六人行 第1季 第01集 莫妮卡的新室友 | The One Where Monica Gets A New Roommate |
沒什麼好說的! 他不過是我的同事! | There's nothing to tell. It's just some guy I work with. |
少來了,你和那個人一起出去! | You're going out with the guy. |
和你交往的男人一定有問題! | There has to be something wrong with him. |
打住,喬伊,嘴下留德 | All right,Joey. Be nice. |
他駝背?既駝背又帶假髮? | So does he have a hump and a hairpiece? |
慢著,他吃粉筆嗎? | Wait,does he eat chalk? |
我只是不想你重蹈我和卡爾的覆轍 | I don't want her to go through what I did with Carl. |
各位別急, 這不算約會 | Okay,everybody relax. This is not even a date. |
我們不過是出去吃晚餐 而且不做愛 | It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex. |
聽起來好像是說我的約會 | Sounds like a date to me. |
記得中學時代的夢, 我站在自助餐廳 | I'm in high school,in the cafeteria.. |
突然發現自己全身赤裸 | and I realize I'm totally naked. |
我做過那樣的夢 | I've had that dream. |
我低頭一看, 看見有一支電話… | Then I look down and I realize there is a phone.. |
在那兒 | there. |
- 而不是…? - 沒錯 | - Instead of - That's right! |
我沒做過那樣的夢 | Never had that one. |
突然,那個電話響了 | All of a sudden,the phone starts to ring. |
我不知道該怎麼辦,大家都看著我 | What do I do? Everyone starts looking at me. |
之前他們就不看著你?! | They weren't looking at you before? |
最後,我覺得應該接這個電話 | Finally,I figure I'd better answer it. |
發現是我媽媽打來的, | And it turns out it's my mother. |
這十分怪 因為….她從來不打電話給我! | Which is very,very weird because she never calls me. |
嘿 | Hi. |
這傢夥說“你好”的時候,我總想殺了我自己 | He says,"Hello," I want to kill myself. |
你還好吧? | You okay? |
感覺好像某人伸手抓住我的小腸,從我的嘴里拉出來 | I feel like someone pulled my intestine out of my mouth.. |
- 再在我的脖子上打結… - 要餅乾嗎? | - and tied it around my neck. - Cookie? |
卡蘿今天搬走了她的東西 | Carol moved her stuff out today. |
- 我給你拿咖啡. - 謝謝 | - Let me get you some coffee. - Thanks. |
不,不要! 不要清理我的靈氣! | No,don't! Stop cleansing my aura. |
- 不要管我的靈氣,好嗎? - 好呀! 繼續痛苦吧! | - Just leave my aura alone,okay? - Fine,be murky. |
- 我很好,好吧? 我希望她開心. - 不,你並不希望 | - I'll be fine. I hope she'll be happy. - No,you don't. |
是的,不希望! 去她的,她離開了我! | No,I don't. To hell with her. She left me! |
你從來不知道她是女同性戀? | You never knew she was a lesbian? |
不知道!! 行了吧?! | No! Okay? |
為什麼每個人老是提它? | Why does everyone keep fixating on that? |
她都不知道,我怎麼會知道? | She didn't know. How should I know? |
有時候我希望我是女同性戀… | Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian. |
我大聲說出來啦? | Did I say that out loud? |
我昨晚告訴爸爸媽媽了,他們看起來還好 | I told Mom and Dad last night. They took it pretty well. |
噢,真的嗎? | Oh,really? |
那我淩晨三點接到一個女人打來的可笑電話抽泣著說 | So that hysterical phone call from a woman sobbing.. |
“我不會有孫子了,我不會有孫子了.”是怎麼回事?打錯電話啦? | "I'll never have grandchildren," was what? A wrong number? |
對不起 | Sorry. |
沒事的,羅斯,瞧. 你現在感到很痛苦 | Look,you're feeling a lot of pain right now. |
你很生氣.你感到傷心 | You're angry. You're hurting. |
我告訴你答案是什麼? | Can I tell you what the answer is? |
脫衣舞俱樂部! | Strip joints! |
別這樣,你單身了!有需求的! | Hey,you're single. Have some hormones. |
我不想單身,好嗎? | But I don't want to be single,okay? |
我只想….再次結婚! | I just want to be married again. |
而我只想要100萬美金! | And I just want a million dollars! |
- 瑞秋?! - 噢,上帝,莫妮卡,你好,感謝上帝! | - Rachel? - Oh,Monica! Thank God! |
我剛到你那裡去,而你不在, | I went to your building.. |
那個拿著大錘子的傢夥說你可能在這裡,你真在這裡,你真在這裡! | and a guy with a hammer said you'd be here,and you are. |
- 你想點咖啡嗎? - 無咖啡因的 | - Can I get you some coffee? - Decaf. |
好了,各位,這位是瑞秋,另一個林肯高中的倖存者 | Everybody,this is Rachel,a Lincoln High survivor. |
這就是各位啦 這是錢德,菲比 | This is everybody. Chandler and Phoebe.. |
喬伊. 還有,你還記得我哥哥羅斯嗎? | Joey. Remember my brother,Ross? |
- 當然,你好! - 你好 | Sure! |
那你現在可以告訴我們了嗎,還是再等等四位濕漉的伴娘? | You want to tell us now,or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids? |
好吧,大概在婚禮前半個小時. | Well,it started about a half-hour before the wedding. |
我在禮品間裡 | I was in the room with all the presents.. |
我正看著那個船形鹵肉盤. 那是個非常好看的船形鹵肉盤 | and I was looking at this really gorgeous Limoges gravy boat. |
然後,突然- | When all of a sudden |
有代糖(既甜又低熱量)嗎? | Sweet 'N Low? |
我發現我對這個船形鹵肉盤 比對貝瑞更有衝動! | I realized I was more turned on by this gravy boat than Barry. |
然後我嚇呆了,突然想到: | I got freaked out,and it hit me: |
貝瑞看起來多象土豆頭先生呀 | How much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. |
我總是覺得他眼熟,但是… | I always knew he looked familiar,but.. |
不管怎麼說,我必須離開那裡,我在想 | I had to get out of there,and I started wondering.. |
“我為什麼這樣做,我為誰這樣做?” | "Why am I doing this," and "Who am I doing it for?" |
我不知道該去哪裡,而且我知道我和你有點疏遠了 | I didn't know where to go,and I know we've drifted apart.. |
但你是我這個城市裡唯一認識的人 | but you're the only person I know here. |
- 也是沒被邀請參加婚禮的人 -噢,我不希望提起這件事…. | - Who wasn't invited to the wedding. - I hoped that wouldn't be an issue. |
我猜他給她買了個管風琴,而她很不喜歡那個 | I guess he bought her the pipe organ,and she's really not happy about it. |
吐拿魚或雞蛋沙拉?快決定! | "Tuna or egg salad! Decide!" |
“克莉絲汀吃什麼我吃什麼.” | "I'll have whatever Christina's having." |
爸爸,我只是…不能嫁給他! | Daddy,I just I can't marry him. |
對不起,我只是不愛他了 | I'm sorry. I just don't love him. |
這對我很有關係! | Well,it matters to me! |
“如果我不抓著我的頭髮,我的頭就會掉下來.” | "If I let go of my hair,my head will fall off." |
噢,她真不應該穿那條褲子 | She should not be wearing those pants. |
我說把她推下樓 | Push her down the stairs! |
把她推下樓!把她推下樓! 把她推下樓! | Push her! Push her down the stairs! |
爸爸,聽我說! | Come on,Daddy,listen! |
這就好像,在我一生中,所有人都告訴我,“你是鞋子!” | All my life,everyone's always told me,"You're a shoe!" |
“你是鞋子,你是鞋子,你是鞋子!” | "You're a shoe!" |
然後今天,我不這麼認為了,對我自己說,'如果我不想成為鞋子呢? | What if I don't want to be a shoe? |
如果我想成為一個包? | What if I want to be a purse? |
或一頂帽? | Or a hat? |
不,我不是讓你給我買帽子 | No,I don't want you to buy me a hat! |
這是個比喻,爸爸! | It's a metaphor,Daddy! |
你能發現他哪裡有麻煩了 | You can see where he'd have trouble. |
爸爸,這是我的生活 | Look,Daddy,it's my life. |
也許我可以和莫妮卡住在一起 | Well,maybe I'll just stay here with Monica. |
我猜我們已經確定 她和莫妮卡住在一起了… | I guess we've established she's staying with Monica. |
也許那是我的決定 | Well,maybe that's my decision. |
也許我不需要你的錢 | Maybe I don't need your money. |
等等!我說也許!! | Wait! I said maybe! |
呼吸,呼吸,對啦 | Just breathe. That's it. |
只想著一些讓你鎮定的好東西… | Try to think of nice,calm things. |
玫瑰上的雨滴 還有貓的鬍鬚(《音樂之聲》的插曲) | Raindrops on roses And whiskers on kittens |
門鈴和雪橇鈴還有手套… | Doorbells and sleigh bells And something with mittens |
啦啦啦,還有一些麵條… | La la la something And noodles with string |
我現在好多了 | I'm all better now. |
我幫上忙啦! | I helped. |
瞧,這也許是最好的? | This is probably for the best. |
獨立了,把握自己的生活. 就像你說的“帽子”的事情 | Independence. Controlling your life. The whole hat thing. |
還有,你還需要什麼,你可以來找喬伊 | You can always come to Joey. |
我和錢德就住在對面. 而且他經常不在 | Me and Chandler live across the hall. He's away a lot. |
喬伊,不要再勾引她了! 今天是她結婚的日子! | Stop hitting on her! It's her wedding day. |
怎麼啦,難道這還有什麼規定嗎? | Like there's a rule,or something? |
我來 | I got it. |
請不要再這麼幹,那是很討厭的聲音 | Please don't do that again. It's a horrible sound. |
我是保羅 | It's Paul. |
天呀,到6:30了嗎?讓他進來! | Oh,God,is it 6:30? Buzz him in. |
- 誰是保羅? - 保羅,調酒師,保羅? | - Who's Paul? - Paul,the wine guy? |
也許是吧 | Maybe. |
等等,你今晚的“不是真正約會” 是和調酒師保羅? | Your "not a real date" is with Paul,the wine guy? |
- 他終於約你出去啦? - 是的! | - He finally asked you out? - Yes! |
噢,真是個可以載入日記的時刻 | It's a "Dear Diary" moment. |
- 瑞秋,等等,我可以取消…. - 不,別,你去吧,沒什麼的! | - Rach,I can cancel. - Please,go,I'll be fine. |
羅斯,你還好吧? 你希望我留下來嗎? | Ross,are you okay? Do you want me to stay? |
那會很好的… | That'd be good. |
- 真的? - 不,去吧! 那可是調酒師保羅! | - Really?- Go on! It's Paul,the wine guy! |
那是什麼意思? 他賣酒,喝酒 | Does he sell it,drink it? |
還是抱怨酒? | Or he just complains a lot? |
進來,保羅,這是. | Hi,come in! Paul,this is.. |
大家,各位,這是保羅 | everybody. Everybody,this is Paul. |
- 你好! 保羅! -對不起,我沒聽清楚你的名字.保羅,是嗎? | - The wine guy. - I didn't catch your name. Paul? |
好啦,我就….我就回來,我要……. | I'll be right back. I've just gotta go |
閒逛? | A-wandering? |
換衣服! | Change. |
好了,坐會兒. 很快就好 | Sit down. Two seconds. |
噢,我剛拔掉四根睫毛. 不是個好兆頭 | I just pulled out four eyelashes. That can't be good. |
你好,保羅! 告訴你個小秘密 | Hey,Paul,here's a tip. |
她很喜歡你來回在同一個地方揉她的脖子 | She really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot.. |
重複來重複去,直到變紅為止 | until it starts to get red. |
閉嘴,喬伊! | Shut up,Joey! |
那麼瑞秋,你今晚…打算幹什麼? | What are you up to tonight? |
我本來應該到阿魯巴度蜜月 | I was supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon.. |
所以…沒事做! | so,nothing. |
是呀,你都沒辦法過蜜月 | Right. You're not even getting your honeymoon. |
不過,阿魯巴,這個時候…? | Although,Aruba. This time of year? |
你可以談論下. | Talk about your.. |
大蜥蜴 | big lizards. |
不管怎樣,如果今晚你覺得寂寞的話 | If you don't want to be alone tonight.. |
喬伊和錢德要過來幫我組裝我的新傢俱 | Joey and Chandler are helping me with my furniture. |
是呀,而且我們為此感到興奮 | We're very excited about it. |
謝謝了,不過我想今晚還是呆在這裡吧 | Thanks. But I'm just going to hang out here. |
- 今天可真是漫長. - 是呀,沒錯 | - It's been a long day. - Oh,sure. |
嘿,菲比,你要來幫忙嗎? | Phoebe,wanna help? |
噢,我希望我能,但是我不想 | I wish I could,but I don't want to. |
愛情就像夏日沖涼一樣甜美,愛情是無以倫比的藝術品 | Love is sweet as summer showers Love is a wondrous work of art |
但是,你的愛呀,你的愛,你的愛… | But your love Oh,your love,your love |
就好像一隻巨大的鴿子… | Is like a giant pigeon |
在我心中排泄 | Crapping on my heart |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我應該把支架固定在側面 | I'm supposed to attach a bracket-y thing to the side things.. |
用螺紋蝸輪… | using a bunch of these little worm guys. |
我沒有支架,沒有看到螺紋蝸輪 | I have no bracket-y thing. I see no worm guys whatsoever.. |
而且..我的腿麻了 | and I cannot feel my legs. |
- 我想我們弄好書架了. - 看起來不錯 | - We got a bookcase. - It's beautiful. |
那是什麼? | What's this? |
我認為那應該是個L型支架 | I would have to say that is an L-shaped bracket. |
- 它應該安在哪裡? - 我完全…沒有主意 | - Which goes where? - I have no idea. |
-搞定書架了! -完工了! | - Done with the bookcase. - All finished. |
這是卡蘿最喜歡的啤酒 | This was Carol's favorite beer. |
她總是倒出來再喝,我該知道的 | She always drank it out of the can. I should have known. |
- 你要是再開始那些話,我們就走了 -不要把快樂搞砸了 | - Start with that,we're out of here. - Please don't spoil all this fun. |
羅斯,問你一個問題 | Let me ask you. |
她得到傢俱,音響,電視- | She got the furniture,the stereo,the good TV. |
你得到了什麼? | What did you get? |
- 你們呀. - 天呀. - 你被坑了. - 上帝! | - You guys. - You got screwed. |
- 我的老天! - 我知道,我是個笨蛋 | - Oh,my God. - I know. I'm such an idiot. |
當她一禮拜見4,5次牙醫,我就該知道了 | I should've known when she went to the dentist five times a week. |
誰的牙齒需要這麼乾淨呀? | I mean,how clean can teeth get? |
我哥哥正在克服這種事呢,他糟透了 | My brother's going through that. |
你是怎麼克服的? | How did you get over it? |
你可以試著砸爛她的一些貴重的東西 | He might accidentally break something valuable of hers. |
- 比如她的… - …腿? | - Say her - Leg? |
那是一個辦法! 我砸了她的表 | That's one way of doing it. I went for the watch. |
你真的砸了她的表? | You actually broke her watch? |
我幹的最壞的一件事是… 把我男友最喜歡的浴巾撕爛了 | The worst I ever did was shred my old boyfriend's favorite towel. |
- 消除痛苦. - 沒錯 | - Steer clear of you. - That's right. |
貝瑞,對不起,對不起 | Barry,I'm sorry. I am so sorry. |
你可能認為和那天你穿襪子做愛有關,但不是的 | You probably think it's about making love with your socks on,but it isn't. |
這和我有關,我只是… | It's about me. And I just |
嘿,剛才答錄機又把線路掛斷了. | The machine cut me off again. Anyway.. |
我知道會有很幸運的女孩 成為貝瑞·凡可太太的 | I know that some lucky girl is going to become Mrs. Barry Finkel. |
但她不會是我 | But it isn't me. It's not me. |
而且我現在也不知道我到底是誰. 但你得給我機會去. | Not that I have any idea who "me" is right now,but you just |
我離婚了! | I'm divorced. |
- 我才26歲就離婚了! - 閉嘴! -你得停下來! | - I'm only 26,and I'm divorced! - Shut up! |
我花了一個小時才弄好那個 | That only took me an hour. |
我們的戀愛關係從未超過吃一顆曼妥思糖的時間 | We haven't had a relationship that's lasted longer than a Mento. |
而你已經和一個女人相愛四年了 | You have had the love of a woman for four years. |
四年的親近和分享,最後她把你的心給傷透了 | Four years of closeness and sharing,after which she ripped your heart out. |
這就是為什麼我們不這麼幹! | That is why we don't do it! |
我不認為這是我說話的重點! | I don't think that was my point! |
最可怕的是如果每個人只有一個女人適合 | Know what's scary? What if there's only one woman for everybody? |
就是說如果你擁有一個女人,就成了 | I mean,what if you get one woman,and that's it? |
不幸的是,她擁有了一個女人… | Unfortunately,in my case,there was only one woman for her. |
你在說什麼呀? '一個女人'? | What are you talking about? One woman. |
那就好像你只有一種口味的冰激淩 | That's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream. |
讓我告訴你,羅斯 還有很多種口味 | Let me tell you something. There's lots of flavors out there. |
有石板街(夾雜堅果、棉花糖和巧克力),甜餅果凍和櫻桃香草 | Rocky road and cookie dough and bing cherry vanilla. |
還可以和糖條,果仁,或者奶油一起吃! | You can get them with jimmies or nuts or whipped cream. |
現在是你一生中最好的事情發生了! | It's the best thing to happen to you! |
你難道是八歲結婚的? | You got married. You were like,what,8? |
歡迎回到現實裡! 拿起勺子! | Welcome back to the world. Grab a spoon! |
- 我真不知道我是餓了還是饑渴了. - 離我的冰箱遠點! | - I don't know if I'm hungry or horny. - Then stay out of my freezer. |
從她離開我之後,我… | Ever since she walked out on me.. |
怎麼啦? | What? |
難道你想邊吃麵條邊講出來? | You wanna spell it out with noodles? |
不,不止是要和你第五次約會的事情 | It's more of a fifth date kind of revelation. |
噢,那麼會有第五次約會咯? | So there's going to be a fifth date? |
你不想? | Isn't there? |
不,我想 | Yeah,yeah. I think there is. |
-你要說什麼? | What were you going to say? |
好吧,自從,自從她離開我之後 | Ever since she left me.. |
我就一直不能,不能. | I haven't been able to perform.. |
過性生活 | sexually. |
- 噢天哪,對不起,對不起… - 沒事,沒事… | Oh,God! I'm so sorry. |
我知道被人吐水應該不是你現在需要的 | Being spit on is probably not what you need right now. |
- 多久了? | How long? |
- 兩年. - 哇哦! | - Two years. - Wow. |
哇哦!我真高興你砸了她的表! | I'm glad you smashed her watch. |
那你還希望有第五次約會嗎? | So you still think you might want that fifth date? |
是的,我希望 | Yeah. Yeah,I do. |
我們今天聚在這裡參加瓊安·路易絲·坎甯安 | We are gathered here to join Joanie Louise Cunningham.. |
和查理斯·恰棋·恰棋·恰棋·阿可勒 | and Charles. Chachi,Chachi,Chachi.. |
的神聖婚禮 | in the bonds of holy matrimony. |
看! | See! |
可是瓊安愛恰棋! 這就是不同! | But Joanie loved Chachi. That's the difference. |
“拿起勺子..” | "Grab a spoon." |
你知道我多久沒拿勺子了嗎? | Do you know how long it's been since I grabbed a spoon? |
難道《比利,別逞英雄》(《永不止步:大衛寇克斯的故事》插曲)\n這句話對你沒意義? | Do the words,"Billy,don't be a hero," mean anything to you? |
真是個好故事!但是,我得走了 | Great story. But I gotta go. |
我要和安墜,還是安吉拉,是安墜約會? 該死 | I got a date with Andrea. Angela. No,Andrea. |
安墜是愛尖叫的那個,安吉拉有貓 | Andrea's the screamer. Angela has cats. |
好啦.謝啦.是朱莉.我走了 | Right,thanks. It's Julie. I'm out of here. |
問題來了.. 就算我想. | Here's the thing. Even if I could get it together enough.. |
約一個女人出來 | to ask a woman out.. |
我該約誰? | who am I going to ask? |
是不是很不可思議? 我以前可從來沒沖過咖啡 | Isn't this amazing? I've never made coffee in my life. |
- 是很不可思議. - 恭喜你 | - That is amazing. - Congratulations. |
我認為如果我能沖咖啡,我就什麼事都可以做了 | If I can make coffee,there isn't anything I can't do. |
我認為應該是,“如果我能入侵波蘭,我就什麼事都可以做了.” | I think it's,"If I can invade Poland,there's nothing I can't do." |
你現在正進入角色,有沒有想做個煎蛋捲之類的東西… | If you feel like you have to make a Western omelet or something.. |
不過我還不太餓… | Although,actually I'm really not that hungry. |
不錯,萊尼和斯奎基在這裡\n(《拉芙妮與雪麗》中的角色,隨便闖入別人的房間) | Oh,good. Lenny and Squiggy are here. |
早上好 早上好 | - Good morning. - Good morning. |
- 早上好. - 早上好,保羅 | - Morning. - Morning,Paul. |
- 你好,保羅. - 嘿,保羅,對嗎? | - Hello,Paul. - Hi. Paul,is it? |
- 謝謝你! 太感謝你了! - 不要這樣! | - Thank you so much. - Stop. |
昨晚上我就好像我所有生日、兩次畢業典禮 | Last night was like all my birthdays,both graduations.. |
再加上《目擊者》電影裡蓋起穀倉的慶典那種快樂 | plus the barn-raising scene in Witness. |
我們過會再說 | We'll talk later. |
好的,謝謝你 | Thank you. |
那不是真正的約會?! | That wasn't a real date. |
你真正的約會幹什麼? | What the hell do you do on a real date? |
- 閉嘴,把我的桌子搬回去. - 好的! | Shut up and put my table back. |
好啦,孩子們,我要去工作啦 | I've got to get to work. |
不過如果我不把那些數字輸入,… 也不會有什麼區別 | If I don't input those numbers,it doesn't make much of a difference. |
你們都有工作嗎? | So,like,you guys all have jobs? |
對,我們都有.. 這樣我們才有錢買東西 | Yeah,we all have jobs. That's how we buy stuff. |
- 對,我是演員. - 哇!我有見過你的作品嗎? | - Yeah,I'm an actor. - Have I seen you in anything? |
我不認為.大部分是地方性節目 | I doubt it. Mostly regional work. |
等等,除非你在公園小劇場 | Unless you saw the Wee One's production of Pinocchio.. |
看過重排的木偶奇遇記 | at the little theater in the park? |
那還是份工作吧? | It was a job! |
瞧,蓋比特(匹諾曹的製造者),我是個真正的小男孩. | "Look,Geppetto. I'm a real live boy." |
- 別這樣羞辱我. - 你是對的,對不起 | - I will not take this abuse. - You're right,I'm sorry. |
“當我還是個小木頭人,小木頭人…” | Once I was a wooden boy A little wooden boy |
你們該知道,他快死了 | You should both know that he's a dead man. |
噢,錢德? | Oh,Chandler! |
你今天怎麼樣? 睡得好嗎? | How are you doing today? Sleep okay? |
和貝瑞談過了嗎? 我笑個不停 | Did you talk to Barry? I can't stop smiling. |
看得出來,你就好像睡覺時 有個衣架在你嘴裡 | I see that. You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth. |
我知道,他只是太….. | I know. He's just so.. |
- 你還記得你和托尼·迪馬克嗎? - 是的,記得 | - Remember you and Tony Demarco? - Oh,yeah. |
就像那個..我是說感覺 | Well,it's like that. With feelings. |
- 哇,你有麻煩了. - 沒錯! | - Wow,are you in trouble! - Big time! |
想要婚紗嗎? 幾乎沒用過 | Want a wedding dress? Hardly used. |
我想我們談的遠了點 | I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves. |
好啦,我要站起來,去工作了,而且不整天想著他 | I'm going to get up,go to work,and not think about him all day. |
或者只是站起來工作 | Or else I'm going to get up and go to work. |
- 那麼,祝我好運! - 為什麼? | - Wish me luck! - What for? |
我要去找那個工作的什麼東西 | I'm gonna go get one of those job things. |
- 嘿,莫妮卡!. - 嘿,弗蘭妮,歡迎回來! | - Hi,Monica. - Franny,welcome back. |
- 佛羅裡達怎麼樣? - 你做愛了,是嗎? | - How was Florida? - You had sex,didn't you? |
- 你怎麼知道的? - 我恨你 | - How do you do that? - I hate you. |
我在和我的羅茲阿姨穿過鸚鵡叢林,你卻在做愛! | I'm pushing my aunt through Parrot Jungle,you're having sex. |
那麼,是和誰? | So,who? |
你認識保羅嗎? | You know Paul? |
保羅,調酒那個? 是呀,我認識保羅 | Paul,the wine guy? Yeah,I know Paul. |
你認識他就好像我認識他一樣? | You mean,you know Paul like I know Paul? |
開玩笑吧? 保羅還欠我人情呢 | What? I take credit for Paul. |
在我之前,他兩年都沒辦法過性生活 | Before me,there was no snap in his turtle for two years. |
當然那是個謊言! | Of course it was a line. |
為什麼?為什麼有人會做這樣的事情? | Why would anybody do something like that? |
我想更複雜的答案是 | I assume we want an answer more sophisticated than: |
“和你上床” | "To get you into bed." |
我恨男人,我恨男人! | I hate men. |
不,不要這樣,你不會希望把他們趕出宇宙的 | Don't hate. You don't want to put that out into the universe. |
是因為我嗎? | Is it me? |
是因為我有某種導向類的東西,只有狗和… | Is it like I have some sort of beacon that only dogs.. |
有感情問題的男人才會發覺? | and men with emotional problems can hear? |
好啦,過來這裡,把你的腳給我 | Come here. Give me your feet. |
我只是以為他是個好人 | I just thought he was nice,you know? |
我真不敢相信 你不知道那是個謊言! | I can't believe you didn't know it was a line. |
- 猜猜怎麼樣? - 你得到工作啦? | - Guess what? - You got a job? |
開玩笑嗎?我一點經驗都沒有! | Are you kidding? I'm trained for nothing. |
- 我今天被十二個招聘的嘲笑.. - 而且你還這麼高興. | - I was laughed out of 12 interviews. - You're surprisingly upbeat. |
你也會高興的 如果你發現約翰·大衛的皮靴打… ! | You'd be too,if you found these boots on sale.. |
5折 | 50% off. |
是呀,你多瞭解我啊… | How well you know me. |
這就是我的新皮靴 我不需要工作,我不需要父母 | They're my "I don't need a job.. |
我有我的新皮靴! | I've got great boots" boots. |
- 你用什麼付帳的? - 嗯,信用卡 | - How did you pay? - Credit card. |
那誰付帳單呢? | And who pays for that? |
嗯… 我… 爸爸 | My father. |
天呀,各位,這真的必要嗎? 我隨時都可以停止使用的 | Is this really necessary? I can stop charging any time. |
你不能靠你爸爸過一輩子 | You can't live off your parents. |
我知道,這就是為什麼我要結婚 | I know that. That's why I was getting married. |
給她點時間,第一次獨立生活是很困難的 | Give her a break. It's hard being on your own. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
不客氣,記得我第一次來這個城市 我才十四歲 | I remember when I first came to this city,I was 14. |
我媽媽剛自殺,我的繼父進了監獄 | Mom had killed herself,stepdad was in jail. |
然後在這裡我不認識任何人 | I didn't know anybody here. |
然後我和一個擦車窗的白化病人住在一起 | I ended up living with this albino guy who was cleaning windshields. |
最後他也自殺了 | And then he killed himself. |
然後我找到按摩這份工作. 所以相信我,我完全瞭解你的感受 | Then I found aromatherapy. So I know exactly how you feel. |
你接下來的意思是: | The word you're looking for is: |
'總之'… | "Anyway.." |
-準備好了嗎? -不,我怎麼能準備好? | - You ready? - No,how can I be ready? |
“嘿,瑞秋! 你沒帶降落傘就跳出飛機了?” | "Ready to jump out of the plane with no parachute?" |
- 不要這樣,我做不到! - 你行,我知道你行! | - I can't do this. - I know you can. |
- 我不這麼想. - 來嘛,你會泡咖啡!你能做任何事! | - No. - You made coffee,you can do anything. |
來吧,剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,… | Cut. Cut. Cut. |
知道嗎? 我想我們可以就把它們放在這裡 | You know what? I think we can leave it at that. |
- 這就好像某個肢體符號… - 瑞秋!那是圖書卡! | - Kind of a symbolic gesture. - Rachel,that was a library card. |
知道嗎,如果你仔細聽,你可以聽到店主們在尖叫 | If you listen closely,you can hear a thousand retailers scream. |
歡迎來到真實世界! | Welcome to the real world! |
它很糟糕,但是你會喜歡的! | It sucks. You're gonna love it. |
好啦,夠啦. 你要在沙發上睡? | That's it. Are you going to crash on the couch? |
- 不,我要回家. - 你還好嗎? - 是的 | - No,I gotta go home sometime. - Are you gonna be okay? |
嘿,莫妮卡,瞧我剛在地板上發現了什麼 | Look what I just found on the floor. |
什麼? | What? |
那是保羅的手錶. 你就把它放回原處吧 | That's Paul's watch. Just put it back where you found it. |
哦,孩子們,好啦 | Oh,boy! All right. |
- 好吧,晚安,各位. - 晚安 | - Good night,everybody. - Good night. |
- 對不起,你拿吧 - 不,你吃吧- 分著吃? -好 | - I'm sorry. Have it,I don't want it. - Split it? |
好吧,你可能不知道,在高中,我曾 | You probably didn't know this,but in high school.. |
暗戀過你 | I had a major crush on you. |
我知道 | I knew. |
你知道!噢…. | You did? |
我還以為你一直認為 我是莫妮卡的怪哥哥呢 | I figured you thought I was Monica's geeky brother. |
我是這麼認為的 | I did. |
聽著,你是不是認為..? | Listen,do you think..? |
噢,你不要太在意我的脆弱 | Try not to let my vulnerability become a factor here. |
但是你認為我可以約你出去嗎?有時?可能? | Do you think it would be okay if I asked you out sometime? |
當然 | Yeah. |
可能 | Maybe. |
好吧 | Okay. |
好吧,可能我會… | Okay,maybe I will. |
- 晚安. - 晚安 | - Good night. - Good night. |
再見…. | See you. |
等等,你怎麼啦? | Wait,wait. What's with you? |
我只是剛剛拿起勺子 | I just grabbed a spoon. |
- 我真不敢相信我的耳朵. - 我真不敢相信我的耳朵. | - I can't believe what I'm hearing. - Can't believe what I'm hearing |
- 怎麼啦,我說你有個- - 我說你有個… | - What? I said - What? I said |
- 你能不能不那麼幹? - 噢,我又學人講話了? | - Would you stop? - Was I doing it again? |
- 沒錯! | Yes! |
我說你有個好臀部. 但不是個很棒的臀部. | I said you had a nice butt. It's just not a great butt. |
-如果你不打一下是不瞭解一個臀部的 -可以想像 | - You won't know a butt if it bit you. - There's an image. |
有人要咖啡嗎? | Would anybody like more coffee? |
你沖的,還是你端的? | You made it,or you're serving it? |
- 我端的. -- 好吧,我要杯咖啡 | - I'm just serving it. - I'll have a cup of coffee. |
孩子們,新的夢… | Kids,new dream. |
我在拉斯維加斯 | I'm in Las Vegas. |
小姐?能再來點咖啡嗎? | Miss,more coffee? |
哦,對不起,你能把這個給拿到那邊嗎? | Could you give this to that guy over there? |
快點呀.. 謝謝 | Go ahead. Thank you. |
對不起. 繼續吧,拉斯維加斯 | Sorry. Okay,Las Vegas. |
我在拉斯維加斯 | I'm in Las Vegas. |
…我夢見自己是麗莎·明妮莉(電影演員) | I'm Liza Minnelli.. |
| |
你們男生不懂親吻對女生的重要性 | You don't understand. |
對我們而言,親吻和其他任何部分一樣重要 | For us,kissing is as important as any part. |
沒錯 | Yeah,right! |
當真? | You serious? |
當然 | Oh,yeah. |
- 你想瞭解的一切全在初吻之中 - 沒錯 | - Everything is in that first kiss. - Absolutely. |
對我們而言親吻就像是開場 | For us,kissing's an opening act.. |
就像平克·佛洛德樂隊出場前 | like the comedian you have to sit through.. |
你得耐著性子先看完滑稽表演 | before Pink Floyd comes out. |
對,我們並非討厭滑稽表演 | And it's not that we don't like the comedian. |
只是那不是我們買票的原因 | It's just that that's not why we bought the ticket. |
問題在於演唱會結束後 不論表演有多精采 | The problem is,no matter how great the show was.. |
你們女生總還想再看滑稽表演 | you girls are looking for the comedian again. |
我們在車上奮力與交通阻塞戰鬥 只是拼命保持清醒 | We're in the car,fighting traffic,just trying to stay awake. |
給你一個建議 回去拉上滑稽表演者 | Word of advice: Bring back the comedian. |
否則下次,你們只能坐家裡聽唱片 | Or next time you'll find yourself listening to that album alone. |
我們還在談論性嗎? | Are we still talking about sex? |
六人行 第1季 第02集 超聲波檢查 | The One With the Sonogram at the End |
不,這樣很好 | No,it's good. It is good. |
只是她看起來是不是有點生氣嗎? | It's just that Doesn't she seem a little angry? |
她有麻煩事 | Well,she has issues. |
她有嗎? | Does she? |
她嘗試和“參與者先生”生活在一起 | Try to live with "Mr. I'm Evolving." |
他在外頭亂搞女人而她在家裡設法去除地毯上乳齒象的味道 | He's out while she's home getting the mastodon smell out of the carpet. |
瑪莎,他們是穴居人 | Marsha,see,these are cave people. |
他們關心的問題是 | Okay,they have issues like: |
吉,那條冰河愈來愈接近了 | "Gee,that glacier's getting kind of close." |
談到麻煩事,那不是你前妻嗎? | Speaking of issues,isn't that your ex-wife? |
- 不,那不是 - 是的,是卡蘿,嗨 | - No. - Yes,it is. Carol,hi! |
好吧,是她 我會到冰河期去找你 | Okay. Yes,it is. I'll catch up with you in the Ice Age. |
- 我可以留在這嗎? -不 | - Can I stay? - No. |
- 嗨. - 嗨 | - Hi. - Hi. |
- 我來的時間不對? - 不,這裡是… | - Is this a bad time? - No,it's.. |
石器時代 | the Stone Age. |
你的氣色好極了,我討厭看到這樣 | You look great. I hate that. |
抱歉,謝了!你的氣色也很好 | Sorry. Thanks. You look good too. |
好吧,在這兒任何人 | Well,you know,in here,anyone who.. |
直立行走的人… | stands erect.. |
- 最近如何? 還是… - 女同志? | - What's new? Still a - A lesbian? |
那是你都不知道的 家庭生活如何? | You never know. How's the family? |
- 瑪蒂的疑心病還是很重 - 卡蘿,為什麼來這兒? | - Marty's still totally paranoid. - Carol,why are you here? |
- 我懷孕了 - 懷孕 | - I'm pregnant. - Pregnant. |
她似乎不急著離開 | She didn't leave in such a hurry after all. |
這是“斯瑞家族公司”,他們有誤會的那集 | This is the Three's Company episode with a misunderstanding. |
我看過這一集 | Then I've already seen this one. |
喝完沒? | Are you through with that? |
抱歉,吞下去的時間太慢 | Sorry,the swallowing slowed me down. |
這是誰的小紙團? | Whose ball of paper is this? |
我的,我寫給自己一張便條 後來覺得自己不需要 | Mine. I wrote a note to myself,then I didn't need it. |
於是將它揉成紙團 現在我不想活了 | So I balled it up and now I wish I was dead. |
她已經拍松過那個枕頭. 莫妮卡,你已經拍過了枕頭了 | She already fluffed that pillow. You already fluffed It's fine. |
我只是不想讓他們有借題發揮的機會 | I just don't wanna give them any more ammunition. |
我們都知道父母對枕頭平的孩子有多凶 | Parents can be cruel about the flatness of a child's pillow. |
放鬆一下,你每次都這樣 這裡看起來已經很棒了 | Relax,you do this every time. The place looks great. |
你這裡有義大利烤寬面 這看起來好極了 | You got a lasagna here that looks good enough.. |
還不許碰 | to avoid touching. |
莫妮卡?嗨! | Monica? Hi! |
莫妮卡…你嚇到我了 | Monica,you're scaring me. |
我是說,你現在這樣子慌慌張張的 | I mean,you're all chaotic and twirly,you know? |
顯得不是很好 | Not in a good way. |
安心吧.沒看過每次他們來時羅斯會慌張 | Calm down. You don't see Ross getting twirly every time they come. |
因為在我爸媽心目中羅斯不可能犯錯 | That's because my parents think Ross can do no wrong. |
他是個王子 | You see,he's "The Prince." |
顯然,他們在我出生前有個大型儀式 | They had some big ceremony before I was born. |
什麼? - 醜陋裸男有個“美腿器” | - What? - Ugly Naked Guy got a ThighMaster. |
- 有人看見我的訂婚戒指嗎? - 有,很漂亮 | - Has anybody seen my engagement ring? - It's beautiful. |
天啊! 天啊! 天啊! 糟了 | Oh,God! Oh,God! Oh,God! |
嘿,不要動它們 | No,don't touch that. |
明天就要還他戒指 我似乎還不夠擔心 | Like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough,having to give it back. |
“貝瑞,記得我嗎?我是那個穿白紗讓你在親友面前出糗的人” | "Hi,Barry,remember me? I'm the girl that stomped on your heart." |
天啊,如今我必須還他戒指 偏偏戒指不見了 | Now I must return the ring without the ring.. |
局面更糟糕了 | which makes it so much harder. |
別急,我們會找到的,對不對? | Easy,we'll find it. Won't we? |
一切都會好的,我們會把它找回來的 | Look,it's gonna be okay. You'll give it back.. |
-而且我們會吃霜淇淋 -好吧,是一個珍珠型的鑽石 | - and we'll eat ice cream. - Okay. It's a pear-shaped diamond |
不管我們找到什麼樣的鑽石戒指都會給你的 | Any diamond ring we find,we'll run it by you. |
- 最後一次戴是在什麼時候? -狗崽兒,大概是在遺失之前 | - When did you have it last? - Doy,right before she lost it. |
這年頭說狗崽兒的人不多 | You don't get a lot of "doy" these days. |
我今天早上還戴它 | I know I had it this morning. |
我戴著它在廚房跟… | I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with |
戴娜在一起? | Dinah? |
- 別生氣 - 你不會 | - Oh,don't be mad. - You didn't. |
- 對不起 - 我就讓你做了這麼一件事情 | - Oh,I'm sorry. - I gave you one job! |
你看麵條現在變得多直 | But look how straight those noodles are. |
莫妮卡,在義大利烤寬面中找訂婚戒指不是那樣找的 | That's not how you look for an engagement ring in a lasagna. |
我辦不到 | I just can't do it. |
孩子們,我們上場 | Boys? We're going in. |
嗨 | Hi. |
- 這可不是開心的“嗨” - 卡蘿懷孕了 | - That is not a happy "hi." - Carol's pregnant. |
我找到了 | I found it! |
什,什,什麼? | What? |
是的 | Yeah. |
你再持續兩小時,就會變成我這樣 | Do that for two hours,you might be where I am about now. |
如此一來,枕頭的事就可先放在一旁了 | That puts that whole pillow thing in perspective. |
你現在要怎麼辦? | How do you fit into this whole thing? |
卡蘿說她和蘇珊想讓我加入 | Carol and Susan want me to be involved. |
但是對這件事我不太感到舒服,我不想捲進去 | But if I'm not comfortable with it,I don't have to be involved. |
- 所有的事情都找上我 - 她人好好,我真想念她 | - It's totally up to me. - She is so great. I miss her. |
- 她所謂的“加入”代表什麼? - 你的階段性工作已經完成了 | - What does she mean by "involved"? - Your job is done. |
也是最有意思的階段哦 | And the most enjoyable. |
菲比,說點什麼 | Phoebe,say something. |
她們要我去做超音波檢查 | They want me to go down to this sonogram thing.. |
明天和她們兩個一起 | with them tomorrow. |
記得當生活變得簡單了… | Remember when life was simpler.. |
她也不過是個女同性戀了 | and she was just a lesbian? |
這就是生活啊 | Those were the days. |
- 你打算怎麼做? - 我也不知道 | - What are you gonna do? - I have no idea. |
不管我怎麼做,我還是孩子的父親 | No matter what I do,I'm still gonna be a father. |
面還是被攪亂了,不是嗎? | This is still ruined,right? |
瑪莎路金的女兒會打電話給你 | Martha Lugwin's daughter is gonna call you. |
- 怎麼會有咖喱味? - 因為有放咖喱? | - What's that curry taste? - Curry. |
這東西很好吃,真的 | I think they're great. I really do. |
你還記得路金一家人吧? 路金很惦記你 | The big Lugwin had a thing for you. |
- 他們一家都很惦記你. - 不要這樣,媽媽 | - They all had a thing for him. - Oh,Mom. |
抱歉,她為何要打電話給我? | Why is this girl going to call me? |
她剛畢業,想找份烹飪的工作吧 | She just graduated,and she wants to be something in cooking or food.. |
我告訴她你開了一家餐館 | I told her you have a restaurant |
-我沒開餐館,只是在餐館工作 -他們不需要知道 | - I don't have,I work in a restaurant. - They don't have to know that. |
- 羅斯,能幫我做義大利面嗎? - 好的 | - Ross,help me with the spaghetti. - Yes. |
我們吃義大利面呀?太簡單了 | Oh,we're having spaghetti. That's easy. |
我們本來要吃義大利烤寬面的 | We were going to have lasagna. |
- 我喜歡義大利烤寬面 - 不過現在沒有了 | - I love lasagna. - We're not having it. |
那為什麼要提到這個呢?這下他就來勁了啊 | Then why bring it up? He latches on. |
我知道這樣要求過於自私 | This will sound unbelievably selfish.. |
你能不能和他們說一下 小孩或女同性戀之類的事? | but did you plan to bring up the baby/lesbian thing? |
因為這樣可以讓我喘口氣 | It might take the heat off of me. |
那個瑞秋…我們在俱樂部碰到了她父母 | That Rachel. We saw her parents at the club. |
他們很不開心 | They were not playing well. |
我不想講他們為此婚禮花了些什麼 | I won't say what they spent.. |
但是4萬塊不是個小數目? | but $40,000 is a lot for a wedding. |
至少她有機會把一個男人留在教堂裡的聖壇 | At least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar. |
- 什麼意思? - 沒什麼 | - What's that supposed to mean? - Nothing. |
- 隨便說說而已 - 不,不是的 | - It's an expression. - No,it's not. |
別聽你媽亂講話,你一直都很獨立 | Don't listen to her. You've always been independent. |
就連你小時候胖嘟嘟的 | Even when you were a chubby kid.. |
一個朋友也沒有的時候,你還是活得好好的 | and you had no friends,you were just fine. |
你會待在你房裡看書…玩拼圖 | You'd read alone in your room. Your puzzles.. |
而像羅斯這種人則追求卓越 | People like Ross need to shoot for the stars. |
博物館,出版論文… | With his museum and his published papers. |
其他人則安於現狀 | Others are satisfied with staying where they are. |
告訴你,這種人不會得癌症 | These people never get cancer. |
他們對擁有的一切都很開心 | They're happy with what they have,content.. |
就像奶牛一樣 | like cows. |
奶牛,爸爸? | Cows,Dad? |
她知道我有多喜歡奶牛 | She knows how much I love cows. |
我還知道這些女人想擁有一切,幸好 | I read about women trying to have it all,and I thank God.. |
我們家的小口琴(與莫妮卡拼寫相近)沒有這種問題 | our "Harmonica" doesn't have that problem. |
- 我跟你說,你很不錯 - 謝謝,老爸 | - I'm telling you,you'll be fine. - Thank you,Daddy. |
天哦,這個居然還能用 | Oh,so this does work. |
羅斯,最近你怎麼樣? | So,Ross,what's going on with you? |
最近有什麼新聞八卦之類可以和老爸老媽分享的 | Any stories? No news,no little anecdotes to share with the folks? |
好吧,我知道你們想瞭解 | Look,I realize you guys have been wondering.. |
我和卡蘿之間倒底怎麼了 | what exactly happened between Carol and me. |
事情是這樣的 | And so,well,here's the deal. |
卡蘿是個女同志 | Carol's a lesbian. |
她和一個名叫蘇珊的女人同居 | She lives with a woman named Susan. |
她懷了我的孩子 | She's pregnant with my child. |
並打算和蘇珊共同扶養 | She and Susan are going to raise the baby. |
這些你全都知道? | And you knew about this? |
你的狀況真的很糟糕嗎? | Folks are really that bad? |
你要知道這些人十分專業 | Well,you know,these people are pros. |
他們知道他們要做什麼 | They know what they do. |
他們會躲在那裡,再來個突然襲擊 | They take their time. They get the job done. |
常言道:父母是無法交換的 | They say that you can't change your parents. |
如果可以,我要你的父母 | Boy,if you could,I'd want yours. |
我要去尿尿了 | Must pee. |
如果你是雙胞胎情況會更慘 | It's worse when you're twins. |
-你是雙胞胎? -對,我們不往來 | - You're a twin? - We don't speak. |
她是一心追求事業的人 | She's this high-powered,driven,career-type. |
-她從事什麼工作? -服務生 | - What does she do? - She's a waitress. |
- 你們倆長的一樣嗎? - 大家都說我倆長的很像 | - Identical? - People say we look alike. |
但我不這麼認為 | But I don't see it. |
各位,我得打掃了 | You guys,I kind of gotta clean up now. |
錢德,你是獨子?你沒有這些困擾? | Chandler,as an only child,you don't have this. |
沒有,儘管我有個想像中的朋友 | No,although I did have an imaginary friend.. |
而我爸媽比較喜歡他 | who my parents preferred. |
幫我關燈 | Hit the lights,please. |
我在裡面多久了? | How long was I in there? |
- 我只是在打掃 - 需要幫忙嗎? | - I'm just cleaning up. - Oh,you need any help? |
好呀,謝了 | Okay,sure. Thanks. |
總之. | Anyway.. |
明天要見貝瑞,緊張嗎? | So you nervous about Barry tomorrow? |
有一點 | A little. |
很緊張 | A lot. |
有什麼建議嗎? | So,got any advice? |
就一個最近剛被甩的人而言 | You know,as someone who's recently been dumped. |
你應該避免用“甩”這個字眼 | You may wanna steer clear of the word "dumped." |
更不巧的是現在他可能痛不欲生 | Chances are he's gonna be this broken shell of a man. |
因此你不該顯得豔光照人,我知道這一點很難做到 | You should try not to look too terrific. I know it'll be hard. |
這樣吧,我拿戒指還貝瑞 | Or I'll go down there,and I'll give Barry back his ring. |
你陪卡蘿及蘇珊去做檢查 | And you can go with Carol and Susan to the ob-gyn. |
你明天得見卡蘿 | You've got Carol tomorrow. |
- 此事何時變得這麼複雜? - 你可問倒我了 | - When did it get so complicated? - Got me. |
-還記得我們在高中時代嗎? -記得 | - Remember being in high school? - Yeah. |
你沒想過自己會遇見心上人 | Didn't you think you'd meet someone.. |
戀愛,然後廝守終生嗎? | fall in love,and that'd be it? |
- 羅斯? - 在.在 | - Ross? - Yes. Yes. |
沒想到自己會淪落到這個地步 | Man,I never thought I'd be here. |
我也是 | Me neither. |
抱歉,我遲到了,我忙得無法脫身於 | Sorry I'm late. I got stuck at work. |
那些大的恐龍之類的事情 | There was this big dinosaur thing. Anyway.. |
嗨 | Hi. |
- 羅斯,記得蘇珊嗎? - 我怎能忘得了? | - You remember Susan. - How could I forget? |
你好,蘇珊,她的手好有力啊… | Hello,Susan. Good shake,good shake. |
那麼我們在等… | So,we're just waiting for? |
- 歐伯曼大夫 - 他…? | - Dr. Oberman. - And is he? |
- 是“她” - 當然是…她 | - She. - Of course,"she." |
她瞭解我們的特殊狀況? | Is she familiar with our special situation? |
- 瞭解,而且她非常支持 - 這太好了 | - Yes,and she's very supportive. - Okay,that's great. |
不,我只是 | No,I'm Oh. |
謝了 | Thanks. |
羅斯,那是用來打開我的子宮頸的 | That opens my cervix. |
- 貝瑞 - 進來吧 | - Barry? - Come on in. |
- 可以嗎? - 沒問題 | - Are you sure? - It's fine. |
羅比得待在這兒好幾個小時 | Robbie's gonna be here for hours. |
最近好嗎? | So,how are you doing? |
我… | I'm.. |
我很好 | I'm okay. |
- 你的氣色好極了 - 是的 | - You look great. - Yeah,well. |
法伯大夫,傑森有作嘔反應 | Dr. Farber,Jason Greenspan's gagging. |
馬上到,我馬上回來 | Be right there. Be back in a second. |
我甩了他 | I dumped him. |
事情會如何發展? | So,how's this all gonna work? |
嬰兒在母親身體中一個特殊的部位生長 | The baby grows in a special place inside |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我說,我們該如何處理此事?你知道的… | I mean,how's this gonna work,you know,with us? |
比方說某些重大的決定 | When important decisions have to be made? |
- 舉個例子 - 我也說不上來 | - Give me a "for instance." - Well,I don't know. |
- 比方說孩子的名字 - 馬龍 | - How about with the baby's name? - Marlon. |
如果是個男孩馬龍,如果是個女孩就叫米妮 | If it's a boy. Minnie,if it's a girl. |
和米老鼠的女友同名? | As in "Mouse"? |
和我奶奶同名 | As in my grandmother. |
不管怎樣,聽到這個還是想到老鼠 | Still,you say "Minnie," you hear "Mouse." |
這個怎麼樣…? | How about..? |
朱莉亞? | How about Julia? |
- 朱莉亞 - 我們決定用米妮 | - Julia. - We agreed on Minnie. |
真幽默,我們曾決定共同生活一輩子 | We agreed we'd spend our lives together. |
世事難料,兵來將擋 | Things change. Roll with the punches. |
朱莉亞,就這麼決定 | I believe Julia's on the table? |
抱歉 | Sorry about that. |
近來可好? | So,what have you been up to? |
混得過去 | Oh,not much. |
- 我剛找到工作 - 這太好了 | - I got a job. - That's great. |
你為何曬得這麼黑? | Why are you so tan? |
我去阿魯巴了 | I went to Aruba. |
你自己一個去渡蜜月? | Oh,no. You went on our honeymoon alone? |
不是的 | No. |
我和… | I went with.. |
- 你也許會很不好受 - 我? | - Now,this may hurt. - Me? |
不 | No. |
我和明蒂去了 | I went with Mindy. |
明蒂? | Mindy? |
我的伴娘明蒂? | My maid of honor,Mindy? |
對,我們現在有關係了 | Yeah,we're kind of a thing now. |
你去做植發了? | You got plugs! |
小心,還不固定 | Careful. They haven't quite taken yet. |
你還配了隱形眼鏡? | And you got lenses. |
你討厭將手指放進眼睛裡 | You hate sticking your finger in your eye. |
不討厭她的手 | Not for her. |
我真的得感謝你 | Listen,I really wanted to thank you. |
好 | Okay. |
一個月前我想傷害你,我從未如此激動過 | A month ago,I wanted to hurt you more than I've ever wanted to. |
我是個整牙醫師 | And I'm an orthodontist. |
你說得沒錯,我以為我們會過得很快樂 | You know,you were right. I thought we were happy. |
我們不快樂 | We weren't happy. |
但是和明蒂在一起 | But with Mindy.. |
現在我很快樂 | now I'm happy. |
-吐掉 -什麼? | - Spit. - What? |
我 | Me. |
總之 | Anyway.. |
這東西屬於你的,或許以後是明蒂的 | I guess this belongs to you. Or maybe some day Mindy. |
她會勉強接受的 | Like she'd settle for that. |
是的,看來是真的 | Yeah,that's true. |
我覺得這是一個不錯的戒指 | But I think it's a nice ring.. |
謝謝你送我 | and thank you for giving it to me. |
謝謝你送還給我 | Thank you for giving it back. |
喂! | Hello! |
- 拜託,海倫有什麼不好? - 海倫蓋勒? | - Please,what's wrong with Helen? - Helen Geller? |
- 不行 - 她不會叫海倫蓋勒的 | - I don't think so. - It's not gonna be Helen Geller. |
- 謝謝 - 不,我是說她不姓蓋勒 | - Thank you. - No,I mean,it's not Geller. |
難道她叫海倫威利克 | It'll be Helen Willick? |
老實說,我們考慮用海倫威利克班奇 | No,actually,we talked about Helen Willick Bunch. |
等等,為何有她的份? | Wait a minute. Why is she in the title? |
因為她也是我的寶寶 | It's my baby too. |
真的?我不記得女人也會製造精子 | Really? I don't remember you making any sperm. |
我們都知道那是個極大的挑戰 | And we all know what a challenge that is. |
-你們兩個,別吵了 -不,功勞全讓她搶了,我也在場 | - You two,stop it. - She gets a credit. I'm in there too. |
你不會想用海倫威利克班奇蓋勒吧?這有虐待兒童之嫌 | Helen Willick Bunch Geller? I think that borders on child abuse. |
當然沒有,我想用蓋勒威利克班奇 | Of course not. I'm suggesting Geller Willick Bunch. |
絕對不行,你看他,沒人會叫她全名的 | See what he does? He knows no one's gonna say all those names. |
他知道別人只會叫她蓋勒 這樣他就得逞了 | They'll call her Geller. He gets his way. |
我得逞?你認為這樣算我得逞? | My way? You think this is my way? |
相信我,我沒想到自己會淪落到這種地步 | Of all the ways I ever imagined this moment being.. |
我是不得已的…這很辛苦的 | this is not my You know what? This is too hard. |
有人在嗎? 今天如何,想嘔吐嗎? | Knock,knock. How are we? Any nausea? |
- 一點點 - 只是一點點 | - A little. - Just a little. |
我只是問准媽媽,很感謝你們的分享 | I was wondering about the mother-to-be,but thanks for sharing. |
- 躺好 - 知道嗎?我不加入 | - Lie back. - You know what? I'm gonna go. |
我認為此時自己無法進入這個家庭了 | I don't think I can be involved in this family thing. |
- 我的天呀 - 快看啊 | - Oh,my God! - Look at that. |
我知道 | I know. |
很神奇吧 | Well,isn't that amazing? |
我們該看什麼? | What are we supposed to be seeing here? |
我不知道,可能是要攻擊進取號(《星際迷航》) | I don't know,but I think it's about to attack the Enterprise. |
如果你們把頭稍微向左偏,兩眼放輕鬆 | If you tilt your head and relax your eyes.. |
它樣子就像是一個顆老馬鈴薯 | it kind of looks like an old potato. |
那麼就不要那麼幹 | Then don't do that,all right? |
莫妮卡,你認為呢? | Monica,what do you think? |
- 你熱淚盈眶 - 才沒有 | - Are you welling up? - No. |
-你有,你熱淚盈眶 -我沒有 | - You are. You're welling up. - I'm not. |
- 你就要成為阿姨了 - 閉嘴 | - You're gonna be an aunt. - Oh,shut up. |
明蒂,我是瑞秋 | Hi,Mindy. Hi,it's Rachel. |
我很好,我今天和貝瑞見面了 | Yeah,I'm fine. I saw Barry today. |
對,他告訴我了 不,沒關係,真的 | Yeah,he told me. No,it's okay. Really,it's okay. |
我祝福你們幸福快樂,真心誠意的 | I hope you two are very happy. I really do. |
如果一切順利 | And,Min,you know,if everything works out.. |
你們結婚生子 | and you guys get married and have kids.. |
希望他們有像他那樣的頭髮和你的鼻子 | I hope they have his hairline and your nose! |
我知道這招很賤,但我感覺好棒 | That was a cheap shot,but I feel so much better now! |
菲比 | All right,Phoebe? |
如果有一天我變得全能,我要世界和平 | If I were omnipotent for a day,I would want world peace... |
不再有饑餓,雨林不再遭受破壞 | ...no hunger,good things for the rain forest. |
還有更大的胸部 | And bigger boobs. |
你說了我的願望 | Well,see,you took mine. |
錢德,你呢? | What about you? |
如果有一天我變得全能 我要讓自己變得永遠全能 | If I were omnipotent for a day,I'd make myself omnipotent forever. |
看吧,總有這樣的人. “給我一個願望,我就要更多的願望” | There's always one guy. "lf I had a wish,I'd wish for three more wishes. " |
喬伊 | Hey,Joey. |
如果你變得全能,你希望做什麼 | What would you do if you were omnipotent? |
大概是自殺吧 | Probably kill myself. |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
如果小喬伊死了 我就沒再活下去的理由 | If little Joey's dead,then I got no reason to live. |
喬伊,無所不能,不是無能 | Joey,omnipotent. |
你是無能? | You are? |
羅斯,對不起.我以為是一個理論問題 | Ross,l' m sorry. I had no idea. I thought it was a theoretical question. |
六人行 第1季 第04集 (克林頓親信助手)喬治·史特噴那彼拉斯先生 | The One With the George Stephanopoulos |
她是怎麼辦到的 | How does she do that? |
我在公共場合根本睡不著 | I can't sleep in a public place. |
圖書館,飛機上,電影院… | Libraries,airplanes,movie theaters.... |
你居然在“大峽穀”睡著了 | You slept at the Grand Canyon. |
父母從來沒有帶我去過大峽穀 | Hello,Mom and Dad never took us to the Grand Canyon. |
難道父母帶我去過大峽穀嗎? | Mom and Dad took us to the Grand Canyon? |
你看她, 睡得那麼安祥 | Would you look at her? She is so peaceful. |
真的 | Yeah. |
什麼事?什麼事?什麼事? | What? What? What? |
-沒事 -你只是又打瞌睡了 | -Hi. -It's okay. You just nodded off again. |
你是怎麼了? | What's going on? |
我昨晚沒睡好,我祖母有新男朋友了… | I got no sleep last night. My grandmother has a new boyfriend... |
他們倆在床上翻來覆去,還有耳聾… | ...and they' re both kind of insecure in bed,so And deaf. |
於是兩人不斷確定,彼此是否盡興 | They reassure each other that they' re having a good time. |
簡直是吵死人了 | You have no idea how loud they are. |
-如果願意你今晚可以和我及瑞秋睡 -謝謝 | -You can stay with Rachel and me. -Thanks. |
95,96,97.我說得沒錯吧 | 95,96,97. See,I told you. |
從我們的住處到這兒不到一百步 | Less than 1 00 steps from our place to here. |
你浪費的時間太多了 | You got way too much free time,man. |
他就是今天的壽星? | There's the birthday boy. |
瞧,騎兵隊與企鵝隊今晚的曲棍球門票 我們要帶你去看 | Hockey tickets. Rangers-Penguins tonight and we're taking you. |
-生日快樂,老兄 -我們愛你 | -Happy birthday,pal! -We love you,man. |
你們真幽默,我的生日在七個月前 | It's funny. My birthday was seven months ago. |
- 所以呢? - 一定是你們多了一張票 | -So? -So you had an extra ticket... |
找不到人一起去看 | ...and couldn't decide who got to bring a date? |
我們不是看到杯子有一半兒空著的人(悲觀) | Well,aren't we Mr. The-Glass-ls-Half-Empty? |
天啊,今天是10月20號 | Oh,my God! Is today the 20th? October 20th? |
-我正希望你沒記起來 -20號有什麼不對勁嗎? | -I hoped you wouldn't remember. -What's wrong with the 20th? |
萬聖節的前十一天? 所有的好服裝都被搶走? | Eleven days before Halloween. All the good costumes are gone? |
今天是我和卡蘿… | T oday's the day Carol and I first... |
…第一次進行… | ...consummated our... |
…肉體接觸… | ... physical relationship. |
做愛 | Sex. |
-你告訴你妹妹了? -相信我,我告訴了所有人 | -You told your sister that? -Believe me,I told everyone. |
我不去看球賽了 | I better pass on the game. |
我還是回家,想著我的前妻和她的同性戀愛人吧 | I'm just gonna go home and think about my ex-wife and her lesbian lover. |
去他的曲棍球,我們回去一起想吧 | The hell with hockey! Let's all do that! |
羅斯,別這樣 你、我和喬伊、冰人之夜好不好 | Come on,Ross! You,me,Joey,ice! Guys' night out! |
怎樣,大個兒? | Come on,what do you say,big guy? |
-你打算幹嗎? -我不知道 | -What are you doing? -I have no idea. |
-拜託,羅斯 -好吧,或許能讓我忘記傷痛 | -Come on,Ross. -Maybe it will take my mind off it. |
- 但你要幫我買個泡沫塑料做的大手指 - 一定 | -Promise to buy me a big foam finger? -You got it. |
大家看,我的第一份薪水 | Look,look,look! My first paycheck! |
看看這框框,嗨,我自己 | Look at the window! There's my name! Hi,me! |
我記起拿到第一份薪水的那一天 | I remember when I got my first paycheck. |
礦場塌陷八人慘遭活埋 | There was a cave-in in a mine,and eight people were killed. |
-你在礦場工作? -不,我在奶品皇后(霜淇淋品牌)工作,怎麼了? | -You worked in a mine? -No,I worked at a Dairy Queen. Why? |
真叫人興奮,我賺來的 每天擦桌椅蒸牛奶 | Isn't this exciting? I earned this. I wiped tables for it. I steamed milk. |
這真是太… | And it was totally... |
不值得了 | ... not worth it. |
誰是FICA(聯邦保險收入稅)? 為何他拿走我所有的錢? | What's FlCA? Why's he getting all my money? |
我說,這是怎麼回事 錢德,你看 | I mean,what? Chandler,look at that. |
沒那麼糟 | This is not that bad. |
就第一份薪水而言,你已經算不錯了 | You're fine,yeah,for a first job. |
單靠它就夠你過日子了 | You can totally,totally live on this. |
沒錯 | Oh,yeah. Yeah. |
-對了,今天的優秀服務員 -沒錯 | -By the way,great service today. -Yeah. |
-曲棍球 -曲棍球 | -Hockey! -Hockey! |
-曲棍球 -曲棍球 | -Hockey! -Hockey. |
瑞秋? | Rachel? |
天呀 | Oh,my God! |
我發誓我在野生動物王國看過那些鳥這麼做 | I swear I've seen birds do this on Wild Kingdom. |
你們來這裡幹什麼? | What are you doing here? |
我們到市區逛街,聽你媽說你在這兒工作 結果是真的 | We were in the city shopping,and your mom said you work here,and it's true! |
瞧你的圍裙 好像在演戲一般 | Look at you in the apron. You look like you're in a play. |
-看看你,你的肚子好大,我簡直不敢相信 -我知道 | God,look at you! You're so big! I can't believe it! |
我知道,我現在可是雙人份的 | I know,I know! I'm a duplex. |
琦琦,你看起來不錯. 你看來好像減了一噸重 | IKiki,you look phenomenal. I mean,you've lost,like,a ton of weight. |
你真的是…(表示琪琪得了厭食症) | And you should... |
…真的是,是時候停下來了 你看起來很不錯 | ... really,really It's time to stop,you look perfect. |
你發生什麼事情了? | What's going on? |
你猜我爸的公司和誰合夥? | Well,guess who my dad's making partner in his firm? |
我們還有這個消息 | And while we're on the subject of news.... |
看,我有手腕 | Look,look! I have elbows! |
將球傳給李奇 | Passes it up to Leetch. |
李奇看見納斯有空檔.一記妙傳 | Leetch spots Messier. Here's the pass! |
我們先暫停一下! 讓納斯看看女鞋先… | We'll take a time-out while Messier looks at some women's shoes. |
那一夜卡蘿穿著那種靴子 | Carol was wearing boots just like those the night that we first.... |
你知道的?事實上,她… | You know? In fact,she.... |
從沒脫下來過 | She never took them off. |
因為我們…對不起 | It's because we Sorry,sorry. |
我實在是無法相信 | I can't believe |
-什麼? -桃核 | -What? -Peach pit. |
怎麼樣? | Yes,bunny? |
那天晚上,我們吃了 | Peach pit. That night,we had |
-桃子? -事實上,是油桃,但是… | -Peaches? -Actually,nectarines but.... |
也可能是蜜桃 | Could've been a peach. |
然後我們穿上衣服 然後我和她一起… | Then we Then we got dressed and I walked her to... |
…走到公車站.我沒事 | ...the bus stop. I' m fine. |
那女人的臀部和卡蘿的一樣 | Hey,that woman's got an ass like Carol's. |
怎麼了?我以為我們在找東西 | What? I thought we were trying to find stuff. |
好了,你們快點跟我講八卦 | Come on,you guys. T ell me all the dirt. |
最大的八卦,還是你在聖壇前拋下貝瑞 | Well,the biggest news is still you dumping Barry at the altar. |
-好了,我們來談點正經的 -好吧 | -Let's talk reality for a second. -Okay. |
-你打算何時回家? -什麼?我不回家 | -When are you coming home? -What? Guys,l' m not. |
-拜託,我們是好姐妹 -我不回家 | -Come on. This is us. -l' m not. |
這就是我現在做的,我得到了這份工作 | This is what l' m doing now. I've got this job. |
我甚至自己洗衣服了 | I even do my own laundry. |
-這就是我現在做的 -當女服務生 | -This is what l' m doing now. -Waitressing? |
我不只是當女服務生 我是說… | I' m not just waitressing. I mean,l' m.... |
我寫下每日特餐 | I write the specials on the specials board. |
摘下瓶中枯死的花朵 | And I take the dead flowers out of the vase. |
有時老闆還會讓我在餅乾上塗上巧克力醬 | Sometimes Arturo lets me put the chocolate blobbies on the cookies. |
你媽沒有提起巧克力醬 | Well,your mom didn't tell us about the blobbies. |
瑞秋,和朋友聊得如何? | Hey,Rach. How was it with your friends? |
想喝杯“提克死亡之擊”(一種雞尾酒)嗎? | Okay,how would you like some Tiki Death punch? |
-那是什麼? -是郎姆酒,還有 | -What's that? -Well,it's rum and |
知道了 | Okay. |
既然菲比要來過夜談通宵 | Since Phoebe's staying,we'll have a slumber party. |
我們就買了一些八卦雜誌 餅乾麵團和扭體遊戲 | We got trashy magazines. We got cookie dough. We got Twister. |
我帶了“手術”遊戲來 不過我把鑷子弄丟了,所以 | And I brought Operation. But I lost the tweezers so we can't operate. |
不過我們可以演練下 | But we can prep the guy. |
-瑞秋,是信用卡的人打來的 -問他們想幹什麼 | -Rach,it's the Visa card people. -Oh,God. Ask them what they want. |
請問有什麼事嗎? | Could you please tell me what this is in reference to? |
他們說你的帳戶有問題 | There's been unusual activity on your account. |
可是我已好幾個星期沒刷卡了 | I haven't used my card in weeks. |
問題就出在這兒 | That is the unusual activity. |
他們想知道你是否沒事 | They wanna see if you're okay. |
他們想知道我是否沒事? 我想想 | They wanna know if I'm okay? Okay,let's see. |
好吧,讓我看看. FICA把我的錢全拿走了 | Well,let's see. The FlCA guys took all my money. |
我認識的朋友不是結婚就是懷孕就是升職 | Everyone is getting married or pregnant or promoted. |
而我只是端咖啡 而且還不是端給自己喝 | And I'm getting coffee. And it's not even for me! |
如果這樣叫沒事的話 就告訴他們我沒事,好嗎? | If that sounds like I'm okay,then tell them I'm okay. Okay? |
瑞秋剛出去,你能再打來嗎? | Rachel has left the building. Can you call back? |
好吧 | All right! Come on! |
我們來玩扭體遊戲吧 | Let's play Twister! |
-對不起 -對不起,對不起,對不起 | -Sorry. -Sorry. Sorry,sorry. |
你和卡蘿來的那一夜有冰? 塑膠座位? | There was ice that night with Carol? Plastic seats? |
四千名憤怒的匹茲堡球迷? | Four thousand angry Pittsburgh fans? |
不,我是說 我們可能不會坐在一起 | No,I was just saying we're not sitting together. |
既然你已提起,沒錯,那一夜有結冰 | But now that you mention it,there was ice that night. |
第一次結霜 | It was the first frost. |
坐下吧 | Sit. Just sit down. Sit. |
你應該感到自豪 你正在學習了不起的獨立 | You're doing this amazing independent thing. |
莫妮卡,有什麼了不起可言? | Monica,what is so amazing? |
我放棄一切 到底是為了什麼? | I gave up,like,everything. And for what? |
-你和傑克沒兩樣 -樓下的傑克? | -You are just like Jack. -Jack from downstairs? |
不,是傑克與魔豆 | No,Jack and the Beanstalk. |
另一個傑克 | Ah,the other Jack. |
對,他放棄某些東西 但是得到了魔豆 | Right. He gave up something but then he got those magic beans. |
他起床後 發現有棵大樹… | And then he woke up and there was this big plant... |
…在他的窗戶外面 充滿一切可能 | ...outside of his window,full of possibilities. |
他住在一個村莊 你住在一個村莊… | He lived in a village,and you live in the Village. |
菲比,傑克放棄了牛 我放棄了一個整牙醫生 | Okay. But,Pheebs,Jack gave up a cow. I gave up an orthodontist. |
-我知道我並不喜歡他 -傑克深愛著那頭牛 | -Okay,I know I didn't love him.... -Oh,see,Jack did love the cow. |
那是有計劃的,一切都很清楚 | But,see,it was a plan. It was clear. |
一切都會發生,就好像… | Everything was figured out. Now it's like.... |
-怪異、困惑和糊塗? -對 | -Floopy? -Yeah. |
我們也常不知自己何去何從 | We don't know where we' re going. |
你步入正軌了 就能不再怪異困惑糊塗 | It's all gonna come together and it's just gonna be un-floopy. |
對,真是好詞 | Yeah,like that's a word. |
好吧,莫尼卡,但如果無法步入軌道呢? | Okay. But Monica,what if it doesn't come together? |
菲比? | Pheebs? |
因為你… 我不喜歡這個問題 | Well,because you just I don't like this question. |
瞧,如果我們沒拿到魔豆呢? | See,you guys? What if we don't get magic beans? |
如果只拿到一般的豆子呢? | I mean,what if all we've got are beans? |
宰掉他…宰掉他… | Get him! Get him! Get him! |
笑不出來了吧,老兄 | Yes! You're not laughing now,are you,pal? |
那正是你需要的 一群以棍子互打的傢夥 | All you needed were guys hitting each other with sticks. |
快傳,快傳 | Pass it! Pass it! |
-他有空檔 -射門,射門 | -He's open! He's open! -Shoot it! Shoot it! |
瞧,我們上電視了 | Hey,look,we're on that TV thing. |
對不起? | Excuse me? |
上面說不滿意這條巧克力糖 可以撥這個號碼 | It says to call if you're not satisfied with this candy bar. |
我並不滿意 | Well,I'm not completely satisfied. |
好吧,標籤上承諾的是堅果的品質 | Well,the label promises nutty goodness. |
這是緊急事件,我想你很清楚 否則我們就不會在這兒了 | It's an emergency. But you know that,or we'd be in the predicament room. |
等等,拿去填資料 坐在那兒填 | Hold on. Fill these out. Sit over there! |
我不想惹麻煩,好嗎? 我現在很疼 | I don't want to make any trouble but I'm in a lot of pain. |
-我的臉凹下去了 -你得照順序來 | -My face is dented. -Well,you'll have to wait your turn. |
-大概要等多久? -快了 | -How long do you think it will be? -Any minute now. |
嘿,這是… | Hey,this |
真是對不起,我不是存心讓你們不開心的 | I' m so sorry,you guys. I didn't mean to bring you down. |
不,你說得對 我的人生毫無計畫 | No,you were right. I don't have a plan. |
-送披薩的 -食物終於來了 | -Pizza guy. -Food! |
-菲比 -幹嗎? | -Phoebe? -What? |
-你有計劃嗎? -我連“計”都沒有 | -Do you have a plan? -I don't even have a " pla. " |
磨菇,青椒和洋蔥? | One mushroom,green pepper and onion? |
-不 -不,這不是我們點的 | No,no,no. That's not what we ordered! |
我們點的是乳酪脆皮口味 | We ordered a fat-free crust with extra cheese! |
你們不是喬治·史特噴那彼拉斯家?天呐,我爸一定會宰掉我的 | Wait. You' re not G. Stephanopoulos? Man,my dad's gonna kill me! |
等等,你是說喬治·史特噴那彼拉斯? | Wait! Did you say G. Stephanopoulos? |
對,他住對街 我一定是送錯了,笨 | Yeah,this one goes across the street. I gave him yours. Bonehead! Bonehead! |
當你這麼做的時候 你不過是在打擊你自己 | When you do that,you're only hitting yourself. |
是不是那個矮小的地中海人 一幅聰明樣的帥哥? | Was this a small Mediterranean guy with curiously intelligent good looks? |
-對,應該就是他 -他穿著迷人的藍色西裝? | -That sounds right. -Was he wearing a stunning blue suit? |
-打著領帶? -不,他只圍一條浴巾 | -And a power tie? -No,pretty much just a towel. |
-上帝呀 -你們忍心讓我把它帶回去? | -Oh,God! -You guys want me to take this back? |
開什麼玩笑? 我們要吃喬治·史特噴那彼拉斯的披薩 | What,are you nuts? We've got George Stephanopoulos' pizza! |
菲比,喬治·史特噴那彼“格”斯(瑞秋口誤)是誰? | Pheebs,who's George Snuffleupagus? |
大鳥的朋友(史特噴那彼“格”斯是《芝麻街》中大鳥的朋友) | That's Big Bird's friend. |
-我看見披薩 -讓我看 | -I see pizza! -I want to see. Let me see. |
我們在偷瞄誰? | Hello! Who are we spying on? |
白宮顧問,克林頓的助選員 | White House adviser,Clinton's campaign guy. |
他有迷人的頭髮性感的微笑 帶勁兒的屁股 | The one with the great hair,sexy smile,cute butt. |
是他!那個小矮人? 我好喜歡他 | Oh,him! The little guy. Oh,I love him! |
-等等,我看到一個女人 -告訴我那是他媽 | -Wait. Wait,I see a woman. -T ell me it's his mother. |
-絕對不是他媽 -不 | -Definitely not his mother. -Oh,no! |
慢著,她走過地板 她走著…她走著…她走著… | Wait,she's walking across the floor. She's walking,she's walking.... |
她去拿披薩了 不是給你的,賤人 | She's going for the pizza That's not for you,bitch! |
抱歉,我們已等了一個小時 許多情況比我朋友輕的人都走了 | We've been here for over an hour,and people less sick have gone in. |
那個腳趾有毛病的傢夥 他和誰睡覺? | That guy with the toe thing,who's he sleeping with? |
朵拉,別生氣 | Oh,come on,Dora. Don't be mad. |
我知道我們都說了些…傷害彼此的話 | I know we both said some things... |
但那不意味著我們不再愛著對方 | ...we didn't mean but that doesn't mean we still don't love each other. |
我想她不會再理我了 | You know,I feel like I've lost her. |
-來吧,推我 -不 | -Come on,push me. -No. |
-來吧,推我 -我們碰到麻煩了 | -Push me. -We' re gonna get in trouble. |
不要像個小孩子一樣.推我,推我 | Don't be a baby. Push me. Push me. |
好吧,我要推了你哦,準備好了嗎? 不如我像這樣推你吧 | All right. I' m gonna push you,okay? How about I push you like this? |
現在你將在輪椅上度過你的餘生,我親密的朋友 | Now you're gonna be in a wheelchair the rest of your life,pally-wally.... |
非常對不起,我能給你簽名嗎? | I am so very sorry. Can I sign you? |
-燈還關著,對嗎? -是的 | -Lights still out? -Yeah. |
或許他們在小睡 | Well,maybe they' re napping. |
-拜託,他們在做愛 -閉嘴 | -Please. They' re having sex. -Shut up! |
你們認為喬治是什麼樣的人? | So,what do you think George is like? |
-我認為他很害羞 -真的? | -I think he's shy. -Yeah. |
你必須勾引他 | Yeah. I think you have to draw him out. |
之後他就會漸漸顯露出獸性 | And then when you do,he's a preppy animal. |
-你們認為這些小夥怎麼樣? -我們的小夥們? | -What do you think of the guys? -Our guys? |
-是的,我們的小夥 -談論他們我覺得很有趣 | -Yeah,our guys. -I feel funny talking about that. |
-來嘛 -好吧… | -Oh,come on. -Okay. Well.... |
我覺得喬伊就像…一個小騎手 | I think Joey's like a little kiddie ride. |
你只需把他放在角落裡,他自然會走 | You just have to put the quarter in and it just goes. |
他也許會給你驚喜. 有一次,他幫我穿上外套… | He might surprise you. One time,he helped me put on my coat... |
…他真的很體貼 | ...and he was really tender. |
來吧,我們走 | Come on,baby,come on. Let's go. |
太好了! | Yes! |
錢德是一個感情內斂的小夥 你必須勸他才能上床 | Chandler's one of those repressed guys who you'd have to seduce. |
我覺得就像是一齣戲 錢德比他實際看起來更有內涵 | I think it's an act. Chandler is more sophisticated than he seems. |
-你知道誰有那種性感嗎? -不要說 | -You know who's kind of sexy? -Don't. |
-羅斯 -不會吧,他是我哥哥 | -Ross. -No,guys. Please,he is my brother. |
我完全明白你的意思 他真的很沉穩 | I know exactly what you mean. He can be really smooth. |
你能想像他在床上的樣子嗎? | Can't you just picture him in bed? |
我一點也不想 | I really don't want to. |
來吧,笑一個 | Come on,laugh. Laugh. |
我記得月光透過窗戶照進來 她的臉龐露出… | I remember the moonlight coming in the window,and her face had the most... |
…無比甜蜜的微笑 | ...incredible glow. |
月光,微笑 魔幻的感覺,說得好 | The moon,the glow,the magical feeling. You did this. |
誰能拿點止痛藥來嗎? | Could I get some painkillers over here,please? |
他說得對,你夠了沒? 今天有什麼大不了的? | He's right. Enough. What's the big deal about today? |
你和她第一次上床,了不起? | So you slept with her for the first time. |
之後你又和她做了七年 | You slept with her for seven years after that. |
事情沒那麼簡單 | It's a little more complicated |
那麼問題出在哪兒?她把你甩了? 她愛上女人? | What is it,that she left you for another woman that likes women? |
大聲點,行嗎? 12樓有個昏迷的人聽不清楚 | Louder. There's a man on the 12th floor in a coma who didn't hear you. |
然後呢? | Then,what? |
我和卡蘿的第一次 | My first time with Carol was... |
…是我的… | ...was my.... |
什麼? | What? |
是我的第一次 | It was my first time. |
和卡蘿? | With Carol? |
噢 | Oh. |
這麼說你這輩子只和一人… | So,in your whole life,you've only been with one? |
天啊,看曲棍球真是個錯誤 | Oh,boy. Hockey was a big mistake. |
本來今晚我們可以幹很多事 | There's a bunch of stuff we could've done tonight. |
我有了 | Okay,I got one. |
你記得我做的那個蔬菜麵團嗎…? | Do you remember that vegetarian pate... |
…你非常喜歡的那個 | ...that I made that you loved so much? |
好吧,除非鵝也是蔬菜 | Well,unless goose is a vegetable! |
和強森上床的感覺沒那麼糟 | Now I don't feel so bad about sleeping with Jason Hurley. |
-什麼?你和強森上床? -你們已經分手了 | -What? You slept with Jason? -You had already broken up. |
-多久之後? -幾小時 | -How long? -Just a couple hours. |
-真好 -我也有了 | -Oh,that's nice! -Okay,okay,okay,I got one! |
情人節湯姆放在你置物箱的東西 其實是我放的 | Anyway,the valentine T om left in your locker was really from me! |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
你以為他真會送你東西? | Hello! Like he was really gonna send you one. |
她當時太胖了 | She was a big girl! |
真的?胖女孩至少不會在七年級時還尿褲子 | Really? Well,at least big girls don't pee in their pants in seventh grade! |
當時我是在笑,你逗得我大笑 | I was laughing. You made me laugh! |
他來了,他來了 | Oh,my God! There he is! There he is! |
-在哪兒? -我們看了一整夜的地方 | -Where? -Where we've been looking all night. |
-他真帥 -我的寶貝喬治,快拿掉浴巾 | -He's so cute. -George,baby,drop the towel. |
- 快拿掉浴巾… - 求你了 | -Come on,drop the towel. -Drop it. Will you please drop it? |
哇! | Wow! |
你能相信他只和一個女人上過床? | Man,can you believe he's only had sex with one woman? |
這樣很好啊 甜蜜 | I think it's great. You know,it's sweet. |
又浪漫 | It's romantic. |
你真的這樣認為? | Really? |
才怪,這傢夥是怪胎,我要審判他 | You kidding? The guy's a freak. I judge him. |
-老兄 -兄弟 | -Hey,man! -Hey,buddy! |
真是迷人 | Oh,that's attractive. |
你在《沉默的羔羊》裡演得真好 | I thought you were great in Silence of the Lambs. |
快承認吧,縱觀一切,你今晚很開心 | Admit it,all things considered,you had fun tonight. |
開心?哪裡開心? 告訴我哪一點值得我開心? | Fun? Where was the fun? T ell me which part was fun. |
我的曲棍球在哪兒? | Where's my puck? |
-在那小孩手裡 -孩子… | -The kid has it. -The kid |
打擾一下 球是我的 | Excuse me,that's my puck. |
我找到的 誰發現歸誰,丟掉的人活該 | I found it. Finders keepers,losers weepers. |
爭氣點 | You gotta do it,man. |
是嗎?我是橡膠你是膠水… | I' m rubber,you' re glue. Whatever you |
我做不到 | I can't do it. |
-聽著,還我的球 -不 | -Listen,give me back my puck. -No. |
-過來,不如這樣? -不行 | -Yes,how about? -No. |
-球還我 -不 | -Give me my puck. -No. |
別在急診室鬧事 | No roughhousing in my ER! |
把球還我 | Give me my puck! |
那才叫好玩 | Now that was fun. |
莫妮卡,右腳紅 | Okay,Monica. Right foot,red. |
本來我們是要玩大富翁的,但是… | We could've played Monopoly,but no! |
謝了 | Thanks. |
菲比,右手藍 | Okay,Pheebs. Right hand,blue. |
羅斯,和我換一下 菲比就能成為你的2號了 | Ross,switch with me and Phoebe could be number two. |
不行,這是扭體遊戲. 規則就在盒子的背後 | Nothing. It's a Twister thing. The rules are on the back of the box. |
你好? | Hello? |
信用卡人員打來的 | It's the Visa card people. |
-好,願意代替我嗎? -我是瑞秋 | -Okay. Will you take my place? -All right. This is Rachel. |
不! | No! |
你好,不,我知道,我很久沒用了 | Hello? Oh,yeah. No,I know. I haven't been using it much. |
謝了,我沒事,真的 | Oh,well,thanks. But l' m okay,really. |
-綠色的,到綠色那裡. -噢,不 | -To the green. -Oh,no. |
我有魔豆 | I've got magic beans. |
不,當我沒說 | No,no,never mind. |
左轉,左轉 | To the left! To the left! |
我沒事 | I' m fine. |
| |
- 各位 - 菲比 | - Hi,guys. - Hey,Phoebe. |
- 你的約會怎麼樣? - 不是很好 | - How did it go? - Not so good. |
他送我到地鐵然後跟我說 我們應該再來一次 | He walked me home and said,"Let's do this again." |
他說要再來一次? 那不是很好嗎? | He said,"Let's do this again." That's good,right? |
不,"我們應該再來一次"意思是"你將無法再見到裸體的我" | Translated,"Let's do this again" means,"You'll never see me naked." |
什麼時候這樣子的? | Since when? |
一直都是這樣的啊. 就像是…約會用語 | Since always. It's,like,dating language. |
比如,“問題不是出在你”代表“就是你” | Like,"It's not you" means,"It is you." |
“你真好”意思是說我要和皮革族的酒徒約會… | "You're nice" means,"I'll be dating alcoholics.. |
然後向你抱怨 | and complaining about them to you." |
“我們該試試別人”代表 | "We should see other people" means: |
“我已和別人約會了” | "Ha-ha,I already am!" |
大家都懂? | Everybody knows this? |
對,善意的謊言 | Cushions the blow. |
沒錯,就像父母使小孩的狗安樂死時 | Like your parents putting the dog to sleep.. |
他們會說它跑到別人家農場去住了 | and saying it went to a farm. |
真有意思,不過我爸媽是真的… | That's funny. Because our parents actually did.. |
把我們的狗送給別人養了 | send our dog off to live on a farm. |
羅斯? | Ross? |
米納他們在康乃迪克州的農場 | Hello! The Milner's farm in Connecticut? |
米納他們家的農場好棒 | The Milners had this unbelievable farm. |
有馬還有可供追逐的兔子… | They had horses and rabbits to chase. |
而且… | And it was.. |
噢,琪琪 | Oh,my God! Chi-Chi! |
六人行 第1季 第03集 手指 | The One With the Thumb |
知道自己不久人世有何感受? | How does it feel knowing you're about to die? |
華頓,我的痛苦將在五分鐘內消除 | Warden,in five minutes my pain will be over. |
但你得承受埋葬一個老實人的痛苦 | But you'll live with the knowledge that you sent an honest man to die. |
表演得真好是嗎? | That was really good! |
謝了,咱們繼續吧 | Thanks. Let's keep going. |
好,你要我怎麼做,迪默? | So,what do you want from me,Dimon? Huh? |
我只想回到我的牢房內 因為這樣我才可以抽煙 | I just wanna go back to my cell,because in my cell I can smoke. |
你就在這裡抽吧 | Smoke away! |
我想這就是迪默自己一個在牢房裡抽煙的原因 | I think this is why Dimon smokes in his cell alone. |
- 什麼 - 手放輕鬆 | - What? - Relax your hand. |
手腕自然點 | Let your wrist go. |
別太過火! | Not so much! |
好的,現在吐口煙 | All right. Now take a puff. |
就是這樣 | Right. |
- 給我來 - 不,我不能給你煙 | - Give it to me. - I'm not giving you a cigarette. |
無所謂的,你到底想不想演這個角色?來 | It's fine. Do you want to get this part or not? Here. |
看著,別把它當成香煙 | Now,don't think of it as a cigarette. |
把它當成是你想念多時的東西 | Think of it as the thing that has been missing from your hand. |
夾著它你感到自在 | When you hold it,you feel right. |
讓你感到滿足 | You feel complete. |
- 你很想它? - 沒那麼嚴重 | - You miss it? - No,not so much. |
好吧,抽煙 | All right. Now we smoke. |
噢,爽呀! | Oh,my God! |
- 把它給我 - 不,你有幾種選擇 | - Give me that! - No. You've got options. |
你可以像這樣抽煙 | You can smoke like this: |
- 錢德 - 或者只是把它叼在嘴裡 | - Chandler - Or hold it in your mouth. |
把煙給我 | Give me the cigarette! |
- 你來試試. - 謝謝 | - You try. - Thank you. |
怎麼樣? | Okay,how's this? |
還不壞 | Okay,that's not bad. |
好的,當你結束的時候,彈掉它會顯得很酷 | All right,when you're finished,it's cool if you flick it. |
就這樣,不斷練習 | All right,you keep practicing.. |
我去撲滅著火的沙發 | and I'll go put out the sofa. |
我認為那東西跟自己腳的大小相等 | I thought it was foot size. |
不,是和拇指尖到食指尖… | No. It's the distance from the tip of a guy's thumb.. |
的距離相同的 | to the tip of his index finger. |
這太荒謬了 | That's ridiculous. |
隨便哪個姆指都行? | Can I use either thumb? |
我寧可相信腳長理論 | I'd rather go with the foot theory. |
別告訴我… | All right. Don't tell me. |
無咖啡因卡布其諾,是喬伊的 | Decaf cappuccino for Joey. |
純咖啡 | Coffee,black. |
拿鐵 | Latte. |
和冰茶 | And an iced tea. |
- 我進步神速 - 不錯 | - I'm getting good at this. - Excellent! |
我真行 | Good for me! |
- 菲比,你沒事吧 - 我還好 | - You okay,Phoebe? - It's not worth |
我的銀行 | It's my bank. |
他們對你怎麼了? | - What did they do? - It's nothing |
我看我的信件時 看見他們的每月通知 | I get my mail and open their monthly "statement." |
別激動 | Easy! |
我的戶頭多了五百元 | And there's $500 extra in my account. |
撤旦的奴才又開始活躍了 | Satan's minions at work again! |
沒錯,因為我得到銀行找他們處理 | Now I have to go deal with them |
- 別傻了,留著自己用吧 - 這些錢不是我的 | - What are you talking about? Keep it! - It's not mine. |
我留下來就如同偷竊 | If I kept it,I'd be stealing. |
如果你拿來花就如同購物 | But if you spent it,it would be like shopping. |
好吧,就比方說我買了一雙很棒的鞋 | Say I bought a great pair of shoes. |
你們知道我每走一步會聽到什麼嗎?“不是我的…不是我的” | Know what I'd hear with every step? "Not mine. Not mine. Not mine." |
即使我再快樂再雀躍都會聽到 | Even if I was happy and skipping,I'd hear: |
“不是我的…不是我的…” | "Not-not mine. Not-not mine." |
知道你的意思了 | We're with you. We got it. |
我無法享受非份之財的樂趣 會有報應的 | I'd never be able to enjoy it. It'd be this giant karmic debt. |
錢德,你在幹什麼? | Chandler,what are you doing? |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
噢,真惡劣! | Oh,gross! |
- 這是什麼 - 我在抽煙… | - What is this? - I'm smoking! |
你這三年來一直表現良好 | You've been so good for three years! |
這是我的獎勵 | And this is my reward. |
等等,想想你戒煙後是怎麼活過來的 | Think about what you went through when you quit. |
就算忘了你自己,至少想想我們是怎麼過來的 | Forget about you. Think about what we went through! |
所以這一次我不再戒了 | So this time I won't quit. |
- 熄掉… - 好吧,我熄掉就是 | - Put it out! - I'm putting it out! |
噢,不! | Oh,no! |
我現在喝不了它了 | I can't drink this now. |
我要去換衣服了,我有個約會 | I'm gonna go. I've got a date. |
又是亞倫?進展得如何? | With Alan again? How's it going? |
進展的還不錯.我們在一起很開心 | It's going pretty good. It's nice and we're having fun. |
我們何時能見到他? | When do we get to meet him? |
今天是星期一… | Let's see,it's Monday.. |
- 永遠別想… - 不要這樣嘛 | - Never. - Come on! |
不,不要再來像史提夫那次的事… | Not after what happened with Steve. |
你在說什麼?我們都愛史提夫 史提夫很性感 | What do you mean? We love Steve. Steve was sexy! |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
我對他有何感覺都不知道 給我一點時間想清楚 | I don't know how I feel yet. Let me figure it out. |
這麼說我們可以見他囉? | Then can we meet him? |
不行 | No. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
喬伊.放過他吧 | Joey. Let it go. |
我為何要讓他們見他? | Why should they meet him? |
我帶他回去後,他們就像 | I bring a guy home and they're like.. |
就像郊狼一樣找畜群中的弱者下手 | coyotes picking off the weak members of the herd. |
聽著,作為一個見了過多壞牛排的人 | Listen,as someone who's seen more than her fair share of bad beef.. |
我告訴你這並不是一件壞事 | I'll tell you,that is not such a terrible thing. |
你的朋友他們只是關心你 | Your friends are just looking after you. |
我只希望帶一個 他們真正喜歡的男人回家 | I wish that once I'd date a guy they liked. |
你知道的,他的機會會更渺茫的… | You realize the odds of that happening are slimmer.. |
- 如果他們根本就沒見過這小夥 - 這個我知道 | - if they never get to meet the guy. - I know. |
- 能讓我小聲的哭一下嗎? - 哭 | - Can't I whimper a little bit? - Whimper. |
好了 | Okay,I'm done. |
羅斯,讓它去吧! | Let it go,Ross. |
你又不瞭解琪琪 | You didn't know Chi-Chi. |
- 你們都保證? - 對,我們保證 | - Do you all promise? - We promise. |
我們會很友善的 | We'll be good. |
錢德,你保證會很友善? | Chandler,do you promise to be good? |
你可以進來了,但是你的煙屁股朋友得待在外面 | You can come in,but your filter-tip buddy stays outside! |
親愛的布菲小姐 謝謝你提醒我們的錯誤 | "Dear Ms. Buffay. Thank you for calling. |
我們已將五百元存入你的戶頭 造成不便之處請多包涵 | We've credited you $500. We're sorry for the inconvenience.. |
請接受此足球電話… | and hope you'll accept this football phone.. |
做為禮物 你們相信嗎? | as our gift." Do you believe it? |
現在我多了一千元和一個足球電話 | Now I have $ 1000 and a football phone. |
這是哪家銀行? | What bank is this? |
他來了 | Okay,it's him. |
- 是誰? - 亞倫 | - Who is it? - Alan. |
錢德,他來了 | Chandler! He's here! |
我看起來怎麼樣? | Do I look okay? |
最好再扣上一顆扣子 | One more button. |
-我是說扣上!扣上怎麼樣? | Closed! How about closed? |
- 我不太清楚 - 好吧 | - I didn't know. - Yeah. |
拜託,別亂來 | Please be good. |
記得你們有多麼愛我 | Remember how much you all like me? |
亞倫,這是大家 各位,他是亞倫 | Alan,this is everybody. Everybody,this is Alan. |
我對各位已如雷灌耳 | I've heard so much about all you guys. |
謝謝,我明天再打電話給你 | I'll call you tomorrow. Thanks. |
開始攻擊亞倫吧 | Let's let the Alan-bashing begin. |
誰先開始? | Who's gonna take the first shot? |
來呀 | Come on! |
我來 | I'll go. |
我們就從他不停剔牙開始 | Let's start with how he kept picking |
抱歉,我辦不到.我們愛他 | I'm sorry,I can't do this. We loved him. |
我們愛他 | We loved him! |
等等,我們談的是我約會的物件嗎? | Wait! We're talking about someone I'm going out with? |
那個辣椒的小把戲 | That pimento trick! |
我絕不會再這樣看橄欖了 | I'll never look at an olive the same way again. |
你們都有注意到? | And did you notice? |
知道他什麼最棒嗎? 他的微笑有點邪邪的 | Know what was great? His smile was crooked. |
對,就像是鞋裡的男人 - 什麼鞋? | - Yes! Like the man in the shoe! - What shoe? |
詩裡的 | From the rhyme. |
有個駝背的人有著扭曲的微笑 | There was a man With a crooked smile |
他住在鞋子裡,有一陣子 | Who lived in a shoe For a while |
我想亞倫… | So I think Alan.. |
將成為日後男友被丈量的標準 | is the yardstick by which future boyfriends will be measured. |
什麼日後男友? | Future boyfriends? |
- 不,我想他就是了 - 真的呀? | - I think this could be "it." - Really? |
他學大衛·哈塞爾霍夫(《海灘遊俠》主演)\n的樣子我就想嫁給他了 | I'd marry him for his David Hasselhoff impression alone. |
你知道嘛,我也要在派對上這麼做 | You know I'll be doing that at parties. |
- 知道我最喜歡他哪一點? - 哪一點? | - Know what I like most? - What? |
他改變我看待自己的方式 | The way he makes me feel about myself. |
比賽如何? | How was the game? |
怎麼說呢 | Well.. |
我們贏啦 | We won! |
太意外了!問題是,這怎麼可能呢? | Fantastic! Question. How is that possible? |
- 亞倫 - 他真是太不可思議了 | - Alan. - He was unbelievable! |
他就像兔寶寶一樣守每個位置 | Like the cartoon where Bugs Bunny plays every position. |
但我們有一壘手亞倫、二壘手亞倫… | It was first base,Alan. Second base,Alan.. |
他使我們形成一個團隊 | It was like he made us into a team. |
對,我們讓對手見識到什麼叫壘球 | We sure showed those Hasidic jewelers a thing or two about softball. |
能問你們一個問題嗎? | Can I ask a question? |
你是否曾感覺亞倫有時… | Do you think Alan is sometimes.. |
有時怎樣? | What? |
我說不上來,太亞倫了 | I don't know. A little too "Alan"? |
不,不可能 你不可能太過於“亞倫” | Oh,no. Not possible. You can never be too "Alan." |
沒錯我們欣賞的是亞倫的內在 | It's his innate "Alan-ness" that we adore. |
我一個人可以喝下一加侖的亞倫 | I,personally,could have a gallon of Alan. |
- 嘿,露西 - 嘿,古怪女孩 | - Hey,Lizzy. - Hey,weird girl. |
- 我帶字母湯來給你 - 你挑出有母音的了嗎? | - I brought alphabet soup. - Pick out the vowels? |
但我把“Y”留下來了 因為Y是半母音 | I left in the Y's. Because,"sometimes Y." |
- 我還帶了其他東西給你 - 鹹餅乾嗎? | - And something else. - Saltines? |
但願你喜歡一千元和足球電話 | No,$1000 and a football phone. |
什麼? | What? |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
- 這裡真的有錢 - 這我知道 | - There's really money in here. - I know. |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
我要給你,我不想要 | I want you to have it. I don't want it. |
- 不,我得拿東西給你 - 不用了 | - I have to give you something. - No,you don't |
- 你要我的錫箔紙帽嗎? - 不要,因為你需要 | - Do you want my tinfoil hat? - No,you need that. |
- 不用了,謝謝 - 求你,讓我表示我的謝意 | - It's okay. Thanks. - Let me do something. |
這樣吧,你請我喝汽水就扯平了 | I'll tell you what. Buy me a soda and we're even. Okay? |
- 好吧 - 好吧 | - Okay. - Okay. |
不用找了 | Keep the change. |
謝謝你,莉茲 | Thanks,Lizzy. |
你真的不要椒鹽卷餅? | Want a pretzel? |
- 不,不用了 - 再見 | - No,I'm fine. Thanks. - See you. |
一個拇指? | A thumb? |
我知道.我打開時它就浮在裡面 | I know. There it was,just floating.. |
像個搭便車的 | like this tiny little hitchhiker. |
或者這是一場競賽,比如集滿五個有獎? | Maybe it's a contest. Like "collect all five." |
- 你們想看看嗎? - 不用了,謝謝 | - Does anyone wanna see? - No,thanks! |
別那樣,拜託 | Don't do that. Come on! |
這比姆指還糟糕 | It's worse than the thumb. |
- 這不公平 - 為何不公平? | - This is so unfair. - Why is it unfair? |
我有缺點不行嗎?了不起嗎? | So I have a flaw! Big deal! |
喬伊常扳指關節就不惹人厭? | Joey's knuckle-cracking isn't annoying? |
羅斯把每個音發得太清楚 | Ross,over-pronouncing every word. |
莫妮卡大笑時的鼻音 搞什麼嘛 | Monica,who snorts when she laughs. I mean,what the hell is that thing? |
我接受大家所有的缺點 為何大家就不肯接受我的呢? | I accept those flaws. Why can't you accept me for this? |
扳指關節會惹人厭嗎?還是只是他比較煩 | Does the knuckle-cracking bother everybody,or just him? |
沒有它我也能活的下去 | I could live without it. |
覺得有點煩嗎? 感覺就和看到菲比咬她的頭髮時一樣? | Is it a little annoying? Or is it like when Phoebe chews her hair? |
菲比,別介意 我覺得那樣很可愛 | Don't listen to him. I think it's endearing. |
真的?是嗎? | Oh,you do,do you? |
咬字清晰又不犯法 | There's nothing wrong with speaking correctly. |
的確沒錯 | Indeed there isn't. |
我該回去工作了 | I should get back to work. |
那麼有人就會拿錯他們點的東西了 | Otherwise someone might get what they ordered. |
頭髮冒了出來,手套滑落下來 (全都發洩出來了) | The hair comes out and the gloves come off. |
你曾和一個你朋友都喜歡的男人約會嗎? | Ever go out with a guy your friends really like? |
沒有 | No. |
我在和一個我朋友都喜歡的男人約會 | I'm going out with a guy my friends really like. |
我們在談郊狼嗎? | Are we talking about the coyotes here? |
一頭牛居然逃脫了 | All right! A cow got through. |
你能相信嗎? | Can you believe it? |
就像是,你知道嗎… | It's just,you know what? |
我毫無感覺 | I just don't feel the "thing." |
而他們卻有感覺.我毫無感覺 | They feel the thing. I don't feel it. |
你應該要有感覺 | Honey,you should always feel the thing. |
如果對他沒感覺,就把他甩了 | If that's how you feel about the guy,dump him. |
- 我知道,但很難 - 沒錯,但他是大人了,他會熬過去的 | - It's gonna be really hard. - He'll get over it. |
不,他沒事.我擔心的是其他五人 | No,he'll be fine. It's the other five I'm worried about. |
- 難道你不尊重你的身體嗎? -你難道不明白自己在做什麼嗎? | - Don't you respect your body? - Don't you see what you're doing? |
還有你們的癌症肺氣腫和心臟病 | I've had it with your cancer,emphysema and heart disease. |
至少抽煙很酷,這點你們也很清楚 | The bottom line is,smoking is cool,and you know it. |
錢德,亞倫找你 | Alan wants to speak to you. |
真的,他找我? | Really? He does? |
老兄,什麼事? | Hey,buddy! What's up? |
她告訴你了? | She told you about that,huh? |
對,我偶爾會犯煙癮 對,現在 | Well,yeah. I have one now and then. Well,yeah,now. |
沒那麼糟 | It's not that |
這倒是真的 | Well,that's true. |
天啊,沒人這麼說過 | Gee,you know,no one's ever put it like that before. |
好的,謝謝 | Well,okay. Thanks. |
天啊,他真棒 | God,he's good. |
- 如果他是個女人,那該有多好 - 是的啊 | - If only he were a woman. - Yeah. |
小羊排! | Lamb Chop! |
那襪子到底有多舊了? | How old is that sock? |
如果我手上戴著襪子三十年 它也會開始說話 | If I had a sock on my hand for 30 years,it'd be talking too. |
有人該換尼古丁貼片了 | I think it's time to change somebody's nicotine patch. |
- 喬伊在哪兒? - 喬伊吃了我的最後一片口香糖 | - Where's Joey? - Joey ate my last stick of gum.. |
所以我就把他殺了 | so I killed him. |
你認為這樣不對嗎? | Do you think that was wrong? |
- 我想他在對面 - 謝謝 | - I think he's across the hall. - Thanks. |
好啦 | There you go. |
我又重拾快樂的生活 | I'm alive with pleasure now. |
菲比,你還想吃那個小松餅嗎? | Phoebe,do you want the rest of that Pop-Tart? |
誰想吃剩下的? | Does anyone want the rest of this Pop-Tart? |
我要 | Hey,I might. |
抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
汽水公司那些笨蛋 給我七千元當姆指的補償金 | The soda people gave me $7000 for the thumb. |
天啊,七千元別鬧了 我回家路上又踩到口香糖 | And on my way over here I stepped in gum. |
這世界到底怎麼了? | What is up with the universe? |
- 怎麼啦? - 只是覺得大夥兒在一起很溫馨 | - What's going on? - It's just nice when we're together. |
如果大家都有穿內褲會更好 | It's nicer when everyone gets to wear underwear. |
各位,我有話要說 | Please,guys,we have to talk. |
等等,我有似曾相識的感覺 | Wait! I'm getting a deja vu. |
不,好像沒有 | No,I'm not. |
- 好吧,我們需要談談. - 瞧,來了 | - We have to talk. - There it is! |
是有關亞倫的事 | Okay,it's about Alan. |
關於什麼,告訴他我們會去文藝復興節的 | Speaking of which,tell him we're on for the Renaissance Fair. |
在此之前,有件事應該讓你們知道 | Before you get into that,there's something you should know. |
真的很難啟齒 | There's really no easy way to say this. |
我決定和亞倫分手 | I've decided to break up with Alan. |
有第三者? | Is there somebody else? |
沒有 | No,it's just.. |
只是世事難料,人都會變 | you know,things change. People change. |
我們沒變 | We didn't change. |
就這樣?結束了? | So that's it? It's over? |
就這樣結束了 | Just like that? |
放下防禦,真心對待一個人… | You let your guard down. You start to care about someone,and.. |
- 我可以繼續偽裝… - 可以啊 | - I can go on pretending - Okay! |
不 | No. |
這樣對我不公平,對亞倫也是 對你們大家也是 | That wouldn't be fair to me,Alan,or to you. |
是嗎?誰要公平? | Well,who wants fair? |
我只想要回失去的,回到往日 | I just want things back,you know,the way they were. |
- 我很抱歉 - 她說抱歉,我舒坦多了 | - I'm sorry. - Oh,she's sorry. I feel better. |
我真是不敢相信 | I can't believe this! |
假期就要來臨了 我要帶他去見我的家人 | With the holidays coming up. I wanted him to meet my family. |
我會找到新歡的,另一個亞倫 | I'll meet someone. There'll be other Alans. |
是呀,另一個 | Yeah,right! |
- 你們不會有事吧? - 我們會好的 | - Are you guys gonna be okay? - We'll be fine. |
我們只是需要一點時間 | We're just gonna need a little time. |
我瞭解 | I understand. |
我真的很抱歉 | - Wow. - I'm really sorry. |
我也很抱歉 | Yeah,I mean,I'm sorry too. |
- 我有點松了一口氣 - 松了一口氣? | - But I'm a little relieved. - Relieved? |
對,我是說我和你在一起很開心 | Yeah,well,I mean,I had a great time with you. |
只是我受不了你朋友 | I just can't stand your friends. |
記得我們到中央公園划船嗎? | Remember when we went to Central Park and rented boats? |
沒錯,那很有趣 | That was fun. |
他劃得就像維京人一樣 | He could row like a Viking. |
情況如何? | So how'd it go? |
你知道的 | You know. |
他有提到我們嗎? | Did he mention us? |
他說他會想念你們的 | He says he's really gonna miss you guys. |
- 悲慘的一天? - 你無法體會 | - Rough day,huh? - You have no idea. |
過來寶貝 | Come here. |
- 我受夠了,我要抽煙 - 不行… | - That's it. I'm getting cigarettes. - No! |
我管不了那麼多了,我投降,我是懦夫 | I don't care! I'm weak! |
我要抽煙 | I've gotta have the smoke! |
如果你不再抽煙我就給你七千塊 | If you never smoke again,I'll give you $7000. |
好吧,沒問題 | Yeah,all right. |
別再爭了好嗎? 這又沒什麼大不了的 | Let it go. It's not a big deal. |
沒什麼大不了?這簡直是太神奇了 你夠到之後,把它扯下來 | Not a big deal? It's amazing. You reach in,there's one maneuver and bam! |
胸罩就從袖子出來了 | A bra. Right out the sleeve. |
據我所知,男生可沒有那樣簡單的事情 對不對? | As far as I know,guys don't do anything that comes close. Right? |
拜託,男生可以站著尿 | Come on! You guys can pee standing up. |
我們行嗎?我倒要試試看 | We can? Okay,I'm trying that. |
知道什麼最令我嫉妒? | Know what blows my mind? |
女人隨時都可以看自己的胸部 | Women can see breasts anytime they want. |
低頭一看…它就在那裡 | You look down,and there they are. |
真搞不懂你們怎麼會有心工作 | How you get any work done is beyond me. |
知道我搞不懂什麼嗎? 男人可以做許多下流的事… | I don't get how guys can do so many mean things... |
…卻能毫不在乎 | ...and not even care. |
多重性高潮 沒錯 | -Multiple orgasms! -There you go. |
六人行 第1季 第05集 洗衣服 | The One With the East German Laundry Detergent |
了不起,週末夜,重要的夜晚 | Saturday night. The big night! |
約會的夜晚…週末夜… | Date night! Saturday night. Saturday night! |
- 沒有計劃是嗎? - 一個都沒有 | -No plans,huh? -Not a one! |
連和珍妮絲分手的打算都沒有? | Not even breaking up with Janice? |
對…閉嘴 | Right,right. Shut up. |
錢德,沒有人喜歡分手 | Chandler,nobody likes breaking up with someone. |
凱文·米勒除外,願他在地獄裡爛掉 | Except for Kevin Millmore,may he rot in hell. |
-你明白的 -我知道,但是這確實太難了 | -You just gotta do it. -I know. But it's just so hard. |
你坐在她身旁…而她卻一無所知 | You're sitting there with her. She has no idea. |
最後你鼓起勇氣 | You finally get up the courage to do it. |
在這實在尷尬的時刻 當你將紙條拿給她 | There's that awkward moment when you've handed her the note. |
在她看完紙條之前,你嘗試著跑出飯店 | You try to run out of the restaurant before she's finished the note. |
幹嘛分手?…像個男人樣,不再打電話就行了 | Why do you have to break up with her? Be a man. Just stop calling. |
如果願意,我和你一起做 | If you want,I'll do it with you. |
謝了,但這樣她會認為 我們是聯手來對付她 | She'd feel like we're ganging up on her. |
你和珍妮絲分手 我和東尼分手 | You dump Janice,I'll dump T ony. |
-東尼?你要和東尼分手? -他人很好.但是我對他再沒新鮮感了 | -You're breaking up with T ony? -He's sweet,but it's not fun anymore. |
我不知道問題是在於我 還是他的絕食抗議 | I don't know if it's me or his hunger strike,I don't know. |
還有人需要什麼嗎? | Do you want anything else? |
你做了有核果,巧克力之類的派… | You had a nutty,chocolate-y,kind of cake-y,pie thing that |
沒事,我還好 | Nothing. I' m fine. |
怎麼啦,怪怪的 | What's wrong? Why so scrunchie? |
是我爸…他要買賓士敞篷車給我 | My father wants to give me a Mercedes convertible. |
那傢夥真叫我生氣 | That guy,he burns me up. |
如果想要賓士我就得搬回家了 | Yeah,it's a Mercedes if I move back home. |
太可惡了…他稱我為“年輕的女士” | It was horrible! He called me "young lady. " |
我最受不了我爸這樣叫我 | I hate when my father calls me that. |
他是不是又說你年紀太輕之類 | Did he say "You' re not up to this" again? |
對,他在這次加長版中說了三次… | I got the extended version with choruses of... |
…“你不可能獨立” | ... "You'll Never Make it on Your Own. " |
嘿,喬伊 | Hi,Joey. |
天呀,安吉拉 | Oh,my God! Angela! |
被你甩掉對她大有好處 | Wow! Being dumped by you agrees with her. |
-你想過去嗎? -不,是的,不 | -Are you gonna go over there? -No. Yeah. No. |
不,我不.我不想顯得太渴望了 | Okay,but not yet. I don't wanna seem too eager. |
一個密西西比,兩個密西西比 | One Mississippi,two Mississippi... |
…三個密西西比.那看起來真酷 | ...three Mississippi. That seems pretty cool. |
-安吉拉 -喬伊 | -Hey,Angela. -Joey. |
你看起來不錯 | You look good. |
因為我的衣服突顯出我的胸部 | That's because l' m wearing a dress that accents my boobs. |
看得出來 | You don't say. |
瑞秋,你今晚有何節目? | So,Rachel,what are you doing tonight? |
精彩豐富,我要和莫妮卡去洗衣店 | Big glamour night. Me and Monica at Launderama. |
想知道有個巧合嗎? 猜猜誰也要去洗衣店? | You wanna hear a freakish coincidence? Guess who's doing laundry there too? |
-誰? -我 | -Who? -Me! |
難道還不夠清楚? | Was that not clear? |
何不… | Why don't...? |
何不讓我加入你們? | Why don't I just join you both there? |
你的公寓沒有洗衣間嗎? | Don't you have a laundry room in your building? |
是的 | Yes. |
有,我的公寓有洗衣間 | I do have a laundry room in my building. |
但是現在有老鼠了 | But there's a rat problem. |
它們顯然對烘乾機裡的香料紙感興趣 | Apparently,they're attracted to dryer sheets. |
進入時還好 出來時卻毛絨絨的 | They're going in fine,but they're coming out all fluffy. |
-7點左右見? -好的 | -Anyway,7-ish? -Sure. |
-免了,我現在和鮑伯交往 -鮑伯?誰是鮑伯? | -Forget it. I' m with Bob now. -Bob? Who the hell's Bob? |
鮑伯簡直是棒透了 聰明,成熟,又有真正的工作 | Bob is great. He's smart,sophisticated,and he has a real job. |
你每個月面試三次就稱自己是演員 但是鮑伯 | You go on three auditions a month and you' re an actor. Bob |
我們在一起時很開心 | Come on! We were great together. |
不只是尋歡作樂我們也聊得來 | And not just at the fun stuff,but,like,talking too. |
抱歉,喬伊 你曾說我們當朋友就好,那麼 | Sorry,Joey. You said," Let's be friends. " So guess what? |
-什麼? -我們只是朋友 | -What? -We' re just friends. |
行 | Fine. Fine. |
我們四個何不一起出去吃晚飯? 就像朋友一樣 | Why don't the four of us have dinner tonight? As friends. |
哪四個? | What "four of us"? |
你和鮑伯,我和我的女友… | You and Bob,and me and my girlfriend... |
…莫妮卡 | ... Monica. |
要我說,這小夥絕對適合你 | I' m telling you,this guy's perfect for you. |
算了吧,從你那打嗝會嗝出字母表的表兄後 我再也不敢了 | Forget it! Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet. |
沒騙你,他真的很棒 他叫鮑伯,安吉拉的… | Come on,this guy's great. His name's Bob. He's Angela's... |
…哥哥 鮑伯簡直是太棒了 聰明,成熟 | ... brother. He's smart,he's sophisticated... |
…又有真正的工作 | ...and he has a real job. |
我呢?我每個月面試三次就稱自己是演員 | I go on three auditions a month and say l' m an actor,but he's |
-上帝啊 -什麼? | -God help us. -What? |
醜陋的裸男在鋪廚房瓷磚 | Ugly Naked Guy is laying kitchen tile. |
我在求你幫忙 | Look,l' m asking a favor here. |
如果我能為她哥哥做點事 或許她會回到我身旁 | If I do this for her brother,maybe Angela will come back to me. |
你是怎麼了? 你和千百個女人約會 | What's going on? You go out with tons of girls. |
我知道,但是安吉拉很不一樣 | I know,but Angela's different. |
她就像那一種…那種雪花或者… | She's like one of a kind,like a snowflake or.... |
-其他像雪花的東西? -是的,是的 | -Something else like a snowflake? -Yeah,yeah. |
我犯了天大的錯誤 我不該和她分手 | Look,I made a huge mistake. I never should've broke up with her. |
願意幫我嗎?求求你 | Will you help me? Please? |
等等…你能不能不要碰其他的東西 | Hold on a sec. You need to not touch any of those. |
沒問題,再見 | Okay,bye. |
莫妮卡不能去了 現在只剩我和瑞秋 | Monica's not coming. It's just gonna be me and Rachel. |
等等,老兄你確定自己仔細想過 | Hold on,camper. You've thought this through? |
只是去洗衣服,沒仔細想過 | It's laundry. The thinking-through is minimal. |
你是說只有你和瑞秋? 只有你們兩個? | Just you and Rachel? Just you two? |
這叫約會 你們要去約會 | This is a date. You're going on a date. |
-我有一陣子沒幹這個了啊 -她都不知道能算是約會嗎? | -I haven't done that in a while. -ls it a date if she doesn't know? |
當然是的 星期六晚上,什麼規則都可以用 | Yes,absolutely. Saturday night,all rules apply. |
你在說些什麼呢? 該再刮刮鬍子或挑瓶美酒? | What are you saying? I should shave again? Pick up some wine? |
或許你該再考慮你那骯髒的內衣褲 | Well,you may wanna rethink the dirty underwear. |
因為她將首度見到你的內衣褲 想讓她看見你那骯髒的內衣褲嗎? | It's the first time she'll see your underwear. You want it dirty? |
不想 | No. |
衣物柔順劑也有問題 | And the fabric softener? |
我的熊寶貝柔順劑又怎麼了? | Okay,now what is wrong with my Snuggles? |
這代表我敏感貼心 | What? It says I'm a sensitive,warm kind of guy. |
就像一隻毛絨絨的熊寶貝 | You know,like a little fuzzy bear. |
-好吧,我會在路上買其他牌子 -這才對 | -I'll pick something else up. -There you go. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
鮑伯長什麼樣? 到底是高還是矮? | What does Bob look like? Is he tall,short? |
-什麼? -什麼什麼? | -Which? -Which what? |
-你沒和鮑伯見過面,對不? -對,可是… | -You've never met Bob,have you? -No,but |
-拜託,這傢夥可能相當… 嘿,喬伊 | -For all we know,he's horribly -Hey,Joey! |
非常的吸引人. 我閉嘴就是了 | Horribly attractive. I'll be shutting up now. |
他們在哪兒?他們在哪兒? | Where are they? Where are they? |
感覺真好,我們倆從未獨處過 | This is nice. We never do anything,just the two of us. |
對,或許明天 我們可以租輛車撞幾隻小狗 | Great. Maybe tomorrow we can rent a car,run over some puppies. |
我不想那樣 | I don't wanna do that. |
-她來了 -祝你有個愉快的分手 | -Here we go. -Have a good breakup. |
-珍妮絲 -真高興你打電話給我 | -Hey,Janice. -My God,I am so glad you called me. |
我從來沒這麼悲慘的一天 | I had the most supremely awful day. |
不妙 | That's not good. |
能端杯濃縮咖啡和拿鐵來嗎? | Can I get an espresso and a latte over here? |
我們剛在有蔬菜的那個攝影小站拍了照 但那些蔬菜爛透了 | We got the proofs from the shoot with the vegetables. They sucked. |
我的整個下午就這樣毀了 我去逛街購物 | I blew off the afternoon. I went shopping. |
然後就為你買… | And I got you.... |
我在找…我在找… | I'm looking. I'm looking. |
我為你… | I' m looking. |
-我為你… -什麼? | -I got you -What? |
-什麼? -你幫我買什麼? | -What? -What did you get me there? |
我幫你買… | I got you... |
…這個 | ...these. |
馴鹿布威圖案的襪子(《飛鼠洛基冒險記》中的動畫角色) | Bullwinkle socks. |
-真可愛 -我知道你已有松鼠洛基的了 | -That's sweet. -I knew you had Rockys. |
你可以穿一雙布威的或穿一雙洛基的,或混著穿 | You can wear Bullwinkle and Bullwinkle or Rocky and Rocky,or you can mix. |
馴鹿和松鼠,隨你高興 | Moose and squirrel. Whatever you want. |
我再去叫一杯濃縮咖啡 想再來一杯拿鐵嗎? | I'm gonna get another espresso. More latte? |
不用了,我的還沒喝完 | No,l' m still working on mine. |
-你這樣就搞定了? -是的,你知道這樣做很難 | -That's it? -Yeah,it was really hard. |
-沒錯,那個擁抱真慘烈 -你又不是當事人 | -Yeah,the hug looked pretty brutal. -You weren't there. |
-對不起 -事情處理的怎樣? | -Sorry. -How are things going? |
怎樣?還沒有進展. 她給我買了襪子 | Going? Things are not going. She got me socks. |
可以配你的洛基了啊! 她真的很關心你,對不起 | These go with your Rockys. She really cares about you l' m sorry. |
借過,讓開… | Coming through. Move. Move! |
抱歉,我用這台洗衣機 | Excuse me! I was kind of using that machine. |
是嗎?不過現在不是了 | Yeah,well,now you' re kind of not. |
但是我占位置了,我放了籃子在上面 | But I saved it. I put my basket on top. |
抱歉,這是你的籃子嗎? | I'm sorry. Is that your basket? |
真漂亮, 但是我沒看到肥皂水 | It's pretty. Unfortunately,I don't see suds! |
什麼? | What? |
沒肥皂水就不算保留,行嗎? | No suds,no save,okay? |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
沒什麼 這個凶女人搶了我的洗衣機 | Nothing. This horrible woman just took my machine. |
你有把籃子放上面嗎? | Was your basket on top? |
-有,但是沒有肥皂水? -然後呢? | -Yeah,but there were no suds. -So? |
-沒肥皂水就不算保留 -沒肥皂水,抱歉 | -You know,no suds,no save. -No suds,no Excuse me. |
等等 這是我朋友用的機器 | Hold on a second! This is my friend's machine. |
她的東西沒在裡面 | Hey,hey,hey! Her stuff wasn't in it! |
你明知根本沒這個規矩 | Hey,hey,hey! That's not the rule,and you know it! |
表演結束 | All right. Show's over. |
沒什麼好看的 | Nothing to see here. |
洗衣服吧 | Okay. Let's do laundry. |
這簡直是太神奇了 我連湯都不敢退 | That was amazing! I can't even send back soup. |
因為你是個溫柔可愛的 | Well,that's because you' re such a sweet,gentle.... |
你?你? 你得用洗衣粉 | Do you? Do you? Oh,hey. You must need detergent. |
-那是什麼? 烏伯懷斯 | -What's that? -Uberweiss. |
來自德國的新產品 洗淨力超強 | It's new. It's German. It's extra tough! |
瑞秋,你不打算分開洗嗎? | Rach,are you gonna separate those? |
天哪,我像個洗衣大白癡 | Oh,God. Am I being a total laundry spaz? |
我得用一台洗襯衣 用另一台洗褲子嗎? | Am I supposed to use one machine for shirts and another for pants? |
你沒洗過衣服? | Have you never done this before? |
沒有,但我認識這樣洗過的人 | Well,not myself. But I know other people that have. |
好吧,被你說對了 我沒洗過衣服 | Okay. You caught me. I'm a laundry virgin. |
別擔心,我會用輕柔絞洗 | Don't worry. I'll use the gentle cycle. |
你得用一台洗你全部的白衣白衣 | Basically,you wanna use one machine for all your whites. |
另一台洗其他顏色的衣服 | A whole other machine for your colors. |
第三台洗… | And a third for your... |
…貼身.胸罩和… | ...delicates. That would be your bras... |
…內褲之類的 | ...and your underpanty things. |
這些棉質的白色內褲呢? | These are white cotton panties. |
與白衣還是貼身衣物一起洗? | Would they go with whites or with delicates? |
隨便你 | That would be a judgment call. |
他好帥 | He's so cute! |
你們在哪兒長大? | Where did you grow up? |
-布魯克林 -克裡佛蘭 | -Brooklyn Heights. -Cleveland. |
-怎麼會這樣? -天哪! | -How'd that happen? -My God! |
怎麼了 | What? |
我突然感到一陣暈眩 | I suddenly had the feeling I was falling. |
但是沒有 | But I'm not. |
你和安吉拉在一起? | So,you and Angela,huh? |
-差不多 -你真幸運 | -Yep. Pretty much. -You' re a lucky man. |
知道我最想念她什麼? | Know what I miss most about her? |
她輕啃東西的聲音 | That cute nibbly noise she makes when she eats. |
好像是快樂的小松鼠… | Like a happy little squirrel... |
…或是鼬 | ...or a weasel. |
-我倒是沒注意過 -以後注意聽 | -I never really noticed. -Oh,yeah,yeah. Listen for it. |
莫妮卡,莫妮卡很好 | Monica. Monica is great. |
沒錯 | Yeah,she is. |
不過不會維持很久 | But it's not gonna last. |
她要的太多了…在床上 | She's too much for me in bed. |
性方面的 | Sexually. |
我得告訴你,鮑伯簡直是太棒了 | I've gotta tell you,Bob is terrific. |
可不是嗎 | Yeah,isn't he? |
能遇上聰明幽默 心智年齡超過八歲的人真棒 | It's great to meet a smart,funny guy who's emotionally older than 8. |
知道嗎?他在床上更是不可思議 | You know what else? He's unbelievable in bed! |
我哥從未跟我談過 他何時失去他的第一次 | My brother never even told me when he lost his virginity. |
真好 | That's nice. |
你能辦到的 這就像是拔創可貼一樣 | You can. It's like pulling off a Band-Aid. |
快速拔起…露出傷口 | Just do it really fast,and then the wound is exposed. |
快去 | Go! Go! |
珍妮絲… | Hi,Janice. |
我是說,我想我們不該再交往下去了 | Here we go. I don't think we should go out anymore. |
好的 | All right. |
我知道了… | Well,there you go. |
停下來,停下來…. | Stop it,stop it,stop it. |
這和你無關 | This isn't about you. |
我知道,只是你害怕承諾 | I know! It's about your fear of commitment. |
我一點也不怕 | I' m not afraid. |
-拜託. -我不怕 | -Please. -I don't! |
-我不怕!我準備好了隨時都可以承諾 -真的嗎? | -I don't! I' m ready to commit anytime. -Really? |
我知道這聽起來很傻… | I know this is gonna sound stupid... |
…但是我覺得如果我可以做這些 | ... but I feel that if I can do this... |
…我想如果我可以自己洗衣服的話 | ...if I can actually do my own laundry... |
…我就沒有辦不到的事 | ...there isn't anything I can't do. |
我一點都不覺得傻 | That does not sound stupid to me. |
就像卡蘿離開後,我第一次動手做晚飯 | The first time I had to cook for myself after Carol left me |
抱歉,時間到 接下來到我了 | I'm sorry,that's all the time we have. Next on Ross.... |
怎麼了? | -Uh-oh. -What? |
衣服洗好了 | Uh-oh....the laundry's done.{ |
這是一首歌 | It's a song. |
我們唱的一首洗衣歌 | The laundry song we sing. |
衣服洗好了 | Uh-oh! The laundry's done |
-到底怎麼了? -沒事 | -What's the matter? -Nothing. |
衣服洗好了… | The laundry's done |
羅斯,快給我看… | Come on,show me. |
好吧,白衣中有一隻紅襪 所以白衣全變成… | It's just that you left a red sock with your whites,and now... |
…全變成粉紅色 | ...everything's kind of pink. |
全變成粉紅色? | Everything's pink? |
對,但紅襪還是紅襪 | Except for the red sock,which is still red. |
抱歉,別傷心,任何人都可能發生這種事 | Don't be upset. It can happen to anyone. |
但是對我還是發生了 | But it happened to me. |
我穿這些看來會像一隻棉花糖粉紅豬 | God,I'm gonna look like a big Marshmallow Peep! |
我到底是怎麼了? | What am I doing? |
我爸說得對,我無法獨立生活 | My father's right! I can't live on my own. |
我連洗衣服都不會 | I can't even do laundry! |
超狗(感恩節遊行中的標誌卡通形象)氣球出了意外 它的頭無法充氣 | Something went wrong with Underdog and they couldn't inflate his head. |
於是… | So anyway... |
…於是它的頭就落在百老匯了 | ...his head is flopping down Broadway,right? |
我心想這實在太不像話了 | And I'm thinking how inappropriate this is. |
有東西跑進我眼睛 能到燈下幫我看看嗎? | Something's in my eye. Could we check it in the light,please? |
-我的天呀! -怎麼啦? | -Oh,my God! -What? |
我們是坐在同一桌嗎? 這就像是… | Were we at the same table? It's like... |
…阿巴拉契亞的雞尾酒會(太離譜了) | ...cocktails in Appalachia. |
-他們感情很好 -感情很好?她舌頭都伸進了他的耳朵 | -They' re close. -Close? Her tongue's in his ear. |
你和羅斯就不會有小動作? | Like you've never got a little rambunctious with Ross. |
喬伊,這令人太難受了,讓人噁心 | Joey,this is sick. It's disgusting. It's... |
這不是真的,對不? | ... not really true' is it? |
誰說是真的? | Who's to say what's true? |
-你到底在想什麼? -好吧,我也不喜歡這樣 | -What were you thinking? -l' m not proud of this,okay? |
或許有一點 | Well,maybe I am a little. |
-我要走了 -等等 | -l' m out of here! -Wait! |
你喜歡他,我要她,他喜歡你 | You like him. I want her. He likes you. |
-真的? -沒錯 | -Really? -Yeah. |
我想只要我們一起想辦法 | If we put our heads together,between the two of us... |
就能讓他們分開 | ...we can break them up. |
真是抱歉沒想到我會這樣 | I' m sorry. I can't believe I did this. |
你的諾曼·梅勒(美國著名作家)的故事讓我笑得嘴巴合不攏 | I couldn't stop laughing at your Norman Mailer story. |
服務生,再來一盤雞翅 | Waiter? One more plate of chicken wings over here. |
我們是不同類型的人 | Here's the thing. We're different. |
我就好像丁丁丁 你就好像梆梆梆 | I'm bing,bing,bing. You' re boom,boom,boom. |
糟了,抱歉 | Oh,my God! I' m so sorry! |
你沒事吧 | Are you okay? |
沒事,只是我的隱形眼鏡 | It's just my lens. It's my lens. |
我馬上回來 | I'll be right back. |
我打中她的眼睛,眼睛 | I hit her in the eye! In the eye! |
這是有史以來世上最糟糕的分手 | This is the worst breakup in the history of the world! |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
-你到底喝了幾杯? -我也不知道,一百萬杯? | -How many have you had? -I don't know. A million! |
錢德,放輕鬆 快回到你的快樂天堂 | Chandler,easy,easy. Go to your happy place. |
-我沒事的… -好吧 | -l' m fine,l' m fine. -All right. |
-不好,她回來了 -在這兒等著,深呼吸 | -l' m not fine. Here she is. -Wait here,okay? Breathe. |
-你是怎麼辦到的? -我有天賦 | -How do you do that? -It's like a gift. |
我每次分手都該找你 | We should always break up together. |
我樂意之至 | I'd like that! |
你已把衣服洗淨了 這是最重要的 | The clothes are clean. That's the important part. |
大概吧…只是衣服都成了睡衣 | I guess. Except everything looks like jammies now. |
抱歉,推車本來是我們的 | I'm sorry. Excuse me. We had this cart. |
我的腰圍本來是24寸 你丟東西了 | I had a 24-inch waist. You lose things. |
讓開,別擋道 | Now,come on. Get out of my way. |
抱歉,或許我沒說清楚 這車是我們的 | I' m sorry. Maybe I wasn't being clear. This was our cart. |
這上面沒有衣服 | There weren't clothes in it! |
你又再亂編規定了 | Hey,hey,hey,hey! Quit making up rules! |
放手,車是我的 | Let go! Come on,it's my cart. |
好吧,想用這輛車 | Listen,Mitzi,if you want it... |
你就得推著我一起走 | ...you' re gonna have to take me with it! |
-我贏了,看見沒? -你真是太神奇了 | -Yes! Did you see that? -You were incredible. |
女士們先生們,一位脫胎換骨的新女性 | A brand-new woman,ladies and gentlemen. |
多虧了你我才能辦到 | Thank you. I could not have done this without you. |
烘乾機裡還有衣服? | More clothes in the dryer? |
-我沒事,我沒事 -你確定 | -I'm fine. I'm fine. -Are you sure? |
-你確定你沒事 -是的 | -Are you sure you' re okay? -Yeah. |
-還疼嗎? -是的 | -Does it still hurt? -Yeah. |
真是聰明,衣服顏色都很配 我也要這麼做 | What a neat idea! All your clothes match. I' m gonna do this. |
-嘿,怎麼樣啦? -很好! | -How'd it go? -Excellent! |
我們拆散那一對 並將他們占為已有 | We ripped that couple apart and kept the pieces for ourselves. |
真是美麗動人的故事 | What a beautiful story. |
-順便說一下我沒事. -對不起沒注意 | -I'm fine,by the way. -I'm sorry. |
-錢德在哪兒? -他需要一點時間療傷 | -Where's Chandler? -He needed time to grieve. |
我自由了…我自由了… | I' m free! I' m free! |
他應該這麼做 | That ought to do it. |
你們看,是喬伊的照片 | Oh,look! There's Joey's picture! |
真是令人興奮 | This is so exciting! |
你總是能看見 從未在自己作品中出現的某人 | You can spot someone who's never seen his plays. |
注意力強,無畏無懼 | Notice,no fear. No sense of impending doom. |
"三號男演員不能讓維克.夏皮羅演" | "The role of man number three will not be played by Vic Shapiro. " |
看來我們來錯時間了啊. | We came on the wrong night. |
不敢相信我居然把雜誌忘了 | I can't believe I forgot a magazine. |
-這樣也許更好一些 -我不知道 | -Come on,this might be good. -I don't know. |
標題上的驚嘆號讓我害怕 這不只是佛洛德,而是佛洛德! | The exclamation point scares me. It's not just Freud,it's Freud! |
奇跡就要出現 | Magic is about to happen! |
伊娃 | Well,Eva... |
你今天的表現不錯 | ...we've done some excellent work here. |
我得說…… | And I would have to say... |
……你的問題相當清楚 | ...your problem is quite clear. |
你只是想要一個風鈴 | All you want is a tinkle |
你討厭流行的東西 | What you envy's a schwang |
聽它發出清脆的聲音 | A thing through which you can tinkle |
撥弄著它,或是掛在那邊 | To play with or simply let hang |
六人行 第1季 第06集 屁股 | The One With the Butt |
丹尼爾·E·漢克出品 新音樂劇《佛洛德》 | |
我感覺自己受到冒犯了 | I feel violated. |
還有誰感覺想剝他們的皮 | Did anybody else feel like peeling their skin off... |
或者做點其他的事情? | ...to have something else to do? |
羅斯,十點鐘 | Ross,10:00. |
是嗎?感覺像是兩點 | Is it? It feels like 2. |
-不,十點鐘 -什麼? | -No,10:00! -What? |
一位美女在8,9,10點鐘方向 | There's a beautiful woman at 8,9,10:00! |
喂! | Hello! |
她太美了 她讓我的夢中情人變得有如矮胖的禿子 | She's amazing! She makes the women l dream about look like fat,bald men. |
過去啊,她旁邊沒人 | Go over. She's not with anyone. |
對,我該用什麼開場白? 打擾了,啦啦啦啦之類的 | And what would my opening line be? Excuse me.... |
拜託,她只是個人,你可以的 | Come on,she's a person. You can do it. |
請告訴我,我配得上她嗎? 羅斯,做我的後盾吧 | Could she be more out of my league? Back me up. |
他這副德行一百萬年都別想得到這種美女 | He couldn't get a woman like that in a million years. |
但這種美女,身邊總是跟著蹩腳貨 | You always see these beautiful women with "nothing" guys. |
你也可以成為其中之一 | You could be one of those guys. |
-沒錯,你能辦到 -你也認為? | -You could do that. -You think? |
是的. | Absolutely! |
沒想到我竟有這種念頭 | I can't believe I'm considering this. |
-我一向謹言慎行 -快去 | -l' m very aware of my tongue. -Come on. |
我上了 | Here goes. |
退後,夥計.炮火來襲. | Stand back,everyone. Incoming ego shrapnel. |
好的,我能做到的 | All right,I can do this. |
-怎麼? -嗨. | -Yes? -Hi. |
下個字是… | Okay,next word would be... |
…錢德 | ... Chandler. |
我叫錢德 | Chandler is my name and.... |
嗨 | Hi! |
我知道,你說過 | Yes,you said that. |
對,我說過 但我沒說我想說... | Yes! Yes,I did. But what I didn't say.... |
我想說的是…… | What I wanted to say was... |
……願意與我約會嗎? 謝謝,晚安 | ...would you like to go out with me? Thank you. Good night. |
錢德 | Chandler? |
-想不到你會跳舞 -你演戲了 | -I didn't know you could dance! -You were in a play! |
感覺如何? | What'd you think? |
-想不到你會跳舞 -你演戲了 | -I didn't know you could dance! -You were in a play! |
拜託,沒那麼糟吧 我是主角 | It wasn't that bad. I was the lead. |
這次我在輪唱中出現 至少你們可以看見我的頭 | It was better than the troll thing. At least you got to see my head. |
-對沒錯 -我們有看見你的頭 | -You're right. -We saw your head. |
這德國口音怎麼樣? | How about that accent? |
不錯,你的W全變成V了 | Yeah. All of your W's were V's. |
她答應了… | She said yes! |
好爛的戲,夥計,爛 | Awful play,man! |
她叫亞蘿拉,來自義大利 她叫我“錢德呃呃呃” | Her name's Aurora. She's ltalian and she pronounces my name " Chandler. " |
我喜歡她這樣稱呼我 | I like that better. |
領座員要我把它交給你 | The usher gave me this. |
-這是什麼? -艾斯黛雷納德經紀公司 | -What is it? -The Estelle Leonard T alent Agency. |
經紀公司拿名片給我 或許他們想和我簽約 | An agency left its card. They wanna sign me! |
因為這場戲? | Based on this play? |
因為這一場戲! | Based on this play! |
瞧!背面有字 | Look! There's a note on the back. |
"喜歡你的工作.請叫我挖牆腳的" | "Loved your work. Call me a sap. " |
顯然她非常的動人 | She was obviously very moved! |
你應該馬上打電話給她 | You should call her fairly quickly. |
越快越好 | Yeah! As soon as possible! |
請進 | Come in! |
嗨,我來找艾斯黛雷納德的. | Hi. I'm here to see Estelle Leonard. |
等等,讓我看看她在不在…… | Just a moment,let me see if she's in. |
你好. | Hello. |
-你是艾斯黛? -我知道…… | -You' re Estelle? -I know... |
……你在期待 一位美麗動人的小姐. | ...you weren't expecting someone so fantastically beautiful. |
笨小夥.放下負擔 親愛的,坐下來 | Love lump. T ake a load off already,darling. Sit already. |
我無法用語言表述 到這裡來我有多麼興奮 | I can't tell you how excited I am to be here. |
為什麼? | Why not? |
-我的意思是說 -你不介意我邊吃邊聽吧 | -What I meant was -You don't mind if I eat,do you? |
喬伊 | Joey... |
……讓我問你一個問題 | ...sweetheart,let me ask you a question. |
你看過"西雅圖未眠夜"這部電影嗎? | Did you ever see the movie Sleepless in Seattle? |
-喔!你要我扮演那些演員 -不是. | -Wow! Do you represent those actors? -No. |
你知道結尾的,最後他們快樂的在一起 | But you know the end,where they' re happy? |
那將是你和我的結局 | That's gonna be you and me. |
你是說你準備和我簽約 | You mean you wanna sign me? |
不,我要到帝國大廈頂樓去親熱. | No,I wanna go to the top of the Empire State Building and make out. |
我當然是要簽你啊! | Of course I wanna sign you! |
小姐,我實在是 -噢,小夥子 | -Miss Leonard,I'm so -Oh,boy. |
-坐在那裡,牛仔. -對不起! | -Ride them,cowboy. -l' m sorry! |
三維立體畫 | |
我看不到 | I don't see it! |
-試著穿透過去 -讓你的眼睛離焦. | -T ry to look through it. -Unfocus your eyes. |
集中?沒有什麼東西可以集中眼力 | Focus? There's nothing to focus on. |
-是自由女神 -對啦 | -It's the Statue of Liberty! -Right! |
-自由女神在哪裡? -那裡. | -Where's the Statue of Liberty? -There. |
現在我看不到了 | I can't not see it now. |
嗨,小子! | Hey,kids! |
到這裡來.你在這裡看到什麼了嗎? | Come here. Do you see anything here? |
-看起來像一隻船 -一隻船. | -lt looks like a boat. -A boat. |
正好在自由女神前面 | Right in front of the Statue of Liberty. |
我坐在這兒都七秒鐘了 竟沒人問我的約會如何? | It's been seven seconds,and you haven't asked me how my date went. |
你的約會如何,錢德呃呃呃? | How was your date,Chandler? |
真是令人難以置信 | It was unbelievable! |
我沒見過像她那樣的人 她的生活真是太令人稱羨了 | I've never met anyone like her. She's had an amazing life! |
她穿過以色列陣地 | She was in the Israeli army. |
幸好子彈沒打中引擎 我們才能越過邊界 | None of the bullets hit the engine,so we made it to the border. |
真是有驚無險 | But just barely,and l.... |
我整晚都在談我自己,抱歉 | I've been talking about myself all night long. I'm sorry. |
你呢?說來聽聽嘛 | What about you? T ell me a story. |
有一回... | All right,once... |
我搭地鐵 | ... I got on the subway. |
是在晚上 | And it was at night... |
...那晚我搭地鐵到布魯克林區 | ...and I rode it all the way to Brooklyn. |
僅為了無聊 | Just for the hell of it. |
我們一直談到兩點,那真是個美好的夜晚 | We talked until 2:00. It was perfect. |
可以這麼說 | More or less. |
突然我們發現自己身在葉門 | Suddenly,we realized we were in Yemen. |
我們,我們是誰? | I' m sorry,so "we" is...? |
我和瑞克 | "We" is me and Rick. |
瑞克是誰? | Who's Rick? |
瑞克是誰? | Who's Rick? |
我丈夫 | My husband. |
-這麼說你們已經離婚 -沒有 | -Oh,so you' re divorced? -No. |
對不起,這麼說你是寡婦? 希望如此 | I' m sorry. So you' re widowed? Hopefully? |
不,我們還是夫妻 | No,l' m still married. |
告訴我你丈夫做何感想? 你坐在我身旁... | So,how would your husband feel about you sitting here with me... |
...腳伸到我大腿 足以數我口袋裡的零錢? | ...sliding your foot so far up my leg you can count the change in my pocket? |
別擔心, | Don't worry. |
我想他會接受的 因為他也接受伊森這麼做 | He'd be okay with you because he's okay with Ethan. |
伊森?有伊森這號人物? | Ethan? There's an Ethan? |
伊森是我的男友 | Ethan is my boyfriend. |
什麼? | What? |
告訴我你期待我們之間會有什麼關係... | What kind of relationship do you imagine us having... |
既然你已有丈夫和男友 | ...if you have a husband and a boyfriend? |
大概是性關係吧 | I suppose,mainly sexual. |
真是遺憾,你們散了 | Sorry it didn't work out. |
什麼,散了? 週四我還要和她約會 | What,not work out? I'm seeing her again on Thursday. |
難道你沒聽懂? | Didn't you listen to the story? |
難道你沒聽懂? | Didn't you listen? |
這太離譜了!你怎能和這種女人交往? | It's twisted!How could you get involved with her? |
開始我也無法接受 但後來我想此事也挺好 | I had trouble with it at first. But I get the good stuff. |
只有談天說笑和做愛... | All the fun,all the talking,all the sex... |
不用負任何責任 | ...and none of the responsibility. |
-這是每個男人的夢想 -是嗎?未必吧 | -This is every guy's fantasy! -That's not true! |
-羅斯,這是你的夢想嗎? -當然不是 | -Ross,is this your fantasy? -No,of course not. |
沒錯,是 | Yeah. Yeah,it is. |
你們男生不介意 和已有對象的女人交往? | You'd go out with someone going out with someone else? |
-我辦不到 -幹得好,喬伊 | -I couldn't. -Good for you. |
和女人交往時,我必須確定... | When l' m with a woman,I need to know... |
...我交往的對象比她多 | ... I' m going out with more people than her. |
一次我和一個剛離婚的傢夥出去 | Once,I went out with a guy who just got divorced. |
這很麻煩.相比之下 他的孩子更喜歡我一些 | It was hard. His kids liked me better than him. |
錢德必須作些什麼呢? | What does this have to do with Chandler? |
什麼也不用. | Nothing. |
關於這個話題我什麼都不想說 | I didn't have anything on that topic. |
好吧,我換一種方法 | So I went another way. |
你知道,一夫一妻值得商榷 | You know,monogamy can be a tricky concept. |
就人類學的觀點而言… | I mean,anthropologically speaking |
好了…不聽是你們的損失 | Fine. Now you'll never know. |
逗你的,告訴我們吧 | We' re kidding. T ell us. |
-我們想知道 -快說, | -We wanna know. -Come on! |
好吧理查李奇提出這樣的理論… | All right. There's a theory put forth by Richard Leakey |
現在都這樣打招呼嗎?我喜歡 | Are we greeting each other this way now? I like it. |
瞧,我大掃除了 | Look! I cleaned! |
我擦窗戶,拖地板 | I did the windows. I did the floors. |
我用了吸塵器上的所有功能除了那個圓形的之外,它有什麼用處? | I used all the vacuum attachments but the round one. What's it for? |
沒人知道,我們也不該問 | Nobody knows. And we're not supposed to ask. |
你們感覺怎樣? | What do you think? |
-很乾淨 -真的看起來不錯 | -It's very clean. -Really,it looks great! |
你移動了綠色的墊椅 | I see you moved the green ottoman. |
怎麼會呢? | How did that happen? |
我不知道,我以為擺那兒會更好看 | I don't know. It looked better there. |
咖啡桌旁就多了一個座位 | And it's an extra seat around the table. |
這倒有意思 | Yeah,it's interesting. |
這樣好了,只是好玩... | But you know what? Just for fun... |
...我們看它在原來位置的感覺如何 | ...Iet's see what it looked like in the old spot. |
只是做個比較 | Just to compare. |
讓我看看 | Let's see. |
放那兒也不錯 | Well,it looks good there too. |
就擺那兒一陣子吧 | Let's leave it there for a while. |
我無法相信你竟敢搬動了綠色墊椅 | I can't believe you moved the green ottoman. |
幸好你沒攤開雜誌 否則她鐵定會挖出你的眼睛 | Be glad you didn't fan the magazines. She'll scratch your eyes out. |
-各位,我沒那麼凶吧 -你就那麼凶 | -You guys,I am not that bad! -Yeah,you are. |
記得我們住在一起時嗎? 你就像個… | Remember,I lived with you? You were a little.... |
(電影《驚魂記》中殺人時的恐怖背景音樂) | |
這太不公平了 | That is so unfair! |
拜託,我們小時候 你連“破爛的安”(一種衣服破爛的布娃娃)都弄得一點都不破 | When we were kids,yours was the only Raggedy Ann doll that wasn't raggedy. |
我有責任感有組織性 | Okay,so I'm responsible. I'm organized. |
可是我也能很懶散 | But hey,I can be a kook! |
好吧,懶女人, | All right,you madcap gal! |
想像這個情況 | Imagine this. |
電話單來 但你不立刻去交錢 | The phone bill arrives,but you don't pay it right away. |
-為什麼? -因為你是個大懶人 | -Why not? -Because you're a kook! |
一直拖到他們寄催繳通知單來 | You wait until they send a notice. |
我可以辦到 | I could do that. |
你讓我去買日常用品 | Okay,then you let me go grocery shopping |
-沒問題 -我還沒說完 | -No problem. -I'm not done yet. |
我買了洗衣粉,但是是不容易倒出來的那種. | And I buy detergent,but it's not the one with the easy-pour spout. |
有人會那樣做嗎? | Why would someone do that? |
有人會想… | One might wonder. |
我就沒有問題 | But I would be fine with that. |
有人在咖啡桌上留下杯子 沒有墊子,天氣很熱,一杯冷飲 | A glass is on the table with no coaster. A cold drink. A hot day. |
小水珠逐漸逼近桌面… | Beads of condensation are inching closer to the wood.... |
夠了 | Stop it! |
天啊, | Oh,my God! |
沒錯,我到底是誰? | It's true. Who am l? |
莫妮卡,你是媽媽那樣的. | Monica,you' re Mom. |
天啊, | Oh,my God! |
好,我會去的 | Okay,I'll be there. |
我的經紀人打來的 | That was my agent. |
他安排我在艾爾帕西諾的新片中演出 | My agent has just gotten me a job in the new Al Pacino movie! |
-太棒了… -演什麼角色? | -That's great! -What's the part? |
你們能相信嗎?是艾爾帕西諾 我就是喜歡他才立志要當演員 | Can you believe it? Pacino! This guy's why I became an actor! |
"違反規程?你們違反規程!整個審判不合乎規程!"\n(《伸張正義》中的臺詞) | " Out of order? You' re out of order! This whole courtroom's out of order! " |
言歸正傳,什麼角色? | Seriously,what's the part? |
"當我認為已出局時 他們卻又將我拉回"(《教父》中的臺詞) | "Just when I thought I was out,they pull me back in! " |
快老實說,什麼角色? | Come on. Seriously,Joey,what's the part? |
你是…什麼? | You' re.... What? |
我是他臀部的替身 | I' m his butt double,okay? |
我演艾爾帕西諾的臀部 | I play Al Pacino's butt. |
他走進浴室,然後... | All right? He goes into the shower,and then... |
...我就是他的屁股 | ... I' m his butt. |
天呐 | Oh,my God! |
別這樣 | Come on,you guys. |
這是一部艾爾帕西諾主演大製作的電影 | It's a real Pacino movie and that's big! |
別誤會,這真是太棒了 這是你應得的 | It's terrific. You deserve this. |
這是你多年努力的成果 你終於能登上大銀幕 | After years of struggling you've cracked your way into show business. |
行,笑吧,我不在乎 | Fine. Make jokes,I don't care. |
-這是我千載難逢的機會 -沒錯, | -This is a big break for me! -You' re right. It is. |
你準備邀請我們參加你的首映會嗎? | So,will you invite us to the big opening? |
-我得向你借些保濕乳液 -幹什麼呢? | -I need some moisturizer. -For what? |
今天可是我的大日子 | T oday's the big day! |
你有鑷子嗎?我的毛髮太亂啦 | You got any tweezers? I think I have a rogue hair. |
好吧,進浴室要用什麼自己拿 | God. Go in the bathroom. Use whatever you want. |
只是別告訴我你在裡面幹什麼 | Don't ever tell me what you did in there. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
-喬伊在哪兒?他媽打電話來 -他在浴室裡, | -Joey's mom's on the phone. -ln the bathroom. |
-你最好別進去 -拜託,我們是室友 | -You don't wanna go in there! -Come on,we' re roommates. |
我的眼睛!我的眼睛! | My eyes! My eyes! |
我警告過你 | I warned you. |
誰在大吼大叫 | Who is being loud? |
一定是莫妮卡 | Oh,that would be Monica. |
我能借點東西嗎? 我想為亞蘿拉做早點 | Can I borrow stuff? I wanna make Aurora breakfast. |
她陪你一夜? | You got the whole night? |
沒錯,我們只剩20分鐘 直到伊森… | Well,I only have 20 minutes until Ethan,so.... |
難道我感到了怨恨? | Do I sense resentment? |
不,沒有怨恨,相信我…… | No. No resentment. Believe me... |
……絕對值得 | ...it's worth it,okay? |
在你交往的過程中 有多少重要的時刻 會讓你懷念一輩子? | In a relationship,you have moments you'll remember the rest of your life. |
與亞蘿拉相處的每一秒都是 | Every single second is like that with Aurora. |
而我已浪費35秒和你們說話 | I've just wasted 35 of them talking to you. |
莫妮卡請幫我開門 | So,Monica,can you help me with the door? |
錢德,老莫妮卡會提醒你 | The old Monica would remind you... |
……用塑膠刷刷特弗龍鍋 | ...to scrub that T eflon pan with a plastic brush. |
但我不會那麼做的 | But l' m not gonna do that. |
不好意思?他們熱身的怎麼樣了? 我都起雞皮疙瘩了 | Excuse me? Can they warm it up? I' m concerned about goose bumps. |
大家準備好沒? | Everybody ready? |
我只是想感謝你給我這個機會 | I wanna thank you for this opportunity. |
我是說,我知道這只是第一步 但是我期待有一天 | I mean,I know this is just a first step,but I hope that someday |
解開浴袍 | Lose the robe. |
好,我正解開浴袍 | Right. Okay. Losing the robe! |
浴袍已解開 | Okay,and the robe is lost. |
各位,我想一次解決 | I would like to get this in one take. |
來吧, | Let's roll it. |
放水 | Water's working. |
開始! | And action! |
停! | And cut! |
屁股男,你在幹什麼? | Butt guy,what are you doing? |
我在洗澡 | I'm showering. |
不,你在擠屁股 | No,that was clenching. |
我認為他很沮喪 | The way I see it,the guy's upset here,you know? |
他的太太死了,弟弟失蹤了 | His wife's dead,his brother's missing. |
我想他的屁股一定很憤怒 | I think his butt would be angry here. |
我想他的屁股會想在午餐前拍完 | I think his butt would like to get the shot before lunch. |
再來一次,開機 放水 | Once again,rolling. Water working. |
開始 | And action! |
停!你又在幹什麼? | And cut! What was that? |
我要表現出絕望 | I was going for quiet desperation. |
如果你要求這樣的話 | But if you have to ask.... |
天啊,我愛這些手指 | God,I love these fingers. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
不,我是指我的手指 | No,actually,I meant my fingers. |
你瞧它們多開心 | Look at them. Look at how happy they are. |
-天啊,我來不及了 -天啊,不 | -Oh,my God,l' m late! -Oh,no! |
-不要走 -好不好 | -Don't go. -Okay. |
-我得走了 -看,她走了 | -I have to. -Look,she's leaving. |
抱歉,他在等我了 | I' m sorry. He'll be waiting for me. |
-我以為你跟瑞克談過 -不是瑞克 | -I thought you talked to Rick. -It's not Rick. |
是伊森?他要陪你一整天 | Ethan? He gets the whole day! |
不是他,是安德魯 | No,it's Andrew. |
我知道…… | I know there'll be moments... |
……我會後悔問你這個問題,但是…… | ...when I'll regret asking the following question,but.... |
-這個安德魯是…… | -And Andrew is? -He's... |
……新歡 | ... new. |
你是說瑞克,伊森和我 三人還不能滿足你? | So you' re not completely fulfilled by Rick,Ethan and myself? |
我以前不是這種人 | No,that's not exactly what I was |
不知道多少女人…… | Most women would kill... |
……被我們三人迷倒 | ...for three guys like us. |
-你想要什麼? -你 | -So,what do you want? -You. |
-你已擁有我 -不,只是你 | -You have me. -No. Just you. |
-什麼意思? -甩掉其他人 | -What do you mean? -Lose the other guys. |
他們全部? | Like,all of them? |
我們這樣不是很快樂嗎?為什麼不行? | Come on,we' re great together. Why not? |
我們為何不能即時行樂? | Can't we have what we have now? |
為何不能只是聊天,做愛…… | Why can't we talk and make love... |
……彼此沒有任何負擔? | ...without feeling obligated to each other? |
今晚之前,我以為這也是你想要的 | Up until tonight,I thought that's what you wanted too. |
部分是我想要的 | Well,part of me wants that... |
...但我就像是雙面人 一個說“閉嘴,這樣很好” | ... but it's like l' m two guys. One guy's saying,"This is great! " |
但是還有另一個 | But there's this other guy. |
當格林奇(童話人物,心臟只有別人的1/4大)的心長大 | The guy who wells up when the Grinch's heart grows... |
衝破了測量設備 | ...and breaks that measuring device. |
他說“這太難了,快脫身” | He's saying,you know,"This is too hard. Get out! " |
你聽哪一個的話? | So,which one of the guys will you listen to? |
兩人的話我得都聽 他們爭執不休 | I have to listen to both. They don't let each other finish. |
哪一個? | Which one? |
第二個 | The second guy. |
好吧, | I see. |
改變主意後再打電話給我吧 | Call me if you change your mind. |
抱歉,是第一個動的口 | Sorry,the first guy runs the lips. |
這樣想吧,你把她甩了 | Look at it this way. You dumped her! |
真的?我是說,這女人性感…… | Right? I mean,this woman was unbelievably sexy... |
……美麗聰明而且遙不可及 | ...and beautiful,intelligent,unattainable. |
再告訴我一次,你為何這麼做 | Tell me why you did this again? |
電影明星他回來了 | Movie star! |
等等,你不是在艾爾帕西諾新片中 演屁股的那個? | Wait! Aren't you the guy who plays the butt in the new Pacino movie? |
不是 | Nope. |
不是?怎麼了,大個兒? | No? What happened,big guy? |
大個兒? | Big guy? |
感覺就像“大個兒”時刻 | It felt like a "big guy" moment. |
我被開除了 | I got fired! |
他們說我太投入了 | They said I acted too much with it. |
我到處宣揚 | I told everybody about this! |
-現在大家都想到戲院看我演… -知道嗎? | -Everybody's expecting to see me. -lKnow what? |
-喬伊,沒人會認出來的 -我媽就認得出來 | -No one will be able to tell. -My mom will. |
真是令人感動,又噁心 | There's something so sweet and disturbing about that. |
六年來我除了演些爛角色一事無成 | I've done crappy plays for six years... |
如今機會來了我竟將它搞砸 | ...and I finally get my shot,and I blow it! |
等等,或許這不是你的機會 | Maybe this wasn't it. |
機會是否來臨自己最清楚 | I think when it's your shot,you know it's your shot. |
你感覺這是你的機會嗎? | Did it feel like your shot? |
很難分辨,我當時全身赤裸 | Hard to tell. I was naked. |
我不認為這是你唯一的機會 你的機會不會只有一個 | I don't think this was it. I don't think you just get one. |
我相信大好機會就要降臨到你身上 | I believe things are gonna happen for you. I do. |
你必須想著 將來有個小夥子跑到朋友面前說 | You've got to think about the day some kid will go: |
我被錄取了… 我要演喬伊崔比亞尼的屁股 | "l got the part! I'm gonna be Joey T ribbiani's ass! " |
你真好 | You think? That's so nice. |
真遺憾,喬伊 各位,我要去睡了 | I' m sorry,Joey. I' m gonna go to bed,guys. |
-晚安 -晚安 | -Good night. -Good night. |
你要把鞋子留在這兒? | You' re gonna leave your shoes out here? |
真的?就這樣亂丟? | Really? Just casually strewn about... |
...就這樣輕率的,隨意的亂扔? | ...in that reckless,haphazard manner? |
無所謂 我明天再拿,或者算了 | It doesn't matter. I'll get them tomorrow. Or not! |
隨便 | Whenever. |
她真懶散 | She is a kook. |
既然這麼困擾,就快去拿吧 | If it bothers you that much,just go out and get the shoes. |
不,千萬別去 | No,don 't do this! |
太愚蠢了 | This is stupid! |
我無須證明什麼,我要去拿 | I don 't have to prove anything. I'm gonna get them. |
但如此一來他們都會知道 | But then everyone will know. |
除非我去拿然後早起放回去 | Unless I get them,then wake up really early and put them back. |
誰來幫我一把! | I need help! |
-你只是想要一個風鈴 -不要唱這首歌 | -All you want is a dinkle -Not that song! |
-你討厭流行的東西 -夥計們,不要這樣 | -All you envy's a schwang -Come on,you guys. |
聽它發出清脆的聲音 | A thing through which you can tinkle |
撥弄著它,或是掛在那邊 | Or play with or simply let hang |
你只是想要一個風鈴 | All you want is a dinkle |
你討厭流行的東西 | What you envy's a schwang |
聽它發出清脆的聲音 | A thing through which you can tinkle |
撥弄著它,或是掛在那邊 | Or play with or simply let hang |
各位請安靜,中央公園很榮幸為各位介紹 | Everybody! Central Perk is proud to present... |
…菲比布菲小姐的音樂 | ...the music of Miss Phoebe Buffay. |
謝謝, | Thanks. |
首先我想從一首... | I wanna start with a song that's about that moment... |
有關頓悟人生那一刻的歌…開始 | ...when you suddenly realize what life is really all about. |
開始囉... | Okay,here we go. |
非常感謝 | Okay. Thank you very much. |
什麼?這下可… | Oh,great. This is just |
六人行 第1季 第07集 紐約大停電 | The One With The Blackout |
這簡直是酷斃了 紐約大停電 | This is so cool,you guys. The entire city's blacked out. |
我媽說是整個布魯克林 部分曼哈頓和皇后區 | It's all of Manhattan. They have no idea... |
不知何時恢復電力 | ...when it's back on. |
-這可真是大停電 -褲子和毛衣,為什麼,媽? | -You guys,this is big. -Pants and a sweater. Why,Mom? |
停電我能去見誰? | Who will I meet in a blackout? |
電力公司的人? 單身的趁火打劫之徒? | Power-company guys? Eligible looters? |
-以後再聊,好嗎? -電話能借我嗎? | -Can we talk about this later? Okay. -Can I borrow the phone? |
我想打回住處 確定我祖母是否安好 | I wanna call my apartment and check on my grandma. |
等等,我的電話幾號? | What's my number? |
我從未打電話給自己過 | I never call me. |
天啊,是她 維多利亞的秘密(內衣品牌)的模特兒 | Oh,my God! It's her. It's that Victoria 's Secret model. |
叫什麼古亞克的 | Something Goodacre. |
媽,我是潔兒 | Hi,Mom,it's Jill. |
沒錯,潔兒 潔兒·古亞克 天哪! | She 's right. It's Jill. Jill Goodacre. Oh,my God! |
沒想到我和潔兒.古亞克同時被困在提款機室 | I am trapped in an A TM vestibule with Jill Goodacre. |
是小室還是正廳? | Is it a vestibule? Maybe it's an atrium. |
那才是值得注意的部分,笨蛋 | Yeah,that is the part to focus on,you idiot. |
對,我沒事只是被困在銀行提款機室 | I' m fine. I' m just stuck at the bank in an ATM vestibule. |
潔兒說小室? 那我也說小室 | Jill says vestibule,I'm going with vestibule. |
我沒事,不,旁邊有人 | I' m fine. No,l' m not alone. |
我不認識,某人 | I don't know,some guy. |
某人?某人 | Oh,some guy. I am some guy. |
潔兒,我昨晚看見你和某人在一起 | Jill,I saw you with some guy last night. |
沒錯,他是某人. | Yes,he was some guy. |
各位 | Hey,everyone. |
(猶太人光明節的傳統象徵) | |
今晚主持停電晚會的 是猶太教士崔比亞尼 | Officiating at tonight's blackout is Rabbi T ribbiani. |
錢德的老室友是個猶太人 我們只剩這些蠟燭 | Chandler's old roommate was Jewish. These are our only candles. |
祝各位光明節快樂 | So happy Hanukkah! |
瞧,醜陋裸男點燃了幾根蠟燭 | Look! Ugly Naked Guy lit a bunch of candles. |
一定很痛 | That had to hurt! |
已過了14分30秒 | All right,all right! It's been 14 1/2 minutes... |
…你卻連一字也沒說 | ...and you still haven 't said one word. God! |
爭氣點,打破沉悶,微笑 | Do something! Just make contact. Smile! |
效果不錯 | There you go. |
算了吧,你正在嚇她 | You 're definitely scaring her. |
喂? 媽媽. | Hello? Oh,hi,Mom. |
媽. | Mom. |
媽媽,你在嗑藥! | Mom,you' re tripping! |
德特是一條狗 大停電把他嚇壞了 | Dexter's a dog. The blackout's scaring him. |
如果你不知道 你也可以尿在爸爸的鞋子裡. | You'd pee in Dad's shoes too if you didn't know. |
好吧,給我回電話 | All right,call me back. |
-是媽媽. -是的. | -Mothers. -Yeah. |
好小夥!一個詞. | Attaboy! A word. |
這樣不壞.媽媽,是的! | That wasn 't so hard. Mothers. Yeah! |
媽媽,是的!完美 | Mothers. Yeah! Perfect. |
不要笑. | Don 't smile. |
你需要給別人打電話嗎? | Would you like to call somebody? |
是的,和我一起上高中的300個小夥 | Yeah,about 300 guys I went to high school with. |
是的,謝了. | Yeah,thanks. |
-你好? -是我 | -Hello? -It's me. |
-是錢德,你好嗎? -我還好 | -It's Chandler. Are you okay? -Yeah,l' m fine. |
我被困在提款機室... | I' m stuck in an ATM vestibule... |
和潔兒吉亞克一起 | ...with Jill Goodacre. |
-什麼? -我被困在... | -What? -l' m stuck... |
...提款機室了... | ...in an ATM vestibule... |
...和潔兒吉亞克一起 | ...with Jill Goodacre. |
我聽不懂你在說什麼 | I have no idea what you said. |
叫喬伊聽電話 | Put Joey on the phone. |
-怎麼了? -我被困在... | -What's up,man? -l' m stuck... |
...提款機室了... | ...in an ATM vestibule... |
...和潔兒吉亞克一起 | ...with Jill Goodacre! |
噢,我的天那 | Oh,my God! |
他和潔兒吉亞克被困在提款機室 | He's trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre! |
錢德,聽著… | Chandler,listen. |
別以為我沒這個念頭 | Like that thought never entered my mind. |
換人,快 | -Okay. -Somebody. |
好吧,換我 | -I'll go. I'll go. -Okay. |
大四在桌球臺上 | Senior year of college,on a pool table. |
-桌球臺上? -這就是我妹啦 | -Pool table? -That's my sister. |
我最奇怪的地方是在... | Okay,my weirdest place would have to be... |
...紐約市立圖書館二樓女廁 | ...the women's room of the New York City Public Library. |
拜託,你去圖書館幹什麼 | Oh,my God! What were you doing in a library? |
-菲比,你呢? -密爾沃基市(威斯康辛州) | -Pheebs,what about you? -Oh,Milwaukee. |
真是一個奇怪的地方. | It's a really weird place. |
羅斯? | Ross? |
迪士尼,1989年小小世界 | Disneyland,1 989. " It's a small world after all. " |
不可能… | No way. |
機器故障 | The ride broke down... |
所以我和卡蘿就到荷蘭機器兒童後面 | ...so Carol and I went behind those mechanical Dutch children. |
從此他們禁止我們再到奇幻王國去 | We were asked never to return to the Magic Kingdom. |
好吧,還剩下… | Let's see,that leaves.... |
-瑞秋? -拜託,我說過了 | -Rachel? -Come on,I already went. |
-你才沒哪 -我說過了 | -You did not go. -I did. |
快點告訴我們 | T ell us. Come on. |
好吧,最奇怪的地方是... | All right,the weirdest place would have to be... |
...床腳 | ...the foot of the bed. |
-真沒意義 -我們有優勝了 | -Step back! -We have a winner! |
這就是冰箱關上時候的樣子 | This must be what the fridge looks like with the door closed. |
恐怖. | Spooky. |
有人餓了嗎?我們有科隆迪克冰激淩…湯 | Anybody hungry? We got a Klondike...soup. |
我從來沒有那種關係也沒那種感受 | I've never had a relationship with that kind of passion. |
在主題樂園中你忽然欲火中燒 | Where you have to have somebody even in a theme park. |
當時只有這件事可做 | It was the only thing to do that didn't have a line. |
貝瑞連在打迷你高爾夫時 也不肯親我 | Barry wouldn't even kiss me on a miniature golf course. |
-不是吧 -是的 | -Come on. -No. |
他說這樣會耽誤後面的人 | He said we held up the people behind us. |
你逃婚的原因是… | You didn't marry him because...? |
你認為有人這輩子沒有過那種… | Do you think there are people that go through life... |
…從來沒有過… | ... never having that kind of...? |
-也許吧. -真的? | -Probably. -Really? |
但是我得告訴你 激情被過度重視. | I'll tell you something. Passion is way overrated. |
-沒錯 -是的 | -Yeah,right. -lt is. |
最後激情很快就退去 | Eventually,it kind of burns out. |
但雙方仍保有信賴,安全感和... | But hopefully what you're left with is trust and security and.... |
以我前妻為例…女同志主義 | In my ex-wife's case,lesbianism. |
因此,缺乏激情之人還是有… | For those people who miss out on that passion thing... |
…其他可取之處的 | ...there's other stuff. |
但我想你不是那種人 | -Okay. -But I don't think that'll be you. |
-你認為我不是? -我認為... | -You don't? -See,I see... |
-你的未來將充滿激情 -真的? | -... big passion in your future. -Really? |
-你真的這樣認為 -沒錯 | -You do? -I do. |
羅斯,你真好 | Ross,you' re so great. |
不可能發生的 | It's never gonna happen. |
-什麼? -你和瑞秋 | -What? -You and Rachel. |
為什麼? | Why not? |
因為你拖太久才行動 | You waited too long to make your move... |
現在只能待在“朋友區” | ...and now you' re in the "friend zone. " |
-不,我沒在朋友區 -羅斯,你是朋友區主席 | -l' m not in the zone. -No,Ross. You' re mayor of the zone. |
我在靜觀其變,行嗎? 我正在為以後鋪路 | Look,l' m taking my time,all right? I' m laying the groundwork. |
我每天往前推進一點 | Every day I get a little bit closer to |
聖人 | Priesthood! |
告訴你,羅斯,她根本不知道你在想什麼 | I'm telling you,she has no idea what you're thinking. |
她剛剛用她的手指縷我的頭髮. | She just ran her fingers through my hair. |
-你沒看到那個互動嗎? -不,不,不. | -Were you missing that interaction? -No,no,no. |
這才是縷你的頭髮. | This is running fingers through your hair,okay? |
這不過是弄亂你的頭髮罷了. | Now this is a tousle. |
如果再不快點約她出去 你將困在朋友區永遠無法脫身 | If you don't ask her out soon,you'll be in the zone forever. |
我會的 我只是在等恰當的時機 | I will,I will. I'm waiting for the right moment. |
什麼? | What? |
-什麼,現在? -是的. | -What,now? -Yeah. |
你缺什麼? 美酒?燭光?月光? | What's messing you up? The wine? The moonlight? |
你只需走到她面前說 瑞秋,我想你… | You gotta go up to her and say," Look,Rachel,l" |
-什麼? -我們在噓… | -What? -We' re shushing... |
…因為我們正在聽 | ... because we' re trying to hear something. |
-什麼? -難道你沒聽見? | -What? What? -Don't you hear that? |
聽見沒? | See? |
-想來片口香糖嗎? -無糖的嗎? | -Would you like gum? -ls it sugarless? |
-抱歉,不是 -不,謝了 | -Sorry,it's not. -Then no,thanks. |
你在搞什麼東西? | What was that? |
切記!潔兒請你吃口香糖你就吃 | Mental note: If Jill Goodacre offers you gum,you take it. |
她叫你吃動物死屍 你也得吃 | If she offers you mangled animal carcass,you take it! |
紐約大停電 | New York City has no power |
牛奶變酸 | And the milk is getting sour |
不過沒關係 | But to me it is not scary |
因為我不喝牛奶 | Because I stay away from dairy |
-你決定啦? -我決定了 | -Here goes. -You'll do it? |
-我決定了 -需要幫助嗎? | -I'll do it. -Want help? |
如果你出現你就死定了 | You come out,you' re a dead man. |
--羅斯…祝你幸運 -謝謝. | -Good luck,man. -Thanks. |
好了 | -Okay. |
你要去哪裡? 外面 不行,你不能去外面 | Where you going? You can't go out there. |
-為什麼? -因為有理由 | -Why not? -Because of the reason. |
-那是什麼? -不能告訴你 | -That would be? -I can't tell you. |
喬伊,到底怎麼了? | Joey,what's going on? |
好吧,但你得答應我 不會告訴羅斯是我說的 | You gotta promise you'll never tell Ross that I told you. |
-說什麼? -他正在準備你的生日舞會 | -What? -He's planning your birthday party. |
-天啊,我愛他 -你最好裝成一副吃驚的樣子 | -Oh,my God! I love him! -You better act surprised. |
-裝什麼? -我的生日舞會 | -About what? -My surprise party. |
-什麼生日舞會? -少裝蒜了,喬伊已經告訴我了 | -What surprise party? -Oh,stop it. Joey already told me. |
他沒有告訴我 | He didn't tell me. |
別看我,這是羅斯的主意 | Don't look at me. This is Ross' thing. |
每次都這樣,我總是最後知道的人 | This is typical. I'm always the last to know. |
你不是,我們都有告訴你哦 | You are not. We tell you stuff. |
錢德在動物園被孔雀咬 我是最後知道的人 | I was the last one to know when Chandler got bit by the peacock. |
也是最後知道喬伊剛搬來時 你對他有意思的人 | I was the last to know you had a crush on Joey. |
什麼? | What? |
看來我是倒數第二 | Looks like I was second to last. |
你對我有意思? | You had a crush on me? |
好吧,這不算是有意思,是有點印象. | All right. It wasn't a crush,it was a dent. |
很深的印象? | Big dent? |
你搬了我的傢俱 我想你的胳膊不錯,僅此而已. | You were moving your furniture. I thought you had nice arms. |
胳膊不錯? | Nice arms,huh? |
嘿,莫妮卡,我在搬動椅子哦. | Hey,Mon,l' m moving the chair. |
你感覺怎麼樣? | Do anything for you? |
所有的燈都滅了,你才可以真正的看到星星啊. | With all the lights out you can actually see the stars. |
真不錯. | It's so nice. |
我有個問題 | I have a question. |
也談不上是問題 | Actually,it's not so much a question. |
只是… | It's more of a general wondering.... |
好奇. | ment. |
-好吧 -好吧,是這樣的. | -Okay. -Okay. Here it goes. |
這些日子以來我一直想… | Well,for a while now,I've been wanting to.... |
-對,沒錯 -瞧那只小貓! | -Yes,that's right. -Look at that little kitty! |
什麼? | What? |
我在世界萬物之上俯身看塵世 | Top of the world Looking down on creation |
我發現唯一能夠解釋這一切的 | And the only explanation I can find |
是愛,自從有你在身旁 | Is the love that I found Ever since you 've been around |
好吧,這只是洗傷口的藥不會痛的 | All right,this is just Bactine. It won't hurt. |
-噢! -對不起,是蠟油 | -Ow! -Sorry,that was wax. |
可憐的小貓快嚇死了 我們得找到它的主人 | Poor little T ooty's scared. We should find his owner. |
何不將它放在走廊? | Why not put poor T ooty in the hall? |
大停電時?它會被踩死的 | During a blackout? She'll get trampled. |
是嗎? | Yeah? |
亡羊補牢.回到口香糖的話題 | Damage control. Get back to the gum. |
口香糖是絕佳的選擇 | Gum would be perfection. |
口香糖是絕佳的選擇? | Gum would be perfection? |
口香糖是絕佳的選擇 | Gum would be perfection. |
我大可說“口香糖不錯”,但不, | Could've said,"Gum would be nice. " But,no. |
我說的是"口香糖是絕佳的選擇" | For me,gum is perfection. |
我真鄙視我自己 | I loathe myself! |
不,她們是修女,討厭一切生物 | Oh,no,they' re nuns. They hate all living things. |
我們剛撿到這只貓 目前正在找它的主人 | Hi. We just found this cat,and we' re looking for the owner. |
貓是我的 | Yeah,it's mine. |
-可是它似乎很討厭你 -確定,貓是我的,把貓給我 | -He seems to hate you. Are you sure? -It's my cat. Give me my cat. |
-等等,它叫什麼名字? -鮑伯鈕扣 | -Wait a minute. What's his name? -Bob Buttons. |
--鮑伯鈕扣? -鮑伯鈕扣,過來,鮑伯鈕扣 | -Bob Buttons? -Bob Buttons. Here,Bob Buttons. |
你真是個大壞蛋 | You are a very bad man! |
你們欠我一隻貓 | You owe me a cat. |
來這,咪咪,咪咪,咪咪. | Here,kitty,kitty,kitty. |
來這,咪咪,咪咪,咪咪. | Here,kitty,kitty. |
小貓咪…你上哪兒去了? | Where did you go,little kitty? |
小貓咪,過來. | Kitty,kitty,kitty. Come here,kitty,kitty. |
-嗨 -晚上好 (義大利語) | -Hi. -Buona sera. |
喔! | Wow! |
莫妮卡,願意搭我的跑車去兜風嗎? | Mon,wanna go for a ride in my racecar? |
我會帶我的胳膊一起去的. | I'll bring my arms. |
我們為你的牙齒準備獨輪車! | We can bring my wheelbarrow for your teeth! |
來吧,幸運六 | Come on,lucky sixes! |
各位,他是保羅 | Everybody,this is Paolo. |
保羅,向你介紹我的朋友 這位是莫妮卡 | Paolo,I want you to meet my friends. This is Monica... |
-嗨-…這位是喬伊… | -Hi. -...and Joey... |
-嗨 -…還有羅斯… | -Hi. -...and Ross. |
嗨 | Hi. |
他不太會講英語 | He doesn't speak much English. |
大富翁 | Monopoly! |
看啊! | Look at that! |
那,保羅來自哪裡? | So,where did Paolo come from? |
我猜是義大利 | Italy,I think. |
不,我是指今晚,這棟公寓? 突然介入我們的生活? | No,I mean tonight. Suddenly,into our lives. |
那只貓結果是保羅的 這不是很有意思嗎? | That cat turned out to be Paolo's cat. Isn't that funny? |
真有意思,而且瑞秋不斷摸他 | That is funny. And Rachel keeps touching him. |
我找遍了整棟公寓,但就是找不到貓 | I looked all over and couldn't find the kitty anywhere. |
我找到了,是保羅的貓 | I found him. It was Paolo's cat. |
瞧,我又是最後一個知道 | Well,there you go. Last to know again. |
由於沒人告訴我,我猜他就是保羅 | And I'm guessing,this is Paolo? |
保羅,她叫菲比 | Paolo,this is Phoebe. |
當然了 | You betcha! |
好吧,下一步呢? | All right. Okay. What next? |
吹泡泡,吹泡泡不錯. | Blow a bubble. A bubble's good. |
可以很好展現男性魅力,頑皮的一面 | It's got a boyish charm. It's impish. |
來吧 | Here we go. |
吹得可真好,小鬼 | Nice going,imp! |
不要緊,我只需把手伸過去 | It's okay. All I need to do... |
將它放回口中 | ...is reach over and put it back in my mouth. |
救得好,現在我已重回軌道 | Good save! We 're back on track and I'm... |
而且還嚼著別人的口香糖 | ... chewing someone else 's gum. |
這不是我的口香糖,天哪,我的天啊! | This is not my gum! Oh,my God! Oh,my God! |
很好,現在你嗆到了 | And now you 're choking. |
你沒事吧 | You all right? |
天呀,你嗆到了 | My God! You' re choking! |
-感覺好點沒? -好多了 | -Better? -Yes. |
謝謝,那真是… | Thank you. That was.... |
-那真是… -絕佳的選擇? | -That was.... -Perfection? |
這可不是把頭髮弄亂而已 | That was no tousle. |
-他講什麼這麼好笑 -我完全搞不懂 | -What'd he say that was so funny? -I have absolutely no idea. |
女人都這樣 | That's classic. |
天啊,我在幹什麼? 這太不像我了 | My God,you guys! What am I doing? This is so un-me! |
不介意的話我要上了 | If you want,I'll do it. |
我只想咬他的下嘴唇 | I just wanna bite his bottom lip. |
但我不會這麼做的 | But I won't. |
他第一次對我微笑時 | The first time he smiled at me... |
那三秒鐘比我和貝瑞 在百慕達的三個禮拜還令我興奮 | ...those seconds were more exciting than weeks with Barry. |
你們租腳踏車了嗎? | Did you rent mopeds? |
因為我聽說…我離題了 | Because I've heard Oh,it's not about that right now. |
我知道這樣很膚淺 而且我們毫無共通點 | I know it's superficial,and we have nothing in common... |
連語言也不通但...上帝啊 | ...and we don't even speak the same language,but,God! |
-保羅 -羅斯 | -Paolo,hi. -Ross. |
聽著 | Listen.... |
有件事你該瞭解 | Listen,something you should know. |
瑞秋和我 | Rachel and I are.... |
有那麼一點 | We' re kind of a thing. |
-一點? -一點.是的,一點 | -Thing? -Thing. Yes,thing. |
-你們做愛沒有? -沒有. | -You have the sex? -No. |
技術上而言,還沒做愛 | No,technically the sex is not being had. But that's.... |
但這不是重點 | But that's not the point. |
重點是瑞秋和我應該… | The point is that Rachel and I should be.... |
瑞秋和我應該在一起 | Well,Rachel and l should be together. |
如果你來到 | And if you get in the |
-床上? -不是 | -ln bed -No. |
不是,我不是指那個 | No,not where I was going. |
如果你來到我們中間摻合 | If you get in the way of us becoming a thing... |
我會非常…難過 | ...then I would be,well,very sad. |
所以,你… | So,do you...? |
-你懂一點英文? -會一點 | -So you do know a little English? -Little. |
-你懂什麼叫“人渣”嗎 -不懂 | -Do you know the word "crap-weasel "? -No. |
不懂?真好笑 因為你就是個超級人渣 | That's funny. You are a huge crap-weasel. |
我們玩了一小時,很簡單的 | We've been doing this for an hour. It's easy. |
準備好沒? | Ready? |
試試看 | Okay? Now try it. |
不,你該拍一下 | You gotta whip it. |
看,最後一根蠟燭就要燃盡 | Look,look. The last candle's about to burn out. |
10,9,8,7 | Ten,nine,eight,seven... |
負46,負47,負48… | ... minus 46,minus 47,minus 48.... |
-謝謝 -謝謝 | -Thank you. -Thanks. |
沒有燈光有點恐怖 | Kind of spooky without any lights. |
停,我這個最逼真 | Okay,guys,I have the definitive one. |
羅斯,現在提並不恰當 | This probably isn't the best time to bring it up... |
但你得為莫妮卡開個派對 | ...but you have to throw a party for Monica. |
-玩得真開心 -對 | -This has been fun. -Yes. |
謝謝你的手機 | Thanks for letting me use your phone... |
並救了我的命 | ...and for saving my life. |
再見了,錢德 此次停電我玩得很開心 | Well,goodbye,Chandler. I had a great blackout. |
再見 | See you. |
我的帳號是7143457 | Hi,l' m account number 7143457. |
我不知道你們有沒有錄下來 | I don't know if you got that... |
但我想要這卷錄影帶的拷貝 | ... but I would really like a copy of the tape. |
帥哥,怎麼樣? | Hey,gorgeous! How's it going? |
螢光燈下的脫水日本面 | Dehydrated Japanese noodles under fluorescent lights. |
我能有多好? | Does it get better than this? |
問你一個問題 你目前沒有約會的物件吧? | Question: Are you dating anyone? |
我遇見一個和你是絕配的人 | I met somebody who would be perfect for you. |
絕配或許是個問題 | Perfect might be a problem. |
你若說共同獨立或自我毀滅的話… | Had you said codependent or self-destructive.... |
-週六想要有個約會的對象嗎? -當然,拜託了 | -You want a date Saturday? -Yes,please. |
他人帥 | He is cute. |
-而且風趣,他… -你說的是“他”? | -He's funny. He's -He's a he? |
是的 | Well,yeah. |
糟了,我以為… | Oh,God! I just |
你人品很好,上帝啊 | You' re nice Oh,God. |
很好,雪麗,我要到馬桶去把自己沖掉 | Good,Shelly. I' m gonna flush myself down the toilet now. |
再見 | Okay. Bye-bye. |
六人行 第1季 第08集 (祖母)娜娜死了兩回 | The One Where Nana Dies Twice |
聽完後我沒心情吃面了 這不荒謬嗎? | It's hard to enjoy noodles after that. Is that ridiculous? |
你能相信她會有這樣的想法嗎? | Can you believe she actually thought that? |
能 | Yeah. |
我第一次見到你時 我以為你是 | When I first met you,I thought maybe... |
…可能… | ... possibly... |
…也許 | ...you might be. |
你真的這樣認為? | You did? |
對,但後來你在菲比的生日會上 一直盯著我的胸部 | You spent Phoebe's birthday party talking to my breasts... |
…我想你大概不是吧 | ...so I figured maybe not. |
你們第一次看見我時 也是這樣認為? | Did any of the rest of you guys think that when you first met me? |
-我是 -我也是 | -I did. -I think so,yeah. |
-我不是 -不,我也不這麼認為 | -Not me. -No,no,me neither. |
雖然大學時代的蘇珊·薩蘭登這樣認為 | Although back in college,Susan Saladore did. |
開什麼玩笑? | You' re kidding. |
-你有告訴她我不是嗎? -沒有 | -Did you tell her I wasn't? -No. |
因為我也想跟她約會 | I wanted to go out with her too. |
我告訴她你和伯尼·斯伯曼是一對 | I told her you were seeing Bernie Spellman... |
因為他也喜歡她 | ...who also liked her. |
所以,這簡直是太神奇了 | Well,this is fascinating. |
是什麼原因? | So what is it about me? |
我不知道 因為你既聰明又風趣 | I don't know. You' re smart,you' re funny.... |
羅斯也是聰明又風趣 你們有想過他是嗎? | So is Ross. Ever think that about him? |
-是哦 -到底是為什麼? | -Yeah,right! -What is it? |
我也說不上來 但你就是有那種潛質 | I don't know. You just You have a quality. |
-沒錯 -是的.潛質 | -Yes,exactly. -Yeah,a quality. |
潛質?說得好 我還擔心你們看不出呢 | "A quality. " Good. I was worried you were gonna be vague about this. |
我想對你應該有用 | I think this is gonna work for you. |
-你說什麼? -好吧,好吧 | -Excuse me? -Sure,sure. |
女人發現你沒有威脅 就會敞開大門… | Women find you less threatening,they let their guards down... |
…你就像一個偷偷摸摸的異性戀者 | ...you' re like a stealth heterosexual. |
-瑞秋,是保羅從羅馬打來的 -天啊,從羅馬打來 | -It's Paolo calling from Rome. -Oh,my God! Calling from Rome! |
他從羅馬打來 我也可以 | So he's calling from Rome. I could do that. |
我到羅馬去就是了 | Just gotta go to Rome. |
莫妮卡,你爸打來的 你能長話短說嗎? | Your Dad just beeped in. Can you make it quick? |
我正和羅馬通電話 | I'm talking to Rome. |
我正和羅馬通電話 | I'm talking to Rome. |
爸,怎麼了? | Hey,Dad. What's up? |
我的天 | Oh,God. |
羅斯,是外婆 | Ross,it's Nana. |
-你們還好吧? -嗨,爸爸 | -How you doing? -Hey,Dad. |
她的情況如何? | So how is she doing? |
醫生說只剩幾小時了 | The doctor says it's a matter of hours. |
-媽,你還好吧? -我?我還好 | -How are you,Mom? -Me? I' m fine,fine. |
真高興見到你們來 | I' m glad you' re here. |
-你的頭髮怎麼了? -什麼? | -What's with your hair? -What? |
-看起來有點不同 -沒什麼變化呀 | -What's different? -Nothing. |
或許是這個緣故 | Oh,maybe that's it. |
-她真是令人難以置信 -放鬆點 | -She's unbelievable. Her mother's -Okay,relax. |
看來我們得在這兒待一段時間了 | We' re gonna be here a while. |
我們可以談你男友和工作的事來蓋住 | We still have boyfriends and your career to cover. |
我的老天 | Oh,God! |
她皮包裡有發黴的錢幣 | The fuzzy little mints at the bottom of her purse. |
真噁心 | Yeah,they were gross. |
你們知道我喜歡什麼嗎? | You know what I love? |
她的人工袋糖 | Her Sweet 'N Lows. |
她總是從餐廳裡偷走 | How she was always stealing them from restaurants. |
不只是餐廳,我們家也一樣 | Not just from restaurants,from our house. |
蓋勒太太 | Mrs. Geller? |
她看起來好小 | She looks so small. |
我知道 | I know. |
至少她現在有外公和菲力斯嬸嬸陪伴 | Well,at least she's with Pop-Pop and Aunt Phylis now. |
菲力斯嬸嬸死了? | Aunt Phylis is dead? |
是的,大概有差不多六年了 | Yeah,for like six years. |
-我當時在哪裡? -我們不要跑題,行不行? | Where were? Can we focus,please? |
別了,外婆 | Goodbye,Nana. |
再見,外婆 | Bye,Nana. |
護士! | Nurse! |
到底怎麼回事? | What is going on? |
護士說她已過世了 | You know how the nurse said Nana had passed? |
實際上不是 | Well,she's not quite. |
什麼? | What? |
她還沒完全過世 她還活著,她回來了 | She's not passed! She's present! She's back! |
怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
她可能死了 | She may have died. |
她可能死了? | She may have died? |
我們正等著消息 | We're looking into it. |
我進去看看 | I'll go see. |
這種事幾乎不可能發生 | This almost never happens. |
現在,她過世了 | Now she's passed. |
我必須要知道 | I just have to know,okay? |
是我頭髮的問題? | Is it my hair? |
對,正是你的頭髮 | Yes,that's exactly what it is. It's your hair. |
你有一頭同性戀的頭髮 | Yeah,you have homosexual hair. |
她怎麼樣了? | So did she...? |
兩次 | Twice. |
-兩次? -見鬼 | -Twice? -Oh,that sucks. |
-你們還好吧? -說不上來,好詭異 | -You guys okay? -I don't know. It's weird. |
我知道她已過世 但我感覺… | I know she's gone,but I just don't feel.... |
或許是因為她還沒有 | Maybe she's not really gone. |
不,她過世了 | No,no,she's gone. |
我們檢查了 | We checked. |
好多遍 | A lot. |
或許人不會真正過世 | No,I mean,maybe no one ever really goes. |
我媽死後,我偶爾… | Ever since my mom died,every now and then... |
…會感覺她就在身旁 | ... I get this feeling that she's right here,you know? |
還有黛比,我初中最要好的朋友 | And Debbie,my friend from junior high... |
在打迷你高爾夫時,被閃電擊中 | ...got struck by lightning on a miniature golf course. |
用那枝黃色鉛筆時… | I always get this strong Debbie vibe... |
…我總感到一股強烈的“黛比感應” | ...when I use a little yellow pencil. |
-我好想念她 -來,菲比 | -I miss her. -Here,Pheebs. |
你要嗎? | Want this? |
-謝謝 -不客氣 | -Oh,thanks. -Sure. |
早上剛把她削好 | I just sharpened her this morning. |
我不信這一套 | I don't believe any of that. When you' re dead... |
人死了就是死了 死了就成了蟲的食物 | ...you' re dead. You' re gone. You' re worm food. |
錢德看起來像個同性戀對吧? | So Chandler looks gay,huh? |
我不知道此人是誰 但絕對不是黛比 | I don't know who this is,but it's not Debbie. |
爸爸,我們需要做個決定 | Dad,let's just make a decision. |
你是對的,要把她埋在土裡 | You're right. It's going into the ground. |
我們應該把基本的東西弄好 | We should get the most basic thing. |
“上面有白色薄片的,不受保護的波紋纖維板” | "The non-protective corrugated fiberboard with white laminate. " |
爸爸,我們不能把外婆穿的像一隻食肉鸚鵡 | Dad,we can't bury Nana in a dresser from kea. |
這就是你媽媽買了我的衣服的原因 | This is why your mother buys my clothes. |
我討厭買東西,討厭 | I hate to shop. I hate it. |
這是不是就像是 | Isn't this more about the fact that... |
一旦你作出決定,知道外婆真的走了一樣 | ...once you decide,it's like acknowledging Nana's actually gone? |
不是,我只是討厭買東西 | No,I really hate to shop. |
-我以為要用密封的棺木 -這並不代表她不能看起來體面一點 | -I thought it'd be a closed casket. -lt doesn't mean she can't look nice. |
孩子,你想你能進去嗎? | Sweetie,you think you can get in there? |
當然可以 | I don't see why not. |
這是我的牙齒矯正器 | Here's my retainer. |
我在想… | I was just thinking... |
-…我走的時候 -爸 | -...when my time comes -Dad. |
聽我說 | Listen to me. |
我走的時候,我要海葬 | When my time comes,I wanna be buried at sea. |
什麼? | You what? |
我要海葬,好像挺有意思的 | I wanna be buried at sea. It looks like fun. |
什麼叫“有意思” | Define "fun. " |
那一天你們會玩得很開心的 你們會乘著船帶著午餐… | Come on. You'll make a day of it. You'll get a boat,pack a lunch.... |
然後把你的屍體丟入大海 真是有意思 | And then we throw your body in the water. Gee,that does sound fun. |
每個人都自認為瞭解我 他們都說傑克太一成不變了 | Everyone thinks they know me. Everyone says I'm so predictable. |
或許我死後他們會說 海葬,哈? | Maybe after I'm gone,they'll say," Buried at sea? Huh? " |
他們大概會這麼說吧 | That's probably what they'll say. |
希望如此 | I'd like that. |
-美女 -嘿 | -Hey,gorgeous. -Hey. |
昨天的事我很抱歉 | Look,l' m sorry about yesterday. |
別擔心,相信我 顯然別人也犯了相同的錯誤 | Don't worry. Apparently,other people have made the same mistake. |
好吧,咻! | Okay. Phew! |
為什麼你認為我是? | So,what do you think it is about me? |
我說不上來 | I don't know what. |
你就是有那種… | You just have... |
-…潛質 -潛質,是哦 | -...a quality. -A quality. Great. |
真可惜,因為你和羅爾本來很登對 | It's a shame. You and Lowell would've made a great couple. |
羅爾?會計部門的羅爾 你覺得我們很配? | Lowell? Financial Services Lowell? That's who you saw me with? |
有何不可?他很帥 | What? He's cute. |
是啊 | Well,yeah. |
他不像布萊恩 | He's no Brian in Payroll. |
布萊恩是不是…? | Is Brian? |
我不知道,只是如果你想替我配對 | I don't know. If you were gonna set me up... |
我希望你會挑他 | ... I'd like to think it'd be with somebody like him. |
我想你配不上布萊恩 | Brian's a little out of your league. |
對不起,你認為我配不上布萊恩? | Excuse me. You don't think I could get a Brian? |
我絕對配得上他,相信我 | Because I could get a Brian. Believe you me. |
我真的配不上 | I'm really not. |
這一個? | This one? |
我已讓你們看過每件衣服 | I've shown you every dress we have. |
除非你們想讓她永遠穿著檸檬黃長褲 | Unless you want her to spend eternity in a lemon-yellow pantsuit... |
配上紫紅色衣服 | ...go with the burgundy. |
不論我們選什麼 她都會說我們選錯了 | Whatever we pick,she'd say it's the wrong one. |
沒錯,就選紫紅色吧 | Right. We'll go with the burgundy. |
不錯的選擇,我要出來了 | A fine choice. I'm coming out. |
等等,還缺鞋子 | Wait! We need shoes. |
-這一雙如何? -這是一雙白天的鞋 | -How about these? -That's really a day shoe. |
她去的地方 大家都很會打扮嗎? | Where she's going everyone else will be dressier? |
能找鞋跟細一點的鞋嗎? | Could we see something in a slimmer heel? |
我找不到紫紅色的晚鞋 | I have nothing in an evening shoe in the burgundy. |
不過有雙銀色的鞋或許適合 | I can show you something silver that may work. |
-不行,一定要紫紅色 -除非我們另找一件套裝 | -No,it really should be burgundy. -Unless we go with a different dress. |
不,等等,我看看 | No,no,no. Watch this. |
後面或許有 | Wait,I may have something in the back. |
天呀 | Oh,my God. |
你沒事吧,孩子? | Is everything all right? |
沒事,只是外婆的東西 | Just Nana's stuff. |
各位如何?準備好了沒? | You guys ready? |
早上媽來電話叫我別紮頭髮 | Mom called to tell me not to wear my hair up. |
-我的耳朵並不是我最漂亮的部位嗎? -有時候我認為是 | -Know my ears aren't my best feature? -Some days it's all I can think about. |
抱歉,我遲到了 我找不到我的“風度”(多加了一個b) | I' m sorry l' m late. I couldn't find my bearings. |
你是指你的耳環? | You mean your earrings? |
我剛說什麼? | What did I say? |
-你穿這一雙? -對,保羅從義大利寄來的 | -Are these the shoes? -Yes. Paolo sent them from ltaly. |
我們這兒沒賣鞋子的? | What? We don't have shoes here? |
-早安,準備走了沒? -穿上衣服後,我們是不是都好看許多? | -Morning. We ready to go? -Don't we look nice all dressed up? |
這是廢話對吧? | It's stuff like that,isn't it? |
-剛剛的儀式簡單而隆重 -可不是嗎 | -lt was a really beautiful service. -lt really was. |
過來,心肝 | Come here,sweetheart. |
你該使用晚霜了 | You know,I think it's time for you to start using night cream. |
什麼? | What? |
沒什麼,只是你的外套聽起來很像\n布瑞特·馬斯伯格(體育節目解說) | Nothing. Just that your coat sounds like Brent Musberger. |
-瞧,巨人隊對牛仔隊 -你在葬禮時看足球賽? | -Check it out. Giants-Cowboys. -You're watching football at a funeral? |
不,這還只是熱身 我要在招待會上看比賽 | No,it's the pre-game. I' m gonna watch it at the reception. |
你真是個惡劣的人 | You're a frightening,frightening man. |
不,保羅送我的新鞋 | Oh,no! My new Paolo shoes! |
希望沒壞 | I hope they're not ruined. |
多美好的一天啊 | God,what a great day! |
什麼?我是指天氣 | What? Weather-wise. |
我知道 | I know. |
空氣,樹木 | The air,the trees. |
即使外婆已過世,就好像… | Even though Nana's gone,there's something almost life |
羅斯,你還好吧?羅斯… | Ross,are you okay? |
我沒事 | No,l' m fine. |
只是… | Just... |
…我最大的夢魘終於成真,但是… | ... having my worst fear realized,but.... |
別擔心,我只是看看你是否肌肉痙攣 | I' m just checking to see if the muscle's in spasm. |
-怎麼了? -你的皮帶環掉了一個 | -What? What is it? -You missed a belt loop. |
是痙攣 | Okay,it's in spasm. |
來,孩子,我擦傷時都用這個 | Here,sweetie. I took these when I had my gall thing accident. |
媽,謝謝 | Thanks,Mom. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
我叫安朵拉 | Hi,l' m Andrea. |
桃樂絲的女兒 | I'm Dorothy's daughter. |
我叫錢德,我不知道桃樂絲是誰 | Hi,I'm Chandler,and I have no idea who Dorothy is. |
看看誰出現了 | Look who's up! |
-感覺如何? -感覺好多了… | -How do you feel? -I feel great. |
感覺好多了…感覺好多了… | I feel great. I feel great. |
那些藥丸可真有效 | Wow,those pills really worked. |
對,不是第一次那兩顆 而是後來那兩顆 | Yeah. Not the first two,but the second two.... |
我愛你們大家 | I love you guys. |
你們是最棒的 我愛我的妹妹 | You guys are the greatest. I love my sister. |
我愛菲比 | I love Pheebs. |
你真好 | That's so nice. |
錢德,我愛你 | I love you,man. |
聽著,如果你想當同志,就當吧 | And listen,if you wanna be gay,be gay! |
我不在乎 | It doesn't matter to me. |
你說對了 | You were right. |
我最愛你了 | I do love you. |
哦,羅斯,我也愛你 | Oh,Ross. I love you too. |
哦,不,我真的愛你 | Oh,no,I really love you. |
我也真的愛你 | I really love you. |
哦,你沒有明白 | Oh,you don't get it! |
-那是什麼? -只是個助聽器 | -What do you got there? -Just a hearing disability. |
比分多少? | What's the score? |
巨人隊以17比14領先 第三節只剩3分鐘結束 | 1 7-1 4,Giants. Three minutes to go in the third. |
好極了 | Beautiful! |
菲比,能拿塊餅乾給我嗎? | Pheebs,could you maybe hand me a cracker? |
你外婆一定不喜歡的 | Your grandmother would've hated this. |
當然,這是她的葬禮 | Sure. What with it being her funeral and all. |
不,我聽到的是 | No,I'd be hearing about... |
“我為何沒有蜜汁火腿?” | ...why didn't I get the honey-glazed ham. |
或是我買的花不夠,或者她會說 | Or I didn't spend enough on flowers. Or she'd say: |
“何必花那麼多錢,我死了不需要花” | "Why waste your money? I don't need flowers,l' m dead. " |
口氣像外婆 | That sounds like Nana. |
知道和批評你每句話的人… | Do you know what it's like to grow up... |
…在一起生活是什麼滋味? | ...with someone who is critical of every single thing you say? |
我可以想像 | I can imagine. |
告訴你,我希望你媽會成為… | It's a wonder your mother turned out... |
…一個像她一樣樂觀、積極的人 | ...to be the positive,life-affirming person she is. |
真是個奇跡 | That is a wonder. |
媽,告訴我 如果可以重來 | So tell me something,Mom. If you had to do it all over again... |
如果此時她在這兒 | ... I mean,if she was here right now... |
你會告訴她嗎? | ...would you tell her? |
告訴她什麼? | T ell her what? |
她如何使你抓狂 挑剔每一件事 | How she drove you crazy,picking on every little detail. |
例如你的頭髮 | Like your hair,for example. |
我不懂你在說什麼 | I'm not sure I know what you're getting at. |
難道你不認為說出實話 情況會改善嗎? | Would things have been better if you'd just told her the truth? |
不 | No. |
我認為某些事最好還是不要說 | Some things are better left unsaid. |
和睦相處比較好 | It's nicer when people just get along. |
再來些酒嗎? | More wine? |
我也這麼認為 | Oh,I think so. |
你戴這副耳環真好看 | Those earrings look really lovely on you. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
你給我的 | They're yours. |
其實是外婆的 | Actually,they were Nana's. |
真叫人難過 | Now l' m depressed! |
比剛才還難過 | Even more than I was. |
哦,快看,我的一年級照片 | Oh,look. My first grade picture. |
請略過恐龍蛋T恤衫 | Please ignore the Dy-no-mite T -shirt. |
-這個光屁股的是誰? -那個人就是我 | -Hey,who's this little naked guy? -That little naked guy would be me. |
瞧那個小東西 | Look at the little thing! |
對,那是我的小弟弟 | Yes,fine. That is my penis. |
成熟點行嗎? | Can we be grownups now? |
那些人是誰? | Who are those people? |
-可把我問倒了 -中間那一個是外婆 | -Got me. -That's Nana right there in the middle. |
我看看 | Yeah,let's see. |
“我和大夥兒在爪哇喬家” | " Me and the gang at Java Joe's. " |
莫妮卡,你和你外婆長得一模一樣 當時她幾歲? | You look just like your grandmother. How old was she? |
1939年…39年 | Let's see," 1 939. " |
24或25歲 | Twenty-four,twenty-five. |
他們好像玩得很開心 | It looks like a fun gang. |
看…光屁股的莫妮卡 | Look,look,look! I got Monica naked! |
我看看 | Let me see! |
不,還是我 | No,no. That would be me again. |
我在嘗試新事物 | I'm just trying something. |
羅爾 | Hey,Lowell. |
錢德 | Oh,hey,Chandler. |
會計部門的情況如何? | So how's it going in Financial Services? |
就像是狂歡節最後一天沒有紙糊的頭(一團亂) | It's like Mardi Gras without the papier-mache heads. |
你呢? | How about you? |
好的,聽著… | Good. Good. Listen... |
我不知道雪麗如何對你說我這個人… | ...I don't know what Shelly told you about me,but... |
…但是我不是 | ... I' m not. |
我知道,我也是這樣告訴她的 | I know. That's what I told her. |
真的? | Really? |
你看得出來? | So you can tell? |
差不多吧 我們有某種…雷達 | Pretty much. Most of the time. We have a kind of radar. |
這麼說你認為我… | So you don't think I have... |
…沒那種潛質 | ...a quality? |
代表男同志發言 我得說沒有 | Speaking for my people,I'd have to say no. |
對了,你朋友布萊恩,他是 | By the way,your friend Brian,from Payroll? He is. |
-他是? -而且你配不上他 | -He is? -And way out of your league. |
我配不上他 | Out of my league! |
我可以得到布萊恩 只要我願意就能得到他 | I could get a Brian. If I wanted to get a Brian,I could get a Brian. |
你好,布萊恩 | Hey,Brian. |
特瑞,我,我知道我在這裡幹的時間並不長 | Terry,I know I haven't worked here very long but would it be possible... |
但我在想您是否能考慮預支給我100塊薪水 | ...if I got a $1 00 advance on my salary? |
預支? | An advance? |
這樣我才能和家裡人共度感恩節 | So I can spend Thanksgiving with my family. |
每年,我們全家都去韋爾滑雪 通常都是我父親為我出票錢 | Every year we ski in Vail,and my father pays for my ticket. |
但是我現在已經開始學習獨立 | But I've started this independent thing... |
嗯,這實際上也是我為什麼要幹這份…“工作” | ...which is actually why I took this "job. " |
瑞秋,瑞秋,親愛的 | Rachel,Rachel,sweetheart! |
你是一位非常,非常糟糕的女招待 | You' re a terrible,terrible waitress. |
真的,真的糟糕透頂 | Really,really awful. |
好吧,我,我明白你的意思了 我同意您說的 | I hear what you're saying. I'm with you. |
但是我,我一直很努力地在做 | But I'm trying really hard,and I think I'm doing better. |
我想我會做得更好的 | I really do. |
-有人需要咖啡嗎? -是的,這裡 | -Does anybody need coffee? -Yeah,over here. |
噢,你看! | Look at that. |
六人行 第1季 第09集 超狗氣球飛了 | The One Where Underdog Gets Away |
打擾一下,先生. 您是這裡的老主顧了 | Excuse me,sir? Hi. You come in here all the time. |
不知道您是否能考慮預支一點小費給我? | Do you think there's a possibility that you could advance me my tips? |
算我沒說. 我為以前用咖啡潑到您表示歉意 | Okay,okay. That's fine. Fine. Sorry about that spill before! |
還差98塊5 | Only 98.50 to go! |
你知道老爸老媽要去波多黎各過感恩節嗎? | Did you know Mom and Dad are going to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving? |
-不,他們不會 -他們要去.布萊明斯邀請了他們 | -What? No,they're not. -Yes,the Blymans invited them. |
你亂講 | You' re wrong. |
-我沒有亂講 -你就是在亂講 | -I am not wrong. -You' re wrong. |
我剛和他們通過電話 | No,I just talked to them. |
我要打電話給媽媽 | I' m calling Mom. |
-嘿,嘿 -嘿 | -Hey,hey. -Hey! |
這裡是“緊急求助部”,你化了妝嗎? | And this from the Cry for Help Department: Are you wearing makeup? |
是的.從今天起,我的正式身份就是 喬伊.崔比亞尼,演員兼模特 | Yes,I am. As of today,I'm officially Joey T ribbiani,actor/model. |
真有趣,因為我正想說: 你看起來更像,喬伊.崔比亞尼,男人兼女人 | That's funny. I was thinking you look more like,Joey T ribbiani,man/woman. |
-你給什麼當模特? -你知道那些城市免費門診的招貼畫嗎? | -What were you modeling for? -Posters for the free clinic. |
哇,那你不就成了那些 “健康一族”中的一員了嗎? | So you' re gonna be one of those healthy guys? |
-那個哮喘病人還真可愛 -你知道你為什麼代言嗎? | -The asthma guy's really cute. -Know which one you'll be? |
不知道,但是我聽說腦膜炎還缺人,所以… | No,but I hear Lyme disease is open,so you know.... |
-祝你好運,老兄.我希望你能染上 -謝謝 | -Good luck,man. I hope you get it. -Thanks. |
好吧,你是對的 他們怎能拋下我們不管? 這可是感恩節 | You were right. How can they do this? It's Thanksgiving! |
我在我那兒做頓大餐,怎麼樣? 我會做得和媽媽的味一樣的 | What if I cook dinner at my place? I'll make it just like Mom's. |
你會弄成塊的土豆泥給我吃嗎? | Will you make mashed potatoes with the lumps? |
這個,他們真不該把土豆… 我做土豆塊 | They're not actually supposed to I'll work on the lumps. |
-喬伊,你要回家,是嗎? -沒錯 | -Joey,you' re going home? -Yeah. |
錢德,你還在抵制所有清教徒的節日嗎? | Chandler,you' re still boycotting all the pilgrim holidays? |
-當然,他們中的任何一個 -菲比,你要和你外婆一起過? | -Every single one of them. -Phoebe,you'll be with your grandma? |
是的,還有她的男朋友 | And her boyfriend. |
但我們是在12月慶祝,因為他過陰曆節日 | We're celebrating Thanksgiving in December because he's lunar. |
那麼,你星期四有空了? | So you're free Thursday then? |
-是的.噢,我能來嗎? -當然 | -Yeah. Oh,can I come? -Yeah. |
-瑞秋,你定下來要去韋爾嗎? -沒錯.“咻,咻,咻!” | -Rach,are you gonna make it to Vail? -Absolutely. Shoop,shoop,shoop. |
-還差102元就可成行 -我記得剛才是差98塊5 | -Only $1 02 to go. -I thought it was 98. 50? |
沒錯,但我又摔了一個杯子 | Yeah,well,it was,but l I broke a cup,so.... |
-我到卡蘿那裡去 -噢噢! 我們幹嘛不叫上她? | -Well,l' m off to Carol's. -Ooh,ooh,why don't we invite her? |
噢噢,因為她是我的前妻,而且她可能還想帶上她的 | Ooh,ooh,because she's my ex-wife and will want to bring her... |
噢噢,女同伴侶! | ...ooh,ooh,lesbian life partner. |
卡蘿在嗎? | Hi. Is Carol here? |
-她開教工會去了 -噢,我過來想把我的頭骨拿走 | -No,she's at a faculty meeting. -I just came by to pick up my skull. |
嗯,不是我的,是… | Well,not mine,but.... |
-進來! -謝謝 | -Come in. -Thanks. |
是這樣,卡蘿上回借走上課用的 我現在得拿回去還給博物館 | Carol borrowed it,and I have to get it back to the museum. |
-它是什麼樣子? -就像一張沒有皮的大臉 | -What's it look like? -Kind of like a big face without skin. |
是的,我對這個解釋比較熟悉 | Yes. I'm familiar with the concept. |
-我們來找找看. -好吧 | -We can just look for it. -Okay. |
哇,你們有這麼多關於怎樣成為一名女同志的書 | Wow,you guys sure have a lot of books about being a lesbian. |
嗯,你知道嗎,你必須接受一門課程 | Well,you know,you have to take a course. |
否則,他們不讓你當同性戀 | Otherwise they don't let you do it. |
嘿,《烏龜耶爾特》.經典作品 | Hey,Yertle the Turtle! A classic. |
沒錯,我現在在念給寶寶聽 | Actually,I'm reading it to the baby. |
噢,那個還沒出生的寶寶? | The baby that hasn't been born yet? |
你是不是瘋了? | Wouldn't that mean you're crazy? |
什麼,你覺得寶寶在裡面聽不到聲音? | You don't think they can hear sounds in there? |
你不是開玩笑吧,我的意思是… 真的 你…真的跟寶寶說話嗎? | You' re not serious? I mean,you really talk to it? |
當然,經常說.我要讓寶寶記住我的聲音 | Yeah,all the time. I want the baby to know my voice. |
那,你提到過我嗎? | Well,that's just Do you talk about me? |
-有的,經常. -真的? | -Yeah. All the time. -Really? |
但是,嗯,我們稱你為提供精液的鮑鮑 | But,we just refer to you as " Bobo the Sperm Guy. " |
不行,如果她和寶寶說話 那我也應該有一些“肚子談話時間” | If she's talking to it,I just think I should get some belly time too. |
但這不表示我相信這個 | Not that I believe this. |
噢,我相信.我覺得寶寶什麼都能聽見 | I believe it. I think the baby can hear everything. |
-真的? -我可以演示給你看.可能會有點怪異 | -Really? -I'll show you. This'll seem weird. |
你得把你的頭放在這只火雞裡面 | But you put your head inside this turkey... |
然後大夥兒說話,你肯定能聽到我們說的 | ...and we'll all talk and you'll hear everything we say. |
我想說我完全贊成這個實驗 | I'd just like to say I'm totally behind this experiment. |
而且,我還非常想把你的腦袋塗上黃油 | In fact,I'd very much like to butter your head. |
-嘿 -瑞秋,錢拿到沒有? | -Hey. -Rach,did you make your money? |
沒有,都關門了 忘掉韋爾吧,忘掉家庭團聚吧 | No,not even close. Forget Vail. Forget seeing my family. |
忘掉“咻,咻,咻.”吧 | Forget shoop,shoop,shoop. |
瑞秋,你的信 -謝謝,放在桌上就行了 | -Rach,here's your mail. -Thanks. You can put it on the table. |
不,這是你的信! | No. Here's your mail! |
謝謝,你把它放在桌子上就行了 | Thanks. You can put it on the table! |
你不想現在就打開它嗎? | Would you just open it! |
喔,天哪!你們真好! | Oh,my God! You guys are great! |
大夥湊的 | We all chipped in. |
-大夥? -你欠我20塊 | -We did? -You owe me $20. |
謝謝!太感謝了! | Thank you. Thank you so much! |
錢德,這是你的感恩節大餐 你的番茄湯 | Chandler,got your traditional holiday feast. T omato soup... |
你的乳酪雜拌和你的特大號洋蔥小吃 | ...grilled-cheese fixings and a family-size bag of Funyuns. |
等等,錢德,這是你的感恩節晚餐嗎? 你和這個節日到底有什麼過節? | This is your Thanksgiving dinner? What is it with you and this holiday? |
-好吧,我9歲那年… -噢,我厭惡這個故事 | -I'm 9 years old. -I hate this story! |
我們全家剛剛吃完一頓豐盛的感恩節大餐.我… | We've finished this magnificent Thanksgiving dinner. I have... |
…塞了滿嘴的南瓜派 | ...a mouthful of pumpkin pie. |
我的父母就選擇那會兒來告訴我: 他們要離婚了 | And then my parents tell me they're getting divorced. |
噢,天啊! | Oh,my God! |
是的.一旦你有過這樣的負面印象 就很難對感恩節大餐有興趣了 | Very difficult to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner once you've seen it in reverse. |
這是什麼? 我從沒在媽媽的感恩節大餐中看到這個 | What's this? I never saw this at Mom's. |
-這是紅薯 -拜託…. | -It's a yam. -Hello.... |
這不是紅薯.紅薯都是放在紫色罐頭裡的 | This isn't a yam. Yam comes in purple cans. |
不是的,紅薯不是放在這裡的 | They don't They don't come in these. |
羅斯,不要指責什麼錯誤, 滾開 | Ross,don't take this the wrong way or anything,but back off. |
-我們一起工作過 -有嗎? | -We used to work together. -We did? |
是的,在梅西百貨 你是那個“迷幻”女郎,對吧? | Yeah,at Macy's. You' re the Obsession girl,right? |
-是的 -我是“阿拉米香水”男 | -Yes. -I was the Aramis guy. |
-阿拉米?阿拉米? -哦,想起來了 | -Aramis. Aramis. Aramis. -Yeah,right! |
-我得說,你是那裡面最棒的 -少來了! | -You' re the best in the business. -Get out. |
你太讓人吃驚了 你知道什麼時候噴霧,什麼時候放回原處 | You' re amazing! You know when to spritz. You know when to lay back. |
真的嗎? 我受寵若驚了 | Really? You don't know what that means to me. |
你今晚聞起來妙極了. 你身上是什麼? | You smell great tonight. What are you wearing? |
什麼也沒有! | Nothing. |
-你想不想去喝上一杯? -好的,哦 | -Listen,do you wanna go get a drink? -Yeah,that would be |
-怎麼了? -我剛想起,我還有要緊的事要做 | -What's wrong? -I have to do something. |
噢,什麼事情? | What? |
-離開 -等等,嘿,等等! | -Leave. -Wait,wait,wait! |
“馬里奧沒有告訴你:性病-你永遠無從知道誰會染上它” | |
我想你們都看見了 | So I guess you all saw it. |
-什麼? -看見什麼? | -What? -Saw what? |
不,我們只是在笑.你知道,笑也是會“傳染”的 | No,we' re just laughing. You know how laughter can be infectious. |
我得另找個地方過感恩節了 我全家都認為我有性病 | Set another place for Thanksgiving. My entire family thinks I have VD. |
今夜,此花怒放 | "Tonight,on a very special Blossom. " |
嗯,看起來不錯.好了 | Looking good! Okay! |
蘋果酒搞定,火雞搞定,紅薯搞定 | Cider's mulling,turkey's turkeying,yams are yamming.... |
怎麼了? | What? |
我不知道.媽媽不在廚房感覺就是不一樣 | I don't know. It's just not the same without Mom in the kitchen. |
夠了!出去別煩我! | Get out and stop annoying me! |
這樣有點像了 | Oh,that's closer. |
我拿到票了! 我拿到票了! | I got the tickets! |
再過5個小時我就要 “咻,咻,咻.” | Five hours from now,shoop,shoop,shoop! |
-噢,別“咻”了,好嗎? -我去收拾行李 | -Oh,you must stop shooping. -Okay,l' m gonna get my stuff. |
錢德,你今晚會來嗎? | Will you come in? |
不,我喜歡和歡樂保持安全距離! | I prefer to keep a safe distance from all this merriment. |
注意,南瓜派來了! | Look out! Incoming pumpkin pie! |
你在塞填料的時候我們是笑了,但其實根本不好笑 | We laughed when you did it with the stuffing,but that's not funny. |
喂,莫妮卡,我有一個問題 我沒看見有塔特酒 | Hey,Monica,I got a question. I don't see any T ator Tots. |
-這不叫問題! -但是我的媽媽總是做的.這是傳統 | -That's not a question. -My mom makes them. It's a tradition. |
弄點火雞肉在叉子上,配上點藍莓,還有塔特酒! | You get a piece of turkey on your fork,a little cranberry sauce and a Tot! |
因為我的“病”,我不能與家人團聚了,真糟糕透了 | I mean,it's bad enough I can't be with my family because of my disease. |
好吧,好吧 | All right. Fine. |
今晚的土豆泥會有成塊的和有酒味的 | Tonight's potatoes will be mashed,with lumps and in the form of Tots. |
我要去和還沒出生的寶寶說話了 | All right,I'm off to talk to my unborn child. |
媽媽從不打我 | Okay,Mom never hit. |
搞定了 | Okay,all done. |
幹嗎,菲比,你在攪爛土豆嗎?羅斯要吃塊狀的! | Phoebe,did you whip the pota? Ross needs lumps! |
噢,很抱歉 | Oh,l' m sorry! I just |
噢,我以為攪爛了以後,可以加一些豌豆和洋蔥 | I thought we could have them whipped and then add some peas and onions. |
為什麼我們要那樣做? | Why do that? |
嗯,因為我媽都是那樣做的,你知道,在她去世之前 | Because then they'd be just like my mom used to make it,before she died. |
好吧,第3種吃法出現 | Okay. Three kinds of potatoes coming up. |
大夥,再見. 感謝你們 | Okay. Goodbye,you guys! Thanks for everything! |
噢,天呐! 噢,抱歉! | Oh,God,look at Sorry! I'm so sorry. |
最不可思議事情發生了! 超狗剛剛飛了! | An unbelievable thing happened! Underdog got away! |
-那個氣球嗎? -不,是真的卡通人物 | -The balloon? -No,no,the actual cartoon character. |
當然是那個氣球! | Of course the balloon! |
梅西百貨前他斷線了 後來在華盛頓廣場公園上又被發現了 | He broke free and was spotted flying over Washington Square Park. |
-我要上屋頂去看,誰要去? -我不去了 | -I'm going to the roof. Who's with me? -I can't! |
來吧.80英尺長的充氣狗在城市上空遊蕩 發生的概率是多少 | An 80-foot dog over the city? How often does that happen? |
幾乎不可能發生 | Almost never. |
-拿上鑰匙了嗎… -好的 | -Got the keys? -Okay. |
只要你準備好了隨時可以開始 | Anytime you' re ready. |
好的,好的,開始 | Okay. Okay,here we go. |
這裡嗎,我得對著哪裡說? | Okay. Where am I talking to here? |
我的意思是, 好像只有一個地方能讓他聽見,但是 … | There is one way that offers a certain acoustical advantage,but.... |
對著鼓出來的地方就可以 | Just aim for the bump. |
好的,開始了 | Okay. Okay. Okay,here goes. |
你知道,我,你知道,我做不出來 | You know,I can't do this. This is |
噢,這太奇怪了.我感到自己像個傻瓜 | It's too weird. I feel stupid. |
那你就別說了 你不必因為蘇珊做了你就非得做 | It's fine. You don't have to do it just because Susan does it. |
你好嗎?寶寶!你好,你好 | Hello,baby. Hello. Hello. |
我們第一次見大狗飄在公園上空 | the moment we first saw the dog shadow fall over the park! |
是的,但是他們必須把他射下來嗎? 太殘忍了 | But did they have to shoot him down? That was just mean. |
現在火雞應該是外焦… | Right now the turkey should be crispy on the outside... |
…而且裡嫩了 | ...and juicy on the inside. |
還站在這裡幹嘛? | Why are we standing here? |
-等你開門.你拿著鑰匙 | We're waiting for you to open the door. You have the keys. |
我沒有 | No,I don't. |
你拿了.出來的時候,你說拿上鑰匙了 | Yes,you do. When we left,you said,"Got the keys. " |
我沒有.我問:“拿上鑰匙了嗎”? | No,I didn't. I asked,"Got the keys? " |
不、不、不.你是說:“拿上鑰匙了” | No,no,no. You said,"Got the keys! " |
你們倆都沒拿鑰匙? | Do either of you have the keys? |
-烤爐還開著 -噢,我得拿我的票! | -The oven is on! -I've gotta get my ticket! |
-等等,我們有一把你家的備用鑰匙 -快去拿,快去! | -Wait! We have a copy of your key. -Get it! |
你這種語氣無法加快我的速度 | That tone won't make me go any faster. |
-喬伊! -這還湊合 | -Joey. -That one will. |
每個人都對我說:你得選個專業 | And everyone's telling me,"You gotta pick a major. " |
於是我鼓起勇氣挑了古生物學 | So on a dare,I picked paleontology. |
可能你不懂我正說什麼 因為事實上,你還是一個胎兒 | And you have no idea what I'm saying,because,face it,you' re a fetus. |
你應該高興因為你不會再有鰓 | You're happy you don't have gills anymore. |
你不用老是說話,你也可以對他唱歌 | You don't have to talk to it. You can sing |
噢.拜託,我才不想對著你的肚子唱歌! | Please. I am not singing to your stomach,okay? |
進展如何? | How's it going? |
噓! 我們來了 | Here we come |
沿著那些街道走著 | Walking down the street |
每個人的表情都很可笑 | Get the funniest looks from Everyone we meet |
嘿,嘿! | Hey,hey |
-喂,噢,你覺到了嗎? -是的,我有 | -Hey,did you just feel that? -I did. |
-他總這樣嗎? -不,沒有,這是第一次 | -Does it always? -That was the first. |
接著唱!接著唱! | IKeep singing! IKeep singing! |
嘿,嘿,你是我的寶寶,我已經等不及想見你 | Hey,hey,you 're my baby And I can 't wait to meet you |
等你出來後,我會為你買百吉餅 然後帶你去動物園 | When you come out I'll buy you a bagel Then we 'll go to the zoo |
-又來了一次! -這次我也感覺到了! | -lt did it again! -I felt it that time! |
“嘿,嘿,我是你的爸爸.沒有乳房的那個…” | Hey,hey,I'm your daddy I'm the one without any breasts |
真是太棒了.現在已經五點了 我的飛機已經從登機口拖走了 | This is great. It's 5:00. My plane is pulling away from the gate. |
-也許你可以搭晚班飛機 -沒有了 | -Maybe you can take a later flight. -There is none. |
-你可以明天去 -明天就不是感恩節了! | -You can go tomorrow. -T omorrow is not Thanksgiving! |
我想讓你開心一點,你卻總是中間打斷我 | If l' m gonna cheer you up,you have to meet me halfway. |
你能快一點嗎? | Can you go any faster? |
鎖眼只有一個,而鑰匙有上千把 你算算看 | I got one keyhole and a zillion keys! You do the math. |
你怎麼會有那麼多鑰匙? | Why do you guys have so many keys in there anyway? |
緊急情況,就像現在這樣 | For an emergency just like this. |
你聽著,假笑的傢伙 | All right. Listen,smirky! |
要不是你和你那愚蠢的氣球,現在我就在飛機上… | If not for your stupid balloon,I'd be on a plane... |
…看著一個女人這樣做了 但現在我卻不能! | ...watching a woman do this... right now. But l' m not! |
你說你帶了鑰匙,我發誓 | You said you had the keys! |
不,沒有.我如果拿了鑰匙,我會說“拿了” 顯然我沒拿那該死的鑰匙 | No,I didn't! I wouldn't say I had the keys unless I had the keys! |
夠了,別再提鑰匙了 | That's it! Enough with the keys. No one say keys! |
為什麼我應該拿鑰匙? | Why would I have the keys?! |
-不考慮你說你拿了的事實? -但是我沒拿 | -Aside from the fact you said you did? -I didn't! |
-嗯,你應該拿 -為什麼? | -You should've. -Why? |
-因為! -為什麼? | -Because! -Why? |
一切都該是我的責任嗎?難道我為大家準備晚餐還不夠嗎? | Everything's my responsibility? Isn't it enough that l' m making dinner? |
每個人要的土豆泥都不一樣 我得做各種樣式的土豆泥 | Everyone wants a different kind of potato,so I'm making them. |
有誰關心過我要哪種土豆泥嗎? | Does anybody care what kind of potatoes I want? No! |
沒有,沒有… | No! No! |
菲比要有洋蔥和豌豆的土豆泥 “馬里奧”要有塔特酒口味的 | Just as long as Phoebe gets her peas and onions,and Mario gets his T ots |
這是我第一次搞感恩節大餐 | It's my first Thanksgiving,and l |
現在全焦了,…我… | It's all burnt,and I can't.... |
莫妮卡,只有狗現在能聽見你說的 好了,門已經開.進去吧 | Monica,only dogs can hear you now. Look,the door's open. Here we go. |
-好吧,錢德,別把鑰匙丟了. -不 | -All right,Chandler,don't lose this. -No |
嗯,火雞燒焦了 | Well,the turkey's burnt! |
這種土豆完了,這種土豆完了,這種土豆也完了 | Potatoes are ruined! Potatoes are ruined! Potatoes are ruined! |
“我們沿著…”? | Here we come |
走下去 | Walking down the |
媽媽的廚房可不是這個味 | This doesn't smell like Mom's. |
不像是吧? 你不是要土豆塊嗎 羅斯? 好,拿去,夥計.這裡有一個! | It doesn't,does it? You wanted lumps? Here you go,buddy. You got one! |
-不要對我吼.是你把晚飯燒著了 -嗨,不要讓她再發飆啦! | -Don't yell at me. You burned dinner! -Hey,don't make her squeak again! |
噢,天哪,飛機已經飛走了 看來我只能留下來和你們在一起了 | God,this is great! The plane is gone. I guess I'm stuck here with you guys. |
我們本來都有個不錯的計畫的 這不是大夥的第一選擇 | We all had better plans. This was nobody's first choice! |
噢,真的嗎? 那我何苦要做這頓豐盛的感恩節大餐? | Oh,really? So why was I busting my ass to make this delicious dinner? |
-你管這叫豐盛嗎? -給我安靜! | -You call that delicious? -You be quiet! |
閉嘴,閉嘴,閉嘴! | Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! |
終於有了點感恩節的氣氛了 | Now this feels like Thanksgiving. |
滑雪 | Skiing. |
咻,咻,咻…. | Shoop,shoop,shoop.... |
咻 | Shoop. |
-噢! -什麼? | -Eww. -What? |
醜陋裸男正從烤爐中取出他的火雞 | Ugly Naked Guy's taking his turkey out of the oven. |
-誰在乎啊? -他剛剛坐到肉湯裡了 | -Who cares? -He just sat in gravy. |
噢,我的天.醜陋裸男不是一個人 | Oh,my God! He's not alone. |
他正和一個醜陋裸女共進感恩節晚餐 | Ugly Naked Guy is having Thanksgiving dinner with Ugly Naked Gal. |
我得看看 | I gotta see this! |
醜陋裸男真爽! | All right,Ugly Naked Guy! |
裸舞開場了! | Ugly naked dancing! |
有人陪真好 | It's nice that he has someone. |
可以切了嗎? | Shall I carve? |
-怎樣都行 -好 | -By all means. -All right. |
誰想要淺色起司,誰想要深色起司? | Who wants light cheese,and who wants dark cheese? |
我一點也不想知道深色起司是怎麼來的 | I don't even want to know about the dark cheese. |
-有人想要和我分這塊嗎? -噢,我要 | -Does anybody wanna split this? -I will. |
你們必須先許個願望. -許願? | -You guys have to make a wish. -Make a wish? |
來吧,這是感恩節(代替許願骨許願的感恩節傳統) | Come on,you know,Thanksgiving. |
噢!你得到大半了.你許的什麼願? | You got the bigger half! What did you wish for? |
得到大半 | The bigger half. |
我敬各位一杯 | All right,I'd like to propose a toast. |
來一杯 | A little toast here. Ding,ding! |
我知道這不是你們本來計畫的感恩節 | This isn't the Thanksgiving you planned... |
但是對我來說,這樣也挺棒的 | ...but for me,this has been really great. |
我想,這是因為它沒和離婚或者嘔吐搭界 | I think because it didn't involve divorce or projectile vomiting. |
如果你去了韋爾,如果你和你家人在一起 | If you'd gone to Vail or if you had been with your family... |
你沒有……“梅毒”那些玩意 | ...or if you didn't have syphilis and stuff... |
我們就不能一起過 | ...we wouldn't be together. |
所以我想說的就是: | I guess what l' m trying to say is that... |
謝天謝地你們的感恩節計畫都砸了 | ... I' m very thankful that all of your Thanksgivings sucked. |
-真是感人! -謝謝 | -That's so sweet! -Thank you. |
-祝你有個糟糕的耶誕節. -還有一個失敗的新年 | -Here's to a lousy Christmas! -And a crappy New Year! |
-沒錯! -沒錯! | -Hear,hear! -Hear,hear! |
小便失禁! | |
停止家庭暴力 ! | |
有痔瘡嗎? | |
三次“東尼獎”獲得者 | |
各位,外面開始下雪了 | All right! You guys,it's starting to snow. |
快看啊,醜陋裸男在掛糖果藤 | And look,Ugly Naked Guy is hanging candy canes. |
哪裡? | Where? |
哇. 不錯 | Oh. Well. |
真有節日氣氛 | That's festive. |
各位我想介紹一個人給大家認識 | Guys,there's somebody I'd like you to meet. |
等等…這是怎麼回事? | Wait,wait. What is that? |
-他叫馬修,想和他打聲招呼嗎? -不,我不要 | -That's Marcel. Wanna say hi? -No,I don't. |
-他好可愛,哪裡得到他的? -我朋友貝瑟把他從實驗室救出來的 | -He's cute! Where'd you get him? -My friend Bethel saved him from a lab. |
真殘忍 | That is so cruel. |
為何有父母會將孩子取名為聖地(貝瑟)? | Why would a parent name their child Bethel? |
那猴子的屁股上長了個羅斯 | That monkey's got a Ross on his ass. |
羅斯,他要和你同住嗎? | Is he gonna live with you in your apartment? |
對,卡蘿離開後家裡冷清清的 | Yeah. It's been kind of quiet since Carol left. |
為何不找個室友? | Why not get a roommate? |
人到一定的年紀後與室友同住是有點可悲(pathet)… | You reach a certain age,having a roommate is just kind of pathet |
抱歉,pathet 在梵語中代表很酷的生活方式 | That's " pathet. " Sanskrit for " really cool way to live. " |
六人行 第1季 第10集 猴子 | The One With the Monkey |
各位,我今天將唱全新的曲目 | I' m doing new material tonight. |
我寫了12首關於我媽自殺的歌 及一首有關雪人的歌 | I have 1 2 songs about my mother's suicide and one about a snowman. |
你最好先唱雪人 | You might wanna open with the snowman. |
-喬伊 -老兄 | -Hi,Joey. -Hey,buddy. |
-如何? -我沒得到那份工作 | -So how'd it go? -I didn't get the job. |
怎麼可能?你去年就是聖誕老人啊 | How could you not? You were Santa last year. |
某個胖子和店經理上床了 | Some fat guy's sleeping with the store manager. |
他根本無法逗人開心,這就是政治 | He's not even jolly. It's all political. |
-那麼你扮演什麼? -當他的助手(小精靈) | -What are you gonna be? -One of his helpers. |
就像是臉上的一個巴掌(恥辱),你明白嗎? | It's just such a slap in the face,you know? |
你們打算如何過新年? | Do you know what you' re doing for New Year's? |
怎麼了?新年有什麼不對勁嗎? | Hey,what? What is wrong with New Year's? |
你有保羅.無須面對新年帶來的壓力 | You have Paolo. You don't have to face the pressure... |
無須急著尋找嘴唇以便在球落下那一刻去親 | ...of finding lips to kiss when the ball drops! |
哦,我說得太大聲了! | Man,I'm talking loud! |
保羅新年時會在羅馬 | Paolo's gonna be in Rome this New Year's. |
-所以我將和各位一樣可悲 -想得美 | -I'll be just as pathetic as you. -Yeah,you wish. |
我有個主意,聚餐 | I've got an idea. Dinner. |
不錯,我們可以把他放在午飯和早飯之間 | It's perfect. We'll put it between lunch and breakfast. |
我不想再聽到迪克拉克(新年慶典的主持人)的疲勞轟炸 | I'm sick of being a victim of this Dick Clark holiday. |
我說今年,我們約定.只有我們6個共進晚餐 | I say this year,we make a pact. Just the six of us. Dinner. |
-當然 -好 | -Sure. -Fine. |
我本來希望大家能更開心點的 | I was hoping for more enthusiasm. |
-菲比,該上臺了 -哦,好的 | -Phoebe,you' re on. -Oh,good. |
各位,回應大家要求 | Hi. Ladies and gentlemen,back by popular demand... |
有請菲比布菲小姐 | ... Miss Phoebe Buffay. |
謝謝 | Hi. Thanks. Hi. |
首先的這首歌在這種時節令我感慨萬分 | I wanna start with a song that means a lot to me. |
我做了一個人,眼睛是煤炭做的 | I made a man with eyes of coal |
他有謎樣的微笑 | And a smile so bewitching |
我如何能承受 | How was I supposed to know |
母親死在廚房的事實 | That my mom was dead in the kitchen? |
母親的骨灰 | My mother's ashes |
甚至是她的睫毛 | Even her eyelashes |
都安放在一個黃色的小骨灰壇 | Are resting in a little yellow jar |
當有時天寒地凍 | And sometimes when it's freezing |
我感覺有點想打噴嚏 | I feel a little sneezy |
如今我…抱歉,吵鬧的男人 | And now I Excuse me? Excuse me? Yeah,noisy boys. |
有什麼想和大家分享的嗎? | Is it something you'd like to share with the group? |
沒.沒,沒事 | No. No,that's okay. |
如果有事如此重要 你們非在我唱歌時談論 | If it's important enough while I'm playing... |
那就重要的足以與我們分享 | ...it's important enough for everyone else. |
那傢伙會帶著一本注意事項回家 | That guy's going home with a note. |
-我是告訴我朋友… -大聲點行嗎? | -I was just saying -Speak up. |
抱歉,我 | Sorry,l |
我告訴我朋友:你是我見過最漂亮的女孩 | I was saying you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. |
他說…達麗爾·漢娜(影星)…達麗爾·漢娜 | And he said that Daryl Hannah... |
是他見過最美的女人 | ...was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. |
我說我喜歡《美人魚》中的她 但《華爾街》就沒那麼喜歡了 | I said I liked her in Splash,but not Wall Street. |
她沒那種硬派氣質 | I thought she had a hard quality. |
達麗爾·漢娜是傳統的美 | While Daryl is beautiful in a conventional way... |
而你散發出高雅的氣質 | ...you are luminous with a kind of delicate grace. |
然後你就叫我們了 | Then that's when you started yelling. |
休息片刻 | We're gonna take a short break. |
那小夥拿回家的遠不止注意事項了啊 | That guy's going home with more than a note. |
過來,馬修,坐這兒 | Come here,Marcel. Sit here. |
拜託,沒想到他還沒親你 | I can't believe he hasn't kissed you yet. |
我第6次和保羅約會時 他就為我的胸部取了名字 | By my sixth date with Paolo,he'd already named both my breasts. |
我分享太多了嗎? | Did I just share too much? |
一點點 | Just a smidge. |
大衛是個科學家,做事一絲不苟 | David's,like,a scientist guy. He's very methodical. |
-我認為這很浪漫 -我也這麼想! | -I think it's romantic. -Me too! |
你們看過《軍官與紳士》嗎? | Did you ever see An Officer and a Gentleman? |
跟我一起去看這部片子的男友和他是一個類型 | He's kind of like the guy I went to see that with. |
除了他更聰明,溫柔體貼之外 | Except he's smarter and gentler and sweeter. |
我只想整天和他廝守在一起 | I just wanna be with him all the time. |
不管是白天或夜晚,還是夜晚或白天 | You know,day and night. And night and day. |
還有特別的日子 | And special occasions. |
等等,我知道了 你邀他共渡新年,對不? | I see. You're gonna ask him to New Year's. |
-她想拋棄我們 -不!不,不 | -She's gonna break the pact. -No! No,no. |
不…對,我可以嗎… | No. Yeah,could I just? |
-好吧,我已約了珍妮絲 -什麼? | -Yeah. I already asked Janice. -What? |
這是一個約定!這是你們的約定! | This was a pact! This was your pact! |
我耐不住寂寞,我毀約了 | I couldn't handle the pressure. I snapped! |
可是珍妮絲…你們的分手不是糟透了? | But that was the worst breakup in history! |
我沒說這是個好主意,我毀約了 | I'm not saying it was a good idea. I snapped! |
抱歉,我遲到了 | Hi,sorry I'm late. |
太滑稽了 | Too many jokes. |
快取笑喬伊 | Must mock Joey. |
鞋子正點吧 | Nice shoes,huh? |
我快笑死了 | God,you're killing me! |
羅斯,他又玩我的鏟子 | Ross,he's playing with my spatulas again! |
-他又不會玩壞的 -你非得每次都帶他來不可嗎? | -He's not gonna hurt them,right? -Do you always have to bring him? |
我不想留下他一個人 我們早上才吵了一架 | I didn't wanna leave him alone. We had our first fight this morning. |
一定是我加班惹的禍 我說了不該說的話 | It has to do with my working late. I said some things that I didn't mean. |
他就朝我扔一坨屎 | He threw some feces. |
如果你必須加班,我可以替你照顧他 | If you're working late,I can look in on him. |
這太好了 | That would be great! |
如果你去照顧他,要裝成一付去找他的樣子 | But make sure it seems like you're there to see him. |
不能讓他知道你是在幫我忙 | You're not doing it for me. |
好,但他如果問起 我可就要實話實說了 | Okay. But if he asks,I'm not going to lie. |
但我們仍無法測試這個理論 | But you can't actually test this theory. |
因為目前粒子加速的速度 | T oday's particle accelerators aren't powerful enough... |
-仍無法類比出這樣的情況 -好,我有個問題 | -...to simulate these conditions. -I have a question then. |
你打算親我嗎? | -Yeah? -Do you plan on kissing me ever? |
這是個正當而合理的問題 答案是… | That's definitely a valid question,and the answer... |
是的.對,我曾想過 | ...would be yes. Yes,I was. |
但我要讓這非凡的吻… | But I wanted it to be this phenomenal kiss... |
發生在非凡的時刻,因為是你 | ...at a phenomenal moment because it's you. |
當然 | Sure. |
但等得越久親吻就越非凡 | The longer I waited,the more phenomenal the kiss had to be. |
而在此時此地,我想… | Now,it's just gotta be one of those things where l... |
…掃去桌上的一切,將你丟在上面 | ...sweep everything off the table. |
但我不是會掃去一切,那種猴急的男人 | And I'm not really a sweeping sort of fella. |
大衛,我想你是 | David,I think you are a sweeping sort of fella. |
你是被困在物理學家體內的猛男 | I mean,you're a sweeper trapped inside a physicist's body. |
-真的? -沒錯,我確定 | -Really? -I'm sure. |
你應該解放出來,把我丟上去吧 | You should just do it. Just throw me. |
-現在? -對,現在 | -Now? -Yeah,right now. Just.... |
好.好.好 | Okay. Okay. Okay. |
這東西很貴的 | You know what? This is really expensive. |
這個是人家送的 | And this was a gift. |
-你在清理場地 -好吧,管他的 | -Now you' re just tidying up. -Okay. |
-你想讓我丟上去還是自己跳上去? -我自己跳好了 | -You want me to throw you? -I can hop. |
告訴我,“沒有約會的約定”對你們有何意義? | T ell me something,what does " no-date pact" mean to you? |
錢德有物件,菲比也有對象 | It's just that Chandler and Phoebe have somebody. |
所以我約了搞笑巴比 | I thought I'd ask Fun Bobby. |
-搞笑巴比?你的前任男友搞笑巴比? -對 | -Your ex-boyfriend? -Yeah. |
-你還認識其他的搞笑巴比? -我的確認識一個 | -You know more than one Fun Bobby? -I happen to know a Fun Bob. |
-來了 -太滿了,我沒法加牛奶了 | -Okay. Here we go. -There's no room for milk. |
好了,這下可以了 | There. Now there is. |
所以在這個沒有約會的晚上,三人另有節目 | So on our no-date evening,three of you now have dates. |
-四人 -五人 | -Four. -Five. |
抱歉,保羅提早搭飛機回來 | Sorry. Paolo's catching an earlier flight. |
而我在商場遇上—個火辣辣的單親媽媽 | And I met this really hot single mom at the store. |
我這個小精靈怎能抗拒? | What's an elf to do? |
這麼說球落下那一刻 我是唯一一個孤零零的傢伙? | So I'll be the only one alone when the ball drops? |
我們將舉行盛大的派對 而且沒人知道到底知道誰和誰 | We'll have a big party,and no one will know who's with who. |
我知道,而且這不是我現在需要知道的 | I'll know. This is so not what I needed right now. |
-你怎麼了? -都是馬修 | -What's the matter? -Oh,it's Marcel. |
他生我的氣了 我不知道為什麼 他一直不讓我進門 | He's angry with me. I have no idea why. He keeps shutting me out. |
他拖著雙手不斷繞圈子 | He's walking around all the time,dragging his hands. |
真是詭異 我前幾天晚上還跟他相處愉快 | That's weird. I had a blast with him. |
-真的? -我們一起玩,看電視 | -Really? -We played,watched TV. |
雜耍真是太精彩了 | That juggling thing is amazing. |
什麼雜耍? | What juggling thing? |
拿襪子,我以為是你教他的 | With the socks? I figured you taught him that. |
我沒有 | No. |
這也不算什麼,只是拿襪子罷了 還有一顆香瓜 | It wasn't that big a deal. Just socks. And a melon. |
-菲比 -麥克斯,認識大家嗎? | -Phoebe! -Max. Do you know everybody? |
不認識,你看見大衛嗎? | No. Have you seen David? |
沒有,他沒在這兒 | He hasn't been around. |
看見他時告訴他快打包,我們要去明斯克 | If you see him,tell him to pack. We are going to Minsk. |
-明斯克? -在俄羅斯 | -Minsk? -Minsk. It's in Russia. |
我知道明斯克在哪兒 | I know where Minsk is. |
我們已申請到獎助金 全額贊助我們三年 | We got the grant. Three years,all expenses paid. |
如果你們去明斯克就是這樣去的 | And if you're gonna do Minsk,that's the way to go. |
-你們何時去明斯克 -1月1日 | -So when do you leave? -January 1 st. |
-有人嗎? | -Hello? -What? Hey. Hi. |
-你來這兒幹什麼? -麥克斯告訴我明斯克的事了 | -What are you doing here? -Max told me about Minsk. |
恭喜了,真叫人興奮 | Congratulations! This is so exciting! |
能去的話會更叫人興奮 | It'd be even more exciting if we were going. |
你不去了?為什麼? | Oh,you're not going? Oh,why? |
告訴她,“我不打算去…” | T ell her. " I don't wanna go... |
…和李本斯、亞馬古基與法朗克共事 | ...to work with Lipson,Yamaguchi and Flank. |
我要留下來和我的女友培養感情 | I wanna stay and make out with my girlfriend! " |
夠了,麥克斯,謝謝 | Okay,thank you,Max. Thank you. |
你真的不去? | So you're really not going? |
我也不知道,我只是… | I don't know what I'm gonna do. I just.... |
我怎麼能離開你?我才剛剛遇到你 | How can I leave you? I just found you. |
大衛.你決定怎麼辦? | Oh,David. But what are you gonna do? |
我不知道.你決定 | I don't know. You decide. |
-別這樣 -我是在求你 | -Don't do that. -But l' m asking you. |
-我不能那麼做 -好吧,留下來 | -I can't make a decision. Just -Okay. Stay. |
-留下來 -留下來 | -Stay. -Stay. |
你進步神速啊! | Getting so good at that! |
這是麥克斯的東西 | It was Max's stuff. |
我喜歡菊芋 | I love this artichoke thing. |
別告訴我裡面是什麼 我明天才開始節食 | Don't tell me what's in it. The diet starts tomorrow. |
記得珍妮絲嗎? | You remember Janice. |
歷歷在目 | Vividly. |
-感覺怎麼樣? -我現在感覺… | -How are you? -I am fantastic. |
…太奇妙了! | Now. |
真的很奇妙.我們又一起回到了… | It's amazing. We've been back together for what... |
-…就像還有十分鐘 -就這些? | -...Iike 1 0 minutes,and -ls that all? |
就好像我倆從來沒有分開過一樣 | It's like we were never apart. |
當然,我們會,原諒並且忘記 | Of course,we were,but Forgive and forget. |
好的,忘記 | Well,forget. |
我是珊蒂 | -Hi. -Hi,l' m Sandy. |
珊蒂,請進 | Sandy,hi. Come on in. |
-你把孩子都帶來了 -對,可以嗎? | -You brought your kids. -Yeah. That's okay,right? |
-我來了! -這東西不可以進來 | -Party! -That thing is not coming in here! |
東西?你都這樣招呼客人嗎? | This is how you greet guests? |
我問你,如果我帶著新女友來 你也不歡迎她進來? | If I showed up with my new girlfriend,she wouldn't be welcome? |
你的新女友不會尿在我的咖啡桌上 | Your new girlfriend wouldn't urinate on my coffee table. |
他已經夠難為情了,行嗎? | He was more embarrassed about that than anyone. |
他已鼓足勇氣回到這裡 | And for him to have the courage to walk back in here... |
就當一切都沒發生過一樣 | ...Iike nothing happened |
好,叫他離我遠點就是了 | All right. All right. Just keep him away from me. |
謝謝.來,馬修 | Thank you. Come on,Marcel. |
咱們去交際一下吧 | What do you say you and I mingle? |
好吧,待會兒見 | All right,I'll catch up with you later. |
天啊,瑞秋,你沒事吧? | Oh,my gosh! Rachel,honey,are you okay? |
-保羅在哪兒? -羅馬.那混蛋沒趕上飛機 | -Where's Paolo? -Rome. Jerk missed his flight. |
然後你的臉就爆炸了? | And then your face exploded? |
不是 | No. |
我在機場要進入計程車時 | Okay. I was at the airport getting into a cab... |
一個帶著一本書的金髮女人 | ...when this woman,this blond planet with a pocketbook... |
開始對我大叫,說是她先攔到的 | ...starts yelling. Something about how it was her cab first. |
然後她就開始扯我的頭髮 | The next thing,she just starts pulling me out by my hair! |
我拿出口哨猛吹 | And I was blowing my attack whistle thingy... |
結果又來了三輛計程車 | ...and three more cabs show up. |
我要進入車時,她又展開攻擊 | So as I'm going to get into a cab,she tackles me! |
結果我撞上了路沿 嘴唇被口中的哨子弄傷 | And I hit my head on the curb and cut my lip on my whistle. |
大家玩得還愉快吧? | Everybody having fun at the party? |
-有人吃我的調味汁嗎 -有的 | -Are people eating my dip? -Yes. |
那裡 | There. |
-這看起來還行,對不? -你唇膏塗的有點厚了 | -That looks okay,right? -You went a bit wide on the lipstick. |
-是嗎? -有點 | -Oh,I did? -Yeah. |
我很難看清楚,我眼睛腫起來了 | It's hard for me to tell. My eye's closing up. |
我來給你畫吧 | Let me get it for you. |
-喔! -好了 | -Ow! -Okay. |
你們覺得怎麼樣?看起來不錯 | You know what? It looks fine. |
好吧,我們出去吧 | Okay,here we go. |
去他的保羅,去他的心理變態計程車女人 | Screw Paolo,screw the psycho cab lady. |
這是新年前夜,我們過得開心點 | It's New Year's Eve. Let's have a good time. |
我們走吧 | -Okay,here we go. -Okay. |
好吧,來,門在這邊 | All right,there you go. This way. |
這邊走 | Here you go. |
我上周在商場看見你時 | When I saw you at the store last week... |
那或許是我第一次想像裸體的小精靈 | ...it was the first time I ever mentally undressed an elf. |
-真淫蕩 -是的 | -Wow,that's dirty. -Yeah. |
孩子 | Hey,kids. |
他不必整晚和我待在一起 | He doesn't have to spend the whole evening with me... |
但至少也得來問候一聲 | ... but at least check in. |
原來你在這兒 | There you are! |
你從我身邊逃跑了 | You got away from me. |
-但又被你逮到了 -羅斯,幫我們照一張 | -But you found me. -Here,Ross,take our picture. |
笑一個,你在珍妮絲的相機中了 | Smile. You' re on Janice Camera. |
殺了我吧,現在就殺了我 | Kill me. Kill me now. |
嗨,我叫瑞秋 | Hi,l' m Rachel. |
你是誰的朋友啊? | So whose friend are you? |
看看我,灑的到處都是 | Look at me,spilling everywhere. |
各位,搞笑巴比來了 | Everybody,it's Fun Bobby! |
抱歉,我遲到了.我祖父他 | Hey,sorry I'm late. But my grandfather... |
他在兩小時前過世了 | ...died about two hours ago. |
明天才有飛機,所以我來了 | But I couldn't get a flight out till tomorrow,so here I am. |
搞笑巴比,近來可好?誰死了? | Hey,Fun Bobby! How's it going,man? Whoa! Who died? |
他棺材將暫時不蓋上 | It's gonna be an open casket,you know? |
所以我至少可以再見他最後一面 | So at least I'll get to see him again. |
巴比?搞笑巴比? | Bobby? Fun Bobby? |
我們簡單聊聊 | Let me talk to you for just a sec. |
我外婆最近也剛剛去世了… | I recently lost a grandparent myself... |
所以我很能體會你現在的感受 | ...so I really know exactly how you feel. |
但是你確實把聚會的氣氛弄得很糟 | But you' re really bringing the party down. |
-對不起 -好吧 | -l' m sorry. -Yeah,yeah,okay. |
這就行了.這就行了 | There you go. There you go. |
我要在上面哈口氣,然後寫上“破鏡重圓” | I' m gonna blow this one up and write " Reunited " in glitter. |
珍妮絲,夠了 | All right,Janice,that's it! |
珍妮絲…珍妮絲… | Janice. Janice. |
珍妮絲,我邀你來並不代表我們… | Hey,Janice,when I invited you,I didn't think it meant |
哦,不… | Oh,no! |
抱歉,讓你誤會了 | I' m sorry you misunderstood. |
你聽我說…你聽我說… | You listen to me! You listen to me! |
這可能是你我最後一次共處了 | One of these times,it's just gonna be your last chance with me! |
那東西可以給我嗎? | Will you give me the thing? |
-麥克斯 -洋子(小野洋子造成披頭士成員不合) | -Hi,Max. -Yoko. |
我決定自己去明斯克了 | I've decided to go to Minsk without you. |
-喔 -少了你將不太一樣… | -Wow. -lt won't be the same... |
…但明斯克還是明斯克 新年快樂 | ... but it will still be Minsk. Happy New Year. |
-你還好吧? -沒事,我沒事,我沒事 | -Are you all right? -Yeah,l' m fine. I' m fine. |
來 | Come on. |
-你去明克斯吧 -不,我不去了 | -You' re going to Minsk. -No,l' m not going to Minsk. |
你一定要去明斯克 | You are so going to Minsk. |
你屬於明斯克 你不能因為我而留下來 | You belong in Minsk. You can't stay here just for me. |
如果我走,就代表我必須與你分手 | If I go,I have to break up with you. |
-但我不能和你分手. -是的,你可以的 | -And I can't break up with you. -Yes,you can. |
你可以說,“菲比,我愛你,但是工作是我的生命” | Just say," Phoebe,I love you,but my work is my life. |
“這是我必須做的.” | That's what I have to do. " |
然後我說,“你的工作?你竟說出這種話?” | And I say,"Your work? How can you say that? " |
接著你說,“我沒有選擇. 難道你不瞭解嗎?” | Then you say," I have no choice. Can't you understand that? " |
我說,“不!不!我不瞭解!” | And I say," No! No! I can't understand that! " |
-疼 -對不起 | -Ow. -Sorry. |
然後你抱住我… | And then you put your arms around me. |
-然後你抱住我… -哦,對不起 | -Then you put your arms around me. -Oh,sorry. |
然後你對我說你愛我 你永遠不會忘記我 | And then you tell me you love me and you'll never forget me. |
我永遠不會忘記你 | I'll never forget you. |
你又說現在已接近午夜,你必須走了 | Then you say that you have to go... |
你不想與我共渡新年 因為你實在狠不下心離開 | ... because you don't wanna start the year with me if you can't finish it. |
我會想你的,科學家 | I' m gonna miss you,you scientist guy. |
我是迪克拉克 在時代廣場 | Hi,Dick Clark in Times Square. |
時代廣場這兒的五彩紙片紛紛落下 | We're in a virtual snowstorm of confetti here in Times Square. |
一年比一年進步 | It gets better every.... |
好好睡吧,孩子 | Here you go,kids. |
然後孔雀就咬了我 | And then the peacock bit me. |
請在午夜吻我 | Please kiss me at midnight! |
-看見珊蒂沒? -我不知該如何告訴你 | -You seen Sandy? -I don't know how to tell you this... |
她和麥克斯在莫妮卡的房裡 | ... but she's in the bedroom getting it on with Max. |
哦,我都不知道怎麼對你說 | Oh,I did know how to tell you. |
-各位,大球要掉了 -什麼? | -Hey,everybody,the ball is dropping. -What? |
大球要掉了 | The ball is dropping! |
再過20秒鐘就是午夜 | In 20 seconds,it'll be midnight. |
興奮的時刻即將到來 | And the moment of joy is upon us. |
看起來沒有約會的約定奏效了啊 | Looks like that no-date pact worked out. |
大家好像都很開心,我不喜歡 | Everybody looks so happy. I hate that! |
不是所有人都開心,嘿,巴比 | Not everybody is happy. Hey,Bobby! |
4…3…2… | four,three,two... |
…1!新年快樂 | ...one! Happy New Year! |
我這麼說好了,我不是數學大師 | I thought I'd throw this out. I' m no math whiz... |
但我相信這兒有3對男女 | ... but I do believe there are three girls and three guys right here. |
今晚我不想親任何人 | I don't feel like kissing anyone tonight. |
-我無法親任何人 -我要親大家嗎? | -I can't kiss anyone. -So,I'm kissing everyone? |
不,你不能親羅斯,他是你哥 | No,you can't kiss Ross. That's your brother. |
太好了,大家都親,除我之外 | So now everybody's getting kissed but me. |
誰來親我… | Somebody kiss me. |
誰來親我…現在是午夜… 誰來親我… | Somebody kiss me! It's midnight! Somebody kiss me! |
好吧,來吧 | All right! All right! |
這裡! | There! |
我真的希望這樣能夠奏效 | I wanted this to work so much. |
我還在那裡 | I'm still in there. |
替他換尿布,替他抓跳蚤 | Changing his diapers. Picking his fleas. |
但他卻視為理所當然 | But he's just phoning it in. |
深愛某人卻得不到回報 真是令人難過 | It's hard that something you love so much doesn't love you back. |
我想那個賤人打斷了我的牙齒 | I think that bitch cracked my tooth. |
你想他們有昨天的報紙嗎? | Do you think they have yesterday's Daily News? |
我只是想看我的星座准不准 | I just wanna check my horoscope,see if it was right. |
天啊,菲比,別看 你背後有個將會令我們 | Oh,my God! Don't Iook now. Behind you there's a guy... |
傷心欲絕的帥哥 | ...who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression. |
到媽媽這來呀 | Come to mama. |
他來了,酷一點… | He's coming. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool. |
-帽子不錯 -謝謝 | -Nice hat. -Thanks. |
-我們應該有所行動,吹口哨 -我不吹 | -We should do something. Whistle. -I' m not whistling. |
來吧,吹! | Come on,do it! |
吹.吹.吹 | Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. |
我不敢相信你居然這麼幹了 | I can't believe you did that. |
六人行 第1季 第11集 賓太太 | The One With Mrs. Bing |
-這都是我的錯 -不,是我的錯 | -It's all my fault. -No,it's mine. |
我為什麼要“喔-呵”的叫呢? | Why did I whoo-hoo? |
難道我期望,他回過頭來然後說… | Was I hoping he'd turn around and say... |
…“我喜歡那聲音,我現在就要你”? | ... " I Iove that sound. I must have you now"? |
我只希望我們能幫上一點忙 | I wish there was something we could do. |
你好,昏迷的帥哥 | Hello,coma guy. |
起來,你這少女偵察機! 起來!起來!起來! | Get up,you Girl Scout! Up,up,up! |
菲比,你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
或許沒人試過這一招 | Maybe nobody's tried this. |
希望至少能知道他的名字 | I wish we at Ieast knew his name. |
我討厭他們叫他“某約翰”(無名氏) | I hate that they're calling him John Doe. |
這真讓人傷心.感覺他像一隻小鹿 一隻小雌鹿 | It's so sad. It's Iike he's a deer,a female deer. |
喔,我就此打住 | Oh,I was gonna stop. |
瞧他這張臉 | Look at that face. |
即使他在昏迷中仍一副聰明樣 | Even sleeping he Iooks smart. |
你有看見他手關節上的凹凸嗎? 那代表他有藝術氣息 | Yeah,but the dents in his knuckles mean he's artistic. |
他是個兼職教雕塑的律師 | Okay. He's a Iawyer who teaches sculpting on the side. |
而且他會跳舞 | And he can dance. |
他是那種靜靜聽你講話的人 | And he's the kind of guy who,when you're talking,he's listening... |
而不是說“我瞭解” | ... not saying," I understand "... |
卻猜想著你裸體的樣子 | ... but really wondering what you Iook Iike naked. |
我希望男生都像他這樣 | I wish all guys could be Iike him. |
我知道 | I know. |
你們甚至不認識這小夥 | You don't even know this guy. |
紐約難道沒有適合你們的清醒男生? | Are there no conscious men in the city for you two? |
他身旁沒人照顧 | He doesn't have anyone. |
我們覺得應該負起責任 | We feel kind of responsible. |
我不敢相信你會“喔-呵” | I can't believe you said "whoo-hoo. " |
連我都不說“喔-呵” | I don't even say "whoo-hoo. " |
哦,她出現了 | Oh,she's coming up. |
稍後,我們將和永遠引人人勝的 諾拉.泰勒.賓進行訪談 | When we return,we 'll talk with the always interesting Nora Tyler Bing. |
你得叫你的孩子上床睡覺了 | Put the kids to bed for this one. |
我們別看這個 HBO電影台正在播《老闆度假去》 | Don't watch this. Weekend at Bernie 's is on Showtime and HBO. |
不行,這怎麼可以 | No way. |
-她是你媽媽! -沒錯. 但是《老闆度假去》裡面 | -She's your mom. -Exactly. Weekend at Bernie 's. |
死人的腹股溝被打了二,三十次 | Dead guy getting hit in the groin 20,30 times. |
錢德,我得告訴你 我愛你媽的書 | I gotta tell you,I Iove your mom's books. |
飛機上沒她的書陪伴,我會度日如年 她的書簡直是酷斃了 | I can't get on a plane without one. This is so cool. |
你無法想像當你11歲的時候 | You wouldn't think so if you were 1 1... |
你的朋友們爭相傳閱 “情婦婊子”79頁時的感覺 | ...and your friends were passing around page 79 of Mistress Bitch. |
我記得第79頁 | I remember page 79. |
歌劇之後 和那個有可愛臀部的小姑娘的故事 | The thing after the opera with the girl with the trick hip? |
拜託,我愛你媽.她是第一流的 | I Iove your mom. I think she's a blast. |
這是因為她不是你媽媽 | That's because she's not your mom. |
拜託 | Oh,please. She's the |
親愛的 | Hi,sweetie. |
那個“波紋貝殼狀通心粉(義大利菜)” 什麼時候從羅馬回來的? | When did " Rigatoni " get back from Rome? |
-昨晚 -真的? | -Last night. -Really? |
難道,他的飛機沒在空中炸成火球? | So,his plane didn't explode in a big ball of fire? |
只是我做過的一個夢 | Just a dream I had. |
但,呼! | But,phew! |
她出現了 | Hey,she's on. |
諾拉賓 | Nora Bing. |
等會兒再談你的書吧 聽說你在倫敦被逮捕? | Back to the book. What is this about you being arrested in London? |
你媽被逮捕? | Your mom was arrested? |
安靜,我正感到無比的驕傲 | I'm busy beaming with pride. |
說來有點難為情… | This is kind of embarrassing... |
…在我不經意和一個男人親熱後 | ...but occasionally,after I've been intimate with a man... |
她怎會說難為情? | Why would she say that's embarrassing? |
…我非常想吃宮保雞丁 | ...I just get this craving for kung pao chicken. |
透露太多了! | That's too much information. |
不必說,他當然有一個大傢伙 | Needless to say,he got a huge tip. |
哦,上帝,我愛她! | Oh,God,I Iove her! |
我想我快要中風了 | I think I' m having a stroke. |
現在你正為新書做宣傳,情況如何? | So how is your book tour going? |
還不錯,明天我將前往紐約 其實我不喜歡紐約 | Oh,fine. I'm leaving for New York tomorrow,which I hate. |
但是我的兒子住那兒,我愛他 | But I get to see my son,who I love. |
這就是我瞭解這個的方式. 而大多數母親只會透過電話這麼說 | This is the way that I find out. Most moms use the phone. |
別誤會,只是我看不出你已為人母 | Don 't take this wrong,I just don 't see you as a mom. |
-我絕對沒有惡意 -不,我是個很前衛的母親 | -I don 't mean that bad. -Oh,no. I'm a fabulous mom. |
我兒子的第一個保險套,是我買給他的 | I bought my son his first condoms. |
然後他就欲火焚身 | And then he burst into flames. |
國會正討論新削減預算赤字法案 | Let's see. Congress is debating a new deficit-reduction bill. |
市長想再度提高地鐵票價 今天最高氣溫是45度 | The mayor wants to raise subway fares. The high today was 45. |
還有各球隊正在比賽 | And teams played sports. |
葛籣如何? | What about GIen? |
可以叫他葛籣 | He could be a GIen. |
不,還不夠特別 | Not special enough. |
阿伽門農(荷馬史詩英雄)怎麼樣? | How about Agamemnon? |
太特別了 | Way too special. |
我餓死了,我想吃什麼呢? | I'm famished. What do I want? |
拜託,別又是宮保雞丁 | PIease,God,don't Iet it be kung pao chicken. |
你看了那節目,感覺如何? | You watched the show. What did you think? |
我覺得你應該更放開一些… | I think you need to come out of your shell. |
為何選在這裡? | What is this dive? |
只有你才會選這種地方 | Only you could've picked this place. |
閉嘴,這樣滿不錯的 來,抱一個 | Come on. Shut up. It's fun. Give me a hug. |
我聽說了離婚的事情了.女同性戀? | I heard about the divorce. Lesbian,huh? |
你知道他們總是說:“要小心你內心希望的.” | Well,you know what they say: Be careful what you wish for. |
-我想我們可以喝點龍舌酒了 -我知道我可以 | -I think we' re ready for some tequila. -I know I am. |
-誰要來一杯 -我要 | -Who's doing shots? -Hit me. |
你呢,羅斯? | There you go. Ross? |
我不喝酒 | I' m not really a shot-drinking kind of guy. |
抱歉,我們遲到了 | Hi. Sorry we' re Iate. |
我們有點忘了時間 | We kind of just,you know,Iost track of time. |
不過男人是可以改變的 | But a man can change. |
有人要我評價任何事物嗎? | Anyone want me to appraise anything? |
我要去方便一下 | Well,I' m gonna go to tinker-town. |
賓太太,我拜讀過你所有的大作 | Mrs. Bing,I've read everything you've written. |
我讀了《興奮午夜》後,就一心想成為作家 | When I read Euphoria at Midnight,I wanted to become a writer. |
別這麼說,我能辦到的大家都能辦到 | Oh,please. If I can do it,anybody can. |
你只需先描述半打歐洲城市 | Start with half a dozen European cities... |
以30個委婉語形容男性生殖器 | ...throw in 30 euphemisms for male genitalia... |
這樣就能寫成一本書了 | ...and you've got yourself a book. |
女士們先生們,這就是我母親 | My mother,ladies and gentlemen. |
226房有留言嗎? | Yeah,any messages for room 226? |
-你還好吧,猛男? -我還好 | -You okay,slugger? -Oh,yeah. I' m fine. |
你今晚怎麼了? | What is with you tonight? |
沒什麼…… | Nothing. Nothing,nothing. |
謝謝 | Okay,thank you. |
是因為那個義大利舔手男? | It's the Italian hand-licker,isn't it? |
不,是因為被他舔的人 | No. It's the one he's Iicking. |
她應該和你在一起 | She's supposed to be with you. |
你真行 | You' re good. |
羅斯,我賣出上億本的書 知道為什麼嗎? | I have sold 1 00 million copies of my books,and you know why? |
因為封面上的辣妹露兩點? | The girl on the cover with her nipples showing? |
不,因為我知道該如何描寫讓女人陷入愛河的男人 | No,because I know how to write men that women fall in Iove with. |
相信我,保羅沒有賣點 | I cannot sell a Paolo. |
沒人有興趣翻325頁看保羅的 | People will not turn 325 pages for a Paolo. |
他不過是個二等貨 | Come on. The guy's a secondary character. |
不過是最後要被你打敗的 | He's just a complication you eventually kill off. |
什麼時候? | When? |
他不是主角 | He's not a hero. |
知道我們的最佳男主角是誰? | You know who our hero is? |
露兩點的猛男? | The guy on the cover with his nipples showing? |
是你啊 | No,it's you. |
-不要這麼說 -不,我是說真的 | -PIease. -No,really. |
你既聰明又性感 | Come on. You' re smart. You' re sexy. |
-真的 -是呀 | -Right. -Yes,you are. |
事實是,你不認為自己比以前更性感了 | The fact that you don't think you are makes you sexier. |
你會走出陰霾的,相信我 | Come on,kiddo. You' re gonna be fine,believe me. |
我到街上尿就好了 | I'II just pee in the street. |
錢德在嗎 | Is Chandler here? |
等等.過來 | Wait. Come here. |
關於昨天晚上 | Okay,about Iast night... |
你知道的 | ...you know... |
錢德,你沒有告訴他吧 | ... Chandler,you didn't tell.... |
因為我想不需告訴他 只是個吻,沒什麼大不了的 | We don't need to tell Chandler. It was just a kiss. No big deal,right? |
對,沒什麼大不了的 | Right. No big deal. |
在奇異世界中才叫沒什麼 | In bizarro world. |
你違反規定 | You broke the code. |
-什麼規定? -不能親朋友母親的規定 | -What code? -You don't kiss your friend's mom. |
姐妹還可以 火辣的姑媽,或許也行 | Sisters are okay. Maybe a hot-looking aunt. |
母親不行,絕對不行 | But not a mom. Never a mom. |
你們在外面幹什麼? | What are you guys doing out here? |
喬伊和我說過要早起去打壁球 | Joey and I had discussed getting in an early morning racquetball game. |
顯然有人睡過頭了 | But apparently somebody overslept. |
對,你沒帶球拍? | Well,you don't have your racquet. |
不,我的拍子拿去修了 | No. No,I don't because it's being restrung. |
有人應該幫我準備一支拍子 | Somebody was supposed to bring me one. |
是嗎?你沒告訴我握把的尺寸 | Well,you didn't call and leave your grip size. |
你們倆真會浪費時間 | You guys are spending way too much time together. |
好吧,我是人渣,我是人渣 | I' m scum. I' m scum. |
-羅斯,你怎能讓這種事發生? -我也不知道 | -How could you Iet this happen? -I don't know. |
她不像是一般的媽媽 | It's not Iike she's a regular mom. |
她很性感 | She's sexy. She's.... |
你認為我媽不性感? | You don't think my mom's sexy? |
不一樣的性感 | Well,not in the same way. |
我媽當年也是美得不得了 | I'll have you know,GIoria T ribbiani was a handsome woman in her day. |
你認為生7個小孩是件容易的事? | You think it's easy giving birth to seven children? |
我們愈談愈離譜了 | Okay,I think we're getting into a weird area here. |
你們在這兒幹什麼? | What are you doing here? |
不是打壁球 | Not playing racquetball. |
-他忘了告訴我握把尺寸 -他沒帶護目鏡 | -He forgot to Ieave his grip size. -He didn't get the goggles. |
你們倆似乎有點事 | Sounds Iike you two have issues. |
再見,寶貝 | Goodbye,baby. |
他們是故意做給我看的嗎? | Do they wait for me to do this? |
-你到底要不要告訴他? -為何要告訴他? | -Are you gonna tell him? -Why would I tell him? |
如果你不說,他媽或許會 | If you don't,his mother might. |
你們在這兒幹什麼? | What are you guys doing here? |
他沒穿護襠 | He's not even wearing a jock strap. |
我剛問了什麼? | What did I ask? |
你在這兒幹什麼? | What are you doing here? |
沒事,我只是順路… 我被那個,你知道的,就是那個 | Nothing. I just thought I'd stop by,you know,after... |
那個,我,你知道的 | ...that I,you know. |
你來這兒幹什麼? | So,what are you doing here? |
我不是專程來此 | I' m not really here. |
只是順路拿這些過來 | I just thought I'd drop these off on the way. My way. |
你常自己來? | Do you come here a Iot... |
一個人來? | ...without me? |
不,不,不 | No,no,no. |
你認為他早上好點沒? | Do you think he's doing any better than he was this morning? |
我怎會知道?我又沒來 | How would I know? I wasn't here. |
真的?也沒替他換睡衣? | Really? Not even to change his pajamas? |
我的天 | Oh,my God. |
你是我朋友,我得告訴你 | You're my friend. I had to tell you. |
我簡直不敢相信 | I can't believe it. |
保羅親了我媽? | Paolo kissed my mom? |
對,我不知道你是否注意到 他喝了很多酒 | I don't know if you noticed,but he drank a Iot. |
他酒醉的模樣你也見識過 | I mean,you know how he gets |
我辦不到…是我 | I can't do this. I did it. |
抱歉,是我親了你媽 | It was me. I' m sorry. I kissed your mom. |
什麼? | What? |
瑞秋和保羅的事令我很沮喪 我想我是喝太多龍舌酒,而諾拉 | I was upset about Rachel and I had too much tequila,and Nora... |
媽媽太太,你的賓 | ... Mrs. Mom,your Bing,was... |
你的媽媽對我很體貼 但沒發生什麼事 | ... being nice. But nothing happened. |
什麼都沒有,可以問喬伊 | Nothing. Ask Joey. |
-喬伊剛好走進來 -你知道這件事? | -Joey came in -You knew about this? |
知識是很狡猾的 | You know,knowledge is a tricky thing. |
你為何沒告訴我? | Why didn't you tell me? |
他們被我逮到算你幸運 不然後果可不堪設想 | You're Iucky I caught them,or else who knows what would've happened? |
謝了,老兄,幫大忙了 | Thanks,man. Big help. |
你到底在想什麼? | What the hell were you thinking? |
我沒有…我不知道 | I wasn't. I don't know. I |
我和我媽之間的事 朋友中屬你最清楚了 | No one knows the crap I go through with my mom more than you. |
-我知道 -我無法相信你會做這種事 | -I know. -I can't believe you did this. |
-我也無法相信 -我也對你很生氣 | -Me neither. -I' m mad at you too. |
-為什麼生我的氣? -讓我用力關門吧 | -Why are you mad at me? -Let me slam the door. |
錢德,我又沒親她,違反規定就是這種下場 | I didn't kiss her. See what happens when you break the code? |
“丟臉的女人”瑞秋凱倫格林 | "A Woman Undone,by Rachel Karen Greene. " |
對,我想嘗試一下,我仍在寫第一章 | I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm on the first chapter. |
你認為他“粗棉布監牢”中的“愛棒” 能獲得解放嗎? | Do you think his "Iove stick" can be "Iiberated from its denim prison"? |
我想可以吧 | Yeah,I'd say so. |
另外,“engorged(充盈的)”這個單詞沒有“J” | And there's no "J " in "engorged. " |
-你今晚要去醫院嗎? -不,你呢? | -You going to the hospital tonight? -No. You? |
不,你呢? | No. You? |
你剛問過了 | You just asked me. |
好吧,或許這是個圈套 | Maybe it was a trick question. |
瑞秋,我們現在能開始了嗎? | Rachel,can we do this now? |
我好興奮 | I am so hot. |
這是我爸媽在婚禮時照的 | Here's my mom and dad on their wedding day. |
你告訴我,她不是曠世美人 | Now,you tell me she's not a knockout. |
-沒想到我們會談論這個 -就試著想像她沒挺著大肚子 | -I can't believe this conversation. -Just try to picture her not pregnant. |
中央公園很榮幸為各位介紹 菲比布菲小姐 | Central Perk is proud to present Miss Phoebe Buffay. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
這首歌是有關一個我剛認識的男生 | I'd Iike to start with a song about a man I recently met... |
他已成為我生命中重要的男人 | ...who's come to be very important to me. |
你無須醒來當我的男人 | You don 't have to be awake To be my man |
只要你還有腦電波 我就會在一旁握著你的手 | Long as you have brain waves I'll be there to hold your hand |
雖然我們相遇不久 | Though we just met the other day |
我想說… | There 's something I have got to say |
謝謝各位,我得休息一下 | Thank you very much. I' m gonna take a short break. |
我們感謝菲比小姐 | That was Phoebe Buffay,everybody. |
-她在搞什麼? -菲比剛… | -What the hell was that? -Phoebe just started |
我是和喬伊講話,行了,親媽媽的人 | I was talking to Joey. AII right,there,mother-kisser? |
親媽媽的人 | " Mother-kisser. " |
我閉嘴 | I'II shut up. |
我知道你仍在生我的氣 | I know you' re still mad at me... |
我只想說那一夜有兩個人 | ... but there were two people there that night. |
-兩雙嘴唇 -是哦,我希望她親口告訴我 | -There were two sets of Iips. -I expect this from her. |
她一直都是個佛洛德噩夢 | She's always been a Freudian nightmare. |
你為何不找她談談? | Then why don't you say something? |
因為太複雜了,這太複雜了 | Because it's complicated. It's complex. |
你親了我媽 | You kissed my mom. |
我們正在排練希臘劇 | We' re rehearsing a Greek play. |
真幽默,排練完沒? | That's funny. Are we done now? |
還沒,你為何不找她說出你的感受? | You mean you' re not gonna tell her how you feel? |
別因為你親過她 | Just because you played tonsil tennis with my mom... |
就自以為瞭解她 相信我,不能找她談 | ...doesn't mean you know her. You can't talk to her. |
是你“不能”還是“你”不能? | Okay. "You can't"? Or you can't? |
我的手指 | Okay,that's my finger. |
我的膝蓋 | Okay,that's my knee. |
還在排練 | Still doing the play. |
你對他怎麼了? | What did you do with him? |
-你醒了 -你瞧你 | -You're awake. -Look at you. |
感覺如何? | How do you feel? |
頭有點暈,基本上還行 | A Iittle woozy,but basically okay. |
你的氣色好極了 | Gosh,you Iook good. |
我感覺好極了 | I feel good. |
你們是誰? | Who are you? |
-對不起 -我叫菲比 | -Sorry. -I'm Phoebe. |
我叫莫妮卡 我一直在照顧你 | I' m Monica. I've been caring for you. |
我們一直在照顧你 | We both have. |
-蝕刻藝術是你們送的? -其實只有我一個 | -The Etch A Sketch is from you? -Actually,me. |
-我替你做腳底按摩 -知道是誰幫你刮鬍子的嗎?是我 | -I got you the foot massager. -I shaved you. |
-我念書給你聽 -我唱歌給你聽 | -I read to you. -I sang. |
謝了 | Well,thanks. |
-我的榮幸 -沒關係 | -Oh,my pleasure. -You' re welcome. |
我想那就再見了 | So I guess I'II see you around. |
什麼?就這樣? | What? That's it? |
再見? | "See you around "? |
-不然要我說什麼? -我不知道 | -What do you want me to say? -I don't know. |
或許 | Maybe... |
該說“你們真好” | ... "That was nice. " |
“我太感動了” | " It meant something to me. " |
“我會打電話給你們的” | " I'II call you. " |
-好吧,我會打的 -一點誠意都沒有 | -Okay. I'II call you. -I don't think you mean that. |
男生都這樣 | This is so typical. |
我們付出,付出 | You know,we give and we give... |
不斷的付出 | ...and we give. |
卻得不到任何回報 | And we just get nothing back. |
有一天他醒來卻只說再見 | And then one day,you wake up,and it's,"See you around. " |
走吧菲比 | Let's go,Phoebe. |
知道嗎?我們以為你與眾不同 | You know what? We thought you were different. |
我想這只是昏迷的緣故 | But I guess it was just the coma. |
樓下的車已發動 我只想拿幾本我的書給你朋友 | The car's waiting. I just wanted to drop off my book for your friends. |
有我的親筆簽名.來一個吻別 | Autographed. And give you a goodbye kiss. |
這是一個吻 這是告別… | Here's the kiss,here's the goodbye.... |
-需要我在里斯本幫你買什麼嗎? -不需要,知道你去哪就夠了 | -Anything you want from Lisbon? -Just knowing you' re there is enough. |
好吧,要乖哦,我愛你 | AII right. Well,be good. I Iove you. |
你親了我最好的羅斯 | You kissed my best Ross. |
好像說錯了,反正差不多 | Or something to that effect. |
好吧,我做了蠢事 | Look,it was stupid. |
-愚蠢至極 -愚蠢至極 | -Really stupid. -Really stupid. |
我也不知道是怎麼發生的 | I don't even know how it happened. |
抱歉,孩子,我保證不會再發生這種事 | I' m sorry,honey. I promise it will never happen again. |
真的愚蠢至極 | Really,really stupid. |
真的,真的愚蠢至極 | Really,really stupid. |
-你感覺好點嗎? -是的 | -Are we okay now? -Yeah. |
不 | No. |
男人及閘之間禁忌的愛 | The forbidden Iove of a man and his door. |
他說了,不只是親吻的事 一切都說出來了 | He told her off. And not just about the kiss. |
你在開玩笑? | You're kidding? |
他說你何時才能像個媽媽樣子? | He said,"When are you gonna start being a mom? " |
等等,她回答說 | Then she said: |
你何時才能長大瞭解 我是個性感女郎? | "The question is,when are you gonna realize I have a bomb? " |
等等,你確定她不是說 | Are you sure she didn't say: |
你何時才能長大瞭解 我是你媽? | "When are you gonna grow up and realize I am your mom? " |
-這樣比較合理 -你也這樣認為? | -That makes more sense. -You think? |
現在情況怎麼樣? | What's going on now? |
我不知道.我一直在這兒說給你聽 | I don't know. I've been standing here spelling it out for you. |
我什麼都聽不到,等等… | I don't hear anything. Wait. |
你看見什麼? | What do you see? |
很難說,他們好小而且上下顛倒 | It's hard to tell. They're tiny and upside down. |
等等,等等 | Wait,wait,wait. |
他們走過來,他們走過去 | They're walking away. They're walking away. |
不,不是.他們走過來了,快逃 | No,they' re not. They' re coming right at us. Run! |
-你還好吧,孩子? -還好 | -Are you okay,kiddo? -Yeah,I' m okay. |
希望都好 | AII right. You be good. |
小心開車 | Drive safe. |
-你好,賓太太 -你好,蓋勒先生 | -Mrs. Bing. -Mr. Geller. |
你當真? | You mean that? |
對,有何不可? | Yeah,why not? |
我告訴她了 | So I told her. |
-情況怎麼樣? -簡直是可笑到了極點 | -How did it go? -Awful. Awful. |
沒有比這更糟糕的啦 | Couldn't have gone worse. |
-感覺怎樣 -不錯 | -Well,how do you feel? -Pretty good. |
我告訴她了 | I told her. |
瞧,看到沒有? | Well,see? |
或許我親你媽不是個餿主意… | So maybe it wasn't such a bad idea,me kissing your mom,huh? |
我們不必繼續往下說了吧 | But we don't have to go down that road. |
這只是第一章 | This is just the first chapter... |
我要大家坦白的意見 | ...and I want your absolute honest opinion. Okay? |
在第二頁中 他的手沒伸向她那尖挺的胸部 | And on page two,he's not reaching for her " heaving beasts. " |
她可以有尖挺的胸部 | She could have heaving beasts. |
沒錯,但現在這個狀態她沒有 | Right,but in this case she doesn't. |
什麼是“niffle”(應為nipple乳頭)? | What's a " niffle"? |
通常在堅挺的胸部可以找到 | You can usually find them on the heaving beasts. |
好吧…算我不會打字 | Okay,so I' m not a great typist. |
看這裡:“他那巨大,顫動的‘筆’(應為penis陰莖)” | Did you get to the part about his "huge,throbbing pens"? |
他用那支筆時你不會想在場的 | You don't wanna be around when he starts writing with those. |
夠了,還我… | That's it. Give them back. |
等等,我才剛剛看到她的“公共頭髮(應為pubic hair陰毛)” | Wait,I just got to the part about her "public hair. " |
不-不-不-不,夠了 | No,no,we're done! |
六人行 第1季 第12集 十二份麵條 | The One With the Dozen Lasagnas |
斯娃嬸嬸,別喊了! | Aunt Silv,stop yelling! |
如果你告訴過我你要素麵條 | If you'd told me vegetarian lasagna... |
我就會給你做素的了 | ... I would've made vegetarian lasagna. |
好吧,肉都在第三層,也許你能把它們刮下來 | The meat's only every third layer. Maybe you could scrape. |
羅斯,你真的把所有嬰兒書都讀了? | Ross,did you really read all these baby books? |
嗯!你可以把我塞到子宮裡的任何地方,用不著指南針 | You could plunk me down in any woman's uterus,no compass... |
我都能從裡面爬出來,就像~~! | ...and I could find my way out like that! |
噢,太棒了… | This is cool. |
書上說在有些地方,人們真的吃胎盤 | It says in some parts of the world people eat the placenta. |
呃..這優酪乳算是吃不下去了 | And we're done with the yogurt. |
對不起 | Sorry. |
我是為了幫你,我可不是承包宴席的 | I did this as a favor. I am not a caterer. |
那你讓我拿這一打面怎麼辦? | What do you want me to do with a dozen lasagnas? |
說的好聽,斯娃嬸嬸 | Nice talk,Aunt Silv. |
你用這張嘴親弗萊蒂叔叔嗎? | You kiss Uncle Freddie with that mouth? |
嗨,羅斯,你知道你的寶貝現在就這麼大嗎? | Ross,listen. Do you know that right now your baby is only this big? |
這是你孩子.你好,爸爸! | This is your baby. " Hi,Daddy. " |
你好 | Hello. |
為什麼你不和媽咪一起住? | " How come you don't live with Mommy? " |
為什麼媽咪和另一個女人一起住? | " How come Mommy lives with that other lady? " |
什麼是女同性戀? | "What's a lesbian? " |
親愛的,你能說的,波克諾山(賓夕法尼亞州東部) | Honey,you can say it. Poconos. |
波克諾,就像 波-克-諾 (音同戳一下鼻子) | Poconos. It's like " poke a nose. " |
啊,戳一下鼻子 | Poke a nose. |
-那麼,我聽見波克諾山了嗎? -是的 | -So did I hear Poconos? -Yes. |
我妹妹讓我們去她那渡週末 | My sister's giving us her place for the weekend. |
哇,第一次週末結伴出遊! | First weekend together. |
-是啊,進展了一大步 -我知道… | -It's a big step. -I know. |
-啊,就是個週末,沒什麼! -不是說就玩玩的嗎? | -It's just a weekend. Big deal. -Wasn't this supposed to be a fling? |
這…該 | Shouldn't it be... |
玩完了吧現在? | ...flung by now? |
我想,我們已遠遠超出玩的範圍了 | We are way past a "fling. " |
我現在的感覺只有在丹尼爾·斯蒂爾的書裡才找得到 | I' m feeling things I've read about in Danielle Steel books. |
我是說,當我和他在一起的時候 我完全,完全地… | When l' m with him,l' m just totally.... |
…噁心,我本能的噁心 | Nauseous. I' m physically nauseous. |
我該怎麼辦? 打電話給移民局? | What am I supposed to do? Call lmmigration? |
我可以打電話給移民局! | I could call lmmigration. |
什麼? | What? |
醜陋裸男正在做皮影 | Ugly Naked Guy is making shadow puppets. |
看啊,那是阿不拉罕.林肯 | Look,it's Abraham Lincoln. |
噢,真的! | Oh,right! |
去吧!去吧! | Go. Go! |
我喜歡孩子,他們的小鞋 | I love babies with their little baby shoes... |
小腳指頭,小手… | ...and their little baby toes and their little hands.... |
好了,你別再這樣了,永遠不要! | Okay,you' re gonna have to stop that. Forever. |
需要新桌子了 | Need a new table. |
你這麼想? | You think? |
-嗨,嗨,進來! -你好 | -Come on in. -Hello. |
我把書都拿回來了 | I brought the books... |
莫妮卡送愛心,送你這些麵條 | ...and Monica sends her love along with this lasagna. |
哦,太好了!是素的嗎,蘇珊不吃肉 | Great! Is it vegetarian? Because Susan doesn't eat meat. |
我肯定是素的… | I' m pretty sure that it is. |
十九周,乳房開始膨脹 | Nineteen weeks,the breasts are starting to swell. |
理論上的 | According to the literature. |
-我拿到超聲波結果了 -告訴我,告訴我,都還….? | -I got the results of the amnio. -T ell me. Is everything...? |
-完全徹底的健康! -太棒了,太棒了! | -T otally and completely healthy. -That is great! |
你和蘇珊什麼時候認識的休伊·路易斯(黑人歌手)? | When did you and Susan meet Huey Lewis? |
那是我們的朋友塔尼亞 | That's our friend T anya. |
當然是你們的朋友塔尼亞 | Of course,it's your friend T anya. |
-你不想知道性別(性)嗎? -性? | -Don't you wanna know about the sex? -The sex? |
光想你和蘇珊一起的樣子我就夠嗆了 | I' m having enough trouble with the image of you and Susan together. |
你要再把塔尼亞加進來,呃… | But when you throw in T anya.... |
孩子的性別,羅斯 | The sex of the baby,Ross. |
你知道孩子的性別了? | You know the sex of the baby? |
-想知道嗎? -不 | -Want to know? -No. |
我不想,絕對不想 | I don't want to. Absolutely not. |
我想你知道,你應該到時候低頭一看 | You shouldn't know until you look down there... |
然後說,哦,帶那個的! | ...and see," Oh,there it is. " |
或不帶的… | Or isn't. |
-你好,羅斯 -蘇珊 | -Hello,Ross. -Susan. |
怎麼? | So? |
你知道了嗎? | So did you hear? |
是的,我們知道了,一切都很好 | Yes,we did. Everything's A-Okay. |
噢,那太… | Oh,that's so cool! |
真的是… | It really is. |
我們知道那個…? | Do we know? |
是的,當然知道了,它是個… | We certainly do. It's going to be a |
這有人不想知道,就站在這呢! | A guy who doesn't wanna know is standing here. |
噢,那麼,我們猜的對嗎? | Well,is it what we thought it would be? |
什麼? | What? |
我們以為是男是女? | What did we think it'd be? |
我不想知道,不想 | I don't wanna know. Don't wanna know. |
我想我大概該走了 | I should probably just go. |
-好的,謝謝你的書. -沒問題,好的 | -Well,thanks for the books. -No problem. Okay. |
蘇珊 | Susan. |
好吧,我們該先告訴誰,你家人,還是黛比和羅娜? | Who should we call first? Your folks or Deb and Rhona? |
你好 | Hello? |
沒事,我不想知道 | Never mind. I don 't wanna know. |
那麼就因為這是我的桌子,就得讓我買新的? | Because it was my table,I have to buy a new one? |
-規則上講是的. -什麼規則?沒有什麼規則 | -That's the rule. -What rule? There's no rule. |
-如果有,就是你欠我個桌子! -你從哪得的這個結論? | -You owe me a table. -How did you get there? |
這個桌子一直很結實直到你跟安吉拉在上面玩早餐遊戲 | It was fine until your breakfast adventure with Angela Delvecio. |
你知道這事? | You knew about that? |
這麼說吧,看到那罐奶油的慘相,根本連想像都省了 | The impressions in the butter left little to the imagination. |
那我們合錢買怎麼樣? | How about if we split it? |
-你什麼意思,一起買? -是啊 | -What do you mean,buy it together? -Yeah. |
-你認為我們到了做這樣事的程度了嗎? -為什麼不? | -Do you think we' re ready for that? -Why not? |
這可是個很大的承諾,我意思是 要是有人想搬出去呢? | It's a big commitment. What if one of us wants to move out? |
-為什麼,你要搬嗎? -我不搬呐 | -You' re moving out? -l' m not. |
-你要是搬的話得告訴我好嗎 -好的 | -You'd tell me if you were,right? -Yes. |
-好,好,只是我上個室友 -我知道提普所有的事! | -It's just,with my last roommate -I know all about Kip. |
我們一起買了個日式古桌,後來 他要結婚走人,結果事情搞得很糟 | We bought a hibachi,then he ran off and got married. Things got ugly. |
好吧,我問你點事,作為室友提普比我好嗎? | Let me ask you something. Was Kip a better roommate than me? |
哦,別這樣 | Oh,don't do that. |
你的日程有些變化 | There's changes in your schedule. |
你4:00的香薰按摩推遲到4:30 | Your 4:00 herbal massage is at 4:30. |
還有尚穆.福德太太取消了5:30的日式指壓 | And Miss Summerfield canceled her 5:30 shiatsu. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
噢,你3:00的顧客來了 | Oh,here comes your 3:00. |
我不想表現的不專業,但是,很誘人哦. | I don't mean to sound unprofessional,but Yum! |
保羅,嗨,你來這幹什麼? | Paolo! Hi! What are you doing here? |
瑞秋告訴我你… | Rachella tell me you... |
…按摩? | ... massage? |
是的,瑞秋說得對 | Well,Rachella's right. |
好吧 | Oh,okay. |
我不知道你剛才說什麼,我們開始吧 | I don't know what you just said,so let's start. |
我 | I am... |
需要裸體? | ... being naked? |
你說了算,我是說,有的人喜歡 | That's your decision. Some people prefer to take off |
光著身子! | Being naked! |
我不能相信你不想知道. 我意思是,我可不能不知道 | I can't believe you don't wanna know. I couldn't not know. |
如果醫生知道,卡蘿和蘇珊都知道 | If the doctor knows,Carol and Susan know |
莫妮卡也知道 | And Monica knows. |
你怎麼知道的,我都不知道! | How? I don't even know. |
卡蘿因為麵條打電話道謝,我問了,她告訴我了 | Carol called to thank me for the lasagna. She told me. |
那麼孩子是? | So what's it gonna be? |
-哦,太好了現在他都知道了 -對不起,當了姑姑我太興奮了! | -Oh,great! Now he knows. -l' m just excited about being an aunt. |
還有叔叔… | Or an uncle. |
-嗨,菲比 -嗨,菲比 | -Hey,Phoebe. -Hey,Pheebs. |
很好! | Fine! |
-怎麼了? -沒什麼,就是,我的sorts用完了(有點心煩) | -What's the matter? -Nothing. I' m just out of sorts. |
好的,你可以用我的sorts.我很少用到 | Well,you can use some of my sorts. I rarely use them. |
我們能要點卡布奇諾咖啡嗎? | Can we get some cappuccino over here? |
噢,對了,是叫我! | Oh,right! That's me! |
那個賣桌子的地方7點就關了,走吧 | That table place closes at 7. Come on. |
好吧 | Fine. |
怎麼了? | What is it? |
-好吧,你們知道保羅? -我太知道他了,是的… | -All right. You know Paolo? -l' m familiar with his work. |
他調戲我 | He made a move on me. |
-商店明天還會開! -再來點咖啡 | -The store will be open tomorrow. -More coffee,please. |
到底怎麼回事? | Well,what happened? |
他來按摩,本來挺好的直到. | He came in for a massage,and everything was fine until.... |
-天哪. -你確定? | -Oh,my God. -Are you sure? |
噢,是的,我確定 | Oh,yeah. I' m sure. |
然後突然間 他的手就不算什麼問題了 | And all of a sudden,his hands weren't the problem anymore. |
他那兒…? | Was it...? |
童子軍都能在那紮營了 | Boy Scouts could've camped under there. |
哇 | Wow. |
-你怎麼做的? -我很專業的處理了這件事 | -What did you do? -I dealt with it like a professional. |
“唔” 什麼? | " Ooh," what? |
瑪·瑟曼 | ma Thurman. |
-那個女演員! -烏瑪.瑟曼 | -The actress! -Uma Thurman! |
謝了,瑞秋 | Thanks,Rach. |
-那麼你打算怎麼辦? -你必須告訴她! | -What'll you do? -You have to tell her. |
這是道德上的義務,作為朋友,女人,我認為這涉及到女權問題! | It's your moral obligation as a friend,as a woman. It's a feminist issue. |
夥計們? | Guys? |
-你必須告訴她 -女權問題. 這是我的觀點! | -You have to. -Feminist issue? That's where I went. |
-她會恨我的 -是的 | -She is gonna hate me! -Yeah,well.... |
你挑一個,挑一個! | Will you pick one? Just pick one. |
-那個怎麼樣? -那是放在院子裡用的! | -Here,how about that one? -That's patio furniture. |
那有什麼,難道人們進屋後會想 “哦,我還在外面” | So what? Like people will come in and think," Oh,l' m outside again. " |
當然! | Fine. |
那張鳥桌怎麼樣? | What about the birds? |
不知道,鳥桌不會對你說,“你好,坐這,吃點什麼.” | I don't know. They don't say," Hello,sit here. Eat something. " |
-那你選吧 -好吧,那瓢蟲桌怎麼樣? | -You pick one. -Okay. How about the ladybugs? |
忘了鳥和紅昆蟲吧,建議點有品位的餐桌! | Forget about the birds,but big red insects suggest fine dining. |
-好,你想要鳥,就要鳥吧! -不是這樣,我不要! | -Fine! Want the birds? Get the birds! -Not like that,I won't. |
提普會喜歡鳥桌的! | Kip would have liked the birds. |
-嗨,菲比 -怎麼樣? | -Hi,Pheebs. -What's going on? |
-你要搬出去嗎? -我在為週末出行做準備 | -Are you moving out? -l' m getting ready for the weekend. |
你的週末不止兩天? | Are your weekends longer than two days? |
這不全是我的行李 | These aren't all my suitcases. |
這個是保羅的 | This one's Paolo's. |
-瑞秋,我們能談談嗎? -好的,當然… | -Rachel,can we talk for a sec? -Well,sure. |
就一會兒,保羅正在來的路上 | Just for a sec,Paolo's on his way. |
我們認識還不長 | We haven't known each other that long. |
我有三件事你應該知道 | There are three things you should know: |
一.朋友是我生命中最重要的 | One,my friends are the most important thing in my life. |
二.我從不說謊 | Two,I never lie. |
三.我做的提子燕麥餅乾是最好的 | And three,I make the best oatmeal raisin cookies in the world. |
好的,謝謝,菲比 | Okay. Thanks,Pheebs. |
-哦,上帝啊! -我知道 | -Oh,my God! -I know. |
為什麼我從來沒吃過這些? | Why have I never tasted these? |
我不經常做因為我想 這對別的餅乾來說不太公平 | I don't make them a lot,because it's not fair to the other cookies. |
好吧,你是對的,這是我吃過的最好吃的提子燕麥餅乾 | These are the best oatmeal raisin cookies. |
-這也證明了我不說謊 -我想是的 | -Which proves that I never lie. -I guess you don't. |
保羅調戲我 | Paolo made a pass at me. |
你們看怎麼樣? | What do you think? |
我想這是我見過的最漂亮的桌子 | It's the most beautiful table I've seen. |
我知道! | I know. |
你得把盤子平衡在這些小人頭上嗎? | Will you balance plates on these heads? |
管他呢,我們在水槽邊吃飯!來吧! | Who cares? We'll eat at the sink. Come on! |
閃開你的小人羅斯! | Heads up,Ross. |
得分! 你們真遜! | Score! You suck! |
你沒事吧? | Are you okay? |
我需要牛奶 | I need some mik. |
沒問題,我有牛奶 | Okay. I've got milk. |
給你… | Here you go. |
好點了嗎? | Better? |
沒有 | No. |
我真太蠢了!我想起來那天 | I feel so stupid! I think about the other day with you guys. |
我還是“哦,保羅,他真好,” | And I was all," Oh,Paolo! He's so great! |
他讓我覺得真… | He makes me feel so" |
天哪! | God! |
我真覺得尷尬! | I' m so embarrassed! |
我才覺得尷尬! | I' m so embarrassed. |
-我是他調戲的那個! -如果我沒遇見他 | -l' m the one he hit on. -I unleashed him on you. |
事情就不會發生! | If I had never met him |
-真對不起! -不,我對不起你! | -l' m so sorry. -No,l' m sorry. |
-是我對不起 -應該是我.等等 | -l' m sorry. -l' m sorry. Wait. |
-我們道什麼歉? -不知道… | -What are we sorry about? -I don't know. |
對,他才是豬! | Right. He's the pig. |
-真是豬! -哦,天哪,他真是頭豬 | -Such a pig! -Oh,God,he's such a pig! |
他就像一個…噁心豬 | He's like a big disgusting pig.... |
-豬人! -是的,不錯! | -Pig man! -Yes,good! |
但他是我的豬人… | But he was my pig man! |
為什麼我看不出來? | How did I not see this? |
噢! 我知道! | Oh,I know! |
是因為… | Because... |
他太帥了 | ... he's gorgeous. |
他太迷人 | And he's charming. |
-當他看你的時候.. -好了,菲比 | -And when he looks -Okay,Pheebs. |
結束 | The end. |
天啊 | God. |
我應該瞞著你嗎? | Should I not have told you? |
相信我,讓我知道是對的 | T rust me,it's much better that I know. |
只是我更喜歡以前那樣不知道的時候更好過一些 | But I just liked it better before. It was better. |
她只是把事情想的太好了… 保羅現在就在那邊,所以… | She took it pretty well. Paolo's over there now,so.... |
我們應該過去,看看她有沒有事. 稍等片刻 | We should go and see if she's okay. Just one second. |
-得分! -不錯的比賽! | -Score! -Game! Nice! |
來吧,菲比 | Come on,Pheebs. |
看起來,我們打得你們屁滾尿流 | Well,it looks like we kicked your butts. |
不,她打得我們屁滾尿流 你可以參加奧林匹克的“站一邊看”之隊 | She did. You could be on the Olympic "Standing There" team. |
得了吧,二對一 | Come on. Two on one. |
你還在這幹什麼? 她剛和那男的分手 | Why are you here? She just broke up with him. |
該你趁虛而入啦! | It's time for you to swoop in. |
-什麼,現在? -是的,現在正是時候! | -What,now? -Yes. Now is when you swoop. |
你得確保保羅走出屋子後,你是瑞秋見到的第一個男人 | When Paolo walks out,you gotta be the first guy she sees. |
得讓她知道你是那麼好 而他一無是處!你就像,像“反保羅”! | She's gotta know you' re everything he's not. You' re the anti-Paolo. |
我這天主教朋友說的對 | My Catholic friend is right. |
她現在很煩惱.你就在那陪伴她 | She's distraught. You' re there for her. |
你幫她承擔所有煩惱,然後你就走向了羅斯時代! | You pick up the pieces and then you usher in "The Age of Ross. " |
-看這個?看? -停住! | -See this? See? -Hold it! Ascolta! |
-怎麼樣了? -別盯著看 | -How's it going? -Don't stare. |
現在她剛把他的衣服從陽臺上扔下去 現在是他們比比畫畫的 | She threw his clothes off the balcony. Now there's gesturing and arm-waving. |
要麼是,“你怎麼能?”或,“大胸脯!” | That is," How could you? " or " Enormous breasts! " |
他過來了! | Here he comes. |
我 | I am... |
說再見 | ...to say goodbye. |
好的,再見 | Okay,bye-bye. |
保羅,我非常憎恨你對瑞秋做的事,但我還有五個麵條沒處理掉 | Paolo,I really hate you for what you did,but I still have five of these... |
在烤箱裡用375度烤到乳酪冒泡就行了 | ...so heat it at 375 until the cheese bubbles. |
我只想告訴你我要代大家說,當我說… | I just wanna tell you,and I think I'd speak for everyone when I say.... |
哦,看看她呀… | Oh,just look at her. |
夥計們,我認為最好我們只去一個 | Guys,I think only one of us should go... |
-這樣她就不會感到太大壓力… -對 | -...so she's not overwhelmed. -Right. |
而且那個人應該是我 | And I really think it should be me. |
你沒事吧? | You all right? |
我好點了… | I've been better. |
我無法相信這一切 | I don't believe this. |
我本來很在意這個傢伙 | I wasn't supposed to care about this guy. |
就像是個搞笑的大個子義大利傢伙 | It was just supposed to be this big,fun,ltalian thing. |
也許有一天我回頭看會說 “那個搞笑的大個子義大利傢伙” | Someday I could look back and say,"That was a big,fun,ltalian thing. " |
當一切都結束的時候應該是這種感覺 | It wasn't supposed to feel like this when it was over. |
過來 | Come here. |
聽著 | Listen... |
他遠遠配不上你… | ...you deserve so much better than him. |
我意思是,你 | I mean,you... |
你應該找一個能 明白擁有你是多麼幸福的人 | ...should be with a guy who knows what he has when he has you. |
什麼? | What? |
我討厭死男人了 | I' m so sick of guys! |
我都不想看見男的,我也不想考慮別的男人 | I don't want to look at or think about another guy. |
我甚至不想靠近任何一個男人 | I don't even want to be near another guy. |
羅斯,你真太好了! | Ross,you' re so great. |
-你怎麼樣? -你沒事吧? | -Are you all right? -Are you okay? |
-一般吧.還有餅乾嗎? -有! | -Medium. Any cookies left? -Yeah. |
看,瑞秋 | See,Rach... |
我不認為發誓再不要男人是個好答案 | ... I don't think swearing off guys altogether is the answer. |
我認為你需要建立一個先進的篩選程式 | What you need is to develop a more sophisticated screening process. |
我只想先單身一陣 | I just need to be by myself for a while. |
-我得先弄明白我想要什麼樣的 -不,不 | -I just gotta figure out what I want. -No,no. |
因為不是所有人都像保羅 | See,because not all guys out there are gonna be a Paolo. |
不,我知道,我知道 | No,I know. I know. |
而且我肯定,你的小兒子不會長成他那樣 | And l' m sure your little boy's not gonna grow up to be one. |
-什麼? -什麼? | -What? -What? |
我,我有,我有了個兒子? | I' m having a boy? |
不 | No. |
不,事實上,你沒有兒子 | No. In fact,you' re not having a boy. |
我有了兒子! | I' m having a boy. |
-我是有了兒子嗎? -是,你有兒子了! | -Huh? Am I having a boy? -You' re having a boy! |
我有兒子了! | I' m having a boy! |
-我有兒子了! -怎麼了? | -l' m having a boy! -What is it? |
我有兒子了!我有兒子了! | I' m having a boy! I' m having a boy! |
我們早就知道了! | We already knew that! |
我有兒子了 | I' m having a son. |
好的!這樣就結束了! | Yes! And that would be a shutdown! |
閉嘴吧! | Shutout! |
你們去哪?來呀,再來一局! | Where you going? One more game! |
-現在是淩晨2:30! -對,出去! | -It's 2:30 in the morning. -Yeah,get out! |
你們可總是到我那屋待著的! | You guys always hang out in my apartment. |
來吧,我就用左手 | I'll only use my left hand. |
來吧,軟蛋! | Come on,wussies! |
好吧,,我走 | All right! Okay! I gotta go! |
我走了 | I' m going. |
我已經走了 | And l' m gone. |
-再來一局? -哦,好的 | -One more game? -Oh,yeah. |
-抱歉 -天啊,我受夠了 | -I'm sorry! -That is it! |
你不敲門就闖進來? | You barge in here and you don't knock? |
-難道你不尊重別人的隱私權? -不,你慢著 | You have no respect for privacy. No,you wait! |
-我能說一件事嗎? -什麼事? | -Can I just say one thing? -What?! |
這塊布編的非常松,我仍能看見… | That's a relatively open weave. I can still see... |
…你的胸脯 | ...your nippular areas. |
六人行 第1季 第13集 看胸脯 | The One With The Boobies |
親愛的,告訴他們你的病人 | Honey,tell them the story about your patient... |
如何把事想成另一件事 | ...who thinks things are other things. |
例如電話響時她就去洗澡 | When the phone rings and she takes a shower. |
差不多是那樣 | That's pretty much it. |
-但你說得很好 -謝謝 | -But you tell it really well,sweetie. -Thanks. Okay. |
快走開我們才能談你 | Now go away so we can talk about you. |
好吧,我會想念你的 | Okay. I'll miss you. |
-他很不錯吧 -他好帥,也好像很喜歡你 | -lsn't he great? -He's cute. He likes you so much. |
我知道,他人很好,而且很複雜 | I know. He's so sweet. And so complicated,you know? |
有點神經質,但又不是太神經質 | And for a shrink,he's not too shrinky. |
他會在沙發上做嗎? | Think you'll do it on his couch? |
我不知道…那有點奇怪 | I don't know. That's a little weird. |
沙發可是聚乙稀做的 | It's vinyl. |
大家還想要別的嗎? | Okay,you guys want anything else? |
-要,我要… -抱歉,賣完了,其他人呢? | -Could I have? -We're all out. Anybody else? |
我是否錯過某事? | Did I miss something? |
她很生氣因為我看見她的胸脯 | No,she's still upset because I saw her boobies. |
你看她的胸脯幹嗎? | What were you doing seeing her boobies? |
那是意外,我可不是隔條街用望遠鏡偷看 | It was an accident. I wasn't across the street with a telescope. |
能換個話題嗎? | Can we change the subject,please? |
沒錯,因為那不是她的胸脯 而是她的胸部 | These aren't her "boobies." These are her breasts. |
菲比,我要的不只是改變字眼 | Pheebs,I was hoping for more of a change. |
我向來喜歡“波濤洶湧” | I always liked "Bazoombas." |
給它個拉丁旋轉拼寫 | Gives them a Latin spin. |
我們放下這個不說了,好不好? | Can we drop this already,please? |
你為什麼要難為情呢? 它們確實是非常好看的胸脯 | Why are you embarrassed? They were very nice boobies. |
“好看”?它們很“好看”? | "Nice"? They were "nice"? |
就這樣?手套也很好看啊 | That's it? I mean,mittens are "nice." |
我…好尷尬 | Okay. Rock,hard place. Me. |
你真逗 | You're so funny! |
他真的很逗 | He's really funny. |
他不開玩笑的時候,我也不想待在這兒 | I wouldn't wanna be there when the laughter stops. |
等等,回去上句 | Whoa,back up there,sparky. |
那是什麼意思? | What did you mean by that? |
你似乎有親密上的問題 | It seems that maybe you have intimacy issues... |
你用你的幽默和人保持距離 | ...that you use your humor to keep people at a distance. |
我才剛認識你,我從亞當那裡沒聽說過你 | I mean,I just met you. I don't know you from Adam. |
獨子對吧? | Only child,right? |
父母在你青春期前離婚? | Parents divorced before you hit puberty. |
-你怎會知道? -你很典型 | -How did you know that? -It's textbook. |
各位,你們都認識我爸吧? | Hey,you guys. You all know my dad,right? |
-打算在紐約待多久? -就幾天.我在市中心有工作 | -How long are you in the city? -Two days. I got a job. |
我想和喬伊同住 | I'm better off staying with Joey... |
比來回坐渡輪好 | ...than going back and forth on the ferry. |
-我沒見過他 -他是我朋友羅傑 | -I don't know this one. -This is my friend Roger. |
-幸會,羅傑 -彼此彼此 | -Good to meet you. -You too. |
-玩布偶的那個怎麼了? -爸 | -What happened to the puppet guy? -Dad. |
抱歉。羅斯,你的太太還好嗎? | Oh,excuse me. So,Ross,how's the wife? |
0比2了對吧? | 0 for 2,huh? |
錢德,說點好笑的 | Chandler,say something funny. |
我得掛電話了,我也想你 | I gotta go. Miss you too. |
-我愛你,但現在很晚了 -讓我向她打聲招呼,媽媽 | -I love you,but it's getting late -Say hi. Hey,Ma. |
我和包西達大夫約了時間 | I made the appointment with Dr. Bassida and |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
你知道這不是媽嗎吧? | Did you know this isn't Ma? |
她叫羅妮 | Her name's Ronni. |
寵物殯葬業者 | She's a pet mortician. |
當然 | Sure. |
你和她多久了… | So,how long you been...? |
記得小時候我常帶你去海軍軍港看大船嗎? | Remember when you were a kid,I'd take you to the navy yard? |
-從那時候就開始了? -不,才6年 | -Since then? -No,it's only been six years. |
我只想勾起你美好的回憶 讓你不會覺得我一直是個大爛人 | I wanted you to think of a nice memory so you'd know I'm not a terrible guy. |
-你在幹嘛? -切大蒜 | -What are you doing? -Chopping garlic. |
你不把他們壓碎嗎? | You don't crush it? |
這是你的風格,我一向都是切的 真是個古怪的世界 | You're having an affair,I chop garlic. It's a wacky world. |
喬伊,你愛過嗎? | Joe,you ever been in love? |
-我不知道 -那就是沒有 | -I don't know. -Then you haven't. |
-你的蕃茄燒焦了 -別想轉移話題 | -You're burning tomatoes. -You're one to talk. |
你老爸愛得無法自拔 最糟的是我愛兩個女人 | Your dad's in love. The worst part is,it's with two different women. |
拜託你告訴我其中一個是媽 | Oh,man! Please tell me one of them is Ma. |
當然其中一個是你媽,你是怎麼搞的? | Of course one of them's Ma. What's the matter with you? |
這就像你某天起床突然發現 | It's like if you woke up and found out... |
你爸是個雙面人 | ...your dad leads this double life. |
就像是為中情局工作的間諜 | He's like actually some spy working for the ClA. |
那一定很酷 | That'd be cool. |
但這個很爛 | This blows! |
你認為爸爸會騙人嗎? | Do you think Dad cheated? |
我沒有這麼想過.那一定包括了性是不是 | I don't think so. That would involve sex. |
我更加趨向于認為我們父母都不會做 | I'd like to think that our parents don't do that. |
為何父母就不能是父母? | I know. Why can't parents just stay parents? |
為何他們就得成為人間男女? 為何他們要? | Why do they have to become people? Why do they have? |
為什麼… | Why... |
…別再盯著我的胸部看 | ...can't you stop staring at my breasts? |
什麼? | What? |
什麼? | What? |
那一天你還看得不夠嗎? | Didn't you get a good enough look? |
我們都已是成年人 此事只有一個解決之道 | We're all adults here. There's only one way to resolve this. |
既然你看過她的胸脯 你應該讓她看你的小弟弟 | Since you saw her boobies you have to show her your pee-pee. |
知道嗎,這事兒不會發生的 | You know,I don't see that happening. |
拜託,他說得對.以牙還牙 | Come on. He's right. Tit for tat. |
我不會讓你看我的“牙”的 | Well,I'm not showing you my tat! |
-是菲比 -還有羅傑! | -It's Phoebe. -And Rog! |
快上來 | Come on up. |
這下可好,羅傑來了 | Oh,good! Rog is here. |
-羅傑有什麼不對勁嗎? -沒什麼,小事.我討厭這傢伙 | -What's the matter with Rog? -It's a little thing. I hate that guy! |
為什麼?因為他太善於分析 他就是這種人別這樣嘛 | So he was a little analytical. That's what he does. |
他沒那麼糟 | Come on,he's not that bad. |
你錯了!如果當初我感覺到 | You're wrong! Why would I marry her... |
她是女同志我何必和她結婚呢? | ...if I thought that she was a lesbian? |
我不知道,或許你想讓婚姻失敗 | I don't know. Maybe you wanted your marriage to fail. |
為什麼?我為什麼這樣?為什麼? | Why? Why would l? Why? |
我不知道,或許自信心不足 | I don't know. Maybe low self-esteem? |
或許是彌補你讓你妹相形見絀的愧疚 | Maybe to compensate for overshadowing a sibling. Maybe |
或許…等等,回到妹妹的話題 | Wait! Go back to that "sibling" thing. |
什麼?我不知道 | Well,I don't know. |
你要使你的婚姻觸礁 | You could've sabotaged your marriage... |
讓你妹在父母面前不那麼失敗 | ...so the sibling would feel like less of a failure. |
這太荒謬了 她不爭氣我並未感到自責 | That's ridiculous! I don't feel guilty for her failures. |
-你認為我不爭氣? -他不錯吧 | -You think I'm a failure? -lsn't he good? |
我不是那個意思 | Yeah. No,that's not what I was saying. |
多年來我以為你支持我 | I thought you were on my side. |
但或許你婚姻失敗目的是想巴結爸媽 讓他們更心疼你 | But maybe you sucked up to them so they'd favor you. |
我娶女同志是想讓你建立自信 | I married a lesbian to make you look good! |
你說得對.我的意思是,你說得對 | You're right. I mean,you're right. |
那不是威寶玩具的問題 而是威寶遊樂宮 | It wasn't just the Weebles,but the Weeble Play Palace... |
和威寶遊輪的問題 | ...and the Weeble's Cruise Ship... |
它上面的救生艇讓威寶能緩緩駛出 | ...with this lifeboat for the Weebles to wobble in. |
偏偏媽媽把他們都給出去了 | And Mom just gave them all away. |
那滋味不好受 | That's tough,tough stuff. |
菲比,如果想看電影我們現在該走了 | Pheebs,we're gonna catch that movie,we gotta go. |
-打起精神來,瑞秋 -菲比,我們快來不及了 | -Feel better. -We're gonna be late,sweetie. |
-謝謝你做的一切,莫妮卡 -不客氣 | -Thanks for everything,Mon. -No problem. |
各位,很高興和各位再度見面 | Listen,it was great seeing you again. |
莫妮卡,餅乾別吃太多 | Mon,easy on those cookies,okay? |
切記,那只是食物,不是愛 | Remember,they're just food,they're not love. |
我討厭這傢伙 | I hate that guy! |
晚安,各位 | Good night,you guys. |
這是我們訂的女人 | Oh,look. It's the woman we ordered. |
需要幫忙嗎? | Hey,can we help you? |
不用,謝謝,我在等喬伊崔比亞尼 | No,thanks. I'm just waiting for Joey Tribbiani. |
我就是喬伊崔比亞尼 | I'm Joey Tribbiani. |
不是你,是老喬伊,天啊 | Oh,no,not you. Big Joey. Oh,my God! |
你比照片上帥多了 | You're so much cuter than your pictures. |
我是羅妮 | I'm Ronni. |
想吃起司(夾子)嗎? | Cheese Nip? |
喬伊有“栓子”,我要個“夾子” | Joey's having an embolism,but I'd go for a nip. |
大部份人在寵物過世後 | Most people,when their pets pass on... |
希望它們就像睡著一樣 | ...want them like they're sleeping. |
但有些人要他們擺出姿勢 | Occasionally you get a person who wants them in a pose. |
像追自己的尾巴 | Like chasing their tail. |
跳起接住飛盤 | Or jumping to catch a Frisbee. |
喬伊,如果我先走 我的姿勢要像找鑰匙一樣 | Joey,if I go first,I wanna be looking for my keys. |
-這姿勢不錯! -嗨! | -That's a good one! -Hey. |
嗨,爸爸.羅妮來了 | Hey,Dad. Ronni's here. |
-嗨 -嘿 | -Hi. -Hey. |
寶貝,你來幹什麼? | Hello,babe! What are you doing here? |
你的假髮留在我的住處 | Oh,you left your hair at my place. |
我想你明天用得上 | I thought you'd need it tomorrow. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
誰想玩“撲通”遊戲? | So,who's up for a big game of Kerplunk? |
我不該來這兒 | Look,I shouldn't have come. |
我該走了,我不想錯過最後一班地鐵 | I better go. I'll miss the train. |
-不,我不要你坐這麼晚的車 -我要住哪兒?這裡? | -I don't want you taking that thing. -Where do I stay? Here? |
我們去住飯店 | We'll go to a hotel. |
我們去住飯店 | We'll go to a hotel. |
-不行 -不行 | -No,you won't. -No,we won't. |
你們去飯店就一定會辦事 | If you go to a hotel,you'll be doing stuff. |
我要你們待在這兒,這樣我就可以監視 | I want you here so I can keep an eye on you. |
-你要監視我們 -沒錯 | -You're gonna keep an eye on us? -Right. |
只要住在我家 | As long as you are under my roof... |
—切就得聽我的 | ...you're gonna live by my rules. |
那就是不准你們睡在一起 | That means no sleeping with your girlfriend. |
他好嚴格 | Wow,he's strict. |
爸,你睡我房間 羅妮,你睡錢德的房間 | Dad,you'll be in my room. You can stay in Chandler's room. |
那錢德呢? | And Chandler will be? |
在這和我一起,輪船鋪位 | Out here with me,bunking up. |
輪船鋪位.如果聞到煙味 不要拉警報哦 | Oh,bunking up. If you smell s'mores,don't be alarmed. |
謝謝,你真是個好孩子 | Thanks. You're a good kid. |
我帶你去看我房間 | I'll show you to my room. |
感覺真奇怪 你沒說“不,謝了,時候不早了” | That sounds weird not followed by,"No,it's late." |
只有今晚,明天你們就得做出改變 | This is just for tonight. Tomorrow you gotta change. |
改變? | Change? |
-和羅妮分手 -我不能! | -Break up with Ronni -I can't! |
不然就是向媽自首,這樣是不對的 | Then come clean with Ma! This is not right! |
對,但是…我不想聽,快進我房裡 | I don't wanna hear it! Now go to my room! |
別踢了 | Hey,kickie! |
-你在幹什麼? -找尋舒適的位置 | -What are you doing? -Getting comfortable. |
-穿著內褲我睡不著 -你非穿不可 | -I can't sleep in my underwear. -Well,you're gonna. |
我一直在想… 我看見女人疊在女人上面會怎樣 | I was thinking about how I'm always seeing girls on top of girls.... |
她們是首尾相接,還是像煎餅一樣疊起來 | Are they end-to-end,or tall,like pancakes? |
懂我意思嗎? 我總想像自己和所有這些女人約會 | You know,how I date all these women. |
因為我總想夢中情人出現時 | I always figured,when the right one comes along... |
我就會勇往直前,堅持到最後 | ... I'll be able to go the distance. |
但如今看見我爸…看起來 | Now I'm looking at my dad,thinking |
你不是他,你是你自己 | You're not him,you're you. |
當全天下都希望你繼承你爸的事業時 你有屈服嗎? | When they wanted you in your father's business,did you cave? |
-沒有.-沒有 | -No. -No. |
你決心從事沒有工作的演員事業 | You chose the out-of-work-actor business. |
這不是一件容易的事,但你辦到了 | That wasn't easy,but you did it. |
我也相信夢中情人出現時 | I believe when the right woman comes along... |
你會有勇氣對她說“不用了,謝謝,我已婚” | ...you'll have the guts to say,"No,thanks,I'm married." |
-你真的這樣認為? -真的 | -You really think so? -Yeah,I really do. |
-謝謝,錢德 -滾開 | -Thanks,Chandler. -Get off! |
-嗨 -有事嗎? | -Hi. -Hi. May I help you? |
喬伊說我能用你的浴室 因為錢德正在用我們的 | Joey said I could use your shower since Chandler's in ours. |
好的.你是誰? | Okay. Who are you? |
我叫羅妮. 羅妮.拉帕羅羅 | Oh,I'm Ronni. Ronni Rapalono. |
那個情婦 | The mistress? |
-請進 -謝謝 | -Come on in. -Thanks. |
我叫瑞秋.浴室在那兒 | I'm Rachel. Bathroom's there. |
羅妮,錢德進浴室多久了? | Ronni,how long has Chandler been in the shower? |
約5分鐘 | Oh,like five minutes. |
太好了 | Perfect. |
請系好安全帶,“小弟弟”時間到了 | Fasten your seat belts,it's pee-pee time. |
-崔先生 -早安,親愛的 | -Hey,Mr. Trib. -Hey,good morning,dear. |
錢德,該我看你的小弟弟了 | Chandler Bing,it's time to see your thing. |
-你是怎麼搞的? -我以為你是錢德 | -What's with you? -I thought it was Chandler! |
你應該在浴室 這樣我才能看見你的小弟弟 | You were supposed to be in there so I'd see your thing! |
抱歉,我的小弟弟和我在那兒 | Sorry,my thing was in there with me. |
-如何? -不錯 | -How's it going? -Good. |
羅傑想邀大家一起吃晚餐 | Roger's having a dinner thing. He wanted me to invite you guys. |
-怎麼了? -沒事 | -So,what's going on? -Nothing. |
只是… | It's just.... |
羅傑,我說不上來 | It's Roger,you know? |
有些事… | There's something about |
基本上我們認為他… | We just feel that he's.... |
-我們討厭他… -我們討厭他… | -We hate that guy! -We hate him! |
-菲比,我們很抱歉 -很好 | -We're sorry,Pheebs. -Okay. |
是不是他觀察入微 | Don't you think it's just that he's so perceptive... |
反而嚇到你們了 | ...it freaked you out? |
不,我們討厭他… | No,we hate him! |
抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
-媽,你來幹什麼? -我拿這個來給你,還有這個 | -Ma! What are you doing here? -I came to give you this and this! |
好大的戒指! | Big ring! |
你為什麼要對你爸講一大堆 | Why'd you fill your father's head with garbage... |
關於改正的廢話呢? | ...about making things right? |
何不順其自然呢? | Things were fine this way! |
裡面有雞肉,拿去放好 | There's chicken in there. Put it away. |
拜託,喬依,真的 | For God's sake,Joey! Really. |
-慢著,你都知道? -我當然知道,你認為呢? | -Hold on. You knew? -Of course I knew. What do you think? |
你爸又不是詹姆士邦德(007) | Your father is no James Bond. |
你應該聽過他的謊言 | You should've heard his stories. |
“我在會計這兒睡” | "I'm sleeping over at my accountant's." |
-那是什麼?拜託 -你怎能… | -What is that? Please! -So then,how could you? |
記得你爸以前的模樣嗎? | Do you remember how your father used to be? |
總是大吼大叫,總是不開心 | Always yelling. Nothing made him happy. |
連木材店和瓶內的小船也無法讓他開心 | Not that wood shop,not those stupid little ships in the bottle. |
現在他很開心,這樣很好,他總算有個嗜好 | Now he's happy. I mean,it's nice. He has a hobby. |
媽,恕我直言 | Ma,I don't mean to be disrespectful... |
你到底在說什麼? | ... but what the hell are you talking about? |
-我是說,你怎麼樣? -我很好啊 | -I mean,what about you? -Me? I'm fine. |
在理想的世界中 | Look,honey,in an ideal world... |
既沒有她,而且你爸也長得和斯汀(搖滾歌手)一樣帥 | ...there'd be no her and your father would look like Sting. |
還有 | And something else: |
自從那個“卷毛狗”出現後 | Ever since that poodle-stuffer came along... |
他感到內疚而開始對我體貼 | ... he's so ashamed of himself that he's been more attentive. |
每天都像我們的結婚紀念日 | He's been more loving. It's like every day is our anniversary. |
-我該為你高興? -不需要 | -I'm happy for you? -Well,don't be! |
因為現在全搞砸了 | Now everything's screwed up. |
我只想回到從前 | I just want it the way it was. |
媽,對不起 | Ma,I'm sorry. |
我自以為做了你想做的事 | I just did what I thought you'd want. |
我知道,親愛的,我知道 | I know you did,cookie. I know you did. |
告訴我,你看見她沒? | So tell me. Did you see her? |
看到了 | Yeah. |
-你比她漂亮十倍都不止 -嘴巴真甜 | -You're 10 times prettier than she is. -That's sweet. |
我鬥得過她? | Could I take her? |
你有戒指,她鬥不過的 | With this ring,no contest. |
哦,不!永遠不要這樣做! | Oh,no! Don't ever do that! |
-什麼? -對不起 | -What? -I'm sorry. |
我的意思是,你永遠不要這麼做 | I have a thing,which means you can't ever do that! |
-怎麼了? -沒事 | -What's wrong,sweetie? -Nothing. |
-到底怎麼了?快說嘛 -好吧 | -No,what's wrong? Come on. -Okay. |
我沒事 問題出在我朋友身上 | It's nothing. I'm fine. It's just It's my friends. |
他們對你有意見 | They have a liking problem with you... |
他們… | ...in that they don't. |
他們? | They don't? |
他們看不見你的好處 | But they don't see all the wonderfulness that I see. |
他們看不見你好的一面 | They don't see all the good and sweet stuff. |
-他們認為你有點… -什麼? | -They think you're a little -What? |
緊張和令人發毛 | Intense and creepy. |
-哦 -但我菲比不這麼認為 | -Oh. -But I don't. Me,Phoebe. |
-我對他們的反應毫不感到驚訝. -這就是我欣賞你的地方 | -I'm not at all surprised about that. -That's why you're so great. |
當群體動力失調時 | It's quite typical behavior... |
這是很平常的反應 | ...when you have this kind of dysfunctional group dynamic. |
這種相互依賴,情緒激動 | You know,this kind of codependent,emotionally stunted... |
坐在那家爛咖啡屋,拿著又大又蠢的咖啡杯 | ...sitting in your stupid coffeehouse,with your stupid big cups... |
或許還有乳頭在上面 | ...which might as well have nipples on them. |
你們都會說“定義我這個人” | And you're all like,"Oh,define me! Define me! |
愛我,我需要愛 | Love me! I need love! |
你和你爸談過了? | You talked to your dad? |
他要以我媽希望的方式繼續欺騙我媽 | He's gonna keep cheating on Ma like she wanted. |
我媽要繼續假裝她一無所知 | Ma will keep pretending she doesn't know. |
我妹蒂娜不能再見她丈夫 | And my sister,Tina,can't see her husband. |
因為他接到禁制令 | He got a restraining order. |
這兩件事沒關係,但我今天才聽說 | Which has nothing to do with it. I found out today. |
沃頓山(電視劇的名字)發生了很多變故啊 | Things have changed here on Waltons'mountain. |
-喬伊,你沒事吧? -或許吧 | -So,Joey,are you okay? -Yeah,I guess. |
他們是…父母 | It's just You know,they're parents. |
你不得不順其自然,即使你知道這樣做不對 | After a certain point,you gotta let go. |
但你還是得讓他們犯自己的錯誤 | You gotta let them make their own mistakes. |
而且幾年後我們就和他們一樣 | And think,in a few years,we'll turn into them. |
拜託 | Oh,please. |
如果我像他們一樣 我不是變成追逐金髮帥哥的酒鬼 | If I turn into my parents,I'll be an alcoholic blond chasing men... |
就是變得和我媽一樣 | ...or I'll end up like my mom! |
-嗨 -嗨.菲比 | -Hey. -Hey,Pheebs. |
怎麼樣? | How's it going? |
還好,只是我和羅傑分手了 | Okay,except I broke up with Roger. |
-沒錯 -不…真的 | -Yeah,right. -No,no,really. |
-怎麼了? -我說不上來 | -What happened? -I don't know. I mean... |
他是個好人而且對我很體貼 | ... he's a good person,and he can be really sweet. |
他的某些方面很適合我 | In some ways,I think he is so right for me. |
只是…我討厭這個人 | It's just.... I hate that guy! |
嗨,喬伊.怎麼了? | Hi,Joey. What's going on? |
為胸脯債務清理跑道 | Clear the tracks for the boobie payback. |
下一站,瑞秋格林 | Next stop,Rachel Greene. |
喬伊,你在幹什麼? | Joey,what the hell were you doing? |
對不起,錯誤的胸脯! | Sorry,wrong boobies! |
喬伊! | Hello,Joey! |
親愛的! | Hello,dear! |
告訴你吧,羅斯,她要你 | Ross,she wants you. |
我們只是住在同一棟公寓 | We just live in the same building. |
-有過任何接觸? -她借過我一顆蛋 | -Any contact? -She lent me an egg. |
-有機會了 -真的 | -You're in! -Right. |
嗨,羅斯 | Hey,Ross. |
拜託,你得再接再厲 | Come on. Get back in the game. |
你和瑞秋的事沒指望 你前妻是個女同志 | The Rachel thing isn't happening,your ex-wife's a lesbian.... |
我們不想有第三件 | I don't think we need a third. |
抱歉,能給我們個蛋嗎?帶殼的 | Could we get an egg,still in the shell? |
蛋? | An egg? |
對,你拿這顆蛋給她並說:“我來還你的雞蛋” | Go up to her and say,"I'm returning your egg." |
我們贏定了 | I think it's winning. |
-拜託,這太離譜了 -她會喜歡的 | -It's insane. -She'll love it. |
-謝謝 -謝謝,給 | -Thank you. -Thank you. Here. |
朋友,帶著蛋去 | Go with the egg,my friend. |
快去 | Go,go,go! |
-你想會成功嗎? -才怪,這簡直是自殺.帶蛋的男人 | -Think it'll work? -No way. It's suicide. |
六人行 第1季 第14集 情人節糖果 | The One With The Candy Hearts |
-你不能這樣做 -做什麼? | -You can't do this. -Do what? |
-羅傑明天要帶她出去 -不,菲比難道你忘了為何拋棄他? | -Roger wants to take her out. -No! Remember why you dumped him? |
因為他惹人厭 | Because he was creepy. |
卑鄙又可怕 | And mean. And frightening. |
但情人節有人共渡也不差 | Still,it's nice to have a date on Valentine's Day! |
其他任何一夜跟他約會都無所謂 | You can go out with a creep any night. |
我知道我會這麼做 | I know I do. |
-你們明晚有何節目? -明天有何節目全看今天的表現 | -What are you doing tomorrow night? -That depends on how tonight goes. |
-關於今晚 -你不能背叛我 | -About tonight -Don't you bail on me! |
我答應為她朋友帶一位男伴 | I said I'd bring a friend for her friend. |
-我知道,但她朋友好像是個… -可憐蟲,我知道 | -But her friend sounds like a -Pathetic mess. I know,but.... |
但她是如此渴望如此脆弱 | Come on. She's needy,vulnerable. |
我想. | I'm thinking.... |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
你和珍妮絲之後就沒約過會 你一定要去 | You haven't been out with a woman since Janice. You're doing this. |
-她答應了 -幹得好 | -She said yes. -Way to go,man! |
-蛋還在? -對 | Still got the egg,huh? |
我的樣子如何? | How do I look? |
不關我的事 | I don't care. |
蘿拉妮來了 | There's Lorraine. |
切記,不准交換 你有美女相伴,我有賤貨作陪 | No trading. You get the pretty one,I get the mess. |
喬伊 | Hi,Joey. |
瞧你帶什麼人來 | Well,well! Look what you brought! |
真帥 | Very nice. |
你帶誰來? | And what did you bring? |
她在放外套 | She's checking her coat. |
我去洗掉手上的計程車味 | I'm gonna wash the cab smell off of my hands. |
你幫我和珍妮絲點萄葡酒和紅酒 | Get me a white zinfandel,and a glass of red for Janice. |
珍妮絲… | Janice? |
珍妮絲… | Janice!? |
哦… | Oh... |
… 我的… | ...my... |
…天哪! | ...God! |
是珍妮絲 | Hey,it's Janice! |
我得逃了,我要從窗子爬出去 | Okay,I'm making a break for it! |
我一直夢想與蘿拉妮約會 | I've been waiting for,like,forever to go out with Lorraine. |
-冷靜點.. -冷靜? | -Just calm down. -Calm down? |
你竟撮合我與在五個月內 被我甩掉兩次的女人 | You set me up with a woman I've dumped twice in the last five months! |
別這麼大聲行嗎?你害我緊張得… | Can you stop yelling? You're making me nervous and.... |
我一緊張就尿不出來 | I can't go when I'm nervous. |
抱歉,你說得對 | I'm sorry,you're right. |
拜託!快點 | Come on! Do it,do it! |
羅傑雖討人厭 但與彼德卡尼相較還差得遠呢 | Roger was creepy,but he was nothing compared to Pete. |
-誰? -愛哭鬼彼德 | -Who? -Pete the Weeper. |
我們每次做愛他就哭 | The guy that used to cry every time we had sex? |
你滿足嗎? | "Was it good for you?" |
我每天都想為霍爾那個傢伙哭 | I'd take crying any day over Howard,the "I win" guy! |
“我贏了!我贏了!” | "I win! I win!" |
我和他約會兩個月一次都沒贏過 | We went out for two months. I didn't win once. |
我們怎會和這些渾蛋在一起? | How do we end up with these jerks? |
我們可是吸引人的磁石 | We're some kind of magnets. |
我知道我是磁石 所以我不能戴電子錶 | I know I am. That's why I can't wear a digital watch. |
還有啤酒對吧? | There's more beer,right? |
記得我那剃光頭的朋友艾比嗎? | You know my friend who shaves her head? |
不 | No. |
我有個剃光頭的朋友 | I have this friend who shaves her head. |
她說想要停止與惡男交往的惡性循環 | She says to break the bad boyfriend cycle... |
可以舉行一個清理儀式 | ...you can do a cleansing ritual. |
菲比,她是個大禿頭 | Pheebs,this woman is voluntarily bald. |
是的 | Yeah. |
我們明晚可以試試看 | We can do it tomorrow night. |
明天情人節是絕佳的時刻 | It's Valentine's Day. It's perfect. |
什麼儀式? | Okay,what kind of ritual? |
我們可以燒掉他們送的東西 | We can burn the stuff they gave us. |
或者是? | Or...? |
或是念經,拿著權杖裸體跳舞 | Or we can chant and dance around naked with sticks. |
還是燒東西好 | Burning's good. |
知道嗎 | You know... |
我從兒時就能用腳趾夾起25美分 | ... I can pick up quarters with my toes. |
是嗎?真厲害 | Yeah? Good for you. |
硬幣還是成卷的紙幣? | Quarters or rolls of quarters? |
對了,錢德,我把照片上的你都剪掉了 | By the way,I cut you out of all of my pictures. |
如果需要,我有一袋你的頭 | So if you want,I have a bag with just your heads. |
不用了 | That's okay. |
你可以用它們做皮影 | You could make little puppets out of them. |
也可以在你的“殘酷戲院”中用它們! | And you could use them in your Theater of Cruelty! |
-不能這麼做 -什麼?不能做什麼? | -We can't do that! -What? What can't you do? |
能過去和你談談嗎? | Can I talk to you for a second? Over there? |
我們得先離開 | We might be leaving now. |
告訴我“我們”是指你和我 | Tell me it's you and me "we." |
她說她要在我身上塗滿東西 然後舔乾淨 | She wants to slather my body with stuff and lick it off. |
我甚至不知道塗是什麼意思 | I'm not even sure what slathering is! |
但我絕對不想錯過任何部分! | But I definitely want to be a part of it! |
你不能這樣對我 | Okay,you cannot do this to me. |
你說得對,抱歉 | You're right. I'm sorry. |
三份巧克力慕斯外帶 | Can we have three chocolate mousses to go? |
我要走了 | I'm out of here. |
這是我的信用卡,這一頓算我的 | Here's my credit card. Dinner's on me. |
我希望她吐在你身上 | I hope she throws up on you. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
只剩下我們 | -So.... -Just us. |
真是糟糕的一夜 | What a crappy night! |
但我還是一直欣賞 | I have enjoyed the fact... |
從你拉鍊跑出來的衣服 | ...that your shirt's been sticking out of your zipper. |
抱歉 | Excuse me. |
你好嗎? | How you doing? |
他們是我們最要好的朋友嗎? | So do we have the best friends,or what? |
喬伊哪兒稱得上是朋友,他… | Joey's not a friend. He's... |
他這留下信用卡的笨蛋 | ...a stupid man who left us his credit card. |
想再來一杯嗎?甜點?大銀幕電視? | Another drink? Dessert? A big-screen TV? |
-我想再來一杯 -沒問題,好女人 | -I'll have a drink. -Got it. Good woman! |
-拿瓶最貴的香檳來 -每人一瓶 | -A bottle of overpriced champagne. -Each. |
對,每人一瓶,再要瓶羅伯羅伊(蘇格蘭威士卡) | That's right,each. And a rob roy. |
我老早就想品嘗了 | I've always wanted to know. |
情人節快樂 | Happy Valentine's Day! |
我現在就開始想念你了 | Oh,I miss you already. |
-你能相信會發生這種事嗎? -不能 | -Can you believe this happened? -No,no! |
但還是發生了 | And yet it did. |
-再見,珍妮絲 -吻我 | -Goodbye,Janice. -kiss me! |
錢德,抱歉 | Oh,Chandler. Sorry. |
錢德,抱歉 | Oh,Chandler. Sorry! |
-珍妮絲 -莫妮卡 | -Hey,Janice. -Hi,Monica. |
真是太特別了 | Well,this was very special. |
瑞秋,看誰來了 | Rach,come see who's out here! |
怎麼了?天啊 | What's going on? Oh,my God! |
珍妮絲!嗨! | Janice! Hi! |
珍妮絲就要走了 | Janice is gonna go away now! |
我馬上回來 | I'll be right back. |
喬伊,看誰來了 | Joey! Look who it is! |
很好,喬伊回來了 | Good. Joey's home. |
這真是太好玩了 | This is so much fun! |
好像是大團圓一樣 | This is like a reunion in the hall! |
羅斯,對,跟某人打個招呼吧 | Ross,there's someone I want you to say hi to. |
他恰好打電話來 | He happened to call. |
羅斯,對,是我.你怎麼會知道? | Hi,Ross. That's right,it's me! How did you know? |
我是說如果狗也會有時差問題 | So,if dogs experience jet lag... |
因為狗的七年等於人的一年 | ... because of the seven dog years to one human year thing... |
那麼狗從紐約飛到洛杉磯 | ...when a dog flies from New York to Los Angeles... |
損失的不是三小時,而是一周半 | ... he doesn't just lose three hours,he loses a week and a half. |
真有趣 | That's funny! |
他們應該馬上就做飯了 | They should be cooking the food soon. |
哦,好的 | Oh,good. |
她們是誰? | Who are they? |
金髮的是我前妻,碰她的是她的 | The blond is my ex-wife. The woman touching her is her... |
密友 | ...close,personal friend. |
-你是指她們是情人? -如果你硬要這麼說的話 | -They're lovers? -lf you want to put a label on it. |
-我還需要知道什麼? -不,就這些了 | -Anything else I should know? -Nope. That's it. |
對了,她懷了我的孩子 | Oh,and she's pregnant with my baby. |
我總是忘了這件事 | I always forget that part. |
我們需要鼠尾草和沙加緬度酒 | Now we need sage branches and the sacramental wine. |
我只有牛至葉和佛瑞斯加 | All I had is oregano and a Fresca. |
那樣也行 | That's okay! |
現在我們需要正義男子的精液 | Now we need the semen of a righteous man. |
菲比,如果我們有 現在就無需進行儀式了 | If we had that,we wouldn't be doing the ritual in the first place. |
-可以丟東西了嗎? -可以了 | -Can we start throwing things in? -Yeah,okay! |
貝瑞的信 | Okay. Barry's letters. |
亞當瑞塔的四角褲 | Adam Ritter's boxer shorts. |
跟某人晚餐的收據 | And I have the receipt from my dinner with.... |
-這是史考帝的裸體照片 -讓我看看! | -A picture of Scotty Jared naked! -Let me see! |
-他穿著毛衣 -沒有 | -He's wearing a sweater. -No. |
-這是誰的MCI電話卡? -我的.咻! | -Whose MCl card is that? -Mine. Shoot! |
趕緊記住號碼:9,7,4…. | Remember this number: Nine,seven,four.... |
最後這是保羅的格拉巴酒 | Okay,and here we have the last of Paolo's grappa. |
等等,這是不是純的… | Wait,isn't it almost pure |
我怎能在情人節甩掉她 | How can I dump this woman on Valentine's Day? |
我不曉得,但你曾在新年甩掉她 | I don't know. You dumped her on New Year's. |
下輩子我要當馬桶刷 | In my next life,I'm coming back as a toilet brush. |
你好,有趣的情人 | Hello,funny valentine! |
珍妮絲 | Hi,just Janice. |
喬伊,我們的小媒婆 | Hello,Joey,our little matchmaker. |
我忍不住想吻你 | I could just kiss you all over,and I'm gonna. |
如果你不敢,就讓我來開口 | If you don't do it,I will. |
-你真的從紐約來的? -本來不是,我從 | -So are you actually from New York? -Not originally. I'm from |
-你說他們可以自己做 -我以為他們可以 | -You said they'd shoot it without you. -I thought they could. |
最大版都是小菜一碟 最小版當然是更簡單一些了啊 | The maxi-pads were a piece of cake. Mini-pads should be that much easier. |
-但現在是情人節 -我知道,但這是我的工作 | -It's Valentine's Day. -I know,but it's my job. |
我會儘量趕回來,抱歉 | I'll try to get back as soon as I can. |
但我大部分時間都在教科學 | I'm spending most of my time teaching science... |
真好笑,我又不是主修科學 | ...which is funny because that wasn't even my major. |
真好笑 | Now,that is funny! |
我邀卡蘿過來會很奇怪嗎? | Do you think it would be too weird if I invited Carol over to join us? |
因為她現在一個人,懷孕了,心情又不好 | Because she's alone now. And pregnant. And sad. |
-大概吧 -你確定?卡蘿! | -I guess. -Are you sure? Carol! |
-願意過來坐嗎? -不,我沒事 | -Wanna join us? -No,I'm fine. |
來吧,這些人會挪過去的 | Come on. These people will scooch down. |
你們會挪過去的,對吧? 各位挪過去好嗎,動起來 | You guys will scooch,won't you? Let's try scooching! Come on! |
-拜託 -謝謝 | -Come on. -Thank you. |
克莉絲汀,這位是卡蘿 卡蘿,克莉絲汀 | IKristen Riggs,this is Carol Willick. Carol,Kristen. |
-你好 -卡蘿教六年級 | -How do you do? -Carol teaches sixth grade. |
而克莉絲汀… | And Kristen.... |
克莉絲汀… | IKristen does something... |
最好笑的是 | ...that,funnily enough... |
她的工作不是她的主修 | ...wasn't even her major! |
-謝謝你們能來 -沒關係.這是我們的工作 | -Thanks for coming over. -Not at all. It's pretty much our job. |
這就是我們為什麼戴這麼酷的帽子啊 | That's why we get the cool hats. |
-裡面有什麼東西? 一些真絲四角內褲 | -What do we got there? -A piece of sik boxer shorts. |
問候卡 | Some greeting cards. |
燒焦的照片 | A half-charred picture of.... |
這傢伙的體毛比隊長的還濃密 | That guy's hairier than the chief! |
這件事說來好笑 | It's a really funny story how this happened. |
我拿出垃圾桶,菲比點燃薰香 | I was taking out the trash,and Phoebe was burning incense |
沒關係.你們不用解釋 | It's all right. |
這不是第一件燒毀男友物品失控的事件了 | This isn't the first boyfriend bonfire we've seen get out of control. |
-這已是今晚的第三件 -真的? | -Third one tonight. -Really? |
情人節之夜是我們最忙的時刻 | Valentine's is our busiest night of the year. |
下一次燒你們前男友的東西時: | Next time you're burning your ex-boyfriend's stuff: |
第一,在一個通風好的地方 | One,do it in a well-ventilated area. |
第二,如果你們要燒衣服,小心合成纖維的 | Two,if you wanna burn his clothing,stay away from synthetic fabrics. |
第三,試著放掉你們的怒氣 學會愛護自己 | Three,try to let go of the anger,and learn to love yourself. |
-我帶了東西給你 -裝上子彈了沒? | -I brought you something. -ls it loaded? |
心型糖果“錢德與珍妮絲,永遠” | Oh,little candy hearts. "Chan and Jan Forever." |
我訂做的 | I had them made special. |
好吧,珍妮絲… | Okay,Janice. |
嗨,珍妮絲… | Hey,Janice. |
我不該告訴你 | There's no way to tell you this. |
至少沒有別的方法來告訴你 | At least,there's no new way. |
我覺得我們不會有結果 | I just don't think things are gonna work out. |
無所謂 | That's fine. |
是嗎? | It is? |
因為我知道我們還沒結束 | Because I know that this isn't the end. |
事實上已經結束了 | You see,actually,it is. |
不,還沒 因為你不會讓它發生的 | No,because you won't let that happen. |
難道你還不懂? | Don't you know it yet? |
你愛我,錢德.賓 | You love me,Chandler Bing! |
不,我不愛 | Oh,no,I don't. |
那麼就捫心自問,我們為何總是會複合? 新年是誰邀誰? | Why do we keep ending up together? New Year's,who invited who? |
-情人節是誰邀誰上床? -是我,可是… | -Valentine's,who asked who into bed? -I did,but |
我是你尋找的對象 | You seek me out! |
你的內心深處不斷呼喊著我 | Something deep in your soul calls out to me like a foghorn! |
珍妮絲…珍妮絲… | Janice! Janice! |
你推開我,你拉回我! | You push me away,you pull me back! |
你要我,你需要我 | You want me. You need me. |
你不能沒有我.你知道 | You can't live without me. And you know it. |
你只是不知道你知道罷了 | You just don't know you know it. |
明白嗎? | See? |
打電話給我 | Call me! |
這不是真的.我沒說你媽是狼人 | It's not true. I never called your mother a wolverine. |
你有,我發誓 | You did so,I swear to |
她上洗手間多久了? | How long has she been in the bathroom? |
我想她不是去上洗手間,她的外套不見了 | She isn't in the bathroom. Her coat's gone. |
或許是太冷吧 | Well,maybe it's cold in there. |
或許我搞砸了九年來的第一次約會 | I screwed up my first date in nine years. |
-有可能 -天哪 | -That could be it. -Oh,God. |
知道嗎,這裡還很熱 | You know,this is still pretty hot. |
磨菇 | Mushroom. |
微笑 | Smile. |
不會每次都這樣的 還是有些女人會把晚餐吃完的 | They won't all be like this. Some might stay through dinner. |
-抱歉,不好笑 -只是 | -I'm sorry. That's not funny. -It's just.... |
人們老說要繼續你的人生 | You know the whole "get on with your life" thing? |
我必須這樣嗎? | Well,do I have to? |
我和這位美女坐在這兒 | I'm sitting here with this cute woman... |
她是那麼好 | ...and she's perfectly nice,but that... |
但就這麼吹了 | ...that's it. |
我現在又和你聊天,輕鬆又自在 | Then I'm here talking to you,and it's easy and it's fun. |
我何必… | And I don't have to.... |
-我懂 -你懂? | -I know. -You know? |
我有個瘋狂的念頭 | Here's a wacky thought. |
我們再試一次好嗎? | Let's say you and I give it another shot. |
我知道你要說你是個女同志 | I know what you're gonna say. You're a lesbian. |
但何不暫時將它擺在一旁 | But what do you say we just put that aside for now. |
完全不去想它 | Let's just stick a pin in it. |
因為我們在一起很開心 這不容你否認 | Because we're great together. You can't deny it. |
我有一個適合你的戒指 | I've got a ring at home that fits you. |
我有無數我倆一起的照片 | I've got lots of pictures with both of us in them. |
最美妙的地方是,你懷著我的孩子 | And best of all,you're carrying my baby. |
-這樣不是很完美嗎? -羅斯 | -I mean,how perfect is that? -Ross |
雖然你一直回絕,但我仍然想對你說,我愛你 | You keep saying that,but there's something right here. I love you. |
我也愛你 | I love you too. |
-但是 -不要但是 | -But -No "but." |
你要知道,暫時放置一旁的事 | You know that thing we put over here with the pin in it? |
遲早會浮現的 | It's time to take the pin out. |
你會找到物件的,合適的女人正在等著你 | You'll find someone. The right woman is waiting for you. |
你說得倒是輕鬆,你已找到合適的女人 | It's easy for you to say. You found one already. |
你只需找到愛男人的女人即可 | All you need is a woman who likes men,and you'll be set. |
不是她 | Not her. |
你們真的從一個柱子上滑下去? | So,you guys really slide down a pole? |
-絕對的 -太酷了 | -Absolutely. -That's so cool. |
那你們怎麼回上面的呢? | How do you get back up? |
我們很少需要像著火一樣急的往上去 | Well,we rarely have to return from a fire as quickly. |
你們這些小夥… | So,would you guys.... |
你們願意,有時,可能… | Would you like to,sometime,maybe.... |
有時一起出去喝一杯 | Go for a drink sometime? |
當然,聽起來不錯 | Sure,sounds good. |
我們午夜下班之後,來找你們可以嗎? | We get off at midnight. We'll pick you up then. |
好啊,太好了 | Okay. Great! |
你們會開消防車過來嗎? | So will you bring the truck? |
還會讓你們拉警鈴 | I'll even let you ring the bell. |
再見了…晚安,再見… | -We'll see you later. -Bye! See you later! |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
看到沒有?清理儀式奏效了 | See? There you go. The cleansing worked. |
沒錯,他們是好男人 | You're right. They're nice guys! |
他們是“救火”隊員 | They're firemen guys! |
-你們有告訴她們你們已婚嗎? -當然沒有,連我女友都不知道 | -Tell them you're married? -No. My girlfriend doesn't even know. |
咖啡 | Coffee. |
-謝謝 -卡布其諾 -謝謝(義大利語) | -Thank you. -Cappuccino. -Grazie |
莫妮卡的熱蘋果汁 | And a nice,hot cider for Monica. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
瑞秋,為何我的肉桂棒上有橡皮擦? | Rach,why does my cinnamon stick have an eraser? |
這就是原因, | That's why. |
對不起 | Sorry. |
六人行 第1季 第15集 吸大麻的傢伙 | The One With The Stoned Guy |
錢德 | Chandler? |
泰洛克小姐,你今天真漂亮 | Miss Tedlock,you look lovely today. |
我能說這件衣服真好看嗎? | That is a very flattering sleeve length on you. |
科斯特.力克先生希望你在下班後 能到他辦公室去 | Mr. Costilick would like you to stop by his office today. |
如果他是為搞笑備忘錄 不是我幹的, | If it's about those prank memos,I wasn't involved. |
和我完全沒有關係.真的. | Nothing at all. Really. |
弗蘭克,辦公室裡沒有地方容納這些惡作劇. | And frankly,those shenanigans have no place in an office environment. |
各位, | Hey,you guys! |
錢德說他有天大的好消息 | Chandler's coming and he has incredible news. |
所以他來的時候我們就…… | So when he gets here,let's all act,like,you know |
不管了,這一定很有意思. | Never mind. But it was gonna be really good. |
到底怎麼了… | What's going on? |
今天和平常沒什麼兩樣 | So it's a typical day at work... |
然後艾爾叫我到他辦公室 說他要我當電腦處理的主管 | ...and Big Al tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor. |
-真是太好了 -恭喜... | -That is great! -Congratulations! |
所以我就辭職不幹了 | So I quit. |
為什麼? | Why? |
為什麼?因為這只是暫時的工作 | Why? This was a temp job. |
錢德,你已在公司五年了 | Chandler,you've been there for five years. |
我知道,但接受升職 不就承認這就是我的目的 | I know,but if I took it,I'd be admitting that this is what I do. |
這是不是意味著我們必須開始自己購買衛生紙? | Does that mean we have to start buying our own toilet paper? |
那是有大照片的喬伊,丹? | That was Joey Tribbiani with the big picture. Dan? |
那不是能賺更多錢? | Was it more money? |
我不在乎,我不想成為 坐在辦公室到午夜 | Doesn't matter. I just don't want to be a guy who sits in his office... |
擔心"WEENUS"的人 | ...worrying about the WENUS. |
"WENUS"? | The "WENUS"? |
"每週估計淨值使用系統" 這是電腦處理的術語 | Weekly estimated net usage system. It's a processing term. |
哦,那個"WENUS"啊 | Oh,that WENUS. |
你有何打算? | What will you do? |
我也不知道該怎麼辦 我只知道我不會再待在那兒工作了 | I don't know. But I won't figure it out working there. |
我有一份你可以做的工作 | I have something you can do! |
我的新按摩客戶史提夫 | I have this new massage client,Steve. |
他開了一家餐廳 | Anyway,he's opening up a restaurant... |
他正在尋找總廚師 | ...and he's looking for a head chef. |
-你好 -你好. | -Hi,there. -Hi. |
我知道你是個廚師,而且我先想到你 | I know. You're a chef and I thought of you first. |
但錢德目前沒有工作所以... | But Chandler's the one who needs a job right now,so.... |
我沒有太多廚師的經驗 | I just don't have a lot of chef-ing experience. |
除非那是一家只賣烤麵包片的餐廳 | Unless it's an all-toast restaurant. |
他想要什麼菜色? | What is he looking for? |
他想要菜色豐富多變 | He wants to do something eclectic. |
因此他在找一個能創造出整個功能表的人 | He's looking for someone who can create the entire menu. |
意下如何? | So,what do you think? |
謝了.我大概沒資格戴白色大帽吧 | Thanks. I just don't see myself in a big,white hat. |
莫妮卡,知道嗎? | Oh,Monica! Guess what? |
一個完美的助跑,然後就自然而然出現了,完美的 | a perfect run-up and there he goes,a perfect.... |
看看這個 | Watch stuff like this... |
你就知道為什麼變革僅僅是理論上的事情了. | ...and you realize why evolution is just a theory. |
你能透過襯衫看見我的乳頭嗎? | Can you see my nipples through this shirt? |
看不見,但別擔心,它們還在 | No,but don't worry. I'm sure they're still there. |
你要上哪兒去,西裝筆挺先生? | Where are you going? |
我和羅伯提曼博士有約,求職顧問阿哥哥 | I have an appointment with Dr. Robert Pilman,career counselor-a-go-go! |
-阿哥哥是我加的 -求職顧問? | -I added the "a-go-go." -Career counselor? |
你們都已找到人生的方向 | You guys all know what you want to do. |
還沒 | I don't. |
在客廳裡的各位 全都都已找到人生的方向 | You guys in the living room all know what you want to do. |
你們有目標,有夢想,但我卻沒有夢想 | You have goals. You have dreams. I don't have a dream! |
少見的“我沒有夢想”演說 | The lesser-known "I Don't Have a Dream" speech. |
我愛我的人生!我愛我的人生! | I love my life! I love my life! |
布萊恩的歌 | "Brian's Song"! |
-見面的結果如何? -相當順利 | -The meeting went great? -So great! |
他告訴我未來餐廳的位置 | He showed me where the restaurant's gonna be. |
就在第十街不太大也不太小,大小適中 | It's not too big or too small. It's just right. |
前任老闆是金髮女人和幾隻熊嗎? | Was it formerly owned by a blond woman and some bears? |
週一我們要煮一餐讓他品嘗 有點像是面試 | I'm cooking for him Monday,kind of an audition. |
菲比,他也要你在場 這樣對我有好處 因為你可以發出好吃的讚歎聲 | Phoebe,he wants you here. It's great. You can make yummy noises. |
-你打算做什麼? -好吃的聲音. | -What are you gonna make? -Yummy noises. |
莫妮卡,你要做什麼菜? 我也不知道,但一定會很棒的 | -And Monica,what are you gonna make? -I don't know. It's gotta be great. |
我知道你可以做什麼了! | I know what you can make! I know! |
你應該用那些東西做這個. | You should make that thing with the stuff. |
你知道用那些東西做的這個? | You know that thing with the stuff? |
好吧,我也不知道 | Okay,I don't know. |
各位,誰知道附近有約會的絕佳地點? | Anyone know a good date place in the neighborhood? |
東尼餐廳如何?吃下32盎斯的牛排就免費 | How about Tony's? If you finish a 32-ounce steak,it's free. |
誰知道和美洲豹約會,哪兒是好地點? | Anyone know a good place if you're not dating a puma? |
-你要和誰約會? -是昆蟲女? | -Who are you going out with? -ls this the bug lady? |
我愛你,羅斯 | "I love you,Ross." |
她叫希莉亞,不是昆蟲女 她是昆蟲博物館的主任 | Her name is Celia and she's insect curator at the museum. |
-你們打算如何共渡? -出去吃晚餐 | -What are you gonna do? -Go out to dinner... |
然後帶她回我的住處 介紹我的猴子給她認識 | ...then bring her back to my place and introduce her to my monkey. |
他沒用比喻 | And he's not speaking metaphorically. |
回你的住處?你想... | So back to your place? You thinking maybe.... |
我不知道… | Well,I don't know.... |
我希望… | I'm hoping.... |
告訴你,那猴子是魅力十足 | That monkey is a chick magnet. |
她看見它那毛絨絨可愛的小臉 然後一切就搞定 | She'll take one look at his cute,little face and it'll seal the deal. |
希莉亞,別擔心,它不會傷害你的 | Celia,don't worry. He's not gonna hurt you! |
用安撫的語調 | Soothing tones. |
-過來,馬修 -我受不了了. | -Here,Marcel. -I can't stand this. |
-它的爪子在我的 -乖.. | -He's got his claws on my -Yeah,all right. |
試試這鮭魚慕斯 | Okay,try this salmon mousse. |
好吃 | Good. |
比其他的鮭魚慕斯好吃? | Is it better than the other salmon mousse? |
-更滑更柔 -是嗎?這樣更好? | -It's creamier. -Yeah? Well,is that better? |
我不知道.我們在談一條攪成泡沫的魚 | I don't know. We're talking about whipped fish. |
我能不吐出來就已經不錯了 | I'm just happy I'm keeping it down. |
天啊,你怎麼了? | God,what happened to you? |
8個半小時的天資測驗 | Eight and a half hours of aptitude tests... |
智力測驗,個性測驗,我瞭解了什麼? | ...intelligence tests,personality tests,and what do I learn? |
你適合在大型跨國公司 資料處理部門方面發展 | "You're suited for data processing for a large multinational corporation." |
這太好了 因為你已知道該如何做 | That's so great! You already know how to do that. |
你們能相信嗎? | Can you believe it? |
我不像是做那種酷工作的人嗎? | Don't I seem like I should be doing something cool? |
我總是想像自己能做點事情 | I just always pictured myself doing something.... |
事情! | Something! |
錢德,我知道 | Chandler,I know,I know. |
嗨,你可以透過你的襯衫 看自己的乳頭 | Hey,you can see your nipples through this shirt. |
這個或許能讓你開心點 | Maybe this will cheer you up. |
5小時前我吃了一顆葡萄 所以我最好該和你平分 | I had a grape about five hours ago,so I better split this with you. |
它本來就應該那麼小 這是餐前開胃菜 | It's supposed to be small. It's a pre-appetizer. |
法國人稱它為“阿姆茲布許” | The French call it an amuse-bouche. |
這簡直是太神奇了 | Well,it is amusing. |
溫蒂,對,八點 | Hi,Wendy. Yeah,8:00. |
我們不是說過嗎?每小時十塊 | What did we say,$10 an hour? |
很好,再見了 | Okay,great. All right,I'll see you then. |
-什麼每小時十塊? -我請餐廳裡的女服務生幫忙 | -$10 an hour for what? -A waitress from work is helping me. |
服務生? | Waitressing? |
當然我考慮過你.但... | Of course I thought of you. But.... |
-但是… -但是什麼? | -But.... -But,but.... |
但是今晚一定要做到完美,你知道嗎? | But it's just this night has to go just perfect,you know? |
溫蒂的經驗豐富,是個職業服務生 | Wendy's more of a professional waitress. |
我應該繼續保持業餘的姿態 將來才能在奧運會上當服務生 | And I'm maintaining my amateur status so I can waitress in the Olympics. |
我不想自吹自擂 但我在76年的因斯布魯克當過服務生 | I don't mean to brag,but I waited tables at lnnsbruck in '76. |
帶回家一塊銅牌. | Took home a bronze. |
阿姆茲-布許? | Amuse-bouche? |
和我說話 | Talk to me. |
早上我坐地鐵時 發生了一件詭異的事 | A weird thing happened on the train this morning |
說猥褻的話 | Talk dirty. |
-這裡? -對. | -Here? -Come on. Come on. |
說點火辣的 | Say something hot. |
什麼?什麼? | What? What? |
外陰. | Vulva. |
外陰? | Vulva? |
我當時好害怕,她嚇了我一跳 | I panicked,all right? She took me by surprise. |
但並未完全失去自我.我們以愛撫收場 | But it wasn't a total loss. We ended up cuddling. |
愛撫?幾次? | You cuddled? How many times? |
閉嘴,那種感覺好好 | Shut up. It was nice. |
我不是那種講猥褻話的人 | I don't think I'm a dirty-talking kind of guy. |
你只要說出你想對她如何 或是你想她對你如何 | Just say what you wanna do to her. Or what you want her to do to you. |
或是別人想對彼此如何 | Or what other people might be doing to each other. |
這樣吧,對我說吧 | I'll tell you what. Try something on me. |
開什麼玩笑 | Please be kidding. |
有何不可, | Why not? |
只要閉上眼睛告訴我 現在你想幹什麼 | Just close your eyes and tell me what you'd like to be doing right now. |
好吧…我在我的住處 | I'm in my apartment.... |
-然後呢? -你不在那裡. | -Yeah,what else? -You're not there. |
-我們在進行這樣的談話 -好的,我要開始了,準備好了嗎? | -We're not having this conversation. -All right,I'll start. Ready? |
噢,羅斯 | Oh,Ross... |
你讓我欲火焚身,我要你舔我 | ...you get me so hot. I want your lips on me now. |
-該你了 -我看還是算了吧 | -Now you say something. -I really don't think so. |
你喜歡她吧?想再見到她嗎? | You like this woman,right? You wanna see her again,right? |
如果你無法對我說出猥褻的話 你如何對她說呢? | If you can't talk dirty to me,how will you talk dirty to her? |
現在告訴我你想愛撫我的屁股 | Now tell me you wanna caress my butt! |
好吧,轉過去 | Okay,turn around. |
我不想你盯著我看 | I don't want you staring at me. |
好吧,我不看,說吧 | All right,I'm not looking. Go ahead. |
我要... | I want Okay,I want... |
用我的雙唇感覺你那光滑的皮膚 | ...to feel your hot,soft skin with my lips. |
這就對了,繼續 | There you go. IKeep going,keep going. |
我要用我的舌頭… | I want to take my tongue and |
快說啊 | Say it. |
快說 | Say it! |
舔遍你的全身 | run it all over your body... |
直到你顫抖… | ... until you're trembling with |
然後呢? | With? |
-真好笑 -你不會相信的 | -Funny story. -You're not gonna believe this. |
我一向贊成你們兩個小子交往 | I was always rooting for you two kids to get together. |
-顫抖那一段不錯 -閉嘴! | -The trembling thing was nice. -Shut up! |
你睡覺時以前的公司又打電話來 | That guy from your old job called again. |
-又打來? -一遍又一遍. | -Again? -And again and again and again. |
又打來了 | And again. |
嘿,科斯特林克先生,15樓的情況如何? | Hey,Mr. Costilick. How's life on the 1 5th floor? |
我也想念你. | Yeah,I miss you too. |
對,偷自己家裡的筆不夠刺激 | It's a lot less satisfying to steal pens from your own home. |
你真慷慨,但這不是錢的問題 | That's very generous. But this isn't about the money. |
我需要的不只是一份工作 我要的是我真正想要的 | I need more than a job. I need something I really care ab |
這是你稍早提過的年終紅利之外的津貼? | That's on top of the year-end bonus? |
你的夢想… | Your dream! |
艾爾,我不是在故意為難你 | Look,Al,I'm not playing hardball here,okay? |
這不是交涉,這叫拒絕 | This is not a negotiation. This is a rejection! |
不,別再講數字了 | Stop saying numbers! |
告訴你,你看錯人了,你看錯人了 | I'm telling you,you've got the wrong guy! |
星期一見 | I'll see you Monday! |
好大,比小格子大多了 | Wow! It's huge! It's so much bigger than the cubicle. |
這是一個格間! | This is a cube! |
看這裡. | Look at this. |
你有窗戶! | You have a window! |
沒錯,還有美麗的風… | Yes,indeed-y. With a beautiful view of |
看,有人在小便 | Look! That guy's peeing! |
風景看夠了,看這個 | That's enough of the view. Check this out. |
坐下 | Okay,sit down here. |
這個最酷, | This is great. |
-準備好沒? -好了 | -You ready? -Yeah. |
海倫,能進來一下嗎? | Helen,could you come in here? |
謝謝你,海倫,沒事了 | Thank you,Helen. That'll be all. |
最後一次了,我保證 | Last time I do that. I promise. |
-她看起來不怎麼熱情 -我知道.她沒有個性. | -She doesn't seem very warm. -I know. She has no personality. |
溫蒂,不要這樣對我. | Wendy,don't do this to me. |
我們約好的.你答應過我 | We had a deal. Yeah,you promised. |
-那是誰? -叛徒溫蒂 | -Who was that? -Wendy bailed. |
我沒服務生了 | I have no waitress. |
真是太糟糕了.再見 | That's too bad. Bye-bye. |
一小時十元!一小時十二元! | Ten dollars an hour! Twelve dollars an hour! |
我希望可以 但我已經計畫好去走走 | I wish I could,but I've made plans to walk around. |
你逃婚之後我一直關心你 | When you ran out on your wedding,I was there. |
我讓你有地方住 如果這樣對你仍毫無意義… | I put a roof over your head! If that means nothing.... |
一小時二十元 | Twenty dollars an hour. |
成交 | Done. |
歡迎光臨莫妮卡家 我能幫你拿外套嗎? | Hello. Welcome to Monica's. May I take your coat? |
(喜劇演員 強·洛維茲) | Jon Lovitz |
-史提夫 -莫妮卡 | -Hi,Steve. -Hello,Monica. |
招待小姐 | Hello,greeter girl. |
-她叫瑞秋 -好的, | -This is Rachel. -Yeah,okay. |
味道好香 | Everything smells so delicious. |
我早已忘記這種美味的… | I can't remember ever smelling such a delicious combination of |
香味 | Okay,smells. |
-這房子真漂亮 -謝謝,想參觀一下嗎? | -It's a lovely apartment. -Thank you. Would you like a tour? |
我只是客套一下,但,好吧 | I was just being polite,but all right. |
-怎麼了? -他坐計程車來時 | -What's up? -ln the cab on the way over... |
燃了一根草 | ...Steve blazed up a doobie. |
什麼? | What? |
抽了一根大麻… 好了,我懂 | Smoked a joint,you know? Lit a bone. Weed,hemp,ganja |
我和你在一起,切奇(《大麻》的主演) | I'm with you,Cheech. |
-你認為他會冷靜嗎? -這裡很乾燥嗎? | -Do you think he's gonna be cool? -ls it dry in here? |
我來為你倒杯酒 | Let me get you some wine. |
我們可以上第一道菜了 | I think we're ready for our first course too. |
這些是石蝦小方餃 | These are rock shrimp ravioli in a cilantro ponzu sauce... |
芫萎調味醬加上一點點… | ...with just a touch of minced... |
碎薑 | ...ginger. |
打我屁股叫我朱蒂 | Well,smack my ass and call me Judy! |
-真是太好吃了 -我真高興你喜歡 | -These are fantastic! -Gosh! I'm so glad you liked them. |
喜歡?我可以吃下上百個 | Like them? I could eat 100 of them! |
只有這一些 | That's all there is of these... |
但再過8分半鐘 我們就會獻上美味的洋蔥餡餅 | ...but in a few minutes,we'll serve some tartlets. |
餡餅... | "Tartlets"? |
餡餅... | "Tartlets." |
餡餅... | "Tartlets." |
文字都已失去意義 | Word has lost all meaning. |
請問需要任何幫忙嗎? | Excuse me. Can I help you with anything? |
你看,我也不知道自己在找什麼 | You know,I don't know what I'm looking for. |
酷,墨西哥餡餅 | Cool! Taco shells! |
這個就像是玉米卷 | They're like a little corn envelope,you know? |
-你不該影響食欲. -糖 | -You don't wanna spoil your appetite. -Hey,Sugar-O's! |
再等6分鐘半 | You know,if you just wait another 6 1 /2 minutes |
乾酪通心面!我們要做這個 | Macaroni and cheese! We gotta make this! |
-不,我們不做 -哦,好吧. | -No,we don't. -Oh,okay. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
我們何不坐這兒 | Why don't you just have a seat here? |
-小熊軟糖給我 -不 | -Give me the gummy bears. -No. |
-把他給我 -好吧,分你一半 | -Give them to me. -We'll share. |
-小熊給我 -你不能全部搶走 | -No. Give me the bears. -You can't have any. |
這樣不值得! | It's not worth it! |
小熊落水了,他們快淹死了 | Bears overboard! They're drowning! |
不要站在那裡.打9-1-1. | Don't just stand there. Call 9-1 -1. |
嗨,夥計們,抓住糖逃命啊! | Hey,fellas,grab onto a Sugar-O! Save yourselves! |
救命啊....我淹水了 | Help! Help,I'm drowning! |
-我受夠了,晚餐結束 -什麼?為什麼? | -That's it! Dinner is over! -What! Why? |
為什麼?試想一下我到你的辦公室然後開始...? | Why? What if I came into your office and I started...? |
我想不出一個合適的例子. | I can't think of an example. |
這機會我已等了七年 | I've waited seven years for an opportunity like this... |
而你卻等不了四分半鐘之後 再吃洋蔥餡餅 | ...and you can't wait 4 1/2 minutes for a tartlet? |
所以我跟他說,"對不起.這就是我的感受." | So I told him,"I'm sorry. That's how I feel." |
他居然說我聲音太刺耳搞得他耳朵嗡嗡叫 | And he told me I harsh-ed his buzz. |
然後我說,"別吃這個,這是廚房磁鐵" | Then I said,"Don't eat that. It's a kitchen magnet." |
結果他不聽,我們只好把他留在急救室了. | And he didn't listen,so we left him in the emergency room. |
-莫妮卡,很遺憾 -真是個王八蛋 | -Mon,I'm sorry. -What a tool. |
-你做的很對 -你不會想為那種人工作的 | -You did the right thing. -You don't wanna work for that guy. |
我以為我的機會來了 | I just thought that this was it. |
-不要擔心.你是個了不起的廚師 -那些讚美的聲音我不是裝的 | -Don't worry. You're an amazing chef. -Those yummy noises? I wasn't faking. |
我能拿到全部三小時工資嗎? | Am I gonna get paid for the full three hours? |
只是一個問題而已.我們以後再說. | Just a question. We'll talk about it later. |
和希莉亞的狀況如何? | So,how did it go with Celia? |
-簡直是不可思議 -幹得好,羅斯! | -I was unbelievable. -All right,Ross! |
我就像是詹姆斯米切納(歷史學家)一樣滿口猥褻的話 | I was the James Michener of dirty talk. |
天下最具巧思的猥褻話 | It was the most elaborate filth ever heard. |
有人物,劇情,主題 | I mean,there were characters,plot lines,themes,a motif. |
其中一段的主角是村夫與村姑 | At one point,there were villagers. |
然後呢? | And? |
猥褻話講完後已經很晚了 | By the time we finished all the dirty talk... |
而且我們也已精疲力竭所以… | ...it was late and we were exhausted |
-你們愛撫? -那種感覺好好 | -You cuddled. -Yeah,which was nice. |
你們想看晚場電影嗎? | Do you guys want to try to catch a late movie? |
-或許吧,但我們不是該等錢德? -他到底跑哪兒去了? | -Shouldn't we wait for Chandler? -Where the hell is he? |
我知道現在幾點 | I know what time it is... |
但我看著WENUS而且我相當不高興 | ...but I'm looking at the WENUS and I'm not happy! |
真的?告訴你吧 | Let me tell you something. |
你會在乎是因為我在乎,明白了嗎?很好! | You will care about it because I care about it. Got it? Good! |
這樣如何? | How's this? |
不好意思,這邊呢? | Sorry. How about over here? |
這就說明有效果了. | That means it's working. |
-痛不痛? -不痛. | -Does this hurt? -No. |
這樣呢? | How about this? |
爽啦! | There you go! |
我快吐了! | I'm gonna throw up! |
真是令人難以置信,已過了半個小時 | Unbelievable! It's been half an hour. |
如果這是卡通 你應該看起來像火腿一樣 | If this was a cartoon,you'd look like a ham now. |
-女侍在那兒,嗨,小姐…等等 -是菲比! | -There's the waitress. Hello,miss! -It's Phoebe! |
-好的,這些就是全部啦? -等等,你來這兒幹什麼? | -Okay,will that be all? -Wait. What are you doing here? |
我本來在那兒,然後你叫 “嗨,小姐.”所以我就過來了 | I was over there. Then you said,"Hello,miss." So I'm here. |
不,你怎麼會在這兒工作? | No,how come you're working here? |
因為這兒離我的住處很近 而且圍裙也很漂亮 | Because it's close to where I live,and the aprons are cute. |
-可以重來嗎? -好的,我到那邊去 | -Can we start over? -Okay,I'm gonna be over here. |
六人行 第1季 第16集 第17集 雙胞胎 | The One With Two Partsl |
我不知道他是不是在考驗我 | I don't know whether he's testing me... |
我的猴子已失去控制 | ... but my monkey is out of control! |
他不斷清除我答錄機上的留言 | He keeps erasing the messages on my machine. |
應該是個意外 | Supposedly by accident. |
哦,是的,我做過這種事 | Oh,yeah,I've done that. |
他連續三天在我看報紙前 | And then he got to the newspaper before I did... |
在猜字遊戲上尿尿 | ...and peed all over the crossword! |
這我沒做過 | I've never done that. |
昨晚,我不知道他做了什麼 他到處蹦來蹦去! | Last night,I don't know what he did but there were capers everywhere! |
-她看起來和她姐姐完全一樣 -我看到不同之處 | -She looks exactly like her sister. -I'm saying I see a difference. |
她們是雙胞胎 | They're twins. |
我不管,菲比是菲比,烏蘇拉很火辣 | I don't care. Phoebe's Phoebe. Ursula's hot! |
你知道我們怎麼說這種事情? | You know how we talk about things? |
-別再談論那事了 -好吧 | -Let's not do that anymore. -All right. |
-菲比,猜我們今天遇見誰? -哦,好玩!好的 | -Pheebs,guess who we saw today? -Oh,fun! Okay. |
-連恩尼遜(電影演員) -不是 | -Liam Neeson. -No. |
-莫利塞弗(記者) -不是 | -Morley Safer. -No. |
-剪我頭髮的女人! -這會是一個很長的遊戲 | -The lady who cuts my hair! -This could be a very long game. |
-你姐姐,烏蘇拉 -哦,真的? | -Your sister,Ursula. -Oh,really? |
-她在那兒工作… -瑞菲餐廳,我知道 | -She works at that place.... -Riff's. I know. |
你知道?因為她說你們已多年不說話 | You do? She said you guys haven't talked in years. |
對,她胖嗎? | So,is she fat? |
從我的角度看不會 | Not from where I was standing. |
你從什麼角度? | Where were you standing? |
菲比,你們合不來? | Pheebs,so you guys just don't get along? |
這只是姐妹之間的事 | It's mostly just dumb sister stuff. |
大家都認為她漂亮 | Everyone always thought of her as the pretty one. |
她先學會走路 雖然我是在當天稍後學會的 | She was the first to walk even though I did it later that same day. |
對我爸媽而言那就已經不新鮮了 | But to my parents,by then it was,"Yeah,what else is new?" |
菲比,抱歉,我得走了 我得去學習無痛分娩法 | I'm sorry. I've gotta go. I've got Lamaze class. |
我得去參加地球科學班 健身房見了 | And I've got earth science,but I'll catch you in gym? |
-就你和卡蘿兩人去? -不,蘇珊也要去 | -ls this just gonna be you and Carol? -Susan will be there too. |
那有爸爸,女同志…全部的父母都會到 | We've got dads,we've got lesbians. The whole parenting team. |
-這樣不是會很奇怪? -不會的,一開始或許會 | -lsn't that gonna be weird? -lt might have been at first... |
現在我已坦然面對 | ... but now I'm comfortable with it. |
-羅斯,那是我的外套 -我知道 | -Ross,that's my jacket. -I know. |
我們姓羅斯特,我是潔西他叫麥可 | Hi. We're the Rostens. I'm J. C. and he's Michael. |
我們有一個男孩和一個女孩 | And we're having a boy and a girl. |
厲害,下一位 | Good for you. All right,next? |
我叫羅斯,我兒子在那兒 | I'm Ross Geller. And that's my boy in there. |
她叫卡蘿,這位是蘇珊 | And this is Carol Willick. And this is Susan Bunch. |
蘇珊是卡蘿的… | Susan is Carol's.... |
下一位是誰? | Who's next? |
抱歉,蘇珊是… | Sorry,Susan is...? |
-蘇珊是卡蘿的朋友 -生活拍檔 | -Carol's friend. -Life partner. |
就像夥伴 | Like buddies. |
-好像戀人 -你知道女人能有多親近的 | -Like lovers. -You know how close women can get. |
-我們倆住在一起 -我倆曾經結過婚 | -We live together. -I was married to her. |
-卡蘿,不是我 -有點複雜了 | -Carol,not me. -It's a bit complicated. |
-但是我們不錯 -絕對的! | -But we're fine. -Absolutely! |
雙胞胎,好像要生兩次 | So,twins! That's like two births. |
噢! | Ouch! |
彼此,海倫 | to you too,Helen. |
-妮娜·布克賓德來找你 -好的,讓她進來 | -Nina Bookbinder is here to see you. -Okay,send her in. |
-妮娜,快進來 -你想見我? | -Come on in. -You wanted to see me? |
我剛看過你的資料 你一直填遲你週五數位的日期 | I was reviewing your data. You've been postdating your Friday numbers. |
-這樣很不好,因為… -這樣使我的WENUS出現問題 | -Which is bad,because...? -lt throws my WENUS out of whack. |
-對不起? -WENUS… | -Excuse me? -WENUS. |
每週估計淨值使用統計 | Weekly Estimated Net Usage Statistics. |
對 | Gotcha! |
不會再發生了 我不會做任何事傷害你的WENUS | Won't happen again. I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt your WENUS. |
要我就在“工廠裡的白癡”上押200,亞裡克斯 | I'll take "ldiots in the Workplace" for 200,Alex. |
這不是她漂不漂亮的問題,這是… | It's not just that she's cute,okay? It's just that... |
她真的很漂亮 | ...she's really,really cute. |
都一樣,你不能用公司的墨水填充自己的鋼筆 | It doesn't matter. You don't dip your pen in the company ink. |
上帝,我知道我幾乎不應該被雇用 | God,I even know that and I'm pretty much unemployable. |
羅斯,你的小動物又在玩遙控器 | Ross,your little creature's got the remote again. |
馬修,把遙控器給羅斯 | Marcel,give Rossy the remote. |
馬修! | Marcel! |
馬修,現在馬上把遙控器給羅斯 | Marcel,you give Rossy the remote right now! |
把遙控器給羅斯 | You give Rossy the remote |
-這下好了 -放心.我會修好的 | -Great. -Relax. I'll fix it. |
(西班牙語) | |
烏克這個名字在西班牙文中叫“烏酷” | Oh,cool! Urkel in Spanish is Urkel. |
他是怎麼辦到的? | How did he do this? |
你還讓聖誕燈開著是想讓我們“快樂”一整年? | Is leaving Christmas lights up your plan to keep us merry all year long? |
不,某人在新年期間就應該把它拿下 她顯然是忘了 | No,someone was supposed to take them down but obviously someone forgot. |
某人應該寫個字條“瑞秋,拿下聖誕燈” | Someone was supposed to write,"Rach,take down the lights"... |
然後貼在冰… | ...and put it on the refrigera |
-在這兒多久了? -時間可不短了 | -How long has that been there? -A really long time. |
-你上哪兒去了? -瑞菲餐廳 | -Where you been? -Riff's. |
我想烏蘇拉喜歡我 我只點咖啡 | I think Ursula likes me. I ordered coffee. |
她卻端給我鮪魚和四盤的薯片 | She brought me a tuna melt and four plates of curly fries. |
有門了 | Score. |
她好辣 | She is so hot! |
你展開“喬伊”行動之前,或許你可以找… | Before you do anything Joey-like,you might want to run it by.... |
-菲比? -當然 | -Pheebs? -Yeah. |
菲比,我約你姐出去你會介意嗎? | Is it okay if I asked out your sister? |
為什麼?你為何要那樣做?為什麼? | Why? Why would you want to do that? Why? |
因為如果我去約會時,她就會在我身邊 | So if we went out on a date,she'd be there. |
好吧,不管怎樣,我不是她 | Well,I'm not my sister's,you know,whatever. |
沒錯,我們確實曾待在同一顆卵子 | And I mean,it's true,we were one egg once. |
但我們各自發育 | But you know,we've grown apart so.... |
我不知道…有何不可? | I don't know. Why not? |
酷.謝啦 | Cool. Thanks. |
-你還好吧? -還好 | -You okay? -Yeah,I'm fine. |
你還要繼續看拉烏妮·舍麗嗎? | Do you wanna watch Laverney Shirley? |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
抱歉,我遲到了.卡蘿在哪兒? | Hi. Sorry I'm late. Where's Carol? |
學校有事,老師和家長間的事 | Stuck at school. Some parent-teacher thing. |
你可以走了,我留下來上課 | You can go. I'll get the information. |
不…我應該留下來 我們兩個都該留下來上課 | No,I think I should stay. We should both know what's going on. |
很好,一定會很有意思的 | Oh,good. This will be fun. |
首先是第三階段基本呼吸練習 | We're gonna start with some basic third-stage breathing exercises. |
各位媽媽請躺下 | Moms,get on your back. |
教練們支撐媽媽們的頭 | And coaches,you should be supporting Mommy's head. |
-什麼? -什麼? | -What? -What? |
-我該當媽媽嗎? -好吧,我再一次拿精子說事兒 | -I'm supposed to be the mommy? -I'll play my sperm card once more. |
只因我是個女人 我就得錯過教練訓練? | I have to miss the coaching training because I'm a woman? |
-瞭解,你說該怎麼辦? -擲銅板 | -So,what do we do? -I'll flip you for it. |
擲銅板?不…我選頭… | Flip me for it? No,no. Heads! |
躺下吧,媽 | On your back,Mom! |
各位媽媽們,請深呼吸 | All right,mommies,take a nice deep,cleansing breath. |
很好 | Good. |
很好,現在請想像你的陰道 像花一樣綻放著 | Now imagine your vagina is opening like a flower. |
-迪先生,如何? -好多了 | -Mr. D! How's it going,sir? -It's been better. |
年度淨值已經算出來了 | The Annual Net Usage Statistics are in. |
-然後呢? -奇慘無此 | -And? -It's pretty ugly. |
70年代之後沒見過這麼慘的ANUS | We haven't seen an ANUS this bad since the '70s. |
-這代表什麼? -每個部門都得裁員 | -What does this mean? -We'll be laying off people. |
我知道雖然我上星期遲到,我那天睡姿不良把頭髮睡塌 | I know I was late last week. But I slept funny and |
不是你,放鬆 | Not you. Relax. |
曾經必須開除某人嗎? | Ever have to fire anyone? |
沒有,不過那不成問題. 這就是我的名字在門上的原因啊 | No,but that's not a problem. That's why my name's on the door. |
你知道我什麼時候,能在門上有自己的名字嗎? | Do you know when I'm getting my name on the door? |
我不清楚.我會記下來的 | I don't know. I put it in the thing. |
不說這些.那將會是誰呢? | It's okay. So,who is it gonna be? |
妮娜! | Nina! |
妮娜 | Nina. |
妮娜 | Nina. |
你沒事吧? | Are you okay? |
是的,我沒事 | Yes. Yes,I am. |
聽著,我今天叫你進來…是因為 | Listen,the reason that I called you in here today was.... |
請別恨我 | Please don't hate me. |
怎麼了? | What? |
能約你共進晚餐嗎? | Would you like to have dinner sometime? |
菲比,你想要什麼生日禮物? | So,what do you want for your birthday? |
我想要我媽復活和我共用人生 | What I want is for my mom to be alive and enjoy it with me. |
好吧.這樣吧.想不想要克拉布特裡和伊夫琳(禮品公司)的產品? | Okay. Let me put it this way. Anything from Crabtree & Evelyn? |
-我想要浴鹽! -好的! | -Bath salts would be nice! -Okay! Good. |
(海倫·亨特) | Helen Hunt |
這是什麼地方? | What is this place? |
你很冷,我想尿尿,窗戶上有個咖啡杯 還有比這更糟的嗎? | You're cold,I have to pee and there's coffee. How bad could it be? |
我想我們有答案了 | I think we have an answer. |
她怎麼會在這兒? | Why is she here? |
也許這就是老天爺叫我們回家吃飯的方法 | This could be God's way of telling us to eat at home. |
-她被瑞菲餐廳開除? -不,昨晚我們還在那兒吃飯,她不斷端來劍魚 | -Think Riff's fired her? -No,we were there last night. |
你不是要去…? | Are you gonna go to the...? |
-不,點完之後再去 -是她吧?看起來像她 | -I'll wait till we order. It's her. -lt looks like her. |
-抱歉? -是 | -Excuse me? -Yeah. |
是我們 | Hi,it's us! |
好呀,是我 | Right. And it's me! |
-你也在這兒? -和你們一樣 | -So you're here too? -As much as you are. |
該你了 | Your turn. |
-我們知道我們要什麼 -很好 | -We know what we want. -That's good. |
我們要兩杯拿鐵還有小餅乾 | -Two caffe lattes. -And some biscotti. |
不錯的選擇 | Good choice. |
-絕對是她 -絕對是她 | -It's definitely her. -Yeah. |
我真不敢相信,你還沒告訴她她失業了? | I can't believe you haven't told that girl she doesn't have a job. |
你還沒把聖誕燈拿下來 | You haven't taken down the Christmas lights. |
恭喜!你發現了世上最薄弱的論點 | Congratulations! You've found the world's thinnest argument. |
我只是在尋找適當的時機 | I'm finding the right moment. |
應該不會太難找到 因為你們已開始約會 | That shouldn't be so hard now that you're dating. |
親愛的,你被開除了 我上班前何不來個“速戰速決” | "Honey,you're fired. But how about a quickie before I go to work?" |
進門後就不用再敲門了 | Once you're inside,you don't have to knock anymore. |
我來開 | I'll get it. |
-哈克先生 -你們又來了 | -Hi,Mr. Heckles. -You're doing it again. |
我們什麼都沒做. 我們只是坐在這兒靜靜地聊天 | We're not doing anything. We're sitting and talking quietly. |
我可以透過天花板聽見 | I can hear you through the ceiling. |
我的貓睡不著 | My cats can't sleep. |
-你根本沒養貓 -我原本有機會養 | -You don't even have cats. -I could have cats. |
-再見了,哈克先生 -我們會很小聲的 | -Goodbye,Mr. Heckles. -We'll try to keep it down. |
菲比,幫個忙,能試穿看看嗎? 我想知道合不合身? | Phoebe,do me a favor. Try this on. I want to make sure it fits. |
我的第一件生日禮物,這衣服真… | My first birthday present! This is really |
不,是送烏蘇拉的,我只是想知道尺寸 | No,no,it's for Ursula. I just figured size-wise.... |
好呀,合身 | Sure. Yeah. Okay,it fits. |
-你今晚又和她約會? -對,去看白雪溜冰團(冰上舞蹈表演團體) | -Are you seeing her again? -Yep,lce Capades. |
這回你是來真的 沒想到你會為任何花式玩意兒付錢 | This is serious. I've never known you to pay for any kind of "capade." |
我也不知道,我喜歡她 | I don't know. I like her. |
她與眾不同,她有… | She's different. There's something about her |
你喜歡?我們懂 你喜歡她,太好了 | That you like. We get it. You like her. Great! |
菲比,我問過你而你也同意了 | Phoebe,I asked you. You said it was okay. |
也許現在不同意了 | Maybe now it's not okay. |
也許我對於你的不同意也不同意了 | Okay. Maybe now I'm not okay with it not being okay. |
好吧! | Okay! |
快織,好女人,快織 | IKnit,good woman,knit! |
克萊斯勒大樓就在那兒 | And that's the Chrysler Building right there. |
-妮娜! -道格拉斯先生.領帶不錯 | -Nina! -Mr. Douglas. Cool tie. |
她還在這裡? | She's still here. |
沒錯,她還在.我沒有給你這個備忘錄嗎? | Yes. Yes,she is. Didn't I memo you on this? |
我開除她後,接到她心理醫生的電話 | After I let her go,I got a call from her psychiatrist,Dr. Flennan |
佛…佛林大夫 | Dr. Flennan Dr. Flynn. |
他說她一時無法適應 | And he informed me that she took the news rather badly. |
老實說他提到“狂暴”這個詞 | In fact,he mentioned the word "frenzy." |
-她?開什麼玩笑?她… -不,妮娜?她… | -You're kidding! She seems so -No. Nina? She's |
如果你現在問她 | If you asked her now... |
她根本記不得被開除這件事 | ...she'd have no recollection of being fired at all. |
-難以置信 -你不得不信 | -That's unbelievable. -And yet believable. |
因此我決定不再開除她直到她對其他人不構成威脅為止 | So I decided not to fire her again until she'll be no threat to anyone. |
人的心中在想什麼 別人永遠無法完全瞭解 | I guess you never know what's going on inside a person's head. |
我想這就是為什麼被稱為“心理學”了,先生 | Well,I guess that's why they call it psychology,sir. |
爸媽永遠忘不了這聲音 | The sound Mom and Dad will never forget. |
這個,畢竟是生產的奇跡 | For this,after all,is the miracle of birth. |
請開燈,這一集是生寶寶 | Lights,please. And that's having a baby. |
下周是我們的最後一堂課 | Next week is our final class. |
蘇珊,準備接球 | Susan,go deep. |
-這太離譜了… -怎麼了?親愛的 | -It's just impossible. -What is,honey? |
那個女人幹了什麼 | What that woman did. |
我不會這麼做的.他得留在我體內 | I am not doing that. It'll just have to stay in. |
一切和原來一樣,他得留在我體內 | Everything will be the same. It'll just stay in. |
-卡蘿,親愛的,不會有事的 -你怎麼知道? | -Carol,honey,it'll be all right. -What do you know? |
沒人問你,我能將這肉塊穿你的鼻孔嗎? | No one's asking you,"Mind if we push this pot roast through your nostril?" |
卡蘿,親愛的,深呼吸 | Carol,sweetie. Cleansing breath. |
我知道你很惶恐,往遠處想 | I know it's frightening. But big picture: |
生產過程只是一天 | The birth part is just one day. |
結束後我們這輩子都是他的父母了 | When it's over,we'll all be parents for the rest of our lives. |
懷胎生子為的不就是這些嗎?羅斯? | I mean,that's what this is all about,right? Ross? |
