safe distance from all this merriment.
注意,南瓜派來了!Look out! Incoming pumpkin pie!
你在塞填料的時候我們是笑了,但其實根本不好笑We laughed when you did it with the stuffing,but that's not funny.
喂,莫妮卡,我有一個問題 我沒看見有塔特酒Hey,Monica,I got a question. I don't see any T ator Tots.
-這不叫問題! -但是我的媽媽總是做的.這是傳統-That's not a question. -My mom makes them. It's a tradition.
弄點火雞肉在叉子上,配上點藍莓,還有塔特酒!You get a piece of turkey on your fork,a little cranberry sauce and a Tot!
因為我的“病”,我不能與家人團聚了,真糟糕透了I mean,it's bad enough I can't be with my family because of my disease.
好吧,好吧All right. Fine.
今晚的土豆泥會有成塊的和有酒味的Tonight's potatoes will be mashed,with lumps and in the form of Tots.
我要去和還沒出生的寶寶說話了All right,I'm off to talk to my unborn child.
媽媽從不打我Okay,Mom never hit.
搞定了Okay,all done.
幹嗎,菲比,你在攪爛土豆嗎?羅斯要吃塊狀的!Phoebe,did you whip the pota? Ross needs lumps!
噢,很抱歉Oh,l' m sorry! I just
噢,我以為攪爛了以後,可以加一些豌豆和洋蔥I thought we could have them whipped and then add some peas and onions.
為什麼我們要那樣做?Why do that?
嗯,因為我媽都是那樣做的,你知道,在她去世之前Because then they'd be just like my mom used to make it,before she died.
好吧,第3種吃法出現Okay. Three kinds of potatoes coming up.
大夥,再見. 感謝你們Okay. Goodbye,you guys! Thanks for everything!
噢,天呐! 噢,抱歉!Oh,God,look at Sorry! I'm so sorry.
最不可思議事情發生了! 超狗剛剛飛了!An unbelievable thing happened! Underdog got away!
-那個氣球嗎? -不,是真的卡通人物-The balloon? -No,no,the actual cartoon character.
當然是那個氣球!Of course the balloon!
梅西百貨前他斷線了 後來在華盛頓廣場公園上又被發現了He broke free and was spotted flying over Washington Square Park.
-我要上屋頂去看,誰要去? -我不去了-I'm going to the roof. Who's with me? -I can't!
來吧.80英尺長的充氣狗在城市上空遊蕩 發生的概率是多少An 80-foot dog over the city? How often does that happen?
幾乎不可能發生Almost never.
-拿上鑰匙了嗎… -好的-Got the keys? -Okay.
只要你準備好了隨時可以開始Anytime you' re ready.
好的,好的,開始Okay. Okay,here we go.
這裡嗎,我得對著哪裡說?Okay. Where am I talking to here?
我的意思是, 好像只有一個地方能讓他聽見,但是 …There is one way that offers a certain acoustical advantage,but....
對著鼓出來的地方就可以Just aim for the bump.
好的,開始了Okay. Okay. Okay,here goes.
你知道,我,你知道,我做不出來You know,I can't do this. This is
噢,這太奇怪了.我感到自己像個傻瓜It's too weird. I feel stupid.
那你就別說了 你不必因為蘇珊做了你就非得做It's fine. You don't have to do it just because Susan does it.
你好嗎?寶寶!你好,你好Hello,baby. Hello. Hello.
我們第一次見大狗飄在公園上空the moment we first saw the dog shadow fall over the park!
是的,但是他們必須把他射下來嗎? 太殘忍了But did they have to shoot him down? That was just mean.
現在火雞應該是外焦…Right now the turkey should be crispy on the outside...
…而且裡嫩了...and juicy on the inside.
還站在這裡幹嘛?Why are we standing here?
-等你開門.你拿著鑰匙We're waiting for you to open the door. You have the keys.
我沒有No,I don't.
你拿了.出來的時候,你說拿上鑰匙了Yes,you do. When we left,you said,"Got the keys. "
我沒有.我問:“拿上鑰匙了嗎”?No,I didn't. I asked,"Got the keys? "
不、不、不.你是說:“拿上鑰匙了”No,no,no. You said,"Got the keys! "
你們倆都沒拿鑰匙?Do either of you have the keys?
-烤爐還開著 -噢,我得拿我的票!-The oven is on! -I've gotta get my ticket!
-等等,我們有一把你家的備用鑰匙 -快去拿,快去!-Wait! We have a copy of your key. -Get it!
你這種語氣無法加快我的速度That tone won't make me go any faster.
-喬伊! -這還湊合-Joey. -That one will.
每個人都對我說:你得選個專業And everyone's telling me,"You gotta pick a major. "
於是我鼓起勇氣挑了古生物學So on a dare,I picked paleontology.
可能你不懂我正說什麼 因為事實上,你還是一個胎兒And you have no idea what I'm saying,because,face it,you' re a fetus.
你應該高興因為你不會再有鰓You're happy you don't have gills anymore.
你不用老是說話,你也可以對他唱歌You don't have to talk to it. You can sing
噢.拜託,我才不想對著你的肚子唱歌!Please. I am not singing to your stomach,okay?
進展如何?How's it going?
噓! 我們來了Here we come
沿著那些街道走著Walking down the street
每個人的表情都很可笑Get the funniest looks from Everyone we meet
-喂,噢,你覺到了嗎? -是的,我有-Hey,did you just feel that? -I did.
-他總這樣嗎? -不,沒有,這是第一次-Does it always? -That was the first.
接著唱!接著唱!IKeep singing! IKeep singing!
嘿,嘿,你是我的寶寶,我已經等不及想見你Hey,hey,you 're my baby And I can 't wait to meet you
等你出來後,我會為你買百吉餅 然後帶你去動物園When you come out I'll buy you a bagel Then we 'll go to the zoo
-又來了一次! -這次我也感覺到了!-lt did it again! -I felt it that time!
“嘿,嘿,我是你的爸爸.沒有乳房的那個…”Hey,hey,I'm your daddy I'm the one without any breasts
真是太棒了.現在已經五點了 我的飛機已經從登機口拖走了This is great. It's 5:00. My plane is pulling away from the gate.
-也許你可以搭晚班飛機 -沒有了-Maybe you can take a later flight. -There is none.
-你可以明天去 -明天就不是感恩節了!-You can go tomorrow. -T omorrow is not Thanksgiving!
我想讓你開心一點,你卻總是中間打斷我If l' m gonna cheer you up,you have to meet me halfway.
你能快一點嗎?Can you go any faster?
鎖眼只有一個,而鑰匙有上千把 你算算看I got one keyhole and a zillion keys! You do the math.
你怎麼會有那麼多鑰匙?Why do you guys have so many keys in there anyway?
緊急情況,就像現在這樣For an emergency just like this.
你聽著,假笑的傢伙All right. Listen,smirky!
要不是你和你那愚蠢的氣球,現在我就在飛機上…If not for your stupid balloon,I'd be on a plane...
…看著一個女人這樣做了 但現在我卻不能!...watching a woman do this... right now. But l' m not!
你說你帶了鑰匙,我發誓You said you had the keys!
不,沒有.我如果拿了鑰匙,我會說“拿了” 顯然我沒拿那該死的鑰匙No,I didn't! I wouldn't say I had the keys unless I had the keys!
夠了,別再提鑰匙了That's it! Enough with the keys. No one say keys!
為什麼我應該拿鑰匙?Why would I have the keys?!
-不考慮你說你拿了的事實? -但是我沒拿-Aside from the fact you said you did? -I didn't!
-嗯,你應該拿 -為什麼?-You should've. -Why?
-因為! -為什麼?-Because! -Why?
一切都該是我的責任嗎?難道我為大家準備晚餐還不夠嗎?Everything's my responsibility? Isn't it enough that l' m making dinner?
每個人要的土豆泥都不一樣 我得做各種樣式的土豆泥Everyone wants a different kind of potato,so I'm making them.
有誰關心過我要哪種土豆泥嗎?Does anybody care what kind of potatoes I want? No!
沒有,沒有…No! No!
菲比要有洋蔥和豌豆的土豆泥 “馬里奧”要有塔特酒口味的Just as long as Phoebe gets her peas and onions,and Mario gets his T ots
這是我第一次搞感恩節大餐It's my first Thanksgiving,and l
現在全焦了,…我…It's all burnt,and I can't....
莫妮卡,只有狗現在能聽見你說的 好了,門已經開.進去吧Monica,only dogs can hear you now. Look,the door's open. Here we go.
-好吧,錢德,別把鑰匙丟了. -不-All right,Chandler,don't lose this. -No
嗯,火雞燒焦了Well,the turkey's burnt!
這種土豆完了,這種土豆完了,這種土豆也完了Potatoes are ruined! Potatoes are ruined! Potatoes are ruined!
“我們沿著…”?Here we come
走下去Walking down the
媽媽的廚房可不是這個味This doesn't smell like Mom's.
不像是吧? 你不是要土豆塊嗎 羅斯? 好,拿去,夥計.這裡有一個!It doesn't,does it? You wanted lumps? Here you go,buddy. You got one!
-不要對我吼.是你把晚飯燒著了 -嗨,不要讓她再發飆啦!-Don't yell at me. You burned dinner! -Hey,don't make her squeak again!
噢,天哪,飛機已經飛走了 看來我只能留下來和你們在一起了God,this is great! The plane is gone. I guess I'm stuck here with you guys.
我們本來都有個不錯的計畫的 這不是大夥的第一選擇We all had better plans. This was nobody's first choice!
噢,真的嗎? 那我何苦要做這頓豐盛的感恩節大餐?Oh,really? So why was I busting my ass to make this delicious dinner?
-你管這叫豐盛嗎? -給我安靜!-You call that delicious? -You be quiet!
閉嘴,閉嘴,閉嘴!Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
終於有了點感恩節的氣氛了Now this feels like Thanksgiving.
-噢! -什麼?-Eww. -What?
醜陋裸男正從烤爐中取出他的火雞Ugly Naked Guy's taking his turkey out of the oven.
-誰在乎啊? -他剛剛坐到肉湯裡了-Who cares? -He just sat in gravy.
噢,我的天.醜陋裸男不是一個人Oh,my God! He's not alone.
他正和一個醜陋裸女共進感恩節晚餐Ugly Naked Guy is having Thanksgiving dinner with Ugly Naked Gal.
我得看看I gotta see this!
醜陋裸男真爽!All right,Ugly Naked Guy!
裸舞開場了!Ugly naked dancing!
有人陪真好It's nice that he has someone.
可以切了嗎?Shall I carve?
-怎樣都行 -好-By all means. -All right.
誰想要淺色起司,誰想要深色起司?Who wants light cheese,and who wants dark cheese?
我一點也不想知道深色起司是怎麼來的I don't even want to know about the dark cheese.
-有人想要和我分這塊嗎? -噢,我要-Does anybody wanna split this? -I will.
你們必須先許個願望. -許願?-You guys have to make a wish. -Make a wish?
來吧,這是感恩節(代替許願骨許願的感恩節傳統)Come on,you know,Thanksgiving.
噢!你得到大半了.你許的什麼願?You got the bigger half! What did you wish for?
得到大半The bigger half.
我敬各位一杯All right,I'd like to propose a toast.
來一杯A little toast here. Ding,ding!
我知道這不是你們本來計畫的感恩節This isn't the Thanksgiving you planned...
但是對我來說,這樣也挺棒的...but for me,this has been really great.
我想,這是因為它沒和離婚或者嘔吐搭界I think because it didn't involve divorce or projectile vomiting.
如果你去了韋爾,如果你和你家人在一起If you'd gone to Vail or if you had been with your family...
你沒有……“梅毒”那些玩意...or if you didn't have syphilis and stuff...
我們就不能一起過...we wouldn't be together.
所以我想說的就是:I guess what l' m trying to say is that...
謝天謝地你們的感恩節計畫都砸了... I' m very thankful that all of your Thanksgivings sucked.
-真是感人! -謝謝-That's so sweet! -Thank you.
-祝你有個糟糕的耶誕節. -還有一個失敗的新年-Here's to a lousy Christmas! -And a crappy New Year!
-沒錯! -沒錯!-Hear,hear! -Hear,hear!
停止家庭暴力 !


各位,外面開始下雪了All right! You guys,it's starting to snow.
快看啊,醜陋裸男在掛糖果藤And look,Ugly Naked Guy is hanging candy canes.
哇. 不錯Oh. Well.
真有節日氣氛That's festive.
各位我想介紹一個人給大家認識Guys,there's somebody I'd like you to meet.
等等…這是怎麼回事?Wait,wait. What is that?
-他叫馬修,想和他打聲招呼嗎? -不,我不要-That's Marcel. Wanna say hi? -No,I don't.
-他好可愛,哪裡得到他的? -我朋友貝瑟把他從實驗室救出來的-He's cute! Where'd you get him? -My friend Bethel saved him from a lab.
真殘忍That is so cruel.
為何有父母會將孩子取名為聖地(貝瑟)?Why would a parent name their child Bethel?
那猴子的屁股上長了個羅斯That monkey's got a Ross on his ass.
羅斯,他要和你同住嗎?Is he gonna live with you in your apartment?
對,卡蘿離開後家裡冷清清的Yeah. It's been kind of quiet since Carol left.
為何不找個室友?Why not get a roommate?
人到一定的年紀後與室友同住是有點可悲(pathet)…You reach a certain age,having a roommate is just kind of pathet
抱歉,pathet 在梵語中代表很酷的生活方式That's " pathet. " Sanskrit for " really cool way to live. "
六人行 第1季 第10集 猴子The One With the Monkey
各位,我今天將唱全新的曲目I' m doing new material tonight.
我寫了12首關於我媽自殺的歌 及一首有關雪人的歌I have 1 2 songs about my mother's suicide and one about a snowman.
你最好先唱雪人You might wanna open with the snowman.
-喬伊 -老兄-Hi,Joey. -Hey,buddy.
-如何? -我沒得到那份工作-So how'd it go? -I didn't get the job.
怎麼可能?你去年就是聖誕老人啊How could you not? You were Santa last year.
某個胖子和店經理上床了Some fat guy's sleeping with the store manager.
他根本無法逗人開心,這就是政治He's not even jolly. It's all political.
-那麼你扮演什麼? -當他的助手(小精靈)-What are you gonna be? -One of his helpers.
就像是臉上的一個巴掌(恥辱),你明白嗎?It's just such a slap in the face,you know?
你們打算如何過新年?Do you know what you' re doing for New Year's?
怎麼了?新年有什麼不對勁嗎?Hey,what? What is wrong with New Year's?
你有保羅.無須面對新年帶來的壓力You have Paolo. You don't have to face the pressure...
無須急著尋找嘴唇以便在球落下那一刻去親...of finding lips to kiss when the ball drops!
哦,我說得太大聲了!Man,I'm talking loud!
保羅新年時會在羅馬Paolo's gonna be in Rome this New Year's.
-所以我將和各位一樣可悲 -想得美-I'll be just as pathetic as you. -Yeah,you wish.
我有個主意,聚餐I've got an idea. Dinner.
不錯,我們可以把他放在午飯和早飯之間It's perfect. We'll put it between lunch and breakfast.
我不想再聽到迪克拉克(新年慶典的主持人)的疲勞轟炸I'm sick of being a victim of this Dick Clark holiday.
我說今年,我們約定.只有我們6個共進晚餐I say this year,we make a pact. Just the six of us. Dinner.
-當然 -好-Sure. -Fine.
我本來希望大家能更開心點的I was hoping for more enthusiasm.
-菲比,該上臺了 -哦,好的-Phoebe,you' re on. -Oh,good.
各位,回應大家要求Hi. Ladies and gentlemen,back by popular demand...
有請菲比布菲小姐... Miss Phoebe Buffay.
謝謝Hi. Thanks. Hi.
首先的這首歌在這種時節令我感慨萬分I wanna start with a song that means a lot to me.
我做了一個人,眼睛是煤炭做的I made a man with eyes of coal
他有謎樣的微笑And a smile so bewitching
我如何能承受How was I supposed to know
母親死在廚房的事實That my mom was dead in the kitchen?
母親的骨灰My mother's ashes
甚至是她的睫毛Even her eyelashes
都安放在一個黃色的小骨灰壇Are resting in a little yellow jar
當有時天寒地凍And sometimes when it's freezing
我感覺有點想打噴嚏I feel a little sneezy
如今我…抱歉,吵鬧的男人And now I Excuse me? Excuse me? Yeah,noisy boys.
有什麼想和大家分享的嗎?Is it something you'd like to share with the group?
沒.沒,沒事No. No,that's okay.
如果有事如此重要 你們非在我唱歌時談論If it's important enough while I'm playing...
那就重要的足以與我們分享...it's important enough for everyone else.
那傢伙會帶著一本注意事項回家That guy's going home with a note.
-我是告訴我朋友… -大聲點行嗎?-I was just saying -Speak up.
我告訴我朋友:你是我見過最漂亮的女孩I was saying you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.
他說…達麗爾·漢娜(影星)…達麗爾·漢娜And he said that Daryl Hannah...
是他見過最美的女人...was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
我說我喜歡《美人魚》中的她 但《華爾街》就沒那麼喜歡了I said I liked her in Splash,but not Wall Street.
她沒那種硬派氣質I thought she had a hard quality.
達麗爾·漢娜是傳統的美While Daryl is beautiful in a conventional way...
而你散發出高雅的氣質...you are luminous with a kind of delicate grace.
然後你就叫我們了Then that's when you started yelling.
休息片刻We're gonna take a short break.
那小夥拿回家的遠不止注意事項了啊That guy's going home with more than a note.
過來,馬修,坐這兒Come here,Marcel. Sit here.
拜託,沒想到他還沒親你I can't believe he hasn't kissed you yet.
我第6次和保羅約會時 他就為我的胸部取了名字By my sixth date with Paolo,he'd already named both my breasts.
我分享太多了嗎?Did I just share too much?
一點點Just a smidge.
大衛是個科學家,做事一絲不苟David's,like,a scientist guy. He's very methodical.
-我認為這很浪漫 -我也這麼想!-I think it's romantic. -Me too!
你們看過《軍官與紳士》嗎?Did you ever see An Officer and a Gentleman?
跟我一起去看這部片子的男友和他是一個類型He's kind of like the guy I went to see that with.
除了他更聰明,溫柔體貼之外Except he's smarter and gentler and sweeter.
我只想整天和他廝守在一起I just wanna be with him all the time.
不管是白天或夜晚,還是夜晚或白天You know,day and night. And night and day.
還有特別的日子And special occasions.
等等,我知道了 你邀他共渡新年,對不?I see. You're gonna ask him to New Year's.
-她想拋棄我們 -不!不,不-She's gonna break the pact. -No! No,no.
不…對,我可以嗎…No. Yeah,could I just?
-好吧,我已約了珍妮絲 -什麼?-Yeah. I already asked Janice. -What?
這是一個約定!這是你們的約定!This was a pact! This was your pact!
我耐不住寂寞,我毀約了I couldn't handle the pressure. I snapped!
可是珍妮絲…你們的分手不是糟透了?But that was the worst breakup in history!
我沒說這是個好主意,我毀約了I'm not saying it was a good idea. I snapped!
抱歉,我遲到了Hi,sorry I'm late.
太滑稽了Too many jokes.
快取笑喬伊Must mock Joey.
鞋子正點吧Nice shoes,huh?
我快笑死了God,you're killing me!
羅斯,他又玩我的鏟子Ross,he's playing with my spatulas again!
-他又不會玩壞的 -你非得每次都帶他來不可嗎?-He's not gonna hurt them,right? -Do you always have to bring him?
我不想留下他一個人 我們早上才吵了一架I didn't wanna leave him alone. We had our first fight this morning.
一定是我加班惹的禍 我說了不該說的話It has to do with my working late. I said some things that I didn't mean.
他就朝我扔一坨屎He threw some feces.
如果你必須加班,我可以替你照顧他If you're working late,I can look in on him.
這太好了That would be great!
如果你去照顧他,要裝成一付去找他的樣子But make sure it seems like you're there to see him.
不能讓他知道你是在幫我忙You're not doing it for me.
好,但他如果問起 我可就要實話實說了Okay. But if he asks,I'm not going to lie.
但我們仍無法測試這個理論But you can't actually test this theory.
因為目前粒子加速的速度T oday's particle accelerators aren't powerful enough...
-仍無法類比出這樣的情況 -好,我有個問題-...to simulate these conditions. -I have a question then.
你打算親我嗎?-Yeah? -Do you plan on kissing me ever?
這是個正當而合理的問題 答案是…That's definitely a valid question,and the answer...
是的.對,我曾想過...would be yes. Yes,I was.
但我要讓這非凡的吻…But I wanted it to be this phenomenal kiss...
發生在非凡的時刻,因為是你...at a phenomenal moment because it's you.
但等得越久親吻就越非凡The longer I waited,the more phenomenal the kiss had to be.
而在此時此地,我想…Now,it's just gotta be one of those things where l...
…掃去桌上的一切,將你丟在上面...sweep everything off the table.
但我不是會掃去一切,那種猴急的男人And I'm not really a sweeping sort of fella.
大衛,我想你是David,I think you are a sweeping sort of fella.
你是被困在物理學家體內的猛男I mean,you're a sweeper trapped inside a physicist's body.
-真的? -沒錯,我確定-Really? -I'm sure.
你應該解放出來,把我丟上去吧You should just do it. Just throw me.
-現在? -對,現在-Now? -Yeah,right now. Just....
好.好.好Okay. Okay. Okay.
這東西很貴的You know what? This is really expensive.
這個是人家送的And this was a gift.
-你在清理場地 -好吧,管他的-Now you' re just tidying up. -Okay.
-你想讓我丟上去還是自己跳上去? -我自己跳好了-You want me to throw you? -I can hop.
告訴我,“沒有約會的約定”對你們有何意義?T ell me something,what does " no-date pact" mean to you?
錢德有物件,菲比也有對象It's just that Chandler and Phoebe have somebody.
所以我約了搞笑巴比I thought I'd ask Fun Bobby.
-搞笑巴比?你的前任男友搞笑巴比? -對-Your ex-boyfriend? -Yeah.
-你還認識其他的搞笑巴比? -我的確認識一個-You know more than one Fun Bobby? -I happen to know a Fun Bob.
-來了 -太滿了,我沒法加牛奶了-Okay. Here we go. -There's no room for milk.
好了,這下可以了There. Now there is.
所以在這個沒有約會的晚上,三人另有節目So on our no-date evening,three of you now have dates.
-四人 -五人-Four. -Five.
抱歉,保羅提早搭飛機回來Sorry. Paolo's catching an earlier flight.
而我在商場遇上—個火辣辣的單親媽媽And I met this really hot single mom at the store.
我這個小精靈怎能抗拒?What's an elf to do?
這麼說球落下那一刻 我是唯一一個孤零零的傢伙?So I'll be the only one alone when the ball drops?
我們將舉行盛大的派對 而且沒人知道到底知道誰和誰We'll have a big party,and no one will know who's with who.
我知道,而且這不是我現在需要知道的I'll know. This is so not what I needed right now.
-你怎麼了? -都是馬修-What's the matter? -Oh,it's Marcel.
他生我的氣了 我不知道為什麼 他一直不讓我進門He's angry with me. I have no idea why. He keeps shutting me out.
他拖著雙手不斷繞圈子He's walking around all the time,dragging his hands.
真是詭異 我前幾天晚上還跟他相處愉快That's weird. I had a blast with him.
-真的? -我們一起玩,看電視-Really? -We played,watched TV.
雜耍真是太精彩了That juggling thing is amazing.
什麼雜耍?What juggling thing?
拿襪子,我以為是你教他的With the socks? I figured you taught him that.
這也不算什麼,只是拿襪子罷了 還有一顆香瓜It wasn't that big a deal. Just socks. And a melon.
-菲比 -麥克斯,認識大家嗎?-Phoebe! -Max. Do you know everybody?
不認識,你看見大衛嗎?No. Have you seen David?
沒有,他沒在這兒He hasn't been around.
看見他時告訴他快打包,我們要去明斯克If you see him,tell him to pack. We are going to Minsk.
-明斯克? -在俄羅斯-Minsk? -Minsk. It's in Russia.
我知道明斯克在哪兒I know where Minsk is.
我們已申請到獎助金 全額贊助我們三年We got the grant. Three years,all expenses paid.
如果你們去明斯克就是這樣去的And if you're gonna do Minsk,that's the way to go.
-你們何時去明斯克 -1月1日-So when do you leave? -January 1 st.
-有人嗎?-Hello? -What? Hey. Hi.
-你來這兒幹什麼? -麥克斯告訴我明斯克的事了-What are you doing here? -Max told me about Minsk.
恭喜了,真叫人興奮Congratulations! This is so exciting!
能去的話會更叫人興奮It'd be even more exciting if we were going.
你不去了?為什麼?Oh,you're not going? Oh,why?
告訴她,“我不打算去…”T ell her. " I don't wanna go...
…和李本斯、亞馬古基與法朗克共事...to work with Lipson,Yamaguchi and Flank.
我要留下來和我的女友培養感情I wanna stay and make out with my girlfriend! "
夠了,麥克斯,謝謝Okay,thank you,Max. Thank you.
你真的不去?So you're really not going?
我也不知道,我只是…I don't know what I'm gonna do. I just....
我怎麼能離開你?我才剛剛遇到你How can I leave you? I just found you.
大衛.你決定怎麼辦?Oh,David. But what are you gonna do?
我不知道.你決定I don't know. You decide.
-別這樣 -我是在求你-Don't do that. -But l' m asking you.
-我不能那麼做 -好吧,留下來-I can't make a decision. Just -Okay. Stay.
-留下來 -留下來-Stay. -Stay.
你進步神速啊!Getting so good at that!
這是麥克斯的東西It was Max's stuff.
我喜歡菊芋I love this artichoke thing.
別告訴我裡面是什麼 我明天才開始節食Don't tell me what's in it. The diet starts tomorrow.
記得珍妮絲嗎?You remember Janice.
-感覺怎麼樣? -我現在感覺…-How are you? -I am fantastic.
真的很奇妙.我們又一起回到了…It's amazing. We've been back together for what...
-…就像還有十分鐘 -就這些?-...Iike 1 0 minutes,and -ls that all?
就好像我倆從來沒有分開過一樣It's like we were never apart.
當然,我們會,原諒並且忘記Of course,we were,but Forgive and forget.
我是珊蒂-Hi. -Hi,l' m Sandy.
珊蒂,請進Sandy,hi. Come on in.
-你把孩子都帶來了 -對,可以嗎?-You brought your kids. -Yeah. That's okay,right?
-我來了! -這東西不可以進來-Party! -That thing is not coming in here!
東西?你都這樣招呼客人嗎?This is how you greet guests?
我問你,如果我帶著新女友來 你也不歡迎她進來?If I showed up with my new girlfriend,she wouldn't be welcome?
你的新女友不會尿在我的咖啡桌上Your new girlfriend wouldn't urinate on my coffee table.
他已經夠難為情了,行嗎?He was more embarrassed about that than anyone.
他已鼓足勇氣回到這裡And for him to have the courage to walk back in here...
就當一切都沒發生過一樣...Iike nothing happened
好,叫他離我遠點就是了All right. All right. Just keep him away from me.
謝謝.來,馬修Thank you. Come on,Marcel.
咱們去交際一下吧What do you say you and I mingle?
好吧,待會兒見All right,I'll catch up with you later.
天啊,瑞秋,你沒事吧?Oh,my gosh! Rachel,honey,are you okay?
-保羅在哪兒? -羅馬.那混蛋沒趕上飛機-Where's Paolo? -Rome. Jerk missed his flight.
然後你的臉就爆炸了?And then your face exploded?
我在機場要進入計程車時Okay. I was at the airport getting into a cab...
一個帶著一本書的金髮女人...when this woman,this blond planet with a pocketbook...
開始對我大叫,說是她先攔到的...starts yelling. Something about how it was her cab first.
然後她就開始扯我的頭髮The next thing,she just starts pulling me out by my hair!
我拿出口哨猛吹And I was blowing my attack whistle thingy...
結果又來了三輛計程車...and three more cabs show up.
我要進入車時,她又展開攻擊So as I'm going to get into a cab,she tackles me!
結果我撞上了路沿 嘴唇被口中的哨子弄傷And I hit my head on the curb and cut my lip on my whistle.
大家玩得還愉快吧?Everybody having fun at the party?
-有人吃我的調味汁嗎 -有的-Are people eating my dip? -Yes.
-這看起來還行,對不? -你唇膏塗的有點厚了-That looks okay,right? -You went a bit wide on the lipstick.
-是嗎? -有點-Oh,I did? -Yeah.
我很難看清楚,我眼睛腫起來了It's hard for me to tell. My eye's closing up.
我來給你畫吧Let me get it for you.
-喔! -好了-Ow! -Okay.
你們覺得怎麼樣?看起來不錯You know what? It looks fine.
好吧,我們出去吧Okay,here we go.
去他的保羅,去他的心理變態計程車女人Screw Paolo,screw the psycho cab lady.
這是新年前夜,我們過得開心點It's New Year's Eve. Let's have a good time.
我們走吧-Okay,here we go. -Okay.
好吧,來,門在這邊All right,there you go. This way.
這邊走Here you go.
我上周在商場看見你時When I saw you at the store last week...
那或許是我第一次想像裸體的小精靈...it was the first time I ever mentally undressed an elf.
-真淫蕩 -是的-Wow,that's dirty. -Yeah.
他不必整晚和我待在一起He doesn't have to spend the whole evening with me...
但至少也得來問候一聲... but at least check in.
原來你在這兒There you are!
你從我身邊逃跑了You got away from me.
-但又被你逮到了 -羅斯,幫我們照一張-But you found me. -Here,Ross,take our picture.
笑一個,你在珍妮絲的相機中了Smile. You' re on Janice Camera.
殺了我吧,現在就殺了我Kill me. Kill me now.
嗨,我叫瑞秋Hi,l' m Rachel.
你是誰的朋友啊?So whose friend are you?
看看我,灑的到處都是Look at me,spilling everywhere.
各位,搞笑巴比來了Everybody,it's Fun Bobby!
抱歉,我遲到了.我祖父他Hey,sorry I'm late. But my grandfather...
他在兩小時前過世了...died about two hours ago.
明天才有飛機,所以我來了But I couldn't get a flight out till tomorrow,so here I am.
搞笑巴比,近來可好?誰死了?Hey,Fun Bobby! How's it going,man? Whoa! Who died?
他棺材將暫時不蓋上It's gonna be an open casket,you know?
所以我至少可以再見他最後一面So at least I'll get to see him again.
巴比?搞笑巴比?Bobby? Fun Bobby?
我們簡單聊聊Let me talk to you for just a sec.
我外婆最近也剛剛去世了…I recently lost a grandparent myself...
所以我很能體會你現在的感受...so I really know exactly how you feel.
但是你確實把聚會的氣氛弄得很糟But you' re really bringing the party down.
-對不起 -好吧-l' m sorry. -Yeah,yeah,okay.
這就行了.這就行了There you go. There you go.
我要在上面哈口氣,然後寫上“破鏡重圓”I' m gonna blow this one up and write " Reunited " in glitter.
珍妮絲,夠了All right,Janice,that's it!
珍妮絲…珍妮絲…Janice. Janice.
珍妮絲,我邀你來並不代表我們…Hey,Janice,when I invited you,I didn't think it meant
抱歉,讓你誤會了I' m sorry you misunderstood.
你聽我說…你聽我說…You listen to me! You listen to me!
這可能是你我最後一次共處了One of these times,it's just gonna be your last chance with me!
那東西可以給我嗎?Will you give me the thing?
-麥克斯 -洋子(小野洋子造成披頭士成員不合)-Hi,Max. -Yoko.
我決定自己去明斯克了I've decided to go to Minsk without you.
-喔 -少了你將不太一樣…-Wow. -lt won't be the same...
…但明斯克還是明斯克 新年快樂... but it will still be Minsk. Happy New Year.
-你還好吧? -沒事,我沒事,我沒事-Are you all right? -Yeah,l' m fine. I' m fine.
Come on.
-你去明克斯吧 -不,我不去了-You' re going to Minsk. -No,l' m not going to Minsk.
你一定要去明斯克You are so going to Minsk.
你屬於明斯克 你不能因為我而留下來You belong in Minsk. You can't stay here just for me.
如果我走,就代表我必須與你分手If I go,I have to break up with you.
-但我不能和你分手. -是的,你可以的-And I can't break up with you. -Yes,you can.
你可以說,“菲比,我愛你,但是工作是我的生命”Just say," Phoebe,I love you,but my work is my life.
“這是我必須做的.”That's what I have to do. "
然後我說,“你的工作?你竟說出這種話?”And I say,"Your work? How can you say that? "
接著你說,“我沒有選擇. 難道你不瞭解嗎?”Then you say," I have no choice. Can't you understand that? "
我說,“不!不!我不瞭解!”And I say," No! No! I can't understand that! "
-疼 -對不起-Ow. -Sorry.
然後你抱住我…And then you put your arms around me.
-然後你抱住我… -哦,對不起-Then you put your arms around me. -Oh,sorry.
然後你對我說你愛我 你永遠不會忘記我And then you tell me you love me and you'll never forget me.
我永遠不會忘記你I'll never forget you.
你又說現在已接近午夜,你必須走了Then you say that you have to go...
你不想與我共渡新年 因為你實在狠不下心離開... because you don't wanna start the year with me if you can't finish it.
我會想你的,科學家I' m gonna miss you,you scientist guy.
我是迪克拉克 在時代廣場Hi,Dick Clark in Times Square.
時代廣場這兒的五彩紙片紛紛落下We're in a virtual snowstorm of confetti here in Times Square.
一年比一年進步It gets better every....
好好睡吧,孩子Here you go,kids.
然後孔雀就咬了我And then the peacock bit me.
請在午夜吻我Please kiss me at midnight!
-看見珊蒂沒? -我不知該如何告訴你-You seen Sandy? -I don't know how to tell you this...
她和麥克斯在莫妮卡的房裡... but she's in the bedroom getting it on with Max.
哦,我都不知道怎麼對你說Oh,I did know how to tell you.
-各位,大球要掉了 -什麼?-Hey,everybody,the ball is dropping. -What?
大球要掉了The ball is dropping!
再過20秒鐘就是午夜In 20 seconds,it'll be midnight.
興奮的時刻即將到來And the moment of joy is upon us.
看起來沒有約會的約定奏效了啊Looks like that no-date pact worked out.
大家好像都很開心,我不喜歡Everybody looks so happy. I hate that!
不是所有人都開心,嘿,巴比Not everybody is happy. Hey,Bobby!
…1!新年快樂...one! Happy New Year!
我這麼說好了,我不是數學大師I thought I'd throw this out. I' m no math whiz...
但我相信這兒有3對男女... but I do believe there are three girls and three guys right here.
今晚我不想親任何人I don't feel like kissing anyone tonight.
-我無法親任何人 -我要親大家嗎?-I can't kiss anyone. -So,I'm kissing everyone?
不,你不能親羅斯,他是你哥No,you can't kiss Ross. That's your brother.
太好了,大家都親,除我之外So now everybody's getting kissed but me.
誰來親我…Somebody kiss me.
誰來親我…現在是午夜… 誰來親我…Somebody kiss me! It's midnight! Somebody kiss me!
好吧,來吧All right! All right!
我真的希望這樣能夠奏效I wanted this to work so much.
我還在那裡I'm still in there.
替他換尿布,替他抓跳蚤Changing his diapers. Picking his fleas.
但他卻視為理所當然But he's just phoning it in.
深愛某人卻得不到回報 真是令人難過It's hard that something you love so much doesn't love you back.
我想那個賤人打斷了我的牙齒I think that bitch cracked my tooth.


你想他們有昨天的報紙嗎?Do you think they have yesterday's Daily News?
我只是想看我的星座准不准I just wanna check my horoscope,see if it was right.
天啊,菲比,別看 你背後有個將會令我們Oh,my God! Don't Iook now. Behind you there's a guy...
傷心欲絕的帥哥...who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression.
到媽媽這來呀Come to mama.
他來了,酷一點…He's coming. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.
-帽子不錯 -謝謝-Nice hat. -Thanks.
-我們應該有所行動,吹口哨 -我不吹-We should do something. Whistle. -I' m not whistling.
來吧,吹!Come on,do it!
吹.吹.吹Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
我不敢相信你居然這麼幹了I can't believe you did that.
六人行 第1季 第11集 賓太太The One With Mrs. Bing
-這都是我的錯 -不,是我的錯-It's all my fault. -No,it's mine.
我為什麼要“喔-呵”的叫呢?Why did I whoo-hoo?
難道我期望,他回過頭來然後說…Was I hoping he'd turn around and say...
…“我喜歡那聲音,我現在就要你”?... " I Iove that sound. I must have you now"?
我只希望我們能幫上一點忙I wish there was something we could do.
你好,昏迷的帥哥Hello,coma guy.
起來,你這少女偵察機! 起來!起來!起來!Get up,you Girl Scout! Up,up,up!
菲比,你在幹什麼?What are you doing?
或許沒人試過這一招Maybe nobody's tried this.
希望至少能知道他的名字I wish we at Ieast knew his name.
我討厭他們叫他“某約翰”(無名氏)I hate that they're calling him John Doe.
這真讓人傷心.感覺他像一隻小鹿 一隻小雌鹿It's so sad. It's Iike he's a deer,a female deer.
喔,我就此打住Oh,I was gonna stop.
瞧他這張臉Look at that face.
即使他在昏迷中仍一副聰明樣Even sleeping he Iooks smart.
你有看見他手關節上的凹凸嗎? 那代表他有藝術氣息Yeah,but the dents in his knuckles mean he's artistic.
他是個兼職教雕塑的律師Okay. He's a Iawyer who teaches sculpting on the side.
而且他會跳舞And he can dance.
他是那種靜靜聽你講話的人And he's the kind of guy who,when you're talking,he's listening...
而不是說“我瞭解”... not saying," I understand "...
卻猜想著你裸體的樣子... but really wondering what you Iook Iike naked.
我希望男生都像他這樣I wish all guys could be Iike him.
我知道I know.
你們甚至不認識這小夥You don't even know this guy.
紐約難道沒有適合你們的清醒男生?Are there no conscious men in the city for you two?
他身旁沒人照顧He doesn't have anyone.
我們覺得應該負起責任We feel kind of responsible.
我不敢相信你會“喔-呵”I can't believe you said "whoo-hoo. "
連我都不說“喔-呵”I don't even say "whoo-hoo. "
哦,她出現了Oh,she's coming up.
稍後,我們將和永遠引人人勝的 諾拉.泰勒.賓進行訪談When we return,we 'll talk with the always interesting Nora Tyler Bing.
你得叫你的孩子上床睡覺了Put the kids to bed for this one.
我們別看這個 HBO電影台正在播《老闆度假去》Don't watch this. Weekend at Bernie 's is on Showtime and HBO.
不行,這怎麼可以No way.
-她是你媽媽! -沒錯. 但是《老闆度假去》裡面-She's your mom. -Exactly. Weekend at Bernie 's.
死人的腹股溝被打了二,三十次Dead guy getting hit in the groin 20,30 times.
錢德,我得告訴你 我愛你媽的書I gotta tell you,I Iove your mom's books.
飛機上沒她的書陪伴,我會度日如年 她的書簡直是酷斃了I can't get on a plane without one. This is so cool.
你無法想像當你11歲的時候You wouldn't think so if you were 1 1...
你的朋友們爭相傳閱 “情婦婊子”79頁時的感覺...and your friends were passing around page 79 of Mistress Bitch.
我記得第79頁I remember page 79.
歌劇之後 和那個有可愛臀部的小姑娘的故事The thing after the opera with the girl with the trick hip?
拜託,我愛你媽.她是第一流的I Iove your mom. I think she's a blast.
這是因為她不是你媽媽That's because she's not your mom.
拜託Oh,please. She's the
那個“波紋貝殼狀通心粉(義大利菜)” 什麼時候從羅馬回來的?When did " Rigatoni " get back from Rome?
-昨晚 -真的?-Last night. -Really?
難道,他的飛機沒在空中炸成火球?So,his plane didn't explode in a big ball of fire?
只是我做過的一個夢Just a dream I had.
她出現了Hey,she's on.
諾拉賓Nora Bing.
等會兒再談你的書吧 聽說你在倫敦被逮捕?Back to the book. What is this about you being arrested in London?
你媽被逮捕?Your mom was arrested?
安靜,我正感到無比的驕傲I'm busy beaming with pride.
說來有點難為情…This is kind of embarrassing...
…在我不經意和一個男人親熱後...but occasionally,after I've been intimate with a man...
她怎會說難為情?Why would she say that's embarrassing?
…我非常想吃宮保雞丁...I just get this craving for kung pao chicken.
透露太多了!That's too much information.
不必說,他當然有一個大傢伙Needless to say,he got a huge tip.
哦,上帝,我愛她!Oh,God,I Iove her!
我想我快要中風了I think I' m having a stroke.
現在你正為新書做宣傳,情況如何?So how is your book tour going?
還不錯,明天我將前往紐約 其實我不喜歡紐約Oh,fine. I'm leaving for New York tomorrow,which I hate.
但是我的兒子住那兒,我愛他But I get to see my son,who I love.
這就是我瞭解這個的方式. 而大多數母親只會透過電話這麼說This is the way that I find out. Most moms use the phone.
別誤會,只是我看不出你已為人母Don 't take this wrong,I just don 't see you as a mom.
-我絕對沒有惡意 -不,我是個很前衛的母親-I don 't mean that bad. -Oh,no. I'm a fabulous mom.
我兒子的第一個保險套,是我買給他的I bought my son his first condoms.
然後他就欲火焚身And then he burst into flames.
國會正討論新削減預算赤字法案Let's see. Congress is debating a new deficit-reduction bill.
市長想再度提高地鐵票價 今天最高氣溫是45度The mayor wants to raise subway fares. The high today was 45.
還有各球隊正在比賽And teams played sports.
葛籣如何?What about GIen?
可以叫他葛籣He could be a GIen.
不,還不夠特別Not special enough.
阿伽門農(荷馬史詩英雄)怎麼樣?How about Agamemnon?
太特別了Way too special.
我餓死了,我想吃什麼呢?I'm famished. What do I want?
拜託,別又是宮保雞丁PIease,God,don't Iet it be kung pao chicken.
你看了那節目,感覺如何?You watched the show. What did you think?
我覺得你應該更放開一些…I think you need to come out of your shell.
為何選在這裡?What is this dive?
只有你才會選這種地方Only you could've picked this place.
閉嘴,這樣滿不錯的 來,抱一個Come on. Shut up. It's fun. Give me a hug.
我聽說了離婚的事情了.女同性戀?I heard about the divorce. Lesbian,huh?
你知道他們總是說:“要小心你內心希望的.”Well,you know what they say: Be careful what you wish for.
-我想我們可以喝點龍舌酒了 -我知道我可以-I think we' re ready for some tequila. -I know I am.
-誰要來一杯 -我要-Who's doing shots? -Hit me.
你呢,羅斯?There you go. Ross?
我不喝酒I' m not really a shot-drinking kind of guy.
抱歉,我們遲到了Hi. Sorry we' re Iate.
我們有點忘了時間We kind of just,you know,Iost track of time.
不過男人是可以改變的But a man can change.
有人要我評價任何事物嗎?Anyone want me to appraise anything?
我要去方便一下Well,I' m gonna go to tinker-town.
賓太太,我拜讀過你所有的大作Mrs. Bing,I've read everything you've written.
我讀了《興奮午夜》後,就一心想成為作家When I read Euphoria at Midnight,I wanted to become a writer.
別這麼說,我能辦到的大家都能辦到Oh,please. If I can do it,anybody can.
你只需先描述半打歐洲城市Start with half a dozen European cities...
以30個委婉語形容男性生殖器...throw in 30 euphemisms for male genitalia...
這樣就能寫成一本書了...and you've got yourself a book.
女士們先生們,這就是我母親My mother,ladies and gentlemen.
226房有留言嗎?Yeah,any messages for room 226?
-你還好吧,猛男? -我還好-You okay,slugger? -Oh,yeah. I' m fine.
你今晚怎麼了?What is with you tonight?
沒什麼……Nothing. Nothing,nothing.
謝謝Okay,thank you.
是因為那個義大利舔手男?It's the Italian hand-licker,isn't it?
不,是因為被他舔的人No. It's the one he's Iicking.
她應該和你在一起She's supposed to be with you.
你真行You' re good.
羅斯,我賣出上億本的書 知道為什麼嗎?I have sold 1 00 million copies of my books,and you know why?
因為封面上的辣妹露兩點?The girl on the cover with her nipples showing?
不,因為我知道該如何描寫讓女人陷入愛河的男人No,because I know how to write men that women fall in Iove with.
相信我,保羅沒有賣點I cannot sell a Paolo.
沒人有興趣翻325頁看保羅的People will not turn 325 pages for a Paolo.
他不過是個二等貨Come on. The guy's a secondary character.
不過是最後要被你打敗的He's just a complication you eventually kill off.
他不是主角He's not a hero.
知道我們的最佳男主角是誰?You know who our hero is?
露兩點的猛男?The guy on the cover with his nipples showing?
是你啊No,it's you.
-不要這麼說 -不,我是說真的-PIease. -No,really.
你既聰明又性感Come on. You' re smart. You' re sexy.
-真的 -是呀-Right. -Yes,you are.
事實是,你不認為自己比以前更性感了The fact that you don't think you are makes you sexier.
你會走出陰霾的,相信我Come on,kiddo. You' re gonna be fine,believe me.
我到街上尿就好了I'II just pee in the street.
錢德在嗎Is Chandler here?
等等.過來Wait. Come here.
關於昨天晚上Okay,about Iast night...
你知道的...you know...
錢德,你沒有告訴他吧... Chandler,you didn't tell....
因為我想不需告訴他 只是個吻,沒什麼大不了的We don't need to tell Chandler. It was just a kiss. No big deal,right?
對,沒什麼大不了的Right. No big deal.
在奇異世界中才叫沒什麼In bizarro world.
你違反規定You broke the code.
-什麼規定? -不能親朋友母親的規定-What code? -You don't kiss your friend's mom.
姐妹還可以 火辣的姑媽,或許也行Sisters are okay. Maybe a hot-looking aunt.
母親不行,絕對不行But not a mom. Never a mom.
你們在外面幹什麼?What are you guys doing out here?
喬伊和我說過要早起去打壁球Joey and I had discussed getting in an early morning racquetball game.
顯然有人睡過頭了But apparently somebody overslept.
對,你沒帶球拍?Well,you don't have your racquet.
不,我的拍子拿去修了No. No,I don't because it's being restrung.
有人應該幫我準備一支拍子Somebody was supposed to bring me one.
是嗎?你沒告訴我握把的尺寸Well,you didn't call and leave your grip size.
你們倆真會浪費時間You guys are spending way too much time together.
好吧,我是人渣,我是人渣I' m scum. I' m scum.
-羅斯,你怎能讓這種事發生? -我也不知道-How could you Iet this happen? -I don't know.
她不像是一般的媽媽It's not Iike she's a regular mom.
她很性感She's sexy. She's....
你認為我媽不性感?You don't think my mom's sexy?
不一樣的性感Well,not in the same way.
我媽當年也是美得不得了I'll have you know,GIoria T ribbiani was a handsome woman in her day.
你認為生7個小孩是件容易的事?You think it's easy giving birth to seven children?
我們愈談愈離譜了Okay,I think we're getting into a weird area here.
你們在這兒幹什麼?What are you doing here?
不是打壁球Not playing racquetball.
-他忘了告訴我握把尺寸 -他沒帶護目鏡-He forgot to Ieave his grip size. -He didn't get the goggles.
你們倆似乎有點事Sounds Iike you two have issues.
他們是故意做給我看的嗎?Do they wait for me to do this?
-你到底要不要告訴他? -為何要告訴他?-Are you gonna tell him? -Why would I tell him?
如果你不說,他媽或許會If you don't,his mother might.
你們在這兒幹什麼?What are you guys doing here?
他沒穿護襠He's not even wearing a jock strap.
我剛問了什麼?What did I ask?
你在這兒幹什麼?What are you doing here?
沒事,我只是順路… 我被那個,你知道的,就是那個Nothing. I just thought I'd stop by,you know,after...
那個,我,你知道的...that I,you know.
你來這兒幹什麼?So,what are you doing here?
我不是專程來此I' m not really here.
只是順路拿這些過來I just thought I'd drop these off on the way. My way.
你常自己來?Do you come here a Iot...
一個人來?...without me?
你認為他早上好點沒?Do you think he's doing any better than he was this morning?
我怎會知道?我又沒來How would I know? I wasn't here.
真的?也沒替他換睡衣?Really? Not even to change his pajamas?
我的天Oh,my God.
你是我朋友,我得告訴你You're my friend. I had to tell you.
我簡直不敢相信I can't believe it.
保羅親了我媽?Paolo kissed my mom?
對,我不知道你是否注意到 他喝了很多酒I don't know if you noticed,but he drank a Iot.
他酒醉的模樣你也見識過I mean,you know how he gets
我辦不到…是我I can't do this. I did it.
抱歉,是我親了你媽It was me. I' m sorry. I kissed your mom.
瑞秋和保羅的事令我很沮喪 我想我是喝太多龍舌酒,而諾拉I was upset about Rachel and I had too much tequila,and Nora...
媽媽太太,你的賓... Mrs. Mom,your Bing,was...
你的媽媽對我很體貼 但沒發生什麼事... being nice. But nothing happened.
什麼都沒有,可以問喬伊Nothing. Ask Joey.
-喬伊剛好走進來 -你知道這件事?-Joey came in -You knew about this?
知識是很狡猾的You know,knowledge is a tricky thing.
你為何沒告訴我?Why didn't you tell me?
他們被我逮到算你幸運 不然後果可不堪設想You're Iucky I caught them,or else who knows what would've happened?
謝了,老兄,幫大忙了Thanks,man. Big help.
你到底在想什麼?What the hell were you thinking?
我沒有…我不知道I wasn't. I don't know. I
我和我媽之間的事 朋友中屬你最清楚了No one knows the crap I go through with my mom more than you.
-我知道 -我無法相信你會做這種事-I know. -I can't believe you did this.
-我也無法相信 -我也對你很生氣-Me neither. -I' m mad at you too.
-為什麼生我的氣? -讓我用力關門吧-Why are you mad at me? -Let me slam the door.
錢德,我又沒親她,違反規定就是這種下場I didn't kiss her. See what happens when you break the code?
“丟臉的女人”瑞秋凱倫格林"A Woman Undone,by Rachel Karen Greene. "
對,我想嘗試一下,我仍在寫第一章I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm on the first chapter.
你認為他“粗棉布監牢”中的“愛棒” 能獲得解放嗎?Do you think his "Iove stick" can be "Iiberated from its denim prison"?
我想可以吧Yeah,I'd say so.
另外,“engorged(充盈的)”這個單詞沒有“J”And there's no "J " in "engorged. "
-你今晚要去醫院嗎? -不,你呢?-You going to the hospital tonight? -No. You?
不,你呢?No. You?
你剛問過了You just asked me.
好吧,或許這是個圈套Maybe it was a trick question.
瑞秋,我們現在能開始了嗎?Rachel,can we do this now?
我好興奮I am so hot.
這是我爸媽在婚禮時照的Here's my mom and dad on their wedding day.
你告訴我,她不是曠世美人Now,you tell me she's not a knockout.
-沒想到我們會談論這個 -就試著想像她沒挺著大肚子-I can't believe this conversation. -Just try to picture her not pregnant.
中央公園很榮幸為各位介紹 菲比布菲小姐Central Perk is proud to present Miss Phoebe Buffay.
這首歌是有關一個我剛認識的男生I'd Iike to start with a song about a man I recently met...
他已成為我生命中重要的男人...who's come to be very important to me.
你無須醒來當我的男人You don 't have to be awake To be my man
只要你還有腦電波 我就會在一旁握著你的手Long as you have brain waves I'll be there to hold your hand
雖然我們相遇不久Though we just met the other day
我想說…There 's something I have got to say
謝謝各位,我得休息一下Thank you very much. I' m gonna take a short break.
我們感謝菲比小姐That was Phoebe Buffay,everybody.
-她在搞什麼? -菲比剛…-What the hell was that? -Phoebe just started
我是和喬伊講話,行了,親媽媽的人I was talking to Joey. AII right,there,mother-kisser?
親媽媽的人" Mother-kisser. "
我閉嘴I'II shut up.
我知道你仍在生我的氣I know you' re still mad at me...
我只想說那一夜有兩個人... but there were two people there that night.
-兩雙嘴唇 -是哦,我希望她親口告訴我-There were two sets of Iips. -I expect this from her.
她一直都是個佛洛德噩夢She's always been a Freudian nightmare.
你為何不找她談談?Then why don't you say something?
因為太複雜了,這太複雜了Because it's complicated. It's complex.
你親了我媽You kissed my mom.
我們正在排練希臘劇We' re rehearsing a Greek play.
真幽默,排練完沒?That's funny. Are we done now?
還沒,你為何不找她說出你的感受?You mean you' re not gonna tell her how you feel?
別因為你親過她Just because you played tonsil tennis with my mom...
就自以為瞭解她 相信我,不能找她談...doesn't mean you know her. You can't talk to her.
是你“不能”還是“你”不能?Okay. "You can't"? Or you can't?
我的手指Okay,that's my finger.
我的膝蓋Okay,that's my knee.
還在排練Still doing the play.
你對他怎麼了?What did you do with him?
-你醒了 -你瞧你-You're awake. -Look at you.
感覺如何?How do you feel?
頭有點暈,基本上還行A Iittle woozy,but basically okay.
你的氣色好極了Gosh,you Iook good.
我感覺好極了I feel good.
你們是誰?Who are you?
-對不起 -我叫菲比-Sorry. -I'm Phoebe.
我叫莫妮卡 我一直在照顧你I' m Monica. I've been caring for you.
我們一直在照顧你We both have.
-蝕刻藝術是你們送的? -其實只有我一個-The Etch A Sketch is from you? -Actually,me.
-我替你做腳底按摩 -知道是誰幫你刮鬍子的嗎?是我-I got you the foot massager. -I shaved you.
-我念書給你聽 -我唱歌給你聽-I read to you. -I sang.
-我的榮幸 -沒關係-Oh,my pleasure. -You' re welcome.
我想那就再見了So I guess I'II see you around.
什麼?就這樣?What? That's it?
再見?"See you around "?
-不然要我說什麼? -我不知道-What do you want me to say? -I don't know.
該說“你們真好”... "That was nice. "
“我太感動了”" It meant something to me. "
“我會打電話給你們的”" I'II call you. "
-好吧,我會打的 -一點誠意都沒有-Okay. I'II call you. -I don't think you mean that.
男生都這樣This is so typical.
我們付出,付出You know,we give and we give...
不斷的付出...and we give.
卻得不到任何回報And we just get nothing back.
有一天他醒來卻只說再見And then one day,you wake up,and it's,"See you around. "
走吧菲比Let's go,Phoebe.
知道嗎?我們以為你與眾不同You know what? We thought you were different.
我想這只是昏迷的緣故But I guess it was just the coma.
樓下的車已發動 我只想拿幾本我的書給你朋友The car's waiting. I just wanted to drop off my book for your friends.
有我的親筆簽名.來一個吻別Autographed. And give you a goodbye kiss.
這是一個吻 這是告別…Here's the kiss,here's the goodbye....
-需要我在里斯本幫你買什麼嗎? -不需要,知道你去哪就夠了-Anything you want from Lisbon? -Just knowing you' re there is enough.
好吧,要乖哦,我愛你AII right. Well,be good. I Iove you.
你親了我最好的羅斯You kissed my best Ross.
好像說錯了,反正差不多Or something to that effect.
好吧,我做了蠢事Look,it was stupid.
-愚蠢至極 -愚蠢至極-Really stupid. -Really stupid.
我也不知道是怎麼發生的I don't even know how it happened.
抱歉,孩子,我保證不會再發生這種事I' m sorry,honey. I promise it will never happen again.
真的愚蠢至極Really,really stupid.
真的,真的愚蠢至極Really,really stupid.
-你感覺好點嗎? -是的-Are we okay now? -Yeah.
男人及閘之間禁忌的愛The forbidden Iove of a man and his door.
他說了,不只是親吻的事 一切都說出來了He told her off. And not just about the kiss.
你在開玩笑?You're kidding?
他說你何時才能像個媽媽樣子?He said,"When are you gonna start being a mom? "
等等,她回答說Then she said:
你何時才能長大瞭解 我是個性感女郎?"The question is,when are you gonna realize I have a bomb? "
等等,你確定她不是說Are you sure she didn't say:
你何時才能長大瞭解 我是你媽?"When are you gonna grow up and realize I am your mom? "
-這樣比較合理 -你也這樣認為?-That makes more sense. -You think?
現在情況怎麼樣?What's going on now?
我不知道.我一直在這兒說給你聽I don't know. I've been standing here spelling it out for you.
我什麼都聽不到,等等…I don't hear anything. Wait.
你看見什麼?What do you see?
很難說,他們好小而且上下顛倒It's hard to tell. They're tiny and upside down.
他們走過來,他們走過去They're walking away. They're walking away.
不,不是.他們走過來了,快逃No,they' re not. They' re coming right at us. Run!
-你還好吧,孩子? -還好-Are you okay,kiddo? -Yeah,I' m okay.
希望都好AII right. You be good.
小心開車Drive safe.
-你好,賓太太 -你好,蓋勒先生-Mrs. Bing. -Mr. Geller.
你當真?You mean that?
對,有何不可?Yeah,why not?
我告訴她了So I told her.
-情況怎麼樣? -簡直是可笑到了極點-How did it go? -Awful. Awful.
沒有比這更糟糕的啦Couldn't have gone worse.
-感覺怎樣 -不錯-Well,how do you feel? -Pretty good.
我告訴她了I told her.
或許我親你媽不是個餿主意…So maybe it wasn't such a bad idea,me kissing your mom,huh?
我們不必繼續往下說了吧But we don't have to go down that road.
這只是第一章This is just the first chapter...
我要大家坦白的意見...and I want your absolute honest opinion. Okay?
在第二頁中 他的手沒伸向她那尖挺的胸部And on page two,he's not reaching for her " heaving beasts. "
她可以有尖挺的胸部She could have heaving beasts.
沒錯,但現在這個狀態她沒有Right,but in this case she doesn't.
什麼是“niffle”(應為nipple乳頭)?What's a " niffle"?
通常在堅挺的胸部可以找到You can usually find them on the heaving beasts.
好吧…算我不會打字Okay,so I' m not a great typist.
看這裡:“他那巨大,顫動的‘筆’(應為penis陰莖)”Did you get to the part about his "huge,throbbing pens"?
他用那支筆時你不會想在場的You don't wanna be around when he starts writing with those.
夠了,還我…That's it. Give them back.
等等,我才剛剛看到她的“公共頭髮(應為pubic hair陰毛)”Wait,I just got to the part about her "public hair. "