羅斯? | Ross? |
我要當爸爸了 | I'm gonna be a father. |
-你才剛知道? -我一直都知道我有個孩子 | -This is news to you? -I knew I was having a baby. |
只是不知道孩子有我 | I just never realized the baby was having me. |
-你會是個好爸爸的 -你怎會知道? | -You'll be great. -How can you say that? |
我連阻止馬修吃浴室墊都辦不到 | I can't even get Marcel to stop eating the bathmat. |
-我如何撫養孩子? -羅斯,科學家說 | -How will I raise a kid? -Some scientists are now saying... |
孩子和猴子是不一樣的 | ...that monkeys and babies are actually different. |
我們可以驗證一下 | You might want to look into it. |
-你去哪裡? -外面 | -Where you going? -Out. |
和誰? | With...? |
是的 | Yes. |
能問你一個問題嗎? | Can I just ask you one question? |
你們有沒有…,你明白的,就像,你知道的嘛? | Have you two,you know,like,you know? |
你知道的,對吧? | You know,yet? |
不關你的事,沒有,行了嗎? | Not that it's any of your business,but no,we haven't. |
你是指性吧? | You meant sex,right? |
-有空嗎? -當然,什麼事? | -Do you have a sec? -Sure. What's up? |
最近幾天,大家都避開我 而且以奇怪的眼神看我 | The past few days,people have been avoiding me and giving me weird looks. |
或許他們在嫉妒我們 | Well,maybe that's because they're jealous of us. |
或許吧,這無法解釋他們為何拿走我的剪刀 | Maybe. But that doesn't explain why they keep taking my scissors. |
或許是因為你被升職的緣故 | Maybe that's because you're getting a big raise! |
-我升職了? -當然.為什麼不呢? | -I am? -Sure. Why not? |
天啊,你真是太了不起了 | Oh,my God! You're amazing! |
你不知道 | You don't know. |
海倫,能快處理布克賓得小姐升職的手續嗎? | Helen,do the paperwork on Miss Bookbinder's raise. |
你仍要我拿她的心理分析結果到人事部? | You still want me to send her psychological profile to Personnel? |
海倫喝醉了 | Helen drinks. |
你願意嫁給我嗎? | Will you marry me? |
升職後的事情,我就未經修剪了 | So after the proposal,I kind of unraveled. |
是啊.因為你控制全盤直到那個時候 | Right. Because you were really in control up until then. |
-最後我把一切都告訴她了 -她的反應如何? | -I told her everything. -How'd she take it? |
還不錯,除了拿釘書機釘我之外 | Pretty well. Except for the stapler thing. |
提示一下.以後遇見類似的狀況 | A tip. If you're ever in a similar situation... |
切記別把手放在桌上 | ... never,ever leave your hand on the desk. |
我知道該怎麼調這個了 | Okay,I think I get how to do this. |
我們能把這關掉嗎? 把他們弄走,因為我沒法看了啊 | Can we turn it off? Make them go away because I can't watch. |
好了,現在沒有了 | Okay,they're gone. |
你還好吧? | Are you all right? |
還不是烏蘇拉惹的禍 | It's just this whole stupid Ursula thing. |
菲比,我能問… 他和她約會真有那麼糟嗎? | Pheebs,can I ask? So he's going out with her. Is it really so terrible? |
是的 | Yeah. |
我不是說她很壞 | I'm not saying she's evil or anything. |
她總是弄壞我的東西 | She's just always breaking my stuff. |
我8歲時,她把我的裘蒂傑特森熱水壺丟到公共汽車下 | When I was 8,she threw my Judy Jetson Thermos under the bus. |
我12歲的時候,她弄斷了我的鎖骨 | And then when I was 1 2,she broke my collarbone. |
她不是有意的,不過也算 | She didn't mean to do it but I think it still counts. |
然後,有個藍迪布朗,就像 | And then there's Randy Brown,who was like |
你們有沒有過男友身兼好友的情況? | Have you ever had a boyfriend who was your best friend? |
我當時的狀況就是如此 | That's what he was for me. |
她把他搶走又傷了他的心 | And she kind of stole him away and then broke his heart. |
他從此不和我說話 | Then he wouldn't talk to me anymore. |
因為他說他不願再見像她的人 | He didn't want to be around anything that looked like either one of us. |
我知道喬伊不是我男朋友或者熱水壺 | I know Joey's not my boyfriend or my thermos... |
或其他的什麼,但是 | ...or anything,but |
-你不會失去他的 -你得找喬伊談談 | -You won't lose him. -You gotta talk to Joey. |
-如果他知道你的感受 -但他愛上她了 | -lf he knew how you felt -But he's falling in love with her. |
拜託,他們才約會一個星期 | They've been going out a week. |
根本還沒上床,事情還沒那麼糟 | They haven't even slept together yet. That's not serious. |
好吧.好吧 | Okay. Okay. |
需要幫忙嗎? | May we help you? |
瑞秋,你在幹什麼?外面好冷,進來好嗎? | What are you doing? It's freezing! Come inside. |
不…你要我把燈取下 | No,you wanted me to take them down... |
我正在做,行嗎? | ...so I'm taking them down,okay? |
天啊,瑞秋! | Rachel! |
我沒事… | I'm okay. I'm okay. |
哈克先生… | Mr. Heckles? |
哈克先生…能幫一下忙嗎? | Mr. Heckles,could you help me,please? |
我指的就是這種事兒 | This is just the kind of thing I was talking about. |
我朋友取下聖誕燈時 | My friend was taking down Christmas lights... |
從陽臺跌下來,可能傷了腳踝 | ...and may have broken her ankle. |
你們的聖誕燈還亮著? | My God,you still have your Christmas lights up? |
-填好資料後拿給我 給 | -Fill this out and bring it back. -Here you go. |
姓名?地址 | All right. Name,address. |
-你有進行任何藥物治療嗎? -沒有 | -Are you currently on any medication? -No. |
哦,等等!有.Blistex(一種藥用潤唇膏) | Oh,wait! Yes. Blistex. |
-填沒有,緊急聯絡電話? -你 | -No. In case of emergency,call...? -You. |
-真的? -對 | -Really? -Yeah. |
你真好 | Oh,that is so sweet! |
我愛你.保險? | Gosh,love you. Okay,insurance? |
哦,打勾,我當然需要保險 | Oh,yeah,check it. Definitely gonna want some of that! |
-你沒有保險? -要多少錢? | -You don't have insurance? -How much will this cost? |
單是X光就可能得要兩百元 | X-rays alone could be $200! |
-我們該怎麼辦? -沒有太多辦法可想 | -What are we gonna do? -There's not much we can do. |
除非我用你的 | Unless I use yours. |
-不,不,不 -等等 | -No,no,no. -Now wait a second. |
我的緊急聯絡人是誰? | Who did I just put as my emergency person? |
這是保險欺詐 | That's insurance fraud. |
好吧.算了.我回家 | All right then,forget it. Might as well just go home. |
-好吧,回來,我真討厭這樣做 -謝謝,我愛你 | -Okay,come here. I hate this. -Thank you. I love you. |
我需要新表格 | Hi. I'm gonna need a new set of these forms. |
-為什麼? -我真是個笨蛋 | -Why? -I am really an idiot. |
我替我朋友填資料時 | I was filling out her form... |
填的不是她的資料而是我的 | ...and instead of putting her information I put mine. |
你真是個笨蛋 | You are an idiot. |
沒錯?這就是我.我就是那麼笨 | Yep,that's me. I am that stupid. |
我夢見我和我兒子在玩橄欖球 | I had a dream. I was playing football with my kid. |
-真溫馨 -不?他是球 | -That's nice. -No,no. With him. |
我在球場上,他們叫我以兒子做襠下開球 | I'm on this field,and they hike me the baby. |
我得做點什麼,坦帕灣隊的防守球員逐漸逼近 | I've gotta do something. The Tampa Bay defense is coming right at me! |
-坦帕灣隊爛得可怕 -沒錯 | -Tampa Bay's got a terrible team. -Right,but... |
但只有我和我兒子.我想我們死定了 | ...it is just me and the baby,so I'm thinking they can take us. |
所以我只好傳球 | And so I just heave it downfield! |
-什麼?你瘋啦?他是你兒子 -他能控制住球嗎? | -What are you,crazy? That's a baby! -He should take the sack? |
總之,突然我又到了前場 | Anyway,suddenly I'm downfield. |
我發現該接球的人是我 | And I realize I'm the one who's supposed to catch him. |
但我絕對來不及 | I know I'm not gonna get there in time. |
於是我跑啊跑,然後就驚醒了 | So I am running and running. That is when I woke up. |
看?我還沒準備好當爸爸 | See? I am so not ready to be a father. |
你沒問題的 | You're gonna be fine. |
你是全北美最細心,最有責任感的男人 | You're one of the most caring,responsible men in North America. |
你將來一定是個好爸爸的 | You're gonna make a great dad. |
沒錯 你和你兒子,只是需要更好的防守 | Yeah,you and the baby just need better blocking. |
你們去過彩虹廳嗎?真有那麼貴? | Have you ever been to the Rainbow Room? Is it expensive? |
當然,只有你要了東西才會貴 | Well,only if you order stuff. |
我今晚要帶烏蘇拉去,今天是她生日 | I'm taking Ursula tonight. It's her birthday. |
-菲比的生日該怎麼辦? -什麼時候? | -What about Phoebe's birthday? -When's that? |
-今晚 -怎麼會有這麼巧的事情發生呢? | -Tonight. -What are the odds of that happening? |
慢慢想吧 | You take your time. |
原來是這樣啊! | There it is! |
-你打算怎麼辦? -我能怎麼辦? | -What'll you do? -What can I do? |
我不想讓烏蘇拉不開心 | I don't wanna screw it up with Ursula. |
你的朋友菲比呢? | And your friend? |
如果她是我朋友希望她能諒解. 你們能諒解嗎? | If she's my friend,she'll understand. Wouldn't you? |
我生日時如果你敢這樣做 | If you tried that on my birthday... |
我就和你沒完沒了 | ...you'd be staring at the end of a hissy fit. |
加上少量蕃紅花,就能使情況完全改觀 | Saffron makes all the difference. |
(喬治·克魯尼 諾亞·懷爾) | George Clooney&Noah Wyle |
-莫妮卡? -是… | -Okay. Monica? -Yes. |
-是…她 -她是我朋友瑞秋 | -Yes,she is. -Hi,this is my friend Rachel. |
-瑞秋?我是米契爾大夫 -我是羅森大夫 | -Hi,I'm Dr. Mitchell. -And I'm Dr. Rosen. |
我在這沒問題 | I'm okay here. |
好吧,就這樣.你可以休息一下 | Actually,that's all right. You can take your break. |
不了,這就是我為什麼做了醫生. 腳踝之類是我的專長 | No,this is why I became a doctor. Ankles and stuff like that. |
-你當醫生是否太帥了一點? -什麼? | -Aren't you too cute to be a doctor? -Excuse me? |
天哪,年輕,我是指年輕 你當醫生稍顯年輕了點,說得好,瑞秋 | God,young,young. I meant young. Young to be a doctor. Good,Rach. |
-謝謝 -好的 | -Thank you. -Right. |
他說這只是扭傷 | He said it was just a sprain. |
-你忘了說我們做的蠢事 -才不蠢呢 | -You left out the stupid part. -It's not stupid. |
這兩位帥哥大夫約我們明晚出去,我答應了 | The cute doctors asked us out for tomorrow,and I said yes. |
你根本就是瘋了,他們在醫院工作 | I think it's insane. They work for the hospital. |
我們這樣不是回到犯罪現場嗎? | It's like returning to the scene of the crime. |
-還是取消約會吧 -什麼?他們可是大帥哥 | -I say we blow off the dates. -What? They are cute. |
而且還是醫生.帥哥醫生?很帥的醫生 | They are doctors. Cute doctors. Doctors who are cute. |
目前為止我們瞭解到什麼? | All right,what have we learned so far? |
天啊 | Oh,God. Okay. |
驚喜 | Surprise! |
你們在幹什麼?把我嚇死了! | What are you doing? You scared the crap out of me! |
-那是蛋糕嗎? -對?檸檬口味 | -Was that the cake? -Yeah. I got a lemon schmoosh. |
趕快,她隨時會到 | Come on. She'll be here any minute. |
希望蛋糕沒事 | Hope it's okay. |
“生日快樂?菲…” | "Happy Birthday Peehee." |
或許我們可以用玫瑰當“比” | Maybe we can make a "B" out of a rose. |
對?用我們的特殊蛋糕工具 | We'll just use our special cake tools. |
-什麼事? -我們只是 | -What's going on? -We just |
驚喜! | Surprise! |
你們真是太好了,一點都不嚇人 | This is so great! Oh,my God! This was not at all scary. |
看哪!“生日快樂,菲” | Look! "Happy Birthday Peehee." |
好奇怪的昵稱啊.我好喜歡,哦上帝! | What a strange new nickname. I like it! Oh,my God! |
嗨,各位。嗨,貝蒂!貝蒂! | Hi,everybody. Hi,Betty! Betty,hi! |
你找到貝蒂了?太好了 | You found Betty! Oh,my gosh! This is so great. |
我愛的大家都在一起,喬伊在哪兒? | Everybody I love is in the same room. Where's Joey? |
你看見貝蒂沒? | Did you see Betty? |
我不介意去做蕃茄幹的生意 | I wouldn't mind having a piece of this sun-dried tomato business. |
五年前如果有人說我的蕃茄像李子 | Five years ago,if somebody had said,"A tomato that's like a prune"... |
我就叫他滾出我的辦公室 | ... I'd have said,"Get out!" |
爸爸 我出生前你會緊張嗎? | Dad,before I was born,did you freak out? |
我不緊張,我是說如果有人對我說… | I'm not freaking out! I'm saying,if someone had come to me |
爸 我在談小孩的事 | Dad,I'm talking about the whole baby thing. |
你是否曾因為 | Did you ever get this sort of... |
將成為父親而緊張? | ... panicky,"Oh,my God,I'm gonna be a father" thing? |
不會.我們只是要回收種子 | No. We just had kids back then. |
我們根本就不想這些. 我在想除了曬乾還能怎麼辦? | We didn't think about it. What else could the sun dry,I wonder? |
老爸,不要這樣,我們在說孩子 | Dad,come on. IKids. |
都是你媽在處理,我忙著事業 | Look,your mother really did the work. I was busy with the business. |
經常不在家,你找我來是為了這個? | I wasn't around that much. Is that what this is about? |
不是?我只是有點迷惑 | No,I was just wondering. |
因為我們有時間彌補 我們可以一起做某些事 | We can make up for that. We can do stuff together. |
你一直想去威廉斯堡,我們一起去吧? | You always wanted to go to Colonial Williamsburg. Let's do that. |
謝了,爸.我只是 | Thanks,Dad,really. You know,I just.... |
我只是想知道 | I just needed to know... |
你何時感覺自己像個父親 | ...when did you start to feel like a father? |
應該是你出生那一天 | Well,I guess it must've been the day after you were born. |
我們在病房,你媽在睡覺 | We were in the hospital room,your mom was asleep... |
他們把你交給我 | ...and they brought you in and gave you to me. |
你當時又醜又紅又小 | You were this ugly little red thing. |
你突然用拳頭緊抓住我的手指 | All of a sudden you grabbed my finger with your fist... |
緊緊捏住我的手指 | ...and you squeezed it so tight. |
那時候我才感覺到 | And that's when I knew. |
你不想去威廉斯堡? | So you don't wanna go to Williamsburg? |
我們可以去 | We can go to Williamsburg. |
吃魚吧 | Eat your fish. |
-瑞秋 帥哥醫生來了! -來了 | -Rachel,the cute doctors are here! -Okay,coming. |
-請進 -你好,麥可.傑佛瑞 | -Hi,come on in. -Hi,Jeffrey. |
我們帶了一瓶酒 | We brought wine. |
這是來自歐尼斯特和托娃柏格寧的酒窖(演員和酒類收藏家) | Look. It's from the cellars of Ernest and Tova Borgnine. |
-我們怎麼能夠拒絕呢? -太好了! | -How could we resist? -That's great! |
-莫妮卡,腳踝如何? -它啊 | -Monica,how's the ankle? -It's.... |
你何不告訴他們,這可是你的腳踝 | Why don't you tell them? After all,it is your ankle. |
感覺好多了,謝謝 | It's feeling a lot better. Thank you. |
你們請坐 我去拿杯子 | Why don't you guys sit down,and we'll get you some glasses? |
請坐 | Okay. Stat! |
我們何不表明我們的身份 絕對不會有事的 | Why don't we just tell them who we really are? It'll be fine. |
-我們會惹上大麻煩 -莫妮卡,別那麼不爭氣 | -We'll get in trouble. -Would you stop being such a wuss? |
不爭氣?抱歉,我生在真實的世界之中 | A wuss? Excuse me for living in the real world. |
所以呢?她們似乎很正常 | -So? -So they still seem normal. |
但你得承認 | Because they are. |
每次我們和女病患約會都… | When we go out with women from the hospital |
別緊張,看看四周.沒有異教徒的神壇 | Relax. Take a look around. There are no pagan altars. |
角落沒有成堆的骨頭,她們沒事的,這個… | No piles of bones in the corners. They're fine. Go like this: |
我們絕不能這麼做,有時你真的很幼稚 | We're not going to do it. Sometimes you can be such a baby! |
-我才不幼稚 -嚴格來說,每次都是 | -I am not a baby. -Be serious. Every time |
-你像個公主… -你知道嗎? | -You act like a princess. -You know what? |
你愈來愈像你媽了 | Every day you are becoming more and more like your mother. Excuse me. |
來了 | Here we go. |
這房子好漂亮,住在這兒多久了? | Great place. How long have you lived here? |
謝謝,我住在這兒六年了 | I've been here about six years. |
瑞秋幾個月前才搬來 | And Rachel moved in a few months ago. |
對,我本來應該結婚的 但我在聖壇前撇開了新郎 | See,I was supposed to get married,but I left the guy at the altar. |
-真的? -是的 | -Really? -Yeah. |
對,我知道我很自私 但我就是這種人 | Yeah,I know it's pretty selfish,but hey,that's me! |
-試試這個鷹嘴豆沙 -莫妮卡,你從事什麼工作? | -Try the hummus. -Monica,what do you do? |
我是上城區一家餐廳的總廚師 | I am a chef at a restaurant uptown. |
-真有你的 -沒錯 | -Good for you. -Yeah,it is. |
因為我喜歡指使別人 | Mostly because I get to boss people around,which I just love to do. |
-這個鷹嘴豆沙不錯. -上帝保佑鷹嘴豆 | -This hummus is great. -God bless the chickpea. |
我真是被寵壞了 | Oh,God! I am so spoiled! |
就這樣了 | That's it. |
我偷東西 | I shoplift. |
你絕對想不到唇膏在我的口袋中 | You had no idea that lipstick was in your pocket. |
我告訴過你們我比原來可愛多了嗎? | Did I tell you that I think I'm so much cuter than I am? |
對了,我有提過,我在高中是只肥牛嗎? | And have I mentioned that back in high school I was a cow? |
我常尿床 | I used to wet my bed. |
我以胸部吸引別人的注意 | I use my breasts to get people's attention. |
我們都一樣 | We both do that! |
莫妮卡與瑞秋的公寓 | Monica and Rachel's apartment. |
等等,瑞秋,是你爸 | Just one second. Rachel,it's your dad. |
爸?不,是我 | Hi,Dad. No,no,it's me. |
聽我說,老爸,我現在沒空 | Listen,Dad,I can't talk right now. |
但有些 | But there's something.... |
有些話我一直想告訴你 | There's something I've been meaning to tell you. |
-失陪一下。-記得我大一時嗎? | -Excuse me. -Remember back in freshman year? |
我和比利在你床上做愛 | Well,Billy Dreskin and I had sex on your bed. |
爸 | Daddy. |
為什麼?我幹嘛和比利上床? | Why? Why would I sleep with Billy Dreskin? |
他爸想害你倒閉!你死定了! | His father tried to put you out of business! You are dead! |
嗨,瑞秋?這是你的保險套嗎? | Hey,Rachel? Are these your condoms? |
哦,不,那是莫妮卡.她又喝醉了 | Oh,no,that was just Monica. She's drunk again. |
我不記得“scrunchy”是一個詞 | I don't think "scrunchy" is a word. |
為什麼不是,“嘎吱嘎吱”都是一個詞呢? | Why not,if "crunchy" is a word? |
那這麼說“fligament”也是詞了啊 | Then I'm using that same argument for "fligament." |
-羅斯,他又在玩遙控器了 -好的 | -Ross,he's got the remote again. -Good. |
或許他能將功能變回來 | Maybe he can switch it back. |
或許不會 | Maybe not. |
爸爸 有電話進來了 | Okay,Daddy? That's the other line. |
沒有,沒有,也沒有在我的臥室裡做過 | Okay,no,not even in my bedroom. |
好的好的,再見 | Okay. Okay. Bye-bye. |
你好? | Hello? |
等等,我看看她在不在 | Hold on a second. Let me check and see if she's here. |
醫院那個女人打來的,她說表格有問題 | It's the woman from the hospital. There's a problem. |
-我們該怎麼辦? -你去問他們想幹什麼 | -What do we do? -Just find out what they want. |
不,你問 | Okay. No,you do it. |
我是莫妮卡,是的? | Hello. This is Monica. Yeah? |
好,我們馬上去,謝謝 | Oh,okay. Yes,we'll be right down. Thank you. |
什麼事?我們忘了簽名 | We forgot to sign one of the admissions forms. |
你說得對,不值得這麼做.我們改回來 | You were right. This was just not worth it. Let me just change. |
-“Garge”? -航海時代 | -"Garge"? -Nautical term. |
-作弊男 -好吧 | -Cheating man. -Okay. |
-她還沒有打電話? -沒有 | -She still didn't call? -No. |
有心事? | Trouble? |
你妹放我鴿子 | Your sister stood me up. |
被人放鴿子的滋味不好受吧 | Don't you hate it when people aren't there for you? |
-這是什麼? -“屁股.” | -What is that? -"Tushy." |
-你有打電話給她嗎? -我連打了兩天 | -Did you try calling her? -For two days. |
打到餐廳時他們說她太忙 | At the restaurant they said she was busy. |
我不敢相信她想甩掉我 | I can't believe she's blowing me off! |
-我們點了兩份廚師沙拉 -它們怎麼了? | -We had the two chef salads. -And how were they? |
不,我們還沒有吃.我們只是希望吃那個 | No,we haven't had them yet. We're still hoping to have them. |
好吧 | Okay. |
-有空嗎? -有,我只是在工作 | -You got a minute? -Yeah,I'm just working. |
那… | So. |
-我為你買了生日禮物 -嗚,你記得 | -I got you a birthday present. -Wow,you remembered. |
-是個裘蒂傑特森熱水壺 -對,像你… | -It's a Judy Jetson thermos. -Like the kind you |
對,我也有東西送你 | Right. Oh,I got something for you too. |
-你怎知道我會來? -我們是雙胞胎嘛 | -How'd you know I was coming? -Yeah,twin thing. |
我不敢相信你會這麼做 | I can't believe you did this. |
我不敢相信你會這麼做 | I can't believe you did this. |
你和喬伊之間呢? | So,what's the deal with you and Joey? |
他人很好,但我們結束了 | Oh,right. He is so great. But that's over. |
-他知道嗎? -誰? | -Does he know? -Who? |
喬伊.他對你著迷不已 | Joey. You know,he's really nutsy about you. |
-是嗎?為什麼? -你可把我問倒了 | -He is? Why? -You got me. |
沒錯.抱歉,這道菜不是有雜菜沙拉嗎? | Right. Excuse me,doesn't this come with a side salad? |
你會打電話給他嗎? | So are you gonna call him? |
-你認為他喜歡我? -不,是喬伊 | -You think he likes me? -No. Joey. |
不,他很聰明,他會瞭解的 | Oh! No,he is so smart. He'll figure it out. |
想吃雞肉? | Do you want some chicken? |
不.有臉的食物不吃,記得嗎? | No. No food with a face. |
-你還是沒變 -你也一樣 | -You have not changed. -Yeah,you too. |
謝謝.抱歉?我的雜菜沙拉在哪? | Thanks. Excuse me? My side salad? |
這裡的服務很差.現在我明白為什麼了 | Service here is horrible. Now I know what people mean. |
記得我們嗎? | Hi! Remember us? |
你剛打電話要我們過來在表格上簽名? | You called about needing a signature on the form? |
但我們需要一張全新的表格 | Well,it turns out we need a new one. |
我又寫錯名字了 | Because,you see,I put the wrong name again. |
-因為… -你就是那麼笨 | -Because -You're that stupid! |
對,我就是那麼笨 | I am. I'm that stupid. |
我要用支票付帳 | And I'm gonna pay for this with a check. |
你有保險可以付的 | Your insurance will cover that. |
我知道,只是我也沒那麼聰明 | I know. I'm just not that bright either. |
莫妮卡,對不起,我不是真的認為你像你媽媽 | Mon,I'm sorry. I don't think you're like your mother. |
沒關係.我也不認為你逃婚很自私 | That's all right. And I don't think you were selfish. |
哦,對不起我說你以前是肥牛 | Oh,and I'm sorry I said you were a cow. |
沒關係,我就是肥牛 | That's okay,I was a cow. |
我知道,我只是為我說了這話抱歉 | I know. I'm just sorry I said it. |
最糟糕的情況是,你從未感覺像個爸爸 | Worst case scenario: Say you never feel like a father. |
你兒子從未感覺你像個爸爸 | Say your son never feels connected to you as one. |
他所有的關係全受這個的影響 | Say all of his relationships are affected by this. |
-你這話有沒有重點? -應該有的 | -Do you have a point? -You know,you'd think I would. |
這只猴子到底怎麼了? | What's up with the simian? |
-只是毛球 -好吧 | -It's just a fur ball. -All right. |
-該誰了? -你.我的kidney(腎臟)得了43分 | -Whose turn? -Yours. I got 43 points for "kidney." |
不,你沒得分.你拼的是“idney” | No,you got zero points for "idney." |
不,我有k,我的k在哪兒? | I had a "K." Where's my "K"? |
快幫我,我的猴子把k吞了 | You've got to help me! My monkey swallowed a "K"! |
-把你的動物帶走! -不,你不懂.動物醫院離這兒很遠 | -Get that animal out! -The animal hospital is across town. |
-怎麼回事? -馬修吞了一個字母 | -What's going on? -Marcel swallowed a Scrabble tile. |
抱歉,這是為人看病的醫院 | Excuse me. This hospital is for people! |
小姐,他是人,他有名字 | He is people! He has a name,okay? |
他也愛看“幸運輪”,沒人看見時他就摸自己 | He watches Jeopardy!,he touches himself when nobody's watching. |
拜託,發揮你的愛心 | Please,have a heart. |
-我替它看看 -謝謝 | -I'll take a look at him. -Thanks. |
-麥克! -瑞秋 | -Michael! -Rachel. |
-什麼? -莫妮卡 | -What? -Monica. |
烏蘇拉?你怎麼會在這兒? 我一直打電話找你 | Urs,what are you doing here? I've been trying to call you. |
聽我說 | Listen.... |
不,別叫我聽.我知道你的意思 我也叫人聽我說過 | Don't say "listen." I know that "listen." I've said that. |
-抱歉 -我不懂,你怎麼了? | -I'm sorry. -I don't get it. What happened? |
你在橋下說過的話呢? | What about what you said under the bridge? |
你得忘記我在橋下說過的話 | Yeah. You should just forget about what I said under the bridge. |
我那一夜喝醉了,胡言亂語 | I was talking crazy that night. I was so drunk. |
-你不喝酒 -沒錯,我不喝酒 | -You don't drink. -That's right,I don't. |
-但我愛你愛得如癡如醉 -烏蘇拉 | -But I was drunk on you. -Oh,Urs |
我們是沒有結果的 | But it's not gonna work. |
為什麼?因為我是菲比的朋友? | Why? Is it because I'm friends with Phoebe? |
如果是,你願意不和她來往嗎? | Would you stop hanging out with her? |
不行,我辦不到 | No,I couldn't do that. |
沒錯,就是因為她 | Then yeah,it's because of Phoebe. |
所以,不是她就是我 | So,you know,it's either her or me. |
那麼我只能說抱歉了 | Then I'm sorry. |
忘了你是很難的一件事 | You know,you're gonna be really hard to get over. |
我知道 | I know. |
我不知是否因為分手 | I don't know whether it's just because we're breaking up or what. |
-你從未這麼漂亮過 -真的? | -But you've never looked so beautiful. -Really? |
-菲比? -什麼? | -Pheebs? -Yeah. |
他看起來好小 | He looks so tiny. |
-我剛聽說了 -他沒事吧? | -We just heard. -ls he okay? |
對?醫生已取出k了 | The doctor got the "K" out. |
他還發現m和o | He also found an "M" and an "O." |
他一定想拼monkey(猴子) | We think he was trying to spell out "monkey." |
醫生說他已無大礙,他睡著了 | The doctor says he'll be fine. He's just sleeping now. |
-你有當爸爸的感覺沒? -沒有,幹嘛問? | -So,you feel like a dad yet? -No. Why? |
拜託,你辦到了.你做了必須做的 | Come on,you came through. You did what you had to do. |
-有爸爸的味道了 -看?他醒了 | -That's very "dad." -Look. He's waking up. |
老兄?感覺如何? | Hey,fella. How you doing? |
(西班牙語)-給你這個 -誰點左將軍雞了? | Here it is.Who ordered General Tso's chicken? |
也許是左將軍本人點的 | It could've been General Tso! |
看呐,醜陋裸男在轉呼啦圈 | Look, look, Ugly Naked Guy is doing the hula! |
-嗨,喬伊 -嗨,各位 | Hi, Joey!Hey, everybody! |
看呐羅斯,馬修又在玩遙控器了 | Look, Ross, Marcel's got the remote |
那是因為他不喜歡這個節目 | The thing is, he doesn`t like the program |
瑞秋,履歷表已用完了 | We're running low on resumes. |
你真想到“大眾技工”上班嗎? | You want a job with Popular Mechanics? |
如果你真想為技工工作 那兒倒可試試 | If you're gonna work for mechanics,those are the ones. |
各位,我什麼都得試試 我不能再當服務生了 | Guys,I'm going for anything here. I can't be a waitress anymore. |
我是說真的,我已厭倦微薄小費 我已厭倦別人對我說“麻煩一下” | I'm sick of the lousy tips. I'm sick of being called "Excuse Me." |
-傷到舌頭了!傷到舌頭了! -這裡 | -Paper cut! Paper cut! -Here. |
柚子汁!柚子汁! | Grapefruit juice! Grapefruit juice! |
差不多搞定了.只剩20份了 | Okay,we're almost done. Only 20 more to go. |
-瑞秋,這些你已校對過? -對,有問題嗎? | -Rach,did you proofread these? -Yeah. Why? |
沒事,他們對你的“墊腦”技巧一定會印象深刻的 | Nothing. I'm sure they'll be impressed with your "compuper" skills. |
糟了,每一份上面都這樣嗎? | Oh,my God! Do you think it's on all of them? |
沒有,我肯定富士施樂影印機弄掉一些了 | No,I'm sure the Xerox machine caught a few. |
六人行 第1季 第18集 玩撲克 | The One With the Poker |
他們把這裡叫做情侶座. 可是和你對面一點感覺都沒有 | They call this a love seat but I'm not feeling anything special towards you. |
-嗨,小夥子們 -嗨 | -Hey,guys. -Hey. |
嗨,小姐們 | Hi,ladies. |
需要什麼嗎?信件帶來了沒? | Can I get you anything? Did you bring the mail? |
-很多回復 -真的? 是的,我們這兒當然有烤餅 | -Lots of responses. -Really? Sure,we have scones left! |
快念給我聽 | Read them. |
親愛的格林小姐感謝您的詢問,然而… | "Dear Miss Greene: Thank you for your inquiry. However" |
-我們有蘋果肉桂…-親愛的格林小姐…好,好,不行. | -We have apple cinnamon -"Dear Ms. Greene...." Yeah,yeah! No. |
-怎麼了?-你的維薩信用卡帳單不少呀 | -What? -Your Visa bill is huge! |
給我 | Give me that. |
我真不敢相信 琳達那麼好你為何不再和她約會? | Linda's great. Why won't you go out with her? |
-我也不知道 -是因為她說了 | -I don't know. -ls this about her... |
電影《摩登石頭族》裡的情節真有可能發生? | ... "The Flintstones could have really happened" thing? |
不只是因為那樣 因為我要一個能讓我有感覺 | It's not just that. I want someone who does something for me... |
能讓我心跳加速 | ...who gets my heart pounding. |
讓我… | Who makes me.... |
感情經驗豐富的女人? | Little playthings with yarn? |
什麼? | What? |
你不是渴望著她嗎? | Could you want her more? |
誰? | Who? |
阿蒂,《發生何事》中 那個尖酸刻薄的女孩 | Dee,the sarcastic sister from What's Happening!!. |
我早就忘了她了,行嗎? | Look,I'm totally over her. |
-嗨! -要咖啡嗎? | -Hi! -Coffee? |
-我們很好 -好的 | -No,we're fine. -Okay. |
-閉嘴! -我們什麼都沒說 | -Shut up! -We're not saying anything. |
-怎麼了? -昨晚喬伊哭了 | -What? -Joey cried last night. |
-謝謝 -我們正在玩撲克牌 | -Thank you. -We were playing poker |
三點上有巧克力看起來像是八點 | There was chocolate on the three. It looked like an eight. |
可惜你沒看到 他說“準備痛哭流涕吧” | You should have seen him. "Read them and weep!" |
結果哭的是他 | And then he did. |
你們怎麼沒和我們玩過撲克牌? | Now,how come you guys have never played poker with us? |
對,為什麼? 好像這是有性別歧視的男人的專利 | Yeah,what is that? Like some kind of sexist guy thing? |
-這是撲克,只有男人才玩? -不啊,女生也歡迎加人 | -It's poker,so only guys can play? -No. Women can play. |
那麼為什麼…這樣的一些,為什麼 | Then,what is it? Some kind of,like,some kind of,you know |
到底為什麼? | All right,what is it? |
只是剛好女生沒加入罷了 | There are just no women in our game. |
對,我們剛好找不到會玩的女生 | We just don't know any women who know how to play poker. |
拜託,這個藉口真爛 男生都是這種反應 | That is a lame excuse. It's a typical guy response. |
請問你們誰會玩撲克牌? | Do you know how to play? |
不會 | No. |
-你們可以教我們 -不要 | -But you could teach us. -No. |
現在開始抽牌 | Okay,so now we draw cards. |
我不需要換牌對吧? 因為我一把順 | So I wouldn't need any. I have a straight. |
-你太棒了! -恭喜了! | -Oh,good for you! -Congratulations! |
-菲比,你要幾張? -我需要兩張 | -Pheebs,how many do you want? -I just need two. |
黑桃十和梅花六 | The 10 of spades and the 6 of clubs. |
-不,你不能那樣做 -等等,我有你要的黑桃 | -No,you can't -I have the 10 of spades! Here. |
謝謝! | Thanks! |
-不…不能那樣 -不…可以,我不需要.我要四張同點 | -No,you can't do that. -Don't need them. I'm going for fours. |
哦,是嗎 | Oh,you're |
你要四張同點.錢德,你有嗎?謝謝,小夥 | You're going for fours. Chandler,could you? Thanks,man. |
開始吧 | Here we go. |
我們有鮭魚樂透和水果盤 | We've got salmon roulettes and crudites. |
莫妮卡,你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
撲克裡面,食物的名稱不能超過一個音節 | In poker,there's no food with more than one syllable. |
洋芋片,沙司,椒鹽卷… | It's got to be like chips or dip or pretz |
我希望你能只卷這一次 | I hope you'll let it slide just this once. I was all out of "pretz." |
現在開始發牌 | Now the dealer |
知道了.開始玩真的吧.高賭資,大筆錢 | We got it. Let's play for real. High stakes. Big bucks! |
你當真?菲比剛丟出兩個十一點(傑克) 因為他們好像不開心 | You sure? Phoebe just threw away two jacks because they didn't look happy. |
我準備好了,發牌 | But I'm ready. So just deal. |
各位,最後通知!喬伊, | Okay,last-minute lesson! Joey.... |
三點 | Three. |
八點 | Eight. |
八點,三點,好的,不錯 | Eight. Three. All right,very good. |
該死,該死,該死! | Damn it,damn it,damn it! |
喬伊有一對5,該你們叫牌 | Joey had two fives showing,so for you to raise was |
什麼? | Yes? |
明顯而且大膽 | Downright gutsy. |
-我明白,就是騙 -騙什麼? | -I see,so you were lying. -About what? |
-騙你們牌有多好 -我在唬你們 | -About how good your cards were. -I was bluffing. |
什麼是唬? | And what is bluffing? |
不就是騙的同義字嗎? | Is it not another word for lying? |
抱歉,我不能再玩了 我在明天工作前得打好履歷表 | Sorry to break up this party,but I've got to go fax resumes before work. |
-瑞秋,我們得算帳(定居) -什麼定居? | -We've got to settle. -Settle what? |
在維吉尼亞的詹姆士城殖民地 | The Jamestown colony of Virginia. |
喬治三世把它給了我們美國所以… | See,King George is giving us the land.... |
-瑞秋,是賭局,你欠我們錢 -哦,好 | -The game,Rachel. You owe us money. -Right. |
你們知道嗎?這是她們的第一次 別和她們計較錢了 | It's their first time. Let's forget about the money. |
不好,我們會付錢的 | Hell,no. We'll pay! |
莫妮卡,我本來有另一個回復的 | Monica,I had another answer all ready. |
知道嗎?我們要再來一次 | And you know what? We want a rematch. |
不錯,我有錢花了 | That's fine with me. Could use some money. |
-你很享受這個,是不是 -我想是的 | -You're enjoying this,aren't you? -Well,yeah,I am. |
這麼說你們的組合傢俱 都是用朋友的錢買來的 | So you get your ya-yas by taking money from your friends. |
沒錯,而且我是在“宜家”傢俱商場買的 | Yes,and I get my ya-yas from KEA. |
自己得動手裝,便宜許多 | You have to put them together yourself,but they cost less. |
瑞秋,這是撲克牌,玩就是要贏 | Look,this is poker. I play to win. |
為使我能賺錢別人就得輸 | For me to win,others have to lose. |
如果想和我玩牌就別指望我是個好人 | If you're gonna play,don't expect me to be nice. |
因為牌一發出 | Because once those cards are dealt.... |
然後呢? | Yeah? |
我就不是個好人 | I'm not a nice guy. |
各位,吃吧 | All right,let's eat. |
這是從“我愛瑞秋披薩屋”買的嗎? | Did you get that from the "I Love Rachel Pizzeria"? |
-你們還在取笑我? -別這樣嘛,為何學黑道講話 | -You still on that? -What was with that Black Bart speech? |
玩起牌來我就不是好人 | "When I play poker,I'm not a nice guy." |
你扯太遠了 | You're way off. |
我可不這麼認為 因為我認為你愛她 | No,I don't think so,because I think you love her! |
不,或許我曾對她有意思 愛意早已消失 | No. I might have had feelings for her at one time. Not anymore. |
我只是 | I just |
馬修!你想把光碟怎麼樣? | Marcel! Where are you going with that disk? |
不能再放上去,馬修 | You are not putting that on again. |
如果你按那個按鈕,你可真的有大麻煩了 | If you press that button,you are in very big trouble. |
你知道羅斯那混蛋有多爛嗎? | You believe what a jerk Ross was being? |
-我懂 -他的好勝心最強了 | -Yeah,I know. -He can get really competitive. |
什麼? | What? |
你好水壺,我是莫妮卡,你好黑啊(諺語:罐子笑壺黑,五十步笑百步) | "Hello,kettle? This is Monica. You're black!" |
拜託 | Please! |
我沒像羅斯那麼爛 | I'm not as bad as Ross. |
我抗議,畫圖猜字事件呢? | I beg to differ. The Pictionary incident? |
我不是故意的 | That wasn't an incident. |
我在做手勢時盤子不慎滑落 | I was gesturing and the plate slipped out of my hand. |
-他們叫我去面談了! -你在開玩笑吧?哪兒? | -I got an interview! -You're kidding! Where? |
第五大道薩克斯 | Saks Fifth Avenue. |
哦,瑞秋 | Oh,Rachel! |
這就像是母船叫你歸隊 | It's like the mother ship is calling you home. |
-是什麼工作? -採購助理 | -What's the job? -Assistant buyer. |
我要用購物… | I would be shopping! |
來謀生了 | For a living! |
是艾莉絲姑姑 她從五歲起便開始玩牌 | That's Aunt lris. She's been playing poker since she was 5. |
她說的每個字我們都得牢記在心 | You've got to listen to every word she says. |
-托尼·蘭德爾(演員)死了? -我不知道 | -ls Tony Randall dead? -I don't think so. |
-現在可能已死因為我開車撞到他了 -天啊…真的? | -He may be now. I hit him with my car. -My God,really? |
不,唬你們的,第一課 | No,that's bluffing. Lesson number one. |
告訴你們 玩牌聽到的每個字都是狗屁 | Let me tell you something. Everything you hear at a poker game is pure crap! |
-不錯的耳環 -謝… | -Nice earrings. -Thank you. |
-坐吧,各位 -艾莉絲姑姑,這位是菲比,她叫瑞秋 | -Girls,sit down. -Aunt lris,this is Phoebe and Rachel. |
我的車停在計時器前,開始吧 | Listen,I'm parked at a meter. Let's do it. Okay? |
我們從抽五張牌開始 | We'll start with five-card draw. |
然後我們開始看牌並且持牌. 我跟南茜堂兄說 | Then we'll go into the studs and the hold 'ems. I talked to Cousin Nathan. |
發牌的時候不要碰牌 | Don't touch the cards when somebody is dealing. |
南茜怎麼樣? | How is Nathan? |
他現在以為他是一個在女人身體裡的男人 | Now he thinks he's a man in a woman's body. |
你是說一個女人在男人的身體裡? | Don't you mean a woman in a man's body? |
這很簡單是吧 | It should be so simple. |
羅斯,我們能聽點別的嗎? | Ross,could we please listen to anything else? |
好吧 | All right. |
我今晚可要為此付出代價了 | I'm gonna pay for that tonight. |
嗨,夥計們,猜猜看? | Hi. Guys,guess what? |
第五位牙醫妥協了,他們一起推銷“Trident”(木糖醇口香糖品牌)? | The fifth dentist caved,and now they're all recommending Trident? |
不,是面談 | No,the interview! |
簡直無法相信!她喜歡我 | Unbelievable! She absolutely loved me. |
我們談了兩個半小時 我們對服飾的品味一致 | We talked for over two hours. We've the same taste in clothes. |
我從前還和她的表妹一起去過夏令營 | And I went to camp with her cousin. |
-這工作簡直是太棒了,我可以勝任 -太好了… | -The job is perfect! I can do this. -That's great! |
-然後她告訴我最好笑的事 -很好,你講時我們一定會笑 | -Then she told a funny story. -Great,tell us and we'll laugh. |
玩牌吧 | Let's play poker! |
各位聽好,我們談過此事 如果你們不想玩我們完全瞭解 | Listen,we talked about it and if you don't wanna play,it's okay. |
對,我們可以玩別的像看圖猜字之類的 | Yes,we can play some other game. Like Pictionary? |
真好笑 | Very funny. |
-我們想再給撲克牌一次機會 -我想是的 | -But we'd like to try poker again. -Yes,I think we should. |
-瑞秋,需要我來洗牌嗎? -不用了,我想自己試試 | -Do you want me to shuffle those? -That's okay,I'm gonna give it a go. |
菲比欠7塊5,莫妮卡欠10塊 | So Pheebs owes $7. 50. Monica owes $10.00. |
瑞秋,你欠15塊! | And Rachel,you owe 15 big ones! |
謝謝教我們“鬥雞眼瑪麗” 我們該用另一種方式玩了 | Thanks for teaching us Cross-Eyed Mary. We gotta play that other way. |
這是我的7塊5,不過這錢已受到詛咒 | All right,here's my $7.50. But this money is cursed. |
-什麼? -我已對它下咒! | -What? -I cursed it! |
花這些錢的人會倒大楣 | Now bad things will happen to the spender. |
無所謂,我接受.我反正夠倒楣的了 | I'll take it. Bad things happen to me anyway. |
我可以看場電影把它們花掉 | This way,I can split them up with a movie. |
才剛離開綠色撲克牌機,誰就欠了15塊 | So that just leaves the big Greene poker machine,who owes 1 5. |
你能不能不打劫呢? | Could you be any smugger? |
讓我看看.瑞秋,我準備開一個畫廊 | Let's see. Rach,I'm opening up a new art gallery... |
我肯定可以用林肯和漢密爾頓的肖像 | ...and I could sure use the portraits of Lincoln and Hamilton. |
男生都這副德行 我是男人我有陰莖 | It's so typical. "I'm a man! I have a penis! |
我得贏錢增加力量以征服女人 | I have to win money to exert my power over women!" |
知道嗎?還沒結束 | This isn't over. |
我們會再找你們玩 而且我們會贏你們會輸 | We'll play you again. We'll win. You'll lose. |
你們會祈求,我們會大笑 | You'll beg. We'll laugh. |
我們會贏走你們的每一分錢 你們會永遠恨死自己 | We'll take every last dime you have. And you'll hate yourselves forever! |
我們的意見一致,莫妮卡 | Kind of stepped on my point there,Mon. |
我無法相信你們輸了!有多少? | I can't believe you lost! How much did they take? |
差不多30塊 | Like 30 bucks. |
-我會把錢還給你們的 -真的嗎? | -I'll give you that money back. -Really? |
不,我在唬你!你們還沒有學會嗎? | No,I'm bluffing! You guys haven't learned crap! |
-把牌遞給我! -我來行嗎? | -Hand me the cards! -Can l? |
是的! | Yes! |
現在可以交出錢來嗎? 如此我們就不必正式玩了 | Wanna give us your money now? We can skip the formality of really playing. |
不,我倒要看看誰笑到最後,猴子男 | No,that's fine. We'll see who has the last laugh,monkey boy. |
聊完了沒?可以開始玩真的了嗎? | Done with chitchat? Ready for serious poker? |
你們看,獨眼傑克一直看著我 | You guys,look! The one-eyed jack follows me wherever I go. |
好,玩真的 | Right. Serious poker. |
-莫妮卡,你還有鮭魚嗎? -你到底是吃東西還是玩牌? | -Mon,got any more of those salmon? -You want to eat or play poker? |
-你要上哪兒去? -浴室 | -Where are you going? -To the bathroom. |
你想上廁所還是玩牌? | Want to go to the bathroom or play poker? |
我想上廁所 | Go to the bathroom. |
-好吧,我去訂披薩 -不 | -Well,I'm gonna order a pizza. -No! |
我仍等著工作的電話通知 他們的店在9點關門那時候再吃吧 | I'm waiting to hear from that job. The store closes at 9:00. Eat then. |
行,我含薄荷糖提神 | That's fine. I'll just have a Tic Tac to hold me over. |
未見牌不得下注,下注吧 | All right. Cincinnati. No blinds. Everybody,ante. |
太好了… | Yes! |
或者不太好 | Or no. |
-你的錢是我的了,格林 -你的飛機門沒關,蓋勒 | -All right! Your money's mine,Greene. -Your fly's open,Geller. |
我剛發現,Joker(11點)就是有個J的poker(撲克) | You know what I just realized? Joker is poker with a "J"! |
真巧? | Coincidence? |
“巧”(coincidence)就是J碰巧換成了C | That's jo-incidence with a "C"! |
-菲比? -我不跟了 | -Phoebe? -Yeah,I'm out. |
-我跟 -我也跟 | -I'm in. -Me too. |
我也跟,你拿什麼牌? | Me too. What do you got? |
你最好逃出浴室 因為我拿五張同花(沖馬桶) | You better hop out of the shower,because I got a flush. |
好的,好的,好的! | Well,well,well! |
回來吧,小子,因為我拿了四張六 | Hop back in,bucko,because I got four sixes! |
我有四張六!我贏了… 我真的贏了,天哪 | I got four sixes! I won! I actually won! Oh,my God! |
你們知道嗎?我要把小羅斯堆起來 | You know what? I'll make a little Ross pile. |
看! | Look! |
我想這是羅斯的 那個也是羅斯的 | I think that one was Ross'. And I think that one was Ross'. |
我賺到你的錢,你再無法見到它 | Well,I have got your money And you'll never see it |
你的飛機門依然沒關 | And your fly's still open |
我騙你低頭看了 | I made you look |
-我跟 -我不能跟 | -I'm in. -I couldn't be in-er. |
莫妮卡,跟還是不跟? | Monica,in or out? |
我討厭玩牌 | I hate this game! |
喬伊,你呢? | Joey,your bet. |
我像是被滿臉傷痕的胖子… | I fold like a hooker who got hit in the stomach... |
撞到肚子的妓女 | ... by a fat guy with sores on his face. |
我不跟 | I'm out. |
-羅斯? -我跟 | -Ross? -I'm very in. |
-錢德? -不跟 | -Chandler? -Couldn't be more out. |
我也一樣,瑞秋? | Me too. Rachel? |
我不但跟而且還要加注 如何?還想再浪費錢嗎? | I will see you and I'll raise you. Do you wanna waste another buck? |
這一回不會.快嘛,給我看 | No,not this time. What did you have? |
-我不會說的 -給我看 | -I'm not telling. -Show them. |
-不 -給我看 | -No. -Show them! |
-把你的手從那裡拿開! -我有同樣的約會經驗 | -Get your hands out of there! -I've had dates like this. |
天啊,你真是輸不起的傢伙 | Boy,you really can't stand to lose,can you? |
你的臉漲得好紅 太陽穴的小血管都浮出來了 | Your whole face is getting red. Veins popping out of your temple! |
而且衣褲並不相稱 | Plus,that shirt doesn't really match those pants. |
-第一,我沒輸 -別再談輸了,快發牌吧你輸定了 | -I'm not losing. -You're definitely losing. |
瑞秋格林 | Hello. Rachel Greene. |
這是有關工作的電話 | Excuse me. It's about the job! |
芭芭拉,你好嗎? | Barbara,hi! How are you? |
不,我懂 | No,I understand. |
不,我沒事,快別這麼說 | Come on. No,I'm fine. Don't be silly. Yeah. |
是否還有其他職缺請人? | But if anything else opens up,please |
喂? | Hello? |
我很遺憾,瑞秋 | Sorry,Rach. |
工作滿街都是 | There's gonna be lots of other stuff. |
好的 | Okay. |
玩到哪兒了? | Where were we? |
拿五張牌,十一點比較好,大家下注 | Five-card draw. Jacks are better. Nothing wild. Everybody,ante. |
-瑞秋,別再玩了 -要玩,下注 | -Look,Rach,we don't have to do this. -Yes,we do. |
-好吧,下注 -下注 | -All right. Check. -Check. |
-我下5毛錢 -跟 | -I'm in for 50 cents. -Call. |
我跟 | I'm in. |
我跟你5毛 | I see your 50 cents... |
而且我要加5塊錢 | ...and I raise you $5. |
我以為5毛是上限 | I thought it was a 50-cent limit. |
我剛失去工作所以想加5塊 | I just lost a job,I'd like to raise it $5. |
各位有問題嗎? | Does anyone have a problem with that? |
-當然沒有 -沒有 | -Not at all. -No. |
輸家? | Loser? |
-退出 -退出是什麼意思?怎麼了? | -No,I fold. -What do you mean,you fold? |
你不是發牌後就不是好人了嗎? | I thought that,"Once the cards are dealt,I'm not a nice guy." |
還是只是虛張聲勢? | Were you just full of it? |
我跟 | I'm in. |
-幾張牌? -一張 | -How many do you want? -One. |
莊家兩張 | Dealer takes two. |
-下多少? -我下2塊 | -What do you bet? -I bet $2. |
我跟你2塊 | Okay. I see your $2... |
再加你 | ...and I raise you... |
20塊 | ... 20. |
我跟你20塊 | I see your $20... |
再加到25塊 | ... raise you $25. |
跟你25塊,莫妮卡,拿我的皮包來 | I see your $25 and Monica,get my purse. |
瑞秋,裡面沒錢 | Rachel,there's nothing in it. |
那就拿你的皮包來 | Okay,then get me your purse. |
-給你.祝你好運! -謝謝 | -Here you go. Good luck! -Thank you. |
跟你25塊,再加 | I saw your $25 and I raise you... |
…7塊 | ...seven. |
是17塊! | teen! |
喬伊,我有點不好意思 | Joey,I'm a little shy. |
沒問題,你有什麼問題可以問我 | That's okay,Ross. You can ask me. |
-要多少? -15塊 | -What do you need? -15. |
-這裡有10塊 -我這裡有5塊 | -Here's 10. -I got 5. |
-謝謝 -祝你好運 | -Thank you. -Good luck. |
再加十七塊 | I am calling your 1 7. |
你拿什麼牌? | What do you got? |
三張同點加一對 | Full house. |
敗給你了 | You got me. |
-那確實很難贏 -我以為我們會贏! | -That's tough to beat. -I thought we had it! |
沒有好牌就是沒有好牌 | When you don't have the cards,you don't have the cards. |
瞧,她多開心 | But look how happy she is. |
-航空郵件 -飛機.機場,機場75 | -Airmail. -Airplane. Airport. Airport '75! |
機場77,機場79 | Airport '77! Airport '79! |
時間到 | Time's up! |
再見了…小鳥(電影,又名《歡樂今宵》) | Bye Bye Birdie! |
那是小鳥? | That's a bird? |
那就是小鳥! | That's a bird! |
該我了 | Okay,it's my turn. |
開始 | Go! |
豆子!豆子! | Bean! Bean! |
(與“豆子像得不得了Unbearable Likeness of Bean”諧音)\n生命中不能承受之輕(電影,又名《布拉格之戀》) | The Unbearable Lightness of Being! |
答對了? | That you get? |
這樣就能猜中? | That you get?! |
我剛看過了 | Okay,I checked. |
我們有伯爵茶,英式早餐茶,肉桂茶 | We have Earl Grey,English Breakfast,Cinnamon Stick... |
菊花茶,薄荷茶,黑莓茶 | ...Chamomile,Mint Medley,Blackberry and |
還有…檸檬派 | Wait,there's one more. Lemon Soother! |
你不是那個要喝茶的人對吧? | You're not the guy that asked for tea,are you? |
六人行 第1季 第19集 猴子跑了 | The One Where The Monkey Gets Away |
有信來,瑞秋格林,七號公寓(模仿郵遞員) | Mail call! Rachel Greene,bunk seven. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
酷,免費試喝的咖啡 | Oh,cool! A free sample of coffee. |
太好了,因為在哪兒還有免費的咖啡? | Oh,good. Because where else would we get any? |
哦,是啊 | Oh,right. |
-太好了 -那是什麼? | -Oh,great. -What is it? |
鄉村俱樂部的每日公報 | Country club newsletter. |
我媽寄來通知有人要訂婚了 | My mother sends me the engagement notices for inspiration. |
噢,我的天!是貝瑞和明蒂 | Oh,my God! It's Barry and Mindy! |
貝瑞,你幾乎… | Barry,who you almost |
明蒂,你的伴娘 | And Mindy,your maid of |
我看看,那是明蒂? | Let me see. That's Mindy? |
真漂亮! | She is pretty! |
她真幸運… | Lucky... |
有你這樣的朋友 | ...to have had a friend like you. |
現在是靜默時間 | Now it's quiet time. |
馬修,拿飯給我,快… | Marcel,bring me the rice. Come on. |
好小子.把飯給我 | Good boy. Give me the rice. |
真乖,謝謝 | Thank you. Good boy. |
他終於能分辨“拿來”和“尿在”的差別了 | He's mastered the difference between "bring me the" and "pee in the." |
瑞秋怎麼啦? | "Bring me the" and Rach? |
抱歉 | Oh,I'm sorry. |
我真是太笨了 | This is so stupid! |
是我不要貝瑞的,對吧? | I mean,I gave Barry up,right? |
我應該為他們高興 | I should be happy for them. |
我…真為他們高興 | I am. I'm happy for them. |
-真的? -不 | -Really? -No. |
如果我和別人在一起就不同了 | I guess it would be different if I were with somebody. |
誰,什麼… | Whoa,what.... |
你不是說要忘了那段感情,不再和男人在一起 | What happened to "Forget relationships! I'm done with men!" |
禁止所有陰莖嗎? | The whole penis embargo? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
我想這不是沒有男人的問題,而是合適男人的問題 | It's not about no guys. It's about the right guy. |
和貝瑞在一起安全自在 但是沒有激情 | With Barry it was safe and easy,but there was no heat. |
和保羅在一起就充滿激情 | With Paolo,all there was,was heat. |
-如野獸般原始的性愛 -好了,我懂 | -lt was this raw,animal,sexual -Right. I got it. |
我看過你們兩個在一起的樣子 | I was there. |
你認為我能兩者同時擁有嗎? | Do you think you can have both? |
找到一個能當知己 又能讓我感受到激情的人? | Someone who's your best friend but also can make your toes curl. |
是呀 | Yes. |
我也這麼認為.我真的這麼認為 | Yes,I do. I really do. |
其實說來好笑 | In fact,it's funny. |
時常你認為 | Often,someone you wouldn't think could... |
無法讓你感受到激情的人 | ...curl your toes... |
卻是… | ... might just be the one who... |
被打斷了 | ...gets interrupted. |
電影如何? | How was the movie? |
-很不錯 -很不錯 | -Wonderful! -So good! |
-遜斃了 -根本是小妞們看的嘛 | -Suck fest. -Total chick flick. |
真遺憾這不是槍林彈雨 | I'm sorry it wasn't one of those movies with guns and bombs... |
公車速度奇快的那種電影 | ...and buses going really fast! |
暴力並不能吸引我 | I don't need violence in a movie... |
只要有裸體鏡頭我就滿足了 | ...as long as there's a little nudity. |
-那電影也有裸體鏡頭 -我是指女生的裸體鏡頭 | -There was nudity. -I meant female nudity. |
我不愛看盧格蘭特的激情戲 | I don't need to see Lou Grant frolicking. |
是休格蘭特(《諾丁山》主演)! | Hugh! Hugh Grant! |
我得走了 | All right,I've got to go. |
走吧,馬修,快 | Come on,Marcel. |
我們去洗澡,對不對?對 | We're gonna go take a bath. Yes,we are,aren't we? |
他們只是朋友對吧? | They're still just friends,right? |
明天見 | And I will see you tomorrow. |
對,你明天要跟瑞秋阿姨待在一起 | You're gonna spend tomorrow at Aunt Rachel's. |
等等,莫妮卡阿姨對這件事能有發言權嗎? | Does Aunt Monica get a say in this? |
莫妮卡阿姨請說吧 | Please,Aunt Monica,please? |
別緊張了,你又不在這兒 | Unclench. You're not even gonna be here. |
-我無法相信我們竟在討論此事 -我同意,我也無法相信 | -I can't believe we're discussing this. -I agree. I'm,like,in disbelief. |
如果你和瑞秋會產生愛情的話 還會一直拖到現在嗎? | If it was gonna happen,wouldn't it have happened already? |
她說她在尋找像我這樣的人 | She said she wants a relationship with someone exactly like me. |
她真的這樣說? | She said that? |
“像我這樣”是我自己加的 | I added the exactly like me" part. |
她說她在尋找某人,而此人今晚就會出現 | But she's looking for someone. And someone will be there tonight. |
今天晚上? | "Tonight" tonight? |
這樣最好不過了,因為只有我們兩個 | It's perfect. It'll just be the two of us. |
她整天都在照顧我的猴子 | She spent all day taking care of my monkey. |
我早已忘記哪個女人照顧過我的“猴子” | I can't remember the last time a girl took care of my monkey. |
總之下班後我要去買瓶酒… | Anyway,I figured after work,I'd pick up some wine... |
去向她“示愛” | ...go over there and try to woo her. |
知道你該怎麼做嗎? | Know what you should do? |
帶她回到用“示愛”表達的1890年去 | Take her back to the 1 890s when that phrase was last used. |
如果你繼續這樣,我發誓這星期內 你就可以和這個渾蛋結束 | If you keep this up,you'll be finished by the weekend. |
圍羽毛圍巾的是弗蘭西斯博土 | The one in the feathered boa is Dr. Francis. |
她曾是個男人 | Now,she used to be a man. |
蕾文出現了 | Look,there's Raven. |
我們討厭她,真高興她就快死了 | We hate her. We're glad she's dying. |
什麼?馬修! | And then What? Marcel! |
想玩莫妮卡的鞋嗎?你不能玩… | Are you playing with Monica's shoes? You're not supposed to |
馬修,你在鞋裡大便? | Marcel,did you poo in the shoe? |
天啊,壞猴子 | Oh,Marcel! Bad monkey! |
哦,天哪! | Oh,God! |
抱歉,貝瑞 | Sorry,Barry. |
一份小小的訂婚禮物 | A little engagement gift. |
我相信你沒註冊這個 | I'm sure you didn't register for that. |
誰死了?誰死了? | Who died? Who died? |
翻過去!好不好,翻過去! | Roll him over! Come on,roll him over! |
好吧,我們知道不是崔斯勒,因為…馬修?… | Well,we know it wasn't Dexter,right,Marcel? Because |
馬修? | Marcel? |
-你怎會把他弄丟了呢? -天曉得 | -How could you lose him? -I don't know! |
我正在看電視,他在莫妮卡的鞋內大便 | We were watching TV,he pooped in Monica's shoe.... |
他在我的鞋裡大便?哪一雙? | Wait. He pooped in my shoe? Which one? |
我不知道,左腳 | I don't know. The left one! |
是哪一雙? | Which ones? |
那雙你覺得搭配什麼都好看的厚底的門諾教派(指樸素)什麼的 | Those little clunky Amish things you think go with everything. |
為何一片愁雲慘霧? | Why is the air in here so negative? |
瑞秋把馬修弄丟了 | Rachel lost Marcel. |
不會吧,怎麼丟的? | Oh,no! How? |
-他在我鞋裡大便 -哪只? | -He pooped in my shoe. -Which one? |
我常穿的那雙可愛黑鞋 | The cute black ones I always wear. |
是哪一隻? | No,which one? |
左腳還是右腳? | The right or left? |
因為左腳表示幸運 | Because the left one is lucky. |
大家快想辦法!我該怎麼辦? | Come on! What am I gonna do? |
有了,如果你是只猴子,迷失在大城市時 | All right. You're a monkey. You're loose in the city. |
你會去哪兒? | Where do you go? |
這是他第一次出門,所以大概和一般遊客一樣 | It's his first time out,so he'll do touristy things. |
我去上演《貓》的地方找.你去俄羅斯茶室(世貿中心的著名餐廳) | I'll go to Cats. You go to the Russian Tea Room. |
別再鬧了! | Oh,my God! Come on,you guys! |
他馬上就會回家,他不會饒過我的 | He'll be home any minute. He's gonna kill me! |
找整棟樓,你們找一樓,我們找其他的 | Search the building. Take the first floor. We'll take the rest. |
我該怎麼辦? | What am I gonna do? |
你留在家裡等電話 | You stay here and wait by the phone. |
在我鞋內噴“來蘇兒”消毒水,順便等羅斯回來殺你 | Spray Lysol in my shoe and wait for Ross to kill you. |
有人要交換嗎? | Does anybody want to trade? |
幹嘛? | What do you want? |
哈克先生,我們朋友遺失了一隻猴子 你有看見嗎? | Mr. Heckles,have you seen a monkey? |
我放了威化餅在這兒,是不是你拿了? | I left a Belgian waffle out here. Did you take it? |
-你怎會放威化餅在走廊? -我還不想吃 | -Why'd you leave it in the hall? -I wasn't ready for it. |
你有看見猴子嗎? | Have you seen a monkey? |
我見過吉斯·菲爾賓(主持人) | I saw Regis Philbin once. |
謝謝你,哈克先生 | Thank you,Mr. Heckles. |
你們欠我威化餅 | You owe me a waffle. |
他是一隻白臉的黑卷尾猴 | He's a black capuchin monkey with a white face... |
加俄國醬外加醃黃瓜 | ...with Russian dressing and pickles on the side. |
好,謝謝 | Thanks. |
今天過得如何? | How did it go today? |
很好啊!很好啊.真的很不錯 | Oh,great! It went great. Really great. |
那是酒嗎? | Is that wine? |
是的,想喝嗎? | You want some? |
我非常樂意來點 | Oh,I would love some. |
可是我們別在這兒喝 | But let's not drink it here. |
我感覺有點瘋狂,我們去紐華克市好嗎? | I'm feeling crazy. You wanna go to Newark? |
前往這東北犯罪首府之前… | Okay,but before we head off to the murder capital of the Northeast... |
…我有些話想說 | ... I kind of wanted to run something by you. |
我們曾談過… | You know how we were talking before... |
…感情的問題 | ...about relationships,and stuff. |
-羅斯,我不能這麼做! -你回絕得很快而且很傷人 | -Oh,God,Ross,I cannot do this! -Okay,quick and painful. |
哦,上帝啊! | Oh,God! |
好吧,好吧 | Okay,all right. All right,okay. |
羅斯,別恨我 | Please don't hate me. |
到底是什麼? | What? |
馬修他… | You know Marcel? |
我好像把他…弄丟了 | I kind of lost him. |
我真不敢相信 | I can't believe this. |
我只是麻煩你別讓他跑出去 | All I asked you to do was keep him in here! |
我知道,對不起 | I know. I'm sorry. |
不,我該負一半的責任 | It's partially my fault. |
我不該叫你照顧猴子 | I shouldn't have had you start with a monkey. |
應該叫你照顧鉛筆才對 | You should have started with a pencil. |
羅斯,我已盡最大的努力 我已叫大家分頭去找 | I'm doing everything I can. Everyone's looking for him and I got |
-是誰? -動物控制中心 | -Who is it? -Animal Control. |
-瞧,我甚至打給動物控制中心 -你打給動物控制中心? | -I've even got Animal Control. -You called Animal Control? |
怎麼了?你不喜歡他們? | Why? Do you not like them? |
馬修是非法的外來動物 | Marcel is an illegal exotic animal. |
我是非法飼養.萬一被他們找到他們就會帶走他 | I'm not allowed to have him. If they find him,they'll take him away. |
好吧,可是,你從來就沒有告訴大家 | Well,now,see,you never ever told us that. |
沒錯,因為我沒想到你會請他們來家裡 | Because I never expected you to invite them to the apartment! |
謝謝你來 | Thanks for coming. |
有人遺失猴子? | Somebody called about a monkey? |
對,這完全是個誤會 | You know,that was a complete misunderstanding. |
我以為我們有養猴子,但是我們沒有 | We thought we had a monkey,but we didn't. |
-結果是帽子 -貓! | -Turned out it was a hat. -Cat! |
我們查過了,沒人看到馬修 | We checked,no one's seen Marcel. |
-我叔叔馬修 -那猴子是以你叔叔命名? | -My uncle Marcel. -ls that who the monkey's named after? |
你知道持有非法外來動物 | Possession of an illegal exotic is punishable... |
可判刑兩年並沒收動物? | ... by two years in prison and confiscation of the animal. |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
你要把這可憐的小東西關進監牢? | You'd put that poor little creature in jail? |
菲比,你記得如何先對自己小聲說嗎? | Remember how we talked about saying things quietly to yourself first? |
記得,但總不是時候 | Yes,but there isn't always time. |
我相信我們能以友善的方式處理,請坐 | I'm sure there's some friendly way to reconcile this. Have a seat. |
首先,我們還沒介紹自己,我叫莫妮卡 | We haven't met. I'm Monica Geller. |
天啊,你是莫妮卡 | Oh,my God,you are! |
還有,你是瑞秋格林對嗎? | And you're Rachel Greene! |
露莎珍妮提,林肯高中 | Luisa Gianetti! Lincoln High? |
我坐在你們後面 | I sat behind you guys in homeroom. |
露莎!哦,天哪! | Luisa! Oh,my God! |
莫妮卡,是露莎 | Monica! It's Luisa! |
我也去過那裡! | I went there too! |
是在後面那個? | Luisa! From homeroom! |
你們根本不知道我是誰對不? | You have no idea who I am,do you? |
-不 -一點也不 | -No. -Not at all. |
或許你們那四年,都在當我不存在 | Well,maybe that's because you spent four years ignoring me. |
難道說“早安,露莎” | Would it have been hard to say,"Morning,Luisa"... |
或“好漂亮的連身褲”有那麼困難嗎? | ...or "Nice overalls"? |
對不起 | Oh,I'm so sorry! |
我不怪你,你當時很胖,你有自己的煩惱 | It's not so much you. You were fat. You had your own problems. |
可是你實在是個賤貨 | But you. What a bitch! |
什麼? | What? |
別計較了 | You know what? Be that as it may... |
猴子的事情你能幫我們嗎? 看在過去的份上? | ...could you help us with the monkey thing,for old times'sake? |
加油!山貓隊(高中運動隊的名字,喚起回憶和親近感) | Go,Bobcats! |
我可以,但我拒絕 | I could. But I won't. |
如果我找到猴子,他就是我的了 | If I find that monkey,he's mine. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
馬修? | Marcel? |
馬修? | Marcel? |
需要幫忙嗎? | Hi,can I help you? |
我們有急事,我們在找東西 | We're having an emergency,and we were looking for something. |
-猴子 -對,你有看見嗎? | -A monkey. -Yes,have you seen any? |
我沒看見猴子 | No,I haven't seen a monkey. |
你知道如何修理散熱器嗎? | Can you fix radiators? |
當然!你試過將轉鈕轉回去嗎? | Sure! Did you try turning the knob back the other way? |
-當然! -那我就不知道了 | -Of course! -Oh. Then,no. |
-試試這個是不是加太多蘭姆酒了? -等等 | -Taste this. Is there too much rum? -Just a second. |
-希望你們能找到猴子 -不,等等 | -Hope you find your monkey. -No,wait! |
我們對散熱器或許不太懂 | We may not know about radiators... |
我們可是冷暖環境的專家 | ... but we do have expertise in the heating and cooling milieu. |
我們不是正在忙嗎? | Aren't we in the middle of something? |
對,她們很熱而且需要幫助 | But these women are very hot,and they need our help. |
而且很火辣 | And they're very hot! |
我們不行 | We can't,all right? |
抱歉 | We're sorry. |
你們不知道我們有多抱歉,我們答應人家要找猴子 | You don't know how sorry. We promised to find this monkey. |
他約這麼高,名叫馬修 | He's this high and answers to the name Marcel. |
如果能擁有你們的照片,就算是幫了大忙 | So if we could get pictures of you,it'd help us out. |
從現在起不准你和其他人講話 | From now on,you don't get to talk to other people. |
高壓危險 | |
-噢,我的天! -什麼? | -Oh,my God! -What? |
有東西碰到我的右腳 | Something brushed up against my right leg. |
沒什麼,是我的左腳 | Oh,it's okay. It was just my left leg. |
看,菲比 | Look,Phoebe! |
馬修,過來… | Oh,Marcel! Come here! |
站過去,兩位小姐 | Step aside,ladies. |
-你要幹什麼? -打鎮定劑 | -What are you gonna do? -Just a tranquilizer. |
快跑,馬修,快跑! | Run,Marcel,run! |
壞了! | Damn! |
-你還好吧? -還行.哦 | -Are you okay? -I think so. |
哦,糟了! | Oh,gosh! |
我們把周圍的鄰居都找遍了,他不見了,就這麼消失了 | We've been all over the neighborhood! He's just gone! |
-羅斯,還不一定 -拜託,天氣好冷天又黑 | -You don't know that. -It's cold,it's dark. |
他根本不認識路! | He doesn't know the Village! |
現在我的腳又受傷了,猴子沒了腳又受傷 | And now I have a broken foot. I have no monkey and a broken foot! |
真的感謝你! | Thank you very much! |
羅斯,我已向你道歉過無數次 | I've said I'm sorry a million times. |
你到底要我怎麼樣? | What do you want me to do? |
你也要我的腳受傷?要我也把腳弄傷 | You want me to break my foot too? I'll break it right now. |
瞧,高興了吧 | Oh,my God! There,are you happy now? |
對,你踢完路標後 | Yeah,now that you kicked the sign... |
我突然不再想念馬修了 | ... I don't miss Marcel anymore! |
我真的不是故意的 | It's not like I did this on purpose. |
當然,這是典型的瑞秋 | No,this is just vintage Rachel. |
這種事常發生在你身上 | Things just sort of happen around you! |
你活在瑞秋的世界中 做著瑞秋的事情… | You're off in "Rachel Land," doing your "Rachel Thing"... |
完全無視別人的猴子,或是別人的感覺… | ...oblivious to people's monkeys or to people's feelings and |
羅斯,我不想聽!忘了他,好不好? | I don't want to hear it! Forget it,okay? |
什麼? | What? |
嗨,香蕉男! | Hey,banana man! |
這下可好 | This is so intense! |
一邊的屁股在睡覺,另一邊卻毫不知情 | One side of my butt is totally asleep and the other side has no idea. |
-菲比怎麼啦? -麻醉槍 | -What's with Phoebe? -Tranquilizer dart. |
你有訂香蕉嗎? | Hi! Did you order some bananas? |
-那是幹嗎的? -還我的猴子 | -What about it? -Give me my monkey back! |
-我沒猴子 -幹嘛買一箱香蕉? | -I don't have a monkey. -Then what's with the bananas? |
補充鉀 | Potassium. |
馬修?他在哪兒? | Okay,where is he? |
你在浪費時間 | You're wasting your time. |
什麼? | What? |
-你對他幹了什麼? -這是我的猴子,叫佩蒂 | -What have you done to him? -That's my monkey. That's Patty. |
你瘋了不成?過來,馬修… | Are you insane? Come here,Marcel. |
過來,佩蒂 | Come here,Patty. |
過來,馬修… | Come here,Marcel. |
過來,佩蒂 | Come here,Patty. |
猴子過來… | Here,monkey. |
過來,猴子! | Here,monkey! |
逮到你了 | Gotcha! |
-把我的猴子還給我 -那是我的猴子 | -Give me my monkey back! -It's mine. |
你們到法官面前去爭吧 | Take this up with the judge. |
那不是我的猴子 只有衣服是我的,隨時可以送回來 | That's not my monkey. The dress is mine. Send it back whenever. |
好吧,我要我的猴子! | All right,I want my monkey! |
-露莎,拜託 -抱歉了,舞會皇后 | -Oh,come on,Luisa. -Sorry,prom queen. |
你高中時幹嘛那麼賤,為何不當個胖妹? | You had to be a bitch in school,instead of fat. |
在學校我是舞會皇后 | In high school,I was prom queen... |
和返校節皇后,但是你 | ...and the homecoming queen and you... |
你也在的啊 | ...were also there. |
但是這不是高中,我們現在都是成年人! | But this isn't high school. We're all adults here! |
我能要這個嗎? | Heckles! Can I have this? |
大多數是 | For the most part. |
如果你把猴子帶走 我將失去我生命中重要的人 | If you take this monkey,I'll lose an important person in my life. |
你可以恨我,請別折磨他 | You can hate me if you want,but please do not punish him. |
此時你有機會成為大人物 | You have a chance to be the bigger person here. |
把握機會吧 | Take it! |
不 | No. |
那麼,我只好告訴你的長官 | All right. Then I'll call your supervisor and tell her... |
你在我朋友的屁股上開了一槍 | ...you shot my friend with a dart! |
終於能脫去這件衣服,好嗎? | It'll be nice to get this off,won't it? |
或是這樣也不錯 | Or we can leave it on. That's fine. |
配上女鞋就是完整的一套了 | With the right pumps,that would be a great little outfit. |
抱歉,我對你這麼凶 | Listen,I'm sorry I was so hard on you before |
不,這都是我的錯,我差點… | No,it was my fault. I almost lost your |
不,他也是你找回來的,你做得很好 | Yeah,but you got him back. You were great. |
那瓶酒還在 | We still have that bottle of wine. |
有心情喝杯葡萄酒嗎? | Are you in the mood for something grape? |
-好呀 -很好 | -Sure,that would be good. -All right. |
隔壁一定在用吸塵器 | The neighbors must be vacuuming. |
只要我們在這兒… | Well,as long as we're here... |
…不談那個話題… | ...and not on the subject.... |
我在想… | I was thinking about... |
…我們剛剛實在是惡言相向 | ... how mad we got at each other before. |
大概是因為我們… | And maybe it was partially because of how we |
-瑞秋? -貝瑞? | -Rachel? -Barry? |
我辦不到.我無法和明蒂結婚 | I can't do it. I can't marry Mindy. |
我想我愛的人依然是你 | I think I'm still in love with you. |
我們得開始鎖門了! | We have got to start locking that door! |
給我們看看!來嘛! | Show us! Come on! |
-很久很久以前 -好吧 | -lt was such a long time ago. -Okay,fine. All right. |
這是我在“音樂之聲”裡面,看到范崔普的孩子了嗎? | This is me in The Sound of Music. See the von Trapp kids? |
因為我擋在他們前面 | That's because I'm in front of them. |
大修女! | Big nun! |
我以為那是阿爾卑斯山 | I thought that was an alp. |
我的高中時代並不如意 | High school wasn't my favorite time. |
我愛高中 | I loved high school. |
四年的舞會,約會和做愛 | It was four years of parties,dating and sex and |
我和400個男孩上的住宿學校 | Well,I went to boarding school with 400 boys. |
每次做愛都是一次生活方式的重大抉擇 | Any sex I had would've involved a major lifestyle choice. |
天啊,那不是回到一百萬年前? | Doesn't it seem like a million years ago? |
我的屁股醒了 | My butt cheek is waking up! |
我真不敢相信你會這麼說 | I can't believe you'd actually say that. |
我不是鹹味先生而是花生先生(卡通人物做的玉米小吃)? | I'd much rather be Mr. Peanut than Mr. Salty. |
才怪,鹹味先生是個水手 | No way. Mr. Salty is a sailor. |
他應該是最頑強的點心 | He's gotta be the toughest snack there is. |
我不知道,你不會想和玉米作對的 | I don't know. You don't wanna mess with Cornnuts. |
它們簡直是瘋了 | They're crazy. |
上帝呀.你們應該看看這個 | Oh,my God. You gotta come see this. |
有個變態拿著望遠鏡 | There's some creep out there with a telescope. |
我真不敢相信他在看我們 | I can't believe it. He's looking right at us. |
真噁心 | Oh,that is so sick. |
我感覺被冒犯了 | I feel violated. |
而且很不爽 | And not in a good way. |
怎會有人這樣? | How can people do that? |
你們看,醜陋裸男有雙重力鞋 | You guys,look. Ugly Naked Guy got gravity boots. |
六人行 第1季 第20集 罪惡的牙醫 | The One With the Evil Orthodontist |
幾年後學童將會把它奉為… | Years from now,school children will study it... |
第一次約會的經典加以研讀 | ...as one of the greatest first dates ever. |
-是的 -要我說,當然 | -Yeah. -I'll say,yeah. |
它太令人無法置信 | It was unbelievable. |
我們可以完全作自己,無須再玩任何遊戲 | We could be ourselves. We didn't have to play games. |
-你打過電話給她沒? -讓她知道我喜歡她?你瘋了不成 | -Have you called her? -She'd know I like her. That's crazy. |
夥計.你可真噁心啊 | Guys. It's gross. |
才第二天,你要我顯得多渴望? | It's the next day. How needy do I wanna seem? |
-對吧 -對,讓她慢慢等吧 | -I'm right. Right? -Yeah,let her dangle. |
我無法相信我爸媽,強迫我找你們這種男人 | I can't believe my parents are pushing me to find one of you people. |
快,只管去做 | Come on. Just do it. |
拿起電話打給她 別擺出一付臭男人的樣子(義同睾丸素) | Call her. Stop being so testosterone-y. |
對了,三藩市真有這道菜 | Which,by the way,is the real San Francisco treat. |
-是機器 -她的答錄機? | -Her machine. -Answering machine? |
不,真有意思,是落葉清掃機 | No,interestingly,her leaf blower picked up. |
你為何不說話? | So,why didn't you say anything? |
不行,上次我留話時 | No. Last time I left a spontaneous message... |
結果說了“對,的確” | ... I ended up using the phrase,"Yes,indeed-io." |
看,是瑞秋和貝瑞,不,別一起看 | Look,it's Rachel and Barry. Don't everybody look. |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
-他們只是在講話 -他是否神情落寞? | -They're just talking. -Does he look upset? |
他是否像被告知去死的樣子? | Does he look like he was told to shove anything? |
沒有,而且他正在微笑 | No. Actually,he's smiling. |
我的老天,不要那樣幹? | Oh,my God. Don't do that. |
怎麼啦?怎麼啦?怎麼啦? | What? What? What? |
對街的男人踢了一隻鴿子 | That man across the street just kicked that pigeon. |
這就是法案成為法律的原因 | And basically,that's how a bill becomes a law. |
看?嗨,瑞秋 | See? Hey,Rach. |
情況如何? | How'd it go? |
你們知道嗎,真的,真的好極了 | You know,it was actually really great. |
他帶我到俄羅斯茶室餐廳吃飯 | Lunch at the Russian Tea Room. |
我點了那種雞肉 一刺就有奶油噴出來的那種 | I had that chicken,where you poke it and butter squirts out. |
今天真不是鳥兒的好日子 | Not a good day for birds. |
然後我們去本多爾公司 | Then we went to Bendel's. |
我告訴他不要,他還是買了香奈兒給我 | And I told him not to,but he got me a bottle of Chanel. |
真體貼.是在你跟他說之前還是之後送的 | That's nice. Now was that before or after you told him... |
叫他別再打電話來,別再送你花,別再來煩你? | ...to stop calling,stop sending flowers and to leave you alone? |
老實說我沒機會開口 | Right. Well,we never actually got to that. |
能再見到他的感覺真好 | It was just so nice to see him again. |
感覺是那麼自在而熟悉 | It was comfortable and it was familiar. |
感覺真好 | It was just nice. |
你已講了兩遍 | That's nice twice. |
他不是在聖壇前被你甩掉的貝瑞嗎? | Isn't this the same Barry who you left at the altar? |
你上哪兒去了? | Where have you been? |
今天和他在一起感覺不同 | It was different with him today. |
他今天不像是牙醫 | He wasn't,like,Orthodontist Guy. |
我們玩得很開心,這樣有什麼不對嗎? | I mean,we had fun. Is there anything wrong with that? |
是的 | Yes |
-為什麼? -我有我的理由 | -Why? -I have my reasons. |
那麼他訂婚的物件… | He's engaged to another woman... |
是你以前的好朋友這件事呢? | ...who happens to be your ex-best friend? |
好吧!我知道這樣做很傻 | All right. I know it's stupid. |
我下午會去找他談分手 | I'll see him this afternoon and put an end to it. |
我不瘋狂吧?我從未像這樣 | I'm not crazy,right? I mean,it was never like that. |
從未 | No,it wasn't. |
這兒有個小水槽真好 | It was so nice having this little sink here. |
還掛著…證書 | Then with authority,hang up. |
你到底留言嗎? | Will you just leave her the message? |
好的,這就說 | Okay. All right,fine. |
丹妮爾,沒想到是答錄機接的 | "Oh,Danielle,I wasn't expecting the machine. |
有空請回電 | Give me a call when you get a chance. |
再見 | Bye-bye. |
哦,天哪 | Oh,God. |
你這兩小時都在忙這個? | That's what you've been working on for two hours? |
我在演練 | Hey,I've been honing. |
-和盤子有何關係? -我要她以為我在餐廳 | -What was with the dishes? -She might think I'm in a restaurant. |
我過著不錯的生活 | I might have a life. Like I haven't been sitting here... |
不是只在這兒演練數小時的樣子 | ... honing for the last two hours? |
-看,又是那個拿望遠鏡的人. -哦,我的上帝 | -The telescope guy's doing it again. -Oh,my God. |
拜託,走開,別再往這兒看 | Go away. Stop looking in here. |
這下可好,他也揮手了 | Great. Now he's waving back. |
我們得想辦法阻止他 | We gotta do something. |
早上我逮到他往這兒看 真是令我毛骨悚然,我感覺自己無法辦事 | I caught him looking into our place. I feel like I can't do stuff. |
什麼樣的事情呀? | What kind of stuff? |
成熟點行嗎,我不是指性 | Will you grow up? I'm not talking about sexy stuff... |
我只是光著屁股做飯 | ...but,like,when I'm cooking naked. |
你光著屁股做飯? | You cook naked? |
對,烤麵包,燕麥,不會濺出來的東西 | Yeah,toast,oatmeal. Nothing that spatters. |
看我幹嘛?我毫不知情 | What are you looking at me for? I didn't know that. |
怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
貝瑞,這樣不好 | I just Oh,Barry,this was not good. |
不,好.是非常非常好 | No,it was. It was very,very good. |
-明蒂呢? -我們幹得比明蒂好多了 | -What about Mindy? -Way better than Mindy. |
不,我是指你和明蒂 | I mean,what about you and Mindy? |
如果你願意我就和她分手 | If you want,I'll break it off with her. |
萬萬不行,別那樣做.別為我那樣做 | No,don't do that. Not for me. |
法伯大夫,巴比來做調整 | Dr. Farber,Bobby Rush is here for his adjustment. |
謝謝波尼斯 | Thanks,Bernice. |
我們週末去渡假 | Let's go away this weekend. |
-貝瑞,這樣太… -不,或許我們可以去阿魯巴 | -This is all way too -No,we can go to Aruba. |
我在“蜜月”時去過了 | When I went there on what would've been our honeymoon... |
感覺很棒,你一定會喜歡的 | ...it was really nice. You would've liked it. |
我本來有穿胸罩 | I had a bra. |
嘿,法伯大夫 | Hey,Dr. Farber. |
格林小姐,看來一切正常 | All right,Miss Greene,everything looks fine. |
進步許多 | We're starting to see some real progress. |
-幹嘛? -我十二歲了,我不是傻子 | -What? -I'm 1 2,I'm not stupid. |
能借用你的電話嗎? | Can I use your phone? |
我指點你一下,你拿的那支… | For future reference,that thing in your hand... |
…也可以當電話使 | ...can also be used as a phone. |
這電話沒問題啊 | Yes,it's working. |
-她為何不回電? -或許她沒聽到你的留言 | -Why isn't she calling? -Maybe she never got your message. |
如果願意你可以打給她的留言機 如果聽見許多嗶聲 | Call her machine,and if she has a lot of beeps... |
那代表她或許沒聽見留言 | ...that means she didn't get her messages yet. |
-難道你不認為這樣會使我感覺有點 -絕望,渴望,可悲? | -Doesn't that make me seem? -Desperate? Needy? Pathetic? |
你顯然看過我的私人廣告 | You obviously saw my personal ad. |
嗶幾聲? | How many beeps? |
她接的 | She answered. |
此時你該向她打招呼才對 | This is where you'd use that "hello" word. |
我不能跟她講話,她顯然聽到我的留言 | I won't talk to her. She got my message... |
而且選擇不回電,我既渴望又被人冷落 | ...and is choosing not to call me. Now I'm needy and snubbed. |
我真想念純渴望的滋味 | God,I miss just being needy. |
嘿,他表現如何? | So how'd he take it? |
事實上,還不錯 | Pretty well,actually. |
你頭髮上為何有牙線? | How come you have dental floss in your hair? |
有嗎? | Oh,do l? |
-我們在他椅上做愛 -你們在他椅上做愛? | -We ended up having sex in his chair. -You had sex in his chair? |
我是否說得太大聲? | I said that a little too loudly,didn't l? |
你們什麼? | You had what? |
在他椅上做愛 | Sex in his chair. |
你到底在想什麼? | What...? What were you thinking? |
我也不知道,我們仍在乎對方 | I don't know. We still care about each other. |
我們曾相愛過,就像你和卡蘿一樣 | There's a history there. It's like you and Carol. |
不,不像我和卡蘿 | It's nothing like me and Carol. |
如果她說:羅斯我要你躺在這沙發上 | If she said to you,"Ross,I want you on this couch... |
此時此地,你會怎麼回答? | ... right here,right now," what would you say? |
如果需要我可以過去點 | If it helps,I could slide over. |
這完全是兩回事,這是蘋果和桔子 | It's a totally different situation. It's apples and oranges. |
牙醫和女同志,我走了 | It's orthodontists and lesbians I gotta go. |
-你要上哪兒去? -我就是要走,行嗎? | -Where are you going? -I just have to go. |
我有自己的人生要過 | I have things to do with my life. |
我有許多事要做 | I have a jam-packed schedule. |
被某事耽擱了 | And I am late for keeping up with it,okay? |
明蒂 | Mindy. |
你好 | How are you? |
對,我聽說了,恭喜.這真是太好了 | Yes,I heard. Congratulations. That is so great. |
真的,哦,上帝啊 | Really,oh,God |
我明天要上班,如果願意可以到店裡 | I'm working tomorrow,but if you want,you can come by if you'd like. |
太好了 | Great. |
太好了 | Great. |
明天見了 | So I'll see you tomorrow. |
好的,再見 | Okay. Bye. |
天呀 天呀 天呀 | Oh,God. Oh,God. |
明蒂好嗎? | So how's Mindy? |
她明天想見我,她的語調好詭異,我得打電話給貝瑞 | She wants to see me tomorrow. She sounded weird. I gotta call Barry. |
是我,我只是,明蒂 | It's me. I just Mindy. |
明蒂.我想你可能會在那兒 | Mindy. No,I figured that's where you'd be. |
你這種人都該下地獄 | Hell is filled with people like you. |
偷窺狂又出現了,蹲下 | He's back. The peeper's back. |
-蹲下? -蹲下? | -Get down. -Get down? |
接著跳舞 | And boogie. |
我得去上班,接受明蒂的審判 | I gotta go and get my eyes scratched out by Mindy. |
放輕鬆,或許她還不知道 | She may not even know. |
拜託,我們七個月來沒聯絡過 她突然打電話來還會有什麼事呢? | I haven't heard from her in seven months,what else is it about? |
她曾是我最要好的朋友 | She was my best friend. |
-我們一起去夏令營,她教我如何親吻 -是嗎? | We went to camp together,she taught me how to kiss....Yeah? |
如今我像是成了第三者 | Now,you know,I'm,like,the other woman. |
-我感覺自己很…-頑皮 | -I feel so -Naughty. |
-回頭見了.-我和你一起出去 | -See you later. -I'll walk with you. |
她在夏令營時教你親吻,你穿著制服,還是… | When she taught you to kiss,were you wearing any kind of little uniform? |
沒事了. | That's fine,yeah. |
我要上洗手間,幫我守著電話好嗎? | I'm going to the bathroom. Will you watch my phone? |
-你何不帶進去? -我們還沒第二次約會 | -Take it with you. -We haven't had a second date... |
-她需要聽到我尿尿的聲音嗎? -何不乾脆打給她? | -...she needs to hear me pee? -Why don't you call her? |
我已留言,不能打給她.我有男性的尊嚴 | I can't. I left a message. I have some pride. |
-有嗎? -沒有 | -Do you? -No. |
丹妮爾 | Danielle,hi. |
是我,錢德 | It's Chandler. |
我很好 | I'm fine. |
聽著… | Listen.... |
我不知道你是否打過電話給我 | I don't know if you tried to call me because... |
因為我不小心把電話關了 | ... I accidentally shut off my phone. |
好,太好了 | That's fine. That's great. Okay. |
她正在講電話,等一下會回我電話 | She's on the other line. She's gonna call me back. |
她正在講電話,等一下會回我電話… | She's on the other line,she's gonna call me back. |
-你不想尿了? -這就是我跳舞的原因 | -Don't you have to pee? -That's why I'm dancing. |
-明蒂. -嗨,你好 | -Mindy. -Hey,you. |
嗨,你好 | Hey,you. |
什麼事? | So what's up? |
我們該坐下來談 | We should really be sitting for this. |
當然啦 | Sure we should. |
我只問一次,我希望你直接回答 | I'm gonna ask once,and I want a straight answer. |
這好像在問,紅色短褲是不是 讓我的屁股顯得大一些一樣 | Not like when I asked if those red pants made my ass look big. |
我感覺最近有點奇怪 | I know things have been weird... |
你是我認識最久的朋友,除了蘿瑞之外 | ...but you're my oldest friend,except for Laurie... |
她雖已減肥成功 | ...who's bitter because she lost weight... |
但是,臉蛋依然醜陋 | ...and it turns out,she doesn't have a pretty face. |
-我要說了啊. -好的 | -Okay,I'm just gonna say it. -Okay. |
願意當我的伴娘嗎? | Will you be my maid of honor? |
-當然! -太好了 | -Of course. -That's so great. |
這是,這是,這是 | It is. It is. It is. |
-這就是你想問我的事? -對,就這樣 | -That's all you wanted to ask? -That's all. |
-怎麼了? -不,不只這樣 | -What? -That's not all. |
-當然是的 -也不全是 | -Oh,sure it is. -Oh,no,it isn't. |
我認為貝瑞有其他的女人 | I think Barry's seeing someone in the city. |
你怎會這樣想? | What would make you think that? |
宣佈訂婚後他就變了樣 | Since the engagement,he's acted weird. |
昨晚他回家時有香奈兒的味道 | And then last night,he came home smelling like Chanel. |
真的? | Really? |
如果這樣能讓你好過點 | If it'll make you feel any better... |
我和貝瑞訂婚時他也變了樣 | ...when Barry and I got engaged,he was weird too. |
瞧,這就是我最擔心的 | Oh,God. That's what I was afraid of. |
什麼?你擔心什麼? | What's what you were afraid of? |
貝瑞和你訂婚時,我跟他… | When Barry was engaged to you,he and l... |
…正在偷偷戀愛 | ... kind of had a little thing on the side. |
-什麼? -我知道 | -What? -I know,I know. |
他向我求婚時,每個人都勸我別接受 他會待你像瑞秋一樣 | When he proposed,people said,"He'll do to you what he did to Rachel." |
如今我只覺得自己好笨 | And now I feel so stupid. |
明蒂,你真笨 | You are so stupid. |
我們兩人都笨 | We are both so stupid. |
什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
是不是熟悉的味? | Smell familiar? |
抱歉… | Oh,I'm so sorry. |
不,是我抱歉… | Oh,no,me. I am so sorry. |
不,我對不起,我抱歉 | No,I am sorry. I'm sorry. |
哦,我的上帝 | Oh,my. |
四個字母,圈圈或圓圈 | Four letters,"circle or hoop." |
-快響(意同圓圈)呀,該死的,快響呀. -謝啦 | -Ring,damn it,ring. -Thanks. |
-我們的電話壞了. -什麼? | -You know our phone's not working? -What? |
我從咖啡店打給你沒有回音 | I called and there was no answer. |
我關機了 | I turned it off. |
上帝他母親啊,我關機了 | Mother of God,I turned it off. |
和你告訴她的一樣 | Just like you told her you did. |
我只是指出諷刺的意味來 | Just pointing out the irony. |
我和對街門房談過了 | I went across the street to the doorman. |
他告訴我那偷窺狂的名字,電話能借用嗎? | I got the peeper's name. Can I use the phone? |
電話能借用嗎? | Can I use your phone? |
請幫我查辛尼馬克斯的電話 | The number for a Sidney Marks,please. |
熱裝置? | "Heating device." |
散熱器 | Radiator. |
五個字母 | Five letters. |
“Rdtor.” | "Rdtor." |
是辛尼嗎? | Yeah,is Sidney there? |
辛尼是個女的 | Oh,this is? Sidney's a woman. |
是女的又怎樣? | So she's a woman,so what? |
對,那又怎樣? | Yeah,so what? |
我住在對街.我注意到你拿著望遠鏡 | I live across the street,and I know about your telescope. |
而且我很不喜歡你這樣 | And I don't appreciate it. |
我現在就看的見你,嗨 | Yeah,I can see you right now. Hello? |
如果我要穿著內褲在室內走,我無須感覺… | If I wanna walk around in my underwear,I shouldn't have to feel |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
那不是重點,重點是… | That's not really the point. The point is,that |
大部份是寬鬆的,偶爾 | Mostly free-weights,but occasionally |
對,我鄰居,對,黑褐色頭髮 | Yeah,my neighbor. Yeah,the brunette. |
她說你穿綠色套裝很好看 | She said you looked pretty that day in the green dress. |
綠色套裝?真的? | The green dress? Really? |
對,她說你像英格麗褒曼(美女明星) | She said you looked like lngrid Bergman. |
她提到我了嗎? | Did she mention me? |
她想知道為什麼你頭上頂塊毛巾 | She wants to know why you tie the towel around your head. |
那是調節器,行不行? | It's a leave-in conditioner,okay? |
那是調節器 | It's a leave-in conditioner. |
-你有時間嗎? -當然,當然 | -You got a second? -Sure,sure. |
進… | Come on... |
…來 -親愛的 | -...in. -Hello,sweetheart. |
你們來幹什麼? | What you guys doing here? |
我們是來和你分手的 | We are here to break up with you. |
你們兩個? | Both of you? |
基本上我們認為你是個大爛人 你該遭到天譴 | We think you're a horrible person,and bad things should happen to you. |
對不起…我是個白癡 | I'm sorry. God,I am so sorry. |
我是個懦夫,我無法自拔 | I was weak. I couldn't help myself. |
不管我做什麼都是因為太愛你了 | Whatever I did,I only did because I love you so much. |
貝瑞,你是指哪一個? | Which one of us are you talking to there? |
明蒂 | Mindy. |
當然是指明蒂.我一直深愛著明蒂 | Of course,Mindy. It was always Mindy. |
即使我們在你椅上做愛? | When we were having sex in that chair? |
我發誓,不論我做什麼我都想著你 | I swear,whatever I was doing,I was thinking of you. |
拜託,第二回合時你根本把她忘得一乾二淨了 | Please. That second time,you couldn't have picked her out of a lineup. |
你們做了兩次? | You did it twice? |
第一次不算,你瞭解貝瑞的 | The first time didn't really count. You know,it was Barry. |
明蒂,我親愛的,再給我一次機會 | Honey,sweetheart,look. Just give me another chance. |
我們再重新來過,我們再到阿魯巴去 | We'll start over. We'll go back to Aruba. |
你和阿魯巴有什麼關係? 你和航空公司有協議嗎? | What is it with you and Aruba? Do you have a deal with the airlines? |
你怎麼說? | What do you say? |
法伯大夫,緊急狀況 | Dr. Farber,we've got an emergency here. |
強森被自己的牙套噎到了 | Jason Castalano 's choking on his retainer. |
拜託,我馬上去 | Oh,God. I'll be right there,Bernice. |
請別離開 | Look,please don't go anywhere. |
我馬上回來 | I'll be right back. |
我們會在這兒的,在這兒恨你 | Okay,and we'll be here,hating you. |
看見他走出去時滿身大汗沒? | See how he was sweating when he walked out? |
這樣吧,我去抓住他那裡,然後你跳過去 | If I'm hogging the ball,you jump right in there... |
…狠狠打他幾拳.那感覺一定很爽 | ...and take some punches. This feels great. |
是嗎?我還是想嫁給她 | I'm pretty sure I'm still gonna marry him. |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
明蒂,那傢伙是個惡魔 | Mindy,the guy is the devil. |
是個衣冠禽獸 | He is Satan in a smock. |
我知道他並不完美 | I know he's not perfect. |
老實說我還是想當 | But the truth is at the end of the day,I still really wanna be... |
貝瑞牙醫的… | ... Mrs. Dr. Barry Farber... |
…太太 | ... D. D.S. |
我的天 | Oh,God. |
希望你能為我高興 | I hope you can find a way to be happy for me. |
我希望你還願意當我的伴娘 | And I hope you'll still be my maid of honor. |
我希望貝瑞在阿魯巴不會將你宰了然後吃掉 | And I hope Barry doesn't kill you and eat you in Aruba. |
你還好嗎? | You okay? |
真的嗎? | Really? |
自從我在婚禮上拋下貝瑞 | Since I ran out on Barry at the wedding... |
我一直在想這決定是否正確 | ...I've wondered whether I made the right choice. |
如今我已得到答案 | And now I know. |
我真為你高興 | I'm so glad. |
大日子 | Big day. |
告訴你花生先生的穿著比較講究 | I'll give you this: Mr. Peanut is a better dresser. |
他有單片眼鏡,高帽 | He's got the monocle,he's got the top hat.... |
你知道他是個男同志嗎? | Did you know he's gay? |
我只想知道你判花生先生出局? | I just wanna clarify this. Are you outing Mr. Peanut? |
丹妮爾 | Danielle,hi. |
各位,她叫丹妮爾,丹妮爾,這是大家 | Everybody,this is Danielle. Danielle,everybody. |
你為何會出現在這兒? | Why are you here? |
我一直打電話給你都一直打錯號碼 | I've been calling,but I had your number wrong. |
最後問查號臺知道你的號碼 卻沒人接電話 | When I got the right one,there was no answer. |
我想來看看你是否無恙 | So I thought I'd come down here and make sure you were okay. |
我沒事 | I'm okay. |
或許我們改天可以見個面 | Maybe we could get together later? |
這主意不錯,我再打給你 或是你打給我 | That sounds good. I'll call you. Or you call me,whatever. |
一言為定 | You got it. |
-再見了,各位. -再見 | -Bye,everybody. -Bye. |
-你會和她. -二次約會 | -There you go. -Second date. |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
你不知道? | You don't know? |
她好像很不錯,她大老遠來這兒 | She seems nice,but her coming all the way here... |
只想確定我沒事,有這必要嗎? | ...just to see if I was okay? I mean,how needy is that? |
媽媽,能不能就那麼一次,我們一起吃飯時 | Mother,just once,can we go to lunch... |
你不要談論我的衣著和我的工作 | ...and not talk about what I'm wearing or where my career is going? |
包括我和誰約會 | Or who I'm dating. |
-準備好買單了? -天哪,是的 | -Ready for the check? -God,yes. |
-我來吧. -不,親愛的 | -I'll take it. -No,darling. |
我說了我來.這裡,拿著,走,跑 | I said I'll take it. Here,take it. Go. Run. |
你真貼心 | Very sweet. |
-他們到底為什麼給你工錢. -因為工作 | -And on what they pay you -Career. |
你不用擔心我.我做的很好 | You don't have to worry about me. I'm doing fine. |
我想這張卡被禁用了 | I'm afraid this has been denied. |
這不可能 | That's impossible. |
好吧,親愛的,用這張吧 | That's all right,dear. Here you go. |
六人行 第1季 第21集 假莫妮卡 | The One With The Fake Monica |
怎麼會有人知道你的信用卡號碼? | How'd someone get your card number? |
我也不知道,你看他們花了多少錢 | No idea. Look how much they spent. |
你只須付你所買的東西 | You only have to pay for the stuff you bought. |
我知道,他真是揮霍無度 | Still,it's just such reckless spending. |
我想他偷去你的信用卡時 | When somebody steals... |
根本就已忘了王法 | ...they've already thrown caution to the wind. |
真是個變態,花了69.95元買“神奇拖把” | Wow,what a geek. They spent $69. 95 on a Wonder Mop. |
我買的 | That's me. |
你看,我說變態,我的意思是 | You see,when I say geek,I mean |
怎麼回事,你花了70塊買一把拖把,你是個變態 | The hell with it,you bought a $70 mop,you're a geek. |
哦,討厭.羅斯,他又這麼幹了 | Oh,yuck. Ross,he's doing it again. |
馬修,別再侵犯那盞燈了 | Marcel,stop humping the lamp. |
停止侵犯.現在,馬修,過來,馬修 | Stop humping. Now,Marcel,come Come here,Marcel. |
不,又到我房裡了,我去抓他出來 | Oh,no. Not in my room. I'll get him. |
羅斯,你得想辦法阻止 | You've got to do something about that. |
什麼?這只是個階段 | What? It's just a phase. |
我們當時也是這麼說喬伊的 | Well,that's what we said about Joey. |
你們能多給點理解嗎? | You'd think you would be more understanding. |
我明白.可是我們不能 | I know. But we're not. |
你們冷靜點行嗎?這又沒什麼了不起 | Would you all relax? It's not that big a deal. |
-馬修,停,壞猴子 -又怎麼了? | -Marcel,stop it. Marcel. Bad monkey. -What? |
我只能說,我的好奇喬治(猴子模樣的玩具)不再好奇了 | Let's say my Curious George is no longer curious. |
莫妮卡,你還是無法釋懷 | You are not still going over that thing. |
-這女人過著我的生活 -什麼? | -This woman's living my life. -What? |
她過著我的生活,而且過得比我好 | She's living my life,and she's doing it better than me. |
看,她買的戲票是我一直想看的戲 | Look at this. Look. She buys tickets to plays I wanna see. |
她買的衣服是我早就想買的 | She shops where I'm afraid of the salespeople. |
-她花了三百塊買藝術用品 -你又不是藝術家 | -She spent $300 on art supplies. -You're not an artist. |
如果有藝術用品,我或許已是個藝術家 | I might be if I had the supplies. |
我本來可以的,只是現在不是 | I mean,I could do all this stuff. Only I don't. |
莫妮卡,別洩氣,你做的工作很酷 | Oh,Monica,come on. You do cool things. |
真的?我們來做比較,好嗎? | Really? Let's compare,shall we? |
現在說“好嗎”時間有點太晚了 | Oh,it's so late for "shall we." |
我到過公園騎馬嗎? | Do I horseback ride in the park? |
-我在新學校上過課嗎? -沒有 | -Do I take classes at the New School? -No. |
她擁有我想要的一切,而且她沒有我媽 | She's got everything I want,and she doesn't have my mother. |
-喬伊帕波尼如何? -不好,太有種族意味了 | -How about Joey Paponi? -No,still too ethnic. |
-我的經紀人認為,我該取個中立一點的名字 -喬伊瑞士? | -My agent wants a more neutral name. -Joey Switzerland? |
而且,我應該就是喬,喬伊讓我感覺…這麼大 | Plus,I think it should be Joe. Joey makes me sound like I'm this big: |
可我不是 | Which I'm not. |
喬…喬史達林? | Joe,Joe,Joe Stalin? |
史達林 | Stalin. |
我認識這名字嗎?聽得很熟悉 | Do I know that name? It sounds familiar. |
我沒印象 | Well,it does not ring a bell with me. |
但是你是深深陷在表演事業之中了啊 | But you're more plugged into that show business thing. |
喬史達林 | Joe Stalin. |
這名字很好 | You know,that's pretty good. |
或許你想試試喬瑟夫 | You might wanna try Joseph. |
喬瑟夫史達林(前蘇聯領導人) | Joseph Stalin. |
-我好像記得這個名字 -是的 | -I think you'd remember that. -Yes. |
《再見,小鳥》(著名電影)喬瑟夫史達林主演 | Bye Bye Birdie,starring Joseph Stalin. |
《屋頂上的提琴手》(著名電影)中的喬瑟夫史達林 | Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the Roof. |
對,我是莫妮卡蓋勒 | Hi. Yes,this is Monica Geller. |
我想有在你們那裡上課,我想知道是哪些課 | I'm taking some classes with you,and I was wondering what they were. |
我最近頭部受傷,只記得一些數字了 | I've had a recent head injury and certain numbers |
野外烤肉.哦,我應該去嗎?好的 | Barbecue. Oh,did l? See,there you go. |
-你在幹什麼? -太好了,謝謝 | -What are you doing? -All right,great. |
太棒了,非常感謝,我要去上踢踏舞課 | Great. Thanks a lot. I'm going to tap class. |
和偷你信用卡的人一起跳踢踏? | To dance with the woman that stole your card? |
這樣你就可以知道她長什麼樣子 | To see what she looks like. |
我可以肯定她的照片就掛在郵局裡面 | I'm sure her picture's up at the post office. |
我應該去看看她是誰 | I should get to see who she is. |
莫妮卡,你有點失去理智了,你被這件事完全操控 | You're kind of losing it here. This is becoming a weird obsession. |
我跟你說,這叫做瘋狂 | This is madness,I tell you. |
上帝保佑,莫妮卡別這麼做 | For the love of God,Monica,don't do it. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
-你們怎麼認為? -很多人 | -What do you think? -Lots of things. |
-你認為是哪一個? -我能幫你們什麼嗎? | -Which one is she? -May I help you? |
謝謝,我們是來參觀的 | No,thanks. We're just here to observe. |
舞蹈課不是參觀的,是來跳舞的 | You don't observe a dance class. You dance a dance class. |
那兒有舞鞋 | Spare shoes are over there. |
什麼意思? | What does she mean? |
我想她是叫我們進去跳 | I think she means "You dance a dance class." |
-來吧,來吧,來吧 -真的? | -Come on,come on,come on. -Really? |
有看見我的分身嗎? | Do you see anybody you think could be me? |
各位,上回有人在教室留下酸乳空瓶 | Last time there were yogurt containers lying around after class. |
-希望別再發生那種事 -她可能是你 | -Let's not have that happen again. -She could be you. |
開始吧 | Let's get started. |
五,六,五,六,七,八 | Five,six. Five,six,seven,eight. |
-我跟不上 -我完全融入 | -Okay,I'm not getting this. -I'm totally getting it. |
你不會覺得,自己有時毫無協調感嗎? | Do you ever feel like you're so uncoordinated? |
怎麼了?只要他們踢的時候你踢就是了 | What? You click when they click. |
各位找個舞伴 | All right,everyone grab a partner. |
我死去的媽說就是你,我和瑞秋 | All right. And my dead mother said you are it. I'm with Rachel. |
這下可好,體育課的舊事又重演了 | Great,it's gym class all over again. |
無所謂,你過來和我一起跳 | You can come up to the front and dance with me. |
我何不脫下衣服來場惡夢? | Why don't I just take off my clothes and have a nightmare? |
沒關係,我來了抱歉,我遲到 | It's okay,it's okay. I'm here,I'm here. I'm so sorry I'm late. |
來了,那個緊張的新人是誰? | Okay,here I am. So who's the new tense girl? |
-你的舞伴 -我叫莫妮卡 | -She's your partner. -Hi,I'm Monica. |
莫妮卡 | Oh,Monica. |
我叫莫… | Hi,I'm Mon |
-…娜娜 -莫娜娜 | -Nana. -Monana. |
-是荷蘭人的名字 -你在開玩笑吧 | -It's Dutch. -You're kidding. |
我在阿姆斯特丹住了三年 | I spent three years in Amsterdam. |
我是德裔賓夕法尼亞州人(語言是夾雜英語的德語) | Pennsylvania Dutch. |
開始吧.五,六,七,八 | And we're dancing. Five,six,seven,eight. |
嗨 | Hi. |
-你上哪兒去了 -我剛從獸醫那回來 | -Hey. Where have you been? -I just got back from the vet. |
她沒叫你戴那種塑膠套吧? | She's not gonna make you wear a big plastic cone? |
她說馬修亂性不是暫時的 | She says Marcel's humping is not a phase. |
顯然他已性成熟 | Apparently,he's reached sexual maturity. |
嘿,他超過你呢 | Hey,he beat you. |
她說他會越來越暴力,侵略性越來越強 | She says,as time goes on,he's gonna start getting violent. |
這代表什麼? | So,what does this mean? |
我們不能再養他了 | I have to give him up. |
我真不敢相信,這真是太扯了 | I can't believe it. This sucks. |
我不懂,你才剛養他,他怎會突然成熟了? | You just got him. How could he be an adult already? |
我知道,之前他只是個小東西 | I know. One day he's this little thing... |
不知不覺中他就成了緊抓住我的腿不放的小東西 | ...and then he's this little thing I can't get off my leg. |
你沒有任何辦法再養他嗎? | Isn't there any way to keep him? |
沒辦法,獸醫說除非有個地方… | No. The vet said unless he's in a place... |
…讓他獲得正常的… | ...where he has regular access... |
…猴愛 | ...to some monkey loving... |
…否則他會變得愈來愈殘暴 | ... he's just gonna get vicious. |
我得將他送到動物園 | I just gotta get him into a zoo. |
-你如何把他送進動物園? -我知道 | -How do you get a monkey into a zoo? -I know. |
不,那是教皇進入大眾汽車 | No,that's popes into a Vokswagen. |
我們到處申請,當然大型州立動物園是優先考慮 | We're applying to a lot. Our first choice would be a big state zoo. |
比方說聖地牙哥動物園 | You know,like San Diego. Right? |
那可能只是遙不可及的夢想,因為他在加州 | But that may just be a pipe dream. He's out-of-state. |
獸醫說她認識邁阿密的朋友,或許有可能 | My vet knows someone at Miami,so that's a possibility. |
那兒似乎離海灘只有兩條街,一定是個派對動物園 | But that's two blocks from the beach. It's a total party zoo. |
我們找到她了 | We found the girl. |
-你們喊員警了嗎? -沒有,我們和她吃午餐 | -Did you call the cops? -We took her to lunch. |
你們自己的“自治正義” | Oh,your own brand of vigilante justice. |
你瘋了?那女人偷了你的東西 | Are you insane? This woman stole from you. |
她偷東西,她是個小偷 | She stole. She's a stealer. |
和這女人相處十分鐘後,你就會把這些全忘了 | After you're with this woman for 10 minutes,you forget that. |
她簡直是奇女子,振奮人心 | I mean,she's this astounding person with this amazing spirit. |
她可能是從某位啦啦隊隊員那兒偷來的 | Which she probably stole from some cheerleader. |
-脫下他們的帽子 -大眾車上的教皇 | -Take off their hats. -Popes in a Vokswagen. |
我喜歡這個笑話 | I love that joke. |
-不可能,你不可能這麼做 -莫娜娜相當勇敢 | -No way. No way did you do this. -Monana was very brave. |
我說我們是615房的岡德森姐妹 | We told them we were the Gundersons in room 61 5... |
結果波士頓塞爾提克已包下整個樓層 | ...only to find out the Boston Celtics had the entire floor. |
他們知道我們又矮又有胸部時 | When they saw that we're short and have breasts.... |
他們就把我們轟出來,我被轟出飯店,我 | They threw us out. I was thrown out of a hotel. Me. |
幹得好,莫娜娜 | Go,Monana. |
不是只有你們活在夢中 | You ladies are not the only ones living the dream. |
我得去為我不認識的人倒咖啡,不用等我了 | I get to go pour coffee for people I don't know. Don't wait up. |
對了 | Oh,by the way... |
明天我們要去參加百老匯的試演 | ...tomorrow we're auditioning for a Broadway show. |
-什麼? -《貓》劇還有一個缺額 | -Excuse me? -There's an open call for Cats. |
我想我們可以去唱“回憶” | I'm thinking we sing "Memories"... |
讓自己當個傻子,如何? | ...and make complete fools of ourselves. What do you say? |
不,記得你身旁的人是誰 | No,no,no. Remember who you're dealing with here. |
我和你不一樣 我連站在踢踏舞教室前都有困難 | I can't even stand in front of a tap class. |
因為你有門諾教派的血統 | That's because of your Amish background. |
-什麼? -你不是德裔賓夕法尼亞州人嗎? | -What? -You're Pennsylvania Dutch,right? |
對,直到我買了吹風機被驅逐\n(門諾教派後人遠離科技產品過著農業生活) | Right. Till I bought a blow dryer. Then I was shunned. |
我過去也和你一樣 有一天我看了出改變我人生的電影 | I was just like you. And then,one day,I saw a movie that changed my life. |
看過《死亡詩社》(羅賓·威廉姆斯主演)嗎? | Did you ever see Dead Poets Society? |
我認為這電影實在是太…無聊了 | I thought that movie was so incredibly boring. |
那孩子在電影的結局時… | That thing at the end where the kid... |
…自殺了.只因他無法演出話劇? | ...kills himself because he can't be in the play? |
這是在幹什麼? 他再等一年離家,到社區話劇團去 | It's like,"Kid,wait a year. Leave home,do some community theater." |
走出電影院時我想,花在這部爛片上的兩個小時再也回不來了 | I thought,"That's two hours of my life that I'm never getting back." |
這想法震驚了我,從此便不再懼怕嘗試任何事了 | That scared me more than all the other crap I was afraid to do. |
那我不敢推薦《窈窕奶爸》(也是羅賓·威廉姆斯主演)了 | Wow. Then I would definitely not recommend Mrs. Doubtfire. |
上帝 | Oh,God. |
我們進不了斯克蘭頓了 | We didn't get into Scranton. |
那是我們保底的動物園 | That was,like,our safety zoo. |
他們連狗和牛都收 | They take,like,dogs and cows. |
我不懂是我還是他比較難受 | See,I don't know who this is harder on,me or him. |
我想應該椅子最可憐 | I'd say that chair's taking the brunt of it. |
馬修,馬修,馬修…不 | Marcel. Marcel. Marcel,no. |
乖,為何沒人要他? | Good boy. See? How can nobody want him? |
一定有人會要的 | Somebody will. |
早就有人叫喬瑟夫史達林了 | You know,there already is a Joseph Stalin. |
開什麼玩笑 | You're kidding. |
顯然他是屠殺各種民族的俄國獨裁者 | Apparently,he was this Russian dictator who slaughtered people. |
-你怎麼會不知道. -你怎麼認為我知道 | -You'd think you would've known that. -You'd think I would've. |
嗨,喬伊·希瑟頓(演員)怎麼樣 | Hey,how about Joey Heatherton? |
拜託,我告訴過你不要用回喬伊 | Come on,I told you I don't wanna go back to Joey. |
菲比 你認為我該取什麼藝名? | What do you think a good stage name for me would be? |
火焰男孩 | Flame Boy. |
你的動物園在哪兒? | Where exactly is your zoo? |
就技術上而言不算是動物園 | Well,it's technically not a zoo,per se. |
而是一種互動式野生動物體驗 | It's more of an interactive wildlife experience. |
我想請教你幾個關於馬修的問題 | Let me ask you some questions about Marcel. |
-他會和其他動物打架嗎? -不會的,他非常溫馴 | -Does he fight with other animals? -No,no. He's very docile. |
如果被逼進角落裡去時呢? | Even if he were cornered? |
我不知道,幹嘛這麼問? | Well,I don't know. Why? |
他掌控小東西的能力如何? | How is he at handling small objects? |
他會拿香蕉,如果你是這意思的話 | He can hold a banana,if that's what you mean. |
鐵槌或小刀呢? | What about a hammer or a small blade? |
為什麼?為何需要小刀? | Why would he need a blade? |
面對有角的動物時 | If he's up against an animal with horns... |
你得拿些東西給他自我防衛 | ...you got to give him something. |
否則就太殘忍了 | Otherwise,it's just cruel. |
-他能去聖地牙哥了 -什麼? | -He got into San Diego. -What? |
我們散步回來聽見電話鈴響 | We came back from our walk. The phone was ringing.... |
然後他就被收下了 | He's in. |
聽見沒,馬修,是聖地牙哥 | Did you hear that,Marcel? San Diego. San Diego. |
你大錯特錯了,聖地牙哥環境良好沒錯 | You're making a mistake. San Diego's good... |
如果你把他交給我 我就能訓練他對抗瞎眼的兔子 | ... but I'll start him off against a blind rabbit... |
而且我還可以給你百分之二十的門票收入 | ...and give you 20% of the gate. |
你到底跑哪兒去了? | Where have you been? |
我和莫妮卡剛跑去參加大使館舞會 | Monica and I just crashed an embassy party. |
我想我吻了大主教 | I think I kissed an archbishop. |
當然,也可能是廚師 | But,of course,it could've been a chef. |
-你喝醉了? -才沒有呢 | -Are you drunk? -No. |
-騙你的,我醉醺醺的 -天哪 | -I'm lying. I am so drunk. -Oh,God. |
莫妮卡,你該打電話回來的 | You know what? You could've called. |
我一直在家裡擔心你 | I've been worried Monica. |
好過癮 | Water rules. |
沒錯 | Yes. Yes,it does. |
餐廳今天又來電話了,他們想知道你還要不要去上班 | The restaurant called. They wanna know if you're showing up for work. |
不去.我今天要去大蘋果馬戲團 | Nope. Going to the Big Apple Circus today. |
你快丟掉工作了,你變了 | You're gonna lose your job. This is not you. |
不,這正是我 | No,it is me. |
我不只是那種必須拍松枕頭 | I'm not just the person who fluffs the pillows... |
帳單一來立刻去繳款的人 | ...and pays the bills right away. |
和她在一起,我就超越了那種人 | You know,when I'm with her,I'm so much more than that. |
我是莫娜娜 | I'm Monana. |
對,她在,等等 | Hello? Yes,she is. Hold on a second please. |
莫娜娜,你的電話,信用卡公司打來的 | Monana,it's for you. The credit card people. |
你好 | Hello. |
是嗎? | Yes? |
天呐 | Oh,my God. |
-謝謝. -怎麼啦? | -Thanks. -What? |
他們已逮到莫妮卡 | They've arrested Monica. |
-嗨.-嗨 | -Hi. -Hi. |
你好嗎? | How are you? |
不太糟,幸好我喜歡藍色 | Not too bad. Fortunately,blue's my color. |
你怎會知道我在這兒? | How did you know I was here? |
因為我是莫妮卡蓋勒 | Because I'm Monica Geller. |
你用的是我的信用卡 | It was my credit card you were using. |
真是沒想到 | That I was not expecting. |
我想讓你知道,去報案的人不是我 | I want you to know,I didn't turn you in. |
-謝謝你 -不,我要謝謝你 | -Thanks. -No,thank you. |
你帶給我太多了 | You have given me so much. |
如果不是你,我就不可能… | I'd never have gotten to sing... |
…在冬園劇場唱“回憶” | ... "Memories" at the Winter Garden Theater. |
老實說你只開口唱了“回”而已 | Actually,you only got to sing "Memo" |
我不敢相信你會在這兒 失去你我該怎麼辦? | I can't believe you're here. What will I do without you? |
誰會和我去大使館宴會 | Who's gonna crash parties with me? |
誰帶我去大蘋果馬戲團? | Who's gonna take me to the Big Apple Circus? |
我在25個女人面前尿尿展開一天的生活 | I started my day by peeing in front of 25 other women... |
你卻擔心沒人帶你去看馬戲? | ...and you're worried about who'll take you to the circus? |
不是擔心,只是懷疑 | Well,not worried,you know,just wondering. |
沒什麼好懷疑的 | There's nothing to wonder about. |
你繼續做你自己,因為那才是真正的你 | You'll go back to being who you were. That's who you are. |
-那沒必要呀 -那很必要 | -Not necessarily. -Yes,necessarily. |
我不知道是為什麼 或許和你是門諾教派有關 | I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the Amish thing. |
-我不是門諾教派 -真的?那為何你那麼怪? | -I'm not actually Amish. -Really? Then why are you like that? |
-門旁邊的那個,加不加入? -加入 | -You,by the door,in or out? -ln. |
-後面的,你完全跳錯了 -至少我在跳 | -You're getting it all wrong. -But at least I'm doing it. |
這是飛往聖地牙哥67次航班的 | This is the final boarding call for Flight 67... |
最後一次登機通知 | ... to San Diego at gate 42A. |
再見,猴子小夥.這是我給你寫的詩 | Okay,goodbye,little monkey guy. All right,I wrote you this poem. |
上飛機後才能吃 | Okay,but don't eat it till you get on the plane. |
謝謝你,菲比阿姨 | Thank you,Aunt Phoebe. |
再見了 | Okay,bye,champ. |
我知道聖地牙哥那兒,你將有許多寶貝 | There'll be a lot of babes in San Diego... |
記得要學習的也很多 | ... but remember,there's also a lot to learn. |
我不知該說什麼,羅斯,他是一隻猴子 | I don't know what to say,Ross. It's a monkey. |
說出你的感覺就成了 | Just say what you feel,Joey. |
-馬修,我餓了 -這句不錯 | -Marcel,I'm hungry. -That was good. |
馬修,這是給你的(好奇喬治) | Marcel,this is for you. |
給你,你知道的 | It's just,you know,something... |
在飛機上玩的 | ...to do on the plane. |
如果不介意我想和他獨處一會兒 | If you don't mind,I'd like a moment alone. |
-當然可以. -繼續 | -Oh,sure. Absolutely. -Go ahead. |
馬修,過來,過來,過來 | Marcel,come here. Come here. Come here. |
小兄弟 | Well,buddy... |
就這樣了 | ...this is it. |
我只想說幾句話 | Just a couple of things I wanted to say. |
我會想你的 | I'm really gonna miss you. |
我不會忘記你的 | You know,I'm never gonna forget about you. |
在我心中你不只是一隻寵物 | You've been more than just a pet to me. |
你更是…馬修 | You've been more like a Okay. Marcel. |
能放開我的腿嗎? | Would you leave my leg alone? |
能暫時不要亂來嗎? | Would you stop humping me for two seconds? |
馬修…帶他走好嗎?帶他走 | Okay,would you just take him away? Just take him. |
希望我是你手上的手套 | Oh,that I were a glove upon that hand... |
這樣我就能撫摸你的臉頰 | ...that I might touch thy cheek. |
-好了,謝謝. -下一位 | -That's fine. Thank you. -Next. |
我來試演“馬丘修”角色的 | I'll be reading for the role of Mercutio. |
-名字? -侯登·麥克葛羅尼(諧音holding my groin:握住我那裡) | -Name? -Holden McGroin. |
-告訴他嘛… -對,就告訴他嘛 | -Tell him. -Tell him. |
-閉嘴. -告訴我什麼? | -Shut up. -Tell me what? |
你看你,連正眼看他都不肯 | You won't look at him. |
下回女人不看我時我就有新辦法了 | I could use another reason why women won't look at me. |
好吧,好吧,昨晚我夢見 | All right. All right. Last night,I had a dream... |
我和你 | ...that you and I were |
在這桌上做愛 | Doing it on this table. |
完美的夢中得分 | Excellent dream score. |
你怎會有這種夢? | Why would you dream that? |
最重要的是 | More importantly... |
我棒嗎? | ...was I any good? |
簡直是棒極了 | Well,you were pretty damn good. |
真有意思,在我夢中我力不從心 | Interesting. In my dreams,I'm surprisingly inadequate. |
昨晚你在桌上表現神了 | Last night,you seemed to know your way around the table. |
真高興能與你們分享 | I love it when we share. |
你沒事吧? | You okay? |
我不敢相信你會在她夢中做愛 | I can't believe you two had sex in her dream. |
抱歉,只有一次 | Sorry,it was a one-time thing. |
我醉得不醒人事,而且這是某人的潛意志 | I was very drunk,and it was someone else's subconscious. |
六人行 第1季 第22集 倒人胃口的約會 | The One With The Ick Factor |
你好呀,瑞秋 | Hello,Rachel. |
起來 | Get off. |
給我,你們能想像操作鑽床的我嗎? | Ooh,give me. Can you see me operating a drill press? |
不知道,你當時穿什麼? | I don't know. What are you wearing? |
不知道,你為何想操作鑽床? | Why would you want to? |
只是暫時的工作,直到我找回部份的按摩客戶 | For short-term work. Till I get back my massage clients. |
又是海盜? | Pirates again? |
沒那回事 | No. Nothing like that. |
我是個大笨蛋 | I'm just such a dummy. |
我教他們“自己在家動手做按摩” 結果他們真的就在家裡做 | I taught a "Massage Yourself at Home" workshop. And they are. |
嗨,錢德,她可以為你工作 | Hey,Chan,she could work for you. |
謝了,喬伊,這是個好主意 | Thanks,Joey. That's a good idea. |
我可以,是什麼工作? | I could. I could do it. What is it? |
我秘書這幾周無法來上班 她去動消乳手術 | My secretary's gonna be out. She's having one of her boobs reduced. |
一言難盡的波霸故事 | It's a whole big boob story. |
-我可以當個秘書 -我不知你是否是這塊料 | -I could be a secretary. -I don't know if it'd be your thing... |
-因為這份工作得要白天儘量保持正常 | ... because it involves being normal for a large portion of the day. |
我能辦到 | I could do that. |
-那是什麼? -我的新傳呼機 | -What's that? -My new beeper. |
古生物學家要那玩意兒幹嘛? | Why does a paleontologist need a beeper? |
恐龍緊急事件?救命啊,快來,他們還是絕種了 | Is it for dinosaur emergencies? Help. They're still extinct. |
不,是為卡蘿生產買的 | It's for when Carol goes into labor. |
她隨時可以聯絡到我,她只需撥個號碼55-吉姆寶 | All she has to do is dial 55-JlMBO. |
這號碼真酷還能當孩子的名字 | A cool number and a possible name for the kid. |
-各位回頭見了 -去見伊森小子? | -See you later. -Off to see young Ethan? |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
伊森到底有多小?很小? | How young is young Ethan? Young? |
年紀和我們差不多 | He's our age. |
當我們還是… | When we were.... |
-他是大學四年級學生. -大學? | -He's a senior in college. -College? |
搶搖籃(老牛吃嫩草) | Rob that cradle. |
他聰明,穩重和成熟 | He's smart and mature and grown-up. |
穩重和成熟,他是個大男孩 | Mature and grown-up,he's a big boy. |
這位小朋友不在乎你的年紀? | This man-child has no problem with how old you are? |
當然不在乎 | No,of course not. It's not even an issue... |
因為我告訴他我22歲 | ... because I said I was 22. |
-你什麼? -什麼? | -You what? -What? |
-我不像22歲? -25,26還說得過去 | -Oh,I can't pass for 22? -Well,maybe 25,26. |
-我今年26. -那就對拉 | -I am 26. -There you go. |
聽見沒? | Can you hear that? |
拿起電話後就會停 | That'll stop when you pick up the phone. |
-我來. -好吧 | -Oh,I'm on. -Okay. |
賓先生辦公室 | Mr. Bing's office. |
-抱歉,他正在開會. -我沒在開會我在… | -Sorry,he's in a meeting. -I'm not in a meeting. |
他知道這件事嗎? | Will he know what this is in reference to? |
他有你的號碼? | And he has your number? |
好,我會轉告他的,再見 | I'll see that he gets the message. Bye-bye. |
羅斯打來問候的 | Ross says hi. |
真好玩.現在做什麼? | This is so fun. What do we do now? |
現在我得開始工作了 | Well,now I actually have to get to work. |
“可能吧” | "Most likely." |
我出去一下 | Okay,I'm gonna be out there. |
好的,再見 | All right. Bye-bye. |
再見 | Bye-bye. |
你在幹嗎? | -Yes? -What you doing? |
窗戶擦好了,蠟燭點上了 | Okay,windows are clean. Candles are lit. |
皮帶太緊,我得去換一條 | BeIt's too tight. Gotta change. |
魚翻過了沒? 沒,因為我做的是義大利面 | Did I turn the fish? Nope,because I made lasagna. |
-我是否已失控? -一點點 | -Am I out of control? -Just a touch. |
我不懂.你們從他期中考試… | I don't understand. You've been dating this guy since... |
…開始約會 | ... his midterms. |
為什麼,突然間你… | Why,all of a sudden,are you so...? |
-我怎麼了? -就在今夜? | -What? -Could tonight be the night? |
我不知道,他是個好男孩 | I don't know. He's a great guy... |
我喜歡和他在一起,但是,很難說 | ...and I love being with him. But,you know... |
事情會發生就是會發生,這種事無法事先計畫好 | ...things happen when they happen. You don't plan these things. |
-腿毛刮了沒? -刮了 | -So,did you shave your legs? -Yeah. |
羅斯,你就別再折磨自己了 這只是一場夢 | Would you let it go? It was just a dream. |
不代表… | It doesn't mean |
時候到了,寶寶要出世了 | This is it. It's baby time! |
放輕鬆…冷靜點 | All right,relax. Just relax. Be cool. |
有人呼我 | Yeah,hi. I was just beeped. |
不,安卓不在這兒,今天已是第三次了 | No,Andre is not here. Third time today. |
對,我確定 | Yes,I am sure. |
沒錯,我不做那種服務 | I do not perform those kind of services. |
服務? | Services? |
哦,服務? | Oh,services. |
對,你要打的是55-紮姆寶(特大號) | Yeah,you want 55-JUMBO. |
沒錯 | That's right. |
沒錯,有U的紮姆寶 | That's right. JUMBO with a "U," sir. |
不,先生,相信我你不會想要我的 | You don't want me. |
從他的號碼看來,你看到我會大失所望 | Judging by his number,I'd be a huge disappointment. |
好吧,再見了 | Alrighty,bye-bye. |
第一天上班如何? | How was the first day? |
太棒了,每個人都很棒 | Excellent. Everyone was so,so nice. |
瞧,認識穿我鞋子的人是值得的 | It pays to know the man who wears my shoes. |
就是我 | Me. |
-不,我沒告訴任何人我認識你. -為什麼? | -I didn't tell anyone I knew you. -Why? |
因為,你知道的 | Well,because,you know. |
他們並不喜歡你 | They don't like you. |
-什麼? -我以為你早知道 | -What? -I thought you knew. |
-誰不喜歡我? -每個人 | -Who doesn't like me? -Everyone. |
除了… | Except for.... |
不,每個人 | No. Everyone. |
-你說什麼? -別難過 | -What are you talking about? -Don't feel bad. |
他們過去都很喜歡你 | They used to like you a lot. |
自從你升職後,他們感覺你是上司,大人物 | But you got promoted,and now you're Mr. Boss Man. Mr. Big. |
賓先生,大老闆 | Mr. Bing. Boss Man Bing. |
-我簡直無法相信. -他們甚至還模仿你 | -I can't believe it. -Yeah. They even do you. |
模仿我? | They "do" me? |
對,比如這樣 | You know,like,okay: |
報告要“何時”才能交來? | "Could that report be any later?" |
-我沒有那樣. -你有的 | -I don't sound like that. -Yeah,you do. |
這山谷回蕩著美妙的 | "The hills are alive with the sound... |
音樂 | ...of music." |
我的烤餅,“我”的烤餅! | "My scone. My scone." |
我沒那樣說話,這“不”是真的 | I don't sound like that. That is so not true. |
不是這樣,不是這樣 | That is so not That is so not |
這不…閉嘴 | That Oh,shut up. |
-不會吧. -告訴你,我到九歲時 | -Did not. -Up until I was 9... |
還以為槍口就是犯罪現場 | ... I thought "gunpoint" was a place where crimes happened. |
-怎麼會. -新聞老是報導犯罪事件 | -How's that possible? -It's always on the news. |
某人在槍口下 | "A man is being held up at Gunpoint." |
驚慌的觀光客在槍口下 | "Tourists are terrorized at Gunpoint." |
我一直在想為何人總是要到那兒去 | And I kept thinking,"Why do people continue to go there?" |
我該走了 | I should go. |
-除非. -什麼? | -Unless -What? |
除非你要在這兒過夜 | Unless you wanna stay over. |
我反正要在這裡過夜…不如 | I mean,I'm going to. So.... |
我也很想 | Yeah,I'd really like that. |
在我們考慮留宿的事宜之前 | Before we get into any staying-over stuff... |
我有些事情必須告訴你 | ...there's something you should know. |
這個就像,明天一早有課? | Is this,like,"I have an early class tomorrow"... |
還是你與山羊秘密結婚了 | ...or "I'm secretly married to a goat"? |
在這兩者之間 | Well,it's somewhere in between. |
就嚴格的技術上而言,當然,我還沒 | You see,in a strictly technical sense,of course,I'm not.... |
我是說,我還沒有 | Well,I mean,I haven't ever.... |
伊森 | Ethan? |
你是個處男? | Are you a virgin? |
如果你們這些孩子,現在這樣稱呼的話 | If that's what you kids are calling it these days,then... |
對,我是個處男 | ...yes,I am. |
我是說,你確實是個很會接吻的傢伙,我沒想到 | I mean,you're just such a good kisser I would never have known. |
我在每一個級別都是優秀,我只是 | Well,I've excelled at every level I've been to,I just.... |
我只是還沒跟那個特別的人 | I just haven't been to that particular one yet. |
我一直在等待適合的人 | I've kind of been waiting for the right person. |
-真的? -真的 | -Really? -Yeah. |
你知道我是在指你吧? | You do know I was talking about you,right? |
喔 | Wow. |
你一直喔個不停 | You keep saying that. |
書報雜誌,電影上不斷出現 | You know,you read about it. You see it in the movies. |
甚至在家裡練習 | Even when you practice it at home,man,oh,man... |
這感覺實在沒得此 | ...it is nothing like that. |
聽著 | Listen,listen. |
你說你有些困擾 | You told me something that was really difficult for you. |
如果你能坦白,我想我也能 | And I figure if you can be honest,then I can too. |
別告訴我剛才我的方法不對 | Don't tell me I did it wrong. |
不,那件事你沒做錯 | Nothing wrong about that. |
我說了 | Here goes. |
我不是22歲 | I'm not 22. |
我是25歲 | I'm 25... |
零13個月 | ...and 1 3 months. |
我猜我們之間不會有任何改變 | But I figure that shouldn't change anything. |
年齡根本就不是距離,而且,我完全被你迷倒了 | What does it matter how old we are? Basically,I'm nuts about you. |
我們第一次接吻就知道了,你沒有提到“Tic Tac”(香橙味口香糖) | I knew after the first time we kissed. You didn't mention the Tic Tac. |
我只是覺得你有一種自然的體香 | I just thought you were naturally minty. |
聽著 | Listen... |
在你坦承之際 | ...as long as we're telling stuff... |
我也有話要說 | ... I have another one for you. |
我比你所知的年紀還小 | I'm a little younger than I said. |
-你不是四年級? -我是四年級 | -You're not a senior? -Oh,I'm a senior... |
高中 | ...in high school. |
我們錯了 | What we did was wrong. |
我竟和一個在建國兩百年國慶(1976年)都還沒出生的男人做愛 | I just had sex with someone who wasn't alive during the bicentennial. |
我剛做愛了 | I just had sex. |
伊森,注意聽,你為何不早告訴我 | Ethan,focus. How could you not tell me? |
-你也沒告訴我你實際的年齡. -那不一樣 | -You never said your age. -It's different. |
我的謊言不會使我們成為48個州的罪犯 | My lie didn't make one of us a felon in 48 states. |
-你到底在想什麼? -我只是忙於 | -What were you thinking? -I was too busy falling |
-不要說. -愛上你 | -Don't say it. -ln love with you. |
-真的? -對不起 | -Really? -Sorry. |
好吧,下來吧 | Well,fall out of it. |
走吧,你不該來這兒的,你該在學校過夜的 | You shouldn't be here. It's a school night. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
我就像是那種… | I'm like those women that you see... |
專門勾引小帥哥的女人 | ...with shiny guys named Chad. |
我成了瓊考琳絲(作風隨便的性感女星) | I'm Joan Collins. |
誰? | Who? |
好,安卓再45分鐘就會到 | Andre should be there in about 45 minutes. |
是的,長官,和服很特別 | Yes,sir,the kimonos are extra. |
好吧,再見 | Alrighty. Bye-bye. |
這樣省事多了 | It's just easier that way. |
-快,你已告訴我昨晚的夢 -不,忘了吧 | -You told me about the last dream. -No. Forget it. |
為什麼?難道是夢中的我對你過於粗魯 | Why not? Was I doing something particularly saucy? |
好吧 | All right. Fine. |
不僅僅你在場 | You were not the only one there. |
喬伊也在場 | Joey was there too. |
好的 | All right. |
那 | Was there... |
還有其他人嗎? | ...anybody else there? |
真的?沒有… | You sure? Nobody... |
…蠢蠢欲動的傢伙? | ... handing out mints or anything? |
沒有,只有我們三個 | No,it was just the three of us. |
是你跟錢德之後 | So was it you and Chandler... |
再跟我,還是我們三個同時? | ...then you and me,or you,me and Chandler? |
-你知道嗎? -什麼? | -You know what? -What? |
有幾次… | There were times... |
…甚至沒有我 | ...when it wasn't even me. |
真甜蜜,夥計們 | That is so sweet,you guys. |
莫妮卡,伊森又來電話了 | Mon,Ethan called again. |
-什麼? -伊森又來電話了 | -What? -Ethan called again. |
-你不想再見到他了? -不想 | -You're not seeing him anymore? -No. |
對,有些事是無法勉強的 | Sometimes,things don't work out. |
這跟他需要假條才能離開體育課無關? | This has nothing to do with him needing a note to get out of gym? |
我什麼都沒說,我發誓 | I did not say anything. I swear. |
-他只是順口說的. -下回見到他時 | -He stopped by. -Next time you talk to him... |
能問《恐龍戰隊》中最強的是誰嗎? | ...could you ask him which one the strongest Power Ranger is? |
我的生活簡直是太多彩多姿了 可以換個話題嗎? | Oh,my life is just so amusing. Can we drop it now? |
對不起 | Sorry. |
墨菲時間到了(恐龍戰隊臺詞) | "It's morphin'time." |
-暴龍! -劍龍! | -Stegosaurus. -Tyrannosaurus. |
我得走了 | I gotta go. |
哇哦,腦充血 | Head rush. |
再一次我必須得走了 | One more,and then I have to go. |
酷 | Cool. |
你要上哪兒去? | Where you going? |
我要和同事去參加生日會 | A birthday party with some work people. |
同事?沒人跟我說? | Work people? Nobody told me. |
我知道,他們中的一部分… | I know. That's part of the whole... |
…不希望你大駕光臨 | ...them-not-liking-you extravaganza. |
一個月前他們是我朋友 | A month ago,these people were my friends. |
當上主管並不代表我會變 | I'm in charge,but I'm not a different person. |
那麼說你今晚該來,和他們多相處 讓他們知道你還是個大好人 | Then come,hang out. Let them see what a great guy you still are. |
-你真的認為我該去? -對,你該去 | -You think I should? -I really do. |
我們能不一起去嗎 | But could we not go together? |
我不想成為邀請上司的傢伙 | I don't wanna be the geek who invited the boss. |
-嗨,你怎麼樣? -是的 | -Hey,you okay? -Yeah. |
-這對他來說也並不容易. -我知道 | -This can't be easy for him either. -I know. |
也許他需要一些時間來度過這個 | This may take some time for him to get over it... |
但是,四點鐘《布偶寶貝》就要開始了 | ... but,then at four,Muppet Babies is on. |
更深點,深點,深點 | Go deep. Deep. Deep. |
對不起,雪麗 | Sorry,Shelly. |
看到沒有,很開心? | See,with the fun? |
昨晚真是太棒了 | Last night was great. |
卡拉0K,我和崔西合唱了首“烏木與象牙” | The karaoke thing? Tracy and I doing "Ebony and lvory." |
你表現得很好,大家仍然取笑你 | You were great. But they still made fun of you. |
-什麼? -你現在成了“管家婆”上司 | -What? -Now you're Mr. Caring Boss. |
“我加入你”上司 | Mr. I'm-one-of-you Boss. |
“稱兄道弟”上司 | Mr. I-wanna-be-your-buddy Boss Man Bing. |
我更迷糊了 | Then I don't get it. |
錢德,你得面對現實 | You know what? I think you just gotta face it. |
你像個坐在大辦公室裡的人一樣 | You're the guy in the big office. |
有權錄取他們,也有權開除他們 | You're the one that hires and fires them. |
-他們說你是個好上司. -是嗎? | -They say you're a great boss. -They do? |
但是他們不再是你的朋友 | But they're not your friends anymore. |
-我只是想. -但你不能 | -I just want -But you can't. |
我只是想 | But I just want |
不是要去… | Are you gonna? |
卡蘿和我有了新系統,如果打911 | Carol and I have a new system. If she punches in 9-1 -1... |
就代表她將生產,否則我就根本不理會 | ...she's having a baby. Otherwise,I just ignore it. |
安卓呢? | What about Andre? |
早上他接到我表弟納森的電話 | He got a call from our cousin,Nathan. |
老實說我知道太多內幕了 | Frankly,it was a little more than I needed to know. |
那也是我的開場白 | That was gonna be my opener. |
你們看過洗手間裡的新幹手機沒? | Have you guys seen those new hand dryers in the bathroom? |
-我以為那只是謠傳.-千真萬確 | -I thought that was just a rumor. -True story. |
我得和你談談 | Look,I gotta tell you something. |
我不是17歲,我這樣說 你才會認為我可愛惹人憐 | I'm not 1 7. I said that so you'd think I was vulnerable. |
其實我今年30,我有老婆和工作,我是國會議員 | I'm actually 30. I have a wife and a job. I'm your congressman. |
莫妮卡,這太荒謬了,我們在一起很開心 | This is ridiculous. We're great together. |
我們聊天說笑做愛 | We can talk,make each other laugh,and the sex.... |
我雖然經驗不多,但一切是那麼美 | I have no frame of reference,but I thought that was great. |
-的確是. -那麼問題出在哪兒? | -lt was. -Then what's the problem? |
伊森 | Ethan,it's.... |
令人討厭的 | It's icky. |
令人討厭? | "lcky"? |
因為如此你就想放棄? | You're actually gonna throw this away because it's "icky"? |
我是不得已的,我希望情形不是這樣 | This isn't easy for me either. I wish things were different. |
如果你年長幾歲,我年輕幾歲 | If you were older or I was younger... |
或是我們生活在聖經時代 | ...or we lived in biblical times... |
-我就可以… -不要說 | -... I could really -No,don't say it. |
愛你 | Love you. |
-你的手還沒幹? -還是濕的 | -Are your hands still wet? -Moist. |
那就再去烘一次 | Let's dry them again. |
這些瑪格麗特雞尾酒能再“烈”一點嗎? | Or,like,"Could these margaritas be any stronger?" |
錢德 | Hey,Chandler. |
賓先生 | Hello,Mr. Bing. |
昨晚愛你的史提夫汪達 | Loved your Stevie Wonder last night. |
謝謝.有關周數字的事 九點“之”前請送到我辦公室來 | Thanks. About the weekly numbers,I'm gonna need them on my desk by 9:00. |
-好的. -沒問題 | -Sure. -No problem. |
總得給他們些話題嘛 | You have to give them something. |
剛剛是格斯頓,山托斯 留鬍子的那個叫什麼? | That was Gerston,Santos,and who's the other guy? |
-派崔. -派崔,對 | -Petrie. -Petrie. Right,okay. |
這週末得有人 | Well,some people are gonna be working... |
…加班了 | ...this weekend. |
真好 | Oh,that's nice. |
羅斯 | Ross. |
我在這裡 | I'm here. |
你在? | You are? |
我們在… | We were just.... |
什麼? | What? |
-這下可好,我有寶寶了 -什麼? | -Great. Now I'm having a baby. -What? |
我有寶寶了.我有一個 | I'm having a baby. I'm having a |
-電話,電話 -電話在哪兒? | -The phone,the phone. -I don't have the phone. |
我受傷了 | I'm hurt. |
莫妮卡,快走各位快點,她要生了 | Let's go. Come on,people. Woman in labor. |
-羅斯,看這是什麼 -留著付計程車錢吧 | -Look what I got going. -Save it for the cab. |
你在幹什麼?我們要去醫院 | We're going to a hospital. |
我不能漂亮一點嗎?那兒有醫生 | I can't look nice? There are doctors there. |
-喬伊,別翻冰箱了 -好吧 | -Joey,get out of the fridge. -All right. |
-那是幹嗎的? -路上吃的 | -What is that? -For the ride. |
-比如坐車的時候 -留著吧 | -Like in a cab -Save it. |
-真討厭 -莫妮卡,快 | -Hating this. -Monica,come on. Let's go. |
寶寶就要出世了 | Baby coming. |
我真不敢相信,我快當姑姑了 | I can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt. |
-我快有侄子了 -真感人,走吧 | -I'll have a nephew. -That's nice. Get out. |
好的,我來啦,我來啦 | All right,I'm going. I'm going. |
走吧,趕緊 | Here we go. Come on. |
她將生下我的小孩,她卻還沒來 | She's having my baby,and she's not here yet. |
-她的羊水破了嗎? -我不知道 | -Has her water broken yet? -I don't know. |
她和我通話時說她已分泌粘液 | When we talked,she said she'd already passed the mucous plug. |
我們需要知道這一些嗎? | Do we have to know about that? |
喬伊,你有小孩時你會怎麼做? | What'll you do when you have a baby? |
我會在等待室中送雪茄 | I'll be in the waiting room,handing out cigars. |
喬伊準備讓他孩子出生在50年代的電影中 | Joey's made arrangements to have his baby in a movie from the '50s. |
我不敢相信她可能會在計程車中生產 | She could be giving birth in the cab. |
羅斯,冷靜點第一次收縮收費二塊錢 | Relax. It's only $2 for the first contraction... |
之後每收縮一次收五毛錢 | ...and then 50 cents for each additional contraction. |
怎麼了?錢德這樣說時就沒事 | What,it's okay when Chandler does it? |
你得選對時間 | You have to pick your moments. |
我錯過了嗎? | Did I miss it? |
-沒有,她根本還沒出現 -幹嘛帶吉他來? | -She's not here yet. -What's with the guitar? |
我想我們會在這兒待一陣子,來點音樂 | We might be here for a while. Things might get musical. |
-你到底上哪兒去了? -我們中途在禮品店待了一會兒 | -Where have you been? -We stopped at the gift shop. |
我想買這個,蘇珊想買“矮胖” | I got this,and Susan wanted a Chunky. |
我們就快要有孩子了,你不能為了“矮胖”而停下\n(此句像汽車貼紙上說的俏皮話) | You're having a baby. You don't stop for Chunkies. |
我過去也用那個汽車貼紙 | I used to have that bumper sticker. |
懂我意思嗎? | You see what I mean? |
六人行 第1季 第23集 生孩子 | The One With the Birth |
-下車買矮胖 -別介意了,羅斯 | -"Stopped for a Chunky." -Let it go,Ross. |
我多了一個,想要嗎?不想 | I got an extra one. You want this? |
-我最喜愛的父母團隊好 -法大夫 | -How's my favorite parenting team? -Dr. Franzblau. |
我瞭解你們在考慮生寶寶的事 | I understand you're thinking of having a baby. |
我知道你已懷胎九月 這是好的開始 | I see you're nine months pregnant. That's a good start. |
-收縮的情況如何? -我喜歡 | -How are your contractions? -I love them. |
每一陣都像是子宮中的小舞會 | Each one's like a little party in my uterus. |
-每4分鐘,持續55秒 -59秒,石英表 | -Every 4 minutes,lasting 55 seconds. -59 seconds. Quartz. |
瑞士石英表 | Swiss quartz. |
-我能喝飲料嗎? -碎冰 | -Am I allowed to drink anything? -lce chips. |
-護士站有 -我去拿 | -At the nurse's station. -I'll get it! |
-不,我去,馬上回來 -不,我去… | -No,I'll get it. -No,I'm getting it. |
我想你或許想喝碎冰 | Hi. Thought you might like some ice chips. |
-謝謝. -如果還需要別的… | -Thanks. -And if you need anything else l... |
我們沒見過吧? | ...do not believe we've met. |
我叫瑞秋格林 | I'm Rachel Greene. |
卡蘿前任丈夫妹妹的室友 | I'm Carol's ex-husband's sister's roommate. |
幸會,我是法大夫 | Nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Franzblau. |
你室友哥哥前妻的醫生 | I'm your roommate's brother's ex-wife's obstetrician. |
真有趣 | Oh,that's funny. |
我想要個寶寶 | I want a baby. |
今晚不行,親愛的我明天得早起 | Not tonight,honey. I got an early day tomorrow. |
-起來,我們去買咖啡 -好吧,因為我們沒做過 | -Get up. Let's get some coffee. -Okay,because we never do that. |
投.投.投.或是不進也行 | Shoot,shoot,shoot. Or just fall down. That's good too. |
尼克斯迷? | Knick fan? |
-他們爛透了 -聽著,女士 | -Oh,boy,do they suck. -Listen,lady |
看,你的尤恩 | Look. Look at your man,Ewing. |
他連坐在船上都投不進水裡 | He couldn't hit water if he was standing on a boat. |
-是嗎?你支持誰? -凱爾特人 | -And who do you like? -Celtics. |
凱爾特人?他們不可能擊中船的,除非 | Celtics? They couldn't hit a boat if |
等等 | Wait.... |
反正他們很爛 | They suck,all right? |
閉嘴,今年是重建年 | Shut up. It's a rebuilding year |
我幫你叫孩子的爸爸,我們這兒需要爸爸… | Let me get the father. We need a father over here. |
這裡沒有爸爸 | There's no father. |
-抱歉 -沒關係,我沒事 | -Oh,sorry. -That's okay. I'm fine. |
這邊來 | Okay. Right this way. |
所有的孕婦似乎都往這兒走 | All the other pregnant women seem to be going in here. |
他們又小又肉摸起來感覺很好 | They're tiny and chubby And so sweet to touch |
不久他們長大後就會開始恨你 | But soon they'll grow up And resent you so much |
現在他們對你大吼大叫,你不知原因為何 | Now they're yelling at you And you don 't know why |
你只能哭啊,哭啊,你哭啊 | And you cry and you cry And you cry |
你只能哭啊,哭啊,你哭啊 | And you cry and you cry And you cry |
-謝謝,羅斯 -用來叫你停止的好吧 | -Thanks,Ross. -I'm paying you to stop. |
看,是雙胞胎,好可愛 | Oh,look,twins. Hi,guys. Oh,cute. |
不公平 | No fair. |
我一個都沒有,他們怎會有兩個? | I don't even have one. How come they get two? |
-你也會有的 -什麼時候? | -You'll get one. -When? |
好吧,告訴你.我們40歲時如果都還單身 | Tell you what. When we're 40,if neither of us are married... |
我們就一起生一個,如何? | ...what do you say we have one? |
為何我40歲時還單身? | Why won't I be married when I'm 40? |
不,這只是假設 | I just meant hypothetically. |
假設為何我到40歲時還單身? | Hypothetically,why won't I be married when I'm 40? |
為什麼?我有不適婚姻的毛病嗎? | What is it? Is there something unmarriable about me? |
好吧? | Well? |
親愛的上帝!這降落傘是個背包 | Dear God! This parachute is a knapsack. |
看你,盛裝登場 | Look at you,dressy-dress. |
你回家換衣服? | Did you go home and change? |
今天是個重要的日子,我想漂亮一點 | It's an important day. I want to look nice. |
法大夫來了嗎? | Has Dr. Franzblau been by? |
不,我們還沒見到他 | I haven't seen him. |
他在哪兒?他應該在這兒的 | Where is he? He is supposed to be here. |
萬一小孩需要他怎麼辦? | What if the baby needs him? |
瑞秋,你和醫生到底是怎麼了 難道你爸也是個醫生? | What's the deal with you and doctors? Is your father a doctor? |
對,幹嘛問? | Yeah. Why? |
沒理由 | No reason. |
媽媽,我們能過去的 | Mom,we've been through this. |
不,我不找他 | No,I am not calling him. |
我不管這是不是他的孩子,他是個大渾蛋 | I don't care if it is his kid,the guy's a jerk. |
不,我不是一個人,喬伊在這兒 | No,I am not alone. Joey's here. |
什麼意思?喬伊什麼? | What do you mean "Joey who"? |
喬伊什麼? | Joey who? |
-崔比亞尼 -喬伊崔比亞尼 | -Tribbiani. -Joey Tribbiani. |
對,等等 | Yes. Okay. Hold on. |
她要跟你談 | She wants to talk to you. |
拿著電話 | Take the phone. |
對,是我 | Yeah,it's me. |
不,我們只是朋友 | No,we're just friends. |
對,我單身 | Yeah,I'm single. |
25歲 | Twenty-five. |
演員 | An actor. Hello? |
她不善於講電話 | She's not much of a phone person. |
孩子的爸怎麼了? | So,what's the deal with this father guy? |
如果有人即將生下我的孩子,我會想知道的 | If someone was having my baby,I'd wanna know about it. |
尼克斯迷,你對爸爸的觀點我不在乎 | Hey,Knick fan,am I interested in your views on fatherhood? No. |
-或許吧我應該走了. -也許應該 | -Maybe I should just go. -Maybe you should. |
祝你好運 | Good luck... |
保重了 | ...and take care. |
你知道凱爾特人有什麼問題? 他們讓球員經營球隊 | The Celtics problem is that the players run the team. |
-這不是真的 -這當然是真的 | -That is so not true. -Oh,it is. |
-深呼吸 -深呼吸 | -Breathe. -Breathe. |
你們會害死我的 | You're gonna kill me. |
-剩15秒 -14,13,12數快點 | -Fifteen more seconds. 1 4,1 3,1 2 -Count faster. |
你會沒事,記得這樣做全是為了裘帝,他馬上就到了 | It'll be okay. IKeep focusing on Jordy. He'll be here soon. |
-3,2,1.裘帝到底是誰? -你兒子 | -Three. Two. Who the hell is Jordy? -Your son. |
不,我不要我兒子叫裘帝,我們協議過,我兒子叫潔米 | I don't have a son named Jordy. We all agreed on Jamie. |
潔米是蘇珊第一任女友的名字 | Jamie was the name of Susan's first girlfriend... |
所以我們決定還是用裘帝 | ...so we went back to Jordy. |
這是什麼意思?還是用裘帝,我們根本沒討論過裘帝 | What do you mean,back to Jordy? We never landed on Jordy. |
我們討論過傑西科德狄倫時提到一下 | We just passed by it during the whole Jesse-Cody-Dillon fiasco. |
我腳抽筋 | Ow! Leg cramp! |
-我明白了 -明白,我來處理 | -I got it. -I got it. I'm doing it. |
你和她睡覺,我來處理抽筋 | You get to sleep with her. I get the cramps. |
你不行 | No,you don't. |
夠了,你們都給我出去 | That is it. I want both of you out. |
-什麼?是她引起的… -他… | -She started it. -He did. |
我不管,我想生下小孩 | I'm trying to get a person out of my body here... |
你們在這兒根本是愈幫愈忙 | ...and you're not making it any easier! Now go! |
-謝謝 -看你幹了什麼? | -Thanks. -See what you did? |
-聽著 -出去! | -Listen -Out! |
深呼吸.深呼吸 | Breathe. Breathe. |
怎麼了?有東西爆炸了 | What is that? Something exploded. |
-不是嬰兒 -她的羊水破了,冷靜點 | -That's not the baby,is it? -Her water broke. Calm down. |
羊水破了?你什麼意思? | Water breaking? What do you mean? What's that? |
深呼吸.深呼吸 | Breathe. Breathe. |
我很好,我很好,這樣真討厭,我很好 | I'm okay. I'm okay. That's disgusting. I'm okay. |
-這都是你的錯 -為什麼都是我的錯? | -This is so your fault. -How is this my fault? |
你們在一起之前卡蘿從未把我趕出房間 | Carol never threw me out of a room before you. |
我出現之前有許多事卡蘿沒做過 | There's a lot of things Carol never did before me. |
-知道你的問題出在哪兒嗎? -你因我而感到岌岌可危 | -Are you trying to be clever? -You're so threatened by me. |
嘿,好吧,就這樣,進去 | Hey. Okay,all right. That's it. Get in here. |
天哪,夥計們,我簡直不敢相信你們兩個 | My God,you guys. I don't believe you. |
小寶寶即將誕生在這棟建築 | There are children coming into the world here... |
他聽見的第一個聲音不該是你們的吵鬧聲 | ...and your fighting isn't the first thing they should hear. |
所以你們別再吵了 | So stop all the yelling! Just stop it! |
別讓我再發一次脾氣 我不喜歡我自己這樣 | Don't make me do this again! I don't like my voice like this! |
誰想聽諷刺的事? | Who wants to hear something ironic? |
他們到了嗎? | Are they here yet? |
不要擔心,我們會找到他們的 | Don't worry,we're gonna find them. |
找到之前,我們都會在這兒陪你的 | And until we do,we are all here for you. Okay? |
你告訴我巴黎的事真棒 | You were telling me about Paris. It sounds wonderful. |
那家糕餅店就在我住的飯店隔壁 | There was this great little pastry shop right by my hotel |
加油,加油,親愛的 | There you go,dear. |
-你找到他們啦? -不是在禮品店或者咖啡廳 | -You find them? -Not in the gift shop or cafeteria.... |
菲比和喬伊在哪裡? | Where are Phoebe and Joey? |
我想這裡有點險惡 | There's something sinister going on here. |
如果你找到任何人,或者任何人的一部分 | If you find anyone,or parts of anyone... |
就大叫,不停的大叫 | ...scream. And scream again. |
-救命! -拜託 | -Help! -Come on! |
-我的孩子就要出世了! -嗨 | -I'm having a baby in there! -Hello! |
大家退後 | Okay,everyone stand back. |
噢 | Ow. |
好吧,幸好我們在醫院裡 | All right,good thing we're in a hospital. |
加油,莉蒂亞,你辦得到 | Come on,Lydia,you can do it. |
用力,用力,使勁,使勁 | Push him out,push him out. Harder,harder. |
用力,用力,推他出來 | Push him out,push him out. Way out. |
我們搶球而且真的動了 | Let's get that ball and really move. |
我們… | Let's get |
我只是,好吧,用力,用力,用力 | I was just Yeah,okay. Push,push,push. |
你想幹嘛?將門吸開? | What are you gonna do,suck the door open? |
救命!救命! | Help! Help! |
第二天,他們終於發現他們的屍體 | And they found their bodies The very next day |
他們終於發現他們的屍體 | And they found their bodies The very next |
媽媽,一切順利 | Mom,everything's going fine. |
對,羅斯很好 | Ross is great. |
他在其他地方 | He's in a whole other place. |
不,他不見了 | No,he's gone. |
不,你們不用飛回來.真的 | No,you don't have to fly back. Really. |
什麼叫可能是你們唯一的機會?我才26歲 | What do you mean "This might be your only chance"? I'm only 26. |
我連小孩的事都沒想過 | I'm not even thinking about babies yet. |
-你上哪兒去了? -我剛生了個小孩 | -Where have you been? -I just had a baby. |
好運氣(希伯來語) | Mazel tov. |
說不定,或許是一小時也可能是三小時 | It could be one hour or three. |
但請放心,她的狀況良好 | But relax. She's doing great. |
告訴我,你目前有對象嗎? | So tell me,are you currently involved with anyone? |
沒有,現在沒有,你呢? | Not at the moment,I'm not. Are you? |
沒有,我不容易找到物件 | No,it's hard enough to get women to go out with me. |
對,我聽過有關帥哥大夫不好找物件的傳聞 | Right. Yeah,I've heard that about cute doctors. |
沒有,真的.我想這是因為我花了太多的時間 | No,really. I suppose it's because I spend so much time,you know... |
在我所工作的那個東西上 | ...where I do. |
我試著不讓工作影響我的生活 | I try not to let work affect my personal life. |
當你做我所做的事情的時候很難,就像… | But it's hard when,when you do what I do. It's,like.... |
等等,舉個例子,你從事什麼工作? | Well,for instance,what do you do? |
我是服務生 | I'm a waitress. |
難道你下班回家後不會覺得… | Aren't there times when you come home at night and you're,like: |
如果我再看見咖啡杯… | "If I see one more cup of coffee...." |
我懂 | Gotcha. |
-我去看看你朋友. -很好 | -I'm gonna check up on your friend. -That's fine. |
-你怎麼會知道我在這兒? -你媽打電話告訴我的 | -How'd you know I was here? -Your mom called me. |
這就是她? | So is this her? |
不,這是替代品 | No,this is a loaner. |
我們的還在商店裡 | Ours is at the shop. |
天哪,我希望她有我的頭腦 | God,I hope she has my brains. |
抱歉,讓你自己承擔這一切 | I'm sorry you had to do this by yourself. |
我不是自己一個,我有大夫,護士和善心人士 | I wasn't by myself. I had a doctor,a nurse and a helper guy. |
-知道誰贏嗎? -尼克斯勝十分,他們真爛 | -So did you see who won the game? -The Knicks by 10. They suck. |
他們還不算是太爛 | They're not so bad. |
拜託,拜託 | Come on. Come on. |
-你做的太辛苦了. -你應該更努力或者其他什麼 | -You're doing it too hard. -You have to do it hard or else |
可惡,可惡 | Damn it. Damn it. |
可惡…都是你的錯 | Damn it,damn it. This is all your fault. |
這本來是我今生最快樂的日子 | This should be the greatest day of my life. |
我兒子即將出世,我應該在那兒的 | My son is being born,and I should be in there. |
而不是被困在這兒 | Instead,I'm stuck in a closet with you. |
我和你一樣期待已久 | I have been waiting for this as much as you. |
不,相信我沒人像我如此期待 | No one's been waiting for this as much as I have. |
你知道什麼最搞笑嗎? | You know what's funny? |
諷刺的是你們將帶著寶寶回家 我剩下什麼? | You go home with the baby. Where does that leave me? |
你是他父親 | You're his father. |
我是誰?這世上有父親節,母親節 | Who am l? There's Father's Day. There's Mother's Day. |
卻沒有女同志節 | There's no Lesbian Lover Day. |
每天都是女同志節 | Every day is Lesbian Lover Day. |
這真精彩 | This is so great. |
願意解釋這句話嗎? | Do you wanna explain that? |
因為我小時候我爸離開 | I mean,when I was growing up,my dad left... |
我媽過世,我繼父入獄 | ...and my mother died and my stepfather went to jail. |
我根本得不到父母的愛 | I barely had enough pieces to make one whole parent. |
如今他有如此愛他的三個父母 | And here's this baby who has three whole parents... |
甚至為誰給他的愛最多而吵架 | ...who fight over who gets to love it the most... |
而且他根本還未出世 | ...and it's not even born yet. |
他真是全天下最幸福的寶寶 | It's just the luckiest baby in the whole world. |
抱歉,你們正在吵架 | I'm sorry. You were fighting. |
他們在哪兒? | Where are they? |
-他們會來的? -他們不會錯過的 | -They'll be here. -They wouldn't miss this. |
放輕鬆.才開了九公分,寶寶沒那麼快出來 | Relax. You're only at 9 centimeters,and the baby's at zero station. |
你嚇到我了 | You are really frightening me. |
誰願意幫我嗎?她想掏出我的心臟 | Somebody wanna help me? Trying to rip out my heart. |
這下可好,有人看見乳頭嗎? | That's great. Anybody seen a nipple? |
十公分,開始用力 | Ten centimeters. Here we go. |
-開始用力 -但是他們還沒過來 | -Time to start pushing. -But they're not here yet. |
-我無法叫寶寶等他們來 -哦,上帝 | -I can't tell the baby to wait. -Oh,God. |
-通氣口開了 -我是班 | -Okay,got the vent open. -Hi,I'm Ben. |
我是醫院工人班 | I'm hospital worker Ben. |
班前來搶救了 | It's Ben to the rescue. |
班,準備好沒?腳給我 | Ben,you ready? Give me your foot. |
數到三,班.1,2,3 | On three,Ben. One,two,three. |
來吧,班.就是這樣,班 | Come on,Ben. That's it,Ben. |
你看見什麼? | What do you see? |
我看見黑暗的通氣孔 | I see what appears to be a dark vent. |
等等 | Wait. |
真的是黑暗的通氣孔 | Yes,it is,in fact,a dark vent. |
菲比,門開了 | Pheebs,it's open. It's open. |
等等,你們忘了腳 | Wait. You forgot your legs. |
-用力,用力 -我們來了,我們來了 | -Push. Push. -We're here. We're here. |
你們上哪兒去了 | Where have you been? |
說來話長 | Long story. |
卡蘿,我要你不斷用力 抱歉,我能用這個嗎? | I need you to keep pushing. I need Excuse me,can I have this? |
這裡人太多了,而且待會兒又會多一個 | There's too many people here. There's about to be one more. |
所以不是前任丈夫和女同志伴侶者請出去 | So if you're not an ex-husband or lesbian life partner,out you go. |
-再見了…? -祝你好運.夥計 | -Bye-bye. -Good luck,you guys. |
必須要卡蘿的女同志伴侶才行嗎? | Do you have to be Carol's lesbian life partner? |
出去 | Out. |
他的頭露出來了 | Here he comes. |
讓我看看…我看到了 | Let me see. I've gotta see. |
是頭… | A head. |
好大,卡蘿,你是怎麼辦到的? | It's huge. How are you doing this? |
你真是一點忙都幫不上 | You're not helping. |
你做得很好… | You're doing great. |
-喂! -哦,對不起 | -Hello? -Oh,sorry. |
你看見什麼?你看見什麼? | What do you see? What do you see? |
我看到頭,手臂出來了,看看這些小手指 | We got a head. We got arms. Oh,look at the little fingers. |
看,是手指,肚子 | A chest and a stomach... |
是男的,百分百男孩 | ...and it's a boy,definitely a boy. |
腿,膝蓋和腳 | Legs,knees and feet. |
他出來了 | He's here. |
他是個人 | He's a person. |
-看. -他看起來像誰? | -Look. -What does he look like? |
像我叔叔艾德,被吉露牌的果凍包著 | IKind of like my Uncle Ed,covered in Jell-O. |
真的? | Really? |
各位,他好漂亮 | You guys,he's beautiful. |
謝了,菲比 | Thanks,Pheebs. |
不准大吼,我們仍需要為他取個名字 | No shouting,but we still need a name for this little guy. |
-班如何? -我喜歡班 | -How about Ben? -I like Ben. |
班 | Ben. |
這名字不錯,你們之前怎沒提過這名字? | Ben's good. How come you never mentioned Ben before? |
剛想出來的 | We just cooked it up. |
這就是我們不在時做的事 | That's what we were off doing. |
-我們能進來嗎? -當然,請進 | -Can we come in? -Yeah,come on. |
我知道,我知道 | I know. I know. |
各位,向你們介紹一個人 | Everybody,there's someone I'd like you to meet. |
-他叫班. -嗨,班 | -This is Ben. -Hi,Ben. |
班,這是大家 | Ben,this is everybody. |
蘇珊,他看起來像你 | Susan,he looks just like you. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
天啊,沒想到我們之中有人生寶寶了 | I can't believe one of us actually has one of these. |
我知道,我也是其中之一 | I know. I still am one of these. |
我能嗎? | Can l? |
好,頭,你必須… | Okay,the head. You gotta.... |
班,我是你姑姑莫妮卡,沒錯 | I'm your Aunt Monica. Yes,I am. |
我就是你姑姑莫妮卡 | I'm your Aunt Monica. |
我將永遠準備口香糖給你(美國父母不允許孩子多吃糖) | I will always have gum. |
班… | Ben... |
我要你知道有時我會不在 | ... I want you to know that there may be some times when... |
像這樣 | ... I may not be around like this. |
我會回來 | But I'll still always come back... |
像這樣 | ...Iike this. |
有時我會離開更久 | And sometimes,I may be away longer... |
像這樣 | ...Iike this. |
我仍會回來 | But I'll still always come back... |
像這樣 | ...Iike this. |
有時我要你到三壘的位置,我會這樣 | And sometimes,I'll want you to steal third and I'll go like this: |
他太神奇了 | He is so amazing. |
對,我知道,你看他 | Yeah,I know. Look at him. |
沒反應,我想這名字不適合他 | Nothing. I don't think that's his name. |
看,他閉上眼睛了 | Look,he's closing his eyes. |
看,他張開眼睛了 | Look,he's opening his eyes. |
他不常這樣吧? | He doesn't do much,does he? |
不,他經常這樣 | Nope,this is pretty much it. |
你們想喝咖啡嗎? | You guys wanna get some coffee? |
待會兒見 | I'll see you guys later. |
看,他又閉上眼睛了 | He's closing his eyes again. |
哦,小班困了 | Oh,here's little Ben falling asleep. |
等一下,他就要睡著了 | A little bit later. Is he gonna sleep? |
他要睡了嗎?要睡了嗎? | Is he gonna sleep? Is he gonna? |
是的,就是這個了! | Yep,out like a light! |
這一定是“他筋疲力竭了”系列的王牌了 | This sure trumps the "Has he pooped?" series. |
羅斯,我們愛他,好嗎? | Ross,we love him,okay? |
但是現在他只是一個裸體的胖小夥 | But right now he's just a little fat guy. |
我們太興奮了吧? | How excited can we get? |
-你拿的什麼? -班的400張照片 | -What you got? -400 pictures of Ben on a rug. |
-哦,天哪! -讓我看看! | -Oh,my God! -Let me see! |
六人行 第1季 第24集 瑞秋恍然大悟 | The One Where Rachel Finds Out |
小班睡著了 | Here's little Ben nodding off. |
看莫妮卡姑姑的小男孩 | Look at Aunt Monica's little boy! |
-瞧,他有羅斯的髮型. -我看看 | -Look,he's got Ross haircut. -Let me see. |
天啊,真可愛 | Oh,God! Is he just the sweetest thing? |
你一定想吻遍他 | You must just wanna kiss him all over. |
那感覺一定很好 | That would be nice. |
-什麼? -沒事 | -Pardon? -Nothing. |
只是嘴裡有多餘的空氣 | Just a little extra air in my mouth. |
錢德,願意幫我嗎?我保證一定會還的 | Chan,can you help me out? I'll pay you back. |
好,包括上星期的威化餅,你現在欠我 | Right. Including the waffles last week,you now owe me... |
17美元 | ... 17 jillion dollars. |
-真的,這一次我真的會還 -錢將從哪兒來? | -Really,I'll pay you back this time. -Where's this money coming from? |
我正幫紐約大學醫學院做一些研究 | I'm helping out at the NYU Med School with research. |
什麼研究? | What kind of research? |
只不過,你知道的,科學研究 | Just,you know,science. |
科學? | Science. |
我想我聽說過 | Yeah,I think I've heard of that. |
生殖研究 | It's a fertility study. |
喬伊,請告訴我你只貢獻時間 | Joey,please tell me you're only donating your time. |
事實上,比這稍微多一點點 | Actually,a little more than that. |
謝謝,上帝.這會給我們帶來更多笑料 | Thank you,God. This will bring us so much joy. |
拜託,這沒什麼了不起的 | Come on,it's not that big a deal. |
我只是兩天去一趟 | I just go down there every other day... |
對此計畫貢獻己力 | ...and make my contribution to the project. |
但兩周後我就有七百元 | But at the end of two weeks,I get $700! |
你很快就可以輕鬆賺錢了 | You're gonna be making money hand over fist. |
這太有趣了,非常有趣 | That's funny. Very funny. |
太好了,我真的知道有人非常喜歡他們做的 | This is great. I actually know somebody who loves what they do. |
但是一天的辛苦工作後,你怎麼放鬆自己呢? | But what do you do to unwind after a tough day at work? |
我們有酸捲心菜絲,小麵包 | Okay,we got the coleslaw and buns. |
還有絞牛肉及火雞肉 | The ground-up flesh of formerly cute cows and turkeys. |
我喜歡和你一起出去烤肉 | I just love barbecuing with you. |
男人來了 | Men are here! |
我們生火 | We make fire. |
煮肉 | Cook meat. |
然後撒尿熄火,從此成為被拒絕的客人 | Put out fire by peeing,no get invited back. |
真逗 | Cute. |
-瑪蓮妮來電話說她會遲到. -好 | -Melanie called. She'll be late. -Okay. |
你們倆進展得如何?她會成為你的特殊女友嗎? | How are things going? Is she becoming your "special someone"? |
我不知道,她很好 | I don't know. She's pretty great. |
是嗎?她對你的研究計畫有何感想? | What does she think of your little science project? |
你認為我會告訴她,我也和“杯子”約會? | You think I'd tell a girl I like that I'm also seeing a cup? |
男人是有重點的 | Man's got a point. |
麻煩的是她想和我做愛 | The tough thing is,she really wants to have sex. |
這娘兒們瘋了 | Crazy bitch. |
此計畫我只剩一星期,根據規定 | I got a week left to go. According to the rules... |
如果我想拿到錢,我就不能做“個人”實驗 如果你們懂我意思的話 | ... I can't conduct personal experiments,if you know what I mean. |
喬伊,我們永遠都瞭解你 | Joey,we always know what you mean. |
你以為烤肉會維持多久? | How long did you think this barbecue would last? |
-我要去中國了 -天呐,你說一件事… | -I'm going to China. -Jeez,you say one thing,and.... |
-你要去中國? -對,為博物館出差,有人找到骨頭 | -China? -For the museum. Someone found a bone. |
我們要骨頭,但他們不想給我們骨頭 | They don't want us to have it. |
因此派我去說服他們給我們骨頭,都是骨頭的事 | I'm going to try to persuade them. It's a whole big bone thing. |
總之,我要去一個星期 | Anyway,I'll be gone for a week. |
你們將聯絡不到我,這是我的行程表 | If you want to reach me,you can't. So here's my itinerary. |
-這是我的照片. -讓我看 | -Here's a picture of me. -Oh,let me see. |
能偶爾拿照片到卡蘿家去給班看嗎? 這樣他就不會忘記我了 | Could you show it to Ben every now and then so he doesn't forget me? |
班,我是你爸爸 | "Hi,Ben. I'm your father." |
我是頭 | "I am The Head!" |
這回烤肉一定很好玩 | This barbecue's gonna be very fun. |
瑞秋在嗎?我想在我離開前祝她生日快樂 | I wanted to wish Rachel a happy birthday before I left. |
-她和卡爾在外面喝酒 -卡爾是誰? | -She's out having drinks with Carl. -Hey,who's Carl? |
她在咖啡屋認識的那個 | That guy she met at the coffeehouse. |
-這個人是她在…? -咖啡屋?是的 | -There's this guy she met at -The coffeehouse? Right. |
這麼說你知道他是誰 | So you do know who he is. |
我去跟他們道別 | I'll go say goodbye to the guys. |
告訴他們骨頭的事吧 | Hey,you know what? Tell them that bone story. |
-我得到中國(瓷器)一趟 -國家? | -I have to go to China. -The country? |
不,我媽家中的一大堆盤子 | No,this big pile of dishes in my mom's breakfront. |
你知道卡爾是誰嗎? | Do you know who Carl is? |
我想想看,艾文,賽門,希爾朵…不認識 | Let's see. Alvin,Simon,Theodore.... No. |
瑞秋今晚和他在一起喝酒 | Rachel's having drinks with him tonight. |
不,她還沒對你有任何表示前,怎能這樣做? | How can she,when she's never shown interest in you? |
-忘了她吧 -他說得對 | -Forget about her. -He's right. |
去吧,到中國,吃中國菜 | Please move on. Go to China. Eat Chinese food. |
當然,他們在那兒只說“菜” | Of course,there they just call it "food." |
是嗎?大概吧,我也不知道 | Yeah,I guess. I don't know. |
幫我把這個交給她 | All right,just give her this for me,okay? |
兄弟,我們只是為你著想,我們要你快樂 | We're looking out for you. We want you to be happy. |
或許我喝了兩瓶啤酒,但我愛你 | I may only have a couple beers in me,but I love you. |
我只喝了一瓶 | I'm still on my first. |
我覺得你人真好 | I just think you're nice. |
總之,我和朋友開始水果籃事業後 | That's when we started this fruit basket business. |
我們就自稱為“三籃人” | We call ourselves "The Three Basketeers." |
就像“三個火槍手”,只不過是用水果 | Like "The Three Musketeers," only with fruit. |
-誰想吃漢堡? -不,禮物先 | -How do you want your burgers? -Presents first! |
禮物先,待會兒再吃 | We're doing presents first. |
等等,猛男.進展得如何? | Hey,hold on there,tiger. How are you holding up? |
不太順利,她想在今晚 | Well,not so good. She thinks tonight we're gonna... |
就敲定這筆交易,如果你…你懂 | ...complete the transaction,if you know what And you do. |
曾想過要為她服務嗎? | Have you ever thought about being there for her? |
什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
你知道的,只為她服務 | You know,just be there for her. |
不懂 | Not following you. |
考慮一下 | Think about it. |
我猜這是… | Okay. I'm guessing this is from.... |
-謝謝,瑪蓮妮. -這是我送你的 | -Thank you,Melanie. -This one right here is from me. |
好輕,還有聲音 | Okay. It's light. It rattles. |
這是… | It's... |
…是旅遊拼字 | ...Travel Scrabble! |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
這是喬伊送的 | This one's from Joey. |
感覺像是一本書,我猜是一本書,就是一本書啊! | It feels like a book,I think it's a book. And it's a book! |
是“蘇博士”(英國童話作家) | It's Dr. Seuss! |
那本書讓我度過許多難關 | That book got me through some tough times. |
這男人裡面有個小孩 | There's a little child inside this man. |
醫生說把他移走他就會死 | The doctors say if they remove it,he'll die. |
-這是誰送的? -羅斯送的 | -Who's this from? -From Ross. |
天啊,他記得 | Oh,my God! He remembered! |
-記得什麼? -幾個月前 | -Remembered what? -lt was months ago. |
我們經過一家古董店.我看見這個胸針時 | We walked by this antique store. I saw this pin. |
我告訴他我小時候我祖母也有一個 | I told him it was like one my grandma had when I was little. |
沒想到他還記得 | I can't believe he remembered! |
但你能在飛機上玩嗎? | Well,sure,but can you play it on a plane? |
-好漂亮 一定花了他不少錢 | It's so pretty! This must've cost him a fortune. |
沒想到他會這麼做 | I can't believe it. |
記得大學時代他和卡蘿相戀時 | Remember when he fell in love with Carol... |
他送她一隻貴死人的水晶鴨嗎? | ...and bought her that expensive crystal duck? |
你剛說什麼? | What did you just say? |
水晶鴨 | Crystal duck. |
不,相戀那一部份 | No,no,no. The "love" part? |
-天啊! -糟了,糟了 | -Oh,my God! -Oh,no,no,no. |
很好,繼續撓你的頭,時間會倒流的 | That's good. Just keep rubbing your head. That'll turn back time. |
太不可思議了,真是太不可思議了 | This is unbelievable. I mean,this is unbelievable! |
我知道,這真是太大了 | I know. This is really,really huge. |
不,它又小又細又黴 | No,it's not. It's small. It's tiny. It's petite. It's wee. |
我認為我們的生活將產生變化 | I don't think any of our lives will ever be the same ever again. |
這女人身上有消音裝置嗎? | Is there a mute button on this woman? |
我認為這樣很好啊,你和羅斯 | I think this is so great. I mean,you and Ross! |
-你有感覺嗎? -沒有 | -Did you have any idea? -No,none! |
我來到紐約的第一夜,他曾提過要約我出去 | My first night in the city,he mentioned asking me out... |
但他後來再沒提過邀我出去 | ... but nothing ever happened. |
他還說些什麼?,他想約我出去? | What else did he say? Does he wanna go out? |
如果他愛你愛得無法自拔 | Given that he's in love with you... |
他大概想和你喝杯咖啡什麼的 | ... he wouldn't mind getting a cup of coffee. |
羅斯?這些日子以來?我得找他談談 | Ross? All this time? I've gotta talk to him. |
-可他現在中國! -是“國家” | -He's in China! -The country. |
她的飛機起飛了嗎? | Is his flight gone? |
是的!他正在看一個女人做這個:(空姐的手勢) | Yes! He's watching a woman do this: |
他走了! | He's gone! |
他的飛機再過45分鐘才會起飛 | His flight doesn't leave for 45 minutes. |
-時差呢? -從這兒到機場? -沒錯 | -What about time difference? -From here to the airport? |
-你趕不上的! -我得試試 | -You'll never make it! -I've gotta try. |
瑞秋,你要對他說什麼? | What'll you say to him? |
-我也不知道 -那麼或許你不該去 | -I don't know. -Then you shouldn't go. |
沒錯,如果你是去傷他的心,不妨再等等 | Right. If you're gonna break his heart,that can wait. |
對,但如果是好消息,你得立刻去 | But if it's good,tell him now. |
-或許見到面時我就知道 -這個有幫助嗎? | -Maybe I'll know when I see him. -All right,does this help? |
沒有,我只知道我等不了一星期,這件事太嚴重了 | No. Look,all I know is,I cannot wait a week. This is just too big. |
我得和他談談,再見了 | I've just gotta talk to him. Okay,I'll see you later. |
瑞秋,我愛你.先跟我把事情解決 | Rachel,I love you! Deal with me first! |
(中國話)再見 我的房間要窗子…… | |
好吧 | All right. |
(中國話)你笑什麼 | |
-羅斯,抱歉 -請出示登機證 | -Ross! Excuse me,pardon me. -Your boarding pass? |
我沒有,我只是想找我朋友 | I need to talk to my friend. |
抱歉,除非有登機證,否則不能進入 | Sorry,you're not allowed here without a pass. |
他就在那兒,穿藍色夾克 | He's right there,in the blue jacket! Can l? |
對不起,不行,聯邦法規 | I'm sorry. Federal regulations! |
好吧,能否請你傳話給他? | Then could you please just give him a message for me? |
-這件事非常重要 -好吧,請說 | -This is very important. -All right. What's the message? |
我也不知道 | I don't know. |
抱歉,先生!有人叫我傳話給你 | Excuse me,sir! Excuse me,sir? I have a message for you. |
是瑞秋!她說她喜歡你送的禮物 你回來後她想見你 | Rachel loved the present. She'll see you when you get back. |
什麼? | What? |
桃伊,拜託,我不懂她在說什麼 | Toby,I don't know what she's talking about. |
我不認識瑞秋,別給我臉色看 | There's no Rachel. Don't give me that deep freeze. |
哦,喬伊,喬伊,喬伊! | Oh,Joey,Joey,Joey! |
我想我爽昏了啊 | I think I blacked out there for a minute. |
這不算什麼 | It was nothing. |
現在讓我來伺候你 | Well,now we gotta find something fun for you. |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
別管我了,我再伺候你一回 | Forget about me. Let's give you another turn. |
-又是我? -當然,有何不可? | -Me,again? -Sure. Why not? |
明天有人會收到大水果籃! | Boy,somebody's gonna get a big fruit basket tomorrow! |
我得告訴你,你不像我想像中的那樣 | I gotta tell you,you are nothing like I thought you'd be. |
什麼意思? | How do you mean? |
大概是我認為,你是只顧自己享受的人 | I had you pegged as a guy who's always,"Me,me,me!" |
但你是個樂於付出的人 | But you,you're a giver. |
你是我見過最慷慨的人 | You're the most generous man I ever met. |
你簡直就是個女人 | I mean,you're practically a woman. |
-你只是說說而已吧 -不 | -You're just saying that. -No. |
一個女人 | A woman! |
-怎麼樣? -我錯過了 | -So? -I missed him. |
-很遺憾 -這太糟了 | -I'm so sorry. -That's too bad. |
是啊 | Yeah,right. |
不,我覺得對她不好,我真的這麼認為 | No,I feel bad for her. I do. |
我可以考慮其他人多過考慮我自己 | I can think of somebody other than myself. |
好吧,我要去睡覺了 | All right,I'm going to bed. |
-生日快樂.保持狀態 -謝謝 | -Happy birthday. Hang in there. -Thanks. |
好啊! | Yes! |
披薩優惠券 | Pizza coupons. |
你們打算幫忙清理這裡嗎? | Okay. You guys want help cleaning up this mess? |
不錯 | That'd be great. |
瑞秋,這包裝紙要留下來嗎? | So,Rach,you wanna save this wrapping paper? |
你要為羅斯留下,還是要我丟掉? | Are you gonna go for it with Ross or should I throw it out? |
我不知道,我不知道 | I don't know. I don't know. |
我左思右想 | Thought about it all the way there... |
我左思右想,你知道的,羅斯 | ...and I thought about it all the way back. You know,it's Ross! |
你知道我什麼意思?就是羅斯 | You know what I mean? It's Ross. |
-當然! -當然 | -Sure! -Sure. |
我不知道,這是我內心深處的感受 | I don't know. This is just my initial gut feeling... |
我想這樣應該會很不錯 | ... but I'm thinking it'd be really great. |
天啊,我也是這樣想 這樣我們就成了親戚兼朋友 | Oh,my God,me too! We'd be like friends-in-law! |
你知道最棒的是什麼?最棒的就是你已對他瞭若指掌 | The best part is you already know all about him. |
就好像從第15次約會開始 | You start on the 1 5th date. |
對,但這就像從第15次約會開始 | But it would be like starting on the 1 5th date. |
這觀點也不錯 | Another good point. |
不,在第15次約會時,感情已 | I mean,on the 1 5th date,you're already in a very... |
相當深厚,你們已經定下來了 | ... "relationship-y" place. You're committed. |
如果感情破裂該怎麼辦? | What happens if it doesn't work out? |
-為何會感情破裂? -有時候是這樣的 | -Why isn't it working out? -Sometimes it doesn't. |
你不覺得他帥?他錢賺得不夠多? | Is he not cute enough? Does he not make enough money? |
-不,我只是 -或許是另有其人? | -No,I'm just -Maybe there's someone else. |
-另有其人? -沒有,沒有另有其人 | -ls there someone else? -No,there is no one else. |
那麼你為何甩掉我哥? | Then why are you dumping my brother? |
大…揮霍者 | Hey,big Spender! |
她還在睡覺 | She's still asleep. |
-情況如何? -你有沒有老覺得自己床上功夫不錯? | -So how'd it go? -You know how you think you're great? |
你會問這種問題,表示你根本不瞭解我 | The fact you'd even ask shows how little you know me. |
昨晚我不能做讓自己滿足的事 | Last night I couldn't do the thing that usually makes me great. |
因此我得搬出全套功夫 | So I had to do all this other stuff. |
結果我得到什麼回應? | And the response I got! Man,oh,man! |
就像是盛大的遊行 | It was like a ticker-tape parade! |
我明白,遊行發生時,我的房間非常接近遊行路線 | I know. My room's very,very close to the parade route. |
這簡直是太神奇了,而且不只是對她,對我也一樣 | It was amazing,and not just for her. For me too! |
我就好像突然失明 | It's like,all of a sudden I'm blind... |
但其他的感官卻更加的敏感 | ... but all my other senses are heightened. |
好像我達到… | It's like I was able to appreciate it... |
…更高的境界 | ...on another level. |
-我不知道你還有更高的境界. -我懂,我自己也不知道 | -I didn't know you had another level. -I know. Neither did l! |
現在橙汁有活動嗎? | Is something going on with O.J.? |
漂亮的裙子,生日禮物? | Hey,great skirt. Birthday present? |
-誰送的? -你 | -From who? -You. |
我將你送的襯衫改成的 | I exchanged the blouse you got me. |
真聰明 | Well,it's the thought. |
羅斯的飛機不是再過幾小時就要抵達? 27-b通道? | Doesn't Ross'flight get in in a couple hours? At gate 27B? |
對,莫妮卡,我一直在想 | Yeah. Monica,you know,I've been thinking about it. |
我雖決定和羅斯在一起,但這樣或許不好 | I've decided this Ross thing is not a good idea. |
為什麼? | Why? |
因為我感覺,我不只是和他出去 | I feel like I wouldn't just be going out with him. |
而是和你們大家一起出去,因為壓力… | I'd be going out with all of you. There'd be pressure |
不,沒有壓力.沒有壓力… | No pressure,no pressure! |
什麼都還沒發生呢,你就… | Nothing has happened,and you're already so |
我沒有,開始我也覺得有點奇怪 | I'm not "so." Okay,I was a teensy bit weird at first... |
但我沒事的,我保證 | ... but I'll be good. I promise. |
-是誰? -是我,卡爾 | -Who is it? -It's me,Carl. |
-上來! -背著我哥做這種事? | -Come on up. -Behind my brother's back? |
我就做不出這種瘋狂事 | Is the kind of crazy thing you won't be hearing from me. |
-七百塊! -你辦到了! | -Seven hundred bucks! -All right,you did it! |
我們有水果可吃嗎? | Do we have any fruit? |
折騰了兩星期 | Man,hell of a two weeks. |
我感覺自己學到了一些 | You know what? I feel I learned something. |
這麼說你將繼續“完全為她”? | You'll stick with this "all for her" thing? |
你瘋了不成 | What are you,crazy? |
瞎人重新見光明後還會這樣走路嗎? | When a blind man gets his sight back,does he walk around like this? |
我是說如果我再看見艾德貝格拉二世(演員,環保主義者領袖) | If I see one more picture of Ed Begley Jr... |
在那電車上,我就舉槍自盡 | ...in that stupid electric car,I'm gonna shoot myself! |
別誤會我的意思,我個人並不反對環保 | I'm not against environmental issues,per se... |
只是我討厭那傢伙 | ...it's just that guy! |
我難以相信你跟他約會,而不是跟我 | I can't believe you'd rather go out with him than me. |
抱歉,我正在約會 | Excuse me,I'm trying to have a date here. |
行,那就別再想我 | Fine. Just stop thinking about me. |
辦不到,對不? | Can't do it,can you? |
我想你,那又怎樣? | I'm thinking about you. So what? |
我不懂你為何會選上這種人? | I don't get it. What do you see in this guy? |
他像是個好男人 | Happens to be a very nice guy. |
老兄,買台真正的車吧 | I mean,come on,buddy! Get a real car! |
瑞秋,給我們一個機會吧 | Rachel,come on. Give us a chance. |
羅斯,太難了 | Ross,it's too hard. |
為什麼?因為大家會感覺不對勁?這是我們兩人的事 | Why,because it'll get weird for everyone else? This is about us. |
我從九年級開始就愛上你 | I've been in love with you since the ninth grade. |
羅斯,你像是我最要好的朋友 如果分手我將失去你 | You're like my best friend. If we broke up,and I lost you |
不,你為何認為我們會分手? | What makes you think that? |
曾和你在一起的人不是都和你分手了? | Have you been involved where you haven't broken up? |
不 | No. |
但這種事只會發生一次 | But it only has to happen once. |
你我都知道我們是天生的一對 | You and I both know we are perfect for each other. Right? |
唯一的問題是:你對我有感覺嗎? | So the only question is: Are you attracted to me? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
我從未以那種方式看你 | I mean,I've never looked at you that way before. |
那就開始看吧 | Well,start looking. |
-喔. -的確! | -Wow. -Exactly! |
沒錯,我就是那個 | And I'm gonna be the guy... |
被困在交通事故中的傢伙 | ...caught behind this hammerhead in traffic! |
對…你是對的 | Right! You're right. |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我本應該去機場接朋友 | I'm supposed to pick up a friend at the airport. |
真是抱歉 | I am so sorry! |
如果你想在這兒繼續喝,請便 | If you wanna finish your drinks,please do. |
-但我得走了,抱歉 -可是 | -I'm sorry,I gotta go. I'm sorry. -But.... |
-你要去哪? -去接羅斯 | -Where are you going? -To get Ross. |
-天哪,這太令人興奮了! -我知道 | -My God,this is so exciting! -I know. |
你是否願意繼續我剩下的約會?我繼續不下去了 | If you want the rest of my date,I'm not gonna finish it. |
-瑞秋,他不是三明治. -不,他是一個有兩張劇院門票的銀行家 | -Rachel,he's not a sandwich. -No,he's a banker with opera tickets. |
你好! | Hello! |
-你要去哪? -機場 | -Where you going? -Airport. |
你不能告訴他,有太多的事情我沒有去做 | You can't tell him. There's so much I haven't done. |
我還沒跟傑絲敏一起看《海灘遊俠》呢! | I haven't watched Baywatch with Yasmine Bleeth! |
錢德,輕鬆點,這是一個好的接機 | Chandler,relax. This is a good going to the airport. |
哦,好吧,飛吧,好女人,像風一樣飛吧 | Oh,well then fly,good woman,fly like the wind. |
-我在飛! -告訴他是我吹的風! | -I'm flying! -Tell him I'm the one who blew it! |
好吧,另外一個愛情博士的成功案例 | Yes,another successful case for the love doctor. |
對不起!對不起 | Excuse me! Pardon me. Excuse me. Sorry. |
桃伊,別再胡思亂想了 | Toby,for God's sake,will you let it go? |
沒有瑞秋這個人 | There's no Rachel! |
嘿,我拿到了 | Hey! I got that. |
-謝謝 -不客氣 | -Thanks,sweetie. -No problem. |
我迫不及待想將你介紹給我朋友 | I can't wait for you to meet my friends. |
你不認為他們會評斷我、取笑我? | You don't think they'll judge me? |
-他們會的,我只是… -等不及 | -No,they will. I just.... -Can't wait! |
他們一定會喜歡你的 | Come on,they're gonna love you. |
到目前為止大概是這樣子… | This is pretty much what's happened so far. |
打從一開始羅斯就愛瑞秋 | Ross was in love with Rachel since forever. |
但每次他想要表白 總是會遇上阻礙… | Every time he tried to tell her,something got in the way... |
像是貓咪,義大利傢伙 | ...Iike cats,Italian guys. |
最後錢德勸他死心 | And finally,Chandler was,like,"Forget about her." |
羅斯去中國考古時 錢德說漏嘴羅斯愛瑞秋 | When Ross was in China,Chandler let it slip that Ross loved Rachel. |
瑞秋非常驚訝 | She was,like,"Oh,my God!" |
於是她到機場接羅斯 | So she went to the airport to meet him. |
她不知道羅斯 帶了另一個女人下飛機 | She didn 't know Ross was getting off the plane with another woman. |
你們需要知道的大概就是這樣子了 | That's pretty much everything you need to know. |
說夠了我們,你們近來如何? | But enough about us. How have you been? |
六人行 第2季 第01集 羅斯的新女友 | The One With Ross' New Girlfriend |
從北京飛來的第457號班機 已經降落 | Flight number 457 from Beijing now arriving. |
我的天啊! | Oh,my God! |
天啊! | Oh,my God! |
對?黃饆 | Excuse me. |
借過,借過! 緊急事件,拜託! | Move,move,move! Emergency,please! |
對不起,對不起 | Excuse me,excuse me. |
原來你們在那裡! | There you are! |
那麼,那麼… | So,so.... |
中國怎麼樣?老兄! | How was China? You! |
很棒… | It was great. |
你怎麼啦? | What happened? |
你在流血 是嗎? | -You're bleeding. -I am? |
啊,天呐!我是在流血 | Oh,look at that! Yes,I am. |
別管我了 來自東方的歸來先生! | Enough about me,Mr. Back From The Orient! |
我要聽一切事情! 什麼都不要漏掉! | Come on,I wanna hear everything! Everything! |
嗯,要從何開始? | Well,where do I start? |
這位是茱莉 茱莉,這位是瑞秋 | This is Julie. Julie,this is Rachel. |
這些… | These are.... |
這些… | These are... |
…不是要給你的 | ...aren't for you. |
這些是要送給你的 | These are for you. |
歡迎光臨我國 | Welcome to our country. |
謝謝,我是紐約人 | Thank you. I'm from New York. |
沒關係,我用它來止血 | No problem. We'll use them to stop the bleeding. |
去拿行李? | Baggage claim? |
她去了機場 準備跟羅斯繼續發展了 | She went to the airport,and she's gonna go for it with Ross. |
天啊!這是大事! | Oh,my God! This is huge! |
這比大事還大 這是… | This is bigger than huge. This is.... |
什麼比大事還大? | All right,what's bigger than huge? |
這件事嗎? | This? |
喂,你們剪頭髮了! | Guys,you got new haircuts! |
是的,謝謝維達布菲(維達沙宣是國際美髮大師) | Yes,we did. Thanks to Vidal Buffay. |
我們的光彩來自你的風采(沙宣廣告詞) | Because,you know,"lf you don't look good,we don't look good." |
我喜歡這聲音! | I love that voice! |
各位!勝利者是艾娃.高的納! | And the winner is Eva Godna! |
各位! | You guys! |
機場…機場…羅斯 | Airport. Airport. Ross. |
不是一個人 | Not alone. |
茱莉 | Julie. |
摟著她! | Arm around her! |
抽筋!抽筋! | Cramp! Cramp! Cramp! |
她好像想說什麼 | I think she's trying to tell us something. |
趕快猜動詞 | Quick,get the verbs. |
你!你! | You! You! |
你說他喜歡我! | You said he liked me! |
你! | You! |
你們太慢了! | You slowpokes! |
是的,我們拿了行李 | That's all right. We got the bags. |
這是我妹妹莫妮卡 | This is my sister,Monica. |
這是錢德 | This is Chandler. |
菲比,嗨 | Phoebe,hi. |
喬伊 | Joey. |
各位,這位是茱莉 | Everyone,this is Julie. |
茱莉 | Julie. |
但我還沒到 我們還沒見面 | But I'm not here,you haven't met me. |
沒有連坐二十小時飛機 我會看起來更好一些 | I'll make a better impression when I don't have 20 hours of plane on me. |
還有巴士 喔,天啊! | -And bus. -Oh,my God! |
那個尖叫的傢伙… 還有吐口水 | -With the screaming guy -And the spitting. |
你們一定要聽這個故事 | You gotta hear this story. |
我們坐的巴士一定有兩百年舊 | We're on this bus that's 200 years old. |
至少兩百年舊 | Two hundred,at least. |
一隻雞拉屎在她腿上! | And the chicken poops in her lap! |
對不起 | I'm so sorry. |
我說出了結尾,對不對? | I just gave away the ending,didn't l? |
我在計程車上聽了這個故事… | I just heard this story in the cab... |
…滿腦子想的都是這個 | ...and it is all I can think about. |
真是驚人 | This is amazing. |
怎麼發生的? | How did this happen? |
羅斯與我一起上過研究所 | We were in grad school together. |
後來就沒有再見面 我降落在中國機場時… | We haven't seen each other since then. I land in China... |
…猜猜是誰負責勘探? | ...guess who's in charge of the dig? |
就是茱莉! | Julie! |
真是太棒了! | Isn't that great? |
是不是像踢你的褲襠和朝你的脖子吐口水一樣神奇? | Isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch,spit-on-your-neck fantastic? |
她習慣這麼說 | It's an expression. |
我們只是來打個招呼 | We just wanted to say a quick hi. |
然後我們要去看寶寶 然後睡一下覺 | -Then we'll see the baby. -Then get some sleep. |
現在是中國的明天晚上六點 | It's 6:00 tomorrow night,our time. |
別告訴我未來會發生什麼事 我比較喜歡驚喜 | Don't tell us what's gonna happen. I like being surprised. |
再見! | Bye! |
中央公園咖啡店 | |
瑞秋,我想喝點咖啡 沒問題 | -Can I get some coffee? -Sure. |
你跟他談了嗎? 沒有 | -Did you talk to him yet? -No. |
沒咖啡給你 | Then,no. |
你在中國發生了什麼事? | What the hell happened to you in China? |
你離開前還瘋狂愛著… 你知道的 | When last we left you,you were in love with,you know. |
我知道我愛她 | I know I was. |
但我心中有這個小聲音告訴我 | But there was always this voice inside that kept saying: |
不可能成功的,死心吧 你知道那是誰的聲音嗎? | "It's never gonna happen. Move on." You know whose voice that was? |
上帝? | God? |
是你的聲音,老哥 | It was you,pal. |
也許是上帝模仿我的聲音 | Maybe it was God doing me. |
來自上帝的旁白,在模仿聲音方面他是個天才 | Aside from being almighty,he's a wiz at doing voices. |
你說得對 她眼中只把我當成朋友 | You were right. She looks at me and sees a friend. That's all. |
然後我遇見了茱莉 | And then I met Julie... |
我們在一起非常開心 | ...and we're having a great time. |
要不是因為你 我絕不會跟茱莉在一起 | I never would have gone for it,if it hadn't been for you. |
你欠我一個情,大個兒 | Well,you owe me one,big guy. |
你的檸檬汁 | Your lemonade. |
我沒有叫檸檬汁 | I didn't order it. |
那你最好送回去 否則他們會要你付錢! | Then go take that back. They'll charge you for that. |
快!快!快去! | Go,go,go! Come on,come on! |
你問出了什麼? | So what did you find out? |
他說… | He said.... |
他說… | He said.... |
他們在一起很開心 | They're having a great time. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
但有一線希望 如果你願意這麼看… | But the silver lining,if you wanna see it... |
他完全是自己做了這個決定 | ...is that he made this decision all by himself... |
完全沒有受外人的影響 | ...without any outside help whatsoever. |
這怎麼是一線希望? | How is that a silver lining? |
你要非常願意才看得出來 | You have to really wanna see it. |
諷刺的是這些傢伙 上體育課時沒人願意跟他一隊 | Ironically,these guys were picked last in gym. |
菲比 | Hey,Pheebs. |
你知道我想什麼嗎? | You know what I'm thinking? |
因為… | How... |
你太久沒做愛了… | ...it's been so long since you've had sex... |
你不知道有沒有什麼改變? | ...you're wondering if they've changed it? |
一點兒都沒猜對? | Not even close? |
沒有 但是我現在是這麼想了 | No. Although now that's what I'm thinking. |
你本來在想什麼? | So what were you thinking? |
你幫他們剪頭髮 我想你也應該幫我剪 | You gave the guys great haircuts. I thought you'd like to do mine. |
不要 | No. |
為什麼不要? | Why not? |
因為我是個… | Because I'm just.... |
我非常挑剔 而且有控制狂 | I'm incredibly anal and an unbelievable control freak. |
不,你才不是 | No,you're not. |
我知道我不是 不過你是 | I know I'm not,but you are. |
我只是不想傷害你的心 | I was trying to spare your feelings. |
請等一下 | Hold on. |
羅斯,茱莉找你 | Ross,Julie for you. |
打擾一下,誰給了她我們的電話號碼? | Excuse me.Who gave her our phone number? |
好吧,那麼,誰有動機? | Okay, well....Who had the motive? |
是那個演員嗎? | Was it the actor? |
這個廚師?這個按摩師? | The chef? The masseuse? |
或者是那個跟她約會的人? | Or was it the guy who's dating her? |
是那個跟她約會的人 | Guy who's dating her. |
誰能介紹一個好裁縫? | Anybody know a good tailor? |
需要改衣服嗎? | You need clothes altered? |
不,我只是要找一個人 用粉筆在我身上畫線 | No,I'm just looking for a man to draw on me with chalk. |
去找法蘭基 我家人都找他做衣服 | Go see Frankie. My family's been going to him forever. |
我十五歲第一套西裝 就是他做的 | He did my first suit when I was 1 5. |
不,十六歲 | No,wait,1 6. |
不,對不起,是十五歲 | No,excuse me,1 5. |
1990年是幾歲? | All right,when was 1 990? |
當你用棉花簽掏耳朵時 碰到東西就要停下來! | You have to stop the Q-Tip when there's resistance! |
親愛的,待會見 | Sweetheart,I'll see you later. |
好,再見 | Okay,bye. |
你真好 | That is so sweet. |
好,不,你先掛 | Okay. No,you hang up. |
不,你先… | No,you |
一,二,三 | One,two,three. |
你也沒有掛 | You didn't hang up either. |
她沒掛 | She didn't hang up. |
不,你掛電話 | No,you hang up. |
你掛,你掛 | You. You. |
對不起,我以為你在跟我說話 | Sorry,I thought you were talking to me. |
瑞秋! | Rachel. |
我打回去 | I'll just call her back. |
嗨,親愛的,對不起 我們被中斷了 | Hi,sweetie. I'm sorry. We got disconnected. |
不,你掛掉 | No,you hang up. |
我到底是怎麼回事? | How did this happen to me? |
一周前,兩周前,我很好 | A week ago,two weeks ago,I was fine. |
羅斯只是羅斯 只是這個傢伙 | Ross was just Ross. Just this guy. |
現在突然間,他不一樣了 | Now all of a sudden,he's Ross... |
變成這麼好的男人 我卻無法得到 | ...this really great guy that I can't have. |
親愛的,我也希望你能得到他 | Sweetie,I wanted you to have him too. |
我知道你的心意 | I know you did. |
嘿,你想再打錢德一頓嗎? | Hey, you wanna hit Chandler again? |
我必須要想辦法 | I'm just gonna deal with it. |
我必須要離開這裡! | I gotta get out of here! |
我不管你們怎麼看 她一定有心事 | I don't care what you guys say,something's bothering her. |
你知道嗎,我想我當時是十六歲 | You know,I think I was 16. |
你知道,我想我根本不在乎 | You know,I think I don't care. |
求求你,只要剪後面一點點 | Please,just a little bit off the back. |
我還是堅持不要 | I'm still on "no." |
早安 | Morning. |
你們能不能閉上眼睛一秒鐘? | Could you close your eyes for a sec? |
不,不,不 我可不要再上當 | No,no,no. I'm not falling for that again. |
怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
昨晚我做了一件蠢事 | I sort of did a stupid thing last night. |
你做了什麼蠢事? | What stupid thing did you do? |
好了保羅,現在你見了大家,大家也都見了你了 | Paolo, now you've seen everybody and they've all seen you. |
怎麼發生的? | How did this happen? |
我昨晚湊巧碰到他 | I kind of ran into him last night. |
在哪裡? 在他的公寓 | -Where? -At his apartment. |
這是果汁嗎? | Is this juice? |
你忘了他勾引菲比 所以你才甩了他? | And the fact that you dumped him because he hit on Phoebe? |
天啊,我真是可悲 我是個爛貨! | Oh,God,I know. I'm pathetic,I'm a loser. |
親愛的,你不可悲 你只是傷心 | Honey,you're not pathetic. You're just sad. |
大家傷心時都會幹蠢事 | People do stupid things when they're upset. |
如果每個我不該上床的人 都給我五毛錢… | My God,if I had a nickel for every guy I wish I hadn't |
但這是關於你的大錯誤 | But this is about your horrible mistake. |
對不起,我們遲到了 | Sorry we're late. |
我們… | We were.... |
發生過接觸 | Well,there was touching. |
嗨,羅斯 | Hey,Ross! |
真是… | What a.... |
你在這裡幹什麼? | What are you doing here? |
跟瑞秋做愛! | I do Raquel! |
他回來了? | So he's back? |
對,他回來了 有什麼問題嗎? | Yeah,he's back. Is that a problem? |
沒問題 | No,not a problem. |
很好,很高興沒有問題 | Good. Glad it's not a problem. |
你不能再碰我的屁股! | You're gonna have to not touch my ass. |
儘管有美味的麵包 與濃厚的緊張氣氛… | Despite the yummy bagels and palpable tension... |
我要去改褲子了 | ... my pants need to be altered. |
你見到法蘭基時 替我問個好 | When you see Frankie,tell him Joey Tribbiani says hello. |
他會明白我的意思 | He'll know what it means. |
你確定他能解得開密碼嗎? | You sure he'll crack that code? |
上次保羅來這裡時 我的頭髮要可愛多了 | It's funny. The last time Paolo was here,my hair was so much cuter. |
好吧 | All right. |
但你要保證不會挑剔與專橫… | But you have to promise that you will not be all controlly and bossy... |
不會像個莫妮卡 | ...and all Monica about it. |
我保證 | I promise. |
好,讓我看看 | All right,let's see. |
你們有一些會被剪掉 有些不會 | Now,some of you are gonna get cut and some of you aren't. |
但我保證絕對不會痛 | But I promise,none of you will feel a thing. |
我不幹了 我什麼都沒說! | -That's it. I quit. -What? I didn't say anything! |
但這不是一張信任的表情 | But this isn't the face of a person who trusts a person. |
這是一張,你知道的… | This is the face of a person who,you know... |
不信任人的表情 | ...doesn't trust a person. |
對不起,對不起 | I'm sorry. I'm sorry. |
這比我們說的要短了一點 | It's just a little shorter than what we had discussed. |
你放輕鬆好嗎? 我知道要怎麼剪 | Would you relax? I know what I am doing. |
他的髮型就是這樣 | This is how he wears it. |
誰的髮型就是這樣? | How who wears it? |
黛米摩兒(影星) | Demi Moore. |
黛米摩兒不是一個“他” | Demi Moore is not a "he." |
他在《闊公子》 與《十全十美》的電影中都是一個“他” | Well,he was a "he" in Arthur and in 10. |
那是杜德利摩爾! | That's Dudley Moore! |
我說我要像黛米摩兒! | I said I wanted it like Demi Moore! |
喔,老天! | Oh,my God! |
天啊! | Oh,God! |
我的天,真對不起! | Oh,my God! I'm sorry! |
黛米摩兒是哪一個? | Which one is Demi Moore? |
她是女星!?莨杜涯嫘隕擰貳短疑灰住泛汀度斯砬槲戳恕穥 | She's the actress that was in Disclosure,Indecent Proposal,Ghost! |
她的頭髮非常美! | She's got gorgeous hair. |
我知道! | I know! |
這就是為什麼我想像她那樣! | That's why i wanted to look like her. |
-你知道的,我媽媽死了… -哦,上帝啊 | -You know, my mom ' s d ead.-Oh, my God. |
哦,我的屁股看起來像飛機一樣 | Well, this is what my butt must look like to a fly. |
你的袖子要多長? | How long do you want the cuffs? |
至少要跟褲子一樣長的壽命 | At least as long as I have the pants. |
我聽懂了 | I just got that. |
現在要量內縫 | Now we'll do your inseam. |
她的情況如何? | How is she? |
現在還不知道 | It's too soon to tell. |
她在休息,這是好徵兆 | She's resting,which is a good sign. |
頭髮怎麼樣? | How's the hair? |
我不騙你 真的很不好看 | I'm not gonna lie to you. It doesn't look good. |
-你不能做點什麼嗎? -此時此刻,最好是靜靜地等待 | -There's nothing you can do?-At this point, it's a waiting game. |
我在一邊加上髮夾 似乎能阻止捲曲 | I put a clip on one side,which seems to have stopped the curling. |
我們能不能看看她? | Can we see her? |
你的頭髮太好看了 會讓她傷心 | Your hair looks too good. It'd upset her. |
羅斯,你去看看她好了 | Ross,you come on in. |
你還好嗎? | Well,how you doing? |
我很好 | I'm okay. |
這麼糟糕對吧? | That bad,huh? |
我可以感覺到 女人難過脆弱的時候 | Look,I can sense when women are depressed and vulnerable. |
這是我的天賦之一 | It's one of my gifts. |
喬伊,當我看到他與她一起下飛機… | Joey,when I saw him get off that plane with her... |
我以為我墜入了穀底 | ...I really thought I just hit rock bottom. |
但今天是穀底… | But today,it's like there's rock bottom... |
下面還有五十尺厚的垃圾… | ... 50 feet of crap... |
…然後就是我 | ...then me. |
你必須告訴羅斯你的感受 | Tell Ross how you feel. |
我怎麼能告訴他? 茱莉呢? | Come on,how can I just tell him? What about Julie? |
又怎麼樣? 他們才在一起兩周 | What about her? They've only been going out for two weeks. |
羅斯已經愛你十年了 | Ross has been in love with you for 10 years. |
我不知道,我不知道… | I don't know. I don't know. |
我交往過很多女人 | I've been with my share of women. |
我交往過很多別人的女人 | I've been with a lot of people's share of women. |
但重點是… | But the point is... |
我從來沒有對任何人 像羅斯對你這樣專情… | ... I've never felt about anyone the way Ross felt about you. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
喂,義大利同胞! | Yo,paesano! |
我能跟你談一下嗎? | Can I talk to you for a sec? |
你的裁縫… | Your tailor... |
是個大壞蛋! | ...is a very bad man! |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
怎麼樣? | Hey,what's going on? |
喬伊的裁縫… | Joey's tailor... |
占了我的便宜 | ...took advantage of me. |
-什麼? -不可能!我去他那裡十二年了 | -What?-No way! I've been going to the guy for 1 2 years. |
他說要量我的內縫 | He said he was gonna do my inseam. |
他的手沿著我的腿往上摸 然後就… | Then he ran his hand up my leg and then there was definite |
什麼? | What? |
包住了 | Cupping. |
他們就是這樣量褲子的! | That's how they do pants! |
首先量一邊 把小弟弟推到一旁 | First they go up one side,they move it over. |
然後量另一邊 把小弟弟推回來,然後量後面 | Then they go up the other side,move it back,then they do the rear. |
羅斯,告訴他 裁縫量褲子不都是這樣? | Ross,tell him. Isn't that how a tailor measures pants? |
是的,的確是這樣 在監獄裡! | Yes,yes,it is. In prison! |
你是怎麼搞的? | What's the matter with you? |
什麼? | What? |
不是這樣? | That's not? |
我的老天! | Oh,my God! |
我要用一壺咖啡做掩護! | I 'll put on a pot of coffee. |
就算是瑪麗泰勒摩爾(七十年代的演員)也比這個要好 | Even Mary Tyler Moore would've been better. |
別這樣,沒那麼糟,你不知道 | Come on. It' s not that bad.You never know. |
喇叭褲又開始流行了 | Bell - bottoms came back. |
我喜歡 | I like it. |
真的,我認為它“十全十美”(杜德利摩爾的電影)! | I do. I think it's a 10! |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我的頭髮很讓人開懷 | My hair is very amused. |
事情還可能更糟 | Come on,things could be worse. |
你可能會被“困在紐約月光中” (《闊公子》的電影臺詞) | You could "get caught between the moon and New York City. |
我知道很瘋狂,不過千真萬確 (《闊公子》的電影臺詞) | I know it's crazy,but it's true." |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我要走了,待會見 | Well,I gotta go. Bye. |
瑞秋,再見! | Bye,Rach! |
慢著,你要走了? | Wait,are you leaving? |
所以我才說再見 | That's what I meant by "bye." |
我能不能跟你說一下話? | Can I talk to you for a sec? |
當醫生檢查疝氣時… | When the doctor does that hernia test.... |
那樣做就沒有關係 | That's okay. |
如果你的修理工這麼做的話 | If your mechanic does it.... |
怎麼啦? | What's going on? |
首先… | Well,okay,first of all... |
保羅與我沒有在一起 | ... Paolo and I are not back together. |
那是我幹的一件蠢事 | That was a stupid thing I did. |
如果我能使時光倒轉… | If I could go back in time and do it again... |
我絕對不會這麼做 | ...well,I wouldn't. |
其次… | Second of all.... |
什麼? | What? |
我要先問清楚 這是不是當你與男友分手… | Is this one of those things where you break up with a guy... |
我告訴你我的想法… | ... I tell you what I think... |
然後第二天你又重修舊好… | ...and the next day you get back together with him... |
我就變成一個大蠢蛋? | ...and I look like a complete idiot? |
好,我覺得他實在很爛 | Well,then,I think the guy's scum. |
我恨死他了 我真的很厭惡他 | I hate him. I mean,I actually I physically hate him. |
我一直很厭惡他 | I always have. |
你值得更好的男人喜歡你 | And you are way too good to be with a guy like that. |
真的? | Really? |
你值得一個真正能欣賞你的人 | You deserve to be with someone who appreciates you... |
瞭解你有多麼幽默… | ...and who gets how funny... |
多麼溫柔,多麼體帖… | ...and sweet and amazing... |
多麼美麗性感… | ...and adorable and sexy you are. |
每天早上醒來都會想著… | You know? Someone who wakes up every morning thinking: |
天啊,我跟瑞秋在一起! | "Oh,my God. I'm with Rachel!" |
這個人能讓你感覺非常好 | You know? Someone who makes you feel good. |
就像我與茱莉一樣 | Like the way I do with Julie. |
你還沒說完“其次” | Was there a "second of all"? |
不,我想這就是了 | No,I think that was the whole "all." |
我要走了 | I gotta go. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
不,我向天發誓,爸! | No,I swear to God,Dad! |
不是這樣子量褲子的! | That's not how they measure pants! |
我想要剪個短髮 就像安迪麥克道威爾(《四個婚禮一個葬禮》的主演)的髮型 | I was thinking of doing it shorter,like Andie MacDowell's haircut. |
這我會剪 真的? | -Yeah,I could do that. -Really? |
你要現在就剪嗎? 太好了! | -You wanna do it now? -Great! |
待會見 | See you. |
這次我要弄清楚 | I just wanna make really sure this time. |
安迪麥克道威爾就是演 《四個婚禮一個葬禮》的人嗎? | Andie MacDowell is the girl from Four Weddings and a Funeral,right? |
不是 | No. |
那是羅迪麥克道威爾(《人猿星球》的主演) | That's Roddy McDowall. |
安迪麥克道威爾是演 《人猿星球》的那個傢伙 | Andie MacDowell is the guy from Planet of the Apes. |
謝謝 別客氣 | -Thank you. -You're welcome. |
這些非常昂貴 我知道他很快就穿不下… | These were expensive and he'll grow out of them... |
但是我就是無法抗拒! | ...in 20 minutes,but I couldn't resist! |
看看這些! | Look at these. |
嗨,班 | Hey,Ben. |
做了就對! (耐克廣告詞) | "Just do it"! |
喔,天啊! | Oh,my God! |
是不是對他壓力太大? | Was that too much pressure for him? |
他已經餓了嗎? 我想是的 | -ls he hungry already? -I guess so. |
你知道,那個… | You know,it's.... |
球鞋真的很有趣 我馬上就回來! | Something funny about sneakers. I'll be right back. |
我也要一個 | I gotta get one too. |
你們在幹什麼? | Hey,what are you guys doing? |
我們只是來看看湯匙 | We're just hanging out by the spoons. |
要調羹嗎? | Ladle? |
你們成熟一點好嗎? | Will you guys grow up? |
這是世上最自然美麗的 | This is the most beautiful thing in the world. |
我們知道 但現在有個嬰兒在吸它 | Yeah,we know. But there's a baby sucking on it. |
這是我兒子在吃午餐 你們最好習慣 | This is my son having lunch,okay? It'll happen a lot,so get used to it. |
如果你們感到不自在 發問就好 | If you're uncomfortable,just ask questions. |
卡蘿不介意的 | Carol's fine with it. |
卡蘿? | Carol? |
我想問問喬伊能不能提出 關於哺乳的問題? | I'm wondering,could Joey ask you a question about breast-feeding? |
當然可以 | Sure. |
會不會痛? | Does it hurt? |
剛開始會,現在不會了 | It did at first,but not anymore. |
錢德? | Chandler? |
你能多久喂一次? | So,how often can you do it? |
只要他需要就可以 | As much as he needs. |
我想到了一個問題 | Okay,I got one,I got one. |
如果他對一個吹氣 另一個會不會變大? | If he blows into one,does the other one get bigger? |
六人行 第2季 第02集 母乳 | The One With the Breast Milk |
還有松糕嗎? 還有,我忘記還有哪一種 | -Any muffins left? -Yeah,I forget which ones. |
你太忙了,我來拿 | You're busy,I'll get it. |
誰還要? 不用,謝謝 | -Anyone else want one? -No,thanks. |
你的圍裙松了,我幫你系好 | You're losing your apron. Let me get it. |
好了 謝謝 | -There you go. -Thank you. |
婊子! | What a bitch! |
我有朋友在布魯明戴爾百貨上班 明天就不幹了 | I have a friend at Bloomingdale's who's quitting... |
他想要花掉他的折扣券 | ...and he wants to abuse his discount. |
誰想跟我去撿便宜? | Anyone want to come take advantage of it? |
我不行 我要帶我祖母去看獸醫 | I have to take my grandmother to the vet. |
我跟你去 好極了 | -I'll go with you. -Great. |
嗨,甜心 嗨,蜜糖 | -Hi,honey. -Hey,sweetums. |
嗨,其餘的各位 | And hello to the rest. |
你不能跟她去逛百貨 瑞秋怎麼辦? | You can't go shopping with her. What about Rachel? |
會有問題,對不對? | Will it be a problem? |
你要跟茱莉去布魯明戴爾 | You're going to Bloomingdale's with Julie. |
就像是到瑞秋家中偷男人! | It's like cheating on Rachel in her house of worship. |
她會宰了你 | Monica,she will kill you. |
她會宰了你 就像宰街上的流浪狗! | She will kill you like a dog in the street! |
茱莉說你們明天要去逛街 | So Jules tells me you guys are going shopping tomorrow. |
其實沒有什麼… | It's actually not that big a deal. |
對我很重要,非常重要 | It's a big deal to me. This is great. |
我非常感激你這麼做 | I really appreciate this. |
別客氣 | You're welcome. |
畢堅男士香水?(世界十大昂貴香水之一) | Bijan for men? |
畢堅男士香水? | Bijan for men? |
嗨,安娜貝 嗨,喬伊 | -Hey,Annabel. -Hey,Joey. |
聽說過新來的人嗎? | Did you hear about the new guy? |
沒人知道他的名字 我們女生都叫他“西班牙男人” | Nobody knows his name. Me and the girls call him "The Hombre Man. " |
西班牙男人? | Hombre? |
他到我這一區幹什麼? | What's he doing in my section? |
我想他不知道 | I guess he doesn't know. |
他必須知道 | Well,he's gonna. |
待會見 | I'll see you a little later,okay? |
你好嗎? | Hey,how you doing? |
早 | Mornin'. |
聽著,我知道你是新來的… | Listen,I know you're new... |
但眾所?災飧澆囊磺小瓄 | but it's understood that everything... |
從年輕人部門到電梯… 都是我的地盤 | ...from young men's to the escalator is my territory. |
你的地盤? | "Your territory"? |
畢堅男士香水? 不,謝了 | -Bijan for men? -No,thanks. |
西班牙男人? | Hombre? |
好啊 | Yeah,all right. |
你剛才說什麼? | You were saying? |
菲比,聽著,你跟我一起 逛了整天街買東西 | Phoebe,listen. You were with me,and we were shopping all day. |
我們買東西,吃午餐 | We shopped and we had lunch. |
我吃了什麼? | What did I have? |
你吃了沙拉 難怪我不飽 | -You had a salad. -No wonder I don't feel full. |
嗨,怎麼樣? | Hi. What's up? |
我整天都跟莫妮卡買東西 吃了一客沙拉 | I went shopping with Monica and I had a salad. |
很好,菲比 你們買了什麼? | Good,Pheebs. What'd you buy? |
我們去買了… | We went shopping for.... |
嗯… | For.... |
買了皮草 | For fur. |
你去買皮草? | You went shopping for fur? |
然後我發現我反對買皮草 | And then I realized that l'm against that. |
於是我們買了一些… | So then we bought some.... |
波霸 | Boobs. |
你買了波霸? | You bought boobs? |
胸罩! | Bras! |
我們買了胸罩! | We bought bras! |
我們買了胸罩 | We bought bras. |
畢堅男士香水? | Bijan for men? |
畢堅男士香水? | Bijan for men? |
畢堅… | Bijan for.... |
嗨,安娜貝 | Hey,Annabel. |
下班後我們可以喝個咖啡嗎? | I was wondering if after work we could grab a cup of coffee? |
我已經有計劃了 | Actually,I sort of have plans. |
準備好了嗎,安娜貝? | You ready,Annabel? |
好了 | You bet. |
以後再約吧 | Maybe some other time. |
這又不是第一次被噴香水的牛仔搶走女友 | It's not the first time I lost a girl to a cowboy spraying cologne. |
畢堅男士香水? | Bijan for men? |
畢堅男士香水! | Bijan for men! |
這是滑稽小丑 | And this is Funny Clown. |
只有睡過午覺才可以給他玩 否則他不會睡 | It's only for after his naps,not before,or he won't sleep. |
我帶過他,我們玩得很高興 | We've been through this before. We have a good time. |
我們又笑又玩 就像父親跟兒子一樣 | We laugh,we play. It's like we're father and son. |
親愛的,放輕鬆 羅斯很會帶他 | Honey,relax. Ross is great with him. |
別這麼驚訝 我是個很好的人 | Don't look so surprised. I'm a lovely person. |
好可愛! | This is so cute! |
我為他買的! | I got that for him! |
“我的媽媽們愛我” | "My Mommies Love Me. " |
真聰明 | That's clever. |
嗨,茱… | Oh,hi,Jul.... |
嗨,猶太人! | Hi,Jew! |
好的,可以 | Okay,sure. |
很好,待會見 | That'd be great. See you then. Bye. |
你剛才是不是說: 嗨,猶太人? | Did you just say," Hi,Jew"? |
對,我是這麼說 | Yes,I did. |
那是我的猶太朋友 艾迪莫斯考維茲 | That was my friend Eddie Moskowitz. |
他全都是這樣的宗教事情 | He's going through this whole religious thing. |
他很喜歡這稱呼 能加強他的信仰 | Yeah,he likes it. Reaffirms his faith. |
班,吃晚餐了! | Ben,dinner! |
謝謝,菲比姑媽 | Thanks,Aunt Pheebs. |
你沒有用微波爐吧? 不應該這樣處理母乳 | Did you microwave that? You can't do that to breast milk. |
我想我知道如何加熱母乳 | I think I know how to heat breast milk. |
你在幹什麼? | What did you just do? |
我舔了我的手臂,怎麼樣? | I licked my arm,what? |
那是母乳! | It's breast milk! |
又怎麼樣? | So? |
菲比 那是從另一個人身上擠出的汁 | Phoebe,that is juice squeezed from a person. |
有什麼了不起? | What is the big deal? |
你又在幹什麼? | What did you just do? |
大家能不能不要喝母乳? | Can people stop drinking the breast milk? |
你連嘗都不嘗? | You won't even taste it? |
不能假裝那是牛奶嗎? | Not even if you just pretend it's milk? |
就算卡蘿的乳房 帖了牛奶尋人廣告都不行! | Not even if Carol's breast had a picture of a missing child on it. |
大家到哪裡去了? 帶班去公園了,你去哪裡了? | -Where is everybody? -At the park. Where have you been? |
出去 | Just out. |
吃了午餐,只有我一個人 與自己共度美好時光 | Had some lunch. Just me. A little quality time with me. |
謝謝你的外套 別客氣 | -Thanks for your jacket. -No problem. |
你也可以向我借 | You can borrow it,by the way. |
這是你的鑰匙 | Here are your keys,honey. |
如果你一個人吃午餐 怎麼會要五十三塊? | If you were at lunch alone,how come it cost you $53? |
?闃來蟾歐⑸裁詞侶穡縶 | You know what probably happened? |
一定有人偷了我的信用卡 | Someone stole my credit card. |
然後把收據放回你口袋? | And put the receipt back in your pocket? |
這是個非常好的問題 | That is an excellent,excellent question. |
真的非常好 | That is excellent. |
你怎麼了? 跟誰吃午餐? | What's with you? Who did you have lunch with? |
茱蒂 誰? | -Judy. -Who? |
茱莉 什麼? | -Julie. -What? |
裘迪 | Jody. |
你跟茱莉在一起? | You were with Julie? |
剛開始我只是想對她友善點… | When it started,I was just trying to be nice to her... |
因為她是我哥哥的女友 | ... because she was my brother's girlfriend. |
然後事情接著發生… | And then one thing led to another... |
我還不清楚,我們就… | ...and before I knew it,we were... |
去購物了 | ...shopping. |
我的天! | Oh,my God! |
慢著,我們只做了一次 | Wait,we only did it once. |
對我沒有任何意義! | It meant nothing to me! |
我一直想的是你! | Really,I was thinking of you the whole time. |
對不起,好嗎? 我不希望你知道的 | Look,I'm sorry,all right? I never meant for you to find out. |
拜託!你希望被逮到! | Oh,please! Please! You wanted to get caught! |
才不是! | That is not true! |
所以你不小心留收據在這裡? | So you just happened to leave it in here? |
你有沒有想到 我會這麼笨? | Did it ever occur to you that I might just be that stupid? |
好,我必須知道一件事 | Okay,I just have to know one thing. |
你是不是跟她去布魯明戴爾? | Did you go to Bloomingdale's? |
我現在不能跟你在一起了 | Okay,I just really need to not be with you right now. |
嗨,哪一位? | Hi,who's this? |
嗨,瓊安,瑞秋在嗎? 我是莫妮卡 | Hi,Joanne. Is Rachel working? It's Monica. |
我知道我做了很糟糕的事 | Yes,I know I did a horrible thing. |
瓊安,事情沒這麼簡單 | Joanne,it's not as simple as all that. |
我才不在乎史提夫怎麼想 嗨,史提夫 | No,I don't care what Steve thinks. Hi,Steve. |
情況如何? | How did we do? |
我嘗了班的奶水 羅斯發癲了 | I tasted Ben's milk and Ross freaked out. |
我沒有發癲 | I did not freak out. |
你為什麼發癲? 因為那是母乳 | -Why'd you freak out? -Because it's breast milk. |
很噁心! | It's gross! |
我的奶水很噁心? | My breast milk is gross? |
這會很好玩 | This should be fun. |
這沒什麼不對 | There's nothing wrong with it. |
我只是不認為 母乳是給大人喝的 | I just don't think breast milk is for adults. |
當然母乳的容器 很吸引大人與小孩 | Of course,the packaging does appeal to grownups and kids. |
別傻了,我試過,沒什麼 | Don't be silly. I've tried it. It's no big deal. |
嘗一嘗 | Just taste it. |
不行 | That would be no. |
來嘛 嘗一嘗 | -Come on. -Try it. |
很自然 | It's natural. |
又不難吃 | It doesn't taste bad. |
有一點甜,很像… | Yeah,it tastes kind of sweet. Sort of like.... |
像什麼? | Like what? |
哈密瓜汁 | Cantaloupe juice. |
沒錯 | Exactly. |
你嘗過了 | You've tasted it. |
你嘗過了 | You've tasted it. |
喔,你嘗過了 | Oh,you've tasted it. |
你可以一直說下去 也不會變成假話 | You can keep saying it,but it won't stop being true. |
把奶瓶給我 | Give me the bottle. |
把毛巾給我 | Get me the towel. |
你好(方言,不常用) | Howdy. |
給我一罐果汁 | Give me a box of juice. |
他們把我調到“西班牙男人”了 | Well,they switched me over to Hombre. |
也許是因為你的穿著 | Maybe it's because of the way you're dressed. |
或因為那傢伙表現太好了 他們要增加人手 | Or this guy's doing so good they want to put more people on it. |
那傢伙一天用掉兩瓶 | This guy goes through two bottles a day now. |
你在乎什麼? | What do you care? |
你是個演員 這只是你的副業,沒什麼 | You're an actor. This is your day job. It's nothing! |
我知道,但我本來是最棒的 | I know,but I was the best. |
我喜歡當最棒的 | You know? I liked being the best. |
也許我應該退出這場遊戲 | Maybe I should get out of the game. |
廚具部門需要有人切乳酪 | They need guys up in housewares to serve cheese. |
假如你這麼做了 | Say you do that. |
將來遲早有人會出現 乳酪切得比你更好 | Sooner or later,somebody will come along that slices a better cheddar. |
那時候你要逃到哪裡? | Then where you gonna run? |
也許你說得對 | You're right. |
我說你應該發揮大丈夫氣概 | I say you show him what you're made of. Stand your ground. |
讓他知道你是內衣部西邊最厲害的西班牙男人! | Show him that you're the baddest Hombre west of the lingerie! |
我要這麼做! 好極了 | -I'm gonna do it! -All right! |
現在去找貓咪小姐 她會介紹個好妓女給你 | Now,go see Miss Kitty and she'll fix you up with a nice hooker. |
我不知道該說什麼 | I don't know what to say. |
很好,因為我不會聽 | That's good because I'm not listening. |
我覺得很糟糕,真的 | I feel terrible. I really do. |
對不起 我的背傷害了你的刀嗎? | I'm sorry. Did my back hurt your knife? |
我跟她交朋友,一起去逛街 這有什麼不好? | Say that I'm friends with her. Is that so terrible? |
真的很不好嗎? 是的,你還不懂嗎? | -It's that terrible? -You don't get it! |
她偷走我的男人已經夠糟了… | It's bad enough she stole the guy... |
我可能會跟他長相廝守 | ...who may be the person l'm supposed to be with. |
但現在… | But now... |
她竟然… | ...she's actually.... |
現在她竟然連你也搶走了! | But now she's actually stealing you! |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
沒人能把我從你那裡搶走 | Nobody could steal me from you. |
我與她交朋友 不會影響我與你的感情 | Because I'm friends with her doesn't make me any less friends with you. |
你是我的… | You're my.... |
我們是… | And we're.... |
喔,我愛你! 我也愛你! | -Oh,I love you! -I love you too! |
喂,我知道這與我完全無關 | You guys,I know that this really doesn't have anything to do with me. |
但我也愛你們! | But I love you guys too! |
我很需要這樣 | I really needed that. |
我知道現在… | I know that right now... |
你很想恨死茱莉 | ...you really need to hate Julie's guts. |
但她沒有做什麼錯事 | But she didn't do anything wrong. |
她只是認識了一個男生 現在他們在交往 | She's just a girl who met a guy,and now they go out. |
我想如果你給她一個機會 你會喜歡她的 | I think that if you gave her a chance,you'd like her. |
你願意給她一個機會嗎? | Will you give it a chance? |
為了我? | For me? |
我願意為你做任何事 你知道的 | I'd do anything for you,you know that. |
我什麼都願意為你做! | I'd do anything for you! |
等一下! | Wait,wait,wait! |
早 | Mornin'. |
我說:早! | I said,mornin'! |
我聽見了 | I heard you. |
好,各位 我要開門了 | All right,everybody. I'm opening the doors. |
你們準備好了嗎? | You boys ready? |
好了 | Ready. |
我也好了 | Yeah,l'm ready. |
你這個白癡! 笨牛仔! | You idiot! You stupid cowboy! |
你弄瞎我了!我要告你們! | You've blinded me! I'm suing! |
天啊!陶德!你在搞什麼鬼! | Oh,my God! Todd! What the hell did you do? |
對不起,我真是笨手笨腳! | Sorry. I'm such a doofus! |
對不起,非常對不起 | I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. |
老天,發生什麼事? | My God,what happened? |
這些菜鳥,都撐不了很久 | These new kids,they never last. |
遲早他們就會… | Sooner or later they all... |
…止步前進 | ...stop lasting. |
我們去喝杯咖啡怎麼樣? | What do you say I buy you that cup of coffee now? |
好啊 | Sure. |
我想我們應該親近親近 | I just thought we should hang out. |
你知道的 我們從來沒有真正談過話 | I mean,you know,we've never really talked. |
你知道的 因為你是我們兩個之一 | I guess you'd know that,being one of the two of us. |
我知道 | I know. |
我也許不該告訴你… | I probably shouldn't even tell you this... |
但我實在很怕你 | ... but l'm pretty much totally intimidated by you. |
真的? | Really? |
怕我? | Me? |
你在開玩笑嗎? | Oh,my God,are you kidding? |
羅斯還是對你很著迷… | Ross is so crazy about you... |
我真的希望你喜歡我 | ...and I really wanted you to like me,and l.... |
也許我只是胡思亂想… | It's probably me just being totally paranoid... |
但我好像覺得你不喜歡我 | ...but I kind of got the feeling that maybe you don't. |
你不是完全胡思亂想 | Well,you're not totally paranoid. |
當你與羅斯剛開始交往時… | When you and Ross first started going out... |
我真的很難過… | ...it was really hard for me... |
有太多理由,我不能給你造成困擾 | ...for many reasons of which l'm not gonna bore you with now. |
但我看到他非常快樂 而且你們在一起是多麼相配 | I see how happy he is and how good you guys are together. |
莫妮卡一直說你有多好… | And Monica's always saying how nice you are... |
真討厭她說得對! | ...and God,I hate it when she's right! |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
你想不想一起去看電影 或出去玩? | Would you like to go to a movie sometime or something? |
這樣很好,我很樂意 | Yeah,that'd be great. I'd love it. |
我也是 | I'd love it too. |
我必須要走了 | Shoot,I gotta go. |
待會見 好,茱莉 | -So I'll talk to you later. -All right,Julie. |
真是個玩弄人的賤人! | What a manipulative bitch. |
真不賴 | It's not bad. |
瓊安好不好? | So how was Joan? |
跟她分手了 | Broke up with her. |
為什麼? | Oh,why? |
別告訴我 因為鼻孔太大? | Don't tell me. Because of the big nostril thing? |
真的超大! | They were huge! |
她打噴嚏時 會有蝙蝠飛出來 | When she sneezed,bats flew out of them. |
沒那麼大 | They were not that huge. |
當她仰起頭時 我可以看到她的腦子 | I'm telling you,she leaned back,I could see her brain. |
你到底要拒絕多少好女孩… | How many women will you reject... |
只是因為非常膚淺的事情? | ...over superficial,insignificant things |
慢著,我必須幫錢德說話 | Hold it. I gotta side with Chandler on this one. |
我剛搬到這裡時 與一個女孩交往 | When I first moved here,I went out with this girl. |
非常熱情,很會接吻… | Really hot. Great kisser... |
但是她的喉結非常大粒! | ...but she had the biggest Adam's apple. |
真是讓我受不了 | Drove me nuts. |
你說還是我說? 我來好了 | -You or me? -I got it. |
喬伊,女人沒有喉結 | Joey,women don't have Adam's apples. |
你們是在騙我,對不對? | You guys are messing with me,right? |
對,我們在騙你! | Yeah. We are! |
真好笑 我差點上當了 | That's a good one. For a second there,I was like,whoa! |
六人行 第2季 第03集 哈克先生之死 | The One Where Heckles Dies |
你與哪個女友分手 是因為正當的理由? | You name one woman that you broke up with for an actual real reason. |
莫琳羅西洛 | Maureen Rasillo. |
因為她不討厭音樂家雅尼 這不是個正當的理由 | Because she doesn't hate Yanni is not a real reason. |
嗨,哈克先生 | Hello,Mr. Heckles. |
你們又做了 | You're doing it again. |
我們什麼都沒做 | We're not doing anything. |
你們腳步聲太響 嚇到了我的鳥兒 | You're stomping. It's disturbing my birds. |
你沒有養鳥 | You don't have birds. |
我可以養鳥 | I could have birds. |
我們會小聲一點 | We'll try to keep it down. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我要回去繼續我的晚宴了 | I'm going to rejoin my dinner party. |
好,再見 | All right,bye-bye. |
對了,珍妮絲 | Okay,Janice. |
珍妮絲可以證明 我並沒有亂挑剔 | Give me Janice. That wasn't about being picky. |
我們同意你與珍妮絲分手 | We'll give you Janice. |
但我蠻想珍妮絲的 | I miss Janice,though. |
嗨,錢德賓! | Hello,Chandler Bing! |
喔,我的天! | Oh,my God! |
喔,錢德! | Oh,Chandler! |
現在就要! | Now! Now! |
對了 | That's it. |
對了!快一點! | There! Faster! |
別用掃把了! 我們沒有製造噪音! | Stop with the broom! We're not making noise! |
我們贏了 | We won. |
我們勝利了! | We did it! |
哈克先生! | Mr. Heckles! |
怎麼發生的? 他大概在掃地 | -How did this happen? -He was sweeping. |
他們發現他抓著一把掃把 | They found a broom in his hand. |
真糟糕 我知道 | -That's terrible. -I know. |
昨天我也在掃地 | I was sweeping yesterday. |
搞不好也會一命嗚呼 | It could've been me. |
掃地,真是沒想到 | Sweeping. You never know. |
世事難料 | Never know. |
很微弱 但我還可以感覺他在大樓裡 | It's very faint,but I can still sense him in the building. |
進入光芒中,哈克先生! | Go into the light,Mr. Heckles! |
好了,菲比 | Okay,Phoebe. |
對不起 有時候他們需要幫助 | I'm sorry,but sometimes they need help. |
又來了 | Here we go. |
很好,嘲笑我吧 | That's fine,go ahead and scoff. |
我不相信很多事情… | There are a lot of things I don't believe in... |
但這不表示就不是真的 | ... but that doesn't mean they're not true. |
譬如什麼事? | Such as? |
像是麥田怪圈或百慕大三角 或進化論 | Like crop circles or the Bermuda Triangle or evolution. |
你不相信進化論? | What,you don't believe in evolution? |
不真的相信 | Not really. |
你不相信進化論? | You don't believe in evolution? |
我不知道,只是… | I don't know. It's just,you know.... |
猴子,達爾文,很好的故事 我只是覺得有點太簡單 | Monkeys,Darwin,it's a nice story. I just think it's a little too easy. |
太簡單?太… | "Too easy"? Too |
這個星球上的一切生物 經過數千萬年… | The process of every living thing on this planet evolving... |
從單細胞微生物進化而成 而你說太簡單? | ...over millions of years from single-celled organisms is "too easy"? |
對,我不買帳 | Yeah,I just don't buy it. |
對不起 進化論不是信不信由你,菲比 | Excuse me. Evolution is not for you to buy,Phoebe. |
進化論是科學事實 就像我們呼吸的空氣… | Evolution is scientific fact,like the air we breathe... |
就像地心引力 | ...Iike gravity. |
別跟我提起地心引力 | Don't get me started on gravity. |
你不相信地心引力? | You don't believe in gravity? |
倒不是相不相信的問題 | Well,it's not so much that,you know,I don't believe in it. |
最近我感覺到… | Lately I get the feeling that... |
我不是被吸住,而是被壓著 | ...I'm not so much being pulled down as I am being pushed. |
被壓著… | Pushed. |
那一定是伊薩克·牛頓,他出來尿尿了 | It's lsaac Newton and he's pissed. |
快點菲比,跳到天花板上去 | Quick, Pheebs, hop on the ceiling. |
她在這,那裡還有另一個 | There she is. And over there,that's the other one. |
這是伯弟杜爾 哈克的律師 | This is Mr. Buddy Doyle,Heckles' attorney. |
他想跟你們談談 | He'd like to talk to you. |
有何貴幹? | What can we do for you? |
好了,孩子們 事情是這樣的 | All right,kids,here's the deal. |
根據我客戶的遺囑… | According my client's will... |
他要把他所有財產… | ... he wants to leave all his earthly possessions... |
都留給樓上吵鬧的女孩們 | ...to "the noisy girls in the apartment above mine." |
他的家人呢? | What about his family? |
他沒有家人 | He didn't have any. |
好,讓我們看看有多少錢 | Okay,so let's talk money. |
好,沒有半毛錢 | All right,there was none. |
現在,我們來簽字 | Now,let's talk signing. |
你是一號吵鬧女孩 你是二號吵鬧女孩 | You be noisy girl number one. You be noisy girl number two. |
我真不相信 我們一直以為他討厭我們 | I can't believe that this whole time we thought he hated us. |
真是不可思議 我們能如此感動其他人… | Isn't it amazing how much you can touch someone's life... |
而自己卻不知道? | ...without even knowing it? |
看看這個豬窩?! | Would you look at this dump? |
他痛恨我們! 這是他最終的報復! | He hated us! This was his final revenge! |
我從來沒看過這麼多廢物! | I've never seen so much crap! |
我覺得這間公寓 侮辱了廢物的美名 | Actually,I think this apartment sullies the good name of crap. |
看看這個 | Check this out. |
這個能給我嗎? | Can I have this? |
你怎麼能不相信進化論? | How can you not believe in evolution? |
我不知道,就是不相信 看看這條怪襯衫! | I don't know,just don't. Look at this funky shirt! |
菲比 我整個成年都在研究進化論 | Pheebs,I've studied evolution my entire adult life. |
我們從世界各地搜集化石 | And we've collected fossils from all over the world... |
能夠證明不同物種的進化論 | ...that actually show the evolution of different species. |
可以真正看到它們… | I mean,you can literally see them... |
透過時間進化 | ...evolving through time. |
真的?可以看得到? | Really? You can actually see it? |
千真萬確!在美國 中國,非洲,全世界! | You bet! In the U.S.,China,Africa,all over! |
這我不知道 | See,I didn't know that. |
這就是吧 | Well,there you go. |
問題是 誰把化石放在那裡?為什麼? | So now the real question is,who put those fossils there and why? |
看看這個! 我的痛苦之書 | Look at this! My Big Book of Grievances. |
嘿,這是我! | Hey,there's me! |
四月十七日,噪音過度… | "April 1 7th,excessive noise... |
義大利佬帶了女伴回家 | ... Italian guy comes home with a date." |
你也在裡面 | You're in here too. |
四月十八日,噪音過度… | "April 1 8th,excessive noise... |
義大利佬的同性戀室友 帶了乾洗衣服回家 | ... Italian guy's gay roommate brings home dry cleaning." |
真是太好了 | Well,that's excellent. |
看看這盞燈 | Look at this lamp. |
真是夠俗了 我們一定要帶回去! | Is this tacky or what? We have to have this. |
我們的好檯燈夠多了 | I think we have enough regular lamps. |
什麼?好啦,我又不是… | What? Come on,it's not like... |
要這個美女時鐘或什麼的 | ... I'm asking for this girlie clock or anything. |
但我覺得這個也很酷 | Which,by the way,I also think is really cool. |
聽著,它與我的東西都不搭?鋥 | Look,it doesn't go with any of my stuff. |
那麼我的東西呢? | Well,what about my stuff? |
你沒有任何東西 | You don't have any stuff. |
這個將成為我的東西 | It will be the start of my stuff. |
不 | No. |
你還是認為那是你的公寓 對不對? | You still think of it as your apartment,don't you? |
對,你是這麼想 | Yes,you do. |
你把它想成是你的公寓 我只是租了個房間 | You think of it as your apartment and I just rent a room. |
你支支吾吾的時候 我會為我的新檯燈找個地方放 | While you "mmm" on that,I'll go find a place for my new lamp. |
菲比 看我玩這些小玩具 | Okay,Pheebs. See how I'm making these little toys move? |
可對立的拇指! | Opposable thumbs! |
沒有進化論 怎麼發展出可對立的拇指? | Without evolution,how do you explain opposable thumbs? |
也許外星主宰需要這樣的拇指才能夠駕駛空間飛船 | Maybe the Overlords needed them to steer their spacecrafts. |
請說你是在開玩笑 | Tell me you're joking. |
能不能說你相信進化論 而我不相信? | Look,can't we say that you believe in something and I don't? |
不行,菲比 就像數學,1加1等於2 | No, Pheebs, we can't. Because it's like math. One plus one equals two. |
我不能讓你認為等於3或者等於4或者等於黃顏色 | I can't let you think that it might equal three or four or yellow. |
為什麼不行?這有什麼關係? | Why not?. No, what is that all about?. |
為什麼非得每個人都同意你? | What is this obsessive need to make everybody agree with you? |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我想你也許應該把羅斯放到顯微鏡下面好好看看 | I think maybe it's time you put Ross under the microscope. |
我耳朵有沒有流血? | Is there blood coming out of my ears? |
看看這個 哈克的高中同學錄 | Check it out. Heckles' high-school yearbook. |
他看起來好正常! | He looks so normal! |
甚至有點可愛 | He's even kind of cute. |
“哈克 你上科學課總是讓我捧腹大笑” | "Heckles,you crack me up in science class. |
“你是全校最有趣的學生” | You're the funniest kid in school." |
最有趣?哈克? 上面是這樣寫的 | -Funniest? Heckles? -That's what it says. |
哈克被選為班上的活寶 我也是 | Heckles was voted class clown,and so was l. |
他說得對! 聽聽那個噪音? | He was right! Would you listen to that? |
的確是很吵鬧 | I'd call that excessive. |
什麼? | What? |
哈克在樂隊演奏豎笛 我也是 | Heckles played clarinet in band,and I played clarinet. |
他參加模型俱樂部 我也… | He was in the scale modeler's club and I was |
雖然我的學校沒有俱樂部 但我覺得模型很酷 | There was no club,but I sure thought they were cool. |
所以你們兩個都是書呆子 | So? You were both dorks. |
沒什麼值得大驚小怪 | Big deal. |
我覺得很怪,哈克與我… | I just think it's weird,you know? Heckles and me |
哈克與我,我… | Heckles and me. Me |
我與哈克 | Me and Heckles. |
喂,別吵好不好! | Hey,would you knock it off! |
你整晚都在這裡? | Have you been here all night? |
看看這個 | Look at this. |
哈克交往過的女人照片 | Pictures of all the women Heckles went out with. |
看看他在上面寫的 “薇安,太高大” | Look what he wrote on them. "Vivian,too tall." |
“瑪姬,牙齦太大” | "Madge,big gums." |
“太大聲” | "Too loud." |
“太聰明” “吃東西發出聲音” | "Too smart." "Makes noise when she eats." |
這就是我 | This is me. |
這就是我的作法 | This is what I do. |
我會像他一樣孤獨終老 | I'm gonna end up alone,just like he did. |
哈克是個神經病 | Heckles was a nut case. |
我們的人生道路方向一樣 | Our trains are on the same track. |
我比他晚了30年 但終點都是一樣 | I'm coming up 30 years behind him,but the stops are all the same. |
愁苦城… | Bitter Town... |
孤獨鎮,隱士村! | ...Alone-ville,Hermit Junction! |
我們應該離開這裡 | You know what we gotta do? Get you out of here. |
我請你吃早餐 | I'll buy you breakfast. |
要是我一直找不到伴侶怎麼辦? 或更糟的,我已經找到了… | What if I never find somebody? Or worse,what if I found her... |
但我卻因為她把“或許”說成“厚許”就甩了她? | ... but I dumped her because she pronounces it,"supposably"? |
錢德,好啦 你會找到對象的 | Chandler,come on,you're gonna find somebody. |
你怎麼知道? | How do you know that? How? |
我不知道 我只是想幫你下臺 | I don't know. I'm just trying to help you out. |
你們將來都會結婚… | You guys will all get married... |
我會孤獨一人 | ...and I'll end up alone. |
你能不能答應我一件事? | Will you promise me something? |
你結婚後 過節時能不能請我去玩? | When you're married,will you invite me over for holidays? |
我不知道我們會怎麼樣 | I don't know what we'll be doing. |
要是我們到她的父母那裡過節呢? | I mean,what if we're over at her folks' place? |
我瞭解 | Yeah,I understand. |
你可以過來看超級杯 | You can come over and watch the Super Bowl. |
每一年都來,怎麼樣? | Every year,all right? |
我不要像這樣子下場! | You know what? I'm not gonna end up like this. |
待會見,兄弟 | I'll see you,man. |
“厚許”… | "Supposably." |
“厚許”! | Supposably! |
他們去動物園了嗎? | Did they go to the zoo? |
“厚許”吧… | Supposably. |
嗨,是我 | Hi. It's me. |
我的天! | Oh,my God! |
珍妮絲?你打給珍妮絲? | Janice? You called Janice? |
是的,珍妮絲 | Yes. Janice. |
有什麼難懂的? | Why is that difficult to comprehend? |
你還記得珍妮絲吧? | You remember Janice,right? |
是啊,她很聰明,很漂亮 而且很關心我 | Yes. She was smart,she was pretty and she honestly cared about me. |
珍妮絲是我?淖詈笠桓魷M鹻 | Janice is my last chance to have somebody. |
喔,天啊! | Oh,my God! |
她真是胖了不少 | Jeez,look how fat she got. |
嗨,大家都在這裡! 嗨,珍妮絲 | -Hey,it's everybody! -Hi,Janice. |
珍妮絲,你… | Janice,you're.... |
是的,我有了 | Yes,I am. |
是不是… 是不是你的? | -ls it? -ls it yours? |
沒那麼好的事,錢德賓! | You wish,Chandler Bing! |
我已經是已婚女士了 | You are looking at a married lady now. |
恭喜 | Congratulations. |
親愛的,真抱歉,我不可能等你一輩子 | Sweetie,I'm sorry.I couldn't wait for you forever. |
你不能在電話上告訴我嗎? | You couldn't tell me on the phone? |
要我錯過看到你的表情? 才不要! | And what? Miss the expression on your face? Oh,no! |
珍妮絲喜歡樂子! | Janice likes to have her fun! |
你知道我們很久沒玩什麼嗎? | You know what we haven't played in a while? |
藏起檯燈 | Hide the lamp. |
莫妮卡,算了吧 | Monica,let it go. |
你知道我對貝類過敏嗎? | Did you know I'm allergic to shellfish? |
那麼你將必須吃掉其他的檯燈 | Then you'll just have to eat the other lamps. |
可怕的科學家來了 | It's scary scientist man. |
菲比,這些就是了 | Okay,Phoebe,this is it. |
在這個手提箱中 我帶來了真正的科學證據 | In this briefcase I carry actual scientific facts. |
可算是整個提箱的證據 | A briefcase of facts,if you will. |
其中有些化石超過2億年 | Some of these fossils are over 200 million years old. |
我要先告訴你 我並不否定進化論 | Before you even start,I'm not denying evolution. |
進化論只是可能性之一 | It's just one of the possibilities. |
進化論是唯一的可能 | It's the only possibility. |
羅斯 你能不能稍稍敞開心胸? | Ross,could you just open your mind,like,this much? |
以前最聰明的人 不也相信地球是平的? | Didn't the brightest minds in the world believe the Earth was flat? |
五十年前,科學家認為 原子是最微小的事物 | And up till 50 years ago,you thought the atom was the smallest thing... |
後來科學家擊碎了原子 於是產生了各種玩意… | ...until you split it open and this whole mess of crap came out. |
難道你是如此自大… | Are you telling me that you are so unbelievably arrogant... |
無法承認有一點點的可能… | ...that you can't admit that there's a teeny,tiny possibility... |
你們科學家也許會犯錯? | ...that you could be wrong about this? |
是有一點點… | There might be... |
一點點… | ...a teeny... |
非常一點點… | ...tiny... |
…的可能 | ... possibility. |
我真不相信你屈服了 | I can't believe you caved. |
你放棄了你的整個信仰! | You just abandoned your whole belief system! |
以前我雖然不同意你 但我至少尊敬你 | Before,I didn't agree with you,but at least I respected you. |
但是… | But.... |
明天你要怎麼繼續研究? | How are you gonna go into work tomorrow? |
你要如何面對其他科學家? | How are you going to face the other science guys? |
你要如何面對你自己? | How are you going to face yourself? |
真好玩,有誰餓了? | That was fun. So who's hungry? |
我餓了 | I am. |
我也是 我去拿外套 | Me too. Let me just get my coat. |
怎麼了? | What happened? |
這是意外,我發誓 | It was an accident,I swear. |
我正在穿外套 檯燈就破了 | I was putting on my jacket and the thing and the lamp and it broke. |
拜託,莫妮卡! 你痛恨我的檯燈! | Oh,please,Monica! You've always hated my lamp! |
突然間 它就奇跡似地破了? | And now all of a sudden,it's just magically,it's just broken? |
菲比,告訴她 | Phoebe,tell her? |
我沒看到 因為我正在穿外套 | I didn't see it,because I was putting on my jacket. |
但我想要相信你 | But I want to believe you. |
嗨,錢德 莫妮卡打破了我的貝殼檯燈 | Hey,Chandler. Monica just broke my seashell lamp. |
真好 | Neat. |
我會死得孤苦伶仃! | I'm gonna die alone! |
好,算你贏 | Okay,you win. |
錢德,你不會死得孤苦伶仃 | Chandler,you are not gonna die alone. |
本來珍妮絲是我的安全保障 | Janice was my safety net,okay? |
現在我必須去養一條蛇了 | And now I have to get a snake. |
為什麼? | Why is that? |
如果我會成為孤獨老人 我需要養個東西 | If I'm gonna be an old,lonely man,I'm gonna need a thing. |
有個依靠 | You know,a hook. |
就像地鐵上那個吃自己臉的人 | Like that guy on the subway who eats his own face. |
我會成為 “養蛇的瘋老頭” | So I figure I'll be "Crazy Man With A Snake." |
養蛇瘋子 | Crazy Snake Man. |
然後我會養更多蛇 當成我的子女 | Then I'll get more snakes,call them my babies. |
小孩都不敢經過我的門口! | Kids will run past my place! |
他們會叫道: 養蛇瘋子要來抓人了! | "Run away from Crazy Snake Man," they'll shout! |
你必須想開一點 | You've got to get over this. |
你不會孤苦伶仃 | You won't end up alone. |
我當然會 | Of course I will. |
我甩掉了所有笨得願意跟我交往的女孩 | I reject anyone who's crazy enough to actually go out with me... |
然後我抱怨找不到好女孩 | ...and then I bitch that there aren't any great women out there. |
我們所交往的男人… | You have just described... |
就跟你所描述的一樣 | ...virtually every man that we've ever gone out with. |
你沒什麼問題 你只是個平常人 | You are not a freak. You're a guy. |
她說得對,你們做的都一樣 | She's right.You all do it. |
有個人不再看我是因為他的貓不喜歡我 | This one guy stopped seeing me because his cat didn't like me. |
或者因為我在脊背穿刺的時候睡著 | Or because I fell asleep during Spinal Tap, |
你在脊背穿刺的時候睡著? | You fell asleep during Spinal Tap?. |
泰迪不再看你是因為你太胖了 | Teddy, who stopped seeing you because you were too fat. |
他說他沒空是因為要看球賽 | He said he didn't have time for me because of the play. |
這就是我說的 | That's what I said. |
我的意思是,你與其他人沒什麼不同 | My point being,you are no different than the rest. |
等一下,等一下 他是不一樣 | Wait a minute,wait a minute. Yes,he is. |
你其實很不一樣 | You are totally different. |
很糟糕嗎? | In a bad way? |
不,親愛的,是很好的不一樣 | No,honey,in a wonderful way. |
現在你知道你要什麼了 | You know what you want now. |
大多數男人根本不知道 | Most guys don't even have a clue. |
你準備好接受風險了 準備好接受傷害,與人親近 | You're ready to take risks,be vulnerable and intimate with someone. |
你不會孤苦?尕甑膡 | You're not gonna end up alone. |
你打電話給珍妮絲 這證明你希望與人廝守終生! | You called Janice. That's how much you wanted to be with someone! |
你已經改變了! 你不一樣了! | -You've made it! -You're there! |
你準備好做出承諾了! | You are ready to make a commitment! |
但是我自己卻不知道! | Don't know about that! |
你拿了什麼? | What you got there? |
不是你的東西 而你想要打破? | Something else that's not yours that you can break? |
我知道你喜歡這個 我也要你收下它 | I know you like this and I want you to have it. |
在我們公寓會很好看 | It'll look good in our apartment. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
沒關係 | That's fine. |
你們會很高興知道 明天晚上我有約會 | You'll all be pleased to know that I have a date tomorrow night. |
我的同事愛莉森 人很不錯 | This woman Allison from work. She is great. |
她又漂亮又聰明 我一直… | She's pretty,she's smart. And I've been... |
沒有約她出來 因為她有一個… | ... holding off asking her out in the past,because she has a... |
不尋常的大頭! | ... unusually large head. |
但我不要讓這種事情阻止我 | But I'm not going to let that stuff hang me up anymore. |
看看我,我成熟了 | Look at me. I'm growing. |
你不要同學錄對吧? | You can't recycle yearbooks,can you? |
那個給我 | I'll take that. |
你要他的同學錄? | You want his yearbook? |
有人說了他的好話 應該留下來 | Some people said nice things about him. Somebody should have it. |
這真的很奇怪 | Gosh,this is so weird. |
他整個生命都在這公寓度過 現在人去樓空 | His whole life was in this apartment and now it's gone. |
我想我們應該為 哈克先生默哀一會兒 | I think it would be nice if we just took a few moments for Mr. Heckles. |
他是個麻煩人物 但他是個人 | He was kind of a pain. He was,but he was a person. |
你們全都會下地獄 | You're all going to hell. |
其實沒有那麼大! | It's really not that big! |
你要拿那個走? 沒錯 | -Taking that with you,huh? -Oh,yeah. |
你來嗎? | You coming? |
等一下 | In a second. |
再見,哈克先生 | Goodbye,Mr. Heckles. |
我們會安靜點 | We'll try to keep it down. |
我完全學非所用 | My major was useless. |
報紙上什麼時候看的到 “徵求哲學家”? | How often do you look in the classifieds and see "Philosopher Wanted"? |
對啊 | Sure. |
天啊,那真是個大頭! | My God,that's a big head! |
在辦公室看起來沒這麼大 也許是因為燈光 | It didn't look this big in the office. Maybe it's the lighting. |
我的頭在公司 一定像個高爾夫球那麼小 | My head must look like a golf ball at work. |
不要想了 快列出你喜歡她的五件事 | Don't get hung up on it. Quick! List five things you like about her. |
笑容很美,衣著高雅 | Nice smile,good dresser. |
大頭,大頭,還是大頭! | Big head,big head,big head! |
媽,你放心好不好? | Mom,would you relax? |
那裡離這裡有十條街 而且她是一個人在晚上走 | That was 10 blocks from here,and she was walking alone at night. |
我絕不會那樣的 | I would never do that. |
媽,別擔心了 | Mom,come on,stop worrying. |
這條街很安全,這棟樓很安全 沒有任何東西… | This is a safe street. This is a safe building. There's nothing |
天啊!你跑進來幹什麼? | Oh,my God! What are you doing in here?! |
媽,我必須掛電話了! | Mom,I gotta go! IT gotta go! |
天啊! | Oh,my God! |
沒關係,你儘管看報 | That's fine,you just read the paper. |
我要去拿個鍋子 | I'm gonna get a pot. |
不是為了你 | It's not for you. |
好了,很好 | Okay,that's fine. |
看看漫畫 | Read the Family Circus... |
享受一下幽默… | ...enjoy the gentle comedy.... |
喔,我的天,我的天 我的天… | Oh,my God,my God,my God,my God.... |
門是開的 | It's open,you guys. |
有事嗎? | Can I help you? |
菲比還住在這裡嗎? | Does Phoebe still live here? |
沒有,但我可以幫你傳話 | No,she doesn't. But I can get a message to her. |
好,告訴她 她老公來過這裡 | Great. Just tell her her husband stopped by. |
她的什麼? | Her what? |
你怎麼變出來的? | How did you do that? |
六人行 第2季 第04集 菲比的丈夫 | The One With Phoebe's Husband |
真是不可思議,菲比 你怎麼會結婚? | This is unbelievable,Pheebs. How can you be married? |
我不是“結婚”的結婚 你明白嗎? | I'm not "married" married,you know? |
他只是個朋友 而且他是同性戀 | He's just a friend,and he's gay... |
而且他來自加拿大 他需要一張綠卡 | ...and he was from Canada,and he needed a Green Card. |
我不相信你嫁給了鄧肯! | I can't believe you married Duncan! |
你怎麼能不告訴我? 我們什麼事都告訴彼此 | How could you not tell me? We told each other everything. |
對不起,但如果我告訴你 你會批評我… | I'm sorry,but I knew if I told you,you'd get judgmental... |
不會贊成 | ...and wouldn't approve. |
我當然不會贊成! | Of course I wouldn't approve! |
你愛死了那個同性戀 | You were totally in love with this guy who,hello,was gay. |
你到底怎麼想的? | What the hell were you thinking? |
瞧?你還以為她很愛批評呢 | See? And you thought she'd be judgmental. |
我並不愛他 我只是幫助一個朋友 | I wasn't in love with him. I was helping out a friend. |
他離開後你一整個月都沒下床 | When he left town,you stayed in your pajamas for a month. |
我還看到你吃乳酪漢堡 | And I saw you eat a cheeseburger. |
有沒有? | Well,didn't you? |
也許有 | I might have. |
我真不相信你沒告訴我 | I can't believe you didn't tell me. |
你會告訴我一切事情嗎? | Like you tell me everything? |
我有什麼沒告訴你? | What have I not told you? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
譬如說外面電線杆上的內衣… | The fact that the underwear out on the telephone pole is yours... |
是你跟搞笑巴比 在陽臺上做愛時丟下去的! | ...from when you had sex with Fun Bobby on the terrace! |
什麼? | What? |
誰告訴你的? | Wait a minute! Who told you? |
你死定了 | You are dead meat. |
我不知道那是個大秘密 | I didn't know it was a big secret. |
不是大秘密 一點也不是 | Oh,it's not big. Not at all. |
比方說就像… | IKind of the same as,say... |
長了三個乳頭! | ... I don't know,having a third nipple! |
你有三個乳頭? | You have a third nipple? |
你這賤人! | You bitch! |
秀一秀!秀一秀! | Whip it out! Whip it out! |
沒什麼好看的! 只是個小突起,沒有用處 | There's nothing to see! It's a tiny bump. It's totally useless. |
你其他乳頭有多種用途咯? | As opposed to your other multi-functional nipples? |
我真不能信任你! 你說那是個小包 | I can't believe you! You told me it was a nubbin. |
喬伊,你以為小包是什麼? | Joey,what did you think a nubbin was? |
聽到了一個名字 就不會多想了 | You see something,you hear a word,I thought that's what it was. |
讓我再看一看! 對,讓我們看你的小包! | -Let me see it again! -Yes,show us your nubbin! |
喬伊拍過色情電影! | Joey was in a porno movie! |
如果我要垮臺 每個人都要跟我一起垮! | If I'm going down,I'm taking everybody with me! |
老天! 你拍過黃片! | -Oh,my God! -You were in a porno?! |
當時我很年輕,只想找個工作 | I was young and I just wanted a job. |
但最後一刻我無法做下去 | But I couldn't go through with it. |
他們就讓我演修影印機的人… | They let me be the guy who fixes the copier but can't... |
但是因為有人在上面做愛 所以無法修理 | ...because there's people having sex on it. |
真是狂野! | That is wild! |
形狀是什麼樣子? 有沒有長毛? | -What's it shaped like? -ls it hairy? |
碰到了會怎麼樣? | What happens if you flick it? |
有沒有什麼特殊功能? | So does it do anything,you know,special? |
只要壓我的第三個乳頭… | Pressing my third nipple opens the delivery entrance... |
就會開啟納尼亞王國(著名的兒童魔幻小說)之門 | ...to the magical land of Narnia. |
在有些文化中 第三個乳頭象徵了男性雄風 | In some cultures,having a third nipple is actually a sign of virility. |
有最好的住所 女人繞著你跳脫衣舞 | You get the best huts,and women dance naked around you. |
這些文化 是否可能在美國中部? | Are any of these cultures,per chance,in the Tri-State area? |
你真是博學多聞 有什麼是你不知道的? | You know,you are so amazing. Is there anything you don't know? |
茱莉好聰明!茱莉好特別! | Julie's so smart! Julie's so special! |
她是不是晚上全副武裝出去打擊犯罪? | Does she put an outfit on at night and go out and fight crime? |
我也希望你能與羅斯複合 | I wanted you to hook up with Ross as much as you did. |
但現在他與她在一起 你必須忘了他 | But he's with her now. You'll have to get over it. |
原來我必須忘了他 | Oh,I'm going to have to get over it. |
我不知道該怎麼辦 原來只要忘了他就好 | I didn't know that's what I had to do. I just have to get over it. |
我必須寫在我的手上 | I'm gonna have to write that down on my hand. |
性感美女! 你要幹什麼? | -Sassy lady! -Where are you going? |
我要去見鄧肯 今晚他要在公園溜冰 | I'm meeting Duncan. He's skating tonight at the Garden. |
他參加了冰上劇團 | He's in the Capades. |
在冰上表演? 不,在碎石路上表演 | -The lce Capades? -No,the Gravel Capades. |
轉得不會很快 史努比跌倒時非常好笑 | The turns aren't as fast,but when Snoopy falls? Funny. |
我不相信你竟然為他打扮 | I can't believe you'd dress up for him. |
你又要重蹈覆轍了 | You're setting yourself up all over again. |
好的,不是 | Okay,no. |
我去看他 就是為了能徹底忘了他 | For your information,I'm seeing him so I can put those feelings behind me. |
我這樣打扮是因為… | The reason I'm dressed like this is because I think it's nice... |
我要讓我的同性戀丈夫有面子 | ...to look nice for your gay husband. |
該死,沒牛奶了 | Darn it,we're all out of milk. |
錢德,能不能給我加一點? | Chandler,will you fill me up here? |
我懂了,因為第三個乳頭? | I see,I see. Because of the third-nipple thing. |
親愛的,待會見 | Okay,sweetie,I'll see you later. |
待會見,瑞秋 再見,茱莉 | -See you later,Rach. -Bye-bye,Julie. |
別鬧了! | Come on,cut it out! |
我能問你一件事嗎? 好啊 | -Can I ask you something? -Sure. |
什麼? | What? |
對我說吧 | Come on,talk to me. |
你與男人交往花了最久時間… | What's the longest you've been in a relationship before... |
才發生關係的是多久? | ... having the sex? |
什麼?誰沒有…? 你與茱莉還沒有… | Why? Who's not? Are you and Julie not? |
你與茱莉還沒有發生關係? | Are you and Julie not having sex? |
技術上來說? | Technically? |
沒有 | No. |
是不是因為她很冷感? | Is it because she's so cold in bed? |
或者她非常專橫 感覺像是在學校? | Or because she's kind of bossy,makes it feel like school? |
不!她很好 我們又不是什麼都沒做 | No! She's great. And it's not like we haven't done anything. |
我們做了很多事情 像是… | We do plenty of other stuff. Lots of other stuff like |
不!別告訴我細節 | No! Don't need to know the details. |
不,只是… | No,it's just.... |
我的問題 | It's me. |
我一輩子隻跟一個人上過床… | I've only been with one woman my whole life... |
後來她變成了同性戀 | ...and she turned out to be a lesbian. |
所以現在我很擔心 | So now I've got myself all psyched out. |
就像是… | It's become,like,this... |
這件事! | ...this thing! |
你一定以為我很怪 | You must just think I'm weird. |
不,我不認為很怪 | No,I don't think it's weird. |
我想… | I think,in fact.... |
你知道我怎麼想嗎? 怎麼想? | -ln fact,you know what I think? -What? |
我覺得這很性感 | I think it's sexy. |
性感? | Sexy? |
讓我告訴你,身為女人… | Let me tell you something. As a woman... |
沒有任何事情… | ...there is nothing sexier... |
比不想要做愛的男人更性感 | ...than a man who does not want to have sex. |
真的? | No kidding? |
你知道我會怎麼做? | You know what I'd do? |
我會等待下去 | I'd wait. |
你會等待? 沒錯,我會等待… | -You'd wait? -Absolutely. I would wait... |
一直等待… | ...and wait.... |
然後我還會再等下去 | Then I'd wait some more. |
真的? | Really? |
我不管她怎麼說 她多麼想要,多麼懇求你… | I don't care if she tells you she wants it,she begs,she pleads... |
她說她要跟其他男人做愛… | ...she tells you she's gonna have sex with another man |
這只表示收到了效果 | That just means it's working. |
女人真的希望如此? | Women really want this? |
比珠寶還要渴望 | More than jewelry. |
歡迎來到麥迪森廣場公園 | |
你看起來真美麗! | Look at you! You look great! |
真的?謝謝 | Do l? Thank you. |
你也是,閃閃發亮! | So do you. Sparkly! |
真是很棒,冰上劇團主角先生 | This is pretty wonderful,Mr. Major Capades Guy! |
我記得當你扮演在羅傑先生的冰上的弗雷迪國王(兒童節目)時很可愛 | I remember when you were just King Friday in Mr. Roger's Ice Is Nice. |
你一直說我會成功的 | You always said I'd make it. |
我總是有這方面的怪才能 | Well,you know,I'm kind of spooky that way. |
啊,我想念你! | Gosh,I missed you! |
我要換衣服 好的 | -I'm gonna get changed. -Okay. |
現在就要 | Now. |
喔!對,好的 | Oh! Right. Okay. |
衝刺! | Ole! |
什麼? | What? |
鬥牛士… | The Matador.... |
衝刺! | Ole! |
親愛的,你能不能拿一下? | Sweetie,can you hold this for a second? |
對不起,你臉上有個考古學家 | Sorry,you had a paleontologist on your face. |
但現在沒有了,沒事 | But it's gone now. You're all right. |
嗨,各位 | Hi,everyone. |
我要謝謝你先前的指點 | I wanted to thank you for our little talk before. |
沒問題!所以你要等下去? | No problem! So you're gonna go with the waiting thing? |
我本來要等 但是後來我又跟喬伊談了 | I was going to,but after I talked to you,I talked to Joey. |
很好,他怎麼說? | Good. What did he say? |
他要我戰勝自己去做就行了 | He told me to get over myself and just do it. |
我衡量了你說的與他說的 | I thought about what you said and about what he said. |
照他的話,今晚我就能做愛 | And his way,I get to have sex tonight,so.... |
我口袋裡有什麼東西? | What is this in my pocket? |
什麼,是喬伊的黃色電影! | Why,it's Joey's porno movie! |
放出來看看! | Pop it in! |
我不介意 只要你們願意看… | I'm fine,if you're okay watching a video... |
一大堆兩個乳頭的人 | ...filled with two-nippled people. |
大家都在做愛 正是我想要看的 | People having sex. That's just what I need to see. |
做愛有什麼不對? | What's wrong with people having sex? |
這些電影很冒犯人… | Well,you know,these movies are offensive... |
侮辱女人與女性… | ...and degrading to women and females.... |
燈光總是很呆板 | And the lighting's always unflattering. |
莫妮卡,幫我一下 我不管,我要看喬伊! | -Monica,help me out here. -Hell,I wanna see Joey! |
有沒有故事? 還是立刻就開始… | So is there a story? Or do they just start doing it right |
別理會我 | Oh. Never mind. |
等一下 那是我見過最瘋狂的打字測驗 | Wait a minute. That is the craziest typing test I've ever seen. |
我只能說,她最好被聘用 | All I say is,she'd better get the job. |
看來是他被“聘用”了 | Looks to me like he's the one getting the job. |
我上場了 | Here I come. |
我要修理影印機 | See,I'm coming to fix the copier. |
但是我修不了 我在想:怎麼辦? | I can't get to the copier. I'm thinking,"What do I do?" |
所以我只好看他們做愛 | So I just watch them have sex. |
然後我要開口了! | Then I say Here's my line! |
這對送紙匣很不好 | You know,that's bad for the paper tray. |
幹得好,老兄! | Nice work,my friend! |
等一下,又有我的鏡頭了 這傢伙屁股擋住我了 | Wait,you see me again. Hang on,the guy's butt's blocking me. |
我冒出來了,又來了 又來了,又來了… | There I am. There I am. There I am.... |
怎麼回事? 昨天你來找我 | So what's up? You came to see me yesterday. |
我需要跟你離婚 | I kind of need a divorce. |
喔…好 | O...kay. |
為什麼? | How come? |
其實我又要結婚了 | Actually,I'm getting married again. |
什麼? | What? |
我不知道要怎麼說 | I don't know how to tell you this. |
我不是同性戀 | I'm straight. |
我不懂你怎麼會是異性戀? | I don't understand. How can you be straight? |
你又聰明又幽默… | You're so smart and funny... |
而且舉辦很棒的奧斯卡派對! | ...and you throw such great Academy Award parties! |
我也一直這麼告訴自己 | That's what I kept telling myself. |
但是到了某個程度 就無法再扯謊下去了 | But you reach a point where you can't live a lie anymore. |
你知道了多久? | How long have you known? |
我想我一直知道 自己不是同性戀 | I guess on some level I always knew I was straight. |
我覺得我應該跟別人一樣 | I thought I was supposed to be something else. |
我是個冰上舞蹈者 所有朋友都是同志,我要合群 | I'm an ice dancer,all my friends are gay. I was just trying to fit in. |
真的要跟一個女人結婚? | And there's actually a woman? |
她叫黛博拉 | Her name's Debra. |
她是不是你的第一個女人? | Well,is she the first that you've been with? |
我從來沒告訴過你… | I've never told you this... |
但在大學有一兩次… | ... but there were one or two times back in college when... |
我喝得大醉,去了異性戀酒吧 | ... I'd get drunk,go to a straight bar... |
醒來時身旁有個女人 | ...and wake up with a woman next to me. |
我以為這是因為酒精的緣故 而且大學每個人都在摸索 | I told myself it was the liquor,and everyone experiments in college. |
當然 | Sure. |
現在我知道我沒有選擇 我生下來就是如此! | Now I know I don't have a choice. I was born this way! |
我不知道該說什麼 | I don't know what to say. |
嫁給一個人六年 以為自己很瞭解他 | You're married to someone for six years and you think you know him. |
結果一天他說: 我不是同性戀! | And then one day he says,"Oh,I'm not gay!" |
我還是我 | I'm still me. |
你為什麼在六年前 沒有發現這件事? | Why couldn't you just have figured this out six years ago? |
裡面聞起來還是有猴子的味道 | You know,it still smells like monkey in there. |
我們又有話可聊了 | That saves us the conversation. |
今晚很好玩,但我累死了 | This has been great,but I'm officially wiped. |
我也是,我們該走了 | Me too. We should get going. |
不!你們別這樣! | No! Come on,you guys! |
現在才十一點半 | Come on,it's only 1 1 :30. |
讓我們好好聊聊 我們最近都沒有一起聊過天 | Let's just talk. We never just hang out and talk anymore. |
瑞秋,我們在一起只有聊天 | Rachel,that's all we do. |
也許我們是如此 但是茱莉呢? | Maybe that's all we do. What about Julie? |
茱莉怎麼樣? | What about Julie? |
你已經加入我們將近兩個月了 | You have been in our lives for nearly two months now... |
我們還沒有真正認識你 | ...and we don't really know you. |
茱莉究竟是什麼樣的人? | I mean,who is Julie? |
你喜歡什麼?不喜歡什麼? | What do you like? What don't you like? |
我們什麼都要知道 | We want to know everything. |
這可能要花一段時間 | Well,that could take awhile. |
所以呢? | So? |
誰沒有時間更認識茱莉? | Who here does not have the time to get to know Julie? |
我有時間來認識茱莉 | I got the time to get to know Julie. |
我跟她很熟了 我能回去嗎? | I know her pretty well. Can I go? |
沒關係 | That's fine. |
讓我們從你的童年開始 你的童年是怎麼樣? | Let's start with your childhood. What was that like? |
簡單地說… | In a nutshell |
你告訴了你父母嗎? | So,have you told your parents? |
還沒有,應該沒關係 他們都很酷 | No,but it'll be okay. They're pretty cool. |
我弟弟是異性戀,所以… | My brother's straight,so.... |
就是這樣了 | Here you go. |
我還有一個問題 | You know what? I just have one more question. |
如果你早一點知道 而我也在你身邊… | If you had figured this out sooner,and I had been around... |
你想會不會是我…? | ...do you think l would have been the one...? |
不,別告訴我 | No. Don't tell me. |
我想不管什麼回答 都不會讓我更好過 | I don't think either answer would make me feel better. Here. |
我愛你,菲比 | I love you,Phoebe. |
所以你弟弟是異性戀? | So your brother's straight,huh? |
說真的 | Seriously. |
我的二年級老師是湯瑪斯小姐 | and my second-grade teacher was Miss Thomas... |
我的一年級老師是柯布小姐 | ...and my first-grade teacher was Mrs. Cobb. |
葛布小姐? | Mrs. Gobb? |
不,柯布,就像柯布沙拉 | No,Cobb. Like cobb salad. |
柯布沙拉裡面究竟有什麼? | What exactly is in a cobb salad? |
我要回家了 | I'm going home. |
茱莉真是愛說話,嗯? | Boy,that Julie's a talker,huh? |
晚安 | Good night. |
很晚了,你們大概沒有打算… | It's pretty late. You're probably not still planning on.... |
我有 | No,I am. |
你緊張嗎? | Are you nervous? |
我以前做過 | I have done it before. |
你要如何進行? | I mean,how are you gonna handle it? |
要先談談?還是直接猛撲上去? | Are you gonna talk about it beforehand? Are you just gonna pounce? |
我不知道,我想我要… | I don't know. I guess I'm just gonna... |
順其自然 | ...see what happens. |
祝你好運! | Good luck! |
什麼? | What? |
沒事… | Nothing.... |
這是你與她的第一次 如果第一次就不順利… | It is your first time with her,and if the first time doesn't go well... |
那就很難再東山再起 | ...well then,that's pretty darn hard to recover from. |
好,現在我緊張了 | Okay,now I'm nervous. |
也許你應該延期 | Maybe you should put it off. |
不,我不要延期! | No,I don't want to put it off! |
我去年一整年都很悲慘 | I spent last year being so unbelievably miserable. |
現在我很快樂 | And now I'm actually happy. |
真的很快樂 | You know,I mean really happy. |
我不希望… | I just don't wanna.... |
我不希望搞砸了,你知道吧? | I don't wanna mess it up,you know? |
我知道 | I know. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
這又不是你的錯 | It's not your fault. |
嗯… | Right. |
也許不需要這麼困難 | Maybe it doesn't have to be this tough. |
也許你順其自然是對的 | Maybe you were on the right track with that whole "spontaneous" thing. |
女人真的喜歡這樣 真的? | -Women really like that. -Really? |
如果是我,我會希望你… | I mean if it were me,I'd want you to.... |
趁我沒有防備的時候… | I don't know,catch me off guard with a really... |
好好給我一個吻 | ...good kiss. |
剛開始要很輕柔 | Really sort of soft at first. |
然後也許把我的頭髮撥開 | And then maybe brush the hair away from my face. |
凝視我的眼睛… | And then look far into my eyes... |
讓我知道有美妙的事情… | ...in a way that lets me know something... |
快要發生了 | ...amazing is about to happen. |
然後,我不知道,然後… | And then,I don't know,then... |
你會更緊地摟住我… | ...you'd pull me really close to you so that... |
我會緊緊帖著你… | ...so that I'd be pressed up right against you. |
然後就會開始… | And it would get kind of... |
流汗… | ...sweaty... |
目眩神迷… | ...and blurry. |
一切就自然發生… | And then it's just happening. |
謝謝,瑞秋,晚安! | Thanks,Rach. Good night! |
天啊! | Oh,God! |
《雨中曲》的插曲 | |
早安! | Good morning! |
昨晚有人爽到了! | Well,somebody got some last night! |
兩次! | Twice! |
我好想念茱莉 | Man,I sure miss Julie. |
西班牙侏儒 | Spanish midgets. |
跟西班牙侏儒摔跤的是… | Spanish midgets wrestling.... |
茱莉!哦,我明白你是怎麼想到她的了 | Julie! Okay,I see how you got there. |
你有想過電話用來做什麼嗎? | You ever figure out what that thing's for? |
我在過濾電話 | I'm trying this screening thing. |
我想如果我老是去接的話 大家會以為我沒有生活 | If I always answer the phone,people will think I have no life. |
老天啊,羅德里格從未被壓住 | My God! Rodrigo never gets pinned! |
聽到嗶聲後 知道該怎麼做吧? | At the sound of the beep,you know what to do. |
我要找鮑勃 | Hello. I'm looking for Bob. |
我是珍德 | This is Jade. |
我不知道你的電話改了沒有 不過我不斷在想… | I don 't know if you 're still at this number,but I was thinking... |
…我們過去那段美好的時光 我知道都已經三年了啦… | ...about how great it was. I know it's been three years... |
…可是我希望我們能夠重修舊好 | ...but I was hoping we could hook up again. |
我提不起勇氣打電話… | I barely had the nerve to make this call... |
…你知道我怎麼樣嗎? 怎麼樣? | -...so you know what I did? -What? |
我喝得醉醺醺… | I got a little drunk... |
…還一絲不掛 | ...and naked. |
我是鮑勃 | Bob here! |
六人行 第2季 第05集 五塊牛排和一根茄子 | The One With Five Steaks and An Eggplant |
你近來都在幹什麼呢? | So what have you been up to? |
跟平常一樣啊 | Oh,you know,the usual. |
教有氧舞蹈… | Teaching aerobics... |
…玩得太瘋狂 | ...partying way too much. |
如果你想知道的話… | And in case you wondered... |
…新007電影海報上那雙腿 是我的 | ... those are my legs on the new James Bond poster. |
請等一下,我有電話進來了 | Can you hold on? I have another call. |
我愛她 我知道 | -I love her! -I know. |
我回來了 那我們到底要不要聚一聚啊? | -I'm back. -So are we gonna get together? |
當然要了 | Absolutely. |
明天下午怎麼樣? | How about tomorrow afternoon? |
你知道中央公園咖啡廳嗎?五點鐘左右 | Do you know Central Perk? Say,five-ish? |
太棒了,到時候見 | Great. I'll see you then. |
我裝上電話,終於物有所值了 | Having a phone has finally paid off. |
就算你裝鮑勃裝得很像… | You do a good Bob impression... |
…等到她明天一看到你… | ... but when she sees you tomorrow... |
…就會發現你不是鮑勃了 | ...she's gonna realize you're not Bob. |
你看紋身 | You see Tattoo.... |
珍德希望跟鮑勃重修舊好 | Jade's fantasy is to rekindle the love she had with Bob. |
而我希望你能像個正常人一樣說話 | My fantasy is that you talk like a normal person. |
我只希望當她知道 鮑勃放她鴿子的時候… | I'm hoping that when Bob doesn't show up... |
…她會投向鄰桌的 陌生人的懷抱 | ...she'll seek comfort in the arms of the stranger at the next table. |
老天,你真是邪惡到家 | Oh,my God. You are pure evil. |
邪惡到家… | Okay,pure evil... |
…饑渴兼孤單 | ... horny and alone. |
這我都試過了 | I've done this. |
對,大家都在 | Yeah,everybody's here. |
各位,跟在新墨西哥州的茱莉 打聲招呼吧 | Hey,everybody! Say hi to Julie in New Mexico! |
茱莉… | Hi,Julie. |
趁羅斯在講電話… | While Ross is on the phone... |
…每人繳62塊慶祝他的生日 | ...everybody owes me 62 bucks for his birthday. |
你可不可以將就一下… | Is there any chance that you're rounding up from... |
…譬如說… | ...you know... |
…每個人繳20塊就好了 | ...from like 20? |
拜託 要有禮物,演唱會,還有蛋糕 | Hey,we got the gift,the concert and the cake. |
我們還需要一個蛋糕? | Do we need a cake? |
各位,我知道這數目有一點高(有“大起大落”的意思) | I know it's a little steep. |
不過是羅斯的生日呀 | But it's Ross. |
是羅斯 | It's Ross. |
好了,咱們待會兒見 我還得去… | See you later. I gotta go... |
…做一件事 | ...do a thing! |
好了,甜心,我晚上再打給你 | Okay,sweetheart,I'll call you later. |
你不是真的要那麼做吧,老兄 | You're not going through with this,are you? |
我非做不可 | You know,I think I might just. |
你們晚上吃什麼? | What are you guys doing for dinner tonight? |
我想我要開始 為羅斯的生日存錢了 | Well,I gotta start saving up for Ross' birthday. |
我想我將在家裡吃骯髒邦尼兔 | I guess I'll just stay home and eat dust bunnies. |
你知道這個可要花很多錢啊 | Can you believe how much this costs? |
你們有時候會不會覺得… | Do you guys ever get the feeling that... |
…錢德,他們… | ... Chandler and those guys... |
…根本不明白 我們賺的錢沒他們多 | ...don't get that we don't make that much money? |
他們總是說 “咱們去這兒,去那兒” | They always say let's go here,let's go there. |
好像我們能負擔得起去這裡去哪裡似的 | Like we can afford to go here and there. |
而且我們總是得去“好地方” 你知道嗎? | Yes,and we always have to go to,you know,someplace nice. |
我們連反對的權利都沒有 因為這是慶祝生日… | And we can't say anything about it,because this is a birthday thing... |
…羅斯的 | ...and it's "for Ross." |
羅?溝摹瓄 | For Ross. |
老天 | Oh,my God! |
我在上班… | I'm at work... |
…跟平常的一天一樣 切切切,煎煎煎 | ...just an ordinary day,chop,chop,saute,saute. |
突然間呢,我們經理里昂 叫我去他的辦公室 | Suddenly,Leon,the manager,calls me into his office. |
原來他們開除了午餐大廚 你們猜誰取代他的職位了? | They fired the lunch chef,and guess who got the job? |
如果不是你的話 這可是個糟透的故事 | If it's not you,this is a horrible story. |
幸好,那個人是我 | Fortunately,it is me. |
他們還升我為採購主任 謝謝 | And they made me head of purchasing,thank you! |
太棒了 | That's so cool! |
我認為我們該出去慶祝一下 | Anyway,I think we should go out and celebrate. |
去個好地方 | You know,someplace nice. |
去個好地方 | Someplace nice. |
你們想我的腎能夠賣多少錢? | How much you think I can get for my kidney? |
說真的,你不能夠這麼做 | You can't do this. |
少來了,拘泥于那種傳統方法 我永遠把不到那種女孩 | I can't get a girl like that with conventional methods. |
那有什麼關係呢? | It doesn't matter. |
她要找的是鮑勃 鮑勃一定是她理想的物件 | She wanted to call Bob. Bob could be who she was meant to be with. |
你這麼做 或許會毀了兩個人快樂的機會 | You may be destroying their chance for happiness. |
我們不認識鮑勃 | We don't know Bob. |
我們認識我,我們喜歡我 拜託,讓我快樂起來 | We know me. We like me. Please let me be happy. |
你過去告訴那個女人實話 | Go over there and tell that woman the truth. |
好吧 | All right. |
去啊 | Go. |
我要… | Listen,I have to.... |
我要跟你坦白一件事 | I have to confess something. |
什麼事? | Yes? |
放你鴿子的人是混蛋 | Whoever stood you up is a jerk. |
你怎麼會… 我不知道 | -How did you -I don't know. |
我就是有這種怪怪的感應 我就這樣,怪怪的又敏感 | I just had this weird sense. But that's me,I'm weird and sensitive. |
面紙? | Tissue? |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
不用,你整包留著吧 | No,you keep the pack. |
我已經哭了一天了 | I'm all cried out today. |
我敬我剛剛被升為午餐大廚的妹妹一杯 | Here is to my sister,the newly appointed head lunch chef. |
而且她還接掌了採買大權 | Also in charge of purchasing. |
恭賀她升為午餐大廚 並且接掌採買大權… | Head lunch chef,also in charge of purchasing |
羅蘭德不在的時候還有自己的小辦公桌 | Who has her own little desk when Roland's not there. |
午餐大廚,採購,羅蘭德不在時 有自己的小辦公桌 | Lunch chef,purchasing,own little desk when Roland's not there... |
咱們敬我的… 等等…我還有傳呼機 | -... here's to my -Wait! And I got a beeper! |
沒關係,我等好了 | That's fine,I'll just wait. |
抱歉… | Sorry. |
敬莫妮卡 | Monica! |
各位可以點菜了嗎? | Are we ready to order? |
對不起,我們還沒看功能表 | We haven't even looked yet. |
那你們看過之後再叫我 | When you do,let me know. |
我會在那邊引頸企盼的 | I'll be over there on the edge of my seat. |
你們看看這上面的價錢 | Look at these prices! |
是呀,都是錢啊 | Yeah,these are pretty "cha-ching." |
這是些什麼?名牌雞嗎? | I know! What are these,famous chickens? |
抱歉,我遲到了 莫妮卡,恭喜你 | Sorry I'm late. Congratulations,Mon. |
我不後悔我遲到,我跟珍德的午後約會太不可思議了 | I'm not sorry I'm late. How incredible was my afternoon with Jade? |
根據她在我答錄機上 留給你的話的確很不可思議 | Pretty incredible,according to the message on my machine. |
錢德,這個女人為什麼 會在我的答錄機留話給你呢? | Why is this woman leaving a message for you on my machine? |
我必須要告訴她 我的號碼是你的號碼… | I told her that my number was yours... |
…因為我不能告訴她 我的號碼是我的號碼… | ... because I couldn't tell her it was mine... |
…因為她以為 我的號碼是鮑勃的號碼 | ... because she thinks my number is Bob's number. |
你再告訴我一次 結繩先生打來的時候我怎麼辦? | Tell me again. What do I do when Mr. Roper calls? |
可以點菜了嗎? | Do I dare ask? |
好,我要先來一份生牛肉 然後再來一份烤蝦 | I'll start with the carpaccio,and then the grilled prawns. |
聽起來不錯,我也一樣 | Great,same for me. |
那這位先生呢? | And for the gentleman? |
我要泰國雞肉披薩 | I'll have the Thai chicken pizza. |
如果我的披薩少加乾果,大蒜… | But if I get it without the nuts and leeks and stuff... |
…會不會比較便宜啊? | ...is it cheaper? |
你是那麼想嗎? | You'd think,wouldn't you? |
好了,我想要點…伴碟沙拉 | I will have the side salad. |
那要伴在什麼菜旁邊呢? | And what would that be on the side of? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
你就幫我放在我的水旁邊好了 | Just put it right here next to my water. |
那你呢? | And for you? |
我想我要來一碗黃瓜湯… | I'm gonna have a cup of the cucumber soup and... |
…保重了 | ...take care. |
我要一份黑椒鯰魚 | I will have the Cajun catfish. |
就這樣嗎? | Anything else? |
還有一首“溫柔地殺死我” 怎麼樣? | Yes,how about a verse of "Killing Me Softly"? |
你會朝我的魚打噴嚏 對不對? | You're gonna sneeze in my fish,aren't you? |
-有沒有人覺得他們剛生了個外星人 -是的 | Does anybody else feel like they just gave birth to an alien? Yes |
不 | No |
加上小費再除以六… | Plus tip,divided by six.... |
好了,每個人給我28塊錢 | Everyone owes 28 bucks. |
每個人? | Everyone? |
你說得對,對不起 | Oh! You're right,I'm sorry. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
今天是莫妮卡的大日子 她不需要付啊 | It's Monica's big night. She shouldn't pay. |
用五個人去除… | So five of us is... |
…每個人33.5元 | ...33. 50 a piece. |
不行,抱歉 那是不可能的事 | No. No way. Sorry,not gonna happen. |
畢業舞會重演 | Prom night flashback. |
對不起,莫妮卡 你升了職我替你高興… | Sorry,Monica. I'm happy you got promoted... |
…可是冷黃瓜糊要三十幾塊? | ... but cold cucumber mush for 30-something bucks? |
不行 | No! |
瑞秋只點了那盤小沙拉… | Rachel just had that little salad... |
…喬伊只吃了那片小披薩 | ...and Joey with his teeny pizza! |
好吧,菲比 | Okay,Pheebs. |
那我們就各付各的,好嗎? | How about we'll each pay for what we had? |
小事一樁嘛 | It's no big deal. |
對你來講就是 | Not for you. |
到底怎麼了? | All right,what's going on? |
算了,各位 我現在真的不想談這個 | I don't wanna get into this right now. |
我覺得 這樣只會讓大家心裡有疙瘩 | It'll make everybody uncomfortable. |
拜託,說出來吧 | You can tell us. |
對啊,是我們,沒關係的 | Yeah,hello? It's us. We'll be fine. |
我們三個… | We three... |
…覺得… | ...feel like that... |
…你們有時候不太明白… | ...sometimes you guys don't get that.... |
我們沒你們那麼有錢 | We don't have as much money as you. |
我懂了 | I hear you. |
那我們可以談啊 | We can talk about that. |
那麼… | Well,then... |
…我們就 | ...Iet's. |
我猜我只是 從沒想過錢是個問題 | I guess I just never think of money as an issue. |
那是因為你有錢 你說得好 | -Because you have it. -Good point! |
你們以前為何不提出來討論呢? | So how come you guys haven't talked about this before? |
因為總是有特別的事情 像莫妮卡的新工作… | Because it's always something. Like with Monica's new job... |
…或是羅斯的生日套圈遊戲什麼的… | ...or the whole Ross' birthday hoopla. |
我可不希望我的生日 造成任何的不愉快… | I don't want my birthday to be the source of any kind of negative.... |
你們要為我搞套圈遊戲嗎? | There's gonna be a hoopla? |
基本上有這件事啦 然後又是那件事… | Basically there's the thing,and then the stuff after the thing |
如果大家覺得好過一點的話 我們可以忘了那件事… | If it makes anybody feel better,forget the thing... |
…只送禮物就好了 | ...and we'll just do the gift. |
禮物?除了禮物還有別的? | Gift? The thing's not the gift? |
不,那件事就是我們要去看 “貓頭鷹和河豚魚”(著名演唱組合) | No,we were gonna go see Hootie and the Blowfish. |
貓頭鷹和… | Hootie and the |
我可以聽收音機就好了 | I can catch them on the radio. |
不,現在我愧疚了 你想去聽那場演唱會的? | No. Now I feel bad. You wanna go to the concert. |
不,聽著,那是我的生日… | No,look. It's my birthday... |
…最重要的 是我們大家一起過 | ...and the important thing is that we're all together. |
全部 一起過 | -All of us. -Together. |
不是去演唱會 | Not at the concert. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
那個伊波拉病毒… 得了一定很慘 | So,the Ebola virus. That's gotta suck,huh? |
莫妮卡,袋子裡有什麼? | Gee,Monica. What's in the bag? |
不知道,錢德 咱們看一下吧 | I don't know,Chandler. Let's take a look. |
像在演短劇 | Oh,it's like a skit. |
是六個人的晚餐 五塊牛排… | Why,it's dinner for six. Five steaks... |
…跟菲比的茄子 | ...and an eggplant for Phoebe. |
我們餐廳換了肉食供應商 新供應商送了我這些牛排謝我 | We switched suppliers at work,and they gave me the steaks as a thank-you. |
等等,還有啊… 錢德,那信封裡頭還有什麼? | But wait,there's more. Chandler,what is in that envelope? |
對了,剛才在外面排演 沒這麼蠢的 | By the way,this didn't seem so dorky out in the hall. |
是六張去看 “貓頭鷹和河豚魚”的票 | Why,it's six tickets to Hootie and the Blowfish! |
是“河豚魚”呀 | The Blowfish! |
是我們付錢的,所以別擔心 我們… | It's on us. So don't worry. This is... |
…請客 | ...our treat. |
謝了 | Thank you. |
你們為何不高興啊 | Could you be less enthused? |
各位,你們一番好意 | Look,it's a nice gesture. It is. |
可是我們覺得這像… | But it just feels like.... |
像… | Like? |
施捨 | Charity. |
施捨? | Charity? |
我們只是想讓大家高興 | We're just trying to do a nice thing here. |
對,羅斯但是你這麼做 讓我們覺得我們很渺小 | But you have to understand,your "nice thing" makes us feel about this big. |
事實上,我們是這麼小 | Actually,it makes us feel that big. |
我不懂 我是說,我們怎樣做都不對 | I don't understand. We can't win with you guys. |
若你們覺得那麼渺小的話 那或許不是我們的錯 | If you guys feel this big,maybe that's not our fault. |
或許…那只是你們的感覺 | Maybe that's just how you feel. |
你要告訴我們有什麼感受 | Now you're telling us how we feel. |
你看嘛,我們根本就不該提的 | We never should have talked about this. |
我想我不去演唱會了 | I'm gonna pass on the concert. |
因為我現在 不太有心 | I'm just not in a very "Hootie" place right now. |
我也是 我也是 | -Me neither. -Me too. |
各位,我們票都已經買好了 | Guys,we bought the tickets. |
那你們就有多餘的座位可以放你們的皇冠啊什麼的 | Then you'll have extra seats for all your tiaras and stuff. |
你說的時候幹嘛瞪著我看? | Why did you look at me when you said that? |
這下子我們都不能去了 | So I guess now we can't go. |
你們去做你們要做的事啊 我們非得集體行動不可嗎? | Do what you want. Do we always have to do everything together? |
知道嗎?你說得對耶 | You know what? You're right. |
很好 | Fine. |
好吧 | All right. |
我們就去 | We're gonna go. |
不過還有六個小時 我們到時候再去 | It's not for another six hours. We're gonna go then. |
天啊,你準備好了嗎? | Are you ready? |
好了,等我先拿個外套 還有我今天上床了 | Just let me grab my jacket and tell you I had sex today. |
什麼?你今天上床了? | What? You had sex today? |
從別人嘴裡說出來更酷耶 | It sounds even cooler when somebody else says it! |
我棒透了,我害得她必須要 咬住嘴唇忍住尖叫 | I was awesome. She was biting her lip to stop from screaming. |
我知道我很久沒有這樣了 但我認為那是個好現象 | I know it's been a while,but I took that as a good sign. |
你還在過濾電話嗎? | Still doing the screening? |
我今天上床了 | I had sex today. |
我再也不用去接那個電話 | I never have to answer that phone again. |
嗶一聲過後,你知道怎麼做 | At the sound of the beep,you know what to do. |
鮑勃,我是珍德,聽著 | Hey,Bob. It's Jade. |
你那天放我鴿子 我心裡難過極了 | I wanted to tell you I was really hurt when you didn 't show up yesterday. |
結果你知道嗎? 我認識了另一個人 | And just so you know,I ended up meeting a guy. |
我是鮑勃 | Bob here. |
你認識了別人? | So you met someone,huh? |
沒錯 | Yes,I did. |
事實上 我兩小時前跟他上床了 | In fact,I had sex with him two hours ago. |
他怎麼樣呢? | So how was he? |
鮑勃,跟你比他算什麼 | Oh,Bob,he was nothing compared to you. |
我得咬住嘴唇 才能不叫出你的名字 | I bit my lip to keep from screaming your name. |
很高興聽你這麼講 | Well,that makes me feel so good. |
我是覺得他好沒技巧 | It was just so awkward and bumpy. |
或許是因為他採取了一些 你不熟悉的新的酷姿勢 | Maybe he had some kind of new style that you're not familiar with. |
你應該要習慣他的做法呀 | You have to get used to it. |
根本沒多少時間可以讓我習慣… | There wasn 't much time to get used to it... |
…懂我的意思嗎? | ...if you know what I mean. |
知道嗎? 我想我根本沒有心情聽這個 | You know what? I'm not gonna be able to enjoy this. |
我知道,這是我的生日 我們應該全部在一起的 | I know. It's my birthday. We all should be here. |
那麼走吧 | So let's go. |
或許我們應該聽一首再走 | Well,maybe we should stay for one song. |
對呀,反正現在離開有點不敬 | It would be rude to them for us to leave now. |
說不定 他們現在正玩得很開心呢 | The guys are probably having a great time. |
來吧,再來一次嘛 | Come on,you guys. One more time. |
— | One. |
不可思議 棒透了 | -Amazing! -Excellent! |
真不能相信他們錯過這個 | I can't believe the guys missed it! |
你說誰?對了 | What guys? Oh,yeah. |
請問,你是莫妮卡蓋勒,對吧? | Excuse me. Aren't you Monica Geller? |
我認識你嗎? 你以前當過我的褓姆呀 | -Do I know you? -You were my baby-sitter! |
天啊,我的小史提維·費舍 | Oh,my God! Little Stevie Fisher? |
近來好不好啊? | How have you been? |
很好,我現在是律師了 | Good. I'm a lawyer now. |
你不可能是律師,你才八歲 | You can't be a lawyer. You're 8. |
聽著,很高興見到你 我要去後臺了 | It was nice to see you. I gotta run backstage. |
等等,後臺? | Wait,backstage? |
他們是我公司代理的。-我是羅斯。-錢德 | My firm represents the band.-Ross.-Chandler. |
你們想認識他們嗎? | You guys wanna meet the group? |
那走吧 | Come on. |
對了 你以前是跟我爸亂搞的其中之一嗎? | Are you one of the ones that fooled around with my Dad? |
各位 | Hey,you guys! |
生日快樂 | Happy birthday! |
謝謝 | Oh,thank you. |
你們昨天晚上過得怎麼樣? | How was your night last night? |
昨晚真是爛得可以了 你們呢? | Oh,well,it pretty much sucked. How was yours? |
我們也是爛得可以啊 | Ours pretty much sucked too. |
但是我碰到了史提維·費舍 你記得嗎? | But I ran into Stevie Fisher. Remember him? |
記得,我以前當過他的褓姆 | Oh,yeah! I used to baby-sit him. |
他爸好嗎? | Hey,how's his dad? |
很好 | Good. |
除此之外 我們昨天整個晚上都滿淒慘的 | Aside from that,the evening was pretty much a bust. |
對,我們很想念你們 | Yeah,we really missed you guys. |
對呀,我們剛才還說 這件事太愚蠢了 | Yeah,we were just saying,this whole thing is so stupid. |
我們必須真的真的 不讓錢這種事情介入… | We just have to really,really not let stuff like money,get like |
那是個吻痕嗎? | Is that a hickey? |
不,我只是… | Oh,no,I just.... |
我跌倒了 | I fell down. |
跌在別人嘴上? | On someone's lips? |
你那吻痕哪兒來的? | Where'd you get the hickey? |
你知道,派對啊… | You know,a party or |
什麼派對? | What party? |
那不算是派對… | It wasn't a party so much as a... |
…只能說是一群人聚在一起 | ...a gathering of people. |
有吃的,有音樂,還有… | With food and music and... |
…樂團 | ...and the band. |
你們跟“貓頭鷹和河豚魚”開派對? | You partied with Hootie and the Blowfish? |
對,很顯然史提維跟貓頭鷹很熟 | Yes. Apparently,Stevie and Hootie are like this. |
那吻痕是誰給的? | Who gave you that hickey? |
是其中一個河豚魚弄的 | That would be the work of a Blowfish. |
我真不敢相信 | I can't believe it! I can't believe this! |
我們只是坐在家裡頭 猜喬伊的手指頭… | We're just sitting at home,trying to guess Joey's fingers... |
而你們卻跑出去瘋狂作樂說: | ...and you're partying and having fun and all: |
“嘿,河豚魚,來吸我脖子” | "Hey,Blowfish,suck on my neck!" |
不要怪我們 本來你們也可以去的 | Don't blame us. You could've been there. |
什麼?當被你們施捨的窮朋友,是不是? | What? As part of your "poor friends outreach program"? |
噢,是公司 | Oh,great. It's work. |
我不曉得該說什麼 很抱歉我們賺的錢比你們多 | I don't know what to say. I'm sorry we make more than you. |
可是我們不想因此有罪惡感 我們很努力的賺錢啊 | But we're not gonna feel guilty. We work really hard. |
我們就不努力? | And we don't work hard? |
我是莫妮卡 剛剛有人傳呼我 | It's Monica. I got a page. |
有時候我們會想做花錢多的事情嘛 | It's just that sometimes we like to do stuff that costs a little more. |
是我們拖住你了。-是的,不 | And you feel like we hold you back.-Yes.No |
等等 | Leon,wait. |
各位! | Guys! |
我不明白 | I don't understand. |
那些牛排只是肉商送來的禮物 | The steaks were a gift from the meat vendor. |
可不是回扣啊 | That was not a kickback. |
那我還他們 我們把這件事忘掉好了 | I'll just replace them,and we can forget the whole thing. |
什麼公司政策啊? | What corporate policy? |
我被開除了 | I just got fired. |
你們的帳單,一共四塊一毛二 | Here's your check. That'll be $4. 1 2. |
我來付 | Let me get that. |
你有沒有五塊啊? | You got 5 bucks? |
嗶一聲過後,你知道怎麼做 | Here comes the beep. You know what to do. |
是我 | Hi,it's me. |
鮑勃 也許我不該做這樣的要求 | Listen,Bob. I'm probably way out of line here. |
我是說都過三年了 說不定你另外有女朋友了… | It's been three years,and you 're probably seeing someone else now... |
…我們如果能在一起一個晚上 看在往日的份上… | ...but if we could have one night together,for old time 's sake.... |
乾柴烈火的一晚… | One hot,steamy,wild night.... |
我的小不點兒 | Who the winny-binny boy? |
你是個小小的小不點兒 | You the winny-winny-binny-binny boy! |
不要哭啊 | Don't cry. |
不要哭嘛 | Don't cry. |
他為什麼還在哭? | Why is he still crying? |
不要擔心,沒什麼東西不能用“快樂鑰匙”搞定的 | Don't worry. It's nothing that can't be solved by " happy keys. " |
當有人在我面前晃動有缺口的金屬時我就會感覺很好 | I feel better when someone shakes jagged metal in my face. |
好了,這裡 | All right, here. |
我來抱他一下 | Let me hold him for a sec. |
來,爸爸抱 | Here we go. |
不哭了 | There we are. |
或許是因為我 | Maybe it's me. |
別傻了,班愛你 他只是有點像怪癖褲子先生(卡通形象經常說“別碰我”) | Don't be silly. Ben loves you. He's just being Mr. Cranky Pants. |
我曾跟一個怪癖褲子小姐約會過 | You know,I once dated a Miss Cranky Pants. |
好女孩,有點情緒化就是了 | Lovely girl. IKind of moody. |
好了,好多了 | There we go,all better. |
這才是小乖乖 | There's my little boy. |
我可以試一件事嗎? | Can I see something? |
酷哎 | Cool! |
他恨我,我的侄子恨我 | He hates me. My nephew hates me! |
-我沒了工作而且他恨我 -別這樣說嘛 | -l' m unemployed and he hates me.-Don't do this. |
你只有沒工作而已 | You' re just unemployed. |
要是我自己孩子恨我 怎麼辦啊? | What if my own baby hates me? What do I do then? |
莫妮卡,打住, 你瘋了嗎? | Monica,stop! This is nuts. |
你知道你還要多久 才會遇到這個問題呢? | Do you know how long it'll be before you have to deal with this? |
我是說你現在連男朋友都沒有 | You don't even have a boyfriend yet. |
喬伊,她看起來不胖 | Joey,she does not look fat. |
六人行 第2季 第06集 寶寶落在巴士上了 | The One With the Baby on the Bus |
拿去 | Here you go. |
咕,咕,咕! | Goo,goo,goo! |
真好笑,那個借我一下 | That is so funny! Let me see that a sec. |
你還好吧,羅斯? | You okay? |
不知道 | I don't know. |
餡餅裡有什麼呀? | What's in this pie? |
不知道,奶油,雞蛋,麵粉 萊姆,奇異果跟… | I don't know. Butter and eggs and flour and lime and kiwi |
奇異果?奇異果? | Kiwi? Kiwi?! |
你說這個是奇萊餡餅 | You said it was a key lime pie. |
不是,我是說奇異果萊姆 所以才會那麼特別 | No,I didn't. I said kiwi lime. That's what makes it so special. |
所以我才會死 | That's what's gonna kill me. |
我對奇異果過敏 | I'm allergic to kiwi. |
你才不會呢 你會過敏的是龍蝦,花生跟… | No,you're not. You're allergic to lobster and peanuts and |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
越來越嚴重了 | It's definitely getting worse. |
你的舌頭腫了嗎? | Is your tongue swelling up? |
要不然就是我的嘴小了 | Either that or my mouth is getting smaller! |
穿外套,我們現在就到醫院去 | Get your coat. We're going to the hospital. |
他不會怎麼樣吧? 不會,只是得打一針 | -Will he be okay? -He's gotta get a shot. |
事實上我覺得好多了 | You know,actually,it's getting better. It is. |
沒錯,別去了 誰要玩拼字遊戲啊? | Let's not go. Anyone up for Scrabble? |
去穿外套 | Jacket,now! |
但是班怎麼辦呢? 我們不能帶個寶寶去醫院啊 | What about Ben? We can't bring a baby to the hospital. |
交給我們吧 | We'll watch him. |
恕難從命 | I don't think so. |
幹嘛?我有七個天主教姐妹 我照顧過上百個小孩 | I have seven Catholic sisters. I've taken care of hundreds of kids. |
別這樣 我們想幫忙,對不對? | Come on,we want to do it. Don't we? |
拜託,我本來想去打籃球的… | I was gonna play basketball... |
…不過球被丟出窗外去了 | ... but I guess that's out the window. |
好,如果你要帶他去散步 記得要幫他戴帽子,好嗎? | If you take him out for a walk,remember to bring his hat. |
冰箱裡還有一些牛奶 尿布在袋子裡 | There's milk in the refrigerator and diapers in the bag. |
帽子,牛奶… | Hat,milk.... |
懂了 | Got it! |
包在我身上啊 | Consider it done! |
你聽得懂嗎? | You understood? |
懂啊,我沙叔叔就有大舌頭 | My uncle Sal has a really big tongue. |
是老婆很漂亮的那個? | Is he the one with the beautiful wife? |
中央公園 | |
瑞秋,要不要聽聽 我今天下午要唱的新歌呢? | You want to hear the song I'm singing this afternoon? |
今天早上洗澡的時候寫的 | I wrote it this morning in the shower. |
我一邊洗澡一邊在寫歌 | I'm in the shower And I'm writing a song |
聽過的話請阻止我 | Stop me if you've heard it |
我全身泡沫,頭髮濕搭搭 | My skin is soapy and my hair is wet |
香皂倒過來是皂香 | And Tegrin spelled backward is nirget |
瑞秋,親愛的 麻煩你過來一下好嗎? | Rachel,sweetheart,could I see you for a minute? |
什麼事啊? | What's up? |
告訴你… | FYI: |
我決定以後周日的下午 要付錢請一位職業歌手來演出 | I've decided to pay a professional musician to play here on Sundays. |
她叫史戴芬什麼的,很出色的 | Her name is Stephanie something. She's supposed to be very good. |
但菲比怎麼辦? | But what about Phoebe? |
瑞秋,你的朋友?恢皇遣疃褅 | It's not that your friend is bad. |
她實在是差到… | It's that she's so bad... |
差到讓我想把手指頭 伸進我的眼睛裡 | ...she makes me want to put my finger through my eye into my brain... |
然後把腦袋攪成漿糊 | ...and swirl it around. |
那好,你不是她的歌迷 | Okay,so you're not a fan. |
可是你不能這樣對她嘛 | But,I mean,come on. You cannot do this to her. |
你叫我出面? | I have to do this to her? |
塗皂,沖水,再一次… | Lather,rinse,repeat |
塗皂,沖水,再一次… | And lather,rinse,repeat |
塗皂,沖水,再一次… | And lather,rinse,repeat |
視需要而定 | As needed |
我覺得我們東西沒有帶夠 | We didn't bring enough stuff. |
你有沒有記得 把寶寶的止痛藥帶出來? | Did you forget to pack the baby's anvil? |
我告訴你,這絕對值得 | I'm telling you,it'll be worth it. |
大家都知道女人最愛寶寶了 | It's a known fact that women love babies. |
女人愛喜歡寶寶的男人 這是感性的問題,懂了嗎? | Women love guys who love babies. It's the sensitive thing. |
把他對準那邊那些寶貝 說不定待會兒有一個會過來 | Aim him at that pack of babes. Maybe one of them will break away. |
不…等一下 算了,正左方 | Wait,forget them. We got one. Hard left. |
來,寶寶給我 不要,我要抱 | -Give me the baby. -No,I got him. |
快,我說真的 | Come on,seriously. |
你真的要他嗎? | Oh,seriously,you want him? |
這個小可愛是誰啊? | Who is this little cutie-pie? |
不要怪我不懂得謙虛,但… | Well,don't think me immodest,but... |
…我 | ... me. |
要不要嗅嗅他? | Want to smell him? |
我想你指的是寶寶吧? | I assume we're talking about the baby? |
是呀,他的寶寶味好香 嗅嗅他的頭 | He's got that great baby smell. Get a whiff of his head. |
我想我的子宮剛剛頓了一下 | My uterus just skipped a beat. |
你看吧 | What'd I tell you? |
我覺得你們這樣做很棒 | It's great you're doing this. |
我們都是很棒的男人 | Well,we are great guys. |
我弟弟跟他的男友 試了三年都領養不到孩子 | My brother and his boyfriend have been trying to adopt. |
你們?欽夷囊患野斕模縶 | What agency did you two go through? |
這是我的表演 | But this is my gig. |
這是我的地盤 | This is where I play. |
我的名字用粉筆寫在外面 | My name is written out there in chalk. |
你不能把粉筆擦掉的 | You know,you can't just erase chalk. |
對不起,我很遺撼 | Honey,I'm sorry. |
而且他居然還要付這個女人錢 | And he's going to be paying this woman? |
那他乾脆給她一個寶座 一頂皇冠 | Why doesn't he just give her a throne and a crown? |
還有一根上面有球的權杖 | And,like,a gold stick with a ball on top? |
特瑞是混蛋,所以我們才會 常說“特瑞是混蛋” | Terry is a jerk! That's why we always say,"Terry's a jerk!" |
不然我們幹嘛那麼說 | That's where that came from. |
你說不定已經盡力了 | You probably did everything you could. |
好吧,這樣讓我看看 還有沒有別的辦法 | You know what? Let me just see what else I could do. |
你何不讓她接在那個史戴芬什麼的後面唱啊? | Just let her go on after Stephanie whatever her name is. |
你又不在這裡,又不付她錢 | You won't be here. You don't pay her. |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
我幫你洗卡布奇諾機好嗎 | I'll clean the cappuccino machine! |
你沒洗過卡布奇諾機嗎? | You don't clean the cappuccino machine? |
我當然洗了 | Of course I clean it. |
我是說我會清洗 | I mean,I will clean it. |
我會清的 | I mean,I will clean it. |
好… | All right,fine,fine,fine! |
成了 真的? | -Done. -Really? |
對呀,看誰出馬嘛 | Who's working for you,babe? |
天啊,好興奮哦 我會收到多少錢啊? | Oh,my God! This is so exciting! How much am I gonna get? |
什麼? | What? |
你說他要付錢給演出的人 | He's paying the people who were playing. |
我是說他要付另外那個女人錢 因為她是職業歌手 | I meant,he's paying that other woman because she's a professional. |
我可不想當那個 唯一沒有收到錢的人 | I'm not gonna be the only one who's not getting paid. |
對不起,不 | I'm sorry,no! |
不,我可不是什麼二流的… 慈善樂團 | No,I'm not some sloppy second,you know,charity band. |
這個城市裡面有上千個地方… | There are thousands of places in this city... |
…願意付錢聽我來演唱 | ...where people would pay to hear me play. |
我為自己而演唱 | When I play,I play for me |
我不需要你的施捨 | I don't need your charity |
謝謝 | Thank you! |
你說什麼都別想叫我打針 我是說,或許他們可以把… | I'm not getting a shot. Maybe they can take the needle... |
…藥水射進我的嘴裡 就像水槍那樣 | ...and squirt it into my mouth. Like a squirt gun. |
看看醫生怎麼說吧 | See what the doctor says. |
他們已經做了些事情了,現在都是九十年代了 | They've got to do something.These are the ' 90s. |
你們好,我是卡林醫生 | Hello there. I'm Dr. Carlin. |
好像有人有一點點過敏的反應 | I see someone's having a little allergic reaction. |
對,醫生 我可以?ザ欄閭柑嘎穡縶 | Doctor,can I see you for just a moment? |
我哥哥有一點點害怕打針 | My brother has a slight phobia about needles. |
你有沒有告訴他 我那個水槍的主意? | Did you tell him about my squirt gun idea? |
我的博士哥哥想知道… | My brother,the Ph.D.,would like to know... |
這個藥有沒有可能用口服的? | ...if there's any way to treat this orally? |
在這種情況之下,打針是 避免不了的,而且要馬上打針 | Under these circumstances,it has to be an injection,and it has to be now. |
怎麼樣? | So? |
好吧,坐下來 醫生說這一針非打不可 | Go and have a seat. The doctor says it's got to be a needle. |
所以你一定要勇敢起來 為我這麼做,好不好? | You're just going to have to be brave. Can you do that for me? |
你做得非常好 | Oh,boy! You are doing so good. |
要不要握緊我的手啊? | You want to squeeze my hand? |
羅斯,不要握得那麼緊 | Ross,don't squeeze it so hard. |
真的,不要握那麼緊 | Honey,really. Don't squeeze it so hard! |
羅斯,放開我的手 | Let go of my hand! |
還真是個好計畫 下一回想泡妞… | Good plan. Next time we want to pick up women... |
…我們乾脆直接去公園 親熱算了 | ...we should go to the park and make out. |
計程車… | Taxi! Taxi! |
你看那妞兒 | Look at that talent. |
只是在練習,你很行 | Just practicing. You're good. |
繼續開吧 | Carry on. |
等等,等等我們 | Wait,wait,wait! |
他好可愛哦 | Hey,you. He's just adorable. |
告訴他,好不好? 他覺得他臉色太紅潤了 | Can you tell him that? Because he thinks he looks too pink. |
你們今天出來做什麼? 我們沒有 | -What are you guys out doing today? -We're not out. |
我們只是幫我們的 異性戀朋友… | We're two heterosexual guys hanging with the son... |
…帶孩子的異性戀男人 做一般男人應該做的事情 | ...of our other heterosexual friend,doing the usual straight-guy stuff. |
講完了? | You done? |
我們到了 | There's our stop. |
少來了,我們才到了 | Get out of here! This is our stop. |
你們也住在這附近啊? | You guys live around here too? |
我們住在那個人行道旁邊 | We live in the building by the sidewalk. |
你們知道嗎? | You know it? |
對了,既然大家是鄰居嘛 我們聚一聚喝點東西,如何? | Since we're neighbors,what do you say we get together for a drink? |
我們去馬可咖啡廳,好嗎? | So you want to go to Markel's? |
好啊,他們很喜歡我們 | Sure,they love us over there. |
你們的寶寶呢? | Where's your baby? |
班… | Ben! Ben! |
或許他會聽到並且自己拉鈴(下車) | That's good. Maybe he'll hear you and pull the cord! |
停車 | Stop the bus! |
你肯定沒有捏斷?我真的很痛 | Are you sure he didn't break it? It hurts. |
沒有,只是有一塊瘀青 | No,it's just a good bone bruise. |
還有這是你戒指壓出來的痕跡 | And right here is the puncture wound from your ring. |
對不起,我真的很抱歉 沒關係 | -I'm really sorry. -It's okay. |
抱歉… | Sorry. |
抱歉…我說清楚了 | Sorry! I got my S's back! |
那我們待會兒再慶祝 | Which we can celebrate later. |
慶祝… | Celebrate. Celebrate.... |
他是個雙雙雙 | He was a double,double |
雙關節男孩 | Double-jointed boy |
你就是那個專業的吉他手嗎? | So are you the professional guitar player? |
對,我叫史戴芬(克麗絲·海蒂,偽裝者樂隊主唱) | Yeah,I'm Stephanie.(Chrissie Hynde The Pretenders) |
對,上面本來有我名字的 現在只剩紅蘿蔔糕了 | Right. My name was on there,but now it just says carrot cake. |
你會彈幾個和絃? | So how many chords do you know? |
全都會啊 是嗎?那你會D調 | -All of them. -So you know D? |
那你會A小調嗎? | Do you know A-minor? |
你會從D和絃轉到A小調嗎? | Do you know how to go from D to A-minor? |
那你的吉他有背帶嗎? | So does your guitar have a strap? |
我的有 | Mine does. |
史戴芬和絃都會 | Stephanie knows all the chords |
快接… | Come on! Pick up,pick up! |
運輸中心嗎? | Transit Authority? |
我在幫一本書做調查 | I'm doing research for a book. |
如果有人把嬰兒留在城市公車上 那該怎麼辦呢? | I was wondering what somebody might do if they left a baby on a city bus. |
是,我知道 只有笨蛋才會這麼做 | Yes,I realize that would be a stupid character. |
我們今天在公車上 掉了汽車安全座椅 | Here's the deal: We lost a car seat on a bus. |
白塑膠材質 有把手,可以用在推車上面 | It's white plastic and it fits onto a stroller. |
裡面還有一個嬰兒 | And there was a baby in it. |
他要跟你講 | He wants to talk to you. |
各位 我們以最熱烈的掌聲歡迎… | Everybody,let's give a warm Central Perk welcome to |
特瑞是個混蛋 他不讓我工作 | Terry's a jerk And he won't let me work |
我恨中央咖啡廳 | And I hate Central Perk |
歡迎史戴芬 | To Stephanie Schiffer! |
首先我想唱一首 我為我的初戀情人寫的歌 | I'd like to start with a song I wrote for the first man I ever loved. |
柴克力… | Zachary |
被邀來咬我 | Are all invited to bite me |
紐約市衛生服務部 | |
我們打過電話來公車上的嬰兒 怎麼樣了?到了沒有… | We're the guys that called about the baby! Is he here?! |
到了 | He's here. |
你們之中有一個是父親吧 | I assume one of you is the father. |
是我 是我 | -That's me. -I'm him. |
事實上呢,我們兩個都是父親 | Actually,we're both the father. |
寶貝… | Oh,Ben! Hey,buddy. |
你知道哪個是班嗎? | Please tell me you know which one is our baby. |
那個T恤上有鴨子 這個有小丑 | That one has ducks on his T-shirt and this one has clowns. |
班絕對是穿著鴨子T恤的 | And Ben was definitely wearing ducks. |
或小丑 | Or clowns. |
等一下,那個絕對是班 記得他嘴邊那顆可愛的小痣 | That one's Ben! Remember he had that cute little mole by his mouth! |
班,記得我們嗎? | Hey,Ben! Remember us? |
天啊,痣掉了 | Okay,the mole came off. |
我們該怎麼辦? | What are we gonna do? |
丟銅板決定,鴨或小丑 | We'll flip for it. Ducks or clowns. |
要丟銅板決定 你有更好的主意嗎? | -Flip for the baby? -You got a better idea? |
好吧,在空中叫 | All right,call it in the air. |
頭 | Heads. |
就是頭 | Heads,it is. |
我們得先決定頭是哪一個 | We have to assign heads to something! |
好的! | Right! |
鴨子是頭,因為鴨子有頭 | Ducks is heads because ducks have heads. |
幫你慶祝生日的小丑沒有頭 不會嚇壞你嗎? | What kind of scary-ass clowns came to your birthday? |
《清晨天使》 | Angel Of the morning |
你的雙手,不會被束縛 | There'll be no strings to bind your hands |
你的心,我愛,但不會進駐 | Not if my love can't bind your heart |
什麼都不用講 | And there's no need to take a stand |
選擇開始的人是我 | For it was I who chose to start |
不用送我走 | I see no need to take me home |
黑暗我敢面對 | I'm old enough to face the dark |
叫我清晨天使 | Just call me angel Of the morning,angel |
在離開我之前 輕觸我的臉頰 | Just touch my cheek Before you leave me,baby |
叫我清晨天使 | Just call me angel Of the morning,angel |
然後轉身離去 | Then slowly turn away |
我不會求你留下來 | I won't beg you to stay |
陪我 | With me |
或許陽光將變暗淡 | Maybe the sun's light will be dim |
但已不重要 | And it won't matter anyhow |
如果晨曦中有回聲說我們犯下了錯 | If morning's echo says we've sinned |
好吧,這錯,我心甘情願 | Well it was what I wanted now |
我們曾被黑夜蠱惑 | And we were victims of the night |
白晝不會再讓我迷失 | I won't be blinded by the light |
叫我清晨天使 | Just call me angel Of the morning,angel |
在離開我之前 輕觸我的臉頰 | Just touch my cheek Before you leave me,baby |
叫我清晨天使 | Just call me angel Of the morning,angel |
然後轉身離去 | Then slowly turn away |
我不會求你留下來 | I won't beg you to stay |
陪我 | With me |
縱然,淚流 | Through the tears of the day |
經年累月 | Of the years, baby, baby, baby, baby |
叫我清晨天使 | Just call me angel of the morning angel |
我不會求你留下來 | Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby |
叫我清晨天使 | Just call me angel of the morning angel |
我不會求你留下來 | Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby,baby,oh baby |
來,我想你可能會冷 | Here. I thought you might be cold. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
看看你,幹得不錯嘛 | Look at you! You did pretty well. |
這裡一共是八塊又二十七分 | $8. 27. |
其實沒那麼多啦 頭兩塊是我放的 | But not really,because I put in the first two. |
只是讓錢滾滾來 還有讓自己舒服一點 | Just to get the ball rolling and to make myself feel better. |
結果呢? | Do you? |
為了錢演奏這碼子事 對我非常的不好 | You know,this whole playing for money thing is so not good for me. |
我不知道 當我唱到“自自自自殺”… | I don't know,when l sang "Su-su-suicide"... |
…我得到一塊七十五分錢 | ... I got,like,$ 1. 75. |
可是“臭臭貓”呢? | But then "Smelly Cat"? |
二十五分錢跟一個保險套 | I got 25 cents and a condom. |
所以現在我為“臭臭貓” 感到很難過 | So,you know,now I just feel really bad for "Smelly Cat." |
我不認為 大家都會懂“臭臭貓”啊 | Honey,I don't think everybody gets "Smelly Cat." |
我是說 如果你只要養過健康的貓的話 | I mean,if all you've ever actually had are healthy pets,then whoosh! |
可是根本就不是那個嘛 | But it's not even that,you know? |
本來我唱歌只是因為我很高興 | I used to do my songs because it made me happy. |
可是現在卻變成全都是為了錢 | Now it's just all about the money,you know? |
菲比,大家都很想你 | Well,people missed you in there. |
事實上 還有人指名要聽“臭臭貓”呢 | In fact,there was actually a request for "Smelly Cat." |
真的啊?是誰呢? | Really? From who? |
我啊,就是我 | Well,me. |
我知道那不是賺大錢的歌 但我最喜歡的就是那首 | And I know it's not your big money song,but it's my favorite. |
我是不是 不小心丟了一個保險套到你的盒子裡啊? | Did I accidentally drop a condom in your case? |
情況緊急嘛 | It's kind of an emergency. |
拿去吧 謝了 | -Here you go. -Thanks a lot. |
克麗絲,拿到了 | Hey,Christine! I got it! |
我只是想要謝謝你今天的幫忙 | I want to thank you for being there for me. |
對不起,我差點捏斷你的手 | And I'm sorry I almost broke your hand. |
沒關係,抱歉你中了我的毒 | That's okay. I'm sorry I poisoned you. |
你還記得 我用鉛筆戳你的手那回嗎? | Remember the time I jammed that pencil into your hand? |
記得嗎? 你以為這是什麼?雀斑啊 | Remember it? What do you think this is,a freckle? |
等等,那我用薇恩的南瓜 打你臉那一次呢? | What about the time I hit you in the face with Sylvian's pumpkin? |
天啊,記得我把掃把 插進你腳踏車輪裡… | Remember when I stuck that broom in your spokes... |
結果你翻車頭撞到路邊那次嗎 | ...and you hit your head on the curb? |
不,但是我記得是別人告訴我那件事 | But I remember people telling me about it. |
我希望班有個小妹妹 | I hope Ben has a little sister. |
希望她能夠好好的整整他 | And I hope she can kick his ass. |
我去拿一個新的創可貼 | I'm gonna get a new Band-Aid. |
我切下你馬里布肯娃娃的腿那次呢? | How about the time I cut the legs off your Malibu Ken? |
是你幹的啊? | That was you? |
對,它的腿發炎了 不切的話它會死 | They were infected. He wouldn't have made it. |
我的小侄子 | My little nephew. |
過來,小東西 | Come here,little one! |
我的小寶貝班班 | There's my little baby,Ben! |
他居然沒有哭 | Hey,he's not crying! |
他沒哭呀 | Hey,he's not crying! |
還有餡餅 | There's still pie! |
我在,我在 | I'm here. I'm here. |
我的小寶貝好嗎? | How's my little boy? |
要爸爸幫你換尿布,對不對? 我知道… | You want Daddy to change your diaper? I know,I know. |
你今天跟喬伊叔叔 還有錢德叔叔玩得開心嗎? | Did you have fun with Uncle Joey and Uncle Chandler today? |
開心,他今天坐公車了 | He rode the bus today. |
好耶,大男生坐公車喔 | Big boy riding the bus |
我有個問題耶 | Hey,I have a question. |
他的小屁股上為什麼會有 “失物招領”這些字? | How come it says,"Property of Human Services"? |
你一定會覺得很精采的 | You are gonna love this. |
幫我抱一下班,好嗎? | Can you hold Ben for a sec? |
過來… | Come here. Come here. |
別過來,我有奇異果 跑呀,喬伊 | Stay back! I've got kiwi! Run,Joey,run! |
臭臭貓… | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
他們都喂你吃些什麼啊? | What are they feeding you? |
不對…對不起 | No,no. I'm sorry,it's: |
臭臭貓… | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
臭臭貓… | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
好一點了 | Better! |
好多了 | Much better. Good. |
你知道嗎?不要難過 這首歌本來就很難 | Don't feel bad,because it's a hard song. |
要不要再試一次? 好,從頭 | -You want to try it again? -From the top? |
這次沒有頭,好嗎? | There is no "top," all right? |
那是“臭臭貓”的美妙之處 | That's the beauty of "Smelly Cat." |
你跟著我唱好了 好 | Why don't you just follow me. |
臭臭貓… | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
他們喂你什麼? | What are they feeding you? |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
不是你的錯 | It's not your fault |
太過了。-對不起 | That's too much. Sorry. |
我是哪裡不對? 我看起來不夠有趣嗎? | What is it about me? Do I not look fun enough? |
我是有哪裡討人厭嗎? | Is there something repellent about me? |
派對好玩嗎? | How was the party? |
太糟糕了 有個女人簡直無視我 | It couldn't have been worse. A woman literally passed through me. |
我有那麼不討人喜歡嗎? | What is it? Am I hideously unattractive? |
不,你非常討人喜歡 | No,you are not. You are very attractive. |
我也是一樣 | I go through the same thing. |
每當我增加了一點點重量 我就開始質疑一切了 | When I put on a little weight,I question everything. |
你說我變胖了? | I've put on weight? |
你要…? | Did you want to...? |
不是,不是重量 說絕緣體比較恰當 | No,not weight. More like insulation. |
錢德,我正在失業 迫切需要做點事情 | I'm unemployed,in dire need of a project. |
你要不要運動?我可以重塑你 | Wanna work out? I can remake you. |
我很想,但那或許會妨礙 我那些無所事事的時間 | I would,but that might get in the way of my lying-around time. |
拜託啦 | Please? |
對啦,讓她做一下嘛 | Come on,let her do it! |
好吧… | All right. |
但我穿上緊身衣後 胸部比你大的話,我就不來了 | If we put on spandex and my boobs are bigger than yours,I'm going home. |
你的胸部很好呀 | Your boobs are fine. |
聽著,我剛才不該亂說話的 | I shouldn't have said anything. |
過來… | Come here. Come here! |
雙手都合不起來了 | Can't make hands meet! |
The One Where Ross Finds Out | |
六人行 第2季 第07集 羅斯發現了 | |
好,開始吧 | Let's do it! |
怎麼了? | What? |
沒什麼 只是沒看過你穿緊身褲而已呀 | Nothing. Just never seen your little stretchy pants before. |
很可愛 | It's cute. |
我去換衣服 | And we're changing. |
加油,再做五個 | Come on,give me five more! |
再五個 | Five more! |
再做五個就給你看胸部 | Five more and I'll flash you. |
一… | One... |
…二… | ...two... |
…二點五 | ...two and a half. |
好了,給我看一邊吧 | Just show me one of them. |
中央公園 | |
她瘋了 | She's insane! |
那個女人瘋了 | The woman is insane. |
上班前,上班後,上班中 | It's before work,after work,and during work. |
她叫我在公司做收臀運動 | She's got me doing butt-clenches at my desk. |
現在,他們不再送郵件給我了 | And now they won't bring me my mail anymore. |
告訴她停止不就行了 | Tell her to stop. |
不,她被解雇了我現在是她的全部 | No, while she's unemployed I'm all she's got. |
我們為什麼不湊錢給她買個飯店? | Why don't we all pitch in and buy her a restaurant? |
菲比,你昨晚跟史考怎麼樣? | Hey,Pheebs. How'd it go with Scott? |
不錯呀 帶他去了一家浪漫的餐廳… | It was nice. Took him to a romantic restaurant... |
…點了香檳,很好 | ...ordered champagne. Nice. |
那個傢伙還是不行動啊? | He still won't put out? |
不,零蛋,沒有 | Nope. Zilch. Nothing. |
真遺憾,菲比 | Sorry,Pheebs. |
我不在乎慢慢的來 | Look,I don't mind taking it slow. |
我很喜歡他 | I like him a lot. |
他這個人很有趣,人也很甜 | He's really interesting,and he's really sweet. |
他幹嘛那麼矜持呢? | Why won't he give it up? |
或許他跟我們開車的方向相反 | Maybe he drives his car on the other side of the road. |
你懂我的意思吧? | If you know what I mean. |
不懂,他又不是英國人(英國駕駛座在右側) | No. What do you mean? He's not British. |
他或許是同性戀 | Maybe he's gay. |
不,我覺得問題不在那兒 | I don't think that's the problem. |
因為我們前幾天去跳舞… | We went dancing the other night... |
…他緊緊抱住我的那個樣子 還有他凝視我眼睛的樣子… | ...and just the way he held me so close and looked into my eyes.... |
我覺得他對我絕對有意思 | I just definitely felt something. |
是啊,從眼神能看出多少呢? | But how much can you tell from a look? |
不,我是從屁股感覺到的 | I felt it on my hip. I could tell. |
唷,賓,二十分鐘後打壁球 | Yo,Bing! Racquetball in 20 minutes. |
喬伊,好兄弟 舉起我的手賞她一巴掌 | Joey,be a pal. Lift up my hand and smack her with it. |
瑞秋,你別看 | Oh,Rachel! Don't look. |
什麼? | What? |
我才不在乎 我今晚有約會 | I don't care. I have a date tonight. |
你有約會? | You have a date? |
對呀,莫妮卡為我安排的 | Monica's setting me up. |
那羅斯跟… | What about Ross and.... |
我嫉妒的那件事嗎? | What? My whole insane jealousy thing? |
雖然那還挺有趣的… | Well,you know,as much fun as that was... |
…我決定不再瘋下去了 | ... I've decided to opt for sanity. |
你真的不介意那些了? | You're okay about all this? |
是的,我還要過我的日子呢 | Oh,yeah,come on! I'm moving on. |
他愛怎麼把她壓在那扇窗子上 就怎麼壓吧 | He can press her up against that window as much as he wants. |
乾脆把她摔過窗子算了 | For all I care,he can throw her through the damn thing. |
各位 | Hi,guys. |
莫妮卡,我想明天早上過來拿以前的貓玩具 | Monica,I'll come by tomorrow and pick up Fluffy's old cat toys,okay? |
不講全名就不給喔 | If you say his full name. |
好吧,那我明天可不可以過來拿多毛姆維頓貓的玩具? | Can I come over tomorrow and pick up Fluffy Meowington's cat toys? |
沒問題 | All right. |
你要養貓啊? 事實上,是我們要養貓 | -You're getting a cat? -Actually,we're getting a cat. |
一起養? | Together? |
你們兩個?一起? | Both of you? Together? |
我們想它會一半時間跟羅斯住 一半跟我住 | It'll live with Ross half the time and with me half the time. |
那是不是很棒呢 | Well,isn't that just lovely? |
那是一件你們兩個… | That's something you'll enjoy... |
…可以疼愛非常非常久的東西 | ...for a really,really,really long time. |
希望如此 | Hopefully. |
我得走了 我有約會 | Look at that. I gotta go! I got a date! |
跟個男人喔 | With a man. |
祝各位今晚順利… | You guys have a really good night... |
…而你們兩個得到一只好貓 | ...and you two have a really good cat. |
我們是不允許拿走這些的 | We're not supposed to take these when we leave. |
我不曉得莫妮卡有沒有告訴你 這是我離婚之後的第一次約會 | I don't know if Monica told you,but this my first date since my divorce. |
我顯得有一點緊張… | If I seem a little nervous... |
…那是真的 | ... I am. |
貓能活多久啊? | How long do cats live? |
你說什麼? | I'm sorry? |
貓,貓能活多久? | Cats. How long do they live? |
如果不把它們丟到 巴士下面去送死的話 | Figuring you don't throw them under a bus or something? |
大概是十五,六年吧 | Maybe 1 5,1 6 years. |
那真是太棒了 | Well,that's just great. |
乾杯 | Cheers! |
好,乾杯 | Right. Clink. |
莫妮卡把我說得比本人可愛 對不對? | Monica told you I was cuter than this,didn't she? |
不,麥克 不是因為你… | No,Michael,it's not you. Sorry. It's just.... |
我是…我另外有心事 | It's this thing. |
事情很糟…因為 | It's not as bad as it sounds... |
…我有一個朋友 他跟他的女朋友要養貓 | ... but this friend of mine is getting a cat with his girlfriend. |
聽起來的確是… | Oh,that does sound.... |
他們兩個才剛剛開始交往不久 | He just started going out with her. |
他是你以前的男朋友嗎? | Is this guy an old boyfriend? |
他想得美喔 | Yeah,he wishes. |
對不起,你瞧瞧我 | I'm sorry. Look at me. |
好了,麥克,談談你吧 | Michael,let's talk about you. |
那麼… | So.... |
以前你跟女朋友 一起養過寵物嗎? | Did you ever get a pet with a girlfriend? |
我知道為什麼了 什麼? | -So I figured it out. -What? |
史考為什麼不想跟我上床 | Why Scott doesn't want to sleep with me. |
因為我不夠性感 | I'm not sexy enough. |
菲比,別傻了 | Phoebe,that's crazy. |
第一次看到你之後 你知道我對錢德說什麼嗎? | When I first met you,you know what I said? |
我說“完美的屁股,好身材” | I said,"Excellent butt,great rack." |
真的?嘴好甜 | Really? That's so sweet. |
說實在的,我被冒犯了 可是感覺真好 | I mean,I'm officially offended. But that's so sweet. |
菲比,你想知道為什麼的話 你必須開口去問他 | If you wanna know what the deal is,you're gonna have to ask him. |
你說得對… | You're right. You're right. |
你真“可口”啊 | You are so "yum"! |
那是只貓 你知道的,貓 | I mean,it's a cat,you know? It's a cat. |
他們幹嘛不養只昆蟲 養只果蠅就好了 | Why can't they get a bug? One of those fruit flies. |
那種只活一,兩天的東西 | Those things that live for a day. |
它們叫什麼? | What are they called? |
果蠅? | Fruit flies? |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
要不要點甜點啊? | Would you like dessert? |
不,不要了 | No dessert. |
我想結帳,求你了 | Just the check. Please. |
你玩得不開心? | Oh,no. You're not having fun,are you? |
不…我很開心 | No,no,I am. |
不過剛才那一個半小時 我都在回憶電影《餐館》的情節 | But only because I've been playing the movie Diner in my head. |
你看我 | Oh,look at me. |
你看我 | Look at me. |
我在跟一個很棒的男人約會 | I'm on a date with a really great guy. |
卻滿腦子是羅斯… | All I can think about is Ross... |
…跟他的貓… | ...and his cat... |
…還有他的茱莉 | ...and his Julie. |
你想吃點派嗎 | Look, do you want a piece of pie? |
不!太晚了,我已經把事情搞砸了 | No!Too late for that, man.I've screwed this all up |
我只是想忘了他 天啊,為什麼我不能呢? | I just want to get over him. Why can't I do that? |
聽我說,我經歷過離婚 相信我,不會有事的 | Look,I've been through a divorce. Trust me,you're gonna be fine. |
你還看不出來 因為你跟他還沒有了結嘛… | You can't see it because you haven't had closure |
了結! | Closure! |
就是那個,我就需要那個 | That's what it is! That's what I need! |
天啊,你太棒了 | God,you're brilliant! |
我為什麼沒有想到? 我要怎麼了結? | Why didn't I think of that? How do I get that? |
這沒有一定的方法,這只是… | Well,there's no one way really,it's just.... |
你要用任何的方法 只要能讓你對他說: | Whatever it takes so that you can finally say to him: |
“我不在乎你了”就行了 | "I'm over you." |
不在乎你 | Over you. |
就是這個 | That's what it is. |
了結 | Closure. |
抱歉 | Hello? Excuse me? |
抱歉… | Excuse me. Hel |
請稍等 對不起啊 | -Hang on. -Excuse me? |
什麼? 對不起 | -What? -Hi. I'm sorry. |
我需要跟你借一下電話 | I need to borrow your phone for just one minute. |
我正在講耶 我看得出來 | -I'm talking. -I see that. |
我打一個電話就可以了 很快的,我甚至會付錢給你 | One phone call,I'll be very quick. I'll even pay for it myself. |
你對你的電話有點詭異耶 | You're being a little weird about your phone. |
我待會兒再打給你 | I'll call you back. |
謝了 | Thank you. |
我的人緣真好 | I'm so good with people. |
答錄機 | Machine. |
我在等嗶嗶 太好了 | -Just waiting for the beep. -Good. |
羅斯,我是瑞秋 | Ross! Hi,it's Rachel. |
我只是打來說… | I'm just calling to say that... |
…一切都很好 | ...everything's fine. |
我為你… | And I'm really happy for you... |
…還有你的貓感到高興 | ...and your cat. |
對了,我認為你應該給它起個名字叫麥克 | Who,by the way,I think you should name Michael. |
知道嗎?你瞧 我在想名字… | You see there,I'm thinking of names... |
…所以顯然我不在乎你了 | ...so obviously I am over you. |
我不在乎你了 | I am over you. |
這就是我那位朋友 所謂的“了結” | And that,my friend,is what they call "closure." |
不 | No, no, no... |
莫妮卡,今天是星期天早上 星期天我絕不跑步 | It's Sunday morning. I'm not running on a Sunday. |
為什麼? 因為是星期天 | -Why not? -Because it's Sunday! |
是神的日子 | It's God's day. |
你說停我們就停 | If you say stop,then we stop. |
停 | Stop. |
不,別這樣啦,我們不能停 | No,come on! We can't stop! |
還有三磅要減 | We got three more pounds to go! |
我是精力火車而你在車上 | I am the energy train and you are on board! |
你的約會怎麼樣啊? | And how was the date? |
我記得有家餐廳 | I think there was a restaurant. |
我還記得有酒 | I know there was wine. |
事實上,茱莉在樓下叫計程車 | Actually,Julie's getting a cab. |
我想要拿貓玩具 莫妮卡有沒有說… | I just need the cat toys. Did Monica say.... |
你為什麼那樣看我? | What? Why are you looking at me like that? |
對不起,我不知道… | I'm sorry. I don't know,l.... |
我覺得我昨晚好像夢到你… | I feel like I dreamed about you last night... |
…但我不記得了 | ... but I don't remember. |
在這兒 | There they are. |
我們昨晚有通電話嗎? 你有沒有打給我? | Did we speak on the phone? Did you call me? |
沒有,我昨晚住在茱莉那裡 | No. I stayed at Julie's last night. |
事實上,我根本還沒回家呢 你介意我聽一下留言嗎? | I haven't even been home yet. Do you mind if I check my messages? |
請便啊 | Oh,yeah,go ahead. |
瑞秋,我有你的留言 | Rach,I got a message from you! |
麥克是誰啊? | Who's Michael? |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
天啊,羅斯,把電話掛掉 | Ross,no! Hang up the phone. Give me the phone! |
電話給我… | Give me the |
你不在乎我了 | You're over me? |
天啊 | Oh,God! |
你… 我的天啊… | -You're -Oh,God. |
你不在乎我了? | You're over me? |
你是什麼時候… | When were you... |
…在乎我的? | ... under me? |
瑞秋,你…? | Rachel,do you...? |
我是說,你…你…? | I mean,were you? |
什麼? | What? |
基本上… | Basically... |
…最近我… | ...Iately,I've.... |
我對你有一些感覺 | I've sort of had feelings for you. |
你對我有感覺? | You've had feelings for me? |
那又怎樣?你先對我有感覺的 | So? You had feelings for me first! |
你知道我… | You know about my You know I had |
我是說,你知道我有… | You know? |
錢德告訴我的 | Chandler told me. |
錢德,他什麼時候,什麼時候,什麼時候… | When did he? When did he? When did he? |
你在中國的時候 | When you were in China. |
認識茱莉時 | Meeting Julie. |
茱莉?茱莉?那… 天啊 | Julie. That's Oh,God! |
我需要躺下來 | I need to lie down. |
不,你知道,我要站著 | No,I'm gonna stand. |
我要站著… | I'm gonna stand... |
…我要踱步 我踱步,而且我站著 | ...and I'm gonna walk. I'm walking and I am standing. |
現在你不在乎我了? | Now you're over me? |
你還在乎我嗎? | Are you over me? |
那…那是茱莉 | That's Julie. |
茱莉 甜心,計程車在等喔 | -Hi,Julie. -I've got a cab waiting. |
我馬上下來 | I'll be right down! |
等等,你要走了? | Wait,so you're going? |
對,我得走 我現在沒有辦法談這個 | Well,okay,I have to. I can't deal with this right now. |
計程車在等著 | I mean,I've You know,I've got a cab. |
我有女朋友 我要去領養一隻貓 | I've got a girlfriend. I'm gonna go get a cat. |
貓 | Cat! |
喬伊 菲比 | -Hey,Joey. -Hey,Pheebs. |
你為什麼在看 猶太牧師彈電吉他? | How come you're watching a rabbi play electric guitar? |
我找不到遙控器 | I can't find the remote. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
對了,史考約我去他家午餐 我去了 | Scott asked me to come over for lunch and I did. |
然後… 我們做了 | -And? -And we did. |
正點,菲比好耶 | All right! Way to go! |
對呀 | Yea,me! |
怎麼發生的? | So how did it happen? |
我聽了你的建議 問他到底怎麼回事啊? | I took your advice and asked him what was going on. |
那他說什麼? | What did he say? |
他瞭解性對女人而言呢 可以說是一件非常情緒化的事 | He understands how sex can be a very emotional thing for a woman. |
他只是怕我會變得像… | And he was just afraid that I was going to get all: |
“第二天是否會打電話給我” “我們會有結局嗎”之類的 | "ls he gonna call me the next day?" and "Where is this going?" |
所以他說他想等到 他準備開始認真了以後再說 | So he said he wanted to hold off until he was prepared to be serious. |
所以我說“放輕鬆好嗎?” | So I said,"Okay. Relax,please." |
我是說,性可以只是 兩個人一時的感覺 | Sex can be just about two people right there in the moment. |
若他想再見我可以打電話給我 如果不想的話也沒關係 | If he wants to see me again,he can call. If not,that's fine too. |
所以在長談之後… | So after a lot of talking... |
…我說服他了 | ... I convinced him. |
讓我先搞清楚 | Let me get this straight. |
他讓你求他跟你上床 | He got you to beg to sleep with him. |
他讓你說 他永遠不用再打電話給你 | He got you to say he never has to call you again. |
而且還讓你覺得 這是一個好主意? | And he got you thinking this is a great idea? |
我簡直崇拜他 | This man is my god! |
哦,這只太可愛了,你覺得呢 | Oh, this one's cute.Don't you think? |
是的,這只也是,那只也是 | Yeah, and this one, and that one. |
它們都太可愛了,它們這些小貓咪,選一隻就好了 | They're all cute. They're kittens.Just wrap one up. |
-你同意嗎?-我嗎? | -You okay?.-Yeah, me?. |
是的,是的,是嗎? | Yeah, yeah. Yeah?. |
羅斯,親愛的 | Ross, honey. Hey. |
我知道這是一大步,但是我想我們會很好的 | I know this is a big step,but I think we'll be okay. |
是的,我知道,我知道 | Yeah, I know. I know. |
你們有沒有特別老或者得了不知名疾病的貓 | So do you have any cats that are really old or incredibly sick?. |
我不想要那種馬上就要死的 | I don't want one that's about to die. |
我們應該來這裡之前就商量好的 | We should've worked that out before we came down here. |
好吧,親愛的 | Okay, sweetie. |
我把範圍縮小一下,這只 | I'll narrow it down to this one here... |
和這只帶斑紋的 | ...and this one with the stripes. |
你挑一隻 | You pick. |
喔,嘿,我挑? | Whoa, hey, I have to pick?. |
是的,挑一隻你想要的 | Yeah, whichever one you want. |
我不知道 | Well, I don't know. |
這個可不容易 | It's not that easy to choose. |
所有的貓都很漂亮 | Both cats are beautiful... |
並且可愛 | ...and funny. |
我確定我對每只貓都很滿意 | I' m sure I'd be happy with either cat. |
-那麼,你想兩個都要?-兩個?兩個? | -Well, do you want to take both?.-Both?. Both!?. |
我不能要兩隻貓 | I can't have two cats! |
喬伊才是那種會要兩隻貓的人 | Joey's the kind of guys who could have two cats. |
晚安,甘瑟 | Goodnight, Gunther. |
我沒有領養貓 | I didn't get a cat. |
真有趣 | That's interesting. |
不,那一點都沒有趣 那非常非常沒有趣 | No,it's not "interesting." It's very,very not interesting. |
事實上那百分之百是沒有趣,瑞秋 | It's actually 100% the opposite of interesting. |
好,我懂了,羅斯 | I got it,Ross. |
你沒有權利告訴我說 你曾經喜歡過我 | You had no right to say you had feelings for me. |
在我發現之前 我跟茱莉過得很快樂 | I was doing great with Julie before I knew! |
在我發現之前 我也過得很快樂 | I was doing great before I knew about you! |
你以為看你跟茱莉那樣 我心裡好受嗎? | You think it's easy to see you with Julie? |
你應該在我認識她之前說出來 | You should've said something before! |
那時我不知道啊 那你為何從不說什麼呢? | I didn't know then. And how come you never said anything? |
因為總沒有機會 | There was never a good time. |
對,你有一年機會 我們每晚都在一起混 | You only had a year. And we only hung out every night! |
不是… | Not... |
…每個晚上 | ...every night. |
而且我也不是沒試過,瑞秋 但是每次都有事情發生 | It's not like I didn't try. But things got in the way. |
就像是義大利人啊… | You know,like ltalian guys... |
…或者是前任的未婚夫啦… | ...or ex-fiances... |
…或者義大利人啊 | ...or ltalian guys. |
只有一個義大利人 你到底有沒有重點啊? | There was one ltalian guy,okay? And do you have a point? |
重點是 我現在已經不需要這個了 | The point is,I don't need this right now! |
太遲了 | Okay? It's too late. |
我在跟別人交往,我很快樂 這艘船起航了 | I'm with somebody else. I'm happy. This ship has sailed! |
你喜歡什麼時候撇開對我的感情都可以嗎? | You're just gonna put away your feelings for me? |
我從九年級就開始這樣了 我早駕輕就熟了 | I've done it since ninth grade. I'm good at it. |
那好,你儘管去做吧,羅斯 | All right,fine. You go ahead and do that. |
我告訴你,我不需要你的蠢船 | I don't need your ship! |
好 好 | -Good. -Good! |
你知道嗎?我現在了結了 | And you know what? Now I got closure! |
試試下面那個 | Try the bottom one. |
莫妮卡,現在是早上六點半 | Monica,it's 6:30 in the morning. |
我們不再去運動,結束了 | We're not working out. It's over. |
怎麼啦?只剩一磅,來啦 | No way! With one pound to go? Come on! |
我們運動,我們移動 我們在其中舞動 | We're workin',we're movin' We're in the zone,we're groovin' |
我不在乎我的最後一磅 | I don't mind the last pound. |
我很喜歡這最後一磅 | In fact,I kind of like the last pound. |
所以不要逼我 做下終生遺憾的事 | So don't make me do anything that I'll regret. |
那你要做什麼,肥仔? | What you gonna do,fat boy? |
什麼? | What? |
沒什麼,除了告訴你 我覺得你精力這麼充沛真棒 | Nothing. Except tell you it's wonderful how much energy you have. |
謝了 | Well,thanks. |
尤其是想到你現在去找工作多麼得焦頭爛額 | Especially considering how tough it's been for you to find work. |
你不能告訴你父母你被開除了 因為他們會非常的失望 | You can't tell your parents you were fired,because they'd be disappointed. |
尤其你又沒有男朋友 可以借肩膀讓你哭 | It's not as if you have a boyfriend's shoulder to cry on. |
沒有,但是我… | Well,no. But l.... |
我是說,如果是我的話 我想我會連起床都會很困難 | If it were me,I'd have difficulty getting out of bed at all. |
我試著保持樂觀 | You know,I try to stay positive. |
那麼… | So you.... |
你想出去跑一跑嗎? | You feel like going for a run? |
好吧 | All right. |
你不一定要去跑的 你可以在這裡睡一下 | Because you don't have to. You could just take a nap right here. |
-只睡一小會兒 -好 | Just for a little while.-Okey |
羅斯親了我 | Ross kissed me. |
天啊… | Oh,my God! Oh,my God! Oh,my God! |
很不可思議吧 | It was unbelievable! |
天啊… | Oh,my God! Oh,my God! Oh,my God! |
我們要聽全部的經過 | Let's hear everything. |
莫妮卡,拔掉電話線拿酒來 | Monica,get the wine and unplug the phone. |
瑞秋,結局好不好? 我們需不需要面紙? | Rachel,does this end well or do we need to get tissues? |
結局非常好 | It ended very well. |
等我來再講… | Do not start without me! Do not start without me! |
先談談那個吻 | Okay. All right. Let's hear about the kiss. |
是像輕拂過你嘴唇的輕吻呢… | Was it a soft brush against your lips... |
還是像… “我現在就要你”的那種吻呢 | ...or was it a "I gotta have you now" kind of thing? |
剛開始很熱烈,然後… | Well,at first it was really intense,you know? And then.... |
天啊,然後我們就完全沉醉了 | Oh,God. And then we just sort of sunk into it. |
他抱著你嗎? 還是說他的手在你的背上呢? | So was he holding you? Or were his hands on your back? |
不,他的手開始時在我腰上 | No,actually,first they started out on my waist... |
然後往上滑,最後落在我頭髮上 | ...and then they slid up and were in my hair. |
然後… | And... |
…然後我吻了她 | ...then I kissed her. |
舌吻? | Tongue? |
對 酷 | -Yeah. -Cool. |
六人行 第2季 第08集 清單 | The One With the List |
各位,瞧瞧這個壞小子 | All right,check out this bad boy! |
12M記憶體 500M的硬碟… | Twelve megabytes of RAM,500-megabyte hard drive... |
裡面還有內建試算表的功能… | ... built-in spreadsheet capabilities... |
再加上傳送速率 超過兩萬八BPS的資料機 | ...and a modem that transmits at over 28,000 BPS. |
你要用它來幹嘛? | What will you use it for? |
玩遊戲之類的 | Games and stuff. |
根本沒有工作 沒有適合我的工作 | There are no jobs. There are no jobs for me. |
等一下,這邊有一個 | Oh,wait,here's one. |
你願意裸體做菜嗎? 有征裸體廚師的廣告? | -Would you be willing to cook naked? -There's an ad for a naked chef? |
沒有,但你如果願意裸體做菜 你或許會願意裸體跳舞 | No,but if you'll cook naked,then you might be willing to dance naked. |
然後… | And then.... |
對了,昨晚親得怎麼樣了? | So how'd you make out last night? |
那真風趣,風趣得很痛苦 | That is funny. That is painfully funny. |
不,等等… | No,wait,wait. |
對,只是痛苦而已 | Yeah,that's just painful. |
我以為昨天晚上很棒耶 | Wait a minute. I thought last night was great. |
沒錯,是很棒 但是當我回到家… | Yeah,it was. But I get home... |
我看到茱莉的食鹽水 放在我床邊的桌上… | ...and I see Julie's saline solution on my night table... |
我就想“老天啊 我到底在做什麼呀?” | ...and I think,"My God! What am I doing?" |
我跟茱莉這麼好的女人 在一起… | Here I am with Julie,this incredible,great woman... |
…彼此關懷珍惜… | ...who I care about and who cares about me... |
而我就那樣拋棄一切嗎? | ...and I'm just throwing all that away? |
一瓶食鹽水可以講那麼多? | You got all that from saline solution? |
我也是這樣,給我一瓶維散滴眼露,我就會想:我是誰? | I'm the same way. Show me a bottle of Visine and I'm like, "Who am l?. " |
我們現在是在談瑞秋 你跟瑞秋 | Wait. We're talking about Rachel. You and Rachel. |
我夢想我跟瑞秋一起 想了十年了 | I've been dreaming about me and Rachel for 10 years. |
但現在我跟茱莉在一起 | But now I'm with Julie. |
就好像我跟茱莉,我跟瑞秋 | So it's like,me and Julie,me and Rachel. |
我跟茱莉,我跟瑞秋… | Me and Julie,me and Rach |
瑞秋?瑞秋 | Rachel! Rachel. |
你 你好嗎? | -Hey,you. -How are you? |
很好,你呢? | Good. How are you? |
很好 | Good. |
親愛的 茱莉,你好 | -Hi,honey. -Hi,Julie. Hi,Julie? |
茱莉… | Julie! |
你好嗎? | How are you? |
很好 | Good. |
大家都在 | So everybody's here. |
大家都很好 | Everybody's good. |
很好並且很棒並且都在這裡 | Good and great and here. |
你不是要彈什麼嗎,菲比? | Were you gonna play something? |
其實我沒有… 彈啊 | -Well,actually -Play it! |
好 | All right. |
我不知道你戴隱形眼鏡 什麼? | -Julie,I didn't know you wore lenses. -What? |
好,嗨 | Okay. Hi. |
你們好,嗨,好的 | Hello. Hi. Okay. |
所以,這是一首關於一個… | This is a song about a love triangle... |
…我亂編的三角戀愛故事的歌 | ... between three people I made up. |
叫做“昨晚兩人接吻了” | It's called "Two of Them Kissed Last Night." |
有個女孩,我們叫她貝蒂 | There was a girl We'll call her Betty |
有個男孩,咱們叫他尼爾 | And a guy Let's call him Neil |
我再三強調這一點 | Now I can't stress This point too strongly |
這故事不是真的 | This story isn't real |
現在尼爾必須決定 他要放棄哪一個 | Now our Neil must decide Who will be the girl that he casts aside |
是那個他真心相愛的貝蒂 | Will Betty be the one Who he loves truly |
還是我們稱為露莉的女孩 | Or will it be the one Who we'll call Loolie |
他必須決定,他必須決定 | He must decide He must decide |
雖然他純屬虛構,他必須決定 | Even though I made him up He must decide |
你的資歷很不錯 | Well,this is a nice resume. |
不錯… | Nice,nice,nice. |
可以說非常的可觀 | Muy impressivo. |
很慚愧沒一樣是真的 | Shame none of it's true. |
我開玩笑的… | I'm kidding. I'm kidding. |
全都是真實的,我只是有點緊張,就這樣,我現在好點了 | No, it's all true. Just a little nervous, that's all. I'm fine now. |
這份工作到底是什麼呢? 廣告寫得很含糊 | Mr. Rastatter,what does this job entail? The ad wasn't clear. |
麻克力 | Macholate. |
什麼? 麻克力 | -I'm sorry? -Macholate. |
一種完全人工的巧克力替代品 | It's a synthetic chocolate substitute. |
別客氣,試一塊 | Go ahead,try a piece. |
對,我們認為 麻克力比巧克力好吃的多了 | We think Macholate is even better than chocolate. |
好 | All right. |
我愛這碎碎的感覺 | I love how it crumbles. |
巧克力不會這樣 不會 | -You see,chocolate doesn't do that. -No,ma'am. |
反正呢,這個應該很快就會通過食品藥物管理局檢驗了 | We should be getting our FDA approval any day now. |
希望能夠趕得上感恩節 | Hopefully,in time for Thanksgiving. |
照我們看來呢 巧克力已經… | The way we see it,chocolate dominates... |
…霸佔了大部份跟大餐有關的節日,復活節,耶誕節等 | ...your major food-preparation holidays. Easter,Christmas,what have you. |
我們在想,只要行銷搞好了… | But given the right marketing... |
…我們能讓感恩節 成為麻克力節 | ...we can make Thanksgiving the Macholate holiday. |
哇 | Wow. |
你不吞下去嗎? | Aren't you gonna swallow that? |
我只是在等泡泡停止 | Just waiting for it to stop bubbling. |
是不是很棒? | Isn't that great? |
我們… | Well,anyhow... |
…在找幾個廚師 來搞一些新感恩節食譜 | ...we're looking for chefs who can create Thanksgiving recipes. |
這下你有興趣嗎? | You interested? |
絕對… | Abso-... |
…有 | ... -lutely! |
我愛創新食譜我愛感恩節 而現在呢… | I love creating recipes,I love Thanksgiving,and now... |
…我愛麻克力 | ... I love Macholate. |
真的? | Really? |
特別是那種口裡的餘味… | Especially that aftertaste. I tell you... |
…可以繚繞到耶誕節 | ...that'll last you till Christmas. |
麻克力慕斯怎麼樣? | How about Macholate mousse? |
那不是… | It's not... |
…感恩節的味道 | ...very Thanksgiving-y. |
那麼朝聖者麻克力慕斯呢? | How about Pilgrim Macholate mousse? |
哪裡像朝聖者啊? | What makes it Pilgrim? |
放個皮帶扣上去 | We'll put buckles on it. |
羅斯來電話沒? | Did Ross call? |
沒有,抱歉 | No,I'm sorry. |
他為什麼不打來呢? | Why didn't he call? |
他要跟茱莉在一起是不是? | He's gonna stay with Julie. |
他要跟她在一起 然後她會一副: | He's gonna stay with her and she'll be: |
“我是茱莉,羅斯選我” | "Hi,I'm Julie. Ross picked me. |
“我們要結婚,生一堆孩子” “然後全家一起去挖點什麼東西” | We'll get married and have lots of kids and dig up stuff together!" |
恕我冒犯,她不會這樣講的 | No offense,but that sounds nothing like her. |
我不知道該怎麼辦 這簡直是一場惡夢 | What am I gonna do? This is like a complete nightmare! |
我知道,這一定很難受 “不,兩個女人都愛我” | I know. This must be so hard. "Oh,no! Two women love me! |
她們都那麼優秀,我的錢太多,皮包裝不下… | They're both gorgeous,my wallet's too small for my 50s... |
…我的鑽石鞋太緊了 | ...and my diamond shoes are too tight!" |
我有一個辦法,羅斯 別碰我的電腦,永遠都別碰 | -Here's a thought -Don't ever touch the computer. |
羅斯,聽著 我送你兩個字: | Ross,listen. I got two words for you: |
三人行(只是一個單詞) | Threesome. |
你還差一個字沒說,如果你想用那個字的話 | You still have another word,if you wanna use it. |
嘿,我想我知道。幫忙 | Oh, hey. I think I know what it is. Help. |
我們用理性來分析,好嗎? 我們來列個單子 | Let's get logical about this. We'll make a list. |
“瑞秋和茱莉,優缺點” | "Rachel and Julie: Pros and Cons." |
她倆的名字用不同字型的粗體字 | We'll put their names in different fonts... |
然後每一欄 可以用不同的顏色來寫上 | ...and I can use different colors for each column. |
不能夠用筆就好了嗎? | Can't we use a pen? |
不可以,阿們宗派男孩(17世紀成立) | No,Amish boy. |
我們就先從缺點開始 那比較好玩一點 | Let's start with the cons because they're more fun. |
先列瑞秋 | Rachel first. |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
我是說… | I mean.... |
好吧,我想你可以說她 有時候有一點嬌縱 | All right,I guess you can say she's a little spoiled sometimes. |
可以這麼說 | You could say that. |
有時候…她有點像沒頭腦 | I guess,sometimes she's a little ditzy,you know? |
我覺得她有點太注重她的外表 | And I've seen her be a little too into her looks. |
茱莉跟我有很多共同點… | And Julie and I have a lot in common... |
…因為我們都是古生物學家 | ... because we're both paleontologists,right? |
但是瑞秋她只是個女服務生 | But Rachel's just a waitress. |
女服務生 | Waitress. |
好了 你們想玩“毀滅戰士”(著名的射擊遊戲)嗎? | Got it. You guys want to play Doom? |
我們也可以繼續 | Or we could keep doing this. |
還有呢? | What else? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
她的腳踝有一點胖 | Oh! Her ankles are a little chubby. |
換茱莉了 | Okay,let's do Julie. |
她有什麼不好的? | What's wrong with her? |
她不是瑞秋 | She's not Rachel. |
這是麻克力餅屑南瓜餡餅 | This is pumpkin pie with a Macholate crust. |
這個是麻克力紅莓蛋糕 而這些是麻克力餅乾 | This is Macholate cranberry cake,and these are Macholate-chip cookies. |
跟印第安人的一樣 | Just like the lndians served. |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
“天啊”很好? | "Oh,my God" good? |
天啊 我不敢相信你給我吃這個 | Oh,my God! I can't believe you let me put this in my mouth. |
上帝啊!這一定是惡魔的味道 | Sweet Lord! This is what evil must taste like! |
我說這個玩意兒不能列印 | I tell you,it won't print. |
對,那個按鈕我按了一百次了 | I pressed that button,like,100 times. |
就熱線而言,你一點都不熱情 | For a hotline,you're not so hot. |
你那邊是什麼聲音? | What is that in the background? |
你在看《星際迷航》? | Are you watching Star Trek? |
你讓茱莉心碎了嗎? | So did you break Julie's heart? |
是啊,好可怕,她哭,我也哭 她丟東西,打到了我 | It was horrible. She cried,I cried. She threw things,they hit me. |
我這麼做是對的 | I did the right thing. |
史波克(《星際迷航》中的角色)真的擁抱了他爸爸嗎? | So Spock actually hugs his father? |
你們有沒… | Hey,do you guys have |
你去哪兒了? | Where you going? |
我剛剛… | I just got back... |
…從茱莉那邊回來 | ...from Julie's. |
不?瓄 | No,no. |
不是你想的那樣 | It's not what you think. |
是別的事 | It's the other thing. |
什麼是別的事? | Well,what's the other thing? What do I think? |
這個嘛… | Well.... |
他跟茱莉分手了 | He broke up with Julie! |
看在老天的份上,去抱抱她呀 | Well,go hug her,for God's sakes! |
真的? | Really? |
真的 | Really. |
我愛的一直是你 | It's always been you,Rach. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
這真好 | Oh,this is good. |
這真的很好 我知道… | -This is really good. -I know. I know. |
幾乎… | It's almost.... |
我們出去走一走怎麼樣? 就我們兩個人,沒有他們 | What do you say we take a walk? Just us. Not them. |
好,我去拿外套 好,不… | -Let me get my coat. -Okay. No,hey! |
我幫你拿 | I'll get your coat. |
他去幫我拿外套 他去幫我拿外套,喬伊 | He's going to get my coat. He's going to get my coat,Joey! |
我真不敢相信 | Joey,I can't believe this! This is unbelievable! |
那是什麼? 什麼?沒什麼 | -What's that? -What? Nothing! |
我看到我的名字,是什麼? 不,不,你看… | -I saw my name. What is it? -No,no,see? See? |
在印了 | It's printing! |
在印了 | It's printing! |
那是什麼嘛?給我看 | Let me see! |
有人訂了件外套嗎? | Hey,someone order a coat? |
羅斯,錢德在電腦上 寫了關於我的事還不讓我看 | Chandler wrote something about me and won't let me see. |
他有嗎?他沒有! | He won't? He won't! |
因為那是不是… | Because isn't that... |
你正在寫的短篇故事 | ...the short story you were writing? |
對,那是一篇我正在寫的… | Yes,it is a short story... |
…短篇故事 | ...that I was writing. |
裡面有我? 那讓我看啊 | And I'm in it? Let me read it. |
不… | No! |
好啦 乾脆你念給她聽好了 | -Come on! -Hey,why don't you read it to her? |
好吧 | All right. |
那個時候是夏天 | "It was summer. |
天氣很熱 | And it was hot. |
瑞秋在那裡… | Rachel was there. |
寂寞的灰沙發 | A lonely gray couch. |
奈德大叫“看啊” | 'Oh,look!' cried Ned. |
然後他就是永遠的國王了 劇終 | And the kingdom was his forever. The end!" |
就這樣?你只寫了這樣? 你是全世界最爛的作家 | That's all you wrote? You're the worst writer in the world! |
好了,我不再覺得好玩了 | This isn't funny anymore. |
那張紙上寫了關於我的事情 而我想要看一看 | There's something about me on that paper,and I want to see it. |
不,不可以 | No,you don't. |
好吧,你們要這麼孩子氣的話 沒關係 | All right,fine. If you guys want to be children,that's fine. |
我根本就不需要看 | I do not need to see it! |
這是什麼? | What is this? |
這是… | That is.... |
羅斯,這是什麼? | What is this? |
謝謝 祝你好運 | -Thank you. -Good luck. |
你只要記得我多為你瘋狂 | Okay. Just remember how crazy I am about you,okay? |
“有點沒頭腦”? | "Kind of ditzy"? |
“太注重外表”? | "Too into her looks"? |
“嬌縱”? | "Spoiled"? |
是有一點嬌縱 他應該加上“有一點”才對 | A little spoiled. He was supposed to type "little," the idiot! |
“只是個女服務生?” | "Just a waitress"? |
那是… | Now that was.... |
我是說,相對於… | I mean,as opposed to.... |
你念完了沒有,瑞秋? | Okay,is this over yet? Rach? |
我的腳踝一點都不肥 | I do not have chubby ankles! |
不,瑞秋… | No! I |
好…你看另一邊嘛 你看看茱莉那一欄 | Okay,look at the other side. Look at Julie's column. |
“她不是瑞琪”? | "She's not Rachem"? |
瑞琪是什麼東西啊 | What the hell's a Rachem? |
那是什麼?因為我是女服務生… | Is that a stupid paleontology word... |
而不懂得愚蠢古生物用語嗎? | ... I wouldn't know,because I'm just a waitress? |
不,瑞秋,你不要這樣 | Rach,come on! |
是“她不是瑞秋” | It's "She's not Rachel"! |
她不是… | She's not.... |
我的日記!太聰明了 | My diary! Brilliant! |
我應該說那是我的日記 她絕對不會逼我念我的日記 | If I'd said it was my diary,she wouldn't have made me read it. |
那倒是真的,你很適合在緊急事件發生之後成為一個偉人 | That's true. You'd be a great person to have around after an emergency. |
真不敢相信羅斯列了單子 | I cannot believe Ross even made this list. |
我知道 簡直渾蛋 | -I know. -What a dinkus! |
放他一馬吧 那是錢德的主意 | Hey,cut him some slack. It was Chandler's idea. |
什麼? | What? |
很好,我正在希望你提呢 | Oh,good. I was hoping that would come up. |
這是你的主意? | This was your idea? |
拜託,你們想一下 事出必有因 | Let's get some perspective here. These things happen for a reason. |
對,是你呀 | Yeah. You! |
菲比,幫我一下,好嗎? 你相信因果報應是狗屁,對吧? | Pheebs,back me up. You believe in that karma crap,don't you? |
對,祝你下輩子當糞蟲好運 | By the way,good luck in your next life as a dung beetle. |
瑞秋 | Rach! |
瑞秋,瑞秋,開門 | Hey! Open up! Please? |
當別人不開門讓你進來的時候 那表示“走開” | When somebody does not buzz you in,Ross,that means,"Go away." |
那並不表示請你爬防火梯上來 | It doesn't mean,"Climb up the fire escape." |
我只是想念一點 你的優點給你聽 | I just want to read you your "Pro List." |
我不感興趣 | Not interested. |
第一,你看遊戲節目時會哭 | "Number one: the way you cry at game shows. |
第二,你對朋友的感情很深 | Number two: how much you love your friends. |
第三,你緊張的時候 玩你頭髮的樣子 | Number three: the way you play with your hair when you're nervous. |
第四,勇敢地開始你的新生活 | Number four: how brave you are for starting your life over. |
第五,你很會逗小班 | Number five: how great you are with Ben. |
第六,還有你的香味 | Number six: the way you smell." |
羅斯,你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
喬伊,幫我開窗,好不好? | You want to open the window? |
好呀,來 | Oh,yeah. |
你在外面幹什麼? 我…我… | -What are you doing out there? -I'm.... |
天啊,你一定冷死了 知道你需要什麼嗎? | You must be freezing. You know what you need? |
來杯熱騰騰的麻克力怎麼樣? | How about a nice,steaming cup of hot Macholate? |
瑞秋,開門 | Come on,open up. |
瑞秋,別這樣嘛 你再給我一次機會 | Rach,come on. You gotta give me another chance. |
不 | No. |
不? 我說不 | -No? -That's what I said. |
也許我們該離開一下 | Maybe we should go. |
不,你們真的不用走 我們已經談完了 | You don't have to go. We're done. |
拜託,我知道你一定… | I know how you must |
不,你別說了,羅斯 | No! You don't,Ross. |
想像一下 你覺得自己最糟的地方 | Imagine the worst things you think about yourself. |
如果這個世界上 你最信任的人… | How would you feel if the person you trusted most in the world... |
不只也這樣想 | ... not only thinks them too... |
而且用來當做不跟你在一起的理由,換了你會怎麼樣? | ... but actually uses them as reasons not to be with you. |
就算是那樣 我還是想要跟你在一起 | No,but see,I want to be with you in spite of all those things. |
你真是寬宏大量,羅斯 | Well,that's mighty big of you. |
我說,別走 | I said,don't go! |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
如果今天是你列單子… | If it were the other way around,there is nothing you could put on a list... |
…不管你在單子上頭寫些什麼 都阻止不了我跟你在一起 | ...that would make me not want to be with you. |
我猜我們就是那一點不同 | Well,then I guess that's the difference between us. |
我絕對不會去列單子 | See,I'd never make a list. |
每一次遇上這種情況 我都不知道要等多久才能開口 | I never know how long to wait in this situation before you can talk. |
我再等一會兒好了 | Maybe a little longer. |
我其中的一些食譜用的 麻克力份量或許有點不尋常 | In these recipes,the quantities may seem unusual. |
像這個椰子麻克力節日乾果棒 | Like these coconut Macholate holiday nut bars? |
我上面寫了四杯椰子 四杯碎乾果… | I've indicated four cups of coconut and four cups of nuts... |
…而只有一大匙的麻克力 | ...and only one tablespoon of Macholate. |
沒關係 | Doesn't matter. |
我們的食品藥物管理局執照沒有通過 | Our FDA approval didn't come through. |
實驗室老鼠出了問題 | Something about laboratory rats. |
天啊,真遺撼… | Gosh,I'm sorry. |
是呀 | Yeah. |
好吧,這是給你的支票 | Anyhow,here's your check. |
還有謝謝你出了這麼多力 | Thank you for all the trouble you went through. |
你做的時候沒有吃很多吧? | Listen,you didn't eat a lot of it while you were cooking,did you? |
我吃了一些 | Well,I ate some. |
一些,那還好 一些可以,一些不是很多 | Oh,some is fine. Some is not a lot. |
那你尿尿的時候 沒有灼痛的感覺吧? | So it doesn't burn when you pee,does it? |
又是他嗎? | Is that him again? |
告訴他我很想去接 可是我腳踝太粗走不動 | Tell him I'd come to the phone,but my ankles are weighing me down. |
我想現在時機不對 | I don't think this is the best time. |
你幫我一個忙,好不好? | Look,can you do something for me? |
當然,什麼事? | Sure. What? |
好的 | All right. |
要聽音樂嗎? | Music? |
好吧 | Sure. |
下一首是 羅斯要點給瑞秋的歌曲 | The next one's dedicated to Rachel from Ross. |
瑞秋,他要你知道 他為他的行為深感抱歉 | Rachel,he wants you to know he's sorry for what he did... |
…希望你能從心裡原諒他 | ...and he hopes you can forgive him. |
看到你眼若冰霜 | See the stones set in your eyes |
看到你渾身帶刺 | See the thorn twist in your side |
我會等你的 | I'll wait for you |
上天實在作弄人 | Sleight of hand and twist of fate |
她就讓我苦苦的等 | On a bed of nails she makes me wait |
不論你是否在身旁,我會等的 | And I'll wait without you |
我們剛接到瑞秋的電話 她告訴我們羅斯做了什麼 | We've just gotten a call from Rachel and she told us what Ross did. |
真令人髮指 羅斯,如果你在聽… | It's pretty appalling. And,Ross,if you're listening... |
…我不想再放你點的歌了 | ...I don't want to play your song anymore. |
我們何不將時間 留給還有機會的情侶 | Why don't we devote our time to a couple that stands a chance? |
艾佛 米雪很抱歉用她的車撞你 | Avery,Michelle's sorry she hit you with her car... |
她希望你們能夠解決問題 | ...and she hopes you two will work it out. |
我有個房間… | There's a room where |
…可以去 | I can go |
傾吐心中的秘密 | And tell my secrets to |
在我房裡 | In my room |
在我房裡 | In my room |
謝謝你再度光臨 | Thanks for coming in again. |
不客氣 我既無道德又需要錢 | Not at all. I have no morals,and I need the cash. |
咱倆就像照鏡子一樣 | It's like I'm looking in a mirror. |
這個東西叫做開心魚 | Anyway,they're called Fish-tachios. |
吃起來是跟開心果一樣的… | They taste exactly like pistachios... |
但主要是用魚肉重新壓制的… | ... but they're made of reconstituted fish bits. |
來,試試看 | Here,try one. |
好吧 你沒有什麼過敏問題吧? | -All right. -You're not allergic to anything? |