不-不-不-不,夠了No,no,we're done!
六人行 第1季 第12集 十二份麵條The One With the Dozen Lasagnas
斯娃嬸嬸,別喊了!Aunt Silv,stop yelling!
如果你告訴過我你要素麵條If you'd told me vegetarian lasagna...
我就會給你做素的了... I would've made vegetarian lasagna.
好吧,肉都在第三層,也許你能把它們刮下來The meat's only every third layer. Maybe you could scrape.
羅斯,你真的把所有嬰兒書都讀了?Ross,did you really read all these baby books?
嗯!你可以把我塞到子宮裡的任何地方,用不著指南針You could plunk me down in any woman's uterus,no compass...
我都能從裡面爬出來,就像~~!...and I could find my way out like that!
噢,太棒了…This is cool.
書上說在有些地方,人們真的吃胎盤It says in some parts of the world people eat the placenta.
呃..這優酪乳算是吃不下去了And we're done with the yogurt.
我是為了幫你,我可不是承包宴席的I did this as a favor. I am not a caterer.
那你讓我拿這一打面怎麼辦?What do you want me to do with a dozen lasagnas?
說的好聽,斯娃嬸嬸Nice talk,Aunt Silv.
你用這張嘴親弗萊蒂叔叔嗎?You kiss Uncle Freddie with that mouth?
嗨,羅斯,你知道你的寶貝現在就這麼大嗎?Ross,listen. Do you know that right now your baby is only this big?
這是你孩子.你好,爸爸!This is your baby. " Hi,Daddy. "
為什麼你不和媽咪一起住?" How come you don't live with Mommy? "
為什麼媽咪和另一個女人一起住?" How come Mommy lives with that other lady? "
什麼是女同性戀?"What's a lesbian? "
親愛的,你能說的,波克諾山(賓夕法尼亞州東部)Honey,you can say it. Poconos.
波克諾,就像 波-克-諾 (音同戳一下鼻子)Poconos. It's like " poke a nose. "
啊,戳一下鼻子Poke a nose.
-那麼,我聽見波克諾山了嗎? -是的-So did I hear Poconos? -Yes.
我妹妹讓我們去她那渡週末My sister's giving us her place for the weekend.
哇,第一次週末結伴出遊!First weekend together.
-是啊,進展了一大步 -我知道…-It's a big step. -I know.
-啊,就是個週末,沒什麼! -不是說就玩玩的嗎?-It's just a weekend. Big deal. -Wasn't this supposed to be a fling?
這…該Shouldn't it be...
玩完了吧現在?...flung by now?
我想,我們已遠遠超出玩的範圍了We are way past a "fling. "
我現在的感覺只有在丹尼爾·斯蒂爾的書裡才找得到I' m feeling things I've read about in Danielle Steel books.
我是說,當我和他在一起的時候 我完全,完全地…When l' m with him,l' m just totally....
…噁心,我本能的噁心Nauseous. I' m physically nauseous.
我該怎麼辦? 打電話給移民局?What am I supposed to do? Call lmmigration?
我可以打電話給移民局!I could call lmmigration.
醜陋裸男正在做皮影Ugly Naked Guy is making shadow puppets.
看啊,那是阿不拉罕.林肯Look,it's Abraham Lincoln.
去吧!去吧!Go. Go!
我喜歡孩子,他們的小鞋I love babies with their little baby shoes...
小腳指頭,小手…...and their little baby toes and their little hands....
好了,你別再這樣了,永遠不要!Okay,you' re gonna have to stop that. Forever.
需要新桌子了Need a new table.
你這麼想?You think?
-嗨,嗨,進來! -你好-Come on in. -Hello.
我把書都拿回來了I brought the books...
莫妮卡送愛心,送你這些麵條...and Monica sends her love along with this lasagna.
哦,太好了!是素的嗎,蘇珊不吃肉Great! Is it vegetarian? Because Susan doesn't eat meat.
我肯定是素的…I' m pretty sure that it is.
十九周,乳房開始膨脹Nineteen weeks,the breasts are starting to swell.
理論上的According to the literature.
-我拿到超聲波結果了 -告訴我,告訴我,都還….?-I got the results of the amnio. -T ell me. Is everything...?
-完全徹底的健康! -太棒了,太棒了!-T otally and completely healthy. -That is great!
你和蘇珊什麼時候認識的休伊·路易斯(黑人歌手)?When did you and Susan meet Huey Lewis?
那是我們的朋友塔尼亞That's our friend T anya.
當然是你們的朋友塔尼亞Of course,it's your friend T anya.
-你不想知道性別(性)嗎? -性?-Don't you wanna know about the sex? -The sex?
光想你和蘇珊一起的樣子我就夠嗆了I' m having enough trouble with the image of you and Susan together.
你要再把塔尼亞加進來,呃…But when you throw in T anya....
孩子的性別,羅斯The sex of the baby,Ross.
你知道孩子的性別了?You know the sex of the baby?
-想知道嗎? -不-Want to know? -No.
我不想,絕對不想I don't want to. Absolutely not.
我想你知道,你應該到時候低頭一看You shouldn't know until you look down there...
然後說,哦,帶那個的!...and see," Oh,there it is. "
或不帶的…Or isn't.
-你好,羅斯 -蘇珊-Hello,Ross. -Susan.
你知道了嗎?So did you hear?
是的,我們知道了,一切都很好Yes,we did. Everything's A-Okay.
噢,那太…Oh,that's so cool!
真的是…It really is.
我們知道那個…?Do we know?
是的,當然知道了,它是個…We certainly do. It's going to be a
這有人不想知道,就站在這呢!A guy who doesn't wanna know is standing here.
噢,那麼,我們猜的對嗎?Well,is it what we thought it would be?
我們以為是男是女?What did we think it'd be?
我不想知道,不想I don't wanna know. Don't wanna know.
我想我大概該走了I should probably just go.
-好的,謝謝你的書. -沒問題,好的-Well,thanks for the books. -No problem. Okay.
好吧,我們該先告訴誰,你家人,還是黛比和羅娜?Who should we call first? Your folks or Deb and Rhona?
沒事,我不想知道Never mind. I don 't wanna know.
那麼就因為這是我的桌子,就得讓我買新的?Because it was my table,I have to buy a new one?
-規則上講是的. -什麼規則?沒有什麼規則-That's the rule. -What rule? There's no rule.
-如果有,就是你欠我個桌子! -你從哪得的這個結論?-You owe me a table. -How did you get there?
這個桌子一直很結實直到你跟安吉拉在上面玩早餐遊戲It was fine until your breakfast adventure with Angela Delvecio.
你知道這事?You knew about that?
這麼說吧,看到那罐奶油的慘相,根本連想像都省了The impressions in the butter left little to the imagination.
那我們合錢買怎麼樣?How about if we split it?
-你什麼意思,一起買? -是啊-What do you mean,buy it together? -Yeah.
-你認為我們到了做這樣事的程度了嗎? -為什麼不?-Do you think we' re ready for that? -Why not?
這可是個很大的承諾,我意思是 要是有人想搬出去呢?It's a big commitment. What if one of us wants to move out?
-為什麼,你要搬嗎? -我不搬呐-You' re moving out? -l' m not.
-你要是搬的話得告訴我好嗎 -好的-You'd tell me if you were,right? -Yes.
-好,好,只是我上個室友 -我知道提普所有的事!-It's just,with my last roommate -I know all about Kip.
我們一起買了個日式古桌,後來 他要結婚走人,結果事情搞得很糟We bought a hibachi,then he ran off and got married. Things got ugly.
好吧,我問你點事,作為室友提普比我好嗎?Let me ask you something. Was Kip a better roommate than me?
哦,別這樣Oh,don't do that.
你的日程有些變化There's changes in your schedule.
你4:00的香薰按摩推遲到4:30Your 4:00 herbal massage is at 4:30.
還有尚穆.福德太太取消了5:30的日式指壓And Miss Summerfield canceled her 5:30 shiatsu.
噢,你3:00的顧客來了Oh,here comes your 3:00.
我不想表現的不專業,但是,很誘人哦.I don't mean to sound unprofessional,but Yum!
保羅,嗨,你來這幹什麼?Paolo! Hi! What are you doing here?
瑞秋告訴我你…Rachella tell me you...
…按摩?... massage?
是的,瑞秋說得對Well,Rachella's right.
我不知道你剛才說什麼,我們開始吧I don't know what you just said,so let's start.
I am...
需要裸體?... being naked?
你說了算,我是說,有的人喜歡That's your decision. Some people prefer to take off
光著身子!Being naked!
我不能相信你不想知道. 我意思是,我可不能不知道I can't believe you don't wanna know. I couldn't not know.
如果醫生知道,卡蘿和蘇珊都知道If the doctor knows,Carol and Susan know
莫妮卡也知道And Monica knows.
你怎麼知道的,我都不知道!How? I don't even know.
卡蘿因為麵條打電話道謝,我問了,她告訴我了Carol called to thank me for the lasagna. She told me.
那麼孩子是?So what's it gonna be?
-哦,太好了現在他都知道了 -對不起,當了姑姑我太興奮了!-Oh,great! Now he knows. -l' m just excited about being an aunt.
還有叔叔…Or an uncle.
-嗨,菲比 -嗨,菲比-Hey,Phoebe. -Hey,Pheebs.
-怎麼了? -沒什麼,就是,我的sorts用完了(有點心煩)-What's the matter? -Nothing. I' m just out of sorts.
好的,你可以用我的sorts.我很少用到Well,you can use some of my sorts. I rarely use them.
我們能要點卡布奇諾咖啡嗎?Can we get some cappuccino over here?
噢,對了,是叫我!Oh,right! That's me!
那個賣桌子的地方7點就關了,走吧That table place closes at 7. Come on.
怎麼了?What is it?
-好吧,你們知道保羅? -我太知道他了,是的…-All right. You know Paolo? -l' m familiar with his work.
他調戲我He made a move on me.
-商店明天還會開! -再來點咖啡-The store will be open tomorrow. -More coffee,please.
到底怎麼回事?Well,what happened?
他來按摩,本來挺好的直到.He came in for a massage,and everything was fine until....
-天哪. -你確定?-Oh,my God. -Are you sure?
噢,是的,我確定Oh,yeah. I' m sure.
然後突然間 他的手就不算什麼問題了And all of a sudden,his hands weren't the problem anymore.
他那兒…?Was it...?
童子軍都能在那紮營了Boy Scouts could've camped under there.
-你怎麼做的? -我很專業的處理了這件事-What did you do? -I dealt with it like a professional.
“唔” 什麼?" Ooh," what?
瑪·瑟曼ma Thurman.
-那個女演員! -烏瑪.瑟曼-The actress! -Uma Thurman!
-那麼你打算怎麼辦? -你必須告訴她!-What'll you do? -You have to tell her.
這是道德上的義務,作為朋友,女人,我認為這涉及到女權問題!It's your moral obligation as a friend,as a woman. It's a feminist issue.
-你必須告訴她 -女權問題. 這是我的觀點!-You have to. -Feminist issue? That's where I went.
-她會恨我的 -是的-She is gonna hate me! -Yeah,well....
你挑一個,挑一個!Will you pick one? Just pick one.
-那個怎麼樣? -那是放在院子裡用的!-Here,how about that one? -That's patio furniture.
那有什麼,難道人們進屋後會想 “哦,我還在外面”So what? Like people will come in and think," Oh,l' m outside again. "
那張鳥桌怎麼樣?What about the birds?
不知道,鳥桌不會對你說,“你好,坐這,吃點什麼.”I don't know. They don't say," Hello,sit here. Eat something. "
-那你選吧 -好吧,那瓢蟲桌怎麼樣?-You pick one. -Okay. How about the ladybugs?
忘了鳥和紅昆蟲吧,建議點有品位的餐桌!Forget about the birds,but big red insects suggest fine dining.
-好,你想要鳥,就要鳥吧! -不是這樣,我不要!-Fine! Want the birds? Get the birds! -Not like that,I won't.
提普會喜歡鳥桌的!Kip would have liked the birds.
-嗨,菲比 -怎麼樣?-Hi,Pheebs. -What's going on?
-你要搬出去嗎? -我在為週末出行做準備-Are you moving out? -l' m getting ready for the weekend.
你的週末不止兩天?Are your weekends longer than two days?
這不全是我的行李These aren't all my suitcases.
這個是保羅的This one's Paolo's.
-瑞秋,我們能談談嗎? -好的,當然…-Rachel,can we talk for a sec? -Well,sure.
就一會兒,保羅正在來的路上Just for a sec,Paolo's on his way.
我們認識還不長We haven't known each other that long.
我有三件事你應該知道There are three things you should know:
一.朋友是我生命中最重要的One,my friends are the most important thing in my life.
二.我從不說謊Two,I never lie.
三.我做的提子燕麥餅乾是最好的And three,I make the best oatmeal raisin cookies in the world.
好的,謝謝,菲比Okay. Thanks,Pheebs.
-哦,上帝啊! -我知道-Oh,my God! -I know.
為什麼我從來沒吃過這些?Why have I never tasted these?
我不經常做因為我想 這對別的餅乾來說不太公平I don't make them a lot,because it's not fair to the other cookies.
好吧,你是對的,這是我吃過的最好吃的提子燕麥餅乾These are the best oatmeal raisin cookies.
-這也證明了我不說謊 -我想是的-Which proves that I never lie. -I guess you don't.
保羅調戲我Paolo made a pass at me.
你們看怎麼樣?What do you think?
我想這是我見過的最漂亮的桌子It's the most beautiful table I've seen.
我知道!I know.
你得把盤子平衡在這些小人頭上嗎?Will you balance plates on these heads?
管他呢,我們在水槽邊吃飯!來吧!Who cares? We'll eat at the sink. Come on!
閃開你的小人羅斯!Heads up,Ross.
得分! 你們真遜!Score! You suck!
你沒事吧?Are you okay?
我需要牛奶I need some mik.
沒問題,我有牛奶Okay. I've got milk.
給你…Here you go.
我真太蠢了!我想起來那天I feel so stupid! I think about the other day with you guys.
我還是“哦,保羅,他真好,”And I was all," Oh,Paolo! He's so great!
他讓我覺得真…He makes me feel so"
我真覺得尷尬!I' m so embarrassed!
我才覺得尷尬!I' m so embarrassed.
-我是他調戲的那個! -如果我沒遇見他-l' m the one he hit on. -I unleashed him on you.
事情就不會發生!If I had never met him
-真對不起! -不,我對不起你!-l' m so sorry. -No,l' m sorry.
-是我對不起 -應該是我.等等-l' m sorry. -l' m sorry. Wait.
-我們道什麼歉? -不知道…-What are we sorry about? -I don't know.
對,他才是豬!Right. He's the pig.
-真是豬! -哦,天哪,他真是頭豬-Such a pig! -Oh,God,he's such a pig!
他就像一個…噁心豬He's like a big disgusting pig....
-豬人! -是的,不錯!-Pig man! -Yes,good!
但他是我的豬人…But he was my pig man!
為什麼我看不出來?How did I not see this?
噢! 我知道!Oh,I know!
他太帥了... he's gorgeous.
他太迷人And he's charming.
-當他看你的時候.. -好了,菲比-And when he looks -Okay,Pheebs.
結束The end.
我應該瞞著你嗎?Should I not have told you?
相信我,讓我知道是對的T rust me,it's much better that I know.
只是我更喜歡以前那樣不知道的時候更好過一些But I just liked it better before. It was better.
她只是把事情想的太好了… 保羅現在就在那邊,所以…She took it pretty well. Paolo's over there now,so....
我們應該過去,看看她有沒有事. 稍等片刻We should go and see if she's okay. Just one second.
-得分! -不錯的比賽!-Score! -Game! Nice!
來吧,菲比Come on,Pheebs.
看起來,我們打得你們屁滾尿流Well,it looks like we kicked your butts.
不,她打得我們屁滾尿流 你可以參加奧林匹克的“站一邊看”之隊She did. You could be on the Olympic "Standing There" team.
得了吧,二對一Come on. Two on one.
你還在這幹什麼? 她剛和那男的分手Why are you here? She just broke up with him.
該你趁虛而入啦!It's time for you to swoop in.
-什麼,現在? -是的,現在正是時候!-What,now? -Yes. Now is when you swoop.
你得確保保羅走出屋子後,你是瑞秋見到的第一個男人When Paolo walks out,you gotta be the first guy she sees.
得讓她知道你是那麼好 而他一無是處!你就像,像“反保羅”!She's gotta know you' re everything he's not. You' re the anti-Paolo.
我這天主教朋友說的對My Catholic friend is right.
她現在很煩惱.你就在那陪伴她She's distraught. You' re there for her.
你幫她承擔所有煩惱,然後你就走向了羅斯時代!You pick up the pieces and then you usher in "The Age of Ross. "
-看這個?看? -停住!-See this? See? -Hold it! Ascolta!
-怎麼樣了? -別盯著看-How's it going? -Don't stare.
現在她剛把他的衣服從陽臺上扔下去 現在是他們比比畫畫的She threw his clothes off the balcony. Now there's gesturing and arm-waving.
要麼是,“你怎麼能?”或,“大胸脯!”That is," How could you? " or " Enormous breasts! "
他過來了!Here he comes.
I am...
說再見...to say goodbye.
保羅,我非常憎恨你對瑞秋做的事,但我還有五個麵條沒處理掉Paolo,I really hate you for what you did,but I still have five of these...
在烤箱裡用375度烤到乳酪冒泡就行了...so heat it at 375 until the cheese bubbles.
我只想告訴你我要代大家說,當我說…I just wanna tell you,and I think I'd speak for everyone when I say....
哦,看看她呀…Oh,just look at her.
夥計們,我認為最好我們只去一個Guys,I think only one of us should go...
-這樣她就不會感到太大壓力… -對-...so she's not overwhelmed. -Right.
而且那個人應該是我And I really think it should be me.
你沒事吧?You all right?
我好點了…I've been better.
我無法相信這一切I don't believe this.
我本來很在意這個傢伙I wasn't supposed to care about this guy.
就像是個搞笑的大個子義大利傢伙It was just supposed to be this big,fun,ltalian thing.
也許有一天我回頭看會說 “那個搞笑的大個子義大利傢伙”Someday I could look back and say,"That was a big,fun,ltalian thing. "
當一切都結束的時候應該是這種感覺It wasn't supposed to feel like this when it was over.
過來Come here.
他遠遠配不上你…...you deserve so much better than him.
我意思是,你I mean,you...
你應該找一個能 明白擁有你是多麼幸福的人...should be with a guy who knows what he has when he has you.
我討厭死男人了I' m so sick of guys!
我都不想看見男的,我也不想考慮別的男人I don't want to look at or think about another guy.
我甚至不想靠近任何一個男人I don't even want to be near another guy.
羅斯,你真太好了!Ross,you' re so great.
-你怎麼樣? -你沒事吧?-Are you all right? -Are you okay?
-一般吧.還有餅乾嗎? -有!-Medium. Any cookies left? -Yeah.
我不認為發誓再不要男人是個好答案... I don't think swearing off guys altogether is the answer.
我認為你需要建立一個先進的篩選程式What you need is to develop a more sophisticated screening process.
我只想先單身一陣I just need to be by myself for a while.
-我得先弄明白我想要什麼樣的 -不,不-I just gotta figure out what I want. -No,no.
因為不是所有人都像保羅See,because not all guys out there are gonna be a Paolo.
不,我知道,我知道No,I know. I know.
而且我肯定,你的小兒子不會長成他那樣And l' m sure your little boy's not gonna grow up to be one.
-什麼? -什麼?-What? -What?
我,我有,我有了個兒子?I' m having a boy?
不,事實上,你沒有兒子No. In fact,you' re not having a boy.
我有了兒子!I' m having a boy.
-我是有了兒子嗎? -是,你有兒子了!-Huh? Am I having a boy? -You' re having a boy!
我有兒子了!I' m having a boy!
-我有兒子了! -怎麼了?-l' m having a boy! -What is it?
我有兒子了!我有兒子了!I' m having a boy! I' m having a boy!
我們早就知道了!We already knew that!
我有兒子了I' m having a son.
好的!這樣就結束了!Yes! And that would be a shutdown!
你們去哪?來呀,再來一局!Where you going? One more game!
-現在是淩晨2:30! -對,出去!-It's 2:30 in the morning. -Yeah,get out!
你們可總是到我那屋待著的!You guys always hang out in my apartment.
來吧,我就用左手I'll only use my left hand.
來吧,軟蛋!Come on,wussies!
好吧,,我走All right! Okay! I gotta go!
我走了I' m going.
我已經走了And l' m gone.
-再來一局? -哦,好的-One more game? -Oh,yeah.


-抱歉 -天啊,我受夠了-I'm sorry! -That is it!
你不敲門就闖進來?You barge in here and you don't knock?
-難道你不尊重別人的隱私權? -不,你慢著You have no respect for privacy. No,you wait!
-我能說一件事嗎? -什麼事?-Can I just say one thing? -What?!
這塊布編的非常松,我仍能看見…That's a relatively open weave. I can still see...
…你的胸脯...your nippular areas.
六人行 第1季 第13集 看胸脯The One With The Boobies
親愛的,告訴他們你的病人Honey,tell them the story about your patient...
如何把事想成另一件事...who thinks things are other things.
例如電話響時她就去洗澡When the phone rings and she takes a shower.
差不多是那樣That's pretty much it.
-但你說得很好 -謝謝-But you tell it really well,sweetie. -Thanks. Okay.
快走開我們才能談你Now go away so we can talk about you.
好吧,我會想念你的Okay. I'll miss you.
-他很不錯吧 -他好帥,也好像很喜歡你-lsn't he great? -He's cute. He likes you so much.
我知道,他人很好,而且很複雜I know. He's so sweet. And so complicated,you know?
有點神經質,但又不是太神經質And for a shrink,he's not too shrinky.
他會在沙發上做嗎?Think you'll do it on his couch?
我不知道…那有點奇怪I don't know. That's a little weird.
沙發可是聚乙稀做的It's vinyl.
大家還想要別的嗎?Okay,you guys want anything else?
-要,我要… -抱歉,賣完了,其他人呢?-Could I have? -We're all out. Anybody else?
我是否錯過某事?Did I miss something?
她很生氣因為我看見她的胸脯No,she's still upset because I saw her boobies.
你看她的胸脯幹嗎?What were you doing seeing her boobies?
那是意外,我可不是隔條街用望遠鏡偷看It was an accident. I wasn't across the street with a telescope.
能換個話題嗎?Can we change the subject,please?
沒錯,因為那不是她的胸脯 而是她的胸部These aren't her "boobies." These are her breasts.
菲比,我要的不只是改變字眼Pheebs,I was hoping for more of a change.
我向來喜歡“波濤洶湧”I always liked "Bazoombas."
給它個拉丁旋轉拼寫Gives them a Latin spin.
我們放下這個不說了,好不好?Can we drop this already,please?
你為什麼要難為情呢? 它們確實是非常好看的胸脯Why are you embarrassed? They were very nice boobies.
“好看”?它們很“好看”?"Nice"? They were "nice"?
就這樣?手套也很好看啊That's it? I mean,mittens are "nice."
我…好尷尬Okay. Rock,hard place. Me.
你真逗You're so funny!
他真的很逗He's really funny.
他不開玩笑的時候,我也不想待在這兒I wouldn't wanna be there when the laughter stops.
等等,回去上句Whoa,back up there,sparky.
那是什麼意思?What did you mean by that?
你似乎有親密上的問題It seems that maybe you have intimacy issues...
你用你的幽默和人保持距離...that you use your humor to keep people at a distance.
我才剛認識你,我從亞當那裡沒聽說過你I mean,I just met you. I don't know you from Adam.
獨子對吧?Only child,right?
父母在你青春期前離婚?Parents divorced before you hit puberty.
-你怎會知道? -你很典型-How did you know that? -It's textbook.
各位,你們都認識我爸吧?Hey,you guys. You all know my dad,right?
-打算在紐約待多久? -就幾天.我在市中心有工作-How long are you in the city? -Two days. I got a job.
我想和喬伊同住I'm better off staying with Joey...
比來回坐渡輪好...than going back and forth on the ferry.
-我沒見過他 -他是我朋友羅傑-I don't know this one. -This is my friend Roger.
-幸會,羅傑 -彼此彼此-Good to meet you. -You too.
-玩布偶的那個怎麼了? -爸-What happened to the puppet guy? -Dad.
抱歉。羅斯,你的太太還好嗎?Oh,excuse me. So,Ross,how's the wife?
0比2了對吧?0 for 2,huh?
錢德,說點好笑的Chandler,say something funny.
我得掛電話了,我也想你I gotta go. Miss you too.
-我愛你,但現在很晚了 -讓我向她打聲招呼,媽媽-I love you,but it's getting late -Say hi. Hey,Ma.
我和包西達大夫約了時間I made the appointment with Dr. Bassida and
什麼?Excuse me?
你知道這不是媽嗎吧?Did you know this isn't Ma?
她叫羅妮Her name's Ronni.
寵物殯葬業者She's a pet mortician.
你和她多久了…So,how long you been...?
記得小時候我常帶你去海軍軍港看大船嗎?Remember when you were a kid,I'd take you to the navy yard?
-從那時候就開始了? -不,才6年-Since then? -No,it's only been six years.
我只想勾起你美好的回憶 讓你不會覺得我一直是個大爛人I wanted you to think of a nice memory so you'd know I'm not a terrible guy.
-你在幹嘛? -切大蒜-What are you doing? -Chopping garlic.
你不把他們壓碎嗎?You don't crush it?
這是你的風格,我一向都是切的 真是個古怪的世界You're having an affair,I chop garlic. It's a wacky world.
喬伊,你愛過嗎?Joe,you ever been in love?
-我不知道 -那就是沒有-I don't know. -Then you haven't.
-你的蕃茄燒焦了 -別想轉移話題-You're burning tomatoes. -You're one to talk.
你老爸愛得無法自拔 最糟的是我愛兩個女人Your dad's in love. The worst part is,it's with two different women.
拜託你告訴我其中一個是媽Oh,man! Please tell me one of them is Ma.
當然其中一個是你媽,你是怎麼搞的?Of course one of them's Ma. What's the matter with you?
這就像你某天起床突然發現It's like if you woke up and found out...
你爸是個雙面人...your dad leads this double life.
就像是為中情局工作的間諜He's like actually some spy working for the ClA.
那一定很酷That'd be cool.
但這個很爛This blows!
你認為爸爸會騙人嗎?Do you think Dad cheated?
我沒有這麼想過.那一定包括了性是不是I don't think so. That would involve sex.
我更加趨向于認為我們父母都不會做I'd like to think that our parents don't do that.
為何父母就不能是父母?I know. Why can't parents just stay parents?
為何他們就得成為人間男女? 為何他們要?Why do they have to become people? Why do they have?
…別再盯著我的胸部看...can't you stop staring at my breasts?
那一天你還看得不夠嗎?Didn't you get a good enough look?
我們都已是成年人 此事只有一個解決之道We're all adults here. There's only one way to resolve this.
既然你看過她的胸脯 你應該讓她看你的小弟弟Since you saw her boobies you have to show her your pee-pee.
知道嗎,這事兒不會發生的You know,I don't see that happening.
拜託,他說得對.以牙還牙Come on. He's right. Tit for tat.
我不會讓你看我的“牙”的Well,I'm not showing you my tat!
-是菲比 -還有羅傑!-It's Phoebe. -And Rog!
快上來Come on up.
這下可好,羅傑來了Oh,good! Rog is here.
-羅傑有什麼不對勁嗎? -沒什麼,小事.我討厭這傢伙-What's the matter with Rog? -It's a little thing. I hate that guy!
為什麼?因為他太善於分析 他就是這種人別這樣嘛So he was a little analytical. That's what he does.
他沒那麼糟Come on,he's not that bad.
你錯了!如果當初我感覺到You're wrong! Why would I marry her...
她是女同志我何必和她結婚呢?...if I thought that she was a lesbian?
我不知道,或許你想讓婚姻失敗I don't know. Maybe you wanted your marriage to fail.
為什麼?我為什麼這樣?為什麼?Why? Why would l? Why?
我不知道,或許自信心不足I don't know. Maybe low self-esteem?
或許是彌補你讓你妹相形見絀的愧疚Maybe to compensate for overshadowing a sibling. Maybe
或許…等等,回到妹妹的話題Wait! Go back to that "sibling" thing.
什麼?我不知道Well,I don't know.
你要使你的婚姻觸礁You could've sabotaged your marriage...
讓你妹在父母面前不那麼失敗...so the sibling would feel like less of a failure.
這太荒謬了 她不爭氣我並未感到自責That's ridiculous! I don't feel guilty for her failures.
-你認為我不爭氣? -他不錯吧-You think I'm a failure? -lsn't he good?
我不是那個意思Yeah. No,that's not what I was saying.
多年來我以為你支持我I thought you were on my side.
但或許你婚姻失敗目的是想巴結爸媽 讓他們更心疼你But maybe you sucked up to them so they'd favor you.
我娶女同志是想讓你建立自信I married a lesbian to make you look good!
你說得對.我的意思是,你說得對You're right. I mean,you're right.
那不是威寶玩具的問題 而是威寶遊樂宮It wasn't just the Weebles,but the Weeble Play Palace...
和威寶遊輪的問題...and the Weeble's Cruise Ship...
它上面的救生艇讓威寶能緩緩駛出...with this lifeboat for the Weebles to wobble in.
偏偏媽媽把他們都給出去了And Mom just gave them all away.
那滋味不好受That's tough,tough stuff.
菲比,如果想看電影我們現在該走了Pheebs,we're gonna catch that movie,we gotta go.
-打起精神來,瑞秋 -菲比,我們快來不及了-Feel better. -We're gonna be late,sweetie.
-謝謝你做的一切,莫妮卡 -不客氣-Thanks for everything,Mon. -No problem.
各位,很高興和各位再度見面Listen,it was great seeing you again.
莫妮卡,餅乾別吃太多Mon,easy on those cookies,okay?
切記,那只是食物,不是愛Remember,they're just food,they're not love.
我討厭這傢伙I hate that guy!
晚安,各位Good night,you guys.
這是我們訂的女人Oh,look. It's the woman we ordered.
需要幫忙嗎?Hey,can we help you?
不用,謝謝,我在等喬伊崔比亞尼No,thanks. I'm just waiting for Joey Tribbiani.
我就是喬伊崔比亞尼I'm Joey Tribbiani.
不是你,是老喬伊,天啊Oh,no,not you. Big Joey. Oh,my God!
你比照片上帥多了You're so much cuter than your pictures.
我是羅妮I'm Ronni.
想吃起司(夾子)嗎?Cheese Nip?
喬伊有“栓子”,我要個“夾子”Joey's having an embolism,but I'd go for a nip.
大部份人在寵物過世後Most people,when their pets pass on...
希望它們就像睡著一樣...want them like they're sleeping.
但有些人要他們擺出姿勢Occasionally you get a person who wants them in a pose.
像追自己的尾巴Like chasing their tail.
跳起接住飛盤Or jumping to catch a Frisbee.
喬伊,如果我先走 我的姿勢要像找鑰匙一樣Joey,if I go first,I wanna be looking for my keys.
-這姿勢不錯! -嗨!-That's a good one! -Hey.
嗨,爸爸.羅妮來了Hey,Dad. Ronni's here.
-嗨 -嘿-Hi. -Hey.
寶貝,你來幹什麼?Hello,babe! What are you doing here?
你的假髮留在我的住處Oh,you left your hair at my place.
我想你明天用得上I thought you'd need it tomorrow.
謝謝Thank you.
誰想玩“撲通”遊戲?So,who's up for a big game of Kerplunk?
我不該來這兒Look,I shouldn't have come.
我該走了,我不想錯過最後一班地鐵I better go. I'll miss the train.
-不,我不要你坐這麼晚的車 -我要住哪兒?這裡?-I don't want you taking that thing. -Where do I stay? Here?
我們去住飯店We'll go to a hotel.
我們去住飯店We'll go to a hotel.
-不行 -不行-No,you won't. -No,we won't.
你們去飯店就一定會辦事If you go to a hotel,you'll be doing stuff.
我要你們待在這兒,這樣我就可以監視I want you here so I can keep an eye on you.
-你要監視我們 -沒錯-You're gonna keep an eye on us? -Right.
只要住在我家As long as you are under my roof...
—切就得聽我的...you're gonna live by my rules.
那就是不准你們睡在一起That means no sleeping with your girlfriend.
他好嚴格Wow,he's strict.
爸,你睡我房間 羅妮,你睡錢德的房間Dad,you'll be in my room. You can stay in Chandler's room.
那錢德呢?And Chandler will be?
在這和我一起,輪船鋪位Out here with me,bunking up.
輪船鋪位.如果聞到煙味 不要拉警報哦Oh,bunking up. If you smell s'mores,don't be alarmed.
謝謝,你真是個好孩子Thanks. You're a good kid.
我帶你去看我房間I'll show you to my room.
感覺真奇怪 你沒說“不,謝了,時候不早了”That sounds weird not followed by,"No,it's late."
只有今晚,明天你們就得做出改變This is just for tonight. Tomorrow you gotta change.
-和羅妮分手 -我不能!-Break up with Ronni -I can't!
不然就是向媽自首,這樣是不對的Then come clean with Ma! This is not right!
對,但是…我不想聽,快進我房裡I don't wanna hear it! Now go to my room!
-你在幹什麼? -找尋舒適的位置-What are you doing? -Getting comfortable.
-穿著內褲我睡不著 -你非穿不可-I can't sleep in my underwear. -Well,you're gonna.
我一直在想… 我看見女人疊在女人上面會怎樣I was thinking about how I'm always seeing girls on top of girls....
她們是首尾相接,還是像煎餅一樣疊起來Are they end-to-end,or tall,like pancakes?
懂我意思嗎? 我總想像自己和所有這些女人約會You know,how I date all these women.
因為我總想夢中情人出現時I always figured,when the right one comes along...
我就會勇往直前,堅持到最後... I'll be able to go the distance.
但如今看見我爸…看起來Now I'm looking at my dad,thinking
你不是他,你是你自己You're not him,you're you.
當全天下都希望你繼承你爸的事業時 你有屈服嗎?When they wanted you in your father's business,did you cave?
-沒有.-沒有-No. -No.
你決心從事沒有工作的演員事業You chose the out-of-work-actor business.
這不是一件容易的事,但你辦到了That wasn't easy,but you did it.
我也相信夢中情人出現時I believe when the right woman comes along...
你會有勇氣對她說“不用了,謝謝,我已婚”...you'll have the guts to say,"No,thanks,I'm married."
-你真的這樣認為? -真的-You really think so? -Yeah,I really do.
-謝謝,錢德 -滾開-Thanks,Chandler. -Get off!
-嗨 -有事嗎?-Hi. -Hi. May I help you?
喬伊說我能用你的浴室 因為錢德正在用我們的Joey said I could use your shower since Chandler's in ours.
好的.你是誰?Okay. Who are you?
我叫羅妮. 羅妮.拉帕羅羅Oh,I'm Ronni. Ronni Rapalono.
那個情婦The mistress?
-請進 -謝謝-Come on in. -Thanks.
我叫瑞秋.浴室在那兒I'm Rachel. Bathroom's there.
羅妮,錢德進浴室多久了?Ronni,how long has Chandler been in the shower?
約5分鐘Oh,like five minutes.
請系好安全帶,“小弟弟”時間到了Fasten your seat belts,it's pee-pee time.
-崔先生 -早安,親愛的-Hey,Mr. Trib. -Hey,good morning,dear.
錢德,該我看你的小弟弟了Chandler Bing,it's time to see your thing.
-你是怎麼搞的? -我以為你是錢德-What's with you? -I thought it was Chandler!
你應該在浴室 這樣我才能看見你的小弟弟You were supposed to be in there so I'd see your thing!
抱歉,我的小弟弟和我在那兒Sorry,my thing was in there with me.
-如何? -不錯-How's it going? -Good.
羅傑想邀大家一起吃晚餐Roger's having a dinner thing. He wanted me to invite you guys.
-怎麼了? -沒事-So,what's going on? -Nothing.
只是…It's just....
羅傑,我說不上來It's Roger,you know?
有些事…There's something about
基本上我們認為他…We just feel that he's....
-我們討厭他… -我們討厭他…-We hate that guy! -We hate him!
-菲比,我們很抱歉 -很好-We're sorry,Pheebs. -Okay.
是不是他觀察入微Don't you think it's just that he's so perceptive...
反而嚇到你們了...it freaked you out?
不,我們討厭他…No,we hate him!
抱歉I'm sorry.
-媽,你來幹什麼? -我拿這個來給你,還有這個-Ma! What are you doing here? -I came to give you this and this!
好大的戒指!Big ring!
你為什麼要對你爸講一大堆Why'd you fill your father's head with garbage...
關於改正的廢話呢?...about making things right?
何不順其自然呢?Things were fine this way!
裡面有雞肉,拿去放好There's chicken in there. Put it away.
拜託,喬依,真的For God's sake,Joey! Really.
-慢著,你都知道? -我當然知道,你認為呢?-Hold on. You knew? -Of course I knew. What do you think?
你爸又不是詹姆士邦德(007)Your father is no James Bond.
你應該聽過他的謊言You should've heard his stories.
“我在會計這兒睡”"I'm sleeping over at my accountant's."
-那是什麼?拜託 -你怎能…-What is that? Please! -So then,how could you?
記得你爸以前的模樣嗎?Do you remember how your father used to be?
總是大吼大叫,總是不開心Always yelling. Nothing made him happy.
連木材店和瓶內的小船也無法讓他開心Not that wood shop,not those stupid little ships in the bottle.
現在他很開心,這樣很好,他總算有個嗜好Now he's happy. I mean,it's nice. He has a hobby.
媽,恕我直言Ma,I don't mean to be disrespectful...
你到底在說什麼?... but what the hell are you talking about?
-我是說,你怎麼樣? -我很好啊-I mean,what about you? -Me? I'm fine.
在理想的世界中Look,honey,in an ideal world...
既沒有她,而且你爸也長得和斯汀(搖滾歌手)一樣帥...there'd be no her and your father would look like Sting.
還有And something else:
自從那個“卷毛狗”出現後Ever since that poodle-stuffer came along...
他感到內疚而開始對我體貼... he's so ashamed of himself that he's been more attentive.
每天都像我們的結婚紀念日He's been more loving. It's like every day is our anniversary.
-我該為你高興? -不需要-I'm happy for you? -Well,don't be!
因為現在全搞砸了Now everything's screwed up.
我只想回到從前I just want it the way it was.
媽,對不起Ma,I'm sorry.
我自以為做了你想做的事I just did what I thought you'd want.
我知道,親愛的,我知道I know you did,cookie. I know you did.
告訴我,你看見她沒?So tell me. Did you see her?
-你比她漂亮十倍都不止 -嘴巴真甜-You're 10 times prettier than she is. -That's sweet.
我鬥得過她?Could I take her?
你有戒指,她鬥不過的With this ring,no contest.
哦,不!永遠不要這樣做!Oh,no! Don't ever do that!
-什麼? -對不起-What? -I'm sorry.
我的意思是,你永遠不要這麼做I have a thing,which means you can't ever do that!
-怎麼了? -沒事-What's wrong,sweetie? -Nothing.
-到底怎麼了?快說嘛 -好吧-No,what's wrong? Come on. -Okay.
我沒事 問題出在我朋友身上It's nothing. I'm fine. It's just It's my friends.
他們對你有意見They have a liking problem with you...
他們…...in that they don't.
他們?They don't?
他們看不見你的好處But they don't see all the wonderfulness that I see.
他們看不見你好的一面They don't see all the good and sweet stuff.
-他們認為你有點… -什麼?-They think you're a little -What?
緊張和令人發毛Intense and creepy.
-哦 -但我菲比不這麼認為-Oh. -But I don't. Me,Phoebe.
-我對他們的反應毫不感到驚訝. -這就是我欣賞你的地方-I'm not at all surprised about that. -That's why you're so great.
當群體動力失調時It's quite typical behavior...
這是很平常的反應...when you have this kind of dysfunctional group dynamic.
這種相互依賴,情緒激動You know,this kind of codependent,emotionally stunted...
坐在那家爛咖啡屋,拿著又大又蠢的咖啡杯...sitting in your stupid coffeehouse,with your stupid big cups...
或許還有乳頭在上面...which might as well have nipples on them.
你們都會說“定義我這個人”And you're all like,"Oh,define me! Define me!
愛我,我需要愛Love me! I need love!
你和你爸談過了?You talked to your dad?
他要以我媽希望的方式繼續欺騙我媽He's gonna keep cheating on Ma like she wanted.
我媽要繼續假裝她一無所知Ma will keep pretending she doesn't know.
我妹蒂娜不能再見她丈夫And my sister,Tina,can't see her husband.
因為他接到禁制令He got a restraining order.
這兩件事沒關係,但我今天才聽說Which has nothing to do with it. I found out today.
沃頓山(電視劇的名字)發生了很多變故啊Things have changed here on Waltons'mountain.
-喬伊,你沒事吧? -或許吧-So,Joey,are you okay? -Yeah,I guess.
他們是…父母It's just You know,they're parents.
你不得不順其自然,即使你知道這樣做不對After a certain point,you gotta let go.
但你還是得讓他們犯自己的錯誤You gotta let them make their own mistakes.
而且幾年後我們就和他們一樣And think,in a few years,we'll turn into them.
如果我像他們一樣 我不是變成追逐金髮帥哥的酒鬼If I turn into my parents,I'll be an alcoholic blond chasing men...
就是變得和我媽一樣...or I'll end up like my mom!
-嗨 -嗨.菲比-Hey. -Hey,Pheebs.
怎麼樣?How's it going?
還好,只是我和羅傑分手了Okay,except I broke up with Roger.
-沒錯 -不…真的-Yeah,right. -No,no,really.
-怎麼了? -我說不上來-What happened? -I don't know. I mean...
他是個好人而且對我很體貼... he's a good person,and he can be really sweet.
他的某些方面很適合我In some ways,I think he is so right for me.
只是…我討厭這個人It's just.... I hate that guy!
嗨,喬伊.怎麼了?Hi,Joey. What's going on?
為胸脯債務清理跑道Clear the tracks for the boobie payback.
下一站,瑞秋格林Next stop,Rachel Greene.
喬伊,你在幹什麼?Joey,what the hell were you doing?
對不起,錯誤的胸脯!Sorry,wrong boobies!


告訴你吧,羅斯,她要你Ross,she wants you.
我們只是住在同一棟公寓We just live in the same building.
-有過任何接觸? -她借過我一顆蛋-Any contact? -She lent me an egg.
-有機會了 -真的-You're in! -Right.
拜託,你得再接再厲Come on. Get back in the game.
你和瑞秋的事沒指望 你前妻是個女同志The Rachel thing isn't happening,your ex-wife's a lesbian....
我們不想有第三件I don't think we need a third.
抱歉,能給我們個蛋嗎?帶殼的Could we get an egg,still in the shell?
蛋?An egg?
對,你拿這顆蛋給她並說:“我來還你的雞蛋”Go up to her and say,"I'm returning your egg."
我們贏定了I think it's winning.
-拜託,這太離譜了 -她會喜歡的-It's insane. -She'll love it.
-謝謝 -謝謝,給-Thank you. -Thank you. Here.
朋友,帶著蛋去Go with the egg,my friend.
-你想會成功嗎? -才怪,這簡直是自殺.帶蛋的男人-Think it'll work? -No way. It's suicide.
六人行 第1季 第14集 情人節糖果The One With The Candy Hearts
-你不能這樣做 -做什麼?-You can't do this. -Do what?
-羅傑明天要帶她出去 -不,菲比難道你忘了為何拋棄他?-Roger wants to take her out. -No! Remember why you dumped him?
因為他惹人厭Because he was creepy.
卑鄙又可怕And mean. And frightening.
但情人節有人共渡也不差Still,it's nice to have a date on Valentine's Day!
其他任何一夜跟他約會都無所謂You can go out with a creep any night.
我知道我會這麼做I know I do.
-你們明晚有何節目? -明天有何節目全看今天的表現-What are you doing tomorrow night? -That depends on how tonight goes.
-關於今晚 -你不能背叛我-About tonight -Don't you bail on me!
我答應為她朋友帶一位男伴I said I'd bring a friend for her friend.
-我知道,但她朋友好像是個… -可憐蟲,我知道-But her friend sounds like a -Pathetic mess. I know,but....
但她是如此渴望如此脆弱Come on. She's needy,vulnerable.
我想.I'm thinking....
你和珍妮絲之後就沒約過會 你一定要去You haven't been out with a woman since Janice. You're doing this.
-她答應了 -幹得好-She said yes. -Way to go,man!
-蛋還在? -對Still got the egg,huh?
我的樣子如何?How do I look?
不關我的事I don't care.
蘿拉妮來了There's Lorraine.
切記,不准交換 你有美女相伴,我有賤貨作陪No trading. You get the pretty one,I get the mess.
瞧你帶什麼人來Well,well! Look what you brought!
真帥Very nice.
你帶誰來?And what did you bring?
她在放外套She's checking her coat.
我去洗掉手上的計程車味I'm gonna wash the cab smell off of my hands.
你幫我和珍妮絲點萄葡酒和紅酒Get me a white zinfandel,and a glass of red for Janice.
… 我的…...my...
是珍妮絲Hey,it's Janice!
我得逃了,我要從窗子爬出去Okay,I'm making a break for it!
我一直夢想與蘿拉妮約會I've been waiting for,like,forever to go out with Lorraine.
-冷靜點.. -冷靜?-Just calm down. -Calm down?
你竟撮合我與在五個月內 被我甩掉兩次的女人You set me up with a woman I've dumped twice in the last five months!
別這麼大聲行嗎?你害我緊張得…Can you stop yelling? You're making me nervous and....
我一緊張就尿不出來I can't go when I'm nervous.
抱歉,你說得對I'm sorry,you're right.
拜託!快點Come on! Do it,do it!
羅傑雖討人厭 但與彼德卡尼相較還差得遠呢Roger was creepy,but he was nothing compared to Pete.
-誰? -愛哭鬼彼德-Who? -Pete the Weeper.
我們每次做愛他就哭The guy that used to cry every time we had sex?
你滿足嗎?"Was it good for you?"
我每天都想為霍爾那個傢伙哭I'd take crying any day over Howard,the "I win" guy!
“我贏了!我贏了!”"I win! I win!"
我和他約會兩個月一次都沒贏過We went out for two months. I didn't win once.
我們怎會和這些渾蛋在一起?How do we end up with these jerks?
我們可是吸引人的磁石We're some kind of magnets.
我知道我是磁石 所以我不能戴電子錶I know I am. That's why I can't wear a digital watch.
還有啤酒對吧?There's more beer,right?
記得我那剃光頭的朋友艾比嗎?You know my friend who shaves her head?
我有個剃光頭的朋友I have this friend who shaves her head.
她說想要停止與惡男交往的惡性循環She says to break the bad boyfriend cycle...
可以舉行一個清理儀式...you can do a cleansing ritual.
菲比,她是個大禿頭Pheebs,this woman is voluntarily bald.
我們明晚可以試試看We can do it tomorrow night.
明天情人節是絕佳的時刻It's Valentine's Day. It's perfect.
什麼儀式?Okay,what kind of ritual?
我們可以燒掉他們送的東西We can burn the stuff they gave us.
或是念經,拿著權杖裸體跳舞Or we can chant and dance around naked with sticks.
還是燒東西好Burning's good.
知道嗎You know...
我從兒時就能用腳趾夾起25美分... I can pick up quarters with my toes.
是嗎?真厲害Yeah? Good for you.
硬幣還是成卷的紙幣?Quarters or rolls of quarters?
對了,錢德,我把照片上的你都剪掉了By the way,I cut you out of all of my pictures.
如果需要,我有一袋你的頭So if you want,I have a bag with just your heads.
不用了That's okay.
你可以用它們做皮影You could make little puppets out of them.
也可以在你的“殘酷戲院”中用它們!And you could use them in your Theater of Cruelty!
-不能這麼做 -什麼?不能做什麼?-We can't do that! -What? What can't you do?
能過去和你談談嗎?Can I talk to you for a second? Over there?
我們得先離開We might be leaving now.
告訴我“我們”是指你和我Tell me it's you and me "we."
她說她要在我身上塗滿東西 然後舔乾淨She wants to slather my body with stuff and lick it off.
我甚至不知道塗是什麼意思I'm not even sure what slathering is!
但我絕對不想錯過任何部分!But I definitely want to be a part of it!
你不能這樣對我Okay,you cannot do this to me.
你說得對,抱歉You're right. I'm sorry.
三份巧克力慕斯外帶Can we have three chocolate mousses to go?
我要走了I'm out of here.
這是我的信用卡,這一頓算我的Here's my credit card. Dinner's on me.
我希望她吐在你身上I hope she throws up on you.
只剩下我們-So.... -Just us.
真是糟糕的一夜What a crappy night!
但我還是一直欣賞I have enjoyed the fact...
從你拉鍊跑出來的衣服...that your shirt's been sticking out of your zipper.
抱歉Excuse me.
你好嗎?How you doing?
他們是我們最要好的朋友嗎?So do we have the best friends,or what?
喬伊哪兒稱得上是朋友,他…Joey's not a friend. He's...
他這留下信用卡的笨蛋...a stupid man who left us his credit card.
想再來一杯嗎?甜點?大銀幕電視?Another drink? Dessert? A big-screen TV?
-我想再來一杯 -沒問題,好女人-I'll have a drink. -Got it. Good woman!
-拿瓶最貴的香檳來 -每人一瓶-A bottle of overpriced champagne. -Each.
對,每人一瓶,再要瓶羅伯羅伊(蘇格蘭威士卡)That's right,each. And a rob roy.
我老早就想品嘗了I've always wanted to know.
情人節快樂Happy Valentine's Day!
我現在就開始想念你了Oh,I miss you already.
-你能相信會發生這種事嗎? -不能-Can you believe this happened? -No,no!
但還是發生了And yet it did.
-再見,珍妮絲 -吻我-Goodbye,Janice. -kiss me!
錢德,抱歉Oh,Chandler. Sorry.
錢德,抱歉Oh,Chandler. Sorry!
-珍妮絲 -莫妮卡-Hey,Janice. -Hi,Monica.
真是太特別了Well,this was very special.
瑞秋,看誰來了Rach,come see who's out here!
怎麼了?天啊What's going on? Oh,my God!
珍妮絲!嗨!Janice! Hi!
珍妮絲就要走了Janice is gonna go away now!
我馬上回來I'll be right back.
喬伊,看誰來了Joey! Look who it is!
很好,喬伊回來了Good. Joey's home.
這真是太好玩了This is so much fun!
好像是大團圓一樣This is like a reunion in the hall!
羅斯,對,跟某人打個招呼吧Ross,there's someone I want you to say hi to.
他恰好打電話來He happened to call.
羅斯,對,是我.你怎麼會知道?Hi,Ross. That's right,it's me! How did you know?
我是說如果狗也會有時差問題So,if dogs experience jet lag...
因為狗的七年等於人的一年... because of the seven dog years to one human year thing...
那麼狗從紐約飛到洛杉磯...when a dog flies from New York to Los Angeles...
損失的不是三小時,而是一周半... he doesn't just lose three hours,he loses a week and a half.
真有趣That's funny!
他們應該馬上就做飯了They should be cooking the food soon.
她們是誰?Who are they?
金髮的是我前妻,碰她的是她的The blond is my ex-wife. The woman touching her is her...
密友...close,personal friend.
-你是指她們是情人? -如果你硬要這麼說的話-They're lovers? -lf you want to put a label on it.
-我還需要知道什麼? -不,就這些了-Anything else I should know? -Nope. That's it.
對了,她懷了我的孩子Oh,and she's pregnant with my baby.
我總是忘了這件事I always forget that part.
我們需要鼠尾草和沙加緬度酒Now we need sage branches and the sacramental wine.
我只有牛至葉和佛瑞斯加All I had is oregano and a Fresca.
那樣也行That's okay!
現在我們需要正義男子的精液Now we need the semen of a righteous man.
菲比,如果我們有 現在就無需進行儀式了If we had that,we wouldn't be doing the ritual in the first place.
-可以丟東西了嗎? -可以了-Can we start throwing things in? -Yeah,okay!
貝瑞的信Okay. Barry's letters.
亞當瑞塔的四角褲Adam Ritter's boxer shorts.
跟某人晚餐的收據And I have the receipt from my dinner with....
-這是史考帝的裸體照片 -讓我看看!-A picture of Scotty Jared naked! -Let me see!
-他穿著毛衣 -沒有-He's wearing a sweater. -No.
-這是誰的MCI電話卡? -我的.咻!-Whose MCl card is that? -Mine. Shoot!
趕緊記住號碼:9,7,4….Remember this number: Nine,seven,four....
最後這是保羅的格拉巴酒Okay,and here we have the last of Paolo's grappa.
等等,這是不是純的…Wait,isn't it almost pure
我怎能在情人節甩掉她How can I dump this woman on Valentine's Day?
我不曉得,但你曾在新年甩掉她I don't know. You dumped her on New Year's.
下輩子我要當馬桶刷In my next life,I'm coming back as a toilet brush.
你好,有趣的情人Hello,funny valentine!
珍妮絲Hi,just Janice.
喬伊,我們的小媒婆Hello,Joey,our little matchmaker.
我忍不住想吻你I could just kiss you all over,and I'm gonna.
如果你不敢,就讓我來開口If you don't do it,I will.
-你真的從紐約來的? -本來不是,我從-So are you actually from New York? -Not originally. I'm from
-你說他們可以自己做 -我以為他們可以-You said they'd shoot it without you. -I thought they could.
最大版都是小菜一碟 最小版當然是更簡單一些了啊The maxi-pads were a piece of cake. Mini-pads should be that much easier.
-但現在是情人節 -我知道,但這是我的工作-It's Valentine's Day. -I know,but it's my job.
我會儘量趕回來,抱歉I'll try to get back as soon as I can.
但我大部分時間都在教科學I'm spending most of my time teaching science...
真好笑,我又不是主修科學...which is funny because that wasn't even my major.
真好笑Now,that is funny!
我邀卡蘿過來會很奇怪嗎?Do you think it would be too weird if I invited Carol over to join us?
因為她現在一個人,懷孕了,心情又不好Because she's alone now. And pregnant. And sad.
-大概吧 -你確定?卡蘿!-I guess. -Are you sure? Carol!
-願意過來坐嗎? -不,我沒事-Wanna join us? -No,I'm fine.
來吧,這些人會挪過去的Come on. These people will scooch down.
你們會挪過去的,對吧? 各位挪過去好嗎,動起來You guys will scooch,won't you? Let's try scooching! Come on!
-拜託 -謝謝-Come on. -Thank you.
克莉絲汀,這位是卡蘿 卡蘿,克莉絲汀IKristen Riggs,this is Carol Willick. Carol,Kristen.
-你好 -卡蘿教六年級-How do you do? -Carol teaches sixth grade.
而克莉絲汀…And Kristen....
克莉絲汀…IKristen does something...
最好笑的是...that,funnily enough...
她的工作不是她的主修...wasn't even her major!
-謝謝你們能來 -沒關係.這是我們的工作-Thanks for coming over. -Not at all. It's pretty much our job.
這就是我們為什麼戴這麼酷的帽子啊That's why we get the cool hats.
-裡面有什麼東西? 一些真絲四角內褲-What do we got there? -A piece of sik boxer shorts.
問候卡Some greeting cards.
燒焦的照片A half-charred picture of....
這傢伙的體毛比隊長的還濃密That guy's hairier than the chief!
這件事說來好笑It's a really funny story how this happened.
我拿出垃圾桶,菲比點燃薰香I was taking out the trash,and Phoebe was burning incense
沒關係.你們不用解釋It's all right.
這不是第一件燒毀男友物品失控的事件了This isn't the first boyfriend bonfire we've seen get out of control.
-這已是今晚的第三件 -真的?-Third one tonight. -Really?
情人節之夜是我們最忙的時刻Valentine's is our busiest night of the year.
下一次燒你們前男友的東西時:Next time you're burning your ex-boyfriend's stuff:
第一,在一個通風好的地方One,do it in a well-ventilated area.
第二,如果你們要燒衣服,小心合成纖維的Two,if you wanna burn his clothing,stay away from synthetic fabrics.
第三,試著放掉你們的怒氣 學會愛護自己Three,try to let go of the anger,and learn to love yourself.
-我帶了東西給你 -裝上子彈了沒?-I brought you something. -ls it loaded?
心型糖果“錢德與珍妮絲,永遠”Oh,little candy hearts. "Chan and Jan Forever."
我訂做的I had them made special.
我不該告訴你There's no way to tell you this.
至少沒有別的方法來告訴你At least,there's no new way.
我覺得我們不會有結果I just don't think things are gonna work out.
無所謂That's fine.
是嗎?It is?
因為我知道我們還沒結束Because I know that this isn't the end.
事實上已經結束了You see,actually,it is.
不,還沒 因為你不會讓它發生的No,because you won't let that happen.
難道你還不懂?Don't you know it yet?
你愛我,錢德.賓You love me,Chandler Bing!
不,我不愛Oh,no,I don't.
那麼就捫心自問,我們為何總是會複合? 新年是誰邀誰?Why do we keep ending up together? New Year's,who invited who?
-情人節是誰邀誰上床? -是我,可是…-Valentine's,who asked who into bed? -I did,but
我是你尋找的對象You seek me out!
你的內心深處不斷呼喊著我Something deep in your soul calls out to me like a foghorn!
珍妮絲…珍妮絲…Janice! Janice!
你推開我,你拉回我!You push me away,you pull me back!
你要我,你需要我You want me. You need me.
你不能沒有我.你知道You can't live without me. And you know it.
你只是不知道你知道罷了You just don't know you know it.
打電話給我Call me!
這不是真的.我沒說你媽是狼人It's not true. I never called your mother a wolverine.
你有,我發誓You did so,I swear to
她上洗手間多久了?How long has she been in the bathroom?
我想她不是去上洗手間,她的外套不見了She isn't in the bathroom. Her coat's gone.
或許是太冷吧Well,maybe it's cold in there.
或許我搞砸了九年來的第一次約會I screwed up my first date in nine years.
-有可能 -天哪-That could be it. -Oh,God.
知道嗎,這裡還很熱You know,this is still pretty hot.
不會每次都這樣的 還是有些女人會把晚餐吃完的They won't all be like this. Some might stay through dinner.
-抱歉,不好笑 -只是-I'm sorry. That's not funny. -It's just....
人們老說要繼續你的人生You know the whole "get on with your life" thing?
我必須這樣嗎?Well,do I have to?
我和這位美女坐在這兒I'm sitting here with this cute woman...
她是那麼好...and she's perfectly nice,but that...
但就這麼吹了...that's it.
我現在又和你聊天,輕鬆又自在Then I'm here talking to you,and it's easy and it's fun.
我何必…And I don't have to....
-我懂 -你懂?-I know. -You know?
我有個瘋狂的念頭Here's a wacky thought.
我們再試一次好嗎?Let's say you and I give it another shot.
我知道你要說你是個女同志I know what you're gonna say. You're a lesbian.
但何不暫時將它擺在一旁But what do you say we just put that aside for now.
完全不去想它Let's just stick a pin in it.
因為我們在一起很開心 這不容你否認Because we're great together. You can't deny it.
我有一個適合你的戒指I've got a ring at home that fits you.
我有無數我倆一起的照片I've got lots of pictures with both of us in them.
最美妙的地方是,你懷著我的孩子And best of all,you're carrying my baby.
-這樣不是很完美嗎? -羅斯-I mean,how perfect is that? -Ross
雖然你一直回絕,但我仍然想對你說,我愛你You keep saying that,but there's something right here. I love you.
我也愛你I love you too.
-但是 -不要但是-But -No "but."
你要知道,暫時放置一旁的事You know that thing we put over here with the pin in it?
遲早會浮現的It's time to take the pin out.
你會找到物件的,合適的女人正在等著你You'll find someone. The right woman is waiting for you.
你說得倒是輕鬆,你已找到合適的女人It's easy for you to say. You found one already.
你只需找到愛男人的女人即可All you need is a woman who likes men,and you'll be set.
不是她Not her.
你們真的從一個柱子上滑下去?So,you guys really slide down a pole?
-絕對的 -太酷了-Absolutely. -That's so cool.
那你們怎麼回上面的呢?How do you get back up?
我們很少需要像著火一樣急的往上去Well,we rarely have to return from a fire as quickly.
你們這些小夥…So,would you guys....
你們願意,有時,可能…Would you like to,sometime,maybe....
有時一起出去喝一杯Go for a drink sometime?
當然,聽起來不錯Sure,sounds good.
我們午夜下班之後,來找你們可以嗎?We get off at midnight. We'll pick you up then.
好啊,太好了Okay. Great!
你們會開消防車過來嗎?So will you bring the truck?
還會讓你們拉警鈴I'll even let you ring the bell.
再見了…晚安,再見…-We'll see you later. -Bye! See you later!
天啊Oh,my God!
看到沒有?清理儀式奏效了See? There you go. The cleansing worked.
沒錯,他們是好男人You're right. They're nice guys!
他們是“救火”隊員They're firemen guys!
-你們有告訴她們你們已婚嗎? -當然沒有,連我女友都不知道-Tell them you're married? -No. My girlfriend doesn't even know.