貓毛 | Cat hair. |
抱歉 | Oh,sorry. |
醜陋裸男在裝飾他的樹 | Ugly Naked Guy is decorating his tree. |
天啊 你該瞧瞧他聖誕球的大小 | You should see the size of his Christmas balls! |
你們今年給管理員多少紅包? | How much did you tip the super? |
是啊,我們打算給50 不過我們不想顯得比你們小器 | We were gonna give 50,but we don't wanna look bad. |
今年我們送他自己做的餅乾 | This year we made him cookies. |
那就包25塊好了 | And 25 it is. |
你們送他餅乾? | You gave cookies? |
給錢太見外了 | Money is so impersonal. |
餅乾表示我們關心他 | Cookies says someone cares. |
好吧,我們沒錢 但餅乾也能表達這個意思 | We're broke,but cookies do say that. |
我瞭解 | I can see that. |
曾有盤巧克力糕告訴我一首打油詩 | A plate of brownies told me a limerick. |
菲比,請問你 那些是“搞笑的”巧克力糕嗎? | Pheebs,let me ask you something. Were these "funny" brownies? |
並不特別啊 | Not especially. |
但我覺得裡面有大麻 | But I think they had pot in them. |
兩位,你們還送了誰餅乾? | So who else did you tip with cookies? |
郵差,管理員… | The mailman,the super.... |
還有那個送報紙的 | And the newspaper delivery guy. |
天哪 | Oh,my God. |
怎麼了? | What? |
你們可能不會高興看到這個 | You're not gonna like this. |
天哪,還有餅乾糊在運動版呢 | These are cookies smashed to the sports section. |
看,在我的字謎那裡也是 | He did my crossword puzzle. |
對,但是錯誤百出,除非 橫十四的“格什溫音樂劇”… | Yeah,but not very well,unless 14 across,"Gershwin musical"... |
是叫“咬我,咬我,咬我” | ...actually is "Bite me,bite me,bite me." |
六人行 第2季 第09集 菲比的爸爸 | The One With Phoebe's Dad |
真不敢相信耶誕節又到了 | I can't believe it's Christmas already. |
我們才剛吃完了感恩節火雞… | One day you're eating turkey,the next thing you know... |
轉眼呢 現在又到了聖人跳躍和呆鵝下蛋的耶誕節 | ...Iords are a-leaping and geese are a-laying. |
所以每年的這個時候 鵝才會感覺到很輕鬆 | Which is why geese are so relaxed this time of year. |
各位 | Hey,guys. |
瑞秋 | Hey,Rach. |
我買了一個小禮物給你 | I got you a little present. |
我來拆 | I'll open it. |
是“機靈鬼” | It's a Slinky! |
記得嗎? | Remember? |
走下樓梯,單獨或成雙 | Walks downstairs Alone or in pairs |
大家都知道是… | Everyone knows it's |
只是一個大彈簧 | Just a big spring. |
好吧,你還在生我的氣 就為了… | You're still mad because of the whole |
那張不跟我在一起的理由的可惡單子? | Horrible list of reasons not to be with me? |
從現在起我們稱那為 “不幸的事件”怎麼樣? | How about we just call it the "unfortunate incident"? |
甘瑟,你家裡有沒有樓梯? | Hey,Gunther. You got stairs in your place? |
去瘋吧 | Go nuts. |
各位 | Hey,guys. |
袋子裡有什麼? | What's in the bag? |
只是些禮物啦 | Some presents. |
快拿出來瞧瞧啊 | Come on,show us what you bought. |
其實你很想的 | You know you want to. |
好吧,你們看 這是班送給我父母的相框 | This is a picture frame from Ben to my parents. |
很可愛 | Oh,that's cute. |
“她的”跟“她的”毛巾 給蘇珊跟卡蘿 | Some "Hers" and "Hers" towels for Susan and Carol. |
還有,買了這件襯衫給媽 | And I got this blouse for Mom. |
羅斯,好漂亮哦 | Ross,that is gorgeous! |
瞧瞧這些假徽章 | Look at these authentic fake metals! |
媽會得到“最佳服裝獎”… | Mom's gonna be voted "best dressed"... |
…在假的軍校裡 | ...at the make-believe military academy! |
聖誕前夕的前夕快樂 | Happy "Christmas Eve" Eve. |
我的天哪,這哪兒來的? | Oh,my God! Where did you get this? |
梅西百貨三樓,家飾部 | Macy's,third floor,home furnishings. |
這是我爸爸 | This is my father! |
這是我爸爸的照片 | This is a picture of my dad! |
菲比,那是相框附送的相片 | That's the guy that comes in the frame. |
不,這是我爸爸 好,我拿給你們看 | No,it's my dad. I'll show you. |
菲比,我以為你爸在牢裡 | I thought your dad was in prison. |
不,那是我繼父 | No,that's my stepdad. |
我真正的爸 是我出生以前就跑了的那個 | My real dad's the one that ran out on us before I was born. |
你怎麼會沒上過奧普拉的訪談啊? | How have you never been on Oprah? |
瞧,這就是他 | Look,see? This is him. |
我媽在死前給了我這張照片 同一個人 | My mother gave me this picture before she died. Same guy! |
這是一張相框模特兒… | This is a picture of the frame guy... |
…跟一隻牧羊犬站在淺藍背景前的照片 | ...posing in front of a blue screen with a collie. |
那不是藍背景,那是… | It's not a blue screen. It's just.... |
也許那天萬里晴空吧 | Maybe it was just really clear that day. |
我得跟我外婆談一談 | Okay,I have to talk to my grandmother. |
等一下,菲比 | Wait a minute,honey! |
我在設法 弄我老闆的前任老婆上床 | I'm trying to get my boss's ex-wife to sleep with me. |
菲比有問題時大家都洗耳恭聽 | But when Phoebe has a problem,everyone's all ears! |
艾斯特·利文斯頓 | Esther Livingston. |
死了 | Gone! |
嗨,小熊 | Hi,Pooh. |
外婆,你在幹嘛? | Hi,Gram. What you doing? |
我在更新電話簿 | Just updating the phone book. |
外婆? | Gram? |
我可以再看一次 我爸的照片嗎? | Can I see the pictures of my dad again? |
當然,當然了 | Sure,sure. |
為什麼? | How come? |
我只是突然想看一看 | Just,you know,to see him. |
好,來 | Sure. Here. |
這是你爸站在草地上的照片 | This is the one of your father in a meadow. |
他…幫一個小男孩放風箏 | And helping a little boy fly a kite. |
這一張是他的畢業典禮 | And here he is at a graduation. |
再一張的畢業典禮 | Another graduation. |
再來一張畢業典禮 | Another graduation. |
他真的是我爸爸嗎? | Is this really my father? |
他真的是你爸…? | Is it really your fa? |
天哪,他當然是 | Well,of course it is. |
我聞到煙味了,也許是因為有人的褲子著火了(說謊) | I smell smoke. Maybe because someone's pants are on fire! |
我們兩個當祖孫這麼多年了… | In all the years we've been grandmother and granddaughter... |
…你從沒有對我撒過謊 | ...you've never lied. |
好吧,他不是你爸爸 他只是一個相框裡的男人 | All right,that's not your father. It's a picture of a guy in a frame. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
那是你媽的主意 | It was your mother's idea. |
她不想讓你知道誰是你爸… | She didn't want you to know your real father... |
…因為他的離去讓你媽很傷心 | ... because he hurt her so much. |
我本來也不想跟著她騙你 | I didn't want to do it. |
可是她死了 那樣跟她爭辯就太難了 | But then she died and it was harder to argue with her. |
不是不可能,只是更難 | Not impossible,but harder. |
那他不是一個有名的樹醫囉? | All right. So he's not a famous tree surgeon? |
他也不住在 沒有電話的緬甸茅屋裡頭囉? | And I guess he doesn't live in a hut in Burma where there's no phones? |
我聽說他在紐約州 某個地方當藥劑師 | Last I heard,he was a pharmacist somewhere upstate. |
那沒有道理 | That makes no sense. |
村民幹嘛去崇拜一個 藥劑師呢? | Why would the villagers worship a pharmacist? |
親愛的 | Honey. |
反正呢,我所知道的就這麼多 | Anyway,that's all I know. |
還有… | That... |
…跟這個 | ...and this. |
這… | This... |
…是真正的他了 | ...is the real him. |
我記得我爸爸 他穿了一身火紅的衣服… | I remember my father all dressed up in the red suit... |
…黑色的大靴子 還有漆皮皮帶… | ...the big black boots and the patent leather belt... |
…在樓下鬼鬼崇崇的 他不想被任何人發現… | ...sneaking around downstairs. He didn't want us to see him... |
…可是他醉得搖搖晃晃 然後撞東撞西把大家都吵醒 | ... but he'd be drunk,so he'd crash into something and wake everybody up. |
聽起來不像是個快樂的耶誕節 | That doesn't sound like a very merry Christmas. |
誰說是耶誕節來著? | Who said anything about Christmas? |
有沒有菲比的消息? | Anyone hear from Phoebe yet? |
沒有 | No,nothing. |
希望她沒事 | I hope she's okay. |
是呀,我完全瞭解她的處境 | I know exactly what she's going through. |
你怎麼會完全瞭解她的處境? | How do you know that? |
她告訴我們的嘛 | She told us. |
莫妮卡,你買了什麼? | What do you got there,Monica? |
派對要用的東西 | Stuff for the party. |
你們還在這裡幹嘛 你們不是該去買禮物了嗎? | Aren't you guys supposed to be shopping? |
你們禮物還沒買好嗎? | You didn't buy presents yet? |
明天就是聖誕夜了 你們要怎麼辦? | Tomorrow's Christmas Eve! What are you gonna do? |
你一定要像粘土動畫裡的人物那樣說話嗎? | Don't you have to be Claymation to say that? |
對了,莫妮卡 我想郵差不欣賞你的餅乾 | I don't think the mailman liked your cookies. |
這是你媽寄來的裝飾品 | The ornaments your mom sent. |
說不定他喜歡我的餅乾 只是他嫌少了 | Maybe the mailman liked the cookies. We just didn't give him enough. |
莫妮卡,鴿子都學得比你快 | Monica,pigeons learn faster than you. |
瑞秋 | Hey,Rach. |
我想我知道 怎麼樣讓你好過點了 | I think I know what will make you feel better. |
你列張關於我的清單如何? | How about you make a list about me? |
什麼?算了吧,羅斯 我怎麼會… | Forget it. I'm not gonna stand here... |
…去列一張關於你的… | ...and make a list |
好,你愛發牢騷… | Okay,you're whiny... |
…愛鑽牛角尖 沒有安全感… | ...you are obsessive,you are insecure... |
…你根本就沒種 | ...you're gutless. |
你從來不知道怎麼把握時機 | You don't ever just "seize the day." |
你暗戀我一年 結果你什麼都沒做 | You liked me for a year and you didn't do anything about it. |
還有,你頭髮塗了太多髮膠了 | And you wear too much of that gel in your hair. |
瞧… | See,there.... |
你照我說的做了 | All right,you did what I said. |
對呀,你知道嗎? 你說得對,我覺得好多了 | And you know what? You're right. I do feel better. |
謝了,羅斯 | Thank you,Ross. |
是的,在奧爾巴尼(紐約州首府),麻煩你查一查弗蘭克布菲的電話 | Yeah,in Albany. Could I have the number of Frank Buffay? |
伊薩卡(紐約州)呢? | Okay. In lthaca? |
好吧,薩拉托加(紐約州)呢? | All right,Saratoga? |
尤蒂卡(紐約州)呢? | Oneonta? |
好吧,你知道嗎? 你沒有資格自稱查號臺 | You know what? You shouldn't call yourself lnformation! |
外婆 請問這是不是你的真姓名? | Hello,Grandma. If that is,in fact,your real name. |
好了,小熊,別跟我生氣了 | Come on now,Pooh. Don't still be mad at me. |
進行得怎麼樣了? 不太好 | -How's it going? -Not so good. |
紐約州蠻大的,他蠻小的 你自己算吧 | Upstate's pretty big. He's pretty small. You do the math. |
我想沒找到他對你還比較好 | Well,I think you're better off without him. |
我知道他是你爸爸 | Oh,honey,I know he's your daddy. |
但是對我而言… | But to me,he's still the irresponsible creep... |
…他是那個讓你媽懷孕 又偷她的車子,不負責的混球 | ...who locked up your mom and stole her Gremlin. |
我知道啊 只是想知道他是誰而已 | I know. I just wanted to know who he was,you know? |
是啊,我知道 | Yeah,I know. |
我說我不知道他住在哪裡… | I wasn't completely honest with you when I said I didn't know... |
…是有點騙你 | ...exactly where he lived. |
什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
他住在中城市羅瑞街74號 | He lives at 74 Laurel Drive in Middletown. |
要是看到奶品皇后霜淇淋店,就過頭了 | If you hit the Dairy Queen,you've gone too far. |
開我的車去吧 | You can take my cab. |
謝了 | Thank you. |
我的計程車別讓別人開啊 知道了 | -Nobody else drives that cab. -Got it. |
我要見到我爸爸了 | I'm gonna see my dad! |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
好吧,祝我好運了,外公 (愛因斯坦的照片) | Wish me luck,Grandpa. |
菲比開計程車來了嗎? | Phoebe here with the cab yet? |
來了,那是一輛隱形車 | Yeah,she brought the invisible cab. |
上車吧 | Hop in! |
她最好快一點 商店七點就關門了 | She'd better get here. The stores close at 7. |
我想菲比去她爸那兒 大概兩個小時… | It'll be two hours to Phoebe's dad's house... |
…他們見面,聊天 交換生活故事 | ...they'll meet,chat,swap life stories. |
甚至她會說她是個埃及奴隸,我們還是有時間的 | Even if she tells the one where she's an Egyptian slave, we'll have time. |
她來了 | Hey,here she comes! |
你們相信嗎? | Can you believe this? |
再兩個小時我就有爸爸了 | In,like,two hours I'm gonna have a dad. |
是呀,大事哦 | Yeah,big stuff! |
對呀,走吧 | Okay,let's go! |
好,你來拿著這個 | Here,you have to hold this. |
左刹車,右油門? | "Brake,left. Gas,right"? |
對,我的小抄 | That's my cheat sheet. |
安全帶呢? 你那邊沒有了 | -Where's my seat belt? -There isn't one. |
被救護人員剪開了 | The paramedics had to cut through it. |
告訴我嘛,拜託… | Come on,just tell me. Please,please! |
這是第十六次了: 不,我不認為你鑽牛角尖 | For the 16th time: No,I do not think you're obsessive! |
天哪,這裡怎麼這麼熱啊 麻煩把暖氣關小 | -It's hot in here! -Rach,get the heat. |
羅斯,把暖氣關小 | Ross,turn the heat down,please? |
兩個之間是有差別… | The difference between obsessive |
羅斯,暖氣 | Ross,the heat! |
好,暖氣…還說我鑽牛角尖? | Okay! Heat,heat,heat! And I'm the obsessive one? |
好吧,往這邊是開 | This way is on. |
往這邊是… | So this is... |
…關 | ...off. |
你是否把暖氣弄壞了? | Did you just break the radiator? |
沒有,我不過是轉了開關… | No,I was turning the knob and... |
…結果就掉了 | ... here it is. |
那就裝回去啊 | Well,put it back! |
裝不回去了 | It won't go back. |
我打電話給管理員 | I'll call the super. |
來,我來試試 | Here,let me try. |
對了 我忘了你融合金屬的能力了 | That's right. I forgot about your ability to fuse metal. |
嘿,真是好笑的表親… | Hey,it's Funny's cousin... |
…不好笑 | ... Not Funny! |
崔格先生? | Hi,Mr. Treeger? |
我是樓上的瑞秋格林 | It's Rachel Greene from upstairs. |
對,有人弄壞 我們暖氣的開關了… | Yes,somebody broke our knob on the radiator... |
…我們這裡好熱 | ...and it's really hot in here. |
對,熱到可以烤餅乾了 | Yes,it's hot enough to bake cookies. |
你想你能在六點以前換好嗎? | Could we have a new one by 6? |
什麼?不,不,星期二 我們等不到那個時候 | Tuesday? We can't wait until Tuesday. |
我們今晚有派對 | We're having a party tonight. |
好吧,給他小費 | Okay,tip the man. |
不,不喜歡我們的餅乾就算了吧 | If he doesn't like our cookies,too bad. |
我才不?穩死賬髂貃 | I won't be blackmailed. |
這裡有點熱… | Look,if it gets a little warm... |
…就改成主題派對好了 | ...it can be a theme party. |
這下有主題了: “請進,來當培根火腿吧” | Here's a theme: "Come on in,live like bacon!" |
就是這裡了 | This is it! |
74號 | Seventy-four. |
長途跋涉為這個 | So that's what this is for! |
就是這裡了 我要見到我爸爸了 | This is it. I'm gonna meet my dad. |
這真是前所未有的大事 | This is like the biggest thing ever. |
說得沒錯 | Sure is. |
好了,我要進去了 | Here I go. I'm going in. |
好啊 | All right! |
一切順利哦 | Good luck,Pheebs. |
好了,我走了 | Here I go. |
我走了 | Here I go. |
我要走了 | I'm going. |
歡迎光臨我們的熱帶聖誕派對 | Welcome to our tropical Christmas party. |
外套,毛衣,長褲跟襯衫 請放在臥室裡面 | Put your coats,sweaters,pants and shirts in the bedroom. |
我在冒汗,所以看不出來… | It's hard to tell because I'm sweating... |
…但我完全遵照 瓶上指示的用量 | ... but I use exactly what the gel bottle says. |
一顆豆子大小的份量而已 那怎麼會太多呢? | An amount about the size of a pea. How can that be too much? |
冰塊? | Ice? |
誰要冰塊?拿張餐巾 | Ice? Ice squares anyone? Take a napkin. |
莫妮卡?莫妮卡? | Monica! |
你的客人都快變成牛肉幹了 | Your guests are turning into jerky. |
真的?我覺得舒服得很 | Really? I'm perfectly comfortable. |
排隊呀,兄弟,換我了 | Hey! Get in line,buddy. I was next. |
崔格先生 | Mr. Treeger. |
你說有派對啊? | You said there was a party. |
歡迎光臨我們的桑拿聚會 | Well,hey,welcome to our sauna. |
很熱嗎?我從來不覺得熱 | Is it hot? My body always stays cool. |
說不定是因為我皮太厚了 | Probably because I have so much skin. |
乳酪 | Hey,cheese! |
好吧,好吧,機會來了 莫妮卡,給他現金 | Here's the chance. Monica,give him cash. |
瑞秋,把你的耳環給他 快啊,任何東西都給他 | Rachel,give him your earrings. Something. Anything! |
不,我不屈服 | No,I will not cave. |
對,我也是 | I'm with Mon. |
好吧… 你說我從不把握機會? | All right. You know how you say I never seize the day? |
他雖然是你們的管理員 我也要把握一下 | Even though he's your super,I'm seizing. |
崔格先生? | Mr. Treeger? |
這裡是50塊錢,聖誕快樂 | Here is $50. Merry Christmas. |
我沒有準備你的禮物 | I didn't get you anything. |
送你5塊錢好了 | Here's five back. |
不,那是你的聖誕紅包 | No,that's your Christmas tip. |
你認為你可不可以 現在把暖氣給修好? | Do you think there's a chance you can fix that radiator now? |
沒辦法,我已經說過了… | No can do. Like I told the girl... |
…星期二才拿得到新的開關 | ... I can't get a knob until Tuesday. |
羅斯? | Ross? |
看來他在玩棒球哦 | He's playing baseball. |
你要說硬式棒球嗎? | You mean hardball? |
隨便啦 | Whatever. |
你打算怎麼樣呢? | What you gonna do? |
抱歉,我還要努力一下 | Excuse me. I'm seizing. |
崔格先生? | Mr. Treeger? |
我再給你五十 | Here's another 50. |
光明節(猶太人的節日)快樂 | Happy Hanukkah. |
這樣我們是不是 可以拿到新的開關了呢? | Will this help with the knob-getting? |
不行 那家店星期二才會開門 | No,the place is not open till Tuesday. |
我的發音不標準嗎? | Am I not saying it right? |
你真的喜歡我的餅乾嗎? | So you really did like my cookies? |
是呀,那好溫暖哦 真的表示你的關心 | Yeah,they were so personal. It really showed you cared. |
把握得好… | Nice seizing... |
…髮膠男 | ...gel boy. |
這是檞寄生,沒錯吧? | Is this mistletoe? |
不,那個叫… | No,that.... |
…叫羅勒 | That is basil. |
如果是檞寄生,我就要親你了 | If it was mistletoe,I was gonna kiss you. |
不,那還是羅勒 | No,it's still basil. |
火爐上烤栗子 | Chestnuts roasting on an open fire |
雪人在啃你的鼻子 | Jack Frost nipping at your nose |
你走到哪裡啊? 信箱 | -How far did you get? -Mailbox. |
有進步了 | All right,we're getting closer. |
菲比,你怎麼了? | What's going on? |
其實原因很多啦 | It's just like a whole mess of stuff. |
昨天,我爸爸他還是一個 名聞遐邇的緬甸樹醫 | Like yesterday,my dad was this famous Burma tree-surgeon guy. |
可是他現在 卻變成一個藥劑師了… | And you know,now he's a pharmacist guy and.... |
或許他是一個 很酷的藥劑師也說不定 | Well,maybe he's this really cool pharmacist guy. |
對,或許,對 然後我會跑去敲他的門… | Yeah,maybe! And I'll knock on the door... |
…他會擁抱我,我會有個爸爸 | ...and he'll hug me,and I'll have a dad! |
然後大家都會親切地對待我… | I'll go to his pharmacy and everyone will be nice to me... |
…因為我是弗蘭克的女兒 | ... because,you know,I'm Frank's daughter. |
那就快去敲門哪 | So why not go knock? |
如果他沒有那麼棒呢? | Because,I mean,what if he's not this great-dad guy? |
如果他還是那個 拋妻棄子的渾球呢? | What if he's still the dirtbag who ran out on my mom and us? |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我這個禮拜 已經失去一個假爸爸了 | I've already lost a fake dad this week. |
我不想再失去一個真的爸爸 | I don't think I'm ready to lose a real one. |
菲比,沒關係啦 你已經跨了一大步了 | Pheebs,that's okay. You took a big step today. |
有一天當你準備好的時候 你就會越過那片籬笆了 | Someday,when you're ready,you'll make it past the hedges. |
那個時候他會有幸得到你 | And when you do,he'll be lucky to have you. |
你們… | You guys.... |
抱歉,你們來不及購物了 | Sorry about your shopping. |
沒關係,會有辦法的 | Oh,that's okay. We'll figure something out. |
我知道你不要進去… | I know you're not going in there... |
…不過你想我可不可以進去 跟他借一下洗手間? | ... but you think it's okay if I go in and use his bathroom? |
沒關係,算了 | That's fine,never mind. |
酷耶,下雪了 | Cool,snow! |
像空白的畫布 | Kind of like a blank canvas. |
該死,這裡面好熱啊 | Ho-ho-ho-holy crap,is it hot in here! |
介意我把暖氣關小嗎? | You mind if I turn the heat down? |
我們怎麼都沒想到呢 | We could have used that kind of thinking earlier! |
菲比,結果怎麼樣? | So,Pheebs,how did it go? |
我沒有辦法進去 | Oh,I couldn't go in. |
好可惜喔 你還好嗎? | -Honey,I'm sorry. -Are you okay? |
好,沒關係 因為我知道他在哪兒 | Yeah,it's okay,because I know he's there. |
現在只要那樣就夠了 | So that's enough for now. |
各位,過了十二點了 祝大家聖誕快樂 | Hey,it's after midnight! Merry Christmas,everyone! |
聖誕快樂 | Oh,right! Merry Christmas! |
開關壞了… | The knob was broken... |
…所以我從下面關掉了 希望不會有問題 | ...so I turned it off from underneath. I hope that's all right. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
就剩下喬伊和錢德的禮物了 | I guess that just leaves the gifts from Joey and Chandler. |
瑞秋,送你的 | Rach,these are for you. |
汽車雨刷 | Wiper blades! |
我連車都沒有 | I don't even have a car. |
對呀,但加上這個汽車芳香劑 你會以為你有 | No,but with this new-car smell,you'll think you do! |
菲比,換你了 | Okay,Pheebs,your turn. |
馬桶紙墊啊 | Toilet-seat covers! |
我去加油的時候 你們就去買這個嗎? | Is that what you did while I got gas? |
你們兩個真好! | You guys! |
至於羅?埂瓄 | And for Ross... |
…甜食先生 | ... Mr. Sweet Tooth. |
你們送我一瓶可樂? | You got me a cola drink? |
還有檸檬味的 | And a lemon-lime! |
簡直太…太厚禮了吧 我應該再送你們一件毛衣 | Well,this is too much! I feel like I should get you another sweater. |
還有一個很有價值的… | And last,but not least.... |
加紋讓你更有快感(安全套) | They're ribbed for your pleasure! |
你慢一點,報紙不會在 半夜一點就全部賣光的 | Slow down! The paper won't be sold out at 1:00 in the morning. |
我好興奮 第一次有我的劇評 | I'm excited! I've never been reviewed before! |
你演國王演得太精彩了 我真的好欣賞,真的 | You were so amazing as the king! I'm really impressed. |
不過你知道嗎? | But you know what? |
我覺得下一次啊 你應該考慮要穿穿內褲 | You might wanna wear underwear next time. |
因為當你登上王位的時候 觀眾可以看到你的… | When you sat on the throne,you could see your... |
…皇家的東西 | ... royal subjects. |
那個年代沒有人穿內褲的 | No one wore underwear back then. |
我相信評論家會欣賞你的真實性表演的 | I' m sure the critics appreciated your authenticity. |
順便說一句,不錯的生殖器 | Nice genitals, by the way. |
謝謝兄弟 | Thanks, man. |
有了,在這兒 | Here it is! Here it is! |
唯一比沒大腦又孩子氣的導演還要爛的是… | "The only thing worse than the mindless adolescent direction... |
…喬伊崔比亞尼對國王的超級遜的詮釋 | ...was Joseph Tribbiani's disturbingly unskilled portrayal of the king." |
那只是一個人的意見 | Okay,look. That is one guy's opinion. |
菲比,念你的 | All right? Pheebs,read yours. |
“唯一比沒大腦又孩子氣的導演 還要爛的是…” | "The only thing worse than the mindless,adolescent direction" |
誰念一念別家報紙可以嗎? | Anybody have a different paper? |
羅斯,念你的 | Ross,read yours. |
我不想念 | I don't want to. |
最有趣的時刻是當國王被砍頭不再講話的時候 | "The one enjoyable moment is when the king is beheaded and speaks no more. " |
喬伊,他們根本不懂他們在講什麼 | Joey,they don't know what they're talking about. |
那不一定 | Maybe they do. |
演了十年還混不出名堂 不是因為我爛是什麼 | I've done this 10 years and I'm nowhere. There's gotta be a reason. |
別這樣嘛,你現在是努力階段 | Come on,you're just paying your dues. |
不…太難了 | No,no,no. It's too hard. |
這不值得,我不幹了 | It's not worth it. I quit. |
別這樣… | Come on,Joey! |
等一下… | Wait,wait one minute. Wait a minute. |
包你聽了會回心轉意的 | I believe this will change your mind. |
在這出平凡的戲裡 喬伊崔比亞尼成功地躍上另一美妙新境界… | "ln a mediocre play,Joseph Tribbiani achieved brilliant levels of |
接153頁 | Continued on page 153. |
…超級爛 | sucking." |
六人行 第2季 第10集 洛斯 | The One With Russ |
還有什麼是你想幹的嗎 | Is there anything else you wanted to be? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
小時候,我的志願是當獸醫 | I used to want to be a vet. |
然後我發現我必須要把手 伸到牛的什麼的裡面 | Then I found out you have to put your hands into cows. |
你好嗎? | Are you okay? |
很好,只是水深火熱的一天 | Just a tough day at work,you know? |
劍龍倒了,困住一個小孩 | Stegosaurus fell over,trapped a kid. |
我認得這件夾克 這是搞笑巴比的夾克 | I know this jacket. This is Fun Bobby's jacket! |
他在哪裡?他在,對不對? | Where is he? He's here,isn't he? |
或許 別耍我 | -Maybe. -Don't toy with me. |
蓋勒 | Geller! |
搞笑巴比 | Hey,Fun Bobby! |
你有去健身啊? | Hey! You been working out? |
才沒有呢 | Not at all. |
我愛這傢伙 | I love this guy! |
好高興聽到 你又跟我妹妹在一起了 | I'm psyched to hear you're back with Monica. |
我們都是 我錯過了什麼嗎? | -You and me both! -So what'd I miss? |
我們只是讓喬伊覺得好過一點 | We were trying to make Joey feel better. |
需要我把你舉起來嗎? | Need me to pick you up? |
不,我沒事了,真的 | No,I'm all right,man. |
不,我要把你舉起來 | No,I'm picking you up! |
不,真的,我不需要… | No,seriously. I don't need you to |
好吧,還是有用 | It still works! |
在我走之前 有誰還要被我給舉起來的? | Before I go,does anybody else need to be picked up? |
我還是走好了 | I'm still gonna go. |
待會兒見了,拜拜 | See you later,babe. |
我們要公開親熱 大家的眼睛請回避一下 | Public display of affection coming up. You can avert your eyes. |
再見… | See you. |
這個搞笑巴比好棒 | Fun Bobby is so great. |
可不是嘛 | Oh,isn't he? |
我認為這一回我們會定下來 他讓我覺得好棒 | I think this time it may work with him. He makes me feel so good. |
過去兩個月我一直覺得好鬱悶 沒有工作,沒有男友 | I've been feeling so lousy lately. No job,no boyfriend. |
至少現在我的杯子是半滿了 | Well,at least my cup is half full. |
半滿的“愛…” | Half full of love! |
他為了慶祝我們的雙周慶 週末要帶我去他表哥的小木屋 | For our two-week anniversary,he's taking me to his cousin's cabin. |
“愛…的小屋” | Cabin of love! |
我們今晚喝了好多酒 | We went through a lot of wine tonight. |
真的?我才喝了兩杯 | I only had two glasses. |
我只喝了一杯 | I had a glass. |
兩杯 | Two. |
我喝了一杯 | I had one glass. |
我用這可愛的… | I had a mug full in this... |
…“我在自然歷史博物館看到骨頭了”喝了一杯 | ... I-got-boned-at-the- Museum-of-Natural-History mug. |
這麼說的話,頂多兩瓶 | Okay,so that's what? Two bottles. |
可是這裡有五個瓶子 | And yet somehow we went through five? |
那又怎麼樣,他今晚喝多了 | So what? So he drank a lot tonight. |
是呀,不過現在我想起來… | Now that I think about it,I don't think... |
我記得搞笑巴比酒不離手 | ...I've ever seen Fun Bobby without a drink. |
你們有沒有注意過 他故事的開頭總是… | And did you notice how he always starts his stories with... |
“我喝得爛醉了” 或者是“我們好醉了” | ... "Okay,I was so wasted!" or "Oh,we were so bombed!" |
或者是“我醒來以後發現 我在康涅狄格州的一輛清道車裡面” | "So I wake up and I'm in this dumpster in Connecticut!" |
莫妮卡,你們約會時 他有沒有喝過酒? | Have you been with him when he wasn't drinking? |
只是恰巧而已 我們去的地方都會喝酒的 | We just happen to go to a lot of places where you might drink. |
我是說去品酒會 怎麼可能不來杯酒的 | How do you go to a wine-tasting without having a drink? |
或者是去俱樂部或是去… | Or to a club,or to the... |
…動物園 | ...zoo. |
中央公園 | |
瑞秋,裡面有沒有脫脂奶? | Rach,does this have nonfat milk? |
不知道,你試試看吧 | I don't know,taste it. |
太遲了,抱歉,你喝過了 | Too late,you already had some. |
我們把這都弄成愛爾蘭咖啡(裡面?粲型考桑┰趺囪縶 | What do you say we make these coffees lrish? |
蛋糕! | Cake! |
對,我們去拿蛋糕 | Yeah,we're gonna get some cake. |
我發現你最近好像把很多東西 都弄成愛爾蘭式的 | It seems like you've been making an awful lot of stuff "lrish" lately. |
我很想弄成比利時式的 可是餅乾很難塞進酒瓶子裡 | I'd make them Belgian,but the waffles are hard to get into that flask. |
好吧 | Yeah,okay. |
聽著,這或許不關我的事 或許有關,我不知道 | Maybe it's none of my business. Or maybe it is,I don't know. |
我有點擔心你 | I'm worried about you. |
這不是第一次 有人跟我說過這件事情了 | This isn't the first time somebody said something to me about this. |
我老是為我自己找一些藉口 像“跟朋友在一起才喝” | But I always made excuses,like "I'm just a social drinker." |
或“來嘛,今天是國慶日” | Or "Come on,it's Flag Day!" |
那你現在怎麼說呢? | So,what are you saying now? |
我猜我要說… | I guess I'm saying... |
…我戒戒看 | ... I'll try and quit. |
我喜歡你擔心我的樣子 | I like that you worry about me. |
發生什麼事了? | So,what's going on? |
我要試著戒酒了 | I am gonna try and quit drinking. |
哦,為什麼呢? | Oh! Why? |
猜猜誰又重回演藝圈了? | Guess who's back in show biz! |
羅倫格林 | Lorne Greene? |
不是,菲比 你知道為什麼嗎?他死了 | No. You know why? Because he's dead. |
天啊 | Oh,no. |
我猜這似乎有點苦樂參半… | This is gonna seem bittersweet now... |
是喬伊 | ... but Joey,that's who! |
是啊,我經紀人叫我去 “我們的日子”試鏡看看 | My agent called with an audition for Days Of Our Lives! |
-了不起 -敬喬伊 | -Kick ass! -Here's to Joey! |
這裡,喬伊 | Here Joey! |
那我們必須要慶祝 應該開個肥皂劇主題派對 | We have to celebrate! We should do a soap opera theme. |
對,我們可以一起上床 然後其中一個人失去記憶(肥皂劇慣用情節) | We could all sleep together,then one of us could get amnesia! |
瑞秋,你什麼時候下班? 晚上一起做點什麼 | When do you get off? We'll do something tonight. |
事實上,我已經下班了 但我有其他計畫 | Well,actually,I'm already done. But I kind of got plans. |
你有別的朋友 | You have other friends? |
對,我…我有約會 | I have a date. |
什麼? | What? |
-你有約會?-是的,我有約會 | -You have a date?.-Yes! I have a date. |
跟男人? | With a man? |
不,跟一個烤麵包 | No, with a crouton. |
-怎麼? 我有約會有什麼奇怪的?-跟烤麵包? | -What's so strange about me having a date?-With a crouton? |
那羅斯怎麼辦? | What about Ross? |
你還在為列單子的事 在跟他生氣,是不是? | You're still mad because he made that list? |
不…我不生氣了 | No,no,I'm not mad at him. |
我對他再也不怎麼了 | I'm not really "anything" at him anymore. |
你在胡說些什麼? 我不知道 | -What are you talking about? -I don't know. |
不管我從前怎麼樣,我… | Whatever I was feeling,I'm... |
…不了 | ... not. |
你們就差一點點了 | But you guys came so close. |
我知道,對不起啦,各位 你們必須得習慣… | I'm sorry. You'll have to get used to the fact... |
…我不會跟羅斯約會這個事實 | ...that I will not be dating Ross. |
他來了 | Here he is. |
各位,這是洛斯 | Guys,this is Russ. |
艾斯黛·雷納德明星經紀 | Estelle Leonard Talent Agency. |
塞米,你能不能別再給我打電話了 | Sammy would you stop calling me already. |
不…我不是說你沒才華 你非常有才華 | I'm not saying you're not talented. You're very talented. |
只是那只鳥死了之後 剩下的戲就很少了 | But with the bird dead and all,there's very little act left. |
親愛的,放我一馬,好嗎? | Honey,give me a break,will you? |
我等會兒再打給你 | I'll talk to you later. |
我最喜愛的客戶來了 | There's my favorite client! |
告訴我,親愛的 試鏡結果如何? | So tell me,darling,how was the audition? |
我覺得進行得滿順利的 他們要我週四複試 | I think it went well. I got a callback for Thursday. |
喬伊,你見過我心醉神迷嗎? | Joey! Have you ever seen me ecstatic? |
那你見識看看 | Well,here it is. |
對了,有件事我想跟你談談 | Okay! Listen,there's something I want to talk to you about. |
電視臺的選角小姐… | The casting lady |
羅莉是不是很棒? | Oh,isn't Lori a doll? |
對…她很棒 | She's great. |
可是…我有點覺得 她好像對我有那麼一點點意思 | But I kind of got the feeling that she was sort of coming on to me. |
我覺得如果我想得到 那個角色的話,就要… | And I definitely would get the part if I were to,you know.... |
派我的“小將軍”出馬 | If I sent the little general in. |
我懂了 我現在就打個電話… | I see! Well,I'm just gonna put in a call here... |
…把事情搞清楚 看看究竟是怎麼回事 | ...and we'll find out what's going on and straighten it out. |
你好啊,請接羅莉 | Lori,please. |
親愛的 | Hi,darling! |
喬伊崔比亞尼適不適合 計程車司機那個角色? | How about Joey Tribbiani for the part of the cab driver? |
他是不是棒透了? | Isn't he terrific? |
我們等會兒再談 | Okay,doll,talk to you later. |
對,你必須跟她上床 | You're gonna have to sleep with her. |
你怎麼了? 是搞笑巴比 | -What's the matter? -Fun Bobby. |
怎麼?他又喝酒了? | What? Isn't he sober? |
他是沒喝酒 | Oh,he's sober all right. |
只是我發現 搞笑巴比搞笑是有原因的 | Turns out that Fun Bobby was fun for a reason. |
拿去吧,親愛的 | All right,here you go,sweetie. |
謝了 要不要聽一個有趣的故事? | Thanks. You wanna hear something funny? |
哦上帝啊,要 | Oh,God,yes! |
只要一過了午夜 這附近的五金行就全都關門了 | There are no hardware stores open past midnight in the Village. |
好好笑哦 | That is funny. |
前幾天晚上我需要買一把錘子 我就出去在這附近逛了一逛 | I needed to buy a hammer and I'm out walking around the neighborhood. |
我一直走,一直走… | And I'm walking, and I'm walking... |
一直走,一直走… | And I'm walking, and I'm walking... |
你是說你一直在走 | So you're saying you were walking. |
但…顯然 | But apparently... |
這附近所有的五金行 一過了午夜之後都關門了 | ...there are no hardware stores open past midnight in the Village. |
這真是個有幫助的事實 | So it's a helpful fact... |
而且很搞笑 | ...as well as funny |
親愛的,你不是該去面試了嗎? | Don't you have to be at your interview? |
是呀 | Oh,yeah. |
各位再見了 | See you guys. |
拜拜… | Bye... |
…無聊至極的巴比 | ...ridiculously dull Bobby. |
老天啊 | Oh,my God. |
他還沒那麼糟啦 | He's not that bad. |
沒那麼糟? 你沒有聽到那個錘子的故事嗎? | Not that bad? Did you not hear the hammer story? |
別那麼挑剔嘛 | Okay,don't get all squinky. |
也許你應該身歷其境 才會覺得好笑啊 | Maybe it's the kind of story where you had to be there. |
但我下半輩子… | But I'm gonna be there! |
都會身歷其境啊 | For the rest of my life. |
我不能跟他分手,我叫他戒酒 所以他無聊是因為我 | I can't dump him. I made him quit drinking. I made him dull! |
好了,別這麼說了 | Don't say that. |
也許他一直很無聊,你只是… | He's probably always been dull. You just,you know... |
…把他解放了 | ...set it free. |
羅斯 | Hey,Ross. |
洛斯 | Hi,Russ. |
再清理兩張桌子 我們就可以走了,好嗎? | I've got two more tables to clean,and then we'll go. |
我就坐這兒好了… | I'll just sit here and... |
跟你的… | ...chat with your... |
…好朋友一起聊天 | ...friend-type people. |
瑞秋 | Rachel? |
你知道你在幹什麼嗎? | So,you know what you're doing,right? |
服務生? | Waitressing? |
是,又不是… | Well,yeah. But,no. I mean.... |
洛斯會不會 讓你想起某個人來呢? | Doesn't Russ just remind you of someone? |
鮑勃薩吉特?(著名影星) | Bob Saget? |
對呀 | Oh,yeah! |
不對… | No,no,no! |
天呀 | Oh,my,oh! |
怎麼了? | What's wrong? |
她心情不好是因為… | She's upset because... |
…她不小心 把一隻蜘蛛塗在吐司上了 | ...she buttered a spider into her toast this morning. |
好吧 | All right. |
聽我說,菲比,這不要緊的 | Listen,Pheebs. This is gonna be okay. |
羅斯,洛斯 洛斯,羅斯 | Ross,Russ. Russ,Ross. |
你是…瑞秋的朋友? | Are you a friend of Rachel's? |
是,我是 | Yes. Yes,I am. |
你是…瑞秋的朋友嗎? | Are you a friend of Rachel's? |
事實上,我是… | Actually,I'm kind of a... |
…可以說是… | ...you know... |
瑞秋的約會對象… | ...a date-type thing... |
…朋友 | ...of Rachel's. |
約會? | A date? |
對,她的約會對象 | I'm her date. |
你是…你是… | Oh! Oh,you're a.... |
她約會的對象 | Oh,you're the date. |
其實這也很好… | This is actually good... |
因為萬一我們失去了羅斯 還有一個備用的 | ... because if we lose Ross,we have a spare. |
你是那個…古生物學家 | Oh! You are the paleontologist. |
對,我是 那你是… | Yes. Yes,I am. And you are a.... |
牙科醫師 | Periodontist. |
瞧,現在他們簡直是黑夜跟… | See? Now they're as different as night and... |
…更黑的夜 | ...Iater that night. |
我現在要去…拿杯飲料 | Well,I am going to get a beverage. |
很高興…很高興認識你 | It was nice meeting you. |
彼此 | Ditto. |
我…我見過洛斯了 | Well,I met Russ. |
我不知道我們彼此在跟別人交往 | Hey,I didn't know we were seeing other people. |
我們又沒有在交往,所以… | Well,we're not seeing each other,so.... |
我告訴你好了 我們博物館裡有個女的… | For your information,there's a woman at the museum... |
…負責蛾類… | ...who's curator of moths and other... |
…跟其他有翅生物… | ...winged things... |
…她明顯地表示她喜歡我 就像是… | ...who's let it be known that she is drawn to me,much like a... |
你知道嘛 | ...you know. |
我到現在還跟她保持距離 但是如果你要這樣的話… | I've kept her at bay,but if this is the deal |
對,我要這樣 | This is the deal. |
那好,祝你有愉快的一晚 | Okay,well,have a nice evening. |
洛斯,你好了嗎? | Russ,you ready? |
她在約會? | She's dating? |
她在約會? | She's dating? |
對,對 但你看到她在跟誰約會了嗎? | Yes,but did you see who she was dating? |
什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
你看不出來嗎? 看什麼? | -Do you not see it? -See what? |
我真搞不懂 她看中那花生哪一點 | I don't know what she sees in that goober! |
那…那個傢伙… | It takes him,what? Like,I don't know... |
…講完一句話要等一個禮拜 | ... hello,a week to get out a sentence? |
是呀,煩死人了,是不是? | It's annoying,isn't it? |
我猜你沒有得到那個角色… | You didn't get the part... |
…或是義大利來電說它餓了 | ...or ltaly called and said it was hungry? |
不,我要的話那角色就是我的 | The part's mine if I want it. |
老天啊 | Oh,my God! |
對呀,只要我願意 跟選角小姐上床的話 | If I'm willing to sleep with the casting lady. |
我的… | Oh,my... |
老天啊? | ...God? |
我等了十年 才等到這個機會,錢德 | Ten years I've been waiting for a break like this. Ten years! |
我是說“我們的日子” 那真的會在電視上播出 | I mean,Days of our Lives. That's actually on television! |
那你要怎麼做? | What are you gonna do? |
我可以跟她上床… | I guess I could sleep with her. I mean.... |
但我怎麼能那麼做呢 | How can I do that? |
我有一本 教我關於性的一切的立體書 | I've got a pop-up book that told me everything I need to know. |
我從沒有為了角色 跟人家上床過 | I've never slept with someone for a part. |
那麼她是… | Well,is she |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
她長得好看嗎? | Is she good-looking? |
好看,她長得非常的好看 若我在酒吧認識她的話… | She's totally good-looking. If I met her in a bar... |
…我一定會請她吃早餐 | ... I'd be buying her breakfast. |
你知道,我是說跟她上床之後的早晨 | After having slept with her. |
喬伊,或許這沒什麼大不了的 | Maybe this isn't such a big deal. |
依我看你不但得到一份好工作 還可以跟她上床 | The way that I see it is,you get a great job,and you get to have sex! |
也許再加上一棵樹跟一個胖子 你就得到耶誕節了 | Throw in a tree and a fat guy,and you've got Christmas! |
我只是不希望 那樣得到這份工作 | I just don't think that I want it that way,though. |
就說有一天萬一我成名好了 | I mean,let's say I do make it,all right? |
我會懷疑那到底是因為 我的才華,還是因為我的… | I'll always look back and wonder if it was because of my talent or... |
…你知道,我的小將軍 | ...you know,the little general. |
你以前不是叫它 “小少校”的嗎? | Didn't you used to call it "the little major"? |
對呀,但是在上過狄丹妮後 它就升級了 | After Denise DeMarco,I had to promote it. |
兩位要不要來一杯酒啊? | Something from the bar? |
好,我要點杯酒 | Yes,I would like something. |
不,不,謝謝 | No. No,thank you. |
沒關係,你想喝酒的話 我沒問題,我要習慣這種事 | If you wanna drink,it's okay with me. I've gotta get used to it. |
不…真的 我覺得這樣不好 | No,no,really. I wouldn't feel right about it. |
來杯水好了 | Just some water,please. |
-我的電冰箱的燈壞了… -來杯威士卡加冰塊跟檸檬 | -So my refrigerator light's out. -Scotch on the rocks with a twist! |
這個遊戲很有趣吧,羅斯? | We're having some fun now,huh,Ross? |
我們再做一個好不好,洛斯? | Wanna do another one? Huh,Russ? |
十一個字母 | Eleven letters... |
它的原子序號碼是101 字尾是“IUM” | ...atomic element number 101,ends in "ium." |
是鏑 | Dysprosium. |
鏑? | Dysprosium. |
試試鍆吧 | Try mendelevium. |
二號參賽者答對了 | And weenie number two has it. |
除非“白緞騎士”(穆迪布魯?母棖?是“杜迪布魯”唱的 | Unless "Knights in White Satin" was sung by the Doody Blues. |
你真的看不出來嗎? | You don't see it? You actually don't see it? |
什麼? | What? |
你在跟羅斯約會 | Honey,you're dating Ross. |
不,菲比,我跟洛斯約會 | No,Pheebs,I'm dating Russ. |
洛斯就是羅斯,洛斯,羅斯 | Russ is Ross. Russ,Ross. |
史提,史裡 | Steve,sleeve. |
沒有人叫史裡 | No one is named sleeve. |
菲比,你到底在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
除了名字相似之外 對不起,我看不到你看到的 | Other than their names being similar,I do not see what you're seeing. |
我老實告訴你好了… | For your information... |
…是賭棍 不是老千 | ...it's a card sharp,not a card shark. |
你錯得不可能再錯 | You could not be more wrong. |
你可以試,可是你不會成功 | You could try,but you would not be successful. |
我先倒杯咖啡 然後再回來看你們互戳眼睛 | I'm gonna get some more coffee before the pinching and eye-poking begins. |
我知道問題在哪兒了 | I know your problem. |
是嗎? | Oh,you do,do you? |
你嫉妒 | You're jealous. |
嫉妒什麼? | Of what? |
你嫉妒我是個真正的醫生(與羅斯的“博士”同詞) | You're jealous because I'm a real doctor. |
你是牙齦的醫生 | Hey,you're a doctor of gums. |
那是人能夠研究的 最小的人體器官 | That's the smallest body part you can major in. |
就像是第一天教你用牙線 第二天,這是你的文憑 | Day one,floss. Day two,here's your diploma. |
你給我聽著… | You listen here |
不,讓我說完 不,你讓我說完 | -Let me finish. -No,let me finish. |
不,你讓我說完… | No,you let me fin |
喬伊走時有沒有說打算怎麼做 | Did Joey say what he was gonna do? |
沒有,我想他自己也不知道 | I don't even think he knew. |
你會為一個很棒的工作 跟別人上床嗎? | Would you sleep with somebody to get a great job? |
我必須跟誰上床? | Who would I have to sleep with? |
我 | Me. |
我幹嘛得跟你上床? | Why with you? |
這是我的事 這工作你到底要不要? | It's my game. You want the job or not? |
早 | Good morning. |
你去哪裡? | Where you going? |
我要跟巴比去小木屋度週末 記得嗎? | Bobby and I are going away for the weekend. Remember? |
帶那麼多酒幹什麼? | What's with all the liquor? |
打擾一下,小姐 | Excuse me, miss |
如果被這些液體淹了,這個座位可以用做漂浮設備嗎? | In a water landing, can this seat be used as a flotation device? |
怎麼了?巴比又開始喝酒了 | What's going on? Is Bobby drinking again? |
不…這不是他喝的 這是給我的 | This is not for him. This is for me. |
這樣他會很清醒,而我會覺得 他的鞋帶笑話好笑多了 | That way,he's sober but his shoelace stories are more amusing. |
天哪,他連敲門 怎麼都這麼乏味啊 | God! Even his knock is boring! |
我馬上就好了 我可以跟你談一談嗎? | -I'll be ready in a second. -Could I talk to you? |
可以啊 | Sure. |
這真的很難開口 | This is hard for me to say. |
天啊,你又開始喝酒了 | You fell off the wagon! |
不是… | Oh,no,no. |
是關於你的 | It's about you. |
我怎麼了? | What about me? |
我想你或許有酗酒問題 | I think you may have a drinking problem. |
不,這些是… | What,these? |
…擦傷口用的 | No,these are for cuts and scrapes. |
我現在無法扯入一段 相互依賴的關係當中 | Look,I'm not strong enough to be in a codependent relationship. |
該死 | Oh,shoot. |
不管怎麼樣 我希望我們還是朋友 | Well,anyway,I hope we can be friends. |
保重了 | Take care. |
你也是 再見 | -You too. -Goodbye. |
怎麼了? | What happened? |
我們分手了 | We kind of broke up. |
這些酒誰要? | Does anybody want these? |
我拿一瓶 | I'll take one. |
我有時候喜歡拿這種東西 假裝我是個巨人 | Sometimes I hold stuff like this and pretend I'm a giant. |
複試結果怎麼樣? | How'd the callback go? |
簡直不可思議,我一進去 她就開始對我上下其手 | It was unbelievable. I walked in there and she was all over me. |
結果呢? 我就是辦不到 | -What did you do? -I couldn't do it. |
我告訴她我不想那樣得到角色 | I didn't want the part that way. |
幹得好… | Good for you! |
等等,我離開她辦公室之後 | But wait! I left her office... |
她追出我來說要給我一個更重要的角色 | ...and she caught up with me and offered me a bigger part. |
所以呢? | So,and? |
所以… 各位面前站的是德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生,神經外科醫師 | So,you are now looking at Dr. Drake Ramoray,neurosurgeon... |
…至少會在四集裡面出鏡 | ... recurring in at least four episodes! |
太棒了…我去洗澡了 | All right,I gotta go shower. |
你們聽說我被瑞秋甩了吧? | I guess you guys heard Rachel dumped me. |
是呀,很遺憾啊,老兄 | Yeah,I'm sorry,man. |
她說我會讓她想起另外一個人 | She said I remind her too much of somebody. |
你們知道那個人是誰嗎? | Any idea who she's talking about? |
我知道,是…鮑勃薩吉特 | Oh,I do. It's Bob Saget. |
她恨他 | She hates him. |
茱莉 | Hey,Julie! |
最近好嗎? | How are you doing? |
我不知道 沒有了羅斯,的確很不對勁… | I don't know. It's weird not being with Ross... |
…但是我猜我還好啦 | ... but I guess I'm doing okay. |
事實上 我帶了一些他的東西… | Actually,I've got some of his stuff that he.... |
-我們認識嗎? -好像不 | -Have we met?.-I don't think so. |
你看起來好面熟 | You look so familiar. |
也許我們可以來杯咖啡談談這一點 | Well, maybe we could talk about it over a cup of coffee. |
知道嗎,我討厭咖啡 | Know what?. I'm sick of coffee. |
我們去喝點果汁吧 | Let's go get us some juice. |
-好 -好 | -All right.-Okay. |
-再見 -再見 | -Bye -Bye. |
這是他的尿布袋… | Okay,here's his diaper bag... |
…跟他的閃閃先生 | ...and his Mr. Winky. |
還有… | And... |
…他,嗨! | ... him. Hi! |
一切都還好嗎? 好,很好 | -How did everything go? -Great! |
我們有個噴射性… | There was a projectile... |
…嘔吐事件,是他先開始的 | ...throwing up incident,but he started it. |
我們得走了 | We've gotta go. |
對了 | Oh,right. |
我有個消息,是關於我們的 | I've got some news. It's about us. |
你跟我? | You and me? |
不,蘇珊跟我 | No. Susan and me. |
另一個“我們” | The other "us." |
我們要結婚了 | We're getting married. |
就像“我現在宣佈 你們成為妻子跟妻子”的“結婚” | As in,"I now pronounce you wife and wife" married? |
我們歡迎你來,若你不想來 我們也完全瞭解 | We'd like you to come. We understand if you don't want to. |
我為什麼會不想去呢? 第一次婚禮我很開心 | Why wouldn't I want to come? I had fun at the first wedding. |
我想也許… | I just thought that |
不…我是說… 我為什麼不該替你高興呢? | Why shouldn't I be happy for you? What would it say about me... |
…如果我不能 為你的快樂而快樂 | ...if I couldn't revel in your joy? |
那我算什麼呢? 我說的是真的,相信我 | And I'm reveling,baby! Believe me! |
你的手指被椅子夾住了嗎? | Is your finger caught in that chair? |
你要我們離開嗎? | Want us to go? |
六人行 第2季 第11集 同志婚禮 | The One With the Lesbian Wedding |
好酷耶 你真的要在電視上出現了 | This is cool. You're actually on television. |
我知道 我昨晚才真正的意識到 | I know. It really hit me last night. |
我要在 “我們的日子”裡面演出了 | I'm on Days of our Lives. |
然後我開始想我們的事 我發現這正是“我們的日子” | Then I started thinking about us,and how these are the days of our lives. |
太好了 | Yes! |
怎麼了? | What? |
幫卡蘿跟蘇珊辦喜酒的人 這個週末騎登山車出了車禍… | Carol and Susan's caterer had a bike accident... |
…全身都上了石膏 | ...and she's in a full-body cast. |
他們要我辦,這真太酷了吧 我從來沒有搞過這個… | They asked me,which is cool since I've never catered... |
…而且我很需要錢 這對你不會構成問題吧? | ...and I need the money. Is this a problem? |
那有關係嗎? 你太棒了 | -Would it matter? -You're so great! |
謝謝 | Thank you! |
你真的不去嗎? 我當然真的不去 | -You're really not going? -I'm really not. |
我不懂她們已經住在一起了 為什麼還需要結婚? | They already live together. Why do they need to get married? |
因為她們相愛啊 | They love each other. |
她們要跟她們親密的人 一起慶祝那份愛 | They wanna celebrate that love with the people close to them. |
如果你硬要說那個理由的話 | If you wanna call that a reason. |
誰是客廳裡最苦的人? | Who's the bitterest man in the living room? |
客廳裡最苦的男人? | The bitterest man in the living room? |
嗨,鄰居 | Hi,neighbor. |
羅斯,我以為你不在意了 那跟這個沒有關係 | -I thought you were over this. -That has nothing to do with it. |
她是我前妻,要是嫁了一個男的話 你們不會希望我去 | If she were marrying a guy,you wouldn't expect me to go. |
她要是嫁了個男的話 她就成了史上最爛的同性戀了 | If she were marrying a guy,she'd be the worst lesbian ever. |
我錯過了嗎? | Did I miss it? |
還沒有,這個傢伙自殺之後 我就上場了 | No,I'm on right after this guy shoots himself. |
她很漂亮耶 | She's pretty. |
對了,她人也很好 | And she's really nice. |
她教我怎麼樣在鏡頭前演戲… | She taught me about how to work with the cameras... |
…還有“聞屁味”演戲法 | ...and smell-the-fart acting. |
對不起? 什麼? | -I'm sorry,what? -Excuse me? |
“聞屁味”演戲法 | Smell-the-fart acting. |
在短時間之內 要記那麼多的臺詞… | You got so many lines to learn so fast that sometimes... |
…有時候你需要時間想下一句 | ...you need a minute to remember your next one. |
所以當你想的時候呢… | So while you're thinking... |
…你停頓一下 表情裝得非常的凝重 | ...you take this big pause where you look all intense. |
像這樣… | Like this.... |
輪到我了,我來了 | Here's my scene! Here's my scene! |
瓦利斯太太? | Mrs. Wallace? |
我是德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生 你妹妹的神經外科醫師 | Dr. Drake Ramoray,your sister's neurosurgeon. |
告訴我,她會不會好起來? | Is she going to be all right? |
恐怕你妹妹的情形 比我們想像的還要糟糕 | I'm afraid the situation is much more dire than we'd expected. |
你妹妹得的病是… | Your sister's suffering from a... |
…腦下血腫 | ...subcranial hematoma. |
或許我們可以 邊喝咖啡邊聊一下 | Perhaps we can discuss this further over coffee. |
很好 | Nice! |
剛有那麼一會兒,我還真以為 你聞到了什麼東西呢 | For a minute,I thought you were actually smelling something. |
再來一次,演得太棒了 好… | -Do it again! -All right! |
再來一次,演得太棒了 好… | -That was so good! -Do it again. |
“該死,貝弗曼 就在那張圖表上” | "Damn it,Braverman! It's right there on the chart!" |
太棒了,好了,我要去上班了 我有根大恐龍骨頭要檢查 | I gotta get to work. I got a big dinosaur bone to inspect. |
不…那是我 | No,that's me. |
對…你 | Oh,right. |
謝了,我沒辦法… | Oh,thanks. Couldn't.... |
你還好吧? | Is everything okay? |
不 | No. |
今天我有一個客人 死在按摩桌上 | One of my clients died on the massage table today. |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
你是不是讓他們太放鬆了 | That's a little more relaxed than you want them to get. |
她已經八十二歲了… | She was,you know,82 years old... |
…她叫愛德曼太太 | ...and her name was Mrs. Adelman. |
親愛的 | Oh,honey. |
對呀,感覺怪怪的… | It's just so strange. You know... |
…她早上醒來時說不定在想… | ...she probably woke up this morning and thought... |
…我去吃點早餐,然後去散步 然後,再去按摩 | ... I'll have some breakfast,take a walk,then have my massage. |
卻不知道上帝在想 “好,但是就這樣好了” | Little did she know God thought,"Okay,but that's it." |
最詭異的事情是… | Oh,but the weirdest things was... |
…發生的時候 我正在清她的靈氣 | ... I was cleansing her aura when it happened. |
當她的靈魂離開身體的時候… | And when her spirit left her body... |
…我不認為它走遠了 | ... I don't think it went very far. |
什麼意思啊? | What do you mean? |
我想它上了我的身 | I think it went into me. |
這太難了 | This is so hard. |
我沒有辦法決定做羊還是鴨肉 | I can't decide between lamb or duck. |
當然了,羊肉比較恐怖 | Well,lambs are scarier. |
不然那部電影(《沉默的羔羊》)就會改為 “沉默的鴨子”了 | Or the movie would've been called Silence of the Ducks. |
好了,誰點了什麼? | Okay,who ordered what? |
我想我點了喝了一半 上面還有唇印的卡布奇諾咖啡 | I had the half-drunk cappuccino with the lipstick on the rim. |
對了,而這杯有煙屁股的 是無咖啡因的嗎? | And this with the cigarette butt in it,is that decaf? |
天哪 | Oh,God. |
真不敢相信 你媽要來會把你搞成這個樣子 | You're so uptight about your mom coming. |
我知道,只是這是她第一次來 我不想她覺得… | I know. I just don't want her to think that because... |
…因為我沒嫁給貝瑞 我的生活就完全是垃圾 | ... I didn't marry Barry my life is crap. |
說到垃圾 去聽史黛拉尼德曼… | Talk about crap,just listen to Stella Neidman... |
…一遍遍地講她跟羅德斯泰格(影星)的故事 | ...tell her story about Rod Steiger for the hundredth time. |
對不起,至少你們聽不到她在我腦子裡說的什麼 | I'm sorry. At least you guys don't have to hear what she says in my head. |
菲比? 你想她會跟我們在一起多久? | Pheebs? How long do you think this lady will be with us? |
我不知道,老太太顯然 還有什麼心願還沒完成呢 | I don't know. She obviously has some unfinished business. |
坐好 | Sit up! |
她在這裡 | There she is! |
媽媽 嘿,親愛的 | -Mom! -Hey,sweetie! |
瑪蘿湯瑪斯(影星) | Marlo Thomas |
這就是你工作的地方啊 | So this is where you work! |
好棒啊 | Oh,it's wonderful! |
這是客廳嗎?還是餐廳? 誰看得出來? | Is it a living room? Is it a restaurant? Who can tell? |
我猜樂趣就在那兒吧 | I guess that's the fun. |
差不多啦,來,看看我的朋友 | Pretty much. Here,meet my friends. |
莫妮卡,你看起來好美喲 | Monica! You look gorgeous! |
上回我看到你的時候 是在吃或是被吃呢? | Oh,my! The last time I saw you,it was eat or be eaten. |
這是喬伊 | This is Joey. |
這是菲比 | This is Phoebe. |
這是錢德 | This is Chandler. |
你記得羅斯吧? | You remember Ross? |
你好,羅斯 | Oh,hello,Ross. |
格林太太 | Mrs. Greene. |
你們認為我系著圍裙… | What do you think of my daughter,in the apron... |
…做大事的女兒怎麼樣? | ...with the big job! |
媽! | Oh,Mom! |
沒有你來倒咖啡呢 大家都休想喝到東西了 | If you didn't pour the coffee,no one would have anything to drink. |
相信我,有時候真的會這樣的 | Believe me,sometimes that happens. |
太令人興奮了 我從來沒有做過事情 | This is just so exciting! You know,I never worked. |
我從我爸家 直接到女學生聯誼會之家… | I went from my father's house to the sorority house... |
…然後再到我先生的家 我以你為榮 | ...to my husband's house. I am just so proud of you! |
-真的啊?-是的,讓我把今天的行程計畫一下 | -Really?-Yes. Let's make a day of it. |
我們去吃飯、購物,目標明確,做你想要的一切 | We'll have lunch, shop, get our nails done. Whatever you want. |
我必須工作 | I have to work. |
什麼,沒有別人可以倒咖啡嗎? | What, no one else can pour coffee? |
我知道你讓我想起了誰了 | I know who you remind me of. |
艾沃琳德莫 | Evelyn Durmer. |
像去做大量的拉皮手術前的她 現在她像蘇比賽爾了 | That's before the lousy face-lift. Now she looks like Soupy Sales. |
菲比,艾沃琳德莫是誰? | Pheebs? Who's Evelyn Durmer? |
不知道,蘇比賽爾是誰啊? | I don't know. Who's Soupy Sales? |
老天啊 | Oh,my God! |
有個醜陋裸男在拉大提琴 | There's an unattractive nude man playing the cello. |
是啊,還好他不是 在拉一個比較小的樂器 | Just be glad he's not playing a smaller instrument. |
你的生活真有意思 | You have some life here,sweetie! |
媽,我知道你跟爸 很不高興我沒有嫁給貝瑞… | Mom,I realize you were upset when I didn't marry Barry... |
…住在郊外的大房子 過著安逸的生活 | ...and get the house in the suburbs with all the security. |
可是,這樣對我好多了 | This is just so much better for me. |
我知道,你不愛貝瑞,親愛的 | I know. You didn't love Barry,honey. |
我也沒見過你這麼快樂過 | And I've never seen you this happy. |
看著你,我心裡在想… “這是我要的” | I look at you and I think,"This is what I want." |
這是為我嗎? | For me. |
不只是為了你啦 | Well,not just for you. |
你是什麼意思啊? | What do you mean? |
我在考慮離開你爸爸 | I'm considering leaving your father. |
好,告訴我這是不是很可愛: | All right,tell me if this is too cute. |
同性戀婚禮…,雞胸肉 | Lesbian wedding... chicken breasts. |
天啊,我想我快吐了 | Oh,God. I think I'm gonna be sick. |
什麼? 我又沒有在上面放小乳頭 | What? It's not like I'm putting little nipples on them. |
親愛的,很抱歉,請別生我的氣 | Oh, honey, I'm sorry.Please don't be mad at me. |
我能做點什麼? | What can I do?. |
你想讓我做你喜歡的棉花糖嗎 | You want me to make those marshmallow treats you used to like?. |
我可以給卡梅拉打電話問問她怎麼做 | I can call up Carmela and find out how. |
我不明白,我以為你一直很開心的 | I don't understand.I thought you were happy. |
是的,我也這麼以為 | Yeah, well, so did l. |
想像一下很多次你在高速公路上開車 | Know how sometimes you're driving on the highway... |
回到家後卻不記得曾到過那裡 | ...and you get home and you can't remember having driven there?. |
那就是我的生活狀態 | That's what my life's been like. |
你能不能不要再聽那些廣播了 | Well, couldn't you listen to the radio more?. |
我希望能簡簡單單,但是我看到了你 | I wish it were that easy.Then I see you... |
我想,我為什麼不能這樣 | ...and I think,"Why can't I have this?. " |
我想冒險,我想喝醉,我想要錢德 | I want adventures, I want to hang out, I want a Chandler. |
媽媽,相信我,錢德決不是你要離開爸爸的原因 | Mom, believe me, Chandler is no reason to leave Daddy. |
你以為我在享受樂趣嗎,但是這真的很艱難,很艱難 | You think I'm having fun,but it's really hard. Really hard. |
我有一個討厭的工作,我勉強支付房租,不去想買東西的事情 | I've got a lousy job, I barely make rent, and forget about buying stuff! |
親愛的,你不明白 | Oh, honey, you don't understand. |
我跟你的處境一樣,只不過我有錢而已 | I'd be doing what you're doing,but with money. |
這完全不同 | It's very different. |
你完全不知道他們處得不好 不知道 | -You had no idea? -None. |
他們不常吵架? | They didn't fight? |
不,他們連話都不講了 | No,they didn't even talk to each other. |
天啊,我怎麼會知道 他們之間有問題啊 | How was I suppose to know they were having problems? |
在我那個時代 離婚不是個選擇 | You know,in my day,divorce was not an option. |
看誰醒了 | Hey,look who's up! |
我只是無法相信這個事情嘛 | I just can't believe this is happening! |
我是說我小時候 每個人的父母都在鬧離婚 | When I was little,all parents got divorced. |
我只是想,我長大了 就不用再擔心這個了 | I figured as an adult,I wouldn't have to worry about it. |
你可不可以把這件事看做誇獎你呢? | Can't you look at this as flattering? |
我是說 她這樣做是想向你學習 | She just wants to be like you. |
那她不能 學我的髮型就好了嗎? | Well,couldn't she have just copied my haircut? |
我父母離婚的時候 他們還叫我去看心理醫生呢… | When my parents divorced,they sent me to a shrink... |
…他們告訴我 所有的小孩都會怪自己 | ...and she told me that kids blame themselves. |
就你而言,這真應該怪你呢 | But in your case,it's actually kind of true. |
就是他 | Oh,that's him. |
該死,我郵購的爺爺還沒寄來 | Damn! My mail-order grandfather hasn't come yet. |
菲比? 是,愛德曼先生 | -Phoebe? -Hi,Mr. Adelman. |
幸會,幸會 謝謝你來見我 | -Nice to see you. -Thanks for coming. |
沒問題,不過你的確打擾了我 忙碌昏坐的一天 | That's okay. Although you did cut into my busy day of sitting. |
你要坐下來嗎? | Do you wanna sit? |
不…不用了 我早上花了好多時間才站起來 | No,I spent most of my morning trying to stand up. |
我能為你做些什麼,親愛的? | What can I do for you,my dear? |
我不知道該怎麼說啦… | Okay,I don't know how to say this,but.... |
當你太太的靈魂 離開她身體的時候… | I think when your wife's spirit left her body... |
…她轉入了我的… | ...it kind of stuck around... |
…身上 | ...in me. |
你說我太太在你身上? | You're saying my wife is in you? |
你用不著相信我啦… | Yeah. You don't have to believe me,but... |
…不過你能想出她或許 有什麼未完成的心願嗎? | ...can you think of any unfinished business she had? |
有什麼原因讓她留下來嗎? | Any reason to hang around? |
我不知道該說什麼 | I don't know what to say. |
我唯一能夠想到的是… | All I can think of is that... |
…以前她常說她死之前 她想見識一切 | ...she used to say that before she died,she wanted to see everything. |
一切? 一切 | -Everything? -Everything. |
那可真是不少 | That's a lot of stuff. |
等一等… | Oh,wait,l.... |
我想起來了,她還說 她想最後再跟我上一次床 | I remember she also said she wanted to sleep with me one last time. |
對不起,我腦袋裡有笑聲 | I'm sorry. There's laughing in my head. |
值得一試吧,對吧 | Worth a shot,huh? |
看這一張 | Look at this! |
-這是三年前萬聖節的照片-我的小馬提尼(雞尾酒) | -These are all Halloween,three years ago.-My little martini |
我喜歡你橄欖色的頭髮 | I love your olive head. |
你看,這是貝瑞 | Oh,and look,here's Barry. |
他直接從診所過來嗎? | He came straight from the office? |
不,那是他的變裝 | Oh,no. That was his costume. |
他是個牙齒矯正師 但他打扮成一般的牙醫 | See,he's actually an orthodontist,but he came as a regular dentist. |
是的,他以為那很搞笑 | Yeah, he thought that was really funny. |
各位 | You guys? |
記得我以前說 謝了,我不需要你們幫忙? | Remember when I said that I don't need your help? |
事實上,我想你說的是… | Actually,I think you said... |
…“別亂碰 離我的廚房遠一點” | ... "Don't touch that and get out of my kitchen." |
真的?奇怪,不過… | Really? Weird. Anyway.... |
我一切都計畫得很好 我計畫計畫又計畫 | I planned really well. I planned and planned. |
只是我想 我實際烹飪的時間計畫得不夠 | I just didn't plan enough time to do it. |
莫妮卡,需要幫忙嗎? 如果你想的話 | -You want some help? -lf you want. |
好長的一天 | What a day! |
我帶這位老太太到處去逛 | I took her everywhere. |
我們去了現代美術館 洛克菲勒中心… | The Museum of Modern Art,Rockefeller Center... |
…自由女神像 | ...the Statue of Liberty. |
她還跟著你啊? | She's still with you? |
對呀,我猜這位老太太 還沒見過一切呢 | Yes. I guess she hasn't seen everything yet. |
我馬上回來 她必須再去一趟廁所 | Be right back. She has to go to the bathroom again. |
一張好漂亮的臉 | Such a pretty face! |
這好好玩,就只有我們女生 | Oh,this is so much fun! Just the girls! |
知道我們該做什麼嗎? 我想請問一下,誰有大麻? | Do you know what we should do? Does anybody have any marijuana? |
天啊 | God! |
剛才我媽媽是問了我們有沒有大麻嗎? | Did my mother just ask if we have pot?. |
聽著 不准在這堆食物旁邊吸大麻 | Look,no one's smoking pot around all this food. |
沒關係 | Well,that's fine. |
我從沒抽過,只想試一試 | I never did it. I just thought I might. |
那麼…最近的性事是什麼? | What's new in sex? |
最近的性事是什麼? | What's new in sex? |
我只跟你老爸做過那件事而已 | The only man I've been with is your father. |
我切我切切切,我啥也沒聽到 | I'm dicing. I'm dicing. I don't hear anything. |
我不是在批評你爸爸,親愛的 我只是在想… | This is no offense to your dad,but I was thinking... |
…或許不只是那樣而已 | ...there might be more. |
對不起,你知道嗎? 我沒有辦法跟你談這件事 | You know what? I cannot have this conversation with you. |
好啊… | All right. |
你甚至還沒告訴爸 就到我這裡來丟這顆炸彈 | You come here and drop this bomb on me before you even tell Daddy. |
你想要我的祝福嗎?想讓我勸你別這樣嗎? | Do you want my blessing? Want me to talk you out of it? |
你到底要什麼? | Then what do you want? |
我猜我以為 在所有人當中你最瞭解我 | I guess I figured you would understand. |
為什麼我應該要最瞭解你呢? | Why on earth would I understand this? |
你沒有嫁給你的貝瑞 | You didn't marry your Barry,honey. |
但是我嫁了我的貝瑞 | But I married mine. |
好了,各位,我們來不及了 我們只剩下12小時又36分 | We're in trouble. We've only got 12 hours and 36 minutes left. |
快… | Move,move,move! |
莫妮卡,我覺得 你應該加上德文字幕才對 | I feel like you should have German subtitles. |
喬伊,快一點嘛 | Joey,speed it up! |
抱歉,是豬啦 它們不願意進毯子啊 | I'm sorry! It's the pigs! They're reluctant to get in the blanket! |
莫妮卡,怎麼會這樣呢? 我以為你全部都計畫好了 | How did this happen? I thought you had this planned out. |
你要我哭嗎? | Do you want me to cry? |
那就是你要的嗎? | Is that what you want? |
你要看到我哭嗎? | Do you wanna see me cry? |
長官,不要,長官 | Sir,no,sir! |
好了,你 | All right,you! |
不,我說過我不參與這件事 | No. Look,I told you,I am not a part of this thing. |
我知道你跟卡蘿和蘇珊有過節 我很同情你,真的 | Look,Ross. I know you have issues with Carol and Susan,and I feel for you. |
但是如果你不幫我 我會用一堆熱狗… | But if you don't help,I'm gonna take those hot dogs... |
…創造出一道 新的開胃菜叫“羅斯豬肉卷” | ...and create an appetizer called "Pigs In Ross." |
好,挖香瓜球 | All right,ball a melon! |
為什麼我得切丁 他卻可以挖香瓜球呢? | How come I'm stuck dicing when he gets to ball a melon? |
進行得怎麼樣? 非常順利,全按時間來 | -How's it going? -Great! Right on schedule. |
有我快樂的小幫手們 是啊 | Got my little happy helpers. |
很好啊 | That's fine. Whatever. |
怎麼了? | What's wrong? |
沒事 | Nothing. |
好吧,所有的事 我想我們婚禮要取消了 | Okay,everything. I think we're calling off the wedding. |
你還是會付我錢的吧? | You're still gonna pay me,right? |
或是做不那麼自私的事 | Or something a little less selfish. |
卡蘿,發生什麼事了? | What's the matter? What happened? |
我爸媽今天下午來電話 說他們不來了 | My parents called to say they weren't coming. |
我是說 我知道他們不贊成這件事… | I knew they were having trouble with this,but... |
…可是他們是我父母啊 他們應該把我嫁出去的 | ...they're my parents. They're supposed to give me away. |
然後我跟蘇珊大吵了一架 因為我說或許應該取消婚禮 | Susan and I fought because I said maybe we should call it off. |
然後她說“這不是為了他們 這是為了我們” | She said,"This isn't for them. It's for us." |
“如果我不瞭解這個的話 或許我們真應該取消婚禮” | And if I couldn't see that,we should cancel the wedding. |
我不知道該怎麼辦 | I don't know what to do. |
不相信我要這麼說 但我認為蘇珊是對的 | I can't believe I'm gonna say this,but I think Susan's right. |
真的? | You do? |
你愛她嗎? 你不用說得太斬釘截鐵 | Do you love her? And don't be too emphatic about this. |
我當然愛她了 | Of course I do. |
那就是了 | Well then,that's it. |
如果你的父母無法接受的話 那就去他們的 | If George and Adelaide can't accept that,then the hell with them. |
聽著,我是說 若我的父母不要我娶你的話… | If my parents didn't want me to marry you... |
…那絕對阻止不了我 | ... no way that would've stopped me. |
這是你的婚禮 | Look,this is your wedding. |
去做 | Do it. |
說得對,當然你是對的 | You're right. Of course you're right. |
那我們繼續嗎? | So we're back on? |
我們繼續吧 | We're back on. |
你們聽到了,削皮,剁,切 | You heard the woman! Peel! Chop! Devil! |
真不敢相信我停了兩分鐘 | Can't believe I lost two minutes! |
我真的覺得好白費心機 | It just seems so futile. |
你看,這麼多女人跟沒有一樣 | You know? All these women,and nothing! |
我覺得自己像沒了神力的超人 | I feel like Superman without my powers,you know? |
我有披風,但我飛不起來 | I have the cape,and yet I cannot fly. |
現在你應該知道 我每天單身的感覺了吧 | Well,now you understand how I feel every single day. |
世界是我的同性戀婚禮 | The world is my lesbian wedding. |
奶油糖? | Butterscotch? |
有人要吃嗎? | No one? |
好吧,待會兒你們會後悔的 | All right,you'll be sorry later. |
謝謝 隨時為你 | -Thank you. -Anytime. |
羅斯 | Ross. |
沒有任何一件事… | Nothing makes God happier... |
…比兩個人 因愛而結合使上帝更快樂 | ...than when two people,any two people,come together in love. |
我們今日齊聚一堂… | Friends,family,we're gathered here today... |
…見證卡蘿和蘇珊神聖的婚禮 | ...to join Carol and Susan in holy matrimony. |
老天 | Oh,my God! |
現在我看全所有的事情了 | Now I've seen everything! |
她走了 | She's gone! |
她…她走了 | She's gone! |
她走了 | She's gone. |
來吧,結婚啊 | Go ahead,get married. Go,go! |
黑夜中的陌生人 | Strangers in the night |
目光交會 | Exchanging glances |
在黑夜中遊蕩 | Wondering in the night |
你看看她們 | Would you look at them? |
是啊,忍不住… | Yeah. Can't help but. |
那道豬肉卷好不好吃啊? | How's that pig-in-the-blanket working out for you? |
是我把這些壞孩子卷起來的 | I wrapped those bad boys. |
我想念露絲 | I miss Rose. |
是嗎? | Oh,yeah? |
我知道這有點怪怪的 但是她是我生活的一部分… | I know it's kind of weird,but she was a big part of my life.... |
我只是覺得有點孤單 | I don't know,I feel alone. |
我聽到你剛說的話 | You know,I couldn't help overhearing what you just said. |
我想你也該把露絲拋在腦後了 繼續你的生活 | I think it's time you forget about Rose,move on with your life. |
我們去拿杯飲料如何? | How about we get you a drink? |
好的,你真好 | Okay. So nice! |
我連搭訕的話都不用講了 是不是? | I shouldn't even bother coming up with a line,right? |
媽,好玩嗎? | Hey,Mom,having fun? |
太好玩了,我剛才跟一個 好高大的女人跳舞 | Am l! I just danced with a wonderfully large woman. |
另外有三個女孩 在自助餐那邊對我眨眼睛 | And three other girls made eyes at me over at the buffet. |
我不是說這是我所要追求的… | I'm not saying it's something I wanna pursue... |
…但是知道有選擇好令人欣慰 | ... but it's nice to know I have options. |
還有酒,對吧? | There's more alcohol,right? |
你好嗎? | How you doing? |
你今天做了件好事 | You did a good thing today. |
想跳舞嗎? | You wanna dance? |
不,算了 | No,that's fine. |
來嘛 | Come on. |
我讓你帶舞 | I'll let you lead. |
誰在乎陰莖 | Look,penis,schmenis! |
我們都是人 | Okay? We're all people. |
你們想 我們之中哪一個會先結婚? | Which one of us is gonna be the first one to get married? |
莫妮卡,我已經結過婚了 | Mon,I was married. |
我也是,理論上來說。-我有過婚禮 | -Yeah,me too,technically. -I had a wedding. |
好啊 只是想開始個有趣的討論 | Just trying to start a discussion. |
我想到了 哪一個會最晚結婚? | Which one do you think will be the last to get married? |
你們說小班算不算? | Isn't Ben in this? |
算哪 | Of course! |
當然算了 | Absolutely. |
無法擺脫工作的壓力? | Can't get the monkey off your back? |
那就來一杯… | Then put it in your mouth... |
…猴子樂(原意為惡作劇)啤酒吧 | ... with Monkeyshine Beer! |
喝一口猴子樂 | Get it,monkey |
喝一口猴子樂 | Get it,get it,monkey |
猴子樂… | Monkey,monkey |
猴子樂啤酒 | Monkeyshine Beer. |
因為外面是一片叢林 | Because it's a jungle out there! |
那個廣告總是讓我很難過 | That commercial always makes me so sad. |
但是那個傢伙一開啤酒 女人就擁上來了… | But then the guy opens his beer and girls run at him... |
…所以最後一切還好的 | ...so everything works out okay. |
我的意思是 那只猴子讓我想到了馬修 | I meant because the monkey reminds me of Marcel. |
我看得出來 | I can see that. |
他們都有棕色的大眼睛 還有鼓鼓的小下巴 | Because they both have those big brown eyes and the little pouty chin. |
而且他們都是猴子 | And the fact that they're both monkeys? |
有時候我懷疑我是不是做錯了 不應該把他送走 | I wonder if I did the right thing,giving him away. |
你必須這麼做 他看到什麼東西都要上 | Ross,you had to. He was humping everything in sight. |
我的馬里布芭比娃娃 結婚不能穿純潔的白紗了 | My Malibu Barbie will no longer be wearing white to her wedding. |
記得有時他會跟你們借帽子… | Remember when he'd borrow your hat... |
…等你要回來的時候裡面會有 小小的猴子“葡萄乾”? | ...and when you got it back,there'd be monkey raisins in it? |
他喜歡開這個玩笑 | He loved that joke |
他幹的就叫好玩 如果我對我老闆這麼做的話… | When he did it,it was funny. When I did it to my boss's hat.... |
突然就變成了我的嚴重的“態度問題” | Suddenly,I had this big "attitude problem." |
六人行 第2季 第12-13集 超級碗比賽之後 | The One With the Super Bowl |
你們看,猜我有什麼? | Hey,check it out! Guess what I got? |
押韻? | Rhythm? |
不是,第一封影迷信 | No. My first fan mail! |
親愛的雷莫瑞醫生: | "Dear Dr. Ramoray: |
我愛你,為了得到你 我可以不惜一切 | I love you and would do anything to have you." |
“你不神秘的仰慕者 艾瑞克福特” | My gosh! "Your not-so-secret admirer,Erika Ford." |
等一下 | Oh,wait. |
:“附注:隨函附上了 我十四根的睫毛” | "P.S. Enclosed,please find 14 of my eyelashes." |
在瘋子的世界裡 那就表示你結婚了 | In Crazy World,that means you're married. |
這不是寄到“我們的日子”的 這是直接送到你家去 | It's not addressed to Days Of Our Lives. This came to your apartment. |
她去過我們的大樓 | She was in our building. |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God. |
我有我自己的變態影迷了 | I got my very own stalker! |
你真走運,我只能跟一群工作上的傢伙分享 | You' re so lucky.I have to share with guys at work. |
還記得我們討論過好事壞事嗎,這是件壞事 | Remember we talked about "good thing,bad thing"?. This is a bad thing. |
-嘿,大家 -嘿 | -Hey, guys.-Hey. |
你上哪兒去了? | Where are you off to? |
因為洛杉磯有一個古生物學研討會 | There's a paleontology conference in L.A. |
我會去,然後開車到動物園 給馬修一個驚喜 | So I figured I'd go and drive down to the zoo and surprise Marcel. |
我想他會很驚喜的 直到他發現他是猴子… | He will be surprised. Till he realizes he's a monkey... |
…他根本就沒辦法有那種情緒 | ...and isn't capable of that emotion. |
菲比,那個可愛的傢伙又來了 | Phoebe? That really cute guy is here again. |
各位… | Okay,so everyone... |
…假裝我在講故事給你們聽 故事非常的好笑 | ... pretend I'm telling you a story and it's really funny. |
所以大家要笑 | So everyone just laugh. Now! |
我知道 | I know,I know! |
我叫羅伯杜南 | I'm Rob Donan. |
羅伯杜南 | Hi,Rob Donan. |
我對音樂一竅不通 不過我覺得你非常棒 | I don't know anything about music,but I think you're really great. |
我在替市里的兒童圖書館 安排藝人的演出 | Anyway,I schedule performers for children's libraries. |
我在想,你有沒有想過 為小孩子演唱你的歌呢? | And I was thinking,have you thought about playing your songs for kids? |
我好想要孩子… | I would love to have kids... |
聽我…聽我演唱 我為他們寫的歌 | ...hear me play the songs that I will write for them. |
我們今天晚飯做什麼? | What do we do for dinner? |
我們可以留在家裡吃自己啊 | We could cook for ourselves. |
我是艾瑞克 | It's Erika. |
上帝啊,變態影?詛 | My God. The stalker! |
沒關係,門沒關 | Never mind. It's open. |
對,用平底鍋打她是個好主意 | Hitting her with a frying pan is a good idea. |
不過,我們應該想點別的 以防她不是卡通人物 | But we want a backup plan,just in case she isn't a cartoon! |
離開這裡 | Let's get out of here! |
偏挑這個時候不在 | The one time they're not home! |
我們走時 在樓梯上碰到的時候… | We'll leave. When we pass her... |
…她不會知道是我 因為我們沒有見過啊 | ...she won't know me,because we never met! |
那是收音機明星逃避變態的方法 | That's how radio stars escape stalkers! |
她來了 | She's coming! |
是我 | It's me. |
就這樣了,我們就這樣死的 | This is it. This is how we're gonna die. |
預備好了? | You ready? |
等等… | Wait,wait,wait! |
波姬小絲(影星) | Brooke Shields |
艾瑞克 | Erika! |
蓋勒先生? 是,嗨 | -Mr. Geller? -Yes,hi. |
迪恩利浦森,我是動物園的管理員 | Dean Lipson,zoo administrator. |
聽說你有個問題,是不是? | You had a question? |
我似乎找不到我去年捐的猴子 他是一隻卷尾猴… | I can't find the monkey I donated last year. He's a capuchin... |
…他的名字叫做馬修? | ...answers to the name Marcel? |
我恐怕有個壞消息要告訴你 | I'm afraid I have some bad news. |
馬修他已經過世了 | Marcel has passed on. |
天哪,怎麼會呢? | Oh,my God. What happened? |
他生病了,然後他病得很重… | He got sick,and then he got sicker... |
…然後他突然好了一點 | ...and then he got a little better. |
然後就死了 | But then he died. |
我真不敢相信 | I can't believe this! |
很抱歉,蓋勒先生 你也知道嘛,俗話說: | I'm sorry,Mr. Geller. But you know,there's an old saying: |
“猴子難免一死” | "Sometimes monkeys die." |
不是很好的俗語… | It's not a great saying... |
…用在今天卻很貼切 | ... but it certainly is fitting today. |
那應該有人通知我才對呀 對不起 | -Someone should've called me. -I'm sorry. |
我知道這不能夠讓他復活… | Look,I know this can't bring him back... |
…這是我一點心意,請收下 | ... but here,it's just a gesture. |
動物園禮券? | Zoo dollars? |
對,四點請過來看一看鳥的表演 金剛鸚鵡戴帽子 | Yes,and come see the bird show at 4. The macaws wear hats. |
你的猴子沒死的話會可愛多了 | It's a lot cuter if your monkey hasn't just died. |
我知道 | I know. |
真不敢相信 喬伊去跟他的變態影迷吃飯 | I can't believe Joey's having lunch with his stalker! |
她長得怎麼樣? | What is she like? |
你還記得“危情十日” 裡面的凱西貝茨嗎? | You remember Kathy Bates in Misery? |
她長得跟她完全相反 | Well,she looks the exact opposite of that. |
她不是瘋子嗎? | And she's not crazy? |
不,她只是神經有問題 | Oh,no,no. She's a total whack-job. |
她以為喬伊真的是德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生 | She thinks that Joey is actually Dr. Drake Ramoray. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
然後他還要去跟她約會? | And he's going out with her? |
他不能這麼做的 | He cannot pursue this. |
就因為這個女人以為她可以 在她的客廳魔盒裡面看喬伊… | Just because this woman sees Joey through the magical box... |
…並不表示她就不是人啊 | ...in her living room doesn't mean she's not a person. |
我是說,她應該得到快樂 也應該得到愛呀 | Does she not deserve happiness? Does she not deserve love? |
你們看我幹什麼? 想上那個瘋子的是喬伊耶 | Why are you looking at me? He's the one who wants to boff the maniac! |
你還好吧? | Are you okay? |
不,我只是很緊張 | No. I'm just nervous. |
如果我幻想他們只穿內衣… | Maybe if I just picture them all in their underwear.... |
不,那個主意不好 上個傢伙就是那樣被開除的 | That's not a good idea. That's the reason the last guy got fired. |
我只是…我習慣為大人演唱 | I'm used to playing for grownups. |
大人只是… 邊喝咖啡邊做他們大人做的事 | Grownups drink their coffee and do their grownup thing. |
小孩呢… | And kids... |
…會專心聽 | ...Iisten. |
我覺得這個責任好重大 | It's just a huge responsibility. |
怎麼了? | What? |
你要親我嗎? | Are you gonna kiss me? |
我正在考慮 | I was thinking about it. |
那好,好耶,咱們來些音樂 | Alrighty! Let's play some tunes! |
我們找地方坐吧,錢德 | Let's go find our seats.Chandler?. |
等一下 | Hold on a second. |
他認為他可以 | He thinks he can. |
哦,搞什麼 | Oh, what the hell?. |
他可以 | He can. |
各位,我是菲比 菲比 | -Hi,everybody. I'm Phoebe. -Hi,Phoebe! |
現在我要唱一首 關於祖父母的歌 | I'm gonna play some songs about grandparents,okay? |
奶奶走到哪裡都大受歡迎 | Now Grandma's a person Who everyone likes |
她送你火車跟一輛閃亮的自行車 | She bought you a train And a bright shiny bike |
但最近她不再來共進晚餐 | But lately she hasn't Been coming to dinner |
上回你看到她時 她看起來瘦多了 | And last time you saw her She looked so much thinner |
你媽跟你爸說她搬去秘魯 | Now your mom and your dad said She moved to Peru |
事實上她死了,有一天你也會 | But the truth is she died And someday you will too |
我要香烤鮭魚 | I'll have the grilled salmon. |
這位醫生要義大利調味飯 | And the doctor will have the risotto |
德瑞克,這真是太好了 是啊,沒錯 | -Oh,Drake,isn't it amazing? -Yeah,it is. |
怎麼了? | What? |
現在我們輕鬆地坐在這兒… | Well,here we sit,devil-may-care... |
…但不久前 你還在重注西蒙的脊髓 | ...and a while ago you were reattaching Simone's spinal cord. |
是啊,那很複雜 | That was a tricky one. |
事實上… | In reality... |
…那個手術要花上十幾個鐘頭 可是他們只播了兩分鐘而已 | ...that operation takes 10 hours. But they only showed it for 2 minutes. |
“他們”是誰? | Who's "they"? |
沒有啦 | No one. |
德瑞克,你真有才華 讓我看看那雙手 | Drake,you are so talented. Let me see those hands. |
這雙美麗的手 | Oh,these hands,these beautiful hands. |
真想吃掉他們 | I could just eat them. |
但我不會 | But I won't. |
不然我的手錶一定會掉下來 | Otherwise my watch would fall off. |
不,說真的 | No,seriously. |
這雙… | These hands... |
…救人無數,創造奇跡?氖謠 | ...these miracle,magical,life-giving hands. |
只要靠近,撫摸 或許甚至舔一隻就好了 | Just to be near them,touch them,maybe even lick one? |
好吧,一隻就好了 | All right. Just one. |
你很行耶 | You're good at that. |
天哪,來人哪,他噎住了 | Oh,my God! Someone! He's choking! |
這裡有沒有醫生? | Is anyone here a doctor? |
塞林鎮最好的醫生就在這兒 | Yes,the best doctor in Salem! |
德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生 | Dr. Drake Ramoray! |
你十五分鐘之後到夜行館等我 | Meet me in the nocturnal house in 15 minutes. |
嗨, 我不喜歡跟別的男人那樣 | Hey,look. I don't really enjoy being with other men that way. |
要動物園禮券嗎? | But,zoo dollars? |
我要告訴你有關你猴子的事 | It's about your monkey! |
他還沒死 | It's alive. |
我不懂,你為什麼不救他? | I don't understand. Why didn't you help that man? |
因為我是神經外科醫生… | Because I'm a neurosurgeon... |
…他顯然是患了… | ...and that was clearly a case of... |
…“食道阻塞症” | ... "foodal chokage." |
好吧,聽著 我要坦白一件事… | I gotta tell you something |
你什麼都不用告訴我 | You don't have to tell me anything. |
你不用向我解釋什麼 | You don't have to explain yourself to me. |
我算什麼啊竟然敢懷疑偉大的德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生 | Who am I to question the great Dr. Drake Ramoray? |
能接近你,我就該滿足了 | I should be happy to be near you. |
嘿,我… | Hey,l |
嘿什麼? | Hey what? |
就那樣,只是嘿 | That's it. Just hey! |
像結束了一首舞那樣,嘿! | Like at the end of a dance. Hey! |
有一天你們會長大 | There'll be times when you get older |
你們會想跟別人上床 | When you'll want to sleep with people |
只為搏得他們歡心 但不要這麼做 | Just to make them like you But don't! |
因為… | 'Cause... |
…那是另一件… | ... that's another thing... |
…你不要做的事 一起來 | ... that you don't wanna do Everybody! |
那是另一件你不要做的事 | That's another thing That you don't wanna do |
太棒了 很有教育性 | -Excellent! -Very informative! |
一點也不會不恰當 | Not at all inappropriate! |
謝謝各位光臨 後面有餅乾要送給你們 | Thank you for coming,everybody! There are cookies in the back. |
真是棒透了 | That was great. |
孩子們愛死你了 | The kids loved you. |
對呀,我酷斃了 | Yea! I rock! |
你知道為什麼嗎? 因為你說實話 | And you know why? Because you told the truth. |
從來沒有人對小孩子說實話 | Nobody ever tells kids the truth. |
你真是了得 | You were incredible! |
但…? | But...? |
你怎麼知道還有“但…”? 這種事情逃不過我的 | -How'd you know there was a "but"? -I sense these things. |
不是“但是”就是奉承話 | It was either "but" or "butter." |
我想問題是有些父母… | The thing is,I think some of the parents... |
…會希望你多唱一點… | ...they were hoping that... |
…農場動物那類的歌曲 | ...you'd play more songs about barnyard animals. |
這個我辦得到啊 | I can do that. |
真的? | Really? |
因為那樣子會非常棒 | Because that would be fantastic! |
怎麼?你要親我嗎? | What? You wanna kiss me? |
我正在考慮 | I'm thinking about it. |
如果我有借書卡,我能借走你嗎 | If I get a library card,can I take you out some time? |
怎麼?我沒工作 | What?I'm unemployed |
蝙蝠 | The bat. |
黑暗世界的大使 | Ambassador of darkness. |
像一隻插翅的信差 沖出了巢穴 | Flitting out of his cave like a winged messenger. |
死神之舞的盲目幽靈 | Sightless specter of the macabre. |
兄弟,我的猴子呢? | Buddy,my monkey? |
對了… | Oh,yeah,right. |
在幾個月前… | There was a break-in... |
…這裡被洗劫,內賊幹的 | ...a few months back. Inside job. |
你的猴子被偷了 | Your monkey was taken. |
還有一隻雪鷺,一隻兩腳趾的樹懶 | Along with a snowy egret,a two-toed sloth... |
還有禮品店的三件運動衫 | ...and three sweatshirts from the zoo gift shop. |
我的天哪 可是動物園說我的猴子死了 | The zoo told me that my monkey was dead! |
動物園 | The zoo! |
你相信 動物園說的每一件事嗎? | You believe everything the zoo tells you? |
動物園只是告訴過我這一件事 | That's the only thing the zoo's ever told me. |
他們當然會說他死了 他們害怕消息傳出去會不好看 | Of course they'll say that! They don't want the bad publicity. |
他們掩飾得密不透風 | It's all a great big cover-up. |
你知道這件事情 牽涉到多高層嗎? | Do you have any idea how high up this thing goes? |
那個利浦森先生? | That guy Lipson? |
利浦森先生知道? | Lipson knows? |
-誰還知道?-我只認識利浦森 | -Who else knows?.-I only know Lipson. |
利浦森先生知道,是嗎? | Lipson knows,huh? |
你好,負鼠先生 | Hello,Mr. Possum. |
樹上的謎團 上下顛倒的夜之民 | Enigma of the trees,upside-down denizen of the night. |
正在嘲弄著地心引力… 兄弟,我的猴子呢? | -Taunting gravity -Buddy,my monkey. My monkey? |
道上的傳聞… | Word on the street |
當我說“道上”的時候 我指的是園裡的遊園道路 | When I say "street," I mean those pretend streets here at the zoo. |
當然了 | Of course. |
你的猴子有了新職業了… | Your monkey found a new career... |
…往娛樂界發展去了 我只知道這一些 | ...in the entertainment field. That's all I know. |
真是令人難以置信 | This is unbelievable! |
好了,這個消息 對你值多少錢啊,朋友? | So what is this information worth to you,my friend? |
你是暗示我要賄賂你嗎? | Are you trying to get me to bribe you? |
或許吧 | Maybe. |
可是你都已經告訴我了 | But you already told me everything. |
你們看 | Check it out. |
馬修就是 啤酒樂廣告裡的那只猴子 | He actually is the Monkeyshine monkey! |
那你打算怎麼辦? | What'll you do? |
我要打電話給那家啤酒廠 問他們他在哪裡啊 | I'm gonna call the beer company and try to find him. |
我丟了我的健壯馱馬時就是這麼做的 | That's what I did when I lost my Clydesdales. |
你們好 | Okay,hi again! |
菲比好 | Hi,Phoebe! |
今天我們要先唱一些 關於農場動物的歌曲 | Today,we're gonna start with some songs about barnyard animals. |
草地上的牛說哞 | Oh,the cow in the meadow goes "moo" |
草地上的牛說哞 | Oh,the cow in the meadow goes "moo" |
農夫在敲他的頭 把他絞成肉醬 | Then the farmer hits him And grinds him up |
漢堡就是這樣來的 | And that's how we get hamburgers |
現在…雞 | Now chickens! |
德瑞克,你是唯一救得了她的人 | Only you who can save her,Drake! |
該死,我是醫生,我不是神 | Damn it! I'm a doctor. I'm not God! |
我的信仰就是這樣被推翻了的 | There goes my whole belief system. |
是艾瑞克 | It's Erika. |
老天,快,關掉電視 | Quick! Shut off the TV. |
不,我要看結果 | I wanna see what happens! |
我救萊絲莉脫離昏迷狀態 然後我們親熱 | I get Leslie out of the coma then we make out. |
怎麼可能?你剛才親了莎賓娜 | How can that be? You were kissing Sabrina! |
瑞秋,那只是喬伊是神經外科醫生的世界 | Rachel,it's a world where Joey is a neurosurgeon. |
艾瑞克,請進 | Hey,Erika. Come in. |
你怎麼這麼快就到了? 我剛剛還在塞林看到你 | How did you get here so fast? I just saw you in Salem. |
對,他們用…直升機送我 | Right,they choppered me in. |
什麼事? | What's up? |
還有一場小派對 | You're having a little party too! |
她在嗎? 誰啊? | -ls she here? -Who? |
莎賓娜,你們的事我全知道了 | Sabrina. I know about you two! |
我看到你們兩個 在醫生休息室裡接吻 | I saw you today,kissing in the doctor's lounge. |
不是你想的那樣子啦,那是… | It's not what you think |
你說你心裡只有我 | You told me I was the only one! |
好,聽著,夠了 | All right,look. That's it. |
我想我們不該再見面了 | We shouldn't see each other anymore. |
我知道我很久以前 就應該告訴你了… | I should have told you a long time ago... |
…我並不是德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生 | ... but I am not Drake Ramoray. |
我連醫生都不是,我是個演員 我只是假裝我是醫生而已 | I'm not even a doctor. I'm an actor. I just pretend to be a doctor. |
天哪,那醫院的人 知道這件事情嗎? | Oh,my God! Do the people at the hospital know? |
你們誰來幫幫忙,好不好? | Somebody wanna help me out here? |
我知道… | Oh,I know! I know! |
我在哪裡? | Where am I? |
大學的附設醫院… | University Hospital... |
…你已經在這裡度過十八年了 | ... where you've been for the last 18 years. |
你怎麼會在兩個地方? | How can you be here and there? |
因為那是電視節目 | Because it's a TV show! |
德瑞克,你到底要說什麼? | What are you getting at? |
長相很漂亮,但是神志不清 | Nice girl. Not great with concepts. |
我不是德瑞克 | I'm not Drake! |
沒錯 他不是德瑞克,他是… | That's right! He's not Drake. He's... |
…漢斯雷莫瑞,德瑞克邪惡的雙胞胎兄弟 | ... Hans Ramoray,Drake's evil twin! |
真的嗎? | Is this true? |
是真的 | Yes! Yes,it is true! |
我之所以知道是因為… | And I know this... |
…他假裝他是德瑞克 來…來騙我上床 | ... because he pretended to be Drake to sleep with me! |
並且他告訴我他要帶我私奔 | And then he told me he would run away with me! |
他騙我 | And he didn't! |
而且你馬桶蓋沒有放下來 你這個渾蛋 | And you left the toilet seat up,you bastard! |
這些都是真的嗎? | Is all this true? |
是,恐怕是真的了 | Yes,I'm afraid it is. |
我根本配不上你,艾瑞克 | You deserve much better than me. |
你應該跟真正的德瑞克在一起 你愛上的人是他 | You deserve to be with the real Drake. He's the one you fell in love with. |
去塞林吧,去找他 | Go to Salem. Find him! |
他才是你的 | He's the guy for you! |
漢斯 | Oh,Hans! |
漢斯? | Hans? |
漢斯! | Hans! |
邪惡的雙胞胎 | Yo,evil twin! |
對,再見,艾瑞克 | Right. Goodbye,Erika. |
祝你在塞林一切順利 | Good luck in Salem. |
保重了 | Take care. |
我永遠不會忘記你的,漢斯 | I'll never forget you,Hans. |
剛才是誰向我潑水! | All right. The people who threw the water! |
我們只是想幫你 | Helping you out! |
開除? | Fired? |
為什麼? | Why? |
有很多父母向圖書館的 董事會投訴… | The library board got a lot of complaints from parents... |
…你歌詞裡的一些內容有問題 | ...about the stuff in your songs. |
我真不敢相信,圖書館? | I can't believe it!The library? |
-書籍,自由演講,報紙 -我知道 | -Books. Free speech.Newspapers on sticks.-I know. |
-孩子們呢?難道說你沒有告訴董事會孩子們想聽實話嗎?-沒 | -And the kids?Did you tell your board that the kids want to hear the truth?-No |
我懂了 | I see. |
或許如果你只是唱一些 一般的兒歌 | Maybe if you just played some regular kiddy songs? |
不,你要…我當什麼呢? | What do you want me to be? Like some... |
…當一隻愚蠢的 紫色大恐龍嗎? | ...stupid,big,like,purple dinosaur? |
我又沒說你必須當巴尼 | You don't have to be Barney. |
巴尼是誰啊? | Who's Barney? |
你們不會相信的 | You'll never believe it. |
-讓我猜猜 -什麼? | -Let me guess.-What?. |
一些胖子真的跳下來了? | Some Weebles actually do fall down?. |
一塊布只救了七個人?你猜到了什麼? | A stitch in time now only saves seven?What do you got?. |
那麼… | Well... |
算了 | ... never mind. |
什麼 什麼 | What?. What?. |
我是追查馬修追查到這個的 現在他很健康也很快樂… | I tracked down Marcel and get this. He's healthy,he's happy... |
…他在紐約拍“極度恐慌II 病毒肆虐曼哈頓” | ...and he's in New York filming Outbreak 2: The Virus Takes Manhattan. |
你騙人 | You're kidding! |
簡直不可思議 我知道 | -This is amazing! -I know. |
我才終於混上電視 這猴子開始拍電影了 | I finally get a part on TV,and the monkey's making movies. |
瑞秋,我好了 | Rachel,I'm ready. |
抱歉,那個說實話的唱歌小姐在這裡嗎? | Excuse me. Is this where the singing lady is,who tells the truth? |
對呀,我猜那就是我 | I guess that's me. |
她在這裡 | She's here! |
有時男人愛女人 | Sometimes men love women |
有時男人愛男人 | Sometimes men love men |
然後還有雙性戀 | Then there are bisexuals |
雖然有些說他們在騙自己 | Though some just say They're kidding themselves |
真是令人興奮 我都快一年沒見到我的猴子了 | This is exciting! I haven't seen my monkey in a year. |
你洗澡從來不往下看嗎? | What,you never look down in the shower? |
我連說個“猴子是陰莖”的笑話都不可以嗎? | I'm not allowed to make one joke in the "monkey is penis" genre? |
好了,好了 | Back up,please. |
各位,往後退 | Back up. Come on. |
打擾了 我們在哪裡能找到猴子? | Excuse me. Where can we find the monkey? |
抱歉,各位 這場戲不對外開放 | I'm sorry. It's a closed set. |
對不起,你不瞭解 我…我是他的朋友 | I'm sorry,you don't understand. I'm a friend of his. |
我們…我們以前住在一起的 | We used to live together. |
我跟費利佩(《海豚的故事》中的海豚)還曾在波克若山分租公寓呢 | And I have a time share in the Poconos with Flipper. |
羅斯,他在那裡 | There he is! |
兄弟 | Hey! Buddy! |
馬修… | Marcel! Marcel! |
在叢林裡 | In the jungle |
偌大的叢林 | The mighty jungle |
今夜獅子睡著了 | The lion sleeps tonight |
在叢林裡,偌大的叢林 | In the jungle The mighty jungle |
今夜獅子睡著了 | The lion sleeps tonight |
抱歉,各位,這片場… | Excuse me,this is a |
不對外,我們知道 我們是猴子的朋友 | Closed set. We know. But we're friends with the monkey. |
早安 | Good morning. |
夥計,你看我帶誰來了 | Look who I brought! |
是你的老朋友耶,小象哈瑞 | Your old friend,Harry Elafonte! |
老兄,火氣真大! | Whoa,dude. Burn! |
我不懂 | I don't get it. |
他昨天好像很高興看到我 | He seemed so happy to see me yesterday. |
別放在心上,他近來壓力很大 你知道,主演一部電影 | Don't take it personal. He's under pressure,starring in a movie and all. |
馬修現在到底有多大牌呀? | How big of a star is Marcel? |
用人來比啊,我說像… | In human terms? I'd say... |
用人來比啊,我說像… | In human terms? I'd say... |
…西碧雪佛(著名電視明星) | ... Cybill Shepherd. |
你們是在電影裡演出 還是你們有妄想症? | So you guys in the movie or you just really paranoid? |
沙爾? | Hey,Sal? |
傑利想知道 猴子可以上地鐵那一幕了嗎? | Jerry wants to know if the monkey's ready. |
抱歉 | Excuse me? |
傑利是導演嗎?他是哪一個? | Jerry is the director? Which one's he? |
就是坐在導演椅子那個 我懂了 | -The one in the director's chair? -Gotcha. |
菲比,我們走 | Pheebs,walk with me. |
我幹嘛要跟你走? | Why am I walking with you? |
我們只是要走過來這裡 遠離那些… | We're just going over here so that we can get away from... |
…嗜血肉的可怕病毒 | ...the horrible flesh-eating virus! |
看在老天的份上,聽我說 | For the love of God,woman,listen to me! |
他有沒有在看?有沒有在看? | Is he looking? Is he looking? |
(茱莉亞羅伯茨)我有個難題 告訴我啊 | -We've got a problem. -Tell me. |
我沒有辦法幫克麗化妝 | I can't do Chris' makeup. |
她拒絕承認她的嘴巴上有鬍子 | She refuses to acknowledge her mustache. |
很多嗎? 像眉毛掉到嘴上似的 | -ls it bad? -lt looks like her eyebrow fell down. |
除非有人說服她 讓我幫她漂白… | Unless we convince her to let me bleach it... |
…不然尚格雲頓(動作明星)就得去跟加比卡普蘭(男星)親熱了 | ...Van Damme will be making out with Gabe Kaplan. |
我去跟她談談 | I'll talk to her. |
我討厭演員 | I hate actors. |
老兄,偽裝得不錯 我剛才差點沒看到你 | Nice camouflage. For a minute there,I almost didn't see you. |
抱歉 | Excuse me. |
你叫錢德嗎? | Is your name Chandler? |
對,沒錯 | Yes,it is. |
錢德賓 | Chandler Bing. |
你認識我? 還是你很會釣男人? | Do you know me or are you just really good at this game? |
我是蘇西莫斯 | I'm Susie Moss. |
四年級呀,戴眼鏡 | Fourth grade? Glasses? |
我常常像拿手提包一樣 拿一包?銼蓒 | I carried a box of animal crackers like a purse? |
蘇西莫斯 | Susie Moss! |
對呀,是呀 | Right! Yeah! Wow! |
你真是… | You look.... |
發育得太棒了 | Great job growing up. |
很高興看到你不再戴那頂 綴滿小鏡子的牛仔帽 | It's nice to see you don't still wear the cap with the mirrors on it. |
升上五年級之後 我發現我不是個男妓 | I graduated fourth grade and realized I wasn't a pimp. |
記得班上的話劇嗎? | Remember the class play? |
你掀我的裙子 全禮堂的人都看到我的內褲了 | You pulled up my skirt and the entire auditorium saw my underpants? |
對,那個時候 我用我的幽默感來保護自己 | Yes. Back then,I used humor as a defense mechanism. |
謝天謝地,我現在不用那樣了 | Thank God I don't do that anymore. |
那麼,兒童時代以來你一直在幹什麼呢? | So? What have you been doing since childhood? |
哦,我有了條新的腰帶 | Well, I got a new belt. |
我很好奇 | I wondered |
天啊… 怎麼了? | -Oh,my God! -What? What? |
是尚格雲頓 | It's Jean-Claude Van Damme. |
我不知道他在這部電影裡面 他好帥啊 | I didn't know he was in this movie. He is so hot! |
真的嗎? | You think? |
綽號“來自布魯塞爾的肌肉”-悍將尚格雲頓 | The Muscles from Brussels? Wham-Bam-Van-Damme? |
你看過“時空特警”嗎? | Did you see Time Cop? |
沒有啊,他演得很好嗎? | No. Was he any good in it? |
瑞秋,他完全改變了時空 | Rachel,he totally changed time! |
那你過去跟他講話嘛 | So why don't you go talk to him? |
你過去告訴他,他很可愛 最糟能怎樣呢? | Go tell him he's cute. What's the worst that could happen? |
他會聽到的 | He could hear me. |
好吧,我去幫你講 瑞秋,不要… | -I'm doing it for you. -Don't you dare! Don't! |
不要 | Don't! |
告訴他我會做菜 | Tell him I cook! |
對不起 | Excuse me. |
這樣會有一點怪怪的… | This is gonna sound kind of goofy... |
…我那邊那個朋友… | ... but my friend over there... |
…她很會做菜… | ...who cooks,by the way.... |
她覺得你很可愛 | She thinks you're cute. |
你不這麼覺得嗎? | You don't think I'm cute? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
你覺得你可愛嗎? | Do you think you're cute? |
我們扯太遠了 我是過來告訴你… | We're getting off the track. I was supposed to tell you... |
…我朋友她覺得你很可愛 | ... my friend thinks you're cute. |
我該怎麼告訴她呢? | What should I tell her? |
告訴她 我覺得她的朋友,很可愛 | You can tell her I think her friend is cute. |
斯蒂芬赫斯為了錢而吃東西 | Stephen Hurs would eat things for money. |
大衛斯坦沒有手了 | David Stein had no elbows. |
就是那個被發現手淫的傢伙? | Who got caught masturbating? |
那不是他幹的,他當時只是為了乘公車的錢 | That's not what he was doing.He was looking for his bus money. |
化妝 叫我了,我得走了 | -Makeup! -That's me. I gotta go. |
我得碰你老兄的手多少次 你才會開尊口約我出去呢? | How many times must I touch you on the arm before you ask me on a date? |
我想再試一次 | Well,let's try one more. |
我們去“厄尼”,八點鐘 | There you go. Ernie's,8:00? |
我會到 | I'll be there. |
誰知道,一切順利的話 或許這一次… | And if things go well,maybe this time... |
…我能看到你的內褲 | ... I'll get to see your underwear. |
居然沒人聽到這句話? | No one was around to hear that? |
他怎麼說? | So what'd he say? |
他真渾蛋 | What a jerk! |
我一直在跟他談你 可是他卻一直想要約我 | I kept talking about you,and he kept asking me out. |
我當然是說不行 | Naturally,you know,I said no. |
還是謝了 | Thanks,anyway. |
但是他一直約我… | He just kept asking... |
…約我… | ...and asking,asking,asking.... |
如果你想跟他約會的話就去啊 | If you want to go out with him,you can. |
他聽起來像是個渾蛋,但… | Sounds like a jerk to me,but |
尚格雲頓,她說好,今晚見 | Jean-Claude,she said yes! I'll see you tonight! |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
然後 尚格雲頓帶我去“十字路口”… | Then Jean-Claude took me to Crossroads... |
…我們在那裡 跟茱兒芭莉摩(女星)鬼混 | ...and we hung out with Drew Barrymore. |
老兄,她好惹火 | Oh,man. She's so smokin'! |
她有一對最炫的… | She's got the greatest set of |
這兒沒男的? | No guys around,huh? |
有誰需要什麼嗎? 我來杯濃縮咖啡 | -Does anybody need anything? -I'll have an espresso. |
我還是自己去拿 | I'll get it. |
叫你去的話 說不定最後會被你喝掉 | If I ask you to,you'll end up drinking it yourself. |
好不公平啊 我知道 | -That is so unfair. -I know. |
你跟尚格雲頓那樣對她之後 還要喝她的咖啡嗎? | Like you'd drink her coffee after what you did to her with Van Damme? |
喬伊,我要取消今晚的壁球 | I have to cancel racquetball tonight. |
馬修的訓練師會把馬修讓給我幾個小時 | Marcel's trainer will let me have him for a couple of hours. |
你為了猴子失我的約? | You're blowing me off for a monkey? |
我們可以改星期六打呀 | We can reschedule for Saturday. |
對,除非你搭上一票鴿子 | Unless you hook up with a bunch of pigeons. |
用叉子叉我… | Stick a fork in me... |
…我熟了 | ... I am done! |
用叉子什麼? | Stick a fork what? |
像你煎牛排那樣啊 | Like when you're cooking a steak. |
我不吃肉的 | I don't eat meat. |
那你怎麼知道菜熟了呢? | How do you know vegetables are done? |
不知道啊 只要吃一口就知道了 | Well,you don't. You eat them and you can tell. |
那吃我吧,我熟了 | Okay,then eat me,I'm done! |
我遇見完?賴呐肆藍 | I've met the perfect woman. |
我們坐在沙發上 我們在親熱… | We're sitting on her couch,fooling around... |
…突然她轉過來對我說: | ...and then she turns to me and says: |
“你有想過在電梯裡做嗎?” | "Did you ever want to do it in an elevator?" |
那你說什麼? | What did you say? |
我相信我的回答是… | I believe my exact words were.... |
你怎麼知道 要不要在電梯裡做? | How do you know if you wanna do that? |
你就是知道 | You just know. |
我們得走了 三十分鐘後訂了餐廳位置 | We gotta go. Got a reservation in 30 minutes. |
我的計畫最多絕對不會 超過兩,三分鐘的 | What I had planned shouldn't take more than two,three minutes,tops. |
兩百秒鐘的激情,我們得走了 | Two hundred seconds of passion! We gotta go. |
但是… | But... |
…我有個主意 | ... here's an idea. |
你有沒有穿過女人的內衣呀? | Have you ever worn women's underwear? |
這個事實上,有… | Well,yes,actually... |
…是我艾達姑媽的 | ... but they were my Aunt Edna's. |
一條褲子裡擠了三個人 | And there were three of us in there. |
我在想,如果你今天… | I was thinking it would be kind of sexy... |
…晚飯的時候穿我的內衣 會蠻性感的 | ...if you wore mine tonight at dinner. |
你要我穿你內褲? | You want me to wear your panties? |
可以嗎? | Could you? |
若我穿了你內褲的話,那麼… | If I was wearing your underwear... |
…你要穿什麼? | ...then what would you be wearing? |
你太棒了 | You're swell! |
音樂準備好了,飯菜也好了 | Got the music. Got the dinner. |
我做了馬修最喜歡吃的菜 香蕉蛋糕… | I made Marcel's favorite dish,banana cake... |
…加了蟲蟲 | ...with mealworm. |
蠟燭啊 | Candle. |
你以為今天晚上 這兒會發生什麼事啊? | What do you think's gonna happen here tonight? |
你正要過來… | Hi,are you on your way over |
不會…我理解 我是說,猴子得工作嘛 | No,I understand. A monkey's gotta work. |
不,沒什麼大不了的 | It's no big deal. |
又不是說… 我計畫了什麼特別的 | It's not like I had anything special planned. |
是的,沒問題 | Yeah. Okay. |
好的,再見 | Okay. Bye. |
真遺憾 | I'm sorry, man. |
-覺得怎麼樣?-什麼? | -Feel that?.-What? |
我們是不是應該鬆開手了 | The moment we should have stopped holding hands?. |
瑞秋 那我們就由你先開始說好了 | Rachel,why don't you start talking first? |
好吧,我覺得 她這樣是完全沒道理的 | I feel that this is totally unjustified. |
她說我可以的 我又沒做什麼… | She gave me the green light,I did nothing |
你以為 我在電視上看不到你嗎? | Do you think I can't see you in the TV set? |
好了,莫妮卡 你有什麼話要說就說好了… | If there's something you'd like to share |
你沒有這個權利跟他出去 | You had no right to date him! |
你這麼說太荒唐了吧 你出賣我 | -That's the most ridiculous -You sold me out! |
我才沒有出賣你呢 有,你有 | -I did not! -You absolutely |
你讓我講好不好? | Would you let me talk! |
你剛剛彈我的頭? | Did you just flick me? |
你不讓我說完,我只是想… | Well,you wouldn't let me finish and I was |
好痛啊 | That hurt! |
別彈了 | Quit flicking! |
你,你別彈了 | Stop flicking! |
是你先彈的,是你先彈的 | You flicked me first! |
別這樣,別這樣嘛 | Let's not do this! |
想點快樂的事! | Happy thoughts! |
好吧,我要教訓人了 | Now I'm gonna kick some ass! |
好吧 你們住手的話我就放手 | All right. Now,I will let go if you both stop. |
你要我不再見他嗎? | You want me to stop seeing him? |
你要我打電話給他 告訴他你要替我跟他約會嗎? | You want me to just tell him you're seeing him instead? |
你想這樣嗎? | Is that what you want? |
你就是想這樣? 是的 | That's what you want? |
很好 很好 | -Fine! -Fine! |
好了 | There we go. |
我們要是在監獄裡的話 你們就會是我的賤女人 | If we were in prison,you guys would be,like,my bitches. |
謝謝你們讓我跟你們一起 | Thanks for letting me tag along. |
沒什麼 | Forget about it. |
你覺得怎麼樣,扭動先生? | How you doing there,squirmy? |
我窩在裡面 | I'm hanging in. |
有一點出來 | And a little out. |
你是導演的助理? | So assistant to the director? |
你的工作一定很有意思 你一定有很多很酷的責任… | That's an exciting job. You must have a ton of responsibilities |
我跟選角完全無關 | I don't do the casting. |
你們大家想吃什麼? | So what are you guys gonna eat? |
為什麼我滿腦子 都想著把那冰塊放進嘴裡… | How come all I can think about is putting that ice in my mouth... |
…然後舔遍你的全身? | ...and licking you all over? |
因為我上的高中是男校 現在神要補償我? | Because I went to an all-boys high school,and God is making up for it? |
我現在就要你… | I want you right here... |
…在這裡 | ... right now. |
現在?在這裡? | Right now,right here? |
你不認為這裡是公共場所嗎? | Don't you think we're in kind of a public place? |
這裡有活蝦 | They do have the shrimp. |
到洗手間等我 | Meet me in the bathroom. |
現在我要去洗手間了 | I'm going to the bathroom now. |
他喜歡把我們留在圈裡面 | He likes to keep us in the loop. |
來呀 | Come on. |
不敢相信我們在做這事 | I can't believe we're doing this. |
好,先生 | All right,mister. |
給我看那條內褲 | Let's see those panties. |
遵命 | Alrighty. |
你知道怎麼樣會更性感嗎? | But you know what would be even sexier? |
怎麼樣? | What? |
你沒把你的襯衫塞進去的話 | If you didn't have your shirt tucked into them. |
好,現在呢 我想看你只穿那件內褲 | All right. Now,I would like to see you wearing nothing but them. |
把衣服脫下來 | Take your clothes off. |
好吧,但是你要知道這表示 我們會錯過特餐的介紹 | I hope you realize this means we'll miss hearing about the specials. |
來,快點… | Come on,hurry! |
你要我快點弄好 還是要我做得好? | Do you want this done quick or done right? |
好,轉過去,我要看你的後面 | All right,turn around. I wanna see you from behind. |
有人跟著 “鋼鐵玻璃”錄影帶做運動哦 | Somebody's been doing his Buns of Steel video. |
所以你要我縮緊什麼嗎? 或者是… | So you want me to clench anything or...? |
蘇西… | Susie? |
這個就是報四年級的仇 | This is for the fourth grade. |
什麼意思啊? 什麼“什麼意思”? | -What do you mean? -What do I mean? |
什麼意思?! | What do I mean?! |
我的意思是內褲,先生 那就是我的意思 | I mean underpants,mister! That's what I mean! |
什麼意思? | What? What do you mean? |
我的裙子… | My skirt... |
…你掀開了,大家笑了 | ...you lifted. IKids laughing! |
到十八歲大家還叫我內褲蘇西 | I was Susie Underpants till I was 18! |
那是四年級的事了 你怎會到現在都還在生氣呢? | That was in fourth grade! How could you still be upset? |
你二十年後打電話給我 告訴我你是不是還在生氣 | Call me in 20 years and tell me if you're still upset about this. |
我也要告訴你 你這條內褲我是不會還你的 | I hope you realize you're not getting these underpants back! |
我真不敢相信 | I can't believe this. |
兩個禮拜前 我還在看“絕命殺陣”… | Just two weeks ago,I was watching Sudden Death... |
…現在我竟然在跟尚格雲頓約會 | ...and now I'm on a date with Jean-Claude Van Damme. |
你能打扁那個傢伙嗎? | Can you beat up that guy? |
扁這個呢?當然 | -Can you beat up that guy? -Sure. |
這太瘋狂了 | This is so wild. |
我得承認我有點奇怪 你會同意跟我來個盲目約會 | I gotta admit,I was surprised that you agreed to go on a blind date. |
通常我是不會答應的 | Normally,I would not do it. |
是嗎? 那你為什麼會為我破例呢? | What made you make the exception for me? |
因為瑞秋告訴我說… | Rachel told me... |
…你想跟我還有茱兒芭莉摩 來個“三人行”啊 | ...you were dying to have a threesome with me and Drew Barrymore. |
對了,茱兒她有一些規矩的… | By the way,Drew has some ground rules and.... |
-說你對不起我 -不 | -Say you're sorry!-No |
說! | Say it! |
不,我才不要跟你說抱歉呢 | No! I'm not gonna! |
快說…好極了 | Say it! Say it! Great! |
瑞秋,道歉 不然你的毛衣就遭殃 | Say you're sorry or your sweater gets it. |
那是我最喜歡的毛衣 我第三次約會的毛衣 | That is my favorite sweater! That is my third-date sweater! |
說,你很抱歉 | Say you're sorry. |
你想玩,是不是? | You wanna play? Okay,let's play. |
好,咱們就來玩 | Let's play. |
你想怎麼樣? | What'll you do? |
把毛衣還給我 否則這就變成番茄醬皮包了 | Give me back my sweater or it's handbag marinara. |
你才不敢這麼做 | You don't have the guts. |
是嗎?至少我不會不敢 告訴男人,我覺得他很可愛 | Yeah? At least I wasn't too chicken to tell some guy he was cute. |
好了,住手,瘋婆子 | Stop! Stop the madness! |
你們兩個瘋了 | This is crazy! |
現在你們誰還記得 你們本來在吵些什麼東西嗎? | Who can remember why you're fighting in the first place? |
對,沒錯 | Yes,that's right. |
但是… | But still.... |
看看你的皮包 | Look at your purse! |
看看你的毛衣 | Look at your sweater! |
看看你們自己 | Look at yourselves! |
我會幫你補毛衣的 | I'll help you fix your sweater. |
我會幫你… | I'll help you... |
…丟掉皮包 | ...throw out your purse. |
對不起,我阻止你再見他 | I'm sorry I made you stop seeing him. |
對不起 我知道你喜歡他還跟他約會 | I'm sorry I went out with him when I knew you liked him. |
對不起,我…借了你的手套 | I'm sorry that I borrowed your gloves. |
喬伊? | Joey? |
媽? | Ma? |
錢德?你在這兒幹嘛? 我以為你們走了 | Chandler?What are you doing here? I thought you guys took off. |
不不不,是她走了,帶著我的衣服 | She took off with my clothes! |
你一絲不掛 不完全是 | -Are you naked in there? -Well,not exactly. |
我穿著女生內褲 | I'm wearing panties. |
你經常穿女生內褲嗎? | You always wear panties? |
不…這是第一次 | No,no. This is the first time. |
你還真夠倒楣 | Talk about your bad luck! |
第一次試女生內褲 然後衣服就被別人給帶走了 | The first time you try panties and someone walks off with your clothes. |
不是我要穿的 是蘇西叫我穿的 | I was not trying them out. Susie asked me to wear them. |
讓我看看 不要 | Let me see! |
我才不讓你或任何人看呢 | No! I'm not letting you or anybody else see,ever! |
好吧… | All right,all right! |
有人在用“牙線” | Someone's flossing! |
喬伊,有些人不喜歡那樣的 | Joey,some people don't like that. |
錢德穿女生內褲 | Chandler's wearing panties. |
什麼? | What? |
讓我看 不…你不要看 | -Let me see! -You don't have to see! |
小屁屁 | Hi,tushy! |
你們誰把你們的內褲借我穿 | One of you give me your underpants. |
幫不上忙,我不穿內褲的 | I'm not wearing any. |
你怎麼會沒穿內褲呢? | How can you not be wearing any? |
穿粉紅丁字褲的人 倒訓起人來了 | I'm getting heat from the guy in the hot pink thong. |
聽我說,羅斯,我出五十塊錢 買你的內褲,好嗎? | Look,Ross. I'll give you $50 for your underpants. |
中央公園 | |
菲比,牛奶用完給我好嗎? 我快好了 | -Can I have the milk? -I'm almost done with it. |
拉住褲褲不要急嘛 | Keep your panties on. |
各位,我在電影裡了 | And I'm in the movie! |
怎麼了? 有個扮演病人的請病假… | -What happened? -A virus victim called in sick... |
…所以凱西就推薦我上場 我會死在擔架上 | ...so Cathy recommended me and boom! I'm dying on a gurney! |
羅斯,馬修剛拍完最後一幕 如果你要去現場跟他道別就… | Marcel just finished his last scene,if you wanna go say goodbye. |
不,沒關係啦 他說不定還有派對什麼的要去 | That's okay. He's probably got parties to go to and stuff. |
他繼續他的生活了 生活就是這樣子,對不對? | He's moved on. That's the way it goes,right? |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
什麼? | What? |
看來我們成功了 | Looks like we made it |
成功忘記對方… | Left each other on the way... |
…找到新歡 | ... to another love |
看來我們成功了 | Looks like we made it |
今天以前,我還如是想 | Or I thought so,till today |
直到看到你為止 | Until you were there,everywhere |
看到你,往日回憶湧上心頭 | And all I could taste was Love the way we made it |
看來我們成功了 | Looks like we made it |
很遺憾我們之間沒有結果,我們也是 | Sorry it didn't work out between us.Or us. |
茱兒很失望 | Drew was very disappointed. |
好的,再見 | Okay. Well, bye. |
再見 | Goodbye. |
我也說再見 | Well, bye for me too. |
好,再次再見 | Okay. Well, bye-bye again. |
好的 | Okay. |
或許咱們三個人可以… | Perhaps the three of us just could: |
哦不不不 | Oh, no, no, no, no. |
確定嗎?我的屁股可以擠碎核桃哦 | Are you sure?.I can crush a walnut with my butt. |
-不不不,很難忘 -但是不了 | -Oh, no, no, no. Impressive.-But no. |
也許我在煮飯的時候可以用得上 | Maybe if I were baking. |
好了,再見 | Okay. Bye-bye. |
再見,馬修 | Bye, Marcel. |
銀幕上見了 | See you on the big screen. |
是你讓人們喝那種啤酒的對吧 | You keep people drinking that beer, okay?. |
我會想你的,兄弟 | I'll miss you, buddy. |
再見 | Bye. |
我想我應該寫一首 關於這件事的歌 | I think I want to write a song about all this. |
只是我的吉他有條弦斷了 | Except one of the strings on my guitar is broken. |
錢德,丁字褲借我,好嗎? | Chandler,can I borrow your G-string? |
你等說這句話等了很久了吧? 大概二十分鐘啊 | -How long you been waiting to say that? -About 20 minutes! |
你們看不出來嗎? ?飧鋈絲燜懶藍 | Can't you see what's going on here? This man is dying! |
停 | Cut! |
你們看不出來嗎? 這個人快死了 | Can't you see what's going on here? This man is dying! |
停 | Cut! |
你們看不出來嗎? 這個人快死了 | Can't you see what's going on here? This man is dying! |
媽咪 | Mommy! |
你們看不出來嗎? 這個人已經死了 | Can't you see what's going on? This man is dead! |
等一下 | Hold on a second. |
好球… | Nice. |
有東西給你 | I got you something. |
這什麼東西? | What's this? |
812塊錢 | Eight hundred and twelve bucks. |
老裡奧沒跟你說嗎 跟我過夜… | Didn't Big Leon tell you? It's a thousand... |
…可要一千塊錢才夠 | ...to have me for the whole night. |
這是幹什麼呀? | What's this for? |
我現在有賺錢了 | Well,I'm making money now. |
這是要還你幫我付的電費 跟數不清的披薩的錢 | I'm paying you back for headshots,electric bills,all that pizza.... |
我愛你 | I love you,man. |
謝了,老兄 我有錢可以買小馬了 | Well,thanks,man. Now I can get my pony. |
這是我小小的心意… | This is a little extra something for... |
…謝謝你平日的照顧 | ...always being there for me. |
我不曉得該說什麼了 | Wow,I don't know what to say. |
我不曉得該說什麼了 | Wow,I don't know what to say. |
怎麼樣? | What do you say? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
這是個手鐲吧? | It's a bracelet. |
上頭還刻了字,你看看 | Isn't it? It's engraved,too. Check it out. |
“我的好兄弟” | "To my best bud." |
謝了,好兄弟 | Thanks,best bud. |
戴上去啊 | Put it on. |
現在嗎? | Now? |
不…這麼美的東西 應該留到特殊的場合再戴 | No,it should be saved for a special occasion. |
不…妙就妙在這裡 這配什麼都好看 | No,that's the beauty part. It goes with everything. |
老兄,你戴起來簡直太合適了 | When you put this on,you're good to go. |
我從沒這麼合適過,所以為何不試試戴首飾呢對吧 | I've never been "good to go, "so why not try some jewelry, huh? |
天啊 | Oh,man! |
真是太配你了 | You are so wearing that bracelet! |
可不是嘛! | I so am! |
你知道這對你的性生活 有什麼樣的影響嗎? | Any idea what this will do for your sex life? |
剛開始時說不定會讓我慢半拍 | It might slow down at first,but... |
等到習慣這個重量之後 就會讓我重振雄風了 | ...once I'm used to the extra weight,I'll be back on track. |
六人行 第2季 第14集 高中舞會錄影帶 | The One With the Prom Video |
看起來很好 那就好了 | -This all looks good. -Great. |
如果我要打電話詢問 你以前的經驗呢? | If I want to call for a reference on your last job...? |
就寫在下麵了 我經理叫做錢德賓 | That's right there,see? The manager,Chandler Bing? |
好吧 | All right. |
來看看你是不是跟你寫的 一樣好,做一份沙拉來瞧瞧 | Let's see if you're as good in person as you are on paper. Make me a salad. |
沙拉? 其實我可以做些難度比較高的 | A salad? I could do something more complicated. |
不用,沙拉就行了 | No,just the salad will be fine. |
沒問題 | You got it. |
可是我要你一邊做 一邊告訴我你正在做什麼 | Now I want you to tell me what you're doing while you're doing it. |
好,我在撕生菜 | All right. Well,I'm tearing the lettuce. |
菜髒嗎? | Is it dirty? |
不…別擔心,我待會兒會洗 | Oh,I'm gonna wash it. |
別洗,我喜歡髒的 | Don't. I like it dirty. |
你說了算 | That's your call. |
好,你接下來要做什麼? | So,what are you going to do next? |
我想,我接下來要切蕃茄了 | I thought that l'd cut up the tomatoes. |
蕃茄結實嗎? | Are they firm? |
還可以啦 | They're okay. |
你確定蕃茄沒壞? | You sure they haven't gone bad? |
你確定沒有非常非常的壞? | You sure they're not very,very bad? |
是啊,還可以啦 | No,really,they're okay. |
你會切得很漂亮嗎? | You gonna slice them up real nice? |
事實上,我打算切成絲狀 | I was going to do them julienne. |
我要走了 | I'm out of here! |
喂? | Hello? |
不,瑞秋現在不在 你要不要留話? | Rachel's not here. Can I take a message? |
好,哪個凱西…? | How do we spell Casey? |
是《擊球手凱西》裡的凱西 還是“KC和陽光樂隊”的凱西? | Is it like "at the bat" or "and The Sunshine Band"? |
這個凱西是什麼人啊? | Hey,who's this Casey? |
她看電影認識的人 | A guy she met at the movies. |
真的?他找她幹什麼? | What does he want with her? |
我猜他想跟她跳點小舞… | I guess he wants to do a little dance... |
…做一點小愛… | ...you know,make a little love.... |
今天晚上就把她“解決”掉 | Well,get down tonight. |
我不知道,我不懂… | I don't know. I don't |
兩個月前 我們就差這麼一點點了 | I don't get it! Two months ago,Rachel and I were this close. |
現在呢 我在替她看電影認識的人留言 | Now I'm taking messages from guys she meets at the movies? |
應該是 這個凱西替我留言才對呀 | I mean,this Casey should be taking down my messages,you know? |
或…或是… 或是我跟瑞秋應該在一起… | Or Rachel and I should be together... |
…然後我們… 我們一起請電話秘書 | ...and we should get some kind of message service. |
耐心點吧,會有那一天的 | Hang in there. It's gonna happen. |
好,你怎麼知道呢? | Now,how do you know that? |
因為她是你的龍蝦 | Because she's your lobster. |
她有話要說的 | Oh,she's going somewhere. |
誰不曉得龍蝦一旦戀愛 就會白頭偕老呢 | It's a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life. |
你真的可以看到老龍蝦夫妻… | You know what? You can actually see old lobster couples... |
…在水缸裡爪子牽著爪子散步 | ...walking around their tank,holding claws,like.... |
你必須想像出龍蝦的樣子 | You have to picture lobsters. |
好點了嗎? | Hey,you feeling better? |
我想我的第五次澡 終於洗掉那個面試了 | Yeah,I think that fifth shower got the interview off me. |
你還有其他的機會嗎? | Do you have other possibilities? |
有,我很可能會付不出房租來 | There is the possibility that I won't make rent. |
莫妮卡,你要的話我可以借你錢 | If you want,I can lend you money. |
如果我沒有辦法馬上還 看到你就會內疚跟緊張 | If I couldn't pay you back right away,I'd feel guilty and tense around you. |
好吧 那你為什麼不跟爸媽借呢? | Then why not borrow it from Mom and Dad? |
反正你看到他們 就會內疚跟緊張 | You feel guilty and tense around them already. |
還不如趁機會跟他們要點錢 | Might as well make some money off of them. |
他說得很有道理 | The man's got a point. |
什麼東西亮亮的? | What is that sparkly thing? |
那個?那個是… | That thing? |
是…有點俗氣啦 | Yeah,it's a little flashy. |
不俗氣 | No,no. |
不會…對道上兄弟來講不會 | No,no. It's not flashy. Not for a goodfella. |
天呐 真時髦 你一定花了不少達布隆(古西班牙金幣)吧? | Man,that is sharp! That must have cost you quite a few doubloons. |
真有趣,就好像嘉寶姐妹(匈牙利歌手)其中之一 | It's fun. It's like knowing one of the Gabor sisters. |
親愛的 | Hi,darling. |
這是什麼? | What's this? |
你以前的東西 | Some of your old stuff. |
親愛的,我們要給你一個驚喜 | Well,sweetie,we have a surprise for you. |
你房間要改成健身房了 | We're turning your room into a gym. |
的確是個驚喜 | Wow,that is a surprise! |
只有個小問題 為何不挑羅斯的房間? | Just one question. Why not Ross's room? |
那我們也討論過了… | We talked about that... |
…但你哥哥有那麼多的科學獎盃 獎牌,還有優點勳章… | ... but your brother had so many science trophies,plaques,merit badges.... |
我們不想去驚動它們 | We didn't want to disturb them. |
上帝也不准 | God forbid! |
有什麼新消息嗎?有什麼可以告訴我們的?工作怎麼樣? | What's new? What can you tell us?How's your job? |
我的工作?哦… | My job? Well.... |
我有沒有提過我還沒男朋友? | Did I mention I still don't have a boyfriend? |
哦,我只是在假裝而已 | Oh well. I just assumed. |
-哦,嗨,瑞秋!-嗨 | -Oh, hi, Rachel! -Hi. |
我們很遺憾你父母分開的消息 | We were so sorry to hear about your parents splitting up. |
他們只是分居 誰知道呢,看看吧 | Well,they're just separated. You never know! We'll see. |
老實說,我們一點也不驚訝 | I can't say any of us were surprised. |
從我們認識他們開始 他們就一直很不快樂 | They've been unhappy ever since we've known them. |
特別是在夏威夷那件事之後 | Especially after that incident in Hawaii. |
哪件事啊? | What? What incident? |
沒什麼啦… 一定是我想到別人去了 | No,no. I must be thinking of someone else. |
或許是我 | Maybe me! |
你不是要疊衣服嗎? | Don't you have some folding to do? |
快去吧,去疊呀 | Fold. You fold. |
還要再加一點嗎? 不用了,謝謝 | -Want a refill? -I'm all right,thanks. |
你得再給我一點時間 我要學得逼真一點 | Give me a second. I want to get this just right. |
老兄啊,十一點方向 有個火辣女郞在看著你 | Dude,eleven o'clock,totally hot babe checking you out. |
學得很不錯 我想我可以去變性了 | That was really good. I think I'm ready for my penis now. |
我知道你在想什麼 大衛湯瑪斯,溫蒂速食的創辦人,對吧? | I know what you're thinking. Dave Thomas,founder of Wendy's. |
我叫蓋兒 | I'm Gail. |
我真的必須走了 很高興認識你 | I really have to go,but it was nice meeting you. |
真是太好了 | Excellent! |
他可以送我錄影機 或是一套高爾夫球具也可以 | He could have gotten me a VCR or a set of golf clubs. |
但他就送了我一個“排斥女人”的東西 | But no! He got me the "woman repeller"! |
萊伯瑞斯家族的眼中釘(鋼琴家,生前是同性戀,死於愛滋病) | The eyesore from the Liberace House of Crap! |
沒那麼慘啦 對,你當然說得容易了 | -It's not bad. -Easy for you to say. |
你又不用走來走去炫耀怪頭都不要的廢品 | You're not sporting a reject from the Mr. Tcollection! |
“我可憐戴著首飾的笨蛋” | "l pity the fool that puts on my jewelry! I do! I do!" |
“我可憐戴著…” | "l pity that fool" |
兄弟,我們正在玩… 名人模仿秀呢 | Hey,man! We were just doing some impressions. |
你也表演一下馬塞爾·馬索(默劇大師)吧 | Do your Marcel Marceau. |
模仿得很像呢 | That's actually good. |
你看看那個傢伙 | Would you look at that guy? |
他跟她已經說了多久了? | How long has he been talking to her? |
-幾分鐘吧 -那就再加倍吧 | -A couple minutes.-Try doubling that. |
滾開吧,兄弟 她只是服務生,又不是藝妓 | It's like,back off,buddy! She's a waitress,not a geisha. |
我想她沒有關係吧 | I think she's okay. |
你看看… | Look at that! |
你看她把他推開,他還不滾 | She pushes him away and he won't budge! |
我要採取行動了 | I'm gonna do something. |
我們可以在山上… | We'll get a condo... |
…租個公寓 滑進滑出,棒透了 | ... right on the mountain. Ski in,ski out,it's great. |
對不起,你是瑞秋嗎? | Excuse me? Are you Rachel? |
什麼? | What? |
我叫羅斯蓋勒 | Ross Geller. |
廣告裡說你很漂亮,但是…哇 | God,in your ad you said you were pretty,but wow! |
你…你在幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
老天,不是今天嗎? | Oh,my God,is this the wrong day? |
我真不敢相信 | I don't believe it! |
這件事如果成了的話 將來跟孫子們就有話講了 | If it works out,we'll have something to tell the grandkids! |
對呀 | You sure will. |
對了,我該走了 | I've gotta go. |
保重了 | Take care. |
慢走,再見 | See you later. |
不客氣 | You're welcome. |
什麼? 我是在救你呀 | -What? -I was saving you. |
救我?讓我不用 跟有趣的男人愉快地交談? | Saving me from a pleasant conversation with an interesting man? |
從我坐的那邊看起來… | From where I was |
羅斯,你現在聽我說 | Okay,Ross,listen to me. |
我不是要你救的人 | I am not yours to save. |
但是你是呀 | But you are. |
什麼? | What? |
你是我的龍蝦 | You're my lobster. |
你知道嗎? 你又在裝跟我盲目約會了 | Are you being the blind-date guy again? |
不…你是…你是我的龍蝦 | No,you're my lobster. |
龍蝦… | Lobsters.... |
…在水缸裡,老的時候 | In the tank,when they're old... |
…它們會… 它們爪牽爪散步 | ...they get with the They walk around holding the claws. |
在水缸裡… | In the tank! You know,with... |
…爪子牽著爪子… | ...with the holding and.... |
菲比,幫我解釋一下 龍蝦的事,好不好? | Pheebs,you wanna help me with the lobster thing? |
再表演一次爪子 | Do the claws again. |
瑞秋,忘了龍蝦的事吧 | Rach,forget the lobsters,okay? |
我們…那我們呢? | Let's talk What about us? |
羅斯,沒有“我們” | Ross,there is no "us," okay? |
你聽我說 | No! Listen to me! |
我愛上了你,然後我受傷了 | I fell for you and I get clobbered. |
然後你愛上我 結果我還是受傷了 | You then fall for me and I again get clobbered. |
我受夠了傷害 | I'm tired of being clobbered,you know? |
根本就不值得 | It's just not worth it. |
但是…但… | Well,but |
沒有“但是”了,羅斯 | No "but," Ross. |
我們是永遠不可能的,接受吧 | We are never gonna happen,okay? Accept that. |
除非什麼呢? | Except that what? |
不… | No. No. |
接受吧 | Accept that. |
我必須得走了 | I gotta go. |
老兄,你看,我的好兄弟 你好嗎? | Hey,man! Look,it's my best bud! How you doing? |
你這個馬塞爾·馬索真是模仿得越來越好了 | You're getting good at that Marcel Marceau thing. |
喬伊,我們去打球,怎麼樣? 你跟我,你說怎麼樣啊? | What do you say we play some ball? You and me,huh? |
是我不好 | Okay,that's my bad. |
你要是那麼討厭那只手鐲 你應該直說就可以了 | If you hated the bracelet,you should have just said so. |
我戴著這麼討厭的手鐲… | Doesn't the fact that I wore it... |
…那不就證明了我有多麼重視 我們之間的友誼了嗎? | ...say how much our friendship means to me? |
那你侮辱這只手鐲 還有你嘲笑我的那件事呢? | But you insulted the bracelet and you made fun of me. |
所以說,我是個混蛋嘛 | Well,that's the part where I'm a wank. |
不過我希望 你不要往那個方向想,好嗎? | I was hoping you wouldn't focus on that. |
是嗎,那麼看看這個 | Oh, yeah?. Well, focus on this. |
很難去評論這個 | Hard to argue with that. |
你不要這樣嘛 我已經向你道過一百次歉了 | Come on,man! I said I was sorry a hundred times. |
我保證以後手鐲不離… | I promise,I will never take it off my... |
…手 | ...wrist. |
如果你要留在那裡生氣的話… | But if you want to stay in there and be mad... |
…那你就留在裡面好了 | ...you just,you stay in there. |
你知道嗎… | You know what the |
我向你下跪了… | I am here,on my knees... |
…我舉著這些沙發墊子… | ... holding up these couch cushions... |
…表示我對你的歉意還有悔恨 | ...as a symbol of my sorrow and regret. |
跟聖經時代的人一樣 | Much like they did in biblical times. |
你現在雖然很生氣… | Though you may haveth anger now.... |
你還會為你自己辯論的對吧 | You're gonna grab yourself again,aren't you? |
格拉芙(網球運動員)又吐口水了 | You know,that Steffi Graf has quite a tush. |
說說而已嘛,就在電視上 | I'm just saying! It's right there! |
各位 | Hey,guys. |
親愛的 | Hi,darling. |
我孫子呢?你沒有帶他來啊? | You didn't bring my grandson? |
不,他在…卡蘿跟蘇珊那兒 | He's at Carol and Susan's today. |
我公司有一個女同性戀 | A woman in my office is a lesbian. |
說說而已 | I'm just saying! |
傑克,你看 你覺得很好笑的油漆廣告來了 | Jack,look! There's that house paint commercial that cracks you up! |
你到哪兒去了? 人間煉獄 | -Where have you been? -Emotional hell. |
他們有沒有借給你錢? | Did they lend you the money? |
沒有,我還沒有開口 | No,I haven't asked them yet. |
去呀,莫妮卡,說呀 | Come on,Monica,do it. |
爸,媽 | Hey,you guys. |
莫妮卡有事要找你們 | Monica has some news. |
抱歉我以前沒有告訴你們… | So listen,I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before,but... |
…我現在…並沒有在工作 因為我必須離職 | ... I'm no longer at my job. I had to leave it. |
為什麼? | Why? |
公司要求我的 | Because they made me. |
你被炒魷魚 那你現在怎麼辦呢? | You were fired? What are you gonna do? |
茱蒂,放心啦 這可是我們的小莫妮卡寶貝兒 | Judy,relax. This is our little Harmonica we're talking about. |
我們教導有方 | We taught her well. |
薪水的百分之十上哪兒去了? 存銀行了 | -Ten percent of your paycheck goes? -ln the bank. |
就是嘛,所以她在吃她的老本 存錢本來就是應急的 | So she dips into her savings. That's what it's there for. |
她不會有事的,對嗎,親愛的 | She's gonna be fine.Aren't you, sweetie? |
在銀行裡 | In the bank. |
如果那些錢還不夠用的話… | If you need a little extra... |
…你知道哪裡有錢啊 | ...you know where to find it. |
有大張一點的嗎? | Anything larger back there? |
我真不敢相信 | I can't believe it! |
你停一下,好不好? | Would you stop already? |
不要再怨天尤人了,高興一點 | Get out of the bitter barn and play in the hay. |
你說得對,我應該高興一點的 | Oh,you're right. I should play in the hay. |
忘了我剛才花四百塊錢去買一個我恨的手鐲這件事 | I just dropped $400 to replace a bracelet I hated to begin with. |
逗我開心啊 | Bring on the hay! |
嘿 | Hey! |
我這兒有個使你快樂的東西 | I've got something that'll make you happy. |
猜猜甘瑟剛找到什麼了? | Guess what Gunther found? |
你現在有兩個了 | Hey,now you have two! |
你現在有兩個了 | Oh,now you have two. |
我該如何是好? | What am I gonna do? |
你怎麼有兩個? | How come you have two? |
這個是送你的 | This one's for you. |
少來了 | Get out! |
我沒辦法 | No,I can't. |
我知道這對你的意義重大… | I know how much this means to you... |
…我也知道這不只是首飾而已 | ...and this is about more than jewelry. |
這是關於你跟我 還有我們是“好兄弟” | It's about you and me and the fact that we're "best buds." |
這叫友誼嗎?我覺得應該是 | Is this friendship? I think so! |
我們是手鐲兄弟 | Check it out! We're bracelet buddies! |
大家都會這樣叫我們的 | That's what they'll call us! |
好了,拿去吧 隨你什麼時候還都可以 | Okay,here you go. Pay me back whenever you like. |
你用恐龍支票? | You have dinosaur checks? |
對啊,你不但得到錢 還可以學到一點東西 | You get your money and you learn something. |
這有什麼不對的? | What's wrong with that? |
沒什麼… | Nothing. |
你是小器龍 | Hey,you're a cheap-a-saurus! |
開玩笑… 謝謝,我很感激你 | I'm kidding,I'm kidding. Thank you,I'm very grateful. |
莫妮卡,這是什麼東西啊? | Hey,Mon,what is this? |
我高中時代的泳衣啊 那個時候比較胖 | That's my bathing suit from high school. I was a little bigger then. |
我還以為是康涅狄格州雨天用的遮雨棚呢 | I thought they used that to cover Connecticut when it rains. |
莫妮卡,這帶子裡有什麼? | Hey,what's on this videotape? |
不知道,問倒我了 放來看看 | I don't know. Let's put it in. |
這邊,傑克 | Over here,Jack. Okay. |
瑞秋要出來了 | Rachel's coming up the path. |
好漂亮,是不是? | Doesn't she look pretty? Jack? |
過來拍她 | Can you get this? |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
你鼻子怎麼回事啊? | What is with your nose? |
我隔膜長歪了 不得已,只好去縮鼻了 | They had to reduce it because of my deviated septum. |
我錯了 那才是康涅狄格州的遮雨棚呢 | Okay,I was wrong. That's what they use to cover Connecticut. |
知道這是什麼嗎? 畢業舞會前的準備 | This is us getting ready for the prom. |
各位,我們不用看這個 | We don't have to watch. |
我們要看…當然要看 | Yeah,we do. |
看嘛 很好玩的 | -Come on! -It's fun! |
你有沒有拍莫妮卡? | Get a shot of Monica. |
莫妮卡在哪兒? | Where's Monica? |
這裡啊,老爸 | Over here,Dad! |
等一等,鏡頭怎麼伸縮? | Wait. How do you zoom out? |
拍到了 | There she is! |
那個女的吃了莫妮卡 | Some girl ate Monica! |
閉嘴啦,上鏡頭會多十磅的 | Shut up! The camera adds ten pounds. |
那到底有幾個鏡頭在拍你? | So how many cameras are actually on you? |
你好漂亮哦 | Oh,you look so great! |
你也是好美啊 | So do you! You look beautiful! |
糟了 怎麼了? | -Oops. - What? |
我想我的美乃滋沾到你了 | I think I got mayonnaise on you. |
沒關係啦 只是肩膀,沒弄到衣服啊 | Oh,it's just the shoulder,not my dress. |
你們笑一笑 | Everybody smile! |
爸,關掉啦 | Oh,Dad,turn it off! |
關了 | It is off. |
爸,你沒關,那紅燈亮著 | It is not! What's with the red light? |
那表示關了 | It's the off light. |
羅斯 | Right,Ross? |
很帥啊,科特爾先生(情景喜劇《科特爾先生歸來》中的主角) | Looking good,Mr. IKotter. |
你今天晚上很漂亮 謝謝 | - You look pretty tonight. -Oh,thanks. |
你今年夏天要做什麼? 你知道的,只是… | - What are you doing this summer? -I'm gonna hang out... |
…在家裡待著玩我的音樂 | ... work on my music. |
我鉤子沒鉤嗎? 袖子一直掉下來,沒辦法固定 | Is my hook unhooked? These things keep falling down. |
我看看,不知道 | Let me see. I don't know. |
今年夏天你要做… | What are you gonna do... |
他們來了 | The guys are here! |
…什麼? | ... this summer? |
玩你的音樂? | Work on your music? |
天啊,你們看,是羅伊噶布裡克 | Oh,my God! There's Roy Gublik! |
羅伊看星球大戰看了317次 | You know,Roy saw Star Wars 317 times. |
他的名字還上了報 | He was in the paper. |
奇普呢?他為什麼還沒來? | Where's Chip? Why isn't he here yet? |
他會來的,放心吧 | He'll be here,okay? Take a chill pill. |
好了 | There. |
我剛告訴瑞秋 羅伊摸我的咪咪 | I just told Rachel that Roy touched my boob. |
沒男伴我去不成畢業舞會 來不及了 | I can't go to the prom without a date. I can't! It's too late! |
你不去,我也不要去了 | If you're not going,then I don't want to go. |
我要踹奇普的屁股 | Oh,I'm gonna kick Chip's ass! |
我有個很棒的主意 | I have a wonderful idea. |
你可以陪瑞秋去參加舞會啊 | You should take Rachel to the prom. |
我心裡沒譜 | Doubtful. |
傑克,那個給我 你跟兒子去談一談 | Jack,give me that. Talk to your son. |
這玩意兒好重 | All right,go on. This thing's heavy. |
你媽說得對,帶她去 穿我的禮服 | Your mother's right. Take her. You can wear my tux. |
爸,她不會想跟我去的 | She won't wanna go with me. |
她當然會,你是大學生呀 | Of course she would! You're a college man! |
我不知道 去呀 | -I don't know. - Well,come on. |
你不想弄清楚嗎? | Don't you wanna find out? |
真不敢相信 我去不成自己的畢業舞會 | I can't believe I can't go to the prom! |
這太殘酷了 | This is so harsh! |
-好,你幫我拿著 -這才是我的男孩… | -Hold my board. - Thataboy! Thataboy! |
好了,各位,我想我們看夠了 | I think we've seen enough. |
我們把它關掉吧 | Let's turn it off. |
那好吧,我就不看 | Well,I'm not gonna watch. |
來吧,孩子,我們走了 | Come on,kid. Let's go! |
天啊,你真帥 去給她們看看 | -My! Are you handsome! -Let's show them! |
等一下,爸 | Just a sec,Dad. |
要酷… | Okay,be cool. Just be cool. |
好了,老爸 | Okay,Dad. |
瑞秋,準備好 你的白馬王子來了 | Rachel,ready or not,here comes your knight in shining |
糟了 | Oh,no. |
別等我們回來了 | Don't wait up! |
走了,奇普,快 | Chip! |
天啊 | Oh,dear! |
傑克,這個怎麼關啊? | How do I turn this off? |
按按鈕 | Press the button. |
哪個鈕…? | Which one? Which button? Jack! |
那個啦… | The button! The button! |
真不敢相信你那麼做了 | I can't believe you did that. |
是呀… | Yeah,well.... |
瞧,他是她的龍蝦 | See? He's her lobster! |
跟他跳 | Dance with him! |
媽,我餓了 | Mom,I'm hungry! |
跟你爸跳 | Dance with your father. |
我或許不會跳什麼閃舞啦 不過我也絕不是個門外漢 | I don't know any of your flashdances,but I'm no slouch on the dance floor. |
好吧 | All right. |
-哦,傑克 -哦,茱蒂 | -Oh,Jack! -Oh,Judy! |
| |
好了,不准偷看… | All right,no peeking. |
不准偷看 | No peeking. |
不准偷看… | No peeking. No peeking! |
不过我张开眼睛时 你最好穿着衣服 | All right,but you better be wearing clothes when I open my eyes. |
好了,张开眼睛 | All right. Open your eyes! |
我的妈呀,我的小乖乖 | Sweet mother of all that is good and pure! |
“我们的日子”跟我续约了 | Days of our Lives picked up my option! |
恭喜 我知道! | -Congratulations! -I know! |
现在我们终于可以比较像样地看《绿色田野》了 (60年代著名田园风光电视剧) | Now we can watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen. |
哪一张是我的? | So which one is mine? |
随你喜欢哪一张 随你喜欢哪一张 | Whichever one you want,man. Whichever one you want! |
那张不行 | Not that one. |
哦,天呐 | Oh,yes! |
哦,天呐,这才叫生活 | Oh,yeah! That's the stuff. |
我们敢吗? | Do we dare? |
我们敢 | We dare. |
六人行 第2季 第15集 罗斯和瑞秋……你知道的.. | The One Where Ross and Rachel...You Know |
真不敢相信两头牛的牺牲是… | I can't believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice... |
…让你们跷起腿来看电视 | ...so you could watch TV with your feet up. |
不,它们是椅形牛 | No,they were chair-shaped cows. |
它们在野外无法生存的 | They never would have survived in the wild. |
这个屏幕太炫了 迪克凡戴克(身材矮小的著名老演员)看起来跟真人一样大 | This screen is amazing. Dick Van Dyke is practically life-size. |
露丝玛丽不该上这么大的屏幕 对不对? | Rose Marie belongs on a smaller screen,doesn't she? |
嗨,各位 | Hi,you guys. |
嘿,你 | Hey,you. |
你今天怎么样? | How was your day? |
和平常没什么不同 | You know,pretty much the usual. |
晴空万里,鸟儿欢唱 | Sun shining,birds chirping. |
真的?我的也是 | Really? Mine too. |
酷,我的也是 | Hey,cool! Mine too! |
我得去馆里一趟 | I gotta get to the museum. |
我们今晚见? | So I'll see you tonight? |
再见,各位 | Bye,guys! |
今晚? | Tonight? |
今晚怎样? 第一个正式的约会 | -What's tonight? -Our first official date. |
第一次约会 | Our first date. |
喂 | Hello? |
嗨 | Hi. |
今晚你说要帮我当服务生的,我承办的酒席 | You're supposed to waitress for me? My catering thing? |
我的话有没有让你想起什么? 哦,天啊,莫妮卡,我忘了 | -Any of that trigger anything? -Oh,God,Monica. I forgot! |
这是我们的第一次约会 | This is our first date. |
但这工作是我妈帮我找的 我可以当服务生 | -Yes,but my mom got me this job. -I can be a waitress! |
谢谢…菲比… | Thank you,thank you. See? Phoebe! Phoebe! |
真的,菲比? 你必须真的当服务生 | Really,Pheebs? You'd have to be an actual waitress. |
这不是像 “我可以当小熊”之类的 | This can't be like your "I can be a bear cub" thing. |
我可以当服务生,瞧我的 | I can be a waitress. Okay,watch this. |
给我两份一号餐 培根要八六分熟… | Give me two number ones,86 the bacon... |
…一份亚当夏娃叠吐司 | ...one Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck them! |
汤姆·赛立克(电影演员和制片人) | Tom Selleck |
是詹姆斯邦德(007) | It's James Bond! |
抱歉来迟了 没关系,请进 | -Sorry we're late. -That's okay. Come on in. |
对不起,莫妮卡盖勒来不来? 我听说她要来 | Is Monica Geller coming? I was told she was. |
柏克大夫,是我 | Dr. Burke,it's me. |
莫妮卡? | Monica? |
老天,你以前好… | My God! You used to be so.... |
我是说你…你一定减了… | I mean,you've You must have lost like.... |
你美极了 | You look great. |
谢谢… | Thank you. |
这是我朋友菲比 她今天晚上来帮忙 | This is Phoebe. She'll be helping me. |
菲比,幸会 | Nice to meet you. |
你近来如何? 很好呀,很好,你呢? | -So how you been? -Great. How have you been? |
你大概也知道 我跟芭芭拉分手了… | Obviously you know Barbara and I split up... |
…不然你不会来歪头那一招 | ...or you wouldn't do the head tilt. |
歪头? | The head tilt? |
对,自从离了婚 当别人向我问好时… | Since the divorce,everybody asks how I am... |
…他们总是同情地歪头问 “你好吗?不要紧吧?” | ...with a sympathetic head tilt. "How you doing? You okay?" |
对不起 | I'm sorry. |
不…没关系 相信我,我也一样 | It's fine. Believe me,I do it too. |
我总是以点头来表示 “我没事” | I always answer with the "I'm okay" head bob. "I'm okay." |
“你确定?” | "You're sure?" |
“对,我没事” | "Yeah,I'm fine." |
听着,我得去放音乐了 我有个自动换片音响 | I gotta set up the music. I got a new CD changer. |
当然了,离婚的结果 我只剩四张CD可换了 | Of course,the divorce only left me with four CDs to change. |
真不幸 | That's too bad. |
死不了的 | I'll survive. |
两份大的,芝士都要双份 | Two larges,extra cheese on both. |
听着… | But listen... |
…别按十九号的电铃 | ...don't ring the buzzer for 19. |
按二十号,盖勒和格林的公寓 | Ring 20. Geller/Greene. |
她们会开门,懂吗? | They'll let you in,okay? |
按我们的门铃就没小费 | If you buzz our door,there's no tip for you. |
谢了 | Okay,thanks. |
披萨马上就来 我说过我们不用起来的 | Pizza's on the way. I told you we wouldn't have to get up. |
如果要尿尿呢? | What if we have to pee? |
我把汽水取消 | I'll cancel the sodas. |
你必须回去里面 这是你的派对 | Get back out there. It's your party! |
可是他们好乏味 他们都是眼科医生 | But they're so dull! They're all ophthalmologists. |
你也是眼科医生 | You're an ophthalmologist. |
那是因为我父母要我那样 我本来想当警长的 | Because my parents wanted me to be. I wanted to be a sheriff. |
真好笑 凯迪拉克、白内障(发音近似),我懂了 | That's funny. Cadillac,cataract. I get it. |
不,我懂了,你留在那里 | But you stay out there! |
瞧 好,这样吧 | -You see? -I tell you what. |
五分钟后我来叫你 就说烤肉出了问题好了 | I'll come get you in five minutes with some sort of kebob emergency. |
好吧,你最好这么做 | Better. |
天,我去了 | Oh,God,here we go. |
想看他们发狂吗? | Hey,want to see them go nuts? |
瞧我的 | Watch this. |
谁需要杯子? | Who needs glasses? |
你好神魂颠倒哦 | You are so smitten. |
我才没有 | I am not! |
你是只神魂颠倒的小猫咪 | Oh,you are so much the smitten kitten. |
你应该约他 柏克大夫? | -You should ask him out. -Dr. Burke? |
我不认为 我是说,他是个大人 | I don't think so. I mean,like,he's a grownup. |
所以呢? 你们两个完全互相着迷 | So? You two are totally into each other. |
菲比,他是我父母的朋友 他比我大二十岁 | He's a friend of my parents. He's like 20 years older than me. |
那你就再也不跟他见面了? | So you're never gonna see him again? |
不是永远 | Not never. |
我明天约好要去他那儿检查眼睛 | I'm gonna see him tomorrow at my eye appointment. |
你不是才检查过眼睛吗? 是啊,但是… | -Didn't you just get your eyes checked? -Yeah,but you know... |
27是个应该… | ... 27 is... |
…小心眼睛的年龄 | ...a dangerous eye age. |
他们要玩“猜猜我的处方”的游戏,救我! | They' re picking teams to play "Guess my prescription. " Help me! |
我不是说这部电影不好 我只是说这电影有一点点… | I'm not saying it was a bad movie. I'm just saying it was a little... |
…难懂 | ... hard to follow. |
我说过会有字幕的 | I told you there'd be subtitles. |
我知道 | I know. |
我只是不想 在第一次约会戴眼镜 | I just didn't want to wear my glasses on our first date. |
莫妮卡? | Monica? |
我亲你时你不叫我妹妹的名字 会很有帮助 | It would help when I'm kissing if you didn't shout my sister's name. |
亲爱的,只是检查看看 | Honey,I'm just checking. |
莫妮卡?… 莫妮卡? | -Monica? -Mon? |
怎么了? | What? |
抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
对不起 只是当你的手滑到我屁股上时… | It's just,when you moved your hands down to my butt... |
就像“哇 罗斯在摸我屁股”,抱歉 | ...it was,like,"Whoa! Ross' hands are on my butt!" |
很好笑,为什么呢? | And that's funny. Why? |
那不好笑 | Well,it's not. |
我是说,对不起 我猜我是有点紧张 | I'm sorry. I guess I'm just nervous. |
这是你啊 | I mean,it's you. |
是我们啊 | You know,it's us. |
我们在越过那条线 那是件大事 | We're crossing that line. It's sort of a big thing. |
我知道很大 我只是不知道这有…哈哈大 | Well,I know it's big. I just didn't know it was ha-ha big. |
我的手离你屁股好远 | Okay,my hands were nowhere near your butt. |
我知道… | I know,I know,I know! |
我只是想到 你的手刚才在那个地方 | I was thinking about when they were there the last time. |
对不起… 听着,我保证 | I'm sorry,I'm sorry. Okay,look! I promise. |
我不会再乱笑了 把手放回去 | I won't laugh anymore. Put your hands back there. |
不,现在…换我不行了 | No,see,now I can't. |
-我觉得太不自然了 -来摸我的屁股 | -I feel self-conscious. -Touch my butt. |
-一边就好了 -不,那一刻过去了 | -Just one cheek.-The moment's gone. |
-把手伸出来,我自己靠过去 -好“浪漫” | -I'll back up into your hands. -That's romantic. |
来吧,摸一下 不要 | - Touch it. -No. |
来吧,捏一下 不要 | -Oh,come on,squeeze it. -No! |
揉呢? | Rub it? |
来嘛,你抓我屁股,好吗? | Oh,come on! Would you just grab my ass? |
你瞧瞧,车子起火了… | Wow! Look at that! The car is on fire... |
…可是它那昂贵的烤漆… | ...yet somehow its expensive paint job... |
…却被奇迹蜡保护得毫发无伤 | ...is protected by the Miracle Wax. |
你脸上有芝士,老兄 | You've got a Cheeto on your face,man. |
你来这儿干什么? 不是要跟瑞秋出去吗? | Aren't you supposed to be out with Rachel? |
那是十四个小时前 | That was 14 hours ago. |
我们应该在上面放个表 | We gotta set the clock on this. |
那结果如何? | So how'd it go? |
听着,你们有没有试过 跟一个女孩亲热… | Have you ever been,you know,fooling around with a girl... |
…然后她开始笑起来… | ...and she started laughing? |
有啊,不过 | But |
…那是1982年 我的海鸥发型 让她的下巴发痒 | it was 1982,and my Flock of Seagulls haircut was tickling her chin. |
怎么?她笑你吗? | She laughed at you? |
那一定更糟 | It could have been worse. |
如果我光着身子的话 | I could have been naked. |
我从九年级的打字课起 就想这一刻了 | I've been wanting this since ninth grade typing. |
我只是希望一切能完美… | And I just want it to be perfect... |
…顺利,而… | ...and right and.... |
激光束为什么切不断烤漆? | Why isn't that laser beam cutting through the paint? |
是奇迹蜡的关系 那绝对是一项奇迹 | -It's the Miracle Wax! -lt certainly is a miracle. |
各位 | Hi,you guys. |
听着,我在想… | Listen,I was thinking about.... |
你们可以大声点吗? | Can you guys speak up? |
你们放低声音 我们很难听到 | It's harder for us to hear you when you lower your voice. |
-去走廊?-好 | -Hallway?.-Yeah. |
昨晚的事我很抱歉 我真的真的很想补偿你 | I'm sorry about last night. I really want to make it up to you. |
你不需要补偿我…怎么补偿? | There's no need to make it up,how? |
我在想 或许来顿浪漫的晚餐… | Well,I was thinking maybe a romantic dinner... |
…烛光加上美酒 | ...with candles and wine. |
或许回我那边去… | And then maybe going back to my place... |
…点心? | ...for dessert. |
…听起来… | That sounds... |
…很完美 | ... perfect |
这是什么? | What's this? |
帮忙买两瓶啤酒,好吗? | Would you get us a couple of beers? |
我现在要看你的眼睛了 | I'm going to look into your eyes now. |
真的? | Really? |
对,那是我的工作 | That's my job. |
好 | All right. |
看上面 | Look up. |
看下面 | Look down. |
不,张开眼睛看下面 | Now,open your eyes and look down. |
那就对了 | That's right. |
看光线这里 | Look into the light. |
现在看我 | Now look at me. |
看起来很好,很好的眼睛 | Your eyes look good. Those are good eyes. |
很好,它们觉得很好 | Good. They feel good. |
在我头上 | In my head. |
见到你真好 彼此 | -lt was great to see you. -You too. |
彼此 | You too. |
再见了 | Goodbye. |
眼药水 | Drops! |
眼药水,来,免费的 | Here,they're free. |
谢谢 | Thanks. |
我最好走了 | I better be going. |
对,咱们改天见 | Yeah,I'll see you later. |
再次谢了 | Thanks again. |
我们得把你们 这两只懒虫弄起来 | We have to get you lazy boys out of these chairs. |
你们应该走出这里 去跟三维空间的人打交道 | You should go outside and be with the three-dimensional people. |
不,里面好 | No. Inside good. |
外面坏 | Outside bad. |
你们真是太可悲了 | You guys are so pathetic. |
“世外桃源”(歌曲) | Oh,Xanadu! |
她加入我们了 | She's one of us now. |
-嗨,各位 -嘿 | -Hi, you guys.-Hey. |
我们只是想过来跟各位道晚安 | We just wanted to stop by and say good night. |
晚安 | Good night. |
你瞧瞧,他们连头都不回 | They won't even turn their heads. |
好了,各位,我要脱上衣了 | All right,you guys. I'm taking off my shirt. |
她说谎 | She's lying. |
别再叫吃的去我们那 | Stop sending food to our apartment! |
莫妮卡,打扮得这么美干嘛? | Why are you dressed up? |
今晚又不是只有你有约会而已 | You're not the only one with a date. |
什么?你有约会?跟谁? 没有谁 | -What? You have a date? Who with? -No one. |
他叫什么名字嘛? | Come on,what's his name? |
没什么 | Nothing. |
来嘛,告诉我 | Come on,tell me. |
好吧,不过这件事 我非常兴奋,懂吗? | All right,but I'm very excited about this,okay? |
你得保证 你不会摆出大哥架子来教训我 | So promise you won't get big-brothery and judgmental. |
我保证,是谁? | I promise. What? |
是理查柏克 理查柏克是谁? | -It's Richard Burke. -Who's Richard Burke? |
柏克大夫? | Dr. Burke? |
你要跟柏克大夫约会? 为什么… | You have a date with Dr. Burke? Why? Why? Why... |
…我会不高兴呢 | ...should that bother me? |
我爱那家伙他就像… | I love that man. He's like a... |
…爸爸的兄弟 | ...a brother to Dad. |
-开始了 -不,我觉得他五十多岁很好 | -Here we go.-No, I think it's great that he's 50. |
他将成为全世界临退休男人的模范 | He'll be an inspiration to men who are almost retired all over the world. |
他是我交过的男人中 最聪明,最成熟,最性感的 | He is the brightest,most sophisticated,sexiest man I've ever been with. |
柏克大夫性感? | Dr. Burke is sexy? |
天啊,绝对是 | Oh,God! Absolutely! |
该死 | Damn! |
又是馆里找我 我可以… | It's the museum again. Can l? |
柏克大夫亲过我一次 什么时候? | -Dr. Burke kissed me once. -When? |
七岁时我骑自行车 在他家门前摔了跤… | When I was 7,I crashed my bike right out in front of his house... |
…为了让我停止哭泣 他亲我这里 | ...and to stop me from crying,he kissed me right here. |
你好幸运 我知道 | -Oh,you are so lucky! -I know. |
南方古猿不应该在那里展览的 | Australopithecus isn't supposed to be in that display. |
不…能人是直立行走(与“勃起”同词)的 南方古猿不是完全直立行走的 | No,Homo habilis was erect. Australopithecus was never fully erect. |
或许他是紧张罢了 | Well,maybe he was nervous. |
看,我真不敢相信 | Oh,look! I can't believe this! |
能人根本还没学会使用工具 他们竟然还给他陶罐 | Homo habilis can't use tools yet,and they've got him with clay pots? |
不如给他一个微波炉算了 | Why don't they just give him a microwave? |
很明显他没插电的地方 对不起 | Clearly he'd have no place to plug it in.Sorry |
抱歉我花了那么多时间 | I'm sorry this is taking so long. |
这比我想像的还花时间 我们会吃晚饭的 | It's longer than I expected. We will have dinner. |
没关系,不要紧 | That's okay. |
卡尔 | Karl! |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
那是蜜雪儿吗? 对 | -Wow! Is that Michelle? -Yep. |
高中毕业后就没见过她了 | I've not seen her since high-school graduation. |
老天,那天晚上她好醉… | Oh,my God,that night she got so dru |
激动 | Emotional. |
你知道她又要生了吗? | You know,she's having another baby. |
我以为她才刚生过 不…亨利快两岁了 | -I thought she just had one. -No,no. Henry's almost 2. |
他讲话啊什么都会,看 | And he's talking and everything. Here. |
前几天他告诉我 他喜欢我胜过他的爷爷 | The other day he told me he liked me better than his other grandpa. |
公平说来,他的爷爷是酒鬼 但还是… | In all fairness,his other grandpa's a drunk,but still.... |
你是个外公 | You're a grandpa. |
我们疯了吗? | Are we nuts here? |
我不知道,或许 | I don't know. Maybe. |
我是说 我在你游泳池里尿尿过 | I mean,I'm dating a man whose pool I once peed in. |
我不需要知道那个 | I didn't need to know that. |
我猜21年是差太多了 | I guess 21 years is a lot. |
去他的 我比你老了整整一个允许饮酒的年龄 | I mean,hell,I'm a whole person who can drink older than you. |
那么,或许我们应该就… | So maybe we should just.... |
对…或许… | Maybe.... |
哇 | Wow. |
这真的太逊了 | This really sucks. |
是呀,可不是吗? | Yeah,it sure does. |
我们不用现在就决定什么 对吧? | We don't really have to decide anything right now,do we? |
不…我们一点都不用急 | No,there's no rush or anything. |
披萨送来了 我要杀了那两个人 | -Pizza delivery! -Oh,I'm gonna kill those guys! |
我好了 | I'm done. |
对,不过索伦蒂诺(著名意大利餐厅)也关门了 | Yeah,well,you know what? So is Sorentino's. |
什么?对不起 我们…去别家餐厅好了 | I'm sorry. Why don't we find someplace else? |
很晚了,所有餐厅都关门了 我们改天晚上再吃好了 | It's late. Everything will be closed. We'll do it another night. |
不…不要 | No,no,we won't. |
不要? | We won't? |
来吧 | Come on. |
那是死的,对吧? | Okay,that's dead,right? |
这是什么?我们在干嘛? | What are we doing? |
你要红莓苹果味还是红莓葡萄味? 葡萄 | -Do you want Cranapple or Cran-Grape? -Grape. |
现在… | Okay,now... |
…坐下 | ...sit. |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
数十亿年前,地球只是… | Billions of years ago,Earth was only |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
我们在看什么? | So what are we looking at? |
你看那边… 那一大团旁边那一小堆星星 | Well,you see that little cluster of stars next to the big one? |
那是大熊座 | That is Ursa Major. |
真的? 我不知道,有可能 | -Really? -No idea. It could be. |
听着,抱歉我今晚必须工作 | Listen,I'm sorry I had to work tonight. |
没关系 | Oh,that's okay. |
你值得我等 | You were worth the wait. |
我指的不只是今晚 | And I don't just mean tonight. |
你没笑 | You're not laughing. |
这次没那么好笑了 | This time it's not so funny. |
天啊! | Oh,God! |
亲爱的 | Honey? |
没关系 | That's okay. |
什么? | What? |
不,你刚刚压到了果汁盒子 | Oh,no. You just rolled over the juice box. |
谢天谢地 | Thank God! |
嘿,你 | Hey,you. |
真不敢相信我会在你身边醒来 | I can't believe I'm waking up next to you. |
我知道,是很令人难以… | I know. It is pretty unbel |
怎么了?我们并不孤单 | What?We're not alone. |
是火警警报器吗? | Is that the fire alarm? |
还没变热,还有时间 | It's not warm yet. We still have time. |
酷 对,酷 | -Cool. -Yeah,yeah. Cool! |
| |
老兄,這好畸形哦 | Man,this is weird. |
你知不知道 嘎吱上尉(麥片品牌)的眉毛長到了帽子上? | Ever realize Cap'n Crunch's eyebrows are on his hat? |
那叫畸型? | That's what's weird? |
喬伊,那傢伙這樣子已經四十年了 | The man's been captain of a cereal for 40 years. |
怎樣? | What? |
湯匙,你舔完放回去 | The spoon! You licked and you put. |
你舔完放回去 | You licked and you put. |
所以呢? | Yeah,so? |
你看不出那很噁心嗎? 就像你用我的牙刷一樣噁心 | Don't you see how gross that is? It's like you using my toothbrush! |
你用過我的牙刷? | You used my toothbrush? |
那是因為 我用紅的那只去通排水孔嘛 | Only because I used the red one to unclog the drain. |
紅色是我的 | Mine is the red one! |
上帝啊,罐頭一打開,蟲子就滿處爬了(一發不可收拾) | Oh,God! Can open. Worms everywhere! |
為什麼牙刷不能共用… | Why can't we use the same toothbrush... |
…肥皂就可以共用? | ... but we can use the same soap? |
因為肥皂是肥皂,會自我清潔 | Because soap is soap. It's self-cleaning. |
好吧,下一次你洗澡的時候… | The next time you shower... |
…想想我最後洗什麼 而你最先洗什麼 | ...think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash. |
六人行 第2季 第16集 喬伊搬走了 | The One Where Joey Moves Out |
瞧你們打扮的 | Look at you fancy lads! |
有什麼大事? | What's the occasion? |
記得我的電視劇裡那個演昏迷不醒的人嗎? | You know that guy on my show that's in a coma? |
他要請我吃飯 | He's having a brunch. |
就等你了 好的 | Ready when you are. |
真不敢相信 你們真的要去刺青了 | I can't believe you're actually getting tattoos. |
你們要去刺青? | You guys are getting tattoos? |
對,不能告訴羅斯 我要給他一個驚喜 | But you cannot tell Ross because I wanna surprise him. |
好狂野哦,你們要刺什麼? | Wow,this is wild! What are you gonna get? |
我要刺一朵百合 | I'm getting a lily. |
因為我媽就叫莉莉(百合) | For my mom,because her name's Lily. |
真幸運 她要是叫大污點怎麼辦? | That's lucky. What if her name was Big Ugly Splotch? |
那你們要刺哪裡? 我想在我肩上 | -Where you getting it? -On my shoulder. |
什麼? | What? |
什麼在你肩上? | What's on your shoulder? |
瑕疵 | A chip. |
我有很嚴重的態度問題 | I've got a big attitude problem. |
是刺青,我要去刺青啦 刺青? | -A tattoo. I'm getting a tattoo. -A tattoo? |
你為什麼要那麼做? | Why? Why would you wanna do that? |
你不覺得那酷嗎? | You don't think they're kind of cool? |
不,抱歉,我不覺得 | No. Sorry,I don't. |
怎麼會有人 花錢去搞個一輩子的傷痕? | Why would anyone pay someone to scar their body for life? |
萬一要是刺得不好呢? | What if it doesn't come out right? |
那不是變成永遠的 “我頭髮剪醜了”嗎? | It's like having a bad haircut all the time. |
大家為什麼都瞪著我? | Why is everyone staring at me? |
羅斯,過來簽給爸的生日卡 理查隨時會到 | Sign this card for Dad. Richard will be here soon. |
理查也要去參加派對? | Richard's going to the party too? |
他是我父母最好的朋友 他必須去 | He's my parents' best friend. He has to go. |
那你打算 今天告訴他們你們的事嗎? | So is today the day you'll tell them about you two? |
對,我爸的生日 我決定送他中風當禮物 | Yeah,for my dad's birthday,I decided to give him a stroke. |
不,你應該告訴他們 | No,I think you should tell them. |
我還不知道他對我有多認真 在搞清楚之前,我什麼也不說 | I don't know how serious he is. Until I do,I won't say anything. |
我不知道,我想他們不會介意 | I don't think Mom and Dad would mind. |
記得你九歲 理查三十歲的時候,爸常說… | Remember when you were 9 and Richard was 30,Dad said... |
…“天啊 真希望他們在一起” | ... "God,I hope they get together." |
-你好 -我在違章停車 | -Hello?.-I'm double-parked, |
好的,快點,羅斯 | Okay. Come on, Ross. |
-再見 -再見 | -Bye, you.-Bye. |
再見 | Bye, you. |
我們走,我們走 等等 等等 | Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.Okay, wait, wait. |
-會順利的 -你不緊張嗎 | -It's gonna be fine.-Are you not nervous?. |
我很恐懼,這是件吸收性很強的外套 | I'm terrified.This is just a very absorbent suit. |
-可以進了嗎 -是的 | -Shall we? -Yes |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
羅斯,我們換位置 你來站中間 | Ross,let's switch places. You get in the middle. |
不,這看起來像 我們想隱瞞什麼 | This looks like we're trying to cover something up. |
莫妮卡,就算你騎著他進去 他們也不會相信的 | You could come in straddling him,they still wouldn't believe it. |
我們來了 | We're here! |
孩子們 是孩子們 | -Hi,kids! -The children! |
生日快樂,爸爸 謝謝 | -Happy birthday,Dad. -Thank you. |
生日快樂 | Happy birthday! |
你們謝過柏克大夫 載你們來了嗎? | So you kids thanked Dr. Burke for the ride? |
媽,事實上 莫妮卡幫我們兩個謝過了 | Actually,Mom,I think Monica thanked him for the both of us. |
你們搭火車來嗎? | So you kids take the train in? |
不,理查柏克載他們來的 | No,Richard Burke gave them a ride. |
談到他呀… | Speaking of whom... |
…聽說 他在城裡有個二十歲的年幼女友 | ... I hear he's got some 20-year-old twinkie in the city. |
手指抽筋,抱歉 | Finger cramp! Oh,God! |
來,讓我來,媽 | Sorry. Here,let me get that,Mom. |
理查在青少年部“購物” | So Richard's shopping in the junior section? |
還在講那個嗎? | Are we still on that? |
想也知道她的智商一定超低 | You just know she's got the lQ of a napkin. |
說不定連漂亮都談不上 | She's probably not even pretty. |
只是夠年輕 所以一切都還沒下垂 | Just young enough so that everything is still pointing up. |
你相信這個地方嗎? | Can you believe this place? |
我知道,這個公寓很棒 | I know. This is a great apartment. |
我剛去過浴室 兩邊牆上都有鏡子 | In the bathroom there's mirrors on both sides of you. |
尿尿的時候 就好像跟火箭女郎舞蹈團(一排人做同一個動作)一起尿尿 | When you're in there,it's like peeing with the Rockettes. |
我的夢想實現了 | Well,there's my fantasy come true. |
不,說真的 | Seriously. |
我們正在讚美你的公寓,老兄 | We were just saying,great apartment! |
謝了,你要嗎? | Thanks. You want it? |
我要搬去一個更大的 | I'm moving to a bigger place. |
你真的應該租下來 | You should take this one. |
你看我會住這種?胤鉸穡縶 | Can you see me in a place like this? |
有何不可呢?你討厭公園景觀 跟高天花板嗎? | Why not? You hate park views and high ceilings? |
來吧,我帶你去看廚房 | Come on,I'll show you the kitchen. |
不用了,兄弟 我今早在電視上… | That's all right,I saw a kitchen this morning. |
…看過一個廚房 | On TV. |
不要再說了 | Stop talking. Okay! |
來嘛,告訴我們 對,她真只有二十? | -Come on,tell us! -ls she really 20? |
你們休想逼我說什麼 | I am not telling you guys anything. |
來嘛,理查,今天是我生日 讓我也感同深受一下嘛 | Come on,it's my birthday. Let me live vicariously! |
爸,你真的不會想那樣做 | Dad,you really don't want to do that. |
跟朋友分享一下 你的中年危機嘛 | What's a little midlife crisis between friends? |
傑克,你別說了,好嗎? | Would you let it go? |
我瞭解你在做什麼 我五十時買了部保時捷 | I know what you're going through. When I turned 50,I got the Porsche. |
你有自己的小“加速器” | You got your own little speedster. |
各位,說真的,不是像那樣 這樣吧 | -Seriously,it's not like that. -Tell you what. |
或許找個週末 我把車子借給你,而你的小… | Maybe one of these weekends you can borrow the car and I could |
爸,我求你不要說完那個句子 | Dad,I beg you not to finish that sentence! |
怎麼?我在逗他 | What? I'm kidding! |
我才不會讓他碰我的保時捷 | You know I'd never let him touch the Porsche. |
瑞秋 | Okay,Rach. |
哪一朵百合? 這一朵或那一朵? | Which lily? This lily or that lily? |
我… 我喜歡這朵 | -Well,l -I like this lily. |
開得比較大,就像我媽 | It's more open and that's like my mom. |
她有比較開放給予的精神 | She had a more open,giving spirit. |
來亨雞福亨(華納動畫中的搞笑公雞) | Foghorn Leghorn! |
金髮女孩,你去第二間 | Blonde girl? You're in room two. |
沒那麼金的,你跟我來 | Not-so-blonde girl,you're with me. |
走吧 | Here we go! |
你不進去? | You're not going. |
怎麼了?是因為羅斯的話嗎? | Is this because of what Ross said? |
是啦,或許 我真不敢相信 | -Well,yeah,maybe. -I don't believe this. |
你們的關係這樣維持嗎? 羅斯是老闆? | Is this how this relationship works? Ross equals boss? |
拜託 現在是1922年嗎? | Come on,what is this,1922? |
1922年有什麼? | What's 1922? |
只是很久以前嘛 | Just,you know,a long time ago. |
當時是男人命令女人做事的時代 | When men used to tell women what to do a lot. |
然後還有投票權 那是件好事,但聽起來很可怕 | Then there was suffrage,which was a good thing. But it sounds horrible. |
你到底要不要刺? | Do you want this tattoo? |
我要啊,只是羅斯他… | Yes,I do. It's just that Ross |
你男友是你的老闆嗎? | Is your boyfriend the boss of you? |
那好,誰是你的老闆? | Who is the boss of you? |
你? | You? |
不,你是你的老闆 | You are the boss of you! |
你現在給我進去 把那顆紅心刺上去 | You march in there and get that heart tattoo on your hip! |
去 | Go! |
我甚至還沒刺我的,我仍然很堅強 | I haven't even gotten my tattoo and I'm already tougher. |
你怎麼了? | How you doing? |
我是個年幼女友 | I'm a twinkie! |
真的?我是英雄 | Really? I'm a hero. |
這好難哦 | This is so hard. |
是呀,我知道,我也討厭這樣 | Yeah,I know. I hate it too. |
聽著,或許我們應該說出來 | Look,maybe we should just tell them. |
或許我們應該先告訴你父母 | Maybe we should just tell your parents first. |
我父母死了 | My parents are dead. |
你真幸運 | God,you are so lucky! |
不,我是說… 你懂我意思 | I mean Well,you know what I mean. |
忍耐一下,好嗎? | Just hang in there,okay? |
我先出去,好嗎? | Okay,I'll go out first,all right? |
茱蒂,上洗手間呀,幹得好 | Judy! Going to the bathroom. Good for you! |
謝謝,理查,很感激你的支持 | Thank you,Richard. I appreciate the support. |
親愛的 | Honey. |
你有沒有看到我的哈蒙奇歐球棒 鮑勃不相信我有 | Seen my Harmon Kille brew bat? Bob doesn't believe I have one. |
我不知道 | I have no idea. |
你知道 理查在城裡有個年幼女友嗎? | Did you know Richard has a twinkie in the city? |
我知道,他像個全新的男人,好像電影?賭Ъ搿防鐧那榻諞謊?(一群養老院的老人因為一個天外來客而變得重新年輕) | I know. He's a new man. It's like a scene from Cocoon. |
我無法想像理查跟一個行為不檢點的女人在一起 | I just never would have pictured Richard with a bimbo. |
顯然他告訴強尼 那個女孩不錯 | He told Johnny Shapiro that she's quite a girl. |
事實上,他告訴強尼 他想他愛上她了 | He told Johnny that he thinks he's falling in love with her. |
真的? 告訴你,我沒見他這麼快樂過 | -Really? -I've never seen him this happy. |
傑克… | So,Jack... |
…你有沒有想過 拿我去換個年輕模特? | ...ever think about trading me in for a younger model? |
當然沒有 | Of course not. |
你不就等於兩個25歲的佳人嗎? | With you,it's like I've got two 25-year-olds. |
傑克,住手 | Oh,Jack,stop! |
來嘛 | Come on! |
今天是我生日 | It's my birthday! |
別說了,好嗎? | Can we drop this? |
我對那傢伙的公寓沒興趣 | I am not interested in the guy's apartment. |
拜託,我看到你 檢查他房子裝飾的樣子 | Oh,please. I saw the way you were checking out his moldings. |
你想要 | You want it. |
我幹嘛要另外一個房子? | Why would I want another apartment? |
我已經有個我愛的房子了 | I've already got an apartment that I love. |
是嘛,偶爾這樣說說又不會死 | It wouldn't kill you to say it once in a while. |
好吧,想聽實話嗎? 我的確在考慮 | All right. You want the truth? I'm thinking about it. |
什麼? 抱歉 | -What? -I'm sorry. |
我今年28了 從沒自己住過… | I'm 28. I've never lived alone... |
…而我終於賺到足夠的錢… | ...and I'm at a place where I got enough money... |
…可以讓我不再需要室友 | ...that I don't need a roommate. |
我也不需要室友啊 | I don't need a roommate either. |
自己住這裡我也負擔得起 | I can afford to live here by myself. |
我或許一個禮拜 得請一次人來舔我的銀餐具 | I may have to bring in somebody once a week to lick the silverware. |
你火氣幹嘛那麼大 | Why are you getting so bent out of shape? |
我們又沒說要永遠住在一起 | We didn't agree to live together forever. |
我們又不是伯特和厄尼(《芝麻街》中住在一起的動畫角色) | We're not Bert and Ernie. |
我意識到我們不是同志戀人,好嗎 | I' m aware that we' re not gay puppets, all right? |
知道嗎? | You know what? |
如果你這樣覺得… | If this is the way you feel... |
…那或許你應該搬去 | ...then maybe you should take it. |
我是那樣覺得 那或許你應該搬去 | -That's how I feel. -Then maybe you should take it! |
那或許我會 | Maybe I will! |
無所謂 很好 | -Fine with me! -Great! |
你就有多點時間 跟你真正的朋友… | You can spend more quality time with your real friends... |
…你的湯匙 在一起了 | ...the spoons! |
誰還要再喝點? | Whose drink can I freshen? |
快要切蛋糕了 | Almost time for cake! |
莫妮卡?你還好嗎? | Mon,are you okay? |
記得我發現 爸媽的那卷錄影帶嗎? | You remember that video I found of Mom and Dad? |
我剛看了現場秀 | Well,I just caught the live show. |
嗨 怎樣? | -Hey,there. -What? |
沒什麼 我剛聽到你的好話 | Nothing. I just heard something nice about you. |
真的? | Really? |
你兒子現在沒女朋友吧? 據我所知,沒有 | -Your son isn't seeing anyone,is he? -Not that I know of. |
我是在想… 他何不打個電話給莫妮卡? | I was thinking,why doesn't he give Monica a call? |
那…是個主意 | That's an idea. |
事實上,我已經有男友了 | Well,actually,I'm already seeing someone. |
是嗎? | Oh? |
這孩子什麼事都不講 | She never tells us anything. |
羅斯 你知道莫妮卡有男友了嗎? | Ross,did you know Monica's seeing someone? |
媽,我周遭有好多好多人 | Mom,there are so many people in my life. |
有些人有男朋友,有些人沒有 | Some are seeing people and some aren't. |
那是玻璃的嗎? | Is that crystal? |
那個神秘男子是誰? | So who's the mystery man? |
他是個醫生(跟“博士”同詞) | Well,he's a doctor. |
真正的醫生? | A real doctor? |
不,他是研究肉的 | No,a doctor of meat. |
他當然是真的醫生 | Of course he's a real doctor. |
他很英俊 | And he's handsome. |
人很好 我知道你會喜歡他 | And he's sweet,and I know you'd like him. |
那太棒了 | Well,that's wonderful. |
媽,沒關係 | Mom,it's okay. |
沒錯,茱蒂 | It is,Judy. |
傑克 | Jack! |
請你進來一下,好嗎? | Could you come in here for a moment? |
現在 | Now! |
找到了 交給我,爸 | -Found it! -I'll take that,Dad. |
你女兒跟理查看來似乎是一對 | It seems your daughter and Richard are something of an item. |
那不可能,他在城裡有個年幼女友 | That's impossible. He's got a twinkie in the city. |
爸,我是那個年幼女友 | I'm the twinkie. |
你是那個年幼女友? 她不年幼 | -You're the twinkie? -She's not a twinkie! |
好吧,聽著,各位 這是我有過最棒的關係… | Look,this is the best relationship I've been in |
拜託,關係? | Oh,please! A relationship? |
對,關係 | Yes,a relationship! |
你們請聽好 我為這個男人瘋狂 | For your information,I'm crazy about this man. |
真的? | Really? |
我生日還要站在這裡 聽你說這些鬼話嗎? | Am I supposed to stand here and listen to this on my birthday? |
這是件好事,你自己也說 你沒見理查那麼快樂過 | This is a good thing. You said you've never seen Richard happier. |
我何時說的? | When did I say that? |
樓上的衛生間啊,在你摸媽之前 | Upstairs in the bathroom,right before you felt up Mom! |
祝你生日快樂 | Happy birthday to you |
祝你生日快樂 | Happy birthday to you |
祝你生日快樂,傑克 | Happy birthday,dear Jack |
祝你生日快樂 | Happy birthday to you |
好漂亮哦,我好喜歡 | It looks so good! Oh,I love it. |
我知道,我也是 菲比,我好高興你逼我刺 | I know,so do l! I'm so glad you made me do this. |
讓我看你的 | Okay,let me see yours. |
再瞧瞧你的 | Let's see yours again. |
菲比,我的才剛看過 讓我看你的 | We just saw mine. Let me see yours. |
不… | Oh,no! |
不見了,好古怪哦 | It's gone! That's so weird. |
不知道去哪裡了 | I don't know how,where it went. |
-你沒刺? -是的 | -You didn't get it?-No |
你為什麼沒刺? | Why not? |
對不起… | I'm sorry! I'm sorry! |
菲比,你怎麼可以這樣對我? 這全是你的主意 | How could you do this to me? This was your idea! |
我知道…我本來是要刺的 可是他拿著針走進來 | I know! I was gonna get it,but he came in with this needle. |
你知道他們是用針刺的嗎? | And did you know they do this with needles? |
真的?真想不到? | Really? You don't say? |
因為我的是貓舔上去的 | Because mine was licked on by kittens! |
真對不起,說真的,疼嗎? | I'm sorry.Seriously, does it hurt a lot? |
不,只是一點痛,就像 | No, it's just a pinch. Like that-- |
上帝啊 | Oh, my God! |
弄疼我了,哦,肯定會留下一個疤的 | That really hurt me!Oh, that's gonna leave a mark. |
聽著,今天的事我很抱歉… | I'm sorry about what |
我也是 我知道 | -Yeah,me too. -I know. |
我們需要抱一下嗎? | Do we need to hug? |
不,沒關係 | No,we're all right. |
我有東西送你 | So I got you something. |
塑膠湯匙 | Plastic spoons! |
太棒了 舔吧,老兄 | -Great! -Lick away,my man! |
這在我的新家會很實用 在我買到真的之前 | These will go great in my new place till I get real ones. |
什麼? | What? |
我不能永遠用塑膠湯匙 這不環保 | I can't use these forever. They're no friend of the environment. |
不…我是說… 你說什麼新家? | No,I mean what's this about your new place? |
我要搬出去,像我們談過的 | I'm moving out,like we talked about. |
我不知道你是認真的 | I didn't think that was serious. |
我以為我們只是在吵架 | You know,I thought that was just a fight. |
我們是吵架了… | Well,it was a fight... |
…有根據的,記得嗎? | ... based on serious stuff,remember? |
關於我從沒一個人住過 | About how I never lived alone or anything? |
我只是想,這對我有好處 幫我成長… | I think it would be good for me. Help me to grow... |
…之類的 | ...or whatever. |
好,你去吧 | Well,there you go. |
你沒問題嗎? | Hey,are you cool with this? |
我不想讓你又高又幹(孤立無援) | I don't wanna leave you high and dry. |
不,我從來沒有又低又濕 | I've never been lower or wetter. |
我不要緊的 我就把你的房間… | I'll be fine. I'll just turn your... |
…改成遊戲室之類的好了 | ... bedroom into a game room. |
把足球桌放在裡面 | Put the foosball table in there. |
那桌子為什麼該歸你? | Why do you get to keep the table? |
我付了一半的錢 | I did pay for half of it. |
對,我付了另一半 | I paid for the other half. |
這樣吧,誰贏誰的 | I'll tell you what. I'll play you for it. |
好呀,沒問題 | All right,you're on. |
我可以抽出2分鐘時間來痛宰你一頓 | I can take two minutes out of my day to kick your ass. |
我得的分 會比你妹被上過的次數還多 | Your men will get scored on more times than your sister. |
哪一個妹妹? | Which sister? |
你後悔我告訴他們嗎? | So are you sorry that I told them? |
不,我跟你爸好久沒去跑步了 | No. It's been a long time since your dad and I went running. |
你們刺了嗎?給我看 | Did you get it? |
羅斯在嗎? 不在,他去買披薩 | -ls Ross here? -He went out for pizza. |
好的,快點看 | Okay,really quick. |
好漂亮 | That's great! |
很有品味 | Very tasteful. |
要看我的嗎?… | Wanna see mine? Wanna see mine? |
什麼?你又沒刺 | What? You didn't get one. |
那這是什麼? | Okay. Well then,what is this? |
我們在看什麼? | What are we looking at? |
那顆藍雀斑? | That blue freckle? |
那是我的刺青 | That's my tattoo. |
那不是刺青,那什麼也不是 | That is not a tattoo. That is a nothing. |
我終於逼她回去再刺… | I got her in the chair... |
…針根本都還沒碰到她 她就跳起來尖叫逃走 | ...he barely touched her with the needle,she screamed and that was it. |
嗨 | Okay,hi! |
其實告訴你吧,這正是我想要的 | For your information,this is exactly what I wanted. |
這個刺青是從很遠很遠的地方看到的地球 | This is a tattoo of the Earth as seen from a great,great distance. |
我媽從天堂看到我就是這樣的 | It's the way my mother sees me from heaven. |
真是狗屁一堆 | Oh,what a load of crap! |
那是一個點 | That is a dot! |
你媽正在天堂上大叫 “我的百合在哪裡?你這個懦弱的人” | Your mother's in heaven going,"Where the hell's my lily,you wuss!" |
菲比,那不是個刺青 這才是個刺青 | That is not a tattoo! This is a tattoo! |
你去刺青了? | You got a tattoo? |
或許 | Maybe. |
只是個小的啦 菲比刺了整個地球 | But just a little one. Phoebe got the whole world! |
讓我看看 | Well,let me see. |
怎樣? | Well? |
這非常的… | Well,it's really... |
性感 | ...sexy. |
我沒想到會這樣,但… | I wouldn't have thought it would be,but... |
…哇 | ...wow! |
真的? | Really? |
對,會酸痛嗎? 你可以活動嗎? | So is it sore? Or can you do stuff? |
可以吧 | I guess. |
留些披薩給我們 | Save us some pizza. |
別窩在角落 | Get it out of the corner! |
傳球… | Pass it! Pass it! |
別跟你的人講話 | Stop talking to your men! |
太好了,桌子是我的了 | And the table is mine. |
恭喜了 | Congratulations. |
你們還是會來看我,對吧? | You guys will still come visit me,right? |
會呀,你有大螢幕電視 | Oh,yeah! You got the big TV. |
我們會常常去的 | We'll be over there all the time. |
除了在這裡時 | Except when we are here. |
我知道你只是往上城區搬 我還是會很想你的 | I know you're just moving uptown,but I'll really miss you. |
你怎會不再是我的對門了? | How can you not be across the hall anymore? |
是呀,誰來吃光我們的東西 佔用我們的電話… | Who's gonna eat all of our food and tie up our phone lines |
那是我的胸罩嗎? | Is that my bra? |
你拿我的胸罩去幹嘛? 不…不是你想的那樣 | -What are you doing with my bra? -It's not what you think. |
我們用那個來在屋頂上彈水球 | We used it to fling water balloons off the roof. |
記得嗎?那些初中生 連彈到對面都辦不到 | Remember? Those kids couldn't even get theirs across the street. |
是呀,我記得 | Yeah,I remember. |
咱們把剩下的搬上卡車 | Let's bring the rest of these down to the truck. |
你要我… | You want me to... |
…幫你搬這個足球桌下去嗎? | ...give you a hand with the foosball table? |
不了,你留著,你需要練習 | You keep it. You need the practice. |
謝了 | Thanks. |
那麼… | So... |
…我猜就這樣了 | ... I guess this is it. |
是呀,對 | Yeah,right. |
大概吧 | I guess so. |
我不知道我們何時會再見? | When am I gonna see you? |
我猜今晚在咖啡館? | I'm guessing tonight at the coffeehouse. |
對呀 | Right. Yeah. Okay. |
保重了 | Take care. |
-嘿,爸爸,你怎麼來了 -我只是順便拜訪你的男友,有些事情 | -Hey, Dad. What are you doing here?.-I just stopped by your boyfriend's to get a piece of my mind |
-然後呢?-我在他的鼻子上打了一拳 | -And?.-I was gonna punch him in the nose. |
但是他開始看比賽,所以我們一起看 | But he had the game on,so we started watching. |
在中場階段,我才想起來要幹嘛 | At halftime,I was gonna give him what for. |
-但是他給了我一瓶啤酒,知道什麼嗎?-什麼? | -But he offered me a beer. Know what?.-What?. |
他打開了音響 | He's got on tap! |
為什麼在他的公寓裡,每件東西都恰好放在那裡,真是不敢相信 | when he in this apartment, the damn thing is build right on his part. It's unbelievable! |
你們談到我了嗎 | Dad, did you talk about me?. |
哦,對了,其實,我們沒有談到你 | Oh, right. Well, actually,we never got to you. |
你已經是個大姑娘了,我只希望你知道自己在做什麼 | Look, you're a big girl. I just hope you know what you're doing. |
我知道 | I do. |
-你系了我給你買的領帶 -是的 | -You're wearing the tie I got you!-Yeah. |
帽子哪來的 | So where did you get the hat?. |
不知道 | I don't know. |
你認為怎麼樣? | So what do you think? |
喬伊的房間(法語) | Casa de Joey. |
我自己佈置的 少來了 | -I decorated it myself. -Get out! |
喬伊,這個是… | Wow,Joey,this is.... |
藝術 就是藝術 | -Art. -Art it is. |
瞧,這是一張咖啡桌呢 | Check this out! Is it a coffee table? |
還是一隻豹?都無所謂 | Is it a panther? There's no need to decide. |
好漂亮的枕頭 | Hey,nice pillow. |
這是真的布偶皮嗎? | So tell me,is this genuine Muppet skin? |
好極了,桌上型水東西 | Hey,excellent water,table thing. |
謝了,我很喜歡這個東西 但你知道嗎? | Thanks. I love this. But you know what? |
它會讓我想尿尿 | It makes me want to pee. |
對呀,我也是 對呀,我想挑戰就在那兒 | Yeah,me too. I think that's the challenge. |
為什麼錢德沒來? | How come Chandler didn't come? |
因為他有一件事… | It's because he had a thing with the... |
…他有事 | ...with the thing. |
我懂了 | Right. I got it. |
帶我們去參觀你房間(法語)其他的部分吧 | So why don't you show us the rest of your casa? |
最棒的部分,來… | The best part! Come on. |
好帥的馬桶 | Nice toilet. |
不…後面那個 | No,no,no. Behind it. |
你這裡裝了電話? 沒錯 | -You have a phone in here? -That's right. |
我這裡裝了… | I have a phone. |
…電話 | In here. |
喬伊,答應我一件事 | Joey,promise me something. |
別用那個電話打給我 | Never call me from that phone. |
六人行 第2季 第17集 艾迪搬入 | The One Where Eddie Moves ln |
來了 | Okay,here we go. |
抱歉,蘋果派賣完了 最後一片剛沒有了 | Sorry,they were all out of apple pie. Someone just got the last piece. |
天啊…你們絕對不會相信的 | Oh,my God! You won't believe this! |
我剛剛被發現了 | I have just been discovered. |
等一等,我四年前 就宣佈你為法國領地了 | Wait a minute. I claimed you in the name of France four years ago. |
總而言之 | Anyway. |
答應我,你們不會發狂 直到我說完為止,好嗎? | Don't freak out and say how great this is until I'm done. |
我剛剛認識了一個 小唱片公司的製作人… | I just met this producer of this teeny record company... |
…她說我的聲音很清新 很特別… | ...who said that I have a very fresh,offbeat sound... |
…她要幫我錄製 “臭臭貓”的試聽帶 | ...and she wants to do a demo of "Smelly Cat." |
我說過不要太興奮的 | Okay,I told you not to do that yet. |
她還說要幫我做音樂電視呢 | And she wants to do a video. |
我還沒說完 | I'm not done yet,okay? |
天哪 | God! |
如果結果不錯的話 他們或許還會幫我做一個專輯 | If that goes well,they may even want to make an album. |
我說完了 | I'm done now. |
羅斯,如果你關心我的話 就把餡餅從他帽子裡拿出來 | If you care about me,get the pie out of the man's hood. |
拿什麼? 帽子裡有餡餅…快去 | -Get the what? -There's a pie in the hood. Go! |
你幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
對不起,我的餡餅… 在…在你帽子裡 | I'm sorry. My pie was in your hood. |
現在我得去那個傢伙的褲子上 拿我的咖啡… | I have to get the coffee out of that guy's pants... |
…我七點以前會回醫院去 | ...and I'll be back in the hospital by 7. |
該死,羅斯,你快給我滾出來 | Damn it,Ross! Get your butt out of the bathroom! |
別激動,我在吹頭髮 | Calm down. I'm blow-drying. |
吹什麼頭髮呀?你沒有頭髮啦 | Blow-drying what? You have no hair. |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
你男朋友 在裡面關了一個多小時 | Your boyfriend has been in there for an hour! |
真不敢相信 這就像我們又住在一起 | It's like I'm living with him again. |
我睡覺時他在,醒來時他在 想洗澡的時候他也在 | He's here when I go to sleep and wake up and when I want to shower. |
我好像回到十六歲了 | I feel like I'm 16 again. |
你不是十六歲 而且你們現在都是大人了 | Well,you're not 16. You're both adults now. |
出來呀,蠢貨 | Get out,you doofus! |
你知道啊 他是橡膠,你是膠水 | Or,you know,he's rubber and you're glue. |
該你了 | All yours. |
希望你清了排水孔的頭髮 | I hope you cleaned your hair out of the drain. |
住口 | Shut up! |
停止 | Cut it out! |
我從來沒有這樣想要過你 | I've never wanted you more. |
你好 | Hello? |
-路易嗎?霍華德在哪?-他回家了 | -Louie? Where's Howard?N-He went home |
他說他換班後可能上來看看的 | He said he might stop by after a shift. |
他說他告訴過你他不太舒服 | He said he tell you he don't feel so good. |
你什麼時候換班 | Hey what time do you get off? |
我也不太舒服 | I'm not feeling too good either |
怎麼樣,孩子們 我該打電話給他嗎? | So what do you say,boys? Should I call him? |
他們說: | You know what they say: |
問你拖鞋一個問題… | Ask your slippers a question... |
…你瘋了 | ...you're going crazy. |
畸形的藝術品 | Freaking art! |
喬伊,對不起 我今天沒有過去 | I'm sorry I didn't make it over there today. |
沒關係 | That's okay. |
你…你有事嘛 | You had a thing. |
對,聽說你那裡很棒 | I hear the place looks great. |
別提了,我開心死了 | Forget about it. I'm having a ball! |
你那兒怎麼樣了? | How's the apartment? |
很…很棒啊 一個空間… | It's terrific. I mean,it's a regular space-... |
…的大聚合 | ...-fest! |
那太棒了 | Well,great. |
是呀,我只是… | Yeah,I just... |
…打個電話跟你聊一聊而已 | ...wanted to call and say hey. |
好啊 | Well,okay. |
那是烤箱計時器嗎? | Was that the oven timer? |
沒有錯,朋友 | That's right,my friend. |
應該看… | It's time for... |
…“海灘遊俠”了 | ...Baywatch! |
你相信 他們讓斯戴芬妮得皮膚癌嗎? | Can you believe they gave Stephanie skin cancer? |
我還是不敢相信 他們升她為副隊長 | I can't believe they made her lieutenant! |
你那麼說是因為 你最喜歡傑絲敏碧利斯了 | You're saying that because you love Yasmine Bleeth. |
怎麼可能會有人 不愛傑絲敏碧利斯呢? | How could anyone not love Yasmine Bleeth? |
她們在跑了 | Hey,they're running. |
瞧,這個節目棒就棒在這裡 | See,this is the brilliance of the show. |
我說她們應該不停地跑 | I say always keep them running. |
一直跑 | All the time running! |
跑 | Run! |
跑 | Run! |
跑啊,傑絲敏,像風一樣的跑 | Run,Yasmine! Run like the wind! |
我以為你想自己一個人住 | But you wanted to live by yourself. |
沒錯,我以為會很棒 | I did. I thought it'd be great. |
我以為我會有時間自己思考 | I figured I'd have time alone with my thoughts. |
但我發覺我的思想 沒有你們想的那麼多 | But it turns out I don't have as many thoughts as you think. |
喬伊,你跟錢德說 你想搬回去好了 | Why don't you talk to Chandler about moving back? |
你認為他會答應嗎? | You really think he'd take me? |
我們昨晚聊得很開心… | We had a good talk last night... |
…可是我搬走時把他傷透了 | ...but when I moved out,I hurt him bad. |
我保證,他絕對想你搬回去的 | He would definitely want you back. |
我告訴你 他絕對不可能搬回來的 | I'm telling you,there's no way he's moving back. |
可是我們從沒像昨天晚上 聊得那麼開心過 | But we had one of the greatest talks we ever had last night. |
那就像是… | I mean,it was |
我們剛剛住在一起時一樣 | It was like when we first started living together. |
錢德 我知道你現在聽不進去… | I know you don't want to hear this right now... |
…但我們看過他在新家的樣子 他很快樂 | ... but we've seen him in his new place. And he's happy. |
他都裝?旰昧藍 | He's decorated. |
聽著,錢德 他向前走了,你也要這樣 | Chandler,he has moved on,okay? You have to,too. |
你必須接受 你們只是朋友這個事實 | You'll have to accept the fact that you're just friends now. |
你們不再是… | You're not... |
…室友了 | ... roommates anymore. |
菲比,可以試了嗎? | Okay,Phoebe. You ready to try one? |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
他們喂你什麼? | What are they feeding you? |
非常臭的臭臭貓 | Smelly,smelly,smelly Really bad smelling smelly cat |
我的天啊 | Whoa! Oh,my God! |
是誰在唱? | I mean,like,who was that? |
你的伴唱團,在你後面 | They're your backup singers. Behind you,hon. |
我還以為她們只是在看 | I thought they were just watching me. |
就像水族館那樣 | Like at an aquarium,you know? |
-她們很棒,你們很棒!-好的 | -They' re so good. You' re so good! -All right. |
好的,現在每個人都認識了,我們再試一次 | Okay, now that everyone knows everyone, let's try it again. |
從頭開始 | From the top. |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
他們喂你什麼? | What are they feeding you? |
對不起 | Okay,sorry. |
我沒感覺到… | I'm just not getting... |
…大家都懂… | ...that everyone gets... |
…這只貓到底有多臭 | ... how smelly this cat actually is. |
也許我們應該談一談… | Maybe if we could talk about this... |
…因為我必須要感覺到 你們真的…很關心那只貓 | ... because I need to feel that you really care about the cat. |
我們可以談的 | We can talk. |
只是錄音間是算時間的 一分鐘一百塊耶 | It's just that this costs $100 a minute to be in here. |
好,那只貓很臭 但你們非常愛它,開始 | So the cat stinks,but you love it. Let's go. |
不,它絕對不可能是一隻迅猛龍的 | No,there is no way he was a velociraptor. |
不,東尼,你看它的頭蓋脊骨 | Look at the cranial ridge,okay? |
帝諾要是一隻迅猛龍 它早吃了摩登原始人(動畫)了 | If Dino was a velociraptor,he'd have eaten the Flintstones. |
你在睡覺? | Were you taking a nap? |
本來是 | I was. |
等等,東尼,等一下,好嗎? 我有電話進來 | Tony,can you hold on? That's the other line. |
對,她在 我叫她回電話,好嗎? | Yeah,she's here,but can she call you back? |
好,謝了 | Okay,thanks. |
打給瓊安娜 | Call Joanna. |
她留了號碼? | Did she leave a number? |
你看到我寫下來了嗎? | Did you see me write one down? |
我沒有她的電話,呆瓜 | I don't have her number,butt-munch. |
那她會再打來的 你不要耍孩子脾氣了 | She'll call back. Don't be such a baby. |
我才沒有,你自己才是 | You're the baby. |
聽著,你別煩我,好不好? 你不要礙眼,好不好? | -Get off my back. -Get out of my face. |
慢著,等一下,東尼 | Wait,hold on,Tony. Hold on. |
對,不,她在,等一下 | Yeah,she's right here. Hold on. |
東尼,我再打給你,好嗎? | Tony,can I call you back? |
那是我妹妹的男朋友 | That's my sister's boyfriend. |
電話給我 | Give me that. |
甜心,聽著,趁我還記得 我的避孕器是否留在你那兒? | Sweetie,before I forget,did l leave my diaphragm at your place? |
媽 | Hi,Mom. |
皇宮生活過得怎麼樣了? | So how's the palace? |
真有趣,既然你提起這個 我在想… | It's funny you should mention that because I was thinking.... |
這些箱子怎麼回事? | What's with the boxes? |
事實上,我有個消息 | Actually,I have some news. |
那個喬伊?嶧乩茨盟?麋鹿帽嗎?還是我把它扔了? | Is that Joey guy gonna pick up his moose hat or should I toss it? |
這個…你何不自己問他呢? 喬伊,這是我的新室友艾迪 | Why don't you ask him yourself? This is my new roommate,Eddie. |
幸會 | Nice to meet you. |
彼此 你好嗎? | -Likewise. -How you doing? |
那我帶走了 | I'll take that. |
我就是回來拿這個的 | It's what I came for. |
這倒新鮮 你們是哪兒認識的? | This is new. Where'd you two meet? |
我們在超市的民族食品區 | At the supermarket in the ethnic food section. |
我幫他挑西班牙香腸 | I helped him pick out a chorizo. |
我們開始聊,他說要找地方住 而我又剛好有一個空房 | We got to talking. He needed a place,and I had a spare room. |
那兒成了空房了? | Now it's a spare room? |
是啊,那房間沒有人用… | Well,yeah. In that it's not being used... |
…而我就把它空出來 | ...and I have it to spare. |
我拿到我要的了 | Well,I got what I came for. |
改天見了 | I'll see you. |
喬伊 | Hey,Joe. |
你什麼時候開始抹摩絲的? | When'd you start using moose in your hair? |
他是不是很棒? | Is this guy great,or what? |
是呀,他很棒 | Yeah,he is. |
真不敢相信他有新室友了 這傢伙是誰啊? | I can't believe he has a new roommate. Who is he? |
好像叫艾迪,他們剛認識 | Eddie. He just met him. |
不會長久的,他只是個室友替代品 | It'll never last. He's just a rebound roommate. |
看這個… | Check it out! Check it out! |
是“臭臭貓”的音樂電視 | It's "Smelly Cat," the video! |
我自己都還沒看呢 如果你們不喜歡的話呢… | Now,I haven't seen it yet,so if you don't like it... |
…那又怎麼樣? 你們又沒有音樂電視 | ...so what? None of you ever made a video. |
滾出去,貓,你臭死了 | Get out of here,cat! You stink! |
冒煙耶 | Smoking! |
看看我 | Look at me! |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
他們喂你什麼? | What are they feeding you? |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
那不是你的錯 | It's not your fault |
臭臭…,非常臭的臭臭貓 | Smelly,smelly,smelly Really bad smelling smelly cat |
那不是你的錯 | It's not your fault |
臭臭貓… | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
我的天啊 我知道 | -Oh,my God! -I know. |
我的聲音好美喔 | I sound amazing! |
他們不帶你去看獸醫 | They won't take you to the vet |
你顯然不是他們的最愛 | You're obviously not their favorite pet |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
那不是你的錯 | It's not your fault |
我從沒聽過自己唱的歌 | I've never heard myself sing before. |
除了在我自己的頭裡面 | I mean,except in my own head. |
這太酷了 我可以聽到你們聽到的了 | This is so cool! Now I can hear what you hear! |
蠻不同的吧? | Pretty different,huh? |
不好意思,我實在太才華洋溢 | I am sorry,but I'm incredibly talented! |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
那不是你的錯 | It's not your fault |
喬伊,近來如何? | What's going on,man? |
艾迪 | Eddie. |
早安 | Morning. |
我只是過來拿我的信 | I just came by to pick up my mail. |
信在哪兒? 在那邊那張桌上 | -Where's the mail? -Over there on the table. |
你不再把信放在這張桌上了? | You don't keep it on this table anymore? |
不了,艾迪喜歡把信放在那邊 | Eddie likes it over there. |
好了,請用吧,朋友 這是艾迪風格的雞蛋 | All right,here you go,my friend. Eggs a la Eddie. |
太棒了 | That's great. |
幹嘛? | What? |
我只是以為你喜歡… | I thought you liked your eggs... |
…麵包挖一個洞,中間放蛋呢,我的風格 | ...with the bread with the hole in the middle,a la me! |
我是喜歡呀,但艾迪是這樣煎的,還真的是蠻好吃的 | I do,but Eddie makes them this way. They're pretty darn good. |
-想嘗嘗嗎?-不了,謝謝 | -Wanna try some?-No, thanks. |
好了,兩位… | Well,you guys... |
…我要出去了 | ... I'm out of here. |
再見,兄弟們 | See you,pals. |
再見 | See you. |
你們處得怎麼樣? 再快樂也不過了 | -How are you two getting along? -I couldn't be happier. |
很好 | Great. |
我替你高興 | I'm happy for you. |
好吧,夠了 | All right,that's it! |
那個人就這樣進來 新蛋先生… | He just comes in here,Mr. Johnny New Eggs... |
…變了放信的地方,還有 “再見,兄弟們” | ...with his moving the mail and his "See you,pals." |
現在果汁也沒有了 | And now there's no juice! |
需要果汁的人沒果汁喝 我需要果汁 | There's no juice for the people who need the juice. I need the juice! |
那邊還有一盒果汁啊 | There's another carton there. |
這不再是關於果汁的事了,好嗎? | This isn't about juice anymore,all right,man? |
好呀 | All right. |
那麼是關於什麼呢? | So what's it about? |
蛋 | Eggs! |
你比較喜歡誰的蛋? 他的還是我的? | Whose eggs do you like better,his or mine? |
我兩個一樣喜歡 少來了 | -Well,I like both eggs equally. -Oh,come on! |
沒人一樣喜歡兩種不同的蛋 我知道你比較喜歡哪一種 | Nobody likes two eggs equally. I wanna know which one you like better. |
那有什麼差別呢? 你的蛋已經不在這個地方了 | What's the difference? Your eggs aren't here anymore. |
你已經帶著你的蛋走了 | You took your eggs and you left! |
你真的期望 我再也找不到一個新的蛋嗎? | Did you expect me to never find new eggs? |
也許這不是關於蛋的問題 | Maybe this isn't about the eggs. |
也許是生蛋的雞的問題 | Maybe this is about the chicken that laid them. |
什麼雞?哪有雞? | What chicken?There's no chicken. |
我沒法跟你溝通 | I can't talk to you! |
我要看“今夜娛樂” | I wanna watch Entertainment Tonight. |
真不幸 我們要看“塞倫蓋蒂野生國家公園的掠食者” | Tough. We're watching Predators of the Serengeti. |
不要吵了,好不好? | Would you guys stop! |
這是我的電視 | It's my TV! |
你…住手 你咬我呀 | -Quit it! -Bite me! |
莫妮卡她一直在轉檯呀 | Monica keeps changing the channel. |
棒極了 你去跟媽咪告狀啊 | That's great. Why don't you tell Mommy on me? |
現在我變成媽咪了 | Now I'm Mommy in this little play? |
好,聽著,我拒絕捲入… | Look,I refuse to get sucked into... |
…這一類畸型的蓋勒家庭糾紛 | ...this weird little Geller dimension thing,okay? |
我現在要去洗個 香噴噴熱騰騰的泡泡浴… | So I'm gonna go take a nice long hot bubble bath... |
…因為媽咪快要被你們逼瘋了 | ...because you kids are driving me crazy! |
這件事我們怎麼解決? | What do we do about this? |
我們可以 把“今夜娛樂”錄下來 | We could tape Entertainment Tonight. |
不是那個 | Not that! |
我是說這個,我們! | This! Us! |
天啊,羅斯,你…你只是你… | Oh,my God,Ross,it's.... You're just.... |
從你到這兒開始 我都快要被你逼瘋了… | Since you've been here,you're driving me.... |
莫妮卡,你又開始超聲波了 | Mon,you've gone ultrasonic again,all right? |
我受不了… | I just can't stand you being here... |
…你老是在這裡! | ...all the time! |
為什麼? 你為什麼受不了呢? | Why? Why can't you stand me being here? |
我們只是在鬧著玩而已 | We're just having fun. |
玩?這叫好玩嗎? | Fun? You think this is fun? |
我以為我們只是在鬧 就像我們小時候一樣 | I thought we were fooling around,like when we were kids. |
羅斯,小時候我恨你耶 | I hated you when we were kids! |
小時候你恨我? | You hated me when we were kids? |
對,我恨你 | I hated you. |
我是說,我就像“你是我哥 所以我必須愛你”那樣愛你… | I loved you in a you're-my-brother- so-l-have-to way... |
…但基本上…我恨死你了 | ... but basically,I hated your guts. |
你為什麼要恨我? | Why did you hate me? |
因為你對我太殘忍了… | Because you were mean to me... |
而且…你…你嘲弄我 你總是…你總是得逞 | ...and you teased me and you always got your way. |
你覺得那不好玩? | That wasn't fun for you? |
真不敢相信你恨我 | I can't believe you hated me. |
現在我愛你 | But now I love you. |
不只是因為我必須這樣 | And not just because I have to. |
真的? | Really? |
只是你現在必須停止惹怒我 | You're just gonna have to stop pissing me off. |
我可以辦得到 | I can do that. |
那我就用不著殺你?藍 | Then I won't have to kill you. |
你要看“今天娛樂”? | So you wanna watch Entertainment Tonight?. |
謝了 | Thanks. |
知道嗎? | You know what? |
如果你真的想看那個節目 我還是可以讓你 | If you really wanna watch that Serengeti thing,we can. |
聽著,你們絕對不會相信的… | Listen,you are not going to believe this... |
…但是音樂電視上的歌聲 不是我的 | ...but that is not me singing on the video. |
你怎麼知道的呢? | How did you find out? |
唱片公司送了一張紙條來 叫我簽名,要我同意… | The record company sent this paper for me to sign saying it's okay... |
…他們找別人來替我唱的 那是我的第一個線索 | ...for someone else to sing for me. That was my first clue. |
那你打算怎麼辦? | What will you do? |
我沒有辦法跟這種人一起工作 | I can't work with people who would do this. |
那當然 | Sure. |
這個…這個可憐的女人 | I mean,this poor woman. |
什麼女人? | What woman? |
那個代唱的女人 | The voice woman. |
她的聲音真是棒透了 可是她沒有音樂電視啊 | She has a great voice,but she doesn't have a video. |
菲比,那你呢? | Okay,Pheebs,but what about you? |
我有音樂電視,你得要用心聽 | I have a video. Pay attention. |
這個代唱的人她很有才華 | This voice woman,she's so talented. |
可是那些製作人說 她長得不夠好看之類的啦 | But according to the producer people,she doesn't have the right look. |
她就像那種 動物收容所裡面?畝鎩瓄 | She's like one of those animals at the pound... |
…沒有人要就因為 她長得不夠漂亮而已 | ...who nobody wants because they're not pretty. |
或者是像只老狗,渾身發臭… | Or you know,like some old dog who's kind of like stinky and |
我的天啊,她就是“臭臭貓” | Oh,my God! She's "smelly cat"! |
那首歌好有深度 | That song has so many levels. |
艾迪 | Hey,Eddie. |
來玩桌上足球怎麼樣? | You wanna play some foosball? |
不,謝了,老兄 我不太喜歡運動 | No,thanks,man. I'm not really into sports. |
好吧… | Yeah,okay. All right. |
沒關係 “海灘遊俠”要開演了 | Doesn't matter. Time for Baywatch! |
你喜歡看那個節目? | You like that show? |
你不喜歡嗎? | You don't? |
不,那只是一群俊男美女 在海灘上跑來跑去 | It's just pretty people running around on the beach. |
棒就棒在那裡啊 | That's the brilliance of it. |
俊男美女 | The pretty people. |
跑來跑去 | And the running. |
我要進我房間看書了 | I'm gonna go read in my room for a little while. |
好的,老兄 | Okay,man. |
我想到和我相知相惜的友人 | I think of all the friends I've known |
但我撥電話時 | But when I dial the telephone |
沒有人在家 | No one's home |
孤孤單單 | All by myself |
我不想要一個人 | Don't wanna live |
孤孤單單 | All by myself |
不想再孤單 | Anymore |
孤孤單單 | All by myself |
我的最後一首歌曲叫做“臭臭貓” | I'm gonna start off with a little song called "Smelly Cat. " |
哦,為了消除你們的疑慮,我要說,這是我自己的聲音 | Oh, for those of you who are wondering, this is my real voice. |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
他們喂你什麼? 一起唱 | What are they feeding you? Everybody! |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
那不是你的錯 | It's not your fault |
他們不帶你去看獸醫 | They won't take you to the vet |
你顯然不是他們的最愛 | You're obviously not their favorite pet |
你或許不是一床玫瑰 | You may not be a bed of roses |
也沒有人會喜歡聞你 | And you're no friend To those with noses |
羅斯,歌詞都唱完了,抱歉 好了,回到合唱的部分 | Ross,those are the only lines we have. Back to the chorus! |
不公平!這是我的錢 | It's not fair! It's my money, |
我知道,但這是布萊的心願 | I know, But it's what Brad wanted, |
-這人是誰? -她是布萊的遺孀 | -Which one is she?-That's Brad's widow. |
-她為什麼這麼傷心?-她發現她不是遺產受益人 | -Why is she so upset?-She was cut out of the will. |
難道她不知道你不能用金錢來衡量一切嗎 | Doesn't she know you can't define yourself by money?. |
這涉及到價值、道義和你接受與給予愛的能力 | It's about values and morals and your ability to give and receive love. |
不知道 | No. |
德瑞克 抱歉,安柏 | -Oh,Drake. -I'm sorry,Amber. |
布萊就是這樣子說的遺言 | It's like Brad to have to have the last word. |
抱歉,我遲到了,怎麼樣? | Sorry I'm late. What happened? |
我們在看結局 | We wanna see the end. |
我要你,德瑞克 | I want you,Drake. |
這個我知道 | I know you do. |
但我們永遠不可能會有結果的 | But we can never be together that way. |
什麼? | What? |
有件事我一直沒有告訴你 | There's something I never told you. |
我是你的同父異母哥哥 | I'm actually your half-brother. |
那後來怎麼樣呢? | So what happens next? |
我幫連體嬰動分割手術 得了醫學獎 | I get the medical award for separating the Siamese twins. |
然後我跟安柏去委內瑞拉 找另外一個同父異母哥哥雷蒙… | Then Amber and I go to Venezuela to meet our other half-brother,Ramon... |
…我找到了世界最大的翡翠 那真的很大 | ...where I find the world's biggest emerald. It's really big. |
但受了詛咒 | But it's cursed. |
好酷喔 | So cool! |
天啊,真是個好節目 | God,that is good TV! |
六人行 第2季 第18集 雷莫瑞醫生之死 | The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies |
菲比,跟我玩嘛 | Pheebs,play with me! |
不,這種遊戲太畸型了 | This game is grotesque! |
居然把二十個手無寸鐵的男人 串成一長條… | Twenty armless guys joined at the waist by a steel bar... |
…被迫無止境地踢足球 | ...forced to play soccer forever? |
簡直是侵害人權嘛 | Hello? Human rights violation! |
不要為他們難過 等他們踢完足球之後… | Don't feel so bad. After playing... |
…我把塑膠小姐拿出來 大家都會非常開心的呀 | ...I break out the plastic women and everybody has a good time. |
你幹嘛不跟你室友玩? | Why don't you play with your roommate? |
他不愛玩桌上足球 | He's not a big fan of foosball. |
你跟那個新來的處得不好嗎? | Are we not getting along with the new boy? |
不是啊,他很好,只是 多數的時間都關在房間裡 | No,he's all right. He spends most of his time in his room. |
我想那也許是因為 你沒有花時間去瞭解他 | That's because you haven't gotten to know him. |
我們來補救,好不好? | Let's remedy that,shall we? |
我們不需要補救 要啊,會很好玩的 | -We don't need to. -lt'll be fun! |
什麼事? | What was that? |
我只是想我們三人來喝點啤酒 彼此瞭解一下會很有意思 | I thought it'd be fun if we had beers and got to know each other. |
好呀,聽起來不錯 | All right. |
好的 | Oh,good! Okay. |
不行,我得走了 因為我還要趕去… | Oh,no! I have to go,because I'm late for... |
…“綠蛋與火腿”的研討會(瑟斯博土最暢銷的兒童小說) | ... my Green Eggs and Ham discussion group. |
今天晚上主題是… “為什麼不在火車上吃呢?” | Tonight,it's "Why he would not eat them on a train." |
好好玩,拜 好爛的藉口 | -Have fun! Bye! -That was so lame. |
我知道 | I know. |
你跟他談 | Okay,talk to him. |
你想那個賽車手 被開了多少罰單啊…? | So you think that Speed Racer guy gets a lot of tickets or...? |
好笑…誰甩了誰啊? | That's good. So who broke up with who? |
我甩了她呀 | I broke up with her. |
她真的以為肖恩潘(影星)是柬埔寨的首都(金邊) | She actually thought Sean Penn was the capital of Cambodia. |
有沒有搞錯? 大家都知道柬埔寨的首都是… | When everybody knows that the capital of Cambodia is.... |
不是肖恩潘 | It's not Sean Penn. |
好,我有個好笑的 | I got a funny one. |
好,我前任的女友叫提莉 我們在吃早餐 | My last girlfriend,Tilly. We're eating breakfast,right? |
我做了很多薄松餅 大概有五十多個吧 | I made these pancakes. Like,50 pancakes. |
突然間她轉過來 她就說艾迪… | All of a sudden,she turns to me and says,"Eddie... |
…我不想再跟你見面了 | ... I don't wanna see you anymore." |
那就好像是 她把手伸進我的胸膛裡… | It was literally like she had reached into my chest... |
…挖出了我的心 把我的生活搞得亂七八糟的 | ... ripped out my heart and smeared it all over my life! |
那就像我面前有一個深淵 我就一直往下掉 | There was this incredible abyss and I'm falling. |
我就一直往下掉 永無止境地往下掉 | I keep falling and I don't think I'm ever gonna stop! |
這個故事不太好笑,是不是? | That wasn't such a funny story. |
中央公園 | |
一個壞脾氣老頭說我儘量 | And a crusty old man Said I'll do what I can |
其他老鼠開始搖響葫蘆 | And the rest of the rats Played maracas |
唱完了,謝謝,晚安 | That's it! Thanks! Good night. |
菲比還有別的工作吧? | Phoebe's got another job,right? |
唱得很好,菲比 | Great set tonight,Pheebs. |
我知道 | I know. |
我想我們該走了 | We should get going. |
我們也該走了 明天早上八點還有病人 | We should too. I've got patients at 8 in the morning. |
知道嗎?我在想 我們老是在你那邊過夜 | You know how we always stay at your apartment? |
或許今晚改住我那邊啊 | I thought tonight we'd stay at my place. |
我不知道,我沒有帶我的睡衣 | I don't know. I don't have my jammies. |
或許你不需要 | You don't need them. |
我的小妹妹,各位先生女士 | My baby sister,ladies and gentlemen. |
閉嘴,我很快樂 | Shut up. I'm happy. |
這太棒了 我必須說幾句話 | Oh,this is so nice! I have to make a speech. |
我只是想說,在莫妮卡 交過的為數眾多的男友當中… | Of all the guys that Monica has been with,and that is a lot... |
…我最喜歡你了 | ...I like you the best. |
謝謝你,菲比,嘴真甜 | Thank you,Pheebs. That's very sweet. |
聽到了嗎? | You hear that? |
她最喜歡我 而且你顯然有過很多 | She likes me best. And apparently,there have been a lot. |
沒有啦 | Not a lot. |
菲比在說笑吧,菲比是瘋子 | Phoebe's kidding. Phoebe's crazy. |
菲比死定了 | Phoebe's dead. |
我找艾迪 | I'm looking for Eddie Manoick. |
他現在不在 我叫錢德 | He's not here right now. I'm Chandler. |
要我幫你留話 還是…拿魚缸呢? | Can I take a message or.... Or a fish tank? |
謝了 | Thanks. |
請進 | Come on in. |
我叫提莉 | I'm Tilly. |
看你這個樣子 他一定跟你提過我了 | I gather by that "Oh," he told you about me. |
提過,你的名字在一段… | Yeah,your name came up... |
…令我驚心動魄的對話中 曾經出現過了 | ...in a conversation that terrified me to my very soul. |
他這人有點激烈吧 | He's kind of intense. |
對呀,請問你 艾迪是不是有一點… | Yes! Hey,can I ask you,is Eddie a little... |
有一點怎麼樣? | A little what? |
…有點鄉村風格? | ...bit country? |
或者,搖滾風格? | Or, you know, a little rock ' n' roll? |
快進來呀,室友 | Come on in,you roomie! |
提莉 | Hello,Tilly. |
艾迪,我只是把魚缸送過來 | Eddie,I just came by to drop off your tank. |
你想得真是周到 | That was very thoughtful of you. |
非常體帖 | It's very thoughtful. |
就這樣了 | Well,okay then. |
我要走了,再見 | I'm gonna go. Bye. |
那麼我們養魚了,是不是? | So we getting a fish? |
你們上床了,是不是? | You had sex with her. |
菲比,你看… | Check it out,check it out! |
“肥皂劇文摘” 我最喜歡的文摘之一 | Soap Opera Digest! That's one of my favorite digests! |
42頁… | Page 42! Page 42! |
醫界新秀 “我們的日子”喬伊崔比亞尼 | "New Doc on the Block,Days of our Lives Joey Tribbiani." |
好酷的照片 | Cool picture! |
我好帥 | Oh,I look good. |
這是真的嗎? 很多臺詞都是你自己寫的嗎? | Is this true? That you write a lot of your own lines? |
可以這麼說啦 | Well,kind of,yeah. |
比如你記得上禮拜 阿萊克斯出了事那一集嗎? | Remember last week when Alex was in the accident? |
劇本上的臺詞是… | The line in the script was... |
…“我們不送這女人去醫院的話,她會死的” | ... "If we don't get this woman to a hospital,she's going to die." |
被我改成了這個女人不去醫院就醫的話… | But I made it,"If this woman doesn't get to a hospital... |
…她會活不成的 | ...she's not gonna live." |
我懂你做了什麼了 | Oh,okay. I see what you did there. |
那你不怕那些編劇 看到這篇文章會有點生氣嗎? | Aren't you afraid the writers will be kind of mad when they read this? |
我倒沒有考慮到那些編劇 劇本總是送來我家 | I never thought about the writers. The scripts just come to my house. |
但你知道嗎? | But you know what? |
這樣讓我很有面子 也因為這樣子,節目有面子… | This makes me look good,which makes the show look good... |
…也因為這樣子,編劇有面子 他們怎麼可能會生我的氣呢? | ...which makes the writers look good. So how could they be mad? |
“我們的日子” | |
他編了自己大部份的臺詞 | Makes up most of his lines. |
很好… | Son of a.... |
寫這個,混蛋 | Write this,jerk-weed. |
我跌下了電梯井 | I fall down an elevator shaft? |
這什麼意思?我跌下了電梯井 | What does this mean? I fall down an elevator shaft? |
我不知道,我只是送劇本過來 | I don't know. I just bring the scripts. |
他們不能殺我 我是弗蘭西斯卡失散的兒子呀 | They can't kill me! I'm Francesca's long-lost son! |
對 | Right. |
請你簽收,好嗎? | Could you sign? |
我才不簽呢 | No! No way! I'm not signing that! |
我不認為 對那個節目的劇情會有影響啊 | I don't think that will affect the plot of the show. |
他們怎麼能這麼對我? | How can they do this to me? |
我要走了 | All right,I'm just gonna go. |
很遺憾 | Sorry. |
也沒有那麼多個啦 | Well,it wasn't that many guys. |
我是說,如果你考慮到 全世界有多少男人… | If you consider how many guys there actually are... |
…那個比例非常小 | ...it's a very small percentage. |
沒什麼大不了的 我只是…好奇罷了 | It's not that big a deal. I was just curious. |
晚安 晚安,理查 | -Good night. -Good night,Richard. |
祝你好運,莫妮卡 | Good luck,Mon. |
好,在我說之前 你先說你有過幾個女人 | Before I tell you,you tell me how many women you've been with. |
兩個 | Two. |
兩個?… | Two? Two? |
那怎麼可能?… | How is that possible? I mean... |
…你知道你長得有多帥嗎? | ... have you seen you? |
我能說什麼呢? | I mean,what can I say? |
我跟芭芭拉做了三十年的夫妻 我們在高中就認識了 | I was married to Barbara for 30 years,my high-school sweetheart. |
加上你,一共兩個 | Now you. That's two. |
那就兩個吧 | Two it is. |
該上床了 我要去刷牙了 | Time for bed. I'm gonna brush my teeth. |
你先等一等 | No,wait a minute now! |
來啊,換你了 | Come on,it's your turn. |
快說呀 | Oh,come on! |
我不需要確切數位 只要約略估計的(有“棒球場”的含義)就可以了 | You know,I don't need the actual number. Just a ballpark. |
絕對比一個“棒球場”少 | Okay,it is definitely less than a ballpark. |
真慶倖現在我不是莫妮卡 | I am so glad I'm not Monica right now. |
那還用說 | Tell me about it. |
你的神奇數字是多少? | So what's your magic number? |
來嘛,我交過的你都認識 兩個你都認識 | Come on,you know everyone I've been with. All both of them. |
有你 | Well,there's you. |
最好不要排名 | Better not be doing these in order. |
比利,皮特 | Billy Dreskin,Pete Carny. |
貝瑞 | Barry. |
還有…保羅 | Paolo. |
對,托裡尼來的蠢蛋 | Oh,yes,the weenie from Turinie. |
親愛的,你嫉妒保羅嗎? | Honey,are you jealous of Paolo? |
跟他從沒像跟你在一起 這麼快樂過 | I'm so much happier with you than I ever was with him. |
真的? 拜託 | -Really? -Oh,please! |
跟保羅那一段根本就不能算 | That Paolo thing was barely a relationship. |
那只能算是 無意義的野獸的性關係 | All it really was was just meaningless,animal sex. |
我這麼說讓我自己覺得好多了 | Okay,you know,that sounded so much better in my head. |
艾迪 我沒有跟你的前任女友上床 | I didn't sleep with your ex-girlfriend. |
有意思,因為跟她上過床的人 都會這麼說 | That's exactly what someone who slept with her would say. |
你瘋了,你瘋了,是不是? 她只來了兩分鐘而已… | This is nuts! Crazy! She came over for two minutes... |
…丟下魚缸就走了就是這樣 | ...dropped off a fish tank and left! |
巴迪在哪裡? | Where's Buddy? |
巴迪? | Buddy? |
我的魚巴迪 | My fish,Buddy. |
她根本就沒有帶魚來 裡面沒有任何東西 | There was no fish when she dropped it off. |
這真令人難以置信 | This is unbelievable! |
你先跟我的前任女友上床 以為我會笨到去相信你的謊言 | You sleep with my ex-girlfriend,insult my intelligence by lying... |
然後你殺了我的魚 我的巴?希縶 | ...then you kill my fish? My Buddy? |
我沒有殺你的魚啊 | I didn't kill your fish! |
你聽我說,艾迪… | Look,Eddie |
你看我在做什麼啊 | Would you look at what I'm doing? |
那樣太不聰明了 | Now that can't be smart. |
所以我們要把那個傢伙 給拿開… | So we're just gonna take this guy right off you... |
…把它放到我的口袋先生裡 | ...and put him here in Mr. Pocket. |
來個橘子吧 | Tangelo? |
就這樣嗎? 這就是你害怕告訴我的龐大數目嗎? | That's it? That's the giant number you were afraid to tell me? |
那還好嘛 | Well,that's not bad at all. |
我是說,你害我以為 你有一艦隊的人 | You had me thinking it was,like,a fleet. |
你真的覺得沒關係? | You're okay with it? |
親愛的,沒關係 | Oh,honey,I'm fine. |
對了,關於那兩個… | Okay,about that two. |
什麼? | What? |
好吧 | All right. |
我的“兩個”怎麼了? | What about my two? |
只是聽起來真的好少喔 | It just seems like a really small number. |
對呀 | Right. |
我是說,難道你沒有許多的燕麥去播種嗎? | Don't you have a lot of wild oats to sow? |
你現在就是在那樣對我嗎? 天啊,我是燕麥嗎? | Or is that what you're doing with me? Oh,my God! Am I an oat? |
親愛的,你不是燕麥 | Honey,you are not an oat. |
我不知道 我猜我不是那一型的 | I don't know,I guess I'm just not an oat guy. |
我只跟我愛的女人上床 | I've only slept with women I love. |
但是你只跟兩個人上過床 | You've only slept with two people. |
對 | Right. |
你一定知道我也愛你吧? | You know I love you too,right? |
現在我知道了 | Now I do. |
羅斯…拜託聽我說 | Ross,please listen to me. |
羅斯,你比保羅好太多了 | You are so much better for me than Paolo ever was. |
我是說,你關心我 你心中有愛,你會逗我笑 | You care about me,you're loving,you make me laugh. |
那樣的話,我有個主意 | If I make you laugh,here's an idea. |
你可以邀請保羅過來 在床上野獸一下… | Invite Paolo to have a romp in the sack... |
…而我就站在角落 講敲門的笑話 | ...and I'll stand in the corner and tell knock-knock jokes! |
羅斯,我們的感情很特別! 我跟保羅有的只是… | What we have is special! All Paolo and I ever had was |
“野獸的性關係”? | "Animal sex"? |
所以你什麼意思呢? | So what are you saying? |
你是說我們之間 就沒有任何“獸性”的東西嗎 | There's nothing between us "animal" at all? |
連一點點…一點獸性都沒有? | There's not even,like,a little animal? |
甚至都不像… | Not even,like... |
…花栗鼠那樣的性? | ...chipmunk sex? |
拜託,你聽我說 | Try to hear me,okay? |
我不想對你說謊 | I'm not gonna lie to you. |
跟保羅的性很好 敲敲門 | -lt was good with Paolo. -Knock-knock. |
但我們兩個之間的比那好多了 | But what you and I have is so much better. |
我們有溫柔,我們有親密 我們心靈相通 | We have tenderness,we have intimacy,we connect. |
而且我發誓 | You know? I swear. |
我從來沒有過… | This is the best... |
…像你這麼棒的 | ... I have ever had. |
直到現在 | Until now. |
理查剛說他愛我 | Richard told me he loved me. |
天啊 我知道 | -Oh,my God! -I know! |
太棒了 | Honey,that's great! |
我知道 | I know! |
我只是找不到… 在第一個抽屜 | -I just can't find -Top drawer. |
你也要啊 對呀 | -Hurry. -Why? You need one too? |
找到了 | Found them! |
只有一個 | There's only one. |
我馬上來 我們…在決定事情 | We'll be right there. We're just trying to decide something. |
她們兩個在決定事情 好,很好 | -They're trying to decide something. -Good. Good,good. |
你的…你的小鬍子 跟以前有不同嗎? | So was your mustache Did it used to be different? |
你怎麼能夠保持得那麼整齊? | How do you,you know,keep it so neat? |
我有一把小梳子 | I have a comb. |
那個梳子叫什麼? 鬍子梳 | -What is that? -A mustache comb. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我幫你洗一個月的衣服 | Okay,I will do your laundry for one month. |
我會…我會… | I will,I will,I will.... |
我打掃兩個月的房子,如何? | I will clean the apartment for two months. |
只要你告訴我我們把簸箕 放在哪裡,這個我現在給你 | I'll give this to you now,if you tell me where we keep the dustpan. |
你有沒有打過越戰? | So were you in Nam? |
我們都是成年人了對吧?所以應該用成年人的方式處理 | We are both adults here. Right?. There has to be a mature way to handle this. |
剪刀石頭布 沒問題 | -Rock,paper,scissors? -Gotcha. |
一,二,三 | One,two,three. |
太棒了 | Yes! |
很好,上床吧 | Fine. Go have sex. |
不對,你完完全全搞錯了 | No! You have got it completely wrong! |
約翰薩維奇是《獵鹿人》裡沒有腿的那個 | John Savage was Deer Hunter,no legs. |
約翰沃特是《歸鄉》裡腿癱瘓的那個(都是越戰電影) | Jon Voight was Coming Home,couldn't feel his legs. |
你完完全全搞反了(理查是正確的),朋友,約翰沃特是… | You've got it totally the other way around,my friend. Jon Voight |
親愛的 什麼? | -Honey? -What? |
可以了嗎 | Shall we? |
今晚不可能了 | It's not gonna happen. |
今天晚上他們做 我們可以明天再做 | They're doing it tonight. We can do it tomorrow. |
下一次的時間表 可不可以先讓我看看? | In the future,if I could see the schedule beforehand.... |
我今天早上醒過來的時候… | So when I woke up this morning... |
…發現他偷了我所有的鞋墊 | ... he'd stolen all the insoles out of my shoes! |
為什麼? | Why? |
那傢伙以為我睡了他前任女友 而且還殺了他的魚 | He thinks I slept with his ex-girlfriend and killed his fish. |
你幹嘛殺了他的魚? | Why would you kill his fish? |
菲比,因為有時候 你跟人上床之後… | Because sometimes after you sleep with someone... |
…就必須要殺條魚 | ...you have to kill a fish. |
錢德,寶貝… | Chandler,honey... |
…很遺憾 | ... I'm sorry. |
可以看喬伊的電視劇了嗎? | Can we watch Joey's show now,please? |
等等,他還沒有到 | Wait. He's not here yet. |
他知道情節 | He knows what happens. |
順便說一句,我不在乎我的問題了 | I'm fine about my problem now,by the way. |
安柏… | Amber... |
…你需要的時候永遠有我… | ...I'll always be there for you... |
…我是你一輩子的朋友跟兄弟 | ...as a friend and as your brother. |
德瑞克 | Oh,Drake. |
辛苦了 | Hard day,huh? |
先是醫學大獎,然後是這個 | First the medical award,now this? |
是呀,我猜有些人天生好運 | Some guys are just lucky,I guess. |
雷莫瑞大夫,請到一樓急診室 | Dr. Ramoray,report to first floor Emergency stat. |
那麼… | Well,then... |
…我猜在叫我了 | ... I guess that's me. |
還有誰想坐電梯的?郝頓大夫?華大夫? | Anyone else need to go on the elevator? Dr. Horton? Dr. Wall? |
他們只叫你一個人啊 | They only said you. |
好吧 | Oh,okay. All right. |
我愛你,德瑞克 | I love you. |
是呀,隨便啦 | Yeah,whatever. |
不… | Oh,no! |
德瑞克,小心,德瑞克… | Drake,look out! |
他們剛剛殺了喬伊? 不可能 | -Did they just kill off Joey? -No! |
好像真的 | Now maybe. |
開門,我們想跟你談一談 | Come on! Open up! We want to talk to you! |
我不想談 | I don't feel like talking! |
別這樣了,喬伊 我們關心你 | Come on! We care about you. |
我們很關心你 我們有些人真的很急要尿尿 | -We're worried about you. -And some of us really have to pee! |
很遺憾,喬伊 | I'm sorry,Joey. |
聽著,很遺憾你的死 真的很慘耶 | Listen,sorry about your death. That really sucks. |
我們一看到就趕過來了 你怎麼不告訴我們呢? | -We came over as soon as we saw. -How could you not tell us? |
我不知道 我有點希望沒有人會發現 | I don't know. I was kind of hoping no one would ever find out. |
或許他們可以讓你起死回生 | Well,maybe they could find a way to bring you back. |
他們說當找到我屍體的時候 我的腦袋已經摔得稀巴爛了… | They said that when they found my body,my brain was so smashed in... |
…而唯一救得了我的人是我 | ...that the only doctor who could've saved me was me. |
說是故意要看起來諷刺什麼的 | It's supposed to be some kind of irony. |
喬伊,你不會有事的 | But Joey,you're gonna be fine. |
你不需要那個節目 那只是個蠢的肥皂劇嘛 | You don't need that show. It was just a dumb soap opera. |
菲比,那是我這輩子最棒的事 | This was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. |
沒錯,我本來還要那樣說的 | Yes! I was going to incorporate that. |
很好,莫妮卡來了 她會說句好聽的啦 | Here's Monica. She'll have something nice to say. |
我把你的浴簾拉直了以免發黴 | I straightened out your shower curtain so you won't get mildew. |
怎麼了?對我來說那是好事啊 | What? To me,that's nice. |
不要緊的,你也知道嘛 | It'll be okay. You know that. |
不,我不知道 | No,I don't. |
像你奮鬥了一輩子去追求… | It's like you work your whole life for something... |
…當你認為你辦到的時候… | ...and you think that when you get it... |
…永遠不會像你想的一樣好 | ...it'll never be as good as you thought. |
不過這個是啊 | But this so was. |
它改變了一切 | It changed everything. |
前幾天呢,我去申請信用卡… | Like,the other day,I got this credit card application... |
…我竟然被預先審核了 | ...and I was pre-approved! |
我這輩子從沒被預先審核過 | I've never been pre-approved for anything in my life! |
很遺憾,老兄 | I'm sorry,man. |
喬伊 我不知道這對你有沒有意義… | I don't know if this'll mean anything to you... |
…但我們總是會審核你過關的 | ... but you'll always be pre-approved with us. |
不,那對我沒有意義 | That means nothing to me. |
大胡桃餅,剛出爐的 | Pecan sandy? Just made them. |
好 | Yeah,all right. |
這是葡萄乾嗎? | Are these raisins? |
當然了,有何不可? | Sure,why not? |
聽我說,艾迪 | Listen,Eddie. |
我想過 我們目前住在一起的情況了 | I've been thinking about our living situation. |
你為什麼要笑? | Why are you smiling? |
我有個小小的驚喜 我買了條新魚 | I got a little surprise. Look. There's a new fishy. |
我叫它… | I named him... |
…錢德,以你為名 | ... Chandler,you know,after you. |
那根本不是一條真魚啊 | Well,that's not even a real fish. |
那是金魚餅乾耶 | No,that's a Goldfish cracker. |
你要說什麼? | So what's your point,man? |
晚安了 | Okay,good night. |
你這個自然的大怪人 | You big freak of nature! |
今天晚上好冷 老兄 | -Brisk tonight. -Oh,man. |
我們都不要提了 沒問題 | -Let's never speak of this. -You got it. |
艾迪 | Hey,Eddie. |
你在這裡幹什麼? 沒什麼,只是看你睡覺 | -What are you doing here? -Watching you sleep. |
為什麼? | Why? |
那會讓我覺得…平靜 | It makes me feel peaceful. |
請繼續 | Please. |
我睡不著了 | I can't sleep now! |
你想要我唱歌嗎? | You want me to sing? |
夠了 我要你現在就給我搬出去 | That's it. I want you out of the apartment now! |
你在說什麼,老兄? | What are you talking about? |
漢尼拔萊克特(《沉默的羔羊》中的食人魔) | Hannibal Lecter? |
當室友都好過你 | Better roommate than you. |
我認為你這話不公平 我是說你看到我一次就怕了 | I don't think you're being fair! One night you see me and you get scared. |
那沒看到我的那些夜晚呢 | What about the other nights when you don't see me? |
那你昨天晚上起來喝水… | Last night you went and got some water... |
…我好心躲在門後沒讓你看到 那是怎麼回事呢? | ...and I was nice enough to hide behind the door. |
我根本就沒發現 | I didn't realize that. |
你馬上給我出去 | Get out now! |
真的要我出去? | You really want me out? |
對,請你快出去 | Yes,please. |
那我要聽到你說你要我出去 | Then I want to hear you say you want me out. |
我要你出去 | I want you out. |
不…我要聽到你的嘴說 | I want to hear it from your lips. |
那剛才是我的哪裡跟你說的? | Where'd you hear it before? |
對,好吧 你知道嗎?考慮如果我搬走 | All right. You know what? Consider me gone. |
我要搬到我兄弟的地下室去 | I'll move into my brother's basement. |
當他發現了,我就再找其他地方 | When he finds out,I'll go find someplace else. |
知道嗎? 我會在你明天下班前搬出這裡 | I'll be out by the time you get home from work tomorrow. |
謝謝 我聽到了 | -Thank you. -I heard that. |
六人行 第2季 第19集 艾迪不走 | The One Where Eddie Won't Go |
你看你 | Well,look at you! |
終於用時光機回到過去了 | Finally got that time machine working,huh? |
喜不喜歡? | You like it? |
我在第八街跟一個傢伙買的 我看到的時候心裡在想… | This guy was selling them on 8th Avenue and I thought... |
…“知道我缺什麼嗎?” | ... "You know what I don't have?" |
鏡子? | A mirror? |
很好,笑啊,我覺得很快活 | Fine,make fun. I think it's jaunty. |
對一個剛失業的人來說 你心情很好呀 | For a guy who's recently lost his job,you're in a good mood. |
不要緊的 又不是說我要從零開始 | I'll be all right. I'm not starting from square one. |
我可是“我們的日子” 裡面的德瑞克雷莫瑞大夫 | I was Dr. Drake Ramoray on Days of our Lives. |
那一定可以算是一項儲備吧 | That's got to have some kind of cachet. |
儲備?快活? | Cachet? Jaunty? |
錢德送我一卷 “每日一字”衛生紙 | Chandler gave me word-of-the-day toilet paper. |
我要去點咖啡了 | I'm gonna get some coffee. |
做吧,你知道你想的 | Go on. You know you want to. |
-不 -不? | -No.-No? |
書看了沒有啊? | So? Did you read the book? |
天啊,簡直不可思議 | Oh,my God. It was incredible! |
是不是完全說出你的心聲? | Didn't it,like,totally speak to you? |
什麼書啊? | What book is this? |
瑞秋,這本書你一定要讀 書名是“掌握自己的風” | You have to read this book. It's called Be Your Own Wind Keeper. |
是關於女人 需要被授予更多的權力 | It's about how women need to become more empowered. |
對,但是有…有風 | But there's wind. |
風能夠讓我們變成女神 | And the wind can make us goddesses. |
知道誰取走我們的風嗎? 男人,他們就那樣拿走了 | Do you know who takes our wind? Men. They just take it. |
男人就…就這樣拿走我們的風? | Men just take our wind? |
對呀,一天到晚 因為他們是閃電使者 | All the time. Because they are the lightning-bearers. |
聽起來蠻酷的 有點像是哈比人(《指環王》中的穴居小矮人) | That sounds kind of cool. It's like The Hobbit. |
那完全不像哈比人 | It is nothing like The Hobbit. |
那就像在讀 我有過的每一段關係 | It's like reading about every relationship I've ever had. |
除了理查之外 | Except for Richard. |
理查絕不會偷走你的風 | Richard would never steal your wind. |
不會,因為他很可口 | Because he's yummy. |
對,但是其他的都會 | But all the others. |
還有,他們總是吸走… | And the part about how they're always drinking... |
…我們儲存的內在力量 | ...from our pool of inner power. |
但我們連嘗一口都不准 | But God forbid we should take a sip. |
誰要吃根長條糕? | Anybody want a cruller? |
這就是典型的閃電使者行為 | This is a typical lightning-bearer thing. |
就像是… | It's like... |
…“嗨,誰要來一根 我的陰莖形狀的蛋糕?” | ... "Hello. Who wants one of my phallic-shaped man-cakes?" |
你跟誰約會了? | Who have you been dating? |
你別擔心了 人有禍福的 | Don't worry about it,already! Things happen. |
所以我這次被炒魷魚 你不會生氣嗎? | You're not mad at me for getting fired and everything? |
喬伊,看著我 | Look at me. |
看著我 | Look at me! |
我的牙齒上有口紅嗎? | Do I have lipstick on my teeth? |
沒有,我們說回我,?貌緩茫縶 | Can we get back to me? |
聽著,親愛的 這一行到處有人被炒魷魚 | Look,honey. People get fired left and right in this business. |
我已經幫你找到了 《另一個世界》的試鏡機會了 | I already got you an audition for Another World. |
好棒 | All right! |
計程車司機二號? | "Cab Driver Number 2"? |
不客氣 | You're welcome. |
可是我演過德瑞克雷莫瑞大夫 | But I was Dr. Drake Ramoray! |
我怎麼能從神經外科醫生 演到一個計程車司機? | How can I go from being a neurosurgeon to driving a cab? |
嘿,我還曾經跟雷克斯哈里森(影星)搭檔演過小淘氣 | Hey. There was a time when I played tickle-pickle with Rex Harrison. |
世事無常,隨遇而安吧 | Things change. Roll with them. |
可是這只有兩句臺詞 | But this is a two-line part! |
這是在退步 | It's like taking a step backwards. |
我不要演這個 | I'm not gonna do this. |
喬伊,這句話我也勸過艾爾明澤… | I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Al Minza... |
…跟他的金字塔狗群 | ...and his pyramid of dogs. |
有什麼就做什麼 不要隨地亂搞 | Take any job you can get,and don't make on the floor. |
抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
改天見 | I'll see you. |
天啊 | God! |
天啊,我是說,這好… | Oh,God! I mean,it's just so.... |
不是嗎? | Isn't it? |
這就像是讀我自己的生活 | This is like reading about my own life! |
我是說這書可以改做 “掌握自己的風,瑞秋” | This book could have been called Be Your Own Wind Keeper,Rachel! |
我不認為那會賣一百萬本… | It wouldn't have sold a million copies... |
…但要當禮物送給你 倒蠻合適的 | ...but it would've made a nice gift for you. |
甜心,我們得走了 | Sweetie,we've got to go. |
不,為什麼我們做什麼事 都得照你的時間表來呢? | No! Why do we always have to do everything according to your timetable? |
事實上,我們照的是 電影院的時間表 | Actually,it's the movie theater that has the timetable. |
這樣我們才不會錯過開頭啊 | It's so you don't miss the beginning. |
不,你瞧,這不是關於電影院 這是關於你偷了我的風 | This isn't about the movie theater. This is about you stealing my wind. |
加油,姑娘 | You go,girl! |
我沒法收回那句話了,是不是? | I can't pull that off,can l? |
對不起,你的風? | Excuse me,your wind? |
對,我的風 | Yes,my wind. |
你不讓我吹,怎麼能長大? | How do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow? |
你知道… | You know I don't... |
…我倒不會反對啊 | ... have a problem with that. |
我只是很需要 自己一個人靜一靜 | I just really need to be with myself right now. |
很抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
你說得對,我不需要跟他道歉 | You're right. I don't have to apologize. |
抱歉,該死 | Sorry. Damn it! |
怎麼了? 不知道 | -What is it? -I don't know. |
是關於什麼風呀樹呀… | It's got all this stuff about wind and trees... |
…裡頭還有什麼神聖的池塘 | ...and some sacred pool. |
我不是很懂 但她…她蠻不高興的 | I don't really get it. But she's pretty upset about it. |
所以我不跟看書的女人約會 | This is why I don't date women who read. |
那是什麼? | What's that? |
我的信用卡帳單 | It's my VlSA bill. |
兩封裡的第一封 | Envelope one of two. |
不可能是好事 打開來看看 | -That can't be good. -Open it,open it. |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
你看看 我怎麼會花這麼多錢? | Look at this! How did I spend so much money? |
喬伊,那只是最低應繳金額 總金額在這裡 | That's just the minimum amount. That's your total. |
你在“狩獵陶瓷” 花了3500塊錢? | Thirty-five hundred dollars at "Porcelain Safari"? |
我的動物 | My animals. |
那店員說很適合我 他講話有口音,我被搞迷糊了 | The guy said they suited me. He spoke with an accent. I was confused. |
我不知道該怎麼辦 | I don't know what to do! |
我想你可以從 《另一個世界》開計程車開始 | You can start by driving a cab on Another World. |
什麼? 那個試鏡? | -What? -That audition? |
那只有兩句臺詞 | That's a two-line part! |
喬伊,你欠“我愛樹脂” 1100塊錢 | Joey,you owe $1100 at "I Love Lucite." |
怎麼樣? 所以就認命吧,老兄 | -So what? -So suck it up,man. |
那是工作,錢 | It's a job. It's money. |
聽著,我不需要你跟我來批判 施捨,賣弄學問那一套東西 | I don't need you getting judgmental and condescending and pedantic. |
“每日一字”衛生紙裡的話? | Toilet paper? |
聽著,我沒有那樣 我只是很實際而已 | I'm not being any of those things. I'm being realistic. |
別說了,你是我的朋友才對 | You're supposed to be my friend! |
我是你的朋友 | I am your friend. |
那你跟我說像… 像“喬伊,沒問題的” | Then tell me things like,"You'll be fine." |
“撐下去 你會得到大角色的,我知道” | And "Something big's gonna come along. I know it!" |
但是我不知道 | But I don't know it. |
我只知道你欠“繽紛世界” 這家店2300大洋 | What I do know is you owe $2300 at "lsn't It Chromantic?" |
羅斯,我知道我欠多少 | I'm aware of what I owe. |
那就講一點道理啊 你奮鬥了十年才得到那份工作 | Then get some sense. It took you 10 years to get that job. |
誰知道下一個機會還要等多久 我不想聽這個 | -How long till you get another? -I don't want to hear this! |
我只是說… | I'm just saying.... |
那就別“只是說” | Well,don't "just say"! |
或許我該走了 | Maybe I should just go. |
好,咱們待會兒見 | I'll see you later. |
你考慮看看 | Just think about it. |
我不需要考慮 | I don't need to think about it! |
我演過德瑞克雷莫瑞大夫 | I was Dr. Drake Ramoray! |
那是大角色 | That was huge! |
大機會還會出現的,你等著瞧 | Big things are gonna happen! You'll see! |
羅斯? | Ross! |
你還在那裡嗎? | You still there? |
艾迪,你還在這裡幹什麼? | What are you still doing here? |
只是在做一些基本的脫水水果和蔬菜 | Just some basic dehydrating of fruits and vegetables. |
老天爺,這玩意兒太棒了 | Man alive,this thing's fantastic! |
聽我說,艾迪 你有沒有忘記什麼事? | Aren't you forgetting anything? |
看,我買了一條新的金魚 | Oh,yeah. I got us a new goldfish. |
它比上一條活潑多了 | He's feistier than the last one. |
對,大概是因為上一條是培珀莉農場(知名餅乾公司)做的吧 | Maybe because the last one was made by Pepperidge Farm. |
艾迪,你現在是不是有件事 必須要馬上去做的? | Eddie,isn't there something you're supposed to be doing now? |
除非是跟乾燥脫水能扯上關係 | Not unless it's got something to do with dehydrating. |
因為現在我是脫水瘋子 | Because right now,I'm a dehydrating maniac! |
你必須要幫我一個忙 我以為我們講好了… | I thought we had a deal. I thought by the time I got |
你知道那是什麼嗎? | You know what that is? |
你上個室友的腎? | Your last roommate's kidney? |
那是一顆蕃茄 | That's a tomato. |
這個一定要拿來當擺飾 | This one definitely goes in the display. |
甘瑟,檸檬汁帶走 | Hey,Gunther. Let me get a lemonade to go. |
檸檬汁? | Lemonade? |
你沒事吧? | You okay,man? |
只是事業不太順利 | It's career stuff. |
不知道你聽到沒有 他們殺了我扮演的人物 | They killed off my character on the show. |
真不幸,怎麼殺的? | That's too bad. How'd they do it? |
我掉下了電梯井 | I fell down an elevator shaft. |
真遜 | That sucks. |
我是雪崩的時候被活埋的 | I was buried in an avalanche. |
什麼? | What? |
我以前演過《我的孩子們》的布萊 | I used to be Brice on All My Children. |
幹嘛大家都要看我睡覺? | Why must everybody watch me sleep? |
不准再看我睡覺了 我不准… | There'll be no more watching me sleep! No more... |
…別再看了 | ...watching! |
我有些好東西脫水哦 我有葡萄,還有杏桃 | I got some great stuff to dehydrate. Grapes,apricots. |
還有我想看這些水球脫水後 會是什麼德性,一定很酷 | I thought it'd be cool to see what happens with these water balloons. |
出去… | Get out. Get out,get out,get out! |
什麼? 你搬出去 | -What? -You! Move out! |
帶著水果,帶著你愚蠢的水果 給我搬出去 | Take your fruit! Your stupid small fruit and get out! |
你要我搬出去? | You want me to move out? |
我得告訴你,老兄 這有點突然,你不認為嗎? | I gotta tell you,that's kind of out of the blue,don't you think? |
這不是突如其來 | This is not out of the blue! |
這是突如其來到極點了 | This is smack-dab in the middle of the blue! |
輕鬆一點,放輕鬆,兄弟 | Relax! Take it easy,buddy! |
你不用告訴我兩次 | You don't have to tell me twice. |
會有人來拿我的東西 | Someone will be by for my stuff. |
不過你以?一崛夢業撓?跟你獨處,那你就瘋了 | If you think I'm leaving you alone with my fish,you're insane! |
要我幫忙嗎? | You want some help? |
不用 | No help required,chico! |
你不會每天都看到的 | You don't see that every day. |
一直開到機場? 那超過了三十哩 | All the way to the airport,huh? You know,that's over 30 miles. |
我估計大概要好多元 | That's gonna cost you about so bucks. |
對不起,你說錯了,是五十元 | Excuse me,that's fifty bucks. |
5…0…元 | Five-O dollars. |
你知道為什麼嗎? 字模糊了因為是傳真過來的 | You know what it is? It's smudgy because they're fax pages. |
當我在“我們的日子” 演德瑞克雷莫瑞大夫的時候… | When I was on Days of our Lives as Dr. Drake Ramoray... |
…他們會送來 用紙打的整個劇本來 | ...they'd send over the whole script on real paper. |
那太棒了 | That's great. |
如果你想加長這場戲 像是出了車禍之類的… | If you wanted to expand this scene,like have the cab crash... |
…我可以投入進去… | ... I could attend to the victims... |
…因為我有醫療演出的背景 | ... because I have a background in medical acting. |
聽我說,謝謝你來 | Okay,listen,thanks for coming in. |
不…別謝謝我來 至少讓我演完 | Don't thank me for coming in. At least let me finish. |
我們可以走高速公路… | We could take the expressway... |
但這種時候我們還是走“羔羊皮”(與“橋”形似)比較好一點 | ... but this time of day you're better off taking the budge. |
你們的意思是“橋” 對不對? | You were going for bridge there,weren't you? |
我今天會很?淇靮 | I'll have a good day. |
親愛的,我知道你不是這個意思 我知道,我也是 | Honey, I know you didn't mean to.I know, me too. |
瑞秋,等等,你應該過來做測試 | Hang up. You're supposed to be taking a goddess quiz. |
中途給你男朋友打電話,你應該扣100分 | You should lose 1 00 points for calling your boyfriend in the middle of it. |
第28個問題 | Question number 28. |
“你有沒有讓閃電使者 取走過你的風?” | "Have you ever allowed a lightning-bearer to take your wind?" |
我必須說,沒有 | I would have to say no. |
而我必須說… | And I would have to say.... |
什麼? | What? |
你不記得那個演木偶戲的嗎? | Do you not remember the puppet guy? |
對,你完全讓他在你內在力量的池子裡洗腳 | You totally let him wash his feet in the pool of your inner power. |
還有他的木偶 | And his puppet too! |
對 但至少不在我第一次約會… | Well,at least I didn't let some guy... |
…就讓人家進入 我的正義真理的森林裡啊 | ...into the forest of my righteous truth on the first date! |
誰啊? 保羅 | -Who? -Paul! |
繼續,繼續下一個 | Moving on,moving on. Next question. |
好,第29題 | Okay,number 29. |
你曾經為一個閃電使者… | "Have you ever betrayed another goddess... |
…背叛過另一位女神嗎? 第30題 | ...for a lightning-bearer?" Okay,number 30. |
回到第29題! | Whoa,whoa,whoa! Let's go back to 29. |
…就我記得的沒有 | Not to my recollection. |
好吧,丹尼阿什克,九年級 | Danny Arshack,ninth grade. |
瑞秋 你知道那瓶子完全指向我的(轉瓶子接吻的遊戲) | You know the bottle was pointing at me. |
那是因為你的體積太龐大了 | Only because you took up half the circle! |
聽你們兩個說的 真是悲哀 | Listen to you two. It's so sad. |
這下子看來我真該一個人 去參加女神會議了 | Looks like I'll be going to the goddess meetings alone. |
等他們發現傑森賀利跟莫妮卡才分手了一個小時… | Not when they find out you slept with Jason Hurley... |
…你就跟他上床了呢? | ...an hour after he broke up with Monica. |
一小時? | One hour? |
你可真會挑撥離間 | You are such a leaf blower! |
-池塘下水道 -折彎的樹枝 -猴子屁股 | -Pool-drainer.-Twig-snapper.Monkey butt.-Monkey butt. |
-這不是書裡的話 -不是 | -That isn't in the book.-No. |
但你就是這樣的 | But that's what you are. |
小心那個三維立體的最後的晚餐 猶大有點松了 | Be careful with that 3-D Last Supper. Judas is a little loose. |
這怎麼回事? | Oh,my God! What's going on? |
他們拿走了我的東西 我想你說得對 | They're taking all my stuff back. I guess you were right. |
不,聽著,我說得不對 我就是來告訴你這個的 | No,I wasn't right. That's what I came here to tell you. |
因為那天我的心 完全在我自己的事情上頭 | I was totally hung up on my own stuff the other day. |
你聽我說嘛,需要安全感的人是我 | No,listen. I need the whole security thing,you know? |
我需要完全掌握 下次薪水從哪兒來,但你不 | To know where my next paycheck is coming from. But you don't need that. |
我覺得你真了得 | And that's amazing to me. |
我永遠都無法像你,喬伊 | I could never do what you do. |
謝了,羅斯 對,而且你應該等待更大的 | -Thanks. -You hold out for something bigger. |
你不知道我多麼敬重… | I can't tell you how much respect I have... |
…你不去那個 計程車司機的試鏡 | ...for you not going to that stupid audition. |
我去了 太棒了,結果呢? | -I went. -Great! How did it go? |
我沒得到 真有你的 | -I didn't get it. -Good for you! |
你在實現夢想 | You're living the dream! |
好吧 | All right,then! |
別帶走鸚鵡 | Not my parrot. |
我看不下去了 | I can't watch this. |
等等… | Hey,hold on,hold on. |
這要多少… 救那只鳥要多少錢? | How much for the.... How much to save the bird? |
1200.-美金? | -Twelve hundred. -Dollars? |
你花1200美金買只塑膠鳥 | You spent $1200 on a plastic bird? |
那是一時衝動 它在收銀機附近 | It was an impulse buy. Near the register. |
去吧,把鳥帶走吧 | Go ahead with the bird. |
你有沒有大約兩百左右的? | Do you have anything for around $200? |
那只狗 | The dog. |
我買了 | I'll take it. |
送給你,老兄 | My gift to you,man. |
謝了,羅斯 | Thanks,Ross! |
我真的很喜歡那只鳥 | I really liked that bird,though. |
不過這只狗… | But the dog! |
你們的蛋糕 | Here are your cakes. |
我們沒點蛋糕 | We didn't order cake. |
我知道,是我請的 | No,I know. They're from me. |
聽著,兩位,這樣不好 | You guys,this is not good. |
我是說被男人偷走我們的風 就夠慘了… | We have enough trouble with guys stealing our wind... |
…何苦再自相殘殺呢? | ...without taking it from each other. |
你說得對 | You're right. |
我愛你們,女神們 | I love you goddesses. |
我再也不會吸走你們的風了 | I don't ever want to suck your wind again. |
謝謝,我們和好了? 和好了 | -Thank you. So are we good? -We're good. |
和好了? | We're good? |
好,我那把蛋糕送回去 因為他們會從我薪水裡扣 | Let me take these back. They'll take it out of my paycheck. |
叮咚,那個瘋子走了 | Ding-dong,the psycho's gone! |
這次你確定? | Are you sure this time? |
對…我親眼看到他離開的 | I actually saw him leave. |
那傢伙拿著一個人頭在視窗 | That guy is holding a human head. |
他拿著一個人頭 | He's holding a human head! |
你瞧,老兄 | Check it out,man! |
我在梅西百貨後面巷子的 模特兒上頭摘下來的 | I tore it off a mannequin in the alley behind Macy's. |
梅西後面沒有巷子 | There's no alley behind Macy's. |
所以我是在少女部摘的 有什麼差別呢? | So I got it in the junior miss department. Big diff. |
你瞧瞧,老兄,這樣我們下次 雞尾酒會就有得聊了 | It'll make a hell of a conversation piece at our next cocktail party. |
“下次的雞尾酒會”? | "Our next cocktail party"? |
對呀,可以拿來放洋芋片 弄成一個洋芋片小妞兒 | We'll put chips in it. We'll make it a chip chick. |
你記得昨天發生的事嗎? | Do you remember yesterday? |
我想我模模糊糊的記得 | Yes,I think I vaguely recall it. |
那麼你還記得 昨天你跟我說的話嗎? | Do you remember talking to me yesterday? |
發生了什麼事? | So what happened? |
我們跑去拉斯維加斯,老兄 | We took a road trip to Las Vegas! |
我的天啊 | Oh,sweet Moses! |
那麼這次的旅行 你們有沒有贏錢呢? | So on this road trip,did you win any money? |
沒有,我輸光了 但這位21點先生贏?藍 | I crapped out. But Mr. 21 here! He cleans up! |
300塊,他買這雙新鞋給我 | $300! He buys me these new shoes. |
很棒吧? | Nice. |
咱們樓上見了,再見 | See you upstairs. See you,pals! |
還有別人開始很喜歡他嗎? | Is anyone else starting to really like him? |
需要我效勞嗎? | May I help you? |
我的鑰匙為什麼不能用了? 我的東西為什麼都在樓下? | Why doesn't my key work,and what's my stuff doing downstairs? |
抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
我們有見過嗎? | Have we met? |
我是艾迪,呆子,你的室友 | It's Eddie,you freak! Your roommate. |
對不起… | I'm sorry... |
…我有室友的 | ... I already have a roommate. |
他住很多年了 我不知道你在說什麼,老兄 | He's lived here for years. I don't know what you're talking about. |
他搬出去以後我才搬進來的 | No,he moved out and I moved in. |
如果是那樣的話 我們應該記得才對 | Well,I think we'd remember something like that. |
我知道我會 | I know I would. |
說得有道理 | That's a good point. |
好 | Okay,wow. |
那我想我記錯房子了 | I guess I got the wrong apartment. |
兩位,對不起,對不起 沒關係 | -I'm terribly sorry. -Hey,no problem. |
再見了 | See you. |
再會了,乾燥水果的瘋子 | Goodbye,you fruit-drying psychopath. |
喬伊,要我幫你打開行李嗎? 不用了 | -You want me to help you unpack? -Nah,I'm okay. |
我只是想讓你知道 我是不得已才搬回來的 | Just so you know,I'm not moving back in because I have to. |
是不得已沒錯… | I mean,I do have to,but.... |
但是在那個地方 並不是真的… | It's just that that place,it wasn't really.... |
我是說,這裡… | I mean,this is.... |
歡迎回家,老兄 | Welcome home,man. |
小試一下身手? 沒問題 | -A little foos? -Absolutely! |
這顆球怎麼了? | What happened to the foosball? |
那是顆哈蜜瓜 | It's a cantaloupe. |
喬伊,每次羅斯來 我們都要把這玩意拖出來嗎? | Are we gonna bring this out every time Ross comes over? |
他付了很多錢買這個 | He paid a lot of money for it. |
我要用不同的方式來抱它 | I'm gonna hold him a different way. |
你真的那麼討厭這個 那當初為何要買它呢? | If you hated it so much,why'd you buy it in the first place? |
我那邊有一整個陶瓷動物園嘛 | Well,I had a whole ceramic zoo thing going over there. |
現在少了其他動物 看起來就很俗了 | But without the other ones,it looks tacky. |
是的,跟這個東西一比,其他的都很不錯 | Yeah. With things like this,more is always better. |
它會控制大小便嗎? 還是會到處留下小瓷器便便? | Is he housetrained or will he leave little bathroom tiles all over? |
別動 | Stay. |
別動 | Stay! |
好假狗 | Good fake dog. |
你們在幹嘛?莫妮卡逼我們看《老黃狗》(又譯《父親離家時》) | -What you guys doing? -Monica's making us watch Old Yeller. |
那你們在傷心什麼? 這是一部快樂的電影啊 | Why are you guys upset? It's Old Yeller. It's a happy movie. |
什麼? 你在胡扯什麼? | -What? -What are you talking about? |
少來了,快樂家庭養了一隻狗 | Come on. Happy family gets a dog. |
荒野之樂 | Frontier fun! |
對呀,但是結局呢? | Pheebs,what about the end? |
是老黃救全家人於狼口之中 大家皆大歡喜 | When Yeller saves the family and everyone's happy? |
那不是結局 | That's not the end. |
才是呢,我媽會在那個時候 關掉電視說已結束了 | That's when my mother would shut off the TV and say,"The end." |
那它生狂犬病的情節呢? | What about when he has rabies? |
它沒有生狂犬病 它生了小寶寶 | He doesn't have rabies. He has babies. |
我媽說的 | That's what my mom said. |
菲比,我猜你媽 不想你看接下來的劇情 | I don't think she'd want you to see what's about to happen. |
為什麼?接下來怎麼樣? | Why? What's about to happen? |
這部份我從沒看過 | I've never seen this part. |
崔維,你拿槍幹什麼? | Hey,Travis,what you doing with that gun? |
不… | Oh,no. |
崔維,把槍放下來 | No,no,Travis,put down the gun. |
不要…它是你的夥伴 是你的老黃 | No,no,he's your buddy. He's your Yeller. |
不…劇終… | No! The end! The end! |
這算什麼病態的狗電影? | Okay,what kind of a sick doggy snuff film is this? |
六人行 第2季 第20集 老黃狗之死 | The One Where Old Yeller Dies |
你們吃過了嗎?我跟理查 剛吃過,我們還有剩菜 | Have you guys eaten? Richard and l just finished,and we've got leftovers. |
雞肉跟馬鈴薯 | Chicken and potatoes. |
我穿什麼? | What am I wearing? |
事實上,除了塑膠手套之外什麼都沒穿 | Actually,nothing but rubber gloves. |
有一天你會真的一絲不掛 而我們卻不會過來了 | One of these times,you'll really be naked and we won't come over. |
這倒是給我上了一課 | That'd teach me a lesson. |
我還剩一條腿,三塊胸跟一根翅膀 | I got a leg,three breasts and a wing. |
那你怎麼找得到合適的衣服穿? | How do you find clothes that fit? |
莫妮卡,我們有問題 | Hey,Monica? We got a question. |
好吧,再說一遍,對,我在健身房浴室會看到別的女人 | All right,yes,I see other women in the shower at the gym. |
不,我沒興趣看 | And no,I don't look. |
不,不是那個 | No,not that one. |
我們在想今晚帶誰去看尼克隊賽球,我們多了一張票 | We're figuring out who to bring to the Nicks game. |
對,羅斯不能去,所以或者是我朋友艾瑞克,他有口臭 | Ross can't go,so it's between my friend Eric Prower,who has breath issues... |
…或是丹,他愛戳人 “你看到了嗎?” | ...and Dan,with the poking. "Did you see that play?" |
“還要啤酒嗎?” “那是史派克李嗎?” | "You want more beer? Is that Spike Lee?" |
為什麼不問理查? | Why don't you ask Richard? |
理查,如果你有多一張 尼克隊球賽的票… | Richard,if you had an extra ticket to the Nicks game... |
…而你必須從有口臭… | ...and you had to choose between a friend who smelled... |
…跟會戳人的朋友當中選 你會選誰? | ...and one who bruises you,who would you pick? |
對一個大尼克迷來說… | Being a huge Nicks fan myself... |
…我想你們應該選一個 大尼克迷 | ... I think you should take someone who's a huge Nicks fan. |
那就艾瑞克好了 | That's Eric. |
樂意效勞,不客氣 | Glad to be of help. Matches. |
我是說 你們為什麼不請理查去? | I meant,why don't you take Richard to the game? |
怎麼樣? | What? |
我不知道 拜託 | -I don't know. -Come on! |
他從來不會亂指亂戳 口氣永遠芳香自然 | He keeps his fingers to himself,and he's always minty fresh. |
理查他這個人真的很好啦 只是我們跟他不是很熟 | Richard's really nice. We just don't know him really well. |
加上他又老… | Plus,he's old |
…一點兒,對某些人來說 | er than some people. |
但他比某些建築要年輕一點 | But younger than some buildings. |
他老一點又怎麼樣? | So what,he's a little older. Big deal. |
他對我而言是很重要的 | He's important to me. |
你們問他的話 他或許會開捷豹去哦 | If you ask him,he might take you in his Jag. |
我們要怎麼說… | How do we say yes... |
…才不會聽起來像 為了要搭他的酷車才邀請他去 | ...and make it seem like it's not just to ride in the cool car? |
這有點棘手 | Okay,this could be tough. |
他如果開捷豹車來 我們才會帶他去 | We'll bring him,but only if he takes the Jaguar. |
你幾乎辦到了 | You almost had it. |
不…你沒問題… | No,no,you're fine. You're fine. |
親愛的 | Hi,honey. |
你們一定不會相信 發生了什麼事 | You are not gonna believe what happened! |
我們坐在那邊地板上玩 他抓住了桌子… | We were playing on the floor,and he grabs the table... |
…把自己拉起來了 | ...and he pulls himself up! |
他把自己拉起來了 | He pulled himself up! |
站立的人 | Standing man! |
很遺憾你們錯過,但我錄下來了,你們要看的話… | I'm sorry you missed it,but I did tape it if you wanna see it. |
我們知道,他上個禮拜就會了 | We know. He already did it last week. |
你可以看我們的帶子 | You can watch our tape if you want. |
我真不敢相信 我錯過每個第一次了 | See,I don't believe this. I missed the first time of everything. |
我錯過他第一次翻身 他第一次爬 | The first time he rolled over,the first time he crawled. |
我還錯過了什麼? 他說話了嗎?會開車了嗎? | What else? Has he spoken? Is he driving? |
他有偏好的甜酒嗎? | Does he have a favorite liqueur? |
他好像也快要會說話了 | He is getting closer on the talking thing. |
他還不會說媽媽 可是有一次他說“葉門” | He can't quite say "mama" yet,but once he said "Yemen." |
我受不了老是錯過 | See,I don't know. I'm so sick of missing stuff. |
我不要只照顧他一天而已 我要他一整個週末 | I want him for more than a day. I want him for a whole weekend. |
聽著,我覺得… | Listen. I feel |
沒問題 | That would be great. |
真的?我正準備要大發議論 | Really? I had a whole speech prepared. |
是的,那會很好玩的 | Oh,shoot,that would've been fun. |
你們看到了嗎? | Did you just see that? |
他剛剛揮手… | Did you see? He just waved! He just waved! |
他從來沒有揮過手 | He's never waved before! |
他揮過?好極了 | Yes,he has. Very good. |
菲比,那是什麼? | What you got there? |
“愛情故事”“布萊恩之歌” 還有“母女情深” | Love Story,Brian's Song and Terms of Endearment. |
現在只缺“戰火屠城” 跟一些鱷梨沙拉醬你就可以狂歡了 | All you need now is The Killing Fields and guacamole,and you got a party! |
對呀,我跟我外婆講了 那個“老黃狗”那件事… | I talked to my grandma about the Old Yeller incident... |
…她說我媽總是不讓我們看 那種悲傷電影的結局… | ...and she said my mom used to not show us the ends of sad movies... |
…好讓我們不用痛苦傷心 | ...to shield us from the pain and sadness. |
你們知道的,是在她自殺之前 | You know,before she killed herself. |
他人呢?理查呢? 你們甩了他嗎? | Where's Richard? Did you ditch him? |
對,在搶了他的午餐錢還有拉了他內褲(國外小孩的惡作劇)之後 | After we stole his lunch money and gave him a wedgie. |
你這人怎麼搞的?他在停車 | What's the matter? He's parking the car. |
那你們玩得開心嗎? 你的男朋友真的?每醷 | -Did you guys have fun? -Your boyfriend is so cool. |
對,他讓我們開他的車 喬伊12條街,我15條街 | He let us drive his Jaguar. Joey for 12 blocks. Me for 15. |
他一定最喜歡你 | He must like you best. |
還有他給那個 幫我們帶位的人小費那件事 | What about when he tipped the guy who showed us to our seats? |
他連多少都沒看,就像這樣 | You never even saw the money. |
錢德,謝謝你幫我們帶位 不用客氣 | Hey,Chandler,thanks for showing us to our seats. |
喬伊,謝謝你幫我停車 | You're welcome. Hey,Joey,thanks for parking the car. |
沒問題 | No problem. |
錢德… 我想她們懂了 | -Hey,Chandler -I think they get it. |
他來了 | There's the man! |
你越來越行了 | Hey,you're getting better. |
我要留著這個 | I'm gonna keep this. |
他留下我的錢 | He kept my dollar. |
第一個沒有班的週末 你們兩個要做什麼? | Your first weekend without Ben. What are you doing? |
我們要去威廉斯堡玩 | We're going to colonial Williamsburg. |
對,我大學一個女同學 剛成為那裡第一個女鐵匠 | A woman I went to college with is the first female blacksmith there. |
威廉斯堡那邊是有點落伍了 | They're a little behind the times in colonial Williamsburg. |
好吧 我們最好在掉眼淚之前走了 | Look,I better go before Mommy starts weeping. |
我們愛你 再見,媽咪 | -We love you. -Bye,Mommy. |
好好玩 | Have a good time. |
看 | Look. |
喬伊 你知道我們看得到你嗎? | Joey,do you know we can see you from here? |
為什麼理查抽起這個 比我酷那麼多? | How come Richard looks cooler with one of these? |
首先,你或許要先點燃 還有放下那支鍋鏟 | You may wanna light it and lose the spatula. |
你想模仿理查,我覺得很可愛 | It's cute,you trying to be more like Richard. |
也不是要像他 | Not like him,per se. |
只是不要不像他 | Just not unlike him. |
看,是以前 叫錢德的那個藝術家 | It's the artist formerly known as Chandler. |
我不過是想試試看 | I'm just trying something here,you know? |
喬伊,你為什麼不留鬍子? | Why didn't you grow a mustache? |
我們丟銅板 | We flipped for it. |
我丟到抽雪茄,他丟到留鬍子 | I got the cigar,he got the mustache. |
我想我們都留鬍子的話會有點像呆子 | If we both grew them,we'd look like dorks. |
是呀,你們真的躲過那一劫了 | You really sidestepped that land mine. |
我們得走了 我答應理查在樓下見 | I promised Richard we'd meet him downstairs. |
你們要見理查? | You're meeting Richard? |
對,我們要去看曲棍球賽 對,他沒告訴你嗎? | -Ranger game. -Didn't he tell you? |
他告訴我他跟夥伴出去 我只是不知道夥伴是你們 | He said he was going out with the guys. I didn't know that was you. |
你聽到了嗎? | You hear that? |
我們是夥伴 | We're the guys! |
錢德留那鬍子 像不像西維亞姑媽? | With that mustache,he reminds me of Aunt Sylvia. |
謝謝 | Thank you! |
中央公園 | |
我們來拜訪 | Hi. We're visiting. |
是小班跟他爹爹 | It's Ben and his dada. |
你會說“爹爹”嗎? | Can you say "dada"? |
我會告訴你的媽咪們你說了,你試試啊 | I'm telling your mommies you said it,so you might as well. |
運氣不好? | No luck,huh? |
不好,不久以前 他發了一個“二”的音 | A while ago,I got a "se" out of him... |
我想那也可以勉強說 是二褓姆的意思… | ...which I thought might turn into "se-condary caregiver," but.... |
幫我抱一下,好嗎? 我得把這個拿下來 | Would you hold him for a sec? I gotta take this off. |
好的 | Sure. Okay. |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
我在抱班啊 | I'm holding Ben. |
對,他是個嬰兒,不是炸彈 | He's a baby,not a bomb. |
你可以像抱足球那樣抱他 | Hold him like you'd hold a football. |
我就是這樣抱足球的 | This is how I would hold a football. |
來…這樣 | Here. Here. There we go. |
對不起,我不太會帶孩子 我是說,我沒接觸過他們 | Sorry,I'm not very good with babies. I haven't been around them. |
從我長大以後啦 | I mean,you know,since I was one. |
沒關係,沒什麼大不了的 真的? | -It's all right. No big deal. -Really? |
我相信如果他是我們的寶寶 會讓你感覺不一樣 | I'm sure you'll feel different when it's our baby. |
什麼? 什麼? | -What? -What? |
你想那一類的事? | You think about stuff like that? |
對,我是說… | Yeah. I mean.... |
事實上,我想我們會有 有兩個寶寶 | Actually,I kind of think that we'll have two babies. |
兩個寶寶? | Two babies? |
對,一男一女 | You know,a boy and a girl. |
我希望先是女的,所以小班 不會覺得有太大的競爭 | Hopefully,the girl will come first,so Ben won't feel competitive. |
那接下來呢? | Then what's gonna happen? |
我們不希望孩子在城市裡長大 所以我們或許會搬到斯卡斯代爾鎮 | We won't wanna raise kids in the city,so we'll move to Scarsdale. |
我們會住得離我們的父母夠遠 所以不用常常看到他們… | We'll be far enough from our parents so we don't have to see them... |
…但又不會太遠 所以隨時可以請他們來帶小孩 | ... but close enough that they can baby-sit. |
沒錯,我知道那裡的稅是比拿索郡要高一點… | And yes,I know the taxes are a little higher than Nassau County... |
…但學校制度據說非常非常棒 | ... but the school system's great. |
太棒了… | Wow,that's great! Great! |
你知道嗎? | Okay,wow! You know what? |
我休息完了 | I'm off my break now. |
所以你拿著 | Here. You take this. |
我要去幫這些好人倒咖啡了 | I'm gonna go pour these very nice people some coffee. |
你瞧瞧,我沒有咖啡壺 | Look at that. I don't have a pot. |
或許我家裡有一個 | I don't have a pot. Maybe I've got one at home. |
或是斯卡斯代爾,那是門嗎? | Or in Scarsdale. Hey,is that a door? |
菲比,怎麼了? | Hey,Pheebs. What's happening? |
謀殺,癌症 足球隊在安地斯山脈吃來吃去 | Murder,cancer,soccer teams eating each other in the Andes. |
-其實我只是隨口打個招呼而已 -我只是在發洩情緒 | -I was really just making small talk.-Well, I was just venting. |
你看了電影了? | So you watched the movies? |
這個世界到底怎麼了? | What is happening to the world? |
我是說,因為ET走了(《ET外星人》)… | I mean.... No,no,because E.T. Ieaves... |
洛基輸了(史泰龍的《洛基》),夏洛特死了(《夏洛特的網》) | ...and Rocky loses. Charlotte dies. |
哪個夏洛特? | Charlotte who? |
蜘蛛網,那只蜘蛛 | With the web. The spider. |
她死了,她生了寶寶後就死了 | She dies. She has babies and dies. |
那就像…“歡迎從醫院回來”砰! | It's like,"Welcome home from the hospital." Thud! |
想不想好受一點? | You wanna feel better? |
來,看這個 | Here. Watch this. |
是“美好人生”(又譯《風雲人物》)這個我聽說過 | It's a Wonderful Life. I've heard of this. |
所以沒問題,片名說明了一切 | So you can't lose. It's there in the title. |
包你美妙得不得了 | Wonderfulness is baked right in. |
拜託,我已經被《揚基的驕傲》給騙了 (講述球員盧格裡克生病去世的故事) | I fell for that with Pride of the Yankees. |
我以為是關於揚基隊的驕傲的故事 | I thought I'd see a film about Yankee pride. |
然後… 那個傢伙得了盧格裡克症 | And boom! The guy gets Lou Gehrig's disease. |
那個傢伙就叫盧格裡克 你沒預感嗎? | The guy was Lou Gehrig. Didn't you kind of see it coming? |
你看就是了,我保證能讓你恢復對人類的信心 | Watch that. It'll restore all your faith in humanity. |
大個兒,球賽時間到了 | Hey,big guy. Game time. |
好,馬上來 有球賽? | -Hey! Be right there! -There's a game? |
對,我剛從店裡 拿了棍子玩具回來 | I just got my Pik-Up Stiks back from the shop. |
帶著你的鐵膽來 | Bring your nerves of steel. |
是籃球決賽 | It's the basketball playoffs. |
親愛的,你這樣我很感激 但是你不用為了我跟他們混 | I appreciate this,but you don't have to hang out with them for me. |
反正他們兩個可以做伴 | They have each other. |
不,親愛的,別擔心 | Oh,no,honey. I mean,don't worry. |
我很喜歡跟他們混,很好玩 他們跟我別的朋友不同 | I like hanging out with them. They're different than my other friends. |
他們不會一見面就說 “你知道誰鏟雪時死了嗎?” | They don't start sentences with "You know who just died shoveling snow?" |
好吧,那就去吧 | All right,that's great. Then just go. |
加油,尼克隊 | Go Nicks! |
是大學籃球決賽 | It's the college playoffs. |
加油,瓦薩大學 他們沒在這個聯賽裡 | -Then,go Vassar! -They're not in it. |
那加油吧 | Okay,then just go. |
我為什麼要那麼在意呢? | Why does this bother me so much? |
我並不想當那種要男友24小時都在一起的人 | I'm not one of those people who wants to spend 24 hours a day together. |
對呀 | Sure. |
只是他空閒的時間不多 我不知道,我到底該怎麼辦? | He just doesn't have much free time. What do I do? |
有關係嗎?你始終都會死 或離婚,或槍殺你的寵物 | Does it matter? You'll just die or divorce or blow your pet's head off. |
我也是 | Me too! |
瑞秋,我有個問題 理查又跟他們做計畫了… | Rachel,I got a question. Richard made plans again with the guys |
對,羅斯剛計畫了整個世紀 | Ross made plans for the century. |
我想我要回房去看時尚雜誌了 或許會讀到什麼有用的 | I'm gonna go read Cosmo. Maybe there's something helpful in it. |
不然至少可以學會 怎樣用聖誕樹剩下的蠟燭除毛 | If not,I can learn how to do a bikini wax with leftover Christmas candles. |
你剛剛是怎麼回事? | What happened back there? |
不知道,你告訴我吧 | I don't know. You tell me. |
我剛剛還像抱足球一樣抱著班 接下來我就有兩個孩子… | One minute I'm holding Ben,then I've got two kids... |
…住在斯卡斯代爾,抱怨著稅太高 | ... I'm living in Scarsdale complaining about taxes! |
那抱歉,我就是愛想些事情 | Well,I'm sorry. I think about stuff. |
我是說,工作的時候 一邊弄?峭肪突嵋槐唄蟻肼飡 | You're at work,you're assembling bones,your mind wanders. |
你計畫了我們往後二十年生活 我們才在一起六周 | You've planned out the next 20 years. We've dated for six weeks! |
你從不想未來的事嗎? | You never think about our future? |
想,但我想的是 我們明晚住誰那邊好… | I think about whose apartment we'll sleep at tomorrow... |
…下個禮拜六晚上 我們去哪裡吃晚飯 | ...and where we'll have dinner next Saturday! |
我不會去想 我們的孩子會叫什麼名字 | I do not think about our children's names! |
你知道我們的孩子會叫什麼名字對吧? | You know what our children's names will be? |
不…我…我是說我看到一本書 裡頭有個女孩叫艾蜜莉 | No,I mean,you know. I read a book,and there was a girl named Emily. |
我覺得…我覺得還不錯 | And I thought that might be good. |
哪一本書? | What book? |
“兒童命名大全” | The Big Book of Children's Names. |
你聽著 | Okay,listen. |
我們在一起很棒 | What we have is amazing. |
但我不要別人為我決定好一切 | But I do not want everything decided for me! |
我那樣過一輩子了 | I spent my whole life like that. |
我跟貝瑞就是那樣 那是我離開的原因之一 | It's what I had with Barry. That's a reason I left. |
我喜歡有未知 | I like not knowing right now. |
如果那樣嚇著了你,那很抱歉 但若你要跟我在一起就接受吧 | Sorry if that scares you,but if you wanna be with me,deal with that! |
好,很好 謝謝 | -Okay,fine! -Thank you! |
還沒完呢 那我不知道 | -We're not done! -I didn't know that. |
跟你在一起的人 不會停止去計畫他跟你的未來 | You're with a guy who won't stop planning his future with you. |
因為他知道我們最後會在一起 | He knows we'll end up together. |
如果你害怕了,很不幸 因為你必須學會接受 | If that scares you,tough! You'll have to deal with that. |
很好,我會的 好,因為我愛你 | -I will! -Good,because I love you! |
是嗎?我也愛你 | Oh,yeah? I love you too! |
我們第一次互相說我愛你 沒錯 | -That's the first time we've said that! -Yes,it is! |
那我就要親你了 最好是這樣 | -I'm gonna kiss you! -You better! |
謝謝你給我的建議 | Thanks for the great movie tip. |
你喜歡嗎? 喜歡 | -Did you like it? -Oh,yeah. |
我不知道我是該在喬治毀了事業之後… | I don't know if I was happier when George Bailey destroyed the business... |
…還是在唐娜哭或是在藥劑師害他耳朵流血時會比較快樂 | ...or Donna Reed cried or when the pharmacist made his ear bleed. |
好吧,我選耳朵流血 你不覺得結局很好嗎? | I'll give you the ear thing,but wasn't the ending wonderful? |
結局我根本就沒看 我太沮喪了 | I didn't watch it. I was too depressed. |
劇情越來越叫人家失望 這片子應該叫: | It kept getting worse! It should've been called: |
“人生真爛 就在你覺得無法更爛時,它更爛” | "It's a Sucky Life,And Just When You Think It Can't Suck Anymore,It Does!" |
踢球,守住! | IKick,save! And... |
…接住了 | ...denied! |
但他搶回來,傳到中間 然後準備踢,碰… | He gets it back. Pass to the middle,lines it up.... |
太棒了! | Yes! |
那球還可以踢得更漂亮嗎? | Could that shot be any prettier? |
老兄,你真厲害 | Man,you are incredible. |
我們大學時也有這玩意兒 | We had a table in college. |
我不曉得 1800年也有桌上足球 | Really? I didn't know they had foosball in the 1800s. |
對了,你的鬍子不錯 青春期一到就會茂盛起來 | Nice mustache. At puberty,that thing will really kick in. |
我也不想太像福勞倫斯漢德森(女演員) 但晚餐做好了 | Not to sound too Florence Henderson,but dinner's on the table. |
再得一分 | One more point. |
得分 | Score! |
可以走了嗎? | Now can we go? |
看吧,所以我們才不讓她玩 | That's why we don't let her play. |
一切都還好吧? | Is everything all right? |
聽我說,別跟他生氣 是我們的錯 | Don't be mad at him. It's our fault. |
我們占了他太多時間了 | I'm sorry we've been hogging his time. |
是呀,跟他真的是很棒 | He's just really great to hang out with. |
這個嘛… 不…說真的 | -Well.... -No,seriously. |
我跟錢德剛才還在說 他比我們的爸爸酷多了 | We just talked about this. He is so much cooler than our dads. |
我是說我們爸爸是還好啦 可是理查好… | Our dads are okay and all,but Richard is just |
你踢我幹什麼? | What are you kicking me for? |
我正在講話,你… | I'm trying to talk here. |
你們覺得我像父輩的? | You guys see me as a dad? |
對呀 不 | -Oh,yeah! -No! |
你很顯然不瞭解 我們年輕人的用語 | You're just clearly not familiar with our young persons' vernacular. |
我們“爸爸”的意思是指兄弟 | When we say "dad," we mean "buddy." |
是“夥伴”的意思 | We mean "pal." |
我說真的,喬伊是我爸 | No,seriously. Joey's my dad. |
莫妮卡也是我爸 | Monica's my dad. |
我們公司裡還有一些我爸爸 | I've even got some dads down at work. |
很好 | That's fine. |
你們的另外一個爸爸跟我 要去有一個浪漫的夜晚了 | Well,your other dad and I are gonna go have a romantic evening. |
孩子們,我們改天見了 | I'll just see you kids around. |
晚安了 | Nighty-night. |
你不是一個爸 | You're not a dad! |
真不敢相信你幹的好事 | I can't believe you got us into trouble. |
你還好嗎? | So are you okay? |
只是… | Just... |
…我只是覺得自己像一百歲的樣子 | ... I feel like I'm about a hundred. |
我還以為我跟他們一樣 | I thought I was just one of the guys. |
過來 | Come here. |
我會讓你覺得 你跟他們一樣 | I'll make you feel like one of the guys. |
對一個很酷的人來說 你的足球爛透了 | For a really cool guy,you suck at foosball. |
我痛宰了他們 | I was killing them. |
他們也很爛 | Yeah,well they suck too. |
對,然後你把有便便的尿布 丟到便便尿布桶裡去 | You take the poopy diaper and put it in the poopy diaper pail. |
叫它們便便尿布 並不會讓這個過程更可愛 | Calling it a "poopy diaper" doesn't make this process any cuter. |
是我們 上來吧 | -It's us. -Come on up. |
我去準備他其他的東西 | I'll get his stuff together. |
我們做得到的,是不是,班? | Okay,we can do this now,can't we,Ben? |
對,我們可以 | Yes,we can. |
對,我們可以 | Yes,we can. |
好了 | There! I did it! |
我換好了 | I did it! |
你瞧瞧 | Look at that! |
緊緊的包在屁屁上 | It stays on and everything. |
對不起,你剛剛說什麼? 你剛剛說“嗨”啊? | I'm sorry. What did you just say? Did you just say "hi"? |
天啊,羅斯… 班剛說“嗨”耶 | Oh,my God! Ross? Ben just said hi! |
什麼? 班剛說“嗨” | -What? -Ben just said hi! |
什麼?那個字“嗨”嗎? | What,the word "hi"? |
不,是我的叔叔“嗨” | No,my Uncle Hi. |
太好了,我也錯過了 我錯過一切了 | Great! And I missed that too. I miss everything! |
我猜我太有魅力了 | Oh,I'm sorry. I guess I just bring it out in him. |
他在哪裡? 我們想你 | -Where is he? -We missed you. |
我們好想你 過來,班 | We missed you so much! Come here,Ben. |
你們猜,班剛說了哪個字? | Guess what? Ben just said his first word. |
他說什麼了? | What did he say? |
什麼嗨不嗨的 | Something about hi. |
真是令人興奮 媽咪好驕傲哦 | That's so exciting! Mommy's so proud of you! |
事實上比較像這樣,“嗨” | You know,actually,it's more like,hi! |
這可能要玩很久 | This could go on for a while. |
計程車還在樓下等我們呢 | You're right. We've got a cab waiting. |
這真好玩 好的 | Well,this was fun. |
我們改天一定還要這樣子 班,你說怎麼樣呢? | We should do it again sometime,Ben. What do you say? |
好吧,下一次是… 星期二 | -All right,so I've got him...? -Tuesday. |
再見了 | Bye,you guys. |
保重 再見,班 | -Take care. -Bye,Ben. |
他剛剛…他…他剛剛說再見嗎? | Did he just say "bye"? |
他說再見… | He said bye! |
你說再見,他對我說再見 | You said bye! He said bye to me! |
沒錯 | Yes,he did! |
我已經可以幻想他去上大學了 | Suddenly I'm seeing him go off to college! |
我們得走了,計程車在樓下等 | We've gotta go. We've got that cab downstairs. |
再見… | See you later. |
我看挖的這個洞好深 伯特…(《芝麻街》) | Look at this nice deep hole I dug. Hey,Bert... |
…這洞是不是挖得很好? | ...isn't this a nice hole here? |
班,這是厄尼把伯特埋在沙裡頭,然後找不到他 | Ben,this is the part where Ernie buries Bert in the sand and can't find him. |
現在,我已經先看過了 他後來有找到他 | Now,I've looked ahead on the tape,and he does find him again. |
可是,在那之前呢 會先有一些讓人很難受的情節 | But before that happens,there's some rough going for a while. |
可是我想我們挺得住 | But I think we can handle it. |
這些只是前面?那榻?可是我知道結局會很好的… | And there's just the alphabet,but we know that ends well,so.... |
好,繼續了 | Here we go. |
伯特?… | Bert? Bert? |
我的朋友伯特怎麼了?他剛剛還在這裡 | What happened to my friend Bert? He was here just a moment ago. |
不,伯特不見了? | Oh,no! My old friend Bert is lost. |
我真高興你在這裡 | I'm so glad you're here. |
股票,債券今天全都上漲了… | Stocks and bonds are moving higher.... |
我們為什麼看商業台? | Why are we watching the Business Channel? |
因為我前幾天看到有支股票 是我的名字的縮寫MEG | Because the other day I saw there was a stock with my initials,MEG,on it. |
有時我得苦等兩,三個小時 才又會再看到 | Sometimes it takes two or three hours before it comes up again. |
但是看到的時候蠻興奮的 | But when it does,it's exciting. |
親愛的,我看你是真的需要工作 | Okay,honey,you really need a job. |
莫妮卡,說到這個,爸說 他認識一個人你可以去應徵 | Dad says he knows someone you can call for an interview. |
那是今天的第三個預兆了 看! | Right there! That's the third sign today. Right there. |
我在替在座的每一位 說一聲“什麼?” | On behalf of everyone,I'd just like to say,"Huh?" |
因為你剛剛說了“爸” 今天我不管到什麼地方去… | No,you just said "dad." And everywhere I go today... |
…我都一直得到叫我去看我爸的預兆 | ... I keep getting signs telling me to go see my father. |
像我來這裡的時候 我經過一個自助餐廳(buffet) | Like when I was walking over here and I passed a buffet. |
跟我爸爸的姓(布菲)發音相近 | Which is my father's last name. |
我爸爸的名字是弗蘭克… | And they were serving franks... |
…而他們也有弗蘭克福香腸 | ...which is his first name minus the "s" at the end. |
還有一家烤架上有雞(有“膽小”的意思)在轉的烤雞店 | And there was a rotisserie with a spinning chicken. |
他的印第安名? | His lndian name? |
不是,因為我上次去見他時“膽小”地逃跑了… | No. Because I chickened out the last time... |
…這麼巧合嗎? 我不認為哦 | ...when I tried to meet him. So coincidences? I don't think so. |
好奇怪 怪透了 | -Very freaky. -Eerie. |
最後一個漢堡誰要? | Who wants the last hamburger? |
好了,夠了,我非去不可了 | That's it. Now I have to go see him. |
為什麼? | Why? |
漢堡?麥當勞? | Hamburger? McDonald's? |
老麥當勞有個農場(兒歌“咿呀咿呀哦”的歌詞) 我爸是藥劑師(與“農場”諧音) | Old McDonald had a farm. My dad is a pharmacist. |
並且“咿呀咿呀哦”就是你爸爸拋棄你媽媽時 她說的話 | And E-l-E-l-O is what your mom said when your dad left her. |
-是的 -真的?-不是 | -Yes.-Really?-No. |
六人行 第2季 第21集 兩個小流氓 | The One With the Bullies |
老兄,我累歪了 | Man,I am so beat. |
我們最好別去打什麼球了 留在這裡混吧 | You wanna forget racquetball and hang out? |
對,好吧 | Yeah,all right. |
那是我們的位置 抱歉,我們不知道 | -Hey,you're in our seats. -Sorry,we didn't know. |
我們本來坐那裡的 | We were sitting there. |
這還有另外一種說法 | Okay. There is one more way to say it. |
誰知道? | Who knows it? |
你這是在說笑話嗎? 不,我在說多姿多采的話 | -Was that supposed to be funny? -Actually,I was going for colorful. |
這傢伙怎麼了? 你怎麼了? | -What's with this guy? -What's with you? |
沒什麼,他沒怎麼 | Nothing. Nothing's with him. |
請慢用咖啡 | Enjoy your coffee. |
發生了什麼事了? | What just happened? |
我剛拿了你的帽子 你看,我也能妙趣橫生 | I just took your hat. See,I can be funny too. |
我的笑話就是拿了你的帽子 | My joke is that I took your hat. |
那真有趣啊 | That is funny. |
還給我,好嗎? | Can I have it back? |
-不行? -不行 | -No? -No |
你知道嗎?我覺得你很風趣 | You know what? I think you're very funny. |
那個笑話真該受到獎賞 | Kudos on that hat joke. |
別這樣,兩位 把帽子還給他嘛 | But come on,guys,just give him back the hat. |
為什麼? | Why should we? |
因為那是頂特別的帽子 | Because it's a special hat. |
有一天他的心情很不好 | He bought it because he was feeling down one day. |
所以他就買了那頂帽子… | So he got the hat... |
…來幫自己打氣 | ...to cheer himself up,you know? |
錢德… 別說了,別再說了 | -Chandler -Stop talking. Stop talking now. |
讓我先搞清楚 你搶了我的帽子? | Let me get this straight. You're stealing my hat? |
你有意見嗎? | You got a problem? |
不,我只是想確定我們的觀點一致 | I just want to make sure we're on the same page. |
跟你說瑞秋,上一次我和菲比去找她父親. | I'm telling you Rach, I've gone dad-hunting with Phoebe before. |
這對她來說她恐怖了,她有點脆弱. | This is a very scary thing for her.She gets real vulnerable and... |
這就是為什麼我們要去,互相支援或者垮掉 | ...that's why we' re there,to be supportive and crap. |
好,你只是告訴我什麼時間去就行了 | Okay. You just let me know when to do which. |
面試結果怎麼樣? | How'd the interview go? |
遜斃了 | It bit. |
那是一家50年代主題的餐廳 | It was a 50s theme restaurant. |
我得穿戲服做菜在櫃檯上跳舞 | I'd have to cook in a costume and dance on the counter. |
我以前是藝術咖啡(著名法國餐館)的主廚耶 | I was a sous chef at Cafe des Artistes. |
我是說,我怎能接受一個 我得做炸綠色捲曲東西的工作呢 | How can I take a job where I have to make Laverne-and-Curly Fries? |
那就別做啊 我怎麼能不做呢? | -Don't do it. -How can I not do it? |
我銀行裡面只剩下127塊了 | I have $127 in the bank! |
莫妮卡,放輕鬆,去拿瓶啤酒 | Monica,relax. Go get a beer. |
我不想喝啤酒 | I don't want a beer. |
誰說是給你的? | Who said it was for you? |
你們兩個怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
咖啡廳裡 有兩個卑鄙的傢伙搶了我的帽子 | Some mean guys at the coffeehouse took my hat. |
不會吧 你開玩笑? | -No! -You're kidding? |
簡直荒唐透了 這些人是流氓 | It was ridiculous. These guys were bullies. |
是真正的流氓 | Actual bullies. |
你看,我們是大人了 我們不該會再碰上這種事了 | We're grownups. This kind of stuff isn't supposed to happen anymore. |
不,等一下,我沒有人抱 | Oh,no,wait a minute. I have no one. |
我們應該過去把帽子給拿回來 | Let's go down there and get your hat back. |
算了吧,說不定 已經被拆成零件給賣掉了 | Forget it. It's probably stripped and sold for parts by now. |
我漲了 什麼? | -I went up! -What? |
我的股票MEG,漲了兩點 | My stock,MEG,it went up two points. |
若我昨天把我的127元 投資在我自己身上… | Do you realize that if I'd invested my $127 in myself yesterday... |
…那我就會比我今天有錢了 | ...that l'd,like,have a lot more than that today. |
知道嗎?我要放手一搏 | You know what? I'm going to do it. |
搏什麼? 拿錢投資我 | -Do what? -Put all my money in me. |
莫妮卡,你在說什麼? 你對股市一竅不通 | You don't know a thing about the stock market. |
要通什麼? 買,賣,高,低,熊市,牛市 | What's to know? Buy,sell. High,low. Bears,bulls. |
喂,曼哈頓 | Yes,Manhattan. |
麻煩幫我查個電話號碼,股票… | Telephone number for the stock... |
…商店 | ...selling store. |
你看 我說應該帶枕頭來是對的吧 | See? I told you these pillows would be a good idea. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
就這樣了 | Here we go. |
我就要說出我這輩子的 第一聲“嗨,生父”了 | For the first time in my life,I'm gonna say,"Hi,Birth Father!" |
我們愛你,我們支持你 一切順利 | -We love you. We're here for you. -Good luck. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
瑞秋,要不要三明治? | Hey,Rach,you want some sandwich? |
裡面有什麼? | What is in that? |
橄欖麵包,火腿片,沒有蛋黃醬 | Olive loaf and ham spread. No mayo. |
不…再加蛋黃醬就噁心了 | No,because mayo,that would make it gross. |
跑,菲比,跑… 不要,狗狗,拜託 | -Run,Phoebe,run! -No,no,doggy,please! |
我愛所有的動物 所以請不要這樣,退後 | I do so want to love all animals. Please,no. Back off! |
有沒有骨頭? 開什麼玩笑? | -You got a bone? -Are you kidding? |
看…那有狗食,去吃吧 | Look,kibbles! Bits! |
放開我的腿 你這只爛東西 | Get the hell off my leg,you yippity piece of crap! |
好了,我們碰上難題了 | Okay. All right. We have a problem. |
你為什麼不把它的彈簧墊拿走? | Why don't you take his trampoline? |
我知道怎麼辦了 | Okay,here,I know what we can do. |
狗狗,去撿三明治 | Okay,doggy,get the sandwich! |
去撿三明治啊,好狗狗 快點 | Go get the sandwich! Good doggy. Get the sandwich! |
喬伊,它寧可舔自己 也不碰你的三明治 | The dog will lick himself but he will not touch your sandwich. |
那代表什麼? | What does that tell you? |
它不吃的話,我自己吃 你瘋了你? | -lf he's not going to eat it,I will. -Are you crazy? |
它是小狗而已 | He's just a little dog. |
嘿 幹嘛? | -Hey. -What? |
一定要當21世紀的房地產經紀人… | Do you have to be a Century 21 real-estate agent... |
…才能穿著那麼酷的外套嗎? | ...to get to wear those cool jackets? |
你會跟女生這樣搭訕嗎? | Do you say this stuff to girls? |
那不是你帽子的舊主人嗎? | Isn't that the guy who used to wear your hat? |
看他們坐在哪裡了 | And look where they're sitting. |
你在說笑吧?你們才剛進門 | You're joking,right? You guys just walked through the door. |
或許我們說得不夠清楚 | Maybe we didn't make it clear enough. |
這個沙發是我們的 | This couch belongs to us. |
這樣吧,你們叫一聲沙發… | I'll tell you what,you call the couch... |
…然後我們也對著它叫一聲… | ...and then we'll call the couch... |
…看它會到誰那裡去 | ...and we'll see who it comes to. |
知道我最不喜歡你哪一點嗎?你總是不停地說話 | Know what I don't like about you?.You always got something to say. |
那個… | Well, that |
我一直不懂 你們為什麼還賴在這個地方? | You know,I keep wondering why you two are still sitting here. |
好了,夠了 | All right,that's it. |
我受夠了,好嗎? | I have had enough of this. |
甘瑟 | Gunther. |
這兩個傢伙 想搶我們的座位 | These guys are trying to take our seat. |
兩位,他們先來的 | Fellas,these guys were here first. |
抱歉,我們不知道 | Oh,sorry,didn't realize. |
好了 | There you go. |
謝謝,甘瑟 | Thank you,Gunther. |
是你們逼我們這麼做的 | We didn't want to have to go and do that. |
他打小報告? | He told on us? |
你打小報告? | You told on us? |
兄弟,你們逼得我別無選擇 | Well,pal,you didn't give me much of a choice. |
-別耍他 -我知道 | -Don't play with his thing. -I know. |
很好 | All right. |
我們到外面解決 | Let's take this outside. |
“我們到外面解決”? | "Let's take this outside?" |
誰會這麼說? | Who talks like that? |
即將要痛扁你們的人會這麼說 | The guy who's about to kick your ass talks like that. |
誰叫你多嘴呢 | You had to ask. |
好吧… | Okay,okay,look. See... |
…我們不想用武力來解決 | ...the thing is,we're not gonna fight you guys. |
那麼這樣好了 | Here's the deal. |
你們保證從今以後 不踏入這家咖啡廳 | You won't have to,so long as you never ever show your faces here again. |
我認為你太早把甘瑟抬出來了 | I think you played the Gunther card too soon. |
菲比,我想你可以上去了 | Hey,Pheebs,I think you're good to go. |
我不知道 | Yeah,I don't know. |
又怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
我是覺得這是個很不好的預兆 | I just think that this was a really bad sign. |
我是說像門檻上的野獸啦 | Like the beast at the threshold. |
我已經沒有別的親人了 除了我外婆之外 | It's just I have no family left,except for my grandmother. |
可是面對現實吧 她又不會永遠都活著 | But let's face it,she's not gonna be around forever. |
不管怎麼說 | Despite what she says. |
我有個同在子宮裡面開始就幾乎沒有說過話的姐姐 | And I have a sister who I've barely spoken to since we shared a womb. |
這是我真正的父親… | I don't know. This is my real father... |
…我只是要一切正常 | ...and I want things to be,like,just right. |
我完全瞭解 | I completely understand. |
對,隨你要怎麼樣 | Whatever you need. |
你要回家嗎? | Hey,you want to go home? |
謝了,對不起 | Okay,thanks. Sorry,again. |
那是什麼? | What was that? |
我猜現在門前沒有阻礙了 | I'm guessing the threshold's clear now. |
我要買五股SGJ 我現在就要 | I want to buy five shares of SGJ. Now. |
快點,時間就是金錢 | Come on,time is money,my friend! |
謝謝 | Thank you! |
“時間就是金錢”? | "Time is money,my friend?" |
你錯過了“用錢去賺錢”… | You missed "Takes money to make money"... |
…還有,“別逼我 過去踢你的華爾街屁股” | ...and "Don't make me come down there and kick your Wall Street butt." |
我早餐前就賺了十七塊耶 那你做了什麼? | I made $ 17 before breakfast. What have you done? |
我早餐在這個地方吃的 所以理論上我省了三塊五 | I had breakfast here,so technically I saved $3.50. |
你怎麼賺十七塊的? | How did you make $17? |
我在經濟上很有挑戰性的朋友們: | Well,my financially challenged friends... |
…我用我的錢分別買了些 CHP跟ZXY股 | ...I split my money and I bought some shares of CHP and ZXY. |
你怎麼選的? | How come those? |
CHP是因為我喜歡過電視劇《Chips》裡的艾瑞克艾斯徹達 | Well,CHP because I used to have a crush on Erik Estrada. |
ZXY是因為聽起來像sexy(性感) | And ZXY because I think it sounds "zexy." |
那你的…MEG呢? | What happened to MEG? |
MEG幫我賺過錢 但是被我甩了 | MEG was good for me,but I dumped her. |
我的座右銘是在“疲軟”以前離開 | My motto is,"Get out before they go down." |
這不是我的座右銘 | That is so not my motto. |
狗怎麼樣了? | How's the dog? |
我跟獸醫談過了 紐約州的人真好 | Okay. I talked to the vet. People are so nice upstate. |
他說那個小傢伙不會有問題 明天我可以去接它了 | He said the little fella's gonna be okay,and I can get him tomorrow. |
好,好極了 謝天謝地 | -Good. -Thank God. |
可是他必須幫它縫好多針 | But he did have to have a bunch of stitches. |
而且他還說只有出現藍月亮時狗才會再長出耳朵來的 | And he said that only once in a blue moon does a dog's ear grow back. |
所以還有一點點希望 | So still hoping. |
那你現在要打電話告訴你爸 他的狗沒事了嗎? | Now are you going to call your dad to let him know that his dog is okay? |
我不想在電話上跟我爸相認 | I don't want to meet my father over the phone. |
我該跟他說什麼呢? “我是被你拋棄的女兒” | What will I say,"Hi,I'm the daughter you abandoned. |
“對了,我撞傷了你的狗” | Oh,by the way,I broke your dog." |
菲比,我可以幫你打的 | Hey,Pheebs,if you want,I'll do it. |
聽著,拜託千萬不要提我的事 | Listen,just don't say anything about me,okay? |
別… | Don't... |
…講電話太久 | ... be too long with the phone. |
股市收盤以後 她會是個比較好的朋友 | She'll be a much better friend once the market closes. |
是個女的 | It's a woman. |
你跟她講啊 | So talk to her. |
你好布菲太太 | Hello,Mrs. Buffay. |
我知道你的狗在哪裡 | I know where your dog is. |
我要你知道 它會被幾乎完好無損地歸還… | I want you to know he'll be returned to you almost as good as new... |
…在24小時之內 | ...within 24 hours. |
再見 | Goodbye. |
幹嘛變聲? 很難解釋 | -Why the voice? -Hard to say. |
你的卡布奇諾來了 | Your cappuccino,sir. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
在這裡喝比在咖啡廳好多了 對極了 | -This is better than the coffeehouse. -Absolutely. |
咖啡粉為什麼不化? | How come it's not mixing with the water? |
包裝上說你必須要不斷的攪拌 | The package says to keep it moving. |
攪拌,喝 別讓咖啡停下來 | Stir and drink,never let it settle. |
這太荒唐了吧 | This is ridiculous. |
這樣吧,等我從外甥女的洗禮回來之後… | After I get back from my niece's christening... |
…我陪你們到咖啡館去喝杯咖啡 | ...I'll go to the coffeehouse with you and we'll have a cup of coffee. |
沒問題的,有喬伊在 | No problem. Joey's there. |
不,我不希望每一次必須有喬伊陪著才能喝杯好咖啡 | I don't want to have to have Joey with me every time I want decent coffee. |
我也不想再喝這個“k”牌子的卡布奇諾咖啡了 | And I don't want to drink cappuccino with a "k." |
我認為我們應該回咖啡廳去 勇敢的面對那些人 | I say you and I go and stand up to those guys. |
好吧,先等等,卡斯特將軍(歷史上的傳奇人物) | All right,hang on a second there,Custer. |
真的,羅斯 你以前有沒有被扁過? | Ross,have you ever been beaten up before? |
有啊,當然有 | Yeah,sure. |
被莫妮卡以外的人? 沒有 | By someone besides Monica? |
所以呢? | So what? |
就算被扁又怎麼樣?也許每個男人都得經歷過一次這個… | So we get beaten up. Maybe that's something a man has to go through. |
就像成人禮之類的 | Like a rite of passage or something. |
不能只是再失去一次童貞就好嗎? | Couldn't we just lose our virginities again? |
因為我想我的又長回來了 | Because I think actually mine's growing back. |
拜託,你到底跟不跟我去? | Are you with me or not?. Come on. |
去 | I' m with you. |
只是… | Just... |
讓我為進醫院提前準備好兩件內衣 | ...Iet me put on a clean pair of underwear for the hospital. |
我需要借100 什麼? | -I need $100. -What? |
歡迎回家 | Welcome home. |
我需要借一百塊 幹嘛? | -I need $100. -For what? |
我得回到遊戲中去 你什麼時候退出的? | -To get back in the game. -When did you get out? |
我賠光了,全賠了 | I lost it all. I lost it. |
我接受事實了,你也得這樣 | I've come to terms with it,you have to,too. |
聽著,莫妮卡,我很遺憾 | Look,Mon,I'm really sorry. |
100塊錢在哪裡? | Where are we on the $100? |
我沒錢啊 | I don't have it. |
可是我需要 | But I need it! |
否則我得接受那個餐館的工作 | Otherwise,I'll have to take that diner job. |
你知道的 就是跳舞還有穿戲服 | You know,with the dancing and the costumes. |
我不想穿連火都燒不著的假胸部 | I don't want to have to wear flame-retardant boobs. |
沒人想,親愛的 | Nobody does,honey. |
麵條 | Noodle! |
老天啊,我的狗到底怎麼了? | Oh,my God. What the hell happened to my dog? |
那是個意外 | It was an accident. |
而且那個肇事的女人 絕不會蓄意傷害一隻狗的 | And the woman who did this would never hurt a dog on purpose. |
因為她是素食主義者 | She's a vegetarian. |
這是什麼?縫線? | Are these stitches? |
對,八針 對狗來說是56針啦 | Yeah,eight of them. That's 56 to him. |
還有,下雨的時候… | If it's raining,you can't let him look up... |
…不要讓它抬頭太久 因為那玩意兒裝不了多少水的 | ... because that cone will fill up fast. |
謝謝你送它的殘骸回來 | Thanks for bringing back what's left of him. |
弗蘭克在嗎? 你怎麼認識他的? | -ls Frank home? -How do you know Frank? |
那是很久以前的事,他在嗎? | Just from a long time ago. Is he here? |
在,弗蘭克? | Yes,Frank? |
什麼事啊? | What? |
我是說,老的弗蘭克 | I mean Frank Senior. |
他去買日用品了 | He went out for groceries. |
他很快回來嗎? | Will he be back soon? |
他四年前去的 所以我們猜他隨時會回來 | He left four years ago. We're expecting him back any minute. |
那我要走了 | I'm gonna go. |
對不起,關於… 關於那只狗 | I'm sorry about the dog. Everything. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
小姐 | Hey,lady! |
等一下 | Hey,wait up! |
你怎麼認識我老爸的? 我不認識他 | -How do you know my dad? -Well,I don't really. |
基因上認得 | Just genetically. |
他也算是我老爸吧 | He's kind of my dad too. |
不得了 | Heavy. |
他有沒有提過我…菲比? | So did he ever talk about me... Phoebe? |
沒有,不過他一向很沉默 | No,but he didn't really talk about anything. |
除了高蹺 | Except stilts. |
高蹺? 對啊,他愛高蹺 | -Stilts? -Yeah,he loved stilts. |
有一次我在樓上,正在偷 我媽皮包裡面的香煙時… | One time,I was upstairs stealing cigarettes out of my mom's purse... |
…突然間我張望了一下… | ...and all of a sudden I look over... |
…看到我爸的頭從窗外經過 | ...and there's Dad's head,bobbing past the window. |
他臉上滿是笑意地 向我揮了一揮手… | He just had this big smile on his face and he was waving... |
…因為他踩高蹺的時候 就是他最高興的時候了 | ...because he was happiest when he was on his stilts. |
我根本不會踩那玩意兒 | I don't know what to do with that. |
我也是 | Me neither. |
所以你是我姐姐? | So are you,like,my big sister? |
真不得了,你可以請我喝啤酒 | This is huge. You can buy me beer! |
我不會這麼做 | I'm not gonna. |
知道怎麼樣最酷嗎? 如果你有個朋友叫做彼得… | But you know what's cool? If you had a friend named Pete,I could say... |
…那我就可說“我認得彼得,他是我弟弟的朋友” | ... "I know Pete. He's friends with my brother." |
我有個朋友叫馬克 那也可以啊 | -I got a friend named Mark. -That'll work too. |
酷,好 | Cool. All right. |
或許改天我可以打個電話給你 | So maybe,you know,I could give you a call sometime. |
我們可以好好聊聊或什麼的 | We could talk or something. |
好啊,那會很好 好 | -Yeah,that'd be okay. -All right. |
電話簿上有我的電話 | I'm in the book. |
那…高蹺? | So stilts,huh? |
你要的話,我可以帶你去看 他頭撞到排水?艿哪歉齙胤絳 | If you want,I can show you where he hit his head on the rain gutter. |
我們辦到了,我們在這兒 我們堅守我們的立場 | We did it. We're here. We are standing our ground. |
一杯咖啡到底要煮多久? 快點?快點呀 | -How long does coffee take? -Would you come on? Come on! |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
好了,喝完了 我想我們證明了 | -There we go. -I think we proved our point. |
燙到嘴了沒有? 舌頭沒感覺了 | -You burn your mouth? -Cannot feel my tongue. |
流氓,大流氓 | Bullies! Big bullies! |
看看誰來了?是膽小鬼們 | Look who's here. It's the weenies. |
我們那天講得不夠清楚 是不是? | Did we not make ourselves clear the other day? |
所以我們才來 | That's why we're here. |
對,我們在堅守立場 | Yes,we're standing our ground. |
你也看的出來吧 | Apparently. |
少說廢話了 | Let's do this already. |
你那是什麼?武器? | You got a weapon? |
一只好表 我不想在槌你的時候弄壞它 | A nice watch. I don't want to break it on your ribs. |
來吧,來呀 | All right,let's do this. |
我有問題,若我不在乎我的表 我可以拿下來當武器嗎? | Question: If I don't care about my watch,can I use it as a weapon? |
什麼意思? 那個很鋒利,是金屬做的 | -What do you mean? -It's sharp,it's metal. |
我想這可以用來 發揮很大的殺傷力 | I think I can do some serious damage with it. |
不,你不能用手錶 | No,you can't use your watch. |
或鑰匙 | Or your keys. |
聽我說,這樣好了 | Here's what we'll do. |
把所有的鑰匙和手錶 都放在這個帽子裡面擺在那裡 | We'll put all keys and watches in the hat over there. |
好嗎? | All right? |
好了,來吧… | All right,come on,man. Let's do it! |
趁我還記得,臉可以打嗎? | Before I forget,are we hitting faces? |
當然可以打,臉為何不能打? | Of course. Why wouldn't you hit faces? |
因為我星期一還得上班 我得上臺說話 | I have to work on Monday. I have a big presentation. |
我明天要帶人去看房子… | Actually,I gotta show this apartment tomorrow... |
…所以不打臉這事 倒是好主意 | ...and this no-faces thing might not be a bad idea. |
脖子以上不准打 | Nothing from the neck up. |
或腰部以下 | Or the waist down. |
黛娜在排卵期 真的?你們又在試了? | -Dana's ovulating. -Really? You guys trying again? |
好吧,讓我先搞清楚 我們只能夠打中間的部份嗎? | Let me get this straight. We're talking about the middle? |
來呀 | Come on! |
你們要打這邊?還是打這邊? | You want a piece of this? I'm standing here! |
你們看,我們東西被偷了 | Those guys are taking our stuff! |
天啊,那真是不可思議 | God,that was amazing. That was incredible. |
你們好厲害 我們?那你們呢? | -You guys kicked butt! -Us? What about you guys? |
你們真的 給了那個老賊顏色瞧了 | You really gave it to old Mr. Clean back there. |
那傢伙長得好壯啊 沒錯,不是嗎? | -He was a big guy. -Yeah,he was,wasn't he? |
是呀,我不知道,我全錯過了 | I wouldn't know,having missed everything. |
不要太責怪自己了 | Don't do that to yourself. |
我們不管誰都可能會被那個小女孩的跳繩給絆倒 | Any one of us could have tripped over that little girl's jump rope. |
對了,兩位,那我們… | So listen,guys... |
…沒事了吧? | ...are we okay here? |
沒事了 | We're okay. |
那帽子可以還給我了嗎? | So can I have my hat back? |
看看她 | Oh,my God. Look at her. |
莫妮卡 | Hi,Monica! |
順利嗎? | How's it going? |
好美的胸 | Hey,nice boobs. |
各位…看看這個 | Guys,guys. Check this out. |
YMCA(基督教青年會會歌,經典勵志歌曲) | |
太棒了 | Excellent. |
我帶蠟燭跟我媽的蕾絲桌布 | I'll get candles and my mom's lace tablecloth. |
既然是瑞秋的生日… | And since it's Rachel's birthday... |
…我想我煮一條鮭魚 | ...I thought I'd poach a salmon. |
怎麼樣嘛? | What? |
我要問為什麼每次開派對 你都要水煮東西啊? | Question. Why do we always have parties where you poach things? |
你想總掌食物委員會嗎? | You want to be on the food committee? |
問題二,為什麼每次派對 都要有食物委員會? | Question 2. Why do we always have parties with committees? |
為什麼不買些披薩跟啤酒 大家高興就好了嘛? | Why can't we just get pizza and beer and have fun? |
對, 我同意. 我認為有趣的派對大家都參與才有趣 | I agree. Fancy parties are only fun if you're fancy on the inside. |
我不確定我們會快樂 | And I'm not sure we are. |
你們不想要點特別的? | You don't want it to be special? |
很好,你們愛怎麼樣就怎麼樣 | Fine. You can throw any kind of party you want. |
喬伊,那是假的 | Joey,they're not real! |
在這裡面數英里遠的地方才是我的,這是假的 | I start miles beneath the surface of these things. They're fake. |
看,像汽車喇叭 | See? Honk,honk! |
像給小丑看的色情片 | Wow,it's like porno for clowns! |
六人行 第2季 第22集 兩個派對 | The One With Two Parties |
我跟瑞秋的妹妹講了 她們都不能夠來 | Neither of Rachel's sisters can come. |
那我還得邀請狄倫 艾瑪,還有香濃 | I still have to invite Dylan and Emma and Shannon Cooper. |
不要香濃 | No Shannon Cooper. |
為什麼呢? | Why not her? |
因為她… | Because she.... |
會偷東西 | She steals stuff. |
又或許她不會偷東西,但他跟她上床後就沒再打電話給她了 | Or maybe she doesn't and Joey slept with her and never called her back. |
喬伊,那太過份了 | Joey,that is horrible. |
我喜歡她,好嗎? | Hey,I liked her. |
或許太喜歡了 | Maybe too much. |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
我猜我只是怕了 | I guess I just got scared. |
對不起,我不知道 | I'm sorry. I didn't know. |
沒想到有人會吃這一套 | I didn't think anyone would buy that. Okay! |
親愛的,好玩嗎? | Hi,honey. How did it go? |
地獄般的畢業典禮 | It was the graduation from hell. |
我表弟是靠足球獎學金 上“地獄大學”的 | My cousin went to hell on a football scholarship. |
這本來應該是個快樂的場合 | It's supposed to be a joyous occasion. |
我妹妹從大學畢業了 誰也沒想到 | Nobody thought my sister would graduate from college. |
證明了一個長島女孩為了一部賽利卡跑車(豐田)會做什麼 | It's a testament to what a girl from Long lsland will do for a Celica. |
到底怎麼了? | What happened? |
我父母的事情 | My parents happened. |
他們只需要坐在同一個體育館 驕傲地微笑… | All they had to do was sit in the same stadium,smile... |
…絕口不提離婚的事 但不! | ...and not talk about the divorce. But no! |
開幕致詞到一半時 他們就吵得不可開交了 | They got into a fight during the commencement address. |
主教還得停下來 叫他們兩個住口 | Bishop Tutu actually had to stop and shush them. |
你們知道好消息是什麼嗎? | You know the good news? |
我接著可以幫人 倒八小時的咖啡 | I get to serve coffee for the next eight hours. |
那我們可以不要邀請她父母 | I guess we don't invite her parents. |
只邀她媽媽,怎麼樣? 為什麼? | -How about just her mom? -Why her mom? |
因為我已經邀了 | Because I already invited her. |
你邀了史戴西嗎? | Did you ask Stacy Roth? |
不,不能邀她 | Can't invite her. |
她也會偷東西 | She also steals. |
還有她的室友 | So does her roommate. |
這是生日蛋糕的蠟燭 那生日蛋糕呢? | Here are the candles. Where's the birthday cake? |
我們不吃生日蛋糕 | We're not having birthday cake. |
我們吃生日餡餅 | We're having birthday flan. |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
是一種傳統墨西哥蛋奶凍點心 | It's a traditional Mexican custard dessert. |
不錯呀 | That's nice. |
生日快樂,瑞秋,來些粘粘的東西 | Happy birthday,Rachel. Here's some goo! |
格林醫生 | Dr. Greene! |
老天啊,是瑞秋的爸爸 | Oh,my God! It's Rachel's dad. |
你來做什麼? | Why are you here? |
怎麼了?女兒生日 老爸過來看看也不行嗎? | The father can't see the daughter on her birthday? |
不…老爸當然可以 | No,no,the father can. |
但是由於我是她室友 我可以告訴你她不在 | But since I am the roommate,I can tell you she's not here. |
我會轉告她你來過了 所以,再見 | And I'll pass along the message. Okay? So bye-bye. |
你們開派對呀 | You're having a party. |
不,不是派對啦 | No,no,not a party. |
只是一群 瑞秋認識的人的驚喜聚會 | Just a surprise gathering of some people Rachel knows. |
這是菲比,錢德,喬伊 太多人了我記不住 | -This is Phoebe,Chandler and Joey. -I'll never remember all that. |
你們怎麼計畫的? | So what's the deal? |
瑞秋回來,大家跳出來尖叫 是不是這樣子? | Rachel comes home,people pop out and yell stuff? Is that it? |
這不是 你的第一個驚喜派對吧? | This isn't your first surprise party,is it,sir? |
莫妮卡 | Hi,Monica. |
中餐館的夥計 他忘了拿功能表了 | The Chinese menu guy. Forgot the menus. |
所以基本上只是個中國人而已 | So basically,just a Chinese guy. |
格林醫生,你跟我來好了 我們把外套放瑞秋床上 | Dr. Greene,come with me. We'll put your jacket on Rachel's bed. |
好吧,那聽起來是需要兩個人的工作 | All right. That sounds like a two-person job. |
我的天,你剛才怎麼了? | Well,my goodness! What was that? |
真對不起,我以為你是瑞秋 可是我們還沒準備好 | Sandra,I thought you were Rachel. We weren't ready for you yet. |
你以為我是瑞秋? 對啊,你看起來好年輕 | -You thought I was Rachel? -Yes,because you look so young. |
而且基本上你們兩個都是… 白種女人 | And because you're both,you know,white women. |
我好想念你們 我應該把外套放臥室嗎? | Oh,I missed you kids. Should I put my coat in the bedroom? |
不,交給我好了 那就謝了 | -No,I'll take that for you. -Oh,well,thank you. |
真是個紳士啊 | Such a gentleman. Thank you. |
看起來真棒,這麼有節日氣氛 那麼多汽球 | It all looks so nice. So festive. All the balloons. |
我過來的時候碰見一兩件怪事 | Oh,the funniest thing happened to me on the way here. |
我在開… 太棒了 | -I was driving -That's great! |
我等不及你說完 因為我要去廁所 | I can't wait to hear the rest,but I have to go to the bathroom. |
跟我來 | Hey,come with me. |
什麼? 就像我們是姐妹 | -What? -lt will be like we're gal pals. |
你知道,像在餐廳 會很好玩的,來吧… | You know,like at a restaurant. It'll be fun! Come on. |
天啊… | Oh,my God. Oh,my God. Oh,my God! |
想一想,快想一想 | Think. Think. |
傑克跟克裡斯會怎麼做?(肥皂劇《三人行》的主角 克裡斯瞞著家人與傑克做室友) | What would Jack and Chrissy do? |
你的外衣安全放在床上了… | Okay,now that your coat is safely in the bed |
我們現在可以回客廳了 | We can come back out in the living room. |
對了,喬伊,錢德,我想?忝怯Ω麼窳忠繳僥忝悄潛呷 | Joey and Chandler,it's time you take Dr. Greene over to your place. |
對,完全正確 | Yes,absolutely. |
為什麼? | Why,again? |
因為派對在那邊呀,呆子 | Because that's where the party is,you goon! |
這邊只是準備區 對…準備區而已 | -See,this is just the staging area. -Right,it's the staging area. |
這個很顯然放錯地方了 | This is clearly in the wrong apartment. |
好吧,你們這些去一號派對 | All right,you guys are off to party number one. |
而你們呢… | And you.... |
去二號派對 | You are off to party number two. |
繼續走,繼續走,快 | All right,let's keep it moving,let's keep it moving. |
你至少送些女的來我這邊好嗎 | At least send some women to my party. |
是羅斯,好… | Okay,that's Ross. All right. |
他們來了 | Okay,they're coming. |
謝謝你美妙的晚餐 | Thank you for such a wonderful dinner. |
謝謝你出生 | Thanks for being born. |
謝謝你這對漂亮的耳環 真的好美 | Thank you for my beautiful earrings. They're perfect. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
你想的話可以拿去換別的 | Now,you can exchange them if you want,okay? |
現在我更愛你了 | Now I love you even more. |
驚喜… | Surprise! |
天啊… | Oh,my gosh! |
哇! | Wow! |
天啊…媽 | Oh,my God. Mom! |
太棒了 | This is so great! |
生日快樂,瑞秋 | Happy birthday,sweetie. |
你…我完全不知 | You! I had no idea! |
真的? 不,我知道的 | -Really? -No,I knew. |
好 | All right. |
各位,桌上有吃的跟喝的 | There's food and drinks on the table. |
現在去對面 喬伊跟錢德那邊,去呀 | Go across the hall. Right now,Joey and Chandler's. |
為什麼? 去就是了 | -Why? -Just go. |
真怪 | Weird. |
驚喜! | Surprise! |
生日快樂,小甜豆 | Happy birthday,sweet pea. |
爸爸 | Daddy! |
他們都來了,兩個都來了? | Both of them are here? Both of them? Both of them are here? |
我們可以再數一次 | Well,we could count again? |
我無法相信有這種事 | I can't believe this! |
這太荒唐了 | You know,this is ridiculous. |
這是你的生日,你的派對 | This is your birthday,your party. |
我說把他們放在一起,如果他們應付不來的話,誰在乎? | Let's put them together. If they can't deal with it,who cares? |
我在乎 就是你 | -I do. -That's who. |
你不要緊吧? | Are you gonna be okay? |
我根本就別無選擇嘛 我可以往好的方面想啊 | I don't really have a choice. I can look at the bright side. |
我有兩個生日派對 還有兩個生日蛋糕 | I get two birthday parties and two birthday cakes. |
其實只有… | Well,actually... |
…一個生日餡餅 | ...just one birthday flan. |
那是一種墨西哥蛋奶凍點心 | It's a traditional Mexican custard dessert. |
你去跟莫妮卡講比較好 她是食物委員會的人 | Talk to Monica. She's on the food committee. |
有個女的剛剛走過來跟我說 “我要你,丹尼”… | Some girl just walked up to me and said,"I want you,Dennis"... |
…然後給了我一個舌吻 | ...and stuck her tongue down my throat. |
我愛這個派對 | I love this party! |
我有個排球問題 排球? | -Quick volleyball question. -Volleyball. |
我們在你房間弄了個球場 | We set up a court in your room. |
你不是真的喜歡 那個灰燈,對不對? | You didn't like that gray lamp,did you? |
剛才有個女人給我一個舌吻 我根本就沒聽你說話 | A woman stuck her tongue down my throat. I'm not even listening to you. |
丹尼… 她在叫我了 | -Dennis! -Okay,that's me. |
親愛的,你陪我爸一下,好嗎? 我要去跟我媽講一下話 | Can you keep Dad occupied? I'm gonna talk to Mom for a while. |
那我用什麼話當… 當開場白 | Do you have any ideas for any openers? |
你只要避開“我是那個上你女兒的人”… | Stay clear of "I'm the guy that's doing your daughter"... |
…就不會有問題了 | ...and you should be okay. |
我要你們一個人拿一張紙… | I want you to take a piece of paper |
拿去 然後寫下你們最尷尬的回憶 | Here you go. And write down your most embarrassing memory. |
請各位在用完墨水筆之後 把筆蓋蓋上… | When you're not using the markers,put the caps back on them... |
…不然的話,筆會幹掉的 | ... because they will dry out. |
格林醫生 | Hi,Dr. Greene. |
血管外科遊戲中… | So how's everything in the... |
…的一切… | ...vascular surgery... |
…都還好嗎? | ...game? |
那不是遊戲,羅斯 今天有個女人死在我手術臺上 | It's not a game,Ross. A woman died on my table today. |
很遺憾 | I'm sorry. |
那就是我工作的好處 | That's the good thing about my job. |
因為我在工作臺上的那些恐龍 都已經死了 | All the dinosaurs on my table are already dead. |
聽著,各位 我並不是故意要煩你們的… | Listen,I don't mean to be a pain about this... |
…但我注意到 你們剛剛有些人只是套上 | ... but I've noticed some of you are just placing them on. |
你們應該是要用力按… | You want to push the caps... |
…按到喀的一聲為止 | ... until you hear them click. |
甘瑟 | Gunther! |
你要去哪裡啊? | Where you going? |
我…我只是在想,或許我… | I was sort of thinking about maybe |
不…你不能走 不,這很好玩 | No! No,you can't go! No,this is fun. |
來嘛…我們才剛開始 來,這是你的筆 | We're just starting. Here's your marker. |
聽著,你想走就走好了 | If you want to go,just go. |
不,她會再吼我 | She'll yell at me again. |
好吧,我可以把你弄出去 | All right,I can get you out. |
什麼? | What? |
等一下我們來個轉移注意力 | In a minute,I'll create a diversion. |
到時候,你趕快朝門走 不要回頭 | When I do,walk quickly to the door and don't look back. |
我想來杯喝的 我去幫你拿 | -I think I need a drink. -I'll get it for you. |
你要喝什麼? 蘇格蘭威士卡 | -What do you want? -Scotch. |
好,我十秒鐘之內 會帶著你的蘇格蘭威士卡加冰塊回來 | I'll be back in 10 seconds with your scotch on the rocks in a glass. |
純(有“很棒的”意思) | Neat! |
酷! | Cool. |
純的,不加冰塊 | Neat,as in no rocks. |
我知道 | I know. |
羅斯,你上哪兒去了? | Hello,Ross! Where have you been? |
我一直在洗手間 | I have been in the bathroom. |
避開那些鮭魚慕斯 | Stay clear of the salmon mousse. |
純蘇格蘭威士卡 | Scotch neat. |
那是瑞秋她爸喜歡喝的 | That's Rachel's father's drink. |
我也是,很純正,不是嗎? | Mine too. Isn't that neat? |
蘇格蘭純威士卡 | Scotch neat. |
我先失陪了 | Would you excuse me? |
你想溜到哪裡去呢,先生? | Where are you sneaking off to,mister? |
我要去拿我外套裡的香煙 | I'm getting my cigarettes. |
不… | No. |
什麼意思啊? | What do you mean "no"? |
因為那邊是準備區 | See,because that's the staging area. |
你一去的話 你對派對的幻影就都成空了 | You go in there,it'll ruin the whole illusion of the party. |
你還是帶著你的威士卡回去… | Take your scotch back in there... |
…然後我去幫你拿香煙 好嗎? | ...and I will get your cigarettes for you,sir. |
還有我的眼鏡 包在我身上 | -Get my glasses too. -All righty-roo. |
真是第一次說那句話的好時機 | What a great moment to say that for the first time. |
我現在來看看 第一個人的最尷尬的回憶就是… | Okay,the first person's most embarrassing memory is... |
…“莫妮卡,你的派對真遜” | ... "Monica,your party sucks." |
非常幽默 | Very funny. |
天啊,有人忘了用杯墊嗎? | Oh,no! Did someone forget to use a coaster? |
什麼? | What? |
我沒有看到呀 | I don't see anything. |
是嗎?我又看見水環了 | Great,I'm seeing water rings again. |
羅斯,那是誰的眼鏡啊? | Ross,whose glasses are those? |
我的 | Mine. |
你戴遠近兩用的眼鏡? | You wear bifocals? |
我的視力… | I have a condition apparently... |
…顯然同時… | ...that I require... |
…需要用到兩種鏡片 | ...two different sets of focals. |
你知道我先生也有一副 跟你一樣的眼鏡嗎? | Do you know my husband has glasses just like that? |
那種眼睛很流行 | Well,those are very popular frames. |
尼爾希達卡(60年代歌星)也有一副 | Neil Sedaka wears them. |
聽說你有辦法弄我們出去 是不是? | I hear you can get people out of here. |
你並沒有告訴我你男友會抽煙 | You didn't tell me your boyfriend smokes. |
對,像根煙囪 | Yeah,like a chimney. |
大煙客 | Big smoker. |
超大煙客 | Big,big smoker. |
事實上,我現在就去走廊上 點燃這個壞小子了 | In fact,I'm gonna go into the hallway and fire up this bad boy. |
你在戴我的眼鏡嗎? | Are you wearing my glasses? |
對 | Yes. |
我只是在替你 把那個耳架弄暖一點 | I was just warming up the earpieces for you. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
那是我的香煙嗎? | Is that one of my cigarettes? |
對,沒錯 我在把這個煙屁股弄濕 | Yes,it is. I was just moistening the tip. |
好了,她去倒垃圾了 我可以弄你們出去了 | She's taking the trash out,so I can get you out of here. |
可是你們得馬上走 她隨時會回來 | But it has to be now. She'll be back any minute. |
那我朋友呢? | What about my friend? |
不行,只有你們三個 超過三個她就會起疑心的 | Only the three of you. Any more and she'll get suspicious. |
好吧,我去拿外套 沒有時間了 | -Let me just get my coat. -There isn't time! |
什麼都不要拿 | Just leave everything. |
隔壁那些人會照顧你們的 | They'll take care of you next door. |
他們真的有啤酒嗎? | Is it true they have beer? |
你聽到的都是真的 | Everything you've heard is true. |
你們小聲一點,好不好? | Could you guys please keep it down? |
我們要來個拼字錦標賽 | We're trying to start a Boggle tournament. |
如果大家發現要玩拼字遊戲 | If people find out they're playing spelling games... |
我們這裡的人就會都去她那邊了 | ...there'll be nobody left here. |
你 | You! |
還有你 | And you. |
你們應該在我的派對的啊 | You're supposed to be at my party. |
還有甘瑟 | And Gunther! |
你在這個地方幹什麼啊? | What are you doing here? |
歡迎來到… | Welcome to the fo |
好吧,對不起嘛 可是這些人需要我啊 | All right,I'm sorry. But these people needed me. |
他們辛苦了一個禮拜 今天是週六 | They work hard all week. It's Saturday night. |
他們有權享一點兒樂的,去 | They deserve to have a little fun. Go! |
我的派對很好玩 | You know,my party is fun. |
或許是安靜了一點吧 比較含蓄的樂趣 | It's a little quieter,less obvious sort of fun. |
但如果大家給它一個機會 那會比較… | But if people would just give it a chance,it's |
你要我去看心理醫生? 親愛的,你顯然有問題了 | -You want me to see a therapist? -Sweetheart,you have a problem. |
你居然選了一個 跟你爸一模一樣的男朋友 | You've chosen a boyfriend exactly like your father. |
媽,我會先去預約的 | Okay,Mom,I'll make an appointment. |
現在我得走了 我得去做一件事 | But right now,I gotta go. I gotta go do a thing. |
你知道嗎?你老媽居然花了 一千二百塊買一個盆栽 | Did you know your mother spent $1200 on bonsai trees? |
我覺得我好像格列佛在小人國裡(《格列佛遊記》) | I felt like Gulliver. |
爸,你知道嗎? 我真的很想再多聽,真的… | Daddy,I really want to hear more about this... |
…但我有點事要處理 | ...but I just have to do some stuff. |
我一直很努力 想要挽救我們的婚姻… | You work and you work and you work at a marriage... |
…可是他只關心他那艘蠢船 | ... but all he cares about is his stupid boat. |
我一直一直努力的去弄我的船 | You work and you work and you work on a boat. |
他老是嘲笑我的燒陶課 | He always ridiculed my pottery classes. |
磨好了之後還要上釉 | And you sand it and varnish it. |
但他還是用我做的杯子喝東西 | But when all is said and done,he still drinks out of the mugs. |
聽她嘮叨一晚她的瑜珈 還有她的《廊橋遺夢》… | One night of her yoga and Bridges of Madison County.... |
威士卡,香煙… 盆栽和吉娃娃狗… | -The scotch,the cigarettes.... - The bonsais and the Chihuahua.... |
我或許只看了 三個禮拜的心理醫生,但… | I may have only been in therapy for three weeks now but |
她要半條船幹什麼? | What the hell does she want with half a boat? |
好啦好啦,你穿著衣服我光著身子好了 | Okay,okay,you can be shirts and I'll be skins. |
我光身子呀 | I'll be skins! |
你沒事吧,老虎? | How you holding up there,tiger? |
很抱歉,我父母在鬧離婚時 很多人叫我“老虎” | Sorry. When my parents were getting divorced,I got a lot of "tigers." |
很多人叫我 “冠軍”“領袖”“體育委員” | I got a lot of "champs," "chiefs," "sports." |
還有人叫我“州長” | I even got a "governor." |
就這樣了,是不是? 我的生活就會變成這樣 | This is it,isn't it? This is what my life will be like. |
我媽在那邊,我爸在那邊 | My mom there,my dad there. |
感恩節,耶誕節 | Thanksgiving,Christmas. |
她得到房子,他住在我妹用柳條傢俱幫他佈置的公寓 | She gets the house,he's in a condo my sister will decorate with wicker. |
錢德,你是怎麼熬過來的? | How did you get through this? |
我依靠我精心策劃的計畫… | I relied on a carefully regimented program... |
…拒絕面對現實… | ...of denial... |
…還有尿床 | ...and wetting the bed. |
這太詭異了 | You know,I just It's so weird. |
我是說,我人在裡面 卻聽著他們兩個人罵來罵去 | I mean,I was in there just listening to them bitch about each other. |
可是心裡卻一直在想著七月四號國慶日 | All I kept thinking about was the Fourth of July. |
因為那讓你想起我們的祖先… | Because it reminded you of the way... |
…從前也是罵來罵去的嗎? | ...our forefathers used to bitch at each other? |
是這樣子的啦 我們每年… | It's just this thing. Every year we would... |
…都會坐我爸的船出海 去看煙火 | ...go out on my dad's boat and watch the fireworks. |
可是我媽討厭去 因為海風會把她的頭髮吹膨 | Mom always hated it because the ocean air made her hair all big. |
我妹妹吉兒 則會靠在船邊嘔吐… | My sister Jill would be throwing up over the side... |
…我爸會不高興 因為沒有人幫他忙 | ...and Dad would be upset because nobody helped. |
當我們幫忙的時候呢 他又會吼叫說我們做得不對 | And when we did help,he'd scream at us for doing it wrong. |
但是當煙火開始的時候 大家都閉嘴了 | But then when the fireworks started,everybody just shut up. |
然後天氣會變得很冷 | You know,and it'd get really cold. |
我們會全部都擠在 一條毯子下面 | And we'd all just sort of smoosh under this one blanket. |
從來沒有人想到要多帶一條來 | It never occurred to anybody to bring another one. |
但是現在… | And now it's.... |
對,我知道 | Yeah,I know. |
謝謝光臨,希望你們玩得開心 | Thanks for coming. I hope you had fun. |
好了,我要走了 | All right,I'm hitting the road. |
我把十個動詞放在你桌上了 | Now,I've left my 10 verbs on the table. |
一定要把完成的詩寄給我 | Be sure and send me that finished poem. |
我會的,很高興你來了 | Okay,will do. Glad you came. |
我想我看到瑞秋在走廊上 我去看看 | -I think I saw Rachel out in the hall. -Let me go check. |
你媽要跟你道別了 | Your mom wants to say goodbye. |
生日快樂,親愛的 | Happy birthday,sweetie. |
小心開車 | You drive safe. |
羅斯,你在幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
我正在為去滑水做準備 | I'm getting ready for the water skiing. |
來呀,抱抱 | Okay,big hug. One more. Come on! |
你好嗎? | How are you? |
格林醫生,你要去哪裡? 拿我的外套 | -Where are you going? -To get my coat. |
我們去拿 | We'll get that for you. |
好了…我可以自己去,好嗎? | All right,all right. I can get my own coat. |
抱歉,餡餅讓我們爽歪了 | Sorry,we're on a major flan high. |
不對…你不應該來這裡的 | Oh,no. No,you're not supposed to be here. |
因為這裡是準備區 全弄錯了,你應該走 | This is the staging area. It's all wrong. You should leave. |
出去就是了 | You know,just get out. |
要不要來杯薄荷甜酒啊(法語)? | Or perhaps you'd like a creme de menthe. |
我必須回我的“法國莊園”了,謝了 | I have to be heading toward my chateau. |
好吧,那麼我猜 我們又要回到走廊了 | I guess we're going back into the hallway again. |
謝謝光臨,格林太太 | Thanks for coming,Mrs. Greene. |
保重了 | You take care. |
你們這些孩子 | Oh,you kids. |
那麼… | Well. |
好久沒有參加這麼棒的派對了 | This is the best party I've been to in years. |
謝謝 | Thank you! |
各位,切餡餅了 | Okay,everybody,it's time for flan! |
對,準備享用凝膠的樂趣了 | Yep! Get ready for the gelatinous fun. |
看起來有點像傷口感染時的樣子 | Looks like that stuff you get when you get an infection. |
好了,夠了 | Okay,that's enough. |
瑞秋,許個餡餅願吧 | Okay,Rachel,make a special flan wish. |
好了 | Okay,I've got one. |
小心! | Heads up! |
哇哦,願望很少有實現的時候 | Wow! Those things almost never come true. |
錢德,莫妮卡 香蕉核果松餅只剩一個 | Chandler,Mon,there's only one banana-nut muffin left. |
我先點的 | I ordered mine first. |
對,但我比你迅速 | Yeah,but I'm so much faster. |
給我 | Give it to me. |
不 | No. |
給我 | Give it to me! |
那給你吧 | Okay,you can have it. |
請慢慢享用你的咖啡 | There you go. Enjoy your coffee. |
我來之前它就在那了 | That was there when I got here. |
各位 你們絕對猜不到誰要來紐約 | Hey,you'll never guess who's coming to New York. |
菲比,在他吞下去以前說 | Quick,tell us before he swallows. |
我在海軍服役的男朋友萊恩 | Ryan,that guy I dated who's in the Navy. |
你有個當海軍的男友? | You went out with a guy in the Navy? |
對,我在華盛頓廣場 演奏吉他的時候認識的 | I met him while playing guitar in the park. |
萊恩丟咸水太妃糖給我 因為他沒有零錢 | Ryan threw in saltwater taffy because he didn't have change. |
你的“咸水太妃男子”歌 就是那個時候寫的? | Is that when you wrote "Saltwater Taffy Man"? |
不,他是我的潛水艇男人 他兩年出水一次… | No,he's my submarine guy. He resurfaces every couple years... |
…然後我們有最不可思議的 三天相處的時間 | ...and we have an amazing three days together. |
只是他這一次要來兩個禮拜 整整兩個禮拜 耶! | Only this time,he's coming for 2 weeks. Two whole weeks,which means "yea"! |
等等,你是說這個傢伙 每次一下水就是兩年? | So this guy goes down for,like,two years at a time? |
這是你舔我松餅的教訓 | That'll teach you to lick my muffin. |
嗨 | Hi. |
怎麼了? | Oh,no. What happened? |
卡蘿剛剛告訴我說 小班得了水痘 | I just spoke to Carol. Ben's got chickenpox. |
不 | Oh,no. |
所以如果你們還沒有得過 那你們大概會得到 | Yeah,so if you haven't had it,chances are you'll get it. |
我得過了 我也得過了 | -I've had it. -I've had it. |
得過 得過 | -Had it. -Had it. |
我從來沒得過 我覺得被遺忘了,看 | I've never had it. I feel so left out. Oh,look! |
六人行 第2季 第23集 出水痘 | The One With the Chicken Pox |
親愛的,你又鋪床了 | Honey,you made the bed again. |
我說過,你不用鋪床的 又不是夏令營 | I told you,you don't have to do that. This isn't camp. |
那我猜昨晚我被女式運動褲襲擊 完全沒有道理了 | Then I guess the panty raid last night was totally uncalled for. |
我要去洗澡了今天我要唱傑姆克勞奇的“勒羅伊布朗” | I'm taking a shower. Today I'll sing Jim Croce's "Leroy Brown." |
莫妮卡,我有個問題 | Hey,Mon,I have a question. |
勒羅伊是 “全鎮最壞的男人”… | Is Leroy the baddest man in the whole damn town... |
…還是“全鎮最胖的男人” | ...or the fattest man? |
最壞,不然那首歌就會叫 “胖胖的勒羅伊布朗” | The baddest. Otherwise,the song would be "Fat,Fat Leroy Brown." |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
只是在等你,甜心 | I'm just waiting for you,sweetie. |
你在重新鋪床嗎? | Are you remaking the bed? |
對不起… 你鋪的樣子完全沒有問題 | I'm sorry. The way you did it,it was just fine. |
那你重新鋪是因為…? | Then you're redoing it because...? |
說出來你會認為我瘋了 | You'll think I'm crazy. |
你說不說都會有這個危險 | You're pretty much running that risk either way. |
你看… | Okay. You see... |
…被子的商標 不該在床的左上角 | ...the duvet tag shouldn't be at the top left corner... |
…應該在床的右下角才對 | ...it should be at the bottom right corner. |
那不會很瘋狂 這只是開頭,先讓你輕鬆一些 | -That's not so crazy. -I'm just easing you in. |
好 | All right. |
你看到這些小花了嗎? | You see these little flower blossoms? |
那應該往上不是往下… | They should be facing up not down... |
…因為床頭的位置 是太陽的方向 | ...because the head of the bed is where the sun would be. |
你不再愛我了,是不是? | You don't love me anymore,do you? |
事實上,如果可能的話 我會更愛你了 | Actually,if it's possible,I love you more. |
真的? | Really? |
那來吧… | Wow. Well,then,come on! |
我要教你 怎麼把衛生紙折出尖角來 | I wanna show you how to fold the toilet paper into a point. |
如果你需要一個工作應急的話… | If you need something to hold you over... |
…我可以給你一個 基層的資料處理員的工作 | ...I can get you a job here as an entry-level processor. |
那種工作難道不需要經驗嗎? | Don't you need experience? |
要學也不困難 | It's not hard to learn. |
如果你怕別人看出 你不曉得自己在幹什麼的話 你是演員啊 | As for people realizing you don't know what you're doing,you're an actor. |
那就扮演一個處理員 人們就會相信你是個處理員了 | Act like a processor,people will think you're a processor. |
錢德,這是今早的預算表 | Here's this morning's projections. |
謝了,史考 這是喬伊 | Thanks. Scott Alexander,Joey Tribbiani. |
喬伊他也是一個處理員 | Joey is a fellow processor. |
真的? | No kidding? |
我處理 人要找人處理,他們會找我 | I process. People want the processing,I'm the one they call. |
你在哪兒工作? 我正在轉業當中 | -Where do you work? -Well,I'm in between things. |
你也知道的嘛 今天你還在處理,到了明天… | You know,one day you're processing,the next day... |
…你就沒有那麼多可以處理的了 | ...you're not so much processing anymore. |
我正要告訴喬伊 弗雷茨曼的部門剛組建 | I told Joey about the opening in Fleischman's group. |
弗雷茨曼的部門 | Fleischman's group. |
那你要記住別碰他的三明治啊 | Whatever you do,don't touch his sandwiches. |
你的處理員都是傻蛋,是不是? | Are all you processors dorks? |
你擦上這口紅真美 | This lipstick looks just great on you. |
你美呆了,真的 | You look fabulous. You really do. |
你們確定嗎? 真的嗎? | Yeah,are you sure? Really? |
瞧,美得不得了 看在上帝的份上,把燈調暗 | See,you look beautiful. For God sakes,dim the lights. |
我好恐怖?竰 | I'm hideous! |
不會有問題的 | It's gonna be okay. |
萊恩一直在水下 | Ryan's been underwater. |
你屁股沒有長藤壺 他就該謝天謝地了 | He's just gonna be glad you don't have barnacles on your butt. |
請進 | Come in. |
寶貝,我回來了… | Hey,baby,I'm back |
萊恩,你好嗎? | Hey,Ryan. What's up? |
你怎麼了? | What's going on? |
不要… 不要再往前走了 | No,no. You have to stay back. |
我長痘痘了 | I have the pox! |
水痘還是天花(性病)? | Chicken or small? |
水痘(又名雞痘),很諷刺 因為我根本就不吃雞 | Chicken,which is so ironic considering I'm a vegetarian. |
那為什麼不在家裡休息? 因為我外婆沒得過水痘 | -Why aren't you home in bed? -My grandmother's never had chickenpox. |
拜託,告訴我你得過 老天,我忘了你多可愛了 | Please tell me you have,because oh,my God,I forgot how cute you are. |
抱歉,我沒得過 | I'm sorry,I never had them. |
如果可以許一個願的話 要回到我七歲… | If I had one wish,I'd go back to when I was 7... |
…吉米得水痘的時候 我會抓住他的手在我臉上蹭 | ...when Jimmy Hauser had chickenpox,and rub that kid all over my face. |
對呀,或許你也可以希望 我現在沒有得水痘 | Yeah,or you could wish that I didn't have them now. |
我可以看你的臉嗎? | Can I see your face? |
不行 你不會想看一張痘子臉的 | No. You don't wanna see a face covered with pox. |
就算長滿熏鮭魚我也不會在乎 | It could be lox,I wouldn't care. |
可是你恨魚 | And you hate fish. |
真貼心,好吧 | So sweet. All right. |
那你看嘛 | Okay,all right. You can see. |
這就是我 | This is me. |
很抱歉 | Sorry! |
我很嚇人嗎? | I am scary! |
不,是閃電 剛才的閃電真是很不巧 | The lightening was an unfortunate coincidence. |
你很漂亮,你真的很漂亮 | You look lovely! Lovely! |
好討厭 | I hate this. |
告訴你,我計畫了 兩個最不可思議的禮拜 | I had the most amazing two weeks planned for us. |
而我所計畫的一切 都得比現在更為親密 | And everything I had in mind,we had to be a lot closer than this. |
我跟一群男人 在鋼管裡關了八個月… | I've spent the last eight months in a steel tube with men... |
…我一直祈盼的就是這個時刻 | ...thinking about this moment. |
我不會讓這裡… | I am not gonna let a bunch... |
…也癢,那裡也癢 分開我們兩個 | ...of itchy spots stand between us. |
這是我得過的最浪漫的病 | Okay. This is the most romantic disease I've ever had. |
第一天上班怎麼樣? 蠻好的,就像你說的 | -How's the first day? -Good. It's like you said. |
大部分只是把數字 從一欄放到另一欄而已 | It's putting numbers from one column into another. |
我跟你說過了 | There you go. |
而且大家都很好,我剛才跟那個紅發女士聊天,叫金妮的 | And everybody's nice. I just had a good talk with that lady Jeannie. |
金妮?東岸營業部的總裁金妮 | Jeannie? The head of East Coast operations,Jeannie? |
原來我們的孩子上同一所學校 | Turns out our kids go to the same school. |
世界真小 | Yeah. Small world,huh? |
世界真怪 | Weird world. |
你的孩子? | Your kids? |
我猜我的角色有孩子 | I figure my character has kids. |
那句話我沒有一個字聽得懂的 | There isn't a part of that sentence I don't need explained. |
你瞧,演戲的時候 你需要思考那類的事情 | When you're acting,you need to think about that stuff. |
我的角色,資料處理員喬瑟夫… | My character,Joseph the processing guy... |
…有兩個女兒,艾士莉跟布妮 | ... has two little girls,Ashley and Brittany. |
布妮做什麼艾士莉都要學 | Ashley copies everything Brittany does. |
有時隱形小孩就是那個樣子的 | Well,invisible kids can be that way sometimes. |
喬瑟夫跟他太太凱倫 正考慮再生一個 | You know,Joseph and his wife,Karen,are thinking of having a third kid. |
知道嗎? | You know what? |
剛剛生了 | Just did. |
我想你那想像的精子 一定非常強 | That's some pretty powerful imaginary sperm you must have there. |
你知道什麼比癢更難受嗎? | IKnow what makes the itching worse? |
你要繼續提這個嗎? | That you don't stop talking about it? |
好 只要專心的玩嘛 | -Fine. -Let's just play,okay? |
好 | Good,okay. |
要丟了,十二 | Here we go,double sixes. |
要丟了… | Here we go.... |
要丟了… | Here we go.... |
來媽媽這裡,準備要滾色子 | Come to Mama. Getting ready to roll the dice.... |
你在幹什麼?你在抓癢? | What are you doing? Are you scratching? |
沒有,我在祈求好運 | No. This is what I do for luck,okay? |
你在抓癢 | You're scratching. |
把色子給我 | Give me the dice. |
把色子給我 不要,好嘛… | -Give me the dice. -No! Here. There! |
看,十二 | Look,double sixes! |
我們不能抓,會留下疤 | We can't scratch. We'll scar. |
可是我沒有辦法不去想那個,太難了啦 | I can't stop thinking about it. It's just so hard. |
我只想抓住這些房子 磨擦我的全身 | I wanna grab these houses and rub them all over my body. |
不可以 給我 | -No! -Give it! |
來呀,給我 | Come on! |
你知道你要的 你知道你也要,對不對? | You know you want it. You know you want it too. |
就壞一次吧,感覺會很棒的 | Let's just be bad. It'll feel so good. |
來吧… | Come on. |
上帝幫幫我吧 | Oh,God,help me. |
好棒 好,現在換我了 | -Oh,yeah. -Okay,good. Now do me. |
來,抓我的背 來吧,快點,用力… | Do my back. Oh,come on. Harder! |
我來了 | There you go. |
別動 為什麼? | -Don't move. -Why? |
不要動 幹嘛…? | -Don't move. -What are you...? |
住手,馬上住手 | Stop that. Stop that right now. |
我相信你會這樣,菲比 但是萊恩,你是個軍人呀 | I might've expected this of Phoebe. But,Ryan,you're a military man. |
她逼我這麼做的 | She made me do it. |
你臉上的顏色真不錯 | That's a nice color on you. |
是的,變成粉紅色的疤了,寶貝 | Yeah, well, it comes in pink and blotchy, baby. |
我希望你的“香腸”也長痘痘 | I hope you get a weenie pock. |
你跟米頓得來坐我們的船 帶孩子們來 | You and Milton have to join us on the boat. Bring the kids. |
咱們好好玩一天 | We'll make a day of it. |
聽起來好棒 我們得好好安排一下 | That sounds lovely. We'll have to set it up. |
我最好回去了 希望你的寶寶好點了 | I better get back. Hope the baby feels better. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
謝了,拜拜,金妮 拜拜,喬瑟夫 | -Bye-bye,Jeannie. -Bye-bye,Joseph. |
好虛偽 | What a phony. |
她在碼頭一腳踩了個空的時候她就會學到你的教訓了 | You'll teach her a lesson when she steps off the dock onto nothing. |
嗨,道格拉斯先生 | -Hey,Mr. Douglas. -Sir. |
聽著,備忘錄我收到了 我們下週五才能看到系統報告嗎? | Bing,I got your memo. We're not gonna see the report until next Friday? |
我組裡的人希望這個週末 能夠跟家人一起共度 | My group wants to spend the holiday with family. |
我也有家庭 但我還是會來這兒 | I have a family. I'm gonna be here. |
是啊,賓,你幹嘛呢? | Yeah,Bing. What's that about? |
我要讓我的人稍微喘一口氣 以提高士氣 | It's about cutting them a little slack for morale. |
如果你想看大概數位 我可以在星期三以前給你 | Look,I can get some rough numbers by Wednesday. |
大概數字? | Rough numbers? |
公司不是建在大概數字上 我說得對嗎,道格拉斯先生? | This company wasn't built on rough numbers. Right,Mr. Douglas? |
星期二以前 把正確數字放在我桌上 | Have the final numbers on my desk by Tuesday. |
照你的意思做吧 | If you say so,sir. |
喬瑟夫很行,是不是? | Joseph's good,isn't he? |
喬伊,我要殺了你 | I'm going to kill you. |
嘿,我把喬瑟夫定位成那種喜歡攪合的人 | Hey,I just figured Joseph's the kind of guy who likes to mix it up. |
你知道,一頭鑽入,激怒某人 | You know,get in there,ruffle some feathers. |
為什麼? | Why? |
聽著,抱歉,但喬瑟夫就是那樣 | Look,I'm sorry,but that's what Joseph does. |
你想耍花招的話… | Okay? If you try to pull something... |
…他會揭發你 | ... he'll call you on it. |
他會說“你耍什麼花招?” | "What are you trying to pull?" he'll say. |
膠帶 | Duct tape. |
我是不是也該帶點什麼來? | Was I supposed to bring something too? |
這是給那對癢雙胞胎的 我把手套粘在他們手上 | This is for the scratchy twins. I taped oven mitts to their hands. |
你真嚴 | You're strict. |
這是為他們好啊 | Well,it's for their own good. |
莫妮卡,我很欣賞你有效率的把膠帶的一端折起來 | You know,I like the way you have efficiently folded this tab under. |
你看,急需用膠帶的時候 可省下好幾秒寶貴的時間 | See,in a tape emergency you could shave valuable seconds off your time. |
正是 | Exactly! |
真高興在你面前 可以完全的神經質 | God,I love that I can be totally neurotic around you now. |
告訴我實話 | Tell me the truth. |
難道你不喜歡現在你桌上的一切都是直角嗎? | Don't you like having everything on your desk perpendicular? |
如果它們不是直角 那就是錯角 | If it's not a right angle,it is a wrong angle. |
很好 謝謝 | -Very good. -Thank you. |
你知道嗎? 明天我要改你的時鐘 | Tomorrow,I'm gonna do your clocks. |
你要怎樣改我的時鐘? | You're gonna do what to my clocks? |
我要把它調成我的時間 | Set them to my time. |
這我搞糊塗了 | I'm confused. |
時間不是都一樣的嗎? | I thought we shared time. |
不…瞧 我把房間的時鐘調快了六分鐘 | No. See,in my bedroom I set my clock six minutes fast. |
想不想知道原因? | Wanna know why? |
因為這裡跟廚房在不同的時區裡? | Because it's in a slightly different time zone than the kitchen? |
算了,我不想要說了 | Forget it. |
來嘛,告訴我嘛 | No,come on,tell me. |
不,因為你不會明白 來嘛 | -You don't understand. -Come on. |
不,你根本沒有 任何可愛的小怪癖 | You don't have any obsessive things. |
那不對… | No,that's not true. |
是嗎? 好吧,說一個來聽聽 | Oh,yeah? Tell me one of yours. |
譬如說吧,我總是 把我的運動襪… | One of my things is I always separate my sweat socks... |
…跟西裝襪分開來擺 | ...from my dress socks. |
如果搞混了會怎樣? | What if they get mixed up? |
天啊,那我會… | Boy,I would just.... |
我會發狂 | I would freak out. |
你才不會 | You would not. |
我真不敢相信 真討厭你那麼正常 | I can't believe this. I hate this. You're too normal. |
真不敢相信我的男友沒怪癖 | I can't believe you don't have a "thing." |
我的男友沒有怪癖(與“東西”同詞) | My boyfriend doesn't have a "thing." |
如果有人聽到你這句話 別人會懷疑我無能 | See,if anyone overheard that,I didn't come off well. |
道格拉斯先生正在找你 為什麼要找我? | -Mr. Douglas is looking for you. -Why is Mr. Douglas looking for me? |
因為他懷疑 你搞砸那個出借規劃 | He suspects you dropped the ball on the Lender project. |
他…為什麼要懷疑我? | Why? Why does he suspect that? |
因為原先他以為是喬瑟夫… | At first,he thought it was Joseph... |
…但在問了喬瑟夫之後 發現結果是你 | ...but after he asked Joseph about it,turns out it was you. |
反正我想你應該知道啦 好吧,夠了 | -Anyway,I thought you should know. -All right. That's it. |
聽我說,喬伊… | Look,Joey... |
…對不起,我瞭解這是你 這輩子最重要的一個角色… | ... I realize this is the role of a lifetime for you... |
…若我可以只開除喬瑟夫就好了 不幸的是,那是不可能的 | ...and if I could just fire Joseph,I would. But that's not possible. |
所以我必須要開除你們兩個 | So I have to let you both go. |
你在胡扯什麼?大家都愛喬瑟夫 | What? Everybody loves Joseph. |
我不愛,我恨喬瑟夫 | I don't. I hate Joseph. |
我認為他是個褐色鼻子的馬屁精 | I think he's a brown-nosing suck-up. |
是嗎?你不能開除他 因為他不在你的部門 | You can't fire Joseph. He's not in your department. |
好吧…我不能開除他… | All right,okay. So I can't fire Joseph... |
…但是我可以跟他老婆睡 | ... but I can sleep with his wife. |
凱倫,不! | Not Karen! |
我正在考慮跟她搞婚外情 | Yeah,I'm thinking about having an affair with her. |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
剛搞了 | I just did. |
你對我做了什麼,老兄? | What the hell are you doing? |
不是我 | Oh,it's not me. |
是我的角色 | It's my character! |
錢迪 | Chandie. |
對,為了好玩 而引誘同事老婆的壞處理員… | The rogue processor who seduces his coworkers' wives... |
…隔天在飲水機旁邊當笑話講 | ...and then laughs about it. |
其實她的內褲就在我的抽屜裡 | In fact,I have her panties right there in my drawer! |
真的嗎? 假的,瘋子,根本沒有這個人 | -Really? -No,freak show,she's fictional! |
放輕鬆一點 | Take it easy. |
這對你那麼重要的話 那我找別的事做好了 | If it means that much to you,I'll go find something else. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
只是我會想念喬瑟夫的 | It's just that I'm gonna miss Joseph. |
我喜歡他,和他太太 | I liked him. His wife. |
她好火辣 | She was hot. |
還有孩子們 知道嗎,他原本打算明年夏天建個池塘的 | And the kids. You know he was gonna put in a pool next summer. |
拜託你拆掉,我發誓我不抓了 | Please take these off. I swear I won't scratch. |
對不起,莫妮卡的命令 | No,sorry,hon. Monica's orders. |
上廁所真不容易 | Well,that wasn't easy. |
晚餐好了 | Okay,dinner's on. |
烤箱裡還有一個桃子餅在保溫 | There's a peach cobbler warming in the oven. |
盤子會很燙手 但對你們來說應該不成問題 | So the plate's gonna be hot,but that shouldn't be a problem for you. |
好了,孩子們,拜拜 | All right,you kids. Bye,now. |
拜拜 你們看 | -Bye. -Oh,look,look. |
低成本的木偶劇 | A low-budget puppet show. |
真可惜你看不到 我舉起的是哪一根手指 | A shame you can't see what finger I'm holding up. |
酒? 麻煩你 | -Wine? -Please. |
灑出來了 我來 | -Spilled some. -I got it. |
我得告訴你,你今晚好美 | You look beautiful tonight. |
你說什麼? | What? |
對不起 | Sorry. |
你好美 | You look beautiful. |
夠了,我受夠了 | You know what? That's it. That's it. |
真好 | Oh,yes. |
好 | Good. |
你們… | You guys,did you? |
莫妮卡… | Monica... |
…醒醒 | ...wake up. |
什麼事? | What's up? |
我想到一個了 | I thought of a thing. |
是嗎? | Yeah? |
對,我必須睡…我必須… 睡床的這一邊 | I have to sleep,have to,on this side of the bed. |
你不得不睡床的這一邊… | No. You have to sleep on this side of the bed... |
…是因為我必須睡床的這一邊 | ... because I have to sleep on this side of the bed. |
或者是因為我讓你那麼認為 | Or so I would have you believe. |
沒什麼大不了啊 每個人都有一半兒的床 | So you have a side of the bed. Everybody has a side of the bed. |
別這樣嘛 你還沒聽我的理由呢 | Hey,come on. You haven't heard my reason yet. |
好啊,說吧 | All right,go on. |
我必須睡在床的西邊… | I have to sleep on the west side... |
因為我是在加利福尼亞(美國西部)長大的 | ... because I grew up in California... |
…睡東邊的話… | ...and otherwise... |
…海洋的方向就錯了 | ...the ocean would be on the wrong side. |
天啊 | Oh,my God. |
你真變態 | You're a freak! |
你覺得怎麼樣? | How about that? |
萊恩,你這次要潛到哪裡? | Where're you shipping off to? |
我真的不能說 | I really can't say. |
那你們潛水艇上有核武器嗎? | Do you have nuclear weapons onboard? |
我不能說 | I can't say. |
那你是不是可以用潛水望眼鏡看東西? | Do you get to look through a periscope thingy? |
對不起,我不能說 | I'm sorry,but I can't say. |
學潛水艇的知識真酷 | Wow,it's neat learning about submarines. |
該走了不然會錯過飛機 我送你出去 | -I better not miss my flight. -I'll walk you out. |
再見,萊恩 保重 | -Bye,Ryan. -Pleasure. Take care. |
你想我們可以 弄套制服給你穿嗎? | So do you think we could get you one of those uniform things? |
你喜歡,是不是? | You like that,do you? |
是呀 | Oh,yeah. |
我去打電話訂 | I'll make some calls. |
你相信我們兩個禮拜 是這樣共度的嗎? | Can you believe that's how we spent our two weeks? |
我知道,我計畫的浪漫事都沒有做… | We didn't do the romantic things I'd planned... |
…像去中央公園野餐 還有來中央公園喝咖啡 | ...Iike having a picnic in Central Park and coffee at Central Perk. |
我們剛喝過了 | Oh,I just got that! |
計程車 | Taxi! |
再見 | Bye,you. |
對不起,我們已經… | I'm sorry,we're |
水手 | Hey,sailor. |
這是你心裡想的嗎? | Is this what you had in mind? |
可不是嘛 | I'll say. |
我明天就要出海了 | I'm shipping out tomorrow. |
那麼… | Well,then... |
…我們最好算上今晚 | ...we better make this night count. |
等等,我忘了關卡布奇諾咖啡機了 | Wait,I forgot to turn off the cappuccino machine. |
起錨吧 | Anchors aweigh. |
等等… 我的皮包 | Oh,wait,wait! My purse,my purse! |
我忘了關洗手間的燈 | I forgot to turn off the bathroom light. |
我們乾脆樓上見好了 | Why don't I just meet you upstairs? |
親愛的 | Honey! |
喬伊,試鏡結果怎麼樣? 不可思議 | - Hey Joey,how'd the audition go? - Incredible! |
我這回碰到導演了 你們絕對不會相信是誰的 | I met the director this time and you'll never believe who it was. |
誰呀? | - Who? |
好,我給你們一個提示 | - All right. I'll give you one hint. |
華倫比提(美國最偉大的導演、劇作家和演員) | Warren Beatty. |
對,只是有件事 或許會成為問題 | Yeah,there's just one thing that might be kind've a problem. |
我…必須要吻一個男人 | See,I,uh,had to kiss this guy. |
因為他可愛死了? | 'Cause he was just so darn cute. |
不,那是試鏡的一部份 我試鏡的角色是… | No,as part of the audition. See,I'm up for this part of this guy, |
…男主角要親的男人 | who the main guy kisses. |
你是個演員那你就放嘴去吻吧 | Well,hey. You're an actor,I say you just suck it up and do it. |
去做吧 | Or you just do it. |
我吻了,我很專業 | I did do it,I'm a professional. |
我第一個女友是麗薩迪芭提斯塔 | My first girlfriend was Lisa DiBatista... |
所以我對鬍鬚的感覺並不陌生 | so I'm no stranger to the mustache. |
那有什麼問題? 我試鏡完之後… | Then what's the problem?See after the scene, |
…比提先生過來跟我說 “好演技,爛吻技” | Mr. Beatty comes up to me and says'good actor,bad kisser'. |
你們相信嗎? 我…我吻技會爛? | Can you believe that,me not a good kisser, |
那就好像… | that's like, |
…好像是說特麗莎修女(有“媽媽”意思)不是個好媽媽一樣 | like Mother Theresa,not a good mother. |
好了,誰在乎他怎麼想 | Well,come on,who cares what that guy thinks. |
華倫比提懂什麼叫做接?牽縶 | What does Warren Beatty know about kissing Ooh. |
六人行 第2季 第24集 貝瑞和明蒂的婚禮 | Friends.S02E24.The.One.With.Barry.and.Mindys.Wedding |
你經紀人怎麼說? | Hey,what did your agent say? |
接吻這回事絕對是個問題 | Yep,this kiss thing is defiantly a problem, |
比提先生星期一要再看一次 | Mr. Beatty wants to see it again on Monday. |
我得搞清楚我哪裡做錯了 | Man,I gotta figure out what I'm doing wrong. |
你們哪個女的先來吻我一下? | Oh,okay,one of you girls come over here and kiss me. |
你休想 說得好 | - What,forget it! - Yeah,right. |
不要這樣嘛,我需要幫忙啊 | Come on,I need your help here. |
我以前親過他 我可以再親一次 | All right. I'll do it,I kissed him before I can do it again. |
看到沒?這才叫朋友 | You see this,this is a friend. |
開始 | Uh-huh,let's go. |
等等,口香糖 | Oh,wait I have gum. |
好,非常好,溫柔而有力 | Good,very good,firm but tender. |
我會推薦給朋友 | I'd recommend you to a friend. |
那我就不知道問題出在哪裡了 | Then I don't know what it is. What's the problem? |
喬伊,或許你是 不習慣親男人罷了 | Joey,you know,maybe your just not used to kissing men, |
或許你只是神經緊繃了點 | maybe you just tensed up a little, |
也許你要克服這一點 | maybe that's what you need to work on. |
對,有道理 | Yeah,that makes sense. |
除非我死了 | Over my dead body! |
我會用他的屍體來當擋箭牌 | And I'll be using his dead body as a shield. |
出來吧,你聽我說,你很美 | Come on out,honey! I'm telling you look good! |
跟她說她很美… | Tell her she looks good,tell her she looks good. |
老天啊 | Oh my God, |
你好美喔 | you look so good! |
真不敢相信我得在200人面前走上紅毯… | I can not believe I have to walk down the aisle in front of 200 people |
…打扮得像是當你嘔吐時喝的飲品 | looking like something you drink when your nauseous. |
那就別去啊 反正我不懂我們幹嘛非去不可 | So don't,I don't see why we have to go to this thing anyway, |
這是你前未婚夫的婚禮 | it's your ex-fiancee's wedding. |
因為我答應了明蒂 | Because I promised Mindy I would. |
對,你也答應過貝瑞 要嫁給他的 | Yeah,well you promised Barry,you'd marry him. |
各位,我必須去,我是伴娘 | Look you guys,I have to go,I'm the Maid-of-Honor. |
我只是需要再跟這些人 共聚一堂… | And besides you know what I just need to be in a room again with these people |
…而覺得不安 | and feel good about myself. |
有人還穿著昨天晚上的衣服耶 有人有什麼豔遇嗎? | Ooh-oh! Someone's wearing the same clothes they had on last night. Someone get a little action? |
或許吧 | - I may have. |
種馬(俚語) | - Woo-hoo,stuud! |
她長得什麼樣? 我們還沒見過面呢 | - What's she look like? - Well,we haven't exactly met, |
只是在網上談了一整夜而已 | we just stayed up all night talking on the internet. |
傻蛋 | Woo-hoo,geeek! |
我喜歡她,我真的很喜歡她 | I like this girl,okay,I seriously like this girl, |
你們也曉得 有時我會以取笑別人來保護自己 | you now how sometimes I tend get a little defended and quipy... |
少來了… 不會啦… | - Get out! - Nooo! |
她直接批評我 她說“少來了,正經一點” | Well she totally called me on it,okay. She said,'cut it out,get real', |
我照辦了 | and I did. |
那是什麼樣子? | Wow! What's that like? |
像這樣,我 | It's like this, |
不開玩笑 | me,no jokes. |
好了,你嚇死我了 | All right,stop it,you're freaking me out. |
是呀,我不喜歡你這樣 | Oh,yeah,I don't like you this way. |
好吧,咱們待會兒見了 | - All right,I'll see you guys later. |
再見,理查 再見 | - Bye,Richard. |
再見,甜心,我愛你 | Bye sweetie,- I love you. |
我也愛你 | - I love you,too. |
我覺得我男朋友好棒哦 | I think my boyfriend ever so dreamy, |
不知道我們的婚禮 會是什麼樣子 | I wonder what our wedding's gonna be like. |
你在胡扯什麼?什麼婚禮? | What are you talking about? What wedding? |
少來了,你們從沒談過嗎? | Come on,like you never talk about that. |
從來都沒有 | Nooo! Never! |
我們只是很珍惜現在的這一刻 | I mean,we're living in the moment. |
就這麼一次不去想 “將來會怎麼樣”,真是棒耶 | God,it is so nice for once to not have to get all hung up on 'Where is this going?' |
你怕問他嗎? 怕得不能再怕了 | - Afraid to ask him? - Could not be more terrified. |
我認為你應該認真考慮 結婚這件事情 | Well,I think you should seriously consider the marriage thing, |
再給瑞秋一次扮成泡泡糖公主的機會 | give Rachel another chance to dress up like Princess Bubble Yum. |
我笑的是昨晚這件搞笑的紗羅織物 | I was laughing at this quip Leno made last night. |
我沒有笑你的裙子,我愛你 | I wasn't laughing at your dress.I love you. |
班尼在哪裡? | Where's Benny? |
他在這裡? | There he is! |
班尼在哪裡? | Where's Benny, |
他在這裡 | there he is. |
說不定那是寶寶學說話的原因 好告訴大人們“夠了” | Awww! You know that's probably why babies learn to talk,so they can tell grown ups to cut it out. |
我有個問題想要問你 | Hey,you know I got a question for ya. |
只是件小事啦,沒有壓力的 | Just a little thing,no pressure. |
你有想到未來嗎? | Did you ever,uh,like,think about the future? |
當然有 | Sure I do. |
是嗎?有想到我? | Yeah,am I in it? |
親愛的… | Honey, |
…你就是我的未來 | you are it. |
天啊,你太走運了 | Oh God,you are about to get sooo lucky. |
繼續說 | Keep talkin'. |
有時我會幻想賣掉我的診所 | Well,uh,sometimes I think about selling my practice, |
我們搬到法國去 | we could move to France, |
做法國吐司 | make French toast. |
所以… | Okay,so,uh, |
…我們會在法國… | we're in France, |
…然後…我們會做吐司… | we're making the toast. |
有沒有小搖籃(與“矮腳長耳獵犬”諧音)在角落裡? | Do you see a little bassinet in the corner? |
獵犬嗎? | Like a hound? |
不是矮腳長耳獵犬 | Not a basset, |
是搖籃 | a bassinet. |
你真的需要搖籃? | You really need the bassinet? |
寶寶會從狗上面掉下來呀 | Well,I just think the baby would keep falling off the dog. |
你沒有幻想過我們有小孩嗎? | Do you,uh,do you,do you not see kids in our future. |
對,我愛小孩 | Oh,hey,I love children, |
我也有小孩 | I have children. |
但我不想七十歲時孩子開始上大學了咱們的生活才開始 | I just don't want to be 70 when our kids go off to college,and our lives can finally start. |
我現在…就要你 | Look I want you,now. |
太棒了 | That's Great. |
我們現在不需要談這個 | You know we don't need to talk about this now. |
真的,我是說 這是好久好久以後的事情 | Really,I mean this is,is so way,way,way,in the future, |
我在說氣墊船(《未來水世界》) 和猿人接管了地球以後的事情(《人猿星球》) | I'm talkin' hovercrafts and apes taking over the planet. |
來嘛,錢德 我好想要這個角色哦 | Come on,Chandler,I want this part soo much. |
一吻就好,我不會說的 | Just one kiss,I won't tell anyone. |
喬伊,不就是不 | Joey,no means no! |
對不起,我們沒看到你的羊 | I'm sorry we,we don't have your sheep. |
瑞秋,我覺得好可愛 | Aww,Rach,I think you look cute |
而你…你… | And you,uh,you, |
我真想咬你一口 | - you I could eat with a spoon |
離我遠一點,我說不了 | - Get away from me I said no! |
理查在樓下等 | - Richard buzzed. He's waiting downstairs. |
理查來了? 我要下去跟他說再見 | - Oh,Richard's here.I should run down say bye to him |
再見 祝一切順利 | Bye.Good luck |
跟你那個電腦妞進行如何了? | So how's your date with your cyberchick going. |
那是什麼? | Ooh,hey,what is all that? |
網址,那是古根海姆博物館(紐約著名美術館) | Oh,it's a website,it's the,uh,the Guggenheim museum. |
她喜歡藝術… | See,she likes art, |
而我喜歡怪字… | and I like funny words. |
她說“HH”是什麼意思? | What does she mean by HH? |
那就表示我們在“牽手”了 | It means we're holding hands. |
你真是太可愛了 | Are you the cutest? |
我想你說對了 | I'm afraid I might just be. |
我覺得這個很棒耶 你這麼喜歡這個人… | You know,what I think is so great that you are totally into this person |
…可是她可能已經九十歲了 或者是有兩個頭 | and yet for all you know she could be like 90 years old,or have two heads, |
或者可能根本是個男人 | or. It could be a guy. |
她不是個男的,好嗎? 我知道她不是 | Okay,it's not a guy,all right,I know her. |
她有可能是個大猛漢哦 | It could be like a big giant guy. |
老兄,我就差這麼一點了 卻被莫妮卡用膝蓋從背後撞我 | Man,I got this close to him and Monica kneed me in the back. |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
我們正在猜 錢德的女友是不是女的 | We were just wondering if Chandler's girlfriend is a girl. |
那就問她會活多久就可以了 | Oh,well. Just ask her how long she's gonna live. |
女人比男人長壽 | Women live longer than men. |
你還能再笨點嗎? | How do you not fall down more? |
你現在問她用什麼方法避孕 | Okay,ask her 'What is her current method of birth control?' |
好吧 | All right. |
“我先生跟他的秘書有外遇” | "My husband is sleeping with his secretary." |
她結婚了? | She's married! |
至少我們知道她是個女的 | Well at least we know she's a woman. |
我真不敢相信她結婚了 | I can't believe she's married. |
老兄,真遺憾 | Aw,man I'm sorry. |
你心裡一定很難受了,是吧 | This must be very tough for ya,huh. |
我那天讀到了一篇文章說 不應該在婚禮上丟米慶祝 | So,I read this article in the paper the other day that says you're not supposed to throw rice at weddings, |
因為鴿子吃了會死掉 | because when pigeons eat rice it kills them. |
難怪壽司吧裡都看不到鴿子 | Oh,that's why you never see pigeons at sushi bars. |
你瞧,我們很開心 是啊 | - See,we're having fun. - Oh,absolutely. |
你知道,我們不要去想那件事 我根本連想都不想 | Yeah,you know I'm not even thinking about that thing that we're not going to be thinking about. |
我也是 | Neither am I. |
你還好嗎? | Hi,there. Are you all right? |
我去上洗手間的時候,看到我結婚時,爬出去的那扇窗子 | Yeah,when I was in the bathroom I saw the window that I crawled out of at my wedding, |
然後我開始想我不該來的 | and God,I just started thinking that I shouldn't be here,you know I shouldn't, |
大家會打量我,評判我 然後就想到上一次的事 | people are going to be looking at me and judging me and,and thinking about the last time. |
親愛的,你不會有事的 這是場婚禮 | Sweetie,it's be gonna okay,all right. It's a wedding, |
通常大家都會注意新娘子 | generally people focus on the bride. |
天啊,我知道你說得對 | God I know,you're right. |
好了,大家看著我,很好 | All rightie,everybody look at me. Good. |
時間到了,伴娘跟招待… | All right,its time. Bridesmaids and ushers |
…排成兩列,謝謝 | let's see two lines,thank you. |
咱們婚禮後見了 | Okay,I'll see you after the thing. |
祝你好運 謝謝 | - Okay,good luck - Thank you |
你為什麼不告訴我啊? | Why the hell didn't you tell me! |
對不起,我不知道應該怎麼做 | I'm sorry. What was I supposed to do |
站起來大叫 “瑞秋,你的屁股露出來了”? | stand up and shout 'Hey,Rachel,your butt is showing!' |
是的,你說總好過貝瑞的叔叔說 | Yeah! Better you than Barry's uncle! |
天啊,真丟臉 | Oh my God this is sooo humiliating. |
我想唯一比這個還要丟臉的… | I think the only thing that tops that was,was, |
就是我八年級在全校面前唱《科巴卡巴納》那次了 | was when I was in the eight grade and I had to sing the Copa Cabana in front of the entire school. |
我大概唱了兩句就逃走了 | I think I got about two lines into it before I ran and freaked out. |
天啊,我悲慘的一天再現眼前 | Oh my God,my entire life is flashing before my eyes. |
瑞秋,聽著 我記得沒那麼糟的 | Rach,hey look,I remember that,it wasn't so bad. |
羅斯,你不用說好聽話給我聽 你已經追到我了 | Oh Ross,would you stop,you got me,I'm dating you. |
溫伯格先生,溫伯格太太,你好 | Oh hi,Mr. Wineburg,hi Mrs. Wineburg. |
很高興又看到你了,親愛的 | It's so wonderful to see you again,my dear, |
老實說 我沒想到會看到那麼多 | in fact I hardly expected to see so much. |
你說你什麼都沒看到的 我說過很多話 | You told me you didn't see anything.I tell ya a lot things! |
真高興又看到你出來走動了 親愛的 | Well it's wonderful to have you up and about,again,dear. |
好好保重 | Stay well. |
類似剛剛那種話 我今天已經聽到三次了 | Okay,now that is the third time someone has said something like that to me today. |
瑞秋… | Rach! Rach! |
天啊,我結婚了… 我知道 | - Oh my God,I'm married! - I know. |
我是貝瑞亨特-法伯太太了 | I'm Mrs. Dr. Barry Hunter hyphen Farber. |
我好以你為傲,明蒂 | Oh honey,I'm so proud of you,Min. |
明蒂 | Min. |
瑞秋,你還在 | Oh Rach,you're still here, |
我們婚禮的這個時候 他們已經在收碗盤了 | at our wedding,they were packing up the chopped liver about now. |
是呀,我愛那個故事 | Yeah,I love that story. |
我有個問題要問你們 | Um,I got a question for you guys. |
為什麼大家一直說 高興看到我出來走動? | Why do people keep is saying that is good to see me up and about? |
在你逃婚之後… | Well uh,after you ran out on your wedding, |
…貝瑞的父母告訴大家說…說你瘋了 | Barry's parents told people that you were sort of....insane. |
瘋了? | Insane! |
梅毒引起的 | ...from the syphilis. |
什麼? | What?! |
那我該說什麼? 你不再愛我了?拜託 | Yeah,what are they gonna say?You didn't love me anymore. Come on. |
你的選擇就只有那個和梅毒嗎? | Your choices were that or syphilis? |
親愛的,至少這樣會讓你的屁股秀看起來很合情合理 | Sweetie, at least this puts your whole tushy show into perspective. |
安吉拉?我是喬伊 | Angela? Joey Tribiani. |
你今晚做什麼? | Listen,what are ya doing tonight? |
我知道你在跟他交往 我在想或許你可以帶他來… | I know your seeing that guy,I was thinking maybe you could bring him..... |
你還不回答她嗎? 她已經放了十次話過來了 | Aren't you gonna answer her,that's like the tenth bing-bong message she sent. |
她想知道怎麼了 | - She wants to know what's wrong? |
怎麼了? 你結婚了,就是這回事! | - What's wrong? What's wrong?You're married that's what's wrong. |
天啊 | - Oh,my. - What? |
她想要跟你見面 | She wants to meet you in person. |
菲比,你聽我說 我也想見見她本人 | Hey,look,Phoebe I wanted to meet her in person too, |
但她結過婚了,她有一個丈夫 | okay,but she's married,she has a husband. |
如果這個丈夫不適合她呢? 你才適合她呢? | What if the husband person is the wrong guy,and you are the right guy. |
這種機會不是常有的 | I mean you don't get chances like this all the time, |
如果你現在不見她,八十歲時會氣得踢自己的屁股… | if you don't meet her now,you're gonna be kicking yourself when your 80 |
…這個動作很難 而且會摔斷髖骨 | which is hard to do,and that's how you break a hip. |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
聽,這是一個愛著你的女人的乒乓聲 | Listen. Those are the bing-bongs of a woman in love with you. |
好吧,我見她 | Okay,I'll do it! |
太棒了 穿上鞋子然後走出去見見她 | Oh,yeah! Okay! Great!Go,man,go put on your shoes,and,and march out there and meet her! |
老天,不,等等… 你必須先洗個熱水澡因為 喲… | Oh,wait,no,no you have to take a shower,'cause,eww. |
不,你已經知道你怎麼回答她了,所以先回答她的問題 | No,you know what you have to answer her,answer her first. |
不…你…你先煮咖啡 因為太大壓力了 | No,no,you know what make some coffee 'cause its too much. |
好了,拜託再一次嘛 我這次會丟進去的 | Okay,one more,please. Come on,I'm gonna get it in this time,I will. |
好吧,最後一次 | Okay,last chance. |
再一次,很抱歉 | Again,I'm sorry. |
知道嗎? 或許我不需要有孩子 | You know what,maybe I don't need to have children. |
或許我只是以為我需要 因為那是一種社會… | You know maybe I just think I do because that is what society, |
…我是指我媽啦… | and by that I mean my mom, |
…她一直讓我相信我… | has always convinced me that I... |
需要 | I do, |
我必須要有小孩,對不起 我必須要 | I have to have children,I'm sorry. I just do. |
請大家注意 | Yo! Can I have your attention,please, |
伴郞要敬酒了 | Best Man,making a toast here. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我記得貝瑞第一次 跟瑞秋約會回來的時候 | I remember when Barry got home from his first date with Rachel... |
什麼?你沒有換樂隊 卻要我換演講稿嗎? | What,you hired the same band I can't use the same speech. |
謝謝,非常謝謝 | Thank you,thank you very much. |
反正,希望你們… | Anyway,I wish you both a |
…從此過著幸福快樂的日子 | wonderful life together. |
還有瑞秋 | And Rachel... |
什麼? | - What. |
不…我很認真的 | - No,no,no now in all seriousness, |
沒有多少女人有這個膽子 在今天晚上回來這裡 | its not a lot of women would've had the guts to come back here tonight, |
而且還敢露小屁股回來的 那就更少了 | and even fewer,who would do it with their asses hanging out! |
我想加上幾句話 | Uh,I like to,uh,to add something to that... |
你要加什麼 你要加什麼 你要加什麼 你要加什麼… | - Why are you adding,why are you adding,why are you adding,why are you adding? |
你們大半都不認識我 我是瑞秋的男朋友… | Most of you don't know me,I'm Rachel's boyfriend. |
老天 | Oh dear God. |
…我叫羅斯 | Ross, |
我想說… | uh and uh,I'd just like to say |
…瑞秋真的是鼓足了勇氣 在今天晚上回到這裡來的 | that it did take a lot of courage for Rachel to come here tonight. |
而且呢… | And,uh,for the record |
…我想澄清瑞秋並不是 因為得了梅毒才逃婚的 | she did not run out on Barry because she had syphilis. |
你幹什麼?我這是認真的 | What are you doing I'm serious. |
她離開貝瑞的原因…其實很簡單…她並不愛他 | Uh,the reason she walked out on,on Barry is simply that she didn't love him, |
所以呢,那就成就了我的美事 | which incidentally worked out pretty well for me |
綜上所述:瑞秋 鼓足了勇氣 | So, to review:Rachel...took a lot of courage... |
沒有梅毒 並且跟我在一起 | doesn't have the syphilis...and wound up with me. |
乾杯 | Cheers! |
咱們停車場見 瑞秋 | - See you in the parking lot. - No,Rach! |
她又再一次離開了 | And once again she is out of here. |
誰賭9點45分來著? | Okay who had 9:45? Um? |
你知道嗎,貝瑞? 我不想走了 | Ya,know what Barr,I'm not gonna leave. |
我大概應該走,但是我不走 | I probably should,but I'm not, |
因為我答應我自己 至少要過完一次你的婚禮 | see 'cause I promised myself that I would make it through at least *one* of your weddings. |
我今天真正想要的只不過是… | See now,tonight,all I really wanted was |
…一點優雅跟尊嚴來度過今晚 | to make it though this evening with a little bit of grace and dignity. |
我猜我們都同意 那是不可能的了 | Well,I guess we can all agree that's not gonna happen. |
我猜也沒什麼好說的了…除了… | There's nothing really left to say except.... |
她叫做蘿拉(歌曲《科巴卡巴納》) | "Her name was Lola. |
是個歌舞女郞 | She was a showgirl. |
頭上插著…黃色羽毛,還穿著性感小洋裝 | With yellow feathers,feathers in her hair,and a dress cut down to there. |
她… | She would..." |
會熱舞 會熱舞,謝謝你,甜心 | - Marenge,- "...marenge,thank you honey, |
還會跳恰恰 | and do the cha-cha. |
她喜歡當明星的滋味 而東尼則是酒保 | And while she like to be a star,Tony always tended bar. |
在… 等等…大家一起來! | At the,wait,wait,everybody.." |
好吧,我願意 | Okay,I'll do it. |
你願意什麼? | You'll do what? |
如果在一起必須有孩子 那就有吧 | If kids is what I takes to be with you then kids it is. |
天啊 | Oh my God! |
如果必須的話,我就再來一次 | If I have to I'll,I'll do all again, |
我會四點起來餵奶 | I'll do the 4 o'clock feeding thing, |
我會參加家長會 | I'll go to the P.T.A. meetings, |
當足球隊的教練 | I'll coach the soccer team. |
真的? 對,如果我必須的話 | - Really? - Yeah,if I have to. |
莫妮卡… | Monica, |
…我不想失去你 | I don't wanna lose you, |
所以如果我必須重來一次…我還是會的 | so if I have to do it all over again,then I will. |
你真是我遇見過最棒的男人 | You're the most wonderful man. |
如果你沒說那麼多…"必須"的話 | And if you hadn't of said 'if I have to' like seventeen times, |
…那麼我會說 “好吧,咱們生吧” | then I'd be saying 'okay,let's do it.' |
但是你不會 | But you're not. |
天啊 真不敢相信我就要這麼說了 | Oh my God,I can't believe what I'm getting ready to say. |
我想要一個孩子 | I wanna have a baby, |
但我不想跟一個 並不是真的想孩子的人一起生 | but I don't wanna have one with someone who doesn't really wanna have one. |
天啊 | God. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
我知道 | I know you do. |
我也是 | Me too. |
現在呢? | So what now? |
現在我們就只有… | I guess we just |
…一直跳下去 | keep dancing. |
她在哪裡?… | Where is she,Where is she? |
我有個問題,她在哪裡? | Oh,hey,I have a question,where is she? |
錢德,你放心吧 她會來的 | Chandler,relax,Chandler,she'll be here. |
她來了 | Ooh,oh,oh,that's her. |
對,因為生活就是那樣美好 | Yeah,'cause life's just that kind. |
錢德,你得停止盯著門看,那就像你盯著水壺一樣 | Chandler,you gotta stop staring at the door. It's like a watched pot, |
如果你一直盯著看的話 那扇門是永遠不會沸騰的 | you know if you keep looking at it then the door is to,never gonna boil. |
我認為你必須試著不去… | I think what you have to do is try not to... |
老天啊 | Oh my God! |
我的… | OH |
…老… | My |
…天啊 | God |
我的… | OH |
…老… | My |
…天啊 | God |
好吧 | All right |
我一直覺得好內疚,因為我想做個好朋友 | I've been feeling incredibly guilty about this,because I wanna be a good friend, |
該死,我是個好朋友 所以,閉嘴並且閉上眼睛 | and dammit I am a good friend. So just,just shut up and close your eyes. |
你真是好朋友 | Wow,you are a good friend, |
對了,試鏡是今天早上 而我失敗了 | 'course the audition was this morning,and I didn't get it. |
但是你吻功真不錯 | But that was a hell of a kiss. |
瑞秋是個很幸運的女孩 | Rachel is a very lucky girl. |
那個女孩一定在跟我使眼色 她才沒有 | -She totally winked at me! -She did not wink at you. |
你總是以為 別人在跟你使眼色 | You always think somebody's winking at you. |
本集播出: “莉亞公主的幻想” | The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy |
我會認為是 範莫里森(愛爾蘭民謠歌手)的“土波羅蜜” | I say "Tupelo Honey" by Van Morrison. |
不會吧! | No way! |
我會認為 最浪漫的曲子是“往日情懷” | The most romantic song ever was "The Way We Were." |
我覺得是艾爾頓約翰為連續劇《妙管家》裡的傢伙寫的歌 | I think the one that Elton John wrote for that guy on Who's the Boss? |
那是什麼歌? | What song was that? |
“抱緊我,年輕的湯尼丹佐”(應該是“抱緊我,小舞者”) | Hold me close Young Tony Danza |
莫妮卡 莫妮卡 | -Hi,Monica. -Hi,Mon. |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
她到底有沒有睡覺? | Has she slept at all? |
沒有 已經連續三個晚上了 | It's been three nights in a row. |
從昨天起,她終於不哭了 | She finally stopped crying yesterday. |
但是她又在陽臺發現 理查抽過的雪茄 | But then she found one of Richard's cigar butts on the terrace.... |
好吧,這說明了為何我在 清晨兩點接到一通電話 | Okay,that explains it. I got a call at 2 in the morning... |
而我只能聽到一些吱吱的聲音 | ...and all I could hear was this squeaky sound. |
我就想“一定是老鼠或負鼠” | So I thought,"It's a mouse or a possum." |
然後我就想,好吧… | Then I realized,like,okay... |
老鼠或負鼠怎麼會 有錢打電話呢? | ...where would a mouse or a possum get the money to make the phone call? |
早安 早啊 | -Morning. -Morning. |
你做了松餅啊? | You made pancakes? |
是啊,你還以為我真的會做呢 | Yeah,like there's any way I could ever do that. |
莫妮卡和瑞秋有糖漿 | Monica and Rachel had syrup |
我可以讓我的男人開心了 | Now I can get my man to cheer up |
早安,喬伊 | Good morning,Joey. |
早安 | Good morning. |
有人穿著壞脾氣的褲子哦 | Someone's wearing grumpy pants. |
那一定說的是你,我穿著傲慢無禮的褲子 | lt's gotta be you, man.l'm wearing smarty-pants. |
好了,開始了,一,二 | Okay, here we go: One, two... |
僥倖給你第三個 | ...and here's my chance to give you a third one. |
-喬伊?-不,我只喝果汁就行了 | -Joey? -No, no. l'll just have juice. |
你乾脆別去上班 跟我在一起就好了 | Why don't you stay home from work and just hang out with me? |
是啊,但願如此 | Oh,I wish. |
你有報告要做 而我得去見律師 | You have that report to finish,and I've got to see my lawyer. |
我真不敢相信 我竟跟要離婚的女生約會 | I can't believe I date a girl who's getting divorced. |
我真像個大人 | I'm such a grownup. |
喬伊,嘿,回你的房間 | Joey! Hey!Go to your room! |
錢德,嘿,去你的 | Chandler! Hey!Up yours! |
我要走了… | I gotta go,I gotta go. |
給我個吻才能走 | Not without a kiss. |
或者我就不親你 這樣你就會留下來 | Maybe I won't kiss you so you'll stay. |
快親她… | Kiss her. Kiss her! |
晚點見,甜心 再見,喬伊 | I'll see you later,sweetie. Bye,Joey. |
再見,珍妮絲 | Bye-bye,Janice. |
你什麼時候要甩掉她? | When are you dumping her? |
不會 | Nope. |
這次不會了 | Not this time. |
拜託,別整我了 | Come on,quit yanking me. |
我沒有整你 | I'm not yanking you. |
這個是珍妮絲 對,我知道 | -This is Janice. -Yeah,I know. |
她讓我很愉快 | She makes me happy. |
好,你看著我的眼睛 告訴我,不可以眨眼睛 | You look me in the eye and tell me,without blinking... |
說你不會跟她分手 別眨眼睛 | ...that you're not breaking up with her. No blinking. |
我不會跟她分手! | I'm not breaking up with her! |
天啊,你看我在排水管裡 發現什麼? | God,look what I found in the drain! |
什麼? | What? |
這些是理查的頭髮! | It's some of Richard's hair! |
我該拿這些怎麼辦? | What do I do with this? |
第一件事就是 把它從我身邊拿開 | Getting it away from me would be job one. |
奇怪,但我並不想把它丟掉 | It's weird,but I don't want to throw this away. |
這些是我僅有的 屬於他的東西 | This is all I have left of him. |
噁心的… | Gross... |
排水管的頭髮 | ...drain hair. |
真好玩,好像有一個小人 在你的麥片裡淹死了 | Cool! It looks like a tiny little person drowning in your cereal. |
我是怎麼了? 你需要一些睡眠 | -What is wrong with me? -You need to get some sleep. |
我需要的是理查 | I need to get some Richard. |
你跟他分手是有原因的 | You broke up with him for a reason. |
我知道… 我只是不想再這麼想他 | I know. I know. I'm just so tired of missing him. |
不願再去想,他為何不打來? 他為何都沒打來? | Tired of wondering why he hasn't called. Why hasn't he? |
可能因為你叫他別再打來? | Maybe because you told him not to? |
你到底是什麼? 記憶女王嗎? | What are you,the Memory Woman? |
他們不會分手! 我是說錢德和珍妮絲 | They're not breaking up! Chandler and Janice? |
他們不會分手! 他的眼睛連眨一下都沒有 | They're not breaking up! He didn't blink! |
我一點也不驚訝 你看過他們在一起的樣子嗎? | I'm not surprised. Have you seen them together? |
他們真的好可愛 | They're really cute. |
“可愛?”那可是珍妮絲! | "Cute"? This is Janice! |
你記得珍妮絲嗎? | You remember Janice? |
我記得啊,她很惹人厭 但是你知道嗎? | Yes,I remember. She's annoying. But you know what? |
她現在是他的女朋友 那我們能怎麼辦? | She's his girlfriend now. I mean,what can we do? |
這就對了,我就是要這種精神 “我們能怎麼辦?” | There you go! That's the spirit I'm looking for! "What can we do?" |
好,誰先來?羅斯? | All right,who's first,huh? Ross? |
錢德是我們的朋友 而珍妮絲能讓他快樂 | Chandler's our friend,and Janice makes him happy. |
所以我們就成熟點,接受她 | So I say we be adult about it and accept her. |
這個先歸類在B計畫 | We'll call that Plan B. |
拜託,我們需要些妙計 | Come on, people!We need some inspiration. |
好吧,你需要計畫?這樣 | Okay, all right.You want a plan? Here we go: |
那麼,羅斯,你爬進排氣管,不要觸動警報,好嗎 | So, Ross, you go in through the air duct and disable the alarm, okay? |
剩下的交給我們,放下繩子就行了 | Then the rest of us will rappel down ropes. |
我們要在十分鐘之內進去出來,然後消失在夜色中,好嗎? | We're in and out in 10 minutes and disappear into the night. Huh? |
甜心… | Honey... |
我在想啊… | ... I was wondering... |
你那套海軍制服還在嗎? | ...do you still have that Navy uniform? |
不,我拿去戲服店還了 | No,I had to return it to the costume place. |
我還有一套 高中樂團的舊制服 | I think I have an old band uniform from high school. |
你記得高中時不能做愛吧? 是啊 | You remember not having sex in high school,right? |
甜心,那麼你呢… | Well,honey,what about you? |
你有任何有趣的幻想嗎? | Do you have any fun,you know,fantasy-type things? |
別這樣,你一定有 | Come on. You gotta have one. |
沒有 | Nope. |
羅斯,你知道嗎? | You know what? |
如果你跟我說 或許我會幫你實現 | If you tell me,I might do it. |
你有沒有看過《星球大戰》的《絕地大反攻》? | Did you ever see Return of the Jedi? |
你記不記得那場戲… | Do you remember the scene... |
當赫特族的賈霸出現時? | ...with Jabba the Hutt? |
他真是個胖胖的蟲子怪物 | He was this really fat worm guy. |
哇哦,男人和女人的興趣果然不一樣 | Wow. Men and women really are different. |
不,不,不 | No. No. No. |
賈霸帶著他的囚犯… | Well,Jabba had as his prisoner... |
莉亞公主 | ... Princess Leia. |
莉亞公主穿著… | Princess Leia was wearing... |
金色的比基尼 | ...this gold bikini thing. |
那樣子很好看 | It was pretty cool. |
所以你是說你想讓我… | So are you saying that you would like me... |
打扮成莉亞公主,穿著金色的比基尼? | ...to dress up like Princess Leia in a gold bikini? |
好 | Okay |
莉亞公主穿金色比基尼? 我們這年紀的男人都很喜歡 | Princess Leia and the gold bikini? Every guy our age loved that. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
很重要的! 那個時刻,她不再是個公主 | It's huge! That's the moment when she stopped being a princess... |
她變成了…一個女人 | ...and she became,like,you know,a woman. |
你曾扮過莉亞公主嗎? | Did you ever do the Leia thing? |
真的嗎?有那麼棒啊? | Really? That great,huh? |
不,只是我買了新的傳呼機 我把它調成“震動” | No,it's just that I got this new pager,and I have it on "vibrate." |
再見 | See you. |
你們好啊 | Hi,you guys! |
你看我在四川龍餐廳外 找到誰了? | Look who I found standing outside the Szechuan Dragon... |
她盯著停車收費表看 | ...staring at a parking meter. |
你怎麼沒去上班? 他們把我送回家了 | -Why aren't you at work? -Oh,they sent me home. |
為什麼? | Why? |
因為我並不是在四川龍餐廳上班 | Because I don't work at the Szechuan Dragon. |
你真的需要睡一下 | You really need to get some sleep. |
我知道 | I know I do. |
你猜怎麼著? 有人要出版我的論文 | Guess what? They published my paper. |
-真的嗎?-是的 | -Really?-Yes |
藻類化石的碳定年法誤差統計:歷史還是神秘? | Statistical Deviations in the Carbon Dating of Fossilized Algae:History or Mystery? |
瑞秋,你看! | Rach,look! |
我那強壯的羅斯天行者 何時會來拯救我? | Where is my strong Ross Skywalker to come rescue me? |
他來了! | There he is! |
-幸運!-的! | -Wheel! -Of! |
輪盤! | Fortune! |
這個傢伙好笨 | This guy's so stupid. |
是“拉什莫爾伯爵” (應該是拉什莫爾山,刻有美國四位總統頭像) | It's Count Rushmore! |
你真的該去參加這個節目 | You should really go on this show. |
我有三張今晚巡遊者隊的票 你覺得如何? | I got three tickets to the Rangers tonight. What do you say? |
我一定去! | I say I am there! |
太棒了! | Cool! |
羅斯也會去嗎? | Is Ross going too? |
不,是珍妮絲 | No. Janice. |
珍妮絲? | Janice? |
因為我會替羅斯難過 你知道嗎? | Because I just feel bad for Ross,you know? |
我們總是一起去的 我們是曲棍球三兄弟啊 | We always go together. We're like The Three Hockey-teers,you know? |
我可能誤會你了 但你是否不喜歡珍妮絲? | I may be way out on a limb here,but do you have a problem with Janice? |
沒有 | No! |
對啦… | Yes.... |
天啊,我該怎麼說? | Oh,God,how do I say this? |
你知道希臘餐廳裡 那個頭髮很蓬的女孩子? | You know that girl from the restaurant with the hair? |
那個我很討厭的女孩子? 她快把我逼瘋了 | That girl that I hate? She drives me crazy. |
聽著,我不討厭珍妮絲 只是她令人難以忍受 | Look,I don't hate Janice. She's just a lot to take,you know? |
你說出來了吧 | Well,there you go. |
別那樣看著我 | Don't look at me like that. |
以前她也快把你逼瘋了 記得嗎? | She drove you nuts before,remember? |
但是我現在為她瘋狂 這次可能是真的 | I'm crazy about her now. This could be the real thing. |
我是說“真的” | Capital R,capital T! |
別擔心,我說的字母是對的 | Don't worry,those are the right letters. |
你到底要我說什麼? | Look,what do you want me to say? |
我要你說你喜歡她! 我不能 | I want you to say that you like her! I can't |
-喜歡她!-不! | -Like her!-No. |
你甚至不想嘗試? | So you're not even gonna try? |
關鍵是什麼,就像化學反應,知道嗎 | What's the point?lt's like this chemical thing, you know? |
每次她一開始笑,我就想… | Every time she starts laughing,I just wanna... |
想把我的手臂拔下來 然後往她身上砸 | ...pull my arm off so I have something to throw at her. |
謝謝你的努力 | Thanks for trying. |
對了,根本就沒有拉什莫爾伯爵! | Oh,and by the way,there is no Count Rushmore! |
那個在拉什莫爾山上化妝假扮總統的人是誰? | Then who's the guy that painted the faces on the mountain? |
你怎麼可以告訴她? | How could you tell her? |
我想又沒什麼大不了的 | I didn't think it would be that big a deal! |
她認為沒什麼大不了的? | She didn't think it would be that big a deal! |
你這樣子是在跟誰講話? | Who are you talking to when you do that? |
這些應該是我們之間 很私密的對話 | Look,that was supposed to be a private,personal thing between us. |
菲比是我的女性好友,好嗎? 我們無話不談的 | Phoebe is my girlfriend,okay? We tell each other everything. |
男人也一樣啊 | Guys do the same thing. |
那些更衣室裡的對話呢? | I mean,what about all that locker-room stuff? |
那又不一樣了,我們會談 像是誰跟脫衣舞娘約會 | That's different. That's like,who dated a stripper? |
或誰在史坦頓島渡輪的後艙做愛 | Or who did it on the back of the Staten lsland ferry? |
這兩個都是喬伊吧 | Both of those Joey? |
但是不會談女朋友… | But you don't talk about your girlfriend... |
還有你們之間親密的事 | ...and the intimate stuff you do with her. |
連最好的朋友也不談? | Not even with your best friend? |
真可悲啊 | That is so sad. |
你們錯過太多樂趣了 | You're missing out on so much. |
那是種互相連結 與分享的感覺… | I mean,the bonding and the sharing... |
並知道他們也和你 經歷過一樣的事 | ...and knowing they're going through the same thing you are. |
那你們什麼都跟對方說嗎? | So,what,you tell each other everything? |
差不多啊 | Pretty much. |
你們有沒有談過 一夜五次的紀錄? | Did you talk about the Night of Five Times? |
你有沒有告訴她們 那次一夜五次的紀錄? | Do you tell people about the Night of Five Times? |
甜心,你那次是跟卡蘿 | Honey,that was with Carol. |
我知道,我想還是值得一提 | I know,but it's still worth mentioning,I think. |
全身肌肉放鬆 | Relax every muscle in your body. |
聽著叮叮咚咚的音樂 | Listen to the plinky-plunky music. |
好,閉上你的眼睛 | Okay,now close your eyes... |
想一個很愉快的地方 | ...and think of a happy place. |
告訴我讓你快樂的地方是哪裡 | Tell me your happy place. |
理查家的客廳,一起喝酒 | Richard's living room,drinking wine. |
不…不可以跟理查有關 把酒杯放下,快出來 | No,no,no. Not a Richard thing. Just put down the glass and get out. |
對不起,那是讓我快樂的地方 | I'm sorry,but that's my happy place. |
好,我的快樂地方借你用 但別亂動東西 | Okay,fine. Use my happy place. Just don't move anything in there. |
我會試著不亂動 | I'll try not to. |
好,你現在在草地上… | Okay. All right,so,you're in a meadow... |
天上有一片繁星 | ... millions of stars in the sky |
你覺得分手是錯誤的嗎? | You think breaking up was a mistake? |
快樂的地方不准問問題 | There are no questions in the happy place. |
只有和煦的微風 和從樹上撒下的月光 | Just the warm breeze and the moonlight flowing through the trees. |
我賭他一定忘了我 我打賭他好得很 | I'll bet he's over me. I'll bet he's fine. |
快樂的地方 不允許賭博和下注 | Betting and wagering of any kind are not permitted in the happy place. |
那裡只有…美麗的瀑布 | There's just,you know,the lovely waterfalls... |
和緩慢流動著的噴泉 | ...and the trickling fountains... |
還有低聲輕語的小溪 產生平靜的音律 | ...and the calming sounds of the babbling brook. |
好,一點用也沒有 | Okay,this isn't working. |
我還是醒著的 而且我得去尿尿 | I'm still awake,and now I have to pee. |
猜猜我是誰 | Guess who! |
珍妮絲,嗨,錢德剛走 | Janice. Hi. You just missed Chandler... |
但是,你走之前還是進來吧 | but won't you come in before you go? |
我聽說… | So I hear... |
你討厭我! | ...you hate me! |
我沒說我討厭你 我可是很小心的 | I never said hate. I was very careful about that. |
有一隻小鳥告訴我 你想扯下手臂,丟到我身上 | A little birdie told me you wanted to rip your arm off and throw it at me. |
這樣你就覺得我討厭你? 你也太斷章取義了吧 | And you got "hate" from that? You're taking a big leap there. |
好吧… | All right,fine,fine,fine! |
這種情形,我們得想點策略 | We have got to do something about our little situation here. |
這是我的主意 | So this is my idea. |
你和我花點時間,好好相處 | You and me spending some quality time together. |
但是那有什麼關… | But what does that |
為了錢德! | For Chandler! |
好吧,我加入 | Okay. I'm in. |
好!這就叫做… 喬伊和珍妮絲的逍遙一日遊 | Okay! This is what we'll call it: Joey and Janice's Day of Fun! |
要一整天啊? | A whole day? |
是的,因為這是讓你愛上我需要的時間 | Yes,because that's how long it takes to love me. |
是,我知道 我睡在你們的隔壁 | Yeah,I know. I sleep in the next room. |
你們也都討厭珍妮絲了? | So do you guys all hate Janice too? |
你現在討厭珍妮絲了?喬伊終於可以松一口氣了 | You hate Janice now? Joey's gonna be so relieved. |
上帝啊 | Oh, my God. |
上帝啊 | Oh, my God. |
好吧,看,各位,這是在哭泣 | Well, look, everybody. lt's Weepy: |
默劇:太過擔心 | The Mime that Cares Too Much. |
我今天去了郵局 | So I went down to the post office... |
寄來的是我訂的錄影帶 | ...and it turns out it was those videos that I ordered... |
是幫理查訂的,有關南北戰爭的 | ...for Richard about the Civil War. |
他很喜歡看南北戰爭 | He loved the Civil War. |
你要不要我們帶你回家? | Do you want us to take you home? |
或者帶我到遙遠的銀河去吧(《星球大戰》的開場臺詞) | Or maybe to a galaxy far,far away. |
女人什麼事都說,你知道嗎? | Women tell each other everything! Did you know that? |
不,錢德,我是說全部的事 | No,Chandler,everything. |
你喜歡的東西,她喜歡的東西 | Like stuff you like. Stuff she likes. |
技巧,精力,周長 | Technique. Stamina. Girth. |
“周長”? | Girth? |
為什麼…? | Why? Why? Why? |
她們為何這樣做? | Why would they do this? |
瑞秋說分享的感覺很棒,而… | Rachel says sharing's great and supposedly... |
我們也應該這麼做 | ...we ought to be doing it. |
你想要嗎? | Do you want to? |
我們不會要討論周長吧? | We're not gonna talk about girth,are we? |
好,你先吧 | All right,you go first. |
好,我先說 | Okay. Okay,I'll go first. |
有天晚上… | So the other night... |
瑞秋和我在床上 討論彼此的性幻想 | ...Rachel and I are in bed talking about fantasies... |
我就形容了一個畫面… | ...and I happened to describe a particular... |
星球大戰裡的… | ... Star Wars thing |
莉亞公主和金色比基尼 | Princess Leia and the gold bikini. |
我知道! | I know! |
這倒挺容易的 | Well,that was easy. |
好,換你了 | Okay,you go. |
好,當你跟一個女人在床上… | Okay,you know when you're in bed with a woman... |
正在親熱… | ...fooling around... |
腦袋裡突然出現 一些瘋狂的念頭 | ...and you get all these mental images in your brain? |
就像超級名模埃勒麥克弗森 或是影印店的那個女孩 | Like Elle MacPherson or the girl at the Xerox place? |
穿了肚臍環的那個? 我知道 | -With the bellybutton ring? -I know. |
但是突然之間 你忽然想到你媽 | And then all of a sudden,your mom pops into your head. |
然後你就想 “媽,快走開啦!” | And you're,like,"Mom,get out of here!" |
但從那時起 你的腦袋裡就只有你媽 | But after that,you can't think of anything else. |
而你正在做的事又不能停止 所以你就好像… | And you can't stop what you're doing. So it's kind of like you're... |
你知道的… | ...you know... |
你知道的… | ...you know.... |
你不知道! | You don't know! |
你媽媽? | Your mom? |
你是說跟你媽一起? 你究竟有什麼毛病? | You're telling me about your mom? What's the matter with you? |
你說… 我說要分享,不是嚇人 | -You said -I said "share," not "scare"! |
你給我坐到那邊去 | Go sit over there! |
我們回來了 | We're back! |
你們倆在一起幹嘛? | What are you guys doing together? |
喬伊和珍妮絲的逍遙一日遊 | Joey and Janice's Day of Fun! |
真的嗎? | Really? |
我們去看紐約大都會的比賽 還吃了中國菜 | We went to a Mets game. We got Chinese food. |
你知道的,我愛這個女人 | And,you know,I love this woman. |
你有競爭對手了,兄弟 | You have got competition,buddy. |
我只是上來親你一下 | Well,I just came by to give you a kiss. |
我得去接孩子了 待會兒見,甜心 | I have to go pick up the baby. So,I'll see you later,sweetheart. |
你也是,錢德 | You too,Chandler. |
你還是受不了她,是嗎? 抱歉,我已盡最大努力了! | -You still can't stand her,can you? -I'm sorry,I tried! I really did! |
還是謝謝你的努力 | I appreciate you giving it a shot. |
但是有一點可喜的是… | But you know,the good thing... |
我們整天在一起 而我還能存活 | ...is that we spent the whole day together and I survived. |
更了不起的是,她也還活著 | And what's even more amazing,so did she. |
因為今天是謝伊球場(大都會主場)的“球棒”日 | It was Bat Day at Shea Stadium. |
我想這還蠻了不起的 | I guess that's something. |
天啊,這可是大事呢! | Oh,man,that's huge! |
現在我知道 我可以待在她旁邊,表示… | Now I know I can stand to be around her. Which means... |
我可以和你們一起出去… | ... I get to hang out with you. |
反正這就是我的重點 | Which is kind of the whole point anyway. |
我們在咖啡店停了一下 結果遇到羅斯 | Oh,hey! We stopped by the coffee shop and ran into Ross. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
希望這會讓你好過點 我也會有這種想法 | If it makes you feel any better,I do it too. |
真的嗎? 對啊 | -Really? -Oh,yeah! |
當我在做愛時 我都會想像你媽的樣子 | I always picture your mom when I'm having sex. |
1861年4月12日 | April 12,1861. |
薩姆特堡的美國要塞遭到炮轟 | The United States garrison at Fort Sumter was fired upon. |
這場炮轟是由於… | It is now under bombardment by |
爸,你怎麼來了? | Dad! What are you doing? |
你媽今晚打橋牌 所以我進城來,抱抱莫妮卡 | It's your mother's bridge night,so l came into the city for a Moni-cuddle. |
你什麼時候開始抽雪茄了? | Since when did you start smoking cigars? |
我沒有,只是喜歡聞它的味道 | I don't. I just like the smell of them. |
你來這裡真正的目的是什麼? | So what are you really doing here? |
我只想確定一下你還好吧 | I just wanted to make sure you're okay. |
我為什麼會不好呢? | Why wouldn't I be okay? |
我看到理查了 | I saw Richard. |
你還好嗎? | So how you doing? |
我很好 | I'm fine. |
我只是有點累,但我還好 | I'm just a little tired,but I'm okay. |
理查怎麼樣了? 你不會想知道的 | -How's Richard doing? -You don't want to know. |
我真的很想知道 | No,I really,really do. |
他的情況很糟! | Well,he's doing terrible! |
真的? | Really? |
比他失去芭芭拉時還糟 | Worse than when he broke up with Barbara. |
你不是故意這麼說的吧 不,那個男人簡直一團糟 | -You're not just saying that,are you? -No,the man is a mess! |
他有沒有哭? | Was he crying? |
你覺得他是否等你走後 才一個人開始哭? | Do you think he was waiting till after you left,so he could cry? |
或許吧 | Maybe. |
我想也是 | I think so. |
寶貝,感情這回事很難說 就像我跟你媽 | Honey,relationships are hard. Like with your mom and me. |
大學畢業後 我們曾分手一陣子 | You know,after we graduated from college,we broke up for a while. |
她父親,就是你祖父,似乎… | It seems her father,your grandfather... |
希望你媽跟他一樣 到歐洲四處旅行… | ...wanted her to travel around Europe like he did. |
當然,他是為了山姆大叔(美國政府)… | Of course,he got to do it on Uncle Sam's nickel... |
因為當時他也在猛轟德國的軍用運輸列車 | ... because he was also strafing German troop trains at the time. |
然而… | However.... |
好吧,開始囉 | Okay,here we go. |
我是賈霸的囚犯,而你… | I am Jabba's prisoner. And you... |
你臉上的表情好怪 | ... have a really weird look on your face. |
怎麼了,甜心? 有什麼問題? | What? Honey,what is it? |
我的頭髮不對嗎? | Did I get the hair wrong? |
還是別的問題? 跟你想像的不同,還是…? | Or what? Did you just picture it differently? What? |
不是你的問題,是… | It's not you. It's.... |
怎麼了?拜託,甜心 你快把我嚇壞了 | What is it? Come on,sweetie. You're,like,freaking me out here. |
我恨錢德 那個混蛋毀了我的人生! | I hate Chandler. The bastard ruined my life! |
好,她們有水,柳橙汁… | All right,they got water,orange juice... |
這個看起來像蘋果汁 | ...and what looks like cider. |
喝喝看吧 | Taste it. |
對,這是一杯油 | Yeah,it's fat. |
我喝了油! | I drank fat! |
我知道,兩分鐘前我才喝過的 | I know,I did that two minutes ago. |
晚禮服先生 | Hey,Mr. Tux. |
你們怎麼還沒換衣服? 還有半小時 | -Why aren't you dressed? -We have a half-hour. |
那是四分鐘前的事 我們必須在七點四十出門 | That was four minutes ago. We have to be out the door at 7:40. |
放心,我們會準備好的 我們只要兩分鐘就著裝完畢 | Relax,we'll be ready. It takes us two minutes to get dressed. |
若你現在就換好,我會高興點 | I'd feel better if you got dressed now. |
好 好 | -Okay. -Okay. |
看看你,多性感啊 | Oh,look at you. All sexy. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
你怎麼不早點過來? 因為我真是笨得要命 | -How come you didn't come over earlier? -Because I'm a stupid,stupid man. |
羅斯,要不要來點蘋果汁? | Hey,Ross,want some cider? |
不要 | No. |
你快準備好了吧 | So you're pretty close,huh? |
妝化好了,頭髮梳好了 | Makeup's on. Hair's done. |
我只要換衣服就好了 | I just have to get dressed. |
大概只要6或7分鐘吧 | And that takes,what? Just 6 or 7 minutes? |
是啊,只要我決定好要穿什麼 | Yeah. Once I figure out what I'm wearing. |
要不要喝點油? | Glass of fat? |
本集播出:“沒有人準備好” | The One Where No One's Ready |
怎麼了?你是不是 因為要演講而緊張? | What's the matter? You nervous about your speech? |
不是 | Nope. |
你要不要聽聽看? 裡面有提到我嗎? | -You wanna hear it? -Am I in it? |
等我感謝完 所有捐錢給博物館的人 | After I thank everyone for donating to the museum... |
我就唱一首歌 歌頌喬伊的偉大 | ... I sing a song about the wonder that is Joey. |
嗨,你看起來真棒 | Hello! You look great! |
謝謝你 雖然我已經知道了 | Thank you. I know,though. |
看到沒? 這個人準備好,可以出發了 | You see this? This is a person who is ready to go. |
菲比,你… | Phoebe,you.... |
你真是我的偶像啊 | You are my star. |
那你就是我的幸運銅板 | Well,you're my lucky penny. |
好,我做了測驗 結果是我把事業放在比男人重要的位置了 | All right,I took the quiz. And it turns out I do put career before men. |
起來 | Get up. |
什麼? | What? |
你坐在我的位子上 為何這是你的位子? | -You're in my seat. -How is this your seat? |
因為我剛才坐在這裡 | I was sitting there. |
但是你離開了 | But then you left. |
拜託,我又不是去西班牙 | Well,it's not like I went to Spain. |
我是去廁所 你明知道我會回來的 | I went to the bathroom. You knew I'd be back. |
那有什麼大不了的 去坐別的地方嘛 | What's the big deal? Sit somewhere else! |
真正大不了的就是 我是最後坐在這裡的人 | The "big deal" is I was sitting there last! So... |
所以這是我的位子 | ...it's my seat. |
事實上,你最後坐的地方是那裡,所以… | Well,actually,the last place you were sitting was in there,so.... |
各位,你們知道嘛? 那個一點都不重要 | You guys,you know what? It doesn't matter. |
你們倆都必須 在我腦血管爆掉前換好衣服 | You both have to go get dressed before the big vein in my head pops. |
我只要再做一件事 這真的沒什麼大不了 | I just have to do one thing. It's not a big deal. |
起來! | Get up! |
菲比,你看起來好美 | Phoebe,you look great! |
好啦,早知道了 | All right already. |
你要變魔術嗎? | Are you gonna do magic? |
真好笑,給我換衣服去 | That's funny. Change. |
慢點,我才剛進門 我才不管 | -Hang on,I just got in. -I don't care. |
晚會八點開始,我們不能遲到 | It starts at 8. We can't be late. |
他不能、不會、也不願等 | "He could not,would not,want to wait." |
我們的桌子在前方 我老闆也會在那兒 | Our table is down in front. My boss will be there. |
若晚會開始後我們才進場 大家都看得到 | Everyone will see if we arrive after it starts. |
有人喝過我這一杯油嗎? | Has somebody been drinking my fat? |
這像是古生物學家的女友 會穿的衣服嗎? | Does this look like something a paleontologist's girlfriend would wear? |
我不知道 你大概是首開先例吧 | I don't know. You might be the first one. |
瑞秋,你聽答錄機留言了嗎? 沒有 | -Rach,did you check the machine? -No. |
等等,這件衣服 會顯得我小腿很粗,算了 | Wait. This is the outfit that makes my calves look fat. Never mind. |
喬伊,我今天寫了一首歌 | Well,Joey,I wrote a little song today. |
歌名叫做“起來” | It's called,"Get up!" |
我希望我可以幫到你什麼 | l wish there was something l could do to help you. |
起來…… | Get up. Get up. Get up. Get up. |
好啦,椅子給你啦 | All right. You can have the chair. |
真的? 天啊,你看看這個(表示“不是真心的”) | -Really? -Oh,my. Would you look at that? |
是我,我正要過去 | It's me,I'm coming over. |
若你播放這則留言時 我已經到了呢? | What if I'm already there when you play this message? |
是不是很詭異? | Is that too spooky? |
瑞秋,你在不在? 是我,快接起來 | Hi,Rach,are you there? It's me. Pick up. |
瑞秋…? | Rachel? Rach? |
幹嘛? | What? |
沒事 | Never mind. |
嗨 瑞秋 我是你妹妹 | Hi, Rach, it's your sister. |
你有沒有跟丹尼馬志奧上過床?昨晚他叫個不停 | Did you ever sleep with Donnie Mazzio because last night he kept shouting: |
兩個對兩個 | ''Two for two. '' |
你是想讓我去穿衣服還是聽一個關於夜間坐馬車出遊的長故事? | Do you want me to get dressed or hear a long story about a hayride? |
你只問他嗎?因為我們也… | Are you only asking him because.... |
莫妮卡,我是理查 打電話給我 | Monica,it's Richard. Call me. |
這則留言是新的還是舊的? | Is that message old or new? |
新的還是舊的…? | Old or new? Old or new? |
絕對是舊的 你沒聽到兩聲嗶嗎? | It's definitely old. Didn't you hear the double beep? |
若是新的怎麼辦? 我們說好不聯絡的 | What if it's new? We agreed not to talk. |
可能有重要的事 我該不該回電話? | It could be important. Shouldn't I call him back? |
甜心,你已經打過了 這是舊的留言 | Honey,you did call him back. It's old. |
是啊,莫妮卡,你聽著… | Yeah,see,Mon,listen. Listen. |
當卡蘿與我分手時 | When Carol and I broke up... |
我也經歷一樣的事 你知道我怎麼做嗎? | ... I went through the same thing. You know what I did? |
我去換好衣服 | I got dressed. |
真的要快一點,真的 好… | Really,really quickly,okay? Okay? |
這就對了… | There we go. There we go. |
你知道嗎?別起來了 就坐在那裡吧 | You know what? Don't get up. Just sit there. |
只希望你別介意我的手 放在這裡 | I just hope you don't mind my hand right here. |
沒碰到,不能生氣 沒碰到,不能生氣 | Not touching. Can't get mad! Not touching. Can't get mad! |
沒碰到,不能生氣 | Not touching. Can't get mad! |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
你們這些壞孩子! | You rotten boys! |
抱歉,菲比 我該怎麼辦? | -Sorry,Phoebe. -What am I gonna do? |
別亂抹 有什麼可以去除豆泥? | Don't rub it! What gets out hummus? |
有什麼可以去除豆泥? | What gets out hummus? |
莫妮卡! 有什麼可以去除豆泥? | Monica! What gets out hummus? |
如果那個留言是新的 他到底打來說什麼? | If it is a new message,what is he calling to say? |
好,謝謝,我會試試看的 | Okay,thanks. Yeah,I'll try that. |
說不定他打來說 你執迷不悟而且太瘋狂 | Maybe he called to say you're obsessive and crazy? |
我該不該回電話給他? 不! | -So should I call him back? -No! |
不! | No! |
這些搭配嗎 | Okay, do these match? |
-是的,很搭配 -不搭配 | -Yes, they definitely match.-They don't match. |
幹嘛? 他們不搭配 | What? They didn't match. |
很好,我們一起坐在椅子上 隨便啊 | -Fine,we'll both sit in the chair. -Fine with me. |
我好舒服啊 | I am so comfortable. |
我也是 | Me too. |
事實上,我可能有點太舒服了 | In fact,I think I might be a little too comfortable. |
好,我們有19分鐘 錢德,我要你去換衣服 | Okay,we have 19 minutes. I want you to go and change. |
等你回來後,喬伊去換衣服 他就會把椅子空出來 | When you come back,Joey will go change and he'll have vacated the chair. |
好 好的 | -Okay. -All right. |
好,我要走了 | Fine. I'm going. |
等我回來後這裡就是 椅子城市,而我是… | When I get back,it's Chair City. And I'm the guy... |
坐在椅子上的那個人! | ...who's sitting in a chair! |
這是不是有點太… | Is this a little too |
菲比,怎麼回事? | Pheebs? What happened? |
我沾到豆泥了 | I got the hummus. |
甜心,我們會找出衣服給你 你要不要穿我的黑外套? | Oh,honey,we'll find you something. You wanna wear my black jacket? |
這樣跟裙子就不能搭配了 沒錯 | -lt won't go with this dress. -You're right. |
來吧我們把衣服換掉 不…可別換掉 | -Well,let's just get you out of that. -No,no,no. Not "out of that." |
千萬別把衣服脫掉 莫妮卡 菲比可以借你的綠裙子穿嗎? | -Not "out" of clothes. -Can Phoebe borrow your green dress? |
我打給他了 | I called him. |
對,我進入他的答錄機 然後我留言了 | Yes. I got his machine and I left a message. |
不過沒關係… | But it's okay. It's okay... |
因為那是個隨興,輕鬆的留言 | ... because it was,like,a casual,breezy message. |
很輕鬆 | It was breezy. |
天啊,若聽起來並不輕鬆 該怎麼辦? | Oh,God,what if it wasn't breezy? |
怎麼可能不輕鬆? 不會,這裡是個輕鬆的地方 | How could it not be breezy? No. Because you're in such a breezy place. |
我知道了,我播放我的留言 你們再告訴我是否輕鬆 | I got it. I'll play my message and you guys tell me if it's breezy enough. |
你怎麼可能那樣做? | But how you gonna do that? |
我知道他答錄機的密碼 | I know the code to his answering machine. |
好,莫妮卡 我不認為現在應該… | Okay,Mon,I really don't think this is the |
好,你在撥號了… | Okay,you're dialing. You are dialing. |
-在幹什麼? -莫妮卡正在進入理查的答錄機 | -What's going on?-Monica's beeping into Richard's machine. |
她瘋了嗎 | ls she crazy? |
就像稻草 | Like a straw. |
記得嗎?瘋狂的稻草 | Remember? Crazy straws? |
我是理查 請在嗶聲後留言 | Hi,this is Richard. Please leave a message at the tone. |
你有兩個新訊息 | You have two new messages. |
真是個好工作 | What a cool job. |
“你有兩個新訊息” | "You have two new messages." |
“請把餡餅遞給我” | Please pass the pie. |
我是莫妮卡 我只是想確定一下 | Hi,it's Monica. I'm just checking in. |
我有一通留言 不知道是新的還是舊的 | I got a message and didn't know if it was old or new. |
所以,我只是問問看 | So I'm just checking. |
告訴我吧 | So let me know. |
或者不告訴我,都可以 | Or don't. Whatever. |
我很輕鬆 | I'm breezy! |
你不能說“我很輕鬆” 這樣就不輕鬆了 | You can't say you're "breezy." That negates the "breezy." |
你好啊,是我 昨天真是愉快 | Hola. It's me. Yesterday was really fun. |
打電話給我 談談週末的計畫,好嗎? | Call me about this weekend,okay? |
看,她聽起來就很輕鬆 | Now,she sounded breezy. |
他開始約會了 我真不敢相信他開始約會 | He's seeing someone. I can't believe he's seeing someone. |
你又不知道那個是誰 那麼那是誰的聲音? | -You don't know that. -Well,whose voice was that? |
說不定是他妹妹的 說不定是他女兒的 | Maybe it was his sister's. Maybe it was his daughter's. |
蜜雪兒,一定是了! 聽起來像蜜雪兒嗎? | Michelle. Of course! Did it sound like Michelle? |
我記不清了 | l cannot remember her. |
太好了,開始下雨了 這樣計程車又更難叫了 | Oh,great. It's starting to rain. That'll make it easier to get a cab. |
是蜜雪兒 | It was Michelle. |
絕對是蜜雪兒 | It was definitely Michelle. |
去試穿莫妮卡的綠裙子 不適合就穿我的灰色絲質的 | Try Monica's green dress. If it doesn't fit,wear my gray silk one. |
我要穿那件的 你還不知道自己要穿什麼? | -Unless I wear it. -You don't know what you're wearing? |
今晚是你的大日子 我只是希望自己好看一點 | I'm just trying to look nice for your big night. |
是啊,而我們在12分鐘內 必須出門 | Yeah,which we have to leave for in 12 minutes. |
來吧,我幫你選衣服 | Come on,I'll just pick something out for you. |
-那件 那件,看起來很好 -羅斯,那是毛巾 | -There! There! That looks good.-Ross, that's a towel! |
你看到了,我全換好了 | You'll notice that I'm fully dressed. |
而我呢,也發現你 什麼都還沒換 | I,in turn,have noticed that you are not. |
所以用米爾恩(小熊維尼作者)的話說“離開我的椅子,驢蛋!” | So in the words of A.A. Milne,"Get out of my chair,dill-hole." |
好 | Okay. |
你在幹什麼? 你叫我離開椅子啊 | -What are you doing? -You said to give you the chair. |
你又沒說不能帶走椅墊 | You didn't say anything about cushions. |
但椅墊是椅子的精華所在 | They're the essence of the chair! |
沒錯,我要帶走精華 | That's right! I'm taking the essence. |
他會回來的 | Oh,he'll be back. |
這裡什麼人也沒有 | Oh,there's nobody in the room. |
對不起,我覺得這樣很美 這是萬聖節服裝 | -I'm sorry,I thought it looked pretty. -That was a Halloween costume. |
除非你要我穿的像 小牧羊女一樣? | Unless you would like me to go as Little Bo Peep. |
若沒有那只可充氣的羊 我不會認出來 | I didn't recognize it without that inflatable sheep. |
是啊,對了,錢德 我最近想要一隻回來 | Yeah,which,by the way,Chandler,I would like back one of these days. |
瑞秋,很好啊 這件是不是很適合我? | Rach,good! Listen,isn't this perfect for me? |
太棒了! 但是不適合今晚 | Oh,it's perfect! But not for tonight. |
當然不適合今晚 我要參加慈善晚會呢 | Of course,not for tonight. Hi. I'm going to a benefit. |
不適合今晚? 那你在幹嘛? | Not for tonight? What are you doing? |
對不起,不是故意的 我愛你…深呼吸 | No,I'm sorry. We didn't mean it. I love you. Breathe. |
我們去露營時 把它們當枕頭 | We used them as pillows when we went camping. |
什麼? | What? |
那些羊啊 | The sheep. |
你的閒暇時間在幹嘛… | Hey,what you do on your own time.... |
我的內褲呢? | Where's my underwear? |
拜託,你拿了他的內褲? 他拿走我的精華啊 | -Come on,you took his underwear? -He took my essence! |
好,等等,你幹嘛不穿 你現在身上的內褲? | Okay,hold on. Why can't you just wear the underwear you're wearing now? |
因為我現在根本沒有穿內褲 | Because I'm not wearing any underwear now. |
那你今晚為何要穿內褲? | Then why do you have to wear underwear tonight? |
因為晚禮服是租的 | It's a rented tux,okay? |
我不想沒穿內褲 就穿別人的衣服 | I'm not gonna go commando in another man's fatigues. |
那有人就得把椅墊還給別人 | Then somebody's gonna have to give somebody back his cushions. |
好,你把我衣服藏起來 我要做一件完全相反的事 | Okay. You hide my clothes,I'm gonna do the exact opposite to you. |
什麼?難道你要 給我看我的衣服嗎? | What,are you gonna show me my clothes? |
相反的事… | Hey,opposite... |
就是相反的事 | ...is opposite. |
他什麼都沒有! | He's got nothing! |
好,我準備好了 | Okay,I'm ready. |
瑞秋那兒沒有我喜歡的 除了這個聖誕彩帶 | Rachel didn't have anything I liked but this ribbon. |
我想,好吧 那我就政治化一點囉 | I thought,all right,I'll be political. |
那你在支持什麼? 當然是耶誕節 | -What are you supporting? -Christmas. |
我無所謂,已經搞定兩個了 我還有整整12分鐘 | Hey,that's okay with me. Two down,and I have exactly 12 minutes |
什麼? | What? |
我的表停了 我的表,好,你看… | My watch stopped. My watch. Okay,see... |
這個恐龍指標的尾巴不動了 | ...the dinosaur tail isn't going around anymore. |
現在幾點?已經7點33分 我還有7分鐘 | What time is it? It's 7:33. I have 7 minutes. |
我還有7分鐘! | I have seven minutes! |
我該穿哪一雙鞋? 黑色的還是紫色的? | Which shoes should I wear? The black or the purple? |
隨便挑一雙,好嗎? 好啦,黑色的 | -Just pick one,okay? -Oh,okay,okay. The black. |
你有沒有黑色的 然後有細帶子的? | Do you have black with little strappies? |
有,不過那種適合配褲子 或者我該穿褲子 | Yeah. But those go better with pants. Maybe I should wear pants. |
對了,穿褲子是好主意 或者不要穿褲子更好 | Yeah,pants! What an idea! Or better yet,go without pants. |
我不知道你在做什麼 但是你快進去… | I don't know what you're doing,but just get in there... |
找出一雙可以適合你的腳的鞋子 | ...and pick out any shoes that fit your feet. |
我不管它是否搭配 我不管它是否會… | I don't care if they match. I don't care if they make... |
讓你的腳踝,膝蓋,或耳垂 看起來胖胖的,快去吧 | ...your ankles or your knees or your earlobes look fat. Just do it! |
進去房間裡,挑出要穿的 然後我們就可以走了 | Go in there,pick something out so we can go. |
好的 謝謝你 | -All right. -Thank you. |
我要打給蜜雪兒 確定那是她的聲音,抱歉 | I've got to call Michelle to see if that was her voice. |
沒錯,那就是她的聲音 | It was. It was her voice. |
莫妮卡,我想你又開始偏執了 | Monica,I think you've gone over to the bad place. |
(西班牙語)喂? | Hola. |
喂…? | Hello? Hello? |
好,那是她的聲音,對嗎? 絕對是,對啊 | -Okay. That was her,right? -Definitely. Yeah. |
這樣就解決啦 | So there you go. |
我們的危險解除啦 我要去換衣服了 | We're out of the woods. I think I'll get dressed now. |
我來接 好 | -I'll get it. -Okay. |
你好,莫妮卡與瑞秋的家 | Hi,Monica and Rachel's. |
好,請稍等 請問您是哪位? | Yeah,just a second. Can I ask who's calling? |
是蜜雪兒! | It's Michelle! |
她一定有來電顯示功能 你也該去裝一個 | She must have that "caller l. D." thing. You should get that. |
蜜雪兒? | Michelle? |
對,就是我 我不小心撥了你的電話 | Yeah,that was me. I dialed your number by mistake. |
只要試著… | Just try to be |
你真的好貼心 | You're so sweet. |
是啊,我們是一對很好的情侶 | Yeah,we were a great couple. |
我知道,我真的很想他 | I know,I really miss him. |
你也知道的嘛 只不過… | Well,you know how it is. It's just that.... |
你知道奇怪的是什麼? | You know what's weird? |
唐老鴨從來不穿褲子 | Donald Duck never wore pants. |
但是當他洗完澡出來… | But when he gets out of the shower... |
他總是在腰間圍上一條毛巾 | ... he always puts a towel around his waist. |
我是說,那算什麼? | I mean,what is that about? |
蜜雪兒,我只是進入答錄機 來聽我自己的留言 | I only beeped in so I could hear my own message. |
那樣是可以的吧 | I mean,that's allowed. |
我真的希望你別告訴你爸… | I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't tell your dad about |
你說你不高興是什麼意思? 我們是朋友呢 | What do you mean,you don't feel comfortable with this? We're friends! |
那個小婊子根本就討厭我 | That bitch always hated me. |
我要再打給她 | I'm calling her back. |
好,好啊 好 | -Okay,fine. -Okay. |
她房間裡有電話吧? 好,我們來處理吧 | -She's got a phone in there,right? -Okay,we're on it. |
我知道單子上寫 “打領帶與否,自行決定” | I know it says "black tie optional"... |
但這樣會不會太過分了點? | ... but this may be pushing it a little. |
我不去了 | I'm not gonna go. |
你不去了? | You're not gonna go? |
不,我想更新我的通訊錄 | No,I think I'm gonna catch up on my correspondence. |
你怎麼可以不去呢? | How can you not be going? |
我就是不去了 | I'm not gonna go. |
我想這樣就表明了 “我不去”的意思 | So I think that will accomplish the "not going." |
我只是好奇… | You know,just out of curiosity |
自從你在我朋友面前 羞辱我,又對我大吼 | Ever since I was humiliated and yelled at in front of my friends... |
我就沒有情緒去參加 什麼博物館的慈善會了 | ... I'm just,I don't know,not in a very museum benefit-y kind of mood. |
好…天啊,很抱歉 我對你大吼大叫,對不起 | Right. Well,okay. Okay. God,I'm sorry. I'm sorry I yelled. |
沒關係 不,可是你在生氣 | -That's fine. -No,but you're mad. |
我沒有生氣,我只是不去了 | I'm not mad. I'm just not going. |
是的 好 | -Right. -Okay. |
你知道我一定要去吧? | You know that I have to go,right? |
那這樣會不會變成 我在你難過時離你而去? | So is it gonna be,like,I'm abandoning you while you're upset? |
不會 不會? | -No. -No? |
我對你大吼,你不難過? 對,還包括你的羞辱 | -You're not upset about the yelling. -Right. And the humiliating. |
當然,還有羞辱 | Well,of course,the humiliating. |
那麼,我們… | So we... |
我們之間沒問題? | ...we're okay? |
我們很好啊 好 | -We're good. -Right. |
甜心,我愛你 是的,羅斯 | -Honey? I love you. -Yes,Ross. |
把電話放下! | Get away from that phone! |
她已經開始換衣服了 | She's just getting dressed now. |
我居然因此而興奮 我是不是有問題? | Is it wrong that I was totally aroused by that? |
好啦,兄弟,就是這樣啦 | Okay,buddy boy,here it is. |
你把我衣服藏起來 我就把你所有的衣服穿上 | You hide my clothes,I'm wearing everything you own. |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
我把你的內褲藏起來 但這根本不是相反的事 | That is so not the opposite of taking somebody's underwear! |
你看看我,我是錢德! | Look at me! I'm Chandler. |
我還能再多穿一件衣服嗎? | Could I be wearing any more clothes? |
或許我不該不穿內褲的… | Maybe if I wasn't going commando.... |
穿這麼多真是熱死我了 | It's hot with all this stuff on. |
我最好別再做運動… 像是蹲馬步之類的 | I better not do any,I don't know,lunges. |
夠了,別再蹲馬步了 | Okay,enough. Enough with the lunging. |
我快被煩死了 我真的已經受夠了 | I'm sick of this. I've had it up to here. |
你們兩個都不准參加晚會! | Neither of you can come to the party! |
天啊,真幼稚 | Jeez,what a baby! |
你幹嘛破壞一切 我正要去換衣服了 | Way to ruin it. I was just gonna go get dressed. |
那個唯一我會在乎 她是否換好衣服的人 | The only person I cared about getting dressed... |
卻是那個不肯去的人 | ...is the person who's not even gonna go. |
瑞秋,我很抱歉,好嗎? | Look,Rach,I'm sorry,okay? |
我真是個混球 抱歉對你大吼,我希望你能去 | Look,I was a jerk,okay? I'm sorry I yelled. I want you there. |
我需要你去 | I need you there. |
要怎樣做才能證明 我有多希望你去? | What can I do to show you how much I want you to be there? |
你可以把那杯油喝掉 | You could drink the fat. |
歡迎你進入大人的談話世界 | Welcome to an adult conversation. |
不,等一下… | No,no,no. Now wait a minute. Wait a minute. |
聽起來挺有意思的 什麼? | -That actually sounds interesting. -What? |
我想你應該把那杯油喝掉 | I think you should drink the fat. |
好,若這樣就能證明 你對我有多重要… | Okay,if that's what it takes to show you how much you mean to me... |
以及我多希望你能去 那我就願意去做 | ...and how much I want you there,that's what I'll do. |
我幫你換一杯 這一杯放好久了 | Let me get you another glass. That's been sitting out. |
我想這樣可以了 | I think this will be fine. |
好吧,香草奶昔 只不過是香草奶昔… | Okay,vanilla milkshake. Just a vanilla milkshake... |
只不過有雞肉的碎屑浮著 | ...with chicken bits floating in it. |
乾杯! | Cheers. |
不,不要 好吧,我去就是了… | No,don't! Okay,okay,I'll go. I'll go. |
你肯去? | You will? |
你真的會那麼做,對吧? | You were really gonna do that. |
是啊 | Well,yeah. |
你真的願意喝下那些油? | You were gonna drink the fat. |
我們來看看他還能做什麼 | Let's see what else he'll do! |
不如你現在去換衣服 你把他的內褲還給他 | How about you get changed? Give him his underwear. |
我來叫計程車 我要大家在兩分鐘內下樓 | I'll get a cab. I want everyone downstairs in two minutes. |
莫妮卡! | Monica! |
別做了! | Stop it. |
別再做了! | Stop it! |
羅斯去叫計程車了 那麼我們… | Ross went to get a cab,so we |
你在做什麼? 不,莫妮卡! | What are you doing? No,Monica,no! |
我是理查 | Hi,this is Richard. |
你有三個新訊息 | You have three new messages. |
再也沒有了 | Not anymore. |
訊息已刪除 | Message erased. |
請在嗶聲後留言 | To record your message,begin speaking at the tone. |
你好,理查,我是莫妮卡 | Hi,Richard. It's Monica. |
我今晚做了一件很瘋狂的事 | Listen,I did something kind of crazy tonight. |
或許是我經期的原因 我也不曉得 | Maybe I'm getting my period or something. I don't know. |
反正我進入你的答錄機 然後聽到一個留言… | Anyway,I beeped into your machine and I heard this message... |
快把我搞瘋了 | ...that freaked me out... |
其他的蜜雪兒會告訴你 | ...and Michelle will tell you the rest. |
我很抱歉 我希望你忘了這整件事 | I'm sorry,okay? And I hope that we can just forget the whole thing. |
你的主人留言已經更改 | Your outgoing message has now been changed. |
主人留言? | Outgoing? |
他剛剛是說主人留言? | Did that say outgoing? |
不是主人留言! | Not outgoing! |
你好,理查,我是莫妮卡 | Hi,Richard,it's Monica. |
我今晚做了一件瘋狂的事 | Listen,I did something kind of crazy tonight. |
或許是我的經期的原因 我也不曉得 | Maybe I'm getting my period or something. I don't know. |
你是怎麼做的? 我不知道! | -How did you do that? -I don't know! |
再見 | Goodbye. |
好,我叫到兩輛計程車 但還沒人坐進去,快! | Okay,I've got two cabs and no people! Go,go,go! |
或許我們可以叫電話公司改掉那個留言? | Maybe we can call the phone company to change the message? |
或者他們可以把他的電話號碼改掉 | They could change his number. |
我想經過這件事 他會自己改的 | I think after this,he'll be doing that himself. |
瑞秋! | Rachel! |
你…你看起來… | You.... You look.... |
而我還剩下五秒鐘 | And I still have about five seconds to spare. |
這樣大概花掉七秒鐘 | That was about 7 seconds. |
所以我們遲了一點 | So we're a little late. |
走吧 | Come on. |
對了… | Oh,and by the way.... |
什麼事? | What? |
我裡面也沒穿… | I'm going commando too. |
所以我說:你是誰?麥格農私家偵探嗎? | So l said, “Who are you Cro-Magnum P.l.?” |
蓋勒博士? | Dr. Geller? |
我是倫敦研究院的雪曼惠菲 很榮幸見到你 | -Sherman Whitfield,London lnstitute. -What a pleasure. |
你的前白堊紀化石報告 寫得真不錯 | I was quite impressed with your paper on pre-Cretaceous fossils. |
是的,你再次驗證了 我以前寫的東西 | Yes. It confirmed everything I'd written. |
對不起 | Excuse me. |
你好 | Hi. |
什麼事? | Yes? |
你好像坐在我的位子上 | You're kind of sitting in my seat. |
你說你的位子 是什麼意思? | What do you mean,your seat? |
我是說,我本來坐在這兒 但是你起來了 | -I mean,I was sitting there. -But you got up. |
可是我沒有離開這個房間 | But I never left the room. |
但是你離開椅子了 | But you left the chair area. |
好吧,就這樣 把你的內褲給我 | All right,that's it. Give me your underwear. |
喬伊,這就是你爸媽叫你 不要跳上床的原因 | Joe,that's why your parents told you not to jump on the bed! |
本集播出:“果醬” | The One With the Jam |
看看我,我在做果醬 | Hey,look at me! I'm making jam! |
我早上四點就起來了 那麼早你怎麼買得到水果? | -I've been at it since 4 a.m. -Where'd you get fruit at 4 a.m.? |
在碼頭那兒買的 你一定不知道可以買到批發價 | Down at the docks. You know,you can get it wholesale. |
我根本不知道有碼頭 | I didn't know there were docks. |
手臂斷了嗎? | Is it broken? |
不,但我得戴著這玩意兒 好幾個禮拜 | No,but I gotta wear this for a couple weeks. |
你有沒有告訴醫生 你是因為跳上床才受傷? | You tell the doctor you did it jumping on your bed? |
不,我編的故事本來有用的 但是… | No. I had a whole story worked out,but then... |
錢德出賣了我 | ...Chandler sold me out. |
抱歉,我想醫生不會相信 你說的“手臂就自己脫落了” | I didn't think the doctor would buy that it "fell out of the socket." |
這是什麼?水果嗎? | What is this? Fruit? |
莫妮卡在做果醬 | Monica's making jam. |
我最愛果醬了! 我們家怎麼從來沒有果醬? | Jam? I love jam! How come we never have jam at our place? |
因為孩子們需要買新鞋 | Because the kids need new shoes. |
我得做正事了 我不想再為理查的事傷神 | I'm going into business. I'm sick of being depressed about Richard. |
我需要一個計畫 來忘記我的男人 | I needed a plan. A plan to get over my man. |
什麼事跟男人相反? 就是果醬! | What's the opposite of man? Jam! |
喬伊,不要! 那個太燙了! | Joey,don't! It's way too hot! |
那麼這一份就算我的 | This'll just be my batch. |
到此為止 | That's it. |
喂,那個穿傑克魯牌(美國服裝名牌)的傢伙 | Hey,you,J. Crew guy.... |
你為何跟蹤我? | Why are you following me? |
這一周來,我往哪兒看都會看到你 | All week,everywhere I look,there's you. |
你也不回我電話 又把我的信退回來 | You wouldn't return my calls. You sent back my letters. |
再給我一次機會 拜託,烏蘇拉 | One more chance,Ursula. Please. |
真是太尷尬了 | This is awkward. |
因為你要找的是烏蘇拉 我是菲比,我們是雙胞胎 | Yeah,because you want Ursula,and I'm Phoebe. Twin sisters. |
這是真的 | Seriously. |
太好了,我跟錯人了 | That's great. I'm stalking the wrong woman. |
我真是個糊塗蛋! | I am such a dingus! |
你不是糊塗蛋 | Oh,you're not a dingus. |
我只想讓你知道 我不是總是這樣的 | I just want you to know I wasn't always like this. |
在認識你姐姐之前 我只是賣手機的普通人 | Before I met your sister,I was a normal guy who sold cellular phones. |
聽著,這不是你的錯 | Look,it's not your fault. |
這就是她對待男人的方式 | I mean,this is just what she does to guys,okay? |
謝謝你 | Well,thanks. |
等等,我有個小故事告訴你 | Wait. I got a little story. |
我在念初中時 我以為自己是女巫 | Once,in junior high school,I thought I was a witch. |
有個輔導老師跟我說的話 我想可以幫助你 | And a guidance counselor told me something that might help you. |
他說“你根本不是女巫 你只是個普通學生” | He said,"Okay,you're not a witch. You're just an average student." |
你懂我的意思嗎? 不太懂 | -See what I'm saying? -Not really. |
當我沒說 | Well,get over it. |
你看起來是個好人 | You seem like a really nice guy. |
別對自己太苛刻,好嗎? | Don't be so hard on yourself,okay? |
沒錯,我想你是對的 謝謝你對我這麼友善 | You're right. I know you're right. And thanks for being so nice. |
謝謝你 | Thanks a lot. |
你要不要去喝咖啡? | Want to get some coffee? |
你不用走在我後面了 | You don't have to walk behind me anymore. |
“去買罐子,等會兒回來 莫妮卡蓋勒” | "Gone for more jars. Be back later. Monica Geller." |
等等,你看! | Wait a minute. Look! |
整個房子裡都沒人 | It's an empty apartment. |
這間空房子裡,只有我們兩個 | We're all alone in an empty apartment. |
我在十分鐘內得去上班 | I have to be at work in 10 minutes. |
好吧,我又不是年度最佳員工 | All right. It's not like I'm employee of the year or anything. |
在這裡啊! | There it is! |
這就是你要找的啊 | Oh,that's what you mean. |
我看起來很胖嗎? | Do I look fat? |
不會啊 | No. |
這點我可以接受 | I accept that. |
當珍妮絲問我時,我回答不 她卻認為我說她像母牛 | When Janice asked me and I said no,she thought I was calling her a cow. |
重頭再說一次給我們聽… | Walk us through it,honey. Walk us through it. |
珍妮絲說,她今天看起來胖嗎 我看看她… | Janice said,"Hi. Do I look fat today?" And I looked at her |
你看看她? | You looked at her? |
你絕不能看 | You never look. |
你只能回答,就像反射動作 “我看起來胖嗎?”,“不” | You just answer. It's like a reflex. "Do I look fat?" "No." |
“她比我漂亮嗎?”,“不” | "Is she prettier than I am?" "No." |
“大小重要嗎?”,“不” | "Does size matter?" |
這點男女都適用 | And it works both ways. |
所以你們本來就知道這些? | So you both just know this stuff? |
吵了大概三四十次後 你大概就記住了 | After 30 or 40 fights,you kind of catch on. |
好,比如說… | Okay. For instance: |
珍妮絲旅行回來 她給你兩種選擇 | Janice is coming back from a trip. She gives you two options. |
選擇一,她從機場 自己搭計程車回來 | Option one: She'll take a cab home from the airport. |
選擇二,你在領行李的地方 與她碰面,你會怎麼做? | Option two: You can meet her at baggage claim. What do you do? |
簡單,領行李的地方 | Easy. Baggage claim. |
錯了,所以你是單身 | Wrong! Now you're single. |
其實是第三個秘密絕招 | It's actually secret option number three. |
你在登機門與她碰面 這就表現出你對她的愛 | You meet her at the gate. That way she knows you love her. |
好,這樣真不錯 | Okay,this is good. |
好,我有一個問題 珍妮絲晚上喜歡抱抱… | All right,I have one. Janice likes to cuddle... |
我當然也喜歡抱抱 | ...at night,which I'm all for. |
不過當你想睡覺時 你會想要一點空間 | But when you want to go to sleep,you want some space. |
我要怎樣告訴她,才不會… | So how do I tell her that without... |
不小心又說她胖之類的? | ...you know,accidentally calling her fat or something? |
抱歉,我們幫不了你 因為我們都是抱著睡的 | Sorry,honey. We can't help you there,because we're cuddly sleepers. |
我上班要遲到了 | I'm late for work. |
你們要不要下來? 好,等一下就去 | -Are you guys coming down? -Yeah. I'm right behind you. |
祝你好運,錢德 | Good luck,Chandler. |
-謝謝瑞秋 -再見親愛的 -再見親愛的 | -Thank you.-Bye, sweetie.-Bye, honey. |
關於睡覺那件事 | The sleeping thing. |
非常困難,但可以解決 | Very tricky business,but solvable. |
我以為你們都是“抱著睡覺” | I thought you were "cuddly sleepers." |
不,不是抱著睡 不是我,只有她 | No,not cuddly. Not me. Just her. |
我跟你一樣,我需要空間 | I'm like you. I need the room. |
好,到這兒來 | Okay,come here. |
好,現在你在床上 | Okay. You're in bed. |
我還是用墊子好了 | I'll use the cushion. |
好,你在床上 她在你旁邊,抱著你 | Okay. You're in bed. She's over on your side,cuddling. |
現在,你等她逐漸睡著… | Now,you wait for her to drift off... |
然後你抱住她… | ...and then you hug her... |
然後把她滾到床的另一邊 | ...and roll her over to her side of the bed. |
然後你… | And then you... |
你就滾到旁邊去 | ... roll away. |
抱住她 | Hug for her. |
自己滾到旁邊去 | Roll for you. |
就像以前的“擁抱與翻滾” | The old "hug and roll." |
只有一個問題 你把枕頭當作女生,對吧? | One question. You're pretending the pillow's a girl,right? |
記得小時候 你媽會把你送到電影院… | Remember when you were a kid,your mom would send you to the movies... |
給你一罐果醬 和一根小湯匙? | ...with a jar of jam and a little spoon? |
你真漂亮 | You're so pretty. |
你知道那個跟蹤我的人嗎? 我今天跟他說話了 | You know that guy who's been following me? I talked to him today. |
你跟他說話?你瘋了嗎? | You talked to him? Are you crazy? |
第一,我沒有瘋 第二,用說的,別用噴的 | First,I'm not crazy. And second,say it,don't spray it. |
反正他叫做麥爾康 他也不是在跟蹤我 | Anyway,his name is Malcolm,and he wasn't following me. |
我是說,他在跟蹤沒錯 但他以為我是烏蘇拉 | I mean,he was,but he thought I was Ursula. |
所以他不敢上前來跟我說話 | That's why he couldn't just come up and talk to me. |
因為有禁制令 | Because of the restraining order. |
我還是對麥爾康沒有好感 | Not feeling better about Malcolm. |
不,他不是瘋子 | No,no,he's not a kook. |
他只是個非常熱情 極度浪漫的傢伙… | He's just this very passionate,incredibly romantic guy... |
只是有點過火了 | ...that just got a teensy bit carried away. |
我們處得很好,而且他很可愛 | We get along really well,and he's so cute. |
天啊,你竟然對跟蹤你姐姐的人有感覺 | Oh,my God! You've got a crush on your sister's stalker. |
我要幫他忘記烏蘇拉的一切 | I'm going to help him get "de-Ursula-ized." |
就像喬伊跟她約會後 我為他做的一樣 | Like I did for Joey after he went out with her. |
我沒有跟蹤她 | I didn't stalk her. |
我是問新聞 不是問天氣 | I asked for the news,not the weather. |
喬伊,這是你的 這是黑莓紅醋粟醬 | Joey,this is for you. It's blackberry currant. |
喬伊,我得問你 | Joe,I got to ask. |
影印店的那個女孩,全裸 | The girl from the xerox place,buck naked... |
還是你要一大缸果醬? | ...or a big tub of jam? |
你把兩隻手放在一起吧 | Put your hands together. |
你慢慢吃啊,那是最後一批 | Take your time with that. It's my last batch. |
沒有果醬了? | No more jam? |
你的果醬計畫呢? | What happened to your jam plan? |
我算過了 我每罐得賣17元才能賺回來 | I figured out I'd need to charge $17 a jar just to break even. |
所以我有個新計畫 就是生小孩 | So I've got a new plan now. Babies. |
那你可能需要很大的罐子 | Well,you'll need much bigger jars. |
你們在談什麼? 談我要生孩子的事 | -What are you talking about? -About me having a baby. |
你是認真的嗎? 是啊 | -Are you serious? -Yeah. |
果醬計畫讓我開始 掌握自己的生活 | The jam plan helped me take control of my life. |
所以我就想 什麼事對我最重要? | So I thought,"What is the most important thing to me?" |
因此我就想出 生小孩這個計畫 | And that's when I came up with the baby plan. |
你是不是忘了什麼? | Aren't you forgetting something? |
那個傢伙叫什麼? 叫“爸爸”! | What is that guy's name? Dad! |
我花了28年,找到一個 想與他共度終身的男人 | It took me 28 years to find a man I wanted to spend my life with. |
如果我還得再等28年 我就得56歲才生小孩 | If I have to wait another 28 years,I'll be 56 before I can have a baby. |
那樣實在太愚蠢了 | And that's just stupid. |
那樣叫愚蠢? | That's what's stupid? |
我不需要一個真正的男人 只要他幾隻會游泳的小傢伙 | I don't need an actual man. Just a few of his best swimmers. |
而且你可以在某個地方 得到那些小傢伙 | And there are places you can go to get that...stuff. |
又要去碼頭了嗎? | Down to the docks again? |
晚安,賓寶貝 | Night-night,Bing-a-ling. |
晚安… | Night-night... |
珍妮絲 | ...Janice. |
看看她那一邊的位置! | Look at all the room on her side! |
都可以放一隻大企鵝了 | A giant penguin could fit over there. |
不過那樣會很奇怪 | That'd be weird,though. |
要開始“擁抱與翻滾”了 | Hug and roll time. |
我正在擁抱… | I'm hugging. I'm hugging. |
你在翻滾,然後… | You're rolling,and.... |
太好了,自由了! | Yes! Freedom! |
除了這只手臂以外! | Except for this arm! |
我被困住了,手臂卡住了 | I'm stuck. Stuck arm. |
該玩以前那種桌布遊戲了,一個快動作 | Time for the old tablecloth trick. One fluid motion. |
像貓一樣矯捷… | Quick like a cat. |
一、二… | And one,two... |
三! | ... three! |
這是我的雙眼望遠鏡 | Here's my binoculars. |
很好,你做得很好 | Oh,great. You're doing great. |
很不錯,繼續吧 | Going strong. IKeep going. |
這是我的夜視鏡 | These are my night-vision goggles. |
這是我在公園裡看她時 假裝閱讀的書 | This is the book I pretend to read when I'm watching her in the park. |
這些是填詞遊戲 只是打發時間用的 | And these are Madlibs. They're just for fun. |
這是我寫的日誌 記錄她的一舉一動 | This is the log I kept,recording her every movement. |
你要不要聽聽看? | Want to hear some of it? |
我一點也不想聽 | Not even a little bit. |
是跟你有關的 | It's about you. |
那好吧 | Okay then. |
我今天遇到菲比 | "l met Phoebe today. |
她對我很好 即使我真的是個敗類 | She was really nice to me even though I'm such a loser. |
當我走回家時,我不斷想著她 | And when I was walking home,I thought about her a lot. |
雖然很怪,卻是很棒的感覺 | It was weird,but kind of cool." |
很好 | Good. |
你在想什麼? | So what were you thinking? |
我在想親你是什麼感覺? | I was thinking what it'd be like to kiss you. |
真的嗎? 不 | -Really? -No. |
那只是我故意說的 這樣我才能親你 | That's just something I said now so that maybe I could kiss you. |
好啊 | Oh,okay. |
不,不用了 我剛吃了一罐芥末 | No,it's all right. I just had a jar of mustard. |
好,捐精者編號03815 來囉! | Okay. Sperm donor number 03815,come on down! |
好,他是6尺2寸,170磅 | Okay,he's 6'2",170 pounds. |
他形容自己是 男性的吉娜大衛絲(女影星) | He describes himself as a male Gina Davis. |
你是說除了我們之外 還有別人? | You mean there's more than one of us? |
你不能這樣做,莫妮卡 如果你這麼做,我會… | You can't do this,Mon. If you do this,I'll |
你會怎樣? 我會告訴媽 | -You'll what? -I'll tell Mom. |
很抱歉,他是對的 我愛你,可是你真的瘋了 | I'm sorry,but he's right. I love you,but you're crazy. |
為什麼這樣就叫瘋了? | Why? Why is this crazy? |
就算這不是理想方法… 這根本不是… | -So this isn't the ideal way -Oh,it's not |
嘴巴在動,我還在講話! | Lips moving. Still talking. |
這樣可能不太理想,但… | It may not be ideal,but... |
我真的準備好了 | ... I'm so ready. |
我看到班看著你的樣子 | I see the way Ben looks at you. |
讓我心好痛,你知道嗎? | It makes me ache,you know? |
你看看,果醬餅乾! | Check it out! Jam crackers! |
好吧,這個如何? | Okay. All right,how's this? |
27歲,義大利裔美國人 | Twenty-seven,ltalian-American guy. |
他是個演員 | He's an actor. |
在皇后區出生 | Born in Queens. |
好大的家庭! 有七個妹妹… | Wow! Big family. Seven sisters... |
他是唯一的…男孩 | ...and he's the only... boy. |
天啊,個人評論寫著 紐約尼克隊萬歲! | Oh,my God! Under personal comments: "New York Knicks rule." |
對啊,紐約尼克隊萬歲! | Yeah,the Knicks rule! |
喬伊,這個是你! | Joey,this is you! |
讓我看看 | Let me see. |
對啊 | Oh,right! |
你去精子銀行? | You went to a sperm bank? |
就在我參加 紐約大學的性研究之後 | Right after I did that sex study at NYU. |
你記不記得你生日時 我送你的毛衣? | Remember that sweater I gave you? |
那是你用這樣賺來的? | That's how you bought it? |
不,那是我捐精子那天穿的 | No. That's what I was wearing when I donated. |
我真驚訝他們那兒 還會有我的小傢伙 | I'm surprised there's any of my boys left. |
那裡競爭很激烈的 還有真正的火箭科學家呢 | It is pretty competitive. There's an actual rocket scientist here. |
或許我該叫他們 把我演的“我們的日子”放上去 | Maybe I should have them put my Days of our Lives gig on here. |
多增加點聲勢 | Juice this up a little. |
那個瘋子如何了? | How's the maniac? |
他真迷人,我們接吻了 | He's yummy. We did a little kissing. |
菲比,你在做什麼? | Phoebe,what are you doing? |
不,他不會再犯了 他為了我戒掉了 | No,no. He's not into that anymore. He quit for me. |
那傢伙迷戀你姐姐 天曉得到底有多久了 | This guy has been obsessed with your sister for God knows how long. |
你不能就這樣算了 | You don't just give that up. |
他把他的夜視鏡 和一切東西都交給我了 | He gave me his night-vision goggles and everything. |
一個有夜視鏡的人 他說的話你也敢信? | You're taking the word of a guy who has night-vision goggles? |
他不再跟蹤她了 你覺得他還在跟蹤她嗎? | He's not still following her. You think he's still following her? |
快醒醒,感覺一下 什麼叫禁制令吧 | Wake up and smell the restraining order. |
你說我該怎麼辦? | What should I do? |
若你真的很喜歡他 應該相信他才是 | If you really like this guy,you should just trust him. |
謝謝你,莫妮卡 | Thank you,Monica. |
或者你該跟蹤他,看他去哪裡 | Or you could follow him. |
我也會這麼做 忘了我剛說的吧 | That's what I'd do. Forget mine. |
天啊,發生什麼事? | What happened? |
錢德發神經,把我轉一圈… | Crazy Chandler spun me... |
然後推下床 | ...off the bed. |
轉圈圈啊,聽起來很好玩 | Wow! Spinning! Sounds like fun. |
我倒希望 | I wish. |
他只是在試羅斯的 那套“擁抱與翻滾” | He was just trying Ross' "hug and roll" thing. |
羅斯的什麼? | Ross' what? |
當他抱住你 把你滾到旁邊,再… | Where he hugs you and then he rolls you away,and.... |
我的…天…啊! | Oh... my...God! |
你在做什麼? | What are you doing? |
我只是在找我的… | Oh,I was just here looking for my... my.... |
吃過的舊三明治…在這裡! | Part of an old sandwich. Here it is! |
你在跟蹤我嗎? | Were you following me? |
可能吧 | Perhaps. |
是的,我很抱歉 | Yes. I'm sorry. |
我怕你仍然迷戀我姐姐 | I was afraid you were still hung up on my sister. |
所以你在監視我 | So you spied on me. |
我真不敢相信你不信任我 | I can't believe you don't trust me. |
你怎麼會知道呢? 我的雙胞胎姐姐正好經過! | Well,what do you know? There goes my identical twin sister! |
一直走著 跟我長得一模一樣 | Just walking along,looking like me. |
這是個奇異的巧合 還是你早知道她會搭這班車? | Is this a freakish coincidence,or did you know she takes this train? |
對不起… | I'm sorry. I'm sorry. |
我試著停止,但控制不了 | I tried to stop,but I couldn't. |
我真可悲 | I'm so pathetic. |
不,不是你的錯,我也有錯 | No,it's not your fault. It's partly my fault. |
是我要你斷然戒除這個毛病 | I made you quit cold turkey. |
我不能再跟你約會了 因為你是,你知道的… | Well,I can't date you anymore because you're,you know.... |
哇! | Wow! |
但我一定會幫你 忘了我姐姐,好嗎? | But I will definitely help you get over my sister. Okay? |
試著跟蹤我一陣子,好嗎? | Stalk me for a while,huh? |
我就像烏蘇拉的補丁 | I'll be like an Ursula patch. |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
你就…你看,我正在走路! | Just.... Look,I'm going! |
來吧 | Come on. |
我遇到柱子了 我會往哪邊走? | I'm on the pillar. Which way will I go? |
你要去哪裡? 我要去銀行 | -Where you going? -To the bank. |
精子銀行還是一般的 | Sperm or regular? |
精子銀行 | Sperm. |
你確定要做這件事? | You're really doing it? |
是啊,我挑了一個男的 編號37135 | Oh,yeah. I picked a guy. 37135. |
聽起來不錯 | Sounds nice. |
的確,他有棕發和綠眼睛 | He does. He's got brown hair and green eyes. |
不是開玩笑吧? | No kidding? |
我以為你會選金髮的 | I figured you'd have picked a blond. |
真的嗎?為什麼? | Really? Why? |
我總是想像你和一個 高大聰明的金髮男子,叫… | I always pictured you with a tall,smart,blond guy with a name like... |
“荷依”這樣的名字 | ...Hoyt. |
那是個名字,沒錯 | It's a name. Yeah. |
我看到你在一間很棒的 有泳池的大房子 | I saw you in this great house with a big pool. |
他是游泳選手嗎? | Is he a swimmer? |
他可是有那種身材的 | He's got the body for it. |
我喜歡 | I like that. |
什麼? | What? |
你們有個牌子寫著… | You have a sign that says: |
“我們不在你的廁所游泳 所以別在我們的池子尿尿” | "We don't swim in your toilet. Don't pee in our pool." |
我們才不會有那種牌子 | We don't have that sign. |
你會有的 那是我送的禮物 | You do! It was a gift from me. |
然後你會有三個很棒的孩子 | And you have three great kids. |
兩個女孩和一個男孩? | Two girls and a boy? |
他們戴著救生圈 繞著泳池邊跑 | And they wear little water wings,and they run around on the deck. |
然後荷依用毛巾圍住他們三個 | And Hoyt wraps a towel around all three of them. |
當然 | Sure. |
但是,你知道 這樣聽起來也不錯 | But,you know,this way sounds good too. |
是啊 | Yeah. |
這傢伙是宇航員? | Wow! This guy's an astronaut? |
這太棒了… | That would have been cool... |
但不會維持多久 | ...for a day. |
她五點才會回來 | She'll be back at 5. |
五 | Five! |
我打電話給精子銀行 | I called the sperm bank. |
崔比亞尼的小傢伙 一點兒也沒賣出去 | They haven't sold a single unit of Tribbiani. |
沒有人要我出產的 | Nobody wants my product. |
我不懂 | I don't get it. |
也許如果他們親眼見到我的話 | Maybe if they met me in person. |
你沾到一點在… | You got a thing on your.... |
弄掉了吧? | Get it? |
是啊 | Yeah. |
嗨 | Hello. |
嗨 | Hello. |
錢德,我可以跟你談一下嗎? | Chan,can I talk to you for a second? |
當然,什麼事? | Sure. What's up? |
這是一件關於男女之間的事 | Just one additional relationship thought. |
這件事你大概已經知道了 | Something you're probably aware of. |
女人會互相傳話的 | Women talk. |
歡迎各位收看 “偉大的發明”! | Welcome,everybody! Welcome to Amazing Discoveries! |
又播出了! | It's on again! |
我們能不能別看了啊? | Guys,could we please not watch this? |
你是否遇過這種情形? 你正打算倒一杯牛奶… | This ever happen to you? You go to get a glass of milk... |
但你左思右想 卻怎麼也打不開紙盒 | ...but these cartons are so flinging,flanging hard to open! |
天啊,你說對了,麥克 | Boy,you said it,Mike. |
一定有個好辦法 的確有,凱文 | - There's gotta be a better way. - There is,Kevin! |
可不可以別看了? 不行,凱文 | -Can we please turn this off? -No way,Kevin! |
如果我告訴你有個新產品 能保證… | What if I told you there's a new product that guarantees... |
你再也不用費力 打開牛奶紙盒呢? | ... you'll never have to open up milk cartons again? |
看看這個牛奶大師2000! | Meet the Milkmaster 2000! |
挑起你的興趣了吧 是啊,挑得我心癢癢的 | -lntrigued? -You're flinging,flanging right I am! |
這是他第一次使用 你就知道有多容易了 | This is the first time he's used this. You'll see how easy this is to do. |
任何牛奶紙盒都適用 真簡單! | -This works in any milk carton. -Wow,it is easy! |
這樣我就可以每天喝牛奶了 | Now I can have milk every day. |
我看不下去了 | l can't watch this anymore. |
你已經受了折磨了,我們換台吧 | You've suffered enough.We'll change it. |
-這樣的狀況發生過多少次了?-肯定有更好的辦法的! | -How many times has this happened?-There's gotta be a better way! |
本集播出: “隱喻性的隧道” | The One With the Metaphorical Tunnel |
真的沒有好看的電影 | It's official. There are no good movies. |
那就去看難看的電影 然後在那裡親熱 | So let's go to a bad one,and make out. |
或許你希望我轉過去 你們可以像兔子一樣在我背上跳著玩? | Perhaps you'd like me to turn so you can bunny-bump against my back? |
老兄,怎麼了? 或許該由你來告訴我吧 | -Hey,man. What's up? -Maybe you can tell me. |
我的經紀人問我 為何今天的試鏡沒有出現 | My agent wants to know why I didn't show up at my audition today... |
這幾周來第一個好機會 你怎麼沒轉告我? | ... my first good one in weeks. How could you not give me the message? |
告訴你,我雖然喜歡罪惡感… | I'll tell you,I do enjoy guilt... |
但這次不是我 | ... but it wasn't me. |
是的,就是他! | Yes,it was. It was him! |
好吧,是我啦 | Okay,it was me! |
怎麼會是你? 一切真是瘋狂啊,你知道嗎? | -How was it you? -Well,it was all so crazy,you know? |
錢德躲在衣櫥裡,倒數十秒… | Chandler was in the closet,counting to 10... |
已經數到七了 我一直找不到地方躲 | ...and I hadn't found a place to hide yet. |
我一直想告訴你,我寫在手上 你看,全都在這兒 | I meant to tell you,and I wrote it all down on my hand. See? All of it. |
是啊,就是我的試鏡 | Yep,that's my audition. |
看吧,這就是為何 我到處都要放便條紙 | See? Now,this is why I keep notepads everywhere. |
對,這就是為何 我們都不邀你一起玩 | Yep. And that's why we don't invite you to play. |
這樣有什麼悲劇的? 再約一次時間啊 | What is the great tragedy here? Get yourself another appointment. |
艾斯黛試過了,選角導演說 我已經錯過了機會 | Estelle tried. The casting director told her I missed my chance. |
這樣太不公平了! | Well,that is unfair! |
我來打給她 我告訴她都是我的錯 | I'll call her. I'll tell her it was my fault. |
不,選角導演不可能 跟演員的朋友談 | You can't. The casting director doesn't talk to friends. |
她只跟經紀人談 她的生活層面真狹隘啊 | -She only talks to agents. -What a sad little life she must lead. |
你在幹嘛? 我知道啦… | -What are you doing? -No,I know,I know. |
我是菲比布菲公司的凱特琳 | Hi,this is Caitlin from Phoebe Buffay's office. |
菲比可以和安談一談嗎? | Is Anne there for Phoebe? |
她自己明白是什麼事 | She'll know what it's about. |
掛掉,快掛掉… | Hang up. Hang up right |
安妮,你好 喬伊崔比亞尼有點小問題 | Annie? Hi. Listen,we've got a problem with Joey Tribbiani. |
很顯然地,他錯過了試鏡 你是轉告我們公司的哪一位? | Apparently,he missed his audition. Who did you speak to in my office? |
艾斯黛? 我真不知該拿她怎麼辦 | Estelle? I don't know what to do with her. |
就算丈夫離開,並放火燒房子 世界依舊照常運作 | So your husband leaves and burns down the apartment. The world doesn't stop. |
還有其他人受到驚嚇嗎? | Is anybody else scared? |
若喬伊錯失這次試鏡 那是艾斯黛的錯,我不管! | If Joey loses this audition,then that is it for Estelle. I don't care! |
安妮,你真善良 你何時能見他?我需要筆! | Annie,you are a doll. What time can you see him? I need a pen. Pen! |
快給這個女人一本便條紙 給她便條紙,快點! | Get the woman a pad! Get the woman a pad! A pad! A pad! |
現在你就需要便條紙啦 | Oh,now you want a pad. |
真有趣,醜陋裸男光著身子,他的狗卻穿著毛衣 | That's funny. Ugly Naked Guy's naked,but his dog's wearing a sweater. |
我的小男孩呢? | Where's my boy? |
我的小男孩在這兒 | Here's my boy! |
還有他的芭比娃娃! | And here's his Barbie! |
我兒子幹嘛玩芭比娃娃? | What's my boy doing with a Barbie? |
他自己在玩具店選的 他很喜歡呢 | He picked it out at the store. He loves it. |
他去哪兒都帶著它 就像能給他安全感的小毯子 | He carries it everywhere,like a security blanket. |
這個卻穿著雪靴 和時髦的貝雷帽 | But with ski boots and a kicky beret. |
是啊,很可愛 | Yeah,it's cute. |
再說一次 他為何要玩這個東西? | Why does he have it again? |
他有個洋娃娃,那又怎樣? | So he's got a doll. So what? |
除非你怕他將來 長大後變成… | Unless you're afraid he's gonna grow up to be... |
演藝圈的人 | ...in show business. |
這件事跟他… | This wouldn't have to do with the fact... |
被兩個女人扶養長大 有沒有關係? | ...that he's being raised by two women? |
好,若你能接受他喜歡芭比 那我也可以 | You know what? It's fine. If you're okay with the Barbie thing,so am l. |
把芭比給爸爸,芭比給我 | Give Daddy the Barbie. Give me the Barbie. |
你要不要玩怪獸車? | Don't you wanna play with a monster truck? |
不要?好吧 | No? Okay. |
那要不要恐龍士兵? | How about a Dino-Soldier? |
羅斯,你真可悲 | You are so pathetic. |
為何不讓你的兒子玩芭比? | Why can't your son just play with his doll? |
我要去上班了 | I gotta go to work. |
有人看到我左邊的胸部嗎? | Has anybody seen my left boob? |
我喜歡那部電影(《我的左腳My Left Foot》) | I loved that movie. |
在這裡,你在幹嘛? | Here it is. What are you doing? |
對不起,這樣很舒服 | I'm sorry. It just felt nice. |
去接電話 | Answer the phone. |
我只有一隻手,你應該幫我的 幫我拿件毛衣來 | I only got one arm. You should do stuff for me. Get me a sweater. |
快點接啦!是珍妮絲 | Just do it! It's Janice. |
如果我接了 我今晚就得跟她見面 | And if I get it,I'll have to see her tonight. |
那太好了 我今晚得跟她見面 | That's great. I'll have to see her tonight. |
你為何不想見她? | Why don't you want to see Janice? |
昨晚我們在吃晚餐 當餐點送來時… | Last night at dinner,when the meals came... |
她把一半烤雞肉放到我盤裡 拿走我所有的番茄 | ...she put half her chicken piccata on my plate and took all my tomatoes. |
這樣很不好是因為… | And that's bad... |
你不喜歡烤雞肉嗎? | ...because you hate chicken piccata? |
你不想與人分享你的番茄 番茄對你很重要 | You didn't want to share your tomatoes. Tomatoes are very important to you. |
突然間,我們就是“情侶”了 | Suddenly,we were this "couple." |
然後我腦袋裡的警報開始大響 | And this alarm started going off in my head. |
“為了你的人生,快跑! 快離開這棟大樓!” | "Run for your life! Get out of the building!" |
男人真是令人難以置信,珍妮絲想著給你雞肉 | Men are unbelievable.Janice thought she was giving you chicken. |
她並沒想給你嚇人的雞肉 | She didn't think she was giving you scary chicken. |
你們這些人是怎麼回事? | What is it with you people? |
心中一旦產生感情 就要馬上逃開? | The minute you feel something,you have to run away? |
我知道,那就是… | I know. That |
就是我今晚不想去的原因 我怕自己說出一些蠢話 | That's why I don't want to go tonight. I'm afraid I'll say something stupid. |
你是說男人那一套 故意冷漠,保持距離… | You mean that "guy thing" where you act mean and distant... |
直到我們提出分手? | ... until we break up with you? |
你們都知道啊? | You know about that? |
我能怎麼做? 我想度過這個階段 | What do I do? I wanna get past this. |
我不想再害怕承諾 | I don't want to be afraid of commitment. |
就像躍過一個隧道 到達另一端! | I want to go through the tunnel to the other side! |
就是不再害怕承諾 | Where there's no fear of commitment. |
我們有沒有… | Do we have any |
有沒有任何想法? | Do we have any thoughts here? |
我沒度過那種隧道啦 因為… | I've never been through the tunnel myself because... |
過隧道的規定是 你車裡不能多於一個女生 | ...you're not allowed through with more than one girl in the car. |
但我看來,跟其他事差不多 你得面對恐懼 | But it seems to me it's pretty much like anything else. Face your fear. |
你怕高的話,就到大樓頂端 | Fear of heights? Go to the top of the building. |
你怕蟲的話… | You're afraid of bugs. |
就逮一隻 | Get a bug. |
你的情況是,你害怕承諾… | You have a fear of commitment. |
你就到那裡去 做一個最勇於承諾的男人 | So I say you go in there and you be the most committed guy there ever was! |
令人訝異的是,很有道理呢 | Amazingly,that makes sense. |
你這麼覺得? 是啊,快去吧,老兄! | -Do you think? -Oh,yeah! Go for it,man! |
從高處跳下水! | Jump off the high dive! |
用目光擊退槍枝! 在風中撒尿! | Stare down the barrel of the gun! Pee into the wind! |
若我得用目光擊退槍枝… | If I'm staring down the barrel of a gun... |
我大概已經尿得到處都是了 | ...I'm gonna be pretty much peeing every which way. |
“中央公園” | CENTRAL PERK |
聽聽這個然後告訴我你們的想法 | Listen to this and tell me what you think. |
很有趣 | That's interesting. |
-親愛的? -哦,是因為這個傳呼機 | -Honey?-Oh, because it's a beeper. |
是你今天早上的試鏡! | It's your audition from this morning! |
可以借用電話嗎? | Can I use the phone? |
當然,這是緊急事件 以及冒牌經紀人專用 | Sure,that's what it's there for. Emergencies and pretend agents. |
快啊,寶貝 | Come on,baby! Come on! |
菲比布菲要回覆呼叫 | Hi. I have Phoebe Buffay returning a page. |
好,她在車上 我幫你接過去 | Okay,she's in her car. I'll have to patch you through. |
演得很好 | Very nice touch. |
好,請說吧 | Okay,go ahead. |
快說話… | Talk,talk,talk! |
安妮,你好 | Hi,Annie? |
太好了,你成功了! | Fantastic. You got it! |
你問我他願意突破尺度嗎? 我也不知道 | Will he work for scale,you ask me? Well,I don't know about that. |
除非我知道,而且他也願意 | Except that I do and he will. |
太好了,你人真好 | Great. Oh,you are such a sweetheart. |
我很願意與你共進午餐! | I would love to have lunch with you! |
不如就下個… | How about we have lunch next |
正經過隧道 | Went through a tunnel. |
難以置信 | Unbelievable. |
太感謝你了 | Oh,thank you so much! |
真有趣,我從未用過汽車電話 | It was really fun. I mean,I've never talked on a car phone before. |
你真了不起 你能不能幫我個大忙? | You are so amazing! Could you do me this huge favor? |
還有一個試鏡,我很想參加 但艾斯黛無法幫我搞定 | There's another audition I want,and Estelle couldn't get me in. |
我不知道,一次還很好玩… | I don't know. It was fun one time,but |
拜託,再一次就好了 | Please? It would just be this one more. |
其實是兩次啦 | Well,actually it's two. |
兩次? | Two? |
好啦,其實是三次 | Well,really it's three. |
拜託,你這麼厲害 我愛你 | Please? You're so good at it. I love you. |
好,就這三次了,好嗎? | Okay. But just these three,right? |
不,是四次 | No,it's four. |
你今天怎麼會想在家吃? | So how come you wanted to eat in tonight? |
因為我想… | Because I wanted... |
送你這個東西 | ...to give you this. |
你這只小狗狗 | Are you a puppy! |
接觸印相紙! | Contact paper! |
一個跟你上床的人送你… | What do you say when someone you're sleeping with... |
接觸印相紙,該說什麼? | ...gives you contact paper? |
還有呢,你看跟它搭配的… | Wait,there's more. See,the contact paper is to go... |
就是你的新抽屜! | ...in your brand new drawer! |
看,其實這個抽屜 正好與我的梳粧檯搭配 | See,the drawer actually goes in my dresser. |
你不用這麼做啊 | You didn't have to do this. |
對,我要這麼做 | Yes,I did. |
是的,我要這麼做 因為你是我的女朋友 | Yes,I did. Because you're my girlfriend... |
而女朋友就該得到這些 | ...and that's what girlfriends should get. |
我得買個母音了… | Well,I gotta buy a vowel... |
因為…哦我的天啊(oh與母音“o”同音) | ... because,oh,my God! |
誰會想的到,有一天… | Who would've thought that someday... |
錢德賓會買個抽屜給我? | ... Chandler Bing would buy me a drawer? |
我可想不到 | Well,not me. |
但事實就是這樣 而且還不只如此 | But that's what's happened. And there's more. |
我們應該去旅行 | We should take a trip. |
我們該這麼做? | We should? |
我們是情侶,情侶就該這樣 | We're a couple,and that's what couples do. |
我還要去見你爸媽 | And I wanna meet your parents. |
我們應該跟你爸媽一起去旅行 | We should take a trip with your parents! |
我想不用了 因為你已快把我搞迷糊了(與“旅行”同詞) | I don't think we need to because you're tripping me out right now! |
你還好嗎? | Are you okay? |
我很好 | No,I am. |
我真的很好 真是太不可思議了 | I actually am! This is amazing. |
我一生都在害怕這個時刻 | My entire life,I have feared this place. |
但現在時候到了 我卻覺得沒什麼大不了 | And now that I'm here,it's like,what was the big deal? |
我可能會說“我們同居吧” 卻還是若無其事 | I could probably say,"Let's move in together," and I'd be okay. |
你可能想跟我一起住? | You probably want us to move in together? |
我竟不會因此而害怕 是啊,但我會害怕! | -lt doesn't scare me! -Yeah,well it scares me! |
我根本還沒離婚! 你只是邀我來吃義大利面… | I'm not even divorced yet! You just invited me over here for pasta... |
而現在你就在說 要住在一起的事… | ...and now you're talking about moving in together. |
我其實還不太餓 | And I wasn't even that hungry. |
你知道嗎?時間有點晚了 我最好先… | You know what? It's getting really late,and I should just |
別走,我嚇著你了! 我說太多了! | Don't go! I've scared you! I've said too much! |
對於愛情,我是無藥可救 笨拙卻又充滿渴望 | I'm hopeless and awkward and desperate for love! |
珍妮絲,是我 | Hey,Janice,it's me. |
我只是想在到街上追你前 先跟你道歉 | I wanted to apologize in advance for having chased you down the street. |
拿去吧,甜心 應該有幫助的 | Here you go,honey. This will help. |
我追上她,然後她說… | So I catch up to her and she says... |
這段感情發展太快 我們得放慢腳步 | ...this relationship's going too fast and we have to slow down. |
這樣絕不是好現象 | That is never good. |
於是我就變得… | Then I got all... |
很空虛又很黏人 | ... needy and clingy. |
-你沒乞求她吧?-我說“請”了 | -You didn't beg, did you?-l said please. |
你說“請”的時候 中間的E有沒有拖長音? | Was it please with one E in the middle or lots of E's? |
哦上帝啊,我乞求她了 | Oh, dear Lord, l begged. |
等等,或許不算太糟 你們怎麼結束的? | Wait a minute. Maybe it's not so bad. How did you leave it? |
她說她會再打給我 | She said she'd call me. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
恭喜你來到我們這一邊的隧道 | Welcome to our side of the tunnel. |
對了,這個霜淇淋味道好爛 | This ice cream tastes like crap,by the way. |
因為這是低卡無乳脂 豆漿制的假霜淇淋 | Well,it's that low-cal-nondairy-soymilk junk. |
我們把真正的留到 實在無法挽留了才吃 | We save the real stuff for the truly terminal cases. |
若你一直被搞得一團糟 你就要換成低脂的 | When you're getting screwed over all the time,you gotta switch to low fat. |
沒錯,你得這麼做 | Yeah,you do. |
你不認為我已無法挽留了? | You don't think I'm terminal? |
不儘然,你並非無法挽留 我們只要防止事情惡化 | Not at all. You're not terminal. We just need some damage control. |
好,我該打電話給她嗎? 不 | Okay. Should I call her? -No |
這段時間很重要,一旦你發現 自己的手又伸向電話… | It's a critical time. If you feel yourself reaching for that phone... |
你就去購物 或者給你的屁股洗個泡泡浴 | ...go shopping,get your butt in a bubble bath. |
若你希望她回來 你就得開始表現冷漠 | If you want her back,you have got to start acting aloof. |
冷漠? | aloof? |
她必須知道 你並不空虛 | She has to know you're not needy. |
所以你要做的就是… | So what you have to do is... |
假裝不經意地碰到她… | ...you have to accidentally run into her on purpose... |
然後表現得很冷漠 | ...and then act aloof. |
-然後就會很順利? -我想是這樣的 | -And then l'll be okay?-Yeah. l think so. |
這樣我就不會失去她了? | So I'm not gonna lose her? |
甜心,你不是個失敗者啊(與“失去她”諧音) | Oh,honey,you're not a total loser. |
我是說 “我就不會失去她了?” | I said,"So I'm not gonna lose her?" |
看看誰來了! | Guess who's here! |
是玩具王國裡 最勇敢的人,班! | It's the toughest guy in Toyland,Ben! |
真正的美國英雄 我是大兵喬(又譯“特種部隊”)! | Real American hero I'm G.I. Joe! |
把芭比娃娃放下… | Drop the Barbie. Drop the Barbie. |
大兵喬? | G.I. Joe? |
你真的覺得他會 喜歡那玩意兒? | You really think he'll fall for that? |
大兵喬? | G.I. Joe? |
好棒,我可以玩嗎? | Cool! Can I play? |
班,你看,這個玩具 保護了美國海外油股! | Look,Ben! It's a toy that protects U.S. oil interests overseas! |
加油,喬! | Go,Joe! |
菲比,你在這兒啊 不,我不是,抱歉 | -There you are! -No,it's not. Sorry. |
菲比,等等… | But,Phoebe,wait,wait. Phoebe! |
喬伊啊,我剛沒認出你來… | Oh,Joey! Oh,okay! See,I didn't recognize you... |
因為你穿著這條褲子 | ...in those pants. |
我參加試鏡的電視電影有任何回音嗎? | That TV movie I went in for,did you hear anything? |
我想我應該很有機會的 | I think I got a shot at it. |
對,他們打來了 你沒有入選 | Yes,they called! You didn't get it! |
好嗎?我是說你落選了 對不起… | Okay? I mean,you didn't get it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. |
沒關係 這種事本來就會發生 | That's okay. These things happen. |
但是不應該發生,你知道嗎? | But they shouldn't happen. You know what? |
你進的這一行 真的好可怕 | You're in a terrible,terrible business. |
我不想成為 那個讓你難過的人 | I don't want to be the person who makes you look like that. |
我沒事的,你看 | I'm okay. See? |
你看起來很難過並且毛骨悚然 | Now you're sad and creepy. |
我很抱歉,我要辭職 | I'm sorry. I quit. |
不,你不能辭職! 你是我遇過最好的經紀人 | No,no,you can't quit! You're the best agent I ever had. |
當一個演員本來就會被拒絕 你不能過於自責 | Rejection is part of being an actor. You can't take it personal. |
他們說沒遇過一個義大利演員 有這麼怪的義大利腔 | They said they'd never met an ltalian actor with a worse ltalian accent. |
他們真的這麼說? | They actually said that? |
天啊,又是那種表情 你看,我不能做這個工作 | Oh,God,there's that face again. See? I can't do this job! |
這就是為何你得做這份工作 | This is why you have to do this job! |
經紀人都得說謊 | Agents always lie. |
艾斯黛總是說 “他們要另一種方式” | Estelle just says stuff like,"They went another way." |
但是這一點嘛,我可以改進 | But this? I can use this. |
我可以學一種新的腔調 | I can work on a new accent. |
好,若對你有幫助,那就好了 | Yeah,okay. If it helps you,okay. Yeah. |
你抓不到我,喬! | You'll never get me,Joe! |
不用了,謝謝 | No,thank you. |
-錢德?-你好,珍妮絲 | -Chandler? -Hello,Janice |
你在這裡幹什麼? | What are you doing here? |
只是買買東西而已 | Just a bit of shopping. |
你還好嗎? | How have you been? |
你在裝英國腔嗎? | Are you being British? |
再也不會了 | Not anymore. |
你怎麼在這裡買東西? 你又不住在這一帶 | Why are you shopping here? You don't live in this neighborhood. |
你是不是在這裡等我? | Were you here waiting for me? |
我只是… | I'm just... |
要買一點派對用的東西 | ... picking up some things for a party. |
大麥? | Barley? |
什麼樣的派對會供應大麥? | What kind of party serves barley? |
很抱歉,我的朋友 不像你朋友那麼有水準 | I'm sorry if my friends aren't as sophisticated as yours. |
派對在哪裡舉行? | Where is this party? |
就在切爾西 | Here in Chelsea. |
是誰的派對 | Whose party is it? |
一個女人 | A woman's. |
哪個女人? | What woman? |
切爾西 | Chelsea. |
或者你是背著我跟別人約會… | Either you're seeing somebody behind my back... |
然後成了世界第一混蛋… | ...which would make you the world's biggest jerk... |
或者就是你假裝跟別人約會… | ...or you're pretending to see somebody... |
讓你成為最可悲的人 我會立刻在此為你哭泣 | ...which makes you so pathetic I could cry right here! |
這兩種男人,你想當哪一種? | So which of these two guys do you want to be? |
我可以當那個人嗎? | Can I be that guy? |
我們收到很多善意的拒絕 有很多地方要改進 | Okay,we got some more good rejections. Lots of stuff to work on. |
好,說吧 | Okay. Shoot. |
好,那個動物園廣告 | Okay. Oh,the zoo commercial. |
我沒得到那個角色? | I didn't get it? |
他們說你簡直不像個人類 | They said that you "weren't believable as a human being." |
所以你可以針對這一點改進 | So you can work on that. |
很好 | Great. |
還有呢? | What else? |
那些非百老匯戲劇界的人 說你好看可是很笨 | The off-Broadway-play people said that you were "pretty but dumb." |
等等,對不起 他們是說你好笨 | Oh,no wait. I'm sorry. That's "pretty dumb." |
看,沒關係啊 不…是真的 | Look,it's okay,no,no,no. Really. |
聽著… | Look... |
我很感謝你… | ... I really appreciate this... |
但我還是回去找艾斯黛好了 | ... but I'm gonna have to go back to Estelle. |
別誤會 你當經紀人當得比她好… | Don't get me wrong. You're a better agent than she is... |
至少我跟著她 我這非常笨的腦袋還保得住 | ... but at least with her,I don't want to blow my pretty dumb brains out. |
是的,不,我能瞭解 | Yeah,no,I understand. |
你可以嗎?謝謝你 | You do? Thanks. Okay. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
你是不是故意編這些出來 就不用當我的經紀人了? | Did you make all that stuff up to get out of being my agent? |
被你發現了 | Oh,he caught me. |
我真失敗! | I am so busted! |
我就是這麼懷疑的 | That's what I suspected! |
然後我只好… | And then I just,you know... |
把一袋大麥丟到她身上 然後逃出那間店 | ...threw the bag of barley at her and ran out of the store. |
天啊,我們叫你表現冷漠 不是像個笨蛋 | My God,Chandler,we said be "aloof," not "a doof." |
我這次真的搞砸了,對吧? | I've actually ruined this,haven't l? |
這次可以吃 真正的霜淇淋了嗎? | Is it time for the good ice cream now? |
-是時候了 -沒錯,可以了 | -It's time -Yeah,it is. |
你知道嗎?一切都沒問題的 知道為什麼嗎 | You know what? Everything's gonna be okay.You know why? |
因為這樣你就可以增肥65克了 | Because you got 65 grams of fat coming your way. |
珍妮絲,你可以等一下嗎? | Can you hold on for a second? |
好,我該怎麼辦? | What do I do? |
我不知道,這是史無前例的 | I don't know. This is unprecedented. |
若我們做出像你一樣的事 男人絕不會再打來了 | If we did what you did,a man would never call. |
我知道了,假裝你剛睡醒 這樣就可以擺脫她了 | I got it! Pretend you just woke up. That'll throw her off! |
睡意惺忪! 對,脾氣暴躁! | -Be sleepy! -Yes! And grumpy! |
你們怎麼…? 別開始數小矮人的名字(《白雪公主》的小矮人的名字) | What are you? Stop naming dwarfs! |
我很高興你打來 | I'm so glad that you called. |
我知道我最近的表現很怪… | I know I've been acting really weird lately... |
那是因為我太愛你了 | ...and it's just because I'm crazy about you... |
我就變得很蠢,又很害怕… | ...and I just got stupid and scared... |
然後就變得非常笨 | ...and stupid a couple more times. |
我很抱歉 | And I'm sorry. |
真的? | Really? |
真的? | Really? |
他真幸運,若珍妮絲是男的… | He's so lucky. If Janice were a guy... |
她現在已經跟別人上床了 | ...she'd be sleeping with somebody else by now. |
我也愛你 | I love you too. |
真是太不公平了! | It's so unfair! |
大兵喬…? | G. I. Joe? G. I. Joe?! |
我不知如何告訴你們 但他真的選了這個玩具 | I don't know what to tell you guys. That's the doll he chose. |
你怎麼做的? 把玩具沾糖嗎? | What'd you do,dip it in sugar? |
聽著,大兵喬獲勝 芭比娃娃出局了 | Look,G. I. Joe's in,Barbie's out. |
如果你們不能接受 那你們就太糟糕了 | And if you guys can't deal with it,that's just your too bad. |
你幹嘛這麼小家子氣 他有個芭比,有什麼大不了? | What are you being such a weenie for? So he has a Barbie. Big deal. |
你以前都打扮得像女生 | You used to dress up like a woman. |
什麼? | What? |
你以前都穿媽的衣服啊 | The way you used to dress up in Mom's clothes? |
你在說什麼啊? | What are you talking about? |
寬帽子、珍珠、粉紅小手提包 | The big hat,the pearls,the little pink handbag? |
好,這些都是你編出來的 | Okay. You are totally making this up. |
你怎麼可能不記得? | How can you not remember? |
你還要我們叫你“碧”啊 | You made us call you "Bea"? |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
我真的從沒這麼快樂過 | I've literally never been this happy. |
不是還有一首歌嗎? | Wasn't there a little song? |
拜託,老天,來一首歌吧 | Oh,please,God,let there be a song. |
根本沒有什麼歌… | There was no song. There was no song. |
我是碧 | I am Bea |
我喝茶 夠了! | -I drink tea -That's enough. |
你要不要… | Won't you.... |
你要不要… | Won't you.... |
你要不要… | Won't you.... |
你要不要在我身旁跳舞? | Won't you dance around with me? |
我是碧 | I am Bea |
我喝茶 | I drink tea |
你要不要在我身旁跳舞… | Won't you dance around with? |
羅斯? | Ross? |
怎麼回事,森林惹到你了? | So what happened? Did a forest tick you off? |
我們一直說需要一個放信件的地方 | We always say we need a place for the mail. |
所以我就動工了,然後呢 我決定更上一層樓 | I started building one. But then I decided to take it to the next step. |
你要蓋郵局? | You're building a post office? |
不是,是一個娛樂專用櫃 內含信件櫃 | No,an entertainment unit,with a built-in mail cubby. |
頂多一天就能搞定 好 | It's a one-day job,max. |
天呐,還真貼身啊 | My word,those are snug! |
這是我的舊工作褲 | These are my old work pants. |
“塞爾吉奧瓦倫特” | Sergio Valente. |
剛才電鋸有點失控 | Power saw kind of got away from me there. |
本集播出:小弗蘭克 | The One With Frank Jr. |
菲比,你弟出現了嗎? | Hey,Pheebs. Any sign of your brother? |
還沒,不過他很愛遲到 | No,but he's always late. |
你不是只見過他一次? 是啊 | -I thought you only met him once. -I did. |
這樣講很像姐姐的樣子 “弗蘭克老是遲到” | I think it sounds big sister-y,"Frank's always late." |
別急,他會來的 | Well,relax. He'll be here. |
我知道,我只是很緊張 | I know. I'm just nervous. |
我媽死了,我不和我姐說話 | It's just,Mom's dead,don't talk to my sister... |
外婆最近都在睡覺 | ...Grandma's been sleeping a lot lately. |
這是我擁有家人的最後機會 | It's just the "last-desperate- chance-to-have-a-family" kind of thing. |
你真好,還陪我等 | You're sweet to wait with me. |
事實上,是甘瑟叫我來的 杯子不能拿出來 | Actually,Gunther sent me. You're not allowed to have cups out here. |
還有誰覺得大衛科波菲爾(魔術大師)可愛? | Does anyone else think David Copperfield's cute? |
沒有,不過他告訴我 他覺得你是個迷人的時髦女郎 | No. But he told me he thinks you're a fox. |
珍妮絲喜歡他 | All right. Janice likes him. |
事實上,她非常喜歡他 把他放進她的“免費贈品”名單裡 | In fact,she likes him so much,she put him on her "freebie" list. |
她的什麼? | Her what? |
我們說好 一人可以挑五個名人上床 | We have a deal where we each pick five celebrities we could sleep with... |
另一個人不准生氣 | ...and the other one can't get mad. |
每一對兒健康男女關係的中心是: | The heart of every healthy relationship: |
誠實、尊重、與名人上床 | Honesty,respect and sex with celebrities. |
你的名單有誰? | So who's on your list? |
金貝辛格(名模、影星) | IKim Basinger... |
辛蒂克勞馥(名模)、哈利貝瑞(黑人女星) | ... Cindy Crawford,Halle Berry... |
傑絲敏布麗絲(《海灘遊俠》中的角色) | ...Yasmine Bleeth... |
和兔子潔西嘉(著名卡通兔子明星) | ...and Jessica Rabbit. |
你知道她是卡通人物 而且和你不是一個物種吧? | You do realize that she is a cartoon,and way out of your league? |
我知道,我是看看 我能不能讓她的眼珠彈出來 | I know. I just wonder if I could get her eyes to pop out of her head. |
這真是個好主意 | That's such a great thing. |
如果我當初也有這麼一個名單的話,安妮也不會甩了我 | Annie Esposito would never have dumped me had we had a list like this. |
還有,當然了,如果她妹妹是名人的話 | And also, of course,if her sister was famous. |
莫妮卡,你會選誰? | Who would yours be? |
我得先交男朋友,才能列名單 | First,I need a boyfriend. Then I can have a list. |
只是個遊戲,莫 | It's just a game,Mon. |
瑞秋,你呢? | Rach,how about you? |
不曉得,應該是克裡斯奧唐納(《蝙蝠俠與羅賓》) 小約翰F甘迺迪(前總統甘迺迪的兒子) | I don't know. I guess Chris O'Donnell,John F.Kennedy Jr... |
丹尼爾戴路易士(《我的左腳》)、史汀(搖滾歌手) 和帕克斯蒂文森(《硬漢》) | ... Daniel Day-Lewis,Sting and Parker Stevenson. |
《蜘蛛俠》?(是彼得派克主演) | Spiderman? |
《硬漢》 | Hardy Boy. |
是彼得派克 謝謝 | -Peter Parker. -Thank you. |
你呢?你會選誰? | What about you,honey? Who'd be on your list? |
這種事需要深思熟慮 | That kind of thing requires some serious thought. |
我會先把可能人選分門別類 | First,I'd divide my prospective candidates into categories. |
怪人 | What a geek! |
各位,這是弗蘭克 我同父異母的弟弟 | Everybody,this is Frank! My half brother,Frank! |
就是他們 | This is everybody. |
這是羅斯 你好嗎? | -This is Ross. -How are you? |
錢德 喬伊 | Chandler,Joey |
這是莫妮卡 | This is Monica. |
這是瑞秋 | And this is Rachel. |
我去點咖啡 | I'm gonna get coffee for us. |
你們男人怎麼有心思做得了事? | Hey,how do you guys get anything done? |
我們是沒做什麼事 | We don't,really. |
你們有什麼計畫嗎? | Do you guys have big plans? |
有,我們要好好的聯絡感情 | Oh,yeah. We're gonna connect and bond and everything. |
我們會去時代廣場 買幾個忍者明星 | I thought we could go down to Times Square and pick up some ninja stars. |
我朋友賴瑞托我拍妓女的照片 | My friend,Larry,he wants me to take a picture of a hooker. |
我們都沒有充分利用住在這裡的優勢 | We really don't take advantage of living in the city. |
抱歉,我鑽到你了? | Oh,sorry. Did I get you? |
沒有,你沒有鑽到我 | No,you didn't "get" me! |
那是電鑽 | It's an electric drill! |
你要是鑽到我,我就死了 | You "get" me,you kill me! |
別激動 你要不要這個櫃子嘛? | Calm down! Do you want this unit or not? |
我不要這個櫃子 | I do not want this unit! |
你應該早告訴我的,我又不會讀心術 | You should've told me before. I'm not a mind reader. |
沒有啤酒了,我要去莫妮卡那邊 | And we're out of beer. I'm going to Monica's. |
很好 | Fine! |
你穿這樣要去哪裡? 1982年? | Where you heading in those pants? 1982? |
對了,我在裝潢建材店 看到名牌瓷磚在特價 | I saw down at the hardware store,they got those designer tiles on sale... |
你可以重鋪浴室地板 | ...if you wanna redo your bathroom floor. |
我的浴室地板怎麼了? | What's wrong with my bathroom floor? |
沒什麼,只是又舊又暗 | Nothing. It's just old and dingy,that's all. |
沒有這回事 | I highly doubt that. |
你把筐移開… | If you move your hamper... |
就能看到瓷磚原來的顏色 | ...you see how the tile used to be. |
這樣我怎麼住!怎麼辦? | I can't live like this! What are we gonna do? |
別激動,拿著 | Relax. Here,hold this. |
瓷磚一撬就掉,我弄給你看 | This old stuff comes right up. I'll show you. |
我沒想到你要撬它 | A little more than I wanted to see. |
你看看,黏得多死啊 | Look at that! Every inch of this is glued down! |
撬也撬不完,我看你別管了 | It'd take forever to pry this up. You should just leave it. |
怎麼能不管 你在我的舊地板上撬了個洞 | I can't leave it! You gouged a hole in my dingy floor! |
這樣就好了 | There. There you go. |
挺好的 | Yeah,that's nice. |
等外科醫生把這個從你的結腸取出來之後就可以放回原位了 | We can put it back there after the surgeons remove it from your colon! |
還我一個新地板 | Give me a new floor! |
不行,我要是完不成那個櫃子錢德會殺了我 | l can't. Chandler will kill me if l don't finish the unit. |
-我會付你雙倍於他給你的價格 -他沒給我錢 | -l'll pay you double what he's paying you.-He's not paying me anything. |
三倍 | Triple. |
什麼? 我知道我要問什麼了 你會捲舌頭嗎? | What? I know what I wanted to ask you. Can you roll your tongue? |
因為我會,但是我媽不會 | Because I can and my mom couldn't. |
我想那一定是爸的遺傳 | And I figured that was something I got from our dad. |
等一下,你是說這樣? | Well,wait,you mean like this? |
對,你也會 | Yeah,you can do it too. Yeah. |
你沒有卷啊 | You're not doing it. |
好吧 所以是我媽會,我不會 | Oh,right. Okay. Yeah,my mom could and I can't. |
我們這一點不一樣 | We don't have that. |
你的生日是哪一天? | When's your birthday? |
2月16日 | February 16th. |
我認識一個18日的人 | I know a guy who's the 18th. |
蠻近的 | That's close. |
你的生日呢? | When's yours? |
10月25日 | October 25th. |
跟萬聖節同一個月 | That's the same month as Halloween. |
你在家裡喜歡做什麼? | So what kind of things do you like to do at home? |
熔化東西 | Melt stuff. |
好,我已經挑了三個 三個什麼? | -Okay,I've got three of my five. -Three of your five what? |
可以上床的名人 | Celebrities I'm allowed to sleep with. |
天哪,你還真慎重 | God,you're giving this a lot of thought. |
很難挑好嗎?我只剩兩個空缺 | Hey,it's hard,okay? I only have two spots left. |
你篩選出誰了? | All right. Who you got it narrowed down to? |
伊莉莎白赫莉(性感明星) | Elizabeth Hurley. |
很迷人 | Very attractive. |
心胸寬大 | Forgiving. |
蘇珊莎蘭登(演技派明星) | Susan Sarandon. |
她太熱衷政治了 | You know what? She's too political. |
她可能會叫你先捐四個罐頭 | She'd probably make you donate four cans of food first. |
還有伊莎貝拉羅塞裡尼(影星英格麗褒曼的女兒,久居歐洲) | And lsabella Rossellini. |
很辣、很性感 | Very hot. Very sexy. |
但是太國際化了 她不會跑來美國的 | But she's too international. She's never gonna be around. |
所以呢? 所以你得掌握勝算 | -So? -So you gotta play the odds. |
挑一個會一直在國內的人 | Pick somebody who's gonna be in the country all the time. |
對啊,你之所以得不到她 是地理因素 | Yeah. Because that's why you won't get lsabella Rossellini. Geography. |
你說的“熔化”就是熔化啊 | Okay. So by "melting" you meant melting. |
這是藝術嗎? | So is it,like,art? |
要熔化藝術也可以 | Yeah,you can melt art. |
可以借個電話嗎? | Hey,can I use your phone? |
當然,你要打給你媽? 不是,我想拿來熔化 | -Sure. You want to call your mom? -No,I want to melt it. |
只溶化數位鍵,這樣電話還能用 | Just the numbers.lt will still work. |
現在不行 | Oh. Well,not right now. |
我要去睡了,煙熏得我頭痛 | I'm gonna go to bed. The fumes are giving me a headache. So.... |
晚安,老弟 | Good night,"bro." |
晚安 | Good night. |
拿去 | Here. |
以防萬一 | Just in case. |
太好了 | Oh,excellent! |
那是什麼空手道? 什麼都不是 | -What kind of karate is that? -No kind. |
那是他自創的 | He just makes it up. |
你們處得怎樣? 目前為止還是蠻爛的 | -How's it going with you guys? -So far it kind of blows. |
我以為他會更有兄弟的感覺 | I don't know,I just thought he'd feel more like a brother. |
就像你和羅斯,親密融洽 | Like you and Ross. Close and connected and.... |
現在是很親,但是以前 | We're close now. You wouldn't believe the years... |
我們又吵又打,又拉又扯 | ...of noogies,and wedgies,and flying wedgies,and atomic wedgies and.... |
然後裙子就會被扯到頭上來 | That's when the waistband goes over your head. |
我們還玩影子遊戲讓對方發狂 | We drove each other crazy playing the shadow game. |
什麼是影子遊戲? 什麼是影子遊戲? | -How do you play the shadow game? -How do you play the shadow game? |
我在問你啊 我在問你啊 | -I just asked you. -I just asked you. |
我沒空跟你鬧 | I don't have time for this. |
這就是影子遊戲 你放棄得真快 | -That is what the game is. -You just gave up really quickly. |
有看到喬伊嗎? 怎麼了? | -Seen Joey? -What's the matter? |
就是這個 | Oh,just this! |
其實是我不好 沙發就是用來放亮光漆的 | It's my fault,really,because the couch is where we keep the varnish. |
有沒有人把瓷磚拿給我 | Somebody wanna hand me one of those tiles? |
怎麼回事? 他在幫我重鋪地板 | -What's going on? -He's retiling my floor. |
泥水匠 | Spackle boy! |
給我起來 你要有始有終 | -Get up! -You started this,you'll finish it! |
是我先受害的 | He started mine first! |
辛德瑞拉(灰姑娘),去做櫃子 辛德瑞拉,去鋪瓷磚 | Build the unit,Cinderellie Lay the tile,Cinderellie |
-他先幫我弄的 -不,我需要浴室,我是女生 | -He was helping me first.-No, l need a bathroom. l'm a girl! |
你們自己商量,我先休息一會兒 | You guys figure it out.l'm taking a break. |
-很好 -休息一會兒? | -That's good.-Take a break? |
是的,我認為就算是上帝也會在第七天休息一下(《聖經》創世紀) | Yeah. l think even God rested on the seventh day. |
喬伊,如果這個需要花七天… | Joey, if this takes seven days... |
你會去見上帝,然後自己問他關於這個的事情 | ...you'll be able to meet God and ask him about it yourself. |
大章魚 | Big octopus. |
天哪,我都忘了 | Oh,my God! I totally forgot! |
不能找別人嗎? | Well,can't someone else do it? |
但是我有客人 | But I have company. |
沒關係,我去 | Look,that's all right. I'll come in. |
對不起,我得去工作 | I'm sorry,but I have to go into work. |
我的一個熟客堅持要讓我做 | It's one of my regulars who's insisting that I do him,so.... |
你在做什麼工作? | Hey,what kind of work do you do? |
我是按摩師 | I'm a masseuse. |
我幫客人按摩 | I give people massages and stuff. |
你在按摩院工作? | You work at one of those massage parlors? |
我們不那樣叫,不過沒錯 | Well,you know,we don't call it that. But,yeah. |
好勁爆 | That's wild. |
我完全不知道 | No,I had no idea. |
好吧 | Alrighty. |
我過一會兒就回來 | I'll be back in a little bit. |
除非你想跟我去 | Unless you want to come with me. |
你是說去看嗎? | You mean,like,watch? |
不是,你也可以接受服務 而且是免費招待 | No. No,you can get one yourself. It'll be on the house. |
不然要姐姐幹什麼? | What are big sisters for? |
我並不想這個…,你知道的 | Well,I don't think this. You know? |
不…我不會親自招呼你 | No. No,no. I wouldn't do you myself. |
那樣很奇怪 | I mean,that would be weird. |
我會請其他小姐來為你做 | I'll get one of the other girls to do it. |
真好玩 | This is so much fun! |
你興奮嗎? 是的 | Are you excited? |
莫妮卡和瑞秋 也在那裡工作嗎? | Hey,do Monica and Rachel work there? |
好漂亮 | It's beautiful! |
就跟之前地板的樣子一樣 | It's like the first bathroom floor there ever was! |
你想進去幹什麼? | What are you going in there for? |
你想一起嗎? | You want,like,a number? |
再見 | Hi. Bye. |
好,我選好了 | Okay. I'm done with my choices. |
這是最後名單 | These are final. |
你也該選好了 對啊,好正式 | -Well,it's about time. -Yeah. Very official. |
對,這是錢德用他的電腦列印的 | Oh,yeah. Well,you know,Chandler printed it up on his computer. |
誰拿去壓膜的? | And who laminated it? |
是我 | That was me. |
拿來我看看 | All right,let me see. |
烏瑪瑟曼(《殺死比爾》)、薇諾娜瑞德(《純真年代》) 伊莉莎白赫莉 | "Uma Thurman,Winona Ryder,Elizabeth Hurley... |
蜜雪兒法伊弗(《純真年代》) | ... Michelle Pfeiffer... |
桃樂西哈米爾?(滑冰名將) | ... Dorothy Hamill"? |
這是我的名單 | Hey,it's my list! |
你知道她只有在冰上 才會一直轉吧? | You do realize she only spins like that on ice? |
怎麼了? 她扭斷了我的手 | -What's going on? -She broke my arm! |
他摸我的屁股 是她先摸我的 | -He touched my fanny. -She touched mine first! |
那是我的工作 | That's my job! |
什麼意思? 我可以跟你做愛,卻不能摸你? | So what's the deal? I can have sex with you but I can't touch you? |
你不能跟她做愛 你以為我是妓女? | -You can't have sex with her! -Did you think I was a hooker? |
不,我知道你是按摩師 冷靜點,我又不是員警 | No,okay. I know. You're a masseuse. It's cool. I'm not a cop! |
你去請威佛先生等5分鐘 | Ask Mr. Wiffler if he can wait for five minutes. |
好 | Fine. |
我不喜歡你 | I don't like you. |
你以為我是幹那行的?天哪! | So that's what you thought I did? God! |
我不是幹那行的 | That's not what I do! |
你不是幹那行的? | Wait,that's not what you do? |
不是 | No! |
你怎麼會這麼想? | Why would you think that? |
不知道,這是城裡嘛 | I don't know. This is the city,you know? I just.... |
我是說… | I mean... |
我不知道 | ... I don't know. |
隨便,好一個完美的週末 完美的句點 | Whatever. It's the perfect end to the perfect weekend anyway. |
等一下 | Oh,wait. |
你說得沒錯,真的很完美 | No,you're right. No,it was perfect. |
我居然把它搞砸了 | I can't believe I screwed it up so bad. |
你覺得很完美? | You thought it was perfect? |
也許稱不上完美 | Well,no,maybe it wasn't perfect... |
但還是很酷 | ... but you know,it was pretty cool,you know? |
我們聊得那麼愉快 | Because we had all those great talks,you know? |
你覺得哪一次特別愉快? | Which ones in particular were great for you? |
就是捲舌頭的事 | Well,you know,about the tongue thing,you know? |
還有我告訴你 我喜歡什麼,討厭什麼 | And how I told you about my likes and my dislikes. |
我喜歡熔化東西 不喜歡不能熔化的東西 | How I like to melt stuff,and how I dislike stuff that doesn't melt. |
對,好 | Right. Okay. |
我有話都能對你說 因為你是我姐姐 | I feel like I can really talk to you because you're my sister,you know? |
是啊,大概吧 | Yeah. I guess I do. |
結果我卻摸你朋友 惹你生氣 | And then I go feel your friend up and make you mad at me. |
我也沒有氣得跳起來 | Well,I wasn't hopping mad,you know? |
你有跳一、兩下 | You hopped a little bit. |
我真的很抱歉 | Yeah,I'm really sorry. You know,I'm really.... |
算了 | Okay. |
我覺得現在這一刻最棒了 | Well,this is my favorite part of the weekend. Right now. This. |
現在? | This? |
拜託,我們去了時代廣場 | Oh,come on. We went to Times Square. |
買到忍者明星 我差點被妓女扭斷手 | We found ninja stars. I almost get my arm broken by a hooker |
她不是妓女 | She's not a hooker. |
我跟朋友吹噓時,她就是 | When I tell my friends about her,she will be. |
菲比,那是什麼 | Phoebe, what's that? |
小弗蘭克臨走前給我的,一件禮物 | Frank Jr. gave me this before he left.A present. |
以前是屬於我爸的,他開車庫門用的 | lt used to belong to our dad.His garage-door opener. |
直到弗蘭克熔化了它 | Until Frank melted it. |
酷 | Cool! |
鈴聲響起,集合所有能找到的人 | Sound the bell, gather up all the men you can find. |
我們自己要把娛樂櫃舉起來 | We got ourselves an entertainment unit raising. |
不 說真的,你們能幫我們嗎 | No, seriously,can you help us? |
數到三 | On 3! |
一、二… | 1,2 |
為什麼不數到二? | Why don't we just go on 2? |
為什麼? | Why 2? |
這樣比較快 | Because it's faster. |
如果沒有關於“二”的對話,我都已經數到三 四遍了 | I could've counted to 3 four times without all the "2" talk. |
好,但是以後… 這個櫃子很重,不會變輕的! | -All right,but in the future -Heavy thing! Not getting lighter! |
一、二… | 1,2 |
所以要數到二嗎? | So we are going with two? |
喬伊,幹得好 | A good job,Joe. |
哇 | Wow. |
好大 | It's big. |
是很大,顯得我們的門看起來小了 | So big it actually makes our doors look smaller. |
可能是量尺有問題 | Maybe my ruler's wrong. |
可能所有的量尺都有問題 | Maybe all the rulers are wrong. |
還好嘛,你的擋一點點 我的擋一點點 | It's not that bad. So it blocks a little of your door,a little of mine. |
我有更好的主意 | I got a better idea. |
乾脆不要擋我的,都去擋你的 | How about it blocks none of my door,and a lot of your door? |
聽著,趁著我還記得,那邊油漆未幹 | Listen,before I forget,that side is still wet. |
衣服上的毛粘住了… | Arm hair stuck! |
我跟你確認一下 | Let me just see if I've got this right. |
是咖啡因減半、中大杯 少許榛果 | So this is a half-caf,double-tall,easy hazelnut... |
脫脂牛奶、不要奶泡、要打過 要非常燙的拿鐵,對吧? | ... nonfat,no foam,with whip,extra-hot latte,right? |
太好了 | Okay. Great. |
變態 | You freak. |
伊莎貝拉羅塞裡尼 | Isabella Rossellini |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
一杯咖啡外帶 | A coffee to go,please. |
是伊莎貝拉羅塞裡尼! | Isabella Rossellini! |
不會吧?天哪! | Are you serious? Oh,my God! |
該死!我居然把她從我的名單刪掉 | Damn! I cannot believe I took her off my list! |
怎麼?不然你會行動嗎? | Why? Because otherwise you'd go for it? |
也許 | Yeah,maybe. |
騙人 | You lie. |
你不認為我會行動? | You don't think I'd go up to her? |
你花了十年承認你喜歡我 | It took you 10 years to finally admit you liked me. |
是嗎?小姑娘,你最好慶倖 這份名單已經壓膜了 | Yeah? Well,missy,you better be glad that list is laminated. |
這樣吧,你過去 就當她是候補人選 | You know what,honey? You go ahead. We'll call her an alternate. |
好,幫我拿油煎餅 | Hold my cruller. |
你真的要讓他去? | Are you really gonna let him do this? |
親愛的,他要去泡伊莎貝拉羅塞裡尼耶 | He's about to go hit on lsabella Rossellini. |
可惜沒有爆米花可吃 | I'm just sorry we don't got popcorn. |
你好,我是羅斯 | I'm Ross. |
你不認識我 但我是你的超級影迷 | You don't know me,but I'm a big,big fan of yours. |
我是說… | I mean... |
《藍絲絨》(一部粗俗血腥暴力性亂的爭議電影) | ...Blue Velvet. |
我能不能請你喝一杯咖啡? | I was wondering if I could maybe buy you a cup of coffee. |
或是把錢還給你 | Or reimburse you for that one. |
你不是跟那個女生一對兒? | Aren't you with that girl over there? |
算是啦 | Well,yeah,kind of. |
但是沒關係,我們相互理解 | But that's okay. We have an understanding. |
我們都有一份五個名人的名單 你就在我的名單上 | We each have this list of five famous people,and you were one of mine. |
所以她允許我可以跟你上床 | So I'm allowed to sleep with you. |
這是恭維 | It's flattering. |
還是算了 | I don't know |
等一下嘛,伊莎貝拉 | Wait. Wait,lsabella. |
先別急著否決 這可是千載難逢的機會 | Don't dismiss this so fast. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. |
對你而言 | Yeah,for you. |
這就是名單? | Is that the list? |
我可以看嗎? | -Yes. -Can I see it? |
看一下嘛 好吧 | -Come on. -But Okay. |
我不在名單上 | I'm not on the list! |
這不是定稿 | But that's not the final draft. |
都壓膜了 | It's laminated. |
對,好吧,你本來在名單上 | Okay,see,you were on my list. |
但是我的朋友錢德… | But then my friend,Chandler... |
指出你太國際化了 | ... brought up the point that you are international. |
所以我拿薇諾娜瑞德 取代你,本國的 | So I bumped you for Winona Ryder. Local. |
真是太諷刺了 因為我也有一份名單 | You know,it's ironic,because I have a list... |
列了五個咖啡店蠢人 | ...of five goofy coffeehouse guys. |
就在昨天,那個人取代了你 | And yesterday,I just bumped you for that guy over there. |
我們當朋友就好了 | We're just gonna be friends. |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我賭我塞得進去 | Bet you I could fit in there. |
我拿5元賭你塞不進去 | I got five bucks says you can't. |
掏支票吧,先生 | Get out your checkbook,mister. |
我有現金 | Oh,I think I have the cash. |
你這個失敗者,老兄 | You are dog,man! |
我塞得剛剛好 | I totally fit! |
是啊,被你贏了 | Yeah. You got me. |
我輸了5元大鈔 | I'm out five big ones. |
拿去吧 | There you go. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
贏了 | Cha-ching! |
林肯先生,你好(紙幣上有林肯的頭像) | Oh,well,hello,Mr. Lincoln! |
祝你下次好運,夥計 | Better luck next time,buddy! |
酒錢由我出 | And the drinks are on me! |
珍妮絲有一個問題 你們六人當中有哪一個人 | Janice has a question. Who of the six of you... |
跟你們當中的另一個人睡過? | ... has slept with who of the six of you? |
好下流的數學問題 | Wow,it's like a dirty math problem. |
很抱歉,答案是一個也沒有 | I'm sorry,the answer there would be none of us. |
是的,知道嗎,如果那個不馬上改變的話 | Yeah. You know what?lf that doesn't change soon... |
我將為了別人把你給轟出去 | ...l'm going to dump you for somebody who puts out. |
這幾年下來 你們都沒有喝醉做蠢事? | Over the years,none of you ever got drunk and stupid? |
這可完全不是同一個問題 | Well,that's really a different question. |
想不到一群成天混在一起的人 | I can't believe a group of people who spends this much time together... |
居然沒做過醜事 | ... has never bumped uglies. |
莫妮卡曾經和瑞秋在一起 | There was that one time Monica and Rachel got together. |
什麼? | What? |
很抱歉,沒有那回事 | Excuse me,there was no "time." |
那就假設有 | Okay,but let's say there was. |
會怎麼樣? | How might that go? |
那就告訴我 | Well then answer me this: |
你們有沒有差一點…? | Have any of you ever almost...? |
還有誰要咖啡? 外面有狗狗 | -Anybody need more coffee? -Hey,there's a dog out there! |
本集播出:“倒敘” | The One With the Flashback |
“三年前” | |
太可惜了? 怎麼了? | -That is so unfortunate. -What? |
可愛裸男越來越胖 | Cute Naked Guy's starting to put on weight. |
我馬上回來 | I'll be back in just a minute. |
菲比,抱歉 我的口紅印到電話筒了 | I'm sorry that I left lipstick marks on the phone. |
你沒有啊 | You didn't leave lipstick marks on the phone. |
那就是你囉,再見 | Then it must have been you. Bye. |
再見 | Bye-bye. |
所以我才要搬走 說到這件事 | -That's why I moved out. -Hey,while we're on that... |
你幾時要告訴我妹妹 你不住這裡了? | ...when are you gonna tell my sister you don't live here anymore? |
在某些層面上,她已經知道了 | On some level,she already knows. |
她並不知道你每天晚上溜出去 | She doesn't know you sneak out every night... |
每天早上溜回來 | ...and back every morning... |
而且已在你外婆家住了一星期 | ...and that you've been at your grandmother's for a week. |
好吧,也許不是這些層面 | Okay,well,maybe not on those levels. |
你必須告訴她 | You have got to tell her. |
你拖得越久,面對她越困難 | The longer you wait,the harder it is going to be on her. |
你說得對,你說得對 | You're right. You're right. |
聽著,今晚的包 | Anyway, listen, tonight's bag... |
太重了,你能否幫我偷偷把東西弄出去 | ...is really bulky.So could you sneak stuff out for me? |
比如像這個定時收音機和一些墓地的泥土 | lt's just like a clock radio and some cemetery dirt. |
我永遠也找不到室友 | I'm never gonna find a roommate. Ever. |
沒有好的人選? | Nobody good? |
有個傢伙養了一堆雪貂 | There was the guy with the ferrets. |
是一堆喔 | That's plural. |
有一個愛吐口水 還有一個覺得我的名字很好玩 | The spitter. And the guy who enjoyed my name so much... |
每次說到都要發出怪聲 | ... he made a noise every time he said it. |
幸會,錢德賓,賓! | "Nice to meet you,Chandler Bing. Bing!" |
好棒的房子,錢德賓 賓! | "Great apartment,Chandler Bing. Bing!" |
明天還有幾個? 兩個 | -How many more tomorrow? -Two. |
一個好像很無趣的攝影師 | This photographer who seemed really dull... |
和一個怪怪的演員 | ...and this actor guy who I'm not sure about. |
我拿起電話說“錢德賓” | When I answered the phone "Chandler Bing"... |
他居然說:哇,好短的留言 | ... he said,"Whoa! Short message!" |
羅斯,腳放下 否則以後不准來 | Foot on the floor or come over no more. |
你的梳粧檯都不見了 她只注意到這個 | Your dresser is missing,but this she notices. |
什麼? 我該走了 | -What? -I have to go. |
卡蘿應該回家了,所以… | Carol should be home by now,so.... |
你們兩個還好嗎? 有改善了 | -How's it going with you guys? -Better,actually. |
我終於知道我們為何有這些困擾 | I finally figured out why we're having so much trouble. |
真的? 對,你們也知道我有你們 | -Oh,really? -Yeah. You know how I have you guys? |
她自己沒有要好的朋友 | She doesn't have any close friends that are just hers. |
不過上星期,她在健身房 認識一個叫蘇珊的女人 | But last week,she met this woman at the gym,"Susan" something. |
她們一拍即合 這樣一來就不一樣了 | And they really hit it off,and I think it's gonna make a difference. |
艾瑞克 | So,Eric... |
你是哪一種攝影師? | ...what kind of photography do you do? |
大部份是流行時尚 | Oh,mostly fashion. |
偶爾會有模特兒過來 沒關係吧 | There may be models here sometimes. I hope that's cool. |
沒關係 | Yes,that is cool. |
因為有模特兒來的機率… | Because I have models here,you know... |
是零 | ... never. |
這個夏天 我都到我姐的海邊小屋度週末 | During the summer I spend most weekends at my sister's beach house... |
也歡迎你去玩 | ...which you're welcome to use. |
不過我得告訴你 她是色情明星 | Although I should tell you,she's a porn star. |
我還要見一個人 | Well,I still have one more person to meet. |
不過除非她是你姐姐… | But unless it turns out to be your sister... |
你的機會應該很大 | ... I think your chances are pretty good. |
好 | All right. |
臥房、浴室、客廳 | Bedroom,bathroom,living room. |
這裡是廚房,謝謝你來 再見 | This here is the kitchen,and thanks for coming by. Bye-bye. |
你不想問我問題嗎? | Don't you wanna ask me any questions? |
好… | Sure. |
你好嗎? | What's up? |
我是演員 | Well,I'm an actor. |
我很愛乾淨 | I'm fairly neat. |
我自己有電視 | I got my own TV. |
你放心,我不排斥同性戀 | Oh,and don't worry,I'm totally okay with the gay thing. |
什麼同性戀? | What gay thing? |
就是一般的同性戀的事 | Just,you know,in general. The whole "people-being-gay" thing. |
我完全不在意 | Totally cool with that. |
喬利,謝謝你來 | Okay,Jerry. Thanks for stopping by. |
(上帝啊!) | Oh,my God! |
莫妮卡 | Hey,Mon. |
想聽一件很爛的事嗎? 時刻準備著 | -Wanna hear something that sucks? -Do I ever! |
克裡斯要把酒吧關閉 不會吧 | -Chris says they're closing the bar. -No way! |
這裡要改成一家咖啡店 | They're turning it into a coffee place. |
只賣咖啡? | Just coffee? |
我們以後要去哪裡? 我怎麼知道 | -Where are we gonna hang out? -You got me. |
一瓶啤酒 室友挑好了嗎? | -Can I get a beer? -Did you pick a roommate? |
那當然 是那個義大利帥哥嗎? | -You bet. -ls it the ltalian guy? |
是的 | Yeah,right. |
他好可愛 | He's so cute. |
這就是我需要的,一個我可以跟在他後面的室友 | That's what I want. A roommate I can walk around with... |
被當成是“一個可笑的人” | ...and be referred to as "the funny one." |
球臺空了,準備一下 我馬上回來 | Table's free. Rack them up. Back in a minute. |
準備讓我打屁股吧 | Get ready for me to whip your butt. |
好,不過之後要打球 | Okay,but after that,we're shooting some pool. |
不對,很抱歉 | Excuse me? Hello? Hi. |
我朋友點的是洋蔥 | My friend ordered an onion... |
不是橄欖 | ... not an olive. |
我點的是甜酒和健怡可樂 | And I ordered a rum and Diet Coke... |
這杯不是 | ...which I don't think this is. |
對不起 沒關係 | -I am so sorry. -That's all right. |
準備飲料能有多難? | How hard is it to get a couple drinks right,huh? |
我們來敬酒 | I would like to propose a toast... |
這位女士在一年後的今天 就要成為… | ...to the woman who,in one year from today,will become... |
貝瑞巴伯醫生、牙科博士夫人了 | ... Mrs. Dr. Barry Barber,D. D.S. |
應該再秀一次戒指了 | I think it's time to see the ring again. |
很棒吧? 就好像一輩子都有男朋友 | Isn't it exciting? I mean,it's like having a boyfriend for life! |
是啊,我知道 | Yeah. I know. |
怎麼了? | What? |
我不曉得 | Oh,I don't know. |
也許只是想到… | Well,maybe it's just the idea... |
一輩子要跟貝瑞在一起 | ...of Barry for the rest of my life. |
我不知道,我覺得… | I don't know,I think l.... |
我想來個最後的放縱 | I feel like having one last fling... |
就是跳出我自己的系統 | ...just to sort of get it out of my system. |
瑞秋,別說了 你好壞 | -Rachel,stop! -You're so bad! |
我是認真的 我真的覺得我需要… | I'm serious. I really think I need to just have... |
毫無意義的性愛 | ...some meaningless sex,you know? |
就跟下一個看到的男人 | With the next guy I see. |
抱歉,我的球好像掉了 | Excuse me,I seem to have dropped my ball. |
所以呢? | Yeah,so? |
我又把它撿起來了 | And now I've picked it up again. |
天哪,那是我的高中同學 | My God! I went to high school with her. |
-瑞秋,嗨!-莫妮卡 | -Rachel,hi!-Monica |
她是不是在對我豎中指? | ls she giving me the finger? |
莫妮卡!你覺得如何? | Monica!Look! Hi! What do you think? |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
連泰坦尼克號都撞不壞它 | You can't even see where the Titanic hit it. |
沒錯,他叫貝瑞 是一位醫生 非常感謝 | Yes,his name is Barry. He's a doctor,thank you very much. |
這是你一直以來的夢想,恭喜你 | Just like you always wanted. Congratulations. |
謝謝 那你呢?有對象嗎? | Thank you. So how about you? Are you seeing anybody? |
目前沒有 | Not right now. |
沒關係 | Oh,well,that's okay. |
我知道 | I know. |
我要去找我朋友了 | So I think I'll get back to my friend. |
好… | Oh,yeah. Sure,sure,sure. |
下次我進城,我們一起吃飯? | Can we have lunch the next time I'm in the city? |
好啊 | That'd be great. |
再見 再見 | -Okay. -Thanks. |
我賭十塊錢這輩子都不會再見到她 | Ten bucks says I never see that woman again in my life. |
真的,沒關係 | No,honey,really. It's fine. |
你就… | Just... |
跟蘇珊去吧 | ...go with Susan. |
真的,我覺得… | Really,I think |
我覺得女生一起出門很好啊 | I think girls' night out is a great idea. |
好…好,再見 | Okay. Okay. Bye. |
她們要做什麼? 不曉得,女生做的事 | -What are they doing? -I don't know. Something girly. |
你回來早了 | Hey,you're early. |
你拿著那盞燈做什麼? | What are you doing with the lamp? |
拿去換電線 | Just taking it to get rewired. |
別送去你修音響那一家 他們已經修了一星期 | Don't take it where you took the stereo. They've had that over a week. |
哈克先生 我們沒有製造噪音 | Mr. Heckles,no one is making any noise up here. |
你們打擾我練習雙簧管了 | You're disturbing my oboe practice. |
你又不會吹雙簧管 我可以吹 | -You don't play the oboe. -I could play the oboe. |
那就請你小聲一點 | Then I'm gonna have to ask you to keep it down. |
你是誰? | Who are you? |
艾瑞克,錢德的新室友 我才是錢德的新室友 | -I'm Eric,Chandler's new roommate. -I'm Chandler's new roommate. |
不是吧 我可以當錢德的新室友 | -I don't think so. -I could be Chandler's new roommate. |
但是他打電話告訴我… 他是親口告訴我的 | -But he told me over the phone -He told me in person. |
好奇怪 | That's weird. |
我要回我的新公寓了 | I'm going to go into my new apartment now. |
又見面了 | Hi again. |
謝謝你 | Thank you so much. |
別謝我,謝那個沒出現的混蛋 | Don't thank me. Thank the jerk that never showed up. |
我要去上班了 | Okay,I gotta get to work. |
並不是為了錢,而是因為不時得會有人 | And not just for the money.But because every now and then... |
走出衛生間時腳底會粘著馬桶墊紙 | ...someone walks out of the bathroom with a little bit of toilet paper on their shoe. |
需要幫忙嗎? 不用了,我可以 | -You want some help? -No,thanks. I got it. |
我不行 | No,I don't! |
沒事吧? | You okay? |
我起來得太快了,頭有點暈 | I stood up too fast. Got a little head rush. |
天太熱了 | It's the heat. |
而且又潮濕 | And the humidity. |
加起來… | That's... |
實在蠻難受的 | ...a tough combination. |
想不想進來喝杯檸檬汁? | Do you want to come in for some lemonade? |
想得不得了 | Like you wouldn't believe. |
你家好漂亮 | This is a great place. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
自己隨意不要客氣 | Just make yourself comfortable. |
懂了 | Gotcha. |
這其實是我奶奶的房子 | So this place is really my grandmother's. |
她搬去佛羅里達,我才能住 否則我根本租不起 | I got it when she moved to Florida. Otherwise I could never afford it. |
要是房東問起 | So if the landlord ever asks... |
你就說我是87歲… 害怕錄影機的老太太,你渴嗎 | ... I'm an 87-year-old woman who's afraid of her VCR. You thirsty? |
渴得不得了 | You bet I am! |
好 | Okay... |
這是你的陰莖! | ... here's your penis! |
天哪!你在幹什麼? | Oh,my God! What the hell are you doing? |
你問我想不想進來喝檸檬汁 | You said,"You wanna come in for some lemonade?" |
所以呢? | So? |
你只是要給我檸檬汁? 是啊 | Were you just gonna give me lemonade? |
趕快遮起來! | Cover yourself up! |
對喔,抱歉 | Oh,right. Sorry. |
我真不敢相信 | God,I don't believe this! |
人家請你喝檸檬汁 就是想跟你上床? | Someone asks you in for lemonade and that means they want to have sex? |
通常是啊,不只檸檬汁啦 | Usually,yeah. Well,not just lemonade. |
冰茶啦,果汁啦 | Iced tea,sometimes juice. |
我很抱歉,我只是… | Look,sorry. I just |
我以為你喜歡我 | I thought you liked me. |
我真混蛋 | I'm such a jerk. |
沒關係 | It's okay. |
任何人都會碰上這種事 | I suppose it could happen to anyone. |
我不認識這種人,不過… | Not anyone I know,but.... |
我還是看得到 | By the way,I can still see it. |
菲比,你的床呢? | Where's your bed? |
不在屋裡嗎? | It's not in the apartment? |
居然又發生這種事了 | I can't believe this is happening again. |
什麼? 好,別拷問我了 | -What? -Okay,enough with the third degree! |
我…我不住這裡了 | I don't live here anymore. |
你在說什麼? 對不起 | -What are you talking about? -I'm sorry. |
我不住這裡了 | I don't live here anymore. |
我不知道該怎麼告訴你 但是其他人都知道 | I didn't know how to tell you. But,you know,everybody else knows. |
大家都知道? | Everybody knows? |
這本來是好事 但是我忘了原因 | That was supposed to be a good thing. I forget why. |
我不明白,我原以為我們以後會相處很好 | l don't understand.l thought we were doing better lately. |
是的,只要我搬走就可以 | Yeah, 'cause l moved out. |
我曾經一整個月睡不著 | Do you know I couldn't sleep for a month... |
就因為我在沙發墊上 滴了一滴墨水 | ...because I got a dot of ink on one of the sofa cushions? |
你可以把它翻面啊 | You could've just turned the cushion over. |
我本來會翻,但另一面 沾到義大利麵醬汁 | I would have,but I had a spaghetti stain on the other side. |
什麼? | What? |
這就是我要說的 | This is what I'm talking about. |
我要住在可以打翻東西的地方 | I need to live in a land where people can spill! |
你可以打翻東西啊… | Well,you can spill. |
在水槽裡 | In the sink. |
親愛的,不是你不好 你就是這樣 | Oh,honey. It's not your fault,you know. This is who you are. |
我愛你,我要我們是朋友 | And I love you. And I want us to be friends. |
要是我留在這裡 那是不可能的 | And if I stay here,I don't see that happening. |
我也愛你 那就好 | -I love you too. -Good. |
怎麼了? | What? |
什麼?我只是很難過 | What? I'm just sad. |
才怪,你在想是哪一個墊子 | No,you're not. You're wondering which cushion it is. |
我為什麼不能兩個都想?我的意思是,我可以想兩件事情 | Well, why can't l think of both?l mean, l can think two things. |
繼續吧,看,你知道你需要什麼的,加油 | Go ahead. Look.You know you want to. Go. |
上帝啊 | Oh, my God! |
在看什麼? | So what are you watching? |
“海灘遊俠” | Baywatch. |
在演什麼? | What's it about? |
救生員 | Lifeguards. |
聽起來蠻蠢… | Well,it sounds kind of stup |
她是誰? | Who's she? |
妮可艾格(名模) | Nicole Eggert. |
我們喜歡她 | We like her. |
哇,她們在跑 | Wow! Look at them run! |
她們經常在跑 | They do that a lot. |
你要喝啤酒嗎? | Hey,you want a beer? |
我去拿 別起來,冰桶在這裡 | -I'll get one. -Don't get up. I got a cooler here. |
你有啤酒嗎?我們的喝完了 | Do you have any beers? We're out of beers. |
自己拿 | Help yourself. |
你還好嗎? | You okay? |
菲比搬走了 | Phoebe moved out. |
對 | Right. |
我不懂 | I don't understand. |
我真的這麼難相處? 所以才找不到男朋友? | Am I so hard to live with? Is this why I don't have a boyfriend? |
不是,你沒有男朋友是因為… | You don't have a boyfriend because.... |
我不知道為什麼 | I don't know why you don't have a boyfriend. |
你應該要有的 | You should have a boyfriend. |
我也這麼認為 | I think so. |
過來 | Come here. |
來 | Come here. |
聽我說 你是我最喜歡的人之一 | Listen,you are one of my favorite people... |
還是我在現實中所認識 最漂亮的女人 | ...and the most beautiful woman I've ever known in real life. |
人都在哪裡? | Where is everybody? |
已經關門了,克裡斯要我鎖門 出了什麼事? | It's already closed. Chris gave me the keys to lock up. What is wrong? |
我想我的婚姻… | I think my marriage... |
應該是完蛋了 | ...is kind of over. |
不會吧,為什麼? | Oh,no! Why? |
因為卡蘿是女同性戀 | Because Carol's a lesbian. |
而我不是女同性戀 | And I'm not one. |
而且這顯然不是一時激情 | And apparently it's not a mix-and-match situation. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我真不敢相信 | I don't believe it! |
可憐的孩子 | Oh,you poor bunny. |
我是白癡 | I'm an idiot. |
我早該看出來了 | I mean,I should have seen it. |
卡蘿和我出門 她都會看漂亮女人 | I mean,Carol and I would be out,and she'd see some beautiful woman... |
她會說:羅斯,你看她 | ...and she'd be "Ross! Look at her!" |
我還覺得… | And I'd think... |
天哪,我老婆真酷 | ... "God,my wife is cool." |
你覺得那個蘇珊 是她的情人嗎? | Hey,do you think that Susan person is her lover? |
我現在知道了 | Well,now I do! |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
都七年了 | Seven years! |
我們在一起七年了 | I mean,we've been together seven years. |
她是唯一愛過我的女人 | She's the only woman who's ever loved me. |
也是我唯一有過… | She's the only woman I've ever.... |
真好 | This is nice. |
我知道,很棒對不對? | I know. It is,isn't it? |
我是認真的,摸起來好舒服 | No,I mean it. This feels really good. |
是百分之百純棉嗎? | Is it 100% cotton? |
對,而且還是特價品 | And I got it on sale too. |
我的意思是,看起來疙疙瘩瘩的,但不是 | l mean, it looks nubby, but...But it's not. |
我該走了 | I should go. |
有一個救生員正要拆除核彈 | One of the lifeguards was just about to dismantle a nuclear device. |
我們待會可以去喝一杯 | If you want to get a drink later,we can. |
聽起來不錯 | That sounds great. |
哦,聽著,事情一定會… | Oh,and listen,it's gonna be |
我知道 | I know. |
謝了 | Thanks. |
搞不好可以避免 要是我再有深度一點 | Maybe this wouldn't have happened if I'd been more nurturing... |
或是多注意她一點 | ...or I'd paid more attention... |
或是我有子宮 | ...or I had a uterus. |
我真不敢相信 我知道 | -I can't believe it. -I know. |
你不該受這種折磨,真的 | You know,you don't deserve this. You don't,Ross. |
你人這麼好 謝謝 | -You're so good. -Thanks. |
而且你很體帖 | And you're so sweet. |
謝謝 心腸又好 | -Thanks. -And you're kind. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
過來 | Come here. |
等一下 | Wait,wait,wait. |
別管了 | It's okay. |
等一下,我的腳卡在球洞裡 | Wait,wait,wait! My foot is stuck in the pocket. |
什麼? 我弄不出來 | -What? -I can't get it out. |
女生可不想聽到這種話 | That's not something a girl wants to hear. |
你別逗我 | Come on,don't start. |
怎麼了? | What? |
那些爛球好礙事 | Stupid balls are in the way. |
好吧 | Oh,well. |
這不是最有建設性的解決方式 | That probably wouldn't have been the most constructive solution. |
你的臉上有粉筆灰 | You have chalk on your face. |
羅斯,你說得對 我怎麼會一直以為這是真的草皮 | You're right. I don't know why I always thought this was real grass. |
你還好嗎? | Honey,you okay? |
我老婆是同性戀 | My wife's a lesbian. |
酷! | Cool! |
羅斯,喬伊,喬伊,羅斯 | Ross,Joey. Joey,Ross. |
不敢相信你竟然回來了 | I can't believe you came back. |
什麼都不要說 | Don't say anything. |
我不想說話,我不想思考 | I don't wanna speak. I don't wanna think. |
我只要你現在就抱起我吻我… | I just want you to take me and kiss me and make love to me right here... |
跟我作愛 | ... right now. |
瑞秋…… | Rachel… |
-什麼?-你錯過出口了 | -What? -You missed the exit. |
對不起 | Sorry. |
上帝啊,你在想什麼? | My God,what were you thinking about? |
貝瑞 | Barry. |
我告訴卡爾 沒有人可以爬恐龍 | So I told Carl,nobody,no matter how famous their parents are... |
父母再有名也一樣 | ...is allowed to climb on the dinosaur. |
可想而知,他是左耳進… | Of course,it went right in one ear.... |
我最喜歡他的認真了 | I love how he cares so much about stuff. |
要是我眯起眼睛 就能把他看成亞倫艾達(影星) | If I squint,I can pretend he's Alan Alda. |
拜託,又在講恐龍的事 | Oh,good. Another dinosaur story. |
這些事什麼時候才會絕種? | When are those gonna become extinct? |
如果我是一個會飛 還會隱形的超級英雄 | If I was a superhero who could fly and be invisible... |
那就太棒了 | ... that would be the best. |
瑞秋到底看上他哪一點? | What does Rachel see in this guy? |
我愛瑞秋 | I love Rachel. |
真希望她是我的老婆 | I wish she was my wife. |
誰在唱歌? | Who's singing? |
本集播出:“賽車床” | The One With the Race Car Bed |
你們小時候扮演電視劇《歡樂時光》裡的角色時 | When you guys were kids and you played Happy Days... |
都扮成什麼?我都當裡奇 | ...who were you? I was Richie. |
我都當瓊安(是兄妹,並且特別吵) | I was always Joanie. |
請問“蛋洗蓋勒家” 是你們鄰居的口號嗎? | Question: Was "Egg the Gellers!" the war cry of your neighborhood? |
“床墊大王特價實施中” | |
是床墊大王 | It's the Mattress King! |
趕快轉檯 | Change the channel! |
等一下,我想看 等我跟他離了婚 | Wait! I want to see this! After I divorce him... |
有一半的王國將屬於我 | ...half of that kingdom is gonna be mine! |
床墊賣場愁雲慘怖 | Despair fills the mattress showroom. |
我的王國突然失去皇后 | My Kingdom is suddenly without a Queen. |
我是如此沮喪 | I'm so depressed... |
我決定將價格 | ...I'm going to slash... |
砍到最低! | ...my prices! |
各位請看 | Check it out! |
加利福尼亞之王只要599 | 599 for a California king! |
有枕墊的皇后床墊只要499 | 499 for a pillow-top queen set! |
我的價格非常保守 | I'm going medieval on prices! |
那個小人 | What a wank! |
他居然拿我們的離婚來促銷 | I cannot believe he's using our divorce to sell mattresses! |
有枕墊的床墊只要499 誰管你離不離婚? | I know. At $499 for a pillow-top queen,who cares about the divorce? |
那些床墊自己都能賣 | Those babies will sell themselves! |
還有,我很為你吃驚 | And I'm appalled for you,by the way. |
賣場最近,價格最低 我是床墊之王 | I'm close! I'm cheap! I'm the King! |
他的下體是填充的,對嗎 | He stuffs that codpiece, right? |
是的 (不) | Oh, yeah.No |
好了,拿去 | Okay, here you go. |
你知道嗎,我不要頂上飄著肉桂的 | You know what?l asked for no cinnamon on top. |
好的,爸爸,我們明晚見 好,再見 | Okay,Daddy. We'll see you tomorrow night. Okay,bye-bye. |
我們? | "We"? |
…明晚要跟我爸吃飯 沒問題吧? | are having dinner with my Dad tomorrow night. I hope that's okay. |
糟糕,明天不方便 | Oh,shoot! Tomorrow's not good. |
我應該會從帝國大廈掉下來 | I'm supposed to fall off the Empire State Building... |
跌到沒有座的腳踏車上 所以… | ...and land on a bicycle with no seat,so.... |
我爸並不討厭你 | My father doesn't hate you. |
拜託,他管我叫“油頭” | Please. He refers to me as "Wet-Head." |
他都叫別人的綽號 | Honey,he calls everybody by a nickname. |
好,就一頓飯 一個晚上,為了我 | I know. Just one dinner. One night. For me. Please? |
我只是想讓他像我一樣愛你 | I just want him to love you like I do. |
好吧,也許不能像我一樣 | All right. Well,not exactly like I do. |
不過如果你肯來 | But if you do come to dinner... |
我就穿那件黑色性感內衣 好好愛你 | ...I'll love you like I do in that black thing that you like. |
我去 | I'll go. |
好吧 | Fine. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
嗨 甘瑟 | Hi,Gunther. |
等著瞧 | Yeah. We'll see. |
大家好 | Hey,you guys! |
你們猜怎樣? | Guess what. |
我有演出(法語)了 | -I got a gig! -Great! |
所以我當不成演員 我不會說“gig” | That's why I can never be an actor. I can't say "gig." |
我不會說“croissant”(法語“麵包”) 天哪! | I can't say "croissant." Oh,my God! |
是什麼角色? 不是角色 | -What's the part? -It's not a part. |
我要去學習擴展學校 教“連續劇演技” | I'm teaching Acting for Soap Operas at the Learning Extension. |
很棒啊 | Come on! That's great! |
我可以借此機會 | It's my chance to give something back... |
回饋演藝界 | ...to the acting community. |
你應該不可以跟學生上床 | You're probably not allowed to sleep with your students. |
我知道 | I know. |
“床墊大王” | |
我不曉得 光是來這裡,感覺就很怪 | I don't know,Monica. It feels funny just being here. |
跟珍妮絲的前夫買床鋪 | If you buy a bed from Janice's ex-husband... |
就像在背叛錢德 | ...it's like betraying Chandler. |
這種價格耶 | Not at these prices! |
這輛車在英國應該在店的另一邊(英國車的駕駛座在右邊) | You know,in England this car would be on the other side of the store. |
菲比,過來 | Come here. |
這就是我的新床鋪 | This is my new bed! |
你一定要感受一下 | You gotta feel this bad boy! |
莫妮卡,我還是覺得怪怪的 | Monica,it still feels so weird,you know? |
錢德是你的朋友 | Chandler's your friend. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
買吧,朋友可以再交 | All right,take this bed. You can make other friends. |
“喬瑟夫崔比亞尼” | |
晚安 | Good evening. |
我是崔比亞尼老師 | I am Mr. Tribbiani. |
我將教大家“連續劇演技” | And I will be teaching Acting for Soap Operas. |
不幸的是,今晚是我的唯一的一次課 | Unfortunately, tonight will be my only class... |
因為一種罕見的血液病毒,我只剩兩星期的壽命了 | ...because due to a rare blood disease l only have two weeks to live. |
那麼我們能拿回我們的學費嗎 | So do we get our deposit back? |
這只是一個表演肥皂劇的例子 | That was supposed to be an example of acting for soap operas. |
那麼為什麼你只有今晚上課呢 | Then why are you only teaching tonight? |
我不是,看,這就是我們沒有直接上課的原因了,明白了嗎 | l'm not. Look, why don't we get straight to the lesson, okay? |
現在… | Now... |
在我參與“我們的日子” 演出雷莫瑞醫生的第一天 | ...on my first day as Dr. Drake Ramoray on Days Of Our Lives... |
我學到演連續劇時 很重要的一點 | ... I learned one of the most important things in soap opera acting... |
就是回應 | ...is reacting. |
意思不是“回去反應” | This does not mean acting again. |
而是你沒有臺詞 但可以聽別人講 | It means you don't have a line,but someone else just did. |
就像這樣 | And it goes something like this. |
謝了 | Thanks. Thanks a lot. |
還有,先說明一點 如果想演連續劇 | By the way,before I forget. To work in soap operas... |
有些同學得讓自己變漂亮 | ...some of you will have to become more attractive. |
好,繼續往下講 | All right,moving right along.... |
昨晚課上得怎樣? 很棒,我可以說… | -How was teaching last night? -Great! You get to say stuff like... |
打鈴並不代表下課 我說下課才能下課 | ... "Hey,the bell doesn't dismiss you. I dismiss you." |
真好 | Oh,nice. |
還有,我要去肥皂劇“我的孩子們”試鏡 | Oh,and I got an audition for All My Children! |
是一個很棒的角色 | It's this great part. |
拳擊手尼克 | This boxer named Nick. |
我超適合的,他跟我一模一樣 | And I'm so,so right for it. He's just like me. |
除了他是拳擊手之外 | Except that he's a boxer... |
還有一個壞蛋雙胞胎兄弟 | ...and has an evil twin. |
聽我說,聽我說,床墊大王送貨來了 | Hear ye,hear ye! Delivery from the Mattress King! |
蓋勒小姐嗎? | You Miss Geller? |
請簽收 | Sign here. |
我有中間的名字嗎? | Do I have a middle name? |
好吧,莫妮卡“費露拉”… | All right. Monica "Felula"... |
蓋勒 | ...Geller. |
抬到那個房間 | It's that bedroom there. |
莫妮卡跟床墊大王買床? | Monica bought a bed from the Mattress King? |
求求你,不要告訴錢德 | Please,please,please don't say anything to Chandler. |
你要我騙他? 有問題嗎?-沒有 | -You want me to lie to him? -ls that a problem?-No |
拳擊手尼克,露兩手來瞧瞧 | Oh,hey,"Nick the boxer." Let's see what you got! |
拳頭舉起來 | All right,put them up. |
你蠻有架勢的嘛 | Hey,you're pretty good at this. |
我非學不可 我住在基督教青年會時 | I had to learn. I was staying at the "Y"... |
有些男生不像基督徒 | ...and some of the young men weren't acting Christian enough. |
別鬧了 | Hey,now! |
我流血了,天呐 | And I'm bleeding. Okay,great. |
我是素食者耶 | Wow! And I'm a vegetarian! |
對不起,來冰敷吧 | I'm sorry. We'll put some ice on it. |
把頭仰起來 好 | Put your head back. |
我看不到 我來牽你 | -I can't see. -I have you. |
天哪 | Oh,God! |
蓋勒小姐,要抬進哪個房間? | Which bedroom do you want it in,Ms. Geller? |
靠窗有潔癖的那一間 | It's the compulsively neat one by the window. |
知道了 | Gotcha. |
爸爸 | Hi,Daddy! |
位子被排在這裡? | This is where they put us? |
怎麼?廚房放不下桌子了嗎? | What? There was no table in the kitchen? |
乖女兒 記得羅斯吧 | -Hello,baby. -You remember Ross. |
格林醫生,又見面了 | Nice to see you again,Dr. Greene. |
所以… | So! |
圖書館還好嗎? 是博物館 | -How's the library? -Museum. |
那圖書館呢? 沒有圖書館 | -What happened to the library? -There never was a library. |
是有圖書館,只不過… | I mean,there are libraries. It's just... |
我沒在圖書館做過事 | ...that I've never worked at one. |
知道這裡的名菜是什麼? 龍蝦 | You know what's really good here? The lobster. |
我直接點三份吧 如果你很餓的話 | -Shall I just order three? -lf you're really hungry. |
那是在開玩笑 | It was a joke. I made a joke. |
其實羅斯對龍蝦過敏 | Actually,Daddy,Ross is allergic to lobster. |
誰會對龍蝦過敏? 我猜是圖書館員 | Who's allergic to lobster? I guess someone that works in a library. |
不是… 我知道,是博物館 | -It's -I know. It's a museum! |
只有你可以開玩笑嗎? 至少我的很好笑 | You're the only who can make a joke? At least mine was funny. |
服務生 | Waiter. |
兩份龍蝦,一份菜單 | We will have two lobsters and a menu. |
格林醫生,你的船好嗎? | So,Dr. Greene,how's the old boat? |
生銹了,你知道生銹會怎樣? | They found rust. Do you know what rust does to a boat? |
讓船看起來很古典? | Gives it a nice antique-y look? |
鏽是船的癌症,羅斯 | Rust is boat cancer,Ross. |
我真遺憾 | Wow,I'm sorry. |
我小時候就這樣 失去了一輛腳踏車 | When I was a kid,I lost a bike to that. |
失陪一下 | Excuse me for a moment. |
我想在離開之前 去問候萊文家的人 | I want to say good night to the Levines before we go. |
親愛的,別這樣,沒那麼糟 | Honey,stop. It's not that bad. |
你爸一定算錯了 他只給了4%的小費 | Your dad must have added wrong. He only tipped 4%. |
是啊,爸就是這樣 | Yeah. That's Daddy. |
爸就是這樣? 你不困擾嗎?你是服務生耶 | "That's Daddy"? Doesn't it bother you? You're a waitress. |
我的確很困擾 | Yes,it bothers me. |
如果他常來 我會在他的咖啡里加胡椒 | If he was a regular at the coffee house,I'd be serving him sneezers. |
所以呢? 所以… | -So? -So,Ross... |
我跟他說過幾千遍了 他就是不改 | ... I've bugged him about this a million times. He won't change. |
你真的會在咖啡里加胡椒? | Do you really serve people sneezers? |
不會 | Well,I don't. |
孩子們,可以走了嗎? | All right,kids. Ready? |
格林醫生,再次謝謝你 | Thanks again,Dr. Greene. |
等一下,我忘了拿收據 | Wait,I think I forgot my receipt. |
不要拿了 為什麼? | -You don't need that. -Why not? |
碳粉很髒 會沾到手指,引發… | The carbon. It's messy. I mean,gets on your fingers and causes... |
夜盲症 | ... night blindness. |
這是什麼? | What is this? |
誰放了20元? | Who put a 20 down here? |
是我 | Oh,yeah,that would be me. |
我有一個毛病 | I have a problem. |
我給的小費太高了 | I tip way too much. Way too much. |
這是一種病 沒錯 | -It's a sickness,really. -Yeah,it is. |
我們得想個辦法 很抱歉 | -We have to do something about that. -Excuse me. |
你覺得我很小器? | You think I'm cheap? |
他沒有那個意思,真的 | He didn't mean anything by that. He really didn't. |
我做的事都沒有意義,真的 | Nothing I do means anything. Really. |
真好啊,我花200元請客 | This is nice. I pay $200 for dinner. |
你只放了20元 就成了大人物 | You put down $20 and you come out looking like Mr. Big Shot. |
你那麼想當大人物? | You really want to be Mr. Big Shot? Here. |
這樣吧,錢都由你出,大人物,好嗎 | I'll tell you what. You pay the whole bill,Mr. Big Shot. All right? |
“大人物”總比“油頭”好 | Well,"Mr. Big Shot" is better than "Wet-Head." |
現在教你們幾個訣竅 | Okay,some tricks of the trade. |
我演戲一向哭不出來 | Now,I've never been able to cry as an actor... |
所以要是我得哭 | ...so if I have to cry... |
我就把口袋挖一個洞 | ... I cut a hole in my pocket... |
放一把鑷子在裡面 | ...take a pair of tweezers... |
然後開始拔毛 | ...and just start pulling. |
如果我想表現… | Or let's say I want to convey... |
剛做了壞事的感覺 | ...that I've just done something evil. |
就秀出基本的 “我愛眉毛上的魚鉤”的表情 | That would be your basic I've-got-a- fish-hook-in-my-eyebrow-and-l-like-it. |
要是我聽到一個壞消息 | Let's say I've just gotten bad news. |
只要心算232 除以13就行了 | Well,all I do there is try and divide 232 by 13. |
就是這樣 | And that's how it's done. |
今晚的課上得很愉快 | Great soap opera acting tonight,everybody. |
下課 | Class dismissed. |
崔比老師 | Hey,Mr. Trib. |
你猜怎樣?我要去試鏡了 | Guess what? I got an audition! |
我的學生要試鏡了,我好驕傲 | One of my students got an audition. I'm so proud! |
能不能請您指導我? | I was wondering if you'd coach me for it. |
當然可以,是什麼角色? | You bet! What's the part? |
那個角色很棒 | Oh,it's great! |
是“我的孩子們”裡的 拳擊手尼克 | It's a role on All My Children. Nick the boxer. |
你必須這麼做嗎?你就不能不管嗎 | You had to do it.You couldn't leave it alone. |
才4%,就算菜裡有蟲 我給得都比較多 | Four percent,okay? I tip more than that when there's a bug in my food. |
今晚你們好不容易處得不錯 | Tonight was about the two of you getting along. |
快去找我的按摩治療師好嗎? | Would you just see my chiropractor already? |
是啊,我要去見一個來自小商場醫科學校的治療師 | I'm gonna go to a doctor who went to medical school in a mini-mall. |
菲比,你在幹什麼? | Hey,Pheebs. What are you doing? |
我快嚇死了 | I'm freaking out! |
莫妮卡交待我辦一件事 她不該這麼做 | Monica trusted me with something and she shouldn't have! |
我搬走一陣子了 所以我得問你 | I haven't lived here in a while,so I have to ask you. |
莫妮卡睡覺時還是會開燈嗎? | Does Monica still turn the lights on in her room? |
我死定了 | I am so dead! |
好吧,這是底線 | Look,here's the bottom line. |
趕緊補救還來得及 | This is fixable if we act fast,okay? |
我找他明天來吃早午餐 你可以示好 | I'll invite him to brunch tomorrow,and you can make nice. |
我示好過了,沒有用 | Honey,I have tried to make nice. It doesn't work. |
我知道我爸很難相處 | Look,I realize my father is difficult. |
所以你一定要比他寬容 | But that's why you have got to be the bigger man here. |
我可以比他寬容 我可以超級寬容 | Sweetie,I could be the bigger man. I could be the biggest man. |
就算我當一個巨人 事情也不會改變 | I could be a huge,giant man,and it still wouldn't make a difference. |
除非我可以把你爸拎起來說 喜歡我吧,小醫生! | Except I could pick your father up and say,"Like me! Like me,tiny doctor!" |
你就不能再試一次嗎? 就當是為了我 | Can't you just try it one more time? For me? For me? |
吃早午餐也不能解決什麼 | One brunch is not gonna solve anything. |
面對現實吧,我們合不來 | Face it. We're never gonna get along. |
你們非合得來不可 | Well,you are just going to have to. |
我已經有一對 無法共處一室的父母 | I've already got a mother and father who cannot stay in the same room. |
我不想再多你一個 | I don't want to have a separate room for you too! |
我去買焙果 | I'll get the bagels. |
這是什麼? | What's this? |
很酷吧? | Isn't it cool? |
這不是我訂的床 | This is not the bed I ordered. |
我知道 你一定是贏了什麼比賽 | I know! You must have won a contest or something. |
這輛車為什麼在我的房裡? | Why is this car in my bedroom? |
對不起,我沒有注意 | I'm sorry. I wasn't looking... |
他們不肯接受退貨 因為你簽收了 | ...and the store won't take it back,because you signed for it. |
我什麼時候簽收了? 當我是你的時候 | -When did I sign for it? -When I was you. |
都是喬伊不好,他沒護住鼻子 | It's all Joey's fault,because he left his nose open! |
你今天吃了巧克力方餅嗎? | Did you make brownies today? |
有人在嗎? | IKnock,knock! |
快脫衣服,他就不會注意到床 | Quick! Take off your dress. He won't notice the bed. |
我要去吃壽司,有人要… | I'm going for sushi. Does anybody want? |
有人忘了駛出高速公路嗎? | Somebody missed the off-ramp! |
這是莫妮卡的床,怎樣? | It's Monica's bed. What? |
這是一輛賽車 | It's a racecar! |
莫妮卡的床一直都是這張 你現在才發現? | This has always been Monica's bed. You just noticed? |
你還真自我中心 | How self-involved are you? |
如果這不是新床 床墊上為什麼有膠膜? | If this bed isn't new,then how come there's plastic on the mattress? |
我有時候會做惡夢 | Sometimes I have bad dreams. |
聽著… | Look... |
我剛看到我的死黨 腦漿濺在畫布上 | ... I just saw my best friend's brain smeared across the canvas. |
我不要跟他一樣 | It's not gonna be me. |
我不要 | Not me. |
太精彩了 | That was good. |
太… | That was |
用鑷子了嗎? 沒有 | Tweezers? |
演得非常好 謝謝 | -That was really good. -Thanks. |
您有什麼建議嗎? | Any suggestions? |
你叫他演成拳擊手同性戀? | You told him to play the boxer gay? |
我說的應該是… | I might have said... |
“越明顯越好” | ... "super-gay." |
喬伊,上次一個演員做了這樣的壞事,導致了一個總統死了 | Joey, the last time an actor did something this bad, a president died. |
林肯 布斯(行刺林肯的演員) | Lincoln. Booth. |
隧道出問題了嗎?(喬伊以為是林肯轎車) | Something happened at the tunnel? |
你是他的老師,怎麼能這樣? | You're this guy's teacher. How could you do this? |
因為他演得太好了 | Because the guy's so good. |
我真的很想拿到這個角色 | And I really,really want this part. |
要是你真的很想,那就沒關係 | Well,if you really,really want it,then it's okay. |
爸爸 寶貝 | -Hi,Daddy. -Baby. |
羅斯 格林醫生,你好嗎? | Dr. Greene,how are you? |
謝謝你昨晚請客 | Thanks for dinner last night. |
謝謝你給我上了寶貴的一課 | Thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson. |
好帥的髮型 你是游泳來的嗎? | Nice hair. What did you do,swim here? |
夠了,我受不了了 | That's it. I can't take it anymore. |
怎麼了?他喜歡你的髮型 想知道你是怎麼來的 | What? He likes your hair and just wants to know how you got here. |
沒有用的,我要走了 什麼? | -It's hopeless. I'm just gonna go. -What? |
對不起,我實在… 羅斯? | -I'm sorry. It's just -Ross? |
你的脖子怎麼了? | What's with the neck? |
他的脖子不舒服 我一直叫他去找我的按摩師 | I keep telling him to go to my chiropractor. |
你還在找他? | You still going to him? |
他連鄉下的醫學院都考不上 | He couldn't get into med school in lxtapa! |
謝謝,我一直這麼說 | Thank you. That's what I keep saying. |
很抱歉 巴比醫生是個很好的醫生 | Excuse me,Dr. Bobby happens to be an excellent doctor. |
等一下,他叫巴比醫生? | Wait a minute. His name is Dr. Bobby? |
那是他的姓 和他的名字 | -That's his last name. -And his first name. |
他叫巴比巴比? | He's Bobby Bobby? |
是勞勃巴比 | It's Robert Bobby. |
而且很抱歉,他把我醫好了 | And excuse me. He helps me. |
拜託!你問她 你哪裡有毛病? | -Please. Ask her how? -What do you need help for? |
我歪一邊,有一條腿比較短 | My alignment. One leg's shorter than the other. |
拜託! 跟她辯論一下 | -Oh,my God. -Argue with that. |
本來就是,我的右腿短了兩英寸 | My right leg is two inches shorter! |
拜託,你只是沒站直 | Come on,you're just tilting! |
她的腿好得很 我知道 | -Her legs are fine. -I know that. |
那你為什麼讓她去? 讓她去? | -So why do you let her go to him? -"Let her"? |
她連承租保險的事都不聽我的 | She doesn't listen to me about renter's insurance,either. |
慢著,你沒有承租保險? | Wait a minute. You don't have renter's insurance? |
要是遭小偷 你要用長短腳追嗎? | How you gonna run after a thief,with one leg shorter than the other? |
你要喝果汁嗎? 我喜歡果汁 | -Would you like some juice? -I'd love some juice. |
真順利,你看到我們了嗎? | This is going so well! Did you see us? Did you see? |
看到了,我就站在旁邊 | Yeah,honey. I was standing right there. |
你怎麼不提我那顆痣的事? | Why don't you tell him about my mole? |
好主意 | Excellent! |
有一天,在你們的事業生涯裡 | There will come a time in each of your careers... |
你們會有機會毀掉 另一個連續劇演員 | ...when you'll have a chance to screw over another soap opera actor. |
前不久,我就有這樣的機會 | I had such an opportunity in the recent present. |
很慚愧的是… | And I'm ashamed to say... |
我也做了 | ...that I took it. |
我建議另一位演員把一個角色 | I advised a fellow actor to play a role... |
演成同性戀 | ... homosexually. |
我們都去應徵那個角色 | We both auditioned for the part... |
結果是… | ...and as it turned out... |
他們… | ...they.... |
他們喜歡同性戀的演法 選了他 | They liked the stupid "gay" thing and cast him. |
現在, | And now... |
他拿到兩年的合約… | ... he's got a two-year contract... |
要和蘇珊魯奇(肥皂劇天后)合作 | ...opposite Susan Lucci... |
日間電視劇的第一女王 | ...the first lady of daytime television. |
而我呢? | And me? |
我困在這裡教別人演戲 | Me,I'm stuck here teaching a bunch of people... |
大多數醜到根本上不了電視 | ... most of whom are too ugly to even be on TV. |
對不起… | I'm sorry. I'm sorry. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
有什麼需要嗎? 有,你好 | -May I help you? -Yes,hi. |
我就是被硬塞一張賽車床的人 | I'm the lady who got stuck with the racecar bed. |
我跟你說過了,我無能為力 | Look,it's like I told you. There's nothing I can do. |
你簽收了 “莫妮卡費露拉蓋勒” | You signed for it. "Monica Felula Geller." |
我們要見床墊大王 | All right,we wanna see the King. |
沒有人可以見大王 | Nobody sees the King. |
好,那我要找他說話 | Okay. I'm talking to the King. |
你不能到後面去 | Hey,you can't go back there! |
我…的…天! | Oh,my God. |
小姐,小心一點 | Hey,watch it,lady! |
美女喔 | Hey,good-looking. |
好,我走 | All right,I'll leave. |
我的床好無聊 | My bed's so boring. |
菲比,來 | Here you go,Pheebs. |
誰要吃我的特製巧克力方餅? | Who wants one of my special home-baked brownies? |
我要一塊 | I'll have one. |
算了 不要了 | -That's okay. -I'm not having one. |
不是,是我牙痛 | No,no. It's just my tooth. |
好 我要一塊 | -All right. -I'll have one. |
你要找牙醫嗎? 我認識一個好醫生 | So you need a dentist? I've got a good one. |
謝了,我也認識一個 只是我不能見他(亦同“見不到他”) | Thanks. I have a good one too. I just can't see him. |
這就是隱形牙醫的問題 | See,that is the problem with invisible dentists. |
一看見那些到處亂飛的金屬工具就害怕 | lt's very unsettling to see all those metal tools just flying around. |
你為什麼不能去找他? | Why can't you go to him? |
因為我每次去看牙醫 就會有人死 | Because every time I go to the dentist,somebody dies. |
真詭異,我每次去看牙醫 | That's so weird. Every time I go to the dentist... |
都會偷看醫生的緊身上衣 | ... I look down the hygienist's blouse. |
…什麼? | What? |
第一次是瑪麗阿姨 | First it was my Aunt Mary. |
然後是我的郵差約翰 | And then there was John,my mailman. |
然後是我的牛仔朋友 艾拜諾巴伯 | And then my cowboy friend,Albino Bob. |
這些人真的都死了? | And all these people actually died? |
對,當我坐在診療椅上時 | Yes. While I was in the chair. |
所以我都自己保健牙齒 不是為了口腔衛生 | That's why I take care of my teeth. It's not about oral hygiene. |
我用牙線是為了救人 | I floss to save lives. |
拜託,你沒有殺人 | Come on,you didn't kill anybody. |
只是這些人死的時候 你剛好去看牙醫 | These people just happened to die when you went to the dentist. |
這只是巧合 | It's just a coincidence. |
你去告訴他們 啊,不行,他們死了 | Tell that to them. Oh,you can't! They're dead! |
本集播出:“巨大的戳人工具” | The One With the Giant Poking Device |
“中央公園” | |
甘瑟,謝了 | Thanks,Gunther. |
可以給一張紙巾嗎? | Can I get a napkin too? |
你還不夠稱心如意嗎? | Oh,like you don't already have everything. |
你痛得很厲害,去看牙醫吧 | You're in pain. Would you just go to the dentist? Just go. |
好,但如果你是下一名受害者 | Fine. But if you're my next victim... |
別化身成厲鬼跑回來 把我吸進電視裡 | ...don't come back as a poltergeist who sucks me into the TV set. |
保證不會 | I promise. |
但還是歡迎你來找我 | Although,don't feel like you can't visit. |
錢德在嗎? | Hey,is Chandler here? |
不在 | No. No,he's not. |
喬伊看到珍妮絲親她的前夫 | You guys,Joey just saw Janice kissing her ex-husband. |
什麼? | What? |
你要怎麼辦? 要怎麼告訴錢德? | What are you gonna do? How are you gonna tell Chandler? |
我一直在想這件事 最好的辦法就是… | I was thinking about that. I think the best way would be... |
不要說 | ...to not. |
喬伊,既然你知道了 就得告訴他 | Joey,if you know about this,you have to tell him. |
那他就完了,等於是殺了他 | It'll kill him. It'll just kill him. |
等我去看牙醫吧 或許我會殺了他 | Wait till I go to the dentist. Maybe I'll kill him. |
醜裸男在睡吊床 好像彩色塑泥肥肉工廠喔 | I think Naked Guy's using a hammock. It's like a Play-Doh fat factory. |
我要去看牙醫了,聽我說 | I'm going to the dentist. So listen... |
小心會讓你們掉進去的東西 | ...just be on the lookout for anything that you could fall into... |
或是會掉下來的東西 | ...or that can fall on you... |
或是… | ...or.... |
總之要小心 | All right,just look out! |
我還想要… | And I also just want to.... |
我只想告訴你們… | I just want to tell you all that.... |
我有一個麻煩 我得去忙上幾個小時 | I have a problem. I have to go into work for a few hours. |
有一些小孩大鬧智人展覽 | Some kids messed up the Homo sapien display. |
怎麼個鬧法? | What did they do? |
他們塗掉了“人”(剩下的Homo意為同性戀) | They painted over the word "sapien," for one thing. |
然後又把人偶重新排列 這個就不說了 | Then they rearranged the figures. Let's just leave it at that. |
要我幫你照顧班嗎? | Do you want me to watch Ben for you? |
我正要拜託你,謝謝 | That's what I was gonna ask. Thank you. |
等一下,讓我來如何? | Wait,hello! What about me? |
你!你想照顧班? | You. You want to watch Ben? |
太好了 不過我拜託莫妮卡是因為… | That would be great! I just asked Monica... |
她的生活很空虛 | ... because I know how empty her life is. |
我有個科學問題 | I got a science question. |
如果智人真的是“同性戀者” | If the Homo sapiens were,in fact,"homo" sapiens... |
所以才會絕種嗎? | ...is that why they're extinct? |
喬伊,智人就是人(意同“同性戀也是人”) | Joey,Homo sapiens are people. |
我沒有歧視的意思 | Hey,I'm not judging. |
小班,你看,湯匙 | Look,Benny! Spoon! |
湯匙 | Spoon! |
我看他覺得很無聊 | Come on. All right,you know what? I think he's bored. |
來,要不要玩坐飛機? | Here. You wanna play the airplane game? |
要不要玩給瑞秋看?過來 | You wanna show Rachel? Come here. |
你想玩好玩的?好 | You wanna do something fun? Okay. |
你最勇敢了,最最勇敢了 | You're so brave. You're so brave! Yes,you are. |
沒事了 | -You're so brave. -You're okay. |
他沒事,把他放下 | He's fine. Let's just put him down. |
寶貝,過來,你好乖 | Come here,babe. Yes,you're such a good boy. |
你怎麼可以撞到他? 羅斯很信任我,他會怎麼說? | How could you do that to him?! Ross trusted me! What's he gonna say? |
不會的,我們不會告訴他 | Nothing,because we're not telling him. |
不會嗎? 不會 | -We're not? -No. |
哦,我喜歡這樣 | All right,I like that. |
你沒事,你沒事對吧? | So we're okay. We're okay,aren't we? |
不,你有事,這裡腫起來了 | No,we're not okay. There's a bump. |
什麼腫起來? | What bump? |
天哪,把它壓下去! | Oh,my God! Well,push it in! Push it in! |
我不能把它壓下去 | I cannot push it in! |
好,我們得分散注意力 好 | Okay,we're gonna need a distraction. |
就是這樣 好 | That's it. |
我知道了 好 | I got it! |
羅斯一走進來 | The second Ross walks in... |
你就拉他進房間 使出渾身解數 | ...take him to your bedroom and do whatever you do... |
讓他快活 | ...that makes him go "rheeeee!" |
或者… | Or... |
我們也可以幫他戴帽子 | ...we could put a hat on his head. |
帽子!沒錯,我們需要帽子 要去哪裡找小帽子? | A hat! Yes! We need a hat! Where are we gonna find a tiny little hat? |
我去拿雨天小熊 | I'll get Rainy Day Bear! |
因為他有辦法? | Because he'll know what to do? |
天哪,你真是天才 | Oh,my God. You're a genius! |
好像縫死了 | It's kind of sewn on. |
拿來… 好 | Give it. Give it. |
今天這裡真是血腥啊 | It's just like a bloodbath in here today! |
等一下… | Hey,hold on a second. Hold on a second. |
你覺得這串珍珠漂亮嗎? | Do you think these pearls are nice? |
我比較喜歡登山車 | I'd prefer a mountain bike. |
珍妮絲的生日快到了 我想送她特別的禮物 | Janice's birthday's coming. I wanna get her something special. |
陪我進去 慢著 | -Come in here with me. -Wait! |
你想來點特別的?送花嘛 | You wanna get her something special? Get her flowers. |
送糖,送口香糖 女生都喜歡口香糖 | Get her candy. Get her gum. Girls love gum. |
好主意“親愛的珍妮絲 祝你哈巴波巴(泡泡糖品牌)生日快樂” | That's a good idea. "Dear Janice: Have a Hubba-Bubba birthday." |
我想送一份嚴肅的禮物 | I'd like to get her something serious. |
你要嚴肅的東西 | You want something serious. |
知道嗎?你應該送… | You know what you should do? You should get her one of those... |
灌腸劑 | ... barium enemas. |
那個嚴肅得要命 | Those are dead serious. |
這樣她以後就不用自己買了 | And you know she'll never get one for herself. |
我要進去 你以後不要送東西給我 | Look,I'm gonna go in here. And you don't buy me anything,ever! |
不行!你不能送她珍珠項鍊 | You can't! You can't. You can't buy her pearls. |
不行,不行,不行… | You just can't,you can't,you can't! |
為什麼不行? | Why not? |
天哪 | Oh,God. |
是這樣的 | Here's the thing. |
是這樣的… | This is the thing. Okay,the thing is |
是怎樣? 好 | What is the thing? |
我那天去床墊大王的賣場 | I went down to the Mattress King's showroom... |
看到珍妮絲在親她的前夫 | ...and I saw Janice kissing her ex-husband. |
什麼? | What? |
他們在他的辦公室裡 | They were in his office. |
她不會親他的,她跟我在一起 | She wouldn't do that. She's with me. |
是真的,我親眼看到 | I'm telling you,I saw it. |
你看錯了,你錯了 | Well,you're wrong. You're wrong. |
我沒有看錯 | I'm not wrong. |
我巴不得我看錯了 | I wish I was. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
現在覺得送灌腸劑不錯吧? | Bet that barium enema doesn't sound so bad now. |
穿整套比較不奇怪 也免得帽子太顯眼 | It makes more sense as an ensemble. And it takes the focus off the hat. |
你們還活著! | Oh! You're alive! You're alive! |
我不是保證過沒有人會死? | I promised you no one would die,didn't l? |
待會就知道了 借我打電話給我認識的人 | We'll see about that. Can I use your phone to call everyone I know? |
你用吧,我們沒錢,請便 | Sure. We have no money. Go ahead. |
喂,你沒死! 好,再見 | Hey,you're not dead! Okay,see you. |
莫妮卡 | Monica. |
天哪,他叫我的名字 | Oh,my God! He just said my name! |
你聽到了嗎? | Did you hear that? |
莫妮卡,砰 | Monica bang! |
我聽到了 | Okay,I heard that. |
他是不是說“莫妮卡,砰”? | Did he just say,"Monica bang"? |
天哪,他要告我的密 | Oh,my God! He's gonna rat me out! |
莫妮卡,砰 | Monica bang! |
小乖乖,你不能再說了 | Sweetie,you need to stop saying that now. |
沒什麼大不了的 根本不值得一提 | It's no big deal. It's not even worth mentioning. |
懂嗎?我們經常撞來撞去 | You see? We all do it all the time. |
懂嗎?看我的 | See? Watch this. |
莫妮卡,砰,大家,砰 | Monica bang! Everybody bang! |
班,砰 | Ben bang! |
瑞秋,砰 | Rachel bang! |
砰,瑞秋,砰 | Bang,Rachel! Bang! |
很好玩吧? 你看 | -Oh,isn't it fun? -Look at that! |
大家都在砰 | We all do it! |
我不撞了 你還好嗎? | -Okay,I'm stopping now. -Are you okay? |
如果不是床頭板,根本不值得 | You know,if it's not a headboard,it's just not worth it. |
我的小賓賓好嗎? | How's my Bing-a-ling? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
你說呢? | You tell me. |
你有話要對我說嗎? | Anything you want to tell me? |
因為要是你…你應該… | Because if you.... You should |
你會告訴我 | You would tell me. |
你為什麼瞪著眼睛? | Why are your eyes so wide? |
你說呢? | You tell me. |
也許是因為 我和舊情人搞在一起 | Maybe it's because I was just fooling around with my ex. |
不不不,不不不,那是你! | Oh,no. That was you! |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
很好 你怎麼知道? | -All right! -How did you know? |
喬伊說的,他看到你們接吻 | Joey told me. He saw you two kissing. |
在公園裡? | In the park? |
不是,在他的辦公室 你們親了幾次? | No. In his office. How many kisses were there? |
就那兩次 | Just those two! |
為什麼?… | Why? |
為什麼接吻?你們不該接吻的 | Why was there kissing? There should be no kissing! |
對不起,我非常非常… | Oh,I'm sorry,honey. I'm so,so.... |
我非常…抱歉,我只是… | I'm so,so sorry. I just.... |
其實是…我喘不過氣來 | What happened was l.... I can't breathe. |
可以給我一個袋子嗎? | Can you get me a bag or something? |
拿去(提高二氧化碳濃度,緩解心跳和呼吸過快) | Here. Here. |
是收據 | It's the receipt. |
給我 | I'll take it. |
聽著,我一定要知道 | Look,I've got to know. |
你跟我結束了嗎? | Are you finished with me? |
你跟他結束了嗎? | Are you finished with him? |
你還愛他? | Do you still love him? |
你還愛我? | Do you still love me? |
好,聽我說 | All right,look... |
我需要明確的答案,好嗎? | ...I'm gonna need an actual answer here,okay? |
你選哪一個? | So which is it? |
他還是我? | Him or me? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
要是你還活著,請接電話 | Okay,if you're alive,you answer your phone! |
班,我不會告訴爸爸 你在晚餐前吃冰激淩 | Okay,Ben,I won't tell your daddy that you had ice cream before dinner... |
你也不能說出那個小小的意外 | ...if you won't tell him about our little bonking incident. |
第一,班應該不懂什麼是賄賂 | Number one,I don't think Ben understands the concept of bribery. |
第二,我… | And number two,I |
怎麼了? | What? |
你說“第二” | You said "number two." |
我也說了第一 | I also said "number one." |
我知道 | I know. |
大家好 | Hey,everyone! |
我的乖兒子好不好? | How's my little boy? |
他好得很 對不對,班? | He's perfect. Aren't you,Ben? |
他好得不得了 你們帶他去捕鯨嗎? | -He's never been better. -What did you do,take him whaling? |
莫妮卡 | Monica. |
天哪,他說了你的名字 太棒了,幹得好 | Oh,my God! He just said your name! That's great! Good job,Ben! |
莫妮卡,砰 | Monica bang! |
沒錯 | That's right. |
那就是我爆炸的聲音 | That's what I'd sound like if I exploded. |
詛咒解除了 我聯絡了所有認識的人 | The curse is broken! I called everybody I know... |
大家都活著 | ...and everyone is alive! |
醜裸男一動也不動 | Ugly Naked Guy looks awfully still. |
天哪,我又殺了一個人 | My God,I killed another one! |
詛咒變強了 那麼胖的人也害得死 | The curse is getting stronger too,to bring down something that big. |
也許他只是在睡覺 | Maybe he's just taking a nap. |
我告訴你 他從早上開始就沒動過 | I'm telling you,he hasn't moved since this morning. |
我們應該求援 | We should call somebody. |
說我們在偷窺的裸男不動了? | Tell them the naked guy we stare at isn't moving? |
我們得弄清楚他的死活 | We've got to find out if he's alive. |
怎麼弄清楚?根本沒辦法 | How are we gonna do that? There's no way. |
有一個辦法 | Well,there is one way. |
他的窗子開著,我建議… | His window's open. I say... |
我們戳他 | ...we poke him. |
我們每次吃中國菜都會留筷子 | You know how we save all those chopsticks... |
又不知道為什麼 | ...for no reason when we get Chinese food? |
現在有用了 | Well,now we got a reason. |
怎麼用? | What? |
我們要做一個很長的探測器 | We're fashioning a very long poking device. |
好 | All right. |
你怎麼了? | Hey,what's the matter? |
我跟珍妮絲談過了 | I talked to Janice. |
天哪,她要回到他身邊嗎? | Oh,my God. Is she going back to him? |
她不知道 | She doesn't know. |
她說她兩個都愛 | Says she loves us both. |
早上醒來時,我在戀愛 | I woke up this morning,I was in love. |
我原本很快樂 | I was happy! |
那十二包保險套本來買得也值得 | It serves me right for buying that 12-pack of condoms. |
現在連退都不能退 因為收據被她咬爛了 | And now I can't even return them,because she choked on the receipt! |
你要怎麼辦? | What are you gonna do? |
不知道 | I don't know. |
你會怎麼辦? | You know? What would you do? |
我的做法不重要 | It doesn't matter what I'd do. |
別這樣…說嘛 | Come on. Come on. Tell me. |
好吧… | All right... |
這種話你八成不愛聽,但是… | ...you probably won't want to hear this... |
如果是我…這純屬個人意見 | ... but if it was me,and this is just me... |
我會退出 | ... I'd bow out. |
什麼? | What? |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
他們有一個孩子 | They have a kid together... |
你懂嗎? | ...you know? |
他們是一家人 | They're,like,a family. |
要是…我不曉得 | And if,I don't know... |
要是他們有機會破鏡重圓 | ...if there's a chance they can make that work... |
我不會想當那個障礙 | ... I wouldn't want to be the guy who stood in the way. |
你還好吧? | You okay? |
要不要來戳裸男? | You wanna come poke a nude guy? |
他終於睡著了 | Well,he's finally asleep. |
他頭上那個腫包… | About that bump on his head.... |
你確定那是新的? | Are you sure it's a new bump? |
我沒有惡意 但我一直覺得他滿頭是包 | No offense,but I've always thought of Ben as a fairly bumpy-headed child. |
撞到頭也沒關係 小孩子經常撞到頭 | It's okay if he bumps his head. Kids bump their heads all the time. |
你第一次照顧他 已經盡力了 | It was your first time babysitting. You did your best. |
我有盡力 | I did! |
我知道 | I know. |
不過你得隨時盯著 | You just have to watch them all the time. |
我有,我盯得很緊 | I did! I watched! I watched! |
我眼睜睜看著莫妮卡 撞到他的頭 | I watched Monica bang his head against that thing! |
是莫妮卡撞的? | Monica did it? |
莫妮卡,你有沒有發現 班今天怪怪的? | Did you notice anything weird about Ben today? |
沒有,怎麼了? | No,why? |
我剛才在陪他玩 我們唱了“字母歌” | I was just playing with him,and we were doing the "Alphabet Song"... |
他一向很會唱 今天卻漏了E和F | ...which he's good at. But he left out "E" and "F." |
仿佛那兩個字母從他腦子裡掉出來了 | It's like they just,I don't know,fell out of his head. |
真的? | Really? |
還有,他走起路來 | Oh,and also,he's walking... |
不太對勁 | ... kind of funny. |
似乎左腳動得比右腳快 | It's like his left leg is moving a lot faster than his right leg. |
他一直在裡面… | Yeah,he's in there,just.... |
天哪,我害了你的兒子 | Oh,my God! I wrecked your baby! |
希望你下了地獄 還會覺得好玩 | I hope it's still funny when you're in hell. |
混蛋 | You jerk! |
你明知我有多愛他! 莫妮卡,砰,莫妮卡,砰 | -You know how much I love that kid! -Monica bang! Monica bang! |
我去拿帽子 | I'll get the hat. |
我有一件事要告訴你 | I have something to tell you. |
請你讓我說完 | And I want you to let me get through it... |
因為… | ... because... |
要說出口並不容易 | ...it's not gonna be easy. |
我覺得你應該回到蓋瑞身邊 | I think you should go back with Gary. |
我不想當拆散家庭的人 | I don't want to be the guy that breaks up a family. |
我的父母分手 都是那個男人害的 | You know,when my parents split up,it was because of that guy. |
每次見到他,我都會想 | Whenever I'd see him,I'd always think... |
“是你害他們不能在一起的” | ... "You're the reason. You are why they're not together." |
我恨那個人 | And I hated that guy. |
不管他人有多好 還給我爸帶來幸福 | And it didn't matter how nice he was or how happy he made my dad. |
這麼做是正確的 | It's the right thing to do. |
你說得對 | You're right. |
天哪,在我說再見之前 | Oh,God. But before I can say goodbye... |
有件事我一定要你知道 | ...there's something I really need you to know. |
我對你的感覺… | The way I feel about you... |
讓我終於瞭解 | ...it's like I finally understand... |
萊昂納爾裡奇(黑人搖滾歌星)歌中的含意 | ...what Lionel Ritchie's been singing about. |
我們的一切 | You know? I mean,what we have... |
就像演電影一樣 | ...it's like movie love. |
你是我的精神伴侶 | You're my soul mate. |
我們居然無法廝守到老 | I can't believe we're not gonna spend the rest of our lives together. |
那就不要離開我 | Then don't leave me. |
什麼? | What? |
忘了我說的話 我是隨便說說,選我吧 | Forget what I said! I was babbling! Pick me! |
不,你說得對 我應該再給婚姻一次機會 | No,you were right! I gotta give my marriage another chance. |
不,你不能 | No,you don't! |
不,你應該再給離婚一次機會 | I say you have to give your divorce another chance! |
親愛的,你不必委屈於我心中一半兒的位置 | Sweetie, you should not have to settle for just half my heart. |
我要委屈於你心中的一半兒位置,或者四分之一 | l'll settle for half your heart.l'll settle for a quarter. |
一點兒,細微,一個心房也可以 | l'll settle for a little, tiny--A ventricle. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
不要走 | Don't go. |
不,我該走了 | No,I gotta go. |
親愛的… | Honey. Honey. |
大家都在看 我不在乎 | -People are looking. -I don't care. |
我不在乎 | I don't care! |
好了 | Yeah,okay. |
我要走了 | I'm leaving now. |
你走不了,我拿了你的鞋子 | You can't leave! I have your shoe! |
再見,錢德賓 | Goodbye,Chandler Bing. |
瑞秋有一雙紫紅色的 | Rachel has those in burgundy. |
記住,這麼大 又長的東西很難操作 | Remember,something this big and long will be very difficult to maneuver. |
幸好我有這方面的經驗 | Fortunately,I have experience in that area. |
今天你怎麼回事?12點鐘嗎?(勃起) | What are you, 1 2 today? |
專心一點好嗎? 一個裸男的性命岌岌可危 | Can we please focus here? A naked man's life hangs in the balance. |
他一定已經死了 | I'm telling you,he's dead. |
我們會戳到一個死胖子 | What we're about to have here is a dead fat guy on a stick! |
各位先生、女士,戳吧 | All right,ladies and gentlemen,let's poke. |
穩著點 | Steady. |
慢慢來 | Steady. |
再高一點 | Okay,a little higher. |
注意角度 | Careful of the angle. |
好…靠近窗戶了 | Okay,okay. We're approaching the window. |
把探針伸進去 | Thread the needle. Thread the needle. |
他還活著… | He's alive! He's alive! |
而我們還在戳他 | And yet we're still poking him. |
收回探測器、收回探測器 | Okay,retract the device! Retract the device! |
他好像不太爽 | He does not look happy. |
輪到他亮出他的“探針”了 | Now he's showing us his poking device. |
兄弟,你絕對伸不過來的 | Hey,that's never gonna make it all the way over here,buddy! |
我會緊緊擁你在懷裡(萊昂納爾裡奇) | I'll hold you close in my arms |
我無法抵擋你的魅力 | I can't resist your charms |
愛人啊 | And love |
愛人 | Love |
我願為你做盡傻事 | I'll be a fool for you |
無庸置疑 | I'm sure |
你知道我並不介意 | You know I don't mind |
我並不介意 | Oh,you know I don't mind |
是的 | Yes |
你就是我的全世界 | You mean the world to me |
我知道 | Oh,I know I know |
在你身上 | I've found I've found |
我已找到 | In you |
無盡的愛 | My endless love |
無盡的愛 | My endless love |
拜託! | Oh,come on! |
你們也要過感恩節 不要老看足球,來幫幫忙 | It's your Thanksgiving too. Instead of watching football,you could help. |
我們知道啊 | We know. |
你要把棉花糖排成同心圓 | You wanna put the marshmallows in concentric circles. |
不,是你要把棉花糖 排成同心圓 | No,you want to put them in concentric circles. |
我要的是這樣 | I want to do this. |
年年如此 | Every year. |
本集播出:“足球” | The One With the Football |
十碼、五碼 觸地得分,太棒了 | To the 10,to the 5. Touchdown,Giants! |
我倒想試試看看足球 | You know,for once,I am gonna try to watch one of these things. |
中場休息 | Halftime. |
誰想出去玩玩球? 來個3對3? | Who wants to throw the ball around? Get a little 3-on-3 going? |
一定很好玩 我可以參加嗎? | -That would be fun! -Can I play too? |
我從來沒玩過足球 | I've never played football,ever. |
太好了,你可以防守錢德 | Great! You can cover Chandler. |
我不想玩球 | I don't really want to play. |
你跟珍妮絲分手之後 就一直提不起勁 | You never do anything since you and Janice broke up. |
才不是這樣 | Not true. |
我想整天穿著浴袍吃花生 | I wanted to wear my bathrobe and eat peanut clusters all day. |
我還想在早上喝酒 別說我沒有目標 | And start drinking in the morning. Don't say I don't have goals! |
你得把她忘了,好嗎? | You have to start getting over her,all right? |
如果你來玩球,呼吸新鮮空氣 也許就會忘記珍妮絲 | If you play,maybe it'll take your mind off Janice. |
否則大家都會生你的氣 因為這樣兩隊人數就不平均了 | If you don't,everyone will be mad at you because the teams won't be even. |
好,我參加 | All right,I'll play. |
但是我不喜歡你 | But l don't like you. |
來吧,羅斯? | Let's do it! Ross? |
什麼? 想玩足球嗎? | -What? -Wanna play football? |
莫妮卡跟我都不能玩足球 | Monica and I aren't supposed to play football. |
誰說的?你媽? | Says who? Your mom? |
“你是什麼意思?”她問她的男朋友 | ''What do you mean?''she asks her boyfriend... |
驚恐地聽著答案 | ...really scared to hear the answer. |
以前每年耶誕節 我們都玩觸身美式足球 | Every Thanksgiving,we used to have a touch football game... |
叫做蓋勒杯 | ...called The Geller Bowl. |
不…你的口氣要很驕傲才對 | No,no,no. You say that proudly! |
反正羅斯跟我每次都當隊長 | Anyway,Ross and l were always captains. |
競爭越來越激烈 有一年,第六屆蓋勒杯 | It got kind of competitive,and one year,Geller Bowl Vl... |
我不小心打斷羅斯的鼻子 | ... I accidentally broke Ross' nose. |
很明顯不是偶然的 | It was so not an accident. |
她看到我就快抱住她 就用她的… | She saw I was about to tag her,so she threw... |
大胖手肘撞我的臉 | ... her big fat grandma-arm elbow in my face... |
然後拼命往前跑 | ...and just kept running. |
因此贏得致勝的一分 | To score the winning touchdown,by the way. |
你沒有贏,那次得分不算 | You did not win the game. The touchdown didn't count... |
因為你公然犯規 野蠻地打斷我的鼻子 | ... because of the spectacularly illegal,and savage,nose-breaking. |
我贏了 | I won the game. |
是嗎? 那你怎麼沒得到蓋勒獎盃? | Yeah? Then how come you didn't get the Geller Cup? |
有蓋勒獎盃? | There was a Geller Cup? |
對,這是贏球的獎品 | Yes,the trophy you got if you won the game. |
但爸爸說我們誰都沒贏 他受夠了我們打來打去 | But Dad said nobody won,and he was sick of our fighting. |
所以他把獎品… | So he took the trophy... |
丟進湖裡 | ...threw it in the lake. |
這個詛咒解除了沒有? | And was the curse lifted? |
反正… | Anyway... |
媽媽說我們不能再玩足球了 | ... Mom said we weren't allowed to play football again. |
你知道嗎? 我覺得我們應該一起去玩球 | You know what? I think we should play a game. |
我是說,都已經過了12年了 | I mean,come on. It's been 12 years. |
跟你私下說句話好嗎? | Can I see you for a second? |
懦夫 | Wuss! |
好,我們參加 | All right,we're gonna play. |
等等,我們怎麼過去? 我媽不准我過馬路 | Wait. How we gonna get there? My mom won't let me cross the street. |
來 | Here you go. |
把球丟過來 等等 | -Let's bring it in. -Wait. |
親愛的,把球傳給我 | Honey,throw it to me! |
來 | Here you go. |
你差點打中我的臉 | That almost hit me in the face! |
我們要選隊長(與“船長”同字) | We have to pick captains. |
還有“坦尼爾們”(肥皂劇《船長與坦尼爾》的女主角) | And then "Tennille." |
我們怎麼決定隊長? | So how do we decide that? |
裝兔寶寶好不好? 什麼? | -Why don't we just bunny up? -What? |
兔子 兔子 | -Bunny! -Bunny! |
看來隊長就是羅斯跟我了 | Looks like Ross and I are captains. |
那些在高中跟你們混的人,肯定都上天堂了 | There must be a place in heaven for people who hung out with you in high school. |
我先裝兔子 所以我先挑,喬伊 | I bunnied first,so I get to pick first. Joey. |
謝謝 莫妮卡 | -Thank you. -Monica! |
我是你最好的朋友 | I'm your best friend. |
甜心,別擔心,會有人選你的 錢德 | Sweetie,don't worry,you'll get picked.Chandler |
-羅斯!-菲比 | -Ross!-Phoebe |
甜心,現在我選你了 | Sweetie,now I pick you. |
你才沒選我 你只能選我了 | You don't pick me. You're stuck with me! |
好,這樣吧 | Okay. So let's see. |
比賽場地是 從垃圾桶到路燈,好嗎? | Let's play from the trash can to the light post,right? |
兩手發球,開始吧 | Two-hand touch. We'll kick off. |
大家聽好了,28分鐘後… | People,listen. I've got 28 minutes... |
我就給你們好看 | ... before I have to baste again. |
哇,就跟職業球隊一樣 | Wow,just like in the pros. |
好,臨場會議 | Okay,huddle up! |
臨場會議 等等我… | -Huddle up over here! -Wait for me! Wait for me! |
太棒了!這是我的第一次 | Oh,cool! My first huddle. |
老實說 你們覺得錢德怎麼樣? | So what do you guys really think of Chandler? |
你知道自己在做什麼吧? | You know what you're doing,right? |
喬伊接球,我們阻擋 | Joey will catch it. We'll block. |
什麼叫“阻擋”? | What's "block"? |
我還以為你知道自己在做什麼 我以為你是指人生的方向 | -I thought you knew what you were doing. -I thought you meant in life! |
結束 | Break! |
球是珍妮絲… | The ball is Janice. The ball is Janice. |
該死… | Son of a! |
拜託 對不起… | -Come on! -I'm sorry. I'm sorry. |
這樣吧,我們用丟的好了 | You know what? We're just gonna throw it. |
我來接 | I got it! |
快… | Go,go,go! |
得分,7比0 | Score! Seven to nothing! |
親愛的,我很確信這件事 | Honey,just so that l'm clear on this. |
剛才臨場會議的時候你說只要喬伊拿到球 你就去阻止他 | You said in the huddle that if Joey caught the ball, you'd be the one to stop him. |
而你並沒有,這是足球策略嗎? | Now, you didn't.So is that like a football strategy? |
是的,這是我摔倒戰術的一部分 | Yeah, it was part of my plan to fall instantly behind. So.... |
我們來 | Come on,let's go. |
輸家滾蛋 | Losers walk. |
是嗎?輸家只會說 | Yeah? Losers talk. |
其實輸家是押韻的 | Actually,losers rhyme. |
43… | Forty-three... |
74… | ...seventy-four.... |
拉開進攻陣式好嗎? 好 | You wanna go shotgun? |
一個密西西比、兩個密西西比(美國人數秒的方法) 這裡… | -One Mississippi,two Mississippi.... -Over here! Over here! |
我差點就接到了! | I almost caught it! |
太好了,現在的比分是7比 差一點7 | Great. Now the score's seven to almost seven. |
這場比賽,我要你往前場跑 再用假動作往右邊跑,好嗎? | On this play,I want you to do a down-and-out to the right,okay? |
開始 等等,那我要幹嘛? | -Break! -Wait. What am I gonna do? |
你? | You? |
你跑遠一點 | You go long. |
多遠? | How long? |
到你幾乎看不見我們為止 | Until we start to look very small. |
開始 | Break! |
一個密西西比、兩個密西西比… | One Mississippi |
換防守位置… | Switch! Switch! Switch! |
謝謝你擋住了我們的球 | Thanks for stopping our ball. |
你們在玩美式足球? | You are playing American football? |
哇!你好像來自其他國家 | Wow! You're,like,from a whole other country! |
我是荷蘭人 | I'm Dutch. |
嗨,我是喬伊(喬伊以為“荷蘭人”是人名) | Hi,I'm Joey. |
我是瑪嘉 | I am Margha. |
對不起,荷蘭人 最後一個字我沒聽懂 | Sorry,Dutch,I didn't get that last little bit. |
喬伊,你玩球還是… 嗨,我是錢德 | You wanna play football or Hi,I'm Chandler. |
你好,錢德 | Hello,Chandler. |
她叫做荷蘭人,又叫做瑪亨 | Her name is Dutch and also "Margham." |
你們,調情的男孩,我們在比賽 | Yo, flirty boys.We're in the middle of a game. |
來吧,開始了 第二次十碼進攻 | Come on,guys! Let's go! Second down! |
喂,是第三次十碼進攻了 才不是,這是第二次而已 | -Hello? It's third down. -No,it's not. It's second. |
哇! | Wow. |
哇什麼? | "Wow" what? |
我真沒想到你現在還來這一套 | How it just amazes me that you're still pulling stuff like this. |
哪一套?這是第二次進攻 好,是第二次進攻 | -Pulling what? It's second down. -Okay,it's second down. |
你要來幾個第二次進攻都可以 | Take all the second downs you need. |
我聽到了 我就是說給你聽的 | -I heard that. -Well,I said it loud. |
我可以留下來看嗎? | It is okay if I stay and watch? |
我現在還不能回家 | l can't go home just yet. |
我的室友是個很差勁的美國商人 | My roommate is forshlocking a big American businessman. |
你只管坐著看 對啊,留下來吧 | -Just sit right there. -Yeah,why don't you stick around? |
很順利 我想也是 | -That went well. -I think so. |
我想跟她要電話號碼 | I was thinking about asking her for her number. |
謝了,老兄 但我自己開口比較有說服力 | Thanks,man,but it makes a stronger statement if I ask for it myself. |
我是替我自己要的 好幫我忘了珍妮絲 | I was thinking about for me,as part of that getting-over-Janice thing. |
對啊 | Oh,yeah. That. |
好吧,如果這麼重要 我就讓給你吧 | If it means that much,I'll let you have her. |
謝了 | Thanks. |
讓給我? | "Let me have her"? |
你是說如果你不讓 我就沒有機會? | You mean if you didn't,I wouldn't have a shot? |
我沒有說得這麼明顯,不過… | I don't like to say it out loud... |
沒錯 | ... but yeah! |
別難過,我們各有優點 你比較有數學頭腦 | We all have our strengths. You're better with numbers and stuff. |
數學?你說我數學好? | Math? You're giving me math? |
好,這樣吧,算了 | All right,you know what? Forget about it. |
你去追她,我們看誰能追到 | You go for the girl. We'll see who gets her. |
我要你左邊防守 而親愛的 你… | I want you to run a post-pattern to the left. And,sweetie |
對,我知道,跑遠一點 | Yeah,I know. Go long. |
我就只是跑來跑去而已 | All I'm doing is running back and forth from the huddle. |
你要不要乾脆留在場外好了? | Well,you wanna just stay out there? |
我能看一秒鐘這個東西嗎? | Can I see that for a second? |
好,來吧 | Okay,let's go. |
我來防守錢德 擋下開球 | -I got Chandler! -Hike! |
一個密西西比、兩個密西西比、三個密西西比 | One Mississippi,two Mississippi,three Mississippi. |
漏接 | Fumble! |
你是怎麼搞的? 這是我最喜歡的一件毛織杉 | What's the matter with you? This is my favorite jersey. |
那你現在有兩件了 | Well,now you have two. |
嘿,我的數學還真不賴 | Hey,I am good at math! |
夠了,我本來還想讓給你 | That's it. I was still gonna let you have her. |
現在你想都不要想 等著看自己出醜吧 | But now,prepare to feel bad about yourself. |
我已經準備了一輩子了 | I've been preparing for that my entire life! |
我等著看你出醜 | Or something about you that's mean! |
快點,比賽了 | Come on,guys. Let's go. |
比數拉平,我們沒時間了 | Tie score. We're running out of time. |
42、38,擋下開球 | Forty-two,38,hike! |
我接到了 | I got it! |
我的胸部骨折了 | Broken boobs! |
菲比,快跑 快跑,菲比,快跑 | -Pheebs,run! -Run,Phoebe,run! |
觸地得分! | Touchdown! Touchdown! |
鈴聲響了,不算 | The buzzer buzzed. It doesn't count. |
那是在傳球之前 在傳球之後 | -After the snap. -Before the snap. |
之後 之前 | -After. -Before. |
這很重要嗎? 對 | -Does it really matter? -Yes! |
但我觸地得分了 這是我的第一次 | But I made a touchdown. It was my first touchdown. |
菲比,太好了 可是不算 | Pheebs,that's great. Doesn't count. |
當然算 騙子,騙子,不吃會死 | -Does so count. -Cheater,cheater,compulsive eater. |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
很好,也許你還沒長大 但我已經是大人了 | That's fine. Maybe you haven't grown up,but I have. |
踢死你 | Dead leg! |
好,很好… 你想靠作弊贏球,隨便你 | Okay,fine. You want to win by cheating,go ahead. |
菲比,得分照算,你贏了 | The touchdown does count. You win. |
我不想再跟你吵 我要你輸得無話可說 | I won't do this again. I wanna beat you when you can't blame it... |
不能怪罪鼻樑斷掉、鈴聲 或是你可能白血球過多 | ...on the broken nose or the buzzer or the fact that you might have mono. |
比賽算平手,現在是中場休息 | Let's just call this tie score and it's halftime. |
首先,我不跟作弊的人比賽 | First,I don't play with cheaters. |
第二,你知道 我以前有腺體腫大的毛病 | Second of all,you know I had swollen glands! |
你知道嗎?我看你一定會參加 | You know what? I think you'll play. |
真的嗎?為什麼? | Oh,really? Why's that? |
因為贏的人可以拿到這個 | Because the winner gets this. |
蓋勒杯 | The Geller Cup! |
你們大家也看見一個 釘在小木板上的娃娃嗎? | Is everybody else seeing a troll doll nailed to a two-by-four? |
好,很好 | Okay,good. |
你是從哪里弄來的? | Where the hell did you get that? |
你到醫院去接鼻樑的時候… | When you went to the hospital for your nose... |
我遊到湖裡找出來的 | ...I swam into the lake and fished it out. |
獎盃是我的 | That cup is mine! |
才不是,你想要 就得憑本事來贏過去 | No,it's not. You want it,you're gonna have to win it. |
那我們不吃晚飯了? | So are we not having dinner at all? |
嘿,你能幫忙設置一下時間嗎,瑪嘉 | Hey, could you please set the timer, Margha? |
好的,比菲 | Okay, Beefy. |
過來,該認真一點了,圍過來 | Come on,let's go. It's time to get serious. Huddle up. |
喬伊,認真比賽 | IKeep your head in the game. |
這很難耶 他就在那個荷蘭女孩旁邊 | It's hard,you know? His huddle's close to the Dutch girl. |
如果我讓錢德出局 你能夠專心嗎? | If I take Chandler out of the running,will you be able to focus? |
你有什麼辦法? 你只要讓他接到球就好了 | -What are you gonna do? -Just make sure he catches the ball. |
其他就交給我吧 | I'll do the rest. |
來吧 懦夫 來 | -Come on,you wuss! -Okay,come on. |
看我的 | I got it! |
來,這裡,來 | Come on! This way! Come on! |
小心 | Look out! |
被女生阻截 這種畫面不多見吧 | Tackled by a girl! Bet you don't see that every day. |
你這是幹嘛? | What's with the tackling? |
幹嘛? | What? |
我碰他一下,他就倒下來了 | I just touched him and he went over. |
好,你想玩狠的 我們也可以很野蠻 | Okay. You wanna play rough? We can play rough. |
準備開打 | Let's get ready to rumble! |
加油 擋住她 | -Go,go,go! -Get her! Get her! |
我愛這個比賽! | I love this game! |
你從哪里弄來的? | Where'd you get that? |
我跑得很遠 | I went really long. |
42比21 | Forty-two to 21. |
羅斯跟火雞一樣死翹翹了 | Like the turkey,Ross is done! |
你會贏並不奇怪,你先挑人 挑到的球員比較好 | You got to pick first,so you got the better team. |
你真可悲,為什麼 你不肯承認我們贏球 | Pathetic! Why can't you just accept that we're winning... |
是因為我比你行? | ... because I'm better than you? |
好啊,好一聲歎息 | Oh,what a great argument. Exhaling! |
好,我要讓你心服口服 | All right,I'll prove it to you. |
我用喬伊跟你換瑞秋 還是照贏不誤 | I'll trade you Joey for Rachel and I'll still win the game. |
哦,很好,這是我最後的自尊 | Oh, that's great.There goes my last shred of self-esteem. |
什麼?男生對女生? | What? The guys against the girls? |
這太荒謬了,因為我只要 三次觸地得分,就追上你了 | That's ridiculous because I'm only down by three touchdowns. |
那就得分給我看啊 | Then bring it on! |
除非你怕會輸給幾個女生 | Unless you're afraid you might lose to a bunch of girls. |
很好,瑞秋,你跟莫妮卡 喬伊,你跟我一隊 | Fine. Rachel,you're with Monica. Joey,you're with me. |
你竟然把我交換出去 | I can't believe you're trading me. |
你馬上就要輸了 | You are going to lose. |
你馬上就要輸了,並且… | And you are going to lose.And.... |
幫幫我,我從沒這麼說過 | Help me out.l've never done this before. |
很好,失敗,失敗 | That's good. Lose.Lose! |
我們也來嘗嘗看贏球的滋味 | Let's see what it's like to be on a winning team for a change. |
你會讓我上場? | You're gonna let me play? |
好了,那麼 | All right,then! |
比賽結束了?我們要去吃飯? | The game is over? We eat now? |
比賽還沒結束 我們在交換球員 | The game's not over. We're switching teams. |
錢德覺得我對他造成威脅 還是跟他同一隊比較好 | Chandler finds me so intimidating that it's better if we're on the same team. |
好,我們來打球吧,快 | Okay,let's play. Let's go. |
等一下 | Hold on a second. |
荷蘭人是從哪裡來的? | Where do Dutch people come from? |
這個嘛 賓夕法尼亞州的荷蘭人來自賓夕法尼亞 | Well,the Pennsylvania Dutch come from Pennsylvania. |
其他的荷蘭人呢? | And the other Dutch people? |
他們是荷蘭附近來的吧? | They come from somewhere near the Netherlands,right? |
勇氣可嘉 | Nice try. |
夢幻島(與荷蘭諧音)是虛構出來的地方 | The Netherlands is this make-believe place... |
是彼得潘和小仙女的家(《小飛俠》) | ...where Peter Pan and Tinker Bell live. |
我的天 | Oh,my. |
別再講“瘋子的地理學”了 我們打球吧 | Enough "geography for the insane." Let's play ball. |
我不跟這傢伙一起打球 | I'm not playing with this guy. |
我無所謂 我受夠了 | -Fine with me. -I've had enough of this. |
乾脆直截了當一點 海蒂,你喜歡哪一個? | Let's just cut to the chase. Heidi,which of my boys do you like? |
你這是幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
你這是幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
我喜歡哪一個? | Which do I like? |
對,你會挑哪一個約會 找樂子、帶回你的“磨坊”? | Yeah,for dating,general merriment,taking back to your windmill? |
如果一定要現在選… | Well,if I had to choose right now... |
我也覺得不可思議… | ...which,by the way,I find really weird... |
不過我會說是錢德 | ... I would have to say Chandler. |
等等,她顯然沒聽懂你的問題 | Wait a minute. She didn't understand the question. |
你可以請虎克船長(《小飛俠》) 解釋給她聽啊 | Why don't you have Captain Hook explain it to her? |
對不起,這是我的真心話 | I'm sorry. That is my truth. |
聽到沒有?這是她的真心話 說什麼“我把她讓給你”! | You hear that? That is her truth,Mr. "I'll Let You Have Her"! |
我贏了,你輸了 我是決策者 | I win! You suck! I rule all! |
給我來個迷你波浪舞 | Mini-wave in celebration of me! |
我現在考慮要把我的答案 改成“誰都不選” | I am now thinking I would like to change my answer to "no one." |
什麼? | What? |
我現在覺得你既膚淺… | I now find you shallow... |
又呆瓜 | ...and a dork. |
再見 | Bye-bye. |
幹得好 | Nice going. |
你可以好幾個月保存你做愛的精力了 | You just saved yourself a couple months of sex. |
這無所謂,因為她選的是我 | It doesn't matter,because she picked me. |
從現在起,我會跟女人約會 | From now on,I get the dates... |
而你週末的晚上只能 在家裡看“簡單烹飪”節目 | ...and you stay home on Saturday nights watching Ready,Set,Cook! |
把這些話留著告訴心理醫生 比賽快結束了 | Save the breakthroughs for therapy. The clock is ticking. |
我們時間不多 目前還落後給女生 | We have no time and we are losing to girls. |
我們不會輸給女生 | We're not gonna lose to girls. |
現在比數是42比21 | It's 42-21! |
該死 我剛才就是領先這麼多分 | This sucks! I was just up by that much! |
看,讓我們這樣想 | Look, let me put it this way. |
如果我們輸了,她們會讓我們記一輩子 | lf we lose, they will never let us forget it. |
更糟的是,她們會讓跟你們約會的女人記一輩子 | Okay, and worse than that, they'll never let the women you date forget it. |
我們還要不要玩球? 快點,你們這些娘娘腔 | Are we playing football or what? Come on,you hairy-backed Marys! |
我們必須要贏 我們要替全世界的女人而戰 | We have to do this. We're playing for women everywhere. |
想想過去的每個爛約會 | Think about every lousy date you ever had. |
每個在親熱的時候 一隻眼睛還在電視上的男人 | Every guy who kept one eye on the TV while you were making out. |
老天,你跟裝假眼的 男人約會過? | Oh,my God. You dated someone with a glass eye too? |
拜託你們,好嗎? 為了全體婦女,我們宰了他們 | Come on,okay? This is for all womankind. Let's kill them! |
對,宰了他們 | Yeah! IKill them! |
好啊,我也想宰了他們 | All right,I want to kill them too. |
可是他們是男生 | But they're boys. |
我們怎麼打敗三個男生? | You know,how are we gonna beat three boys? |
只剩下一分半鐘 我們還落後兩分 | A minute and a half left and we're down by two points. |
還落後兩分,姐妹們 | Two points,ladies. |
菲比,你再用後轉身進攻法 | Phoebe,you do a buttonhook again. |
瑞秋,你跑遠一點 | Rachel,you go long. |
不要再叫我跑遠一點了 讓我做點事,他們從不防守我 | No,don't make me go long. Use me. They never cover me. |
親愛的,這是有原因的 | Honey,there's a reason. |
我不是跛腳,好嗎? 我可以發揮作用 | I'm not lame,okay? I can do something. |
你讓我傳球嘛 這也是我的比賽 | Would you let me throw? This is my game too. |
讓她傳球 | Let her throw the ball. |
迅速到他們後面,我傳球給你 你傳球到前場給菲比 | Sweep behind,I'll pitch it. You throw it downfield to Phoebe. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
比賽開始 比賽開始 | -Break! -Break! |
好,來吧 | All right,here we go. |
31、71,擋下開球 | Thirty-two,71,hike! |
一個密西西比、兩個密西西比、三個密西西比 | One Mississippi,two Mississippi,three Mississippi! |
加油… | Go,go,go! |
接球 | Catch it! |
對不起,你還好吧? 不,我不好 | -I'm so sorry. Are you okay? -No,I'm not okay! |
他們沖著我來 我不知道該怎麼辦 | They were coming at me and I didn't know what to do. |
比賽還剩下30秒鐘 | Thirty seconds left on the timer. |
你們是失敗者 | You are the loser! |
我們就可以 把那個呆瓜侏儒帶回家了 | So we get to take that stupid troll thing home. |
快過來,我們沒時間了 | Come on! Hurry! We're running out of time. |
臨場會議 | Huddle up! |
這是最後一次臨場會議了 | This is our last huddle! |
好,菲比,擺脫防守,瑞秋 | All right,Phoebe,get open. Rachel... |
跑遠一點 | ...go long. |
好 | Okay. |
結束 | Break! |
我成功了,觸地得分,成功了 | I did it! Touchdown! We did it! |
你們知道嗎?很奇怪 結束區是在那個柱子那裡 | You know? Funny thing,actually. The end zone starts at that pole. |
所以你還差了五尺,所以… | So you're five feet short. So... |
我們贏了 | ...we win! |
太好了 | Yes,yes,yes! |
等等,請你們解釋一下 | Wait,explain something,though. |
如果沒有人抱住瑞秋 那比賽就還沒結束吧? | If nobody tagged Rachel,then isn't the play still going? |
讓開… 想都別想,放手 | -Let me in,let me in! -No way! Let go! |
放手?我是個小女人 | Let go?! I'm a tiny little woman! |
拜託,今天是感恩節 | Come on,it's Thanksgiving! |
輸贏並不重要 | It's not important who wins or loses. |
重要的是荷蘭女孩選了我 | The important thing is the Dutch girl picked me! |
是我,不是你,荷蘭愛錢德 謝謝,阿姆斯特丹,晚安 | Me,not you! Holland loves Chandler! Thank you,Amsterdam! Good night! |
我們應該多抽空玩足球 | We should play football more often. |
也許我們可以參加哪個聯盟 | Maybe there's a league we could join. |
不是有個 “國家足球聯盟”嗎? | Isn't there a "national football league"? |
沒錯,星期天 和星期一晚上比賽 | Yes,there is. They play on Sundays and Monday nights. |
太可惜了 我星期一晚上要上班 | Oh,shoot! I work Monday nights. |
這菜真好吃 要給他們帶一些過去嗎? | This stuffing is amazing. Do you think we should bring them some? |
他們餓了自然會進來 | When they're hungry,they'll come in. |
放手 不,你放手 | -Let go! -No,you let go! |
為什麼每次都只剩 我們兩個人抱著球不放? | How come it's always us left holding the ball? |
不知道,我想是因為 其他人不太在乎吧 | I don't know. I guess the other people just don't care enough. |
開始下雪了 | Hey,it's starting to snow. |
把球給我,放手 放手,快放手 | -Give it to me! Let go! -Let it go! Come on,let go! |
今晚我的腳趾頭一度沒有感覺了 | There was a time tonight that l started losing the feeling in my toes. |
-我知道 -那時我才發現… | -l know.-That's when l realized... |
在比賽時還有比打你更重要的事 | ...there's more important things than beating you at football. |
比如腳 | Things like feet. |
是的,我知道,這事讓我們遭受太多痛苦了 | Yeah, l know. This thing has caused us too much pain and suffering. |
-是的 -到時間了 | -Yeah.-lt's time. |
我們就當平局好了 | We'll just call it a tie. |
-是平局 -好 | -lt's a tie.-All right. |
這裡 | Here. |
好 | Okay. |
-晚安 -晚安 | -Good night.-Good night. |
菲比,你拿到了嗎 | Pheebs, did you get it? |
-是的 -太棒了 | -Yeah, l got it.-Oh, great. |
帶它上來,我房間裡有勝利者的香檳 | Bring it up. There's champagne in my apartment for the winners. |
-羅斯,你在下麵幹什麼?-沒什麼 | -Ross! What are you doing down here?-Nothing. |
我不知道… 什麼? | -Oh,I don't know. -What? |
照狗的年紀來算… | Well,as old as he is in dog years... |
你認為史奴比 還能飛這個玩意兒嗎? | ...do you think Snoopy should still be flying this thing? |
瑞秋? | Rachel? |
什麼事? | Yeah? |
記得你剛來的時候 有另外一個服務生訓練你嗎? | Remember when you first came here and you got trained by another waitress? |
當然,要我訓練新人嗎? | Sure! Do you need me to train somebody new? |
問得好 | Good one. |
其實是特瑞要你再受訓一次 | Actually,Terry wants you to take the training again. |
什麼時候都可以 | Whenever. |
你相信這種事嗎? | Do you believe that? |
相信 | Yeah. |
本集播出:“瑞秋辭職” | The One Where Rachel Quits |
一共是兩盒蛋白杏仁餅乾 | So that's two boxes of the Holiday Macaroons. |
我代表美國棕鳥向你致敬 | On behalf of the Brown Birds of America,I salute you. |
承認吧,你不會反手擊球 | Just admit it. You have no backhand. |
對不起,小鬼 我反手擊球很厲害 | Excuse me,little one. I have a very solid backhand. |
像個女人一樣掩面大叫… | Shielding your face and shrieking like a girl... |
不叫反手擊球 | ...is not a backhand. |
我的叫聲… | I was shrieking... |
像海軍 | ...Iike a Marine. |
好,看我示範 冠軍選手的三個P | All right,watch me execute the three P's of championship play. |
力量… | Power... |
精確… | ... precision... |
架式(都是以P開頭的詞) | ...and panache. |
你害一個小女孩的腿骨折? | You broke a little girl's leg? |
我知道,我很難過,行嗎? | I know. I feel horrible,okay? |
報上說有個提線木偶昨晚在芝麻街遭遇重擊 | It says here that a Muppet got whacked on Sesame Street last night. |
你昨晚十點左右人在哪裡? | Where exactly were you around 10-ish? |
我要去看她 我想帶點東西給她 | I'm going to see her. I wanna bring her something. |
她會喜歡什麼? 凱蒂貓的玩偶? | -What would she like? -A Hello Kitty doll? |
走路的能力? | The ability to walk? |
我得回去接受再訓練了 | I'm gonna get back to retraining. |
好,再見,各位 | All right. See you,guys. |
小心,小朋友,他來了 | Look out,kids! He's coming! |
我得去賣聖誕樹了 | I gotta go sell Christmas trees. |
賣得開心點 等等,不要去 | Have fun. Oh,wait! No,don't! |
我忘了我現在完全反對這件事 | I forgot. I am totally against that now. |
什麼?反對我有工作? | What? Me having a job? |
不,我反對無辜的樹木 在青春正盛的時候被砍下… | No,I am against innocent trees being cut down in their prime... |
屍體被裝飾得怪模怪樣… | ...and their corpses grotesquely dressed... |
掛上一堆金箔和閃燈… | ...in,like,tinsel and twinkly lights. |
你昨晚睡得好嗎? | How do you sleep at night? |
我拖著樹走來走去 累得要命 | Well,I'm pretty tired from lugging the trees around. |
你完全搞錯了 那些樹生來就是要當聖誕樹的 | You got this all wrong. Those trees were born to be Christmas trees. |
為人們帶來歡樂 是實現他們生存的目的 | They're fulfilling their life purpose by making people happy. |
真的? | Really? |
沒錯! | Yes! |
對,這些樹也很高興… | Yes,and the trees are happy too... |
因為對大多數的樹來說 這是他們… | ...because for most of them,it's their only... |
見識紐約的唯一機會 | ...chance to see New York. |
送完飲料之後,把盤子… | After you deliver the drinks,take the tray |
甘瑟,拜託 我在這裡做了兩年半 | Gunther,please. I have worked here for two and a half years. |
我知道空盤子要放在那裡 | I know the empty trays go over there. |
放在這裡怎麼樣? | What if you put them here? |
這倒是個好主意 離馬克杯比較近 | That's actually a good idea. They'll be closer to the mugs. |
你應該要其他的服務生照辦 | You should have the other waitresses do that too. |
她們本來就是這麼放的 | They already do. |
所以她們管這裡叫盤子區 | That's why they call it the tray spot. |
我聽到她們說這個 我還以為是她們參加的俱樂部 | I heard them talk about that. I just thought it was a club they went to. |
對不起 沒關係 | -I'm sorry. -It's all right. |
甜心 | Sweetheart. |
你一定很高興吧? | So this must be kind of neat for you,huh? |
你爸爸說你可以不用上學 | Your dad tells me you get school off... |
也不必再去賣餅乾了 | ...and you don't have to sell those cookies anymore. |
我很想去賣餅乾 | I kind of wanted to sell the cookies. |
賣最多餅乾的人 可以免費參加太空營 | Whoever sells the most wins a trip to Space Camp... |
坐上真正的太空梭 | ...and gets to sit in a real shuttle. |
你很喜歡太空的東西,是吧? | You really like all this space stuff,huh? |
我爸爸說 如果我幫他清潔公寓的時間 | My dad says if I'd spend as much time helping him clean apartments... |
和我做太空夢的時間一樣多 | ...as I do daydreaming about outer space... |
他就可以去泰姬陵了 | ... he'd be able to afford a trip to the Taj Mahal. |
要清潔很多間公寓 才有錢去印度 | You'd have to clean a lot of apartments to go all the way to lndia. |
不,是亞特蘭大的泰姬陵王牌睹場 爸爸喜歡吃角子老虎 | No. The one in Atlantic City. Dad loves the slots. |
他說可以把祖母留給我的 大學學費再增加一倍 | He says he'll double the college money Grandma left me. |
那就祝爸爸好運吧 | Well,good luck to Dad. |
要賣多少盒餅乾才能獲勝? | Say,how many more boxes would you have to sell in order to win? |
去年的冠軍賣了475盒 | The girl who won last year sold 475. |
我到目前為止賣了75盒 | So far,I've sold 75. |
還有四百盒 | Four hundred,huh? |
應該不難,一盒多少錢? | Well,that sounds doable. How much are the boxes? |
五塊錢 | Five dollars a box. |
二等獎是什麼? | And what is second prize? |
十段變速腳踏車,但我寧可 要爸爸不能變賣的東西 | A 10-speed bike. But I'd rather have something my dad couldn't sell. |
這也對 | Well,that makes sense. |
幫我一個忙好嗎?如果不太麻煩你的話 | Could you do me one favor?lf it's not too much trouble. |
好的,莎拉,隨便什麼事情 | Yeah,Sarah. Anything. |
你幫我把窗簾拉起來好嗎? | Could you pull the curtains open? |
太空人會上電視新聞 | The shuttle astronauts are gonna be on the news. |
我們沒有電視,對面的小姐… | We don't have a TV,so the lady across the alley... |
說她會把她的電視 推到視窗讓我看 | ...said she'd push hers up to her window so I can watch it. |
什麼事? | Yes? |
嗨,我是賣棕鳥餅乾的 | Hi. I'm selling Brown Bird cookies. |
你不是棕鳥隊員 我可以從窺視孔看到你 | You're no Brown Bird. I can see you through my peephole. |
嗨,我是棕鳥的榮譽隊員 | Hi. I'm an honorary Brown Bird. |
這是什麼意思? | What does that mean? |
是說我可以賣餅乾 但不能在別人家過夜 | It means that I can sell cookies,but I'm not invited to sleepovers. |
我可以按鈕撥911報警 | I can dial 911 at the press of a button,you know. |
快走 | Now,go away! |
拜託…我是為了一個 貧窮的小女孩… | Please,please. It's for a poor little girl... |
她最大的心願就是參加太空營 | ...who wants to go to Space Camp more than anything in the world. |
我要按鈕了 | I'm pressing. |
員警馬上就來了 | A policeman is on his way. |
好…我馬上走 | Okay,okay! I'm going,I'm going. |
我還看得到你 | I can still see you! |
好啦! | All right! |
你在這裡幹嘛? 我把你的話想了很久 | -What are you doing here? -I thought a lot about what you said... |
我發覺也許我是有點太苛刻了 | ...and I realize maybe I was a little judgmental. |
對,可是… | Yeah. Oh,but,oh. |
菲比,記住… | Now,now,Phoebe,remember... |
它們只是在實現它們的聖誕… | ...they're just fulfilling their Christmas |
宿命 沒錯 | -Destiny. Yes. -Sure. |
那棵看起來好像很空虛 | That one doesn't look very fulfilled. |
那是老樹了 他只是把樹拿到後面罷了 | That's one of the old ones. He's just taking it to the back. |
你們把老樹放在後面? | You keep the old ones in the back? |
真是年齡歧視 | That is so ageist. |
這樣才有地方放新鮮的樹 | We're making room for the fresh ones. |
那老的怎麼辦? | So what happens to the old guys? |
拿去切碎 | They go into the chipper. |
我感覺好像不怎麼快樂似的 | I have a feeling that's not as happy as it sounds. |
“中央咖啡廳” | |
這些是聖誕人物的形狀 | These are shaped like Christmas characters. |
聖誕老人 魯道夫,和耶穌寶寶 | Santa,Rudolph and Baby Jesus. |
我要一盒奶油餡的耶穌寶寶 | I'll take a box of the cream-filled Jesuses. |
一盒?這可是為了幫助 一個想參加太空營的小女孩呢 | One box? I'm trying to send a little girl to Space Camp. |
我算你五盒,你呢? | I'm putting you down for 5 boxes. What about you? |
好吧,你有沒有 椰子口味的神靈? | All right. Do you have any coconut-flavored deities? |
沒有,但光明節的蠟燭有椰子餡 | No,but there's coconut in the Hanukkah Menorah-eos. |
我算你八盒,一晚一盒 | I'll put you down for 8 boxes. One for each night. |
莫妮卡? | Mon? |
我要一盒薄荷口味的 | I'll take a box of the Mint Treasures. |
一盒就好了 | One,and that's it. |
我參加棕鳥之後就胖了 | I gained weight after I joined the Brown Birds. |
記得嗎?爸爸買光了 我的餅乾,我全都吃掉了 | Remember? Dad bought every one of my boxes and I ate them all. |
不,莫妮卡,爸爸不得 不買下每一盒餅乾… | No,Mon. Dad had to buy every one of your boxes... |
是因為你把餅乾吃光了 | ... because you ate them all. |
可是這次一定不會這樣了 | But,you know,I'm sure that's not gonna happen this time. |
我給你算三盒薄荷 兩盒魯道夫吧? | Why don't I put you down for 3 Mint Treasures and a couple of Rudolphs? |
不要 | No. |
好啦,你知道你很想吃 | Oh,come on,now. You know you want them. |
不要這樣 | Don't do this. |
這樣吧,第一盒算我送的 | I'll tell you what,I'll give you the first box for free. |
老天,我得走了 | Oh,God! I gotta go! |
來嘛,好孩子都吃這種餅乾 | Come on! All the cool kids are eating them. |
待會兒新的服務生來了 我會告訴你為什麼不能… | And later,I'll show you why we don't just trap spiders... |
把蜘蛛困在馬克杯底下就算了 | ... under coffee mugs and leave them there. |
我痛恨這工作,還要努力改進 我的人生算是完了 | I'm training to be better at a job that I hate. My life officially sucks! |
這不是暫時性的工作而已嗎? 你的目標是打入時裝界 | Wasn't this supposed to be temporary? You wanted to do fashion stuff. |
對,我還在朝目標前進 | Yeah,I'm still pursuing that. |
你是怎麼前進的? | How,exactly,are you pursuing that? |
兩年前寄寄履歷表嗎? | Other than sending out resumes,like,what? Two years ago? |
我還傳達了… | Well,I'm also sending out... |
好點子 | ...good thoughts. |
如果你問我意見的話,只要你還有這份工作 | If you ask me,as long as you got this job... |
就沒有找新工作的動機 | ...you got nothing pushing you to get another one. |
你需要的是恐懼 | You need The Fear. |
恐懼? 他說得對 | -The Fear? -He's right. |
辭掉這份工作,才有動機 追求你心目中理想的工作 | Quit this job,and you'll have motivation to go after a job you really want. |
你為何還在做你討厭的工作? 幹嘛不辭職來產生恐懼 | Why are you still at a job you hate? Why don't you quit and get The Fear? |
因為我太害怕了 | Because I'm too afraid. |
我不知道,我願意不計一切 為設計師或採購人工作 | I don't know. I'd give anything to work for a designer or a buyer. |
我不想到了30歲 還在這裡工作 | I just don't want to be 30 and still work here. |
對,那要比28歲 還在這裡工作慘多了 | Yeah,that'd be much worse than being 28 and still working here. |
瑞秋,提醒我跟你複習 哪壺是低咖啡因的,哪壺不是 | Remind me to review with you which pot is decaf and which is regular. |
看把手看不出來嗎? | Can't I just look at the handles on them? |
想得美 | You would think. |
好了,甘瑟,你知道嗎? 我是個很差勁的服務生 | Okay,fine. Gunther,you know what? I am a terrible waitress. |
你知道這是為什麼嗎? 因為我不在乎 | Do you know why I'm a terrible waitress? Because I don't care. |
我不在乎哪壺是普通咖啡 哪壺是低咖啡因 | I don't care which pot is regular and which pot is decaf. |
我不在乎盤子區在哪裡 | I don't care where the tray spot is. |
我就是不在乎 這不是我想做的工作 | I just don't care. This is not what I want to do. |
所以我想我不該再做下去了 | So I don't think I should do it anymore. |
我要提出我的星期通告(如果辭職需要提前一周說明) 什麼? | -I'm giving my week's notice. -What? |
甘瑟,我辭職 | Gunther,I quit. |
這表示以後喝咖啡 要付錢了嗎? | Does this mean we have to start paying for coffee? |
好,12,22,18 | Okay,twelve.Twenty-two.Eighteen. |
幹嘛? | What? |
我拼出了“乳房”(5318008的倒置) | I spelled out "boobies". |
再給我一盒 薄荷口味的,好嗎? | Put me down for another box of the Mint Treasures,okay? |
薄荷餅乾在哪裡? | Where are the Mint Treasures? |
沒有了,都賣光了 | We're out. I sold them all. |
什麼? | What? |
莫妮卡 我不能再讓你吃下去了 | Monica,I'm cutting you off. |
再兩盒就好 | Just a couple more boxes. |
這也沒什麼,我很好 | It's no big deal,all right? I'm cool. |
你得幫我再弄兩盒 | You gotta help me with a couple more boxes! |
看看你自己 你脖子上還有餅乾 | Look at yourself. You have cookie on your neck. |
老天! | Oh,God! |
你賣了幾盒? 你看 | -So how many you sold so far? -Check this out. |
417盒 老天,你怎麼辦到的? | -Five hundred and seventeen boxes! -Oh,my God! How did you do that? |
前兩天晚上 我離開博物館的時候 | The other night I was leaving the museum... |
天文館正在放鐳射佛洛依德 | ...just as Laser Floyd was letting out of the planetarium. |
我隨隨便便就賣了五十盒 | Without even trying,I sold 50 boxes! |
這時我想到成功的關鍵就是 “饑餓感” | That's when it occurred to me. The key to my success: The munchies. |
所以我開始在午夜時分 到紐約大學的宿舍去 | So I started hitting the NYU dorms around midnight. |
我把餅乾論箱賣 | I am selling cookies by the case. |
他們叫我“餅乾佬” | They call me "Cookie Dude"! |
-很好,但是我不會那麼叫你的 -好的 | -Okay, but l'm not going to call you that.-Okay. |
放下手邊的事,我需要人 幫我塞信封、舔郵票… | Stop what you're doing. I need envelope stuffers,stamp lickers.... |
誰幫你寫履歷表的? 我用我的電腦寫的 | -Who did these resumes for you? -Me. On my computer. |
你還真用了夠大號的黑體字 | You sure used a large font. |
對,“咖啡廳的服務生”… | Yeah. Well,"Waitress at a Coffeehouse"... |
和啦啦隊隊長 占不了多少空間 | ...and "Cheer Squad Co-Captain" only took up so much room. |
真有趣 | Hey,that's funny! |
你好有趣,錢德 你有趣極了 | You're funny,Chandler! You're a funny guy! |
知道還有哪件事也很有趣嗎? | You know what else is funny? |
我說錯了什麼嗎? | Something else I might have said? |
我不知道 不是你在我毫無後路的時候… | I don't know. Weren't you the guy that told me to quit my job... |
叫我辭職的嗎? | ...when I had absolutely nothing else to do? |
別激動,事情會順利的 | Calm down. It's gonna be okay. |
不,不會的 明天是我最後一天上班 | No,it's not gonna be okay. Tomorrow is my last day... |
而我到現在還毫無進展 | ...and I don't have a lead. |
你知道嗎? 我要打電話給甘瑟 | You know what? I'm just gonna call Gunther... |
說我不辭職了 | ...and tell him I'm not quitting. |
你不能向恐懼投降 | You don't want to give in to The Fear. |
你和你愚蠢的恐懼 我痛恨你的恐懼 | You and your stupid Fear! I hate your Fear! |
我要把你和你的恐懼… | I would like to take you and your Fear |
嘿,我有好消息 | Hey! I got great news! |
快跑,喬伊,逃命去吧 | Run,Joey! Run for your life! |
幹嘛?瑞秋,聽好了 你聽過福圖那塔時裝沒有? | What? Rach,listen. Have you ever heard of Fortunata Fashions? |
我老爸在那裡做水電工 聽說那裡要找人 | My dad's got a plumbing job there and he heard there's an opening. |
要他幫你安排面試嗎? | You want him to get you an interview? |
天哪,我要,太好了 你好可愛,喬伊 | Oh,my God,yes! I would love that! That's so sweet,Joey. |
小事一樁 | Not a problem. |
現在告訴你們好消息 | And now,for the great news. |
剛才那個不是好消息? | That wasn't the great news? |
除非你們覺得比這個消息更好 | Only if you think it's better than this. |
噴雪! | Snow-in-a-Can! |
要我裝飾窗戶嗎? | You want me to decorate the window? |
看起來有聖誕的感覺 | Give it kind of a Christmas looky? |
聖誕餅乾? | Christmas cookie? |
好,這是一棵道格拉斯樅樹 | Okay,and this one here's a Douglas fir. |
這個比較貴一點,但也比較香 | Now,it's a little more money,but you get a nicer smell. |
看起來不錯,我買了 | Looks good. I'll take it. |
等等,不要 不要買那棵 | Wait,wait. No,no! You don't want that one! |
不,你可以買這棵棕色的樹 | No,no. You can have this cool brown one. |
這樹都快死了 | It's almost dead. |
所以非買不可 讓它完成它的聖誕宿命 | That's why you have to buy it,to fulfill its Christmas destiny. |
不然他們就會把它拿去切碎 告訴他 | Otherwise,they'll throw it into the chipper. Tell him. |
對,無法完成聖誕宿命的樹 | Yeah,the trees that don't fulfill their Christmas destiny... |
就要拿去切碎 | ...are thrown in the chipper. |
我還是再看看吧 | I think I'm gonna look around a little bit more. |
你不能再這樣搞下去了 我是賺傭金的 | You gotta stop doing this. I'm working on commission here! |
我來挑一棵聖誕樹 | I'm here to pick out my Christmas tree. |
別看了,就買這棵 | Well,look no further! This one's yours! |
這是我去年丟掉的樹嗎? | Is this the one that I threw out last year? |
算了,大家都想買綠樹 | Never mind! Everybody wants a green one! |
對不起,我也不想這麼情緒化 | I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so emotional. |
過節就是讓人很難受 | The holidays are just hard. |
親愛的,這是因為 你母親在耶誕節前後過世嗎? | Oh,honey. Is that because your mom died around Christmas? |
我還沒想到那件事呢 | I wasn't even thinking about that. |
嗨,你賣了多少? | Hi there. How many did you sell? |
我不告訴你 你是害莎拉斷腿的壞人 | I'm not gonna tell you. You're the bad man who broke Sarah's leg. |
嘿,那是意外,好嗎? | Hey,now. That was an accident,okay? |
你是個大鬥蛋 | You're a big scrud. |
什麼叫鬥蛋? | What's a scrud? |
照鏡子就看到了,鬥蛋 | Why don't you look in the mirror,scrud? |
我不用照鏡子 我看你就行了 | I don't have to. I can just look at you. |
好,各位小女孩… | All right,girls... |
和大男人 | ...and man. |
我們看看大家的總成績 | Let's see your final tallies. |
黛比 | Debbie. |
321盒餅乾,很好 | Three hundred and twenty-one boxes of cookies. Very nice. |
還不夠好 | Not nice enough. |
夏拉 | Charla. |
278盒 | Two hundred and seventy-eight. |
對不起,親愛的 但還是不錯 | Sorry,dear,but still good. |
對鬥蛋來說是不錯 | Good for a scrud. |
你呢,伊莉莎白? | Yes,Elizabeth. |
871盒 | Eight hundred and seventy-one. |
胡扯 | That's crap! |
棕鳥修女 | Sister Brown Bird. |
做得好 | Good going. |
下一個是誰? | Who's next? |
嗨 嗨 | -Hi there. -Hi. |
替代莎拉的… | And batting for Sarah... |
羅斯蓋勒 | ... Ross Geller. |
872盒 | Eight hundred and seventy-two. |
不過看樣子 你自己買了一大堆餅乾 | Although,it looks like you bought an awful lot of cookies yourself. |
那是因為我的醫生說我有… | That is because my doctor says that I have... |
很嚴重的… | ...a very serious... |
果仁糖… | ... nougat... |
不足… | ...deficiency. |
把事情的經過告訴我們 棕鳥羅斯 | Tell us what happened,Brown Bird Ross. |
我輸了,有個小女孩 把制服借給19歲的姐姐 | I lost. Some little girl loaned her uniform to her 19-year-old sister... |
她到美國輪船尼米茲號… 賣掉了兩千多盒 | ...who went down to the U. S. S. Nimitz and sold over 2000 boxes. |
面試怎麼樣? 我搞砸了 | -How'd the interview go? -Oh,I blew it. |
連我自己都不會請我 | I wouldn't have even hired me. |
過來,甜心 | Come here,sweetie. |
聽我說… | Listen... |
找到工作之前 要應徵一千次… | ...you're gonna go on,like,1000 interviews before you get a job. |
這種情形應該不會發生 | That's not how that was supposed to come out. |
這是最糟糕的耶誕節 | This is just the worst Christmas ever. |
也許你應該留在咖啡廳 | Maybe you should just stay here at the coffeehouse. |
不行了,太遲了 特瑞已經請了那個女孩 | I can't. It's too late. Terry already hired that girl over there. |
你們看看她 | Look at her. |
她還有當服務生的經驗 | She's even got waitress experience. |
昨天晚上,她還… | Last night she was... |
教大家把… | ...teaching everybody how to make... |
餐巾… | ... napkins... |
折成… | ...into.... |
她說的是“天鵝” | That word was "swans." |
看到酒醉的聖誕老人尿濕了自己 我的耶誕節可真快樂 | Well,seeing that drunk Santa wet himself really perked up my Christmas. |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
聖誕快樂 | Merry Christmas! |
你們救了他們… | You saved them! You guys! |
老天,你們太棒了 | Oh,God,you're the best! |
好像是《活死人之夜》的聖誕樹(1968年的第一部僵屍片) | Looks like Night of the Living Dead Christmas Trees. |
對,我就是 | Yeah,this is she. |
你開玩笑… | You're kidding! You're kidding! |
謝謝,我愛你 | Oh,thank you! I love you! |
當然啦 大家都愛開玩笑的人 | Sure,everybody loves a kidder. |
我找到工作了 | I got the job! |
太好了 | That's great. |
上帝保佑我們大家 | God bless us,everyone! |
來,這是我最後一次端咖啡 | Here we go. I'm serving my last cup of coffee. |
來 | There you go. |
用心品嘗吧 | Enjoy. |
我該告訴她我點的是茶嗎? 不要說 | -Should I tell her I ordered tea? -No. |
對不起,各位? | Excuse me,everyone? |
這是我在這裡 工作的最後一夜… | This is my last night working here... |
我只想說… | ...and I just wanted to say... |
我在這裡交了一些好朋友… | ...that I made some good friends here. |
現在是向前走的時候了 | And it's just time to move on. |
我無意冒犯 各位留在這裡的人 | And no offense to everybody who still works here... |
但你們不知道我多慶倖… | ... but you have no idea how good it feels to say... |
可以在這一刻說… | ...that as of this moment... |
我再也不必沖咖啡了… | ... I will never have to make coffee again. |
老卡普蘭先生喜歡喝濃咖啡 | Now,Mr. IKaplan Sr. Iikes his coffee strong. |
所以一包不夠,要用兩包 | So you want to use two bags instead of one. |
注意聽好了,這裡很需要技巧 | Now,pay attention. This part's tricky. |
有些人的濾紙只用一次 | See,some people use filters just once.... |
我很遺憾你不能參加太空營 | I'm sorry you didn't get to go to Space Camp... |
我希望這個或許 能幫我補償你,好嗎? | ...and I'm hoping that maybe somehow this may help make up for it. Okay? |
接下來是… | Presenting... |
莎拉圖多的私人特製太空營 | ...Sarah Tuddle's Private Very Special Space Camp! |
你不必這麼做的 | You don't have to do this. |
別客氣,來吧 | Oh,come on,here we go! |
準備倒數 | Stand by for mission countdown! |
十 | Ten. |
九 | Nine. |
八 | Eight. |
好,發射 | Okay,blast off! |
我是外星人… | I'm an alien! I'm an alien! |
不,小行星來了 | Oh,no! An asteroid! |
好,隨便選一張 | Okay,pick a card. Any card. |
好,記住 | All right,now memorize it. |
給大家看 | Show it to everybody. |
好了嗎? | Got it? |
好,還給我 | All right. Give it back to me. |
紅心5 | Five of hearts. |
真的魔法的確存在啊 | Real magic does exist. |
喬伊,你怎麼變出來的? | Joey,how do you do it? |
我不能告訴你 | I can't tell you that. |
天花板上有人叫門了 | Somebody's at the door on the ceiling. |
我們樓上的鄰居吵得要命 | That's our unbelievably loud upstairs neighbor. |
他把地毯拆掉 現在什麼都聽得到 | He took up the carpets,and now you can hear everything. |
你為什麼不去告訴他,請他“輕聲慢步”呢 | Why don't you go ask him to just,"Step lightly,please?" |
我試過五次了 但那傢伙魅力無窮 | I have,like five times. But the guy is so charming... |
我上去大呼小叫 最後還跟他賠不是 | ... I go up there to yell,then I end up apologizing to him. |
太荒謬了 | That is silly! |
我上去叫他小聲點 | I'll go up and tell him to keep it down. |
好,請便 祝你好運 | -All right,be my guest. -Good luck. |
好… | All right,all right... |
如果你們想知道 我是怎麼變的我就告訴你們 | ...if you wanna know how I did it,I'll show you. |
你把牌還給我的時候 趁你們不注意… | When you handed me back the card,what you didn't see was... |
我很快看一眼 肉眼是看不到的 | ... I looked at it so fast,it was invisible to the naked eye. |
我剛才辦到了 | I just did it. |
又來一次 | Just did it again. |
來,我放慢動作 讓你們看,好了沒? | Here,I'll slow it down so you guys can see it. Ready? |
我懂了 好啊 | -I got it now! -Okay. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
本集播出: “錢德不記得哪個姐妹了” | The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister |
誰有一條六尺長的繩子 末端打了活結的? | Anybody got a length of rope about 6 feet long,with a noose at the end? |
親愛的,怎麼了? 我剛才看到珍妮絲了 | -Honey,what's the matter? -I just saw Janice. |
她在洛克菲勒中心 和她丈夫溜冰,看起來好幸福 | She was at Rockefeller Center,skating with her husband. She looked so happy. |
我簡直不忍心拿那個小孩的 椒鹽卷餅打他們 | I almost feel bad for whipping that kid's pretzel at them. |
我記得我跟凱薩琳分手後 第一次跟她見面的情形 | I remember the first time I saw Katherine after we broke up. |
她跟她朋友唐娜 走在一塊兒說笑 | She was walking and talking with her friend,Donna. |
老天,我難過死了 | God,it killed me! |
但你那天下午 和她們兩個上床了 | But you ended up having sex with both of them that afternoon. |
對不起,我就是… 不計一切地要講那件事 | Sorry,I just Any excuse to tell that story. |
錢德,明天要開派對 你就會高興一點了 | There's a party tomorrow. You'll feel better then. |
我不會有事的 你們不必為我開派對 | I'm gonna be okay. You don't have to throw a party for me. |
是喬伊的生日派對 | It's Joey's birthday. |
如果有人應該開派對 那就非喬伊莫屬 | Then if anybody should have a party,it should be him. |
我真不敢相信她還在樓上 | I cannot believe she's still up there. |
他把關鍵句完全念砸了 | Well,he totally screwed up the punch line. |
你知道,應該是… | You know,it's supposed to be |
咖啡好了沒有,親愛的? | How's that coffee coming,dear? |
馬上來,卡普蘭先生 | Right away,Mr. IKaplan. |
我不應該喝咖啡,老是放屁 | I'm not suppose to drink it. It makes me gassy. |
我知道 | I know. |
你一定在想 這麼聰明的女孩… | I'll bet you're thinking,"What's an intelligent girl... |
有志在服裝界大展鴻圖 怎麼在這裡泡咖啡? | ...who wants to be in fashion doing making coffee?" |
被你猜中了 | You got me. |
別以為我沒注意到你的潛力 | Don't think I haven't noticed your potential. |
我有一份和時裝 很有關係的工作要交給你 | I've got a project for you that's a lot more related to fashion. |
怎麼樣? 太棒了 | -How does that sound? -That sounds great! |
過來,甜心 太感謝了 | -Come on over here,sweetheart. -Thank you so much. |
我要你儘快把這些衣架分開 | I need these hangers separated ASAP. |
不客氣 | You're welcome. |
老天,我痛恨我的工作 恨死了… | Oh,God,I hate my job! I hate it. |
我知道,親愛的,我很遺憾 | I know,honey. I'm sorry. |
我想辭職 但我又覺得應該挺下去 | I want to quit,but then I think l should stick it out. |
然後我又想… | Then I think: |
為什麼要做這種 有損尊嚴的工作? | "Why would a person stay in such a demeaning job... |
難道只因為這份工作 和我的興趣有一點點關係嗎? | ...just because it's remotely related to the field they're interested in? |
老天,我不知道,瑞秋 | Gee,I don't know,Rach. |
點菜吧,楊朵湯,詹姆斯豆 隨便你點什麼都行 | Order up! Yentl soup,James Beans,and a Howdy,hold the Doody. |
好了,對不起,我不是… | Come on,I'm sorry. I didn't |
我不介意吃苦 | I don't mind paying my dues. |
但扶得了關節炎的 女裁縫上廁所 | But how much will I learn about fashion... |
我要怎樣才能夠… | ... by walking Myra,the arthritic seamstress... |
學會什麼叫時裝? | ...to the bathroom? |
嗨 | Hi. |
你覺得我的苦難很有趣嗎? | Is my misery amusing to you? |
對不起,我只是… | I'm sorry,I was just.... |
這不好笑,這就是我的工作 | It's not funny. This is actually my job. |
相信我,我是過來人 | Believe me,I've been there. |
我以前是在人體模特兒公司 給模特兒的頭分類的(法語) | I had to sort mannequin heads at that Mannequins Plus. |
我要繼續跟我朋友聊天 | I'm just gonna go back to talking to my friend here. |
你可以繼續享用你的漢堡 | You can go back to enjoying your little hamburger. |
事實上,這個叫做“芭芭拉史翠珊”明治(影視歌導作多棲明星) | Actually, that's a Barbra Streisand-wich. |
咋了? 我給它命的名 | What? l named that one. |
還有一件事 | Just one other thing. |
我在布魯明戴爾百貨公司上班 | I work at Bloomingdale's. |
如果你有興趣 我有個可能的工作機會 | I might know of a possible job,if you're interested. |
想吃我的醃黃瓜嗎? | Do you want my pickle? |
大家好 | Hey,guys. |
嘿,甘瑟 嗨 | -Hey,Gunther. -Hi. |
你要跟樓上吵鬧的鄰居約會? | You're going on a date with the noisy guy upstairs? |
他很迷人 | Well,he's very charming. |
我知道他很迷人 | He's too charming! |
但如果你們交往 我就更難討厭他了 | But if you go out,it'll be harder for me to hate him. |
你只得盡力而為 | You'll just have to try. |
喬伊?酒果凍哪裡去了? | Joey? Where are the Jell-O shots? |
不知道,錢德 應該要端出去… | I don't know. Chandler's supposed to be passing them |
錢德 | Chandler! |
嗨~~ | Hello-dee-lo! |
看來你心情好多了 | Well,somebody's feeling better. |
把舌頭伸出來 把衣服脫下來 | -Stick out your tongue! -Take off your shirt! |
老天 我的天 | -Oh,my! -Oh,my God! |
你吃了多少? 這是純伏特加做的 | How many did you have? They're pure vodka. |
對,酒果凍 媽媽以前做的就是這個味道 | Yeah,Jell-O. Just like Mom used to make. |
我今天碰上了 最不可思議的事 | The most unbelievable thing happened today. |
我在莫妮卡的餐廳吃午飯 有個傢伙跟我說話 | I had lunch at Monica's and met a guy... |
他是布魯明戴爾的採購助理… | ...who works for a buyer at Bloomingdale's. |
他們的部門要找人 我就把我的電話給了他 | There's an opening there! So I gave him my phone number... |
他這個週末要打電話給我 幫我安排面試 | ...and he'll call me this weekend to get me an interview! |
那傢伙沒有任何理由地幫你? | So this guy's helping you for no apparent reason? |
你根本不認識他? | And he's a total stranger? |
對,他叫“馬克”什麼的 | Yeah. His name is "Mark" something. |
看來馬克什麼的想要做愛了 | Sounds like "Mark Something" wants to have some sex! |
什麼? | What? |
不然他幹嘛 莫名其妙地冒出來? | Why else would he swoop in out of nowhere for no reason? |
人好啊 | To be nice? |
嘿,喬伊,男人會不會 莫名其妙地對陌生女子好 | Hey,Joey,are men ever nice to strange women for no reason? |
不會,男人只想上床而已 謝謝 | -No,only for sex. -Thank you. |
你有沒有 跟馬克什麼的提起我? | So did you tell "Mark Something" about me? |
我用不著提,我穿著… | I didn't have to. I was wearing... |
“我愛羅斯”的看板 而且一直搖著鈴 | ... my "I Heart Ross" sandwich board and ringing my bell. |
喬伊,生日快樂 | Joey! Happy birthday! |
你能看見多少個女孩? | How many of that girl are you seeing? |
你腦殼壞了嗎? 她們是喬伊的姐妹 | How hammered are you? These are Joey's sisters. |
嗨,喬伊的姐妹 | Hi,Joey's sisters! |
你喝的是什麼? | What're we drinking over here? |
我喝的是伏特加和小紅莓汁 | Well,I have a vodka and cranberry juice. |
真的? | No kidding? |
我幹掉我丈夫之後 就是調這種酒來喝 | That's the same drink I made myself right after I shot my husband. |
好,我不知道該怎麼跟你說話 | Okay,I don't know how to talk to you. |
你在幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
把我前任女友的快速撥號刪除 | I'm taking my ex-girlfriend off my speed dialer. |
不,這是好事 | No,it's a good thing. |
我們要快速撥號幹嘛? 幹嘛趕來趕去的? | Why must we dial so speedily anyway? Why rush through life? |
我們為什麼 不能珍惜美好時光? | Why can't we savor the precious moments? |
你胸部好大 | You have some huge breasts! |
嗨 嗨 | -Hi. -Hi. |
我聽說了瑞秋今天遇到的 那個叫馬克的傢伙 | So I heard about this Mark guy that Rachel met today. |
很棒,不是嗎? | Isn't it great? |
對,是很棒 看樣子他是個好人 | Yeah,pretty good. He sounds like a nice,good guy. |
對,他簡直太完美了 | Oh,he is. And he is so dreamy! |
他走的時候,我是這麼說的… | I mean,when he left,I actually used the phrase: |
哈米娜…(因一見鍾情的興奮又害羞不知所措的胡言亂語) | "Hummina,hummina,hummina." |
太好了 | That's excellent. |
這麼說他只是個大好人罷了 | So he's "just a nice guy." |
你真的認為這個叫馬克的 是不求回報地幫你? | Do you really think this Mark doesn't want anything for helping you? |
我想我得跟他一起洗個澡 | Well,I assume I'll have to take showers with him. |
不過哪份工作不是這樣 | But that's true of any job. |
你感覺怎麼樣? | How you feeling? |
我的公寓已經不存在了 | Well,my apartment isn't there anymore... |
因為全被我喝掉了 | ... because I drank it. |
你去哪裡了?你拆了禮物之後 我們就找不到你了 | Where'd you go? We lost you after you opened up all the presents. |
我後來跑到貯藏室 而且不只我一個人 | I ended up in the storage room,and not alone. |
不要再叫了… | No "woo-hooing." No "woo-hooing." |
怎麼了?出了什麼事? | Why,what happened? |
我跟喬伊的姐妹瞎搞 | I fooled around with Joey's sister. |
這還不是最糟糕的 | That's not the worst part. |
那最糟糕的是什麼? | What is the worst part? |
我不記得是哪個姐妹 | I can't remember which sister. |
你看到沒有? 別說男人有好人 | You see what men do? Don't tell me men are nice. |
這就是男人 | This is men! |
你瘋了不成? | Are you insane? |
喬伊會殺了你 他真的會把你殺死的 | Joey will kill you. He'll actually kill you dead. |
你以為我沒想到嗎? | You don't think I thought of that? |
你怎麼會不知道是哪一個? 簡直無法置信 | -How can you not know which one? -That's unbelievable. |
是吉娜嗎? 哪個是吉娜? | -Was it Gina? -Which one's Gina? |
黑皮膚、蓬蓬頭 戴著飛機耳環 | The dark,big hair,with airplane earrings. |
那是迪娜,不是吉娜 | That's Dina,not Gina. |
看到沒?你們也分不清誰是誰 | See? You can't tell which is which either! |
我們可沒有跟哪個胡搞 | We didn't fool around with any of them. |
一定是薇若妮卡 那個穿紅裙子的女孩 | It's got to be Veronica. The girl in the red skirt. |
我確實把我的舌頭 伸到她的喉嚨裡 | I definitely stuck my tongue down her throat! |
那個是我 | That was me. |
我喝了酒以後 有時候會變得太熱情 | When I drink,sometimes I get overly friendly... |
對不起 沒關係 | -...and I'm sorry. -That's okay. |
不要緊 算了 | -That's all right. -That's okay. |
我可以跟你私下談談嗎? | Can I talk to you for a second? |
嘿,喬伊 | Hey,Joey! |
過來 | Come on. |
我們為什麼不在這裡談? | Why can't we talk in here... |
這裡有人證 | ...with witnesses? |
我剛跟我妹妹通完電話 | I just got off the phone with my sister. |
哪一個? | Which one? |
瑪麗安琪拉 瑪麗安琪拉 | -Mary Angela. -Mary Angela. |
這又是哪一個了? | Now which one is she again? |
問錢德,他跟她胡搞 | Ask Chandler. He fooled around with her. |
她告訴我,你對她說 你為她大為傾倒 | She told me you said you could really fall for her. |
這是實話?還是你泡我妹妹 只是為了忘記珍妮絲? | Is that true,or are you just getting over Janice by groping my sister? |
一定是第一個原因 | It's gotta be the first one. |
真的? | Really? |
那太好了 | That's great! |
你跟我妹妹坐在樹上 | You and my sister,sitting in a tree! |
對,我在樹上 | Yep,I'm in a tree. |
他來電話沒有? 馬克來電話沒有? | Did he call? Did Mark call? |
我很遺憾 不過週末還沒結束 | I'm sorry. But the weekend's not over yet. |
我的天,那是菲比嗎? | Oh,my God! Is that Phoebe? |
看來他們約完會了 | Guess they're back from their date. |
音樂 | Music! |
真甜蜜 | Very nice! |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
你好嗎? | So how are you? |
我很好,我的書完稿了 這本書講什麼? | -I am good. I finished my book. -What's it about? |
我不記得了,你想散步嗎? 想 | I don't remember. Do you want to take a walk? |
親愛的瑪麗安琪拉 | "Dear Mary Angela: |
嗨,你好嗎? | Hi,how's it going? |
這是我所寫過 最難以啟齒的一封信 | This is the hardest letter I've ever had to write." |
你是怎麼搞的? | What the hell's the matter with you? |
你寫信甩掉他妹妹 喬伊會對你怎麼樣? | How will Joey react to you blowing off his sister with a letter? |
這時候你就告訴他 我搬到法國去了 | That's where you tell him that I moved to France... |
事實上,我人會在古巴 | ...when actually I'll be in Cuba. |
聽我說 你得親自去做這件事 | Look,you've got to do this yourself in person. |
至少你知道她叫什麼名字 | You know her name. |
你只要到他家去找瑪麗安琪拉 | You just go to the house and ask for Mary Angela. |
不管她是哪一個 她到門口來的時候… | When whichever one she is comes to the door... |
請她去散個步,給她留點面子 | ...take her for a walk and let her down easy. |
萬一是她來開門 而我又開口找她呢? | What if she comes to the door and I ask for her? |
你要去古巴的哪裡? | Where in Cuba? |
你在這裡幹嘛? | What are you doing here? |
等我祖母幫我洗衣服 | Waiting for my grandma to do my laundry. |
你呢? | What about you? |
我來見瑪麗安琪拉 | I'm here to see Mary Angela. |
你真是男人,來 | You are so the man! Come on. |
聽我說 | Now look,listen. Listen.... |
別亂講話 因為祖母不知道你們的事 | Be cool,because Grandma doesn't know about you two. |
最好不要惹她生氣 | You don't want to tick her off. |
她是第六個在墨索里尼被吊著的屍體上吐痰的人 | She was,like,the sixth person to spit on Mussolini's hanging body. |
-你父母呢?-去佛蒙特買香煙去了 | -Where are your parents?-They're in Vermont, buying cigarettes. |
瑪麗安琪拉在哪裡? | Where's Mary Angela? |
她就在裡面 | She's right in there. |
嘿,錢德 嘿,錢德 | -Hey,Chandler! -Hey,Chandler! |
我不敢相信馬克沒有打電話來 | I can't believe Mark didn't call. |
現在是星期天晚上 他居然還沒打電話來 | It's Sunday night and he didn't call. |
真倒楣 | Bummer. |
對,看看你,你實在太可笑了 | Yeah,right. Look at you. You're practically giddy. |
我真的很遺憾 馬克沒有幫到你 | I'm genuinely sorry the Mark thing didn't work out. |
聽我說,瑞秋 我也是一心為你好 | Look,Rach,I want only good things for you. |
等一下,為什麼 你不打電話給馬克? | Wait a minute. Why don't you just call Mark? |
誰說你必須坐在這裡等他? | Who says you have to sit and wait for him? |
你得主動出擊 | You've got to make stuff happen! |
對,但也不能太過分 | Yeah,but you don't wanna seem too pushy. |
不會的 他把家裡電話給了她 | It's not pushy. He gave her his home number. |
什麼?他把家裡電話給你 打電話到他家嗎? | He gave you his home number,as in,to his home? |
你不介意我打電話吧 既然你是一心為我好 | And you don't mind if I call,because you want good things for me. |
對,為你好 我是這麼說的 | That's right,good things. That is what I said. |
馬克?嗨,我是瑞秋格林 | Mark? Hi,it's Rachel Greene. |
不,你千萬別道歉 | Oh,no. Don't you apologize. |
好,我等 | Yeah,I'll hold. |
他把電話留在辦公室 他本來要去拿 | He left my number at work. |
不過他得幫他侄女 做研究拓荒者的報告 | Then he had to help his niece with her report on the pioneers. |
一聽就知道是掰的 | That is so made up! |
我的天!明天嗎? | Oh,my God! Tomorrow? |
這…不,這太好了 | That's No,it's perfect. |
老天,太感謝你了 | Oh,God! Thank you so much! |
太好了,再見 | Great. |
我可以去面試了 | I got the interview! |
你看吧 | There you go! |
他還要跟我吃午飯,幫我準備 | He even offered to meet me for lunch and prep me for it. |
太了不起了 | That is amazing! |
如果我瞭解馬克 我想是的… | Well,if I know Mark,and I think I do... |
他應該就是這種人 | ...I'd expect nothing less. |
我得想想明天要穿什麼才好 | I gotta figure out what to wear. |
高領衫加蓬蓬褲 才是專業人士的穿著 | High collar and baggy pants say,"I'm a pro!" |
是啊 | Yeah,right. |
好,回頭見 | Okay,I'll see you guys later. |
沒問題 | You go get them! |
我對你做了什麼? 我傷害過你嗎? | What did I do to you? Did I hurt you in some way? |
什麼? | What? |
你為什麼不打電話給他? | "Why don't you call him?" |
真是太謝謝你了 現在他要幫她準備面試 | Thank you very much. Now he's gonna prep her... |
這就是開除男朋友的前兆 | ...as in what you do before you surgically remove the boyfriend! |
你瘋了不成? | Are you crazy? |
有嗎?我瘋了嗎? 我失去理智了嗎? | Am l? Am I out of my mind? Am I losing my senses? |
那個大好人要跟我女朋友吃飯 | This dreamy guy's taking my girlfriend out for a meal! |
羅斯,你根本不是重點 | This isn't even about you! |
重點是瑞秋可以有好的前途 | It's about something wonderful happening for Rachel. |
就算你說得對 他對她不懷好意 | Even if you're right,and he wants to sleep with her... |
這表示他就能得逞嗎? | ...does that mean he gets to? |
不會,可是… 你不信任她嗎? | -No,but -Don't you trust her? |
不要自哀自憐了 別像個小孩子 | Then get over yourself! Grow up! |
你才別像個小孩子 | You grow up. |
這提拉米蘇真好吃 | This tiramisu is excellent. |
是你做的嗎,瑪麗安琪拉? | Did you make it,Mary Angela? |
不,是我做的 | No,I did. |
真好吃 | Well,it's yummy. |
那… | So.... |
瑪麗安琪拉,你喜歡嗎? | Mary Angela,do you like it? |
當然,這是她最愛吃的 | Of course. It's her favorite. |
那… | So.... |
瑪麗安琪拉 你還喜歡什麼? | Mary Angela,what's your second favorite? |
吃更多奶奶做的提拉米蘇 | More of Grandma's tiramisu. |
拜託你… | Oh,would you just please... |
把食譜給我,因為太好吃了 是第一流的 | ...give me your recipe,because this is great! It's topnotch! |
食譜要跟著我進棺材 | That dies with me. |
我也會 | So will l. |
到洗手間去 | Excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. |
我只是斜視 沒什麼特別意思 | I was just squinting. It doesn't mean anything. |
照做就是了 | Just do it! |
失陪一下,我得… | Will you excuse me,I have to.... |
終於!我還以為 我們沒機會獨處了 | Finally! I thought we'd never be alone. |
聽我說句話好嗎? | Can I just tell you something? |
派對結束之後 我滿腦子都在想著你 | I have not stopped thinking about you since the party. |
聽我說 我可能操之過急了 | Look,I may have jumped the gun here. |
我剛結束一段感情 | I just got out of a relationship. |
我還沒辦法… | And I'm not really in a... |
給任何人承諾 | ...in a commitment kind of place. |
那又怎樣?我也一樣 | So? Me neither! |
老天,瑪麗安琪拉說得對 你的嘴唇柔軟極了 | God,Mary Angela was right. You do have the softest lips. |
你不是瑪麗安琪拉? | You're not Mary Angela? |
不,我是瑪麗泰瑞絲 | No! I'm Mary Therese! |
這真是太糟糕了 | This is so bad. |
如果你不是瑪麗安琪拉 那誰是? | If you're not Mary Angela,then who is? |
我是 | I am. |
老天,這真是太糟糕了 | Oh,it's so bad. |
不,不要叫喬伊… | No,Joey! No,Joey! |
怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
就是你了,快去藏起來吧 | You're it! Now run and hide! |
沒什麼大不了的 錢德剛才在親我 | It's no big deal. Chandler was just kissing me... |
因為他以為我是瑪麗安琪拉 | ... because he thought I was Mary Angela. |
什麼?你怎麼會 把她當成瑪麗安琪拉? | What? How could you think she was Mary Angela? |
我不肯定哪一個是瑪麗安琪拉 | I wasn't sure which one Mary Angela was. |
聽我說,對不起 我喝得醉醺醺 | Look,I'm sorry. I was really drunk... |
你們的樣子都差不多 | ...and you guys all look really similar. |
我說揍他,喬伊 對,揍他 | -I say punch him,Joey! -Yeah,punch him! |
我們大家應該冷靜下來 | We should all calm down... |
因為你們的兄弟不會揍我的 | ... because your brother's not gonna punch me. |
是吧? | Are you? |
我通常會這麼做 | That's usually what I'd do. |
但我萬萬沒想到 有一天會揍你 | But I never thought you'd be on the receiving end. |
你怎麼能做這種事? | How could you do this? |
嘿,大家都去哪了? | Hey, where'd everybody go? |
你為什麼不去小屋裡找找,我想員警快來了 | Why don't you go into the den?l think Cops is on. |
如果你想揍我就動手吧 我罪有應得 | If you wanna punch me,go ahead. I deserve it. |
但我要你知道我在清醒時 絕不會傷害你或你的家人 | But I want you to know that I'd never soberly hurt you or your family. |
你是我最好的朋友 | You're my best friend. |
我再也不會做這種事了 | And I'd never do anything like this,ever again. |
那又怎麼樣? | So what? |
我說揍他 對,揍他 | -I say punch him! -Yeah,punch him! |
不,我不會揍錢德 | No,I'm not gonna punch Chandler. |
我會的 不,你不會的 | -I'll do it. -No,you won't! |
他知道他做了一件錯事 我相信他是真心道歉了 | He knows he did a terrible thing,and I believe him. He's sorry. |
但你還要再跟一個人道歉 | But you got one more apology to make. |
你得跟瑪麗安琪拉道歉 | You gotta apologize to Mary Angela. |
當然,沒問題 好 | -Absolutely. You got it. -All right. |
甜心,現在你可以揍他了 什麼? | -Cookie,now you can punch him! -What? |
你怎麼來了? | What are you doing here? |
我順路到這裡來… | You know,this building's on my paper route,so.... |
面試怎麼樣? | How did it go? |
跟我面試的女人很難對付 | The woman I interviewed with was pretty tough... |
但幸好有馬克指點我 | ... but thank God Mark coached me. |
我一談起秋季新裝 她就滿意得不得了 | Once I talked about the Fall line,she got all happy. |
我真為你驕傲 我也是 | -I'm so proud of you. -Me too! |
聽我說,我… | Listen,I'm.... |
對不起,我這麼神經又嫉妒… | I'm sorry I've been so crazy and jealous and.... |
這是因為我很喜歡你 所以… | It's just,I like you a lot,so.... |
我知道 | I know. |
嗨 嗨,馬克 | -Hi. -Hi,Mark. |
我剛跟瓊安娜談過 她很喜歡你,你被錄取了 | I just talked to Joanna,and she loves you. You got the job. |
真的? | I did? |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
恭喜… | Congratulations.... |
菲比? | So,Phoebe? |
你的約會怎麼樣? | How was your date? |
你知道… | Oh,well,you know.... |
對,我的確清楚 | Yeah,I do know. |
你偷聽我們約會 | You were eavesdropping? |
偷聽?菲比 天花板的瓷磚都快掉下來了 | Eavesdropping? Pheebs,the ceiling tiles were falling down. |
對不起 | Oh,I'm sorry. |
但我真的很喜歡他 我想他也很喜歡我 | But I really like this guy and I think he really likes me. |
也許他只是… | Maybe he's just... |
跳彈簧床跳得很爽 | ...jumping on a pogo stick and he really likes it. |
也許彈簧床也被跳得很爽 | Maybe the pogo stick likes it too. |
好吧,到此為止 他不能這樣對菲比 | All right,that's it. He cannot do this to Phoebe! |
我要狠狠揍這傢伙一頓 | This guy's gonna get the butt-kicking of a lifetime! |
但他個子很高大嗎? | But is he a big guy? |
我們一起去,來 | We'll all go. Come on. |
那麼,我想想,我剛被一個女孩子揍了…他們需要我 | Well, let's see,l just got beat up by a girl....They need me. |
謝謝你們,謝謝 | Thanks,you guys. Thank you! |
別擔心 | Don't worry! |
老天,希望他們痛扁他一頓 | God! I hope they kick his ass! |
親愛的,我很遺憾 | Honey,I'm sorry. |
如果這可以給你一點安慰… | If it's any consolation... |
聽起來他跟你在一起比較開心 | ...he sounded like he had more fun with you. |
你們都覺得這雙鞋很醜嗎? 對 | -Does everybody hate these shoes? -Yeah. |
別擔心,沒有人會注意的 只要你穿著那件浴巾裝 | But nobody will focus on that if you wear that towel-dress. |
你跟他說吧 | Tell him. |
這是她新工作的第一天 你不該一早就開她玩笑 | It's her first day at this new job. You shouldn't start with her. |
好吧,我可以等到晚上再說 | All right. I suppose I can wait a day. |
你星期五有節目嗎? 幹嘛? | -What are you doing Friday? -Why? |
你得來參加我的怪堂哥 艾勃特的告別單身派對 | Come to my weird cousin Albert's bachelor party. |
你知道,他是植物學家 | You know,he's the botanist? |
老天 | Oh,God! |
植物學家都神神經經的 | Botanists are such geeks. |
那是恐龍領帶嗎? | Is that a dinosaur tie? |
早安 | Morning! |
瑞秋,我拿皮包來了 | Rach,I'm here with the purses! |
在這麼多包裡找鑰匙得要一輩子 | It must take you forever to find your keys. |
謝謝,菲比 | Thank you,Pheebs. |
不客氣,拜託你用 這個烏龜包包 | You're welcome. Please want the one with the turtles. |
不,烏龜讓我害怕 今天尤其不是時候 | No,turtles scare me. I don't need that today. |
親愛的,別緊張,沒問題的 | Honey,just relax. It's gonna be fine. |
我過去跟你一起吃午飯吧? | Why don't I come and take you to lunch? |
謝了,但馬克要帶我去吃飯 | Thank you! But Mark's taking me out. |
馬克?就是那個 幫你找工作的馬克? | Mark? Is that the same Mark that helped you get the job? |
對,算是祝我第一天工作順利 | It's like a "good luck on your first day" thing. |
那是午餐盒嗎? | Is this a lunch box? |
不,是皮包 裡面還有個熱水瓶 | No,a purse. And there's a thermos in it. |
你星期五能來嗎? 什麼? | -So can you make it on Friday? -What? |
我想可以吧 可是你為什麼要請我呢? | I think so. Why am I invited to this again? |
顯然艾勃特沒有朋友 | Apparently,Albert has no friends. |
他對告別單身派對充滿期待 | He's excited about the bachelor party. |
我想他是為了看 脫衣舞娘才結婚的 | He's only getting married so he can see a stripper. |
請脫衣舞娘參加告別單身派對 你們真是老套 | A stripper at a bachelor party. That is so cliche. |
為什麼不請魔術師? | Why don't you guys get a magician? |
如果魔術師可以用臀部 給我開啤酒,那就行 | If he can open my beer with his butt-cheeks,then all right. |
本集播出:“嫉妒” | The One With All the Jealousy |
她要跟她吃午飯? 跟他吃午飯? | She's having lunch with him? Lunch with him? |
你該看看她被錄取時 是怎麼擁抱他的 | You should've seen him hug her when she got the job! |
而且他很帥 | And he's really good-looking. |
我該怎麼辦? 不怎麼辦 | -What am I gonna do? -You don't do anything. |
放在心裡 學著隱藏你的感情 | IKeep it inside. Learn how to hide your feelings. |
不要大哭 | Don't cry out loud. |
猜猜誰得到了百老匯 音樂劇的試演機會? | Guess who has an audition for a Broadway musical? |
我本來要說是你 不過這個答案好像太容易了 | I wanna say you,but it seems like such an easy answer. |
就是我 | It is me! |
這是音樂劇版的“雙城記”(狄更斯名著) | It's a musical version of A Tale of Two Cities. |
我想我要唱“紐約,紐約” | So I think I'm gonna sing "New York,New York"... |
和“我把心留在三藩市” | ...and "I Left My Heart in San Francisco." |
喬伊,我想輪不到你來挑城市 | Joey,I don't think you get to pick the cities. |
什麼? | What? |
這是狄更斯先生的選擇 | Mr. Dickens gets to pick them. |
誰? | Who? |
我拿克裡夫名著解讀給你 | I'll get you the Cliff Notes. |
什麼? | The what? |
簡易文學讀本 | The abridgment. |
什麼? | The what? |
型號 | Then the style number... |
發貨號碼…和出貨日期 | ...the invoice number and the shipping date. |
很好,有問題嗎? | Good. Any questions so far? |
我們買東西會有多少折扣? | What kind of discount do we get? |
八折 | Twenty percent. |
我愛死這份工作了 | I love this job! |
我的第一通電話 來,讓我代勞 | -My first call! -Here,let me. |
瑞秋格林的電話,需要我效勞嗎? | Rachel Greene's line. May I help you? |
嗨,瑞秋在嗎? | Hi,is Rachel there? |
請問是哪一位? 我是羅斯 | -And who may I say is calling? -This is Ross. |
哪位羅斯? | Ross of...? |
“羅斯和瑞秋”的羅斯 | Of "Ross and Rachel." |
嗨,我是馬克 | Hi,it's Mark. |
嘿,馬克 嘿 | -Hey,Mark. -Hey. |
等一下 好 | Hold on a second. It's Ross. |
嗨,親愛的 | Hi,honey. |
馬克怎麼會替你接電話? | What's Mark doing answering your phone? |
他只是在附近閒逛 | Oh,he's just goofing around. |
有意思 | Oh,that's funny. |
他幹嘛不在自己辦公室閒逛? | Why isn't he goofing around in his own office? |
這裡就是他辦公室,我說過 我們是瓊安娜的兩個助理 | This is his office too. I told you,we're Joanna's two assistants. |
瓊安娜為什麼需要兩個助理? | Why does Joanna need two assistants? |
她很懶嗎? | How lazy is she? |
我的天,我做了什麼? | Oh,my God! What did I just do? |
我剛把三千副胸罩 送到人事部去了 | I just shipped 3000 bras to Personnel! |
我要掛電話了 馬克,我需要你 | I gotta go! Mark,I need you! |
好,再見 | Okay! Bye-bye! |
對不起,甜心,我只是要… | I'm sorry,sweetie. I was just trying to |
我只是要打下一個電話 | I was dialing another number. |
我30秒鐘換好衣服 就是讓你跟他獨處 | I got changed in 30 seconds so you could be alone with him. |
你最好趕快展開攻勢 | You better go for it. |
我不要展開什麼攻勢 | I'm not going for anything. |
你不要的話,我要 | Well,if you don't,I will. |
拜託你走吧? | Would you please go? |
晚安,莫妮卡 | 'Night,Mon. |
晚安,胡利歐 | 'Night,Julio. |
胡利歐,有人把書忘在這裡了 | Someone left their book here. |
事實上,那是我的書 | Actually,that is mine. |
你在看什麼書? | What are you reading? |
波德賴爾的《惡之花》(現代派文學代表作) 你看過沒有? | Flowers of Evil,by Baudelaire. Have you read it? |
我看過沒有? | Have I read it? |
沒有,你喜歡嗎? | No. Are you enjoying it? |
我本來以為我會喜歡 不過翻譯得不好 | I thought I would,but the translation's no good. |
你是詩人,居然不懂 | You're a poet and you don't know it. |
其實,我… | Actually,l.... |
我是詩人 | I am a poet. |
那你一定懂了 | So you do know it. |
你都寫些什麼? | So what kind of things do you write about? |
寫一些讓我感動的事物 | Things that move me: |
婆娑樹影 | The shadow of a tree... |
童稚笑容 | ...a child laughing... |
或這片嘴唇 | ...or this lip. |
我的? | Mine? |
這裡? | Right here? |
我可以為這片嘴唇寫一部史詩 | I could write an epic poem about this lip. |
要怎麼寫? | How would that go? |
雖然沒有押韻… | Well,it didn't rhyme... |
不過我喜歡 | ...but I liked it. |
你們得扒一、兩個錢包 | You've got to pick a pocket or two... |
孩子們… | ...boys |
你得扒一、兩個… | You've got to pick a pocket... |
錢包… | ... or two |
真好 | Lovely. |
太好了 | Just lovely. |
真的?謝謝 | Really? Thanks. |
喬伊,我們非常希望 星期六再看到你 | We definitely want to see you for the callback on Saturday. |
太好了 | Excellent! |
我會來的 | I'll be there. |
別忘了帶你的爵士舞鞋 來參加舞蹈試演 | Don't forget to bring your jazz shoes for the dance audition. |
我的經紀人說 這個角色不必跳舞 | My agent said that it wasn't a dancing part. |
所有的角色都要跳一點舞 | All the roles gotta dance a little. |
但以你的舞蹈背景 小意思罷了 | But with your dance background,it'll be a piece of cake. |
追隨特維拉撒普(著名現代舞指導)學習三年現代舞? | "Three years of modern dance with Twyla Tharp"? |
在美國芭蕾舞團待了五年? | "Five years with the American Ballet Theatre"? |
誰的履歷表不作假? | Everybody lies on their resume,okay? |
我也不是“《光圈》之子”(攝影雜誌)中的一員 | I wasn't one of the Zoom kids either. |
你到底會不會跳舞? | Well,can you,like,dance at all? |
我會跳舞,你知道… | Yeah,I can dance. You know.... |
這是幹什麼? | What is that? |
現在看起來很蠢 因為沒有放音樂 | Sure,it looks stupid now. There's no music playing. |
我得去接電話 不過,不要… | I have to get that. But,no,no. |
嗨 | Hi. |
聽我說,我需要個脫衣舞娘 我聽說你是跳脫衣舞的 | Listen,I'm in need of a stripper and I was told that you do that. |
我問你,你多收一百塊 可以額外提供什麼服務? | Let me ask you this. What do you do for the extra hundred? |
那我要提供葡萄嗎? | So would I have to provide the grapes? |
嗨 | Hi. |
你昨晚跟胡利歐約會的情況怎麼樣,小姐(西班牙語)? | How was last night with Julio,senorita? |
簡直不可思議,他性感又聰明 這讓他顯得更性感 | It was amazing. He's sexy and smart,which makes him even sexier. |
我得告訴你 昨晚我們親熱的時候… | Last night we were fooling around... |
突然之間,他停下來寫詩… | ...and all of a sudden he stops to write a poem. |
少來了,我就算被 隕石打中也停不下來 | Get out! I couldn't stop if a meteor hit me. |
我們請了脫衣舞娘 “水晶吊燈小姐” | We have our stripper,a "Miss Crystal Chandelier." |
從小就取這種名字 長大了還能做什麼? | Name a kid that,what do you expect them to grow up to be? |
但他忘了把這首詩帶走 | But he forgot to take the poem with him. |
我看不懂詩 不過我覺得這是一首好詩 | I am totally dense about poetry,but I think this is pretty good. |
你們看看 | Check it out. |
“空花瓶” 半透明的美 | "The Empty Vase. Translucent beauty" |
不要念出聲 | To yourself. |
寫得很好 | You know,that's pretty good. |
對,我也覺得,菲比? | Yeah,I think so too. Phoebe? |
太棒了 我真高興你們都喜歡 | Great! I'm so glad you guys like it! |
我得去上班了 我還沒看完 | -I gotta go to work. -I'm not done. |
看完再還給我 | Give it back when you're through. |
回頭見 再見 | -See you guys. -Bye-bye. |
我的天…可憐的莫妮卡 | Oh,my God! Oh,my God! Poor Monica! |
怎麼了?… | What? What? What? |
他在跟她親熱的時候寫這首詩 | He was with her when he wrote this poem! |
我的花瓶如此美麗 內裡空無一物 | "My vessel so lovely,with nothing inside"? |
如今我伸手觸摸 你看似更加空洞 | "Now that I've touched you,you seem emptier still"? |
他覺得莫妮卡很空洞 她是個空花瓶 | He thinks Monica's empty. She's the empty vase! |
-空花瓶,空花瓶?-莫妮卡不是空花瓶 | -Vase, vase?-Monica's not an empty vase. |
你認為她是花瓶? | You think vase? |
你真的覺得他是這個意思? | You really think he meant that? |
一點都沒錯 | Totally. |
老天,她看起來好幸福 | Oh,God! And she seems so happy too. |
看完了 | Done. |
怎麼了 | What happened? |
喬伊,你認為這首詩的含義是什麼 | Joey, what do you think this poem means? |
莫妮卡是花瓶,對吧 | Monica's the vase, right? |
你真是深不可測 | You are such a mystery to me. |
我是如此愛你 | |
你有羅夫羅蘭的檔案嗎? | Do you have the Ralph Lauren file? |
當然有,就在 | Oh,yeah,sure! It's right |
那是什麼? | What's that? |
是羅斯送的,愛的金龜 | It's from Ross. It's a Love Bug. |
他想向全世界宣告 你已經有男朋友了 | Somebody wants people to know you have a boyfriend. |
他不是這個意思 | That's not what he's doing. |
他只是非常浪漫罷了 | He's just really romantic. |
對不起,你是瑞秋格林嗎? | Excuse me. Are you Rachel Greene? |
1、2、3 | One,two,three. |
恭喜你新工作的第一周 | Congratulations on your first week At your brand-new job |
要不了多久你就會當老闆了 | It won't be long Before you're the boss |
你知道到時候 誰會支援你 | And you know who will be there To support you |
就是你唯一的男朋友 | Your one and only boyfriend |
有男朋友真好 | It's nice to have a boyfriend! |
你忠心、深情的男友,羅斯 | Your loyal,loving boyfriend,Ross! |
我傷心,我真得很傷心… | I'm hurt! I'm actually hurt... |
你居然以為我送那些東西 不是出於對你的愛 | ...that you'd think I'd send those things out of anything but love. |
傷心 | Hurt! |
好,我懂了,你很傷心 | All right,I get it. You're hurt! |
男人不能請理髮店四重唱… | Can't a guy send a barbershop quartet... |
到女朋友的辦公室嗎? | ...to his girlfriend's office anymore? |
拜託,羅斯 這實在太明顯了 | Oh,please! It was so obvious... |
你好像在劃定地盤 | ...Iike you were marking your territory. |
你乾脆到辦公室來 在我的桌子周圍撒尿好了 | You might as well have just come in and peed around my desk! |
我絕對不會這麼做 | I would never do that. |
聽我說,我知道這是怎麼回事 | Look,I know what's going on here. |
馬克都跟我解釋過了 他說你們男人就是這樣 | Mark explained it all to me. He said this is what you guys do. |
如果馬克這麼說 那馬克就是白癡 | Well,if Mark said that,then Mark's an idiot. |
馬克是個天才 | Mark's a genius. |
為什麼?怎麼說? 他為什麼會是天才? | Why? How? How is he a genius? |
你還看不出來嗎? | Don't you see what's happening? |
他沒有勾引她 反而當了她的知己 | Instead of hitting on her now,he's becoming her confidante. |
現在她就會跑去跟他抱怨你 | Now he's gonna be the guy she goes to,to complain about you. |
你還好吧 | You okay over there? |
我今天去上了舞蹈課,好應付明天的複試 | l tried taking a dance class today to get ready for this callback tomorrow. |
-怎麼樣?-撞倒了一個女孩 | -How'd it go?-Knocked over a girl. |
幹得好 回到馬克的話題好嗎 我該怎麼辦? | Good work. Can we get back to the Mark thing?What am I gonna do? |
何不送她一個音樂金龜? | Why don't you send her a musical bug? |
不,你已經送過了 | No,you already did that. |
你得親自過去 | You're gonna have to go there yourself now. |
給她一個驚喜的來訪 | Make a few surprise visits. |
我不知道 | I don't know,guys. |
很好,不要輕舉妄動 坐著跟我們聊天 | Fine,don't do anything. Sit and talk to us. |
這時候她正在跟他談你 | Meanwhile,she is talking to him about you. |
他是體帖入微先生 | And he's being Mr. Joe Sensitive. |
她在想“也許他就是我的伴侶 他這麼瞭解我” | She's thinking,"Maybe he's the guy for me because he understands me." |
你還沒搞清楚狀況 她就跟他在一起了 | And before you know it,she's with him. |
你就會說“老天” | And you'll be all,"Oh,man!" |
他會說“太棒了” | And he'll be all,"Yes!" |
我們都會說“傻瓜” | And us,we'll be like,"Oh,dude!" |
很快你就會說… | And pretty soon you'll be like: |
“嗨” | "Hi." |
還有“我不能去 瑞秋和馬克可能在那裡” | And,"Well,I can't go. Rachel and Mark might be there." |
我們會說“忘了吧 已經四年了” | And we'll be like,"Man,get over it! It's been four years!" |
他說得很有畫面感,不是嗎? | He paints quite a picture,doesn't he? |
這是謝莉西格爾(加拿大唱片公司老闆)12月的材料 | Here's the Shelley Segal stuff for December. |
等等,我有東西要給你 | Wait,I've got something for you. |
沒關係,瑞秋知道 | It's okay. Rachel knows. |
對,但就算是這樣… | Yeah,but even so |
我控制不了,我為你瘋狂 | I can't help it. I'm just crazy about you. |
你真會講話 | Oh,that is so sweet! |
我知道我老是做不得體的事 但是這真的好難 | I know I'm Mr. Inappropriate today,but it's just so tough. |
看著你走來走去 我好想把你抱在懷裡 | I see you walking around,and I want to touch and hold you.... |
來,這裡沒有人,吻我吧 | Come on,no one's around. Just kiss me. |
好了,夠了,放開她 | All right,that's it! Get off of her! |
怎麼回事? | What is going on? |
怎麼回事? 我告訴你這是怎麼回事 | What's going on? I'll tell you what's going on! |
我在你們公司 找領帶找了20分鐘 | I have been down in your store for 20 minutes,trying to get a tie. |
要怎麼樣才有人來服務我? | What do I have to do to get some service? |
嗨,瑞秋 | Hi,Rach. |
喬伊崔比亞尼 | Joey Tribbiani? |
現在出了問題 | I've got a problem. |
舞蹈領隊打電話來 | I just got a call from my dance captain. |
他感情出現危機 不能離開長島 | He's having a relationship crisis and can't leave Long lsland. |
這表示試演取消了嗎? | Does that mean the audition's off? |
既然你的經驗豐富 | Seeing as you've got the most experience... |
我希望你來領舞 | ... I want you to teach these dancers the combination. |
什麼? | What? |
好啦,很簡單嘛 你知道,就是手… | Come on,it's easy. You know,it's hand,hand... |
頭… | ... head,head... |
抬起來…不要擠在一起… | ... up,pas de bourree,pas de bourree... |
大旋轉…腿轉圈… | ... big turn here,rond de jambe.... |
滑過來,一步,再一步… | Slide,step,step... |
爵士手勢 | ...and jazz hands! |
這麼說是踏步舞步和爵士手勢 | So that's,"Steppity-step and jazz hands." |
跳得高興點 | Have fun. |
再見 | Bye. |
你在包什麼? | What are you wrapping? |
看我送胡利歐什麼? | Look what I got Julio. |
是個花瓶 | It's a vase. |
就像他那首詩 | Just like the one in the poem. |
不完全跟那首詩一樣 | Not exactly like the one in the poem. |
此話怎講? | What do you mean? |
記得你說過你不會看詩嗎? | Remember how you said you were really dense about poetry? |
這麼說我只是個空洞的花瓶? | So I'm just an empty vase? |
什麼? | What? |
好,我不像你那樣常看名著 | So,I don't read as many important books as you do. |
我也不寫表裡不一的怪詩 | And I don't write trick poems that aren't about what they seem. |
我喜歡愚蠢的東西 | And I get excited about stupid stuff... |
就像我的時人雜誌來的時候… | ...Iike when my People magazine comes... |
還有《全部擁有》商品型錄來的時候… | ...and the new "Hold Everything" catalog. |
但這不表示我是空洞的 我關心我的家人和朋友 | But that doesn't mean I'm empty. I care about things. Friends and family. |
你沒有權利批判我 你根本不瞭解我 | You have no right to judge me! You don't even know me! |
這首詩講的不是你 | The poem is not about you. |
什麼? | What? |
“空花瓶”講的不是你 | "The Empty Vase" is not about you. |
我親愛的寶貝… | My baby preciosa.... |
你居然這麼想,我好難過 | You make me so sad that you would think this. |
對不起,這… | I'm sorry. It's.... |
我朋友菲比說… | My friend Phoebe said |
這是講所有的女人 | It's about all women. |
應該是說… | Well... |
全美國的女人 | ...all American women. |
好受點了沒有? | You feel better now? |
好,來吧 | All right,let's do it. |
那是什麼玩意兒? | What was that? |
他們最多只能跳到這個程度 | It's the best I could get out of them. |
各位… | Well,people! |
各位… | People,people,people! |
我們再試一次 這次大家好好看著喬伊 | Let's try it again. And this time,everybody watch Joey. |
教他們怎麼跳 | Show 'em how it's done. |
彈琴,麥克 | Count it off,Mack. |
“中央咖啡廳” | |
你昨晚參加告別單身派對 玩得開心嗎? | Did you have fun at the bachelor party last night? |
看我拿到什麼? 看,她穿著衣服,對嗎? | Look what I got! See,she's dressed,right? |
然後按一下 她裸體了 | And then you click it,and uh-oh,she's naked! |
然後再按一下 她又穿上衣服了 | And then you click it again and she's dressed. |
她是個做生意的女人 走在大街上 | She's a business woman walking down the street. |
她在逛櫥窗 哦,她裸體了 | She's window shopping,and oh,she's naked! |
我要跟這只筆獨處一陣子 | I'm gonna spend some alone time with the pen. |
對不起,我是個白癡 | I'm sorry. I was an idiot. |
大白癡 | A big idiot. |
大白癡 | A big idiot. |
你必須瞭解… | It's just,you have to realize... |
我很難接受馬克這件事… | ...this Mark thing is hard for me. |
為什麼?我們在一起快一年了 | Why is it hard? We've been together for almost a year now. |
我跟卡蘿在一起八年了 | Well,I was with Carol for,like,eight years. |
而我失去了她 | And I lost her. |
現在,如果有這個可能 我想我愛你比愛她更深 | And now,if it's possible,I think I love you even more. |
所以我很難相信我不會… | So it's hard for me to believe I'm not gonna... |
別人不會把你奪走… | ...well,that someone else isn't gonna take you away. |
讓我奪走她吧… | Let it be me. Let it be me! |
親愛的,你的話好貼心 | Honey,that's very sweet. |
我只是覺得 如果兩個人彼此相愛 | It just seems to me,though,that if two people love each other... |
彼此信任,像我們這樣 | ...and trust each other,like we do... |
就沒有理由嫉妒 | ...there's no reason to be jealous. |
我得走了 | I gotta get going. |
再見,錢德 | Bye,Chandler. |
這枝筆有點無聊了 可以幫我拿幾本色情雜誌嗎? | This pen's getting kind of boring. Can you pick me up some porn? |
你要去哪裡? | Where you going? |
我得去接班 帶他跟別人出去玩 | I've gotta go pick up Ben for a play-date this afternoon. |
跟誰? | With who? |
跟我昨晚在派對上認識的女人 | Just this woman I met last night at the party. |
昨晚派對的女人… | There was a woman at? |
脫衣舞娘? | The stripper? |
你跟脫衣舞娘一起出去玩? | You have a play-date with a stripper? |
老天,我得生個孩子才行 | Man,I gotta get a kid! |
她跳完脫衣舞之後 我們開始聊天 | We started talking after she did her thing... |
她有個和班年齡相仿的兒子 | ...and she's got a boy about Ben's age. |
我們要帶孩子去上金寶貝早教課 | So we're gonna take the kids to a Gymboree class. |
可以嗎? 當然可以,她結婚沒有? | -ls that okay? -Sure. Is she married? |
你嫉妒嗎? | Are you jealous? |
我不懂她幹嘛跟你出去玩 | I just don't see why she has to play with you. |
她沒有其他當媽媽的 脫衣舞娘朋友嗎? | I mean,doesn't she have any other stripper-mom friends of her own? |
你嫉妒得要命 | You are totally jealous! |
我才沒有嫉妒 | I'm not jealous. |
這是因為… | This is about... |
人們對脫衣舞娘… | ... people feeling certain things... |
都有某種… | ...you know,about... |
看法,你知道… | ...strippers. And,you know.... |
我也愛你 | I love you too. |
再見 | Bye. |
等等… | Wait,wait,wait! |
幹嘛? | What? |
這個吻可以讓他 回味好幾個小時 | Well,there's a kiss he won't forget for a few hours. |
或者,你剛煽起他的火來 反而便宜了脫衣舞娘 | Either that or you just turned him on and sent him to a stripper. |
好吧,我嫉妒了,我嫉妒了 | All right, l'm jealous.l'm jealous! |
“哦,錢德,請不要這樣,我求求你不要…” | ''Oh, no. Chandler, please don't.No, l beg of you to not--'' |
胡利歐在這裡嗎? | Is there a Julio here? |
我就是胡利歐 | I am Julio. |
你非常自以為是 | Mr. Pretentious |
以為自己好得不得了 你的詩都沒出版 | You think there's no one finer Your poems are unpublished |
你在餐廳工作 | And you work in a diner |
你不是上帝對女人的恩賜 這只是你自以為是 | You're no God's gift to women That's all in your head |
你只是個馬屁精 | You are just a butt-munch |
沒人喜歡馬屁精 | No one likes a butt-munch! |
你的床上工夫也很爛 | And you're also bad in bed |
六塊錢 | Six dollars,please. |
六塊?我才租了一個晚上 是三塊錢 | Six? I just had it for one night. It's three. |
八點鐘結算,現在八點兩分了 | Eight o'clock's the cutoff. And,oh,it's 8:02. |
不知道為什麼 你的權力好像太大了 | You know,in a weird way,you have too much power. |
你得幫幫我,我只有三塊錢 | You have to help me because I only have three. |
我可以幫忙 | I can help with that. |
我的天,理查? | Oh,my God. Richard? |
你的鬍子刮掉了 | Your lip went bald. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
你氣色很好 | You look great! |
是啊 | Right. |
不,真的,你… | No,you do. You.... |
什麼? | What? |
你的內褲黏在腿上了 | You got panties stuck to your leg. |
我剛才從烘乾機裡 拿出衣服,這是靜電 | I was just grabbing some things out of the dryer,and static cling. |
也許老天爺知道我會碰到你 覺得這是個機會 | Or maybe God knew I'd be running into you and saw an opportunity. |
見到你真高興 | It's good to see you. |
我也是 | It's good to see you too. |
本集播出: “莫妮卡與查理成為朋友” | The One Where Monica and Rich are Just Friends |
(成人片區)看到那傢伙沒有? 他現在看的是經典巨片 | See that guy? He's in "Classics" now... |
不過等我們一走 他就馬上去逛色情片 | ... but as soon as we leave,he's going straight to the porn. |
到時候他會租“公民凱恩” “迷魂記”和“發條縱欲”(模仿《發條橙》) | He'll go to the counter with Citizen Kane,Vertigo and Clockwork Orgy. |
這樣真好 | This is nice. |
我好懷念這種時光 我也是 | -I miss this. -Me too. |
很抱歉,我們還要在這裡待久一會兒,所以你直接去那裡就行了 | Excuse me.We're gonna be here for a while,so just go back there. |
是的,我們不會審判你的 | Yeah, we're not judging. |
想一起吃個漢堡什麼的嗎? | You want to get a hamburger or something? |
我不知道這樣好不好 | I don't know if that's a good idea. |
只是朋友嘛 我保證不會毛手毛腳 | Just friends. I won't grope you. I promise. |
我覺得太快了 | I think it's too soon. |
不會太快,我十一點吃的午餐 | No,it's not too soon. I had lunch at 11. |
好啊 | Yeah,baby! |
你在做什麼? 巧克力牛奶,想喝嗎? | -What are you making? -Chocolate milk. Want some? |
不,謝了,我已經29歲了 | No,thanks. I'm 29. |
我的天,我得上班了 | Oh,my God! I gotta go to work! |
你今晚幾點下班? | What time will you get off tonight? |
可能會很晚 | It could be really late. |
拜託,怎麼又這樣? | Not again! |
我知道,對不起 我們商量一下好嗎? | I know. I'm sorry. I'll make a deal with you,okay? |
只要你在我回家以前睡著… | Every night that you're asleep before I get home... |
我就用你以前 很喜歡的方法把你喚醒 | ... I will wake you up in a way that has proved popular in the past. |
如果你要加班 我很願意支持你 | Well,if you need to stay late,I want to be supportive of that. |
看,你什麼時候開始溜冰了? | Look at you. Since when do you rollerblade? |
明天 | Since tomorrow. |
我在公園遇到一個帥哥 | I met a cute guy in the park. |
他是慢跑、溜冰和 游泳高手,我們說好了 | And he jogs and blades and swims and so we made a deal. |
他要教我各種運動 | He's gonna teach me how to do jock stuff. |
那你要如何回報他? 我會讓他達到目的 | -And what are you gonna do for him? -I'm gonna let him. |
很好 | Cool. |
早安 | Good morning. |
有人昨晚很晚才回來哦 | Somebody got in late last night. |
這個嘛,我碰到理查了 | Yeah,well,I ran into Richard. |
什麼時候的事? | When did this happen? |
大概八點零二分 | Around 8:02. |
我們聊了一會兒 然後一起吃了個單純的漢堡 | We talked for a while,and then we went out for an innocent burger. |
沒有所謂“單純的漢堡” | There's no such thing as an "innocent burger." |
你還會跟他見面嗎? 明天晚上 | -Gonna see him again? -Tomorrow night. |
莫妮卡,你這是在幹什麼? | Monica,what are you doing? |
她花了六個月才忘記他… | She spent six months getting over him... |
現在她慶祝的方式 就是跟他約會 | ...and now she's celebrating that by going on a date with him. |
這不是約會,好嗎? | It's not a date,okay? |
我要教他做義大利面 他要在家裡請客 | I'm teaching him how to make a lasagna for a potluck dinner. |
最好多做一點 做愛之後會很餓 | You might want to make extra,because you'll be hungry after the sex. |
我們不會上床 | We're not gonna have sex. |
一切如舊,他還是不要孩子 我還是想要孩子 | Nothing's changed here. He still doesn't want children,and I still do. |
所以我們只能當朋友 | So we're just gonna be friends. |
赤裸的朋友 | Naked friends. |
你有冰嗎? 打開冰箱看看 | -Do you have any ice? -Check the freezer. |
如果沒有,那大概就是用完了 | If there's none in there,we're probably out. |
你剛下班嗎?很晚了 | Are you just getting home? It's late. |
我知道,不過今天實在太棒了 | I know. I had the greatest day,though. |
我和卡文克萊的銷售代表開會 | I went to a meeting with reps from Calvin Klein. |
我看中一款性感內衣 我老闆就訂了一噸,你呢? | I liked a line of lingerie,so my boss ordered a ton of it. And you? |
我發現我可以 光用舌頭數完所有牙齒 | I discovered I'm able to count all my teeth using just my tongue. |
你把一本“閃靈” 放在冰箱幹嘛? | Why do you have a copy of The Shining in your freezer? |
我昨晚越看越害怕,就… | I was reading it last night and I got scared,so.... |
把書放進冰箱 你就安全了嗎? | But you're safe from it if it's in the freezer? |
至少安全一點 | Well,safer. |
我每次看書的時候… | I never start reading it... |
都先確定冰箱裡有地方放… | ...without making sure we got room in the freezer. |
你常常看這本書嗎? | How often do you read it? |
你從不把一本書一看再看嗎? | Haven't you ever read a book over and over again? |
“小婦人”我看了好幾次 | I read Little Women more than once. |
那是經典作品 “閃靈”哪裡好看? | It's a classic. What's so great about The Shining? |
你應該問 “閃靈”有哪裡不好看 | The question should be,what is not so great about The Shining? |
答案是“沒有”,知道嗎? | And the answer would be,"nothing." All right? |
這是有史以來最恐怖的書 | This is the scariest book ever. |
一定比你的經典作品好看 | I bet it's better than that classic of yours. |
我們走著瞧,好嗎? | We'll just see about that,okay? |
我看“閃靈” 你看“小婦人” | I will read The Shining,and you will read Little Women. |
好,沒問題 | All right,you got it. |
瑞秋,這些小婦人 | Now,Rach,these little women.... |
到底有多小? | How little are they? |
會不會小得很恐怖? | I mean,are they,like,scary little? |
知道嗎,我喜歡這種面料 | You know, l love this fabric. |
我想我應該用這種面料做身衣服 | l think l'm gonna have a suit made out of this. |
錢德、羅斯,這是勞勃 | Chandler,Ross? This is Robert. |
你這裡沾了唇膏 | You have lipstick right here. |
沒關係,那是我的唇膏 我們剛才接吻了 | That's okay,it's mine. We just kissed. |
穿短褲有點冷吧? | Isn't it a bit cold out for shorts? |
我是加利福尼亞人 | Well,I'm from California. |
對,有時候你們加利福尼亞人會自燃 | Right. Sometimes you guys just burst into flame. |
我起來了…我起來了 有人要什麼嗎? | I'm up. I'm up. I've gotten up now. Anybody want anything? |
我要咖啡 我也是 | -I'll have coffee. -Me too. |
三杯吧 | Make that three. |
羅斯,跟我來 | Ross,why don't you come with me? |
怎麼了?怎麼回事? | What's the matter? What's going on? |
勞勃快出來了 | Robert's coming out. |
什麼意思?他是同性戀? | What do you mean? Is he gay? |
他就快從短褲裡掉出來了 | He's coming out of his shorts. |
什麼? | What? |
這傢伙暴露重要部位 | The man is showing brain. |
你確定?等一下 | Are you sure? Hold on. |
對不起 你們點的是咖啡和… | I'm sorry. That was a coffee and a.... |
咖啡,我們可以寫下來 | Coffee. We could write it down. |
不…不用了 | No,no. That won't be necessary. |
怎麼樣? | Well? |
我們該怎麼辦?… | What do we do? What do we do? |
我想只能儘量不要用正眼看 | Well,I suppose we just try to not look directly at it. |
就像日食一樣 | Like an eclipse. |
如果今晚有人稱讚我的手藝 我該怎麼說? | When people compliment my cooking tonight,what do I say? |
你說“多謝誇獎” 然後給我買漂亮禮物 | You say,"Thank you." Then you buy me something pretty. |
來,我們把手放進這個碗裡… | Come on,we're gonna put our hands in this bowl... |
然後開始把番茄壓碎 | ...and we're gonna start squishing the tomatoes. |
感覺怪怪的 | This feels very weird. |
你整天摸人家的眼球 還說這感覺怪怪的? | You touch people's eyeballs and this feels weird? |
我當然會摸人家的眼球 但我花了好多年才學著不要壓碎它們 | Sure,I touch them. But I spent years learning not to squish them. |
那是我的手 | That's my hand. |
繼續壓 番茄吱吱響 | -Keep squishing. -The tomatoes are squishing. |
你的襯衫沾到了 | You got some on your shirt. |
等一下 | Hold on a second. |
馬上放蘇打水上去 | Just put a little club soda on it. Get to it right away. |
應該… | It should do... |
就可以了 | ...the trick. |
怎麼了? | What? |
你褲子上也沾到了 | You've got some on your pants. |
乾脆丟掉算了 | I'll just throw them out. |
這些小婦人 | These little women! |
你喜歡嗎? | You're liking it? |
喜歡,愛美剛燒了喬的稿子 | Oh,yeah. Amy just burned Jo's manuscript. |
我看他永遠不會原諒她 | I don't see how he could forgive her. |
喬是女的,是喬瑟芬的簡稱 | Jo's a girl. It's short for Josephine. |
但喬喜歡勞瑞 | But Jo's got a crush on Laurie. |
你是說這是女同性戀? | You mean it's like a girl-girl thing? |
“閃靈”可沒有這種東西 | That is the one thing missing from The Shining. |
不,其實勞瑞是男的 | No,actually,Laurie's a boy. |
難怪瑞秋要看這麼多次 | No wonder Rachel had to read this so many times. |
籃球好玩嗎? | How'd the basketball go? |
我學會了籃板球、罰球 和23分球 | I learned how to shoot a lay-up,a foul shot,and a 23-pointer. |
你是說三分球吧? | You mean a 3-pointer? |
我姿勢優美,可以多幾分 | I get more because I'm dainty. |
這裡有沒有電話可以查留言? | Is there a phone here to check my messages? |
在後面,你有銅板嗎? 我一向在襪子裡放一個銅板 | -ln back. Do you want a quarter? -I always carry one in my sock. |
你幹嘛?回去那邊坐 | What are you doing? Get back on your side |
喂 | Hello! |
我是喬伊,我們還沒見過面 | I'm Joey. We haven't met. |
很高興認識你,勞勃 | Good to meet you. Robert. |
怎麼了? | What? |
怎麼了?你們怎麼回事? | What? You guys,what is going on? |
你們不喜歡勞勃嗎? | Do you not like Robert? |
你們笑什麼? | Why are you laughing? |
平靜一點,用不著激動 | Calm down. No reason to get testy. |
你們怎麼回事嘛? 對不起 | -You guys! Come on! -We're sorry. |
只不過你的勞勃的短褲 蔽體的部份… | It just seems that Robert isn't as concealed in the shorts area... |
好像是少了一點 | ...as one may have hoped. |
什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
把餅乾拿給我好嗎? | Could you pass me those cookies? |
沒問題 | Sure. |
-要打球嗎(意同“睾丸”)?-是的 | -Ball?-Yeah. |
他們喜不喜歡義大利面? | So how'd the lasagna go over? |
真的?很好 現在你欠我三樣禮物了 | Really? Good. So you owe me three pretty things. |
我一直在想著你的事 | I've been thinking about you too. |
不,這種柏拉圖戀情很不容易 | Well,no. It's hard,this "platonomy" thing. |
這是一個詞 | It's a word. |
我覺得這樣比較好 這樣才是明智之舉 | I do think it's better this way. We're being smart. |
對,我肯定 | Yes,I'm sure. |
你真的肯定? | You really sure? |
我稍後再打給你 | I'll call you back. |
我們可以當有性關係的朋友 | So we can be friends who sleep together. |
沒錯,這不代表什麼 | Absolutely. This'll just be something we do. |
就像打壁球一樣 | Like racquetball. |
聽起來聰明又健康 | Sounds smart and healthy to me. |
不過基於好奇心 | So just out of curiosity... |
你還有幾個打壁球的夥伴? | ...do you currently have any other "racquetball" buddies? |
只有你爸爸一個 | Just your dad. |
顯然那是真的壁球 | Although that's actually racquetball. |
我下星期二… | You know,I do have a blind date... |
要和我妹妹的鄰居約會 | ...with my sister's neighbor next Tuesday. |
你希望我取消嗎? | Do you want me to cancel it? |
不要 | No! |
如果你取消 那就是為我取消的 | Because if you did,that means you'd be canceling for me. |
而我們只是朋友 沒錯 | -And we're just friends. -Exactly. |
另外,儘管這樣不公平 | And besides, it wouldn't be fair anyway... |
因為我媽媽要撮合我跟律師 | ...because my mother's trying to set me up with some lawyer. |
哪個律師? | So who's this lawyer? |
不,她並沒有人選,但她一直在尋覓 | No, she doesn't actually have one,but she's looking. |
不要坐 | Oh,don't sit down. |
可以走了嗎? 可以 | -Ready to go? -You bet. |
不過先送你一個禮物 | And first,here's a gift. |
伸縮內褲? | Stretchy pants?! |
世界上最好的東西 如果是我,我會天天穿 | The greatest things in the world! If I were you,I'd wear them every day. |
謝謝,真的,你太體帖了 | Gee,thank you. Really,that's so nice. |
不過說老實話 我看我不能穿 | But,to be honest,I don't think I can wear these. |
這東西太緊了,我會覺得輪廓能被別人看到 | They're so tight. I'd feel like I'm on display. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
沒關係,我再想辦法… | That's all right. I'll figure.... |
大家好嗎? | How's it going? |
很好 | Good. |
“閃靈”好不好看? | How's The Shining? |
丹尼剛走進217號房 | Danny just went into Room 217. |
下面是最精彩的 浴缸裡的死女人… | The next part's the best! That dead lady in the bathtub |
這樣就不好看了 | You're gonna ruin it! |
我用密碼說 | I'll talk in code. |
記得小孩在走廊 看到那兩個“什麼”嗎? | Remember when the kid sees those two "blanks" in the hallway? |
對,那裡很好看 | Yeah,that's very cool. |
所有的“什麼”都把 “什麼”弄成“什麼” | All "blank" and no "blank" makes "blank" a "blank-blank." |
不,講結局 | No,the end! |
傑克差點用“什麼” 殺了他們 | Jack almost kills them with the "blank"... |
不過到最後關頭 他們還是跑了 | ... but in the last second,they get away. |
你居然做這種事 | I can't believe you just did that. |
她居然識破你的密碼 | I can't believe she cracked your code. |
好,勞瑞跟喬求婚,她拒絕了 | Okay. Laurie proposes to Jo and she says no... |
雖然她其實愛著他 他後來娶了愛美 | ...even though she's in love with him. Then he ends up marrying Amy. |
我不是存心要講的 | Mine was by accident! |
鍋爐爆炸,燒毀旅館 那個爸爸也被燒死了 | The boiler explodes and destroys the hotel and kills the dad. |
貝絲死了 | Beth dies. |
貝絲死了? | Beth dies? |
真的嗎?如果繼續看下去 貝絲就會死? | Is that true? If I keep reading,is Beth gonna die? |
不,貝絲不會死,她不會死 對不對,瑞秋? | No,Beth doesn't die. She doesn't die. Does she,Rachel? |
他問的是你是不是破壞了 | He's asking if you've ruined... |
他喜歡的第一本不是由傑克尼克爾森(1980年主演《閃靈》) 當主角的小說? | ...the first book he's ever loved that didn't star Jack Nicholson. |
不,她不會死 | No. She doesn't die. |
那你幹嘛這麼說? | Then why would you say that? |
因為我故意要傷害你 | Because I wanted to hurt you. |
在這裡,我的鑰匙掉了 | Oh,there they are. I dropped my keys. |
找到了 | Got them. |
對不起,對不起 | Sorry. I'm sorry. |
你一定不敢相信我今天有多慘 | You would not believe my day. |
我上了兩個班 除此之外… | I had to work two shifts. And then to top it off... |
我的假乳又被烤爐的火燒了 | ... I lost one of my fake boobs in a grill fire. |
你在笑什麼? | What are you smiling at? |
我在想你可能會遇到好事 | I was thinking your day could still pick up. |
我喜歡這種朋友關係 | I love this "friend" thing! |
勞勃馬上就要來了 你們哪個人跟他說好嗎? | Robert's gonna be here any second,so could one of you just tell him? |
拜託,馬上說 | Please,right now. |
我一見他就想“那玩意兒 是不是晃來晃去看著我” | Every time I see him,it's "ls it on the loose? Is it watching me?" |
我們不能跟他說 | We can't tell him. |
你不能跟素昧平生的人 談他的“那話兒” | You can't go up to a guy you barely know and talk about his "stuff." |
他說得對 就算是讚美也不行 | He's right. Even if it's to say something complimentary. |
你為何不直接跟他說?你要跟他出去 | Why don't you just tell him?You're going out with him. |
太難了,不,我還從沒被允許看那玩意兒 | Way too awkward. No. l haven't even seen it with permission yet. |
我能做什麼?跟他分手? | So, what do l do?Just break up with him? |
我不知道,我認為這是個難以解決的問題 | l don't know. l think this is an unsolvable problem. |
這是個“居裡特馬瑞” | lt's a curiette mariah. |
柯克船長(《星際迷航》)的無法完成的任務 | Captain Kirk's unsolvable problem... |
是他成為星艦指揮官訓練的一部分 | ...as part of his training to be a Star Fleet commander. |
那個訓練叫“小林丸” | Kobayashi Maru. |
那麼“居裡特馬瑞”是什麼? | What's a curiette mariah? |
是我們在伊拉克時住的便宜旅館的名字 | lt's the place with the cheap rooms where we stayed in lsrael. |
可以去健身了嗎? | You ready for the gym? |
有一面新的攀岩牆 我們可以互相偵查 | There's a new rock-climbing wall. We can spot each other. |
我從這裡就可以偵查你 | Yeah,I can spot you from here. |
什麼? | What? |
聽我說,勞勃 | Listen,Robert.... |
我們不是要… | Hey,don't we have to...? |
對,我們要 | Yeah,we got.... |
我覺得你這個人真的很棒 | I think you're really,really great. |
老天,又來了 | Oh,God. Here we go again. |
為什麼老是發生這種事? 我什麼東西讓你不高興? | Why does this keep happening? Is it something I'm putting out there? |
這是我的錯嗎?或者是我傻傻的(與“睾丸”同字) | Is this my fault? Or am I just nuts? |
我不知道該怎麼說 | I don't know what to say. |
老弟?這是闔家光臨的地方 把老鼠放回屋裡去 | Hey,buddy? This is a family place. Put the mouse back in the house. |
真的?這間公寓很普通啊 | Really? It's just like everyone else's apartment. |
一樣有房間、牆壁和天花板 | It's got rooms and walls and ceilings. |
我只是想看看你住的地方 帶我參觀參觀 | I just wanted to see where you live. Now give me the tour. |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
這裡是客廳 真舒適 | -This is the living room. -That's nice. |
這裡是廚房 真漂亮 | -And this is the kitchen. -That's real pretty. |
等一下 我不能參觀臥室嗎? | Wait a minute. Don't I get to see the bedroom? |
這是很普通的… | Well,it's pretty much your typical... |
臥室 | ... bedroom. |
我們還在門的這一頭 我還沒看到 | We're still on this side of the door. I didn't get to see it. |
要命,下次吧 今晚非常愉快 | Oh,shoot. Maybe next time. Thanks for a lovely evening. |
她是誰? | So who is she? |
我跟你說過 就是我妹妹介紹的人 | That was the blind date I told you about. |
她打電話來改期到今天 | She called and switched it from Tuesday. |
你喜歡她嗎? | Did you like her? |
我是以朋友的身份問的 因為我不會不高興 | I'm just asking as a friend,because I am totally fine with this. |
你看起來很高興 | Well,you seem fine. |
好,你知道嗎? 我不高興,我很不高興 | Okay,you know what? I'm not fine. I'm not. |
我怎麼高興得起來? 聽到你跟她進來 | I mean,how could I be fine? Hearing you come in with her. |
她還想參觀你的臥室 | She wants to see your bedroom. |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我們或許可以做朋友… | What if we're friends... |
但不跟其他人交往 | ...who don't see other people? |
你是說“專屬的”朋友? | You mean "exclusive" friends? |
有何不可? | Why not? |
我是說,這個星期美好極了 | I mean,this has been the most amazing week. |
這也沒什麼不好吧 | Would it be so terrible? |
我們還可以一面做朋友 一面住在一起 | Even if we were friends who lived together? |
或許有一天 可以站在其他朋友面前 | Or maybe someday,friends who stood up in front of their other friends... |
發誓當一輩子的朋友 | ...and vowed to be friends forever. |
我們又回到原點了 | You know,we're back where we were. |
親愛的,我求之不得 但一切都沒有改變 | Honey,I would love to do all that,but nothing's changed. |
不是這樣的 你把鬍子刮掉了 | That's not true. You don't have a moustache. |
好吧,有一件事改變了 | Okay,one thing's changed. |
但我們生活目標仍不同 我們都知道結局會怎麼樣 | But we still want different things,and we know how this is gonna end. |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我得馬上離開這個房間 | I gotta walk out of here right now. |
因為忘記你是我一生中 最不容易的一件事 | Because getting over you is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. |
我想我再也做不到了 | I don't think I could do it again. |
我知道我做不到 | I know I couldn't. |
再打最後一場壁球怎麼樣? | How about one last game of racquetball? |
小心玫瑰刺 | Watch the thorns! |
怎麼了? | What? |
貝絲病得很重很重 | Beth is really,really sick. |
喬在陪她 但我想她也沒辦法 | Jo's there,but I don't think there's anything she can do. |
-喬伊,你要把書放在冰箱裡嗎?-好的 -好的 | -Joey,You wanna put the book in the freezer? -Okay -Okay |
因為每次我看見你的臉 | 'Cause every time I see your face |
就情不自禁地失態 | I can't help but fall from grace |
這女的很棒 | This girl's good. |
是啊,歌詞押韻 我以前倒沒想過 | Yeah,a song with rhyming words! I never thought of that before. |
我喜歡她 | I like her. |
為什麼?因為她會唱歌 彈吉他,還可邊彈邊唱嗎? | Why? Because she can both sing and play guitar at the same time? |
這正是我對表演藝人的期待 | That's all I'm looking for from these people. |
看,你忌妒得要命 | Look at you,all jealous. |
拜託,菲比 你們倆的風格完全不同 | Come on,Pheebs. You two have completely different styles. |
她比較…你知道 | She's more.... You know? |
而你比較… | And you're more.... |
說你會留在我身邊 | Say you'll stay beside me |
看到沒? 大家都很高興她唱完了 | See? Everybody else is happy she's done. |
好,我接下來要唱的是… | Okay,my next song's called: |
“菲比布菲,我該怎麼說? 我很懷念當初… | "Phoebe Buffay,What Can I Say? I Loved When We Were... |
我們一起唱歌的日子 我不該那樣離開你的” | ...Singing Partners and I Shouldn't Have Left You That Way." |
就是那種“尋找隱藏含義”的歌 | One of those "look for the hidden meaning" songs. |
本集播出:“菲比的舊搭檔” | The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner |
嘿,菲比 | Hey,Phoebe. |
嘿,萊絲莉 | Hey,Leslie. |
你怎麼知道我會在這裡? | How'd you know I'd be here? |
我在賣大魚的地方看到佛拉德 | I saw Vlad at the place where they sell the big fish. |
她說你常在這裡玩,所以… | He said you played here a lot,so.... |
我要上洗手間 | I have to go to the bathroom. |
如果你們又談到“大魚”… | If "big-fish place" comes up again... |
我想知道是好幾條大魚 還是一條大魚而已 | ... I'd like to know if that's several big fish or just one big fish. |
菲比說你寫廣告歌 | So Phoebe says you write jingles. |
我是說她拋棄我去寫廣告歌 | Actually,I said she abandoned me to write jingles. |
有沒有我們聽過的? | Anything we might've heard of? |
家永遠不遠 | Home is never far away |
回家的感覺就是家星燉品 | Home is Homestar Stew. |
但我已經不寫了 我有點厭倦了 | But I don't do that anymore. I got kind of sick of it. |
再說我也寫不出好東西 所以被炒魷魚了 | And then I couldn't come up with anything good,so they fired me. |
太可惜了 | Bummer. |
你知道,我只是… | Well,you know,I was just.... |
我只是想或許… | I was just thinking and just hoping that... |
也許你願意跟我再度合作 | ... maybe you'd want to get back together? |
不了,不過,謝謝你 | No,but,thanks. |
拜託,菲比 你考慮一下好嗎? | Come on,Phoebe. Would you just think about it? |
不了,不過,謝謝你 | No,but,thanks. |
再見,菲比 | See you,Pheebs. |
你好狠心 | That was kind of brutal. |
你們都要記住 | Let this be a lesson to all of you. |
一旦背叛我 我就成了冷血的女人 | Once you betray me,I become like the lce Woman. |
我是鐵石心腸,絕不心軟 | I'm just very cold,hard,unyielding. |
任何東西都無法 穿透我這冰冷的外衣 | You know,nothing can penetrate this icy exterior. |
給我一張面紙好嗎? | Can I have a tissue? |
裡面有人嗎? | Is someone in there? |
我是在玩比大膽的遊戲 | I'm playing a daredevil game... |
叫做“等到最後一刻 然後暴斃而死” | ...called "Wait Until the Last Moment Before I Burst and Die." |
老天啊,你是不是跌到… | Jeez,man! Did you fall? |
嗨 | Hi! |
你…是興奮過度嗎? | So did you? Did you fall high? |
女廁裡有人,我等不及了 | Someone was in the ladies' room. I couldn't wait. |
不過我幫你把馬桶蓋掀起來了 | I left the lid up for you,though. |
這樣吧,甘瑟,你先 | You know what,Gunther? Go ahead. |
我要跟這位… | I'm talking to.... |
這時候你要報上你的名字 | This is where you say your name. |
金吉兒 | Ginger. |
金吉兒 我在跟金吉兒說話,所以… | Ginger. I'm talking to Ginger,so... |
你不必上廁所嗎? | Don't you have to use the bathroom? |
不,我只是… 我寧可跟你聊天 | No,I just I'd rather talk to you. |
是的 | Yes,I do. |
對,我再不上就不行了 | Yes,I do have to go to the bathroom. |
裡面有人 | There's someone in here. |
錢德在哪裡? 他不能去了 | -Where's Chandler? -He can't make it. |
他說他要回去上班… | He said he had to go back to his job and |
喬伊? | Joey? |
喬伊崔比亞尼? | Joey Tribbiani? |
我看得到你,好嗎? | I can see you,okay? |
你藏在外套後面 | You're hiding behind the coats. |
差點就被逮到了 | Close one. |
嗨 | Hi. |
嗨,甜心 | Hi,sweetie. |
嗨 | Hello. |
嘿,羅斯 | Hey,Ross. |
我有壞消息 什麼壞消息? | -I've got some bad news. -What? |
我可以去吃飯 但飯後要回來加班 | I can eat,but I have to come back here. |
拜託,你已經連續 加班兩星期了 | Come on. You've worked late every night for two weeks. |
這次又有什麼事? 是我不好,我今天辭職了 | -What is it now? -It's my fault. I quit today. |
但工作重要 | But work comes first! |
但可惜你要走了 出了什麼事? | But that's sad about you,though. What happened? |
出了什麼事?精力耗盡了 精力耗盡了是嗎? | What happened? Burn out? Burn all out,did you? |
他另有高就 | He's leaving for a better job. |
太好了,我想那就再見了 | That's great. So I guess this is goodbye then. |
再見 | Goodbye. |
好吧 | Okay,then. |
我們會想你的 | Well,we're gonna miss you around here. |
我也是 | Yeah,me too. |
星期六見 沒問題 | -So see you on Saturday. -Yeah,you bet! |
知道嗎,這個在印度是一種美味食品 | Now,you know those are a delicacy in lndia. |
是萊絲莉呼叫我 看我們能不能複合 | That was Leslie calling to see if we can get back together. |
她已經打了二十次了 祝你好運,萊絲莉 | It's like the 20th time today. Yeah,good luck,Leslie. |
她一定把你傷得很重 | She must've hurt you bad. |
是啊,我們是最好的朋友 | Well,yeah. You know,we were best friends... |
我們從小就是好朋友 我們的母親是遊艇上的同事 | ...ever since we were little. Our moms worked on the barge together. |
你們兩個在遊艇上 跑來跑去一定很可愛 | You two must've been so cute,running around on a barge. |
遊艇上不能跑來跑去 | You never run on a barge! |
錢德在嗎? | Is Chandler around? |
他在咖啡廳跟一個女的有約 | He met some girl at the coffeehouse. |
金吉兒什麼的 | Ginger something. |
你確定不是金吉兒的諧音而已 像金潔兒什麼的? | Sure it wasn't something that sounded liked Ginger? Like "Gingeer"? |
不,是金吉兒 | No,it was Ginger. |
我之所以記得是因為 他告訴我的時候,我說 | I remember because when he told me,I said: |
“電影明星” | The movie star |
老天 | Oh,man! |
我就是在躲這個女的 | That's the girl I was hiding from. |
要是知道他是我室友 她一定會告訴他我的事 | When she sees he's my roommate,she'll tell him what I did. |
你做了什麼事? | What did you do? |
不,我不能… | Oh,no! I can't.... |
我不能跟你說 我從沒做過這麼過分的事 | I can't tell you. It's the most awful thing I've ever done. |
你並沒有使我們減少聽故事的興趣 | You're really not making us want to hear it less. |
別告訴我們 | Don't tell us. |
等錢德回家再說,那樣更好玩 | We'll wait till Chandler gets home. It'll be more fun that way. |
大概是四年前 | It was,like,four years ago. |
金吉兒和我約了幾次會 有一個週末… | Ginger and I had gone out a few times. Then one weekend... |
我們到她爸爸的渡假木屋 | ...we went to her Dad's cabin... |
只有我們兩個人 和她討厭的小狗辣椒 | ...just me,her and her annoying little dog,Pepper. |
那天晚上 我做了一頓浪漫的燭光晚餐… | That night I cooked this really romantic dinner |
你給她下毒 | You gave her food poisoning! |
我才想呢 | I wish. |
晚飯後,我們兩個和辣椒 在爐火前面睡著了 | After dinner,me,her and Pepper fell asleep in front of the fire. |
我在半夜醒來,看到火快熄了 | I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the fire was dying out... |
就拿起一條木柴丟進去 | ...so I picked up a log and threw it on. |
至少我以為那是一條木柴 | Or what I thought was a log. |
我的天,你把辣椒丟進火裡了 | Oh,my God! You threw Pepper on the fire! |
我才想呢 | I wish. |
我應該告訴你們,金吉兒… | Another thing I probably should've told you about Ginger... |
她其實… | ...is that she kind of has a... |
裝了假腿 | ...artificial leg. |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
你把那個丟進火裡? | You threw it on the fire? |
她一定大發脾氣 | She must've freaked out. |
也許吧 | Yeah, she must've. |
-你不知道?-嗯… | -You don't know? -Well.... |
你把她的腿 丟進火裡之後怎麼做的? | What did you do after you threw her leg on the fire? |
我逃跑了 | I ran! |
-你跑了? -是的,跑過樹林 沒有穿襪子 | -You ran? -Through the woods, with no socks on. |
這是我這一生最美好的吻 | That's the best kiss I've had... |
至少淩駕 我在男廁所遇到的其他人 | ...with anybody I met in a men's room. |
我也是 | Actually,me too. |
腳踩進水坑裡了 | Foot all in the puddle! |
要命,我最討厭這樣 | Damn! I hate that! |
你得把鞋子脫掉 不用緊張 | -You'll have to get out of those shoes. -Don't worry. |
不,真的,你會凍壞的 | No,really. You're gonna freeze. |
我不會 | No,I'm not. |
你不會,你有仿生電子腳? | You're not? Have you got a bionic foot? |
也許有一天會吧 | Someday. Maybe. |
這本書很好笑嗎? | Funny book? |
我只是在想我今天聽到的 一句很有意思的話 | I'm just thinking about something funny I heard today. |
馬克說“星期六見” | Mark saying,"I'll see you Saturday." |
對,我們要去聽講座 | Yeah,at the lecture. |
我上星期就告訴你了 你說你不介意 | I told you last week. You said you didn't mind. |
我不是介意那場講座 | It's not the lecture I mind. |
拜託,你不是因為 我要跟馬克去吧? | Please tell me it's not because I'm going with Mark. |
這個嘛… 我的天 | -Well -Oh,my God! |
對不起 不過你們已經不是同事了 | I'm sorry,but if you're not working with him anymore... |
為什麼還要混在一起 | ...why do you still hang out? |
因為他是我朋友 | Because he's my friend. |
但你真的需要 別的“朋友”嗎? | But do you really need another "friend"? |
如果我不再跟喬伊和錢德玩了 可以跟馬克玩嗎? | If I stop playing with Joey and Chandler,can I play with Mark? |
這好笑嗎?我應該笑嗎? | Is that funny? Am I suppose to be laughing? |
我不知道,你覺得 “星期六見”很好笑 | I don't know. You thought "See you Saturday" was funny. |
馬克也是時裝業的 | Mark is in fashion. |
我喜歡有個可以跟我分享的朋友 | I like having a friend I can share this stuff with. |
你們這些男生 不肯跟我去聽講座 | You guys would never go to a lecture with me. |
我很願意跟你去 | I'd love to go with you. |
真的? | Really? |
我有衣服 | I have clothes. |
還是我自己挑的 | I even pick them out. |
告訴你,我可以當個時裝… | For all you know,I could be a fashion... |
攤販 | ... monger. |
我很希望你陪我去 | I would love for you to go with me. |
怎麼了? | What? |
我該穿什麼衣服? 這下我好緊張 | What should I wear? Now I'm all nervous. |
你知道,人家說 “有人看的鍋子不會叫” | You know,they say "A watched pot never beeps." |
已經幾個小時了… | It's been a couple hours... |
她還沒打 | ...and she hasn't called. |
不是說我在乎,我不在乎 | Not that I even care. I don't. |
你乾脆打電話給她吧 | Why don't you just call her? |
看你就知道你很想打 | You obviously want to. |
你自以為很瞭解我 | You think you know me so well. |
你不想打嗎? | Well,don't you wanna? |
所以我是很瞭解你 | So I do know you. |
我就是這麼說的 | That's what I said. |
怎麼樣? | Well,so? |
我辦不到 | I can't. |
我辦不到,她拋棄了我 | I can't. She dumped me. |
我完全相信她 然後突然有一天 | I totally trusted her,then one day it was like: |
“好,再見,菲比” 一去不回 | "Okay,bye,Pheebs." Gone! |
你知道最叫人 難過的是什麼嗎? | You know what the saddest part is? |
我們在一起 表演的時候,是我… | When we were playing together,that was... |
一生最快樂的時光了 | ...the most fun I've ever had in all my lives. |
我最愛的鞋子,好好穿 我每天非穿不可 | My favorite shoes,so good to me I wear them every day |
鞋底塌了,腳趾開口 不在乎別人怎麼說 | Down at the heel,holes in the toes Don't care what people say |
我雙腳的知音 永遠的好友 | My feet's best friend Pals to the end |
穿著這雙鞋 我就是性感小辣妹 | With them,I'm one hot chickie |
不過有一天晚上 天色灰暗 | Though late one night Not much light |
我踩到黏黏的東西 | I stepped in something icky |
黏黏的鞋子,黏黏的鞋子 | Sticky shoes,sticky shoes |
永遠讓我破涕為笑 | Always make me smile |
黏黏的鞋子,黏黏的鞋子 下次我要… | Sticky shoes,sticky shoes Next time I'll... |
躲開… | ...avoid the... |
泥巴堆 | ...pile! |
我們開始看到許多層的 極薄布料和顏色 | We're beginning to see a lot of layering of sheer fabrics and colors. |
例如,一件極薄的 海軍藍襯衫搭配一件… | For instance,a sheer navy blouse over a pink.... |
我很高興我們來聽 | I'm really glad we came. |
你好美 | You're so pretty. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
他們拿什麼給你吃? | What are they feeding you? |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
這不是你的錯 | It's not your fault |
太棒了 | That's great! |
這首歌可以拿去賣 | You know,you could totally sell this. |
非常適合用來…促銷貓砂 | It'd be perfect for,like,a kitty-litter campaign. |
廣告歌? | A jingle? |
有何不可?可以賺大錢 | Why not? You'd make a ton of money. |
如果我是為了賺錢 早就是百萬富翁了 | If I was in this for the money,I'd be a millionaire by now. |
你得把廣告歌這種事給忘了 | You gotta get out of that jingle-head. |
你說得對…對不起 | You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. |
沒關係 | That's okay. |
我現在要唱一首非常哀傷的歌 | I'm gonna play a song now that's really,really sad. |
叫做“魔術箱搞混了” | It's called "Magician Box Mix-Up." |
特大號的手鐲,特大號的耳環 | Oversized bracelets,oversized earrings... |
一般來說,特大號的配件 是今年的主流 | ...oversizing of accessories,in general,is very popular now. |
可以借我嗎? 我的牛奶壞了 | Can I borrow this? My milk's gone bad. |
我不喜歡這樣 | I hate that. |
我以前很喜歡跟人家平分 結果別人偷了我的車 | I once had a thing of half-and-half. Stole my car. |
你跟金吉兒的約會怎麼樣了? | So how was your date with Ginger? |
太棒了 | Great. |
很棒,她… | It was great. She's.... |
她很棒,長得漂亮 性情好,無可挑剔 | She's great. Great looks and personality. Greatness. |
看樣子她很… | Sounds like she's got the... |
完整 | ...whole package. |
所以她很完美? | So she's got it all, huh? |
她真的是你想要的? | She's the real deal? |
喬伊跟你說過那條腿的事了? | Joey told you about the leg,huh? |
嚇死我了 | Oh,God! It freaked me out. |
不應該這樣才對,但這是真的 | It shouldn't,but it did. |
我喜歡她,想跟她交往下去 不過我忍不住… | I wanna keep seeing her,but it's like: |
“嘿,說真的,你的腿呢?” | "Hey,you know what? Where's your leg?" |
我是全世界最渺小的人,是吧 我是全世界最渺小的人 | I'm the smallest person in the world,aren't l? |
早安 | Morning. |
其實他才是全世界最渺小的人 | Actually,he's the smallest person in the world. |
聽過火燒腿的事了吧 | Heard about the leg-burning,huh? |
她提過 | It came up. |
我知道機會渺茫,可是… | Listen,I know it's a long shot,but... |
她覺得這件事有趣嗎? | ... by any chance,did she find that funny? |
我是打了一下瞌睡 | So I nodded off a little! |
打瞌睡? 羅斯,你還打呼 | "Nodded off"? Ross,you were snoring! |
我爸爸的船撞上岩石的時候 都沒有這麼大聲 | My father's boat didn't make that much noise when it hit rocks! |
拜託,45分鐘 | Come on! Forty-five minutes.... |
那個人講了45分鐘的 露背吊帶裙 | Forty-five minutes,the man talked about strappy-backed dresses. |
好,那在冰冷的博物館禮堂 坐上四個小時… | Okay,how about four hours in a freezing museum auditorium... |
聽皮茲坦教授說… | ...Iistening to Professor "Pitstains" say: |
“記得這東西是 億萬年前死的嗎?” | "Remember that thing that died a gazillion years ago? |
“我們過去不知道 它有這塊小骨頭” | Well,here's a little bone we didn't know it had!" |
首先,那是皮坦教授 | First of all,it's Professor Pitain. |
其次,那塊小骨頭證明了… | And second of all,that little bone proved that... |
那只恐龍有翅膀,可是不會飛 | ...that particular dinosaur had wings but didn't fly. |
好,你知道 我聽到的是什麼嗎? | Okay,you know what I just heard? |
一億人跑去看一部以我的工作為主題的電影(《侏羅紀公園》) | A hundred million people went to see a movie about what I do. |
我不知道有多少人會去看一部叫“侏羅紀外套”的電影 | I wonder how many people would go see a movie called Jurassic Parka. |
那實在是… | Oh,that is so |
一群抓狂的夾克衫控制整個小島 | A bunch of out-of-control jackets take over an island! |
如果我的工作這麼愚蠢 | If what I do is so lame... |
你幹嘛堅持今天早上要陪我去 | ...then why did you insist on coming with me this morning? |
這樣我就不會跟馬克去嗎? | Was it so I just wouldn't go with Mark? |
我想跟你在一起 | I wanted to be with you. |
我不知道,我最近覺得… | I don't know,I feel like lately... |
你離我越來越遠… | ...you're slipping away from me... |
你有了新工作,認識了新朋友 | ...with this new job and all these new people. |
你的人生多彩多姿 | And you've got this whole other life going on. |
我知道這很愚蠢 | I know it's dumb... |
但我痛恨不能參與你的生活 | ...but I just hate that I'm not a part of it. |
這並不愚蠢 | It's not dumb. |
但也許你不能參與也不要緊 | But maybe it's okay that you're not a part of it. |
你懂我的意思嗎? | You know what I mean? |
我是說… | I mean,it's like... |
我不希望你參與 我在這方面的生活 | ... I like that you're not involved in that part of my life. |
這樣就清楚一點了 | That's a little clearer. |
你看,這不表示我不愛你 | See,it doesn't mean I don't love you... |
因為我是愛你的 我非常愛你 | ... because I do. I love you so much. |
但我的工作 是屬於我的,你知道嗎? | But my work It's for me,you know? |
我獨立自主、努力投入 | I'm out there on my own,and I'm doing it. |
這很可怕,但我很喜歡 因為這是屬於我的 | And it's scary,but I love it because it's mine. |
但我是說,這樣可以吧? | But I mean,is that okay? |
當然 | Sure. |
你在想我的腿 | You're thinking about my leg. |
其實我已經忘了 那是怎麼回事? | Actually,I forgot. What's the deal with that again? |
聽我說,如果你介意也不要緊 | Look,it's okay if it bothers you. |
我只需要知道 你介意到什麼程度 | I only need to know how much it bothers you... |
因為我不喜歡浪費時間 | ...because I don't like wasting my time. |
我在浪費時間嗎? | Am I wasting my time? |
不,我想沒有 | No,I don't think so. |
這也沒什麼 只要習慣就好了 | It's like anything else. You just have to get used to it. |
那是什麼? | What's that? |
那是我的“結結” | That's my "nubbin." |
結結是什麼? | What's a nubbin? |
就好像是第三個乳頭 | It's kind of a third-nipple kind of thing. |
你有三個乳頭? | You have three nipples? |
有兩個正常的… | Well,you know,two regulars... |
還有一個算不上是… | ...and one that barely qualifies as a |
什麼? | What? |
沒什麼,我… | Nothing. You know,l.... |
我只是想起來,我該走了 | I just remembered. I have to leave. |
你要走?現在…?為什麼? | You have to leave? Now? How come? |
結結,不,沒什麼 | Well,it's nubbin. Nothing! |
這樣吧,再聯絡 | You know what? I'll see you later. |
我還以為你不來了 | I thought you weren't coming. |
你到哪裡去了 過來… | -Where were you? -Come here,come here. |
不要生氣,好嗎? | Don't get mad,okay? |
不要給我理由生氣,好嗎? | Don't give me a reason to get mad,okay? |
我把“臭臭貓”唱給我以前的廣告公司聽,他們愛死了 | I played Smelly Cat for my old ad agency. They went nuts! |
我說過我不要你拿去賣 | I told you I didn't want you to try and sell it... |
你這個大肥豬還是做了 | ...and you just big,fat did it anyway! |
我想五年前 我恐怕會不計一切… | I think,five years ago,I probably would have done anything... |
只求能跟你一起表演 | ...to play with you. |
但我自己還是可以唱 如果我不能信任你,就忘記吧 | But I can do it myself. If I can't trust you,then forget it. |
我不想忘記 | I don't wanna forget it. |
這樣吧,你必須做個選擇 | You know what? You have to choose. |
如果你覺得世界上最重要的… | If the most important thing on the planet to you... |
是貓拉屎之類的事情 那“臭臭貓”就送給你 | ...is this cat-poopy thing,then you can have Smelly Cat. |
但我們以後再也不是搭檔 | But we won't be partners. |
你決定怎麼樣? | So what's it gonna be? |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 貓砂箱有臭味? | -Smelly cat,smelly cat -Problem odor in the litter box? |
不要換你的貓 換你的貓砂 | Don't change your kitty,change your kitty litter. |
這不是你的錯 | It's not your fault |
對不起,菲比 | Sorry,Pheebs. |
你沒事吧? | You okay? |
我沒事 | I actually am. |
因為生命中會發生各種遭遇 | Because,you know,life's gonna hand you all kinds of stuff. |
得到教訓以後,希望可以成長 | You learn your little lessons and hopefully you grow. |
要聽新歌嗎? 太好了 | -You wanna hear a new song? -We'd love to. |
廣告婊子又來搞我 | Jingle bitch screwed me over |
去死吧,廣告婊子 | Go to hell,jingle whore |
去死吧… | Go to hell,go to hell,go to hell |
我只寫了這麼多 | That's all I have so far. |
嗨 | Well,hello! |
你到哪裡去了? 醫院 | -Where you been? -The doctor. |
一切都順利吧? | Is everything okay? |
只是動了結結切除術 | Just had me a little nubbin-ectomy. |
兩個乳頭,無需等待 | Two nipples,no waiting. |
跟瑞秋在高中的時候一樣 | Well! Just like Rachel in high school. |
什麼? | What? |
拜託,我是開玩笑的 一聽就知道是個笑話 | Come on,I was kidding! It was such an obvious joke. |
的確一聽就是個笑話 | That was an obvious joke. |
可是我沒聽出來,為什麼? | And I didn't think of it. Why? |
我能量的來源? | The source of all my powers. |
老天,我做了什麼事? | Oh,dear God,what have I done? |
如果我把整罐橄欖吃光 你要給我多少錢? | How much you give me to eat this whole jar of olives? |
我一塊錢也不給 但你欠我兩塊九毛五 | I won't give you anything,but you'll owe me $2.95. |
成交 | Done. |
我需要地圖… | I need an atlas! I need an atlas! |
幹嘛?你要交報告? | Why? Do you have a report due? |
我昨天在聯合國外做免費按摩 認識一個外交官 | I have a date with diplomat I met... |
我要跟他約會 | ...while I was giving free massages outside the U. N. |
我不知道他是哪個國家的人 | And I don't know where his country is. |
先說你為什麼要在聯合國 做免費按摩服務 | Let's start with the free massages at the U.N. |
這是我的新目標,我認為 平和的身體可以締造和平 | It's my new thing. I figure,"Bodies at peace make peace." |
你搞不好會得第一座 諾貝爾按摩獎 | You might just get the first Nobel Prize in rubbing. |
這傢伙是哪個國家的人? | So what country is this guy from? |
裡面有個“G” | There's a "g" in there. |
這個國家在哪裡? | Where's that? |
在你的地圖上 | In your atlas! |
我沒有地圖 | I don't have an atlas. |
不過等等 我有地球儀,等一下 | But wait,I do have a globe. Hold on. |
他是什麼樣的人? | So what's this guy like? |
他很… | Well,he's very... |
有衝勁 | ...dashing,you know? |
而且非常老練 | And very,very sophisticated. |
他不會講英文 | And he doesn't speak English... |
但他的翻譯說 他對我意亂情迷 | ... but his translator says he totally gets me. |
好,來了 | Okay,here you go. |
這是什麼? | What is this? |
地球儀 | It's a globe. |
也是削鉛筆機 | And a pencil sharpener. |
地球上的人們,投降吧 巨大的外星人 五個小腦袋 | People of Earth, surrender.Giant alien.Five tiny heads. |
有什麼要影印的嗎? 我要到影印店去 | Need anything copied? I'm going to the Xerox place. |
不用了,謝謝 | No,thanks. |
隨便給我什麼拿去影印就好 | Just give me anything I can make two of. |
如果你沒有東西要影印 幹嘛要去? | If you have nothing to copy,why go there? |
你又要去看那個… | Are you just gonna gawk at that girl... |
釘了肚臍環的女孩? | ...with the bellybutton ring again? |
要一起去嗎? | You wanna come? |
本集播出: “羅斯和瑞秋分手” | The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break |
快,克蘿伊 先把你的顧客解決掉 | Come on,Chloe. Finish with your customer first. |
快點,克蘿伊… | Come on,Chloe. Come on,Chloe! |
要影印嗎? | Can I help you? |
我們改變主意了 | We're having second thoughts about our copying needs. |
還需要時間考慮要影印什麼 | And we'll need more time to think about it. |
克蘿伊,跟我換 有人迷上你了 | Chloe,switch with me. Some guys have a crush on you. |