-謝謝 -卡布其諾 -謝謝(義大利語)-Thank you. -Cappuccino. -Grazie
莫妮卡的熱蘋果汁And a nice,hot cider for Monica.
謝謝Thank you.
瑞秋,為何我的肉桂棒上有橡皮擦?Rach,why does my cinnamon stick have an eraser?
這就是原因,That's why.
六人行 第1季 第15集 吸大麻的傢伙The One With The Stoned Guy
泰洛克小姐,你今天真漂亮Miss Tedlock,you look lovely today.
我能說這件衣服真好看嗎?That is a very flattering sleeve length on you.
科斯特.力克先生希望你在下班後 能到他辦公室去Mr. Costilick would like you to stop by his office today.
如果他是為搞笑備忘錄 不是我幹的,If it's about those prank memos,I wasn't involved.
和我完全沒有關係.真的.Nothing at all. Really.
弗蘭克,辦公室裡沒有地方容納這些惡作劇.And frankly,those shenanigans have no place in an office environment.
各位,Hey,you guys!
錢德說他有天大的好消息Chandler's coming and he has incredible news.
所以他來的時候我們就……So when he gets here,let's all act,like,you know
不管了,這一定很有意思.Never mind. But it was gonna be really good.
到底怎麼了…What's going on?
今天和平常沒什麼兩樣So it's a typical day at work...
然後艾爾叫我到他辦公室 說他要我當電腦處理的主管...and Big Al tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor.
-真是太好了 -恭喜...-That is great! -Congratulations!
所以我就辭職不幹了So I quit.
為什麼?因為這只是暫時的工作Why? This was a temp job.
錢德,你已在公司五年了Chandler,you've been there for five years.
我知道,但接受升職 不就承認這就是我的目的I know,but if I took it,I'd be admitting that this is what I do.
這是不是意味著我們必須開始自己購買衛生紙?Does that mean we have to start buying our own toilet paper?
那是有大照片的喬伊,丹?That was Joey Tribbiani with the big picture. Dan?
那不是能賺更多錢?Was it more money?
我不在乎,我不想成為 坐在辦公室到午夜Doesn't matter. I just don't want to be a guy who sits in his office...
擔心"WEENUS"的人...worrying about the WENUS.
"每週估計淨值使用系統" 這是電腦處理的術語Weekly estimated net usage system. It's a processing term.
哦,那個"WENUS"啊Oh,that WENUS.
你有何打算?What will you do?
我也不知道該怎麼辦 我只知道我不會再待在那兒工作了I don't know. But I won't figure it out working there.
我有一份你可以做的工作I have something you can do!
我的新按摩客戶史提夫I have this new massage client,Steve.
他開了一家餐廳Anyway,he's opening up a restaurant...
他正在尋找總廚師...and he's looking for a head chef.
-你好 -你好.-Hi,there. -Hi.
我知道你是個廚師,而且我先想到你I know. You're a chef and I thought of you first.
但錢德目前沒有工作所以...But Chandler's the one who needs a job right now,so....
我沒有太多廚師的經驗I just don't have a lot of chef-ing experience.
除非那是一家只賣烤麵包片的餐廳Unless it's an all-toast restaurant.
他想要什麼菜色?What is he looking for?
他想要菜色豐富多變He wants to do something eclectic.
因此他在找一個能創造出整個功能表的人He's looking for someone who can create the entire menu.
意下如何?So,what do you think?
謝了.我大概沒資格戴白色大帽吧Thanks. I just don't see myself in a big,white hat.
莫妮卡,知道嗎?Oh,Monica! Guess what?
一個完美的助跑,然後就自然而然出現了,完美的a perfect run-up and there he goes,a perfect....
看看這個Watch stuff like this...
你就知道為什麼變革僅僅是理論上的事情了....and you realize why evolution is just a theory.
你能透過襯衫看見我的乳頭嗎?Can you see my nipples through this shirt?
看不見,但別擔心,它們還在No,but don't worry. I'm sure they're still there.
你要上哪兒去,西裝筆挺先生?Where are you going?
我和羅伯提曼博士有約,求職顧問阿哥哥I have an appointment with Dr. Robert Pilman,career counselor-a-go-go!
-阿哥哥是我加的 -求職顧問?-I added the "a-go-go." -Career counselor?
你們都已找到人生的方向You guys all know what you want to do.
還沒I don't.
在客廳裡的各位 全都都已找到人生的方向You guys in the living room all know what you want to do.
你們有目標,有夢想,但我卻沒有夢想You have goals. You have dreams. I don't have a dream!
少見的“我沒有夢想”演說The lesser-known "I Don't Have a Dream" speech.
我愛我的人生!我愛我的人生!I love my life! I love my life!
布萊恩的歌"Brian's Song"!
-見面的結果如何? -相當順利-The meeting went great? -So great!
他告訴我未來餐廳的位置He showed me where the restaurant's gonna be.
就在第十街不太大也不太小,大小適中It's not too big or too small. It's just right.
前任老闆是金髮女人和幾隻熊嗎?Was it formerly owned by a blond woman and some bears?
週一我們要煮一餐讓他品嘗 有點像是面試I'm cooking for him Monday,kind of an audition.
菲比,他也要你在場 這樣對我有好處 因為你可以發出好吃的讚歎聲Phoebe,he wants you here. It's great. You can make yummy noises.
-你打算做什麼? -好吃的聲音.-What are you gonna make? -Yummy noises.
莫妮卡,你要做什麼菜? 我也不知道,但一定會很棒的-And Monica,what are you gonna make? -I don't know. It's gotta be great.
我知道你可以做什麼了!I know what you can make! I know!
你應該用那些東西做這個.You should make that thing with the stuff.
你知道用那些東西做的這個?You know that thing with the stuff?
好吧,我也不知道Okay,I don't know.
各位,誰知道附近有約會的絕佳地點?Anyone know a good date place in the neighborhood?
東尼餐廳如何?吃下32盎斯的牛排就免費How about Tony's? If you finish a 32-ounce steak,it's free.
誰知道和美洲豹約會,哪兒是好地點?Anyone know a good place if you're not dating a puma?
-你要和誰約會? -是昆蟲女?-Who are you going out with? -ls this the bug lady?
我愛你,羅斯"I love you,Ross."
她叫希莉亞,不是昆蟲女 她是昆蟲博物館的主任Her name is Celia and she's insect curator at the museum.
-你們打算如何共渡? -出去吃晚餐-What are you gonna do? -Go out to dinner...
然後帶她回我的住處 介紹我的猴子給她認識...then bring her back to my place and introduce her to my monkey.
他沒用比喻And he's not speaking metaphorically.
回你的住處?你想...So back to your place? You thinking maybe....
我不知道…Well,I don't know....
我希望…I'm hoping....
告訴你,那猴子是魅力十足That monkey is a chick magnet.
她看見它那毛絨絨可愛的小臉 然後一切就搞定She'll take one look at his cute,little face and it'll seal the deal.
希莉亞,別擔心,它不會傷害你的Celia,don't worry. He's not gonna hurt you!
用安撫的語調Soothing tones.
-過來,馬修 -我受不了了.-Here,Marcel. -I can't stand this.
-它的爪子在我的 -乖..-He's got his claws on my -Yeah,all right.
試試這鮭魚慕斯Okay,try this salmon mousse.
比其他的鮭魚慕斯好吃?Is it better than the other salmon mousse?
-更滑更柔 -是嗎?這樣更好?-It's creamier. -Yeah? Well,is that better?
我不知道.我們在談一條攪成泡沫的魚I don't know. We're talking about whipped fish.
我能不吐出來就已經不錯了I'm just happy I'm keeping it down.
天啊,你怎麼了?God,what happened to you?
8個半小時的天資測驗Eight and a half hours of aptitude tests...
智力測驗,個性測驗,我瞭解了什麼?...intelligence tests,personality tests,and what do I learn?
你適合在大型跨國公司 資料處理部門方面發展"You're suited for data processing for a large multinational corporation."
這太好了 因為你已知道該如何做That's so great! You already know how to do that.
你們能相信嗎?Can you believe it?
我不像是做那種酷工作的人嗎?Don't I seem like I should be doing something cool?
我總是想像自己能做點事情I just always pictured myself doing something....
錢德,我知道Chandler,I know,I know.
嗨,你可以透過你的襯衫 看自己的乳頭Hey,you can see your nipples through this shirt.
這個或許能讓你開心點Maybe this will cheer you up.
5小時前我吃了一顆葡萄 所以我最好該和你平分I had a grape about five hours ago,so I better split this with you.
它本來就應該那麼小 這是餐前開胃菜It's supposed to be small. It's a pre-appetizer.
法國人稱它為“阿姆茲布許”The French call it an amuse-bouche.
這簡直是太神奇了Well,it is amusing.
溫蒂,對,八點Hi,Wendy. Yeah,8:00.
我們不是說過嗎?每小時十塊What did we say,$10 an hour?
很好,再見了Okay,great. All right,I'll see you then.
-什麼每小時十塊? -我請餐廳裡的女服務生幫忙-$10 an hour for what? -A waitress from work is helping me.
當然我考慮過你.但...Of course I thought of you. But....
-但是… -但是什麼?-But.... -But,but....
但是今晚一定要做到完美,你知道嗎?But it's just this night has to go just perfect,you know?
溫蒂的經驗豐富,是個職業服務生Wendy's more of a professional waitress.
我應該繼續保持業餘的姿態 將來才能在奧運會上當服務生And I'm maintaining my amateur status so I can waitress in the Olympics.
我不想自吹自擂 但我在76年的因斯布魯克當過服務生I don't mean to brag,but I waited tables at lnnsbruck in '76.
帶回家一塊銅牌.Took home a bronze.
和我說話Talk to me.
早上我坐地鐵時 發生了一件詭異的事A weird thing happened on the train this morning
說猥褻的話Talk dirty.
-這裡? -對.-Here? -Come on. Come on.
說點火辣的Say something hot.
什麼?什麼?What? What?
我當時好害怕,她嚇了我一跳I panicked,all right? She took me by surprise.
但並未完全失去自我.我們以愛撫收場But it wasn't a total loss. We ended up cuddling.
愛撫?幾次?You cuddled? How many times?
閉嘴,那種感覺好好Shut up. It was nice.
我不是那種講猥褻話的人I don't think I'm a dirty-talking kind of guy.
你只要說出你想對她如何 或是你想她對你如何Just say what you wanna do to her. Or what you want her to do to you.
或是別人想對彼此如何Or what other people might be doing to each other.
這樣吧,對我說吧I'll tell you what. Try something on me.
開什麼玩笑Please be kidding.
有何不可,Why not?
只要閉上眼睛告訴我 現在你想幹什麼Just close your eyes and tell me what you'd like to be doing right now.
好吧…我在我的住處I'm in my apartment....
-然後呢? -你不在那裡.-Yeah,what else? -You're not there.
-我們在進行這樣的談話 -好的,我要開始了,準備好了嗎?-We're not having this conversation. -All right,I'll start. Ready?
你讓我欲火焚身,我要你舔我...you get me so hot. I want your lips on me now.
-該你了 -我看還是算了吧-Now you say something. -I really don't think so.
你喜歡她吧?想再見到她嗎?You like this woman,right? You wanna see her again,right?
如果你無法對我說出猥褻的話 你如何對她說呢?If you can't talk dirty to me,how will you talk dirty to her?
現在告訴我你想愛撫我的屁股Now tell me you wanna caress my butt!
好吧,轉過去Okay,turn around.
我不想你盯著我看I don't want you staring at me.
好吧,我不看,說吧All right,I'm not looking. Go ahead.
我要...I want Okay,I want...
用我的雙唇感覺你那光滑的皮膚...to feel your hot,soft skin with my lips.
這就對了,繼續There you go. IKeep going,keep going.
我要用我的舌頭…I want to take my tongue and
快說啊Say it.
快說Say it!
舔遍你的全身run it all over your body...
直到你顫抖…... until you're trembling with
-真好笑 -你不會相信的-Funny story. -You're not gonna believe this.
我一向贊成你們兩個小子交往I was always rooting for you two kids to get together.
-顫抖那一段不錯 -閉嘴!-The trembling thing was nice. -Shut up!
你睡覺時以前的公司又打電話來That guy from your old job called again.
-又打來? -一遍又一遍.-Again? -And again and again and again.
又打來了And again.
嘿,科斯特林克先生,15樓的情況如何?Hey,Mr. Costilick. How's life on the 1 5th floor?
我也想念你.Yeah,I miss you too.
對,偷自己家裡的筆不夠刺激It's a lot less satisfying to steal pens from your own home.
你真慷慨,但這不是錢的問題That's very generous. But this isn't about the money.
我需要的不只是一份工作 我要的是我真正想要的I need more than a job. I need something I really care ab
這是你稍早提過的年終紅利之外的津貼?That's on top of the year-end bonus?
你的夢想…Your dream!
艾爾,我不是在故意為難你Look,Al,I'm not playing hardball here,okay?
這不是交涉,這叫拒絕This is not a negotiation. This is a rejection!
不,別再講數字了Stop saying numbers!
告訴你,你看錯人了,你看錯人了I'm telling you,you've got the wrong guy!
星期一見I'll see you Monday!
好大,比小格子大多了Wow! It's huge! It's so much bigger than the cubicle.
這是一個格間!This is a cube!
看這裡.Look at this.
你有窗戶!You have a window!
沒錯,還有美麗的風…Yes,indeed-y. With a beautiful view of
看,有人在小便Look! That guy's peeing!
風景看夠了,看這個That's enough of the view. Check this out.
坐下Okay,sit down here.
這個最酷,This is great.
-準備好沒? -好了-You ready? -Yeah.
海倫,能進來一下嗎?Helen,could you come in here?
謝謝你,海倫,沒事了Thank you,Helen. That'll be all.
最後一次了,我保證Last time I do that. I promise.
-她看起來不怎麼熱情 -我知道.她沒有個性.-She doesn't seem very warm. -I know. She has no personality.
溫蒂,不要這樣對我.Wendy,don't do this to me.
我們約好的.你答應過我We had a deal. Yeah,you promised.
-那是誰? -叛徒溫蒂-Who was that? -Wendy bailed.
我沒服務生了I have no waitress.
真是太糟糕了.再見That's too bad. Bye-bye.
一小時十元!一小時十二元!Ten dollars an hour! Twelve dollars an hour!
我希望可以 但我已經計畫好去走走I wish I could,but I've made plans to walk around.
你逃婚之後我一直關心你When you ran out on your wedding,I was there.
我讓你有地方住 如果這樣對你仍毫無意義…I put a roof over your head! If that means nothing....
一小時二十元Twenty dollars an hour.
歡迎光臨莫妮卡家 我能幫你拿外套嗎?Hello. Welcome to Monica's. May I take your coat?
(喜劇演員 強·洛維茲)Jon Lovitz
-史提夫 -莫妮卡-Hi,Steve. -Hello,Monica.
招待小姐Hello,greeter girl.
-她叫瑞秋 -好的,-This is Rachel. -Yeah,okay.
味道好香Everything smells so delicious.
我早已忘記這種美味的…I can't remember ever smelling such a delicious combination of
-這房子真漂亮 -謝謝,想參觀一下嗎?-It's a lovely apartment. -Thank you. Would you like a tour?
我只是客套一下,但,好吧I was just being polite,but all right.
-怎麼了? -他坐計程車來時-What's up? -ln the cab on the way over...
燃了一根草...Steve blazed up a doobie.
抽了一根大麻… 好了,我懂Smoked a joint,you know? Lit a bone. Weed,hemp,ganja
我和你在一起,切奇(《大麻》的主演)I'm with you,Cheech.
-你認為他會冷靜嗎? -這裡很乾燥嗎?-Do you think he's gonna be cool? -ls it dry in here?
我來為你倒杯酒Let me get you some wine.
我們可以上第一道菜了I think we're ready for our first course too.
這些是石蝦小方餃These are rock shrimp ravioli in a cilantro ponzu sauce...
芫萎調味醬加上一點點…...with just a touch of minced...
打我屁股叫我朱蒂Well,smack my ass and call me Judy!
-真是太好吃了 -我真高興你喜歡-These are fantastic! -Gosh! I'm so glad you liked them.
喜歡?我可以吃下上百個Like them? I could eat 100 of them!
只有這一些That's all there is of these...
但再過8分半鐘 我們就會獻上美味的洋蔥餡餅...but in a few minutes,we'll serve some tartlets.
文字都已失去意義Word has lost all meaning.
請問需要任何幫忙嗎?Excuse me. Can I help you with anything?
你看,我也不知道自己在找什麼You know,I don't know what I'm looking for.
酷,墨西哥餡餅Cool! Taco shells!
這個就像是玉米卷They're like a little corn envelope,you know?
-你不該影響食欲. -糖-You don't wanna spoil your appetite. -Hey,Sugar-O's!
再等6分鐘半You know,if you just wait another 6 1 /2 minutes
乾酪通心面!我們要做這個Macaroni and cheese! We gotta make this!
-不,我們不做 -哦,好吧.-No,we don't. -Oh,okay.
我們何不坐這兒Why don't you just have a seat here?
-小熊軟糖給我 -不-Give me the gummy bears. -No.
-把他給我 -好吧,分你一半-Give them to me. -We'll share.
-小熊給我 -你不能全部搶走-No. Give me the bears. -You can't have any.
這樣不值得!It's not worth it!
小熊落水了,他們快淹死了Bears overboard! They're drowning!
不要站在那裡.打9-1-1.Don't just stand there. Call 9-1 -1.
嗨,夥計們,抓住糖逃命啊!Hey,fellas,grab onto a Sugar-O! Save yourselves!
救命啊....我淹水了Help! Help,I'm drowning!
-我受夠了,晚餐結束 -什麼?為什麼?-That's it! Dinner is over! -What! Why?
為什麼?試想一下我到你的辦公室然後開始...?Why? What if I came into your office and I started...?
我想不出一個合適的例子.I can't think of an example.
這機會我已等了七年I've waited seven years for an opportunity like this...
而你卻等不了四分半鐘之後 再吃洋蔥餡餅...and you can't wait 4 1/2 minutes for a tartlet?
所以我跟他說,"對不起.這就是我的感受."So I told him,"I'm sorry. That's how I feel."
他居然說我聲音太刺耳搞得他耳朵嗡嗡叫And he told me I harsh-ed his buzz.
然後我說,"別吃這個,這是廚房磁鐵"Then I said,"Don't eat that. It's a kitchen magnet."
結果他不聽,我們只好把他留在急救室了.And he didn't listen,so we left him in the emergency room.
-莫妮卡,很遺憾 -真是個王八蛋-Mon,I'm sorry. -What a tool.
-你做的很對 -你不會想為那種人工作的-You did the right thing. -You don't wanna work for that guy.
我以為我的機會來了I just thought that this was it.
-不要擔心.你是個了不起的廚師 -那些讚美的聲音我不是裝的-Don't worry. You're an amazing chef. -Those yummy noises? I wasn't faking.
我能拿到全部三小時工資嗎?Am I gonna get paid for the full three hours?
只是一個問題而已.我們以後再說.Just a question. We'll talk about it later.
和希莉亞的狀況如何?So,how did it go with Celia?
-簡直是不可思議 -幹得好,羅斯!-I was unbelievable. -All right,Ross!
我就像是詹姆斯米切納(歷史學家)一樣滿口猥褻的話I was the James Michener of dirty talk.
天下最具巧思的猥褻話It was the most elaborate filth ever heard.
有人物,劇情,主題I mean,there were characters,plot lines,themes,a motif.
其中一段的主角是村夫與村姑At one point,there were villagers.
猥褻話講完後已經很晚了By the time we finished all the dirty talk...
而且我們也已精疲力竭所以…...it was late and we were exhausted
-你們愛撫? -那種感覺好好-You cuddled. -Yeah,which was nice.
你們想看晚場電影嗎?Do you guys want to try to catch a late movie?
-或許吧,但我們不是該等錢德? -他到底跑哪兒去了?-Shouldn't we wait for Chandler? -Where the hell is he?
我知道現在幾點I know what time it is...
但我看著WENUS而且我相當不高興...but I'm looking at the WENUS and I'm not happy!
真的?告訴你吧Let me tell you something.
你會在乎是因為我在乎,明白了嗎?很好!You will care about it because I care about it. Got it? Good!
這樣如何?How's this?
不好意思,這邊呢?Sorry. How about over here?
這就說明有效果了.That means it's working.
-痛不痛? -不痛.-Does this hurt? -No.
這樣呢?How about this?
爽啦!There you go!
我快吐了!I'm gonna throw up!




真是令人難以置信,已過了半個小時Unbelievable! It's been half an hour.
如果這是卡通 你應該看起來像火腿一樣If this was a cartoon,you'd look like a ham now.
-女侍在那兒,嗨,小姐…等等 -是菲比!-There's the waitress. Hello,miss! -It's Phoebe!
-好的,這些就是全部啦? -等等,你來這兒幹什麼?-Okay,will that be all? -Wait. What are you doing here?
我本來在那兒,然後你叫 “嗨,小姐.”所以我就過來了I was over there. Then you said,"Hello,miss." So I'm here.
不,你怎麼會在這兒工作?No,how come you're working here?
因為這兒離我的住處很近 而且圍裙也很漂亮Because it's close to where I live,and the aprons are cute.
-可以重來嗎? -好的,我到那邊去-Can we start over? -Okay,I'm gonna be over here.
六人行 第1季 第16集 第17集 雙胞胎The One With Two Partsl
我不知道他是不是在考驗我I don't know whether he's testing me...
我的猴子已失去控制... but my monkey is out of control!
他不斷清除我答錄機上的留言He keeps erasing the messages on my machine.
應該是個意外Supposedly by accident.
哦,是的,我做過這種事Oh,yeah,I've done that.
他連續三天在我看報紙前And then he got to the newspaper before I did...
在猜字遊戲上尿尿...and peed all over the crossword!
這我沒做過I've never done that.
昨晚,我不知道他做了什麼 他到處蹦來蹦去!Last night,I don't know what he did but there were capers everywhere!
-她看起來和她姐姐完全一樣 -我看到不同之處-She looks exactly like her sister. -I'm saying I see a difference.
她們是雙胞胎They're twins.
我不管,菲比是菲比,烏蘇拉很火辣I don't care. Phoebe's Phoebe. Ursula's hot!
你知道我們怎麼說這種事情?You know how we talk about things?
-別再談論那事了 -好吧-Let's not do that anymore. -All right.
-菲比,猜我們今天遇見誰? -哦,好玩!好的-Pheebs,guess who we saw today? -Oh,fun! Okay.
-連恩尼遜(電影演員) -不是-Liam Neeson. -No.
-莫利塞弗(記者) -不是-Morley Safer. -No.
-剪我頭髮的女人! -這會是一個很長的遊戲-The lady who cuts my hair! -This could be a very long game.
-你姐姐,烏蘇拉 -哦,真的?-Your sister,Ursula. -Oh,really?
-她在那兒工作… -瑞菲餐廳,我知道-She works at that place.... -Riff's. I know.
你知道?因為她說你們已多年不說話You do? She said you guys haven't talked in years.
對,她胖嗎?So,is she fat?
從我的角度看不會Not from where I was standing.
你從什麼角度?Where were you standing?
菲比,你們合不來?Pheebs,so you guys just don't get along?
這只是姐妹之間的事It's mostly just dumb sister stuff.
大家都認為她漂亮Everyone always thought of her as the pretty one.
她先學會走路 雖然我是在當天稍後學會的She was the first to walk even though I did it later that same day.
對我爸媽而言那就已經不新鮮了But to my parents,by then it was,"Yeah,what else is new?"
菲比,抱歉,我得走了 我得去學習無痛分娩法I'm sorry. I've gotta go. I've got Lamaze class.
我得去參加地球科學班 健身房見了And I've got earth science,but I'll catch you in gym?
-就你和卡蘿兩人去? -不,蘇珊也要去-ls this just gonna be you and Carol? -Susan will be there too.
那有爸爸,女同志…全部的父母都會到We've got dads,we've got lesbians. The whole parenting team.
-這樣不是會很奇怪? -不會的,一開始或許會-lsn't that gonna be weird? -lt might have been at first...
現在我已坦然面對... but now I'm comfortable with it.
-羅斯,那是我的外套 -我知道-Ross,that's my jacket. -I know.
我們姓羅斯特,我是潔西他叫麥可Hi. We're the Rostens. I'm J. C. and he's Michael.
我們有一個男孩和一個女孩And we're having a boy and a girl.
厲害,下一位Good for you. All right,next?
我叫羅斯,我兒子在那兒I'm Ross Geller. And that's my boy in there.
她叫卡蘿,這位是蘇珊And this is Carol Willick. And this is Susan Bunch.
蘇珊是卡蘿的…Susan is Carol's....
下一位是誰?Who's next?
抱歉,蘇珊是…Sorry,Susan is...?
-蘇珊是卡蘿的朋友 -生活拍檔-Carol's friend. -Life partner.
就像夥伴Like buddies.
-好像戀人 -你知道女人能有多親近的-Like lovers. -You know how close women can get.
-我們倆住在一起 -我倆曾經結過婚-We live together. -I was married to her.
-卡蘿,不是我 -有點複雜了-Carol,not me. -It's a bit complicated.
-但是我們不錯 -絕對的!-But we're fine. -Absolutely!
雙胞胎,好像要生兩次So,twins! That's like two births.
彼此,海倫to you too,Helen.
-妮娜·布克賓德來找你 -好的,讓她進來-Nina Bookbinder is here to see you. -Okay,send her in.
-妮娜,快進來 -你想見我?-Come on in. -You wanted to see me?
我剛看過你的資料 你一直填遲你週五數位的日期I was reviewing your data. You've been postdating your Friday numbers.
-這樣很不好,因為… -這樣使我的WENUS出現問題-Which is bad,because...? -lt throws my WENUS out of whack.
-對不起? -WENUS…-Excuse me? -WENUS.
每週估計淨值使用統計Weekly Estimated Net Usage Statistics.
不會再發生了 我不會做任何事傷害你的WENUSWon't happen again. I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt your WENUS.
要我就在“工廠裡的白癡”上押200,亞裡克斯I'll take "ldiots in the Workplace" for 200,Alex.
這不是她漂不漂亮的問題,這是…It's not just that she's cute,okay? It's just that...
她真的很漂亮...she's really,really cute.
都一樣,你不能用公司的墨水填充自己的鋼筆It doesn't matter. You don't dip your pen in the company ink.
上帝,我知道我幾乎不應該被雇用God,I even know that and I'm pretty much unemployable.
羅斯,你的小動物又在玩遙控器Ross,your little creature's got the remote again.
馬修,把遙控器給羅斯Marcel,give Rossy the remote.
馬修,現在馬上把遙控器給羅斯Marcel,you give Rossy the remote right now!
把遙控器給羅斯You give Rossy the remote
-這下好了 -放心.我會修好的-Great. -Relax. I'll fix it.
烏克這個名字在西班牙文中叫“烏酷”Oh,cool! Urkel in Spanish is Urkel.
他是怎麼辦到的?How did he do this?
你還讓聖誕燈開著是想讓我們“快樂”一整年?Is leaving Christmas lights up your plan to keep us merry all year long?
不,某人在新年期間就應該把它拿下 她顯然是忘了No,someone was supposed to take them down but obviously someone forgot.
某人應該寫個字條“瑞秋,拿下聖誕燈”Someone was supposed to write,"Rach,take down the lights"...
然後貼在冰…...and put it on the refrigera
-在這兒多久了? -時間可不短了-How long has that been there? -A really long time.
-你上哪兒去了? -瑞菲餐廳-Where you been? -Riff's.
我想烏蘇拉喜歡我 我只點咖啡I think Ursula likes me. I ordered coffee.
她卻端給我鮪魚和四盤的薯片She brought me a tuna melt and four plates of curly fries.
她好辣She is so hot!
你展開“喬伊”行動之前,或許你可以找…Before you do anything Joey-like,you might want to run it by....
-菲比? -當然-Pheebs? -Yeah.
菲比,我約你姐出去你會介意嗎?Is it okay if I asked out your sister?
為什麼?你為何要那樣做?為什麼?Why? Why would you want to do that? Why?
因為如果我去約會時,她就會在我身邊So if we went out on a date,she'd be there.
好吧,不管怎樣,我不是她Well,I'm not my sister's,you know,whatever.
沒錯,我們確實曾待在同一顆卵子And I mean,it's true,we were one egg once.
但我們各自發育But you know,we've grown apart so....
我不知道…有何不可?I don't know. Why not?
酷.謝啦Cool. Thanks.
-你還好吧? -還好-You okay? -Yeah,I'm fine.
你還要繼續看拉烏妮·舍麗嗎?Do you wanna watch Laverney Shirley?
抱歉,我遲到了.卡蘿在哪兒?Hi. Sorry I'm late. Where's Carol?
學校有事,老師和家長間的事Stuck at school. Some parent-teacher thing.
你可以走了,我留下來上課You can go. I'll get the information.
不…我應該留下來 我們兩個都該留下來上課No,I think I should stay. We should both know what's going on.
很好,一定會很有意思的Oh,good. This will be fun.
首先是第三階段基本呼吸練習We're gonna start with some basic third-stage breathing exercises.
各位媽媽請躺下Moms,get on your back.
教練們支撐媽媽們的頭And coaches,you should be supporting Mommy's head.
-什麼? -什麼?-What? -What?
-我該當媽媽嗎? -好吧,我再一次拿精子說事兒-I'm supposed to be the mommy? -I'll play my sperm card once more.
只因我是個女人 我就得錯過教練訓練?I have to miss the coaching training because I'm a woman?
-瞭解,你說該怎麼辦? -擲銅板-So,what do we do? -I'll flip you for it.
擲銅板?不…我選頭…Flip me for it? No,no. Heads!
躺下吧,媽On your back,Mom!
各位媽媽們,請深呼吸All right,mommies,take a nice deep,cleansing breath.
很好,現在請想像你的陰道 像花一樣綻放著Now imagine your vagina is opening like a flower.
-迪先生,如何? -好多了-Mr. D! How's it going,sir? -It's been better.
年度淨值已經算出來了The Annual Net Usage Statistics are in.
-然後呢? -奇慘無此-And? -It's pretty ugly.
70年代之後沒見過這麼慘的ANUSWe haven't seen an ANUS this bad since the '70s.
-這代表什麼? -每個部門都得裁員-What does this mean? -We'll be laying off people.
我知道雖然我上星期遲到,我那天睡姿不良把頭髮睡塌I know I was late last week. But I slept funny and
不是你,放鬆Not you. Relax.
曾經必須開除某人嗎?Ever have to fire anyone?
沒有,不過那不成問題. 這就是我的名字在門上的原因啊No,but that's not a problem. That's why my name's on the door.
你知道我什麼時候,能在門上有自己的名字嗎?Do you know when I'm getting my name on the door?
我不清楚.我會記下來的I don't know. I put it in the thing.
不說這些.那將會是誰呢?It's okay. So,who is it gonna be?
你沒事吧?Are you okay?
是的,我沒事Yes. Yes,I am.
聽著,我今天叫你進來…是因為Listen,the reason that I called you in here today was....
請別恨我Please don't hate me.
能約你共進晚餐嗎?Would you like to have dinner sometime?
菲比,你想要什麼生日禮物?So,what do you want for your birthday?
我想要我媽復活和我共用人生What I want is for my mom to be alive and enjoy it with me.
好吧.這樣吧.想不想要克拉布特裡和伊夫琳(禮品公司)的產品?Okay. Let me put it this way. Anything from Crabtree & Evelyn?
-我想要浴鹽! -好的!-Bath salts would be nice! -Okay! Good.
(海倫·亨特)Helen Hunt
這是什麼地方?What is this place?
你很冷,我想尿尿,窗戶上有個咖啡杯 還有比這更糟的嗎?You're cold,I have to pee and there's coffee. How bad could it be?
我想我們有答案了I think we have an answer.
她怎麼會在這兒?Why is she here?
也許這就是老天爺叫我們回家吃飯的方法This could be God's way of telling us to eat at home.
-她被瑞菲餐廳開除? -不,昨晚我們還在那兒吃飯,她不斷端來劍魚-Think Riff's fired her? -No,we were there last night.
你不是要去…?Are you gonna go to the...?
-不,點完之後再去 -是她吧?看起來像她-I'll wait till we order. It's her. -lt looks like her.
-抱歉? -是-Excuse me? -Yeah.
是我們Hi,it's us!
好呀,是我Right. And it's me!
-你也在這兒? -和你們一樣-So you're here too? -As much as you are.
該你了Your turn.
-我們知道我們要什麼 -很好-We know what we want. -That's good.
我們要兩杯拿鐵還有小餅乾-Two caffe lattes. -And some biscotti.
不錯的選擇Good choice.
-絕對是她 -絕對是她-It's definitely her. -Yeah.
我真不敢相信,你還沒告訴她她失業了?I can't believe you haven't told that girl she doesn't have a job.
你還沒把聖誕燈拿下來You haven't taken down the Christmas lights.
恭喜!你發現了世上最薄弱的論點Congratulations! You've found the world's thinnest argument.
我只是在尋找適當的時機I'm finding the right moment.
應該不會太難找到 因為你們已開始約會That shouldn't be so hard now that you're dating.
親愛的,你被開除了 我上班前何不來個“速戰速決”"Honey,you're fired. But how about a quickie before I go to work?"
進門後就不用再敲門了Once you're inside,you don't have to knock anymore.
我來開I'll get it.
-哈克先生 -你們又來了-Hi,Mr. Heckles. -You're doing it again.
我們什麼都沒做. 我們只是坐在這兒靜靜地聊天We're not doing anything. We're sitting and talking quietly.
我可以透過天花板聽見I can hear you through the ceiling.
我的貓睡不著My cats can't sleep.
-你根本沒養貓 -我原本有機會養-You don't even have cats. -I could have cats.
-再見了,哈克先生 -我們會很小聲的-Goodbye,Mr. Heckles. -We'll try to keep it down.
菲比,幫個忙,能試穿看看嗎? 我想知道合不合身?Phoebe,do me a favor. Try this on. I want to make sure it fits.
我的第一件生日禮物,這衣服真…My first birthday present! This is really
不,是送烏蘇拉的,我只是想知道尺寸No,no,it's for Ursula. I just figured size-wise....
好呀,合身Sure. Yeah. Okay,it fits.
-你今晚又和她約會? -對,去看白雪溜冰團(冰上舞蹈表演團體)-Are you seeing her again? -Yep,lce Capades.
這回你是來真的 沒想到你會為任何花式玩意兒付錢This is serious. I've never known you to pay for any kind of "capade."
我也不知道,我喜歡她I don't know. I like her.
她與眾不同,她有…She's different. There's something about her
你喜歡?我們懂 你喜歡她,太好了That you like. We get it. You like her. Great!
菲比,我問過你而你也同意了Phoebe,I asked you. You said it was okay.
也許現在不同意了Maybe now it's not okay.
也許我對於你的不同意也不同意了Okay. Maybe now I'm not okay with it not being okay.
快織,好女人,快織IKnit,good woman,knit!
克萊斯勒大樓就在那兒And that's the Chrysler Building right there.
-妮娜! -道格拉斯先生.領帶不錯-Nina! -Mr. Douglas. Cool tie.
她還在這裡?She's still here.
沒錯,她還在.我沒有給你這個備忘錄嗎?Yes. Yes,she is. Didn't I memo you on this?
我開除她後,接到她心理醫生的電話After I let her go,I got a call from her psychiatrist,Dr. Flennan
佛…佛林大夫Dr. Flennan Dr. Flynn.
他說她一時無法適應And he informed me that she took the news rather badly.
老實說他提到“狂暴”這個詞In fact,he mentioned the word "frenzy."
-她?開什麼玩笑?她… -不,妮娜?她…-You're kidding! She seems so -No. Nina? She's
如果你現在問她If you asked her now...
她根本記不得被開除這件事...she'd have no recollection of being fired at all.
-難以置信 -你不得不信-That's unbelievable. -And yet believable.
因此我決定不再開除她直到她對其他人不構成威脅為止So I decided not to fire her again until she'll be no threat to anyone.
人的心中在想什麼 別人永遠無法完全瞭解I guess you never know what's going on inside a person's head.
我想這就是為什麼被稱為“心理學”了,先生Well,I guess that's why they call it psychology,sir.
爸媽永遠忘不了這聲音The sound Mom and Dad will never forget.
這個,畢竟是生產的奇跡For this,after all,is the miracle of birth.
請開燈,這一集是生寶寶Lights,please. And that's having a baby.
下周是我們的最後一堂課Next week is our final class.
蘇珊,準備接球Susan,go deep.
-這太離譜了… -怎麼了?親愛的-It's just impossible. -What is,honey?
那個女人幹了什麼What that woman did.
我不會這麼做的.他得留在我體內I am not doing that. It'll just have to stay in.
一切和原來一樣,他得留在我體內Everything will be the same. It'll just stay in.
-卡蘿,親愛的,不會有事的 -你怎麼知道?-Carol,honey,it'll be all right. -What do you know?
沒人問你,我能將這肉塊穿你的鼻孔嗎?No one's asking you,"Mind if we push this pot roast through your nostril?"
卡蘿,親愛的,深呼吸Carol,sweetie. Cleansing breath.
我知道你很惶恐,往遠處想I know it's frightening. But big picture:
生產過程只是一天The birth part is just one day.
結束後我們這輩子都是他的父母了When it's over,we'll all be parents for the rest of our lives.
懷胎生子為的不就是這些嗎?羅斯?I mean,that's what this is all about,right? Ross?
我要當爸爸了I'm gonna be a father.
-你才剛知道? -我一直都知道我有個孩子-This is news to you? -I knew I was having a baby.
只是不知道孩子有我I just never realized the baby was having me.
-你會是個好爸爸的 -你怎會知道?-You'll be great. -How can you say that?
我連阻止馬修吃浴室墊都辦不到I can't even get Marcel to stop eating the bathmat.
-我如何撫養孩子? -羅斯,科學家說-How will I raise a kid? -Some scientists are now saying...
孩子和猴子是不一樣的...that monkeys and babies are actually different.
我們可以驗證一下You might want to look into it.
-你去哪裡? -外面-Where you going? -Out.
能問你一個問題嗎?Can I just ask you one question?
你們有沒有…,你明白的,就像,你知道的嘛?Have you two,you know,like,you know?
你知道的,對吧?You know,yet?
不關你的事,沒有,行了嗎?Not that it's any of your business,but no,we haven't.
你是指性吧?You meant sex,right?
-有空嗎? -當然,什麼事?-Do you have a sec? -Sure. What's up?
最近幾天,大家都避開我 而且以奇怪的眼神看我The past few days,people have been avoiding me and giving me weird looks.
或許他們在嫉妒我們Well,maybe that's because they're jealous of us.
或許吧,這無法解釋他們為何拿走我的剪刀Maybe. But that doesn't explain why they keep taking my scissors.
或許是因為你被升職的緣故Maybe that's because you're getting a big raise!
-我升職了? -當然.為什麼不呢?-I am? -Sure. Why not?
天啊,你真是太了不起了Oh,my God! You're amazing!
你不知道You don't know.
海倫,能快處理布克賓得小姐升職的手續嗎?Helen,do the paperwork on Miss Bookbinder's raise.
你仍要我拿她的心理分析結果到人事部?You still want me to send her psychological profile to Personnel?
海倫喝醉了Helen drinks.
你願意嫁給我嗎?Will you marry me?
升職後的事情,我就未經修剪了So after the proposal,I kind of unraveled.
是啊.因為你控制全盤直到那個時候Right. Because you were really in control up until then.
-最後我把一切都告訴她了 -她的反應如何?-I told her everything. -How'd she take it?
還不錯,除了拿釘書機釘我之外Pretty well. Except for the stapler thing.
提示一下.以後遇見類似的狀況A tip. If you're ever in a similar situation...
切記別把手放在桌上... never,ever leave your hand on the desk.
我知道該怎麼調這個了Okay,I think I get how to do this.
我們能把這關掉嗎? 把他們弄走,因為我沒法看了啊Can we turn it off? Make them go away because I can't watch.
好了,現在沒有了Okay,they're gone.
你還好吧?Are you all right?
還不是烏蘇拉惹的禍It's just this whole stupid Ursula thing.
菲比,我能問… 他和她約會真有那麼糟嗎?Pheebs,can I ask? So he's going out with her. Is it really so terrible?
我不是說她很壞I'm not saying she's evil or anything.
她總是弄壞我的東西She's just always breaking my stuff.
我8歲時,她把我的裘蒂傑特森熱水壺丟到公共汽車下When I was 8,she threw my Judy Jetson Thermos under the bus.
我12歲的時候,她弄斷了我的鎖骨And then when I was 1 2,she broke my collarbone.
她不是有意的,不過也算She didn't mean to do it but I think it still counts.
然後,有個藍迪布朗,就像And then there's Randy Brown,who was like
你們有沒有過男友身兼好友的情況?Have you ever had a boyfriend who was your best friend?
我當時的狀況就是如此That's what he was for me.
她把他搶走又傷了他的心And she kind of stole him away and then broke his heart.
他從此不和我說話Then he wouldn't talk to me anymore.
因為他說他不願再見像她的人He didn't want to be around anything that looked like either one of us.
我知道喬伊不是我男朋友或者熱水壺I know Joey's not my boyfriend or my thermos...
或其他的什麼,但是...or anything,but
-你不會失去他的 -你得找喬伊談談-You won't lose him. -You gotta talk to Joey.
-如果他知道你的感受 -但他愛上她了-lf he knew how you felt -But he's falling in love with her.
拜託,他們才約會一個星期They've been going out a week.
根本還沒上床,事情還沒那麼糟They haven't even slept together yet. That's not serious.
好吧.好吧Okay. Okay.
需要幫忙嗎?May we help you?
瑞秋,你在幹什麼?外面好冷,進來好嗎?What are you doing? It's freezing! Come inside.
不…你要我把燈取下No,you wanted me to take them down...
我正在做,行嗎?...so I'm taking them down,okay?
我沒事…I'm okay. I'm okay.
哈克先生…Mr. Heckles?
哈克先生…能幫一下忙嗎?Mr. Heckles,could you help me,please?
我指的就是這種事兒This is just the kind of thing I was talking about.
我朋友取下聖誕燈時My friend was taking down Christmas lights...
從陽臺跌下來,可能傷了腳踝...and may have broken her ankle.
你們的聖誕燈還亮著?My God,you still have your Christmas lights up?
-填好資料後拿給我 給-Fill this out and bring it back. -Here you go.
姓名?地址All right. Name,address.
-你有進行任何藥物治療嗎? -沒有-Are you currently on any medication? -No.
哦,等等!有.Blistex(一種藥用潤唇膏)Oh,wait! Yes. Blistex.
-填沒有,緊急聯絡電話? -你-No. In case of emergency,call...? -You.
-真的? -對-Really? -Yeah.
你真好Oh,that is so sweet!
我愛你.保險?Gosh,love you. Okay,insurance?
哦,打勾,我當然需要保險Oh,yeah,check it. Definitely gonna want some of that!
-你沒有保險? -要多少錢?-You don't have insurance? -How much will this cost?
單是X光就可能得要兩百元X-rays alone could be $200!
-我們該怎麼辦? -沒有太多辦法可想-What are we gonna do? -There's not much we can do.
除非我用你的Unless I use yours.
-不,不,不 -等等-No,no,no. -Now wait a second.
我的緊急聯絡人是誰?Who did I just put as my emergency person?
這是保險欺詐That's insurance fraud.
好吧.算了.我回家All right then,forget it. Might as well just go home.
-好吧,回來,我真討厭這樣做 -謝謝,我愛你-Okay,come here. I hate this. -Thank you. I love you.
我需要新表格Hi. I'm gonna need a new set of these forms.
-為什麼? -我真是個笨蛋-Why? -I am really an idiot.
我替我朋友填資料時I was filling out her form...
填的不是她的資料而是我的...and instead of putting her information I put mine.
你真是個笨蛋You are an idiot.
沒錯?這就是我.我就是那麼笨Yep,that's me. I am that stupid.
我夢見我和我兒子在玩橄欖球I had a dream. I was playing football with my kid.
-真溫馨 -不?他是球-That's nice. -No,no. With him.
我在球場上,他們叫我以兒子做襠下開球I'm on this field,and they hike me the baby.
我得做點什麼,坦帕灣隊的防守球員逐漸逼近I've gotta do something. The Tampa Bay defense is coming right at me!
-坦帕灣隊爛得可怕 -沒錯-Tampa Bay's got a terrible team. -Right,but...
但只有我和我兒子.我想我們死定了...it is just me and the baby,so I'm thinking they can take us.
所以我只好傳球And so I just heave it downfield!
-什麼?你瘋啦?他是你兒子 -他能控制住球嗎?-What are you,crazy? That's a baby! -He should take the sack?
總之,突然我又到了前場Anyway,suddenly I'm downfield.
我發現該接球的人是我And I realize I'm the one who's supposed to catch him.
但我絕對來不及I know I'm not gonna get there in time.
於是我跑啊跑,然後就驚醒了So I am running and running. That is when I woke up.
看?我還沒準備好當爸爸See? I am so not ready to be a father.
你沒問題的You're gonna be fine.
你是全北美最細心,最有責任感的男人You're one of the most caring,responsible men in North America.
你將來一定是個好爸爸的You're gonna make a great dad.
沒錯 你和你兒子,只是需要更好的防守Yeah,you and the baby just need better blocking.
你們去過彩虹廳嗎?真有那麼貴?Have you ever been to the Rainbow Room? Is it expensive?
當然,只有你要了東西才會貴Well,only if you order stuff.
我今晚要帶烏蘇拉去,今天是她生日I'm taking Ursula tonight. It's her birthday.
-菲比的生日該怎麼辦? -什麼時候?-What about Phoebe's birthday? -When's that?
-今晚 -怎麼會有這麼巧的事情發生呢?-Tonight. -What are the odds of that happening?
慢慢想吧You take your time.
原來是這樣啊!There it is!
-你打算怎麼辦? -我能怎麼辦?-What'll you do? -What can I do?
我不想讓烏蘇拉不開心I don't wanna screw it up with Ursula.
你的朋友菲比呢?And your friend?
如果她是我朋友希望她能諒解. 你們能諒解嗎?If she's my friend,she'll understand. Wouldn't you?
我生日時如果你敢這樣做If you tried that on my birthday...
我就和你沒完沒了...you'd be staring at the end of a hissy fit.
加上少量蕃紅花,就能使情況完全改觀Saffron makes all the difference.
(喬治·克魯尼 諾亞·懷爾)George Clooney&Noah Wyle
-莫妮卡? -是…-Okay. Monica? -Yes.
-是…她 -她是我朋友瑞秋-Yes,she is. -Hi,this is my friend Rachel.
-瑞秋?我是米契爾大夫 -我是羅森大夫-Hi,I'm Dr. Mitchell. -And I'm Dr. Rosen.
我在這沒問題I'm okay here.
好吧,就這樣.你可以休息一下Actually,that's all right. You can take your break.
不了,這就是我為什麼做了醫生. 腳踝之類是我的專長No,this is why I became a doctor. Ankles and stuff like that.
-你當醫生是否太帥了一點? -什麼?-Aren't you too cute to be a doctor? -Excuse me?
天哪,年輕,我是指年輕 你當醫生稍顯年輕了點,說得好,瑞秋God,young,young. I meant young. Young to be a doctor. Good,Rach.
-謝謝 -好的-Thank you. -Right.
他說這只是扭傷He said it was just a sprain.
-你忘了說我們做的蠢事 -才不蠢呢-You left out the stupid part. -It's not stupid.
這兩位帥哥大夫約我們明晚出去,我答應了The cute doctors asked us out for tomorrow,and I said yes.
你根本就是瘋了,他們在醫院工作I think it's insane. They work for the hospital.
我們這樣不是回到犯罪現場嗎?It's like returning to the scene of the crime.
-還是取消約會吧 -什麼?他們可是大帥哥-I say we blow off the dates. -What? They are cute.
而且還是醫生.帥哥醫生?很帥的醫生They are doctors. Cute doctors. Doctors who are cute.
目前為止我們瞭解到什麼?All right,what have we learned so far?
天啊Oh,God. Okay.
你們在幹什麼?把我嚇死了!What are you doing? You scared the crap out of me!
-那是蛋糕嗎? -對?檸檬口味-Was that the cake? -Yeah. I got a lemon schmoosh.
趕快,她隨時會到Come on. She'll be here any minute.
希望蛋糕沒事Hope it's okay.
“生日快樂?菲…”"Happy Birthday Peehee."
或許我們可以用玫瑰當“比”Maybe we can make a "B" out of a rose.
對?用我們的特殊蛋糕工具We'll just use our special cake tools.
-什麼事? -我們只是-What's going on? -We just
你們真是太好了,一點都不嚇人This is so great! Oh,my God! This was not at all scary.
看哪!“生日快樂,菲”Look! "Happy Birthday Peehee."
好奇怪的昵稱啊.我好喜歡,哦上帝!What a strange new nickname. I like it! Oh,my God!
嗨,各位。嗨,貝蒂!貝蒂!Hi,everybody. Hi,Betty! Betty,hi!
你找到貝蒂了?太好了You found Betty! Oh,my gosh! This is so great.
我愛的大家都在一起,喬伊在哪兒?Everybody I love is in the same room. Where's Joey?
你看見貝蒂沒?Did you see Betty?
我不介意去做蕃茄幹的生意I wouldn't mind having a piece of this sun-dried tomato business.
五年前如果有人說我的蕃茄像李子Five years ago,if somebody had said,"A tomato that's like a prune"...
我就叫他滾出我的辦公室... I'd have said,"Get out!"
爸爸 我出生前你會緊張嗎?Dad,before I was born,did you freak out?
我不緊張,我是說如果有人對我說…I'm not freaking out! I'm saying,if someone had come to me
爸 我在談小孩的事Dad,I'm talking about the whole baby thing.
你是否曾因為Did you ever get this sort of...
將成為父親而緊張?... panicky,"Oh,my God,I'm gonna be a father" thing?
不會.我們只是要回收種子No. We just had kids back then.
我們根本就不想這些. 我在想除了曬乾還能怎麼辦?We didn't think about it. What else could the sun dry,I wonder?
老爸,不要這樣,我們在說孩子Dad,come on. IKids.
都是你媽在處理,我忙著事業Look,your mother really did the work. I was busy with the business.
經常不在家,你找我來是為了這個?I wasn't around that much. Is that what this is about?
不是?我只是有點迷惑No,I was just wondering.
因為我們有時間彌補 我們可以一起做某些事We can make up for that. We can do stuff together.
你一直想去威廉斯堡,我們一起去吧?You always wanted to go to Colonial Williamsburg. Let's do that.
謝了,爸.我只是Thanks,Dad,really. You know,I just....
我只是想知道I just needed to know...
你何時感覺自己像個父親...when did you start to feel like a father?
應該是你出生那一天Well,I guess it must've been the day after you were born.
我們在病房,你媽在睡覺We were in the hospital room,your mom was asleep...
他們把你交給我...and they brought you in and gave you to me.
你當時又醜又紅又小You were this ugly little red thing.
你突然用拳頭緊抓住我的手指All of a sudden you grabbed my finger with your fist...
緊緊捏住我的手指...and you squeezed it so tight.
那時候我才感覺到And that's when I knew.
你不想去威廉斯堡?So you don't wanna go to Williamsburg?
我們可以去We can go to Williamsburg.
吃魚吧Eat your fish.
-瑞秋 帥哥醫生來了! -來了-Rachel,the cute doctors are here! -Okay,coming.
-請進 -你好,麥可.傑佛瑞-Hi,come on in. -Hi,Jeffrey.
我們帶了一瓶酒We brought wine.
這是來自歐尼斯特和托娃柏格寧的酒窖(演員和酒類收藏家)Look. It's from the cellars of Ernest and Tova Borgnine.
-我們怎麼能夠拒絕呢? -太好了!-How could we resist? -That's great!
-莫妮卡,腳踝如何? -它啊-Monica,how's the ankle? -It's....
你何不告訴他們,這可是你的腳踝Why don't you tell them? After all,it is your ankle.
感覺好多了,謝謝It's feeling a lot better. Thank you.
你們請坐 我去拿杯子Why don't you guys sit down,and we'll get you some glasses?
請坐Okay. Stat!
我們何不表明我們的身份 絕對不會有事的Why don't we just tell them who we really are? It'll be fine.
-我們會惹上大麻煩 -莫妮卡,別那麼不爭氣-We'll get in trouble. -Would you stop being such a wuss?
不爭氣?抱歉,我生在真實的世界之中A wuss? Excuse me for living in the real world.
所以呢?她們似乎很正常-So? -So they still seem normal.
但你得承認Because they are.
每次我們和女病患約會都…When we go out with women from the hospital
別緊張,看看四周.沒有異教徒的神壇Relax. Take a look around. There are no pagan altars.
角落沒有成堆的骨頭,她們沒事的,這個…No piles of bones in the corners. They're fine. Go like this:
我們絕不能這麼做,有時你真的很幼稚We're not going to do it. Sometimes you can be such a baby!
-我才不幼稚 -嚴格來說,每次都是-I am not a baby. -Be serious. Every time
-你像個公主… -你知道嗎?-You act like a princess. -You know what?
你愈來愈像你媽了Every day you are becoming more and more like your mother. Excuse me.
來了Here we go.
這房子好漂亮,住在這兒多久了?Great place. How long have you lived here?
謝謝,我住在這兒六年了I've been here about six years.
瑞秋幾個月前才搬來And Rachel moved in a few months ago.
對,我本來應該結婚的 但我在聖壇前撇開了新郎See,I was supposed to get married,but I left the guy at the altar.
-真的? -是的-Really? -Yeah.
對,我知道我很自私 但我就是這種人Yeah,I know it's pretty selfish,but hey,that's me!
-試試這個鷹嘴豆沙 -莫妮卡,你從事什麼工作?-Try the hummus. -Monica,what do you do?
我是上城區一家餐廳的總廚師I am a chef at a restaurant uptown.
-真有你的 -沒錯-Good for you. -Yeah,it is.
因為我喜歡指使別人Mostly because I get to boss people around,which I just love to do.
-這個鷹嘴豆沙不錯. -上帝保佑鷹嘴豆-This hummus is great. -God bless the chickpea.
我真是被寵壞了Oh,God! I am so spoiled!
就這樣了That's it.
我偷東西I shoplift.
你絕對想不到唇膏在我的口袋中You had no idea that lipstick was in your pocket.
我告訴過你們我比原來可愛多了嗎?Did I tell you that I think I'm so much cuter than I am?
對了,我有提過,我在高中是只肥牛嗎?And have I mentioned that back in high school I was a cow?
我常尿床I used to wet my bed.
我以胸部吸引別人的注意I use my breasts to get people's attention.
我們都一樣We both do that!
莫妮卡與瑞秋的公寓Monica and Rachel's apartment.
等等,瑞秋,是你爸Just one second. Rachel,it's your dad.
爸?不,是我Hi,Dad. No,no,it's me.
聽我說,老爸,我現在沒空Listen,Dad,I can't talk right now.
但有些But there's something....
有些話我一直想告訴你There's something I've been meaning to tell you.
-失陪一下。-記得我大一時嗎?-Excuse me. -Remember back in freshman year?
我和比利在你床上做愛Well,Billy Dreskin and I had sex on your bed.
為什麼?我幹嘛和比利上床?Why? Why would I sleep with Billy Dreskin?
他爸想害你倒閉!你死定了!His father tried to put you out of business! You are dead!
嗨,瑞秋?這是你的保險套嗎?Hey,Rachel? Are these your condoms?
哦,不,那是莫妮卡.她又喝醉了Oh,no,that was just Monica. She's drunk again.
我不記得“scrunchy”是一個詞I don't think "scrunchy" is a word.
為什麼不是,“嘎吱嘎吱”都是一個詞呢?Why not,if "crunchy" is a word?
那這麼說“fligament”也是詞了啊Then I'm using that same argument for "fligament."
-羅斯,他又在玩遙控器了 -好的-Ross,he's got the remote again. -Good.
或許他能將功能變回來Maybe he can switch it back.
或許不會Maybe not.
爸爸 有電話進來了Okay,Daddy? That's the other line.
沒有,沒有,也沒有在我的臥室裡做過Okay,no,not even in my bedroom.
好的好的,再見Okay. Okay. Bye-bye.
等等,我看看她在不在Hold on a second. Let me check and see if she's here.
醫院那個女人打來的,她說表格有問題It's the woman from the hospital. There's a problem.
-我們該怎麼辦? -你去問他們想幹什麼-What do we do? -Just find out what they want.
不,你問Okay. No,you do it.
我是莫妮卡,是的?Hello. This is Monica. Yeah?
好,我們馬上去,謝謝Oh,okay. Yes,we'll be right down. Thank you.
什麼事?我們忘了簽名We forgot to sign one of the admissions forms.
你說得對,不值得這麼做.我們改回來You were right. This was just not worth it. Let me just change.
-“Garge”? -航海時代-"Garge"? -Nautical term.
-作弊男 -好吧-Cheating man. -Okay.
-她還沒有打電話? -沒有-She still didn't call? -No.
你妹放我鴿子Your sister stood me up.
被人放鴿子的滋味不好受吧Don't you hate it when people aren't there for you?
-這是什麼? -“屁股.”-What is that? -"Tushy."
-你有打電話給她嗎? -我連打了兩天-Did you try calling her? -For two days.
打到餐廳時他們說她太忙At the restaurant they said she was busy.
我不敢相信她想甩掉我I can't believe she's blowing me off!
-我們點了兩份廚師沙拉 -它們怎麼了?-We had the two chef salads. -And how were they?
不,我們還沒有吃.我們只是希望吃那個No,we haven't had them yet. We're still hoping to have them.
-有空嗎? -有,我只是在工作-You got a minute? -Yeah,I'm just working.
-我為你買了生日禮物 -嗚,你記得-I got you a birthday present. -Wow,you remembered.
-是個裘蒂傑特森熱水壺 -對,像你…-It's a Judy Jetson thermos. -Like the kind you
對,我也有東西送你Right. Oh,I got something for you too.
-你怎知道我會來? -我們是雙胞胎嘛-How'd you know I was coming? -Yeah,twin thing.
我不敢相信你會這麼做I can't believe you did this.
我不敢相信你會這麼做I can't believe you did this.
你和喬伊之間呢?So,what's the deal with you and Joey?
他人很好,但我們結束了Oh,right. He is so great. But that's over.
-他知道嗎? -誰?-Does he know? -Who?
喬伊.他對你著迷不已Joey. You know,he's really nutsy about you.
-是嗎?為什麼? -你可把我問倒了-He is? Why? -You got me.
沒錯.抱歉,這道菜不是有雜菜沙拉嗎?Right. Excuse me,doesn't this come with a side salad?
你會打電話給他嗎?So are you gonna call him?
-你認為他喜歡我? -不,是喬伊-You think he likes me? -No. Joey.
不,他很聰明,他會瞭解的Oh! No,he is so smart. He'll figure it out.
想吃雞肉?Do you want some chicken?
不.有臉的食物不吃,記得嗎?No. No food with a face.
-你還是沒變 -你也一樣-You have not changed. -Yeah,you too.
謝謝.抱歉?我的雜菜沙拉在哪?Thanks. Excuse me? My side salad?
這裡的服務很差.現在我明白為什麼了Service here is horrible. Now I know what people mean.
記得我們嗎?Hi! Remember us?
你剛打電話要我們過來在表格上簽名?You called about needing a signature on the form?
但我們需要一張全新的表格Well,it turns out we need a new one.
我又寫錯名字了Because,you see,I put the wrong name again.
-因為… -你就是那麼笨-Because -You're that stupid!
對,我就是那麼笨I am. I'm that stupid.
我要用支票付帳And I'm gonna pay for this with a check.
你有保險可以付的Your insurance will cover that.
我知道,只是我也沒那麼聰明I know. I'm just not that bright either.
莫妮卡,對不起,我不是真的認為你像你媽媽Mon,I'm sorry. I don't think you're like your mother.
沒關係.我也不認為你逃婚很自私That's all right. And I don't think you were selfish.
哦,對不起我說你以前是肥牛Oh,and I'm sorry I said you were a cow.
沒關係,我就是肥牛That's okay,I was a cow.
我知道,我只是為我說了這話抱歉I know. I'm just sorry I said it.
最糟糕的情況是,你從未感覺像個爸爸Worst case scenario: Say you never feel like a father.
你兒子從未感覺你像個爸爸Say your son never feels connected to you as one.
他所有的關係全受這個的影響Say all of his relationships are affected by this.
-你這話有沒有重點? -應該有的-Do you have a point? -You know,you'd think I would.
這只猴子到底怎麼了?What's up with the simian?
-只是毛球 -好吧-It's just a fur ball. -All right.
-該誰了? -你.我的kidney(腎臟)得了43分-Whose turn? -Yours. I got 43 points for "kidney."
不,你沒得分.你拼的是“idney”No,you got zero points for "idney."
不,我有k,我的k在哪兒?I had a "K." Where's my "K"?
快幫我,我的猴子把k吞了You've got to help me! My monkey swallowed a "K"!
-把你的動物帶走! -不,你不懂.動物醫院離這兒很遠-Get that animal out! -The animal hospital is across town.
-怎麼回事? -馬修吞了一個字母-What's going on? -Marcel swallowed a Scrabble tile.
抱歉,這是為人看病的醫院Excuse me. This hospital is for people!
小姐,他是人,他有名字He is people! He has a name,okay?
他也愛看“幸運輪”,沒人看見時他就摸自己He watches Jeopardy!,he touches himself when nobody's watching.
拜託,發揮你的愛心Please,have a heart.
-我替它看看 -謝謝-I'll take a look at him. -Thanks.
-麥克! -瑞秋-Michael! -Rachel.
-什麼? -莫妮卡-What? -Monica.
烏蘇拉?你怎麼會在這兒? 我一直打電話找你Urs,what are you doing here? I've been trying to call you.
不,別叫我聽.我知道你的意思 我也叫人聽我說過Don't say "listen." I know that "listen." I've said that.
-抱歉 -我不懂,你怎麼了?-I'm sorry. -I don't get it. What happened?
你在橋下說過的話呢?What about what you said under the bridge?
你得忘記我在橋下說過的話Yeah. You should just forget about what I said under the bridge.
我那一夜喝醉了,胡言亂語I was talking crazy that night. I was so drunk.
-你不喝酒 -沒錯,我不喝酒-You don't drink. -That's right,I don't.
-但我愛你愛得如癡如醉 -烏蘇拉-But I was drunk on you. -Oh,Urs
我們是沒有結果的But it's not gonna work.
為什麼?因為我是菲比的朋友?Why? Is it because I'm friends with Phoebe?
如果是,你願意不和她來往嗎?Would you stop hanging out with her?
不行,我辦不到No,I couldn't do that.
沒錯,就是因為她Then yeah,it's because of Phoebe.
所以,不是她就是我So,you know,it's either her or me.
那麼我只能說抱歉了Then I'm sorry.
忘了你是很難的一件事You know,you're gonna be really hard to get over.
我知道I know.
我不知是否因為分手I don't know whether it's just because we're breaking up or what.
-你從未這麼漂亮過 -真的?-But you've never looked so beautiful. -Really?
-菲比? -什麼?-Pheebs? -Yeah.
他看起來好小He looks so tiny.
-我剛聽說了 -他沒事吧?-We just heard. -ls he okay?
對?醫生已取出k了The doctor got the "K" out.
他還發現m和oHe also found an "M" and an "O."
他一定想拼monkey(猴子)We think he was trying to spell out "monkey."
醫生說他已無大礙,他睡著了The doctor says he'll be fine. He's just sleeping now.
-你有當爸爸的感覺沒? -沒有,幹嘛問?-So,you feel like a dad yet? -No. Why?
拜託,你辦到了.你做了必須做的Come on,you came through. You did what you had to do.
-有爸爸的味道了 -看?他醒了-That's very "dad." -Look. He's waking up.
老兄?感覺如何?Hey,fella. How you doing?
(西班牙語)-給你這個 -誰點左將軍雞了?Here it is.Who ordered General Tso's chicken?
也許是左將軍本人點的It could've been General Tso!
看呐,醜陋裸男在轉呼啦圈Look, look, Ugly Naked Guy is doing the hula!
-嗨,喬伊 -嗨,各位Hi, Joey!Hey, everybody!
看呐羅斯,馬修又在玩遙控器了Look, Ross, Marcel's got the remote
那是因為他不喜歡這個節目The thing is, he doesn`t like the program


瑞秋,履歷表已用完了We're running low on resumes.
你真想到“大眾技工”上班嗎?You want a job with Popular Mechanics?
如果你真想為技工工作 那兒倒可試試If you're gonna work for mechanics,those are the ones.
各位,我什麼都得試試 我不能再當服務生了Guys,I'm going for anything here. I can't be a waitress anymore.
我是說真的,我已厭倦微薄小費 我已厭倦別人對我說“麻煩一下”I'm sick of the lousy tips. I'm sick of being called "Excuse Me."
-傷到舌頭了!傷到舌頭了! -這裡-Paper cut! Paper cut! -Here.
柚子汁!柚子汁!Grapefruit juice! Grapefruit juice!
差不多搞定了.只剩20份了Okay,we're almost done. Only 20 more to go.
-瑞秋,這些你已校對過? -對,有問題嗎?-Rach,did you proofread these? -Yeah. Why?
沒事,他們對你的“墊腦”技巧一定會印象深刻的Nothing. I'm sure they'll be impressed with your "compuper" skills.
糟了,每一份上面都這樣嗎?Oh,my God! Do you think it's on all of them?
沒有,我肯定富士施樂影印機弄掉一些了No,I'm sure the Xerox machine caught a few.
六人行 第1季 第18集 玩撲克The One With the Poker
他們把這裡叫做情侶座. 可是和你對面一點感覺都沒有They call this a love seat but I'm not feeling anything special towards you.
-嗨,小夥子們 -嗨-Hey,guys. -Hey.
需要什麼嗎?信件帶來了沒?Can I get you anything? Did you bring the mail?
-很多回復 -真的? 是的,我們這兒當然有烤餅-Lots of responses. -Really? Sure,we have scones left!
快念給我聽Read them.
親愛的格林小姐感謝您的詢問,然而…"Dear Miss Greene: Thank you for your inquiry. However"
-我們有蘋果肉桂…-親愛的格林小姐…好,好,不行.-We have apple cinnamon -"Dear Ms. Greene...." Yeah,yeah! No.
-怎麼了?-你的維薩信用卡帳單不少呀-What? -Your Visa bill is huge!
給我Give me that.
我真不敢相信 琳達那麼好你為何不再和她約會?Linda's great. Why won't you go out with her?
-我也不知道 -是因為她說了-I don't know. -ls this about her...
電影《摩登石頭族》裡的情節真有可能發生?... "The Flintstones could have really happened" thing?
不只是因為那樣 因為我要一個能讓我有感覺It's not just that. I want someone who does something for me...
能讓我心跳加速...who gets my heart pounding.
讓我…Who makes me....
感情經驗豐富的女人?Little playthings with yarn?
你不是渴望著她嗎?Could you want her more?
阿蒂,《發生何事》中 那個尖酸刻薄的女孩Dee,the sarcastic sister from What's Happening!!.
我早就忘了她了,行嗎?Look,I'm totally over her.
-嗨! -要咖啡嗎?-Hi! -Coffee?
-我們很好 -好的-No,we're fine. -Okay.
-閉嘴! -我們什麼都沒說-Shut up! -We're not saying anything.
-怎麼了? -昨晚喬伊哭了-What? -Joey cried last night.
-謝謝 -我們正在玩撲克牌-Thank you. -We were playing poker
三點上有巧克力看起來像是八點There was chocolate on the three. It looked like an eight.
可惜你沒看到 他說“準備痛哭流涕吧”You should have seen him. "Read them and weep!"
結果哭的是他And then he did.
你們怎麼沒和我們玩過撲克牌?Now,how come you guys have never played poker with us?
對,為什麼? 好像這是有性別歧視的男人的專利Yeah,what is that? Like some kind of sexist guy thing?
-這是撲克,只有男人才玩? -不啊,女生也歡迎加人-It's poker,so only guys can play? -No. Women can play.
那麼為什麼…這樣的一些,為什麼Then,what is it? Some kind of,like,some kind of,you know
到底為什麼?All right,what is it?
只是剛好女生沒加入罷了There are just no women in our game.
對,我們剛好找不到會玩的女生We just don't know any women who know how to play poker.
拜託,這個藉口真爛 男生都是這種反應That is a lame excuse. It's a typical guy response.
請問你們誰會玩撲克牌?Do you know how to play?
-你們可以教我們 -不要-But you could teach us. -No.
現在開始抽牌Okay,so now we draw cards.
我不需要換牌對吧? 因為我一把順So I wouldn't need any. I have a straight.
-你太棒了! -恭喜了!-Oh,good for you! -Congratulations!
-菲比,你要幾張? -我需要兩張-Pheebs,how many do you want? -I just need two.
黑桃十和梅花六The 10 of spades and the 6 of clubs.
-不,你不能那樣做 -等等,我有你要的黑桃-No,you can't -I have the 10 of spades! Here.
-不…不能那樣 -不…可以,我不需要.我要四張同點-No,you can't do that. -Don't need them. I'm going for fours.
你要四張同點.錢德,你有嗎?謝謝,小夥You're going for fours. Chandler,could you? Thanks,man.
開始吧Here we go.
我們有鮭魚樂透和水果盤We've got salmon roulettes and crudites.
莫妮卡,你在幹什麼?What are you doing?
撲克裡面,食物的名稱不能超過一個音節In poker,there's no food with more than one syllable.
洋芋片,沙司,椒鹽卷…It's got to be like chips or dip or pretz
我希望你能只卷這一次I hope you'll let it slide just this once. I was all out of "pretz."
現在開始發牌Now the dealer
知道了.開始玩真的吧.高賭資,大筆錢We got it. Let's play for real. High stakes. Big bucks!
你當真?菲比剛丟出兩個十一點(傑克) 因為他們好像不開心You sure? Phoebe just threw away two jacks because they didn't look happy.
我準備好了,發牌But I'm ready. So just deal.
各位,最後通知!喬伊,Okay,last-minute lesson! Joey....
八點,三點,好的,不錯Eight. Three. All right,very good.
該死,該死,該死!Damn it,damn it,damn it!
喬伊有一對5,該你們叫牌Joey had two fives showing,so for you to raise was
明顯而且大膽Downright gutsy.
-我明白,就是騙 -騙什麼?-I see,so you were lying. -About what?
-騙你們牌有多好 -我在唬你們-About how good your cards were. -I was bluffing.
什麼是唬?And what is bluffing?
不就是騙的同義字嗎?Is it not another word for lying?
抱歉,我不能再玩了 我在明天工作前得打好履歷表Sorry to break up this party,but I've got to go fax resumes before work.
-瑞秋,我們得算帳(定居) -什麼定居?-We've got to settle. -Settle what?
在維吉尼亞的詹姆士城殖民地The Jamestown colony of Virginia.
喬治三世把它給了我們美國所以…See,King George is giving us the land....
-瑞秋,是賭局,你欠我們錢 -哦,好-The game,Rachel. You owe us money. -Right.
你們知道嗎?這是她們的第一次 別和她們計較錢了It's their first time. Let's forget about the money.
不好,我們會付錢的Hell,no. We'll pay!
莫妮卡,我本來有另一個回復的Monica,I had another answer all ready.
知道嗎?我們要再來一次And you know what? We want a rematch.
不錯,我有錢花了That's fine with me. Could use some money.
-你很享受這個,是不是 -我想是的-You're enjoying this,aren't you? -Well,yeah,I am.
這麼說你們的組合傢俱 都是用朋友的錢買來的So you get your ya-yas by taking money from your friends.
沒錯,而且我是在“宜家”傢俱商場買的Yes,and I get my ya-yas from KEA.
自己得動手裝,便宜許多You have to put them together yourself,but they cost less.
瑞秋,這是撲克牌,玩就是要贏Look,this is poker. I play to win.
為使我能賺錢別人就得輸For me to win,others have to lose.
如果想和我玩牌就別指望我是個好人If you're gonna play,don't expect me to be nice.
因為牌一發出Because once those cards are dealt....
我就不是個好人I'm not a nice guy.
各位,吃吧All right,let's eat.
這是從“我愛瑞秋披薩屋”買的嗎?Did you get that from the "I Love Rachel Pizzeria"?
-你們還在取笑我? -別這樣嘛,為何學黑道講話-You still on that? -What was with that Black Bart speech?
玩起牌來我就不是好人"When I play poker,I'm not a nice guy."
你扯太遠了You're way off.
我可不這麼認為 因為我認為你愛她No,I don't think so,because I think you love her!
不,或許我曾對她有意思 愛意早已消失No. I might have had feelings for her at one time. Not anymore.
我只是I just
馬修!你想把光碟怎麼樣?Marcel! Where are you going with that disk?
不能再放上去,馬修You are not putting that on again.
如果你按那個按鈕,你可真的有大麻煩了If you press that button,you are in very big trouble.
你知道羅斯那混蛋有多爛嗎?You believe what a jerk Ross was being?
-我懂 -他的好勝心最強了-Yeah,I know. -He can get really competitive.
你好水壺,我是莫妮卡,你好黑啊(諺語:罐子笑壺黑,五十步笑百步)"Hello,kettle? This is Monica. You're black!"
我沒像羅斯那麼爛I'm not as bad as Ross.
我抗議,畫圖猜字事件呢?I beg to differ. The Pictionary incident?
我不是故意的That wasn't an incident.
我在做手勢時盤子不慎滑落I was gesturing and the plate slipped out of my hand.
-他們叫我去面談了! -你在開玩笑吧?哪兒?-I got an interview! -You're kidding! Where?
第五大道薩克斯Saks Fifth Avenue.
這就像是母船叫你歸隊It's like the mother ship is calling you home.
-是什麼工作? -採購助理-What's the job? -Assistant buyer.
我要用購物…I would be shopping!
來謀生了For a living!
是艾莉絲姑姑 她從五歲起便開始玩牌That's Aunt lris. She's been playing poker since she was 5.
她說的每個字我們都得牢記在心You've got to listen to every word she says.
-托尼·蘭德爾(演員)死了? -我不知道-ls Tony Randall dead? -I don't think so.
-現在可能已死因為我開車撞到他了 -天啊…真的?-He may be now. I hit him with my car. -My God,really?
不,唬你們的,第一課No,that's bluffing. Lesson number one.
告訴你們 玩牌聽到的每個字都是狗屁Let me tell you something. Everything you hear at a poker game is pure crap!
-不錯的耳環 -謝…-Nice earrings. -Thank you.
-坐吧,各位 -艾莉絲姑姑,這位是菲比,她叫瑞秋-Girls,sit down. -Aunt lris,this is Phoebe and Rachel.
我的車停在計時器前,開始吧Listen,I'm parked at a meter. Let's do it. Okay?
我們從抽五張牌開始We'll start with five-card draw.
然後我們開始看牌並且持牌. 我跟南茜堂兄說Then we'll go into the studs and the hold 'ems. I talked to Cousin Nathan.
發牌的時候不要碰牌Don't touch the cards when somebody is dealing.
南茜怎麼樣?How is Nathan?
他現在以為他是一個在女人身體裡的男人Now he thinks he's a man in a woman's body.
你是說一個女人在男人的身體裡?Don't you mean a woman in a man's body?
這很簡單是吧It should be so simple.
羅斯,我們能聽點別的嗎?Ross,could we please listen to anything else?
好吧All right.
我今晚可要為此付出代價了I'm gonna pay for that tonight.
嗨,夥計們,猜猜看?Hi. Guys,guess what?
第五位牙醫妥協了,他們一起推銷“Trident”(木糖醇口香糖品牌)?The fifth dentist caved,and now they're all recommending Trident?
不,是面談No,the interview!
簡直無法相信!她喜歡我Unbelievable! She absolutely loved me.
我們談了兩個半小時 我們對服飾的品味一致We talked for over two hours. We've the same taste in clothes.
我從前還和她的表妹一起去過夏令營And I went to camp with her cousin.
-這工作簡直是太棒了,我可以勝任 -太好了…-The job is perfect! I can do this. -That's great!
-然後她告訴我最好笑的事 -很好,你講時我們一定會笑-Then she told a funny story. -Great,tell us and we'll laugh.
玩牌吧Let's play poker!
各位聽好,我們談過此事 如果你們不想玩我們完全瞭解Listen,we talked about it and if you don't wanna play,it's okay.
對,我們可以玩別的像看圖猜字之類的Yes,we can play some other game. Like Pictionary?
真好笑Very funny.
-我們想再給撲克牌一次機會 -我想是的-But we'd like to try poker again. -Yes,I think we should.
-瑞秋,需要我來洗牌嗎? -不用了,我想自己試試-Do you want me to shuffle those? -That's okay,I'm gonna give it a go.
菲比欠7塊5,莫妮卡欠10塊So Pheebs owes $7. 50. Monica owes $10.00.
瑞秋,你欠15塊!And Rachel,you owe 15 big ones!
謝謝教我們“鬥雞眼瑪麗” 我們該用另一種方式玩了Thanks for teaching us Cross-Eyed Mary. We gotta play that other way.
這是我的7塊5,不過這錢已受到詛咒All right,here's my $7.50. But this money is cursed.
-什麼? -我已對它下咒!-What? -I cursed it!
花這些錢的人會倒大楣Now bad things will happen to the spender.
無所謂,我接受.我反正夠倒楣的了I'll take it. Bad things happen to me anyway.
我可以看場電影把它們花掉This way,I can split them up with a movie.
才剛離開綠色撲克牌機,誰就欠了15塊So that just leaves the big Greene poker machine,who owes 1 5.
你能不能不打劫呢?Could you be any smugger?
讓我看看.瑞秋,我準備開一個畫廊Let's see. Rach,I'm opening up a new art gallery...
我肯定可以用林肯和漢密爾頓的肖像...and I could sure use the portraits of Lincoln and Hamilton.
男生都這副德行 我是男人我有陰莖It's so typical. "I'm a man! I have a penis!
我得贏錢增加力量以征服女人I have to win money to exert my power over women!"
知道嗎?還沒結束This isn't over.
我們會再找你們玩 而且我們會贏你們會輸We'll play you again. We'll win. You'll lose.
你們會祈求,我們會大笑You'll beg. We'll laugh.
我們會贏走你們的每一分錢 你們會永遠恨死自己We'll take every last dime you have. And you'll hate yourselves forever!
我們的意見一致,莫妮卡Kind of stepped on my point there,Mon.
我無法相信你們輸了!有多少?I can't believe you lost! How much did they take?
差不多30塊Like 30 bucks.
-我會把錢還給你們的 -真的嗎?-I'll give you that money back. -Really?
不,我在唬你!你們還沒有學會嗎?No,I'm bluffing! You guys haven't learned crap!
-把牌遞給我! -我來行嗎?-Hand me the cards! -Can l?
現在可以交出錢來嗎? 如此我們就不必正式玩了Wanna give us your money now? We can skip the formality of really playing.
不,我倒要看看誰笑到最後,猴子男No,that's fine. We'll see who has the last laugh,monkey boy.
聊完了沒?可以開始玩真的了嗎?Done with chitchat? Ready for serious poker?
你們看,獨眼傑克一直看著我You guys,look! The one-eyed jack follows me wherever I go.
好,玩真的Right. Serious poker.
-莫妮卡,你還有鮭魚嗎? -你到底是吃東西還是玩牌?-Mon,got any more of those salmon? -You want to eat or play poker?
-你要上哪兒去? -浴室-Where are you going? -To the bathroom.
你想上廁所還是玩牌?Want to go to the bathroom or play poker?
我想上廁所Go to the bathroom.
-好吧,我去訂披薩 -不-Well,I'm gonna order a pizza. -No!
我仍等著工作的電話通知 他們的店在9點關門那時候再吃吧I'm waiting to hear from that job. The store closes at 9:00. Eat then.
行,我含薄荷糖提神That's fine. I'll just have a Tic Tac to hold me over.
未見牌不得下注,下注吧All right. Cincinnati. No blinds. Everybody,ante.
或者不太好Or no.
-你的錢是我的了,格林 -你的飛機門沒關,蓋勒-All right! Your money's mine,Greene. -Your fly's open,Geller.
我剛發現,Joker(11點)就是有個J的poker(撲克)You know what I just realized? Joker is poker with a "J"!
“巧”(coincidence)就是J碰巧換成了CThat's jo-incidence with a "C"!
-菲比? -我不跟了-Phoebe? -Yeah,I'm out.
-我跟 -我也跟-I'm in. -Me too.
我也跟,你拿什麼牌?Me too. What do you got?
你最好逃出浴室 因為我拿五張同花(沖馬桶)You better hop out of the shower,because I got a flush.
回來吧,小子,因為我拿了四張六Hop back in,bucko,because I got four sixes!
我有四張六!我贏了… 我真的贏了,天哪I got four sixes! I won! I actually won! Oh,my God!
你們知道嗎?我要把小羅斯堆起來You know what? I'll make a little Ross pile.
我想這是羅斯的 那個也是羅斯的I think that one was Ross'. And I think that one was Ross'.
我賺到你的錢,你再無法見到它Well,I have got your money And you'll never see it
你的飛機門依然沒關And your fly's still open
我騙你低頭看了I made you look
-我跟 -我不能跟-I'm in. -I couldn't be in-er.
莫妮卡,跟還是不跟?Monica,in or out?
我討厭玩牌I hate this game!
喬伊,你呢?Joey,your bet.
我像是被滿臉傷痕的胖子…I fold like a hooker who got hit in the stomach...
撞到肚子的妓女... by a fat guy with sores on his face.
我不跟I'm out.
-羅斯? -我跟-Ross? -I'm very in.
-錢德? -不跟-Chandler? -Couldn't be more out.
我也一樣,瑞秋?Me too. Rachel?
我不但跟而且還要加注 如何?還想再浪費錢嗎?I will see you and I'll raise you. Do you wanna waste another buck?
這一回不會.快嘛,給我看No,not this time. What did you have?
-我不會說的 -給我看-I'm not telling. -Show them.
-不 -給我看-No. -Show them!
-把你的手從那裡拿開! -我有同樣的約會經驗-Get your hands out of there! -I've had dates like this.
天啊,你真是輸不起的傢伙Boy,you really can't stand to lose,can you?
你的臉漲得好紅 太陽穴的小血管都浮出來了Your whole face is getting red. Veins popping out of your temple!
而且衣褲並不相稱Plus,that shirt doesn't really match those pants.
-第一,我沒輸 -別再談輸了,快發牌吧你輸定了-I'm not losing. -You're definitely losing.
瑞秋格林Hello. Rachel Greene.
這是有關工作的電話Excuse me. It's about the job!
芭芭拉,你好嗎?Barbara,hi! How are you?
不,我懂No,I understand.
不,我沒事,快別這麼說Come on. No,I'm fine. Don't be silly. Yeah.
是否還有其他職缺請人?But if anything else opens up,please
工作滿街都是There's gonna be lots of other stuff.
玩到哪兒了?Where were we?
拿五張牌,十一點比較好,大家下注Five-card draw. Jacks are better. Nothing wild. Everybody,ante.
-瑞秋,別再玩了 -要玩,下注-Look,Rach,we don't have to do this. -Yes,we do.
-好吧,下注 -下注-All right. Check. -Check.
-我下5毛錢 -跟-I'm in for 50 cents. -Call.
我跟I'm in.
我跟你5毛I see your 50 cents...
而且我要加5塊錢...and I raise you $5.
我以為5毛是上限I thought it was a 50-cent limit.
我剛失去工作所以想加5塊I just lost a job,I'd like to raise it $5.
各位有問題嗎?Does anyone have a problem with that?
-當然沒有 -沒有-Not at all. -No.
-退出 -退出是什麼意思?怎麼了?-No,I fold. -What do you mean,you fold?
你不是發牌後就不是好人了嗎?I thought that,"Once the cards are dealt,I'm not a nice guy."
還是只是虛張聲勢?Were you just full of it?
我跟I'm in.
-幾張牌? -一張-How many do you want? -One.
莊家兩張Dealer takes two.
-下多少? -我下2塊-What do you bet? -I bet $2.
我跟你2塊Okay. I see your $2...
再加你...and I raise you...
20塊... 20.
我跟你20塊I see your $20...
再加到25塊... raise you $25.
跟你25塊,莫妮卡,拿我的皮包來I see your $25 and Monica,get my purse.
瑞秋,裡面沒錢Rachel,there's nothing in it.
那就拿你的皮包來Okay,then get me your purse.
-給你.祝你好運! -謝謝-Here you go. Good luck! -Thank you.
跟你25塊,再加I saw your $25 and I raise you...
喬伊,我有點不好意思Joey,I'm a little shy.
沒問題,你有什麼問題可以問我That's okay,Ross. You can ask me.
-要多少? -15塊-What do you need? -15.
-這裡有10塊 -我這裡有5塊-Here's 10. -I got 5.
-謝謝 -祝你好運-Thank you. -Good luck.
再加十七塊I am calling your 1 7.
你拿什麼牌?What do you got?
三張同點加一對Full house.
敗給你了You got me.
-那確實很難贏 -我以為我們會贏!-That's tough to beat. -I thought we had it!
沒有好牌就是沒有好牌When you don't have the cards,you don't have the cards.
瞧,她多開心But look how happy she is.
-航空郵件 -飛機.機場,機場75-Airmail. -Airplane. Airport. Airport '75!
機場77,機場79Airport '77! Airport '79!
時間到Time's up!
再見了…小鳥(電影,又名《歡樂今宵》)Bye Bye Birdie!
那是小鳥?That's a bird?
那就是小鳥!That's a bird!
該我了Okay,it's my turn.
豆子!豆子!Bean! Bean!
(與“豆子像得不得了Unbearable Likeness of Bean”諧音)\n生命中不能承受之輕(電影,又名《布拉格之戀》)The Unbearable Lightness of Being!
答對了?That you get?
這樣就能猜中?That you get?!


我剛看過了Okay,I checked.
我們有伯爵茶,英式早餐茶,肉桂茶We have Earl Grey,English Breakfast,Cinnamon Stick...
菊花茶,薄荷茶,黑莓茶...Chamomile,Mint Medley,Blackberry and
還有…檸檬派Wait,there's one more. Lemon Soother!
你不是那個要喝茶的人對吧?You're not the guy that asked for tea,are you?
六人行 第1季 第19集 猴子跑了The One Where The Monkey Gets Away
有信來,瑞秋格林,七號公寓(模仿郵遞員)Mail call! Rachel Greene,bunk seven.
謝謝Thank you.
酷,免費試喝的咖啡Oh,cool! A free sample of coffee.
太好了,因為在哪兒還有免費的咖啡?Oh,good. Because where else would we get any?
-太好了 -那是什麼?-Oh,great. -What is it?
鄉村俱樂部的每日公報Country club newsletter.
我媽寄來通知有人要訂婚了My mother sends me the engagement notices for inspiration.
噢,我的天!是貝瑞和明蒂Oh,my God! It's Barry and Mindy!
貝瑞,你幾乎…Barry,who you almost
明蒂,你的伴娘And Mindy,your maid of
我看看,那是明蒂?Let me see. That's Mindy?
真漂亮!She is pretty!
有你這樣的朋友...to have had a friend like you.
現在是靜默時間Now it's quiet time.
馬修,拿飯給我,快…Marcel,bring me the rice. Come on.
好小子.把飯給我Good boy. Give me the rice.
真乖,謝謝Thank you. Good boy.
他終於能分辨“拿來”和“尿在”的差別了He's mastered the difference between "bring me the" and "pee in the."
瑞秋怎麼啦?"Bring me the" and Rach?
抱歉Oh,I'm sorry.
我真是太笨了This is so stupid!
是我不要貝瑞的,對吧?I mean,I gave Barry up,right?
我應該為他們高興I should be happy for them.
我…真為他們高興I am. I'm happy for them.
-真的? -不-Really? -No.
如果我和別人在一起就不同了I guess it would be different if I were with somebody.
你不是說要忘了那段感情,不再和男人在一起What happened to "Forget relationships! I'm done with men!"
禁止所有陰莖嗎?The whole penis embargo?
我不知道I don't know.
我想這不是沒有男人的問題,而是合適男人的問題It's not about no guys. It's about the right guy.
和貝瑞在一起安全自在 但是沒有激情With Barry it was safe and easy,but there was no heat.
和保羅在一起就充滿激情With Paolo,all there was,was heat.
-如野獸般原始的性愛 -好了,我懂-lt was this raw,animal,sexual -Right. I got it.
我看過你們兩個在一起的樣子I was there.
你認為我能兩者同時擁有嗎?Do you think you can have both?
找到一個能當知己 又能讓我感受到激情的人?Someone who's your best friend but also can make your toes curl.
我也這麼認為.我真的這麼認為Yes,I do. I really do.
其實說來好笑In fact,it's funny.
時常你認為Often,someone you wouldn't think could...
無法讓你感受到激情的人...curl your toes...
卻是…... might just be the one who...
被打斷了...gets interrupted.
電影如何?How was the movie?
-很不錯 -很不錯-Wonderful! -So good!
-遜斃了 -根本是小妞們看的嘛-Suck fest. -Total chick flick.
真遺憾這不是槍林彈雨I'm sorry it wasn't one of those movies with guns and bombs...
公車速度奇快的那種電影...and buses going really fast!
暴力並不能吸引我I don't need violence in a movie...
只要有裸體鏡頭我就滿足了...as long as there's a little nudity.
-那電影也有裸體鏡頭 -我是指女生的裸體鏡頭-There was nudity. -I meant female nudity.
我不愛看盧格蘭特的激情戲I don't need to see Lou Grant frolicking.
是休格蘭特(《諾丁山》主演)!Hugh! Hugh Grant!
我得走了All right,I've got to go.
走吧,馬修,快Come on,Marcel.
我們去洗澡,對不對?對We're gonna go take a bath. Yes,we are,aren't we?
他們只是朋友對吧?They're still just friends,right?
明天見And I will see you tomorrow.
對,你明天要跟瑞秋阿姨待在一起You're gonna spend tomorrow at Aunt Rachel's.
等等,莫妮卡阿姨對這件事能有發言權嗎?Does Aunt Monica get a say in this?
莫妮卡阿姨請說吧Please,Aunt Monica,please?
別緊張了,你又不在這兒Unclench. You're not even gonna be here.
-我無法相信我們竟在討論此事 -我同意,我也無法相信-I can't believe we're discussing this. -I agree. I'm,like,in disbelief.
如果你和瑞秋會產生愛情的話 還會一直拖到現在嗎?If it was gonna happen,wouldn't it have happened already?
她說她在尋找像我這樣的人She said she wants a relationship with someone exactly like me.
她真的這樣說?She said that?
“像我這樣”是我自己加的I added the exactly like me" part.
她說她在尋找某人,而此人今晚就會出現But she's looking for someone. And someone will be there tonight.
今天晚上?"Tonight" tonight?
這樣最好不過了,因為只有我們兩個It's perfect. It'll just be the two of us.
她整天都在照顧我的猴子She spent all day taking care of my monkey.
我早已忘記哪個女人照顧過我的“猴子”I can't remember the last time a girl took care of my monkey.
總之下班後我要去買瓶酒…Anyway,I figured after work,I'd pick up some wine...
去向她“示愛”...go over there and try to woo her.
知道你該怎麼做嗎?Know what you should do?
帶她回到用“示愛”表達的1890年去Take her back to the 1 890s when that phrase was last used.
如果你繼續這樣,我發誓這星期內 你就可以和這個渾蛋結束If you keep this up,you'll be finished by the weekend.
圍羽毛圍巾的是弗蘭西斯博土The one in the feathered boa is Dr. Francis.
她曾是個男人Now,she used to be a man.
蕾文出現了Look,there's Raven.
我們討厭她,真高興她就快死了We hate her. We're glad she's dying.
什麼?馬修!And then What? Marcel!
想玩莫妮卡的鞋嗎?你不能玩…Are you playing with Monica's shoes? You're not supposed to
馬修,你在鞋裡大便?Marcel,did you poo in the shoe?
天啊,壞猴子Oh,Marcel! Bad monkey!
一份小小的訂婚禮物A little engagement gift.
我相信你沒註冊這個I'm sure you didn't register for that.
誰死了?誰死了?Who died? Who died?
翻過去!好不好,翻過去!Roll him over! Come on,roll him over!
好吧,我們知道不是崔斯勒,因為…馬修?…Well,we know it wasn't Dexter,right,Marcel? Because
-你怎會把他弄丟了呢? -天曉得-How could you lose him? -I don't know!
我正在看電視,他在莫妮卡的鞋內大便We were watching TV,he pooped in Monica's shoe....
他在我的鞋裡大便?哪一雙?Wait. He pooped in my shoe? Which one?
我不知道,左腳I don't know. The left one!
是哪一雙?Which ones?
那雙你覺得搭配什麼都好看的厚底的門諾教派(指樸素)什麼的Those little clunky Amish things you think go with everything.
為何一片愁雲慘霧?Why is the air in here so negative?
瑞秋把馬修弄丟了Rachel lost Marcel.
不會吧,怎麼丟的?Oh,no! How?
-他在我鞋裡大便 -哪只?-He pooped in my shoe. -Which one?
我常穿的那雙可愛黑鞋The cute black ones I always wear.
是哪一隻?No,which one?
左腳還是右腳?The right or left?
因為左腳表示幸運Because the left one is lucky.
大家快想辦法!我該怎麼辦?Come on! What am I gonna do?
有了,如果你是只猴子,迷失在大城市時All right. You're a monkey. You're loose in the city.
你會去哪兒?Where do you go?
這是他第一次出門,所以大概和一般遊客一樣It's his first time out,so he'll do touristy things.
我去上演《貓》的地方找.你去俄羅斯茶室(世貿中心的著名餐廳)I'll go to Cats. You go to the Russian Tea Room.
別再鬧了!Oh,my God! Come on,you guys!
他馬上就會回家,他不會饒過我的He'll be home any minute. He's gonna kill me!
找整棟樓,你們找一樓,我們找其他的Search the building. Take the first floor. We'll take the rest.
我該怎麼辦?What am I gonna do?
你留在家裡等電話You stay here and wait by the phone.
在我鞋內噴“來蘇兒”消毒水,順便等羅斯回來殺你Spray Lysol in my shoe and wait for Ross to kill you.
有人要交換嗎?Does anybody want to trade?
幹嘛?What do you want?
哈克先生,我們朋友遺失了一隻猴子 你有看見嗎?Mr. Heckles,have you seen a monkey?
我放了威化餅在這兒,是不是你拿了?I left a Belgian waffle out here. Did you take it?
-你怎會放威化餅在走廊? -我還不想吃-Why'd you leave it in the hall? -I wasn't ready for it.
你有看見猴子嗎?Have you seen a monkey?
我見過吉斯·菲爾賓(主持人)I saw Regis Philbin once.
謝謝你,哈克先生Thank you,Mr. Heckles.
你們欠我威化餅You owe me a waffle.
他是一隻白臉的黑卷尾猴He's a black capuchin monkey with a white face...
加俄國醬外加醃黃瓜...with Russian dressing and pickles on the side.
今天過得如何?How did it go today?
很好啊!很好啊.真的很不錯Oh,great! It went great. Really great.
那是酒嗎?Is that wine?
是的,想喝嗎?You want some?
我非常樂意來點Oh,I would love some.
可是我們別在這兒喝But let's not drink it here.
我感覺有點瘋狂,我們去紐華克市好嗎?I'm feeling crazy. You wanna go to Newark?
前往這東北犯罪首府之前…Okay,but before we head off to the murder capital of the Northeast...
…我有些話想說... I kind of wanted to run something by you.
我們曾談過…You know how we were talking before...
…感情的問題...about relationships,and stuff.
-羅斯,我不能這麼做! -你回絕得很快而且很傷人-Oh,God,Ross,I cannot do this! -Okay,quick and painful.
好吧,好吧Okay,all right. All right,okay.
羅斯,別恨我Please don't hate me.
馬修他…You know Marcel?
我好像把他…弄丟了I kind of lost him.
我真不敢相信I can't believe this.
我只是麻煩你別讓他跑出去All I asked you to do was keep him in here!
我知道,對不起I know. I'm sorry.
不,我該負一半的責任It's partially my fault.
我不該叫你照顧猴子I shouldn't have had you start with a monkey.
應該叫你照顧鉛筆才對You should have started with a pencil.
羅斯,我已盡最大的努力 我已叫大家分頭去找I'm doing everything I can. Everyone's looking for him and I got
-是誰? -動物控制中心-Who is it? -Animal Control.
-瞧,我甚至打給動物控制中心 -你打給動物控制中心?-I've even got Animal Control. -You called Animal Control?
怎麼了?你不喜歡他們?Why? Do you not like them?
馬修是非法的外來動物Marcel is an illegal exotic animal.
我是非法飼養.萬一被他們找到他們就會帶走他I'm not allowed to have him. If they find him,they'll take him away.
好吧,可是,你從來就沒有告訴大家Well,now,see,you never ever told us that.
沒錯,因為我沒想到你會請他們來家裡Because I never expected you to invite them to the apartment!
謝謝你來Thanks for coming.
有人遺失猴子?Somebody called about a monkey?
對,這完全是個誤會You know,that was a complete misunderstanding.
我以為我們有養猴子,但是我們沒有We thought we had a monkey,but we didn't.
-結果是帽子 -貓!-Turned out it was a hat. -Cat!
我們查過了,沒人看到馬修We checked,no one's seen Marcel.
-我叔叔馬修 -那猴子是以你叔叔命名?-My uncle Marcel. -ls that who the monkey's named after?
你知道持有非法外來動物Possession of an illegal exotic is punishable...
可判刑兩年並沒收動物?... by two years in prison and confiscation of the animal.
天啊Oh,my God!
你要把這可憐的小東西關進監牢?You'd put that poor little creature in jail?
菲比,你記得如何先對自己小聲說嗎?Remember how we talked about saying things quietly to yourself first?
記得,但總不是時候Yes,but there isn't always time.
我相信我們能以友善的方式處理,請坐I'm sure there's some friendly way to reconcile this. Have a seat.
首先,我們還沒介紹自己,我叫莫妮卡We haven't met. I'm Monica Geller.
天啊,你是莫妮卡Oh,my God,you are!
還有,你是瑞秋格林對嗎?And you're Rachel Greene!
露莎珍妮提,林肯高中Luisa Gianetti! Lincoln High?
我坐在你們後面I sat behind you guys in homeroom.
露莎!哦,天哪!Luisa! Oh,my God!
莫妮卡,是露莎Monica! It's Luisa!
我也去過那裡!I went there too!
是在後面那個?Luisa! From homeroom!
你們根本不知道我是誰對不?You have no idea who I am,do you?
-不 -一點也不-No. -Not at all.
或許你們那四年,都在當我不存在Well,maybe that's because you spent four years ignoring me.
難道說“早安,露莎”Would it have been hard to say,"Morning,Luisa"...
或“好漂亮的連身褲”有那麼困難嗎?...or "Nice overalls"?
對不起Oh,I'm so sorry!
我不怪你,你當時很胖,你有自己的煩惱It's not so much you. You were fat. You had your own problems.
可是你實在是個賤貨But you. What a bitch!
別計較了You know what? Be that as it may...
猴子的事情你能幫我們嗎? 看在過去的份上?...could you help us with the monkey thing,for old times'sake?
我可以,但我拒絕I could. But I won't.
如果我找到猴子,他就是我的了If I find that monkey,he's mine.
需要幫忙嗎?Hi,can I help you?
我們有急事,我們在找東西We're having an emergency,and we were looking for something.
-猴子 -對,你有看見嗎?-A monkey. -Yes,have you seen any?
我沒看見猴子No,I haven't seen a monkey.
你知道如何修理散熱器嗎?Can you fix radiators?
當然!你試過將轉鈕轉回去嗎?Sure! Did you try turning the knob back the other way?
-當然! -那我就不知道了-Of course! -Oh. Then,no.
-試試這個是不是加太多蘭姆酒了? -等等-Taste this. Is there too much rum? -Just a second.
-希望你們能找到猴子 -不,等等-Hope you find your monkey. -No,wait!
我們對散熱器或許不太懂We may not know about radiators...
我們可是冷暖環境的專家... but we do have expertise in the heating and cooling milieu.
我們不是正在忙嗎?Aren't we in the middle of something?
對,她們很熱而且需要幫助But these women are very hot,and they need our help.
而且很火辣And they're very hot!
我們不行We can't,all right?
抱歉We're sorry.
你們不知道我們有多抱歉,我們答應人家要找猴子You don't know how sorry. We promised to find this monkey.
他約這麼高,名叫馬修He's this high and answers to the name Marcel.
如果能擁有你們的照片,就算是幫了大忙So if we could get pictures of you,it'd help us out.
從現在起不准你和其他人講話From now on,you don't get to talk to other people.
-噢,我的天! -什麼?-Oh,my God! -What?
有東西碰到我的右腳Something brushed up against my right leg.
沒什麼,是我的左腳Oh,it's okay. It was just my left leg.
馬修,過來…Oh,Marcel! Come here!
站過去,兩位小姐Step aside,ladies.
-你要幹什麼? -打鎮定劑-What are you gonna do? -Just a tranquilizer.
-你還好吧? -還行.哦-Are you okay? -I think so.
我們把周圍的鄰居都找遍了,他不見了,就這麼消失了We've been all over the neighborhood! He's just gone!
-羅斯,還不一定 -拜託,天氣好冷天又黑-You don't know that. -It's cold,it's dark.
他根本不認識路!He doesn't know the Village!
現在我的腳又受傷了,猴子沒了腳又受傷And now I have a broken foot. I have no monkey and a broken foot!
真的感謝你!Thank you very much!
羅斯,我已向你道歉過無數次I've said I'm sorry a million times.
你到底要我怎麼樣?What do you want me to do?
你也要我的腳受傷?要我也把腳弄傷You want me to break my foot too? I'll break it right now.
瞧,高興了吧Oh,my God! There,are you happy now?
對,你踢完路標後Yeah,now that you kicked the sign...
我突然不再想念馬修了... I don't miss Marcel anymore!
我真的不是故意的It's not like I did this on purpose.
當然,這是典型的瑞秋No,this is just vintage Rachel.
這種事常發生在你身上Things just sort of happen around you!
你活在瑞秋的世界中 做著瑞秋的事情…You're off in "Rachel Land," doing your "Rachel Thing"...
完全無視別人的猴子,或是別人的感覺…...oblivious to people's monkeys or to people's feelings and
羅斯,我不想聽!忘了他,好不好?I don't want to hear it! Forget it,okay?
嗨,香蕉男!Hey,banana man!
這下可好This is so intense!
一邊的屁股在睡覺,另一邊卻毫不知情One side of my butt is totally asleep and the other side has no idea.
-菲比怎麼啦? -麻醉槍-What's with Phoebe? -Tranquilizer dart.
你有訂香蕉嗎?Hi! Did you order some bananas?
-那是幹嗎的? -還我的猴子-What about it? -Give me my monkey back!
-我沒猴子 -幹嘛買一箱香蕉?-I don't have a monkey. -Then what's with the bananas?
馬修?他在哪兒?Okay,where is he?
你在浪費時間You're wasting your time.
-你對他幹了什麼? -這是我的猴子,叫佩蒂-What have you done to him? -That's my monkey. That's Patty.
你瘋了不成?過來,馬修…Are you insane? Come here,Marcel.
過來,佩蒂Come here,Patty.
過來,馬修…Come here,Marcel.
過來,佩蒂Come here,Patty.
-把我的猴子還給我 -那是我的猴子-Give me my monkey back! -It's mine.
你們到法官面前去爭吧Take this up with the judge.
那不是我的猴子 只有衣服是我的,隨時可以送回來That's not my monkey. The dress is mine. Send it back whenever.
好吧,我要我的猴子!All right,I want my monkey!
-露莎,拜託 -抱歉了,舞會皇后-Oh,come on,Luisa. -Sorry,prom queen.
你高中時幹嘛那麼賤,為何不當個胖妹?You had to be a bitch in school,instead of fat.
在學校我是舞會皇后In high school,I was prom queen...
和返校節皇后,但是你...and the homecoming queen and you...
你也在的啊...were also there.
但是這不是高中,我們現在都是成年人!But this isn't high school. We're all adults here!
我能要這個嗎?Heckles! Can I have this?
大多數是For the most part.
如果你把猴子帶走 我將失去我生命中重要的人If you take this monkey,I'll lose an important person in my life.
你可以恨我,請別折磨他You can hate me if you want,but please do not punish him.
此時你有機會成為大人物You have a chance to be the bigger person here.
把握機會吧Take it!
那麼,我只好告訴你的長官All right. Then I'll call your supervisor and tell her...
你在我朋友的屁股上開了一槍...you shot my friend with a dart!
終於能脫去這件衣服,好嗎?It'll be nice to get this off,won't it?
或是這樣也不錯Or we can leave it on. That's fine.
配上女鞋就是完整的一套了With the right pumps,that would be a great little outfit.
抱歉,我對你這麼凶Listen,I'm sorry I was so hard on you before
不,這都是我的錯,我差點…No,it was my fault. I almost lost your
不,他也是你找回來的,你做得很好Yeah,but you got him back. You were great.
那瓶酒還在We still have that bottle of wine.
有心情喝杯葡萄酒嗎?Are you in the mood for something grape?
-好呀 -很好-Sure,that would be good. -All right.
隔壁一定在用吸塵器The neighbors must be vacuuming.
只要我們在這兒…Well,as long as we're here...
…不談那個話題…...and not on the subject....
我在想…I was thinking about...
…我們剛剛實在是惡言相向... how mad we got at each other before.
大概是因為我們…And maybe it was partially because of how we
-瑞秋? -貝瑞?-Rachel? -Barry?
我辦不到.我無法和明蒂結婚I can't do it. I can't marry Mindy.
我想我愛的人依然是你I think I'm still in love with you.
我們得開始鎖門了!We have got to start locking that door!
給我們看看!來嘛!Show us! Come on!
-很久很久以前 -好吧-lt was such a long time ago. -Okay,fine. All right.
這是我在“音樂之聲”裡面,看到范崔普的孩子了嗎?This is me in The Sound of Music. See the von Trapp kids?
因為我擋在他們前面That's because I'm in front of them.
大修女!Big nun!
我以為那是阿爾卑斯山I thought that was an alp.
我的高中時代並不如意High school wasn't my favorite time.
我愛高中I loved high school.
四年的舞會,約會和做愛It was four years of parties,dating and sex and
我和400個男孩上的住宿學校Well,I went to boarding school with 400 boys.
每次做愛都是一次生活方式的重大抉擇Any sex I had would've involved a major lifestyle choice.
天啊,那不是回到一百萬年前?Doesn't it seem like a million years ago?
我的屁股醒了My butt cheek is waking up!


我真不敢相信你會這麼說I can't believe you'd actually say that.
我不是鹹味先生而是花生先生(卡通人物做的玉米小吃)?I'd much rather be Mr. Peanut than Mr. Salty.
才怪,鹹味先生是個水手No way. Mr. Salty is a sailor.
他應該是最頑強的點心He's gotta be the toughest snack there is.
我不知道,你不會想和玉米作對的I don't know. You don't wanna mess with Cornnuts.
它們簡直是瘋了They're crazy.
上帝呀.你們應該看看這個Oh,my God. You gotta come see this.
有個變態拿著望遠鏡There's some creep out there with a telescope.
我真不敢相信他在看我們I can't believe it. He's looking right at us.
真噁心Oh,that is so sick.
我感覺被冒犯了I feel violated.
而且很不爽And not in a good way.
怎會有人這樣?How can people do that?
你們看,醜陋裸男有雙重力鞋You guys,look. Ugly Naked Guy got gravity boots.
六人行 第1季 第20集 罪惡的牙醫The One With the Evil Orthodontist
幾年後學童將會把它奉為…Years from now,school children will study it...
第一次約會的經典加以研讀...as one of the greatest first dates ever.
-是的 -要我說,當然-Yeah. -I'll say,yeah.
它太令人無法置信It was unbelievable.
我們可以完全作自己,無須再玩任何遊戲We could be ourselves. We didn't have to play games.
-你打過電話給她沒? -讓她知道我喜歡她?你瘋了不成-Have you called her? -She'd know I like her. That's crazy.
夥計.你可真噁心啊Guys. It's gross.
才第二天,你要我顯得多渴望?It's the next day. How needy do I wanna seem?
-對吧 -對,讓她慢慢等吧-I'm right. Right? -Yeah,let her dangle.
我無法相信我爸媽,強迫我找你們這種男人I can't believe my parents are pushing me to find one of you people.
快,只管去做Come on. Just do it.
拿起電話打給她 別擺出一付臭男人的樣子(義同睾丸素)Call her. Stop being so testosterone-y.
對了,三藩市真有這道菜Which,by the way,is the real San Francisco treat.
-是機器 -她的答錄機?-Her machine. -Answering machine?
不,真有意思,是落葉清掃機No,interestingly,her leaf blower picked up.
你為何不說話?So,why didn't you say anything?
不行,上次我留話時No. Last time I left a spontaneous message...
結果說了“對,的確”... I ended up using the phrase,"Yes,indeed-io."
看,是瑞秋和貝瑞,不,別一起看Look,it's Rachel and Barry. Don't everybody look.
怎麼了?What's going on?
-他們只是在講話 -他是否神情落寞?-They're just talking. -Does he look upset?
他是否像被告知去死的樣子?Does he look like he was told to shove anything?
沒有,而且他正在微笑No. Actually,he's smiling.
我的老天,不要那樣幹?Oh,my God. Don't do that.
怎麼啦?怎麼啦?怎麼啦?What? What? What?
對街的男人踢了一隻鴿子That man across the street just kicked that pigeon.
這就是法案成為法律的原因And basically,that's how a bill becomes a law.
看?嗨,瑞秋See? Hey,Rach.
情況如何?How'd it go?
你們知道嗎,真的,真的好極了You know,it was actually really great.
他帶我到俄羅斯茶室餐廳吃飯Lunch at the Russian Tea Room.
我點了那種雞肉 一刺就有奶油噴出來的那種I had that chicken,where you poke it and butter squirts out.
今天真不是鳥兒的好日子Not a good day for birds.
然後我們去本多爾公司Then we went to Bendel's.
我告訴他不要,他還是買了香奈兒給我And I told him not to,but he got me a bottle of Chanel.
真體貼.是在你跟他說之前還是之後送的That's nice. Now was that before or after you told him...
叫他別再打電話來,別再送你花,別再來煩你?...to stop calling,stop sending flowers and to leave you alone?
老實說我沒機會開口Right. Well,we never actually got to that.
能再見到他的感覺真好It was just so nice to see him again.
感覺是那麼自在而熟悉It was comfortable and it was familiar.
感覺真好It was just nice.
你已講了兩遍That's nice twice.
他不是在聖壇前被你甩掉的貝瑞嗎?Isn't this the same Barry who you left at the altar?
你上哪兒去了?Where have you been?
今天和他在一起感覺不同It was different with him today.
他今天不像是牙醫He wasn't,like,Orthodontist Guy.
我們玩得很開心,這樣有什麼不對嗎?I mean,we had fun. Is there anything wrong with that?
-為什麼? -我有我的理由-Why? -I have my reasons.
那麼他訂婚的物件…He's engaged to another woman...
是你以前的好朋友這件事呢?...who happens to be your ex-best friend?
好吧!我知道這樣做很傻All right. I know it's stupid.
我下午會去找他談分手I'll see him this afternoon and put an end to it.
我不瘋狂吧?我從未像這樣I'm not crazy,right? I mean,it was never like that.
從未No,it wasn't.
這兒有個小水槽真好It was so nice having this little sink here.
還掛著…證書Then with authority,hang up.
你到底留言嗎?Will you just leave her the message?
好的,這就說Okay. All right,fine.
丹妮爾,沒想到是答錄機接的"Oh,Danielle,I wasn't expecting the machine.
有空請回電Give me a call when you get a chance.
你這兩小時都在忙這個?That's what you've been working on for two hours?
我在演練Hey,I've been honing.
-和盤子有何關係? -我要她以為我在餐廳-What was with the dishes? -She might think I'm in a restaurant.
我過著不錯的生活I might have a life. Like I haven't been sitting here...
不是只在這兒演練數小時的樣子... honing for the last two hours?
-看,又是那個拿望遠鏡的人. -哦,我的上帝-The telescope guy's doing it again. -Oh,my God.
拜託,走開,別再往這兒看Go away. Stop looking in here.
這下可好,他也揮手了Great. Now he's waving back.
我們得想辦法阻止他We gotta do something.
早上我逮到他往這兒看 真是令我毛骨悚然,我感覺自己無法辦事I caught him looking into our place. I feel like I can't do stuff.
什麼樣的事情呀?What kind of stuff?
成熟點行嗎,我不是指性Will you grow up? I'm not talking about sexy stuff...
我只是光著屁股做飯...but,like,when I'm cooking naked.
你光著屁股做飯?You cook naked?
對,烤麵包,燕麥,不會濺出來的東西Yeah,toast,oatmeal. Nothing that spatters.
看我幹嘛?我毫不知情What are you looking at me for? I didn't know that.
怎麼了?What's the matter?
貝瑞,這樣不好I just Oh,Barry,this was not good.
不,好.是非常非常好No,it was. It was very,very good.
-明蒂呢? -我們幹得比明蒂好多了-What about Mindy? -Way better than Mindy.
不,我是指你和明蒂I mean,what about you and Mindy?
如果你願意我就和她分手If you want,I'll break it off with her.
萬萬不行,別那樣做.別為我那樣做No,don't do that. Not for me.
法伯大夫,巴比來做調整Dr. Farber,Bobby Rush is here for his adjustment.
我們週末去渡假Let's go away this weekend.
-貝瑞,這樣太… -不,或許我們可以去阿魯巴-This is all way too -No,we can go to Aruba.
我在“蜜月”時去過了When I went there on what would've been our honeymoon...
感覺很棒,你一定會喜歡的...it was really nice. You would've liked it.
我本來有穿胸罩I had a bra.
嘿,法伯大夫Hey,Dr. Farber.
格林小姐,看來一切正常All right,Miss Greene,everything looks fine.
進步許多We're starting to see some real progress.
-幹嘛? -我十二歲了,我不是傻子-What? -I'm 1 2,I'm not stupid.
能借用你的電話嗎?Can I use your phone?
我指點你一下,你拿的那支…For future reference,that thing in your hand...
…也可以當電話使...can also be used as a phone.
這電話沒問題啊Yes,it's working.
-她為何不回電? -或許她沒聽到你的留言-Why isn't she calling? -Maybe she never got your message.
如果願意你可以打給她的留言機 如果聽見許多嗶聲Call her machine,and if she has a lot of beeps...
那代表她或許沒聽見留言...that means she didn't get her messages yet.
-難道你不認為這樣會使我感覺有點 -絕望,渴望,可悲?-Doesn't that make me seem? -Desperate? Needy? Pathetic?
你顯然看過我的私人廣告You obviously saw my personal ad.
嗶幾聲?How many beeps?
她接的She answered.
此時你該向她打招呼才對This is where you'd use that "hello" word.
我不能跟她講話,她顯然聽到我的留言I won't talk to her. She got my message...
而且選擇不回電,我既渴望又被人冷落...and is choosing not to call me. Now I'm needy and snubbed.
我真想念純渴望的滋味God,I miss just being needy.
嘿,他表現如何?So how'd he take it?
事實上,還不錯Pretty well,actually.
你頭髮上為何有牙線?How come you have dental floss in your hair?
有嗎?Oh,do l?
-我們在他椅上做愛 -你們在他椅上做愛?-We ended up having sex in his chair. -You had sex in his chair?
我是否說得太大聲?I said that a little too loudly,didn't l?
你們什麼?You had what?
在他椅上做愛Sex in his chair.
你到底在想什麼?What...? What were you thinking?
我也不知道,我們仍在乎對方I don't know. We still care about each other.
我們曾相愛過,就像你和卡蘿一樣There's a history there. It's like you and Carol.
不,不像我和卡蘿It's nothing like me and Carol.
如果她說:羅斯我要你躺在這沙發上If she said to you,"Ross,I want you on this couch...
此時此地,你會怎麼回答?... right here,right now," what would you say?
如果需要我可以過去點If it helps,I could slide over.
這完全是兩回事,這是蘋果和桔子It's a totally different situation. It's apples and oranges.
牙醫和女同志,我走了It's orthodontists and lesbians I gotta go.
-你要上哪兒去? -我就是要走,行嗎?-Where are you going? -I just have to go.
我有自己的人生要過I have things to do with my life.
我有許多事要做I have a jam-packed schedule.
被某事耽擱了And I am late for keeping up with it,okay?
你好How are you?
對,我聽說了,恭喜.這真是太好了Yes,I heard. Congratulations. That is so great.
我明天要上班,如果願意可以到店裡I'm working tomorrow,but if you want,you can come by if you'd like.
明天見了So I'll see you tomorrow.
好的,再見Okay. Bye.
天呀 天呀 天呀Oh,God. Oh,God.
明蒂好嗎?So how's Mindy?
她明天想見我,她的語調好詭異,我得打電話給貝瑞She wants to see me tomorrow. She sounded weird. I gotta call Barry.
是我,我只是,明蒂It's me. I just Mindy.
明蒂.我想你可能會在那兒Mindy. No,I figured that's where you'd be.
你這種人都該下地獄Hell is filled with people like you.
偷窺狂又出現了,蹲下He's back. The peeper's back.
-蹲下? -蹲下?-Get down. -Get down?
接著跳舞And boogie.
我得去上班,接受明蒂的審判I gotta go and get my eyes scratched out by Mindy.
放輕鬆,或許她還不知道She may not even know.
拜託,我們七個月來沒聯絡過 她突然打電話來還會有什麼事呢?I haven't heard from her in seven months,what else is it about?
她曾是我最要好的朋友She was my best friend.
-我們一起去夏令營,她教我如何親吻 -是嗎?We went to camp together,she taught me how to kiss....Yeah?
如今我像是成了第三者Now,you know,I'm,like,the other woman.
-我感覺自己很…-頑皮-I feel so -Naughty.
-回頭見了.-我和你一起出去-See you later. -I'll walk with you.
她在夏令營時教你親吻,你穿著制服,還是…When she taught you to kiss,were you wearing any kind of little uniform?
沒事了.That's fine,yeah.
我要上洗手間,幫我守著電話好嗎?I'm going to the bathroom. Will you watch my phone?
-你何不帶進去? -我們還沒第二次約會-Take it with you. -We haven't had a second date...
-她需要聽到我尿尿的聲音嗎? -何不乾脆打給她?-...she needs to hear me pee? -Why don't you call her?
我已留言,不能打給她.我有男性的尊嚴I can't. I left a message. I have some pride.
-有嗎? -沒有-Do you? -No.
是我,錢德It's Chandler.
我很好I'm fine.
我不知道你是否打過電話給我I don't know if you tried to call me because...
因為我不小心把電話關了... I accidentally shut off my phone.
好,太好了That's fine. That's great. Okay.
她正在講電話,等一下會回我電話She's on the other line. She's gonna call me back.
她正在講電話,等一下會回我電話…She's on the other line,she's gonna call me back.
-你不想尿了? -這就是我跳舞的原因-Don't you have to pee? -That's why I'm dancing.
-明蒂. -嗨,你好-Mindy. -Hey,you.
什麼事?So what's up?
我們該坐下來談We should really be sitting for this.
當然啦Sure we should.
我只問一次,我希望你直接回答I'm gonna ask once,and I want a straight answer.
這好像在問,紅色短褲是不是 讓我的屁股顯得大一些一樣Not like when I asked if those red pants made my ass look big.
我感覺最近有點奇怪I know things have been weird...
你是我認識最久的朋友,除了蘿瑞之外...but you're my oldest friend,except for Laurie...
她雖已減肥成功...who's bitter because she lost weight...
但是,臉蛋依然醜陋...and it turns out,she doesn't have a pretty face.
-我要說了啊. -好的-Okay,I'm just gonna say it. -Okay.
願意當我的伴娘嗎?Will you be my maid of honor?
-當然! -太好了-Of course. -That's so great.
這是,這是,這是It is. It is. It is.
-這就是你想問我的事? -對,就這樣-That's all you wanted to ask? -That's all.
-怎麼了? -不,不只這樣-What? -That's not all.
-當然是的 -也不全是-Oh,sure it is. -Oh,no,it isn't.
我認為貝瑞有其他的女人I think Barry's seeing someone in the city.
你怎會這樣想?What would make you think that?
宣佈訂婚後他就變了樣Since the engagement,he's acted weird.
昨晚他回家時有香奈兒的味道And then last night,he came home smelling like Chanel.
如果這樣能讓你好過點If it'll make you feel any better...
我和貝瑞訂婚時他也變了樣...when Barry and I got engaged,he was weird too.
瞧,這就是我最擔心的Oh,God. That's what I was afraid of.
什麼?你擔心什麼?What's what you were afraid of?
貝瑞和你訂婚時,我跟他…When Barry was engaged to you,he and l...
…正在偷偷戀愛... kind of had a little thing on the side.
-什麼? -我知道-What? -I know,I know.
他向我求婚時,每個人都勸我別接受 他會待你像瑞秋一樣When he proposed,people said,"He'll do to you what he did to Rachel."
如今我只覺得自己好笨And now I feel so stupid.
明蒂,你真笨You are so stupid.
我們兩人都笨We are both so stupid.
什麼意思?What do you mean?
是不是熟悉的味?Smell familiar?
抱歉…Oh,I'm so sorry.
不,是我抱歉…Oh,no,me. I am so sorry.
不,我對不起,我抱歉No,I am sorry. I'm sorry.
四個字母,圈圈或圓圈Four letters,"circle or hoop."
-快響(意同圓圈)呀,該死的,快響呀. -謝啦-Ring,damn it,ring. -Thanks.
-我們的電話壞了. -什麼?-You know our phone's not working? -What?
我從咖啡店打給你沒有回音I called and there was no answer.
我關機了I turned it off.
上帝他母親啊,我關機了Mother of God,I turned it off.
和你告訴她的一樣Just like you told her you did.
我只是指出諷刺的意味來Just pointing out the irony.
我和對街門房談過了I went across the street to the doorman.
他告訴我那偷窺狂的名字,電話能借用嗎?I got the peeper's name. Can I use the phone?
電話能借用嗎?Can I use your phone?
請幫我查辛尼馬克斯的電話The number for a Sidney Marks,please.
熱裝置?"Heating device."
五個字母Five letters.
是辛尼嗎?Yeah,is Sidney there?
辛尼是個女的Oh,this is? Sidney's a woman.
是女的又怎樣?So she's a woman,so what?
對,那又怎樣?Yeah,so what?
我住在對街.我注意到你拿著望遠鏡I live across the street,and I know about your telescope.
而且我很不喜歡你這樣And I don't appreciate it.
我現在就看的見你,嗨Yeah,I can see you right now. Hello?
如果我要穿著內褲在室內走,我無須感覺…If I wanna walk around in my underwear,I shouldn't have to feel
謝謝Thank you.
那不是重點,重點是…That's not really the point. The point is,that
大部份是寬鬆的,偶爾Mostly free-weights,but occasionally
對,我鄰居,對,黑褐色頭髮Yeah,my neighbor. Yeah,the brunette.
她說你穿綠色套裝很好看She said you looked pretty that day in the green dress.
綠色套裝?真的?The green dress? Really?
對,她說你像英格麗褒曼(美女明星)She said you looked like lngrid Bergman.
她提到我了嗎?Did she mention me?
她想知道為什麼你頭上頂塊毛巾She wants to know why you tie the towel around your head.
那是調節器,行不行?It's a leave-in conditioner,okay?
那是調節器It's a leave-in conditioner.
-你有時間嗎? -當然,當然-You got a second? -Sure,sure.
進…Come on...
…來 -親愛的-...in. -Hello,sweetheart.
你們來幹什麼?What you guys doing here?
我們是來和你分手的We are here to break up with you.
你們兩個?Both of you?
基本上我們認為你是個大爛人 你該遭到天譴We think you're a horrible person,and bad things should happen to you.
對不起…我是個白癡I'm sorry. God,I am so sorry.
我是個懦夫,我無法自拔I was weak. I couldn't help myself.
不管我做什麼都是因為太愛你了Whatever I did,I only did because I love you so much.
貝瑞,你是指哪一個?Which one of us are you talking to there?
當然是指明蒂.我一直深愛著明蒂Of course,Mindy. It was always Mindy.
即使我們在你椅上做愛?When we were having sex in that chair?
我發誓,不論我做什麼我都想著你I swear,whatever I was doing,I was thinking of you.
拜託,第二回合時你根本把她忘得一乾二淨了Please. That second time,you couldn't have picked her out of a lineup.
你們做了兩次?You did it twice?
第一次不算,你瞭解貝瑞的The first time didn't really count. You know,it was Barry.
明蒂,我親愛的,再給我一次機會Honey,sweetheart,look. Just give me another chance.
我們再重新來過,我們再到阿魯巴去We'll start over. We'll go back to Aruba.
你和阿魯巴有什麼關係? 你和航空公司有協議嗎?What is it with you and Aruba? Do you have a deal with the airlines?
你怎麼說?What do you say?
法伯大夫,緊急狀況Dr. Farber,we've got an emergency here.
強森被自己的牙套噎到了Jason Castalano 's choking on his retainer.
拜託,我馬上去Oh,God. I'll be right there,Bernice.
請別離開Look,please don't go anywhere.
我馬上回來I'll be right back.
我們會在這兒的,在這兒恨你Okay,and we'll be here,hating you.
看見他走出去時滿身大汗沒?See how he was sweating when he walked out?
這樣吧,我去抓住他那裡,然後你跳過去If I'm hogging the ball,you jump right in there...
…狠狠打他幾拳.那感覺一定很爽...and take some punches. This feels great.
是嗎?我還是想嫁給她I'm pretty sure I'm still gonna marry him.
你在說什麼?What are you talking about?
明蒂,那傢伙是個惡魔Mindy,the guy is the devil.
是個衣冠禽獸He is Satan in a smock.
我知道他並不完美I know he's not perfect.
老實說我還是想當But the truth is at the end of the day,I still really wanna be...
貝瑞牙醫的…... Mrs. Dr. Barry Farber...
…太太... D. D.S.
希望你能為我高興I hope you can find a way to be happy for me.
我希望你還願意當我的伴娘And I hope you'll still be my maid of honor.
我希望貝瑞在阿魯巴不會將你宰了然後吃掉And I hope Barry doesn't kill you and eat you in Aruba.
你還好嗎?You okay?
自從我在婚禮上拋下貝瑞Since I ran out on Barry at the wedding...
我一直在想這決定是否正確...I've wondered whether I made the right choice.
如今我已得到答案And now I know.
我真為你高興I'm so glad.
大日子Big day.
告訴你花生先生的穿著比較講究I'll give you this: Mr. Peanut is a better dresser.
他有單片眼鏡,高帽He's got the monocle,he's got the top hat....
你知道他是個男同志嗎?Did you know he's gay?
我只想知道你判花生先生出局?I just wanna clarify this. Are you outing Mr. Peanut?
各位,她叫丹妮爾,丹妮爾,這是大家Everybody,this is Danielle. Danielle,everybody.
你為何會出現在這兒?Why are you here?
我一直打電話給你都一直打錯號碼I've been calling,but I had your number wrong.
最後問查號臺知道你的號碼 卻沒人接電話When I got the right one,there was no answer.
我想來看看你是否無恙So I thought I'd come down here and make sure you were okay.
我沒事I'm okay.
或許我們改天可以見個面Maybe we could get together later?
這主意不錯,我再打給你 或是你打給我That sounds good. I'll call you. Or you call me,whatever.
一言為定You got it.
-再見了,各位. -再見-Bye,everybody. -Bye.
-你會和她. -二次約會-There you go. -Second date.
我不知道I don't know.
你不知道?You don't know?
她好像很不錯,她大老遠來這兒She seems nice,but her coming all the way here...
只想確定我沒事,有這必要嗎?...just to see if I was okay? I mean,how needy is that?