好,真是傷人 | Okay,that hurt us. |
我從早上就沒看見你們了 | Hi,guys. I haven't seen you since this morning. |
這個嘛… | Well... |
你知道… | ...you know. |
你們明天有事嗎? | What are you doing tomorrow? |
我們兩個? | Both of us? |
也許吧,害怕了嗎? | Maybe. Does that scare you? |
別緊張,艾塞克在 菲力酒吧當DJ | Relax. Isaac's deejaying at The Philly. |
你們應該來聽聽看 我們會的 | -You should come. -We'll be there. |
太好了,到時候見 | Great. I'll see you then. |
好啊,搖搖搖 | All right! Rock on. |
他說和你散步,讓他覺得 仿佛這個城就是他的家 | He says that walking with you makes this strange city feel like home. |
我也是,雖然這裡 本來就是我家 | Me too. Although this city is my home. |
我說的是蠢話 別跟他說我說的 | So that's dumb,what I said. Don't tell him I said that. |
你自己亂翻吧 | You make something up. |
很好,謝謝 | Nice! Thank you. |
我家到了 | This is me,here. |
你的眼睛好美 | Your eyes are very pretty. |
非常謝謝你 | Thank you very much. |
謝謝 | Oh,thank you. |
他想吻你 | He would like to kiss you. |
你不必麻煩了 | You don't have to do that now. |
不,我不是說他 不,是你不必麻煩了 | No,no,not him! No,you don't. |
時機已經過了 | The moment's over. |
就在這裡 | There it is,right there. |
好小 | It's small. |
對,但塞爾吉說 德軍花了六星期 | Yeah,but Sergei said it took the Germans six weeks... |
才橫跨國境 | ...to get all the way across it. |
你開心嗎? | So you had fun? |
只可惜約會的時候… | Except for,you know,when you're on a date... |
雖然非常愉快… | ...and you're getting along great... |
但他的翻譯礙手礙腳 | ... but the guy's translator keeps getting in the way? |
瑞秋在房間裡嗎? | Is Rach in her room? |
她還沒下班 但叫你打電話給她 | She's still at work,but she said to call her. |
她又要爽約了? 她怎麼可以這樣? | Is she gonna cancel on me again? How could she do this? |
我們的周年紀念日怎麼辦? | What about our anniversary? |
我對這件事只知道這麼多 | This is the extent of my knowledge on the subject. |
“打電話給瑞秋” | "Call Rachel." |
底下是什麼? | What's that on the bottom? |
是我的塗鴉 戴高頂禮帽的瓢蟲 | That's my doodle of a ladybug with a top hat. |
很漂亮 | She's fancy. |
嘿,親愛的 嗨 | -Hey,honey. -Oh,hi. |
怎麼回事? | how's it going? |
嗯,出了個內衣的緊急事件 | Well, kind of having an underwear emergency. |
哦是嗎?有人嚇你了嗎?讓你大笑了嗎? | Oh, yeah? What happened? Someone scare you? Make you laugh too hard? |
運貨出了大問題 我得把這批貨弄到 | Shipping had a disaster. I've gotta get this order in. |
對不起,不過看樣子 我要開通宵了 | I'm so sorry,but it looks like I'll be here all night. |
什麼?那我過來好不好? | What? Well,how about I come up there? |
不要,親愛的,拜託 我要處理的事情太多了 | No,honey,please. I just have too much to deal with. |
反正我今晚要跟塞爾吉出去… | Anyway,I'm going out with Sergei again tonight,and.... |
你能不能當翻譯的女伴 | Could you be the translator's date... |
這樣我們想獨處的時候 | ...so that when we want to be alone... |
你們兩個可以離開? | ...you two can split off? |
他長得挺帥的 | You know,he's kind of cute. |
你說挺帥的是真的很帥? | Like,"really kind of cute"? |
還是跟你的朋友 泥漿脊背賴瑞那樣的帥? | Or "kind of cute" like your friend Spackle-Back Larry? |
別這樣說他 | Don't call him that. |
他叫做泥漿脊背哈瑞 | His name is Spackle-Back Harry. |
“中央咖啡廳” | |
我們該出發了 | Maybe we should get going. |
克蘿伊說幾點到? | What time did Chloe say to get there? |
十點半 現在幾點了? | -10:30. -What time is it now? |
四點半 | 04:30 |
我們再等等好了 | So we'll hang out. |
記得她提過 我們三個人那回事嗎? | Remember when she brought up that thing about the three of us? |
記得很清楚 | Yes,vividly. |
她是開玩笑的吧? 我想是的 | -She was kidding about that,right? -Yeah,I think so. |
我想也是 | Yeah,I think so. |
老天,如果今晚出現這種場面那就太詭異了 | God,it'd be weird if that situation presented itself tonight. |
對,我是說… | Yeah,I mean... |
我們該怎麼辦? | ...what would we do? |
我可不知道 | Dude,I don't know. |
她是開玩笑的 | She was kidding. |
她是… | She was.... |
我們應該訂下基本規則 以備不時之需 | Just in case,we should have some ground rules. |
對,那當然 | Yeah. For sure. |
最重要的原則就是 “絕對不要張開眼睛” | You probably want the first one to be,"Never open your eyes." |
因為最好不要 在你做什麼的時候… | Because you don't want to be doing something... |
抬頭一看,對不對? | ...and then look up,right? |
看到你不想看的東西 | And see something that you don't want to be seeing. |
說得好… | Good call. Nice. |
等等… | Hold it! Hold it! |
萬一我的眼睛閉上以後 | What if my eyes are closed,and... |
我的手在那裡… | ...and my hand is out there.... |
好吧,眼睛一直張開 | Okay,eyes open at all times! |
我們怎麼決定… | How do we decide where we... |
哪個人… | ...you know,each would... |
要在… | ...you know... |
哪裡? | ... be? |
對,你知道 我們可以丟銅板決定 | Right. Well,you know,we could flip for it. |
我想也是,不過 頭和字分別代表什麼? | I guess. But like,what's heads and what's tails? |
如果連這個都不知道 我也不想跟你一起做了 | If you don't know that,I don't want to do this with you. |
不…訂單就在我面前 | No,no. I am looking at a purchase order here... |
上面說我們訂的 裡耶維拉比基尼 | ...that shows we ordered the Riviera bikini... |
各種尺寸和顏色都有 | ...in a variety of sizes and colors |
這跟我穿什麼有何相干? | What does it matter what I'm wearing? |
可以請你的主管過來嗎? 謝謝 | Could I speak to your supervisor? Thank you. |
嗨 | Hi. |
我的天,你來幹什麼? | My God! What are you doing here? |
你說你不能出去,所以… | Well,you said you couldn't go out,so.... |
你帶了野餐籃 真是個好男朋友 | You brought a picnic! What a boyfriend. |
夠了,星期一我要開始化妝 | That's it. On Monday,I start wearing makeup. |
親愛的,你很體帖 但我現在有危機 | Honey,this is very nice,but I've got a crisis. |
但我現在有蒸丸子 | But I've got couscous! |
親愛的,對不起 我知道今天是我們周年紀念 | Honey,I know it's our anniversary... |
但我在電話上跟你說過 我沒有時間停下來 | ... but I told you on the phone,I don't have time to stop. |
你不必停下來 我是隱形人,我不在這兒… | You don't have to stop. I'm invisible. I'm not here. |
對,可是,我不… | Yeah,but I don't |
是誰批准這批貨的? | Who approved that order? |
我們這裡沒有馬克羅賓遜 | Well,there is no Mark Robinson in this office. |
打電話給馬克 我喜歡馬克,你認識他嗎? | -Get Mark on the phone! -I love Mark. Do you know him? |
讓我看看… | Let me check that with what I've got. |
038不是本店的號碼 是亞特蘭大的號碼 | See,038 is not the number for this store. 038 is Atlanta. |
胡椒? | Pepper? |
我不用 | None for me. |
好,對不起 | Okay,sorry! |
對不起 我剛才說商店號碼是錯的 | Sorry. As I was saying,the store number is wrong. |
對不起,可是… | And I'm sorry,but |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
我待會兒再打給你 山普(“活寶三人組”的其中之一)在我辦公室裡 | I have to call you back. I've got Shemp in my office. |
你這是幹嘛? 對不起 | -What are you doing? -I'm sorry. |
但你電話講完了 喝杯酒吧? | But somebody's off the phone! How about a glass of wine... |
圍著爐火對飲 我可以再把火升起來 | ... by the fire? I can get it going again.... |
你沒有聽我說話 我沒有空 | You're not listening. I don't have time to stop. |
你連十分鐘都沒有? 我連十分鐘都沒有 | -You don't have 10 minutes? -I don't have 10 minutes! |
蘇菲,她有十分鐘時間嗎? 我說過沒有 | -Sophie,does she have 10 minutes? -I told you,I don't! |
別對我吼 我一個禮拜沒見到你了 | Don't yell. This is the most I've seen you all week. |
聽好了,我現在沒空理你 我的交貨時間到了 | Look,I cannot do this right now. I've got a deadline! |
回家去,我們回頭再說 | Go home and we'll talk later. |
好,可是等一下… 再見 | -Yeah,but wait! -Goodbye! |
剛才那個是我們的三洞打孔機 | Actually,that's our three-hole punch. |
嗨 | Hi. |
剛才的事… | Look,about what happened earlier |
我完全瞭解 你的壓力很大 | I completely understand. You were stressed. |
我本來要給你機會向我道歉 | I was gonna give you a chance to apologize to me. |
為你把我趕出辦公室而抱歉? | For letting you throw me out of your office? |
你沒有權利到我辦公室來 | You had no right coming down to my office. |
你不能帶著野餐籃 到人家的辦公室 | You do not bring a picnic basket to somebody's work... |
除非這個人是公園管理員 | ... unless they're a park ranger! |
原諒我只想在周年紀念日 跟女朋友在一起 | Excuse me for wanting to be with my girl on our anniversary. |
老天,我真是混蛋 | Boy,what an ass am l! |
但我說過我沒有時間 | But I told you I didn't have the time! |
你一直都沒時間 | Well,you never have the time. |
我覺得自己 好像根本沒有女朋友 | I don't feel like I have a girlfriend anymore. |
你是不是要我辭職… | Do you want me to quit my job... |
好讓你覺得自己有女朋友? | ...so you can feel like you have a girlfriend? |
我只希望你瞭解 這只是一份工作 | It would nice if you'd realize that it's just a job. |
只是一份工作? | Just a job? |
這是我一生中第一次 做我覺得有意義的事 | It's the first time in my life I'm doing something I care about! |
第一次發揮自己的專長 | The first time I'm doing something I'm good at! |
如果你不瞭解 | If you don't get that |
我瞭解,也為你高興 | I get that,and I'm happy for you. |
但我受夠跟答錄機談戀愛 我不知道該怎麼辦 | But I'm tired of dating your answering machine! I don't know what to do! |
我也不知道 | Well,neither do l! |
這是因為馬克嗎? | Is this about Mark? |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
好,不是 | Okay,it's not. |
我的老天爺 | Oh,my God! |
我不能老是跟你 為同一件事情吵架 | I cannot keep having this same fight over and over again. |
你讓我受不了 | You're making this too hard. |
我讓你受不了? 你要我怎麼做? | I'm making this too hard? What should I do? |
我不知道…這樣吧 | I don't know! I don't know! Look... |
也許我們應該冷靜一下 | ...maybe we should just take a break! |
很好,你說得對 我們冷靜一下 | Fine,you're right. Let's take a break. Let's cool off. |
我們去吃冷凍優酪乳吧 | Let's get some frozen yogurt or something. |
我們分手吧 | A break from us. |
過去五年來 在校對方面的進步… | advances in collating in the past five years. |
我們進了一台X5000 | We just got in an X-5000,you know? |
有了X5000 X50看起來就像T71 | The X-5000 makes an X-50 look like a T-71. |
研究恐龍的人來了 | It's the dinosaur guy! |
嗨,羅斯 嗨,克蘿伊 | -Hi,Ross! -Hi,Chloe. |
介紹你認識我的朋友 | I want you to meet some friends of mine. |
他是我的偶像 他要把東西放大四倍 | He's my hero. He'll want to blow stuff up 400 percent. |
我說我們不印,他說非印不可 結果呢?我們辦到了 | We say we don't do that. He says,"You gotta." Know what? We did it. |
現在有人要放大四倍 我們就說“羅斯影印” | Now anytime anybody wants 400,we just say,"Let's Ross it!" |
而且只有一種顏色 | And that's the only color that comes in. |
克蘿伊,你有銅板嗎? 我要買保險套 | Yo,Chloe! Do you have a quarter for the condom machine? |
你怎麼回事? 今晚不是你的周年紀念日嗎? | What are you doing? I thought tonight's your anniversary dinner. |
計畫略為改變 | A little change of plans. |
我們打算分手 | We're gonna break up instead. |
我會說一點法文 | And I can speak a little French. |
怎麼了?我說錯了什麼? | Why? What did I say? |
你剛才問我 今晚要不要跟你上床? | Well,you just asked if I wanted to go to bed with you tonight. |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
難怪我在莫立斯餐廳(紐約著名的法國餐廳)得到這麼好的服務 | No wonder I get such great service at Cafe Maurice. |
敲… | IKnock,knock,knock. |
嗨,麻煩你告訴塞爾吉 我很欣賞… | Hi. Could you please tell Sergei that I was fascinated... |
布特羅斯布特羅斯加利(聯合國前秘書長)在紐約時報寫的文章 | ...by what Boutros Boutros-Ghali said in the Times? |
你沒說布特羅斯布特羅斯加利 | You didn't say "Boutros Boutros-Ghali." |
布特羅斯布特羅斯加利 | Boutros Boutros-Ghali. |
他說他也是 | He says he was too. |
有意思 | Interesting. |
我在想… | So I was wondering |
趁你們還沒開口說話 | Before you get all talky again... |
麻煩你告訴塞爾吉 | ...could you also please tell Sergei... |
我很喜歡他的西裝 | ...that I really like his suit. |
他說“謝謝你 你今晚很美” | He said,"Thank you. You look pretty tonight. |
您的秀髮如陽光閃閃發亮 這麼說你是個廚師? | Your hair,golden like the sun." So you're a chef? |
我打算自己開一間餐廳 | I'm also thinking of opening up my own restaurant. |
真的? | Really? |
跟你說幾句悄悄話好嗎? | Could I talk to you behind my menu? |
你這是幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
我在聊天啊 | Well,I was having a conversation. |
米夏對你非常有意思 塞爾吉跟我根本說不上話 | Misha's so interested in you,Sergei and I haven't been able to talk at all. |
你要我安安靜靜地坐著 聽你們三個人說話? | You want me to sit silently,while you three converse? |
那太好了,謝謝你 | That would be great. Thank you. |
嗨,我是馬克 | Hi. It's Mark. |
怎麼?我有口臭嗎? | What? Is it my breath? |
對不起,我以為是別人打來的 | Sorry. I just thought you were somebody else. |
我只是打來留話的 今晚不是你的周年紀念日嗎? | I was just gonna leave a message. Isn't tonight your anniversary dinner? |
瑞秋?你沒事吧? | Rach? Are you okay? |
我沒事 | Yeah,I'm fine. |
你想聊聊嗎?我可以過來 | You wanna talk? I can come over. |
真的不必了,沒關係 | Really,no. Please. That's okay. |
好,我帶中國菜過來 | All right. I'm coming over with Chinese food. |
我不餓 | I'm not hungry. |
是我要吃的 | It's for me. |
再見 | Bye. |
你打算怎麼辦? 我能怎麼辦? | -So what'll you do? -What can I do? |
對方想分手,就只能分手了 | One person wants to break up,you break up. |
才不是這麼回事 你是男人,打電話去和好 | No way. This is you guys. Call her and work it out. |
我們剛剛才大吵一架 不用先等一段時間嗎? | We just had this huge fight. Don't I have to wait awhile? |
又不是剛吃完飯 不能游泳,去打電話 | It isn't like swimming after you eat. Pick up the phone! |
你知道吃完飯不能游泳 其實是個傳言 | You know that swimming thing is a myth. |
去跟我藍尼叔叔說吧 | Tell that to my Uncle Lenny. |
為什麼?他怎麼了? | Why? What happened to him? |
沒有怎麼了 只不過他非常相信這回事 | Nothing. He just really believes in that. |
然後我們大吵一架,弄得很僵 | Then we got into this big fight It was awful. |
我說他把我當公園管理員什麼的 | I told him he treats me like a park ranger,something.... |
然後… | And then... |
我告訴他我想分手 | ... I told him I wanted to take a break. |
我不想分開 | I don't want to take a break. |
我真替你難過 | I'm sorry. |
蛋捲? | Egg roll? |
然後我打電話給他 他不在家 | And then I called him and he wasn't there. |
他大概只是出去了 | He's probably just out. |
謝謝你,你說的話好有用 你來了可真好 | Thank you,that's very helpful. I'm glad you came over. |
嗨,是我 | Hi,it's me. |
很高興你打來 | Oh,I'm so glad you called. |
真的? | Really? |
這太荒謬了,你不覺得 我們可以溝通嗎? | This is crazy. Don't you think we can work on this? |
你想喝什麼? | What do you want to drink? |
那是誰? | Who's that? |
沒有人 | Nobody? |
我可以把蘋果汁喝光嗎? | Is it okay if I finish the apple juice? |
那是馬克嗎? | Is that Mark? |
親愛的,他只是過來… | Honey,he just came over |
好,我懂了 | Yeah,got it! |
嘿,恐龍先生 看看你,好傷心 | Hey,Dinosaur Guy! Look at you,so sad. |
來跳舞吧 | Come dance. |
沒關係,謝謝你 | That's okay. Thanks. |
你不必笑 只要跳舞就好了 | You don't have to smile. You just have to dance. |
我不想跳舞 我想喝酒,好嗎? | I don't feel like dancing. I feel like having a drink,okay? |
兩瓶啤酒 | Two beers! |
好吧,現在是咱們倆跳舞了 | Okay, now we're just dancing with each other. |
獸醫跟我說時候到了 | And the vet said it was time. |
我在地球的另一端 | And so from half a world away... |
我母親把電話拿到它耳朵旁邊 | ...while my mother held the phone to his ear... |
我用七種語言… | ... I said goodbye to my dog... |
跟我的狗說再見 | ...in seven languages. |
給我一張面紙好嗎? 沒問題 | -Could I have a tissue? -Oh,sure. |
希望你不會不小心… | I just hope you don't accidentally... |
吸進鼻子裡嗆死 | ...suck it up through your nose and choke on it. |
塞爾吉為我今晚的言行道歉 | Sergei would like to apologize for my behavior tonight. |
跟他說“我接受他的道歉” | Well,tell him,"Apology accepted." |
真沒想到,這麼多年來 第一次有人想跟我說話 | Unbelievable. For the first time in years,someone wants to talk to me. |
但你想他會讓我 這麼好過嗎?當然不會 | But do you think he would let me enjoy that? No! |
你這個笨外交官 為什麼自己不學英文? | You silly diplomat. Why don't you learn some English? |
對不起,你的晚餐 不是他付帳的嗎? | Excuse me,but isn't he paying for your dinner? |
人家的狗才剛過世 | The man's dog just died. |
我辭職了 | I have just resigned my post. |
你願不願意陪我到彩虹廳? | Will you accompany me to the Rainbow Room? |
我有外交官折價券 | I have diplomatic coupons. |
這是我的榮幸 | It would be my pleasure. |
我的男伴有折價券 | My guy has coupons. |
你的男伴 連“折價券”都不會講 | Your guy can't even say "coupons." |
盤子 | Plate. |
盤子,對,盤子 | Plate! Yes! Plate! |
看,我們不需要他們 | See,we don't need them. |
我喜歡這首歌 | I like this song. |
你等於已經在跳舞了 | Well,you're practically dancing,already. |
不如到這裡來跳吧? | Why don't you just do it over here? |
你已婚了,是吧? | What are you,married? |
也無所謂 | Because that's okay. |
在家… | Oh,be home,be home,be home.... |
你不在家 | You're not home. |
還是不笑? | Still no smile? |
“未完待續” | |
美國派小姐 | Miss American Pie |
美國… | Ameri-can. |
這種語言很難學 | It's a very hard language. |
再來一次 | Let's do it again. |
“前情提要” 我覺得自己好像沒有女朋友 | -Previously on Friends.... -I don't feel like I have a girlfriend. |
你是不是要我辭職 好讓你覺得自己有女朋友? | You want me to quit my job so you can feel like you have a girlfriend? |
這又是為了馬克嗎? 我的老天爺 | -ls this about Mark? -Oh,my God. |
好,不是 我的老天爺 | -Okay,it's not. -Oh,my God. |
我不能老是跟你 為同一件事情吵架 | I cannot keep having this fight with you! |
也許我們應該冷靜一下 | Maybe we should just take a break. |
很好,你說得對 我們冷靜一下 | Fine. You're right. Let's take a break. |
我們去吃冷凍優酪乳 | Let's get some frozen yogurt or something. |
我們分手吧 | A break from us. |
然後我們大吵一架,弄得很僵 我告訴他我想冷靜一下 | Then we had this big fight,and I said I wanted to take a break. |
我不想分開 | I don't want to take a break. |
這太荒謬了 | This is crazy. |
我們不能溝通嗎? | Can't we work on this? |
你想喝什麼? | What do you want to drink? |
那是誰? | Who's that? |
沒有人 | Nobody. |
那是馬克嗎? | Is that Mark? |
親愛的,他只是過來… | Honey,look,he just |
好,我懂了 | Yeah. Got it! |
來跳舞吧 你結婚了嗎? | Hey,come dance. What,are you married? |
也無所謂 | Because that's okay. |
“第二天早上” | |
昨晚的 周年紀念日大餐怎麼樣? | How was the big anniversary dinner? |
我們根本沒機會吃晚餐 | Well,we never actually got to dinner. |
很好 | Nice. |
我們分手了 | We kind of broke up instead. |
什麼? | What? |
我的天,噴到天花板了 | My God! It's on the ceiling! |
沒關係 | That's okay. |
這件事的重要性超過… | This is more important than fruit... |
天花板上的水果 | ...on my ceiling. |
你們分手了? | You broke up? |
對,不過沒關係 羅斯走了以後,馬克來了 | Yeah,but it's okay because when Ross left,Mark came over. |
不會吧,你跟馬克? 沒關係,別緊張 | -Oh,no! You and Mark? -It's okay. Calm down. |
馬克跟我聊了很久 | Mark and I talked... |
我瞭解自己有多愛你的蠢大哥 | ...and I realized how much I love your stupid brother. |
我們有問題,但我真心 想跟他繼續交往下去 | We got our problems,but I really wanna make it work. |
早安 | Morning! |
本集播出:“第二天早上” | The One the Morning After |
是我,我找了你一整夜 我好難過 | It's me. I've been trying to reach you all night. I feel awful. |
我跟馬克沒有什麼 | There's nothing between me and Mark. |
我們分手這事真是太愚蠢了 對 | This whole breakup thing is just stupid. |
我這樣折磨你,真對不起 | I'm sorry I put you through it. |
我不想用答錄機和好 | And I don't want to get back together over a machine. |
我愛你 | So I love you. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
跟你說,我要睡了 | And you know what? I'm gonna go to bed now... |
但我明天早上上班的時候 八點半過來,再見 | ...but on my way to work tomorrow,I'll stop by around 8:30. Bye. |
克蘿伊,你好了沒有? | Chloe,how's it coming? |
你覺得我應該買什麼樣的狗? | What kind of puppy do you think I should get? |
買只大狗怎麼樣? | Well,how about a big one? |
可是我的公寓… 那買小狗好了 | -But my apartment's so -Then a small one. |
我們該走了 等等,我的鞋子呢? | -We have to go. -Wait! Where's my shoes? |
你要穿鞋子? | You need shoes? |
我們幹嘛這麼趕? 我不是跟你提過我女友嗎? | -Do I know why we're rushing? -You know my girlfriend? |
結果她想跟我複合 | It turns out that she wants to get back together. |
找到了 | I found it! |
那真是太好了 | That's so great for you guys! |
你一定很高興 | You must be so happy! |
對,我是覺得很高興 | Yes,I am. One of the many things I'm feeling. |
祝你們好運 謝謝 | -Good luck with your girlfriend. -Thank you. |
你聽到我的留言沒有? 你真準時 | -You got my message? -You are right on time! |
我可以再當你的女朋友嗎? | So can I be your girlfriend again? |
當然可以,這樣最好了 | Yes,you can. Very much. |
你幹嘛拖天花板? 上面有香蕉 | -Why are you mopping your ceiling? -There's banana on it. |
有個印第安老女人的靈魂 住在我家客廳裡 | I have the spirit of an old lndian woman living in mine. |
那你知道 | So,then,you know. |
郵差來過了 我幫你把郵件拿上來 | The mailman was here,so I brought your mail. |
很好,謝謝 那是法布科技的東西嗎? | -Oh,good. Thanks. -Now,what is Fabutech? |
不要看不起我,好嗎? | Don't judge me too much,okay? |
我看到這個 我發誓我從來沒有… | I saw this infomercial,and I swear I have never... |
買過購物頻道的東西 | ... bought anything on TV before. |
除了這只拖把以外 | Except for this mop. |
不過這個刮腿毛膏很棒 | But there was this amazing stuff on leg-waxing |
刮刮看! | Waxine! |
對,你看過? | Yes! Have you seen it? |
這太棒了 我早就想當刮刮看女郞 | It's incredible! I want to be a Waxine Girl! |
我知道 | I know! |
你覺得這真的不會痛嗎? 怎麼會不痛的呢? | Do you think it really doesn't hurt? How can they do that? |
嗨,最近才在雨林 發現的有機物質? | Hello! Organic substances recently discovered in the rain forest? |
裡面都是上等貨 | They have the best stuff in there. |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
我們找不到你 還以為你去跟瑞秋和好了 | We figured when we couldn't find you,you'd gone to make up with Rachel. |
其實應該這樣才對 | Which is probably what you should have done. |
你說呢? | You think? |
我完蛋了,我該怎麼辦? | God,I'm in hell. I mean,what am I gonna do? |
瑞秋滿口說著“我愛你” 而我腦子裡只想著… | Rachel's all "I love you," and all I can think about... |
如果我把實情告訴她 她會怎麼樣? | ...is what is she gonna do when I tell her what I did? |
首先,我們應該談 比較重要的問題 | First,we should address the more important question... |
你到底有多蠢? | ...how dumb are you? |
我們努力想恢復 這份感情,好嗎? | Look,we're trying to rebuild a relationship here,right? |
如果不誠實,還談什麼感情? | How can I do that without being honest? |
我也贊成要坦承,真的 | I'm onboard about the total-honesty thing. I am. |
不過會惹麻煩的事 還是少說為妙 | Just not about stuff that's gonna get you in trouble. |
他說的對,這對誰都沒好處 只會讓你傷害她 | He's right. Nobody benefits,and you'll just hurt her. |
到時候感情也沒了 | And there won't be a relationship left to rebuild. |
你不覺得… | Don't you think |
如果你非說不可 至少先等適當的時機再說 | If you have to tell her,at least wait till the timing's right. |
所以臨終之前才要懺悔 | And that's what deathbeds are for. |
好吧 好 | -Yeah,okay. -All right. |
好,我們必須確定 她不會從其他管道知道 | Okay. Now,we just have to make sure she doesn't find out some other way. |
你覺得有沒有串連? | Did you think about the trail? |
什麼串連? | What trail? |
從跟你做這件事的女人 | From the woman you did it with... |
到你千方百計要隱瞞的女人 | ...to the woman you hope never finds out you did it! |
永遠不要忘了中間的串連 | Always think about the trail! |
我想應該沒有任何串連 | I don't think there's any trail. |
克蘿伊的同事艾塞克… | Chloe works with that guy,lsaac. |
艾塞克的妹妹潔絲敏 是菲比在按摩中心的同事 | Isaac's sister is Jasmine,who works at the massage place with Phoebe. |
菲比是瑞秋的朋友 這就是串連,我找到了 | Phoebe is Rachel's friend,and that's the trail! I did it! |
把刮腿毛膏和麻布條 帖在腿毛上 | "After applying the Waxine and linen strips to leg" |
好了 | Did that! |
抓住突出的布條 | "Grasp the linen strip by its tab... |
瞬間扯下來,完全無痛 | ...and pull it off in one quick,pain-free motion." |
這不是無痛的嗎? | Was it not "pain-free"? |
不,痛死了 | No,it was pain-ful! |
我的天,這應該叫痛痛膏 加一點腿毛膏 | My God,they should call it "Pain-zine,now with a little wax." |
廣告上的女孩 好像不覺得有這麼痛 | The girls on the commercial don't seem to think it's that bad. |
那是因為她們太笨 所以神經都死掉了 | Because their nerves are deadened from being so stupid. |
如果你不相信我的話 儘管自己試試看 | But you know,if you don't believe me,please,be my guest. |
這下你該慶倖我們沒有貼比基尼布條了吧? | Now are you glad we didn't start with the bikini strips? |
克蘿伊,嗨 | Chloe,hi. |
是為了我拿走你的手錶嗎? | Is this about me taking your watch? |
你拿了我的手錶? 對不起,我有這種習慣 | -You took my watch? -I'm sorry. I do that. |
你留著吧,聽我說 你把我們的事跟別人說了嗎? | You keep it. Listen,did you tell anyone about us? |
沒有,我覺得不關別人的事 | I feel like it really isn't anybody's business. |
沒錯,那你沒有 告訴艾塞克? | Exactly. So you didn't mention anything to lsaac? |
我什麼事都告訴艾塞克 真的?那當然啦 | -I tell lsaac everything. -You do? Of course you do. |
嗨,艾塞克 我們還沒有正式見過面 | Hi,lsaac. You know,we haven't actually met. |
你這只發情的小狗 | You dog! |
對,我想我是一隻小狗 不過我有個女朋友 | Yes,I suppose I am a dog. But see,I happen to have a girlfriend. |
對,咖啡廳的瑞秋 | Right. Rachel from the coffee place. |
就是她 我不想傷害她 | That's the one. Listen,I don't want to hurt her. |
我知道 不管我們有多愛她們 | I know. It doesn't matter how much we love them. |
一夫一妻制是違反人性的 | Monogamy is too cruel a rule. |
聽我說 可以替我保守秘密嗎? | Listen,can you keep this information to yourself? |
沒問題 我們要互相關照才行 | No problem. We gotta look out for each other. |
你跟我是一樣的 | We're the same,you and me. |
其實我們是不一樣的 | Actually,no,we're not. |
一樣的 | Yeah,we are. |
不一樣 | No,we're not. |
一樣 | Yeah,we are. |
不一樣 | No,we're not. |
好,不一樣 對 | -Okay,we're not. -Right. |
不過我們是一樣的 | But we are. |
好,我只想知道 你不會告訴你妹妹 | Fine. I just need to know that you won't tell your sister. |
我可以保證不會跟她說第二次 | I can promise not to tell her again. |
潔絲敏?我們在菲比的 生日派對見過,我是羅斯 | Jasmine? We met at Phoebe's birthday party. I'm Ross Geller. |
你做了一件壞事 | You did a bad thing! |
沒錯 壞透了 | -Yes,I did. -Very bad! |
壞透了 不可原諒 | -Very bad. -Very,very bad! |
我完全同意你的話 | I'm agreeing with you. |
聽我說,你告訴菲比沒有? | Listen,did you happen to tell Phoebe yet? |
拜託你不要說 | Please. Please don't. |
我很愛我的女朋友 希望跟她繼續交往 | I love my girlfriend very much and I want to work it out with her. |
好吧 | All right. |
謝謝你… | Thank you. Thank you. |
不過你應該去找我的室友 我跟他說了,他也認識菲比 | But you should talk to my roommate. I told him,and he knows Phoebe too. |
你的室友是誰? | Who's your roommate? |
甘瑟,告訴我你沒有告訴瑞秋 我跟影印店那女孩的事 | Gunther,Tell me you didn't tell Rachel about me and the girl from the copy place. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
難道我不該說? | Was I not supposed to? |
好吧,我有個主意,咱們何不交換著揭呢 | Okay, l got an idea. Why don't you pull off mine, and l pull off yours? |
或者你揭你的,我的就留著吧 | Or, you pull of yours,and l will leave mine on... |
因為我覺得我這樣不耽誤工作 | ...because l think l can make this look work. |
拜託,菲比,我們能辦到的 | Come on, Phoebe. We can do this. |
-好吧 -好吧 | -All right.-All right. |
好 | Okay. |
-怎麼了 -出什麼事了 | -What is it?-What's going on? |
我們沒事 不要緊… | -We're all right. -It's okay. It's okay. |
我們只是在刮腿 把腿刮掉? | -We were just waxing our legs. -Off? |
告訴你們,男人永遠 不會經歷這種痛苦 | For your information,this is a pain like no man will ever experience. |
你最好不要說這種話 除非你的重要部位… | Unless you've been kicked in an area... |
曾經被狠狠踢過 | ...that God only meant to be treated nicely. |
只不過女人的門檻 比男人低罷了 | Women just have a lower threshold for pain than men,that's all. |
拜託,只不過是一點腿毛膏 | I mean,come on,it's just a little wax. |
是嗎?過來 | Oh,yeah? Come here. |
哦,真成熟 | Oh,that's mature. |
現在撕掉就好了嗎? | So now I just pull it off? |
沒錯 | That's right. |
好吧,鐵皮人(《綠野仙蹤》中的機器人) | Okay, Tin Man. |
瑞秋,拜託你跟我說話 | Rachel, come on.Just talk to me. Please! |
跟你說話? 我連看都不想看你一眼 | Talk to you? I can't even look at you right now. |
沒事… | Nothing. Nothing. |
她之前說沒事的 他們在說些什麼? | -She said it was okay. -What are they talking about? |
你滾遠一點 我犯錯了,好嗎? | -Just get away from me! -I made a mistake,okay? |
錯誤?你放到哪裡去了? 她的皮包裡? | A mistake? What were you trying to put it in? Her purse? |
他放到哪裡了? | Where did he put it? |
你跟另外一個女人上床 | You had sex with another woman! |
我的天 | Oh,my God! |
我早就知道有事 我的指甲昨天一點都沒長長 | I knew something was wrong because my nails didn't grow at all yesterday. |
我想是他們吵了一架 他喝醉了… | I guess they had a fight,and he got drunk |
你們男生早就知道 卻沒跟我們說? | You guys knew about this and didn't tell us? |
他做愛了,我們卻要挨打 | He has sex and we get hit in our heads! |
我要你馬上離開,滾出去 | I want you to leave! Just get out! Now! |
我要留下來好好談這件事 | I want to stay and talk about this. |
好,她怎麼樣? | All right. How was she? |
什麼? 她好不好? | -What? -Was she good? |
不要回答 | Don't answer that. |
你說要好好談談 我們就來談,她怎麼樣? | You said you wanted to talk about it. Let's talk. How was she? |
她很… 遜 | -She was.... -Awful. |
不怎麼樣 爛透了,跟你沒得比 | -She was not good. -Horrible. Nothing compared to you. |
她不一樣 | She was different. |
好的不一樣? | Good different? |
沒有人喜歡改變 | Nobody likes change. |
夠了 什麼?好… | -Just stop! -What? Okay! Okay! Okay! |
我們該做些什麼嗎? | Should we do something? |
對,永遠不要欺騙瑞秋 | Yeah. Never cheat on Rachel. |
對不起,好嗎?我很抱歉 我當時很受不了我自己 | I'm sorry,okay? I'm sorry. I was disgusted with myself... |
今天早上,我很難過 | ...and this morning I was upset... |
然後收到你的留言 我好高興 | ...and then I got your message and I was so happy. |
我一心只想把她 趕出我的公寓… | And all I wanted was to get her out of my apartment |
等一下 | Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute. |
你的小朋友是幾點離開的? | What time did your little friend leave? |
我的天,她在? 她那時還在你家? | Oh,my God. She was there? She was still there? |
我在你家的時候她也在? | She was in there when I was in there? |
聽我說,重點是 她對我毫無意義 | Listen,the important thing is she meant nothing to me. |
卻值得你為她破壞我們的關係 | And yet she was worth jeopardizing our relationship! |
那時候我不知道 我們還有關係 | I didn't think there was a relationship. |
我們分手了 只是暫時冷靜一下 | -We'd broken up. -We were on a break. |
對我來說,那可能是一輩子 那就是分手 | That,for all I knew,could last forever. That is a breakup. |
你想用技術性細節逃掉嗎? | You gonna get out of this on a technicality? |
我不想逃掉什麼 | I'm not trying to "get out" of anything. |
我以為我們的關係完了 | I thought our relationship was dead. |
你馬上就去享豔福了 | Well,you sure had a hell of a time at the wake. |
我想我們不該再聽下去了 | I don't think we should listen to this anymore. |
你幹嘛?我們不能出去 | What are you doing? We can't go out. |
為什麼不行?我餓了 | Why not? I'm hungry. |
因為他們會知道我們在偷聽 | Because they'll know we've been listening. |
老天,我還得從 甘瑟那裡聽到這件事 | God! And to have to hear about it from Gunther! |
我到處奔波 就是不想讓你知道 | I ran all over the place trying to make sure that didn't happen! |
你好體帖 | Oh,that is so sweet. |
我想我又重新愛上你了 | I think I'm falling in love with you all over again. |
我們可以出去了 他們有其他的事要擔心 | We can go out. They have other things to worry about. |
不會有事的 | We'll be fine. |
瑞秋,我早就想告訴你 我覺得我應該告訴你 | Rachel,I wanted to tell you. I thought I should. |
但是錢德和喬伊叫我不要說 | And then Chandler and Joey convinced me not to! |
把門用臘封起來 我們再也不走了 | Wax the door shut. We're never leaving. |
我是菲比,瑞哈克先生九點來 得有人幫我代班 | It's Phoebe. Someone has to take my 9:00 with Mr. Rehak... |
因為現在已經九點一刻 我人還沒到 | ... because it's 9:15 now,and I'm not there. |
不,我現在處於一個嚴重的關係鬥爭中,因此… | No, l'm in the middle of a huge relationship fight, so.... |
哦,沒關係,不是我的事情 | Oh, that's all right.lt's not mine. |
之所以會發生這種事 都是因為… | None of this would've happened if I didn't think... |
我以為那時候 你在跟馬克上床 | ...you were having sex with Mark? |
好 | All right. |
就說我跟馬克上了床 你可以原諒我嗎? | Let's say I had slept with Mark. Would you have been able to forgive me? |
我會的 | Yes,I would. |
你不介意馬克吻我 跟我裸體相見 | You'd be okay if Mark had kissed me,and been naked with me... |
跟我做愛? | ...and made love to me? |
要是你知道我們火熱 汗濕、翻滾的身體… | If you knew that our hot,sweaty,writhing bodies were |
我會不知如何是好 | I would have been devastated... |
不過我還是想跟你在一起 | ... but I would still want to be with you. |
因為,是你啊 | Because,I mean,it's you. |
說吧,告訴我你在想什麼 | Come on,tell me what you're thinking. |
我想… | I'm thinking... |
叫一個披薩 | ... I'm gonna order a pizza. |
叫一個披薩,意思是… | Order a pizza,like... |
“我原諒你”? | ... "I forgive you"? |
老天 | Oh,man! |
披薩? | Pizza? |
我喜歡吃披薩 | I like pizza. |
披薩上面放橄欖 | Put olives on the pizza. |
我們可以吃腿毛膏 那是有機的 | We could eat the wax! It's organic! |
太好了,連毛一起吃下去 | Oh,great. Food with hair on it. |
不,我不是說用過的 | No,not the used wax. |
因為那樣很神經? | Because that would be crazy? |
可以算我一份嗎? 因為我也餓了 | Could I get in on that? Because I'm kind of hungry myself. |
好 | Fine. |
我想要一份大號的披薩 | Yes,I'd like to order a large pizza. |
不要放沙丁魚 多加一份沙丁魚 | -No anchovies. -With extra anchovies. |
沒關係,我挑掉就好了 | That's okay. I'll pick them off. |
麻煩你把沙丁魚剁碎了 攪到醬汁裡好嗎? | And could you chop some up and put it right in the sauce? |
你想吃的話,最後一塊給你 | You can have the last piece if you want. |
應該的,你跟別人上床了 | Well,I should think so. You slept with someone. |
他們應該會和好吧? | They're gonna get through this,aren't they? |
當然啦,他們是羅斯跟瑞秋呢 | Yeah. Come on,it's Ross and Rachel. |
他們非和好不可 | They've got to. |
萬一他們不能和好呢? | What if they don't? |
你們覺得 我需要新的走路姿勢嗎? | You think I need a new walk? |
什麼? | What? |
我從高中開始 走路的姿勢都一樣 | Well,I've been walking the same way since high school. |
你知道有些人不管到哪裡都會吸引所有人的目光嗎? | You know how some guys walk into a room and everybody takes notice? |
我想我需要 吸引目光的走路姿勢 | I think I need a take-notice walk. |
你是說了這些話嗎? | Are you actually saying these words? |
你現在連話都不跟我說了 | What,now you're not even talking to me? |
聽我說,對不起 我很抱歉,我當時瘋了 | Look,Rachel,I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was out of my mind. |
我以為我會失去你 不知道如何是好 | I thought I'd lost you. |
我一定是完全瘋了 才會做這種事 | How insane must I have been to do something like this? |
我不是對愛情不忠的人 我不是這種人,我不是喬伊 | I don't cheat,right? That's not me. I'm not Joey! |
現在是半夜三點了 他們還不知道我已經回家了 | It's 3 a. m. They don't know that I've come home yet. |
他們也沒奇怪我到哪裡去了 | You notice how they aren't wondering where I am? |
人有時候就是只想到自己 | You know,people can be so self-involved. |
你知道嗎? 不是我要冷靜一下的 | You know what? I'm not the one that wanted that break. |
是你要離開的,是你… | You're the one that bailed. You're the one... |
是你在事情 不順利的時候逃跑的 | ...that ran the moment things got rough. |
那… 那怎麼樣? | -That's -That's what? |
既不是當時,也不是現在 現在我們… | -That is neither here nor there. -Here we are... |
又是進退兩難 你打算怎麼辦? | ...in a spot again. What do you want? |
你打算怎麼處理? 你想繼續努力還是逃跑? | How do you want to handle it? You want to fight for us or bail? |
聽我說,我做了一件過份 而且非常愚蠢的事 | Look,I did a terrible,stupid,stupid thing,okay? |
對不起,我希望能改變歷史 但是不可能 | I'm sorry. I wish I could take it back,but I can't. |
我只是不能眼睜睜看著 一段美好的感情就此破滅 | I just can't see us throwing away something we know is so damn good. |
我好愛你 | I love you so much. |
不要,羅斯,不要 | No,Ross! Don't! |
你不能吻我兩下 就讓整件事煙消雲散 | You can't just kiss me and make it all go away. |
事情不是這樣的 這樣只會越弄越糟 | It doesn't work that way. It doesn't just make it better. |
我覺得你應該離開 | I think you should go. |
什麼? | What? |
我真的覺得你該走了 | I really think you need to go now. |
今天早上你還說 我們什麼事情都可以溝通 | This morning you said there was nothing we couldn't work out. |
我那時候知道什麼? | What the hell did I know? |
我們一定有辦法度過這一關 | There's got to be a way we can work past this. |
我不能想像沒有你的日子 | I can't imagine my life without you. |
沒有這雙手臂 | Without these arms... |
你的臉孔和你的心 | ...and your face and heart... |
你善良的心,瑞秋… | ...your good heart,Rach,and.... |
我辦不到 你在我眼裡完全變了 | I can't. You're a totally different person to me now. |
我以前總覺得 你永遠永遠不會傷害我 | I used to think of you as somebody that would never,ever hurt me. |
永遠不會 | Ever. |
現在我滿腦子都是 你跟她的畫面 | Now I can't stop picturing you with her. |
我做不到 你說什麼、做什麼都沒用 | I can't. It doesn't matter what you say or what you do. |
一切都不能回頭了 | It's just changed everything. |
永遠不能 | Forever. |
不可能會這樣 | This can't be it. |
那為什麼事實就是如此? | Then how come it is? |
他們好久沒動靜了 | They've been quiet for a long time. |
也許她把他殺了 | Maybe she killed him. |
我們走吧 | Let's go. |
這是你新的走路姿勢嗎? | Is that your new walk? |
不是,我快尿出來了 | No. I really have to pee. |
可以給我看漫畫嗎? | Can I see the comics? |
這是紐約時報 | This is the New York Times. |
好,能否借我看漫畫? | Okay,may I see the comics? |
你們不是要帶羅斯去看球? | I thought you were taking Ross to the game. |
是啊,我們約在這裡 瑞秋也跟我們約在這裡 | -We are. He's meeting us here. -No,Rachel's meeting us here! |
他們還是可以共處一室吧 | Come on! They can be in the same room. |
你昨晚沒看到 怎麼了? | -You should've been there last night. -What happened? |
羅斯在我們那邊 | Ross was hanging out at our place. |
瑞秋來跟錢德借潤膚乳… | Rachel comes over to borrow some moisturizer from Chandler |
你不能說借“東西”嗎? | How hard is it to say "something"? |
瑞秋過來借“東西” | Rachel came over to borrow "something." |
反正她和羅斯就開始對罵 | Anyway,her and Ross just started yelling at each other. |
他怎麼敢罵她? 他跟別人上床耶 | Why was he yelling at her? He slept with someone else. |
他說他們當時分手了 | He says they were on a break when it happened... |
所以她早就該原諒他了 | ...so she should've forgiven him by now. |
他真不可理喻,真是的 | He is so unreasonable! God! |
不過我瞭解他的意思 | Although I understand what he means. |
天哪,這樣好像“60分鐘” | Oh,my God! This is like 60 Minutes... |
你本來很氣製藥公司 生產一種藥 | ...when at first you're mad that pharmaceutical company made the drug. |
後來又很同情那些人,因為… | And then,you just feel bad for the people,because... |
他們想要長頭髮 | ...they needed to make their hair grow. |
我父母離婚時就是這樣 | You know,this is like when my parents got divorced. |
希望羅斯看完球 不會企圖綁架我 | I hope Ross doesn't try to kidnap me after Cub Scouts. |
我夢到羅斯和瑞秋沒有分手 | I dreamed that Ross and Rachel were still together. |
我們開心的在一起 | And we were all hanging out and happy. |
我也夢到了 | I had the same dream. |
-沒有人跟那個女的上床 -我的剛好相反 | -And nobody slept with the xerox girl. -Oh,I had the opposite dream. |
也許不要緊,都一個星期了 | Maybe it's gonna be okay. I mean,it's been a week. |
我結束一段感情 從不超過一星期 | It never takes me more than a week to get over a relationship. |
你一沖完澡 一段感情就結束了 | It never takes you more than a shower to get over a relationship. |
走吧,上路了,我們去玩吧 | Let's go! Let's hit the road. Let's get the show on it. |
我先喝杯咖啡 | Let me get coffee. |
附近有一家很棒的咖啡館 | I know the best coffeehouse. And it's close. |
比這裡近? | Closer than here? |
你看,我找到一杯 | Oh,look! I found coffee! |
我們走吧 | Okay,let's skedaddle. |
我才不喝別人喝剩的 | I'm not gonna drink somebody's old coffee. |
是,殿下 | Okay,Your Highness. |
“瑞秋,對不起” “沒關係,你想複合嗎?” | "Rachel,I'm really sorry." "Okay,Ross. Wanna get back together?" |
“好啊” | "Yeah,okay." |
你們有聽到嗎? | Did anyone else hear that? |
本集播出:“滑雪出行” | The One Without the Ski Trip |
他在嗎? | Is he here? |
你的潤膚乳 | Here's your moisturizer. |
你們會愛死我!聽我說 | You guys are gonna love me! Okay,check it out. |
週四晚上,五張票 | Thursday night,five tickets. |
卡文克萊內衣秀 你們要跟我一起去 | Calvin Klein lingerie show,and you guys are coming with me. |
我有說出聲音來吧? | I said that out loud,right? |
有,只是我們已經… | Yes,it's just that we kind of already... |
跟羅斯有約了 | ... made plans with Ross. |
好吧 | Well,okay. |
就這樣吧 | Well,there you go. |
他買了新的家庭影院組合 | It's just,he got this new home-theater dealy... |
想找我們去看 | ...and he wants us to check it out. |
他很興奮 | He's excited about it too. |
還在答錄機裡錄了節目表 | He even recorded showtimes on his answering machine. |
對不起 沒關係 | -We're sorry,honey. -Oh,it's okay. |
不是我們不想去,真的 | Rach,it's not that we don't want to. Really. |
模特兒穿內衣走秀? | Are we talking models in their underwear? |
還有高跟鞋 | And heels. |
羅斯先開口,我們也排好了 | Ross did ask us first,and we set that night aside. |
沒關係,是他先約的,很公平 | Come on. If he asked you first,it's only fair. |
我好受不了 | Oh,boy,do I feel bad! |
非常受不了 | Very bad. |
錢德,你在幹什麼? | Chandler,what are you doing? |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
你又抽煙了? | You're smoking again? |
那是昨天 | Well,actually,yesterday,I was smoking again. |
今天是“還在抽” | Today I'm smoking,still. |
嚼了那麼多戒煙口香糖 為什麼又開始抽了? | Why would you start again after chewing all that quitting gum? |
我父母離婚時就像這樣 | This is just like my parents' divorce... |
害我學會抽煙 | ...which is when I first started smoking. |
你當時不是才9歲? | Weren't you 9? |
午睡後來一根最過癮 | I'm telling you something,that first smoke after naptime.... |
好啊,我猜是他 | That's great. With my luck,that's him. |
羅斯? | Him? Ross? |
不,是讚美詩253篇 “他看顧麻雀”(聖歌) | No,"Hymn" 253: "His Eyes Are on the Sparrow." |
我父母離婚後 我開始用幽默來自衛 | When my parents got divorced,I started using humor as a defense mechanism. |
你們週末有計劃嗎? | Hi. Do you guys have weekend plans? |
我妹說週末 可以到她的小屋去滑雪 | Because my sister says we can spend the weekend at her cabin,skiing. |
是我先問的吧? 我有遵守遊戲規則 | I'm asking you first,right? I'm playing by the rules. |
沒問題 | Absolutely. |
錢德,你抽煙?你怎麼搞的? | Chandler! You're smoking? What are you doing? |
閉嘴,你又不是我的親娘 | Shut up! You're not my real mom! |
關窗子好嗎? 我的乳頭硬到可以割玻璃 | Could you close that window? My nipples could cut glass! |
真的?我的讓我躲掉罰單 | Really? Because mine get me out of tickets. |
真的很謝謝你們來陪我 | Look,I just wanna say I really appreciate you spending time with me. |
這陣子很難熬,真的謝謝你們 | It's been a hard time right now,so I just want to say thanks. |
誰去抱抱他 我得留在窗子旁邊 | Somebody else hug him. I have to stay by the window. |
週末要不要來個影碟馬拉松? | How about this weekend,we have a laser-disc marathon,okay? |
或是來比賽,我有新的… | And maybe a tournament on my new... |
飛鏢盤!怎麼樣? | ...dart board! What do you think? |
連射兩天飛鏢,一定很好玩 | Two days of darts! It'll be great! |
不如排在下週末 | It'll be great for next weekend. |
不,這個週末 | This weekend,guys. |
不如排在下週末 | It'll be great for next weekend. |
一定會很好玩 | I mean,"lt'll be great." |
怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
我們被找去滑雪 要去瑞秋的妹妹的小屋 | We're sort of invited to go skiing. You know,Rachel's sister's cabin? |
整個週末? | So,for the whole weekend? |
對不起,是她先約的 | We're really sorry,but she did ask us first. |
沒關係,我失戀的第一個週末 | That's okay. If you all have to go away... |
你們都要出城去 | ...for the first weekend I'm alone by myself... |
我完全可以理解 | ...then I totally understand. |
我可以留下來,我留下來 | I can stay. I'm gonna stay. |
上次去滑雪 我根本不敢下纜車 | The last time I went,I was afraid to leave the chair lift. |
就這樣坐來坐去 | I just went round and round. |
你得開你外婆的車載我們去 | We need you to drive us there in your grandmother's cab. |
這樣吧,我留下來 不,我留,他是我的哥哥 | -But you know what? I'll stay. -No,I'll stay. He's my brother. |
這是同情嗎? | What,a "pity stay"? |
我們會玩得很開心 | We're gonna have fun! |
我們來做牛奶軟糖 | We can make fudge. |
同情的食物? | Pity food? |
沒關係,我不需要你們留下來 | You know what? I don't need any of you to stay. |
誰都不准留下來 | Nobody stays. |
那我也表示一下“留下”的意思好了 | Well,then,I might as well offer to stay. |
有人在替羅斯難過嗎? | Does anybody else feel bad about Ross? |
你覺得他還在生氣? | You think he's still mad? |
更氣了,你居然跟他借護目鏡 | He's probably more mad since you called him to borrow his goggles. |
怎樣?我的沒有顏色 | What? Mine aren't tinted. |
錢德? 怎樣? | Chandler What? |
標示說什麼? | What does the sign say? |
“主耶穌,請照耀我” | "Beam me up,Jesus." |
是“禁止吸煙”的標示 | The "No Smoking" sign. |
我外婆的車上不能抽煙 | There's no smoking in my grandmother's cab. |
那我要上廁所 | Well,then,I have to go to the bathroom. |
拜託 | Oh,please! |
沒事不准停車 加油的時候再去 | No unscheduled stops. You can go when we stop for gas. |
那邊有休息站 我真的得上廁所 | There's a rest stop right up there. Come on,I really have to go! |
現在我也想上了 | Oh,now I have to go! |
這事兒還會傳染嗎? 有時只是一陣微風就可以… | ls that all that it takes?Sometimes just a small breeze.... |
到了 | Here we go. |
坐好 什麼? | -Brace yourself! -What? |
你不去? 不了 | -Aren't you gonna go? -No,thanks. |
瑞秋不上公共廁所 | Rachel never pees in public restrooms. |
裡面都沒有馬桶墊紙 | They never have any paper in there. |
所以我決定 沒有紙就不噓噓 | So my rule is,"No tissue,no tushy." |
既然大家都下車了… | Well,if everybody's going.... |
別關門!鑰匙在裡面 | Don't close it! The keys are in there! |
怎麼了? 打火機在裡面 | -What's going on? -My lighter's in there! |
媽的 排氣管不夠燙,點不著 | Damn! The tailpipe's not hot enough to light this. |
我會開門,誰有衣架? | I can open this. Anybody got a coat hanger? |
我有 | Oh,I do. |
不對,早上穿衣服時拿掉了 | No,I took it out of my shirt when I put it on this morning. |
要是你的父母沒有離婚 | So if your parents hadn't divorced... |
你就能正常的回答問題? | ...you'd be able to answer a question like a normal person? |
我需要鐵絲類的東西把它撬開 | Look,I just need a wire something to jimmy it. |
把你們內衣的鋼絲給我 | One of you give me your bra underwire. |
快,誰的胸部最大? | Come on! Who has the biggest boobs? |
胸部最大,內衣的鋼絲也最長 | Whoever has the biggest boobs,has the biggest bra and wire. |
不要 很貴耶 | -No! -It's too expensive! |
有鋼絲才能回車上 | To get back in the car,we need that wire. |
你們決定 | Your call. |
莫妮卡最大 | Monica's are the biggest. |
這兩粒小的平胸?拜託! 絕對是瑞秋 | These tiny little non-breasts? Please! It's gotta be Rachel. |
不對,我的是騙人的 | No,mine are deceptively small. |
我有時候還會墊東西 | I mean,I actually sometimes stuff my bra. |
所以你的內衣還是很大 | Well,then,your bra would still be big. |
我都墊在內衣外面 | No,I stuff outside the bra. |
小姐們,你們就讓步吧 | Ladies,let's just compromise,okay? |
菲比、瑞秋 脫了莫妮卡的胸罩 | Phoebe,Rachel,take off Monica's bra. |
好啦,算了 | All right,forget it,never mind. |
我脫 謝謝 | -You can have mine. -Thank you. |
你幹什麼?那裡就有垃圾桶 | What are you doing? There's a trash can right there. |
我以為只要我亂扔垃圾 那個哭泣的印第安人就會來救咱們(一則關於環保的公益廣告)) | I thought if I littered,that crying lndian might come by and save us. |
拿去 | There. |
菲比,謝了,你真大方 | Thank you,Phoebe. That's very,very generous. |
哇哦,真不錯,你打算這樣去約會? | Wow. This is nice. Were you planning on meeting somebody up there? |
現在來比誰的屁股翹 | Now,let's decide who has the nicest ass. |
上車吧 | And there you go! |
至少讓我爽一下 | Well,at least let me smoke it to the good part! |
怎麼搞的? 怎麼了? | -What's going on? -What? |
我碰過這種狀況 | Yeah,this has happened before. |
那你會修? 會,加點天然氣就行了 | -So you know how to fix it? -Yep. Put more gas in. |
你怎麼來了? | Hi. What are you doing here? |
我在想,我們分手時 | I was wondering,when you and I split up... |
你有沒有分到一卷帶子 錄了《風流醫生俏護士》的最後一集 | ...did you get the tape that was half the last episode of M.A. S.H... |
和人質回國的新聞? | ...and half the hostages coming home? |
現在是蘇珊和我遊墨西哥 和人質回國的新聞 | But now it's Susan and me in Mexico and the hostages coming home. |
班呢? | Where's Ben? |
在睡覺 | He's sleeping. |
我來得不是時候? | Is this a bad time? |
沒錯,蘇珊馬上就要來了 | Yeah,actually. Susan's gonna be here any minute. |
今天是個紀念日 | It's kind of an anniversary. |
你們不是一月結婚的嗎? | I thought you guys got married in January. |
是另一個紀念日 | A different kind of anniversary. |
總之… | So anyway |
蠟燭、香檳 | Candles,champagne.... |
紀念日真好 | Yeah,anniversaries are great... |
因為愛是永恆的 | ... because love lasts forever,you know? |
什麼也比不上愛情可靠,放在銀行裡的錢 | There's nothing like it in this life. Money in the bank. |
瑞秋和我分手了 | So Rachel and I broke up. |
天哪,真遺憾 | God,Ross,I am so sorry! |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我很想陪你聊一聊 | I wanna talk about this so much... |
但要找個能長談的時間 | ... but when we can really get into it. |
明天晚餐可以嗎? 太好了 | -You free for dinner tomorrow? -I'd love that. |
我也是 | Me too. |
一切都是因為瑞秋找到新工作 | I guess it all started when Rachel got this new job. |
3A(美國汽車聯合會)可以來拖車 | Triple A can pick us up. |
我們靠近哪個鎮? | What town are we near? |
佛利蒙 | Fremont. |
威斯蒙特 | Westmont. |
威斯柏格? | Westberg? |
為什麼你非要回答 | Why are you answering? |
我們在哪條路上? | Do you know what route we're on? |
絕對是27號公路 | We are definitely on Route 27. |
我們在27號公路一個休息站 | We are at a rest stop on Route 27 |
沒有27號公路 | There is no Route 27. |
不是93號就是76號 我不知道 | -Either 93 or 76. -I don't know. |
我每次來都在後座睡覺 | I always slept in the back when we drove here. |
能不能請人 沿著76號公路找? | Can you just send someone up and down 76 and check every rest stop? |
還有93號公路? | And also 93? |
他們不幹 | No,they don't do that. |
一定會有人來救我們 | Somebody will come and save us. |
誰?這一個半小時 有車子經過嗎? | Who? Have you seen a car in the last hour and a half? |
應該找羅斯 他可以借車來載我們 | We should call Ross. Maybe he can get a car to get us. |
我不要跟羅斯同車 | I am not getting in a car with Ross! |
我們必須… | We will just have to... |
耗在這裡 | ...Iive here! |
但是好冷 不行 | -But it's so cold. -No! |
我不跟他同車,想別的辦法 | I won't get in a car with him. Think of something else. |
喬伊和錢德回來了 | Joey and Chandler are back! |
求援過程很順利? | So the "going for help" went well? |
老煙槍走到一半就掛了 | Smokey Joe here got halfway to the highway and collapsed. |
我的肺活量跟兩歲小孩一樣 | I have the lung capacity of a 2-year-old. |
那你為什麼還要抽煙? | Then why are you smoking? |
我很不安 | It's very unsettling. |
對吧?真是太不可思議了 | Right? I mean,it's pretty unbelievable. |
他們就這樣頭也不回的出發 | They just took off,without even looking back. |
我不需要他們 我有你們這些朋友 | I don't need them. I've got you guys now as friends. |
你和蘇珊 | You and Susan. |
蘇珊會很高興 | Susan will be so pleased. |
717? | Seven-one-seven? |
717是哪裡? | Where's 717? |
你有幫蘇珊留吧? | You have more of these for Susan,right? |
沒有,不過沒關係 | No,but that's okay. |
還有醃黃瓜什麼的可以吃 | I'll just put out pickles or something. |
羅斯,謝天謝地 菲比? | -Ross,thank God! -Pheebs? |
為什麼這麼小聲? | Why are you whispering? |
我吃了一隻蟲子 | I ate a bug. |
瑞秋,這裡的棉條只要一美分 | Hey,Rach! The tampons here are only a penny. |
我們買來屯積 | Let's stock up. |
我們沒油了,又不知道方位 沒辦法叫拖車 | We're out of gas and don't know where we are so we can't get a tow truck. |
現在需要幫忙了? | Now you want a favor? |
對,拜託 | Yes,please. |
很抱歉你們的車子掛了 | I'm sorry your car broke down,Pheebs... |
但是我忙著跟真朋友聯絡感情 | ... but I'm too busy with some of my real friends right now. |
等你們安全到家,記得通知我 | But please call to let me know you got home safely. |
菲比,等一下 | Phoebe,hang on a second. |
開我的車去接你朋友 | Take my car. Get your friends. |
我才不要去接他們 | No,I won't pick them up. |
我們都知道你會去 因為你不是混蛋 | We both know you'll do it,because you're not a jerk. |
你頂多再罵個半小時 還是會去接他們 | So you can sulk here for half an hour,then go get them... |
不如節省時間去車上罵 瑞秋不會… | -...or save time and sulk in the car. -Rachel doesn't |
很遺憾瑞秋為了馬克甩了你 | I'm sorry Rachel dumped you for Mark... |
你是無辜的受害者 | ...and you're the innocent victim in this. |
但不要為了瑞秋牽怒你的朋友 | But don't punish your friends for what Rachel did. |
你說得對 | Yeah,you're right. |
菲比,等一下,羅斯要跟你說 | Phoebe,hang on. Ross wants to say something. |
什麼? | What? |
你跟別人上床? | You slept with someone else? |
我們當時在分手 | We were on a break! |
我們… | We were |
你們在哪裡?我去找 | Where are you? I'll find you. |
你跟別的女人上床? | You slept with another woman? |
你還敢說我? | Oh,you're one to talk. |
好了 | Okay,done! |
什麼是“命救”? | What's "pleh"? |
就是“救命”反過來 | That's "help" spelled backwards... |
好讓直升機上的人看得懂 | ...so that the helicopters can read it from the air. |
“呆子”反過來怎麼寫? | What's "dufus" spelled backwards? |
有車子! | Car! Car! |
羅斯出來兜風了 | Oh,it's Ross on one of his drives! |
他來幹什麼? | What is he doing here? |
他來救你們一命 | He is saving your butt. |
除非我惹到了某個人 | Unless I'm stepping on some toes here... |
那我可以閃人 | ...in which case I could just mosey on. |
州際公路上有很多人需要我説明 | I have plenty of people to help on the interstate. |
別這樣 我們需要你 | -Come on! -We need your help,please! |
好好好 | Fine! Fine! |
完了,別人看不出來了 | Oh,no! Now it's not gonna make any sense. |
喂… | You guys... |
羅斯怎麼辦?他大老遠跑來 | ...what do we do about Ross? He drove all the way up here. |
難道要叫他回去 我們自己去滑雪? | Just send him back,then we'll go skiing? |
煩死了 | This is horrible. It's just horrible. |
要找羅斯一起去嗎? | Should we ask Ross to come along? |
那瑞秋呢?要怎麼向她開口? | But what about Rachel? How are we gonna even ask her? |
開什麼口? | Ask me what? |
羅斯能不能去滑雪? | If it might be okay if Ross came skiing? |
我才沒有要問 | No,I wasn't gonna ask that. |
你們太扯了 不行,他不能去 | You guys are unbelievable. No,he cannot come! |
什麼? 煩死了 | -Excuse me? -It's horrible! |
求求你,讓我去你的神奇小屋 | Oh,please? Can't I come to your special,magical cabin? |
你去幹什麼?你滑雪滑得很爛 | Why would you even want to come? You're a horrible skier. |
真是說到我的痛處啊!我的滑雪技術 | Hitting me where it hurts! My ski skills! |
又來了 | Here we go again. |
我沒辦法處理 | I can't handle this,you guys. |
我有辦法 “處理”是我的名字 | I can handle it. "Handle" is my middle name. |
我的名字(Chandler)去頭去尾就是處理(handle) | Actually,it's the middle part of my first name. |
菲比,你的車子好了 | All right,Pheebs,your cab's ready. |
走吧 | Let's go. |
不客氣 | You're welcome. |
抱歉,你在跟我說話 還是跟別人上床? | I'm sorry. Were you speaking to me,or sleeping with someone else? |
我們當時分手了 | We were on a break! |
你乾脆在答錄機裡留這句話 | Why don't you just put that on your answering machine? |
本來就是,不只我這麼想 | It's valid,and I'm not the only one who thinks so. |
莫妮卡也同意 | Monica agrees with me. |
什麼? | What? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
你昨晚說的 | You said it last night. |
我是說我能理解 | What I said was that I understood. |
喬伊才認同你 | Joey is the one who agreed with you. |
是嗎,喬伊? | Really,Joey? |
什麼? | What? |
這件事沒有對錯 | You know what? There is no right or wrong here. |
我覺得錯的是誰很明顯 | I think it's very obvious who's wrong here. |
喬伊不這麼想 | Obviously not to Joey. |
什麼? | What? |
喬伊和莫妮卡跟我感覺一樣 你只會裝無辜 | -Joey and Monica feel the way I do! -You and this innocent puppy act! |
你們猜我在學誰? | Hey,guess who I am? |
看看你們把錢德害得多慘! | Look what you're doing to Chandler! |
聽著,我們知道你們都很難受 | Look. We know that this is really,really hard for you guys. |
你們不必愛對方 | You don't have to love each other. |
你們現在甚至不必喜歡對方 | You don't even have to like each other much right now. |
但是請設法和平相處 | But please,find a way to be around each other. |
別讓我們左右為難 | And not put us in the middle. |
否則我們以後就不用在一起了 | Otherwise,I mean,that's just it for us hanging out together. |
你們真的想這樣? | Is that what you want? |
講理一點好嗎? | Can you be civil? |
我可以 | I can. |
很好,回車上吧,冷死了 | Good,let's get back in the car. It's freezing... |
我的胸部沒有保護 | ...and my chest is unsupported. |
等一下 | Wait a second! |
現在是怎樣?誰要跟誰走? | I mean,what are we doing? Who's going with who? |
你們去吧 | Look,you guys should go. |
你們都計畫好了 | You know,you planned this all out... |
我不想破壞,你們去吧 | ...and I don't wanna ruin it. So just go. |
你大老遠開車來 | You drove all the way up here. |
反正我得去還車 | I've got to take the car back anyway. |
我明天一整天都要陪班 | I'm spending all day tomorrow with Ben. |
沒關係,你們去吧 不要有罪惡感,真的 | It's fine,okay? Just go. No guilt,I promise. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
回去再打電話給你 | We'll call you when we get back. |
我們可以去看電影 | Maybe we can,like,go to a movie or something. |
或是去看馬術表演 | Or the rodeo! |
聽起來不錯 | That would be great. |
我剛才在學《海神號遇險記》裡的雪麗溫特斯 | I was being Shelley Winters from The Poseidon Adventure. |
我知道 | I know. |
再見 | Bye! |
抱歉這麼晚 | Hi. Sorry I'm late. |
你在睡覺? | Were you sleeping? |
那就好 | Oh,great. |
你的車子得換電池 我換了一個最好的 | I had to get you a new battery. I got the best I could. |
這種錢不能省 | You don't want to skimp there. |
你真聰明 | You're a genius. |
花了112元 | It came to about $112. |
算了,算110就好 | But what the hell,call it an even 110? |
明天給你,再見 | I'll pay you tomorrow. Bye! |
他們都走了 | So they all took off. |
看他們離開蠻難受的 | It was pretty hard watching them go,you know? |
好,再見 | Yeah,okay. Bye. |
那我走囉 | So I'm gonna take off then. |
你在笑什麼? | What's so funny? |
沒有,這是演技練習 我在練假笑 | Nothing. It's an acting exercise. I'm practicing my fake laugh. |
你在笑什麼? | What? What's so funny? |
不行,店裡不准抽煙 | No,no. There's none of that in here. |
至少讓我抽完這一根 | Come on. At least let me finish this last one. |
好,但你得分我一口 | Only if you give me a drag. |
哦,黑暗之母,我又吮吸到你冒煙的乳頭了 | Oh,dark mother,once again I suckle at your smoky teat. |
整根都給你吧 | Why don't you hold on to that one. |
這是最不好玩的遊戲 | That's like the least fun game ever. |
我受夠了,我帶了一樣東西 | I'm sick of your smoking,so I brought something... |
可以幫助你戒煙 | ...that is going to help you quit. |
這個戒煙帖布不好用 | That patch is no good. |
這是催眠錄音帶 | It's a hypnosis tape. |
我一個女同事聽了 兩星期後再也沒抽過煙 | A woman at work used it for two weeks and hasn't smoked since. |
你有什麼意見? | What's your problem? |
沒什麼,只不過催眠是騙人的 | Nothing. It's just that hypnosis is beyond crap. |
我在亞特蘭大看過你被催眠 | I watched you get hypnotized in Atlantic City. |
那傢伙沒把我催眠,好嗎? | That guy did not hypnotize me,okay? |
是啊,你總是脫褲子 用屁股“通殺” | You always pull your pants down and play "Wipe Out" on your butt. |
我是試著從哪個可憐的老女人引開注意力 | l was trying to distract attention... |
她正試著把她的胸部塞進短筒襪裡面 | ...from that poor, old woman who was trying to stuff her breasts into tube socks. |
別用催眠了 | Forget hypnosis. |
想戒煙就得去石南地上裸舞 | The way to quit smoking is to dance naked in a field of heather... |
然後用六個年輕壯男的汗水沐浴 | ...and then bathe in the sweat of six healthy,young men. |
我爸管它叫“週四夜狂歡” | Or what my father calls "Thursday night." |
本集播出:“催眠錄音帶” | The One With the Hypnosis Tape |
拿去 我不要加肉桂 | -Here you go. -I didn't want cinnamon on this. |
對不起 | Sorry. |
天哪,弗蘭克 | Oh,my God! Frank! |
你好嗎? | How are you? |
你怎麼來了? | What are you doing here? |
我本來想先打電話 但是號碼弄丟了 | I would've called,but I lost your number. |
我媽把我鎖在門外 我沒辦法進去找 | And then my mom locked me out of the house,so I couldn't find it. |
我找了一具公共電話 話筒卻被剪斷了 | Then I tried to find a pay phone,and the receiver was cut off. |
怎麼了? | What happened? |
汪達爾人作風(故意破壞公物的行為) | Vandalism. |
那你和你媽怎麼了? | But also,what happened between you and your mom? |
我們吵架,她說我 不夠成熟,不能結婚 | We got in a fight. She said that I was too immature to get married. |
你要結婚了? | You're getting married? |
我的弟弟要結婚了 | My little brother's getting married! |
我就知道你會替我高興 你想見她嗎? | I knew you'd be so cool about this. Do you wanna meet her? |
你說呢? | Do l? |
你想嗎? | Do you? |
當然想 | Yeah,I do. |
太好了,她正在停卡車 | Cool,all right. She's just parking the truck. |
我去帶我的未婚妻來 | I gonna go get my fiancee,man! |
我就知道他會最早結婚 | I'd have bet good money that he'd be the first one of us to get married. |
這不是很棒嗎? | Isn't it fantastic? |
你不覺得他還年輕嗎? | Don't you think he's a little young to get married? |
他已經18歲了 | Well,he's 18. |
準確地說,他在自己的告別單身派對上還不能喝酒 | It'll be illegal for him to drink at his own bachelor party. |
也不能找妓女 | Yeah,or to get a hooker. |
找妓女本來就違法 喬 | Always illegal,Joe. |
這是我的未婚妻 | This is my fiancee... |
奈特老師 | ... Mrs. IKnight. |
那是我姐姐 | That's my sister. |
說來好笑 | You know,it's funny. |
弗蘭克經常提到你 你卻跟我想像的不一樣 | Frank told me so much about you,but you're not how I pictured you at all. |
是啊,我很令人意外 | Yeah,I'm a big surprise. |
坐吧 | Here,grab a seat. |
你們是怎麼認識的? | So how did you guys meet? |
我去上奈特老師的… | I was in Mrs. IKnight's.... |
我是說愛麗絲 抱歉,我老是叫錯 | I mean,Alice. Sorry. I always do that. |
我去上她的家政課 | I was in her home-ec class. |
他是我最好的學生 | He was my best student. |
她是我最好的老師 | She was my best teacher. |
如果那樣都不能將學生留在學校的話,還有什麼辦法? | If that doesn't keep kids in school,what will? |
你們要結婚了? | And so now you guys are gonna be married? |
我們本來只考慮同居 | We talked about just living together... |
但是我們想馬上生小孩 | ...but we want kids right away. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
太好了 | Great! |
小孩?弗蘭克 你真的準備好了? | IKids. Frank,are you sure you're ready for that? |
能有多難? | How hard can it be? |
誰不想要小寶寶,對吧? | You know,I mean,babies. Who doesn't want babies? Right? |
而且我一直沒有爸爸陪伴 | And besides,I never had a dad around. |
以後就有了,因為我就是爸爸 | And now I always will,because it'll be me. |
我們知道我們的歲數差很多 | Really,we do realize that there's an age difference between us. |
那就好 你們看起來好像不知道 | Good. Because you were acting like you didn't. |
但是在愛情裡,年齡不是問題 | But when it comes to love,what does age matter? |
你正在進入夢鄉 | You are falling fast asleep. |
越睡越沉,越睡越沉 | Deeper,deeper,deeper. |
你已經睡著了 | You are now completely asleep. |
你不需要抽煙 | You don't need to smoke. |
香煙不能控制你 | Cigarettes don't control you. |
你是堅強、有自信的女性 | You are a strong,confident woman... |
你不需要抽煙 | ... who does not need to smoke. |
堅強、有自信的女性 | A strong,confident woman. |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我發現去年我只和 理查、胡立歐交往過 | I realized in the last year I've only gone out with Richard and Julio. |
你得幫我牽線,讓我重回情場 | You gotta help me out,set me up. Get me back in the game. |
沒問題 | Not a problem. |
我在時裝界工作 身邊全是異性戀好男人 | I work in fashion,and all I meet are eligible straight men. |
你還要什麼? | Can I get you something else? |
起司蛋糕 和一次約會,如果有的話 | Cheesecake and a date,if you're giving them out. |
我們不是談過了嗎? | Haven't we covered that topic? |
你剛才對她說… | You just said to her |
你想跟我約會 | You wanna go out with me... |
是因為我是金髮、波霸 還端吃的給你 | ... because of my wig,the big boobs,and I serve you food. |
那我找我茹絲姑姑就行了 | If that were true,I'd be dating my Aunt Ruth. |
我們一起出門兩次,都蠻慘的 | And the two times we went out,it was plain awkward. |
你覺得她應該和我約會吧? | You think she should go out with me,don't you? |
你真的想跟她約會? | You sure you wanna go out with her? |
早上會慘不忍睹喔 | That ain't a pretty picture in the morning. |
假髮亂成一團假乳扔在床頭櫃上 | That wig all in disarray,and boobs flung over the nightstand. |
你考慮一下 | Think about it. |
我會的 | Oh,I will. |
我知道這是弗蘭克的人生 | No,I know. I know that this is Frank's life. |
我不想批評 但這樣是變態、是錯的 | I don't wanna be judgmental,but it's sick. It's sick and wrong! |
因為年齡的關係? | What,is it the age thing? |
我本來不在乎年齡 | I'm fine with the age thing... |
直到她把舌頭往我弟的喉嚨伸 | ...until it sticks its tongue down my brother's throat. |
菲比,他看起來很爽 | Pheebs,he seems to enjoy it. |
等他忙著幫一堆寶寶換尿布 | You think he'll enjoy it when he's up to his elbows in diapers... |
你覺得他還會爽嗎? | ...of all the babies they have to have right away? |
這樣對弗蘭克不公平 也對寶寶不公平 | This is not fair to Frank,and it's not fair to the babies. |
這可不是好的家政 | You know what? It's not good home economics. |
你跟他說過你的感覺嗎? | Have you told him how you feel? |
有,但沒有說出聲音 | Yes. Not out loud. |
-菲比,他不會讀心術 -我們可不知道 | -Pheebs, he's not a mind reader.-We don't know that. |
你不說,他就要結婚了 你會恨你自己 | If you don't tell him,soon he'll be married,then you'll hate yourself. |
我要是說了,他會恨我 | Yeah,but if I do tell him,then he's gonna hate myself. |
你看看他和他媽媽,我不能說 | Look at him and his mom. I can't. |
但是你們可以,你們去勸阻他 | But you guys can. You talk him out of it. |
拜託啦 | Come on,you guys. |
你們沒有損失 我卻會失去一切 | You have nothing to lose. I have everything to lose. |
你們要我失去一切嗎?一切 | Do you want me to lose everything? Everything? |
好,我去找弗蘭克 | Okay,I'm gonna go get Frank. |
剛才走在街上,我對你說 | We're walking down the street,and I turn to you and say: |
“去脫衣酒吧坐坐” 記得嗎? | "Let's go hang out at Totally Nude Nudes." Remember? |
然後你說“去你家就好了” | And then you say,"Let's just hang out at your place." |
好明智啊,笨蛋 | Well,that was a nice move,dumb ass. |
你應該跟他約會 | I think you should go out with this guy. |
他對我一點吸引力也沒有 | He doesn't do anything for me. |
上週六晚的《德克薩斯遊警》演的是什麼? | Last Saturday night,what happened on Walker,Texas Ranger? |
沃克在找一車子的小孩… | Walker was looking for this big busload of kids. |
我懂你的意思了 (整個週六晚上都在看無聊的電視劇,還不如出去約會) | All right,I get your point. |
我一年前就忘了它的密碼 | I forgot the combination to this about a year ago. |
我只是拎著裝樣子 | I just carry it around. |
你們有護唇膏嗎? | You got any Chap Stick? |
錄音帶聽得怎樣? | How are those tapes working out? |
很有效,我今天還沒抽煙 | Good. I haven't smoked yet today. |
清爽又有自信 好漂亮的上衣 | I feel great and confident. That is a stunning blouse. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
拿去 謝了 | -Here you go. -Thanks. |
給彼特一個機會 他既風趣,人又好 | Let's give Pete a chance. He was funny. He seems really nice. |
而且支票的事好可愛 | That check thing was adorable. |
什麼支票? | What check thing? |
有個喜歡我的顧客開玩笑 給我兩萬元的小費 | As a joke,this customer who has a crush on me,gave me a $20,000 tip. |
他的電話在支票上 他要我打給他 | His number's on the check. He did it so I'd call. |
彼特貝克,彼特… | Pete Becker. Pete |
是他嗎? | Is this him? |
那是比爾克林頓(前總統) | That's Bill Clinton. |
他抱著誰? | Who's he hugging? |
天哪,是彼特 總統為什麼抱著彼特? | Oh,my God. That's Pete. Why is Bill hugging Pete? |
他發明了摩斯865 | This guy invented Moss 865. |
全世界的公司都在用這個程式 | Every office in the world uses that program. |
我們也在用 你看吧 | -We use it! -There you go! |
莫妮卡要跟百萬富翁約會了 | Monica's gonna go out with a millionaire. |
-我才不跟他約會 -為什麼不?他是百萬富翁 | -I'm not gonna go out with him.-Why not? He's a millionaire. |
上帝啊,這居然是真的兩萬元支票 好興奮喔 | Oh, my God. I can't believe this is a real $20,000 check. This is so exciting. |
或是讓人很討厭(有“唐突”的意思) | Or incredibly offensive. |
對,也有 | Yeah,sure. That too. |
怎樣? | What? |
我們的意思是,不要操之過急 | All we're saying is,don't rush into anything. |
你想想:你18歲,她44歲 | Come on,think about it. You're 18. She's 44. |
等你36歲,她就88歲了 | When you're 36,she's gonna be 88. |
你以為我不知道? | You don't think I know that? |
好了,我要去打籃球了 | All right, l'm gonna go play basketball. |
或者讓那些真好男孩用我的“球”… | Or let the really good guys use my ball... |
而我說:“我可以玩嗎?” | ...while l say, “Can l play?” |
喬,你把鑰匙忘在門上了 | Joe, you left your keys in the door. |
拿去 | Here you go. |
重點是… | The point is... |
你還可以跟很多女人上床 | ...there's a lot of women you haven't had sex with yet. |
他說得對,這是你的天下 | He's right. He's right. This is your time. |
你年輕,你古怪 妓女最喜歡這個了 | You're young. You're weird. Chicks dig that. |
跟一個你很喜歡的人做 感覺不是更棒? | Isn't sex better when it's with one person that you really care about? |
在詩裡吧 | Yeah,in a poem,maybe. |
不,他說得對 我跟瑞秋就是那樣 | No,the man's right. That's what I had with Rachel. |
現在沒有了? | Not anymore? |
沒了,我跟別人上了床 | No. I slept with someone else. |
等等,那樣對事情有幫助嗎? | So wait. So how did that make things better? |
沒有 | It didn't. |
你跟瑞秋的感覺 就是我和愛麗絲的感覺 | What you used to have with Rachel is what I got with Alice. |
那是什麼感覺? | Now,what is that like? |
很棒的感覺 | It's so cool,man. |
因為跟她在一起 比不跟她在一起快樂多了 | It's because being with her is so much better than not being with her. |
我為什麼找不到? 我擁有過,卻搞砸了 | -Why can't I find that? -I had it and I blew it. |
我想要! | Well,I want it! |
你一定可以擁有 | You can have it. |
也許我有毛病 | Maybe there's something wrong with me. |
你會找到的 我見過,也擁有了 | No,it's out there,man. I've seen it! I got it! |
那你就要好好把握 好 | -Then,you hold on to it! -All right,man! |
恭喜你,你這個幸運的混蛋 | All right! Congratulations,you lucky bastard! |
你是弗蘭克的伴郞? | You're Frank's best man? |
我沒辦法,他們的愛 好純潔 | I couldn't help it. Their love is so pure. |
那你呢? | What about you,huh? |
我幫他拿戒指 | I'm the ring bearer. |
你來了就好 我有一個家政慘案 | I'm so glad you could come. I've got a real home-ec emergency. |
天哪,誰死了? | Oh,my God. Who died on this? |
芥末醬倒了 | It's a real "mustard-tastrophe." |
你有辦法嗎? | Can you help? |
當然有,先用蘇打水加鹽清洗 | Absolutely. First,we'll start with a little club soda and salt. |
要是洗不掉,就… 算了,它已經毀了 | -Then if that doesn't work -Forget it. It's ruined. |
別這麼說,要是洗不掉 就剪掉髒汙部份 | Never say that. If you can't get it out,cut around the stain... |
縫一點蕾絲 就是一條漂亮的遮布 | ...add a little lace,you make a stylish throw. |
又或者,你可以 不要嫁給我弟弟弗蘭克 | Or instead,maybe you could just not marry my brother,Frank? |
能不能讓它小到 可以放在針尖上? | Can we make it smaller? Make it fit on the head of a pin? |
我喜歡生產這種可以放在針尖上的小東西 | I love when we make things fit on the head of a pin. |
莫妮卡蓋勒來訪 | You have Monica Geller here. |
好的,讓她進來 | Absolutely. Yeah,send her in. |
這是什麼意思? | What the hell is this? |
等一下…明天早上再談? | Hang on for a sec. I'll talk to you in the morning? |
好的 | You got it. |
對不起,什麼? | I'm sorry. What? |
這是什麼意思? | What's this supposed to mean? |
我一直不會算小費 | Well,you know,I never know how much to tip. |
把稅乘以二 不是把羅馬尼亞的稅收乘以二 | You double the tax. Not double the tax of Romania. |
你要買我嗎? 你都這樣約女孩子? | Are you buying me? Is this how you get girls to go out with you? |
我還在 | I'm still here. |
你誤會了 要是我沒給這筆小費 | You're taking this wrong. If I didn't leave you that tip... |
你就不會來,我們不會爭吵 | ...you wouldn't have come,we wouldn't have this argument... |
也不會有這種緊張的氣氛 | ...and there wouldn't be this heat between us. |
你得承認我們的關係有進展了 | You gotta admit that our relationship is hitting a new level now. |
以前你是廚師,我是顧客 | You were the chef and I was the customer. |
現在我們是兩個爭吵的人 | But now we're this couple that fights. |
你是個瘋子 | You're a loon. |
別管這張支票了,我喜歡你 | Look,forget the check,okay? I like you. |
我覺得你很棒 | I think you're great. |
怎麼樣? | Come on,what do you say? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
為什麼? | Why not? |
我不想鼓勵這種行為 | I don't wanna encourage this behavior. |
我只求一頓飯,好嗎? | One meal. That's all I'm asking for. Please? |
我們出去吃飯 | We go out,we eat. |
要是玩得不開心 我給你一萬,我們扯平 | If you don't have a good time,I'll give you 10 grand,we're even. |
不,把信放下,是我 | Wait,no. Just put the mail down. It's me. |
對不起,你怎麼不開燈? | Sorry. Why were you just all in the dark? |
你的衣服好香,我就窩在裡面 | Your laundry smelled so good that I thought I'd curl up in it. |
沒關係吧? 沒關係 | -ls that all right? -Yeah,sure. |
今天過得怎樣? | So how was your day? |
可能是我有生以來最慘的一天 | It's just probably the worst one since I've been alive. |
怎麼了? | What happened? |
愛麗絲改變心意了 | Alice.... She called it off. |
她有說原因嗎? | Did she say why? |
沒有,她只說我太年輕 | No. Just that I was too young. |
我怎麼突然變年輕了? | I don't see how I could suddenly be too young... |
剛交往時,她還說我老成 | ... because I'm older than I was when we first got together. |
不曉得,但是你知道嗎? 或許這樣也好 | I don't know. But you know what? Maybe it's just all for the best. |
是啊,但是我好痛苦 | Well,yeah,if the best is like unbelievable pain. |
親愛的 | Oh,sweetie. |
我好不容易感到快樂 | You know,I was just finally happy. |
這是生平第一次 | For the first time in my life... |
先是爸爸離開我… | ...after my dad left me... |
然後偷鳥被逮捕… | ...and then getting arrested for stealing those birds... |
然後又肺穿孔 | ...and then the whole punctured-lung thing. |
天氣一冷,我還是很難深呼吸 | It's still really hard to take deep breaths in cold weather... |
但是有了愛麗絲 這些都不見了 | ...but with Alice,all that stuff kind of went away. |
現在我失去了,卻不知道原因 | And now it's gone,and I don't know why. |
我可以告訴你,是我害的 | Well,I can tell you why. It's because of me. |
不過我是愛你才這麼做 好嗎 | But you know what? I only did it because I love you,okay? |
什麼? | What? |
我跟愛麗絲聊了一下 | I kind of had a little chat with Alice... |
讓她明白你們為何不能在一起 | ...and I sort of made her see why you two shouldn't be together. |
你總有一天也會明白,真的 | And you'll see it too,one day. You really,really will. |
等一下,是你造成的? | Wait a minute. This is because of you? |
我媽反對我們在一起 | My mother didn't want us to be together... |
但是她頂多把我綁在門廊上 | ...but the worst thing she did was tie me to the porch. |
我覺得你能瞭解,所以來找你 | I came to you because I thought you'd understand. |
我很想摔門走人 | I would storm out of here... |
但是我沒錢、沒地方去 | ...if I had some money or a place to go. |
羅斯,如果你有一百萬,你第一個要買的東西是什麼 | Ross, if you had a million dollars,what's the first thing you'd buy? |
我會買一些市政基金,剩下的存入銀行 | l'd get some municipal bonds,put the rest in the bank... |
然後靠利息收入生活 | ...and live off the interest. |
那個…我們從玩笑先生那裡聽過這個 | Well...we've heard from Dr. Fun. |
天哪,百萬富翁來了 | Oh,my God! The millionaire's here! |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
夥計們,拜託,我只是要跟他吃頓飯 | Guys,please,I'm just gonna have dinner with him. |
他請你吃飯 並不代表你欠他什麼 | Okay,just because he buys you dinner does not mean you owe him anything. |
我知道 | I know. |
那記得點龍蝦 | Okay,then get the lobster. |
你口袋裡有多少現金? | How much cash you got in your pocket now? |
這就是我不請你進來喝杯東西的原因了 | And that's why I'm not inviting you in for a drink. |
進來坐一下嘛 | Why not? Hey,come in for drink. |
你想去哪裡? 喜歡吃披薩嗎? | -Where do you wanna go? -You like pizza? |
聽起來不錯 我知道有一個地方不錯 | -That sounds great. -I know a great little place. |
義大利 羅馬(披薩的發源地) | |
我不能讓你付錢 | You're not paying for the pizza. |
這樣很公平,你出了機票錢 | Come on,it's only fair. You paid for the flight. |
這些里拉(義大利幣)夠嗎? | Is that enough lira? |
再丟個一千 | I'd throw another 1000 on that. |
這樣是多少? 大約60美分 | -How much is that? -That's about 60 cents. |
每天晚上都這樣 | Every night! |
你不需要抽煙 | You don't need to smoke. |
香煙不能控制你 | Cigarettes don't control you. |
你是堅強、有自信的女性 | You are a strong,confident woman... |
你不需要抽煙 | ... who does not need to smoke. |
堅強、有自信的女性 | A strong,confident woman... |
不需要抽煙 | ... who does not need to smoke. |
我知道你覺得我做了大壞事 | Look,I know that you think I did this totally evil thing. |
但是我沒有 | But I so didn't. |
有一個人可以解釋得比我清楚 | Someone's here who can explain this better than I can. |
奈特老師 | Hi,Mrs. IKnight. |
弗蘭克,菲比說得對 | Phoebe's right,Frank. |
這話不中聽,但我們不該結婚 | It's hard to hear,but it would've been wrong to go through with it. |
我太自私了 | I was being selfish. |
我們現在追求相同的東西 | Even though we want the same things right now... |
未來卻不見得如此 | ...in the future,we may not. |
對不對? 對,但不只如此 | -ls that what it is? -Yes,but not just that. |
不只如此 | Not just that. |
雖然我們現在非常相愛 | Even though we love each other as much as we do... |
然而… | ... nonetheless.... |
然而… | Nonetheless. |
你還年輕… | You're too young... |
不曉得你要什麼 | ...to really know what you want. |
沒錯 | That's right,exactly. |
你們在吻別,很好 | That's a goodbye kiss. That's good. |
再見 | Bye-bye. |
總之希望你們瞭解我的意思 | The important thing is,is that you see what I'm saying. |
這麼做明顯是錯的 | This is clearly wrong. |
我絕不會袖手旁觀 | I've decided I'm gonna let this happen. |
我要拿皮包 | Can I just get my purse? |
好吧,算了 | Okay,all right,good. |
香煙不能控制你 | Cigarettes don't control you. |
你是堅強、有自信的女性 | You are a strong,confident woman... |
你不需要抽煙 | ... who does not need to smoke. |
喬伊是你最要好的朋友 | Joey's your best friend. |
你要每天為他做起司三明治 | You wanna make him a cheese sandwich every day. |
你還要送他一條几百塊的褲子 | And you also wanna buy him hundreds of dollars worth of pants. |
你的咖啡 謝謝 | -Here you go. -Thank you. |
瑞秋 | "Say,Rachel... |
有空要不要一起去看電影… | ...I was wondering if you'd go to a movie with me sometime... |
以情侶的身份 | ...as my lover." |
太明顯了 | Too out there. |
改天要不要一起吃飯… | "Maybe you'd like to have dinner with me sometime... |
以情侶的身份 | ...as my lover." |
好,買東西去 | All right,let's go shopping. |
我的信用卡收入大於支出,我想在花旗銀行破產之前使用它 | l got a positive balance on my credit card l want to use before Citibank goes under. |
好主意,好主意 | Good idea. Good idea. |
走之前我有話要說 | Before we go,there's something I need to say. |
我很喜歡你 | I've kind of had this crush on you. |
以前有羅斯,我不方便行動 | Since you were with Ross,I didn't do anything about it. |
既然你們分手,我想約你出去 | Now that you're not,I'd really like to ask you out sometime. |
我現在就是在… | So that's what I'm doing... |
約你 | ... now. |
我掉了一個杯子 | I dropped a cup. |
本集播出:“小T恤” | The One With the Tiny T-Shirt |
再過幾年,語音辨識系統 | So within a few years,voice recognition... |
將成為電腦基本配備 | ...will be standard on any computer. |
你可以說“去洗車” “去打掃房間” | You know,so you could be,like,"Wash my car." "Clean my room." |
電腦辦不到,但是聽得懂 | It won't be able to do any of those things,but it'll understand. |
哇哦,如果我這樣講話的話 它能辨別出我的聲音嗎 | Wow. Would it be able to recognize my voice if l talked like this? |
是的,會懂你的意思,但是也會取笑你 | Oh, yeah. lt'll understand you,but it's gonna make fun of you. |
好棒喔 | Oh,this was so great. |
是啊 | Yeah,it was. |
就這樣吧 | All right,then. |
再見 | Bye. |
嗨,不住在這裡的人 | Hello,people who do not live here. |
備用鑰匙是有急事時用的 | I gave you a key for emergencies. |
我們沒有多力多滋了(薯片品牌) | We were out of Doritos. |
跟百萬富翁的約會如何? | Hey,how'd the date go with Mr. Millionaire? |
“百萬富翁先生” 傲慢玩具最新出品 | "Mr. Millionaire. New,from Snooty Playthings. |
三老婆單獨發售 | Third wife sold separately." |
他很棒,我們在一起很開心 | He's great. We have such a good time together. |
他風趣又體帖 而我對他沒興趣 | He's so funny and so sweet. And I'm not attracted to him at all! |
還是沒興趣? | Still? |
我快瘋了 他在各方面都很完美 | It's driving me crazy. In every other way,he's the perfect guy. |
他什麼都好,而且什麼都有 | He has everything. Plus,he actually has everything. |
有“醒目形象”(美國最大零售商)出品的 真人大小的“帝國風暴戰士”(《星球大戰》)嗎? | Life-sized lmperial Storm Troopers from Sharper lmage? |
兩套 | Two. |
喬伊和我可以拿來對打嗎? | Can Joey and I put them on and fight? |
老媽,老爸,我是超級壞小子 | Oh,Mommy! Oh,Daddy! I am a big old baddy |
老媽,老爸,我是超級壞小子 | Oh,Mommy! Oh,Daddy! I am a big old baddy |
他一定得到那出舞臺劇了 | I guess he must've gotten the part in that play. |
或正如葛蘿莉亞伊絲特芬(拉丁歌後)所唱 | Either that,or Gloria Estefan was right. |
人遲早會隨節奏起舞(歌名) | Eventually,the rhythm is going to get you. |
喬,你好嗎? 很好 | -Joe,how's it going? -Good. |
你演艾德莉恩? | So you're playing Adrianne? |
對,你演智障堂哥? | Yes. Are you one of the retarded cousins? |
不是,我演你的丈夫維克多 喬伊崔比亞尼 | No. I'm playing your husband,Victor. I'm Joey Tribbiani. |
很高興認識你,凱特米勒 | Hi. Nice to meet you. Kate Miller. |
這個劇本很棒吧? | So the play's pretty great,huh? |
是啊,我好喜歡 珍妮佛班貝利的作品 | Oh,yeah. I love Jennifer Banberry's work. |
她尤其能精確的解構中產階級 | She's so incisive when it comes to deconstructing the middle class. |
不用多說,她超厲害 | Oh,forget about it. She rocks! |
我在哪裡見過你? | Where do I know you from? |
德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生? | Dr. Drake Ramoray? |
“我們的日子”? | Days of our Lives? |
“少女雜誌”票選為 最想跟他約會的神經外科醫生 | Voted most datable neurosurgeon by Teen Beat?. |
不是那個 | No,that's not it. |
原來你是連續劇演員 | So you're a soap actor. |
能演出舞臺劇,你一定很興奮 | This must be exciting for you,being in a real play. |
我也演過舞臺劇 我是正劇演員 | Hey,I've done plays before. I'm a serious actor. |
那支公益廣告 | That infomercial! |
倒盒裝牛奶那一支 | For the milk-carton-spout thing! |
你是那個不會倒牛奶的人 | You're the guy who doesn't know how to pour milk! |
我會倒牛奶,我把你騙倒了 | I actually can pour milk. But I got you believing that I couldn't. |
這就是演技 | Now,see,that's acting. |
你還被餅乾噎到 | Right. At the end,you choked on a cookie. |
那是真的 | That was real. |
馬克居然約你出去 是啊 | -I cannot believe Mark asked you out. -I know. |
你要怎麼回答? | What are you gonna tell him? |
我說我會考慮,但是我要拒絕 | I told him I would think about it,but I'm gonna tell him no. |
我目前不想約會 | I think I'd say no to anybody right now. |
好奇怪,這樣一個… | But it was so strange. I mean,I'm standing there... |
迷人、英俊的男人約我出去 | ...with this charming,cute guy who's asking me to go out with him... |
而我也可以去 | ...which I'm allowed to do... |
但我卻有罪惡感 仿佛那樣是背叛羅斯 | ...and I felt guilty,like I'd be cheating on Ross or something. |
也許這代表… | Wow. So,okay,maybe that means... |
你還沒有忘情羅斯 而且有父女問題 | ...you're not over Ross yet and you have issues with your father. |
我沒有父女問題 那就是羅斯的問題了 | -I don't have issues with my father. -So it's just the Ross thing. |
我恨這個女人,我恨她 | I hate this woman! I hate her! |
她到處宣傳公益廣告的事 | She told everyone about that infomercial... |
大家都跑來找我開飲料 | ...and now they all keep asking me to open their drinks! |
每次我打不開,他們就笑我 | And whenever I can't do it,they're all,like,laughing at me! |
瑞秋打電話來 | So Rachel called. |
說想見我 | Wants to see me. |
我待會兒就要過去 | Going over in a minute. |
你覺得她有什麼事? 也許是瘋狂的煙霧已經消散 | -What do you think she wants? -Maybe the crazy fog has lifted... |
發現沒有我的人生… | ...and she realizes that life without me... |
是糟糕的 | ...sucks. |
有可能,你很可愛 要是我跟你分手,也會想念你 | It's possible. You are very lovable. I'd miss you if I broke up with you. |
我想表達支持 | Just trying to be supportive. |
請以男人的方式表達 | Be supportive like a guy. |
要是我跟你分手,也會想念你 | If I broke up with you,I'd miss you. |
你想見我? | You wanted to see me? |
這一盒是你的東西 | Here's a box of your stuff. |
就是帽子、衣服、CD 一些你留在這裡的東西 | It's just hats and a shirt and CD's. Just stuff that you've left here. |
你幹什麼?想傷害我? | What are you doing? Are you trying to hurt me or something? |
我只是覺得我們該往前走了 | It just seems that,you know,it's time we move on. |
你不同意嗎? | I mean,don't you think? |
同意啊 那就好 | -Yes,I do. -Good. |
我真的同意 | I really do. |
這是我送你的 | This was a gift. |
那是博物館禮品部的贈品 | You got that for free from the museum gift shop. |
它一樣是禮物 | It's still a gift. |
我是從“禮品部”拿到的 | I got it from the "gift" shop. |
好,給我,我留著就是了 | Okay! All right! Give me the mug! I'll keep the mug! |
不必假好心 | Don't do me any favors. |
既然如此… | In fact... |
其他的東西呢?像… | ...where's the rest of my stuff? Like my.... |
這本書是我的 | This book is mine! |
你當成睡衣穿的T恤呢? 我要拿回來 沒錯 | And that T-shirt you sleep in? I'd like that back too. Yes,I do. |
你明知我很喜歡那件衣服 你根本沒在穿 | You know how much I love that T-shirt. You never even wear that T-shirt. |
我是在幫你往前走 | I'm just trying to help you "move on." |
你真小器 | Oh,you are a petty man. |
小器… | You are a petty,petty... |
小器… | -Petty... -... petty,petty... |
小心眼… | -...small.... -...small.... |
你是故意要氣我的 | You are so just doing this out of spite. |
我會一直穿著,我愛這件衣服 | I'm gonna wear this all the time! I love this shirt! |
你15歲之後就沒穿過了 根本塞不下 | You haven't worn it since you were 15! It doesn't even fit you anymore! |
(法蘭基說:放輕鬆) | |
不好意思,我要把東西拿走了 | If you don't mind,I'm gonna take the rest of my stuff... |
我要去放輕鬆… | ...and "relax"... |
穿著我最愛的衣服 | ...in my favorite shirt. |
祝你今晚愉快 | You have a pleasant evening. |
你是億兆富翁 | So you're,like,a zillionaire. |
卻跟我們差不多大的年紀 | And you're our age. You're our age. |
你知道嗎?你應該買下一個州 | You know what? You should buy a state... |
取你自己的名字 | ...and then just name it after yourself. |
例如彼達科塔? | Like,"Pete Dakota"? |
或是密西西彼特 | Or "Mississi-Pete." |
我知道了:彼芝加哥 | I got it: "Pete Chicago." |
芝加哥不是州 | That's not a state,Joe. |
密西西彼特就是? | Oh,and "Mississi-Pete" is? |
我該走了 | I gotta go. |
改天見 | I'll see you guys later. |
你跟我們差不多大的年紀 | You're our age. |
明天再見? | So are we on for tomorrow? |
好 | Absolutely. |
快走吧你 | Now,get out of here,you! |
我快要沒地方可以摸了 | Okay,I'm running out of places I can touch him. |
我有毛病嗎? | Is something wrong with me? |
我為何總是喜歡沒有未來的人 | Why am I only attracted to guys with no future? |
不是太老,就是太小 | Either they're too old,or they're too young. |
或者是不尊重婦女的混蛋詩人比如胡裡歐 | Or they're a big misogynist jerk poet like Julio. |
順便說一下,我還對他有感覺 | Who, by the way, l'm still attracted to. |
彼特這麼喜歡我 | And there's Pete,who's crazy about me... |
而且這麼完美,我們又合得來 | ...and he's absolutely perfect,and there's zip going on! |
我是不是有什麼毛病? | Does it sound like something's wrong with me? |
好像是 | Yeah,kind of. |
我應該感到開心嗎? | Happy? Is that what I'm supposed to be,Vic? |
是嗎? | Happy? |
不如由你來告訴我 | Why don't you tell me what you're supposed to be? |
因為我實在搞不懂 | Because I sure as hell can't figure it out! |
我們的交談沒有感情 | I talk to you,and nothing! |
你看著我的眼神沒有感情 | You look at me,and it's nothing! |
什麼都沒有 | Nothing. |
有意思 | Tasty. |
我開始覺得 你們有淵源了,很好 | I'm really starting to feel like you guys have a history. It's nice. |
我對這場戲有個疑問 | I have a question about this scene. |
艾德莉恩為什麼會喜歡維克多? | I don't understand why Adrianne's attracted to Victor. |
你要撥開洋蔥皮 | Peel the onion. |
第一,他很帥 | First of all,he's good-looking. |
我的角色需要更好的理由 | My character needs a bit more of a reason than that. |
這樣行不行,因為劇本這麼寫! | Hey,how about this one? It says so in the script! |
我也不知道維克多為什麼喜歡你 | I don't know why my character likes you either. |
劇本上說你是個賤人 | I mean,it says in the script that you're a bitch. |
劇本上沒寫 我這一本有 | -lt doesn't say that in the script. -lt does in mine. |
我吹幹、上髮膠,還是一樣 | I can blow-dry it,gel it. It doesn't matter. |
還是有一撮… | I still wind up with this little... |
像是被牛舔過的頭髮,煩死了 | ...cowlick-y thing on the middle part of my head. It's so annoying. |
-你看了煩不煩? -你比較煩 | -Does it bug you? -You bug me. |
你會不會剛好沒看到? | Is there any chance you didn't see that? |
羅斯,別再看了 | Ross,you gotta stop,okay? |
你不能在那裡瞄上三小時 | You can't stare through the peephole for three hours. |
你會得偷窺眼 | You're gonna get peep-eye. |
我就知道,我就知道她喜歡他 | I knew it. I knew it. I always knew she liked him. |
她一直否認,結果呢 我們才剛分手,她就這麼做了 | She'd say no,but here we are. We just broke up,first thing she does! |
你們沒有“才剛分手” | You didn't "just break up." |
才三個星期 | It's been,like,three weeks! |
你不到三小時就跟別人上床 | You slept with somebody three hours after you thought you broke up. |
連子彈都沒這麼快 | I mean,bullets have left guns slower. |
他們回來了… | Here they come! Here they |
要是她跟他吻別,我會自殺 | If she kisses him good night,I'll kill myself. |
我看不下去了 | I can't watch. |
約會該結束了 | Come on. Date over! Date over! |
沒事,她要進去了 | Here we go. She's going in. |
她要進去了 | She's going in. |
他也要進去 | Wait! He's going in! |
他進去了 | He's going in! |
門關了,門關著我看不到 | The door's closed! I can't see anything with the door closed! |
門的發明者可以安息了 | And the inventor of the door rests happily in his grave. |
我得想辦法阻止 | I have to do something. I have to stop it! |
阻止什麼? 我不知道 | -Stop what? -I don't know. |
但只要我過去就行了 | But I have a feeling my being there will do it. |
看,這傢伙是個壞消息,錢德, 我能感覺他是個精明的人(有“操作工”的意思) | Look, this guy is bad news, Chandler.l can sense he's an operator. |
瑞秋不會跟操作工約會的 | Rachel wouldn't date an operator. |
他們一年只掙兩萬塊,並且晚上也要工作 | They only make 20 grand a year and they have to work nights. |
我要過去借東西 | I'll go over and I will borrow something! |
果汁!我要喝果汁 | Juice! I need juice! |
不行 | You can't! |
一定要阻止他們 我是你的朋友 | -They must be stopped! -I am your friend... |
我不會讓你這麼做 | ...and I won't let you do this! |
你還真強壯 | You are surprisingly strong! |
我要喝果汁,人都要喝果汁 聽我說 | -I need juice! People need juice! -Look,man.... |
人都要喝果汁 聽我說! | -People need juice! -Listen to me! |
她往前走了 就算不是他,也會有別人 | She's moving on. If it's not this guy,it's gonna be somebody else. |
除非你打算租下這個窺視孔 | And unless you're thinking about subletting my peephole... |
否則你就得面對分手的事實 | ...you'll have to get used to the fact that it's over! |
好嗎?結束了 | Okay,man? It's over. |
我真的很想她 | It's just I miss her so much. |
我知道 | I know. |
我知道 | I know. |
只是我這麼想,還是說“租下我的偷窺孔”確實聽起來很色? | ls it just me, or did ''subletting my peephole'' sound kind of dirty? |
咖啡杯為什麼有編號? | Why do your coffee mugs have numbers? |
這樣莫妮卡才方便追蹤 | Oh,that's so Monica can keep track. |
要是少了一個 她就可以說27號杯呢? | So if one of them's missing,she can be like,"Where's number 27?" |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
不知道,也不想知道 | No,and I don't think I'm gonna want to. |
我辦不到 我就是不想知道這件事 | -I can't do this. -That's what I didn't want to know. |
我的出發點是錯的 | Oh,I'm just doing this for the wrong reasons,you know? |
我只是想報復羅斯 | I'm doing it to get back at Ross. |
對不起,這樣對你不公平 | I'm sorry. It's not very fair to you. |
去他的公平 | Fair,shmair. You know? |
你想報復羅斯,儘管找我 | You wanna get back at Ross,I am here for you. |
真的 | Really. |
我們就在這張沙發上報復他吧 | I say we get back at him right here on this couch. Right here! |
天哪 | Oh,my God. |
很抱歉 | I'm sorry about this. |
沒關係 | That's okay. |
你確定? | You sure? |
我可以回家自己報復他 | I can just go home and get back at him by myself. |
將成為21世紀的青黴素 | and should become the penicillin of the 2 1st century. |
所以今天,本院將朝領導改革 | And so today,this hospital is about to take major steps... |
跨出一大步 | ...toward leading that revolution. |
問你一件事 | Can I ask you something? |
我們在哪裡? | Where are we? |
有這麼多醫生、護士在場 | Well,with all these doctors and nurses... |
應該是小型馬術表演 | ... I'm gonna say,"Midget Rodeo." |
跟我說實話 | Just tell me the truth. |
我應該沒有告訴你 | You know,I don't think I told you this... |
我剛結束一段很認真的感情 | ... but I just recently got out of a serious relationship. |
一年前對吧? | Oh,right. Wasn't that a year ago? |
原來我說過了 | So I did tell you. |
其實不是這個原因 | That's not really the thing. |
我目前想把注意力 放在自己身上 | I'm just in a place in my life where I need to focus on me. |
你懂嗎? 我懂 | -Do you know what I mean? -Oh,I know. |
-我也想對你有興趣 -但是你沒有,好 | -I so want to be attracted to you. -But you're not. Okay. Good. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
不必對不起 | You know what? Don't be. |
真的,沒有那麼糟 | Don't be,because it's not so bad. |
真的? | It's not? |
我又不是約翰邦喬維(最有影響力的流行搖滾歌手) | Yeah. I know I'm no Jon Bon Jovi. |
或是什麼有魅力的人 | Or someone you find attractive. |
我只是覺得… | I just think,you know... |
你的感覺或許會變 | ...that you might end up feeling differently. |
你別誤會 | I don't want this to come out wrong... |
但是以被拒絕的人來說 你還真有自信 | ...but you're awfully confident for a guy I said I wasn't attracted to. |
傻得很可愛吧? | Stupidly charming,isn't it? |
要不要去吃飯? 這裡蠻令人沮喪的 | You wanna get something to eat? This place is kind of depressing. |
我們歡迎促成這件事的功臣 彼特貝克先生 | Now the man who made all of this possible,Mr. Peter Becker. |
等一下 | One second. |
我不認為這個鎮足夠大 可以讓我們兩個在這裡休息 | I don't think this town is big enough for the both of us to relax in. |
拔槍! | Draw! |
我什麼也沒做 | I wasn't doing anything. |
她又怎麼了? | What did she do now? |
僅僅因為她來自耶魯戲劇學院 就認為自己是最偉大的女演員 | Just because she went to Yale,she thinks she's the greatest actress... |
自從有了切片麵包以來?(俚語,表示“有史以來”) | ...since sliced bread. |
切片麵包 真是偉大的馬克白夫人(莎士比亞戲劇《馬克白》中的惡婦) | Ah,Sliced Bread. A wonderful Lady Macbeth. |
我恨她,我恨她的 “我好有才華” | I hate her. I hate her with her "Oh,I'm so talented"... |
“我好漂亮”、“我好香” | ...and "Oh,I'm so pretty," and "Oh,I smell so good." |
有某人喜歡上某人囉 | I think somebody has a crush on somebody. |
請專心討論我的問題好嗎? | Can we please try and stay focused on my problem here? |
我就是說你,你這個怪人 | I'm talking about you,you big,big freak. |
少來了 | You're out of your mind! |
這48小時以來你開口閉口都是她 | You've done nothing but talk about her for 48 hours. |
要是在學校裡你已經 在拉她的辮子、把她推倒在地了 | If you were in school,you'd be pulling her pigtails and pushing her down now. |
那為什麼我老是想著… | Then how come I keep thinking about her... |
要用各種姿勢跟她做愛? | ...in all these sexual scenarios and stuff? |
我應該感到開心,是嗎? | Happy? Is that what I'm supposed to be,Vic? Happy? |
不如由你來告訴我 | Why don't you tell me what you're supposed to be,huh? |
因為我實在搞不懂 | Because I sure as hell can't figure it out. |
我們的交談沒有感情 | I talk to you,and it's nothing. |
你看著我的眼神沒有感情 | You look at me,and nothing. |
什麼都沒有 | Nothing. |
你們讓我爽翻天了 | You guys make me fly! |
爽死了 | High! |
明天再繼續排 | Okay,we're gonna pick it up here,tomorrow. |
剛才… 好多了? | -Well,that was.... -Better? |
對,的確… | Yeah,it was definitely... |
有進步 | ...an improvement. |
再見 凱特 | -Good night. -Kate. |
你忘了拿鞋子 | You forgot your shoes. |
不穿鞋子恐怕不行 | I'm probably gonna need those,huh? |
凱特 | Hey,listen... |
要不要去喝杯咖啡? | ...you feel like getting a cup of coffee? |
凱特 | Kate... |
可以走了嗎? | ...you ready to go? |
很好,非常好 | Very nice. Very nice. |
明天見 好 | -See you tomorrow? -Yeah. Sure. |
再見 晚安 | -Right. -Good night. |
為什麼沒有蜘蛛人? | Why isn't it "Spiderman"? |
像是金人、銀人 | Like Goldman,Silverman? |
因為那不是他的姓 | Because it's not his last name. |
不是嗎? | It isn't? |
他又不叫… | It's not,like... |
菲爾蜘蛛人 | ... Phil Spiderman. |
他是個蜘蛛… | He's a Spider-... |
人 | ... man. |
像金人是姓氏 | You know,like,Goldman is a last name. |
但是沒有金色的人 | But there's no Gold Man. |
應該會有金色的人 | There should be a Gold Man! |
工作順利嗎? 很好 | -How was work? -Oh,great. |
不過我不小心坐到了地上 | Although I did sit down where there wasn't a chair. |
羅斯拿了一盒你的東西來 | By the way,Ross dropped by a box of your stuff. |
意料中的事 | Oh. Well,I guess I had that one coming. |
直接扔掉吧,還不是洗髮水或者… | I'm just gonna throw it out. It's probably just shampoo and |
怎麼了? | Something wrong? |
沒事 | No. Nothing. |
金人有什麼超能力? | So what kind of powers would "Gold Man" have? |
他能把東西變成金子 | Okay. Well,he would turn things to gold. |
已經是金子的東西呢? 那就是完成任務了 | -And things that are already gold? -His work is done. |
我有一個朋友叫吉米塔伯(有“保鮮”的含義) 他有什麼能力? | Okay, l have a friend, Jimmy Tupperman,what would his powers be? |
保鮮人 | Tupper Man. |
他會保持罪犯新鮮直到員警趕來 | He would keep criminals fresh until the police came. |
來玩我的遊戲 | Let's play my game. |
你這個黃色有肚子的,穿制服下垂的… | All right,you yellow-bellied,lily-livered |
拔槍! | Draw! |
你是說這個女演員 | You're telling me this actress person... |
是唯一一個你想要她而她不想要你的? | ...is the only woman you ever wanted who didn't want you back? |
天哪 | Oh,my God. |
這不就是你的情況嗎? | Is this what it's like to be you? |
你真的很喜歡她? 你有所不知 | -You're crazy about her,huh? -You have no idea. |
上了台,我可以吻她、摸她 | When we're on stage,I get to kiss her and touch her. |
然後她跟導演回家 | She goes home with the director... |
我就心如刀割 | ...and it's like somebody's ripping out my heart. |
看你這樣,感覺真好 | Oh,it's so great to see you feeling like this. |
爸早上打電話來 | Dad called this morning. |
施薇亞姑姑死了 | Aunt Sylvia passed away. |
我們都很震驚 | We were all pretty shaken up about it. |
我漏聽了什麼? | Am I missing something? |
死亡不是悲傷的事嗎?某種意義上 | I thought death was supposed to be sad,in a way. |
施薇亞姑姑… | Well,Aunt Sylvia was... |
不是一個好人 | ... not a nice person. |
她是個殘忍的糟老太婆 | She was a cruel,cranky old bitch. |
她死了我很難過 | And I'm sorry she died. |
我有沒有得到娃娃屋? | Did Dad say I get the dollhouse? |
你有 我得到娃娃屋了 | -You get the dollhouse. -I get the dollhouse! |
娃娃住的屋子,好酷 | A house for dolls! That is so cool. |
我小時候只有鐵桶 | When I was a kid,I had a barrel. |
你拿鐵桶當娃娃屋? | You had a barrel for a dollhouse? |
不,就是一個鐵桶 | No,just a barrel. |
你可以玩我的娃娃屋 | You know what? You can play with my dollhouse. |
真的? | Really? |
隨時歡迎 | Any time you want. |
我小的時候好想玩 | When I was young I wanted to play with this dollhouse. |
但是不行,只准看、不准碰 | But no! It was to be looked at,never played with. |
我奶奶也是這樣告戒我 | My grandmother said the same thing to me. |
更多的是浴缸之類的情況 | More of a bathtub-type situation. |
她給過你機會 | She did give you one chance. |
她告訴莫妮卡,如果她能減掉20磅就能玩那個娃娃屋 | She told Monica she could play with the dollhouse if she lost 20 pounds. |
是的,看看現在誰的體重輕了,施薇亞姑姑 | Yeah, well, look who's losing weight now, Aunt Sylvia. |
本集播出:“娃娃屋” | The One With the Doll House |
謝謝你請我吃飯,你不必非要陪我回來的 | Thanks for lunch. You didn't have to walk me here. |
不客氣 | That's okay. No problem. |
女性內衣不會放在辦公室裡 | You realize we don't keep the women's lingerie here. |
我知道 | Yes,I realize that. |
夏季型錄 就是這個 | -Summer catalog. -That's the stuff. |
瑞秋,給我範思哲(義大利時尚品牌)的發貨單 | Rachel,I need the Versace invoice. |
你不是我的員工 | You don't work for me. |
瓊安娜,我的朋友錢德賓 | Joanna,this is my friend Chandler Bing. Joanna. |
賓?很棒的姓 | Bing? That's a great name. |
那是蓋爾語的“你的火雞煮好了” | It's Gaelic for,"Thy turkey's done." |
我走了,幸會 彼此彼此 | -I'm gonna go. Nice meeting you. -You too. |
他怎麼樣? | So what's wrong with him? |
他都這樣瘋瘋癲癲的 我都沒感覺了 | Nothing. He's just goofy like that. I actually hardly notice it anymore. |
我是說他已婚嗎?有對象嗎? | I mean,is he married or involved with anyone? |
不,他未婚,沒有物件 | He's not married or involved with anyone. |
我看還是算了 | Actually,you know what? Forget it. |
我可以幫你問他 真的? | -I'll ask him for you,if you want. -Would you? |
會不會太可悲、太饑渴 就像蘇菲會做的事? | Or is it too sad and desperate,like something Sophie would do? |
我在這裡 我知道 | -I am here. -I know that. |
你們看 | Look at it! |
壁紙有點褪色,沒關係 | Wallpaper's a little faded. That's okay. |
地毯有點翹起來 | Carpet's a little loose. |
硬木地板? | Hardwood floors?! |
好漂亮喔 我知道 | -It's so beautiful! -I know! |
我要來玩了 | So I'm here,ready to play! |
我帶了一堆東西來,看喔 | I brought a bunch of stuff for the house,so check it out. |
這是什麼? | What's this? |
狗狗,每棟房子都應該有狗 | That's a dog. Every house should have a dog. |
不能大到可以在屋頂上撒尿 | Not one that can pee on the roof. |
也許是因為房子蓋在 輻射廢料掩埋的地上 | Maybe it's so big because the house was built on radioactive waste. |
這是房子打噴嚏用的? | And is this in case the house sneezes? |
不是,那是閣樓裡的鬼 | No,that's the ghost for the attic. |
我不要鬼 誰都不想鬧鬼 | -I don't want a ghost. -Well,nobody wants a ghost. |
但是這裡鬧鬼 | But you've got one... |
因為房子蓋在印地安古墳場上 | ... because the house is sitting on an ancient lndian burial ground. |
慢著,這棟房子蓋在輻射廢料 | Wait a minute. The house was built on radioactive waste... |
和印地安古墳場上? | ...and an ancient lndian burial ground? |
那是不可能的 | That would never happen. |
你太不瞭解美國政府了 | Obviously you don't know much about the U.S. government. |
我有事找你 什麼事? | -I need to talk to you. -Sure. What's up? |
抱歉,我是說錢德 | Oh,sorry. I meant Chandler. |
我知道 | I know. |
有事記得找我 | Well,if something comes up.... |
恭喜你們度過尷尬期 | I'm glad you guys are past that little awkward phase. |
我的上司瓊安娜,你一離開 | My boss. Joanna. When you left... |
她就問起你的事… | ...she started asking questions about you.... |
看上眼了? | Liked what she saw? |
喜歡我的表現? | Dug my action,did she? |
在探聽小錢錢的事? | Checking out the Chan Chan Man! |
聽起來… | That was... |
怪怪的 | ...surreal. |
怎樣?有興趣嗎? | What do you think? Are you interested? |
她還不錯,蠻吸引人的,好吧 | She seemed cool. Attractive. I'll do it. |
謝謝你,太好了,她會愛死我 | Thank you,Chandler. This is great. She's gonna love me. |
恐龍出擊,大家快躲進屋裡! | Dinosaur attack! Quick,everybody into the house! |
你知道嗎?到此為止 | All right,Phoebe,you know what? That's it. That's it. |
我不要恐龍、鬼 和超級大狗,好嗎? | No dinosaurs,no ghosts,no giant dogs,okay? |
比例不對,不是維多利亞風 一點也不相襯 | They're not the right size,they're not Victorian and they don't go. |
好 | Fine. |
恐龍,我們走 沒有想像力的房子不歡迎我們 | Come,dinosaur. We're not welcome in the house of no imagination. |
趁這個機會,我想告訴你 | While we're on the subject,I have to say that dinosaurs... |
恐龍不會汪汪叫 | ...they don't go,"ruff!" |
小恐龍會 | The little ones do. |
“露西兒洛泰爾劇院” | |
凱特 早 | -Hey,Kate. -Morning. |
我去了你說的那家餐廳… | I went to that restaurant you talked about |
美女 | Hey,lovely. |
來跟我聊一下 | Come,talk to me for a minute. |
我在那裡吃飯 很好吃,我點了魚 | I ate the food. It was good. I had the fish. |
我是蘿倫,凱特的候補 | I'm Lauren. Kate's understudy. |
喬伊崔比亞尼 | Joey Tribbiani. |
我知道 | I know. |
我是你的超級影迷 | I'm a big fan of yours. |
什麼? | What? |
我以前經常翹課 好回家看“我們的日子”裡的 | I used to schedule my classes so I could watch Dr. Drake Ramoray... |
德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生 | ...on Days of our Lives. |
少來了,真的? 真的 | -Get out of here. Really? -Absolutely. |
結果他們讓你掉到電梯裡 | But then they dropped you down that elevator shaft. |
他們是把我踢掉了 | They gave me the shaft,all right. |
你好幽默 | You're so funny. |
你排完戲要做什麼? | What are you doing after rehearsal? |
要不要去喝一杯? | You want to get a drink? |
好啊,聽起來不錯 | Sure. A drink sounds great. |
酷,待會見 好 | -Cool. I'll see you then. -All right. |
該演戲了,會說話的道具們 | All right. It's time to act,my talking props. |
如果你們想把男生浴室做得逼真 | lf you wanna make the boys' bathroom realistic... |
你們應該在馬桶的後面放一些非常非常小的色情雜誌 | ...you're gonna have to put some teeny,tiny porno magazines behind the toilet. |
你們看,我的新娃娃屋 | Look everybody! Look at my new dollhouse! |
你們看 | Look,look! |
這是什麼? | Hey,what's this? |
我用溜滑梯取代樓梯,看 | It's a slide instead of stairs. Look. |
很有意思嘛 | Very interesting,Phoebe. |
這是什麼? | What's this? |
甘草房,家俱都可以吃 | The licorice room. You can eat all the furniture. |
客人來了可以睡在滑輪床上 | And when guests come over,they can stay on the Tootsie Roll-away bed. |
這是最酷的房子 | This is the coolest house ever! |
有人要跟我進芳香室嗎? | Does anyone want to join me in the Aroma Room? |
漂亮 我要 | -All right. -I would. |
喂 | Hey,guys? Guys! |
你們看到我的新瓷器櫃了嗎? | Did you see my new china cabinet? |
看喔 | Watch. Watch. |
還有喔 | And? And? |
我爸的房子也會那樣 | Hey,my father's house does that. |
怎麼樣?快說 | How did it go? Tell me everything! |
電影很好看 | The movie was great... |
晚餐很好吃 涼爽的紐約夜晚最宜人 | ...dinner was great,and there's nothing like a cool,crisp New York evening. |
當然啦,我一點也不盡興 因為瓊安娜好無聊 | Of course,I didn't enjoy any of that because Joanna's such a dull dud! |
錢德太棒了 | Chandler is fantastic! |
什麼? 你知道一拍即合吧? | -What? -You know how people just click? |
他來接我,我打開門 感覺一拍即合 | He came by to pick me up,I opened the door and it was just like,"click!" |
他有告訴你嗎? | Did he tell you? |
他的心腸很好吧? | Doesn't he have a good heart? |
而且他好貼心 他說他會打來,要立刻轉給我 | And he's so sweet. He said he'd call,so put him straight through. |
太好了 不要破壞氣氛 | -lsn't this great? -Don't spoil it. |
求求你,不要走 | Come on,baby,don't go. Please? |
好嗎? | What do you say? |
是你,等一下 | It's you. Just one sec. |
我要接個電話 | I'm going to take this call. |
等我回來,希望臺上會出現… | When I continue,I hope there will appear on-stage... |
一種神奇的東西 在劇場稱之為… | ...this magical thing that in the theater we call... |
入戲! | ...committing to the moment! |
這傢伙像個卡通人物 | The guy's like a cartoon. |
你到底看上他哪一點? | What do you see in him,anyway? |
他很聰明 | He happens to be brilliant. |
比你那位毛衣女郞好多了 | Which is more than I can say for that sweater you're dating. |
我不是看上她的毛衣 | I'm not interested in her sweater. |
毛衣底下才重要 | It's what's underneath her sweater that counts. |
而且… | And besides... |
你幾時開始關心我跟誰交往? | ...since when do you care who I'm with? |
我才不關心,你希望我關心? | I don't care. Why,do you want me to care? |
你希望我希望你關心嗎? | Do you want me to want you to care? |
你呢? | Do you? |
什麼? | What? |
我實在很不想說 不過我們繼續排吧 | Okay. I'm afraid to say this,but let's pick up where we left off. |
求求你,不要走 好嗎? | Come on,baby,don't go. Please? What do you say? |
我沒有理由要留下來 | I've got no reason to stay. |
停! | Stop! |
停!別再演了 | Stop it! You must stop! |
你們是爛演員 | You are bad actors! |
這是出爛戲 | This is a terrible play! |
明天早上見 | I'll see you in the morning. |
居然一星期後就要上演了 | I can't believe we go on in a week. |
沒問題的 | Hey,it's gonna be all right. |
既然提早收工 你想去畫馬克杯嗎? | Since we're getting off early,do you want to go paint mugs? |
什麼? | What? |
就是我昨晚說的那個地方 | At the place I told you about last night? |
對了,那裡可以畫馬克杯 | Yeah,with the mug-painting. |
我聽得很用心 | I was so listening to that. |
但是我今晚想好好練戲 | But you know what? I need to work on my stuff tonight. |
那明天見 | I'll see you tomorrow. |
你還好嗎? | Are you okay? |
我想是的 | I guess. |
這場戲怎麼辦? | What are we gonna do about the scene? |
不知道 | I don't know. |
也許應該再激烈一點 | Maybe if it had more heat. |
怎麼說? | Well,how do you mean? |
艾德莉恩在尋找留下來的理由 | Adrianne's looking for a reason to stay,right? |
維克多不能只是親她,他必須… | Victor can't just kiss her. He's gotta... |
必須給她有力的理由 | ... he's gotta give her a reason. |
也許他可以對她舌吻 | Maybe he could slip her the tongue. |
或者… | Or maybe... |
他可以捉住她,把她抱起來 | ... maybe he could grab her and lift her up. |
然後艾德莉恩用腿圈住他的腰 | Then Adrianne could wrap her legs around his waist. |
-她可以這樣 -並且抓他的背 | -She could do that.-And claw at his back. |
然後她扯開他的衣服 親吻他的胸部、肚子 | Then she could rip off his shirt and kiss his chest and stomach. |
他可以用牙齒脫掉她的衣服 | Then he could use his teeth to undo her dress and... |
然後咬她 | ...and bite her! |
在結尾的部份,他可以佔有她 | Then right when the scene ends,he could take her... |
用他那原始的、獸性的… | ...with this raw,animal.... |
像這樣? | Something like that? |
差不多是我想的 | That's pretty much what I had in mind. |
現在喝酒太早了吧 | It's a little early to be drinking. |
我跟凱特終於有進展了 | Things finally happened with Kate. |
真的?太好了 | You're kidding? That's great. |
感覺好棒 | It was so amazing. |
做完愛之後… | After the lovemaking... |
天哪 | Oh,my. |
我看著她睡覺看了好久 | ... I just watched her sleep for hours. |
就這樣吸氣… | Just breathing in... |
吐氣 | ...and breathing out. |
我知道她在做夢,因為… | I knew she was dreaming because... |
她的眼睛一直這樣 | ... her eyes kept going like this. |
她完全誤會了 | I'm telling you,she's got it all wrong. |
我只是說 今晚很愉快,改天再聚 | All I said was,"This was fun. Let's do it again sometime. |
我再打給你 | I'll give you a call." |
那她為什麼覺得你會打給她? | I wonder why she thinks you're going to call her? |
約完會都要這麼說 | It's what you say at the end of a date. |
你就不能說 很高興認識你,晚安? | You can't just say,"Nice to meet you. Good night?" |
當著她的面? | To her face? |
我很快樂 | l'm so happy. |
約會結束了,我站在那裡 | lt's the end of the date.I'm standing there... |
她在等我說我會打給她 | ...she's waiting for me to say I'll call her... |
所以我就說了,我沒辦法 | ...and it comes out. I can't help it. |
我不由自主 | It's a compulsion. |
男人說要聯絡也不見得會聯絡 | When a guy says he'll call,it doesn't mean he's going to call. |
你沒碰過? | This never happened to you? |
他們都會打給我 | Well,they always called. |
你就刺激我吧 | Bite me. |
他有打來嗎? 沒有,對不起 | -Did he call? -No,sorry. |
為什麼?他說要打來 怎麼還不打來? | Why? He said he'd call. Why hasn't he called? |
也許被你的美麗、成功嚇到了 | Maybe he's intimidated by smart,strong,successful women. |
蘇菲,不要拍我的馬屁 | Sophie,will you please climb out of my butt. |
他為什麼還不打來? | Why hasn't he called,Rachel? Why? |
也許他會尷尬 因為你是我的上司 | Maybe he feels awkward because you're my boss. |
尷尬?為什麼要尷尬? | Awkward? Why should he feel awkward? |
你沒叫他不要打給我吧? | You didn't tell him not to call me,did you? |
要是你不喜歡你朋友跟我約會 | If you're uncomfortable with your friend dating me... |
我們可以想辦法解決 | ...there are always ways to fix that. |
現在就打給她 | Call her. Call her now! |
我滿手都被紙割傷了 | Multiple so many paper cuts. |
他為什麼還不打來? 為什麼?我不懂 | "Why hasn't he called,Rachel? Why,why? I don't understand!" |
她很激動,她快瘋了 | I'm telling you,she's flipped out! She's gone crazy! |
把電話拿來 | Well,give me the phone then. |
她覺得你不聯絡是我的錯 | She thinks it's my fault you haven't called her. |
你一定要打給她 | You have to call her. |
總不能過了這麼久才打去說 | You can't call somebody after this long to say: |
你或許沒發現,我不喜歡你 | "In case you didn't notice,I don't like you." |
那就再帶她出去一次 | Then you'll have to take her out again. |
不要,她很無聊,而且在眼角 | She's really dull,and she gets this... |
有一大塊睫毛膏印子 | ...gross mascara-goop thing in the corner of her eye! |
我不管 | I don't care! |
你再約她一次,把話說清楚 | You'll take her out again and end it... |
讓她知道沒希望 | ...in a way she knows it's ended. |
不管有多困難 千萬別說你會再聯絡 | I don't care how hard it is. Don't tell her you'll call her again! |
好 | All right,fine! |
但只能吃午餐 以後我自己約會 | But just lunch. From now on,I get my own dates. |
你不要再幫我牽線了 | I don't want you setting me up again! |
沒問題 | That's fine! |
我只是說說 我知道 | -That's just a lot of big talk. -I know. |
我在洗澡 | I'm in the shower! |
失火了!失火了! | Fire! There's a fire! Fire! |
我跟蘿倫說了我們的事 | I talked to Lauren. I told her how things were with us. |
你跟馬歇爾說了嗎? | Did you talk to Marshall? |
說什麼? | About what? |
我們之間的事 | About what happened with us. |
沒有,他沒有必要知道 | No,there's really no reason why he should find out. |
我們就別小題大作了 | So let's not make a big deal out of it,okay? |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
這的確是大事 | It was a big deal. |
別說昨晚對你毫無意義 | You can't tell me last night didn't mean something to you. |
我也在,你沒那麼會演 | I was there. You're not that good an actress. |
我只是一時激情 | I was just caught up in the moment. |
就這樣 | That's all it was. |
抱歉讓你覺得不好過 | Joey,I'm sorry you feel bad,but... |
你也曾經給你睡過的人這種感受吧? | ... haven't you slept with a woman and it meant more to her than to you? |
嗨,凱特 嗨,蘿倫 | -Hi, Kate.-Hi, Lauren. |
嗨,蘿倫 | Hi,Lauren. |
嗨,豬 | Hi,pig! |
抱歉嚇到你了 | Sorry I scared you in there. |
沒關係 | It's okay. |
順便說一下… | By the way... |
我是在檢查蓮蓬頭的功能 | ... I was just checking the shower massager. |
我有打去公司找你 | I tried to reach you at work. |
發生火災了 | There's been a fire. |
什麼?天哪! | What? Oh,my God! |
怎麼了? | What happened? |
我們相信起火點在這裡 | We believe it originated here... |
就是芳香室 | ...in the Aroma Room. |
大家都逃出來了嗎? | Did everyone get out okay? |
長頸鹿沒事,海盜也是 | The giraffe's okay,and so is the pirate. |
這是什麼? 不要看 | -What's this? -No,don't look! |
你不會想看的 | You don't want to see what's under there! |
領養的狗狗! | The foster puppets! |
其實沒什麼,就在這裡 一直都在 | It's not a big deal. It's right here,and it's all the time. |
謝謝你這頓飯 | Thanks again for lunch. |
很愉快 是吧? | -This was pleasant. -lt was,wasn't it? |
那裡的東西很好吃 是吧? | -The food there was great. -Wasn't it? |
保重 | So take care. |
你也是 | You too. |
我再打給你,改天再聚 | I'll give you a call. We should do it again! |
太好了,我等你 | Great. I'm looking forward to it. |
有留言嗎? 在蘇菲桌上 | -Any messages? -Sophie's desk. |
你會打給她嗎? | Are you gonna call her? |
我很抱歉好嗎? 我軟弱、可悲又抱歉 | I'm sorry,okay? I'm weak and pathetic and sorry. |
你去告訴她,現在就說 | You are gonna tell her. You'll tell her now. |
我不會打給你 | I'm not gonna call you. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
我不想打給你,卻說要打給你 | I'm sorry I said I was going to when I'm not. |
我只是試著委婉一些,但是你沒有領會到 | lt's just that l was trying to be nice,and you don't deserve that. |
-我想我明白了 -這跟你無關 | -l see. l think.-This has nothing to do with you. |
也不是瑞秋的錯,是我 | And this isn't Rachel's fault. It's me. |
我對女人有心理障礙 | I have serious problems when it comes to women. |
我害怕承諾、害怕親密 | I have issues with commitment,intimacy... |
害怕睫毛膏印子 | ... mascara goop. |
真的很抱歉,但是… | I'm really sorry. It's just that... |
我們之間是行不通的 | ...this isn't going to work out. |
我沒料到會有這種結局 | This isn't how I was hoping this would end... |
但是我得謝謝你的誠實 | ... but I guess I have to appreciate your honesty. |
我再打給你,改天再聚 | I'll give you a call. We should do it again sometime! |
貝絲,我想說的是 | Anyway,Beth,what I'm saying is... |
我跟你回家之前 應該先考慮你的心情 | ... I should have considered your feelings before I went home with you. |
我最近體會到你的感覺 | I've recently learned what it's like to be on your side... |
我很抱歉 | ...and I'm sorry. |
你可以原諒我嗎? | Do you think you can forgive me? |
太好了,謝謝 | Great. Thanks. |
珍妮佛? | Hello,Jennifer? |
羅裡歐太太,珍妮佛在嗎? | Hi,Mrs. Laurio. Is Jennifer there? |
她不在? | She's not home,huh? |
事實上,我也需要找你談談 | Actually I kind of need to talk to you too. |
是誰出主意 讓服務生都穿溜冰鞋的? | Whose idea was it to put everybody in the diner on skates? |
某個白癡客人投意見箱的 | Some idiot customer put a suggestion in the suggestion box. |
天哪,他們盜用我的想法 是你? | -Oh,my God! They took my idea! -That was you? |
過去吧 | Okay,there you go. |
瑞秋,我幫你泡了可哥 | Rachel,I made you cocoa. |
小心… | Oh,that's so.... |
天哪!你們還好嗎? | Oh,my God! Are you guys okay? |
喔天呐 | Oh,my. |
本集播出:“一隻雞一隻鴨” | The One With a Chick and a Duck |
你留山羊胡有點像撒旦 | You know,with that goatee,you kind of look like Satan. |
所以神父才會對我灑聖水 | So that's why the priest threw holy water on me. |
你得開心一點 | You have to cheer up. |
你應該跟我和羅斯出門 | You should come out with Ross and me. |
總比整天坐著為凱特傷心好 | Anything is better than sitting here crying all day about Kate. |
我傷心是因為 沒有人相信昆西的理論(《法醫昆西》) | I was crying because nobody believed Quincy's theory. |
我要上電視了 | I'm gonna be on TV! |
不會吧 | No way! |
有一個討論秘魯化石的座談會 | They're putting together a panel to talk about the fossils in Peru. |
探索頻道要去拍攝 | The Discovery Channel's filming it! |
天哪!誰會看? | Oh,my God! Who's gonna watch that? |
謝了,可以走了嗎? | Thanks. You ready to go? |
我看過一個女生穿那件背心 | I saw a girl with that vest. |
謝了 | Thanks. |
大部份的人都視巧克力和籃子 為傳統的復活節禮物 | Most of us think of chocolate and baskets as traditional Easter gifts. |
有些人堅持送活的小雞 | Some people insist on giving live chicks as presents. |
不幸的是,大部份的小雞 都活不到國慶日 | Unfortunately,most of these guys won't live to see the 4th of July. |
由於照顧得不妥善 它們馬上就會死 | As a result of improper care,they will be dead. |
你們有小雞嗎? | You guys got any of those baby chicks? |
我看到電視上的廣告 那些小雞好可愛 | I was watching this commercial on TV,and,man,those things are cute! |
彼特,你回來了!你看 | Pete,you're back! Hey,check this out! |
溜冰鞋 | Skates! |
你比錢德結實,他像紙一樣一撞就倒 | You're sturdier than Chandler. He crumbled like a piece of paper. |
旅途順利嗎? | How was your trip? |
你送什麼給我? | What'd you bring me? |
日本飯店的梳洗用品 | Hotel toiletries from Japan! |
我要永遠保留下來 | These are gonna go in my permanent collection. |
你知道這上面寫的什麼嗎?德克薩斯出品 | You know what that says in English?Made in Texas. |
要喝咖啡嗎? 好啊 | -Want some coffee? -That'd be great. |
普通的還是低咖啡因的? | Regular or decaf? |
最近的就行了 | Whichever's closest. |
問我今天做了什麼 你今天做了什麼? | -Ask me what I did today. -What did you do today? |
我買下一家餐廳 想請你當主廚 | I bought a restaurant and I'd like you to be the chef. |
他居然要送我一家餐廳 | Can you believe he offered me a restaurant? |
那個混蛋,你要我踹他嗎? | What a jerk. You want me to kick his ass? |
從我擁有簡易烘烤箱 開了“簡易莫妮卡”糕餅店起 | It's been my dream since I got my first Easy-Bake Oven... |
就在夢想這一天 | ...and opened Easy-Monica's Bakery. |
我死也甘願,我絕對能勝任 | I would kill for this job. I can totally do this job... |
我吃的苦頭也夠多了 | ...and God knows,I've paid my dues. |
但彼特這麼做是因為他喜歡我 | But Pete's doing this because he has a crush on me. |
你對他還是沒興趣? | And you're still not attracted to him at all? |
我怎麼能接下這個餐廳? 我不能 | How could I accept a restaurant from him? I can't. |
七年級時史都文森 送我項鍊我也沒收 | I couldn't accept a necklace from Stu Vincent in the 7th grade. |
這是兩回事 他是你的健康教育老師 | But,Mon,that was totally different. He was your health teacher. |
怎麼了? | What,honey? |
被你撞到的地方好痛 | My side hurts from when you crashed into me. |
天哪,對不起 | Oh,God,I'm so sorry. |
天哪 | Oh,God! |
嗨,你們猜怎樣? | Hey,you guys. Guess what? |
你在內河船上找到工作? | Got a job on a riverboat? |
我一整年沒穿這套西裝 因為你不喜歡 | I didn't wear this suit for a year,because you hated it. |
你不是我的女朋友了,所以… | You're not my girlfriend anymore,so.... |
我懂了,你想要強調 | I see. This suit is making a point. |
你現在孤家寡人 可以盡情的出醜 | Now that you're on your own,you're free to look as stupid as you'd like. |
你喜歡這套西裝吧? | You like it,right? |
當然,你穿起來比桑德斯上校穿好看多了(肯德基創始人) | I like it even more on you than I did on Colonel Sanders. |
羅斯,開玩笑的,回來 | Ross,I'm kidding. Come here. |
你要說什麼? | What were you gonna tell us? |
-你發明軋棉機的過程? -好吧,再見 | -Was it how you invented the cotton gin?-Okay, goodbye. |
-剛才是不是有點太苛刻了 -開什麼玩笑 | -Was that a little harsh?-Are you kidding? |
記得你穿那件灰色運動服嗎 | Remember when you used to wear that gray sweat suit. |
我還曾叫你興登堡呢(1937年爆炸的德國飛艇) | And l used to call you the Hindenberg. |
不記得 我錯了 | No. My mistake |
你投書到意見箱之後 | So after you put the suggestion in the box... |
多久才得到回應? | ...how long did it take for it to happen? |
大約三個月 | About three months. |
所以離上身裸露的決定 大約還有兩星期 | So I guess that's about two weeks before the topless thing kicks in. |
我買了一個東西 打開來看 | I got you something. Open it! Open it! |
是一隻雞 | It's a chicken. |
很可愛吧? | It's cute,huh? |
兩位,你們瞭解雞(與“妓女”同詞)嗎? | You guys? Do you know anything about chicks? |
家禽?不瞭解 | Fowl? No. |
女人?不瞭解 | Women? No. |
養雞是重責大任 | They are a huge responsibility. |
尤其是小雞 需要無微不至的照顧 | Especially at this age. They require constant care. |
它們不能吃錯東西 需要很多關愛 | They need just the right food and lots and lots of love. |
這個沒問題 | Well,no problem there. |
輕一點,連尼(創辦了室內寵物飼養的人) | Easy,Lenny. |
你考慮過了嗎? | So,I mean,have you thought about it? |
是這樣的 | Okay,here's the thing. |
我討厭“是這樣的” | Not "the thing." I hate "the thing." |
是怎樣的? | What's "the thing"? |
我不能接受 | I can't do it. |
抱歉,我也很想接受 | I'm sorry. I wish I could... |
但你對我有特殊情感 | ... but you have these feelings for me. |
你在擔心這個? | That's what you're worried about? |
如果是這個問題 那就沒問題了 | If that's the problem,we've got no problem. |
我正打算吃飯時告訴你 我這趟出國認識了一個人 | I was gonna tell you over dinner,but I met somebody else,on my trip. |
她叫安,是記者 我們在飛機上認識 | Her name's Ann. She's a journalist. We met on the plane. |
她想把我的花生吃完 | She wanted to finish off my peanuts. |
我聽成別的(花生與陰莖諧音) 我們大笑一場 | I thought she said something else. We had a big laugh. |
我等煩了 | I got tired of waiting. |
太好了 抱歉,但我好為你高興 | That's great. I'm sorry,but I'm so happy for you. |
我可以為你工作了 看來可以了 | -Now I can work for you! -I guess you can. |
天哪,太棒了 | Oh,my God! This is incredible! |
你猜怎樣? 我要溜進辦公室去辭職 | You know what? I'm gonna roll right into that office and quit! |
好 | All right! |
推一下,好嗎? | Could you give me a little push? |
祝你好運 | Good luck! |
我要辭職了 | I'm quitting! |
我沒事,我很好 | I'm okay! I'm all right! |
真叫人興奮啊 你去日本,編造了一個女人 | That's exciting. You went to Japan,made up a woman. |
什麼? | What? |
我是說這個女人… 是虛構的吧? | I'm just saying,this "woman," I mean,she's fictitious,no? |
為什麼這麼說? 你還是喜歡莫妮卡 | -Why would you say that? -You're still into Monica. |
你謊稱認識別人 好讓她為你做事 | You said there's somebody else so she'd work with you. |
相處久了,也許就會產生感情 | If you spend time together,maybe something might happen. |
你真行 | You're good. You're good. |
我只是直覺准,還會通靈 | No,I'm fairly intuitive. And psychic. |
很實在的天賦 | It's a substantial gift. |
請答應我不要告訴她 | Can you promise me that you won't tell her? |
沒問題,我答應你 告訴她什麼? | Absolutely. I promise. Tell her what? |
謝謝你 | Thanks a lot. |
我是認真的 我的直覺很准,但記性很差 | No,I'm serious. I'm intuitive,but my memory sucks. |
好吧,但這是最後一次 | Okay,but this is the last time. |
這裡吱,那裡吱 | With a chick-chick here And a chick-chick there |
這裡吱,那裡吱 到處都在吱吱叫… | Here a chick,there a chick Everywhere a chick-chick |
雞… | Chicken.... |
她好嗎? | How's she doing? |
她? | She? |
你不覺得是她嗎? | Don't you think it's a she? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
看不出來,那個東西 一下子就縮回去了 | I can't tell. Whatever it was went back in too quickly. |
我要換衣服 我要去跟其他演員喝酒 | I gotta change. I'm meeting some of the cast for drinks. |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
怎麼了? | What? |
你排練時,我留在家裡 | I stayed home while you were at rehearsal... |
好陪著我們的小雞 | ...so somebody could be here with our chick. |
是誰從半夜兩點撐到五點? | Who was up from 2:00 this morning until 5:00... |
好哄她睡覺? | ...trying to get her back to sleep? |
你以為我沒起來嗎? | You don't think I get up when you get up? |
又來了 | Oh,here it comes. |
沒錯,又來了 我整天困在這裡 | Yes! Here it comes! I'm stuck here all day! |
你才回來陪了我們幾秒鐘 | And then you come in and spend two seconds with us... |
就要出去跟朋友花天酒地? | ...and then expect to go off gallivanting with your friends? |
這樣不行喔,先生 | Well,I don't think so,mister! |
我需要輕鬆一下 我工作了一整天 | I need to relax,okay? I was working all day. |
照顧我們的小雞就不是工作? | And you don't think taking care of our chick is work? |
我不是那個意思,我是說… | That's not what I said. I just meant |
我知道你想說什麼 | I know what you meant! |
你有沒有發現,自從有了小雞 | Did you notice that ever since we got this chick... |
我們爭吵的次數變多了? | ...we've been fighting a lot more than we used to? |
也許我們還不適合養小雞 | I don't know,maybe we weren't ready to have a chick. |
-雖然有時我確實想要一個的 -我知道,我知道 | l sure want one someday though.l know. l know. |
我明天送它回去 | I'll take her back tomorrow. |
三塊錢會退嗎? | We'll get our $3 back? |
-不敢相信你們還這樣 -我們要把她還回去了 | -l can't believe you still have that.-We're taking her back. |
不,我是說你們臉上的可笑表情 | No, that ridiculous thing on your face. |
-謝謝 -好的 | -Thank you.-All right? |
我兩小時後要錄影 請你們幫個忙 | I have that TV thing in two hours,and I need your help. |
怎麼樣?藍色還是棕色的好? | What do you think? This blue suit or this brown one? |
棕色可以突顯你的眼睛 | The brown one brings out your eyes. |
但藍色那套讓你的屁股很翹 | But your butt looks great in the blue one. |
真的? | Really? |
阿司匹林舞還真有效 | That aspirin dance really works. |
你還是… 我沒事 | -ls that still...? -I'm fine. |
你有事 我沒事 | -No,you're not! -Yes,I am. |
我很好,看我的 | Look,I'm fine. Watch. Look at that. |
你得去看醫生,好嗎? | You've got to go to a doctor,okay? |
我要去我老闆家參加晚宴 | I have to get ready and go to a dinner at my boss's house. |
有幾個人非見不可 | There's people there that I have to meet. |
你一定會令人印象深刻 “你好,我是瑞秋格林” | I'm sure you'll make a great impression. "Hi,I'm Rachel. |
“很高興認識你” | It's nice to meet you." |
你的肋骨可能斷了 | Come on,you probably have a broken rib. |
我明天再去醫院,它還是斷的 | I'll go to the hospital tomorrow. It'll still be broken then. |
但我打扮時需要幫忙 | But you know,I could use a hand getting ready. |
你不幫忙就走 | Either help me,or go. |
好,我走 | Fine. I'll go. |
走之前能不能先幫忙? | But before you go,could you help me first? |
好,我幫 | Sure. I'll help you. |
你們在啊 要怎麼把小雞弄出錄影機? | Good! Do you guys know how to get a chick out of a VCR? |
你知道嗎?我不會用左手化 | You know what? I cannot do this with my left hand. |
你能不能也幫我化妝? | Would you please help me with this too? |
用這一支好了 | Let's use this brush. |
這個? 小心一點 | -This stuff? -Careful. |
沾一點 | Light. |
在眼瞼上刷一下就好 刷一下 | Just sweep it across the lid. Just sweep it. |
對不起 | Sorry! |
你是在戳我的眼睛 | That's just poking me in the eye. |
對不起,閉上… | I'm sorry. Close.... |
刷一下就好 我在刷 | -Just sweep it. -I'm sweeping. |
刷、刷… | Sweep,sweep.... |
刷均勻,不要… | Now make it even,because we don't.... |
不要太多,隱隱約約就好 | I don't want it to be too much. I want it to be subtle. |
你的妝不夠濃 | You don't wear enough of this. |
你幾時覺得我的妝不夠濃了? | Since when do you think I don't wear enough of this? |
閉上眼睛,你一定會喜歡 | Close your eye. You're gonna like this better.... |
閉眼睛 吹一下 | -Close,close. -Blow it. |
這樣看起來比較成熟 | Because I think this will make you a little more sophisticated. |
跟妓女一樣成熟? | Sophisticated like a hooker? |
你猜我今晚要做什麼? 什麼? | -Guess what I'm doing tonight. -What? |
我要跟彼特去看餐廳 | I'm checking out the restaurant with Pete. |
莫妮卡,我好替你興奮 | Monica,I am so excited for you! |
我有一件事要告訴你 | I have to tell you something. |
什麼事? | What? |
我不能告訴你 | I can't tell you. |
告訴我你能告訴我的,不是更容易嗎 | Wouldn't it be easier to tell me something that you could tell me? |
是的,在完美世界裡 | Well,sure,in a perfect world. |
我答應不說 我對所有神明發過誓 | But no. I promised I wouldn't tell,and I swore to all my Gods. |
跟羅斯和瑞秋有關嗎? | Does it have to do with Ross and Rachel? |
跟喬伊有關嗎? | Does it have to do with Joey? |
跟錢德和他 床邊的襪子有關嗎? | Does it have to do with Chandler and that sock he keeps by his bed? |
不是,不過你待會兒要告訴我 | No,but let's come back to that later. |
好了,夠美了吧? | There you go! Good enough for your party? |
是啊 | Sure. |
是啊,我會坐在採購部那個變性人旁邊 | Sure. I'll just sit next to the transsexual from purchasing. |
我得走了,祝你晚宴愉快 | All right,I gotta go,So good luck at the party. |
再幫我換一下衣服好嗎? | Could you just stay and help me get dressed? |
當然好 | Sure. |
太好了,轉過去吧 | Great. Okay,just turn around. |
什麼? | What? |
我不想讓你看到我的身體 | I don't want you to see me naked. |
我看過幾萬遍了 我在你身上吃熱奶油 | I've seen you naked a million times. I ate hot fudge off you naked. |
我從你的肚臍眼吸出小軟糖 | I sucked that mini-marshmallow out of your bellybutton. |
那個不一樣,我們那時在交往 | Yeah,but that was different. We were going out then. |
現在很奇怪 | Now it's weird. |
我隨時都能看到你的裸體 | Rach,you know,I can see you naked anytime I want. |
什麼? | What? |
我只需要閉上眼睛,你看 | All I have to do is close my eyes. See? |
羅斯,別鬧了 | Ross,stop that! |
拜託,別再那樣想我了 | Come on! Don't think of me like that anymore. |
抱歉,你管不到 | Sorry. Nothing you can do about it. |
這是前任男友的權利 | It's one of my rights as the ex-boyfriend. |
別鬧了,夠了 | Stop it! Cut it out! Cut it out! |
對不起,我不會再… | I'm sorry. It will never happen |
等一下 | Wait a minute! Wait,wait.... |
現在有一百個你,我是國王 | Now there are 100 of you,and I'm the king! |
成熟一點,這又沒什麼 | Would you grow up? It's no big deal. |
好吧 | All right. Fine. |
很好,我決定自己換衣服 | See what you did? I'm gonna be doing it by myself now. |
天哪,聽我說 | Oh,my God. All right,look,look.... |
小心,你得去醫院,好嗎? | Easy. Easy. You have to go to the hospital,okay? |
我真的得去了 | I do. I really do. |
我去幫你拿外套,再送你上車 | I'll get your coat,then I'll put you in a cab. |
你不陪我去嗎? | You're not gonna come with me? |
當然要 | Of course I am. |
我得先打個電話 | I just have to make a call. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
怎麼了? | What's wrong? |
對不起,我不能這樣去醫院 | I'm sorry. I just can't go to the hospital looking like this. |
跟旅行有關嗎? | Does it involve travel? |
跟木屐有關嗎? | Does it involve clogs? |
木屐還是爪子? | Clogs or claws? |
木屐 | Clogs. |
爪子? | Claws? |
所以不是羅斯和瑞秋 也不是錢德和喬伊 | So it doesn't involve Ross or Rachel or Chandler or Joey. |
那彼特呢? 不是 | What about Pete? No |
怎麼樣? | What is it? |
彼特怎麼了? 我不知道 | -What about Pete? -I don't know! |
我好像在跟靈犬萊西說話(英國作家艾瑞克莫布裡奈特的作品) | I feel like I'm talking to Lassie. |
菲比,你就直說好嗎? 不行啦 | -Phoebe,would you just tell me? -I can't! |
我得走了 但是很接近了 | -I gotta go. -But you're so close! |
跟彼特的電腦公司有關嗎? | Something to do with Pete's company? |
你走吧,你死也猜不到的 | Go! You'll never get it! |
我知道 | I know. |
沒錯,那就是傑絲敏布麗絲(《海灘遊俠》) | See,yes. That's Yasmine Bleeth. |
她是一種完全不同的“雞” | She's a completely different kind of chick. |
你們兩個我都愛 | I love you both. |
是非常不一樣的愛 | But in very different ways. |
你在幹什麼?不是要送她走? | What are you doing? You were gonna take her back. |
我有,但是店裡不收 | I did. But the store wouldn't take her back. |
我帶她去收容所 你猜我發現什麼? | Then I took her to the shelter. You know what I found out? |
要是找不到人領養 就要殺了她 | If they can't find a home for her,they kill her! |
我絕不讓小傑絲敏慘遭毒手 | I won't let that happen to little Jasmine. |
很好,其實我也有點反悔 | Good,good,because I was kind of having second thoughts too. |
不只小雞,所有的動物都一樣 | And it's not just chicks. It's all kinds of other animals. |
太可怕了,你做得對 | That's horrible. You did the right thing. |
謝了,你這麼想就好 | Thanks. I'm glad you see it that way. |
好有趣的故事 | Funny story! |
真不敢相信 | I don't believe this! |
你看這個冰櫃,好巨大 | Look at this refrigerator! It's gigantic! |
我可以住在裡面 會冷,不過我本來就很冷 | I could live in this thing! I'd be cold,but I'm always cold! |
是傳統火爐 我最喜歡傳統火爐了 | Oh,my God! Look at these spider burners! I love spider burners! |
你喜歡囉? | So you like it? |
太完美了,真謝謝你 | It is so perfect! Thank you so much. |
不客氣 | You're welcome. |
你剛才在聞我的頭髮? | Did you just smell my hair? |
怎麼可能,沒有啊 | No! No way! What? |
天哪 怎麼了? | -Oh,God. -What? |
你對我還是有感覺 | You still have feelings for me. |
我只是對餐廳的事很興奮 | I'm just excited about the restaurant,that's all. |
我愛你,有這麼糟嗎? | I love you. Is that so bad? |
不糟,一點也不糟 | No,it's not bad. It's not bad at all. |
其實很好 | It's really nice. |
會受傷的人是我 我都不介意了 | The only one who stands to get hurt is me,and I'm okay with that. |
你或許不介意受傷 | You may be okay with getting hurt... |
我卻不能當那個傷你的人 | ...but I am not okay with being the one who hurts you. |
所以我不能接受這份工作 | That's why I can't take this job. |
什麼? | What? |
我們也不該再見面了 | We probably shouldn't see each other anymore. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
你如果真的這麼想,那好吧 | I mean,if that's really what you want,okay. |
很抱歉,事情… | I'm sorry things |
你先閉嘴,讓我確認一下 | Shut up for a second and let me just see something. |
你有說實話嗎? | You'd tell me the truth? |
X光片看起來怎麼會胖 | Rach,you can't look fat in an x-ray. |
你給我在這裡好好反省 | Now you stay out here and you think about what you did! |
那是一隻鴨子 一隻壞鴨子 | -That's a duck! -That's a bad duck! |
今晚的事順利嗎? | How'd the thing go tonight,Ross? |
什麼事? | What thing? What thing? |
沒什麼,博物館有事 走吧 | Nothing. There was this thing at the museum. Come on. |
小心 | Easy. |
等你回來,希望你記住 小雞不是玩具 | Now,when you come back,I hope you remember that that chick is not a toy! |
到底是什麼事? | What "thing"? What is this "thing"? |
我今晚本來要上探索頻道 | I was kind of supposed to be on TV tonight for the Discovery Channel. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
羅斯,你為什麼不說? | Ross,why didn't you tell me that? |
我一說,你就會讓我去 | I knew that if I told you,you'd make me go... |
我知道你今晚 需要有人陪著,來吧 | ...and I knew you needed someone to be with you tonight. Come on. |
我真不敢相信 怎麼了? | -I cannot believe you. -What? |
你對我太好了 | That is the sweetest thing. |
你該睡覺了 | You should get some sleep. |
抱歉搞砸你的今晚 | Sorry I spoiled your evening. |
你沒事就好 | As long as you're okay. |
明天見 | So I'll see you tomorrow. |
再見 | See you. |
你做了什麼? | What did you do? |
你們在幹什麼? | What you doing? |
游泳 | Having a swim. |
小雞呢? | What about the chick? |
雞不會游泳 | Chicks don't swim. |
確定? | Are you sure? |
不曉得 | I don't know. |
要試試看嗎? 好啊 | -Should we try? -Sure. |
看吧,我就說它不會遊 | See,I told you. They don't swim. |
再等一下 | Well,give him a minute. |
好,寶貝,沒事了 | It's okay. It's okay,baby,baby,baby. |
你還在等? | Are you still on hold? |
我兩小時前就該打給我爸了 | I was supposed to call my dad back two hours ago. |
有,他打來過 | Oh,yeah. He clicked on. |
你有空就打給他 他在Flimbees | Call him as soon as you get a chance. He's at Flimbees. |
什麼是Flimbees? | What's Flimbees? |
我記不清正確事情時都這麼說 | That's the word I use when I can't remember the real thing. |
掛電話,夠了 | Okay,hang up! That's it. Come on! |
不要,他們就是要我放棄 | No. That's what they want me to do. |
保證書明天就過期了 要是無法接通… | My warranty expires tomorrow. If I don't get through... |
他們就不會免費修理 我的破電話 | ...they won't fix my crappy,broken phone for free! |
我們不能讓他們贏 這是與他們的對決 | We cannot let them win! It's us versus them! |
沒錯 | Yes! |
我說掛電話 | l say hang up. |
這是錢德和我 與 莫妮卡與他們的對決 | lt's Chandler and us versus Monica and them. |
我再問一次晚上的票 你們要幾張? | I gotta double-check for tickets tonight. Who got what? |
我要一張 | I have one. |
我要兩張,我要帶彼特去 | I need two. I'm bringing Pete. |
我的男朋友 | My boyfriend. |
我有男朋友了 | I have a boyfriend now. |
你兩張,羅斯,你呢? | Two it is. How about you? |
我也要兩張 | Yeah,I also need two. |
真的?第二個是誰? | Really? Who's number two? |
第二個是誰? 下水道工人的高難度遊戲 | Whose Number Two? One of the more difficult games sewer workers play. |
就是有一個人嘛 | No,it's just this person. |
是約會對象嗎? | Like a date-type person? |
算是吧,是工作上認識的女生 | Yeah,kind of. It's this woman from work. |
希望不會太奇怪 不會吧,瑞秋? | I hope that won't be too weird. Will it,Rach? |
一點也不會 其實我也要帶人去 | Not at all. I was actually gonna bring someone myself. |
但是你只要了一張 | But you said one ticket. |
我是說我再多一張 | I meant me plus one. |
好,還有誰是多一張的? | Okay. Did you guys mean you plus one? |
好,晚上見 | All right. I'll see you tonight. |
再見 | Okay. Bye-bye. |
再見 | Bye-bye. |
我得找個男伴 | Okay,I need a date! |
對了,你們終於要見到凱特了 | Oh,hey! You guys are finally gonna get to meet Kate! |
我借了你的古龍水 希望她會喜歡 | And I borrowed your cologne. I hope she likes it. |
你這是幹嘛?她在跟別人交往 | What are you doing? She's seeing somebody. |
而且我沒有古龍水 | Yeah,and I don't have any cologne. |
刮胡膏旁邊那一瓶 鴨子的除蟲藥 | -Bottle next to the shaving cream. -Worm medicine for the duck. |
本集播出: “發飆男” | The One With the Screamer |
拿去,這件給你穿 謝謝 | -Here you go. You can wear this. -Thanks. |
我要把電話放下 | I'm setting the phone down. |
但是我人還在 | But I'm still here. |
不要走開,我還在 | Just don't go anywhere. I'm still here. |
不要轉線,我就在這裡 等我一下下 | Don't switch or anything,because I'm right here. Just one sec. |
等一下,一下下 | One sec. One second! |
等等,一下就好… | Wait! One second! Just.... |
幹嘛?我好害怕 | What? Monica,I'm scared! |
親愛的,那是袖子 | Honey,that's a sleeve. |
而且我們有免持聽筒 | And we also have a speakerphone. |
請不要掛斷 我們很重視您的來電 | Please stay on the line. Your call is important to us. |
你得掛斷,要遲到了 | You gotta hang up. We'll be late. |
謝謝您的等候 接下來將為您服務 | Thank you for your patience. You're the next caller. |
漂亮!我是下一個 | Yes! Yes! I'm the next caller! |
你還叫我掛掉 | You were gonna have me hang up. |
可以帶小雞和小鴨去劇院嗎? | Can you take a duck and a chick to the theater? |
當然不行 | Of course not. |
我只是想讓別人告訴它們 | I just wanted them to hear it from somebody else. |
好了,夥計們,回去玩任天堂吧(日本遊戲機) | All right, fellas, back to Nintendo. |
“露西兒洛泰爾劇院” | |
你好嗎? | Oh,hi,how are you? |
很好 | Good. |
看來我們最早到 看樣子是的 | -Looks like we're the first ones here. -Looks that way. |
拔得頭籌 | First ones here! |
湯米,這是羅斯 羅斯,湯米 | Oh,Tommy,this is Ross. Ross,Tommy. |
抱歉,這是凱琳 凱琳… | Oh,I'm sorry. This is Cailin. Cailin |
對不起 | Sorry. |
放開 | And break! |
我要去一趟洗手間 | I think I'm gonna run to the ladies' room. |
我跟你去 我去找座位 | -I'll join you. -I'll get our seats. |
這真是… | Well,this is... |
有點尷尬 | ...awkward. |
因為瑞秋和我交往過 | Well,because Rachel and l used to go out. |
我不知道 | Oh,I didn't know that. |
那這才叫尷尬 | Well,then this is awkward. |
座位是… 應該在這裡 | -So what do you...? -I think we're here. |
打擾一下,對不起 | Excuse me. I'm sorry. |
你們坐到我們的位子了 | I think you may be in our seats. |
應該沒有吧 | No,I don't think so. |
可以看一下你的票嗎? 當然可以 | -Could we take a look at your ticket? -Sure. |
沒錯,這是D13 | Yeah. Yeah,see,this says,"D-13".... |
我以為… | Oh,well,I thought that |
你以為? 你以為也沒有用,白癡! | You thought? Well,that didn't really work out for you. Idiot! |
你是傻瓜嗎? 上面印D13,好嗎? | What are you,a moron? It says,"D-13"! Okay? |
你周圍都是偶數 你都沒想到嗎? | You're surrounded by even numbers! Does that give you a clue? |
帶位的人說… 帶位的人當然對囉 | -The usher told me -The usher must be right! |
他受過嚴格訓練嘛 | With all his training! |
滾! | Get out! |
拿去 | Here! |
你要靠過道嗎? 不用了 | -Hey,man,you want the aisle? -No,I'm good. |
我們的明星來了 | -There he is! -There's our star! |
你演得好棒 | You were great! |
你們覺得怎樣? | So? What'd you think? |
跟兩裸女坐翹翹板那出戲一樣好 | Almost as good as the play with the two naked girls on the seesaw. |
我沒有演那個 我知道 | -I wasn't in that. -I know. |
我想介紹你們認識 各位,她是凱特 | I want you to meet everybody. Everybody,this is Kate. |
借過…親愛的 | Excuse me. Excuse me. Sweetheart! |
過來 | Come! |
那就是喜歡的女孩 | So that's the girl you like. |
我告訴你,瑞秋的男伴是神經病 | I tell you,this guy Rachel is with is crazy. |
他對陌生人大吼大叫 我覺得他很糟糕 | He viciously screamed at total strangers. I think he's bad news. |
慢著,你不喜歡 瑞秋約會的對象? | Wait a minute. You don't like the guy Rachel's dating? |
真奇怪啊 | Well,that's odd. |
蘿倫,各位 這是凱特的候補蘿倫 | Oh,hey,Lauren. You guys,this is Kate's understudy,Lauren. |
天哪,你好面熟 | Hey,gosh,you look so familiar. |
我們在你那棟樓的走廊上見過 | I ran into you in the hallway in your building. |
就在我跟喬伊上床之後 他第二天就甩了我 | It was right after I slept with Joey. He dumped me the next day. |
你們是怎麼認識的? | So how'd you guys meet? |
簡單的說,我追了她兩個月 | The short version is,I pursued her for a couple of months. |
給她一張兩萬元支票後 就搞定了 | Then I gave her a check for $20,000 and she was mine. |
複雜的說,我因為他說話 太簡單而甩了他 | In the long version,I dump him for telling people the short version. |
喬伊寶貝,你太棒了 | Joey,sweetheart,you were fabulous! |
各位,這是我的經紀人艾斯黛 | You guys,this is my agent,Estelle. |
你們好 | How do you do? |
兩位女孩演得太棒了 | Oh,you two girls were outstanding! |
她們有經紀人嗎? | Do they have representation? |
她們沒有演 | They weren't in the play. |
我們不是演員 | We're not actors. |
真可惜 | What a shame! |
她的臉蛋加上她的胸部 我可以捧出個明星來 | With her face and her chest,I could really put something together. |
可以借給我嗎? | Could I borrow it? |
記得我嗎? | Hi. Remember me? |
是你,湯米在排隊上廁所 | Hi. Yeah. Tommy's in line for the bathroom... |
有人插隊,我覺得他要捉狂了 | ...and someone just cut. I think he's gonna snap. |
我要走了 | I'm gonna go. |
走?為什麼? | Go? Why? |
不知道,或許是因為… | I don't know. Could be because I don't feel like... |
我不想整晚等著看一個人發飆 | ...waiting all night for a guy who may or may not scream. |
他絕對會發飆 | He definitely will scream. |
再見 | Goodbye. |
各位,劇評來了 | Here we go,people! |
“耶誕節的第二天” | "Boxing Day. |
“露西兒洛泰爾劇院” | The Lucille Lortel Theatre.... |
喬伊崔比亞尼的表現參差不齊 | Joey Tribbiani gives an uneven performance. |
不過崔比亞尼還不是 這齣戲最差的一環 | But Mr. Tribbiani is not the worst thing in this production." |
太好了! | Yes! |
凱特米勒差勁 做作的詮釋實在可笑 | "Kate Miller's awkward and mannered portrayal is laughable." |
來了!導演部份 | Here it is! "The direction... |
馬歇爾湯恩導演… | ... by Marshall Townend is...." |
謝謝各位 | Thank you,boys and girls. |
你們毀了我的一生 | You've ruined my life. |
請用我媽做的蟹餅 | Please stuff your talentless faces... |
填滿你們沒有才華的臉蛋 | ...with my mother's crab cakes! |
借過 | Excuse me! |
我可以留著吧? | Does anyone mind if I save this? |
戲演完了? 你人呢? | -ls the play over? -Where were you? |
謝謝您的等候 接下來將為您服務 | Thank you for your patience. You're the next caller. |
已經好幾個小時了 你一定快瘋了 | You were "the next caller" hours ago. You must be going crazy. |
我有找事情做 | I've kept myself busy. |
對了,我把你們房裡的 東西對調了 | Okay,yeah,I put your stuff in her room and her stuff in your room. |
你還好嗎? | You okay? |
好極了 | Fabulous. |
劇評家只是當不成演員的人 | Drama critics,they're nothing but people who couldn't make it as actors. |
你猜你該怎麼做? 去當劇評家 | -You know what to do? -Become a drama critic. |
我受傷了 | I am hurt! |
祝你們兩家… | A plague... |
發生瘟疫 | ...on both your houses! |
對了,他看完劇評之後甩了我 | By the way,he dumped me tonight after he read my review. |
真好 | Oh,classy. |
是啊,我還真有眼光選了他 | I sure know how to pick them. |
我為了這齣戲放棄一個連續劇 | You know I gave up a part on a soap for this? |
我也放棄了一個工作 | I gave up a job too. |
什麼工作? 替貓咪剪指甲 | -Really? What? -Declawing cats. |
這樣吧,我陪你走回家 | Hey,tell you what,let me walk you home. |
我們去每個報攤 燒掉所有的時報和郵報 | We'll stop by every newsstand and burn every copy of The Times and The Post. |
為什麼要燒郵報? 你沒看郵報? | -Why The Post?. -You didn't see The Post?. |
沒有,你看了? 沒有,怎麼了? | -No. You? -No. Why? |
那些劇評真的是在嫉妒我? | You really think these newspapers are just jealous of me? |
絕對的 你有才華,長得又美 | Absolutely. You're talented and you're good-looking. |
你人好又可愛 | You're sweet and cute. |
我知道,所以他們才攻擊我 | I know. That's why they trashed me. |
等一下 怎麼了? | -Wait. Wait a minute. -What? |
我實在搞不懂你 | I don't get you. |
你先是討厭我 | I mean,first you hate me. |
然後跟我上床 | Then you sleep with me. |
然後你又跟我撇清關係 現在又想要我了? | Then you want nothing to do with me. Now you want me again? |
你沒跟女演員約過會嗎? | You never went out with an actress before? |
凱特,你喜歡我嗎? | IKate,do you even like me? |
當然喜歡 那你為什麼拒絕我? | -Of course I do. -So how come you blew me off? |
為什麼要跟他在一起? 我不知道 | -How come you were with him? -I don't know. |
我就是這樣 | I just do this. |
我總是要挑那個最聰明的… | I always have to pick,like,the smartest guy... |
或是最有才華的 | ...or the most talented guy. |
我為什麼不能挑你這種人? | Why can't I just pick someone like you? |
謝了 | Thanks. |
你知道我的意思 | You know what I mean. |
我是說最體帖的人 | I mean,like,the sweetest guy. |
你真的好… | You're just so.... |
你好… | You're so... |
好… | ...so.... |
來,把你的腳抬上來 | Here we go. Let's get your feet up there. |
晚安 | Good night. |
祝你好夢 | Sweet dreams. |
我把桶子放在這裡 免得你想吐 | I'm gonna put this can right here in case you have to hurl. |
請不要掛斷 我們很重視您的來電 | Please stay on the line. Your call is very important to us. |
你已經24小時沒睡了 去睡吧 | You've been up for 24 hours. Go to sleep. |
這樣很不健康 | This isn't healthy. |
不,我很好 | No,no,I'm fine. |
你知道為什麼? 因為我吃了核黃素 | And you know why? Because of all the riboflavin. |
這是昨晚那套衣服 | Didn't you have that on last night? |
我在凱特家過夜 但是什麼也沒做 | I stayed at Kate's but nothing happened. |
是啊,上次我在彼特那裡我們也只是看了一部電影 我們的… | Yeah, last time l was at Pete's we just watched a movie...of us... |
之前做愛的電影 | ...that we'd made earlier. |
很抱歉,我控制不住,我有男朋友了 | l'm sorry, l can't help it.l have a boyfriend. |
你怎麼沒來? | Hey,where were you? |
我很抱歉 我一定會去看你演戲 | I'm so,so sorry. I am definitely gonna see your play. |
你的戲對我們很重要 謝謝你的等候 | I swear,your play is very important to us. Thank you for your patience. |
我接下來將去看你的戲 | Your play is the next play I'm gonna see. |
你跟凱特怎麼樣? | How'd it go with Kate? |
感覺好棒 | It was great! |
我陪她走回家 我們之間心有靈犀 | I walked her home,and it was amazing how much we connected. |
後來她昏過去了 | Then she passed out. |
但是等她醒來 | But then she woke up. |
我們聊了一整晚 | And we stayed up all night talking. |
我們現在為彼此瘋狂 | And now we're crazy about each other! |
你經歷了關鍵性的夜晚 | You had "the night"! |
當兩個人發現他們墜入愛河 | When two people realize their feelings for each other... |
他們會聊上很久 弄清楚對方的一切 | ...and they talk for hours and learn all about the other person. |
是嗎? | You think? |
你瞭解她的家庭了嗎? 兩個兄弟,一個死了 | -Did you learn about her family? -Two brothers. One died! |
漂亮! | Yes! |
這是吧台那位女士請的 | This is from the woman at the bar. |
對不起,她認錯人了 | Sorry. She thought you were somebody else. |
現在幾點? 1點 | -What time is it? -One. |
7點15分 | 07:15 |
我的表壞了 | Watch doesn't work. |
湯米快來了,我們要去吃飯 | Tommy's supposed to be here soon. We're going to lunch. |
聽著,我本來不想說的 但是… | Look,I wasn't gonna say anything to you,but.... |
好吧,我覺得 你不該跟湯米來往 | All right,I don't think you should be seeing Tommy anymore. |
是嗎? | You don't? |
那傢伙很惡劣,非常惡劣 你應該離他遠一點 | The guy is mean. I mean,really mean. I think you should stay away from him. |
或許我應該離所有男人遠一點 | Or maybe I should stay away from all men. |
我不只是在嫉妒 | It's not just because I'm jealous. |
我不是在嫉妒 | I mean,I'm not. I'm not jealous. |
那傢伙對坐錯位子的夫婦大吼 | Look,the guy actually screamed at this couple sitting in our seats. |
對啊,落幕的時候 | Yeah,and at the end of the play... |
他還站起來 用力拍打他的雙手 | ...he got up,and he just started,like,banging his hands together. |
好,你們不信就算了 | You don't want to believe me,that's fine. |
開玩笑的 | We're kidding. |
沒有人相信我 你們都當我是玩笑先生 | No one believe me. I'm Mr. Funny to you. Mr. Funny! |
對不起 杯子裡是什麼?羅斯 | -Sorry,Tommy. -What's in the cup? |
杯子裡是什麼? | What is in the cup? |
是咖啡 | Okay,it's coffee. |
冰咖啡嗎?請告訴我是冰咖啡 | Iced coffee? Tell me it's iced coffee. |
是熱… 熱咖啡! | -It's hot -Hot coffee! |
你這個白癡! 你想拿熱咖啡潑我? | You idiot! You gonna spill hot coffee all over me,huh? |
你是髮型很愚笨的愚笨白癡嗎? | What are you? Just a big,stupid doofy idiot with a doofy idiot hairdo? |
你最喜歡夏天的什麼? | What's your favorite thing about summertime? |
去海邊玩,天色很晚才變暗 | Going to the beach when it stays light real late. |
你最喜歡夏天的什麼? | What's your favorite thing about summer? |
不知道 新除過的草地的味道吧 | I don't know. Probably the smell of freshly cut grass. |
這個好 | That's a good one. |
抱歉遲到了 我的雞和鴨吵架,場面很亂 | Sorry! Sorry I'm late! My duck and my chick had a fight. It was ugly. |
我們在等你,上場吧 | We held the curtain for you. Let's go! |
維克多,你上哪去了? | Vic! Where have you been,baby? |
凱特呢? | Where's Kate? |
她在洛杉磯找到工作 | She got a job in L.A. |
我等了你一整夜 你上哪去了? | I've been waiting up all night for you. Where have you been? |
你上哪去了,維克多? | Where have you been,Vic? |
去窗子旁邊 我去車上拿個東西給你看 | Go to the window. I wanna run down to the truck and show you something. |
你要給我看什麼? | What do you got down there,Vic? |
帆布底下藏了什麼? | What do you got under that tarp? |
她什麼時候走? | When is she leaving? |
今晚,你在幹什麼? | Tonight. What are you doing? |
我馬上上來 | I'm coming up! |
嘿,你要一直在這裡嗎? | Hey, you hanging in there? |
你還好嗎? | You doing okay? |
你有聽我說話嗎? | You listening to me? |
如果彼特再打電話過來,並且你不把他接進來的話 | lf Pete calls again,and you don't put him through... |
我會殺了你 | ...l will kill you. |
可以借用電話嗎? | Hey,you mind if I use the phone? |
去對面用我們的,因為她… | Use ours across the hall because she... |
有點問題 | ... has problems. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
湯米,對不起 | Sorry,Tommy. |
我差點把熱咖啡潑到你身上 | I almost spilled this hot coffee on you. |
但是你沒有 | Yeah,but you didn't. |
沒錯,但是… | No,but... |
這是熱的 | ...it's hot. |
別鬧了,都老掉牙了 | Would you stop it? It's getting really old. |
居然沒有人相信我 | I can't believe no one believes me. |
我相信你 | I do. I believe you. |
真的? | You do? |
對,但是我也相信我是下一個 | Yeah. But I also believed her when she said I was next. |
嗨,小東西 | Hey there,little fella. |
毛毛臉,你好嗎? | Mr. Fuzzy Man,how you doing? |
噁心死了 | Gross! |
白癡! | Idiot! |
白癡黃毛雞 | Stupid,little,fuzzy,yellow creature! |
你看我,我好可愛 我是噁心的小雞! | "Oh,look at me! I'm so cute! I'm a little chick who's disgusting!" |
笨蛋!你怎麼還沒絕種? | You're so stupid! How are you not yet extinct? |
你叫什麼叫? | What are you quacking about? |
白癡唐老鴨 | Dumb Donald Dodo! |
離鴨子遠一點 | Step away from the duck. |
很抱歉,小雞雞 | Sorry,little Mr. Chickadee. |
抱歉你在我手上拉屎! | Sorry you went doody in my hand! |
看來我們是不會再約會了 | I guess we're not going out anymore. |
媽的! | Man! |
喬伊,幸好趕上了 我一直找不到你 | Joey,I'm so glad I caught you. I couldn't find you before. |
洛杉磯是怎麼回事? | What's all this about L.A.? |
《綜合醫院》還是要我 | They still want me for General Hospital. |
但是… | But... |
我們呢? | ...what about us? |
昨晚感覺很棒 | Last night was wonderful. |
但我不能為了你留下來 | But I can't stay here just for you. |
那就為了博物館留下來 | So stay for the museums. |
對不起 喬伊上場 | -I'm sorry. -Joey,on-stage! |
至少等到落幕 | At least stay till the end of the play. |
我陪你去機場,我想跟你道別 | I'll go to the airport with you. I want to say goodbye. |
維克多,你在哪裡? | Where are you,Vic? |
一小時後的班機,我得走了 | Flight's in an hour. I gotta go. |
維克多? | Vic? |
維克多? | Vic? |
維克多! 等一下! | -Vic! -ln a minute! |
維克多,就這樣了? | So this is it,Victor? |
我想是的 | Yeah. I guess it is. |
聽我說 | Listen... |
我必須趕快說再見 因為我的心好痛 | ... I gotta say goodbye,and I gotta say it quick because this is killing me. |
我要你知道 我永遠不會忘記你 | One thing you gotta know is that I will never forget you. |
但是你有你該做的事 | But you got things you have to do now. |
而我也是 | And so do l. |
所以… | And so... |
我要登上太空船 | ... I'm gonna get on this spaceship... |
前往巴拉根七號 尋找替代燃料 | ...and I'm gonna go to Blaargon-7 in search of alternative fuels. |
等我兩百年後回來 | But when I return 200 years from now... |
你早就死了 | ...you'll be long gone... |
而我卻一點也不會老 | ... but I won't have aged at all. |
所以請告訴你的曾曾孫女 | So you tell your great,great granddaughter... |
叫她找我 | ...to look me up. |
因為艾德莉恩… | Because,Adrianne... |
親愛的… | ... baby... |
我絕對會想認識她 | ... I'm gonna want to meet her. |
別了,維克多 | So long,Vic! |
已經兩天了 | It's been two days. |
我知道 | Yeah,I know. |
幸好是801免付費電話 | Good thing it's one of those 801 numbers,right? |
800才是免付費電話 801是猶他州的長途區碼 | Phoebe,800 is toll free. 801 is Utah. |
一定是800 大公司都有免付費專線 | It has to be 800 because all those big companies have 800 numbers. |
每個… | Every.... |
猶他州大公司都是801開頭 | Yeah,every big Utah-based company has one. |
真的很抱歉,我會付錢的 | Sorry. I'm so sorry. I will pay you back. |
她還是不掛電話 | And yet she's still not hanging up the phone. |
掛掉啦 掛掛掛! | -Hang up! -Hang up the phone! |
好啦 | Fine! Fine! |
我好像把它摔壞了 | Well,I think I broke it. |
沒關係,你們可以打這個電話報修 | But that's all right. Here's the number where you can call. |
要是我們的雞鴨生小寶寶 是不是很酷? | Wouldn't it be cool if our duck and our chick had a baby? |
可以叫它查克 | We could call it Chuck. |
或狄克(有“陰莖”的含義) | Or Dick. |
我要請你們幫忙 | Listen,I need a favor. |
我剛才洗澡,正在… | I was in the shower,and as I was... |
洗身體時,發現一件事 | ...cleansing myself,I felt something. |
很像打噴嚏,但是感覺更爽? | Was it like a sneeze,only better? |
不是,是我身上長了東西 | No. I mean,like,a thing on my body. |
什麼東西? | Well,what was it? |
不曉得,它長在我不能… | Well,I don't know. It's kind of in a place that's not.... |
我看不到,我想麻煩你們 | It's not visually accessible to me. And I was hoping maybe you guys... |
幫我看一下 | ...could help me out. |
拜託,又沒什麼 | Come on,you guys! It's no big deal! |
是什麼?是痣嗎? | Well,what is it? Is it a mole? |
不是,太皺了,不是痣 | No,it's too wrinkly to be a mole. |
那是痘子嗎? | Is it? What,a pimple? |
不是,它… | No,it's... |
比青春痘高級 | ...fancier than a pimple. |
你就去看醫… 你們在幹… | -Ross,just go see a doc -Guys,what's? |
確定了,冬天還有兩星期 | Well,it's definite. Two more weeks of winter. |
沒錯 | Yeah,right. |
本集播出:“羅斯長的東西” | The One With Ross' Thing |
這是咖啡館,我都在這裡表演 | And this is the coffeehouse. This is where I play my music. |
漂亮 他們是我的朋友 | -Good deal. -These are my friends. |
各位,這是文斯 文斯,我的朋友 | People? This is Vince. Vince,the people. |
文斯是消防員 | Vince is a fireman. |
你從燃燒的大樓裡救過人嗎? | Have you ever rescued anyone from a burning building? |
九十八次,隊裡的最高紀錄 | Ninety-eight hot saves. Highest on the force. |
要是喬伊和我玩火柴 就可以讓你累積到一百 | If Joey and I play with matches,we could get you up to an even 100. |
孩子,不能拿火災開玩笑 | Fire safety is not a joke,son. |
你說得對,我知道 | You're right. I know. |
我要走了,晚上要值班 | Look,I gotta go. I'm on call tonight. |
星期六見 | See you Saturday. |
菲比,他好可愛 | He's cute,Pheebs. |
但你不是剛和那個老師交往? | But you just started dating that teacher. |
傑森? | Oh,Jason? |
我們晚上要見面 | We're seeing each other tonight. |
菲比? | Well,Pheebs? |
一天兩場約會?你不像這種人 | Two dates in one day? That's so unlike you. |
我也知道 我在遊戲人間 | I know,I know. I'm,like,playing the field. |
我在玩弄別人,我在播種我的野燕麥 | I'm juggling two guys. I'm sowing my wild oats. |
我就像播種野燕麥和遊戲人間的玩弄者 | You know,this kind of,like,oat-sowing,field-playing juggler. |
他們知道對方的存在嗎? | So do they know about each other? |
狗狗念書時,嘴唇會動嗎? | Does a dog's lips move when he reads? |
他們不知道 | Okay,no,they don't know. |
各位 | Hey,guys. |
怎麼樣? 醫生怎麼說? | -Well? -How'd it go at the doctor's? |
他說不用擔心,是良性的 | He said there's definitely nothing to worry about. It's benign. |
是什麼? 他根本說不出來 | -What is it? -He couldn't even tell me. |
他只說是一種皮膚異常 | He said it was just some sort of "skin abnormality." |
-那麼它只是皮膚咯? -嗯,醫生說它像皮膚 | -So it's just skin.-Well, no. He said it's skinlike. |
-好吧,因此它不是皮膚 -嗯,它是皮膚家族的一員 | -Okay. So it's not skin.-Well, it's in the skin family. |
更糟的是他說,由於無法辨認 | The worse thing is,he said,being unable to identify it... |
他不願意為我切除 | ... he was reluctant to remove it. |
你應該去找我的醫生 | You should go to my guy. |
我帶著第三個乳頭去找他時 | Because when I went in there with my third nipple... |
他直接就把它給切了 | ...he just lopped it right off. |
我蠻幸運的 | So I guess I'm lucky. |
雖然比不上天生兩個乳頭的人幸運 | I mean,not as lucky as people who are born with two nipples. |
至少他們知道你長了什麼 你的有名字 | At least they knew what yours was. You know? Yours had a name. |
也許醫學界會以你為名 | Maybe they'll name yours after you. |
把它叫做“羅斯” | You know? They'd call it "The Ross." |
大家會說 哦,他長了一個羅斯 | And then people would be,like,"Oh,he's got a Ross." |
是啊,真酷 | Yeah,that'd be cool. |
彼特要跟我分手 | Pete's breaking up with me. |
什麼? | What? |
我剛才聽留言 | I just checked my messages. |
他說等他回來 “我們得談一談” | He said that when he gets back,"We need to talk." |
然後呢? 就這樣 | -And? -Well,that's it. |
沒有人會說“我們得談一談” 除非是壞事 | People never say,"We need to talk," unless it's something bad. |
那不一定代表他要跟你分手 | That doesn't necessarily mean he's breaking up with you. |
真的? | Really? |
也許他只是對你不忠 | Maybe he just cheated on you. |
這麼做沒有好處 但我還是很高興 | I won't get rich doing it,but I gotta say,it's cool... |
我改變了一個孩子的一生 | ... knowing you're making a difference in a kid's life. |
真好 | That is so great. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
趕快通知消防隊 | We'd better call the fire department. |
不必找消防員吧 | Well,we don't need a fireman. |
應該找好的技術人員來 | We need,like,a good mechanic. |
-什麼? -也許澆點冷卻液就能滅火了 | -What?-lt's probably just low on coolant. |
上帝啊,他們來了,快逃 | Oh,my God!Here they come! We gotta get out of here! |
等一下,為什麼? | Wait. Why? |
要是我想看消防員 我會找消防員約會 | If I wanted to see a fireman,I'd date one. |
只是一個多出來的乳頭 | That's all it is. A third nipple. |
很普通的第三個乳頭 | You know? Just your run-of-the-mill third nipple. |
你可以把它切掉,直接把這寶寶切掉 | You can take it off. Just slice that baby right off. |
把衣服脫掉讓我看一下 | Take your shirt off. Let's see what we're dealing with. |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
讓你看那個非常普通 可以直接切掉的乳頭 | Just showing you my run-of-the-mill,slice-it-right-off third nipple. |
這不是第三個乳頭 | Well,that's not a third nipple. |
首先,它長在屁股上 | First of all,it's on your ass. |
不然是什麼? | Well,then what is it? |
等一下 | Wait a minute. Hold it. |
-詹森,來一下 -我在跟漢彌頓講話 | -Jansen,come in here. -I'm with Hamilton! |
他對怪東西很在行,叫他也來 | He's good with weird things. Bring him in too. |
你知道你沒怎麼看過什麼東西嗎?裸露上身的踢踏舞 | You know what you don't see a lot?Topless tap dancing. |
我真的很享受我們之間這樣的談話 | l really enjoy these little talks we have. |
我得去幫彼特澆花 | I gotta go water Pete's plants. |
你們知道嗎? 如果他想分手,我就不澆了 | You know what? If he's gonna break up with me,maybe I won't water them. |
如果他要分手 乾脆讓喬伊和我去“澆” | If he's gonna break up with you,maybe Joey and I should do it... |
懂我的意思吧? | ...if you know what I mean. |
或者… | Or... |
我們可以去對著花盆撒尿 | ...we could go and pee on them. |
我受不了了 | I can't take it,you know. |
我好怕會被捉到 | I'm afraid one of them will catch me with the other. |
我快瘋了 | It's making me crazy! |
何不跟其中一個分手? | Why don't you break up with one of them? |
你不是在遊戲人間? | What happened to playing the field? |
現在不像遊戲了 | It doesn't feel like playing anymore. |
比較像工作 我好像在世間工作 | It's feels like work. It's like I'm working in the field. |
那就選一個 | So pick one of them. |
你比較喜歡哪一個? | Which one do you like more? |
文斯很棒,他是男人中的男人 | Vince is great,you know? Because he's,like,a "guy" guy. |
他好壯,真的好壯 | He's just so burly,so very burly. |
好,那就選文斯吧 | Okay,good. So there you go. Go with Vince. |
但是傑森好感性 | But Jason's really sensitive. |
感性很重要,選他 | Sensitive is important. Pick him. |
是啊,聽娘娘腔的話 | Oh,sure. Go with the sissy. |
傑森才不娘娘腔 | Jason is not a sissy. |
我是說錢德 | I meant Chandler. |
我晚上有約 | You know,I have dinner plans. |
謝謝各位臨時趕來 | Thank you so much for coming on such a short notice. |
各位先生、女士 我行醫23年 | Ladies and gentlemen,I've been practicing medicine for 23 years... |
現在卻被難倒了 | ...and I'm stumped. |
這裡是書房 | Okay,this is the den. |
你們看喔…燈光 | All right,check this out. Lights! |
少一點光…不好的光 | All right,less lights! Bad lights! |
燈光走開 | Lights,go away! |
看到了嗎?下對指令就行了 | See? You just need the right command. |
也可以用調的 | And the dimmer switch. |
他那麼有錢,電視還真小 | For a rich guy,that's a small TV. |
那是視訊電話 | That's the video phone. |
你們不能來的,所以不要亂碰 | But you shouldn't be here. So don't touch anything. |
宜家傢俱,好舒服 | IKEA,this is comfortable! |
這裡太高級了 | This place is amazing! |
那個廚房好棒 我知道 | -Oh,God! That's the nicest kitchen. -I know. |
我是認真的 | It's the nicest kitchen. |
冰箱還會祝我今天愉快 | The refrigerator told me to have a great day. |
你們看,百萬富翁的支票簿 | Look,a millionaire's checkbook. |
喬伊,放下 | Joey,put that down. |
天哪,是彼特,快出去! | Oh,my God,that's Pete. Get out! |
視訊電話要怎麼接? | How the hell do you answer a video phone? |
我猜就是這樣接 | I guess that's how. |
莫妮卡,你好嗎? | Monica,how's it going? |
很好 | Oh,it's good. It's good. |
我來幫你澆花 | Just here,watering the plants. |
別忘了瑞秋旁邊那一盆無花果 | Don't forget that ficus there by Rachel. |
錢德在沙發上 | Chandler's on the couch! |
我看到了,你們還真不會躲 | I see him. You guys are the worst hiders,ever. |
嗨 你好嗎? | -Hi. -How you doing? |
那天你說要找我談一談 | The other day when you said you needed to talk... |
請問是好消息還是壞消息? | ...just so I know,is it good news or bad news? |
好消息,絕對是好消息 | It's good news. It's definitely good news. |
等一下,有另一通電話 | Hold on a second,I have another call. |
你好嗎? | How's it going? |
還是我 | It's still me. |
我這裡有畫中畫 | I've got picture-in-picture here. |
我再回你電話 | I'm gonna have to call you back later. |
莫妮卡?我是說你,我再回你電話 | Monica? You. I'm gonna have to call you back. |
改天見 | So I'll see you soon. |
好,我愛你 我愛你 | -Okay. I love you. -I love you. |
我們也愛你 | We love you too! |
是好消息,是好消息 | Well,it's good news. It's good news. |
你想是什麼好消息? 你們看 | -What do you think the good news is? -Look at this! |
他開了一張五萬元的支票 給一位雨果林葛籣的戒指設計師 | He wrote a check for $50,000 to "Hugo Lindgren's Ring Design." |
對不起,你想是什麼好消息? | Sorry. What do you think the good news is? |
天哪 | Oh,my! |
莫妮卡要嫁給百萬富翁了 | Monica's gonna marry a millionaire! |
趕快打給媽,打給媽!打給媽 | You gotta get Mom on the phone! Call Mom! Call Mom! |
那是彼特的媽媽 | And that's Pete's mom. |
你得辦一個主題婚禮 主題可以是… | You have to make it a theme wedding. And the theme could be: |
“看我們多有錢啊” | "Look How Much Money We've Got!" |
你可以在喜帖裡放錢 | I mean,you could put money in the invitations. |
你可以用錢做成餐具 | You could have,like,little-money place settings. |
第一道菜可以上鈔票沙拉 | And you could start with a money salad. |
雖然幹了點,絕對受歡迎 | I mean,it'll be dry,but people will like it. |
別再說了 | Would you stop? |
我們才交往兩星期 | We've only gone out a couple of weeks. |
也不知道他會不會求婚 | We don't know if he'll propose. |
他是彼特,跟別人不一樣 | But this is Pete. He's not like other people. |
你們第一次約會就去羅馬 | On your first date,you went to Rome. |
對其他男人來說 那是第三、四次約會才做的事 | For most guys,that's like a third or fourth date kind of thing. |
如果他要求婚,那就太誇張了 | Well,if that's what it is,then it's crazy. |
莫妮卡說得對 這可是婚姻大事 | Monica's right. We're talking about marriage here. |
她不能說嫁就嫁 | She can't just rush into this. |
你懂什麼?你娶了一個女同志 | What do you know? You married a lesbian! |
你不能把事情弄糟 他真的是個不錯的人 | You could do worse Monica.He's a really good guy. |
你知道你應該怎麼做嗎?不要現在做決定 | You know what you should do?Don't decide now. |
等著那個時刻到來的時候,你當時的感覺就是答案 | Wait until you're in the moment and whatever you feel will be the answer. |
彼特單膝跪地然後拿出那個南瓜大小的鑽石戒指 | Pete gets down on his knee and pulls out that pumpkin-sized diamond ring.... |
我要走了,我要去跟文斯分手 | I gotta go. I have to break up with Vince. |
你選了那個老師? | So you're going with the teacher? |
我很喜歡文斯,但傑森好感性 | I like Vince a lot,you know? But Jason is so sensitive. |
長期來說,感性應該比… | In the long run,I think sensitive is better than having... |
身材很猛來得好 | ...a really,really,really nice body. |
傑森,絕對是傑森 | Jason. Definitely Jason. |
祝我好運 祝你好運 | -Wish me luck! -Good luck! |
哦上帝啊! | Oh,my God! |
對不起 | Sorry. |
我在想像接到鈔票捧花的感覺 | I was imagining what it'd be like to catch the money bouquet. |
抱歉,文斯在嗎? | Excuse me. Is Vince here? |
在 | Oh,sure. |
我不曉得你們會真的滑下來 | I didn't know you guys actually used those. |
什麼事? | So what's up? |
這件事很難啟齒 | This isn't gonna be easy. |
我們還是別再見面了 | I don't think we should see each other anymore. |
很好 | Good deal. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
沒關係 | No,it's okay. |
我還以為我們之間很特別 | It's just that I thought we had something pretty special here. |
我終於找到可以傾訴的物件 | I felt like you were someone I could finally open up to. |
我還有好多事沒跟你分享 | There's so much in me I haven't shared with you yet. |
天哪,我不知道你… | My God! I didn't know you were so |
抱歉,我說不出話來了 | I'm sorry. I can't talk. |
我要去寫日記 | I'm gonna go write in my journal. |
等一下 | Wait! Wait! Wait! |
“中央公園” | |
你如果想解決那個問題 就去找我的藥草師 | If you wanna take care of that thing,go see my herbal guy. |
謝了,我是想切除 不是想做成香料 | Thanks. But I wanna remove it,not make it savory. |
女生發現情人身上長了怪東西 | When girls sleep with guys with weird things on their body... |
都會跟朋友廣播 | ...they tell their friends about it. |
拿來 | Give me that. |
別生我的氣,我就是忍不住 | Okay,don't be mad at me,but I couldn't resist. |
“新娘雜誌”? | Bride's Magazines? |
我知道你不會答應求婚 | I know you said you'd say no if he asked you... |
但是穿這套唐娜凱倫(服裝名牌)走紅毯 | ... but how great would you look walking down the aisle... |
會有多美啊 | ...in this Donna Karan? |
一定會很美 | You so would! |
不結婚也要買 | You should get that anyway. |
可以穿去俱樂部 | Well,for clubbing. |
很奇怪 | It is so weird. |
我說過不會答應 但是今天早上… | I know what I said. But this morning... |
我躺在床上 想像說“願意”的感覺 | ...I was lying in bed,imagining what it'd be like to say yes. |
我知道有點突然,也很匆促 | I know it's a little sudden,and it's rushed... |
我也不是會做這種事的人 | ...and it's not like me to do something like this. |
但我可以這麼做,對吧? | But it doesn't mean I can't. Right? |
畢竟我那麼愛彼特 | I mean,I'm crazy about Pete. |
我們追求同樣的東西 | And I know that we want the same things. |
當我想到說“願意”的感覺 | And when I thought about saying yes... |
我覺得很快樂 | ...it made me really happy. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我知道 | I know. |
我還要派 | I need more pie. |
要是你真的結婚 我可以帶兩個人去嗎? | Mon,if you do get married,can I bring two guests? |
你沒跟消防員分手? | You didn't break up with that fireman? |
我就是這個意思 | That was my way of telling you. |
原來他非常感性 | Well,it turns out he's incredibly sensitive. |
他寫日記,還畫畫 | He keeps a journal and he paints. |
他還為我畫了一幅炭筆畫 | He even showed me charcoal drawings that he drew of me. |
他比較想用水彩畫 但是手邊有很多黑炭 | He'd prefer watercolors,but he has easy access to a lot of charcoal. |
那你要甩掉傑森嗎? | So will you dump Jason? |
對,我總得跟其中一個分手 | Yeah,because I have to break up with someone. |
傑森很感性,但文斯也是 | So Jason is sensitive. But now,so is Vince. |
而文斯又有身材 | Plus,Vince has the body. You know? |
所以… | So.... |
這是算術問題 | It's really just about the math. |
請進 | Come on in. |
你在電話裡的語氣很嚴肅 | You sounded serious on the phone. |
出了什麼事嗎? | Is anything wrong? |
你一定是羅斯 | You must be Ross. |
我是薩吉大師 | I am Guru Saj. |
老實說,我沒找過大師 所以… | Listen,I gotta tell you,I've never been to a guru before,so.... |
放輕鬆 | Well,relax. |
我在中美洲念過很好的醫學院 | If it makes you feel any better,I've attended... |
這樣你比較安心了吧 | ...fine medical schools in Central America. |
來看看你的皮膚異常吧 | Well,let's take a look at this skin abnormality of yours. |
請坐 | Come on,have a seat. |
跟我想的一樣,是昆度斯 | As I suspected,it's a kundus. |
什麼是昆度斯? | What's a "kundus"? |
不曉得,對你來說是什麼? | I don't know. What's a kundus with you? |
請趴下 | Please lie down. |
我有一種藥膏可以讓它縮小 | I've got a salve that ought to shrink that right up. |
值得一試 | I guess it's worth a try. |
那當然,效果應該… | Sure. We should see results |
顯然不能這麼做 | Clearly not the way to go! |
為什麼? | What? What? |
我們似乎惹火它了 | We appear to have angered it. |
我們惹火它了? | We? We angered it? |
我看到癥結了 | I think I see the problem. |
我們得動用更有力的手段 | And I'm afraid we're gonna have to use a much stronger tool. |
愛 | Love. |
拜託 | Oh,God! |
通常這種事情是一種想脫離你身體 | Often these things are nothing more than negative energy... |
的負能量 | ...trying to escape your body. |
現在,你只有學會愛它 它才能出來,我的朋友 | Now. this is not gonna come off unless you learn to love it, my friend. |
因此讓我聽你說,你會愛上昆度斯 | So let me hear you say,you will love the kundus. |
我愛昆度斯 | l love the kundus. |
它絕對不可能脫落 | There is absolutely no way this is gonna come off... |
除非你用… | ... unless you start to.... |
怎麼了? | What was that? |
它掉下來了 | Well,it's gone. |
怎麼會? | How's that? |
被我的手錶刮掉了 | Got caught in my watch. |
燈光 | Lights. |
浪漫的燈光 | Romantic lights. |
真好 | Nice. |
我說過有事情要告訴你 | So there was this thing I wanted to talk to you about. |
對喔,我都忘了 | Oh,right. I'd completely forgot about that. |
我最近想了很多 | I've been doing a lot of thinking. |
我檢討我的人生 | And I look at my life... |
覺得我已經征服了商場 | ...and I feel like I've conquered the business world. |
我已經征服了知識界 | And I feel like I've conquered the intellectual world. |
現在又擁有世界上最美的女人 | And now I have the most beautiful woman in the world. |
但是還有一個缺憾 | But there's one thing missing. |
什麼缺憾? | What's that? |
我該征服體育界了 | It's time for me to conquer the physical world. |
我想成為… | I wanna become... |
終極格鬥冠軍 | ...the Ultimate Fighting Champion. |
你想怎樣? | You wanna what? |
我想成為終極格鬥冠軍 | I wanna be the Ultimate Fighting Champion. |
那是全世界最激烈的體能競技 | It's the most intense physical competition in the world. |
在四十九州被禁 | It's banned in 49 states. |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
我的教練保志(日本人名)正在教我… | My trainer,Hoshi,is teaching me... |
截拳道和巴西街頭搏擊 | ...Jeet Kune Do and Brazilian streetfighting. |
我還請人設計了 專用的八角訓練場 | I even had my own octagon training ring designed. |
所以你找了拳擊場(與“戒指”同字)設計師 | And I suppose you used a ring designer for that. |
我要你在最前排看我贏得勝利 | I want you there,in the front row,when I win. |
我要你近得可以聞到血腥味 | I want you close enough to smell the blood. |
你意下如何? | What do you think? |
我的父母會很高興 | My parents will be so happy. |
瘋狂的內褲,爬上我的屁股 | Crazy underwear Creeping up my butt |
瘋狂的內褲,總是一成不變 | Crazy underwear Always in a rut |
瘋狂的內褲… | Crazy underwear |
他來幹什麼? | What is he doing here? |
繼續唱 | All right,just keep playing. |
你會安全過關,不會有事 | You'll get through this. You'll be fine. |
謝謝大家 | Okay,thank you. |
依照慣例 演唱完不要跟我說話 | And as always,no one talk to me after the show. |
我剛好路過,看到你在表演 | I was passing by and saw you were playing. |
你在臺上的感覺好棒 | This is cool,seeing you up there. |
怎麼回事?他是誰? | What's going on here? Who's this guy? |
我不知道,他突然跑來親我 快捉住他 | I don't know! He just started kissing me. Get him,Vince! |
什麼? | What? |
我同時跟你們交往 | I've been dating both of you. |
這種感覺很差,因為… | And it's been really horrible,because it's been... |
實在很過癮 | ...a lot of fun for me. |
你們兩個我都喜歡 | But I like you both... |
我不知道該選誰 | ...and I didn't know how to choose. |
對不起,我很差勁 我太差勁了 | So I'm sorry. I'm terrible. I'm a terrible person. |
別這樣,沒關係 | Relax. It's okay. I mean.... |
我們又沒說只能跟彼此交往 | We never said this was exclusive. |
我們也是,你別太自責 | Neither did we. So give yourself a break. |
真的? | Really? |
我們交往的時間又不長 | We haven't been going out that long. |
甚至還沒上過床 | Come on,we haven't even slept together yet. |
你們沒有? | You haven't? |
你們有? | You have? |
這是你們的問題 | Well,this is none of my business. |
我真不敢相信 你跟他上床了? | I can't believe this! You slept with him? |
我陪你在公園吃過燭光晚餐啊 | Well,I made you a candlelight dinner in the park. |
我來替你省掉一個麻煩 | I'm gonna make this real easy for you. |
幸好沒有太難看 | That could've been really awkward. |
你陪他在公園吃燭光晚餐? | You made him a candlelight dinner in the park? |
我也可以陪你吃,我會陪你吃 | Yeah,but I can do that for you. I'm gonna do that for you. |
我居然跟一個… | I can't believe I went out with somebody... |
在林木區點火的人交往 | ...who'd have an open flame in the middle of a wooded area! |
不會有事的 | Everything's gonna be all right. |
好嗎,狄克? | Okay,Dick? |
你們好,我是薩吉大師 | Hello. I am Guru Saj. |
他是鴨子吧?否則… | He's a duck,right? Because otherwise... |
就超出我的能力範圍了 | ...this is way out of my league. |
他咳得很嚴重,獸醫治不好 | He's got a really bad cough,and our vet can't stop it. |
你有辦法嗎? | Is there something you can do? |
我看看 | Let me see. |
我看看 | Let me see. |
你能讓他吃下蝙蝠嗎? | Do you think you could get him to eat a bat? |
會不會在密蘇里州或其他某個地方 有個城鎮 | Do you think there's a town in Missouri or someplace... |
名叫“樣本”? | ...called Sample? |
當你開車去那裡 標誌上會寫著 | And as you're driving into the town,there's a sign and it says: |
“你在樣本裡” | "You're in Sample." |
你跟彼特怎樣了? 快說 | -How did it go with Pete? -Tell us. |
你們一定不會相信,我去… | You're not gonna believe this. So I go |
很抱歉 | I'm sorry. Excuse us. |
比利克裡斯托爾 羅賓威廉姆斯(影星) | Billy Crystal & Robin Willoams |
店裡有點擠,可以一起坐嗎? 挪一下 | -It's a little crowded. Do you mind? -Could you skooch? |
稍微挪一下 | Move over just a little bit. |
再挪 | IKeep on skooching. |
總之我去找他,然後… | So,guys,listen. I go over there and,you know,I'm |
為什麼?我哪裡不好? | Why? What is wrong with me? |
怎麼了? 提姆 | -What's the matter? -Tim... |
我有一種感覺 | ... I have a feeling... |
我老婆和她的婦科醫生睡覺了 | ... my wife is sleeping with her gynecologist. |
你怎麼知道? | How do you know? |
他有接近的機會 我知道 | -He's got access. -I know. |
我就是感覺得到 | It's a feeling you get. |
就像穿到別人的保齡球鞋? | Like when you're in somebody else's bowling shoes? |
沒錯 | That's the one. |
你去了彼特家 然後呢? | -So you went to Pete's. -What happened? |
我為什麼這麼倒楣? | Why is this happening to me? |
也許是我的傷口害的 | Maybe it's my wound. |
算了 | Forget it. |
你的傷還沒好? | It's not healed yet? |
它一直在滲血 | It's oozing! |
請把牛奶給我…在那邊 | Would you pass the cream? There's the cream. |
謝謝你 | Thank you very much. |
湯瑪斯,我想親口告訴你 | Tomas,this is gonna be hard,but I wanted it to come from me. |
什麼事? 是我跟你老婆睡覺 | -What is it? -I've been sleeping with your wife. |
你是她的婦科醫生? | You're the gynecologist? |
我在談私事 | I'm trying to have a private conversation. |
我要紙巾,請拿給我 | Can I have a napkin? Could you please hand me a napkin? |
拿來啦! | Just give me the thing,all right? |
夠了 | Enough! |
你不是我的朋友了 | And you are no longer my friend! |
我們完了!不再聯繫! | We are finished! Nada! No more! |
你竟然做這種事 | You are a bastard for doing that! |
離我遠一點 | Stay away from me! |
你回來 | Come back! |
你剛才要說什麼? | So what were you gonna tell us? |
我忘了 | I have no idea. |
本集播出:“終極格鬥” | The One With the Ultimate Fighting Champion |
彼特想告訴你什麼大消息? | What was the big news Pete wanted to tell you? |
我該叫你莫妮卡貝克太太嗎? | Or should I say,"Mrs. Monica Becker"? |
保留你的姓,不要冠他的姓 | Oh,keep your name. Don't take his name. |
他沒有向我求婚 | He didn't ask me to marry him. |
那絕對不要冠他的姓 | Then definitely don't take his name! |
他要參加一個什麼… | He wanted to tell me he's going to compete in some Ultimate... |
終極格鬥比賽 | ...Fighting Competition thingy. |
彼特? 那是什麼? | -Pete? -Why? What is it? |
我也不清楚,有點像摔角 | I don't know exactly. It's sort of like wrestling. |
但不用穿表演服 | But without the costumes. |
那是玩真的,非常野蠻 | And it's not fake. It's totally brutal. |
兩個人在場中廝殺 規則是…沒有規則 | It's two guys in the ring and the rules are,"There are no rules"! |
-我聽說你有一個偉大的12歲 -那是我一生中最好的一年 | -l heard you made a great 12-year-old.-lt was the best year of my life. |
可以咬人、扯別人的頭髮? | You can bite and pull people's hair and stuff? |
都可以,除了戳眼睛和魚鉤手 | Anything goes except eye-gouging and fish-hooking. |
什麼是魚鉤手? 就是… | -What's fish-hooking? -What's fish-hook |
謝了,不然還真難形容 | Thanks. That would have been hard to describe. |
什麼味道? | What is that taste? |
我的手很乾淨 我剛幫鴨子洗完澡 | My hands are totally clean. I just gave the duck a bath. |
謝謝各位的熱烈歡迎 | Thanks for the warm welcome. |
很高興有各位的加入 我要大展身手,希望你們也是 | It's good to have you guys on my team. I come to play. I hope you do too. |
去給他們好看吧,記住 | Let's go out there and get them! And remember: |
在團隊中沒有“一”個人 | There is no "I" in "team." |
但是在馬提尼(雞尾酒)會看到“兩個”,回我那裡去吧 | Yes,but there's two in "martini." So,everybody,back to my office. |
那個嬉皮笑臉的,你叫什麼? | You! Chuckles. What's your name? |
我是賓,很抱歉,我只是… | It's Bing,sir. I'm sorry. I was just.... |
我聽到你說的話了 很有趣,我喜歡 | No,no. I heard what you said. Funny. I like funny. |
我們要努力,也要有趣 | This team's about hard work,but it's also about having fun. |
很高興有你加入,賓 | Good to have you aboard,Bing! |
對,瑞德 | That's right. Ryder. |
薇諾娜瑞德要訂六個位子 | Winona Ryder for six. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
訂到位子了 | Yeah. We have the reservations. |
幹得好 | All right,buddy! Way to go! |
老兄,你幹什麼? | Dude,what are you doing? |
說得好,我上司一直拍我屁股 還一臉不在乎 | Thank you. My boss keeps slapping my butt,and acting like it's no big deal. |
那你怎麼辦? | What'd you do about it? |
沒怎麼辦,我不想當… | I didn't do anything. I didn't want to be the guy... |
對上司拍屁股有意見的人 | ...who has a problem with his boss slapping his bottom. |
我覺得當那個人無所謂 | I gotta tell you,I think it's okay to be that guy. |
也許他在學運動員 | Maybe it's that jock thing. |
足球員得分之後 都會拍來拍去 | You know,how football players pat each other after touchdowns. |
我實在不瞭解男人 | You know,I don't understand guys. |
我要稱讚莫妮卡煮的燉菜好吃 | I mean,I would never congratulate Monica on a great stew... |
也不會去抓她的胸部 | ... by,you know,grabbing her boob. |
如果真的很好吃 | I know. For a really great stew,you'd just... |
應該直接把臉埋進去 | ...stick your head in between them. |
可以吃飯了嗎? | Can we please go eat? |
要吃什麼? 不要吃燉菜就好 | -Yeah,what are we getting? -Anything but stew. |
從今以後 別讓你的上司逮到機會 | So from now on,don't give your boss a chance to get you. |
別把背部對著他 | Don't turn your back to him. |
你也可以給他一個教訓 | Or you could teach him a lesson,you know? |
你可以在屁股上塗很臭的東西 | What you do is rub something that smells really bad on your butt,right? |
他拍了你之後,手就會很臭 | Then,when he goes to smack you,his hand will smell. |
有什麼很臭的東西 可以拿來塗? | Now,what could you rub on your butt that would smell bad? |
如果喬伊是總統該怎麼辦? | What if Joey was President? |
能不能問你一件事? | Can I ask you something? |
你可以反對 | Okay,you can totally say no... |
我可以幫羅斯介紹女朋友嗎? | ...but would it be okay with you if I set Ross up on a date? |
誰? | With who? |
我的朋友邦妮 她一直覺得羅斯很可愛 | My friend Bonnie. She always thought Ross was cute... |
問我能不能牽線 | ...and she asked if I could set it up. |
如果你會在意… 邦妮是哪一個? | -But if that's not cool.... -Which one is Bonnie? |
她來參加過我的生日派對 | You remember her from my birthday party? |
體重平均 | Average height... |
身高適中,光頭… | ... medium build,bald.... |
沒關係 | That's fine. |
-真的? -羅斯和光頭女?當然可以 | -Really?-Ross and the bald girl? Absolutely. |
太棒了,很好 | Great! Okay! Good for you! All right! |
你是鐵!你是鋼! | You are iron! You are steel! |
我問你 為何我往你的電腦客服部打電話 | Let me ask you,how come when I call your computer support line... |
得等上一個半小時? | ... I have to wait an hour and a half? |
我們有加派接線員 專心訓練,好嗎? | We're adding operators all the time. Could we concentrate on my training? |
一想到有電子郵件卻收不到 我就心煩 | It's just hard when I know I have e-mail I can't get. |
親愛的 | Hi,honey. |
趴上去 | On the table. On the table,please. |
我的朋友跟我談到… | So listen,my friends were telling me a little bit about... |
終極格鬥的事 | ...this Ultimate Fighting thing. |
聽起來很危險 | It sounds really dangerous. |
我不希望你受傷 因為我蠻喜歡你的 | I don't want you to get hurt because I kind of like you. |
我也不想受傷,我很精明 | I don't want to get hurt either. I'm being smart about this. |
你看這些人 他們是世界頂尖的教練 | See these guys? They're the best trainers in the world. |
保志以前是職業殺手 | And Hoshi here used to be a paid assassin. |
粉刷工人,他以前是粉刷工人 | A house painter! He used to be a house painter! |
答應我一定要小心 我答應你 | -Promise me you'll be careful. -I promise. |
今晚照舊嗎? 那好,因為… | Are we still on for tonight? Good. Because... |
我們也可以來運動一下 | ... maybe we could have a little workout of our own. |
大賽之前不准愛愛 | No boom-boom before big fight! |
一個“愛”怎麼樣? | How about just a boom? |
真令人沮喪 剛才賣給我椒鹽脆餅的 | That was depressing. I just bought a pretzel... |
是《名揚四海》(1980年歌舞片)的演員 | ...from one of the kids from Fame. |
可以去看電影了嗎? 這是邦妮 | Ready to go to the movies? Oh,this is Bonnie! |
這是邦妮? | This is Bonnie? |
這是邦妮?你是邦妮? | This is Bonnie? You're Bonnie? |
我可以拿身份證給你看 | I can show you an l.D. if you want. |
不是,你跟上次見面差很多 | Oh,no. You look a lot different than the last time I saw you. |
是啊,我又開始戴胸罩了 | Oh,yeah. Well,I just started wearing bras again. |
一定是這個原因 | Oh,that must be it. |
祝你們玩得愉快 | Have fun tonight. |
謝了,你們也是 | Thanks. You too. |
你說她是光頭 | You said she was bald. |
以前是,現在不是 | She was bald. She's not now. |
你怎麼沒說她有長頭髮? | How could you not tell me she has hair? |
我很少提到別人有長頭髮 | I don't know. I hardly ever say that about people. |
真是太完美了 | Oh,well this is just perfect! |
對不起,你不是說沒關係? | Well,I'm sorry. I thought you said it was okay. |
因為我以為她是個光頭怪女人 | I said it was okay when I thought she was some weird bald chick. |
她滿頭都是頭髮 | That girl has got hair all over her head! |
也許羅斯不會喜歡她的個性 她的個性不好嗎? | -Maybe Ross won't like her personality. -Does she have a bad personality? |
不,邦妮最隨和了 | Oh,no,Bonnie's the best! |
賓 | Bing! |
我看過你的企劃案了 非常精彩 | Read your CompuTek proposal. Real home run. |
沒有打中,站過來 | Barely got you that time. Get over here! |
快點 | Come on. |
幹得好 | Oh,yeah! Good one. |
這次表現得很好,要保持 | That was a good one. IKeep at it,team! |
他是怎麼搞的? 怎麼搞的? | -What is with him? -"With him"? |
你是他的愛將 | You're his favorite. You're his guy! |
我們沒有被打過 | We never get smacked. |
沒這回事,他打過你一次 | That's not true. He smacked you once. |
那是巧合 他打完你之後彈到我 | Not on purpose. He ricocheted off you and got me. |
告訴你,我需要被打 | I'm telling you,I need some smacks. |
我有個小孩 要上達特茅斯學院了(著名大學) | I got a kid starting Dartmouth. |
達特茅斯?誰在上達特茅斯? 那裡爛極了 | Dartmouth? Who went to Dartmouth? Dartmouth sucks! |
你上達特茅斯? 不是 | -You go to Dartmouth? -No,sir. |
那就好 | There you go! |
那是什麼? | God,Ross! What is that? |
終極格鬥超值餐 | The Ultimate Fighting Combo. |
省30美分,還可以收藏杯子 | I saved 30 cents. Plus,I get to keep the cup. |
來自紐約州,紐約市 | From New York City,New York... |
首次參加終極格鬥冠軍賽 | ...appearing in his Ultimate Fighting Championship debut... |
他在商場上以強硬著稱 | ... he's known for his confrontational business style! |
各位先生、女士,讓我們歡迎 | Ladies and gentlemen,introducing... |
彼特貝克 | ... Pete Becker! |
彼特,我愛你 | I love you,Pete! |
他的對手來自加利福尼亞亨廷頓海灘 | And his opponent,from Huntington Beach,California... |
重達300磅的街頭搏擊好手 | ... he's a 300-pound streetfighter... |
坦克艾博特 | ...Tank Abbott! |
彼特 | Pete? |
彼特 | Pete? |
那傢伙好魁梧 你放心 | -That guy's pretty huge. -Don't worry. |
我會用他的力量反擊他 | I'll use his strength and weight against him. |
那他的麻煩大了 | Well,then that guy is in serious,serious trouble. |
打倒他,加油 | You go get him. Let's go! |
兩位,來吧 | Here we go,gentlemen. |
準備好了嗎? | Are you ready? |
準備好了嗎?開戰吧 | Are you ready? Then let's get it on! |
是我 | It's me. |
莫妮卡 | Monica. |
還能是誰? | Who else would it be? |
剛才,你剛下場時,你叫我弗蘭 | Earlier, when you were coming to,you called me Fran. |
我真的很以你為榮 | Can I just tell you how proud I am of you? |
你真好,剛才有兩萬人罵我遜 | It would be nice after hearing 20,000 people chant,"You suck!" |
我原本覺得你瘋了 | I thought you were nuts at first... |
但是你做到了 | ... but you did it. |
現在你可以了無遺憾了 | Now you can just look back at this with no regrets. |
了無遺憾? | Look back? |
你不是還要打吧? | You're not gonna keep going? |
我問你一件事 我是終極格鬥冠軍嗎? | Let me ask you a question: Am I the Ultimate Fighting Champion? |
不是,但是… | Well,no. But |
不當上冠軍,我絕不甘休 | I'm not gonna stop until I'm the Ultimate Fighting Champion. |
那傢伙踩著你的脖子 把你踩昏 | That guy stood on your neck until you passed out. |
我告訴你一個故事 | Let me tell you a story. |
我著手研發的摩斯865 你以為是一夕成功? | When I set out to create MOSS 865,do you think it happened overnight? |
不是,摩斯一代 燒毀我爸的車庫 | No. There was MOSS 1 that burned down my dad's garage. |
摩斯二代只能排一月份的行程表 | There was MOSS 2 that would only schedule appointments in January. |
此外還有862次的失敗經驗 | And 862 others that I learned from. |
我從這場比賽就學到 絕不能讓對手踩我的脖子 | Just like I learned from this fight,never to let a guy stand on my neck. |
你之前不知道? | You didn't know that already? |
我會越來越強 | Look,I'm gonna get better. |
好嗎?我保證 | Okay? I promise you. |
要強很多 | Just get a lot better. |
而且要快 | Fast. |
還有一件事 | One other thing. |
保志認為你在場邊 會影響我的注意力 | Hoshi thinks you being ringside may have affected my concentration. |
對,原因就在這裡 | That was the problem. |
彼特的比賽幾點開始? 還有五分鐘 | -How long until Pete's fight? -About five minutes. |
他們在訪問他的對手 | They're interviewing his opponent. |
他的訓練方式是 去伊朗拔斷小偷的手臂 | Apparently,he trains by going to lran and pulling the arms off thieves. |
熱狗? 四根 | -Hot dog? -Four,please. |
我很緊張 | I'm really nervous. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
你跟邦妮怎麼樣? | So how did it go with Bonnie? |
我一定要說 我沒想到我會喜歡她 | Oh,I gotta tell you,I wasn't expecting to like her at all. |
我目前根本沒打算要喜歡別人 | I actually wasn't expecting to like anyone right now. |
但她真的很棒 | But she's really terrific. |
真糟糕 | It's too bad. |
我是說我喜歡她 | No,I'm saying I liked her. |
海裡面還有其他的魚 | There are other fish in the sea. |
我覺得她很棒,我們要再見面 | I think she's great,okay? We're going out again. |
我聽到了 你可以談點別的嗎? | I hear you. Are you capable of talking about anything else? |
我的火雞漢堡在哪裡? | Which one's my turkey burger? |
在我腳邊…抱歉 | The one next to my foot. Sorry. |
比賽開始了 馬上進去 | -Fight's starting! -We'll be right in. |
你的上司今天又打你了嗎? | So did your boss try to slap you again today? |
九次 | Nine times. |
害我得擦潤膚乳液 | I had to put on lotion. |
不過沒關係 我明天要做個實驗 | But it'll be okay. Tomorrow,I conduct an experiment. |
要是順利,我的屁股就得救了 | And if all goes as planned,my butt will be smack-free. |
比賽結束 | Fight's over! |
道格? | Excuse me,Doug? |
超級運動迷! | Hey there,sports fan! |
賓,數據做好了嗎? | Bing! You got those numbers for me? |
沒有,我沒做 | No. I didn't do them. |
你忘了? | You forgot? |
不是,我就是沒做 | No,I just didn't do them. |
我跟朋友出去,喝了兩杯 | Instead,I hung out with some friends and had a couple of beers. |
所以我不值得表揚 不管是言語上… | So I certainly don't deserve praise. Verbal... |
或其他方式 | ...or otherwise. |
我昨晚也醉了 危險的酒醉駕車 | I got tanked myself last night. Pretty dicey drive home. |
塔潘澤橋看上去從沒這麼小過 | Tappan Zee Bridge never looked smaller. |
沒關係,你還是我的 頭號愛將,賓! | That's okay. You're still my number-one guy! Bing! |
道格 | Doug! |
我對你的表達方式有點不習慣 | I'm a little bit uncomfortable with the way that you express yourself. |
你是說我經常罵髒話? | Is it the swearing? Is it the constant swearing? |
如果是的話 你可以親我的屁股 | Because I gotta tell you,if it is,you can just kiss my ass! |
不是罵髒話的事,而是… | It's not about the swearing. It's more about... |
你偶爾會… | ...the way that you occasionally... |
把注意力集中在… | ...concentrate your enthusiasm... |
我的屁股上 | ...on my buttocks. |
別誤會,我瞭解你的用意 | Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the sentiment. |
只不過我的臀部很敏感 | It's just that I have a rather sensitive posterior. |
而且別人都在嫉妒 | And besides,it's making all the other guys jealous. |
別再說了,你確實很有勇氣 | Well,say no more. You know,it takes guts to bring this up. |
賓,很好 | Bing,you're okay. |
你要住在滿身大汗的 巨人的上衣口袋 | Would you rather live in the shirt pocket of a sweaty giant... |
還是他的排水管裡? | ...or inside his shower drain? |
天哪 | Oh,my God. |
你看,是羅斯和那個女的 | Look. It's Ross and that girl. |
你看,有一排螞蟻 他們在同心協力 | Look at that! It's a line of ants! They're working as a team! |
他們啊 羅斯好像要跟她分手了 | Right. Oh,yeah. It looks like Ross is breaking up with her. |
希望他不要太狠 | I hope he lets her down easy. |
你看,他們沒有要分手 | Look at that! They are not breaking up! Look at them! |
那只是第二次的約會 | You know what that is? A second date,that's what that is. |
你看,她把手放到他的大腿上 | Look,she just put her hand on his thigh. |
小意思,她在性方面很主動 | That's nothing. She's very sexually aggressive. |
天哪 | Oh,God! |
都是你不好,他愛上她了 他會娶她,都是你的錯 | It's your fault. Now he loves her. He'll marry her. It's all your fault. |
你自己說沒關係 | You said it was okay. |
你說她是光頭 | You said she was bald! |
以前!以前… | Was! Was,was,was! |
我們得想個辦法 我們得拆散他們 | We can't let it happen. We have to do something. We have to break them up. |
進去幫她剃光頭 你欠我一個光頭女 | Just go in there and shave her head! You owe me one bald girl! |
好,首先,深呼吸 | Okay,first of all,breathe. |
再者,我實在不懂 | Second of all,I don't get it. |
不是你決定要跟羅斯分手的? | Aren't you the one that decided you didn't want to be with Ross? |
他不是你的朋友嗎? 你不希望他快樂嗎? | Well,isn't he your friend? Don't you want him to be happy? |
所以? | So? |
但是我沒想到會這麼快 | It's just,you know,I didn't expect him to be this happy so soon. |
完了 怎樣? | -Oh,no. -What? |
它們被我們坐死了 | We killed them all! |
沒這麼嚴重,這是以防萬一 | It's not as bad as it looks. It's a precaution. |
我的脊椎骨不能動 | I'm not supposed to move my spine. |
你要放棄了吧? | Please tell me you're stopping now. |
我沒事,今晚要我上場都行 | I'm fine. I'd fight tonight if they'd let me. |
你看這個圓 | Now,see this circle I'm marking off here? |
這是我的“恐怖區” | This is my Zone of Terror. |
你瘋了,你一定要放棄 | You are insane! You've got to give this up! |
除非我拿到格鬥冠軍 | I can't until I'm the Ultimate Fighter. |
我會成功的 | I will do it. |
總有一天 小朋友會爭辯我和超人… | The day will come when children will argue over who will win a fight... |
誰會打贏 | ...me or Superman. |
我贏不過超人 不過小孩子都很笨 | Not that I could beat Superman,but kids are stupid. |
你先坐下 | Just sit down. |
聽我說 | Please listen to me. |
你打得很爛,你是史上 最爛的終極格鬥手 | You are terrible at this,okay? You are the worst Ultimate Fighter ever. |
最爛的 | Ever! |
我的肌腱套破裂 右前臂有輕微骨折 | I have a torn rotator cuff,a hairline fracture in my right forearm... |
喉結嚴重瘀傷 但你的話最傷人 | ...and a severely bruised Adam's apple,but that really hurt. |
那麼你知道嗎? | Well,then,you know what? |
我沒辦法看你這樣傷害自己 | I care about you too much to watch you hurt yourself like this. |
要是你非打不可 你就必須失去我 | So if you have to do this,you'll have to do it without me. |
如果你要我放棄 | If you're asking me to quit... |
就是要我違背本性 | ...then you're asking me to be someone I'm not. |
我非打不可 | I've got to do this. |
那我要走了 | Then I've gotta go. |
再見 | Bye. |
你可以留張字條嗎? 我服了止痛藥 | Could you leave a note? I'm on painkillers... |
明天可能會不記得這件事 | ...and I might not remember this tomorrow. |
總而言之,曲線節節上升 我很滿意 | So,in conclusion,the lines all go up,so I'm happy. |
幹得好,明天八點半見 | Great job,team! Tomorrow at 8:30. |
菲爾,幹得好 史蒂芬,漂亮 | Phil,nice job! Stevens,way to go! |
戈博,你這個瘋子 | Goldberg,you maniac! |
我愛你 | I love you! |
賓,沒有你可不行 謝謝 | -Couldn't have done it without you. -Thank you,sir. |
抱歉 | Oh,excuse me. |
我忘了拿公事包,不小心的 | I forgot my briefcase,you know,by accident. |
當然是不小心的 你還忘了一件事 | Of course,you did. Forgot something else too,you bastard! |
你呢? | Well,what about you? |
不會覺得被冷落了吧? | You're not feeling left out,are you? |
一點也不會,開什麼玩笑 | No,not at all. That's ridiculous. |
大家都有 你也想來一下,對吧? | Everybody else got one,and you want one too. Don't you? |
沒錯 | Yes,I do. |
給我滾吧,你 | Now,get on out of here,you! |
彼特貝克繞著格鬥場 | Pete Becker circles the ring. |
似乎想弄清楚自己的情勢 | Looks like he's just trying to feel him out. |
彪形大漢進攻了 | Bruiser is charging! |
快逃啊,你這個瘋狂的有錢怪人 | Run,you crazy,rich freak! |
我不敢看 | I can't watch this. |
你看,彼特要贏了 | Check it out! Pete's winning! |
真的?-沒有! | Really?-No! |
彪形大漢把貝克打倒在地 向他最喜歡的部位進攻 | Bruiser has Becker on the canvas and is going for his favorite area! |
既然是最喜歡的部位 為何要下這種毒手? | Wait! If that's his favorite area,why is he being so mean to it? |
真是諷刺 | This is ironic. |
你的前任男友理查不想生小孩 | Your last boyfriend,Richard,didn't want to have kids. |
現在看情況,彼特是不能生 | And from the looks of it,now Pete can't. |
你的第一次是跟女人做? | So your first sexual experience was with a woman? |
我那年15歲 跟最好的朋友露絲在一起 | I was 15. It was my best friend,Ruth. |
蘋果酒太烈,我們醉了 | And we got drunk on that hard cider. |
一不注意,我們已經在親熱了 | And then suddenly,we were making out. |
再說一次 | Tell it again. |
我是認真的 | Seriously. |
那個女人就只會聊性愛嗎? | Can that woman talk about anything else but sex? |
不會啊,她剛才在聊地理 | Yeah,sure. Earlier she was talking about geography. |
她在列舉她做過愛的國家 | She was listing the countries she's done it in. |
大家都學到了一些東西 | I think we all learned something. |
各位,看我找到什麼 | Hey,you guys! Look what I found! |
那是我媽的筆跡,看 | That's my mom's writing. Look. |
“我、弗蘭克與菲比 1965年畢業典禮” | "Me and Frank and Phoebe,graduation,1965." |
知道其中的含意嗎? 你已經50歲了? | -Do you know what that means? -That you're actually 50? |
那個菲比不是我,是她的朋友 | That's not "me" Phoebe. That's her pal,Phoebe. |
畢業紀念冊上說她們是BFF | According to her yearbook,they were BFF. |
永遠的莫逆之交 | Best Friends Forever. |
太棒了 | That's great! |
我知道,她八成知道 我父母的事情 | I know! She probably has all kinds of stories about my parents. |
甚至知道我爸的下落 | She might know where my dad is. |
我找過了,她住在海邊 | I looked her up. She lives by the beach. |
我們這個週末可以去海邊 | Maybe this weekend we can go there. |
討厭,我得工作 太可惜了 | -Shoot,I can't go. I have to work. -That's too bad. |
真是掃興 | Big fat bummer. |
那我們明天開車去莫陶克 | So tomorrow we'll drive out to Montauk. |
邦妮在那裡做過 | Hey,Bonnie had sex there! |
本集播出:“在海邊” | The One At the Beach |
喬伊馬上下來,他在找他的面罩 | Joey will be right down.He's looking for his mask. |
-游泳面罩? -不,他的猩猩面具 | -A swim mask?-No, his gorilla mask. |
他戴著那個在海裡嚇唬魚 | He wears it in the ocean to scare off the fish. |
你看他們 | Would you look at them? |
我再也交不到男朋友了 | I'm never gonna find a boyfriend again. |
我會變成老姑婆 | I'm gonna die an old maid. |
你不會變成老姑婆 | You're not gonna die an old maid. |
可能會變成老廚娘 | Maybe an old spinster cook. |
謝了 如果萬不得已 | -Thanks. -Besides,worse comes to worse... |
我會當你的男朋友 | ... I'll be your boyfriend. |
是啊 | Yeah,right. |
有什麼好笑的? | Why is that so funny? |
你是在開玩笑吧? | You made a joke,right? |
所以我笑了 | So I laughed. |
笑得太厲害了吧 | A little too hard. |
我不適合當男朋友嗎? | Am I not boyfriend material? |
你是錢德 | You're Chandler. |
你知道嘛,錢德 | You know. Chandler! |
我們確認了我的名字 還打了我一拳 | Okay,so we've established my name,and hit me. |
如果我們不是朋友 如果是個盲目的約會 | But say we weren't friends. Say it's a blind date. |
我來到你家門口,說 嗨,很高興認識你 | I show up at your door and I'm,like,"Hey,nice to meet you." |
我會害怕用假嗓子說話的人 | I'd probably be scared of a guy using a fake voice. |
真好,你買了吃的 | Oh,good. You bought food. |
不是,這是我的行李 | No,just my luggage. |
我這個星期有最好的運氣 | I am having the best karma this week. |
我找到認識我父母的人 | I find this woman who knew my parents... |
我的客人又把海灘小屋借給我 | ...and then my client gives me his beach house. |
被你打的自行車快遞員呢? | What about that bike messenger you hit? |
我不是在說他的運氣 | Oh,I wasn't talking about his karma. |
看看這頂帽子 | Hey,check out the hat! |
慢著,我認得那頂帽子 | Wait a minute,I know that hat. |
我被戴上那頂帽子 | I was taken aboard that hat. |
它們對我做實驗 | They did experiments on me. |
我不能生育了 | I can't have children! |
說真的,那是哪來的? | Seriously,where did you get the hat? |
羅斯送的 | Ross gave it to me. |
我覺得她戴起來很好看 | I think she looks good. |
是他買給你的 | Did he buy it for you... |
還是為你贏來的? | ...or win it for you? |
很抱歉,這位時尚白癡 | Excuse me,my fashion-impaired friends... |
帽子又流行回來了 | ... I'm here to tell you hats are back. |
這一回它們聚集成 一頂超級大帽子 | And this time,they've ganged up and formed one giant super-hat. |
快快快 | Go,go,go! |
現在你們又想躲到帽子底下 | Now everybody wants to be under the hat! |
怎麼這麼多沙子? | What's with all this sand? |
鮑伯說可能淹過水 | Bob said there might be flood damage. |
不然就是他有一隻很大的貓 | Either that or he has a really big cat. |
你們知道這讓我想起了什麼嗎? | You know what this reminds me of? |
我為什麼不能做你男朋友? | Why couldn't l be your boyfriend? |
你還在想那件事? | Are you still on that? |
-你能不能不要談這個了? -謝謝喬伊 | -Would you let it go already?-Thank you, Joey. |
但是你會跟我約會的,對吧 | But you'd go out with me, right? |
不,情況跟錢德一樣,我們是朋友 | No. lt's the same as with Chandler.We're friends. |
讓我們假設我們是這個星球上最後的兩個人類 | Let's say that we were the last two guys on the planet... |
並且有一把槍對著你的腦袋,你選哪一個? | ...and you had a gun to your head.Which one would you pick? |
你們哪個拿著槍對著我的腦袋? | Which one of you has the gun to my head? |
這個房子不太一樣 | It's kind of an unusual house. |
有三個漂亮的臥房,沒有浴室 | It has three beautiful bedrooms and no baths. |
但是大海就在旁邊 | But,you know,the ocean is right there. |
有人在嗎? | IKnock,knock,knock. |
請等一下…請進 | Hang on. Come in,come in. |
你考慮完再打給我 | Think about it and call me back. |
你是菲比艾博特嗎? | Are you Phoebe Abbott? |
吃驚嗎,菲比!我是你的最好的朋友的女兒 | Surprise,Phoebe Abbott! I'm your best friend's daughter! |
你是爾文的女兒? | You're lrwin's daughter? |
是以前的最好的朋友,你看 | I mean your old best friend. Here. |
高中的莉莉,記得嗎? 天哪,莉莉 | -Lily? From high school? Remember? -Oh,God,Lily. Yes. |
我當然記得莉莉 | Of course I remember Lily. |
那你一定是… | Then you must be |
菲比 菲比 | Phoebe,Phoebe. |
應該是取自你的名字 | She named me after you,I guess. |
看,是弗蘭克 | Wow. Well. Look,there's Frank! |
對!沒錯! | Yeah! Yes! Yes,yes! |
那是我爸爸弗蘭克 | That's my dad. That's Frank! |
抱歉我這麼激動 | I'm sorry I'm getting all flingy. |
別激動,那裡有餅乾 | Take it easy. If you want,there's cookies. |
或者桑格裡厄汽酒!我去準備桑格裡厄汽酒 | Or sangria! I could make sangria! |
不用,餅乾就行了,謝謝 | Sorry. Cookies are good,thanks. |
總之,我一直在找我爸 | Anyway,I've been looking for my father. |
你有他的消息或見過他嗎? 沒有,對不起 | -Have you heard from him or seen him? -Oh,no,I'm sorry. |
我畢了業就跟大家失去聯絡 | I lost track of everybody after high school. |
那就把我父母的事都告訴我,全部的 | Well,so tell me everything about my parents. Everything. |
你也知道,我們總是形影不離 | Oh,well,you know,we were always together. |
其他人幫我們取了個綽號 什麼綽號? | -The other kids had a nickname for us. -What was it? |
三個失敗者 | The Three Losers. |
可憐的莉莉 | Oh,poor Lily. |
我聽說她的事了 你一定非常難過 | I heard what happened. That must have been just terrible for you... |
就這樣失去母親 | ...Iosing your mother that way. |
不會啊,很棒 | Yeah,no,it was great. |
知道下雨天玩什麼最好? | You know what a really good rainy-day game is? |
我指的是裸體遊戲 | I mean,naked game. |
我們應該來玩脫衣撲克牌 | We should play strip poker. |
你瘋了嗎? | Are you crazy? |
拜託,出門一定要玩這個 這是一種規定 | Come on. When you go away,you have to play. It's,like,a law. |
那不是規定 | Well, it's not a law. |
只要它還是屬於那個納稅改革議案,它就永遠都不是 | As long as it stays attached to that tax reform bill, it never will be! |
好了 謝謝 | -All done. -Thank you. |
下一個是誰? | Okay. Who's next? |
不行 | No way! |
拜託啦,我好無聊 你讓我塗過一次 | Come on,please. I'm bored. You let me do it once before. |
如果這是本週末的規定… | Well,if that's the rule this weekend.... |
走開 大方一點,來 | -Get away. -Take it like a man. Come on! |
大壞人 | Big bullies! |
怎麼樣啊? | How are we doing? |
無聊和無聊 | Bored and bored. |
玩脫衣撲克牌最不無聊 | You know what naked card game's never boring? |
菲比是什麼樣的人? | So what's Phoebe like? |
我心腸好又體帖,莫妮卡呢? | I'm kind,caring and sweet. What's Monica like? |
我是說你去找的那個菲比 | No,the other Phoebe. The one you went to see? |
我覺得她知道我爸的下落 | I think she knows where my dad is! |
太好了 | Cool! |
他在哪裡? | Where is he? |
她假裝沒有他的消息 | She was pretending she hasn't heard from him... |
但是我發現這張照片 | ...but I found this picture. |
他現在不就應該長這樣? | Isn't this what he would look like now? |
很像 | Totally familiar. |
她為什麼要騙你? | Why would she lie to you? |
我們明天要吃晚飯 也許她到時會告訴我 | We're having dinner tomorrow. Maybe she'll tell me then. |
也許她想給他一點時間… | Maybe she just wanted to give him time... |
幫我買禮物 | ...to buy me presents. I don't know. |
你們都很無聊? | So you're all bored? |
我閉上眼睛隨便指 被指到的人 | I'll close my eyes and point to someone. Whoever it is... |
要想一件好玩的事 大家就一定要做 | ... has to think of something fun to do. And we have to do it. |
好,散開來 | Okay! Fan out! Fan out! |
知道嗎,我們也可以玩這個 | You know,we could just do this! |
我們要玩脫衣撲克牌 | We all have to play strip poker? |
為什麼,突然,你想玩脫衣撲克牌? | Why, all of a sudden,do you wanna play strip poker? |
我想是因為瑪格麗特(雞尾酒) 三杯、四杯和九杯 | l think because of margaritas three, four and nine. |
脫衣歡樂時光遊戲?(改編自同名電視劇的大富翁遊戲) | Strip Happy Days Game? |
我找不到撲克牌 不然就隨便脫著玩 | I couldn't find cards,so it was this or Strip Bag-Of-Old-Knitting-Stuff. |
好 | Done. |
“方奇(《歡樂時光》的主角)給了你兩個手指,你得到兩分” | "Fonzie gives you two thumbs up. Collect two cool points." |
累積到五分 就可以叫別人脫一件衣服 | Get five points,you get to make someone take off one item of clothing. |
還沒人脫,但是我們很興奮 | It hasn't happened yet,but we're very excited. |
來吧 | Okay,come on. |
我要為史前辯論 贏一台電子顯微鏡 | Daddy needs a new electromagnetic microscope for Prehistoric Forensics. |
“帶粉紅托斯卡羅(《歡樂時光》的角色)到機會點” | "Take Pinky Tuscadero up to lnspiration Point. |
“你得到三分”,漂亮! | Collect three cool points." Yeah! |
我有五分了 | Which gives me five. |
我看看,誰要脫衣服啊? | And let's see,who is gonna lose their clothes? |
我選本遊戲的發起者 喬伊崔比亞尼先生 | I think I pick our strip poker sponsor,Mr. Joey Tribbiani. |
放激動,只是一隻鞋 | All right,relax. It's just a shoe. |
“你的樂隊在阿諾德表演 你得到三分” | "Your band is playing at Arnold's. Collect three cool points." |
所以我有五分 喬伊要脫四角褲了 | Which means I have five and that means I get Joey's boxers. |
好,來對付我啊 | Fine. Gang up on me. |
我會讓你們脫得很難看 | I got you all,right where I want you. |
快脫 | Come on! Take them off! |
其實有點冷 | Actually,it's kind of cold. |
我能不能不要脫 讓你們瞄一眼就好? | What if I keep them on and give you a peek at the good stuff? |
我再去調瑪格麗特 | I'm gonna make more margaritas. |
你幹什麼?想把我灌醉? | What are you doing? Trying to get me drunk? |
我只是要調瑪格麗特 | I'm just making margaritas. |
我去幫忙 | Think I'll help her out. |
這是怎麼回事? | What is going on here? |
什麼? | What? |
你塗他的腳指甲,追著他跑 | You're painting his toenails. Chasing him around the room. |
莫妮卡,拜託 | Monica,please. |
他也跟你打情罵俏 | He's totally flirting with you too. |
沒錯吧? | He is,isn't he? |
不曉得,也許是因為來到海邊 | I don't know. Maybe it's just being here at the beach together... |
感覺上… | ... but it's like something |
邦妮 | Hi,Bonnie. |
老闆提早放人 我就搭火車來了 | My boss let me off early,so I took the train. |
你們在幹什麼? | What are you guys doing? |
玩脫衣歡樂時光遊戲 | We're playing Strip Happy Days Game. |
酷,我來趕進度 | Cool! I'll catch up! |
你還是不覺得我… | So you still don't think... |
適合當男朋友? | ...I'm boyfriend material? |
昨晚我發現你在打量我 | I saw you checking me out during the game last night. |
你連褲子都沒脫 | You didn't even take off your pants. |
算你走運 | Lucky for you. |
什麼? 我不曉得 | -What? -I don't know. |
大家都開心嗎? | Well,is everybody else having just the best time? |
喬伊睡著了 | Joey's asleep. |
他睡過去 我們用沙子幫他保暖 | He passed out. We put sand around him to keep him warm. |
那對快樂的情侶還沒起床吧? | Well,I assume the happy couple isn't up yet? |
你們昨晚有聽到嗎? | Did you guys hear them last night? |
我不知道他們在幹什麼 但是海龜一度爬進屋裡來 | I don't know what they were doing,but sea turtles came up to the house. |
早安 | Good morning. |
睡得好嗎? 很好 | -How'd you sleep? -Great. |
跟木頭一樣 | Like a log. |
我們也是 | Us too. |
我要去散步 | I'm going for a walk. |
早安,好豐滿的胸部 | Good morning. Nice breasts by the way. |
你怎麼沒來? | Hey,what happened to you? |
沒什麼,我想在這裡看書 | Oh,nothing. I just felt like hanging out and reading. |
海水好舒服,我們跳下橋墩 我的泳衣掉了 | The water was so great. We jumped off this pier and my suit came off. |
可惜我錯過了 | Sorry I missed that. |
喬伊和錢德好有意思 | Joey and Chandler sure are funny. |
我的頭髮裡都是沙子 | I brought back half the beach in my hair. |
以前光頭方便多了 | It was easier when I shaved my head. |
我一定要告訴你 | You know,I gotta tell you... |
我好喜歡你光頭的樣子 | ...I just loved your look when you were bald. |
真的? | Really? |
我有考慮重新剃光頭 | I think about shaving it again sometimes. |
真的? | Really? |
你應該那樣做 | You definitely should do that. |
我是該那樣做 | You know what? I should do it! |
謝謝你,你好酷 | You know what? Thank you. You are so cool. |
別這麼說 | Oh,stop. Go on. |
去剃光頭吧 好 | -Now go shave that head. -All right. |
-我記得我以前問過你這個問題 -一百次了 | -l know l've asked you this before.-A hundred times before! |
-我怎麼不適合你? -我不知道 | -How am l not right for you?-l don't know. |
我喜歡像理查的男生 | l like guys like Richard. |
或者彼特,在他瘋之前 | Or Pete,before he went insane. |
我不知道,是更成熟的人吧 | l don't know.Just somebody more mature. |
所以我是對你來說不夠成熟? | So l'm not mature enough for you? |
莫妮卡需要更成熟的人 | Monica needs somebody more mature. |
怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
她取消了,我同名的人取消了約會 | She canceled. My namesake canceled on me. |
她說她得進城去,她在躲我 | She claims she had to go out of town. She's avoiding me. |
她不想說出我爸的下落 她知道卻不說 | She doesn't want to tell me where my father is. She knows! |
菲比好差勁喔 | Pheebs,that sucks. |
別跟我說差勁 | Well,don't "Pheebs,that sucks" me yet. |
你要去哪裡? 她出門了 | -Where are you going? -She's out of town. |
她家裡一定有我爸的線索 | Something in her house will tell me where he is. |
有人稱這種行為是擅闖 | Some people call that "breaking and entering." |
這裡有人這麼想嗎? | Well,are any of those people here? |
我會做一些好事 | Look,I'll do something nice,okay? |
我會幫她把制冰盒加水,好嗎? | I'll fill her ice trays. Good? |
嘿,各位 | Hey,everybody! |
看看你幹了什麼 | Look what you did! |
你想摸嗎? | You wanna touch it? |
不想,但是很不錯 | No,but it's great. |
來嘛,摸嘛 | Come on,touch it. |
可以摸得到頭骨 | You can feel all the bones in your skull. |
我剛和邦妮聊了一下 你猜怎樣? | I was having a little chat with Bonnie,and guess what? |
她提到整件事的幕後主使 | She brought up who was behind the head-shaving idea. |
是誰呢? 對了,就是你 | And now,who was it? Oh,that's right. It was you! |
是她自己想剃 | That was her idea. |
我只是給了她建議 | I just gave her a nudge. |
她說你拿剃刀給她 | She said you gave her the razor. |
有人要去夜泳嗎? | So anyone up for a midnight dip? |
我不要 不了 | -No,I'm good. -No,thanks. |
待會見 好好玩 | -Okay,I'll see you in a bit. -Okay,have fun. |
拜託,看到了嗎,她看起來也沒那麼糟嘛 | Come on,see? She doesn't look that bad. |
你能看到她的頭反射的月光 | You can see the moonlight bouncing off her head! |
你在想什麼? | What were you thinking? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
你讓我女朋友變成光頭 | You balded my girlfriend! |
好啦 | All right. |
看你跟別人在一起 難道我就好過? | Do you think it's easy for me to see you with somebody else? |
是你要分手的 | You're the one who ended it! |
因為我很氣你 不是因為我不愛你了 | Because I was mad at you! Not because I stopped loving you! |
你還愛我? | You still love me? |
你還愛我 | You still love me. |
怎樣? | Yeah,so? |
你也愛我 | You love me. |
什麼意思? | What does this mean? |
你想複合嗎? | I mean,do you want to get back together? |
不是!也許吧 | No! Maybe! |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
我還是無法原諒你的行為 | I still can't forgive you for what you did. |
但是有時和你在一起 我會覺得… | But sometimes when I'm with you,I just feel so.... |
怎樣? | What? |
我會覺得… | I just feel.... |
我… 怎樣? | -I just -What? |
我覺得… | I feel |
我不管 | No! I don't care! |
我不要跟你練習一對一脫衣撲克牌 | I'm not playing one-on-one strip poker with you for practice! |
牌都做好了 | But I made cards! |
晚安 | Good night. |
我要上樓去了 | I'm going upstairs. |
晚安 晚安 | -Good night. -Good night. |
要不要練習脫衣撲克牌? | Wanna play strip poker for practice? |
我的屁股 | My ass! |
是我! | Oh,it's me! It's me! |
我不想發出聲音。-那就不要闖進來 | -I didn't wanna make any noise! -Then don't break in! |
對不起。-你來幹什麼? | -I'm sorry! -What are you doing here? |
我來幫制冰盒加水 | I came to fill your ice cube tray. |
什麼? | What? |
好,是這樣的 | Okay,look. |
這是從你的冰箱上拿的 我認得這是我爸爸 | I took this picture from your fridge. I know that this is my father. |
這是弗蘭克布菲 你站在他身邊 | This is Frank Buffay,and you were standing next to him! |
我有權利知道我的身世 | I deserve to know where I came from. |
要是你能幫我找到爸爸 你就應該幫我 | So if you can help me find my father,then you should. |
否則你就是壞人 | Otherwise,you're just mean. |
把真相告訴我 | So just tell me the truth. |
好 | All right. |
照片上的人是查克曼吉歐尼(著名爵士樂手) | The man in that picture is Chuck Mangione. |
我爸是查克曼吉歐尼? | My father is Chuck Mangione? |
他跟你沒有關係 | That's just Chuck Mangione. |
我去年賣給他一棟房子 | I sold him a house last year. |
抱歉,我真的不曉得 你父親的下落 | And I'm very sorry,but I really don't know where your father is. |
這是實話 | And that's the truth. |
但是你說得對 | But you're right. |
人有權利知道自己的身世 | I think a person should know where they come from. |
所以我… | Which is why l.... |
我是你的母親 | I'm your mother. |
我昨天就想說,但是我… | I wanted to tell you yesterday,but I just... |
我太軟弱 | ...felt all floopy,and.... |
你們肯定要複合了 | You guys are getting back together. |
她自己都搞不清楚 | She doesn't even know what she wants. |
瑞秋還在氣那件事 | Rachel's still mad at me. |
那就退出 你不需要受這種傷害 | Then you gotta back away. You don't need that kind of hurt. |
聽我的話,我… | Take it from a guy who's... |
從來沒跟別人長期交往過 | ... never had a long-term relationship. |
我知道,但我真的 很想上樓繼續吻她 | I know,but I really want to go up there and finish that kiss. |
水好舒服,你們應該去游泳 | The water is great. You should go in. |
謝了,我剛吃了M&M牌巧克力 | No,thanks. I just had an M&M. |
晚安 | Well,good night. |
晚安 | Good night. |
早點上來 | Don't be too long. |
沒問題 | Okey-dokey. |
真是一根毛都沒有啊 | There is not one hair on that head. |
頭髮會長回來 而且她很風趣,很棒 | It'll grow back,right? And she's really fun,and she's cool. |
我終於往前走了 | And I'm finally moving on. |
要忘掉瑞秋實在… | Getting over Rachel was so |
我終於恢復理智,要是我上樓 | I'm finally feeling sane. And if I go up there... |
吻了她… | ...and I kiss her.... |
天哪,我好想吻她 | God,I want to kiss her! |
要是失敗呢? 我真的想再心碎一次嗎? | And it doesn't work out. Do I wanna put myself through that again? |
我想問一下 | Let me get this straight. |
選擇邦妮是明智的決定 可以拋開過去 | If you go with Bonnie,you do the smart,healthy thing and move on. |
對吧?要是選擇瑞秋 邦妮今晚是不是就空下來了? | Right? And if you go with Rachel,Bonnie's free tonight? |
你好 | Hi there. |
你的聲音又怪怪的了 | That's that weird voice again. |
再試一次 | Let me try it again. |
你會跟下一個人約會的,我發誓 | You'll wanna date this next guy,I swear! |
我現在只能用這個聲音了 | l can only do it with the voice now. |
好吧好吧,關上門 | Okay, okay.Close the door! |
你好,我是小矮人 | Hi,I'm Dorf! |
你今晚的男伴 | Your date for the evening. |
拜託,小矮人約會耶 多有意思啊 | Oh,come on. Dorf on dating? That's good stuff! |
我們跑去海邊 因為菲比找到一個女人 | Phoebe found out about this lady... |
她認識她的父母 然後我就不知道了 | ...who knew her parents,and I don't know what happened. |
我是你的母親 | I'm your mother. |
莫妮卡開玩笑說 她不會跟錢德這種人約會 | Monica joked she wouldn't date Chandler. |
他一直很在意 然後我也不知道了 | I don't know what happened there either. |
羅斯的新女朋友邦妮跑來 | Ross' new girlfriend shows up. |
瑞秋說服她理了個大光頭 然後羅斯和瑞秋接吻了 | Rachel gets Bonnie to shave her head. Then they kiss. |
現在他得在瑞秋 和光頭女之間二選一 | Now he has to choose Rachel or the bald girl. |
然後我還是不知道 | I don't know what happened there either. |
等一下,我去找錢德來 | Hold on. Let me go get Chandler. |
她在幫我搽藥,我的頭曬傷了 | She's helping me. My head's sunburned. |
百萬份感激 百萬份不用客氣 | -Thanks a million. -You're welcome a million. |
你聞 | Smell it. |
薄荷味的 | Minty. |
我先回房去 | I'll be in our room. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我知道 | I know. |
好,我走了 | I got to go. |
什麼?為什麼? | Why?Why? |
我得跟邦妮分手 | I got to go break up with Bonnie. |
在這裡?現在? | Here? Now? |
我不能整晚留在這裡 | I can't stay here all night. |
要是我回房,她會想… | If I go in there,she'll want to... |
辦事的 | ...do stuff. |
你不能說你沒心情嗎? | Can't you say you aren't in the mood? |
她喜歡那樣 | No,she likes that. |
裝睡也沒用 | Faking sleep doesn't work. |
我經常早上醒來發現她在… | I've woken up many times with her |
我說這個幹什麼? 我不知道 | -Why am I telling you? -I don't know. |
並不是每天早上都… 再描會更黑 | -Not every morning -Making it worse! |
本集播出:“水母” | The One with the Jellyfish |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你大概想知道前因後果 | You probably want to know how it happened. |
我猜想得到 | I think I can figure it out. |
我出生之後 大家都開始撒謊了 | I was born,and then everyone lied their asses off. |
不是那樣的 | No,it wasn't like that. |
我不是說過 莉莉、弗蘭克和我很要好? | Remember how I said Lilly,Frank and I were close? |
我們非常要好 | We were very close. |
多麼好? | How close? |
我們三個是一對 | The three of us were kind of a couple. |
三個怎麼會是一對 | I don't know how that would work. |
我們… 我不是在問問題 | I'm not asking! |
總之,我不知怎的懷孕了 | Anyhow,somehow I got pregnant... |
我很… | ...and I was... |
…害怕,我愚昧又自私… | ...scared. I was stupid and selfish.... |
我才18歲 還記得你的18歲嗎? | I was 18 years old. Remember what it was like to be 18? |
記得,媽自殺,爸跑掉 | Mom killed herself and my dad ran off. |
我跟一個叫山迪的人住在一輛格裡莫林車裡 他會跟他的手說話 | I lived in a Gremlin with a guy who talked to his hand. |
對不起 我以為他們是世上最好的父母 | I'm sorry. I thought I'd left you with the best parents. |
直到幾年前 我才聽說他們的事 | I didn't hear about them till a few years ago. |
當時你已經長大了 | By then,you were already grown-up. |
既然你來了,我也想多認識你 | You're here and I would really like to get to know you. |
每個人都想認識我 | Well,everybody does. |
我是個很酷的人 | I'm a really cool person. |
你有29年的時間可以尋找 卻連試都沒試 | You had 29 years to find out,but you didn't even try. |
你扔下我不管,現在我也要 | You walked out on me,and I'll do the same. |
等一下 | Wait. |
我不想再見到你 | I don't ever want to see you again. |
我的皮包呢? | Where's my purse? |
討厭,沒有汽水了 | Shoot! We're out of soda. |
我去幫你買 真的? | -I'll get you some. -Really? |
才怪,我又不是你的男朋友 | No,because I'm not your boyfriend. |
菲比,怎麼樣? | Hey,Pheebs,how'd it go? |
我媽的朋友菲比 其實是我的親生母親 | My mom's friend,Phoebe,is actually my birth mom. |
我撿到一個幹掉的海馬 | I found a dried-up seahorse. |
什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
我的新媽媽當年拋棄了我 | My new mom,who's a big fat abandoner. |
菲比,等等 你不坐下來聊一聊嗎? | Don't you want to stay here and talk about it? |
不了,我想一個人待一會兒 | I need to be alone. |
莫妮卡 | Monica. |
要是你發現你媽不是你媽 | Man. Hey.....what if you found out that your mom wasn't really your mom... |
而你的新媽媽又很辣呢? | ...and your new mom turned out to be really hot? |
天呐,對吧? | Oh,man,huh? |
但她是你媽耶 | But,it's your mom. |
不,我是在說你媽 | No,I'm talking about your mom. |
結束了 | It's over. |
很慘嗎? | Was it awful? |
很久 | It was long. |
我沒意識到那麼晚了 | I didn't realize how late it was... |
直到她頭上出現5點鐘的曙光 | ...till I saw the five o'clock shadow on her head. |
她不想留下來 我幫她叫了車,她剛走 | She didn't want to stay. I called a cab. She just left. |
我寫了封信給你 | I wrote you a letter. |
謝謝 | Oh,thank you! |
我喜歡收信 | I like mail. |
我想了一些關於我們的事 | It's just some things I've been thinking about. About us. |
在我們考慮複合之前 | Before we even think about us getting back together... |
我得知道你對這封信的想法 | ...I need to know how you feel about this stuff. |
現在是早上5點半 | It's 5:30 in the morning. |
我最好趕快看完 | So I'd better get cracking on this baby. |
我等你,看完就上來 | I'll be waiting for you. Come up when you're done. |
好,我要花… | I'll be up... |
十八頁的時間 | ...in 18 pages. |
從頭到尾 | Front and back. |
好興奮喔 | Very exciting! |
怎麼樣了?你怎麼沒上來? | What happened to you? Why didn't you come up? |
看完了 | Done. |
你才剛看完? 我想看仔細一點 | -You just finished? -I wanted to be thorough. |
這對你…對我們顯然很重要 | This is clearly very important to you. To us. |
我想一字一句用心斟酌 | I wanted to read every word carefully. |
斟酌兩次 | Twice. |
所以…行嗎? | So…Does it? |
什麼? | I'm sorry? |
行嗎? | Does it? |
行嗎?行嗎? | Does it? Does it? |
我想再瞄一眼“行嗎”的部份 | I wanted to give that whole "Does it?" part another glance. |
什麼意思?你說你看了兩次 | What do you mean? You said you read it twice. |
行不行一句話 如果你還要考慮… | It either does or doesn't. If you have to think |
不,我不用考慮,不用 | No,I don't have to think about it. |
事實上… | In fact... |
我已經決定了,我決定… | ...I've decided. I have decided... |
這件事… | ...that it... |
行 | ...does. |
你確定? 確定 | -Are you sure? -Sure,I'm sure! |
好,發生核爆災難 我是世上僅存的男人 | There's a nuclear holocaust. I'm the last man on earth. |
你會跟我約會嗎? | Would you go out with me? |
我有罐頭喔 | I've got canned goods. |
喂,你們看 | Take a look at this! |
你們瞧瞧,我挖了個洞 | Check this baby out! Dug me a hole. |
好棒的洞啊 | Excellent hole,Joe. |
不!我的洞! | Oh,no! My hole! |
我的腳! | My foot! |
怎麼了? | What is it? |
我被水母咬了,好痛… | Jellyfish sting! It hurts! |
要不要扶你回去? | Can we help you to the house? |
2哩耶 | It's two miles. |
而且我挖洞挖得好累 | And I'm tired from digging. |
死水母 | Damn the jellyfish! |
所有的水母都去死 | Damn all the jellyfish! |
得想個辦法 | Do something. |
只有一個辦法 | There's only one thing. |
什麼辦法? | What is it? |
在傷口上撒尿 | Pee on it. |
什麼?好惡! | Gross! |
別怪我 我是在探索頻道上看到的 | I saw it on Discovery Channel. |
他沒唬你,尿液裡有氨 | He's right. There's ammonia in that... |
可以止痛 | ...that kills the pain. |
我不要,其實沒那麼痛… | Forget it. It doesn't hurt that bad! |
為了隱私你可以躲進我的洞裡 | You can use my hole for privacy. |
我準備好要走了 | I'm ready to get the hell out of here. |
你們…?真的? | Are you? |
太棒了 | That's so great! |
邦妮好可憐 | Not for Bonnie. |
但恭喜你們了 | But for you,yea! |
海邊好玩嗎? 不怎麼樣,我不知道 | -How was the beach? -Nothing. I don't know. |
怎麼了? 沒事 | -What happened? -Nothing. |
我要去沖澡 我也是 | -I'm going to shower. -Me too. |
我也是 | Me too. |
我把袋子拿到車上 | I'll put this in the car. |
我得去收拾東西 | I have to go pack! |
真的行嗎? 行 | -And it really does? -lt does. |
真的真的行 | It really and truly does. |
行你個頭! | It so does not! |
(中央咖啡館) | |
她要我對我們的失和 負起全部的責任 | She wants me to take responsibility for everything that went wrong. |
她寫了整整五頁 說我如何不忠 | She goes on for five pages about how I was unfaithful to her. |
我們當時分手了 | We were on a break! |
天哪,你再說一次 我就跟你分手 | If you say that one more time,I'll break up with you. |
分手不是我一個人的錯 她說 | This breakup was not all my fault. She says here... |
“要是你負起全部的責任” | ..."lf you accept full responsibility... |
“我就能再次信任你” | ...I can begin to trust you again. |
“你想你辦得到嗎?行嗎?” | Does that seem like something you can do? Does it?" |
不行 | No |
你得償所願,跟她複合了 | You have what you want. You're back with her. |
現在提出來 會毀了你一生中最美好的事 | If you bring this up now,you'll wreck it. |
我知道,你說得對 | Yeah,I know. You're right. |
我會就此打住 | I'll let it go. |
但你們瞭解這件事很難忘記吧 | But you know how hard it is to forget this? |
當然很難 | Sure,it's hard... |
但你不必拿出來談 | ...but you don't have to talk about it. |
這次度假有很多事 都該從此絕口不提 | A lot happened on that trip...that we should never,ever talk about.{ |
在海邊到底怎麼了? | What happened on that beach? |
那是我們和大海的秘密 | It's between us and the sea,Ross. |
烏蘇拉 | Hi,Ursula. |
我知道我們很久沒聯絡了 | I know that we haven't talked in a long time. |
但我們的媽媽不是親媽媽 另一個女的才是 | Our mom is not our birth mom. This other lady is our birth mom. |
對,住在莫陶克的那個 | Right,the one that lives in Montauk. |
你認識她? | You know her? |
不認識,但媽的自殺遺書裡有提到 | No. I read about her in Mom's suicide note. |
媽有留自殺遺書?還在嗎? | There was a suicide note? Do you still have it? |
等一下 | Hang on. |
你居然沒告訴我有遺書 | I can't believe you didn't tell me there was a suicide note. |
是啊,你最近好嗎? | Yeah,so how have you been doing? |
我…閉嘴 | Shut up! |
“別了,菲比與烏蘇拉” “我會想念你們” | "Goodbye,Phoebe and Ursula. I'll miss you. |
“另外,你們母親住在莫陶克” | P.S. Your mom lives in Montauk." |
這是你剛才寫的 | You just wrote this! |
差不多是這個意思 | It's pretty much the gist. |
只差那首詩,你讀過那首詩吧 | Except for the poem. You read the poem,right? |
沒有 | No |
等一下 | All right. Hang on. |
請把起司給我 | Pass the cheese,please. |
你連看都不敢看我,對吧? | You can't even look at me,can you? |
對 | No |
是菲比!我們可以跟菲比說話 | It's Phoebe! We can talk to Phoebe! |
我很沮喪,不想說話 | I'm too depressed to talk. |
我給你1千元開口費 | I'll give you $1000 to talk to us. |
我們要不要每年都回去玩? | What about making that beach trip an annual thing? |
不要 | No |
到底出了什麼事? | What happened out there? |
什麼? 我們只是去散步,沒什麼 | What? We took a walk. Nothing happened. |
我身上什麼都沒沾到 | I came back with nothing all over me. |
拜託,到底是…喬伊? | What happened? Joey? |
好吧 不行 | All right.-No! |
我們發誓要死守秘密 | We swore we'd never tell. |
他們不會瞭解的 | They'll never understand. |
我們得說出來,我快被逼瘋了 | We have to get it out. It's eating me alive! |
莫妮卡被水母咬到 好吧 | -Monica got stung by a jellyfish. -All right! |
好吧 | Right |
我被咬到 | I got stung. |
咬得很嚴重 | Stung bad. |
站都站不直 | I couldn't stand. |
走也走不動 | I couldn't walk. |
我們離小屋2哩遠 | We were two miles from the house. |
既孤單又害怕 | We were scared and alone. |
我們還以為死定了 | We didn't think we could make it. |
我痛得要命 | I was in too much pain. |
我剛挖完洞好累 | And I was tired from digging. |
然後喬伊想起一件事 | Then Joey remembered something. |
是在探索頻道上看到的 | I'd seen it on Discovery Channel. |
慢著,我也看過 | Wait,I saw that. |
是探索頻道沒錯 說要是你被水母… | On the Discovery Channel. About jellyfish and how if you |
你在自己身上撒尿? | You peed on yourself? |
你不能這麼說!你不知道 | You can't say that! You don't know! |
我都快痛昏了 | I thought I would pass out. |
我試過,但沒辦法… | I tried,but I couldn't... |
彎成那個姿勢 | ...bend that way. |
所以… | So |
沒錯,我挺身而出 | That's right. I stepped up. |
她是我的朋友,她需要幫助 | She's my friend and she needed help. |
如果有必要 我也會在你們身上撒尿 | If I had to,I'd pee on any of you. |
只不過… | Only... |
我尿不出來 | ...I couldn't. |
我怯場了 | I got the stage fright. |
我很想幫忙,但壓力太大了 | I wanted to help,but there was too much pressure. |
所以我找錢德 | So I turned to Chandler. |
喬伊一直對我大叫 “快尿!快點尿!” | Joey kept screaming at me,"Do it now. Do it. Do it now!" |
有時在深夜裡 我還會聽到那個叫聲 | Sometimes,late at night,I can still hear the screaming. |
那是我在隔壁嚇你 | Because I do it through my wall to freak you out. |
也許你們可以找人談談 | Maybe there's somebody you guys could talk to. |
找誰? 難道這種事還有團體治療? | Oh,who?It's not like they have a group for people like us. |
有個叫歐文的很厲害 | Yeah,no,there's this guy Owen,he's the best. |
我有他的名片 | Might have his card. |
還有紫紅色和淡紫色 | And fuchsia and mauve |
這就是我房裡的六十六種顏色 | Those are the 66 colors of my bedroom |
謝謝 | Thank you |
大家都回去算算房裡的顏色吧 | I invite all of you to count the colors in your bedroom. |
你除外,你給我滾 | Except for you. You go away. |
我馬上就走 | I'll go in a second. |
我只想告訴你 | I just want to tell you... |
我每天都在後悔把你送人 | ...there wasn't a day I didn't regret giving you up. |
好,再見 | Okay,bye. |
我還沒說完 | I'm not done. |
我之所以沒找過你是因為… | The reason I never looked you up was because... |
我很怕你的反應 | ...I was afraid you'd react... |
會跟現在一樣 | ...just like the way you're reacting now. |
我們不能從現在開始嗎? | Can't we just start from here? Please? |
不行 | No. |
好吧 | OK |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
最後一件事 | One last thing. |
你來找你的家人 | You came looking for family. |
我就是了 | I'm family. |
沒別人了 | I'm it. |
我說完了 | Now I'm done. |
我們又沒什麼損失 | It's not like we're losing anything. |
你說得對 | I guess you're right. |
我們又不熟 也沒什麼共同點 | It's not like we know each other or have anything in common. |
我不曉得,我們不見得… | I don't know. It's not like... |
沒有共同點 | ...we don't have anything in common. |
像我喜歡披薩 | I mean,I like pizza. |
我也喜歡披薩 | I like pizza! |
是嗎?等等,我喜歡披頭四 | Wait,I like the Beatles. |
天哪,我也是 | Oh,my God! So do l. |
等等,小狗狗可不可愛? | Puppies. Cute or ugly? |
可愛死了 | So cute! |
看吧 | You see? |
但我還是很氣你 | But I'm still mad at you. |
我知道 | I know. |
我也很氣自己 | I'm mad at me too. |
你想吃東西嗎?我有點餓 | Do you want to get something to eat? I'm kind of hungry. |
我也是 太不可思議了 | Hey! Me too!Uncanny. |
好像快下雨了,我沒帶傘 | It looks like rain and I don't have my umbrella. |
我也是,真討厭 | Me neither. I really hate that. |
夠了,你現在只是想嚇我 | Stop it. Now you're just doing it to freak me out. |
我好想你 | I missed you. |
我也很想你 | I missed you too. |
我對那封信好緊張 | I was so nervous about that letter. |
但是你這麼坦然認錯 | But the way you owned up to everything... |
證明你真的成長不少 | ...it just showed me how much you've grown. |
大概吧 | I suppose. |
你有,羅斯,你應該信任自己 | You have,Ross. You should give yourself credit. |
我媽一直覺得我們無法複合 | My mom never thought this would work out. |
她說:一次出軌,永不原諒 | She said,"Once a cheater,always a cheater." |
真希望沒有這4個月的空白 | I just wish we hadn't lost those four months. |
但要是時間能讓你看清楚一點… | But if time was what you needed to gain a little perspective.... |
我們當時分手了! | We were on a break! |
喝咖啡? 好 | -Coffeehouse? -You bet. |
這段感情會破裂是兩個人的錯 | It took two people to break up this relationship. |
對,你和影印店那個女的 你昨天表明願意負責 | You and that girl,which yesterday you took full responsibility for. |
我不知道我負的是什麼責 | I didn't know what I took responsibility for. |
我沒把信看完 什麼? | I didn't finish the letter. |
我睡著了 | I fell asleep. |
你睡著了? | You fell asleep? |
當時是早上5點半 | It was 5:30 in the morning. |
你一廢話就廢話了十八頁 | And you had rambled on for 18 pages. |
從頭到尾 | Front and back! |
還有 “你”後面加個“re”是指“你是” | By the way,Y-O-U-apostrophe-R-E means "you are." |
加“r”是代表“你的” | Y-O-U-R means "your." |
我居然會想跟你複合 我們根本就完了 | I can't believe I thought of getting back with you! We are so over. |
無所謂 | Fine by me! |
你星期六晚上 跟莫妮卡玩拼字遊戲時 | Those spelling tips will be handy Saturday nights at home... |
一定不會寫錯字 | ...playing Scrabble with Monica. |
對不起 | Sorry! |
我只可憐你會想我想到失眠 | All that sleep you'll miss wishing you were with me! |
別怕我會睡不著 | Don't worry about me falling asleep. |
我還有你的信 | I still have your letter! |
順便告訴你 這種事並不常見 | Just so you know,it's not that common. |
並非男人都會這樣 | It doesn't happen to every guy. |
這是很嚴重的 | And it is a big deal! |
我就知道 | I knew it! |
金 | Gin. |
我們在玩金拉米牌? | We were playing gin? |
如果我們是男女朋友,可以光著身體玩 | If we were a couple,we could play naked. |
別再說了。-好吧 | -Would you stop? -Okay. All right. |
好啦 | All right. |
我覺得你很棒 | I think you're great. |
我覺得你人很好,很聰明 | I think you're sweet and smart... |
我愛你 | ...and I love you. |
但你永遠是在我身上撒尿的人 | But you'll always be the guy who peed on me. |
它會扯破衣服 | Wow. That ripped. |
一點也不含糊 | That ripped real nice! |
你要我說幾次?要側身滑出來 | How many times do I have to tell you? You turn and slide. |
側身滑出來 | Turn and slide. |
不是側身滑出來 | You don't turn and slide. |
是把它扔出去 | You throw it out! |
我每次穿衣服 都得打破傷風預防針 | I get tetanus shots every time I get dressed! |
不能扔掉,這是我親手釘的 | We're not throwing it out. I built it with my own hands! |
好,那賣掉呢? | How about we sell it? |
好吧 | All right. |
不過你得告訴它們 | But you'll have to tell them. |
你們可以搬個家嗎? 看來它們沒意見 | Can we stick you in another cabinet? They seem all right with it! |
本集播出:“靈貓” | The One with the Cat |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
雞為什麼從樹下掉下來? 為什麼? | Hey,why did the chicken fall out of the tree?Why? |
因為你頭上有雞屎 | Because you have doody on your head.{ |
班說就很好笑 | Yeah,it was funnier when Ben told it. |
莫妮卡,我是奇普 漂亮! | Hey,Monica. It's Chip. |
誰是奇普? | Who's Chip? |
很高興今天遇見你 | It was good running into you today. |
我的電話是5559323 打給我,就這樣 | My number is 555-9323. Give me a call. |
奇普就是奇普馬修斯 | "Chip" is Chip Matthews. |
瑞秋的高中舞會舞伴? | The guy who took Rachel to the prom? |
他打給你幹什麼? | Why's he calling you? |
我在銀行遇見他,他還是好帥 | Because I ran into him at the bank. He is still so cute. |
你好幸運 他是全校最紅的男生 | You're so lucky! He's like the most popular guy in school! |
我知道 | I know! |
奇普?我是莫妮卡 | Chip? Hi,it's Monica. |
好…好 | Okey,Okey… |
好 | Okey… |
好,再見 | Okey,Goodbye |
天哪,我們聊得好愉快 | Oh,my God! We just had the best conversation! |
我正要走 | I was just leaving. |
好 | Good. |
我要看報告 | I've got a report to read. |
有八頁,但願我不會睡著 | It's eight pages. I hope I don't fall asleep. |
為什麼?是你寫的? | Why? Did you write it? |
看看 | Look at that! |
奇普馬修斯打電話來 不曉得有什麼事 | Chip Matthews called. I wonder what he wants. |
其實… | Well,actually.... |
他一定感應到 我可以跟別的男人上床了 | I bet he sensed that I was ready to have sex with another guy. |
那你何不打給他? | Why don't you give him a call? |
好啊 | Okey |
你真的想聽? 真的 | -Are you sure you want to hear this? -I'm sure. |
奇普,我是瑞秋 | Chip! Hi,it's Rachel. |
瑞秋格林 | Rachel Greene. |
你留言給我? | You left me a message? |
沒錯,是你,我的室友記下來了 | Yes,you did. My roommate wrote it down. |
莫妮卡蓋勒? | Monica Geller? |
原來如此 | Oh,that's right! |
他是要約莫妮卡 | He called to ask out Monica. |
真是尷尬 | That's got to be embarrassing. |
醉醺醺的白癡賤人 | Dumb drunken bitch |
謝謝 | Thank you! |
請問一下 | Here's a question. |
密西西比以東 最好的橡木傢俱在哪裡? | Where'd you get the "finest oak east of the Mississippi"? |
你先說 全國最漂亮的蕾絲在哪裡 | First tell us where you got the prettiest lace in the land. |
這是你們的廣告 | It's your ad. |
不賴吧? | Looks good? |
“高級視聽娛樂櫃,精緻…” | "Stunning entertainment center,fine |
“精緻義大利手工” | Fine ltalian craftsmanship." |
天哪,你們要賣娛樂櫃? | You're selling the entertainment center? |
為什麼?我喜歡那個櫃子 | Why? I love it. |
你們要嗎? | -You want it? -No. |
不要 | No |
蓋比特(《木偶奇遇記》中製造匹諾曹的木匠) | Gepetto? |
“定價5千”? | Five thousand dollars? |
你瘋了嗎? | Are you insane? |
登廣告就要3百 | The ad alone cost $300. |
我要改成50元或再議 | I'm changing it to $50 or your best offer. |
那有什麼利潤可言? 你也配當會計師? | What kind of profit is that? And you call yourself an accountant? |
我不是 | No… |
那你是幹什麼的? | What do you do? |
你居然不知道我幹哪一行 | I can't believe you don't know. |
我也不知道 是不是什麼… | I actually don't know. |
天哪,不要,走開 不要… | Oh,my God,no! Shoo,kitty! |
甘瑟,我的吉他盒裡有一隻貓 | There's a kitty in my guitar case. |
噓…其他人都想要 | Everyone's gonna want one. |
給我過來 | Come on,you! |
真是的 | Crazy! |
天哪 | -Oh,my God! |
什麼? | -What? |
沒事 | Nothing. |
怎麼了? | What's wrong? |
我只是… | I just… |
我只是有一股強烈的感覺 這只貓是我媽 | I just have this really strong feeling that this cat is my mother. |
莫陶克那個媽媽? | The mom you met in Montauk? |
她是一隻貓? | She was a cat? |
而她居然擁有濱海小屋 | That makes the fact that she owns beach-front property all the more impressive. |
不,她是一個人 | No. She was a human lady. |
這是莉莉媽媽的靈魂 自殺的那個 | This is the spirit of my mom,Lilly. The one that killed herself. |
是她變成一隻貓 還是你又偷吃外婆的青光眼藥 | Have you been taking your grandmother's glaucoma medicine again? |
沒有,疑心博士 | No,Dr. Skeptismo. |
我很肯定 第一,我有這個感覺 | I'm sure. First of all,there's the feeling. |
還有,她跑進我的吉他盒裡 | And for another,she went into my guitar case... |
它的襯裡是橘色的 | ...which is lined with orange felt. |
我媽最喜歡的魚是橘棘鯛(又名羅非魚) | My mother's favorite fish was orange roughy. |
貓喜歡吃魚 | Cats like fish. |
你讓我以為是跟橘色有關呢 | You had me with orange felt. |
嗨,媽咪 | Hi,Mommy! |
我17年沒看到這個笑容了 | I haven't seen this smile in 17 years. |
菲比的媽有一對兒好大的… 算了吧 | -Phoebe's mom's got a huge pair of -Let it go! |
你什麼時候要告訴我 你要跟奇普約會? | When were you going to tell me that you're dating Chip? |
現在? | Now? |
我跟他約會沒關係吧? | Can I go out with him? |
當然有關係 他那樣對我耶 | No. I can't believe you'd want to after what he did to me. |
你是說舞會的事? | That thing at the prom? |
莫妮卡,我2個小時找不到他 他跑去跟艾美威許做愛 | I couldn't find him for hours! He was having sex with Amy Welsh! |
那是高中的事 你怎麼還會在意? | That was in high school. How can it still bother you? |
說得也是,莫母牛 | Oh,yeah,you're right,Moni-cow. |
我懂了 | Okay,I hear you. |
你為什麼偏要跟奇普約會? | Why do you have to go out with Chip? |
我們的高中不一樣 | We went to different schools. |
少來,我們上同一所高中 | We went to the same school. |
你在高中是風雲人物 | You went to one where you were popular. |
你坐奇普的摩托車 穿他的優秀運動員選手外套 | You rode on Chip's motorcycle and wore his letterman jacket. |
我穿的是特製的樂隊制服 | I went to one where I wore a band uniform that was specially made. |
那是特製的? | They had that specially made? |
那是大家的家政課的作業之一 | It was a Home Ec project. |
天哪 他們說那是給球隊吉祥物穿的 | Oh,my God! They said it was for the mascot. |
那時候我以為 我永遠不可能跟奇普約會 | Back then I thought that I'd never get to go out with a Chip Matthews. |
現在他打來約我 | Now he's called me up and asked me out. |
我心中那個胖女孩真的很想去 這是我欠她的 | The fat girl inside me really wants to go. I owe her this. |
我從不讓她盡情的吃 | I never let her eat. |
你去吧 真的? | -You go out with him. -Really? |
如果可以,你能不能丟下他 去跟別人做愛? | If possible,could you leave him and have sex with another guy? |
我試試看 | I'll try. |
娛樂櫃賣得怎樣? | Any luck getting rid of the entertainment center? |
昨晚有幾通詢問電話 但我都覺得不可行 | There were a couple calls,but they won't work out. |
喬伊有一套嚴格的篩選過程 | Joey has a very careful screening process. |
並非每個人都適合擁有木製品 | Not everyone is qualified to own wood and nails. |
別掙紮了 | Stop it! |
她一直想跑走 跟在世時一樣 | She keeps trying to get away. Just like when she was alive. |
你媽要跟我們在一起多久? | How long is your mom going to be with us? |
我不確定 | I'm not sure. |
直到她能接受我有了… | I guess until she gets used to the fact that there's... |
新媽媽吧 | ...a new mom. |
她很擔心會被取代 | Now she's worried that she'll be replaced. |
才不會呢,對不對? | That's not going to happen,is it? |
我去房裡回個電話 | I have to go make a call. |
怎麼不在這裡打? | Why not use this phone? |
我要打給住在B-E-A-C-H(海邊)的媽媽 | I'm returning a call from a certain mom at the . |
我說錯詞了 | I just spelled the wrong word. |
我不想在有尾巴的人面前打 | Anyway,I don't want to do it in front of someone with a tail. |
你發誓不說的 | Hey,you swore you would never tell. |
是我瘋了,還是有人也覺得 菲比的媽是一隻貓? | So am I crazy,or does Phoebe's mom remind anyone else of a cat? |
羅斯,別提了 拜託 | Ross,don't start. |
你們真的相信 那只貓是一個女人變的? | You actually believe there's a woman inside that cat? |
我相信 | I believe it. |
你才不信 | No,you don't. |
我信 | Yes,I do. |
你才不… | No,you |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我不會跟你爭辯 | You won't suck me into this. |
你會 你總是要說服別人 | Sure I will. Because you always have to be right. |
我才沒有…好 | I do not always have Okay,okay. |
“侏羅紀公園”是有可能發生的 | Jurassic Park could happen. |
還有 我覺得柯克船長比史波克聰明(星際迷航中的角色名) | And you know what? Actually,I do think Kirk was smarter than Spock. |
剛才你說柯克和史波克的那句是開玩笑吧? | You were kidding about the Kirk-Spock-thing,though,right? |
還不賴嘛 | That's pretty nice. |
還不賴? | "Pretty nice"? |
原諒我的室友 他簡直想娶它 | Pardon my roommate. He wanted to marry this. |
我們沒有50塊錢 你們願意交換嗎? | We don't have $50. But would you trade for it? |
我們有一艘獨木舟 | We got a canoe. |
我們不需要獨木舟 | I don't think we need a canoe. |
你們一定要收下獨木舟 | You got to take it. |
你們就把櫃子搬走吧 | Just take the entertainment center. |
等你們到家,再把獨木舟扔掉 | Then when you get home,throw the canoe away. |
想都別想,那是我親手造的 | We're not throwing it away. I built it. |
幹得好! | Good for you! |
(中央咖啡館) | |
你們看我在電線杆上發現什麼 | You won't believe what I found on a telephone pole. |
眼熟嗎? | Look familiar? |
顯然菲比的母親也叫胡立歐 | Apparently Phoebe's mother also goes by the name "Julio." |
不一樣吧,這只只有這麼大 | Wait a minute. This is not the same cat. This cat's only this big. |
有個小女孩在找這只貓 知道這代表什麼嗎? | A little girl's looking for this cat. Know what that means? |
知道,五個人平分2百元賞金 | Yeah! $200 reward split five ways! |
要告訴她嗎? | Do we have to tell her? |
當然要告訴她 但她現在好開心 | -Yes,we do. -But it's made her so happy. |
想念貓咪的小女孩 | Little girl misses her cat. |
覺得貓是母親轉世的瘋婆子 | Crazy lady thinks her mother is in a cat. |
好,我要去跟我兒子吃飯 | I have to go have dinner with my son. |
你們見到菲比會告訴她吧? | Can I trust that when you see Phoebe,you will tell her? |
會 | Yeah |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我最討厭羅斯說對了 | I hate when Ross is right. |
他說得對,對吧? | He is right,isn't he? |
搞不好這一次他錯了 | This might be one time when he's wrong. |
是嗎? | -You think? |
不,他說得對 | -Oh,no. He's right. |
菲比,關於你的母親… 怎樣? | About your mom. |
你們處得好嗎? | How's that going? |
棒呆了,我們今天一起睡午覺 | So great. We took a nap together today. |
媽在我肚子上睡著還打呼 | Mom fell asleep on my tummy and purred. |
真溫馨 | That's so sweet. |
我去點咖啡 | I'm gonna get some coffee. |
喬伊你說什麼?我馬上過去 | What'd you say,Joe? I'll be right there. |
菲比 我覺得好… | I just feel so.... |
知道了啦 馬上來 | -All right! -I'm coming already! |
還沒還沒還沒… | Not yet,not yet,not yet! |
奇普 瑞秋,你好嗎? | -Hello,Chip. -How you doing? |
很好 | I'm great! |
我有一份好工作,一群好朋友 | Got a great job. I have wonderful friends. |
雖然現在沒有男朋友 卻對自己很滿意 | Though I'm not seeing anyone now,I've never felt better about myself. |
莫妮卡好了嗎? | So,Monica ready yet? |
她馬上就好 | She'll be out in a second. |
奇普,艾美威許好嗎? | So,Chip,how's Amy Welsh? |
艾美威許?我一直沒見她,自從… | Amy Welsh? I haven't seen her since |
莫妮卡快好了嗎? | So,Monica about ready? |
你好漂亮 謝謝 | -Wow,you look great. -Thanks. |
好好去玩吧 | -Well,you guys have fun. |
再聯絡 奇普再見 | -Catch you later.-Bye,Chip. |
你真的不在意? | -Are you sure you're okay about this? |
其實… 太好了 | -Actually…Okay,great. |
買這個櫃子就對了 | This is the unit for you. |
堅固耐用,容量超大 | Sturdy construction,tons of storage. |
甚至塞得進一個大人 | Some big enough to fit a grown man. |
什麼? 對,我就進去過一次 | -What? -Yeah,I got in there myself once. |
我的室友賭5元說我進不去 | My roommate bet me $5 I couldn't. |
然後在門把上塞棍子把我關住 | Then he stuck a board through the handles and locked me in. |
起先很好玩,後來感覺像棺材 | It was funny till I felt like it was a coffin. |
你才進不去,它不夠深 | No,you can't fit in there. It's not deep enough. |
是嗎? | Oh,yeah? |
要是我進不去… | If I can't... |
就少算你5塊錢 | ...I'll knock $5 off the price. |
就這麼說定 好 | All right,you have yourself a deal. |
你看,我就說吧 | See? I told you. |
有時我會進進出出的玩 | Sometimes I come in here just to get away from it. |
有5分錢 | Hey,a nickel! |
到了 | Here we are. |
天哪,你的奇車還在 | You still have the Chipper! |
什麼? | The what? |
那是你的車子在高中的外號 | That's what we called your motorcycle in high school. |
摩托車也叫機車 | A motorcycle's a chopper. |
而你叫奇普 | And you're Chip. |
沒事 | Never mind. |
真可愛 | I think it's cute. |
奇普親親 | A lipper from Chipper. |
你還有跟哪些同學聯絡? | Are you still in touch with anyone? |
有瑞秋,還有… | There's Rachel... |
就這樣,你呢? | ...and that's it. How about you? |
我還在跟西門斯、薩納混 也常跟史賓、萊文、凱利見面 | I still hang with Simens and Zana. I see Spindler,Levine,Kelly. |
三不五時會遇見高第 | I run into Goldie... |
史迪、布朗、蘇卡夫、麥奎爾 | ...Stick,Brown,Sulkov,McGuire... |
傑弟、畢斯利 | ...J.T.,Beardsley. |
就這樣? | Is that all? |
畢了業都會失去聯絡 | After high school,you kind of lose touch. |
我有遇見李察多夫曼 | I ran into Richard Dorfman. |
他好嗎? 不太好,我和西門斯把他內褲拿出來使勁拉 | -How is he? -Me and Simens gave him a wedgie. |
他不是建築師嗎? | Isn't he an architect? |
建築師也要穿內褲 | They still wear underwear. |
天哪! | Oh,my God! |
怎麼了? | What? |
你還好嗎? 還好 | Are you all right? |
怎麼回事? | What happened? |
他答應不拿沙發椅的 | Oh,man,he promised he wouldn't take the chairs! |
你怎麼會被關進去? 我們的東西呢? | How were you locked in? Where the hell is all of our stuff? |
有一個人來看櫃子 | This guy came by to look at the unit... |
他說它塞不下一個大人 | ...and he said it won't fit a grown man. |
所以你自願進去? | So you got in voluntarily? |
我想把櫃子賣出去 | I was trying to make a sale! |
要是讓我碰上他 你猜我會怎樣? | If I ever run into him,you know what I'll do? |
把屁股翹起來? | Bend over? |
薩納乾脆讓另一個破掉 | And then Zana just let one rip! |
我不是不喜歡回憶往事 | Not that I don't enjoy talking about high school... |
我喜歡 | ...because I do. |
但我們可以聊點別的 | Maybe we can talk about something else. |
像你,我還不曉得你的工作 | I don't know where you work. |
你知道啊 我知道? | -You know where I work. -I do? |
電影院啊,你以前常來 | The movie theater. You used to come in all the time. |
你還在影城做事? | Still at the Multiplex? |
我怎麼可能換工作 | Like I'd give up that job! |
隨時都有爆米花和糖果可吃 | Free popcorn and candy anytime I want? |
我可以幫你拿海報 | I can get you posters. |
謝謝,不用了 | Thanks,I'm set. |
你猜那天誰來了?彼得斯 | Oh,you know who came in the other night? Peters. |
他說他剛才跟萊斯利·馬斯金約會,上了三壘 | Told me he just went out with Leslie Maskin. Got to third base. |
你還住在家裡? | Do you still live with your parents? |
對,但是我可以在外面想待多晚待多晚 | Yeah,but I can stay out as late as I want. |
少了別的東西 櫃子就沒那麼大了 | You know,with all of our stuff gone,the unit doesn't seem that big. |
那個人怎麼不是綁匪? | Why couldn't he have been a kidnapper. |
他們還真是大搬家 電視、沙發椅 | They really got you guys. Your TV,the chairs. |
微波爐、音響 | Your microwave,the stereo. |
天哪,他把黑桃5拿走了 | Man,he took the five of spades! |
在這裡 | No,here it is. |
天哪!怎麼了? | Oh,my God! What happened? |
喬伊出生 28年後,我被搶了 | Joey was born,and then 28 years later,I was robbed! |
怎麼樣? | So how was your date? |
我高中時一直想跟奇普約會 | Well,I always wanted to go out with Chip in high school. |
今晚 我真的跟“高中時的”奇普約會了 | Tonight,I actually went out with Chip in high school. |
真可惜 | Honey,I'm sorry. |
不會,我不但跟奇普約了會 | Not only did I get to go out with Chip... |
我還甩了他 | ...I got to dump Chip. |
太棒了 我知道 | -That's so great! -I know. |
保險公司怎麼說? | What did the insurance company say? |
他們說 “你們沒投保,別再打來了” | They said,"You don't have insurance. Stop calling us." |
你們沒有告訴她? | You didn't tell her? |
好吧 | Okay,fine. |
菲比 | Pheebs |
聽我說 | Listen... |
這只貓是一個小女孩的 | ...this cat belongs to a little girl. |
路上貼滿了尋貓啟事 | There are flyers all over the place. |
對不起親愛的 | I'm sorry,sweetie. |
我們可以陪你把貓送回去 | We can take her back with you if you want. |
但是她選擇來找我 | But,you know,she chose to find me. |
我得尊重她的決定,對吧? | I have to respect her decision,right? |
有道理 沒錯 | -That's a good call. -That's right. |
不對,別再鬧了 | Enough is enough. |
我很遺憾你跟新媽媽在一起 會有罪惡感 | I'm sorry you feel guilty about spending time with your new mom. |
但這不是你的舊媽媽 | But this isn't your old mom. |
這是一隻貓 | This is a cat. |
它叫胡立歐 | Julio the cat. |
不是媽媽,是貓 | Not Mom! Cat. |
羅斯,你失去過幾個父母? | Ross,how many parents have you lost? |
零個 | None. |
那你就無法體會 其中一個回來的感覺,對吧? | Then you don't know how it feels when one of them comes back. |
我相信這是我的母親 | I believe this is my mother. |
就算不是又怎樣? | Even if I'm wrong,who cares? |
你就當個好朋友,支持我 | Just be a friend,okay? Be supportive. |
對不起 好 | I'm sorry.Okay. |
我不知道該說什麼 | I don't know what to say. |
你可以向她的媽媽道歉 | You could say...you're sorry to her mom. |
我想她會接受 | I think she would like that. |
過來,過來 | Come here. Here,come here. |
布菲太太? | Mrs. Buffay? |
我為我說的話道歉 | Sorry about what I said. |
我實在很傷人 | It was insensitive of me to say... |
說你只是一隻貓 | ...that you were just a cat... |
很顯然的,你也是… | ...when,clearly,you are also... |
我朋友的母親… | ...the reincarnated spirit... |
靈魂轉世 | ...of my friend's mother. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
我們都原諒你 | We both forgive you. |
那個小女孩怎麼辦? | What will you do about the little girl? |
好,聽我說 | Listen. |
媽,你對我還是很重要 | Mom,I hope you know you still mean a lot to me. |
你隨時都可以回來 | You're welcome to come back anytime. |
菲比 | Pheebs |
要是她可以變成一張沙發 我們會很感激 | If she'd come back as a couch,we'd really appreciate it. |
走吧,我帶你回家 | Come on. I'll take you home. |
我跟你去 我也去 | -I'll go with you. -Me too. |
我有多餘的蒲團 | I got an extra futon. |
你拽個屁啊,我們什麼都沒有 | Dude,you don't have to brag. We got nothing here. |
謹此紀念桃樂絲考夫曼 | |
知道嗎…這裡真幽靜 | You know....It's peaceful out here. |
我們走運了 | We are so in luck! |
房東說這些好東西都可以給我們 | Treeger said we could have all this cool stuff! |
等一下 | Wait right there. |
不行,我要劃走了 | Oh,no. I'm paddling away. |
真的? 這些生銹的垃圾不要錢? | Really? We got all this rusty crap for free? |
還有一堆泡泡棉 有些完全沒擠過 | This and a bunch of bubble wrap. And some of it is not even popped. |
我們真是窮苦的白人嗎? | Could we be more white trash? |
本集播出:“愛的手銬” | The One with the Cuffs |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
我真是絕望透了 | How desperate am l? |
幸好錢德不在,誰也慘不過他 | Good thing Chandler's not here. He always wins at this game. |
我剛答應幫我媽辦宴會 | I just told my mom I'd cater her party. |
為什麼? | -How come? |
因為我需要錢 | -I need the money. |
而且這樣正好可以拋開 最後一絲自尊 | It'd be a great way to get rid of that last smidgen of self-respect. |
別這樣,這是好事啊 | I think this is a good thing. |
要不是覺得你行,媽不會找你 | Mom wouldn't have hired you if you weren't good. |
你不必替她說話,她聽不到 | You don't have to stick up for her. She can't hear you. |
你們有果汁嗎? | Do you have any juice? |
只有醃黃瓜汁 | Just pickle. |
瑞秋,說來好笑 我昨天在路上遇見瓊安娜 | Funny story. I bumped into Joanna yesterday. |
我的上司瓊安娜?一定很尷尬 | My boss,Joanna? That must have been awkward. |
事實上她找我一起去喝酒 | Actually,she asked me if I wanted a drink. |
你沒有答應吧? | You didn't say yes to that,did you? |
沒有 | No,No |
瑞秋 | Hello,Rachel. |
一開始沒答應 | Well,not at first. |
她在這裡幹什麼? | What is she doing here? |
我不懂 你上次跟她約會時說她很無聊 | Last time you went out with her you said she was a dud! |
我太快下定論了 這次我們進展到下一個階段 | I judged her too quickly. This time,we took it to the next level. |
我上次差點被炒魷魚 你馬上給我做個了結 | Last time I almost got fired. You must end it. You must end it now. |
這可不是每天都有的事 | It's not an everyday occurrence! |
通常我都一個人睡 | Usually I'm in there by myself. |
錢德!答應我… | Promise. |
瑞秋,你快遲到了吧? 沒有啊 | -Rachel,aren't you running late? -No |
有,你還要幫我買焙果 好 | -You are if you pick me up a bagel. -Okay. |
錢德,答應我跟她分手 | Promise you will end this now. |
好,我會跟她分手 謝謝 | -I promise. I'll end it. -Thank you. |
不過我的犧牲很大 | I hope you know what I'm giving up. |
她可不只是你的上司,懂嗎? | She's not just the boss in your office. You know what I mean? |
對不起,我懂他的意思 | Sorry. I knew what he meant. |
雇工忙得怎樣? | How's the hired help? |
很順利,乳酪火腿餡餅快好了 | Doing great. Quiches are coming along. |
這是什麼?藍色指甲油? | What's this? Blue nail polish? |
對,我覺得很好看 | I thought it was cute. |
當我們找到你外婆時她的指甲就是這個顏色 | It's what your grandmother's hands looked like when we found her. |
我問你一個問題 | Let me ask you a question. |
你為什麼雇我? | Why did you hire me? |
理查一直說他的派對餐點很棒 | Richard raved about the food at his party... |
但你當時在跟他上床 | ...but you were sleeping with him. |
後來我聽說 那場同志婚禮的菜很好 | Then I heard the food at that lesbian wedding was nice. |
你應該沒跟那些人上床吧 | I assume you didn't sleep with anyone there. |
否則起碼很特別 | At least that would be something. |
天哪!你聽到了嗎? | Oh,my God! Did you hear that? |
她是覺得我很行才雇我 | She hired me because she thinks I'm good. |
我沒聽到這個 | I didn't hear that. |
她不是在可憐我 | She didn't hire me out of pity. |
不是想在朋友面前刁難我 她是真的覺得我行 | It wasn't so she could pick on me. She actually thinks I'm good. |
還有,如果你是同志就太酷了 | And hey,it's cool if you're a lesbian. |
午安,你是這裡的家長嗎? | Good afternoon. Are you the decision-maker of the house? |
你目前擁有一套百科全書嗎? | Do you currently own a set of encyclopedias? |
沒有 不過分類廣告上什麼都有 | No,but try the classifieds. People sell everything in there. |
我不是要買,我是要賣 | Actually,I'm not buying. I'm selling. |
我問你一個問題 | Let me ask you one question. |
你是否曾在朋友們聊天時 | Do your friends ever have a conversation... |
只能跟著點頭 卻搞不懂他們在說什麼? | ...and you just nod along,not sure what they're talking about? |
告訴你,這根本是違憲 沒錯 | I'm telling you,it's totally unconstitutional. |
我覺得他應該得諾貝爾獎 | I think he deserves a Nobel Prize. |
才怪 | No |
很像阿爾岡昆族(印第安部族)小孩的桌子 | It was like the Algonquin kids' table. |
抱歉,對不起 | Excuse me. I'm sorry. |
你發了大約2分半鐘的呆 | You haven't said anything for about two minutes. |
你到底有沒有興趣? | Are you at all interested? |
有…請進 | Come on in. |
怪了 什麼? | -That's weird. -What? |
你的假指甲 | Your nails. |
我知道,我帶了假指甲怕咬指甲被我媽嘮叨 | I wore fake ones so my mom wouldn't give me grief about biting them. |
我是說你現在只有九個指甲 | I meant,it's weird that you only have nine now. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
我之前要烤… | I had them when I put |
天哪,在餡餅裡面 | Oh,my God! It's in the quiche! |
完了! 好,不要慌 | -Oh,my God! -Okay,don't panic. |
我去幫你買一組新指甲 | I'll go buy you a new set of nails. |
沒有人會知道,你還是很美 | No one will know,and you'll look great! |
噢,你是怕他們會吃到 | It's because they're going to eat That's the problem. |
女兒,別咬指甲 | Honey,don't bite your nails. |
你別生氣 | Please don't freak out. |
不過某個餡餅裡有一片假指甲 | There's a blue fingernail in one of the quiche cups. |
而且無從找起 | And there's no way to know which one. |
找到的人可以中大獎 | And whoever finds it wins the prize! |
我不會生氣 | I'm not freaking out. |
你在笑什麼? 沒事,你爸輸我5塊錢 | -Why are you laughing? -Now your father owes me $5. |
你賭我會掉指甲? | You bet I'd lose a nail? |
別傻了 我只是賭我會用上這個 | Don't be silly. I just bet that I'd need these. |
冷凍義大利面? | Frozen lasagnas? |
你賭我會搞砸? | You bet that I'd screw up? |
你還說什麼我很行… | All that stuff about how I was good |
不,那都是真的 | No,that was all true. |
這只是怕你太莫妮卡了 | This was just in case you "pulled a Monica." |
你答應心理醫生不再這麼說 | You promised Dr. Weinberg you'd never use that phrase. |
拜託,有點幽默感嘛 | Come on. Have a sense of humor. |
你總是不懂得自嘲 | You're never able to laugh at yourself. |
是啊 | That's right. |
我媽對我沒信心,好好笑喔 | My mom has no faith in me! That's hilarious! |
哪裡好笑? | I don't get it. |
不,我對你有信心 | No. I have faith. |
不,你有的是義大利面 | No. You have lasagnas! |
毀掉的餡餅好了 | The ruined quiches are ready! |
我們不該這麼做 好 | -I really don't think we should be doing this. -Okay. |
這種感覺不像是分手 | It just doesn't feel like we're breaking up. |
是分手啊,我好傷心喔 | No,we are. I'm sad. |
好吧 | Okey |
可以等到明天嗎?好吧 | Can you wait till tomorrow? All right. |
不敢相信 | Unbelievable! |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
不是,我得去見我的老闆 好 | That was my boss. I have to go. |
你幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
穿衣服 為什麼? | -I'm getting dressed. -Why? |
光著屁股走在路上會被扔東西 | When I walk outside naked,people throw garbage. |
等一下,給你看個東西 | Wait. I want to show you something. |
什麼東西? | What is it? |
別人送的一個小道具 | Just a little gag gift somebody gave me. |
把手合在一起 | Put your hands together. |
你又不是我的老闆 | You're not the boss of me. |
你是 | Yeah,you are. |
火辣啊 | Saucy! |
我馬上回來 | I'll be back in two minutes. |
你要這樣把我掛著? | You're going to leave me like this? |
知道你在等我 感覺很令人興奮 | Knowing you're here waiting for me. I think it's exciting,don't you? |
好,但要是你不馬上回來… | If you don't come back soon... |
我也不能怎麼樣 | ...there's pretty much nothing I can do about it! |
我幫你帶了杏仁餅回來 | I brought you back a macaroon. |
很好,我會把它帖在屁股上 | Great. I'll keep it in my butt with your nose. |
奇怪,她把門鎖上了 | That's weird. She locked the door. |
你知道為什麼? 裡面有聖誕獎金名單 | You know why? She's got the bonus list in there. |
我早上看到她在打 | I saw her working on it today. |
好,你可別說出去 | Swear you won't tell. |
馬克離職時給了我一把鑰匙 | When Mark left,he gave me a key to her office. |
你想看名單嗎? 想 | You want to see the list? |
你好嗎? | How are you? |
喂,瓊安娜… | Hello,Joanna… |
…的辦公室 | office. |
對不起,我還要一陣子 | I'm sorry. I'll be a little longer. |
多久? 2個小時,我急死了 | -How little? -A couple hours. |
一點也不好玩,馬上給我回來 | This isn't funny. Get back here now! |
我沒辦法 為什麼? | -I can't! -Why not? |
我在我老闆的車上 | I'm in my boss' car. |
什麼? 進隧道了 | -What? -Tunnel! |
幹什麼? | What? |
瑞秋,你能進來一下嗎? | Rachel,could I see you for a moment? |
好,現在是這樣 | Okay,here's the situation. |
手銬的鑰匙掛在門上 | The keys to the cuffs are on the door. |
你能不能行行好 | Could you be a doll... |
拿了鑰匙沖過來幫我解套? | ...and grab them and scoot on over here and unlock me? |
題外話:好漂亮的套裝 | And on a totally separate subject,that's a lovely pantsuit. |
你答應要跟她分手的 | You promised you would break up with her. |
我跟她分手啦 只不過她分得很狂野 | I did break up with her! She just took it really,really well! |
你都沒想過 這樣會破壞我的事業? | Jeopardizing my career never entered your mind? |
我想過啊 | It did enter my mind. |
但後來的事讓這個念頭飛了 | But then something happened that made it shoot right out. |
你害自己被銬住,就自己脫困 | You got yourself into those cuffs,you get yourself out. |
不,我沒辦法自己脫困 | I can't get myself right out of them. |
你把我跟“不可思議的錢德”搞混了 | You must have me confused with the "Amazing Chandler"! |
幫我解開,她可能要去很久 我好冷,而且… | Unlock me! She could be gone for hours,and I'm cold and.... |
錢德!好,夠了 | All right! This is it! |
不准你再見她 | Never see her again. |
永遠 | Never! |
不准再進這個辦公室 | -Never come in here again. |
好 | -Fine! |
把隨身聽還給我 我… | Give me back my Walkman! |
我沒借過 | I never borrowed it. |
那就是我弄丟了,買一台給我 | Then I lost it. Buy me one! |
沒問題,快解開吧,太好了 | You got it! Here we go! Come on. This is great! |
會痛嗎? | Does it hurt? |
不,我只是看別人解開銬子時都會啊一聲 | No,I always see guys do this when handcuffs are taken off. |
親愛的褲子 | Hello,sweet pants! |
慢著!你要怎麼跟瓊安娜說? | Wait! What will you tell Joanna? |
說什麼? | About what? |
她看你走了會知道是我放的 我會被解雇 | She'll see you're gone and know I let you out,and I'll get fired! |
我會撒謊,我最會撒謊了 | I'll tell a lie! I'm good at lying! |
我的確借了你的隨身聽 | I actually did borrow your Walkman! |
行不通的,她會知道我有鑰匙 | She'll know I have a key to her office. |
我得把你銬回去 | I've got to lock you back up. |
你別想 | I don't think so. |
這樣好多了 | This is much better. |
這個人很有意思 | Here's somebody interesting. |
你對梵古(畫家)認識多少? | What do you know about Van Gogh? |
他割掉自己的耳朵 還有呢? | -He cut off his ear. -And? |
沒了 | I'm out. |
這是他畫的 | He painted that. |
不賴嘛 | That's pretty nice. |
我以為他割掉耳朵是因為自己畫不好 | I thought he cut off his ear because he sucked. |
還有什麼? 我看看 | -What else you got in there? -Let's see.... |
教皇住在哪裡? 森林裡 | -Where does the Pope live? -ln the woods. |
等等,那是開玩笑的 | Wait,that's the joke answer. |
他住在梵蒂岡 | Actually,it's Vatican City. |
你知道什麼是硫化橡膠? | Now,what do you know about vulcanized rubber? |
史波克(《星際迷航》)的節育用品\n(史波克的星球充滿硫磺味,喬伊以為有關係) | Spock's birth control. |
你需要這套書 | You need these books. |
這裡是你的舊房間? | This used to be your room? |
你小時候一定很健美 | You must have been in really good shape as a kid. |
我真是個白癡 | I'm such an idiot! |
我居然以為她會改變 | I can't believe I thought she could change. |
誰管你媽媽怎麼想? | Who cares what your mom thinks? |
太莫妮卡了又怎樣 | So you "pulled a Monica." |
這句話還真流行 | I'm glad that's catching on. |
誰說這一定要是壞話? 去改變它的意義 | Why does that have to be a bad thing? Just change what it means. |
去證明你媽是錯的 | Prove your mother wrong. |
你把工作順利完成 我們就管它叫太莫妮卡了 | You finish the job,and we'll call that "pulling a Monica." |
什麼? | What? |
小孩每一科都拿A,父母會說 “你太莫妮卡了” | If a kid gets straight A's,his parents say,"You pulled a Monica." |
消防員救出一個寶寶 大家會說“他太莫妮卡了” | A fireman saves a baby,and they go,"He pulled a Monica." |
有人打全壘打,播報員會說 “這是一支好球” | Someone hits a homer,and they say,"That one's out of here." |
當然有些事是不會變的 | Because some things don't change. |
好,我要下樓去 | All right. I'll go down there. |
我不上義大利面 我要上我做的菜 | I won't serve the lasagna. I'll serve what I make. |
我的咪咪真有力 | My breasts are really strong. |
錢德,拜託,我得把你銬回去 我的飯碗快不保了 | I have to get you locked back up. I'm so going to lose my job! |
她很在意辦公室的隱私權 | She's very private about her office! |
我總算知道原因了 | Now I know why! |
你不管怎樣都有麻煩 | You're in trouble either way. |
她看見我被銬在櫃子上 | If she sees me locked to this... |
就會知道你進來過 你還不如讓我走 | ...she'll know you were here. You might as well let me go. |
我幫你洗浴室1個月 還是洗不乾淨 | -I'll clean your bathroom for a month. -Still won't be clean. |
我只要我的自由 | All I want is my freedom. |
揉腳1個月 自由 | -Foot rubs for a month! -Freedom! |
把你的相片通通整理好 自由,我要我的自由 | -I'll put all your photos into albums! -I want my freedom! |
你為什麼不聽 蘇菲,救救我 | Why won't you hear me! Sophie,help me! |
蘇菲,坐下 | Sophie,sit! |
自由 | Freedom… |
請你冷靜好嗎 | Would you just calm down?! |
我再說最後一次 | I'm going to say this for the last time. |
能不能請你… | Would you please just |
我對嘔吐的瞭解還真少 | There's a lot I didn't know about vomit. |
等一下 | In a minute. |
你覺得如何? | So what do you say? |
1200元擁有整套百科全書 | You get the whole set of encyclopedias for $1200. |
平均一本才50元 | That works out to just 50 bucks a book. |
1200? | 1200 dollas? |
你覺得我有1200嗎? | You think I have $1200? |
我大白天窩在家裡 | I'm home during the day... |
還把庭院的傢俱擺在起居室裡 | ...and I got patio furniture in my living room. |
有些事是書上學不到的 | There's a few things you don't get from book learning. |
你能湊出多少? | Well,what can you swing? |
零首付,月付0元,永久期限如何? | How about zero down and zero a month for a long,long time? |
你什麼都沒有? | You don't have anything? |
你想看我有什麼?好 | You want to see what I got? |
我有一個巧克力棒 | I got a baby Tootsie Roll... |
一張電影票根、鑰匙、面紙 | ...a movie stub,keys,a Kleenex... |
一塊小石頭 | ...a rock... |
和一個玩具兵 | ...and an army man. |
好,我懂了,耽誤你時間了 | Okay,I get the picture. Thanks for your time. |
和50元 | And a fifty. |
這一定是錢德的褲子 | These must be Chandler's pants. |
50元可以買一本 | For $50 you can get one book. |
你要哪一本?A?B?C? | What will it be? A? B? C? |
我還是買V好了 | I'll stick with the V. |
我想看看這個壞小孩結局如何 | I want to see how this bad boy turns out. |
我幫你買並且包裝聖誕禮物 不要 | I will buy and wrap all of your Christmas gifts! |
我每天早上幫你榨柳橙汁 | I'll squeeze you fresh orange juice every morning! |
有果肉? 有 | -With extra pulp? -Yeah. |
不要 | No |
我知道了 | I've got it! |
你不知道 | You don't have it. |
我完全知道了 | I have so got it! |
這件事會傳出去,擋也擋不住 | There will be rumors about this. No way to stop it. |
蘇菲知道 莫妮卡、菲比知道 | Sophie,Monica and Phoebe know. |
她們怎麼會知道? 我打給她們 | -How do they know? -I called them. |
當她們問我看到什麼 | When they ask me what I saw... |
我可以很大方 | ...I can be very generous... |
也可以很小氣 | ...or very stingy. |
說下去 | Go on. |
我可以讓你成為傳奇 | I can make you a legend. |
我可以讓你成為現代的密爾頓·伯利(演員,傳說他偉岸無比) | I can make you this generation's Milton Berle. |
而密爾頓·伯利的… 根本比不上你 | -And Milton Berle has -Not compared to you. |
怎樣? 客人碰都沒碰義大利面 | They're not even touching the lasagna. |
真的? 他們好喜歡你的砂鍋 | They love your casserole! |
漂亮 | Yes! |
不久前這些都還是材料呢 | It's hard to believe a while ago this was just ingredients. |
大家都很喜歡你做的菜 | Everyone seems to like your dish. |
那你呢? | And you? |
我覺得… | I thought it was... |
很好吃 | ...quite tasty. |
要是大家都喜歡,你也喜歡 | So if everyone liked it,and you liked it... |
那就代表很成功,而你… | ...that would make this a success. Which would make you.... |
就是惡婆娘? | A bitch? |
我想說“你就錯了” 但你的說法也行 | I meant "wrong," but we can use your word. |
對,我錯了 | Yes,well,I was wrong. |
我必須要說 | And I have to say... |
你今天讓我很感動 | ...you really impressed me today. |
你還可以說她太莫妮卡了 | You might even say that she "pulled a Monica." |
她不知道我們改過了 | She doesn't know we switched it. |
下次你再幫我辦宴會的時候 | And the next time you cater for me... |
冰箱裡除了冰不會存別的東西 | ...there will be nothing but ice in the freezer. |
這是很大的鼓勵 | That really means a lot. |
媽,別咬指甲 | Mom,don't bite your nails! |
(中央咖啡館) | |
錢德你好啊 | Hello,Chandler. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
少來了 | No,he doesn't! |
持續了2小時 | Two hours,that lasted. |
所以你跟瓊安娜分手了嗎? | So did you break up with Joanna? |
應該是吧 | I think so. |
幸好她像維蘇威火山一樣爆發之前 你就閃了 | It's good you got out,before she blew up like Vesuvius. |
火山? | The volcano? |
對,講到火山 那些火成岩還真暴力 | Speaking of volcanoes,man,are they a violent igneous rock formation! |
什麼? 熔岩亂噴,熱灰亂飛 | What?-Lava spewing,hot ash. |
不過有些是休眠火山 | Of course,some are dormant. |
你怎麼突然聊起火山來了? | Why are you talking about volcanoes all of a sudden? |
不一定要聊火山(以V開頭的) | We don't have to. |
你們想聊什麼?活體解剖(以V開頭的)? | What do you want to talk about? Vivisection? |
輸精管(以V開頭的)? | The vas deferens? |
越戰(以V開頭的)? | The Vietnam War? |
有人看那部韓戰紀錄片嗎? 有 | Did anyone see that documentary on the Korean War? |
韓國那麼美 | Korea's a beautiful country. |
命運卻好悲慘 | With such a sad history. |
有好多姓金的 | Could there be more Kims? |
外面是誰? 是我,早安 | -Who's out there? -Me! Good morning! |
瑞秋,你能不能進來一下? | Could you come in here,please? |
好 沒有罌粟籽焙果了 | Sure! They didn't have poppyseed bagels... |
所以我買了芝麻的…天哪 | ...so I have sesame Oh,my word! |
我出了一點辦公室災難 | I've had a slight office mishap. |
請把門後的鑰匙拿給我 好 | Could you get the key for me? |
能不能請你… 對不起 | -lf you could. -Oh,I'm sorry! |
告訴你的朋友錢德 我們這次絕對是分手了 | You can tell your friend Chandler we're definitely broken up this time! |
新皮夾? | Hey,new wallet? |
也該換了 | It was time. |
保險套圖案的皮夾已經不酷了 | The old condom ring in the leather just doesn't say "cool" anymore. |
瑞秋,你把空紙盒放進冰箱裡 | Rachel,you just put an empty carton back in the fridge. |
我知道,但是垃圾袋滿了 | I know,but the garbage was full. |
你有倒過垃圾嗎? 有啊 | Have you ever taken out the trash? |
從你搬來之後? | Since you've lived here? |
我以為你喜歡倒 | Well,I thought you liked doing it. |
左邊第三個門 好 | -Third door on the left. -Right! |
(垃圾槽) | |
崔格先生 | Hey,Mr. Treeger. |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
放了一段時間,不過… | It's a little old but.... |
不是 我才剛通好又被你塞住了 | You're clogging up the chute I just unclogged. |
對不起,我不常來 | I'm sorry. I don't come in here a lot. |
當然啦,你是小公主嘛 | Of course not. You're a little princess. |
爸爸,幫我買披薩 | Daddy,buy me a pizza. |
爸爸,幫我買糖果工廠 | Daddy,buy me a candy factory. |
爸爸,讓《貓》的演員 幫我唱“生日快樂歌” | Daddy,make the cast of Cats sing "Happy Birthday" to me. |
你以為你可以來這裡 | You think you can come here... |
搞得一團亂,反正有人會收? | ...make a mess and a big man in coveralls will clean it up? |
去找別人吧 | Think of someone else for a change. |
對不起嘛 | Okay,I'm sorry. |
天哪,這樣也要哭 | God,if you're going to cry about it! |
本集播出:“交際舞” | The One With Ballroom Dancing |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
崔格把你氣哭了? 對 | Treeger made you cry? |
他說了一些很惡劣 又不盡真實的話 | He said really mean things that were only partly true. |
我去教訓他 | I'll teach him a lesson. |
喬伊,不要,我看還是算了 | Joey,don't. Let's forget about it. |
你說得倒容易 差點被殺的又不是你 | That's easy for you to say. You weren't almost just killed! |
夠了,學校要開學了 | All right,that's it. School is in session! |
天哪,這是健身中心卡嗎? | Is this a gym card? |
沒錯,我是會員 | Oh,yeah,gym member. |
我儘量一周去四次,但已經… | I try to go four times a week,but I've missed... |
一千兩百次沒去了 | ...the last 1200 times. |
那你怎麼不退出? | So why don't you quit? |
你以為我沒試過? | You don't think I've tried? |
你以為我喜歡每個月 帳戶被扣50元? | You think I like having $50 a month taken from my account? |
他們逼你大老遠跑過去 | They make you go all the way down there. |
用各種課程和效果讓你昏頭 | They use all these phrases and peppiness to confuse you. |
然後還叫瑪麗亞出來 | And then they bring out Maria. |
誰是瑪麗亞? | -Who is Maria? |
瑪麗亞 | -Oh,Maria! |
她令人無法抗拒 | You can't say no to her. |
她是穿緊身衣的會員獨享優惠 | She's like this lycra,spandex-covered,gym treat. |
要我陪你去握著你的手嗎? | Do you need me to go with you and hold your hand? |
不用 你可以單獨應付她? | You're strong enough to face her? |
不是,你得陪我去 | Oh,no. You'll have to come. |
崔比亞尼,等一下 | Tribbiani. Hold on. |
我去拿通馬桶的活塞 | I'll get the plunger. |
你才等一下 你把我朋友瑞秋氣哭了 | You hold on. You made my friend Rachel cry. |
馬上去向她道歉 否則我就通知房東 | So you'll go and apologize to her...unless you want me to call the landlord. |
你要說什麼? | And tell him what? |
你沒聽過 男人不該讓女人流淚嗎? | Maybe you haven't heard of "not making girls cry." |
你沒聽過 1968年租屋安定法案嗎? | Maybe you haven't heard of the Rent Stabilization Act of 1968. |
我還真的沒聽過 | I have actually not heard of that. |
你朋友違反這個法案 | Your friends are violating it. |
我一直很客氣 但我不必受這種罪 | I've been nice until now,but I don't need this grief. |
我要告訴房東 | I'm telling the landlord... |
莫妮卡非法分租她奶奶簽約的房子 | ...Monica's illegally subletting her grandmother's place. |
你朋友得搬出去了 | Your friends are out of here,pal. |
別說一些我不知道的事 | Why don't you tell me something I don't know? |
誰能讓我今天不用上班 | Somebody tell me I don't have to work today. |
怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
今天第一個客人是個大帥哥 | My first massage is this incredibly gorgeous guy. |
每次見到他,我就想… | Every time I see him,I want to... |
替他免費服務一下 | ...do things to him I can't charge for. |
那你就做啊 | So do them for free. |
不行,公司不准 | No,it is forbidden. |
跟客人亂來會被波特太太開除 | Mrs. Potter fires people for messing around with clients. |
而且也違反我的按摩師誓言 | And it's against my oath as a masseuse. |
你還得發誓? | -They make you take an oath? |
是我自己要發的 | -No,I made myself take one. |
不得與客人亂來… | No fooling around with clients... |
和,時刻準備著 | ...and always be prepared. |
後面是童軍守則,不過說得通 | That one's from the Boy Scouts,but it just makes good sense. |
你怎麼不把他轉給別人? | Why not give him to someone else? |
我可以應付,我很專業 | No,I can handle it. I'm a professional. |
菲比,那是新腳鏈嗎? | Pheebs,is that a new ankle bracelet? |
你去修過腳趾甲 你的腳打扮過 | You got a pedicure.Your feet are all dressed up. |
因為他在按摩臺上 只看得到你的腳 | That's the only part he can see when he's on the table! |
你要用腳勾引他 | You're going to do some feet flirting! |
我不知道你們在說什麼 | I don't know what you're talking about. |
那你幹嘛戴腳趾環? | How do you explain the toe ring? |
今天是阿拉伯公主日,行嗎? 不要管我啦 | It's Arabian Princess Day at work. Leave me alone! |
我的英雄!結果怎樣? | My hero! What happened? |
我說誰也不准欺負我的姐妹 | I told him no one treats my friends like that. |
他最好上來道歉,待會見 | And he better apologize. See you! |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
他怎麼說? | What did he say? |
他說他不要 因為你們兩個違法 | He wouldn't apologize because you're living here illegally. |
他要趕你們走,待會見 | Instead,he'll evict you. See you later! |
你害我們要被趕走? 我就叫你不要去找他 | -You got us evicted? -I told you not to go down there. |
他把瑞秋氣哭了 | He made Rachel cry! |
瑞秋本來就愛哭 | Rachel always cries! |
你亂講 | That's not true! |
你給我下去拍他的馬屁 | You go down there,and you suck up to him. |
怎麼拍都行 | You suck like you've never sucked before! |
好啦,我儘量 | All right,I'll try. |
要是沒成功 你們就先來跟我們住 | If I can't,you stay with us till you get settled. |
去啦! 好啦好啦 | -Go! -All right,all right. |
我得先確定一下,不過他應該可以 | I'll have to check first,but he'll be cool. |
記住剛才所說的,要堅定 好…好 | Remember what we talked about. You got to be strong. |
再來一次 | Now one more time. |
你不想擁有平坦的小腹 和結實的胸肌嗎? | Don't you want a washboard stomach and rock-hard pecs? |
不想,我喜歡鬆軟的肚子和下垂的男人的胸部 | No,I want a flabby gut and saggy man-breasts. |
很好 | That's good. |
我要退出會員 | I want to quit the gym. |
你要退出? | You want to quit? |
我要退出會員 | I want to quit the gym. |
那就不能享用 全新的瑞典護理喔 | You do realize you won't have access to our new Swedish spa? |
我要退出會員 | I want to quit the gym. |
好,請找會員服務部的大衛 | Dave in the membership office handles quitters. |
抱歉,你是會員嗎? | Excuse me. Are you a member? |
我?不是 | Me?No |
抱歉,會員才能進去 | Sorry. Members only. |
我要退出會員 | I want to quit the gym! |
放心好了,要堅定 | It's okay,man. Be strong. |
你有加入任何健身中心嗎? | Are you a member of any gym? |
我沒有,也不會 別白費唇舌了 | No,and I'm not going to be. So save your little speech. |
好,沒問題 | Okay,no problem. |
你來一下 | Could you come here? |
你好,我是瑪麗亞 | Hi,I'm Maria. |
(妙手仁心) | |
你的腳很漂亮 | You have really pretty feet. |
這些老東西? | These old things? |
幫我捏一下臀部,快痛死了 | Would you spend time on my sciatic area? It's killing me. |
你是說…你說的臀部是指… | You mean....By sciatic,you mean... |
毛巾蓋住的部分? 對 | ...the towel-covered portion? |
好,沒問題,因為… | Sure,I can do that. |
臀部的肌肉有時的確會… | Because the muscles in the sciatic area can get... |
緊實有彈性 | ...real nice and tight. |
瑞克,你這裡怎麼會不舒服? | So tell me,Rick,how did you injure the area? |
我為綠色和平組織 靜坐抗議16小時 | A 16-hour sit-in for Greenpeace. |
你剛才咬我? 沒有 | -Did you just bite me? -No! |
怎樣? | What? |
別把她們趕走,是我不好 | Please don't kick the girls out. This was my fault. |
你要我把你們趕走嗎? | You want me to kick you guys out instead? |
不行,那小雞小鴨要住哪裡? | You can't. Where would the chick and the duck live? |
你們養寵物? 沒有 | You have pets?-No |
那是綽號 | Those are nicknames. |
我是小雞,錢德是小鴨 | I'm the "chick," and Chandler's the "duck." |
我會以為是反過來 | I would've thought it was the other way around. |
拜託啦,讓她們留下來 | Come on. Let the girls stay. |
你要我做什麼都行 | I'll do whatever you want. |
真的?什麼都行? | Really? You'd do anything? |
對,沒錯 | Yeah,absolutely. |
我知道你能做什麼了 | I got something. |
什麼? | What is it? |
你能當我的舞伴嗎? | Can you be my dancing partner? |
這不是監獄裡的黑話吧? | That's not prison lingo,is it? |
我要退出會員 | I want to quit the gym. |
你能否誠實地告訴我你對自己的身體百分百滿意 | Can you honestly tell me that you're 100% satisfied with your body. |
大部分時候是的 | Yes,yes. Most of the time. |
有時狀態不佳時 我會想到我笑起來很可愛 | I mean,sure,I have my bad days,but then I remember what a cute smile I have. |
我們連續2年被票選為 紐約設備最佳健身中心 | We were voted "Best-equipped Gym in New York" two years running. |
你真的想放棄? 對,我討厭這裡 | -Do you really want to give that up? -Yes,I hate it here. |
這裡的東西都好重 | Everything that you have in here is very heavy. |
真的?好 | Really? Okay? |
你總不想讓你朋友落單吧? | You want to make your friend work out alone? |
什麼朋友? 你的朋友羅斯剛加入會員 | -What friend? -Your friend Ross. Just joined. |
(中央咖啡館) | |
他的舞伴? | His dancing partner? |
對,他們有一個管理員舞會 叫“超級舞會” | There's this superintendents' dance,"The Super Ball." |
他想引起一個女管理員 瑪姬的注意 | He wants to impress Marge,this lady super he likes. |
那怎麼不找女生練? | Why not practice with a girl? |
他不好意思 | He's too shy. |
他覺得他還沒資格跟女生跳 | He's not good enough to dance with girls yet. |
是啊 | Yeah,right. |
他差點害我跳進那個垃圾槽裡 | He almost danced me right down that garbage chute. |
別再念了,你又沒事 | Would you let it go already? You're fine. |
你退出了嗎? | So did you quit? |
差一點 | I almost did. |
但我不能丟下羅斯不管 | Couldn't leave Ross there without a spotter. |
這麼說你加入會員了? | Wait,now,so you joined the gym? |
很好笑,為什麼? | And that's funny,why? |
我只是在想像你在健身和… | I was just,you know,picturing you working out,and.... |
就這樣 | Well,that's it. |
我們毀了 | We're doomed. |
我們下半輩子 每個月都會被扣50元 | They'll take $50 a month from our accounts for the rest of our lives. |
我們該怎麼辦? | What are we gonna do? |
你們可以去健身啊 | You could actually go to the gym. |
或是去銀行 | Or we could go to the bank... |
結束我們的帳戶,斷了他們的財路 | ...close our accounts and cut them off at the source. |
你是天才 | You're a genius. |
那我們就不能當銀行好兄弟了 | Oh,man! But then,we won't be bank buddies. |
現在又多了一個理由 | Now there's two reasons. |
記得我說的那個帥哥客人嗎? | You guys,remember that cute client I told you about? |
我咬了他 | I bit him. |
咬哪裡? | -Where? |
屁屁 | -On the tushy. |
這樣不違反你的誓約? | And that's not against your oath? |
我知道,對不起嘛 但是一摸到他 | I know,but the moment I touch him... |
我就想拋開舊誓約 發一個骯髒的新誓約 | ...I want to throw out my old oath and take a new,dirty one. |
下次你就讓自己分心 | Next time,try to distract yourself. |
對,像我如果在做很興奮的事 | Like when I'm doing something exciting... |
又不想太…興奮 | ...and I don't want to get too...excited. |
我就會想別的事,像三明治啦 | I try and think of other things. Like sandwiches... |
棒球啦 | ...and baseball... |
還有…錢德 | ...and Chandler. |
謝謝你啊 不,謝謝你 | -Thank you. -Oh,no,thank you. |
我來了,咱們開始吧 | All right,I'm here. Let's get this over with. |
好,跟著我的舞步 | Okay,well...just follow my lead. |
不必先做點準備嗎? | Don't we need to do some kind of preparation first? |
像是喝個爛醉? | Like get really drunk? |
來,把手環抱著我 | Come on. Hey,just put your arms around me. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
沒關係,不過如果我是瑪姬 | No. It's okay. But if I'm Marge... |
我的胸部會被撞到背後去 | ...my breasts are coming out my back. |
算了,我根本不會跳舞 | Forget it! I'm not being any good at this. |
我媽說得對 | My mom was right. |
我只是個有胳膊有腿有頭的大土豆 | I'm just a big potato with arms and legs and a head. |
別這樣,你不是土豆 | Come on,man. You're not a potato. |
總之我不適合跳舞,練也沒用 | I'm sure as hell not a dancer. It's no use. |
瑪姬不會看上我的 | Marge will never go for me. |
別這麼說嘛 | Come on,Treeger. Don't say that. |
你只是需要練習 | You just need more practice. |
來,再試一次 | Come on. Let's try it again. |
來 | Come on |
而且問題八成是出在我身上 | Plus,it was probably mostly my fault anyway. |
我不太習慣跟一個… | I'm not that comfortable dancing with a |
舞練得怎樣? 有“同志”情誼了嗎? | So how goes the dancing? Gay yet? |
你們欠我一個人情 | You guys owe me bigtime. |
那是什麼? | What was that? |
什麼? 你剛才在跳舞 | You just did a little dancy thing. |
我哪有 你有 | -No,I didn't. -Yes,you did. |
你剛才跳了兩下 你玩得很樂喔 | -You did a little hop. -You are so enjoying this. |
我沒有 | No,I'm not. |
而且那不是跳,那叫巴德佈雷(芭蕾舞形體訓練術語) | And it wasn't a hop. It was a pas de bourree. |
你還知道術語,你真的很投入 | You know the words!You are so into this! |
也許有一點吧,我越跳越好 | Maybe I'm enjoying it a little. I'm getting pretty good at it. |
好可愛喔,喬伊小舞伶 | This is so sweet. Joey,our little . |
這可不是什麼娘娘腔的舞 | This isn't some kind of girly dance. |
這是一種運動,很陽剛的 | It's like a sport,it's manly. |
來,秀幾個陽剛的舞步 好 | -Show me some "manly" moves. -All right. |
我不會帶舞 | I don't know how to lead. |
你好 | Hello. |
我們想把帳戶消掉 | We'd like to close our accounts. |
把帳戶消掉?有什麼問題嗎? | Close your accounts? Is there a problem? |
沒有 沒有,我們只是想消掉 | No,we'd just like to close them. |
好,終止帳戶由藍伯小姐負責 | Ms. Lambert handles all our closures. |
請你來一下 | Would you come over here,please? |
我是凱倫 | Hi,I'm Karen. |
我要退出這家銀行 | I want to quit the bank! |
(好,棒球) | Okay. Baseball. |
(瑞克打棒球,滑上二壘) | Rick playing baseball. He slides into second. |
(也許褲子可以拉低一點) (不對!) | Maybe even his pants come down a little. |
(好,三明治) | Okay,sandwiches. Sandwiches. |
(三明治在盤子上) | Okay,on a plate. |
(瑞克的褲子拉低一點) (不對!) | Maybe Rick's pants come down a little. |
(錢德) | Chandler. |
(好,錢德,有用耶) | Okay,Chandler. That's working! |
(錢德的膝蓋) | Chandler's knees. |
(錢德的腳踝) (錢德的腳踝毛) | Chandler's ankles.Chandler's ankle hair. |
(哦,不) | Oh,no! |
好了 | Okay,you're all set. |
真是不可思議 | Wow! That was amazing! |
真的只有1小時嗎? 對 | Was that really just an hour? |
在1小時超長的世界裡 什麼? | In really long-hour world.What? |
好吧 | Okey. |
我很喜歡你 | I have an enormous crush on you. |
但你是客人,就算對你有感覺 我也不能約你 | But since you're a client,I can't ask you out...even though you give me the feelings. |
我完全不知道 | I had no idea. |
不過我可以找別的按摩師 | I can always find another masseuse. |
真的? 真的 | Really?Yeah,really. |
怎麼了? | What? |
我突然意識到我光著身體 | Suddenly I'm very aware I'm naked. |
好,別吵 | Quiet down. |
賽門先生等了…天哪 | Mr. Simon's been waiting Oh,my God! |
我為什麼沒有這服務? | Why wasn't I offered that? |
我願意多付錢 | I'd definitely pay more for that. |
菲比,這裡是有規矩的 這裡不是那種場所 | We have rules here. This is not that kind of place. |
我知道,但是你完全誤會了 | I know,but this isn't how it looks at all... |
因為瑞克是我的丈夫 | ...because Rick is my husband. |
是嗎? | Oh,really? |
你最好告訴他的另一個老婆 她已經打來三次電話問他在哪裡了 | You'd better tell his other wife.She called three times asking where he is. |
好,我會告訴她 | Yes,I will tell her. |
你們沒有結束帳戶? | So you didn't leave the bank? |
沒有 而且還一起辦了一個活存帳戶 | And somehow we ended up with a joint checking account. |
你們要那個帳戶幹嘛? | What will you ever use that for? |
轉帳給健身中心 | To pay for the gym. |
我今天過得真好 | So I had a great day. |
瑞克和我一拍即合,我們親熱 | Rick and I hit it off. We were making out. |
然後老闆走進來 因為我成了一個妓女而開除我 | Then my boss walked in and fired me for being a whore. |
你被炒魷魚? 天哪 | -You got fired? -Oh,my gosh! |
感覺好怪,我從來沒被開除過 | It's so weird. I have never been fired from anything. |
親愛的 | Sweetie. |
我開始漫無目的的亂晃 | I started walking around,not knowing what to do next. |
還問路上的人要不要按摩 | I started asking people on the street if they wanted massages. |
結果員警也以為我是妓女 | Then these policemen thought I was a whore too. |
以一個妓女來說今天還真背 | It's really been a bad day,whore-wise. |
嘿,小鴨,小雞在嗎? | Hey,Duck. Is Chick here? |
在,兔寶寶 | Yeah,Bunny Rabbit. |
要練最後一次了? | Ready for our last practice? |
轉圈還不夠好,我那裡太小了 | We're not getting that spin right because my place is too small. |
要去我家嗎? 不,我有別的主意 | -Want to use our place? -No,I had another idea. |
成功了! | We did it! |
我知道,太棒了 | That was incredible! |
太精彩了,非常完美 太棒了 | That was amazing! We totally nailed it! |
崔比亞尼,真是謝了 | Hey,listen. Thanks a lot,Tribbiani. |
糟糕,看看時間 | Oh,my God! Look at the time. |
我得趕公車去舞會 | I got to catch the bus to the ball. |
好,祝你好運 | Good luck. |
還是你想練狐步舞?或是探戈 | Unless you want to practice the fox trot. Or the tango? |
謝謝,不用了 | Thanks,but no. |
我已經可以跟女生跳了 | You see,I think I'm ready to dance with girls. |
好,去迷倒她們吧 好 | -Go get them,Treeger. -Right. |
你想去嗎?瑪姬有個朋友 | You want to come? Marge has a friend. |
真的? | Really? |
你會很習慣,她跟我差不多壯 | You'd dance good with her. She's the same size as me. |
不用了 | No,I'm good. |
(拉拉與珍按摩院) | |
看來你很有經驗 | It looks like you've got great experience. |
我看看 你為什麼辭去上一份工作? | Let's see. Reason for leaving last job? |
他們以為我是妓女 | They thought I was a whore. |
好,有消息我們會通知你 | Okay. We'll give you a call if anything comes up. |
太好了,謝謝你 | Great. Thank you very much. |
四個字的船 應該不是“船” | Joe,I don't think a four-letter word for "ship" can be "ship." |
我以為那是免費贈品 | I thought it was a freebie. |
咦,這是什麼? | Hello!What's this? |
啊,對了,是那個女生的電話 | Oh,right! It's that girl's phone number. |
在這裡,一個很辣的女生 給我的電話 | There it is. Just a phone number...a really hot girl gave me. |
也沒什麼,只是她家的電話… | It's no big deal. I mean,it is her home phone number,but.... |
真是的,差點就把這個寶貝掉了 | Almost lost this baby! |
可愛的亞曼達把電話給我 我卻掉了 | The lovely Amanda gives me her number,and I go and drop it. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
本集播出:“喬伊的新女友” | The One with Joey's New Girlfriend |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
瑞秋,你的生日是幾號? | -When's your birthday? |
5月5號,做什麼? | -May 5th. Why? |
我只是在記大家的生日 | I'm making a list of birthdays. |
我是12月… 隨便 | -Mine's December -Yeah,whatever. |
她真漂亮 | She's pretty! |
好漂亮,真…好…真漂亮 | Pretty,pretty girl. The pretty She's pretty. |
去約她嘛 | Go ask her out. |
有什麼大不了的? | -What's the worst that could happen? |
我搞不好會死 | -I could die. |
一個人的確很難熬 | Yeah,it's tough being single. |
所以我很高興我認識了亞曼達 | That's why I'm so glad I found Amanda. |
羅斯,你們只出去過一次 | Ross,you guys went out once. |
你們帶著孩子去吃了一頓“小雞乳酪”你都沒親她 | You took your kids to Chuck E. Cheese,and you didn't even kiss her. |
我會洩露秘密 | I tell people secrets. |
好讓別人喜歡我 | It makes them like me. |
我只是想說 總算來了一段成熟的戀情 | All I'm gonna say is,finally,it's nice to be in a mature relationship. |
如果你真的只想說這句話 世界會更美好 | You know,the world would be such a better place if that actually was all you were gonna say. |
菲比,你生病了,別唱了 回家上床休息吧 | Phoebe.You're sick. You shouldn't play. Go home. |
但是我失業了 | But I'm unemployed. |
我只剩下音樂 | My music is all I really have now. |
音樂,還有自己做鞋子,很美吧? | Well,music and making my own shoes. Pretty,huh? |
好,我去 | All right,I'm gonna do it. |
我去接受槍斃 | I'm gonna go get shot down. |
有什麼建議? 展現你的本色 | Any advice?Just be yourself... |
但是不要太過 | ...but not too much. |
祝我好運 | Wish me luck. |
加油 | Good luck! |
請用祈禱的 | Wish it! |
你好,我坐在那裡… | I was just sitting over there and.... |
我是錢德,我有說嗎? | My name's Chandler. Did I say that? |
沒有,你好,我是凱西 | No,you didn't. Hi,I'm Kathy. |
K開頭的還是C開頭的凱西?-K開頭的 | -Kathy with a K or a C? -With a K. |
你還真會搭訕 | Wow,you are really good at this! |
別這麼說,我很尷尬 | I'm out on a limb here! |
你說得對,我道歉 | I'm sorry. You're right. |
但是我跟別人有約 | But I should tell you,I'm waiting for a date. |
他來了 | And there he is now! |
你們已經認識了 | I see you guys already met. |
是啊,我正在示範 | I was trying to demonstrate... |
如何把我那很大的腳 | ...how I could get my very large feet... |
塞進我那更大的嘴裡 | ...into my even bigger mouth. |
我就說吧 | Didn't I tell you? |
他最愛現了 | Always showing off. |
首先我要說,我感冒了 | Before I start,I want to say that I have a cold. |
要是我唱到一半打噴嚏 那不是故意的 | So if I sneeze during a song,it's not on purpose. |
除了“胡椒人”的最後一句 | Except the last verse of "Pepper People." |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 | Smelly cat,smelly cat |
他們喂你吃什麼? | What are they feeding you? |
這聲音不賴喔 | This chick sounds good. |
臭臭貓,臭臭… | Smelly cat |
甘瑟,乖孩子,拿杯威士卡來 | Gunther,be a good little boy and bring me a whiskey. |
想不到半夜2點半 還要搶遙控器 | At 2:30 a.m.,I didn't expect to have to fight over the remote. |
對不起 我想看厄尼柯瓦克斯(喜劇演員)的節目 | Sorry,there's this Ernie Kovacs thing I wanted to watch. |
我也是要看那個 | That's why I got up too. |
不會吧?我愛死他了 | You're kidding? I love him! |
我爸以前都逼我熬夜陪他看 | My dad made me stay up and watch reruns with him. |
我爸也是 你爸也逼你看世界小姐選拔嗎 | Mine too. Did your dad also make you watch the Mr. Universe contest? |
沒有 我爸也沒有 | -No. -Well,me neither. |
下午很抱歉 要是知道你們…我也不會… | I'm sorry about this afternoon. If I had known that you two,I never would have.... |
沒什麼 | Oh,please. |
喬伊說你們是在表演課認識的 | Joey tells me you two met in acting class. |
對,我們兩個一組 喬伊選了三場戲 | They teamed us up as partners. Joey picked three scenes for us to do. |
三場都是親熱戲 | All of them had us making out. |
太好了,他原先都逼我跟他練 | That's a good thing because he used to make me rehearse with him. |
開始了嗎? 還沒,但是這個伸縮掃把很棒 | -ls it on? -No,but this Wonder Broom is amazing! |
上帝啊! | Oh,my God! |
開始了 | It's on! |
小不點,過來 | Here we go,little fella. |
那鴨子呢? | What about the duck? |
鴨子會游泳 也對 | The duck can swim. |
爛泥巴鞋 | My sticky shoes |
沾滿爛泥巴的鞋 | My sticky,sticky shoes |
你為什麼黏著我不放,寶貝? | Why you stick on me?Baby |
謝謝你的燈光親愛的 | Thanks for the lights,honey. |
太精彩了 | Way to go! |
你的聲音好有磁性 | Your cold makes you sound great. |
好好玩,我真是太性感了 | It's fun. God,I love how sexy I am! |
凱西,該走了 我們要去買倉鼠 | Kath,we should get going. We're going to buy hamsters. |
我喜歡倉鼠 | I love them. |
不是那樣的 我在替一個醫療研究員工作 | No,it's not like that. I work for a medical researcher. |
去玩吧 好 | -Well,have fun. -Okay. |
醫學界總算也在救助 生病的倉鼠了 | It's nice that the medical community is trying to help sick hamsters |
是啊 太好了 | -lsn't it? -Yeah,it's great. |
我喜歡凱西 對啊 | You know what? I like Kathy. |
我也是,她好酷好漂亮 | Me too! She's so cool and pretty. |
是啊,她… | She is. |
她既聰明又風趣 | She's smart and funny. |
我們昨晚聊了一整夜 她聊到一些… | We were up all last night talking. She said the funniest thing about |
怎樣? | What? |
你愛她 | You love her. |
我沒有 | No,I don't. |
你有,錢德愛凱西 | Yes,you do. Chandler loves Kathy. |
菲比,饒了他吧 謝了,羅斯 | -Come on,just lay off him. -Thank you. |
他現在有點敏感 因為他戀愛了 | He's a little sensitive right now because he's so in love! |
好啦 | All right. |
凱西,我愛你 | Kathy,I love you! |
我得寫一些悲情的歌 來配合我的新哭腔 | I need to write some depressing stuff to go with my new bluesy voice. |
但是我沒有悲慘的遭遇 | But nothing that sad has ever really happened to me. |
你媽自殺的事呢? | How about your mom dying? |
或是你14歲時流落街頭? | Or having to live on the streets when you were 14? |
我可以寫頭髮翹起來那次 | I could write about the time my hair did that whoo-hoo thing. |
我晚上要去亞曼達家 | I'm going over to Amanda's tonight. |
瑞秋不在 | Rachel's not here. |
你跟她進展如何? | How's it going with her? |
很棒,搞不好今晚就有機會 | Great,actually. I'm thinking tonight may be the night. |
兩個孩子會一起玩 等他們睡了 | The kids are gonna play together,and then when they're asleep... |
亞曼達和我再開一瓶酒 | ...I'm thinking Amanda and I break open a bottle of wine... |
我們自己來玩 | ...do a little playing ourselves. |
嗨,這是賈許 | Hi,guys! This is Josh. |
賈許,她們是我的朋友 | Josh,these are my friends. |
那是羅斯 | And that's Ross. |
賈許 你好 | Josh,hi. |
老兄 | Dudes. |
你在大學校隊打球? | You played in college? |
現在還是,明年我想進大學代表隊 | I still do. Next year,I hope to make varsity. |
羅斯,你高中不是踢過足球嗎? | Didn't you play soccer in high school? |
不對 你只是用“海軍準將64型”遊戲機幫他們排賽程表 | No,wait. You just organized their game schedules on your Commodore 64. |
不早了,我還有球賽 先閃了 | It's getting late. I gotta get to the game,so I'm gonna...head. |
我會想你的 | I'll miss you. |
爽! | Dope! |
很可愛嘛 非常可愛 | Wow! Cute one. |
我知道,他很棒吧? | -Very cute. -I know. Isn't he great? |
總算來了一段有趣的戀情 | So nice to finally be in a fun relationship,you know? |
他一點也不無聊 | There's nothing boring about him. |
我敢賭他一定沒進過博物館 | I bet he's never set foot in a museum. |
也許他快要有機會了 | Maybe he'll get to go soon. |
像班級旅行什麼的 | Like on a class trip or something. |
你們知道他還有哪裡好? | You know what else is great about him? |
該怎麼形容 房間裡沒有恐龍玩具的男人? | What is the word for an adult who doesn't have dinosaur toys in their bedroom?{ |
什麼意思? | What was that? |
莫妮卡知道 | Monica knows. |
那是羅斯發明來唬爸媽的 | It's this dumb thing that Ross made up to try to fool our parents. |
其實就是豎中指的意思 | It's a way of giving the finger without actually having to give it. |
你發明這個手勢讓我哭了 | I cried the night you made that up. |
我第一次明白我比我哥酷 | It was the first time I realized I was cooler than my big brother. |
我要去準備… | I'm going to go get ready... |
赴今晚的約了 | ...for my date tonight... |
先閃了 | ...so I'll just "head." |
我也該走了,1小時後要上臺 | I should go too. I'm playing in one hour. |
你們應該來聽 | You guys should come hear me. |
來聽 | Hear me. |
爛泥巴鞋… | My sticky shoes |
我的性感破鑼嗓沒了 | I lost my sexy phlegm! |
班 | Hi,Ben. |
你好美 謝謝 | -You look great! -Thanks. |
湯米 | Hey,Tommy! |
我好高興你今晚能來 | I am so glad that you could come over tonight. |
不,這是我的榮幸 | Oh,no. It's my pleasure. |
我的手機號碼在餐臺上 冰箱裡的東西自己拿 | My cell phone number is here on the counter.Please,help yourself to anything in the fridge. |
真的很謝謝你 我想約這個男的好久了 | I appreciate this so much. I have been trying to go out with this guy for a month. |
我… | I... |
能不能請你等孩子睡了再喝酒 | I'd really appreciate it if you'd wait and drink your wine after the kids are asleep. |
成人頻道鎖碼了 密碼是43… | I blocked the adult channels for the other babysitters,but the code is four,three |
不用了 | I'm fine. |
謝謝你,希望改天我也能幫你 | Thanks for this. I hope I can do the same for you sometime. |
誰想打長途電話? | Who wants to make some long-distance calls? |
凱西,凱西,喂 | Kathy! Kathy! Hi! |
凱西,凱西 | Kathy! Kathy! |
凱西 | Kathy! |
去接,去接 | Fetch! Fetch it! |
凱西,凱西,凱西 | Kathy! Kathy!Kathy! |
凱西 | Kathy! |
凱西 | Kathy! |
錢德,你怎麼在這裡? | Chandler,what are you doing here? |
我只是來打個招呼 | I just wanted to say,"Hey!" |
好 | Hey. |
你說得太嚴重了吧 | You're making it sound worse than it was. |
她的男伴給了我10塊錢 | Her date tipped me $10! |
菲比,你幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
我想恢復性感,所以我想感冒 | I want to be sexy again,so I'm trying to catch a cold. |
應該很容易,感冒很常見 | Should be easy. They're pretty common. |
你會得肺炎 | You'll catch pneumonia! |
你們說得對 我愛上了喬伊的女朋友 | Okay,you were right. I'm in love with Joey's girlfriend. |
什麼? 真的嗎? | -What? -Are you serious? |
怎麼可能?你們根本不熟 | How is that possible? You barely know her. |
我不曉得,我就是… | I don't know. I just |
我就是無法忘掉她 | I can't get her out of my head. |
我很糟糕,非常非常糟… | I'm a very bad person. I'm a very,very bad person. |
我是個爛人 | I'm a horrible person. |
“才不是呢,錢德,我們還是愛你” | "No,you're not. We still love you,Chandler!" |
我染上你的感冒了 | Phoebe,I think I caught your cold. |
是偷走才對 | You mean you stole it! |
打噴嚏不要捂嘴巴 | Don't cover your mouth when you do that! |
我們正在說你 | We were just talking about you. |
真的? | Really? |
對,就是你喝醉 頭泡在馬桶裡睡著那次 | The time you got drunk and fell asleep with your head in the toilet. |
就是在那裡 | Right in there! |
你們租了什麼電影? 還是一樣 | -What movie did you get? -I got what I always get. |
“虎膽龍威” | Die Hard. |
我就是喜歡喬伊這一點 | That's what I like about Joey. Any other guy would have been: |
其他人都會說 “我也最喜歡‘英國病人’” | "Yeah,The English Patient is my favorite movie too." |
但喬伊就會說 “才不要,借‘虎膽龍威’” | But Joey goes,"No way. Let's get Die Hard. |
“我才不看那個英國病人” | I'm not watching that English crap." |
是啊,他最棒了 | Yeah,he's dreamy. |
我先走了,我跟朋友有約 | I gotta go. I gotta go meet some friends. |
他有別的朋友? | He has other friends? |
99…100 | Ninety-nine... |
我來捉你們了 | ...a hundred. Ready or not,here I come! |
我再解釋一次規則 | Let's go over the concept one more time. |
小傢夥們 | Hi guys |
晚上要不要跟我們吃飯? | You want to get some dinner with me and Kathy tonight? |
我已經吃飽了 | You know what? I already ate. |
才4點半 | It's 4:30. |
我星期一吃得很飽 | I had a big meal on Monday. |
可以撐一整個禮拜 | So that'll get me straight through the week. |
好,我知道是怎麼回事 | I see what's going on here. |
你知道? | -You do? -Yeah. |
對,你不喜歡凱西 | You don't like Kathy. |
被你猜對了 | You got me. |
我們交往至今,你一直在躲她 | You've been avoiding her ever since we started going out. |
我曾經努力去喜歡珍妮絲 | I made an effort to like Janice. |
現在該你試著去喜歡凱西 陪我們去吃飯了,對吧? | Now I think it's your turn to make an effort to like Kathy by going out with us. Right? |
對,沒錯 | -Yeah,right. |
很好,而且我請客 | -Good. And hey,my treat. |
不過你不吃,對吧? 對 | -Only because you're not eating,right? -Right. |
奶奶,對不起 | Sorry,Grandma. |
羅斯不在 | Ross isn't here. |
放手 | Stop it! |
那我們派對上見 | I'll see you at the party? |
啤酒免費,24小時乘以七天! | Beer's fear,man! Twenty-four,seven! |
我一定會嫁給他 | I am so gonna marry that guy. |
怎麼了? | What? |
我覺得他偷我的錢 | -I think he's stealing from me. |
為什麼? | -Why? |
因為他真的偷我的錢 | Because he's stealing from me! |
是我,還有熱湯 | Hi,it's me and soup. |
我剛遇到賈許,他穿你的皮衣看起來好帥 | I just saw Josh. He looked so yummy in your leather jacket. |
來,我不吃雞,所以只有湯 | I don't eat chicken,so it's just noodle soup. |
熬湯時又沒放雞,跟水沒兩樣 | There's no chicken in the broth,so it's really just noodle water. |
謝謝你 | -Thank you so much. -Sure. |
你拿那個幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
我要你的細菌,我想再感冒 | I need your germs. I want my cold back. |
我懷念我的性感嗓音 | I miss my sexy voice. |
對不起 | Sorry,Phoebe. |
沒關係 | It's okay. |
湯好喝嗎? | How's the soup? |
那個女生的內衣都露出來了 | Check it out! You can see that girl's underwear. |
她很棒吧? | Is she great,or what? |
你覺得她如何? | What do you think? |
她不是我的型 | She's not really my type. |
不是你的型?大美女耶 | Not your type? She's gorgeous. |
因為她穿網襪 | You know what it is? The fishnet stockings. |
看到女生穿網襪,我就想到… | Whenever I see a girl in fishnet stockings,it reminds me of... |
我爸穿網襪的樣子 | ...my father in fishnet stockings. |
好吧 我有點瞭解你為何單身了 | Understanding a little more of why you're single. |
我有個很漂亮的朋友 我們可以一起約會 | I have a friend you'd like. She's really pretty. And then we could double date. |
不必了 | No,thanks. |
好 我也有幾個醜朋友沒有物件 | I've got some ugly friends,and they're all available too. |
我去叫酒 | I'm gonna grab a beer. |
我馬上回來 | I'll be right back. |
你什麼意思? | -What was that? -What? |
什麼? 凱西在示好,你卻掉頭就走 | Kathy's being really nice and you just walked away. |
我們不是說好了? | I thought we had a deal. |
你要我怎樣? | What do you want from me? |
我要你喜歡她 | I want you to like her. |
要是太難了 你起碼可以裝一下 | If that's too damn difficult for you,then the least you could do is pretend. |
我正在裝啊 | -I am pretending. |
那就再像一點 | -Then do it better. |
好,不如我去說我很喜歡她 | What do you say I go over there and tell her how much I like her? |
我可以說我一直在想她 | I can tell her how much I've been thinking of her. |
認識之後我就一直想著她 | I haven't stopped thinking about her since we met. |
我無可救藥 簡直想掐死自己的愛著她 | I'm so over the top,want-to-slit-my-own-throat... |
每一天的每一分每一秒 | ...in love with her that for every minute... |
我都在怨恨為何是你先認識她 | ...I can't believe my own damn bad luck that you met her first! |
很不錯 | That's pretty good. |
但是別那麼誇張 | But you might want to tone it down a little. |
我還在發燒? 你確定溫度計沒壞? | I still have a fever? Are you sure that thing's working right? |
我們可以量你的其他地方 | Well,we could take it the other way. |
是亞曼達載我來的 | So Amanda just dropped me off. |
我就喜歡她這一點 | That's one of the things I love about her. |
成年人可以開車 | She's old enough to drive. |
你晚上不去找爸媽了? | You're not going to Mom and Dad's tonight? |
不了,對不起 | No,sorry. |
亞曼達呢? | Where's Amanda? |
瑞秋,幫我拿咳嗽藥水好嗎 | Could you get me some cough drops? |
我在想 你可以帶她去你的舊房間 | I'm thinking you could bring her...and you guys could go up to your old room |
然後不上床 | ... and not make out. |
羅斯,咳嗽藥水 | Cough drop,please? |
至少她跟我出去 不是為了看限制級電影 | At least she's not going out with me to get into R-rated movies. |
你怎麼不娶她算了? | Why don't you just marry her? |
我忘了,你不行 她不是同性戀 | Wait,you can't! I forgot. She's not a lesbian. |
亞曼達和我… 什麼都不是 | -Amanda and I have a -You have nothing! |
你們根本沒在約會 你是她的保姆 | You're not even going out! You're her babysitter. |
你在做12歲小女生做的事 | You have a 12-year-old girl's job! |
真可悲啊 | That is so sad. |
你笑什麼 你男朋友還不是愛喝酒又偷錢 | And what are you laughing at,Miss My-keg-sucking-boyfriend...-is-stealing-from-me? |
他偷了幾塊錢又怎樣 他有買東西給我 | So he stole a couple bucks from me. Big deal!At least he got me something with it. |
那是我的 | That's mine! |
你們兩個成熟一點好嗎? | Would you both please start acting like adults? |
把咳嗽藥水拿給我 | And give me my cough drops! |
好 對不起 | -Fine. -Sorry. |
拿去 | Here. |
至少我還賺了10塊錢 | At least I made $10 in my relationship. |
你… | You know...? |
遊行的山羊在遊行 | Parading goats are parading |
在大街上遊行 | Parading down the street |
遊行的山羊在遊行 | Parading goats are parading |
留下小腳印 | Leaving little treats |
用這種聲音唱還能聽嗎? | Does it even work without my sexy voice? |
我喜歡 | I like it. |
甘瑟,親我 | -Gunther,kiss me. -What? |
副警長,快想辦法 | Do it,deputy! Do something! |
我們沒有要睡,但是小聲點好嗎 | We aren't exactly sleeping in here,but do you mind? |
我可以睡你的沙發嗎? | Can I sleep on your couch? |
我還在等我的紙黏土人 | And I'm still waiting For my papier-mache man |
謝謝各位 | Thank you,my babies. |
瑞秋 怎樣? | Rachel? |
我不知道你有沒有聽說 我和菲比的事 | Did you hear what happened between me and Phoebe? |
沒有 | No |
我們接吻了 不是我主動的,但我也沒阻止 | We kissed. I didn't initiate it,but I also didn't stop it. |
我一直覺得很內疚 | I've been feeling guilty. |
好 | Okay. |
所以…我們沒事吧? | So...are we cool? |
好 | Okay. |
我就知道你會諒解 | I knew you would understand. |
謝謝你的美味晚餐 隨時都歡迎 | -Thanks for the tasty dinner. -You're welcome for a tasty dinner. |
你們在看什麼? | What are you guys looking at? |
羅斯和世界第一美女 | Ross and the most beautiful girl in the world. |
對,到爸爸這來 | Yeah,come to Papa! |
我知道 | I know! |
這實在不像我會說的話 | Probably the only time I'll say this... |
但你們看到她的屁股了嗎? | ...but did you see the ass on her? |
你是…你是… | What did you...? When did you...? |
你怎麼… 你怎麼把到這種女生的? | How did you...? How did you get a girl like that? |
她是誰,代言模特兒? 有氧舞蹈教練? | So what is she,like a spokesmodel? An aerobics instructor? |
她是古生物學博士候選人 專攻新生代 | Actually,she's a paleontology doctoral candidate specializing in the Cenozoic Era. |
不過那是最簡單的時代 | But that's,like,the easiest era. |
我在館裡見過她,但總覺得… | I've seen her at work,but I always figured.... |
總之我做飯給她吃 | But I made her dinner. |
我們聊得很愉快 明天還要見面 | We had a great time. And we're going out again tomorrow. |
也許她跟朋友打賭 誰能釣到最怪的怪胎 | Maybe her friends are betting to see who gets the biggest geek. |
我無所謂,祝她勝利 | Fine by me. Hope she wins. |
我們也應該來比 | Hey,we should have a contest. Yeah. |
看誰帶回來的女生最漂亮 | See who can bring home the most beautiful woman. |
好主意 名稱就叫“真實人生” | That's a good idea,Joe. We could call it life. |
本集播出:“髒女孩” | The One with the Dirty Girl |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
有包裝紙嗎? | You have any wrapping paper? |
你要包我的生日禮物? | Is it for my birthday present? |
你生日都過了1個月 | It was your birthday months ago. |
對,但你說訂了特別的東西 還沒送來 | You said you ordered something special and it just hadn't come yet. |
我有接到電話 | I have a call in about that. |
這是給凱西的生日禮物 是她最喜歡的書的早期版本 | It's for Kathy. It's an early copy of her favorite book. |
是《棉絨兔》(童話作家馬傑裡·威廉姆斯的著名作品) | The Velveteen Rabbit! |
天哪 當男孩的愛讓它變成真兔子… | When the boy's love makes the rabbit real.... |
好,別摸,你的手有油污 | Don't touch it because your fingers have destructive oils. |
那你最好別靠近羅斯的頭髮 | Then you'd better keep it away from Ross' hair. |
這很珍貴,你是怎麼找到的? | This is pretty rare. How did you get that? |
沒什麼,我只是跑了幾家書店 問了幾個書商 | No big deal. I just went to some bookstores... |
聯絡了幾個作者的孫子 | ...talked to some dealers,called some of the author's grandchildren. |
真是太感人了 | Honey,that's so sweet. |
完全宣告了 “室友的女友,我在暗戀你” | What a great way to say,"l secretly love you,roommate's girlfriend." |
哪會啊…會嗎? | It doesn't say that.Does it? |
你自己看嘛 你送的禮物別具意義又昂貴 | How will it look when you get her something incredibly meaningful... |
她的男朋友卻送她一個柳橙 | ...and expensive,and her boyfriend,Joey,gives her an orange? |
好 我會叫喬伊送她很好的禮物 | I'll make sure Joey gets her something really great. |
可得比那本書還好 | It's got to be better than that book. |
送十字弓 | Like a crossbow! |
真的很抱歉 | Once again,I am sorry. |
謝謝,再見 | Thank you. Bye. |
我推掉了60人的喪禮宴會 | I had to turn down a job catering a funeral for 60 people. |
天哪,出了什麼事? | Oh,my God! What happened? |
是60個“客人” | Sixty guests. |
你為什麼要推掉? | Why'd you have to turn it down? |
因為我沒有錢和用具 可以臨時接這種大生意 | I don't have the money or equipment to handle something that big on such short notice. |
不可能的 | I mean there's no way. |
怎麼這麼消極? | Wow,what is with all the negativity? |
你好像“莫妮不可” 而不是“莫妮可” | You sound like "Moni-can't," not "Moni-can"! |
莫妮“卡” | Moni-ca. |
你承辦宴會都3年多了 | You've been playing around with this catering for over three years. |
你到底想不想當宴會廚師? 我不知道 | -Do you want to be a caterer? -I don't know. |
這就對了!這才是精神所在 | There you go! That's the spirit! |
你需要錢我借你,你就接吧 | If you need money,I will lend you money. Just get moving! |
真的?我需要5百元來採買 | Really? I'd need $500 for all the food and supplies. |
好,能讓你接就值得 你好幾個月沒工作了 | It's worth it if it'll get you moving. You haven't worked in months! |
你也是 | Well, you're not working either |
但我正在資助你 | -Yes,but I'm doing this. |
太好了,謝謝 | That would be great! Thank you. |
你家的鑰匙借我 | -Can I borrow your apartment keys? |
為什麼? | -Why? |
你可以在這裡尿啊 | You can pee here. |
也對 | Yes,I can,of course. |
不好意思 反正剛好鴨子也在用浴室 | It's okay. The duck's using our bathroom anyway. |
你要送她什麼生日禮物? | What are you getting for her birthday? |
我們才交往2星期也要送嗎? | We've been dating a couple weeks. I got to get her something? |
要啊 | Yes. |
不但要送,還要送得很好 | Yes, you have to get her something, and it should be something really nice. |
有了! 1小時的喬伊猛男體驗券不算 | -I know! -And not one of your coupons for an hour of "Joey Love." |
填字遊戲!我可以幫忙嗎? 不行 | -A crossword! Can I help? -No. |
對不起 上星期我除了三個題之外都答對了 | Last week I got all but three answers... |
我很想獨立完成一次 | ...and I want to finish one without any help. |
好 | Fine. |
那你也不能幫我研發新宇宙語 | But you can't help me develop my new universal language. |
怎麼樣? | How'd it go? |
天哪,這個葬禮太棒了 | Oh,my God! It was the best funeral ever! |
每個人都說好吃,還有 | Everyone loved the food. |
我還接了明天的另一場葬禮 | I even got another funeral for tomorrow. |
是今天的死者的死黨 | The dead guy from today's best friend. |
我成了那場事故的指定宴會承辦人 | It's like I am the official caterer for that accident. |
我真替你高興 | Mon,I'm so happy for you! |
謝了,你看我的新用具 | Thanks. Check out my new catering stuff. |
看,我可以去賣蛋捲 | Look! I'm an omelet station! |
要特製蛋捲嗎? | Omelet? Made to order? |
請給我一份,還有我的錢 | I'll have one,please. Plus my money. |
我不曉得你馬上就要 | I didn't realize you needed it right away. |
你叫我去當宴會廚師 我就去了 | You told me to go and be a caterer. So I went. I be'd. |
我把錢都花掉了 | I used it to buy all this stuff. |
“原住民”! | Aborigine. |
不對 | No. |
我明天還有生意 到時就能還你 | I got another job tomorrow,so I'll pay you back then. |
好,抱歉剛才一副銀行嘴臉 | Okay. Sorry I acted like a bank. |
“原住民”! | Aborigine. |
不對,剛才就試過了 | Oh,no,I tried that already. |
你要進來嗎? | Would you like to come in? |
直立人是用木器打獵嗎? | Did Homo erectus hunt with wooden tools? |
最新證據顯示是的 | According to recent findings. |
蜜琪來,蜜琪來 | Here,Mitzi! Here,Mitzi! |
蜜琪是… 我的倉鼠 | Mitzi is...?My hamster. |
但願它沒事,好久沒見到它了 | I hope she's okay. I haven't seen her in a while. |
請坐 | Have a seat. |
(坐哪裡?) | Where? |
對了,你… | Oh,hey. Do you.... |
你有肉桂水果烤吐司嗎? | Do you have any Cinnamon Fruit Toasties? |
什麼? 我有 | Well,I do. |
我們回我家去,點幾根蠟燭 | Let's go back to my place,light a couple candles... |
開一盒肉桂水果烤吐司 | ...break open a box of Cinnamon Fruit Toasties.... |
還是不要好了 | -I'd rather not. -Oh,yeah? Why not? |
為什麼? | Oh,yeah? Why not? |
我沒有惡意 | Don't take this the wrong way... |
但是你家有一股怪味 | ...but your place kind of has a weird smell. |