媽媽,能不能就那麼一次,我們一起吃飯時Mother,just once,can we go to lunch...
你不要談論我的衣著和我的工作...and not talk about what I'm wearing or where my career is going?
包括我和誰約會Or who I'm dating.
-準備好買單了? -天哪,是的-Ready for the check? -God,yes.
-我來吧. -不,親愛的-I'll take it. -No,darling.
我說了我來.這裡,拿著,走,跑I said I'll take it. Here,take it. Go. Run.
你真貼心Very sweet.
-他們到底為什麼給你工錢. -因為工作-And on what they pay you -Career.
你不用擔心我.我做的很好You don't have to worry about me. I'm doing fine.
我想這張卡被禁用了I'm afraid this has been denied.
這不可能That's impossible.
好吧,親愛的,用這張吧That's all right,dear. Here you go.
六人行 第1季 第21集 假莫妮卡The One With The Fake Monica
怎麼會有人知道你的信用卡號碼?How'd someone get your card number?
我也不知道,你看他們花了多少錢No idea. Look how much they spent.
你只須付你所買的東西You only have to pay for the stuff you bought.
我知道,他真是揮霍無度Still,it's just such reckless spending.
我想他偷去你的信用卡時When somebody steals...
根本就已忘了王法...they've already thrown caution to the wind.
真是個變態,花了69.95元買“神奇拖把”Wow,what a geek. They spent $69. 95 on a Wonder Mop.
我買的That's me.
你看,我說變態,我的意思是You see,when I say geek,I mean
怎麼回事,你花了70塊買一把拖把,你是個變態The hell with it,you bought a $70 mop,you're a geek.
哦,討厭.羅斯,他又這麼幹了Oh,yuck. Ross,he's doing it again.
馬修,別再侵犯那盞燈了Marcel,stop humping the lamp.
停止侵犯.現在,馬修,過來,馬修Stop humping. Now,Marcel,come Come here,Marcel.
不,又到我房裡了,我去抓他出來Oh,no. Not in my room. I'll get him.
羅斯,你得想辦法阻止You've got to do something about that.
什麼?這只是個階段What? It's just a phase.
我們當時也是這麼說喬伊的Well,that's what we said about Joey.
你們能多給點理解嗎?You'd think you would be more understanding.
我明白.可是我們不能I know. But we're not.
你們冷靜點行嗎?這又沒什麼了不起Would you all relax? It's not that big a deal.
-馬修,停,壞猴子 -又怎麼了?-Marcel,stop it. Marcel. Bad monkey. -What?
我只能說,我的好奇喬治(猴子模樣的玩具)不再好奇了Let's say my Curious George is no longer curious.
莫妮卡,你還是無法釋懷You are not still going over that thing.
-這女人過著我的生活 -什麼?-This woman's living my life. -What?
她過著我的生活,而且過得比我好She's living my life,and she's doing it better than me.
看,她買的戲票是我一直想看的戲Look at this. Look. She buys tickets to plays I wanna see.
她買的衣服是我早就想買的She shops where I'm afraid of the salespeople.
-她花了三百塊買藝術用品 -你又不是藝術家-She spent $300 on art supplies. -You're not an artist.
如果有藝術用品,我或許已是個藝術家I might be if I had the supplies.
我本來可以的,只是現在不是I mean,I could do all this stuff. Only I don't.
莫妮卡,別洩氣,你做的工作很酷Oh,Monica,come on. You do cool things.
真的?我們來做比較,好嗎?Really? Let's compare,shall we?
現在說“好嗎”時間有點太晚了Oh,it's so late for "shall we."
我到過公園騎馬嗎?Do I horseback ride in the park?
-我在新學校上過課嗎? -沒有-Do I take classes at the New School? -No.
她擁有我想要的一切,而且她沒有我媽She's got everything I want,and she doesn't have my mother.
-喬伊帕波尼如何? -不好,太有種族意味了-How about Joey Paponi? -No,still too ethnic.
-我的經紀人認為,我該取個中立一點的名字 -喬伊瑞士?-My agent wants a more neutral name. -Joey Switzerland?
而且,我應該就是喬,喬伊讓我感覺…這麼大Plus,I think it should be Joe. Joey makes me sound like I'm this big:
可我不是Which I'm not.
喬…喬史達林?Joe,Joe,Joe Stalin?
我認識這名字嗎?聽得很熟悉Do I know that name? It sounds familiar.
我沒印象Well,it does not ring a bell with me.
但是你是深深陷在表演事業之中了啊But you're more plugged into that show business thing.
喬史達林Joe Stalin.
這名字很好You know,that's pretty good.
或許你想試試喬瑟夫You might wanna try Joseph.
喬瑟夫史達林(前蘇聯領導人)Joseph Stalin.
-我好像記得這個名字 -是的-I think you'd remember that. -Yes.
《再見,小鳥》(著名電影)喬瑟夫史達林主演Bye Bye Birdie,starring Joseph Stalin.
《屋頂上的提琴手》(著名電影)中的喬瑟夫史達林Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the Roof.
對,我是莫妮卡蓋勒Hi. Yes,this is Monica Geller.
我想有在你們那裡上課,我想知道是哪些課I'm taking some classes with you,and I was wondering what they were.
我最近頭部受傷,只記得一些數字了I've had a recent head injury and certain numbers
野外烤肉.哦,我應該去嗎?好的Barbecue. Oh,did l? See,there you go.
-你在幹什麼? -太好了,謝謝-What are you doing? -All right,great.
太棒了,非常感謝,我要去上踢踏舞課Great. Thanks a lot. I'm going to tap class.
和偷你信用卡的人一起跳踢踏?To dance with the woman that stole your card?
這樣你就可以知道她長什麼樣子To see what she looks like.
我可以肯定她的照片就掛在郵局裡面I'm sure her picture's up at the post office.
我應該去看看她是誰I should get to see who she is.
莫妮卡,你有點失去理智了,你被這件事完全操控You're kind of losing it here. This is becoming a weird obsession.
我跟你說,這叫做瘋狂This is madness,I tell you.
上帝保佑,莫妮卡別這麼做For the love of God,Monica,don't do it.
謝謝Thank you.
-你們怎麼認為? -很多人-What do you think? -Lots of things.
-你認為是哪一個? -我能幫你們什麼嗎?-Which one is she? -May I help you?
謝謝,我們是來參觀的No,thanks. We're just here to observe.
舞蹈課不是參觀的,是來跳舞的You don't observe a dance class. You dance a dance class.
那兒有舞鞋Spare shoes are over there.
什麼意思?What does she mean?
我想她是叫我們進去跳I think she means "You dance a dance class."
-來吧,來吧,來吧 -真的?-Come on,come on,come on. -Really?
有看見我的分身嗎?Do you see anybody you think could be me?
各位,上回有人在教室留下酸乳空瓶Last time there were yogurt containers lying around after class.
-希望別再發生那種事 -她可能是你-Let's not have that happen again. -She could be you.
開始吧Let's get started.
五,六,五,六,七,八Five,six. Five,six,seven,eight.
-我跟不上 -我完全融入-Okay,I'm not getting this. -I'm totally getting it.
你不會覺得,自己有時毫無協調感嗎?Do you ever feel like you're so uncoordinated?
怎麼了?只要他們踢的時候你踢就是了What? You click when they click.
各位找個舞伴All right,everyone grab a partner.
我死去的媽說就是你,我和瑞秋All right. And my dead mother said you are it. I'm with Rachel.
這下可好,體育課的舊事又重演了Great,it's gym class all over again.
無所謂,你過來和我一起跳You can come up to the front and dance with me.
我何不脫下衣服來場惡夢?Why don't I just take off my clothes and have a nightmare?
沒關係,我來了抱歉,我遲到It's okay,it's okay. I'm here,I'm here. I'm so sorry I'm late.
來了,那個緊張的新人是誰?Okay,here I am. So who's the new tense girl?
-你的舞伴 -我叫莫妮卡-She's your partner. -Hi,I'm Monica.
我叫莫…Hi,I'm Mon
-…娜娜 -莫娜娜-Nana. -Monana.
-是荷蘭人的名字 -你在開玩笑吧-It's Dutch. -You're kidding.
我在阿姆斯特丹住了三年I spent three years in Amsterdam.
我是德裔賓夕法尼亞州人(語言是夾雜英語的德語)Pennsylvania Dutch.
開始吧.五,六,七,八And we're dancing. Five,six,seven,eight.
-你上哪兒去了 -我剛從獸醫那回來-Hey. Where have you been? -I just got back from the vet.
她沒叫你戴那種塑膠套吧?She's not gonna make you wear a big plastic cone?
她說馬修亂性不是暫時的She says Marcel's humping is not a phase.
顯然他已性成熟Apparently,he's reached sexual maturity.
嘿,他超過你呢Hey,he beat you.
她說他會越來越暴力,侵略性越來越強She says,as time goes on,he's gonna start getting violent.
這代表什麼?So,what does this mean?
我們不能再養他了I have to give him up.
我真不敢相信,這真是太扯了I can't believe it. This sucks.
我不懂,你才剛養他,他怎會突然成熟了?You just got him. How could he be an adult already?
我知道,之前他只是個小東西I know. One day he's this little thing...
不知不覺中他就成了緊抓住我的腿不放的小東西...and then he's this little thing I can't get off my leg.
你沒有任何辦法再養他嗎?Isn't there any way to keep him?
沒辦法,獸醫說除非有個地方…No. The vet said unless he's in a place...
…讓他獲得正常的…...where he has regular access...
…猴愛...to some monkey loving...
…否則他會變得愈來愈殘暴... he's just gonna get vicious.
我得將他送到動物園I just gotta get him into a zoo.
-你如何把他送進動物園? -我知道-How do you get a monkey into a zoo? -I know.
不,那是教皇進入大眾汽車No,that's popes into a Vokswagen.
我們到處申請,當然大型州立動物園是優先考慮We're applying to a lot. Our first choice would be a big state zoo.
比方說聖地牙哥動物園You know,like San Diego. Right?
那可能只是遙不可及的夢想,因為他在加州But that may just be a pipe dream. He's out-of-state.
獸醫說她認識邁阿密的朋友,或許有可能My vet knows someone at Miami,so that's a possibility.
那兒似乎離海灘只有兩條街,一定是個派對動物園But that's two blocks from the beach. It's a total party zoo.
我們找到她了We found the girl.
-你們喊員警了嗎? -沒有,我們和她吃午餐-Did you call the cops? -We took her to lunch.
你們自己的“自治正義”Oh,your own brand of vigilante justice.
你瘋了?那女人偷了你的東西Are you insane? This woman stole from you.
她偷東西,她是個小偷She stole. She's a stealer.
和這女人相處十分鐘後,你就會把這些全忘了After you're with this woman for 10 minutes,you forget that.
她簡直是奇女子,振奮人心I mean,she's this astounding person with this amazing spirit.
她可能是從某位啦啦隊隊員那兒偷來的Which she probably stole from some cheerleader.
-脫下他們的帽子 -大眾車上的教皇-Take off their hats. -Popes in a Vokswagen.
我喜歡這個笑話I love that joke.
-不可能,你不可能這麼做 -莫娜娜相當勇敢-No way. No way did you do this. -Monana was very brave.
我說我們是615房的岡德森姐妹We told them we were the Gundersons in room 61 5...
結果波士頓塞爾提克已包下整個樓層...only to find out the Boston Celtics had the entire floor.
他們知道我們又矮又有胸部時When they saw that we're short and have breasts....
他們就把我們轟出來,我被轟出飯店,我They threw us out. I was thrown out of a hotel. Me.
不是只有你們活在夢中You ladies are not the only ones living the dream.
我得去為我不認識的人倒咖啡,不用等我了I get to go pour coffee for people I don't know. Don't wait up.
對了Oh,by the way...
明天我們要去參加百老匯的試演...tomorrow we're auditioning for a Broadway show.
-什麼? -《貓》劇還有一個缺額-Excuse me? -There's an open call for Cats.
我想我們可以去唱“回憶”I'm thinking we sing "Memories"...
讓自己當個傻子,如何?...and make complete fools of ourselves. What do you say?
不,記得你身旁的人是誰No,no,no. Remember who you're dealing with here.
我和你不一樣 我連站在踢踏舞教室前都有困難I can't even stand in front of a tap class.
因為你有門諾教派的血統That's because of your Amish background.
-什麼? -你不是德裔賓夕法尼亞州人嗎?-What? -You're Pennsylvania Dutch,right?
對,直到我買了吹風機被驅逐\n(門諾教派後人遠離科技產品過著農業生活)Right. Till I bought a blow dryer. Then I was shunned.
我過去也和你一樣 有一天我看了出改變我人生的電影I was just like you. And then,one day,I saw a movie that changed my life.
看過《死亡詩社》(羅賓·威廉姆斯主演)嗎?Did you ever see Dead Poets Society?
我認為這電影實在是太…無聊了I thought that movie was so incredibly boring.
那孩子在電影的結局時…That thing at the end where the kid...
…自殺了.只因他無法演出話劇?...kills himself because he can't be in the play?
這是在幹什麼? 他再等一年離家,到社區話劇團去It's like,"Kid,wait a year. Leave home,do some community theater."
走出電影院時我想,花在這部爛片上的兩個小時再也回不來了I thought,"That's two hours of my life that I'm never getting back."
這想法震驚了我,從此便不再懼怕嘗試任何事了That scared me more than all the other crap I was afraid to do.
那我不敢推薦《窈窕奶爸》(也是羅賓·威廉姆斯主演)了Wow. Then I would definitely not recommend Mrs. Doubtfire.
我們進不了斯克蘭頓了We didn't get into Scranton.
那是我們保底的動物園That was,like,our safety zoo.
他們連狗和牛都收They take,like,dogs and cows.
我不懂是我還是他比較難受See,I don't know who this is harder on,me or him.
我想應該椅子最可憐I'd say that chair's taking the brunt of it.
馬修,馬修,馬修…不Marcel. Marcel. Marcel,no.
乖,為何沒人要他?Good boy. See? How can nobody want him?
一定有人會要的Somebody will.
早就有人叫喬瑟夫史達林了You know,there already is a Joseph Stalin.
開什麼玩笑You're kidding.
顯然他是屠殺各種民族的俄國獨裁者Apparently,he was this Russian dictator who slaughtered people.
-你怎麼會不知道. -你怎麼認為我知道-You'd think you would've known that. -You'd think I would've.
嗨,喬伊·希瑟頓(演員)怎麼樣Hey,how about Joey Heatherton?
拜託,我告訴過你不要用回喬伊Come on,I told you I don't wanna go back to Joey.
菲比 你認為我該取什麼藝名?What do you think a good stage name for me would be?
火焰男孩Flame Boy.
你的動物園在哪兒?Where exactly is your zoo?
就技術上而言不算是動物園Well,it's technically not a zoo,per se.
而是一種互動式野生動物體驗It's more of an interactive wildlife experience.
我想請教你幾個關於馬修的問題Let me ask you some questions about Marcel.
-他會和其他動物打架嗎? -不會的,他非常溫馴-Does he fight with other animals? -No,no. He's very docile.
如果被逼進角落裡去時呢?Even if he were cornered?
我不知道,幹嘛這麼問?Well,I don't know. Why?
他掌控小東西的能力如何?How is he at handling small objects?
他會拿香蕉,如果你是這意思的話He can hold a banana,if that's what you mean.
鐵槌或小刀呢?What about a hammer or a small blade?
為什麼?為何需要小刀?Why would he need a blade?
面對有角的動物時If he's up against an animal with horns...
你得拿些東西給他自我防衛...you got to give him something.
否則就太殘忍了Otherwise,it's just cruel.
-他能去聖地牙哥了 -什麼?-He got into San Diego. -What?
我們散步回來聽見電話鈴響We came back from our walk. The phone was ringing....
然後他就被收下了He's in.
聽見沒,馬修,是聖地牙哥Did you hear that,Marcel? San Diego. San Diego.
你大錯特錯了,聖地牙哥環境良好沒錯You're making a mistake. San Diego's good...
如果你把他交給我 我就能訓練他對抗瞎眼的兔子... but I'll start him off against a blind rabbit...
而且我還可以給你百分之二十的門票收入...and give you 20% of the gate.
你到底跑哪兒去了?Where have you been?
我和莫妮卡剛跑去參加大使館舞會Monica and I just crashed an embassy party.
我想我吻了大主教I think I kissed an archbishop.
當然,也可能是廚師But,of course,it could've been a chef.
-你喝醉了? -才沒有呢-Are you drunk? -No.
-騙你的,我醉醺醺的 -天哪-I'm lying. I am so drunk. -Oh,God.
莫妮卡,你該打電話回來的You know what? You could've called.
我一直在家裡擔心你I've been worried Monica.
好過癮Water rules.
沒錯Yes. Yes,it does.
餐廳今天又來電話了,他們想知道你還要不要去上班The restaurant called. They wanna know if you're showing up for work.
不去.我今天要去大蘋果馬戲團Nope. Going to the Big Apple Circus today.
你快丟掉工作了,你變了You're gonna lose your job. This is not you.
不,這正是我No,it is me.
我不只是那種必須拍松枕頭I'm not just the person who fluffs the pillows...
帳單一來立刻去繳款的人...and pays the bills right away.
和她在一起,我就超越了那種人You know,when I'm with her,I'm so much more than that.
我是莫娜娜I'm Monana.
對,她在,等等Hello? Yes,she is. Hold on a second please.
莫娜娜,你的電話,信用卡公司打來的Monana,it's for you. The credit card people.
天呐Oh,my God.
-謝謝. -怎麼啦?-Thanks. -What?
他們已逮到莫妮卡They've arrested Monica.
-嗨.-嗨-Hi. -Hi.
你好嗎?How are you?
不太糟,幸好我喜歡藍色Not too bad. Fortunately,blue's my color.
你怎會知道我在這兒?How did you know I was here?
因為我是莫妮卡蓋勒Because I'm Monica Geller.
你用的是我的信用卡It was my credit card you were using.
真是沒想到That I was not expecting.
我想讓你知道,去報案的人不是我I want you to know,I didn't turn you in.
-謝謝你 -不,我要謝謝你-Thanks. -No,thank you.
你帶給我太多了You have given me so much.
如果不是你,我就不可能…I'd never have gotten to sing...
…在冬園劇場唱“回憶”... "Memories" at the Winter Garden Theater.
老實說你只開口唱了“回”而已Actually,you only got to sing "Memo"
我不敢相信你會在這兒 失去你我該怎麼辦?I can't believe you're here. What will I do without you?
誰會和我去大使館宴會Who's gonna crash parties with me?
誰帶我去大蘋果馬戲團?Who's gonna take me to the Big Apple Circus?
我在25個女人面前尿尿展開一天的生活I started my day by peeing in front of 25 other women...
你卻擔心沒人帶你去看馬戲?...and you're worried about who'll take you to the circus?
不是擔心,只是懷疑Well,not worried,you know,just wondering.
沒什麼好懷疑的There's nothing to wonder about.
你繼續做你自己,因為那才是真正的你You'll go back to being who you were. That's who you are.
-那沒必要呀 -那很必要-Not necessarily. -Yes,necessarily.
我不知道是為什麼 或許和你是門諾教派有關I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the Amish thing.
-我不是門諾教派 -真的?那為何你那麼怪?-I'm not actually Amish. -Really? Then why are you like that?
-門旁邊的那個,加不加入? -加入-You,by the door,in or out? -ln.
-後面的,你完全跳錯了 -至少我在跳-You're getting it all wrong. -But at least I'm doing it.
這是飛往聖地牙哥67次航班的This is the final boarding call for Flight 67...
最後一次登機通知... to San Diego at gate 42A.
再見,猴子小夥.這是我給你寫的詩Okay,goodbye,little monkey guy. All right,I wrote you this poem.
上飛機後才能吃Okay,but don't eat it till you get on the plane.
謝謝你,菲比阿姨Thank you,Aunt Phoebe.
我知道聖地牙哥那兒,你將有許多寶貝There'll be a lot of babes in San Diego...
記得要學習的也很多... but remember,there's also a lot to learn.
我不知該說什麼,羅斯,他是一隻猴子I don't know what to say,Ross. It's a monkey.
說出你的感覺就成了Just say what you feel,Joey.
-馬修,我餓了 -這句不錯-Marcel,I'm hungry. -That was good.
馬修,這是給你的(好奇喬治)Marcel,this is for you.
給你,你知道的It's just,you know,something...
在飛機上玩的...to do on the plane.
如果不介意我想和他獨處一會兒If you don't mind,I'd like a moment alone.
-當然可以. -繼續-Oh,sure. Absolutely. -Go ahead.
馬修,過來,過來,過來Marcel,come here. Come here. Come here.
就這樣了...this is it.
我只想說幾句話Just a couple of things I wanted to say.
我會想你的I'm really gonna miss you.
我不會忘記你的You know,I'm never gonna forget about you.
在我心中你不只是一隻寵物You've been more than just a pet to me.
你更是…馬修You've been more like a Okay. Marcel.
能放開我的腿嗎?Would you leave my leg alone?
能暫時不要亂來嗎?Would you stop humping me for two seconds?
馬修…帶他走好嗎?帶他走Okay,would you just take him away? Just take him.
希望我是你手上的手套Oh,that I were a glove upon that hand...
這樣我就能撫摸你的臉頰...that I might touch thy cheek.
-好了,謝謝. -下一位-That's fine. Thank you. -Next.
我來試演“馬丘修”角色的I'll be reading for the role of Mercutio.
-名字? -侯登·麥克葛羅尼(諧音holding my groin:握住我那裡)-Name? -Holden McGroin.


-告訴他嘛… -對,就告訴他嘛-Tell him. -Tell him.
-閉嘴. -告訴我什麼?-Shut up. -Tell me what?
你看你,連正眼看他都不肯You won't look at him.
下回女人不看我時我就有新辦法了I could use another reason why women won't look at me.
好吧,好吧,昨晚我夢見All right. All right. Last night,I had a dream...
我和你...that you and I were
在這桌上做愛Doing it on this table.
完美的夢中得分Excellent dream score.
你怎會有這種夢?Why would you dream that?
最重要的是More importantly...
我棒嗎?...was I any good?
簡直是棒極了Well,you were pretty damn good.
真有意思,在我夢中我力不從心Interesting. In my dreams,I'm surprisingly inadequate.
昨晚你在桌上表現神了Last night,you seemed to know your way around the table.
真高興能與你們分享I love it when we share.
你沒事吧?You okay?
我不敢相信你會在她夢中做愛I can't believe you two had sex in her dream.
抱歉,只有一次Sorry,it was a one-time thing.
我醉得不醒人事,而且這是某人的潛意志I was very drunk,and it was someone else's subconscious.
六人行 第1季 第22集 倒人胃口的約會The One With The Ick Factor
起來Get off.
給我,你們能想像操作鑽床的我嗎?Ooh,give me. Can you see me operating a drill press?
不知道,你當時穿什麼?I don't know. What are you wearing?
不知道,你為何想操作鑽床?Why would you want to?
只是暫時的工作,直到我找回部份的按摩客戶For short-term work. Till I get back my massage clients.
又是海盜?Pirates again?
沒那回事No. Nothing like that.
我是個大笨蛋I'm just such a dummy.
我教他們“自己在家動手做按摩” 結果他們真的就在家裡做I taught a "Massage Yourself at Home" workshop. And they are.
嗨,錢德,她可以為你工作Hey,Chan,she could work for you.
謝了,喬伊,這是個好主意Thanks,Joey. That's a good idea.
我可以,是什麼工作?I could. I could do it. What is it?
我秘書這幾周無法來上班 她去動消乳手術My secretary's gonna be out. She's having one of her boobs reduced.
一言難盡的波霸故事It's a whole big boob story.
-我可以當個秘書 -我不知你是否是這塊料-I could be a secretary. -I don't know if it'd be your thing...
-因為這份工作得要白天儘量保持正常... because it involves being normal for a large portion of the day.
我能辦到I could do that.
-那是什麼? -我的新傳呼機-What's that? -My new beeper.
古生物學家要那玩意兒幹嘛?Why does a paleontologist need a beeper?
恐龍緊急事件?救命啊,快來,他們還是絕種了Is it for dinosaur emergencies? Help. They're still extinct.
不,是為卡蘿生產買的It's for when Carol goes into labor.
她隨時可以聯絡到我,她只需撥個號碼55-吉姆寶All she has to do is dial 55-JlMBO.
這號碼真酷還能當孩子的名字A cool number and a possible name for the kid.
-各位回頭見了 -去見伊森小子?-See you later. -Off to see young Ethan?
謝謝Thank you.
伊森到底有多小?很小?How young is young Ethan? Young?
年紀和我們差不多He's our age.
當我們還是…When we were....
-他是大學四年級學生. -大學?-He's a senior in college. -College?
搶搖籃(老牛吃嫩草)Rob that cradle.
他聰明,穩重和成熟He's smart and mature and grown-up.
穩重和成熟,他是個大男孩Mature and grown-up,he's a big boy.
這位小朋友不在乎你的年紀?This man-child has no problem with how old you are?
當然不在乎No,of course not. It's not even an issue...
因為我告訴他我22歲... because I said I was 22.
-你什麼? -什麼?-You what? -What?
-我不像22歲? -25,26還說得過去-Oh,I can't pass for 22? -Well,maybe 25,26.
-我今年26. -那就對拉-I am 26. -There you go.
聽見沒?Can you hear that?
拿起電話後就會停That'll stop when you pick up the phone.
-我來. -好吧-Oh,I'm on. -Okay.
賓先生辦公室Mr. Bing's office.
-抱歉,他正在開會. -我沒在開會我在…-Sorry,he's in a meeting. -I'm not in a meeting.
他知道這件事嗎?Will he know what this is in reference to?
他有你的號碼?And he has your number?
好,我會轉告他的,再見I'll see that he gets the message. Bye-bye.
羅斯打來問候的Ross says hi.
真好玩.現在做什麼?This is so fun. What do we do now?
現在我得開始工作了Well,now I actually have to get to work.
“可能吧”"Most likely."
我出去一下Okay,I'm gonna be out there.
好的,再見All right. Bye-bye.
你在幹嗎?-Yes? -What you doing?
窗戶擦好了,蠟燭點上了Okay,windows are clean. Candles are lit.
皮帶太緊,我得去換一條BeIt's too tight. Gotta change.
魚翻過了沒? 沒,因為我做的是義大利面Did I turn the fish? Nope,because I made lasagna.
-我是否已失控? -一點點-Am I out of control? -Just a touch.
我不懂.你們從他期中考試…I don't understand. You've been dating this guy since...
…開始約會... his midterms.
為什麼,突然間你…Why,all of a sudden,are you so...?
-我怎麼了? -就在今夜?-What? -Could tonight be the night?
我不知道,他是個好男孩I don't know. He's a great guy...
我喜歡和他在一起,但是,很難說...and I love being with him. But,you know...
事情會發生就是會發生,這種事無法事先計畫好...things happen when they happen. You don't plan these things.
-腿毛刮了沒? -刮了-So,did you shave your legs? -Yeah.
羅斯,你就別再折磨自己了 這只是一場夢Would you let it go? It was just a dream.
不代表…It doesn't mean
時候到了,寶寶要出世了This is it. It's baby time!
放輕鬆…冷靜點All right,relax. Just relax. Be cool.
有人呼我Yeah,hi. I was just beeped.
不,安卓不在這兒,今天已是第三次了No,Andre is not here. Third time today.
對,我確定Yes,I am sure.
沒錯,我不做那種服務I do not perform those kind of services.
對,你要打的是55-紮姆寶(特大號)Yeah,you want 55-JUMBO.
沒錯That's right.
沒錯,有U的紮姆寶That's right. JUMBO with a "U," sir.
不,先生,相信我你不會想要我的You don't want me.
從他的號碼看來,你看到我會大失所望Judging by his number,I'd be a huge disappointment.
第一天上班如何?How was the first day?
太棒了,每個人都很棒Excellent. Everyone was so,so nice.
瞧,認識穿我鞋子的人是值得的It pays to know the man who wears my shoes.
-不,我沒告訴任何人我認識你. -為什麼?-I didn't tell anyone I knew you. -Why?
因為,你知道的Well,because,you know.
他們並不喜歡你They don't like you.
-什麼? -我以為你早知道-What? -I thought you knew.
-誰不喜歡我? -每個人-Who doesn't like me? -Everyone.
除了…Except for....
不,每個人No. Everyone.
-你說什麼? -別難過-What are you talking about? -Don't feel bad.
他們過去都很喜歡你They used to like you a lot.
自從你升職後,他們感覺你是上司,大人物But you got promoted,and now you're Mr. Boss Man. Mr. Big.
賓先生,大老闆Mr. Bing. Boss Man Bing.
-我簡直無法相信. -他們甚至還模仿你-I can't believe it. -Yeah. They even do you.
模仿我?They "do" me?
對,比如這樣You know,like,okay:
報告要“何時”才能交來?"Could that report be any later?"
-我沒有那樣. -你有的-I don't sound like that. -Yeah,you do.
這山谷回蕩著美妙的"The hills are alive with the sound...
音樂...of music."
我的烤餅,“我”的烤餅!"My scone. My scone."
我沒那樣說話,這“不”是真的I don't sound like that. That is so not true.
不是這樣,不是這樣That is so not That is so not
這不…閉嘴That Oh,shut up.
-不會吧. -告訴你,我到九歲時-Did not. -Up until I was 9...
還以為槍口就是犯罪現場... I thought "gunpoint" was a place where crimes happened.
-怎麼會. -新聞老是報導犯罪事件-How's that possible? -It's always on the news.
某人在槍口下"A man is being held up at Gunpoint."
驚慌的觀光客在槍口下"Tourists are terrorized at Gunpoint."
我一直在想為何人總是要到那兒去And I kept thinking,"Why do people continue to go there?"
我該走了I should go.
-除非. -什麼?-Unless -What?
除非你要在這兒過夜Unless you wanna stay over.
我反正要在這裡過夜…不如I mean,I'm going to. So....
我也很想Yeah,I'd really like that.
在我們考慮留宿的事宜之前Before we get into any staying-over stuff...
我有些事情必須告訴你...there's something you should know.
這個就像,明天一早有課?Is this,like,"I have an early class tomorrow"...
還是你與山羊秘密結婚了...or "I'm secretly married to a goat"?
在這兩者之間Well,it's somewhere in between.
就嚴格的技術上而言,當然,我還沒You see,in a strictly technical sense,of course,I'm not....
我是說,我還沒有Well,I mean,I haven't ever....
你是個處男?Are you a virgin?
如果你們這些孩子,現在這樣稱呼的話If that's what you kids are calling it these days,then...
對,我是個處男...yes,I am.
我是說,你確實是個很會接吻的傢伙,我沒想到I mean,you're just such a good kisser I would never have known.
我在每一個級別都是優秀,我只是Well,I've excelled at every level I've been to,I just....
我只是還沒跟那個特別的人I just haven't been to that particular one yet.
我一直在等待適合的人I've kind of been waiting for the right person.
-真的? -真的-Really? -Yeah.
你知道我是在指你吧?You do know I was talking about you,right?
你一直喔個不停You keep saying that.
書報雜誌,電影上不斷出現You know,you read about it. You see it in the movies.
甚至在家裡練習Even when you practice it at home,man,oh,man...
這感覺實在沒得此...it is nothing like that.
你說你有些困擾You told me something that was really difficult for you.
如果你能坦白,我想我也能And I figure if you can be honest,then I can too.
別告訴我剛才我的方法不對Don't tell me I did it wrong.
不,那件事你沒做錯Nothing wrong about that.
我說了Here goes.
我不是22歲I'm not 22.
我是25歲I'm 25...
零13個月...and 1 3 months.
我猜我們之間不會有任何改變But I figure that shouldn't change anything.
年齡根本就不是距離,而且,我完全被你迷倒了What does it matter how old we are? Basically,I'm nuts about you.
我們第一次接吻就知道了,你沒有提到“Tic Tac”(香橙味口香糖)I knew after the first time we kissed. You didn't mention the Tic Tac.
我只是覺得你有一種自然的體香I just thought you were naturally minty.
在你坦承之際...as long as we're telling stuff...
我也有話要說... I have another one for you.
我比你所知的年紀還小I'm a little younger than I said.
-你不是四年級? -我是四年級-You're not a senior? -Oh,I'm a senior...
高中...in high school.
我們錯了What we did was wrong.
我竟和一個在建國兩百年國慶(1976年)都還沒出生的男人做愛I just had sex with someone who wasn't alive during the bicentennial.
我剛做愛了I just had sex.
伊森,注意聽,你為何不早告訴我Ethan,focus. How could you not tell me?
-你也沒告訴我你實際的年齡. -那不一樣-You never said your age. -It's different.
我的謊言不會使我們成為48個州的罪犯My lie didn't make one of us a felon in 48 states.
-你到底在想什麼? -我只是忙於-What were you thinking? -I was too busy falling
-不要說. -愛上你-Don't say it. -ln love with you.
-真的? -對不起-Really? -Sorry.
好吧,下來吧Well,fall out of it.
走吧,你不該來這兒的,你該在學校過夜的You shouldn't be here. It's a school night.
我就像是那種…I'm like those women that you see...
專門勾引小帥哥的女人...with shiny guys named Chad.
我成了瓊考琳絲(作風隨便的性感女星)I'm Joan Collins.
好,安卓再45分鐘就會到Andre should be there in about 45 minutes.
是的,長官,和服很特別Yes,sir,the kimonos are extra.
好吧,再見Alrighty. Bye-bye.
這樣省事多了It's just easier that way.
-快,你已告訴我昨晚的夢 -不,忘了吧-You told me about the last dream. -No. Forget it.
為什麼?難道是夢中的我對你過於粗魯Why not? Was I doing something particularly saucy?
好吧All right. Fine.
不僅僅你在場You were not the only one there.
喬伊也在場Joey was there too.
好的All right.
Was there...
還有其他人嗎?...anybody else there?
真的?沒有…You sure? Nobody...
…蠢蠢欲動的傢伙?... handing out mints or anything?
沒有,只有我們三個No,it was just the three of us.
是你跟錢德之後So was it you and Chandler...
再跟我,還是我們三個同時?...then you and me,or you,me and Chandler?
-你知道嗎? -什麼?-You know what? -What?
有幾次…There were times...
…甚至沒有我...when it wasn't even me.
真甜蜜,夥計們That is so sweet,you guys.
莫妮卡,伊森又來電話了Mon,Ethan called again.
-什麼? -伊森又來電話了-What? -Ethan called again.
-你不想再見到他了? -不想-You're not seeing him anymore? -No.
對,有些事是無法勉強的Sometimes,things don't work out.
這跟他需要假條才能離開體育課無關?This has nothing to do with him needing a note to get out of gym?
我什麼都沒說,我發誓I did not say anything. I swear.
-他只是順口說的. -下回見到他時-He stopped by. -Next time you talk to him...
能問《恐龍戰隊》中最強的是誰嗎?...could you ask him which one the strongest Power Ranger is?
我的生活簡直是太多彩多姿了 可以換個話題嗎?Oh,my life is just so amusing. Can we drop it now?
墨菲時間到了(恐龍戰隊臺詞)"It's morphin'time."
-暴龍! -劍龍!-Stegosaurus. -Tyrannosaurus.
我得走了I gotta go.
哇哦,腦充血Head rush.
再一次我必須得走了One more,and then I have to go.
你要上哪兒去?Where you going?
我要和同事去參加生日會A birthday party with some work people.
同事?沒人跟我說?Work people? Nobody told me.
我知道,他們中的一部分…I know. That's part of the whole...
…不希望你大駕光臨...them-not-liking-you extravaganza.
一個月前他們是我朋友A month ago,these people were my friends.
當上主管並不代表我會變I'm in charge,but I'm not a different person.
那麼說你今晚該來,和他們多相處 讓他們知道你還是個大好人Then come,hang out. Let them see what a great guy you still are.
-你真的認為我該去? -對,你該去-You think I should? -I really do.
我們能不一起去嗎But could we not go together?
我不想成為邀請上司的傢伙I don't wanna be the geek who invited the boss.
-嗨,你怎麼樣? -是的-Hey,you okay? -Yeah.
-這對他來說也並不容易. -我知道-This can't be easy for him either. -I know.
也許他需要一些時間來度過這個This may take some time for him to get over it...
但是,四點鐘《布偶寶貝》就要開始了... but,then at four,Muppet Babies is on.
更深點,深點,深點Go deep. Deep. Deep.
看到沒有,很開心?See,with the fun?
昨晚真是太棒了Last night was great.
卡拉0K,我和崔西合唱了首“烏木與象牙”The karaoke thing? Tracy and I doing "Ebony and lvory."
你表現得很好,大家仍然取笑你You were great. But they still made fun of you.
-什麼? -你現在成了“管家婆”上司-What? -Now you're Mr. Caring Boss.
“我加入你”上司Mr. I'm-one-of-you Boss.
“稱兄道弟”上司Mr. I-wanna-be-your-buddy Boss Man Bing.
我更迷糊了Then I don't get it.
錢德,你得面對現實You know what? I think you just gotta face it.
你像個坐在大辦公室裡的人一樣You're the guy in the big office.
有權錄取他們,也有權開除他們You're the one that hires and fires them.
-他們說你是個好上司. -是嗎?-They say you're a great boss. -They do?
但是他們不再是你的朋友But they're not your friends anymore.
-我只是想. -但你不能-I just want -But you can't.
我只是想But I just want
不是要去…Are you gonna?
卡蘿和我有了新系統,如果打911Carol and I have a new system. If she punches in 9-1 -1...
就代表她將生產,否則我就根本不理會...she's having a baby. Otherwise,I just ignore it.
安卓呢?What about Andre?
早上他接到我表弟納森的電話He got a call from our cousin,Nathan.
老實說我知道太多內幕了Frankly,it was a little more than I needed to know.
那也是我的開場白That was gonna be my opener.
你們看過洗手間裡的新幹手機沒?Have you guys seen those new hand dryers in the bathroom?
-我以為那只是謠傳.-千真萬確-I thought that was just a rumor. -True story.
我得和你談談Look,I gotta tell you something.
我不是17歲,我這樣說 你才會認為我可愛惹人憐I'm not 1 7. I said that so you'd think I was vulnerable.
其實我今年30,我有老婆和工作,我是國會議員I'm actually 30. I have a wife and a job. I'm your congressman.
莫妮卡,這太荒謬了,我們在一起很開心This is ridiculous. We're great together.
我們聊天說笑做愛We can talk,make each other laugh,and the sex....
我雖然經驗不多,但一切是那麼美I have no frame of reference,but I thought that was great.
-的確是. -那麼問題出在哪兒?-lt was. -Then what's the problem?
令人討厭的It's icky.
因為如此你就想放棄?You're actually gonna throw this away because it's "icky"?
我是不得已的,我希望情形不是這樣This isn't easy for me either. I wish things were different.
如果你年長幾歲,我年輕幾歲If you were older or I was younger...
或是我們生活在聖經時代...or we lived in biblical times...
-我就可以… -不要說-... I could really -No,don't say it.
愛你Love you.
-你的手還沒幹? -還是濕的-Are your hands still wet? -Moist.
那就再去烘一次Let's dry them again.
這些瑪格麗特雞尾酒能再“烈”一點嗎?Or,like,"Could these margaritas be any stronger?"
賓先生Hello,Mr. Bing.
昨晚愛你的史提夫汪達Loved your Stevie Wonder last night.
謝謝.有關周數字的事 九點“之”前請送到我辦公室來Thanks. About the weekly numbers,I'm gonna need them on my desk by 9:00.
-好的. -沒問題-Sure. -No problem.
總得給他們些話題嘛You have to give them something.
剛剛是格斯頓,山托斯 留鬍子的那個叫什麼?That was Gerston,Santos,and who's the other guy?
-派崔. -派崔,對-Petrie. -Petrie. Right,okay.
這週末得有人Well,some people are gonna be working...
…加班了...this weekend.
真好Oh,that's nice.
我在這裡I'm here.
你在?You are?
我們在…We were just....
-這下可好,我有寶寶了 -什麼?-Great. Now I'm having a baby. -What?
我有寶寶了.我有一個I'm having a baby. I'm having a
-電話,電話 -電話在哪兒?-The phone,the phone. -I don't have the phone.
我受傷了I'm hurt.
莫妮卡,快走各位快點,她要生了Let's go. Come on,people. Woman in labor.
-羅斯,看這是什麼 -留著付計程車錢吧-Look what I got going. -Save it for the cab.
你在幹什麼?我們要去醫院We're going to a hospital.
我不能漂亮一點嗎?那兒有醫生I can't look nice? There are doctors there.
-喬伊,別翻冰箱了 -好吧-Joey,get out of the fridge. -All right.
-那是幹嗎的? -路上吃的-What is that? -For the ride.
-比如坐車的時候 -留著吧-Like in a cab -Save it.
-真討厭 -莫妮卡,快-Hating this. -Monica,come on. Let's go.
寶寶就要出世了Baby coming.
我真不敢相信,我快當姑姑了I can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt.
-我快有侄子了 -真感人,走吧-I'll have a nephew. -That's nice. Get out.
好的,我來啦,我來啦All right,I'm going. I'm going.
走吧,趕緊Here we go. Come on.


她將生下我的小孩,她卻還沒來She's having my baby,and she's not here yet.
-她的羊水破了嗎? -我不知道-Has her water broken yet? -I don't know.
她和我通話時說她已分泌粘液When we talked,she said she'd already passed the mucous plug.
我們需要知道這一些嗎?Do we have to know about that?
喬伊,你有小孩時你會怎麼做?What'll you do when you have a baby?
我會在等待室中送雪茄I'll be in the waiting room,handing out cigars.
喬伊準備讓他孩子出生在50年代的電影中Joey's made arrangements to have his baby in a movie from the '50s.
我不敢相信她可能會在計程車中生產She could be giving birth in the cab.
羅斯,冷靜點第一次收縮收費二塊錢Relax. It's only $2 for the first contraction...
之後每收縮一次收五毛錢...and then 50 cents for each additional contraction.
怎麼了?錢德這樣說時就沒事What,it's okay when Chandler does it?
你得選對時間You have to pick your moments.
我錯過了嗎?Did I miss it?
-沒有,她根本還沒出現 -幹嘛帶吉他來?-She's not here yet. -What's with the guitar?
我想我們會在這兒待一陣子,來點音樂We might be here for a while. Things might get musical.
-你到底上哪兒去了? -我們中途在禮品店待了一會兒-Where have you been? -We stopped at the gift shop.
我想買這個,蘇珊想買“矮胖”I got this,and Susan wanted a Chunky.
我們就快要有孩子了,你不能為了“矮胖”而停下\n(此句像汽車貼紙上說的俏皮話)You're having a baby. You don't stop for Chunkies.
我過去也用那個汽車貼紙I used to have that bumper sticker.
懂我意思嗎?You see what I mean?
六人行 第1季 第23集 生孩子The One With the Birth
-下車買矮胖 -別介意了,羅斯-"Stopped for a Chunky." -Let it go,Ross.
我多了一個,想要嗎?不想I got an extra one. You want this?
-我最喜愛的父母團隊好 -法大夫-How's my favorite parenting team? -Dr. Franzblau.
我瞭解你們在考慮生寶寶的事I understand you're thinking of having a baby.
我知道你已懷胎九月 這是好的開始I see you're nine months pregnant. That's a good start.
-收縮的情況如何? -我喜歡-How are your contractions? -I love them.
每一陣都像是子宮中的小舞會Each one's like a little party in my uterus.
-每4分鐘,持續55秒 -59秒,石英表-Every 4 minutes,lasting 55 seconds. -59 seconds. Quartz.
瑞士石英表Swiss quartz.
-我能喝飲料嗎? -碎冰-Am I allowed to drink anything? -lce chips.
-護士站有 -我去拿-At the nurse's station. -I'll get it!
-不,我去,馬上回來 -不,我去…-No,I'll get it. -No,I'm getting it.
我想你或許想喝碎冰Hi. Thought you might like some ice chips.
-謝謝. -如果還需要別的…-Thanks. -And if you need anything else l...
我們沒見過吧?...do not believe we've met.
我叫瑞秋格林I'm Rachel Greene.
卡蘿前任丈夫妹妹的室友I'm Carol's ex-husband's sister's roommate.
幸會,我是法大夫Nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Franzblau.
你室友哥哥前妻的醫生I'm your roommate's brother's ex-wife's obstetrician.
真有趣Oh,that's funny.
我想要個寶寶I want a baby.
今晚不行,親愛的我明天得早起Not tonight,honey. I got an early day tomorrow.
-起來,我們去買咖啡 -好吧,因為我們沒做過-Get up. Let's get some coffee. -Okay,because we never do that.
投.投.投.或是不進也行Shoot,shoot,shoot. Or just fall down. That's good too.
尼克斯迷?Knick fan?
-他們爛透了 -聽著,女士-Oh,boy,do they suck. -Listen,lady
看,你的尤恩Look. Look at your man,Ewing.
他連坐在船上都投不進水裡He couldn't hit water if he was standing on a boat.
-是嗎?你支持誰? -凱爾特人-And who do you like? -Celtics.
凱爾特人?他們不可能擊中船的,除非Celtics? They couldn't hit a boat if
反正他們很爛They suck,all right?
閉嘴,今年是重建年Shut up. It's a rebuilding year
我幫你叫孩子的爸爸,我們這兒需要爸爸…Let me get the father. We need a father over here.
這裡沒有爸爸There's no father.
-抱歉 -沒關係,我沒事-Oh,sorry. -That's okay. I'm fine.
這邊來Okay. Right this way.
所有的孕婦似乎都往這兒走All the other pregnant women seem to be going in here.
他們又小又肉摸起來感覺很好They're tiny and chubby And so sweet to touch
不久他們長大後就會開始恨你But soon they'll grow up And resent you so much
現在他們對你大吼大叫,你不知原因為何Now they're yelling at you And you don 't know why
你只能哭啊,哭啊,你哭啊And you cry and you cry And you cry
你只能哭啊,哭啊,你哭啊And you cry and you cry And you cry
-謝謝,羅斯 -用來叫你停止的好吧-Thanks,Ross. -I'm paying you to stop.
看,是雙胞胎,好可愛Oh,look,twins. Hi,guys. Oh,cute.
不公平No fair.
我一個都沒有,他們怎會有兩個?I don't even have one. How come they get two?
-你也會有的 -什麼時候?-You'll get one. -When?
好吧,告訴你.我們40歲時如果都還單身Tell you what. When we're 40,if neither of us are married...
我們就一起生一個,如何?...what do you say we have one?
為何我40歲時還單身?Why won't I be married when I'm 40?
不,這只是假設I just meant hypothetically.
假設為何我到40歲時還單身?Hypothetically,why won't I be married when I'm 40?
為什麼?我有不適婚姻的毛病嗎?What is it? Is there something unmarriable about me?
親愛的上帝!這降落傘是個背包Dear God! This parachute is a knapsack.
看你,盛裝登場Look at you,dressy-dress.
你回家換衣服?Did you go home and change?
今天是個重要的日子,我想漂亮一點It's an important day. I want to look nice.
法大夫來了嗎?Has Dr. Franzblau been by?
不,我們還沒見到他I haven't seen him.
他在哪兒?他應該在這兒的Where is he? He is supposed to be here.
萬一小孩需要他怎麼辦?What if the baby needs him?
瑞秋,你和醫生到底是怎麼了 難道你爸也是個醫生?What's the deal with you and doctors? Is your father a doctor?
對,幹嘛問?Yeah. Why?
沒理由No reason.
媽媽,我們能過去的Mom,we've been through this.
不,我不找他No,I am not calling him.
我不管這是不是他的孩子,他是個大渾蛋I don't care if it is his kid,the guy's a jerk.
不,我不是一個人,喬伊在這兒No,I am not alone. Joey's here.
什麼意思?喬伊什麼?What do you mean "Joey who"?
喬伊什麼?Joey who?
-崔比亞尼 -喬伊崔比亞尼-Tribbiani. -Joey Tribbiani.
對,等等Yes. Okay. Hold on.
她要跟你談She wants to talk to you.
拿著電話Take the phone.
對,是我Yeah,it's me.
不,我們只是朋友No,we're just friends.
對,我單身Yeah,I'm single.
演員An actor. Hello?
她不善於講電話She's not much of a phone person.
孩子的爸怎麼了?So,what's the deal with this father guy?
如果有人即將生下我的孩子,我會想知道的If someone was having my baby,I'd wanna know about it.
尼克斯迷,你對爸爸的觀點我不在乎Hey,Knick fan,am I interested in your views on fatherhood? No.
-或許吧我應該走了. -也許應該-Maybe I should just go. -Maybe you should.
祝你好運Good luck...
保重了...and take care.
你知道凱爾特人有什麼問題? 他們讓球員經營球隊The Celtics problem is that the players run the team.
-這不是真的 -這當然是真的-That is so not true. -Oh,it is.
-深呼吸 -深呼吸-Breathe. -Breathe.
你們會害死我的You're gonna kill me.
-剩15秒 -14,13,12數快點-Fifteen more seconds. 1 4,1 3,1 2 -Count faster.
你會沒事,記得這樣做全是為了裘帝,他馬上就到了It'll be okay. IKeep focusing on Jordy. He'll be here soon.
-3,2,1.裘帝到底是誰? -你兒子-Three. Two. Who the hell is Jordy? -Your son.
不,我不要我兒子叫裘帝,我們協議過,我兒子叫潔米I don't have a son named Jordy. We all agreed on Jamie.
潔米是蘇珊第一任女友的名字Jamie was the name of Susan's first girlfriend...
所以我們決定還是用裘帝...so we went back to Jordy.
這是什麼意思?還是用裘帝,我們根本沒討論過裘帝What do you mean,back to Jordy? We never landed on Jordy.
我們討論過傑西科德狄倫時提到一下We just passed by it during the whole Jesse-Cody-Dillon fiasco.
我腳抽筋Ow! Leg cramp!
-我明白了 -明白,我來處理-I got it. -I got it. I'm doing it.
你和她睡覺,我來處理抽筋You get to sleep with her. I get the cramps.
你不行No,you don't.
夠了,你們都給我出去That is it. I want both of you out.
-什麼?是她引起的… -他…-She started it. -He did.
我不管,我想生下小孩I'm trying to get a person out of my body here...
你們在這兒根本是愈幫愈忙...and you're not making it any easier! Now go!
-謝謝 -看你幹了什麼?-Thanks. -See what you did?
-聽著 -出去!-Listen -Out!
深呼吸.深呼吸Breathe. Breathe.
怎麼了?有東西爆炸了What is that? Something exploded.
-不是嬰兒 -她的羊水破了,冷靜點-That's not the baby,is it? -Her water broke. Calm down.
羊水破了?你什麼意思?Water breaking? What do you mean? What's that?
深呼吸.深呼吸Breathe. Breathe.
我很好,我很好,這樣真討厭,我很好I'm okay. I'm okay. That's disgusting. I'm okay.
-這都是你的錯 -為什麼都是我的錯?-This is so your fault. -How is this my fault?
你們在一起之前卡蘿從未把我趕出房間Carol never threw me out of a room before you.
我出現之前有許多事卡蘿沒做過There's a lot of things Carol never did before me.
-知道你的問題出在哪兒嗎? -你因我而感到岌岌可危-Are you trying to be clever? -You're so threatened by me.
嘿,好吧,就這樣,進去Hey. Okay,all right. That's it. Get in here.
天哪,夥計們,我簡直不敢相信你們兩個My God,you guys. I don't believe you.
小寶寶即將誕生在這棟建築There are children coming into the world here...
他聽見的第一個聲音不該是你們的吵鬧聲...and your fighting isn't the first thing they should hear.
所以你們別再吵了So stop all the yelling! Just stop it!
別讓我再發一次脾氣 我不喜歡我自己這樣Don't make me do this again! I don't like my voice like this!
誰想聽諷刺的事?Who wants to hear something ironic?
他們到了嗎?Are they here yet?
不要擔心,我們會找到他們的Don't worry,we're gonna find them.
找到之前,我們都會在這兒陪你的And until we do,we are all here for you. Okay?
你告訴我巴黎的事真棒You were telling me about Paris. It sounds wonderful.
那家糕餅店就在我住的飯店隔壁There was this great little pastry shop right by my hotel
加油,加油,親愛的There you go,dear.
-你找到他們啦? -不是在禮品店或者咖啡廳-You find them? -Not in the gift shop or cafeteria....
菲比和喬伊在哪裡?Where are Phoebe and Joey?
我想這裡有點險惡There's something sinister going on here.
如果你找到任何人,或者任何人的一部分If you find anyone,or parts of anyone...
就大叫,不停的大叫...scream. And scream again.
-救命! -拜託-Help! -Come on!
-我的孩子就要出世了! -嗨-I'm having a baby in there! -Hello!
大家退後Okay,everyone stand back.
好吧,幸好我們在醫院裡All right,good thing we're in a hospital.
加油,莉蒂亞,你辦得到Come on,Lydia,you can do it.
用力,用力,使勁,使勁Push him out,push him out. Harder,harder.
用力,用力,推他出來Push him out,push him out. Way out.
我們搶球而且真的動了Let's get that ball and really move.
我們…Let's get
我只是,好吧,用力,用力,用力I was just Yeah,okay. Push,push,push.
你想幹嘛?將門吸開?What are you gonna do,suck the door open?
救命!救命!Help! Help!
第二天,他們終於發現他們的屍體And they found their bodies The very next day
他們終於發現他們的屍體And they found their bodies The very next
媽媽,一切順利Mom,everything's going fine.
對,羅斯很好Ross is great.
他在其他地方He's in a whole other place.
不,他不見了No,he's gone.
不,你們不用飛回來.真的No,you don't have to fly back. Really.
什麼叫可能是你們唯一的機會?我才26歲What do you mean "This might be your only chance"? I'm only 26.
我連小孩的事都沒想過I'm not even thinking about babies yet.
-你上哪兒去了? -我剛生了個小孩-Where have you been? -I just had a baby.
好運氣(希伯來語)Mazel tov.
說不定,或許是一小時也可能是三小時It could be one hour or three.
但請放心,她的狀況良好But relax. She's doing great.
告訴我,你目前有對象嗎?So tell me,are you currently involved with anyone?
沒有,現在沒有,你呢?Not at the moment,I'm not. Are you?
沒有,我不容易找到物件No,it's hard enough to get women to go out with me.
對,我聽過有關帥哥大夫不好找物件的傳聞Right. Yeah,I've heard that about cute doctors.
沒有,真的.我想這是因為我花了太多的時間No,really. I suppose it's because I spend so much time,you know...
在我所工作的那個東西上...where I do.
我試著不讓工作影響我的生活I try not to let work affect my personal life.
當你做我所做的事情的時候很難,就像…But it's hard when,when you do what I do. It's,like....
等等,舉個例子,你從事什麼工作?Well,for instance,what do you do?
我是服務生I'm a waitress.
難道你下班回家後不會覺得…Aren't there times when you come home at night and you're,like:
如果我再看見咖啡杯…"If I see one more cup of coffee...."
-我去看看你朋友. -很好-I'm gonna check up on your friend. -That's fine.
-你怎麼會知道我在這兒? -你媽打電話告訴我的-How'd you know I was here? -Your mom called me.
這就是她?So is this her?
不,這是替代品No,this is a loaner.
我們的還在商店裡Ours is at the shop.
天哪,我希望她有我的頭腦God,I hope she has my brains.
抱歉,讓你自己承擔這一切I'm sorry you had to do this by yourself.
我不是自己一個,我有大夫,護士和善心人士I wasn't by myself. I had a doctor,a nurse and a helper guy.
-知道誰贏嗎? -尼克斯勝十分,他們真爛-So did you see who won the game? -The Knicks by 10. They suck.
他們還不算是太爛They're not so bad.
拜託,拜託Come on. Come on.
-你做的太辛苦了. -你應該更努力或者其他什麼-You're doing it too hard. -You have to do it hard or else
可惡,可惡Damn it. Damn it.
可惡…都是你的錯Damn it,damn it. This is all your fault.
這本來是我今生最快樂的日子This should be the greatest day of my life.
我兒子即將出世,我應該在那兒的My son is being born,and I should be in there.
而不是被困在這兒Instead,I'm stuck in a closet with you.
我和你一樣期待已久I have been waiting for this as much as you.
不,相信我沒人像我如此期待No one's been waiting for this as much as I have.
你知道什麼最搞笑嗎?You know what's funny?
諷刺的是你們將帶著寶寶回家 我剩下什麼?You go home with the baby. Where does that leave me?
你是他父親You're his father.
我是誰?這世上有父親節,母親節Who am l? There's Father's Day. There's Mother's Day.
卻沒有女同志節There's no Lesbian Lover Day.
每天都是女同志節Every day is Lesbian Lover Day.
這真精彩This is so great.
願意解釋這句話嗎?Do you wanna explain that?
因為我小時候我爸離開I mean,when I was growing up,my dad left...
我媽過世,我繼父入獄...and my mother died and my stepfather went to jail.
我根本得不到父母的愛I barely had enough pieces to make one whole parent.
如今他有如此愛他的三個父母And here's this baby who has three whole parents...
甚至為誰給他的愛最多而吵架...who fight over who gets to love it the most...
而且他根本還未出世...and it's not even born yet.
他真是全天下最幸福的寶寶It's just the luckiest baby in the whole world.
抱歉,你們正在吵架I'm sorry. You were fighting.
他們在哪兒?Where are they?
-他們會來的? -他們不會錯過的-They'll be here. -They wouldn't miss this.
放輕鬆.才開了九公分,寶寶沒那麼快出來Relax. You're only at 9 centimeters,and the baby's at zero station.
你嚇到我了You are really frightening me.
誰願意幫我嗎?她想掏出我的心臟Somebody wanna help me? Trying to rip out my heart.
這下可好,有人看見乳頭嗎?That's great. Anybody seen a nipple?
十公分,開始用力Ten centimeters. Here we go.
-開始用力 -但是他們還沒過來-Time to start pushing. -But they're not here yet.
-我無法叫寶寶等他們來 -哦,上帝-I can't tell the baby to wait. -Oh,God.
-通氣口開了 -我是班-Okay,got the vent open. -Hi,I'm Ben.
我是醫院工人班I'm hospital worker Ben.
班前來搶救了It's Ben to the rescue.
班,準備好沒?腳給我Ben,you ready? Give me your foot.
數到三,班.1,2,3On three,Ben. One,two,three.
來吧,班.就是這樣,班Come on,Ben. That's it,Ben.
你看見什麼?What do you see?
我看見黑暗的通氣孔I see what appears to be a dark vent.
真的是黑暗的通氣孔Yes,it is,in fact,a dark vent.
菲比,門開了Pheebs,it's open. It's open.
等等,你們忘了腳Wait. You forgot your legs.
-用力,用力 -我們來了,我們來了-Push. Push. -We're here. We're here.
你們上哪兒去了Where have you been?
說來話長Long story.
卡蘿,我要你不斷用力 抱歉,我能用這個嗎?I need you to keep pushing. I need Excuse me,can I have this?
這裡人太多了,而且待會兒又會多一個There's too many people here. There's about to be one more.
所以不是前任丈夫和女同志伴侶者請出去So if you're not an ex-husband or lesbian life partner,out you go.
-再見了…? -祝你好運.夥計-Bye-bye. -Good luck,you guys.
必須要卡蘿的女同志伴侶才行嗎?Do you have to be Carol's lesbian life partner?
他的頭露出來了Here he comes.
讓我看看…我看到了Let me see. I've gotta see.
是頭…A head.
好大,卡蘿,你是怎麼辦到的?It's huge. How are you doing this?
你真是一點忙都幫不上You're not helping.
你做得很好…You're doing great.
-喂! -哦,對不起-Hello? -Oh,sorry.
你看見什麼?你看見什麼?What do you see? What do you see?
我看到頭,手臂出來了,看看這些小手指We got a head. We got arms. Oh,look at the little fingers.
看,是手指,肚子A chest and a stomach...
是男的,百分百男孩...and it's a boy,definitely a boy.
腿,膝蓋和腳Legs,knees and feet.
他出來了He's here.
他是個人He's a person.
-看. -他看起來像誰?-Look. -What does he look like?
像我叔叔艾德,被吉露牌的果凍包著IKind of like my Uncle Ed,covered in Jell-O.
各位,他好漂亮You guys,he's beautiful.
不准大吼,我們仍需要為他取個名字No shouting,but we still need a name for this little guy.
-班如何? -我喜歡班-How about Ben? -I like Ben.
這名字不錯,你們之前怎沒提過這名字?Ben's good. How come you never mentioned Ben before?
剛想出來的We just cooked it up.
這就是我們不在時做的事That's what we were off doing.
-我們能進來嗎? -當然,請進-Can we come in? -Yeah,come on.
我知道,我知道I know. I know.
各位,向你們介紹一個人Everybody,there's someone I'd like you to meet.
-他叫班. -嗨,班-This is Ben. -Hi,Ben.
班,這是大家Ben,this is everybody.
蘇珊,他看起來像你Susan,he looks just like you.
天啊,沒想到我們之中有人生寶寶了I can't believe one of us actually has one of these.
我知道,我也是其中之一I know. I still am one of these.
我能嗎?Can l?
好,頭,你必須…Okay,the head. You gotta....
班,我是你姑姑莫妮卡,沒錯I'm your Aunt Monica. Yes,I am.
我就是你姑姑莫妮卡I'm your Aunt Monica.
我將永遠準備口香糖給你(美國父母不允許孩子多吃糖)I will always have gum.
我要你知道有時我會不在... I want you to know that there may be some times when...
像這樣... I may not be around like this.
我會回來But I'll still always come back...
像這樣...Iike this.
有時我會離開更久And sometimes,I may be away longer...
像這樣...Iike this.
我仍會回來But I'll still always come back...
像這樣...Iike this.
有時我要你到三壘的位置,我會這樣And sometimes,I'll want you to steal third and I'll go like this:
他太神奇了He is so amazing.
對,我知道,你看他Yeah,I know. Look at him.
沒反應,我想這名字不適合他Nothing. I don't think that's his name.
看,他閉上眼睛了Look,he's closing his eyes.
看,他張開眼睛了Look,he's opening his eyes.
他不常這樣吧?He doesn't do much,does he?
不,他經常這樣Nope,this is pretty much it.
你們想喝咖啡嗎?You guys wanna get some coffee?
待會兒見I'll see you guys later.
看,他又閉上眼睛了He's closing his eyes again.