東西都上車了? 對,錢拿到了嗎? | -ls everything in the car? -Did you settle the bill? |
還沒,我最討厭要錢了 | I hate this part. |
差點忘了這個 | Look what we almost left! |
那不是我的 | That's not mine. |
差點偷了這個 | Look what we almost took! |
柏卡特太太? | Excuse me,Mrs. Burkart? |
廚房都收拾好了 | Well,we're all cleaned up. |
很好,謝謝你 | Good. Thank you. |
還有一件小事… | And,well,there's this small matter of the.... |
什麼事? 就是…費用的事 | -Dear? -The matter of...payment. |
錢都是傑克在管 | Jack used to handle the finances. |
拿到了嗎? 沒有,但是把那寡婦惹哭了 | -You get it? -No,but I made a widow cry. |
我們地獄再見吧 | See you in hell. |
你知道嗎? 我們應該去看音樂劇 | You know what we should all do?Go see a musical. |
好 | Sure. |
你知道應該看哪一部? | You know which one? |
1996年托尼獎得獎作品 那部戲一定很好 | The 1996 Tony Award winner.I mean,that one's gotta be good. |
你知道它的名字嗎? | Do you know the name of that one? |
不曉得,《火爆浪子》? | I don't know. Grease? |
不是 | No |
《吉屋出租》? | Rent? |
對!《吉屋出租》 | Yes! Rent! |
好,什麼時候去? | So when do you want to go? |
什麼? 我不行,我很忙 | What? I'm sorry. I can't,I'm busy. |
天哪,女孩子的禮物真難買 | Man,it is so hard to shop for girls. |
的確很難在…“頂級奧菲斯”?(辦公用品連鎖店) | Yes,it is...at Office Max! |
你買了什麼? | What did you get her? |
一支筆 | A pen. |
這是二合一,是筆,也是時鐘 | It's two gifts in one. It's a pen that's also a clock. |
你不能送這個 | -You can't give her that. |
為什麼? 因為她不是11歲 | -Why not?Because She's not 11! |
這也不是光明節的第七夜(在這一夜要玩尋找小東西的遊戲) | And it's not the seventh night of Chanukah. |
他的意思是,這個禮物雖然好 | What he means by that is,while this is a very nice gift... |
卻不適合送給女朋友 | ...maybe it's not something a boyfriend gives. |
當然適合 | Sure it is. |
她上班要用到筆 | She needs a pen for work. |
寫到一半轉過來一看 | She's writing. She turns it over. |
哇,該去跟喬伊約會了 | "It's time for my date with Joey!" |
好 你以前送安琪拉什麼生日禮物? | All right. What did you get for Angela Del Veccio's birthday? |
我們交往時沒碰上生日 | She didn't have one. |
整整3年? | For three years? |
已經來不及了,我還要試鏡 我不能再找了 | Look,it's too late,and I got an audition.I can't shop anymore. |
我去幫你找,好嗎? | I will go out and try to find something for her. |
謝了 | Thanks,man. |
你能不能順便買張卡片? | While you're at it,could you get her a card? |
要不要我順便寫一首小詩? | Would you like me to write her a little poem as well? |
或是買張印了詩的卡片 | Or just get a card that has a poem already in it. |
那是一張卡片,也是一頁詩 | Oh,so it's a card,but it's also a poem-holder. |
你得把錢要到 但是她哭個不停 | -You have to get our money. -She couldn't stop crying. |
眼淚還被眼鏡放大了 | With those thick glasses,her tears look giant. |
我知道很難 | I know,it's tough. |
你知道我媽一下葬我做了什麼 | You know what the first thing I did after my mom's funeral was? |
什麼? 付錢給宴會廚師 | -What? -Pay the caterer! |
我做過很多工作 | I've had a lot of jobs. |
有些人總是想賴帳 | And there are some people who always try to get out of paying. |
不是“按摩時間不夠長” | It's either "That massage wasn't long enough"... |
就是“我沒聽過這幾首歌” | ...or "l don't know any of those songs"... |
或“這些墨西哥草帽不夠大” “壞心眼的白妞” | ...or "These sombreros aren't big enough. Bad little white girl!" |
你覺得她在裝? | So you think she's faking? |
你拿出帳單前她根本沒哭 | There weren't any tears till you showed her the bill. |
她聽起來很難過 | She sounded pretty upset to me. |
現在似乎沒事了 | She seems fine now. |
所以你就走了? 她家真的那麼髒? | So you just left? Her place was really that bad? |
我們下班回家 會把外套扔到椅子上 | You throw your jacket on a chair at the end of the day. |
在她家是扔到一堆垃圾上 | Like that,only instead of a chair,it's a pile of garbage. |
那也不是外套,而是一堆垃圾 | And instead of a jacket,it's a pile of garbage. |
那也不是下班回家 而是世界末日 | And instead of the end of the day,it's the end of time... |
只有垃圾存留下來 | ...and garbage is all that has survived. |
拿去 謝了 | -Here. -Wow. Thanks. |
然後呢? | So what happened? |
哪有然後,我逃之夭夭 | Nothing. I had to get out of there. |
下次你就帶她去你家 | Next time,you take her to your place. |
我試過了,她說我家有怪味 | I tried that. She says it has a weird smell. |
什麼怪味? 不曉得,香皂味? | -What kind of smell? -I don't know. Soap? |
聽著,你喜歡她對吧? 對 | -Listen,you like this girl,right? -Yeah. |
你想再跟她見面? 對 | -You want to see her again? -Yeah. |
那你就得在垃圾裡跟她做 | So you're going to have to do it in the mess! |
好吧,你說得對 | Yeah,okay. You're right. |
稍微亂一點又怎樣? | I mean,who cares about a little sloppiness? |
其實蠻可愛的 很好 | -It's endearing,really. -All right! |
去撂倒那只美麗的豬吧 | Now you go get that beautiful pig! |
我花了一下午替凱西找一件 比這只兔子好的禮物 | I just spent the entire afternoon looking for a present for Kathy that would be better than the rabbit. |
有找到嗎? | Any luck? |
有,我找到一家店 叫“送給凱西的隱形禮物” | Yeah,I found this great place called "lnvisible Things for Kathy." |
你能不能幫我搬一下這些禮物? | Can you give me a hand with all this stuff? |
你就把書退回去 讓喬伊送她那支時鐘筆 | Just return the book,let Joey give her the clock pen... |
你送個更差的東西,例如… | ...and you get her something worse than that... |
一支普通的筆 | ...Iike a regular pen. |
她會很喜歡這本書 | She's really going to love this,you know? |
我希望她擁有這本書 | The bottom line is,I want her to have it... |
就算不是我送的也行 | ...even if I don't get to be the one who gives it to her. |
好感人喔 | Honey,that's so sweet. |
你不覺得很可悲嗎? | You don't think it's just pathetic? |
是“可悲”! | Oh,"pathetic"! |
我要去見凱西了,我到處找你 | I've been looking all over for you. |
在哪裡找? | -Where? |
家裡啦,大廳啦 | Our place. The hall. |
我找到禮物了 | I got something for her. |
是一本書 | It's a book. |
書? | A book? |
是書也是保險盒? | Is it a book that's also a safe? |
它就是一本書 | It's a book that's just a book. |
是她小時候最喜歡的書 《棉絨兔》 | It's the Velveteen Rabbit. It was her favorite as a kid. |
讓我知道她喜不喜歡,好嗎? | So just let me know if she likes it,okay? |
沒問題 謝謝你,我欠你一次 | You got it. Thanks for doing this. I owe you one. |
那20塊沒有剩是吧? | There wasn't any change from that twenty,was there? |
沒有,剛好20塊 | No,it came out to an even twenty. |
哇,跟新書差不多貴 | Wow. That's almost as much as a new book. |
還是沒要到,對吧? | -You didn't get the money? |
等她暫停再去好了 | Maybe I can try at intermission? |
我們就走吧 | You know what? Let's just go. |
不行,錢沒拿到不能走 | We're not leaving till we get paid! |
她以為她是誰啊 | I don't know who she thinks she is. |
我問過花商,也沒拿到錢 | I talked to the florist. She didn't get paid either. |
還有靈車司機和神父 但他可以咒那個死人不得超生 | Or the limo driver,or the priest,and he can get the dead guy damned for all eternity. |
我不要再去了 | Well,I'm not going back out there. |
好,我受夠了 | Fine. Enough is enough! |
喂,寡婦 | Hey,widow? |
寡婦 | Widow? |
打擾一下?打擾一下? | Excuse me? Excuse me! |
謝了 你現在當然十分難過 | Thanks. Clearly this is a very,very hard time for you. |
但我們提供服務 就該領到費用 | But we provided a service,and we deserve to be paid... |
因為你吃都吃了 | ...because you ate that service. |
錢沒付清我們不會走 | We are not leaving here until we are paid every penny,because... |
我們是兼職的,也沒別的地方去 | ...we're part-time caterers and we have no place else to go. |
好,我去拿皮包 很好 | All right. I'll get my bag.Good. |
我留幾張名片 | I'm going to leave some cards here. |
下次有需要請考慮我們 | Please think of us for your next event. |
你想進來嗎? | So you want to come inside? |
想 | Yes. |
我想 | Yes,I do. |
我馬上回來,你隨便坐 | I'll be right back. Make yourself comfortable. |
猜猜我是誰? | Guess who? |
衛生署的? | Department of Sanitation? |
是我 | It's me. |
怎麼了? | What? |
喔!雪柔 | Oh,Cheryl! |
天哪… | Oh,God! |
那是我的倉鼠,是蜜琪 | -It's my hamster! It's Mitzi! -Oh,my God! |
天哪,對不起,我嚇到了 | I'm so sorry. I must have freaked out. |
幸好不是蜜琪 | Thank God it's not Mitzi! |
只是一隻老鼠 | It's just a rat. |
完成了 | I did it! |
我填完了 我一個人把它填完了 | I finished it! I did it all by myself! |
卻沒有人可抱 | And there's nobody to hug. |
閃開 | Move! |
你們! 我一個人把字謎填完了,抱我 | Hey,you guys!I finished it all by myself! Hug me. |
太棒了 | Hey,It's so good. |
恭喜 謝謝 | -Congratulations. -Thank you. |
宴會辦得怎樣? 很棒 | How did it go?It's great! |
那個寡婦不肯付錢 菲比就罵到她付錢為止 | The widow wouldn't pay,so Phoebe yelled at her till she did. |
沒錯,我是狠角色 | I'm a hard-ass. |
而我是軟腳蝦 | And I'm a wuss. |
我們應該聯手 | We should be partners. |
是啊 狠角色和軟腳蝦打擊犯罪 | Hard-ass and wuss. We could fight crime. |
等一下,我們是該聯手 | Wait a minute,Phoebe.We should be partners. |
我們應該合夥辦宴會 | We should be catering partners. |
你想嘛,你現在沒工作 我們又合作無間 | You're not working now,and we have a great time together. |
好 我下廚,你管錢 | I cook and you take care of the money. |
我就像娶了個五十年代的老婆 | It'll be like I have a wife in the 50s! |
怎樣?她喜歡嗎? | How did she like the gift? |
她愛死了 她拿去隔壁給女生們看 | She loved it. She's showing the girls right now. |
是嗎?太好了 | Yeah? That's great. |
老實說 占了這個功勞我很過意不去 | I got to tell you I feel bad taking credit for this,because... |
因為這個我可有得爽了 | ...am I going to get a lot of credit for this! |
生日快樂 謝謝 | -Happy birthday. -Thank you. |
錢德也有禮物要送你 | You know,Chandler got you a gift too. |
他沒有 | No,he didn't. |
他有,看,就在餐臺上 | Yeah,he did. Look,it's right there on the counter. |
生日快樂…我很抱歉 | Happy birthday.I'm sorry. |
你何必破費 | You really didn't have to. |
你以為這是一支筆 其實轉過來還有時鐘 | You think it's just a pen,but you turn it over and it's also a clock. |
好棒的禮物 | No,this is great! |
謝謝你,錢德 不客氣 | -Thank you,Chandler. -Oh,yeah. |
要睡覺了嗎? | Want to go to bed? |
我馬上就來 | I'll be in,in a minute. |
別忘了帶猛男體驗券 | Don't forget your coupon. |
晚安 | Good night. |
謝謝你的禮物 | Thank you for the gift. |
我只是想有時你寫字時 | I just knew that sometimes when you're writing... |
不一定知道確切時間 | ...you don't always know the exact time. |
我不是說這支筆 謝謝你那本書 | No,I didn't mean the pen. Thank you for the book. |
書? 《棉絨兔》 | The book?The Velveteen Rabbit? |
我覺得跟你有關 | I have a feeling you had something to do with it. |
什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
喬伊送我的時候說 | When Joey gave it to me he said: |
“因為我知道你喜歡兔子” “也喜歡起司” | "This is because I know you like rabbits,and I know you like cheese." |
謝謝,我好喜歡 | Thanks. I love it. |
你一定花了很多功夫 | I know how hard it must have been for you to find. |
如果你沒聽到 我的意思是“還好啦” | In case you missed that,that sound was,"Oh,well." |
你一定很喜歡喬伊 才會這麼費心 | You must really like Joey to go to all that trouble. |
是啊,他是… | Oh,yeah. He's my |
他是我最要好的朋友 | He's my best friend. |
晚安 | -Well.... -Good night. |
那可是限時體驗券 | Hey,that coupon expires,you know. |
你不認識我 我是莫妮卡蓋勒,羅斯的妹妹 | You don't know me. I'm Monica Geller,Ross' sister. |
你好,可惜我們合不來 | You know,it's too bad that didn't work out. |
總之他提到你家的情況 | Anyway,he told me about your apartment. |
我想得睡不著 | Well,I couldn't sleep thinking about it. |
我可以幫你打掃嗎? | So would it be okay if I cleaned it? |
不行嗎? | No? |
我會睡不著 | I won't be able to sleep. |
我剛撞見凱西光著身體 | I just saw Kathy naked. |
真是酷刑 | It was like torture. |
要是你去打仗被俘 你就有福了 | If we go to war and you're captured,you're in for a surprise. |
事情越來越糟 | It keeps getting worse. |
愛上室友的女朋友已經夠糟了 | It bad enough that I'm in love with my roommate's girlfriend. |
而且我覺得她知道 | By the way,I think she knows |
每次我們共處一室 氣氛就很詭異緊張 | Every time we're in the same room,there's weird energy between us. |
就當我瘋了 但我覺得她也喜歡我 | Call me crazy,but I think she likes me too. |
現在我又看到她的裸體 | And now I have seen her naked. |
她穿著衣服 我還能想像她全身長滿爛瘡 | At least with her clothes on I could imagine her body was covered in boils. |
結果沒有,她很光滑 | But there are no boils. She's smooth. |
很光滑 | Smooth! |
-大家看到他的長袍走光了嗎? -上帝啊 | -Could everyone see up his robe? -Oh,my God! |
本集播出:“錢德過線了” | The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
拿去 | -Here you go. |
我待會打給你 好 | -I'll call you later.Great! |
那是誰? | Hey,hey. Who was that? |
那是凱希,我們晚上要約會 | Casey. We're going out tonight. |
約會?哇 | Going out? Wow! |
你跟凱西分手了?真可惜 | It didn't work out with Kathy? Bummer. |
沒有啊,我們很好 | No,things are fine. |
我跟她吃飯之前要先跟凱希吃 | I'm having a late meal with her after an early one with Casey. |
什麼? 最瘋狂的是我剛吃完一整個披薩 | -What? -Yeah.The craziest thing is,I just ate a whole pizza myself. |
慢著,你要跟凱西見面? | You're going out with Kathy! |
對,你幹嘛這麼不安? | Yeah. Why are you upset? |
我是… | Well,I'm upset... |
為了你 | ...for you. |
不斷跟美女追求性愛 一定很空虛 | Sex with an endless line of beautiful women must be unfulfilling. |
那又怎樣?我們又不是唯一的 | What's the big deal? It's not like we're exclusive. |
喬伊 | Look,Joey. |
凱西顯然無法滿足你的心靈 | Kathy's clearly not fulfilling your emotional needs. |
但是凱希… | But,Casey.... |
我雖然只看到她的後腦勺 | Granted,I just saw the back of her head. |
但是我感覺得到她聰明風趣 | But I got this sense that she's smart and funny... |
能捉到你的心 | ...and gets you. |
光看後腦勺就知道這麼多? | You got all that from the back of her head? |
你該定下來了 | I think it's time for you to settle down. |
做個選擇,選一條“路” | Make a choice. Pick a lane. |
誰是伊萊恩?(與“路”諧音) | Who's Elaine? |
小東尼泰山 用鼻毛蕩來蕩去 | Little Tony Tarzan Swinging on a nose hair Swinging with the greatest of ease |
不費吹灰之力 | Swinging with the greatest of ease |
我不知道怎麼接 | I don't know the next verse. |
你可以唱“不費吹灰之力” | You could just go:Greatest of ease |
然後接下去 | Then go right into it. |
也對,我喜歡 | I like that. |
慢著,你怎麼會那個… | How do you know about...? |
我玩過音樂 | You know,I used to play. |
也對,鍵盤嘛 | That's right. The keyboards? |
高中只是玩玩 大學才真正投入 | A little in high school. I got into it in college. |
那時我才找到我的聲音 | That's when I really found my sound. |
我把果汁噴出來了,但是值得 | Orange juice just came out of my nose,but it was worth it. |
天哪,我都忘了你的聲音 | Oh,my God! I completely forgot about your sound. |
他常把自己鎖在地下室好久 | He'd lock himself in the basement for hours. |
誰也不准聽那個“聲音” | No one was ever allowed to hear the sound. |
我想聽那個“聲音” | I want to hear the sound. |
不行,我很久沒彈了 | No,I mean,I haven't played in so long. |
那是很私密的東西 | Well,it's really personal stuff. |
快嘛,彈彈那些黑人爵士樂,白人男孩 | Play that funky music,white boy. |
是啊 | -Yeah,come on. |
不行啦,我的鍵盤在… | -No,you guys.My keyboards are all the way |
好吧 | Yeah,okay. |
誰待會要跟我吃飯 | Who wants to get dinner later? |
我想去那家義大利餐廳 應該很不錯 | I wanna try that new ltalian restaurant.Supposed to be really good. |
我看到裡面有很多中國人 | Saw a lot of Chinese people eating in there. |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
你常說某家餐廳一定很不錯 裡面有很多中國人 | You said some restaurant must be good because Chinese people were eating there. |
因為那是中國餐廳 | That's because it was a Chinese restaurant. |
我還是想去,誰要一起? | I still wanna go. Who wants to come? |
我不行 我晚上有兩個約會,所以… | Oh,I can't. I got two dinner dates tonight,so I gotta get ready. |
我要去準備了 | I gotta get ready. |
好,就我們女生了 | All right,girls' night out. |
對不起 我們得準備明天的宴會 | Sorry,but we have to prep that catering thing for tomorrow. |
是啊 我希望我可以一個人吃飯 | Oh,that's right.I wish I could eat in restaurants alone. |
你應該試試看,那樣蠻好的 | You should try it. It's a really good thing to do. |
我會渾身不對勁 好像自己是展示品 | I just think I'd feel really self-conscious. Like I was on display or something. |
我展示過 跟獨自吃飯最像了 | I was on display once. Nothing like eating alone. |
我自己玩得很開心 | I just had a great time with myself. |
聽起來是個很好的故事 | Well,this could be a good story. |
我是說吃飯 | At dinner. |
感覺好自由 | It was so liberating. |
我不需要別人給我樂趣 | You know,I don't need people to have fun. |
我能自得其樂 我是個有趣的女孩 | I'm fun. I'm a fun girl. |
你是個壞女孩嗎? | Are you a naughty girl? |
有趣就好,有趣,很好 | No,just fun. Fun. Good. Fun. |
我就說會很好玩吧 是啊 | -See,I told you you'd have fun. -I know. |
但我對自己吃飯的女生有偏見 | Although I must say that I totally judge any woman I see eating alone. |
為什麼? 很抱歉,自己吃飯有什麼不對 | -Why? -What's wrong with a woman eating alone? |
當然有,她自己吃飯耶 | Well,obviously something. She's eating alone. |
可以了 | Okay,guys. |
好,來吧 | All right! Bring it on,you! |
開始了 | Here we go. |
我的東西沒有彈給別人聽過 | You know,I've never played my stuff for anyone before. |
希望你們能瞭解這是在傳達… | So it's important that you understand...it's about communicating |
很私密的情感 | ...very private emotions. |
你們應該把我的作品 | You know....You should think of my work... |
看做是無字音詩 | ...as wordless sound poems. |
意思是…上帝啊你就彈吧 | -That's what -Oh,my God,play. |
這真是… | Well,you know,that was... |
太棒了(也有“嚇人的”意思 | ...terrific! |
真是…屌啊 | Really...bitchen. |
哇!我的天哪! | Wow! It was so wow! |
真的嗎? | Really? |
對,你實在應該去表演 | Yeah! I mean,you should play in public. |
謝謝你們,這真是… | Wow,thanks,you guys. That's |
我想再彈另一首 | I want to play you another piece. |
直升機音效在另一張光碟裡 我馬上回來 | I left my helicopter sounds on another disk. I'll be right back,okay? |
你們真是太好了,我好… | This is so nice. I mean,I am so.... |
幸好我爸替地下室隔音 | God bless my dad for soundproofing the basement. |
我居然讓他用那些手指摸我 | I can't believe I ever let him touch me with those fingers. |
你們在說什麼?我好喜歡 | What are you guys talking about? I loved it! |
太動人了 | It was so moving. |
而且跟一般聽到的東西都不同 | It's so different from the stuff you usually hear. |
你是說音樂嗎? | You mean,music? |
我知道你在想什麼 | I know what you think. |
好啦,你的胸部也很堅挺多汁 | Yes,yes,your breasts are just as firm and juicy. |
請進 | Come in. |
天哪,那是《海灘遊俠》嗎? | Oh,God! Is that Baywatch? |
對,我只是為了寫文章才要看的 | Yes,but I just watch it for the articles. |
喬伊在嗎? | -So is Joey around? |
他還沒回來,應該馬上就會到 | -No,he's not back yet. |
進來坐,船頭還是船尾? | Come in,have a seat. Bow or stern? |
我無所謂,你呢? | I don't have a preference. You? |
我喜歡後面 | I like it in the stern. |
我是說船尾 | Of the boat. |
是我,聽著 我們的車出了狀況 | It's me. Casey and l had a little car trouble. |
怎麼了? 我們的車在路上壞了 | -What happened? -We broke down. |
我得走回去找變速器油 | I have to get transmission fluid. |
幫我跟凱西道歉 說我馬上回去 | Tell Kathy that I'm sorry and I'll be there soon. |
你怎麼不自己說? 我只有一枚硬幣,時間快要… | -Why can't you tell her? -I think my time is about to |
喬伊? | Joey,Joey |
怎樣? | Ya! |
我以為你時間到了 | I thought your time ran out. |
我也以為,看來還有一點… | Me too,but I guess I do have |
喬伊會晚一點,他跟你道歉 | Joey's running a little late,and he says he's sorry. |
就剩我們兩個了 | I guess it's just you and me,then. |
好 我想也是 | -Okay. -Yeah,I think it is. |
你今天做了什麼? | So,what'd you do today? |
我約好要去剪頭髮 | I had an appointment to cut my hair. |
很好 然後取消了 | -Looks great! -And then it got canceled. |
我可以幫你剪 | -I could cut it. |
真的嗎? 對 | -Really? Do you do that?Yeah. |
我是在姑媽的狗美容院學的 不過你要不要? | I learned at my aunt's dog-grooming shop. What do you say? |
狗美容? | Dog grooming? |
好,別把尾巴剪得太蓬 | Don't make my tail too poofy. |
你的發質很好 | You have really great hair. |
謝謝,我自己種的 | Oh,thanks. I grow it myself. |
喬伊的發質也很好 | You know who also has great hair is Joey. |
對,喬伊的發質很好 | Yes,Joey has great hair. |
差不多了,我幫你清一下 | I'm basically done here. Let me get this hair off your neck. |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
看一下長度是否一致 好 | Checking to see if it's even. |
看來沒問題 | Looks good. |
電話!電話在發出聲音 | The phone! The phone's making sounds! |
老兄,是我 | Hey,dude,it's me. |
是喬伊 | Hey,it's Joey! |
對不起,我們會拖上一陣子 | It looks like we'll be stuck here. |
我弄到機油了,但是要加油時 | I got the fluid. |
發現變速器不在 | The transmission wasn't there. |
什麼? 一定是掉了 | -What? -It fell out. |
我們撞到一隻狗 | I just figured we hit a dog. |
好 請凱西來聽,我要跟她道歉 | Could you put Kathy on? I want to apologize to her. |
好…喬伊找你 | It's Joey. |
沒關係,放心好了 | No,it's fine. Don't worry about it. |
別再道歉了,沒關係 | Yeah,no,stop apologizing. It's okay. |
好,明天再聯絡 | I'll talk to you tomorrow. |
我該走了 對,好 | I should probably go. |
我忘了帶皮包 | I forgot my purse. |
我是真的忘了帶皮包 我知道 | I really did. I forgot my purse. |
這樣很不好 | -This is bad! It's bad! |
太糟糕了 | -Horrible! |
你是說吻還是狀況? | Wait,the kiss or the situation? |
不,那個吻很棒 | The kiss was good. |
但這樣很不好 對,好,這樣吧 | -But that's bad! -Here's what we do. |
我們忘了這件事 什麼? | -We forget it happened. -What? |
我們壓抑我們的感覺 | We swallow our feelings |
即使這樣會痛苦一輩子 不錯吧? | Even if we're unhappy forever. Sound good? |
你真的做得到? | Can you really do that? |
我不得不 他是我最好的朋友 | I have to. He's my best friend. |
而你在跟他交往 | And you're seeing him. |
錢德,我很喜歡喬伊 | Chandler,I like Joey a lot. |
但是跟你… | -But with you |
不,別說了 | -No,don't! Don't,see? |
你會把我搞亂 我已經開始渴望了 | You're getting me confused. I'm starting to yearn. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
要是你想假裝沒事 我可以試試看 | If you want to pretend that nothing happened,I can try. |
我們非這麼做不可 | I think we have to. |
好 | Okey. |
再見 再見 | Bye.-Bye. |
你還在外面嗎? | Are you still out there? |
沒有 | NO. |
振奮人心 | Electrifying |
無窮的時間 | Infinite time |
三條街外有一家星巴克 | There's a Starbucks about three blocks down. |
他的靈感好豐富,你們看他 | He's so inspired. Just look at him. Look at him go! |
謝謝各位 | Thank you very much! |
接著不是該你? | Hey,aren't you up next? |
不,我今天不唱了 為什麼? | -I'm not playing tonight. -Why not? |
我不能接在羅斯後面 | I can't follow Ross. |
那就像騎腳踏車的猩猩 接在披頭四後面一樣,天哪 | It'd be like those poor bicycle-riding chimps who had to follow the Beatles. No. |
菲比,羅斯很爛 | Ross sucks. |
他把客人都嚇跑了 | The place has emptied because of him. |
天哪,當世甚至沒有人欣賞他 | Oh,my God,he's not even appreciated in his own time. |
我巴不得能跟他一樣不被欣賞 | I'd give anything to not be appreciated in my own time! |
好,菲比… | Okey,Pheebe. |
你也很爛 | You suck too. |
沒錯,菲比,你…爛透了 | You're awful. |
真是的 | You guys! |
你們也很爛 | You suck too! |
天哪 我居然又把自己鎖在外面了 | Man! I can't believe I locked myself out again! |
等一下 | Hang on,buddy. |
天哪,出了什麼事? | Oh,my God! What happened? |
這都是你買的? 就是我 | -Did you do all this? Why? -I sure did. |
為什麼? 我喜歡為我的朋友盡一點心 | It made me feel good to do something nice for my friend. |
你真好 | You're amazing. |
不,這個才叫好 | No,this is amazing. |
憑空冒出來的電視 | A TV that appears as if from nowhere! |
這是我的夢想 | That's the dream! |
你哪來這麼多錢? | How did you afford all this? |
我都29了,還存什麼錢? | I'm 29. I mean,who needs a savings account? |
你是世界上最棒的朋友 | You're the best friend anyone has ever had. |
我可不敢說 | I don't know. |
你是 你買這些東西,還給我忠告 | No,you are.You do this,you give me advice.... |
對了,你不是要我定下來? | What you said about focusing on one woman? |
我決定照做 | I'll do that. |
跟凱希? | With Casey? |
不,我要跟凱西繼續,她很酷 | I'll see how things go with Kathy. She's cool. |
或者凱希 不,凱西 | -Or Casey. -No,Kathy. |
凱希也行 | -Could be Casey. |
不,凱西 | No,Kathy. |
考慮一下凱希 | Consider Casey. |
看來有人在喜歡凱希喔 | I think somebody's got a little crush on Casey. |
要不要我幫你們牽線? | I'll fix you two up. What do you think? |
那我這一生將了無遺憾 | That all the pieces of my life are falling right into place. |
你好厲害,真的真的好厲害 | You were really great. You were really,really great. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
莫妮卡說你不想再表演了 | Monica tells me you don't want to play anymore because of me... |
因為我和我的才華 | ...and,you know,my talent. |
是真的嗎? | Is that true? |
算是吧 | Well,kind of,yeah. |
我很想抱持無所謂樂觀的態度 | I was trying to be really okay and upbeat about it... |
但是你的音樂才華令我自慚形穢 | ...but I just feel so dwarfed by your musical gift. |
但是… | See,but.... |
菲比,這跟我做音樂的用意 正好相反 | Pheebs,that is the exact opposite intent of my music. |
我做音樂是想要啟發人心 | You know,my music is meant to inspire. |
要是你這麼困擾,那我… | If it bothers you this much... |
我就不彈了 | ...then I won't play anymore. |
不,千萬不要 | No,don't do that. |
我怎麼能讓這個世界 失去你的音樂? | How could I live if I knew I was depriving the world of your music? |
好吧 | Yeah,okay. |
我很想,但我星期天有事 | -I'd love to,but I have plans on Sunday. |
那就改天吧 好,打電話給我 | -Well,maybe some other time.-Sure. Just give me a call,I'm in the book. |
好,謝了,再見 | -Okay. Thanks a lot. See you. |
你在幹什麼? 他很帥,又是醫生 | What are you doing? He is cute,and he's a doctor. |
你怎麼知道? | -How do you know? |
親愛的,因為我關心所以我偷聽 | -Honey,I eavesdrop because I care. |
我星期天有約 | -Well,I have plans on Sunday. |
跟誰? 我自己 | -With who?-Me. |
天哪 | -Oh,God. |
是你說獨處很重要的 | You are the one who told me how important it is to spend time alone. |
我跟自己有約就不能跟他出去 | I can't just go out with that guy when I have plans with myself. |
那樣對我不公平 | Wouldn't be fair to me. |
你是說你不想對自己不忠 | So basically you're saying you don't want to cheat on yourself. |
如果你要把我說成瘋子的話 | Well,if you wanna make me sound crazy. |
新傢俱很棒喔 | Saw the new furniture. Very nice. |
喬伊有你這個男朋友真好 | Joey has the best boyfriend ever! |
我吻了凱西 | I kissed Kathy. |
真的還假的? | Are you serious? |
喬伊知道嗎? 不知道 | -Does Joey know? -No. |
你們想他有可能諒解嗎? | Is there any way you think he will understand this? |
你顯然沒有背叛過朋友 | You obviously haven't screwed over your friends. |
我們都很感激 | Which we all appreciate. |
要是你先坦承你的感覺再親她 | If you'd told him how you felt before you kissed her... |
喬伊一定會退讓 | ...knowing Joey,he'd have stepped aside. |
別這麼說!這不是真的吧? | Don't say that! That's not true,is it? |
真的啊 他愛你 | Yeah,he loves you. |
那你們怎麼不告訴我? | Then why didn't you tell me to do that? |
我跟菲比聊過 | I said something to Phoebe. |
對,我覺得這是個好主意。是的,我記得 | And I thought it was a really good idea.-Yeah,I remember. |
天哪! | -Oh,my God! |
我該怎麼辦? | What am I going to do? |
你得告訴他 | -You'll have to tell him. |
為什麼我要告訴他? | -Why do I have to tell him? |
你就是得說 我知道 | -Because you do. -Yeah,I know. |
我可以拿這件事寫一首歌嗎? | Would it be okay if I wrote a song about this? |
我不知道這樣下去行不行 | I don't know if this is working out. I think.... |
我覺得…我想見其他人 | I think I wanna see other people. |
想不到會這樣 | Wow. Didn't see that coming. |
不是我不喜歡這樣,我喜歡 | It's not that I don't enjoy this. I do. |
我只是想看看其他可能性 | I just wanna see what else is out there. |
蓋,你怎麼會來這裡? 我剛從對街過來 | Hey,Guy. What are you doing here?I work across the street. |
你知道嗎?結果我星期天有空 | -lt turns out I'm gonna be free Sunday. |
你應該早通知我 我剛同意週末加班 | -I wish you had called me.I just told them I'd work this weekend. |
好吧,那就下個週末 | Okay,well,maybe next weekend. |
沒問題,到時候見 好 | -Definitely. I'll see you. -Okay. |
我不會再理你了 你是自己吃飯的怪人 | Yeah,you'll be talking to me never,because you're a freak who eats alone. |
茴香瑪格麗特? | Sambuca margarita? |
是真的嗎? | It that a real thing? |
我們只有茴香酒,所以是 | Well,we only had sambuca,so it is now. |
聽著,喬伊,我有事要說 | Listen,Joe. I need to I need to talk to you about something. |
什麼事? | What's up? |
是凱西的事 | It's about Kathy. |
我喜歡她 其實是非常喜歡 | I like her.I like her a lot,actually. |
真的? 對 | -You do? -Yeah. |
那你的時機正好 她不是我的女朋友了 | Your timing couldn't be better.She's not my girlfriend anymore. |
什麼? | What? |
她跟我分手了 | -Yeah,she broke up with me. |
什麼時候? 剛才上完表演課後 | -When?Just now,after acting class. |
我以為她在演戲,還讓別人看 | I thought she was doing some scene,so I let people watch. |
太可惜了,你還好嗎? | Man,I am so sorry. Are you okay? |
好多了,我沒事 你喜歡她? | I've been better,but I'm all right. So you like her? |
對,但我不一定要喜歡她 | Yes,but I don't have to. |
不,沒關係 | No,it's okay. |
真的? 對,你知道為什麼? | Yeah,You know why? |
因為你先來告訴我 | Because you came to me first. |
我覺得這麼做最好 | I thought that would be the best thing to do. |
你可能會很辛苦 | You might have your work cut out for you. |
我跟她談的時候 覺得她在喜歡別人 | When I talked to her,I got the feeling she's into some other guy. |
這就是我要跟你談的事 | See,that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. |
我想我知道那個人是誰 | I think I know who the other guy is. |
是誰? | Who? |
是我,我就是那個別人 | It's me.I'm the other guy. |
什麼? | What? |
對,你昨天晚歸 凱西和我聊了起來 | When you were late last night,Kathy and I got to talking... |
事情演變到後來就… | ...and one thing led to another,and.... |
就什麼?你跟她上床? | And what? Did you sleep with her? |
沒有,我只是吻了她 | -No,I just kissed her. |
什麼?那樣更糟! | -What? That's even worse! |
怎麼會更糟? 我不知道,反正都一樣 | -How is that worse? -I don't know.It's the same! |
對不起,我也沒辦法 我愛上她了 | There's nothing I could do. I think I'm in love with her! |
那又怎樣? | Who cares? |
你背著我亂來? 我絕不會那樣對你 | You went behind my back? I'd never do that to you! |
你說得對,我無話可說 我完全過線了 | I have no excuses. I was totally over the line. |
完全過線?你根本就過線到 | You're so far past the line, |
你根本就沒看到線 對你來說那條線只是個點 | that you can't even see the line!The line is a dot to you! |
沒錯,沒錯 我很自責,你要相信我 | Yes,right! And I feel horrible. You have to believe me. |
所以你買了這些東西? | Oh,my God. Is that why you bought all this stuff? |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我不看你的電視 我不聽你的音響 | I will not watch your TV.I won't listen to your stereo. |
烤麵包機裡有一個麵包我不吃 你知道為什麼? | And there's a loaf in the new bread maker I won't eat. Know why? |
因為… 因為它被你的背叛弄髒了 | -Probably because -It's all tainted with your betrayal! |
今後這間房子對我而言是空的 | This apartment is empty to me! |
我對你也很不爽 | I'm not happy about you either. |
跟你說一聲 | And just so you know... |
那個麵包是為你烤的 | ...I made that bread for you. |
天哪,他完全不行了 | Oh,my God! He's lost it. He's totally lost it. |
什麼? | What? |
菲比 他的音樂本來就爛到最高點 | This cannot get any worse. |
地下室的老鼠都去上吊了 | Rats in the basement are hanging themselves. |
謝謝 | Thank you. Thanks. |
我不行了 | I lost it. |
我再也不玩音樂了,你願意… | I won't play anymore.Would you? |
你可以完成我的事業嗎? | Can you finish my set? |
接著上臺?可以 | After that? Yeah. |
我是說我願意盡力 | No,I mean,if I can help. |
我怎麼可能不行了 | Yeah,like I could lose it. |
什麼? 我是故意彈得很爛 | What?I played bad on purpose,guys. |
原來你一直都在故意 | Okay,you were trying to play bad this whole time. |
不,只有剛才那首 | No. Just that last song. |
喂 | It's me. |
是我 我知道你不想跟我共處一室 | I know you can 't stand to see me. |
我想用電話跟你道歉… | I'm trying to apologize over the phone |
我不該親你的女朋友… | I shouldn't have kissed your girlfriend |
別再打來了 | Stop calling! |
這裡是92.3搖滾廣播電臺 | This is 92.3 WXRK,K-Rock... |
您是今天的千元挑戰者 | ...calling with our $ 1000 daily challenge! |
漂亮 | All right! |
請問你那位非常抱歉 願意為你做任何事的室友叫什麼名字? | What is the name of your roommate who is very sorry and would do anything? |
錢德,別再打來了 | -Damn it,Chandler,stop calling. |
喬伊,我是羅斯 | -Joey,it's Ross. |
對不起 沒關係 | -Sorry. -It's all right. |
什麼事? 也沒什麼 | What's up?Not much. |
錢德在我這邊,他非常非常… | I got Chandler here and he's really,really sorry |
本集播出:箱子中的錢德 | The One with Chandler in a Box |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
火雞…說謝謝 | Oh,turkey!Giving thanks! |
看,這就是感恩節的精神 | Look,everyone. It's the spirit of Thanksgiving! |
你跟喬伊好一點了嗎? | Are things with Joey better? |
糟到不能再糟 | They couldn't be worse. |
我昨晚打了8小時電話給他 想讓他跟我說上一句話 | I spent eight hours calling him trying to get him to talk to me. |
8小時 | Eight hours. |
你應該用得上入耳式的手機耳機吧? | You could probably use a plug-in telephone headset. |
我們會收到 你從公司偷來的聖誕禮物嗎? | Should we all expect Christmas gifts that are stolen from your office? |
你不會 | You shouldn't. |
講到耶誕節 | Speaking of Christmas.... |
莫妮卡和我剛開業,沒有錢 | Since Monica and I are starting a new business and have no money... |
今年就用“秘密聖誕老人”的方法抽籤互送吧 | ...this year we could do Secret Santa |
這樣只要買一份禮物 還可以猜猜看誰抽到誰 | and each only buy one gift.And there's the added mystery of who gets who. |
誰抽到“哪個人” | Who gets whom. |
我不知道我為什麼這麼做 | I don't know why I do that. |
但那樣才合文法 | But it is correct. |
這是什麼? | Hey,what's this? |
是你們的名字!來抽吧 | It's all of your names.Let's pick. |
你們在… | Hey,what's going? |
喬伊,不要走 | -No,Joey,stay. |
喬伊,快來,我們要抽籤送禮物 | We're picking names for Secret Santa. |
好啦 | Okay. |
“秘密聖誕老人”是我發明的 | I invented Secret Santa,you know. |
你笑什麼? | What are you laughing at? |
你也說《虎膽龍威》是你的構想 | You're the one who said Die Hard was your idea. |
本來就是 | It was. |
別逼我把紙巾拿出來(意即這也是他的創意) | Don't make me show you the napkin. |
我要去打個盹,火雞讓我想睡覺 | I'm going to take a nap. Turkey makes me sleepy. |
還沒吃耶 | We haven't eaten yet. |
我知道,但你那堆準備過程… | I know,but all that work you're doing to get it ready and.... |
你們有人抽到瑞秋嗎?我要換 | Did you pick Rachel for your Secret Santa? I'll trade for her. |
我抽到她,幸好你要她 | I picked her. Thank God,you want her! |
你為什麼這麼想換掉她? | Why do you want to get rid of her so badly? |
因為她收到什麼都拿去換 要讓她滿意根本不可能 | She exchanges every gift she gets.It's impossible to get her something she likes. |
來換吧 | Come on,let's trade! |
哪有這回事 她很喜歡我送她的背包 | I got her that backpack and she loved it. |
有只大狗把它叼走時 她哭得好… | I remember she cried when that big dog ran off with |
沒有什麼大狗 | There was no big dog. |
太討厭了,我已經為她買了個包還拿去燙了RG | This sucks! I already got her a briefcase with "R.G." put on it. |
她的姓名縮寫 | Her initials. |
我很不會認縮寫 | Okay,I'm really bad at initials. |
你今年禮物買得真早 | You got your shopping done early. |
我的駱駝香煙的兌獎卷快過期了 | Yeah,well,my Camel Cash was about to expire. |
也許你可以送給別人 | Maybe you can give it to somebody else. |
像羅斯蓋勒(縮寫亦為RG) | Like Ross Geller! |
那是個女用公事包 | You know what? It's a girlie briefcase. |
那又怎樣,他在博物館上班 | Who cares! He works in a museum. |
現在幾點?球賽要開始了 | The big game's about to start! |
不必裝了 | You don’t have to do that |
羅斯喬伊不在,你可以看遊行 謝了 | Ross and Joey aren't here. You can watch the parade if you want.Thanks. |
這個冰箱怎麼搞的 | What is wrong with this freezer? |
怎麼了? 我的眼睛被冰紮到 | -What happened? -lce just got in my eye! |
這裡有人要睡覺 | People are trying to sleep in here! |
莫妮卡的眼睛被冰紮到很痛 | Monica got ice in her eye and it hurts! |
張開讓我看看 不行,真的很痛 | -Open it up. Let me see. -I can't. It really kills. |
也許你應該冰敷 | Maybe you should put some ice on it. |
好像很嚴重 去看醫生好了 | -lt looks bad. -We should take you to a doctor. |
不行,我的眼科醫生是理查 | No,my eye doctor is Richard! |
我沒有男朋友不能去見他 | I can't go to him when I don't have a boyfriend. |
他對他的病人還真挑剔 | He's really picky about his patients. |
你非去不可 他的診所電話幾號? | You've got to go. What's his office number? |
我哪會記得 | Like I remember his office number! |
速撥鍵七 | Speed dial seven. |
喂,我代表莫妮卡蓋勒的眼睛 | I'm calling on behalf of Monica Geller's eye. |
理查柏克今天在嗎? | Is Richard Burke in today? |
他不在,她願意看候診醫師嗎 | He's not in. Will she see the on-call doctor? |
願意! 願意!她非常興奮 | -Yes. -She's very excited about that! |
好,我們馬上過去 | Okay,we'll be right in. |
誰要帶她去? | Okay,so who's gonna take her in? |
我去,你去看遊行 | I'll go,you can watch your parade. |
酷斃了 莫妮卡回來之前,我是主廚 | It's so cool. Till Monica gets back,I'm head chef. |
我可以做決定 | And I get to make all the decisions. |
她叫你完全照食譜來 | She told you to follow the recipe exactly. |
滾出我的廚房 | Get out of my kitchen. |
好,我跟喬伊有進展了 | I think I'm making some progress with Joey. |
我進門時,他走進他的房間 但只摔了一次門 | When I walked in,he went to his bedroom...but he only slammed the door once. |
不過摔的時候有對我豎中指 | Yeah,he gave me the finger while doing it. |
我得問我媽左手烹飪的問題 | I've got to call my mom and ask her a left-handed cooking question. |
我要進房裡去 我不在的時候… | I'm gonna be in there.While I'm gone.... |
錢德,你負責 | Chandler,you're in charge. |
我抽到莫妮卡 | I picked Monica for Secret Santa, |
但我已經替她買了光明節禮物 你想換嗎? | but I'm getting her something for Hanukkah.You want to switch? |
其實我想換成你 | I was trying to trade...for you. |
真的?真好,你要送我什麼? | Really? That's so nice. What are you getting me? |
不曉得,RG 某種女性化的上班用品吧 | I don't know,R.G. I was thinking something girlie for your office. |
也許菲比會跟我換 | Maybe Phoebe will switch with me. |
最好不要,那你會抽到瑞秋 她什麼禮物都拿去換 | Then you'll get stuck with Rachel,and she exchanges every gift. |
亂講 我送她很多東西她都沒退 | No,I got her lots of stuff she never took back. |
像什麼? | Like? |
像我去年送她的金項鍊 | Like that gold necklace I got her last year. |
她上次戴是什麼時候? | When did she wear it last? |
她耶誕節整天都戴著,然後… | She wore it all Christmas day and then.... |
大狗? | Big dog? |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
把錢德因內疚買的東西退回去 | Sending back this stuff Chandler bought. |
全部?包括電視? | -Even the TV? |
不,電視要搬進我房裡 | -No,I'll put that in my room. |
喬伊,我知道他做錯了 | Listen,Joey. I know what he did was wrong. |
但你就不能聽他解釋嗎? | But can't you hear him out? |
話說回來,當你和瑞秋在一起時 | Back when you and Rachel were together, |
要是錢德吻了她 你會聽他解釋嗎? | If Chandler had kissed her,would you hear him out? |
說得好 | That's a good point. |
那你要罰他多久? 5年 | How long you going to punish him?Five years. |
你還判了刑? 不敢當就不要做 | You've sentenced him?Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. |
他是你最要好的朋友 那是以前 | The guy's your best friend.Was my best friend. |
你幹嘛拼命替他說情? | I don't know why you're pushing for him. |
少了他礙事 我就沒有最要好的朋友了? | With him out of the way as my best friend,there's a spot open. |
我嗎? 對 | -Who,me? -Yeah. |
我真榮幸 你知道我作為朋友首先要做什麼? | I'm honored. You know what I'm going to do as your best friend? |
拉你去跟錢德說話 | I'm going to get you to talk to Chandler. |
好啦 | All right. |
若非你是我最好的朋友… | But if you weren't my best friend.... |
天哪,真的那麼嚴重? | Oh,my God. Is it really that bad? |
我進了門,他根本不理我 | I walk in the room,and he won't talk to me. |
只念了幾句義大利文 | He just mumbles something in ltalian. |
我知道他只會髒話 | And I know he only knows the bad words. |
真對不起,都是我不好 | I'm so,so sorry. I feel responsible. |
不是你的錯 | It's not your fault. |
甘瑟,你有看見錢德嗎? | -Gunther,have you seen Chandler? |
我一直以為你是錢德 | -I thought you were Chandler. |
你們其中一個在那邊 | But one of you is over there. |
喬伊 | Hey,Joe. |
(義大利文) | |
我馬上就好 謝謝你溫蒂 | I'll be right with you. Thanks,Wendy. |
天哪,這個候診醫生真帥 | Oh,my God! How cute is the on-call doctor? |
帥到我想拿筆插我的眼睛 | So cute that I'm thinking about jamming this pen in my eye. |
你的眼科醫生緣真好 我知道 | -You have the best luck with eye doctors. -I know. |
柏克醫生可以見你了 | Dr. Burke will see you now. |
不是柏克醫生,柏克醫生不在 是候診醫生要幫我看 | Oh no-no-no, not Dr. Burke. Dr. Burke is out of town. The-the on-call doctor will see me now. |
理查柏克醫生不在 他兒子提摩西柏克醫生幫你看 | Dr. Richard Burke is out.Dr. Timothy Burke,his son,will see you now. |
準備好了嗎? | Ready? |
對不起,剛才… | Hey,I'm sorry. That |
你要去哪裡? 我爸媽家 | -Where you going? -My folks'. |
什麼時候回來? | When you coming back? |
不知道 可能會住幾天順便找房子 | I don't know. I might stay there while I look for an apartment. |
什麼? | What? |
原先我以為我們可以談開來 | Yeah, you know at first I thought we could talk about this y’know, work it out, |
但是看到你們在一起,我不認為… | Seeing you two together,I don't think I... |
你要我說什麼? 說我不見她嗎? | What do you want me to say? Should I stop seeing her? |
跟她無關,好嗎? | It's not about her. Okay? |
但看到你們在一起 就讓我想起你做的事 | But seeing you together reminds me of what you did. |
我不跟一個不懂朋友道義的人 住在一起 | I won't live with someone who doesn't know what it is to be a friend. |
再見 | So, I’ll see ya. |
我懂朋友道義,只是我搞砸了 | I know what it is to be a friend. I screwed up. |
對,沒錯 | Yeah,you did. |
所以我要離開 | And that's why I'm leaving. |
你不為我留下來 至少為它們留下來 | If you're not going to stay for me,then at least stay for them. |
它們這1年很不順,還被搶 | They had a very difficult year. What with the robbery and all. |
小雞本來很可愛的 | And that chick used to be very cute. |
當那個人搶了我們 我在櫃子裡關了6小時 | When that guy was robbing us...and I was locked in the entertainment unit for six hours... |
你知道我在做什麼? 我在想我太讓你失望了 | ...do you know what I was doing in there all the time?I was thinking about how I let you down. |
對,早知道你會見色忘友 我根本不會擔心 | If I knew what kind of friend you'd be,I wouldn't have worried. |
再見 | See you around! |
等一下…一定有什麼我能做的 | Wait one second! There has to be something that I can do. |
如果櫃子還在,我會關6小時 檢討我有多讓你失望 | If we still had that unit....I'd get in it for six hours and think about how I let you down. |
怎麼了? | What? |
我們有一個箱子 | We got a box. |
我記得上次見到你 是去上大學的早上 | I remember the last time I saw you.It was the morning I left for college. |
你站在奶品皇后乳品店外面 | You were standing outside the Dairy Queen. |
八成是在等它開店 | Just probably waiting for it to open. |
你現在好漂亮 你也很帥 | -You look great now. -You look great too. |
你真是個好病人 | You're an excellent patient. |
情況如何? | How does it look? |
你的角膜有刮傷 得戴幾天眼罩 | You have a scratch on your cornea. You have to wear a patch. |
像海盜那樣? | Like a pirate? |
如果你非要這麼說的話 | If that helps you. |
你跟著你爸多久了? | How long have you been working with your dad? |
總得有人提到他 | Come on,one of us had to mention him. |
我是2個月前搬回來的 | I moved back here a couple months ago. |
晚上要家庭聚餐? | Big family dinner tonight? |
不會吧 | No way! |
我本來要去女朋友家過感恩節的 | I was gonna have Thanksgiving at my girlfriend's. |
但我們分手了 | But we broke up. |
她還不想定下來 | She wasn't ready for a serious commitment. |
所以你把她推下海了,是吧,水手? | So you made her walk the plank,aye,matey? |
你還沒戴眼罩呢 | You're not wearing the patch yet. |
我知道 | I know. |
他要來過感恩節? | -He's coming here for Thanksgiving? |
對啊,好變態喔 | -I know. It's sick. |
為什麼變態? 因為他是理查的兒子 | -Why is it sick? -It's Richard's son! |
這跟找希臘悲劇來吃飯一樣 | It's like inviting a Greek tragedy over for dinner. |
如果是希臘人,我會把兩隻眼睛都弄瞎 | If it were Greek,I'd be blind in both eyes. |
我喜歡他的英俊、體帖 聰明和…英俊 | I like him because he's handsome and he's nice and smart and handsome. |
菲比,你瞭解吧? | Phoebe,you understand,don't you? |
我知道你為什麼拿我當擋箭牌 但是不行 | I could see where I'd be your best shot,but no. |
對不起,我覺得很畸形 | Sorry,honey. I think it's twisted. |
什麼事畸形? 我跟理查的兒子交往 | -What's twisted? -Me going out with Richard's son. |
我覺得實在不太好 | It sounds like a really bad idea to me. |
他這樣可以嗎? 他好得很 | -ls he okay in there? -He's fine! |
要是你跟理查的兒子有結果 你就可以告訴孩子 | If things work out between you and Richard's son....you can tell your kids... |
你跟他們的爺爺上過床 | ...that you slept with their grandfather. |
隨你們怎麼批評 | Judge all you want to. |
娶到女同志,臨陣逃婚 愛上同性戀冰上舞者 | Married a lesbian,left a man at the altar,loved a gay ice dancer |
把女生的木腿丟進火裡 關在箱子裡 | ...threw a girl's wooden leg in the fire,live in a box! |
關箱子的用意到底何在? 錢德 | What exactly is the point of the box? |
有三重意義 | The meaning of the box is threefold. |
第一,讓我有時間反省 | One,it gives me the time to think about what I did. |
第二,證明我有多重視 跟喬伊的友誼 | Two,it proves how much I care about my friendship with Joey. |
第三…會痛 | And three...it hurts. |
他關在裡面,你們就能和好? | And if he stays in the box you guys will be friends again? |
這是個開始 | Let's just say it's a start. |
記得我去年送你的項鍊嗎? 可以給我看嗎? | Remember that necklace I gave you last year?Can I see it? |
為什麼? 我只是想看一下 | Why?I just want to check something. |
好 | Okay. |
等著瞧吧 | Now we'll see. |
氣孔!氣孔 | Air hole! Air hole! |
在這裡,我很喜歡,我常戴 | Here it is. I love it. I wear it all the time. |
我送的是金項鍊,這是銀的 | The necklace I got you was gold. This is silver. |
也許它…變了 | Well,maybe...it changed. |
天哪,你真的拿去換 | Oh,my God! You actually exchanged it. |
換一個我喜歡又常用的東西 不是更有用嗎? | Isn't it better to exchange it for something I enjoy...and can use a lot? |
你換了什麼? 銀行存款 | What did you get?Credit. |
我來開我來開… | I'll get it. I'll get it. I'll get it. I'll get it. I'll get it. |
提姆 | Hi,Tim. |
謝謝,來見我的朋友 | Thank you. Come meet my friends. |
這是菲比 幸會 | Phoebe. |
喬伊 你好 | And Joey. |
我哥哥羅斯 你好 | My brother,Ross. |
還有瑞秋 | And Rachel. |
那是錢德 你好 | That's Chandler.How do you do? |
這是… 他在… | -What's? -Well,he's.... |
他在反省 | He's doing some thinking. |
怎麼了? 你親了我的女朋友 | -What happened? -You kissed my girlfriend! |
我喜歡那個墨鏡 | I like those sunglasses. |
是喜歡的喜歡 還是可以換成存款的喜歡 | "Like them" like them? Or "I'd like to get store credit" like them? |
(義大利文) | |
各位,火雞上桌了 | This turkey is ready. |
哪裡可以洗手? 來…我帶你去 | Where can I wash up?Let me show you. |
毛巾掛在洗手台旁邊 | The towels are hanging next to the sink. |
你可以用高級香皂 謝謝 | -And you can use the fancy soap. -Thank you. |
高級香皂? 我以為要留給教皇用 | Fancy soap? I thought we were saving that for the pope. |
他人很好吧? | See. He's nice,right? |
但你真的想在談戀愛時說 | Do you want a relationship where you can actually say: |
“這跟你爸常用的做法不同”? | "That's not how your dad used to do it"? |
看起來好好吃,我坐哪裡? 我幫你留了 | Everything looks great. Where should I sit?Saved you a seat. |
變態變態變態變態 | Sick,sick,sick,sick. |
我去開 | I'll get it. |
騙到你了 | Got you! |
這聽起來不像是反省 | That doesn't sound like thinking to me. |
對不起 你不應該說話 | -Sorry! -You shouldn't be talking at all. |
你要想的太多了 不該說話開玩笑 | You've got too much thinking to do to be talking and joking. |
好,沒問題 | Okay,you got it! |
羅斯,把蕃薯給我 | Ross,pass me the yams? |
好,你想換的話 喬伊那裡有馬鈴薯泥 | Joey's got the mashed potatoes if you want to exchange them. |
夠了,你是怎麼搞的? | Will you stop! What's the matter with you? |
有客人喔 | We've got company. |
我沒怎麼搞的 | Nothing's the matter with me. |
我不是麻木不仁的人 我也有感覺 | I'm not completely devoid of sentiment. I have feelings. |
好,很好 | Okay,fine. |
你們看不到 但我正在露屁股打圓場 | You can't see,but I'm breaking the tension by mooning you guys. |
聽著 | All right,look! |
如果你把它當成笑話 那就算了 | If this is a big joke to you,forget about it. |
這對我很重要 | This means something to me. |
要是對你不重要,你就滾出來 否則你就是待在箱子裡的白癡 | If it doesn't mean anything to you,then get out of there.Otherwise,you're just an idiot in a box. |
你說得對,對不起 | You're right. I'm sorry. |
這對我非常重要 我想跟你和解 | This means a lot to me.I want to be friends again. |
我發誓不會再說話了 | I swear I won't say another word tonight. |
你會當一回事? 絕對會 | -So you'll take this seriously? -Absolutely! |
你又說話囉 | That sounds like another word to me. |
你會當一回事嗎? | Are you going to take this seriously? |
很好 | Okay! |
別說我麻木不仁 | Don't say that I have no sentiment. |
這是第一次約會的電影票根 | This is a movie stub from our first date. |
這是你第一次 為我做床上早餐的蛋殼 | This eggshell is from the first time you made me breakfast in bed. |
這是博物館的,我們第一次… | This is from the museum,the first time we... |
在一起 | ...were together. |
我有時會換禮物 但重要的東西我會留 | Maybe I exchange gifts sometimes,but I keep the things that matter. |
我不知道該說什麼,對不起 | I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. |
但是…這個不能拿 | Though you're not supposed to take these. |
它有百萬年的歷史 | It's,like,a million years old. |
我們還得派專人去挖 | We actually have people looking for that. |
我可以抽煙嗎? 擔心我會死嗎? | -Mind if I smoke? -Care if I die? |
開玩笑的,你抽吧 | No,I'm just kidding,I'm just kidding. Go ahead,smoke. |
老是會卡住 讓我來 | This always happens.Here,let me. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
你的眼睛…很漂亮 | You have very beautiful...eye. |
我朋友都覺得這樣很怪 包括箱子裡那個? | My friends think this is weird.Even the one in the box? |
這樣不會很怪吧? | It's not weird,is it? |
我原先也覺得會,還差點取消 但其實不會 | I thought it would be. I almost canceled,but it really isn't. |
我知道 我跟你爸完全是兩回事 | I know. Me and your dad,that's totally separate. |
我完全同意 | I totally agree. |
我們只是兩個…互相吸引的人 對吧? | We're two people who find each other...very attractive.Right? |
怎麼了? 沒事 | -What? -Nothing,nothing. |
那個吻不好嗎? 不,很好 | No,really. Was that not okay?No,that was good. |
那個吻很好 | That was a good kiss. |
天哪!它讓你想到… 別說 | -lt reminded you of -Don't say it! |
但是有,對吧? 對! | -lt did,didn't it? -Yes! |
天哪! 我知道 | I know! |
對不起,我真的很抱歉 | God,I am sorry. I am so sorry. |
沒關係 少了感情瘡疤就不叫感恩節 | It's okay. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without a little emotional scarring. |
更糟的是,我朋友說得對 | You know what's even worse?My friends were right. |
最糟的是 我覺得你就像年輕的我媽 | You know what's worst for me is you remind me of a younger version of my mom. |
聽著,我真的很抱歉… 沒關係 | -I want you to know how sorry I am -It's okay. |
我氣的是錢德 | -Chandler's the one I'm mad at. |
我還是很抱歉 | -Well,I'm still sorry. |
他在嗎? 在箱子裡 | -ls he here? -ln the box. |
錢德? 他現在不能說話 | He can't talk right now. |
為什麼?怎麼了? | Why not? What's going on? |
他想表示他很重視喬伊 | He's trying to show Joey how much he means to him. |
所以窩在箱子裡? 喬伊有他的理由 | -By being in a box? -Joey had reasons. |
有三重意義 | They were threefold. |
你不能說話反而讓事情好辦 | You not being able to talk might make this easier. |
聽我說… | Listen.... |
聽我說 我不想介入兩個最要好的朋友 | I don't want to be someone who comes between two best friends. |
我不忍心看著這件事影響你們 我不想成為罪魁禍首 | I can't stand seeing what this is doing to you guys.And I don't want to be the cause of that. |
所以我們不該再見面了 | I don't think we can see each other anymore. |
我要去芝加哥找我媽 我會住一陣子 | I'm going to my mom's in Chicago.I'm going to stay there for a while. |
這段感情本來會很美好 | I think this could have been something really amazing. |
但這麼做也許最好 | But,you know,this is probably for the best. |
你懂嗎? | You know? |
我會想你的 | I'm going to miss you. |
別了,錢德 | Goodbye,Chandler. |
把箱子打開啦 | Open the box! |
什麼? 他還追得上她,快出來啦 | What?He can still catch her. Get out of there! Get out of there!{ |
所以… 我們沒事啦,出來啦 | We're going to be fine. Get out! |
真的? 對,你好好反省過了 | You did some real good thinking in there. |
這真是… | I mean,this is.... |
快,你還追得上她 | You could still catch her! |
神秘聖誕老人祝你聖誕快樂 | And merry Christmas from your Secret Santa! |
誰抽到錢德?我要換 | All right,who got Chandler? Because I need to trade. |
他看到她了 | He sees her! |
他在追她 | He's catching up to her. |
她看到他了 | She sees him! |
他們擁抱了 | They're hugging! |
他在搶她的皮包 | He's taking her purse. |
那不是他們,我去報警 | That's not them.I'll go call the police. |
他們在那裡 | There they are! |
快去開房間吧 | All right,get a room. |
不能偷看喔 | Come on,no peeking. |
我們要閉眼睛過馬路,太好了 | Our eyes are closed,and we're crossing the street. Very good. |
好,可以看了 | Okay. Open up! |
你們是要我們看什麼? | What do you want to show us? |
我只看到…超炫的廂型車! | Because all I can see is this bitchen van! |
這是我們做宴會的專用車 | It's for our catering business. |
我好像認識那女孩 | I think I know that girl. |
但最後不會是這樣 不會嗎? | We won't keep it this way,though. |
我們會把寶刀換成法國麵包 | We'll replace the sword with a baguette. |
天啊,我的第一次 好像就是在廂型車裡 | Oh,my God,I think I lost my virginity in that van. |
還有這個也不知道要怎麼處理 | Also,we don't know what to do with this. |
對,我一定認識她 | Oh yeah,I definitely know her. |
本集播出:“狂歡派對” | The One Where They're Going To Party! |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
還記得我說過那個在烹飪學校 煮什麼都加香菜的人嗎? | Remember that guy from cooking school that put cilantro in everything? |
記得,香菜賴瑞嘛 | Sure,Cilantro Larry! |
我要替他代班 幫切爾西報導(沒什麼人看的地區性小報紙)做美食評鑒 | I'm filling in for him as food critic for the Chelsea Reporter. |
莫妮卡,這可是大好機會呢 你能影響到… | What an amazing opportunity to influence... |
二、三十個人呢 | ...dozens of people! |
那我們的宴會生意怎麼辦? | What about our catering business? |
一星期只要一個晚上 | It's just one night a week. |
我還能帶你們到處去吃免費餐 | Plus,I get to take you out for free dinners. |
既然是那樣的話… | Well,in that case.... |
剛才是我在上車一起去 | That was me,hopping on board. |
大夥兒好,羅斯? | Hey,guys. Hey,Ross! |
快問快答 | Quick question for you. |
你準備好要狂歡沒? | Are you ready to party? |
沒有,出去喝幾杯啤酒或許行 | I could maybe go out for a couple of beers. |
但是今晚探索頻道要演蜜蜂的節目 | There's this thing about bees on the Discovery Channel. |
你可能沒聽清楚 你準備好要… | I don't think you heard me. Are you ready... |
狂歡沒? | ...to party? |
不會吧,甘道夫(《指環王》中的角色名)要來? | No.Gandalf? Gandalf is coming to town? |
兄弟,反正我女友不在沒事幹 明天我們去跟甘道夫狂歡吧! | I have nothing to do,so tomorrow we are partying with Gandalf,dude! |
兄弟,我們要去狂歡了耶 | Dude,we are so going to party! |
好吧,兄弟請注意 | Wow,okay. Dude alert! |
這個人是誰? | Who is this guy? |
麥克甘道夫 世界上最爆笑的人 | Mike "Gandalf" Ganderson. Only the funnest guy in the world. |
我要打給公司說明天請假 | I'll call to get off work tomorrow. |
你打完換我 | I'll call after you! |
兄弟,這一定超酷的 我們從來沒狂歡過 | This will be so cool! We never party anymore. |
你們是不是躲在廂型車裡 偷抽了大麻? | Were you smoking something in the back of our van? |
是啊,什麼叫從來沒狂歡過 跟我在一起就很樂啊 | "We never have fun anymore"? You have fun with me. |
記不記得去看脫衣舞那回? 你們給我50美元要我吞書 | Remember those strippers? And you paid me $50 to eat that book? |
喬伊,這個人你一定喜歡 甘道夫是狂歡巫師喔 | You are going to love this guy. Gandalf is the party wizard. |
你們幹嘛叫他“甘道夫”? | Why do you call him "Gandalf"? |
巫師甘道夫啊 | Gandalf the Wizard. |
你高中時沒看過“指環王”? | Didn't you read Lord of the Rings in high school? |
沒,但我念高中有上過床 | No,I had sex in high school. |
瓊安娜,有件事想請問一下 | Joanna? I was wondering if I could ask you something. |
小淑女服飾的採購助理有空缺 | There's an opening for a buyer in Junior Miss |
那我豈不是降級了? | -That'd be a step down for me. |
不是啦,我是毛遂自薦 | -Actually,I meant for me. |
招聘委員會每天都在面試… | The hiring committee is meeting people all day and.... |
我很希望我能拒絕 但總不能讓你永遠當我助理吧 | I guess you can't stay my assistant forever. |
蘇菲,你也是,但理由不同 | Neither can you,Sophie,but for different reasons. |
真高興你完全沒有意見 否則我壓根不會想去報考 | I'm so glad you don't have a problem. If you did,I wouldn't apply. |
真的啊,那樣的話… | In that case |
所以我才很高興你沒意見 | That's why I'm glad there's no problem. |
沒關係,其實我也是面試人員 你起碼能看到一張友善的臉 | I'm on the hiring committee,so there'll be one friendly face. |
這真是太棒了 | That's great! |
我也是從小淑女部起家的 | Junior Miss is where I started. |
跟個一級醜男上床 才得到那份工作 | I slept with the ugliest guy to get that job. |
這樣啊? | -Really? |
開玩笑的啦 | -No. |
有 | Yeah. |
沒有啦 | I mean,no. |
別擔心,以你的資歷 不用出賣肉體也能被錄取 | With your qualifications,you won't need to sleep with some guy. |
雖然我可能要驗貨確定一下 | Although I might need some convincing. |
逗你的啦 | Kidding! |
天啊,我今天真亢奮 | God,I feel wild today! |
要命,我興奮到都快吐了 | Man,I am so excited,I may vomit. |
你興奮個什麼勁? 他不過就是個人嘛 | Will you calm down? He's just a human guy. |
你有所不知,甘道夫超神的 | You don't understand. He's amazing. |
跟他出去可是驚喜連連 | You never know what'll happen. |
幾杯啤酒下肚 醒來竟然正在坐漁船去加拿大的新斯科舍省 | You go out for beer and end up on a boat to Nova Scotia. |
真的? 對,那裡風景很美 | -Really? -It's beautiful country up there. |
好,我帶了護照,乾淨的襪子 還有蛇毒解藥 | Hey. Okay.I got my passport,fresh socks,and a snakebite kit. |
這次不會跟上次完全一樣啦 | It won't be exactly like last time. |
回頭見了 | I'll see you guys. |
我要先去試鏡 晚點一定去跟你們會合 | I have an audition,but I'll meet you. |
你們中午左右會在哪裡? | Where will you be around noon? |
差不多在赤道附近吧 | Somewhere maybe along the equator? |
好 | Okey |
你好 | Hello. |
甘道夫打來的! | It's Gandalf! |
你已經到了? | So are you in town? |
哦,是嗎 | Oh,well.... |
那就下次再約吧 | Maybe next time,then. |
怎麼了? | What happened? |
他在芝加哥耽擱,沒辦法來 | He can't come. He's stuck in Chicago. |
要命 | Oh,man! |
芝加哥真是太走運了 | Chicago's so lucky. |
真是愚蠢又沒有用的… | Stupid,useless... |
加拿大錢 | ...Canadian money! |
格林小姐,你的履歷非常精彩 | You have a very impressive resume,Miss Greene. |
特別是我看到了這一段 “實施檔案管理系統” | I especially like what I see about implementing a new filing system. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
“檔案管理系統”? 你說資料夾上黏的彩色標籤啊 | Filing system? Those colored labels you put on all the folders? |
那的確是讓檔案櫃生色不少 | It did brighten up the filing cabinets. |
功能不只是那樣而已 | They did more than that. |
我看到你肩負了許多重要職責 | I notice you've been entrusted with a lot of important responsibilities. |
對,瓊安娜真是我的貴人 | Joanna really has been an incredible mentor to me. |
瑞秋也是幫我買焙果的貴人 | Rachel has been incredible at getting my bagels. |
不可思議,她幾乎都不會買錯 | She gets it right almost every time. |
我的職責當然不止那樣 | Of course,I have more responsibilities than that. |
沒錯,還有咖啡也是 | Of course! There's the coffee too. |
瑞秋一次能拎兩樣東西 | Rachel can carry two things at once. |
相當優秀 | That's very good. |
這項工作的一大重點是 | Now a big part of this job is... |
打好私人關係 尤其是和設計師 | ...cultivating personal relationships,especially with designers. |
對,我知道… 這一點瑞秋沒問題 | -Yes,l -She shouldn't have any problem. |
只怕她打得太火熱,你懂的 | Her only problem might be getting too friendly,you know? |
我最愛和設計師共事了 | I love working with designers. |
共事或共枕又有何差別呢? | With them. Under them. What's the difference? |
我第一篇美食評論上報了 | My first review is out. |
切爾西報導 | The Chelsea Reporter. |
以前我都拿這來當棉被蓋 | These used to keep me so warm. |
快看,我寫的刊在反面 | Look,I'm on the back page. |
我會再光顧“亞利山多洛斯”嗎? 當然,但我會點兩份餐 | "Would I go back to Allesandro's? Sure,I'd get two meals. |
一份給自己 一份給拿槍抵著我的人 | One for me,and one for the guy pointing the gun to my head." |
你真把這家店批得一文不值 | You really laid into this place. |
報社付我錢 可不是要我廣結善緣 | They don't pay me a penny a word to make friends. |
我得走了,我找到一個人 他能搞定那部宴會廂型車 | I found a guy who'd fix up the van for catering. |
要我一起去嗎? | You want me to go? |
不用了,沒關係 但你確定我們不要那張水床? | It's okay. Are we sure we don't want the waterbed? |
如果拿下來又要放回去 那不是很蠢嗎? | Because it would be silly to take it out if we're just gonna put it back in again. |
我們不是早就說好了? | Haven't we made this decision? |
對啦,算了 | Yeah,all right. |
再見 再見 | Bye.Bye |
誰啊? 亞利山多洛斯的老闆亞利山多洛斯 | -Who is it? -It's Allesandro,from Allesandro's. |
天啊 | -Oh,my God. |
我要跟你討論美食評鑒的事 | -I want to talk to you about your review. |
天啊… | Oh,my God… |
打電話給我吧 | Call me on the phone. |
好讓你掛我電話? | What? So you can hang up on me? |
我不會讓你上來的 你還是走吧 | I'll never let you up,so just go away. |
給我一個機會… -你要進來嗎?請進 | -Just give me a chance to -Do you need to get in? |
菲比,不行啦 | No,Phoebe! |
嗨,莫妮卡 | Hey,Monica! |
我要你收回你的話 我們的食物絕非“難以下嚥” | I want a retraction. Our food is not "inedible swill." |
我就吃不下去 | I couldn't eat it. |
我那五個朋友也難以下嚥 其中一個人連書都能吃 | My five friends couldn't eat it,and one of them eats books. |
我們的服務 也不是“完全無能” | Our service isn't "grossly incompetent." |
侍者把麵包棒塞在褲子裡 | The waiter carried the breadsticks in his pants. |
你還寫說 我們店裡接受發現卡(信用卡) | Well,you said that we accept the Discover Card... |
我們沒有 | ...which we do not! |
好啊,那段話我可以收回 | All right,that I'll retract. |
但我捍衛我寫的評論 我懂美食,你們賣的差遠了 | But I stand by my review. I know food,and that wasn't it. |
你們的大蒜番茄醬 簡直跟番茄汁沒兩樣 | Your marinara sauce tastes like tomato juice. |
應該要配伏特加 和芹菜莖一起上 | You should serve it with vodka and celery. |
我很以店裡那醬汁為榮 可口極了 | I'm proud of that sauce. It's delicious. |
天啊,你是開義大利餐廳的 竟然覺得那樣叫做可口? | You own an ltalian restaurant,and you think that tastes good? |
你到底是哪裡人? | Where are you from? |
黎巴嫩 | Lebanon. |
把那些番茄給我 | Hand me those tomatoes. |
我來示範純正的味道是怎樣 | I'll show you what it should taste like. |
你要弄多久? 我還要去罵另一個美食評論家 | How long will this take? I got another critic to yell at. |
瓊安娜,我要談談面試的事 | Joanna,I want to talk about that interview. |
我覺得你在面試中表現得很棒 | I thought it went very well. |
不,才怪 我就是要跟你說這件事 | No,it didn't. That's what I want to talk to you about. |
我先聲明一句… | Now just to brief you... |
我可能會哭出來 | ...I may cry. |
但那不是悲傷或氣憤的淚水 | But they are not tears of sadness or of anger... |
只是因為我要跟你討論這件事 | ...but just of us having this discussion. |
麻煩你別丟人現眼了 | Please,don't make a scene. |
這裡又沒人 | There's nobody here. |
蘇菲,你進來 | Sophie,get in here. |
看吧,你讓蘇菲尷尬了 | See? You're making Sophie uncomfortable. |
我沒有尷尬啊 | No,she's not. |
恭喜,你剛證明瞭 自己一無用處,滾吧 | Congratulations. You crossed the line into completely useless. Get out. |
你是要我辭職嗎? | Do you want me to quit? |
你怎麼會這樣想? | What makes you think that? |
因為你在面試時講的那些話 | Those things you said in the interview... |
如果裡面有你的真心話 那我一定不是個好助理 | ...if you believe them,I must not be a good assistant. |
不如這樣吧 | You know what? |
我要來收拾辦公桌 | I am just going to pack up my desk... |
我等今天下班就走人 | ...and I will be gone by the end of the day. |
我想沒必要耗到今天下班了 | There's no use staying till the end of the day. |
你等等… | Wait,wait. |
把那可憐的松糕放回抽屜裡 | You can put your sad little muffin back. |
如果你要聽實話的話 是我不想失去你這完美的助理 | If you must know the truth,I didn't want to lose a good assistant. |
什麼? | What? |
所以我才瞎掰出那些招蜂引蝶 還有你酗酒的事 | That's why I said those things about your flirting and drinking. |
我酗酒? | My drinking? |
我等你離開之後才說的 | I must have said that after you left. |
你到底說了什麼? | Said what,exactly? |
你三不五時喜歡喝一杯… | You enjoy the occasional drink... |
酒後亂性 | ...-ing binge. |
天啊,真是夠了,我走人 | Oh,my God! That is it. I'm leaving! |
你這個人真的很糟糕 | You are just a horrible person! |
等等… | Wait,wait. |
反應不用那麼激烈嘛 | If you're going to get all sensitive about it. |
我不想失去你 | I don't want to lose you. |
不如我變出個職位給你? | What if I create a position for you? |
我讓你在這個部門裡 擔任採購助理 | I'll make you assistant buyer in this department. |
你再多說一點 | Say more things like that. |
你有自己的辦公室 外帶加薪,明天就生效 | Your own office and a raise,effective tomorrow. |
我需要公關費 沒問題 | -I need an expense account. -Done! |
還要有助理 蘇菲,進來 | -And an assistant. -Sophie! |
你們怎麼在這裡 不是跟甘呆夫… | Hey,I thought you'd be out partying with Gandol-... |
去狂歡了? | ...-dorf. |
是甘道夫,他不來了 | It's Gandalf,and he's not coming. |
那你們一早都呆坐在這裡? | You've been sitting here all day? |
沒有,我剛剛把我的支票算好了 | I balanced my checkbook. |
對,足球台裡的選手 我也全都取好了名字 | And I gave first names to all the foosball players. |
不敢相信甘道夫竟然沒來 | I can't believe he didn't come. |
他不來又怎樣? 我們還是可以自己出去狂歡啊 | So what? We can still go out and party ourselves. |
有甘道夫在,一整晚都有的玩 | With Gandalf,we'd be out all night. |
而且能和一堆陌生人一起混 | We'd meet total strangers and hang out with them. |
我們也可以啊 | We could do that. |
他還有其他的絕招啦 | There was other stuff too. |
我們一網打盡,更勝於藍 | We'll do it all and better! |
兄弟,今晚過後 就換我們帶甘道夫去狂歡 | After tonight,Gandalf will want to party with us,dude! |
活像我們不會狂歡似的 | It's not like we don't know how to party! |
好,咱們走 | All right! Let's go. |
最後再到一次船上如何? | Maybe we could end up on a boat again? |
好耶! | All right! |
上次在船上是何時? | When were we on a boat? |
記得那天早上很冷 一早醒來還有狗舔你的臉? | Remember that cold morning with those dogs licking your face? |
記得 老兄,舔你的可是海豹呢 | Those were seals,man. |
莫妮卡,快問快答 採購助理穿這套裝如何? | How would this suit look on an assistant buyer |
亞利山多洛斯的老闆上門來吼我 | The owner of Allesandro's came to yell at me. |
但我乘勢幫他做了醬料 結果他挖我去店裡做主廚 | But I made him sauce,and he offered me the job as head chef! |
天啊,你毀了我練的好戲 但我真是替你高興 | You just ruined the thing I was practicing,but I'm so happy! |
你相信嗎? 我終於可以擁有自己的廚房了 | Can you believe it? I get to run my own kitchen! |
你盼了那麼久 | Oh,you've waited so long. |
菲比,快問快答 | Pheebs! Quick question for you. |
布魯明戴爾的採購助理… | How would this suit look... |
穿上這套裝如何? | ...on an assistant buyer at Bloomingdale's? |
那完全要看她的膚色而定 | It would totally depend on her coloring and.... |
你拿到那工作了! | You got the job! |
你被錄取了?怎麼沒跟我說? | You got the job? Why didn't you tell me? |
一定超棒的 我能幫忙決定要賣什麼 | It'll be so great! I'll help decide what we sell. |
還有全套裝潢的私人辦公室 | I'll have an office with walls and everything. |
四面都有牆耶 | I'm going to have walls! |
今天真是好消息連連 我幫大家找到工作了 | Is this the day of good news or what? I got us a job. |
喜宴宴會 | The wedding reception. |
菲比,我有話要跟你說 | I kind of need to talk to you about that. |
我想宴會的事不能操之過急 | I think it's time for me to take a step back from the catering. |
但我們只做了一筆生意啊 | But we've only had one job. |
我知道,但現在有第二筆了 就像雪球越滾越大 | But now we have this second one,and it feels like it's snowballing. |
你在說什麼? | What are you saying? |
亞利山多洛斯餐廳請我去當主廚 | I got offered the head chef job at Allesandro's. |
什麼? | What? |
不礙事的,仔細想想 其實你也不需要我 | It's okay,because you don't really need me. |
你是廚師耶! | You're the cook! |
總不能我自己一個開去別人家 | Without you,it's just me driving up to people's houses... |
帶著空盤子就跟人要錢吧? | ...with empty trays,asking for money. |
好,我會還回所有你投資的錢 | All right. But I'll pay you back all the money you invested. |
那部廂型車歸你 | -And you can keep the van! |
我要拿來幹嘛? | -For what? |
我真是不敢相信 | I can't believe this! |
我得離開這裡 | I got to get out of here. |
菲比,你等等 | Phoebe,wait a minute. |
我升採購助理了! | I'm an assistant buyer! |
(中央咖啡館) | |
我們先喝咖啡養足精神 再重新出動 | We'll get coffee,get energized,then head back out. |
好吧 好 | -Yeah,all right. -Okay. |
很好玩嘛,對不對? | So we're having fun,right? |
我們才不需要那個什麼巫師的 | We don't need that wizard guy. |
我們去了幾家俱樂部 跟一些陌生人說過話 | We hit some clubs,talk to some strangers... |
等一下去碼頭安排坐船的事 | ...then go down to the docks and see about that boat thing. |
我有點累了 | I'm kind of beat. |
其實… | Actually... |
我也是 | ...me too. |
你們是真的假的? 真的 | Are you serious? |
感謝老天,我也累斃了 | Thank God! I'm exhausted. |
你們要喝咖啡嗎? 對 | You guys want coffees? |
但我今天想早點睡 所以我要無咖啡因的 | I don't want to be up too late,so I'll have a decaf. |
對,我也是 | Yeah,me too. |
我能來杯熱水加點檸檬汁嗎? | Actually,could I get some hot water with lemon? |
我剛才在那家店裡都喊到啞了 他們音樂非要開那麼大聲嗎? | I strained my voice screaming in there. Does it have to be so loud? |
我聽不到你說什麼 我耳鳴得厲害 | I can't hear a word. My ears are ringing so bad. |
幸好我多帶了一雙襪子 | I was glad I had that extra pair of socks. |
拿來當手套用 | I used them as mittens. |
最後那家店髒到我不敢用手碰 | I didn't want to touch a thing in that last place. |
我們真是可悲到了極點 | How sad are we? |
對,我知道 | Yeah,I know. |
其實我們並不可悲 | You know what? We're not sad. |
只是我們都過了21歲 | We're just not 21 anymore. You know? |
我都已經29歲了 | I'm 29 years old,damn it! |
只想舒服地坐著看電視 | I want to sit in a comfortable chair,watch TV... |
時間到了就上床睡覺 | ...and go to sleep at a reasonable hour. |
我喜歡去安靜一點的地方 才能好好跟朋友聊天 | I like to hang out in a quiet place where I can talk to my friends. |
就算回家聽肯尼基(薩克斯演奏家)的音樂洗澡又有什麼大不了? | And so what if I like to go home,put on Kenny G and take a bath? |
我們是29歲沒錯 但我們可不是娘兒們 | We're 29. We're not women. |
你到了 | There you are. |
我很高興你決定聽我解釋 | I'm glad you decided to hear me out. |
好,你說吧 | Okay,I'm hearing. |
我想了很多 | I've been doing a lot of thinking. |
我想出了你用廂型車 可以做的所有生意 | I came up with a bunch of businesses that you can do with your van. |
你可以去送花 | You could be a flower delivery person. |
什麼? | -What? |
或是送麵包? | -Or a bakery delivery person? |
送披薩? | Pizza? |
莫妮卡? | Monica? |
我寫了一堆你能運送的東西 | I got a whole bunch of stuff in this area. |
但我有預感你不想送貨 | But I get the feeling you don't want to deliver. |
對 那好吧 | -No. -Okay. |
我猜若你不想送貨的話… | I guess if you don't want to deliver... |
八成也不會想去載貨 | ...you probably don't want to pick up stuff either. |
對 | No. |
不如這樣吧 | You know what? |
我們來做宴會 | Let's do the catering business. |
真的?你確定? | -Really? Are you sure? |
對,我承諾過你 | -Yeah,I made a commitment to you. |
會很有趣的 | It'd be fun. |
一定會很有趣的 | It will be fun! |
那我們來計畫喜宴的事 | Let's plan the wedding reception. |
你還真的是很用心 想讓我用這廂型車來做些事 | You really wanted me to do something with this van. |
不如這樣吧 我要你接下那主廚的工作 | You know what? I want you to take the chef job. |
真的? 對 | -Really? -Yeah. |
那是你真心想要做的 | That's what you really want. |
我不想成為你不高興的原因 那樣我也會不高興 | I don't want to be the reason you're unhappy. I'd be unhappy. |
我更不想讓自己不高興 | And I really don't want to be the reason I'm unhappy. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
而且成立新的特攻隊 應該會很好玩 | Besides,it might be kind of fun to form the new A-Team. |
林池太太 | Hi,Mrs. Lynch. |
瓊安娜進公司了嗎? | Is Joanna in already? |
老天,你還沒聽說 | Oh,my goodness! You haven't heard. |
聽說什麼? | -Heard what? -Joanna... |
瓊安娜… | Joanna |
昨晚過世了 | ...passed away last night. |
天啊,怎麼會這樣? | Oh,my God! How? |
她下班出去時被計程車撞上 | She was leaving work,and she was hit by a cab. |
天啊,我不敢相信 | Oh,my God! I cannot believe it! |
我知道 | I know. |
天啊… | Oh,God. Oh,God. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
沒想到你們兩個這麼好 | I didn't realize that you were so close. |
對,好到不行 (亦指:就差那麼一點點) | Yes. So close! |
林池太太,我知道這個節骨眼 大家在情緒上都很難過 | I know that this is an emotional and difficult time for all of us. |
但在事發之前… | But by any chance, |
瓊安娜是不是正好有… | did Joanna... |
把人事調動公文交給你? | ...send any paperwork your way before it happened? |
什麼都沒有 | -No,nothing |
只盼當初… | Imagine, |
她晚個幾秒鐘過街就沒事了 | if she'd just stepped off that curb a few seconds later. |
對,差個幾秒鐘 她就還能跟我們在一起 | Yes,just a few seconds and she'd still be with us. |
她沒說到採購助理的事? | Nothing about an assistant buyer? |
不好意思,我得走了 | I'm sorry. I have to go. |
早安 | Good morning! |
蘇菲,我猜你還不知道 瓊安娜的事 | I guess you didn't hear about Joanna. |
我當然知道 | I sure did! |
我很興奮能請到莫妮卡加入 | I'm excited about having Monica on board with us. |
雖然開除艾米里歐主廚 讓我覺得很過意不去 | Although I do feel bad about having fired Chef Emilio. |
那就像是失去了一個家人 | It is like losing a member of the family. |
不過對你們其中幾位而言 真的是失去家人 | Of course,that literally is the case for several of you. |
東尼、卡洛斯、瑪莉… | Tony,Carlos,Marie... |
請向你們的父親轉達 我們會有多想念他 | ...please tell your father how much we're going to miss him. |
我知道莫妮卡對這家店 有許多很棒的點子 | I know Monica has a lot of great ideas for this place. |
你們都看過她那篇評論了 | Well,you all read the review. |
所以廢話不多說 | So without much further ado... |
在此向各位介紹本店的新主廚 | ...I present to you our new head chef. |
我只想說只要有熱忱 | I just want to say that with a pinch of excitement... |
肯吃苦,肯合作 | ...a dash of hard work and a dollop of cooperation... |
我們就能將本店的菜色… | ...we can have the recipe.... |
你們打算殺我嗎? | Are you going to kill me? |
抱歉遲到了 有錯過什麼精彩好戲嗎? | Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything? |
喬伊在嘴裡塞了15片餅乾 | Joey stuffing fifteen Oreos in his mouth. |
15片? | Fifteen? |
刷新個人紀錄哦 | Your personal best! |
你到哪兒去了? | Where were you? |
約會 | On a date. |
我去逛博物館 在火車上認識了一個女孩 | I met this girl on a train going to a museum upstate. |
哪間博物館? 你是怎麼認識她的? | -Which museum? -How'd you meet her? |
回答他的問題比較好 | No. Answer his. |
我們坐在車廂最後面 | We were at the back of the train. |
我的座位靠門 她要換車的話得先經過我 | I sat near the door so she'd have to pass by me if she wanted to switch cars. |
她得任由我擺佈 | She was totally at my mercy. |
你遲到是因為 在埋她的屍體嗎? | Were you so late because you were burying this woman? |
我遲到是因為她住在波啟浦夕(紐約州) | I'm late because she lives in Poughkeepsie. |
她人很好,可惜住得太遠 | She seems great,but she's two and a half hours away. |
她是波啟浦夕人 怎麼可能好到哪兒去? | How can she be great if she's from Poughkeepsie? |
這個笑話在奧爾巴尼(紐約州的首府)會搏得滿堂彩 | That joke would have killed in Albany. |
成功! | Done! I did it. |
還覺得我是個傻蛋嗎? | Who's stupid now? |
本集播出:波啟浦夕來的女孩 | The One with the Girl From Poughkeepsie |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
看,今天是聖誕樹的點燈之夜 | Look! They're lighting the big Christmas tree tonight. |
那是兩周前的報紙耶 | That paper is two weeks old. |
是誰老是把舊報紙 丟在垃圾桶裡的? | Who keeps leaving old newspapers in the trash? |
我好想帶凱西去看 | I really wanted to take Kathy to this. |
沒想到居然錯過了 | I can’t believe I missed it |
至少你還有伴 | At least you have somebody to miss stuff with. |
我討厭過節時孤伶伶的 | I hate being alone this time of year. |
情人節、我的生日轉眼就到 然後… | Next it's Valentine's Day,then my birthday,then bang! |
他們又要點亮那棵 討厭的聖誕樹 | Before you know it,they're lighting that damn tree again. |
我想找個伴 | I want somebody! |
我想找個男人 | You know,I want a man! |
我不想談轟轟烈烈的戀愛 | It doesn't even have to be a big relationship. |
來段露水姻緣就好了 | Just a fling! |
沒想到你也想要露水姻緣 | I didn't think girls ever just wanted a fling. |
告訴你,我缺水缺得可久了 | Let me tell you,it's been a long time since I've been flung. |
那我知道耶誕節要送你什麼了 | I know what I'm giving you for Christmas. |
我有幾個同事挺不錯的 要不要幫你介紹一下? | There are nice guys in my office. Want me to set you up? |
我單身了好一陣子 你以前怎麼沒提出這個建議? | I've been single a long time. Why haven't you offered before? |
我現在有女朋友,很快樂 | I have a girlfriend. I'm happy. |
不需要再處心積慮 破壞別人的好事 | I no longer go out of my way to stop others from being happy. |
好,我不要會計師 也不要法律部門的人 | Okay.No accountants.And no one from "legal." |
我不喜歡工作無聊的男人 | I don't like boring jobs. |
難不成羅斯是訓獸師嗎? | And Ross was what? A lion tamer? |
怎麼回事? | What's wrong,Mon? |
餐廳裡的人 還是把我視為眼中釘 | Everybody at work still hates me. |
是因為你寫的評論 還是有新的原因? | Is it because of the review you wrote or something new? |
一定是因為那篇評論 | It's the review. |
我還以為漸入佳境 大家都沖著我微笑 | I was making headway.Everyone was smiling at me,and then I get off work... |
下班後才發現 他們在我帽子上寫了這個… | ...and find out they wrote this on my chef's hat. |
“婊子,快辭職!” | |
也許他們想寫的是 “婊子,快住嘴” | Maybe they meant to write "Quiet,Bitch." |
怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
幹嘛?火氣這麼大 | Fine! Just trying to be nice. |
我幼稚園畢業後 就沒受過這種氣 | I haven't been picked on this much since kindergarten. |
當時他們找了個高中生 來跟我玩翹翹板 | And they brought in someone from junior high to do the see-saw with me. |
他們無所不用其極的 想逼我辭職 | They're trying to make me quit. |
換做是別的工作我早就不幹了 | If it were any other job,I would. |
但我等當主廚等了大半輩子 | But I've waited for this my whole life. |
等等,你是老大 | Wait,you're the boss. |
你為什麼不吼他們 或乾脆炒了他們? | Yell at them. Or fire them! |
我也很想這樣 但我最不會處理衝突場面 | I would love to,but I can't. I'm not good at confrontation. |
名導奧森威爾斯在片子開拍前 | You know what you can do?I read about this director,Orson Welles... |
都會刻意花錢請一個人 | ...who,at the beginning,would hire somebody just to fire them. |
為的就是當著大家的面開除他 好讓他們知道誰說了算 | Then they would all know who was boss. |
我反正沒事 你乾脆開除我算了 | I'm not doing anything. Why not fire me? |
好主意 你知道怎麼當服務生嗎? | It's a good idea. Can you waiter? |
反正你要開除我 管那麼多幹嘛 | Good enough to get fired. |
好,我決定用你了 | All right. You're hired! |
難怪我上個禮拜被開除 | That's why I got fired last week! |
奧森威爾斯導不導廣告片? | Does Orson Welles direct commercials? |
有 | Yes. |
德魯,你有在跟誰交往嗎? | I say,Drew? Are you seeing anybody right now? |
我不是幫我自己問啦 | I'm not asking for me. |
我不是同志,不是在約你 | I'm not gay. I'm not asking you out. |
我不是同志 | I'm not gay. |
我以前沒把你當同志 不過現在覺得有點像 | I didn't think you were gay.I do now. |
我朋友瑞秋 希望我幫她介紹個男人 | My friend,Rachel,wants to be set up. |
我才剛剛跟前女友分手 還沒準備好要談感情 | I just got out of a big relationship.I'm not looking to get serious. |
就算只是春風一度也沒關係 瑞秋不會有意見的 | That's okay. A fling might be all right with her. |
你說的是來參加聖誕派對的 火辣瑞秋嗎? | Is this "Hot Rachel" that you took to the Christmas Party? |
沒錯,那就是她的本名 | By the way,that is her full name. |
我有空,幫我介紹一下吧 | Wow! I'm free for her. |
等等,我又沒說我沒空 | Wait,I didn't say I wasn't free. |
這樣吧,咱們邊看球賽邊聊 | Let's talk it over at the Ranger game. |
我有一盒古巴雪茄 我五點鐘拿到你辦公室去 | Hold on. I just got a box of Cubans.I'll bring them by your office at five. |
我平常不會待到這麼晚 不過可以破個例 | That's a little later than I usually stay,but sure. |
咱們在看球賽之前 | Before the game, |
可以先喝上兩杯 八年海頓威士卡 | we could enjoy some eight-year-old Basil Haydens. |
我不知道那是什麼東西 | I don't know what that is, |
不過你的外套我看了挺順眼的 | but that's a pretty nice jacket. |
領帶也不錯 | Kind of like that tie too. |
褲子就不必了 | Keep your pants on,man. |
我為大家寫了首聖誕歌 想不想聽? | I'm writing a holiday song for everyone. Do you want to hear it? |
莫妮卡,光明節快樂 | Happy Hanukkah,Monica |
喬伊,願你耶誕節瑞雪紛飛 | May your Christmas be snowy,Joey |
錢德、羅斯,新年快樂 | Happy New Year,Chandler and Ross |
瑞秋,快來玩陀螺 | Spin the dreidel,Rachel |
真好聽 | Pheebs,that's great! |
但是瑞秋跟陀螺不押韻 | But you know,Rachel doesn't rhyme with dreidel. |
我知道 | I know, |
但是要找跟你那笨名字 押韻的東西太難了 | but it's so hard. Nothing rhymes with your stupid name! |
跟瑞秋押韻的字多得很 | What are you talking about? Lots of things rhyme with Rachel: |
如焙果、信件 監獄、保釋金、有線… | Bagel,mail,jail,bail,cable. |
五月節花柱… | Maypole. |
那些都不錯,謝了 | All good. Thanks. |
你有沒有比較 容易押韻的外號? | Do you,maybe,have a nickname that's easier to rhyme? |
你爸以前 不是常叫你小南瓜嗎? | Didn't your dad used to call you "Pumpkin"? |
小南瓜不錯 但他有沒有叫過你佈道夫? | Pumpkin? But did he ever call you "Budolph"? |
大家好 | Hello,children. |
我幫你找了50個好男人 | Have I got the 50 guys for you! |
真的嗎?-是的,我不過把你的照片亮給他們看 | -Really? -Oh yeah, I just showed this a picture of you |
他們就窮拍我的馬屁 | and guys were throwing themselves at me! |
請我喝酒,送我東西 | They’re buying me drinks! They’re giving me stuff! |
今晚想不想看尼克隊的球賽? 當然,第幾排? | -Knicks tonight? -Where are the seats? |
隨你挑,我有20張票 | Wherever! I've got 20. |
我會喜歡你幫我挑的男人嗎? | Will I like any of these guys? |
我想再多觀察一陣子 錢德 | You know,I'm going to play the field a little bit more |
他們居然把自己的401K養老金送給我 | Guys are signing over their 401 Ks to me. |
你的同事都是機器人啊? | You work with robots? |
對 | Yes. |
你一定會喜歡我同事派崔克 | One guy,Patrick,you'll like him. |
他人好、風趣 還是個游泳高手 | He's nice,funny and a swimmer. |
我愛死游泳選手的體格了 | I like swimmers' bodies. |
而且他老爸還發明瞭 信用卡背面的磁條 | His dad made the magnetic strip on credit cards. |
我也愛死信用卡了 | I like credit cards! |
我這方面的工作還不錯 | I'm not bad at this! |
他是做什麼的? 他在美食部上班 | -What does he do? -He works in fine foods. |
你們公司有美食部? 公司很大… | -You have a fine foods division? -It's a big company.... |
等等… 你們公司生產食物和機器人? | Now,wait a second. You make food and robots? |
不是啦,機器人在那裡工作 | No,the robots just work for them. |
我要去工作了 | All right,I'm going to work. |
有人有意見嗎? | Does anybody have a problem with that? |
小姐,我有意見 | Yeah,lady. I do! I got a problem with that! |
你有意見就別怪我不客氣了 | You want a problem? I’ll give you a problem! |
你想怎樣?開除我? | What will you do? Fire me? |
那還用說 | You bet your ass I'll fire you! |
回頭見 | -See you later. -Thanks. |
我得走了,今晚有約會 | I should go. I've got a date. |
跟誰? | With who? |
還記得那個住在 波啟浦夕的女孩嗎? | You know the girl who lives in Poughkeepsie? |
不是她 | Not her. |
我又認識了一個女孩 現在左右為難 | This is someone else.I can't decide between the two |
波啟浦夕那個女孩雖然住得遠 | The one from Poughkeepsie,though two hours away,is pretty... |
但漂亮、聰明又有趣 | ...really smart and a lot of fun. |
但另一個女孩…就住在上城區 | But this other girl,she lives right uptown. |
她也很漂亮 | She's just as pretty. |
應該也蠻聰明的 但是無趣得要命 | I guess she's smart.She's not fun. |
那你為什麼還要跟她約會? | If she's no fun,why date her at all? |
我想再給她一個機會 因為她家實在太近了 | I want to give her a chance. She lives so close. |
上次她說了一句話… | And,at the end of the date,she said something that... |
若她在開玩笑就好笑到不行 | ...if she was kidding,was very funny. |
否則她不僅無聊、愚蠢 又有種族歧視 | If she wasn't kidding,she's not fun. She's stupid and racist. |
第一天在餐廳工作的情況如何? | How was your first day at the restaurant? |
可惡 | Damn! |
你的制服怎麼了? | What happened to your fancy jacket? |
被他們烤了 | They baked it. |
我再也受不了了 | I can't take this anymore. |
我今晚就要開除你 沒問題 | -I'm going to fire you tonight. -You got it. |
你在幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
你衣服上還有火星 | You're still on fire there. |
你應該已經拍滅了吧 | I think you got it! |
錢德,你對男人的品味一流 | Chandler,you have the best taste in men. |
虎父無犬子嘛 | Like father,like son. |
派崔克和我昨晚玩得好開心 | Patrick and I had such a great time last night! |
說不定能發展出一段 認真的感情 | This could,maybe,get serious. |
認真的感情? 你不是要露水姻緣嗎? | I thought you weren't looking for serious. Just a fling? |
有可能噢 | Well,you know,possibly. |
你沒告訴他吧? | You didn't tell him that,though,right? |
沒…有 | Ummmmmmmm, no. |
你告訴他 我想找一段露水姻緣? | You told this guy that I was looking for a fling? |
你怎麼能告訴他? 為什麼不行? | -You don't tell him that! -Why not? |
若某個辣妹只想來段露水姻緣 我高興都來不及… | I'd be thrilled if some hot girl was just looking to get |
我明白了 | I see. |
你告訴他我不打算認真 | You telling him I want a fling... |
我們第一次約會時 我又火力全開 | ... and me putting out on the first date |
他一定會誤會的 | he's so going to get the wrong idea! |
喬伊,把乳酪拿來好嗎? | Joey,could you pass the cheese? |
可不可不要叫我喬伊? | I'd prefer you didn't call me Joey. |
因為我幫自己 取了個超炫的外號 | I thought it might be fun to try out a cool nickname. |
龍哥 | Hey,Dragon! |
這是你週一和週二賺的小費 | Here's your tips from Monday and Tuesday. |
天啊,有三百塊耶 | There's $300 in this one. |
是啊 過節時客人總是特別大方 | People get generous around the holidays. |
穿緊身褲的效果更是棒到不行 | And it never hurts to wear tight trousers. |
請服務生過來聽聽今晚的特餐 | Could the waiters listen to the specials? |
今晚有芒果海鱸魚… | There's Chilean sea bass with a mango relish |
你們怎麼都不做筆記? | Why is nobody writing these? |
我們用背的就行了 | We can remember them. |
因為你們會胡編假的特餐讓我煮? | Because you'll make up fake specials and make me cook them? |
那也行 | Sure,that too. |
特餐的事先別說了 | Forget the specials for a minute. |
是這樣的… | Here's the thing.... |
過去兩周我試著想營造一個 愉快的工作環境 | For the last two weeks I have...tried hard to create a positive atmosphere. |
聽不到! | Can't hear you! |
愉快的工作環境 | Positive atmosphere. |
但是我的氣已經滿到這裡來了 | But I've had it up to here. |
從現在開始 不聽我話的人就滾蛋 | From now on,it is going to be my way or the highway. All right? |
有人有意見嗎? | Does anybody have a problem with that? |
嗨,新來的 | Hey,new guy. |
我說有人有意見嗎? | I said,does anybody have a problem with that? |
沒有,夫人 | No,ma'am. |
他有名字,他叫龍哥 | He has a name. It's Dragon. |
你想知道你的名字嗎? 看看你的帽子 | You want to know your name? Check your hat. |
我們有在帽子上寫字吧? | We did the hat,right? |
剛剛那是怎麼回事? 真的很抱歉 | -What the hell just happened? -I am so sorry. |
我真的很想配合你 | I was going to do it. |
但我一手拿著327塊 另一手拿著238塊 | But I was standing there with $327 in one hand...and $238 in the other. And I was thinking. |
我很久沒拿到… | ...it's been a long time since I had... |
327塊加238塊 這麼多錢了 | ...$327 plus $238! |
我們說好的 我用你就是為了開除你 | We had a deal! It's why you're here. I've got to fire you! |
但是我得付房租 | And I got to pay rent! |
這樣吧,你別開除我 | How about you don't fire me. |
我留在這裡爭取他們的信任 | Instead,I stay. I gain their trust. |
我說你的好話 他們就聽得進去了 | They'll listen to the nice things I say about you. |
什麼好話? | What nice things? |
還沒有,他們討厭死你了 我想先跟他們打成一片 | Nothing yet. They hate you,and I want to fit in. |
錢德、莫妮卡,光明節(猶太人的節日)快樂… | Happy Hannukah,Chandler and Monica |
聖誕… | Merry,merry |
菲比,你知道嗎? | You know what,Pheebs? |
我不是猶太人,所以… | I'm not Jewish so.... |
羅斯也不用牙線裝飾聖誕樹 你有聽到他抱怨嗎? | Ross doesn't decorate his tree with floss...but he's not complaining.Do you? |
做惡夢啦? | Bad dream? |
我又沒在睡覺 | I wasn't sleeping. |
是嗎? 那菲比剛剛在唱什麼歌? | What was Phoebe's song about? |
在唱那首貓歌 | It's the one with the cat. |
我得走了,又有約 | I got to go. I've got another date. |
你決定要挑哪一個了嗎? | Did you pick one yet? |
沒有,上城區那個女孩 那次的確在開玩笑 | It turns out the one from uptown was making a joke. |
但是和我想像中的不同 而且沒那麼好笑 | It was a different joke. It wasn't that funny. |
我還是左右為難 | So I'm still torn. |
你並不喜歡上城區那個女孩 | You don't like the one from uptown. |
為了跟波啟浦夕妞約會 又累得半死 | And you're exhausted from dating Poughkeepsie. |
把她們兩個都甩了 | Just end them both! |
坐火車去波啟浦夕跟她分手 | Go to Poughkeepsie and break up with her. |
回程跟上城妞分手 | Then break up with uptown. |
到家時一切都解決了 | By the time you get home,you're done! |
你說得對,謝謝 | You're right. Thank you. |
我在布拉格也碰過這種問題 | I had a similar problem when I lived in Prague. |
布拉格? 我的事你不知道的可多了 | -Prague? -So much you don't know. |
派崔克剛剛跟我分手了 | Patrick just ended things with me. |
你有沒有告訴他 我想認真談段感情? | Did you or didn't you tell him I wanted a serious relationship? |
我有,我真的有 | I did! I absolutely did! |
你這個白癡 | You idiot! |
有道理,為什麼? | I'm sure you're right. But why? |
千萬不能告訴男人 你要談段認真的感情 | You don't tell a guy that you want a serious relationship. |
你把他嚇跑了 | Now you scared him away! |
對不起… | I am sorry. I am so sorry. |
應該禁止你跟別人說話 | You should never be allowed to talk to people! |
我知道… | I know,I know! |
我現在又回到原點了 | Now I'm right back where I started. |
太爛了 | This sucks! |
孤孤單單的真難過 | Being alone sucks! |
你遲早會遇見意中人 | You'll meet somebody. |
你棒呆了 | You're a great catch! |
我跟同事形容你時 一句謊話都沒說 | When I told those guys about you,I didn't have to lie once. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
你畢業時 有拿優秀畢業生獎吧? | You graduated magna cum laude,right? |
沒有 不要緊 | It doesn't matter. |
我有兩張今晚球賽的門票 要不要跟我去看? | I got tickets to the Ranger game. You want to come with me? |
看猛男穿短褲滿場飛? | Cute guys in little shorts? |
當然要去 | Sure. |
今晚是冰上曲棍球賽 | Actually,it's a hockey team. |
你只能看到 沒牙的暴躁加拿大佬 | Angry Canadians with no teeth. |
好像挺好玩的,謝謝 | That sounds fun too. Thank you.Okay. |
你有跟女人在一起過嗎? | Have you ever been with a woman? |
什麼? | What? |
你有毛病 | What is the matter with you? |
不管什麼時候問這個問題 都不合適 | There is no good time to ask that question. |
本站是波啟浦夕… | The station is Poughkeepsie. Poughkeepsie! |
羅斯? | Ross? |
羅斯? | Ross? |
醒醒 | Wake up! |
再拿點劍魚來 | I need more swordfish. |
能不能再拿點劍魚來? 我不會講英文 | -Can you get me more swordfish? -I don't speak English. |
你剛講的就是英文 | -You did a minute ago. |
這下我啞口無言了 | -I don't know what to tell you. |
好吧 | Fine. |
很幽默 | Okay. Very funny. |
快放我出來 | Let me out,please. |
裡面好冷 | Come on,I'm cold! |
而且全身都是醬汁 | And covered in marinara sauce! |
放我出去 | Let me out! |
找到把手啦? | You found that handle,did you? |
不好笑 怎麼不好笑? | -It's not funny. -Well,that's not true. |
我是個好人,也是個好廚師 | I'm a good person. And I'm a good chef. |
我不該被弄得全身都是醬汁 | And I don't deserve to have marinara sauce all over me! |
若你們這麼希望我辭職… | If you want me to quit this bad then |
蓋勒主廚 | Chef Geller? |
還記得那天你講的那段話嗎? | You know that speech you made? |
我有意見 | I got a problem with it! |
是嗎? 沒錯 | -You do? -You bet I do! |
只是我那時沒專心聽 | I just wasn't listening then,that's all. |
你有意見 就別怪我不客氣了 | If you want a problem,I'll give you a problem! |
你想怎樣?開除我? | What are you going to do? Fire me? |
那還用說,滾出我的廚房! | You bet I'll fire you! Get out of my kitchen! |
滾! | Get out! |
這才像話 | All right. |
還有誰有意見? | Anybody else got a problem? |
你怎麼樣,偷著笑? | How about you,chuckles? |
你現在還覺得好笑嗎? | You think this is funny now? |
我全身沾滿醬汁跳舞… 好不好笑? | What if I dance covered in sauce? You think it's funny? |
不,你跳得很好 | No,it's really good. |
沙拉送去給四號桌的客人 | Take those salads to table four. |
你去幫我拿劍魚 | And you,get the swordfish! |
還有你… | And you! |
去剪頭髮 | Get a haircut! |
終點站蒙特利爾… | Last stop,Montreal. The stop is Montreal! |
什麼? | What? |
我跟自己打賭 賭你有一對美目 | I bet myself that you had beautiful eyes. |
看來…我贏了 | Now that I see them,I win! |
什麼? | What? |
我要在這站下車 你想不想喝杯咖啡? | We're at my stop. Would you like to have coffee? |
我們真的在蒙特利爾嗎? 對 | Are we really in Montreal?Yes,we are. |
想不想喝咖啡? | So coffee? |
好主意 | Coffee sounds great. |
等等,你住在蒙特利爾? | Wait.So you live in Montreal? |
不,我住新斯科舍省(加拿大) 坐渡輪兩小時就到了 | No,but it's only a two-hour ferry ride to Nova Scotia. |
在我頂嘴之前 真該想想家中妻兒 | I should have thought about my wife and kids before I talked back to Chef Geller. |
謝了 | Thanks |
看來咱們龍家今年得過個 冷颼颼的耶誕節 | It will be a lean Christmas at the Dragon house this year. |
夠了 | Enough! |
冷颼颼啊 | Lean,lean,lean! |
接下來是我為幾位好朋友 寫的聖誕歌 | So this is a very special holiday song...that I wrote for some very important people to me. |
我去店裡坐在聖誕老公公膝頭 | Went to the store Sat on Santa's lap |
要他送堆禮物給我朋友 | Asked him to bring my friends All kinds of crap |
他說你只需要幫他們寫首歌 | Said all you need is To write them a song |
這首歌你們沒聽過 別想跟著我唱 | Now you haven't heard it yet So don't try to sing along |
不要跟我唱 | No,don't sing along |
莫妮卡…光明節快樂 | Monica,Monica Have a happy Hannukah |
我看到聖誕老公公 | Saw Santa Claus |
他要我跟羅斯說你好 | He said hello to Ross |
請告訴喬伊 | And please tell Joey |
耶誕節將瑞雪紛飛 | Christmas will be snowy |
還有瑞秋和錢德…@#$% | And Rachel and Chandler |
祝各位佳節快樂 | Happy holidays,everybody! |
天啊,不敢相信我弟弟結婚了 | I can't believe my little brother's married! |
你們決定私訂終身 怎麼沒跟我說? | Why didn't you tell me you were eloping? |
一切都發生得很自然 我們在法院吃中飯 | Well,we were at court,eating lunch |
等等,你們幹嘛去法院? | Why were you at the courthouse? |
吃中飯啊 | We were having lunch. |
那時的感覺就像是… | We were like... |
既然都來法院吃中飯了 不如就順便結婚吧 | ...we're here,we're having lunch. Let's get married! Right? |
一年前我還不知道自己有弟弟 現在又多了個姐妹 | A year ago,I didn't know I had a brother. Now I have a sister! |
真是太棒了 | Oh,it's so great. |
好了 | Okay. |
夠了 | Okay. |
別再親了 | Stop it! Don't! |
我得送你們新婚禮物才行 | I'll get you a gift now. |
你們需要什麼嗎? | Is there anything you need? |
我們訂婚後就一直想懷孕 心想越早生越好 | We've been trying to get pregnant since we got engaged,to get a jump on things. |
總是年輕不再了嘛 | No one's getting any younger. |
不過重點是我們沒辦法… 成功受孕 | Because the thing is,we're not able to,you know,conceive. |
我們試過所有方法 看了一堆醫生 | We've seen a bunch of doctors. |
對,他們說我們若想生小孩 | They say that our only chance to have a baby... |
唯有把我的精子和她的卵子 放進培養皿裡頭 | ...is that if they take my sperm,her egg,put it together in a dish... |
再放進另一個女孩的子宮裡 | ...and put it into another girl. |
不知道你願不願意 讓我們把受精卵放進去? | We were wondering if you could be that girl. |
這真是個很棒的禮物 | That's a really nice gift. |
我還以為 你們會想要個是醬料皿呢 | I was thinking of a gravy boat. |
我們知道這個要求很過份 | We know it's a lot to ask. |
但我們求助無門 | We don't have anyone else to go to. ... |
本想找別人做代理孕母 但我們沒那筆錢 | We could pay someone...but we don't have that kind of money. |
再加上你又是家人 | Plus,you know,you're family and,you know... |
我也不想把孩子 放進不認識的女孩肚子裡 | ...I just don't want my baby to grow into some chick I don't know,you know? |
不急著回答,你考慮看看 | Don't give us an answer yet,think about it. |
若你拒絕,我們也能完全理解 | And if you say no,we'll totally understand. |
好吧… | Okay. Okay. |
對,能不能載我們去火車站? | And we were wondering if you could give us a ride down to the train station. |
這問題可能要馬上回答才行 | Well,actually,we kind of need an answer to that one right now. |
本集播出:菲比的子宮 | The One with Phoebe's Uterus |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
夥計們 猜我得到了什麼工作? | Check it out! Guess what job I just got. |
不知道,但是唐納德·特朗普(房地產商) 想把他的藍色外套變成黑色 | I don't know,but Donald Trump wants his blue blazer black. |
什麼? | What? |
把藍色外套找回,是找回 | Blue blazer back. He wants it back. |
你剛才是說“黑” 他把藍外套變成黑色幹嘛? | You said "black." Why would he want his blue blazer black? |
你知道我的意思 | Well,you know what I meant. |
是你說錯了 | You messed it up. |
你真蠢 | You're stupid. |
喬伊,你是得到什麼工作? | So,what job did you get? |
在博物館當導覽員 羅斯幫我爭取到的 | Tour guide at the museum. Ross got it for me. |
在博物館當導覽員 不是得要恐龍專家才行? | Don't you have to be a dinosaur expert? |
不儘然,他們會把資料都給你 | They give you all the information. |
就跟背劇本一樣 | It's like memorizing a script. |
左方是侏羅紀的暴龍 | On your left you have a tyrannosaurus rex,from the Jurassic Period. |
不賴嘛 | Very nice. |
其實暴龍是白堊紀的恐龍 | Yeah,actually,Joey,it's the Cretaceous Period. |
是,但我念得出侏羅紀 | But I can pronounce Jurassic. |
你們猜怎麼著? 弗蘭克和愛麗絲結婚了 | Frank Jr. and Alice got married! |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
而且他們就要生小孩了 | They're having a baby! |
而且他們還要用我的子宮來生 | They want me to grow it for them in my uterus! |
天啊 你是認真的嗎? | -My God! -Are you serious? |
是啊 | Ya! |
你在考慮和自己的弟弟上床? | You're thinking of having sex with your brother? |
噁心喔,才不是 | Ew! And,oh,no! |
他們只是要找我當代理孕母 | They want me to be the surrogate. |
用他們的精子和卵子 我只負責當爐子烤麵包 | It's her egg and his sperm. I'm the oven. It's their bun. |
那你答應了沒? | What did you say? |
他們說要先讓我考慮一下 但是有啥好考慮的? | I had to think about it first,but what is there to think of? |
這是我能送出最重的厚禮 | I'll be giving someone the greatest gift. |
你幫他們生小孩 還加贈索尼PS遊戲機? | You'll carry their child and get them a Sony PlayStation? |
這對他們一定是意義重大 | This is an incredible thing to do. |
但是你得考慮到一些事 | But there are things to think about. |
對啊,你會懷孕,懷孕耶 | Yeah,you'd be pregnant. I mean,pregnant. |
我知道啊 | I know. |
這對身體可是沉重負擔 | You'll put your body through an awful lot. |
會害喜,還有分娩 | I mean,morning sickness,labor. |
還全都是為了別人 | It's all for somebody else. |
是啊,你的重點是什麼? | Yeah. What's your point? |
我剛才說的就是啊 | Well,the stuff I just mentioned. |
這種事我一定做不到 | I couldn't do that. |
我心想自己第一次懷孕 一定會是跟心愛的人 | I always figured the first time I had a baby,it'd be with someone I love. |
孩子出生之後… | And that baby was,you know... |
一定要留在自己身邊 | ...a keeper. |
我當時要用牛仔布做傢俱時 你們都還比較支持 | You were more supportive when I wanted to make denim furniture. |
如果你決定要這麼做 我們一定支援得五體投地 | If you decide to do this,we'll be supportive like crazy. |
我們只是要你考慮清楚 | Just think it through. |
或許和生過小孩的人討論一下 好比你母親 | Talk to somebody who's had a baby. Like your mom. |
我媽才沒生過小孩呢 不過我的生母有 | My mom never gave birth. Oh! But my birth mom did! |
(中央咖啡館) | |
我喜歡你的小屁屁 可以讓我帶去上班嗎? | I love this tushy! Can I take it to work with me? |
沒問題,反正不是我的 是買褲子附贈的 | Yeah,sure. It's not mine anyway. It came with the pants. |
我嫉妒死了 | I am so jealous. |
你們倆真的好投入 | You guys are just right there. |
是啊 | Yes. |
投入什麼? | Right where? |
剛開始的熱戀啊 上床、聊天… | The beginning,where it's all sex and talking... |
再上床、再聊天 | ...and sex and talking. |
聊天的部分很棒 | You got to love the talking. |
那上床呢? | -And the sex? |
我們還沒上過床 | -We haven't had sex. |
有啥好大驚小怪的? 這樣才特別啊 | What's the big deal? This is special. |
在進入下一個階段前 我要讓愛情先滋長 | I want our love to grow before moving to the next level. |
錢德,這真的太棒了 | Oh,Chandler,that is so nice. |
真的是很棒 | That is really nice... |
騙人! | ...Iying! |
不可能會是那個原因 為什麼? | -No way is that the reason. -Why? |
因為你太幼稚 無法瞭解那種事? | Because you're not mature enough to understand that? |
不,羅斯說的對,我是在騙人 | He's right. I'm totally lying. |
那真相是什麼? | Then what is it? |
因為凱西前任男友是喬伊 | Kathy's last boyfriend was Joey. |
你擔心自己…技不如人? | And you're afraid you won't be able to fill his shoes? |
不 我擔心自己床上功夫沒他行 | I'm afraid I won't make love as well as him. |
我是想要用比喻的 | -I was going for the metaphor. |
對,我是直接說出來 | -I was saying the actual words. |
沒事啦,喬伊交過好多女友 這也不表示他床功一流 | He's had a lot of girlfriends. Doesn't mean he's great in bed. |
我和他的臥房只隔了一道牆 | We share a wall. |
若非他真的很強 就是他女友喜歡附和他 | Either he's great,or she liked to agree with him a lot. |
動不動就大聲附和 | Loudly and a lot. |
從半夜附和到天亮 | All night long she'd agree. |
你們的情況不一樣 有愛做基礎的性會更棒 | It'll be different. The sex will be great because you're in love. |
是嗎? 是啊 | Really? -Ya! |
錢德,放手一試吧 | -Just go for it. |
對,試試看就知道了 | -Yeah,you should. |
好吧,我去跟女友一起睡 | All right. I'll sleep with my girlfriend. |
但我這全是為了你們 | But I'm just doing it for you guys. |
乳齒象來自侏羅紀半晚期 | Now,the mastodon is from the semi-late Jurassic Period. |
乳齒象不是上新世的嗎? | Isn't the mastodon from the Pliocene Epoch? |
這裡是博物館,不能說話 | This is a museum. No talking. |
這裡的就是… | Right down here we have... |
大腳 | ...a large foot. |
這位是羅斯蓋勒 | And over here we have Ross Geller. |
大家揮手和羅斯打招呼 | Everyone wave "hi" to Ross. |
羅斯是館內頭號重要的科學家 你們看他工作有多努力 | Ross is one of our scientists. Look at him hard at work. |
好,繼續參觀 | Okay,moving right along. |
走吧 | Come on. |
門沒關,請進 | It's open. Come in. |
抱歉遲到了 沒關係 | -I'm sorry I'm late. -That's okay. |
我正好有時間替乳頭上釉 | I had time to finish glazing my nipples. |
你為了見客還真是拼命 | You go all out when you're expecting company. |
我說的是陶器 | I was working on my pottery. |
我不知道你會做…鍋子 | Oh! I didn't know that you did pot. |
對,大多沒穿衣服 結合陶藝和色情這兩種愛好 | Mostly nudes. It combines my two passions: pottery and erotica. |
就叫做“陶情”吧 | Erottery! |
謝謝你來看我 | Thanks for coming out to see me. |
我只是覺得生小孩這件事 還是當面聊比較好 | I thought it'd be a good idea to talk about this baby stuff in person. |
菲比,我覺得這樣不妥 | I don't think it's a good idea. |
為什麼? | Why not? |
因為你最後得要送走孩子 | You'd be giving up a baby. |
我不知道… | And I really don't |
不知道要怎麼說你才會懂 送走孩子會有多麼痛苦 | I don't know if anything I said would make you understand the pain of giving up a baby. |
所以… | So |
不…我瞭解那種痛苦 不要傷害小狗 | No,no,I understand the pain. Don't hurt the puppy! |
不是啦…這小狗是你的了 | No,no. The puppy is yours. |
給我個小狗? | -I get a puppy? |
對,但只能擁有三天 | -But for only three days. |
為什麼? | Why? |
我知道我現在沒有權力 突然搬出媽媽的臉孔跟你說教 | I realize I don't have any right to start getting parent-y on you now. |
菲比,麻煩別看小狗 看著我,我要說重要的事 | Look at me and not the puppy. It's very important. |
好 | Okey |
我知道我在說什麼 | I know what I'm talking about. |
我送走過兩個孩子 | I gave up two babies. |
只希望當時能有人告訴我 | I only wish I had someone who'd given up babies that told me... |
送走自己的小孩會有多痛苦 | ...how terrible it is. |
早知道就別先把小狗給你 | I really shouldn't have given you the puppy first. |
沒關係,我專心聽你說 | That's okay. No,we're listening. |
我只是覺得送走孩子後 你會每天後悔直到死掉 | It'd be something you'd regret every day for the rest of your life. |
你到時送走這條小狗的痛苦 | So however hard it is for you to give up this puppy... |
還不及送走孩子的百萬分之一 | ...it'd be a million times harder to give up a child. |
好,很合理,就養三天 | Okay,fair enough. Three days. |
該把屁股拿出烤窯了 | Oh,it's time to take my ass out of the kiln. |
你能不能坐對面? 我幫朋友羅斯留了位置 | Could you sit there? I'm saving this seat for my friend Ross. |
你是說蓋勒博士? | You mean Dr. Geller? |
博士?我不知道他有這綽號 | Doctor? I didn't know he had a nickname. |
他才不會坐這裡呢 | Oh,he won't sit here. |
穿白袍的都會坐在那裡 | Only people in white coats sit there. |
穿藍色外套的只能坐這裡 | Only people in blue blazers sit here. |
為什麼這樣? | -How come? |
就是這樣 | -That's just the way it is. |
豈有此理 | That's crazy. |
或許在不分藍白的完美世界裡 這樣就會是豈有此理 | Maybe it's crazy in a perfect world: a world without lab coats and blazers. |
但你不是活在完美世界 而且這裡是博物館 | But you not in a perfect world. You in a museum now. |
看到那戴眼鏡的科學家沒? | See that scientist? |
想當年我們念小學還是玩伴 但現在呢? | He and I used to play together in grade school,but now.... |
彼德!… | Peter! Hey,Peter! |
我是朗妲,我們都是129中學的啊 | It's me! Rhonda,from P.S. 129? |
虧我把布丁分你吃過 | I shared my pudding with you,man! |
我還把點心棒送給你吃 | I gave you my Snack Pack! |
看到沒?他假裝通通沒聽到 | See? He pretend he don't even hear me! |
我想大家都在假裝沒聽到 | Everyone's pretending they don't hear you. |
我是不知道什麼制服 還有你們分桌吃飯的事啦 | I don't know about your jackets and separate tables... |
不過羅斯是我的好朋友 | ...but Ross is my friend. |
若我幫他留了位置 我告訴你,他一定會坐 | And if I save him a seat,he will sit in it. |
羅斯…來這裡坐 我幫你留了位置 | Here! I saved you a seat! |
我坐這裡就好了 之後再去找你聊 | I'm cool here. I'll catch up with you later. |
這個位置有人坐了 | This is saved. |
她是禮品店的 | Gift shop. |
今天在自助餐廳的事很抱歉 | I'm really,really sorry about what happened in the cafeteria today. |
沒什麼,該怎麼做就怎麼做 | You do what you got to do. |
不只是我而已 科學家和導覽員從來不坐一起 | The scientists and the tour guides never sit together. |
隨便啦 | Whatever. |
這種情況到處都有 莫妮卡,幫我說說話啊 | It's like that everywhere. Mon,back me up. |
在你工作的地方 服務生和服務生一起吃飯 | Where you work,the waiters eat with the waiters. |
廚師和廚師吃飯,對吧? | And the chefs eat with the other chefs? |
我是自己躲在過道裡吃 因為大家都恨我 | I eat by myself in the alley,because everybody hates me. |
好,瑞秋,你上回 和運貨員一起吃飯是何時? | Okay,Rach,when was the last time you had lunch with the shipping clerks? |
你聽我說,我不常跟他們吃飯 但這完全是兩碼子事 | I've never had lunch with the shipping clerks...but it's totally different. |
因為他們不能進主管的自助餐廳 | They're not allowed in the executive cafeteria. |
我懂你的意思了 | Oh,I see what you're saying. |
羅斯,你聽我說 | Look,Ross. |
這沒啥大不了的啦 | It's no big deal. |
你穿白袍,我穿藍色外套 | You wear a white coat. I wear a blue blazer. |
若這表示我們上班不能當朋友 那就這樣吧 | If that means we can't be friends at work,so be it. |
我能瞭解 | I understand,you know? |
我演舞臺劇,你坐觀眾席 我也不會跟你說話,是吧? | When I'm in a play and you're in the audience,I don't talk to you. |
所以沒事了 | So it's,you know,it's cool. |
明天見 | I'll see you tomorrow. |
我們坐在觀眾席 他是沒說話,但有跟我們招手 | When we're in the audience,he doesn't talk but he does wave. |
我的小狗好不好呀?… | Who's my puppy? Who's my puppy? Who's my puppy? |
你幫它取名字沒? | -Have you named him yet? |
沒有,我不想陷進去 | -No,I don't want to get attached. |
可以讓我抱抱嗎? 當然可以 | -Can I hold him? -Sure. Here. |
來,給我抱抱 | -Come here,squirmy. Hello |
不是那樣抱啦 | -Not like that. No. |
菲比干嘛唱歌給卡爾·莫爾登(電影明星)聽? | Why's Phoebe singing to Karl Malden? |
小狗又應該出去了 | I think it's time for puppy to go out again. |
走,我們去陽臺 | Come on,let's go to the balcony. |
什麼? 去街上,走,我們去街上 | The street. Come on,let's go to the street. |
在我回來之前,別去陽臺 | Don't go on the balcony until after I get back. |
你做了沒? | So did you do it? |
有…我們上床了 | Yes,yes,we had the sex. |
糟糕,不好喔? | It was bad? |
好是好,但是她附和我的程度 不像附和喬伊那樣強烈 | It was fine,but she didn't agree with me as strongly as with Joey. |
感覺像是“我瞭解,無所謂” | She was like,"l see your point. I'm all right with it." |
第一次的互動總是比較生疏 | There's not always a lot of agreement the first time. |
對,女生要慢慢來 不像男生一碰就那樣了 | Yeah. Not for girls,anyway. Guys agree like that. |
你們得幫幫我 | Look,you have to help me. |
我是說… | I mean.... |
我知道怎麼在床上取悅女人 我知道步驟,一直也都很好 | I know what to do with a woman. It's always nice. |
但我需要知道… | I need to know... |
要怎麼從“好”進階到… | ...what makes it go from nice to: |
“老天 那傢夥讓她欲仙欲死” | "My God! Somebody's killing her in there!" |
我來解釋一個 很多男人不知道的事 | I'll show you something a lot of guys don't know. |
瑞秋,麻煩把那本子給我 | Rach,give me that pad,please? |
好吧 | All right. |
聽著 | Now. |
你不用真的畫出… 哇,她身材真惹火 | You don't have to draw an actual Whoa,she's hot! |
大家都知道性感帶在哪裡 | Everyone knows the erogenous zones. |
有一、二、三… | You got one,two,three... |
四… | ...four... |
五、六,還有七 | ...five,six and seven. |
性感帶有七個? | There are seven? |
我看看 | Let me see that. |
對,沒錯 | Oh,yeah. |
那裡也算一個? | That's one? |
還蠻重要的呢 | Kind of an important one. |
反過來看會有誤差嘛 | I was looking at it upside down. |
有時候反過來也不錯 | Well,you know,sometimes that helps. |
男人大多數愛撫過一、二、三 就直接跳到第七個,結束比賽 | Most guys will hit one,two,three and then go to seven and set up camp. |
那樣不好嗎? | That's bad? |
你去迪士尼樂園 也不會整天只玩馬特洪雪橇啊 | At Disneyland,you don't spend the whole day on the Matterhorn. |
若那是第七個就有可能 | You might if it were like seven. |
重點是慢慢來 | All right,the important thing is to take your time. |
七個性感帶都要照顧到 | You want to hit them all... |
還要搭配混和使用 就像踮腳那樣維持緊繃 | ...mix them up. Keep them on their toes. |
腳趾! | Oh,toes! |
有些人的腳趾會興奮嘛 | For some people. |
好吧 | All right. |
你可以先小小來個一 | You could start out with a little one. |
再來二 | A two. |
一、二、三搭配 | A one,two,three. |
一個三 | A three. |
一個五 | A five. |
一個四 | A four. |
來個三和二 | A three,two. |
二,再配個二、四、六 | Two. A two,four,six. |
二、四、六 | Two,four,six. |
四、二 | Four. Two. |
二,四和七 | Two. Four,seven! |
五配七,六配七 | Five,seven! Six,seven! |
七!… | Seven! Seven!… |
這樣就可以了 | And there you are. |
對,那樣會有效的 | Yeah,that'll work. |
蓋勒博士,這裡有位置 | Dr. Geller? There's a seat here. |
菲力浦斯博士,謝謝你 | Thank you,Dr. Phillips. |
但我的午餐… | But I'm having my lunch... |
要在這張桌子上吃 中間這一張 | ...at this table. Here in the middle. |
我的午餐… | I'm having my lunch... |
就在這裡和好友喬伊一起吃 | ...right here with my good friend,Joey. |
若他願意跟我坐一起的話 | If he'll sit with me. |
蓋勒博士,我跟你坐 | I will sit with you,Dr. Geller. |
你們知道嗎… | You know... |
我們在自然歷史博物館工作 | ...we work in a museum of natural history. |
然而卻有一件事… | And yet,there is something... |
很不自然 | ...unnatural... |
我們吃中飯的方式很不自然 | ...about the way we eat lunch. |
我要讓你們知道 這位導覽員讓我這科學家 | Now,I want you to know....it took a tour guide to show this scientist |
瞭解到自己處事方法的錯誤 | the error of his ways |
甚至可以說他帶領我 看到了我自己的內心 | You might even say he took me on a tour...of myself. |
對,他說的就是我 | Yeah,that was me. |
我環顧這自助餐廳的四周 看到了什麼?我看到隔閡 | I look around,and you know what I see? I see division. |
穿白袍的人和穿藍外套的人 彼此有著隔閡 | Division between people in white coats and people in blue blazers. |
我捫心自問 “天啊,這是為什麼?” | I ask myself,"My God,why?" |
我建議大家脫掉… | Now,I say we shed these coats... |
造成我們隔閡的這些外套 | ...that separate us. |
才能認識衣服裡面的人 | And we get to know the people underneath. |
我是羅斯! | I'm Ross! |
我離過婚,有個小孩 | I'm divorced and I have a kid! |
我是喬伊,我是個演員 | I'm Joey! I'm an actor! |
我不知道恐龍怎麼蹲下 | I don't know squat about dinosaurs! |
我是泰德,一個月前才搬來 紐約真是嚇壞我了 | I'm Ted,and I just moved here,and New York really scares me. |
這就對了! 泰德,你要撐住 | -There you go! -Hang in there,Teddy! |
我是安德魯 | I'm Andrew. |
這顆梨我沒付錢 | And I didn't pay for this pear. |
好,有你的 | Okay. Good for you. |
我是朗妲,這一對不是真的! | I'm Rhonda! And these aren't real! |
朗妲… | Wow,Rhonda. |
我是史考特 幫史考特加油 | -I'm Scott. -Yeah,okay,Scott! |
我在離開一個房間之前 一定要連續開燈關燈17次 | I flip the light switch on and off 17 times when I leave a room... |
不然我全家都會死光光 | ...or my family will die. |
我媽隨時會來 | My mom's gonna be here any minute. |
我沒辦法,我不能送走它 | I can't. I can't give him up. |
不對,我可以 | Yes,no. I can. |
我不想 | I don't want to. |
但是我可以 | But I can. |
不行 | No. |
我再看下去一定會崩潰 這就像是《蘇菲的選擇》 | I can't watch this. It's like Sophie's Choice. |
我從沒看過那部電影 | You know,I never saw that. |
其實很普通而已啦 | Oh,it was only okay. |
我辦不到 | I can't do this. |
我媽媽說的對 若我連一條狗都捨不得 | My mom was right. If I can't give him up... |
怎麼可能送走自己生的小孩 | ...there's no way I can give up a baby. |
弗蘭克和愛麗絲一定會很受傷 | Frank and Alice are going to be so crushed. |
我能給他什麼別的?腎臟? | What else can I give them? A kidney! |
我們正好在附近 | We were in the neighborhood. |
我們順路過來是要讓你知道 還是不要有壓力 | We want to let you know that there's still no pressure. |
但是如果你有事要跟我們說 我們就坐在那裡喝咖啡 | If there was something you wanted to say,we'll be right there. |
好 | Okey |
這個小傢夥是誰? | Who's this little guy? |
真可愛 讓我想起我的老狗腫瘤 | He's so cute! He reminds me of my old dog,Tumor. |
瞧你可愛的,真想帶你回家 | You are so precious,I could take you home. |
有何不可呢? | Why don't you? |
你是說真的? | -Are you serious? |
是啊 | -Yeah. |
多謝了 | Thanks. |
你在幹嘛? 這樣不會讓我難過 | -What are you doing? -I'm okay with this. |
你們知道原因嗎?看看他們 | You know why? Because look at them. |
看他們高興成那樣 | Look how happy they are. |
這是我的功勞,所以… | And I made that,so you know.... |
我知道送走自己生出來的孩子 一定會難上百萬倍… | It'll be a million times harder to give up a baby,but oh,my God! |
但到時的快樂 一定也會是百萬倍,對吧? | It'll feel a million times better,right? |
決定了,我要懷你們的孩子 | I'll do this. I want to carry your baby. |
真是太感謝了 | Thank you so much! |
這對我們意義非凡 | You don't know what this means to us. |
天啊,我都快哭了 | I think I'm going to cry! |
一定會很棒的 | It's going to be so great. |
怎麼回事? 我把小狗給了他們 | -What's going on? -I gave them the puppy. |
看他們高興成那樣 我決定幫他們懷小孩 | It made them so happy,I decided to carry their baby. |
菲比… 你不用說,我知道 | -Phoebe -No,I know. |
不過你我是完全不同的人 | We're different,though. |
而且情況也完全不同 | This is a different situation. |
我知道我這樣做絕不會後悔 | I am not going to regret this. |
你說的我都瞭解 | I understand all that. |
只是…那小狗是我的耶 | It's just,that was my puppy. |
你願意幫別人當代理孕母嗎? | Would you ever be a surrogate? |
要看是誰要我幫忙 | Depends who asked. |
如果是我要你幫忙呢? | What if I asked? |
莫妮卡,那我當然願意啊 | Oh,Mon,sure! |
真的? 是啊 | -Really? -Yes. |
你不是真要我幫忙吧? 不是 | You're not asking me,are you? |
我當然幫你,一定幫 | -No. -Yes. Totally. |
謝謝你… | Thank you! Thank you! |
謝謝你 | Thank you! |
太謝謝你了! | Yes,thank you! |
誰在鬼叫? | What the hell is that?! |
誰在鬼叫?是你嗎? | What the hell is that? Is that you? |
你清晨的火氣還真大 滾遠一點 | -You're really not a morning person. -Just back off! |
起來!… | Get up! Get up! Get up! |
那是什麼聲音? | What is that noise? |
是你的敲門聲! | You! |
是小雞啦 | It's the chick. |
它正歷經過度時期 | She's going through some changes. |
什麼過度時期? | What kind of changes? |
獸醫認為… | The vet seems to think... |
咱們的小母雞要長大成公雞了 | ...she's becoming a rooster. |
我們打算再問問別的獸醫 | We're getting a second opinion. |
本集播出:胚胎 | The One With the Embryos |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你幹嘛清晨八點去買東西? | Why are you shopping at 8 in the morning? |
我六點鐘就起床了 | I've been up since 6... |
都是被某人的笨公雞害的 | ...thanks to somebody's dumb-ass rooster. |
你們應該把它們處理掉 它們不應該窩在公寓裡 | You should get rid of those animals. They shouldn't be in an apartment. |
是啊,特別是這裡 又有那麼多刀和食譜 | Especially not with these knives and cookbooks around. |
我要去看婦產科醫生 | I'm going to the doctor and see if I'm ready... |
看看能不能把弗蘭克 | ...to have Frank |
和愛麗絲的胚胎 | and Alice's embryo |
移植到我的子宮裡去 | transferred into my uterus. |
他們怎麼知道你準備好了沒? | How will they know? |
他們要看看我的子宮內膜是不是已經增厚了 | They'll just see if my endometrial layer is thick. |
我幫你看就好了 | I can check that for you. |
各位,幫我的子宮內膜加油吧 | Okay,think "thick." |
祝你好運 | Good luck! |
快祝我幸運 | Wish me luck. |
祝你好運 | Good luck. |
我說得沒錯啦 鬼扯 | -I'm still right. -That is so not true. |
她不爽是因為我知道 她今天要洗衣服 | What?I know it's her laundry day... |
所以現在穿的是老女人大內褲 | ...and that means she's wearing her old-lady underpants. |
要不要我檢查一下? | I can check that for you. |
你們憑什麼認為 比瑞秋和我更瞭解我們? | You two think you know me and Rachel...better than we know you. |
本來就是 | Well,we do. |
你吃薄荷糖時一定要吃偶數 | You can only eat Tic Tacs in even numbers. |
你有什麼毛病啊? | What's that about? |
而你嘛… | And you! |
羅斯,你去搜搜瑞秋的購物袋 | Ross,if you check Rachel's bag... |
裡面一定有一盒 吃了一半的餅乾 | ...you'll find a half-eaten box of cookies in there. |
高明 | You're good. |
這包餅乾就不怎麼高明了 | These are not. |
有什麼了不起 哪有人買東西時不吃零嘴? | I'm so not impressed. Everybody snacks when they shop. |
是嗎?羅斯,購物袋裡 還有幾樣東西? | Ross,how many items left in that bag? |
五樣 | Five. |
賭十塊,我們能說出 那五樣東西是什麼 | Okay,10 bucks says we can name every item in that bag. |
你們能猜幾次? 六次 | -How many guesses? -Six. |
男生隊下戰書 | Challenge extended. |
賭就賭 女生隊接受挑戰 | -Deal! -Challenge accepted. |
第一樣是…蘋果 | All right,we'll start with..apples |
第一樣是蘋果 | We'll be starting with apples. |
拜託你不要那樣 | Stop that now. |
有蘋果 | Yes. |
玉米片 | Okay. Tortilla chips. |
優酪乳 健怡汽水 | -Yogurt. -Diet soda. |
對… | Yes… |
柳橙汁 | -Orange juice. |
我沒買柳橙汁,我們贏了! | -There's no orange juice! We win! |
等等,他們還能再猜一次 | They have another guess. |
那次我們都猜對了 | Well,we won that one. |
最後一樣東西是… | Okay. The last thing is |
不是…還要等兩周 | Not for another two weeks. |
我知道了 | I got it. |
膠… | Scotch... |
帶 | ...tape. |
你怎麼知道她會買膠帶? | How did you know she would buy Scotch tape? |
我們昨晚玩扮鬼臉時 把她們的膠帶用光了 | We used up theirs last night making scary faces. |
討厭 | Oh,man! |
十塊錢,願賭服輸 | All right! Ten bucks. Fork it over.Cough it up. Pay the piper. |
甘願點,拿錢來 | Give me it! |
這沒什麼了不起 我要再比一次 | You don't know us better. I want a rematch. |
猜東西沒挑戰性 這次要問切身問題 | And no stupid grocery questions. Real,personal questions. |
賭一百塊 | And the winner gets $100. |
你當真? | -Serious? |
怕了? | -Are you scared? |
才怪 | No. |
誰出考題? | Who makes up the questions? |
羅斯 | Ross will do it. |
是啊,找羅斯 | Sure,Ross will do it. |
就好像他沒工作,沒兒子 生活又無聊似的 | It's not like he has a job or a child or a life of his own. |
好嘛,那找菲比好了 | -Fine. We'll ask Phoebe. |
不要,人家想玩嘛 | -No,I want to play. |
你的子宮可以做胚胎移植了 | Looks like your uterus is ready for implantation. |
我就知道 我今天早上就覺得厚厚的 | I knew it! I felt really thick this morning. |
現在怎麼辦? 快去把卵子放進去 | Okay,so what's now? Go get the eggs. Put them in there. |
我要花點時間準備那些胚胎 | It'll take a little while to prepare the embryos. |
那些胚胎?不只一個? | -Embryos? As in more than one? |
事實上,一共有五個 | -Five,actually. |
五個?我要生在哪裡?醫院還是樓下的大箱子啊? | Five? Okay, where am I giving birth, a hospital or a big box under the stairs? |
植入五個胚胎 使你的著床機率大概是25% | Doing five gives you a 25% chance that at least one will attach. |
25%?這麼少? | That's it? 25%? |
這表示我生不出小孩的機率 是75%? | That means that it's,like,75% chance of no baby at all? |
那如果兩百個胚胎進去 機率會不會高一點? | I was thinking,what are the odds...if you stuff 200 of them in there? |
親愛的,她是個女人 不是吐泡泡的機器 | Sweetie,now...she's a woman,not a gumball machine. |
別擔心 我會一直做到成功為止 | Don't worry. I'll do this as many times as it takes to get it right. |
但是我們只有一次機會 | The thing is,we kind of only have one shot. |
做一次移植要花一萬六千塊 | It costs $16,000 each time you do this. |
一萬六千塊? 在加利福尼亞是兩萬 | Sixteen thousand dollars?!Well,it's 20 in California. |
我們為了這次 已經花光所有的積蓄 | We're kind of using all the money we have to do it this one time. |
天啊,這讓我和我的子宮 壓力超大 | Okay,that's a lot of pressure on me and my uterus. |
也許我能做些什麼事 來提高懷孕的機率 | Maybe there's something I can do to make sure I get pregnant. |
沒有 | No,I'm sorry. |
你們真是啥都不懂 | Wow,you guys really don't know anything. |
那她喝個爛醉如何? | Why don't you get drunk? |
我很多高中同學 都是這樣搞大肚子的 | It worked for a bunch of girls in my high school. |
問題準備得如何? | -So how's the test coming? |
別亂動題板 | -Hey,you're touching the game board. |
抱歉啦 | Sorry. |
怪胎 | You freak. |
你們知道菲比現在 隨時可能會懷孕嗎? | Do you realize that any minute now...Phoebe could be pregnant? |
我知道… | I know,I know. |
這件事真是非同小可 是啊 | It's such a huge,life-altering thing. |
考題準備好了 | The test is ready. |
每一隊都要回答十個問題 答對最多的那一隊就贏 | Okay. Each team will answer 10 questions.The first team to answer the most questions wins. |
考題項目如下… “恐懼和怪癖” | The categories are "Fears and Pet Peeves"... |
“陳年往事” | ..."Ancient History"... |
“文學” | ..."Literature"... |
和“日常瑣事” | ...and "It's all Relative." |
我們丟硬幣來決定哪一隊先攻 | Now...the coin toss,to see who goes first. |
拜託你們先猜哪一面 | Okay.Somebody call it this time. |
字 | Tails! |
是人頭 | It's heads. |
男生隊,請挑項目 | Gentlemen,pick your category. |
“恐懼和怪癖” | "Fears and Pet Peeves." |
莫妮卡最受不了什麼? | "What is Monica's biggest pet peeve?" |
動物打扮得像人 答對了 | -Animals dressed as humans. -Correct. |
女生隊? 同一個項目 | -Ladies? -Same category. |
錢德最怕什麼東西? | "According to Chandler,what phenomenon scares the bejesus out of him?" |
踢踏舞之王麥克費特利 | Michael Flatley,Lord of the Dance! |
答對了 | That is correct. |
那個跳舞的愛爾蘭人? | The lrish jig guy? |
他那雙腳跳舞時 好像跟身體分離了一樣 | His legs flail about as if independent from his body! |
男生隊,輪到你們了 | Gentlemen,your pick. |
“日常瑣事” | "It's all Relative." |
莫妮卡和我的外婆過世時 兩位都參加了她的葬禮 | "Monica and I had a grandmother who died.You both went to her funeral. |
我們祖母叫什麼名字? | Name that grandmother." |
娜娜? | -Nana? |
她有個真正的名字吧 | -She has a real name. |
艾席雅 | Althea! |
什麼? 試試看嘛 | -What? -I took a shot! |
那幹嘛猜艾席雅? 答對了 | With Althea?-Althea is correct. |
猜得好 | -Nice shooting! |
“文學” | "Literature." |
喬伊和錢德 每週都會收到“電視週刊” | "Every week the TV Guide comes to Chandler and Joey's apartment. |
請問收件人的姓名為何? | What name appears on the address label?" |
錢德訂的,當然是錢德賓囉 | Chandler gets it! It's Chandler Bing! |
不是啦 | No |
“電視週刊”收件人的姓名 是“錢尼德勒邦” | I'm afraid the TV Guide comes to "Chanandler Bong." |
我知道正確答案 | I knew that! |
瑞秋,用用腦子行不行? | Rachel,use your head! |
事實上 應該是“錢尼德勒邦夫人” | Actually,it's Ms. Chanandler Bong. |
嗨,各位小胚胎,我是菲比布菲 | Hello,teeny embryos.I'm Phoebe Buffay. Hi! |
我的子宮 就是各位未來九個月的家 | I'm hoping to be your uterus for the next nine months. |
我們這麼做 都是為了弗蘭克和愛麗絲 | We're doing this for Frank and Alice... |
你們跟他們應該很熟 | ...who you know. You've been there. |
他們真的很希望能有個小寶寶 | They want you so much. |
你們進去之後好好抓緊 | So when you guys get in there,really grab on. |
我保證會讓你們 住得又舒服又安全 | And I promise that I'll keep you safe and warm... |
直到你們準備好 讓他們帶你們回家為止 | ...until you're ready to have them take you home. |
咱們下次見面時 我應該會大聲喊叫 | Next time you see me,if I'm screaming, |
請別擔心,這是很正常的 | don't worry.That's what's supposed to happen. |
準備好了嗎? | Ready? |
祝好運 | Good luck! |
目前比數是九比八 男生隊領先 | The score is nine to eight in favor of the guys. |
女生隊若答錯這題 男生隊就贏了 | Ladies,if you miss this,the game is theirs. |
選一個項目吧 | Pick a category. |
“日常瑣事” | "It's all Relative"! |
犯不著拉直嗓子吼 對不起! | -You don't have to shout everything. -I'm sorry! |
錢德父親在賭城的男子歌舞秀 叫做什麼名字? | "What is the name of Chandler's father's...Las Vegas all-male burlesque?" |
“同志萬歲” | Viva Las Gaygas! |
很不幸的…你答對了 | Unfortunately,that is correct. |
目前雙方平手 | All right. We have a tie. |
不過我早有準備了 | Luckily,I've prepared for such an event. |
快問快答 | The lightning round! |
雙方各有30秒回答 | Thirty seconds. All the questions you can answer. |
你們輸定了,我超會快問快答 | You guys are dead! I am so good at lightning rounds! |
我大學是主修快問快答的 | I majored in lightning rounds,all right? |
你們才輸定了 | We'll destroy you. |
敢不敢賭? | Want to bet? |
怪了,我們這不正是在賭嗎? | I'm so confused as to what we've been doing so far. |
把賭注提高到… 150塊如何? | How about we play for more money? Say 150? |
150塊 | One hundred and fifty dollars. |
200塊如何? | Say 200? |
200塊 | Two hundred dollars! |
你又來了 | You're doing it again. |
不好意思 | Excuse me. |
我不想輸200塊 我們不會輸的 | -I don't want to lose $200. -We won't. |
300塊如何? 莫妮卡 | Three hundred? |
我只是想讓比賽更香辣有勁 | I'm spicing it up! |
賭辣椒行不行? 別再亂花我的錢了 | So play for some pepper! Stop spending my money. |
我有了 | I got it! |
我們贏的話 他們就得處理掉那只公雞 | If we win,they have to get rid of the rooster. |
有意思 | That's interesting! |
不行,公雞和我們是一家人 | -No way! That rooster's family. |
還有那只鴨 | -The duck too! |
幹嘛扯上那只鴨?它又不亂叫 | The duck doesn't make noise! |
那只雞被它搞得心浮氣躁 | He gets the other one all riled up! |
聽著,我們絕不… 等等 | -We are not -All right,hold on! |
你們贏的話 我們就處理掉那鳥 | If you win...we give up the bird. |
我們贏的話… 就把你們的公寓讓給我們 | But if we win...we get your apartment. |
成交 | -Deal! -What? |
這太扯了,我絕不拿公寓來賭 | That's crazy. There's no way we are betting the apartment. |
好,我賭了! | All right,I'm in. |
那只雞不走我就要買只土狼 | Because either he goes,or I'm buying a coyote. |
拿公寓來賭好像不太穩當 | Betting the apartment? I don't know about this. |
瑞秋,我從頭到尾 一題都沒答錯 | I have not missed one question the whole game. |
我是遊戲之王 | I own this game! |
看我的手 | -Look at my hand. |
你手上有寫答案嗎? | -You have the answers written there? |
不是啦,我的手像岩石一樣穩 你還不放心嗎? | No. Steady as a rock. Now,are you with me? |
咱們上陣吧 這樣才對 | All right,let's do it! |
男生隊先攻 | All right. Gentlemen,you're up first. |
限時30秒 | You have 30 seconds. |
快問快答要開始了…不准跳 | The lightning round begins Stop it! |
莫妮卡當曲棍球隊 守門員的外號為何? | "Monica's nickname when she was a hockey goalie?" |
胖守門 正確 | -Big Fat Goalie. -Correct! |
瑞秋宣稱 她最喜歡的電影為何? | "Rachel claims it's her favorite movie." |
“危險關係” | Dangerous Liaisons. |
她真正喜歡的電影是哪一部? | #VALUE! |
“老闆度假去” | -Weekend at Bernie's. |
莫妮卡14歲時 身上哪個部位卡了一枝鉛筆? | "In what part of her body did Monica get a pencil stuck at age 14?" |
噁心…不是啦 | No! |
是她的耳朵 | Her ear! |
莫妮卡的毛巾都分門別類 一共分為幾類? | "Monica categorizes her towels. How many categories are there?" |
日常用毛巾 高級毛巾 | -Everyday use. -Fancy. |
客用毛巾 高級客用毛巾 | -Guest. -Fancy guest. |
還剩兩秒鐘 11種 | -Two seconds. -Eleven? |
不可思議,答對了 | Unbelievable! Eleven is correct! |
太好了… | Yes |
男生隊答對四題 現在輪女生隊搶答 | All right.That's four for the guys. Ladies,you're up! |
限時30秒 答對五題你們就贏了 | Thirty seconds on the clock.Five correct questions wins the game. |
快問快答開始 喬伊最喜歡的食物為何? | The lightning round begins now. "Joey's favorite food?" |
三明治 正確 | -Sandwiches! -Correct. |
錢德第一次 摸女生胸部是幾歲? | "Chandler was how old when he first touched a girl's breast?" |
14歲? 不,19 | -14? -No,19. |
謝了,老兄 | Thanks,man. |
喬伊小時有個幻想中的朋友 | "Joey had an imaginary childhood friend. |
他的名字叫… 莫瑞斯 | -His name was...?" -Maurice! |
正確,他的職業是… 太空牛仔 | -"His profession was...?" -Space cowboy! |
正確 | Correct |
錢德賓的工作是什麼? | "What is Chandler Bing's job?" |
跟數字有關 | It has something to do with numbers! |
還有處理 他上班帶公事包 | -And processing! -He carries a briefcase. |
剩10秒鐘,答錯就輸了 | Ten seconds. You need this or you lose. |
跟問詢有關 | Something to do with transponding. |
他是答詢員 | He's a transponster! |
根本就沒有這個詞 | That's not even a word! |
我知道… | I can get this! I can get this! |
不… 爽… | No. -Yes! |
我要莫妮卡的房間 | -I call Monica's room. |
這哪是你說要就要的 | -You can't just call Monica's room. |
我當然可以,這是“鳥槍”規則(誰先看到誰就先說) | Sure I can. Standard shotgun rules. |
我先看到那個房間的並且我說了 | I'm in sight of the room and I called it. |
(可惡) | Damn! |
我好像要生病了 | I feel like I'm coming down with something. |
要不要猜猜我的扁桃腺 是什麼顏色? | Guess the color of my tonsils. |
用公寓來賭 | I bet the apartment! |
我才不會拿 這麼棒的公寓來賭呢 | I would never bet this place. It's too nice. |
菲比,你肚子裡有東西了嗎? | Are they in there? |
對,胚胎放進去了 | Yeah,I'm implanted. |
你覺得怎麼樣? | -How do you feel? |
擔心死了 | -Well,freaked. |
成功的機率不高 | It turns out the odds are really sucky. |
但弗蘭克和愛麗絲 只有這次機會 | And this is Frank and Alice's only shot. |
他們把所有的蛋 都放在我的籃子裡 | They are literally putting all their eggs in my basket. |
我相信你一定會成功 | But I bet it works. |
是嗎?你要賭多少? | Really? How much? |
我現在就去驗孕 | I'm going to take a pregnancy test now. |
這麼快? | Wow! You can tell this soon? |
醫生說要等兩天 | The doctor says it takes a few days. |
但是我的身體 一向比西方醫學快一點 | But my body's always been a little faster than Western medicine. |
天啊 | My God |
你們真以為能搬進來? | I can't believe you guys think you're moving in here. |
面對現實吧,寶貝 | Well,believe it,baby! |
我不走 | -Well,I'm not moving. |
什麼? | -What? |
那不過是場愚蠢的賭局 玩玩罷了 | No. It was a stupid bet. We were just playing a game. |
賭就賭了,哪能不算 | You can't ignore the bet. It's a bet! |
賭輸就是輸了,你們輸了 | Bet on a bet and if you lose,you lose the bet. |
我們非搬不可 | We have to move. |
若我們贏了 也會逼他們把雞鴨處理掉 | We would have made them get rid of the birds. |
才怪 | No |
我也不想這樣 但說句安慰你的話… | I hate this as much as you,but if it makes you feel better... |
這全都是你的錯 | ...this is all your fault. |
什麼? | What? |
我們每週都偷他們的電視週刊 你怎麼會不知道是錢尼德勒邦? | Chanandler Bong! We steal that TV Guide every week! |
我就知道 | I knew it! |
我不管,我不走 | I don't care. I'm not going anywhere. |
酷啊,跟女生做室友 | Cool! Girl roommate. |
怎麼樣? | Well? |
我的肚子還沒被搞大 | Nope,not knocked up yet. |
才過兩個小時耶,耐心點 | It's only been a couple hours. |
我也要為這件事盡一份力 | Meanwhile,I'll do whatever I can to help this. |
讓我躺在你們的椅子上 | I'm just going to,you know,lie in your chair,okay? |
讓地心引力發揮作用 | Good. I'm going to let gravity do its job. |
我不會礙事的 | I won't get in the way. |
就像我那次躺在這裡 數天花板上的蟲子一樣 | It'll be just like that time I tried to count all the bumps on your ceiling. |
菲比,你若坐得夠久 這裡就會變成我們的公寓 | You know,Pheebs,if you sit there long enough,you'll be sitting in our apartment. |
我真不敢相信 | I can't believe this. |
瑞秋,有件事忘了告訴你 | Oh,Rach,FYl: |
你那間新公寓 自耶誕節後就沒熱水了 | Your new apartment hasn't had hot water since Christmas. |
瑞秋,過來幫我搬這個箱子 | Can you give me a hand? |
不,把箱子放下來 我們哪兒都不去 | Put that box down! We are not going anywhere! |
這是我的公寓,我喜歡它 | This is my apartment and I like it! |
這是女生的公寓 | This is a girl's apartment! |
那裡才是又髒又臭的男生公寓 | That is a boy's apartment! It's dirty and it smells! |
這裡漂亮死了… | This is pretty! It's so pretty! |
看,牆壁是紫的 | And look,it's purple! |
我告訴你,你和你那像石頭一樣穩的手,我不搬 | I tell you,you with your steady hand,I am not moving. |
看,我的手也穩若磐石 | And now I have got the steady hand. |
好… | Okay,okay. |
我去搞定 | -I'll take care of it. |
這才對,照我手的話去做 | -That's right.You do what the hand says! |
情況如何? | -How'd it go? |
我把床墊輸掉了 | -I lost our mattresses. |
小胎兒,你在裡面嗎? | Are you in there,little fetus? |
九個月後是否就能夠相見? | In nine months will you come greet us? |
我會給你買阿迪達斯 | I will buy you some Adidas |
我們剛剛去過雜貨藥店 幫你買了個小禮物 | We were just at the drugstore so we got you a little present. |
天啊,腦充血 | That's where all my blood was. |
棒棒糖和驗孕棒 | It's a lollipop and a home pregnancy test. |
別搞混了,棒棒糖沾尿很噁心 | Don't mix those up. You could really ruin that lollipop. |
想不想驗一下?這只是個問題而已 | You feel like taking a test? There's only one question. |
我驗就是了 | All right. I will. |
別忘了,現在還早 | Remember that it's still really early. |
若結果是陰性 不表示我不會懷孕 | If it says I'm not pregnant,that doesn't mean I won't get pregnant. |
拜託你們別寄望太高 否則會把我逼瘋的 | Just so I don't go completely nuts...try not to put all your hopes on this. |
好 | Okey |
好極了 | Great. |
你們真是壞到骨子裡去了 | You are mean boys who are just being mean! |
別把氣出在我們身上 沒人逼你們把公寓拿來賭 | Don't get mad! No one forced you to raise the stakes. |
亂講,她有逼我 | That is not true! She forced me! |
答錯的人是你啊 | You got the question wrong. |
那個問題太愚蠢、不公平了 | It was a stupid,unfair question! |
別怪我出的問題 | Don't blame the questions! |
別在我們家大吵大鬧 掃了我們的搬家興 | Stop yelling in our apartment! You are ruining moving day for us. |
別說這裡是你們家 本來就是 | -Stop calling it your apartment! -lt is! |
你們要有寶寶了 他們要有寶寶了 | You're going to have a baby. They're going to have a baby! |
我姐姐要幫我生小孩了 | My sister's going to have my baby! |
別抱了,這對寶寶不好 | Okay,but this can't be good for the baby. |
我找不到垃圾袋 | I can't find garbage bags. |
這裡面好像有 | I think I saw some in here. |
什麼東西? | What is it? |
不知道,要是把抽屜關上 它也許會死 | I don't know. But maybe if we keep that drawer shut,it'll die. |
真不敢相信我們得住在這裡 | I can't believe we're living here! |
什麼事? | What is it? |
你知道衣櫥有多大嗎? | Did you see the size of the closets? |
不敢相信咱們可以住在這裡 | I can't believe we live here! |
她是女主角,又是我的女朋友 | She is the star of the play,and she is my girlfriend. |
我在跟女主角上床 | I get to have sex with the star of the play! |
別人都聽見了 我知道 | -People can hear you. -I know! |
她很漂亮吧? | She looks great,doesn't she? |
那個男的可真帥 | That is one good-looking man. |
是我眼花 還是他的腹肌真的露出來了? | Is it just me,or can you actually see his abs through his overcoat? |
你做這行很久了嗎? | So you been doing this long? |
沒有,你是第一個 把錢放在桌上 | No. You're my first. Put the money on the table. |
好舒服 | That's nice. |
不會吧 | Dude! |
這件上衣很貴嗎? 你說貴就貴 | -ls that an expensive blouse? -lf you want it to be. |
你女朋友的鈕扣 | Here's your girlfriend's button. |
本集播出:“瑞秋的迷戀” | The One with Rachel's Crush |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你高中的衣服裙子還在嗎? | Do you still have your old blouses and dresses from high school? |
應該還有幾件,怎麼了? | Yeah,I think I have some around here somewhere. Why? |
孕婦裝都好貴 | Maternity clothes are so expensive. |
瑞秋,那一堆是你的東西 看你要不要… | Rach,I made a pile of your stuff. If you could just... |
拿皮包扔它 | ...throw your purses at it. |
布魯明戴爾裁了我的部門 | Bloomingdale's eliminated my department. |
天哪,你失業了嗎? | Are you out of a job? |
沒有,但我被塞到專人採購部 當場矮了一大截 | No,but they stuck me in Personal Shopping,which is a huge step down. |
專人採購部是什麼? | What is that? |
陪有錢人逛,幫他們挑衣服? | Where you walk around with rich people and tell them what to buy? |
聽起來好棒 | That sounds great! |
很抱歉,我們換房子了 | We switched apartments. |
你不能再吃我們的 免費(意同“肉汁”)的東西沒了 | You can't eat our food. That gravy train has ended. |
有肉汁嗎? | There's gravy? |
房子大就得應付人來人往 | If you have the big apartment,you have to deal with people coming over. |
冰箱要塞滿東西 對面是你們的了 | That fridge has to be stocked. That's your apartment now. |
你幹什麼? 我留了個甜甜圈在這裡 | -What are you doing? -I think I left a doughnut up here. |
凱西的戲怎樣? | How was Kathy's play? |
凱西半裸跟一個大帥哥演床戲 | Kathy gets half-naked and simulates sex with a real good-looking guy. |
這就像有人把我的惡夢寫成戲 | It's like somebody wrote down my worst nightmare... |
還要我花32塊去看 | ...and then charged me $32 to see it. |
這個點子有賺頭 | That's a good idea for a business. |
我毀了 他們會夜夜在臺上打得火熱 | I'm totally screwed. They're gonna be hot and heavy on stage every night... |
然後去參加劇組派對 他會設法中傷我 | ...then they'll go to their cast parties,and he's gonna try to undermine me. |
“你男朋友呢?” “他叫什麼?錢斯特?” | He'll be like,"Where's your boyfriend? What's his name? Chester?" |
她會說“是錢德” 他就說“隨便啦” | She'll go,"It's Chandler." He'll go,"Whatever!" |
這招不錯 | That is a good trick. |
我該怎麼辦? | All right,look. What am I going to do? |
他們是演員,那是工作 | They're actors. They're there to do a job. |
假戲不一定就會真做 | It doesn't mean they're gonna get together. |
蘇珊莎蘭登和提姆羅賓斯的事 不一定適用於他們 | Just because it happened with Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins doesn't mean it's gonna happen with them. |
亞曆鮑德溫和金貝辛格 | Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger. |
湯姆克魯斯和妮可吉德曼 對 | Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. |
梅爾吉普森和克林特伊斯特伍德 | Mel Gibson and Clint Eastwood. |
他們不是一對 | They're not a couple. |
喔…我聽懂了 | I get the game now. |
他們都是演電影 舞臺劇差多了 | All these people were in movies together. It's much different with plays. |
你們只是一起上表演課 她就跟你上床了 | You were in acting class together,and she slept with you. |
表演課就像舞臺劇裡的電影 | Acting class is a lot more like a movie than a play. |
我問你 他們演床戲時很火辣嗎? | When they were doing it on stage,was it really hot? |
是的 | Oh,yeah. |
那就沒問題了 | So you're fine. |
如果兩個演員私底下在一起 | The rule is when two actors are actually doing it off-stage... |
他們之間的火花就會消失 | ...then all the sexual tension between them is gone. |
只要臺上很火熱 你就不必擔心 | As long as it's hot on stage,you got nothing to worry about. |
熱度不見了才麻煩 | When the heat goes away,that's when you're in trouble. |
真的? | Really? |
你們看過我演的每出戲 我有擦出過火花嗎? | You guys have been to every play I've been in. Have I ever had chemistry on stage? |
沒有 對吧 | -No. -No! |
你晚上要陪我去看戲嗎? | Are you gonna go see the play with me tonight? |
要我看你女友跟別人有多火熱 我覺得很尷尬 | I don't know how comfortable I am going to see how hot the sex is between them. |
我知道,但是… 我人在現場 | -I know,but -No,I'm there. |
莫妮卡,要煎餅嗎? 你做煎餅? | -Want some pancakes? -You made pancakes? |
對,拿個盤子 | Grab a plate. |
別過來 | No,no. Stay right there. |
越來越近了 | Getting closer. |
放心,也有穀片、松糕、松餅 | Don't worry...we also have cereals,muffins,waffles and |
和果醬、果肉醬和果皮醬 其實是同一種東西 | ...jams,jellies and marmalades,which I'm sure are the same thing. |
吃吧,喬伊什麼都打開了 | Please eat,because Joey opened everything. |
星期六要看球賽,歡迎加入 好 | We're watching the game here Saturday night,if people wanna come over. |
我正想找你們到對面看球 是嗎?誰跟誰比? | I was thinking about having people over.Yeah? Who's playing? |
球員跟球員 | The players. |
有人在懷念當女主人喔 | Somebody seems to be missing being the hostess. |
拜託!我不知道有多輕鬆 | Please. It's a relief,is what it is,is what it is. |
好,菲比,盤子準備 | Pheebs,stick out your plate. |
莫妮卡,我要辭職 | Monica,I'm quitting. |
我幫一個老女人塞上丁字褲 結果她也沒買 | I just helped an 81-year-old woman put on a thong,and she didn't even buy it. |
我要辭職 我現在就要跟老闆說 | I'm quitting.I'm talking to my boss right now. |
我要 我要我要我要… | Yes,I am. Yes,I am. |
聽到留言請回電 | Okay,bye. Call me when you get this message. |
沃森先生?我有事找你 | Mr. Waltham? I really need to talk to you. |
等一下,我忙得不可開交 | In a moment,please. I'm in the middle of a task. |
你有顧客上門 | And you have a customer. |
你好,我是約書亞 | Hi.Hi,I'm Joshua. |
我是瑞秋格林 有什麼需要,約書亞? | I'm Rachel Greene. What could I do for you,Joshua? |
我的衣服都要重買 我老婆…我的前妻… | I need a whole new wardrobe. My wife Well,my ex-wife |
我真遺憾 | I'm so sorry. |
她把我的衣服都燒了 | Anyway,she burned all of my clothes. |
我救回兩件,這件外套 和一條裙子 | I got away with this suit and what turned out to be a skirt. |
這件外套很好看 | Well,at least that's a great suit. |
穿裙子去乾洗店可不好玩 | It wasn't much fun dropping it off at the dry cleaners in the skirt. |
我連內衣褲都要,如果你願意 我整個人就交給你了 | I need everything down to underwear. If you're willing,I'm all yours. |
好 | Okay. |
瑞秋,你有事找我? | You needed to speak to me? |
沒有,不是我 | No,no,that wasn't me. |
走吧,我帶你看我的內衣… | We should get started. Let me show you my underwear. |
我們的內衣專櫃 | The selection of underwear that we carry. |
對不起,是這邊 | I'm sorry.-It's this way. |
這邊?抱歉 | -This way? Sorry. |
對吧?他們一點感覺也沒有 | I'm right. Right? There was no chemistry between them. |
之前的熱度不見了 | Before,they had heat. Now,there's no heat. |
你知道這代表什麼,喬伊說過 | You know what this means. Joey told us what this means. |
先別急著下定論 還是有一點點火花 | Let's not jump to any conclusions. There was some sexual chemistry. |
拜託,就像表兄妹在做愛 | Come on. It was like cousins having sex. |
她來了,什麼都別說 冷靜,別跟平常一樣 | Here she comes. Don't say a word. Just be cool. Don't be,you know,you. |
你們好 | Hey,you guys! |
謝謝你們又來了 | Thank you so much for coming again. |
你喜歡嗎? 那當然 | -Did you like it tonight? -Absolutely. |
尼克點不著火柴時好好笑 | Wasn't Nick funny when he couldn't get his match lit? |
這是一出好戲吧? | It's a good play,isn't it? |
我很喜歡 你演得很棒,尼克也是 | I loved the play. You were great.And Nick,ditto. |
你顯然跟他有一腿 | Clearly,you're having sex with him. |
好… | Okay.... |
我顯然跟他有一腿? | Clearly,I'm having sex with him? |
太明顯了,你們之間毫無火花 | It was so obvious. There was no chemistry between you two. |
讓我搞清楚,你先指責我不忠 又侮辱我的演技? | You're accusing me of cheating on you,and you're insulting my performance? |
這也難怪 你們每晚都光著身體愛撫熱吻 | I can see how this could happen. You're up there every night naked,touching,kissing. |
那是演戲,這是我的工作 | Acting. Chandler,this is my job. |
我是在演出 你怎麼可以不信任我? | I'm playing a part in a play. How can you not trust me? |
我們就是這樣開始的 | You can understand,given how we started. |
你居然拿這個來攻擊我 | I can't believe you're throwing that in my face. |
事實如此,你剛才也沒否認 | That is what happened. I don't even see you denying this. |
夠了,等你成熟了再跟我聯絡 | I'll tell you what,Chandler. You call me when you grow up. |
那你可有得等了 | Don't expect that to happen any time soon! |
我的工作最棒了 | I have the best job in the entire world! |
來了個最帥的帥哥 我整天都在打扮他 | The most adorable guy came over,and I got to dress him up all day! |
瑞秋有新洋娃娃了 | Rachel has a new doll! |
真希望他是 我會把他跟瑞秋娃娃湊在一起 | I wish he was a doll. I'd get a Rachel doll and bump them together... |
讓它們玩親親 | ...and make kissing noises. |
他的名字最好聽了 我以前都不覺得,約書亞 | He's got the most beautiful name. I never realized. Joshua. |
約書…亞,約書亞,約書… | Joshua.Joshua. Josh. |
什麼味道? | What do I smell? |
不曉得,好香 | I don't know. It smells good. |
熱騰騰的餅乾,剛出爐的 | Fresh cookies! Hot from the oven. |
請用 | Please,have some. |
我隨便弄了一些好吃的 | I've been fiddling around here,making delicious treats for everyone. |
新的“花花公子” 我隨手買的 | The new Playboy.Just something I picked up. |
餅乾和黃色書刊?好棒的媽媽 | Cookies and porn? You're the best mom ever! |
怎麼啦? | What? |
約書亞對V字領有些看法 現場聽才好玩 | It's just something Joshua said about V-necks,but you had to be there. |
傑森穿V字領好看嗎? 是約書亞 | How does Jason look in a V-neck? |
隨便啦 | -It's Joshua. -Whatever. |
等等,那不是要拿走的 | Wait. Wait. This isn't takeout! |
最恨吃了就走的人 | -Hate to eat and run. |
別走,也有女生看的黃色雜誌 | -No,wait. Please,don't go! I've got porn for you too. |
我不需要 | I don't need it. |
大家應該賴在這裡的 | People are supposed to want to hang out here. |
有什麼關係? | Why? What is the big deal? |
我是女主人 | I'm the hostess. |
不是那些臭男生 我一直都是女主人 | Not those guys. I'm always the hostess. |
連小的時候 別的女生都會來參加我的茶會 | Even when I was little,the girls brought their dollies to my tea party. |
我泡的空氣最好喝 | I served the best air. |
那你幹嘛叫大家去大的地方? | Why'd you make a big thing out of everyone hanging out in the big apartment? |
我想罰他們搶走我們的公寓 | 'Cause they took our apartment. I wanted to punish them. |
我罰完了,他們吃到苦頭了 | I'm done now. They've suffered enough. |
要罰他們應該逼他們來這裡 那倒是 | If you wanted to punish them,you should have just made them hang out here.That is true. |
我一定會讓這裡比對面好十倍 | All right!This place is gonna be 10 times better than that place. |
我們要搗毀對面嗎? | Are we gonna trash their place? |
臺階 | There's steps! |
賤人 | Slut! |
你們一定很樂於聽到 凱西在跟那個人上床 | You'll all be very happy to hear that Kathy is sleeping with that guy! |
什麼? 你猜對了? | -What? -You were right? |
我當面問她,她沒有否認 | I confronted her,and she didn't deny it. |
我不住這裡 | I don't live here! |
錢德 你確定嗎? | Wait,are you sure? |
我是醉了,但我聽得懂她的話 | I may be drunk,but I know what she said. |
所以我跑去朱理牛排… | Then I went over to Beefsteak Chewley's.... |
查理牛排? 對 | -Beefsteak Charlie's? -Yes! |
我們一向都很… | You and l have always been like: |
真不敢相信 太糟糕了 | Man,I am so sorry. |
酒保教了我一個小把戲 | The bartender taught me a trick,though. |
我忘了 | I don't remember it. |
需要幫忙嗎? 不用了 | -Do you need help with that? -I got it. |
真慚愧,我沒吸過地板 | I just feel bad. I never vacuum. |
我跟約書亞在一起1小時 他卻沒有約我 | I was with Joshua for an hour today,and he has not asked me out. |
真洩氣 那就你約他嘛 | -Just so frustrating. -Why don't you ask him out? |
沒錯,感覺會很前衛 | Totally. That's such a turn-on. |
是嗎?不會很饑渴嗎? | Really? It doesn't seem desperate? |
所以才前衛 | That's the turn-on. |
他剛離婚 跟女人相處可能會緊張 | He just got a divorce. Right? He's probably really nervous around women. |
你就先主動嘛 | Maybe you just need to make the first move. |
我沒約過男生 你沒約過男生? | -I've never asked a guy out before. -You've never asked a guy out? |
沒有,你有嗎? 幾千次 | No. Have you?Thousands of times! |
這不是什麼光榮的事對吧? | That doesn't make me sound too good,does it? |
我連怎麼開口都不會 | I don't even know how I would go about it. |
我會打量一個女人,然後說 | What I do is,I look a woman up and down,and I say... |
“你好嗎?” | "Hey. How you doing?" |
拜託 | Oh,please! |
你好嗎? | Hey. How you doing? |
好,我現在就打給他 約他出來 | You know what? I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna call him up and ask him out. |
有什麼難的,約就約 你好嗎? | I can do that,ask him out."How you doing?" |
約書亞 我是布魯明戴爾的瑞秋格林 | Hi,Joshua. It's Rachel Greene from Bloomingdale's. |
對,我想問你…問你… | I was just wondering if you...? |
是不是掉了皮夾? | ...left your wallet at the store today? |
我們撿到一個皮夾… | We found a wallet,and we |
看駕照?真是好主意 | The license? That is a good idea. |
我看看,駕照是一位… | Well,let's see. This license belongs to... |
菲比先生的 | ...belongs to a Mr. Pheebs. |
抱歉打擾你,明天見,再見 | So sorry to bother you at home. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye. |
你做過幾千次? 沒像你這樣過 | -You've done that a thousand times? -I've never done that. |
我好怕他會拒絕 | I just got so nervous that he'd say no. |
你得讓他無法拒絕,像… 尼克隊的球票 | You gotta give him something he can't say no to,like...Knicks tickets. |
找他去看尼克隊的比賽 他一定會答應 | ... Invite him to a Knicks game. You're guaranteed he'll say yes. |
你覺得有用? 絕對的,否則我去行嗎? | -Really? You think that'll work? -Absolutely. And if not,can I go? |
什麼聲音? | What the heck is that? |
她有打來嗎? | Did she call? |
沒有,抱歉 | No. Sorry. |
也許我應該打給她 | Maybe I should call her. |
不要,別理她了,你不必受氣 | Forget her,man. You don't need her. |
沒錯,她的行為很不可原諒 | He's right. What she did was unforgivable. |
對,但要是我弄錯了呢? | Well,yeah,but,you know,what if I was wrong? |
你怎麼會弄錯? | How might you be wrong? |
要是她沒跟那個人上床呢? | What if she didn't actually sleep with the guy? |
大哥,她有親口證實吧? | Tell me she told you this. |
她不必,我看了戲 他們毫無火花 | She didn't have to tell me. I saw the play. There was no heat. |
羅斯,說句話 你就根據這個? | -Back me up. -That's all you're basing this on? |
這不是在幫我 | That's not backing me up! |
你說私下如果有,臺上就沒有 | Look,you said,"With the offstage and the heat" |
那只是個理論 很多理論都行不通 | That was just a theory. There's a lot of theories that didn't pan out: |
孤槍俠、共產主義、幾何學 | Lone gunman,communism,geometry. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
你要不要去看籃球? | "Would you like to go to a basketball game with?" |
籃球,真有意思,我正好有票… | "It's funny,basketball,because I happen to have tickets" |
誰喜歡尼克隊啊? | "Who likes the Knick?" |
你覺得如何? | What do you think? |
以一個沒物件的單身女郞來說 | Well,as a single woman,who is available... |
我覺得你很帥 | ...I think you look great. |
沒錯,帥呆了 | Oh,yeah. You look great. |
看起來真配 | This looks great. |
你喜歡嗎? 很喜歡 | So you like it?I do. I love it. |
我決定直接穿回家 | In fact,I think I'll wear it home. |
太好了 謝謝你的幫忙 | -Great. -Thank you so much for all your help. |
那就這樣囉 | Well,I guess this is it. |
謝了,春天再來找你買泳衣 | Thanks.Maybe I'll see you in the spring for the bathing suits. |
你不現在買嗎? | You don't want to do that now? |
不用了,改天見 | That's okay.I'll see you around sometime. |
籃球 | Basketball! |
什麼? | Sorry? |
我有兩張尼克隊的球票如果你有興趣的話 好謝謝你這星期的惠顧 | I have two tickets to the Knicks game if you're interested....just as a thank-you for this week. |
太好了 真的? | That would be great! |
對啊,太棒了 我外甥最迷尼克隊了 | -Really? -That would be fantastic!My nephew is crazy about the Knicks! |
太棒了,謝謝你,瑞秋 | This is fantastic. Thank you so much,Rachel. |
早安 | Good morning. |
我來說聲對不起 | I just wanted to come over to say that I'm sorry. |
我真是最白癡的白癡 我明白你為何那麼生氣 | I acted like the biggest idiot in the world.I can completely understand why you were so upset. |
我真的希望你能給我打電話的 我知道,我也很後悔 | I really wish you'd called me.Yeah,I know. I wish I had too. |
不過我覺得這是好事 | I think this is a good thing. |
我們吵了第一次架 可以進展下去了 | We've had our first fight,and now we can move on. |
至少我確定… | I know for me,but |
尼克的褲子? 對 | Nick's pants? |
看來第二次吵架會更厲害了 | I think our second fight is going to be a big one! |
下次要怎麼說? | -For next time,what do you say? |
我多一張票 是多一張票,不是兩張票 | -"l have an extra ticket.""An extra ticket." Not "two tickets." |
你第一次約男生被拒絕了? | The first time you asked a guy out he turned you down? |
他沒有拒絕,他正在看球 | He didn't turn me down. He's at the game. |
我約到他了,只是我沒去 | I got the date. I'm just not on it. |
都弄好了,來吧 | Okay,it's ready.Come on. |
什麼弄好了? 來就對了 | -What's ready?Just come. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
好漂亮喔 | This is beautiful! |
你整整忙了2天? | Did you work for two days straight? |
差不多 | Pretty much. |
這個地板好不好? 看起來一樣 | What do you think of the floor?I don't know. Looks the same. |
以前是鋪地毯 對喔 | You used to have carpet.Oh,yeah. |
我做了點心 | I made snacks. |
你們隨便,我要稍微眯一下 | Please,just hang out.I'm just gonna rest my eyes for just a little bit |
要我們待會再來嗎? | Do you want us to come back later? |
不,留下來,繼續聊天 | No,no,no. Stay. Just keep talking. |
我一直都是女主人 | I'm always the hostess. |
怎麼樣? | How'd it go? |
她之前沒跟他上床 太好了 | -She wasn't sleeping with him. -Good! |
現在有了 | She is now. |
什麼意思? 意思是她很邪惡 | -What are you saying? -I'm saying that she is a devil woman. |
才一轉身她就跑去跟尼克上床 | You think you know a person,then they turn around and sleep with Nick. |
尼克和他的大胸肌,大乳頭 | Nick and his rock-hard pecs and his giant man-nipples. |
我恨他,我也恨她 | I hate him. And I hate her. |
我不恨她,我愛她 都是我的錯 | I don't hate her. I love her. This is all my fault. |
怎麼會是你的錯? 因為我應該打給她的 | How? How is it your fault?I should have called. |
要是吵完我打給她 她就不會跟尼克約會 | If I had called her,she never would have gone out with Nick. |
他們就不會上床 我親手把她送給他 | They wouldn't have ended up in bed. I threw her at his man-nipples! |
錯不在你 就算吵架她也不該跟別人上床 | This is not your fault.Your fight does not justify her sleeping with someone. |
除非她以為他們分手了 | Well,if she thought they were on a break.... |
瑞秋,你的客人掉了皮夾 | Rachel,one of your customers seems to have left his billfold, |
約書亞伯根 真的? | a Joshua Burgen.Really? |
麻煩你通知他 好,沒問題 | Will you call him? -Yes,I will. Absolutely. |
瑞秋 約書亞 | Hello,Rachel.Hi,Joshua. |
我是故意留下皮夾的 真的? | -I left my wallet here on purpose. -Really? |
我想再見到你 我好高興 | Yes. I just wanted to see you again.I'm glad. |
瑞秋,我有話要對你說 什麼? | Rachel,I'd like to say something to you.Yes? |
你好嗎? | "How you doing?" |
這是什麼? 咯咯叫的蟲子 | So,what is this?Googlie Worm. |
這個呢? 毛毛球 | And this?Glow Pop Jiggly Jam. |
好好玩喔 | It's so funny! |
這是什麼? | What's this? |
去年剩的一塊三明治 | A hunk of sandwich from last year. |
蓋勒釣到了!看來是條大魚 | Geller's got one hooked! Looks like a big one! |
經典的人魚大戰… | It's the classic struggle between man |
有人撞倒一盞檯燈 | Someone knocked over a lamp. |
你們知道去釣魚最棒的是什麼嗎? | You know what'll be great about the fishing trip? |
到了湖中央 爸會問我“你都在忙什麼” | When my Dad asks,"What are you doing with your life?"... |
我可以說 | ...I can say, |
我要跟查爾頓·赫斯頓(電影演員)演電影 你呢? | "I'm doing a movie with Charlton Heston.What about you?" |
別因為我出來就不笑了 凱西沒有背叛你們 | Don't stop having fun just because I'm here.Kathy didn't cheat on all of you. |
當然,也背叛了你 | Well,except you. |
最感人的是 那兩隻雞鴨一直跟著他 | You know what is so sweet? Those birds have not left his side the whole time. |
那只公雞怎麼不死 | Yeah,I wish that rooster were dead. |
喬伊,你不該丟下錢德 他跟凱西才分手2天 | You shouldn't leave Chandler alone. They broke up only two days ago. |
下周再去釣魚吧 | Go fishing next week. |
我幫不上忙,他還穿著運動褲 | There's nothing I can do. He's still in his sweats. |
現在才第一階段 | That's only phase one. |
我第二階段會回來 我從不錯過第二階段 | I'll be back for phase two. I'd never miss that. |
什麼第二階段? | Phase two? |
喝個爛醉,上脫衣舞廳 | Getting drunk and going to a strip club. |
那樣怎麼會有幫助? 那裡有裸女 | How does going there make him better?There are naked ladies there. |
然後就是第三階段 對別的女人產生性幻想 | Then to phase three: seeing yourself with other women. |
那個階段也有裸女 | There are naked ladies there too. |
讓我清靜一下好嗎? | Would you give me one minute,please? |
本集播出:“喬伊骯髒的一天” | The One with Joey's Dirty Day |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
這跟你上星期挑的外套配? | These will match the jacket you picked out last week? |
這就對了…就是這樣… | There we go.There it is. |
你知道我需要什麼?手套 | You know what I need? Gloves. |
棕色的皮手套 | Brown leather dress gloves. |
好,我看看,這只手是大號 | Well,let's see....This one is large. |
這只手… 也是大號? | And this one....Also large? |
對,兩隻大號的手套馬上來 | Two larges coming right up. |
瑞秋,耽誤你一下 好 | -Damn you. -Could I have a moment? |
我的侄女從倫敦來玩 | My niece,you see,is in town from London. |
其實是什羅普郡 | Shropshire,but you know. |
她跟你差不多大 | She's about your age,I'd say. |
總之我有兩張歌劇的票 | Anyway,I have tickets for the opera. |
“蝙蝠”(著名輕歌劇) 你今晚願意陪她嗎? | Die Fledermaus.Would you like to keep her company tonight? |
好,沒問題 太好了,算我一份 | Sure. You got it! |
我和“蝙蝠”,太棒了 | Count me in. Me. Fledermaus. Great! |
好,謝謝,謝謝,謝謝你 | Yes,of course. Thank you so very much. |
所以…? | So? |
怎樣? | So what? |
手套? 對喔,我馬上去拿 | -Gloves? -Sorry,I'll be right back. |
其實我該走了 | Actually,I got to take off. |
不曉得你今晚有沒有事? 沒有,沒事 | I was curious. Do you have plans tonight?No,nothing! |
我投資的夜總會今晚開幕 你要去嗎? | I invested in a nightclub. It opens tonight. Want to come? |
好啊,太棒了 | That would be great! |
你喜歡性虐待的主題吧? | You're into hard-core S & M,right? |
應該… 開玩笑的 | -Well,I guess. -I'm kidding. |
我會先到,我會把你列為貴賓 進來找我 | I'll put you on the VlP list. Look for me. |
好,沒問題 | Great! You bet. |
晚上見 好 | I'll see you tonight. |
差點忘了給你票 什麼? | -I almost forgot the tickets. -What? |
你和艾蜜莉,今晚 “蝙蝠” | For you and Emily. Tonight. Die Fledermaus. |
對喔 | Oh,right. |
你一定會喜歡 三大男高音(帕瓦羅蒂、卡雷拉斯、多明戈)去了兩個 | You'll like it. It has two out of the three tenors. |
凱西居然這樣對我 我真的以為我要定下來了 | I can't believe Kathy did this to me.I really thought she was the one. |
告訴你們 我再也不離開這張椅子了 | I'll tell you what.I'm not getting out of this chair. Ever! |
以後我要定在這張椅子上 | From now on,this chair is the one! |
還有這條運動褲 | You know what else is the one? My sweatpants. |
別這樣,把運動褲脫掉 | Just take the sweats off,okay? |
脫掉,我們來玩 | Take them off and we'll have some fun. |
我抗拒不了這個誘惑 所以我都不穿運動褲 | Wow,and I can't resist that line. That's why I never wear sweatpants. |
有釣到大魚嗎? 說出來嚇死你們 | Did you catch any fish?You guys have no idea. |
你好臭 搞什麼 | -You stink! -Are you kidding? |
我3天沒洗澡 還掉進一桶魚餌裡 | Three days without a shower. Plus,I fell in a big tub of worms! |
他怎麼樣? 2天沒離開那張椅子 | How's he doing?He hasn't left that chair in two days. |
兄弟,你還好嗎? | Hey,buddy,how's it going? |
好兄弟回家就沒事了 | You see? He just needed his pal to come home. |
我得背臺詞 | I got to memorize my lines. |
明天一早 要和查爾頓·赫斯頓演戲 | Me and Charlton Heston,bright and early tomorrow,baby! |
莫妮卡 怎麼了? | Hi,monica。-What's the matter? |
約書亞約我參加夜總會開幕 | Joshua invited me to this fancy club opening tonight. |
但我已經答應沃森先生 要帶他的侄女去看老掉牙歌劇 | But I already told Mr. Waltham...that I would take his niece to the dumb old opera. |
能怎麼辦呢? | So,what are you going to do? |
我不知道 不行,救救我 | -I don't know. -No! Help me! |
我不行,我要工作 菲比? | -I can't. I have to work. -Phoebe? |
我很想,但我都在晚上害喜 | I would,but I get my morning sickness in the evening. |
除非她想整晚幫我撈住頭髮 | Unless she wants to spend the night holding my hair back for me. |
拜託啦,我一定要去找約書亞 | You guys,come on! I have to meet Joshua. |
這樣他才能看到有趣的瑞秋 | It's my one chance for him to see the "fun" Rachel. |
“娶來當老婆會很棒”的瑞秋 | The "wouldn't it be great if she were my wife?" Rachel. |
喬伊和錢德回來了嗎? | Are Joey and Chandler back? |
錢德還在第一階段 喬伊就是臭味的來源 | Chandler's still in phase one,and Joey's that thing you smell. |
所以…? | So.... |
不要 | No. |
拜託啦 | Come on! |
應該是她 等一下,羅斯,拜託啦 | -She's here. -Wait,wait.Ross,please? |
你要我帶一個不認識的女生 去看歌劇 | You want me to take some girl I've never met to the opera... |
好讓你去夜總會 跟某個男人打情罵俏? | ...so you can go to a club and flirt with some guy? |
真難決定啊 | That is a toughie. |
她在看走廊 | She's looking down the hall. |
她在看我 | She looked right at me. |
這樣看是看不到的,對吧? | You can't see people through that hole,can you? |
馬上來 | I'll be right there! Okay,Ross,please. |
羅斯,拜託啦 我以為我們已經放得開了 | I thought we had moved on. |
我以為我們可以彼此祝福了 難道只有我是? | I thought we could be happy for each other.I mean,was that just me? |
好吧 謝謝你,謝謝 | All right,I'll do it.Thank you,thank you. |
艾蜜莉 | Emily? |
是 我是瑞秋格林 | Yes. I'm Rachel Greene. |
謝天謝地 | Thank goodness! |
計畫有小小的變動 我晚上沒空,所以… | There's been a teeny change of plans. I'm not free tonight |
是嗎? | Really? |
太好了,我一定是沒接到電話 雖然我整天都沒出門 | I must've missed your call,though I didn't leave the flat all day. |
我… 不,這也沒什麼 | Well,l |
我來到這裡 先是被你們的熱狗車撞倒 | That's not rude. It's in keeping with the trip...where I've been run down by one of your wiener carts |
在機場又被脫衣服搜身 | ...and been strip-searched at the airport. |
顯然我長得就像 屁股裡塞了可卡因 | Apparently,I look like someone who's got cocaine stuffed up their bum. |
我覺得你很漂亮啊 | I think you look great. |
再見,很高興認識你 | Good night. It was very nice to meet you. |
我去追她 | I'll get her. |
快去 好 | Please,hurry. |
他們講話好好玩 | Don't you just love the way they talk? |
怎麼了? 寶寶在踢 | -What? -The baby kicked!Oh,my God. |
不對,是內褲的鬆緊帶斷了 | No,wait. The elastic in my underwear busted. |
完了,我睡過頭了 | Oh,my God! I overslept! |
通告是半小時前,我得趕快 | I was supposed to be on the set half an hour ago! |
你不能這樣去,你好臭 | You can't go like that! You stink! |
我睡著忘記洗澡 現在沒時間了 | I fell asleep. Now I don't have time! |
才十條街,用跑的還來得及 | Just 10 blocks away. If I run,I'll make it. |
跑十條街會更臭 | Run 10 blocks. That'll help the smell. |
慢一點!不,你走吧 | Slow down! No,keep moving. |
昨晚怎麼樣啊? | How did it go last night? |
我沒見到約書亞 但我揍了一個女生一拳 | Well,I didn't see Joshua.But I did punch a girl in the face. |
什麼? 為什麼? | What?Why? |
昨晚真的很倒楣,雨下得很大 | The whole night was horrible. It was pouring. |
到了現場名單上沒有瑞秋格林 但有一個瑞秋葛皮 | There was no Rachel Greene on the list. But there was a Rachel Greep. |
你有見到她嗎? | So did you get to meet her? |
根本沒這個人 但有個女生聽到了 | There is no Rachel Greep. But this girl overheard us. |
大叫“我就是瑞秋葛皮” 結果她就進去了 | And she said,"I'm Rachel Greep!" And he let her in. |
所以你揍她? | So you hit her? |
不是,她已經進去了 不過後面有個肥婆想偷我的傘 | No,she was already in.This big bitch behind me tried to steal my umbrella |
我扁了她 | ...so I clocked her. |
真是的,我只想在工作之餘 跟約書亞相處一下 | All I wanted was a few hours...outside of work to see Joshua |
好讓他有機會愛上我 | ...so he could go ahead and start falling in love with me. |
菲 | Pheebs. |
親愛的,那是你的名字 | Honey,that's your name. |
那是“菲比”的縮寫嗎?我還以為那是我們之間的匿稱 | That's short for Phoebe? I thought that's what we called each other. |
你穿上褲子了 沒錯 | -You're wearing pants! -That's right. |
男生呢?我要買醉看脫衣舞了 | Where are the guys? I'm ready to get drunk and see strippers. |
才早上9點半 那裡有早餐自助餐 | It's 9:30 a.m.They got a breakfast buffet. |
喂…羅斯 | Hello!Oh,hey, Ross |
讓我跟他說 | Let me talk to him! |
天哪 我能不能… | -Oh,my God! -Can't I just? |
什麼? 我的電話她還噓我 | -It's my phone and she's shush -Please! |
別吵啦!他說什麼? | What's he saying? |
他跟艾蜜莉在佛羅蒙特投宿 什麼?天哪 | He's with Emily in Vermont.What? Oh,my God! |
艾蜜莉是誰?不! | Who the hell is Emily? No. |
剛見面的時候 她從頭到腳都濕透了 | When we first met her,she was soaking,her feet were wet.... |
任誰都會心情不好 | Who wouldn't be miserable? |
我一讓她換上幹的鞋子 她就完全變了 | I'm telling you,once l got her into a dry pair of shoes...she was a totally different person. |
他們在佛羅蒙特?怎麼會? | They're in Vermont? How did this happen? |
他怎麼會跟那個巫婆去佛羅蒙特 | How'd he end up in Vermont with that witch? |
也許她沒有一直打他吧 | Maybe she doesn't hit him all the time. |
羅斯,快來 外面有只馴鹿在吃果園的水果 | There's a deer outside eating fruit from the orchard! |
我要掛了 外面有只馴鹿在吃果園的水果 | I got to go! There's a deer eating fruit from the orchard! |
他掛了 外面有只馴鹿在吃果園的水果 | He had to go. There was a deer eating fruit from the orchard. |
我不懂,她很恐怖 | I don't get this. She was horrible! |
我要去站在那邊 | I'm going to go stand over there. |
你幹嘛這麼在乎? 我才不在乎 | Why do you care?I don't care. |
我只是很氣我跟約書亞沒進展 | I'm just upset that I'm getting nowhere with Joshua. |
但哪有人一認識 就跑去佛羅蒙特的 | You do not just meet someone and go flitting off to Vermont! |
你和貝瑞一認識就跑去維爾鬼混 | When you first met Barry,you flitted off to Vail. |
你能不能偶爾有一次 不要什麼小事都記得 | Could you,just for once...not remember every little thing? |
他什麼時候回來? 過兩天吧 | So you know,when's he getting back?A couple of days. |
我就知道會這樣 | I knew something like this would happen. |
你幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
錢德,你不能讓階段倒流 | You can't go back a phase! |
可以,時間才不能倒流 | You're thinking about time. You can't go back in time. |
我們跟你去進行第二階段好了 | Why don't you do your phase two strip club thing with us? |
對呀,我們可以當男生 | We can be guys! |
你們不行 | No,you can't. |
讓我們當嘛,也許我們想當 | Let us be guys! Maybe we want to be guys. |
你們才不想,全身是毛還短命 | No,you don't. You'd be all hairy and wouldn't live as long. |
別這麼孬種 | Would you just stop being such a wuss |
把運動褲脫掉 跟我們去看裸女跳舞 | and get those off?And come with us and watch naked girls dance! |
好 | Okay. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
銀盃片廠(紐約最大的電影和電視製作中心) | |
我是喬伊崔比亞尼,我來了 | Joey Tribbiani. I'm here. |
別急,來得及,進度有點落後 | Calm down,we got time. We're running late.All set. |
你看,查爾頓·赫斯頓在嚼甘草 | Look at that. Charlton Heston eating licorice. |
他很愛嚼甘草,老是… | Yeah,he loves them. I've never seen him with |
搞什麼? | What the hell is that? |
什麼東西這麼臭? 你 | What smells so bad?You. |
難怪你會這麼想,不過… | I could see why you would think that. But |
你知道其實是誰? 你? | you know who it is?You? |
不,是赫斯頓 | No,no. It's Heston. |
什麼? | What? |
他臭得好像去釣了3天魚 現在還嚼甘草 | He reeks like he went on a three-day fishing trip,then ate licorice. |
不可能 只有他的休息室有浴室 | No way. He's the only one with a shower in his dressing room. |
真的?浴室? | Really? A shower? |
是哪一間? 門口有寫“赫斯頓”的那間 | Which room might that be?The one with "Heston" on it. |
有意思 | Interesting. |
我換了零鈔 你要不要去塞她的小褲褲? | I got some ones. You want to put them in her panties? |
不用了,媽 | No,thanks,Mom! |
抱歉,你得熄掉,我懷孕了 | That.You have to put that out because I'm pregnant. |
也許你和你的孩子應該去別家 | Maybe you and your baby ought to go to another strip club. |
這才不是我的孩子 | It's not my baby. |
很好 | Very good. |
太棒了,我喜歡,很火辣 | Really good. I enjoyed it. Very exotic. |
我查過留言,約書亞沒打來 | I just checked our messages and Joshua didn't call. |
我還以為我沒去他會擔心 | You'd think he'd be worried about me not showing up. |
更糟的是 羅斯正在佛羅蒙特風流快活 | You know what makes it worse?Ross is all happy in Vermont. |
拜託,你在看脫衣舞耶 | Come on,look where you are! |
麻煩你給我們每人一杯雞尾酒 記得我要純的 | Another round of daiquiris.Virgin for me. |
走之前別忘了告訴我地毯旁邊那個帥哥的名字 | Don't let me leave without the name of that carpet guy. |
凱倫,還有,你最好… | Cherry,you know,you… |
拜託! | Come on! |
算了,我要回家打給凱西 | You know what? I'll go home and call Kathy. |
如果有用的話 不,那是個考驗 | If it'll help.That was a test. |
再過幾小時我會喝醉想打給她 你們得阻止我 | In a few hours,I'll be drunk.I'll want to call her. You'll have to stop me. |
接著我會爛醉到想打給珍妮絲 | Then I'll be so drunk,I'll want to call Janice. |
你是該打,她好嗎? | You should! How is she? |
有人需要再來一次腿舞喔 | I think somebody needs another lap dance. |
誰在裡面? | Who's in there? |
你好嗎? 你是誰? | How you doing?Who in the hell are you? |
如果我說我是科克道格拉斯(著名演員)你不會信吧? | Would you believe me if I said I was Kirk Douglas? |
把褲子穿上,我好踹你的屁股 | Put some pants on,kid,so I can kick your butt. |
不,等等,你有所不知 | No,wait. You don't understand. |
我是個演員 | I'm an actor. |
喬伊崔比亞尼 今天跟你有一場戲 | Joey Tribbiani. I'm doing a scene with you today. |
但是我很臭(演得很爛) | And I stink! |
你有演這部片? | You're in this picture? |
對,我演不肯跟你合作的員警 因為你很我行我素 | I'm a cop who won't work with you because you're a loose cannon. |
總之我很抱歉 但我真的很臭(演得很爛) | Anyway,I'm really sorry.But I stink. |
喬伊是吧? 對 | Joey,right? |
每個演員或多或少… | Every actor,one time or another |
都會覺得自己爛 | Every actor thinks he stinks. |
連勞倫斯奧立佛(演技卓越的大師) 有時也會這麼想 | Even Laurence Olivier sometimes thought he stank. |
鮑勃雷德福德(演員、導演、製片人)根本不看自己演戲 | Bob Redford won't even watch himself. |
不,你沒聽懂 | You don't understand. |
聽我說 是 | Listen to me. |
每一個好演員 | I don't know one actor worth his salt... |
在演藝生涯中都曾說過 “天哪,我真爛” | ...who,one time in his career,didn't say,"God,I stink!" |
我剛拍完一場戲 第一次我演得爛透了 | I just did a scene out there. First take,I stunk the place up. |
重要的是你要記住 不管你認為自己有多爛 | The important thing,and you must remember...no matter how badly you think you stink |
也不能闖進我的休息室 用我的浴室 | ...you must never,ever bust into my dressing room and use my shower! |
懂了嗎? 是,很抱歉 | Do you understand me?Yes,sir. I'm very sorry. |
等等,把褲子帶走 是 | Wait a minute!Take your pants. |
對不起,很抱歉 | Sorry. I'm really sorry. |
演藝圈 | What a business. |
我們表現得還好吧? 好得很 | We did okay at the strip club,right?Great. |
你們讓最性感的服務生 要辭職去當三年級的老師 | Thanks to you,the hottest waitress is quitting to teach the third grade! |
他居然還沒打來 | -He still hasn't called. |
約許嗎? 是約書亞 | -Who,Josh?It's Joshua. |
他不喜歡約許? 是我不喜歡 | -He doesn't like "Josh"? -No,I don't. |
我要把運動褲換回來 | I'm going to put my sweats back on. |
不要啦!你說得對 | You know what? You were right. |
我們當男生當得不好 你知道為什麼? | We weren't great at being guys. You know why? |
因為我們是女生 | Because we're girls. |
你知道女生最擅長什麼? 跳脫衣舞 | -You know what girls are good at? -Stripping! |
不,是傾聽,坐下 | No,listening!Sit. |
如果你肯一吐為快 或許就沒事了 | Maybe it would really,really help if you would just talk. |
是啊,你的心在想什麼? | Yeah,come on. What's going on in there? |
你想哭也沒關係 | And you know,if you want to cry,that's okay too. |
我要請你們都離開 | I'm going to have to ask you all to leave. |
別這樣嘛 錢德 | Come on. Chandle |
算了,我們試過了 但第三階段沒希望了 | Forget it. We tried,but phase three is a lost cause. |
那些舞娘都很辣 我卻無法產生性幻想 | Those strippers were hot,and l couldn't picture myself with them. |
她們真的很漂亮 | They really were pretty,weren't they? |
我喜歡一號戰鬥機駕駛 | -I liked that fighter pilot one. -Candy? |
糖糖?她好有勁 對啊 | She was so spunky! |
要是我要跟女人在一起… | I think if I were going to be with a woman... |
我會選蜜雪兒那型的 她好嬌小 | ...it'd be with someone like Michelle.She was just so petite. |
我會選香妲 | For me,it would have to be Chantal. |
她的皮膚好嫩,我塞錢給她時 | She had the smoothest skin.I stuck that dollar in her G-string |
手擦過她的大腿… 第三階段! | and grazed her thigh. Phase three! |
我進入第三階段了 | I just achieved phase three! |
真的? 我可以想像你們跟她們在一起 | I am totally picturing you with all those women! |
那不是第三階段 我也在場 | That's not phase three.Well,I'm there too! |
我們在開性派對嗎? 別說了,我快瘋了 | Are we all together in a group?Stop it,you're killing me! |
我進入第四階段了 那是什麼? | I think I moved on to phase four!What is that? |
我再也不想談戀愛 只想跟脫衣舞娘和朋友上床 | I don't want a relationship ever!I just want sex with strippers and my friends! |
來嘛,讓我看看你的笑容 | Come on.Let me see that smile. |
我不想笑 拜託啦? | I don't want to.Please? |
我想看脫衣舞嘛 | I wanted to go to the strip club! |
你有的是機會 有成千上萬的女人等著傷害我 | You'll have plenty of chances.There are thousands of women out there,just waiting to screw me over. |
好吧 | Yeah,all right. |
佛羅蒙特怎樣? | How was Vermont? |
艾蜜莉真是…太棒了 她好得無法形容 | Emily is...incredible. There are no words to describe her. |
整個週末就像一場夢 | The whole weekend was like a dream. |
還有你,瑞秋 | And you! Rach! |
你說得一點也沒錯 什麼? | You were so right.What? |
你說我們總算到了一個 可以彼此祝福的階段 | What you said about us finally being in a place where we could really be happy for each other. |
我原本沒那麼放得開 想到你和那個約許… | I admit,I wasn't quite there.The thought of you and that Josh guy |
約書亞 約書亞,在俱樂部裡跳舞狂歡 | Joshua.Joshua guy at that club,dancing,having a good time |
我就覺得… 你懂嗎?但現在… | And the thought of it kind of....You know? But now! |
我完全放開了 我終於跟你一樣了 | But now,I'm totally there.I'm finally where you are. |
謝天謝地 | Thank goodness! |
謝謝你把艾蜜莉介紹給我 | And thank you for Emily. |
不客氣,我樂得幫忙 我很替你開心 | No problem. I'm so glad I could help,you know?I'm happy for you. |
我才替你開心 | Happy for you. |
不,我才替你開心 | Oh,no,happy for you. |
好,接下來是這樣 | All right. Here's what we'll do. |
你幫我脫衣服 | You are going to take off my clothes. |
你們兩個去拿精油 | You two,go get the oils. |
你就一直興奮的叫 “錢德是國王!錢德是國王” | And you,just constantly scream..."Chandler's the king! Chandler's the king!" |
我想跟她在一起,我喜歡她 | I want to be with her. I like her. |
沒問題,大家隨意 | That's fine. Go with your instincts! |
我要做什麼? | What am I doing again? |
專心一點,我隨時都會醒來 | Pay attention. I could wake up at any moment. |
我是約書亞,我來接瑞秋 | I'm Joshua. I'm here to pick up Rachel. |
他不是約書亞 | That's not Joshua. |
你想怎樣?我又沒見過他 | What do you want from me? I never met the guy. |
可惜你要走了 我們還有很多事要忙 | I'm sorry you can't stay.The rest of us have a lot of work to do. |
你幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
好,我得醒過來 | All right,listen. I got to wake up. |
我居然在修指甲 你說會很好玩 | I'm getting my nails done!You said it was going to be fun. |
是有點好玩 | Which it kind of is. |
你說會有別的男人,哪有啊 | You said there would be guys. There are no guys. |
那邊就有一個 那是郵遞員 | There's one right over there.That's a mailman! |
他也跑我們公司 | That's our mailman! |
放心 這樣無損於你的男子氣概 | Don't worry. This doesn't make you any less of a guy. |
那樣會 | That does. |
我坐到什麼? | What am I sitting on? |
這個女人不知道在搔哪裡 | What was this woman scratching when this broke off? |
你知道誰也戴那種指甲? | You know who had nails like that? |
我…的…天哪! | Oh...my...God! |
本集播出:“英式橄欖球” | The One with All the Rugby |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
喬伊,問你一個問題 | Joey,let me ask you a question. |
我快瘋了 這個開關是幹嘛用的? | What does this light switch do? |
沒用 | Nothing. |
你不知道不會捉狂嗎? | Did it drive you crazy to not know? |
我知道啊,它沒用 | I know what it did. Nothing. |
它存在就一定有功用 | They put it there for something. |
你怎麼能不在意? 就像這樣 | How can you not care?Like this. |
還有一個問題 | Here's another question. |
你知道馬桶上的把手的功用嗎 | What does the silver knob on the toilet do? |
當然知道,沖水 | It flushes it. |
很好,既然你知道,來的時候 | Since you know,when you come over, |
請你沖一下好嗎? | would you use it? |
猜我們今天遇見誰 | -Oh,my God. Wow. -Guess who we saw today? |
珍妮絲 很棒吧? | -Janice! -ls this amazing? |
你好嗎? 我離婚了 | -How have you been? -Well,I'm divorced. |
正在靠贍養費過活 | I'm riding the alimony pony. |
出現了 | And there it is. |
我只是來打聲招呼,大家好 | I just came up to say "hi." |
親愛的,我們待會見 | Sweetie,I'll see you later. |
晚上見 | I'll see you tonight. |
再見,再見… | -Bye. -Bye. |
我受不了那個女人 | I can't stand the woman! |
什麼?我以為你愛死她了 | What? I thought you were crazy about her! |
我知道 但是以前她那些很煩的特點 | But you know all those annoying things she did before? |
她的聲音、笑聲和個性 | Her voice,her laugh and her personality? |
全都回來了 | They're all back! |
而且還多了起碼九種新的 | And she's picked up,like,nine new ones! |
那你幹嘛帶她來這兒?這兒有人哎 | Why'd you bring her here? There's people here! |
放心,我今晚會搞定 | Don't worry. I'm taking care of it. |
會才怪,你一直跟她糾纏不清 | You are not! You never break up with her. |
這次我不必跟她分手 | I don't have to break up. |
我們又沒在一起 我會先發制人 | We're not involved. I'll do a preemptive strike. |
我會在開始前就結束掉 | I'll end it with her before it starts. |
我的屁股好冰 | My ass is,like,frozen! |
塞進冰箱20分鐘試試看 | Try sticking it in the freezer for 20 minutes. |
不要不信 | I'm telling you! |
你居然敢晚上自己走在路上 | I can't believe you walk alone here at night. |
紐約的傳聞好多 沒那麼嚴重 | -You hear such stories about New York. -It's not that bad. |
我就覺得很安全 | I mean,l,for one,feel perfectly safe. |
救命啊!救命啊! | Help! Help! |
羅斯,沒事 他們是我在英國的朋友 | No,no,Ross!These are friends from home. |
連恩,戴文,這是羅斯 | Liam,Devon,this is Ross. |
老兄 你們好 | -Hi,mate. -How are you,man? |
我裝得不錯吧? “救命啊!救命啊” | That was a good one,huh? "Help! Help!" |
你們好嗎? 我從一來就想找你們,但是… | How are you?I've been meaning to ring you ever since I arrived... |
我挺忙的 | ...but I've been rather busy. |
我們從U2演唱會之後 就沒見過 | We have not seen each other since that U2 concert. |
天哪,沒錯 | Oh,my God. You're right. |
應該說是演唱會第二天早上 | Actually,the last time we saw each other was the next morning. |
連恩 | Oh,Liam! |
連恩 | Oh,Liam. |
你們在打足球? 還是要說“踢”足球? | So were you guys playing soccer?Or should I call it "football"? |
我們在打橄欖球 | We were playing rugby. |
明天就有球賽,歡迎你參加 | In fact,we're playing tomorrow. You're welcome to play. |
羅斯打橄欖球?不要吧 | Ross play rugby? I don't think so. |
有什麼可笑的? | What's so funny? |
你是美國人 美國沒有橄欖球 | Well,you're American,to start with. You don't have rugby here. |
我們也是到了1776年 才獨立自由 | Well,we didn't have freedom here until 1776 either,so.... |
那好,明天2點公園見 乾杯 | So,good! We'll see you at the park at two.Cheers! |
天哪,我最喜歡唱歌了 | Oh,boy! I just love to sing. |
我知道你喜歡 | Yes,I know you do. |
其他人之所以抱怨 是因為他們花錢聽那個演員唱《老人河》 | The reason people complained..was because they paid to hear the actor sing "Old Man River.". |
你看看我們 | Look at us! |
想不到在14街的美容院也有丘比特愛神駐紮 | Who would've thought Cupid had a station at 14th Street Nails? |
我們得談一談 | Okay,we have to talk. |
我剛結束一段很認真的戀情 | I'm just getting out of a very serious relationship. |
我知道,而我剛結束一段婚姻 | I know. And I'm just getting out of a marriage. |
這就叫做三生註定 | Talk about "meant to be." |
對,但我覺得進展太快了 | Right. But I think this is happening too soon. |
什麼太快,是太慢 | Oh,too soon,too schmoon! |
認命吧,這次我不會放過你的 | Face it,I'm not letting you get away this time. |
我聽見了 | I hear you! |
但是,很不幸的,我的公司 要把我調到海外 | But...unfortunately...my company...is transferring me overseas. |
不會吧,調去哪裡? | Oh,no!Where to? |
巴黎? 不,不是巴黎 | To Paris?No,not Paris. |
倫敦?羅馬?維也納? | To London? Rome? Vienna? |
巴塞羅納? | Barcelona? |
你先別講話好嗎? | Could you just stop talking for a second? |
葉門 | Yemen. |
對,沒錯,我要被調去葉門 | That's right. Yes! I'm being transferred to Yemen! |
什麼時候? | When? |
我不太清楚 | I don't know exactly. |
那我只好細細品嘗 錢德賓的一切 | Well,I will just have to soak up every ounce...of Chandler Bing |
直到那一刻來臨 | until that moment comes. |
但我知道是明天某時 | But I do know it's sometime tomorrow. |
好了? 對 | -Done? -Yep! |
幹什麼? | What's up? |
這個開關快把我逼瘋了 | This switch is driving me crazy. |
所以我把它關掉 檢查每個插座 | I turned it off and checked every outlet. |
有四個不能用 表示其中一個由它控制 | Four don't work,which means one is controlled by the switch. |
所以我插上會發出聲音的東西 | So I plugged things in the outlets that make noise. |
到時候一打開 順著聲音去找就行了 | That way,when I turn it on,I just follow the noise. |
我一定會第一個放棄 | Bet I stopped listening first. |
你可以插電燈,然後找燈光 | You know,you also could have used lamps...and followed the light. |
是的,但是我要找聲音 | Yeah,well,I'm using noise. |
準備好了嗎?開始 | So,everybody ready?Here we go! |
有聲音,我聽到了,在哪裡? | Something. I hear something. Where is it? |
是喬伊發出來的 | It's coming from Joey! |
天哪,好詭異喔,把他關掉! | Oh,my God! That's so freaky! Turn him off! |
可以看新聞嗎?可能在下雨 | Could we put on the news? It might be raining. |
等一下 我在看ESPN的橄欖球賽 | Hold on. I'm watching this rugby thing on ESPN. |
有什麼了不起,我也能打 | I'm man enough to play this sport! |
你家連體育台都沒有 | You're not even man enough to get the channel that carries the sport. |
羅斯 | Hey there,Ross! |
是珍妮絲 | Janice. |
你真的不必幫我打包 | You know,you really didn't have to help me pack. |
你說你出發之前都要打包 我還有什麼選擇 | When you said all you'd be doing before you leave is packing...you really didn't leave me much choice |
我以為有,看來是沒有 | I thought I did,but I guess I did not. |
怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
我要打包 因為我明天要搬去葉門 | I'm packing,you know,because I'm moving to Yemen tomorrow. |
謝謝你告訴我啊 | Thanks for telling me! |
我是假裝要搬去葉門好擺脫她 | I'm going to be pretend-moving to Yemen. To get rid of her. |
漂亮 | Good one! |
葉門,聽起來還真像個國家 | Yemen! That actually sounds like a real country! |
錢德,快來 我教你怎麼把內衣褲塞進鞋子 | I'll show you how to roll your underwear and stuff it in your shoes. |
可以省空間 | It's a space-saver. |
我那樣做是想墊高 | I do that because it makes me look taller. |
錢德,來啊 好 | Come on! |
喬伊,跟我交換人生 不要 | -Joey,trade lives with me. -Nope. |
天哪,你看看 羅斯,你居然說你要打 | Ross,I can't believe you said you'd play. |
這種運動好野蠻 我可以應付 | This is brutal!I can handle it. |
拜託 你連跟我爸打羽毛球都會受傷 | Please,Ross. You got hurt playing badminton with my dad. |
那是因為你媽的狗一直……看我 | That's because your mom's dog kept looking at me. |
好,你看,這個叫scrum(並列爭球) 就像美式足球裡的huddle(指示聽取會) | Look! Right here,it's called a "scrum."It's like a huddle. |
那“hum”就像“scruddle"嗎? | And is a hum like a scruddle? |
羅斯,他們會宰了你 | Ross,they're going kill you! |
你為什麼要打? | Why are you doing this,anyway? |
你們應該看看她以前交往的人 | You should've seen the guy she used to date. |
他活像顆大橄欖球 | He's like "Joe Rugby"! |
不會吧,而他又打橄欖球? 好好玩 | You're kidding! And he plays rugby? That's funny! |
我懂你的意思了 | Oh,I see. You did that. |
總之她覺得我打橄欖球很好笑 | She thought the very idea of me playing rugby was hilarious. |
所以我要證明我有多猛 | So I'll show her how tough I really am. |
對不起,你說得對,你是很猛 | I'm sorry. You are a tough guy. |
你是我認識最猛的古生物學家 | The toughest paleontologist I know. |
沒問題啦,羅斯會照顧自己 | Ross can take care of himself. |
他又不是錢德 謝了 | It's not like he's Chandler.Thanks. |
別替我擔心 | Don't worry about me. |
我會裝得很有衝勁 跟球保持距離 | I'll just look energetic and stay away from the ball. |
我會學那個人站在外面 | I'll be that guy,right outside the circle. |
也許有狗在看他 | Maybe there was a dog looking at him. |
羅斯,別靠近那個人、那個人 和那個人 | Stay away from that guy and that guy... |
他們都好壯 | ...and that one. Dude,they're all huge! |
又沒比我壯 | They're no bigger than me. |
你離你比較近 所以看你自己比較壯 | You're closer to you. So you look bigger to you from where you are. |
我去跟他們打個招呼 好 | I'm going to go say "hello." |
還蠻可愛的 | I kind of liked it. |
我知道了,我要變成赤面羅斯 | I know what to do.I've got to go Red Ross. |
赤面羅斯啊 | You know,Red Ross? |
完全不懂 | Totally don't know. |
那次我們去看“與狼共舞” | That time we were in line for Dances With Wolves... |
有人插隊,我不是就捉狂了? | ...and that guy cut in front of us and I just lost it? |
破口大駡,臉都漲紅了 | Screamed at him,turned all red! |
赤面羅斯啊 | Red Ross! |
等著瞧 | You'll see! |
連恩,幫個忙 | Liam,do me a favor. |
對羅斯手下留情 他是第一次打 | Go easy on Ross. It's his first time. |
是嗎? | You don't say? |
加油 | Good luck,babe. |
老弟,快進來 | Come on,get in here! |
快點 | Come on! |
羅斯,快進來爭球 | Come on,get in the bloody scrum! |
羅斯,進去 | Ross,get in! |
喬伊 | Joey! |
說了你一定不信 約書亞今天來,你猜怎樣? | You're not going to believe it! Joshua came in today,and guess what? |
他約你? 沒有 | He asked you out? |
不過我給他看一些袖扣 結果摸到他的脈搏 | But I showed him some cuff links,and I felt his pulse. |
漂亮 | Saucy! |
這是什麼? 這棟樓的電路圖 | -What are these? -Electrical plans for the building. |
我應該被嚇到嗎? | Okay,should I be scared? |
那個開關一定有作用 這是去市政府調的 | I know that switch does something. I got these from City Hall. |
只花了25元,排了3小時 | I just paid $25 and waited for three hours. |
可惜大家不知道 | Wow! If only more people knew! |
你看得懂嗎? | All right,do you understand any of this? |
我對水電的事一竅不通 | No,I don't understand any of this electrical stuff. |
這看起來像開關嗎? 我不知道 | All right,does this look like a switch?I don't know. |
這是線路嗎? 我不知道 | -ls this wiring? -I don't know. |
不過這個像小白兔 | That looks like a bunny though. |
“葉門航空” | |
你實在不必送我來機場 | You really didn't have to take me to the airport. |
拜託,每分每秒都很珍貴 | Oh,please. Every moment is precious. |
況且總得有人幫你提行李 | Besides,someone had to ride with your luggage. |
你朋友好像都不關心你要走了 | And your friends don't seem to care that you're leaving. |
我們其實沒那麼要好 | We're not that close. |
好,那就再見了 | Okay. So I guess this is goodbye then. |
不,還沒呢 你上了飛機我才要走 | Oh,no!It's not goodbye. I'm not leaving till you get on that plane. |
好,那就“請在此等候” | Okay. Well,I guess it's just "wait here" then. |
我要一張去葉門的假機票 | I need a fake ticket to Yemen. |
一張去葉門的機票? 不是 | One ticket? |
我只需要一張假機票 | I just need a pretend ticket. |
抱歉,我不懂 | I'm sorry. I don't understand. |
好,你會拿什麼給小朋友玩? | Okay,what would you give a kid to play with? |
您有帶小孩子? | Are you traveling with a child? |
沒有 | No. |
她會以為我在拿信用卡給你 | She'll think I'm handing you a credit card. |
其實我拿的是借書證 | But what I'll really hand you is a library card. |
去葉門的機票是2100元 我們不收借書證 | A ticket to Yemen is $2100,and we don't take library cards. |
怎麼了?有什麼問題嗎? | What's the matter? Is something wrong? |
你得留下來嗎? | Do you have to stay? |
是美國航空公司的班次嗎? | American Express? |
他們怎麼這樣 我明明叫他們手下留情 | I can't believe they're doing that! I told them to go easy on him! |
我沒有惡意 但有時你的口音很難懂 | No offense,but sometimes it's hard to understand you,with the accent. |
才上半場結束,還有下半場 | That's just halftime. There's more. |
你們看到了嗎?我挺強的 | Did you see me?I was pretty good. |
好過癮的球賽 | That is one fun game! |
幫個忙,去幫我拿水,謝謝 | Do me a favor? Grab me some water?Thanks! |
我覺得我快死了,真的 | I think I'm dying. I really do. |
真可憐 告訴我兒子我愛他 | Poor baby!Tell my son that I love him. |
太好了,我還要再打個過癮 | Excellent! Got to have some more fun! |
羅斯,你快被整死了 | They are killing you. |
亂講 | That's not true. |
她說得對,你不能再打了 | She's right. You have to stop! |
不行,我是赤面羅斯 | No! I'm not stopping. I'm Red Ross! |
你再上場會變成死羅斯 | Dude,you go back out there,you'll be Dead Ross. |
我絕不退場,我要打完 | I'm not quitting. I'm going to finish this game. |
好,如果你一定要打 至少讓我幫忙 | If you insist on it,at least let me help you. |
不行,這不是女人玩的 那些人什麼都抓 | It's no place for a woman. Those guys will grab anything! |
我不是要上場 我只是知道怎樣讓別人受傷 | That's not it. I just know a few things that can help you inflict pain. |
我喜歡 是嗎? | I like that. |
聽好,戴文的腳踝很弱 | Listen closely.Devon has got a weak ankle |
踢一下就會倒 | One swift kick and he'll back off. |
好,腳踝虛,瞭解 | Bad ankle. Got it! |
那個留落腮胡的大個子 腰部毛病很多 | And that big bloke with the beard? He's got a trick hip. |
那邊的大衛沒穿護襠 | And David over there,he doesn't wear a cup. |
蠻有用的,腰不好 沒穿護襠,好 | I could use that. Trick hip,no cup. Okay! |
連恩的膝蓋不好 看准了一撞就倒 | And Liam's got bad knees. Hit him right and he'll go down like a lamp. |
但是連恩跟我同隊 | But Liam's on my team. |
我不管,你去宰了他 好,宰了他 | -I don't care. Just get him! -Go and get him! |
我要回場上了 | I am going back in! |
赤面羅斯 | Red Ross! Yeah! |
這些是什麼? | What are these? |
我畫了一些畫掛起來 | Just some pictures I made and hung up. |
好讓客廳看起來更漂亮 有用吧? | I thought they'd brighten up the place. Don't they? |
不要動,不要 | No,don't. |
那裡沒有洞 我只是很喜歡那幅畫 | There's no hole there. I just really like that picture. |
天哪,你看看 | Oh,my God! Look at this! |
但是那邊有電線 一定連到某個地方 | But there is a wire there! It's connected to something! |
我不管,你才是腦筋脫線了 | I don't care! The wires have come loose in your head! |
順著電線就能找出它的功用 | If I could follow the wire,I'd find out what it did. |
那你找到了嗎? 沒有 | And did you?No. |
到了地板上就斷了 | It disappears behind there.For a minute,I thought it went downstairs. |
跟凱卓奇斯太太打招呼 | Say hello to Mrs. Catrokis. |
你好 親愛的 凱卓奇斯太太你好 | -Hello,darling. -Hello,Mrs. Catrokis. |
凱卓奇斯太太,你認識肯尼嗎 | Hey,Mrs. Catrokis,do you know Kenny? |
不會吧 | You have got to be kid Wow! |
你真的不去看醫生? | Are you sure you don't want a doctor? |
不要,那樣我會直接掛掉 | No,that'll just bring me down! |
太棒了 我太厲害了,今天真過癮 | This was great! I was great! This was a great day! |
我請大家喝咖啡 | I'm buying everyone coffee. |
幫我拿皮夾,在我的口袋裡 | Just grab my wallet. It's in my pocket. |
不是你 | No,not you. |
你的眼睛還是腫的 我去拿冰塊 | Your eye's still popping out. I'll go get some ice. |
好 冰塊,我正想吃冰塊 | Ice,yeah! I'm so in the mood for ice. |
你剛才好神勇 | You were amazing out there. |
還蠻神勇的吧? 當然 | I kind of was,wasn't l? |
我讓一個壯我兩倍的人哭了 | Oh,my God!I made a man twice my size cry! |
上一次是4歲 我用石頭洗我爸的保時捷 | I haven't done that since I was four and I washed my dad's Porsche with rocks. |
你真的打得很過癮對不對? | You really enjoyed yourself,didn't you? |
開玩笑,我幹掉三個大塊頭 還讓一個人流鼻血 | Are you kidding? I hurt three huge men.I gave a guy a bloody nose! |
這沒什麼好得意的,不過… | I'm not proud of it... |
我真的好得意 | ...but I really am! |
都是因為你 | And it's all because of you. |
最棒最棒的你 我看你是腦震盪了 | -Wonderful,amazing you. -I think you've got a concussion. |
不,我是說真的,謝謝你 | No,I'm serious. Thank you. |
不客氣 | You're welcome. |
對不起,會痛嗎? | I'm sorry. Did that hurt you? |
痛也值得 | It's worth the pain. |
其實不值得 | You know what? It's not. |
最後一次呼叫664航班飛往葉門的旅客 | This is the final boarding call for flight 664 to Yemen. |
看來我該走了 | Well,I guess I gotta go. |
我的小賓賓 | My Bing-a-ling. |
我會等你的,你要去多久? | I'll wait for you.How long will you be gone? |
直到找出可以替代石油的能源 | Well,just until we find an energy source to replace fuel. |
我會每天寫信給你 | I'll write you every day. |
葉門也門路15號 | 15 Yemen Road,Yemen. |
好,再見 | Okay. Goodbye. |
珍妮絲,你在這裡 我得跟你做最後吻別 | Janice! There you are! I had to have one last kiss. |
另外你也說我一上機你就要走 | And also,you said you'd leave after I got on the plane! |
不,我想看著你起飛 | No. I want to see you take off. |
那我要去葉門了 | Well,then I guess I'm going to Yemen. |
我要去葉門了 | I'm going to Yemen! |
到了葉門,我可以住你家嗎? | When we get to Yemen,can I stay with you? |
好,管理員不知道它的作用 | All right. The super couldn't figure out what it did. |
1小時2百的電工 不曉得它的作用 | The $200-an-hour electrician couldn't figure out what it did. |
我被狠狠電到七次 | I've had seven pretty serious shocks. |
我放棄了 謝天謝地 | I give up.Thank God. |
看來喬伊說得對 | I guess Joey was right. |
它沒有用 | It does nothing. |
你看 | See? |
是我弄的,真的是我弄的 | I'm doing it! I am totally doing it! |
超能力沒了 | I lost it. |
玉米片殺人狂 (音同連續殺人狂) | Cereal killer. |
玉米片殺人狂? | Cereal killer? |
我九點前說的蠢話 比別人整天說的還多 | Hey,come on,I say more dumb things before 9 a.m...than most people say all day. |
怎麼了? | What? |
我不知道要吃什麼 吃什麼都會噁心 | I can't find anything that I wanna eat. Everything makes me nauseous. |
懷孕真夠難搞的…啊,糕 | I'm telling you,being pregnant is no piece of cake. Oh,cake! |
不行 | No. |
真可憐 | Honey,I'm sorry. |
什麼香味?是浴室傳出來的 | What is that smell? It's coming from the bathroom. |
懷孕倒是讓你多了些怪癖 | Pregnancy does give you some weird cravings. |
是我,菲比 這裡有我想吃的東西 | It's me. It's Phoebe. Listen,there's something in here I want to eat. |
什麼味道這麼香? | What smells so good? |
是新洗髮精嗎?芭樂香味 | -ls it the shampoo? It's guava. |
不是 | -No. |
等一下 | Wait. |
是我的紅腸三明治嗎? | Is it my bologna sandwich? |
對,沒錯 | Yes. Yes. Yes. |
寶寶居然想吃紅腸 寶寶想吃肉,我不能吃肉 | I can't believe it. The baby wants bologna. The baby wants meat. I can't eat meat. |
等一下 | Wait! |
也許是醃黃瓜 | Maybe it's the pickle! |
本集播出:“假派對” | The One With the Fake Party |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
(中央咖啡館) | |
你在寫什麼? | What are you writing? |
約書亞明天要來 既然我沒膽約他 | Joshua's coming in tomorrow,and since I don't have the guts to ask him out... |
我決定賣他一件外套 再把紙條塞進口袋 | ...I'm gonna sell him a coat and put this note in the pocket. |
“約書亞:有空打電話給我” “你這樣的人…” | "Joshua,give me a call sometime. Guys like you... |
“…永不退流行” | ...never go out of style." |
你剛才扔的是什麼? | What did you throw away? |
你們做了什麼? | -Hi,guys. -What have you guys been up to? |
我們去庫珀·休伊特博物館看維多利亞時期門把展 | We went to see a collection of Victorian doorknobs at the Cooper-Hewitt museum. |
沒找我去? | Without me? |
是舅舅拖我們去的 結果很有意思 | My uncle dragged us there,but it turned out to be really interesting. |
那些門把很華麗,你們看 | They were so ornate and beautiful. Look at that. |
我不知道英國的國情 但這裡不能順手牽羊 | I don't know how museums work in England,but here,you're not supposed to take stuff. |
這是禮品部的 | I got it from the gift shop. |
那裡沒什麼防盜措施 | They have really lax security there. |
這是笑話 | It's a joke. |
(英國腔)誰還要喝茶? | Anyone for more tea? |
(英國腔)那我自己叫了 | No,just me then. |
鸚鵡先生 | Hey,Ringo. |
每次艾蜜莉在,你就怪腔怪調 別鬧了 | Every time Emily's around,you talk like her. Would you please cut it out? |
我看你喜歡喔 | I think you like it. |
你無法抗拒這樣的我 | I think you can't resist me when I do it. |
你想一口…了我 | You want to eat me up like a cream "pumpy." |
什麼? 我不是每個英國字都會 | -What? -All right,look,I don't know all the words. |
我該走了,再見 | Right. I've got to be off. I'll see you. Bye-bye,then. |
再見 | Bye-bye,then. |
你們相處得很愉快 | You guys seem to be having a good time. |
對,她人很棒,而且很有趣 | She is amazing,and she's so much fun. |
跟她在一起時,我也很有趣 | And you know what? When I'm with her,I'm fun! |
我會跑去佛羅蒙特 你們也看到那個門把了 | I do things like run off to Vermont...and you guys saw the doorknob. |
我甚至報名學開直升機 | I even signed up for helicopter classes. |
她過兩天就走了,我不必真學 | She's leaving in two days. I don't have to do it. |
兩天?你一定很失望 | Two days? You must be bummed. |
她非回去不可 | She's got to go back to London, |
不過我早就有心理準備 我們都知道我們只有這2星期 | but I've been prepared for this from the start. We both knew we had two weeks together,and then that's it. |
我的每段戀情都是 | Hey,that's what all my relationships are like. |
羅斯他們是“雙方”都知道 只有2星期 | Yes,but in Ross' case,they both know in two weeks that's it. |
菲比 | -Pheebs! -Hello. Hello. |
寶寶好啊 好啦 | No,I know. Yeah. |
寶寶想肉想瘋了 | So the baby is totally craving meat. |
下午我想用素肉堡騙他 讓他以為他吃到肉 | I tried tricking it,and I made it a soy burger,so that maybe it'd think it was getting meat. |
結果就反胃了 | And I got nauseous. |
也許是因為素肉堡很難吃 | Maybe that's because soy burgers suck. |
不過應該很營養 | But I'm no obstetrician.... |
懷孕真難吃東西 | Being pregnant is hard on your tummy. |
但你有一種孕婦的光彩 | At least you got that cool,pregnant-lady glow. |
你要是吐一早上也會有光彩 | That's sweat. You throw up all morning,you'll have that glow too. |
這是你要的風衣 太好了 | Okay.Here's that trench coat that you wanted. -Great. |
很舒服 | It's comfortable. |
這可以用來裝變態 | You could really flash somebody in this. |
不行,出了店門 才能把手放進口袋裡 | No. They don't want you to put your hands in the pockets until you are out of the store. |
為什麼? | Why not? |
因為…有很多人… | Well,because...we get a lot of |
真是害群之馬 是啊 | They ruin it for everybody.I know. |
我昨晚穿那件 喀什米爾毛衣去約會 | I wore that sweater on a date last night. |
我離婚後第一次約會 | It was the first date since the divorce. |
恭喜,你愛她嗎? | Congratulations. So do you love her? |
她還不錯,不過我也發現 我還沒有心情約會 | She's nice,but it made me realize...I'm just not ready to be dating. |
真有意思 | That's interesting. |
那是什麼? 只是防盜磁條 | -What was that? -Just an anti-theft device. |
那這是什麼? | Then what's this? |
那個也要,因為這個一撕就碎 | You need that too,because a thief could just tear this up. |
晚上有派對 其實是5分鐘後,有事快取消 | We have to have a party in five minutes,so everybody cancel your plans. |
你在說什麼? 怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
我們要幫艾蜜莉辦驚喜歡送會 | We have to have a bon-voyage party for Emily. |
其實是為了約書亞 | But it's actually for Joshua. |
討厭 都沒人幫我辦過假的艾蜜莉歡送會 | That sucks. Nobody's ever thrown me a bon-voyage-Emily party. |
他說他還沒有心情約會 | He said he's not ready to date. |
我得找他參加派對 才能在工作之外見到他 | So I had to invite him to a party if I wanted to see him outside of work. |
現在我製造了一個 色誘他的完美機會 | And now I have created the perfect opportunity to seduce him. |
我很想當面警告約書亞 | As much as I'd like to meet Josh and warn him... |
但艾蜜莉和我不能參加 她會來說聲再見 | ...Emily and I won't be here. She's gonna come by to say goodbye... |
然後我安排了整晚的節目 對不起,沒戲唱了 | ...and then I've got a special evening planned. Sorry. No party. |
驚喜! | -Hello? -Surprise! |
驚喜! | Surprise! |
沒有人替我辦過驚喜派對 | No one's thrown me a surprise party before. |
這都是羅斯的主意 | Well,it was all Ross' idea. |
你真好 | You're so sweet. |
我好驚喜喔 | And I'm so surprised. |
你真的沒料到? | You didn't know? |
約書亞在那邊,你怎麼在這邊 | Why are you over here if Joshua's over there? |
我想假裝很難上手 | I'm trying to play hard-to-get. |
快,說句好笑的話 | Quick! He's looking. Say something funny. |
舉個例子? | Like what? |
什麼事這麼好笑? | What's so funny? |
我說“舉個例子” | I said,"Like what?" |
真深奧 | Now that's a thinker. |
假裝很難上手沒用 | This playing-hard-to-get thing is not working. |
把櫻桃給我,好… | Hand me those cherries. |
要吃櫻桃嗎? 不要,謝謝 | -Care for a cherry? -No,thanks. |
我可以用舌頭把櫻桃梗打結 | I can tie one of these into a knot using just my tongue. |
你還好嗎?沒事吧? | You okay?You all right? |
我們得趕快走了 | We should probably get going soon. |
但是派對才剛開始 | But the party's just getting started. |
我們得在15分鐘內 趕去四季餐廳喝酒 | We have to be at The Four Seasons for drinks in 15 minutes. |
然後去廣場飯店吃晚飯 | Then The Plaza for dinner. |
那你為什麼還辦派對? | So why did you plan a party at the same time? |
其實美國的驚喜派對都很短 | Actually,American surprise parties are very short. |
通常都“驚喜!” 然後就“我好驚喜喔!再見” | It's usually,"Surprise!" Then,"My God,I'm so surprised. Bye!" |
但是我覺得好好玩 | Ross,I'm having such a great time. |
你妹說你以前會扮成老太太 舉辦假的茶會 | Your sister told me that you used to dress up like old ladies...and host make-believe tea parties. |
莫妮卡說的是吧? | Monica said that,did she? |
她有沒有說她小的時候 | Did she tell you that when she was little... |
遊樂器材商增加秋千的載重量 她也是原因之一? | ...she was partially responsible for new legislation...regulating the strength of swing sets? |
你接下來要放什麼? | Then what are you going to put on top of that? |
一點蒜味肉腸 贊 | -A little salami. -Oh,yeah. |
蒜味肉腸上面呢? | What goes on top of the salami? |
熏牛肉 太贊了 | Pastrami. |
你真是天才 | You're a genius. |
幫我拉一下拉鍊 | Give me a hand with the zipper. |
往上 | Up! |
你換衣服? 對,我需要我的幸運裙 | -You changed? -I decided I needed my lucky dress. |
幸運是指露更多乳溝? 我覺得是 | -Lucky means more cleavage? -lt does for me. |
你們看他多帥 真想一把捉過來親下去 | Look at him! He's so cute.I just want to grab him and kiss him. |
但是他不知道我喜歡他 | How could I kiss him without him knowing I like him? |
有個辦法-脫胸罩 | I know how you can get him. Take off your bra. |
什麼? | What? |
在電影《渾身是勁》裡… 是《閃舞》 | -This scene in Footloose -Flashdance. |
對…那個水電女工 是焊接工 | -Yeah. With that plumber girl? -A welder. |
你是有演嗎? | Were you,like,in the movie? |
總之她在衣服底下脫掉胸罩 從袖子抽出來 | She takes off her bra under the shirt and pulls it out the sleeve. |
非常性感,而且有格調 | Very sexy. And classy. |
-不然你也可以用檞寄生(耶誕節時女子站在其下任何人都可以吻她) -又不是耶誕節 | -Or you could use mistletoe. -It's not Christmas. |
轉瓶子 他不是11歲 | -Spin-the-bottle. -He's not 11. |
謝謝你們,你們真用心 | Thank you so much for this. It was so thoughtful of you. |
你們要走了? | You're leaving? |
對,我們還有事 我也要走了 | -We have something we have to get to. -I'm gonna take off too. |
先別走,留下來 我們準備了重頭戲 | You can't leave yet. You have to stay.We've got the whole big thing planned. |
什麼重頭戲? | What big thing? |
轉瓶子的規則是,我轉瓶子 | Spin-the-bottle works like this: I spin the bottle. |
指向甘瑟,我就要親甘瑟 | Lands on Gunther,so I would have to kiss Gunther. |
就這樣 | All right. |
誰要先? 我先 | Who wants to go first?I'll go. |
歡迎來到美國 | Welcome to America. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
連續兩次!來個舌吻吧 | Two in a row! You gotta use your tongues now. |
再來 | All right. |
太巧了 | What are the odds? |
夠了 | That's enough! |
讓別人玩吧 | Let's let someone else play. |
你不想玩幹嘛來? | If you didn't want to play,then why'd you come to the party? |
我來好了 | All right,I'll go. |
豪放女!豪放女 | Somebody loose. Somebody loose. |
我的人生寫照 | Story of my life. |
我爸的人生寫照 | Story of my father's life. |
該我 | Okay,my turn. |
是你!天哪 | Look at that!Oh,my God. |
天哪,寶寶踢了 | The baby just kicked! |
他會再踢的 | It's okay. It's okay. If it kicked once,it'll kick again! |
大家要記住剛才的位置 | Everybody just remember where they were sitting. |
有蟲 | It was a bug. |
不管我多想吃 我絕不吃肉,那是冷血謀殺 | It doesn't matter how much I'm craving it.You know why I'm never gonna eat meat? Because it's cold-blooded murder.Okay. |
我的三明治上有菲比 | There's a Phoebe on my sandwich! |
菲比,你幹什麼? 我沒辦法 | What are you doing?I can't help it! |
我要吃肉,寶寶要吃肉 | I need the meat! The baby needs the meat. |
跟別人交往要專一 除非第三者真的很辣 | You know when you're dating someone...and you don't want to cheat unless it's with someone really hot? |
那當然 這就對了 | Totally.This is the same kind of deal. |
吃肉也一樣,要錯… | If you're gonna do something wrong... |
就要錯得漂亮 | ...do it right. |
我馬上回來 好 | -I'll be back in a minute. -Okay. |
她真是… | She did… |
你想怎樣? | What are you doing to me? |
我想把她帶走 | I'm trying to get Emily out of here, |
你卻一直跟她講話 裝風趣又逗她笑 | and you keep talking to her......being all interesting and making her laugh. |
從現在起,請你別那麼風趣 | I don't want you to be funny anymore. |
瑞秋要我風趣 你卻不要我風趣 | Rachel wants me to be funny,you don't want me to be funny. |
從現在起,我要有時候風趣 有時候不風趣 | From now on,I'm gonna be funny sometimes,and not funny others. |
感覺好多了嗎? 對,但是代價呢? | You feel better now?Yeah,but at what cost? |
三餐吃肉吃半年?我會吃掉… | Six more months,three meals a day.I am going to eat, |
幾百萬頭牛 | like,you know,millions of cows. |
牛爸爸,牛媽媽,牛寶寶 | Mommy cows,daddy cows,baby cows |
我絕不吃牛寶寶,死也不吃 | No. No,I will never eat baby cows. No veal! |
儘量不吃 | Oh,but veal. |
要是我幫你平衡過來呢? 什麼? | What if I even things out for you,meat-wise? |
我很會吃肉對吧? 對 | -What? -I eat a lot of meat,right? |
要是在寶寶出生前,我戒吃肉 | But suppose,until the baby's born,I laid off it. |
就不會多死動物 你是在吃我的份 | No extra animals would die. You'd be eating my animals. |
你居然願意為我這麼做 | I can't believe you'd do that for me. |
當然願意,我也可以吃素 | Absolutely. I could be a vegetarian. |
啤酒裡沒有肉吧? | There's no meat in beer,right? |
不吃開胃菜,馬上買單 還趕得上吃主菜 | We can still make dinner if we skip the appetizers and ask for our check right away. |
現在不能走,瑞秋要表演 | We can't go now. Rachel is going to put on a skit. |
我的天哪,你瘋了嗎? | Oh,my God! Have you lost your mind? |
不,我終於想通了 | I am finally thinking clearly. |
我的幸運裙效果不佳 | My lucky dress wasn't working out too well for me. |
但這一套整整4年都百發百中 | But for four years,this baby never missed. |
瑞秋,我不能讓你… | Wait,I can't let |
我也想看熱鬧 | Actually,I want to see what happens. |
好棒的行頭 | Nice costume. |
是啊,我想給艾蜜莉 來個美式的再見歡呼 | Well,I wanted to give Emily a big American goodbye cheer. |
預備…起 | Ready. Okay. |
給我一個E E | Give me an "E"! |
給我一個M M | Give me an "M"! |
給我一個I I | Give me an "I"! |
給我一個L L | Give me an "L"! |
給我一個Y Y | Give me a "Y"! |
加起來是什麼? | What do you get? |
艾蜜莉!艾蜜莉… | Emily! Emily! |
以上就是我的歡呼 | That's me as a cheerleader! |
你還好嗎? | Are you all right? |
有一顆牙齒松了 小意思,我有牙醫 | I loosened a tooth. It's no big deal. I have a dentist. |
我去冰敷,失陪 | I'll put some ice on it. Excuse me. |
怎麼辦怎麼辦? 你應該是毀了 | -What do I do now? -I think you're done. |
該脫胸罩了 | Time to take off the bra. |
剛才的表演很精彩 但是我得走了 | That was really great.But I gotta take off. |
脫~胸~罩 | Take the bra off. |
我陪你去拿外套 | Let's go get your coat. |
瑞秋是我的女朋友 | Rachel's my girlfriend. |
今晚蠻開心的 | So this was really fun. |
是啊,很開心 | Yeah,it was real fun. |
這件胸罩… | You know,this bra... |
實在很不舒服 | ...is really bothering me. |
這裡以前是我的房間 | This used to be my bedroom. |
有很多回憶,很多很多回憶 | A lot of memories in here. Lot of memories. |
要是牆壁會說話,它們會說 “想聽聽往事嗎?” | If these walls could talk,they'd say:"Want to hear some memories?" |
你需要幫忙嗎? 不用,沒問題 | Need a hand?I got this all under control. |
可是看起來不像 | You really don't seem like you do. |
算了啦!真是… | God! Forget it! |
事情不該是這樣的 不然應該怎樣? | This is not how this was supposed to happen.What was supposed to happen? |
你能不能不要看我? | Can you not look at me when I say this? |
我以為要是能把你找來 | I thought that if I could get you here... |
我就可以@#%$你 | ...I could seduce you. |
什麼? | -Excuse me? |
引誘你 | -Seduce you. |
我上班不穿西裝 卻跟你買了六套 | I don't wear suits to work.And I bought six of them from you. |
抱歉,我以為你有需要 | I'm sorry. I thought you needed them. |
我一直去找你,因為我想見你 | My point is,I kept coming back because I wanted to see you. |
為什麼? 因為我喜歡你 | -Why? -Because I like you. |
你喜歡我? | You like me? |
是啊,你漂亮、聰明又成熟 | I mean,you're beautiful and smart and sophisticated. |
這些印象不是來自今晚 | A lot of this isn't based on tonight. |
但是你喜歡我? | But you like me? |
這段日子以來 我們竟然一直互相喜歡 | I can't believe this. All this time,I liked you and you liked me! |
但是… 不要說“但是” | -But -No "but." |
“但是”都沒好事 停在“我們互相喜歡”就好 | "But" is never good. Let's leave it at "l like you and you like me." |
好,然而… 那是好聽的“但是” | -Okay. However -No,that's a fancy "but." |
我剛結束我的婚姻 | My marriage,like,just ended. |
我還沒心情跟別人交往 | And I'm really not ready to get into anything yet. |
但是…? | But.... |
對不起,我需要一點時間 | I'm sorry. I just need a little time. |
你在這裡,我在找你 | There you are. I was looking for you. |
約書亞走了 你和艾蜜莉可以走了 | Joshua's gone,so you and Emily are free to go. |
無所謂 她還在裡面享受這場假派對 | It's okay.She's still in there enjoying her fake party. |
現在要做什麼也來不及了 | It's too late to do the stuff I had planned. |
抱歉,我毀了你美好的夜晚 | I'm sorry. I ruined your evening. |
是啊 | Yeah. |
我出了個大醜 你有沒有高興一點? | If it makes you feel any better,I made a fool of myself. |
有一點 | Helps a little. |
有地方讓悲慘的失敗者坐嗎? 坐吧 | Is there room on that step for a pathetic loser?Have a seat. |
對不起 | -I'm so sorry. -It's okay. |
沒關係 反正只是一段2星期的戀情 | It was just a two-week thing anyway. |
我只是不想這樣結束 也許你不想結束呢? | I just didn't want it to end this way.Or maybe you didn't want it to end. |
什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
你似乎真的很喜歡她 | You seem to really like her. |
沒錯 | I really do. |
但我能怎麼辦? 我們說好只在一起2星期 | But what am I going to do? We agreed it'd be a two-week thing. |
不要有承諾 | No commitment. |
羅斯 | Ross |
那個女孩整晚都跟你的朋友 吵著要聽你的事 | That girl just spent the entire evening talking to your friends...asking to hear stories about you. |
還拿莫妮卡的相簿來看 | ...Iooking through Monica's photo albums. |
只想在一起2周才不會這麼做 | You don't do that if you're just in it for two weeks. |
是嗎? | You think? |
她還有14個小時才要去機場 | You've got 14 hours until she has to be at the airport. |
你卻坐在走廊上 | And you're sitting here in a hallway... |
陪一個28歲 嘴腫起來的啦啦隊長 | ...with a 28-year-old cheerleader with a fat lip. |
你說得對 | You're right. |
謝了 | Thanks. |
哪一本相簿? 你跟一堆白化病小孩的合照 | What photo album was it?I don't know. It was you and a bunch of albino kids. |
他們不是白化病 那是電腦夏令營 | Oh,my God! Those weren't albino kids.That was computer camp! |
你是悲慘的失敗者吧? 就是我 | -You're a pathetic loser,right? -Oh,yeah. |
坐 | Sit! |
天哪,約書亞 | Oh,my God. Joshua. |
我剛才說我沒心情… | Look...all those things I said about not being ready |
不是真的? 不,都是真的 | -They're not true? -They're all true. |
但是… | But.... |
我喜歡這個“但是” | I love that "but." |
要不要進去喝杯咖啡? 好 | Do you want to go inside and get some coffee?Okay. |
百發百中 | Every time. |
你放什麼? 熏牛肉 | -What do you got there? -Pastrami. |
你知道什麼跟它最配? 醃牛肉 | -You know what goes good with that? -Corned beef. |
我想說紅腸,但醃牛肉更棒 | I was going to say bologna. But that's better. |
要不要放點熏火雞肉? 好 | -How about that smoked turkey? -Okay. |
媽呀 | Oh,mama! |
寶寶什麼時候生? 半年後 | -When is the baby due? -Six months. |
自然死亡的牛可以吃吧? | If a cow died of natural causes,I could have one of those,right? |
我會先下手 | Not if I get there first. |
天哪 | Oh,man! |
誰啊? 崔格在通排水管 | -What's that? -Treeger's snaking the shower drain. |
這是什麼東西? | What in the name of hell? |
可能是你的夾腳拖鞋 | Maybe he found your flip-flop. |
這是A片嗎? | Is this porn? |
我一定是按到什麼了 | I must have hit something on the remote. |
我們有付錢嗎? | Do we pay for this? |
我們連普通的有線都沒給錢 | We didn't even pay our cable bill. |
也許這是處罰方式 | Maybe this is how they punish us. |
也許我們應該欠電話費 免費色情電話 | Maybe we shouldn't pay our phone bill. Free phone sex. |
也許我們應該欠瓦斯費 | Maybe we shouldn't pay our gas bill. |
那位小姐沒穿衣服喔 | Hey,that lady's all kinds of naked. |
喬伊不知道按了什麼 它就冒出來了 | Joey pressed something on the remote and it just came on. |
我有一次也按到過 | It happened to me once. |
跟撿到錢一樣爽 印有裸體的錢 | It was like finding money.Finding money with naked people on it! |
但後來我把電視關掉 就再也找不到了 | But I made the mistake of turning off the TV.I never got it back again. |
我好傷心 | And I'm sad. |
他幹嘛關電視? | Why would he turn off the TV? |
本集播出:“免費A片” | The One with the Free Porn |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
吃飯一定要看這個嗎? | Do we really have to watch this while we eat? |
我們不知道它怎樣會消失 | We don't know what could make this go away. |
所以不准碰遙控器 也不准碰電視 | So no one touches the remote,and no one touches the TV. |
連電視周圍的空氣都不能擾動 | And no one touches the air around the TV. |
就像有一個A片保護罩 | Imagine a protective porn bubble,if you will. |
起碼也要靜音 不要… | I'm at least going to mute it. |
A片還在 | We still have porn. |
你幹什麼?那個很重耶,給我 | What are you doing? That's too heavy. Give it here. |
天哪 | Oh,God. |
我實在不能再扛著按摩桌跑了 | I'm too pregnant for lugging around a stupid massage table. |
我得找個桌子小一點的工作 | I need a job with a smaller table. |
或是不需要桌子的工作 | Or a job without a table. |
你的意思是,比如醫生 | You mean,like a doctor? |
菲比,你擋到A片了啦 | You're blocking the porn! |
這讓我想到今天要做產檢 | That reminds me. I have to see my ob-gyn today. |
艾蜜莉去機場了 | Emily just went to the airport. |
你怎麼不送她去? | Why didn't you take her? |
她舅舅本來就打算送她 我們今天早上道別了 | Her uncle had planned to do it.We said our goodbyes this morning. |
你一定很難受 隔壁有免費的A片 | You must feel horrible. Hey,the guys have free porn. |
高興一點,你們會再見面吧? | Hey,cheer up. You'll see her again,right? |
我就是不知道 我每次提起她就說 | I don't know.When I brought it up,she said... |
“這樣就很棒了” “何必談到未來?” | ..."This is so fantastic. Why talk about the future? |
“我們就…” | -Let's enjoy" |
別學英國腔,我很受不了 | -Don't do the accent. It really bums me out. |
艾蜜莉說我學得很好 那你可得把握她 | Emily said I was pretty good.Well,that's someone you should hang on to. |
你會再見她的 | You've got to see her again. |
你幹嘛在意? 因為你可以實現我的幻想 | -Why do you care? -Because!You could live out my fantasy. |
你對艾蜜莉有幻想? | You had fantasies about Emily? |
不是,就是那個幻想嘛 | You know,the fantasy. |
認識異鄉人 瘋狂墜入愛河,共度一生 | Meet a foreigner,fall madly in love and spend your lives together. |
所以你在校時 老跟那個烏克蘭男生混? | Is that why you hung out with that Ukrainian kid in school? |
對 另外他媽媽煮菜都會加優酪乳油 | Yeah,plus his mom used to put sour cream on everything. |
你愛她嗎? | Do you love her? |
我們說好只在一起2星期 | We said it would only be two weeks. |
你愛她 | You love her. |
什麼是愛? | What is love,really? |
我就知道你愛她 | I knew you loved her! |
你得去機場告訴她 | You go to the airport and tell her. |
你應該會在登機門追上她 | You'll probably catch her at the gate. |
你會叫她的名字大喊 “我愛你” | You'll call her name and yell "l love you!" |
她會說“我也愛你” | She'll say "l love you too!" |
然後你們會有最深情的一吻 登機門前掌聲如雷 | Then you will have the most amazing kiss.Everyone at the gate will applaud. |
我是接吻高手 | I am a good kisser. |
然後你們可以溜進駕駛艙 | Then you two can sneak into the cockpit. |
氣氛開始變得火熱 | Things will start to heat up. |
然後一個空姐進來… | And then a stewardess comes in.... |
我看太多A片了 | I've been watching too much porn. |
那是心跳嗎? 沒錯 | -ls that the heartbeat? -That's it. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
太酷了 | This is so cool! |
我們談過多胞胎的可能嗎? | Have we talked about multiple births? |
先搞定這一胎 要是再懷孕,我有你的名片 | Let's take care of this one. If l get pregnant again,I have your card. |
不是,我聽到三個心跳音 | No,I'm getting three separate heartbeats. |
三個?你們還擔心我懷不成 | You guys were worried I wouldn't even have one. |
醫生經常犯錯 | Doctors are wrong all the time. |
你確定有三個? 絕對的 | Are you sure that there are three?-Definitely. |
天哪…天哪! | -Oh,my God. |
再過幾個月 我體內會有三個寶寶逛大街? | So in a few months,I'll have three babies walking around inside me? |
他們出生時會跟連發炮一樣 | It'll be like one of those log rides when they come shooting out. |
其實生三個跟生一個一樣 | Giving birth to three is like giving birth to one. |
你懂什麼? | What do you know? |
你生過多胞胎嗎? 抱歉,我沒有 | -Have you ever had triplets? -No. I'm sorry,I haven't. |
我應該多利用這句話 | I'm going to use this a lot. |
菲比 | Phoebe |
產檢結果怎樣? | How'd it go at the doctor's? |
當你走在街上 看到三個人走成一列 | You know how,when you're walking down the street...and you see three people in a row. |
你會說“真好” | And you say "Oh,that's nice." |
好消息,你們有三個寶寶 | Good news! You'll have three babies. |
三個寶寶? | Three babies? |
我總算可以組樂隊了 | I've finally got my band! |
我們會是個大家庭 我一直想要大家庭 | We'll have a big family! I always wanted a big family. |
你們高興就好 我還怕你們會捉狂 | Oh,God,I'm so glad you're happy! I was afraid you'd be freaked. |
為什麼要捉狂? | Why would we be freaked? |
因為三個養起來更累也更花錢 | Because it's harder to raise them and the added expense. |
也對 | Right. |
不,繼續高興,繼續高興 | No,back to happy. Back to happy! |
不,沒問題的,因為… 我做家教 | It's going to be fine...because I teach home ec. |
我可以叫三十個學生一整年都做嬰兒服 | I can have 30 kids making baby clothes all year long. |
就像我專屬的廉價童工廠 | It'll be like my very own little sweatshop. |
自從你說是三胞胎,我就在想 | I was thinking,ever since you said we'd have triplets. |
我最好休學去找一份工作 | The best thing for me to do is drop out of college and get a job. |
不,弗蘭克 你不能放棄學業 | No,you can't quit college. |
你在念書? | You're in college? |
冷凍庫專校 | Refrigerator college. |
當我們發現有了孩子 | When we found out we were having a baby... |
我想說我應該有份事業 | ...I figured I should have a career,you know? |
而且我很喜歡冷凍庫 | And I love refrigerators. |
你不能放棄你的夢想 | You can't give up on your dream! |
沒關係,我們將有三個孩子 | No,it's okay. We're going to have three kids. |
那是個不一樣的夢 | And that's a different kind of dream. |
三個孩子,一貧如洗 | Three kids and no money. |
搭乘009班機的旅客請登機 | This is the boarding call for flight 009. |
天哪,你怎麼來了? | What are you doing here? |
我得在你走之前再見你一面 | I had to see you before you took off. |
你真好 | You are so sweet. |
好大的三角巧克力 | That's a big candy bar. |
我跟你在一起過得好開心 我也是 | I had the most amazing time with you.Me too. |
009班機起飛前最後廣播 | This is the final boarding call for flight 009. |
那是我的班機 | Well,that's me. |
給你,只能有一件登機行李 | Here,have this.I'm only allowed one piece of carry-on. |
等一下 | Wait |
我有事要告訴你 | Listen,I have to tell you something. |
我一直在想…我就直說了 | I've been thinking.I'm just going to say it,okay? |
我覺得…我愛你 | I think...I love you. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
不客氣 | It's no problem. |
這到底是什麼歌? “善意做愛”的主題曲 | What is that song?It's the theme from Good Will Humping. |
你們知道有誰不喜歡A片? 我的新男朋友約書亞 | You know who doesn't like dirty movies? My boyfriend Joshua. |
是啊 | Yeah,right. |
他說他喜歡保留一點想像空間 | He said he prefers to leave certain things to the imagination. |
他有沒有說那些對白很低俗 | Did he also say that the dialogue was corny? |
他覺得是可笑,不是性感? 沒錯 | -And that he found it funny,not sexy? -Yes. |
他喜歡A片 | Yeah,he likes porn. |
你去哪裡? | Where you going? |
去看他是不是真的覺得 超級名模都太瘦 | To find out if he really thinks models are too skinny. |
他們反應如何? | How'd it go? |
弗蘭克得休學 因為很能生的姐姐一次懷三胎 | Frank has to quit college...because his super-fertile sister's having three babies. |
我得賺快錢 | I need to make money fast. |
我想跟你談一個想法 因為你在大公司上班 | I wanted to talk to you about an idea.You work for a big company. |
內線交易 | Insider trading. |
你有什麼內幕可以給我? | What information can you give me? |
他們不會跟我們講這些 但我可以幫你搞到免費的塗改液 | They don't talk to us about that stuff.But I can get you free White-Out. |
你有照我說的告訴她嗎? 有 | -Did you do what I said? -I did. |
她怎麼說? “謝謝” | -What'd she say? -"Thank you." |
不客氣,她說什麼? | You're totally welcome. What'd she say? |
她說“謝謝” | She said,"Thank you." |
我說“我愛你” 她說“謝謝” | I said,"l love you."And she said,"Thank you." |
不對啊 | That's not right. |
你說你愛她? 你想騙她做什麼? | Did you say you love her?What were you trying to get her to do? |
現在怎麼辦? 你要假裝很難得到 | -What do I do now? -You play hard-to-get. |
她已經住在倫敦了 | She already lives in London. |
你搬去東京 | So you go to Tokyo. |
別想了 你說你愛她,沒戲唱了 | Forget it.You told her you love her. It's over. |
誰說的,你才沒戲唱 | It is not over! You're over! |
什麼? | What? |
你懂我的意思 | You know. |
好…說得好 | Okey,Good one. |
事情還沒完 她會打來說她愛你 | It's not over. She'll call and tell you she loves you. |
她的感覺強烈到令她害怕 | Her feelings were so strong that it scared her. |
快回去等電話 她可能會從飛機上打 | Go home and wait for her call. She could call from the plane. |
快去 好 | Go Go Go.-Okey! |
要是她沒打來,那就是結束了 | But if she doesn't call,it is definitely over! |
除非最後我打給她探探口風 | Unless,eventually,I call her to see what's going on... |
她說她會再打給我,結果沒打 | ...and she says she'll call me back,but then she doesn't. |
那就真的結束了 | Then it's over! |
真夠力 | Way to be strong! |
我們可以在這裡看卡通嗎? 我們需要休息一下 | Can we watch cartoons on your TV?We need a porn break. |
我們看了2小時的進進出出 | We spent two hours watching In and Out and In Again. |
為什麼不關掉算了? 那我們會變成關掉A片的白癡 | Why don't you turn it off?Then we'd be the guys who turned off free porn |
別人又不會那樣叫你們 | Yeah,but that's not what you'd go by. |
瑞秋,將來我會有小孩 | Look,I'm going to have a kid someday. Okay? |
他會問我有沒有關掉免費A片 | And someday that kid is going to ask me if I ever turned off free porn. |
我不想說我有 | I don't wanna have to tell him that I did. |
你有問過你爸嗎? 我拒談這件事 | Did you ever asked you dad that?I don't want to talk about it. |
太好了,你們都在 | Good,you're here! |
你手上拿的什麼? 這個?問得好 | What you got there?This? I'm glad you asked. |
用普通刀子切錫罐 不是很難切嗎? | Don't you hate to cut a tin can with an ordinary steak knife? |
我知道你們在想什麼 “孕婦發狂砍殺四人”? | I know what you're thinking.Pregnant woman slays four? |
你沒買下這些刀子吧? 沒有 | -Did they make you pay for those knives? -No. |
你確定? 沒有 | -Are you sure? -No. |
賣刀賺不了多少錢的 | You won't make enough money by selling knives. |
我知道 我只需要後續計畫的本錢 | I just need enough money for the second part of my plan. |
後續計畫是什麼? 土星代理 | -What's that? -My Saturn dealership. |
羅斯 艾蜜莉 | -Ross. -Emily. Hi. |
旅途還順利嗎? 很慘 | How was your flight?It was dreadful. |
你對我告白 我的反應卻那麼差勁 | It was terrible how I acted when you said those wonderful things. |
沒關係,我很高興你打來 | No,that's all right.I'm just glad you called. |
羅斯,我有事要告訴你 | Ross,there's something that I've got to tell you. |
我有男朋友了 | There's someone else. |
這句話在英國的意思 跟在美國一樣嗎? | Does that mean the same thing in England as it does in America? |
她不知道她想要誰,我,還是那個柯林 | She doesn't know who she wants. Me or this "Colin" guy. |
我叫她想清楚再打給我 也許我還在 | So I told her when she figures it out,give me a call. Maybe I'll still be around. |
我問一下,你說也許還在 | When you say "still around," you mean still around like you might be in a relationship... |
是你會等她選擇你 還是你會等電話等到死? | or still around like you might have died waiting for the phone to ring? |
原本明明很完美 現在都亂了,怎麼會有第三者 | But it was so right.This isn't how it's supposed to go. There can't be another guy. |
當然有第三者,這樣更完美 | Of course,there's another guy!This is even more perfect. |
現在你得證明你的愛 | You have to prove your love! |
我什麼也不證明 我不會再聽你的了 | I'm not proving anything. I'm done listening to you. |
要不是被你說服跑去機場 我也不會搞到去槌牆 | If I hadn't let you talk me into this...I wouldn't have put my fist through the wall. |
你槌牆? 結果沒打中打到門 | You did that?I missed and hit the door. |
不過門彈得很用力 | But it opened really hard. |
你得去倫敦 什麼? | You have to go to London. |
你得去爭取她 對,有道理 | You have to go fight for her.That makes sense. |
你說你愛她,她沒有回應 然後她打來說有男朋友 | You said you loved her,and she didn't say it back.Then she told you about another guy. |
去倫敦,嚇死她 | Go to London. Scare her! |
瑞秋跟保羅在一起時 你做了什麼? | When Rachel was with Paolo,what did you do? |
我嘲笑他的口音 | I made fun of his accent. |
你讓他輕鬆得手 你完全沒爭取,沒錯吧? | You sat back and let him have her. You didn't fight. |
我說了,我私下取笑他的口音 | I just told you,I made fun of him behind his back. |
我懂了 | Oh,I see. |
你想讓艾蜜莉也被搶走? 不想 | -You want that to happen with Emily? -No. |
好,那就去爭取她 | All right then,go fight for her! |
好像一窩蛇喔 | It's like a snake pit. |
你和艾蜜莉也可以那樣 | That could be you and Emily. |
比他們唯美 | That but nicer. |
飛去倫敦 真的? | Go to London! |
快點,到她家門口,給她驚喜 別把她拱手讓人 | Really?Surprise her. Don't let her go without a fight. |
好,就這麼決定 我要去倫敦爭取她 | All right. I'm going to do it.{I'm going to London,and I'll fight for her.\r} |
好,加油 | Okay. Good luck! |
羅斯,你到了機場 能不能幫我買特大三角巧克力 | Can you pick me up one of those Toblerone bars at the airport? |
我想到了! 我想到賺錢的路子了 | I did it! I figured out a way to make money. |
我要開按摩院,找弗蘭克幫忙 | I'll open a massage place. Frank will help me. |
配合他的時間,他就不必休學 | We'll work it around his schedule,so he doesn't have to quit school. |
好主意,但你哪來的錢? | But how can you afford it? |
我們走在路上 看見你們辦宴會的小巴 | We were walking down the street,and we saw your van. |
就想到… 我要說啦 | -And we realized -I'm telling it! |
人們需要交通工具 也需要按摩放鬆 | People need transportation,and they need massages to relax. |
我們可以結合兩者 我按摩,弗蘭克開車 | We can combine the two. I give massages and Frank drives. |
我可以在小巴里裝個桌子 結果就是什麼? | I'll bolt a table in the van,and you know what I've got? |
有進無出的死亡小巴? | A place that no one will get out of alive? |
不是,你們想嘛 就是給想放鬆的人搭的計程車 | Think about it. It's a taxi that people take when they need to relax. |
叫做輕鬆計程車 | It's a Relaxi-Taxi! |
我最想講的就是名字 | The name was my favorite part! |
是我想出來的 你亂講 | -I came up with it. -You did not! |
你想的是輕鬆之行 一點也不好 | You came up with Relaxi-Cab. That's not good. |
天哪!你在英國嗎? 艾蜜莉驚喜嗎? | Oh,my god! Are you in England? Was Emily surprised? |
不,因為她還沒回家 | No,she hasn't come home yet. |
她整晚都沒回家 顯然是跟另一個人在一起 | She hasn't been home all night. She must be with the other guy. |
我則是在這裡守夜的白癡 | I'm the stupid moron who spent the night here. |
什麼聲音? 我又槌牆了,告訴錢德和喬伊 | -What was that? -I just put my fist through another wall.Tell the guys. |
下一班飛機是幾點? 大約4小時後 | When is the next flight out? |
再等一下 如果她還不出現就回來 | About four hours.Stay there for a while. If she doesn't show up,come home. |
我剛想到 我們餐廳有個女生很適合你 | There's a girl at the restaurant that would be perfect for you. |
告訴他輕鬆計程車的事 | Tell him about Relaxi-Taxi. |
問他是不是比輕鬆之行好 | Ask him if he likes it better than Relaxi-Cab. |
不是輕鬆之行,是輕鬆車行 就像計程車行 | It's not Relaxi-Cab. It's Relaxi-Cab. Like Taxi-Cab. |
這個比較好 | That is better. |
你有8嗎? 沒有 | Do you have any 8's?No. |
這裡是倫敦嗎? | Are we in London? |
你怎麼在這裡?你不能在這裡 | Why are you here? You can't be here. |
我有話要對羅斯說 | I've come to talk to Ross. |
怎麼了? | What? |
沒事 | Nothing. |
我本來想打給他… 你來說你愛他,我就知道 | I was going to call him…You came to tell him you love him. I knew it! |
我是對的!我是對的吧? | I was right! I'm right,right? |
我只想跟他談 | I'd rather talk to him. |
我去過他家,他不在 | I've been to his apartment and he's not there. |
我得跟他談談 你們知道他在哪裡嗎? | I need to talk to him. Do you know where he is? |
羅斯,你在嗎? | Ross,are you there? |
我不曉得你聽不聽得見 不過我就說了 | Ross,I don't know if you hear this,but I'll talk anyway. |
我在美國 跟你的妹妹朋友在一起 | I'm in the States with your sister and friends. |
我跟柯林分手了 | It's all over with Colin. |
我來告訴你這件事,還有… | I came here to tell you that and to tell you |
喬伊,你想要巧克力就拿吧 | Yes,Joey,you can have all the chocolate you want. |
我來告訴你…我愛你 | I came here to tell you that I love you. |
我也愛你 我現在就打公共電話給你 | I love you too!I'll call you right now from the phone booth. |
你聽不見 | You can't hear me. |
真想知道你聽不聽得見 | I wish I knew if you'd heard me. |
我也許給了鄰居笑柄 | I suppose I've given my neighbors a good laugh. |
紐曼太太,如果你在聽 滾開,不關你的事 | Mrs. Newman,if you're listening,bugger off. None of your business. |
你八成聽不見 而且有電話進來了 | There's not much chance you did hear that.There's the call waiting... |
我得掛了…就這樣 | ...so I should go.Oh,well. |
羅斯,我愛你 | Ross,I love you. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我剛才去銀行 有個很辣的職員 | I was just at the bank. There was this really hot teller... |
她沒有找我去金庫做愛 | ...and she didn't ask me to do it with her in the vault. |
我也是 | Same thing happened to me. |
披薩外送小妹來 放下披薩收了錢就走了 | Pizza delivery girl comes over,gives me the pizza and leaves! |
沒說“你家好漂亮” “臥房一定很大吧?” | No "Nice apartment,bet the bedrooms are huge"? |
完全沒有 | Nothing! |
你知道嗎?我們得把A片關掉 你說得對 | You know what? We have to turn off the porn.I think you're right. |
準備好了嗎?一,二,三 | Ready?One,two,three. |
蠻好的 | That's kind of nice. |
有種解脫感 對 | That's kind of a relief. |
想不想看它還在不在? 想 | You want to see if we still have it? |
免費A片! 我們有免費A片! | -Free porn! -We have free porn! |
總共一,二,三 | There's one,two and three. |
天哪 太美了 | -Oh,my God. -That's so beautiful. |
我真不敢相信 我知道 | -Oh,man. -I can't believe it.I know. |
我最喜歡中間那個 | I like the middle one the best. |
放心,我不會告訴另外兩個 | Don't worry,I won't let the other two know. |
俗話說得沒錯 孕婦肚子像鼓 | It is true what they say:Pregnant bellies look like a drum. |
我已經腫到不能拿吉他 | I'm so pregnant that my guitar doesn't fit anymore. |
所以生產前我打算用鼓伴奏 聽起來超酷的 | So I'm going to play my songs on this drum.It sounds really cool! |
你們聽 | Listen,listen. |
臭臭貓,臭臭貓 他們喂你吃什麼? | Smelly cat,smelly cat,What are they feeding you? |
菲比,太棒了 | That sounds great! |
我知道!而且我才練了1小時 | I know! And I've only been playing for an hour. |
你怎麼來了? 我來請你幫個大忙 | -What are you doing here? -I came to ask you a big favor. |
別說你還想往我的子宮塞東西 | Don't tell me you want to keep more stuff in my uterus. |
不…是這樣的 | Okay. Now,see. |
我想幫女孩取名萊絲莉 | I want to name the girl baby Leslie. |
弗蘭克想叫其中一個男孩 小小弗蘭克 | And Frank wants to name one of the boy babies...Frank Jr.,Jr. |
那不就是弗蘭克三世? 說了我就有氣 | Wouldn't that be Frank lll?Don't get me started. |
既然有三個寶寶 我們又一人取了一個名字 | Anyway,since there are three babies...and we both got to put our names in |
我們想請你替另一個男孩命名 | ...we would be truly honored if you would name the other boy baby. |
好棒喔 | That's so nice! |
美洲獅 | Cougar. |
你想一下再說 | Think about it. |
本集播出:“瑞秋的新衣服” | The One with Rachel's New Dress |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
我有一件胸罩還在晾 | I left a bra drying in there. |
班會不會以為是你的 而心靈受創? | Will your son think it's yours and be traumatized? |
媽媽可以有老婆 爸爸就可以有胸罩 | Mommy can have a wife. Daddy can have a bra. |
該走了 不,那個鐘快了一點 | It's time to go.See,that clock's a little fast. |
我們還有17分鐘 | We still have 17 minutes. |
什麼事可以在17分鐘內 做兩次? | What can we do in 17 minutes...twice? |
野心真大 | Well,that's ambitious. |
別理它 是卡蘿帶你兒子來了 | You can ignore that.That's your son. |
等他長大一定會諒解 | Believe me,when he's older,he'll understand. |
羅斯 馬上來 | I'll be right there. |
艾蜜莉,這是卡蘿和蘇珊 | This is Carol and Susan. |
總算見到你了 我也是 | -It's so nice to finally meet you. -You too. |
蘇珊下星期要去倫敦拍廣告 對,我好興奮,我沒去過 | -Susan will be in London next week. -I've never been there. |
我陪你 太好了 | -I'll show you around. -Great! |
我還想看時裝秀,你有什麼建議? | Also,I was hoping to catch a show. Any suggestions? |
有很多都很棒…我陪你去 | There's tons of terrific stuff.I'll go with you. |
你們可真聊得來 | Look at you two bonding. |
去機場都快來不及了 | Making us late for the airport. |
你沒事吧? 他沒事 | Are you all right? |
他不喜歡我們處得來 | It's just us getting along is difficult for him... |
因為他不喜歡我 | ...because he doesn't like me. |
拜託,我…沒錯 | Come on. That's....It's true. |
沒人對打也會輸? | How did we lose? |
名字想好了嗎? | Do we have a baby name yet? |
還沒,好難喔 翻這本書也沒收穫 | No. It's so hard!I went through this book and found nothing. |
我想取個勇猛有自信…例如埃克森(美國最大的石油製品公司之一) | I want a name that's really strong and confident.You know? Like...Exxon! |
很適合姓瓦爾德斯的小孩(埃克森·瓦爾德斯號油輪) | It certainly worked for that Valdez kid. |
你要勇猛的名字? 綠巨人如何? | You want a strong name? How about The Hulk? |
綠巨人不太好 不過我喜歡什麼“人”的 | I'm not sure about Hulk,but I like a name starting with "The". |
想取好名字?就取喬伊 | You want a good name,go with Joey. |
喬伊是好朋友,好兄弟 | Joey's your pal,your buddy. |
人都在哪裡?都跟喬伊在一起 | Where is everybody? They're hanging out with Joey! |
要取喬伊,還不如取錢德 | If you're going to name him Joey,you should name him Chandler. |
錢德風趣、成熟,一旦瞭解他 | Chandler's funny,sophisticated,and very lovable... |
就會覺得他很可愛 | ...once you get to know him. |
喬伊也很可愛 | Joey's lovable too. |
重要的是當你需要喬伊 他就會出現 | But with Joey,if you need him,he'll be there. |
錢德也會出現,或許會慢一點 | Chandler will be there too. He might be a little late... |
不過他一定會出現 | ...but he'll be there. And he'll bring you cold soda... |
他還會帶冰汽水來 如果你找他是因為你很熱的話 | ...if what you need him for is that you're really hot. |
你覺得呢? | What do you say? |
跟心愛的人同名的想法很好 | I like the idea of naming him after someone I love. |
喬伊和錢德都是很棒的名字 | Joey and Chandler are both great names. |
但是我不… 或是就叫綠巨人好了 | All right,I don't.Maybe I'll just name him The Hulk. |
我不該提的 我想留給我小孩用 | I shouldn't have mentioned it. I wanted to name my kid that. |
要是你想跟約書亞上床 會穿哪一件? | If you hoped to sleep with Joshua,which one would you wear? |
我覺得幫別人挑性感睡衣很怪 | It creeps me out choosing other people's sex clothes. |
對不起,我太興奮了 我等了好幾個月 | I'm sorry. I'm just so excited.I've been waiting for months. |
我跑去染髮,換了床單 還幫他煮大餐 | I got my hair colored.I got new sheets. I'm making him a very fancy meal. |
我在煮什麼? | What am I making him,by the way? |
什錦沙拉,有羊酪、松子 | A frisee salad with goat cheese and pine nuts... |
菰米飯、烤蘆筍和鮭魚麵包丁 | ...wild rice,roasted asparagus and salmon en croute. |
我不是要做腓力牛排? | I thought I was making him filet mignon. |
本來是,但餐廳的鮭魚有剩 所以你決定煮鮭魚 | You decided to make salmon because you had some left over. |
然後你想到要是你抱怨 “你”就會罷煮 | Then you realized if you bitched,then you would stop cooking... |
你就得上烤馬鈴薯加健怡可樂 | ...and you would have to make your famous baked potato and Diet Coke. |
“我”煮菜時火氣真大 | I really get crabby when I cook. |
你何必這麼麻煩,他是個男人 | Why go through all this trouble? He's a guy. |
你上馬鈴薯 他還是會想跟你上床 | You'd serve the potato and he'd still want to have sex with you. |
那不是我的作風 | That is not how I operate. |
我們得換一種遊戲 | We've got to get a new game. |
艾蜜莉昨晚打電話來 | So Emily called last night. |
你現在才轉告我? | And now you're giving me the message? |
結果艾蜜莉愛死蘇珊了 | Turns out that Emily is just crazy about Susan. |
她們一起去看戲 | They're going to the theater together. |
她們一起吃晚飯 | They're going to dinner. |
她們一起去騎馬 | They're going horseback riding! |
蘇珊真會玩 | God,Susan is so fun! |
這個情節太熟悉了一點 | Look,this is just a little too familiar. |
我和卡蘿分手前整整半年 | For six months before Carol and I split up... |
我整天只聽到 “我朋友蘇珊好聰明” | ...all I heard was,"My friend Susan is so smart. |
“我朋友蘇珊好風趣” “我朋友蘇珊好棒” | My friend Susan is so funny. My friend Susan is so great." |
你覺得艾蜜莉和蘇珊 會擦出火花? | You think something could happen between Emily and Susan? |
她們一起上健身房耶 | Hey,they're going to the gym together! |
兩個女人…劈腿拉筋 | Two women...stretching! |
她們洗蒸汽浴,開始互相逗弄 你們沒看過《個人最佳》嗎? | They take a steam,things get playful. Didn't you see Personal Best? |
沒,但我一定要看 | No,but I'm gonna! |
先生,你瘋了 | Hi! You're crazy. |
她是艾蜜莉 艾蜜莉是異性戀 | Emily is straight. |
你怎麼知道? 我們原先也以為卡蘿是異性戀 | How do you know? We thought Carol was straight. |
我肯定不喜歡羅斯這個名字 | Yeah,definitely. I don't like the name Ross. |
你落井下石的方式還真怪 | What a weird way to kick me when I'm down! |
我是說寶寶的名字 | No,I meant for the baby. |
羅斯有什麼不好? | What's wrong with Ross? |
綠巨人就不會遇上這種事 | Something like this would never happen to The Hulk,you know. |
誰說的 | That's not true. |
“綠巨人”第72集裡 布魯斯班納博士發現… | In The Incredible Hulk,number 72,Dr. Bruce Banner found.... |
不重要,我女朋友是同性戀 | You know....Never mind. My girlfriend's a lesbian. |
我決定不是喬伊就是錢德 | I'm definitely going to go with either Joey or Chandler. |
你一定要選喬伊 有哪個名人叫錢德? | You gotta pick Joey!Name one famous person named Chandler. |
雷蒙錢德(著名冷硬派推理小說作家) | Raymond Chandler. |
你捏造的人不算 | Someone you didn't make up. |
喬伊才沒有名人,除了… 喬伊巴塔富寇(一個二流演員) | There are no famous Joeys. Except for...Joey Buttafucco. |
他的確是我們的心頭之痛 | Yeah,that guy really hurt us. |
加起來除以二如何?例如… | How about a compromise then? What if it's... |
錢道伊? | ...Chan-no-ey? |
喬伊?你想嘛 他絕對當不上總統 | Joey? Think about it. He'll never be President. |
絕對不會出現喬伊總統 | There will never be a President Joey. |
聽著,我本來不想提的 | I didn't want to bring this up. |
但錢德是我聽過最蠢的名字 | Chandler is the stupidest name I've heard in my life! |
它根本不是名字 連個詞都不是 | It's not a name! It's barely even a word. |
它有點接近chandelier(吊燈),但又不是 | It's like chandelier but it's not! |
再配上“賓”就更別提了 | Then,you put it together with Bing and forget about it. |
它是個蠢到爆的非名字 | It's a stupid,stupid,non-name! |
天哪 你說得對,我的名字爛透了 | You're right. I have a horrible,horrible name. |
對不起,我不是…對不起 | I'm sorry,man. I'm sorry. |
所以就是喬伊了 | So I guess it's Joey then. |
真好,謝謝你這麼費心 | This is so nice. Thank you for doing this. |
別客氣,烹飪能舒緩我的心 | Please! Cooking soothes me. |
吃吧 好 | So dig in! |
看起來都好好吃 | It all looks so good. |
天哪 | Oh,my God. |
我知道,天哪,這個飯好… 我的手藝真好 | I know. My God,this rice is so I am so good! |
你後面 | Behind you. |
沒事,它們以前住這裡 有時會遷徙回來 | They used to live here,and sometimes they migrate back over. |
能不能讓它們不要在這裡 我最怕家禽了 | Is there some way that they could not be here?Farm birds really kind of freak me out! |
出去 | Here we go. |
出去 | There you go! |
你們怎麼會敲門?進來 | Hey! How'd you do that? |
都走了 | All gone. |
家禽是吧? | So,farm birds,huh? |
我只有這個怪癖,我發誓 | It's my only weird thing,I swear. |
我不知道會有雞鴨 否則我會告訴你 | I would have told you. I didn't know that they'd be here. |
要不要來點…怎麼了? | Can I serve you a little…What? |
沒事,只是我知道它們還在 | Nothing.It's just that I know that they're still out there. |
它們在對門,隔著兩道牆 | They're across the hall. That's two doors away. |
它們得啄很久才能把牆啄穿 | It'll take them a long time to peck their way back over here. |
一點也不好笑 | That's not funny. |
那要不要換個地方? 我們可以把東西打包去你家 | Would you feel better if we went someplace else?We could pack this stuff up and go to your apartment. |
我家正在裝修,一團混亂 | They're working on it. It's a mess. |
不過我們可以去我父母家 | I'm staying at my parents' house. We could go there. |
你父母家? 對,他們出國了 | They're out of town. |
那裡地方很大,視野很棒 會很浪漫 | It's a huge place,and it's got this gorgeous view.It'd be very romantic. |
如何? 好啊 | -What do you say? -Yeah,that works. |
它們聞得出恐懼 | They can smell the fear. |
班好嗎? | How's Ben? |
我問他要不要吃東西 他說不要 | I asked if he wanted to eat. He said no. |
我問他要不要睡覺,他說不要 | I asked if he wanted to sleep. He said no. |
我問他想做什麼,他說不要 | I asked what he wanted to do. He said no. |
所以他在掃地 | So he's sweeping. |
有蘇珊的消息嗎? | Any word from Susan? |
她說她跟艾蜜莉玩得很開心 | She said she's having so much fun with Emily. |
對了,你有沒有想過 | By the by,did it ever occur to you that... |
她們或許太開心了一點? | ...maybe they might be having a little too much fun? |
什麼叫太開心? | What's too much fun? |
我們還是夫妻時 你和蘇珊的那種開心 | The kind of fun you and Susan had when we were married. |
天哪,你真會亂想 是嗎? | Oh,my God! You are so paranoid. |
是 是嗎? | Am l?Am l? |
艾蜜莉我不知道 但蘇珊和我的關係很穩定 | Susan is in a loving,committed relationship. |
卡蘿,我們也是 | Carol,so were we. |
你就想像一下 | Just imagine for a moment... |
蘇珊認識了別人 她們一拍即合 | ...that Susan meets someone,and they hit it off. |
她們從劇院回來 去酒吧喝個小酒 | They're coming back from the theater,and they stop at a pub for drinks. |
有說有笑 有人不經意的碰了另一個人 | They're laughing.Someone innocently touches someone else. |
有火花,感覺很新鮮,很刺激 | There's electricity.It's new. It's exciting. |
你敢說完全沒有可能出事? | Are you saying there isn't the slightest possibility...of something happening? |
或許有 天哪!聽你一說我才真的信了 | -Maybe. -Oh,my God!I didn't really believe it until you just said it! |
別的小朋友都不信 但那只鴨子真的推我 | None of the other kids believed me,but I swear that duck pushed me. |
這裡真豪華 | This place is fabulous! |
我帶你參觀,這是樓下的客廳 | This is the downstairs living room. |
有兩個客廳? | There's two living rooms? |
你一定靠這裡把到很多美女 | Growing up here,this place must have been a real babe magnet. |
應該會,但我父母剛搬來 | It would have been,but my parents just moved here. |
你可以靠這裡把到很多美女 | You should know this place is a real babe magnet. |
要親熱嗎? | Want to make out? |
這樣吧,我去把吃的冰起來 我們待會再吃 | Why don't I put the food in the fridge...and we can eat it later? |
聽起來不錯 | That sounds like a plan. |
哪裡可以讓我梳洗一下? | Is there a place that I could go freshen up? |
有,直走左邊第二個門 | Just down the hall and second door to your left. |
兒子 你們怎麼回來了? | -Hi,darling. -What are you doing here? |
我們提前結束行程 法國爛透了 | -We cut the trip short. -France sucks! |
情況有點特殊,我帶了人回來 | This may be a little weird,but I've got a date here. |
瞭解 我們拿了吃的就上樓不妨礙你 | Say no more.We'll grab some food,go upstairs and be out of your hair. |
那就好,所以你們沒去義大利 沒有,爛 | That'd be great. So you didn't get to ltaly?Yep. Sucks! |
你來了 | Hi,you! |
天哪 我知道,我不只會做菜 | Oh,my God!I know. I can do more than cook. |
我喜歡她,她似乎很聰明 | I like her. She seems smart. |
瑞秋,我爸媽 | Rachel,my parents. |
很高興認識你們 | So nice to meet you. |
約書亞 那5百元是給你買日用品的 | Joshua,that $500 was for groceries. |
什麼?這…不,你們誤會了 | What,this? Oh,no. That's not what it is. |
我在時裝界工作 | Okay,I work in fashion. |
這是正式的洋裝 米蘭正在流行 | And this is a real dress,actually.They're wearing it in Milan. |
我也必須試穿衣服 觀察一般人的反應 | Part of my job is to wear the clothes and see how people respond. |
然後回報給布魯明戴爾的上司 | Then I report back to my superiors at Bloomingdale's. |
這次我顯然得回報說 | Obviously,in this case...I am going to report back: |
“美國,還沒準備好” | "U.S.A. not ready." |
洛杉磯或許可以 | Maybe in L.A. |
也對 有道理 | There you go! |
你們吃過飯了嗎? | Have you kids eaten yet? |
我們想等事後…不是 | We were going to do that after. |
正要吃 | I mean,next. |
我們餓死了 大家一起出去吃吧 | Why don't we all get something to eat? |
也好 穿著它窩在家裡太可惜了 | No use wasting this baby just lying around the house. |
所以我們去吃飯,你就穿那樣 | So we'll go eat.You'll wear that. |
你就穿那樣吃飯 | We'll be eating and,of course,you'll be wearing that. |
我為我說的話道歉 | I am sorry about what I said. |
不,你說得對 這個名字太可笑了 | Nope,you're right. It is a ridiculous name! |
也沒那麼糟 當然有 | It's not bad.Yes,it is! |
從此以後,我沒有名字 | From now on,I have no first name. |
你就叫賓? | You're just Bing? |
我無名無姓 | I have no name. |
那我們要叫你什麼? | So what are we supposed to call you? |
好,你們就暫時叫我… | Okay,for now,temporarily,you can call me... |
克林 | ...Clint. |
你不夠酷 | No way are you cool enough to pull off "Clint." |
那我可以叫什麼? | What name am l cool enough to pull off? |
吉恩 | Gene. |
克林,就是克林 | It's Clint.It's Clint! |
吉恩,再見 | Bye,Gene. |
是克林,克林 | It's Clint! |
吉恩有什麼不好? | What's up with Gene? |
你穿你的睡衣去吃飯? 沒錯 | You wore your nightie to dinner? |
最精彩的是 我背後被服務生潑到水時 | The best part was when the waiter spilled water down my back. |
我一跳,咪咪彈了出來 | I jumped up and my boob popped out. |
好慘 沒關係,我的胸型很漂亮 | It's all right. I got nice boobs. |
我剛收到艾蜜莉的留言 | I just picked up a message from Emily. |
她和蘇珊要一起去讀詩會 | She and Susan are going to a poetry reading together. |
所以呢? 所以呢?詩耶? | -So? -So?Poetry? |
蘇珊是同志…她們志同道合 | Susan's gay.They're being gay together! |
艾蜜莉是異性戀 你醒醒吧 | Emily's straight.Oh,wake up! |
卡蘿真的把你害慘了 你說什麼? | Carol really messed you up. |
她害你變成不信任別人 瘋瘋癲癲愛吃醋的誹謗者 | Excuse me?She turned you into this untrusting,crazy,jealous...sycophant! |
我不知道誹謗者是什麼 但其他都沒說錯 | So I don't know what "sycophant" means,but the rest is right. |
我哪有瘋瘋癲癲愛吃醋 | What are you talking about? I am not a crazy,jealous person. |
什麼? 她說得沒錯 | She's right. |
以前你老愛吃馬克的醋 其實根本沒事 | When we were together,you got upset about Mark,and there was nothing. |
太有道理了 才怪 | This makes sense.It does not! |
當然有道理 | Sure it does |
高中時你每個女友都不忠 你也沒吃過醋 | In high school,you weren't jealous at all...even though all your girlfriends cheated on you. |
一直到92、93年 他都很信任別人 | So up until '92,'93,he was very trusting. |
然後94年來臨,卡蘿離開他 砰!紐約鬼影幢幢 | Then '94 hit,Carol left him,and bam! Paranoid City! |
就是這樣 好好玩喔 | Absolutely!This is so fun! |
一點也不好玩 | This is not fun! |
我們只想說別讓你和卡蘿的事 破壞你和艾蜜莉的感情 | All we're trying to say is...don't let what happened with Carol ruin what you've got with Emily. |
92年的羅斯就不會 | The '92 Ross wouldn't. |
我還是覺得馬克一定有問題 | I still think I was right about that Mark thing. |
什麼?你知道嗎? 我希望艾蜜莉是同志 | Well,you know what? I hope Emily is a lesbian. |
擊鼓 | Drumroll. |
好… | All right. |
幫個忙:我是馬克還是約翰? | Help!Am I a Mark or a John? |
你當馬克不夠高 | You're not tall enough to be a Mark. |
你或許可以當個好巴尼 | But you might make a good Barney. |
我是認真的 明天3點半我就要上法院 | Look,I am serious.Tomorrow at 3:30,I'm going to the courthouse. |
你真的要改名? | You're going through with this? |
這個名字拖累了我一輩子 | This name has held me back my entire life. |
害我被其他小朋友找碴 女人運很差 | It's why kids picked on me and why I never do well with women. |
明天4點起我不是馬克約翰森 就是約翰馬克森 | So tomorrow,I'll either be Mark Johnson or John Markson. |
你的問題在於你,與名字無關 | You've got problems because of you,not your name! |
別再鬧了,錢德這個名字很棒 | This has got to stop! Chandler is a great name. |
事實上…好 | In fact.... |
對不起 我知道你希望寶寶叫喬伊 | I'm sorry,I know you wanted me to name the baby Joey. |
但我要…我要讓他叫錢德 | I'm going to name the baby Chandler. |
真的? 對,但你也得保留這個名字 | Really?But you have to keep the name too. |
好,謝了 | Okay,thanks! |
要不要抱一下? 好 | You want to hug it out? |
我現在就去告訴弗蘭克他們 | I'm going to go tell Frank and Alice right now! |
菲比再見 再見 | Bye,Pheebs! |
很棒的行李箱 我正要說 | -Nice luggage. -I was going to say. |
我好想你 我也是 | I missed you too. |
謝謝你,我玩得很開心 我也是 | -Thanks,I had a great time. -So did l. |
不是舌吻 | No tongue. |
美…好…的…早晨又來到 | Morning's here The morning's here |
陽光露臉,晴空萬裡 | Sunshine is here The sky is clear The morning's here |
美好的早晨又來到 | The morning's here |
你一定要唱嗎?今天是星期六 | Do you have to do that? It's Saturday! |
別這樣嘛,早晨來到了 | Oh,come on!Morning's here! |
我恨這層公寓 | I hate this apartment! |
我恨牆壁的顏色 我恨這裡還是有雞鴨的味道 | I hate this wall color! I hate that it still smells like bird! |
我恨那個唱歌的人 | I hate that singing guy! |
不會吧,我好喜歡他 | Are you kidding? I love that guy! |
美好的早晨又來到… | Morning's here |
閉嘴 | Stop it! |
小心我宰了你 | I will kill you. |
我恨我的房間那麼小 | I hate that my room is so small. |
我就覺得空間夠用,學學我吧 | I have all the space I need. Do what I did. |
你連床都沒有 睡在地板上 | You don't even have a bed. You sleep in a ball on the floor! |
你別再嘮叨了 我很努力的把這裡佈置舒適 | I am tired of your bellyaching.I've worked hard to make this a nice place for us. |
我知道,對不起 沒關係 | I know. I'm so sorry.I'm sorry,okay? |
看吧,這裡很好 | It's a great apartment! |
閉嘴,這裡爛死了 | Shut up! This place is a hole! |
本集播出:“閃電決定” | The One with All the Haste |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
我還是不敢相信你穿了耳洞 | I still can't believe you've got an earring! |
我知道 我是誰?大衛鮑伊(電影演員)? | I know,I know. Who am l? David Bowie? |
他會那樣嗎? | He does that? |
不曉得,隨便 | I don't know. Whatever. |
你這樣看起來好危險 | I think it makes you look really dangerous. |
我知道 | Oh,I know. |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
要不是你,我永遠不會穿耳洞 | I never would've gotten this if it weren't for you. |
真的,跟你在一起時 | When I'm with you,I'm like... |
我就變了一個人 | this whole other guy. |
我愛那個人 | I love that guy! |
我也很愛你 | I mean,I love you too. A lot. |
不過那個人…我愛那個人 | But that guy!I love that guy |
我愛你們兩個 | I love both of you. |
我好不想走 | I wish I didn't have to go. |
那就別走, | Then don't. |
留下來 別急著回倫敦,再留1天就好 | Stay here. Don't go so soon to London.Just one more day. |
羅斯,別再引誘我了 | Please don't do this to me again. |
我也想 但我請了那麼多假,會被開除 | I'd stay,but I've already missed so much work. They'll fire me. |
那你就可以盡情留下來了 | So? Then you could stay as long as you want. |
我也很想 | I wish I could. |
不要,不要打包,拜託啦 | Oh,no. Don't start packing.Come on! |
我想你不懂什麼叫打包 | I don't think you understand packing. |
我不想拖到最後一刻 上次我把球鞋忘在這裡 | I don't want to leave it till last. Last time,I left my knickers here. |
我知道,我有偷穿 | Yeah,I know. I tried them on. |
不會吧 | You didn't! |
騙你的,我不想學另一個我 | No,I didn't. I didn't want to be "that guy." |
什麼? 你的褲子 | Excuse me?Your pants. |
喔對,你喜歡嗎? | Oh yeah! You like them? |
我去二手衣店買孕婦裝 | I went to a used-clothes store and got maternity stuff. |
這條褲子好舒服 | These are so comfortable. |
菲比,那是聖誕褲 | Pheebs,those are Santa pants. |
什麼? 聖誕褲 | Santa pants. |
聖誕老人的褲子 | Santa Claus' pants. |
才不是,這是孕婦褲 | No. They're maternity pants. |
你看,還附贈寶寶姓名表 | They even came with a list of baby names. See? |
這些名字好,這些名字不好 | These names are good,and these are bad. |
菲比,馴鹿都好嗎? | Hey,Phoebes.So,how are the elves? |
我不知道,那你…那個… | I don't know. How are the...you know? |
你的衣服不好玩 | Your clothes aren't funny. |
我該穿什麼去看尼克隊比賽? | What should I wear to a Knicks game? |
上面印有 “我不看籃球”的衣服? | A T-shirt that says,"l Don't Belong Here"? |
你們有票? | You have tickets? |
媽離婚時分到爸的季票 就送給我了 | Mom got Dad's season tickets in the divorce,so she gave them to me. |
位子顯然很好 | Apparently,they're good seats. |
天哪,幾乎就在場邊 我可以把履歷表塞給伍迪艾倫(著名導演) | Oh,my God! Those are almost on the floor!I could slip Woody Allen my resume. |
你們想要嗎? | Do you guys want these? |
廢話 | Yeah,we do! |
那就給你們 謝謝 | Well,you got them! |
只要把這裡還給我們 | Just give us our apartment back. |
想不到有這一招 | Oh,I didn't see that coming. |
你是說真的? | Are you serious? |
我們知道這些票的價值 | Come on. We know what these are worth. |
你們以為我們是白癡嗎? | Do you think we're stupid? |
不是白癡,是很惡劣 | Not stupid. You're meaner than I thought. |
如何? | What do you say? |
想都別想,我才不會為了球票 放棄我的單身公寓 | Forget it. I'm not giving up my bachelor pad for basketball seats. |
你的單身公寓? 你帶女生回來過嗎? | Your "bachelor pad"?Have you even had a girl here? |
沒有 | No. |
但是喬伊有 我早上都會跟她們聊天 | But Joey has,and I usually talk to them in the morning. |
沒錯 | Yeah,you do! |
拜託啦 | Come on! |
甘瑟,請給我兩杯卡布奇諾 | Gunther,can I get two cups of chino,please? |
很有趣 | Good one. |
季票耶!你知道那代表什麼? | Come on. Season tickets!Season tickets! You know what that means? |
別想了,我絕不讓出那層公寓 | I'm not giving up the apartment. |
小時候我爸的公司都會送季票 給業績第一的業務員 | When I was a kid,my dad's company gave season tickets... |
我爸從來沒拿到過 | ...to the No. 1 salesman every year. My dad never won. |
不過他也不在業務部 但我還是一直耿耿於懷 | Of course,he wasn't in sales. But still,I never forgot that! |
你們在啊 | Hey guys! |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我們笑你笑得還不夠嗎? | We don't make enough fun of you already? |
艾蜜莉說服我去穿的 | Oh,yeah. Emily convinced me to do it. |
你知道威猛樂隊解散了吧? | You do know that Wham broke up? |
我喜歡,艾蜜莉喜歡 這樣最重要 | I like it. Emily likes it. That's what counts. |
你們好嗎? | So,how are you guys doing? |
別戴了耳環還裝正常 | Don't try and talk all normal with that thing in your ear. |
艾蜜莉呢? 去跟她舅舅道別 | Where's Emily?She's saying goodbye to her uncle. |
她不是才剛來? 就是嘛 | Didn't she,like,just get here? |
別激動,老虎 | Easy,tiger. |
我好討厭這樣 | I just hate this so much. |
每次去機場接她,我都好開心 | Every time I go pick her up at the airport,it's so great. |
但是我又會想 “過兩天又要送她來機場了” | But I'm thinking,"I'll be right back in a couple of days,dropping her off." |
那你要怎麼辦? 不怎麼辦 | -So what'll you do? -There's nothing to do. |
她住在那裡,我住在這裡 她得搬來這裡 | She lives there. I live here.She'd have to move here. |
她應該搬來這裡 | She should move here. |
什麼? 我可以叫她跟我住 | What?-I can ask her to live with me. |
你說真的嗎? 為什麼不行? | -Are you serious?-I mean,why not? |
你才認識她6星期 | -You've only known her six weeks! |
我冰箱裡有盒牛奶放得還更久 | I've got a carton of milk in my fridge I've had a longer relationship with. |
我跟她在一起時 她會激發出我好的一面 | Look,guys,when I'm with her,it's like....She brings out this great side of me. |
我愛她 | I mean,I love her,you know? |
我也愛那盒牛奶 | And I love the milk! |
但我不會要一個英國女生 跟我同居 | But I won't ask some British girl to move in with me. |
喬伊,該你說了 | Joey,you say things now. |
羅斯,他說得對,艾蜜莉很棒 她很棒 | Look,Ross. He's right. Emily's great.She's great! |
但這樣太快了,你只會嚇到她 | But this is too soon. You'll only scare her. |
我不想嚇到她 沒錯,別壞了好事,別太心急 | I don't want to do that.You don't want to wreck it. Don't go too fast. |
你們說得對,我不會這樣 | No. You're right. I know,you're right.I'm not going to do it. |
謝了,兩位 | -Thanks guys. -No problem. |
記得臨走時搖它兩下 (威猛樂隊的歌詞) | Just remember to wake us up before you go-go. |
太難了,太難了 | It's too hard. Too hard! |
兩位,最後的機會 | All right. Last chance for the tickets. |
否則我就送給我的新男友 約書亞 | Otherwise,I give them to my new boyfriend,Joshua. |
不用了 | No,thank you. |
等一下…拜託,跟她們換啦 | Wait,wait. Come on,come on! Let's trade. |
時機正好,我剛把馬桶堵住 | The timing's perfect! I just clogged the toilet! |
我跟你一樣想要球票 但住過這裡就覺得對面太小了 | I want those seats. But we can't live in the small apartment...after living here! |
你看過《獻給阿爾傑農的花》這本書沒有? | Ever read Flowers for Algernon? |
有 你看過《運動畫報》嗎? | Ever read Sports Illustrated? |
我沒看過你說的 | No,I didn't read yours! |
我們晚上就可以去看球 | We can go to the game tonight! |
她們提出比季票更好的東西 我才要考慮 | The only way I'll consider this is...if they offer more than just season seats. |
是尼克隊耶 去他的尼克隊 | -It's the Knicks! -Screw the Knicks! |
我不是那個意思 我是說這層公寓的價值要更大 | I didn't mean that. I just meant that..the apartment is worth so much more.. |
尼克隊萬歲 對,尼克隊萬歲 | And the Knicks rule.Yeah,the Knicks rule! |
怎樣?要不要? | So? Are you going to do it? |
不要,因為這個交易不公平 | No,we're not going to because it's not an even trade. |
好,聽著 | All right,look. |
要是你們能保住公寓 又拿到球票呢? | What if you could keep the apartment and the tickets? |
成交 | Done! |
讓我說完,我是說我們來賭 贏的人通殺 | Let me finish. I'm talking about a bet. Winner takes all. |
我們可能輸光光 或是通殺 | We could get nothing.Or everything. |
我喜歡 | I like that. |
怎麼樣? 不要 | What do you say? |
賭了啦 | Just do it! |
真有說服力啊 | Oh! I'm convinced! |
拜託啦,我也會為你這麼做 | Come on,man! You know I'd do it for you. |
因為你是我最好的朋友 | Because you're my best friend. |
好吧 但你1整年不准再用這招 | All right. But you can't use that again for a whole year. |
我賭了 | I'm in. |
好興奮喔,你們要賭什麼? | This is so exciting! What are you going to bet? |
就讓菲比決定 | We should let Phoebe decide... |
因為只有她沒有利害關係 而且她好美 | ...because she's the only one who's impartial,and she's so pretty. |
我知道了 | I have a game! |
很棒喔 比什麼? | -This is great! -What's the game? |
沒有名字 不,叫菲比球 | It doesn't have a name. No,okay. Phoebe Ball! |
不,沒有名字 | No,it doesn't have a name. |
莫妮卡 你最喜歡樹的哪一點? | What is your favorite thing about trees? |
樹是綠色的 很好,5分 | -They're green? -Good! Five points! |
喬伊,同樣的問題 | Same question. |
樹很高 3分 | -They're tall. -Three points! |
都答得很好 但我們說的是闊葉植物 | Both fine answers,but we were looking for leafy. Leafy. |
這根本不是比賽 | That's not even a game. |
閉嘴,我們領先 | Shut up. We're winning! |
你們想速戰速決?我們抽牌 點數大的贏,如何? | You want to finish this? We get a deck of cardsHigh card wins. What do you say?. |
好,就這麼辦 我剛好有牌 | -Let's do it! -Oh,I have cards! |
在這裡 | Yeah. Here. |
這是魔術牌 | No,these are the trick deck. |
這一副 | Here,yes. |
好,你們先抽 | Okay,you guys pick first. |
4點 夠少了 | -Four. -That's a low one! |
菲比,你看,我不敢看 | You look. I can't do it. |
為什麼我就敢看? | What makes you think I can? |
A | Ace! |
你們在爽什麼? 我們把這裡搶回來了 | Why are you hugging?We won our apartment back! |
什麼?A最大 J Q K A | What? Ace is high! Jack,queen,king,ace! |
不對,A最小,A234 | No! Ace is low! Ace,two,three,four! |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
你們看 | Look it! |
再抽一次 | Come on,pick again! |
我要公寓,我要公寓 | Come on,apartment! Come on,apartment! |
Q點數很大 | I know queen is high! |
但是大不過… | Not as high as.... |
成功了!K | It worked! King! |
再抽一次 | We pick again! We pick again! |
為什麼? 我不知道 | -Why? -I don't know. |
球票請拿來 | Tickets,please. |
場邊區喔 | Courtside,baby! |
很精彩的比賽 | Seriously,good game,though. Good game. |
她們氣什麼氣? 公寓都還給她們了 | What are they so mad about? They got the apartment back. |
沒有啦 | No,they didn't. |
趁你不在打包好了 | Packed while you were gone. |
我留了雙球鞋在枕頭底下 | I left knickers under your pillow. |
搬來跟我住 | Move in with me? |
什麼? | What? |
別怕,我知道聽起來很瘋狂 別人會說太快了 | Don't be scared. It sounds crazy,and people will say it's too soon... |
但是你想想,那樣多棒啊 | ...but just think. Think how great it would be. |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
要我離開倫敦… | Leaving London.... |
我的家人都在那裡 我知道 | My whole family lives there.... |
我的工作 你可以在這裡找工作 | -My job. -You'll get a job here. |
我常聽說美國人的工作 都被外國人搶走了 | I always hear about them foreigners stealing American jobs. |
你也可以 | That could be you. |
但事關我的人生 | Yeah,but it's my whole life. |
你來英國 | You come to England. |
我不行,我很願意 | I would. I really would. |
但我兒子在這裡 我離不開他 沒別的辦法了嗎? | But my son is here.I can't leave him. You don't think there's any way? |
我看是沒有了 | I don't think so. |
如果是長久的打算就不同了 | It would be different if it was way into the future... |
例如結婚什麼的 什麼? | ...and we were getting married.What? |
好,我不該提結婚的 別被我嚇到 | Right. I shouldn't have said "married." Please don't go freaky on me. |
我不是認真的 我沒說,我收回 | I didn't mean it. I take it back. |
不,不要收回 | No. Don't. |
何不就這麼做? | Why don't we? |
做什麼? | Why don't we what? |
結婚啊 | Get married. |
你瘋了 | You are mad! |
我沒有,這樣很完美 比你搬來住更棒 | No,I'm not! It's perfect. It's better than you moving here. |
我們可以永遠在一起 我就是要這樣 | It's us together forever,and that's what I want. |
我們才認識6星期 我知道,那又怎樣? | -We've known each other six weeks! -I know. |
誰說不行?這樣就不行嗎? | So what? Who's to say? Does that mean we can't do it? |
聽著,我跟卡蘿結婚前 在一起4年 | Look. I was with Carol for four years before we got married... |
最後跟一個懷孕的女同志離婚 | ...and I wound up divorced from a pregnant lesbian. |
這麼做…對我們是順理成章 | I mean,this....This makes sense for us. |
我們第一次約會 就跑去佛羅蒙特度週末 | Our first date,we ended up spending the whole weekend in Vermont. |
昨晚我還去穿耳洞,我耶 | I mean,last night I got my ear pierced. Me! |
這個感覺很對,不是嗎? | This feels right.Doesn't it? |
我爸媽會氣死 | My parents will be really mad. |
你答應了嗎?那是好嗎? | Are you saying,"Yes"? Is that "Yes"?Yes. |
我們要結婚了 天哪 | -We're getting married! -Oh,my God! |
我們要結婚了,天哪 | We're getting married! |
過來 | Come here,come here. |
艾蜜莉,你願意嫁給我嗎? | Emily,will you marry me? |
願意 | Yes |
有一點小 | It's a bit small. |
真是的,我還以為會很浪漫 | Damn! I thought that'd be romantic as hell. |
是很浪漫 | It was. |
真是史上最棒的位子 | Those were,like,the best seats ever! |
要不要把衣服送給女生 表示和解? | Should we give these to the girls? Like a peace offering? |
好主意,反正不用錢又太小 | That's very nice. Plus,they were free and too small. |
天哪 | Oh,God! |
你要喝酒嗎? | Hey,you want a beer? |
我知道 | I know! |
開門!開門 | Open up! Open up! Open up! |
明天早上再說 | We'll discuss it in the morning. |
這是怎麼回事? | What the hell is going on? |
我們把我們家搶回來了 | We took our apartment back! |
跟我無關 | I had nothing to do with it. |
好吧,是我的主意 但我並不好過 | Okay,it was my idea. But I don't feel good about it. |
我們現在就換回來 | We are switching back right now. |
不要,我們不走 | No,we're not. We're not leaving! |
你們非走不可,你們都有工作 | You'll have to. You both have jobs. |
等你們去上班,我們就換回來 | As soon as you do,we'll switch back! |
你們阻止不了的 對吧,喬伊? | - You can't stop us.Right,Joe? |
我不曉得 | -I don't know. |
什麼? | What? |
我不想再搬了 | I don't want to move again,with.... |
我不管,這是我們的公寓 她們偷了… | This is our apartment and they stole |
你們偷了! | You stole! |
我們的公寓 我們光明正大的贏了兩次 | Our apartment! We won it fair and square. Twice! |
我現在就要要回來 我現在就要要回來 | And I am getting it back right now! I'm getting it back right now! |
好,我們早料到會有這種反應 | All right.We figured you might respond this way, |
所以我們準備了備案 | so we have a backup offer. |
不要,你們搞不定我們的 | No more offers. You can't offer anything to us! |
讓我們留在這裡 為了表示感謝 | -Let us keep the apartment and -As a thank you... |
瑞秋和我會接吻1分鐘 | ...Rachel and I will kiss for one minute. |
完全值得 好爽的1分鐘 | -Totally worth it! -That was one good minute! |
晚安 晚安 | Good night. |
男人真是白癡 就是啊 | -Men are such idiots. -I know. |
那麼白癡的事 居然讓我們得逞了 | Can you believe something that stupid actually got us our apartment back? |
要是你們上次比完就這麼做 誰都不必搬家 | If you had just done that after the last contest...no one would have had to move at all. |
就裝做沒這回事 | Let's pretend that's not true. |
圍巾織好了 | Scarf's done. |
快點 好 | Come on,come on! |
怎麼了? 羅斯有大事要宣佈 | What's going on?Ross has some big thing to tell everyone. |
艾蜜莉和我決定…要結婚 | Emily and l,we decided...to get married. |
什麼? | What? |
你也懷孕了? | Oh,are you pregnant too? |
沒有 | No. |
什麼…怎麼… | When did How did you |
我們就是決定要結婚 | We just decided to go for it. |
這個決定是倉促了些,但是… 感覺真的很對 | We know it's a bit hasty...but it just feels so right. |
我正在告訴他們… 我聽到了 | I was just telling the guys Yeah,I heard. |
太好了 | I think it's great! |
我真替你高興 | I'm so happy for you! |
是啊,恭喜 | Well,yeah! Congratulations! |
你居然要結婚了 是啊 | I can't believe you're getting married! |
莫妮卡和瑞秋親熱 | Monica and Rachel made out. |
美…好…的…早晨又來到 | Morning's here The morning's here |
陽光露臉,晴空萬裡 | Sunshine is here The sky is clear |
美好的早晨 | The morning's here |
你回來了 準備就緒 | -Hey,you're back! -Hey,get into gear |
早餐就快上桌 夜晚的黑暗一掃而空 | Breakfast is near The dark of night has disappeared |
我們明天見 好 | I'll see you tomorrow morning! |
沒搞錯吧? | Are you kidding me? |
喬伊?喬伊?喬伊… | Joey? |
喬伊,喬伊…喬伊! | Joey |
我吵醒你了? | Did I wake you? |
本集播出:“婚紗” | The One with All the Wedding Dresses |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
(中央咖啡館) | |
甘瑟,再給我一杯咖啡 | Gunther,could I get another cup of coffee? |
你不賣咖啡時都做什麼? | So what do you do when you're not working here? |
你不必找話講 好,謝了 | -You don't need to fill these silences. -Okay,thanks. |
錢德,你喝第四杯了 | That's your fourth cup of coffee. |
來算我的 我喝了一定份量的果汁 | Okay,do me. I've had a certain number of juices. |
我拼命喝咖啡,因為我累死了 因為喬伊開始打呼 | I'm exhausted because Joey started snoring. |
他睡在隔壁,有那麼大聲嗎? | He's in a different room. He's that loud? |
你應該來聽聽 | You should hear me. |
你還得意,你得去睡眠診所 | It's nothing to be proud of. Go to a sleep clinic. |
我說過,我哪裡都不去 | I'm not going to any clinic. |
我沒問題,是你有問題 | I don't have a problem. You have the problem. |
你該去“別幼稚了別管我”診所 | You should go to a "Quit-being- a-baby-and-leave-me-alone" clinic. |
沒有那種診所 | -They don't have those. |
當然有,別幼稚了別管我 | -Yeah,they do.Quit being a baby and leave me alone! |
這就是第一課 | There,you just had your first class. |
我跟一個淺睡眠的人交往過 | I used to date a light sleeper. |
每次我打呼,他就把我翻過去 | Whenever I snored,he rolled me over |
爽喔 | Oh,yeah! |
他就幫我翻身,打呼就會停 | He'd roll me over,and I'd stop snoring. |
下次你打呼,我要把你翻過去 | Next time you snore,I'm rolling you over! |
我忙我的,你玩你的 | I gotta do what I gotta do. You gotta do what you gotta do. |
嗨 | Hey,guys. |
奧運主題曲 | Oh,the Olympics! |
大喜之日定了嗎? 還沒 | -Have you picked a date? -No. Not yet. |
我還是不敢相信你訂婚了 | I still cannot believe you're engaged. |
因為太快了 我不是說你沒行情 | Because it's so fast. Not because you're a loser. |
謝謝,有人看到瑞秋嗎? | Thanks. Has anyone seen Rach? |
她在樓上“沒有”洗碗 | She's upstairs not doing the dishes. |
這次我絕不妥協 就算碗盤堆到長了… | I won't do them this time. Even if they sit there until.... |
我回家就洗 | I'll do them when I get home. |
對了 艾蜜莉在倫敦看中一件婚紗 | Emily found this wedding dress in London |
這麼快? 對,但尺寸不合 | -Already? -But it didn't fit. |
這裡有家店還有一件她的尺碼 | There's a store here with one left in her size. |
但新郞不能看到… | But the groom can't see |
我去幫你拿 謝謝 | -I'll pick it up for you. -Thanks. |
她讓你跑腿,幫她拿婚紗 | She's got you running errands,picking up wedding dresses.... |
嘩啪! | Wah-pah! |
什麼是嘩啪? | What's wah-pah? |
鞭打啊,嘩啪! | You know. Whipped.Wah-pah! |
那才不是鞭打 鞭打是呼..一! | That's not whipped.Whipped is.... |
這是我的做法,嘩啪! | That's what I did. |
你什麼都不會 | You can't do anything! |
莫妮卡,我正在洗碗 | Hey,Mon. I was just doing these dishes. |
你有空嗎? 有,反正我正打算歇一會兒 | Do you have a minute?I was just about to take a break anyway. |
是這樣的… | So listen... |
艾蜜莉和我決定結婚後 我們還沒有機會談過 | ...I know we haven't had a chance to talk...since Emily and l decided to get married. |
我想知道你好不好 | And I was just wondering how you were. |
如果是你要結婚 我會覺得有點… | If you were getting married,I would feel kind of.... |
你懂嗎? 懂 | You know? |
我的確嚇了一跳,不過… | It definitely took me by surprise. But,you know... |
我很好 | ...I'm okay. |
我只是想問一下 你真好,謝謝 | I just wanted to check.That's sweet. Thank you. |
你真好 | You're great. |
有一天你也會有這樣的機會的 | And I know someday this will happen for you too. |
撐著點 | You just hang in there. |
撐著點? | "Hang in there"? |
我的意思不是… | No,I didn't mean.... |
你沒聽過一段認真的戀情 叫“我與約書亞”嗎? | You haven't heard of a serious relationship called "me and Joshua"? |
你們不是才約會四次 我不知道你們開始認真了 | I thought you had just been on four dates.I didn't realize that had become anything. |
我知道,我們是認真了 | Oh no,it has become. |
那四次約會棒到不行 | Oh no,those were four great dates. |
我們好契合 | I mean,and the connection! |
情感上,心靈上… | Emotionally,mentally. You know? |
肉體上 | Physically. |
太好了 可不是嗎? | -That's incredible. -I know,isn't it? |
我跟約書亞在一起 你跟艾蜜莉在一起 | I'm right there with Joshua. You are right there with Emily. |
就像…大家平手 | And it's kind of like it's a tie. |
我得繼續洗碗了 我得回去上班了 | I gotta get back to my dishes.I gotta get to work. |
有個做法會讓我很開心 什麼做法? | You know what would make me happy?You know,what's that? |
就是我們四個聚一聚 | If the four of us could all,you know,hang out together. |
艾蜜莉週末要來 要不要星期天一起吃飯? | Emily's coming into town this weekend.Why don't we all have dinner Sunday night? |
太好了 是嗎? | That would be great! |
那就這麼說定了 | All right. It's a date! |
撐著點,你才撐著點 | "Hang in there." You hang in there. |
你說什麼? 沒有,我在唱歌 | -Did you say something? -No,just singing. |
(貝翠絲婚紗廣場) | |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
你看這一件,好美喔 | Look at this one!It's so beautiful. |
這裡有一半最後會離婚 | About half of these will end up getting divorced. |
有什麼事嗎? | May I help you ladies? |
我來拿請你們保留的婚紗 姓名呢? | I'm here to pick up a dress on hold.What's the name? |
艾蜜莉華森 有,已經準備好了 | -Emily Waltham. -Yes,I have it right here. |
你要試穿嗎,華森小姐? | Would you like to try it on,Miss Waltham? |
好 | Okey |
你是我見過最美的新娘 | You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. |
可不是嗎? | I am,aren't l? |
華森小姐 | Miss Waltham? |
是? 我們要關門了 | We're closing. |
好 | All right. |
請把戒指還給我 | And could I get my ring back? |
兄弟,該翻身了 | All right,buddy. Time to roll over. |
你一定要去醫院 你要去醫院… | You are going to a clinic! You're going to a clinic! |
還有睡衣店 | And a pajama store! |
她有用杯子嗎?有,她有用 | Does she use the cups?Yes,I believe she does. |
她有用盤子嗎?有,她有用 | Does she use the plates? Yes,I believe she does! |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
謝謝你 | Thank you very much. |
謝謝你來 | Thank you for coming. |
等一下 不行,讓我進去 | -Just a second. -No,no! Let me in! |
菲比? 對 | Phoebe?Yes |
等一下好嗎? | Can you hold on a minute? |
不行,現在就讓我進去 | No! You have to let me in right now! |
只有你嗎? 對 | Are you alone? |
好吧 | All right. |
討厭 我不知道就醫前一晚不能睡 | This sucks.I have to stay up all night before I go to the stupid clinic. |
我好累 | I'm so tired. |
現在才6點 | It's six o'clock. |
聽說你和約書亞 要和羅斯他們吃飯 | I hear you and Joshua are going out with Ross and Emily. |
這麼做很有風度 | I think that's really cool. |
是啊,你處理得很好 | I think you're handling that really well. |
處理?沒什麼好處理的 | "Handling it"?There's nothing to handle. |
如果沒有約書亞 我或許會無法接受 | Maybe I'd have a problem with this if it wasn't for me and Joshua. |
反正他們也結不成婚 | They're not going to get married anyway. |
什麼? 拜託,他們太急太可笑了 | They rushed into this thing so fast,it's ridiculous! |
他們會先訂婚個1年 | They'll be engaged for like what? A year? |
總會有人想通取消婚約 | One of them will realize what they've done...and call it off. |
你們會先在我的婚禮上跳舞 | You'll be dancing at my wedding before you dance at theirs. |
我參加婚禮從不跳舞 | You know,I don't dance at weddings. |
為什麼? 婚禮是認識女生的好地方 | Why not?Weddings are a great place to meet women. |
而我跳舞是這副德性 | When I dance,I look like this. |
嘿,男人 | Hey,man. |
4星期後的今天你們有事嗎? | What are you doing four weeks from today? |
沒事 沒事 | -Nothing. -Nothing. |
我… | I am... |
有空 | ...free. |
太好了,我們1個月後要結婚 | Because we're getting married in a month. |
什麼? 沒錯 | -What? -Yes. |
1個月後? 對 | In a month? |
你是說30天后? 對 | -You mean 30 days? -Yeah. |
從今天算起? 對 | From now? |
太棒了 | That's great! |
她一直想跟她父母 在同一個地方結婚 | She always wanted to get married where her parents did... |
但那裡要拆了,所以… | ...but it's getting torn down. |
我知道很瘋狂 但從頭到尾都很瘋狂 | I know it's crazy,but everything's been so crazy... |
感覺就是很對 | ...and it just feels right. |
那是我經期的第二天 | Hey,that's the day after I start menstruating! |
這不是我的 | This isn't mine. |
瑞秋 | -Hey,Rachel. -Hi. |
你好嗎? | What's up? |
你電話裡的聲音好尖 | Your voice sounded all squeaky on the phone. |
沒事,我只是想見你 | Nothing. I just wanted to see you. |
見你,抱你 | See you and hug you. |
見你 真好 | See you....Great! |
坐 | Sit. |
你還好嗎? | You okay? |
好得不得了,我非常非常高興 | I'm more than okay. I am really,really happy. |
你想知道為什麼嗎? | Want to know why? |
我想嗎? | Do l? |
因為我對我們的關係很滿意 | Because I am really happy about us. |
我覺得我們進展得很好 | I think we are so on the right track. |
我們很順利,我們很合 | I think we are working. I think we are clicking. |
你懂嗎? 當然,我們很合 | -You know? -Yeah,sure,sure.We're clicking. |
如果說有什麼小缺憾需要加強 | If there was just one little area where...I think we need to work on,I would think |
應該就是我們不夠瘋狂 | ...it's that we're just not crazy enough. |
老實說,我不太同意 | I got to say,I'm not too sure I agree with that. |
你說得對,我們也很開心 但是… | You know,yeah,you're right.We have our fun. Yeah? |
我是說很瘋狂,你懂嗎? | I mean,like crazy! You know? |
你又要穿啦啦隊服了嗎? | Are you gonna put on that cheerleader outfit again? |
不是,你希望吧,不是 | No. You wish. |
好 | All right. |
這件事聽起來會有點倉促 | This is going to sound,you know,a little hasty. |
但你就聽吧 | But just go with me. |
我們結婚如何? | What if we got married? |
什麼? 我知道,你會覺得… | -What? -Oh,I know. It's so totally like... |
“哇,我們行嗎?” | ..."Whoa,can we do this?" You know? |
但感覺很對,你不覺得嗎? | But it just feels right. Don't you think it does? |
感覺真的很對,你不… | I mean,it just feels right. Don't you...? |
瑞秋,你是個…很特別的女性 | Rachel...you're...a real...special lady. |
但我的離婚還沒辦完 我們又只約會過四次 | But my divorce isn't final yet...and we've been on four dates. |
所以我是想說…不要 | So I'm thinking: No... |
不過…謝了 | ...but...thanks. |
你這個白癡! | You idiot! |
(診所) | |
姓名 喬伊崔比亞尼 | -Your name,please? -Joey Tribbiani. |
你是否整夜沒睡準備接受診療 | Did you stay up all night in preparation for your study? |
先生? | Sir? |
是的 好的,待會再叫您 | Yes,he did.All right. We'll call you in a few minutes. |
你看那個女生好辣 | Check out that girl. She's really hot. |
是啊 | Yeah,she is. |
你好嗎? | How you doing? |
你真漂亮 | You looking good. |
怎樣? 你在跟所有病人搭訕 | -What? -You're coming on to the entire room. |
我是錢德 我是瑪喬莉 | -I'm Chandler. -I'm Marjorie. |
我可以坐嗎? 請便 | -Do you mind if I sit? -Please. |
你怎麼了? 我會說夢話 | So what are you in for?I talk in my sleep. |
真巧,我專聽夢話 | What a coincidence! I listen in my sleep. |
給個電話嘛 | So why don't you give me your number? |
準備好了嗎? 好了 | Are you ready? |
我接到了 | I got it! Mine! |
恭喜你 謝謝 | -Congratulations! -Thank you! |
換我換我 好 | My turn,my turn! |
好了嗎? | Okay,ready? |
你扔得好爛 | That was a terrible throw! |
我才不直接扔給你,太假了 | I won't throw it right to you. That's not real. |
你看我,我還擔心太假嗎? | Look at me. My big concern is what's real? |
天哪 我們真的很可悲,對吧? | Oh,my God!We're really sad,aren't we? |
沒錯 | Yeah,I think we are. |
這還不是我的婚紗 | This isn't even my dress. |
至少不是去“還不太晚”店裡租的 | At least you didn't rent yours from a store called "It's Not Too Late." |
我要換掉了 我也是 | -I'm changing out of this. -Me,too. |
半小時後? 我也是 | In half an hour?Me,too. |
這次直接扔給我 好 | All right,now throw it straight this time. |
我要結婚了 | I'm getting married! |
我現在好討厭普通衣服 | I hate my regular clothes now. |
低頭一看就知道 今天不是我人生最特別的日子 | I look down and I know...this won't be the most special day of my life. |
一開始是蠻好玩的,但是… | I mean,it was kind of fun for a while... |
你不覺得有點蠢? 我想是的 | ...but didn't you feel kind of silly?I guess. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
你好奸詐 | You're such a cheater! |
小可愛們 | Hello,little ones. |
喬伊會停止打鼾嗎? 會的 | -So,is Joey going to stop snoring? -Yep! |
而且有個美女答應跟我約會 | And a beautiful woman agreed to go out with me. |
喬伊本來想把她,但她選了我 | Joey wanted to ask her out,but,you know,she picked me. |
怎麼會? | How'd that happen? |
因為我比較酷 | Because I'm cooler. |
不,說真的 | No,seriously. |
她是那種…喬伊睡死了 | She's the kind of girl.... Joey was unconscious. |
你們好嗎? | Hey,you guys! What's happening? |
天哪 那是什麼? | Oh,my God!What is that? |
這是睡眠診所給的 可以讓我不打呼 | They gave it to me at the sleep clinic...and it's going to help me not to snore. |
你現在在睡覺嗎? 沒睡覺應該不用咬 | Well,are you asleep right now,Joe?You don't have to wear it unless you are. |
我當然知道 | I know I don't have to. |
它的味道不錯 | It tastes good. |
而且看起來很酷 | Plus,you look cool. |
希望沒把艾蜜莉的婚紗撐大 | Hope I didn't stretch Emily's dress. |
你的屁股沒比她大多少 | Your butt's not that much bigger than her's. |
我剛打給約書亞 講得怎樣? | I just called Joshua.How'd it go? |
我盡可能告訴他 我不是想結婚想昏頭的瘋婆子 | I did my best to convince him that I'm not...some crazy girl who's dying to get married. |
我只是情緒低落 | And I'm going through a hard time. |
他怎麼說? 他的答錄機很能體諒 | What'd he say?His answering machine was very understanding. |
我好沮喪 | I feel blue. |
他一定會再找你的 | I bet you anything he'll call you again. |
或許吧,但我不認為我在乎 | Yeah,maybe. But,you know,I don't think I even care. |
我不認為讓我難過的是他 | I don't think he's the one I'm sad about. |
我知道我說我不在意羅斯結婚 | I know I said I'm totally okay with Ross getting married. |
但是實際上…我處理得並不好 | But as it turns out...I don't think I'm handling it all that well. |
或許吧 | Yeah,maybe. |
我正在思考為什麼 有想到嗎? | And I'm just trying to figure out why.Any luck? |
羅斯和我不是一直分分合合嗎? | You know how Ross and I have always been on-again,off-again? |
我想我一直覺得在將來 我們會再合 | I guess I just figured,somewhere down the road...we would be on again.Again. |
我們都這麼覺得 | You know what? I think we all did. |
我訂了星期天晚上的餐廳 厄尼之家九點行嗎? | I got us reservations for Sunday night.How about Ernie's at 9:00? |
你最好改成三 | Well,you'd better make it for three. |
下午三點應該不會餓 | I don't know if we're going to be hungry at three. |
是三個人,約書亞不會去 | Three people.Joshua's not going to be there. |
怎麼了? 他應該是跟我分手了 | What happened?Well,I think he broke up with me. |
天哪,為什麼? | No. Why? |
他顯然易受驚嚇 | Apparently,he scares easy. |
-我很遺憾 -沒關係 | Rachel,I'm sorry.It's okay. |
人生時常有不如意的事 | Sometimes things don't work out the way you thought they would. |
過來 | Come here. |
你不用去接艾蜜莉嗎? 要 | Don't you have to go pick up Emily? |
你可以嗎? 可以,我有我的姐妹們 | -Are you okay? -Yeah. I got my girls. |
好難受 | Awful |
你知道怎樣會比較開心? 怎樣? | Hey,you know what might cheer you up?What? |
說實話,我的心情真的好多了 | I got to tell you...this really does put me in a better mood. |
真希望有整天穿婚紗的工作 | I wish there was a job where I could wear this all the time. |
也許以後會有 | Maybe someday there will be. |
完了 是錢德來借晚上約會的蠟燭 | Chandler's coming by to borrow candles for his big date. |
瑞秋,別開門,他會看見 | Rachel,don't get it! He'll see us! |
新郞不能看見新娘 | The groom cannot see the bride. |
我又不嫁錢德 被看到就得嫁了 | I'm not going to marry Chandler.Not after this! |
放輕鬆就對了 | Okay guys,just relax. |
我願意… | I do! |
我得走了 | I got to go. |
我的天,約書亞… | Oh my god Joshua |
真的結束了 | Yeah,well,that ought to do it. |
吃的在這裡,很好 | Food's here. Fair enough. |
還有15分鐘 | Fifteen-minute warning.Late. |
夥計,我想睡覺 | Dude,I am trying to sleep! |
突然間發生了好多事 | All of a sudden,so much is happening. |
就是啊,羅斯要結婚 | I know. Ross is getting married. |
菲比在…做人 | Phoebe's making people. |
大家都在忙 只有我們坐在這裡 | -Everybody's doing stuff. -We just sit here. |
要是我死了 | If I died,people would know I was here... |
大家只會從這張椅子的屁股印 知道我存在過 | ...only by the ass print on this chair! |
我們要幹嘛? 浪費青春 | -What are we doing? -Wasting our lives. |
我是說午餐吃什麼 | I meant for lunch. |
我們得做一件大事 | We have to do something. Something huge! |
我們可以去爬珠穆朗瑪峰 | We could climb Mt. Everest. |
不是蠢事,是大事 | Not something stupid. Something huge! |
不,我在錄影帶上看到廣告 | I saw an ad for this video. |
每天都有人在爬 我們也可以爬 | People climb that thing every day. We could totally do that! |
誰說不行?只不過是爬山 | Why not? I mean,it's just climbing. |
只不過很陡 | -It's just steep! -Yeah. |
我們去攻頂 在山頂留屁股印一定很爽 | We're going! It'd be nice to leave an ass print on Everest. |
在幹什麼? | What's up? |
我們要去爬珠穆朗瑪峰 沒錯 | -We're gonna climb Mt. Everest. -Yeah,baby! |
真的?我也去問過 | I looked into that. |
但是要花6萬,而且可能會死 | Yeah,but it costs like $60,000,and,you know,you could die. |
你們一定會死 | And you would die. |
我們可以去借珠穆朗瑪峰的錄影帶 | We could get that Everest video. |
對,那樣就不必冒生命危險 | We could do that without risking our lives at all. |
到了錄影帶店 我們還可以借《虎膽龍威》 | While we're at the video store,we could rent Die Hard! |
我剛想到 那個錄影帶只能郵購 | I just remembered.That Everest thing is only available through mail order. |
所以你們要留下來陪我囉? 對 | So you'll stay here and hang out with me? |
不過總有一天,我們會站起來 | But one of these days...we'll get off our butts |
再去借一次《虎膽龍威》 | and rent Die Hard again! |
本集播出:“邀請函” | The One with the lnvitation |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
真快,我通常要花2小時 才能讓班乖乖睡覺 | That was fast. It usually takes me hours to get Ben to go down for his nap. |
他好可愛 你知道他剛才說什麼? | He's such a sweetheart. Do you know what he said? |
什麼? 媽咪,晚安 | -Good night,mommy. |
因為他有很多媽咪 | -That's because he has lots of mommies. |
那算是他對女人的通稱 | Yeah,in fact,it's kind of become his word for "woman". |
怎樣,請不請你的納森叔叔? | So does your uncle Nathan get an invite or not? |
沒有人喜歡他 | Oh,God! Nobody likes him. |
而且他好小器 他絕不會飛去倫敦的 | He's so cheap. He'd never fly to London in a million years. |
好,請吧 | Invite him! |
我寫得還可以嗎? | Did I do these neat enough? |
可以 是嗎? | Yeah,they're fine. |
別人問就說是班寫的 | We'll say that Ben addressed them. |
你也請了瑞秋? | You invited Rachel then? |
對啊,幹嘛不請? | Sure,why not? |
真的? | Really? |
我找舊情人去一定會覺得彆扭 | I wouldn't be comfortable having any of my old lovers there. |
你覺得我們不該請她嗎? | Do you think we shouldn't invite her? |
不,我很喜歡瑞秋,我只是… | You know I absolutely adore Rachel.It's just |
怕你會尷尬,不過你決定就好 | that I thought it might be awkward for you.But it's absolutely your decision. |
還要茶嗎? 好 | -More tea? -Sure. |
伯爵(茶)? | Earl Grey? |
好,你想請誰就請誰 | Fine,invite whoever you want. |
我不想單身,好嗎?我想再婚 | I don't want to be single,okay? I just want to be married again. |
我想要1百萬 | And I just want a million dollars! |
瑞秋? 天哪,莫妮卡,謝天謝地 | Oh God,Monica. Thank God! |
各位,這是瑞秋 她也念林肯高中 | This is Rachel. Another Lincoln High survivor. |
這是錢德,菲比,喬伊 | This is Chandler.Phoebe.Joey. |
你記得我哥羅斯嗎? 當然記得 | Do you remember Ross? -Sure. |
你或許不知道,念高中時… | Back in high school... |
我非常喜歡你 | I had a major crush on you. |
我知道 真的? | I knew.You did? |
我以為你只當我是 莫妮卡的怪胎哥哥 | I figured you thought I was Monica's geeky brother. |
沒錯 | I did. |
你覺得… | Listen,do you think |
請別被我容易緊張的缺點影響 | Try not to let my intense vulnerability become a factor. |
我改天可以約你出去嗎? | Would it be okay if I asked you out sometime? |
好啊…或許可以 | Maybe. |
好,或許我會約 | Okay,maybe I will. |
我看到你會有一段火熱戀情 | See,I see...big passion in your future. |
真的? 對 | -Really? -I do. |
羅斯,你真好 | Ross,you're so great. |
別做夢了 | It's never gonna happen. |
我想問個問題 | I have a question. |
其實不算是問題 比較算是一個疑惑…慮 | Actually,it's not so much a question.It's more of a general wondering...ment. |
其實我一直想要… | Well,for a while now,I've been wanting to.... |
對,沒錯 | Yes,yes.That's right. |
你看 | Look! |
什麼? | What? |
…世界的頂端,俯瞰萬物 | Top of the world looking Down on creation |
我唯一能找到的解釋 | And the only explanation I can find |
你給我聽著 如果你要這輛車,就必須把我一塊拖走 | Listen,missy! If you want this cart,you'll have to take me with it! |
你看到了嗎? 你太不可思議了 | -Did you see that? -You were incredible! |
你看到了嗎? 全新的瑞秋誕生了 | A brand-new woman,ladies and gentlemen. |
沒有你我絕對辦不到 | I could not have done this without you. |
好…烘乾機裡還有衣服嗎? | More clothes in the dryer? |
我沒事 | I'm fine. |
你沒資格說你對我有感覺 | You had no right to tell me you had feelings for me. |
什麼? 我和茱莉原本過得很好 | I was doing great with Julie before I found out. |
我原本過得也很好 你以為看你們在一起很好受嗎 | I was doing great too. It's not easy for me to see you with Julie. |
重點是我不想要這樣 好嗎?來不及了 | I don't need this right now.It's too late. |
我有別人了,我很快樂 這艘船已經開了 | I'm with somebody else. This ship has sailed! |
好,你走啊 | All right,fine! Go ahead and do that. |
我不需要你這艘笨船 | I don't need your stupid ship! |
好 很好 | Good,good |
我這輩子第一次做我愛做的事 | This is the first time I'm doing something I care about. |
做我真正在行的事 | I'm doing something that I'm actually good at. |
要是你不懂… | If you don't get that |
我懂,我很懂,我為你高興 但我不想再跟答錄機交往了 | I get that,but I'm tired of your answering machine. |
我已經沒輒了 我也是 | I don't know what to do.Neither do l! |
跟馬克有關嗎? | Is this about Mark? |
我的天哪 好,不是 | Oh,my God!Okay,it's not. |
我的天哪 我不能為了同樣的事一吵再吵 | I can't keep having this same fight over and over again. |
你快把我逼瘋了 好,我快把你逼瘋了 | You're making this too hard! |
你要我怎麼做? 我不知道… | I am? What do you want me to do?I don't know. |
也許我們應該分開 | Look,maybe we should just take a break. |
你說得對,我們先冷靜一下 | You're right. Let's cool off. |
去吃點冷凍優酪乳什麼的 | Let's get some frozen yogurt or something. |
不,我是說分手 | A break from us. |
我們在趕什麼? 我昨晚提到的那個女朋友 | -Why are we rushing? -The girlfriend I told you about. |
她想跟我複合…找到了 | She wants to get back together with me.I found it! |
真是太好了 | That's so great for you guys! |
祝你複合成功 謝謝 | -Good luck with your girlfriend. -Thank you. |
瑞秋! | Rachel |
你聽到留言了嗎? 你真準時 | -You got my message? -You are right on time. |
我可以再當你的女朋友嗎? | Can I be your girlfriend again? |
可以得不得了 | You can very much. |
你給我走,滾 | I want you to leave. Get out! |
不,我想留下來談一談 | I want to talk about this. |
好,她怎麼樣? | All right,how was she? |
什麼? 她厲害嗎? | -What? -Was she good? |
不要回答 | Don't answer! |
你說你想談,那就談啊 她怎麼樣? | You wanted to talk about it. How was she? |
她… | She was.... |
很遜,什麼也比不上你 不好 | -She was not good,not good. -Nothing compared to you. |
她不一樣 | She was different. |
好的不一樣? | Good different? |
沒有人喜歡改變 | Nobody likes change. |
別再說了 | Just stop! |
你這麼坦然認錯 證明你真的成長不少 | The way you owned up to everything.It's just showed me how much you've grown,you know? |
我媽一直覺得我們無法複合 | I mean,my mom never thought this would work out. |
她說:欺騙一次就永遠是個騙子 | She was all,"Once a cheater,always a cheater." |
真希望沒有這4個月的空白 | I just wish we hadn't lost those four months. |
但要是時間能讓你看清楚一點 | But if time was what you needed just to gain a little perspective. |
我們當時分手了! | We were on a break! |
(瑞秋格林小姐收) | |
你似乎真的很喜歡她 | You seem to really like her. |
我能怎麼辦? 我們說好只在一起2星期 | What do I do? We agreed it'd be a two-week thing. |
不要有承諾 | No commitment. |
那個女孩整晚都跟你的朋友 嚷著要聽你的事 | That girl just spent the entire evening talking to your friends...asking to hear stories about you |
還看莫妮卡的相簿 | ...Iooking through Monica's photo albums. |
只想在一起2周才不會這麼做 | You don't do that if you're just in it for two weeks. |
是嗎? | You think? |
她還有14個小時才要去機場 | You've got 14 hours until she has to be at the airport. |
你卻坐在走廊上 陪一個嘴腫起來的28歲的啦啦隊長 | And you're sitting here in a hallway...with a 28-year-old cheerleader with a fat lip. |
你說得對 | -You're right. -Yeah. |
真好 | This is so amazing! |
我哥哥居然要去倫敦結婚 好浪漫喔 | My brother's getting married and in London!It's so romantic. |
真聰明,附面紙 | Hey,pretty smart!Tissue paper. |
參加婚禮當然會哭 | You're at the wedding. You have to cry. |
需要手帕嗎?不了,我有喜帖 | Handkerchief? No,I got my invitation. |
真可愛,羅斯讓班寫我的信封 | Isn't this adorable?Ross let Ben address mine. |
你收到羅斯的喜帖了嗎? 沒有 | Did you get your invitation to Ross' wedding?No. |
放心,我可以帶一位親友 看他怎麼說 | Don't worry,I get to bring a guest. We'll show him. |
好嫉妒你們都要去 懷孕第三個月居然不能坐飛機 | I'm so jealous you're all going.I never knew you can't fly in your third trimester. |
我也不知道 | I didn't,either. |
我知道 | I knew that. |
我不知道,但你們的表情好妙 | So I didn't know that. But you should see your faces. |
你們在幹嘛? | What's up? |
也沒幹嘛 | Just hanging out. |
這是什麼?羅斯的喜帖? | What's this? Ross' wedding invitation? |
也許該藏的是那一張 | Maybe that's the one we should have hidden. |
不,不必那樣 我很替他高興 | No,you guys,come on. You don't have to do that.I'm happy for him. |
真的,我很… | I am. I really |
我會調適的 | I'll work on it. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
不過你會去吧? | You're going to come,though,aren't you? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
該不會她不去我們就不去吧? 我已經買票了 | This isn't one of those "lf she doesn't come,we don't come"? |
他根本沒請你 | -I bought my ticket. -You're not even invited. |
你不去會很奇怪 | You know what would be real weird? If you weren't there. |
你就考慮一下吧 我會的 | -Just say you'll think about it. -I'll think about it. |
這是誰送的? 羅斯送的 | -Who's this from? -That's Ross'. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
他記得 記得什麼? | He remembered.Remembered what? |
好幾個月前 我們經過一家古董店 | It was months ago. We were walking by this antique store. |
我看到這個別針對他說 小時我奶奶有一個一模一樣的 | I saw this and told him it was like one my grandmother had...when I was a little girl. |
他居然記得 | I can't believe he remembered! |
他一定花了很多錢 他居然這麼大方 | This must've cost a fortune.I can't believe he did this. |
記得他大學愛上卡蘿時 就送了她一隻超貴的水晶鴨 | Remember when he fell in love with Carol...and got her that expensive crystal duck? |
你剛才說什麼? | What did you just say? |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
來自北京的457號班機 剛剛抵達 | Flight number 457 from Beijing now arriving. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我們是老同學 畢業後就沒見過 | -We were in school together. -We haven't seen each other since. |
到了中國 你們猜是誰主持挖掘工作? | I land in China. Guess who's in charge of the dig? |
茱莉 | Julie! |
很棒吧? | Isn't that great? |
感覺就像踢斷你的腿扭斷你的脖子 | Isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch,spit-on-your-neck fantastic? |
你真好 | That is so sweet! |
不…不,你先掛 | No,you hang up. |
不,你…好 一,二,三 | No,you One,two,three. |
你也沒掛 她也沒掛 | You didn't hang up!She didn't hang up either. |
不,你掛 你掛,你掛… | Okay,no. No,you hang up.You! |
羅斯,嗨,我是瑞秋 | Ross,hi.It's Rachel. |
我只是打來告訴你一切都很好 | I'm just calling to say that everything's fine. |
我很替你和你的貓高興 | And I'm really happy for you...and your cat. |
所以顯然的,我已經放下你了 | Obviously,I am over you. |
我已經放下你了 | I am over you. |
而那樣,就是所謂的了結 | And that,my friend,is what they call closure. |
瑞秋,有你的留言 | I got a message from you. |
完了,羅斯,掛掉 電話給我… | Oh,my God! Hang up the phone!Give me the phone |
你放下我了? 天哪 | You're over me?Oh,God. |
你放下我了?你什麼時候… | You're over me?When were you... |
在意我的? | ...under me? |
基本上…最近…我… | Basically...Iately,I've.... |
我有點對你有感覺 | I've sort of had feelings for you. |
好,我得躺下 | I need to lie down. |
他跟茱莉分手了 | He broke up with Julie! |
過去抱她啊 | Go hug her,for God's sakes! |
真的? 真的 | -Really? -Really. |
我一直都只要你 天哪 | It's always been you,Rach.Oh,God. |
抱歉今晚還得工作 | Listen,I'm sorry I had to work tonight. |
沒關係,你值得我等 | That's okay.You're worth the wait. |
我不只是指今晚 | And I don't just mean tonight. |
天哪 | Oh,God! |
親愛的,沒關係 | Honey.That's okay. |
不是,你壓到果汁了 | No,you just rolled over the juice box. |
甘瑟,你沒告訴瑞秋 我跟影印店女生的事吧? | Did you say anything to Rachel about me and the girl from the copy place? |
對不起,我不該說嗎? | I'm sorry.Was I not supposed to? |
是你要分手的 | You ended it! |
因為我很氣你 不是因為我不愛你了 | Because I was mad at you. Not because I stopped loving you. |
你還愛我? 沒有 | You still love me? |
什麼意思?你想複合嗎? | What does this mean? Do you want to get back together? |
不是…也許吧 | Maybe. |
我不… 什麼? | I don't know. |
我只是覺得… | I just,I feel.... |
我居然會想跟你複合 我們根本就完了 | I can't believe I even thought of getting back together. We're so over! |
無所謂 | Fine by me! |
順便告訴你 這種事並不常見 | And hey! Just so you know,it's not that common. |
並非男人都會這樣 這是很嚴重的 | It doesn't happen to every guy,and it is a big deal. |
我就知道 | I knew it! |
瑞秋來了,她是不是很美啊? | Rachel's coming up. Doesn't she look pretty? |
天哪 這是我們準備要去參加舞會 | Oh,my God!This is us getting ready for the prom. |
這種帶子就別看了 | We don't have to watch this. |
當然要看 拜託啦 | Yeah,we do!Come on! |
拍一下莫妮卡 怎麼拉遠? | -Get a shot of Monica. -How do you zoom out? |
有了 | There she is! |
閉嘴,上鏡頭會多10磅 | Shut up! The camera adds 10 pounds. |
所以是有幾個鏡頭對著你? | So how many cameras are actually on you? |
爸,關掉啦 | Dad,turn it off! |
我關了,對吧,羅斯? | It is off.Right,Ross? |
很帥喔,科特爾先生(《歡迎科特爾先生歸來》中的角色) | Looking good,Mr. Kotter! |
我沒舞伴不能去舞會 時間來不及了 | I can't go to my prom without a date. It's too late. |
要是你不去,我也不想去了 | If you're not going,then I don't want to go either. |
我有個好主意 你帶瑞秋去參加舞會 | I have a wonderful idea.You should take Rachel to the prom. |
看夠了,關掉吧 不要啦 | We've seen enough. Let's turn it off. |
那我不看,行吧? | -I want to see! -Fine,I'm not going to watch. |
走吧 | Come on,kid. Let's go. |
你好帥 去讓他們瞧瞧 | Are you handsome!Let's show them! |
行了 瑞秋,不管你好了沒 | -Okay,Dad. -Rachel,ready or not. |
解救你的白馬王…糟了 | Here comes your knight in shining |
天哪…要怎麼關掉? | Oh,dear!How do I turn this off? |
你居然這樣做 我就… | I can't believe you did that.Yeah,well.... |
看吧,他是她的龍蝦 | See? He's her lobster! |
不會吧…你真的不去? | No.You're really not going? |
對,我會很難面對 | It's just going to be too hard. |
畢竟…他是羅斯 | You know,I mean...it's Ross. |
我怎麼能看著他結婚? | How can I watch him get married? |
這樣最好,真的 | It's just for the best. You know? It is. |
而且總得有人陪菲比 到時她的肚子會很大 | Plus somebody's got to stay here with Phoebe.She's going to be pretty big by then. |
她會需要別人綁鞋帶 | She'll need someone to help her tie her shoes. |
在她要生的時候送她去醫院 | Drive her to the hospital if she goes into labor. |
你沒有車,駕照也過期了 | You don't have a car.And your license expired. |
看吧,事情那麼多 時間卻那麼少 | There's so much to do,and I have so little time! |
你們看 這裡有完整的博物館錄影帶 | Check this out.There's a place you can go to rent videos of all the museums. |
“幾乎如同身歷其境” | "It's almost as good as being there." |
太好了,去博物館不能只穿內褲 | It's better! You can't go to a museum in your underwear. |
可以,但之後你會被封殺 | You could,but just the one time. |
我們可以去租景點錄影帶 | We could get videos of the sights... |
搬台錄放影機就不必出旅館房間了 | ...get a VCR in our hotel room and never have to go outside! |
那一定要租《虎膽龍威》 | -lf we do that,we've got to rent Die Hard. |
英國版一定很棒 | -I bet the British version is good! |
我已經上了十次廁所 | That was the 10th time I've peed here. |
你也跟我們說了十次 | It's also the 10th time you've told us. |
抱歉,你們一定聽得很煩 | Sorry,it must be hard to hear. |
你以為三個寶寶在你的膀胱上 蹦蹦跳跳比較好玩嗎 | It's easier having babies playing "Bring in Da Funk" on your bladder! |
我真是受夠懷孕了 | I am so sick of being pregnant. God! |
我睡不著,除非睡床上 但是又會痛,等於睡不著 | I can't sleep,except on my back,which hurt. So I can't sleep. |
我唯一的樂趣來自咖啡 但因為我懷孕我只能喝低咖啡因的 | My only happiness is from a cup of coffee...which is decaf because I'm pregnant! |
菲比,你要吃餅乾嗎? | You want a cookie? |
謝謝你 | Thank you so much! |
你的情緒起伏還好嗎? | So,honey,how are those mood swings coming? |
我還沒有這個困擾 | I haven't had any yet. |
本集播出:“史上最差伴郞” | The One with the Worst Best Man Ever |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
嘿 | Hey,guys. |
這就是戒指 | All right,here's the ring. |
我願意,我願意,千百個願意 | Yes,yes! A thousand times,yes! |
單身派對有想法了嗎? | Any ideas for the bachelor party? |
託管戒指辦派對前 應該先選個伴郞吧? | Before rings and bachelor parties,you have to decide who your best man will be. |
真尷尬,尷尬尷尬 | Oh,it's awkward. |
我已經找錢德了 | I already asked Chandler. |
什麼?你上次結婚他就當過了 | He got to do it at your first wedding. |
我以為你會瞭解 我們認識比較久 | I figured you'd understand. I've known him longer. |
拜託啦,我沒有兄弟 我永遠都沒機會了 | I don't have any brothers. I'll never be a best man. |
你可以當我的伴郞 | You can be the best man when I get married. |
我沒機會了啦 | I'll never get to be a best man! |
等一下 | Wait,wait. |
我讓你當兩次 你一次也不讓我當? | So you'll be my best man twice,and I won't be yours at all? |
你當然可以當我的伴郞 | Of course,you can be my best man. |
那我呢?你說我可以當 | -What about me? You said I could. |
我又沒有要結婚 | -I'm not getting married! |
那是科幻小說要挑戰的題材 | It's a question for science-fiction writers. |
你居然不找我 你怎麼可以不找我? | I can't believe it's not me.-How could it not be me? |
我又沒要…我又沒要… | -I'm not even |
好,夠了 | You know what? That's it. |
喬伊,從現在起你當我的伴郞 | From now on,Joey will be my best man. |
太好了!不過真的替你羞愧 | Yes!Shame about you,though. |
別鬧 怎麼了? | -Stop it. -What? |
有個寶寶在踢 那不是好事嗎? | One of the babies is kicking. |
不是踢我,是踢另一個寶寶 | That's a good thing.It's not kicking me. It's kicking another baby. |
別逼我進去 | Don't make me come in there! |
有大碗可以借給我嗎? | Do you have a big bowl I can borrow? |
檯子下麵有一個 | There's one under the cabinet. |
幹嘛? 我們明天要開派對,回見 | -Why do you need it? -We're having a party tomorrow night. |
你們有打算要邀請我們嗎? | -Are you planning on inviting us? |
沒有,回見 | -No. Later! |
崔比亞尼,給我滾回來 | Get your ass back here,Tribbiani! |
荷爾蒙 | Hormones. |
菲比的意思是 你們開派對怎麼不找我們? | How come you're having a party and we're not invited? |
那是羅斯的單身派對 所以呢? | -It's Ross' bachelor party. -So? |
你們是單身漢嗎? | Are you bachelors? |
不是 你們是脫衣舞娘嗎? | Are you strippers? |
不是 那就抱歉了 | Then you're not invited. |
那你們也別想參加我們的派對 | Then you're not invited to our party either. |
什麼派對? | What party? |
菲比的寶寶洗禮會 | Phoebe's baby shower. |
洗禮會? 聽起來就很不想參加,回見 | Baby shower? That so doesn't sound like something I want to do. |
你們居然要幫我辦派對 | I can't believe I'm going to have a party. |
太棒了,派對耶 | That's so great. A party! |
我也不知為什麼哭 | I don't know why. |
在酒方面我的計畫是 | This is what I got going for the party liquor-wise. |
買一大堆酒 很好 | -Get a lot of liquor. -Great. |
至於邀請名單有你、我、錢德 | In terms of the invite list,I got you,me and Chandler. |
我會請甘瑟 因為我們討論得很大聲 | I'll invite Gunther because we're talking pretty loud. |
我會去 | I'll be there. |
派對是為你辦的 但我想限制博物館怪人的數量 | I know it's your party...but I'd like to limit the number of museum geeks. |
那就別找人類學家 找搞恐龍的就好 | Let's not invite any anthropologists. Just the dinosaur dudes. |
好,還得買一些汽水酒 | We'll need a six-pack of Zima. |
你們在幹嘛? | Hey,what are you doing? |
跟我的伴郞籌畫我的單身派對 | Just planning my bachelor party with my best man. |
祝你們辦得比上次好 | Good luck trying to top the last one. |
不難,因為這次 不會辦在必勝客的地下室 | It won't be that difficult since this one won't be...in the basement of a Pizza Hut. |
我是羅斯,必勝客配不上我 | I'm Ross,I'm Ross. I'm too good for the Hut. |
我得去接兒子,看樣子沒問題 | I gotta go pick up Ben. Everything sounds great. |
總之不要太瘋,大家聚聚打牌 | Keep it on the mellow side. A few guys hanging out. |
不要找脫衣舞娘,好嗎? 沒問題 | -No strippers or anything. -You got it. |
待會見 | See you later. |
好好辦不能瘋的派對吧 | Have fun planning your mellow party. |
會有脫衣舞娘,他沒說不要 | There will be strippers. He didn't say anything about no strippers. |
他剛就說不要 | He just said,"No strippers." |
我當做沒聽到 | I chose not to hear that. |
你看我買了什麼 | Look what I got,look what I got! |
居然有這種童裝 | They make these for little people! |
給鄉下小孩穿的 | Little Village People. |
你看這件,我最喜歡這件 | Look at this one. This is my favorite. |
太可愛了 菲比一定會很喜歡打扮他們 | That is so sweet.Phoebe will love dressing them. |
但到時替他們打扮的不是她 | Except she won't be the one who gets to dress them. |
因為她不能把寶寶留著 | She won't get to keep the babies. |
天哪 這真是最令人沮喪的洗禮會 | My God,we are throwing the most depressing baby shower! |
除非送她產後可以用的禮物 | Unless we give her all gifts she can use after her pregnancy. |
像普通咖啡,龍舌蘭 一整盒煙 | Like regular coffee. Tequila!-A carton of cigarettes! |
她又不抽煙 心意最重要 | -She doesn't smoke.-It's the thought that counts. |
好主意 還有她一直想要的皮褲 | -It's a great idea.And those leather pants she's always wanted! |
她一定會很高興 | She'll love that! |
這是什麼玩意? | What the hell is this? |
送我2個月後才能用的禮物 我的心情會好嗎? | You thought it'd make me feel better?To give me something I can't use for two months? |
爛透了 | This sucks! |
這是誰送的? | -Who gave me this? -Well,l |
我…我…她們說你喜歡 | They told me you like them. |
好吧,我錯了 這是我收過最棒的禮物 | All right,then I'm wrong. It's a great gift. The best present I ever got! |
下一個禮物呢? 我們都沒帶 | What's my next present?We don't have anything. |
好吧,送禮會結束 | All right,fine,then this is over. |
真是的…放什麼汽球 | Balloons! |
對了,那個脫衣舞娘… | -Listen,about the stripper.... -Yeah? |
叫得好 | Good call! |
知道下次要找誰辦了吧 | So I'll be hosting your next bachelor party? |
我希望這是我的最後一次 | Joey,I'm kind of hoping this will be my last one. |
請注意 | A little announcement. |
我決定我的伴郞 是我最要好的朋友甘瑟 | I've decided that my best man is my best friend Gunther. |
我姓什麼? | What's my last name? |
中央咖啡館? | Central Perk? |
謝謝你沒娶瑞秋 | Thanks for not marrying Rachel. |
甘瑟,記得拿衣服 | Hey,Gunther! Don't forget your shirt. |
那是什麼? 派對小贈品,你看 | What are those?Little party favors. Check it out. |
(98羅斯蓋勒單身派對) | |
(伴郞喬伊崔比亞尼) | |
請注意,我的伴郞人選還空著 | Just want everybody to know the position of my best man is still open. |
新娘人選也是 | So is the position of the bride. |
很好 | Great. |
有一套,你的脖子沾到辣椒 | Smooth,man.You got some chili on your neck. |
謝謝大家,今晚很愉快 | I just want to say thanks,everyone. This was great! |
星期一早上見 | See you guys Monday morning. |
喬伊,謝了 別忘了拿衣服 | -Thanks,Joey. -Don't forget your shirt. |
博物館怪胎,派對結束了 | Hey,museum geeks! Party's over. |
跟小姐說再見,快點 | Wave bye-bye to the nice lady. There you go. |
回爸媽的地下室去 | Back to your parents' basement. All right. |
出來吧,來 | Boys,come on out. Here you go. |
好可愛喔,是你養的? | Look at the birdies! Are those yours? |
我不知道可以養雞鴨當寵物 | They let you keep chickens and ducks as pets? |
我把鴨子訓練得很好,你看 | And I got the duck totally trained too. |
盯著牆壁 | Stare at the wall. |
幾乎不動 | Hardly move. |
白白的 | Be white. |
你真行 | You are good at that. |
今晚很愉快,派對辦得很棒 | I had fun tonight.-You throw one hell of a party. |
謝了,很高興認識你 | -Thanks. It was great meeting you. |
要是我有朋友要結婚 或是過生日、過星期二… | If any of my friends ever get married or have a birthday or a Tuesday.... |
那就太好了 | Yeah,that'd be great. |
那就再見了 | So,I guess,good night. |
除非你想留下來 | Unless you want to hang around. |
是嗎? 對,你可以跟我的鴨子玩 | I'll let you play with my duck. |
跳脫衣舞的 | Stripper! |
舞娘把戒指偷走了 | The stripper stole the ring! |
錢德,起床 舞娘把戒指偷走了 | Chandler,get up! The stripper stole the ring! |
什麼? 戒指被偷了 | -What? -The ring is gone! |
先讓我清醒一下 | Just give me a minute to wake up for this. |
你把戒指弄丟了 你是最爛的伴郞 | You lost the ring. You're the worst best man! |
不好笑,怎麼辦? 我去睡覺,一切正常 | This isn't funny. I go to sleep,everything's cool. |
等我醒來,舞娘不見了 戒指也不見了 | I wake up,the stripper's gone,and the ring is gone! |
你跟她上床? 廢話 | -You slept with her? -Of course! |
你們兩個 菲比 | -Hi,guys. -Hi,Phoebe. |
我想說聲抱歉 我昨天在洗禮會上似乎凶了點 | I wanted to apologize if I seemed a tad edgy yesterday at my shower. |
荷爾蒙作祟 | Just the hormones. |
別這樣,我們… 荷爾蒙嘛 | -No,we -Hormones. |
謝謝你們,你們真有心 | I wanted to say thank you. It was so sweet. |
你似乎好多了,太好了 | You seem to be doing much better. |
你現在怎樣? 很好 | -How are things going? -Good. |
最近的注意力都在我 你們呢? | Everything's been about me lately. So what's happening with you? |
我們正在說 我不去參加羅斯的婚禮 | We were just talking about me not going to Ross' wedding. |
有那段過往,我可能很難面對 | It just might be too hard,given the history and all that. |
這讓我想起當年流落街頭時 | This reminds me of the time when I lived on the street. |
有人說我陪他上床就請我吃飯 | This guy offered to buy me food if I slept with him. |
這兩件事哪裡像? | How is this like that? |
我想想…的確不像 | Well,let's see. It's not really like that. |
因為那才算是問題 | Because that was an actual problem. |
你這只是高中女生無病呻吟 沒人在乎 | And yours is just a bunch of high-school crap...that nobody really gives! |
抱歉,我只是… | I'm sorry. I just thought |
淚眼攻勢來了 | Here come the water works. |
我已經沒輒了 我打給仲介站,他們不管 | I called the company that sent her,and they don't care. |
我打911又被吼 這還不算緊急事件嗎? | I called 911 and they yelled at me. This is an emergency! |
我真的很想幫忙 但我打算去看“泰坦尼克號” | I really wanna help you out,but I got plans to go see Titanic... |
所以我要打911問場次 | ...so I've got to call 911 to find out what time it starts. |
我來了 | Hey,guys. |
謝謝你,派對辦得很棒 博物館那夥人玩得很爽 | Thanks again for last night. What a great party.The guys from work had a blast. |
其中有一個沒參加過單身派對 | One of them had never been to a bachelor party before. |
另一個沒參加過派對 | Another one had never been to a party before. |
那個結婚戒指 | So that wedding ring. |
可真漂亮 漂亮吧 | -Man,that is nice. -Yeah,right? |
我也想買一個,要去哪裡買? | I might pick one of those babies up for myself.Where might one get one of those? |
那個戒指? | That ring? |
我外婆剛來到這個國家時 | When my grandmother first came to this country... |
全身上下只有那只戒指 和一小包衣服 | ...that ring and the clothes on her back were all she had with her. |
所以那只戒指可說是無可取代 | So you might say that the ring is irreplaceable. |
當然,它是我家的傳家寶 | Absolutely. It's been in my family for generations. |
每個戴上它的新娘 都能幸福到老 | Every bride who's worn it has lived a long and happy life. |
所以簡直算是一隻魔戒 | So you might say it's a magic ring. |
被脫衣舞娘偷了 | Yeah,the stripper stole it. |
什麼? | What? |
你剛才說… | -What did you just |
我想我聽到了,他應該是說… | -I think I heard what he said.I believe it was, |
“被脫衣舞娘偷了” | "The stripper stole the ring." |
偷了我的戒指?我的結婚… 脫衣舞娘偷了我的結婚戒指? | My ring? My wedding ring?The stripper stole my wedding ring? |
怎麼會這樣? | How could this happen? |
原因就在於你說了 “喬伊,你來當我的伴郞吧” | It all started when you said,"Joey,you be my best man!" |
好,我來報警 | All right. I'm going to call the cops. |
我搞砸了你也不用報警捉我吧 | I screwed up. But you don't have to turn me in. |
不是捉你,是捉那個舞娘 | -Not on you,on the stripper. |
我試過了 他們說等偵破所有謀殺案再說 | -I already did that.They said they'd look into it after they solve all the murders. |
那就找仲介 | -We'll call the company that sent her. |
我也試過了 他們不肯透露她的真名或電話 | -I did that too.They wouldn't give me her real name. |
他們說我再打去就要報警 | They said if I bother them again,they'd call the police. |
我說“你去啊” “就說我掉了一隻戒指” | I said,"You talk to the police,you tell them I'm missing a ring." |
難道一點辦法也沒有? | So,what are you telling me?There's nothing we can do? |
怎麼會這樣? | -How could this happen? |
羅斯,我真的很抱歉 | -Look,Ross,I am so sorry. |
我們可以再叫她一次 用假名把她找去我的辦公室 | What if we just called her...used a fake name and had her come to my office? |
好像不賴,但我們得找戒指 | That sounds like fun,but we got a ring to find! |
菲比,你的茶 | Here's your tea,Phoebe. |
感覺真好 | It's so good. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
那就好 你喜歡就好 | -Good. -So glad you like it. |
怎樣?茶是她泡的 | What? She made the tea. |
不是,我剛才陣痛了 | I think I just had a contraction. |
什麼? 天哪 | -What? -My God! |
幾分鐘前就有一次 這次絕對錯不了 | I felt one a few minutes ago.That definitely was one. |
你不能在這裡生 男生搬走之後我還沒消毒 | You can't have the baby here.I haven't sterilized the apartment since the guys moved out! |
沒事,別怕,我來燒水撕床單 | It's okay. I'll boil some water and rip up some sheets. |
別緊張,可能是假性陣痛 | It's probably false labor. |
接近預產期會這樣,去拿書來 | That can happen near the end. Just get the book. |
瑞秋,拿書來 書,好 | -Get the book! -The book! |
聖經? 我哪知啊 | -The Bible? -I don't know! |
好,很好 | All right. This is great. |
錢德,你站到桌子後面 | You get behind the desk. |
但願她一進來不會認得你 因為…她怎麼會認得你 | When she comes in,she won't recognize you because Well,why would she? |
然後你對羅斯和我打暗號 | And then you buzz Ross and l. |
你是岡薩勒斯先生 我是王先生 | You be Mr. Gonzales,and I'll be Mr. Wong. |
不同種類的民族 | Diverse. |
有人叫警衛嗎? | Anybody call for security? |
冷靜 | You be cool. |
好,哪位是甘瑟中央咖啡館? | Which one is Gunther Central Perk? |
喬伊 | Joey. |
我的戒指呢? 我過世的外婆的結婚戒指呢? | Where's my ring? My dead grandmother's wedding ring. |
你還真冷靜 | Way to be cool,man. |
你在說什麼? | What? |
床頭櫃的絲絨盒裡有只戒指 你一走它就不見了 | There was a ring in a box. After you left,it was gone. |
你們覺得我偷了戒指? | You think I stole some ring? |
一定是你偷的 少廢話,從實招來 | We know you took it! Just save yourself the time and confess. |
你們是哈迪兄弟(摔跤運動員)嗎? | Who are you,the Hardy Boys? |
我不必偷什麼戒指 我1星期賺1600 | I don't need to steal a stupid ring. I make $1,600 a week. |
你們有人賺那麼多嗎? | Any of you guys make that? |
嫁給我 | Marry me. |
我不懂,戒指整晚都在我房裡 | I don't get it. It was in my room all night. She didn't take it. |
她沒拿,我沒拿,你沒拿 那是誰拿的? | I didn't take it. You didn't take it. Then who did? |
安靜,我們在想事情 | We're trying to think. |
你怎麼會知道是假痛? | I don't get how you know it's false labor. |
你有看到寶寶出來嗎? | Do you see any babies? |
你感覺如何? 還好吧 | -How do you feel? -Okay,I guess. |
我不知道 大概是知道快要結束了 | I don't know.I know it's going to be over soon so |
那不是很好嗎?你說你受夠了 | But isn't that a good thing?You said you were sick of this. |
我知道,只是通常懷孕完之後 就是當媽媽 | -I know.Usually,when you're done with the pregnant thing...you get to do the mom thing. |
我卻會穿著皮褲喝龍舌蘭 | But I'll be sitting around in my leather pants,drinking tequila. |
有些媽媽也會那樣 | Some moms do that. |
那樣更悲慘 | That's even sadder. |
我知道這麼做的後果 | Look,I know what I got myself into. |
但他們現在在我肚子裡 | It's just that now that they're in me... |
我仿佛瞭解他們 | it's like I know them and |
把他們送走時我會很難受 | It just won't be easy when these babies have to go away. |
我知道,親愛的,但你並不會一無所有 | I know,sweetie.But it's not like you won't have anything. |
你會有侄子侄女 那樣甚至更棒 | You'll have nieces and nephews. That's even better. |
少來 不,是真的 | -Yeah,okay. -No,really. |
你不必擔心他們的大學學費 | You won't be the one worrying about saving for college. |
或在他們不乖時罵他們 | Or yelling at them when they're bad. |
或在他們吵個不停時 喂他們吃利他靈 | Or putting them on Ritalin when they just won't calm down. |
他們逃家會來找你 會找你討論性的問題 | You'll be the one they run away to. The one they talk to about sex. |
你可以當酷阿姨菲比 | You just get to be cool Aunt Phoebe. |
酷阿姨菲比 | Cool Aunt Phoebe. |
我是蠻酷的 | I am pretty cool. |
還有,他們一定會愛死你 | And you know what else? Are they going to love you! |
他們會愛死我 | They are going to love me. |
謝謝你們…再次感謝 | Thanks,you guys. Again. |
謝什麼 | Oh,sweetie.Thanks. |
怎麼了? 開玩笑的 | What?Just kidding. |
怎麼了? 天哪 | Oh,my God! |
又騙到了,你們真好騙 | Got you again. You're so easy! |
要是它有事… 喬伊,獸醫說手術很簡單 | If anything happens to him The vet said it's a simple procedure. |
所以呢?搞不好會出錯 要是它沒撐過來呢? | Things can go wrong. What if he doesn't make it? |
它會的 要是沒有呢? | -He will,Joe. -But what if he doesn't? |
它是個這麼好的鴨子 | He's such a good duck. |
我好擔心它 | I'm so worried about him! |
有人掉了戒指嗎? | Somebody lose a ring? |
天哪!謝謝你,謝謝 | Oh,my God! Thank you! Thank you so much! |
鴨子怎麼樣? | How's the duck? |
它很好,正在休息 你們可以去見它 | Just fine. You'll see him in a bit. |
太好了 | Great. |
羅斯,謝謝你這麼冷靜 | -Thanks for being so cool. |
沒關係 當然有關係 | -No,that's all right. |
你找我當伴郞,我卻讓你失望 | You made me your best man and I totally let you down. |
又不是你的錯 當然是 | -It's not your fault. -Yeah,it is. |
你就不會弄丟戒指 | You wouldn't have lost it. |
你知道嗎?羅斯,你是對的 他才應該當你的伴郞 | Ross,you were right. He should be your best man. |
不,應該你當 別爭了 | -No,you should. -Don't argue. |
伴郞是我選的 | I get to choose my best man. |
你們兩個我都要 | I want both you guys. |
真的? | Really? |
你們都應該陪我站在神父面前 | Both you guys should be up there with me. |
你們是我的… | You two are my |
有一個好朋友就夠幸運的了 | I'm lucky to have just one good |
謝了 | Thanks,man. |
我去那邊看看 | I got to go check something,okay? |
真孩子氣 真沒用 | -What a baby! -Total wuss. |
為什麼外婆的戒指是給你? | -How come you're getting Nana's ring? |
是媽給我的 | -Mom gave it to me. |
她說有個婚戒而你又可能用不上 | She said something about it being a wedding ring and that you may not need...one. |
我實在不必說這些 | I really didn't need to tell you all that. |
我覺得不公平 我一直很喜歡那個戒指 | I don't really think it's fair. I mean,I've always loved that ring. |
對不起,我原本會讓給你 但艾蜜莉對它愛不釋手 | Oh,Mon,I'm sorry.I'd let you have it,but Emily's gotten really attached to it. |
好吧 謝謝 | Thanks. |
拿去 謝謝 | -Here you go. -Thanks. |
你知道那個戒指 在鴨子肚子裡待了2天嗎? | Emily,did you know that that ring spent two days in a duck's colon? |
| |
動作快,4小時後的班機 等叫到車可能都塞車了 | Hurry up! The flight leaves in four hours!There could be traffic! |
飛機可能會提早起飛 在倫敦入境時可能會大排長龍,快點 | The plane could leave early!In London,there could be a line at customs! Come on! |
6小時的飛機,夠她念了 | Six-hour trip to London. That's a lot of Monica. |
那是什麼? 保險套啊老兄 | What have you got there?Condoms,dude. |
為什麼印西班牙文? | Well,how come the writing is in spanish? |
別看我的套子 | Don't read my condoms. |
護照打勾,相機打勾 旅行支票打勾 | Passport,check. Camera,check. Traveler's checks,check. |
你在叫誰打勾? 我自己 | -Who are you saying "check" to? -Myself. |
記得一樣打一個勾 做一件好事就有個勾勾 | For remembering to pack a thing.You do a good thing,you get a "check." |
這是媽的習慣,我沒想過很怪 | Mom does it. I never realized it was weird. |
我媽都把頭塞進烤箱裡 | My mom used to put her head in the oven. |
其實只有一次,不過蠻怪的 | Actually,only the one time. But it's pretty weird. |
準備好了嗎? | Are you ready yet? |
好了,機票帶了嗎? 在這裡,打勾 | -Got the tickets? -Right here. Check! |
去倫敦囉,寶貝,走吧 | It's all London,baby!Here we go |
護照呢? | Got your passport? |
梳粧檯第三個抽屜 弄丟就糟了 | Third drawer of my dresser. You don't want to lose that! |
快去 | There it is! |
本集播出:“羅斯的婚禮” | The One With Ross' Wedding |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
吸塵器在我的櫃子裡的左邊 | The vacuum's in my closet on the left side. |
垃圾袋在冰箱旁邊 | Garbage bags are next to the refrigerator. |
瑞秋會在,我不能問她嗎? | Rachel's gonna be here. Can't I just ask her? |
好啊,你問啊 | Yeah,okay. Give that a try! |
走囉 好耶 | -Let's do it. -Cheerio! |
倫敦,寶貝 | London,baby! |
我絕對不會覺得煩 倫敦,寶貝 | That's not gonna get annoying.London,baby! |
你知道嗎?我錯了 | You know what? I was wrong. |
人都到了,我們走吧 | We're all here. Let's get going! |
我很想過去抱你恭喜你 但是我起不來 | I want to go over and hug you...and wish you luck,but I can't get up. |
那我過去抱你 太好了,幫我拿報紙 | -I'll come hug you. -Great,can you bring me the paper? |
快快樂樂的結婚吧 謝謝 | -Have a great wedding. -Thanks. |
錢德,我也想抱你 | Chandler,I want to hug you too! |
順便去你家餐台把我的書拿來 | You might as well bring my book from your apartment. |
我們要走了 | -So we're off. |
玩得開心點 | -Have fun! |
你居然不能去 | -I can't believe you won't be there. |
是啊 | -I know. |
去嘛,你為什麼不能去? 羅斯 | Come. Why don't you come? |
去嘛,一起去,我會很高興 | To London. Please? It would mean so much to me. |
我要忙,對不起 | I gotta work. I'm sorry. |
為什麼不能請兩天假? | Why can't you take a couple of days off? |
我不行,我說過了 | Because I can't. I told you. |
這是我的婚禮 | This is my wedding. |
真的來不及了,走走走 | Now we are late. Let's go,let's go! |
好吧,回來再讓你看錄影帶 | Fine,you'll watch it on video when we get back. |
菲比,你的書書,菲菲 謝謝 | Here you go,Phoebe! Phoe-bo! Phoo-ba-la! |
乖 | You! |
走吧,菲比再見 再見 | Let's go!Bye,Pheebs! |
倫敦,寶貝 | London,baby! |
天哪 你要抱抱嗎? | Oh,God!Do you need a hug? |
你不必拿東西給我 | You don't have to bring me anything. |
錢德,做點動作 | Chandler,do something! |
做動作啊 我有啊,我在不理你 | -Do something! -I am. I'm ignoring you. |
好吧,我來上鏡頭 | I'll be the on-camera guy. |
好,第一站,威斯敏斯特教堂 | All right. First stop...Westminster Abbey. |
那是什麼? 倫敦啊,寶貝 | What is that?That's London,baby! |
好,飯店在這裡…等一下 | All right,the hotel's here.Wait. |
不對,我們要去… | We want to go |
我知道了,我得進入地圖裡 | I know.I'm gonna have to go into the map. |
要是裡面有個小錢德,殺了它 | If you see a little version of me in there,kill it! |
我知道了,走吧 | I got it.Here we go! |
我們不是要這樣逛大街吧? | We're not gonna have to walk this way the entire time,are we? |
你害我又亂了啦 | Man,you made me lose it! |
…那時候才10點 | That was all before 10:00. |
宴會打電話來說蘆筍雞換成基輔雞 | The caterer rang. It'll be Chicken Kiev,not Tarragon. |
然後花匠說沒有鬱金香了 | Then the florist said there are no tulips. |
然後大提琴手得了 手腕隧道綜合症… | And the cellist has carpal tunnel syndrome |
艾蜜莉,親愛的,好嗎? | Emily,honey. Okay? |
我也去你的 | Well,up yours too! |
什麼? 不是那個意思? | -What? -Oh,that's not what it means. |
不,這是暫停的意思 對不起 | -No! That's "time out." -Sorry. |
放輕鬆,一切都會很美好 | Sweetie,relax. Everything will be great,okay? |
走吧 | Come on,come on. |
基輔雞? | Chicken Kiev? |
臨時能有這道菜不錯吧? | Doesn't that sound delicious at the last minute? |
是啊,但鮭魚會比雞肉高雅 | Salmon would be more elegant than chicken. |
也不必擔心沙門氏菌 (沙門音同鮭魚) | And you wouldn't worry about the salmonella. |
不過鮭魚也可能有“雞門氏菌” | But of course...with salmon you would have to worry about the chicknella. |
真想趕快看到婚禮場地 | I can't wait to see where you're getting married. |
是的,那裡很美 她父母就在那裡結婚 | It's beautiful. Her parents got married here. |
它居然要被拆了 | I can't believe they're tearing it down. |
你絕對沒看過那麼美的房子 就在… | It's really the most lovely building. It's over |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
還不錯 | It's nice. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
怎麼會這樣?怎麼辦? | What are we going to do? |
放心,不會有問題的 | Everything's gonna be all right. |
怎麼會沒問題? 說得也是 | How's it gonna be all right?I see that. |
我跟一個人問到了 | I talked to a guy,and I found out what happened. |
怎麼回事? 提前進行拆除 | They tore it down early. |
漂亮,威斯敏斯特教堂 | All right!Westminster Abbey. |
絕對是我見過最美的教堂 | Hands down,best abbey I ever seen. |
你覺得威斯敏斯特教堂如何? | What do you think of the Abbey? |
很宏偉,他們正打算改名 | It's great! They're thinking of changing the name. |
改成什麼? 改成“攝影機收起來” | -To what? -To "Put the Camera Away"! |
你真是威斯敏斯特壞脾氣 | Man,you are Westminster Crabby. |
放心,你們會找到場地的 | Don't worry,you'll find some place to get married. |
抱歉,幸好紅色沾血看不出來 | Sorry. Lucky this dress is red. |
不可能找得到場地 婚結不成了 | We can't find another place.Then we can't have the wedding. |
我訂了一百五十人份的雞肉 沙拉和蛋糕 | I've ordered chicken,and salad,and cake for a 150. |
一生中最快樂的日子 變成被食物淹死的星期天 | What should be the most wonderfull day of my life...is rapidly turning into just Sunday with a spectacular amount of food. |
你們會找到場地的 | You're gonna find a place. |
就算找不到,那就延期嘛 有那麼糟糕嗎? | But even if,God forbid,you didn't,so you postpone the wedding.Is that really so bad? |
你想想,你可以籌備得很完整 | Think about it. You could take all the time your needed to get everything that you want. |
你可以訂到鬱金香…和鮭魚 | You could have tulips. You could have salmon. |
鮭魚喔 | Salmon. |
延期確實死不了 | I suppose it wouldn't be the end of the world. |
謝謝你 | Oh,thank you. |
總之你都會結婚,都會幸福 我媽都會比較喜歡你勝過喜歡我 | Look,either way you're gonna get married. You're gonna be happy.My mom's gonna like you better than me. |
天哪,她已經這麼說了對吧? | Oh,God. She has told you that already,didn't she? |
別起來,你需要什麼? 沒什麼 | -Don't get up. What do you need? -Nothing. |
我就是留下來照顧你的 你需要什麼? | Come on. I'm here to take care of you. |
屁屁夾到內褲了 | Okay,I have a wedgie. |
你自己解決 | That is all you. |
你中午想吃什麼? 我不知道 | What do you want for lunch?I don't know. |
我們是得吃飯 我一定要吃 | I guess we have to eat.Yeah,I do. |
怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
我應付羅斯的方式真差勁 | I'm bummed the way I left things with Ross. |
真後悔騙他說我要工作 他好像很氣我 | I wish I didn't lie about work. He seemed so mad at me. |
別太苛責自己 要是我還愛的人要結婚… | Don't be so hard on yourself. If I was still in love with some |
還愛? 是啊 | Still in love with? |
我才沒有愛著羅斯 | I'm not in love with Ross. |
是沒有,很好,我也沒有 | Good!Yeah,me neither. |
我不去是因為他是我的舊情人 去了會很不自在 | I'm not at the wedding,because he's my ex-boyfriend...and that would be uncomfortable. |
不是因為我還愛他 我跟大家一樣喜歡羅斯 | Not because I'm in love with him. I like Ross as much as anyone. |
我對他的確有感情 但那不是愛 | Clearly,I have feelings for him,but they don't mean love. |
我對羅斯還有愛的感覺嗎?有 | I mean,do I still have loving feelings for Ross? Yeah! |
我一直都有 但那並不表示我還愛著他 | I have continuing feelings of love.But that doesn't mean I'm still in love with him. |
我對他還有“性”趣 但我當然愛他 | I have sexual feelings for him,but I do love him. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
你為什麼不告訴我? | Why didn't you tell me? |
我們以為你知道 我們? | -We thought you knew! -We? |
對,我們都知道,還經常在聊 | We all know. We talk about it all the time. |
你們都知道?羅斯知道嗎? | You all know? Does Ross know? |
不,羅斯什麼都不知道 | No! Ross doesn't know anything. |
你們居然沒告訴我 | And you didn't tell me! |
我們以為你知道,那麼明顯 | We thought you knew. It's so obvious! |
告訴你等於告訴莫妮卡 “喂,你很愛乾淨喔” | It would be like telling Monica:"Hey,you like things clean." |
或是“喬伊,你是同志喔” | Or,you know,"Hey,Joey,you're gay." |
什麼? 拜託,她老是拿著掃把 | What?Oh,please,she's always got a broom in her hand. |
想買什麼?有圍巾、明信片… | What are you in the market for? Scarves,souvenir postcards.... |
你看 | Check this out! |
這個就對了,你覺得呢? | That's the stuff! What do you think? |
我不必買印著 “與笨蛋同行”的衣服了 | I won't need that "I'm with stupid" T-shirt anymore. |
我喜歡,錢給你 | Well,I like it. Here you go. |
你不是來真的吧 你丟我的臉丟得還不夠嗎? | You're not really buying that. Haven't you embarrassed me enough? |
我丟你的臉? | Oh,I embarrass you? |
我假裝不認識你,無法回答 | How can I answer when I'm pretending I don't know you? |
他是在嫉妒,倫敦人都在戴 | He's just jealous. All Londoners wear them. |
是嗎?那這裡怎麼沒人戴? | Really? Then how come no one here anywhere is wearing one? |
他們都是觀光客 | They're all tourists. |
如果你要當街戴著那頂帽子 下午你就自己去逛 | If you insist on wearing that in public...you're gonna spend the afternoon all by yourself. |
如果要在你和帽子之間做選擇 我選擇帽子 | If you make me choose between you and the hat,I choose the hat. |
夠英明 謝了 | -Good choice. -Thanks. |
夠了,我要走了 我不想再丟臉了 | That's it! I'm out of here. I won't be embarrassed any more. |
你好,喬伊崔比亞尼,美國人 | How are you doing? Joey Tribbiani,America. |
我跟你爸談過,你猜怎樣? | I spoke to your dad,and you know what? |
他覺得可以另外找到場地 | He thinks we can find a new hall. |
不必了 你找到地方了? | -We don't have to. -You found a place? |
沒有,但莫妮卡和我討論過 | No,but Monica and I were talking... |
我為了禮堂被拆的事很煩 結果她建議把婚期延後 | ...and I was so upset about the hall being knocked down...and she suggested we put the wedding off for a bit. |
她說什麼? | She said what? |
如果我不喜歡臨時找個地方 我們就應該延期 | If I won't be happy with somewhere we'd find in a day...we should postpone it. |
延期 | Postpone it. |
你覺得莫妮卡知道 我們爸媽花了多少錢嗎? | Do you think Monica realizes how much our parents spent on this? |
你覺得我妹的小腦袋能理解 | Do you think my sister's teeny,tiny,little brain comprehends... |
大家特地挪出時間 大老遠飛來這裡嗎? | ...that people took time out of their lives...to fly thousands of miles to be here? |
這麼做是不對的 | This isn't right. |
我知道大家會失望 但他們下次一定會再來 | I realize that people are gonna be disappointed.But I'm sure they'll come back. |
我不能叫人家這麼做,你會嗎 | I can't ask people to do that. Would you? |
別拿你的褲子指著我 | Don't you point your pants at me! |
我們別無選擇 | We have no choice. |
像樣一點的場地一定沒空檔 你不懂嗎?這是我們的婚禮 | Anywhere half-decent will have been booked.Don't you understand? This is our wedding! |
我只知道延期是不可能的 要結就現在結 | Postponing it is not an option. This is when we're getting married. |
意思是否則就不結? 不,我是說現在就結 | -You're saying it's now or never? -I'm saying it's now. |
否則呢? 我沒說否則 | -Or? -There's no "or" in mine! |
這條褲子是怎麼搞的? | What is wrong with these pants? |
不是褲子,是你本末倒置 | It's not the pants. It's you who's backwards. |
要是你不懂這件事對我多重要 或許我們根本不該結婚 | If you don't understand how important this is to me...perhaps we shouldn't marry at all! |
艾蜜莉,等一下,別走 | Emily,no! Wait,stop! Emily,please |
買完東西有舒服一點嗎? | Did shopping help you feel any better? |
曼哈頓的店不夠 | Manhattan doesn't have enough stores. |
我可以幫你忘了他 真的? | I can help you get over him. |
對,拿一張羅斯的照片 一小片巧克力和一杯溫水來 | You can?I need you to bring me photos of Ross...and a small piece of chocolate...and a glass of tepid water. |
是不是要跟墓地的土裝在一起 掛在面北的樹上? | Is this where you throw stuff in a bag with graveyard dirt and hang it from a north-facing tree? |
要是你也在打嗝的話 | Only if you have the hiccups too. |
照片是給你的,其他是我要的 我只是不想起來 | The chocolate and water are for me. I didn't feel like getting up. |
我給你看一張羅斯的照片 | I'll show you a picture of Ross. |
你要去想他不好的地方 | And you remember all the bad things about him. |
專心想他的缺點 沒問題,我們交往時我就這樣 | -Focus on his flaws. -I can do that.I did that while we were going out. |
好,首先我想先聲明 我愛羅斯,他真的好棒 | Before we start,I want to say,for the record,I love Ross.He's such a great guy. |
好,閉上眼睛 想像你跟羅斯在一起 | Close your eyes.Imagine that you're with Ross. |
想像你在親他 | Imagine that you're kissing him. |
你的手在他的身上遊移 | You're running your hands all over his body. |
你的手撫弄他的頭髮 | You run your hands through his hair but |
但是好惡!是某種髮油 | Gross! It's some kind of grease. |
我不曉得 他的頭髮沒那麼困擾我 | I don't know.His hair never bothered me that much. |
那應該算是硬而不是油 | It was more crunchy than it was greasy. |
好吧,難度比我想的還高 | This will be harder than I thought. |
試試厭惡療法好了 | Let's try some aversion therapy. |
看著照片 好 | Look at the picture. |
現在覺得怎樣? | How do you feel now? |
我比較不喜歡你了 | Well,I like you less. |
在英國玩也一樣難玩 | Well,It's just boring in England |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
我才抱歉 我不該說你丟我的臉 | I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said you were embarrassing me. |
那樣很過份 | That wasn't cool. |
如果你會高興一點 我今天過得很悲慘 | If it makes you feel any better,I've had a really lousy day. |
我也是 | Me too. |
真的? 才怪 | -Yeah? -No! |
我玩得超過癮的 | I had the best day ever! |
你看 | Dude,check this out! |
有你的這段就快轉,無聊死了 | I'll fastforward your part because it's boring! |
告訴我朋友你喜歡我的帽子 | Tell my friend you like my hat. |
好,你朋友叫什麼? 錢德(約克公爵夫人莎拉·弗格森) | -What's your friend's name? -Chandler. |
錢德你好(約克公爵夫人莎拉·弗格森) | Hi,Chandler. |
那不是… 那是弗姬,寶貝 | -That's -That's Fergie,baby! |
喬伊說你不喜歡他的帽子 但我覺得蠻時髦的 | Joey says you don't like his hat,but I think it's kind of dashing. |
聽說你恢復單身了 | So I hear you're single now. |
我對帽子沒喜歡到那個程度 | - Yeah,I don't like the hat that much. -Okay. |
你怎麼會…什麼時候… | When did you? How? |
我想去白金漢宮 | I was trying to get to Buckingham Palace. |
就進入地圖,然後… | So I'm in my map and |
聽說你和艾蜜莉談過 | I understand you had a talk with Emily. |
沒錯,不客氣 | Yes,I did.And you are welcome. |
是嗎? 是你提議把婚期延後的? | Am l?Was it your idea to postpone the wedding? |
我要上廁所 等我 | -I'm going to the bathroom. -Wait up! |
既然你這麼會解決問題 問題來了 | Since you're the fix-it lady,here's a pickle: |
當新娘說她不想結婚時 你怎麼辦? | What do you do when the bride says she doesn't want the wedding at all? |
她這麼說? 對 | She said that? Why? |
為什麼? 我不知道 | I don't know. |
我說為了禮堂被拆就延期很蠢 她就捉狂了 | I said it was stupid to put off the wedding......and she,like,flipped out. |
天哪,你比我還笨 | Oh,my God! You're even dumber than I am. |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
你籌備這次婚禮多久了? | How long have you been planning this wedding? |
不曉得,1個月吧 | I don't know. A month? |
艾蜜莉可能從5歲就在計畫了 | Emily's probably been planning it since she was 5. |
從她第一次把枕頭套 披在頭上開始 | Ever since the first time she hung a pillowcase from her head. |
女生都這樣 | That's what we did. |
我們夢想在一個完美的場地 辦一場完美的婚禮 | We dreamed about the perfect wedding.In the perfect place. |
有一個完美的四層結婚蛋糕 | With the perfect four-tiered wedding cake. |
上面有小人偶 | With the little people on top. |
但最重要的是有個完美的男人 | But the most important part...is that we had the perfect guy... |
瞭解這一切對我們有多重要 | ...who understood just how important all that stuff was. |
我都不知道 | I had no idea. |
我以為你披枕頭套 是在學“快樂的修女” | That pillowcase thing,I thought you were doing The Flying Nun. |
有時候是啦 | Sometimes we were. |
別哭了,幫我想想辦法 | Come on.Help me figure out what to do. |
場面蠻緊張的 是啊 | Pretty intense,huh? |
希望羅斯不會以為 我們是怕尷尬才進廁所 | I hope Ross didn't think we left because we were uncomfortable here. |
希望他就是這麼想的 | I hope he did. |
我想到一個缺點了 羅斯吃口香糖會吹泡泡 | I thought of a good flaw. Ross pops his gum. |
沒錯 | Oh,right. |
等等,我也會 是啊,那讓我發瘋 | -Wait a minute. I do that too. -I know,it drives me crazy. |
我來接 | I'll get it. |
菲比,我是喬伊 | Pheebs,it's Joey. |
喬伊 | Hey,Joey! |
我在地鐵看到一個很像你的人 | I saw someone that looks just like you on the subway. |
我正想打招呼 又想到他不會在乎他長得像你 | I was going to say hi,then I figured he doesn't care he looks like you. |
你講了我4塊錢 | That just cost me 4 bucks. |
我打來問小雞小鴨好不好 | I called to see how the chick and the duck are doing. |
它們跟菲比阿姨玩得很開心 瑞秋阿姨沒什麼用 | They're having fun with Aunt Phoebe. Aunt Rachel hasn't been helpful. |
你想我嗎? | So do you miss me? |
有點,但我玩得太高興了 | Kind of,but I've been having too much fun. |
你還沒想家? 沒有,應該沒有 | You're not homesick yet?I don't think so. |
我們七個都很想你 | Well,the seven of us miss you. |
哪七個? 我,瑞秋,雞鴨,寶寶 | -Who's seven? -Me,Rachel...the birds,the babies. |
寶寶也想我? | The babies miss me? |
當然想,不然就是我太餓了 | Of course they do,or I'm just really hungry. |
披薩來了 你們趁我不在叫披薩? | Pizza guy's here!You ordered pizza without me? |
對,但我們有想著你 我們點了歡樂(喬伊)套餐 | But we were thinking about you. We ordered the Joey Special. |
兩個披薩? | Two pizzas? |
對,我得掛了,再聊 | -Gotta go! Talk to you later. -Wait! |
等等,你們叫哪一家的? | Where did you get it from? |
(歡樂酒店) | |
他們永遠歡迎您的光臨 | And they're always glad you came |
要去就去一個 讓你沒煩惱的地方 | You want to be where you can see Your troubles are all the same |
要去就去一個 大家都認識你的地方 | You want to be Where everybody knows your name |
你帶我來這裡幹什麼? 等著瞧 | Why have you brought me here?You'll see. |
我們不會結婚了 | This wedding won't happen. |
羅斯 好,但想像更多燈火 | Ross.But imagine a lot more lights... |
少一點磚瓦,還有鮮花蠟燭 | ...and fewer bricks...and flowers and candles |
樂隊可以擺在這裡 椅子可以朝這邊,然後… | And the musicians can go over here.The chairs can face this way and |
你講 | You go. |
不過要是你不喜歡 我們就改時間改地點 | But if you don't love this,we'll do it any other place or time. |
真的沒關係,你高興就好 | Really,it's fine.Whatever you want. |
這樣很完美 | It's perfect. |
我不知道,要是下雨… 那就淋濕吧 | And,I don't know,if it rains Then we'll get wet. |
我連男朋友都沒有 | I don't even have a date. |
菲比 怎樣? | Phoebe?Ya? |
你記得鴨子飼料在哪裡嗎? | Do you remember where the duck food is? |
記得,在男生那邊的水槽下面 怎麼了? | In the guys' apartment,under the sink. Why? |
因為我要去倫敦 | Because I'm going to London. |
什麼?什麼叫你要去倫敦? | What? What do you mean? |
我得告訴羅斯我愛他 | I have to tell Ross I love him. |
保重,等我回來再生 | Take care and don't have the babies till I get back. |
那我們想了半天他的缺點呢? | But what about all the finding-his-flaws stuff we've been doing? |
沒用 | Yeah,that didn't work. |
你不能去,羅斯愛的是艾蜜莉 | You can't go. Ross loves Emily. |
我知道 但我得告訴他我的感覺 | I know,but I have to tell him how I feel. |
他應該知道所有狀況 好做出知道狀況的決定 | He deserves all the information to make an informed decision. |
才怪,你去是希望他說 | You're going because you hope he'll say: |
“我也愛你” “別理那個英國妹了” | "l love you too. Forget the British chippy." |
你覺得他會嗎? | You think he will? |
不會,因為他愛那個英國妹 | No,because he's in love with the British chippy! |
你去了只會把他搞亂 毀了他的婚禮 | You're just gonna mess with his head and ruin his wedding. |
太遲了,你錯過機會了 | It's too late! You missed your chance. |
抱歉,你一定很難受 | I'm sorry. This must be hard. |
但已經結束了 | But it's over. |
不,有人說“我願意” 才算結束 | No,it's not over until someone says,"l do." |
我願意!我願意… | I do! I do! |
誰追得上你,我懷了一窩豬仔 | Like I can really chase you. I'm carrying a litter! |
華森公館 | The Waltham residence. |
是艾蜜莉的父母家嗎? 我是管家 | Is this Emily's parents' house?This is the housekeeper speaking. |
還有,小姐 講電話不能這樣講 | And,by the way,that is not how one addresses a person on the telephone. |
先表明身份 再請你想找的人過來 | First one identifies oneself...and then asks for the person with whom one wishes to speak. |
你在說什麼? | What are you saying? |
我們重來一次 | Now,let us try that again,shall we? |
不!天哪 | No!Oh,my God! |
華森公館 | -The Waltham residence. -Hello. |
我是菲比布菲,我是想麻煩你 | This is Phoebe Buffay. I was wondering,please... |
如果不是很麻煩的話 | ...if it's not too much trouble,please... |
我能和艾蜜莉華森小姐通話嗎 | ...might I speak with Miss Emily Waltham,please? |
華森小姐去排練餐會了 | Miss Waltham is at the rehearsal dinner. |
嘲弄別人的口音是不禮貌的 再見 | And it is not polite to make fun of people. Goodbye. |
不!我會有禮貌,我發誓 可以把現場的電話給我嗎? | I'll be nice,I swear. Could you just give me the number for where they are? |
我恐怕沒有權利洩露這項訊息 | I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to divulge that information. |
有人正要去破壞婚禮 我得警告他們 | Somebody is on their way to ruin the wedding,and I have to warn somebody. |
你不給我號碼,我就殺到倫敦 把你一腳踹到新咕嚕肯夏去 | So if you don't give me that number,I'm gonna come over there...and I'm gonna kick your snooty ass all the way to New Gloukenshire! |
她知道我說到做到 | She knew I could kick her ass. |
乖兒子 媽 | -Hi,sweetheart. -Mom, |
爸 | Dad. |
抱歉遲到了 是我不好,我堅持要坐管子 | Sorry we're late.My fault. I insisted on riding the tube. |
茱蒂,孩子都在 | Judy,the kids! |
傑克,那是地鐵的俗稱 | Jack,that's what they call the subway. |
我以為… 爸,我們懂 | -I thought -Dad,we got it. |
我爸和繼母來了 | Here comes my dad and stepmom. |
蓋勒夫婦,這是史帝芬… 和安瑞亞華森 | Mr. and Mrs. Geller.This is Steven... -Hello,darling....and Andrea Waltham |
幸會 | .Very nice to meet you. |
親愛的,是蓋勒家的人 親愛的,是親家 | Darling,the Gellers.Darling,it's the Gellers. |
她只想著自己,我不該娶她的 | She's very self-involved. I should never have married her. |
你說什麼? | What? |
是蓋勒家的人 在哪裡? | -It's the Gellers. -Where? |
那邊一個,那邊一個 | That's one and that's another one. |
很高興認識你們 謝謝你們出一半的錢 | Lovely to meet you.Nice of you to offer to pay for half the wedding. |
不客氣,去他的習俗 我們很樂意 | The hell with tradition. We're happy to do it. |
我們知道結個婚有多花錢 | We know how expensive weddings can be. |
而且以後可能就沒機會了 | Besides,this may be the only wedding we get to throw. |
真是個世界通行的笑話 | A joke that's funny in all countries. |
您要嗎? | Sir? |
裡麵包什麼? 羊酪、水田芥和培根 | -What's in it? -Goat cheese,watercress and pancetta. |
這能吃嗎? | That's not food. |
這裡的東西都不一樣 我想回家 | Everything's different here. I want to go home. |
我想念我的家人,想念咖啡館 | I miss my family,the coffeehouse. |
我連菲比的長相都不記得了 | I can't even remember what Phoebe looks like! |
我們才來3天 | It's been three days. |
你只是想家了 放輕鬆,好好玩就對了 | Okay,you're just homesick.Would you just try to relax and just enjoy yourself? |
連你都變了 | You're different here too. |
你在英國好壞 | You're mean in England! |
搞什麼? 怎麼了? | What the hell? |
我的這份帳單太瘋狂了 | What's up,Dad?This bill for my half of the wedding. It's insane. |
怎麼會這麼貴? 請客是在家裡請 | How can it be so much? The reception's at their house. |
花,酒,一樓重鋪地毯? | Flowers,liquor. Re-carpet first floor? |
新的客用浴室,造景 | New guest bath,landscaping. |
我在出錢讓他們裝修 | I'm paying to remodel this guy's house. |
我要把那個混蛋罵一頓 爸,別激動 | I'm gonna give that son of a bitch a piece of my mind. |
我不想讓艾蜜莉不開心 她這兩天已經夠心煩了 | Please.I don't want anything to upset Emily tonight She's had a hard enough couple of days as it is. |
給我,我去跟他談 | Here. Let me go talk to him. |
告訴他誰也別想占蓋勒家便宜 | You tell him no one takes advantage of the Gellers. |
傑克 有時候我都忘了你多有氣概 | Sometimes I forget how powerful you can be |
我要去喝個爛醉 | And I'm gonna go get drunk. |
你好 你好 | -Hello. -Hello. |
下一班飛倫敦的班機? 半小時後有一班 | When is your next flight to London?There's one leaving in 30 minutes. |
還剩一個空位 謝謝你 | And I do have one seat left. |
臨時票的價錢是2700元 | Thank you,thank you.The last-minute fare on this ticket is $2700. |
賣我6百如何? 抱歉 | Huh. How about 600? |
6百再加這對耳環 | -Sorry. -How about 600 and these earrings? |
公司是覺得最好不要 | They prefer it if I don't barter. |
我的信用卡額度不夠 | I don't think I have enough left on my credit card. |
你可以分兩張刷 | You can split it with another card. |
五張可以嗎? | How about five? |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
請出示護照 | I'm just going to need to see your passport. |
我沒帶,不過我可以告訴你 它就在我的床頭櫃上 | I don't have it,but I can tell you exactly where it is on my nightstand. |
這樣吧,我有駕照 還有一張20元鈔票 | You know what? I have my driver's license.And I have a 20. |
我爸不會付內建烤爐的錢 | Face it. My father is not going to pay for the built-in barbecue. |
還有,涼亭也免談 | And believe me,you can kiss your gazebo goodbye. |
我或許可以爭取到新草皮 | I might be able to get you the new lawn. |
那也得給草坪的裝飾品 | Then you have to give us the lawn ornaments. |
我要是答應會被我爸笑死 | I go back there with lawn ornaments,he'll laugh in my face. |
太扯了,大家都說好了 | This is ridiculous. I mean,we had an agreement. |
史帝芬,你說句話好嗎? | Will you say something,Steven? |
別對我這麼不客氣 | Don't take that tone with me. |
好吧,隨你 | All right,you can. |
菲比 | Phoebe |
謝天謝地,你改變心意了 | Thank God!You changed your mind. |
你現在或許想靜一靜 沒關係,你這麼做是對的 | You probably want to be alone,you don't want to talk about it.You're doing the right thing. |
再見 等等,你要去哪裡? | Where are you going? |
你又想幹什麼?等等 | What are you doing? No,wait. |
為什麼每次她這樣 我都在懷孕 | Why am I always pregnant when she does that? |
我想敬羅斯和艾蜜莉一杯 | I'd like to make a toast to Ross and Emily. |
我明天會正式敬酒 今天是非正式敬酒 | My big toast is tomorrow.This is kind of my little toast, |
也就是隨便敬敬 | or Melba toast,if you will. |
好,我跟羅斯認識很久了 他第一次交女朋友我都知道 | Okay.I've known Ross for a long time. I knew him when he was with his first girlfriend. |
我以為他們很順利 直到有一天他倆脹胎了 | I thought things were going to work out for him,until the day he over-inflated her. |
天哪 | Oh,dear God! |
華森府邸 | Hello,Waltham lnteriors. |
華森太太 我想找羅斯的伴郞之一或妹妹 | Mrs. Waltham.I need to speak with one of the best men or Ross' sister,Monica. |
你是誰? | -Who is this? |
我是菲比布菲 羅斯最要好的朋友之一 | -Phoebe,one of Ross' best friends. |
你怎麼知道這個號碼? | How did you get this number? |
跟你的女傭問的 | I got it from your maid. |
她很賤,但我比她更賤 | She's a bitch,but I wore her down. |
既然是羅斯的朋友怎麼沒來? | If you're one of Ross' best friends,why aren't you here? |
我不能坐飛機 我懷了我弟的孩子 | I can't fly. I'm having my brother's babies. |
是廣播節目嗎? | Am I on the radio? |
不是 我可以找他們嗎?我有要緊事 | Can I talk to one of them? It's important. |
我對你沒興趣了,我要掛了 | I'm bored of you now. I'm going to cut you off. |
我也要踹她 | Oh,okay,I'm going to have to kick her ass too. |
很高興羅斯和艾蜜莉 要在蒙哥馬利禮堂結婚 | We're excited that Ross and Emily are getting married at Montgomery Hall. |
我朋友要在“蒙帝霍爾”結婚 (霍爾字同禮堂) | To think,my friend getting married in Monty Hall. |
拜託,蒙帝霍爾啊 《大家來挑戰》的主持人啊 | Come on,Monty Hall!Let's Make a Deal. |
笑一下吧 | Come on,you people! |
算了,恭喜 | All right,forget it. Congratulations,Ross and Emily. |
伴郞二號,喬伊崔比亞尼 | Best man number two,Joey Tribbiani. |
我沒錢德那麼會說笑話 | I'm not good with the jokes like Chandler here. |
我只想說恭喜這對幸福的新人 | Congratulations to the happy couple. |
我在我家附近咖啡館認識羅斯 | I first met Ross in this coffeehouse back home. |
家 | Home. |
紐約市…在那裡大家都認識我 | New York City.Where everybody knows my name. |
總之,我愛你們 | Anyway...I love you guys. |
但是我更愛美國 | But not as much as I love America. |
我們回家了好不好? | Can we please go home now? |
你要回去了? 我正想進一步瞭解你 | Are you going home?I was hoping to get to know you better. |
親愛的,我哪兒也不去 | I'm not going anywhere,sweetheart. |
我有笑啊 | I was laughing. |
有笑出聲嗎? | Out loud? |
我不想讓別人覺得我很白癡 | I didn't want everyone to think I was stupid. |
你好嗎? | So how are you? |
我媽快把我逼瘋了 | My mother's driving me crazy. |
但我很替羅斯高興 我不會讓任何人掃我的興 | But Ross is getting married. I'm happy.I'm not going to let anything spoil that. |
我只想說羅斯真是個好青年 | I just want to say that Ross is a wonderful young man. |
謝謝,我們都喜歡他 | Thanks. We like him. |
天哪,你生他時一定才十幾歲 | My God! You must have been a teenager when you had him. |
我絕對不會付錢 | There's no way in hell I'm paying for it. |
好,我只問一件事 | Look,we're down to just one point. |
能不能婚禮後再解決? | Could we please just settle it after the wedding? |
好,但我絕不付酒窖的錢 靠美國才沒被德國殖民的小人 | Fine,but I'm not paying for your wine cellar...you thieving,would-be-speaking- German-if-it-weren't-for-us,cheap little man! |
那傢伙醉了 你怎麼可能像羅斯的媽 | The guy was hammered. There's no way you look like Ross' mother. |
那他為何會認錯? 因為他瘋了 | -Then why would he say it? -Because he's crazy! |
之前他還謝謝我 在“泰坦尼克號”裡演得很棒 | He came up to me earlier and thanked me for my very moving performance in Titanic. |
我媽說得對,我嫁不出去了 | My mother's right. I'll never get married. |
這麼說就… | You know what,that is |
誰不想要你? | Who wouldn't want you? |
拜託 我是個兒子30歲的單親媽媽 | Please! I'm a single mom with a 30-year-old son. |
我回來了,聽著,我得… | -Hi,I'm back. Listen,I need to |
你好 | -Hello. |
你好,我得趕11點那班飛機 | Hello. I need to get on that 11:00 flight. |
那架班機已經起飛了 | I'm afraid that plane's already pulled away from the gate. |
你得叫他們掉頭回來接我 | You're going to have to call that plane and tell them to swing around and pick me up. |
我不能那麼做 | -Can't do that. |
當然可以,就說引擎有問題 | -Sure,you know what?We'll just tell them that there was,like,a problem with,like,the engine. |
我恐怕得請你讓開 | I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to step aside,miss. |
我不趕去倫敦,他會娶別人 | Look,if I don't get to London he is gonna marry that other girl. |
真不懂是為什麼 | Can't imagine why. |
你知道嗎? 你不把那架飛機叫回來我就不走 | All right. You know what?I am not leaving here until you call that plane back. |
(暫停服務) | |
我今天要結婚了 | I'm getting married today! |
早啊,羅斯 | Morning. |
我今天要結婚了 | -I'm getting married today! -Yeah,you are. |
你覺得他有發現嗎? | Do you think he knew I was here? |
抱歉 是 | -Excuse me. -Yeah. |
要是你打算一路敲打到倫敦 | If you're going to do that throughout the flight,tell me now... |
現在就說,我好吃鎮靜劑 | ...so that I can take a sedative. |
或是給你一顆 | Or perhaps slip you one. |
對不起,非常抱歉 | I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. Sorry. |
我只是有點興奮 | It's just,I'm kind of excited. |
我要去倫敦告訴一個人我愛他 | I'm going to London...to tell this guy that I love him. |
我沒跟你做過這檔事 | Well,I've never done that with you before. |
是沒有 | No |
你怎樣?還好嗎? | So how are you?You okay? |
很好,你呢? | Yeah. Yeah. You? |
很好…你呢? | Oh,yes. Yes.You? |
我們問過了 | We did you. |
我該走了 好,當然 | -I better get going. -Absolutely. |
你能不能不要看? 我不想看 | Could you not look?I don't want to look. |
你死哪去了? | Where the hell have you been? |
我沒回來睡 我認識了可愛的伴娘,她好… | I spent the night out. I met this cute bridesmaid. She is so |
我不想聽 | I don't want to hear it! |
菲比,我最喜歡的還是你 | Pheebs,you know you're still my number-one girl. |
不,出事了,瑞秋跑去倫敦了 | No. No. We have an emergency. Rachel's coming to London. |
太好了 | Great! |
一點也不好 她要去告訴羅斯她愛他 | No,it's not great. She's coming to tell Ross that she loves him. |
但是羅斯愛艾蜜莉 我知道 | But he loves Emily.I know that! |
你得阻止她,她會破壞婚禮 好 | You have to stop her. She's going to ruin the wedding.Okay. |
所以… 等等 | -All right,so -Hold on,hold on. |
瑞秋來了 | Rachel coming. |
想…辦法 | Do...something. |
我該做的都做了 現在該你負責 | I've done my part,okay?It's your responsibility now. |
我卸下這個責任了,對吧? 對 | -The burden is off me.Right? -Right. |
說說這個伴娘吧 | So tell me about this girl. |
結果我發現我的一切舉動 | And so then I realized,all the stuff that I had been doing... |
向約書亞求婚、騙說我要忙 | ...proposing to Joshua,lying to Ross about why I couldn't come to the wedding... |
都只是一種… | -...was all just a way -Oh,oh,oh,oh! |
抱歉,可以打個岔嗎? | I'm sorry,can I interrupt? |
你真是個很糟糕,很糟糕的人 | I just want to say that you are a horrible,horrible person. |
你說什麼? | Pardon me? |
你說你愛這個人 卻要去破壞他的大喜之日 | You say you love this man,and yet you're about to ruin the happiest day of his life. |
我不得不同意你朋友菲比的話 | I'm afraid I have to agree with your friend Pheebs. |
這是個很差勁,很差勁的打算 | This is a terrible,terrible plan. |
但他必須知道我的感受 為什麼? | -But he has to know how I feel. -But why? |
他愛這個艾蜜莉 這麼做絕對沒好處 | He loves this Emily person. No good can come of this. |
我覺得你錯了 才怪 | -Well,I think you're wrong. -Oh,no. |
他並非真的愛她 只是失去我需要寄託 | Well,he doesn't really love her. It's just a rebound thing from me. |
你等著瞧 幸好我看不到 | -You'll see. -Fortunately I won't. |
還有,你們當時顯然是分手了 | And by the way,it seems to be perfectly clear that you were on a break. |
想辦法 | Do something. |
辦法 | Something. |
你有看見莫妮卡嗎? 我不會見莫妮卡 | -Have you seen Monica? -I'm not seeing Monica! |
什麼? 什麼? | -What? -What? |
我們得找到她 菲比說瑞秋要來向羅斯表白 | We gotta find her. Rachel's coming to tell Ross she loves him. |
天哪 | -Oh,my God! |
沒錯,所以要找到莫妮卡 你知道她在哪裡嗎? | -I know. Do you know where Monica is? |
不知道!你在逼問什麼? 乾脆拿燈照我的眼睛算了 | No. What's with the third degree? Why not just shine a light in my eyes? |
我的天哪,跟仙境一樣 | Oh,my God!It's like a fairyland. |
是啊,很恐怖吧? | I know. It's horrible,isn't it? |
我好喜歡 希望我的婚禮也能這麼美 | I love it. I only hope my wedding looks this good. |
我覺得… 有些話就別接了 | -I just hope -You can let some of them go by. |
開始注意瑞秋 | Start looking out for Rachel. |
我守前門 你守後面那個大洞 | I'll cover the front door. You watch that big hole. |
羅斯那裡有錢德顧著 | And I got Chandler covering Ross. |
我幹嘛管錢德在哪裡? | Why would I care where Chandler is? |
有的時候我根本不喜歡錢德 | You know...sometimes I don't even like Chandler. |
好 | Okay. |
我願意…我願意…我願意 | I do.I do.I do. |
沒錯,第二個比較好 是嗎? | -You're right. It's the second one. -Right? |
喬伊 費麗西蒂 | Hello,Joey.Hey,Felicity. |
我整天都在想你 是嗎? | I thought about you all day. |
再跟我講講紐約的事 | Talk New York to me again. |
別管紐約了 | Forget about it. |
你好嗎? | How you doing? |
沒什麼好談的 我們不會付酒窖的錢 | There's nothing to discuss. We're not paying for your wine cellar. |
你們總得折衷一下 | You have to meet me in the middle here. |
你再羅唆我就踹你的屁眼 | My foot's gonna meet the middle of your ass. |
怎麼了? 沒事,一切都在掌握中 | -What's going on? -Everything's under control. |
你想幹架?你是這個意思嗎? | You want a piece of me,sir? Is that what you're saying? |
夠了,雙方家長,退後 | That's it! Parents! Parents! Back away! |
這是我們的大喜之日 | This is our wedding day! |
你們給我好好相處 誰再多說一個字 | From now on,everyone gets along.And if I hear one more word... |
就別想抱孫子,沒錯 | ...no grandchildren! That's right! |
知道了 抱歉 | -Okay,okay. -Sorry,old boy. |
我用大拇指就能扳倒你 | I could kill you with my thumb,you know. |
這是怎麼回事? | What was all that about? |
只是一些費用上的… | It was this disagreement over |
天哪,你真美 | My God! You look beautiful. |
行禮前看到新娘會不吉利 | You're not meant to see me before the wedding. It's bad luck. |
我們的惡運應該都用完了 | I think we've had all the bad luck we're going to have. |
天哪,瑞秋 | My God,Rachel! |
你來了,我真不敢相信 | You're here. I can't believe it. |
你怎麼跑來了? | What happened? Why are you here? |
我只是來… | I just came to |
我只是得告訴你… | I just needed to tell you... |
恭喜你 | ...congratulations. |
華森府邸 | Hello,Waltham lnteriors. |
華森太太嗎?又是我,菲比 | Mrs. Waltham? It's Phoebe. |
為什麼又是你? | Why? |
我可以跟伴郞之一說話嗎? 我保證這是最後一次 | Can I talk to one of the best men? This is going to be the last time. |
有個女生找你 | There's a girl on the phone for you. |
真好 | Great! |
喬伊,是菲比 你有堵到瑞秋嗎? | It's Phoebe.Did you stop Rachel? |
沒有,但沒事 她只有抱抱他而已 | No,but it's okay. She just came in and gave him a hug. That's it. |
沒有破壞什麼? 沒有 | -Nothing got ruined? -No. |
太好了 | That's so great! |
現在怎麼樣了? | So,what's going on now? |
我正在走紅毯 | I'm walking down the aisle. |
還在走 | Still walking. |
我正要經過昨晚那個伴娘面前 | I'm about to pass the bridesmaid I hooked up with last night. |
我剛跟她說嗨 | I just told her "hey." |
我跟羅斯站在一起了 是菲比 | I'm at the front with Ross.It's Phoebe! |
他看起來很不爽 | He looks pretty mad. |
我得掛了 等一下!拿著讓我聽 | I better go.Wait! Hold it up so I can listen. |
昨晚的事真是… 愚蠢 | -What we did last night was -Stupid. |
既瘋狂又愚蠢 | Totally crazy,stupid. |
我們在想什麼? | What were we thinking? |
我晚上去找你,好嗎? | I'm coming over tonight though,right? |
當然好 | Definitely. |
各位親朋好友 | Friends,family... |
我們今天齊聚一堂 慶祝羅斯與艾蜜莉締結良緣 | ...we are gathered to celebrate...the joyous union of Ross and Emily |
願今朝的幸福永遠與他們同在 艾蜜莉,跟著我念 | May the happiness of today...be with them always.Now,Emily,repeat after me. |
我,艾蜜莉… | -l,Emily... |
嫁給你,羅斯… | -...take thee,Ross.... |
做我合法的丈夫 禍福與共,至死方休 | ...as my lawfully wedded husband,in sickness and in health...till death parts us. |
羅斯,跟著我念 | Now,Ross.Repeat after me. |
我,羅斯… | I,Ross... |
迎娶你,艾蜜莉… | ...take thee,Emily... |
迎娶你,瑞秋… | ...take thee,Rachel |
艾蜜莉 | Emily. |
艾蜜莉 | Emily. |
還要繼續嗎? | Shall I go on? |
第一次… | "Mother,Mother,Pizza,Pizza," take one. |
樂隊準備好了? | Oh,the band's ready? |
樂隊怎麼說我就怎麼做 | We gotta do what the band says,right? |
我才懶得管樂隊呢 | I don't care about the stupid band! |
太晚了。對走吧 | -Well,it's getting late. -Here we go. |
你們可以陪我一下嗎? | Actually,you guys mind staying here with me for a while? |
我們早上要趕(有“抓住”的含義)飛機 | You know,we gotta get up early and catch the plane to New York. |
對,那架飛機很大 | Yeah,it's a very large plane. |
怎麼了? | Why,what's the matter? |
各位親朋好友 今天大家齊聚一堂 | Friends,family,we're gathered to celebrate... |
慶祝羅斯與艾蜜莉締結良緣 | ...the joyous union of Ross and Emily. |
羅斯,請跟我複述 | Now,Ross,repeat after me. |
我,羅斯… 我,羅斯… | "l,Ross."I,Ross. |
娶你,艾蜜莉… 娶你,瑞秋… | "Take thee,Emily."Take thee,Rachel. |
艾蜜莉 | Emily |
艾蜜莉 | Emily |
要繼續嗎? | Shall I go on? |
他說瑞秋對不對? 我要過去嗎? | He said,"Rachel," right?Do you think I should go up there? |
請繼續 | Yes. Yes. Do go on. |
我們最好重新來過 | I think we'd better start again. |
羅斯,請你跟著我說 | Repeat after me. |
我,羅斯… 我,羅斯… | "l,Ross."I,Ross. |
娶你,艾…蜜…莉… | "Take thee,Emily." |
娶你,艾蜜莉… | Take thee,Emily. |
就好像還有別人似的 | Like there'd be anybody else. |
成為我的合法髮妻 無論貧病,至死不渝 | "As my lawfully wedded wife,in sickness and in health...till death parts us." |
成為我的合法髮妻 無論貧病,至死不渝 | As my lawfully wedded wife,in sickness and in health...until death parts us. |
我願意,艾蜜莉 | Really,I do. Emily. |
請給我婚戒 | Do you have the rings? |
艾蜜莉,為羅斯戴上戒指 象徵你永遠愛他 | Place this ring on Ross' finger...as a symbol of your bond everlasting. |
羅斯,為艾蜜莉戴上戒指 代表你倆白頭偕老 | Ross,place this ring on Emily's hand as a symbol of the love that encircles you forever. |
我很樂意 | Happy to. |
羅斯與艾蜜莉已經宣誓 | They have made their declarations... |
我很榮幸宣佈他們成為夫妻 | ...and it gives me great pleasure to declare them husband and wife. |
你可以親吻新娘了 | You may kiss the bride. |
這比他娶同性戀那次更糟糕 | This is worse than when he married the lesbian. |
保持微笑 | Just keep smiling. |
好 | Okey |
進行得真順利 | Well,that went well. |
他沒開槍殺死她就不錯了 | It could've been worse. He could've shot her. |
剛才太有趣了,對吧 | That was pretty funny,wasn't it? |
本集播出:“羅斯說了‘瑞秋’之後” | The One After Ross Says "Rachel" |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你搞砸所有事情 我丟死人了 | You spoiled everything! It's a nightmare! |
我的親朋好友都在場 我以後拿什麼臉見人? | My friends and family are out there! How can I face them? |
你怎麼做得出來? | How can you do this to me? |
無論如何 我們都吃得到蛋糕吧? | No matter what happens with them...we still get cake,right? |
沒關係,親愛的,你慢慢來 我在外面等你 | That's all right. You take your time. I'll be right out here. |
她要補妝 | She's just fixing her makeup. |
我恨你 | I hate you! |
我也愛你 | And I love you! |
羅斯,你偏挑這個時候 說錯名字 | A bad time to say the wrong name,huh? |
你說得對,謝了,老爸 | That's true. Thanks,Dad. |
大家應該跳舞啊 | People should be dancing. |
這是婚宴,喬伊,跳舞啊 | This is a party! Come on!Joey! Dance! |
華森府邸 | Yes,Waltham lnteriors. |
你好,我是羅斯蓋勒的醫生 佛蘭姬 | This is Ross Geller's personal physician,Dr. Filangie. |
誰? | Who? |
我發現羅斯忘了吃錯亂藥 | I discovered that Ross forgot to take his brain medicine. |
他這人不吃藥 就有可能講錯女人的名字 | Without it,in the brain of Ross...women's names are interchangeable. |
這完全不能怪他 | Through no fault of his own. |
上帝啊,是你菲比 | Oh,my God! Phoebe. |
我不是菲比,是佛蘭姬醫生 | No,not Phoebe. Dr. Filangie. |
你也錯亂了 | Oh,no! You have it too! |
什麼臭女人敢掛醫生的電話? | What kind of bitch hangs up on a doctor? |
嘿 嗨 | -Hi! -Hey |
希望你別誤會 | I hope you don't take this the wrong way... |
我知道我們今晚約了要見面 | ...but I know we had plans to meet up tonight. |
但是我擔心以後做不成朋友 | I'm worried about what it might do to our friendship. |
我明白 | I know. |
我們怎麼這麼不小心 還不小心了七次 | -How could we have let this happen? -Seven times! |
你知道,我們人在國外 | You know,look. We were away. |
又是浪漫的異鄉 | In a foreign,romantic country. |
都怪倫敦不好 | I blame London. |
壞倫敦 | Bad London! |
既然我們還在倫敦 就可以繼續,對不對? | So look...while we're still in London,we can keep doing it,right? |
看來我們別無選擇 | Well,I don't see that we have a choice. |
但是我們回去就得停止 | But when we're back home,we don't do it. |
只有這裡例外 | Only here. |
我看到樓下有酒窖 | You know,I saw a wine cellar downstairs. |
我兩分鐘後下去找你 好 | I'll meet you there in two minutes. |
我有事情要問你 現在? | Mon? I gotta ask you something.Now? |
羅斯剛剛說出我的名字 我不能假裝沒聽到吧 | Ross said my name. I can't just pretend it didn't happen. |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
莫妮卡,我該怎麼辦? | Monica,what should I do? |
做正確的事就行了 | Just do the right thing. |
什麼? | What? |
聽天由命,努力爭取 不要死心眼 | Tow the line! Thread the needle! Think outside the box! |
等等,我要問羅斯 他是什麼意思 | I'll talk to Ross about what he thinks it meant. |
瑞秋,不要,他已經結婚了 | Wait! Rachel,no.He's married.Married. |
要是你還不懂,我也沒法幫到你 | If you don't realize that,I can't help you. |
你說得對,你幫不了我 | Okay. You're right.You're right. You can't help me. |
傑克,這是我們的錯嗎? 沒把小孩教好? | Jack,is it all our fault? Were we bad parents? |
對 | Yes |
沒地方坐還叫人吃牛排 這要怎麼搞? | Who serves steak when there's no place to sit?How are you supposed to eat this? |
怎麼了 | Hey,what's up? |
下首音樂跟我跳舞好嗎? | You and me,next dance? |
抱歉,我只有喝醉才跳舞 | Sorry,dear,I only dance when I'm drunk. |
你想喝點什麼? | Want me to get you something? |
你跑哪去了?不是約在酒窖嗎? | Where were you?We were supposed to meet in the wine cellar? |
算了,當我沒說 | -Forget it. That's off. |
為什麼? | -Why? |
兩分鐘後…為各位介紹酒窖 | The next tour of the wine cellar will commence in two minutes. |
喬伊,你搞什麼? 你答應菲比等她生完才吃肉 | Joey,what are you doing?You promised,no meat till Phoebe has the babies. |
既然我們在國外就不算 | We're in another country,so it doesn't count. |
那倒是 他說得對 | -True. -He's got a point. |
很抱歉,事情竟然出狀況 | I'm sorry things aren't working out. |
的確不太妙,不過會解決的 | It could be better. It'll be okay,right? |
當然,她不會放在心上 | Oh,yeah! Of course. She'll get over this. |
你脫口說出我的名字又如何 | So you said my name. |
不過是因為你剛好看到我 | You just said it because you saw me there. |
如果你是看到怪胎 | If you'd seen a circus freak,you would've said: |
也會說:我娶你,怪胎 | "l take thee,Circus Freak." |
根本沒有別的意思 只是無心之過 | It didn't mean anything. It's a mistake. |
沒有別的意思,對吧? | It didn't mean anything. Right? |
當然沒有 | Oh,no! Of course it didn't mean anything. |
但是我明白艾蜜莉為何誤會 因為這剛好是你的名字 | I can understand why Emily thought it meant something...because it was you.{ |
其實沒有意義,真的沒有 | But it absolutely didn't. It didn't! It didn't! |
羅斯,樂隊正在 等你跟艾蜜莉開舞 | The band's ready for your first dance with Emily. |
噢,樂隊準備好了 | Oh! The band's ready! |
我們最好聽樂隊的話 我才不在乎那愚蠢的樂隊! | We've got to do what the band says. I don't care about the stupid band! |
你口水噴到我了 | You spit on me,man! |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
艾蜜莉也進去太久了吧 | Emily is taking kind of a long time. |
我結婚時也躲在廁所不出來 不過那是因為我要撬開窗戶 | When I locked myself up at my wedding I was trying to pop the window out of the frame. |
是啊 | Right |
我一心想要逃出去 | Get the hell out of there. You know? |
艾蜜莉,艾蜜莉 | Emily,Emily |
我要進去了 | I'm coming in! |
你看,同一招 | Oh,look at that. Same thing. |
如果我中途大喊“好耶” 你就當作沒聽到 | In the middle of everything,if I scream,"Yippee!" just ignore me. |
天啊,瑞秋,嗨,瑞秋 | -Oh,my God! Rachel! -Oh,hello,Rachel. |
羅斯叫出我的名字,是我的名字 | Ross said my name.Okay? My name! |
他會說成我的名字 表示他還愛我 | Ross said my name up there.That obviously means he still loves me! |
不信就算了,我絕對沒誤會 | Don't believe me. I know I'm right. |
你們要不要下樓喝一杯? | Do you guys want to go and get a drink? |
好啊,不過我們要先換衣服 | Yes,we do.But we have to change first. |
對,我想換衣服 | Yes,I want to change. |
你先下去占位子 我們五分鐘就下去 | -Go get a table. -We'll only be five minutes. |
十五分鐘吧 | Fifteen minutes. |
好 | Okey |
喂,菲比啊,是菲比 | Oh,Phoebe! It's Phoebe! |
是嗎? 太好了 | -Oh,hey,hey. -Oh,great. |
嗨 | Hi |
發生什麼事了? | So,what happened? |
羅斯說成我的名字 | Well,Ross said my name. |
我知道,不過他是無心的 | But I don't think that means anything. |
菲比,我們冷靜客觀想想看 | Let's look at this objectively. |
他從九年級就暗戀我對吧 | Ninth grade,right? |
那時就瘋狂迷上我 | The obsession starts. |
那年暑假 他頭一次看我穿兩件式 | Then he sees me in a two-piece for the first time. |
更是不可自拔愛上我 | His obsession begins to grow,right? |
去我房間換衣服好了 | Why don't we go change in my room? |
可是我的衣服在… | My clothes are.... |
你看起來真是… 沒時間廢話了 | Wow,you look…No time for that. |
老兄,讓我進去,我有女伴 | Hey,dude! Let me in! I got a girl out here! |
我也有 | I got a girl in here! |
才怪,我看到你跟莫妮卡進去 | No,you don't. I saw you go in with Monica. |
我們在裡面聊天 | Well,we're hanging out. |
你說我們兩對誰有機會做愛?我還是你? | Which one of us will be having sex in there? Me or you? |
看來我只能說是你了 | I suppose I would have to say you. |
可是我們正在看電視 | -What if we're watching a movie? |
沒錯,我們付費了 正在看“我的巨人” | -Which we are!And we've paid for it.It's My Giant. |
“我的巨人”?我愛死那部片 | My Giant?I love that movie! |
你確定這樣好嗎? | Think this is okay? |
反正羅斯跟艾蜜莉也用不到 | Well,Ross and Emily aren't going to use it. |
這裡好漂亮 | Oh,it's so beautiful! |
可是我總覺得不太妥當 | I don't feel right about this. |
莫…聽我說 | Oh Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-look, |
這是蜜月套房 這間房期待著性 | This is the honeymoon suite.The room expects sex. |
如果沒有,這間房一定很失望 | The room would be disappointed if it didn't get sex. |
在其他蜜月套房面前抬不起頭 | All the other honeymoon suites would think it was a loser. |
好吧 那好 | Okey,Okey |
艾蜜莉? | Emily? |
沒有,沒在這下面 | Nope! Not under here! |
你還沒找到她? | -You didn't find her? |
我到處都找不到 | -I've looked everywhere. |
你一定漏掉什麼地方 否則早就找到了 | You couldn't have,or you would've found her. |
你應該繼續找 | -Keep looking! |
大概再找個30分鐘 | -Yeah! For about 30 minutes? |
或是45分鐘 | Or 45? |
45分鐘可以找到兩次了 | In 45 minutes,you could find her twice. |
不了,她一定也找不到我 因為我跑來跑去 | For all I know,she's trying to find me but couldn't,because I kept moving. |
從現在開始我不動了 我就待在這裡 | From now on,I'm staying in one place.Right here. |
時間晚了 我們要走了 | -It's getting late. -We're going to go. |
你們在這兒待一會兒如何? | Do you guys mind staying here for a while? |
可是我們明天一早 就要搭飛機回紐約(與“捕捉飛機”同音) | We've got to get up early and catch that plane. |
是的那班飛機很大 | Yeah,it's a very large plane. |
那就算了 | That's cool. |
不過我們還是陪你一會 | But we'll stay here with you. |
謝了 | Thanks,guys! |
我很感激你們的好意 但是你也不用摸我屁股 | I really appreciate this,but you don't need to rub my butt. |
我們一小時後就要回紐約了 | We have to leave in an hour. |
我知道 | I know. |
我一直在看那扇門 隔音效果似乎很好 | I've been looking at those doors.They look pretty soundproof,don't you think? |
不行,你瘋了 | We can't do that. That's insane. |
第一,他可能醒來 第二,管他的 | I mean,A,he could wake up. And B,you know...Let's go for it. |
艾蜜莉?艾蜜莉… | Emily?Emily |
艾蜜莉 | Emily |
不是她 | Nope. |
她沒跟我們在一塊兒 我們來拿她的東西 | -She's not with us. -We've come for her things. |
她在哪裡? | Where is she? |
她躲起來了,因為她很丟臉 這輩子都不想再見到你 | She's in hiding. She's humiliated. She doesn't want to see you again. |
我們很傷心你們兩個鬧成這樣 猴子 | We're very sad that it didn't work out between you and Emily,monkey. |
不過你實在是秀色可餐 | But I think you're absolutely delicious! |
抱歉,我人還站在這裡 | Excuse me,I'm standing right here. |
是啊,陰魂不散 | Oh,yes.There you are. |
大家動作快點,外面還有一車 | Hurry up! Get some! There's a whole cart outside. |
再見了,蓋勒 | Goodbye,Geller. |
等一下… | Now,hold on. Hold on. |
你的女兒跟我今晚預定去度蜜月 | Your daughter and I are supposed to leave tonight for our honeymoon. |
請你們轉告她,我會去機場 我希望她也會去 | Tell her I'll be at that airport,and I hope she will too. |
我是說成瑞秋的名字 但這只是無心之過 | I said Rachel's name,but it didn't mean anything. |
她不過是我的朋友 | She's just a friend and that's all. |
就這樣,請轉告艾蜜莉 我愛她 | That‘s all!Now just tell Emily that I love her and... |
我只想跟她共度餘生 | ...that I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. |
請保證你們一定會轉告她 | Please,promise me that you'll tell her that. |
我會告訴她,走吧,臭婆娘 | All right,I'll tell her.Come on,bugger face! |
打電話給我 | Call me. |
你也一天到晚待在廁所 怎麼就不會從窗戶滾蛋 | You spend your life in the bathroom. Why do you never go out the window? |
或許我們不再上床才對 | Maybe it's best we never got to do it again. |
否則那晚就不特別了 | Yeah,it kind of makes that one night special. |
理論上而言,我們還在海外 | Technically,we still are over international waters. |
我去洗手間,待會來找我? | I'm going to the bathroom. Maybe I'll see you there? |
好 | Okey |
我可以問個問題嗎? | Can I ask you something? |
不行 | No |
我昨晚跟費麗西蒂 一起看“我的巨人” | Felicity and I watched My Giant. And I thought: |
我心想:自己永遠不可能 演得跟那個巨人一樣棒 | "I'll never be as good an actor as that giant." |
我想當演員是否只是癡心妄想 | Do you think I'm wasting my life with this acting thing? |
不是 | No |
那個巨人大概比我小五歲 我有辦法跟他一樣優秀嗎? | The giant's five years younger than me.You think I'll ever get there? |
會的 | Yes |
謝了 | -Thanks,man. |
沒關係 | -Okay,man. |
但是他比我高好多啊 | But what about how much taller he is than me? |
我現在已經不可能再長高 | I mean,there's no way I can make myself taller now. |
以後科學怎麼發展我不知道 | Who knows what science will come up with in the future... |
如果我死時只是一個 身高平庸的小人物呢? | ...but what if I die an unsuccessful,regular-size man? |
莫妮卡,你廁所上了半個小時 | You've been in the bathroom for a half-hour. |
我知道 | I know! |
你也吃了牛肉? | Had the beef tips,huh? |
嗨 嗨 | Hi Hi |
你吃過肉了 | You ate meat! |
你跟人做愛 | You had sex! |
我們才沒有 | No,we didn't. |
我知道你沒有 我說的是莫妮卡 | I know you didn't. I was talking about Monica. |
菲比,我才沒跟人做愛 | I did not have sex. |
懷孕害我靈感不准 | This pregnancy is throwing me all off |
而且還變得胖嘟嘟 | and making me fat. |
我要去跟小雞小鴨打招呼 | -I'll say hi to the chick and duck. |
我也去 | -Me too! |
你何必去? 你不是一直都去喂它們的嘛? | Why would you need to? You've been feeding them. |
沒錯,我回家好了 | Oh,right. Maybe I'll just go home. |
只剩下我們兩個 | We certainly are alone. |
幸好我們說好回紐約就不行 | Good thing we have that "not New York" rule. |
沒錯 | Okey |
既然你說到這個 | Listen,since we're on that subject... |
我想告訴你… | ...I just wanted to tell you that.... |
當時我在倫敦心情很不好 | I was going through a hard time in London... |
因為哥哥結婚 別人還把我認作他媽 | ...with my brother getting married and that guy thinking I was Ross' mother. |
我知道 | Right |
那晚對我來說意義非凡 | Well,anyway,I just....That night meant a lot to me. |
我的意思是…我要謝謝你 | And I'm trying to say thanks. |
我那天也不是隨便上床 | You know,that night meant a lot to me too. |
並不是因為我受到逼迫 | It wasn't because I was in a bad place or anything. |
我很重視那晚是因為 你很辣 | It just meant a lot because you're really hot. |
這樣說可以嗎? | Is that okay? |
沒關係 | That's okay. |
而且我也很帥 | And I'm cute too? |
而且你也很帥 謝謝 | And you're cute too!Thank you. |
我要去整理行李了 好 | All right,I gotta go unpack. |
再見 | Bye |
我時差還沒調回來 這表示我還在倫敦吧 | I'm still on London time. Does that count? |
沒錯 太好了 | -Oh,that counts! -Oh,good! |
瑞秋… | Rachel |
嗨 | Hi |
你怎麼會在這裡? | What are you doing here? |
我在等候補機位回紐約 | I've been on standby for a flight home for hours. |
你還沒等到艾蜜莉? | So no sign of Emily? |
還沒 | Not yet. |
你是幾點的飛機? | When do you have to leave? |
最後一次呼叫 前往雅典的1066班機 | This is the last call for flight 1066 to Athens.The last call. |
就快了 是啊 | Pretty soon,I guess. |
我很遺憾 | I'm sorry. |
我不明白她怎麼可以這麼做? | I don't understand.How could she do this? |
我是不是白癡? 竟然以為她會來 | Am I a complete idiot for thinking she'd actually show up? |
你不是白癡,羅斯 | You're not an idiot,Ross. |
你只是愛得無可救藥 | You're a guy very much in love. |
一樣 | Same difference. |
搭乘1066班機 前往雅典的旅客請登機 | All passengers for flight 1066 to Athens should now be onboard. |
聽到了 | I get it! |
完了 | Well,that's that. |
不,你應該去 | No,you know what?I think you should go. |
什麼? 對 | What?Ya! |
你應該自己去 到遙遠的地方想個清楚 | I think you should go...by yourself. Get some distance.Clear your head. |
這對你一定有好處 | It would be really good. |
我不知道… | I don't know. |
羅斯,你應該要去 | Come on. It would be really good for you. |
沒錯,我應該去 對 | I could do that. |
真不敢相信,她 | I can't even believe her. |
知道嗎?我決定去了 | You know what? I am going to go. |
很好 有何不可呢? | -Good. -Why not? |
對 對不對? | -Right? |
沒錯 | -Right. |
謝了 | Thanks. |
我們紐約見了 希望我搭得上飛機 | I'll see you back at home.If I ever get a flight out of here. |
其實…算了 怎麼了? | Hey,W…What? Wait,what? |
不如你也一起來 反正我有兩張機票 | Why don't you come?I mean,I have two tickets. Why not? |
不太好吧?真的嗎? | Well,I don't know,Ross. Really? |
是啊,一定很好玩 你可以躺在海灘上 | Yeah. It'd be great. I mean,you can....You can lay on the beach |
我可以哭訴婚姻失敗 你看我多好笑啊 | ...and I can cry over my failed marriage.You see how I make jokes? |
真的,我需要有朋友陪我 | Really. I mean....I could use a friend. |
好吧,也許 | Oh,wow. Maybe. |
我可以陪你去 | Yes,I can do that! |
好 好 | Okay!Okay! |
太好了 是啊 | -Cool. -All right,cool. |
走吧,拿去 | All right!Come on |
我們這就去希臘 | Okay,we're going to Greece. |
我忘了拿外套 等一下 | I forgot my jacket!Oh,wait- |
你叫他們等一下 | Well,you tell them to wait. |
等一下 | Wait! Wait! |
艾蜜莉 | Emily |
不是啦…別走,艾蜜莉 | Oh no-no-no! Oh-no! No! No! Emily! |
我要美露紅酒 | I'll have a glass of Merlot... |
這位要氣泡白酒 | ...and he'll have a wine spritzer. |
你們看,機場在動 | Look! The airport's moving. |
飛機在動嗎? | Are we moving? |
飛機在動嗎?為什麼? | Are we? Why are we moving? |
機長知道飛機在動嗎? | Does the captain know that we're moving? |
我的天啊 | Oh,my gosh! |
你全身泡泡好可愛 | You look cute in bubbles. |
你喝太多眼花了 | You're just all liquored up. |
是我,我進去了 | Hey,it's me. I'm coming in. |
我今天上班累死了 | I've had a very long,hard day. |
你提早回家 | -You're home early. |
因為我的約會物件吐了一地 | -Yeah,my date threw up. |
我要去買炸雞,你要不要? | Want some chicken? |
不了,謝謝,再見 | No,thanks. No chicken. Bye-bye. |
你確定?有額外的脆脆的大米哦? | You sure? Some extra-crispy,dirty rice? |
我最後一次說我不要了 出去,喬伊 | For the last time,no! Get out,Joey! |
知道了 | All right. |
你沒事吧?抱歉,他死都不走 纏著我問要不要炸雞 | Are you okay? I'm so sorry!He wouldn't leave.He kept asking me if I wanted chicken. |
炸雞? | Chicken? |
我想吃炸雞 | I could eat some chicken. |
喬伊 | Hey Joey |
我要三塊雞、沙拉 豆子、可樂 | Could I get a three-piece,some coleslaw,some beans and a Coke? |
健怡可樂 | Diet Coke. |
本集播出:“熱吻連連” | The One With All the Kissing |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫桌 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
早安 | -Morning, |
早安,菲比 | Phoebe. |
我非告訴你們不可 | -I have to tell you this story. |
剛才載我來的司機… | I was coming over and this cabdriver |
那人是不是叫做安格斯? | Was his name Angus? |
什麼? | What? |
我們在倫敦碰到的計程車司機 | He was a cabdriver we had in London. |
好吧,總之… | All right. Anyway |
他載我們去的酒館叫什麼? | What was that pub he took us to? |
麥子酒館 | The Wheat Sheaf! |
對,那裡有一種啤酒… | And they had that beer.... |
柏丁頓 | Boddington's! |
就是柏丁頓 | Boddington's! |
菲比有話要說 | Phoebe was going to tell a story. |
他的帽子很好笑… 我不想說了 | So he had a really funny hat.I don't want to talk about it. |
羅斯,柏丁頓 | -Hey. -Hey,Ross!Boddington's! |
是啊 | Oh,man! |
若是能再喝一杯 要我走回倫敦都行 | I'd walk back to London for another frosty one of those bad boys. |
世貿附近的英國酒館好像有 | They have them at the British pub by the Trade Center. |
回頭見 | Later! |
瑞秋不是應該回來了嗎? | Shouldn't Rachel be back? |
可是班機在雅典誤點 | Her plane got delayed. |
不過現在也該到了 | But she should be here by now. |
你跟她通過電話 她很生氣嗎? | So you talked to her? Did she sound mad? |
不會,那是因為她喜歡我 | No. But she likes me. |
你丟下她讓她獨自飛到希臘去 | You abandoned her on a plane to Greece. |
我才沒有丟下瑞秋 | I did not "abandon" Rachel. Okay? |
艾蜜莉出現在機場 我當然得去追她 | Emily showed up at the airport.I had to go after her. |
我別無選擇 畢竟她是我妻子,瑞秋是我妻子 | I did what I had to do.She's my wife. Rachel is my wife. |
是…艾蜜莉 | Emily! |
艾蜜莉是我老婆 我是怎麼了? | Emily is my wife.Man,what is that? |
你還沒有艾蜜莉的消息? | You haven't heard from Emily? |
我在機場追丟之後就沒有了 | Not since I lost her at the airport. |
她竟然跑得比你快 | I can't believe she can outrun you. |
她是很快,好嗎? | Hey! She's fast,okay? |
你自以為能快過我? 我們現在就去外頭較量 | You think you can beat me? Let's go! Outside! |
抱歉,我太… | -I'm sorry. I'm just a little |
慢了? | -Slow? |
你要跟我比比嗎? | Oh,you want some?! |
走啊,去穿球鞋,我們去賽跑 | Okay,get the shoes on! Let's go,man! |
別激動,你跑得最快 | It's cool,okay?You're the fastest! |
嗨 | -Hi! |
瑞秋 嗨 | -Oh,my God,Rachel! |
瑞秋,我很抱歉 | Rach,I am so sorry. |
非常對不起你 | I am so,so sorry. |
羅斯,你沒做錯 | Come on. You just did what you had to do. |
嗨,菲比 | Hi,Phoebe |
就這樣?你不生氣? | That's it? You're not mad? |
你應該很火大 | It must've been terrible. |
火大?我可是在希臘 | Terrible? Hell,I was in Greece! |
那間飯店非常棒 海灘很美,人又和善 | There was a nice hotel,nice beach,met the nice people. |
對我瑞秋來說可不差 | It's not too shabby for Rachel. |
就這樣?不生氣? | So,what,that's it? |
對,我沒生你的氣 | We're cool. Totally cool. |
謝謝,你真好 | Thanks,Rach. You're the best. |
你才好呢 | Oh,no. You're the best. |
我要去花店一趟 | Oh,I got to go to the flower store. |
聽我說,大家都不肯說 艾蜜莉在哪裡 | No one will tell me where Emily is... |
我決定買72朵長莖紅玫瑰 送去艾蜜莉爸媽家 | ...so I'm sending 72 long-stemmed,red roses to her parents' house. |
每朵代表我認識她 並且深愛她的每一天 | One for each day I've known and loved her. |
她一定會感動地軟化 | That should get her talking. |
羅斯,寫卡片時別忘了 對方是“艾蜜莉” | When you make out the card,be sure to make it out to "Emily." |
瑞秋,太好了 幸好你在希臘玩得開心 | It's good that you had such a good time in Greece. |
什麼? | What? |
我在希臘才不開心 | I didn't have a good time in Greece! |
羅斯丟下我一人 | Ross abandoned me! |
我買不到機票回來 只好住在他們的蜜月套房 | I couldn't get a plane out. I had to stay in their suite! |
每個人都要來問我 | People came up to me going, |
“蓋勒太太,你哭什麼?” | "Mrs. Geller! Why are you cry?" |
簡直丟死人了,我真是個白癡 | I mean,it was so humiliating!I felt like such an idiot! |
這都是我的錯 | It's all my fault. |
你們知道為什麼嗎? 因為我的決定都不對 | You know why?Because I make very bad decisions. |
不要這麼說 | Oh,that's not true. |
就是這樣,我沒胡說 我跑去蠢倫敦追羅斯 | Yes,it is true. I went after Ross in stupid London! |
倫敦的確是個蠢地方!太蠢了 | London is stupid! Stupid! |
打扮得像個啦啦隊長 倒追約書亞 | I put on a cheerleading outfit to seduce Joshua. |
約了四次會就叫他娶我 把他嚇死了 | Then I lost him because I asked him to marry me after four dates. |
然後我還去希臘渡別人的蜜月 | And then I went to Greece on somebody else's honeymoon. Okay? |
你們覺得這些決定正確嗎? | Do those sound like very good decisions to you? |
我喜歡你的小辮子 | I like your little braid. |
我不應該做任何決定 | I just shouldn't be allowed to make decisions anymore. |
菲比,你說得對 我根本不該去倫敦 | Phoebe,you were right. I should've never gone to London. |
從現在開始由你幫我做決定 | From now on,you make all my decisions for me. |
不行,我以前就這麼做過 | Oh,no. I did that for someone once. |
我不喜歡主宰別人的生活 | I'm not comfortable having that power over someone's life. |
那我來 | I'll do it. |
很好,莫妮卡 以後由你主宰我的感情生活 | Fine. Monica,you are now in charge of my love life. |
我該去上班了 | Okay. I got to go to work. |
瑞秋,很高興看到你回來 | And Rachel,great to have you back. |
菲比 | Phoebe |
真開心 | Always a pleasure. |
瑞秋,親愛的,你看 | Rachel? Sweetie,look. |
這是你跟喬伊在招待會的照片 | Here's a cute picture of you and Joey. |
他已經結婚了 | He's married. |
羅斯結婚了 我到現在還不敢相信 | Ross is married. I still can't believe it. |
親愛的,抓旁邊就好 | Honey,sweetie,by the edges. |
看來我只好接受事實 | I'll just have to accept it. |
這都要怪我 | I mean,it's my fault. |
別抓中間,指紋會弄髒照片 | Edges! Fingers! Smudgy! |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
算了 | That's okay. |
我知道你心情低落 不是故意找我麻煩 | I know that you're very upset right now.I know that wasn't about me. |
我看她就是跟她作對 | I bet it was about her a little. |
你要是肯放下羅斯一分鐘 就會發現到處有帥哥 | If you'd stop thinking about Ross...you'd notice there are great guys everywhere. |
你看,例如甘瑟 | Look. Gunther. |
他既善良又可愛 | He's nice. He's cute. |
甘瑟的確… | Yeah. I guess Gunther is.... |
還有那邊那個傢伙 | What about that guy over there? |
記得嗎?你以前 跟他打情罵俏過 | That's the guy you flirted with at the counter. |
我不知道… | -Oh,I don't know. I don't know. |
你現在就去跟他說話 | -You're going to talk to him. |
我們說好由我發號施令 我命令你去跟他說話 | I make your decisions,and I say you're going to talk to him. |
好吧,你說了算 | All right.You're the boss. |
看來我只好照辦 | I got to do what you tell me. |
他聽到這句話肯定上鉤 | Say that to him,and you're golden. |
菲比 | Hey,Phoebe. |
倫敦的照片洗出來了 | We got our pictures back from London. |
這張是所有人在倫敦塔拍的 | Here's all of us at the Tower of London.... |
大家都在照片中 | Here we all are. |
有羅斯、喬伊、你… | There's Ross and Joey and you and |
和我 | And me. |
你一定聽煩我們說倫敦的事了 | We've been talking about London too much. |
是我不好,因為我去不了 | Sorry,it's just because I couldn't be there. |
我只能大著肚子 煩都快煩死了 | All I get to do now is pregnant stuff. It bums me out. |
很抱歉… | -I'm sorry. -Sorry. |
你知道我傷心時都怎麼做嗎? | Know what I like to do? |
有時候事情不太順利 | It sounds a little corny...but sometimes when I'm bummed out, |
我就閉上眼睛 想想人生實在挺美好 | I like to just close my eyes...and think about what a wonderful gift life is. |
有用吧? | See? |
怎麼樣? | -What happened? |
總之我們東扯西扯 | -A little of this,a little of that. |
明天晚上要出去約會 | I got myself a date tomorrow. |
看吧?你就要忘記羅斯了 | See? Didn't I tell you? You're getting over Ross already. |
滾出去 “我們有權利拒絕服務” | Get out. |
你怎麼去那麼久? | What took so long? |
公事耽擱了 | I got caught up at work. |
不過我明天就辭職 | But I'm quitting tomorrow. |
謝謝你邀我過來 | So thanks for having me over. |
瑞秋 | Rachel |
菲比 | Phoebe |
再見 | See you,man. |
他發什麼神經? | What the hell was that? |
可能在倫敦學到的歐洲風俗 | Probably some European goodbye thing he picked up in London. |
那才不是歐洲風俗 | That's not European. |
比較像法式熱吻 | It felt French. |
換我跟各位老友說再見了 | Well,I guess it's time for me to say goodbye too,mon frere. |
過來給我點甜頭吧 | Come here and give me a little sugar. |
我玩得好開心 | I really had a good time. |
我也是 | Yeah,me too. |
看來今天要結束了 | I guess this is it. |
除非你想進來 好 | Unless you want to come inside? Yeah |
等等,我無法自做主張 | Wait a minute. You know what? I can't decide this. |
等我一下 好 | Okay. Just hold on a second. |
莫妮卡在嗎?我有事要問她 | Where's Monica? I have to ask her something. |
她去洗衣服 | Doing her laundry. |
那是什麼? | What's that? |
我今天收到的包裹 | It came in the mail today. |
72朵代表我深愛艾蜜莉 的紅玫瑰給剪成碎片 | It's 72 long-stemmed red roses.One for each day I've known and loved Emily cut up into mulch. |
真是糟糕 | Honey,that's awful. |
還好啦,莫妮卡要用來做香料 | It's not so bad.Monica's going to make potpourri. |
我要去淋雨散散心 | I think I'm going to go wander out in the rain for a while. |
外面沒下雨 | It's not raining. |
我的運氣真不好 | I can't catch a break! |
羅斯,你哪也別去 | You're not going anywhere. |
就坐這裡 我們喝茶聊天,好嗎? | Sit right here.I'll make you some tea and we'll talk this out.All right? |
大衛 怎麼樣? | Hey,Dave. |
改天再請你進來 我的室友病得很重,再見 | I need to take a rain check. My roommate is really sick.Okay. Bye! |
親愛的,聽著,我知道你現在一定很傷心 | Honey,listen.I know things seem so bad...and that they won't get any |
瑞秋 | Rachel |
我可以跟你談談嗎? | Could I talk to you? |
我掉了幾支襪子 | I dropped some socks. |
好 | Ya |
你哪根筋不對? | What is the matter with you? |
你又想跳回去自找苦吃? | Do you want to fall into the trap? |
你根本沒掉襪子 | You did not drop any socks! |
我剛碰到大衛 他說你打發他走 | I saw Dave,and he said you blew him off! |
你給我聽好,這裡由我當家 | You listen to me!I'm calling the shots! |
我要你離開羅斯去追大衛 | I say you leave Ross and go get Dave. |
你到底想怎麼樣? | What are you doing? |
其實我想…我打算… | Well,ultimately I was trying,you know,I wanted... |
告訴他我還愛他 | ...to tell him that I'm still in love with him. |
什麼?你不准說 | What? You cannot tell him that! |
為什麼? 大家都喜歡聽到這種話 | Why? Why not?People love to hear that! |
我愛你 | Come on,I love you. |
你不喜歡聽嗎? | -Wasn't that nice? -No. |
這裡由我做決定,我不准你說 | I make the decisions and I say no! |
你不能幫我做決定 因為我要開除你 | You know what? No,you don't make my decisions,because...you're fired. |
你不能開除我 | You can't fire me. |
你的事情由我來決定 我說:我沒被開除 | I make your decisions,and I say I'm not fired! Ha! |
既然如此… | Well.... |
瑞秋,讓我進去 | Come on,let me in! |
怎麼了? | Having some trouble? |
瑞秋把我鎖在門外 | Rachel locked the door. |
你肯親我,我就幫你撞開 | I'll kick that door in if you give me some sugar. |
羅斯,我有話要告訴你 | Ross,there's something I wanna talk to you about.I just need to |
瑞秋,開門! | Rachel,open this door! |
門鎖著嗎? | -What,is it locked? |
別管她,聽我說 | -She's fine. Listen.... |
我可以在外面鬼叫一整晚 | Rachel,I can do this all night if I have to! |
要不要我去開門? | -You want me to get that? |
別理她,我們說我們的 | No. Just let her do her thing...and we'll do our thing. |
我要告訴你… | Because I really need to tell you |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
瑞秋,我可以跟你談談嗎? | Rachel? Can I talk to you outside for a sec? |
不可以 | No |
我真的有話要跟你說 | We really need to talk. |
那就說啊 那我就說咯 | Well,then talk.Okay,I will. |
記得我們剛說你要做的事嗎? | Remember that thing we just discussed that you wanted to do? |
記得 | Yes |
什麼事? | What thing? |
瑞秋要去學搖擺舞 | Rachel wants to take swing dance lessons. |
我非常不贊成 | Which I think is a really stupid idea. |
因為這種舞很危險 | It's dangerous. |
她一定學不會 而且搞不好還會撞傷人 | She won't get what she wants.And who knows who she might end up hurting? |
莫妮卡說得對 搖擺舞有點危險 | Monica's right. Swing dancing can be tricky. |
我要打電話取消 五隻送給艾蜜莉的泰迪熊 | I have to use the phone.I gotta cancel those five giant teddy bears I sent to Emily. |
上帝啊,想想這個慘狀 | My God! Think of the massacre. |
我就是要說 | I'm going to do it. |
瑞秋,我知道你認為我瘋了 | I know you think I'm crazy. |
但是在你告訴他之前 至少找到一個人支持你 | But before you tell him,try to find one person...who thinks it's a good idea. |
我打賭你找不到 | I bet you can't. |
可是… 拜託 | But I…Please? |
好吧 | All right. Fine. |
喬伊,我已經進來了 | Joey! I'm in! |
好,做得好 | All right. Good deal. |
瑞秋 | -Hi. -Hey,Rach. |
你找到誰支持你了嗎? | -Did you find anyone who agrees with you? |
還沒,我決定問男性的意見 | No.But you know what? I think I need a male point of view. |
喬伊 | Joey. |
你是男人 | -You're a man. |
貨真價實 | -You got that right. |
你覺得我該告訴羅斯 我還愛他嗎? | Do you think it would be a good idea if I told Ross that I was still in love with him? |
不 | Nope. |
菲比 | -Phoebe! -Hey,Phoebe. |
菲比 怎樣? | -Phoebe? -Yeah. |
你上次說你都不能去倫敦 覺得自己遭大家遺棄 | You know how you were saying you didn't get to go to London...and you were feeling left out? |
如何? | Ya |
我們很愧疚 | Well,we all felt really bad about that... |
決定大家一起去旅行 | ...so we decided to take a little trip together! |
太好了 | Oh,that's so nice! |
要去哪裡?… | How great! Where's the trip? |
我們可以一起去野餐 | Well,we thought we would all go to a picnic... |
就去中央公園 | ...in Central Park! |
中央…公園 | Central Park? |
對,大家一起去個一整天 | All of us. All day. |
什麼鳥地方?! | That sucks! |
那根本不算旅行 我才剛從公園過來 | That's not a trip! I just came from there. |
大家去中央公園有什麼好興奮 | What'll we high-five about at the stupid park? |
“好耶,就在我家旁邊” | It's right by my house. All right! |
我決定回家反省這個爛主意 | I'm going home to bask in the triumph of my Central Park idea. |
等一下,熱吻先生 | Hold on a sec there,Mr. Kissy. |
我一直想跟你討論 你新學的歐洲民情 | I wanted to talk to you about...this whole new European thing you've got going on. |
你搞得我非常不自在 拜託你別再親了 | And I need to say it makes me very uncomfortable...and I just,you know,just stop it! |
我只是想 介紹大家認識歐洲文化 | Just bringing some culture to the group. |
只要不要介紹到我嘴裡就好了 | That's fine. Just don't bring it in my mouth. |
我都快吐了 | It makes me want to puke. |
各位,菲比來了 | Hey,everybody! Phoebe is here! |
菲比!嗨 | -Phoebe! Woo! -Okay. Woo! Hi! |
我們認為野餐的主意… 實在爛透了 | Phoebe,we decided that the picnic idea was a little....It didn't have any.... Well,it blew. |
所以今天下午決定 到大西洋城去渡週末 | We thought that this afternoon we'd all go away for the whole weekend...to Atlantic City. |
大西洋城,太好了 誰想到的? | Atlantic City! Oh,that's a great plan! Whose plan was that? |
我 | Mine! |
等等,是我提議的 | -Wait. It was my plan. |
錯 我說我們應該想個新的計畫 | -No...I said we needed a new plan. |
然後我想到要去大西洋城 | And I came up with Atlantic City. |
這就是新的計畫啊 | Which is the new plan. |
大家一小時後樓上見 | Why don't we all meet upstairs in an hour. |
我要去打包了 我要搖著大屁股好好打包 | I'm going to go pack. I'm going to go pack my ass off. |
我去叫杯咖啡 因為我已經搖屁股打包完了 | Well,I think I'm gonna grab some coffee because my ass is already packed. |
瑞秋,我們走吧 | Let's go. |
我等一下再上去找你 | You know what? I'll meet you in a minute. |
不行,瑞秋,沒有人支持你 所以你不能說 | Rachel,you didn't find anyone,so you can't tell him. |
無所謂 | You know what? That doesn't matter. |
你知道對方不能回應你的愛意 會有多痛苦嗎? | Do you know how painful it is to tell someone you love them...and not have them say it back? |
知道,我不在乎 | I don't care. |
好吧,可是我看不下去 | I can't watch. |
你在看什麼? | What you reading? |
報紙 上面說了什麼? | Paper.Yeah? What's it about? |
世界各地的新聞 | Events from around the globe. |
是啊 | Okey |
羅斯,我有件事要告訴你 | There's something I have to talk to you about. |
雖然大家都叫我別說 | Everyone's saying I shouldn't. |
但是他們都錯了 有時候別人就是看不清楚 | But I think they're wrong. People can be wrong. |
當然,有一次上班時 我說放射性碳測定法太老舊… | Sure,Once at work...I thought carbon dating is fossilized |
羅斯,我說正經的 | I'm really trying to tell you something here. |
說吧 | Go ahead. |
我這就說了,現在就告訴你 | I think I'm just going to say it.I'm just going to say it. |
我還愛著你,羅斯 | I'm still in love with you,Ross. |
我不知道現在該怎麼回答 | I'm not sure what to do with that right now. |
怎麼了?你跟我開玩笑? 這就太惡劣了 | What? Was that a joke? Because it's mean. |
我很正經,不能再正經了 | I'm so dead serious!I'm totally serious! |
那你笑什麼? | Why are you laughing? |
因為我剛聽到自己的話 | Because I just heard it! |
我聽到了,而且覺得很荒謬 | I heard it. And it's ridiculous! |
畢竟你已經結婚 | I mean....You're married! |
你結婚了,我說這話太可笑 | You're married,and it's just ridiculous! |
我說話的時候似乎靈魂出殼 | When I said it,I sort of floated up out of my body. |
我的靈魂聽到肉身說話 | And then I heard myself say it,and then the floating Rachel.... |
瑞秋的靈魂認為 自己實在很白癡 | I was like,"You are such an idiot!" |
我的確已經結婚。我知道 | -Well,I am married. -I know. |
雖然婚禮後就沒跟老婆說過話 | Though I haven't spoken to her since the wedding. |
抱歉,這不好笑 | I'm sorry. That's not funny. |
其實還蠻好笑的 | Actually,it kind of is. |
我老婆不回我電話 | My wife won't return my calls. |
我不知道老婆在哪裡 | I don't know where my wife is. |
“羅斯,你老婆呢?” 我也不知道 | "Hey,Ross! Where's the missus?" "Don't know!" |
天啊 | Oh,God! |
你可以忘記我剛說的話嗎? | You know what? Could you forget I told you this? |
我不忘記也不行 因為事實是… | Well,I kind of have to.Because the thing is |
事實就是你已經娶了艾蜜莉 | The thing is,you know,that you're married to Emily. |
事實正是如此 | That is what the thing is. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
羅斯,我們還是好朋友吧 我說自己還愛你真是蠢斃了 | Things won't be weird between us,right? Was that stupid?Me telling you that? |
不會,我很高興你告訴我 | I'm glad you did. |
就算日子很順利 聽到有人說愛你還是很開心 | If nothing else...it's always great when someone tells you they love you. |
我早說過了 | That's what I said! |
謝謝你對我這麼好 | -Thank you for being so nice. |
我才該謝謝你 | -No. Thank you for.... |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
幸好我沒給你 我錄的那卷錄音帶 | Oh,God. I'm just glad I didn't give you the cassette I made of all of our songs. |
你錄了哪些歌曲? | -What songs? -Oh,you know: |
“有沒有你” | -"With or Without You." -Oh,yeah. |
“大家都會受傷” | -"Everybody Hurts." -Oh,yeah. |
“里安娜” | #VALUE! |
為什麼選這首? | -Why "Rhiannon"? |
你不記得了? | Come on,you remember! |
就是在客廳啊 | In the living room? |
在莫妮卡洗好的衣服上啊 | On Monica's laundry? |
那不是我 | Not me. |
不是? | Really. |
怎麼樣了? | So,what happened? |
我很難說出口 | Well,it was really hard... |
但是幸好我說了 | ...but I'm glad I did it. |
你做得對嗎? | So was I right or wrong? |
這種事情無關對錯 | -Oh,come on,honey,does it really matter? |
是啊 沒錯 | -No.-Right |
但是我要記在記分簿上 | Yes. I need it for my score book. |
我是說日記 | Diary. |
大家走吧 | -Okay,let's go! |
前往大西洋城 | -Yeah,Atlantic City!Come on! |
去大西洋城咯 | Atlantic City,baby! |
我們去大賭一筆 喬伊,賭博萬歲 | Let's roll some bones. Hey,Joey!High-five for rolling bones. |
菲比,你尿失禁? | Phoebe,you're leaking. |
天啊,你羊水破了 | Oh,my God! Your water broke! |
別放在心上,我要坐副駕駛! | Well,don't worry. I call shotgun. |
等一下 | Wait |
菲比,我們得送你去醫院 | Phoebe,we have to take you to the hospital now. |
去大西洋城路上應該有醫院 | Okay. Well,there's probably one on the way to Atlantic City. |
菲比,你快要生了 | Phoebe,the babies are coming now. |
擊掌,你要生了! | Honey! High-five! The babies are coming! |
等一下,記不記得 我羊水破的那天? | Remember when my water broke? |
菲比竟然快生了 | I can't believe Phoebe's going to have her babies! |
我知道,真是太棒了 | I know. It's beautiful and amazing. |
你知道嗎,我竟然每次離開 都得親菲比跟瑞秋 | I can't believe I had to kiss Phoebe and Rachel every time I left the room. |
可惜她們沒看到我們做愛 | It's too bad they didn't see us having sex. |
你到底了不瞭解女人? | Do you know anything about women? |
不瞭解 | No |
算了 好 | -It's all right. -Okay. |
你好,我是菲比布菲 我底下有寶寶要出來 | I'm Phoebe Buffay,and I have babies coming out. |
好,你開始陣痛了嗎? | Have you started having contractions? |
還沒,聽說會很痛,真的嗎? | Not yet. I heard they really hurt. Do they? |
這個嘛… 天哪 | -Well… -Oh,my God! |
哪一位是父親? | Which of you is the father? |
他們都不是,我弟才是 | None of them are. The father is my brother. |
好 | Okey |
我一定會很懷念你那樣嚇別人 | I'll miss watching you freak people out like that. |
菲比,快,這是要給寶寶看的 | This is for the babies to look at someday. |
在生產前你有話要說嗎? 好 | Do you want to say anything before it starts?-Oh,Okey |
孩子們,我是菲比姑姑 真想趕快見到你們 | Hi,kids! It's me,Aunt Phoebe.Can't wait to see you. |
請不要弄痛我 | Please don't hurt me! |
你們怎麼那麼慢? 兩輛車是一起出發的 | What took you so long?Your cab left when ours did. |
我們回去拿我的外套 | We went back because I forgot my jacket. |
沒錯 | That's right |
你沒穿外套啊 | You're not wearing one. |
真是的,我又忘了 | Oh,man! I did it again! |
得有人通知弗蘭克和愛麗絲 | Someone has to call Frank and Alice. |
我媽也想…喬伊,你幹什麼? | My mom might… Joey,What are you doing? |
我得拍生產前的鏡頭 | I've got to get the "before" shot! |
本集播出:“三胞胎”又名“總第一百集” | The One With The Triplets AKA The One Hundredth |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
菲比,我們問過護士了 | We spoke to the nurse. |
你的醫生之所以遲到是因為 她不來了 | The reason your doctor is late...is because she's not coming. |
什麼? 她在浴室跌倒撞到頭 | She hit her head in the shower. |
天哪,那個蠢女人 | Oh,my God. She's so stupid! |
菲比,不會有事的 | Phoebe,it's gonna be okay. |
你說得輕鬆 你的陰道又沒有寶寶要出來 | I don't see three kids coming out of your vagina! |
聽著,護士說這個醫生很好 對,他是婦產科主任 | Listen. The nurse said the doctor is wonderful.He's head of the department. |
老天爺救救我 怎麼了? | All right. Oh,dear God,save me! |
第一次陣痛來了 | I'm having my first contraction! |
感覺不錯 好 | Oh,it's not bad. |
生命的奇跡開始了… | And so the miracle of birth begins. And l |
你沒事吧? | You okay? |
有個地方好痛 | Something hurts. |
是感同身受,好感人喔 | It's sympathy pains. That's so sweet! |
我不知道我有那麼在意 | I didn't know I cared that much. |
你好 | Hello!-Hi |
菲比,我是哈洛醫生 | Phoebe,I'm Dr. Harad. |
我負責替你接生 | I'll be delivering your babies. |
有我在你放心,我是老手了 | You'll be in good hands. I've been doing this a long time. |
我馬上回來幫你做檢查 | I'll be back to do your internal. |
你先放輕鬆,目前一切都很好 | Just relax,everything looks great. |
還有,我愛方奇(《歡樂時光》的主角) | And also,I love Fonzie. |
他剛才說他愛方奇嗎? 聽起來是 | Did he just say he loves Fonzie?That's what it sounded like. |
好 | All right. |
我來晚了嗎? 還沒有人出來吧? | Am I late? Nobody came out yet,right? |
沒有,還沒開始呢 愛麗絲呢? | No,we haven't started yet. Where's Alice? |
在德拉威,不過她正在趕來 目前先由我充當教練 | Delaware. Until she gets here,I'll be your coach. |
放心,她有教我拉馬茲(生產呼吸法)什麼的 | Don't worry. She told me about the LaMazda stuff. |
就是在月底前生產 就能獲得2%的補助 | If you get the babies out by month's end...you get two percent financing. |
對 | Ya |
莫妮卡,你一定會很以我為榮 我幫我們約到兩個不可思議的可愛護士 | Monica,you're gonna be very proud of me.I just got us dates with two unbelievably cute nurses. |
上帝啊 | Oh,my! |
是男看護 在我想像中不是 | They're male nurses.Not in my head. |
總之他們約我們週六晚上出去 如何? | They want to take us out Saturday night! What do you say? |
我看算了 | I don't think so. |
什麼?你在說什麼呢? | What are you talking about? |
是你勸我忘記羅斯向前看的 | You've been telling me to get over Ross and move on. |
我向前看了,你得陪我 你說,你為什麼不去 | I'm moving on and so are you.Why don't you want to go? |
不如你說一個理由 我再告訴你是對是錯 | Why don't you give me a good reason...and I'll tell you if it's true. |
什麼? 沒那麼簡單吧 | -What? -Harder than it sounds,isn't it? |
總之你也要去 我還答應他們下班一起吃果凍 | You're coming. And when they get off...we'll go get some Jello with them. |
沒錯,永遠有一屋子的果凍 | There's always room for Jello. |
你為什麼能說得那麼色? | How do you make that dirty? |
簡單,我什麼都能說得很色 你聽 | It's easy. I can do it with anything. |
奶奶的雞肉沙拉… | Grandma's chicken salad.... |
羅斯,拍這裡 | Get a shot of this. |
寶寶們 這是你們出生當天的頭條 | These are the headlines when you were born. |
女寶寶把頭轉開,男寶寶… | Now,girl baby,turn away. And boy babies... |
看,這就是你出生當月的裸女(花花公子封面) | ...check it out!This is what naked women looked like when you were born. |
盡情欣賞吧 | Now let's dive into the good stuff. |
好,陣痛又來了 | Okay,I'm having another one! |
這次也不太痛…錯,很痛 | This one doesn't hurt eith Yes,it does! |
我有點希望已經生了 | I was kind of hoping that was it. |
莫妮卡和瑞秋呢? | Where are Monica and Rachel,anyway? |
可能跟約她們的護士在一起 | A couple of nurses asked them out. |
是嗎?男看護? 對,我也很失望 | Really? Male nurses?Yeah,I was bummed too. |
她們要去約會?什麼時候? | So they're going on dates.When? |
星期六吧… | -I think Saturday. |
他怎麼了? 他感同身受 | -What's with him? -Sympathy pains. |
我本來很感動 現在我覺得他只是想搶鋒頭 | It was sweet at first,but now I think he's trying to steal my thunder. |
好,來看看你的情況 | Let's see what we got here. |
你知道嗎? 方奇跟三胞胎約過會 | Oh,you know,Fonzie dated triplets. |
你一直提到的這位方奇 他是另一位醫生嗎? | This Fonzie person you keep referring to...is that another doctor? |
不是 方奇是亞瑟方塞瑞利的匿稱 | Oh,no,no.Fonzie is the nickname of Arthur Fonzerelli. |
也叫方子 | The Fonz. |
好 | All right. |
其實不會很怪吧? | It's not that weird,is it? |
怪得不得了 | It's very weird! |
我才不要聽某人告訴我 我子宮擴張了“一滴滴”(方奇的口頭禪) | I don't want some guy down there telling me I'm "dilated-a-mundo." |
老實說,他不是在模仿方奇… | He doesn't seem to be impersonating Fonzie |
你在幹什麼?幹嘛替他辯解? | What are you doing?Why are you defending him? |
去幫我另外找一個沒有發瘋 不是方奇的醫生 | Just get me another doctor who isn't crazy and doesn't Fonzie! |
其實他不是… | Again,it's not |
你在這裡 | Hey,there you are! |
有件事應該讓你知道 | There's something you should know. |
是你要跟護士約會的事嗎? | Is this about you dating the nurse? |
我聽喬伊說了 我一點也不在意 | Joey told me.I am so fine. |
你和我又沒什麼 我們只是玩玩 | You and l,we're just nothing.Just goofing around. |
其實我是想告訴你我打算推掉 | I was about to tell you I was getting out of it. |
既然我們只是玩玩 那我就跟他出去好了 | But if we're just "goofing around," maybe I will go out with him. |
好,那我也要 | Fine. Maybe I will too. |
喂,你們看我去禮品部發現了什麼 | Hey! Look what I found in the gift shop. |
起來,快起來 | Get up! Get up! Get up! |
菲比,這是歐伯曼醫生 | Phoebe,This is Dr. Oberman. |
他對方奇或者“歡樂時光”的所有人物都沒什麼感覺 | He has no strong feelings about Fonzie...or any of the Happy Days gang. |
你要升幾年級了? | You're going into what grade? |
我剛升住院醫師 常有人那樣問我,我提前… | I'm actually a first-year resident. I graduated early. |
我也是 | Me too. |
羅斯,或許我應該強調 我是要已成年的醫師 | I should have specified I'd need a grown-up doctor. |
我絕對有能力…別說了杜吉(《天才小醫生》的角色)! | Really,I'm fully qualified…-Doogie! |
到底有沒有人瞭解我快生了? | Doesn't anybody understand that I'm going to be having babies soon? |
你走,走啊小毛頭 | Go,little boy! Go! |
你把他弄哭了 | Oh,cool. You made him cry! |
崔比亞尼先生,你有腎結石 | Mr. Tribbiani,I'm afraid you've got kidney stones. |
有別的可能嗎? 就是腎結石 | Well,what else could it be?It's kidney stones. |
或是…? 腎結石 | Or....Kidney stones. |
如果是別的毛病… 絕對是腎結石 | -lf it was something else? -Well,that would be "kidney stones." |
差不多了 | You're getting there. |
這些寶寶很幸運 是嗎,為什麼? | These babies are very,very lucky.They are? Why? |
他們的生日日期是方子的一半 | They'll be born on the Fonz's half-birthday. |
生日快樂 | Happy Birthday. |
我澄清一下,我不是方奇 | Just to clarify...I'm not Fonzie. |
說真的 你能替你弟生孩子真的很棒 | It's a terrific thing that you're having these babies for Frank and Alice. |
的確 | No,it is. |
我可以告訴你一個秘密嗎? 你說 | Can I tell you a secret? |
我要自己留一個 | I want to keep one. |
天哪,我會上新聞 | Oh,I'm gonna be on the news. |
菲比,別開玩笑了 你明知你不能這麼做 | You must be kidding.You know you can't keep one of these babies. |
為什麼?搞不好可以 你怎麼知道 | Maybe I can. You don't know. |
我當然知道 弗蘭克他們一定三個都要 | I do. Frank and Alice will want to keep all their children. |
不一定 | Maybe not. You know? |
三個寶寶很多 也許他們正在找機會送走一個 | Three babies are a handful.Maybe they'll want to unload one. |
我不想因為沒開口而失去機會 | I hate to miss an opportunity because I didn't ask. |
菲比,這件事太不理智了 | Phoebe,no. This is insane. |
你就問問看嘛 我? | Just ask him.What? Me? |
我不能自己問 你知道那樣多不成體統嗎? | I can't ask him!Do you know how inappropriate that would be? |
總之你去找弗蘭克談 探探他的口風 | All I'm saying is,just talk to Frank.Just feel him out. |
不行,我怎麼能叫弗蘭克 送你一個孩子 | No. I will not ask Frank to give you one of his kids. |
你說得對 | You're right. |
就說是你要的 | Tell him it's for you. |
好一點了嗎? 一點點吧 | Feeling better,sweetie?Maybe a little. |
真希望你沒看到我吐 | Wish you hadn't seen me throw up. |
我也希望 | Me too. |
我剛剛聽說,怎麼回事? 腎結石 | I just heard. What's up?Kidney stones! |
通常我們會用衝擊波震碎結石 但你的結石已經太靠近膀胱 | Ordinarily,we try to break the stones up with shock waves.But they're too close to the bladder. |
不是等你排尿排出來 就是從尿道往上… | Either we wait for you to pass them or else go up the urethra |
不行,不能往上 絕對不考慮往上 | No,no,no,no. Nothing is going up,okay?Up is not an option. |
尿道是什麼? | What's a urethra? |
你瘋了嗎? | Are you crazy? |
你問他了嗎? | Did you ask him? |
我還沒有機會跟他獨處 | No,I haven't had a chance yet. |
我的時間有限 | I'm kind of on a clock here. |
方奇 | Oh,Fonzie. |
我一直都很喜歡魔克(也是《歡樂時光》中的角色) | You know who I always liked? Mork. |
收回收回收回 | Undo it. Undo it. |
方奇遇見魔克 魔克把方奇結凍 | Fonzie met Mork.Mork froze Fonzie. |
對,但… | Yes,but |
但是方奇本來就很酷 | But Fonzie was already cool. |
所以他不會有事,對吧? | So he wasn't hurt. Right? |
也對 | Yeah,that's right. |
你好嗎? 很好,醫生說隨時都會生 | How you doing?Okay. Doctor says any minute now. |
愛麗絲馬上就會到 你能不能幫個忙… | You know,Alice is going to be here so soon.You couldn't just do me a favor |
先憋住? | and,like,hold them in? |
抱歉,我正在處理你請我幫的上一個忙 | Sorry,I'm in the middle of the last favor you asked me to do. |
瑞秋 | Rachel |
莫妮卡,他是丹 我們星期六的男伴之一 | This is Dan,one of the guys we're dating on Saturday. |
丹,這是莫妮卡 | Dan,Monica |
很高興認識你 | Nice to meet you. |
你好丹,我很期待星期六的約會 非常期待 | Hello Dan,I'm really looking forward to Saturday night. Really! |
丹,你是護士不是醫生? | So,Dan...nurse,not a doctor,huh? |
有點娘娘腔對吧? | Kind of girlie,isn't it? |
錢德 | Chandler |
沒關係 這只是醫學院的實習學分 | That's okay. I'm doing this to get through medical school. |
而且海灣戰爭時 感覺沒那麼娘娘腔 | And it didn't feel "girlie" during the Gulf War. |
那當然 | Sure. |
感謝你保家衛國 | Thanks for doing that for us,by the way. |
何必等到星期六 你明天有空嗎? | Why wait till Saturday? Are you free tomorrow? |
行啊,我找人代班 太好了 | Sure. I'll get somebody to cover me.Great! |
我們星期六去約個會如何? | Hey,you and me,Saturday night? |
不要 很好 | -No. -All right,very good! |
這一回很痛 | This is a big one. |
把它弄出來 | Get these things out of me! |
深呼吸,深呼吸可以止痛 | Breathe! Breathe through the pain. |
我想吃止痛藥!我想吃止痛藥 | I want the drugs,Ross! |
我也是!我也是 | I do too! I do too! |
我愛你,再見 | Yeah,I love you. Okay,bye. |
愛麗絲的媽媽說她出發5小時了 她早就該到了 | That was Alice's mom. Alice left five hours ago.She should be here. |
放心,她會趕上的 好 | She'll make it on time. |
弗蘭克,三個寶寶耶 還真多,對吧? | So,Frank...three babies. That just seems like a lot,huh? |
我不覺得 | Not to me. |
很好 | Fair enough. |
擴張10公分,該生了 | You're at ten centimeters. Time to start having babies. |
請父親留下來就好 | I want only the father here. |
菲比再見 加油 | -We love you. -Good luck. |
我們愛你 | Love you |
丹,再見 再見,莫妮卡 | Bye Dan. -Bye Monica |
再見, #@ | Bye… |
我要產鉗,消毒毛巾 和31頻道 | I need a clamp,a sterile towel and Channel 31. |
那是什麼? | What is that? |
天哪 不會,這一集很棒(《歡樂時光》) | Oh,my God!Oh,no,no! It's a good one. |
方奇會打手鼓 | Fonzie plays the bongos. |
準備好了嗎?該用力了 | Ready? Time to try pushing. |
準備好了嗎?該撒尿了 | Ready? Time to try peeing. |
等等!是“差不多”該撒尿了 | Wait,wait,wait,wait! It's almost time to try peeing. |
用力,很好,專心用力 有了,我看到頭了 | Push. Concentrate on pushing.I see the head. |
萬歲!他有頭 | Yes,it has a head! |
繼續用力,加油 | Keep pushing. Come on. |
居然有人從你肚子裡跑出來 | I can't believe somebody's coming out! |
有人從你肚子裡跑出來 是我兒子 | There's somebody coming out of you!-It's my son! |
這是你的第一個寶寶 | All right.Here's your first baby! |
萬歲!小男生出來了 | Yes! We got a baby boy! |
小小弗蘭克 | Frank Junior,Junior! |
他長得怎樣? 噁心死了 | How does he look?So gross! |
可以再用力了嗎? 我已經生一個了,不要煩我 | Okay. You ready to push again?I already had a baby. Leave me alone! |
加油,你一定行 | Come on,you can do it! You can do it! |
萬歲!小萊絲莉出來了 | Little Leslie's here! We got another one! |
天哪,我居然有兩個孩子了 | Oh,my God! I can't believe I have two children. |
真嚇人 | How scary is that? |
小錢德,該出來了 快啊,小錢德 | Come on,little Chandler,it's time to be born. |
他出來了,他出來了 | He's coming! Yes,he's coming! |
他的小東西呢? | Hey,where's his thing? |
錢德是女生 | Chandler's a girl! |
天哪,幼稚園回憶重現 | Oh,God! Kindergarten flashback. |
一定是照超音波看錯了 醫生以為是個男生 | They read the sonogram wrong,because they thought it was a boy. |
但錢德是女生!錢德是女生 | But Chandler's a girl! |
很好,繼續叫 | Okay,keep saying it. |
我來晚了嗎? | -Am I too late? |
不會,一切都很好 有30個指頭和30個腳趾 | -No,no. Everything's okay.There's 30 fingers and 30 toes. |
我們的孩子生了? 對 | We have our babies? |
我們有孩子了 | We have our babies. |
天哪 你辦到了 | Oh,my God!You did it,man. |
你要看看它們嗎? | Would you like to see them? |
好小喔 | They're so small. |
我明天跟你聯絡 好 | -I'll call you tomorrow. -Great. |
你真的要跟那個護士男約會? | Are you really going to date that nurse man? |
你和我只是玩玩 我當然也可以跟他玩玩 | You and I are just "goofing around."I thought,why not "goof around" with him? |
我不知道你有沒有查過字典 | I don't know if you've looked up "goofing around" in the dictionary. |
我有,“玩玩”的定義是 | Well,I have...and the technical definition is: |
兩個好朋友,非常在乎對方 | Two friends who care a lot about each other... |
在床上很“性”福 | ...and have amazing sex... |
而且想多跟對方相處 | ...and just want to spend more time together. |
如果你用的是讓你生氣的版本 那我們應該買我的版本給你 | But if you have this new dictionary that gets you mad at me then we have to get you my original one. |
我實在很不會說 | I am so bad at this. |
比你想像的要好 真的? | -You're better than you think you are. -Really? |
好,那… | Okay. So if? |
要見好就收 我也覺得夠了 | -Know when to stop. -I sensed that I should stop. |
我們沒事了? 沒事了 | So we're okay? -Ya |
我去告訴丹我不跟他約會了 | I'm gonna go tell Dan that it's not gonna happen. |
不要跳舞 好 | -Don't do the dance. -Right. |
我覺得我最喜歡你 | You're my favorite. |
你抱的是哪一個? 無所謂 | -Which one do you have? -I don't care. |
弗蘭克和愛麗絲說 他們還要打電話 | Frank and Alice want me to tell you they're making phone calls. |
你有沒有問他們… 這個嘛… | Did you talk to them about,you know.... |
沒有,親愛的 | No,honey. |
好 | Okey |
反正也不太可能 | It was a long shot. |
讓我跟寶寶獨處一下好嗎? 好 | You guys? Can I just have a second alone with the babies? -Oh,ya |
你們都在了 | So here you are. |
我對著培養皿跟你們說話 仿佛是昨天的事 | Seems like yesterday I was talking to you in that petri dish. |
大家都說生產最難熬 其實跟你們分開才是 | Everyone said labor was the hardest thing.But they were wrong. This is. |
這段日子真的很開心 | Well,I had the most fun with you guys. |
真想帶你們回家每天看著你們 | I wish I could take you home and see you every day. |
我就當你們最喜歡的姑姑吧 | I'll settle for being your favorite aunt. |
愛麗絲的妹妹家有游泳池 但你們在我肚子裡遊過 | I know Alice's sister has a pool,but you lived in me. |
那就這樣了 | Okay,so we're cool. |
我們會處得很好 | We're gonna be great. |
擊掌 | Little high-fives. |
你都哭了 | Well,if you're going to cry.... |
菲比,我們以你為榮 你真了不起 | Phoebe,we are so proud of you. You're amazing! |
我知道 | I know. |
真的有那麼痛嗎? 有,你絕對受不了 | Does it hurt as bad as they say?You won't be able to take it. |
既然小錢德是個女生 他們打算叫她什麼? | Now that little Chandler is a girl,what'll they name her? |
就叫她錢德 | They'll call her Chandler. |
這個名字有點男性化吧? | Kind of a masculine name,don't you think? |
你都能用了 | It works on you. |
也許可以把它女性化 例如錢蒂葉特 | Maybe they can girlie it up a bit,like Chandlerette. |
愛麗絲叫她錢妮潘妮 | Alice called her Channy-fanny. |
錢妮潘妮 | Ha-ha,Channy-fanny. |
進來,我等很久了 | Come in.I've been waiting for you. |
我只是…天啊,莫妮卡 | Hi,I just…Oh,my God! Monica!Oh,my God! |
抱歉抱歉,我正在睡午覺 | I'm sorry! I was I was taking a nap. |
你從何時開始 用那種怪姿勢睡覺? | Since when do you take naps in that position? |
莫妮卡,你是在等男人吧? 拜託你說是在等男人 | Tell me you were waiting for a guy. Please tell me. |
沒錯,我在等男人,公司同事 | Yes,I was. A guy.From work. |
我最近跟同事約會 | I'm seeing a guy from work! |
那個長得像雷·利奧塔(影星)親切版的 帥哥服務生? | That cute waiter guy that looks like a nonthreatening Ray Liotta? |
就是他 | That one! |
我馬上就閃人 我只是回來拿件外套 | Give me a second. I'm just going to grab a jacket. |
等我回來可要告訴我詳情 | When I get back,I want every little detail. |
他可能來了 | Maybe that's him. |
或許… | Okey ,maybe |
只是喬伊跟羅斯 | It's just Joey and Ross. |
你們不是去看電影嗎? | Why aren't you at the movie? |
對啊,可是羅斯講電話太吵 我們被電影院轟了出來 | Ross was so loud,they threw us out. |
電影太吵,我當然得大聲講 | I had to talk loud because the movie was loud! |
他打電話去倫敦 | -He's talking to London. |
為什麼?他找到艾蜜莉了? | -Why?Did he get in touch with Emily? |
還沒,但是他打給女方親戚 希望有人願意幫他 | No,not yet. He's hoping that someone will help him get in touch with her. |
就算我說錯名字又如何 你這大驚小怪的笨蛋 | I don't care if I said some other girl's name,you prissy old twit! |
羅斯,你巴結親家真有一套 | Way to suck up to the family! |
真高興大家都在 我們公司終於買免皺傳真紙了 | I'm so glad you're all here. My office finally got wrinkle-free fax paper! |
本集播出:“菲比討厭公共電視臺” | The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫桌 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
請問是霍普金奶媽嗎? 我找艾蜜莉 | Hi,is this Nanny Hopkins? I'm looking for Emily. |
沃森 | Waltham. |
抱歉,這是011447 4293474267嗎? | Oh,I'm sorry. Is this 0-1-1-4-4-7-4-2-9-3-4-7-4-2-6-7? |
是43不是42啊 哪個42? | Oh,it's "4-3," not 4-2.Well,which 4-2? |
別過來,那是嘔吐西裝 | No,no! Vomit tux! |
放心,我送去乾洗過了 | Don't worry,I had it dry-cleaned. |
嘔吐西裝?誰會吐在西裝上? | Vomit tux?Who vomited on? |
喬伊,你為何穿成這樣? | You know what? What you up to,Joe? |
我要上馬拉松式電視節目 | They're doing this telethon thing on TV. |
我的經紀幫我爭取當主持群 | And my agent got me a job as cohost! |
太棒了 | That's great! |
幫公共電視臺做好事 又能增加曝光率 | A little good deed for PBS,plus some TV exposure. |
我喬伊最愛做這種事了 | That's the kind of math Joey likes to do. |
公視啊 | Oh,PBS! |
公視哪裡不對了? | -What's wrong with PBS? |
他們哪裡對? | -What's right with them? |
菲比,你為何不喜歡公視? | Why don't you like PBS? |
因為我媽自殺之後 我個人非常難過 | Right after my Mom killed herself,I was in a bad place,personally. |
所以我想寫信給芝麻街 心情應該會好一點 | I thought I'd write to Sesame Street. |
因為我小時候 總覺得他們很親切 | Because they were nice when I was a little kid. |
結果根本沒人回信 | No one ever wrote back. |
那些布偶根本沒有手指 | A lot of those muppets don't have thumbs. |
我只收到一個爛鑰匙環 拜託,我那時住在紙箱裡耶 | All I got was a lousy key chain,and by that time,I was living in a box. |
連鑰匙都沒有 | I didn't have keys! |
我很遺憾,菲比 我只是想做好事 | I'm sorry,Phoebe.I wanted to do a good deed |
就像你幫忙生小孩 | like you did with the babies. |
你才不是做善事 只是想上電視,根本就很自私 | This isn't a good deed. You just want to get on TV. This is selfish. |
你幫弟弟生小孩又怎麼說? 自私的不是只有我 | What about you having those babies for your brother?That's selfish! |
你胡說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
你的確是幫忙他們 不過自己心情也很好吧? | It was a nice thing,but it made you feel good,right? |
那又如何? | Yeah,so? |
因為你做善事心情好 也算是自私的一種 | It made you feel good so that makes it selfish. |
世界上根本就沒有無私的好事 | Look,there's no unselfish good deeds. Sorry. |
明明就有 有很多行善的人都沒有私心 | Yes,there are totally good deeds that are selfless! |
請你舉出一個例子 | May I ask for one example? |
就是有,例如…反正你不是 | Yeah,it's You know,there's…No,you may not! |
因為所有人都很自私 | Because all people are selfish. |
你說我自私? | Are you calling me selfish? |
你難道不是人? | Are you calling you people? |
菲比,很抱歉戳破你的美夢 | Sorry to burst that bubble,Phoebe, |
世界上沒有無私的善事 | but selfless good deeds don't exist. |
你也知道聖誕老人吧? | You know the deal on Santa Claus? |
我一定會找到一件無私的善事 打敗你這個邪惡天才 | I'll find a selfless good deed. I'm going to beat you,you evil genius! |
喂 | Hello |
羅斯嗎? | Hello Ross? |
艾蜜莉,天啊,是艾蜜莉 大家不要吵! | Oh,my God! It's Emily!It's Emily,everyone! |
嗨 | Hi |
我打來只是要告訴你 別再騷擾我家人了,再見 | I'm only ringing to say stop harassing my relatives. Goodbye. |
等一下,就算你掛斷 我也會繼續 | You can hang up,but I'll keep calling everyone in England... |
如果要打給所有英國人 才能逼你跟我說話 | ...if that's what it takes to get you to talk to me. |
真的?你想談什麼? | Really? About what? |
你是我太太,我們已經結婚 | Look,you're my wife. We're married. |
而且我愛你,我很想你 | You know,I love you.I really miss you. |
我也很想你 | I miss you too. |
至少我認為如此 | At least,I think I do. |
她肯跟我說話了 | She's talking. |
喬伊,你剛剛 為何提到聖誕老人? | When you said "the deal with Santa," you meant...? |
根本沒有這號人物 | That he doesn't exist. |
這樣啊 | Right. |
錢德,你聽說 莫妮卡的地下情人了嗎? | Chandler,have you heard about Monica's secret boyfriend? |
知道,她…她是提過 | Yeah,she might have mentioned him. |
我們到底何時 才能認識這個服務生? | So,Mon,when are we going to meet this new,secret waiter man? |
他很害羞,現在還沒準備 認識大家 | I don't think he's up to meeting everyone yet. |
我想他還沒準備好 | Yeah,I don't think he's up to it. |
我不管,我想見他 她說對方床上一級棒 | I want to meet this guy who's the best sex she ever had. |
真的? | Really? |
她說過?你說過? | That's what you heard? You said that? |
大概吧 | I might have. |
這有什麼好笑? | Why is that funny? |
因為我很為他高興 | Because I'm very happy for him. |
你真是走狗運! | And you! You lucky dog! |
嗨 嘿 | Hi!-Hey |
艾蜜莉願意跟我複合 | Well,Emily's willing to work on the relationship. |
太好了 她要我去倫敦 | That's great!In London. |
什麼? | What? |
她要我搬到倫敦去 | She wants me to move to London. |
可是你住在這裡 | But you live here. |
我這是廢話 | You know that. |
你打算怎麼辦? | -What will you do? |
不知道,我不能丟下班 | -I don't know.I mean,I can't leave Ben. |
你可以跟他用視訊會議 | -You can just video-conference with him. |
我還不夠格當爸爸 | I'm not ready to have a child. |
只要跟卡蘿、蘇珊談談 一定能說服她們帶班搬到倫敦 | I bet if I talked to Carol and Susan...I could convince them to move to London with Ben. |
想必你前妻一定樂意搬到國外 幫你挽回新太太 | I'm sure your ex-wife would be more than happy to move...so you can patch things up with your new wife. |
不是不可能啊 | It could happen. |
羅斯,我們才不搬到倫敦 我們的生活重心都在這裡 | Ross,we are not moving to London. We already have lives here. |
但是那邊很棒 | But it'd be great. |
有一流的戲院、口音、茶 | They have great theater...great accents.Tea.{ |
英國還有女王 | They have a queen. |
所以呢? | -So? |
她是女人 | -She's a woman. |
爸爸 | -Daddy! -Hey! |
告訴你,我們要搬到倫敦了 | Guess what? We're moving to London! |
誰要搬去倫敦? | -Who's going to London? |
不是我們 | -Nobody's going to London. |
歡迎蒞臨倫敦,總督 | Welcome to London,governor. |
太棒了,到時倫敦就有大笨鐘 跟我們小班了 | Right,right. It'll be great because we'll have Big Ben and little Ben in the same city. |
趕快去整理行李 | Go pack! |
你們看,他想去 | See? See,he wants to go. |
是啊,我們都讓三歲小鬼 決定家裡大事 | Yeah,we leave all our big decisions to the 3-year-old. |
這就像“三人行”嘛 | Come on,come on. It'll be just like Three's Company... |
只是另外兩個 換成一個小孩跟我老婆 | ...only there's a kid and my wife... |
你們就是裡面的同性戀角色 | ...and you're the gay ones. |
你好,歡迎,幸會 | How you doing? Welcome. Good to see you. |
這就是你的電話 | This'll be your phone. |
真好 不過應該沒有人會打來找我 | That's great.But I'm not really expecting a lot of calls. |
你負責接電話接受捐款 | No,you answer it and take pledges. |
我是主持人 | But I'm the host. |
蓋瑞卡林才是主持人 你負責接電話 | Gary Collins is the host. You'll be answering the phone. |
你恐怕搞不清楚狀況 我是雷莫瑞醫生 | You don't seem to understand. I was Dr. Drake Ramoray. |
你負責這支電話,醫生 | Well,here's your phone,doctor. |
我竟然找不到一件無私的善行 | I can't believe I can't find a selfless good deed. |
以前我家隔壁有個老頭 | You know that old guy that lives next to me? |
我偷溜到他家 | I snuck over there |
幫他打掃前廊的落葉 | and raked up the leaves on his front stoop. |
他捉到我之後 強迫我喝蘋果汁、吃餅乾 | But he caught me,and he force-fed me cider and cookies. |
可是我卻很開心,那個老混蛋 | Then I felt wonderful. That old jackass! |
或許喬伊說得對 所有好事的出發點都有私心 | Maybe Joey's right. Maybe all good deeds are selfish. |
我一定要找到一件無私的善行 | I will find a selfless good deed. |
畢竟我才剛生出三個寶寶 | I gave birth to three children... |
不能讓他們在 喬伊有理的世界裡長大 | ...and I won't let them be raised in a world where Joey's right! |
莫妮卡 | Monica |
可以問你有關烹飪的問題嗎? | Can I ask you a cooking question? |
當然 | Sure |
如果你用爐子烹飪 | If you're cooking on the stove... |
是否代表你新男友在床上 比理查還厲害? | ...that means your new boyfriend is better in bed than Richard? |
錢德 | Chandler |
有嗎? | Is he? |
我要尊重秘密新男友的隱私 | I think I'll respect the privacy of my new,secret boyfriend. |
為什麼? | Why? |
如果我是他,又知道 自己是你碰過最棒的情人 | If this guy was me...and it's me who'd learned that it was me who was the best you'd ever had... |
我一定樂歪了 | ...I'd be like this: |
艾蜜莉,雖然我很愛你 但是我不能丟下班去倫敦 | All right,Emily.As much as I love you I'm sorry,I can't move to London without Ben. |
我知道這很為難你 | I understand that would be difficult. |
請你考慮搬過來好嗎? | Would you consider moving here? |
你本來就打算搬來 為何不現在就來呢? | You were moving here anyway.Why can't you just do that? |
我不知道,只是… | I don't know. It's just |
我知道自己到目前為止 都蠢頭蠢腦 | But I know that even though I've been a complete idiot up till now... |
但是你還是應該過來 我們才能繼續走下去 | ...you have to come here.You have to,so we can work this out together. |
好吧 | All right. |
你剛說好? | Did you just say "all right"? |
沒錯,現在換我是白癡 | I did. Now I'm the idiot. |
艾蜜莉,太棒了 我們就像墜入愛河的白癡 | Emily,that is so great!It'll be great!We're going to be like two idiots in love! |
羅斯,有件事還是讓我很擔心 | There's one thing that really scares me still. |
你儘管說 | -Yes,tell me. |
你要知道當天婚禮 我在親朋好友面前有多丟臉 | -You must understand...how humiliating it was for me at the altar in front of my family and friends. |
我知道,我非常抱歉 | I know. I am so sorry. |
當我決定原諒你 卻看到你跟她趕著上飛機 | And then,after deciding to forgive you seeing you at the airport,catching our plane with her. |
同樣,我的錯 | Again,very sorry. |
我根本無法與她共處一室 | I mean,I can't be in the same room as her. |
我光想到你跟她共處一室 就快氣壞了 | It drives me mad thinking of you being in the same room as her. |
艾蜜莉,我跟瑞秋根本沒什麼 我愛的是你 | Emily,there is nothing between Rachel and me.I love you. |
好吧 | All right. |
我去紐約,我們再試試看 | I'll come to New York,and we'll try to make this work. |
太好了 | That's so great! |
只要你答應不再見瑞秋 | As long as you don't see Rachel anymore. |
我就問艾蜜莉願不願意來紐約 她答應了 | I asked Emily if she would come to New York.And she said yes. |
太好了 | Great! |
不不不 | No No No |
條件是我不准再見瑞秋 | Only if I promise never to see Rachel again. |
為什麼? 什麼?不行 | What? You can't |
你怎麼說? | What did you say? |
我說要考慮 我到底該怎麼決定? | I'd think about it. How am l supposed to make this decision? |
我這是在問你們 | I'm actually asking you! |
你不能就此不見瑞秋 她是你的好朋友 | Well,you can't just not see Rachel anymore.She is one of your best friends. |
但是他也不能不見艾蜜莉 她可是他老婆 | Yeah!But,he can't not exactly see Emily.I mean that's his wife! |
對 也是 | That's true! |
你跟瑞秋從中學就認識 不能說不見就不見 | Yeah, but you've known Rachel since High School and you cannot just cut her out of your life. |
你說得也對 | That's true! |
謝謝你們的幫忙 問題解決了 | Thanks for the help. Problem solved! |
喂 莫妮卡 | Hello!-Hi,Monica |
喬伊,我們看了一整天電視 你到底何時才會出現? | Oh hey Joey! We've been watching all day, When will you be on TV? |
我經紀人搞錯了 反正我上了電視就有曝光率 | There was kind of a mix-up in my agent's office...but I'm still on TV,and that's good exposure. |
你沒上電視啊 | You're not on TV. |
好吧,現在呢? | How about now? |
有了,看到他了 | There he is! |
嗨,紐約 | Hello,New York! |
問題是這裡有整支鴨 不過管他的 | Maybe just put the whole duck in there. Who cares? |
我先處理鴨腿 | Now I got the legs. |
我說過多少次 不准看烹飪頻道 | How many times have I told you to never watch the cooking channel? |
嗨,錢德 嘿 | Hi,Chandler.-Hi. |
我來要回喬伊上次借的烤盤 | -I need that broiling pan that Joey borrowed. |
那是你的? | That was yours? |
我們上次用來 盛小鴨吐出來的蟲子 | We used it when the duck was throwing up caterpillars. |
在“威廉索諾瑪”秋季刊27頁買的 | Williams-Sonoma,fall catalog,page 27. |
4到6周後送貨到你家 | Expect it in 4 to 6 weeks. |
喬伊今天一整天都不在 | Joey's at the telethon for the rest of the day. |
整個家裡就只有我們兩個 | We have the place to ourselves. |
那又如何? | Yeah,so? |
或許你想跟最佳情人 預約時間約會 | Maybe you'd want to book some time with "the best you've ever had." |
你知道嗎,冠軍,我自願放棄 | You know what,champ?I think I'll pass. |
為什麼? | Why? |
為什麼? | Why? |
什麼意思? | What's your point? |
瞧你一副得意洋洋的蠢相 換作是你,還會有性趣嗎? | With all the stupid gloating,would you want to sleep with you? |
或許有點困難,不過我會努力 | Well,I think I'd be a little out of my league,but I'd give it a shot. |
公視電視募捐 | PBS Telethon. |
喬伊,告訴你 我找到無私的善行了 | I just wanted to let you know that I found a selfless good deed. |
我剛去公園讓蜜蜂叮我 | I went down to the park and I let a bee sting me. |
什麼?這對誰有好處? | What good is that going to do? |
這支蜜蜂在同伴面前 臉上有光 | It helps the bee look tough in front of his bee friends. |
蜜蜂很開心,我卻很痛 | The bee is happy,and I am definitely not. |
蜜蜂叮了你就死了 | You know,the bee probably died after he stung you. |
可惡 | Damn it! |
各位,30秒後開始錄影 | Back on in 30 seconds,people! |
抱歉,可以跟你換位子嗎? | Excuse me,would you mind switching with me? |
甭想,我剛好在鏡頭裡 | No way. I'm in the shot,man. |
拜託,你已經在這裡一天了 | -You've been here all day! |
我在接受捐款,別吵我! | -I'm taking pledges. |
倒數計時3、2、1 | And we're on three,two.... |
歡迎收看電視募捐 | Welcome back to our fall telethon. |
如果各位喜歡“太陽馬戲團” | If you've been enjoying Cirque du Soleil... |
以後還想收看同類型節目 方法很簡單 | ...and you'd like to see more,it's very simple. |
只要打電話捐款 並告訴我們的義工 | All you have to do is call in a pledge...and tell one of our volunteers |
你喜歡收看哪類型節目 | what type of programming you |
問你一個烤盤的問題好嗎? | -Quick broiling pan question |
價錢就是這麼貴 | -Yes,it really does cost that much. |
或許你們下次可以考慮 用廉價盤子處理鴨子的嘔吐物 | Maybe next time your duck can puke in something from Pottery Barn. |
夠了 | That's it. |
我無法做決定 | I cannot make this decision. |
這實在太難了 | It is too difficult. |
我決定交給命運之神 | I leave it entirely up to the gods of fate. |
神奇8號球? | A Magic 8 Ball? |
你開玩笑吧? 怎麼可以用玩具決定命運? | You can't be serious,You can't make this decision with a toy! |
這可不是玩具 | It's not a toy. |
我別無選擇 | I don't know what else to do! |
不是追回老婆,失去好朋友 | I either keep my wife and lose one of my best friends... |
就是留下朋友 在30歲前離婚兩次 | ...or I get divorced for the second time before I'm 30. |
要是有人有更好的建議 現在就說出來 | If anyone else has a better suggestion,let's hear it. |
否則我真的沒有辦法 | Because I got nothing! |
大家別害羞,各種建議都可以 | Don't be shy.Any suggestion will do. |
好吧 | Okay,then. |
開始了 | Here we go. |
神奇8號球 我是不是不該再見瑞秋? | Magic 8 Ball...should I never see Rachel again? |
待會再問 | "Ask Again Later." |
這個答案不夠好 | Later is not good enough! |
待會再問 | "Ask Again Later." |
搞什麼啊,這東西壞掉了 | What the hell?This is broken! It is broken! |
我來看看 | Let me see. |
錢德今晚會跟女人上床嗎? | Will Chandler have sex tonight? |
別指望了 | "Don't Count On lt." |
我倒覺得沒壞掉 | Seems like it works to me. |
好,再來一次 | Okay,one more time. |
我是否不該再見瑞秋了? | Should I never see Rachel again? |
神奇8號球!你問什麼? | Magic 8 Ball! What did you ask? |
今晚要看的電影 可以交由瑞秋決定嗎? | Does...Rachel get to pick the movie that we're all going to see tonight? |
很好,答案是什麼? | Excellent. What's the answer? |
看來斯泰拉今晚能找回她的快樂了(《當老牛碰上嫩草》) | Looks like Stella's gonna get her groove back tonight! |
怎麼了?聽說那部片不錯啊 | What? I heard it was good. |
公視電視募款 | PBS Telethon. |
嗨,喬伊 | Hi,Joey. |
嗨,菲比 | Hey,Phoebe. |
我要捐錢 | I'd like to make a pledge. |
我想捐200元 | I would like to donate $200. |
200元?你確定? | Two hundred dollars? |
“芝麻街”可是傷你不淺 | You sure? After what Sesame Street did to you? |
我還是很生氣 | I'm still mad at them, |
不過我也知道 很多媽媽沒自殺的小孩很愛看 | but they bring happiness to lots of kids whose moms didn't kill themselves. |
為了支持這節目 我決定做件好事 | By supporting them,I'm doing a good thing, |
不過我自己可不開心 | but I'm not happy about it. |
你看,這就是無私的善行 | So there! A selfless good deed. |
難道你捐錢沒有一點開心? | You don't feel good about donating the money? |
難過死了 我本想用那筆錢買支黃金鼠 | No,it sucks! I was saving up to buy a hamster. |
黃金鼠?那種寵物 10元就買得到 | A hamster? Those things are,like,$10. |
我喜歡的那支可沒那麼便宜 | Not the one I had my eye on. |
看來今年的募款 已經超過去年總額,謝謝各位 | It looks like we have surpassed last year's pledge total.Thank you! |
打破紀錄的捐款是由 我們的義工募得 | And the pledge that did it was taken by one of our volunteers. |
而且這位還穿得很體面 | Oh,boy! And may I say,one of our sharpest dressed volunteers. |
這位就是喬伊崔比亞尼 | Mr. Joseph Tribbiani! |
喬伊上電視了 | Oh,look!Joey's on TV! |
太棒了 | Isn't that great? |
我的捐款讓喬伊上了電視 | My pledge got Joey on TV! |
這真是讓我…糟糕 | That makes me feel so…Oh,no! |
或許我先前太得意了 | Look...Maybe I got carried away before, |
不過有件事要告訴你 | but there's something you got to know. |
如果我表現得很好也是因為你 | If I'm the best,it's only because you made me the best. |
說下去 | Keep talking. |
跟你在一起之前 我根本表現平平 | I was nothing before you. |
你可以打去問我以前那些女友 | Call the other girls and ask. |
你一定很快就問完了 | Which wouldn't take long. |
但是我跟你…我們在一起… | But when I'm with you,and we're together... |
我…的…天…啊 | ...oh,my God! |
真的? | -Really? |
天…啊 | -Oh,my God! |
如果你不想再跟我上床 我也能體諒 | I understand if you never want to sleep with me again. |
不過這決定就不對了 | But that would be wrong. |
我們太厲害了 不上床實在太可惜 | We're too good.We owe it to sex! |
如果真是這樣… | If we owe it! |
天啊 | Oh,my! |
喬伊何時回來? | When will Joey be home? |
我們應該不需要等他 | I was kind of hoping we could do this without him. |
沒關係,手套不用脫 | No,no,no! Leave the gloves on. |
可是我剛在清廁所 | I cleaned the bathroom. |
那就脫掉吧 好 | Why don't we lose the gloves. |
讓大家看看誰才是高手 好 | All right. Let's show them how it's done.Okey |
這不包括在內 | -You know that wasn't part of it? |
我知道 | -I know. |
嗨,你準備好沒? 我們要遲到了 | You ready? We're going to be late. |
遲到什麼? | -For what? |
看電影啊?你沒忘吧? | -For Stella,remember? |
還有20分鐘斯泰拉就能找回快樂了 | She's getting her groove back in 20 minutes. |
我完全忘記了 | I totally forgot about that. |
你不介意我爽約一次吧? 我正在等艾蜜莉的電話 | Can I take a rain check? I'm waiting for a call from Emily. |
沒關係 | Sure,I guess. |
聽說你不用去倫敦了,好耶 | I hear you don't have to go to London. |
事情沒那麼簡單 我們還有很多問題 | It's not that easy. There's still a lot of relationship stuff. |
例如? | Like what? |
就是一些問題 | Just stuff. |
艾蜜莉對我有些要求 | You know,kind of what Emily wants. |
你可以告訴我 或許我幫得上忙 | Talk to me. Maybe I can help. |
不行,你幫不上忙 | No,No,You can't help. |
這件事你幫不上忙 | I have to do this without your help. |
我知道你自己辦得到 | I know you can do that too. |
但是如果你想找人談談… | I'm just saying if you need to talk.... |
謝了 | Thanks. |
羅斯 | Ross |
無論艾蜜莉有何要求 你答應就是了 | Whatever it is that Emily wants...just give it to her. |
最重要的是你愛她 | The bottom line is that you love her. |
她怎麼要求,你就怎麼做 | Fix whatever she wants fixed. |
答應就對了 | Just do it. |
你總得試試看 | You're going to have to try. |
不試試以後一定會後悔 | You'll hate yourself if you don't. |
快接電話啊,我都快被逼瘋了 | Come on,answer it! |
喂,親愛的 | Hi,sweetie. |
我很好 | Good. |
我考慮過你的要求 | Yes,I've been thinking...about that thing you wanted me to do. |
我辦得到 | I can do it. |
你願意來紐約嗎? | Will you come to New York? |
以前沒試過這招 我也沒 | -Never done that before. -Nope. |
莫妮卡? | Monica? |
現在幾點? | What time is it? |
9點 | Nine. |
可是外面還很黑 | But it's dark out. |
那是因為你老睡到中午,傻瓜 | That's because you always sleep till noon,silly. |
9點就是這麼黑 | This is what nine looks like. |
那我該梳洗一下 | I guess I'll get washed up then. |
準備看日出 | Watch that sunrise. |
我不想再偷偷摸摸了 | I'm getting tired of always sneaking around. |
我知道,我也是 | Me too. |
不然我們去外面渡週末 就沒人打擾我們 | What if we went away for the weekend? No interruptions. |
還可以赤身裸體 | We could be naked the entire time. |
整個週末?那可是很長 | All weekend? That's a whole lot of naked. |
我可以說我去開會 你就說去參加廚師研討 | I'll say I have a conference and you can have a chef thing. |
我一直想參加紐澤西的烹飪大會 | I wanted to go to this culinary fair in Jersey! |
不過你不是去那裡開會 | Okay. You know you're not,though. |
走吧 | -Let's go. |
等等,喬伊怎麼辦? | -Okay. Wait.What about Joey? |
本集播出:“不想當阿吉” | The One with the Kips |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你們知道我這週末要幹嘛嗎? | Hey,guess what I'm doing this weekend! |
去紐澤西參加烹飪大會 | I'm going to a culinary fair in Jersey this weekend. |
真怪,錢德剛才說要去那裡開會 | How weird! Chandler just said he's got a conference there. |
真有意思 | That's funny. |
錢德應該可以去康涅狄格州或佛羅蒙特州開會 | Seems like Chandler's conference could've been...in Connecticut or Vermont. |
我又不能決定在哪裡開會 | I'm not in charge of where the conference is held. |
難道你希望大家認為我造假? 因為我可沒說謊 | Do you want people to think it's fake? It's a real conference. |
瑞秋在嗎?我要找她 | -ls Rachel here?I gotta talk to her |
她出去逛街了 | -No,she's out shopping. |
可惡 | -Damn! |
怎麼了? 我叫艾蜜莉來 | -What's going on?-I told Emily to come. |
所以我得趕快跟瑞秋說 | And I just need to,you know,talk to Rachel about it. |
等等 | Wait a minute. |
艾蜜莉來了之後 你真的就不見瑞秋了? | When Emily comes,you won't see Rachel anymore? |
我現在只能專心想著 “我可以見我老婆” | I'm focusing on the "I get to see my wife" part... |
不去想我快胃潰瘍的事 | ...and not on the part that makes me do this. |
你們再也不能共處一室? | So you'll never be in a room together? |
這怎麼可能? | How will that even work? |
我也不知道 | I have no idea. I mean.... |
但是我一定會想到辦法 | But I assure you,I will figure it out. |
看起來實在不可能… | It doesn't seem like it'll work. |
大家好 嗨 | Hi,guys. |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
我們正要幫莫妮卡翻床墊 | We're flipping Monica's mattress. |
我認為應該先抬起來再翻過來 | So I'm thinking,basically,we pick it up and then we flip it. |
這方法比我的主意好 | That's better than my way. |
你們能順便幫我翻嗎 | Hey guys,would you flip mine too? |
哦,拜託! | Oh,man. |
我媽媽來信了 | Oh,look! A letter from my mom. |
瑞秋,你知道艾蜜莉要來 | So,Rach?You know how Emily's coming? |
我知道啊 | Oh,yeah. I know. |
聽得到嗎? | Can you hear anything? |
當然,剛剛有人說 “聽得到嗎?” | Yeah,somebody just said,"Can you hear anything?" |
喬伊的大屁股 | Hey,Joey's ass. |
你在做什麼? | What are you doing? |
記得上次他們吵架分手時 我們困在房裡沒東西可吃嗎? | Remember when they fought and broke up...and we were stuck here all night with no food? |
羅斯在婚禮上說出瑞秋名字後 我猜舊戲可能會重演 | When Ross said "Rachel" at the wedding,I figured it'd happen again. |
所以我在這裡藏了這些東西 | So I hid this in here. |
有糖果,猜謎… | Candy bars,crossword puzzles.... |
還有瘋狂猜謎,我要 | Mad Libs! Mine! |
好,“說出房裡某人的名字” | -Okay,"Name of someone in room." |
錢德 | -Chandler. |
拜託,正經一點 | Come on,seriously. |
還有什麼?雜誌、洋芋片 | What do you got in here? Magazines,Doritos |
保險套? | Condoms? |
誰曉得會在這裡待多久 | You don't know how long we'll be in here. |
搞不好我們還得負責 繁衍人類後代 | We may have to repopulate the Earth. |
戴保險套還想繁衍後代? | And condoms are the way to do that? |
有個關鍵問題 | Anyway,it all boils down to this. |
上次我跟艾蜜莉通電話 | -The last time I talked to Emily |
天啊,我的狗死了 | -Oh,my God! Our dog died! |
什麼? | -What? |
天啊,拉普死了 | -Oh,my God! LaPooh,our dog! |
拉普還活著? | LaPooh's still alive? |
對不起 | Sorry. |
我媽說它被霜淇淋車撞到 | It says he was hit by an ice cream truck |
還被拖了…19條街 | and dragged for...nineteen blocks! |
我的天啊 | -Oh,my God. |
我們聽到你在哭,別哭了 | -Sweetie,we heard you crying.Please don't cry. |
是拉普 | -It's LaPooh! |
我知道現在是拉普的事情(“大便”) 以後會好的 | I know,it's LaPooh right now but it'll get better. |
不可思議,我們到了 | I can't believe it! We're here! |
枕頭上還放巧克力 我最愛這套 | Chocolates on the pillows! I love that! |
那你應該跟喬伊住 到處都有巧克力糖 | You should live with Joey. Rolos everywhere. |
太好了,沒人會來打擾我們 | This is so great. No one's gonna bother us. |
我們可以盡情纏綿 | And we're gonna do it. |
我要跟莫妮卡上床了 | I'm gonna do it with Monica! |
錢德 | Chandler, |
錢德,上床就上床,別窮嚷嚷 | Chandler,stop yelling that you and I are gonna do it! |
我馬上回來。好 | -I'll be right back. -Okay. |
萬歲,莫妮卡快來 電視正在轉播警匪公路追逐戰 | Oh,yes!Get in here. There's a high-speed car chase on! |
我們要換房間 | We're switching rooms. |
天啊,他們給了我們玻璃杯! | Oh,dear God! They gave us glasses! |
杯子上有口紅印 | The glasses have lipstick on them. |
如果連杯子都沒換 誰曉得還有哪些東西沒換 | Who knows what else they didn't change? |
飯店沒換杯子你就要換房間? | You wanna switch rooms because they didn't switch the glasses? |
我本來不想說 地毯也有點臭 | I didn't wanna say anything,but the carpet smells too. |
親愛的,我只是希望 過個完美的週末 | I want this weekend to be perfect. |
換個房間好嗎 | We can change rooms,can't we? |
好吧,要換快換 5號直升機剛跟丟了 | Okay,but let's do it now. Chopper Five just lost its feed! |
“中央咖啡館” | |
算了 | Forget it. |
記得我上次有事告訴你嗎? | You know how there was something I wanted to talk to you about? |
對 | Oh,yeah. |
你知道我很希望跟艾蜜莉合好 | I'm trying to work things out with Emily. |
不過有件事… | Well,there's this...one thing. |
我要說了 | Here goes. |
我答應她… | I made a promise that |
什麼? 你流鼻血 | -What? -Your nose is bleeding. |
天啊,你在流血。-又來了 | -Oh,God! -You're bleeding.Oh,not again. |
我祖父過世時也一樣 | This happened when my grandfather died. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
好了,對不起 你剛要說什麼? | Gross.Okay. So I'm sorry. What did you want to tell me? |
抱歉 | Sorry. Sorry. |
我見不到你了 | I can't see you anymore. |
我知道,真離譜 我也看不到你 好吧 | I know,it's ridiculous. I can't see you,either. All right. |
我得塞一些衛生紙到鼻子裡 | I'm just gonna go shove a bunch of tissues in my nose. |
我邊塞你邊說好了 | Hey,do you wanna tell me while I do that? |
算了 | I'm good. |
你們可能會喜歡這間房 太好了 | -I think you'll like this room more. -Okay,great. |
聽說他只剩下一半的汽油 | They say he's only got half a tank left. |
一半?那還可以跑很久呐 | Half a tank? Still lots of high-speed chasing to do! |
他一定是想去加拿大 | I'll bet he's heading for Canada |
每次都用同一招 | They always do. |
我們必須換房間 | -We're switching rooms again. |
什麼?為什麼? | -What? Why? |
這間房是花園景觀 我們訂的是觀海房 | This has a garden view. We paid for an ocean view. |
只剩一間觀海房 可是你們不喜歡 | Our last ocean-view room was unacceptable to you. |
那間房的地毯有味道 | -The carpet smelled. |
大海的味道? | -Like ocean? |
是腳臭味 | No,like feet. |
抱歉,我可以跟你談一下嗎? | Excuse me. Can I talk to you over here for just a second? |
錢德 來了 | Chandler!-Ya |
這些小人想占我們便宜 我才沒那麼蠢 | These clowns want to take us for a ride. I won't let them. |
我們可不是呆頭鵝 | We're not a couple of suckers. |
說得好,馬格西(《兔八哥》裡的角色) | I hear you,Mugsy. |
這些房間都還好啊 請你趕快選定,讓我看… | All these rooms are fine.Just pick one so I can watch the |
讓我跟你一起好好度假 | Have a perfect,magical weekend together with you? |
天啊,他差點撞上油罐車 | Oh,man,he almost hit a gas truck. |
你看不看“海灘遊俠”? | Do you ever watch Baywatch? |
我喜歡這間 | -This one I like. |
沒了,結束了 | -Nothing. Nothing. It's over. Damn it! |
竟然沒有延長時間 | This is regularly scheduled programming! |
我想看他們訪問鄰居 | -I wanted to see them talk to his neighbors. |
我就在這,你可以跟我聊天 | -Well,I'm standing right here...you could talk to me. |
你又不認識歹徒 | You didn't know him. |
可以關掉電視嗎? | Can we turn the TV off? |
難道整個週末都要看電視? | Do we really want to spend the weekend like this? |
抱歉,我是不是 妨礙你換房間了? | Am I getting in the way of the room-switching fun? |
你火大可別怪到我身上 否則該怪誰? | Don't blame me for tonight.Who should I blame? |
那個拖著行李 跑了10間房的倒楣服務生? | The nice bellman who had to drag out luggage to 10 different rooms? |
我不知道 | I don't know |
或許該怪那個以為用半箱汽油 可以從紐約跑到加拿大的傢伙 | how about the idiot who thought he could drive...from Albany to Canada on half a tank of gas? |
不要說死者的壞話 | Do not speak ill of the dead. |
我們出來是為了過浪漫週末 | We're supposed to be spending a romantic weekend together. |
你到底哪裡有毛病? | What's the matter? |
我只是想看點電視 有何不對? | I just want to watch a little television.What is the big deal? |
放輕鬆,媽 | Jeez,relax,Mom. |
你說什麼? | What did you say? |
我說,“放輕鬆,莫” | I said,"Jeez,relax,Mon." |
你喜歡看高速逃亡? 現在就看好了 | You know what,Chandler? You like fast getaways? Watch this. |
我不喜歡看高速逃亡 我要看的是飛車逃亡 | I don't like fast getaways,I like car chases. |
嗨 | Hey. |
瑞秋,我一直有話要告訴你 | I've been wanting to tell you something |
我非說不可 | and I just have to get it out. |
什麼事? | Okay. What's up? |
在我說話之前,你確定 不會再流鼻血? | Okay,before I tell you I just have to know...is your nose okay? |
你家其他的寵物都很健康? | Are all the other family pets in good health? |
大衛還在傷心拉普過世 | Well,Davey's still pining after LaPooh... |
不過它是只堅強的小烏龜 | ...but,you know,he's a tough little turtle. |
你上次說我應該 不惜代價挽救婚姻 | You know how you said to do whatever it takes to fix my marriage? |
對,我叫你 答應艾蜜莉所有要求 | Yeah,I told you to give Emily whatever she wants. |
你建議不錯 不過我必須告訴你她開的條件 | And while that was good advice,you should know that what she wants... |
什麼? | Yes? |
就是叫我永遠不能再見你 | is for me not to see you anymore. |
太瘋狂了,你才做不到 | That's crazy! You can't do that. |
你要怎麼告訴她? | What are you going to tell her? |
天啊,你已經答應了 對不對? | Oh,my God!You've already agreed to this. |
我知道自己很惡劣 | It's awful,I know. |
我心情也很糟糕 但是這是挽救婚姻的唯一方法 | But I have to do this if I want my marriage to work. |
我很希望跟她合好 必須挽救這段婚姻 | And I do. I have to make this marriage work. I have to. |
好在我們在她抵達之前 還可以繼續見面 | But the good thing is,we can still see each other until she gets here. |
我真幸運 | Lucky me! |
天啊,這真是好消息 | Oh,my God! That is good news,Ross! |
自從拉普過世之後 最大的好消息 | That's the best news I've heard since LaPooh died! |
你不知道我有多難過 | You have no idea what a nightmare this has been. |
我也很痛苦 | This is so hard. |
是嗎?真的嗎,羅斯? | Oh,yeah,really? Is it,Ross? |
我可以為你減輕壓力 | -Let me make this easier for you. |
你做什麼? 憤而出走 | -What are you doing?Storming out. |
瑞秋,這是你家 | -It's your apartment. |
你看我有多火大 | Yeah? Well,that's how mad I am! |
臭巧克力糖 | Damn Rolos! |
你回來了 嘿 | You're back! |
這次出差如何? | How was your conference? |
糟透了,我跟…同事吵架 到回來前都沒合好 | It was terrible. I fought with my colleagues the entire time. |
怎麼還有? | Are you kidding with this? |
也就是整個週末都泡湯? | So your weekend was a bust? |
也不會,我看到 唐納德·特朗普(知名房地產商)等電梯 | No,I got to see Donald Trump waiting for an elevator. |
他在泰姬陵有私人玻璃電梯 | You know,at the Taj Mahal he has his own private glass elevator. |
都由歐狄斯電梯公司生產 | That's right. Made by Otis Elevators. |
那家公司很少做玻璃電梯 | And they don't usually do glass. |
你腦袋裡都裝什麼啊? | What kinds of stuff do you know? |
嗨 | Hi |
你也回來了 | You're back too. |
對,錢德,可以出來一下嗎? | Ya!Chandler,Could I talk to you for a second? |
烹飪大會好玩嗎? | -How was your chef thing? |
糟透了 | -lt was awful. |
有些人根本不會欣賞美食 | Some people don't appreciate good food. |
你的食物可能看起來很美味 | Maybe the food tasted good at first... |
吃下去卻害人上吐下瀉 | ...but then made everybody vomit and have diarrhea. |
錢德 莫妮卡 | Chandler! - Monica |
旅館費用多少? 我要付我那一半 | How much was the room? I'll pay my half. |
很好,300元 | Fine. $300. |
300元? | $300? |
就想成每間25元 | Just think of it as $25 per room. |
你們鬼叫什麼? | What are you guys woofing about? |
錢德從我皮包偷了20元 | Chandler stole a 20 from my purse! |
不會吧? | No |
因為莫妮卡先偷我的錢 我只是拿回來 | I was only stealing it back,the one that she stole from me. |
這人不但是小偷還說謊 | Stealing and now lying. |
現在回頭想想,我老是沒有20元 你皮夾裡倒是很多 | You know what? Now that I think about it...I constantly find myself without 20s,and you always have lots. |
你們應該看看她當時的表情 | You should've seen the look on her face. |
我不希望瑞秋恨我 真不知道該怎麼辦 | I don't want Rachel to hate me. I don't know what to do. |
你要聽我的建議嗎? | -You want my advice? |
請說 | -Yes. Please. |
你聽了一定不高興 | -You won't like it. |
沒關係 | -That's okay. |
你決定結婚太匆促了 | You got married too fast. |
這算哪們子忠告? 看吧 | -That's not advice. -I told you. |
我去洗手間 | I'm going to the bathroom. |
要有人叫我別見你們其中一個 我絕對辦不到 | If anyone asked me to give up any of you,I couldn't do it. |
我也不行 | Me neither. |
或許我可以 | Maybe I could do it. |
我知道你們聽說 羅斯跟我的事情了 | I know you guys heard about me and Ross. |
我已經煩了一整天 請你們別再提起了 | But I've been obsessing about it and would love not to talk about it. |
我不知道這算不算提起 | I don't know if this falls under that category... |
不過羅斯就在後面 | ...but Ross is right back there. |
那才不是羅斯 | -That's not Ross. -Not that guy. |
不是那個,雖然很像 | He does look like him,though. |
羅斯去洗手間了 | Ross is in the bathroom. |
天啊,開始了,現在就這樣 | Oh,my God! It's happening. It's already started. |
我就像阿吉 | I'm Kip. |
你才不是阿吉 | Yeah,you're not Kip. |
你知道阿吉是誰嗎? | Do you even know who Kip is? |
誰管他?你是瑞秋 | Who cares? You're Rachel. |
阿吉是誰? | Who's Kip? |
我以前的室友 以前也跟大家很好 | My old roommate. We all hung out together. |
那個可憐人 | Oh,that poor bastard. |
看吧?你們跟我說過那件事 | You told me the story. |
他以前跟莫妮卡約會 分手後 | He and Monica dated.When they broke up, |
你們都答應繼續跟他當朋友 結果呢? | you all promised you'd stay his friend.And what happened? |
他從此遭到排擠 | He got phased out. |
我們才不會排擠你 | -You won't be phased out. |
一定會,羅斯一定可以留下來 因為他是你哥哥 | -Of course I am.It won't happen to Ross. He's your brother, |
他又是你大學室友 | your college roommate. |
阿吉也不該受到這樣的待遇 | Kip didn't even have to be Kip. |
我們以前處理得很糟糕 | We handled that all wrong. |
況且那是很久以前的事情 | It was a long time ago. |
對啊,瑞秋 當時我跟你還沒出現 | And it was before you and me were around. |
他們根本不知道自己在做什麼 | They didn't know what they were doing. |
錢德還留著小鬍子哩 | Chandler had a mustache,for crying out loud. |
遲早有人會離開這個小圈圈 我以前還以為走的是菲比 | It was just a matter of time.I just always assumed Phoebe would be the one to go. |
親愛的,拜託,你住得遠 又不是誰的親戚 | Honey,come on!You live far away,you're not related. |
很快就會被淡忘 | You lift right out. |
賓先生 | Hey,Mr. Bing. |
你住的飯店打電話來 | That hotel you stayed at called. |
說在你房間撿到睫毛夾 | Someone left an eyelash curler in your room. |
是我的 | Yes,that was mine. |
我以為你遇上一個女孩 她忘了帶走 | I figured you met a girl and she left it. |
這種說法的確比較合理 | That would have made more sense. |
我都快要不認識你了 | I don't even feel like I know you anymore. |
我只問你一次就好 | All right,I'm just going to ask you this one time. |
無論你怎麼說,我都相信你 | Whatever you say,I'll believe you. |
你是不是去參加同性戀大會? | Were you or were you not...on a gay cruise? |
菲比 | Phoebe |
我不該說大家會淡忘你 | I'm sorry about the whole "lifting out" thing. |
你得跟著我 | You gotta come with me. |
去哪裡? 跟著我就對了 | -Where? -Wherever I go. |
我們可以重組一個團體 畢竟我跟你才是最棒的 | You and me,we'll start a new group. We're the best ones. |
好吧,不過記得拉喬伊入夥 | Okay,but try to get Joey too. |
菲比,我可以跟瑞秋 私下談談嗎? | Phoebe,do you mind if l speak to Rachel alone? |
當然 | Sure. |
再見,羅斯 | Bye,Ross. |
永遠不見了 | Forever. |
嗨 | Hi |
你來做什麼? | What are you doing here? |
這不是違反規定? | Isn't this against the rules? |
我跟莫妮卡談過 | I talked to Monica. |
是我做這個選擇 | Look,I'm the one who made the choice. |
我害大家必須要改變 | I'm the one who's making things change. |
所以離開的應該是我 | So I should be the one to,you know,step back. |
羅斯… 真的沒關係 | No,no,it's okay. Really. |
很多人只有在感恩節見到妹妹 同學會才見到大學室友 | Plenty of people just see their sisters at Thanksgiving...their college roommates at reunions |
在“漢堡王”才見到喬伊 | ...and Joey at Burger King. |
這樣你舒服一點了嗎? | Is that better? |
一點也沒有 | No,it's not better. |
我還是見不到你 | I still don't get to see you. |
瑞秋,換做你會怎麼辦? | What would you do? If you were me,what would you do? |
首先,我在婚禮上 就不會說錯名字 | Well,First,I'd have said the right name at my wedding. |
竟然得走到這一步 | I can't believe this. |
我知道 | I know. |
我很抱歉 | I am so sorry. |
我也知道 | I know that too. |
瑞秋,抱歉打擾 | Hey,Rach?Sorry to interrupt, |
菲比說我們要去哪裡 | but Phoebe said you want to talk to me about a trip? |
嘿 | Hey |
嗨 | Hi |
我來拿…沒事 | I just came over to drop off...nothing. |
上週末過得很糟 | So that weekend kind of sucked. |
沒錯 | Yeah,it did. |
那大概結束了 | So I guess this is over? |
什麼? | What? |
我說你跟我啦 反正遲早得結束 | You know,you and me. I mean,it had to end sometime. |
為什麼? | Why exactly? |
因為我們上週末吵架啊 | Because of the weekend. We had a fight. |
錢德,別傻了 | Chandler,that's crazy. |
如果你每次吵架就分手 交往大概不會超過… | If you always gave up after a fight...you'd never be with anyone longer than |
明白了 | Oh |
所以我們還可以繼續? | This isn't over? |
你真可愛 | You are so cute! |
當然,我們只是吵架 | No,no. It was a fight. |
吵過之後就算了 | You deal with it and you move on. |
根本沒什麼好害怕 | It's nothing to freak out about. |
真的?太好了 | Really? Okay,great! |
歡迎加入成熟戀人行列 | Welcome to an adult relationship. |
我們算是男女朋友? | We're in a relationship? |
恐怕是 | I'm afraid so. |
好吧 | Okey |
嘿 | Hey |
莫妮卡,聽說你上周的會議看到唐納德·特朗普 | I heard you saw Donald Trump at your convention. |
對,我看到他在等電梯 | Saw him waiting for an elevator. |
瑞秋,借我睫毛夾 我的不見了 | Can I use your eyelash curler? I lost mine. |
好啊,在廁所 | It's in the bathroom. |
喬伊,過來一下 | Can I talk to you for a second? |
沒錯… | Yes.Yes. |
你?跟你? | You?And you? |
對,但是你不能告訴別人 還沒人知道 | But you cannot tell anyone. No one knows. |
怎麼會?何時? | But how? When? |
在倫敦發生的 | -lt happened in London. |
倫敦? | -ln London! |
我們之所以沒告訴大家 是不想你們大驚小怪 | The reason we didn't tell anyone because we didn't want to make a big deal out of it. |
這的確是大事 | But it is a big deal! |
我非告訴誰不可 | I have to tell someone! |
不行…你不能說 | No…You can't. |
求你了,我知道這很痛苦 | Please. Now,I know this is hard. |
沒錯,痛苦死了 | lt is. It hurts. |
拜託你,我們就是 不想面對大家質問 | We just don't want to deal with telling everyone. |
求求你保證不說 | Please just promise you won't tell. |
好吧 | All right. |
不可思議 | Man,this is unbelievable! |
這是件好事,可是… | I mean,it's great!But.... |
我知道,的確很棒 | I know. It's great! |
我可不想看到這一幕 | I don't want to see that! |
我們真是太蠢了 | We're so stupid. |
你知道他們在做什麼嗎? | Do you know what's going on in there? |
他們想搶走喬伊 | They're trying to take Joey! |
網球界最有名的菲比 就叫做殺球菲比 | "The most popular Phoebe in tennis is called the overhand Phoebe. |
贏了就得跟對方擊掌 說“嗨,菲比” | If you win,slap your opponent on the Phoebe and say,'Hi,Phoebe!'" |
真有意思,很好玩 | That's cute. We really all enjoyed it. |
但是這不算 | -But it doesn't count. |
不算什麼? | -For what? |
這可不算瘋狂猜謎 | Just count in our heads as good Mad Libs. |
我不想玩了 不好玩了 | -I gotta go. -Fun's over. |
等等,要遵守規則才有意思 也才有意義啊 | Wait,if we follow the rules...it's still fun and it means something. |
我要走了 | I'm going to take off. |
有規則才好 不守規則怎麼會好玩 | Guys,rules are good!Rules help control the fun. |
不准這樣,還住在我屋裡 就得守規矩 | None of that. Not while you're under my roof! |
什麼? | What? |
就算我知道內幕 也不代表我喜歡看你們親熱 | Just because I know about you doesn't mean I like looking at it. |
你試鏡不是還有一小時 才結束? | Aren't you supposed to be at an audition? |
很抱歉我不是中年黑人婦女 | I'm sorry I'm not a middle-aged black woman. |
而且還走錯試鏡場地 | I'm also sorry if sometimes I go to the wrong audition. |
你們要我假裝不知道 就得假裝你們沒怎樣 | If I pretend to not know about you...then you pretend there's nothing to know. |
好 | okay |
抱歉 對不起 | Sorry. |
我聽到了 | I can hear that! |
瑞秋還在上班 | Rachel's at work. |
我還是聽得到 | I can still hear you! |
本集播出:“雪人” | The One With the Yeti |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
嗨 | Hi |
那是什麼? | What's that? |
我媽寄給我的原屬於外婆的祖傳寶物 | My mom sent me an heirloom that belonged to my grandmother. |
你們相信嗎? | Can you believe it? |
一年前我連家人都沒有 現在竟然有祖傳家產 | A year ago I had no family,and now I have heirlooms! |
我小時只有一條羽毛圍巾 | The only heirloom I ever got was a feather boa. |
我爺爺傳給我老爸再傳給我 | Got if from my dad. He got it from his dad. |
真不知道我是怎麼出生的 | How did I ever get born? |
天啊 | Oh,God! |
好軟 | Soft. |
這是貂皮嗎? | Is this mink? |
對,我媽為何寄皮草給我? | Why would my mother send me a fur? |
她完全不瞭解我嗎? | Doesn't she know me but at all? |
我已經有外套了 而且還沒犧牲任何可憐動物 | I have a fine coat that no innocent animals suffered to make. |
只不過是時薪12分錢的 九歲菲律賓童工賣命做的 | Just Filipino kids who worked their fingers bloody...for 12 cents an hour. |
別聽我的,我胡說的 | That didn't happen,I made that up. |
嘿 | Hey |
羅斯,你不能在這裡貼廣告 | Ross,You can't put up flyers in here. |
為什麼?別人都可以 | How come? Everybody else does. |
就是你不行 | You can't. |
什麼東西? | What is that? |
我要處理掉一些傢俱 | I'm getting rid of some things. |
這可是你的所有家當 | This is all of your things. |
沒錯 | Yes,it is. |
沒關係,艾蜜莉說 我們應該買新傢俱 | It's good. Emily thinks we should get all new stuff. |
光屬於我們倆的傢俱 也就是全新的東西 | Stuff that's just ours. Together. Brand new. |
基本上這是 “瑞秋碰過傢俱”大拍賣 | So it's a get-rid-of-anything- Rachel-ever-touched sale. |
摸過、用過 坐過、睡過都不行 | Touched,used,sat on,slept on.... |
我全買了 | I'll take it all. |
羅斯,你不反對? | You're okay with that? |
只要順著艾蜜莉 她來紐約後就沒事了 | If I can just do what Emily wants...and get her to New York,it will be fine. |
但是這種做法也太極端了吧 | Isn't that a little extreme? |
畢竟我說錯名字 你能怪她嗎? | After what I did,can you blame her? |
你已經算輕鬆了 | You got off easy. |
我朋友席薇的老公在床上喊錯名字 結果遭到了她最惡毒的詛咒,那玩意都變綠了 | When my friend Silvie's husband said another name in bed...she cursed him and turned his thingy green. |
幸好艾蜜莉不會法術 | I guess I'm lucky Emily is not magic. |
她會,我們都會 | Oh,she is.We all are. |
他這是做什麼? | What is he doing? |
艾蜜莉覺得羅斯的傢俱 會沾上瑞秋的蝨子嗎? | Emily thinks Ross' furniture has got Rachel cooties? |
喬伊,別激動 | Calm down,Joey. |
我偏要,事情搞得亂七八糟 | Everything's getting all messed up! |
艾蜜莉不准羅斯見瑞秋 | Emily won't let Ross see Rachel. |
可是我們會繼續見瑞秋 因此羅斯再也不能見我們 | We won't stop seeing Rachel.Hence,Ross stops seeing us. |
我也不開心,一切都變了 | I hate this. Everything's changing. |
我知道,我們不能再見羅斯 喬伊還會用“因此” | We're losing Ross. Joey said "hence." |
我也不高興 | I'm not happy about this either, |
但是如果羅斯能開心 | but if Ross says he's happy... |
我們不該說出 自己對艾蜜莉的心情 | ...then we have to keep our feelings to ourselves. |
大家願意嗎? | Are you cool with that? |
不要 | No |
不過我是演員 | But,you know,I'm an actor. |
我可以裝得無所謂 | I'll act cool. |
這真是我演過最難的戲 | Probably be some of the hardest acting I've ever done. |
我應該裝上假鬍鬚演 | Maybe I'll play it with a mustache. |
天啊,我怕死儲藏室了 | Storage rooms give me the creeps. |
親愛的,請快點 | Please hurry up,honey. |
瑞秋,你要吃小圓松餅 就得讓我先找到煎盤 | If you want little round waffles,wait till I find the iron. |
我想吃小圓松餅 | I want the little round waffles. |
找到了 | Here it is! |
就在殺蟲藥下麵 | Right underneath the can of bug bomb. |
鍋碗瓢盆怎麼可以 放在毒藥下面 | Is the best place to put something that cooks food underneath poison? |
好吧,我吃土司就好了 | You know what? I'll have toast. |
天啊,噴他噴他 | Fog him! Fog him! |
我不知道該如何處置這件皮草 | I don't know what to do about this coat. |
可以給我 | I'll take it. |
好主意 | That might work. |
真好,怎樣?你們覺得如何? | What do you think? |
五分鐘後換你上臺 明妮莉小姐 | You're on in five,Ms. Minnelli. |
不…只是有點突然 | No,it's just a bit sudden. |
其實我很高興,也全力贊成 | It's great,okay? I am totally onboard. |
我也愛你,好,再見 | I love you too. All right,bye. |
怎麼了,羅斯? | What's the matter? |
沒事,其實是件好消息 | Nothing. No,actually...great news! |
我剛跟艾蜜莉通過電話 看來我要搬家了 | I just spoke with Emily...and looks like I'm moving to a new apartment. |
為什麼? | Why? |
她認為…而且我也同意 | Her thought is,and I agree... |
既然要換嶄新傢俱 乾脆換間公寓 | ...fresh new furniture,why not a fresh new apartment? |
她表妹有個地方要分租 | Her cousin has a place to sublet. |
一邊可以看到河 一邊可以看到哥倫比亞 | It's got a view of the river and Columbia on the other. |
那是上城很遠的地方 大概要轉搭三站火車 | That's way uptown! That's three trains away... |
太棒了 | ...which is great! |
我喜歡搭火車 | I love to ride that rail. |
你真的同意? | You're okay with this? |
當然,離上班地點是有點遠 | It's kind of far from work... |
但是我路上就有很多時間 | ...but I'll get so much done on the commute. |
她算是送了我一份大禮 那就是時間 | I've been given the gift of time. |
有意思,上次耶誕節 我得到很多空間 | That's so funny. Last Christmas I got the gift of space. |
你和我的加起來就有個小宇宙了 | We should get them together and make a continuum. |
現在還要搬家? | Now he's moving? |
艾蜜莉到底做了什麼? | Man,what is Emily doing to him? |
他又不在這裡 | He's not even here! |
大家聽我們說 | You guys! |
我們剛剛去儲藏室 看到一個很可怕的人 | We were in the storage area,and we saw this creepy man. |
眼神兇殘,全身毛茸茸 | It was this crazy-eyed,hairy beast-man. |
就像大腳哈利或喜馬拉雅雪人 | It was like a Big Foot or a yeti or something. |
而且他還拿著斧頭 瑞秋只好拿殺蟲藥噴他 | He came at us,so Rachel used a bug bomb on him. |
我拉開拉環拼命噴他 | I pulled the tab and I just fogged his yeti ass. |
深色頭髮,滿臉鬍鬚? 對 | Like,dark hair,bushy beard? |
你們噴的是丹尼 | Yeah,you fogged Danny. |
拜託,才不是丹尼 | Please! We did not fog Danny. |
丹尼是誰? | Who's Danny? |
丹尼剛搬到樓下 | Danny just moved in. |
那傢伙去安地斯山四個月 才剛回國,人很好 | He just got back from a four-month trek in the Andes. Nice fella. |
什麼人很好…每次我們噴誰 你就幫他說話 | He's nice. You know,you always...stick up for the people we fog. |
什麼事? 嗨 | Yep.-Hi |
你大概不記得 我們就是上次噴你的人 | You might not remember us,but we're the girls that fogged you. |
我們很抱歉亂噴一通 | We're really sorry we fogged you. |
好 | okay |
嗨,我們只是要告訴你 我們不是故意的 | Just so you know,we didn't mean to fog you. |
我們以為你是雪人或是怪物 | We thought you were like a yeti or something. |
好 | okay |
什麼事? | Yes? |
嗨,抱歉打擾你 | Sorry to bother you, |
但是你接受我們道歉的態度 讓我們很難接受 | but we can't accept your acceptance of our apology. |
聽起來一點也不真心 | It doesn't really seem like you mean it. |
對 | Yes |
好 | okay |
那傢伙真惡劣 | That guy is so rude! |
沒錯,他哪裡有病? | Really! What is with that guy? |
換做我噴你,你早就原諒我了 | You'd forgive me if I fogged you. |
其實你有噴到一點點 | You did,a little bit. |
天啊,我很抱歉 | Oh,my God,honey. I'm so sorry. |
我完全不介意 | -I totally forgive you. |
真的? 對 | -Really?-Yes |
嘿 嘿 | Hey!-Hey |
你知道我那個開火葬場的 朋友克裡斯吧? | You know my friend Chris who owns the crematorium? |
火葬場那個克裡斯?當然 | Crematorium Chris? Sure. |
他說他願意免費幫我燒皮草 | He said he would cremate my fur coat for free... |
只要我介紹下個要死的朋友 去那裡火化 | ...if I bring in the next person I know who dies. |
天啊…好漂亮的皮草 | Oh,my God!Oh,my God. Look at these pelts! |
別太喜歡,她要燒掉了 | Don't get too attached. She's having it cremated. |
什麼? | What? |
親愛的菲比 | Phoebe,honey |
我知道你很怪 大家平時也欣賞你這點 | You're quirky,and I get a big kick out of it. We all do. |
但是你毀掉這麼棒的皮草 實在是不合天理 | But if you destroy a coat like this...that is like a crime against nature. |
說錯了,是有違時尚流行 | Not nature. Fashion! |
這叫做流行? | This is fashion? |
屍體叫做流行? | So to you,death is fashion? |
實在有意思 | That's funny. |
接下來菲比為各位展示 最新的毛茸茸屍體 | Here's Phoebe sporting cutting-edge hairy carcass |
這些動物死於寒冷的俄羅斯 | from,you know,the steel traps of wintry Russia. |
你們真認為好看? | You really think this looks good? |
因為我覺得不賴 | Because I do! |
我也想念你,希望快點見到你 | I miss you too. I can't wait to see you. |
我愛你,再見 | I love you. Bye. |
裡面是什麼?石頭嗎? | What is in here,rocks? |
不,我收集的化石樣本 | No,it's my collection of fossil samples. |
就是石頭嘛 | So,rocks. |
我一定會想念這裡 | I'll miss this apartment. |
小班就在那邊學會走路 | You know,Ben took his first steps right over there. |
記不記得我上次撞到這裡 還因此昏倒? | Remember when I ran into this and it knocked me out? |
我很喜歡這間公寓 | I love this place. |
老實說,我真希望別搬家 | To tell the truth,I wish I didn't have to move. |
你的意思是你也不想走? | Are you saying that you're not entirely happy about this? |
如果艾蜜莉給我選擇的機會… 你本來就有機會 | If Emily gave me a choice…You do have a choice! |
羅斯,你為什麼要聽她的? 你瘋了嗎? | Why are you listening to her? Are you crazy? |
什麼? | What? |
艾蜜莉這些要求太過分 | It's not right what Emily wants you to do. |
她根本就是… | She's totally |
不要再捏我了 | Stop pinching me! |
你們都說只要羅斯快樂 我就該閉嘴對吧 | You guys said to keep my mouth shut if Ross was happy,right? |
可是他剛說他也不開心 | He just told me that he's not entirely happy. |
這是怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
我們都討厭艾蜜莉 | We all hate Emily! |
不 | No, |
羅斯,我們不討厭艾蜜莉 | Ross,we do not hate Emily. |
我們只是認為你為了討她開心 犧牲太多 | We just think that you're having to sacrifice...a whole lot to make her happy. |
對 | Yes |
大家都認為她有點不可理喻 | We just think that maybe she's being a little unreasonable. |
對,就是不可理喻 | Yes,unreasonable. |
不可理喻? | Unreasonable? |
要是以後你們誰結婚 大夥也有這種反應呢? | How about we have this conversation when one of you marries? |
你們根本不知道如何維持婚姻 | You have no idea what it takes to make a marriage work. |
婚姻就是互相妥協 永遠都會開心嗎?不會 | It's compromise. Do you always like it? No. |
但是你願意嗎?願意 | Do you do it? Yes. |
因為婚姻不是只有歡樂 只有夢幻,只管上咖啡館 | Because it's not all laughing,happy,candy in the sky...coffee at Central Perk. |
婚姻是真實生活 | It's real life,okay? |
婚姻只適合成年人 | It's what grownups do. |
他說得有道理 | I think he's right. |
你們太常泡咖啡館了 | You guys hang out at the coffeehouse way too much. |
我對羅斯很抱歉 | -I feel so guilty about Ross. |
我知道 | -I know. |
我覺得似乎都怪我 | I kind of feel like it's my fault. |
似乎? | Kind of? |
要不是你大嘴巴 也不會有這種下場 | If you just kept this to yourself none of this would have happened. |
我最近知道的秘密太多 總有說溜嘴的時候 | I'm keeping so many things to myself,something was bound to slip out! |
其實你很勇敢 | I think it's very brave what you said. |
我坐不住了,我得去走走 | I can't sit here anymore. I have to walk places. |
菲比,你怎麼還穿那件外套? 你不是關心動物嗎? | What's with the coat? How about the animal rights thing? |
我最近讀了一些書 | I've been reading up, |
告訴你們,貂不是好動物 | and for your information...minks aren't very nice. |
所以給人殺死活該? | -So they deserve to be killed? |
貂真的很壞 | -Well,they are real bad. |
好,我承認,我喜歡這件外套 | Okay,I admit it. I love this coat,okay? |
這是裹在我身上最棒的東西 菲爾杭利的擁抱都不夠好 | It's the best thing I ever had wrapped around me,including Phil Huntley. |
你還記得菲爾嗎? 他很不錯 | Remember Phil Huntley? He was fine. |
嗨 | Hi |
原來你比較喜歡短髮 | So you like the short hair better? |
什麼? | What? |
雪人…丹尼? | Yeti? Danny? |
我得剪頭髮 因為殺蟲劑的味道洗不掉 | I had to cut my hair to get rid of...the fogger smell. |
抱歉,我絕對不會亂噴 | Listen,I'm so sorry. I would have never fogged you... |
要不是你的樣子實在… | ...if you hadn't looked so.... |
當然 | Absolutely. |
有些人只會以貌取人 | Some people are just into appearances. |
什麼? | What? |
沒關係,無所謂 | It's cool. |
什麼?等等,什麼無所謂 你根本不瞭解我 | No,that is not cool.You don't even know me. |
你提著一堆購物袋 還拿著百貨公司目錄 | You got the shopping bags and the Saks catalog. |
你以為這樣就能看透我? | From that,you've got me all figured out? |
才怪 | Well,you don't. |
搞不好我的袋子裡裝滿 要給貧困兒童的玩具 | You know,I could have toys for underprivileged kids in here. |
是嗎? | Do you? |
如果他們喜歡拿緊身褲當玩具 | You know,if kids like to play with capri pants. |
好 | okay |
不准你再說這話,很刺耳 | Stop saying that. I hate that! |
好 | okay |
好,我不該光看你外表 | Fine,I judged you. |
當時我只靠第一印象 可是你也一樣 | I made a snap judgment.But you did it too, |
而且更糟糕 | and you're worse. |
因為你只相信第一印象 | You're sticking to your judgment. |
甚至不肯反省自己對不對 你有什麼資格說別人? | You can't even open your mind to see you might be wrong.What does that say about you? |
對面那家披薩店好吃嗎? | That pizza place across the street any good? |
什麼? 我餓了,要不要去吃披薩? | What?-I'm hungry. You want some pizza? |
你還想罵人也可以繼續吼 | You can keep yelling. |
好 | okay |
好 | okay |
不准說這話,很刺耳 | Stop saying that. I hate that. |
羅斯? | Ross |
你還在生我們的氣嗎? 對 | Are you still mad? |
很好,因為我們寫了一首 “很抱歉”的歌 | Good! We have an "I'm Sorry" song. |
告訴你們,我現在心情不好 | You know what? I'm not in the mood. |
羅斯,我很難過 | Look,Ross.I feel really bad. |
你生活發生巨大改變 我卻亂講話 | You're going through all this stuff and I just acted like a jerk. |
對,我們都很對不起 | -We are so sorry. |
你們說出歌詞了 | -You're stepping on the song. |
我們實在太離譜了 其實我們都站在你這邊 | We were way out of line,all right? We totally support you. |
無論你做什麼決定 我們都贊成 | Whatever you decide,whatever you do. |
歌詞被你們說完了 我還唱什麼? | Now you're just taking lines out of the song. |
搬家已經夠難過了 | This is hard enough,okay? |
現在真的很需要你們 | I really need you guys right now. |
沒錯,所以我們才要… | Yes,exactly! And that's why.... |
你今晚過來 我幫你煮幾道你愛吃的菜 | Why don't you come over tonight,and I'll make your favorite dinner. |
好 | okay |
謝謝你們 | Thanks,you guys. |
菲比,你身上這件是貂皮嗎? | Are you wearing fur? |
別再大驚小怪了,這又不是 用導盲犬的皮做的 | Let's get some perspective,people.It's not like I'm wearing a seeing-eye dog coat! |
羅斯,我知道 我為什麼突然爆發了 | You know,I think I kind of understand why I lost it today. |
是嗎? | You do,huh? |
你知道我是個演員 | You see...I'm an actor,right? |
所以我的情緒比較豐富 你瞭解嗎? | So I got to keep my emotions right at the surface. |
我要同時面臨多種情緒 你懂嗎? | I got a lot of balls in the air,you know? |
我這種人的生活實在不容易 必須到處流浪,孤孤單單… | It's tough. Guys like me,you wander around,you're alone. |
你想說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
我也不曉得 | I'm not sure. |
嗨 | Hi |
看看你,你剛上哪去了? | Look at you! Where have you been? |
我去吃披薩,跟丹尼去 | I went to have pizza.With Danny. |
怎麼可能? | -How did that happen? |
那個雪人口才真好 | -That yeti is one smooth talker. |
雪人都是這樣 所以從來沒人能拍下雪人的照片 | Yetis are smooth-talkers. That's why you never see any pictures of them. |
乖,寶貝,把照相機交給我 | "Come here,baby. Give me the camera." |
希望你還吃得下 因為晚餐快好了 | I hope you're not full. Dinner's almost ready. |
我回房間去就好了 | I think I'll probably just hang out in my room. |
為什麼? | Why? |
拜託你們 | Come on,you guys! |
要是艾蜜莉知道 我跟你們一起吃飯 | If Emily knew I was having dinner with you, |
她一定會抓狂,你們也很清楚 | she'd flip out.You know it |
沒關係…我無所謂 | It's okay. I really don't mind. |
等等…請你留下來 | Wait,wait. You know what? Just stay. |
拜託 | Please. |
我希望你留下來 | It would mean a lot for me if you stay. |
羅斯… 拜託你,跟我們一起吃飯 | Ross,I just…-Please,just have dinner with us! |
好好好,喬伊,別激動 對不起,抱歉 | okay Joey,Settle down.All right. I'm sorry. |
瑞秋,因為我是演員… | You see,Rach,I'm an actor. |
看,那個光屁股的醜八怪 又出現了 | Hey,look! Ugly Naked Guy's back. |
我好久沒看到他了 | We haven't seen him in so long. |
天啊,我真想念這個死胖子 | Oh,God! I really missed that fat bastard. |
這可真怪 | This is so weird. |
我剛想到這可能是 大家最後一次在一起了 | I realized this may be the last time we hang out together. |
他似乎也知道 | It's almost as if he knew. |
我來接 | I'll get it. |
喂 | Hello |
嗨,艾蜜莉 | Hi,Emily. |
他在這裡,你等等 | You tracked him down. Hold on. |
嘿 | Hey |
對,我們正在吃飯 | Yeah,we're just having dinner. |
好,你等等,她跟大家打招呼 | Sure,hold on.She wants to say hi. |
嗨,艾蜜莉 嗨 | Hi,Emily! |
大家好 | Hello,everyone. |
你們有誰在啊? | So who am I saying hello to? |
我不知道這裡有誰 不過瑞秋肯定不在 | Well,I don't know about who's here...but I can tell you for damn sure who's not here,and that's Rachel! |
最好是這樣 | I should hope not. |
羅斯應該很清楚了 | Ross knows better than that by now. |
你知道嗎,其實瑞秋也在 | You know what? Rachel is here. |
她也在? | She's there? |
對,她在那邊 | Oh,yeah,there she is! |
她在這裡 | She's here. |
羅斯,關掉免提 | Take me off speakerphone. |
嗨 | Hi |
你怎麼可以這樣? | How could you do this to me? |
我以為我已經把瑞秋的事 說得夠清楚了 | I made my feelings about Rachel perfectly clear. |
艾蜜莉,我只是跟朋友吃飯 | I'm just having dinner with my friends,okay? |
你就是喜歡跟她粘在一起 | -You can't keep away from her. |
你太誇張了 | -That's ridiculous. |
你是誰? | -Hello? Hello? -Who is this? |
我是羅斯,你幹嘛? | It's Ross. What are you doing? |
抱歉,老兄,我要打電話 | Sorry,dude,I had to make a call. |
喬伊 | Joey. |
雖然這裡有兩支電話 但是只有一條電話線 | Joey,they don't have two lines,they have two phones. |
這樣啊 | Gotcha. |
對不起,艾蜜莉 我從來沒騙過你 | I'm sorry. Emily,listen. I have never cheated on you. |
我願意為你搬家 | I'm moving for you. |
願意為你不見朋友 | I'm cutting friends out of my life for you. |
求求你快搭飛機來紐約 | Please,get on the plane and come to New York,okay? |
你就知道我只想跟你在一起 | You're the only one I want to be with. |
如果我在那邊 就不會這麼緊張了 | I'll feel better when I'm there. |
也可以隨時知道你在哪裡 | I can know where you are all the time. |
你不可能永遠掌握我的行蹤 | You can't know where I am all the time. |
如果你不信任我 這個婚姻永遠有問題 | This marriage will never work if you don't trust me. |
你說得對 | You're right. |
你能相信我嗎? | Can you trust me? |
不能 | No |
好像很順利 | I think it's going okay. |
他好像在微笑 | Looks like he's smiling. |
你怎麼知道? 你只看得到他的背影 | How can you tell? You can only see his back. |
當然看得出來 | You can totally tell! |
你們看 | Here,look,watch me. |
微笑,皺眉,微笑,皺眉 | Smile.Frown. Smile.Frown. |
微笑 | Smile. |
結束了 | I guess that's it. |
怎麼了? 怎麼回事? | Why? What happened? |
我的婚姻完了 什麼? | My marriage is over.What? |
親愛的 | Oh,sweetie |
看看你,全身發抖 | Look at you,you're shivering. |
給你 | Here. |
羅斯,需要我們做什麼嗎? | Honey,is there anything we can do? |
是的,幫我跟甘瑟要回傢俱 | You can help me get my furniture back from Gunther. |
別再折磨我了 | Stop tormenting me! |
這是貂皮,貂很壞 | This is mink,okay? They're mean, |
而且貂討厭松鼠 | and they hate squirrels. |
很多貂都想被做成貂皮 | Most of these probably wanted to be coats. |
好好好,我知道了 | Fine. No,I get it. |
拿去 | Here. |
給你 | You take it. |
高興了吧?我快冷死了 | Are you happy now? I'm cold! |
你在看原住民裸女嗎? | Are you looking at naked tribeswomen? |
不是,你看 | No,look. |
這是豬耶 | That's a pig. |
我知道,你看它的乳頭多大 | I know. But look at the knobs on it! |
艾蜜莉的表妹 竟然把我趕出來 | Emily's cousin kicked me out. |
什麼? 為什麼? | -What? -Why? |
跟老婆的表妹分租公寓 要是之後又離婚 | When you sublet from your wife's cousin...then you divorce, |
表妹就會突然把房子要回去 | sometimes the cousin wants his apartment back. |
怎麼可以?你們沒簽約嗎? | Didn't you sign a lease? |
誰跟親戚租公寓還簽約? | Who needs a lease when it's "family"? |
你可以跟我們住 | You can stay with us. |
我們照顧你 沒錯 | We'll take care of ya!Oh, yeah! Absolutely! |
包在我們身上 | Anything you need man! |
你心情好一點就說一聲 好讓我們取笑你的頭髮 | But you have to let us know when you feel better so we can make fun of your hair. |
對 | Yeah |
沒問題 | You got it. |
謝謝你們,我太感激了 | Thanks,I really appreciate this. |
我得回去打包行李了 | I'm going to get packing again. |
我最近不斷搬家 簡直像是遊民(nomad) | I've been moving around so much that I feel like a nomad. |
怎麼了? | -What? |
他以為你說的是“生殖腺”(gonad) | -He thought you said gonad. |
本集播出:“羅斯搬入” | The One Where Ross Moves ln |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
莫妮卡,要是每家餐廳 都跟你的一樣乾淨 | If every place were this clean, |
我就要失業了 | I'd have a tough time making a living. |
拜託,賴瑞 | Oh,Larry! |
衛生稽查員收傭金嗎? | Do health inspectors work on commission? |
不,不過收紅包 | No,bribes. |
我可以笑吧? | -It's okay to laugh? |
當然,我開玩笑啦 那好 | -I was just kidding.-Okay |
我去檢查廚房地板 | -I'll check the kitchen floor. |
請自便,賴瑞 | -Okay,Knock yourself out.Larry |
我絕對不會違規 | I don't get violations. |
地板乾淨到 豆子都能撿起來吃 | You could eat beans off that floor. |
別吃喔,否則你就違規了 | But don't,because that'd be a violation. |
真可口 | Yummy! |
你說賴瑞? | Larry? |
我也願意讓他檢查我廚房地板 | Yeah,I'd let him check out my kitchen floor. |
98分 | A ninety-eight. |
你沒戴帽子所以扣兩分 因為違反第五條規定 | I deducted two points for not wearing your hat.That is a Section 5 violation. |
賴瑞,親愛的 | Now look,Larry,honey. |
第五條條文是我寫的 在廚房才要戴帽子 | I wrote the book on Section 5.You only need to wear it in the kitchen. |
你的帽子呢? | -Where's your hat? |
在廚房,我進去拿 | -ln the kitchen. I'll get it. |
扣兩分 | There's the two points! |
你自己寫的書應該認真讀 | You should really read that book you wrote. |
你看到帽子在廚房 | You saw the hat in the kitchen |
知道她會不戴帽子進去取 | and knew she'd go in hatless to get it. |
你可以當衛生稽查員 兼偵探了 | You could have your own health inspector detective show. |
你太客氣了 | I don't know about that. |
我可以演你的助手薇達 | But then I could be your sidekick,Voonda. |
薇達可以留電話給我 我就能約她出去吃飯 | Maybe I could ask Voonda to dinner sometime? |
她一定很開心 | She would love that... |
因為你知道哪家餐廳才衛生 | ...since you know all the clean places to eat. |
我再打給你 好 | I'll call you.Okay |
他真幽默 | He's so funny! |
“中央咖啡館” | |
謝了 謝謝 | Thank you. |
羅斯還好吧? 還在為艾蜜莉傷心嗎? | How's Ross doing since all the Emily stuff? |
心情不太好 | He's not great. |
不過還死不了 | But he's dealing with it. |
等等,你該不會… 拜託,不可能 | Wait,you're not…-Oh honey please,No |
我不可能再跟羅斯交往 | I can't get started with all that Ross stuff again. |
他還要失魂落魄好長一段時間 | He'll be screwed up for a long time. |
況且你也知道 我不喜歡剛離婚的男人 | Besides,I don't go for guys right after they get divorced. |
對,還有五分鐘就結婚的人你才要 | Right,you only go for them five minutes before they get married. |
我要兩磅爪哇摩卡咖啡 | -Two pounds of mocha java. |
是丹尼,你們還會出去嗎? | -It's Danny.Are you going to go out again? |
不知道 | I don't know. |
上次出去一次之後 他就沒再打給我 | He hasn't called since we went out. |
我們只在走廊上打情罵俏 | I see him in the hallway. We flirt. |
我笑得花枝亂顫卻沒下文 | I'm all ha-ha-ha-ha,And then nothing. |
嘿 | Hey |
嗨,丹尼 | Hi Danny |
你很渴吧? | Wow,thirsty. |
我週六要辦派對 慶祝我搬新家 | I'm having a party on Saturday. Sort of a housewarming thing. |
真有意思 真好 | -Fun. -Great! |
我也希望週六趕快到 | I'm looking forward to it. |
是啊 | Yeah |
那我走了 | Okay,See you! |
看來他新家不歡迎我們 | So I guess we won't be warming his house. |
很好,我知道他在玩什麼把戲 | All right,I see what he's doing. |
他故意不約我 因為他要我主動約他 | He's not asking me out because he wants me to ask him out. |
可是你不會屈尊的 | And you won't do that. |
沒錯 | That's right! |
否則主導權就落在他手裡 | Because that would give him the control. |
他現在故意說什麼要辦派對 要我暗示他約我 | So now he comes up with this "I've got a party" thing...to get me to hint for an invitation |
弄巧成拙 | Blew up in his face,didn't it? |
所以他根本沒有要辦派對 | So there is no party? |
有,當然有 | No,there's a party. There's a party. |
但是控制權 我們兩個都想爭取 | But the power?That is still up for grabs. |
你聽得懂嗎? | You follow me? |
應該吧 | I think so. |
你說他喜歡你 所以故意不約你 | So he won't invite you to his party because he likes you? |
就是這樣 | Exactly! |
可是他為什麼不約我? | Then why didn't he invite me? |
故意吊我胃口 | To throw me off. |
羅斯 | Ross |
親愛的室友 | Hey,roomies! |
你把家裡佈置得真溫馨 | I love what you've done with the place. |
我知道箱子堆得到處都是 | I know it's a lot of boxes. |
我要再次感謝你們收容我 | -I appreciate you letting me stay here. |
沒問題 | -Not a problem. |
既然你要在這裡住一陣子 乾脆錄一段你的留言 | Since you'll be here a while....we could put your name on the answering machine. |
是啊 希望你們別介意 | Oh yeah-I hope you don't mind... |
我已經錄了一段爵士風格的 | but I kind of already jazzed it up a little. |
你們聽 | Check it out. |
我們一定一定會回你電話 | We will we will call you back |
很酷吧? | Pretty cool. |
你也是假笑吧? | -You're fake laughing too,right? |
不過眼淚是真的 | -The tears are real. |
你今晚真漂亮 | You look beautiful this evening. |
再給我看一次徽章 | Show me the badge again. |
真是閃閃發亮 | Shiny. |
我去洗個手 因為我下班就直接過來 | You mind if I wash up? Because I came straight from work |
誰曉得這兩個寶貝碰過什麼 | And who knows where these babies have been? |
你真是一刻不停啊 | You are just nonstop! |
我們必須立刻走 為什麼? | -We're out of here. -Why? |
我剛經過廚房就看到十項違規 | Just walking past the kitchen I saw 1 0 violations. |
我要勒令他們停業 | I'm shutting this place down! |
你辦得到嗎? | -You have the power to do that? |
有這個就可以 | -This does. |
那就讓他們停業吧 | Shut it down. |
嘿 | Hey |
你做什麼? | What are you doing? |
沒什麼 | Nothing. |
你造了一個城堡? | You built a fort,didn't you? |
差不多 | Kind of. |
天啊,是他的空氣清淨器 | Oh,my God! The air purifier. Ross' air purifier. |
我大學四年只聽得到… | All I heard for four years through college was.... |
老兄,你不該只悶在宿舍裡 | You should have gone out once in a while. |
我討厭這東西 | -I hate this thing! |
錢德,羅斯是我們的好友 | -Come on,Chandler.Ross is our friend. |
他現在需要我們幫忙 | He needs us right now. |
成熟點,進來城堡看電視吧 | So why don't you be a grownup and come watch TV in the fort? |
賴瑞竟然勒令楚門餐廳停業 我很喜歡那家餐廳 | Can't believe that Larry closed down Churman's. I love that place. |
你應該聽聽他們有哪些違規 | You should have heard about all their violations. |
賴瑞說他們該改名蟑螂餐廳 | Larry said that they should call it Vermin's. |
那傢伙實在太搞笑了 | That guy just plain kills me. |
嗨,丹尼 | Oh hi Danny |
我來請你們參加明晚的派對 | I wanted to invite you to the party. |
謝了,我們有時間就過去 | Thanks,I'll try to stop by. |
不過我可能有事 | Actually,I think I'm going to be busy. |
是嗎? | You are? |
對,我上次跟你說要參加比賽 | Remember,I've got that gala? |
什麼比賽? | What's the gala for? |
賽船會 | It's a regatta gala. |
你會開帆船? | Do you sail? |
不會,可是我贊助比賽 | No,but I support it. |
好吧,明晚見咯 | I hope I see you tomorrow night. |
好 | Okay |
保重 | Take care. |
他果然用這招對吧 | Walked right into that one,didn't he? |
哪一招? | What one? |
你希望他邀你參加派對 他也來啦 | You wanted him to invite you and he did. |
可是他等到最後一刻才來 | He waited until the last minute. |
如果我答應,他就知道 我沒事可做等著接受他的邀請 | So if I said yes......he'd know I had nothing better to do than wait for his invitation to his stupid party. |
但是我說不去 所以還是我占上風 | But I said no...which puts me back in the driver's seat. |
真好,所以換他出招咯? | Great. So the ball is in his court? |
出招?他沒招可出了 | Ball?No,there's no ball. |
菲比,你吃不吃? | Hey,Phoebe,you want to join us? |
好啊,哪裡買的? | -Oh,sure,yeah. Where is this from? |
三林餐廳 | -It's from Sun Ling's. |
賴瑞跟我提過三林的菜 | Oh,Larry just told me something about Sun Ling. |
算了,多謝 | Oh,no,thank you. |
喬伊,麻煩你 | Joey,please. |
對不起 | Sorry. |
嗨,孩子們 | Hello,children. |
要不要玩足球?求求你? | You want to play some foosball? Please? |
好吧 不… | Okay.-No… |
遊戲桌搬進我房間了 | We moved the table into my room |
因為外面太多箱子,進來吧 | because of all the boxes.Come on! |
我有個問題 | I have one question. |
這是什麼東西? | What is the deal with this? |
小布偶喬伊說再見? | Bye-bye,little puppet Joey hand? |
不是,叫我閉嘴的手勢 | No,the quiet down thing. |
你是說這樣啊 | You mean this. |
我不知道我還能憋多久 | I don't know how much more I can take. |
他竟然拿我的海灘遊俠錄影帶 去錄什麼蟲子 | Did you know he taped over my Baywatch tape with a show about bugs? |
天呐!要是裡面原本是A片呢? | My God!What if that had been porn? |
別激動,或許你憋得很難過 可是他是羅斯 | All right,this may be tough but it's Ross. |
我跟他大學四年都忍過來了 | I survived college with him. |
我或許還可以再忍一陣子 | I guess I can hold out a little longer. |
來玩吧 好 | Let's have a game. |
不要… 萬歲 | No…Yes! |
兩位 | Fellas? |
他非走不可 | So he's out of here. |
這裡有沒有東西可吃? | Got anything to eat? |
我剛才去強諾買雞塊 那裡竟然停業了 | I went to Jono's for some chicken and it was closed. |
我帶賴瑞去,餐廳不合規定 我們勒令他們停業 | I took Larry there,but it was all violated,so we shut it down. |
菲比,這傢伙不斷關掉 大家喜歡去的餐館 | If this guy keeps closing our favorite places, |
以後我們上哪吃飯? | where will we eat? |
不曉得,乾淨的地方? | I don't know. Clean places? |
嗯,是啊 | Yum! |
是丹尼 | It's Danny. |
別讓他進來,我現在 應該去看帆船賽了 | Don't let him in! I'm supposed to be at a gala. |
我們馬上過去 | We'll be right there. |
不能說大賽還沒開始嗎? | Can't you say it's later? |
什麼?哪種帆船在晚上比賽? | What kind of a regatta gala starts at night? |
假的那種 | The fake kind. |
嗨,我想借個勺子,你有嗎? | -I need a ladle. You got a ladle? |
我們有 | -We have a ladle. |
謝了,待會兒見 好 | Thanks,See you at the party.-Okay |
你們知道賴瑞會怎麼回答嗎? | You know what Larry would say? |
他會說,“勺後見” | He'd say,"See you ladle." |
我看完了,你要看嗎,羅斯? 有體育、國際、租屋版 | I'm done. You want anything? Sports? International?Apartment listings? |
我要體育版 我要 | I'll take sports.Mine! |
那就國際版好了 我也要 | All right,international.That's mine too. |
我是義大利裔 | I'm ltalian. |
那就看看租屋廣告吧 不過報紙上向來沒好房子 | I could check apartment listings,though there's never anything here. |
第7頁也沒有嗎? | Not even on page seven? |
有啊,你說得對 | You're right. |
有個地方價錢很公道 兩間臥室、上班也近 | Here's an affordable place.Two-bedroom,close to work. |
可是還要五周才能搬進去 | It's available in five weeks. |
圈起來的那個呢? | What about that circled one? |
不知道耶,就套房來說有點貴 | I don't know,It's kind of expensive for a studio. |
可是現在就能搬進去 | But it's available now. |
對不對? | Isn't it? |
的確是 | Yes,it is. |
我們去看看 | Let's go look at it! |
好,我們走 走吧 | Okay,There we go! |
對了,夥計們 | Oh-oh-ooh,hey guys, |
可不可以大家分攤買濾芯? | I was wondering if you guys would uh,maybe chip in on some new air filters for the purifier? |
畢竟空氣清淨器大家都有用到 | I mean,after all,we are all using it. |
快點走 好 | Let's go quicker! |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
你們看這個廚房…兼浴室 | Look at this kitchen/bathroom. |
太棒了,可以一邊煮飯 一邊洗澡 | That's great! So you can cook while in the tub. |
房東真是太聰明了 | Somebody was using his head. |
再看看其他地方 | Let's check out the rest of the place. |
就這麼大了 | I think this is it. |
我們應該看看別間公寓 | I don't know. Maybe we should keep looking. |
可是這地方馬上就能搬進來 | But this place is available now. |
對啊,你不會願意 繼續跟我們住五周 | You don't want to be stuck with us for five weeks. |
是啊 | Yeah |
你覺得我應該租下? | So you think I should take this place? |
這裡很棒啊 | It's perfect! |
你呢? | How about you? |
這裡有廚房兼浴室耶 | Kitchen,slash,bathroom. |
好吧,我懂了 | I see what you guys are saying. |
我下樓填申請表 | I'll go downstairs and fill out an application. |
我們是壞人 | We are bad people. |
他知道我們想趕他走 | He knew we were trying to get rid of him. |
他知道了 | He knew |
我們廚房能不能裝浴缸? | Could we get a bathtub in our kitchen? |
要去吃飯了嗎? | Ready for dinner? |
當然 很好 | -Absolutely. -Great. |
你上次不是說要去布裡克街 那家義大利餐廳? | You wanted to go to the ltalian place on Bleecker St.? |
我愛死那裡了 | I love that place! |
所以…不行 | So,no. |
“李賽提老媽”呢? | How about Mama Lozetti's? |
沒問題 | Sure. |
不知道那瓶牛奶放多久了? | How long has that milk been sitting out? |
這地方非常乾淨 | No,this place is totally healthy. |
那瓶牛奶是我的 | This milk is mine. |
今天買的,我突然想喝牛奶 | I bought this today...because I was thirsty for milk,you know? |
我們走吧 | Okay,let's go. |
老兄 | Hey,buddy. |
你知道衛生規則 11條B款嗎? | Are you familiar with Section 11-B of the Health Code |
垃圾應該從後門拿出去 | that requires all refuse material out the back exit? |
可是這樣就得從乾洗店繞路 | But then I'd have to go all the way around the dry cleaner place. |
你寧可方便也不顧衛生? | So you're saying you'd choose convenience over health? |
請你喝咖啡好嗎? | Would you be interested in a free coffee? |
賴瑞,別這樣 | Stop,Larry. |
你能不能別老想著工作? | Can't you just be Larry and not Larry the health inspector guy? |
一開始還很刺激 | It was exciting at first. |
現在簡直哪家餐廳也去不了 | But now,it's like,so where are we going to eat ever? |
不然我口頭警告他好了 | I suppose I could give him a warning. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
快走啊 | Go,go! |
要是吃飽飯後你還想抓人 | If,after dinner,you still need to bust someone... |
我知道哪個熱狗攤老闆 喜歡挖鼻子 | ...I know a hot dog vendor who picks his nose. |
搞不好我們做的是好事 幫助羅斯早點恢復正常 | Maybe we did good,helping Ross get back on his feet. |
況且那地方實在不錯 是啊 | That was a nice place. |
雖然櫃子不多 不過可以用袋子裝好掛在窗外 | No closet space,but he could hang his stuff out the window in a bag. |
是啊 | Yeah |
現在該怎麼辦? | What do we do? |
不知道 | I don't know. |
要吃披薩嗎? | Maybe pizza? |
我說的是羅斯 | About Ross! |
喂 | Hello |
我是,是公寓經理 羅斯填我們當介紹人 | Oh yeah!It's the apartment manager. Ross put us as references. |
羅斯絕對是好人 這人非常可靠 | Ross is the greatest guy. He's very reliable |
不過他養了一隻大狗 | Of course,he has a big,huge dog |
半夜叫個不停 | that barks into the night. |
是啊,誰不喜歡狗啊? | Well,who doesn't love dogs? |
他是個踢踏舞者 | He's a tap dancer. |
這的確是失傳的藝術 | Yes,some would say that is a lost art. |
他是男妓 | He's a pimp! |
沒錯,就是男妓 | There you go. He's a pimp. |
他是會跳踢踏舞的男妓 | He's a big,tap-dancing pimp! |
喂 | Hello |
我準備好了 | -Okay,honey,I'm ready. |
你想幹什麼? | -What are you doing? |
我要晃進派對 | I am going to wander into the party |
裝做一副 剛從帆船賽回來的樣子 | and I will be all,you know:"l don't need this,I'm coming from a regatta gala." |
你這是從書上學來的嗎? | Did you get this out of a book? |
親愛的莫妮卡,書如人生啊 | Monica,honey,this is as real as it gets. |
該死,這可不行 他就站在那裡 | This is never going to work. He's right there. |
去打聲招呼就行啦 | Just go say hi. |
不行,我得從樓下走上來 假裝我剛從外面回來 | I have to go downstairs and back up,as if I'm coming home from the gala. |
你去引開他的注意力 但是別太性感 | So just go distract him. But don't be sexy. |
丹尼 | Hey Danny |
怎麼樣? | What's going on? |
這個派對真不錯,食物也很好 | This is a great party. Great food. |
大部分派對都只有薯片、沙拉 薯片、沙拉 | You know,most parties,it's all chips and salsa,chips and salsa. |
這是什麼? | What's this? |
沙拉 | Salad. |
這又是什麼? | And what's this? |
麵包 | Bread. |
你不是廚師嗎? | Aren't you a chef? |
嘿,瑞秋 | Hi Rachel |
對了,你今晚要辦派對 | Right,tonight was your party. |
你穿得真漂亮 幸好你趕回來了 | You look great! I'm glad you made it. |
比賽總不能沒完沒了 | Well,you know,the gala had to end sometime. |
你別走開,我馬上回來 | Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back. |
沒問題 | Yeah sure |
你說現在換誰出招啦? | Whose court is the ball in now? |
你不是說他沒招可出? | I thought there wasn't a ball. |
拜託,他很高興我來了 而且還叫我別走開 | Come on. He's glad I came. He doesn't want me to go anywhere. |
我們兩個現在是你來我往 | Ball's flying all over the place. |
瑞秋,這是我朋友湯姆 | This is my friend,Tom. |
這就是我跟你提過的小姐 | This is the girl I told you about. |
拜託,你跟人提過我? | Come on! You telling people about me? |
你們一定會一拍即合的 | I think you two could really hit it off. |
我回派對了 | I'm gonna go mingle. |
你在布魯明戴爾百貨上班? | So you work at Bloomingdale's? |
我媽媽稱呼那裡是“布明兒” | My mom calls it "Bloomies." |
真不錯,稍息,大兵 | At ease,soldier! |
什麼? | I'm sorry? |
沒關係,湯姆,你別裝了 我知道你們搞什麼鬼 | You can just drop the act. I know what's going on. |
你是丹尼的舵手對不對? | You're Danny's wingman,right? |
你們交情老、感情好 | You guys are best buds,frat bros. |
我要去…找朋友 | I'm going to go talk to a friend. |
請便,去找你朋友吧 | Yeah,you go talk to your friend. |
告訴他,“這招漂亮” | Go tell him,"Nice try." |
他真是出招連連 不過我可是招招都破 | He just keeps lobbing them up...and I keep knocking them right out of the park. |
我想喝杯飲料 我也要 | I think I need a drink.-Yeah |
98、99、100 | Ninety-eight...ninety-nine…one hundred! |
走吧 | Okay. Go. |
告訴你,我沒問題 | Dude,I'm telling you,I'm fine. |
我扶住你了 | Here we go,here we go. |
嘿 嘿 | Hey Hey |
我沒租到那間公寓 | So I didn't get that apartment. |
我的申請出了狀況 | Some problem with my application. |
不可能吧? 不會吧 | You're kidding?No |
不過菲比答應讓我搬去跟她住 | But Phoebe said I could stay at her place for a while,so.... |
你不能住菲比家 我們可是室友耶 | Well,you can't stay with Phoebe. We're roomies. |
我不能再佔用你們的公寓 | You don't need me taking up all your space. |
反正這裡大得很 | We got plenty of space. |
喇叭旁邊還有空地 | There's still some by that speaker. |
住下來吧 對 | Please,just stay. |
你們確定? 當然 | Are you sure?-Definitely. |
羅斯,你非住下來不可 | -You have to stay. |
好吧 就這麼辦 | All right! |
我是男妓對吧? | So I'm a pimp,huh? |
算了 | It's okay. |
我知道我有時候很惹人煩 不過你們可以直說 | Sometimes I can be a pain in the ass.But just talk to me. |
明白告訴我哪裡做得不好 | Tell me if something bothers you. |
我可以儘量改掉惹人嫌的習慣只要你們… | And I'll do everything I can to keep my annoying habits just.... |
顯然你今天過得很充實 | Well,I see you've had a very productive day. |
不過戴牛仔帽也太過了吧? | The cowboy hat's a little much. |
進來一起玩 | Come on,it's fun! |
好吧 | All right. |
這不是女人的帽子嗎? | Isn't this a woman's hat? |
還不趕快閉嘴去泡茶? | Stop talking crazy,and make us tea! |
莫妮卡 這真是史上最棒的感恩節大餐 太好吃了 | Monica,that was the best Thanksgiving dinner ever.It was so good. |
你把我們撐死了 | I think you killed us. |
我連一口都吃不下了 | I couldn't possibly eat another bite. |
我要吃點甜的 | I need something sweet. |
有人想看電視嗎? 好啊 | Does anyone want to watch TV? |
莫妮卡,你的遙控器按不動 | Monica,your remote doesn't work. |
你得把它拿起來對準 | You have to lift it and point. |
算了 | Oh,forget it. |
你們知道嗎? 我們應該來玩感恩告白遊戲 | Let's play that game where everyone says one thing they're thankful for. |
我要說 感謝今年的秋天這麼美 | I am thankful for this beautiful fall we've been having. |
說得真好 | Very nice. |
那天我在等公車 | The other day,I was at the bus stop... |
突然吹來一陣秋風 把一個女生的裙子吹了起來 | ...and this lovely fall breeze came and blew this chick's skirt up. |
對了,我還要感謝丁字褲 | Which reminds me,I'm also thankful for thongs. |
本集播出:“感恩大回顧” | The One with the Thanksgiving Flashbacks |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
與其說它是內褲 不如說是一種偉大工程 | It's not so much an underpant as a feat of engineering. |
料子那麼少,效果卻那麼大 | It's amazing...how much they can do with so little material. |
它還會戲弄你 有穿嗎?沒穿嗎? | And they play with your mind. Is it there? Is it not there? |
你知道你還在嘮叨嗎? | Are you aware that you're still talking? |
有沒有人要感謝 丁字褲以外的東西? | Is anyone thankful for anything else besides a thong? |
我不知道要比較感謝離婚 還是被趕出來 | I don't know. Am I more thankful for my divorce or my eviction? |
我還以為你會沒得謝 | And I didn't think you'd be able to come up with anything. |
抱歉,這是最慘的一次感恩節 | I'm sorry. This is the worst Thanksgiving ever. |
不不不,我才是悲慘感恩節之王 | No No No I am the king of bad Thanksgivings. |
你不能以失敗的婚姻為理由搶了我的寶座 | You can't swoop in with your bad marriage and take that away from me. |
你又要說你爸媽離婚的事了? | You're not going to tell about your parents' divorce again,are you? |
別這樣嘛,我想聽 | Come on! I want to hear it. |
沒有錢德掃興就不算感恩節了 | It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without Chandler bumming us out. |
這跟遊行一樣是一項傳統 | It's a tradition,like the parade. |
如果遊行也包括同性戀和拋妻棄子的話 | If the parade decided it was gay and abandoned its family. |
“1978年感恩節” | |
錢德,爸爸和我要離婚 並不代表我們不愛你 | Now,Chandler,dear...just because we're getting a divorce doesn't mean we don't love you. |
只是代表他上床的對象是男僕 不是我 | It just means...he would rather sleep with the houseboy than with me. |
錢德先生還要火雞嗎? | More turkey,Mr. Chandler? |
你把那傢伙的口音 說得越來越重 | Every time you tell that story,that guy's accent gets thicker and thicker. |
他們還在一起嗎? | So are he and your dad still together? |
沒有,他們同居之後 男僕自己也有了男僕 | No. After they got their own place,the houseboy got his own houseboy. |
你應該聽聽他的口音 | Should have heard his accent. |
你說得對,你的更慘 你是悲慘感恩節之王 | You're right,yours is worse. You're the king of bad Thanksgivings. |
不一定,我有一次更慘 | I've got one that's worse. |
慘過“錢德先生還要火雞”嗎? | Really? Worse than,"More turkey,Mr. Chandler?" |
小少爺跟僕人有仇嗎? 對,我的更慘 | Did the little rich boy have a problem with the butler?Yes,mine's worse! |
“1862年感恩節” | |
還要繃帶!還要繃帶 | More bandages!More bandages! |
再給我一些繃帶 這個人快… | Please,can I get some more bandages in here?This man is |
哦,不 | Oh no |
今生的才算,菲比 | In this life,Phoebe. |
今生是吧,那錢德的比較慘 | Oh,this life. Oh,okay.No,Chandler's is worse. |
記得前世的事一定很酷 我都沒有前世的記憶 | It must be cool remembering stuff like that.I don't have any past-life memories. |
當然沒有,你是新生命 | Of course,you don't,sweetie. You're brand-new. |
我知道莫妮卡最慘的感恩節 | I know Monica's worst Thanksgiving. |
那個就別提了 說嘛 | Let's not tell this story.Come on |
我知道,就是莫妮卡的火雞 卡在喬伊頭上那次 | I know!It's the one where Joey got Monica's turkey stuck on his head. |
什麼?喬伊頭上卡了只火雞? | What?Joey got a turkey stuck on his head? |
其實不是那樣 其實就是那樣 | It's not like it sounds.It's exactly like it sounds |
“1992年感恩節” | |
菲比? | Phoebe? |
喬伊?怎麼了? | Joey?What's going on? |
你看 | Look |
我的天哪 我知道,它卡住了 | Oh,my God!I know!It's stuck! |
小心臺階 它怎麼會跑到你頭上? | Step.How did it get on? |
是我套上去想嚇錢德 | I put it on to scare Chandler. |
天哪,莫妮卡一定會氣死 | Oh,my God! Monica's going to totally freak out! |
那就趕快幫我拿下來 而且這裡面好臭 | Help me get it off!Plus,it smells really bad in here. |
當然很臭 你的頭塞在動物屍體的屁股裡 | Of course it smells bad. You have your head up a dead animal's ass. |
是莫妮卡 | Monica |
你替火雞塗…我的天哪 | Did you get the turkey?Oh,my God! |
那是誰? 喬伊啦 | Who is that?It's Joey. |
你在幹什麼?你是在搞笑嗎? | What-what are you doing?Is this supposed to be funny? |
不是搞笑,是嚇人 | It's not supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be scary. |
馬上給我拿掉 | Get that off now! |
拿不掉,卡住了 | I can't. It's stuck! |
我不管,我爸媽的二十個客人 可不能就著你的頭吃 | Well I don't care!That-that turkey has to feed 20 people at my parent's house and they're not going to eat it off your head! |
先別急,大家一起想辦法 | Hold on.Let's just all think. |
我知道了,菲比,你拉 我儘量把腿撐開 | I got it!Phoebe,You pull.I'll spread the legs as wide as I can. |
喬伊,現在不要鬧 對不起 | Joey,Now is not the time.Sorry |
好,數到三…一,二,三 | Count to three. One...two...three! |
成功了!我嚇到你了 | It worked! I scared you! I knew it! |
大哥,我在這裡 | I'm over here,big guy. |
我知道 | Yeah,you are! |
我嚇到你了 | I scared you! |
你看起來真的很白癡 | You did look like an idiot. |
白癡的不只是我 | I wasn't the only one who looked like an idiot. |
羅斯有一次想說冬南瓜 結果講成南冬瓜 | Remember when Ross tried to say "butternut squash"...and it came out,"squatternut bosh"? |
的確一樣白癡 | Yeah,that's the same. |
那就是我最慘的感恩節 | That's it. That's my worst Thanksgiving. |
等等,瑞秋說的不可能是那次 她根本不知道那件事 | Oh wait!That can't be the one Rachel's talking about.She didn't even know that happened. |
所以是哪一次? 哪一次? | So,which one was it? |
我真的不想提這件事 | I really don't want to tell this story. |
講嘛,重溫悲慘的回憶 是感恩節的精神 | Reliving pain and getting depressed is what Thanksgiving's all about. |
至少我覺得是 還有印第安人也是 | For me,anyway.And,of course,the lndians. |
最不希望我提的絕對是你 | Of all people,you do not want me to tell this story. |
什麼意思? | What is that supposed to mean? |
“1987年感恩節” 莫妮卡,應該是瑞秋來了 | -Monica,I think Rachel's here! |
我來開 | -I'll get it! |
感恩節快樂 | Happy Thanksgiving! |
我不快樂,奇普和我分手了 | Not for me.Chip and I broke up. |
為什麼?怎麼了? | Why?What happened? |
你知道的 我爸媽要出門 奇普要來… | My parents are out of town,and Chip was going to come over. |
對,你要給他你的花芯 | And you were going to give him...your "flower." |
莫妮卡,你能不能直接說做愛 你那樣講讓我渾身發毛 | Monica,can you just call it sex?It really creeps me out when you call it that. |
還有,在做的時候 男人的那裡不叫他的溫柔 | And by the way...while we're at it,a guy's thing is not called his "tenderness." |
相信我 | Believe me. |
瑞秋 | Rachel |
感恩節快樂 你也是 | Happy Thanksgiving.You too sweetheart |
天哪 | Oh my! |
各位,這是錢德 我的室友兼我們樂團的主唱 | Everyone...this is Chandler.My roommate and lead singer of our band. |
羅斯 | Ross |
這是莫妮卡 我是羅斯的妹妹 | This is Monica.I'm Ross' little sister. |
好 | Okay |
歡迎你來,有很多吃的 希望你餓了 | I'm so glad you could come.We've got plenty of food,so I hope you're hungry.{ |
媽,錢德痛恨感恩節 他不吃感恩節食物 | Chandler hates Thanksgiving and doesn't eat any Thanksgiving food. |
哦,很高興你帶他來 | I'm so glad you brought him here. |
錢德 我可以幫你煮起司通心面 | Chandler I can make you some macaroni and cheese for dinner. |
只要當年的清教徒沒吃我就吃 | As long as the Pilgrims didn't eat it. |
討厭 | Damn it! |
瑞秋,我去上大學不在家 你會不會覺得怪怪的? | So uh,Rach?Does it feel weird around here now?You know,since I've been away at college? |
那倒不會 那就好 | Not really.That's cool. |
那你… | So did… |
她就是你那些歌的女主角瑞秋 對 | So that's Rachel,the girl you've been writing all those songs about? |
你可能得修改那句 “我的離去令她渾身不對勁” | Might want to rethink the lyrics to "She Feels Weird Since I've Been Gone." |
奇普居然為了那個花癡南西 而甩了我 | I cannot believe Chip dumped me for that slut Nancy Branson! |
我再也不跟他約會了 他再怎麼求我也沒用 | I am never going out with him again. I don't care how much he begs. |
他有了南西,應該不會求你了 | His begging days are over,now that he's with Nancy Branson. |
你知道嗎?我受夠高中男生了 他們全是些又笨又呆的小毛頭 | I've just had it with high-school boys.They're just silly.They're just silly,stupid boys. |
我要開始跟男人交往 | I'll start dating men. |
茱蒂,對不起 我找不到你和傑克要的碗 | I'm sorry,Judy.I couldn't find that bowl you and Jack were looking for. |
叫爸爸媽媽,傻瓜 | Call them Mom and Dad,you loser. |
莫妮卡 | Monica |
錢德 | Chandler |
起司通心面好吃嗎? | Did you like the macaroni and cheese? |
很好吃,你應該去當廚師 | It was great. You should be a chef. |
好啊 | Okay |
你猜怎樣? 南西很花癡的傳聞都是假的 | Guess what.All this stuff about Nancy being a slut was all a rumor. |
所以奇普甩了她 他今天晚上想來找我 | Chip dumped her,and he wants to come over to my house! |
太棒了 就是啊 | -That is so great! -I know. |
天哪,要是你和奇普晚上做了 你一定要把細節都告訴我 | Oh,gosh. Listen,if you and Chip do it tonight...promise me you'll tell me everything. |
那當然,其實也沒什麼 我們應該算是做過一次 | Totally. It's not that big a deal. We already kind of did it once. |
我知道,但這回你一定能確定 我知道 | But now you'll definitely know whether or not you did it.I know. |
奇普還保證 這次會持續一整首歌的長度 | And Chip promised that this time it'd last at least for an entire song. |
我晚上打算約瑞秋出去 彈我們上周寫的那首歌給她聽 | I'm thinking of asking Rachel out tonight...maybe playing her that song we wrote last week. |
“憂愁的背包”? 對 | "Emotional Knapsack"? Yes |
漂亮 | Right on! |
不過不要拖太久 | But don't take long. |
我們今晚還要去試用假身份證 對吧,克裡夫艾維瑞茲? | We're testing our fake lD's tonight.Right,Clifford Alvarez? |
聽著,羅蘭陳 | Listen,Roland Cheng... |
如果一切順利 我們搞不好不會回來 | ...if things go well,I may be out with her all night. |
兄弟,別丟下我 | Dude,don't do that to me. |
沒關係,你可以留下來 我爸媽不會介意 | It's cool,you can stay here. My parents won't mind. |
不是,我不想整晚 跟你的胖妹妹在一起 | It's not that. I just don't want to be stuck here with your fat sister. |
莫妮卡,把這些派吃完吧 冰箱塞不下了 | Why don't you finish off these pies?I don't have any more room in the fridge. |
不了,謝謝 | No,thank you. |
茱蒂,你成功了 她終於吃不下了 | Judy,you did it.She's finally full! |
我說你胖?我完全不記得 | I called you fat? I don't even remember that. |
或許唱那首“憂愁的背包” 可以讓你想起來 | -Maybe it'd jog your memory...if you guys played a little bit of "Emotional Knapsack." |
對不起,真的 我那時候很愚蠢 | I'm so sorry. I really am.I was an idiot back then. |
我還在威猛樂隊的演唱會上 沖上臺大叫 | I rushed the stage at a Wham concert,for crying out loud! |
你居然說她胖 | I can't believe you called her fat. |
你居然讓喬治·邁克爾(威猛樂隊成員)賞你耳光 | I can't believe you let George Michael slap you. |
真的很抱歉,我太差勁了 真是對不起 | I am really sorry.That is terrible. I'm so sorry. |
其實我說的不是那次感恩節 | That's not the Thanksgiving I was talking about. |
就是 不是,我說的是… | Yes,it was.No,it wasn't.it was actually |
感恩節結束,準備過耶誕節吧 誰要去買聖誕樹? | Thanksgiving's over. Let's get ready for Christmas.Who wants to go get a Christmas tree? |
我有最可愛的耶誕節故事 | I have the cutest Christmas story. |
我們想聽莫妮卡的感恩節故事 | We want to hear Monica's story. |
我的故事裡有小矮人斷成兩截 不過隨便 | Mine had a dwarf that got broke in half,but,you know,whatever. |
“1988年感恩節” 瑞秋,你媽說你又轉系了 | So Rachel,your mom tells me you changed your major again? |
沒辦法 心理系的樓旁邊很難停車 | I had to.There was never any parking by the psychology building. |
瑞秋 | Rachel |
你的新鼻子真漂亮 傑克 | Love your new nose!Jack |
威爾森醫生是個藝術家 | Dr. Wolfson's an artist. |
他幫我點掉一堆痣 你要看嗎? | He removed my mole cluster.Want to see? |
我去開 不,讓我去 | I'll get it.No! Please,let me. |
感恩節快樂 | Happy Thanksgiving. |
你的髮型變了好多 | Your hair sure is different. |
我們剛才還在講 我們以前的造型真的好蠢 | We were just talking about that.We can't believe how stupid we used to look. |
莫妮卡呢? 在樓上 | Where's Monica?She's upstairs. |
莫妮卡,快下來,人都到齊了 | Monica,Come down,everyone's here! |
羅斯,瑞秋 和那個痛恨感恩節的男生 | Ross,Rachel...and the boy who hates Thanksgiving. |
錢德 我的天哪 | Chandler.Oh,my God! |
怎麼了?我的衣服有髒東西嗎 | What's the matter?Is there something on my dress? |
你變了好多好漂亮 | You look so different. |
那件裙子,那個身材 | Terrific.That dress,that body.... |
喂 抱歉 | -Dude! -Sorry. |
對,莫妮卡瘦了,太好了 | Yes,she's thin. It's wonderful. |
但我們比較關心羅斯的新女友 拜託老媽… | But we really want to hear...about Ross' new girlfriend.Oh,mom |
好吧,她叫卡蘿 她很漂亮,很聰明 | Okay,Her name is Carol.She's really pretty and smart. |
她是長曲棍球和高爾夫球校隊成員 很厲害吧? | She's on the lacrosse team and the golf team.Can you believe it? |
她兩個校隊都打 | She plays for both teams. |
錢德,那就晚餐見囉 | So I guess I'll see you at dinner. |
喂 抱歉 | -Dude! -Sorry. |
天哪,真是酷斃了 你完全報了一箭之仇 | Oh,my God!That was so awesome.You got him back for calling you fat. |
他的口水流了滿地 感覺一定很過癮 | He was drooling all over you.That must have felt so great. |
一點也不過癮 什麼? | lt didn't.What? |
沒錯,我很漂亮,感覺很好 心臟的毛病也沒了 | Yeah,I mean,I look great.I feel great,and my heart's not in trouble anymore. |
但我還是覺得沒報到仇 | I just don't feel like I got him back. |
我想狠狠地羞辱他 | I just want to humiliate him. |
我想讓他光著身體 再指著他大笑 | I want him to be naked,and I want to point at him and laugh. |
好,搞不好可以 | That,we may be able to do. |
怎麼做? | How? |
男人要做愛之前都會脫光衣服 | Guys tend to get naked before they're going to have sex. |
什麼?我這麼努力瘦這麼多 可不是為了把花芯給他那種人 | What?I didn't work this hard and lose weight just so I could give my flower to someone like him. |
好,第一,你再那樣講 保證沒有人會要 | First of all,if you keep calling it that,no one will take it. |
第二,又不是要你來真的 只是要你誤導他 | And then second of all,you're not going to have sex with him.You'll just make him think that you are. |
也對 | Yes |
等他脫光了 我就把他趕出去鎖上門 | I'll throw him out in the yard,lock the door... |
讓所有的鄰居恥笑他 | ...and all our neighbors will just humiliate him! |
那你就絕對報了仇 | You'll definitely get him back. |
我要怎麼誤導他? | How do I make him think I want to have sex? |
我知道了 假裝什麼都能讓你興奮 | Here's what you do.Just act like everything around you turns you on. |
什麼意思? 就是什麼都能挑動你 | What do you mean?Anything can be sexy. |
像…像這條擦碗巾 | Like this dish towel. |
它的觸感好舒服 | This feels so good against my cheek. |
如果我熱了就可以拿它來吸汗 | And if I get a little hot,I can just dab myself with it. |
或是把它放在腿邊 邊跟他說話邊玩弄 | Or I can bring it down to my side and run it through my fingers...while I talk to him. |
這個我會 很好 | I can do that.Good,good,good. |
他來了 | Get busy. He's coming. |
你好 | Hey,what's up? |
莫妮卡,你能不能幫我煮 去年那種通心面 | Could you make me some of that righteous mac and cheese like last year? |
沒問題 | I'd love to. |
我好喜歡起司通心面 | I love macaroni and cheese. |
我好喜歡這個盒子的觸感 | I love the way this box feels against my cheek. |
好 | Okay |
我好喜歡紅蘿蔔 | And I love carrots. |
有時我喜歡把它們這樣夾著 | Sometimes I like to put them between my fingers. |
然後放在腿邊跟你說話 | Like this.And hold them down here while I talk to you. |
覺得很熱的時候,我喜歡… | And,you know,if I get really hot... |
拿起這把刀 把冰涼的刀身靠在… | I like to pick up this knife.And I put the cool steel...against |
身上 | ...my body. |
你還好嗎? | Are you all right? |
我很好,只是… | I'm fine. it's just that… |
什麼狀況? | What do we got here |
20歲男性,右腳拇趾被切到 | Twenty-year-old male.He's got a severed toe on his right foot. |
別撞到他的腳好嗎? | Could you please not do that feet first? |
你明知他是拇趾被切到 你剛才也說了 | You know where his injury is. Severed toe,you just said it! |
這裡寫說刀子刺穿鞋子 | It says the knife went through your shoe. |
那當然,他穿的是草鞋 | Of course it did.They're made of wicker! |
斷指帶來了嗎? 有,在這裡冰著 | Did you bring the toe?-Oh yes!I have it right here on ice. |
“冰上拇指秀” 麥迪森花園廣場即將演出 | Toes on Ice,coming soon to Madison Square Garden. |
省點力氣吧 | Save your strength,man. |
放心,我們會把它縫… | Don't worry,son. We'll just reattach it and then.... |
怎麼了? | What is it? |
你帶了一塊紅蘿蔔來 | You brought a carrot. |
什麼? | What? |
這不是你的腳趾 這是一小塊很冰的紅蘿蔔 | This isn't your toe. This is a small,very cold piece of carrot. |
你帶紅蘿蔔來? | You brought a carrot? |
天哪,我的廚房裡有一截斷趾 | Oh,my God!There's a toe in my kitchen. |
對不起,我馬上回去拿 | I'm sorry! I'll go get it! |
來不及了,我們只能直接縫合 | All we can do now is sew up the wound. |
我的腳趾沒了?我需要我的腳趾頭 | Without my toe? I need my toe! |
等一下,我很快 爸,讓我開你的保時捷 | I can go really fast! Dad,give me the keys to your Porsche. |
我才不會上當 | I'm not falling for that one. |
這就是我斷趾的原因? 因為我說你胖? | That's why I lost my toe? Because I called you fat? |
我不是故意的,那是意外 | I didn't mean to cut it off. It was an accident. |
我就因為這樣被叫了一整年的 跛腳趾頭先生? | That's why for an entire year people called me Sir Limps-a-lot? |
對不起嘛 又不是一整根腳趾頭 | I'm sorry.It wasn't your whole toe. |
我少了趾尖,趾尖是最棒的部分 | Yeah,well,I miss the tip.It's the best part. |
趾尖有指甲 | It has the nail. |
錢德 | Chandler |
跛腳趾頭先生 那是我想出來的 | Sir Limps-a-lot.I came up with that. |
你好無聊 | You're a dork. |
我真不敢相信 | -I can't believe this. |
錢德,我都道歉了 | -I said I was sorry. |
道歉也換不回 我那思鄉情切的小趾尖 | "Sorry" doesn't bring back the piggy that cried all the way home. |
我就知道今天會發生這種事 我恨感恩節和這一天的一切 | It figures that something like this would happen today.I hate this stupid day and everything about it! |
回見 等等,過來 | I'll see you later.Wait.Come here. |
有什麼我能做的嗎?任何事 | Is there anything I can do? Anything? |
有,讓我靜一靜 | Just leave me alone for a little while. |
我是鴨子呱呱呱 一天到晚都快樂 | I'm a duck. I go quack-quack.I'm happy all the time. |
別試了 等等 | Nice try.Wait,wait,wait. |
莫妮卡… 你看 | Look,Monica |
沒有用的 | This is not going to work. |
接下來絕對有用 | I bet this will work. |
你真絕,我愛你 | You're so great.I love you. |
什麼? | What? |
沒事,我說“你真絕” 然後就沒說話了 | Nothing. I said you're so great,and then I just stopped talking |
你說你愛我,我真不敢相信 | You said you loved me. I can't believe this! |
我沒有 | No,I didn't! |
你有 我沒有 | Yes,you did!No,I didn't! |
你愛我 我沒有 | You love me!No,I don't! |
別再說了 | Stop it,stop it,stop it! |
“1915年感恩節” | |
紗布!這裡需要紗布 | Gauze!Gauze!I need to get some gauze in here! |
請再給我一些紗… | Can I please get some more gauze? |
真是越來越荒謬了 | This is getting ridiculous. |
我坐到什麼東西了? | What am I sitting on? |
世界頂端?河堤碼頭? (歌詞) | Top of the world?Dock of the bay? |
想不出來了 | I'm out. |
內褲 | Oh,undies! |
老實說,誰的? | All right!Whose are they? |
誰的? | -Whose are they? |
不是我的 | -Not mine. |
是喬伊的,一定是他的 | Joey's! Got to be Joey's. |
的確是我的 | They're mine. |
看吧?就是喬伊的,喬…伊的 | See,Joey's. They're Joe-Joe-Joey's. |
怎麼會在這裡? | Why are they here? |
我不知道… | I don't know. |
因為我是喬伊 | I'm Joey. |
我生性齷齪 隨便在別人家脫內褲 | I'm disgusting.I take my underwear off in other people's homes. |
快拿走,你哪裡有病啊? | Get them out of here. What's wrong with you? |
對啊 好惡 | Yeah!yeah! |
拿去啊。-知道了 | -Take them! -I got them. |
喬伊,你幹嘛不敢碰 這是你的內褲 | You can touch them. They're yours. |
錢德,借一步說話 好 | Chandler? A word? |
我受夠了 不想再幫你們說謊了 | I'm tired of covering for you two. |
這種事不能再發生了 | This has got to stop. |
而且還是白色三角褲? | Tighty-whiteys? |
你8歲嗎? | What are you,8? |
謝謝你,喬伊,感激不盡 | Thank you,Joey,so much. |
這裡不歡迎你 | You're not welcome,okay? |
我討厭這樣 | Look,I hate this. |
你們害我拼命出醜 | You guys keep embarrassing me. |
昨天瑞秋在這裡的浴室 看到你的剃刀 | Yesterday,Rachel found your razor in our bathroom. |
我不知道怎麼回答 | and I didn't know what to say |
只好說是我的 | so I said it was mine, |
還說我要在話劇裡演女人 | and that I was playing a woman in a play. |
結果倒好 | Then one thing led to another,and.... |
連腳踝周圍都剃光了 那裡很不好刮 | And around the ankles,that is a tough spot. |
沒錯,告訴你們,我不能… | It was. All right,listen |
我們要說謊也不好受 | All this lying has been hard on us too. |
是喔,不過至少你們上床很容易 | Yeah,I bet all the sex makes it easier. |
那倒是 | Yeah,actually. |
瑞秋不僅把你的內褲 湊到我面前 | Meanwhile,I get Rachel shoving your underwear in my face... |
還問什麼時候 可以看我演出醜女人 | ...and asking when she can come see me star in Ugly Woman. |
我們下次一定會更小心 | We'll be more careful. |
因為我們實在太甜蜜了 所以不想告訴別人 | We don't want them to know because it's going really well. |
搞不好就是保密才能這麼順利 | And maybe it's going well because it's a secret. |
我知道你覺得很怪 但我們都不太會處理感情問題 | It sounds weird,but we're so bad at relationships. |
沒錯,幫幫忙 拜託 | -We are. Help us! -Help! |
好吧,不過… | All right. But |
你要跟我上床一次 | you do it with me once. |
喬伊 就知道你不肯 | -Joey! -Didn't think so. |
本集播出:“羅斯的三明治” | The One With Ross' Sandwich |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫桌 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
不能換個話題嗎? | -Can we please just drop this? |
可是我實在不懂 | -But I don't get it. |
別人一熱也會隨便 在朋友家脫內褲嗎? | Does anybody else just take off their underwear when they're hot? |
菲比 | Hi Phoebe |
你在看什麼? | What are you reading? |
《呼嘯山莊》 | Wuthering Heights. |
我在紐恩大學上文學課 明天之前必須看完 | I'm taking a literature class at the New School and I have to finish it for the first session tomorrow. |
我不知道你在上課,真酷 | You're taking a class? That's so cool. |
上次的助產課很好玩 | I really liked that Lamaze class I took. |
所以我決定換種課來上 換點比較要用腦袋 | I thought this time I'd go for something more intellectual... |
期末考又不用那麼痛苦的 | ...with a less painful final exam. |
聽起來很有意思 | That sounds like fun. |
你也可以一起來 | Oh,you should come with me! |
就有人可以跟我一起坐了 | Then I'll have someone to sit with. |
好啊 | Okay |
不過你有時間看書嗎? | Do you have time to read it? |
我高中就念過那本了 | I read it in school. |
一定很好玩 | This is going to be so much fun! |
噓,先讓我看完 | Okay-shhh,I have to finish. |
幾點要上課? | But what time does the class start? |
你怎麼啦? | What's wrong,buddy? |
有同事偷吃我的三明治 | Someone at work ate my sandwich. |
員警怎麼處理的? | What did the police say? |
那是感恩節剩下的三明治 竟然給人偷吃掉 | My Thanksgiving leftover sandwich.I can't believe someone ate it. |
不過是個三明治嘛 | It's just a sandwich. |
不過是個三明治? | Just a sandwich? |
我今年30歲,已經離婚兩次 還沒地方可住 | I am 30 years old,okay?I'll be divorced twice and I got evicted. |
那個三明治是我人生中 唯一美好的事情 | That sandwich was the only good thing in my life! |
結果唯一美好的事情 竟然給人偷吃掉 | Someone ate the only good thing going on in my life! |
這件毛線背心不錯 | That's a nice sweater vest. |
我還有材料可以再做一個 | I have enough for one more sandwich. |
我本來自己要吃… | I was going to eat it myself,but.... |
太好了,真是謝謝你 | Mon,that would be incredible. Thank you so much. |
我到現在還不相信有人偷吃了 | I still can't believe someone ate it! |
我還留了一張紙條在上面 | Look,I left a note and everything. |
“有人在嗎”,“誰啊?” | "Knock-knock." "Who's there?" |
“羅斯蓋勒的午餐” | "Ross Geller's lunch." |
“哪個羅斯蓋勒的午餐?” | "Ross Geller's lunch,who?" |
“這是羅斯蓋勒的午餐 請勿偷走我” | "Ross Geller's lunch. Please don't take me. Okay?" |
真奇怪你沒把午飯帶回家 | I'm surprised you didn't wear it home. |
不想讓別人偷吃你的東西? | Want to keep your food? |
那就得嚇跑他們 這是我在街頭流浪學到的 | Scare people off.I learned that on the street. |
真的?你會怎麼辦,菲比? | Really?What would you say,Phoebe? |
例如“髒手少碰我的餿水”? | Stuff like: "Keep your mitts off my grub." |
羅斯,你以為菲比是被《小孤女安妮》的整個劇組包圍著嗎? | Do you picture Phoebe on the street with the entire cast of Annie? |
貼上這張紙條就沒人敢偷吃了 | This'll keep them away from your stuff. |
菲比,你真狠 | Phoebe,you are a badass! |
下次再告訴你們 我拿刀捅員警的事 | Someday I'll tell you how I stabbed the cop. |
菲比 | Phoebe |
是他先捅我的 | He stabbed me first! |
勃朗特姐妹是當代的傑出女性 | The Bronte sisters were remarkable women for their time. |
當時是父系社會 | They lived in a patriarchal society. |
抱歉遲到,因為我太晚出門 | Sorry I'm late,but I left late. |
菲比,這本書在說什麼? | So,what is the book about? |
你說你高中念過 | Didn't you read it in high school? |
對,後來我想起我開始看時 正好碰上要為球隊打氣 | I started it,but then there was this pep rally. |
我又是啦啦隊隊長 | And I was on top of the pyramid. |
就是這樣啦…到底在說什麼? | But anyway...what's the book about? |
這是凱西跟希克裡夫的悲慘愛情故事 | It's a tragic love story between Cathy and Heathcliff. |
故事發生在英國可怕的山莊 | It takes place on these creepy moors in England. |
場景就代表 男主角性格中狂野的一面 | Which I think represent the wildness of Heathcliff's character. |
我對象徵主義很有一套 | I totally get symbolism. |
這本書的主題是什麼? | How would you characterize the theme of this book? |
看看找誰…瑞秋格林 | Let's see.... Rachel Greene? |
這是個…愛情悲劇 | I would have to say that it's a tragic love story. |
非常明顯,不過你說得也沒錯 | That's sort of a given...but,yes. |
還有誰有意見? | ... Anyone else? |
還有象徵主義 | Symbolism! |
狂野的場景…反映出 男主角性格中野性的一面 | And the wildness of the moors...which I think,is mirrored...in the wildness of Heathcliff's character. |
非常好 | Excellent! |
瑞秋讀得相當透徹 | What Rachel has shrewdly observed here |
你根本就是照我說的回答 | You completely stole my answer! |
親愛的,隨便讀讀就知道了 | Honey,that was pretty obvious. |
你哪曉得?你根本沒念過 | How would you know? You didn't read it! |
你有何意見呢? | What do you think? |
穿藍襯衫這位同學? | You in the blue shirt? |
我認為這個問題 有很多可能的答案 | I think that yours is a question with many possible answers. |
那就麻煩你舉出一個 | Would you care to venture one? |
你願意說一個嗎? | Would you care to venture one? |
你是重複我的話嗎? | Are you just repeating me? |
你是重複我的話嗎? | Are you just repeating me? |
好吧,我們繼續吧 | All right. Let's move on. |
好 | Okay,then. |
你為什麼不直接說你沒看過? | Why didn't you say you hadn't read the book? |
我不希望他認為我很蠢 | I didn't want him to think I was stupid. |
你看看你有多糗 | That was really embarrassing,what happened to you. |
菲比 什麼? | Phoebe.-Yeah |
你那張紙條真是了不起 | Your note?Amazing! |
不但沒人敢碰我的三明治 而且還開始對我敬畏三分 | Not only did no one touch my sandwich...but people at work are actually afraid of me. |
還有人叫我瘋子,瘋子蓋勒 | A guy called me "Mental.""Mental Geller." |
我一直夢想有這種超酷外號 | I've always wanted a cool nickname like that. |
以前你最酷的外號 就是“尿褲子蓋勒” | The best you got in high school was "Wet Pants Geller." |
那是噴泉噴到的好嗎 | It was the water fountain,okay?! |
現在有人願意幫我寫報告 我愛什麼時候交就什麼時候交 | Anyway...people are writing reports for me pushing back deadlines to fit my schedule. |
原來對人耍狠就可以呼風喚雨 | I tell you,you get tough with people...and you can get anything you want. |
崔比亞尼,把咖啡給我拿來 | Hey,Tribbiani! Give me that coffee! Now! |
今天真有意思 | This was really fun. |
我本來還懷疑你會不會約我 | I've been wondering if you'd ask me out. |
你還在懷疑嗎? | So you still wondering? |
我們已經去約會啦 | No. We just went out. |
你真聰明,我喜歡 | You're smart.I like that. |
還有蠟燭啊 | Oh,candles! |
這是什麼?毯子?攝影機? 我的天啊 | What is that,a blanket?A video camera? Oh,my God! |
不是這樣… | No… |
你竟然第一次約會 就想拍下我們的上床過程 | I can't believe you thought you'd tape us having sex on the first date! |
喬伊,她剛說的… | Joey,is what she just said.... |
天啊,你還真打算… | Oh,my God!You're actually going |
這是怎麼回事? | What is going on here? |
而且錢德還在家 你是…你是變態嗎? | And with Chandler in the next room. What are you,sick? |
我是喬伊啊 | I'm Joey. |
我本來就噁心 | I mean,I'm disgusting. |
還拍低成本的A片 | I make low-budget adult films. |
你們答應我要更小心的 | You promised to be more careful! |
喬伊的好名聲都給你們毀了 | The good Joey name's been dragged through the mud! |
對不起 抱歉 | We're so sorry. |
我要把你們的事情說出去 | I'm telling everyone. |
否則內褲跟攝影機的事情 只會讓人覺得我是變態豬玀 | It's the only explanation that doesn't make me look like a pig! |
等一下,一定有其他方法 | No,there's a better explanation. |
你可以說你在拍A片 因為你在…上A片課 | Tell them you had to make an adult film for your...adult film class. |
這理由還不錯 | I like that. |
不行,瑞秋在你家 發現我內褲的事又怎麼說? | But no!How does that explain my underwear at your place? |
不知道 | I don't know. |
看來你們得出櫃承認了 | Get ready to come out of the non-gay closet. |
拜託你等等 我保證一定會想出理由 | I promise to come up with something. |
再多給我們緩幾天 | Just give us time. |
好吧,最好讓我保住面子 | All right.But it better make me look really good. |
還有…攝影機? | And another thing:The video camera? |
不錯! | Nice! |
“史前歷史博物館” | |
羅斯,可以跟你談談嗎? | Ross,May I have a word? |
當然,唐諾 | Of course,Donald. |
有同事抱怨你最近脾氣火爆 | We've been getting reports of very angry behavior on your part. |
什麼? | -What? |
寫信威脅大家 拒絕按時交報告 | -Threatening letters...refusal to meet deadlines. |
還有人說你是瘋子 | Apparently people now call you Mental. |
我們希望你找精神科醫生談談 | We want you to speak to a psychiatrist. |
不,你不懂,其實是誤會 | You don't understand. This is so silly. |
一切要從我的三明治說起 | This is all just because of a sandwich. |
三明治? | A sandwich? |
我妹妹非常會做火雞三明治 | You see,my sister makes these amazing turkey sandwiches. |
她的秘訣就是 多夾一片浸過肉汁的麵包 | Her secret is,she puts an extra slice of gravy-soaked bread in the middle. |
我稱那片為“多汁秘方” | I call it "The Moistmaker." |
有一次我把三明治放在冰箱 | Anyway,I put my sandwich in the fridge.... |
你知道嗎? 什麼? | Oh,you know what? |
對不起,應該是我吃掉了 | I'm sorry.I believe I ate that. |
你吃了我的三明治? | You ate my sandwich? |
我一時看錯,誰都可能拿錯 | A simple mistake. It can happen to anyone. |
是嗎? | Oh,really? |
難道你的三明治 也有“多汁秘方”? | Did you confuse it with your own turkey sandwich with a Moistmaker? |
沒有 難道你沒看到上面的紙條? | No. -Do you,perhaps,remember...seeing a note on top of it? |
我以為那是有人開玩笑 或是隨手寫的打油詩 | There may have been a joke or limerick of some kind. |
上面清楚地寫著那是我的三明治 | That said it was...my sandwich! |
你別激動 | Now,calm down. |
可以到我辦公室找找 可能垃圾筒裡還有剩 | Look in my office. Some may be in the trash. |
什麼? | What? |
那個三明治很大 | It was quite large. |
我吃不了就扔掉了 | I had to throw most of it away. |
你…丟掉我的三明治 | You threw my sandwich away? |
我的三明治 | My sandwich?! |
我的三明治 | My sandwich?! |
這本書在講什麼? | What's this book about? |
你這本也沒看? | You didn't read it,either? |
我本來要看,結果看了別的書 | I was going to,but I accidentally read something else. |
什麼? | What? |
“時尚雜誌” | Vogue. |
這個簡愛是幹嘛的? | So tell me about Jane Eyre. |
不行,你應該自己看 | No,read it yourself. |
菲比,別這麼假正經嘛 | Come on,don't be such a goody-goody. |
好吧 | Fine. |
簡愛呢…你會以為她是女人 其實不然,她是生化人 | All right. So,Jane Eyre?First,you'd think she's a woman,but she's not.She's a cyborg. |
生化人?就是機器人? | A cyborg? Isn't that like a robot? |
這本書在當時超級先進 | This book was light years ahead of its time. |
抱歉我遲到了,開始上課吧 | Sorry I'm late. Let's get started. |
大家對簡愛有何感想? | What did you think of Jane Eyre? |
瑞秋剛跟我討論過 她有些看法非常有趣 | Rachel and I were discussing it,and she had very interesting insights. |
請說,瑞秋 | Go ahead,Rachel. |
謝謝你,菲比 | Thank you,Phoebe. |
簡愛最讓我震驚的就是 這本書非常超前 | What struck me most when reading Jane Eyre...was how the book was so ahead of its time. |
如果你指的是女性主義 這麼說也對 | If you're talking about feminism,I think you're right. |
當然有寫到女性主義 不過還有機器人 | Well,feminism,yes. But also the robots. |
既然上次拍攝不成功 | Since that video camera thing didn't work out... |
我先給你一點預告片段 | ...I thought that I would give you just a little preview. |
你沒穿衣服 | You're naked! |
我知道 | I know! |
羅斯 | Ross |
錢德 | Hi Chandler |
莫妮卡 | Monica |
羅斯,你沒事吧? | Are you okay? |
我很好 | I'm fine. |
我今天上班去看過精神醫生 | I saw a psychiatrist at work today. |
為什麼? | Why? |
因為我脾氣太暴躁 | On account of my rage. |
而且最近越來越嚴重 | Which,if I may say,right now is out of control. |
所以他開藥丸給我 | He gave me a pill for it. |
藥丸? | A pill? |
醫生說我對上司大吼大叫 所以應該請假 | When the psychiatrist told me to take a leave of absence...because I yelled at my boss, |
我又開始暴跳如雷 | I started to get worked up again. |
所以他要我吃顆鎮定劑 | So he offered me a tranquilizer. |
我覺得這主意不錯 | And I thought it was a good idea. |
所以就吃了 | So I took it. |
等等,他們逼你請假? | They're making you take time off work? |
而且你也同意? | And you're okay with that? |
我不曉得 | I don't know. |
剛開始不工作可能不習慣 | It's going to be weird not having a job for a while. |
不過我已經不在乎三明治了 | But I definitely don't care about my sandwich. |
公司逼我看心理醫生時 我也很火大 | I hate it when they make me see the shrink at my office. |
他老說“如果你多愛自己 同事就會更喜歡你” | He's always like,"Your colleagues will like you better if you like yourself better." |
誰需要這套垃圾? | Who needs that? |
你需要 我知道 | -You do. -I know. |
我丟臉丟大了 你竟然還讓我說下去 | It's so embarrassing! I can't believe you let me go on like that! |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
你把簡愛比做《機械戰警》實在太爆笑了 | It was so funny when you compared Jane Eyre to Robocop. |
一點也不好笑 | That was not funny! |
我太氣了 | I snapped,okay? |
你根本不想好好上課 | You weren't taking the class seriously. |
菲比,這有什麼了不起? | Come on! What is the big deal? |
我以為我們就是一起出去 上課打發時間鬧著玩 | I thought it'd be something we could do together.I thought it would be fun. |
好玩很重要 | Fun is good. |
但是我也想學點東西 | But I also wanted to learn. |
大家老說在高中學了什麼東西 我卻沒上過高中 | People talk about what they learned in high school. I never went. |
所以你真心想上課 | So you really wanted to learn. |
但是我只想找點樂子 | You know,Phoebe,I just wanted to have fun. |
你知道你該拉誰去嗎? | You know who should go? |
我知道… | I know! I know! I know! |
莫妮卡,問題是你提的 | Monica,you asked the question. |
天啊,是莫妮卡 | Oh,my God,that's Monica! |
不是這樣的… | No… |
離我遠點,你這個大變態 | You get away from me,you sick,sick,sicko! |
怎麼啦? | What's going on? |
喬伊是偷窺狂 | Joey has got a secret peephole! |
天啊… | -Oh,no! |
是的,他有莫妮卡的裸照 | -Yes,he has a naked picture of Monica! |
他拍下我們裸體的樣子 | He takes naked pictures of us, |
還一邊吃雞塊一邊看 | then he eats chicken and looks at them! |
哦,拜託 這是我妹妹 | Oh! Dude,that's my sister! |
給我 等一下,大家先別激動 | Give me that!Wait! Everybody calm down,okay? |
要給我們的朋友喬伊 有機會解釋他為何如此病態 | Let's give our friend a chance to explain why he's such a big pervert! |
我不是變態好不好 | I am not a pervert,okay? |
只是…我…其實… | It's just....I just kind of.... |
大家聽我說,我可以幫他解釋 | I think I can explain this. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
喬伊是性愛狂 | Joey's a sex addict. |
什麼?我才不是 | What?! No,I'm not! |
沒關係,不怪你 | It's okay! It's good! |
這只是一種病 | It's a disease. |
胡說,我才不是性愛狂 | I am not a sex addict! |
你明明就是 | Yes,you are! |
這才能解釋最近這一連串的事 | That's the only way to explain all this stuff! |
事實不是這樣 | No,it isn't. It's not. |
你也可以說出真相 | Because you could also explain it with the truth! |
什麼真相? | What is the truth? |
怎麼回事? 你在說什麼? | -What's up? -What's going on? |
我跟莫妮卡上床了 | I slept with Monica. |
聽聽大家怎麼說? | Well,let's see what everybody thinks of that. |
你跟我妹妹上床? | You slept with my sister? |
對,只在倫敦發生過一次 | Yes,but it was We just did it once,in London. |
這會讓我開始抓狂 | This is not good for my rage. |
莫妮卡,是真的嗎? | Monica,Is this true? |
當然是真的 | Of course,it's true. |
否則怎麼解釋這些怪事? | How else would you explain all the weird stuff that's been going on? |
是真的 | Yes,it's true. |
如果只發生過一次 | If it happened once, |
你的內褲 怎麼會出現在我們那裡? | how come we found your underwear in our apartment? |
那件內褲是我當天在倫敦穿的 對不對,莫妮卡? | That was the underwear I was wearing that night in London.Right,Monica? |
我想留下來…當紀念品 | I guess I wanted to keep it...as a souvenir. |
天啊,莫妮卡 | My God,Monica! |
你確定,喬伊? 你確定你不是性愛狂? | Are you sure you're not just a sex addict? |
要是有人是性愛狂 那也是莫妮卡 | If anyone's a sex addict here,it's Monica. |
沒錯,自從我們從倫敦回來 她就想再勾引我上床 | She has been trying to get me back in the sack ever since London! |
所以她才拍裸照給你 | That's why she gave you a naked picture of herself. |
這樣說得通 | That makes sense. |
錄影機呢? | And the video camera? |
莫妮卡? | Monica? |
我架好錄影機是為了 引誘喬伊上鉤 | I guess I set up the video camera to try and entice Joey. |
可惜我不吃這套 | But,sadly,I could not be enticed. |
莫妮卡,你不能再這樣下去 | Monica,this has to stop now. |
我知道…不會的 | I know,I know.I know. I will,... |
希望大家立刻忘了這件事 以後再也別提起 | and I would appreciate if we all could just...drop it immediately,and forever. |
只要你能抵抗我的魅力 | Okay. That is,if you can resist me. |
我會儘量努力 | -I'll give it my best shot. |
祝你好運了 | -Good luck. |
不可思議 你還留下喬伊的內褲? | Unbelievable!You really kept Joey's underwear? |
為什麼?你為什麼這麼做? | Why? Why would you do that? |
因為我是莫妮卡 | I'm Monica. |
生性下流 | I'm disgusting. |
我會跟蹤男人 留下他們的內褲 | I stalk guys and keep their underpants. |
現在終於知道誰是噁心鬼了 | I think we've all learned who's disgusting and who's not. |
好了,我要開始吃炸雞了 | Now,I'm going to get back to my bucket. |
我只吃雞皮,你們可以吃雞肉 | I'm only eating the skin,so the chicken's up for grabs. |
你說得很有道理 | You were making a good point. |
可惜後來被打斷 | I mean,till you got cut off. |
那個莫妮卡哪裡有病啊? | What's up with that girl Monica? |
誰曉得?我跟她不是一起的 | I don't know. I didn't come with her. |
好消息,各位 你們猜怎麼了? | Hey,everybody! Everybody,guess what! |
我說服卡爾下周考試 | I just convinced Carl to give us a test. |
考試? | Test? |
開心點,有考試才有進步 | Come on! Tests make us all better learners! |
對了,應該有論文題 | Oh,yeah! We should have essay questions! |
你在做什麼?-我重新整理過冰箱 | -What are you doing? -I reorganized the fridge. |
最底下放肉跟乳製品 | See? Bottom shelf,meats and dairy. |
中間放水果蔬菜 | Middle shelf,fruits and vegetables. |
最上面放過期食物 | And top shelf,expired products. |
你做這個幹嘛? | Why are you doing this? |
因為我無聊到快抓狂了 | Because I'm bored out of my mind. |
我已經去過 銀行、郵局、乾洗店 | I've already been to the bank,post office and dry cleaners. |
老兄,你做完了我一周的工作 | Dude,you just described seven days' worth of stuff. |
你要放輕鬆一點 | Spread it out a little. |
難道你從來沒失業過? | Haven't you ever been unemployed? |
我不是失業 只是進修中(有安息之意) | I'm not unemployed. I'm on sabbatical. |
少跟我傳教 | Hey,don't get religious on me,okay? |
你應該練習放輕鬆 | A guy in your position needs to be better at relaxing. |
不然我們家怎麼會有安樂椅? | That's why we have comfortable chairs. |
過來…坐下 | Here,sit down. |
準備好沒?仔細看了 | Ready? Watch. |
然後…真好 | And then.... |
就光坐著? | -So,what? We just sit? |
當然不是,不只是坐著 | -Oh,no,no.We're not gonna just sit. |
看好了 | Watch. |
我是錢德賓 | -Hello,Chandler Bing. |
賓先生,我愛你 | -Hello,Mr. Bing.I love you. |
不管你是誰,別再打了 | All right,whoever this is,stop calling me! |
你已經騷擾我半年 一點也不好笑 | It's been 6 months! It's not funny! |
賓先生,我看得到你 | I can see you,Mr. Bing. |
你穿新西裝真性感 | You look sexy in your new suit. |
求你看在上帝的份上,別再騷擾我了 | Leave me alone! For the love of God,leave me alone! |
這只是週三的樂子 | And that's Wednesday. |
本集播出:“情比兄妹深” | The One with The lnappropriate Sister |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
告訴你們 | Hey,you guys! Guess what? |
英國人要打來啦? | The British are coming? |
你的笑話真冷 | Oh,you and your ways. |
耶誕節快到了 我要負責去募捐 | Since it's Christmas,I'm going to be collecting donations. |
我已經拿到鈴鐺 過幾天就能拿到募捐筒 | I have my bell and later on I get my bucket. |
我要散播歡樂給大家 | I'll be spreading joy to the people. |
去年散播的不夠多 | Last year I spread a little joy,but not enough. |
今年一定要讓全紐約 都感受到 | So this year I'm doing the whole city. |
我有個高中同學也做了這樣的事 | I knew a girl in high school who did that. |
結果成了紅人 | She was very popular. |
怪了,你說話的口氣跟錢德越來越像 | It's weird,you're starting to sound a lot like Chandler lately. |
胡說八道 | That is so not true. |
菲比,你要去哪裡搖鈴? | So,Phoebe,where are you doing your bell-ringing? |
我分到梅西百貨旁當紅位子 | They gave me a great spot right by Macy's. |
新人很少分到這位子 | They never give a good spot to a rookie... |
可是只有我會用25種語言 說聖誕快樂 | ...but I'm the only one who can say "Merry Christmas" in 25 languages. |
我說謊的 | I lied! |
天啊,丹尼在那邊,你們看 | Oh,my God. Here's Danny.Just watch this. |
看見沒?還在假裝對我沒興趣 | See? Still pretending he's not interested. |
他走過來了,大家裝不認識他 忘記他是誰 | He's coming over. Pretend we've forgotten who he is. |
你們好 丹尼 | -Hey,guys. -Hey,Danny. |
丹尼 | Oh,Danny! Hey! |
丹尼,你認得瑞秋吧 | You know Rachel. |
她人很好,長得也不賴吧? | She's nice. She's not bad to look at,right? |
謝了,莫妮卡 | Thanks,Mon. |
當然啦 | Of course. |
你要不要跟她約會? | Do you want to go out on a date with her? |
莫妮卡 | Monica |
好啊,週五可以嗎? | Absolutely. Is Friday okay? |
非常好,她等不及要赴約 | Friday is perfect. She can't wait. |
約會時 我可以直接跟她說話吧? | On the date,I'll be able to talk to her directly? |
週五見 | See you Friday. |
你搞什麼啊? | Okay,what the hell was that? |
算了,不用說了 | You know what? Don't answer me. |
我要跟丹尼約會咯 | I have a date with Danny! |
已經4點半,午休該結束了 | All right,it's 4:30,I guess my lunch break is over. |
你們等下要幹嘛? | -What are you guys gonna do? |
既然你要回去上班 我們大概一起打幾個電話吧 | -lf you're going back to work...I'll probably just hang out. You know,make some calls. |
我怎麼會落選? | How could I not get the part? |
主角就是出身皇后區的 29歲義大利演員 | The play was about a 29-year-old ltalian actor from Queens! |
泰莉雅雪兒突然有空 | Well,Talia Shire suddenly became available. |
她是女人耶 | She's a woman! |
你要我說什麼? 人家就是有辦法 | What can I say? She nailed it! |
好吧,還有什麼戲份? | Is there anything else? |
你一定又會拒絕… 同性戀A片? | You'll just say no again,but...gay porn? |
佳節快樂 | Happy holidays! |
聖誕快樂(西班牙文) | Feliz Navidad! |
嗨(法文),聖誕快樂 | Allo and Merry Christmas! |
謝謝你,祝你幸福 | Oh,thank you,sir! Here's some joy. |
我來看看你做得如何 | -How's it going? |
很順利 | -It's going okay. |
那好,我順便捐點錢 | Good. Let me help you out. |
謝謝 | Oh,thanks! |
新的鹿皮外套?好像很貴 | Is that a new suede jacket? It looks really expensive. |
是不便宜 | Yeah. I guess. |
你剛去做指甲? | Just get your nails done? |
對,我只剩這些錢了 | Yes,Phoebe,but this is all I have,okay? |
謝啦,佳節快樂,祝你幸福 | Thanks. Happy holidays! Here's your joy. |
謝謝,佳節愉快 | Thank you! Happy holidays and Wait. |
等等,只能捐錢不能拿 | -You can't take money out. |
我跟你換零錢搭公車 | -I'm making change for the bus. |
拿零錢就好 其他錢是要救濟窮人的 | Can't you leave the dollar for the poor? |
我就是窮人,而且還得搭公車 | I'm poor. I gotta take the bus. |
佳節愉快,可是你不能… | Okay,season's greetings and everything,but still |
咬我啊,小妞 | Bite me,blondie! |
除了祝他幸福,我還要… | I'm going to give him something besides joy. Just |
那個角色根本就是為我而寫 結果我竟然落選 | I can't believe I didn't get that part. |
很遺憾 | I'm sorry,man. |
你知道該怎麼做嗎? | What you should do... |
你要自己創造機會 | ...is make something happen for yourself. |
例如寫個戲劇或者電影劇本 | You know,like write a play.Or a movie. |
就像《心靈捕手》裡的那兩個角色 | What about those Good Will Hunting guys? |
羅斯,少作白日夢了 | Be realistic,you know? |
就算我寫出劇本 哪有辦法請到他們出演啊? | If I did write something...what are the chances I could get those guys to star in it? |
有了,我可以自己主演 | Wait a second. I could star in it! |
也可以 | Or that. |
我不會寫劇本 | I can't write. I mean, |
我是演員 | I'm an actor. |
我可以裝成編劇 | I could act like a writer. Here.... |
不過…什麼也寫不出來 | But see? Nada. |
我不像編劇一樣有紀律 | I don't have the discipline that it takes. |
我辦不到 | I can't do it. |
我可以幫你 | I'll help you. |
幫你訂出時間表 盯著你乖乖照做 | Yeah. I'll make up a schedule and make sure you stick to it. |
我自己也有事做了 | Plus,it'll give me something to do. |
真的?你願意幫我? | You'd do that for me? Thanks. |
對 謝謝 | Yes-Thanks |
一開始慢慢來 | We'll start slow. |
今晚之前只要想好主角名字 | All you have to come up with tonight is the name of your main character. |
好了 | -Done. |
不可以是喬伊 不是 | -And it can't be Joey.-It's not. |
也不能是喬瑟夫 | -Or Joseph. |
你怎麼啦? | What's up? |
我剛看到丹尼跟女生搭地鐵 | I just saw Danny on the subway with a girl... |
他還摟著她 | ...and he had his arm around her. |
我真為你難過 | Honey,I'm sorry. |
你的確該難過,一切都要怪你 | You should be. This is all your fault. |
誰叫你插手我們的感情世界 | You meddled in our relationship! |
你們根本沒在一起 | You had no relationship! |
不過我已經擬好計畫 一切都按部就班進行中 | But I was doing my thing and everything was going according to the plan! |
拜託別再提你的什麼計畫 | Oh,God,stop with the plan! |
你看到他跟女生在一起又如何 他們不見得是情人 | So what if you saw him with a girl?That doesn't mean anything. |
你就快跟丹尼約會 | You'll go out with Danny |
到時你可以迷得他忘記地鐵那個蠢妞 | and be so charming he'll forget all about that stupid subway girl. |
那女生的確很蠢 | She was kind of stupid. |
你說得對 | You're right. |
好,我就去約會 | I'm just going to go on the date. |
我會去赴約 這就是我的新計畫 | I'm just going to go on the date. That is the new plan. |
快點 | Hurry! |
“多疑”怎麼寫? | -How do you spell "suspicious"? |
幹嘛? 因為這個角色很“多疑” | -Why?I think this character is going to be suspicious about stuff. |
太棒了! | Yes |
錢德賓7分,錢德賓0分 | Chandler Bing,seven! Chandler Bing,zero! |
看你玩那個都快讓我瘋了 | You're driving me crazy with that. |
我不玩就是了 | -I'll stop. |
繼續玩,碗拿遠一點 連羅斯都投得進 | -Don't stop.Move the bowl further away. Ross could make that shot. |
真是遜斃了 不過至少你進了成人組 | Well,you suck. But at least you suck at a man's game now. |
要不要玩? | -Want to play? |
我不能跟你玩 羅斯就快回來了 | -I can't play games.Ross'll be home soon. |
按照他的時間表 我今天應該寫完5頁 | I have to write five pages to stick to his schedule. |
你可以先玩30分鐘 再繼續用功到他回家 | So play for 30 minutes,then write until he gets home. |
好吧 | All right. |
不過規則應該更困難 | But listen,what do you say we...crank it up a notch? |
願聞其詳 | I'm intrigued. |
要先找到可燃性液體 | All right. All we need is a little lighter fluid. |
好,不過你小心點 我還想拿回房租訂金 | But be careful. I want our security deposit back. |
我們之前發明鐵錘標槍時 就已經拿不回來了 | We said goodbye to that when we invented hammer darts. |
你記得哪面牆壁沒補過嗎? | Do you even remember which part of the wall is not spackle? |
記得,這裡 | Uh yeah right here |
謝謝,佳節愉快 | Thank you! Happy holiday. |
小姐,那可是垃圾,不可以… | No,that's trash,young lady. You can't |
別這樣,小姐,她竟然捐垃圾 | Stop that young lady! She donated trash! |
募捐筒著火了,來人啊 | The charity's on fire! |
太好了,謝謝,我正需要 | Help! Thank you. I need that! |
那是什麼鬼東西? | What is this? |
現在才早上9點耶 | It's 9:00 in the morning! |
我看看,場景,房間 一名男子滿臉狐疑地走進來 | All right. "A room.A man enters. He looks suspicious." |
就這樣? | That's it? |
喬伊,你今天應該寫5頁 還包括一個高潮 | You're supposed to have five pages done by now...including an exciting incident. |
這是什麼? | What is all this? |
大火球遊戲規則 | "The Official Rulebook of Fireball." |
我們剛在玩這遊戲 | That's the game we played. |
很好玩,道具就是一顆網球 一個碗、可燃液體 | It's great. You take a tennis ball,a bowl and lighter |
這對你的事業有幫助嗎? | This is helping your career? |
你是要當演員 不是發明危險遊戲 | You wanted to be an actor.Not the creator of "Crazy Lawsuit Game." |
你說得對,我該工作了 | You're right. I'll get back to work. |
為你感到慚愧,你應該懂事點,喬伊應該要工作 | Shame on you! You should know better! Joey needs to work. |
振作點 | Now come on. |
不行,等你寫完5頁才還你 | You can have this back when the five pages are done. |
我今晚很開心 | -I had a nice time tonight. |
我也是 | -So did l. |
幸好莫妮卡約我們出來 | I'm really glad Monica asked us out. |
我很想請你進去 | I'd love to ask you in, |
不過我妹來住我家 她可能睡在沙發上了 | but my sister's visiting.I think she's asleep on the couch. |
你妹妹?睡在沙發上? | Your sister?Your sister's asleep on the couch? |
我上次看到你們搭地鐵 現在她還睡在你沙發上 | I saw you with her on the subway and now she's asleep on the couch! |
我猜就是你 | -I thought I heard you. |
太好了,你起床了 | -Hey,great,you're up. |
瑞秋,這是我妹妹克莉絲塔 | Rachel,my sister Krista. |
克莉絲塔,這是瑞秋 嗨 | Krista,this is Rachel |
很高興認識你 | Nice to meet you. |
你應該告訴我要帶朋友回來 害我穿得邋裡邋遢 | I wish you'd warned me. I'd have fixed myself up. |
有區別嗎? | -Like it would help. |
你真壞 | -You are so bad. |
你才是 | -You are. |
是你 是你 | -You are. -You are! |
是你 是你 | -You are.-You are |
是你 | You are |
你完蛋了 | You are so dead. |
我要教訓你一頓 | I'm gonna get you. Come here! |
很高興認識你 | It's very nice to meet you. |
沒有人,沒一個人尊重募捐筒 | Nobody! Nobody respects the bucket! |
大家都丟些莫名其妙的東西 | You wouldn't believe what people put in here! |
你覺得這像垃圾桶嗎? | Does this look like a garbage can to you? |
不像 像煙灰缸嗎? | Does it look like an ashtray? |
不像 像尿桶嗎? | Does it look like a urinal? |
菲比,你還要回去募捐嗎? | -So you going back out there? |
當然,不過我受夠了 | -Yeah,but I won't take any more crap. |
再也不當募捐好好小姐 | No more Mrs. Nice Bucket. |
加油,你在街上流浪過,夠悍 | Good. You're tough. You lived on the street. |
我要當回街霸菲比 | I'll go back to being Street Phoebe. |
不過也不能一模一樣 街霸菲比不可能跟你們做朋友的 | But not totally back. Street Phoebe wouldn't be friends with you guys. |
可以問個問題嗎? 當然 | Can I ask you guys something? |
我沒有兄弟,實在不瞭解 | I don't have brothers,so I don't know, |
你們會打來打去嗎? | but did you guys wrestle? |
當然會 | -Oh,yeah. |
常常 | -All the time. |
而且我從沒輸過 | In fact,I was undefeated. |
因為你以前200多磅 | Well,you weighed 200 pounds. |
不過我還是跟貓咪一樣矯健 | Still,I was quick as a cat. |
我昨天碰到丹尼的妹妹 | I met Danny's sister yesterday. |
就是跟他一起搭地鐵的那個 | -That was the girl on the subway. |
真的假的? | -You're kidding. |
他們非常…會扭打 | They were very,you know...wrestle-y. |
這樣正常嗎? | But I guess that's normal? |
我們現在不會這樣了 | We don't wrestle now. |
自從我長大變壯後就不打了 | Not since I got too strong for you. |
長大變壯? 對 | Too strong for me? |
你要比劃一下嗎? | You wanna go right now? |
我可以立刻打敗你,信不信? | I'll take you right now,buddy! You wanna go? |
沒問題 | Oh,fine. |
預備 | Ready? |
開始 | Wrestle! |
這個嘛…很好 謝謝你們幫了大忙 | Okay,you know what?Actually,that helps a lot. Thanks. |
趕快走,20分後就要開打了 喬伊,快點 | Let's go! The puck drops in 20 minutes! |
喬伊不能去 | Joey's not going. |
我還沒寫完5頁 | I didn't finish my five pages. |
明天再寫不就成了? | Finish them tomorrow. |
因為他明天要修改昨天的5頁 | Tomorrow he's redoing yesterday's pages. |
我昨天寫的有待改進 | Yesterday's pages did not reflect my best work. |
別再逼他,讓他透口氣 搞不好會寫得更好 | Cut him some slack. If he relaxes,he'll get some work done. |
他已經透夠多氣了 這都要感謝你跟大火球 | I think he's been relaxing enough,thanks to you...and Fireball. |
玩大火球可是很緊張 顯然你沒玩過 | If you think Fireball's relaxing,you've never played. |
你拼命壓榨喬伊 是因為你自己沒事做 | You're doing this because you're bored. |
又不是喬伊害你失業的 | It's not his fault you're unemployed. |
我不是失業,只是進修中 | I am not unemployed. I'm on sabbatical! |
你們別吵架 | Guys,don't fight. |
我之所以這麼做 是因為我是喬伊的朋友 | And I'm doing this because I am Joey's friend. |
如果你也是他朋友 就該學學我 | If you were a friend,you'd be doing the same. |
當朋友就得這麼混帳? | So being a friend means being a jerk? |
要是真如你所說 你可真是我第一號好友 | If it does,then you're an amazing friend of mine. |
別吵了,大家玩場大火球決勝負 | Let's settle this over a game of Fireball. |
我去拆掉防火警鈴 | -I'll unhook the smoke detectors. |
現在就做個了斷 | -Let's settle this right now. |
好了,誰也不准去 | There. Now no one's going to the game. |
門票是我買的 | -I paid for those! |
才怪,你每次都說要付錢 卻一次也沒做過 | -You said you would,but you didn't. |
也對 | Oh,yeah. |
我們終於爬到山頂 | We finally get to the top of the mountain... |
結果這個笨蛋竟然忘了相機 | ...and airhead here forgets the camera. |
我也發生過這種事情 | The same thing happened to me one time. |
你什麼時候發生過? | When did that happen to you? |
上次我們到公園慢跑 看到一隻小鳥 | Remember? We were jogging and saw that bird. |
我剛想拍下來 發現竟然沒帶相機 | I wanted to take a picture,but I didn't have my camera. |
也對,不過追小販可不算慢跑 | Chasing the churro guy is not jogging. |
超好吃,你一定要吃一口 | Oh,this is so good. You have got to try it. |
糟糕,褲子沾到了 | -Damn. I got it on my pants. |
我來擦 | -Here,I'll get it. |
最好上樓換件褲子 否則以後洗不掉 | We better take them off or the stain will set. |
而且我今晚約會還要穿 | -I want to wear them tonight. |
真好 | -Oh,great. |
再見,上帝呀 | Okay,bye. Oh,my God! |
不可思議 | -That was unbelievable. |
看吧,我早說過了 | -See? I told you. |
可憐的瑞秋 | Yeah. Sorry. |
我不相信他們是兄妹 | I don't believe they're brother and sister. |
他們是兄妹? | They're brother and sister?! |
看來你得取消約會了 | I guess you'll have to cancel your date. |
而且還要打電話給他們老媽 | And call their mother. |
“非尿桶” | |
“我沒有百貨公司簡介” | |
等一下,手張開給我檢查 | Wait a minute. Open your hand. Let me take a look. |
兩毛五、一毛、線頭?不要 | Quarter,dime. Lint? Not interested in that. |
這是什麼?加拿大硬幣?滾 | What's this? A Canadian coin?Get out of here! |
不准在募捐筒旁邊喝東西 | No drinks near the bucket. |
先放在那邊才准捐款 | Set it down there and then you can make a contribution. |
少裝一副可憐兮兮的樣子 | You can leave the "hurt bunny" look over there too. |
嗨,鮑伯 | Hi,Bob. |
不是叫你滾了嗎? | I thought I told you to get out of here! |
菲比,我們接到投訴 所以要調你離開 | Phoebe,we've been getting complaints.We're moving you to a less high-profile spot. |
什麼? | What? |
以後這裡由金傑負責 | -Ginger's taking this corner. |
這小妞才沒這能耐 | -That chick can't handle my corner. |
你不走,我們就得趕你走 | Look,either you leave or we remove you. |
好 | Fine. |
提醒你一下,注意那個臭婆娘 | I'll give you one pointer. Look out for that bitch. |
瑞秋,不是約7點嗎? | -I thought we said 7. |
今天就算了 | -You know what? Let's skip it. |
什麼?為什麼? | What? Why? |
你們兄妹似乎…非常要好 | You and your sister seem to have a very special bond |
太好了,又說這句話 | Oh,great. That "special bond" again. |
我跟我妹感情好 又是哪裡讓女人看不順眼了? | Why do women have a problem with my being close to my sister? |
聽我說,我不知道事實真相 你有兄弟嗎? | -I don't know,but -Do you have brothers? |
沒有,我有兩個姐妹 | No,I have two sisters. |
其中一個很像男人婆 | But one has a very masculine energy. |
你們要好嗎? | -Are you close? |
沒有,她們不是好人 | -No. They're not very nice people. |
我很喜歡你 | I like you. |
應該可以順利交往 | I think this could go somewhere. |
我是跟家人感情深厚 別為了這個妨礙到咱倆 | So I'm close to my family. Don't let it stand in our way. |
我也不知道… | Well,I don't know.... |
如果你這麼說的話… 丹尼快點,洗澡水快涼了 | When you put it that way…Danny? Hurry up. The bath's getting cold. |
怎麼了? | What? |
我先走了 | I'll see you later. |
路上有小孩在玩耍 | There's some kids playing in the street. |
你要不要去叫他們寫作業 毀了他們的一天? | Want to go give them a project,ruin their day? |
如果你手邊有球 就可以插上剃刀 | If they have a ball,you could stick razors in it... |
教他們玩“殺人球” | ...and teach them a new game: "Gonna-Need-Stitches Ball." |
我整個早上都待在圖書館 | Hey,guys! I was at the library. |
已經寫完今天的5頁了 | I already finished my five pages. |
好,我們可以去看 昨晚的騎兵隊比賽了 | Now we can go to the Ranger game last night! |
不行,門票給羅斯撕掉了 | No,dude. Ross tore up the tickets. |
沒有讓你分心的事情 就比較容易專心吧? | I guess without so many distractions it's easier for you to focus? |
沒人整天跟在你屁股後面 也比較得心應手吧? | Also without somebody breathing down your neck all the livelong day! |
隨便你們說什麼,重要的是我寫完了 | The important thing is,I finished it. |
而且寫得還不錯 | And I think it's really good. |
不過你們幫忙念臺詞 才是幫大忙 | But it would help if I could hear it. |
可不可以幫個忙? | Would you guys read it for me? |
好吧 好 | -Yeah,all right. -All right. |
“一間普通的紐約公寓” | "It's a typical New York apartment. |
“兩個男人正在家裡”,羅斯 | Two guys are hanging out." |
嗨 | "Hey,man." |
有什麼事? | "What is up?" |
昨天是我錯了,對不起 | "About yesterday. I was really wrong. I am sorry." |
我才該道歉,我反應過頭了 | "No,it was me. I'm sorry. I overreacted." |
或許我們都有錯 反正我們都是為了朋友… | "Maybe it was both of us. But we had our best friend's inter |
我們都是為了朋友好 | But we had our best friend's interest at heart." |
我更要說對不起 | "Could I be more sorry?" |
我才是該道歉的古生物學家 | "l don't know. I am one sorry...polontologist." |
喬伊,我們懂了 | All right,Joey,we get it. |
對不起 我也該道歉 | -I'm sorry. -I'm sorry too. |
你們要繼續讀下去 精采的才要上場,繼續念 | Keep reading. The good part's coming up. |
對不起,錢德 | "l am sorry,Chandler." |
對不起,羅斯 | "l am sorry,Ross." |
“帥哥上場” | "A handsome man enters." |
嗨! 不知道你們在談什麼 | "l don't know what you're talking about, |
不過我要向你們兩位道謝 | but I'd like to thank you both. |
你讓我不放棄自己 | You. You wouldn't let me give up on myself. |
你,你與我一起創造了大火球 | And you.You co-created Fireball." |
“劇終” | "The End." |
這就花了你一整天? | This took you all day? |
沒有,我只寫了5分鐘 | No,this took five minutes. |
其他時間都在寫 “終極大火球”遊戲規則 | I spent the rest of the day coming up with new Ultimate Fireball! |
場景在一般紐約公寓 | It's a typical New York apartment. |
屋內有兩個女生 開始 | Two girls are just hanging out. Go. |
嗨,凱莉,你好嗎? | #VALUE! |
我很好 | -"I'm doing just fine. |
提芬妮,天呐 你今天好香 | God,Tiffany,you smell so great." |
我噴了新香水 | "It's my new perfume. |
你過來一點才聞得仔細 | Why don't you come closer where you can really appreciate it?" |
喬伊,你這大變態 | -Joey,you are sick. |
真噁心 我才不要念 | -This is disgusting.I'm not reading this. |
什麼?等等,帥哥才剛要上場 | Wait,wait,wait! The handsome man was about to enter! |
哪裡有娛樂? | Any entertainment there? |
來囉!1999年 喬伊“快樂”的一年 | All right. Here we go! 1999,the year of Joey. |
恭喜你 怎麼了? | We're very happy for you.What's the matter? |
我們想在午夜接吻 但其他人都沒這個打算 | We wanted to kiss at midnight,but nobody else will,so.... |
好,交給我 | All right,I'll take care of it. |
喬伊,只剩30秒了 你能怎麼辦? | It's 30 seconds to midnight,what are you gonna do? |
相信我好嗎? | Will you just trust me? |
33!32!31 羅斯… | Thirty-three,32,31 |
你0點要親誰? 瑞秋還是菲比? | Who are you kissing at midnight? Rachel or Phoebe? |
什麼? 你得親別人,又不能親你妹妹 | You can't kiss your sister. |
那誰要親我妹? 錢德 | -Who's gonna kiss my sister? -Chandler. |
不會吧 | Oh,man! Really? |
老兄,你覺得誰比較好 我還是錢德? | Would you rather have me or him kiss her? |
有道理 | That's a good point. |
我和瑞秋有太多糾葛 那就菲比吧 | Since I have that whole history with Rachel,I guess Phoebe. |
好 | Okay |
菲比!羅斯午夜想親你 | Phoebe! Listen. Ross wants to kiss you at midnight. |
太明顯了,他大可直說 | So obvious. Why doesn't he just ask? |
瑞秋!我午夜要親你 什麼? | -Rach! I'm gonna kiss you at midnight. -What? |
大家都得找人親 因為你倆的過去所以你不能親羅斯 | You can't kiss Ross. You got the history. |
所以呢? 所以你想讓我親還是讓錢德親 | So?-Would you prefer me or Chandler? |
有道理 對吧 | -Good point. |
3!2!1!新年快樂! | Three,two,one!Happy New Year! |
新年快樂 新年快樂 | -Happy New Year. -Happy New Year. |
菲比,新年快樂 你也是 | -Happy New Year. -You too. |
喬伊,新年快樂 | Happy New Year,Joey. |
剛才那個吻如何? | So that do anything for you? |
本集播出:“新年新希望” | The One with All the Resolutions |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你們知道嗎?我要召告天下 99年我不離婚 | You know what?I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "No divorces in '99!" |
但你的離婚手續還沒辦好 | But your divorce isn't final yet. |
99年我只離一次婚 漂亮 | Just the one divorce in '99! |
我今年要過得很快樂 我要讓自己快樂 | I am gonna be happy this year. I am gonna make myself happy. |
你要我們回避嗎? | Do you want us to leave the room? |
我每天都要做一件沒做過的事 | Every day I am gonna do one thing I have never done before. |
這就是我的新年新希望 | That is my New Year's resolution. |
好棒的希望 我是想開大型客機 | That's a good one!Mine is to pilot a commercial jet. |
這個也很棒,接著你得找一群 | Now you only have to find a planeload of people... |
希望自己墜機身亡的人 | ...whose resolution is to plummet to their deaths. |
也許你應該立志不取笑朋友 | Maybe your resolution should be not to make fun of your friends. |
尤其是會免費載你去歐洲的人 | Especially the ones who might fly you to Europe for free. |
她開飛機的機率 比你不取笑我們還高 | She has a better chance of flying up your nose...than you do of not making fun of us. |
50元賭你無法1年不笑我們 | I'll bet $50 you can't go the year without making fun of us. |
乾脆1星期好了 我賭了 | Better yet,a week.I'll take that bet,my friend. |
輸我那50元 就可以當你的“每日新鮮事” | Paying me the $50 can be...the "new thing you do" that day. |
就從現在開始 | And it starts right now! |
我的新年新希望是學吉他 | My New Year's resolution is to learn how to play guitar. |
真的?為什麼? | Really? How come? |
我的履歷表 不是列了一堆特殊專長嗎 | You know those special skills I have listed on my resume? |
我希望有一項是真的 | I would love it if one of those was true. |
你要我教你嗎? 我是個很好的老師 | Want me to teach you? I'm a great teacher. |
真的?你教過誰? | Really? Who have you taught? |
我教過我,我很喜歡我 | Well,I taught me. And I loved me. |
太好了,謝謝你 | That'd be great! Yeah,thanks,Phoebe. |
我希望自己不要那麼潔癖 | My resolution is to be less obsessed with being neat and clean. |
是嗎? | Really? |
不要 | No |
換一個好了 | Or something else. |
布萊兒忘了把眼鏡帶走 她需要這副眼鏡來盯住男朋友 | Look. Blaire forgot her glasses.She'll need these to keep an eye on that boyfriend. |
聽說她男朋友得把釘書機收在抽屜裡 你們懂我的意思吧 | Who,from what I hear,needs to keep his stapler...in his desk drawer,if you know what I mean! |
或許你應該讓自己別那麼八卦 | Maybe your resolution should be to gossip less. |
我哪有八卦 | What? I don't gossip. |
或許我偶爾會發現一些事 或聽到一些事,然後轉述出去 | Maybe sometimes I find out things.Or I hear something and I pass that information on. |
當做一種公眾服務 | You know,kind of like a public service. |
這並不代表我很八卦 你們會說泰德·科佩爾(主持人)八卦嗎? | It doesn't mean I'm a gossip. Is Ted Koppel a gossip? |
如果他說同事隆胸失敗的話 我會的 | If Ted Koppel talked about his coworkers' botched boob jobs,I would. |
她隆成這樣耶 | They were like this! |
好,我的新年新希望 就是不八卦 | Fine,my New Year's resolution will be not to gossip. |
這還不簡單 簡單?你從來沒做到過 | -It's easy. -Easy? You have never kept a resolution. |
我當然有 好,來看看你去年的表現 | -Yes,I have. -Okay,let's see how you did last year. |
不要拿我的日記 你不能看我的日記 | No. No. Not my diary. You cannot read my diary. |
親愛的日記:我好興奮 我的新年新希望是每天寫你 | "Dear diary: I'm so excited.My resolution is to write in you every day. |
我們明天見 | See you tomorrow." |
什麼都沒寫 | Nothing. |
去年沒發生什麼事 | You know,not a lot happened last year. |
好,我這次會證明給你們看 我再也不八卦了 | All right,I will prove to you that I can keep it this time. No more gossiping. |
我恨八卦,國中時 | I hate gossip. In junior high... |
有個女生說了我很多壞話 我就放火燒她的腳踏車 | this girl said a lot of mean stuff about me and I set her bike on fire. |
她說你什麼? 她說我太瘋狂了 | -Wow,what did she say about you? -She said I was crazy. |
得到報應了吧 | But I guess she got hers. |
“中央咖啡館” | |
那就明天見 好 | -I'll see you tomorrow. -Okay. |
我約剛才那個女生出去 很好 | I just asked that girl out.Nice! |
這算是你今天的新鮮事嗎? | Is that part of your "new thing" for today? |
沒錯,你們看 | Yes,it is. See? |
伊莉莎白…逗你玩? | "Elizabeth...Hornswoggle"? |
對…伊莉莎白逗你玩 | That's right.Elizabeth Hornswoggle. |
逗你玩 | Hornswoggle |
你還好嗎? 這個姓有哪裡好笑嗎? | You okay,Chandler?Something funny about that name? |
沒有,我只是覺得以前好像聽過 | No,I just think I've heard it somewhere before. |
是嗎?在哪裡聽過? 一定是個很好笑的地方 | Oh,really? Where?Somewhere funny,I'll bet. |
菲比 知道嗎 | Guess what. |
我要跟一個伊莉莎白逗你玩約會 | I have a date with Elizabeth Hornswoggle. |
逗你玩?你的嘴一定很癢 | Hornswoggle?Oh,this must be killing you! |
才不會 | Not really. |
我還沒說她中間的名字 拜託不要 | -I haven't told you her middle name yet. -Well,don't. Just don't. |
待會見 | -See you later. -See you. |
菲比,我可以上第一課了 好 | All right,Phoebe,I am ready for my first lesson. |
不行,不能碰吉他 | No,you don't touch the guitar. |
先練手,再練琴 | First you learn here,then here. |
好吧 | Okay |
好,第一課,和絃 | Lesson one: Chords. |
我不知道這些和絃的真正名稱 | Now,I don't know the actual names of the chords. |
不過我照手勢幫它們取了名字 | But I made up names for the way my hand looks while I'm doing them. |
所以這是熊爪… | So then this is "Bear Claw." |
火雞腳… | "Turkey Leg"... |
和老太太 | ...and "Old Lady." |
真有趣的吉他教學方式 | What an interesting approach to guitar instruction. |
有些人可能會覺得好笑 我覺得很普通 | You know,some might find it amusing. I myself find it regular. |
各位,瑞秋今天很乖 她都沒有八卦 | Hey,everybody!Rachel was so good today. She didn't gossip at all. |
沒錯,即使我發現… | I didn't. Even when I found out |
總之我發現了某人的某件事 但是我不會說出來 | Let's say I found out something about someone...and let's just say.she's gonna keep it |
菲比,你看 | Check this out. |
你搞定老太太了 | You nailed the Old Lady! |
我覺得我進步了 就在回家的路上去吉他店… | I thought I was getting better,so I stopped by this guitar store |
你在店裡有碰吉他嗎? | Did you touch any of the guitars there? |
有嗎? | Did you? |
沒有 | No. |
手給我 | Give me your hands. |
琴弦,這一隻手 | Strings. |
彈片 | Pick. |
你想學吉他嗎? 想啊 | -Do you want to learn to play guitar? -Yes. |
那就不要碰吉他 | Then don't touch one! |
班 莫妮卡姑姑 | -Hi,Ben. -Auntie Monica! |
羅斯穿皮褲 | Ross is wearing leather pants! |
沒有人看見羅斯穿皮褲嗎? | Does nobody else see Ross is wearing leather pants? |
誰來說句話吧 | Someone comment on the pants! |
很帥氣啊 我很喜歡 | -I think they're very nice. -I really like them a lot. |
我想的不是這個 | Not what I had in mind. |
羅斯這種人通常不穿這種褲子 | People like Ross don't wear these types of pants. |
這種褲子很緊 | You see,they're very tight. |
也許可以評論一下這個地方 | Maybe there's something in that area? |
很好看啊 | I think they look really good. |
在哪裡買的? | Where'd you get them? |
我還沒做今天的新鮮事 | I needed a new thing for today. |
我一直覺得這家皮衣店很香 | There's this leather store that always smells so good. |
於是我心想 我從來沒買過一條很香的皮褲 | And I thought to myself: "Wow. I've never owned...a really good-smelling pair of pants before." |
拜託啦! | Oh,come on! |
說真的,你們覺得怎樣? | What do you think? |
好怪 難看死了 | You look like a freak.Awful! |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
這是我的新年新希望 把我兒子弄瞎? | -It's my New Year's resolution. -To blind my child? |
不,是多照照我們的相片 | To take pictures of us together. |
我覺得這樣最好 大家都會喜歡 | It's the best resolution. Everyone can enjoy them. |
大家也都會喜歡我的演奏 | Everyone will enjoy my music as well. |
天哪,這條褲子熱死了 | My God,these pants! I'm burning up. |
她現在靠過來是想讓我死嗎? 這裡面跟火山一樣 | Oh God! She wants to snuggle now? Is she trying to kill me?It's like a volcano in here! |
你熱嗎? 不會 | -Are you hot? -No. |
那就是我在熱 | It must just be me,then. |
那是褲子跟沙發磨擦的聲音 | That was just the pants and the couch. |
可以借用一下洗手間嗎? | Do you mind if I use your bathroom? |
請便 謝謝 | -Go ahead. -Thanks. |
我最喜歡的部分要來了 好 | My favorite part's coming up! |
完蛋了 | Oh,my God! |
老虎,恐龍,冰山 | Tiger.Dragon.Iceberg! |
喬瑟夫,你昨晚有練習嗎? | Joseph,did you even study at all last night? |
我有啊 那就把冰山做出來 | Yes,I did!Then do lceberg. |
升G 升G? | G-sharp.G-sharp? |
你在偷學和絃名稱嗎? | Have you been studying the real names of the chords? |
有沒有? | Have you? |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
怎樣?我又沒有碰吉他 但是你質疑我的教學方式 | What? I didn't touch a guitar!But you're questioning my method! |
我不是質疑 我根本就覺得很蠢 | No,I'm not questioning it. I'm saying it's stupid! |
什麼? | What? |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
其他學生都不覺得我蠢 | You know,none of my other student....thought I was stupid. |
你的其他學生就是你 | Your other student was you! |
那又怎樣,也許你應該更用功 | Well,maybe you just need to try a little harder! |
也許我應該找個正牌老師 | Maybe I need to try a real teacher! |
這裡,安迪古柏(音樂家),他在教吉他 這裡還有他跟小朋友的合照 | Here! Andy Cooper. He teaches guitar.There's a picture of him with a kid. |
小朋友拿著吉他 | And the kid's got a guitar! |
好,你去跟你的專業老師學 | Fine!You learn from your "qualified instructor." |
等大家聽膩“壞蛋李洛布朗” 你可別哭著來找我 | But don't come crying when everyone is sick...of hearing you play "Bad,Bad Leroy Brown"! |
全城最壞的大壞蛋 | Baddest man in the whole damn town |
好啊,你去幫他啊 | Oh,fine. Take his side! |
我好想趕快去找你 | I can't wait to be with you. |
羅斯把小孩接走我就溜過去 | I'll sneak over as soon as I can. |
我會告訴瑞秋 我要洗兩個小時衣服 | I'll tell Rachel I'll be doing laundry. |
洗衣服?那是我的新綽號嗎? | Laundry. Is that my new nickname? |
不是,你明知你的綽號是大雕 | You know what your nickname is,Mr. Big |
別再那樣看我了 菲比是個爛老師 | Would you stop looking at me like that? Phoebe was a terrible teacher. |
我什麼都沒學到 我也很難過… | I wasn't learning anything from her |
算了,講來講去都一樣 | Look I feel bad,too Forget it,we're going around in circles. |
走開啦 | Go |
喂? | Hello |
喬伊,我是羅斯,我需要幫忙 | Joey,it's Ross. I need some help. |
錢德不在 你可以幫我 | Chandler's not here.You can help me. |
好 | Okay |
我在伊莉莎白的浴室裡 | I'm in Elizabeth's bathroom. |
很好啊 | Nice! |
不是,我覺得皮褲很熱 就進來脫掉 | No,I got really hot in my pants,so I took them off. |
結果它一定是遇汗縮水 或是我的腿因熱膨脹 | But they must have shrunk from the sweat.Or my legs expanded from the heat. |
我現在穿不回去了 | I can't get them back on,Joey. I can't! |
這個情況蠻嚴重的 | That is quite a situation. |
你有粉之類的東西嗎? | Do you see any powder? |
有,我有爽身粉 | Powder! Yeah,I have powder. |
很好,把它撒在腿上吸汗 就能把褲子穿回去了 | Good,good.Sprinkle some on. It'll absorb moisture.Then you can get your pants on. |
好,等一下 | Yeah,hold on. |
褲子還是拉不上來 | They're not coming on,man. |
好,把褲子割破幾刀再穿回去 | Okay,cut slits in the pants,right? Then put them back on... |
然後出去告訴她你是綠巨人 | ...go out there and tell her you're the lncredible Hulk. |
錢德不在是吧? | Chandler's not there? |
那樣真的可以,不過算了 | That would have worked,but all right,fine. |
你找得到凡士林嗎? | You see any.... Oh,Vaseline? |
我找到乳液,我有乳液 乳液行嗎? | I see lotion. I have lotion. Will that work? |
行,把它塗在腿上 等一下 | Sure,throw some of that on there.Hold on. |
聽起來有用 | Sounds like it's working. |
褲子還是拉不上來 而且乳液和爽身粉糊成一團 | They're still not coming on,man.And the lotion and the powder have made a paste. |
是喔?什麼顏色? | Really.What color is it? |
什麼顏色有差別嗎? | What difference does that make? |
如果跟褲子的顏色一樣 | If the paste matches the pants,you can make paste pants... |
你就糊一條假褲子 她就看不出來了 | ...and she won't know! |
喬伊,你有空嗎? | Do you have a minute? |
我該怎麼… | Dude,what am l |
瑞秋來了,祝你好運 讓我知道結果 | Rachel's here,so good luck. Let me know how it goes. |
喬伊,我遇到天大的問題 | Joey,I have such a problem. |
你來得正好,我正在到處救火 | Your timing couldn't be better.I'm putting out fires all over the place. |
好,喬伊,我得告訴你一件事 | I have got to tell you something. |
什麼事? | What is it? |
天哪,這件事太嚴重了 但你得保證不說出去 | It's so huge! But promise me. You cannot tell anyone. |
不要,我不想知道 | No,no,no! I don't want to know. |
你絕對想知道,太不可思議了 | You do want to know. This is unbelievable! |
我不管,我不想再當知道秘密 卻不能說的人 | I'm tired of being the guy who knows all the secrets...and can't tell anyone. |
什麼秘密?你知道什麼秘密? | You know secrets? |
你不該八卦的 | You're not supposed to gossip! |
我知道,但這件事我憋不住 我剛才拿起電話… | I can't keep this in. So I pick up the phone |
我不聽 | I'm not listening to you! |
羅斯,你進去很久了 | You've been in there for a long time. |
我開始有點害怕了 | I'm starting to get kind of freaked out. |
好,我要出去了 | All right,I'm coming out. |
你可以把燈關掉嗎? | Hey,can you turn the lights off? |
不行,燈就讓它開著 | Let's just leave the lights on. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我出了一點狀況 | I had a problem. |
菲比 | Phoebe |
我不能跟你說話 我沒在電話簿上登廣告 | I can't talk to you. I don't have a fancy ad in the yellow pages. |
菲比,你聽我說… | Look Phoebe,I just |
我為批評你的教法道歉 | I want to apologize for saying your method was stupid. |
我也想重新拜你為師 | And maybe ask you to be my teacher again? |
在你說可以之前 我絕對不碰吉他 | I promise,I won't touch a guitar until you say I'm ready. |
我真的可以了? | You really think I'm ready? |
酷斃了 | Wow,cool! |
那個和絃彈對了嗎? 不對 | -Was the chord at least right before -No. |
我的上帝啊 | Oh,my God! |
我們聽說了,好慘 | We heard about your pants. I'm so sorry. |
今年應該很美好才對 | This year was supposed to be great. |
才第二天我就成了 穿不合身的皮褲的遜人 | It's only the second day and I'm a loser...with stupid leather pants that don't even fit! |
沒這回事 你不遜 | You're not a loser. |
你們看我 | Look at me! |
你看,班畫了你的畫像 | Hey,look!Ben drew a picture of you. |
你是牛仔喔 | You're a cowboy. |
因為我穿皮褲? | Because of the leather pants? |
班並不覺得你遜 他覺得你是牛仔,很棒吧 | He thinks you're a cowboy,not a loser. That's something. |
真的很棒 你好,夥計(方言) | -lt really is something. -Howdy,partner. |
也許我應該再去買一條 | Maybe I should get another pair. |
他們有一些側邊有流蘇的 | You know,they had some...with fringe all down the sides. |
菲比,這種怪事你可能會知道 腦漿的沸點是幾度? | Phoebe,you may know this. You know strange things.What is the boiling point of brain? |
我以前知道 | I used to know this. |
我去跟班說晚安 | I'm gonna go kiss Ben good night. |
他居然覺得我是牛仔 | I can't believe he thinks I'm a cowboy. |
我會是個好牛仔 | I would make a good cowboy. |
好,既然沒事 我要去洗衣服了 | Now that everything's wrapped up,I'll do my laundry. |
我也是,如果這一件髒了的話 | Yeah,me too. If this shirt is dirty. |
是的 | Yep |
我也要走了 | I'm going to the airport. |
我要去機場,只要等久一點 應該能逮到沒人管的飛機 | If I hang around there long enough...someone's bound to leave a plane unattended. |
祝你好運 再見 | -Good luck,honey. -Bye. |
喬伊 記得我要說的那件大事嗎? | Remember that thing I was gonna tell you about? |
我不會告訴你 但如果你自己發現 | I won't tell you. But if you found out on your own... |
那就沒關係 我們就可以討論了對吧? | ...that would be okay and we could talk about it. |
那樣就不是秘密,的確沒關係 | Well,then it wouldn't be a secret. So that would be okay. |
喬伊,你去錢德的房間 把我借給他的書拿回來好嗎? | Would you mind going into Chandler's bedroom...and getting that book he borrowed from me? |
現在?你要我現在去? 對 | Now? You want me to go over there now? |
你知道什麼嗎? 你知道什麼嗎? | -Do you know something? -Do you? |
我或許知道 我也是 | -I might know something. -I might too. |
你知道什麼? 不行,你先說我才能說 | -What do you know? -You tell me first. |
我不能說 那我也不能說 | -I can't. -Then I can't. |
那好吧 | Okay,fine. |
你才不知道 | You don't know. |
不如我現在就去錢德的房間 就可以知道我想的確實沒錯 | I'll walk into his bedroom and see the thing...I think I know is actually the thing I think I know! |
你知道 你也知道 | -You know! -And you know! |
對,我知道 | Yeah,I know! |
錢德和莫妮卡? 真叫人不敢相信 | Chandler and Monica? Oh,this is unbelievable! |
你知道多久了? 太久了 | -How long have you known? -Too long! |
天哪,我早就想找人說了 | I've been dying to talk to someone about this! |
聽著,我們不能告訴別人 他們兩個好緊張… | You can't say anything to anybody. They're so weird about that. |
菲比 | Phoebe |
在下雨,我不想在下雨天飛 | It's raining.I don't like to fly in the rain. |
我要去雨中漫步 | I am gonna go for a walk in the rain. |
我也要 | Me too. |
怪人 | That's weird. |
他們一定有一腿 | I bet they're doing it. |
好,我憋不住受不了了 | Okay,look. I can't take it anymore. |
你贏,好嗎?拿去 | So you win. Okay? Here. |
菲比,開飛機? 不如開太空船回你的星球去 | Flying a jet? Make it a spaceship...so you can get back to your home planet! |
羅斯,有你的電話 湯姆鐘斯(六十年代英國歌星)跟你要他的褲子 | Phone call for you. Tom Jones. He wants his pants back! |
逗你玩? 你在跟《弗雷格爾星》裡的角色(名字都很怪)約會嗎? | And Hornswoggle? What,are you dating a character from Fraggle Rock? |
喬伊,快說啦 | Come on,Joey! |
我知道的部分昨晚都告訴你了 | I told you everything I knew last night. |
沒什麼大不了的,反正他倆也做了 | It's not that big a deal. So they're doing it. |
你居然這麼說 | I cannot believe you would say that! |
抱歉 莫妮卡和錢德在“做愛” | Sorry. Monica and Chandler are "making love." |
不是啦,我是說這是大事耶 | No,I mean,come on. This is a huge deal! |
我想知道細節 是誰先吻誰的? | I need more details. Who initiated the first kiss? |
不知 | I don't know. |
我無法想像錢德浪漫的樣子 | God,I just can't imagine Chandler being romantic. |
他跟她在一起時浪漫嗎? | Is he romantic with her? |
不知 | I don't know. |
他們相愛嗎? | Are they in love? |
不知 | I don't know. |
你什麼都不知道 | You don't know anything. |
我知道一件事 什麼事? | I know one thing.What? |
他們在這張沙發上做過 | They did it right there. |
本集播出:“錢德的工作笑容” | The One With Chandler's Work Laugh |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫桌 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
(中央咖啡館) | |
羅斯 | Ross |
甘瑟,給我一個英式松餅 | Could I have a scone? |
想聽好消息嗎? | -Want to hear some good news? |
有別人要說嗎? 你不像有好消息的樣子 | -ls somebody else gonna give it to us?Because you certainly don't seem like you have any. |
不,我有 我認識的某人要結婚了 | No,I do. Someone I know is getting married. |
婚禮是最開心的場合 | Weddings are happy occasions. |
對了,那人是我的前妻艾蜜莉 | Oh,it's my ex-wife,Emily! |
什麼? 怎麼會這樣 | Sorry,man. |
你的英式松餅 | -Here's your scone. |
謝謝 | -Thanks. |
白癡英國點心! | Stupid British snack food! |
那是情緒管理課教的嗎? | Did they teach you that in anger management? |
我有個辦法,你就這麼想 | You know what might help you deal with it? |
你和艾蜜莉已經過去了 你不能對過去的事生氣 | You two are in the past. You can't be mad about the past. |
你還在氣美國跟法國買路易斯安那州嗎? | Are you still mad about,you know,the Louisiana Purchase? |
菲比,沒有人在氣那個 | Nobody's mad about that. |
沒錯,因為已經過去了 | Exactly! Because it's in the past. |
那個有人要吃嗎? | Anybody going to eat that? |
我們盛裝參加公司宴會耶 | Look at us all dressed up for the party. |
是在慶祝什麼? 聖誕晚會剩了不少酒 | What are we celebrating?We had a lot of liquor left over from Christmas. |
真好,這裡沒有我們的朋友 我們可以公開,不必躲躲藏藏 | Our friends aren't here. We can be a real couple. We don't have to hide. |
沒錯,我可以這樣 | I know. I can do this. |
而我可以這樣 | And I can do this. |
我們不能那樣 | We can't do that. |
賓 | Hey,Bing! |
這位美女是誰 怎麼跟你在一起? | Who's the pretty lady,and what is she doing with you? |
我也這樣問自己 這是莫妮卡,我上司道格 | I asked myself that very question,sir. |
道格,這是莫妮卡 | My boss,Doug.-This is Monica. |
幸會 這是我老婆卡拉 | -Hi.-This is my wife,Kara. |
很高興認識你莫妮卡…賓 | -Nice to meet you Monica.Bing |
公司找了新法律顧問公司 是嗎? | Did you hear about the new law firm working for us? |
“偵查他,揍他,然後跑”(其實是“杜威-奇特姆-豪”事務所) | Dickem,Stickem & Run. |
我們去喝個痛快 | Let's go drink our body weight. |
那是什麼? 什麼? | What was that?What? |
你剛才發出的聲音 那是我的工作笑 | That noise you made?Oh,my work laugh. |
你的工作笑? | Your work laugh? |
相信我,想熬過這場派對 你也得學著做 | If you're going to survive this party,come up with one too. |
好,看我的 好 | All right. Check me out. |
…30塊錢,跟城裡一樣 | He says,"$30,Father. Same as in town." |
昨晚公司的人都好喜歡你 | Everybody at work loved you last night. |
真的? 而且他們因為你而更喜歡我 | And they like me more just because I was with you. |
你彌補了不少喬伊造成的傷害 | You repaired the damage from when they met Joey. |
道格還找我們打網球 他出了公司還沒理過我 | Doug wants to play tennis. He never talks to me outside of work. |
除了在脫衣舞夜總會那次 | Except for that time at that strip club. |
脫衣舞教堂 | Strip church. |
我要去找一支球拍 你不是有一支? | -I'll go find a racket. -I thought you had one. |
後來被喬伊拿去中央公園 對著石頭打… | I used to,but then Joey thought it'd be fun to go hit rocks... |
大石頭 | ...at bigger rocks. |
瑞秋,你有網球拍嗎? | Do you have a tennis racket? |
我借給喬伊就沒拿回來過 | I lent it to Joey,and I've never gotten it back. |
祝你的球拍好運 | Good luck with that. |
你好嗎? | What's up? |
你怎麼來了?今天你們不是要盤點嗎 | Why are you here? I thought you had inventory. |
沒錯,但我決定午休久一點 陪陪我的朋友莫妮卡 | I do,but I decided I'd take a long lunch...and spend some time with my friend Monica. |
我們現在都不談心了 | You know,I feel like we don't talk anymore. |
你好嗎?有什麼新變化? | How are you?What is new with you? |
不多,工作很順利 | Not much. Work's good. |
我們不必聊工作 什麼都可以聊 | We don't have to talk about work. Talk about anything. |
好吧… | Okay |
這樣吧,我們來聊感情的事 | You know what?Let's talk about relationships. |
好,你最近怎樣? 沒人追 | What's going on?Nothing. |
該你 | You go. |
我原本覺得銀行有一個人很帥 現在不覺得了 | There was this guy at the bank that I thought was cute.But I don't anymore. |
真精彩 | That's juicy. |
不過我確實很忙 你確定沒別的了? | You know what? I actually do have a lot of work to do.You're sure there's just not anything else? |
確定,你有什麼事想說嗎? 沒有 | I'm sure. Is there something you want to talk to me about?No! |
好吧,有也不告訴你 | If there was,I wouldn't tell you. |
好,然後呢? | Then what happened? |
待會才輪到你 | You'll get your turn. |
菲比,在幹什麼? 沒什麼 | -Hey,Phoebe. What's going on? -Nothing. |
還沒完 | This is not over. |
糟糕 怎麼了? | No,no,no!What? |
我熬了一整晚寫信罵艾蜜莉 | I was up all night writing this nasty letter to Emily. |
原本寫得很好,現在沾滿了… | It was perfect,and now it's all covered in.... |
事實上,謝謝 | Actually,thanks! |
可以去看電影了嗎? | All right! Ready to go to the movies? |
我想我不去了 | Actually,I think I'll skip it. |
你不去? 對,我要留下來看書 | Really?I'll read my book. |
我現在只想靜一靜 | I just want to be alone right now. |
你真的不去? | Sure you don't want to? |
湯姆漢克斯,梅格瑞恩 寫信什麼的(《電子情緣》) | Tom Hanks,Meg Ryan. They get mail and stuff. |
我還是不去了 | That's okay,Joe. |
好吧,菲比我們走 | Let's go,Phoebe. |
好惡 | Oh,God |
賓 | Bing |
贏了 | Game! |
說真的,你的搭檔真是只老虎 | I got to tell you,that partner of yours is a real tiger. |
你還好嗎? | Are you all right? |
我們喝口水 | We'll just get a little sip of water. |
我今天很猛吧? | Am I on fire today or what? |
那兩支肉雞已經烤好 等著被切來吃了 | Those birds are browned,basted and ready to be carved. |
別激動,瑪蒂娜(瑪蒂娜·辛吉斯-網球名將) | Okay,easy,Martina. |
我覺得下一場應該讓他們贏 | I think we should let them win the next game. |
對不起,你剛說的話我聽不懂 | I'm sorry,I don't understand what you just said. |
讓他們贏一場 | Let them win one. |
你瘋了嗎?他們任我們宰割 | Are you crazy? We own those two. |
你看他們 他喘不過氣來,她在吃藥 | Look at them!He can't even breathe,and she's popping pills. |
你根本不給他們機會 他們有球拍不是嗎? | You're not giving them a chance.They have rackets. |
賓,我想打完這場就收了 | We'll make this the last game. |
瞭解,我求之不得 你真的沒打過職業比賽? | Yes,sir. Put me out of my misery.Are you sure you never played pro? |
拜託讓他們贏 | Please let them win. |
我頂多只能把戰鬥力降到95% | I'll take it down to 95%,but that's the best I can do. |
糟糕,漏掉了 我來 | -Missed it! -I got it! |
好球 | Nice shot. |
我來 | I got it! |
出界 | Long! |
你居然讓他們贏 | I can't believe you let them win. |
至少你把不爽掩飾得很好 | Well,at least you hid your feelings well about it. |
我很沮喪 | I was frustrated. |
這是我的球拍 是你讓我沮喪 | It's my racket.Frustrated with you! |
如果沒輸那場球 他們也不會找我們去吃飯 | If we hadn't lost,they would never have invited us to dinner tomorrow. |
我最困擾的是 你在他們身邊整個人都變了 | What bothers me...is how different you act around them. |
故意輸球,工作笑 | The throwing the tennis games,the fake laugh... |
“以後見,賓” “除非之前見你,道格” | ...the "See you later,Bing!" "Not if I see you first,Doug!" |
我哪有笑得像喝醉的海盜 | Listen,I don't sound like some crazed,drunken pirate. |
你沒有,但工作的錢德有 | I know you don't,but "work Chandler" does. |
我不喜歡工作的錢德 那傢伙是個馬屁精 | I don't like work Chandler. The guy's a suck-up. |
因為你這些話 我晚上不跟你玩了 | Because you said that...I'm not putting out tonight! |
絕對有問題 我哥從來不徹夜不歸 | Something's wrong. My brother doesn't stay out all night. |
也許應該去看看垃圾槽 | Maybe we should check the trash chute. |
羅斯擠不進垃圾槽 | Ross couldn't fit down the trash chute. |
沒錯,就差那麼一點點 | That's right. He almost could. |
所以我之前卡住過 | Which is exactly how I got stuck there. |
他回來了 天哪 | Oh,my God! |
你死哪去了? | Where the hell have you been? |
就是去外面了 | Just,you know,out. |
外面,天哪 我們怎麼沒去那裡找 | Oh,out! God,I don't know why we didn't think to check there. |
你都在做什麼? | What were you doing? |
我先去喝酒,然後就隨處晃了一下 | I went to a bar,and then...I just walked around for a while. |
你整夜一個人在外面亂晃? | You walked around all night in the city by yourself? |
他做了,他跟某人做了 | He hooked up!He hooked up with someone. |
我不必回答你們的問題 | I don't have to answer your questions. |
我是個大人,愛怎樣就怎樣 | I'm a big boy.I can do what I want. |
他做了 | He hooked up! |
聊聊她嘛 | Tell us about her! |
羅斯,你把圍巾掉在… | Ross,you left your scarf |
你們好 | Hey,you guys. |
好,我知道你們在想什麼 | I know what you all are thinking, |
但錢德在葉門 | but Chandler is in Yemen. |
我還年輕,我有需求 我不能等一輩子 | I'm a young woman. I have needs. I can't wait forever. |
我也是這麼想的 | Yeah,that's what I was thinking. |
所以我求求你們 在批評我之前先想一下 | So I'm asking you,please,just take a moment before you judge me. |
沒有人在批評你 | Nobody's judging you. |
你,天時地利人和先生 | Mr. Right-place-at-the-right-time... |
跟我聯絡 | ...call me. |
看來你的書看完了 | So I guess you finished your book. |
有點閑是吧? | Had some time on our hands,did we? |
我知道你們要說什麼… | I know what you guys are going to say. |
你們的孩子會毛茸茸的 | You two would have very hairy children. |
我不知道你會說那個 | I didn't know you'd say that. |
羅斯,珍妮絲耶? | Ross! Janice? |
等一下… 這是羅斯,他是我們的朋友 | All right. Hold on,hold on.This is Ross.He's our friend. |
他顯然是瘋了,腦筋秀逗了 | He obviously went crazy.He obviously lost his mind. |
沒那麼誇張,好嗎? 但是珍妮絲耶 | Look,it's not that crazy. Okay?But it's Janice! |
她是…珍妮絲耶 | I mean,she's...Janice! |
你醉得太離譜了 | How drunk were you? |
珍妮絲和我有很多共同點 | Janice and I have a lot in common. |
我們都離過婚,我們都有小孩 | We've both been divorced. We both have kids. |
你真的要再見她? 菲比,別影響他 | Are you going to see her again?-Don't put ideas in his head! |
我確實要再見她 該死,菲比 | -I will see her.Damn it,Phoebe! |
我要說出一件我沒坦承過的事 高中時 | I have to tell you something that I've never admitted.In high school, |
我知道你喜歡詹姆法洛 但我還是跟他上了床 | I made out with James even though I knew you liked him. |
哇,說出來的感覺真好 好,該你了 | That feels so good to get off my chest. Okay,you go. |
該我了?什麼意思? | My turn? What are you talking about? |
莫妮卡,我知道你和錢德的事 | Monica,I know about you and Chandler. |
什麼? 我那天聽到你們在講電話 | What?I overheard you on the phone the other day. |
你說“我會告訴瑞秋” “我要花兩個小時洗衣服” | You said,"I'll tell Rachel I'm doing laundry for a couple of hours." |
他說“洗衣服?” “那是我的新綽號嗎?” | And he said,"Laundry? Is that my new nickname?" |
然後你說“不是” “你明知你的綽號是大雕” | And you said:"No,You know what your nickname is,Mr. Big." |
原來你正在寫劇本 記得把結局告訴我 | You're writing yourself a little play there,Rach.Let me know how it turns out. |
我不知道 因為我嚇到把電話掛掉了 | I wouldn't know,because I got so freaked out I hung up the phone. |
如果你聽完 你會聽到我是叫他…偏執狂先生 | Well,if you had kept listening...you would have heard me call him Mister Bigot. |
什麼? 偏執狂先生 | What?Mr. Bigot. |
他喜歡講種族偏見的笑話 | He tells the most racist jokes. |
好,所以就這樣 你是說你和錢德之間沒什麼 | All right. So that's it.There's nothing going on between you and Chandler? |
我和錢德? | Me and Chandler? |
拿出20元來 先找到零食的贏,好嗎? | Put your $20 down.First one to find the tasty treat wins,okay? |
好,請參賽者從休息室出場 | All right,let's get the contestants out of their isolation booths. |
它們出場了 | And they're off! |
別擋住我的參賽者,裁判 | Get your foot off my contestant! Judge? |
裁判判定沒有違規 | Judge rules,no violation. |
你們好 | Hi guys |
說也奇怪 我今天跟珍妮絲過得很開心 | It's so weird to say this,but I just had a great date with Janice. |
什麼? 真的假的? | -What? -Are you serious? |
沒錯,我跟她訴說近來的慘事 我說了好幾個小時 | I opened up to her about all the stuff that's been happening to me.I mean,I talked for hours. |
有人專心聽你傾訴的感覺真好 | It is amazing to have someone give you such focused attention. |
那你何必找她,你有我們 | You don't need Janice for that. You've got us. |
鴨子找到花生醬餅乾了 不 | The duck gets the Nutter Butter! |
那不是花生醬餅乾 那是一顆餛飩 | That's not a Nutter Butter. That's an old won ton! |
裁判判定:是花生醬餅乾 | Judge rules...Nutter Butter. |
真難判 是啊 | Tough call. |
但我們應該支持克林頓總統(希拉蕊·克林頓) 和她的老公比爾(比爾·克林頓) | Seriously,I strongly believe that we should support President Clinton...and her husband,Bill. |
你們的咖啡要怎麼上? | How do you like your coffee? |
我不要,謝謝 我要一點點糖 | -None for me. -A little sugar. |
那就讓莫妮卡把指頭伸進去 應該就會甜了 | I'll have Monica stick her finger in it. That will sweeten it up. |
你那樣笑怎麼不會頭痛? 久了就習慣了 | -That laugh doesn't give you a headache? -You get used to it. |
我不覺得我會習慣 我以後不會用這一套 | I don't think that I can.This will be it for me on the work things |
老闆說笑我就笑,這有什麼嗎 | I laugh at my boss's jokes. What's the big deal? |
如果能跟我尊敬的男友在一起 我幹嘛陪一個沒尊嚴的馬屁精 | I'd rather not be with this work-weasel guy...when I can be with my boyfriend,who I actually respect. |
我得為卡拉煮的咖啡道歉 | I got to apologize for Kara's coffee. |
如果它去打架 連自己都保護不了 | I'd feel sorry for it in a fight.It's not strong enough to defend itself. |
你聽到我的話了嗎? 什麼? | Hear what I said?What? |
那個笑話啊,你是怎麼了? | It's a joke. What's the matter with you? |
我只是覺得不好笑 | Well,I just didn't think it was funny,sir. |
你說什麼? | Excuse me? |
我只是… 親愛的,我覺得你沒聽懂 | -Well,I just -Honey?I just don't think you understood the joke. |
是嗎? 是啊 | Really? |
很好笑耶,你一定是沒聽懂 | I mean,it was really funny. I just don't think that you got it. |
卡拉煮的咖啡很稀 | You see,Kara's coffee is weak-tasting. |
但道格是在暗示它很虛弱 | But what Doug did was imply that it was weak physically. |
現在你懂了嗎? 我懂了 | -You get it now,honey? -I think I do! |
謝謝你 我覺得你需要解釋 | -Thank you,Monica. -I thought you could use the help. |
咖啡打架 | Coffee in a fight! |
瑞秋,我可以在這裡看漫畫嗎 | You mind if I read my comic books in here? |
當然可以,怎麼了? | Sure. Why? |
錢德和莫妮卡在一起 我很難專心 | Chandler and Monica are over there. It's kind of hard to concentrate. |
什麼?她剛打電話來說她要加班 | She just called and said she was going to be working late. |
她一直騙我 夠了,我現在就過去揭穿他們 | She keeps lying to me.That's it! I'm going over there and confronting them right now. |
去找小褲褲! | Panty raid. |
所以我得講種族偏見的笑話? | All right,so you're telling me that I have to tell racist jokes now? |
對不起,我不太會圓謊 | I'm just not very good at this. |
我很不會騙人 我又很討厭騙瑞秋 | I'm a terrible liar. I hate having to lie to Rachel. |
但我們還不能公開 我知道,只是… | -But we're not ready to tell yet. -I know. |
從高中起我什麼事都告訴瑞秋 | Ever since high school,Rachel was the one person that I told everything to. |
我好懷念那種感覺 她是我最要好的朋友 | I miss that so much now.She's my best friend. |
喬伊? | Joey? |
天哪,瑞秋 | Oh,my God,Rachel! |
你怎麼跑來這裡? | What are you doing here? |
我是…我來借這盞燈去…看書,看得更清楚些 | Well,I actually came over here to borrow this lamp...to look at my books.You know,see them a little better |
太好了 | Okay,great. |
我在錢德的房間裡是因為… 我在幫忙打掃 | Well,what I was doing in Chandler's room is that...I was cleaning it. |
他付錢請我打掃 | He pays me to clean it. |
真是個賺零用錢的好辦法 | What a great way to make some extra pocket money. |
之前我說要加班 是指我的新工作 | When I said to you earlier that I was at work...I'm at my new work. |
真不錯,對吧? | Good enough. Right? |
好,那…我要去看書了 | I'll go look at my books. |
好,我得去忙我的新工作了 | Go get back to my new job. |
好 | Okay |
恭喜你找到這份工作 | Congratulations on your new job! |
天哪,她可真好騙 | Man,she is really gullible. |
你們的咖啡 謝謝 | -Here you go. -Thanks. |
其實我該走了 | -Actually,I should get going. |
你確定? 你想留多晚我都奉陪 | -You're sure?I can stay out as late as you want. |
我說過我為什麼休長假吧? 對,你說過 | I told you I'm on sabbatical from work?Yes,yes. You did. |
天呐!又怎麼了? | -Oh,man! -What is wrong now? |
我不是點的這個 | This isn't what I ordered. |
我的人生就不能順利一點嗎? | Man! Can't anything go right in my life? |
先是我的婚姻破裂,然後… | First,my marriage falls apart,and then |
我知道!然後你被趕出你家 你的工作沒了 | I know!You lose your apartment,you lose your job |
你的前妻很快就再婚 現在咖啡又錯了 | ...your ex-wife gets married so fast! And now the coffee! |
羅斯,我們得談一談 好 | We need to talk. |
有時我覺得… 不… | -Sometimes I feel -No,no,don't. |
是我要說 | I'm going to talk. |
我認為我們的美好時光 已經落日了 | I believe...that the sun has set on our day in the sun. |
什麼? 你是個很好的人 | You're a very sweet person,Ross. |
但是我沒辦法再聽你哀叫下去了 | Unfortunately...I just don't think I can take another second of you whining! |
我跟你確認一下 | Let me make sure I'm hearing this right. |
你要跟我結束 因為我太會發牢騷? | You're ending this with me because...I'm too whiny? |
你是說,我是這麼的愛發牢騷 | So you're saying...I've become so whiny... |
我讓你,珍妮絲… 覺得很煩 | that l...annoy you...Janice. |
沒錯 我…的…天哪 | Well,yeah!Oh,my God! |
你不要緊吧? 現在不要緊了 | Will you be okay?I am now. |
看來三人裡面已經兩人出局了…喬伊 | I guess that's two out of three..Joey! |
我們得談一談 好 | Dude,we got to talk. |
我只是想趁你聽說之前告訴你 | I wanted to tell you something before you heard it from someone else. |
希望不會太奇怪 | I hope this isn't too weird,but... |
我最近跟珍妮絲交往過 | ...I had a thing with Janice. |
你不生氣? 我幹嘛生氣? | You're not mad?Why would I be mad? |
因為這種事有它的道義在 | Because there's certain rules about this kind of stuff. |
不能追朋友的舊情人、心上人 或是有親屬關係的人 | You don't fool around with your friends' ex-girlfriends...or possible girlfriends or girls they're related to. |
我很生氣 | I am mad. |
但是你知道嗎?我要原諒你 | But you know,I'm going to forgive you. |
因為那樣才叫兄弟 | Because that's what friends do. |
他們會原諒朋友 犯了你念的那串禁忌 | They forgive their friends when they do everything you just said. |
但是我要你記住我原諒了你 | Thank you.But I want you to remember...that I forgave you. |
好 我還要你記住我免費收留你 | I also want you to remember that I let you live here rent-free. |
好 我還要你記住我送你27塊錢 | All right.And I want you to remember that I gave you...twenty-seven dollars. |
無條件奉送 | No strings attached! |
要是你記不住 我們應該寫…我們寫下來吧 | If you can't remember that...we should write it down. Let's write it down! |
我們居然沒試過,真舒服 | I can't believe we've never done this. It's so good! |
莫妮卡好舒服 | It's so good for Monica. |
時間到,該我了 | Time's up! My turn. |
已經半小時了? 計時器是你的 | -That was half an hour? -It's your timer. |
我不想自誇,但我最會按摩了 | I don't like to brag about it,but I give the best massages. |
那就給我按下去吧 | All right,then massage me up right nice! |
很舒服吧? | It's so good,isn't it? |
舒服到我覺得我無福消受 | I don't know what I did to deserve it. |
別想把時間延長 | Now stop trying to add more time to your massage. |
跟酸痛肌肉說再見吧 肌肉再見 | Say goodbye to sore muscles!Goodbye,muscles! |
本集播出:“喬伊的包包” | The One with Joey's Bag |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫桌 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
她的按摩技術爛到不行 | She gives the worst massages ever! |
感覺就像她在拷問我 | It was like she was torturing me for information. |
我很想招,又不知道要招什麼 | I wanted to give it up. I just didn't know what it was! |
要是真的很痛,你應該告訴她 | If it hurts that bad,you should tell her. |
我這輩子第一次這麼認真 我才不要因為說實話而搞砸 | For the first time,I'm in a real relationship.I won't screw that up by telling the truth. |
小心 | Dude,look out! |
你差點踩扁我的帽子 對不起 | You almost crushed my hat.Sorry. |
兔子跑走了 | And the bunny got away. |
你該解釋這頂帽子的事了 | This would be the place where you explain the hat. |
這個叫禮帽 | This is called a top hat. |
你為何要戴這頂…禮帽是吧? | And why are you wearing this? Is it "top hat"? |
現在有一齣舞台劇 | There's this play... |
我要去應徵一個很高檔的角色 | ...and I'm up for the part of this cool,suave,international guy. |
他很會穿衣服 | A clotheshorse. So I figure... |
我想說去試鏡的人 一定都會穿得很時尚 | ...everyone at the audition will wear ultra-hip,high-fashion stuff. |
你要把他們都變沒? | And you'll make them disappear? |
有什麼比這頂帽子更有品味? | Like you could find something this sophisticated. |
搞定 | Done! |
喬伊,你可以來找我選衣服 | If you want to look good,come to the store. I'll help you. |
太好了,謝謝 | -Thanks! -Sure. |
不客氣…拜託快拿掉 | Please,take those off! |
菲比,今天好嗎? | Hey,Phoebe. How's it going? |
還好而已,因為我剛去過醫院 | Only okay because I just got back from the hospital. |
什麼? 你還好嗎? | Are you all right? |
不,我很好,但是我外婆死了 | I'm fine,but my grandma sort of died. |
沒關係,她這一生過得很精彩 | Phoebe,sorry.It's okay.She had a really incredible life. |
我也不是永遠見不到她 她會來找我 | It's not like I won't see her again. She'll visit. |
也許她現在就在這裡? | Maybe she's with us right now. |
是啊,第一天進入新世界 結果跑來咖啡館 | Right. She's on a new spiritual plain and she'll come to the coffeehouse. |
喂!外面車上有兩個人在做愛 | I just saw two people having sex in a car right outside! |
菲比的外婆剛過世 | Phoebe' grandmother just died. |
天哪,對不起 | Oh,my God! I'm so sorry. |
沒關係,其實這樣還蠻酷的 | Actually,it's kind of cool. Because it's like... |
一個生命結束 另一個生命誕生 | ...you know,one life ends and another begins. |
他們的做法很難有新生命誕生 | Not the way they're doing it. |
怎麼回事?她是怎麼過世的? | What happened? How did she die? |
我們在超市,她彎腰去拿優酪乳 | We were in the market...and she bent down to get some yogurt and |
就再也沒起來 | never came back up again. |
真令人遺憾 | I'm so sorry. |
她最後說的話倒很窩心 | The last thing she said was: |
“你去拿蛋,我拿優酪乳” “我們在出口見” | "You get the eggs,I'll get the yogurt,and we'll meet at the checkout counter." |
你們知道嗎? 我們絕對會在人生的出口見 | You know what?We will meet at the checkout counter. |
(布魯明戴爾百貨公司) | |
衣服得歸還,所以你得穿內褲 | Since you're returning all this stuff...you'll have to wear underwear. |
好,那你還得拿內褲給我 | All right. You'd better show me that too. |
還少了點什麼… | It's missing something. |
我知道了 | Okay I know |
皮包? | Really? A purse? |
這不是皮包,是肩包 | It's not a purse. It's a shoulder bag. |
很像女人的皮包 | It looks like a woman's purse. |
不,相信我 春季型錄上的男模都在背 | Trust me,all the men are carrying them in the spring catalog. |
你看,男人,背包包 | See,look. Men carrying the bag. |
你看,女人,背包包 | See,look. Women carrying the bag. |
我一個男人背女用皮包 居然很帥 | But it is odd how a woman's purse looks so good on me,a man. |
沒錯,男女通用 (音同“你需要性愛”) | Exactly. Unisex! |
你或許需要,我2天前剛做過 | Maybe you need sex. I had sex a couple days ago. |
不,我是說男女通用 (音同“你和我做愛”) | No,Joey. U-N-I sex. |
我絕對不會拒絕 | I ain't gonna say no to that! |
哪一位? 菲比 | -Who is it? -It's Phoebe. |
太好了 | Oh,great! |
原來是你…有什麼事? | Oh,you.What's up? |
有個壞消息,我可以進去嗎? | Well,I sort of have some bad news. Can I come in? |
還是不要好了 | No,thanks. |
外婆今天死了 | Grandma died today. |
她不是5年前就死了? | Didn't she die like five years ago? |
不是,她今天剛死 | No,she just died today. |
明天要舉行告別式 | We're having a memorial service tomorrow. |
我參加過她的告別式了 | Okay,I know I went to that already. |
你才沒有 | No,you didn't! |
那是誰死了5年? 很多人 | Then who's been dead?Lots of people! |
你到底要不要來? 不要 | Look,are you coming or not? No |
我以為她已經死了 我已經接受這件事了 | I thought she was dead,so I've made my peace. |
而且我明天要聽演唱會 | Plus I'm going to a concert. |
我也想找你,但我只剩兩張票 | I'd invite you,but I only have two tickets left. |
好,你慢慢聽 謝了,你慢慢告別 | -Fine. Okay,enjoy your concert. -Thanks. Enjoy your funeral! |
崔比亞尼太太 你長得真像你兒子 | You look just like your son,Mrs. Tribbiani. |
什麼?你在說我的男用包包? | What? Are you referring to my man's bag? |
我原以為它只中看 結果它也很中用,你們看 | I thought it just looked good,but it's practical too. |
各種夾層都有 放皮夾的,放鑰匙的 | It's got compartments for your wallet,keys, |
放電話簿的 放化妝品的 | address book...Your makeup. |
喬伊,你怎麼背著包包? 你明天才試鏡 | What are you doing? The audition's tomorrow. |
但現在是三明治時間 | Yeah,but sandwich time is right now. |
要是沾到芥末就不能還了 | You get mustard on that bag,you can't return it. |
幹嘛要還?我愛這個包包 | Why would I return this? I love this bag! |
好,那你欠我350 | -All right,then you owe me $350. |
好,你收維薩卡還是萬事達卡 | -Fine.Do you take Visa or Master Card? |
喬伊 別緊張啦 | Relax, |
你幫我拿到這個角色 到時領了錢就給你 | I'll pay you with the money from the job I'll get. Thanks to you. |
什麼角色,《瑪咪姑媽》? | What's the part? Auntie Mame? |
別理他們,我覺得很性感 | Don't listen to them. I think it's sexy. |
你加我的性感? | You-and-I sexy? |
潘奈拉太太,謝謝你來 | Hello,Mrs. Pinilla. Thank you for coming. |
這是你的3D眼鏡 | Here's your 3-D glasses. |
彭牧師會告訴你們什麼時候戴 | Reverend Pong will say when to put them on. |
菲比 你還好嗎? | Hi,sweetie.-How are you holding up? |
還好 | -Fine. |
很遺憾 | Hey,Phoebe. I'm so sorry. |
我外婆有個一模一樣的包包 | You know what? My grandma had the exact same bag! |
我帶了花來 謝謝 | I brought you flowers.Oh,thanks! |
這樣感覺有男人味多了 | Pulling flowers out makes the bag look masculine. |
請問告別式是在這裡嗎? | Excuse me,is this the memorial? |
對,歡迎 你好 | Welcome. |
這是你的3D眼鏡 謝謝,好 | Here's your 3-D glasses.All right. |
你是怎麼認識法蘭西絲的? | So how did you know Frances? |
我們多年不見 | Actually,I hadn't seen her for years. |
我以前跟她和她的女兒關係很近 | But I was pretty tight with her and her daughter. |
是嗎?你的名字是? 弗蘭克布菲 | What's your name?Frank Buffay. |
更正,其實我叫…喬 | You know what? Strike that. My name,actually,is Joe. |
喬希爾 你是弗蘭克布菲? | Joe Hill.You're Frank Buffay |
不是,喬希爾 | No! Joe Hill. |
你剛才說… 我該走了,謝謝你來 | You just said…I got to go. Thank you so much for coming. |
但是… | But |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
什麼? 怎麼了? | What happened? |
那是我爸 天哪 | That was my dad. |
你們看 | Check it out! |
我的手好像正朝著我來 | It's like it's coming right at me. |
追到他了嗎? | -Did you catch him? |
他怎麼說? | -What did he say? |
他說:很高興認識你,葛蘭達 | He said,"Nice to meet you,Glenda." |
我當然不能說出真名 為什麼? | I couldn't give him my real name.Why not? |
你們也看到他走得像飛了 | You saw the way he ran. |
難不成他會留下來 跟他拋棄的女兒聊天? | You think he'd talk to the daughter he abandoned? |
那你怎麼說? | What did you say to him? |
我自稱法蘭西絲的遺囑執行人 有事找他談 | I said I was the executor of the will and I needed to talk to him. |
我們待會約在咖啡館 | I'm going to meet him at the coffeehouse. |
請各位就座 | Could everyone take their seats? |
我現在沒辦法想這個 | I just can't think about that now. |
我只想跟我外婆道別 好 | I want to say goodbye to my grandma. |
我們過去吧 | Let's go say goodbye. |
我要去面試了,怎麼樣? | I'm off to my audition. How do I look? |
帥呆了,那個包包會讓你成功的 | Great! That bag will get you that part. |
還能約到男人 | And a date with a man. |
隨你怎麼取笑我 這個包包很棒 | You know what? Make fun all you want. This is a great bag. |
而且是好看又好用 | And it's as handy as it is becoming. |
你們不懂不代表是錯的 | Just because you don't understand something,doesn't make it wrong. |
以後你們都得習慣有喬伊… | You guys have to get used to the fact that Joey... |
就有包包 | ...comes with a bag! |
我也該走了,我得去見我爸 | I've got to meet my dad. |
你會表明你的身份嗎? | Will you tell him who you are? |
先不會,我不想嚇跑他 | Not at first. I don't want to freak him out. |
但是你不氣他嗎? 這傢伙遺棄了你 | But aren't you pissed at him?This guy abandoned you. |
如果是我,他就等著挨揍吧 | If it were me,this guy would be in some serious physical danger. |
我會走進去說“喂,老爸” | I'd walk in there,I'd be like,"Yo,Dad! |
“我們現在就出去解決” | You and me,outside. Right now!" |
我嚇到自己了 | I kind of scared myself. |
那起碼有嚇到人 | Well,at least you scared someone. |
說也奇怪,我應該很生氣 | You'd think I'd be angry. |
我應該很想扭斷他那顆頭 | You'd think I'd want to rip his tiny,little head off! |
幸好我已經釋懷了 | Fortunately,I'm past it. |
你看起來的確有點緊張 | You do seem a little tense. |
我幫你捏一捏 好 | Here,let me help you. |
放開我! | Get off! |
住手!你為什麼這樣害我? | Stop it! Why are you doing that to me? |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
身為一個按摩師和一個人類 | As a masseuse and a human... |
我懇求你永遠別幫別人按摩 | ...I'm begging you,never do that to anyone! |
我很會按摩啊 | I give good massages. |
我在瑞秋患了過敏症以前都幫她按摩的 | I gave them to Rachel before she got allergic. |
錢德也很喜歡,你看 | And Chandler,he loves them! Watch. |
他才不喜歡,他痛得快要死了 | He does not like it. He's in pain! |
他才沒有 他有 | -No,he's not. -Yes,he is! |
什麼? 對不起,但是… | -What? -I'm sorry,but |
你一直在騙我?我真不敢相信 | You've been lying to me?I can't believe that. |
也許他只是不希望你難過 | Maybe he didn't want to hurt you. |
但我們一旦開始欺騙對方… | But the minute we start to lie to each other.... |
我說的“我們”指的是社會 | And by "we"...I mean society. |
你好了就開始 | Anytime you're ready. |
你一定是新來的 | Well,you must be new here. |
我們找張桌子,我請你喝一杯 | Maybe we get a table,I buy you a drink. |
抱歉,你能不能不要背皮包? | Could you try it without the purse? |
當然可以 | Yeah,sure. |
你一定是新來的 我們找張… | Well,you must be new here. Maybe we sit |
抱歉,我可以問一件事嗎? | Can I ask you something? |
可以,什麼事? | Sure. What? |
第一,這不是皮包 | Well,first,it's not a purse. |
好,隨便吧 | Anytime. |
別以為這是女用皮包 這是男用提包 | If you think it's a woman's bag,it's not.It's a man's bag. |
好的,繼續吧 | Okay. And go! |
我拿型錄給你看 | Let me show you the catalog. |
你看 | Look. See? |
這是最新流行 男人、女人、小孩都在背 | It's the latest thing.Everyone's got one. Men,women,children. |
你在推銷這些包包嗎? | Do you sell these? |
不是,這些包包擺著就能賣 | No,these babies sell themselves. |
好,謝謝,你表現得很好 | Thank you. That was great. |
我什麼都還沒念 我想這樣就夠了 | But I didn't read anything.I think we've seen enough. |
那好,再見 | All right,I'll see you. |
搞定了,搞定了 | We got it. We got it. |
瑞秋在嗎? 不在 | Is Rachel here?No |
聽我說 我想為下午和按摩的事道歉 | Listen,I just wanted to apologize about the whole massage thing. |
我很喜歡你的按摩 別再硬撐了 | I really like them.Please,stop! |
我們應該坦誠相對 | We're supposed to be honest. |
我只希望你能明白告訴我 “我不喜歡你的按摩” | I wish you could tell me,"l don't like your massages." |
我不喜歡你的按摩 | I don't like your massages. |
看吧,又沒什麼 | See? It's no big deal. |
但是你哭了 | But now you're crying! |
我不是在哭這個 我是在哭工作的事 | I'm not crying about that. I'm crying about something at work. |
什麼事? | What? |
我男朋友說他不喜歡我的按摩 | My boyfriend said he didn't like my massages. |
你又不必事事都搶第一 | You don't have to be best at everything. |
天哪,你一點也不瞭解我 | Oh,my God! You don't know me at all! |
好,你的按摩技術是世界最爛的 | You give the worst massages in the world. |
我在哭耶 | I'm crying here! |
聽我說完 比爛的話你最棒 | Look,hear me out.You give the best bad-massages. |
如果有人在找最棒的爛按摩 | If anybody was looking for the best bad-massage... |
他們自問:誰的爛技術最棒? 那絕對非你莫屬 | ...and they thought,"Who's the best?"They'd have to go to you. |
你的意思是 如果有最佳爛按摩技術獎 | So you're saying that if there was an award...for the best bad-massage.... |
那誰會得獎? 一定是你,你,莫妮卡 | Who would get that?It would be you!You,Monica! |
你會大獲全勝 | And you'd get all the votes. |
或許這個獎可以叫莫妮卡獎? | So they could call the award,"The Monica"? |
一定會的 好 | Absolutely. |
我爛透了 沒錯 | I suck! |
謝謝你來見我 謝謝 | Thank you for meeting me.Thank you. |
這邊坐 | Come sit. |
坐啊 | Sit. |
坐 | Sit! |
好的,在開始之前 你必須鄭重聲明 | Alrighty. Before we get started,I need you...to state for the record |
你其實是弗蘭克布菲 是的,我是 | ...that you are,in fact,Frank Buffay.Yes,I am. |
好 法蘭西絲留給我什麼? | What did Frances leave me? |
這是你找我來的原因吧? 是的 | That's why you wanted me to come. |
的確有,她留給你… | Yes,she did. She left you... |
這支口紅 | ...this lipstick. |
這真是… | Oh,it's… |
這是用過的 | It's used. |
酷 | Cool! |
好,我要請教幾個問題 我把相關表格拿出來 | I have just a few questions to ask,so I'll get out my official forms. |
好,第一個問題 | So question one: |
你娶了法蘭西絲的女兒莉莉 正不正確? | You were married to Frances' daughter,Lilly. Correct? |
對,沒錯 好,第二個問題 | Yes,I was.Question two. |
這段婚姻一:很美滿 二:普通 | Did that marriage end:A: Happily?B: Medium? |
三:你最後拋妻棄子 | Or C: In the total abandonment...of her and her two children? |
表上真的這麼寫? 對,你看 | It really says that?Yeah,see? |
那我就得選三了 好,拋妻棄子 | I guess then I would have to say C.Total abandonment. |
拋棄的原因 | Reasons for abandonment: |
一:極機密政府工作 二:失意症 | A: Top-secret government work.B: Amnesia. |
或是三 你就是個自私不負責的大壞蛋 | Or C: You're just a selfish,irresponsible...bad,bad man. |
其實我沒那麼想要這支口紅 | I don't want the lipstick that much. |
請你幫個忙,把這個交給莉莉 什麼? | Would you do me a favor?Would you give Lilly...that,please? |
請把那張紙條交給她 | When you see Lilly,give her that note. |
我本來想在告別式上找她談 但我覺得她也會像你這樣發飆 | I wanted to talk to her at the memorial...but I pictured her getting mad the way you did, |
就臨陣退縮了 | ...and I chickened out. |
我寫了那張紙條,請幫我轉交 | I wrote her a note. Give it to her,please? |
你想來找莉莉? 對,怎麼了? | But you came to see Lilly?Yeah. Why? |
莉莉死了 | Lilly's dead. |
什麼? 她死了 | She what?She's dead. |
你確定? 沒死就被火化就嚴重了 | Are you sure?If she isn't,cremating her was a big mistake. |
我真不敢相信,怎麼會… | I can't believe this. I just can't believe |
天哪,多久的事? 17年前 | How? Oh,my God.How long ago?17 years ago. |
那孩子們呢? | What about the girls? |
烏蘇拉在當服務生,住在蘇活 | Well,Ursula is a waitress and she lives in Soho. |
菲比…就坐在這張沙發上 | And Phoebe...is on this couch. |
沒錯,口紅和女兒 真是好日子 | Yep,lipstick and a daughter. Big day for you! |
菲比,我… | Phoebe,l.... |
我不知道該說什麼 | It's just,I don't know what to say. |
你居然是我的女兒 你長得這麼漂亮 | I just can't believe that you're my daughter. You're so pretty. |
那個跟這個無關 | Yes,well,that's neither here nor there. |
如果我說我很抱歉 你會不會好過一點? | Would it make you feel better if I said...that I was very,very sorry I left? |
你說什麼都沒區別了 所以你可以走了 | It doesn't matter what you say. It won't make a difference.So you can just go |
好…我要辯解一下 我很不會當爸爸 | Well,you know,in my defense,I was a lousy father. |
這叫辯解? 沒錯 | -That's your defense? -Yes,it is. |
我把牛奶燒焦,把尿布包反 | I burned the formula,and I put your diapers on backwards. |
我寫了一首歌哄你睡覺 結果你哭得更厲害 | I made up a song to sing to you,but that made you cry even more. |
你會寫歌? 只有那一首 | You make up songs?Well,no,just that one. |
不過很白癡,我想想怎麼唱… | But it was stupid.Let's see,how did it go? |
對… | Yeah |
瞌睡蟲,瞌睡蟲 你為什麼不睡覺? | Sleepy girl,sleepy girl,Why won't you go to sleep? |
瞌睡蟲,瞌睡蟲 你害我不能睡覺 | Sleepy girl,sleepy girl You're keeping me up |
我實在…這種事我不太行 | I'm not very good at this. |
我很行 | Well,I am. |
現在還不行 | Not yet. No. |
結果如何? 艾斯黛說沒中 | How'd the audition go?Estelle said I didn't get it. |
什麼?你準備得那麼充分 | What? Why? Joey,you were so ready for it. |
我也這麼想 但她說選角的人對我有意見 | I thought so too...but the casting people had problems with me. |
什麼意見? | What kind of problem? |
老實說,他們不喜歡這個包包 | To tell you the truth...they had a problem with the bag! |
天哪 怎麼會 | Oh my god |
反正也是出爛戲 | You know what? It was a stupid play anyway. |
喬伊,你該放棄這個包包了 | It's time to give up the bag. |
我不想放棄它 | I don't want to give up the bag. |
我不必放棄它,對吧瑞秋? | I don't have to give it up. Do l,Rach? |
你覺得我應該放棄 喬伊,對不起 | You think I should give up the bag!Joey,I'm sorry. |
我覺得你背起來很帥 | As terrific as I think you are with it... |
但世人或許還沒辦法接受你和你的包 | ...I just don't know if the world is ready for you and your bag. |
你居然這麼說 等等,我不是說你不該帶包包 | I can't believe this!Wait,I'm not saying you shouldn't have a bag |
但有其他爭議性比較小的包包 | There are other bags that are maybe a little less...controversial. |
對,叫做皮夾 | Yeah,they're called wallets. |
你們說得對 | You're right. You're right. |
只是它已經成為我的一部分 它就像是…我的包包 | This bag has become like a part of me.It's like...my bag. |
什麼東西都有地方擺 | It had a place for everything. |
天呐 怎麼了? | -Oh,man. -What? |
有一組暗袋我居然沒發現,瑞秋,看 | There's a whole series of pockets here I didn't even know about,Rach. Look. |
烏蘇拉,我有個天大的消息 我找到咱們的爸爸了 | Ursula,I have the most amazing news.I found our dad. |
我是菲比 | Phoebe. |
你妹妹,我找到爸爸了 | Your sister. And I found our dad. |
約翰·格裡恩(影星)?約翰·格裡恩不是我們的爸爸 | John Glenn? John Glenn is not our dad. |
不,我不會跟你一起告他的 | No,I will not join you in the lawsuit against him. |
他沒看著我們長大又怎樣 他又不是我們的爸爸 | It doesn't matter that he wasn't there while we were growing up.He's not our father. |
什麼叫由陪審團決定? | What do you mean that's for a jury to decide? |
你們看,醜裸男在收拾東西 | Guys,look! Ugly Naked Guy's putting stuff in boxes. |
看樣子我們的裸友要搬家了 | I'd say our naked buddy is moving. |
諷刺的是大部分的箱子 都標示著“衣服” | Ironically,most of the boxes seem to be labeled "Clothes." |
我會懷念那個大屁股的 | I'm going to miss that big old squishy butt. |
雞肉炒飯沒了 | And we're done with the chicken fried rice. |
如果他要搬走 我可以去把那裡租下來 | If he's moving,maybe I should try to get his place! |
好主意 跟你們遙遙相對多好玩啊 | It would be so cool to live across from you guys. |
那我們就可以玩電話遊戲 | We could do that telephone thing... |
你一個罐子,我們一個罐子 中間有一條線 | ...where you have a can,we have a can...and it's connected by a string. |
或者我們也可以打真的電話 | Or we could do the actual telephone thing. |
糟糕,他的那個地方粘到膠帶了 | He's got packing tape stuck to where you really don't want it. |
快撕掉啊,肥仔 | Get it off,fat man! Get it off! |
糟糕,他想慢慢撕下來 | Oh,no,he's trying to pull it off slowly. |
相信我,撕膠帶一定要快 | Take it from me,if you're gonna pull tape off yourself,it's gotta be in one quick motion. |
就像那樣 | Like that. |
本集播出:“所有人都知道了” | The One Where Everyone Finds Out |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
天哪,我愛死這層公寓了 | Oh,my God. I love this apartment! |
很完美吧? | Isn't it perfect? |
我居然沒發現這裡有這麼棒 | I can't believe I never realized how great it is! |
因為你的目光 會馬上移到醜裸男身上 | Because your eye goes to the big naked man. |
太棒了,你最好趕快去申請 否則我會搶先 | It's amazing!Hurry up with an application,or I'll beat you to it. |
沒想到會有這一天 我要去用醜裸男的廁所了 | Well,I'm going to use Ugly Naked Guy's bathroom. |
你看,是莫妮卡和錢德 | Look! There's Monica and Chandler. |
喂,你們好,喂 | Hey,you guys! |
錢德和莫妮卡!錢德和莫妮卡 | Chandler and Monica! |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
錢德和莫妮卡! | Chandler and Monica |
我的眼睛!我的眼睛 | Oh,my eyes!My eyes! |
菲比,菲比,沒事的 | It's okay! |
不!他們搞在一起 我知道,我知道 | -They're doing it! -I know!-I know! |
你知道? | -You know? |
對,我知道,喬伊也知道 | Yes,I know it. Joey knows, |
但羅斯不知道 所以你別再叫了 | but Ross doesn't,so stop screaming! |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
怎麼了? 沒事 | -What? -Nothing! |
我們只是好興奮你要搬來這裡 | We are so excited that you'll get this apartment! |
這裡的確很棒 天哪 | Looks really good.Looks pretty good! |
快過來啊 | Get in here! Come on! |
中央咖啡館 | |
你是說每次莫妮卡和錢德 去洗衣服或買東西或… | You mean whenever Monica and Chandler...were doing laundry or going grocery shopping? |
她每次跟傷心的琳達講電話 | The time Monica spent on the phone with Linda from camp? |
做吧,做吧,電話也是,做吧 | Doing it,doing it,phone,doing it. |
真不敢相信 | I can't believe it! |
真是太好了…對他來說 她可以有更好的物件的 | I think it's great. For him.She could do better. |
你們好 | Hey,you guys. |
喬伊,快過來 怎樣? | Come here! |
菲比發現莫妮卡和錢德的事了 | Phoebe found out about Monica and Chandler. |
就是他們是朋友,如此而已? | You mean how they're friends and nothing more? |
不,喬伊,她知道了 | Joey,she knows. |
我們剛才在醜裸男的公寓 看到他們隔著窗戶在做 | We saw them doing it through the window. |
應該說是靠著窗戶在做 | Actually,we saw them doing it up against the window. |
我們看到他們私通 | We saw them fornicating. |
他們知道你知道 但是不知道瑞秋知道? | So they know you know,and they don't know that Rachel knows? |
對,但現在這些都不重要了 | Yes,but it doesn't matter who knows what. |
我們有三個人知道 就可以告訴他們了 | Now enough of us know that we could just tell them we know. |
我再也不必說謊保密了 | All the lying and the secrets will finally be over. |
或者我們也可以不告訴他們 自己來找點樂子 | Or,we could not tell them we know,and have a little fun. |
什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
譬如每次他們說要洗衣服 我們就給他們一堆衣服洗 | If they say they are doing laundry,we'll give them laundry to do. |
我喜歡 | I would enjoy that. |
不,你知道怎樣更好玩? 告訴他們 | You know what would be even more fun? Telling them. |
聽起來不好玩 那就讓它變好玩 | -That doesn't sound like fun. -So we'll make it fun. |
我們可以學理髮店四重唱 | We'll do it like a barbershop quartet! |
我們知道… | We know,we know,we know |
不,我想照菲比的做法 | No,I want to do Phoebe's thing. |
我沒辦法再… 你只要別說我們知道就行了 | I can't take…You don't have to do anything. Just don't tell them we know. |
不要,我沒辦法再保密了 | I can't take anymore secrets. |
我有你們的秘密,他們的秘密 還有我自己的秘密 | I got your secrets,their secrets,secrets of my own. |
你才沒有秘密 | You don't have any secrets. |
是嗎?你就不知道我有個企鵝抱枕叫哈吉(童話片《哈加邦奇》) | Well,you don't know about Hugsy,my bedtime penguin pal. |
所以…我們要怎麼耍他們? | So How are we going to mess with them? |
你可以利用室友的身分 | You could use your position as the roommate. |
我就運用我最大的本錢 我的性感 | And I would use the strongest tool at my disposal.My sexuality |
孩子們 | Hello,children. |
仔細看,學著點 別吃我的餅乾 | Watch. Learn. And don't eat my cookie. |
你穿這件外套真好看 是嗎? | That jacket looks great on you.-Really? |
對,這個料子摸起來好軟… 二頭肌先生 | -The material is so soft.Hello,Mr. Bicep. |
你有在健身嗎? 我有在擠 | You're working out?I try to squeeze things. |
你還好嗎? | Are you okay? |
如果你真的想知道,我… 我不能告訴你 | If you really want to know I can't tell you this. |
菲比,你什麼都可以告訴我 | You can tell me anything. |
事實上我就是不能告訴你 但我又最想告訴你 | Actually,you are the one person I can't tell this to.And the one person I want to the most. |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
因為我很久沒跟男人在一起了 | I just haven't been with a guy in so long... |
有時你一直尋尋覓覓 卻沒發現他就在你眼前喝咖啡 | ...and sometimes you're looking for something...and it's right there in front of you,sipping coffee |
我說太多了嗎? | Oh,no. Have I said too much? |
總之你考慮一下,我會考慮的 | Just something to think about. I know I will. |
你好可愛 你怎麼會這麼可愛? | You are so cute.How did you get to be so cute? |
我爺爺是瑞典人 我奶奶其實是只拇指兔 | My grandfather was Swedish.And my grandmother was a tiny little bunny. |
你變得更可愛了 | Now you're even cuter. |
這簡直是今天的民意 什麼? | You know,that is a popular opinion today,I must say. |
今天在咖啡館有一件怪事 我覺得菲比在勾引我 | The weirdest thing happened at the coffeehouse.Phoebe was hitting on me. |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
是真的,菲比覺得我很有魅力 | I think Phoebe thinks I'm foxy. |
不可能 | It's not possible. |
抱歉,只是在菲比眼中 你的迷人是無性的 | I'm sorry,Phoebe's just always thought you were charming...in a sexless kind of way. |
這種話真是百聽不厭 | You know,I can't hear that enough. |
抱歉,你應該誤解她的意思了 | I just think you misunderstood her. |
我沒有誤解,好嗎? 她只差沒撲上來 | I didn't,okay? She was all over me. |
她還摸我的二頭肌尖叫 | She touched my bicep,for crying out loud. |
這個二頭肌? | This bicep? |
我現在沒擠它 | Well,it's not flexed right now. |
為什麼你這麼難相信 菲比對我有意思? | Why is it so hard for you to believe that Phoebe could be attracted to me? |
我沒有啊 女生都會對你有意思 | It's not.All the girls are attracted to you. |
你有拇指兔的血統 | You're part bunny. |
莫妮卡,你要幹什麼? 要不要一起去看電影? | Mon,you want to come see a movie with us? |
事實上我正要去洗衣服 | Actually,I was going to do some laundry. |
錢德,要不要一起去? 好啊,我跟你一起去 | Want to do it with me?Sure,I'll do it with you. |
太好了,等一下 | Okay,great. Hold on a second. |
拿去 | Here you go. |
這樣我就輕鬆多了,謝謝 | That would really help me out a lot. Thanks. |
我的硬幣應該不夠 我這裡有 | You know what? I don't have enough quarters.I have quarters! |
太好了 我們可以洗一整晚的衣服了 | Great. Now we can do laundry all night. All night laundry! |
羅斯,公寓申請得怎樣? | Hey,any word on the apartment yet? |
我打過去問 原來醜裸男要自己轉租 | I called there,and it turns out Naked Guy is subletting it. |
而且已經有一大堆申請者 哦不 | He's already had 100 applicants.-Oh,man. |
沒關係,我跟他們的差別是… | -No,no,it's okay.Because you know what the difference between them and me is? |
你有尿床的歷史? | Your history of bedwetting? |
你怎麼可以說出來 | Hey,I trusted you,man! |
總之 差別是我占了優勢 | Anyway,the difference is...I've got the edge. |
我知道這樣有點奸詐 但我送了點東西去賄賂他 | It's not exactly ethical,but I sent him a bribe...to tip the scales in my direction. |
從窗戶能看得到 | You can see it from the window. |
是那個打了蝴蝶結的彈珠台嗎 不是 | Is it that pinball machine with the big bow on it? |
那輛新的登山車? 不是 | That new mountain bike? |
那你送什麼? 一籃英式小松餅 | What did you send?A basket of mini muffins. |
但桌上全都是英式小松餅 哪一籃是你送的? | There's a whole table of them. Which one did you send? |
小的那一籃 | The small one. |
什麼?你真以為那籃松餅 能幫你爭取到公寓? | You actually thought that basket was going to get you the apartment? |
對,我們辦公室曾經收到一籃 大家都愛得不得了 | Someone sent us a basket at work,and people went crazy over those muffins. |
那天真的很高興 | It was the best day. |
你的工作讓我覺得好悲慘 | Your work makes me sad. |
真是的,我好想要那層公寓 | Oh,man,I want that place so much! |
我還以為一定會成功 | And I was so sure that was going to work. |
那12塊錢算是一去不復返了 | There's 12 bucks I'll never see again. |
菲比,想看電影就得快了 | We'd better go if we want to catch that movie. |
再見 | Bye. |
錢德再見,我已經開始想你了 | Bye,Chandler. I miss you already. |
你看到她不正常而且還捏我嗎? | Did you see that? The inappropriate,and the pinching? |
我看到了 | Actually,I did. |
你相信她對我有意思了吧? | So do you believe that she's attracted to me? |
天哪,她知道我們的事了? | Oh,my God! She knows about us! |
真的? 菲比知道了,她想嚇我們 | Are you serious?She knows,and she's trying to freak us out! |
這是唯一的解釋 | That's the only explanation! |
那我好捏的屁股 和激凸的二頭肌呢? | But what about my pinchable butt and my bulging biceps? |
她知道了 | She knows! |
喬伊 | Joey |
咋了? | Yeah |
菲比知道我們的事了 | Phoebe knows about us. |
我沒告訴她們 | I didn't tell them! |
她們?她們是誰? | Them?Who's "them"? |
菲比和喬伊 | Phoebe and Joey. |
喬伊 | Joey |
和瑞秋 | And Rachel. |
我想告訴你們 但她們逼我不能說 | I would have told you,but I promised not to tell. |
天哪 對不起,那現在沒事了吧? | Man. I'm sorry.But it's over now,right? |
你們可以告訴她們你們知道了 | You can tell them you know they know, |
我就可以恢復我什麼都不知道的狀態 | and I can go back to knowing nothing! |
除非… 沒有除非,現在就要了結 | Unless…Not "unless"! This must end now! |
她們還自以為高明 | They think they are so slick messing with us. |
她們不知道我們知道她們知道 | But they don't know that we know that they know. |
所以… 沒錯,耍人的變成被耍的 | So The messers become the messees! |
拜託啦,說出來多好玩 我們知道… | Come on,you guys. Think how much fun it would be to tell.We know,we know,we know |
什麼? | What? |
對喔,你們不懂 | Oh,that wasn't you. |
不 羅斯,別再折磨自己了 | Honey,you got to stop torturing yourself |
你去找別的房子嘛 | Why don't you find another apartment? |
我這個月已經看了上千個房子 沒有一間比得上那一間 | I've already looked at 1000 apartments this month.None of them even compares to that one. |
有一間不錯但是我得跟 一家亞美尼亞人一起住 | Well,except for one,but I would have had to share it with an Armenian family. |
那個奶奶很喜歡我 | Grandma really liked me. |
但我想要醜裸男的公寓 | But I want Ugly Naked apartment! |
你知道你應該怎麼做嗎? | You know what? |
你應該找出他的嗜好 拿來跟他套交情 | You should find out his hobbies and use that to bond with him. |
例如我對喬伊有所求 我就會聊…三明治 | Like if I wanted something from Joey...I would strike up a conversation about sandwiches |
或是我的內衣 | ...or my underwear. |
我在聽 | I'm listening. |
看吧 | See? |
好棒的主意 | That is a great idea! |
而且我瞭解醜裸男 因為我們偷窺了他5年 | And I know Ugly Naked Guy because we've been watching him for five years. |
所以我又重新占了上風 | So that gives me back my edge! |
好,他有一張跳床 被他跳壞了 | Let's see now. He had the trampoline.He broke that. |
他有一雙重力靴 也被他穿壞了 | -He had gravity boots. -He broke those too. |
所以他喜歡破壞東西 | So he likes to break stuff. |
好,我得去接班 不過我會想出來的 | I've got to go pick up Ben. But I will figure something out. |
他之前不是有一隻貓嗎? | Didn't he used to have a cat? |
別提那個,會害他心情不好 | I wouldn't bring that up. It would bum him out. |
可憐的貓咪 沒看到大屁股壓下來 | Poor cat never saw that big butt coming. |
喂? | Hello |
在,等一下,她就在旁邊 | Hold on a second,she's right here. |
錢德找你 | It's Chandler. |
嗨,你 | Hello,you. |
菲比,我一整天都在想你 | Phoebe,I've been thinking about you all day. |
你之前的提議 說我不心動是騙人的 | You know that thing you said before? I was intrigued. |
是嗎? | Really? |
對,喬伊晚上不在 | Joey won't be here tonight. |
你要不要過來 我讓你摸我的二頭肌 | Why don't you come over? I'll let you feel my bicep. |
甚至是別的地方 | Or maybe more. |
我待會再給你答覆,再見 | I'll have to get back to you on that.Okay bye |
天哪,他找我去摸他的二頭肌 和別的地方 | He wants me to come over and feel his bicep and more! |
不會吧? 是真的 | Are you kidding? |
他居然背著莫妮卡… | I cannot believe he would do that to Mon |
喬伊,他們知道我們知道嗎? | Joey? Do they know that we know? |
不知道 喬伊 | No. Joey |
他們知道你們知道了 我就知道 | They know you know.I knew it! |
我本來會說:謝天謝地 大家都知道了,總算沒事了 | I would say,"Thank God! Everybody knows! It's finally over!" |
但每次說都沒用 | But that hasn't been working for me. |
真不敢相信那兩個人 | I cannot believe those two! |
他們以為他們可以耍我們 想耍我們是吧? | They thought they could mess with us? Trying to mess with us? |
他們不知道我們知道 他們知道我們知道了 | They don't know that we know they know we know. |
喬伊,你不能說 | Joey,you can't say anything. |
我也不想說了 | Couldn't if I wanted to. |
你好,我是羅斯蓋勒 我也申請要租你的房子 | Good evening,sir. I'm Ross Geller. I'm one of the applicants. |
我知道競爭很激烈,但是… | I realize that the competition is fierce but.... |
抱歉,我注意到你光著身體 | I'm sorry,I can't help but notice that you're naked. |
我為你鼓掌 我也好想光著身體 | I applaud you.Man,I wish I was naked. |
看起來好舒服 | I mean,this looks so great. |
這正是上帝造人的本意 | That is how God intended it. |
你看她們多慌 | Look. They're panicked! |
她們絕對會退縮 沒錯 | They'll totally back down. |
好,他敢約我就敢去 | If he wants a date,he's going to get a date. |
我要過去了 好,性感一點 | I'm going to go in.Be sexy. |
拜託 | Please. |
錢德,我晚上可以過去 | I'd love to come by tonight. |
真的? 當然,就7點吧? | Really?Absolutely. Say,around 7? |
好 | Yes |
很好 我很期待跟你發生性關係 | I'm really looking forward to you and me having sexual intercourse. |
快來看!醜裸男有裸友來訪 | Hey,check it out!Naked Guy's got a naked friend. |
真的 | Oh yeah |
天哪,那是我們的朋友 | Oh,my God! That's our friend! |
是裸羅斯 | It's Naked Ross! |
你還要小英式松餅嗎? | Would you like another mini muffin? |
吃吃看藍莓口味,很好吃 | Try the blueberry,they're delicious. |
上場囉 | Showtime! |
瑞秋,拿香水來 好 | Rachel,get me perfume. |
喬伊,幫我拿一瓶酒兩個酒杯 | Joey,can you get me a bottle of wine and glasses? |
謝謝,但我要的是 沒把手的玻璃杯 | All right,thanks,but glasses that do not have handles and that are glass. |
我要酒不要橄欖油 | And wine that is not olive oil. |
放心好了 | It'll be great |
只要讓她以為你想跟她上床 她絕對會嚇到 | Make her think you want to have sex with her and it will freak her out. |
我到底得撐到什麼程度? | How far am I gonna have to go with her? |
別緊張,她會比你先投降 | She'll give in way before you do. |
你怎麼知道? | How do you know? |
因為你跟我同一隊 我這一隊總是贏 | Because you're on my team. My team always wins. |
贏這種事? | At this? |
總之去嚇她,快去 | Just go get some! Go! |
好,我會站在門外聽 好 | Now,I'm going to try to listen from right here. |
等一下 | Oh,wait. |
好主意 | Good idea. |
等等 別血本無歸了 | Don't give away the farm. |
菲比 | Phoebe |
錢德 | Chandler |
進來吧 | Come on in. |
我正要進去 | I was going to. |
我帶了酒來,你要嗎? 好啊 | I brought some wine. Would you like some?Sure. |
就我們倆了,緊張嗎? | So here we are.Nervous? |
我?不會,你呢? | Me? No. You? |
不會,這樣正合我意 | I want this to happen. |
我也是 | So do l. |
我去放點音樂 | I'm going to put on some music. |
喬伊喜歡嚇鴨子 | Joey likes to scare the duck. |
我跳舞給你看好了 | Maybe I'll dance for you. |
你真美 | You look good. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
你說這種話 讓我好想扯掉你的毛衣背心 | You know,when you say things like that,it makes me...want to rip that sweater vest right off. |
不如進房裡再說吧? 真的嗎? | Why don't we move into the bedroom?Really? |
你不想嗎? | Do you not want to? |
不是,只是我想先脫掉衣服 讓你替我擦乳液 | First I want to take off all my clothes...and have you rub lotion on me. |
聽起來不錯 | That would be nice. |
我去拿乳液 | I'll go get the lotion. |
情況完全失控了 她要我幫她擦乳液 | It's way out of hand. She wants me to put lotion on her! |
她在唬你 | -She's bluffing! |
她沒打算放棄,她還這樣 | -She's not backing down.She went like this |
他沒打算放棄,他去拿乳液了 | He's not backing down. He went to get lotion. |
他是錢德,你可以搞定他 | It's Chandler. You can take him. |
還記得你曾經把他罵哭嗎? | Come on. Don't you remember when you made him cry using only your words? |
真是的,你們還沒好嗎? 我想坐我的椅子 | Aren't you guys done yet?I want to sit in my chair! |
喬伊,菲比一突破錢德的心防 這一切就結束公開了 | The sooner Phoebe breaks him,the sooner it's over and out in the open. |
我喜歡 | I like that. |
我知道,讓他看你的胸罩 他怕胸罩,他解不開 | Show him your bra. He's afraid of bras. Can't work them. |
喬伊 | Joey |
你沒把扣子都挑開 | You didn't rip off any buttons. |
經驗老道 | It's not my first time. |
你給我回去,色誘她讓她屈服 | Go back there and seduce her till she cracks! |
好,等一下 | Give me a second. |
你打掃過嗎?當然了 | -Did you clean up in here? -Of course! |
你要走了? | You're going? |
除非你跟我走,愛人 | Not without you,lover. |
這是我的胸罩 | So this is my bra. |
非常非常好看 | It's very,very nice. |
過來,我很高興我們要做愛了 | Well,come here.I'm very happy we're going to have all the sex. |
你是該高興,我的身體很柔軟 | You should be. I'm very bendy. |
我要吻你了 除非我先吻你 | I'll kiss you now.Not if I kiss you first. |
接下來就只能接吻了 | I guess there's nothing left for us to do but kiss. |
終於來了 | Here it comes. |
我們的初吻 | Our first kiss. |
好,你贏了 | You win! |
我不能跟你上床 | I can't have sex with you! |
為什麼? 因為我愛莫妮卡 | -And why not? -I'm in love with Monica! |
你什麼? | You're what? |
沒錯,我愛她,我,愛她 | That's right!I love her!I love her! |
我愛你,莫妮卡 | I love you,Monica. |
我也愛你,錢德 | I love you too,Chandler. |
我以為你們只是搞在一起 我不知道你們相愛 | I thought you were doing it. I didn't know you were in love! |
夥計 | Dude! |
向菲比致敬,強勁的對手 | Hats off to Phoebe. Quite a competitor. |
提醒一下你的胸部還晾在外面 天哪 | May I say your breasts are still showing.God. |
就這樣,結束了 大家都知道了 | All right! So that's it?It's over. Everybody knows! |
羅斯還不知道 對,請你們先別告訴他 | Actually,Ross doesn't.We'd appreciate it if no one told him yet. |
就是這裡,全新羅斯的新家 | Well,here it is.A new place for a new Ross. |
我一佈置好就請你和同事來坐 | I'll have you and the guys from work over,once it's furnished. |
很高興看到你重新振作 | It's nice to see you back on your feet. |
我是振作了 脾氣暴躁的事都過去了 | I am that,and the whole rage thing is definitely behind me. |
我認為你是不是該回館裡上班了 | I wonder if it's time for you to rejoin our museum team? |
那就太好了 我已經準備好重回崗位,我… | That would be great.I am totally ready to come back to work. |
什麼?不 | What?No |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
從我妹妹身上起來 | Get off my sister! |
錢德!錢德 | Chandler! Chandler! |
錢德,我從窗戶看見了 | I saw what you were doing in the window! |
我看見你在對我妹做什麼了 你給我出來 | I saw what you're doing to my sister! Get out here! |
聽著,我們玩得很開心 | Listen,we had a good run. |
總共4個月?5個月? | What was it? Four,five months? |
比很多人一輩子加起來都久 再見,保重,再見了 | That's more than most people have in a lifetime. Goodbye. |
你幹什麼? 我要逃跑 | -What are you doing? -I am going on the lam. |
過來,我應付得了羅斯 | Come on,Chandler. I can handle Ross. |
等一下 | Hold on! |
嗨 羅斯,你好嗎哥哥? | Hey,Ross. What's up,bro? |
你幹了什麼好事? 發生什麼事了? | What the hell are you doing?What's going on? |
我想… 羅斯發現我和莫妮卡的事了 | I think Ross knows about me and Monica. |
他人就在那裡 | Dude,he's right there. |
我以為你是我最好的朋友 這是我妹妹 | I thought you were my best friend! This is my sister! |
我最要好的朋友和我妹妹 我真不敢相信 | My best friend and my sister! I cannot believe this! |
我們不是玩玩而已,我愛她 我愛上她了 | We're not just messing around. I love her.I'm in love with her. |
抱歉讓你這樣發現 | I'm so sorry that you had to find out this way. |
對不起,但是真的,我也愛他 | I'm sorry,but it's true. I love him too. |
我最要好的朋友和我妹妹 | My best friend and my sister! |
我真不敢相信 | I cannot believe this! |
你們也想抱抱吧?大消息喔 | You guys want to probably get some hugs in too. Big news! |
不用了,我們知道一陣子了 | We've actually known for a while. |
什麼?你們知道? | What? You guys knew? |
你們都知道,卻沒告訴我? | You all knew and you didn't tell me? |
我們很擔心你 不知道你會有什麼反應 | We were worried about you. We didn't know how you were going to react. |