哦,小班困了Oh,here's little Ben falling asleep.
等一下,他就要睡著了A little bit later. Is he gonna sleep?
他要睡了嗎?要睡了嗎?Is he gonna sleep? Is he gonna?
是的,就是這個了!Yep,out like a light!
這一定是“他筋疲力竭了”系列的王牌了This sure trumps the "Has he pooped?" series.
羅斯,我們愛他,好嗎?Ross,we love him,okay?
但是現在他只是一個裸體的胖小夥But right now he's just a little fat guy.
我們太興奮了吧?How excited can we get?
-你拿的什麼? -班的400張照片-What you got? -400 pictures of Ben on a rug.
-哦,天哪! -讓我看看!-Oh,my God! -Let me see!
六人行 第1季 第24集 瑞秋恍然大悟The One Where Rachel Finds Out
小班睡著了Here's little Ben nodding off.
看莫妮卡姑姑的小男孩Look at Aunt Monica's little boy!
-瞧,他有羅斯的髮型. -我看看-Look,he's got Ross haircut. -Let me see.
天啊,真可愛Oh,God! Is he just the sweetest thing?
你一定想吻遍他You must just wanna kiss him all over.
那感覺一定很好That would be nice.
-什麼? -沒事-Pardon? -Nothing.
只是嘴裡有多餘的空氣Just a little extra air in my mouth.
錢德,願意幫我嗎?我保證一定會還的Chan,can you help me out? I'll pay you back.
好,包括上星期的威化餅,你現在欠我Right. Including the waffles last week,you now owe me...
17美元... 17 jillion dollars.
-真的,這一次我真的會還 -錢將從哪兒來?-Really,I'll pay you back this time. -Where's this money coming from?
我正幫紐約大學醫學院做一些研究I'm helping out at the NYU Med School with research.
什麼研究?What kind of research?
只不過,你知道的,科學研究Just,you know,science.
我想我聽說過Yeah,I think I've heard of that.
生殖研究It's a fertility study.
喬伊,請告訴我你只貢獻時間Joey,please tell me you're only donating your time.
事實上,比這稍微多一點點Actually,a little more than that.
謝謝,上帝.這會給我們帶來更多笑料Thank you,God. This will bring us so much joy.
拜託,這沒什麼了不起的Come on,it's not that big a deal.
我只是兩天去一趟I just go down there every other day...
對此計畫貢獻己力...and make my contribution to the project.
但兩周後我就有七百元But at the end of two weeks,I get $700!
你很快就可以輕鬆賺錢了You're gonna be making money hand over fist.
這太有趣了,非常有趣That's funny. Very funny.
太好了,我真的知道有人非常喜歡他們做的This is great. I actually know somebody who loves what they do.
但是一天的辛苦工作後,你怎麼放鬆自己呢?But what do you do to unwind after a tough day at work?
我們有酸捲心菜絲,小麵包Okay,we got the coleslaw and buns.
還有絞牛肉及火雞肉The ground-up flesh of formerly cute cows and turkeys.
我喜歡和你一起出去烤肉I just love barbecuing with you.
男人來了Men are here!
我們生火We make fire.
煮肉Cook meat.
然後撒尿熄火,從此成為被拒絕的客人Put out fire by peeing,no get invited back.
-瑪蓮妮來電話說她會遲到. -好-Melanie called. She'll be late. -Okay.
你們倆進展得如何?她會成為你的特殊女友嗎?How are things going? Is she becoming your "special someone"?
我不知道,她很好I don't know. She's pretty great.
是嗎?她對你的研究計畫有何感想?What does she think of your little science project?
你認為我會告訴她,我也和“杯子”約會?You think I'd tell a girl I like that I'm also seeing a cup?
男人是有重點的Man's got a point.
麻煩的是她想和我做愛The tough thing is,she really wants to have sex.
這娘兒們瘋了Crazy bitch.
此計畫我只剩一星期,根據規定I got a week left to go. According to the rules...
如果我想拿到錢,我就不能做“個人”實驗 如果你們懂我意思的話... I can't conduct personal experiments,if you know what I mean.
喬伊,我們永遠都瞭解你Joey,we always know what you mean.
你以為烤肉會維持多久?How long did you think this barbecue would last?
-我要去中國了 -天呐,你說一件事…-I'm going to China. -Jeez,you say one thing,and....
-你要去中國? -對,為博物館出差,有人找到骨頭-China? -For the museum. Someone found a bone.
我們要骨頭,但他們不想給我們骨頭They don't want us to have it.
因此派我去說服他們給我們骨頭,都是骨頭的事I'm going to try to persuade them. It's a whole big bone thing.
總之,我要去一個星期Anyway,I'll be gone for a week.
你們將聯絡不到我,這是我的行程表If you want to reach me,you can't. So here's my itinerary.
-這是我的照片. -讓我看-Here's a picture of me. -Oh,let me see.
能偶爾拿照片到卡蘿家去給班看嗎? 這樣他就不會忘記我了Could you show it to Ben every now and then so he doesn't forget me?
班,我是你爸爸"Hi,Ben. I'm your father."
我是頭"I am The Head!"
這回烤肉一定很好玩This barbecue's gonna be very fun.
瑞秋在嗎?我想在我離開前祝她生日快樂I wanted to wish Rachel a happy birthday before I left.
-她和卡爾在外面喝酒 -卡爾是誰?-She's out having drinks with Carl. -Hey,who's Carl?
她在咖啡屋認識的那個That guy she met at the coffeehouse.
-這個人是她在…? -咖啡屋?是的-There's this guy she met at -The coffeehouse? Right.
這麼說你知道他是誰So you do know who he is.
我去跟他們道別I'll go say goodbye to the guys.
告訴他們骨頭的事吧Hey,you know what? Tell them that bone story.
-我得到中國(瓷器)一趟 -國家?-I have to go to China. -The country?
不,我媽家中的一大堆盤子No,this big pile of dishes in my mom's breakfront.
你知道卡爾是誰嗎?Do you know who Carl is?
我想想看,艾文,賽門,希爾朵…不認識Let's see. Alvin,Simon,Theodore.... No.
瑞秋今晚和他在一起喝酒Rachel's having drinks with him tonight.
不,她還沒對你有任何表示前,怎能這樣做?How can she,when she's never shown interest in you?
-忘了她吧 -他說得對-Forget about her. -He's right.
去吧,到中國,吃中國菜Please move on. Go to China. Eat Chinese food.
當然,他們在那兒只說“菜”Of course,there they just call it "food."
是嗎?大概吧,我也不知道Yeah,I guess. I don't know.
幫我把這個交給她All right,just give her this for me,okay?
兄弟,我們只是為你著想,我們要你快樂We're looking out for you. We want you to be happy.
或許我喝了兩瓶啤酒,但我愛你I may only have a couple beers in me,but I love you.
我只喝了一瓶I'm still on my first.
我覺得你人真好I just think you're nice.
總之,我和朋友開始水果籃事業後That's when we started this fruit basket business.
我們就自稱為“三籃人”We call ourselves "The Three Basketeers."
就像“三個火槍手”,只不過是用水果Like "The Three Musketeers," only with fruit.
-誰想吃漢堡? -不,禮物先-How do you want your burgers? -Presents first!
禮物先,待會兒再吃We're doing presents first.
等等,猛男.進展得如何?Hey,hold on there,tiger. How are you holding up?
不太順利,她想在今晚Well,not so good. She thinks tonight we're gonna...
就敲定這筆交易,如果你…你懂...complete the transaction,if you know what And you do.
曾想過要為她服務嗎?Have you ever thought about being there for her?
什麼意思?What do you mean?
你知道的,只為她服務You know,just be there for her.
不懂Not following you.
考慮一下Think about it.
我猜這是…Okay. I'm guessing this is from....
-謝謝,瑪蓮妮. -這是我送你的-Thank you,Melanie. -This one right here is from me.
好輕,還有聲音Okay. It's light. It rattles.
…是旅遊拼字...Travel Scrabble!
謝謝Thank you.
這是喬伊送的This one's from Joey.
感覺像是一本書,我猜是一本書,就是一本書啊!It feels like a book,I think it's a book. And it's a book!
是“蘇博士”(英國童話作家)It's Dr. Seuss!
那本書讓我度過許多難關That book got me through some tough times.
這男人裡面有個小孩There's a little child inside this man.
醫生說把他移走他就會死The doctors say if they remove it,he'll die.
-這是誰送的? -羅斯送的-Who's this from? -From Ross.
天啊,他記得Oh,my God! He remembered!
-記得什麼? -幾個月前-Remembered what? -lt was months ago.
我們經過一家古董店.我看見這個胸針時We walked by this antique store. I saw this pin.
我告訴他我小時候我祖母也有一個I told him it was like one my grandma had when I was little.
沒想到他還記得I can't believe he remembered!
但你能在飛機上玩嗎?Well,sure,but can you play it on a plane?
-好漂亮 一定花了他不少錢It's so pretty! This must've cost him a fortune.
沒想到他會這麼做I can't believe it.
記得大學時代他和卡蘿相戀時Remember when he fell in love with Carol...
他送她一隻貴死人的水晶鴨嗎?...and bought her that expensive crystal duck?
你剛說什麼?What did you just say?
水晶鴨Crystal duck.
不,相戀那一部份No,no,no. The "love" part?
-天啊! -糟了,糟了-Oh,my God! -Oh,no,no,no.
很好,繼續撓你的頭,時間會倒流的That's good. Just keep rubbing your head. That'll turn back time.
太不可思議了,真是太不可思議了This is unbelievable. I mean,this is unbelievable!
我知道,這真是太大了I know. This is really,really huge.
不,它又小又細又黴No,it's not. It's small. It's tiny. It's petite. It's wee.
我認為我們的生活將產生變化I don't think any of our lives will ever be the same ever again.
這女人身上有消音裝置嗎?Is there a mute button on this woman?
我認為這樣很好啊,你和羅斯I think this is so great. I mean,you and Ross!
-你有感覺嗎? -沒有-Did you have any idea? -No,none!
我來到紐約的第一夜,他曾提過要約我出去My first night in the city,he mentioned asking me out...
但他後來再沒提過邀我出去... but nothing ever happened.
他還說些什麼?,他想約我出去?What else did he say? Does he wanna go out?
如果他愛你愛得無法自拔Given that he's in love with you...
他大概想和你喝杯咖啡什麼的... he wouldn't mind getting a cup of coffee.
羅斯?這些日子以來?我得找他談談Ross? All this time? I've gotta talk to him.
-可他現在中國! -是“國家”-He's in China! -The country.
她的飛機起飛了嗎?Is his flight gone?
是的!他正在看一個女人做這個:(空姐的手勢)Yes! He's watching a woman do this:
他走了!He's gone!
他的飛機再過45分鐘才會起飛His flight doesn't leave for 45 minutes.
-時差呢? -從這兒到機場? -沒錯-What about time difference? -From here to the airport?
-你趕不上的! -我得試試-You'll never make it! -I've gotta try.
瑞秋,你要對他說什麼?What'll you say to him?
-我也不知道 -那麼或許你不該去-I don't know. -Then you shouldn't go.
沒錯,如果你是去傷他的心,不妨再等等Right. If you're gonna break his heart,that can wait.
對,但如果是好消息,你得立刻去But if it's good,tell him now.
-或許見到面時我就知道 -這個有幫助嗎?-Maybe I'll know when I see him. -All right,does this help?
沒有,我只知道我等不了一星期,這件事太嚴重了No. Look,all I know is,I cannot wait a week. This is just too big.
我得和他談談,再見了I've just gotta talk to him. Okay,I'll see you later.
瑞秋,我愛你.先跟我把事情解決Rachel,I love you! Deal with me first!
(中國話)再見 我的房間要窗子……
好吧All right.
-羅斯,抱歉 -請出示登機證-Ross! Excuse me,pardon me. -Your boarding pass?
我沒有,我只是想找我朋友I need to talk to my friend.
抱歉,除非有登機證,否則不能進入Sorry,you're not allowed here without a pass.
他就在那兒,穿藍色夾克He's right there,in the blue jacket! Can l?
對不起,不行,聯邦法規I'm sorry. Federal regulations!
好吧,能否請你傳話給他?Then could you please just give him a message for me?
-這件事非常重要 -好吧,請說-This is very important. -All right. What's the message?
我也不知道I don't know.
抱歉,先生!有人叫我傳話給你Excuse me,sir! Excuse me,sir? I have a message for you.
是瑞秋!她說她喜歡你送的禮物 你回來後她想見你Rachel loved the present. She'll see you when you get back.
桃伊,拜託,我不懂她在說什麼Toby,I don't know what she's talking about.
我不認識瑞秋,別給我臉色看There's no Rachel. Don't give me that deep freeze.
我想我爽昏了啊I think I blacked out there for a minute.
這不算什麼It was nothing.
現在讓我來伺候你Well,now we gotta find something fun for you.
你知道嗎?You know what?
別管我了,我再伺候你一回Forget about me. Let's give you another turn.
-又是我? -當然,有何不可?-Me,again? -Sure. Why not?
明天有人會收到大水果籃!Boy,somebody's gonna get a big fruit basket tomorrow!
我得告訴你,你不像我想像中的那樣I gotta tell you,you are nothing like I thought you'd be.
什麼意思?How do you mean?
大概是我認為,你是只顧自己享受的人I had you pegged as a guy who's always,"Me,me,me!"
但你是個樂於付出的人But you,you're a giver.
你是我見過最慷慨的人You're the most generous man I ever met.
你簡直就是個女人I mean,you're practically a woman.
-你只是說說而已吧 -不-You're just saying that. -No.
一個女人A woman!
-怎麼樣? -我錯過了-So? -I missed him.
-很遺憾 -這太糟了-I'm so sorry. -That's too bad.
不,我覺得對她不好,我真的這麼認為No,I feel bad for her. I do.
我可以考慮其他人多過考慮我自己I can think of somebody other than myself.
好吧,我要去睡覺了All right,I'm going to bed.
-生日快樂.保持狀態 -謝謝-Happy birthday. Hang in there. -Thanks.
披薩優惠券Pizza coupons.
你們打算幫忙清理這裡嗎?Okay. You guys want help cleaning up this mess?
不錯That'd be great.
瑞秋,這包裝紙要留下來嗎?So,Rach,you wanna save this wrapping paper?
你要為羅斯留下,還是要我丟掉?Are you gonna go for it with Ross or should I throw it out?
我不知道,我不知道I don't know. I don't know.
我左思右想Thought about it all the way there...
我左思右想,你知道的,羅斯...and I thought about it all the way back. You know,it's Ross!
你知道我什麼意思?就是羅斯You know what I mean? It's Ross.
-當然! -當然-Sure! -Sure.
我不知道,這是我內心深處的感受I don't know. This is just my initial gut feeling...
我想這樣應該會很不錯... but I'm thinking it'd be really great.
天啊,我也是這樣想 這樣我們就成了親戚兼朋友Oh,my God,me too! We'd be like friends-in-law!
你知道最棒的是什麼?最棒的就是你已對他瞭若指掌The best part is you already know all about him.
就好像從第15次約會開始You start on the 1 5th date.
對,但這就像從第15次約會開始But it would be like starting on the 1 5th date.
這觀點也不錯Another good point.
不,在第15次約會時,感情已I mean,on the 1 5th date,you're already in a very...
相當深厚,你們已經定下來了... "relationship-y" place. You're committed.
如果感情破裂該怎麼辦?What happens if it doesn't work out?
-為何會感情破裂? -有時候是這樣的-Why isn't it working out? -Sometimes it doesn't.
你不覺得他帥?他錢賺得不夠多?Is he not cute enough? Does he not make enough money?
-不,我只是 -或許是另有其人?-No,I'm just -Maybe there's someone else.
-另有其人? -沒有,沒有另有其人-ls there someone else? -No,there is no one else.
那麼你為何甩掉我哥?Then why are you dumping my brother?
大…揮霍者Hey,big Spender!
她還在睡覺She's still asleep.
-情況如何? -你有沒有老覺得自己床上功夫不錯?-So how'd it go? -You know how you think you're great?
你會問這種問題,表示你根本不瞭解我The fact you'd even ask shows how little you know me.
昨晚我不能做讓自己滿足的事Last night I couldn't do the thing that usually makes me great.
因此我得搬出全套功夫So I had to do all this other stuff.
結果我得到什麼回應?And the response I got! Man,oh,man!
就像是盛大的遊行It was like a ticker-tape parade!
我明白,遊行發生時,我的房間非常接近遊行路線I know. My room's very,very close to the parade route.
這簡直是太神奇了,而且不只是對她,對我也一樣It was amazing,and not just for her. For me too!
我就好像突然失明It's like,all of a sudden I'm blind...
但其他的感官卻更加的敏感... but all my other senses are heightened.
好像我達到…It's like I was able to appreciate it...
…更高的境界...on another level.
-我不知道你還有更高的境界. -我懂,我自己也不知道-I didn't know you had another level. -I know. Neither did l!
現在橙汁有活動嗎?Is something going on with O.J.?
漂亮的裙子,生日禮物?Hey,great skirt. Birthday present?
-誰送的? -你-From who? -You.
我將你送的襯衫改成的I exchanged the blouse you got me.
真聰明Well,it's the thought.
羅斯的飛機不是再過幾小時就要抵達? 27-b通道?Doesn't Ross'flight get in in a couple hours? At gate 27B?
對,莫妮卡,我一直在想Yeah. Monica,you know,I've been thinking about it.
我雖決定和羅斯在一起,但這樣或許不好I've decided this Ross thing is not a good idea.
因為我感覺,我不只是和他出去I feel like I wouldn't just be going out with him.
而是和你們大家一起出去,因為壓力…I'd be going out with all of you. There'd be pressure
不,沒有壓力.沒有壓力…No pressure,no pressure!
什麼都還沒發生呢,你就…Nothing has happened,and you're already so
我沒有,開始我也覺得有點奇怪I'm not "so." Okay,I was a teensy bit weird at first...
但我沒事的,我保證... but I'll be good. I promise.
-是誰? -是我,卡爾-Who is it? -It's me,Carl.
-上來! -背著我哥做這種事?-Come on up. -Behind my brother's back?
我就做不出這種瘋狂事Is the kind of crazy thing you won't be hearing from me.
-七百塊! -你辦到了!-Seven hundred bucks! -All right,you did it!
我們有水果可吃嗎?Do we have any fruit?
折騰了兩星期Man,hell of a two weeks.
我感覺自己學到了一些You know what? I feel I learned something.
這麼說你將繼續“完全為她”?You'll stick with this "all for her" thing?
你瘋了不成What are you,crazy?
瞎人重新見光明後還會這樣走路嗎?When a blind man gets his sight back,does he walk around like this?
我是說如果我再看見艾德貝格拉二世(演員,環保主義者領袖)If I see one more picture of Ed Begley Jr...
在那電車上,我就舉槍自盡...in that stupid electric car,I'm gonna shoot myself!
別誤會我的意思,我個人並不反對環保I'm not against environmental issues,per se...
只是我討厭那傢伙...it's just that guy!
我難以相信你跟他約會,而不是跟我I can't believe you'd rather go out with him than me.
抱歉,我正在約會Excuse me,I'm trying to have a date here.
行,那就別再想我Fine. Just stop thinking about me.
辦不到,對不?Can't do it,can you?
我想你,那又怎樣?I'm thinking about you. So what?
我不懂你為何會選上這種人?I don't get it. What do you see in this guy?
他像是個好男人Happens to be a very nice guy.
老兄,買台真正的車吧I mean,come on,buddy! Get a real car!
瑞秋,給我們一個機會吧Rachel,come on. Give us a chance.
羅斯,太難了Ross,it's too hard.
為什麼?因為大家會感覺不對勁?這是我們兩人的事Why,because it'll get weird for everyone else? This is about us.
我從九年級開始就愛上你I've been in love with you since the ninth grade.
羅斯,你像是我最要好的朋友 如果分手我將失去你You're like my best friend. If we broke up,and I lost you
不,你為何認為我們會分手?What makes you think that?
曾和你在一起的人不是都和你分手了?Have you been involved where you haven't broken up?
但這種事只會發生一次But it only has to happen once.
你我都知道我們是天生的一對You and I both know we are perfect for each other. Right?
唯一的問題是:你對我有感覺嗎?So the only question is: Are you attracted to me?
我不知道I don't know.
我從未以那種方式看你I mean,I've never looked at you that way before.
那就開始看吧Well,start looking.
-喔. -的確!-Wow. -Exactly!
沒錯,我就是那個And I'm gonna be the guy...
被困在交通事故中的傢伙...caught behind this hammerhead in traffic!
對…你是對的Right! You're right.
你知道嗎?You know what?
我本應該去機場接朋友I'm supposed to pick up a friend at the airport.
真是抱歉I am so sorry!
如果你想在這兒繼續喝,請便If you wanna finish your drinks,please do.
-但我得走了,抱歉 -可是-I'm sorry,I gotta go. I'm sorry. -But....
-你要去哪? -去接羅斯-Where are you going? -To get Ross.
-天哪,這太令人興奮了! -我知道-My God,this is so exciting! -I know.
你是否願意繼續我剩下的約會?我繼續不下去了If you want the rest of my date,I'm not gonna finish it.
-瑞秋,他不是三明治. -不,他是一個有兩張劇院門票的銀行家-Rachel,he's not a sandwich. -No,he's a banker with opera tickets.
-你要去哪? -機場-Where you going? -Airport.
你不能告訴他,有太多的事情我沒有去做You can't tell him. There's so much I haven't done.
我還沒跟傑絲敏一起看《海灘遊俠》呢!I haven't watched Baywatch with Yasmine Bleeth!
錢德,輕鬆點,這是一個好的接機Chandler,relax. This is a good going to the airport.
哦,好吧,飛吧,好女人,像風一樣飛吧Oh,well then fly,good woman,fly like the wind.
-我在飛! -告訴他是我吹的風!-I'm flying! -Tell him I'm the one who blew it!
好吧,另外一個愛情博士的成功案例Yes,another successful case for the love doctor.
對不起!對不起Excuse me! Pardon me. Excuse me. Sorry.
桃伊,別再胡思亂想了Toby,for God's sake,will you let it go?
沒有瑞秋這個人There's no Rachel!
嘿,我拿到了Hey! I got that.
-謝謝 -不客氣-Thanks,sweetie. -No problem.
我迫不及待想將你介紹給我朋友I can't wait for you to meet my friends.
你不認為他們會評斷我、取笑我?You don't think they'll judge me?
-他們會的,我只是… -等不及-No,they will. I just.... -Can't wait!
他們一定會喜歡你的Come on,they're gonna love you.



到目前為止大概是這樣子…This is pretty much what's happened so far.
打從一開始羅斯就愛瑞秋Ross was in love with Rachel since forever.
但每次他想要表白 總是會遇上阻礙…Every time he tried to tell her,something got in the way...
像是貓咪,義大利傢伙...Iike cats,Italian guys.
最後錢德勸他死心And finally,Chandler was,like,"Forget about her."
羅斯去中國考古時 錢德說漏嘴羅斯愛瑞秋When Ross was in China,Chandler let it slip that Ross loved Rachel.
瑞秋非常驚訝She was,like,"Oh,my God!"
於是她到機場接羅斯So she went to the airport to meet him.
她不知道羅斯 帶了另一個女人下飛機She didn 't know Ross was getting off the plane with another woman.
你們需要知道的大概就是這樣子了That's pretty much everything you need to know.
說夠了我們,你們近來如何?But enough about us. How have you been?
六人行 第2季 第01集 羅斯的新女友The One With Ross' New Girlfriend
從北京飛來的第457號班機 已經降落Flight number 457 from Beijing now arriving.
我的天啊!Oh,my God!
天啊!Oh,my God!
對?黃饆Excuse me.
借過,借過! 緊急事件,拜託!Move,move,move! Emergency,please!
對不起,對不起Excuse me,excuse me.
原來你們在那裡!There you are!
中國怎麼樣?老兄!How was China? You!
很棒…It was great.
你怎麼啦?What happened?
你在流血 是嗎?-You're bleeding. -I am?
啊,天呐!我是在流血Oh,look at that! Yes,I am.
別管我了 來自東方的歸來先生!Enough about me,Mr. Back From The Orient!
我要聽一切事情! 什麼都不要漏掉!Come on,I wanna hear everything! Everything!
嗯,要從何開始?Well,where do I start?
這位是茱莉 茱莉,這位是瑞秋This is Julie. Julie,this is Rachel.
這些…These are....
這些…These are...
…不是要給你的...aren't for you.
這些是要送給你的These are for you.
歡迎光臨我國Welcome to our country.
謝謝,我是紐約人Thank you. I'm from New York.
沒關係,我用它來止血No problem. We'll use them to stop the bleeding.
去拿行李?Baggage claim?
她去了機場 準備跟羅斯繼續發展了She went to the airport,and she's gonna go for it with Ross.
天啊!這是大事!Oh,my God! This is huge!
這比大事還大 這是…This is bigger than huge. This is....
什麼比大事還大?All right,what's bigger than huge?
喂,你們剪頭髮了!Guys,you got new haircuts!
是的,謝謝維達布菲(維達沙宣是國際美髮大師)Yes,we did. Thanks to Vidal Buffay.
我們的光彩來自你的風采(沙宣廣告詞)Because,you know,"lf you don't look good,we don't look good."
我喜歡這聲音!I love that voice!
各位!勝利者是艾娃.高的納!And the winner is Eva Godna!
各位!You guys!
機場…機場…羅斯Airport. Airport. Ross.
不是一個人Not alone.
摟著她!Arm around her!
抽筋!抽筋!Cramp! Cramp! Cramp!
她好像想說什麼I think she's trying to tell us something.
趕快猜動詞Quick,get the verbs.
你!你!You! You!
你說他喜歡我!You said he liked me!
你們太慢了!You slowpokes!
是的,我們拿了行李That's all right. We got the bags.
這是我妹妹莫妮卡This is my sister,Monica.
這是錢德This is Chandler.
各位,這位是茱莉Everyone,this is Julie.
但我還沒到 我們還沒見面But I'm not here,you haven't met me.
沒有連坐二十小時飛機 我會看起來更好一些I'll make a better impression when I don't have 20 hours of plane on me.
還有巴士 喔,天啊!-And bus. -Oh,my God!
那個尖叫的傢伙… 還有吐口水-With the screaming guy -And the spitting.
你們一定要聽這個故事You gotta hear this story.
我們坐的巴士一定有兩百年舊We're on this bus that's 200 years old.
至少兩百年舊Two hundred,at least.
一隻雞拉屎在她腿上!And the chicken poops in her lap!
對不起I'm so sorry.
我說出了結尾,對不對?I just gave away the ending,didn't l?
我在計程車上聽了這個故事…I just heard this story in the cab...
…滿腦子想的都是這個...and it is all I can think about.
真是驚人This is amazing.
怎麼發生的?How did this happen?
羅斯與我一起上過研究所We were in grad school together.
後來就沒有再見面 我降落在中國機場時…We haven't seen each other since then. I land in China...
…猜猜是誰負責勘探?...guess who's in charge of the dig?
真是太棒了!Isn't that great?
是不是像踢你的褲襠和朝你的脖子吐口水一樣神奇?Isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch,spit-on-your-neck fantastic?
她習慣這麼說It's an expression.
我們只是來打個招呼We just wanted to say a quick hi.
然後我們要去看寶寶 然後睡一下覺-Then we'll see the baby. -Then get some sleep.
現在是中國的明天晚上六點It's 6:00 tomorrow night,our time.
別告訴我未來會發生什麼事 我比較喜歡驚喜Don't tell us what's gonna happen. I like being surprised.
瑞秋,我想喝點咖啡 沒問題-Can I get some coffee? -Sure.
你跟他談了嗎? 沒有-Did you talk to him yet? -No.
你在中國發生了什麼事?What the hell happened to you in China?
你離開前還瘋狂愛著… 你知道的When last we left you,you were in love with,you know.
我知道我愛她I know I was.
但我心中有這個小聲音告訴我But there was always this voice inside that kept saying:
不可能成功的,死心吧 你知道那是誰的聲音嗎?"It's never gonna happen. Move on." You know whose voice that was?
是你的聲音,老哥It was you,pal.
也許是上帝模仿我的聲音Maybe it was God doing me.
來自上帝的旁白,在模仿聲音方面他是個天才Aside from being almighty,he's a wiz at doing voices.
你說得對 她眼中只把我當成朋友You were right. She looks at me and sees a friend. That's all.
然後我遇見了茱莉And then I met Julie...
我們在一起非常開心...and we're having a great time.
要不是因為你 我絕不會跟茱莉在一起I never would have gone for it,if it hadn't been for you.
你欠我一個情,大個兒Well,you owe me one,big guy.
你的檸檬汁Your lemonade.
我沒有叫檸檬汁I didn't order it.
那你最好送回去 否則他們會要你付錢!Then go take that back. They'll charge you for that.
快!快!快去!Go,go,go! Come on,come on!
你問出了什麼?So what did you find out?
他說…He said....
他說…He said....
他們在一起很開心They're having a great time.
對不起I'm sorry.
但有一線希望 如果你願意這麼看…But the silver lining,if you wanna see it...
他完全是自己做了這個決定...is that he made this decision all by himself...
完全沒有受外人的影響...without any outside help whatsoever.
這怎麼是一線希望?How is that a silver lining?
你要非常願意才看得出來You have to really wanna see it.
諷刺的是這些傢伙 上體育課時沒人願意跟他一隊Ironically,these guys were picked last in gym.
你知道我想什麼嗎?You know what I'm thinking?
你太久沒做愛了…...it's been so long since you've had sex...
你不知道有沒有什麼改變?...you're wondering if they've changed it?
一點兒都沒猜對?Not even close?
沒有 但是我現在是這麼想了No. Although now that's what I'm thinking.
你本來在想什麼?So what were you thinking?
你幫他們剪頭髮 我想你也應該幫我剪You gave the guys great haircuts. I thought you'd like to do mine.
為什麼不要?Why not?
因為我是個…Because I'm just....
我非常挑剔 而且有控制狂I'm incredibly anal and an unbelievable control freak.
不,你才不是No,you're not.
我知道我不是 不過你是I know I'm not,but you are.
我只是不想傷害你的心I was trying to spare your feelings.
請等一下Hold on.
羅斯,茱莉找你Ross,Julie for you.
打擾一下,誰給了她我們的電話號碼?Excuse me.Who gave her our phone number?
好吧,那麼,誰有動機?Okay, well....Who had the motive?
是那個演員嗎?Was it the actor?
這個廚師?這個按摩師?The chef? The masseuse?
或者是那個跟她約會的人?Or was it the guy who's dating her?
是那個跟她約會的人Guy who's dating her.
誰能介紹一個好裁縫?Anybody know a good tailor?
需要改衣服嗎?You need clothes altered?
不,我只是要找一個人 用粉筆在我身上畫線No,I'm just looking for a man to draw on me with chalk.
去找法蘭基 我家人都找他做衣服Go see Frankie. My family's been going to him forever.
我十五歲第一套西裝 就是他做的He did my first suit when I was 1 5.
不,十六歲No,wait,1 6.
不,對不起,是十五歲No,excuse me,1 5.
1990年是幾歲?All right,when was 1 990?
當你用棉花簽掏耳朵時 碰到東西就要停下來!You have to stop the Q-Tip when there's resistance!
親愛的,待會見Sweetheart,I'll see you later.
你真好That is so sweet.
好,不,你先掛Okay. No,you hang up.
你也沒有掛You didn't hang up either.
她沒掛She didn't hang up.
不,你掛電話No,you hang up.
你掛,你掛You. You.
對不起,我以為你在跟我說話Sorry,I thought you were talking to me.
我打回去I'll just call her back.
嗨,親愛的,對不起 我們被中斷了Hi,sweetie. I'm sorry. We got disconnected.
不,你掛掉No,you hang up.
我到底是怎麼回事?How did this happen to me?
一周前,兩周前,我很好A week ago,two weeks ago,I was fine.
羅斯只是羅斯 只是這個傢伙Ross was just Ross. Just this guy.
現在突然間,他不一樣了Now all of a sudden,he's Ross...
變成這麼好的男人 我卻無法得到...this really great guy that I can't have.
親愛的,我也希望你能得到他Sweetie,I wanted you to have him too.
我知道你的心意I know you did.
嘿,你想再打錢德一頓嗎?Hey, you wanna hit Chandler again?
我必須要想辦法I'm just gonna deal with it.
我必須要離開這裡!I gotta get out of here!
我不管你們怎麼看 她一定有心事I don't care what you guys say,something's bothering her.
你知道嗎,我想我當時是十六歲You know,I think I was 16.
你知道,我想我根本不在乎You know,I think I don't care.
求求你,只要剪後面一點點Please,just a little bit off the back.
我還是堅持不要I'm still on "no."
你們能不能閉上眼睛一秒鐘?Could you close your eyes for a sec?
不,不,不 我可不要再上當No,no,no. I'm not falling for that again.
怎麼回事?What's going on?
昨晚我做了一件蠢事I sort of did a stupid thing last night.
你做了什麼蠢事?What stupid thing did you do?
好了保羅,現在你見了大家,大家也都見了你了Paolo, now you've seen everybody and they've all seen you.
怎麼發生的?How did this happen?
我昨晚湊巧碰到他I kind of ran into him last night.
在哪裡? 在他的公寓-Where? -At his apartment.
這是果汁嗎?Is this juice?
你忘了他勾引菲比 所以你才甩了他?And the fact that you dumped him because he hit on Phoebe?
天啊,我真是可悲 我是個爛貨!Oh,God,I know. I'm pathetic,I'm a loser.
親愛的,你不可悲 你只是傷心Honey,you're not pathetic. You're just sad.
大家傷心時都會幹蠢事People do stupid things when they're upset.
如果每個我不該上床的人 都給我五毛錢…My God,if I had a nickel for every guy I wish I hadn't
但這是關於你的大錯誤But this is about your horrible mistake.
對不起,我們遲到了Sorry we're late.
我們…We were....
發生過接觸Well,there was touching.
真是…What a....
你在這裡幹什麼?What are you doing here?
跟瑞秋做愛!I do Raquel!
他回來了?So he's back?
對,他回來了 有什麼問題嗎?Yeah,he's back. Is that a problem?
沒問題No,not a problem.
很好,很高興沒有問題Good. Glad it's not a problem.
你不能再碰我的屁股!You're gonna have to not touch my ass.
儘管有美味的麵包 與濃厚的緊張氣氛…Despite the yummy bagels and palpable tension...
我要去改褲子了... my pants need to be altered.
你見到法蘭基時 替我問個好When you see Frankie,tell him Joey Tribbiani says hello.
他會明白我的意思He'll know what it means.
你確定他能解得開密碼嗎?You sure he'll crack that code?
上次保羅來這裡時 我的頭髮要可愛多了It's funny. The last time Paolo was here,my hair was so much cuter.
好吧All right.
但你要保證不會挑剔與專橫…But you have to promise that you will not be all controlly and bossy...
不會像個莫妮卡...and all Monica about it.
我保證I promise.
好,讓我看看All right,let's see.
你們有一些會被剪掉 有些不會Now,some of you are gonna get cut and some of you aren't.
但我保證絕對不會痛But I promise,none of you will feel a thing.
我不幹了 我什麼都沒說!-That's it. I quit. -What? I didn't say anything!
但這不是一張信任的表情But this isn't the face of a person who trusts a person.
這是一張,你知道的…This is the face of a person who,you know...
不信任人的表情...doesn't trust a person.
對不起,對不起I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
這比我們說的要短了一點It's just a little shorter than what we had discussed.
你放輕鬆好嗎? 我知道要怎麼剪Would you relax? I know what I am doing.
他的髮型就是這樣This is how he wears it.
誰的髮型就是這樣?How who wears it?
黛米摩兒(影星)Demi Moore.
黛米摩兒不是一個“他”Demi Moore is not a "he."
他在《闊公子》 與《十全十美》的電影中都是一個“他”Well,he was a "he" in Arthur and in 10.
那是杜德利摩爾!That's Dudley Moore!
我說我要像黛米摩兒!I said I wanted it like Demi Moore!
喔,老天!Oh,my God!
我的天,真對不起!Oh,my God! I'm sorry!
黛米摩兒是哪一個?Which one is Demi Moore?
她是女星!?莨杜涯嫘隕擰貳短疑灰住泛汀度斯砬槲戳恕穥She's the actress that was in Disclosure,Indecent Proposal,Ghost!
她的頭髮非常美!She's got gorgeous hair.
我知道!I know!
這就是為什麼我想像她那樣!That's why i wanted to look like her.
-你知道的,我媽媽死了… -哦,上帝啊-You know, my mom ' s d ead.-Oh, my God.
哦,我的屁股看起來像飛機一樣Well, this is what my butt must look like to a fly.
你的袖子要多長?How long do you want the cuffs?
至少要跟褲子一樣長的壽命At least as long as I have the pants.
我聽懂了I just got that.
現在要量內縫Now we'll do your inseam.
她的情況如何?How is she?
現在還不知道It's too soon to tell.
她在休息,這是好徵兆She's resting,which is a good sign.
頭髮怎麼樣?How's the hair?
我不騙你 真的很不好看I'm not gonna lie to you. It doesn't look good.
-你不能做點什麼嗎? -此時此刻,最好是靜靜地等待-There's nothing you can do?-At this point, it's a waiting game.
我在一邊加上髮夾 似乎能阻止捲曲I put a clip on one side,which seems to have stopped the curling.
我們能不能看看她?Can we see her?
你的頭髮太好看了 會讓她傷心Your hair looks too good. It'd upset her.
羅斯,你去看看她好了Ross,you come on in.
你還好嗎?Well,how you doing?
我很好I'm okay.
這麼糟糕對吧?That bad,huh?
我可以感覺到 女人難過脆弱的時候Look,I can sense when women are depressed and vulnerable.
這是我的天賦之一It's one of my gifts.
喬伊,當我看到他與她一起下飛機…Joey,when I saw him get off that plane with her...
我以為我墜入了穀底...I really thought I just hit rock bottom.
但今天是穀底…But today,it's like there's rock bottom...
下面還有五十尺厚的垃圾…... 50 feet of crap...
…然後就是我...then me.
你必須告訴羅斯你的感受Tell Ross how you feel.
我怎麼能告訴他? 茱莉呢?Come on,how can I just tell him? What about Julie?
又怎麼樣? 他們才在一起兩周What about her? They've only been going out for two weeks.
羅斯已經愛你十年了Ross has been in love with you for 10 years.
我不知道,我不知道…I don't know. I don't know.
我交往過很多女人I've been with my share of women.
我交往過很多別人的女人I've been with a lot of people's share of women.
但重點是…But the point is...
我從來沒有對任何人 像羅斯對你這樣專情…... I've never felt about anyone the way Ross felt about you.
我能跟你談一下嗎?Can I talk to you for a sec?
你的裁縫…Your tailor...
是個大壞蛋!...is a very bad man!
你在說什麼?What are you talking about?
怎麼樣?Hey,what's going on?
喬伊的裁縫…Joey's tailor...
占了我的便宜...took advantage of me.
-什麼? -不可能!我去他那裡十二年了-What?-No way! I've been going to the guy for 1 2 years.
他說要量我的內縫He said he was gonna do my inseam.
他的手沿著我的腿往上摸 然後就…Then he ran his hand up my leg and then there was definite
他們就是這樣量褲子的!That's how they do pants!
首先量一邊 把小弟弟推到一旁First they go up one side,they move it over.
然後量另一邊 把小弟弟推回來,然後量後面Then they go up the other side,move it back,then they do the rear.
羅斯,告訴他 裁縫量褲子不都是這樣?Ross,tell him. Isn't that how a tailor measures pants?
是的,的確是這樣 在監獄裡!Yes,yes,it is. In prison!
你是怎麼搞的?What's the matter with you?
不是這樣?That's not?
我的老天!Oh,my God!
我要用一壺咖啡做掩護!I 'll put on a pot of coffee.
就算是瑪麗泰勒摩爾(七十年代的演員)也比這個要好Even Mary Tyler Moore would've been better.
別這樣,沒那麼糟,你不知道Come on. It' s not that bad.You never know.
喇叭褲又開始流行了Bell - bottoms came back.
我喜歡I like it.
真的,我認為它“十全十美”(杜德利摩爾的電影)!I do. I think it's a 10!
謝謝Thank you.
我的頭髮很讓人開懷My hair is very amused.
事情還可能更糟Come on,things could be worse.
你可能會被“困在紐約月光中” (《闊公子》的電影臺詞)You could "get caught between the moon and New York City.
我知道很瘋狂,不過千真萬確 (《闊公子》的電影臺詞)I know it's crazy,but it's true."
謝謝Thank you.
我要走了,待會見Well,I gotta go. Bye.
慢著,你要走了?Wait,are you leaving?
所以我才說再見That's what I meant by "bye."
我能不能跟你說一下話?Can I talk to you for a sec?
當醫生檢查疝氣時…When the doctor does that hernia test....
那樣做就沒有關係That's okay.
如果你的修理工這麼做的話If your mechanic does it....
怎麼啦?What's going on?
首先…Well,okay,first of all...
保羅與我沒有在一起... Paolo and I are not back together.
那是我幹的一件蠢事That was a stupid thing I did.
如果我能使時光倒轉…If I could go back in time and do it again...
我絕對不會這麼做...well,I wouldn't.
其次…Second of all....
我要先問清楚 這是不是當你與男友分手…Is this one of those things where you break up with a guy...
我告訴你我的想法…... I tell you what I think...
然後第二天你又重修舊好…...and the next day you get back together with him...
我就變成一個大蠢蛋?...and I look like a complete idiot?
好,我覺得他實在很爛Well,then,I think the guy's scum.
我恨死他了 我真的很厭惡他I hate him. I mean,I actually I physically hate him.
我一直很厭惡他I always have.
你值得更好的男人喜歡你And you are way too good to be with a guy like that.
你值得一個真正能欣賞你的人You deserve to be with someone who appreciates you...
瞭解你有多麼幽默…...and who gets how funny...
多麼溫柔,多麼體帖…...and sweet and amazing...
多麼美麗性感…...and adorable and sexy you are.
每天早上醒來都會想著…You know? Someone who wakes up every morning thinking:
天啊,我跟瑞秋在一起!"Oh,my God. I'm with Rachel!"
這個人能讓你感覺非常好You know? Someone who makes you feel good.
就像我與茱莉一樣Like the way I do with Julie.
你還沒說完“其次”Was there a "second of all"?
不,我想這就是了No,I think that was the whole "all."
我要走了I gotta go.
不,我向天發誓,爸!No,I swear to God,Dad!
不是這樣子量褲子的!That's not how they measure pants!
我想要剪個短髮 就像安迪麥克道威爾(《四個婚禮一個葬禮》的主演)的髮型I was thinking of doing it shorter,like Andie MacDowell's haircut.
這我會剪 真的?-Yeah,I could do that. -Really?
你要現在就剪嗎? 太好了!-You wanna do it now? -Great!
待會見See you.
這次我要弄清楚I just wanna make really sure this time.
安迪麥克道威爾就是演 《四個婚禮一個葬禮》的人嗎?Andie MacDowell is the girl from Four Weddings and a Funeral,right?
那是羅迪麥克道威爾(《人猿星球》的主演)That's Roddy McDowall.
安迪麥克道威爾是演 《人猿星球》的那個傢伙Andie MacDowell is the guy from Planet of the Apes.
謝謝 別客氣-Thank you. -You're welcome.


這些非常昂貴 我知道他很快就穿不下…These were expensive and he'll grow out of them...
但是我就是無法抗拒!...in 20 minutes,but I couldn't resist!
看看這些!Look at these.
做了就對! (耐克廣告詞)"Just do it"!
喔,天啊!Oh,my God!
是不是對他壓力太大?Was that too much pressure for him?
他已經餓了嗎? 我想是的-ls he hungry already? -I guess so.
你知道,那個…You know,it's....
球鞋真的很有趣 我馬上就回來!Something funny about sneakers. I'll be right back.
我也要一個I gotta get one too.
你們在幹什麼?Hey,what are you guys doing?
我們只是來看看湯匙We're just hanging out by the spoons.
你們成熟一點好嗎?Will you guys grow up?
這是世上最自然美麗的This is the most beautiful thing in the world.
我們知道 但現在有個嬰兒在吸它Yeah,we know. But there's a baby sucking on it.
這是我兒子在吃午餐 你們最好習慣This is my son having lunch,okay? It'll happen a lot,so get used to it.
如果你們感到不自在 發問就好If you're uncomfortable,just ask questions.
卡蘿不介意的Carol's fine with it.
我想問問喬伊能不能提出 關於哺乳的問題?I'm wondering,could Joey ask you a question about breast-feeding?
會不會痛?Does it hurt?
剛開始會,現在不會了It did at first,but not anymore.
你能多久喂一次?So,how often can you do it?
只要他需要就可以As much as he needs.
我想到了一個問題Okay,I got one,I got one.
如果他對一個吹氣 另一個會不會變大?If he blows into one,does the other one get bigger?
六人行 第2季 第02集 母乳The One With the Breast Milk
還有松糕嗎? 還有,我忘記還有哪一種-Any muffins left? -Yeah,I forget which ones.
你太忙了,我來拿You're busy,I'll get it.
誰還要? 不用,謝謝-Anyone else want one? -No,thanks.
你的圍裙松了,我幫你系好You're losing your apron. Let me get it.
好了 謝謝-There you go. -Thank you.
婊子!What a bitch!
我有朋友在布魯明戴爾百貨上班 明天就不幹了I have a friend at Bloomingdale's who's quitting...
他想要花掉他的折扣券...and he wants to abuse his discount.
誰想跟我去撿便宜?Anyone want to come take advantage of it?
我不行 我要帶我祖母去看獸醫I have to take my grandmother to the vet.
我跟你去 好極了-I'll go with you. -Great.
嗨,甜心 嗨,蜜糖-Hi,honey. -Hey,sweetums.
嗨,其餘的各位And hello to the rest.
你不能跟她去逛百貨 瑞秋怎麼辦?You can't go shopping with her. What about Rachel?
會有問題,對不對?Will it be a problem?
你要跟茱莉去布魯明戴爾You're going to Bloomingdale's with Julie.
就像是到瑞秋家中偷男人!It's like cheating on Rachel in her house of worship.
她會宰了你Monica,she will kill you.
她會宰了你 就像宰街上的流浪狗!She will kill you like a dog in the street!
茱莉說你們明天要去逛街So Jules tells me you guys are going shopping tomorrow.
其實沒有什麼…It's actually not that big a deal.
對我很重要,非常重要It's a big deal to me. This is great.
我非常感激你這麼做I really appreciate this.
別客氣You're welcome.
畢堅男士香水?(世界十大昂貴香水之一)Bijan for men?
畢堅男士香水?Bijan for men?
嗨,安娜貝 嗨,喬伊-Hey,Annabel. -Hey,Joey.
聽說過新來的人嗎?Did you hear about the new guy?
沒人知道他的名字 我們女生都叫他“西班牙男人”Nobody knows his name. Me and the girls call him "The Hombre Man. "
他到我這一區幹什麼?What's he doing in my section?
我想他不知道I guess he doesn't know.
他必須知道Well,he's gonna.
待會見I'll see you a little later,okay?
你好嗎?Hey,how you doing?
聽著,我知道你是新來的…Listen,I know you're new...
但眾所?災飧澆囊磺小瓄but it's understood that everything...
從年輕人部門到電梯… 都是我的地盤...from young men's to the escalator is my territory.
你的地盤?"Your territory"?
畢堅男士香水? 不,謝了-Bijan for men? -No,thanks.
好啊Yeah,all right.
你剛才說什麼?You were saying?
菲比,聽著,你跟我一起 逛了整天街買東西Phoebe,listen. You were with me,and we were shopping all day.
我們買東西,吃午餐We shopped and we had lunch.
我吃了什麼?What did I have?
你吃了沙拉 難怪我不飽-You had a salad. -No wonder I don't feel full.
嗨,怎麼樣?Hi. What's up?
我整天都跟莫妮卡買東西 吃了一客沙拉I went shopping with Monica and I had a salad.
很好,菲比 你們買了什麼?Good,Pheebs. What'd you buy?
我們去買了…We went shopping for....
買了皮草For fur.
你去買皮草?You went shopping for fur?
然後我發現我反對買皮草And then I realized that l'm against that.
於是我們買了一些…So then we bought some....
你買了波霸?You bought boobs?
我們買了胸罩!We bought bras!
我們買了胸罩We bought bras.
畢堅男士香水?Bijan for men?
畢堅男士香水?Bijan for men?
畢堅…Bijan for....
下班後我們可以喝個咖啡嗎?I was wondering if after work we could grab a cup of coffee?
我已經有計劃了Actually,I sort of have plans.
準備好了嗎,安娜貝?You ready,Annabel?
好了You bet.
以後再約吧Maybe some other time.
這又不是第一次被噴香水的牛仔搶走女友It's not the first time I lost a girl to a cowboy spraying cologne.
畢堅男士香水?Bijan for men?
畢堅男士香水!Bijan for men!
這是滑稽小丑And this is Funny Clown.
只有睡過午覺才可以給他玩 否則他不會睡It's only for after his naps,not before,or he won't sleep.
我帶過他,我們玩得很高興We've been through this before. We have a good time.
我們又笑又玩 就像父親跟兒子一樣We laugh,we play. It's like we're father and son.
親愛的,放輕鬆 羅斯很會帶他Honey,relax. Ross is great with him.
別這麼驚訝 我是個很好的人Don't look so surprised. I'm a lovely person.
好可愛!This is so cute!
我為他買的!I got that for him!
“我的媽媽們愛我”"My Mommies Love Me. "
真聰明That's clever.
很好,待會見That'd be great. See you then. Bye.
你剛才是不是說: 嗨,猶太人?Did you just say," Hi,Jew"?
對,我是這麼說Yes,I did.
那是我的猶太朋友 艾迪莫斯考維茲That was my friend Eddie Moskowitz.
他全都是這樣的宗教事情He's going through this whole religious thing.
他很喜歡這稱呼 能加強他的信仰Yeah,he likes it. Reaffirms his faith.
謝謝,菲比姑媽Thanks,Aunt Pheebs.
你沒有用微波爐吧? 不應該這樣處理母乳Did you microwave that? You can't do that to breast milk.
我想我知道如何加熱母乳I think I know how to heat breast milk.
你在幹什麼?What did you just do?
我舔了我的手臂,怎麼樣?I licked my arm,what?
那是母乳!It's breast milk!
菲比 那是從另一個人身上擠出的汁Phoebe,that is juice squeezed from a person.
有什麼了不起?What is the big deal?
你又在幹什麼?What did you just do?
大家能不能不要喝母乳?Can people stop drinking the breast milk?
你連嘗都不嘗?You won't even taste it?
不能假裝那是牛奶嗎?Not even if you just pretend it's milk?
就算卡蘿的乳房 帖了牛奶尋人廣告都不行!Not even if Carol's breast had a picture of a missing child on it.
大家到哪裡去了? 帶班去公園了,你去哪裡了?-Where is everybody? -At the park. Where have you been?
出去Just out.
吃了午餐,只有我一個人 與自己共度美好時光Had some lunch. Just me. A little quality time with me.
謝謝你的外套 別客氣-Thanks for your jacket. -No problem.
你也可以向我借You can borrow it,by the way.
這是你的鑰匙Here are your keys,honey.
如果你一個人吃午餐 怎麼會要五十三塊?If you were at lunch alone,how come it cost you $53?
?闃來蟾歐⑸裁詞侶穡縶You know what probably happened?
一定有人偷了我的信用卡Someone stole my credit card.
然後把收據放回你口袋?And put the receipt back in your pocket?
這是個非常好的問題That is an excellent,excellent question.
真的非常好That is excellent.
你怎麼了? 跟誰吃午餐?What's with you? Who did you have lunch with?
茱蒂 誰?-Judy. -Who?
茱莉 什麼?-Julie. -What?
你跟茱莉在一起?You were with Julie?
剛開始我只是想對她友善點…When it started,I was just trying to be nice to her...
因為她是我哥哥的女友... because she was my brother's girlfriend.
然後事情接著發生…And then one thing led to another...
我還不清楚,我們就…...and before I knew it,we were...
我的天!Oh,my God!
慢著,我們只做了一次Wait,we only did it once.
對我沒有任何意義!It meant nothing to me!
我一直想的是你!Really,I was thinking of you the whole time.
對不起,好嗎? 我不希望你知道的Look,I'm sorry,all right? I never meant for you to find out.
拜託!你希望被逮到!Oh,please! Please! You wanted to get caught!
才不是!That is not true!
所以你不小心留收據在這裡?So you just happened to leave it in here?
你有沒有想到 我會這麼笨?Did it ever occur to you that I might just be that stupid?
好,我必須知道一件事Okay,I just have to know one thing.
你是不是跟她去布魯明戴爾?Did you go to Bloomingdale's?
我現在不能跟你在一起了Okay,I just really need to not be with you right now.
嗨,哪一位?Hi,who's this?
嗨,瓊安,瑞秋在嗎? 我是莫妮卡Hi,Joanne. Is Rachel working? It's Monica.
我知道我做了很糟糕的事Yes,I know I did a horrible thing.
瓊安,事情沒這麼簡單Joanne,it's not as simple as all that.
我才不在乎史提夫怎麼想 嗨,史提夫No,I don't care what Steve thinks. Hi,Steve.
情況如何?How did we do?
我嘗了班的奶水 羅斯發癲了I tasted Ben's milk and Ross freaked out.
我沒有發癲I did not freak out.
你為什麼發癲? 因為那是母乳-Why'd you freak out? -Because it's breast milk.
很噁心!It's gross!
我的奶水很噁心?My breast milk is gross?
這會很好玩This should be fun.
這沒什麼不對There's nothing wrong with it.
我只是不認為 母乳是給大人喝的I just don't think breast milk is for adults.
當然母乳的容器 很吸引大人與小孩Of course,the packaging does appeal to grownups and kids.
別傻了,我試過,沒什麼Don't be silly. I've tried it. It's no big deal.
嘗一嘗Just taste it.
不行That would be no.
來嘛 嘗一嘗-Come on. -Try it.
很自然It's natural.
又不難吃It doesn't taste bad.
有一點甜,很像…Yeah,it tastes kind of sweet. Sort of like....
像什麼?Like what?
哈密瓜汁Cantaloupe juice.
你嘗過了You've tasted it.
你嘗過了You've tasted it.
喔,你嘗過了Oh,you've tasted it.
你可以一直說下去 也不會變成假話You can keep saying it,but it won't stop being true.
把奶瓶給我Give me the bottle.
把毛巾給我Get me the towel.
給我一罐果汁Give me a box of juice.
他們把我調到“西班牙男人”了Well,they switched me over to Hombre.
也許是因為你的穿著Maybe it's because of the way you're dressed.
或因為那傢伙表現太好了 他們要增加人手Or this guy's doing so good they want to put more people on it.
那傢伙一天用掉兩瓶This guy goes through two bottles a day now.
你在乎什麼?What do you care?
你是個演員 這只是你的副業,沒什麼You're an actor. This is your day job. It's nothing!
我知道,但我本來是最棒的I know,but I was the best.
我喜歡當最棒的You know? I liked being the best.
也許我應該退出這場遊戲Maybe I should get out of the game.
廚具部門需要有人切乳酪They need guys up in housewares to serve cheese.
假如你這麼做了Say you do that.
將來遲早有人會出現 乳酪切得比你更好Sooner or later,somebody will come along that slices a better cheddar.
那時候你要逃到哪裡?Then where you gonna run?
也許你說得對You're right.
我說你應該發揮大丈夫氣概I say you show him what you're made of. Stand your ground.
讓他知道你是內衣部西邊最厲害的西班牙男人!Show him that you're the baddest Hombre west of the lingerie!
我要這麼做! 好極了-I'm gonna do it! -All right!
現在去找貓咪小姐 她會介紹個好妓女給你Now,go see Miss Kitty and she'll fix you up with a nice hooker.
我不知道該說什麼I don't know what to say.
很好,因為我不會聽That's good because I'm not listening.
我覺得很糟糕,真的I feel terrible. I really do.
對不起 我的背傷害了你的刀嗎?I'm sorry. Did my back hurt your knife?
我跟她交朋友,一起去逛街 這有什麼不好?Say that I'm friends with her. Is that so terrible?
真的很不好嗎? 是的,你還不懂嗎?-It's that terrible? -You don't get it!
她偷走我的男人已經夠糟了…It's bad enough she stole the guy...
我可能會跟他長相廝守...who may be the person l'm supposed to be with.
但現在…But now...
她竟然…...she's actually....
現在她竟然連你也搶走了!But now she's actually stealing you!
你在說什麼?What are you talking about?
沒人能把我從你那裡搶走Nobody could steal me from you.
我與她交朋友 不會影響我與你的感情Because I'm friends with her doesn't make me any less friends with you.
你是我的…You're my....
我們是…And we're....
喔,我愛你! 我也愛你!-Oh,I love you! -I love you too!
喂,我知道這與我完全無關You guys,I know that this really doesn't have anything to do with me.
但我也愛你們!But I love you guys too!
我很需要這樣I really needed that.
我知道現在…I know that right now...
你很想恨死茱莉...you really need to hate Julie's guts.
但她沒有做什麼錯事But she didn't do anything wrong.
她只是認識了一個男生 現在他們在交往She's just a girl who met a guy,and now they go out.
我想如果你給她一個機會 你會喜歡她的I think that if you gave her a chance,you'd like her.
你願意給她一個機會嗎?Will you give it a chance?
為了我?For me?
我願意為你做任何事 你知道的I'd do anything for you,you know that.
我什麼都願意為你做!I'd do anything for you!
我說:早!I said,mornin'!
我聽見了I heard you.
好,各位 我要開門了All right,everybody. I'm opening the doors.
你們準備好了嗎?You boys ready?
我也好了Yeah,l'm ready.
你這個白癡! 笨牛仔!You idiot! You stupid cowboy!
你弄瞎我了!我要告你們!You've blinded me! I'm suing!
天啊!陶德!你在搞什麼鬼!Oh,my God! Todd! What the hell did you do?
對不起,我真是笨手笨腳!Sorry. I'm such a doofus!
對不起,非常對不起I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
老天,發生什麼事?My God,what happened?
這些菜鳥,都撐不了很久These new kids,they never last.
遲早他們就會…Sooner or later they all...
…止步前進...stop lasting.
我們去喝杯咖啡怎麼樣?What do you say I buy you that cup of coffee now?
我想我們應該親近親近I just thought we should hang out.
你知道的 我們從來沒有真正談過話I mean,you know,we've never really talked.
你知道的 因為你是我們兩個之一I guess you'd know that,being one of the two of us.
我知道I know.
我也許不該告訴你…I probably shouldn't even tell you this...
但我實在很怕你... but l'm pretty much totally intimidated by you.
你在開玩笑嗎?Oh,my God,are you kidding?
羅斯還是對你很著迷…Ross is so crazy about you...
我真的希望你喜歡我...and I really wanted you to like me,and l....
也許我只是胡思亂想…It's probably me just being totally paranoid...
但我好像覺得你不喜歡我...but I kind of got the feeling that maybe you don't.
你不是完全胡思亂想Well,you're not totally paranoid.
當你與羅斯剛開始交往時…When you and Ross first started going out...
我真的很難過…...it was really hard for me...
有太多理由,我不能給你造成困擾...for many reasons of which l'm not gonna bore you with now.
但我看到他非常快樂 而且你們在一起是多麼相配I see how happy he is and how good you guys are together.
莫妮卡一直說你有多好…And Monica's always saying how nice you are...
真討厭她說得對!...and God,I hate it when she's right!
你想不想一起去看電影 或出去玩?Would you like to go to a movie sometime or something?
這樣很好,我很樂意Yeah,that'd be great. I'd love it.
我也是I'd love it too.
我必須要走了Shoot,I gotta go.
待會見 好,茱莉-So I'll talk to you later. -All right,Julie.
真是個玩弄人的賤人!What a manipulative bitch.
真不賴It's not bad.


瓊安好不好?So how was Joan?
跟她分手了Broke up with her.
別告訴我 因為鼻孔太大?Don't tell me. Because of the big nostril thing?
真的超大!They were huge!
她打噴嚏時 會有蝙蝠飛出來When she sneezed,bats flew out of them.
沒那麼大They were not that huge.
當她仰起頭時 我可以看到她的腦子I'm telling you,she leaned back,I could see her brain.
你到底要拒絕多少好女孩…How many women will you reject...
只是因為非常膚淺的事情?...over superficial,insignificant things
慢著,我必須幫錢德說話Hold it. I gotta side with Chandler on this one.
我剛搬到這裡時 與一個女孩交往When I first moved here,I went out with this girl.
非常熱情,很會接吻…Really hot. Great kisser...
但是她的喉結非常大粒!...but she had the biggest Adam's apple.
真是讓我受不了Drove me nuts.
你說還是我說? 我來好了-You or me? -I got it.
喬伊,女人沒有喉結Joey,women don't have Adam's apples.
你們是在騙我,對不對?You guys are messing with me,right?
對,我們在騙你!Yeah. We are!
真好笑 我差點上當了That's a good one. For a second there,I was like,whoa!
六人行 第2季 第03集 哈克先生之死The One Where Heckles Dies
你與哪個女友分手 是因為正當的理由?You name one woman that you broke up with for an actual real reason.
莫琳羅西洛Maureen Rasillo.
因為她不討厭音樂家雅尼 這不是個正當的理由Because she doesn't hate Yanni is not a real reason.
嗨,哈克先生Hello,Mr. Heckles.
你們又做了You're doing it again.
我們什麼都沒做We're not doing anything.
你們腳步聲太響 嚇到了我的鳥兒You're stomping. It's disturbing my birds.
你沒有養鳥You don't have birds.
我可以養鳥I could have birds.
我們會小聲一點We'll try to keep it down.
謝謝Thank you.
我要回去繼續我的晚宴了I'm going to rejoin my dinner party.
好,再見All right,bye-bye.
珍妮絲可以證明 我並沒有亂挑剔Give me Janice. That wasn't about being picky.
我們同意你與珍妮絲分手We'll give you Janice.
但我蠻想珍妮絲的I miss Janice,though.
嗨,錢德賓!Hello,Chandler Bing!
喔,我的天!Oh,my God!
現在就要!Now! Now!
對了That's it.
對了!快一點!There! Faster!
別用掃把了! 我們沒有製造噪音!Stop with the broom! We're not making noise!
我們贏了We won.
我們勝利了!We did it!
哈克先生!Mr. Heckles!
怎麼發生的? 他大概在掃地-How did this happen? -He was sweeping.
他們發現他抓著一把掃把They found a broom in his hand.
真糟糕 我知道-That's terrible. -I know.
昨天我也在掃地I was sweeping yesterday.
搞不好也會一命嗚呼It could've been me.
掃地,真是沒想到Sweeping. You never know.
世事難料Never know.
很微弱 但我還可以感覺他在大樓裡It's very faint,but I can still sense him in the building.
進入光芒中,哈克先生!Go into the light,Mr. Heckles!
對不起 有時候他們需要幫助I'm sorry,but sometimes they need help.
又來了Here we go.
很好,嘲笑我吧That's fine,go ahead and scoff.
我不相信很多事情…There are a lot of things I don't believe in...
但這不表示就不是真的... but that doesn't mean they're not true.
譬如什麼事?Such as?
像是麥田怪圈或百慕大三角 或進化論Like crop circles or the Bermuda Triangle or evolution.
你不相信進化論?What,you don't believe in evolution?
不真的相信Not really.
你不相信進化論?You don't believe in evolution?
我不知道,只是…I don't know. It's just,you know....
猴子,達爾文,很好的故事 我只是覺得有點太簡單Monkeys,Darwin,it's a nice story. I just think it's a little too easy.
太簡單?太…"Too easy"? Too
這個星球上的一切生物 經過數千萬年…The process of every living thing on this planet evolving...
從單細胞微生物進化而成 而你說太簡單?...over millions of years from single-celled organisms is "too easy"?
對,我不買帳Yeah,I just don't buy it.
對不起 進化論不是信不信由你,菲比Excuse me. Evolution is not for you to buy,Phoebe.
進化論是科學事實 就像我們呼吸的空氣…Evolution is scientific fact,like the air we breathe...
就像地心引力...Iike gravity.
別跟我提起地心引力Don't get me started on gravity.
你不相信地心引力?You don't believe in gravity?
倒不是相不相信的問題Well,it's not so much that,you know,I don't believe in it.
最近我感覺到…Lately I get the feeling that...
我不是被吸住,而是被壓著...I'm not so much being pulled down as I am being pushed.
那一定是伊薩克·牛頓,他出來尿尿了It's lsaac Newton and he's pissed.
快點菲比,跳到天花板上去Quick, Pheebs, hop on the ceiling.
她在這,那裡還有另一個There she is. And over there,that's the other one.
這是伯弟杜爾 哈克的律師This is Mr. Buddy Doyle,Heckles' attorney.
他想跟你們談談He'd like to talk to you.
有何貴幹?What can we do for you?
好了,孩子們 事情是這樣的All right,kids,here's the deal.
根據我客戶的遺囑…According my client's will...
他要把他所有財產…... he wants to leave all his earthly possessions...
都留給樓上吵鬧的女孩們...to "the noisy girls in the apartment above mine."
他的家人呢?What about his family?
他沒有家人He didn't have any.
好,讓我們看看有多少錢Okay,so let's talk money.
好,沒有半毛錢All right,there was none.
現在,我們來簽字Now,let's talk signing.
你是一號吵鬧女孩 你是二號吵鬧女孩You be noisy girl number one. You be noisy girl number two.
我真不相信 我們一直以為他討厭我們I can't believe that this whole time we thought he hated us.
真是不可思議 我們能如此感動其他人…Isn't it amazing how much you can touch someone's life...
而自己卻不知道?...without even knowing it?
看看這個豬窩?!Would you look at this dump?
他痛恨我們! 這是他最終的報復!He hated us! This was his final revenge!
我從來沒看過這麼多廢物!I've never seen so much crap!
我覺得這間公寓 侮辱了廢物的美名Actually,I think this apartment sullies the good name of crap.
看看這個Check this out.
這個能給我嗎?Can I have this?
你怎麼能不相信進化論?How can you not believe in evolution?
我不知道,就是不相信 看看這條怪襯衫!I don't know,just don't. Look at this funky shirt!
菲比 我整個成年都在研究進化論Pheebs,I've studied evolution my entire adult life.
我們從世界各地搜集化石And we've collected fossils from all over the world...
能夠證明不同物種的進化論...that actually show the evolution of different species.
可以真正看到它們…I mean,you can literally see them...
透過時間進化...evolving through time.
真的?可以看得到?Really? You can actually see it?
千真萬確!在美國 中國,非洲,全世界!You bet! In the U.S.,China,Africa,all over!
這我不知道See,I didn't know that.
這就是吧Well,there you go.
問題是 誰把化石放在那裡?為什麼?So now the real question is,who put those fossils there and why?
看看這個! 我的痛苦之書Look at this! My Big Book of Grievances.
嘿,這是我!Hey,there's me!
四月十七日,噪音過度…"April 1 7th,excessive noise...
義大利佬帶了女伴回家... Italian guy comes home with a date."
你也在裡面You're in here too.
四月十八日,噪音過度…"April 1 8th,excessive noise...
義大利佬的同性戀室友 帶了乾洗衣服回家... Italian guy's gay roommate brings home dry cleaning."
真是太好了Well,that's excellent.
看看這盞燈Look at this lamp.
真是夠俗了 我們一定要帶回去!Is this tacky or what? We have to have this.
我們的好檯燈夠多了I think we have enough regular lamps.
什麼?好啦,我又不是…What? Come on,it's not like...
要這個美女時鐘或什麼的... I'm asking for this girlie clock or anything.
但我覺得這個也很酷Which,by the way,I also think is really cool.
聽著,它與我的東西都不搭?鋥Look,it doesn't go with any of my stuff.
那麼我的東西呢?Well,what about my stuff?
你沒有任何東西You don't have any stuff.
這個將成為我的東西It will be the start of my stuff.
你還是認為那是你的公寓 對不對?You still think of it as your apartment,don't you?
對,你是這麼想Yes,you do.
你把它想成是你的公寓 我只是租了個房間You think of it as your apartment and I just rent a room.
你支支吾吾的時候 我會為我的新檯燈找個地方放While you "mmm" on that,I'll go find a place for my new lamp.
菲比 看我玩這些小玩具Okay,Pheebs. See how I'm making these little toys move?
可對立的拇指!Opposable thumbs!
沒有進化論 怎麼發展出可對立的拇指?Without evolution,how do you explain opposable thumbs?
也許外星主宰需要這樣的拇指才能夠駕駛空間飛船Maybe the Overlords needed them to steer their spacecrafts.
請說你是在開玩笑Tell me you're joking.
能不能說你相信進化論 而我不相信?Look,can't we say that you believe in something and I don't?
不行,菲比 就像數學,1加1等於2No, Pheebs, we can't. Because it's like math. One plus one equals two.
我不能讓你認為等於3或者等於4或者等於黃顏色I can't let you think that it might equal three or four or yellow.
為什麼不行?這有什麼關係?Why not?. No, what is that all about?.
為什麼非得每個人都同意你?What is this obsessive need to make everybody agree with you?
你知道嗎?You know what?
我想你也許應該把羅斯放到顯微鏡下面好好看看I think maybe it's time you put Ross under the microscope.
我耳朵有沒有流血?Is there blood coming out of my ears?
看看這個 哈克的高中同學錄Check it out. Heckles' high-school yearbook.
他看起來好正常!He looks so normal!
甚至有點可愛He's even kind of cute.
“哈克 你上科學課總是讓我捧腹大笑”"Heckles,you crack me up in science class.
“你是全校最有趣的學生”You're the funniest kid in school."
最有趣?哈克? 上面是這樣寫的-Funniest? Heckles? -That's what it says.
哈克被選為班上的活寶 我也是Heckles was voted class clown,and so was l.
他說得對! 聽聽那個噪音?He was right! Would you listen to that?
的確是很吵鬧I'd call that excessive.
哈克在樂隊演奏豎笛 我也是Heckles played clarinet in band,and I played clarinet.
他參加模型俱樂部 我也…He was in the scale modeler's club and I was
雖然我的學校沒有俱樂部 但我覺得模型很酷There was no club,but I sure thought they were cool.
所以你們兩個都是書呆子So? You were both dorks.
沒什麼值得大驚小怪Big deal.
我覺得很怪,哈克與我…I just think it's weird,you know? Heckles and me
哈克與我,我…Heckles and me. Me
我與哈克Me and Heckles.
喂,別吵好不好!Hey,would you knock it off!
你整晚都在這裡?Have you been here all night?
看看這個Look at this.
哈克交往過的女人照片Pictures of all the women Heckles went out with.
看看他在上面寫的 “薇安,太高大”Look what he wrote on them. "Vivian,too tall."
“瑪姬,牙齦太大”"Madge,big gums."
“太大聲”"Too loud."
“太聰明” “吃東西發出聲音”"Too smart." "Makes noise when she eats."
這就是我This is me.
這就是我的作法This is what I do.
我會像他一樣孤獨終老I'm gonna end up alone,just like he did.
哈克是個神經病Heckles was a nut case.
我們的人生道路方向一樣Our trains are on the same track.
我比他晚了30年 但終點都是一樣I'm coming up 30 years behind him,but the stops are all the same.
愁苦城…Bitter Town...
孤獨鎮,隱士村!...Alone-ville,Hermit Junction!
我們應該離開這裡You know what we gotta do? Get you out of here.
我請你吃早餐I'll buy you breakfast.
要是我一直找不到伴侶怎麼辦? 或更糟的,我已經找到了…What if I never find somebody? Or worse,what if I found her...
但我卻因為她把“或許”說成“厚許”就甩了她?... but I dumped her because she pronounces it,"supposably"?
錢德,好啦 你會找到對象的Chandler,come on,you're gonna find somebody.
你怎麼知道?How do you know that? How?
我不知道 我只是想幫你下臺I don't know. I'm just trying to help you out.
你們將來都會結婚…You guys will all get married...
我會孤獨一人...and I'll end up alone.
你能不能答應我一件事?Will you promise me something?
你結婚後 過節時能不能請我去玩?When you're married,will you invite me over for holidays?
我不知道我們會怎麼樣I don't know what we'll be doing.
要是我們到她的父母那裡過節呢?I mean,what if we're over at her folks' place?
我瞭解Yeah,I understand.
你可以過來看超級杯You can come over and watch the Super Bowl.
每一年都來,怎麼樣?Every year,all right?
我不要像這樣子下場!You know what? I'm not gonna end up like this.
待會見,兄弟I'll see you,man.
他們去動物園了嗎?Did they go to the zoo?
嗨,是我Hi. It's me.
我的天!Oh,my God!
珍妮絲?你打給珍妮絲?Janice? You called Janice?
是的,珍妮絲Yes. Janice.
有什麼難懂的?Why is that difficult to comprehend?
你還記得珍妮絲吧?You remember Janice,right?
是啊,她很聰明,很漂亮 而且很關心我Yes. She was smart,she was pretty and she honestly cared about me.
珍妮絲是我?淖詈笠桓魷M鹻Janice is my last chance to have somebody.
喔,天啊!Oh,my God!
她真是胖了不少Jeez,look how fat she got.
嗨,大家都在這裡! 嗨,珍妮絲-Hey,it's everybody! -Hi,Janice.
是的,我有了Yes,I am.
是不是… 是不是你的?-ls it? -ls it yours?
沒那麼好的事,錢德賓!You wish,Chandler Bing!
我已經是已婚女士了You are looking at a married lady now.
親愛的,真抱歉,我不可能等你一輩子Sweetie,I'm sorry.I couldn't wait for you forever.
你不能在電話上告訴我嗎?You couldn't tell me on the phone?
要我錯過看到你的表情? 才不要!And what? Miss the expression on your face? Oh,no!
珍妮絲喜歡樂子!Janice likes to have her fun!
你知道我們很久沒玩什麼嗎?You know what we haven't played in a while?
藏起檯燈Hide the lamp.
莫妮卡,算了吧Monica,let it go.
你知道我對貝類過敏嗎?Did you know I'm allergic to shellfish?
那麼你將必須吃掉其他的檯燈Then you'll just have to eat the other lamps.
可怕的科學家來了It's scary scientist man.
菲比,這些就是了Okay,Phoebe,this is it.
在這個手提箱中 我帶來了真正的科學證據In this briefcase I carry actual scientific facts.
可算是整個提箱的證據A briefcase of facts,if you will.
其中有些化石超過2億年Some of these fossils are over 200 million years old.
我要先告訴你 我並不否定進化論Before you even start,I'm not denying evolution.
進化論只是可能性之一It's just one of the possibilities.
進化論是唯一的可能It's the only possibility.
羅斯 你能不能稍稍敞開心胸?Ross,could you just open your mind,like,this much?
以前最聰明的人 不也相信地球是平的?Didn't the brightest minds in the world believe the Earth was flat?
五十年前,科學家認為 原子是最微小的事物And up till 50 years ago,you thought the atom was the smallest thing...
後來科學家擊碎了原子 於是產生了各種玩意…...until you split it open and this whole mess of crap came out.
難道你是如此自大…Are you telling me that you are so unbelievably arrogant...
無法承認有一點點的可能…...that you can't admit that there's a teeny,tiny possibility...
你們科學家也許會犯錯?...that you could be wrong about this?
是有一點點…There might be...
一點點…...a teeny...
…的可能... possibility.
我真不相信你屈服了I can't believe you caved.
你放棄了你的整個信仰!You just abandoned your whole belief system!
以前我雖然不同意你 但我至少尊敬你Before,I didn't agree with you,but at least I respected you.
明天你要怎麼繼續研究?How are you gonna go into work tomorrow?
你要如何面對其他科學家?How are you going to face the other science guys?
你要如何面對你自己?How are you going to face yourself?
真好玩,有誰餓了?That was fun. So who's hungry?
我餓了I am.
我也是 我去拿外套Me too. Let me just get my coat.
怎麼了?What happened?
這是意外,我發誓It was an accident,I swear.
我正在穿外套 檯燈就破了I was putting on my jacket and the thing and the lamp and it broke.
拜託,莫妮卡! 你痛恨我的檯燈!Oh,please,Monica! You've always hated my lamp!
突然間 它就奇跡似地破了?And now all of a sudden,it's just magically,it's just broken?
菲比,告訴她Phoebe,tell her?
我沒看到 因為我正在穿外套I didn't see it,because I was putting on my jacket.
但我想要相信你But I want to believe you.
嗨,錢德 莫妮卡打破了我的貝殼檯燈Hey,Chandler. Monica just broke my seashell lamp.
我會死得孤苦伶仃!I'm gonna die alone!
好,算你贏Okay,you win.
錢德,你不會死得孤苦伶仃Chandler,you are not gonna die alone.
本來珍妮絲是我的安全保障Janice was my safety net,okay?
現在我必須去養一條蛇了And now I have to get a snake.
為什麼?Why is that?
如果我會成為孤獨老人 我需要養個東西If I'm gonna be an old,lonely man,I'm gonna need a thing.
有個依靠You know,a hook.
就像地鐵上那個吃自己臉的人Like that guy on the subway who eats his own face.
我會成為 “養蛇的瘋老頭”So I figure I'll be "Crazy Man With A Snake."
養蛇瘋子Crazy Snake Man.
然後我會養更多蛇 當成我的子女Then I'll get more snakes,call them my babies.
小孩都不敢經過我的門口!Kids will run past my place!
他們會叫道: 養蛇瘋子要來抓人了!"Run away from Crazy Snake Man," they'll shout!
你必須想開一點You've got to get over this.
你不會孤苦伶仃You won't end up alone.
我當然會Of course I will.
我甩掉了所有笨得願意跟我交往的女孩I reject anyone who's crazy enough to actually go out with me...
然後我抱怨找不到好女孩...and then I bitch that there aren't any great women out there.
我們所交往的男人…You have just described...
就跟你所描述的一樣...virtually every man that we've ever gone out with.
你沒什麼問題 你只是個平常人You are not a freak. You're a guy.
她說得對,你們做的都一樣She's right.You all do it.
有個人不再看我是因為他的貓不喜歡我This one guy stopped seeing me because his cat didn't like me.
或者因為我在脊背穿刺的時候睡著Or because I fell asleep during Spinal Tap,
你在脊背穿刺的時候睡著?You fell asleep during Spinal Tap?.
泰迪不再看你是因為你太胖了Teddy, who stopped seeing you because you were too fat.
他說他沒空是因為要看球賽He said he didn't have time for me because of the play.
這就是我說的That's what I said.
我的意思是,你與其他人沒什麼不同My point being,you are no different than the rest.
等一下,等一下 他是不一樣Wait a minute,wait a minute. Yes,he is.
你其實很不一樣You are totally different.
很糟糕嗎?In a bad way?
不,親愛的,是很好的不一樣No,honey,in a wonderful way.
現在你知道你要什麼了You know what you want now.
大多數男人根本不知道Most guys don't even have a clue.
你準備好接受風險了 準備好接受傷害,與人親近You're ready to take risks,be vulnerable and intimate with someone.
你不會孤苦?尕甑膡You're not gonna end up alone.
你打電話給珍妮絲 這證明你希望與人廝守終生!You called Janice. That's how much you wanted to be with someone!
你已經改變了! 你不一樣了!-You've made it! -You're there!
你準備好做出承諾了!You are ready to make a commitment!
但是我自己卻不知道!Don't know about that!
你拿了什麼?What you got there?
不是你的東西 而你想要打破?Something else that's not yours that you can break?
我知道你喜歡這個 我也要你收下它I know you like this and I want you to have it.
在我們公寓會很好看It'll look good in our apartment.
謝謝Thank you.
沒關係That's fine.
你們會很高興知道 明天晚上我有約會You'll all be pleased to know that I have a date tomorrow night.
我的同事愛莉森 人很不錯This woman Allison from work. She is great.
她又漂亮又聰明 我一直…She's pretty,she's smart. And I've been...
沒有約她出來 因為她有一個…... holding off asking her out in the past,because she has a...
不尋常的大頭!... unusually large head.
但我不要讓這種事情阻止我But I'm not going to let that stuff hang me up anymore.
看看我,我成熟了Look at me. I'm growing.
你不要同學錄對吧?You can't recycle yearbooks,can you?
那個給我I'll take that.
你要他的同學錄?You want his yearbook?
有人說了他的好話 應該留下來Some people said nice things about him. Somebody should have it.
這真的很奇怪Gosh,this is so weird.
他整個生命都在這公寓度過 現在人去樓空His whole life was in this apartment and now it's gone.
我想我們應該為 哈克先生默哀一會兒I think it would be nice if we just took a few moments for Mr. Heckles.
他是個麻煩人物 但他是個人He was kind of a pain. He was,but he was a person.
你們全都會下地獄You're all going to hell.
其實沒有那麼大!It's really not that big!
你要拿那個走? 沒錯-Taking that with you,huh? -Oh,yeah.
你來嗎?You coming?
等一下In a second.
再見,哈克先生Goodbye,Mr. Heckles.
我們會安靜點We'll try to keep it down.
我完全學非所用My major was useless.
報紙上什麼時候看的到 “徵求哲學家”?How often do you look in the classifieds and see "Philosopher Wanted"?
天啊,那真是個大頭!My God,that's a big head!
在辦公室看起來沒這麼大 也許是因為燈光It didn't look this big in the office. Maybe it's the lighting.
我的頭在公司 一定像個高爾夫球那麼小My head must look like a golf ball at work.
不要想了 快列出你喜歡她的五件事Don't get hung up on it. Quick! List five things you like about her.
笑容很美,衣著高雅Nice smile,good dresser.
大頭,大頭,還是大頭!Big head,big head,big head!


媽,你放心好不好?Mom,would you relax?
那裡離這裡有十條街 而且她是一個人在晚上走That was 10 blocks from here,and she was walking alone at night.
我絕不會那樣的I would never do that.
媽,別擔心了Mom,come on,stop worrying.
這條街很安全,這棟樓很安全 沒有任何東西…This is a safe street. This is a safe building. There's nothing
天啊!你跑進來幹什麼?Oh,my God! What are you doing in here?!
媽,我必須掛電話了!Mom,I gotta go! IT gotta go!
天啊!Oh,my God!
沒關係,你儘管看報That's fine,you just read the paper.
我要去拿個鍋子I'm gonna get a pot.
不是為了你It's not for you.
好了,很好Okay,that's fine.
看看漫畫Read the Family Circus...
享受一下幽默…...enjoy the gentle comedy....
喔,我的天,我的天 我的天…Oh,my God,my God,my God,my God....
門是開的It's open,you guys.
有事嗎?Can I help you?
菲比還住在這裡嗎?Does Phoebe still live here?
沒有,但我可以幫你傳話No,she doesn't. But I can get a message to her.
好,告訴她 她老公來過這裡Great. Just tell her her husband stopped by.
她的什麼?Her what?
你怎麼變出來的?How did you do that?
六人行 第2季 第04集 菲比的丈夫The One With Phoebe's Husband
真是不可思議,菲比 你怎麼會結婚?This is unbelievable,Pheebs. How can you be married?
我不是“結婚”的結婚 你明白嗎?I'm not "married" married,you know?
他只是個朋友 而且他是同性戀He's just a friend,and he's gay...
而且他來自加拿大 他需要一張綠卡...and he was from Canada,and he needed a Green Card.
我不相信你嫁給了鄧肯!I can't believe you married Duncan!
你怎麼能不告訴我? 我們什麼事都告訴彼此How could you not tell me? We told each other everything.
對不起,但如果我告訴你 你會批評我…I'm sorry,but I knew if I told you,you'd get judgmental...
不會贊成...and wouldn't approve.
我當然不會贊成!Of course I wouldn't approve!
你愛死了那個同性戀You were totally in love with this guy who,hello,was gay.
你到底怎麼想的?What the hell were you thinking?
瞧?你還以為她很愛批評呢See? And you thought she'd be judgmental.
我並不愛他 我只是幫助一個朋友I wasn't in love with him. I was helping out a friend.
他離開後你一整個月都沒下床When he left town,you stayed in your pajamas for a month.
我還看到你吃乳酪漢堡And I saw you eat a cheeseburger.
有沒有?Well,didn't you?
也許有I might have.
我真不相信你沒告訴我I can't believe you didn't tell me.
你會告訴我一切事情嗎?Like you tell me everything?
我有什麼沒告訴你?What have I not told you?
我不知道I don't know.
譬如說外面電線杆上的內衣…The fact that the underwear out on the telephone pole is yours...
是你跟搞笑巴比 在陽臺上做愛時丟下去的!...from when you had sex with Fun Bobby on the terrace!
誰告訴你的?Wait a minute! Who told you?
你死定了You are dead meat.
我不知道那是個大秘密I didn't know it was a big secret.
不是大秘密 一點也不是Oh,it's not big. Not at all.
比方說就像…IKind of the same as,say...
長了三個乳頭!... I don't know,having a third nipple!
你有三個乳頭?You have a third nipple?
你這賤人!You bitch!
秀一秀!秀一秀!Whip it out! Whip it out!
沒什麼好看的! 只是個小突起,沒有用處There's nothing to see! It's a tiny bump. It's totally useless.
你其他乳頭有多種用途咯?As opposed to your other multi-functional nipples?
我真不能信任你! 你說那是個小包I can't believe you! You told me it was a nubbin.
喬伊,你以為小包是什麼?Joey,what did you think a nubbin was?
聽到了一個名字 就不會多想了You see something,you hear a word,I thought that's what it was.
讓我再看一看! 對,讓我們看你的小包!-Let me see it again! -Yes,show us your nubbin!
喬伊拍過色情電影!Joey was in a porno movie!
如果我要垮臺 每個人都要跟我一起垮!If I'm going down,I'm taking everybody with me!
老天! 你拍過黃片!-Oh,my God! -You were in a porno?!
當時我很年輕,只想找個工作I was young and I just wanted a job.
但最後一刻我無法做下去But I couldn't go through with it.
他們就讓我演修影印機的人…They let me be the guy who fixes the copier but can't...
但是因為有人在上面做愛 所以無法修理...because there's people having sex on it.
真是狂野!That is wild!
形狀是什麼樣子? 有沒有長毛?-What's it shaped like? -ls it hairy?
碰到了會怎麼樣?What happens if you flick it?
有沒有什麼特殊功能?So does it do anything,you know,special?
只要壓我的第三個乳頭…Pressing my third nipple opens the delivery entrance...
就會開啟納尼亞王國(著名的兒童魔幻小說)之門...to the magical land of Narnia.
在有些文化中 第三個乳頭象徵了男性雄風In some cultures,having a third nipple is actually a sign of virility.
有最好的住所 女人繞著你跳脫衣舞You get the best huts,and women dance naked around you.
這些文化 是否可能在美國中部?Are any of these cultures,per chance,in the Tri-State area?
你真是博學多聞 有什麼是你不知道的?You know,you are so amazing. Is there anything you don't know?
茱莉好聰明!茱莉好特別!Julie's so smart! Julie's so special!
她是不是晚上全副武裝出去打擊犯罪?Does she put an outfit on at night and go out and fight crime?
我也希望你能與羅斯複合I wanted you to hook up with Ross as much as you did.
但現在他與她在一起 你必須忘了他But he's with her now. You'll have to get over it.
原來我必須忘了他Oh,I'm going to have to get over it.
我不知道該怎麼辦 原來只要忘了他就好I didn't know that's what I had to do. I just have to get over it.
我必須寫在我的手上I'm gonna have to write that down on my hand.
性感美女! 你要幹什麼?-Sassy lady! -Where are you going?
我要去見鄧肯 今晚他要在公園溜冰I'm meeting Duncan. He's skating tonight at the Garden.
他參加了冰上劇團He's in the Capades.
在冰上表演? 不,在碎石路上表演-The lce Capades? -No,the Gravel Capades.
轉得不會很快 史努比跌倒時非常好笑The turns aren't as fast,but when Snoopy falls? Funny.
我不相信你竟然為他打扮I can't believe you'd dress up for him.
你又要重蹈覆轍了You're setting yourself up all over again.
我去看他 就是為了能徹底忘了他For your information,I'm seeing him so I can put those feelings behind me.
我這樣打扮是因為…The reason I'm dressed like this is because I think it's nice...
我要讓我的同性戀丈夫有面子...to look nice for your gay husband.
該死,沒牛奶了Darn it,we're all out of milk.
錢德,能不能給我加一點?Chandler,will you fill me up here?
我懂了,因為第三個乳頭?I see,I see. Because of the third-nipple thing.
親愛的,待會見Okay,sweetie,I'll see you later.
待會見,瑞秋 再見,茱莉-See you later,Rach. -Bye-bye,Julie.
別鬧了!Come on,cut it out!
我能問你一件事嗎? 好啊-Can I ask you something? -Sure.
對我說吧Come on,talk to me.
你與男人交往花了最久時間…What's the longest you've been in a relationship before...
才發生關係的是多久?... having the sex?
什麼?誰沒有…? 你與茱莉還沒有…Why? Who's not? Are you and Julie not?
你與茱莉還沒有發生關係?Are you and Julie not having sex?
是不是因為她很冷感?Is it because she's so cold in bed?
或者她非常專橫 感覺像是在學校?Or because she's kind of bossy,makes it feel like school?
不!她很好 我們又不是什麼都沒做No! She's great. And it's not like we haven't done anything.
我們做了很多事情 像是…We do plenty of other stuff. Lots of other stuff like
不!別告訴我細節No! Don't need to know the details.
不,只是…No,it's just....
我的問題It's me.
我一輩子隻跟一個人上過床…I've only been with one woman my whole life...
後來她變成了同性戀...and she turned out to be a lesbian.
所以現在我很擔心So now I've got myself all psyched out.
就像是…It's become,like,this...
這件事!...this thing!
你一定以為我很怪You must just think I'm weird.
不,我不認為很怪No,I don't think it's weird.
我想…I think,in fact....
你知道我怎麼想嗎? 怎麼想?-ln fact,you know what I think? -What?
我覺得這很性感I think it's sexy.
讓我告訴你,身為女人…Let me tell you something. As a woman...
沒有任何事情…...there is nothing sexier...
比不想要做愛的男人更性感...than a man who does not want to have sex.
真的?No kidding?
你知道我會怎麼做?You know what I'd do?
我會等待下去I'd wait.
你會等待? 沒錯,我會等待…-You'd wait? -Absolutely. I would wait...
一直等待…...and wait....
然後我還會再等下去Then I'd wait some more.
我不管她怎麼說 她多麼想要,多麼懇求你…I don't care if she tells you she wants it,she begs,she pleads...
她說她要跟其他男人做愛…...she tells you she's gonna have sex with another man
這只表示收到了效果That just means it's working.
女人真的希望如此?Women really want this?
比珠寶還要渴望More than jewelry.
你看起來真美麗!Look at you! You look great!
真的?謝謝Do l? Thank you.
你也是,閃閃發亮!So do you. Sparkly!
真是很棒,冰上劇團主角先生This is pretty wonderful,Mr. Major Capades Guy!
我記得當你扮演在羅傑先生的冰上的弗雷迪國王(兒童節目)時很可愛I remember when you were just King Friday in Mr. Roger's Ice Is Nice.
你一直說我會成功的You always said I'd make it.
我總是有這方面的怪才能Well,you know,I'm kind of spooky that way.
啊,我想念你!Gosh,I missed you!
我要換衣服 好的-I'm gonna get changed. -Okay.
喔!對,好的Oh! Right. Okay.
鬥牛士…The Matador....
親愛的,你能不能拿一下?Sweetie,can you hold this for a second?
對不起,你臉上有個考古學家Sorry,you had a paleontologist on your face.
但現在沒有了,沒事But it's gone now. You're all right.
我要謝謝你先前的指點I wanted to thank you for our little talk before.
沒問題!所以你要等下去?No problem! So you're gonna go with the waiting thing?
我本來要等 但是後來我又跟喬伊談了I was going to,but after I talked to you,I talked to Joey.
很好,他怎麼說?Good. What did he say?
他要我戰勝自己去做就行了He told me to get over myself and just do it.
我衡量了你說的與他說的I thought about what you said and about what he said.
照他的話,今晚我就能做愛And his way,I get to have sex tonight,so....
我口袋裡有什麼東西?What is this in my pocket?
什麼,是喬伊的黃色電影!Why,it's Joey's porno movie!
放出來看看!Pop it in!
我不介意 只要你們願意看…I'm fine,if you're okay watching a video...
一大堆兩個乳頭的人...filled with two-nippled people.
大家都在做愛 正是我想要看的People having sex. That's just what I need to see.
做愛有什麼不對?What's wrong with people having sex?
這些電影很冒犯人…Well,you know,these movies are offensive...
侮辱女人與女性…...and degrading to women and females....
燈光總是很呆板And the lighting's always unflattering.
莫妮卡,幫我一下 我不管,我要看喬伊!-Monica,help me out here. -Hell,I wanna see Joey!
有沒有故事? 還是立刻就開始…So is there a story? Or do they just start doing it right
別理會我Oh. Never mind.
等一下 那是我見過最瘋狂的打字測驗Wait a minute. That is the craziest typing test I've ever seen.
我只能說,她最好被聘用All I say is,she'd better get the job.
看來是他被“聘用”了Looks to me like he's the one getting the job.
我上場了Here I come.
我要修理影印機See,I'm coming to fix the copier.
但是我修不了 我在想:怎麼辦?I can't get to the copier. I'm thinking,"What do I do?"
所以我只好看他們做愛So I just watch them have sex.
然後我要開口了!Then I say Here's my line!
這對送紙匣很不好You know,that's bad for the paper tray.
幹得好,老兄!Nice work,my friend!
等一下,又有我的鏡頭了 這傢伙屁股擋住我了Wait,you see me again. Hang on,the guy's butt's blocking me.
我冒出來了,又來了 又來了,又來了…There I am. There I am. There I am....
怎麼回事? 昨天你來找我So what's up? You came to see me yesterday.
我需要跟你離婚I kind of need a divorce.
為什麼?How come?
其實我又要結婚了Actually,I'm getting married again.
我不知道要怎麼說I don't know how to tell you this.
我不是同性戀I'm straight.
我不懂你怎麼會是異性戀?I don't understand. How can you be straight?
你又聰明又幽默…You're so smart and funny...
而且舉辦很棒的奧斯卡派對!...and you throw such great Academy Award parties!
我也一直這麼告訴自己That's what I kept telling myself.
但是到了某個程度 就無法再扯謊下去了But you reach a point where you can't live a lie anymore.
你知道了多久?How long have you known?
我想我一直知道 自己不是同性戀I guess on some level I always knew I was straight.
我覺得我應該跟別人一樣I thought I was supposed to be something else.
我是個冰上舞蹈者 所有朋友都是同志,我要合群I'm an ice dancer,all my friends are gay. I was just trying to fit in.
真的要跟一個女人結婚?And there's actually a woman?
她叫黛博拉Her name's Debra.
她是不是你的第一個女人?Well,is she the first that you've been with?
我從來沒告訴過你…I've never told you this...
但在大學有一兩次…... but there were one or two times back in college when...
我喝得大醉,去了異性戀酒吧... I'd get drunk,go to a straight bar...
醒來時身旁有個女人...and wake up with a woman next to me.
我以為這是因為酒精的緣故 而且大學每個人都在摸索I told myself it was the liquor,and everyone experiments in college.
現在我知道我沒有選擇 我生下來就是如此!Now I know I don't have a choice. I was born this way!
我不知道該說什麼I don't know what to say.
嫁給一個人六年 以為自己很瞭解他You're married to someone for six years and you think you know him.
結果一天他說: 我不是同性戀!And then one day he says,"Oh,I'm not gay!"
我還是我I'm still me.
你為什麼在六年前 沒有發現這件事?Why couldn't you just have figured this out six years ago?
裡面聞起來還是有猴子的味道You know,it still smells like monkey in there.
我們又有話可聊了That saves us the conversation.
今晚很好玩,但我累死了This has been great,but I'm officially wiped.
我也是,我們該走了Me too. We should get going.
不!你們別這樣!No! Come on,you guys!
現在才十一點半Come on,it's only 1 1 :30.
讓我們好好聊聊 我們最近都沒有一起聊過天Let's just talk. We never just hang out and talk anymore.
瑞秋,我們在一起只有聊天Rachel,that's all we do.
也許我們是如此 但是茱莉呢?Maybe that's all we do. What about Julie?
茱莉怎麼樣?What about Julie?
你已經加入我們將近兩個月了You have been in our lives for nearly two months now...
我們還沒有真正認識你...and we don't really know you.
茱莉究竟是什麼樣的人?I mean,who is Julie?
你喜歡什麼?不喜歡什麼?What do you like? What don't you like?
我們什麼都要知道We want to know everything.
這可能要花一段時間Well,that could take awhile.
誰沒有時間更認識茱莉?Who here does not have the time to get to know Julie?
我有時間來認識茱莉I got the time to get to know Julie.
我跟她很熟了 我能回去嗎?I know her pretty well. Can I go?
沒關係That's fine.
讓我們從你的童年開始 你的童年是怎麼樣?Let's start with your childhood. What was that like?
簡單地說…In a nutshell
你告訴了你父母嗎?So,have you told your parents?
還沒有,應該沒關係 他們都很酷No,but it'll be okay. They're pretty cool.
我弟弟是異性戀,所以…My brother's straight,so....
就是這樣了Here you go.
我還有一個問題You know what? I just have one more question.
如果你早一點知道 而我也在你身邊…If you had figured this out sooner,and I had been around...
你想會不會是我…?...do you think l would have been the one...?
不,別告訴我No. Don't tell me.
我想不管什麼回答 都不會讓我更好過I don't think either answer would make me feel better. Here.
我愛你,菲比I love you,Phoebe.
所以你弟弟是異性戀?So your brother's straight,huh?
我的二年級老師是湯瑪斯小姐and my second-grade teacher was Miss Thomas...
我的一年級老師是柯布小姐...and my first-grade teacher was Mrs. Cobb.
葛布小姐?Mrs. Gobb?
不,柯布,就像柯布沙拉No,Cobb. Like cobb salad.
柯布沙拉裡面究竟有什麼?What exactly is in a cobb salad?
我要回家了I'm going home.
茱莉真是愛說話,嗯?Boy,that Julie's a talker,huh?
晚安Good night.
很晚了,你們大概沒有打算…It's pretty late. You're probably not still planning on....
我有No,I am.
你緊張嗎?Are you nervous?
我以前做過I have done it before.
你要如何進行?I mean,how are you gonna handle it?
要先談談?還是直接猛撲上去?Are you gonna talk about it beforehand? Are you just gonna pounce?
我不知道,我想我要…I don't know. I guess I'm just gonna...
順其自然...see what happens.
祝你好運!Good luck!
這是你與她的第一次 如果第一次就不順利…It is your first time with her,and if the first time doesn't go well...
那就很難再東山再起...well then,that's pretty darn hard to recover from.
好,現在我緊張了Okay,now I'm nervous.
也許你應該延期Maybe you should put it off.
不,我不要延期!No,I don't want to put it off!
我去年一整年都很悲慘I spent last year being so unbelievably miserable.
現在我很快樂And now I'm actually happy.
真的很快樂You know,I mean really happy.
我不希望…I just don't wanna....
我不希望搞砸了,你知道吧?I don't wanna mess it up,you know?
我知道I know.
對不起I'm sorry.
這又不是你的錯It's not your fault.
也許不需要這麼困難Maybe it doesn't have to be this tough.
也許你順其自然是對的Maybe you were on the right track with that whole "spontaneous" thing.
女人真的喜歡這樣 真的?-Women really like that. -Really?
如果是我,我會希望你…I mean if it were me,I'd want you to....
趁我沒有防備的時候…I don't know,catch me off guard with a really...
好好給我一個吻...good kiss.
剛開始要很輕柔Really sort of soft at first.
然後也許把我的頭髮撥開And then maybe brush the hair away from my face.
凝視我的眼睛…And then look far into my eyes...
讓我知道有美妙的事情…...in a way that lets me know something...
快要發生了...amazing is about to happen.
然後,我不知道,然後…And then,I don't know,then...
你會更緊地摟住我…...you'd pull me really close to you so that...
我會緊緊帖著你…...so that I'd be pressed up right against you.
然後就會開始…And it would get kind of...
目眩神迷…...and blurry.
一切就自然發生…And then it's just happening.
謝謝,瑞秋,晚安!Thanks,Rach. Good night!
早安!Good morning!
昨晚有人爽到了!Well,somebody got some last night!


我好想念茱莉Man,I sure miss Julie.
西班牙侏儒Spanish midgets.
跟西班牙侏儒摔跤的是…Spanish midgets wrestling....
茱莉!哦,我明白你是怎麼想到她的了Julie! Okay,I see how you got there.
你有想過電話用來做什麼嗎?You ever figure out what that thing's for?
我在過濾電話I'm trying this screening thing.
我想如果我老是去接的話 大家會以為我沒有生活If I always answer the phone,people will think I have no life.
老天啊,羅德里格從未被壓住My God! Rodrigo never gets pinned!
聽到嗶聲後 知道該怎麼做吧?At the sound of the beep,you know what to do.
我要找鮑勃Hello. I'm looking for Bob.
我是珍德This is Jade.
我不知道你的電話改了沒有 不過我不斷在想…I don 't know if you 're still at this number,but I was thinking...
…我們過去那段美好的時光 我知道都已經三年了啦…...about how great it was. I know it's been three years...
…可是我希望我們能夠重修舊好...but I was hoping we could hook up again.
我提不起勇氣打電話…I barely had the nerve to make this call...
…你知道我怎麼樣嗎? 怎麼樣?-...so you know what I did? -What?
我喝得醉醺醺…I got a little drunk...
…還一絲不掛...and naked.
我是鮑勃Bob here!
六人行 第2季 第05集 五塊牛排和一根茄子The One With Five Steaks and An Eggplant
你近來都在幹什麼呢?So what have you been up to?
跟平常一樣啊Oh,you know,the usual.
教有氧舞蹈…Teaching aerobics...
…玩得太瘋狂...partying way too much.
如果你想知道的話…And in case you wondered...
…新007電影海報上那雙腿 是我的... those are my legs on the new James Bond poster.
請等一下,我有電話進來了Can you hold on? I have another call.
我愛她 我知道-I love her! -I know.
我回來了 那我們到底要不要聚一聚啊?-I'm back. -So are we gonna get together?
明天下午怎麼樣?How about tomorrow afternoon?
你知道中央公園咖啡廳嗎?五點鐘左右Do you know Central Perk? Say,five-ish?
太棒了,到時候見Great. I'll see you then.
我裝上電話,終於物有所值了Having a phone has finally paid off.
就算你裝鮑勃裝得很像…You do a good Bob impression...
…等到她明天一看到你…... but when she sees you tomorrow...
…就會發現你不是鮑勃了...she's gonna realize you're not Bob.
你看紋身You see Tattoo....
珍德希望跟鮑勃重修舊好Jade's fantasy is to rekindle the love she had with Bob.
而我希望你能像個正常人一樣說話My fantasy is that you talk like a normal person.
我只希望當她知道 鮑勃放她鴿子的時候…I'm hoping that when Bob doesn't show up...
…她會投向鄰桌的 陌生人的懷抱...she'll seek comfort in the arms of the stranger at the next table.
老天,你真是邪惡到家Oh,my God. You are pure evil.
邪惡到家…Okay,pure evil...
…饑渴兼孤單... horny and alone.
這我都試過了I've done this.
對,大家都在Yeah,everybody's here.
各位,跟在新墨西哥州的茱莉 打聲招呼吧Hey,everybody! Say hi to Julie in New Mexico!
趁羅斯在講電話…While Ross is on the phone...
…每人繳62塊慶祝他的生日...everybody owes me 62 bucks for his birthday.
你可不可以將就一下…Is there any chance that you're rounding up from...
…譬如說…...you know...
…每個人繳20塊就好了...from like 20?
拜託 要有禮物,演唱會,還有蛋糕Hey,we got the gift,the concert and the cake.
我們還需要一個蛋糕?Do we need a cake?
各位,我知道這數目有一點高(有“大起大落”的意思)I know it's a little steep.
不過是羅斯的生日呀But it's Ross.
是羅斯It's Ross.
好了,咱們待會兒見 我還得去…See you later. I gotta go...
…做一件事...do a thing!
好了,甜心,我晚上再打給你Okay,sweetheart,I'll call you later.
你不是真的要那麼做吧,老兄You're not going through with this,are you?
我非做不可You know,I think I might just.
你們晚上吃什麼?What are you guys doing for dinner tonight?
我想我要開始 為羅斯的生日存錢了Well,I gotta start saving up for Ross' birthday.
我想我將在家裡吃骯髒邦尼兔I guess I'll just stay home and eat dust bunnies.
你知道這個可要花很多錢啊Can you believe how much this costs?
你們有時候會不會覺得…Do you guys ever get the feeling that...
…錢德,他們…... Chandler and those guys...
…根本不明白 我們賺的錢沒他們多...don't get that we don't make that much money?
他們總是說 “咱們去這兒,去那兒”They always say let's go here,let's go there.
好像我們能負擔得起去這裡去哪裡似的Like we can afford to go here and there.
而且我們總是得去“好地方” 你知道嗎?Yes,and we always have to go to,you know,someplace nice.
我們連反對的權利都沒有 因為這是慶祝生日…And we can't say anything about it,because this is a birthday thing...
…羅斯的...and it's "for Ross."
羅?溝摹瓄For Ross.
老天Oh,my God!
我在上班…I'm at work...
…跟平常的一天一樣 切切切,煎煎煎...just an ordinary day,chop,chop,saute,saute.
突然間呢,我們經理里昂 叫我去他的辦公室Suddenly,Leon,the manager,calls me into his office.
原來他們開除了午餐大廚 你們猜誰取代他的職位了?They fired the lunch chef,and guess who got the job?
如果不是你的話 這可是個糟透的故事If it's not you,this is a horrible story.
幸好,那個人是我Fortunately,it is me.
他們還升我為採購主任 謝謝And they made me head of purchasing,thank you!
太棒了That's so cool!
我認為我們該出去慶祝一下Anyway,I think we should go out and celebrate.
去個好地方You know,someplace nice.
去個好地方Someplace nice.
你們想我的腎能夠賣多少錢?How much you think I can get for my kidney?
說真的,你不能夠這麼做You can't do this.
少來了,拘泥于那種傳統方法 我永遠把不到那種女孩I can't get a girl like that with conventional methods.
那有什麼關係呢?It doesn't matter.
她要找的是鮑勃 鮑勃一定是她理想的物件She wanted to call Bob. Bob could be who she was meant to be with.
你這麼做 或許會毀了兩個人快樂的機會You may be destroying their chance for happiness.
我們不認識鮑勃We don't know Bob.
我們認識我,我們喜歡我 拜託,讓我快樂起來We know me. We like me. Please let me be happy.
你過去告訴那個女人實話Go over there and tell that woman the truth.
好吧All right.
我要…Listen,I have to....
我要跟你坦白一件事I have to confess something.
放你鴿子的人是混蛋Whoever stood you up is a jerk.
你怎麼會… 我不知道-How did you -I don't know.
我就是有這種怪怪的感應 我就這樣,怪怪的又敏感I just had this weird sense. But that's me,I'm weird and sensitive.
不用,你整包留著吧No,you keep the pack.
我已經哭了一天了I'm all cried out today.
我敬我剛剛被升為午餐大廚的妹妹一杯Here is to my sister,the newly appointed head lunch chef.
而且她還接掌了採買大權Also in charge of purchasing.
恭賀她升為午餐大廚 並且接掌採買大權…Head lunch chef,also in charge of purchasing
羅蘭德不在的時候還有自己的小辦公桌Who has her own little desk when Roland's not there.
午餐大廚,採購,羅蘭德不在時 有自己的小辦公桌Lunch chef,purchasing,own little desk when Roland's not there...
咱們敬我的… 等等…我還有傳呼機-... here's to my -Wait! And I got a beeper!
沒關係,我等好了That's fine,I'll just wait.
各位可以點菜了嗎?Are we ready to order?
對不起,我們還沒看功能表We haven't even looked yet.
那你們看過之後再叫我When you do,let me know.
我會在那邊引頸企盼的I'll be over there on the edge of my seat.
你們看看這上面的價錢Look at these prices!
是呀,都是錢啊Yeah,these are pretty "cha-ching."
這是些什麼?名牌雞嗎?I know! What are these,famous chickens?
抱歉,我遲到了 莫妮卡,恭喜你Sorry I'm late. Congratulations,Mon.
我不後悔我遲到,我跟珍德的午後約會太不可思議了I'm not sorry I'm late. How incredible was my afternoon with Jade?
根據她在我答錄機上 留給你的話的確很不可思議Pretty incredible,according to the message on my machine.
錢德,這個女人為什麼 會在我的答錄機留話給你呢?Why is this woman leaving a message for you on my machine?
我必須要告訴她 我的號碼是你的號碼…I told her that my number was yours...
…因為我不能告訴她 我的號碼是我的號碼…... because I couldn't tell her it was mine...
…因為她以為 我的號碼是鮑勃的號碼... because she thinks my number is Bob's number.
你再告訴我一次 結繩先生打來的時候我怎麼辦?Tell me again. What do I do when Mr. Roper calls?
可以點菜了嗎?Do I dare ask?
好,我要先來一份生牛肉 然後再來一份烤蝦I'll start with the carpaccio,and then the grilled prawns.
聽起來不錯,我也一樣Great,same for me.
那這位先生呢?And for the gentleman?
我要泰國雞肉披薩I'll have the Thai chicken pizza.
如果我的披薩少加乾果,大蒜…But if I get it without the nuts and leeks and stuff...
…會不會比較便宜啊?...is it cheaper?
你是那麼想嗎?You'd think,wouldn't you?
好了,我想要點…伴碟沙拉I will have the side salad.
那要伴在什麼菜旁邊呢?And what would that be on the side of?
我不知道I don't know.
你就幫我放在我的水旁邊好了Just put it right here next to my water.
那你呢?And for you?
我想我要來一碗黃瓜湯…I'm gonna have a cup of the cucumber soup and...
…保重了...take care.
我要一份黑椒鯰魚I will have the Cajun catfish.
就這樣嗎?Anything else?
還有一首“溫柔地殺死我” 怎麼樣?Yes,how about a verse of "Killing Me Softly"?
你會朝我的魚打噴嚏 對不對?You're gonna sneeze in my fish,aren't you?
-有沒有人覺得他們剛生了個外星人 -是的Does anybody else feel like they just gave birth to an alien? Yes
加上小費再除以六…Plus tip,divided by six....
好了,每個人給我28塊錢Everyone owes 28 bucks.
你說得對,對不起Oh! You're right,I'm sorry.
謝謝Thank you.
今天是莫妮卡的大日子 她不需要付啊It's Monica's big night. She shouldn't pay.
用五個人去除…So five of us is...
…每個人33.5元...33. 50 a piece.
不行,抱歉 那是不可能的事No. No way. Sorry,not gonna happen.
畢業舞會重演Prom night flashback.
對不起,莫妮卡 你升了職我替你高興…Sorry,Monica. I'm happy you got promoted...
…可是冷黃瓜糊要三十幾塊?... but cold cucumber mush for 30-something bucks?
瑞秋只點了那盤小沙拉…Rachel just had that little salad...
…喬伊只吃了那片小披薩...and Joey with his teeny pizza!
那我們就各付各的,好嗎?How about we'll each pay for what we had?
小事一樁嘛It's no big deal.
對你來講就是Not for you.
到底怎麼了?All right,what's going on?
算了,各位 我現在真的不想談這個I don't wanna get into this right now.
我覺得 這樣只會讓大家心裡有疙瘩It'll make everybody uncomfortable.
拜託,說出來吧You can tell us.
對啊,是我們,沒關係的Yeah,hello? It's us. We'll be fine.
我們三個…We three...
…覺得…...feel like that...
…你們有時候不太明白…...sometimes you guys don't get that....
我們沒你們那麼有錢We don't have as much money as you.
我懂了I hear you.
那我們可以談啊We can talk about that.
我猜我只是 從沒想過錢是個問題I guess I just never think of money as an issue.
那是因為你有錢 你說得好-Because you have it. -Good point!
你們以前為何不提出來討論呢?So how come you guys haven't talked about this before?
因為總是有特別的事情 像莫妮卡的新工作…Because it's always something. Like with Monica's new job...
…或是羅斯的生日套圈遊戲什麼的…...or the whole Ross' birthday hoopla.
我可不希望我的生日 造成任何的不愉快…I don't want my birthday to be the source of any kind of negative....
你們要為我搞套圈遊戲嗎?There's gonna be a hoopla?
基本上有這件事啦 然後又是那件事…Basically there's the thing,and then the stuff after the thing
如果大家覺得好過一點的話 我們可以忘了那件事…If it makes anybody feel better,forget the thing...
…只送禮物就好了...and we'll just do the gift.
禮物?除了禮物還有別的?Gift? The thing's not the gift?
不,那件事就是我們要去看 “貓頭鷹和河豚魚”(著名演唱組合)No,we were gonna go see Hootie and the Blowfish.
貓頭鷹和…Hootie and the
我可以聽收音機就好了I can catch them on the radio.
不,現在我愧疚了 你想去聽那場演唱會的?No. Now I feel bad. You wanna go to the concert.
不,聽著,那是我的生日…No,look. It's my birthday...
…最重要的 是我們大家一起過...and the important thing is that we're all together.
全部 一起過-All of us. -Together.
不是去演唱會Not at the concert.
謝謝Thank you.
那個伊波拉病毒… 得了一定很慘So,the Ebola virus. That's gotta suck,huh?
莫妮卡,袋子裡有什麼?Gee,Monica. What's in the bag?
不知道,錢德 咱們看一下吧I don't know,Chandler. Let's take a look.
像在演短劇Oh,it's like a skit.
是六個人的晚餐 五塊牛排…Why,it's dinner for six. Five steaks...
…跟菲比的茄子...and an eggplant for Phoebe.
我們餐廳換了肉食供應商 新供應商送了我這些牛排謝我We switched suppliers at work,and they gave me the steaks as a thank-you.
等等,還有啊… 錢德,那信封裡頭還有什麼?But wait,there's more. Chandler,what is in that envelope?
對了,剛才在外面排演 沒這麼蠢的By the way,this didn't seem so dorky out in the hall.
是六張去看 “貓頭鷹和河豚魚”的票Why,it's six tickets to Hootie and the Blowfish!
是“河豚魚”呀The Blowfish!
是我們付錢的,所以別擔心 我們…It's on us. So don't worry. This is...
…請客...our treat.
謝了Thank you.
你們為何不高興啊Could you be less enthused?
各位,你們一番好意Look,it's a nice gesture. It is.
可是我們覺得這像…But it just feels like....
我們只是想讓大家高興We're just trying to do a nice thing here.
對,羅斯但是你這麼做 讓我們覺得我們很渺小But you have to understand,your "nice thing" makes us feel about this big.
事實上,我們是這麼小Actually,it makes us feel that big.
我不懂 我是說,我們怎樣做都不對I don't understand. We can't win with you guys.
若你們覺得那麼渺小的話 那或許不是我們的錯If you guys feel this big,maybe that's not our fault.
或許…那只是你們的感覺Maybe that's just how you feel.
你要告訴我們有什麼感受Now you're telling us how we feel.
你看嘛,我們根本就不該提的We never should have talked about this.
我想我不去演唱會了I'm gonna pass on the concert.
因為我現在 不太有心I'm just not in a very "Hootie" place right now.
我也是 我也是-Me neither. -Me too.
各位,我們票都已經買好了Guys,we bought the tickets.
那你們就有多餘的座位可以放你們的皇冠啊什麼的Then you'll have extra seats for all your tiaras and stuff.
你說的時候幹嘛瞪著我看?Why did you look at me when you said that?
這下子我們都不能去了So I guess now we can't go.
你們去做你們要做的事啊 我們非得集體行動不可嗎?Do what you want. Do we always have to do everything together?
知道嗎?你說得對耶You know what? You're right.
好吧All right.
我們就去We're gonna go.
不過還有六個小時 我們到時候再去It's not for another six hours. We're gonna go then.
天啊,你準備好了嗎?Are you ready?
好了,等我先拿個外套 還有我今天上床了Just let me grab my jacket and tell you I had sex today.
什麼?你今天上床了?What? You had sex today?
從別人嘴裡說出來更酷耶It sounds even cooler when somebody else says it!
我棒透了,我害得她必須要 咬住嘴唇忍住尖叫I was awesome. She was biting her lip to stop from screaming.
我知道我很久沒有這樣了 但我認為那是個好現象I know it's been a while,but I took that as a good sign.
你還在過濾電話嗎?Still doing the screening?
我今天上床了I had sex today.
我再也不用去接那個電話I never have to answer that phone again.
嗶一聲過後,你知道怎麼做At the sound of the beep,you know what to do.
鮑勃,我是珍德,聽著Hey,Bob. It's Jade.
你那天放我鴿子 我心裡難過極了I wanted to tell you I was really hurt when you didn 't show up yesterday.
結果你知道嗎? 我認識了另一個人And just so you know,I ended up meeting a guy.
我是鮑勃Bob here.
你認識了別人?So you met someone,huh?
沒錯Yes,I did.
事實上 我兩小時前跟他上床了In fact,I had sex with him two hours ago.
他怎麼樣呢?So how was he?
鮑勃,跟你比他算什麼Oh,Bob,he was nothing compared to you.
我得咬住嘴唇 才能不叫出你的名字I bit my lip to keep from screaming your name.
很高興聽你這麼講Well,that makes me feel so good.
我是覺得他好沒技巧It was just so awkward and bumpy.
或許是因為他採取了一些 你不熟悉的新的酷姿勢Maybe he had some kind of new style that you're not familiar with.
你應該要習慣他的做法呀You have to get used to it.
根本沒多少時間可以讓我習慣…There wasn 't much time to get used to it...
…懂我的意思嗎?...if you know what I mean.
知道嗎? 我想我根本沒有心情聽這個You know what? I'm not gonna be able to enjoy this.
我知道,這是我的生日 我們應該全部在一起的I know. It's my birthday. We all should be here.
那麼走吧So let's go.
或許我們應該聽一首再走Well,maybe we should stay for one song.
對呀,反正現在離開有點不敬It would be rude to them for us to leave now.
說不定 他們現在正玩得很開心呢The guys are probably having a great time.
來吧,再來一次嘛Come on,you guys. One more time.
不可思議 棒透了-Amazing! -Excellent!
真不能相信他們錯過這個I can't believe the guys missed it!
你說誰?對了What guys? Oh,yeah.
請問,你是莫妮卡蓋勒,對吧?Excuse me. Aren't you Monica Geller?
我認識你嗎? 你以前當過我的褓姆呀-Do I know you? -You were my baby-sitter!
天啊,我的小史提維·費舍Oh,my God! Little Stevie Fisher?
近來好不好啊?How have you been?
很好,我現在是律師了Good. I'm a lawyer now.
你不可能是律師,你才八歲You can't be a lawyer. You're 8.
聽著,很高興見到你 我要去後臺了It was nice to see you. I gotta run backstage.
他們是我公司代理的。-我是羅斯。-錢德My firm represents the band.-Ross.-Chandler.
你們想認識他們嗎?You guys wanna meet the group?
那走吧Come on.
對了 你以前是跟我爸亂搞的其中之一嗎?Are you one of the ones that fooled around with my Dad?
各位Hey,you guys!
生日快樂Happy birthday!
謝謝Oh,thank you.
你們昨天晚上過得怎麼樣?How was your night last night?
昨晚真是爛得可以了 你們呢?Oh,well,it pretty much sucked. How was yours?
我們也是爛得可以啊Ours pretty much sucked too.
但是我碰到了史提維·費舍 你記得嗎?But I ran into Stevie Fisher. Remember him?
記得,我以前當過他的褓姆Oh,yeah! I used to baby-sit him.
他爸好嗎?Hey,how's his dad?
除此之外 我們昨天整個晚上都滿淒慘的Aside from that,the evening was pretty much a bust.
對,我們很想念你們Yeah,we really missed you guys.
對呀,我們剛才還說 這件事太愚蠢了Yeah,we were just saying,this whole thing is so stupid.
我們必須真的真的 不讓錢這種事情介入…We just have to really,really not let stuff like money,get like
那是個吻痕嗎?Is that a hickey?
不,我只是…Oh,no,I just....
我跌倒了I fell down.
跌在別人嘴上?On someone's lips?
你那吻痕哪兒來的?Where'd you get the hickey?
你知道,派對啊…You know,a party or
什麼派對?What party?
那不算是派對…It wasn't a party so much as a...
…只能說是一群人聚在一起...a gathering of people.
有吃的,有音樂,還有…With food and music and...
…樂團...and the band.
你們跟“貓頭鷹和河豚魚”開派對?You partied with Hootie and the Blowfish?
對,很顯然史提維跟貓頭鷹很熟Yes. Apparently,Stevie and Hootie are like this.
那吻痕是誰給的?Who gave you that hickey?
是其中一個河豚魚弄的That would be the work of a Blowfish.
我真不敢相信I can't believe it! I can't believe this!
我們只是坐在家裡頭 猜喬伊的手指頭…We're just sitting at home,trying to guess Joey's fingers...
而你們卻跑出去瘋狂作樂說:...and you're partying and having fun and all:
“嘿,河豚魚,來吸我脖子”"Hey,Blowfish,suck on my neck!"
不要怪我們 本來你們也可以去的Don't blame us. You could've been there.
什麼?當被你們施捨的窮朋友,是不是?What? As part of your "poor friends outreach program"?
噢,是公司Oh,great. It's work.
我不曉得該說什麼 很抱歉我們賺的錢比你們多I don't know what to say. I'm sorry we make more than you.
可是我們不想因此有罪惡感 我們很努力的賺錢啊But we're not gonna feel guilty. We work really hard.
我們就不努力?And we don't work hard?
我是莫妮卡 剛剛有人傳呼我It's Monica. I got a page.
有時候我們會想做花錢多的事情嘛It's just that sometimes we like to do stuff that costs a little more.
是我們拖住你了。-是的,不And you feel like we hold you back.-Yes.No
我不明白I don't understand.
那些牛排只是肉商送來的禮物The steaks were a gift from the meat vendor.
可不是回扣啊That was not a kickback.
那我還他們 我們把這件事忘掉好了I'll just replace them,and we can forget the whole thing.
什麼公司政策啊?What corporate policy?
我被開除了I just got fired.
你們的帳單,一共四塊一毛二Here's your check. That'll be $4. 1 2.
我來付Let me get that.
你有沒有五塊啊?You got 5 bucks?
嗶一聲過後,你知道怎麼做Here comes the beep. You know what to do.
是我Hi,it's me.
鮑勃 也許我不該做這樣的要求Listen,Bob. I'm probably way out of line here.
我是說都過三年了 說不定你另外有女朋友了…It's been three years,and you 're probably seeing someone else now...
…我們如果能在一起一個晚上 看在往日的份上…...but if we could have one night together,for old time 's sake....
乾柴烈火的一晚…One hot,steamy,wild night....


我的小不點兒Who the winny-binny boy?
你是個小小的小不點兒You the winny-winny-binny-binny boy!
不要哭啊Don't cry.
不要哭嘛Don't cry.
他為什麼還在哭?Why is he still crying?
不要擔心,沒什麼東西不能用“快樂鑰匙”搞定的Don't worry. It's nothing that can't be solved by " happy keys. "
當有人在我面前晃動有缺口的金屬時我就會感覺很好I feel better when someone shakes jagged metal in my face.
好了,這裡All right, here.
我來抱他一下Let me hold him for a sec.
來,爸爸抱Here we go.
不哭了There we are.
或許是因為我Maybe it's me.
別傻了,班愛你 他只是有點像怪癖褲子先生(卡通形象經常說“別碰我”)Don't be silly. Ben loves you. He's just being Mr. Cranky Pants.
我曾跟一個怪癖褲子小姐約會過You know,I once dated a Miss Cranky Pants.
好女孩,有點情緒化就是了Lovely girl. IKind of moody.
好了,好多了There we go,all better.
這才是小乖乖There's my little boy.
我可以試一件事嗎?Can I see something?
他恨我,我的侄子恨我He hates me. My nephew hates me!
-我沒了工作而且他恨我 -別這樣說嘛-l' m unemployed and he hates me.-Don't do this.
你只有沒工作而已You' re just unemployed.
要是我自己孩子恨我 怎麼辦啊?What if my own baby hates me? What do I do then?
莫妮卡,打住, 你瘋了嗎?Monica,stop! This is nuts.
你知道你還要多久 才會遇到這個問題呢?Do you know how long it'll be before you have to deal with this?
我是說你現在連男朋友都沒有You don't even have a boyfriend yet.
喬伊,她看起來不胖Joey,she does not look fat.
六人行 第2季 第06集 寶寶落在巴士上了The One With the Baby on the Bus
拿去Here you go.
真好笑,那個借我一下That is so funny! Let me see that a sec.
你還好吧,羅斯?You okay?
不知道I don't know.
餡餅裡有什麼呀?What's in this pie?
不知道,奶油,雞蛋,麵粉 萊姆,奇異果跟…I don't know. Butter and eggs and flour and lime and kiwi
奇異果?奇異果?Kiwi? Kiwi?!
你說這個是奇萊餡餅You said it was a key lime pie.
不是,我是說奇異果萊姆 所以才會那麼特別No,I didn't. I said kiwi lime. That's what makes it so special.
所以我才會死That's what's gonna kill me.
我對奇異果過敏I'm allergic to kiwi.
你才不會呢 你會過敏的是龍蝦,花生跟…No,you're not. You're allergic to lobster and peanuts and
天啊Oh,my God!
越來越嚴重了It's definitely getting worse.
你的舌頭腫了嗎?Is your tongue swelling up?
要不然就是我的嘴小了Either that or my mouth is getting smaller!
穿外套,我們現在就到醫院去Get your coat. We're going to the hospital.
他不會怎麼樣吧? 不會,只是得打一針-Will he be okay? -He's gotta get a shot.
事實上我覺得好多了You know,actually,it's getting better. It is.
沒錯,別去了 誰要玩拼字遊戲啊?Let's not go. Anyone up for Scrabble?
但是班怎麼辦呢? 我們不能帶個寶寶去醫院啊What about Ben? We can't bring a baby to the hospital.
交給我們吧We'll watch him.
恕難從命I don't think so.
幹嘛?我有七個天主教姐妹 我照顧過上百個小孩I have seven Catholic sisters. I've taken care of hundreds of kids.
別這樣 我們想幫忙,對不對?Come on,we want to do it. Don't we?
拜託,我本來想去打籃球的…I was gonna play basketball...
…不過球被丟出窗外去了... but I guess that's out the window.
好,如果你要帶他去散步 記得要幫他戴帽子,好嗎?If you take him out for a walk,remember to bring his hat.
冰箱裡還有一些牛奶 尿布在袋子裡There's milk in the refrigerator and diapers in the bag.
懂了Got it!
包在我身上啊Consider it done!
你聽得懂嗎?You understood?
懂啊,我沙叔叔就有大舌頭My uncle Sal has a really big tongue.
是老婆很漂亮的那個?Is he the one with the beautiful wife?
瑞秋,要不要聽聽 我今天下午要唱的新歌呢?You want to hear the song I'm singing this afternoon?
今天早上洗澡的時候寫的I wrote it this morning in the shower.
我一邊洗澡一邊在寫歌I'm in the shower And I'm writing a song
聽過的話請阻止我Stop me if you've heard it
我全身泡沫,頭髮濕搭搭My skin is soapy and my hair is wet
香皂倒過來是皂香And Tegrin spelled backward is nirget
瑞秋,親愛的 麻煩你過來一下好嗎?Rachel,sweetheart,could I see you for a minute?
什麼事啊?What's up?
我決定以後周日的下午 要付錢請一位職業歌手來演出I've decided to pay a professional musician to play here on Sundays.
她叫史戴芬什麼的,很出色的Her name is Stephanie something. She's supposed to be very good.
但菲比怎麼辦?But what about Phoebe?
瑞秋,你的朋友?恢皇遣疃褅It's not that your friend is bad.
她實在是差到…It's that she's so bad...
差到讓我想把手指頭 伸進我的眼睛裡...she makes me want to put my finger through my eye into my brain...
然後把腦袋攪成漿糊...and swirl it around.
那好,你不是她的歌迷Okay,so you're not a fan.
可是你不能這樣對她嘛But,I mean,come on. You cannot do this to her.
你叫我出面?I have to do this to her?
塗皂,沖水,再一次…And lather,rinse,repeat
塗皂,沖水,再一次…And lather,rinse,repeat
視需要而定As needed
我覺得我們東西沒有帶夠We didn't bring enough stuff.
你有沒有記得 把寶寶的止痛藥帶出來?Did you forget to pack the baby's anvil?
我告訴你,這絕對值得I'm telling you,it'll be worth it.
大家都知道女人最愛寶寶了It's a known fact that women love babies.
女人愛喜歡寶寶的男人 這是感性的問題,懂了嗎?Women love guys who love babies. It's the sensitive thing.
把他對準那邊那些寶貝 說不定待會兒有一個會過來Aim him at that pack of babes. Maybe one of them will break away.
不…等一下 算了,正左方Wait,forget them. We got one. Hard left.
來,寶寶給我 不要,我要抱-Give me the baby. -No,I got him.
快,我說真的Come on,seriously.
你真的要他嗎?Oh,seriously,you want him?
這個小可愛是誰啊?Who is this little cutie-pie?
不要怪我不懂得謙虛,但…Well,don't think me immodest,but...
…我... me.
要不要嗅嗅他?Want to smell him?
我想你指的是寶寶吧?I assume we're talking about the baby?
是呀,他的寶寶味好香 嗅嗅他的頭He's got that great baby smell. Get a whiff of his head.
我想我的子宮剛剛頓了一下My uterus just skipped a beat.
你看吧What'd I tell you?
我覺得你們這樣做很棒It's great you're doing this.
我們都是很棒的男人Well,we are great guys.
我弟弟跟他的男友 試了三年都領養不到孩子My brother and his boyfriend have been trying to adopt.
你們?欽夷囊患野斕模縶What agency did you two go through?
這是我的表演But this is my gig.
這是我的地盤This is where I play.
我的名字用粉筆寫在外面My name is written out there in chalk.
你不能把粉筆擦掉的You know,you can't just erase chalk.
對不起,我很遺撼Honey,I'm sorry.
而且他居然還要付這個女人錢And he's going to be paying this woman?
那他乾脆給她一個寶座 一頂皇冠Why doesn't he just give her a throne and a crown?
還有一根上面有球的權杖And,like,a gold stick with a ball on top?
特瑞是混蛋,所以我們才會 常說“特瑞是混蛋”Terry is a jerk! That's why we always say,"Terry's a jerk!"
不然我們幹嘛那麼說That's where that came from.
你說不定已經盡力了You probably did everything you could.
好吧,這樣讓我看看 還有沒有別的辦法You know what? Let me just see what else I could do.
你何不讓她接在那個史戴芬什麼的後面唱啊?Just let her go on after Stephanie whatever her name is.
你又不在這裡,又不付她錢You won't be here. You don't pay her.
我不知道I don't know.
我幫你洗卡布奇諾機好嗎I'll clean the cappuccino machine!
你沒洗過卡布奇諾機嗎?You don't clean the cappuccino machine?
我當然洗了Of course I clean it.
我是說我會清洗I mean,I will clean it.
我會清的I mean,I will clean it.
好…All right,fine,fine,fine!
成了 真的?-Done. -Really?
對呀,看誰出馬嘛Who's working for you,babe?
天啊,好興奮哦 我會收到多少錢啊?Oh,my God! This is so exciting! How much am I gonna get?
你說他要付錢給演出的人He's paying the people who were playing.
我是說他要付另外那個女人錢 因為她是職業歌手I meant,he's paying that other woman because she's a professional.
我可不想當那個 唯一沒有收到錢的人I'm not gonna be the only one who's not getting paid.
對不起,不I'm sorry,no!
不,我可不是什麼二流的… 慈善樂團No,I'm not some sloppy second,you know,charity band.
這個城市裡面有上千個地方…There are thousands of places in this city...
…願意付錢聽我來演唱...where people would pay to hear me play.
我為自己而演唱When I play,I play for me
我不需要你的施捨I don't need your charity
謝謝Thank you!
你說什麼都別想叫我打針 我是說,或許他們可以把…I'm not getting a shot. Maybe they can take the needle...
…藥水射進我的嘴裡 就像水槍那樣...and squirt it into my mouth. Like a squirt gun.
看看醫生怎麼說吧See what the doctor says.
他們已經做了些事情了,現在都是九十年代了They've got to do something.These are the ' 90s.
你們好,我是卡林醫生Hello there. I'm Dr. Carlin.
好像有人有一點點過敏的反應I see someone's having a little allergic reaction.
對,醫生 我可以?ザ欄閭柑嘎穡縶Doctor,can I see you for just a moment?
我哥哥有一點點害怕打針My brother has a slight phobia about needles.
你有沒有告訴他 我那個水槍的主意?Did you tell him about my squirt gun idea?
我的博士哥哥想知道…My brother,the Ph.D.,would like to know...
這個藥有沒有可能用口服的?...if there's any way to treat this orally?
在這種情況之下,打針是 避免不了的,而且要馬上打針Under these circumstances,it has to be an injection,and it has to be now.
好吧,坐下來 醫生說這一針非打不可Go and have a seat. The doctor says it's got to be a needle.
所以你一定要勇敢起來 為我這麼做,好不好?You're just going to have to be brave. Can you do that for me?
你做得非常好Oh,boy! You are doing so good.
要不要握緊我的手啊?You want to squeeze my hand?
羅斯,不要握得那麼緊Ross,don't squeeze it so hard.
真的,不要握那麼緊Honey,really. Don't squeeze it so hard!
羅斯,放開我的手Let go of my hand!
還真是個好計畫 下一回想泡妞…Good plan. Next time we want to pick up women...
…我們乾脆直接去公園 親熱算了...we should go to the park and make out.
計程車…Taxi! Taxi!
你看那妞兒Look at that talent.
只是在練習,你很行Just practicing. You're good.
繼續開吧Carry on.
他好可愛哦Hey,you. He's just adorable.
告訴他,好不好? 他覺得他臉色太紅潤了Can you tell him that? Because he thinks he looks too pink.
你們今天出來做什麼? 我們沒有-What are you guys out doing today? -We're not out.
我們只是幫我們的 異性戀朋友…We're two heterosexual guys hanging with the son...
…帶孩子的異性戀男人 做一般男人應該做的事情...of our other heterosexual friend,doing the usual straight-guy stuff.
講完了?You done?
我們到了There's our stop.
少來了,我們才到了Get out of here! This is our stop.
你們也住在這附近啊?You guys live around here too?
我們住在那個人行道旁邊We live in the building by the sidewalk.
你們知道嗎?You know it?
對了,既然大家是鄰居嘛 我們聚一聚喝點東西,如何?Since we're neighbors,what do you say we get together for a drink?
我們去馬可咖啡廳,好嗎?So you want to go to Markel's?
好啊,他們很喜歡我們Sure,they love us over there.
你們的寶寶呢?Where's your baby?
班…Ben! Ben!
或許他會聽到並且自己拉鈴(下車)That's good. Maybe he'll hear you and pull the cord!
停車Stop the bus!
你肯定沒有捏斷?我真的很痛Are you sure he didn't break it? It hurts.
沒有,只是有一塊瘀青No,it's just a good bone bruise.
還有這是你戒指壓出來的痕跡And right here is the puncture wound from your ring.
對不起,我真的很抱歉 沒關係-I'm really sorry. -It's okay.
抱歉…我說清楚了Sorry! I got my S's back!
那我們待會兒再慶祝Which we can celebrate later.
慶祝…Celebrate. Celebrate....
他是個雙雙雙He was a double,double
雙關節男孩Double-jointed boy
你就是那個專業的吉他手嗎?So are you the professional guitar player?
對,我叫史戴芬(克麗絲·海蒂,偽裝者樂隊主唱)Yeah,I'm Stephanie.(Chrissie Hynde The Pretenders)
對,上面本來有我名字的 現在只剩紅蘿蔔糕了Right. My name was on there,but now it just says carrot cake.
你會彈幾個和絃?So how many chords do you know?
全都會啊 是嗎?那你會D調-All of them. -So you know D?
那你會A小調嗎?Do you know A-minor?
你會從D和絃轉到A小調嗎?Do you know how to go from D to A-minor?
那你的吉他有背帶嗎?So does your guitar have a strap?
我的有Mine does.
史戴芬和絃都會Stephanie knows all the chords
快接…Come on! Pick up,pick up!
運輸中心嗎?Transit Authority?
我在幫一本書做調查I'm doing research for a book.
如果有人把嬰兒留在城市公車上 那該怎麼辦呢?I was wondering what somebody might do if they left a baby on a city bus.
是,我知道 只有笨蛋才會這麼做Yes,I realize that would be a stupid character.
我們今天在公車上 掉了汽車安全座椅Here's the deal: We lost a car seat on a bus.
白塑膠材質 有把手,可以用在推車上面It's white plastic and it fits onto a stroller.
裡面還有一個嬰兒And there was a baby in it.
他要跟你講He wants to talk to you.
各位 我們以最熱烈的掌聲歡迎…Everybody,let's give a warm Central Perk welcome to
特瑞是個混蛋 他不讓我工作Terry's a jerk And he won't let me work
我恨中央咖啡廳And I hate Central Perk
歡迎史戴芬To Stephanie Schiffer!
首先我想唱一首 我為我的初戀情人寫的歌I'd like to start with a song I wrote for the first man I ever loved.
被邀來咬我Are all invited to bite me
我們打過電話來公車上的嬰兒 怎麼樣了?到了沒有…We're the guys that called about the baby! Is he here?!
到了He's here.
你們之中有一個是父親吧I assume one of you is the father.
是我 是我-That's me. -I'm him.
事實上呢,我們兩個都是父親Actually,we're both the father.
寶貝…Oh,Ben! Hey,buddy.
你知道哪個是班嗎?Please tell me you know which one is our baby.
那個T恤上有鴨子 這個有小丑That one has ducks on his T-shirt and this one has clowns.
班絕對是穿著鴨子T恤的And Ben was definitely wearing ducks.
或小丑Or clowns.
等一下,那個絕對是班 記得他嘴邊那顆可愛的小痣That one's Ben! Remember he had that cute little mole by his mouth!
班,記得我們嗎?Hey,Ben! Remember us?
天啊,痣掉了Okay,the mole came off.
我們該怎麼辦?What are we gonna do?
丟銅板決定,鴨或小丑We'll flip for it. Ducks or clowns.
要丟銅板決定 你有更好的主意嗎?-Flip for the baby? -You got a better idea?
好吧,在空中叫All right,call it in the air.
就是頭Heads,it is.
我們得先決定頭是哪一個We have to assign heads to something!
鴨子是頭,因為鴨子有頭Ducks is heads because ducks have heads.
幫你慶祝生日的小丑沒有頭 不會嚇壞你嗎?What kind of scary-ass clowns came to your birthday?
《清晨天使》Angel Of the morning
你的雙手,不會被束縛There'll be no strings to bind your hands
你的心,我愛,但不會進駐Not if my love can't bind your heart
什麼都不用講And there's no need to take a stand
選擇開始的人是我For it was I who chose to start
不用送我走I see no need to take me home
黑暗我敢面對I'm old enough to face the dark
叫我清晨天使Just call me angel Of the morning,angel
在離開我之前 輕觸我的臉頰Just touch my cheek Before you leave me,baby
叫我清晨天使Just call me angel Of the morning,angel
然後轉身離去Then slowly turn away
我不會求你留下來I won't beg you to stay
陪我With me
或許陽光將變暗淡Maybe the sun's light will be dim
但已不重要And it won't matter anyhow
如果晨曦中有回聲說我們犯下了錯If morning's echo says we've sinned
好吧,這錯,我心甘情願Well it was what I wanted now
我們曾被黑夜蠱惑And we were victims of the night
白晝不會再讓我迷失I won't be blinded by the light
叫我清晨天使Just call me angel Of the morning,angel
在離開我之前 輕觸我的臉頰Just touch my cheek Before you leave me,baby
叫我清晨天使Just call me angel Of the morning,angel
然後轉身離去Then slowly turn away
我不會求你留下來I won't beg you to stay
陪我With me
縱然,淚流Through the tears of the day
經年累月Of the years, baby, baby, baby, baby
叫我清晨天使Just call me angel of the morning angel
我不會求你留下來Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby
叫我清晨天使Just call me angel of the morning angel
我不會求你留下來Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby,baby,oh baby
來,我想你可能會冷Here. I thought you might be cold.
謝謝Thank you.
看看你,幹得不錯嘛Look at you! You did pretty well.
這裡一共是八塊又二十七分$8. 27.
其實沒那麼多啦 頭兩塊是我放的But not really,because I put in the first two.
只是讓錢滾滾來 還有讓自己舒服一點Just to get the ball rolling and to make myself feel better.
結果呢?Do you?
為了錢演奏這碼子事 對我非常的不好You know,this whole playing for money thing is so not good for me.
我不知道 當我唱到“自自自自殺”…I don't know,when l sang "Su-su-suicide"...
…我得到一塊七十五分錢... I got,like,$ 1. 75.
可是“臭臭貓”呢?But then "Smelly Cat"?
二十五分錢跟一個保險套I got 25 cents and a condom.
所以現在我為“臭臭貓” 感到很難過So,you know,now I just feel really bad for "Smelly Cat."
我不認為 大家都會懂“臭臭貓”啊Honey,I don't think everybody gets "Smelly Cat."
我是說 如果你只要養過健康的貓的話I mean,if all you've ever actually had are healthy pets,then whoosh!
可是根本就不是那個嘛But it's not even that,you know?
本來我唱歌只是因為我很高興I used to do my songs because it made me happy.
可是現在卻變成全都是為了錢Now it's just all about the money,you know?
菲比,大家都很想你Well,people missed you in there.
事實上 還有人指名要聽“臭臭貓”呢In fact,there was actually a request for "Smelly Cat."
真的啊?是誰呢?Really? From who?
我知道那不是賺大錢的歌 但我最喜歡的就是那首And I know it's not your big money song,but it's my favorite.
我是不是 不小心丟了一個保險套到你的盒子裡啊?Did I accidentally drop a condom in your case?
情況緊急嘛It's kind of an emergency.
拿去吧 謝了-Here you go. -Thanks a lot.
克麗絲,拿到了Hey,Christine! I got it!
我只是想要謝謝你今天的幫忙I want to thank you for being there for me.
對不起,我差點捏斷你的手And I'm sorry I almost broke your hand.
沒關係,抱歉你中了我的毒That's okay. I'm sorry I poisoned you.
你還記得 我用鉛筆戳你的手那回嗎?Remember the time I jammed that pencil into your hand?
記得嗎? 你以為這是什麼?雀斑啊Remember it? What do you think this is,a freckle?
等等,那我用薇恩的南瓜 打你臉那一次呢?What about the time I hit you in the face with Sylvian's pumpkin?
天啊,記得我把掃把 插進你腳踏車輪裡…Remember when I stuck that broom in your spokes...
結果你翻車頭撞到路邊那次嗎...and you hit your head on the curb?
不,但是我記得是別人告訴我那件事But I remember people telling me about it.
我希望班有個小妹妹I hope Ben has a little sister.
希望她能夠好好的整整他And I hope she can kick his ass.
我去拿一個新的創可貼I'm gonna get a new Band-Aid.
我切下你馬里布肯娃娃的腿那次呢?How about the time I cut the legs off your Malibu Ken?
是你幹的啊?That was you?
對,它的腿發炎了 不切的話它會死They were infected. He wouldn't have made it.
我的小侄子My little nephew.
過來,小東西Come here,little one!
我的小寶貝班班There's my little baby,Ben!
他居然沒有哭Hey,he's not crying!
他沒哭呀Hey,he's not crying!
還有餡餅There's still pie!
我在,我在I'm here. I'm here.
我的小寶貝好嗎?How's my little boy?
要爸爸幫你換尿布,對不對? 我知道…You want Daddy to change your diaper? I know,I know.
你今天跟喬伊叔叔 還有錢德叔叔玩得開心嗎?Did you have fun with Uncle Joey and Uncle Chandler today?
開心,他今天坐公車了He rode the bus today.
好耶,大男生坐公車喔Big boy riding the bus
我有個問題耶Hey,I have a question.
他的小屁股上為什麼會有 “失物招領”這些字?How come it says,"Property of Human Services"?
你一定會覺得很精采的You are gonna love this.
幫我抱一下班,好嗎?Can you hold Ben for a sec?
過來…Come here. Come here.
別過來,我有奇異果 跑呀,喬伊Stay back! I've got kiwi! Run,Joey,run!
臭臭貓…Smelly cat,smelly cat
他們都喂你吃些什麼啊?What are they feeding you?
不對…對不起No,no. I'm sorry,it's:
臭臭貓…Smelly cat,smelly cat
臭臭貓…Smelly cat,smelly cat
好多了Much better. Good.
你知道嗎?不要難過 這首歌本來就很難Don't feel bad,because it's a hard song.
要不要再試一次? 好,從頭-You want to try it again? -From the top?
這次沒有頭,好嗎?There is no "top," all right?
那是“臭臭貓”的美妙之處That's the beauty of "Smelly Cat."
你跟著我唱好了 好Why don't you just follow me.
臭臭貓…Smelly cat,smelly cat
他們喂你什麼?What are they feeding you?
臭臭貓,臭臭貓Smelly cat,smelly cat
不是你的錯It's not your fault
太過了。-對不起That's too much. Sorry.


我是哪裡不對? 我看起來不夠有趣嗎?What is it about me? Do I not look fun enough?
我是有哪裡討人厭嗎?Is there something repellent about me?
派對好玩嗎?How was the party?
太糟糕了 有個女人簡直無視我It couldn't have been worse. A woman literally passed through me.
我有那麼不討人喜歡嗎?What is it? Am I hideously unattractive?
不,你非常討人喜歡No,you are not. You are very attractive.
我也是一樣I go through the same thing.
每當我增加了一點點重量 我就開始質疑一切了When I put on a little weight,I question everything.
你說我變胖了?I've put on weight?
你要…?Did you want to...?
不是,不是重量 說絕緣體比較恰當No,not weight. More like insulation.
錢德,我正在失業 迫切需要做點事情I'm unemployed,in dire need of a project.
你要不要運動?我可以重塑你Wanna work out? I can remake you.
我很想,但那或許會妨礙 我那些無所事事的時間I would,but that might get in the way of my lying-around time.
對啦,讓她做一下嘛Come on,let her do it!
好吧…All right.
但我穿上緊身衣後 胸部比你大的話,我就不來了If we put on spandex and my boobs are bigger than yours,I'm going home.
你的胸部很好呀Your boobs are fine.
聽著,我剛才不該亂說話的I shouldn't have said anything.
過來…Come here. Come here!
雙手都合不起來了Can't make hands meet!
The One Where Ross Finds Out
六人行 第2季 第07集 羅斯發現了
好,開始吧Let's do it!
沒什麼 只是沒看過你穿緊身褲而已呀Nothing. Just never seen your little stretchy pants before.
很可愛It's cute.
我去換衣服And we're changing.
加油,再做五個Come on,give me five more!
再五個Five more!
再做五個就給你看胸部Five more and I'll flash you.
…二點五...two and a half.
好了,給我看一邊吧Just show me one of them.
她瘋了She's insane!
那個女人瘋了The woman is insane.
上班前,上班後,上班中It's before work,after work,and during work.
她叫我在公司做收臀運動She's got me doing butt-clenches at my desk.
現在,他們不再送郵件給我了And now they won't bring me my mail anymore.
告訴她停止不就行了Tell her to stop.
不,她被解雇了我現在是她的全部No, while she's unemployed I'm all she's got.
我們為什麼不湊錢給她買個飯店?Why don't we all pitch in and buy her a restaurant?
菲比,你昨晚跟史考怎麼樣?Hey,Pheebs. How'd it go with Scott?
不錯呀 帶他去了一家浪漫的餐廳…It was nice. Took him to a romantic restaurant...
…點了香檳,很好...ordered champagne. Nice.
那個傢伙還是不行動啊?He still won't put out?
不,零蛋,沒有Nope. Zilch. Nothing.
我不在乎慢慢的來Look,I don't mind taking it slow.
我很喜歡他I like him a lot.
他這個人很有趣,人也很甜He's really interesting,and he's really sweet.
他幹嘛那麼矜持呢?Why won't he give it up?
或許他跟我們開車的方向相反Maybe he drives his car on the other side of the road.
你懂我的意思吧?If you know what I mean.
不懂,他又不是英國人(英國駕駛座在右側)No. What do you mean? He's not British.
他或許是同性戀Maybe he's gay.
不,我覺得問題不在那兒I don't think that's the problem.
因為我們前幾天去跳舞…We went dancing the other night...
…他緊緊抱住我的那個樣子 還有他凝視我眼睛的樣子…...and just the way he held me so close and looked into my eyes....
我覺得他對我絕對有意思I just definitely felt something.
是啊,從眼神能看出多少呢?But how much can you tell from a look?
不,我是從屁股感覺到的I felt it on my hip. I could tell.
唷,賓,二十分鐘後打壁球Yo,Bing! Racquetball in 20 minutes.
喬伊,好兄弟 舉起我的手賞她一巴掌Joey,be a pal. Lift up my hand and smack her with it.
瑞秋,你別看Oh,Rachel! Don't look.
我才不在乎 我今晚有約會I don't care. I have a date tonight.
你有約會?You have a date?
對呀,莫妮卡為我安排的Monica's setting me up.
那羅斯跟…What about Ross and....
我嫉妒的那件事嗎?What? My whole insane jealousy thing?
雖然那還挺有趣的…Well,you know,as much fun as that was...
…我決定不再瘋下去了... I've decided to opt for sanity.
你真的不介意那些了?You're okay about all this?
是的,我還要過我的日子呢Oh,yeah,come on! I'm moving on.
他愛怎麼把她壓在那扇窗子上 就怎麼壓吧He can press her up against that window as much as he wants.
乾脆把她摔過窗子算了For all I care,he can throw her through the damn thing.
莫妮卡,我想明天早上過來拿以前的貓玩具Monica,I'll come by tomorrow and pick up Fluffy's old cat toys,okay?
不講全名就不給喔If you say his full name.
好吧,那我明天可不可以過來拿多毛姆維頓貓的玩具?Can I come over tomorrow and pick up Fluffy Meowington's cat toys?
沒問題All right.
你要養貓啊? 事實上,是我們要養貓-You're getting a cat? -Actually,we're getting a cat.
你們兩個?一起?Both of you? Together?
我們想它會一半時間跟羅斯住 一半跟我住It'll live with Ross half the time and with me half the time.
那是不是很棒呢Well,isn't that just lovely?
那是一件你們兩個…That's something you'll enjoy...
…可以疼愛非常非常久的東西...for a really,really,really long time.
我得走了 我有約會Look at that. I gotta go! I got a date!
跟個男人喔With a man.
祝各位今晚順利…You guys have a really good night...
…而你們兩個得到一只好貓...and you two have a really good cat.
我們是不允許拿走這些的We're not supposed to take these when we leave.
我不曉得莫妮卡有沒有告訴你 這是我離婚之後的第一次約會I don't know if Monica told you,but this my first date since my divorce.
我顯得有一點緊張…If I seem a little nervous...
…那是真的... I am.
貓能活多久啊?How long do cats live?
你說什麼?I'm sorry?
貓,貓能活多久?Cats. How long do they live?
如果不把它們丟到 巴士下面去送死的話Figuring you don't throw them under a bus or something?
大概是十五,六年吧Maybe 1 5,1 6 years.
那真是太棒了Well,that's just great.
好,乾杯Right. Clink.
莫妮卡把我說得比本人可愛 對不對?Monica told you I was cuter than this,didn't she?
不,麥克 不是因為你…No,Michael,it's not you. Sorry. It's just....
我是…我另外有心事It's this thing.
事情很糟…因為It's not as bad as it sounds...
…我有一個朋友 他跟他的女朋友要養貓... but this friend of mine is getting a cat with his girlfriend.
聽起來的確是…Oh,that does sound....
他們兩個才剛剛開始交往不久He just started going out with her.
他是你以前的男朋友嗎?Is this guy an old boyfriend?
他想得美喔Yeah,he wishes.
對不起,你瞧瞧我I'm sorry. Look at me.
好了,麥克,談談你吧Michael,let's talk about you.
以前你跟女朋友 一起養過寵物嗎?Did you ever get a pet with a girlfriend?
我知道為什麼了 什麼?-So I figured it out. -What?
史考為什麼不想跟我上床Why Scott doesn't want to sleep with me.
因為我不夠性感I'm not sexy enough.
菲比,別傻了Phoebe,that's crazy.
第一次看到你之後 你知道我對錢德說什麼嗎?When I first met you,you know what I said?
我說“完美的屁股,好身材”I said,"Excellent butt,great rack."
真的?嘴好甜Really? That's so sweet.
說實在的,我被冒犯了 可是感覺真好I mean,I'm officially offended. But that's so sweet.
菲比,你想知道為什麼的話 你必須開口去問他If you wanna know what the deal is,you're gonna have to ask him.
你說得對…You're right. You're right.
你真“可口”啊You are so "yum"!
那是只貓 你知道的,貓I mean,it's a cat,you know? It's a cat.
他們幹嘛不養只昆蟲 養只果蠅就好了Why can't they get a bug? One of those fruit flies.
那種只活一,兩天的東西Those things that live for a day.
它們叫什麼?What are they called?
果蠅?Fruit flies?
謝謝Thank you.
要不要點甜點啊?Would you like dessert?
不,不要了No dessert.
我想結帳,求你了Just the check. Please.
你玩得不開心?Oh,no. You're not having fun,are you?
不…我很開心No,no,I am.
不過剛才那一個半小時 我都在回憶電影《餐館》的情節But only because I've been playing the movie Diner in my head.
你看我Oh,look at me.
你看我Look at me.
我在跟一個很棒的男人約會I'm on a date with a really great guy.
卻滿腦子是羅斯…All I can think about is Ross...
…跟他的貓…...and his cat...
…還有他的茱莉...and his Julie.
你想吃點派嗎Look, do you want a piece of pie?
不!太晚了,我已經把事情搞砸了No!Too late for that, man.I've screwed this all up
我只是想忘了他 天啊,為什麼我不能呢?I just want to get over him. Why can't I do that?
聽我說,我經歷過離婚 相信我,不會有事的Look,I've been through a divorce. Trust me,you're gonna be fine.
你還看不出來 因為你跟他還沒有了結嘛…You can't see it because you haven't had closure
就是那個,我就需要那個That's what it is! That's what I need!
天啊,你太棒了God,you're brilliant!
我為什麼沒有想到? 我要怎麼了結?Why didn't I think of that? How do I get that?
這沒有一定的方法,這只是…Well,there's no one way really,it's just....
你要用任何的方法 只要能讓你對他說:Whatever it takes so that you can finally say to him:
“我不在乎你了”就行了"I'm over you."
不在乎你Over you.
就是這個That's what it is.
抱歉Hello? Excuse me?
抱歉…Excuse me. Hel
請稍等 對不起啊-Hang on. -Excuse me?
什麼? 對不起-What? -Hi. I'm sorry.
我需要跟你借一下電話I need to borrow your phone for just one minute.
我正在講耶 我看得出來-I'm talking. -I see that.
我打一個電話就可以了 很快的,我甚至會付錢給你One phone call,I'll be very quick. I'll even pay for it myself.
你對你的電話有點詭異耶You're being a little weird about your phone.
我待會兒再打給你I'll call you back.
謝了Thank you.
我的人緣真好I'm so good with people.
我在等嗶嗶 太好了-Just waiting for the beep. -Good.
羅斯,我是瑞秋Ross! Hi,it's Rachel.
我只是打來說…I'm just calling to say that...
…一切都很好...everything's fine.
我為你…And I'm really happy for you...
…還有你的貓感到高興...and your cat.
對了,我認為你應該給它起個名字叫麥克Who,by the way,I think you should name Michael.
知道嗎?你瞧 我在想名字…You see there,I'm thinking of names...
…所以顯然我不在乎你了...so obviously I am over you.
我不在乎你了I am over you.
這就是我那位朋友 所謂的“了結”And that,my friend,is what they call "closure."
No, no, no...
莫妮卡,今天是星期天早上 星期天我絕不跑步It's Sunday morning. I'm not running on a Sunday.
為什麼? 因為是星期天-Why not? -Because it's Sunday!
是神的日子It's God's day.
你說停我們就停If you say stop,then we stop.
不,別這樣啦,我們不能停No,come on! We can't stop!
還有三磅要減We got three more pounds to go!
我是精力火車而你在車上I am the energy train and you are on board!
你的約會怎麼樣啊?And how was the date?
我記得有家餐廳I think there was a restaurant.
我還記得有酒I know there was wine.
事實上,茱莉在樓下叫計程車Actually,Julie's getting a cab.
我想要拿貓玩具 莫妮卡有沒有說…I just need the cat toys. Did Monica say....
你為什麼那樣看我?What? Why are you looking at me like that?
對不起,我不知道…I'm sorry. I don't know,l....
我覺得我昨晚好像夢到你…I feel like I dreamed about you last night...
…但我不記得了... but I don't remember.
在這兒There they are.
我們昨晚有通電話嗎? 你有沒有打給我?Did we speak on the phone? Did you call me?
沒有,我昨晚住在茱莉那裡No. I stayed at Julie's last night.
事實上,我根本還沒回家呢 你介意我聽一下留言嗎?I haven't even been home yet. Do you mind if I check my messages?
請便啊Oh,yeah,go ahead.
瑞秋,我有你的留言Rach,I got a message from you!
麥克是誰啊?Who's Michael?
天啊Oh,my God!
天啊,羅斯,把電話掛掉Ross,no! Hang up the phone. Give me the phone!
電話給我…Give me the
你不在乎我了You're over me?
你… 我的天啊…-You're -Oh,God.
你不在乎我了?You're over me?
你是什麼時候…When were you...
…在乎我的?... under me?
瑞秋,你…?Rachel,do you...?
我是說,你…你…?I mean,were you?
我對你有一些感覺I've sort of had feelings for you.
你對我有感覺?You've had feelings for me?
那又怎樣?你先對我有感覺的So? You had feelings for me first!
你知道我…You know about my You know I had
我是說,你知道我有…You know?
錢德告訴我的Chandler told me.
錢德,他什麼時候,什麼時候,什麼時候…When did he? When did he? When did he?
你在中國的時候When you were in China.
認識茱莉時Meeting Julie.
茱莉?茱莉?那… 天啊Julie. That's Oh,God!
我需要躺下來I need to lie down.
不,你知道,我要站著No,I'm gonna stand.
我要站著…I'm gonna stand...
…我要踱步 我踱步,而且我站著...and I'm gonna walk. I'm walking and I am standing.
現在你不在乎我了?Now you're over me?
你還在乎我嗎?Are you over me?
那…那是茱莉That's Julie.
茱莉 甜心,計程車在等喔-Hi,Julie. -I've got a cab waiting.
我馬上下來I'll be right down!
等等,你要走了?Wait,so you're going?
對,我得走 我現在沒有辦法談這個Well,okay,I have to. I can't deal with this right now.
計程車在等著I mean,I've You know,I've got a cab.
我有女朋友 我要去領養一隻貓I've got a girlfriend. I'm gonna go get a cat.
喬伊 菲比-Hey,Joey. -Hey,Pheebs.
你為什麼在看 猶太牧師彈電吉他?How come you're watching a rabbi play electric guitar?
我找不到遙控器I can't find the remote.
謝謝Thank you.
對了,史考約我去他家午餐 我去了Scott asked me to come over for lunch and I did.
然後… 我們做了-And? -And we did.
正點,菲比好耶All right! Way to go!
怎麼發生的?So how did it happen?
我聽了你的建議 問他到底怎麼回事啊?I took your advice and asked him what was going on.
那他說什麼?What did he say?
他瞭解性對女人而言呢 可以說是一件非常情緒化的事He understands how sex can be a very emotional thing for a woman.
他只是怕我會變得像…And he was just afraid that I was going to get all:
“第二天是否會打電話給我” “我們會有結局嗎”之類的"ls he gonna call me the next day?" and "Where is this going?"
所以他說他想等到 他準備開始認真了以後再說So he said he wanted to hold off until he was prepared to be serious.
所以我說“放輕鬆好嗎?”So I said,"Okay. Relax,please."
我是說,性可以只是 兩個人一時的感覺Sex can be just about two people right there in the moment.
若他想再見我可以打電話給我 如果不想的話也沒關係If he wants to see me again,he can call. If not,that's fine too.
所以在長談之後…So after a lot of talking...
…我說服他了... I convinced him.
讓我先搞清楚Let me get this straight.
他讓你求他跟你上床He got you to beg to sleep with him.
他讓你說 他永遠不用再打電話給你He got you to say he never has to call you again.
而且還讓你覺得 這是一個好主意?And he got you thinking this is a great idea?
我簡直崇拜他This man is my god!
哦,這只太可愛了,你覺得呢Oh, this one's cute.Don't you think?
是的,這只也是,那只也是Yeah, and this one, and that one.
它們都太可愛了,它們這些小貓咪,選一隻就好了They're all cute. They're kittens.Just wrap one up.
-你同意嗎?-我嗎?-You okay?.-Yeah, me?.
是的,是的,是嗎?Yeah, yeah. Yeah?.
羅斯,親愛的Ross, honey. Hey.
我知道這是一大步,但是我想我們會很好的I know this is a big step,but I think we'll be okay.
是的,我知道,我知道Yeah, I know. I know.
你們有沒有特別老或者得了不知名疾病的貓So do you have any cats that are really old or incredibly sick?.
我不想要那種馬上就要死的I don't want one that's about to die.
我們應該來這裡之前就商量好的We should've worked that out before we came down here.
好吧,親愛的Okay, sweetie.
我把範圍縮小一下,這只I'll narrow it down to this one here...
和這只帶斑紋的...and this one with the stripes.
你挑一隻You pick.
喔,嘿,我挑?Whoa, hey, I have to pick?.
是的,挑一隻你想要的Yeah, whichever one you want.
我不知道Well, I don't know.
這個可不容易It's not that easy to choose.
所有的貓都很漂亮Both cats are beautiful...
並且可愛...and funny.
我確定我對每只貓都很滿意I' m sure I'd be happy with either cat.
-那麼,你想兩個都要?-兩個?兩個?-Well, do you want to take both?.-Both?. Both!?.
我不能要兩隻貓I can't have two cats!
喬伊才是那種會要兩隻貓的人Joey's the kind of guys who could have two cats.
晚安,甘瑟Goodnight, Gunther.
我沒有領養貓I didn't get a cat.
真有趣That's interesting.
不,那一點都沒有趣 那非常非常沒有趣No,it's not "interesting." It's very,very not interesting.
事實上那百分之百是沒有趣,瑞秋It's actually 100% the opposite of interesting.
好,我懂了,羅斯I got it,Ross.
你沒有權利告訴我說 你曾經喜歡過我You had no right to say you had feelings for me.
在我發現之前 我跟茱莉過得很快樂I was doing great with Julie before I knew!
在我發現之前 我也過得很快樂I was doing great before I knew about you!
你以為看你跟茱莉那樣 我心裡好受嗎?You think it's easy to see you with Julie?
你應該在我認識她之前說出來You should've said something before!
那時我不知道啊 那你為何從不說什麼呢?I didn't know then. And how come you never said anything?
因為總沒有機會There was never a good time.
對,你有一年機會 我們每晚都在一起混You only had a year. And we only hung out every night!
…每個晚上...every night.
而且我也不是沒試過,瑞秋 但是每次都有事情發生It's not like I didn't try. But things got in the way.
就像是義大利人啊…You know,like ltalian guys...
…或者是前任的未婚夫啦…...or ex-fiances...
…或者義大利人啊...or ltalian guys.
只有一個義大利人 你到底有沒有重點啊?There was one ltalian guy,okay? And do you have a point?
重點是 我現在已經不需要這個了The point is,I don't need this right now!
太遲了Okay? It's too late.
我在跟別人交往,我很快樂 這艘船起航了I'm with somebody else. I'm happy. This ship has sailed!
你喜歡什麼時候撇開對我的感情都可以嗎?You're just gonna put away your feelings for me?
我從九年級就開始這樣了 我早駕輕就熟了I've done it since ninth grade. I'm good at it.
那好,你儘管去做吧,羅斯All right,fine. You go ahead and do that.
我告訴你,我不需要你的蠢船I don't need your ship!
好 好-Good. -Good!
你知道嗎?我現在了結了And you know what? Now I got closure!
試試下面那個Try the bottom one.
莫妮卡,現在是早上六點半Monica,it's 6:30 in the morning.
我們不再去運動,結束了We're not working out. It's over.
怎麼啦?只剩一磅,來啦No way! With one pound to go? Come on!
我們運動,我們移動 我們在其中舞動We're workin',we're movin' We're in the zone,we're groovin'
我不在乎我的最後一磅I don't mind the last pound.
我很喜歡這最後一磅In fact,I kind of like the last pound.
所以不要逼我 做下終生遺憾的事So don't make me do anything that I'll regret.
那你要做什麼,肥仔?What you gonna do,fat boy?
沒什麼,除了告訴你 我覺得你精力這麼充沛真棒Nothing. Except tell you it's wonderful how much energy you have.
尤其是想到你現在去找工作多麼得焦頭爛額Especially considering how tough it's been for you to find work.
你不能告訴你父母你被開除了 因為他們會非常的失望You can't tell your parents you were fired,because they'd be disappointed.
尤其你又沒有男朋友 可以借肩膀讓你哭It's not as if you have a boyfriend's shoulder to cry on.
沒有,但是我…Well,no. But l....
我是說,如果是我的話 我想我會連起床都會很困難If it were me,I'd have difficulty getting out of bed at all.
我試著保持樂觀You know,I try to stay positive.
那麼…So you....
你想出去跑一跑嗎?You feel like going for a run?
好吧All right.
你不一定要去跑的 你可以在這裡睡一下Because you don't have to. You could just take a nap right here.
-只睡一小會兒 -好Just for a little while.-Okey


羅斯親了我Ross kissed me.
天啊…Oh,my God! Oh,my God! Oh,my God!
很不可思議吧It was unbelievable!
天啊…Oh,my God! Oh,my God! Oh,my God!
我們要聽全部的經過Let's hear everything.
莫妮卡,拔掉電話線拿酒來Monica,get the wine and unplug the phone.
瑞秋,結局好不好? 我們需不需要面紙?Rachel,does this end well or do we need to get tissues?
結局非常好It ended very well.
等我來再講…Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
先談談那個吻Okay. All right. Let's hear about the kiss.
是像輕拂過你嘴唇的輕吻呢…Was it a soft brush against your lips...
還是像… “我現在就要你”的那種吻呢...or was it a "I gotta have you now" kind of thing?
剛開始很熱烈,然後…Well,at first it was really intense,you know? And then....
天啊,然後我們就完全沉醉了Oh,God. And then we just sort of sunk into it.
他抱著你嗎? 還是說他的手在你的背上呢?So was he holding you? Or were his hands on your back?
不,他的手開始時在我腰上No,actually,first they started out on my waist...
然後往上滑,最後落在我頭髮上...and then they slid up and were in my hair.
…然後我吻了她...then I kissed her.
對 酷-Yeah. -Cool.
六人行 第2季 第08集 清單The One With the List
各位,瞧瞧這個壞小子All right,check out this bad boy!
12M記憶體 500M的硬碟…Twelve megabytes of RAM,500-megabyte hard drive...
裡面還有內建試算表的功能…... built-in spreadsheet capabilities...
再加上傳送速率 超過兩萬八BPS的資料機...and a modem that transmits at over 28,000 BPS.
你要用它來幹嘛?What will you use it for?
玩遊戲之類的Games and stuff.
根本沒有工作 沒有適合我的工作There are no jobs. There are no jobs for me.
等一下,這邊有一個Oh,wait,here's one.
你願意裸體做菜嗎? 有征裸體廚師的廣告?-Would you be willing to cook naked? -There's an ad for a naked chef?
沒有,但你如果願意裸體做菜 你或許會願意裸體跳舞No,but if you'll cook naked,then you might be willing to dance naked.
然後…And then....
對了,昨晚親得怎麼樣了?So how'd you make out last night?
那真風趣,風趣得很痛苦That is funny. That is painfully funny.
對,只是痛苦而已Yeah,that's just painful.
我以為昨天晚上很棒耶Wait a minute. I thought last night was great.
沒錯,是很棒 但是當我回到家…Yeah,it was. But I get home...
我看到茱莉的食鹽水 放在我床邊的桌上…...and I see Julie's saline solution on my night table...
我就想“老天啊 我到底在做什麼呀?”...and I think,"My God! What am I doing?"
我跟茱莉這麼好的女人 在一起…Here I am with Julie,this incredible,great woman...
…彼此關懷珍惜…...who I care about and who cares about me...
而我就那樣拋棄一切嗎?...and I'm just throwing all that away?
一瓶食鹽水可以講那麼多?You got all that from saline solution?
我也是這樣,給我一瓶維散滴眼露,我就會想:我是誰?I'm the same way. Show me a bottle of Visine and I'm like, "Who am l?. "
我們現在是在談瑞秋 你跟瑞秋Wait. We're talking about Rachel. You and Rachel.
我夢想我跟瑞秋一起 想了十年了I've been dreaming about me and Rachel for 10 years.
但現在我跟茱莉在一起But now I'm with Julie.
就好像我跟茱莉,我跟瑞秋So it's like,me and Julie,me and Rachel.
我跟茱莉,我跟瑞秋…Me and Julie,me and Rach
瑞秋?瑞秋Rachel! Rachel.
你 你好嗎?-Hey,you. -How are you?
很好,你呢?Good. How are you?
親愛的 茱莉,你好-Hi,honey. -Hi,Julie. Hi,Julie?
你好嗎?How are you?
大家都在So everybody's here.
大家都很好Everybody's good.
很好並且很棒並且都在這裡Good and great and here.
你不是要彈什麼嗎,菲比?Were you gonna play something?
其實我沒有… 彈啊-Well,actually -Play it!
All right.
我不知道你戴隱形眼鏡 什麼?-Julie,I didn't know you wore lenses. -What?
好,嗨Okay. Hi.
你們好,嗨,好的Hello. Hi. Okay.
所以,這是一首關於一個…This is a song about a love triangle...
…我亂編的三角戀愛故事的歌... between three people I made up.
叫做“昨晚兩人接吻了”It's called "Two of Them Kissed Last Night."
有個女孩,我們叫她貝蒂There was a girl We'll call her Betty
有個男孩,咱們叫他尼爾And a guy Let's call him Neil
我再三強調這一點Now I can't stress This point too strongly
這故事不是真的This story isn't real
現在尼爾必須決定 他要放棄哪一個Now our Neil must decide Who will be the girl that he casts aside
是那個他真心相愛的貝蒂Will Betty be the one Who he loves truly
還是我們稱為露莉的女孩Or will it be the one Who we'll call Loolie
他必須決定,他必須決定He must decide He must decide
雖然他純屬虛構,他必須決定Even though I made him up He must decide
你的資歷很不錯Well,this is a nice resume.
可以說非常的可觀Muy impressivo.
很慚愧沒一樣是真的Shame none of it's true.
我開玩笑的…I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
全都是真實的,我只是有點緊張,就這樣,我現在好點了No, it's all true. Just a little nervous, that's all. I'm fine now.
這份工作到底是什麼呢? 廣告寫得很含糊Mr. Rastatter,what does this job entail? The ad wasn't clear.
什麼? 麻克力-I'm sorry? -Macholate.
一種完全人工的巧克力替代品It's a synthetic chocolate substitute.
別客氣,試一塊Go ahead,try a piece.
對,我們認為 麻克力比巧克力好吃的多了We think Macholate is even better than chocolate.
All right.
我愛這碎碎的感覺I love how it crumbles.
巧克力不會這樣 不會-You see,chocolate doesn't do that. -No,ma'am.
反正呢,這個應該很快就會通過食品藥物管理局檢驗了We should be getting our FDA approval any day now.
希望能夠趕得上感恩節Hopefully,in time for Thanksgiving.
照我們看來呢 巧克力已經…The way we see it,chocolate dominates...
…霸佔了大部份跟大餐有關的節日,復活節,耶誕節等...your major food-preparation holidays. Easter,Christmas,what have you.
我們在想,只要行銷搞好了…But given the right marketing...
…我們能讓感恩節 成為麻克力節...we can make Thanksgiving the Macholate holiday.
你不吞下去嗎?Aren't you gonna swallow that?
我只是在等泡泡停止Just waiting for it to stop bubbling.
是不是很棒?Isn't that great?
…在找幾個廚師 來搞一些新感恩節食譜...we're looking for chefs who can create Thanksgiving recipes.
這下你有興趣嗎?You interested?
…有... -lutely!
我愛創新食譜我愛感恩節 而現在呢…I love creating recipes,I love Thanksgiving,and now...
…我愛麻克力... I love Macholate.
特別是那種口裡的餘味…Especially that aftertaste. I tell you...
…可以繚繞到耶誕節...that'll last you till Christmas.
麻克力慕斯怎麼樣?How about Macholate mousse?
那不是…It's not...
…感恩節的味道...very Thanksgiving-y.
那麼朝聖者麻克力慕斯呢?How about Pilgrim Macholate mousse?
哪裡像朝聖者啊?What makes it Pilgrim?
放個皮帶扣上去We'll put buckles on it.
羅斯來電話沒?Did Ross call?
沒有,抱歉No,I'm sorry.
他為什麼不打來呢?Why didn't he call?
他要跟茱莉在一起是不是?He's gonna stay with Julie.
他要跟她在一起 然後她會一副:He's gonna stay with her and she'll be:
“我是茱莉,羅斯選我”"Hi,I'm Julie. Ross picked me.
“我們要結婚,生一堆孩子” “然後全家一起去挖點什麼東西”We'll get married and have lots of kids and dig up stuff together!"
恕我冒犯,她不會這樣講的No offense,but that sounds nothing like her.
我不知道該怎麼辦 這簡直是一場惡夢What am I gonna do? This is like a complete nightmare!
我知道,這一定很難受 “不,兩個女人都愛我”I know. This must be so hard. "Oh,no! Two women love me!
她們都那麼優秀,我的錢太多,皮包裝不下…They're both gorgeous,my wallet's too small for my 50s...
…我的鑽石鞋太緊了...and my diamond shoes are too tight!"
我有一個辦法,羅斯 別碰我的電腦,永遠都別碰-Here's a thought -Don't ever touch the computer.
羅斯,聽著 我送你兩個字:Ross,listen. I got two words for you:
你還差一個字沒說,如果你想用那個字的話You still have another word,if you wanna use it.
嘿,我想我知道。幫忙Oh, hey. I think I know what it is. Help.
我們用理性來分析,好嗎? 我們來列個單子Let's get logical about this. We'll make a list.
“瑞秋和茱莉,優缺點”"Rachel and Julie: Pros and Cons."
她倆的名字用不同字型的粗體字We'll put their names in different fonts...
然後每一欄 可以用不同的顏色來寫上...and I can use different colors for each column.
不能夠用筆就好了嗎?Can't we use a pen?
不可以,阿們宗派男孩(17世紀成立)No,Amish boy.
我們就先從缺點開始 那比較好玩一點Let's start with the cons because they're more fun.
先列瑞秋Rachel first.
我不知道I don't know.
我是說…I mean....
好吧,我想你可以說她 有時候有一點嬌縱All right,I guess you can say she's a little spoiled sometimes.
可以這麼說You could say that.
有時候…她有點像沒頭腦I guess,sometimes she's a little ditzy,you know?
我覺得她有點太注重她的外表And I've seen her be a little too into her looks.
茱莉跟我有很多共同點…And Julie and I have a lot in common...
…因為我們都是古生物學家... because we're both paleontologists,right?
但是瑞秋她只是個女服務生But Rachel's just a waitress.
好了 你們想玩“毀滅戰士”(著名的射擊遊戲)嗎?Got it. You guys want to play Doom?
我們也可以繼續Or we could keep doing this.
還有呢?What else?
我不知道I don't know.
她的腳踝有一點胖Oh! Her ankles are a little chubby.
換茱莉了Okay,let's do Julie.
她有什麼不好的?What's wrong with her?
她不是瑞秋She's not Rachel.
這是麻克力餅屑南瓜餡餅This is pumpkin pie with a Macholate crust.
這個是麻克力紅莓蛋糕 而這些是麻克力餅乾This is Macholate cranberry cake,and these are Macholate-chip cookies.
跟印第安人的一樣Just like the lndians served.
天啊Oh,my God!
“天啊”很好?"Oh,my God" good?
天啊 我不敢相信你給我吃這個Oh,my God! I can't believe you let me put this in my mouth.
上帝啊!這一定是惡魔的味道Sweet Lord! This is what evil must taste like!
我說這個玩意兒不能列印I tell you,it won't print.
對,那個按鈕我按了一百次了I pressed that button,like,100 times.
就熱線而言,你一點都不熱情For a hotline,you're not so hot.
你那邊是什麼聲音?What is that in the background?
你在看《星際迷航》?Are you watching Star Trek?
你讓茱莉心碎了嗎?So did you break Julie's heart?
是啊,好可怕,她哭,我也哭 她丟東西,打到了我It was horrible. She cried,I cried. She threw things,they hit me.
我這麼做是對的I did the right thing.
史波克(《星際迷航》中的角色)真的擁抱了他爸爸嗎?So Spock actually hugs his father?
你們有沒…Hey,do you guys have
你去哪兒了?Where you going?
我剛剛…I just got back...
…從茱莉那邊回來...from Julie's.
不是你想的那樣It's not what you think.
是別的事It's the other thing.
什麼是別的事?Well,what's the other thing? What do I think?
他跟茱莉分手了He broke up with Julie!
看在老天的份上,去抱抱她呀Well,go hug her,for God's sakes!
我愛的一直是你It's always been you,Rach.
這真好Oh,this is good.
這真的很好 我知道…-This is really good. -I know. I know.
幾乎…It's almost....
我們出去走一走怎麼樣? 就我們兩個人,沒有他們What do you say we take a walk? Just us. Not them.
好,我去拿外套 好,不…-Let me get my coat. -Okay. No,hey!
我幫你拿I'll get your coat.
他去幫我拿外套 他去幫我拿外套,喬伊He's going to get my coat. He's going to get my coat,Joey!
我真不敢相信Joey,I can't believe this! This is unbelievable!
那是什麼? 什麼?沒什麼-What's that? -What? Nothing!
我看到我的名字,是什麼? 不,不,你看…-I saw my name. What is it? -No,no,see? See?
在印了It's printing!
在印了It's printing!
那是什麼嘛?給我看Let me see!
有人訂了件外套嗎?Hey,someone order a coat?
羅斯,錢德在電腦上 寫了關於我的事還不讓我看Chandler wrote something about me and won't let me see.
他有嗎?他沒有!He won't? He won't!
因為那是不是…Because isn't that...
你正在寫的短篇故事...the short story you were writing?
對,那是一篇我正在寫的…Yes,it is a short story...
…短篇故事...that I was writing.
裡面有我? 那讓我看啊And I'm in it? Let me read it.
好啦 乾脆你念給她聽好了-Come on! -Hey,why don't you read it to her?
好吧All right.
那個時候是夏天"It was summer.
天氣很熱And it was hot.
瑞秋在那裡…Rachel was there.
寂寞的灰沙發A lonely gray couch.
奈德大叫“看啊”'Oh,look!' cried Ned.
然後他就是永遠的國王了 劇終And the kingdom was his forever. The end!"
就這樣?你只寫了這樣? 你是全世界最爛的作家That's all you wrote? You're the worst writer in the world!
好了,我不再覺得好玩了This isn't funny anymore.
那張紙上寫了關於我的事情 而我想要看一看There's something about me on that paper,and I want to see it.
不,不可以No,you don't.
好吧,你們要這麼孩子氣的話 沒關係All right,fine. If you guys want to be children,that's fine.
我根本就不需要看I do not need to see it!
這是什麼?What is this?
這是…That is....
羅斯,這是什麼?What is this?
謝謝 祝你好運-Thank you. -Good luck.
你只要記得我多為你瘋狂Okay. Just remember how crazy I am about you,okay?
“有點沒頭腦”?"Kind of ditzy"?
“太注重外表”?"Too into her looks"?
是有一點嬌縱 他應該加上“有一點”才對A little spoiled. He was supposed to type "little," the idiot!
“只是個女服務生?”"Just a waitress"?
那是…Now that was....
我是說,相對於…I mean,as opposed to....
你念完了沒有,瑞秋?Okay,is this over yet? Rach?
我的腳踝一點都不肥I do not have chubby ankles!
不,瑞秋…No! I
好…你看另一邊嘛 你看看茱莉那一欄Okay,look at the other side. Look at Julie's column.
“她不是瑞琪”?"She's not Rachem"?
瑞琪是什麼東西啊What the hell's a Rachem?
那是什麼?因為我是女服務生…Is that a stupid paleontology word...
而不懂得愚蠢古生物用語嗎?... I wouldn't know,because I'm just a waitress?
不,瑞秋,你不要這樣Rach,come on!
是“她不是瑞秋”It's "She's not Rachel"!
她不是…She's not....
我的日記!太聰明了My diary! Brilliant!
我應該說那是我的日記 她絕對不會逼我念我的日記If I'd said it was my diary,she wouldn't have made me read it.
那倒是真的,你很適合在緊急事件發生之後成為一個偉人That's true. You'd be a great person to have around after an emergency.
真不敢相信羅斯列了單子I cannot believe Ross even made this list.
我知道 簡直渾蛋-I know. -What a dinkus!
放他一馬吧 那是錢德的主意Hey,cut him some slack. It was Chandler's idea.
很好,我正在希望你提呢Oh,good. I was hoping that would come up.
這是你的主意?This was your idea?
拜託,你們想一下 事出必有因Let's get some perspective here. These things happen for a reason.
對,是你呀Yeah. You!
菲比,幫我一下,好嗎? 你相信因果報應是狗屁,對吧?Pheebs,back me up. You believe in that karma crap,don't you?
對,祝你下輩子當糞蟲好運By the way,good luck in your next life as a dung beetle.
瑞秋,瑞秋,開門Hey! Open up! Please?
當別人不開門讓你進來的時候 那表示“走開”When somebody does not buzz you in,Ross,that means,"Go away."
那並不表示請你爬防火梯上來It doesn't mean,"Climb up the fire escape."
我只是想念一點 你的優點給你聽I just want to read you your "Pro List."
我不感興趣Not interested.
第一,你看遊戲節目時會哭"Number one: the way you cry at game shows.
第二,你對朋友的感情很深Number two: how much you love your friends.
第三,你緊張的時候 玩你頭髮的樣子Number three: the way you play with your hair when you're nervous.
第四,勇敢地開始你的新生活Number four: how brave you are for starting your life over.
第五,你很會逗小班Number five: how great you are with Ben.
第六,還有你的香味Number six: the way you smell."
羅斯,你在幹什麼?What are you doing?
喬伊,幫我開窗,好不好?You want to open the window?
你在外面幹什麼? 我…我…-What are you doing out there? -I'm....
天啊,你一定冷死了 知道你需要什麼嗎?You must be freezing. You know what you need?
來杯熱騰騰的麻克力怎麼樣?How about a nice,steaming cup of hot Macholate?
瑞秋,開門Come on,open up.
瑞秋,別這樣嘛 你再給我一次機會Rach,come on. You gotta give me another chance.
不? 我說不-No? -That's what I said.
也許我們該離開一下Maybe we should go.
不,你們真的不用走 我們已經談完了You don't have to go. We're done.
拜託,我知道你一定…I know how you must
不,你別說了,羅斯No! You don't,Ross.
想像一下 你覺得自己最糟的地方Imagine the worst things you think about yourself.
如果這個世界上 你最信任的人…How would you feel if the person you trusted most in the world...
不只也這樣想... not only thinks them too...
而且用來當做不跟你在一起的理由,換了你會怎麼樣?... but actually uses them as reasons not to be with you.
就算是那樣 我還是想要跟你在一起No,but see,I want to be with you in spite of all those things.
你真是寬宏大量,羅斯Well,that's mighty big of you.
我說,別走I said,don't go!
你知道嗎?You know what?
如果今天是你列單子…If it were the other way around,there is nothing you could put on a list...
…不管你在單子上頭寫些什麼 都阻止不了我跟你在一起...that would make me not want to be with you.
我猜我們就是那一點不同Well,then I guess that's the difference between us.
我絕對不會去列單子See,I'd never make a list.
每一次遇上這種情況 我都不知道要等多久才能開口I never know how long to wait in this situation before you can talk.
我再等一會兒好了Maybe a little longer.
我其中的一些食譜用的 麻克力份量或許有點不尋常In these recipes,the quantities may seem unusual.
像這個椰子麻克力節日乾果棒Like these coconut Macholate holiday nut bars?
我上面寫了四杯椰子 四杯碎乾果…I've indicated four cups of coconut and four cups of nuts...
…而只有一大匙的麻克力...and only one tablespoon of Macholate.
沒關係Doesn't matter.
我們的食品藥物管理局執照沒有通過Our FDA approval didn't come through.
實驗室老鼠出了問題Something about laboratory rats.
天啊,真遺撼…Gosh,I'm sorry.
好吧,這是給你的支票Anyhow,here's your check.
還有謝謝你出了這麼多力Thank you for all the trouble you went through.
你做的時候沒有吃很多吧?Listen,you didn't eat a lot of it while you were cooking,did you?
我吃了一些Well,I ate some.
一些,那還好 一些可以,一些不是很多Oh,some is fine. Some is not a lot.
那你尿尿的時候 沒有灼痛的感覺吧?So it doesn't burn when you pee,does it?
又是他嗎?Is that him again?
告訴他我很想去接 可是我腳踝太粗走不動Tell him I'd come to the phone,but my ankles are weighing me down.
我想現在時機不對I don't think this is the best time.
你幫我一個忙,好不好?Look,can you do something for me?
當然,什麼事?Sure. What?
好的All right.
下一首是 羅斯要點給瑞秋的歌曲The next one's dedicated to Rachel from Ross.
瑞秋,他要你知道 他為他的行為深感抱歉Rachel,he wants you to know he's sorry for what he did...
…希望你能從心裡原諒他...and he hopes you can forgive him.
看到你眼若冰霜See the stones set in your eyes
看到你渾身帶刺See the thorn twist in your side
我會等你的I'll wait for you
上天實在作弄人Sleight of hand and twist of fate
她就讓我苦苦的等On a bed of nails she makes me wait
不論你是否在身旁,我會等的And I'll wait without you
我們剛接到瑞秋的電話 她告訴我們羅斯做了什麼We've just gotten a call from Rachel and she told us what Ross did.
真令人髮指 羅斯,如果你在聽…It's pretty appalling. And,Ross,if you're listening...
…我不想再放你點的歌了...I don't want to play your song anymore.
我們何不將時間 留給還有機會的情侶Why don't we devote our time to a couple that stands a chance?
艾佛 米雪很抱歉用她的車撞你Avery,Michelle's sorry she hit you with her car...
她希望你們能夠解決問題...and she hopes you two will work it out.
我有個房間…There's a room where
…可以去I can go
傾吐心中的秘密And tell my secrets to
在我房裡In my room
在我房裡In my room
謝謝你再度光臨Thanks for coming in again.
不客氣 我既無道德又需要錢Not at all. I have no morals,and I need the cash.
咱倆就像照鏡子一樣It's like I'm looking in a mirror.
這個東西叫做開心魚Anyway,they're called Fish-tachios.
吃起來是跟開心果一樣的…They taste exactly like pistachios...
但主要是用魚肉重新壓制的…... but they're made of reconstituted fish bits.
來,試試看Here,try one.
好吧 你沒有什麼過敏問題吧?-All right. -You're not allergic to anything?
貓毛Cat hair.


醜陋裸男在裝飾他的樹Ugly Naked Guy is decorating his tree.
天啊 你該瞧瞧他聖誕球的大小You should see the size of his Christmas balls!
你們今年給管理員多少紅包?How much did you tip the super?
是啊,我們打算給50 不過我們不想顯得比你們小器We were gonna give 50,but we don't wanna look bad.
今年我們送他自己做的餅乾This year we made him cookies.
那就包25塊好了And 25 it is.
你們送他餅乾?You gave cookies?
給錢太見外了Money is so impersonal.
餅乾表示我們關心他Cookies says someone cares.
好吧,我們沒錢 但餅乾也能表達這個意思We're broke,but cookies do say that.
我瞭解I can see that.
曾有盤巧克力糕告訴我一首打油詩A plate of brownies told me a limerick.
菲比,請問你 那些是“搞笑的”巧克力糕嗎?Pheebs,let me ask you something. Were these "funny" brownies?
並不特別啊Not especially.
但我覺得裡面有大麻But I think they had pot in them.
兩位,你們還送了誰餅乾?So who else did you tip with cookies?
郵差,管理員…The mailman,the super....
還有那個送報紙的And the newspaper delivery guy.
天哪Oh,my God.
你們可能不會高興看到這個You're not gonna like this.
天哪,還有餅乾糊在運動版呢These are cookies smashed to the sports section.
看,在我的字謎那裡也是He did my crossword puzzle.
對,但是錯誤百出,除非 橫十四的“格什溫音樂劇”…Yeah,but not very well,unless 14 across,"Gershwin musical"...
是叫“咬我,咬我,咬我”...actually is "Bite me,bite me,bite me."
六人行 第2季 第09集 菲比的爸爸The One With Phoebe's Dad
真不敢相信耶誕節又到了I can't believe it's Christmas already.
我們才剛吃完了感恩節火雞…One day you're eating turkey,the next thing you know...
轉眼呢 現在又到了聖人跳躍和呆鵝下蛋的耶誕節...Iords are a-leaping and geese are a-laying.
所以每年的這個時候 鵝才會感覺到很輕鬆Which is why geese are so relaxed this time of year.
我買了一個小禮物給你I got you a little present.
我來拆I'll open it.
是“機靈鬼”It's a Slinky!
走下樓梯,單獨或成雙Walks downstairs Alone or in pairs
大家都知道是…Everyone knows it's
只是一個大彈簧Just a big spring.
好吧,你還在生我的氣 就為了…You're still mad because of the whole
那張不跟我在一起的理由的可惡單子?Horrible list of reasons not to be with me?
從現在起我們稱那為 “不幸的事件”怎麼樣?How about we just call it the "unfortunate incident"?
甘瑟,你家裡有沒有樓梯?Hey,Gunther. You got stairs in your place?
去瘋吧Go nuts.
袋子裡有什麼?What's in the bag?
只是些禮物啦Some presents.
快拿出來瞧瞧啊Come on,show us what you bought.
其實你很想的You know you want to.
好吧,你們看 這是班送給我父母的相框This is a picture frame from Ben to my parents.
很可愛Oh,that's cute.
“她的”跟“她的”毛巾 給蘇珊跟卡蘿Some "Hers" and "Hers" towels for Susan and Carol.
還有,買了這件襯衫給媽And I got this blouse for Mom.
羅斯,好漂亮哦Ross,that is gorgeous!
瞧瞧這些假徽章Look at these authentic fake metals!
媽會得到“最佳服裝獎”…Mom's gonna be voted "best dressed"...
…在假的軍校裡...at the make-believe military academy!
聖誕前夕的前夕快樂Happy "Christmas Eve" Eve.
我的天哪,這哪兒來的?Oh,my God! Where did you get this?
梅西百貨三樓,家飾部Macy's,third floor,home furnishings.
這是我爸爸This is my father!
這是我爸爸的照片This is a picture of my dad!
菲比,那是相框附送的相片That's the guy that comes in the frame.
不,這是我爸爸 好,我拿給你們看No,it's my dad. I'll show you.
菲比,我以為你爸在牢裡I thought your dad was in prison.
不,那是我繼父No,that's my stepdad.
我真正的爸 是我出生以前就跑了的那個My real dad's the one that ran out on us before I was born.
你怎麼會沒上過奧普拉的訪談啊?How have you never been on Oprah?
瞧,這就是他Look,see? This is him.
我媽在死前給了我這張照片 同一個人My mother gave me this picture before she died. Same guy!
這是一張相框模特兒…This is a picture of the frame guy...
…跟一隻牧羊犬站在淺藍背景前的照片...posing in front of a blue screen with a collie.
那不是藍背景,那是…It's not a blue screen. It's just....
也許那天萬里晴空吧Maybe it was just really clear that day.
我得跟我外婆談一談Okay,I have to talk to my grandmother.
等一下,菲比Wait a minute,honey!
我在設法 弄我老闆的前任老婆上床I'm trying to get my boss's ex-wife to sleep with me.
菲比有問題時大家都洗耳恭聽But when Phoebe has a problem,everyone's all ears!
艾斯特·利文斯頓Esther Livingston.
外婆,你在幹嘛?Hi,Gram. What you doing?
我在更新電話簿Just updating the phone book.
我可以再看一次 我爸的照片嗎?Can I see the pictures of my dad again?
為什麼?How come?
我只是突然想看一看Just,you know,to see him.
好,來Sure. Here.
這是你爸站在草地上的照片This is the one of your father in a meadow.
他…幫一個小男孩放風箏And helping a little boy fly a kite.
這一張是他的畢業典禮And here he is at a graduation.
再一張的畢業典禮Another graduation.
再來一張畢業典禮Another graduation.
他真的是我爸爸嗎?Is this really my father?
他真的是你爸…?Is it really your fa?
天哪,他當然是Well,of course it is.
我聞到煙味了,也許是因為有人的褲子著火了(說謊)I smell smoke. Maybe because someone's pants are on fire!
我們兩個當祖孫這麼多年了…In all the years we've been grandmother and granddaughter...
…你從沒有對我撒過謊...you've never lied.
好吧,他不是你爸爸 他只是一個相框裡的男人All right,that's not your father. It's a picture of a guy in a frame.
那是你媽的主意It was your mother's idea.
她不想讓你知道誰是你爸…She didn't want you to know your real father...
…因為他的離去讓你媽很傷心... because he hurt her so much.
我本來也不想跟著她騙你I didn't want to do it.
可是她死了 那樣跟她爭辯就太難了But then she died and it was harder to argue with her.
不是不可能,只是更難Not impossible,but harder.
那他不是一個有名的樹醫囉?All right. So he's not a famous tree surgeon?
他也不住在 沒有電話的緬甸茅屋裡頭囉?And I guess he doesn't live in a hut in Burma where there's no phones?
我聽說他在紐約州 某個地方當藥劑師Last I heard,he was a pharmacist somewhere upstate.
那沒有道理That makes no sense.
村民幹嘛去崇拜一個 藥劑師呢?Why would the villagers worship a pharmacist?
反正呢,我所知道的就這麼多Anyway,that's all I know.
…跟這個...and this.
…是真正的他了...is the real him.
我記得我爸爸 他穿了一身火紅的衣服…I remember my father all dressed up in the red suit...
…黑色的大靴子 還有漆皮皮帶…...the big black boots and the paten