你們擔心我? 不知道我會有什麼反應? | You were worried about me?You didn't know how I'd react? |
好吧,我們要不要清個場 讓這對愛情鳥繼續辦事? | Okay. All right.Let's clear out of here and let these lovebirds get back to business. |
我只是說說,上你妹的是他 | I'm just talking here. He's the one doing your sister. |
本集播出:“打喬伊的女孩” | The One With the Girl Who Hits Joey |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
“中央咖啡館” | |
你們猜我想到什麼 要是你們生了小孩… | You know what I just realized?If you guys have kids |
我們生小孩? 我要當教父 | We're having kids?I call godfather! |
你不能當教父 | You can't just call godfather. |
你不覺得應該由她哥哥當嗎? | Shouldn't her brother be godfather? |
當然,你想要的話就應該先喊 | Sure. If you cared enough to call it first. |
你們想得太遠了 是呀,就像登月那麼遙遠 | -You're a few steps ahead of us. -Big zero gravity moon steps. |
我剛想到一樣最棒的結婚禮物 | I just thought of the greatest wedding gift. |
我跟你送一樣的,我沒什麼主意 | I'll go in on that with you. I couldn't decide. |
凱蒂 | Hey,Katie. |
各位,這是凱蒂 | This is Katie. |
可以走了嗎? | You ready to go? |
可以,我先上個廁所 往後走 | I'll run to the bathroom.Oh sure,right back there |
我們午餐要吃什麼? 我想吃中國菜 | Where's for lunch?I was thinking Chinese food. |
我最愛吃中國菜了 | I love Chinese! |
你怎麼知道我愛吃中國菜? | How did you know I love Chinese? |
她真可愛,可以塞進口袋裡 | She is so cute.You could fit her in your pocket. |
可以塞進口袋的小口袋裡 | She could fit in that little pocket inside the pocket. |
我不知道,我很喜歡她 | I don't know. I like her a lot, |
她人很好,但是… 但是怎樣? | and she's really nice,but....But what? |
她老愛打我 | She keeps punching me. |
用她剛才那種可愛的方式? | In the cute,little sweet way she just did? |
力道比表面上大多了,好嗎? 她把我打痛了 | It's a lot harder than it looks.She's hurting me. |
我知道了,你需要保鏢 | I know what you need. You need a bodyguard. |
羅斯,班下課之後有事嗎? | What is Ben doing after preschool? |
別這樣,喬伊有煩惱 | Joey is having a problem. |
他被一個小女孩揍了 | A little girl is beating him up. |
喬伊,過來 我知道你一定非常難受… | Joey,come here.Honey,I know. This must be really difficult for you,and |
抱歉,我握痛你了嗎? | I'm sorry,am I hurting you? |
我帶了喬遷之禮來 | I brought you some housewarming gifts. |
鹽,讓你的生活有味 | Salt,so your life always has flavor. |
麵包,讓你永不饑餓 | Bread,so you never go hungry. |
浴室用香精蠟燭,不用我說,你知道的 | And a scented candle for the bathroom.Because,well,you know. |
謝謝,謝謝…再次感謝 | Thanks. Thanks. And thanks,I guess. |
歡迎你搬進來 我是史提夫沙拉,管委會主席 | Welcome. I'm Steve Cera,president of the tenants' committee. |
你好,我是羅斯蓋勒 這是我朋友菲比 | Ross Geller. And this is my friend Phoebe. |
菲比你好 主席先生 | Hi Phoebe. Mr. President. |
我來跟你談霍華的事 | I came to talk to you about Howard. |
霍華? 他是這裡的雜工,下星期退休 | He is the handyman who's retiring next week. |
這裡的住戶決定每人交1百元 感謝他多年來的辛勞 | Everyone who lives here is kicking in $100 as a kind of a thank you. |
真有人情味 是啊,所以你想開支票還是… | That's nice.Want to give me a check? |
你不必現在給我 你可以塞進我家門口 | Not now. You can slip it under my door. |
不是那樣的,我才剛搬來 | No,it's not that.I just moved in. |
他在這裡工作了25年 | Well,the guy's worked here for 25 years. |
但我才搬進來25分鐘 | Yes,but I've lived here for 25 minutes. |
好,我懂了 | Okay,I get it. |
等等,我很抱歉 但我甚至沒見過霍華 | Wait! Look,I'm sorry,it's just I've never even met Howard. |
我不認識霍華 霍華是雜務工人 | I mean,I don't know Howard.Howard's the handyman. |
但對我來說他只是個普通人 | Yes,but to me,he's just "man." |
好,隨便,歡迎你搬進來 | Okay. Fine. Whatever.Welcome to the building. |
你相信嗎太不可思議了 | Can you believe that guy? |
是啊,我很喜歡他的眼鏡 | I really like his glasses. |
史提夫主席逢人就說我吝嗇 現在整棟樓的人都討厭我 | So then President Steve told everyone I was a cheapskate...and now the whole building hates me. |
有小孩朝我的膝蓋吐口水 | A little kid spit on my knee. |
還叫我用一百美元去擦 | And told me to wipe it off with my $100 bill. |
你是該擦一下 | You really should wipe it off with something. |
你們知道嗎 我要辦一場派對 邀請整棟樓的人 | You know what?I'll throw a party. For everyone in the building. |
我要請他們坐下,告訴他們 我不是壞人,不是吝嗇 | And I'll sit them all down and explain that I am not a bad guy. |
我只是個堅持理念 有原則的人 | I am not a cheap guy. I'm just a guy...who stands up for what he believes in.A man with principles. |
聽起來不錯 | Sounds like a fun party. |
羅斯,如果你希望鄰居喜歡你 為什麼不付錢算了? | If you want them to like you,why don't you just pay the $100? |
辦一場派對更花錢 | The party will cost you more. |
那不重要,這是原則問題 重點是我的原則 | That doesn't matter!It's my principles! We're talking about my principles! |
好,我以為重點是討鄰居喜歡 | I thought it was about your neighbors liking you. |
等他們參加過我的派對 就會喜歡我了 | They'll like me once they come to my awesome party. |
我得走了,我要去買銘牌 | I gotta get some nametags. |
那個瘋狂的派對動物將會成為你的大舅子 | And that crazy party animal will be your brother-in-law. |
真幽默,但別對著莫妮卡講 別讓她有那些念頭 | Very funny. But don't say that to Monica.Don't put any ideas in her head. |
錢德,你應該知道 她可能本來就有那種念頭了 | You do realize that those ideas are probably already in Monica's head? |
為什麼? | Why? |
因為她愛你,你也愛她 | Well,because she loves you and because you love her. |
那又怎樣呢? | Yeah,so? What's that supposed to mean? |
你不要被嚇到 我只是在講你知道的事 | Don't freak out! I'm telling you something you already know. |
她因理查不要小孩而跟他分手 | She left Richard because he didn't want to have babies. |
她是個女人,快30了 而且她是莫妮卡 | And she is a woman. And she's almost 30. And,you know,it's Monica. |
我不是那樣看的 我看到兩個莫妮卡 | I don't see it that way. I see two Monicas. |
朋友的莫妮卡住在對面 想生一大堆小孩 | My friend who lives across the hall and wants a lot of babies. |
另一個新的莫妮卡剛跟我交往 | And the new Monica who I started to date. |
誰曉得她想要什麼? | Now,who is to say what she wants? |
我說得沒錯 | I'm right. |
我說得沒錯吧? | Am I right? |
當然 而且我和理查的情況完全不同 | Oh,absolutely.I'm completely different from Richard. |
理查是眼科醫生 我連眼鏡都沒戴 | He's an eye doctor,and I don't wear glasses. |
你說得對,你說得一點也沒錯 情況確實完全不同 | You're right.You're absolutely right. That makes everything different. |
一點也沒有不同對吧? 除非不同等於一樣 | It's not different,is it?Not unless different means "the same." |
你跟那個服務生好逗喔 你真是個瘋子 | You were so funny with that waiter. You're such a nut! |
扮吸血鬼本來就好笑 | You know,bread-stick fangs are always funny. |
是你讓它變好笑的,是你好笑 | No,you make them funny. You're the funny one! |
凱蒂,我們得溝通一下 | Look,Katie. Listen,we need to talk,okay? |
我喜歡你,我真的很喜歡你 | Look,I like you. I really do. I like you a lot. |
但當你開玩笑打我 | But sometimes when you playfully punch me like that... |
感覺就像被一根很小 但很結實的球棒打到 | ...it feels like I'm being hit with a very tiny but a very real bat! |
我哪能把你打痛 你在取笑我的身材嗎? | Like I could hurt you.Are you making fun of my size? |
不要取笑我的身材 | Don't make fun of me because of my size! |
這種感覺好嗎 | Isn't this great? |
真想永遠這樣 | Couldn't you just stay like this forever? |
錢德?你想不想永遠這樣? | Couldn't you just stay here forever? |
這樣,那樣,哪樣都可以 | Yeah,here,somewhere else. You know,wherever. |
你還好嗎? 我很好,很隨性 | Are you okay?I'm cool.Casual. |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
只是隨便混混玩玩 跟你隨性的交往 | Just hanging out. Having fun with the girl that I'm seeing casually. |
我就知道,我就知道你會這樣 | Man,I knew it! I knew you'd do this. |
怎樣? 被大家開玩笑結婚的事嚇到 | What?Get all freaked out because everybody was joking about marriage! |
你的確想要那些事吧? 你知道我想要什麼? | Well,you do want all that stuff,right?You know what I want? |
沒錯,你想要小孩 你對孩子癡狂 | Yes! You want babies! You have baby fever! |
我才沒有對孩子癡狂 | I do not have baby fever! |
拜託,你超迷戀小孩和婚姻 | You're obsessed with babies and marriage... |
和一切跟小孩和婚姻有關的事 | ...and everything that's related to babies and marriage. |
我有個提議 讓這個壓力鍋減壓一下吧 | Why don't we turn the heat down on this pressure cooker! |
你瘋了嗎?這不是我的問題 是你不敢做出承諾 | Have you lost your mind?This isn't about me. This is about you and your weird commitment crap! |
少來,我瞭解你 我知道你腦袋裡在想什麼 | I know you. I know the thoughts that you have in your head. |
你並非什麼都知道 | You don't know everything. |
你知道我今晚要跟瑞秋出去而不是跟你嗎 | Did you know I'm going out with Rachel tonight instead of you? |
你知道最幼稚的是你嗎? | And that the only baby here is you? |
你知道我現在都不想看到你嗎? | Did you know I can't even look at you now? |
那我倒是不知道 | I did not know that. |
不會有事吧?她不會離開我吧 這是可以解決的 | It'll be okay,right? She won't leave me. This is fixable. |
當然 絕對的 | -Yeah,sure. -Absolutely. |
我可以解決 不可能 | By me? Oh No No |
除非你有大動作 要非常大 | Unless you make some big gesture.Big,though. |
老婆來了 | The missus! |
甘瑟,我要一杯咖啡 | Gunther,can I get a coffee? |
外帶 | To go. |
莫妮卡 我還不想跟你說話 | I still don't want to talk to you. |
告訴我怎樣彌補 | Tell me how to make things right. |
什麼? 我們都這樣,我做錯事 | What?That's what we do.I mess up, |
你教我怎麼補救,我補救完 你又覺得我很可愛 | you tell me how to fix it and I do.And then you think I'm cute again |
我不想再當你的愛情指導了 這次你得自己想,好嗎? | I'm really tired of being your relationship tutor.Figure this out for yourself. |
如果你對真正的關係恐懼 就別陷進去了 | If you're afraid of a real relationship...then don't be in one. |
(歡迎) | |
(羅斯) | |
(蓋勒博士) | |
霍華、霍華… | Howard! Howard! Howard! |
菲比?菲比 | Phoebe?Phoebe |
羅斯 | Hi,Ross! |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing here? |
我以為這是你的派對 結果是替霍華辦的派對 | I thought this was your party,and it's a party for Howard. |
他真是個小可愛 | He's the sweetest little man. |
菲比再見,謝謝你出錢 不客氣 | See you,Phoebe. And thanks for chipping in.Oh,sure. |
你出了錢? 對,1百塊錢 | You chipped in?Yeah,$100 |
你居然給他們錢 | I can't believe you gave him money. |
你不是也同意他們要我出錢 是很不合理的? | I thought you agreed it was unreasonable that they asked me for that money. |
對,但他們沒有要我出 | But they didn't ask me. |
當性感大方的陌生人最好玩了 | I'm just the exotic,generous stranger. That's always fun to be. |
但你讓我很難看 | But you're making me look bad. |
誰說的,我是在幫你加分 | No,I'm not! If anything,I'm making you look better. |
他們會看見你在跟我說話 我又很紅 | They'll see you talking to me. I'm a hit. |
菲比 | Hey,Phoebe! |
羅斯,你們或許可以交換住處 菲比跟我們比較投緣 | Hey,Ross.Maybe you two could switch apartments.Because Phoebe is more our kind of people. |
你考慮一下 | Think about it. |
好吧 是我不好 | Okay,my bad. |
哇,你看起來好壯 | You look big. |
謝謝,我最近有在練 | Thanks,I've been working out. |
看得出來我穿六件毛衣嗎? | Listen,is it obvious I'm wearing six sweaters? |
看得出來,但看不出來為什麼 | Ya But it's not obvious why. |
我要跟凱蒂分手 所以得多加幾層護墊 | I'm breaking up with Katie,so I put on some extra padding. |
她平常高興就會打我 | If she hits me when she is happy,... |
現在我要收回喬伊之愛 她豈不是打得更用力? | can you imagine how hard she'll hit...when I take away the Joey love? |
我都忘記你的喬伊之愛了 | Oh,right. I forgot that you call it that. |
好可愛的外套 | Hey,cute jacket. |
謝謝,你真好 哦 | Thanks.That's so sweet! -Ouch! |
是喬伊要你叫的嗎? 你們真是夠了 | Did Joey tell you to say that? You guys are too much! |
你知道嗎?說真的 我覺得你才夠了 | You know what? I gotta tell you...I think you're the one that is too much. |
喬伊的朋友真棒 | Joey has the nicest friends. |
女朋友更棒 | And the nicest girlfriend. |
你真好 | You're so sweet! |
你才好 | You're so sweet! |
喬伊,她踢我 | Joey She just kicked me. |
你不替我做點什麼嗎? | Aren't you going to do something? |
你最好替我出頭 否則我現在就走人 | Do something or I'll walk out that door right now. |
你要不要? | Are you going to? |
不要 | Nah |
菲比 | Phoebe |
我就是這個意思 | That's what I'm saying |
菲比?菲比 | Phoebe?Phoebe? |
這真是人間地獄 我走了好不好? | This is a disaster. Can't I please just go? |
不行,我正在幫你說好話 | I'm talking you up to people. |
再等一下下 放輕鬆,拿東西吃,好嗎? | Give it some time,relax. Get something to eat. |
你跟他們說了什麼? | What did you tell them about me? |
我說了你和艾蜜莉的事 好爭取同情心 | I told them about you and Emily. Trying to get some sympathy. |
但講一講你成了壞人 | But you came off as the bad guy. |
什麼? 我想我說的方式不對 | What?I told it wrong. |
我們應該先聊聊 我不太知道前因後果 | We should talk about that because I don't understand what happened there. |
這個蛋糕真好吃 | This cake is really good! |
看吧?情況已經在好轉了 | Things are looking up. |
天哪,有人切了霍華的蛋糕 | Oh,my God! Someone cut Howard's cake! |
誰會做這種事? | Who would do a thing like that? |
3B的住戶 | 3B |
你白吃白喝,掃了大家的興 是不是該回家了? | You got your free food. You ruined everyone's fun.Isn't it time you went home? |
沒錯,快滾 | Yeah get out Now |
回3B去,3B | Go back to 3B,3B. |
大家安靜一下,我有話要說 | Everyone,calm down! I have something that I'd like to say. |
這裡有誰喜歡羅斯? | Who here likes Ross? |
你們當然不喜歡他 | Of course you don't like him. |
他不交錢 我問有誰喜歡他,他自己舉手 | He didn't give you any money.He raised his own hand when I asked,"Who likes Ross?" |
他還貼兩個銘牌 | And he's wearing two nametags. |
老實說,剛開始我也不喜歡他 | I'll be honest. When I first met Ross,I didn't like him at all. |
但瞭解他之後 我就發現他很貼心很大方 | Once I got to know him,I saw that he is really sweet...and caring and very generous. |
請不要還不瞭解他就論斷他 | All I'm saying is,don't judge Ross before you get to know him. |
我現在很喜歡你們 但是剛見面時 | You know,I like all of you guys now. But when I first met you,you know? |
寇特,粗魯的酒鬼 | Kurt? I thought,abrasive drunk. |
蘿拉,笨得令人傻眼 | Lola?Mind-numbingly stupid. |
還有你們 淘金女,老牛吃嫩草的變態 | You guys. Gold digger,cradle-robbing perv. |
你們懂我的意思吧 | So I think you all know what I mean. |
我沒想到他們會扔東西 | Obviously,I didn't think they would throw things. |
我想說我一直羞辱他們 你就會跳出來幫他們 | I thought if I kept insulting them you'd defend them. |
你就可以變成英雄 對喔 | Then you'd look like the hero.Oh wow yeah |
看啊 我沒理解 | See,I did not get that. |
莫妮卡呢?我有急事找她 她在嗎? | Where's Monica? I need to talk to her,it's urgent. |
我就是莫妮卡 | I'm Monica. |
我有急事要找你 好 | I need to talk to you. It's urgent. |
我想了很多我們的事… 你和我的事 | I've been thinking...about us. A lot of "us" thinking. |
我猜只有一個辦法 | I guess there's only one way to do this. |
你要幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
莫妮卡… 拜託不要 | Monica…Don't do it. |
你願意嫁給我嗎? | Will you marry me? |
什麼餿主意啊 | What a bad idea. |
我不敢看 | I can't not look at it. |
錢德,你為什麼要這樣? 我不知道 | Why are you doing this?I don't know. |
但是我知道我不怕 | But I know I'm not afraid to do this. |
錢德 因為我很抱歉? | I'm doing this because I'm sorry? |
你真的覺得結婚的最好理由 是因為你很抱歉? | Do you think the best reason to get married is because you're sorry? |
不,最好的理由是未婚先孕 | The best reason is pregnancy. |
“抱歉”大約排第四 在“準備好了”和“真的想結婚”之後 | Sorry is fourth,behind being ready and actually wanting to get married. |
你願意做我的妻子嗎? | Will you be my wife? |
錢德,你先靜下來 想想這件事有多荒謬 | I want you to take a minute and think about how ridiculous this sounds. |
我的確有點希望他們都不在 | I'm kind of wishing everyone wasn't here now. |
這些事都不是我引出來的 我從來沒說現在就想結婚生子 | None of that came from me.I never said I wanted to have babies and get married! |
但我真的很亂 後來又跟他們談過 | I was really confused. Then I talked to these guys. |
誰?離婚兩次的人和喬伊? | Who? Two divorces and Joey? |
她說得對 | She's right,you know? |
但這仍是種奚落 | Yeah,but still,cheap shot! |
你知道嗎? 我不是說了要你自己想該怎麼做的嗎? | You know when I said that I want you...to deal with relationship stuff all on your own? |
你還做不到這一點 我也這麼認為 | You're not ready.I didn't think I was! |
天哪,要是我答應了呢? | Oh,my God.What would you have done if I had said yes? |
那我會很開心 能跟心愛的人共度下半生 | I would've been happy because...I would spend the rest of my life with the woman I love. |
又或者你會在那扇門上 看到錢德形狀的洞 | Or you would have seen a Chandler-shaped hole in that door. |
羅斯,請把刀子給我 我才不要 | Will you pass that knife?No,I will not. |
你不必這麼凶吧 | You don't have to be mean about it. |
你說得對,對不起 嫁給我好嗎? | You're right. I'm sorry. Will you marry me? |
我正想向你求婚 因為我上星期忘了跟你打招呼 | I was going to ask you to marry me because I didn't say hello to you. |
不,菲比,那種情況應該只需要同居 但我也不確定,錢德? | Oh no wait Pheebs, I think for something like that you just ask them to move in with you. But I'm not sure, Chandler? |
好,我還要被笑多久? | How long is this going to go on? |
那得看你做的事有多傻 所以…會很久 | I think the length of teasing...is directly related to how insane you were. So a long time. |
真好玩 記得“我們分手了”風波嗎? | This is fun!Remember that "we were on a break" thing? |
我很抱歉,嫁給我好嗎? | I'm sorry. Will you marry me? |
一點也不好笑 | That's not funny. |
你們在幹什麼? 我們想填完字謎再去睡覺 | -What are you guys doing up? -Finishing the crossword. |
你知道一個六個字母的單詞表示紅色的是什麼嗎? | Do you know a six-letter word for "red"? |
深紅色(兩個詞並且是七個字母) | Dark red. |
應該不是 不過你待會可以玩連點題(4-8歲小孩玩的遊戲) | Wrong,but there's a connect-the-dots in here for you later. |
褐紅色呢? | Hey,how about maroon? |
沒錯,你好聰明 | Yes! You are so smart! |
你們好可愛喔 我知道 | You guys are so cute.I know. |
好,明天早上見 好 | See you in the morning. |
我最喜歡跟你填字謎了 我也是 | I love doing crossword puzzles with you.Me too. |
趕快填完去睡覺 好 | Now let's finish this and go to bed.Okay |
只剩一個,三個字母的單詞 不是小狗,是… | Only one left.Three-letter word. Not dog,but.... |
貓咪 | Cat. |
沒錯,你好聰明 | You are so smart! |
我愛你 我也愛你 | I love you.I love you too. |
本集播出:“員警” | The One with the Cop |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
還差小費 好,等等 | We still need a tip.All right. Hold on. |
有了…5分錢 | I got it.Nickel. |
還差多少? 2塊錢 | -How much do we need? -Couple of bucks. |
10分錢 | Okay,dime. |
你們繼續聊,我要花一點時間 | You guys keep talking. This could take a while. |
等等,你們看 | Wait,look it! |
天哪,這是警徽 | This is a police badge! |
真酷,但員警來這裡幹嘛? 這裡又不賣甜甜圈 | Cool. But why would a cop come in here? They don't serve doughnuts. |
你能不能重來一次 我可以說個更好笑的 | Could you discover the badge again? I can do better than that. |
一定有人正在找那個警徽 | I bet somebody's missing that badge. |
沒錯,我應該送回去 我去警察局 | I should take it back. But at the police station... |
還可以看看十大通緝犯名單 | ...I'll check their 10 Most Wanted List. |
我朋友麗西一直是排名第11的 今年也許會輪到她 | My friend's been number 11 forever. This could be her year! |
大家好 嗨喬伊 | -Hey,you guys. -Hey,Joey. |
那是我的衣服嗎? | Is that my sweatshirt? |
沒錯,對不起,我有點冷 | Yes,it is. I'm sorry. I was cold. |
沒關係吧? | I hope it's okay. |
你應該穿你男朋友的衣服 | It's just that if you wear someone's sweatshirt...{shouldn't it be your boyfriend's?\r} |
我又不是你的男朋友 | And I'm not him. |
對不起,我現在就還你 不要了,上面會沾滿莫妮卡的味道 | I'm sorry. I'll give it back.It's gonna be all smelling like Monica. |
你是說我很臭嗎? | Do I smell bad? |
不是,你有一股青草香 | You smell like a meadow. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
他是怎麼了? | What's with him? |
喬伊上次去青草地 他媽媽被獵人射殺了 | The last time Joey went to a meadow his mother was shot by a hunter. |
你看,我找到一個警徽 | Look what I found. It's a police badge. |
怎麼會?我又沒看到甜甜圈 | What's that doing here? I don't see any doughnuts. |
員警和甜甜圈啊 | Cops and doughnuts. Come on. |
如果是錢德說的 你們就會笑翻了 | If Chandler had said it you'd all be on the floor. |
員警、甜甜圈、我? | Cops,doughnuts? Me? |
我還是不確定 | I still don't know. |
抱歉,我想買到理想的沙發 | I want to make sure I bought the right couch, |
我希望這張沙發能讓人覺得 “小朋友,歡迎你” | one that says..."Kids welcome here," |
同時也能讓人覺得 “來我身邊吧” | but that also says"Come here to me." |
什麼?你對小朋友說那種話? | What? You say that to kids? |
不是,“來我身邊吧” 是對女士說的 | The "Come here to me" is,you know,for the ladies. |
這是張好沙發 但不是神奇沙發 | Ross,honey,it's a nice couch,it's not a magic couch. |
你的選擇很正確 | Well,you picked a great couch. |
是嗎? 沒錯,請在這裡簽個名 | -Yes?-Yes, Sign here,please. |
沒問題 | Sure. |
這是…運費幾乎跟價格一樣貴 | The delivery charge is almost as much as the couch! |
太荒謬了,他家離這裡才三條街 | That's ridiculous. He lives three blocks away. |
算了,我自己搬就好,謝謝 | I'll take it myself. Thank you. |
瑞秋,來吧 好 | All right,Rach,come on. Let's go. |
開什麼玩笑 | Are you kidding? |
才三條街,又不是很重 抬抬看,快 | Come on. It's only three blocks. It's not very heavy. Try it. |
哦,我可以 | Oh,I can do it. |
你們會很喜歡這張沙發的 | You two will really enjoy that couch. |
我們不是一對 | We're not together. |
好,難怪我覺得怪怪的 | Something didn't quite add up there. |
羅斯 | Ross |
這話是什麼意思? 羅斯 | What's that supposed to mean? Ross |
你,她 | Well,you. Her. |
她很…你知道 而你卻…你知道 | I mean,she's very...you know.And you're,like...you know? |
雖然與你無關 但我們確實交往過 | Not that it's any of your business,but we did go out. |
真的?你們兩個? | Really? You two? |
對,瑞秋 | Ya,Rach? |
我現在不想講這個 我抬著一張很重的沙發 | I don't want to do this now. I'm carrying a heavy couch. |
那就趕快告訴他 | Then tell him quickly. |
好,我們交往過 不只交往過 | Fine. We went out.Not only did we go out... |
還做過298次 羅斯 | ...we did it 298 times! Ross |
我實在…你居然有在算? 你真沒用 | You kept count? You are such a loser! |
再沒用你也做了298次 | A loser you did it with 298 times! |
對不起小姐 怎麼了? | Excuse me,ma'am. |
你不能在樹上摁香煙 | You can't put your cigarette out on a tree. |
我可以,很方便 | Yeah,I can. It worked well. |
你不該這麼做,別再這麼做了 | But you shouldn't. So don't ever do that again. |
我不會了… 抽下一根煙之前不會 | I won't. Till I have my next cigarette. |
站住,紐約員警,別動 什麼? | Hold it!N.Y.P.D. Freeze,punk! |
沒錯,你被活逮了 | That's right. You are so busted. |
把她帶走! | Book them. |
你在跟誰說話? 別掙扎了 | -Who are you talking to? -Save it,red! |
不想在籠子裡過夜 就跟那棵樹道歉 | Apologize to the tree or spend the night in the slammer. |
我才不跟一棵樹道歉 | I am not apologizing to a tree. |
趕快道歉,否則我要叫人了 | You apologize to the tree right now or I am calling for backup. |
來人啊,來人啊 | Backup! Backup! |
對不起,對不起 別來了,別來了 | I'm sorry! Sorry!Okay,cancel backup! Cancel backup! |
羅斯,你不是說有電梯? | Didn't you say there was an elevator in here? |
我是有說,但其實沒有 來吧 | Yes,I did,but there isn't. Here we go! |
你要不要找個搬運工 | Don't you think we should rethink the whole hiring movers thing? |
才不要,他們會敲竹槓 | No way. They're a rip-off. |
而且他們會先看准東西 再回來偷 | They check out your stuff and come back later and steal it. |
是真的,我在日線報導上看過 我好喜歡日線報導 | It's true. I saw it on Dateline. -Oh I love dateline |
珍寶莉是我唯一想親的女人 | Jane Pauley is the one woman I would kiss. |
我不知道… 瑞秋,專心一點好嗎? | -There's just something about her. -Rach,can we concentrate? |
好,只有你能講 | Yeah,fine. I listened to your dumb story. |
往左,左,左… | Okay,go left.Left. Left. |
已經沒有左了 | Okay,you know what? There's no more left left. |
好,抬高到你的頭上 你行的,你行的 | Lift it straight up over your head.Straight up. You can do it!You can do it! |
沒問題吧?很好 | Okay. You got it? |
沒問題吧?沒問題吧?沒問… | You got it,right? You got it,right? You got |
你覺得放在那裡好看嗎? | Any chance you think it looks good there? |
這傢伙還不服氣 我就說我是布菲,重案組的 | This guy was all:And I'm all,"Buffay! Homicide!" |
真是酷斃了 | It was just so cool! |
菲比,你應該拿去還的 | -You were supposed to take it back. |
我知道,但行善的感覺好棒 | -I'm having fun doing good deeds. |
但假扮員警很嚴重,你會被捉 | You can get arrested for impersonating a police officer. |
你現在就會被捉 | You could get arrested right now! |
我得拿去還 我被權力沖昏頭了 | I'd better take it back. I'm totally drunk with power. |
喬伊 我不知道你們會在 | Yeah. I didn't know you guys would be here. |
喬伊,你嘗嘗看 什麼?為什麼? | -Do me a favor. Taste this. -What? Why? |
放心,她是專業廚師 | It's okay,Joe,she's a trained chef. |
其實我要找菲比 | Actually,I was looking for Phoebe. |
你剛跟她擦身而過 | Well,you just missed her. |
那是她嗎?我去追她 | Was that her?I gotta go. |
喬伊,等等,你是怎麼了? | Joey,wait a minute. Wait.What is with you? |
沒事啊 拜託,你一整天都怪怪的 | Nothing.You're acting strange. |
好吧,是有一件事 我做了一個夢… | All right. There is something.I kind of had a dream. |
但我不想談 | But I don't want to talk about it. |
馬丁路德金也這麼說的話就麻煩了 | What if Martin Luther King had said that? |
我有一個夢…但是我不想談 | I kind of have a dream.I don't want to talk about it. |
跟莫妮卡有關 | Look,it involved Monica. |
你夢到我在交往的女孩?真酷 我不知夢見他的女朋友多少次 | You had a dream about the girl I'm seeing? Cool.I dreamt about the girls he was seeing. |
總之我們在談你的夢 我愛你…你的夢? | Let's talk about your dream. I love you. Your dream? |
放心,沒有任何性意味 | There was no sex. I haven't dreamt of her like that... |
自從發現你們的事 我就不對她做那種夢了 | ...since I found out about you two. More or less. |
那你夢到什麼? | What was the dream about? |
好吧,你是我的女朋友 | You were my girlfriend. |
我們在填字謎 就像你們昨晚那樣 | We were doing the crossword puzzle.Like you did last night. |
就這樣,我愛上莫妮卡了 我會搬走 | That's it. I'm in love with Monica. I'll move out. |
喬伊等等,那並不代表你愛我 | Joey,come on. That doesn't mean you're in love with me. |
不是嗎? 它可能有很多涵義,例如… | It doesn't?It could mean anything. Like... |
你突然眼紅我成為這裡的猛男 | ...you're jealous that I've become the apartment stud. |
聽起來比較像你的夢 | Sounds like your dream. |
或是你看到我和錢德很親密 你也想跟別人擁有這種關係 | Or it could mean you saw Chandler and me being close and stuff...and you want that too. |
我在夢裡的確很享受那種親密 | In the dream I did enjoy the closeness. |
如果是這樣就太好了 我就不必搬走了 | If that's what it was,that'd be great. I wouldn't have to move. |
你對莫妮卡著迷嗎 此時此刻 你對莫妮卡有興趣嗎? | Are you attracted to Monica?Right here,right now,are you attracted to her? |
其實沒有 這就對了 | -Not really. -There you have it! |
是啊,我穿得這麼隨便 | Well,sure! I'm just wearing sweats! |
但那是好事,你不是愛我 你只是想交個女朋友 | But that's good!You're not in love with me. You just want a girlfriend. |
我覺得不是交女朋友的問題 | It's not just about getting a girlfriend. |
我可以找個女朋友 我們可以坐在那裡填字謎 | I could get a girlfriend. We could sit and do crossword puzzles. |
但我們會擁有你們那種親密嗎 | But could we have the closeness like you have? |
莫妮卡和我是從朋友做起 也許關鍵在這裡 | Monica and I were friends before we dated. Maybe that's it. |
先做朋友?有意思 | Friends first?That's interesting. |
你們是事後成為朋友嗎? 不,從來沒有過 | -You become friends after? -No,never done that either. |
你們有量尺嗎? 有,在我房裡 | Do you guys have a tape measure?Yeah. It's actually in my bedroom. |
沒錯 | That's right. |
喬伊,怎麼了? | What's up,Joey? |
你好嗎? | How you doing? |
抱歉,這是你的車嗎? 對 | Excuse me. Is this your car? |
停在這裡不太好 你擋住出入口了 | Don't park here. You're blocking the entrance. |
放心,沒關係的 | Don't worry. It's not a problem. |
我覺得有關係,你就有關係 因為我是員警 | It's a problem for me,so it's a problem for you,because I'm a cop. |
我也是 | So am l. |
完了 | Oh no |
好,你是員警,可以任意停車 這個我知道,因為我也是員警 | Okay. So you're a cop. You can park anywhere.I know,because I'm a cop too. |
好,繼續努力,收到 | Keep up the good work. 10-4. |
等一下,你是哪個分局的? | Wait. So,what precinct are you with? |
我在57分局 我認識你們重案組一位刑警 | I'm with the 57th.-I know a guy in Homicide up there. |
我在風化組 | -I'm in Vice. |
事實上我正在臥底,我是妓女 | In fact,I'm undercover right now. I'm a whore. |
風化組還有誰? | Who else is in Vice there? |
你認識西波維茨嗎? (《紐約重案組》主角) | Do you know...Sipowicz? |
西波維茨?應該不認識 | Sipowicz? I don't think so. |
西波維茨,大塊頭,有點禿 | Yeah. Sipowicz. Yeah. Big guy,kind of bald. |
我不認識他 | I don't know him. |
不要打給他 他不在,他出去了 | Don't try to call him. He's not there. He's out. |
他的拍檔剛死了 | His partner just died. |
幫我跟西波維茨致意 我會的,保重 | Tell Sipowicz I'm real sorry for his loss.I sure will. Take care. |
對了 | By the way, |
我相信西波維茨不會有事的 聽說那個《銀匙》裡的小夥子很不錯 | I'm sure Sipowicz will be all right. I heard that kid from Silver Spoons is really good. |
你在哪裡找到我的警徽的? | Where'd you find my badge? |
喬伊 你能不能幫我和羅斯搬沙發? | Could you give me and Ross a hand moving his couch? |
我很想,但我要去上表演課 | I'd love to,but I got acting class. |
可是,你知道嗎 我可以為了你蹺課 | But you know what?I guess I could blow that off. For you. |
謝謝 我問你一件事 | Let me ask you something. |
我剛在對面跟莫妮卡錢德聊天 他們可真親密 | I was talking with Monica and Chandler.Boy,they are really tight. |
是啊 那種關係實在很不錯 | I know.That's not a bad situation they got there. |
我也想自己弄一段 | Think I'll get me one of those. |
你想說什麼? | What's up,Joe? |
我覺得他們感覺會那麼好 是因為他們是先做朋友 | I think Monica and Chandler are so great...because they were friends first. |
於是我問自己:誰是我朋友? 你和菲比 | So I asked myself,who are my friends? You and Phoebe. |
而我先遇見你,所以… | I saw you first,so.... |
你在說什麼? 我是說也許你我可以更進一步 | -What are you saying? -Maybe you and I crank it up a notch. |
知道嗎親愛的 你先遇見我令我受寵若驚 | You know,honey...as flattered as I am that you saw me first |
但我不覺得我們應該更進一步 | ...I just don't think we should be cranking anything up. |
我會對你很好 | I'll treat you real nice. |
你知道嗎… | Yeah. Well,you know.... |
我覺得先做朋友再交往 是一個很好的想法 | I think it's a great idea to become friends with someone before you date. |
但你應該先去認識一個人 跟她做朋友 | But the way you do it is you meet someone,become their friend... |
建立基礎,再約她出去 | ...build a foundation,then ask them out on a date. |
別對現有的朋友下手 | Don't hit on your existing friends. |
那不是要很久? | Won't that take longer? |
沒錯,但是一旦得到了 真的很值得 | Oh,but once you find it...it's so worth the wait. |
我懂,我懂 | I understand. |
真想先遇見菲比 | Man,I wish I saw Phoebe first. |
來我身邊吧 | Come here to me. |
不,你來我身邊 | No,no. You come here to me. |
羅斯,我帶援軍來了 | -I brought reinforcements. |
太好了,是喬伊嗎? 只比他差一點 | -Great! You brought Joey?The next best thing. |
你帶錢德來? 只差一點的是莫妮卡 | You brought Chandler? The next best thing would be Monica! |
你這麼說我應該要生氣的 但莫妮卡真的壯得可怕 | I would be offended,but Monica is freakishly strong,so.... |
我畫了一張搬運草圖 | I drew a sketch of how we'll do it. |
瑞秋,這是你,這是沙發 | Rach,that's you.That's the couch. |
那是什麼? 那是我 | What's that?That's me. |
你把自己想得很雄偉喔 | Certainly think a lot of yourself. |
不,那是我的手臂 | No. That's my arm. |
我還以為你那麼那麼得喜歡你的新沙發呢 | I see. I thought you just really,really liked your new couch. |
總之聽我的指示 好 | Just follow my lead. |
錢德,來吧 | Come on,Chandler. |
好,開始了 | -All right. -Okay.Here we go. |
可以了嗎? 可以 | All right. Ready? |
轉,轉,轉 | Turn!Turn!Turn! |
應該是轉不動了 | -I don't think we can turn any more! |
我覺得擠不上去 當然可以,快抬起來 | -I don't think it'll fit!Yeah,it will. Come on! Up,up,up! |
抬起來,很好,中心點 | Up! Yes!Here we go! Pivot! |
中心點 | Pivot! |
中心點,中心點 | Pivot!Pivot! |
中心點,中心點 | Pivot!Pivot! |
閉嘴!閉嘴!閉嘴 | Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! |
我看是上不來了 是嗎? | I don't think it'll pivot any more.You think? |
搬下去再來一次 | All right,let's bring it back down and try again. |
現在真的卡死了 | I think it's really stuck now. |
居然沒成功 | -I can't believe that didn't work. |
就是啊,你都畫了圖了 | -I know. Me neither.I mean,you had a sketch. |
你說中心點是什麼意思? | What did you mean when you said "pivot"? |
我就是轉不出來 | Man,I cannot figure this out. |
因為現在不是1985年 | Yeah,because it's not 1985. |
你們知道嗎? 我剛甩掉一個員警 | You guys,guess what? I ditched a cop. |
什麼意思? | -What? -What do you mean? |
他逮到我用他的警徽然後想抓我 該死的真員警 | He caught me using his badge and he tried to bust me.Damn real cops! |
他追了你多遠? | How far did he chase you? |
其實沒追 他撿起警徽之後就杵在那裡 | Well,he didn't really. He just picked up his badge and stood there. |
也許你會上 “史上最無趣警匪追逐戰”之類的節目 | Maybe we'll see you on World's Most Boring Police Chases. |
你為什麼要跑? 我非跑不可 | -Why did you run? -I had to. |
假扮員警是2到4年的重罪 我才不要回那個地獄 | You know,impersonating a cop is like a Class E felony.Two to four years minimum. I am not going back to that hellhole. |
要是能找出中心點 就能繼續搬了 | If I can just get it to pivot...we'll be back on track. |
瑞秋,幫幫忙好嗎? 好 | -Rach,can I get some help please? -Yeah. |
快關掉 | Turn it off! Turn it off! |
也許消防隊員可以幫你搬 | Maybe the firemen can help us move the couch when they get here. |
等等 這可是新沙發 是新沙發 | -Wait,wait,wait. -It's a new couch! It's a new couch! |
怎樣?有交到新朋友嗎? | How's it going? Make any new friends? |
有,我認識了一個女人 | Yeah. I met this woman. |
她怎麼樣? | What's she like? |
她的床上功夫很棒 | Well,she's...really good in bed. |
你不是要先當朋友嗎? | -You were going to be friends first. |
都是你的錯 為什麼? | -Hey,it's all your fault.Why? |
你給的不是忠告,是怎麼搭訕 | You didn't give me advice. You gave me a pickup line. |
我一說要建立基礎,先當朋友 | I told her I wanted to build a foundation and be friends first. |
她突然就…與我本身無關 我覺得難以抗拒 | Suddenly,through no fault of my own,I became irresistible to her! |
她的室友也是 | And her roommate. |
那親密關係呢? | What about the closeness? |
親密個頭!我們三個叫成一團 | Closeness,schmosness. There was three of us,for crying out loud! |
誰要吃披薩? 我要我要我要 | Who wants pizza?I do! I do! I do! |
太棒了!你相信這是我在二樓撿到的嗎 | This is great! Can you believe I found it on the second floor? |
哪一位? 紐約員警 | -Who is it? -N.Y.P.D. |
天哪 等一下,員警先生 | Oh,my God!Just a minute,officer! |
我要找菲比布菲 | -I'm looking for Phoebe Buffay. |
完了,是那個員警 他居然找到我了 | -My God,it's him! It's that cop!-I can't believe he found me! |
天哪,你會坐牢嗎? | -Are you gonna go to jail? |
我要死也要拖你們下水 | If I go down,you guys go down with me. |
窩藏逃犯起碼要關1到3年 | Harboring a fugitive? That's one to three years minimum. |
錢德,祝你好運 | Good luck,Chandler. |
好,你可以逮捕我 但你抓不到我的把柄 | Arrest me,but you'll never make it stick and you know it. |
但我別無選擇 這是職責所在,你瞭解吧? | I have no choice,it's my job. You understand,right? |
你瞭解嗎我會找我的律師來 | And you understand that I'm calling my lawyer. |
他會讓你在法庭上像個傻帽 傻帽! | And once he puts you on the stand,he'll make you look like a fool! |
我不喜歡當傻帽 | I don't like looking foolish. |
這樣吧,我今天不捉你 就說我來了,但你不在 | Maybe I don't arrest you today. Maybe I came by and you weren't here. |
我不在就太好了 | I'd love it if I weren't here! |
既然你今晚不會入獄 我能不能請你去吃飯? | Since you're not going to jail tonight,I was wondering if you'd...Iike to go to dinner with me? |
我? 對 | Me? Yes |
自從你對我亮警徽 我就對你念念不忘 | Ever since you flashed my badge I can't stop thinking about you. |
你是我見過最美的假臥底妓女 | You're the prettiest fake undercover whore I've ever seen. |
漂亮 | Nice. |
我想不到你會約我出去 | I didn't see that coming. You're asking me out. |
我可以表現得更好 但這些人一直盯著我 | I could've done it better,but these people keep staring at me. |
我願意跟你吃飯,員警先生 | I'd like to go out with you,officer. |
蓋瑞 蓋瑞 | -Gary. -Gary. |
那就這麼說定了 好 | Okay,so it's a date. |
不過我一定要問 你是怎麼找到我的? | I gotta ask you,though. How'd you find me? |
我的警徽上都是你的指紋 我上電腦查詢 | I ran your fingerprints through the computer. |
這是你最後登記的住址 所以我就來看看 | This was listed as your last known address. |
好厲害 沒有你厲害 | Impressive.Not as impressive as you. |
我看過你的紀錄 你幹過不少怪事 | Your record shows you've done some weird stuff. |
吃飯時再說 好 | We'll talk at dinner. |
我2個小時後來接你? 好,我好興奮 | -So I'll come by and pick you up? -I can't wait. |
放心,我不會只帶你吃甜甜圈 | Don't worry,I won't just take you out for doughnuts. |
他有槍耶 | He has a gun! |
我要退這張沙發 我對它不滿意 | I'd like to return this couch. I'm not satisfied with it. |
你要退這張沙發? | You wanna return this couch? |
它斷成兩半了 | It's cut in half. |
我就是這個意思 | -That's what I'm telling you. |
是你把它摔成兩半的? | -Did you cut this couch in half? |
很不可思議,它本來就這樣 | It's crazy,it is cut in half. |
我不懂 | I don't understand. |
這張沙發斷成兩半 我要換一張沒有斷成兩半的 | This couch is cut in half.I would like to exchange it for one that is not cut in half. |
弄成這樣不能退貨 | We can't accept it in this condition. |
弄成這樣我也不能買 | Well,I can't accept it in this condition. |
你是說它送過去就這樣了? | You're saying this couch was delivered to you like this? |
我很講道理 我願意接受換購金額 | Look,I'm a reasonable man.I will accept store credit. |
我給你4元的換購金額 | I'll give you store credit in the amount of four dollars. |
我接受 | I will take it. |
太好了,大家都在 | -Good! You guys are all here. |
怎麼了? | -What's up? |
我明天要去羅夫羅蘭面試 | I have a job interview at Ralph Lauren tomorrow. |
恭喜,太棒了… 我知道 | Congratulations! |
那個牌子的內褲遜斃了 | Oh,boy. That guy's underwear sucks! |
什麼? | -What? |
我買了一條超小號的內褲 (與excess“多餘的”同音) | -Well,I got this pair marked "XS." |
裡頭根本塞不下多餘的東西 | Let me tell you,there was no room for excess anything in there. |
反正工作是女裝部的聯絡人 我直接在主管底下做事 | I'll be the coordinator of the women's collection.I'll work right under the director. |
這是我夢寐以求的工作 | It's the perfect job for me! |
如果你通過面試就成了 是啊 | If you nail the interview,you'll get it. |
要不要練習一下麵試技巧? | You want to work on your interview skills? |
好啊 好耶 | Okay! |
來,先從握手開始 | Let's start with the handshake. |
嗨 嗨 | Hi |
很會握,手腕的動作很棒 | Very good handshake. Good wrist action. |
我來試試 好 | Let me try.Okay |
天啊!我哪裡得罪你了? | Oh,my God! What did I ever do to you? |
我握得太用力? | Did I squeeze too hard? |
這麼說吧,好在我不是錢德 | Let's just say I'm glad I'm not Chandler. |
本集播出:“瑞秋的面試之吻” | The One with Rachel's lnadvertent Kiss |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
羅斯,我能看到你在新公寓 | That's right,Ross. I can see you in your new apartment. |
你也看得到我 | You can see me |
跟昨天一樣…跟前天也一樣 | Same as yesterday,same as the day before. |
他開始演鯊魚攻擊了沒? | Is he doing his "shark attack" bit? |
還沒…等等,他開始了 | No. Oh,wait! There he goes. |
羅斯,很好笑 | Very funny,Ross. |
栩栩如生又好笑 | Very lifelike and funny. |
不…小姐,我不是向你揮手 | No,no. I wasn't waving at you,lady. |
或許我是喔 | Whoa,maybe I was. |
莫妮卡,羅斯那棟樓裡 有個辣妹在勾引我 | This hot girl in Ross' building is flirting with me. |
你去啊,勾引回來,瞎攪和 | Get in there,man. Flirt back. Mix it up! |
我知道啦 | Yeah,I'm down with that. |
好,來咯 | Okay,here goes. |
你… | How... |
好… | ...you... |
不好? | ...doing? |
有用耶,她揮手要我過去 | It worked! She's waving me over. |
好,我馬上過去 | I'll be right over. |
我看看,她住在三樓… | Let's see,she's on the third floor.... |
她真的很美耶 | -She is pretty,huh? |
這還用你說 | -Tell me about it. |
不…我跟她沒關係 她只是莫妮卡 | No,no! I'm not with her.That's just Monica. |
喬伊,我很會演吧? | Hey,Joey!Great stuff,huh? |
這是你家? 當然是 | This your place?Yeah,of course it is. |
請進 | Come on in. |
對了,經過窗戶能假裝在衝浪 | Go by the window. You can pretend to be surfing. |
可是我算過啊 這裡住的不應該是你 | I counted. You're not supposed to live here! |
要命! | Oh,man! |
怎麼了? | What happened? |
我最後跑到羅斯家去了 一定是我算錯了 | I ended up at Ross' place. I must have miscounted or something. |
可惡,她不在了 | Damn! She's not there anymore. |
你看,羅斯在演看電視那段 | Look,Ross is doing his "watching TV" bit. |
喬伊,我覺得他真的在看電視 | No,Joe,I think he's just watching TV. |
嫌犯已失去蹤跡 | We've lost visual contact with the suspect. |
好,我現在非走不可了 | Okay,now I really have to go. |
這真是太不公平了 | It's so unfair |
有人開槍打店員 我們的約會就得中斷 | that our date has to get cut short...just because some guy shot at a store clerk. |
親愛的,我知道 但這是我的工作 | -I know,but it's my job. |
好吧,不如我一起去 | -Then maybe I could come too |
嫌犯剛從水溝中裸體現身 | Suspect has just emerged naked from the sewer. |
好吧,你去就好 | All right,you go. |
再見 好,再見 | Bye Bye!Okay!Bye |
天啊 怎麼了? | -Oh,God! -What? |
我好想念他 | Oh,I just miss him so much! |
才一個星期就這麼親密了 | For just a week,you guys are close. |
是啊,說來很奇怪 | Yeah,it's weird. |
可是我沒辦法,他真的很體貼 | I can't help it. He's so sweet. |
像是小狗狗,卻很強悍 還會開槍打壞人 | He's like this little puppy dog,you know?But like a really tough one who shoots bad guys. |
我最喜歡剛開始戀愛的感覺 | I love the beginning parts of relationships. |
彼此難分難舍 | You can't keep your hands off each other. |
我知道,熱戀是最棒的 | I know. It is the best. |
你和錢德的熱戀持續了多久? | How long did that last for you and Chandler? |
什麼?我們還在熱戀啊 | What? It's still going on. |
少來,老實說,何時結束的? | Come on,seriously. When did it end? |
我是很老實啊 我們一直粘在一起 | I am serious. We're all over each other all the time. |
好吧,你們的事你最清楚 我只是好奇罷了 | Okay,you know where you are better than I do. |
菲比,你別發神經了好不好? | Why don't you just calm down? |
請你先去把事實搞清楚 | Get all your facts |
不要逢人便說 全天下只有你們在熱戀! | before you tell everybody you're the only hot couple. |
天啊,野獸被我吵醒了 | God,I woke the beast. |
顯然是我錯了,我失言 | I was wrong,obviously. I just misspoke. |
沒事了 沒事了 | It's okay. It is okay. |
只要你知道我和錢德 也和你們一樣火熱纏綿就好 | As long as you know Chandler and l are also hot and fiery.Just as hot as you. |
我們的熱情…正在燃燒 | I mean,our flame....It is on fire! |
莫妮卡,掃把還你 | Here's your broom back. |
你真可愛 | You are so cute! |
她想把我的可愛全吸過去 | The cute bar keeps getting lower and lower,doesn't it? |
面試順不順利? | How'd the interview go? |
糟透了,我犯了最蠢 最丟人的錯誤 | Horrible! I did the stupidest,most embarrassing thing. |
你跟考官說要跟他老婆上床 然後又從椅子上跌下來? | Did you say you wanted to have sex with his wife then fall off your chair? |
不是 | No |
你在面試之前喝醉了? | Did you get drunk on the way over there? |
不是 | No |
難怪你沒說要跟他老婆上床 | Well,that explains why you didn't do the other stuff. |
那是怎麼了? | So,what happened? |
真是糟糕透頂 原本面試都很順利 | It was horrible! And the interview part went so well. |
我還把大家逗笑了 | I even made him laugh. |
考官說到什麼船的事 | He said something about a boat... |
我答腔說 “只要救生衣夠多就行” | ...and I was like,"Well,yeah,if you've got enough life jackets." |
相信我,當時真的很逗 | Trust me. It was actually very funny. |
反正到了最後說再見… | Anyway,we were saying goodbye and.... |
怎麼了? | What happened? |
我們當時正要握手 他緩緩朝我靠過來 | We were shaking hands...and he leaned in toward me. |
他也許是要幫我開門 但是我完全誤會了 | Maybe he was opening the door...but I totally misread him |
所以我就… | and I.... |
你親了上去? | You kissed him? |
我又沒有別的辦法 | I didn't know what else to do! |
你可以試著… | You could have tried... |
別去親他 錢德,真是多謝你 | ...not kissing him.Thanks,Chandler. |
瑞秋,羅夫羅蘭的人來電 要你去第二關面試 | A guy from Ralph Lauren called. You got a second interview. |
莫妮卡,這並不好笑 | Monica,that's not funny. |
那好吧 | Oh,okay. |
羅夫羅蘭的人來電 要你去第二關面試 | A guy from Ralph Lauren called You got a second interview |
莫妮卡,你最好認真一點 | Oh,my God,Monica,you better be serious. |
剛才是你要我搞笑的 | You just told me to be funny! |
不敢相信我還能去第二關面試 | Oh,my God. I can't believe it! I got a second interview. |
我看那一吻沒那麼糟嘛 | That kiss isn't looking like such a mistake now,is it? |
慢著…他要我回去面試 不是因為那一吻吧? | You don't think that's why he wants me back? |
是啊… | Yeah! |
不是 | No? |
你們在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
我意外地在面試中親了考官 他現在還要我回去 | I accidentally kissed him in the interview...and now he wants me back |
“把那逢人便親的女孩帶來” | ...because,"Let's bring back the girl who kisses everybody!" |
瑞秋,你別亂想了 | Come on,Rach. |
天啊,萬一他覺得我是那種 隨便跟他上床的人怎麼辦? | What if he thinks I'll just sleep with him? |
他要你回去面試 或許是因為你適合那工作 | He wants you back because you're right for the job. |
或許吧,我不知道… | Maybe. I don't know. |
天啊,我怎麼會那麼蠢? | Oh,God! How could I be so stupid? |
瑞秋,快別那樣說了 喬伊給你個抱抱就好 | Rachel,don't say that. I think you just need a hug from Joey. |
來… | Come on. Come on. |
她回來了!辣妹回來了! | She's back! Hot girl's back! |
還不完全是,但是謝謝你 | Well,I'm not totally back yet,but I appreciate it. |
不是說你,是羅斯那棟樓的辣妹 她回來了… | No. In Ross' building. She's back! |
等一下,我馬上過去 | Wait there. I'll be over in a second. |
一、二、三…知道了 | One,two,three.... Got it! |
我來看看她有多辣 | I gotta check out this hot girl. |
辣妹在這裡 | There she is! |
可惡,你搬家啦! | Damn it! Did you move? |
是啊,我跟你們住了一陣子 然後搬到了這裡 | Yes.I lived with you for a while. Then I found this place. |
我是羅斯 | I'm Ross. |
有什麼事? | Yes? |
你家裡有住辣妹嗎? | Do you happen to have a hot girl in there? |
沒有,我一個人住 | No,I'm all alone. |
是啊,我很遺憾 | Yeah. Sorry about that. |
小女孩,你好 | Hey,little girl. |
你媽媽、姐姐或是保姆 有沒有誰正好是辣妹? | Is your mommy or sister or babysitter,by any chance,a hot girl? |
爹地! | -Daddy! |
下次再聊 | -Later,girl! |
真要命 | Oh,man! |
辣妹! | Hot girl? |
辣妹… | Hot girl! |
瑞秋,請進 | Hi,Rachel. Come on in. |
很高興再次見到你 謝謝 | -It's nice to see you again. -Thank you. |
瑞秋… | Rachel… |
什麼? | What? |
你說什麼? | -Excuse me? |
我來幫你… | -Yeah,let me |
好,我知道是怎麼回事了 | Okay,I see what's going on here. |
聽著,抱歉讓你誤會了 | Now,look...I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. |
但我不是那種隨便的女孩 為了工作就能出賣肉體 | But I am not some hussy who will just sleep around to get ahead. |
聽我說! …雖然我親過你 | Even though I kissed you,that does not give you... |
你也沒有權利要我跟你上床 | ...the right to demand sex from me! |
這份工作我也沒有那麼想要 | I do not want this job that bad. |
再會 | Good day,sir. |
進去見則納先生 可得準備好賣弄風騷 | If you're going in there to see Mr. Zelner,I hope you're ready to put out. |
我會的 | I am. |
說了你們一定不信 羅夫羅蘭那雜碎對我做了什麼 | You are not gonna believe...what that sleazeball from Ralph Lauren did to me! |
不可思議,你們怎麼知道? | Okay,that's amazing! How did you know that? |
你嘴唇上沾到墨水 | You got ink on your lip. |
“中央咖啡館” | |
改天讓我拿拿你的槍如何? | What do you say,maybe,sometime I hold your gun? |
不知道,照理說不能那樣 | We're not supposed to do that. |
又不會怎樣,我的意思是… | What could happen? I mean |
我看答案是不行 | Yeah. I'm gonna say no. |
菲比,晚餐後要去看電影嗎? | -Do you want to see a movie tonight? |
不行,我們已經有計劃了 | -We can't. We already have plans. |
你們要去幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
就跟每天一樣啊 膩在蓋瑞的公寓裡 | Well,same thing we did all day. Just hang out at Gary's apartment. |
他好厲害,我們沒離開過臥房 | He is so amazing. We never left the bedroom. |
祝你們看電影愉快 | But have fun at the movie. |
我們不是要去看電影 | Well,we're not seeing a movie. |
那你幹嘛問我們要不要去? | Then why did you ask us if we wanted to go? |
我是怕你不小心沖進我房間 因為我和錢德會做上一整晚 | Because I just wanted to know what you were doing...so you wouldn't walk in on me and Chandler while we were doing it all night. |
失陪一下 好 | Will you excuse me? |
錢德,方便私下說幾句話嗎? 好 | Chandler? Can I see you for a second? |
我們一定要打敗他們 | -We have got to beat them! |
為什麼? | -Why? |
因為蓋瑞和菲比 覺得他們比我們還火熱 | Because Gary and Phoebe think they're a hotter couple than us. |
所以呢? | So? |
所以我們上樓去大幹一場 證明他們是錯的 | So we've gotta go have a lot of sex and prove them wrong! |
莫妮卡,你別再比來比去 這真是瘋了 | You've got to stop this competitive thing. It's crazy. |
只為了讓蓋瑞和菲比難看 我們就要上樓大戰數十回合 | Just to impress them,you want us to have sex over and over... |
我為什麼要拒絕呢? 快去拿外套 | ...and I'm saying no to this,why? Get your coat! |
“向我招手的辣妹 請聯絡喬伊” | |
借過 | Excuse me. |
“警告:有人侵入本大樓 發現這名變態請報警” | |
你們應該看一看 通知其他的住戶 | You should check this out. Tell the other tenants. |
這傢伙一直在找什麼辣妹的 | Apparently,he's looking for some kind of hot girl. |
誰不是呢? | Who isn't? |
我們可能還沒見過,我是羅斯 | I don't think we've met. I'm Ross. |
我知道,你就是那個 不願意分擔工友歡送費的人 | I know. You're the guy who wouldn't chip in for the handyman. |
算了 | Never mind. |
其實我覺得大家的反應不公平 因為你才剛搬進來而已 | I actually thought it was unfair the way everyone reacted.I mean,you had just moved in |
沒錯,我剛搬進來而已,謝謝 | I had just moved in!Thank you! |
等等… 我是珍 | Listen....Jen |
珍,這聽來可能有點… | Jen.I know this may sound a little |
不如哪天一起喝杯咖啡? | But would you want to grab a cup of coffee sometime? |
當然,沒問題 | Sure,that would be nice. |
上面有我的電話,打給我 | My number's on there. Give me a call. |
我一定打 | I will give you a call. |
後會有期 好 | -I'll see you later. -Okay. |
我忘記拿報紙 | I forgot my paper. |
剛才真是太棒了 | That was amazing. |
等到吃晚餐的時候 我一定要說給菲比和蓋瑞聽 | Phoebe and Gary are so gonna hear about this at dinner. |
剛才真是太棒了 | That was amazing. |
我們才是熱戀第一名 | We are the hottest,huh? |
沒人比我們更熱戀 | No one is hotter than we are. |
我們是最棒的 | -We're the best. |
不,最棒的是你 | -No,you're the best. |
不,你才是 不,你才是 | -No,you're the best.-No,you're the best |
我是最棒的 | I am the best. |
兩位 | Hey,guys. |
你們剛才在幹嘛啊? | What you been doing? |
喬伊,那不是前幾天跟你揮手的女孩嗎? | Isn't that the girl who waved at you? |
不知道,但你的床單是透明的 | I don't know,but I can see through your sheet. |
對,是她沒錯 | Yeah,that's her. |
不過算了吧,我無緣跟她見面 | You know,it doesn't matter. I'll never meet her. |
為什麼? 因為我找不到她的公寓 | Why?It's impossible to find her apartment! |
她就像是住在辣妹平行宇宙裡 | She lives in some hot-girl parallel universe or something. |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
她明明就住在二樓 左邊數過來第七間 | She lives on the 2nd floor,7th apartment from the left. |
不不不… | No, |
她住在三樓 左邊數過來第八間 | she lives on the 3rd floor,8th apartment from the left. |
不,前兩個窗戶是大廳的 | No. Those first two windows,that's the lobby. |
過去那邊的是樓梯間窗戶 你算錯了 | That other window is the stairway. You've been counting wrong. |
我之前不知道 莫妮卡,感謝你 | I did not know that! Thank you,Monica. |
不敢相信我因為算數 差點就失去了另一個女孩 | I almost lost another girl because of counting! |
你準備好了嗎? | -So you ready? |
好了,我去拿外套 好 | -Yeah,I'll just get my coat.-Okay |
你能幫去我開門嗎? | -Could you get that? |
沒問題 | -Sure. |
喬伊… | Joey |
不!… | No! No! |
首先我要謝謝你 同意再次見我 | First,I would like to say thank you for seeing me again. |
不要緊,但我有義務告訴你 這次的面試有錄影存證 | That's quite right.But I feel obligated to tell you that this meeting is being videotaped. |
好,首先我要向你道歉 我不小心親了你 | Well,first,I would like to start by apologizing for kissing you... |
還有對你大吼的那件事 | ...and for yelling at you. |
很合理 | Fair enough. |
你或許會想要雇用不曾… | Now,you're probably going to hire one of the people who did not... |
對你大吼或是奪門而出的人 | yell at you and storm out. |
不過那樣可就錯大了 原因是這樣的 | And I think that's a big mistake. And here's why. |
我大出洋相之後還敢回來 這顯示我有勇氣 | I made a huge fool of myself,and I came back. That shows courage. |
我以為你要我用性來交換工作 當時我拒絕了 | When I thought you wanted sex in exchange for this job,I said no. |
這表示我有骨氣 | That shows integrity. |
我不害怕挺身為自己辯護 這表示我有勇氣 | And I was not afraid to stand up for myself...and that shows courage. |
我知道我已經說過勇氣了 | Now,I know that I've already said courage... |
不過勇氣總是多多益善嘛 | ...but you've got to have courage. |
最後當我以為你 想趁工作之便占我便宜 | And finally,when I thought you were making sexual advances... |
我拒絕了,但是沒打算告你 | ...I said no,and I was not litigious. |
所以你看,我有勇氣、有骨氣 | So there you go! You got courage...you got integrity |
雙重勇氣,而且又不告你 | ...you got courage again...and not litigious. |
那個… | Look,Mr.... |
則納 對,則納…我知道 | Zelner.-Ya,Zelner,Oh,I knew that. |
我真的很想要這份工作 | I really,really want this job. |
我想我一定會做得很好 | And I think I would be really good at it. |
這樣吧… | You know what? |
雖然我可能會後悔 | I may regret this... |
但我讓你試試看 | ...but I'll give you a shot. |
真的? | You are? Really? |
謝謝你… | Thank you. Oh,God! |
我現在抱你會不會很不得體? | Would it be inappropriate if I gave you a hug? |
會 那好吧 | Yes -All right |
握手可以嗎? | Well,how about a handshake? |
天啊,對不起… | Oh,God! I'm sorry! |
我不是故意要摸那個的 | I did not mean to touch that! |
我是說你…那裡 | I mean,you!There! |
好了,謝謝你,我先離開 | I'm gonna leave. |
非常感謝… | Thank you very much. |
那就星期一見咯 | Hey,I'll see you Monday. |
錢德,你累了? | Are you tired? |
今天瘋成那樣,他不累才怪 | You better believe he's tired after the day we had! |
如果你們懂的話 | If you know what I mean. |
你們懂吧? | Do you know what I mean? |
親愛的,連墨西哥脆片都懂 | Honey,the tortilla chips know what you mean. |
錢德,我給你的警徽還喜歡嗎 | Do you like that badge I got you? |
喜歡,很酷 | Oh,yeah,it's so cool. |
賓警官得要先行告退 執行10一100勤務 | Now,I gotta go. Officer Bing's got a 10-100. |
去尿尿 | That's pee-pee. |
菲比,你頭髮裡有樹枝 | Phoebe,you have a twig in your hair. |
來這裡的路上 我們繞了一點路 | We kind of took a detour on our way over here. |
對,我們去公園裡散步 看四下無人就… | We were strolling through the park and no one was around,so.... |
不會吧? 真的有 | -You didn't. -We did! |
我們違反了犯罪條例 第12條第7款 | We violated section 12,paragraph 7 of the criminal code. |
在公園是吧? | The park,huh? |
公共場所 | Public place. |
瞭解了 | I hear you. |
失陪一下 | Can you excuse me for a second? |
錢德 | Hi,Chandler. |
莫妮卡,這是男廁 | Monica,this is the men's room. |
沒錯吧? | Isn't it? |
沒錯 | Yes,it is. |
我一直都覺得男廁很性感 | I've always found the men's bathroom very sexual. |
你不覺得嗎? | Haven't you? |
不覺得 | No. |
否則我們就不會在一起了 | And if I did,I don't think we'd be going out. |
莫妮卡,我不想讓你失望 | Okay,I don't want to disappoint you... |
也不想讓第二間那位男士失望 | ...and I really don't want to disappoint the guy in the second stall.... |
不好意思,先生 | Sorry,man. |
拜託,太離譜了 | But come on,this is getting ridiculous. |
別這樣,我們不能讓他們贏 | Come on,we can't let them win! |
我們已經證明我們在熱戀了 為何你這麼在乎? | We've proved that we are hot,okay? So why are you obsessed about this? |
因為菲比和蓋瑞不僅難分難舍 還在公園裡做了那檔事 | Phoebe and Gary are in that..."can't keep their hands off each other" phase! |
所以呢? | So? |
所以我很傷心 因為我們激情不再 | It makes me really sad that we're not really there anymore. |
原來是為了這檔事? | Oh,is that what this has all been about? |
我們成天膩在一起不是比較讓人興奮嗎? | Wasn't it a lot more exciting when we were...all over each other all the time? |
那時很棒,真的很棒 | Yeah,that was great. That was really great. |
但是老實跟你說 我們現在的狀況讓我更興奮 | But the truth is,I'm more excited about where we are now. |
真的? 是啊 | -Really? -Yeah. |
我從沒談過這麼久的戀愛 | I've never been in a relationship this long before. |
過了剛開始的激情期 還想跟對方相處在一起 | To get past the beginning and still want to be around each other... |
我覺得這是很不凡的 | ...I think that's incredible. |
而且還是和你在一起 | And the fact that this is happening with you... |
這讓我很興奮 | ...I think that's pretty exciting. |
真甜蜜 | That's so sweet. |
我知道我表現得有點過火 但是我的感覺跟你一樣 | I know that I was acting a little crazy...but I feel the same way. |
真的? | Really? |
你知道我剛領悟到什麼嗎? | You know what I just realized? |
我們的關係讓你反常 才沒有 | You just freaked out about our relationship.-I did not. |
就是有,承認吧,你很反常 | -Yes,you did!Admit it. You freaked out! |
好啦,我是有一點反常 | I freaked out a little. |
豈止有一點,你超級反常的! | A little? You freaked out bigtime,okay? |
我反敗為勝,我們角色互換了 | And I fixed it! We have switched places. |
我現在是國王 你是搞砸又發瘋的輸家 | I am the relationship king,and you are the crazy,irrational screwup! |
現在又回到原位了 | And now we're back. |
沒想到羅斯還真的相信 | I cannot believe Ross is buying this. |
謝天謝地,我再也看不下去了 | Thank God! I can't watch him anymore. |
你們準備好了嗎? 好了 | You guys ready?-Yes |
對了,多謝你把 潘蜜拉和傑絲敏(《海灘遊俠》的主演)借給我們 | By the way,thank you for loaning us Pamela and Yasmine. |
要命,她們還真是看不膩 | Man,they cannot get enough! |
好了,選一張卡 好 | Pick a card.Okay |
記住花色號碼 | All right. Now,memorize it. |
好了沒? 好了 | -You got it? -Oh,yes. |
是這張嗎? | Is that your card? |
就是這張 | Yes. |
大家好 | -Hey,guys. -Hi there! |
你們猜怎麼著? 班要上電視拍廣告了 | Guess what. Ben is gonna be in a TV commercial. |
你們在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
還沒有定案 | It's not for sure,but... |
不過我們在公園裡遇到一個人 他覺得班很可愛 | ...we met this guy in the park who thought Ben was cute. |
這也是事實啦 | You know,which he is. |
所以那個人留了張名片 要我帶班去參加廣告試鏡 | He gave us his card...and told us to bring him for this commercial he's auditioning. |
這個人是本地最大的選角導演 | This guy's the biggest commercial casting director in town! |
班去公園隨便散個步 就有試鏡自動送上門! | Ben takes one lousy walk in the park and gets an audition? |
我是說,班,真有你的 | I mean,way to go,Ben! |
那個公園我都去了幾百萬次了 從來沒人主動找我去試鏡 | I've been in that park a million times and no one's offered me an audition. |
我知道,真的很神奇 我們只是在陪班玩蕩秋千… | It's crazy. We were pushing Ben on the swings |
我每次都在玩蕩秋千啊 | I'm always on the swings! |
我是哪裡做錯了? | What am I doing wrong? |
蕩秋千 | That. |
本集播出:“瑞秋吸煙” | The One Where Rachel Smokes |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
我要出門了,祝我好運 | -Gotta go. Wish me luck. -Good luck. |
瑞秋,既然你在羅夫羅蘭工作 能不能帶幾件襯衫回來? | Since you work at Ralph Lauren,can you get me some shirts? |
第一天上班就偷公司東西 我可能下不了手喔 | I don't know if I'd feel comfortable stealing on my very first day. |
不願意從公司偷竊 | Unwilling to steal from work. |
有意思 | Interesting. |
就算有人能拿免費的 那也非我莫屬 | If anybody gets free stuff,it's me. |
好了,各位,祝我好運吧 | Okay,guys,way to wish me luck. |
祝你好運,給他們好看 | Go get 'em! |
好,來討論幫瑞秋慶生的事 | Let's discuss Rachel's birthday. |
我建議在週末辦驚喜派對 | I say we throw a surprise party this weekend. |
可是一個月後才是她生日啊 | But her birthday's not for another month. |
是沒錯,但在生日當天開派對 那就不驚喜啦 | If we throw her party on her birthday,it's not a surprise. |
我覺得這主意不錯 | Great! |
我們辦個晚餐派對 邀請好朋友過來 | We can have a dinner party and just invite her close friends. |
羅斯! | Ross! |
我們要幫瑞秋辦驚喜派對 | We're having a surprise party for Rachel. |
好! | Okay |
搞定 | Done. |
好,那你要一起來嗎? 樂意之至 | Great. Wanna do it together?I'd love to do it together! |
她們要一起來耶 | They're gonna do it together. |
兄弟,那位可是我女友 | That's my girlfriend. |
所以我就得閉嘴? | So I gotta shut it down now? |
好,我得走了 | I gotta go. |
我要接班去參加大試鏡 | I'm picking up Ben...and then we're off to the big audition. |
看到有演員假裝是班的父親 那種感覺一定很怪 | It's gonna be weird seeing some actor pretending to be Ben's dad. |
是啊 | Yes |
比看班的兩個媽媽親熱還要怪嗎? | Weirder than seeing his two moms make out? |
爸爸?廣告裡面有爸爸? | Dad? There's a dad in the commercial? |
是啊,班和爸爸喝湯 演得很陶醉的樣子 | Yeah. The dad and Ben eat soup and pretend to enjoy it. |
或許我可以跟你們一起去 搞不好能試鏡演那個爸爸 | Maybe I'll go with you and audition as the dad. |
說到扮演班的爸爸 由我這教父上場更最適合了 | Who better to play Ben's father than his godfather? |
你不是班的教父 什麼? | -You're not his godfather. -What? |
你在開玩笑吧? | Are you kidding? |
當然是啊 | Of course I am. |
我們走吧,教父 好耶 | -Okay,let's go,godfather. -All right! |
他們允許我試鏡了 | They're gonna let me audition! |
真的?太棒了 我知道… | Really? That's great! |
有個女的看過我演舞臺劇 所以我離得她遠遠的 | One of the casting ladies has actually seen me in a play.So I steered clear of her. |
另一個我也認識 原因你也知道… | And the other one,I know from....Well,you know. |
那個孩子看起來很眼熟 | -That kid looks familiar. -Oh,yeah. |
是啊,他拍過一堆廣告 | He's done tons of commercials. |
糖果廣告、PS遊戲機 | I've seen him in Sugar Smacks,PlayStation... |
還幫電話公司拍過廣告 | ...and that one for the phone company. |
他演得實在是太好了 說服我換了電話公司 | He was so good,he convinced me to switch phone companies. |
錢德因此還氣得半死 | Chandler was mad. |
不過他這次休想拿到這角色 因為班比他可愛多了 | He's not gonna get this one. Ben is way cuter than that kid. |
看就知道,寶貝,看看你 | I mean,look at him. |
很好,如果我能演班的爸爸 這樣是不是很棒? | That's great.Wouldn't it be great if I got to play Ben's dad? |
喬伊,你跟班一點都不像 | You look nothing like Ben. |
比你像多了 | I look more like him than you do. |
我跟你還沒有熟到生小孩的地步 | I really don't know you well enough for you to do that. |
現在是最後的二選一 | So it's down to these two. |
南茜,我知道你喜歡這一個 我也有同感 | Nancy,I know you like this one.I think I agree. |
瑞秋,你覺得呢? | Rachel,what do you think? |
那個是很漂亮 | Well,that one is pretty... |
但我喜歡這個的面料,抱歉了 | ...but I just love this fabric.Sorry. |
不用抱歉 提供意見是你的職責之一 | Don't be. Part of your job is to give your opinions. |
功勞歸我,開玩笑的 | Then I take credit for them. I'm kidding! |
她這次是在開玩笑 但下次可別跟她意見相左 | She is kidding. But don't ever disagree with her again. |
這次換我在開玩笑 | Okay,now I'm kidding! |
這個辦公室真有趣 | What a fun office. |
我不知道要選哪一個 不過先來根煙倒是真的 | I don't know which one. But I do know I need a cigarette. |
不如我們出去休息一下 等回來之後再解決? | Let's take a break,go outside and sort this out when we return. |
瑞秋? | Rachel? |
你抽煙嗎? | -You smoke? |
不抽,我爸是醫生 老跟我說些恐怖的故事… | -No.My dad's a doctor. And he would always tell me horror stories.... |
說那些鬼神精靈的… | About ghosts and goblins... |
完全贊同公主抽煙的權利 | ...who totally supported the princess' right to smoke. |
她們在抽煙的時候 就背著我做出了決定 | And then they came back from smoking and they'd made all of the decisions. |
這樣不太公平 我知道啊! | -That's not fair. -I know. |
我不同流合污還被處罰! 抽煙可是噁心又傷身的習慣 | It's like I'm being punished for not having this disgusting,poisonous habit. |
對,抽煙最棒了 | Yeah,it is the best. |
萬一這種事沒完沒了怎麼辦? | What if this keeps happening? |
她們在外頭抽煙做決定 | They'll be smoking,making the decisions... |
我只能在辦公室裡 呼吸愚蠢的新鮮空氣 | ...and I'll be up in my office breathing in my stupid clean air. |
如果金要升我們的職 你們想她會選誰? | And when Kim wants to promote one of us...who do you think she'll pick? |
是我還是烏煙瘴氣的冒煙女? | ... Me or Smokey Smokerson? |
我們以前的公司有抽煙區 很棒的喔 | We used to have a smoking area at work. |
有個小花盆,裡頭有土 把煙放進去撚熄就行了 | It was great. There was this big flowerpot with dirt in it.We used to put our cigarettes out in it. |
公司有個元老告訴我 以前裡頭還有棵小樹呢 | One of the old-timers told me there used to be a little tree in there. |
瑞秋,你也可以一起去 不用抽煙,就說想呼吸點新鮮空氣 | You can go down there and not smoke. Say you want some fresh air. |
對,這是方法 | I could do that. |
簡單點就是一起抽煙 | Or you could do the easy thing and smoke. |
深深吸它個一口 | You gotta take long,deep drags. |
我的肺活量還沒恢復 | Wow,I still don't have my lung capacity back yet. |
瑞秋,要去喝咖啡嗎? | Rach,do you wanna go get coffee? |
樂意之至 好 | -I would love to. -Oh,good. |
寶貝,我也想一起去 | I'm gonna go too. |
好啊 | Oh,good. |
等等,我變卦了 | Oh,I changed my mind. |
好,來討論派對的事 我有一大堆點子 | Let's talk about the party. I have so many ideas. |
我也是 | Me too! |
哦,這個 | Oh,look at that. |
好,這是蛋糕的素描圖 | This is a little sketch of the cake. See? |
還有一些功能表的樣本 | Some sample menus. |
不如用義大利風格點心當前菜 | I thought we'd start with a Tuscan-style finger food. |
至於音樂呢 這是我CD收藏的字母清單 | And for music,here's an alphabetized list of all of my CDs. |
跟食物超搭配的還做了記號 | I've highlighted the ones that'll go with the food. |
不是說要親密的晚餐派對嗎? | -What about the intimate dinner party? |
現在不那樣做了 | -We're not doing that. |
看來你全包辦了,多謝 “共同”主辦人 | Looks like you took care of everything. Thanks a lot,cohost. |
怎麼了?我沒有一手包辦啊 你要做的事還有很多 | Wait a minute. There's plenty of things for you to do. |
舉個例子? | Like what? |
杯子 | Cups. |
杯子?你讓我準備杯子? | You're giving me cups? |
還有冰塊 | And ice. |
杯子和冰塊? 我可以負責杯子和冰塊? | Cups and ice? I get to be in charge of cups and ice? |
好吧… | All right. |
行,我就來負責杯子和冰塊 | Fine. I will be in charge of cups and ice. |
等等,冰塊可以從餐廳拿… | -I can get ice at the restaurant |
冰塊是我的!… | -I got it! |
試鏡順利嗎? | -How did the audition go? |
不太順利 | -Not so good. |
慢著,你在學喬伊那招嗎? | Wait a minute. Are you doing Joey's: |
“試鏡不太順利” | "The audition didn't go so well.... |
事實上很順利!對吧? | Yeah,it did"? |
沒錯! | Yeah,I am! |
班取得了第二次試鏡的資格 | -Yeah,Ben got a second audition. -That's great! |
對,我得教羅斯我的戲份 因為我沒有過關 | I had to teach Ross my bit because I actually didn't get a callback. |
你也過關了,對吧? | You got a callback too,didn't you? |
沒錯! | Yeah,I did! |
瑞秋,你怎麼會來這裡? | What are you doing out here? |
自己在那裡有點無聊 我想來這裡呼吸點新鮮空氣 | It got kind of lonely up there,so I thought I would come out here...and get some fresh air. |
南茜和我正好討論到秋裝 太好了 | We're discussing the fall collection.Oh,great. |
所以這是要… | Anyway,we really |
抱歉,瞧你被我們熏的 | -Sorry. We're smoking all over you. |
不好意思 沒關係 | -That's okay. |
不成…你待著,我們走 | We'll move. You stay there. |
我把設計寄給羅夫 他很感興趣 | I sent the designs to Ralph. He was excited about it. |
太好了,你是最棒的 | That's great! You are the best! |
不好意思,能給支煙嗎? | Excuse me. Can I bum one of those? |
這支就好… | Actually,this one's.... |
你們在聊什麼好笑的? | What's so funny over here? |
我還以為你不抽煙的 | I thought you didn't smoke. |
我以為你們是說大麻煙 | You know,I thought you guys meant marijuana cigarettes. |
像是大麻香煙那種 | You know what I mean? Doobies? |
我還納悶你們是瘋了不成 | Actually,I thought to myself,"Those guys are crazy!" |
沒啦,我自己也抽煙 天天都抽 | But no,I smoke the regular ones all the time. |
我們是在抽大麻 | We get high. |
我也是 | Me too. |
我開玩笑的 | I'm kidding. |
我也是 | Me too. |
老天,這真是折磨人 你是怎麼習慣的? | Oh,God! This is so nerve-racking. How do you do this? |
我過關的經驗不多,所以… | Fortunately,I don't get many callbacks,so.... |
我們在試鏡之後被留下來 這是好現象嗎? | Is it a good sign that they asked us to wait? |
天知道 | Who knows? |
最後入圍的是雷蒙、班 凱爾和喬伊 | We have narrowed it down to Raymond,Ben,Kyle... |
其餘的人,辛苦了,謝謝 | ...and Joey. The rest of you,thank you. |
好耶,我就知道! | Yes! I knew it! |
再會 | Bye-bye. |
後會 | So long. |
有期 | Later. |
我不是他老婆喔,他是我前夫 我百分之百是女同志 | I'm not married to him anymore. He's my ex-husband. I'm totally gay! |
太棒了 我有可能飾演班的爸爸 | This is great! I might get to play Ben's dad. |
其實那是不可能的 | Actually,that can't happen. |
因為你們各自的長相都不同 | Because you have such different looks... |
所以我們把你和雷蒙配對 凱爾和班是一組 | ...we're putting you with Raymond and Kyle with Ben. |
所以最後只有一組會出線 | So it'll either be you two or you two. |
要命,這樣就有點尷尬了 真的是 | Man,This is gonna be kind of weird. -Yeah,it is. |
對,一定會很尷尬 | Yeah. It's gonna be weird. |
因為我們是最好的朋友 所以才會尷尬 | No. We're like best friends. That's why it's weird. |
哦…我以為我們一直在談話 | I thought we were just talking. |
如果班拿到廣告演出機會 你能幫我弄些免費的湯嗎? | If Ben gets this commercial,do you think you can get me some free soup? |
錢德,一罐湯才60美分 | Chandler,a can of soup is like 60 cents. |
對,但是我這五年來 都在供養這29歲的義大利人 | Yeah,okay,but I have been supporting a 29-year-old ltalian for five years. |
我能把這些東西放這裡 等著給瑞秋過生日嗎? | Is it okay if I leave this here till Rachel's birthday party? |
當然可以,裡頭是什麼? | -Sure. What's in them? |
杯子 | -Cups. |
很好,因為我們替瑞秋 準備了八百加侖的水 | Good,because we got Rachel 800 gallons of water. |
老實說,這些杯子還真不少 | That's a lot of cups. |
對,這是因為我負責杯子冰塊 | I'm in charge of cups and ice. |
莫妮卡在這一天將後悔莫及 因為她要我負責杯子冰塊 | And Monica's gonna rue the day she put me in charge of cups and ice. |
我也後悔過一次 除了後悔沒做別的 | You know,I rued the day once. Didn't get a whole lot else done. |
好吧,該把其他杯子搬上來了 | Okay,time to bring up the rest of the cups. |
喬伊 菲比 | Joey Phoebe |
羅斯,你在這裡正好 我有事要跟你說 | Ross,I'm glad you're here.I want to talk to you. |
怎麼了? | What's up? |
我一直在想這次拍廣告的事 | I've been thinking about this commercial thing. |
我和班對陣,我們倆競爭 | Me against Ben.The two of us competing. |
這樣橫豎都不會有好結果 | That can't lead to anything good. |
我想我還是退出好了 告訴他們我不去試鏡 | I think I'm just gonna step aside. I'll tell them that I won't audition. |
喬伊,太好了,多謝 | Joey,that's great. Thanks,man. |
就這樣? | That's it? |
你真要讓我這樣做? 這事關我的職業生涯耶 | You're gonna let me do this? It's my career we're talking about! |
可是你說… 我是要你說出讓班退出 | But you just…I just said that so you wouldn't let Ben do it. |
羅斯,如果真有人要退出 那也應該是班 | If anyone should step aside,it should be Ben. |
什麼? 錢德,告訴他為什麼 | -What? -Chandler,tell him! |
我先去開門 | Well,let me get the door first. |
沒有人,你好 | Hi,no one! |
班為什麼應該退出? | Why should Ben step aside? |
這原本就是他的試鏡 | It was his audition in the first place. |
你是跟過去的 就像是追隨者父親 | You tagged along.You're like the tagalong dad! |
起碼我有顧慮到班的感受 | At least I care about his feelings. |
什麼? | What? |
你知道萬一他沒通過試鏡 到時他會有多難過嗎? | You know how hard it'll be on him when he doesn't get it? |
那他又為什麼不會通過? | And why wouldn't he get it? |
得了吧?你有沒有看過 跟我同組的小子有多厲害? | Come on!Have you seen what my kid can do? |
他會撥電話、吃墨西哥脆片 | He dials phones,he eats tortilla chips. |
還會與卡通老虎踢足球 | He plays soccer with the cartoon tiger! |
你是說你的小子喝湯 比我兒子厲害? | Are you saying your kid eats soup better than my kid? |
你兒子才剛學會喝湯呢 | You just give him a spoon,baby. |
是嗎?我們走著瞧 | Oh,yeah? I guess we'll see! |
好啊,這支廣告片的主角 非我和米契莫屬 | This commercial belongs to me and Mitch! |
你的孩子叫做雷蒙 對,你的也是! | -Your kid's name is Raymond! -Yeah? So is yours! |
(中央咖啡館) | |
有沒有用? | -How did work go? |
很棒…我聽你們的建議 去她們抽煙的地方 | -lt was great.I went down there like you said. |
我們討論到了生意 金完全接受我的意見 | And we talked business.And Kim took my opinions. |
你渾身煙味 | You stink! |
多謝 | -Thanks. |
我是說真的 | -No,I'm serious. |
因為那裡的人全都在抽煙 | That's because I went down there and they were smoking. |
這其實是成功的味道 | This is actually the smell of success. |
不過有點怪怪的 天啊,你有抽煙 | But there's something different. Oh,my God! You smoked! |
我沒有 | I did not. |
才怪,你看起來生病又快樂 你一定有抽煙 | Yes,you did. You look happy and sick. You smoked! |
好啦…我有抽 為了事業不得已 | All right,fine! But I had to. I had to do it for my career. |
多麼希望我也能為了事業而吸煙 | I wish I had to smoke for my career. |
這樣很噁心耶 | But it's so gross! |
沒那麼糟啦 | It's not that bad,you know? |
雖然舌頭有點打結 手指也有點怪味 | Yeah,my tongue feels a little fuzzy and my fingers sort of smell. |
其實我感覺快吐了 | I actually feel like I could throw up. |
你知道自己在說什麼嗎 我知道…我也很後悔 | -Can you hear yourself? -I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. |
我脫離了自我,抽了半包煙 感覺怪怪的,還在發抖 | I'm not myself. I smoked like half a pack.I feel a little shaky and a little weird. |
好,但你一定要撐過這一關 接下來就會是快樂無比了 | But you gotta push past this,okay? Because it's about to get so good. |
錢德 | Chandler |
你渾身煙味,我得去透透氣 | You smell so smoky,I gotta get up. |
我沒騙你 | I'm not kidding. |
我覺得你聞起來很香 | I think you smell great. |
所以大家都同意了 不要格子圖案,要粉紅? | So we're decided. No on plaid,yes on pink. |
完全正確 | Absolutely. |
我舉雙手雙腳贊成 | I'm so onboard. |
瑞秋,這支煙不是才剛點? | -Didn't you just light that? |
是啊,但是我正在努力少抽煙 | -Yeah.But you know what?I'm just really,really trying to cut back,you know. |
“瑞秋,祝你好運” | Good luck,Rach. |
其實我最近有想要戒煙 | I've been thinking about quitting. |
那可不,我每週日晚上 都告訴自己要戒煙 | Every Sunday night,I tell myself I'm quitting. |
結果週一還是狂抽猛抽 | Every Monday morning,it's like: |
沒錯 | Tell me about it. |
那就戒了吧,我們一起戒煙 | We'll just quit. Let's all quit! |
聽起來是很誘人啦 | It sounds appealing. |
我戒煙從沒成功過 | -I never could do it. |
你可以的,一定行 | -But you could. Absolutely. |
我們可以互相幫忙 | We can help each other. |
用那個什麼戒煙貼布的 我們能組成戒煙三姐妹 | We could get those patches.We could be like the Patch Sisters. |
其實我們真的應該戒煙 好吧,一起來戒煙 | You know,we really should quit. Okay,let's quit! |
好,太棒了,把香煙給我 來,通通交出來 | Great! Give me those cigs. Come on!Give it! Out. Done. Quit. |
那個打火機是我先夫送我的 | My late husband gave me that lighter. |
我沒在開玩笑 | I'm not kidding. |
那好吧 | Okay,then. |
好湯 | Mmm...soup. |
好湯 | Mmm...soup. |
好湯 | Mmm…soup |
喬伊,羅斯馬上就到 | Joey,Ross is gonna be here any second |
我去上個廁所 幫我看一下班,好嗎? | Would you mind watching Ben for me while I use the ladies' room? |
好啊,沒問題 謝謝 | -No problem. -Thanks. |
嗨,班 | Hi Ben |
你想當演員啊? | So you want to be an actor? |
告訴你,演戲可不像野餐 | I gotta tell you,it's no picnic. |
有碰不完的釘子 | There's tons of rejection. |
一點都不穩定 | No stability. |
前一天你還是雷莫瑞醫生 | I mean,one day,you're Dr. Drake Ramoray. |
隔天你就要去啃番茄醬 | The next day,you're eating ketchup out of the bottle. |
這可是艱苦的生活 | It's a tough life. |
沒錯啦,你是能決定起床時間 | I mean,sure,you can get up whenever you want... |
整天看電視也行 | ...watch TV all day... |
在演員訓練班裡 認識一卡車的女孩 | ...meet tons of women in acting class.... |
小子,我幹嘛勸你打消念頭 這種生活太棒了 | Oh,who am I kidding. I can't talk you out of this. It's a great life. |
喬伊 | -Joey. |
羅斯 | -Ross. |
班 | Ben. |
班… | I mean,Ben. Ben. |
雷蒙,喬伊,該你們上場了 | Raymond,Joey,you're up. |
好,現在要… | So here's what.... |
我一定有在哪裡見過你 | Are you sure that I haven't seen you somewhere before? |
沒有,我從沒演過戲 | No,I haven't been in any plays. |
好吧,我們來試一次 | All right,let's try one. |
你們準備好了就開始 | Whenever you guys are ready. |
有問題嗎? | Is there a problem? |
這是麵湯 我練習時是用番茄湯 | Well,this is noodle soup. And I've been working with tomato. |
不過沒關係… | But that's okay. No problem. |
麵湯… | Mmm...noodle soup. |
你那樣不錯 不過臺詞是“湯” | You know,that's fine. But the line is,"Mmm...soup." |
那我剛才說什麼? | -What'd I say? |
“麵湯” | #VALUE! |
有什麼不一樣? | How's that different? |
對… | Yes |
好,我們來試一次 | All right. Let's try one. |
麵湯 | Mmm...noodle soup. |
好,我們再來一次 好 | Let's do it again. |
湯,我是說“麵湯” 不對,是“湯” | Mmm...soup.I mean,noodle soup. I mean,soup! |
拜託 | Come on! |
我們得換下一組了 | You know what? We need to move on. |
不…我再演一次,你看 | No,I could do it one more time.Look. |
麵湯…可惡! | Mmm...noodle soup.Damn it! |
週一前把樣品交給雜誌社 應該就沒問題了 | So I think that if we get these samples into the magazine by Monday,we'll be fine. |
聽起來不錯 | Sounds good. |
瑞秋,你還好嗎? 好極了 | So,Rach,how you doing?-I'm great! |
不,我是說戒煙的事 | -No,with the not-smoking thing. |
我快要死了,跟你說 | Kill me now.Let me tell you something, |
我今天吃了40個棉花糖 | I ate 40 Mallomars today. |
全身貼滿了戒煙貼布 | I mean,I have patches all over my body,you know? |
我連續兩天都失眠 | -I mean,I haven't slept in two days. |
我們昨天才戒煙的 | -We quit yesterday. |
我連今天都算進去了 | That's counting today. |
言歸正傳,我想這些樣品… | But anyway,so these samples,I think |
天啊,我忘記了,真的很抱歉 我得去收發室寄送樣張 | Oh,my God!I'm so sorry,I forgot. I have to go to the mailroom and mail some proofs. |
去吧 我和瑞秋繼續來腦力激蕩 | Go ahead. Rachel and I will just sit here and keep brainstorming. |
時尚雜誌也想知道… 你知道嗎?… | Also,Vogue called. And they were wondering |
我有點餓了 我要去販賣機買東西 | You know what? I'm a little hungry. I'm just gonna run down to the vending machines. |
好吧 | All right. |
被逮到了 | Busted! |
你們這是在幹嘛? 我們不是戒煙姐妹花嗎? | Come on! What are you doing? I thought we were the Patch Sisters. |
對,那樣行不通 | That didn't work out. |
那我們說過的那些事呢? | Wait a minute. What about all we've talked about? |
說這噁心的地方,醜陋的人 | You know,the disgusting place,the ugly people. |
你好嗎? | Hey,how you doing? |
瑞秋,我們有試著戒煙 但那實在是太難了 | We tried to quit. But it was too hard. |
你們開始抽煙 起碼也該告訴我嘛 | If you started smoking again,you could have at least told me. |
快點來一支,剛才說到哪裡? | Give me one. What are we talking about? |
不行,你戒煙很成功 不許放棄 | Don't you give up. |
所以我們才沒跟你說 我們不想拖你下水 | That's why we didn't tell you,and we won't drag you down. |
等等,別這樣,拖我下水… | Wait. No,no. Drag me down. |
瑞秋,萬萬不可 你戒煙成功,我們都替你驕傲 | Forget it. We're so proud of how well you're doing. |
我不能讓你前功盡棄 | I won't let you blow it. |
若被我查到你有吸煙 我一定炒你魷魚 | If I catch you,you're fired. |
走吧,離開這裡 我不要你吸二手煙 | Go on,get out of here. I don't want you breathing this stuff. |
好,你和我一起去法國出差 | So,okay. You'll come with me on the Paris trip? |
要命! | Oh,man! |
你瞧瞧,杯子帽 | Check it out. Cup hat, |
杯子布條 | cup banner... |
杯子吊燈 | ...cup chandelier, |
還有這些東西的起源:杯子 | and the thing that started it all: the cup! |
菲比,你對杯子還真有一套 | Great job with the cups. |
你乾脆跟她去約會算了 | Why don't you just go out with her? |
你有沒有注意到冰? | Did you notice the ice? Look! |
各式各樣的都有 | We have it all. |
有碎冰、冰塊… | We have crushed,cubed |
還有乾冰,注意看 | and dry. Watch. |
很有神秘感吧? | Mystical. |
沒人想吃我的小點心 他們全跑去吃菲比的雪花冰 | No one's eating my food. They're eating her snow cones! |
有雪花冰? | There are snow cones? |
雪花冰最噁心了! | Snow cones!Yuck |
你去吃啦 謝謝… | -Go,go! -Thank you. |
菲比? | Phoebe |
你做的很棒 | -You really did do a nice job. |
謝謝你,很明顯 | -Thank you...for stating the obvious. |
我活該 | I deserve that. |
我只是要讓你知道 | I just want you to know that... |
若我們下回再一起主辦派對 你想要怎麼做都行 | if we ever cohost a party together again...you can do whatever you want. |
喬伊的生日快到了 真的? | -Joey's got a birthday coming up.-Really? |
那你要怎麼幫他慶祝? | What do you wanna do? |
好,我想要負責啤酒 | -Okay,I'd like to be in charge of beer. |
那我就沒的做了 | Well,then there's nothing left for me. |
注意!… | -Look,look! |
驚喜! | -Surprise! |
什麼啊? 一個月後才是我生日啊 | What? My birthday is not for another month. |
這樣才驚喜啊 | That's the surprise. |
天啊,你們太棒了 | Oh,my God,you guys! This is so great! |
我完全沒想到 我的意思是錢德的生日比我還要早的 | It's so unexpected.I mean,Chandler's birthday is even before mine. |
驚喜! | Surprise! |
真是太棒了,看看這些杯子 | This is so great! Look at all these...cups. |
真是怪怪的 | ...This is so weird |
杯子是我負責的 | I was in charge of cups. |
好,那就沒那麼怪了 | Oh,okay. Not so weird. |
錢德,你在幹嘛? 沒幹嘛 | -Chandler,what are you doing? -Nothing. |
你手裡拿的是什麼? 錢,我偷走了所有的錢 | -What's in your hand? -Money. I'm stealing all the money. |
錢德 | Chandler. |
抽一支就好 因為沒有人記得我的生日 | But just one,okay? Because nobody knows when my birthday is. |
或許這能讓你清醒一點 | Let me make this clear to you,okay? |
有香煙… | It's either that... |
就沒有我 | ...or this. |
剛才那是薄荷煙 | They were menthol. |
我很遺憾你試鏡不順利 | Listen,man. I'm sorry the audition didn't go well. |
是喔 | Yeah,right. |
喬伊,我是真的很遺憾 | No,really. I am,Joey. I feel bad. |
羅斯,你用不著遺憾 | Look,Ross. You don't have to,okay? |
是我自己遜,怨不得你 | It's not your fault I suck. |
連“麵湯”都說不好 還算哪門子的演員? | What kind of an actor can't even say,"Mmm...noodle soup"? |
你知道嗎?或許你搞砸了試鏡 不是因為你遜 | You know what? Maybe you didn't mess up your audition because you suck. |
或許你搞砸了試鏡 是因為你更在意你的教子 | Maybe you messed up because you care more about your godson. |
什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
我認為,在潛意識裡… | I think,subconsciously |
等等,我聽不懂 | You lost me. |
我覺得在某種程度上 | I think,on some level, |
你破壞了自己的試鏡 | you sabotaged...your own audition |
才好讓班拿到那個角色 | ...so Ben would get the part. |
你的說法比我的好多了 | Your way sounds a lot better than mine. |
對,不是我演技爛 對 | It's not that I'm a bad actor. |
只是我太顧念班了 | No,it's just that I care so damn much about little Ben... |
看到他成功對我來說更重要 | ...that it was more important for me to see him succeed. |
就是這樣,謝謝你 謝謝你 | -There you go. Thank you. -Thank you. |
那他拿到角色沒? 沒有 | -So did he get it? -No. |
那沒辦法了 | What are you gonna do? |
不好意思,瑞秋格林在嗎? 我跟她約了吃中飯 | Is Rachel Green here? I'm meeting her for lunch. |
她現在不會下來這裡了 她在十樓 | She doesn't come down anymore. You'll find her on 10. |
好… | Okay,great. |
我們昨天中飯聊到提案報告 他擔心一個人不太夠 | So we talked about the presentation.He wondered if one person would be enough. |
我說絕對沒問題 | And I said,"Yeah,absolutely." |
待會見 | I'll catch you guys later. |
穿這麼帥要去哪裡? | Wow! You look nice. What's the occasion? |
莫妮卡和我要慶祝滿十個月 我們在喬治法國餐廳訂了位置 | Monica and I are celebrating our 10-month anniversary.Got reservations at Jean-George. |
你們怎麼進得去? | How'd you get in? |
打了幾通電話,動用一些關係 | Made a few calls,pulled some strings... |
如果我們都吃雞,不叫甜點 就讓我們11:30進去吃 | ...and they'll seat us if we both have chicken and don't get dessert. |
錢德 凱特琳,新髮型喔 | -Hi,Chandler. -Hey,Caitlin.Somebody got a haircut. |
我恨死了,活像八歲小男孩 | I hate it. I look like an 8-year-old boy. |
如果真的是這樣 那以前上體育課會有趣許多 | If that was true,gym class would've been more interesting. |
正好27美元 好,給你 | -It's $27 even. -Okay. Here you go. |
你養的雞呢? | Where's the chicken? |
在後頭,被這鴨子氣跑了 | It's in the back. The duck pissed him off. |
鴨子說先有蛋,才有雞 | He said that eggs came first. |
謝了,下回見 好,再見 | -Thanks. I'll see you later. -Bye. |
你在幹什麼? 怎麼了? | What the hell was that?-What? |
打情罵俏 | -The flirting. |
你不是正要去約會嗎…跟誰來著… | Aren't you supposed to be going out with,let's see, |
我妹妹 | my sister? |
我沒在打情罵俏啊 | I wasn't flirting. |
那根本就是打情罵俏 | It was totally flirting! |
“新髮型喔” | "Somebody got a haircut...." |
好,首先 你模仿得很蹩腳 | First of all,the impression? Uncanny. |
第二,那不是打情罵俏 只是兩個人閒話家常而已 | Second,that wasn't flirting. That was just casual conversation. |
哦,是哦 | Yeah,right. |
你要看打情罵俏? 我示範給你看 | You wanna see flirting? I'll show you. |
不用了 | I'm good. |
本集播出:“羅斯不會調情” | The One Where Ross Can't Flirt |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
我真替喬伊感到驕傲 | I am so proud of Joey. |
他竟然要演“法律與秩序” 我知道 | -He's gonna be on Law and Order! -I know. |
可是你不覺得 叫“秩序與法律”比較對嗎? | Don't you think it should be called Order and Law? |
不對,要先把人抓起來再審問 | No,because they arrest the guy and then try him. |
別引著我說個沒完了 | Don't get me started on that. |
我沒在打情罵俏 | -I was not flirting. |
還在紀念日當天,丟臉! | -And on your anniversary. For shame! |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
錢德跟外送辣妹打情罵俏 | He was hitting on the hot delivery girl. |
我才沒有,拜託你也小聲點 | I was not. And oh,God! |
很抱歉,但有就是有 | I'm sorry,but you were. |
而且就算有誰要跟她搭訕 也應該是單身的男人 | If anyone should be hitting on her...it's the guy who's single |
也應該是有搞頭的人嘛 | ...the guy who can do something about it. |
看來有人想當披薩外送先生了 | Sounds like someone wants to be Mr. Pizza Delivery Girl. |
原來是這樣?你喜歡凱特琳? | Is that what this is about? You like Caitlin? |
羅斯,我們分手都兩年了 | Ross,we broke up two years ago. |
中間你還結過婚 | You've been married since then. |
我們各自約會應該沒問題吧 | I think it's okay that we see other people. |
我前幾天在披薩店看到她 | I was watching her at the pizza place. |
她性感又風趣… | And she was just so sexy and funny |
還有小巧可愛的… | and has the cutest little |
三圍不用說 | We don't need her measurements. |
義大利臘腸,義大利臘腸,義大利臘腸 | Pepperoni,pepperoni,pepperoni. |
羅斯,我知道她人美你喜歡 但她是不是蠢了點? | She's pretty and you love her,but is she stupid? |
她忘了我點的素食披薩 | She forgot my vegetarian. |
太完美了 | This is perfect. |
她一定會回來送你的披薩 | She'll have to come back here with your pizza. |
到時我就展現出羅斯的魅力 | And when she does,I will turn on the charm "au" Ross. |
我真高興你不吃肉 | I am so glad you don't eat meat. |
看吧,吃素對大家都好 | See? Vegetarianism benefits everyone. |
大家看是誰來了 還記得我祖母嗎? | Hey,everybody,look who's here! You remember my grandmother. |
好棒的一晚,太酷了 | -Big night! -Yeah,it's so cool. |
喬伊參與“法律與秩序”演出 你一定很驕傲吧 | Joey on Law and Order. You must be proud. |
錢德,她完全聽不懂英文 | She doesn't understand a word of English. |
抱歉,我以為你是喬伊的另一個祖母 | I thought you were Joey's other grandmother. |
我又說英文了 | I've done it again. |
她是我的頭號影迷 | Nonnie's my biggest fan. |
家族裡只有她一個 從頭到尾都相信我 | She's the only one in the family who's always believed in me. |
對,他是大明星 我的胖胖大明星 | Si. Big star.My big fat Joey star. |
對,我出生時有27磅,所以… | Yeah,I weighed,like,27 pounds when I was born. |
紀念日快樂 | -Happy anniversary! |
十個月紀念日快樂 | -Happy anniversary,10 months. |
我剛才在淋浴的時候 想起我們在倫敦的第一晚 | In the shower I was thinking about our first night in London. |
喬伊的祖母來了 | Joey's grandmother's right there. |
會說英文的那個? | -The one who speaks English? |
不會的那個 | -The one who doesn't. |
那晚你給我的愛真是火熱 | That was some hot love you gave me. |
我去準備一下 不如戴我送你的耳環? | -I'll get ready. -Wear those earrings I got you. |
好主意,就是要留到特別場合 好 | That's a great idea. I was saving them for something special. |
你得回家去 | -You've got to go home. |
但是我喜歡這裡啊 | -But I like it here. |
你得回家拿我借給你的耳環 錢德要我今晚戴那副耳環 | Get the earrings you borrowed. He wants me to wear them. |
好,應該是放在我皮包裡 | I think they're in my purse. |
你去穿衣服,我去找 好 | Go get dressed and I'll look for them. |
瑞秋,我要拿回我借給你的耳環 | I need those earrings you borrowed. |
好,我馬上回來 | Yeah,I'll be right back. |
菲比,你會說義大利文? | Phoebe,you speak ltalian? |
我猜是吧 | I guess so. |
來,謝謝你 | -Here you go. -Thanks. |
瑞秋,等等,另外一個呢? | Where's the other one? |
你兩個都要? | Oh,what,you want both of them? |
會不會太貪心了?你覺得呢? | That's a little greedy,don't you think? |
瑞秋格林,另一個耳環呢? | Rachel Karen Greene,where's the other one? |
好啦,你先別生氣 | Look,just don't freak out, |
好像不見了 還在公寓裡,但一定不見了 | but I kind of lost it.I know it's in the apartment,but I definitely lost it. |
那我要怎麼跟莫妮卡說? 她今晚就要戴 | What'll I tell Monica? She wants to wear them tonight. |
叫她戴自己的耳環 這就是她的耳環 | -Tell her to wear her own earrings. -These are her earrings. |
不會吧… | No,No |
你把莫妮卡的耳環借給我? 她不允許我借她的東西耶 | You lent me her earrings? I'm not allowed to borrow her stuff! |
為什麼? 因為我都會弄丟 | -Why not? -Because I lose her stuff! |
看到那個盲人了嗎? | You see that blind guy? |
我等一下會痛打他一頓 | I'm gonna bash his head in later. |
我的主戲就快來了 主戲就快來了 | My big scene's coming up. The big scene coming up. |
若你說“大利馬豆像泡泡一樣升起” 她會不會比較懂? | If you said,"Big lima bean bubbling up," would she know the difference? |
瑞秋,你在幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
我不敢看,太恐怖了 | Oh,I just can't watch. It's too scary. |
現在是尿布廣告 | It's a diaper commercial. |
你知道我的 小孩啊,責任,嚇死人 | Yeah,well,you know me. Babies,responsibilities.... |
披薩外送 | -Pizza delivery. |
我來了,我來拿 | -I'll get it! I will get that! |
我的髮型如何? | How does my hair look? |
羅斯,你從96年就沒變過了 | Ross,it hasn't moved since 1996. |
一個素食披薩 | One vegetarian pizza. |
12.5美元 | It's 12.50. |
對了,為了讓你心裡好過些 我想說我正好很喜歡八歲男孩 | By the way,if it makes you feel any better I happen to like 8-year-old boys. |
什麼? | What? |
我是說…之前你說過 | Your hair. Before. Your hair. |
你的髮型很像八歲男孩 | You said you thought your hair looked like an 8-year-old boy's... |
我說我很喜歡… | ...and I'm just saying I like it. |
你的髮型 | The hair. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
你要明白,我不是真的喜歡八歲男孩 | You understand,I don't actually like 8-year-old boys. |
我在等你付錢 | All I'm looking for is the money. |
給你 | Here you go. |
別再幫我們送披薩了 我都快哭了 | Stop bringing us pizzas,you.I'm gonna try. |
不客氣 | You're welcome. |
你就是不想看我得手,對吧? | You couldn't let me have her,could you? |
什麼? | What? |
我真的很喜歡這個女孩 你幹嘛要來湊熱鬧? | This is a girl I really like,and you had to swoop in there! |
怎麼了? | What? |
錢德沖著外送辣妹打情罵俏 | Chandler was flirting with the hot delivery girl. |
真是多謝你了 | Thank you for that. |
我沒有打情罵俏 | I was not flirting. |
沒關係,我不在意,無所謂 | It's okay. I don't care. That's fine. |
真的? 真的? | Really? Really? |
又不是什麼大事,我也經常這樣 | It's no big deal. I do it all the time. |
你經常跟人打情罵俏? | You flirt with guys all the time? |
是啊,那又不代表什麼 你不是也沒別的意思嘛 | It doesn't mean anything. Just like it doesn't mean anything with you. |
對,但是有一點很不一樣 你比我辣多了 | There's a difference. You're a lot hotter than I am. |
這是真的 | True story. |
錢德,你真的介意? | This actually bothers you? |
對,我是介意 我想很多人都會介意 | Yes,and I think it'd bother a lot of people. |
瑞秋,你和羅斯在一起那時 | When you and Ross dated... |
他跟別的女人打情罵俏 你會不會介意? | ...did it bother you when he flirted with other women? |
不會…他跟別的女人上床 我才會介意 | No,it bothered me when he slept with other women. |
真是多謝了 | And thank you for that. |
但其實我沒啥好擔心的 羅斯從來就不太會打情罵俏 | I never had to worry.He was never good at the flirting thing. |
什麼? | What? |
你在說什麼?對你不就有效嗎 | What are you talking about? It worked with you. |
你說的真是對極了 | No,you're right. |
我們認識,你對我打情罵俏 九年後你終於追到我了 | We met,you flirted and then bam! Nine years later,you had me. |
好…即然這樣 | All right. |
我再來點個披薩 等凱特琳來的時候 | You know what I'll do? I'll order another pizza.And when Caitlin gets here |
我就來讓你們見識一下 我有多會打情罵俏 | ...I will show you how well I flirt. |
我還能要到她的電話號碼 | I will get her phone number. |
不是披薩店的電話 | And not the one on the menu. |
我找到了 | -I found it. |
謝天謝地,在哪裡找到的? | -Thank God! Where was it? |
在你的梳粧檯上 | On your dresser. |
那是原來的那一個 | Okay,that is the one we already have. |
我的主戲到了,就是現在 | Here's my big scene. My big scene's here. |
想不想打賭這事沒有人聽見?-我不跟你賭 | -Wanna bet nobody heard anything? -No bet. |
有人在嗎? | Anybody home? |
天啊 | -Oh,my God. |
怎麼了? | -What? |
大家繼續笑 | Everybody keep smiling. |
我祖母發現一定會難過到死掉 | It'll kill my grandmother if she finds out. |
怎麼了? | What is it? |
我那一段被剪掉了 | They cut me out of the show. |
什麼? | What? |
你確定? | -Are you sure? |
或許現在才輪到你上 | -Maybe your scene's coming up. |
不太可能 看到那個裝屍體的袋子沒? | Not likely. Because you see that body bag right there? |
有啊 我在裡面 | Yes. -I'm in it. |
太糟糕了,你要怎麼辦? | This is terrible. What'll you do? |
不知道 | I don't know. |
這個小婦人活著 就是為了看我演戲 | This little old lady lives for my career. |
上回“我們的日子”不要我 她差點難過到死掉 | When they dumped me off Days of Our Lives,she almost died. |
那樣很不妙 | That's not good. |
我們還找了個 特別看護來照顧她 | -Yeah,we had to get her a home nurse. |
天啊 | -Oh,my God. |
她差點死掉 還花了我們好多錢 | Yeah,she almost died and got really expensive. |
別用那種表情,大家繼續笑… | You're not smiling. Not that face! Everybody smile! |
喬伊,你怎麼不實話實說? 那又不能怪你 | Just tell her what happened. It's not your fault. |
如果我們繼續這樣說話 會不會嚇到她? | If we keep talking this way,won't we freak her out soon? |
很快…馬上就輪我上場了 | Soon. I'm gonna be on soon. |
那就是我! | There I am! |
薩姆·沃特森! | Sam Waterston! |
不對…那是我… | No,no. That's me. That's me! |
不是,那是薩姆·沃特森 | No. Sam Waterston. |
“愛與罪” “摩羯星一號” | Crime Misdemeanor,Capricorn One. |
她聽不懂“你好” 卻知道“摩羯星一號” | She doesn't know "hello," but she knows Capricorn One. |
菲比,我要那副耳環 節目一演完我們就要出去 | I need those earrings. We're leaving when the show's over. |
可是我已經還你了啊 | But I already gave them back to you. |
才沒有 | No,you didn't. |
好,我已經還沒還給你 我就是這樣說的啊 | I already didn't gave them back to you. That's what I said. |
另一個耳環在哪裡? | Where's that other earring? |
菲比,不在這裡… | It's not here,Phoebe. It's not here. |
我昨晚有去錢德和喬伊那裡 | I went to Chandler's last night. |
好,記得要檢查錢德的珠寶盒 | Make sure you check Chandler's jewelry box. |
慢著,錢德有珠寶盒? | Chandler has a jewelry box? |
好了,我們只有十分鐘 你要我現在就跟你解釋嗎? | We have 10 minutes. Do you want me to get into that now? |
菲比,那個素食披薩… 你吃得還習慣嗎? | Hey,Phoebe.How's that vegetarian pizza working out for you? |
你和那些蔬菜 還真是有兩下子,是吧? | You and those vegetables have a real...thing going on,huh? |
你幹嘛怪裡怪氣的? | Why are you being weird? |
你喜不喜歡? | Do you like it? |
不喜歡,否則我就會問 “你幹嘛這麼可愛”了 | No. That'd be,"Why are you being cute?" |
好吧,我在練習打情罵俏 | Okay. I'm working on my flirting. |
哦,我沒看出來 | I did not get that. |
莫妮卡,你喜歡看 “法律與秩序”嗎? | So,Monica,do you like Law and Order? |
喜歡,很好看 | Yeah,it's good. |
我發現了你一些新的事情 | I found out all this stuff about you. |
好比你愛看“法律與秩序” | You like Law and Order... |
還有你到處跟人打情罵俏 | ...and you've flirted with every guy in the tri-state area. |
好,我問你 你可以打情罵俏,我卻不行 | Okay,let me get this straight.It's okay for you to flirt,but not for me? |
真高興我們把話說清楚了 | I'm glad we cleared that up. |
抱歉,但男女有些事是不一樣的 | I'm sorry,but some things are different for men and women. |
繼續,教教我一些男女的差別 | Go on ,Teach me about men and women. |
好,雖然我已經教過你很多了 | I've already taught you so much already,but whatever. |
你跟男人打情罵俏的時候 | When you flirt with a guy, |
你覺得沒什麼 | you think,"No big deal." |
但對方會覺得 他終於找到人上床了 | But he thinks,"Finally! Somebody who wants to sleep with me." |
不可能 這是真的 | -No way! -It's true. |
真可悲 這也是真的 | -Well,that's pathetic. -Again,true. |
男人都這樣嗎? | -This goes for all guys? |
醒著的男人都適用 | -All guys that are awake. |
等我們上床睡覺後 | We go to sleep. |
世界另一邊的男人起床 繼續做一模一樣的事 | All guys from the other end of the world wake up and act the same way. |
好,又進廣告了 我還是沒跟她說 | It's another commercial and I still haven't told her. |
喬伊,這是最後一段廣告 你只剩十分鐘了 | Joey,this is the last commercial.You got 10 minutes left. |
我知道…你要我怎麼辦? | -I know!What am I gonna do? |
不許你逃跑,留她在這裡 | You will not run out and leave her here. |
對,好啦 | Yeah,all right. |
喬伊? | Joey |
喬伊馬上回來 | Joey's gonna be right back. |
馬上回來? | Right back? |
我們順便來聊聊你吧 | Meanwhile,let's talk about you. |
你年紀大,個子小 | So you're old and small. |
找到沒? | -Did you find it? |
耳環是沒有,但我在沙發底下 找到我的太陽眼鏡 | -The earring,no.But I found my sunglasses. |
我從去年夏天找到現在 | I've been looking for these since last summer. |
那是我借給你的太陽眼鏡 | Those are mine. You borrowed them from me. |
好,別激動,還你就是了 | Okay. Calm down. Here they are. |
菲比 | Phoebe |
我們要怎麼辦? 我不知道… | -What do we do? -I don't know. I don't know! |
我們只好老實跟莫妮卡說了 | We'll just have to tell Monica,that's all. |
老天,她一定會殺了我 | Oh,God! She's gonna kill me. |
我可以跟她說是我弄掉的 | I could tell her it was all my fault. |
那就太好了 | Oh,that'd be great. |
莫妮卡,我有話要跟你說 | Mon,could I talk to you? |
好,什麼事? | Yeah. What is it? |
我弄丟了你一支耳環 對不起,我真的很抱歉 | I lost one of your earrings.I'm sorry. I am so,so sorry. |
好吧,都弄丟了還能怎樣 | All right,what can you do? If you lost it,you lost it. |
我保證會賠你一副新的 我真的很愧疚 | I'll replace it. I promise. I feel so terrible. |
沒關係,你又不是故意的 | That's fine. You didn't do it on purpose. |
瞧你難過的,來 | Look at you. Come here. |
好點了沒? 有啊,你最棒了 | -You feel better? -Yeah. You're the best. |
好,等一等 | Okay,wait a minute. |
我不能這樣 | I can't do this. |
其實不是菲比弄丟的 | Listen,honey,it's not Phoebe's fault. |
她把你的耳環借我 是我弄丟的,我真的很抱歉 | She lent me the earrings.I lost it. I'm so sorry, |
親愛的,我也覺得好愧疚 | honey. I feel terrible too. |
所以我才不借給你東西! | That is exactly why I do not lend you stuff! |
先是我的首飾 | First,my jewelry. |
不是首飾,就是我的藍色毛衣 | If it's not that,it's my sweater. |
不是藍色毛衣 就是我的太陽眼鏡 | And if it's not that,it's my sunglasses. |
你的太陽眼鏡? 對! | Your sunglasses? -Yes |
對耶 | Oh,right. |
披薩外送 我的!… | -Pizza. -Mine,mine,mine! |
好,要開始了 | Okay,here goes. |
準備見識一流的打情罵俏 | Prepare yourselves for some class-A flirting. |
等等… | Okay,hold on. |
準備好了 | Okay |
你不用證明什麼 | Honey,you have nothing to prove |
若你真的喜歡這個女孩 我不覺得打情罵俏是好辦法 | If you really like this girl,I don't think flirting is the right way |
等著看,好吧 | You'll see. Okay |
她叫什麼名字? | What's her name? |
凱特琳… | Caitlin! |
凱特琳 | Caitlin |
這樣吃下去也不是辦法 | We can't keep eating like this. |
12.5美元 | It's $12.50. |
好 | Okay |
你們做披薩 是用燒木頭的爐子嗎? | Do you make the pizzas in one of those wood-burning ovens? |
不是,其實是瓦斯爐 | No,actually,I think they're gas. |
瓦斯爐? | Gas? |
真帶勁 | Intense. |
如果蓋勒家的人 都這樣打情罵俏的話 | If this is how all the Gellers flirt, |
我們就沒有問題了 | we don't have a problem. |
你知道瓦斯的味道嗎? | You know that smell gas has? |
知道 | Yes |
那是加進去的 什麼? | They put that in. What? |
瓦斯其實是無色無味 | -The gas is odorless. |
加上味道是為了讓人 在瓦斯漏氣時能聞得出來 | But they add the smell so you know when there's a leak. |
好吧 | Well,okay. |
很多氣體都有味道… | A lot of other gas smells. |
還有沒有人性啊 | Oh,the humanity! |
甲烷有味道… | Methane smells.... |
不好意思,我真的得走了 | You know what? Actually,I really should go. |
我還沒付錢呢 | -But I haven't paid you yet. |
沒關係,你們點了那麼多 這一個算我請的 | -That's okay.You guys have ordered so many that this one's on me. |
我是不是跟她說到瓦斯的事? | Was I talking to her about gas? |
除了這個沒別的了 | More so than anything else. |
我覺得很有意思 | I found it interesting. |
我很遺憾 | I'm sorry. |
不用…別擔心 | Don't worry about it. |
九年之後 我和她就能在一起了 | In nine years,she and l will be right there! |
好,我去清掉這些披薩盒 | I'm gonna clear out some of these boxes. |
羅斯? 怎麼了? | Ross? Yes? |
還有哪些氣體會加味道? | What else do they add smell to? |
我是瑞秋 | Hi,I'm Rachel. |
住樓上的 叫一堆披薩的那家 | The people with all the pizza. |
披薩有問題嗎? 不是…披薩很好吃 | Was there a problem?No,they're fine. Great pizza. |
其實是我朋友羅斯的事 | But,actually,my friend Ross... |
他只要打情罵俏就會緊張 | ...he gets nervous when he's flirting. |
天啊,他是在打情罵俏? 沒錯 | Oh,my God!That was flirting? -Yes |
我知道你的感覺… | I know,I know. |
不過一旦過了那個階段 | I'm telling you,once you get past that part... |
那個讓你想要自殺的階段 | ...where it feels like you wanna die... |
你就會發現他是個大好人 | ...he's a really good person. |
開口閉口都是瓦斯的那個人? | The guy with the gas? |
我要告訴你他真的很體貼風趣 | I'm telling you,he's really sweet and really funny... |
還有一副好心腸 | ...and he's just got a good heart. |
其實我覺得他蠻可愛的 可是一開始說話就… | You know,actually,I did think that he was cute and then he started talking. |
這就對了… | See,there you go. |
而且我覺得他很喜歡你 真的嗎? | -Besides,I think he really likes you. -Really? |
我們七個人,卻叫了十個披薩 這還不夠明顯嗎? | Well,we have seven people and 10 pizzas. What do you think? |
我以為是因為喬伊很能吃 | I thought Joey was there. |
羅斯值得你去試試看 | Yeah,no,but just I'm telling you he's worth a shot. |
如果他那麼棒 你怎麼不去跟他約會? | Well,if he's so great why don't you go out with him? |
你知道嗎? | Well,you know, |
對於這一點 我們可能需要好好聊一聊 | at some point...you and I may need to have a longer conversation. |
羅斯? | Hey,Ross? |
我剛才在走廊遇到凱特琳 | I just ran into Caitlin in the hallway. |
你打情罵俏的技巧 肯定比我想像中更高明 | You must be getting better at this flirting stuff than I thought. |
什麼意思? | -What do you mean? |
雖然我搞不懂 但她要我轉交她的電話給你 | -I don't get it,but she wanted me...to give you her number. |
她自己給你的? 是啊 | And she just gave you this? Yes |
瑞秋,謝了 但我不需要你幫忙 | Rach,thanks. But I don't need you doing me any favors. |
我沒幫忙啊,是她覺得你可愛 | I didn't. She thought you were cute. |
這點我倒是相信 | Well,that I can believe. |
還在演嗎? | Hey,is the show still on? |
快要演完了 嘿,納妮 | Almost over,man. Hey,Nonnie |
那是教皇嗎? | Is that the pope? |
我幹嘛要看? | Why am I looking? |
來了,我的主戲上場 | Oh,here I am! This is my big scene. |
快退後 | All right,back off! |
我有槍喔 | I got a gun! |
用起來可不會手軟 | I'm not afraid to use it. |
是喬伊! 沒錯,納妮 | Joey! That's right,Nonnie. |
你起碼也該換一件上衣的 | You couldn't have at least changed your shirt? |
我要你在手提箱裡 裝滿十萬美元… | Now,I want a suitcase filled with $ 100,000 |
裝滿十萬美元的小鈔 | Filled with $ 100,000 in small bills. |
若是我沒拿到… | And if I don't get Shoo! |
若是我沒拿到… | And if I don't get it... |
我就斃了這支鴨子 | ...I'll shoot this duck! |
不能這樣 | Oh,no! |
我要出去了 | I'm coming out! |
她會相信嗎? | And she's supposed to buy this? |
喬伊,你太勇敢了!… | Joey,bravo… |
地面控制隊呼叫總部… | Ground control to Major Tom |
倒數開始… | Commencing countdown |
動力… | Engines |
全開 | On |
這是下周的片段…下周的 | That's scenes from next week's show. Next week. |
我一定要等著看 | I am definitely gonna watch that. |
這一副看起來一樣嗎? | Do these look the same? |
一模一樣 | -Definitely. |
左右一起看 那就不一樣了 | -Not as each other.Then,no. |
準備好了嗎? 是的 | -Hey,you ready? -Yeah. |
你真美 | You look amazing. |
我是全世界最幸運的男人 | I'm the luckiest man in the world. |
你即將要更幸運了 | You're about to get a little luckier. |
耳環讓我看看 | -Let me see the earrings. |
耳環… | -Right,the earrings. |
好看極了 | They look great. |
你男友的品味真是一流吧 | Does your boyfriend have the best taste or what? |
我男友的品味真的很棒 | My boyfriend really does have great taste. |
多謝你幫我選耳環 | Thanks for picking out the earrings. |
好,大家注意聽 明天是艾蜜莉再婚的日子 | Okay,guys,listen.Tomorrow,Emily gets married again. |
我們要盡全力 轉移羅斯的注意力 | So try to really keep Ross' mind off of it. |
對,好主意 | Good idea. |
你怎麼了? | Hey,man. What's up? |
正在想艾蜜莉明天結婚的事 | Just thinking about Emily getting married tomorrow. |
羅斯,你看 | Oh,Ross! Look,look! |
看什麼?在哪裡? | What? Where? |
就在那兒啊,快看… | Right over there! There! Look,look,look! |
你要我看什麼? | -What am I looking at? |
誰來幫幫我啊 | -Somebody help me out here. |
你們好嗎? | How are you |
莫妮卡,抱歉我昨晚沒過去 我跟蓋瑞在一起 | Monica,sorry I didn't come by. I was out with Gary. |
他用警車載我去兜風 | He let me ride around with him. |
我們還阻止了一起犯罪 | We saw and prevented crimes. |
你可以坐警車去兜風? | You got to go on a ride-along? |
我也要坐警車兜風 | -I want to go on a ride-along! |
我也是 | -Me too! |
好啊 我也要 | -Okay. -Yeah! Me too! |
你真的要? | Really? You? |
是啊 | Yeah. |
有點危險喔 我喜歡危險 | -Well,it's kind of dangerous. -Well,I like danger. |
好,你們今天晚上有空嗎? | -Okay,you guys free tonight? |
有… | -Yeah! |
今晚?你剛才沒說是在晚上 | You didn't say it was gonna be at nighttime. |
本集播出:“兜風” | The One With the Ride-Along |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
真高興你回家了 | I'm so glad you're home. |
今晚總算能整理這些相片 | We can finally organize these photos. |
謝天謝地,終於要整理了 | Oh,thank God!Finally! |
我已經把照片分門別類 | I've broken them down into categories. |
有假日類、生日和偷拍 | We got holidays,birthdays,candids.... |
我已經依照主題 做好了交叉搜尋 | And I've cross-referenced them by subject. |
好比你要找生日和狗 | So if you're looking up,say...birthdays and dogs, |
就會找到152號相片 | ...you get photo 152. |
你看 | See? |
是我和拉普 | Oh,it's me and LePoo. |
我真懷念那條狗 | Wow,I miss that dog. |
你也能在狗和死亡項目之中 找到拉普 | You can also find him under "dog" and "dead." |
太好了,多謝 | Great. Thanks. |
把另一箱照片遞給我 | Hand me that other box of photos. |
那是最後一箱 好 | That's the last one. |
糟糕 | Oops. |
對不起啦 | Sorry. |
幸好你有寫上號碼,對吧? | Good thing you numbered them. |
還沒,152號相片是範例 | I hadn't.Photo 152 was a prototype. |
親愛的,別難過… | Honey,it's okay. It's okay. |
我幫你弄杯喝的 | How about I fix you a drink? |
瑪格莉特好嗎? | Maybe a margarita? |
果汁機在羅斯那裡 | Ross has the blender. |
一切都毀了 | Everything's just falling apart. |
親愛的,不礙事 | It's okay. |
我去找羅斯拿果汁機 | I'll go to Ross',get the blender. |
你先準備瑪格莉特的材料 | -You get the margarita stuff ready. |
好吧,他家鑰匙放在抽屜裡 | -All right.His keys are in the drawer. |
我還需要一些現金 | Also,I need some cash. |
你要我去自動櫃員機領嗎? | Want me to stop at the ATM? |
不用,到羅斯家裡拿就好 | No. While you're at Ross',if you see any lying around. |
什麼? | -What? |
什麼?我不做那種事的 | -What?I don't do that. |
你逼問那傢伙的方式 真是太酷了 | That was so cool,man. The way you leaned on that guy. |
天色越來越黑了 | It is starting to get dark out there. |
他什麼都招了 他對你毫不保留 | He told you everything. You cracked him. |
對,他是受害者 他們通常都很好說話 | He was the victim. They're usually pretty talkative. |
好,正式進入夜晚了 | Okay,but it is officially nighttime. |
蓋瑞,要我幫你拿“漿果”嗎? | -Want me to grab the berry for you? |
這叫做“櫻桃” | -It's called a cherry. |
這叫做…錢德! | It's called Chandler! |
買到了,這家店做的三明治 世界第一 | Okay,I got it.This place makes the best sandwich in the world. |
喬伊,裡頭有肉球嗎? 沒錯 | Does it have meatballs? Oh,yeah. |
有融化的起司 和大蒜番茄醬嗎? | Melted cheese and marinara sauce? |
有 | Yep. |
那就不能在我的車上吃 | You can't eat that in my car. |
好吧 | Yeah,okay. |
買這部警車的錢 我繳的稅也有一份 | Even though my tax dollars paid for this car. |
你繳的稅? | Your tax dollars? |
好啦(你繳的) | Yeah,okay. |
這個三明治還真香 | Wow,that sandwich smells good. |
我有說你可以聞嗎? | Did I say you could smell it? |
聞個三明治都不行? | I can't smell it? |
香味就占去了好吃的一半 | Half the taste is in the smell. |
你把好吃的都吸光了 | You're sucking up all the taste units. |
好吧,還給你 | Okay,I'll give them back. |
這三明治到底棒在哪裡? | What is so great about that sandwich? |
想想你做愛最爽的一次 好 | Imagine the best sex you ever had. |
你想的是莫妮卡嗎? 是啊 | -Are you thinking about Monica? -Yeah. |
是什麼感覺? | What's that like? |
拜託不要是真的恐龍 | Please don't be from a real dinosaur. Please,please. |
千萬不要… | Please,please. |
墨西哥製造,好耶 | "Made in Mexico." Yes! |
誰會買這種東西? | Who would buy this? |
瑞秋,是我,快接啊 | Rach,it's me. Pick up! |
什麼事? | What's up? |
我做瑪格莉特還缺材料 | I need a few more things for the margaritas. |
我要鹽、瑪格莉特調汁 還有龍舌蘭酒 | I need some salt,some margarita mix and tequila. |
我們家裡只有冰塊喔? | So all we had was ice? |
看看他有沒有冰塊 | See if he has ice. |
好吧 | Okay |
羅斯,我是艾蜜莉 | Hello,Ross?It's Emily here. |
我知道這很突然 | I know this is out of the blue, |
但是我明天就要結婚了 | but I'm getting married tomorrow. |
或許…我一直在想你 | Well,maybe I am....I keep thinking about you. |
不知道我們太快放棄 是不是一個錯誤 | And I'm wondering if we made a mistake giving up so fast. |
你有在想我嗎? | Are you thinking about me? |
一定沒有 | No,of course you're not. |
如果有的話,今晚打給我 | But if you are,call me tonight. |
好吧,再見 | Okay,bye. |
下一站是哪裡? | Where we going? |
這個目擊證人不回我電話 我們去他家堵他 | This witness won't return my calls. We'll surprise him coming home. |
去堵他?他不會生氣吧? | Surprise him? We're not gonna make anybody mad,are we? |
得了吧你 | Come on,man. |
那你會在那賊人的律師出現前 先從他身上擠出一些汁來? | You gonna squeeze the perp's shoes a bit before he lawyers up? |
那是目擊證人,不是賊人 而且沒有人會那樣說話 | He's a witness,not a perp. And no one talks like that. |
是啊,沒人會那樣說話 | Yeah. No one talks like that. |
你以為你是員警啊? | -Oh,what,like you're Mr. Cop? |
我比你們兩個都像員警 | -I'm more cop than you two. |
什麼意思? | How do you figure that? |
醒醒吧,我坐在前座 | I'm in the front seat,okay? |
我是蓋瑞的搭檔 | I'm Gary's partner. |
你說搭檔的時候不像員警 倒像是同志 | When you say "partner," it doesn't sound cop.It sounds gay. |
嫉妒 | Jealous. |
嘿 我們這是秘密出勤 | -Hey,we're undercover here. |
好,沒問題 | -Oh,yeah. No problem. |
羅斯 | -Ross! |
抱歉… | -Sorry. |
好了 | There. |
蓋瑞,我是誰? | Hey,Gary. Who am l? |
打電話回家 | Phone home. |
看看這位羅斯警官跟訪客一起坐到後座了 | Look at Officer Ross riding back here with the visitors. |
是啊,這是怎麼一回事呢塞爾皮科(《衝突》中的員警)? | What's up with that,Serpico? |
是啊,這是怎麼一回事呢塞爾皮科? | "What's up with that,Serpico?" |
你有在想我嗎? | Are you thinking about me? |
一定沒有 | No,of course you're not. |
如果有的話,今晚打給我 | But if you are,call me tonight. |
好吧,再見 | Okay,bye. |
不 | No. |
我知道 | I know! |
幸好先被你聽到了 我們一定要把這留言洗掉 | Thank God you were here. We have to erase that. |
什麼?我們不能那樣 | What? We can't do that. |
非這樣不可 | We have to. |
萬一羅斯聽到了,回電給她 他們又複合了怎麼辦? | What if Ross hears that...and calls her back and they get back together? |
你希望那樣嗎? | Is that what you want? |
看到羅斯跟那個控制欲超強 神經兮兮的瘋子艾蜜莉複合? | Ross back with that controlling...neurotic,crazy Emily? |
那個不讓羅斯見你的艾蜜莉? | The Emily that wouldn't let him see you? |
不行,萬萬不可… | No! Oh,no,no. |
羅斯絕對不能和她複合 | God,no! He should not get back with her. |
你知我知,就連羅斯都知道 | I know that,you know that. Even Ross knows that. |
但我們還是沒有權力 擅自洗掉給羅斯的留言 | But we have no right to erase his message. |
我可是他的妹妹 | Look,I'm his sister |
我愛他,不想看他受到傷害 | and I love him. I don't want to see him get hurt. |
拜託 難道我沒有權利控制… | Doesn't that give me the right to control him? |
幫助他嗎? | Help him? |
我覺得需要幫忙的不是他 | He's not the one who needs help. |
艾蜜莉非常不穩定 | She's obviously unstable. |
她竟然想在結婚當天逃跑 | She's thinking about running out on her wedding day. |
好啦,但你看看 她讓羅斯陷入了什麼處境 | Okay,fine. But look at the position she's putting him in. |
你要羅斯怎麼辦? | And what's he gonna do? |
難不成在艾蜜莉結婚當天 跑去破壞婚禮? | Run over there on the wedding day and break up the marriage? |
誰做得出那種事? | Who would do that? |
好啦,不過這是兩碼子事 | Okay,fine. All right. But that was different. |
雖然有很多人都被捲進來了 | Although it did involve a lot of the same people. |
艾蜜莉顯然想用變態的笑話 來惡整羅斯 | This is some twisted joke she's playing on him. |
夠了,你瘋了 | You are crazy. |
她聽起來真的很沮喪 | She sounded genuinely upset. |
你聽聽就知道 | I mean,listen. |
您的留言已經清除 | Your messages have been erased. |
不… | No! |
這樣就省事多了 | Well,that worked out well. |
要喝瑪格莉特嗎? | Margarita? |
我們很安全,對吧? 不可能會有厄運降臨 | Okay,but we're safe,right? Nothing bad's gonna go down. |
對,不過我倒想起來了 簽一下這個 | No. But that reminds me. Sign this. |
這是什麼? | What is it? |
沒什麼,只是斷腿或腦袋開花 也不能告到市政府頭上 | It just says you can't sue if you scrape your knee...or get your head blown off. |
快點喔,我要簽 | Oh,hurry up. I want to sign that. |
好,他來了 | Here he comes. |
他在幹嘛?搞什麼鬼? | What is he doing? What the hell is he doing? |
什麼?…怎麼了? | What is it? |
沒事吧? 發生什麼事? | -ls everything okay? -What? |
他看到我們了,別動 不要看他 | He sees us. Don't move. And don't look at him! |
沒事的,只是車子逆火 | Hey,it's okay. It was just a car backfire. |
看看,你想用身體掩護朋友 | Hey,look at that. You tried to save your buddy. |
看到他冒命拯救朋友沒? | You see that?You see what he did? |
你沒事吧? | You okay,man? |
喬伊,謝了 | Thanks,Joey. |
喂? | Hello? |
嗨 | Hi. |
沒事吧? | You all right? |
我們應該走了 | We should go. |
等等… | No,wait. |
對,錢拿走 | Oh,yeah. Right. |
不是啦,莫妮卡… | No. Monica. |
莫妮卡,我們得補救這個 | Monica,we have to fix this. |
我們無能為力啊 你已經把留言洗掉了 | What can we do? You erased the message. |
或許我可以再打電話進來 重新假造一段同樣的留言 | Yeah,but maybe I could call his machine and re-create the message. |
我來試試… | All right,okay.... |
羅斯,我是瑞秋…艾蜜莉 | Hello,Ross,this is Rachel Emily. |
天啊 | God, |
這兩個名字到底是怎麼回事 | what is it with those two names? |
我打來只是要說我就快要… | I do so wanted to say that I'm going to be ... |
跟另外一個英國人結婚了 | getting married to another British person. |
我心裡很疑惑… | And I'm having doubts and scones.... |
天啊 | Oh God |
我忘記她說了什麼 | -I can't remember what she said. |
是啊,問題就在這裡 | -Yeah,that's the problem with this plan. |
瑞秋,留言已經洗掉了 我們無能為力 | Rachel,come on. The message is erased,there's nothing we can do. |
羅斯永遠不會發現的 | He's never gonna find out. |
我可以告訴他啊 | I could tell him about it. |
如果你想要這麼明理的話 我也爭不過你 | If you want to be rational,I can't argue with you. |
好啦,你要說就說 我不想介入 | All right?Fine,tell him. I just don't want to be a part of it. |
或許又是艾蜜莉打來的 她想說一樣的話 | Maybe that's Emily leaving the exact same message. |
羅斯,是你啊 我只是要你記得這種感覺 | Hey,Ross,it's you. I just want you to remember this feeling. |
活著是一種幸運 | You are lucky to be alive. |
所以每一天都要活得精彩 | So live every day to the fullest. |
珍愛自己,好嗎? | Love yourself,okay? |
好吧,也別忘了買郵票,再見 | And also get stamps. Bye. |
只要把這留言放給艾蜜莉聽 所有的問題就都解決了 | Play that message for Emily,and this problem goes away. |
是嗎? | Right? |
誰要來見見英雄? | Anybody want to meet a hero? |
約翰葛籣(美國第一位宇航員)來了? | John Glenn is here? |
不,是喬伊 | No. Joey. |
喬伊沒有上過太空啊 | Joey's never been in outer space. |
菲比,今晚真是太不可思議了 | We had the most incredible night. |
我們在警車裡… 慢著… | -We're in the car -Wait. Hold on. |
嗨 嗨 | -Hi. -Hi. |
好,繼續說 | Okay,go ahead. |
好…我們在警車裡 | So we're in the car, |
突然砰得一聲! | and bang! |
有人開槍 | A shot was fired. |
喬伊完全不顧自己的安危 撲到我身上保護我 | And Joey,with no regard for his own safety...throws himself on me. |
天啊,喬伊 | My God! |
那是汽車逆火放屁的聲音 | It was a car backfire. |
對,但是當時他並不知道 對,我不知道 | But he didn't know that.Yeah,I didn't know that. |
那很有可能會是子彈的 | It could just as easily have been a bullet. |
喬伊,有沒有想過要當員警? 警界很需要你這種人 | Ever think about joining the force? We could use a guy like you. |
聽到巨響就嚇得跳起來 | Who jumps at loud noises. |
我今晚有可能喪命的 | Wow. I could have died tonight. |
對,如果那部放屁的車 把你碾過去的話 | Yeah,if the car that backfired had run over you! |
我先回家去了 省得羅斯大談人生新發現 | I'm gonna go home,before Ross starts rambling about his newfound respect for life. |
我的人生的確有了新發現 | I do have a newfound respect for life. |
我的上帝啊 | Oh,my God! |
羅斯,我早該跟你說 你今天不會死的 | Ross,I could have told you you weren't gonna die today. |
你知道我什麼時候會死? | What? You know when I'm gonna die? |
親愛的,你要吃晚餐嗎? | -You want to get some dinner? |
好啊 | -Sure. |
你知道嗎,若現在聽到槍聲 我一定會撲倒在你身上 | You know what? If I heard a shot right now,I'd throw my body on you. |
是嗎?那我們或許應該 去窮兇惡極的社區散步 | Maybe we should walk in a bad neighborhood. |
再見 再見 | Bye. |
羅斯,你別再鬧了 | Cut it out. |
我不想在同一天裡 先是救你又痛扁你一頓 | I'd hate to save your life and kick your ass on the same day. |
你剛才怎麼先離開了? | Why'd you take off? |
我只是去散步 在客廳裡繞來繞去 | Just going for a walk.Around the living room,whatever. |
有什麼不對嗎? | -ls something wrong? |
沒有,我只是累了 走路走累了 | -No. No,I'm just tired.You know,from the walk |
好吧 | Okay |
你撲上去救羅斯 | You dove in front of Ross! |
羅斯! | Ross! |
原來是這麼一回事 | That's what this is about. |
天啊,你恨羅斯 | Oh,my God. You hate Ross! |
我沒有恨羅斯 你當然有! | I don't hate Ross.Of course you do. |
我救了他,你生我的氣 這樣全都說得通了 | I saved him. You're mad at me. It adds up. |
你想剷除羅斯? 剷除什麼? | You want Ross out of the picture.What picture? |
不知道,但是我不喜歡你剛才說的話 | I don't know. But I don't like what I'm hearing. |
我很高興你在汽車放屁事件中 救了羅斯一命 | I'm glad you saved Ross in the car backfire. |
但那若真的是子彈怎麼辦? 你竟然救他不救我 | But it could've been a bullet.And you didn't try to save me. |
原來你是在氣這個 你以為我覺得羅斯比你重要 | You're upset because you think I chose Ross over you. |
不是這樣的… | No, |
我知道你能照顧自己 | I knew you could take care of yourself. |
羅斯需要別人幫忙 他不像你我見過大場面 | You know? I mean,Ross needs help. He's not "street" like us. |
話說到頭,你寧願先去救羅斯 也不來救我 | You'd risk your life for Ross before you would for me. |
這才是重點 | That's the bottom line. |
不完全是這樣 | No,not exactly. |
其實我那不是要救羅斯 | All right,look.I wasn't trying to save Ross. |
我的三明治在羅斯旁邊 | My sandwich was next to Ross. |
我是要救我的三明治 | I was trying to save my sandwich. |
怕它被槍打到? | From a bullet? |
我知道這說來沒啥道理… | -I know it doesn't make much sense. |
豈止沒啥道理 | -"Much" sense? |
錢德,那是本能反應 當下就撲過去了 | Look,it was instinct! I just went for it. |
所以你冒生命危險去救三明治 | You risked your life for a sandwich? |
我知道這聽起來很誇張 | I know it sounds crazy... |
但這可是世界上最棒的三明治 | ...but this is the greatest sandwich in the world! |
所以你並不覺得羅斯比我重要 | So you didn't choose Ross before me? |
是啊,我絕對不會那樣 | No. I would never do that. |
你就像是我的親兄弟 | You're like my brother. |
真的? | -Really? |
對,為了證明你對我的意義 | -Yeah.In fact,to prove how much you mean to me.... |
給你 | Here. |
謝了 | -Thanks. |
輕一點,這不是熱狗 | -Easy,it's not a hot dog! |
是不是很好吃? | How good is that? |
看吧 | See? |
慢著,你在幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
你在向我證明我對你的意義 | You're showing me how much I mean to you. |
是啊,一口 | With a bite. |
拜託 | Jeez! |
瑞秋,你在這裡幹嘛? | What are you doing here? |
你動不動就往我們的公寓跑 我這只是小小的回應,先生 | Hey,you know what?You are in our apartment all the time!This is just a drop in the bucket,mister! |
沒關係啦,重點是你來了 | It doesn't matter. The important thing is that you're here. |
你是我朋友,而你來到了這裡 | You're my friend and you're here. |
好,我有一點點害怕 羅斯,你是怎麼了? | Okay,just a little scared. What's going on? |
今晚發生了最不尋常的事 | The most amazing thing happened tonight. |
我還以為自己要完了 | I thought my number was up. |
我真正面臨到了瀕死經驗 | I had an actual near-death experience. |
什麼?…怎麼回事? | What happened? |
我們不是跟蓋瑞 坐警車兜風嗎? | We were on the ride-along with Gary |
有人向我開槍! | and somebody took a shot at me! |
真的嗎? | Really? |
不是,是車子放屁 | No. A car backfired. |
但我當時以為是有人對我開槍 | But I thought somebody was taking a shot at me. |
瑞秋,我劫後餘生 | And,Rach...I survived! |
我的人生擁有了全新視野 | And I was filled with this great respect for life. |
我要真切體驗每一刻 | I want to experience every moment. |
我要把握每一個機會 | I want to seize every opportunity. |
現在的一切都變得好清晰 | I am seeing everything so clearly now. |
全都是因為汽車放屁? | Because a car backfired? |
好吧,你來這裡幹嘛? | Okay. Why are you here? |
我不知道這件事符不符合 你所謂的“把握今朝” | I don't know how this fits into your whole "seizing" thing... |
不過艾蜜莉今天打了電話給你 | ...but Emily called you today. |
你跟她說了話? | -You talked to her? |
沒有,她在你電話裡留言 | -She left a message. |
不過留言被洗掉了 | But it kind of got erased. |
我是說,你的答錄機有問題 | I mean,there's something wrong with your machine. |
那她說了什麼? | What did she say? |
說什麼對結婚的事有點反悔 | Something about having second thoughts about the wedding... |
說你們分手是個錯誤 | ...and did you guys make a mistake breaking up? |
她要你回電 | And she wants you to call her. |
我跟你說這件事很對吧? | That was a good thing that I told you,right? |
是啊,當然是這樣 | Yeah. Yes. Of course. |
謝謝你… | Okay,thank you. Thank you. |
我要去跟莫妮卡說 我這樣做是對的 | Because I'm gonna go tell Monica I was right. |
因為你知道嗎?她不希望… 那不重要 | Because she didn't want Not important. |
重點是我是對的,你自己的決定 | Point is,I was right. Your decision. |
我是對的 你自己決定要不要回電 | Okay?}I was right.Your decision. |
對 | Right. |
我猜我應該回電給艾蜜莉 | I guess I should call Emily. |
不對,你的決定不對… | No,that's not the right decision.That's not right. |
羅斯,你清醒一點 | Ross,come on! |
那個女人把你給整慘了 | I mean...that woman made you miserable! |
羅斯,你真的想要再來一次? | Do you really want to get back into that? |
如果她是在昨天打來的 我壓根不會想回電 | Okay,look. Yesterday...I wouldn't have even considered calling her back. |
但在我面對瀕死經驗的同一天 我的前妻正好打電話來 | But my ex-wife calls on the same day...I have a near-death experience? |
這一定有所含意 | That's gotta mean something. |
羅斯,那不是瀕死經驗 就連經驗都談不上了 | That was not a near-death experience. That was barely an experience. |
當時你並不在場 | You weren't there! |
或許這就是我應該把握的事 | Maybe this is something that I'm supposed to seize,you know? |
好吧,你知道嗎? | Okay. You know what? |
或許這無關把握或是不把握 | Maybe this is not about seizing stuff. |
或許這是關於逃避 | Maybe this is about escaping stuff. |
就拿今天來說,你逃過了… | Okay? Look at today.I mean,you escaped |
死亡 | ...death. |
或許這是你逃避的機會 不去和艾蜜莉複合 | And maybe this is a chance for you to escape...getting back together with Emily. |
還蠻有道理的 | That does make sense. |
因為我要把握住這個機會 不和她見面或聯絡 | Because I do want to seize some opportunity...but I really don't want to see or talk to her. |
這就對了 | Well,there you go! |
或許今天只是“差點接電話”日 | Yeah,maybe today's just..."close call" day. |
瑞秋,謝了 | Hey,thanks,Rach. |
親愛的,甭客氣 | Oh,honey. No problem. |
等等…留言燈在閃 | Wait,wait. The message is blinking. |
或許留言沒被洗掉 | Maybe you didn't erase it. |
羅斯,是你啊 | Hey,Ross,it's you |
這是舊的留言 | That's an old message. |
沒什麼好聽的 沒錯 | Nobody needs to hear that. Yes |
莫妮卡有來過嗎? 有啊 | -Hey,was Monica here? -Yeah. |
要她把我的錢還來 | I want my money back. |
是要用來買郵票的吧? | You probably need that for stamps,right? |
菲比,蓋瑞有真的中過槍嗎? | Has Gary ever been shot at for real? |
有,一次 | Yes,once. |
小小的一次 | A little. |
算是他自己打的 這不是什麼好故事 | He kind of did it to himself.It's not really a good story. |
不知道我置身戰火會怎樣 | I wonder how I'd react under fire |
不是汽車放屁,是槍林彈雨 | And not backfire...but heavy fire. |
好比我在戰場上之類的 | Like,if I was in a war. |
我去打仗一定很厲害 | Man,I would be great in a war! |
一定會是很棒的軍事領袖 | I think I'd make a fantastic military leader. |
跟你們這些人比起來 我一定會最先當上將軍 | I mean,I know I'd make general before any of you guys. |
在你被自己的部下槍殺前 還是之後? | Before or after you were shot by your own troops? |
我知道喬伊會在哪裡 | I know Joey would be |
他一定會在散兵坑裡保護大家 | in the foxhole protecting all of us. |
對,如果那個散兵坑 是用三明治圍起來的話 | If the foxhole was lined with sandwiches. |
沒錯,英雄三明治 | Yeah,hero sandwiches. |
你們知道我主張和平 我對什麼戰爭都沒興趣 | You all know I'm a pacifist,so I'm not interested in war in any way. |
不過等到革命的那一天來臨 我一定要把你們消滅光光 | But when the revolution comes,I'll have to destroy you all. |
喬伊,你例外 | Not you,Joey. |
我要點咖啡外帶 洋娃娃,你也要嗎? | I'll get coffee. Want anything,baby doll? |
不用了,謝謝 | I'm fine. Thanks. |
我不能叫你洋娃娃吧 | I can't pull off "baby doll," can l? |
對,從那次甜甜嘴事件 我們已經得到教訓了 | No,I think we learned that from the "sugar lips" incident. |
我去點茶來喝 | I'll make some tea. |
小南瓜,你好嗎? | How you doing,pumpkin? |
不 | Nope |
你們倆看起來越來越好了呢 | -So it's going well for you two? |
我知道,真的很好 其實我正想要菲比搬來我家 | -I know. Really well.I'm gonna ask Phoebe to move in with me. |
天啊 | Oh my god! |
你覺得呢? | What do you think? |
我覺得這真是太棒了 你何時要問她? | It's great! When will you ask her? |
今天晚上,你先別透露喔 | Tonight. But don't say anything. |
我發誓不說,人格擔保… | I swear. I promise. |
天啊,我超興奮的 | I'm so excited! |
我跟你說,記得不要送她花 | But listen,do not get her flowers,okay? |
因為花謝了她會哭 還會幫花辦葬禮之類的 | Because she cries when they die. Then there's the whole funeral. |
親愛的,下班後再見 好,再見 | -I'll see you after work,sweetie. -Okay. Bye. |
我們應該去看什麼電影? | So,what movie should we see? |
蓋瑞要請你搬去跟他住 | Gary's gonna ask you to move in with him! |
什麼?真的嗎? | What? Really? |
他剛才在吧臺上跟我說的 | He just told me at the counter |
他要我保證不會說出去 但我實在是憋不住 | He made me promise not to tell,but I couldn't hold it in any longer! |
我不敢相信 | I can't believe this. |
對,因為太快了,太快… | Right? Because it's fast. Because it's so fast. It's fast. |
別激動,是菲比,又不是你 | Relax. It's Phoebe,not you. |
菲比,很厲害,有一套 | Good for you,Phoebe. Way to go. |
不過真的是很快,對吧? | No,but it is fast,isn't it? |
我是很喜歡他沒錯 但我還沒有準備好 | -I like him,but I'm not ready. |
那你打算怎麼辦? | -So,what are you gonna do? |
不知道,我會處理的 | I don't know. I'll just handle it. |
你去跟他談! | I'll ask you to talk to him! |
我?為何是我? | Me? Why me? |
因為你怕承諾 | Because you are so afraid of commitment. |
你去跟他說說 讓他跟你一樣怕 | You talk to him. Make him scared like you, |
讓他成為一個…男人 | make him a man. |
我會去試試 但我不確定會多有用 | I'll try,but I'm not sure what good it'd do. |
因為比起以前 我現在已經不害怕承諾了 | I'm less afraid of commitment than I used to be. |
真是太甜蜜了 | That is so sweet. |
還是很怕 但我會處理,沒問題 | Still terrified. I'll take care of it.No problem |
本集播出:“擲球遊戲” | The One With the Ball |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
羅斯,斯塔頓島真的是島嗎? | Hey,Ross,is Staten lsland really an island? |
是啊,所以才叫斯塔頓“島” | That's why they call it Staten "lsland." |
我還以為那跟長島一樣 | Oh,I thought it was like Long lsland. |
長島也是島 | Also an island. |
幾點了? | -What time is it? |
2點17分 | -2:17. |
你相信嗎?我們丟這個球 | Wow!You realize that we've been throwing this ball, |
連續一小時都沒有落地 | without dropping it,for like an hour? |
真的嗎? | Are you serious? |
對,我半小時前就發現了 我怕壞了好事才沒說 | I realized it a half-hour ago,but I didn't say anything.I didn't wanna jinx it. |
我們還真會丟球呢 | We are pretty good at this. |
我們完全忘了吃午餐 | We totally forgot about lunch. |
這是我第一次忘記吃飯 | That's the first time I've ever missed a meal. |
我覺得我的褲子都有點松了 | I think my pants are a little loose. |
嗨,莫妮卡在嗎? | Hey,you guys. Is Monica here? |
不在… | No |
我買了點東西 我不確定她是否喜歡 | I bought something. I'm not sure she'll like it. |
聽起來有點傻 | It may seem crazy, |
那個東西我從小就想要了 | but I've wanted this since I was a little girl. |
你買的是肖恩·凱西迪? (演員、導演、編劇) | You bought Shaun Cassidy! |
不是,我也希望是 | No. I wish! |
你們準備好了沒? 好了 | Okay,you ready? Yes |
請看! | Check it out. |
那是什麼? 是什麼鬼東西? | What is it?What the hell is that? |
這是貓啊 | It's a cat. |
這才不是貓 | That is not a cat! |
這就是貓啊 | Yes,it is! |
它的皮怎麼翻出來了? | Why is it inside out? |
幫幫忙 | Excuse me! |
這可是展示級的 純種斯芬克斯貓 | But this is a purebred,show-quality sphinx cat. |
你花了多少錢買的? | How much did you pay for that? |
有點奢侈 但我談到了很好的價錢 | It was extravagant,but I got a good deal. |
是嗎?多少錢? | -How much? |
一千美元 | -Thousand bucks. |
買一隻貓? | On a cat? |
那才不是貓! | It's not a cat! |
花一千元起碼也要有毛才對 | For a thousand dollars,you'd think at least it'd come with hair. |
或是其他什麼 | Or something. |
你們這兩個玩球的給我聽好 | All right. Listen,ball boys. |
我小時候祖母就養了這種貓 它們最討人喜歡了 | My grandma had one when I was little. It was the sweetest thing. |
超可愛的,躺在我的膝蓋上 整天滿足地喵喵叫 | It would sit in my lap and just purr all day long. |
我還會拿鞋帶在地上拖 讓它追著跑 | I would drag a string and it would chase it. |
不要錢的貓也會那樣 | Free cats do that too,you know. |
那才不是貓! | It's not a cat! |
反正我很興奮 我才不管你們怎麼想 | I'm really excited about this,okay? I don't care what you think. |
我要去給威絲克森太太準備一個小盒子 | I'm gonna set up a litter box for Mrs. Whiskerson. |
不然我要叫它“毛毛”嗎? | What am I gonna call her? Fluffy? |
你要去吃點東西嗎? | Do you wanna get something to eat, |
還是要看我們能來回丟多久? | or see how long we can throw this ball? |
繼續丟球 是喔 | The ball thing. |
若我們連丟兩小時不落地 那樣是不是很棒? | Wouldn't it be great if we could go for two hours without dropping it? |
對喔 | Yeah,it would! |
來吧 好 | Let's do it. |
怎麼了? | What? |
我要尿尿,瑞秋在廁所裡 | I have to pee.And Rachel's in the bathroom! |
沒想到這樣也行 | Man,I didn't think we'd make it. |
是啊 | I know. |
不要換手,好嗎 | Don't switch hands,okay? |
小姐們,你們在這裡幹嘛? | Hey,ladies. What are you in here for? |
錢德,你來這裡幹嘛? | What are you doing here? |
蓋瑞,我是來報案的 是嗎? | I am here to report a crime. |
我們倆不常聚在一起 是一種罪 | It's a crime that we don't spend time together. |
你有什麼事? | What's up? |
聽說你在考慮要菲比跟你同居 | You're thinking about moving in with Phoebe, |
我心想我們或許應該聊聊 男人…跟我的對話 | and I thought we should talk.You know,man to...well,me. |
好啊,沒問題 | Sure,okay. |
你瘋了嗎? | Are you crazy? |
你瘋了?若你和菲比同居 你們兩個就會住在一起了 | Are you insane?If you live with Phoebe,you two are gonna be living together. |
對,我考慮過了 我知道這會讓我快樂 | I considered that. It'd make me happy. |
你是說害怕吧 | -You mean scared. |
不,我是說快樂 | -No,I mean happy. |
恐怖的快樂? | Scared happy. |
錢德,你在幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
我在讓你張開眼睛啊 你看不出來嗎? | I'm trying to open your eyes! Don't you see |
若你和菲比同居 她就永遠都會在 | If you live with Phoebe,she is always gonna be there. |
你回家會看到她 你上床也會看到她 | You get home,she's there. You go to bed,she's there. |
你起床呢?對,她還是在 | You wake up and,oh,yes,she's there. |
我知道,我都等不及了 | I know. I can't wait! |
你父母的婚姻很幸福吧? | Were your parents happy or something? |
錢德,我看這件事的角度是 我很幸運能找到我的真愛 | I was lucky enough to find someone that I really love. |
我想要儘量多跟她在一起 | I just want to be around her as much as I can. |
這件事從你嘴裡說出來 感覺就沒那麼恐怖了 | When you say it,it doesn't sound so scary. |
所以你懂我的意思吧? 對,我想我懂 | You know what I'm saying?Yeah,I think I do. |
知道嗎,跟她同居吧 | You know what?Move in with her. |
馬上就去跟她同居 | Move in right now. |
或許我也應該和莫妮卡同居 | Maybe I'll move in with Monica. |
不成,你們不能操之過及 | No,it's too soon for you guys. |
是啊,你說的對 | You're right about that. |
他們找到中生代乳齒象化石 | When they found the remains of the Mesozoic mastodon... |
卻在嘴部發現到 類似古生代兩栖類的構造 | ...they discovered what appeared to be the remains of a Paleozoic amphibian in its jaws. |
它們從哪裡冒出來的? | How did it get there? |
或許這個遊戲應該安靜一點 | Maybe this should be more of a quiet game. |
嗨 嗨 | Hey,guys. |
我昨晚把手錶放在櫃子上 | I left my watch here last night. |
應該在這裡的,到哪兒去了? | -lt was here. Where is it? |
我不知道 | -I don't know. |
別鬧了,我上班快遲到了 | Come on,I'm late for work. |
你怎麼知道?你又沒戴表 | How do you know? You don't have a watch. |
能不能停一下再丟球 先幫我找表? | Can you stop throwing the ball for one minute and help me find it? |
不知道,沒辦法喔 | Oh,I don't know.... Yeah,can't do it. |
怎樣啦? | -What? |
莫妮卡,怎樣都好 千萬別把球掉地上 | -Monica,whatever you do,do not drop that ball. |
我們保持球不落地已經… | We haven't dropped it in.... |
2小時27分鐘 | Two hours,27 minutes. |
真的啊? | Really? |
我今天沒辦法去上班 我人不太舒服 | I won't make it in to work today.I don't feel very good. |
漂亮! | Yes |
我剛才突然覺得自己好多了 但其實沒有 | For a second,I thought I was feeling better,but I'm not. |
瑞秋 嗨 | Hey,Rach. |
快來看,球不落地接近三小時 | Check it out. Almost three hours without dropping it. |
恭喜了,真是浪費時間的好辦法 | Congratulations. That's quite a waste of time. |
瑞秋? 怎麼了? | Rach?Yeah? |
你身上都是抓痕,怎麼了? | You have scratches all over you.What happened? |
是我的貓 什麼? | Well,it's my cat. What? |
對了,我養了一隻貓 | -Oh,I got a cat. |
我不想養貓 | -I don't want a cat! |
別擔心,那不是貓 沒錯 | Don't worry,it's not a cat. Yeah |
這只貓跟我祖母養過的貓 完全不一樣 | You guys,this cat is nothing like my grandmother's cat. |
既不討人喜歡,也不可愛 | It's not sweet. It's not cute. |
我拉著線逗它 | I dragged a string, |
它竟然發飆 把我抓得亂七八糟 | and it flipped out and scratched the hell out of me. |
我知道這聽來很瘋狂 但 | I know this sounds crazy, |
這只貓每次噓我的時候 我知道它都在說“瑞秋” | but every time this cat hisses at me I know it's saying,"Rachel!" |
花一千美元買一隻貓 比剛才那些話更瘋狂 | Doesn't sound as crazy as paying $1000 for a cat. |
你欠我三百美元不還 還拿一千美元去買貓? | You paid $1000 for a cat when you owe me $300? |
我本來打算讓你跟它玩的 | Well,I was gonna let you play with it. |
“中央咖啡館” | |
嗨 | Hi |
你跟蓋瑞聊過同居的事沒? | Did you talk to Gary about moving in? |
聊過了,我覺得你應該答應 | I think you should do it. |
什麼? | What? |
他很棒,他也很愛你 你非常幸運 | He's a great guy and he loves you a lot. You are a very lucky lady. |
你真沒用 | You are useless! |
害怕承諾是你唯一會做的事 | Freaking out about commitment is the one thing you can do... |
你竟然連那件事都做不好! 天啊 | ...and you can't even do that right! |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
如果他問我,我也願意和他同居 | If he asked me,I'd move in with him. |
天啊 | God! |
沒用的傢伙,快滾吧 | Get out of here,good-for-nothing. |
錢德 蓋瑞 | Hey,Chandler.Hey,Gar. |
親愛的 | Hey,sweetie. |
能不能先聊一下? 好啊 | Can I talk to you for a second? |
你今天很美 | You look pretty today. |
謝謝,好吧 | Thanks. Okay. |
是這樣的 | Here's the thing. |
我很想讓這段關係更進一步 | I really want this relationship to move forward. |
因為不進則退 | If you're not moving forward,you're moving backwards. |
不對,那不是真的 如果不進,就是靜止不動 | No,if you're not moving forward,you're staying still. |
靜止不動是很好的,你看 | And staying still is good. Watch this. |
菲比 是 | Phoebe? Yes |
我要你搬來一起住 | I want you to move in with me. |
那真是太甜蜜了 | That is so sweet. |
但你不覺得太快了些嗎? | But don't you think it's too soon? |
我們彼此還有太多地方不瞭解 | There's so much we don't know about each other. |
好吧,我懂了 | Okay. I get it. |
我只是不希望我們操之過急 你懂吧? | I don't want us to jump into something that we're not ready for. |
我不想搞砸我們現在的一切 | I don't want to mess up what we have. |
我擔心同居會鑄成大錯 | I'm worried it's gonna be a big mistake. |
是啊 | Ya |
所以我的答案是我答應 | Which is why my answer is yes! |
真的嗎? | Really? |
我好快樂 | You're so happy. |
莫妮卡,別丟那麼大力! | Monica,stop throwing it so hard! |
我們是同一隊 | We're on the same team! |
四個小時? 你們就這樣丟了四小時? | You guys have been doing this for four hours? |
寶貝,沒錯 | That's right,baby. |
好,讓我加入 | -All right. Let me in. |
不行!… | -No,no! Don't do it! |
什麼? | What? |
他是掉球大王 | He's a dropper. |
對,沒錯! | Oh,yeah. That's right! |
我才不是掉球大王 | I'm not a dropper! |
這其實是三個人的遊戲 | It's really a three-person game,you know? |
還不就是你丟我接 | It's throwing and catching. |
好吧 | All right. |
好難喔 | Oh,it's so hard. |
別緊張,那不是貓喔 | Don't worry,guys. It's not a cat. |
我的…天啊 | Oh,good God! |
我放棄了 我不知道要怎麼處理 | I give up. I don't know what I'm gonna do with this thing. |
送它進烤箱也沒用? | Baking it didn't help? |
把它送回你買的地方呢? | Take it back to where you got it. |
我試過了,他們不收 | I tried. They won't take her back. |
或許是因為它是反基督的 | Maybe that's because she's a minion of the Antichrist. |
瑞秋,店家為什麼不收? | Why won't they take it? |
他們說要收回可以 但只退我店裡的購物券 | They said they would only give me store credit. |
我要拿來買什麼? 一千隻普通的貓? | What am I gonna do? Get 1000 regular cats? |
你不是說這是展示貓嗎? 那就帶去比賽拿獎品啊 | You said it was a show cat. Why don't you show it,win some prize money. |
參加貓展要先繳一百美元 | Those shows cost a hundred bucks to enter,... |
贏來的東西都歸這死貓所有 | and all you win are these ribbons which technically belong to the damn cat. |
你先留著 直到你找到處理的方法 | You can keep it until you find out what to do with it. |
不行,那不是重點 | That's not the point. |
我破費一千美元 搞得全身都是抓痕 | I'm out $1000...I'm all scratched up |
還跟長得像手的蠢貓困在一起 | ...and I'm stuck with this stupid cat that looks like a hand! |
天啊,那只貓害我流眼淚了 | Oh,my God!The cat's made my eyes water. |
別丟球給我! | Don't throw it to me! |
我的視力被連累到了 | My vision's been compromised! |
天啊,好了… | Oh,God! Okay. |
現在好了,真是驚險 | It's okay. Man,that was close. |
是啊,你的反應也太大了點 | Yeah,you almost overreacted to something. |
我們有個好消息 | -We have great news. |
我們要同居,是不是很棒? | -We're moving in together. Yay! |
恭喜… 是啊,我好興奮 | Congratulations.-I'm so excited! |
我也是 | -So am l. |
你才沒有我興奮,不可能 我是最興奮的 | You're not more excited than I am. No way. I'm the most excited. |
好,晚點在局裡見 | See you at the station later. |
好,晚點見 別忘了同居的事喔 | I'll see you later. Don't forget about the moving-in! |
你要搬去跟他住,怎麼了? | So you're moving in with him? |
我不忍心拒絕他 看他傷心成那樣 | I couldn't tell him no. He got so sad. |
或許不會有事的 | Maybe it'll be all right. |
我真的很喜歡他 同居也是遲早的事 | I do like him a lot...and probably do it eventually,anyway. |
想想也可以省下不少郵票錢 | Plus,think of all the money I'll save on stamps. |
你常寫信給他? | Do you write him a lot? |
不是,只是我聽說同居的人 會分擔郵票的費用,不是嗎? | I heard when people live together...they split the cost of stamps,don't they? |
是啊,沒錯… | -Yeah,yeah. -That's right. |
抱歉,耐熱手套嚇了我一跳 | Sorry,the oven mitts really freaked me out. |
親愛的 | Hey,honey. |
你找到公寓沒? 布魯克林高地有嗎? | Did you find any apartments in Brooklyn Heights? |
不,沒找到 | No,nothing. |
真的? 是啊 | -Oh,really? -Yeah. |
一間都沒有? | -Nothing at all? -No. |
沒有,只要有公寓招租 我們馬上搬進去 | If something opens up,we'll move in. |
如果附帶游泳池的話 我需要游泳池 | If it has a pool. I need a pool. |
菲比,可以跟你聊一下嗎? | Can I talk to you? |
請坐 好 | Take a seat. |
你沒事吧?還好吧? | You okay?You feel all right? |
我很好啊,因為我們要同居了 | I feel great,because we're moving in together. |
報紙上布魯克林高地的租屋廣告 你都看過了? | So you....You checked the paper for listings in Brooklyn Heights,right? |
郵報你有查過嗎? | You checked the Post? |
是的,什麼都沒有 | Yeah,there was nothing. |
我能喝點水嗎? 等會兒 | -Can I get some water? -ln a minute. |
你查過今天的郵報嗎? | You checked today's Post? |
對,今天的 | Yeah,today's. |
這是今天的郵報 | Because this is today's Post. |
我找到了這些租屋廣告 | And these are the listings I found. |
布魯克林高地,兩房 | Brooklyn Heights,two bedrooms. |
布魯克林高地,一房 | Brooklyn Heights,one bedroom. |
布魯克林高地區… | Brooklyn Heights,Brooklyn Heights,Brooklyn Heights! |
這些是要租的嗎? | Oh,are these for rent? |
我以為他們是在 炫耀自己的房子有多棒 | I thought people were just bragging. |
我來告訴你我的想法 | Let me tell you what's going on here. |
不要看桌子,看著我 | Don't look at the table. Look at me. |
一個男生要求一個女生同居 | Somebody asked someone to move in with him. |
女生本來說好,現在反悔了 | Someone said yes,but now she has doubts... |
因為女生覺得這樣太快了 | ...because things are moving too fast. |
你覺得是不是這樣? | Does that sound possible? |
對!…好,我就是那個女生 | Yes,fine! I am someone! |
你要我說老實話? 對,我是不確定 | You want me to say it? I have doubts! |
對不起 | I'm sorry! |
菲比? | Phoebe |
你有這種感覺也沒關係 | It's okay that you feel this way. |
這真的是很快 我們對彼此有許多地方不瞭解 | It is soon,and there's things we don't know about each other. |
我只是覺得 我所瞭解的你,我很喜歡 | Everything I know about you,I really like. |
我還不瞭解的你 就等同居後再慢慢瞭解 | Things I don't know,I'll learn in a place with our names on the mailbox. |
好甜蜜 | That's so sweet. |
親愛的 | Sweetheart |
如果你覺得這樣太快 沒關係 | But if it's too soon for you,it's fine |
不用趕著現在就同居 我只要你快樂 | we don't have to do it.I want you to be happy. |
跟你同居會讓我快樂的 | Living with you would make me happy. |
菲比,你不用那樣說 | You don't have to say that. |
不,我很想跟你住在一起 我要跟你同居 | I want to live with you. I want to move in with you. |
你確定? | Are you sure? |
對,百分之百確定! | Definitely,yes! |
我們一起住在公寓同居吧 | Let's live in an apartment we both live in. |
太好了 | Oh,that's great. |
等等… | Oh,wait,one sec. |
鏡子後面的人 | Hey,you! Behind the glass. |
你看什麼看? | Who are you looking at? |
我經常想在審訊室說這些話 | I always wanted to say that every time I was in these rooms, |
從未試過呢 | which was never. |
展示貓,高級的展示貓 | Show cat!Quality show cat! |
展示貓 | -Show cat! |
天啊,你的寶寶怎麼了? | -Oh,my God!What's wrong with your baby? |
這不是寶寶,這是貓 | That's not a baby. That's a cat. |
長得還真嚇人 | -It's creepy-looking. |
不,它其實很討人喜歡的… 不信你看 | -Oh,no.It's actually very sweet. It's very sweet. Look. |
你要不要? | Yeah. Do you want it? |
不了,我恨貓 | No,I hate cats. |
那你幹嘛跟我扯半天? 滾吧,繼續走你的路 | Then what are you doing to me?Get out of here,all right? Move on! |
拜託 | Please |
這只貓真不尋常 | What an unusual cat. |
是的,謝謝你 真的是這樣,你要嗎? | Yes,thank you! Exactly. You want it? |
有可能,我考慮要養貓 我正要去流浪動物之家… | Maybe.I was thinking about getting a cat from the shelter,but.... |
好吧,就它了 | -Okay. Why not? |
太好了,總共是兩千美元 | -Oh,terrific! That'll be $2,000. |
什麼? | -What? |
好吧,一千 | -Okay,1000. |
你不是要我認養你的貓嗎? | Didn't you want me to adopt your cat? |
是啊,不過這不只是貓 更是一項投資 | I do,but you'll have to look at this as more of an investment than a cat. |
好吧,我要的只是貓 | Okay,yeah. I just wanted a cat. |
你顯然是殺價高手 | Obviously,you know how to haggle, |
所以我就不唬弄你了 | so I won't try and take you on. |
算你八百,我也不報警了 因為你這根本是搶劫 | So $800,and I don't call the cops,because you are robbing me blind! |
把錢留下,貓帶走 走吧… | Blind! Just take the cat. Leave the money. Run away! |
可惡! | Run away. Damn it! |
死貓,你起碼也笑一下嘛 | Cat,Can't you at least smile or something? |
有沒有人聽到?誰聽到了? | Did anybody just hear that? Anybody? |
我餓死了 | -I'm starving. |
你們振作一點 就快連續十小時了 | -Come on,guys. Suck it up!We're closing in on 10 hours. |
這是比毅力的時刻 | It's gut-check time! |
怎麼變成是你當老大? 這遊戲是我們發明的 | I don't know who made you the boss. We invented this game. |
幫幫忙,這遊戲是因為我 才有現在的局面 | Please,I made this game what it is! |
不再好玩的局面? | Not fun anymore? |
我還是很餓 | I'm still hungry. |
好吧,我那還有一點披薩 你們可以用一隻手吃吧? | There's pizza at my place. We can eat with one hand. |
要不要? 我要 | Are you with me?-I am. |
好,我們走… | -All right,let's go! Come on! |
莫妮卡大隊,走囉 | Let's go,Team Monica! |
好啦,隊名等一下再討論 | We can work out the name later. |
瑞秋,你的貓在我碗裡幹嘛? | What is your cat doing in my bowl? |
不是啦,我在解凍雞肉 | I'm defrosting a chicken. |
我把威絲克森太太賣掉了 | I sold Mrs. Whiskerson. |
謝天謝地 | Thank God! |
你的錢拿回來沒? | -Get your money back? |
是的,一千五百美元 | -Yeah,$1500. |
哇,你還有賺耶 | You made a profit? |
我是來拿紅絲絨枕頭的 | I just came for the red velvet pillow. |
在這裡 瑞秋,謝了 | -There you go. -Thanks,Rachel. |
別忘了,你隨時可以來看它 | Don't forget,you can come visit her anytime. |
好…我會記得的 | Oh,good. Great. I'll keep that in mind. |
這是什麼東西?某種蛇嗎? | So is this some kind of snake or something? |
我真喜歡和你一起醒來 我也是 | I like waking up with you.I like waking up with you too. |
今天早上真美 | Oh,it's such a beautiful morning. |
我可以在床上待一整天 | I could stay here all day. |
那樣不錯 | That would be great. |
我們可以在床上吃早餐 | -We could have breakfast in bed. |
等等 好 | -Wait,just a second. |
噢,不 | Oh,no. |
來,莫妮卡,活力點… | All right. Come on,Monica! Look alive. Come on! |
羅斯 | Ross |
我剛才做了最棒的夢 什麼夢? | Oh,I was having the best dream.-What? |
我夢到自己溺水 不用再丟這顆球了 | -I dreamed I was drowning...and not throwing this ball. |
很好,你們都起床了 | Oh,good. You're all up. |
菲比,現在才早上六點 你怎麼沒在蓋瑞那裡? | It's 6:00 in the morning. Why aren't you at Gary's? |
對,結束了 什麼? | Oh,yeah. That's over.What? |
別這樣,蓋瑞這麼好 有什麼問題都能解決的 | Come on,Gary's such a great guy. You can work it out. |
他開槍殺了一隻鳥 結束了 | -He shot a bird. -That is over. |
我很遺憾…太糟糕了… | -I'm sorry. -That's terrible. |
菲比,你還好吧? | Are you okay? |
對…我不會有事的 | I'll be all right. |
菲比,接住 | Here,Phoebe. |
我不太想玩球 | I don't feel like playing. |
沒事… | It's okay. It's okay. |
就當沒發生這件事 沒必要讓別人知道 | It didn't happen. No one needs to know. |
菲比又不是正式的隊員 正式隊員掉球才算數 | She's not an official ball player.Only official ball players can drop the ball. |
算了…我們走吧… | -Come on. -Let's go. |
菲比,要吃早餐嗎? 好啊 | You wanna get breakfast? |
好,我們來賽跑,最先到的贏 | Okay,let's race!First one there wins. |
你們要在這裡吃嗎? 好啊 | You guys wanna eat here? Oh ya! |
真的很棒吧? | That was great,huh? |
真不敢相信我們丟了那麼久 | Can you believe how long we threw it? |
是啊,撐了那麼久 真的很不可思議 | It is amazing it lasted that long. |
是啊,我的手臂酸死了 | My arm is killing me. |
不是,我是說有掉球高手在 還能那麼久 | No,I meant with the dropper over here. |
“掉球高手”這稱號 怎麼會落到我頭上? | How did I get this reputation as a dropper? |
我再怎麼說也不是掉球高手 | I am anything but a dropper. |
羅斯… | Ross! |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
我的眼睛有點癢 | My eye is a little itchy. |
我的也是 | Mine too. Yeah. |
你的眼睛好紅喔 你應該去看我的眼科醫生 | It's really red. You should go see my eye doctor. |
理查?我才不要找你的前男友看眼睛 | I'm not gonna see your ex-boyfriend. |
理查…一天到晚理查個沒完 | That's all I hear. Richard,Richard,Richard. |
打從我們開始約會以後 我想我只提過兩次他的名字 | Since we've dated,I've said his name twice. |
那好,理查、理查 | Okay. So Richard,Richard. |
不是理查啦 我新找的眼科醫生很棒 | It's not Richard. It's this new guy. He's good. |
抱歉,我不去看眼科醫生 | I'm sorry. I'm not going to an eye doctor. |
天啊,老毛病又犯了 什麼? | -Oh,God. Here we go. -What? |
每次只要碰到眼睛這檔事 她馬上就避之唯恐不及 | Anytime anything comes close to touching her eye or anyone else's... |
注意看 | ...she,like,freaks out. Watch. |
羅斯,你別鬧了 | Ross,come on! |
好,我對我的眼睛有怪癖 麻煩別再討論了,行嗎? | I have a weird thing with my eye. Can we not talk about it? |
好吧… | All right |
瑞秋,還記得有首很棒的歌 | Hey,Rach. You know that great song? |
我、我自己和… (“我”和“眼睛”同音) | "Me,Myself and Eye." |
莫妮卡,別鬧啦 | Monica! Come on! |
有沒有人想吃午餐? 有意願的請說…我 | All those in favor of getting lunch,say,"eye." |
羅斯,拜託別鬧了啦 | Ross! Stop it! |
我有多喜歡《國王與我》? | How much did I love The King and Eye? |
錢德! | Chandler! |
我也是… | Me too,me too! |
夠了,別玩了… | Just stop it! That's enough! |
你還好吧? | -You okay there,man? |
是的,我真的戳到了 | -Yeah. I got too excited. |
本集播出:“喬伊的大好機會” | The One with Joey's Big Break |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
先走了,我要帶班去公園 | I gotta go. I'm taking Ben to the park. |
幫我親一下他 好,再見 | -Give him a kiss for me. -All right. Bye. |
再見… | Bye. |
很抱歉讓你們夾在中間尷尬 | I'm so sorry you got caught in the middle of that. |
我也不是故意這麼誇張 但我真的很生他的氣 | I didn't mean to be so out there,but I am furious with him. |
別激動 | Calm down? |
我在克制 但一想到那個人我就有氣 | I'm trying. Man,that guy can push my buttons! |
你幹嘛那麼氣他? | Why are you so mad? |
我不想談,好嗎? 只是… | -I don't wanna talk about it. -lt seems like |
你想榜上有名就繼續說啊 | You wanna be on my list too? Keep talking. |
對了,誰有看到我的黑名單? | Has anyone seen my list,by the way? |
沒看到,長什麼樣子? | No. What's it look like? |
就是張紙,上頭寫了“羅斯” 瞭解 | -A piece of paper and it says,"Ross." -I see. |
我剛和艾斯黛講完電話 你們猜怎麼了? | I just got off the phone with Estelle. Guess what? |
我要當電影主角了! | I got the lead! |
你要演電影主角,太厲害了 | You got the lead in a movie? |
是什麼電影? | What's it about? |
片名是“極限速度”,超酷的 | It's called Shutterspeed. It's really cool. |
我在地鐵遇見一個女孩 一天之內墜入情網 | I meet this girl in the subway and we fall in love in,like,a day. |
後來她消失無蹤 | And then she disappears. |
但我找出了她住在哪裡 | But I find out where she lives. |
一個老太太出來開門 我問她“貝絲在哪裡?” | This old lady answers the door. I say,"Where's Betsy?" |
她說“貝絲已經過世十年了” | And she says,"Betsy's been dead for 10 years." |
好冷 | Chilling! |
最棒的是 拍片地點在拉斯維加斯外的沙漠 | The best part is,we're filming in the desert outside of Vegas. |
兄弟,你知道那是啥意思 對,我知道那是啥意思 | -You know what that means. -I know. |
自駕遊,我們可以租車 我週二以前到那裡就行了 | Road trip! We can rent a car. I have to be there by Tuesday. |
等等,我祖母過世了 | Wait! My grandmother's dead. |
菲比,我們也可以聊聊那件事 | We can talk about that too,Phoebe. |
不…我是說她的計程車 | No,her cab. |
她八成用不到了 你們可以開去拉斯維加斯 | She probably won't be using it. Drive it to Las Vegas. |
好耶,菲比,謝了 | All right! Thanks! |
等等… | Wait… |
那我的工作怎麼辦? | What are we gonna do about my job? |
別去了 好耶!棒!自駕游,寶貝! | Not go.Great! Road trip,baby! |
你沒意見吧? | Is this okay? |
錢德,你不用徵求我的允許… | Chandler,you don't have to ask for my permission. |
同意你去 謝謝 | You can go. |
瑞秋,快點,要去看眼科了 | Rach,we'll be late for the eye doctor. |
好啦,早去早解脫 | All right. Let's get this over with. |
看看我做了些什麼啊 | Look what I did. |
搞得一團亂 我得先來清理一下 | I mean,look at this mess.We're gonna probably have to clean this up. |
看診時間得要重約了 | I mean,we're gonna have to reschedule! |
若你認為這點髒亂就會影響我 那你就錯了 | If you thought that this mess was gonna bother me,you are wrong! |
我們走吧,眨眼姑娘 | All right,let's go,Blinky. |
錢德! | Chandler |
“中央咖啡館” | |
喬伊 | Hey,Joey. |
你怎麼了? | What's up? |
我無法決定走哪條路去拉斯維加斯 | I can't decide which route to take to Vegas. |
你去過不少地方吧? 對,哪都去過 | You've traveled a lot,right?Yeah,I've been around. |
那我該選哪一條? 北線還是南線? | Which route should I take? The north or the south route? |
走北線途經伊利諾州 有個男人會用蜜蜂當鬍子 | If you take the north route,there's a man with a beard of bees. |
太棒了,問題解決 | Great! Problem solved! |
但是走南線的話 可以看會玩井字遊戲的雞 | On the south route,there's a chicken that plays tic-tac-toe. |
又回到原點了 | Well,back to square one. |
我知道有個方法能讓你做決定 | I know a way that you can decide. |
我會問你一連串的問題 你回答得越快越好 | I'll ask you a series of questions and you answer as quickly as you can. |
好! | Yes! |
很好,不過先別急 | Good. But wait. |
開始,你先放輕鬆 | Here we go. I want you to relax. |
深呼吸一口氣 | Take a deep breath. |
心裡不要想事情 | Clear your mind. |
花生醬和蛋白,你喜歡哪個? 花生醬 | -Peanut butter or egg whites? -Peanut butter. |
消防員和游泳選手 你比較想當哪一個? | -Be a fireman or a swimmer? |
游泳選手 | -Swimmer. |
莫妮卡和瑞秋 你比較想跟誰上床? | -You'd sleep with Monica or Rachel? |
莫妮卡… | -Monica. |
我一直都以為會是瑞秋呢 | I always thought it'd be Rachel. |
不要想事情… | -No thinking. |
領帶或領巾? 領巾 | Tie or ascot? -Ascot. |
南線或北線? 北線 | -North or south route? -North. |
答案出現,厲害吧 | Bam! There you go! Huh? |
不可思議 蜜蜂胡,我來咯 | That was incredible! Beard of bees here I come! |
這傢伙又來了 | This guy again. |
你好嗎? | Hey,what's up? |
沒事,今晚想看電影嗎? | Not much. Wanna see a movie tonight? |
好啊,你要看什麼? | What do you wanna see? |
不知道… | I don't know. |
我知道我們要如何決定 菲比,讓他見識你的遊戲 | I know how to decide. Show him your game. |
免了,多謝 | No,thank you. |
她是怎麼了? | What's with her? |
不知道,但我知道怎麼決定了 | I don't know. I know how we can decide. |
我問你問題,你要很快回答 好 | I'm gonna ask you questions and you answer real quick. |
動作片或喜劇 你比較喜歡哪一個? | -Action or comedy? |
動作片 | -Action. |
莫妮卡和瑞秋 你比較想跟誰上床? | Who would you rather sleep with,Monica or Rachel? |
老兄,你真變態 | Dude,you are sick. |
抱歉,我忘了你迷戀過瑞秋 | I'm sorry. I forgot you had that whole Rachel thing. |
天啊,這是幹嘛的? | Oh,my God. What does that thing do? |
這是眼球摘除機 | -An eye removal machine. |
好了,我要走了 開玩笑的啦… | -I'm out of here.I'm kidding. |
瑞秋,我是米勒醫生 莫妮卡說你有點緊張 | Rachel,I'm Dr. Miller.Monica said you were nervous. |
不過別擔心,不會有事的 | Everything will be fine. |
那就結束吧 還差一點,我們要先開始 | -So we're done. -Almost,but first we gotta start. |
這是青光眼測試 | This is a glaucoma test. |
請坐 | Sit down. |
好吧 | Okay |
把臉頰放在這裡 | Put your chin here. |
好,眼睛會有風吹的感覺 | Now,you'll feel a small puff of air in each eye. |
什麼? | What? |
一點點的風啦,你快點! | A small puff of air. Now,come on! |
開始 | Here we go. |
一、二、三… | One,two,three. |
抱歉…好吧 | I'm sorry. All right. |
我這次不會動 | I'm gonna stay in here this time. |
好了嗎? | Ready? |
一、二… 抱歉 | -One,two -I'm sorry. |
我來抓她頭好了 好 | You know what? I'm gonna hold her head. |
不用了 好 | That's okay. |
一、二… 對不起 | One,two…I'm sorry. |
你還年輕,應該沒有青光眼 | You're young. You don't have glaucoma. |
太好了,很高興認識您 | So it was very,very nice to meet you,sir. |
你在幹嘛?你瘋了不成? | What are you? Are you crazy? |
好,你的左眼有些微感染 | You got a small,minor infection in that left eye. |
這眼藥水一天點三次 連續一周你就宛如新生了 | Take these drops for a week and you'll be as good as new. |
我不把任何東西放進眼睛裡 | No,I don't put things in my eye. |
那好吧,三個月後再見 | We'll see you here in three months. |
我到時幫你裝上玻璃假眼 | And I'll fit you for a glass eye. |
好啦,把那死眼藥水給我 | Give me the damn drops! |
米勒醫生? | Dr. Miller? |
P、E、C、F、D | P-E-C-F-D. |
莫妮卡,棒極了 | Very good,Monica! |
你知道獎品放在哪裡 我當然知道 | -You know where they are. -I sure do. |
你沒有! | And you don't get one. |
那眼藥水實在是太神奇了 我的眼睛百分之百好了 | You know,those eye drops are a miracle.My eye is 100 percent better. |
眼藥水還放在我的外套裡 可惡 | -They're still in my coat. -Damn! |
準備好上路了沒? 好了,不過那邊會有多冷? | You ready to go?How cold will it be there? |
我要帶外套 還是帶這些毛衣就夠了? | Will all these sweater vests be enough? |
怎麼了? 我愛你 | -What? -I love you. |
真希望羅斯也能一起去 我一定會很想念他的 | I wish Ross was coming with us. I'll miss him. |
真是多謝你了 我才剛把那個混蛋給忘掉 | Thanks. I just got that jerk out of my mind. |
我們住哪裡? 電影公司招待的飯店大套房? | Is the movie putting us up in a big hotel suite? |
不算是,這是獨立製片的電影 沒有大預算 | Not really. It's an independent film.We don't have a big budget. |
我想我住你房間好了 | I'll stay in your room. |
但等你拿到酬勞之後 你會請我住飯店大套房吧? | Once you get paid,you'll be springing for a suite. |
主演電影的片酬一定不少吧? | They must be paying you a lot. |
是的,“極限速度”每賺一塊錢 喬伊就能分到百分之一 | For every dollar Shutterspeed makes...one penny of it goes right in Joey's pocket. |
所以電影賺錢你才有錢拿? | You don't get paid unless it makes money? |
你不知道這電影的情節嗎? | Did you not hear the plot of the movie? |
“貝絲已經過世十年了” | "She's been dead for 10 years." |
我就快變成百萬富翁了 | I'm gonna be a millionaire! |
我只是要來跟你們說個再見 | I wanted to say goodbye. |
順便托你們幫我下個注 | And to see if you guys would place a little bet for me. |
20美元押黑色15號 | Twenty bucks on black 15. |
沒問題 好 | -You got it! -All right. |
你記得號碼吧? 記得,黑色13號 | -You remember the number,right? -Yeah,black 13. |
黑色15號啦! | -Black 15! |
沒問題 | -You got it. |
再見… | -All right. Bye-bye,now. -Bye,you guys. |
我去車子那裡替你送行 好 | I'll say bye at the car. |
誰要去車子那裡替我送行? | Anyone wanna say bye to me at the car? |
我可以替你送行 只要你不介意我眼睛化膿 | I'll say goodbye to you at the car if you don't mind the pus. |
再見 | See you! |
等等,化膿是好現象 表示快要好了 | But wait a minute. The pus is good. It means it's healing. |
菲比,你在看什麼? | Hey,Phoebe. What you reading? |
菲比? | Phoebe |
嗨 | Hello? |
菲比?… | Phoebe |
菲比?別鬧了啦 | Come on! |
抱歉,我不知道你在這裡 | Sorry,I didn't see you there. |
菲比,你在生我的氣嗎? | Phoebe,are you mad at me or something? |
我做了什麼讓你生氣的事? | If you are,please tell me what it is I did. |
你不知道,我也幫不了你 我是不知道啊 | -lf you don't know,I can't help you. -I don't know. |
那我也無能為力了 | Well,I can't help you. |
不管是什麼事,我都非常抱歉 | Well,whatever it is,I am very,very sorry. Okay? |
我接受你的道歉 | Apology accepted. |
好吧 | Okay |
那我們沒事了? | So we're good? |
好吧 | All right |
那晚點見咯 好,大屁股 | I'll see you later,okay?Bye,fat-ass. |
夠了! | All right! |
菲比,你快點說 我做了什麼讓你這麼不爽? | Will you please tell me what it is that made you so mad at me? |
我不知道,我不記得了 | I don't know! I don't remember! |
什麼叫做你不記得了? | What do you mean,you can't remember? |
我太專心在生你的氣 氣到都忘了生氣的原因 | I was so focused on being mad at you,I forgot what it was I was mad about. |
既然忘了,那能不能就算了? | If you can't remember,can't we just forget about this? |
不行,我生你的氣,這很確定 | Oh,no. I am mad at you. I know that much. |
但我很抱歉罵你大屁股 因為你的小屁屁很可愛 | But I'm sorry about the fat-ass thing because you have a sweet,little heinie. |
我開得好累,你隨時準備接手 | I'm getting pretty tired. You'll have to take over soon. |
我們才上路半小時 | We've been driving for a half-hour. |
而且你都沒在看路 | You haven't looked at the road once. |
別擔心,路就是路嘛 | Don't worry. It's out there. |
我想我該吃午飯了 是啊 | Maybe I just need lunch. |
你要吃嗎?我請客 | You wanna eat?My treat. |
那不是羅斯的錢嗎? | Isn't that Ross' money? |
是啊,好吧,羅斯請客 | Ross' treat. |
你想吃什麼? 我不知道 | Where do you wanna eat?I don't know. |
我知道要怎麼決定了 | I know how we can decide. |
我問你一堆問題 你得很快回答 | I'll ask you questions.And then you have to answer real fast. |
不要想事情,什麼都不要想 好 | So clear your mind. Clear it right out. Clear it out. |
我沒在想事情 但心裡有個小紫燈的形象 | It's all clear except for this image of a small,purple lamp. |
這樣不礙事吧? | Is that all right if that stays in there? |
應該不礙事吧… | I don't see why not. I guess. |
想到什麼就直接回答 好 | You have to answer with the first thing that pops into your head,okay? |
你寧願太濕或太幹? 太幹 | -Would you rather be too wet or too dry? -Too dry. |
你相不相信有鬼? 不相信 | -Do you believe in ghosts? -No. |
這電影會讓我翻身嗎? 不會 | -Will this movie be my big break? -No. |
什麼? | -What? |
會 | -Yes. |
你剛才說不會 | -Dude,you said,no. |
我也說了會啊 | -I also said,yes. |
你不覺得我這次會翻身? 對 | -This won't be my big break? -No. |
難以置信 | I don't believe this. |
喬伊,我只是不要你期望太高 | Look,I just don't want you to get your hopes up too high. |
你在胡說什麼? 我是電影主角耶! | What are you talking about? I'm the lead in a movie! |
那他們還不付你片酬? | They're not even paying you! |
聽起來都不像真的電影 | This doesn't sound like a real movie! |
我不需要聽這種話 搞不懂你幹嘛泄我的氣 | I don't know why you're dumping all over my big break. |
喬伊,我不認為你這次能翻身 | I don't think this is gonna be your big break. |
所以你才來這趟? 讓我覺得自己是失敗者? | Are you on this trip to make me feel like a loser? |
如果是這樣,那我寧願自己去 | -I'd rather be alone. |
你不要我陪你去? 你這樣我不要也罷 | -You don't want me here?Not if you're like this. |
那好吧,下次你再問那種問題 我騙你就是了 | The next time you ask me a question like that,I'll lie. |
對!我不要你一起去 | I don't want you on the trip. |
好,無所謂… 你停車,我馬上走 | Why don't you pull over. I'll get out now. |
好啊 | Fine. |
滾吧 | Get out. |
在橋上不能隨便就停車 | You can't stop on a bridge. |
滾啦! 好啦! | -Get out! -Fine! |
等等…橋上沒有人行道! | Wait! Wait! There's no sidewalk! |
我一定會死在這裡 | Yeah. I'm gonna die here. |
“中央咖啡館” | |
好,你生我的氣 是因為我髮膠有怪味? | Are you mad at me because my hair gel smells? |
不是 | No |
你生我的氣 是因為我說你寫字像小孩? | Because I said your handwriting is childlike? |
不是,這樣才特別啊 | No. That made me feel precious. |
我知道了 因為他老愛糾正別人文法? | Because he's always correcting people's grammar? |
什麼“WHOM”"WHO"的 | "Whom,whom." |
有時候是用“WHO”啦! | Sometimes it's "who"! |
是嗎?有時候是… | Yeah? Sometimes it's: |
還是你玩西洋棋贏了他? 他開始居於劣勢就很孩子氣 | Did you beat him at a board game? He's such a baby when he loses. |
好,我孩子氣 | Okay,I'm the baby. |
住手! | Hey! Stop it! |
錢德,你怎麼會在這裡? | What are you doing here? |
喬伊在大橋上 把我趕下車 | Joey kicked me out of the car on the bridge. |
為什麼?… | -Why? |
不知道,他突然發飆 | -I don't know. He went crazy. |
我們在玩快問快答的遊戲 | We played that game where you ask questions and answer fast. |
沒有我在場監督 絕對不能玩那個遊戲 | That game should not be played without my supervision. |
我不知道他幹嘛氣成那樣 | I don't know what made him mad. |
我只是說他這次不會翻身 | All I said was that this wouldn't be his big break... |
說這部電影幫不了他 | ...that it wouldn't do anything for him... |
說這部電影不像是真的 | ...and that it didn't sound real. |
好啦,他該把我推下橋才對 | Okay,he should've pushed me off the bridge. |
你袋子裡有什麼? | What's in the bag? |
我猜想你們大家也會對我不爽 | I figured you'd be mad at me... |
所以我在路邊檢了些禮物 | ...so I got gifts that I found on the roadside. |
誰要一條腿的泰迪熊? 我要 | -Who wants the one-legged teddy bear? -I do! |
來了 | Okay |
差遠了 | -Not even close. |
好啦,你幫我,我沒辦法 | -I need help! I can't do this. |
來,我幫你 | Come on. Let's do it. |
坐下 好 | Sit down. All right, |
頭往後仰 好 | put your head back. |
把眼睛張開 好,張開了 | -Now open your eyes. -Okay,they are. |
我舉了幾隻手指頭? 四隻 | -How many fingers am I holding up? -Four. |
天啊,我心裡想的也是四隻 | I was thinking four. |
真的? 是啊 | -Really? -Yes! |
這樣吧,我們先來預演一次 好 | Why don't we start with a practice one. |
不滴眼藥水 太好了 | -No drops. -Great! |
數到三,一、二、三… | On three. One,two,three. |
你害我沙發枕都濕了 | My pillow's all wet! |
你自己說是預演的 | Well,you said it was practice! |
那你幹嘛動? 因為我知道你會騙我 | Why did you move?I knew you were lying! |
好吧,過來 你要幹嘛? | -Come here. -What are you doing? |
莫妮卡,天啊!住手!… | Stop it! Oh,my God! |
我要…轉回來! | I am going....Turn it over! |
我要把眼藥水…滴進你眼睛 | I am going to get...get these drops in your eye. |
天啊,你蠻力真大 | Oh,my God! You really are freakishly strong. |
莫妮卡,住手!… | Stop! Stop!Stop it! |
可惡,空了! | Damn,it's empty! |
如果現在喬伊和錢德走進來 我們就走運了 | If Joey and Chandler walked in now,we could make a fortune. |
一定是錢德、喬伊或羅斯 | That is definitely Chandler,Joey or Ross. |
或是瑞秋 | Or Rachel. |
喂?… | Hello |
是喬伊 | It's Joey. |
真高興你打來 錢德都說了,他很難過 | Chandler told me what happened. He's really upset. |
等他知道他毛衣的下場 他一定會更難過 | Not as upset as he'll be when he finds out what I did with his sweater vests. |
你把他的毛衣怎麼了? | What did you do to them? |
這麼說吧,在俄亥俄州 有一夥打扮亮麗的狗 | There's a well-dressed pack of dogs in Ohio. |
莫妮卡?菲比在嗎? 我有車子的事要問她 | I gotta ask Phoebe something about the car. |
她在,你等等 | Hold on one second. |
嗨 嗨,菲比,你聽我說 | -Hey,dude. -Hey,Phoebe. |
座位底下有個木盒滑出來 那是什麼? | This wooden box keeps sliding out. What is it? |
那是我祖母 | My grandma. |
喬伊,謝謝你,她玩得很愉快 | And thanks. She's having a great time. |
是喬伊嗎?我要跟他說… | Is that Joey? Let me talk to him. |
喬伊?錢德不知道你… | Chandler's here. He was wondering if |
我想他零錢正好用完了 | I guess he ran out of change. |
他連話都不想跟我說 這樣我要怎麼跟他道歉? | How am I gonna apologize to him if he won't even talk to me? |
或許你應該寄點東西給他 | Send him something. |
等他到了拉斯維加斯 就知道你想表達歉意了 | So when he gets there,he'll know you're sorry. |
好主意,上哪兒找一堆A片? | That's a good idea. I wonder where I could get a basket of porn? |
不行,不能用A片道歉啦 真的? | No,don't say,"I'm sorry," with porn. |
你應該寄一條煙過去 他可以用來換取保護 | You should send him a carton of cigarettes.Because that way he can trade it for protection. |
錯了,監獄裡才是這樣 | No. That's prison. |
菲比,我知道要怎麼找出原因 | I know how we're gonna figure this out. |
好,什麼都不要想 | Clear your mind... |
想到什麼就直接回答 | ...and answer the first thing that comes into your head. |
好嗎? | Okay? |
你比較喜歡植物還是動物? 動物 | -Do you like flora or fauna? -Fauna. |
你想當西蒙還是葛芬柯(六十年代民謠歌手組合)? 葛芬柯 | -Simon or Garfunkel? -Garfunkel. |
你為何生我的氣? 因為你說我很無趣 | -Why are you mad? -You said I was boring. |
我何時說過你無趣了? | When did I say that? |
天啊,我想起來了 我們下西洋棋那次 | Oh,my God! I remember now! We were playing chess. |
菲比,我和你沒下過西洋棋 | Phoebe,you and l have never played chess. |
有啦,記得冰凍湖那次嗎? 我們玩西洋棋,你說我很無趣 | Remember that time on the frozen lake? We were playing. You said I was boring. |
然後你脫下面具 變成了卡梅隆迪亞茲(女影星) | Then you took off your energy mask and you were Cameron Diaz. |
好吧,這有可能是夢境 | There's a chance this may have been a dream. |
所以你這陣子以來對我不爽 全是因為一場夢? | So this entire time,you've been angry with me because of a dream? |
菲比,現在輪到我對你不爽了 | Well,guess what,now I'm mad at you. |
我想確定這次不是作夢 否則我們是在浪費彼此的時間 | I wanted to make sure this wasn't a dream.Otherwise we're wasting our time. |
史坦萊! | Stanley! |
你的主角來了,咱們開工吧 | Your leading man is here. Let's get to work. |
計畫有些改變,我們停拍了 | Slight change of plans.We've shut down. |
什麼?為什麼? | What? Why? |
錢的原因,我們沒錢 | It's a money thing. We don't have any. |
你在開玩笑吧? 不是 | You're kidding,right? |
什麼? | What? |
這或許只是暫時的 | It's probably just temporary. |
我們希望能快點籌到資金 你先撐一下 | We're hoping to get some money soon. Just hang out. |
撐一下?要撐多久? | Hang out? How long? |
不知道,一、兩個星期吧 | I don't know. A week. Maybe two. |
資金會出現的 大家都愛投資拍片 | The money will turn up.People always wanna invest in movies. |
你該不會是有錢人吧? 我不是 | You're not rich? |
問一下也無妨 | Worth a shot. |
喬伊,讓我知道你在哪兒落腳 | Well,Joey,let me know where you're staying,okay? |
你是喬伊崔比亞尼嗎? 我是 | Hey,pal. Are you Joey Tribbiani? |
這是有人留給你的 謝了 | These got left for you.Thanks. |
恭喜你翻身了 | "Congratulations on your big break." |
喂? | Hello |
莫妮卡,我是喬伊 | -Monica,it's Joey. -Hey,Joey. |
你當了大明星還是記得我 | You remember me even though you're a star. |
得了吧,忘記你也要好幾年 | Come on. It'll be years before I forget you. |
拍片現場是什麼樣子? | What's it like on a movie set? |
你有自己的更衣室嗎? 有專屬的私人座椅嗎? | Do you have a dressing room and a chair with your name? |
有啊,一切都在進行當中 | Yeah,yeah,I got all that going on. |
你一定要跟錢德說 他完完全全看走眼了 | Tell Chandler he couldn't have been more wrong. |
莫妮卡,我得掛了 我的壽司送來了 | I gotta go,Monica. My sushi's here. |
抱歉,多謝你們等我 沒關係 | Sorry about that. Thanks for waiting. |
大家笑一個,多謝 | Everybody smile.Thanks a lot. |
在凱薩酒店住得愉快 祝你們“羅馬”很棒(喬伊自己造的詞) | Enjoy your stay at Caesars. We hope it's toga-rific. |
殺了我吧… | Kill me. Kill me now. |
瑞秋,電視指南遞給我好嗎? 好啊 | Rach,can you pass me the TV Guide? |
上! | Go! |
住手!…天啊! | What are you doing? Get off! Oh,my God! |
好了… | Hold it open. Okay. |
三、四個小時後再見 | We'll see you in about three or four hours. |
菲比,可以麻煩接個電話嗎? | -Phoebe,could you get that,please? |
為什麼?就因為你懶得抬你的屁股? | -Why?Just because you're too lazy to get up off your tushy? |
不是,只是因為在全世界 我只想跟你說話 | No,it's just that all the people in the world I would want to talk to are right here. |
真好騙 | Sucker. |
喂?喬伊 | Hello?Hey,Joey! |
菲比,幫我個忙好嗎? | -Hey,Phoebe.I need a favor. |
我忘記提款卡的密碼 你可以幫我去找嗎? | I forgot the PlN to my ATM card. Can you get it for me? |
好啊,在哪裡? | Sure. Where is it? |
我刻在提款機的角落那裡 | I scratched it on the ATM machine on the corner. |
原來5639是你的密碼 | So you're 5-6-3-9? |
沒錯,菲比,謝了 | That's it! Thanks. |
你要跟錢德說話嗎? | -Wanna talk to Chandler? |
是喬伊嗎?讓我跟他說 | -Is that Joey?Let me talk to him. |
不要!他不相信我的電影 | No,He didn't believe in my movie... |
他大錯特錯 這次的電影是真的!… | ...which is a big mistake,because it is real. Real. |
崔比亞尼 | Tribbiani, |
快回去工作,休息時間結束了 | get back to work. Break time's over. |
剛才那個是誰? | -Who was that? |
我的替身 他有點太沒大沒小了 | -My stunt double. Yeah.He's getting a little too familiar for my tastes. |
我這星期來都試著跟他道歉 若他不讓我在電話上說 | I've tried to apologize.If I can't do it on the phone, |
我就直接殺過去當面說 | I'll go and do it in person. |
菲比,我聽到了,請他聽電話 | I heard that. Can you put him on? |
好 | Yes |
你別過來 | Don't come out here. |
不行…我百分之百支持你 我要當面證明給你看 | I support you 100% and I wanna prove that to you in person. |
收到,我原諒你,你別過來 | I got that. I forgive you. Don't come out here. |
原諒我? 你一星期都不接我電話 | You haven't taken my calls for a week. |
錢德,我早都不介意了 咱們是一輩子的朋友 | I'm totally over it. Friends forever. |
你別過來 | Don't come out here. |
可以跟我們照張相嗎? | Would you mind doing a picture with us? |
那是什麼? | -What was that? |
“今夜娛樂”節目 | -Entertainment Tonight. |
好了,很高興跟你說話 你別過來 | Good talking to you and don't come out here. |
本集播出:“拉斯維加斯之行” | The One in Vegas |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
莫妮卡,抱歉我遲到了 | Monica? I'm sorry I'm late. |
莫妮卡? | Monica? |
菲比? | Phoebe? |
菲比,真對不起 | Phoebe I'm so sorry. |
你到很久了嗎? | Have you been here long? |
沒關係啦 | That's okay. |
你怎麼拖了那麼久? | What the hell took you so long? |
好,不許你跟錢德說 | You can't tell Chandler. |
我遇見了理查 | I ran into Richard. |
哪個理查? 那個理查 | -Which Richard? -The Richard. |
理查西蒙斯?天啊 (健身教練) | Richard Simmons? Oh,my God! |
不是啦,是我前男友理查 個子高高,有鬍子那個 | No,my ex-boyfriend Richard. You know,the tall guy,mustache. |
好吧,這就說得過去了 | Okay,that actually makes more sense. |
情況如何? | How was it? |
好極了,我們先是閒聊 後來一起吃了個午飯 | It was really nice. We talked and I had lunch with him. |
怪了,我有夢到你跟理查吃飯 | That's weird. I dreamed you had lunch with Richard. |
真的? 不過是跟理查西蒙斯啦 | -Really? -Again,Richard Simmons. |
你繼續說 | Go on. |
奇怪的是雖然他很棒也很帥 | The strange part was he was really nice and he looks great,... |
但是我對他完全沒感覺了 | ...but I didn't feel anything. |
那為什麼不能跟錢德說? | So why can't we tell Chandler? |
因為他聽了一定會發神經 | Because it would totally freak him out |
明天就是我們的紀念日 我不想搞砸 | and tomorrow's our anniversary. I don't wanna spoil it. |
不敢相信你們交往一年了 | I can't believe you guys have lasted a whole year! |
我欠瑞秋20美元 | Wow,I owe Rachel 20 bucks. |
什麼? | What? |
是個完全不相干的打賭 | On a totally different bet. |
一周年紀念日快到了 | -It's almost our anniversary! |
我知道 | -I know. |
你相信嗎?一年前的今天 我還只是煩人的朋友錢德 | One year ago today,I was just your annoying friend Chandler. |
現在你是我煩人的朋友錢德 | Now you're just my annoying friend Chandler. |
我幫你買了禮物 | I got you a gift. |
紀念日明天才到 | -It's not till tomorrow. |
我知道,但你今天就要開禮物 | -I know,but you have to open it today. |
好吧 | Okay |
讓我來 | Okay! There you go! |
兩張去拉斯維加斯的機票 | It's two tickets to Vegas! |
這週末的來回機票 | Yeah! For this weekend! |
一定很完美,不但能去看喬伊 還能在飛機上開始過紀念日 | It'll be perfect.You'll see Joey,plus,we'll start our celebration on the plane. |
就叫做“飛機紀念日”吧 | We can call it our "Plane-aversary." |
一定要這樣叫? | Do we have to? |
不用啦 | No |
是很棒 但喬伊說了不要我們過去 | This is great,but Joey didn't want any of us there. |
他只是怕麻煩我們而已 | He doesn't want us to go to any trouble. |
到時我們突然出現 他一定很興奮的 | He'll be excited when we surprise him. |
而且我們自己還有拉斯維加斯紀念日 | Plus,we get to have our own "Anna-Vegas-ry"! |
內華達紀念日! | "Anna-vada-versary!" |
我想我們應該和別人交往試試 | I think we should see other people. |
我們可以去吧? 是的 | We can go,right? Yes |
這是個好主意 | Great idea. |
好耶,我也要去 | I'm gonna go too! |
菲比,這是我倆的紀念日 | Phoebe,it's kind of our anniversary. |
少來,休想像倫敦那次 把我拋下 | Please,You won't ditch me like you did with London. |
拋下?菲比, 當時你懷了三胞胎耶 | Ditch you? You were pregnant |
很棒的藉口,我非去不可 | Great story. I'm going. |
注意,這週末大家一起去拉斯維加斯 給喬伊一個驚喜 | Listen,this weekend we're all gonna go to Las Vegas to surprise Joey! |
包括我! | Including me! |
你們要去嗎? | Do you wanna go? |
我應該可以請個幾天假 | I can take a couple days off work. |
你當然可以請幾天假 因為這趟我也要去! | Of course you can take a couple days off,because this trip includes me! |
等等,差點忘了 我明天有個報告,不能缺席 | I've got a presentation tomorrow. I can't miss that. |
我也買了梵古畫展的票 我盼了一年才盼到 | I've got tickets to the Van Gogh exhibit. I waited a year for this. |
藝術愛好者 | Art lover. |
你說什麼? | What'd you say? |
我說藝術愛好者 | I said,art lover. |
那是用來侮辱人的嗎? | -Was that supposed to be an insult? |
不知道,我很累了 | -I don't know,I'm very tired. |
瑞秋,不如你我週六再飛去? | -Rach,maybe we can fly out Saturday? |
聽起來很可行 好,那我打電話去訂票 | -Sounds great.I'll call the airlines. |
其實想起來很不賴 我可以獨自在公寓過一晚 | That'll be nice to have the apartment to myself. |
對,你可以脫光到處走 | To walk around naked. |
不是,我可以自己一個人 享受獨處的時光 | No,so I can be by myself. Have a little alone time. |
脫光的獨處時光 | Naked alone time. |
菲比,我一個人獨處 並不表示我就想脫光到處走 | Just because I'm alone doesn't mean I wanna walk around naked. |
你自己一個人住 你也不會脫光到處走啊 | You live alone,you don't walk around naked. |
你以為我為何總是很長時間才給你開門? | Why does it takes me so long to answer the door? |
這趟旅程到現在為止 比起倫敦那趟好還是壞? | So far,is this trip to Las Vegas better or worse than the trip to London? |
菲比,到現在為止都差不多 | So far,it's pretty much the same,Phoebe. |
好,那我給你們糖果之後呢? | What about after I give you these candies? |
對,我想好一點了 | I guess it's a little better now. |
好,拉斯維加斯1分,倫敦0分 | Las Vegas,1. London,0. |
我馬上回來 | I'll be back. |
飛機紀念日快樂 | Happy Plane-aversary. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
禮物能趁現在給你嗎? | -Can I give you your present now? |
好啊 | -Okay! |
我不會犯這種錯誤吧? | Oh,don't tell me I did this. |
我最愛你假裝沒帶禮物了 | I love "l forgot the present" fake-out! |
那如果我是真的沒帶禮物 請你多多包涵呢? | How about "I did forget the present,forgive me" not fake-out? |
沒關係啦,別放在心上 等回去再給我就行了 | You can give it to me when we get back. |
紀念日發生這種事 真是再掃興不過了 | This is the worst thing that could happen. |
很好,你最後還是決定 要跟錢德說理查的事了 | You decided to tell him about the Richard thing. |
什麼理查的事? | What "Richard thing"? |
糟糕 | Oh,no. |
什麼理查的事? | What "Richard thing"? |
用西蒙斯混過去 | Simmons. Go with Simmons. |
好吧,我昨天遇到了理查 | I ran into Richard yesterday. |
他問我要不要一起吃飯 我答應了 | He asked me if I wanted to go for a bite and I did. |
我沒跟你說是因為 | I didn't tell you because ... |
我知道你會生氣 而我不想毀了周年紀念日 | ...you'd get mad and I didn't wanna spoil our anniversary. |
我不生氣啊 | I'm not mad. |
真的? 是啊… | Really? Oh yes |
你遇到理查,簡單吃點東西 | So you bumped into Richard. You grabbed a "bite." |
沒啥大不了的 | No big deal. |
太好了 | Great. |
好,倫敦1分 | Okay,London,1. |
這將會是一場持久戰 | This is gonna be a real horserace. |
怎麼會這樣 | Oh,look what happened. |
瞧瞧我自己 | Check me out. |
我在自家的廚房 | I'm in my kitchen... |
脫光光 | ...naked. |
拿起一顆柳丁 | I'm picking up an orange. |
我脫光光 | I'm naked. |
點起蠟燭 | I'm lighting the candles. |
脫光光,要小心 | Naked. And carefully. |
天啊,瑞秋脫光光 | Oh,my God! That's Rachel,naked! |
不能看,我在看書 | I can't look at that. I am looking at this. |
好,鮮明的色彩、有力的筆觸 | Okay,vivid colors,expressive brush strokes. |
她故意要我看就另當別論了 | Unless she wants me to be looking at that. |
她知道我在家 | She knows I'm home. |
她知道我看得到她 | She knows I can see her. |
她這是在玩什麼把戲? | What kind of game is she playing? |
也許今晚有人寂寞 | I think maybe someone's lonely tonight. |
蓋勒博士,別胡思亂想 別傻了 | Dr. Geller.Stop it. You're being silly. |
真是這樣嗎? | Or am I? |
討厭 | Darn it! |
我可以進去嗎? | May I come in? |
想要的話就進來啊 | Yeah,if you want to. |
你要我進去嗎? | Do you want me to? |
當然? | Yeah,sure? |
彼此彼此 | So do l. |
瑞秋,在一切還沒開始之前 | Okay,Rach,before anything happens... |
有幾個原則我想先說清楚 | ...I wanna lay down a couple of ground rules. |
這只適用於今晚 | This is just about tonight. |
今晚過後,你是你,我是我 | I won't go through with this if it'll raise the question of "us." |
好嗎?我希望這一切… | I just want this to be... |
只是各取所需 | ...about what it is. |
羅斯,什麼各取所需? | And...what is that,Ross? |
出自於獸欲的性愛 | The physical act of love. |
什麼?你瘋了不成? | What,are you crazy? |
所以你剛才脫光光 不是在勾引我? | So you weren't trying to entice me just now with your nakedness? |
天啊,你有看到? | Oh,God. You saw me? |
你脫光光不是在勾引我 | You weren't trying to entice me with your nakedness? |
當然不是 你當真以為我想跟你上床? | You actually thought I wanted to have sex with you? |
不是 | No |
不是… | No… |
我很抱歉 可是你還把鞋踢掉了耶 | Oh,wow. I'm sorry. But,Ross,you kicked off your shoes. |
能不能忘了這件事? | -Can we just forget this ever happened? |
當然可以,沒問題 你說的對,抱歉 | -Of course. You're right. I'm sorry. |
謝謝 | -Thank you. -Yes. |
那我應該回去打包了 好 | -I guess I'm gonna go pack. -Okay. |
等等,還有一件事 | Wait,one more thing. |
還要解決我們的問題嗎? | Do we still need to settle the question of "us"? |
你們等等啊 | Hey,you guys,wait! |
等等我 | You guys. |
這地方比倫敦好多了吧 | This place is much better than London. |
有個打扮成埃及豔後的女士 給了我這張折價券 | A lady dressed like Cleopatra gave me this. |
99美分 就能吃到牛排龍蝦晚餐 | Ninety-nine cent steak and lobster dinner. |
菲比,你又不吃肉 | You don't eat animals. |
只花99美分的話,我連你都吃 | For ninety-nine cents I'd eat you. |
我完全可以耗在這裡 我要的東西應有盡有 | I can totally settle down here.It's got everything I could ever want. |
包括喬伊,你們看! | Including Joey! Look! |
快點看! 天啊 | Look! Hey!Oh,my God. |
喬伊! | Joey |
你的保險套真不賴,夥計 | Love your condoms,my man. |
你們怎麼在這裡? 不是要你們別來了? | Why are you here? I told you not to come. |
你幹嘛打扮成角鬥士? | Why are you dressed as a gladiator? |
因為我正在拍戲 我扮演角鬥士 | Because I'm shooting a scene right now. I play a gladiator. |
你們等等 | Hold on a second. |
可以暫停一下嗎?我朋友來了 我要休息一下 | Can we cut?My friends are here. I'm gonna take a break. |
你是在跟誰說話? | Who are you talking to? |
導演啊,就是她 | The director.Her. |
好啦,我不是在拍角鬥士 我在這裡工作 | All right,it's not a gladiator movie. I work here. |
為什麼?發生了什麼事? | Why? What happened? |
那部電影因為沒錢而停拍 | The movie shut down. Ran out of money. |
我在這裡工作等電影重新開拍 如果真有這一天的話 | I'm working here till it starts up,if it ever does. |
我真的很遺憾 | -I'm so sorry. -Such a drag. |
對不起,沒跟你們說,抱歉 | Sorry I didn't tell you. I'm sorry. |
沒關係… 互相隱瞞顯然成了新的規矩 | Apparently there's a new policy of not sharing. |
我就知道你會糾結 | -I knew you weren't okay with that. |
你是角鬥士耶 | -So you're a gladiator! |
他們怎麼了? | What's going on? |
莫妮卡跟理查吃了中飯 | -Monica had lunch with Richard. |
理查道森? (演員) | -Dawson? |
不是啦,要不然一定超酷的 | But that would've been so cool! |
是那個男朋友理查 | Her boyfriend Richard. |
那不意味什麼 你怎麼到現在還不相信我? | It meant nothing. After all this time,how can you not trust me? |
你瞞著我跟大鬍子帥哥吃午餐 要我怎麼相信你? | When you go lunching with hunky men and don't tell me! |
你說的對,對不起 我早該跟你說的 | You're right. I'm sorry. I should've told you. |
謝謝 這樣才對嘛 | Thanks.-There we go. |
我愛拉斯維加斯 | -Now I love Vegas. |
我保證下次一定會跟你說 | I promise you next time I absolutely will tell you. |
下一次? | -"Next time"? |
就差一點了 | -So close. |
不會有下次,你不能再跟他見面 | There won't be a next time. You cannot see him again. |
我不能跟他見面? 你不能對我發號施令 | I cannot see him? You can't tell me what to do. |
有趣,剛才不就是了 | That's funny,I think I just did. |
你這種態度,我不想見到你 我無所謂 | If you act like this,I won't be around you.-Fine. |
好!紀念日快樂 | -Fine,Happy anniversary! |
你們別這樣嘛 這顯然是個大誤會 | Guys,please! Come on,come on.This is obviously a misunderstanding. |
才不是誤會 你在說什麼… | No,it is not. |
別看我,我只是在這裡工作 | Don't look at me. I just work here. |
羅斯,我有點熱,要脫毛衣 | Okay,Ross? I'm a little warm,so I'm gonna be taking off my sweater. |
我只是要你知道 這不是在勾引你獸欲的性愛 | Now,I'm just letting you know...this is not an invitation to the physical act of love. |
對,真是太爆笑了 | Yep,that's hilarious. |
抱歉,我不鬧了… | I'm sorry. I'm done. I'm done. |
昨晚對你其實也很尷尬 | You know,last night was embarrassing for you too. |
不儘然啦 你看過我裸體幾百次了 | No,not really. You've seen me naked hundreds of times. |
但對我樓上的其他人是第一次 好吧 | But it was a first for the rest of my building. |
沒錯 | That's true. |
但我沒有那麼容易尷尬 | But I just don't embarrass that easily. |
什麼?你完全尷尬得要死 | What? You totally get embarrassed. |
才沒有 這是因為我比你更有安全感 | No,I don't. Ross,I think I'm just a more secure person than you are. |
是嗎? 是啊 | -ls that so? -Yeah. |
小姐,不管你有多想 | Hey,lady!I don't care how much you want it,okay? |
我絕不會和你去廁所做愛 | I am not gonna have sex with you in the bathroom! |
在古羅馬時代 這不只是頂帽子而已 | You know,in Roman times,this was more than just a hat. |
是嗎? 當然… | -Really? -Yeah,sure,sure. |
這可以用來刷地板 | They would scrub the floors. |
抹去鞋子上的泥巴 | They'd use it to get the mud off their shoe. |
有時候馬的下部會髒 把這個戮進去就能… | Sometimes underneath the horse would get dirty.So they would stick it right |
喬伊,真不敢相信 我的周年紀念日是這樣過的 | I can't believe this is how I'm spending my anniversary. |
我帶你去個好地方 | I'll take you someplace nice. |
今天有個人賞我一百美元小費 | A guy tipped me $100. |
他玩21點 才一小時就贏了五千美元 | He was playing blackjack for an hour and he won $5000. |
你相信嗎?五千美元耶! | Can you believe that? |
若我贏了五千美元 我就去加入健身房 | If I won $5000,I'd join a gym. |
把我的上半身練壯 再用棍子插理查的屁眼 | Build up my upper body...and hit Richard from behind with a stick. |
等等,我何不效法那個人? | Wait! Why don't I just do what that guy did? |
把這一百元變成五千 | I'll take this $100,turn it into $5000... |
到時再連三翻 就有錢讓電影重新開拍了 | ...and I'll turn that into enough to get my movie going! |
祝你好運了 | Good luck. |
錢德,我不需要好運 | I don't need luck. |
我已經想透了 我懂了 | I've thought this through.I see. |
謝謝你 多謝 | Thanks. |
不敢相信,今晚真是糟透了 | I can't believe this. This is like the worst night ever. |
莫妮卡,你和錢德的關係 有了小小挫折 | You had a minor setback in your relationship. |
有啥大不了?不過是錢德罷了 | Big deal. It's only Chandler. |
我真的很遺憾 | I am so sorry. |
我們吵架的理由太蠢了 我根本不想跟理查再見面 | This is crazy. Such a stupid argument....I don't wanna see Richard. |
那就去挽回啊,去找錢德 他可能就待在你房間裡 | So go fix it.Find Chandler. He's probably in your room. |
跟他說對不起,說你愛他 | Tell him sorry and you love him. |
菲比,你說的對,謝謝你 小意思 | You're right,Phoebe.Thank you. -Sure. |
好耶,拉斯維加斯 第一! | Yeah! Las Vegas! Number one! |
這是誰掉的嗎? | Anybody lose this? |
下注吧 | Coming out. Place your bet. |
下好離手 | Dice her out. |
一賠二,不還本 | Yellow 11. Pay the front line! |
我正好要去廁所 | So I'm on my way back to the bathroom. |
好啦…繼續走就是了 | All right,all right. Just keep walking,all right? |
羅斯,你幹嘛… 先生,對不起,他太喜歡你了 | Ross,What are you? I am sorry,sir.I think he just really likes you. |
你知道那個老師嗎? 跟學生生孩子的那個? | You know that teacher who had a baby with her student? |
搞什麼… | What… |
嗨 ,需要我效勞嗎? | -Can I help you? |
對,不好意思 你們有多的褲子嗎? | -Yes.Do you have any extra pants? |
我朋友出了點小狀況 | My friend seems to have had a little accident. |
可以換一百元籌碼嗎? 換一百元籌碼 | -Can I change $100? -Changing $100. |
先生,祝您好運 | -Good luck,sir. -Thanks. |
全押了 | That's right. |
13點 | -Thirteen. |
再來 | -Hit me! |
要命! | Oh,man! |
慢著! | Wait! |
錢德,說了你一定不相信 | You are not gonna believe this! |
我找到我的雙胞手了! | I have found my identical hand twin. |
什麼? | What? |
我的雙胞手啊! | My identical hand twin! |
什麼是雙胞手? | What's an identical hand twin? |
聽起來像什麼? 有個人的手跟我一模一樣 | What does it sound like?It's a guy with my identical hands. |
錢德,太不可思議了 發牌員的手跟我一模一樣 | It was incredible. The dealer's hands were exactly like mine. |
就跟照鏡子沒兩樣 | It was like looking at my hands in a mirror! |
你確定不是在照鏡子? | You sure you weren't looking at your hands in a mirror? |
你不懂這件事的意義嗎? | Don't you see what this means? |
我大可忘了那部蠢電影 | I can forget about that stupid movie. |
我要變成百萬富翁了! | I'm gonna be a millionaire! |
怎麼變? | -How? |
我還沒有完全想出來 不過保證很有賺頭 | -I don't have it all worked out yet.But it's gotta mean big money. |
拜託,一模一樣的手耶! | Come on,identical hands! |
我得再問一次,怎麼賺? | Again,I must go back to...how? |
這裡可是拉斯維加斯 | This is Vegas,man. |
大家就愛付錢看怪東西 | People will pay to see freaky stuff! |
好,你願意付多少錢 看兩次這只手? | How much would you pay to see this hand...twice? |
喬伊,我說不太出個價錢 | I can't really put a price on that. |
你又不支持我了? | Are you un-supporting me again? |
不…我百分之百支持你 只是我一時沒回過神來 | I support you 100%. I just didn't get it right away. |
我現在懂了,雙胞手! | Now I'm caught up.Identical hand twins. |
這點子值上百萬 | It's a million-dollar idea! |
我知道… | Right? I know. Okay. All right. |
那是幹嘛的? | What's that for? |
照相存證,免得發牌員落跑 | Well,I gotta document this before that dealer gets off his break. |
瞭解了 | I see |
菲比 | Phoebe |
我找到我的雙胞手了! | I found my identical hand twin! |
你真幸運 | Oh,you're so lucky! |
莫妮卡呢?你們和好沒? | So where's Monica? Did you guys make up? |
沒有 | No |
可是她剛才上來了啊 | But she just came up here. |
那是喬伊 | That was Joey. |
怪了,那她去了哪裡? | I wonder where she is? It's so weird. |
或許在跟理查說話吧 | She's probably talking to Richard. |
你有完沒完? | Would you stop that? |
你知道她和理查吃完中飯 回來後第一句話是什麼嗎? | You know what she said after her lunch with Richard? |
她對他完全沒感覺了 她愛的是你 | She didn't feel anything for him. She loves you. |
真的? 對 | -Really? -Yes. |
而且她很難過 | She feels terrible. |
她真的很想跟你和好 你一定得找到她 | She really wants to make up. You've gotta find her. |
好 | Okay |
很好 | Good. |
我真應該開始戴帽子 | I should really start wearing hats. |
歡迎來到拉斯維加斯 | Welcome to Las Vegas. |
一路還愉快嗎? 對,謝謝,非常棒 | -Did you enjoy your flight? -I did.Thank you very much. It was excellent. |
希望您一路還愉快 太愉快了 | -I hope you had a nice flight. -Oh,it was the best. |
登記櫃檯應該在那裡 | I think the check-in is that way. |
小孩子最喜歡我了 | Kids love me. |
菲比 你們來了! | Hi,you guys are here! |
嗨 你去參加化妝舞會了? | What'd you do? Did you go to a costume party? |
我來猜,你是扮潘喬維拉(墨西哥革命英雄)? 你是鮑伯薩吉特(演員) | Let me guess. Pancho Villa.And you're Bob Saget. |
潘喬維拉? 是啊 | Pancho Villa?-Yes |
菲比,你在說什麼啊? 我不… | What are you talking about,Phoebe? I don't |
天啊,你在我臉上畫畫? | Oh,my God! You drew on me? |
誰叫你弄濕我褲子! | Hey,you wet my pants! |
這是哪種派對啊? | What kind of party was this? |
我打從下飛機就是這樣子 你實在是太過份了 | I've been walking around like this? You have so crossed a line. |
瑞秋,等等,男廁在那裡 | Rach,wait. The men's room is that way. |
怎麼了? | What? |
那個女的接我手玩,結果贏錢 這已經是第三次了 | It's the third time she's won on a machine I was playing. |
我賭她一定是那種人 | I bet she's one of those people. |
間諜? | Mole people? |
不是啦,是潛伏人 | What? No,a lurker. |
潛伏人是什麼? | What's that? |
你玩賭博機,沒有贏錢 | When you're playing a machine and it hasn't paid out... |
潛伏人等你放棄就來接手玩 然後… | ...a lurker waits for you to give up and then |
殺你滅口? | Kills you? |
不是啦,他們半路殺進來 偷走你的運氣 | They swoop in and steal your jackpot. |
你怎麼會知道這種事 | -How do you know about this? |
我外婆以前就幹這行 | -My nana used to do it. |
她就是用這收入 幫我付舞蹈…空手道的學費 | That's how she paid for my dance Karate lessons. |
舞蹈空手道? | Dance karate? |
對,那是種美麗卻致命的運動 | Yes,it's a deadly...but beautiful sport. |
我弄不掉 | -lt won't come off. |
什麼? 我弄不掉 | -What? It won't come off. |
天啊,瑞秋,你確定嗎? | Oh,my God. Rach,are you sure? |
不,其實我弄掉了 又自己再畫回去 | I took it off and then I drew it back on. |
我真的很抱歉 我確定一定可以弄掉的 | Rach,I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sure we can get it off,okay? |
把你的筆給我 | -Just give me your pen. |
幹嘛?做什麼用? | -Why? What are you gonna do? |
我要讓你萬筆穿心 | Well,I believe I'm going to stab you repeatedly. |
別在這裡 到處都有監視攝影機 | Not here. There are cameras everywhere. |
你們到了! | You made it! |
喬伊 | Joey |
你朋友是誰?他真辣 | Who's your friend? He's hot. |
多謝誇獎 | Thanks,man. |
錢德跟我說過了 電影的事我很遺憾 | Listen,I talked to Chandler. And I'm sorry about the movie. |
不用抱歉,我已經不需要了 | Don't be sorry.I don't need it anymore. |
我找到我的雙胞手 | I found my identical hand twin. |
你的什麼? 我的雙胞手 | Your what?My identical hand twin. |
有個人的手掌跟我完全一樣 | The person whose hands are like mine. |
你特別去找的? 正好撞見的,這可是金礦 | -Were you looking for this person? -Not even. This thing is a gold mine. |
什麼?靠那個賺不了錢的 | What?That won't make you any money. |
好,你這樣想也無所謂 | Well,fine. |
到時我蓋了手掌形的大廈 你們誰都休想來住 | None of you will live with me in my hand-shaped mansion. |
菲比,你例外,大拇指給你住 | Except you. You can live in the thumb. |
好吧,加油! | All right,baby,come on! |
漂亮!擋都擋不住! | I am on fire! |
莫妮卡,再見 | See you later. |
等等,錢德,你在幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
你看呢?我要回家 | What's it look like? Going home. |
等等,為什麼? | Why? |
錢德…你等等 | Chandler…Wait |
對不起,我只是下來玩一下 | Sorry,I was just playing for one second. |
我本來打算要跟你說 若你不讓我跟理查再見面 | If you don't want me to see Richard again, |
我答應,他對我沒有任何意義 | I won't.He means nothing to me. |
得了吧,我又不是瞎子 | Oh,come on. I was there. |
我知道他是你追求的真愛 | I know he's the love of your life. |
現在不是了 | Not anymore. |
真的? | Really? |
真的 | Really. |
好了嗎? | All right? |
忘了什麼要回家的事 我們來慶祝周年紀念日 | Let's forget about going home and celebrate our anniversary. |
袋子裡是空的 | Okay,this is empty. |
我想要搞得很戲劇化 可是我又討厭打包 | I wanted to make a dramatic scene,but I hate packing. |
另一個人呢? | Where's the other guy? |
哪個人? | Which guy? |
高高的,深色頭髮 手掌跟我一模一樣,你看 | Tall,dark hair,hand looks exactly like this? |
我不知道什麼手掌 | I don't know about the hands, |
不過在我之前的發牌員 剛去上廁所了 | but he went to the restroom. |
好 | Okay |
你好嗎? | How you doing? |
我很忙 | -Very busy. |
對!好 | -Right. Okay. |
你好,我有個問題 | Yes,hello. I have a question. |
我用你們的筆,畫我朋友的臉 | I used your pen to draw on my friend's face. |
畫了鬍子 | A beard and a mustache. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
不,她不這麼想 | No,she didn't think so. |
對啊,那其實… | I know. It's like Anyway.... |
用化妝品蓋不過去 我們試過所有方法都去不掉 | Makeup didn't cover it,we've tried everything and nothing's worked. |
這要怎麼辦? | What do we do? |
對,是… | Yes… |
好…多謝 | Thank you. |
對,這個墨水擦不掉 | Yeah,it's not coming off. |
什麼?那他還說了什麼? | What? What else did he say? |
他說他覺得我很逗 | He said he thought I was funny. |
好,你聽我說… | Okay,look. ... |
我們下樓去好好玩 你就會忘記這回事了 | Let's just go downstairs...we'll have some fun and you will forget all about it. |
休想,羅斯,我頂著這個樣子 絕對不出房門 | There's no way I am leaving looking like this! |
別這樣啦,沒有那麼難看 | Come on,Rach. It's not that bad. |
羅斯,我變成人體塗鴉了! | Ross,I am a human doodle! |
別因為一個白癡在你臉上亂畫 而阻礙你玩樂的權利 | Just because some idiot drew on your face doesn't mean you can't have fun. |
而且又沒人會看你 | Besides,no one will even look at you. |
這裡可是拉斯維加斯,怪人一大堆 | This is Vegas. Hello? There are tons of other freaks here. |
這裡有一大堆怪人,你不算 | There are tons of freaks here. No other. No. |
走啦,我發誓沒人會注意到 | Come on. No one will notice. I swear. |
好啦,是有一些人指指點點 | There was some staring and pointing. |
我得喝點酒 | I need a drink. |
冰箱裡的酒都太貴了 | They really overcharge you for that stuff. |
但是誰在乎呢?記在我的賬上 | But who cares,because it's all on me. |
酒還真不少 | That is one big drink. |
要吃夏威夷果仁嗎? | Macadamia nut? |
這個果仁還真值錢 | Wow! That's some pricey nut. |
你真的很喜歡吃果仁嗎 | Really like those macadamia nuts? |
不 | Nope. |
潛伏人,走開啦 | Get out of here,you lurker! |
滾啦 | Go on,get! |
菲比 | Phoebe |
你們和好了 | You made up. |
是啊,我沒辦法一直生他的氣 | I couldn't be mad at him for too long. |
沒有錢德的愛,她就不能活 | She couldn't live without the "Chand love." |
去開房間啦 | Get a room. |
我們有房間 我知道,快去用啊 | -We have one. -I know,use it. |
錢德,莫妮卡,再見 | Bye,Chandler. Bye,Mon. |
菲比…請至店內接電話 錢德和莫妮卡有事找 | Phoebe,Phoebe. Please pick up a house phone.You have a call from Chandler and Mon. |
喂?錢德、莫妮卡,喂?… | Hello,Chandler and Mon. Hello? |
你這個死潛伏人 | You dirty lurker! |
打擾一下,你是那位老太太吧? | I'm sorry,you are the same old lady,right? |
是的,死潛伏人! | Yeah. Dirty lurker! |
可得好好照顧你的手 | That's right. Take good care of those babies. |
你說什麼? 我是喬伊 | Excuse me?It's me. Joey. |
我認識你嗎? | Do I know you? |
喬伊啊 | Joey? |
秀手的那個 | Yeah,the hand guy. |
我們要怎麼處理雙胞手的事? | So,what are we gonna do about this hand twin thing? |
不用處理 | Nothing. |
你和我擁有上帝的賜禮 | Look,you and I have been given a gift. |
我們得要好好利用 好比手部模特兒或是變魔術 | We have to do something with it. Like hand modeling. Or magic. |
美國太空總署一定也想找我們聊聊 | And you know NASA's gonna want to talk to us. |
我得回去… 等等… | I have to get back to work. |
我們可以有自己的表演秀 | We can have our own show. |
我們把手掌合在一起 大家一定超愛看的 | We can clap our hands together. People will love it! |
我還替我們寫了一首主題曲 | And I wrote a song for us. |
這是你的手 | This hand is your hand |
這是我的手 | This hand is my hand |
等等,那是你的手才對 | Oh,wait,that's your hand |
不對,是我的手才對 | No,wait,it's my hand |
還是算了 | -That's okay. |
你還沒聽到和聲啊 | -But you haven't even heard the chorus! |
天啊,我現在看起來 好像我姑婆莫瑞 | Oh,my God.I look like my great-aunt Muriel. |
其實我們用不著下樓 | All right,you know what?We don't have to go downstairs. |
房間裡就可以是拉斯維加斯 | We can bring Vegas up to us. |
快,我們來玩21點 | All right,come on.We'll play some blackjack. |
讓我們開始 | Here we go. |
13點 再加 | -Thirteen. -Hit me. |
23 | Twenty-three. |
我們的規矩23點最大 | Which is what we play to at this casino! |
你贏了10美元 | You win 10 dollars! |
我押了20美元 沒錯 | -I bet 20. -Right. |
幫我的小錢錢買雙新鞋 | A new pair of shoes for the Chan-Chan man! |
好耶! | Yes |
我這輩子還沒看過有這麼旺的 | I've never seen a roll like this! |
寶貝,你說對了 | That's right,baby! |
這次要押幾號? | What do I want now? |
好,8號…還是6號? | Eight?Six? |
選一個!你只有這個任務! | - Pick a number! That is your only job. |
8號… 8號 | -Eight. -Eight. |
如果你中了這一把 晚餐就請在場的各位吃牛排 | If you get this,we buy everybody a steak dinner. |
8號 | Eight it is. |
我們不會請他們吃牛排的對吧? 是的 | We're not buying steak dinners,are we?-No. |
那就好 | -Okay,good. |
這次要押幾號? | -What do I want now? |
再押個難的8 什麼? | -Try a hard eight.-What? |
4加4 好 | -Two fours. -Okay |
8號 | Eight! |
千萬要把握住她,你太幸運了 | Don't you let her go. You're a lucky guy. |
謝謝你,醉賭徒先生 | Thank you,Mr. Drunken Gambler. |
好,如果你中了這一把 我們就租下這裡最大的套房 | You get this and we get the biggest suite in the place. |
等等…我說的我們是我和她 | We get the biggest suite in the place. |
好,這裡最大的套房來囉 | The biggest suite in the place!Come on! |
好耶 | Yes |
我愛你 我都忘記我們在吵什麼了 | I love you! I can't remember why we fought. |
因為我和理查吃中飯… | Because I had lunch with Rich |
我也忘了! | Me neither! |
這次要押幾號? | -What now? |
再押一次難的8 | -Another hard eight. |
難的8?簡單8才對 | Hard eight? Let's call it easy eight! |
好,這樣吧,如果這次再中… | I'll tell you what. You roll another hard eight... |
我們今晚就在這裡結婚 | ...and we get married here tonight. |
快啊… | Go… |
閉嘴! | Shut up! |
好戲才正要上場! | It just got interesting! |
你剛才說什麼? | What did you say? |
你再贏一次難的8 我們今晚就在這裡結婚 | You roll another hard eight,we get married tonight. |
你是認真的? | You serious? |
是啊,我愛你 | Yes. I love you. |
我不曾這樣愛過一個人 | I've never loved anybody as much as I love you. |
我也不曾這樣愛過一個人 | I've never loved anybody as much as I love you. |
好,如果再出8就是天意 我們趕今晚結婚 | So if an eight comes up,we take it as a sign and we do it. |
好不好? | What do you say? |
好 | Okay |
來吧… | Come on |
有一個是4,另一個呢? | That's a four.And where's the other one? |
掉到桌子底下了 | Under the table. |
通通不許動! | Nobody move! |
你找那邊,我找這邊 好! | You look that way,I look this way. |
在這裡… | Here it is,here it is. |
4或者5 | That could be 4 or 5. |
你決定 | It's your call. |
那是4 | It's a four. |
我也這樣覺得 | I think so too. |
好吧,又沒贏到錢 | Oh,well,lost again. |
夠了,我們去外面解決 | That's it. You and me. Outside! |
我可不想看到 你美麗的金髮少了一撮 | I wouldn't want you to lose a chunk of that pretty blond hair! |
假裝沒事… | Be cool. |
女士,你潛伏的日子結束了 | Okay,your lurking days are over. |
什麼? | What? |
從現在開始 我要搶先你一步 | Everyone you lurk,I'll lurk first. |
不管你找誰下手 我都會捷足先登 | You move on,I'll be one step ahead of you... |
一次都不放過 | ...every single time. |
我每天都會緊緊跟著你… | And then I'll be on your ass every hour of every day... |
直到星期一 | ...till Monday... |
因為我那天要回家 | ...because that's when I go home. |
你何時要回家? | When do you leave? |
也是星期一 | Also Monday. |
幾點?說不定能共乘計程車 | What time? Maybe we can share a cab. |
再加 | Hit me. |
再加 | Hit me. |
再加 | Hit me |
再加 | Hit me |
再加 | Hit me |
再加 | Hit me |
我們得再去買牌 | We need more cards. |
對,還要再來點酒,你等等 | Yeah. And we also need more drinks. Hold on a second. |
好了 | Okay |
拉斯維加斯嗎? | Hello,Vegas? |
我們還需要酒 對了,再來點啤酒 | We would like more alcohol.You know what else? We would like some more beers. |
我竟然忘了撥號 | Oh,I forgot to dial. |
一定是送酒來了 | That must be our alcohol and beers. |
是喬伊!我愛喬伊 | It's Joey! I love Joey! |
我愛喬伊,喬伊跟鴨子住一起 | Oh,I love Joey!Joey lives with a duck. |
嗨 | Hi |
你們聽我說,我需要幫助 | Look,I need some help,okay? |
誰去叫我那雙胞手合作點 | Someone has to convince my hand twin to cooperate. |
我去 | I'll do it. |
不管你有什麼需要 找我就對了 | Whatever you need me to do,I'm your man. |
你還好吧? | Are you okay? |
對,我很好,謝了 | Yeah. Fine. Thanks. |
瑞秋,你好嗎? | Hey,Rach?How you doing? |
寶貝,我很好,你呢? | I'm doing good,baby. How you doing? |
羅斯,別再讓她喝了 | Don't let her drink anymore. |
是那顆夏威夷果仁 | Here's that macadamia nut. |
不對,是別的東西 | No,something else. |
好吧,你現在要幹嘛? | So,what do you wanna do now? |
我要離開這房間 | I wanna get out of the room. |
我真想念樓下 | I really miss downstairs. |
我跟你說,要我離開這間房 只有一個方法 | Okay,you know what? There is only one way I am leaving this hotel room. |
嗨,我是羅斯 | Well,hello!I'm Ross. |
祝你好運 | -Good luck to you. |
抱歉,先生,你臉上有東西 | -Sir,you've got a little something.... |
你好 你好 | Hello. |
你好 | Hello |
我贏了!…我終於贏了 | I won!I won! I finally won! |
是我贏才對,那是我的硬幣 | I won! That was my quarter! |
好啦,還給你,滾吧 | Take a hike,toots. |
先生,不好意思 | Excuse me,sir. |
這位小姐用我的硬幣玩 這是我贏的錢 | This lady played my quarter. This is my money. |
小姐,真的是這樣嗎? | Is that true,miss? |
賣毒品給小孩 | Sells drugs to kids. |
什麼? | What? |
她賣毒品給小孩 | She sells drugs to kids. |
那是我的硬幣 | It was my quarter. |
那硬幣是她的嗎? | Was it her quarter? |
我們等吃晚餐再聊如何? | How about we talk about this over dinner? |
好了,小姐,請你出去 | -Okay,lady,you're out of here. |
不!…你不能逮捕我 | -No,you can't arrest me! |
我才不要重回地獄! | I won't go back to that hellhole! |
我只是要把你帶出去而已 | I'm just taking you outside. |
那好吧 | Oh okay |
一定要湊齊舊的、新的、借的和藍色的四樣東西才能結婚(傳統婚俗) | I need something old,something new,something borrowed and something blue. |
好… | Okay |
這是藍色(純潔)的,而且也是新(新人的美好生活)的 | Here's something blue and new. |
我們真有效率,我愛你 | You are so efficient. I love you. |
走吧 還不行… | -Let's go. -No,wait! |
我們還需要舊(代代相傳)的東西 | We need something old. |
好,我皮夾裡有個保險套 我從12歲放到現在 | I have a condom in my wallet that I've had since I was twelve. |
有效 | That'll work. |
我想應該不能用了 | I don't think so. |
好,現在只剩借(財運和福氣)來的東西 | Now something borrowed. |
那就把這毛衣拿走 這是偷竊耶 | Here,just take this.That's stealing. |
到時再還回來就是了 塞進你的裙子裡 | We'll bring it back. Put it under your dress. |
好啦,先搞定一件事再說 | Okay. One thing at a time. |
你要玩嗎? 不 我沒錢 | -Are you gonna play? -No,I don't really have any money. |
只是暫時沒錢而已 | Not yet,anyway. |
你不玩就不能坐在這裡 | Can't sit here if you don't play. |
嗨,我是瑞吉娜佛蘭姬 | My name is Regina Falangie. |
我是生意人,這趟是來出差的 | I'm a businesswoman in town on business. |
你要我的名片嗎? | Would you like to see my card? |
我的名片夾到哪兒去了? | What did I do with my Filofax? |
一定是忘在B會議室了 | I must've left it in Conference Room B. |
14點 再加 | -Fourteen. -Hit me. |
天啊,兩位的手一模一樣 | Oh,my God.May I just say that you two gentlemen have the exact same hands? |
一個模子刻出來的 | They're identical. |
我在商界做了這麼久 從來沒看過這種事 | I've never seen that in the business world. |
別再說了 | Stop it. |
佛蘭姬女士,以局外人的身份 我能請教你一個問題嗎? | Miss Falangie,may I ask you a question as an impartial person at this table? |
請你別再說了 | Please stop it. |
你願不願意花大錢 去看手掌一模一樣的兩個人… | Wouldn't you pay good money to see identical hands... |
這種娛樂性的演出? | ...showcased in some type of an entertainment venue? |
只要你願意離開 我就把手砍下來送你! | If you leave now,I will chop off my hand and give it to you! |
我不是才把你趕出去了嗎? | Didn't I just throw you out? |
不,你趕出去的是菲比 我是瑞吉娜佛蘭姬 佛蘭姬 | No,you threw out Phoebe.I'm Regina Falangie. Falangie. |
小姐,你別鬧了 | Come on,lady. |
請你把他也帶走 | Please take him too. |
我?別這樣嘛 | Me? Oh,come on,man. |
走吧… | Come on,buddy. |
你不能這樣 | Don't let him do this. Come on! |
我是你的雙胞手耶 | I'm your hand twin! |
嗨,登記結婚 | Hello. One marriage,please. |
對,我們要結婚 | We want to get married. |
有婚禮正在進行,先請坐 | There's a service in progress. Have a seat. |
好吧… | All right. |
你在幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
那是結婚進行曲 聽了有沒有嚇到? | The "Wedding March." Does that freak you out? |
沒有,因為那是畢業歌 | No,it's the graduation song. |
好,來吧 | Okay,This is it. |
我們要結婚了 | We're gonna get married. |
你確定你真的想結婚? | You sure you wanna do this? |
嗨,羅斯太太 | Hello,Mrs. Ross! |
嗨,瑞秋先生 | Well,hello,Mr. Rachel! |
等等,好 | Wait. Okay. |
好,該結婚了 | Okay,this is it. |
你確定要這麼做? | You sure you wanna do this? |
你好,羅斯太太 | Hello,Mrs. Ross. |
你好,瑞秋先生 | Well,hello,Mr. Rachel. |
我的天哪 | -Whoa! -Oh,my God! |
菲比快點!快快快 好啦好啦 | Come on,Phoebe,hurry!Okay! Okay! |
我的天哪!大家都要結婚嗎? | Oh,my God! Is everybody getting married? |
教堂裡不准奔跑 | No running in the chapel. |
你少跟我來這… | Hey,don't you give me any of your.. Hey! |
你們來幹什麼? | Why are you here? |
羅斯和瑞秋留言說要結婚 | Ross and Rachel left a message. They're getting married. |
你們不是來找他們的嗎? | -Isn't that why you guys are here? |
當然是 不然我們來幹什麼? | -Yes. Why else would we be here? |
怎麼樣?我們來晚了嗎? | What happened? Did we miss it? |
我們也沒趕上 | We missed it. |
都是因為教堂裡不能奔跑 | Maybe you wouldn't have if you could run in the chapel! |
羅斯和瑞秋居然結婚了 | I can't believe they got married. |
對啊,我還不知道他們複合了 | I know! I didn't even know they were dating. |
與其說是複合 不如說是被伏特加附身 | I don't think they're as much dating as they are...two bottles of vodka walking around in human form. |
真是太瘋狂了 | This is insane. |
有什麼關係?又不是真結婚 | What's the big deal? It's not like it's a real marriage. |
什麼? | What? |
在拉斯維加斯結婚只有在拉斯維加斯有效 | If you marry in Vegas,you're only married in Vegas. |
你在說什麼? 在拉斯維加斯結婚到處都有效 | If you marry here,you're married everywhere. |
真的? 是啊 | Really?Yeah. |
我的天呀…啊隨便啦 | Oh,my God!Oh,well. |
本集播出:“離開拉斯維加斯” | The One After Vegas |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓阿奎特 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓阿奎特 | |
麥特勒布蘭阿奎特 | |
馬修派瑞阿奎特 | |
大衛修蒙阿奎特 | |
我們為什麼躺在一起? 我不知道 | Why are we in bed together?I don't know. |
我們有… 我不知道 | -Did we? -I don't know. |
你有穿衣服嗎? 有 | Do you have any clothes on?Yes. |
真的 沒有 | -Really? -No. |
但是我們沒有… | But we didn't have.. |
做吧? | ...sex,did we? |
我不太記得昨晚的事 | I don't remember much about last night. |
一切都好模糊 | It was such a blur. |
我記得我有笑,我一直笑 | I remember laughing. I laughed a lot. |
而且我們沒做愛 | Then we didn't have sex. |
羅斯,我們昨晚做了什麼? | Well,so,what did we do last night? |
我不知道,但我覺得很開心 | I don't know,but I think it was a lot of fun. |
幸好沒有開心過頭 應該沒有 哦感謝上帝 | Luckily,not too much fun,right?-I don't think so.-Oh,thank God. |
我們真的醉得很慘 幸好沒幹什麼蠢事 | Oh,I mean,we were really drunk.I'm glad we didn't do anything stupid. |
可不是嗎 | Tell me about it. |
(新婚) | |
菲比早 | Morning,Phoebe. |
我的電影正式取消拍攝了 | Well,my movie has been officially canceled. |
真為你難過喬伊 你要不要吃我的早餐? | Joey,I'm so sorry.You want my breakfast? |
不了,我沮喪得吃不下 | Too depressed to eat. |
過5分鐘再說吧 | I'll probably eat in,like,five minutes. |
我只好跟你們回去了 飛機是幾點? | I'll fly home with you. What time is your flight? |
我的計程車呢? 我用不著了 | -What about my cab? -I don't need that anymore. |
你跟我借車就要開回去 | You borrowed my cab. You have to drive it back. |
我不想自己開回去,太寂寞了 | I don't wanna drive back by myself. I get lonely. |
乾脆你來陪我 我不曉得,要開很久 | How about if you come with me?-It's a long trip. |
一定很好玩 我們可以聊天玩遊戲 | -That would be great.We could talk and play games. |
這是讓友誼變新鮮的好機會 | This could be our chance to,like,renew our friendship. |
你要我跟你“友誼復興”? | Are you asking me to have a "frienaissance"? |
是吧? | Sure? |
好吧,雖然沒這個必要 我一直愛著你 | All right. Although,I don't think we need one. I never stopped loving you. |
有誰跟蓋勒博士夫婦講過話? | So has anybody talked to Dr. and Mrs. Geller yet? |
他們有留言給我,應該快到了 | They left me a message. They'll be here. |
服務生呢?我餓死了 | Where is the waitress? I'm starving. |
這是自助餐 | It's a buffet,man. |
我可以撈本了 | Here's where I win all my money back! |
我有事找你 好,什麼事? | I gotta talk to you.Sure.What's up? |
莫妮卡和我昨晚差點結婚 | Monica and I almost got married. |
天哪!這可是大事 | My God!That's huge! |
等等,為什麼沒找我去? | Wait a minute. Why wasn't I invited? |
誰要當你的伴郞? 不要說羅斯,不准說羅斯 | And who was gonna be your best man? Don't say Ross. Do not say Ross. |
我覺得我們還沒準備好 | I just don't think that Monica and I are ready yet. |
我很愛她 但看到羅斯他們從教堂冒出來 | I love her...but seeing Ross and Rachel come out of that chapel... |
我突然驚覺我們進展得太快了 | ...was like a wake-up call that Monica and I are moving so fast,you know. |
我要怎麼講才不會讓她心碎? | How do I tell her without crushing her? |
就說她不是結婚的料 | Tell her she's not marriage material. |
什麼? | What? |
女生都這麼對我說 | Girls say it to me all the time. |
相信我,要是她和我一樣 一定會如釋重負 | And if she's anything like me,she's just gonna be relieved. |
我該怎麼說這樣太快了? | How do I tell him that it's too soon? |
他一定會心碎 覺得我不愛他了 | He's gonna think I don't love him anymore. |
你是不愛他了 我愛 | -Well,you don't. -Yes,I do. |
很好,我只是在測試你 | Good. I was just testing you. |
我們才剛聊到培根火腿 | We were just talking about bacon. |
不對,我們是在聊網球 網球比較像真的 | No,we were talking about tennis.Tennis is more believable. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
要咖啡嗎 | Coffee. |
怎樣? 你們要談談昨晚的事嗎? | What?Are we gonna talk about what you guys did last night? |
昨晚什麼事?昨晚又沒怎樣 | What do you mean "last night"? Nothing happened last night. |
羅斯把大家都找去看了 | Ross invited us all to watch. |
你有病啊? | What is the matter with you? |
瑞秋 我們不可能錯過朋友的婚禮 | We weren't gonna miss our friends getting married. |
誰結婚了? | Who got married? |
你們啊 | You did. |
什麼?拜託,我們哪有結婚 怎麼可能,別鬧了 | What?-Hello. We didn't get married. -No,we didn't. That's ridi.. |
等等…我記得去過教堂 | Wait,wait,wait. I remember being in a chapel. |
我們醉成那樣,不可能被批准 | They would not let us get married when we were that drunk. |
當然可能 在拉斯維加斯結婚的人通常都醉了 | They let you get married.Most people who marry in Vegas are drunk. |
我現在就醉了 | Now,I'm drunk right now. |
早餐不能喝雞尾酒啊? 我在度假 | I can't have a mimosa with breakfast? I'm on vacation. |
你們要怎麼辦? 看來得找個離婚律師了 | What are you gonna do?Well,I guess we find a divorce lawyer. |
我想羅斯已經有一個了 | Well,I think.. I think Ross already has one. |
對,那傢伙總算可以有足夠的資金蓋游泳池了 | Yeah,that guy's finally gonna be able to put in that pool. |
好 | Okay. |
這次會免費吧? 你辦了兩次,所以會送一次 | Now,this one's free,right? Because you paid for the first two. |
你笑吧,丟臉的是你 | Laugh it up,but the joke's on you... |
我們不必離婚,只要辦理註銷(意同“切除”) | because we don't need to get divorced.We're just gonna get an annulment. |
切除?羅斯,我想手術可解決不了問題 | -An annulment?Ross,I don't think surgery is the answer here. |
那是你的標記 | Oh,that's your thing! |
什麼? 你的標記 | What?Your thing. |
你是專門離婚的人 沒錯 | You're the guy who gets divorced. |
那才不是我的標記 我並不愛離婚 | No,no,that's not "my thing."I do not love getting divorced. |
你當然愛,這是你第三次離婚 | Yes,you do. This is your third divorce. |
你愛離婚愛到搞不好會娶它 | You love divorce so much,you're probably gonna marry it... |
然後婚姻破裂,你又得離婚 離婚名人 | ...and then it won't work out,so you're gonna have to divorce it. |
我醉得好厲害 | I'm so drunk. |
要不要玩百高? 好吧 | -You wanna play some Pai Gow? -Maybe. |
但我有點想談談昨晚的事 好主意,我也想談 | But I kind of think we should talk about last night.That's a good idea. I wanna talk about last night too |
而且我不知道百高是什麼。-沒錯 | -and I don't know what Pai Gow is. -I see. |
你覺得我們應該怎麼辦? 不知道 | -So what should we do? -I don't know. |
但我知道我愛你 我也知道我愛你 | I know I love you.I know I love you. |
那我們還要回過頭去結婚嗎? 我愛你 | Where are we on the whole "going back to where they have the marriages" thing? I love you. |
問得好 | That's a good question. |
昨晚我們讓色子決定 | Last night we let the dice decide. |
也許應該再讓命運決定一次 我愛你 | We should leave it up to fate again. I love you! |
沒錯,有徵兆我們才結婚 | We don't get married unless there's a sign. |
要是你又擲出八來 就表示我們絕對應該結婚 | So say...you roll another eight,then there's a sign,that we should marry. |
好,八就結婚 2、3、4、5、6、7、9、10、11、12就不結 | Eight we get married but 2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,we don't get married. |
聽起來不錯 好 | Sounds great. |
有人要擲了,請押注 | Hey,we got a shooter.Money,please. |
好了嗎? 好了 | -Ready? -Ready. |
來個八吧 | Come on,eight. |
沒錯,八 | Yes,yes,eight. |
八,簡單八 | Eight,easy eight. |
居然真的是八 真是太不可能了 | -I can't believe I rolled an eight. -That was so unlikely. |
那就結婚吧…我猜 | Let's get married.I guess. |
等等,那不是難的八 我昨晚擲的是難的八 | Last night I rolled a hard eight. |
沒錯,這個八不對 不能結婚了,媽的 | It was the wrong kind of eight. No wedding! Damn it! |
我好想結婚喔 | I wanted it so bad! |
收拾行李去? 好 | Wanna go pack? |
我們沒做錯吧? | We're doing the right thing. |
當然沒錯,我們讓命運決定 | Of course we are.We left it up to fate. |
如果我們應該結婚 一定會有明確的徵兆 | If we were supposed to get married,there would be a sign. |
好,你還剩十九個問題 要好好把握 | Okay,you have 19 questions left. Use them wisely. |
快點,你不問就…不能贏了! | Come on,Joey. You can't win if you don't ask any questions! |
怎樣啦 你說會很好玩 | -What? -You promised me a fun road trip. |
結果我們開了6小時 你就睡了5個小時半 | We've been on the road for 6 hours,and you've been asleep for 5 and a half. |
下一個休息站就換手 你給我一路開回去 | We are switching,and you are going to drive back. |
這是對你的懲罰,貪睡鬼 | That will be your punishment,you greedy sleeper! |
好啦 | All right. |
現在你得唱歌給我聽 | And until then,you are going to sing to me... |
因為收音機壞了,你又很自私 但歌聲很好聽 | ...because the radio's broken and you are selfish,but you have a nice voice. |
是喔?我不… 快唱 | -Really? I don't… -Sing! |
我想徹夜搖滾 | I wanna rock 'n' roll all night |
真是個漫長的旅程 | Man,this is a long drive. |
我的眼睛有睜開嗎?沒有! | Are my eyes open?No! |
早安 | Morning. |
嗨,夥計 | -Hey. -Hey,hubby. |
我想找你討論註銷婚姻的事 | Actually,I wanted to talk to you about that whole annulment thing. |
我不打算去辦 | Yeah,I'm not gonna do that. |
好,那我們就維持婚姻關係 | Okay.So we'll just stay married. |
沒錯 我會請大家叫我蓋勒太太 | Yes,exactly.And I will make everyone call me Mrs. Geller. |
真是太棒了 我還以為得加把勁說服你 | Wow,this is so amazing.I really thought I'd have to talk you into this more. |
我現在怕了 因為你好像不是在說笑 | Now I'm scared because I don't actually think you're kidding. |
我不是啊 | I'm not kidding. |
我不能有三次失敗的婚姻 我不能,好嗎? | Look...I can't have three failed marriages.I can't,okay? |
我不要當那個人 | I am not gonna be that guy. |
我不要有這個“我的標記” | Okay? No,no. That is not gonna be "my thing." |
所以我們要永遠這樣下去? 我不知道 | So,what,we just stay married forever?I don't know. |
我還沒想清楚 我知道這樣有點誇張 | I mean,I haven't worked it all out yet,but....Okay,I know it's a bit crazy.. |
說真的,你有什麼影響? | How is this going to affect you,really? |
偶爾填表格要打勾時 你就勾“夫人”那一格 | I mean,you fill some form out once in a while...instead of checking the box "Miss," you check the box that says,"Mrs." |
就在“小姐”旁邊 | It's right next to it. |
好,抱歉,你說得對 我們確實可以維持現狀 | Okay. I'm sorry,you're right. You know what?We can stay married |
我還以為那兩格離得很遠 | because I thought that the boxes were far away from each other. |
不是… 羅斯! | -No,they're right.. -Ross! |
請你靜下來 想一想你在叫我做什麼 | All right. Just...please take a moment here.and think about what you're asking of me. Okay? |
我在請你幫我一個忙 | I am asking you to do me a favor. |
你是要我當你的老婆 | You are asking me to be your wife. |
而身為我的老婆 你應該幫我這個忙 | And as my wife,I think you should grant me this favor. |
我們發過誓了 | We did make vows. |
那個小孩踢得好用力 是你扯他的頭髮 | That kid kicked me really hard.Well,you did pull his hair. |
他拿我的零食 我不想再爭了 | -He took my snack. -I'm not getting into this again. |
好啦 | Okay |
說真的,真的很痛 | All right,you know what? Hurts really bad. |
我就叫你不要走路,來 | Well,I told you not to walk. Here.There. There. Okay. |
這沒有任何含意吧? | -This doesn't mean anything,does it? |
沒有 好 | -No.-Okay |
你怎麼可以讓人搭便車? | How could you pick up a hitchhiker? |
他搞不好是強… 強姦犯或殺人犯什麼的 | He could be a rap.. He could be a rapist or a killer or something. |
你以為我沒有先問過他嗎? | Don't you think I asked him that before he got in? |
我不理你了,你睡你的覺 | I'm not talking to you. You go back to sleep. |
你,你是強姦犯嗎? 不是 | -And,you,are you a rapist? -No. |
你喜歡車上遊戲嗎? | Do you like car games? |
喜歡,你會牌照遊戲嗎? | Yeah,you know the license plate game? |
我最喜歡牌照遊戲了 | I love the license plate game! |
我也要玩,我也要玩 | I'll play. I'll play. |
不行,你需要睡眠,晚安 | No,you need your sleep. Night-night. |
聽著,我知道你想找我談 | Listen. I know you wanted to talk to me... |
但我有個辦法 或許能讓你願意維持現狀 | but I have an idea that may make you wanna stay married. |
我們去註冊,禮物都給你 | We register...and you get to keep all the presents. |
不行!羅斯,你聽我說 | No,Ross,come on. No,listen. |
我一直在想要怎麼表達 | I've thought about how to tell you this. |
結果想到一個池塘裡的金魚 在冬天凍死的比喻 | I came up with an analogy about a little goldfish...in a pond that freezes over in the winter |
後來又想到它是在談 如何面對別人的挑剔 | but I realized that was a story about what to do when people pick on you. |
那個故事我打算寫兒童書時用 | So I'm gonna actually save that for my children's book. |
瑞秋 是? | -Rachel? -Yes? |
你想說什麼? 抱歉 | -What's up? -Oh,sorry. |
總之我們不能維持婚姻關係 | The bottom line,Ross...is we cannot stay married. |
那可不一定 當然一定 | -I don't know if that's true.. -Oh,but it is. |
你知道嗎?這就叫做意見不合 | Okay. You know what this is?This is a difference of opinion. |
在婚姻中遇到這種狀況… | -When that happens in a marriage.. |
羅斯,這不是婚姻 這是全世界最慘的宿醉 | Ross,come on!This is not a marriage! This is the world's worst hangover! |
如果你不去註銷,我也會去 | Ross,listen,if you do not get this annulment,I will. |
好,我去就是了 謝謝 | All right. All right,I'll do it.Thank you. |
對了 我們是否能有一個解除婚約聚會? | Hey,Hey,is there any such thing as an annulment shower? |
等等,火車站在那裡 我該下車了 | There's the train station. This is where I get off. |
我有你的住址和電話號碼 | I have your address and phone number. |
我知道你的名字和你居無定所 | I have your name and the fact that you're a drifter. |
主動權在你手上 | So ball's pretty much in your court. |
好,再見,菲比 | All right. See you,Phoebe. |
拜託啦,菲比,我受不了了 求求你跟我說話 | Come on,Phoebe,I can't take this anymore.Please talk to me. |
讓我補償你 | Let me make it up to you. |
地面控制中心呼叫湯姆少校(歌曲《太空怪客》) | Ground control to Major Tom |
倒數開始,發動引擎 | Commencing countdown Engines on |
吞幾顆蛋白質丸 戴上頭盔 | Take your protein pills And put your helmet on |
閉嘴,夠了 | -This is.. -Stop it! Stop it! No! |
不公平,你明知我無法抗拒 那美妙的歌聲 | That's not fair. You know I can't resist that beautiful voice. |
菲比,我真的很抱歉 | Phoebe,look,I am so sorry. |
我答應讓你旅途愉快卻沒做到 | I promised you a fun road trip with your friend...and I didn't deliver,okay? |
現在我知道你認為保持清醒 對友情來說很重要 | Now I know that you think being awake is an important part of friendship. |
以後我會永遠努力保持清醒 | So I will strive to stay awake for as long as I know you. |
你晚上還是可以睡覺什麼的 謝謝 | You can still sleep at night and stuff.Thank you. |
那可以玩二十個問題了嗎? 我在堪薩斯就想到一題很棒的 | So can we play 20 Questions now?I got a good one. I thought about it since Kansas. |
好吧,是一種熱食三明治嗎? 對 | Okay.Is it a kind of hot sandwich? Yes. |
是肉丸賽百味三明治嗎? | Is it a meatball sub? |
真不可思議!你是大師 | That is incredible!You are the master! |
真是夠了 誰叫你必須要接的 | -Enough already! -Well,you didn't have to catch them! |
真好玩,你看起來就像要… 別說了,想都別想 | -You look like you're.. -Don't say it! Don't even think it. |
不說就不說 錢德,你跟她耗吧 | All right.Chandler,enjoy your handful. |
我們要不要乾脆結婚算了? 所有的徵兆都叫我們結 | Should we just get married?All the signs are telling us to do it. |
我不想理徵兆了 | I'm sick of the signs. |
這樣太快了,我很滿意現狀 我也是 | -I'm happy the way things are. -Me too. |
我不想改變,你想嗎? 不想 | -I don't want change,do you? -No. |
好,那就不要改變 一切維持現狀 | Then nothing changes! Everything stays the same! |
你快去整理行李 已經3天了,我快捉狂了 | Go unpack. It's been three days,and it drives me insane! |
別激動,又不是要結… | Jeez,relax,it's not like we're mar.. |
要是我在這裡整理呢? | You know,I was thinking,what if I...unpack here? |
那你的東西都會在這裡 | All your stuff would be here. |
要是我的東西都在這裡呢? | ...what if all my stuff was here? |
那你就得跑來跑去 | Then you'd be going back and forth all the time. |
沒道理嘛 好 | Doesn't make any sense.Okay. |
要是我們同居呢? 你懂我的意思吧? | What if we live together,and you get what I'm saying? |
同居?又沒有任何徵兆 | Live together?There've been no signs for that. |
我問你就是個徵兆 | Me asking is kind of a sign. |
好! 好! | Yes! Yes! Yes! |
好,你等等 | Okay. Okay,wait. Wait,wait,wait. |
這是你的鑰匙 | Here's your key. Here's your key. |
你得進行啟用儀式,出去再進來 | Now go out and christen it!Go out and come back in! |
這扇門5年沒鎖了,不過,好吧 | Door hasn't been locked in five years,but okay. |
準備好了嗎? 好了 | -Ready? -Ready! |
有點問題,鑰匙斷了我進不去 等等 | The key broke in the lock,and I can't get in.Wait. |
我也出不去 | Oh,my God,I can't get out! |
這不是徵兆吧 不是,是鑰匙很舊了 | -This isn't a sign! -No,it's a very old key! |
鑰匙太舊了 舊得不得了 | -It's an old key! -Oh,my God,it's old! |
我愛你 | I love you. |
我也愛你 | I love you. |
你有抱著門嗎? | Are you hugging the door right now? |
沒有 | No. |
好,我也沒有 | Yeah,yeah,me neither. |
手續辦得還順利嗎? | So did everything go all right with the annulment? |
沒問題,都辦好了 羅斯,謝謝你 | Oh,yeah. No problems. It's all taken care of.Ross,thank you. |
你們要不要去看電影 好啊 | Do you wanna go see a movie?-Yeah,why not? |
菲比? 不了,眼前就有一出 | -Phoebe?-No,thanks. I've already seen one. |
我去穿毛衣 好 | Okay,I'm gonna get my sweater. |
想不想聽一件奇怪的事? 時刻準備著 | You wanna hear something weird?Always. |
我沒去辦註銷 | I didn't get the annulment. |
什麼? 我們還是夫妻 | What?We're still married. |
不要告訴瑞秋,待會兒見 | Don't tell Rachel. See you later. |
獻給真的結婚的寇特妮與大衛 | |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
鑰匙斷在鑰匙孔裡 我會修,等一下 | Key is stuck in the lock.I can fix it. Hold on. |
讓開 | Watch out,watch out. |
還是打不開 我還沒弄完 | It still doesn't work.I'm not finished. |
漂亮,你的技術真好 | Nice job,Joe. You're quite the craftsman! |
手續辦得還順利嗎? | Did everything go okay with the annulment? |
沒問題,都辦好了 羅斯,謝謝你 | No problems. It's all taken care of.Ross,thank you. |
你們要不要去看電影 好啊 | Want to go see a movie?Yeah,why not? |
我去穿毛衣 好 | I'll get my sweater. |
想不想聽一件奇怪的事? 時刻準備著 | Want to hear something weird?Always. |
我沒去辦註銷 | I didn't get the annulment. |
什麼? 我們還是夫妻 | What?We're still married. |
不要告訴瑞秋,待會見 | Don't tell Rachel. See you later. |
你有口香糖嗎? | Do you have any gum? |
等等! 羅斯,可以跟你談一下嗎? | Wait! Wait! Ross,can I just talk to you for just a second? |
但是電影快開演了 | We'll be late for the movie. |
那裡有計程車,計程車 | There's a cab. Taxi! |
來得正好,上車吧 | That's great.My God,huh? There you go. |
我們走著去就行了,就在前面的安潔麗戲院 | We're gonna walk. It's right at the Angelika. |
安潔麗戲院,開車 | The Angelika! Go! Go! |
你沒去註銷? 我知道 | You didn't get the annulment?!I know. |
羅斯 我試過,但在律師樓我只聽到 | -Ross?-I tried,but when I got to my lawyer's office,all I heard was: |
“離婚三次,離婚三次” | "Three divorces! Three divorces!" |
沒錯,是女高音 | Yes,in that high voice. |
我不希望我的墓碑上刻著 “羅斯蓋勒,離婚三次” | I just don't want my tombstone to read: "Ross Geller: Three Divorces." |
你不必擔心那個 你愛刻什麼就刻什麼 | Don't worry about that. Your tombstone can say whatever you want. |
你可以刻 “羅斯蓋勒,婚姻高手” | It can say,"Ross Geller: Good at Marriage." |
我的會刻 “菲比布菲,活埋在此” | You know? Mine's gonna say,"Phoebe Buffay: Buried Alive." |
反正我不能再添一次失敗婚姻 | All I know is,I can't have another failed marriage. |
所以你要娶個不知情的女生? | So you're gonna be married to a girl who doesn't even know about it? |
是“女人”,抱歉 | Woman. Sorry. |
我還沒想好要怎麼做 拜託你先別告訴瑞秋 | Okay,so I don't have it all worked out quite yet.Just don't say anything to Rachel. |
瑞秋是我最要好的朋友之一 | Rachel is one of my closest friends. |
不過當唯一知情的人感覺不賴 好吧 | But being the only one that knows about this makes me feel special. Okay. |
停車 | Okay,stop,stop! |
菲比? 瑞秋 | Phoebe?Hey,Rach! |
你在搞什麼? 抱歉,弄錯了 | What was that?Sorry. Mix-up. |
電影好看嗎? 我還沒看 | How was the movie?I haven't seen it yet. |
那就要快了 安潔麗戲院,開車 | You'd better hurry. The Angelika! Go! |
不… | No |
本集播出:“羅斯擁抱瑞秋” | The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
等我們同居 我可以買一台泡泡糖機嗎? | When I move in,can I get a gumball machine? |
當然可以,喬伊不讓你買? | Of course. Joey wouldn't let you have one? |
對,他對甜食要求特別嚴 | No,when it comes to sweets,he's surprisingly strict. |
你想好要怎麼說了嗎? 還沒,我試了好幾次 | Did you tell him you're moving out?No,I keep trying. |
我只能說出“喬伊,我得…” | And I can get out,"Joey,I have to.." |
然後就退縮改說“去上廁所” | Then I lose my nerve and I finish with,"go to the bathroom." |
他可能以為我有病 | He may think I'm sick. |
我真的得告訴瑞秋了 | I have to tell Rachel,but.... |
這件事不能再拖了 | We just gotta get it over with. |
下次見到他們,我們就說 | Next time we see them,we'll just tell them. |
就這麼決定 | That's it. |
以後你都要這樣指使我是吧? | That's how it'll work now? You'll just order me around? |
差不多 好 | -Pretty much. -All right. |
莫妮卡 | Monica |
你有沒有好一點? | Hey,man,you feeling better? |
喬伊,我們有事要說 | We have something to tell you. |
天哪,你懷孕了 | Oh,my God!You're pregnant! |
不是 | No! |
沒有吧?不是 | No?No! |
喬伊,是這樣的 | Look,Joe,here's the thing. |
莫妮卡和我決定在這裡同居 所以我會搬出來 | Monica and I have decided to live together,here.I'm gonna be moving out,man. |
我真替你們高興 恭喜,再見 | I'm really happy for you guys. Congratulations. See you later. |
等等,喬伊,你還好嗎? | Are you okay? |
很好,我得走了,我有戲要演 | I gotta go. I've got an acting job. |
你們會信才怪 | Like you'd believe that. |
討厭啦 | This sucks! |
我只是要搬到對門,我保證 | I'll be across the hall. And I promise you... |
莫妮卡和我一分手 我就回去跟你住 | the minute Monica and I break up,I'm moving right back in. |
就現在好了? | Maybe that's now. |
好,如果你要跟他住 我有責任揭穿他的真面目 | If you're gonna move in with him...I feel it is my responsibility to tell you the truth about him. |
他是個很爛的室友 | He's a terrible roommate. Terrible. |
他會忘記…他老是… | He forgets to....He always,he always.... |
我騙誰啊,他最棒了 | Who am I kidding? He's the best roommate! |
菲比 | -Hey,Phoebe. -Hey. |
有一篇文章在討論 結了婚卻不告訴對方的人 | Oh,look,here's an article about people who marry people and don't tell them. |
真的? 對,我在看羅斯蓋勒雜誌 | -Really? -Yeah,I'm reading Ross Geller Magazine. |
菲比,你有看到瑞秋嗎? | Have you seen Rachel? |
沒有,怎樣? 我有個好消息 | -No,why? -I have some exciting news. |
你懷孕了 | You're pregnant. |
不是,錢德和我決定同居 太好了 | No!Chandler and I are moving in together.Oh,that's good! |
不過如果你有寶寶要叫什麼? 提示:菲比 | But if you were pregnant,what would you name it? Hint,Phoebe. |
怎麼了? | What's up? |
錢德和我要住在一起 | Chandler and I are moving in together. |
天哪 我妹妹和我的死黨…搞在一起 | Oh,my God.Oh,my little sister and my best friend...shacking up. |
太好了 | That's great. That's great. |
喂,我也很高興 好,一起來 | Guys,I'm happy too.Okay,come here. |
今天真熱鬧 有人要同居,有人辦註銷 | Big day,huh? People moving in. People getting annulled. |
我要去找瑞秋了,不過… | I gotta go find Rachel. |
你們能不能先灌些壞消息給她 減輕一些衝擊? | If you see her,give her some really bad news,so mine doesn't seem so bad. |
講給瑞秋聽的壞消息… | Something bad to tell Rachel. |
什麼是她的壞消息? | Bad news for Rachel. What could that be? |
你能不能別再提了? | Can you just lay off,please? |
我的人生很難堪 我應該去住在別人的樓梯底下 | My life is an embarrassment. I should just go live under somebody's stairs. |
根本沒那麼嚴重 | It's not that big a deal. |
離婚三次又怎樣 你還是會有私生活、會約會… | You'll have been divorced three times.You'll have a life,you'll date.. |
才不會 我的約會指數降到穀底 | No,I won't. I'll be at the bottom of the dating barrel now. |
比我低的只有離婚四次的人 殺人犯和… | The only guys below me will be Four-Divorce Guy...Murderer Guy |
地質學家 | and geologists. |
羅斯,你別傻了 你可愛聰明又體帖 | Ross,you're being ridiculous. You are cute and smart and sweet. |
這比離婚三次重要多了 | That is much more important than three stupid divorces. |
是嗎? 你交過離婚三次的男朋友嗎? | Have you dated anyone who's been divorced three times? |
這樣問不公平 離三次婚的人通常都60歲了 | That's not fair. Most guys that have been divorced three times are 60. |
你多年輕啊 | You're young. |
我是很年輕 | That's true,I am young. |
也許吧 | Well.... |
只有你自己在意 什麼難堪都是你在想像 | Nobody cares about this except you.This embarrassment thing is all in your head. |
我證明給你看 | -Here,I'll show you. |
過來 幹嘛? | Come here. -What? |
我朋友羅斯即將三度離婚 但你們會和他約會吧? | Hi. My friend Ross is about to be divorced for the third time.But wouldn't you date him? |
你們稍候,我去找羅斯來 | And if you wait right here,I'll go get Ross. |
我還以為你是瑞秋 我哪裡露出破綻了? | Thought you were Rachel.What gave me away? |
我得趕快告訴她 | I gotta tell her. |
我已經告訴羅斯和菲比 只剩她了 | I told Ross and Phoebe. She's the only one left. |
所以大家都知道了 我們確定要同居了,不能反悔 | It's official. We're moving in together.No turning back. |
你怕嗎?怕嗎? | Are you scared? Are you?! |
不怕 | No. |
那是我最可怕的聲音 你真勇敢 | That was my scariest voice. You're brave. |
今天真慘 | The worst day. |
你以為自己終於受重視了 結果老闆卻把你的名字叫成瑞寇 | You're finally making progress at work,then your boss calls you Racquel. |
我進公司前4年 大家都叫我夏拉拉 | Listen,for the first four years of my work,everybody called me Sha-la-lap |
是真的 我相信 | -Seriously. -I believe you. |
當時正在開員工大會 當然不會有人糾正她 | It was in the middle of a meeting,so no one wants to correct her. |
於是大家都叫我瑞寇 | So everyone's calling me Racquel. |
到了下班前 收發室的人已經叫成洛基了 | By the end of the day,the mailroom guys were calling me Rocky. |
我還是覺得你很好很漂亮 | Well,I still think you're very,very nice and very pretty. |
什麼? | What? |
交給你了 | All yours,babe. |
坐 | Have a seat. |
聽我說 錢德和我要一起住在這裡 | Listen,Chandler and I...are going to live together…Here. |
天哪,真是太棒了 | Oh,my God.That's so great! |
我真替你們高興 | I'm so happy for you guys! |
真的? | Really? |
你真好,還先問我 | And that was so sweet of you to ask. |
天哪 我們三個在一起一定會很開心 | The three of us are gonna have such a good time living together! |
是啊 | Yes,we are. |
錢德,你早上不能慢慢沖澡了 因為瑞寇不能遲到 | Chandler,you'll have to watch those long showers you take...because you know Racquel can't be late. |
瑞秋 他會注意的 | He'll work on that. |
好興奮喔 | This is so exciting! |
來敲我的門 (《三人行》主題曲) | Come and knock on our door |
我們等著你 | We'll be waiting for you |
一旦知道內情就沒那麼糟了 | See? Once you know the stories,it's not that bad. |
第一次,老婆隱瞞性向 不是我的錯 | First marriage: Wife's hidden sexuality. Not my fault. |
第二次,宣誓時叫錯人 有一點點是我的錯 | Second marriage: Said the wrong name at the altar.A little my fault. |
第三次 | Third marriage: |
怎麼能讓臉上塗鴉的醉鬼結婚 內華達州的錯 | They shouldn't let you get married...when you're drunk and have writing on your face.Nevada's fault. |
你們覺得怎樣?誰會沒興趣? 誰會不想和他約會? | So what do you think,ladies? Who wouldn't want to date him? |
離婚無所謂,我會和他約會 但他得先恢復自由身 | The divorces don't bother me. I'd date him.But not while he's still married. |
那你呢?你也想吧? | And you,wouldn't you want to date? |
事實上我再也不約會了 | I'm not dating at all anymore. |
我老是看上對我不好的男人 | I was only dating guys that were bad for me. |
在我解決這個… 隨便啦 | So I decided that..Good. Good. Whatever. |
梅格你呢? | And you,Meg? |
我也不在意離婚的事 但我不會和他約會 | Well,I don't care about the divorces,either.But I wouldn't date him. |
他平常不會流這麼多汗 | Normally,he doesn't sweat this much. |
他顯然還愛著這個瑞秋 什麼? | It's just that he's obviously still in love with this Rachel girl.What? |
她說 “他顯然還愛著這個瑞秋” | She said,"He's obviously still in love with this Rachel girl." |
別亂說 沒錯,瑞秋是我的好朋友 | This is crazy. I mean,yes,Rachel is my good friend. |
我過去確實愛過她 但現在她只是我的妻子 | And I have loved her in the past...but now,she is just my wife. |
菲比,幫我說句話好嗎? | Phoebe,will you help me out here? |
你娶她時我也以為你愛她 | Well,I thought you loved her when you married her. |
我們喝醉了 喝那麼多我連喬伊都會娶 | We were drunk! I would've married Joey with that amount of alcohol. |
你做的比喬伊崔比亞尼爛多了 | You could do a lot worse than Joey Tribbiani! |
很抱歉,但是你們錯了 我只是不想離三次婚 | I'm sorry,but you guys are wrong.I just don't want to be divorced three times. |
沒錯,他以此為藉口不想離婚 因為他愛她 | Now he's using this three-divorces reason...because he wants to stay married to her because he loves her. |
我必須說:梅格,幹得好 | I must say,well done. Bravo,Meg. |
好,如果你們這麼想 那我就不管什麼三次離婚了 | Fine. If this is what you think,forget about...the whole three-divorce thing. |
我現在就去找律師辦註銷 | I'll go to my lawyer's office right now and get this marriage annulled. |
因為我一點也不愛她 一點也不愛 | She means nothing to me.Nothing! |
現在是你的神經質讓我發毛 | Okay,now I wouldn't date you because you seem a little creepy. |
我突然覺得他好有魅力 | I am so attracted to him right now. |
我們什麼時候要跟瑞秋說實話 | When will we tell Rachel what actually will happen? |
快了,我剛才說不出口 你也看到喬伊多難過 | Soon.I just couldn't before. You saw how upset Joey got. |
我不忍心傷害我最好的朋友 | I couldn't do it. She's my best friend. |
喬伊也是我最好的朋友 | Joey's my best friend. |
我不是嗎? | I'm not your best friend? |
你自己剛才說… | You just said.. |
你當然是 | Of course you're my best friend. |
但請你告訴瑞秋好嗎? | Would you tell Rachel? |
好啦,至少我現在有準備 好 | All right. At least I'm prepared. |
漂亮 | Oh,yes. |
不是給你的,你有不開心嗎? 現在有了 | -They're not for you. Are you upset? -I am now. |
嗨,室友 好,再見 | Hey,roomie.Okay,bye. |
瑞秋,我有重要的事要告訴你 | There's something important I have to tell you. |
你懷孕了? | Are you pregnant? |
沒有,但我要扔掉這件衣服 | No,but I'm throwing this shirt away. |
剛才有一些誤會 | I think there was a little misunderstanding before. |
我說錢德和我想住在一起 | When I said that Chandler and I wanted to live together... |
意思是只有我們兩個人 | we meant alone together. |
天哪,真好笑,我居然會誤會 | Oh,my God. That's funny. I can't believe I did that. |
不,是我不好,我沒說清楚 真的很抱歉 | No,sweetie. You know what? This is my fault.I wasn't clear.I'm really sorry. |
你可以慢慢找房子 一點也不用急 | Listen,you take as much time as you need to move out,okay?There's absolutely no rush. |
好 | Okay. |
好 | Okay |
你不吃餅乾嗎? | Don't you want a cookie? |
好啊 | Sure. |
謝謝 需要面紙嗎? | Thanks.Do you need a tissue? |
這是哪裡的餅乾? 我做的 | -Where did you get these? -I made them. |
天哪,真好吃 | Oh,God,they're so yummy! |
這是誰的? 我的 | -Okay,whose is this? -That's mine. |
那這個呢? 也是我的 | -And what about this? Whose is this? -That's mine. |
那這罐洗碗精呢? | Okay,whose dishwashing soap is this? |
我們搬進來時就有了 | That was here when we moved in. |
難怪濃成這樣 | Oh,I guess it really is concentrated. |
以後我回家你就不在了 | It's gonna be weird when I come home and you're not here. |
沒有喬伊和錢德家了 沒有喬和錢家了 | No more Joey and Chan's.No more J and C's. |
“要不要去喬伊和錢德家?” “不行,已經不在了” | Want to go to Joey and Chandler's? Can't. It's not there. |
我只是搬到對面 我們還是可以跟以前一樣 | I'll be across the hall. We can still do all the same stuff. |
但以後就不能半夜起來 促膝長談感覺和未來了 | We won't be able to have those long talks at night...about our feelings and the future. |
我們一次也沒做過 | Not once did we do that. |
不是有一次很晚了,我不舒服 | Don't you remember that night,it was late and I was feeling sick... |
你說我“明天”就會好一點? | and you said I would feel better tomorrow? |
對,我記得 | Oh,yeah. I remember that. |
我會想念那些事 我也是 | I don't know. I'm just gonna miss living with you.Yeah,me too,man. |
那是什麼? 好噁心 | -What the hell is that? -That's disgusting. |
我告訴瑞秋我們要自己住了 是嗎?她還好嗎? | I told Rachel that it's just gonna be the two of us.Oh,yeah? Well,how'd she take it? |
非常好,令人意外的好 | Really well.Surprisingly well. |
沒有哭,也沒有生氣或難過 | She didn't cry. She wasn't angry or sad. |
你很不爽沒把最好的朋友弄哭? | And you're upset because you didn't make your best friend cry? |
我只求一點真情流露 我們6年室友耶 | All I'm asking for is a little emotion.Is that too much to ask after six years? |
我們沒你們要好嗎? 沒你們開心嗎? | What,are Rachel and l not as close as you guys?I mean,did we not have as much fun? |
我不值得她掉幾滴淚嗎? | Don't I deserve a few tears? |
喬伊一聽到就哭得死去活來 | When we told Joey,he cried his eyes out. |
我才沒有哭得死去活來 | I did not cry my eyes out! |
這就像一個時代的結束 再也沒有喬兄和錢哥了 | Come on,it's like the end of an era.No more J-Man and Channy's! |
我一定要問 有誰那樣叫我們? | Okay,I gotta ask,who calls us that? |
你又結婚了 | You got married again? |
對 | Yes. |
這是你2年內第二次結婚 | So that's your second marriage in two years? |
對,2年兩次,總共三次 | Yes. Second in two years.Third,overall. |
羅斯,我當了23年離婚律師 沒有一個客戶比你捧場 | I have been a divorce attorney for 23 years...and never have I had so much business from one client. |
告訴我怎麼回事 | Why don't you tell me what happened? |
基本上,瑞秋和我在拉斯維加斯 我們喝醉了… | Basically,Rachel and I were in Vegas,and we got drunk. |
抱歉,她就是你上次結婚 叫錯名字的那個瑞秋? | I'm sorry,is this the same Rachel whose name you said...at the altar in the second marriage? |
對,但是我並不愛她 | Yes,yes,yes.But I do not love her. |
這就好多了 | That's better then. |
這只是酒醉犯錯,我要辦註銷 我懂了 | This was just a drunken mistake,and I need to get it annulled.I see. |
你考慮過接受治療嗎? | Have you considered therapy? |
我想今天辦註銷就好了 | I think just the annulment for today. |
要填幾份表格 簡單 | -There are some forms to fill out. -Easy. |
必須有證人證明 你們當時神智不清 | We'll need witnesses who can testify that you were not of sound mind. |
沒問題 | No problem. |
你和瑞秋得向法官說明 | We'll need you and Rachel to testify before a judge. |
不能不找她嗎? 我已經告訴她事情都辦妥了 | There's no way to do this without her?Because I kind of already told her it was taken care of |
你當然這麼說 | Of course you did. |
羅斯,你和瑞秋都在場 才能辦理註銷 | Look,you can't get an annulment unless you and Rachel are both there. |
那找一個長得像瑞秋的人呢? | What about someone who looks like Rachel? |
我會考慮接受治療 | I will think about the therapy. |
我想我們應該開始分東西了 | So I was thinking that maybe we should start dividing up our stuff. |
好 | Okay. |
沒必要拖拖拉拉的 | No point in dragging it out. |
我是說你搬走我們分開的事 | Dragging out the long process of you moving out...and us not living together anymore. |
好 | Okay |
瑞秋,這個要歸誰? | What about this? Who gets this? |
我不知道我想不想要 它有太多回憶 | I don't know if I want it because it might be too many memories. |
那是什麼? 我不知道 | -What is that? -I don't know. |
瑞秋,大盤子呢? 我要你留著大盤子 | How about this? I want you to have the big plate. |
謝謝,我很喜歡這個盤子 | Wow,Monica,thanks. I love this plate. |
這樣你就會記得我 | Something to remember me by. |
你又不是快死了 我只是要搬出去 | Mon,you're not dying. I'm just moving out. |
我們還是會天天見面 | We're gonna see each other all the time. |
但這是個大轉變 也可以說是一個時代的結束 | But still,it's a big change.The end of an era,you might say. |
你還好嗎?眼睛都沒眨 | Are you okay? You're not blinking. |
我很好 我只是在想一個時代要結束了 | I'm fine. I was thinking about how it's an end of an era. |
好吧 | Oh,all right. |
但老實說 6年應該稱不上一個時代 | But I gotta say,I don't think six years counts as an era. |
一個時代就是一段重要的日子 | An era is defined as a significant period of time. |
我覺得重要 或許你不覺得重要 | It was significant for me. Maybe it wasn't significant to you! |
你是怎麼了? 你才怎麼了? | -What is the matter with you? -What is the matter with you?! |
你為什麼沒有更不開心? 我們要分開了你不難過嗎? | Why aren't you more upset?Aren't you gonna be sad that we're not living together? |
你都不會想我嗎? | Aren't you gonna miss me at all? |
好吧,說出來你別生氣 | Monica,all right. But don't get mad at me. |
我只是有點難以相信 難以相信什麼? | It's just a little hard to believe.What's hard to believe? |
你們啊,你們就是這樣 | I mean,it's you guys. You do this kind of stuff,you know? |
你們在拉斯維加斯說要結婚又不結了 | You were gonna get married in Vegas,and then you backed out. |
我並不認為你們會真的同居 對不起 | I'm not upset because I don't see you going through with it. I'm sorry. |
瑞秋,事情已經確定了 錢德會搬進來 | It's going to happen.Chandler will move in here. |
但是… 你先聽我說完 | -But I.. -I know,just let me finish,okay? |
這不是在拉斯維加斯的一時衝動 我們真的想要住在一起 | This isn't something that we just impulsively decided to do in Vegas.This is something that we both really want. |
我們會住在一起 是嗎? | And it is going to happen.It is? |
真的? 沒錯,親愛的 | Really?Yeah,sweetie. |
我們不能再住在一起了? | You mean,we're not gonna live together anymore? |
不行了 | No |
天哪,我會好想你 我也是 | Oh,my God. I'm gonna miss you so much.I'm gonna miss you. |
這是一個時代的結束 我知道 | I mean,it's the end of an era!I know! |
再見 又來了 | -Okay,bye. -Oh,no. |
你去辦註銷了嗎? 我辦不了 | So did you get the annulment?-I couldn't. |
我就知道,因為你愛瑞秋 | -I knew it. Because you love Rachel. |
不是那樣的 事情比想像中複雜… | It's not that. Annulments are more complicated.. |
愛讓它變得複雜 | Complicated because of the love. |
我不愛瑞秋 | I do not love Rachel. |
我現在就去告訴她 好儘快把手續辦好 | I'm telling her about the whole thing...so we can get this marriage annulled as fast as possible. |
我如果愛她會這麼做嗎? | Would I do that if I loved her? |
我現在更確信你愛她 | I've never been more convinced of your love for her. |
我對瑞秋沒有感覺,好嗎? | I do not have feelings for Rachel,okay? |
怎麼了? | Oh,what's wrong? |
莫妮卡和錢德真的要同居了 我得搬出去,一切都要變了 | Monica and Chandler are moving in here...and I have to move out and everything is changing. |
過來,別難過,一切都會好起來的 | Oh,my God,come here,come here. It's okay.Everything's gonna be okay. |
謝謝你 不客氣 | -Thank you. -Of course. |
羅斯和瑞秋結婚了 莫妮卡和錢德差點結婚 | So Ross and Rachel got married.Monica and Chandler almost got married. |
我們要不要也搞在一起? | You think we should hook up? |
要,但不是現在 | Oh,we do.But not just yet. |
是嗎?那是什麼時候? | Really? Well,when? |
好,首先錢德和莫妮卡會結婚 還會發大財 | Well,first Chandler and Monica will get married...and be filthy rich,by the way. |
但婚姻會破裂 | But it won't work out. |
天哪 是啊 | Wow. I know. |
然後我會為錢嫁給錢德 | Then I'll marry Chandler for the money. |
你會娶瑞秋生幾個漂亮小孩 太好了 | And you'll marry Rachel and have the beautiful kids.Great. |
接著我們就拋棄他們結婚 | But then we ditch them and we get married. |
我們會有錢德的財產 瑞秋的孩子 | We'll have Chandler's money and Rachel's kids. |
監護權很好搶,因為瑞秋酗酒 | Getting custody will be easy because of Rachel's drinking problem. |
那羅斯呢? 我不想多說,不過… | What about Ross?I don't want to go into the whole thing.But |
我們吵架,我殺了他 | we have words and I kill him. |
你看,太不可思議了 | Check it out,this is unbelievable! |
喬伊已經悶氣將近4分鐘 | Joey's been holding his breath for almost four minutes. |
你想悶死我啊? | You trying to kill me? |
菲比,我問你一件事 什麼事? | -I want to ask you something. -What? |
既然我要搬出去 你又這麼美麗… | Since I'm moving out,and you're so beautiful... |
我搬去跟你住如何? | how about I move in with you? |
太好了,但是狄妮絲怎麼辦? | That would be great,but what do we do about Denise? |
誰是狄妮絲? 我的室友 | -Who's Denise? -My roommate. |
你有室友? 對,狄妮絲,狄妮絲 | Your roommate?Yes,Denise. Denise! |
你幹嘛這麼神秘? 這個狄妮絲可愛嗎? | What is with the secrecy,Phoebe?What about Denise? She cute? |
我們怎麼會不知道你有室友? | How can you have a roommate that we don't know about? |
也許是因為都沒人在聽我講話 我一天到晚提起她,狄妮絲! | Because you never listen to what I say.I talk about her all the time. Denise! |
瑞秋,我在想 我那裡會多一個房間 | I'm gonna have an extra room over at my place. |
沒錯 你何不搬來跟我住? | -That's true. -Move in with me. |
多好啊 我們可以熬夜談心,看電影 | We can stay up late talking,and watch movies. |
你知道赤裸星期四的規定吧? | You know about naked Thursdays,right? |
我還是自己找房子好了 | Yeah,yeah. I think I'll find my own place. |
我以為赤裸星期四 是我們的專利 | Hey! I thought naked Thursdays was just our thing,man. |
本集播出:“羅斯不認帳” | The One With Ross' Denial |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你沒辦註銷,瑞秋怎麼說? | What did Rachel say when you told her you were still married to her? |
那個啊,她還蠻平靜的 | Oh,that.She took it really well. |
你沒說對吧? 沒有 | -You didn't tell her,did you? -No. |
當然沒有,因為你愛她 | Because you're in love with her. |
我並不愛她 她在為搬家的事難過 | I am not in love with her. She was upset about having to move out. |
所以我沒說,免得她更不開心 | If she knew we were still married,she'd have been more upset. |
我只以朋友的身份安慰她 | So I comforted her. As a friend. |
什麼叫安慰她? 也沒什麼,我抱了抱她 | You "comforted her"?Nothing. I just gave her a hug. |
擁抱正是愛的表示 | A classic sign of love,the hug. |
也是友情的表現 | It's also a sign of friendship. |
在這裡不是,癡情男 | Not in your case,"Lovey Loverson." |
那只是個擁抱 | It was a hug. Okay? |
一個單純的擁抱 | A simple hug. |
我只是對朋友盡朋友的心意 | I was a friend being a friend to a friend. |
你太強調朋友了 | Use the word "friend" more. |
告訴我,你有沒有聞她的頭髮 | Did you,or did you not,smell her hair? |
聞她的頭髮?如果有呢? | Smell her hair?What if I did? |
九成的女性荷爾蒙散發自頭部 | Ninety percent of a woman's pheromones come out of her head. |
所以女人都比較矮 好讓男人在擁抱時愛上她們 | That's why women are shorter.So that men will fall in love when they hug them. |
拜託,你是科學家 | Come on,Ross,you're a scientist. |
我是以朋友的身分抱她 | I was hugging her as a friend. |
又不是我把臉埋進她的頭髮 她的頭髮很多,有一股… | It's not my fault her hair got in my face.She's got a lot of it,and it smells all... all... |
椰子香 | coconutty. |
怎樣?那不代表我對她有感覺 或許我是對椰子有感覺 | What? It doesn't mean I have feelings for Rachel.Maybe it means I have feelings for coconuts. |
好,隨你怎麼說 | Okay,whatever you say |
但你要小心 瑞秋的心情和你不同 | but be careful. Rachel's not in the same place you are. |
如果這個心情是指愛情 那她和我的心情一樣 | If the place you're referring to is being in love...she is in the same place as me, |
因為我不是那個心情 | because I am not in that place. |
好,我聽不懂 | I didn't understand that. |
或許因為你講的是愛的秘語 | Maybe that's because you were speaking the secret language of love. |
剛才有你的電話 是誰? | -A guy just called for you. -Who was it? |
我哪知道? 可能是“麻煩你告訴他一聲”? | I don't know. How about "Thanks for taking the message"? |
等你搬進來 瑞秋的房間就空出來了 | When you move in...Rachel's room will be empty. |
要不要來討論怎麼利用? | Let's talk about what to do with it. |
好啊 我想我們應該弄個漂亮的客房 | I think we should have a beautiful guest room... |
有紅木雪橇床 床頭桌上永遠插著鮮花 | with a mahogany sleigh bed and bedside tables with fresh flowers. |
再擺張書桌放上留言卡 讓客人表達他們的開心 | And comment cards so people could tell us how great their stay was. |
之類的,我還沒有想太多 | I really haven't thought about it that much. |
我喜歡這個主意…當然喜歡 | Well,I like that idea... obviously. |
我在想或許可以弄個遊戲房 | I was thinking maybe... maybe it could be a game room. |
我們可以買舊的遊戲機 | You can buy old arcade games, |
像太空入侵者和小行星 只要2百元,是真正的街機,大的,大的 | like Space lnvaders and Asteroids for $200. The real ones. The big,big,big ones! |
不要 | No. |
你的意思是“天哪,錢德” | You mean "No" as in:"Gee Chandler" |
“好有趣的主意” “我們先討論再全盤否定” | "What an interesting idea. Let's discuss it before we reject it." |
對不起,當然啦 | I'm sorry.Of course I mean that |
很有趣的主意 談過了 但是不要 | Interesting idea. Talk about it,But no. |
就這樣? | So that's it? |
漂亮的客房不適合放遊戲機 | I just don't think arcade games go in a beautiful guest room... |
漂亮的客房裡會有很多古董 | The beautiful guest room is gonna be filled with antiques. |
所以小行星才適合 那是最古老的遊戲 | Which is why Asteroids is perfect. It's the oldest game. |
你對漂亮的客房有什麼意見? | What's wrong with a beautiful guest room? |
我沒有意見 尤其是我們認識的人 | I'm not against it.Especially since everybody we know |
都住在30秒遠的路程之內 | lives about 30 seconds away. |
你在嘲笑我嗎? | Are you mocking me? |
我沒有在嘲笑你 或是你漂亮的客房 | No,I'm not mocking you or your beautiful guest room. |
怎麼了? | What's up |
沒事,莫妮卡和我吵架了 | Monica and l had a stupid fight. |
但你們還是要同居吧? 我的廣告今天出來了 | You're still moving in together,right? My ad came out today. |
“通緝令:女性室友,不抽煙,不醜” | "Wanted: Female roommate,nonsmoker,nonugly." |
很好 | Nice. |
我想說在你之後 換個女室友會蠻有趣的 | I figured it'd be more interesting to have a female roommate. |
一個我可以學習 和我不一樣的人 | Someone I could learn from. Someone who's different than me. |
誰和我最不一樣? 年過19的男人 | And what's more different than me,a guy who's not 19... |
還是19歲的女孩? | than a girl who is 19? |
我可不是草包 | Not just a hatrack,my friend. |
菲比,我想問… 噓…我正在忙 | Phoebe,I have to ask you..I'm swamped right now. |
你只是在發呆 | You're just staring into space. |
我想移動那支鉛筆 | I'm trying to move that pencil. |
這支嗎? 成功了 | -This one? -lt worked! |
菲比,找房子真是惡夢 | Phoebe,this whole apartment thing is a nightmare. |
我租得起的地方都有怪胎室友 你看嘛 | Anything I can afford comes with a roommate who is a freak. Look. |
“通緝令:女性室友,不抽煙,不醜” | "Wanted: Female roommate,nonsmoker,nonugly." |
可能是想跟女生講電話的12歲小鬼 | That's probably some 12-year-old kid trying to get girls to call. |
沒房子了,紐約都住滿了 | There's nothing. This city is full. |
等等,這裡有 | Wait! Look at this! |
“兩房兩衛,不得抽煙” “撒旦崇拜者亦可” | "Two bedroom,two bath. Must be nonsmoker. Satan worshipers okay." |
可惜是在地下 | Yeah,but it's on the ground floor. |
瑞秋,你還在找房子? 對,怎樣? | -Rach,you still looking for a place? -Yeah,why? |
好,我們博物館有個華倫 要去參與挖掘工作2年 | This guy,Warren,from the museum is going on a dig for two years. |
他有個漂亮的家要轉租 你有興趣嗎? | He's got this great place he needs to sublet. You interested? |
聽起來好棒 我願意住華倫家,我愛華倫 | Great! I'd love to live at Warren's. I love Warren! |
等等,是他跟你要我的裸照嗎 | Oh,wait. Is he the guy that asked you for naked pictures of me? |
沒關係,反正他要走了 | That doesn't matter,he won't be there! |
謝謝你 別謝我 | -Thank you! -Don't thank me. |
要謝就謝那座火山幾千年前爆發 毀滅卻也保存了一整個文明遺跡 | Thank the volcano that erupted thousands of years ago...killing,but perfectly preserving,an entire civilization. |
這是華倫的電話 | Here's Warren's number. |
太好了,我現在就打給他 謝謝你 | This is great. I'm gonna call him right now! Thank you! |
好,快去吧 | Okay,you go call him. |
我看到了 | I saw it. |
我不知道你在說什麼 | What are you talking about? |
我在說你知道卻不肯承認的事 | I'm talking about what you already know but won't admit. |
你又愛上她了,你舊情複燃 | You love her again. You re-love her. |
我沒有舊情複燃 真不敢相信 你就是不肯承認 | I do not re-love her.I can't believe you won't just admit it. |
總之你千萬別做蠢事 | Promise me you won't do anything stupid. |
我們現在只是朋友 我為什麼要做蠢事? | We're just friends now. Why would I do anything stupid? |
房子已經租出去了 沒希望了,我找不到房子了 | The apartment is already subletted.It's hopeless. I'll never find anything. |
你可以來跟我住 什麼? | You can live with me.-What? |
什麼? | -What?! |
怎樣? | What? |
天哪,你是說真的嗎? | Are you serious? |
我求之不得,太好了,謝謝你 | I would love to live with you. That's great. Thank you. |
有幫到你就好 | I'm just glad I could help you out. |
我真替你們高興 這真是非常的不蠢 | Wow,I'm so happy for you guys. This is so,so,not stupid. |
羅斯,這對我太重要了 | Ross,you have no idea what this means to me. |
我差點就要流落街頭 你救了我,你是我的英雄 | I was gonna be homeless. You just saved me. You're my hero. |
說英雄就太…好吧 | Hero? I don't know. Well,all right. |
我要去告訴莫妮卡 她的哥哥有多棒 | I have to go tell Monica what a wonderful brother she has. |
別這樣 | Oh,please. |
你又有話要說了吧? | You're gonna say things now,aren't you? |
沒有,但是我告訴你 | No. No,I won't.But I should tell you this. |
我的室友狄妮絲就是這樣 | The same thing happened to my roommate,Denise. |
她搬去跟一個暗地裡沒有跟她離婚的人住 他嘴上說不愛,其實很愛她 | She moved in with a guy who was secretly married to her.He said he didn't love her,but he really did. |
後來事情暴露 所以她才搬來跟我住 | And it just blew up.And that's how she ended up living with me. |
好吧,我騙你的 | Okay,that's a lie. |
你沒有室友 狄妮絲 | -You don't have a roommate. -Denise! |
都沒有人聽我講話 | No one ever listens to me! |
剛才很抱歉,我不需要遊戲房 | Listen,I'm sorry about before. I don't need a game room. |
我以前沒有女朋友才去打遊戲 | I only played those games because I couldn't get girls. |
現在我有了… | Now I can get.. |
現在我有了你 | Now I have you. |
我並不是把你當成 或想成一件財產 | No,not that I think I have you...or think of you as property in any sort of way. |
我對女人… 別再說了錢德 | I see women....Stop it,Chandler. |
我也很抱歉 | I'm sorry too. |
真的? 對,當然 | -Really? -Yeah. Oh,yes. |
我們不必弄一個客房 我們可以一起想要怎麼利用 | We can think of something to do with the room together. |
好主意 要做到皆大歡喜很容易 | Great idea. We can easily think of a way for us both to enjoy the room. |
就是啊 | Totally. |
我們不必現在想 好 | -We don't have to decide now. -Good. |
不如來想想客廳要怎麼變化 | Let's think about changes we can make in the living room. |
變化? | Changes? |
對,我們得移動一些傢俱 來放我的椅子 | We'll have to move some furniture to make room for my chair. |
你要把躺椅搬過來? 有問題嗎? | You're bringing the Barcalounger over here?Is that a problem? |
那是一組的,應該擺在一起 | It's just that they're a set and should stay together. |
那好,那我就都搬過來 | That's cool. I'll bring them both over. |
你是要它們離開老家 | You're taking them away from their home. |
好,我懂了,這裡沒我的東西 只有你的東西 | I get it. I get nothing. Nothing here is mine. Everything is yours. |
我早上起床就穿上你的衣服 然後去上班 | I'll get up in the morning,put on your clothes and go off to work! |
沒錯,這裡只有我的東西 沒有你的,這是我說的 | Yeah,that's it. Everything will be mine. Nothing will be yours. |
拜託!我是在講躺椅 | I'm talking about the Barcalounger. |
它跟這裡不搭,你要擺哪裡? | It doesn't match. Where will it go? |
遊戲房裡 | In the game room! |
你的椅子那麼醜又不是我的錯 | It is not my fault your chairs are incredibly ugly. |
好,我不搬椅子過來 我什麼都不搬過來 | That's fine.I won't bring the chairs. I won't bring anything! |
我可不想破壞老奶奶家的格調 | I wouldn't want to ruin the ambiance over here at grandma's place! |
你的條件看起來很好 最後一個問題 | Everything on your application looks really good.Just one last question. |
你和你朋友 會不會常來這裡狂歡聚會? | Will your friends be over here,partying and hanging out? |
放心,我不太愛玩 | Don't worry. I'm not a party girl. |
別想都不想就說 我要你想清楚再答 | Don't just be blurting stuff out.I want you to really think about your answers. |
你不必找室友了 你好,我要住在這裡 | Call off the roommate search. Hi. I'll be living here. |
別理他,他很想住進來 但我不會選他 | Ignore him. He's just some guy who wants the apartment.But he's not going to get it. |
你幹嘛把浴簾拿掉? | You took down the shower curtain? |
那個東西很危險 | That thing was a hazard! |
我很注重安全 | I'm very safety conscious. |
我正在清一些空間給你 謝謝 | I was just clearing some space for your stuff.Thanks. |
但我剛去找莫妮卡 她和錢德大吵一架不同居了 | But listen,Monica and Chandler had a big fight and they're not moving in. |
什麼叫不同居了? 他們還是要同居吧? | What do you mean,not moving in? They're still moving in,right? |
不,他們為了怎麼利用空房 大吵一架 | No,they just had a big blowout over what to do with my room. |
就為了一個爛房間? | Over a stupid room? |
我也有點替他們可惜 卻又很高興不必搬過來了 | I feel kind of bad for them,but now I don't have to move in here! |
沒錯,這一點的確很棒 | Oh,no. Yeah,that part's great. |
你們兩個是在吵什麼? | What's all this about you guys fighting? |
真的就為了一個房間? 真是太傻了 | Is this really over a room?That is so silly. |
羅斯,我們自己可以擺平 顯然不行 | -We can handle this. -Apparently not. |
我不能坐視兩個我關心的人 為了這麼傻的事傷感情 | And I can't stand by and watch two people I care about so much be hurt by something that is so silly. |
別再傻了 | Enough of the silliness. |
你叫她別傻啊 | Tell her to stop being silly. |
好 | Okay |
雙方都有理 | Two very good points. |
我認識你們兩個很久了 | I've known you both a long time. |
你們在一起之後 比以前快樂一百萬倍 | And I've never seen either of you one-millionth as happy as you've been since you got together. |
你們真的要為了一個房間 放棄這一切? | Do you really want to throw that all away over a room? |
多傻啊 | That is so silly. |
什麼比較重要 愛情還是傻氣? | What's more important,love...or silliness? |
我們喜歡傻氣 但面對愛情也會心軟 | Well,we are fond of the silliness.But we also have a soft spot for the love. |
愛是萬靈藥 歡笑才是吧? | -Love is the best medicine. -That's "laughter." |
你為什麼這樣? 我不知道 | -Why do you do it? -I don't know. |
錢德,你想跟莫妮卡住吧? | Now,Chandler,you want to live with Monica,right? |
對 | Yeah,I do. |
莫妮卡,你想跟錢德住吧? 對 | And,Mon,you want to live with Chandler?Yes. |
很好,口頭契約 在紐約州有約束力 | Good!A verbal contract is binding in the state of New York! |
我聽說你在找房子 | So I understand you're looking for a place? |
不,我不搬了 | No,I'm staying put. |
我本來打算找你來我家住 | I was going to offer you my apartment. |
為什麼?你要去哪裡? | Why? Where you going? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
瑞秋 | Rachel |
說了你一定不信 錢德和莫妮卡又要同居了 | You won't believe it.Monica and Chandler are moving in again. |
真是太好了… 對他們來說,對吧? | That's great news,right? I mean,for them,right? |
不過好處是我們又能當室友了 | But on the bright side,we get to be roommates again. |
是啊,關於這件事… | Yeah. You know,about that.... |
我很感謝你主動提議,但是… | I really appreciate your offer to let me move in and everything...but |
你不覺得會很怪嗎? | don't you think it'll be weird? |
為什麼?為…為什麼會怪? | Why? Why would it.... Why would it be weird? |
因為我們的過去 | Well,you know,because of us.Because of our history. |
不會 不會嗎? | No!No, |
不會,除非我們還餘情未了 | no!It would only be weird if we were still in "that place." |
你還餘情未了嗎? | Are you still in that place? |
一點也沒有 很好,我也沒有 | -No,not at all. -Good. Me neither. |
那就沒問題了 我們只是剛好是室友的朋友 | So it's not a problem.We're just two friends who happen to be roommates. |
好,但我們遲早會約會 | Okay,but eventually you and I will be dating. |
是嗎? | Really? We are? |
是啊,我會有男朋友 你會有女朋友 | Yeah. I'll have a boyfriend and you'll have a girlfriend. |
那太好了 | That'd be great. |
不過如果你覺得無所謂 我們就想一套方法 | But if you think it'll be okay,we'll just work out a system. |
就像大學時代 我在門上掛個牌子 | It'll be like in college. I'll hang a sign on the door: |
“暫且回避,正在蜜運中” | "Come back later. I'm getting lucky." |
我想都沒想過 | Yeah,I didn't think of that. |
你們確定要住在一起? | So are you sure about this whole moving-in thing? |
這是很大的進展,急什麼呢? | It's a really big step. And what's the rush? |
真好笑 | That's very funny. |
他在裝傻 因為他知道我們喜歡傻氣 | He's being silly because he knows we enjoy the silliness. |
我是說真的,她跑步的時候就像青蛙克米特(《芝麻街》中的角色) 和六百萬美元先生(電視劇《無敵金鋼》中的角色)的合體 | I'm telling you,when she runs...she looks like Kermit the Frog and the Six Million Dollar Man. |
你們為了遊戲房的事吵架 接下來就會分手 | You start fighting over game rooms. Next thing you know,you break up. |
羅斯,你說得對 吵那種架很蠢 | It was just a stupid fight about a room. |
一點也不蠢 | There are no stupid fights! |
重點不是房間 而是房間代表什麼 | This isn't about the room.This is about what the room represents. |
很不幸的 這個房間會毀了你們 | And unfortunately,this room could destroy you! |
我沒那麼擔心 我也是 | -I'm not so worried. -Me neither. |
好吧,這是你們的人生 | Fine. It's your life! |
我只是不想看到你們分手 你們要是同居就會分手 | I just don't want to see you break up.Which you will do if you move in together. |
但你們想這樣,我也沒辦法 | But if that's what you want,there's nothing I can do. |
不要同居 | Don't do it! |
你還是想搬進來吧? 當然 | -You still want to move in together? -Of course. |
羅斯沒嚇到你? 嚇得我死也不敢跟他住 | Ross didn't scare you?Scared me out of wanting to live with him. |
我給你看個東西 好 | -I gotta show you something. -Okay. |
天哪,一個正方形的人被殺了 | Oh,my God! Someone's killed Square Man! |
我覺得躺椅可以放這裡 | The Barcalounger can go here. |
你可以看電視,離廚房又夠近 真貼心 | You can see the TV,and it's still walking distance to the kitchen.Oh,that's so sweet. |
我也有事要說 好 | I want to show you something too. |
你知道道路會合的標誌吧? | You know those big road signs that say "merge"? |
我想我們可以弄一個掛在床頭 | I thought we could get one of those signs and hang it over our bed. |
因為你和我就是那樣 合而為一 | Because that's you and I together."Merge!" |
天哪,我好喜歡 | -I love that! |
真的? 才怪 | -Really?"No!" |
我發現你在我床上 你怎麼會在那裡? | I found you in my bed How'd you wind up there? |
你真是個謎,小黑卷毛男 | You are a mystery Little black curly hair |
小黑卷毛…小黑卷毛男 | Little black,little black,little black…Little black curly hair |
如果想通過電子郵件收到我的演出訊息 請捐錢給我,讓我買電腦 | If you want to receive e-mails about my upcoming shows...please give me money so I can buy a computer. |
其他人呢? | Where are the other guys? |
莫妮卡和錢德在忙 | Well,Monica and Chandler are occupied. |
吵架? 不,是忙別的 | -Fighting? -The other thing. |
真高興他們能和好 | It's great they worked things out. |
誰也別想拆散他們,對吧? | There's no breaking them up,is there? |
可以跟你借鑰匙去配一把嗎? | Can I borrow the key to your house so I can go make a copy? |
當然可以,拿去 謝謝 | -Here. -Thank you. |
你確定嗎? 配了鑰匙就不能反悔了 | Are you sure? Once I make a copy,there's no turning back. |
我確定 趁我改變心意前快去吧 | Yeah,I'm sure. Now get out of here before I change my mind. |
羅斯,跟瑞秋住真的好嗎? | You think moving in with Rachel is a good idea? |
我也在搖擺不定 | I've been back and forth. |
也許你應該擺回去 | Well,maybe you should go back. |
瑞秋搬進去 不知不覺間你們就又複合了 | She moves in,and before you know it...you're right where you don't want to be,back together |
應該不會 她已經在談交男朋友的事 | I don't think so. She's already talking about dating other guys. |
不會有結果的 | That's not going to work out. |
她會哭著回家,你會告訴她 | She'll come home all weepy...and you'll be telling her, |
“沒關係,你會找到好男人” | "Oh,that's okay. You'll find someone." |
接著,“砰”!她找到了你 | And then,bam! She finds you! |
也許你說得對 | Maybe you're right. |
她絕對會再愛上你 這樣你也願意嗎? | Ross,she is definitely gonna fall in love with you again.Is that what you want? |
我願意嗎? 是的 | Is that what I want?Yes. |
她來了,我只是想讓你活著輕鬆點 | Here she comes. I'm gonna make your life much easier. |
那間店關門了,改天再配吧 或是別配了 | The place was closed,so I'll copy it later.Or not. |
瑞秋,你就搬來跟我住嘛 | Why don't you move in with me? |
喬伊 等等… | Whoa,Joey! |
瑞秋,我知道赤裸星期四 把你嚇跑了,但是… | Look,I know I scared you with that whole naked-Thursdays thing...but |
我們也可以不那樣子 | we don't have to do that. |
搬到對面確實比較輕鬆 | It would be easier to move across the hall. |
慢著 除非你想改成赤裸星期三 | Unless you're thinking about naked Wednesdays. |
你不喜歡星期四,那就挑一天 | Thursday's clearly not good for you. Pick a day! |
請進,謝謝你再跑一趟 | Come on in. Thanks for coming back. |
有很多人想租,但我經過篩選 | There's a lot of people interested in the room.But I've narrowed it down, |
你是最後人選之一 太好了 | and you're one of the finalists.-Great! |
在做決定之前 我想確定我們合得來 | -Before I decide...I want to be sure our personalities match. |
所以我發明了一個小測驗 | So I made up a little test. |
我說一個詞 你就說出第一個聯想 | I'll say a word,and you say the first thing that comes to mind. |
沒問題 好,那我們開始 | -I can do that. -Okay,here we go. |
枕頭 打架 | -Pillow. -Fight. |
很好 | Very good. |
好,“G”?-丁字褲? | "G."-String? |
非常好 | -Excellent! |
好…狗 | Doggy. |
貓? 很抱歉 | -Kitten? -Sorry! |
就差那麼一點點,再見 | So close,though. Bye-bye! |
廚房有哪些東西是我的? | Monica,which of all of this kitchen stuff is mine? |
這個開罐器 | This bottle opener. |
還有呢? 還有它也是個磁鐵 | -And...? -And it's a magnet. |
你看 | Look at that! |
多巧啊 | How weird is that? ... |
你要搬來跟我住 而我就缺一個開罐器 | You're moving in with me and you have the one thing I don't have. |
仿佛是你讓我變得完整 | It's like,in a way,you complete me. |
我是說廚房 什麼? | -Kitchen. -What? |
你讓我的廚房變得完整,室友 | You complete me kitchen,matey! |
羅斯,我知道你在想什麼 什麼? | I know what you're thinking. |
她搬去跟你住之後 或許會愛上你 | That she'll move in with you,then fall in love with you,and then... |
等她發現你們還有婚姻關係 就會很高興 | when she finds out you're already married,she'll be happy. |
你真的很悲哀 | You know? You're just very sad. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我終於知道了,你愛上瑞秋了 | I see what this is. You are in love with Rachel! |
什麼? 沒錯,這就對了,你迷戀她 | It all adds up! You're obsessed with her. It's always: |
“羅斯,瑞秋的事怎麼辦” | "What will you do about Rachel? |
“羅斯,你為何要跟瑞秋住” | Why are you moving in with Rachel? |
“你何時要承認沒辦註銷” 你想要她 | When will you confess your secret marriage to Rachel?" You want her! |
亂講 | No! |
電話救了你一命…你好 | Saved by the bell.Hello |
瑞秋,這對燭臺不是我的嗎? | Aren't these candlesticks mine? |
不,那是我買的 | No,I bought those. |
對喔,我忘了 | Oh,right. I forgot. |
忘了你是個騙子 | That you're a liar! |
不會,太好了,我星期一過去 再次謝謝你,好的 | That's great! I'll be there Monday. And thank you again. |
是古生物學的系主任 | That was the head of the paleontology department... |
紐 | at N... |
約 | Y... |
大學 | U. |
他,說,什麼? | Wow. What...did he...say? |
記得我那篇沉積速率論文嗎? | Remember that paper I had published last year on sediment flow rate? |
他們很喜歡 有誰會不喜歡? | -They loved it. -Well,who wouldn't? |
我知道 | I know! |
總之他們要聘我當客座教授 | Anyway,they asked me to be a guest lecturer. |
是暫時的 | It's temporary, |
但表現得好就可能轉任正職 | but if they like me,it could lead to a full-time job. |
標在信箱上可帥了:蓋勒教授 | How great would that look on the mailbox? Professor Geller. |
是啊,教授與夫人 | Professor and Mrs. |
與夫人? | And Mrs.? |
對,你和羅斯還是夫妻 | You and Ross are still married. |
什麼? | What? |
開玩笑的啦 | Just kidding! |
哦上帝啊 | Oh,God! |
救了你的狗命 | Saved your ass. |
本集播出:“喬伊沒了保險” | The One Where Joey Loses His lnsurance |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
你知道我找的通靈者吧? 是啊 | You know that psychic I see? |
她說我這個星期會死 所以我有點沮喪 | She told me I'm gonna die this week,so I'm bummed. |
什麼? | What? |
我知道你們不太懂通靈術 但這應該算是最糟的預言 | I know you don't know about readings,but that's the worst you can get. |
這太誇張了 她居然咒你死 | That's crazy.She'd say that to you? |
你不會相信吧? | You don't believe her,do you? |
她預言過我會生三胞胎 | I don't know. She said that I'd have triplets... |
但她也說會有一個黑寶寶 | but she also said one of them would be black. |
純屬好奇:她有提到死法嗎? | Just out of curiosity,did she say how you'd go? |
沒有,她到最後才告訴我 | She didn't tell me I'd die till the end of the session. |
我不想再跟她耗1小時 | I wasn't gonna waste a whole other hour there! |
我只剩1星期了 我得開始享受人生 | I've only got a week left.I've really gotta start living now! |
(汽車與駕駛) | |
大家好 | Hey,everyone. |
我今天第一次上課 | Well,today's my first lecture... |
想找你們演練一下,可以嗎? | and I wanted to try it out on you guys. Do you mind? |
好啊 沒問題 | No,that'd be great! |
沉積速率有三個主要理論 | "There are three primary theories concerning sediment flow rate. |
每一個還可以細分為兩個… | Each of these theories can be further subcategorized into two..." |
我就是這樣死的 | This is it. This is what's gonna kill me. |
類別,第一個是… | "...subcategories. The first of these subcategories is.." |
羅斯,你那張紙上有裸女嗎? | Are there naked chicks on that piece of paper? |
沒有,怎麼了? | No. Why? |
我沒見過紙上沒有裸女 男人還會死盯著看 | I never seen a guy stare so hard at something that didn't have chicks on it. |
好… | okay |
沉積速率有三個主要理論 | "There are three primary theories concerning sediment flow rate. |
每一個還可以細分為兩個… | Each of these theories...can be further subcategorized into |
不如以笑話開場 | Why don't you open with a joke? |
以笑話開場? 那是大學,不是夜總會 | Open with a joke? It's a university,not a comedy club. |
等一下,且慢 | Wait a minute,hold the phone. |
是咯咯竊笑大學嗎? | You're not talking about Chuckles University? |
好 | okay |
開玩笑的啦 | Come on,we're kidding. |
你知道怎樣會比較不無聊? 謝謝你喔 | You know what might make it less boring?Thank you. |
運用影像輔助 | Some visual aids. |
你知道哪種影像輔助最好? 別跟我說裸女 | -You know what's a good visual aid? -Don't say naked chicks. |
為什麼不行? | Why not? |
真不知道我幹嘛找你們商量 | I don't even know why I talk to you guys about it. |
我自己解決,不必用裸女 | I'm just gonna do it on my own,with no naked chicks. |
我19歲之前就是那樣 | That's the way I did it till I was 19. |
好吧,20歲 | All right,20. |
23歲 | Twenty-three. |
有有用的信嗎? 有,演員工會寄信給你 | Any good mail?Something from the Screen Actors Guild. |
可能是重播費 你幫我拆一下,我… | It's probably a residual check. Can you open it? I got.... |
保險中止 | "Benefits lapsed." |
怪了,我沒記得演過這部片 | That's weird.I don't remember being in a movie called Benefits Lapsed |
這不是支票 你的健康保險失效了,因為… | It's not a check. Your health insurance expired because... |
你去年的工作時數不夠 我看看 | -you didn't work enough last year. -Let me see that. |
不會吧,真糟糕 | Oh,I can't believe this!This sucks! |
有保險時我可以被車撞 或是被火燒 | When I had insurance,I could get hit by a bus...or catch on fire,you know? |
都無所謂,現在卻得小心? | And it wouldn't matter. Now I gotta be careful? |
真可惜,被火燒這種事… 停了總是不好 | I'm sorry. There's never a good time to have to...stop catching on fire. |
好吧,我得找工作了 我去見經紀人 | All right,well...I guess I gotta go see my agent. |
過馬路要小心左右來車 | Make sure to look both ways before you cross the street. |
過馬路要小心左右來車 | "Make sure to look both ways before you cross the street." |
菲比,你還活著 | Hey,you're still alive! |
感覺如何? 等死好累喔 | How are you feeling?It's so exhausting,waiting for death. |
對了,你能不能… | Oh,by the way,do you think you.. |
菲比,你幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
我在替你做心理準備… | Preparing you for.. |
你沒有以為我死了嗎? 我裝得不像嗎? | Didn't you think I was dead?Did that not come off? |
像,我嚇死了 我還以為我們永別了 | Yeah,scared the hell out of me. I thought we'd lost you forever. |
你要不要睡一下? 好,謝謝 | -You wanna lie down? -Yeah,thanks. |
對了,幫我一個忙 | Can you do me a favor? |
兩個小時後叫我 如果還叫得醒的話 | Wake me up in a couple hours.You know,if you can. |
莫妮卡 | Monica |
這是你放回去的? | Did you take these back? |
不是,我很喜歡 就去買了一對 | I liked them so much that I bought some for myself. |
真的很好看對吧? 我愛死它們了 | They're really great,aren't they?I love them. |
想耍詐 | Nice try. |
課上得怎樣? 很順利 | How'd the lecture go?It went great. |
既不需要笑話,也不需要裸女 | And I didn't need any jokes or naked chicks either. |
太好了 抱歉之前沒有好好幫忙 | That's great. I'm sorry we weren't supportive before. |
我就知道教材充實最重要 | I knew I just had to let the material speak for itself. |
每個人都說 “你得表現得風趣又性感” | Everyone's all,"Ross,you have to be funny and sexy." |
我證明他們錯了 | Well,I proved them wrong! |
我現在就去告訴喬伊和錢德 | And now I'm gonna pass the news on to Joey and Chandler. |
說你不風趣也不性感的消息嗎? 沒錯 | -That you're not funny or sexy? -That's right! |
艾斯黛,聽著… | -Hey,Estelle,listen.. -Well,well,well. |
喬伊崔比亞尼,回來了是吧? | Joey Tribbiani.So you came back,huh? |
每個人都以為走比較好 但最後都爬回來求艾斯黛 | They think they can do better,but they all...come crawling back to Estelle. |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
我哪有離開 你一直是我的經紀人 | I never left you. You've always been my agent. |
是嗎? 是啊 | Really? |
我沒惡意,你別在意 | Oh,well,no harm no foul. |
艾斯黛,你得幫我找工作 我的保險沒了 | Look,you gotta get me some work. I lost my health insurance. |
好,首先得控制損失 為什麼? | All right,first thing we gotta do: damage control.-Why? |
我覺得可能有人在城裡到處給你造謠呢 | -Well,I think...someone out there may have been bad-mouthing you all over town. |
畜生 | The bastard! |
(紐約大學) | |
我們來早了 還有15分鐘才下課 | We're early. The lecture doesn't end for 15 minutes. |
我們可以溜進去看 好 | -But we could sneak in and watch. -Yeah,we could. |
看,“背靠背”姐妹會的人 我以前也是 | Hey,look. There's some Kappa Kappa Deltas. I was a Kappa. |
嗨 姐妹們 | Hey,sisters. |
我們還真是犯賤 | Wow,we really are bitches. |
好,瑞格比從實驗室 取回樣本後 | Right. So when Rigby got his samples back from the laboratory... |
有了驚人的發現 | he made a startling discovery. |
他原以為那是火山物質 其實是沉積物 | What he believed to be igneous was,in fact,sedimentary. |
想像一下他有多震驚吧… | Imagine his consternation when.. |
糟糕 | Oh,bloody hell. |
明天艾斯黛幫我排了一堆試鏡 | So Estelle lined up a bunch of auditions for me tomorrow. |
我很快就能重新加入保險 | And I'll have my health insurance back in no time. |
太好了 但你現在應該去蹲馬桶吧? | That's great,but shouldn't you be on the toilet right now? |
什麼? 你是怎麼了? | -What's wrong with you? |
沒什麼,我剛才舉啞鈴時 肚子突然一陣劇痛 | -Nothing.I got this blinding pain in my stomach when I was lifting weights before. |
然後就昏倒了 而且一直站不起來 | And then I passed out...and I haven't been able to stand up since. |
不過應該沒什麼 | But I don't think it's anything serious. |
這應該是疝氣,你得去看醫生 我才不要 | This sounds like a hernia. Go to the doctor.No way. |
就算要去看醫生 也是因為肚子這裡突出來 | If I go to the doctor,it'll be for this thing sticking out of my stomach! |
那就是疝氣 | That's a hernia. |
我為什麼要恢復健身? | Why'd I have to start working out again? |
該死的啞鈴 | Damn you,15s! |
你在搞什麼? | What the hell are you doing? |
我很緊張 你們害我擔心我會很無聊 | Look,I was nervous.You guys had me all worried I was gonna be boring. |
我上了台,學生都盯著我看 | I got up there and they were all,like,staring at me. |
結果我一開口就是英國腔了 | I opened my mouth and this British accent just came out. |
而且還很不正宗 | Yeah,and not a very good one. |
別再說了 | Will you,please...? |
蓋勒博士,我是寇特拉斯曼 古生物學系教授 | Dr. Geller? Kurt Rathman.I'm a paleontology professor here. |
可以聊聊你的課嗎? | Do you have a moment to talk about your lecture? |
抱歉,我和我妹妹有事要辦 | I'm sorry,I've got plans with my sister. |
莫妮卡蓋勒 | Monica Geller. |
是的,失陪一下 | Right. Will you excuse us for one moment? |
你幹什麼? 你能裝我就不能裝? | -What are you doing? -You can have an accent,but I can't? |
女士們早啊 | Top of the morning to you,laddies! |
別鬧了 | Would you just please stop? |
是的,這個季節的孟買非常漂亮(印度腔) | Yes,yes,Bombay is very,very nice this time of year. |
幫我點個小煎餅 | Hey,will you grab me a cruller? |
坐下啦 | Sit down! |
我拜託你去看醫生 | Will you go to the hospital? |
大哥,疝氣手術…應該很貴 | Hernia operations cost...a lot probably,okay? |
而且它越來越黑,越來越痛 就表示有在好 | Besides,it's getting darker and more painful. That means it's healing. |
我借你錢,趕快去醫院把它… 塞回去 | Look,I'll loan you the money.Just go to the hospital and let's just get that thing...pushed back in. |
謝謝,但我要很久才能還你 我不想惦記這件事 | Thank you,but it'd take me forever to pay you back.I don't want that hanging over my head. |
而且只要保險恢復 我就可以動各種免費手術 | Besides,when my insurance kicks in...I can get all the free operations I want. |
我打算先去做鐳射眼科手術 | I'll probably start with that laser eye surgery. |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
喬伊的疝氣很嚴重 不過動個鐳射眼科手術就好了 | Joey's got a hernia,but it's nothing a little laser eye surgery won't fix. |
真的,把手壓在這裡就還好 | I'm telling you,if I put my hand on my stomach...it doesn't hurt that bad. |
搞不好你會死 | Hey,maybe you'll die! |
錢德,我怕了 | Chandler,I'm scared. |
我們可以一起走 | No,we can go together. |
但不要拖太久 我星期五之前就會掛掉 | Just don't wait too long,because I'm out of here sometime before Friday. |
但是我不想死 | But I don't want to die. |
不,會很好玩 我們可以回來嚇他們 | It'll be fun. We'll come back and haunt these guys! |
等等,我可以趁莫妮卡和瑞秋洗澡時回來嗎? | Wait. Could I come back and haunt Monica and Rachel when they're in the shower? |
那是我的女朋友 嘿,我都已經死了 | -That's my girlfriend. -Hey,I'm dead! |
給我 不要,這是我的 | -Give me them! -No,they are mine! |
是你偷我的 你才偷我的 | -You stole them from me! -You stole them from me! |
拿來 | Give me them! |
要不要一人一個? | Just wanna each take one? |
很公平,反正也從來沒用過 | Yeah,that seems fair. We never use them. |
聽著,你們真的得幫我 | Look,I really need some help,okay? |
為什麼我要說英國腔? | Why did I have to speak in a British accent? |
我該怎麼辦? 去問媽咪和爹地呀 | What do I do?Why don't you call Mummy and Daddy? |
我說真的,我遲早會被揭穿 教書的事就泡湯了 | I'm serious! Someone's gonna find out and then they're never gonna offer me a job. |
慢慢把口音改掉 別人會以為你在適應美國生活 | Why don't you phase it out? Yeah,phase the accent out.People will think you're adjusting to life in America. |
是啊,根本不會有人注意 搞不好根本沒人在聽你講什麼 | Come on. No one will even notice.They're probably not even listening to you. |
沒人在聽我講話? 當然有,每個人都在聽你講話 | They're not listening to me?Of course they're listening to you.Everybody listens to you. |
你真的覺得我要慢慢改嗎? | Monica,do you think I should try this phasing-out thing? |
我覺得你很好啊 | I think you look fine. |
好了就開始 好 | Whenever you're ready. |
提米,我要給你一個驚喜 | Hey,Timmy.I've got a surprise for you. |
停,抱歉 這個驚喜是一組新秋千 | Hold it. I'm sorry.The surprise is a new swing set. |
別演得這麼凝重 好,沒問題,等我一下 | If you could play it less intense.Oh,yeah. Sure,no problem.Just hold on one second. |
提米,我要給你一個驚喜 | Hey,Timmy.I've got a surprise for you! |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
所以我都喂我的狗吃普瑞納一號(雀巢旗下的寵物食品品牌) 今天就去買一包吧 | So that's why I feed my dog Purina One.Pick up a bag today. |
這時候你要把它搬起來 沒錯 | -That's where you pick up the bag. -Exactly. |
不是,臺詞是搬一包 所以你得把它搬起來 | The line is,"Pick up a bag," so you need to pick up the bag. |
或者,我可以指著它 | Or I could just point to it. |
什麼什麼,普瑞納一號 今天就去指一包吧 | Purina One. Point to a bag today. |
我沒通過,對吧? | I didn't get it,did I? |
沒有 好 | No. okay |
你好,我是喬伊崔比亞尼 我來試鏡,演個男人 | Joey Tribbiani.I'm here to audition for "Man." |
垂死的人嗎? 沒錯 | You mean "Dying Man." |
快,再打一次 真的要打?好 | -Do it one more time. -Really? Really? Okay. |
羅斯你好 我是假口音大學的麥尼利博士 | Hello,Ross? This is Dr. McNeely from the Fake Accent University. |
我們想聘你當專任教授 | We'd like you to come onboard full-time! |
聽我說 預言錯了,我不會死了 | Listen to this!My reading was wrong. I'm not going to die. |
真的?你怎麼知道? 因為我的通靈者死了 | Really? How do you know?My psychic is dead! |
她一定是看錯牌了 | She must have read the cards wrong. |
我很遺憾 總比我死好 | I'm sorry.Better her than me. |
我們來烤餅乾 | Hey,let's bake cookies! |
恭喜你拿到這個角色 謝謝 | Listen,I'm really glad you got the part. |
你真的能演嗎? 能 | Are you sure you can do this? |
謝謝你陪我來 還有謝謝你幫我洗澡 | And thanks for coming with me.And thanks again for helping me take a shower. |
這算是我們說好的絕口不提嗎? | Now,is that "never talking about it again"? |
喬伊,都準備好了 | We're ready for you. |
這是阿曆克斯,他演你的兒子 你好 | This is Alex. He'll be playing your son.Hi,Alex. |
我的手可沒塞在褲子裡 | As you can see,my hands are not in my pants. |
好 | okay |
阿曆克斯,當喬伊說到 “好好照顧你媽媽” | All right,Alex. Now,when Joey says his line..."Take good care of your mama,son," |
你就要哭,懂嗎? 好,來吧 | that's your cue to cry. Got it?All right,let's do this. |
第五場,第一次 | Scene five,take one. |
開始 | And action! |
兒子,好好照顧你媽媽 | Take good care of your mama,son. |
兒子,好好照顧你媽媽 | Take good care of your mama,son. |
拜託啦,你媽是個好人 | Come on,son.Your mama's good people. |
停,阿曆克斯,這裡應該要哭 你這次可以哭嗎? | Cut! Alex,remember,you're supposed to cry.Can you cry for us this time? |
好吧 好,重來 | All right. From the top. |
第五場,第二次 | Scene five,take two. |
第三十六次要來了 | Take 36 is up. |
再來一次,喬伊,你好了嗎? | Let's try this again.You ready,Joe? |
請問一下,你喊開始前 我可以大叫嗎? | One thing,is it all right if I scream...right up until you say,"Action"? |
可以 | Sure. |
開始 兒子,好好照顧你媽媽 | -Action! -Take good care of your mama,son. |
停 | Cut! |
打擾一下…喬伊,你把衣服掀開來 小鬼你看 | I'm sorry. Why don't you lift up your shirt? Take a look at this,kiddo. |
他哭了,攝影機快拍 | We have a crying child! Roll the damn cameras! |
羅斯在嗎? 他不在,你要留言嗎? | -Hello,is Ross there? -No,he's not. Can I take a message? |
好,我是羅斯的離婚律師 | Yes,this is Russell,Ross' divorce lawyer. |
我一直沒有他的答覆 我想他應該是想試著經營這段婚姻 | Since I haven't heard from him,I assume he's giving the marriage a try. |
羅斯又結婚了?不~~ | Ross got married again? |
(繼續,慢慢改掉口音) | All right,keep going. We are phasing the accent out.Phasing it out. |
要不是進實驗室重新化驗結果 | "So without retesting their results in the laboratory... |
研究小組也不會發現 | the team would never have identified... |
原先的碳14定年結果有誤 | the initial errors in their carbon dating...analysis." |
到這裡有問題嗎? | Were there any questions at this point? |
請說 你的口音怎麼沒了? | What's happening to your accent? |
再說一次,你說什麼? | Come again? What's this nonsense? |
好吧,我不是英國人 我是長島人 | All right. I'm not English.I'm from Long lsland. |
我一緊張就冒出那個腔調了 很抱歉 | I was really nervous,and the accent...just came out.I'm sorry. |
回到課堂上來 | So if we could just get back to the lecture. |
有任何問題嗎? | Were there any questions? |
關於古生物學的問題? | About paleontology? |
我只是想留下良好的第一印象 但我顯然搞砸了 | I was just trying to make a good first impression.Obviously,I screwed up. |
但你們對我的看法很重要 因為我想成為專任教授 | But what you guys think of me is important because I'm hoping to get a permanent job here. |
如果你們肯再給我一次機會給你們留下好印象的話… | So if you'd just give me another chance to make a good impression.. |
羅斯!你瘋了嗎? 我還是你的老婆? | Ross! Are you crazy?I am still your wife? |
你想瞞我一輩子嗎? 你是哪裡有病? | Were you just never gonna tell me?What the hell is wrong with you? |
我真想宰了你 | I could just kill you! |
瑞秋你好 | Well,hello,Rachel! |
你真的玩過? 真的 | You've really done this before? |
你就用力打下去,不要手軟 好 | You just take a big,big swing,okay?Now,don't hold back. |
你們在幹嘛? 慶祝喬伊的保險恢復 | What are you doing?We're just celebrating that Joey got his health insurance back. |
好 | Oh,all right. |
看吧,脫掉頭盔再來一次 | See? Now let's try one without the helmet. |
你居然沒告訴我 我們還是夫妻 | I cannot believe that you didn't tell me we are still married! |
我有打算告訴你 | Look,I was going to tell you. |
什麼時候? 第一個小孩偷偷出生後? | When? After the birth of our first secret child? |
羅斯沒辦註銷,我們還是夫妻 | Ross didn't get the annulment. We are still married! |
什麼? 我的天哪 | -You're kidding. -Oh,my God! |
羅斯 或許這個決定不好 | It wasn't my best decision, |
但我無法面對再一次失敗婚姻 | but I couldn't face another failed marriage. |
我插個嘴 你覺得這段婚姻哪裡成功? | At what point did you think this was a successful marriage? |
別這樣,其實想想還蠻好笑的 | Rach,come on. If you think about it,it's actually kind of funny. |
還是不要想好了 | Maybe it's best not to think about it. |
這真是不可原諒 我真是震驚到了極點 | This is inexcusable. I'm shocked to my very core. |
菲比,我已經告訴她說你知道了 | Phoebe,I told her you already knew. |
又在騙人,你真的有病 | Another lie. You have a sickness! |
羅斯,你沒娶我們其他人吧? | For my own peace of mind,are you married to any more of us? |
我有打算要告訴你 我只是想用我的方式說 | Look,Rach,I was going to tell you.I just wanted to do it in my own way. |
是啊,無聲勝有聲的方式 | Yes,silently,with no words. |
我要替羅斯說句話… | Look,in Ross' defense,okay.... |
本集播出:“喬伊的保時捷” | The One With Joey's Porsche |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
有人掉了鑰匙…是保時捷 | Someone left their keys.To a Porsche. |
甘瑟,這是你的嗎? 是啊,我開保時捷 | -Are these yours? -Yeah. That's what I drive. |
我時薪4塊錢,存了350年 | I make 4 bucks an hour. I saved up for 350 years. |
少來了 | Na-uh |
有人掉了鑰匙嗎? | Did anybody lose their keys? |
你可以放進失物招領箱 | Put them in the lost and found. |
這裡有失物招領箱? | There's a lost and found? |
我的鞋子 | My shoe! |
你掉了一隻鞋在這裡? | You left a shoe here? |
我回到家才發現 | I didn't realize till I got home. |
我才不要光著一隻腳再回來 | I wasn't gonna walk back with one shoe. |
我要去找那輛車,然後留言 | I'll go find that guy's car and leave a note on the windshield. |
等他來了我會把你的鞋子給他 | When he comes back for his keys,I'll give him your shoe. |
太好了,謝謝 | Great. Thanks. |
太好了,你們在這裡 | Oh,good. You guys are here. Listen. |
明天要不要一起照顧 三隻超可愛的小狗? | How would you like to spend tomorrow taking care of three cute puppies? |
好棒喔,聽起來好好玩 好吧 | My God! What a fun day! Sounds great!Yeah,all right. |
好,我明早帶他們過來 | I'll bring them by tomorrow morning. |
對了,其實不是小狗 是弗蘭克的三胞胎,好,再見 | By the way,they're not actually puppies.They're Frank and Alice's triplets. See you |
什麼? | What? |
拜託拜託拜託…弗蘭克和愛麗絲 | Please,please,please? Frank and Alice... |
他們托我帶小孩,我好緊張 我沒有一個人帶過小孩 | asked me to baby-sit them. I'm nervous. I've never done that. |
放心,我們一定會幫忙 | Don't worry. We'll do it. |
我就不了 是狗狗時我就很猶豫了 | I'm gonna pass,because I was kind of iffy when it was puppies. |
好啦,這是練習的好機會當… | Come on,Chandler. It'll give us great practice for when... |
總會有客人帶小孩來 | people with babies come to visit. |
不是那輛 | It's not that one |
這裡還有我的東西 羅斯家也有我的東西 | So I still have boxes here.I still have boxes at Ross'. |
而我卻沒地方住 我現在應該要捉狂才對 | And I have nowhere to live.I could so easily freak out right now. |
那我呢?我剛發現 狄妮絲要出遠門,我沒室友了 | What about me? Denise is leaving town for a while. I don't have a roommate. |
也許我可以當你的室友 也許你可以當我的室友 | Well,maybe I could be your roommate,Phoebe.Maybe you could be my roommate! |
這是個辦法 沒錯 | Well,there's an idea! |
太好了!狄妮絲要去多久? | That would be great!How long is Denise gone for? |
她說她12月26日回來 | She said she'd be back December 26th. |
12月26日 也許她是聖誕老人 | December 26th.Maybe she's Santa Claus. |
看,是我老公,我的心肝寶貝 | Oh,look who it is. My husband,the apple of my eye. |
我已經約好明天2點出庭 表格也都拿了 | Okay,I got us a court date for tomorrow at 2...and I picked up all the forms. |
我會搞定 | I'll take care of it. |
當然,既然你說你會搞定 我當然沒理由懷疑你 | Sure,if you say you'll take care of it,I have no reason to doubt you. |
把表給我 | Give me those forms. |
我要照我的方式去做 你不准嘰嘰歪歪 | I'm gonna do this my way and I don't wanna hear a peep out of you. |
好,但是… 你在嘰嘰歪歪喔 | -Okay,Rach,but.. -You're peeping! |
你知道嗎?我實在是… 你為什麼要這樣? | Ross,I just got..Why did you do this? |
我說過… 我不想聽三次失敗的婚姻 | -I told you..-I don't wanna hear "three failed marriages." |
如果你失敗過兩次就會瞭解了 | If you'd had two failed marriages,you'd understand. |
多虧了你,我現在還差一次 | Thanks to you,I'm halfway there. |
我快氣死了 我從來沒有這麼氣過 | Oh,I am so mad,Ross! I don't think I've ever been this angry! |
我說我們當時分手了那次呢? | What about when I said we were on a break? |
好車 不是我的 | -Nice car. -Yeah,it's not mine. |
我喜歡你的車 它是…我的 | -I love your car. -Yeah,it's mine. |
一定很能跑 我想也是 | -I bet it's fast. -Me too. Yeah. |
而且很舒服,你喜歡皮椅嗎? 喜歡 | And comfortable.You like leather seats? -Yeah. |
它有皮椅 | It's got them! |
菲比,你那邊怎樣? 還好,蠻不錯的 | Phoebe,how's it going?I'm okay. |
你覺得他們開心嗎? 我講話太快了嗎? | Are they having fun? Am I talking too fast? |
不會,跟我差不多 | No. You sound like me. |
一切都很好 你看錢德和小女生錢德 | It's going great. Look at Chandler with Little Baby Girl Chandler. |
小女生錢德,我在哪裡聽過? | Little Baby Girl Chandler. Where have I heard that before? |
對了,魯本教練 | Oh,Coach Rubin. |
菲比,等你那邊忙完 我們這裡也有狀況 | Phoebe,when you're done over there,we've got a situation over here too. |
不行,自己的小孩自己顧 | No. We are all responsible for our own babies. |
那你就錯了 | That's where you're wrong. |
我們一直採取人盯人戰術 但我們應該打區域聯防 | We've been playing them man-to-man.We should really be playing a zone defense. |
什麼意思? 我覺得一人守一區會比較順暢 | What do you mean?Things'll go smoother if we each have a zone. |
菲比,你可以負責擦屁屁 | Phoebe,be in charge of wiping. |
莫妮卡,你負責包尿布 | Mon,be in charge of diapering. |
我就負責看他們捉著我的手… | I'll be in charge of looking at how cute they are when they put their hands... |
好主意,也許你才應該擦屁屁 | Sounds great,but you should be in charge of wiping. |
我是新手,不該守球門區 | Okay,I'm a rookie. I should not be in the end zone. |
真好,餐廳都這樣準備餐點的 | This is so great. This is exactly how we set the plates at the restaurant. |
是嗎?我點的可不是這個 | Yeah? Well,this is not what I ordered. |
大家好 | Hey,guys. |
寶寶們好 | Hey,babies. |
早上真過癮,那輛保時捷還在 | I'm having the best morning.That Porsche I've got the keys to? Still there. |
真讓人吃驚,因為鑰匙還在你手上 | Shocking,since you still have the keys. |
你應該看看大家對我的態度 | You should see the treatment I get with that car. |
每個人都很友善,找我聊天 | People are friendly. They wanna talk. |
而且不只是聊車子 還有人教我投資策略 | And not just about the car.One guy advised me on my equity investments. |
什麼投資? | What equity investments? |
賺錢買保時捷的股票投資 你有沒有在聽? | The ones that got me the Porsche. Will you keep up? |
但要是我光杵在那裡 別人會覺得那不是我的車 | If people see me just standing there,they're gonna think I don't own it. |
所以我要洗車 莫妮卡,你有水桶和肥皂嗎? | So I figure I'll wash it. Monica,you got a bucket and soap? |
有,我有肥皂、海綿、抹布 亮光臘和打臘工具組 | Oh,yeah. I got soap and sponges and rags...and carnauba wax and polishing compound. |
你根本沒有車 | You don't even have a car. |
對,但樓下停過一輛很髒的車 我就把它給洗了 | I know. Once there was a dirty car in front of the building,so I washed it. |
還有呢? | -And? |
還有另外六輛 這就對了 | -And six others.There you are. |
它可以飆到130 | Yeah,she tops out at 130. |
這還是在市內 到了城外可以加速到160 | That's just in the city. I get her up to 160 upstate. |
是嗎?你在城外有房子? 當然 | Really? You got a place upstate?Sure. |
改天見 好,慢走 | -All right. See you later. -Okay. Take it easy. |
喂?那是我的車 | Hey. That's my car. |
是嗎?再給我5分鐘 | Really?Just give me five more minutes. |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
我撿到鑰匙,現在在幫它打臘 | I found the keys and now I'm just polishing her up. |
但這是我的車 這是我的臘 | -But it's my car. -Yeah,but it's my wax. |
聽著,我很少進市區 | Listen,I don't come to the city much. |
我不知道你是瘋子 還是在演街頭劇 | I don't know if you're crazy or if this is some street theater... |
但請把鑰匙還給我 拿去 | but could I have my keys?Sure. Yeah. |
我幫你占車位 我不回來了 | I'll save your parking spot.I'm not coming back. |
為什麼? 我住在城外 | -Why not? -I live upstate. |
是啊,我本來也是 | Yeah,so did I. |
我之前不曉得在緊張什麼 | I don't know why I was so nervous... |
弗蘭克他們為什麼會抱怨 帶孩子太容易了 | and why Frank and Alice complain. This is easy. |
是啊,2小時和一輩子一樣 | Yeah,two hours,a lifetime,that's the same. |
你們看 寶寶醒來後可以認識克洛格 | Check it out! When the babies wake up...they can meet Krog! |
你在幹什麼?那個東西會害人 | That thing could put someone's eye out. |
不只,他還能毀滅宇宙 | He can do more than that. He can destroy the universe. |
不,寶寶可能會誤食那些零件 | They could swallow one of those little parts. |
而且那個光滑的部位 會誤導他們 | Also,look at his smooth area. That's just gonna mess them up. |
這種玩具不適合1歲的寶寶 和30歲的男人 | It's just not an appropriate toy for 1-year-olds. Or 30-year-olds. |
他們才不會誤食什麼 你們這叫保護過度 | They won't swallow anything. You're too overprotective. |
我小時候 我媽都把我扔在碎玻璃堆裡 | When I was a kid,my mom used to throw me into a pile of broken glass. |
什麼? 玻璃,沙子,還不都一樣嘛 | -What? -Glass,sand,whatever. |
小萊絲莉邊睡邊伸懶腰 好可愛喔 | Look at little Leslie stretching in her sleep.Oh,it's so cute. |
你是什麼時候開始不能把雙腿伸到頭後面的 | I wonder when you stop putting both legs behind your head. |
我現在還是可以 | I can still do that. |
你怎麼會還是單身? | How are you still single? |
好吧,我想或許你們說得對 或許克洛格不夠安全 | I thought about it and maybe you're right. Maybe Krog is not a safe toy. |
你為什麼改主意了? 我吞了音波死光槍 | -What made you change your mind? -I swallowed his sonic blaster gun. |
怎麼會這樣? | How did that happen? |
我想證明我是對的 結果我錯了 | I was trying to prove that I was right.And it turns out I was wrong |
現在它卡在我的喉嚨裡 | and now it's lodged in my throat. |
真是的,我們光顧著帶小孩 都忘了要看著錢德 | This whole time we were concentrating on the babies...and no one was watching Chandler! |
兩位要申請註銷婚姻? | You are asking the court for an annulment? |
是的,申請表都填好了 | Yes,Your Honor. Here are our forms,all filled out. |
根據申請書所言 | So based on your petition... |
你申請註銷的理由是 蓋勒先生的精神狀況不穩定 | you are seeking an annulment on the grounds...that "Mr. Geller is mentally unstable." |
好,我精神狀況不穩定 | Fine. I'm mentally unstable. |
而且他使用靜脈注射毒品 | And based on the fact that "Mr. Geller is an intravenous drug user." |
什麼? 是的,海洛因與快克 | -What? -Yes. Heroin and crack. |
快克根本不是靜脈注射毒品 你當然很瞭解了 | Crack isn't even an intravenous drug.Well,you would know. |
這上面還說你在婚前隱瞞性向 | Now,it also says here that you..."lied about your sexual preference before marriage." |
拜託 羅斯,我發現那些雜誌了 | Oh,come on.Ross,please. I found the magazines. |
還有你無法履行夫妻間的義務 | And finally,that you were "unable to consummate the marriage." |
這也難怪,你是同志 又注射海洛因 | Well,that makes sense since you're gay and addicted to heroin. |
很抱歉,這太誇張了 | You know,I'm sorry,this is insane. |
我沒有注射海洛因 我不是同志 | I'm not addicted to heroin,I'm not gay and there is no problem... |
我履行什麼都沒問題 | with my ability to consummate anything. |
我現在就可以在這裡履行 | I'll consummate this marriage right here,right now! |
沒有這個必要 | That won't be necessary. |
我們交往時簡直跟兔子有得拼 | And when we were dating,we consummated like bunnies. |
如果你們曾經認真交往 那就有問題了 | If you were involved in a serious relationship,that creates a problem. |
法官大人,我們2年前就分手了 | Rest assured,that relationship ended two years ago. |
可以刪掉“跟兔子有得拼”嗎 | Strike "consummated like bunnies" from the record. |
這份申請書有任何實言嗎? | Is there anything in this record that is actually true? |
有,我們確實在拉斯維加斯結婚 名字應該也沒錯,我覺得 | Well,yes. We got married in Vegas.And the names,I think. |
這樣不符合法律程式 | That's not the way the legal system works. |
申請登出得根據客觀事實 而不是謊言 | This process is based on an objective review of the facts,not of the lies. |
抗議 | Objection! |
這樣也不合程式 | -It doesn't work like that either. |
駁回 別鬧了 | -Overruled.Oh,stop it. |
從剛才的話聽來 兩位不符合註銷資格 | Based on what I've heard,you certainly don't qualify for an annulment. |
如果你們不想在一起 就必須辦理離婚 | If you don't wanna be together,file for divorce. |
太好了,你高興了嗎? 都是你的搞笑表格害的 | That's great. You happy? Look what you did with your funny,funny form. |
我?你那句跟兔子有得拼呢? | What? Me? What about you and your "consummated like bunnies" nonsense? |
那…你打什麼打? | What are you typing that for? |
你聽到沒?我們不能辦註銷了 | She said we don't get the annulment. |
不要打,別再打了 | Don't type that. What..Stop typing! |
別再打了 | Stop typing! |
別打了!別打了 | "Stop typing,stop typing!" |
你看你讓我嫁的是什麼人? | Okay,do you see what you're keeping me married to? |
請兩位離開我的辦公室 | Get out of my chambers. |
好,你給我聽著 | Lady,here's the deal. |
我是來辦註銷的 沒辦成我絕對不走 | I came here for an annulment and I'm not leaving here until I get one! |
你們想在牢裡過夜嗎? 耽誤您時間了 | -Would you like a night in jail? -Thank you for your time. |
保時捷的主人把車開走了 | That Porsche guy took his car back. |
但你撿到他的衣櫥鑰匙? | But you found the keys to his clothes? |
不是,我只是喜歡大家以為我有保時捷的感覺 | No,I just love the way it feels when everybody thinks I own a Porsche. |
你穿這樣別人就會以為你有? 那當然 | They'll think you own one because of the clothes?Of course. |
白癡才會沒車還穿成這樣 | Only an idiot would wear this stuff if he didn't have the car. |
那倒是 | That is true. |
不過只有天才 才會誤食音波死光槍 | Yeah,but only a genius would swallow a sonic blaster gun. |
我也誤食過 | Oh,I've been there. |
我要去開我的保時捷了 | I am gonna go drive my Porsche. |
喬伊,你知道你沒有保時捷吧 | You know you don't actually have one. |
拜託,你搞什麼? 我正在入戲,你說說她,好嗎 | What are you doing? I'm in character. Will you talk to her? |
它動了,現在真的好刺 | I think it just moved. It's poking me. |
夠了,我們去掛急診 | We'll go to the emergency room. |
什麼?你們不能把我扔給他們 我們正在帶孩子 | No,you can't leave me here with them. We're babysitting. |
寶寶都睡了 你撐一下一定沒問題 | The babies are asleep. You'll be okay on your own. |
但你們不能把我扔給他們 | You can't leave me with them. We're a team. |
我們是一隊的,在打區域聯防 他們會以三打一 | We're playing a zone. They'll triple-team me! |
他的喉嚨卡了個塑膠玩具 我們非去醫院不可 | He's got plastic in his throat. We gotta go to the hospital. |
但醫生也幫不了他 反正過個7年就會自動排出 | But a doctor won't be able to help him. And it's just gonna...naturally pass through his system in seven years. |
那是口香糖 我確定是死光槍 | -I think that's gum. -I'm pretty sure it's gun. |
真的很痛,我們走吧 | This really hurts. Let's go. |
男子漢才不會沖去醫院 | But no! A real man wouldn't just run to the hospital. |
克洛格會怎麼做? | No! What would Krog do? |
那小子怎麼還沒把我的保時捷開來? | Why isn't that valet back with my Porsche? |
因為鑰匙在你手上嗎? | Maybe because you've got the keys? |
都是你的錯 | -That was totally your fault. |
我的錯?你威脅法官 | -My fault? You threatened the judge. |
你把簿記員的打字紙撕下來 | You ripped the paper out of the court reporter's machine! |
那樣才能阻止他打下去 | That was the only way I could get him to stop typing! |
蓋勒夫婦好嗎? | Hi. How are the Gellers? |
不准那樣叫我們 | Don't call us that. |
法官不准我們辦註銷 我們得去辦離婚 | The judge wouldn't let us get an annulment. Now we gotta get a divorce! |
你被“保時夾”附身了嗎? | Did a Porsche throw up on you? |
是保時捷 | It's "Porsche-a"! |
我完全可以照顧你們對吧? | Me taking care of you is no problem,huh? |
你們覺得很安心吧? | You guys feel safe,right? |
吐泡泡就表示“是的” | I'm gonna take that spit bubble as a "Yeah,I do!" |
我扔了髒尿布 就幫你換一塊乾淨的 | Let's get rid of this dirty diaper. I'll set you up with a clean one. |
抱歉,我不是故意的 我得先清理一下 | I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just have to clean that up. |
因為這是莫妮卡的家 | Because,let's face it,we're at Monica's. |
破了,反正東西遲早都會壞 | I broke it. All right. Well,that's just the way things go. |
好,就這樣 | Okay. Good. |
為什麼只剩兩個?萊絲莉呢? | Why are there only two of you?Where's Leslie? |
你們不會說話 萊絲莉?你在哪裡? | Well,you can't answer. Leslie? Where are you,Leslie? |
萊絲莉 現在是開口說話的好時機 | Now would be a good time for your first words. |
你看看你 | Well,look at you! |
你有點調皮喔,真是的 | You are a little bit mischievous. My gosh! |
是非常調皮 | Oh,you're a lot mischievous. |
好吧,它自己會幹的 | Well,it'll dry. |
去跟哥哥妹妹躺在一起… 他們不在那 | You sit with your brother and sister now...who aren't there. |
你還好嗎? | How do you feel? |
再過12到14小時 克洛格就又能毀滅宇宙了 | Let's just say Krog will be equipped to destroy the universe again...in 12 to 14 hours. |
我一個人把孩子都帶好了 餵奶、洗澡、哄他們睡覺 | I totally took care of the babies all by myself.I fed them,bathed them and put them to bed. |
還保護他們躲過龍捲風? | And protected them from a tornado? |
我的天哪 對啊,寶寶都睡了 | Oh,my God!I know. The babies are asleep. |
菲比,家裡是怎麼了? | Phoebe,what happened here? |
我做到了,我一個人照顧寶寶 | I did it. I took care of the babies all by myself. |
但是我的房子 是菲比勝利的戰場 | -But my apartment! -Was the setting of Phoebe's triumph. |
但是這一團亂 比起菲比的辛勞實在不算什麼 | But the mess!Is not as important as the fact that Phoebe took care of the babies. |
你說得對,我不該大驚小怪 | You're right. I shouldn't freak out. |
等我們有了孩子也會這樣 那是什麼時候呢? | This is what it'll be like when we have babies. When's that? |
菲比,你看你弄得多亂 | Phoebe,look at this mess! |
親愛的,你總算回來了 我都開始擔心了 | Oh,honey. Thank God you're home. I was getting worried. |
我去領了離婚證書 | I picked up the divorce papers. |
該簽的我都簽了 你要簽的地方我也畫了叉 | I've already signed everything. I put little X's where you need to sign. |
畫叉,真好 這樣就盡釋前嫌了 | Little X's. Great! That makes up for everything. |
知道嗎…你也幹過很多蠢事好嗎 | You know,you've done a lot of stupid stuff too,okay? |
有哪一件跟這次一樣蠢 | Name one stupid thing that is as stupid as this one. |
你飛去倫敦阻止我結婚怎麼說 | How about you flew to London to stop my wedding? |
我已經結婚了,你還說你愛我 | You told me you loved me after I was married. |
慢著,那不一樣 我做那些事是因為我愛你 | Wait,that was different. I did those things because I was in love with you. |
正是 | Right. |
你說得對,的確很不一樣 總之趕快簽一簽吧 | You're right. That's very different.So let's just sign the papers. |
怎樣? 沒事 | What?Nothing. |
請簽名 | Okay,can we just sign,please? |
恭喜你 | Congratulations. |
羅斯,等一下 | Okay,wait,Ross. Wait a minute. |
我有件事要坦白 什麼事? | I kind of have a little confession.What? |
結婚這件事算是我的主意 | Well,you know,this whole marriage thing.Kind of my idea. |
什麼? 我們不是醉到什麼都想不起來嗎 | Excuse me?Remember how we were too drunk to remember anything when we were married? |
怎樣? | Ya? |
我很不想說 但是我的記憶一直回來 | I didn't really wanna say anything,but it just kept coming back to me. |
記不記得我們在賭場 你突然覺得狂吃葡萄會很好玩 | We were in the casino and you thought it'd be funny to eat a lot of grapes. |
然後我覺得我們結婚會更好玩 | And I thought it would be funnier if we got married. |
於是我們折衷,先去結婚 再去吃很多葡萄 | So as a compromise we decided first to get married and then...to eat a lot of grapes. |
抱歉惹出這些麻煩 | Sorry I got us into this whole thing. |
所以仔細想想 這一切都是你的錯 | So then if you think about it...this is all your fault. |
不要得寸進尺 | Yeah,don't push it,though. |
我知道我跟很多人離過婚 | I gotta say...I know I divorce a lot of women. |
卻從來沒想過會跟你離婚 | Never thought I'd be divorcing you. |
是啊,我總覺得要是我們結婚 一定會天長地久 | I know.I always thought if we got married,that'd be the one that stuck. |
不會是秘密結婚 也不會在必勝客吃酒席 | And it wouldn't be a secret...and we wouldn't have our wedding dinner at Pizza Hut. |
我有請客嗎? | Did I even treat? |
沒有,那是免費的 新婚夫婦特惠 | No,it was on the house. It was a newlywed special. |
我沒聽過這麼令人沮喪的事 | That may be the most depressing thing I've heard. |
我要送去律師那裡 | I should get these to my lawyer's office. |
謝謝你把事情都辦妥 不客氣 | Thanks for taking care of all this.No problem. |
我要一份副本 沒問題 | -I'm gonna need a copy of those. -Totally. |
別在我的保時捷旁邊亂跑 | Careful around my Porsche! |
喬伊 | Hi,Joey. |
你們好嗎? | Hey. How you doing? |
他有一輛最拉風的保時捷 | He has the most amazing Porsche under there. |
我很想給你們看 但我剛哄到她睡著 | I'd show you,but I just tucked her in. She's sleeping. |
要不要去喝杯酒? | Would you like to go for a drink? |
好 | okay |
我要搬過去,房租就給你繳了 | I'm moving out,so you're in charge of paying the rent. |
對哦,什麼時候要繳? | -When's it due? |
1號 每個月嗎? | -On the first. -And that's every month? |
不是,你想住的月份才要繳 | No,just the months you want to live here. |
這是電話費 | Okay,here's the phone bill. |
上帝啊 | Oh,my God! |
那是我們的電話號碼 | That's our phone number. |
是我突然決定要搬走的 所以我先幫你擋一陣子吧 | I know I kind of sprung this me-moving-out-on-you thing.Why don't I cover you for a while? |
不行 喬伊崔比亞尼不接受施捨… | No way!Joey Tribbiani does not take charity... |
再也不了 | anymore. |
這不是施捨… 不行,別再說了 | -It's not charity,Joe. -Forget it. |
謝謝,但我不想再拿你的錢了 | Thanks,but I'm done taking money from you. |
我可以照顧自己,還有什麼? | I can take care of myself. What's next? Come on. |
好,這是電費 | Here's the electric bill. |
用個電要這麼多錢? 對 | -This is how much we pay for electric? -Well,yeah. |
其他的帳單以後才看咯? | So we'll do the rest of the bills later,then? |
本集播出:“最後一夜” | The One On The Last Night |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
那喬伊得搬出去嗎? | Will Joey have to give up the apartment? |
希望不用 我想給他錢,但是他不收 | I offered him money,but he wouldn't take it. |
你覺得他需要多少? | How much does he need? |
我想1千5應該夠他活幾個月 | $1500 would cover him for a few months... |
但我得騙他收下 免得傷害他的自尊 | but I have to trick him into taking it so I don't hurt his pride. |
你怎麼不雇他當演員? | Why don't you hire him as an actor? |
你可以在你需要的任何時間叫他扮演短劇 | You could have him dress up and put on skits whenever you want. |
那樣對自尊確實有幫助 | Well,that would help the pride thing. |
你真是美呆了 明天要不要搬來跟我住? | Wow,you look great! Do you wanna move in with me tomorrow? |
好啊 好 | okay! okay! |
你們女生今晚要做什麼? | Any plans for tonight? |
與其難過我和瑞秋要分開 我們覺得不如去吃飯慶祝… | Instead of being sad on my last night with Rachel...we're going out to celebrate |
瑞秋要搬去跟菲比住 | Rachel's moving in with Phoebe. |
還有我的生日 今天不是你的生日 | -And also my birthday. -It's not your birthday. |
真不給面子 我從來都不會戳穿你 | What a mean thing to say! I'd never tell you it wasn't your birthday. |
你們男生有什麼節目嗎? | You guys have anything planned for the big last night? |
與其待在一起胡混 我們決定這次什麼也不做 | Instead of just hanging out,we figure we'd do nothing. |
今晚是尼克隊首戰 | Knicks' season opener tonight. |
我以為你們會想來我家看 | I thought you'd come and watch it. |
算了吧,羅斯 | I don't know,Ross. |
我怕你又吹說你放棄打球 去當古生物學家 | Not if you talk about how you gave up basketball to become a paleontologist. |
我本來就放棄打球 去當古生物學家 | I did give up a career in basketball to become a paleontologist! |
菲比,我在想… 你還沒換衣服? | -Phoebe.. -You're not dressed yet? |
我們15分鐘後就要去玩了 | We're supposed to start having fun in 15 minutes! |
很顯然,時間還早 | And clearly,not a minute sooner. |
你都打包好了吧?拜託你說是 | You are packed,though,right? Please tell me you're packed? |
我當然打包好了,你別緊張 | Of course I'm packed. Monica,relax. |
我只是想問菲比我該穿什麼 | I wanted to ask Phoebe what I should wear. |
天哪,我真是一刻也不得閒 | My God,I can't get a minute of peace. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
莫妮卡會宰了你 | Monica's just gonna kill you. |
我知道 你穿這樣蠻適合被殺的 | I know.What you're wearing is fine for that. |
瑞秋,我… | Rachel,I… |
你沒打包!你根本一點都沒動 | You're not packed!You're not packed even a little bit! |
驚喜 | Surprise! |
什麼? 你別發飆,是這樣的 | Don't get mad,because this is what happened. |
我開始打包 | I started packing, |
然後想到:我在幹嘛? 我最不會打包了,對吧? | then I realized,"What am I doing?"I am lousy at packing,right? |
但你最愛打包了 所以做為我的臨別贈禮… | But you love packing!So as a gift to you on our last night.... |
我可以當總指揮 | I'll be coordinator! |
對不起,我沒幫你準備禮物 | Oh,my God,I'm so sorry. I didn't get you anything. |
大家都要幫忙 菲比你可以幫忙吧? | Everybody has to help. Phoebe,can you help? |
我有約會 | I have plans. |
你是跟我們有約會 沒錯 | -You have plans with us. -That's right. |
錢德可以帖紙箱,羅斯封箱 喬伊搬東西 | Chandler can make boxes,Ross can wrap and Joey can lift. |
菲比,去通知男生幫忙 好 | Tell the guys they have to help out. |
天哪,謝謝你 | My God,thank you! |
快逃,莫妮卡要叫你們收東西 她把工作都分好了 | Monica's gonna make you pack! She's got jobs for everyone! |
我是躲不掉了,你們快逃 | Now,it's too late for me,but save yourselves! |
搬家公司11個小時後會來 瑞秋還沒打包 | The movers will be here in 11 hours. Rachel hasn't packed. |
每個人都得幫忙 | Now,everybody has to help. |
錢德,你先從… 不行,我和喬伊有事 | Chandler..I have plans with Joey. |
你不是說你們沒事? 這是最後一次了嘛 | -You said you were doing nothing. -Yes,but for the last time. |
好吧,羅斯… | Fine. Now,Ross.. |
我沒辦法幫忙 為什麼? | -I can't do it. -Why not? |
不是班要來嗎 因為班要來 | -Don't you have Ben? -Because I have Ben! |
都快8點了,他都快上床了 他在哪裡? | It's almost past his bedtime. Where is he? |
他去參加晚宴 | He's at a dinner party. |
他真的要來?我看得見你家喔 | He's really coming? I can see in your apartment. |
當然是真的了 | Of course he is. What? |
難道我會拿兒子當藉口? 你把我當成哪種爸爸? | You think I'd use my son as an excuse?What kind of father do you think I am? |
好吧,對不起 | All right. Sorry. |
我得做個班的人偶 | I gotta go make a fake Ben. |
來了,室友時代最後的披薩 | Here it is.Our last pizzas together as roommates. |
我不知道你會買披薩 我叫了中國菜 | I wish I knew that. I ordered Chinese. |
沒關係 | Well,that's okay. |
其實這樣蠻好的 我們最後的兩人晚餐 | In a way it's kind of nice. You know?Our last dinner together. |
我帶我祖先的食物 你帶你祖先的食物 | Me,bringing the food of my ancestors,you,the food of yours! |
喬伊,我有個比較奇怪的想法 | I had an idea for what to do on our last night. |
我們來打幾盤賭錢如何? | What do you say we play a little foosball for money? |
你瘋啦?自97年傷後複出 你就沒贏過我 | Are you crazy? You haven't beaten me since my injury-plagued '97 season. |
你拿錢送我還比較快 是啊 | -It'd be easier to give me your money. -Yes,it would. |
你覺得50元如何? | What do you say to $50? |
我會對它說 50元,你比我的財產還多 | I say to it: "50 dollars,you are more than I have." |
既然知道會贏,為什麼不賭? | If you know that you'll win,what difference does it make? |
好,賭了 好,開賽 | -You're on. -Okay,let's play. |
大戰,義大利對… 當然是中國隊 | The big game. Italy versus...China,apparently. |
看,是直排輪鞋 天哪 | Look,it's the Rollerblades.Oh,God! |
記得我們什麼時候買的嗎? | You remember when we got these? |
不記得 | No |
那你當時應該不住這裡 | I guess you weren't there. |
喂,我們說過要開心的 | You guys,we said we were gonna have fun. |
別這樣,記不記得那次… | Come on. Hey,remember the time.... |
你們不記得嗎? | You don't remember? |
對不起,要搬走我真的很難過 | Sorry,Phoebe. I'm just really sad that I'm leaving. |
我會很想你 | I'm gonna miss you so much. |
其實不必這麼難過 | This doesn't have to be so sad,though,you know? |
別再想你們會想念對方了 想想你們不願意想起的事 | Instead of thinking about how you'll miss each other...you should think of the things you're not gonna miss. |
我覺得沒有 總會有一兩件 | I don't think there's anything.Come on,there's gotta be something. |
沒有,她太完美了 | She's perfect. |
我有一件 | I have one. |
很好,你先說 | Okay,you can go first. |
我不會忘記 你不准我把留言筆拿走 | I guess I'm not gonna miss the fact...that you're never allowed to move the phone pen. |
說得好,莫妮卡,你有嗎? 瑞秋會把留言筆拿走嗎? | That's a good one. Okay,Monica,anything?You know,does Rachel move the phone pen? |
有時候會 | Sometimes. |
其實每次都會 | Always,actually. |
這就對了,這樣不是好多了? | There you go. Doesn't everyone feel better? |
不只是留言筆 | Not just the phone pen. |
我老是收不到留言 你收到啦 | I never get my messages.You get your messages. |
你在沙發上睡著 而我只有去看你的手背才知道留言應該不算 | It doesn't count if you have to read them off your hand...after you've fallen asleep on the couch. |
那你是沒接到誰的留言? 錢德還是你媽? | So you missed a message from who? Chandler?Or your mom? |
還是錢德?還是你媽? | Or Chandler?Or your mom? |
太好了,成功了,沒人難過了 | It worked! No one's sad! |
萬歲!我又贏了 你已經欠我5百了 | I win again!That's,like,500 bucks you owe me! |
5百元能買很多電對吧 | Man! Five hundred dollars.That is a lot of electricity,huh? |
我得買點吃的 | I gotta buy some food. |
給我撈本的機會 驟死賽,一球…1千 | Give me a chance to win my money back. Sudden death...one goal,$1000. |
真的? 當然 | -You serious? -Yes! |
好,準備欠我錢吧 好 | Get ready to owe me. |
來吧,好了嗎? | Here we go. Ready? |
別~~想贏我 | No...one can beat me! |
看吧,所以只有小假人 可以出腳 | That's why only the little fake men are supposed to do the kicking. |
羅斯…看吧,還有別人會給我打電話 | Hi,Ross. See,other people call me! |
哦,是你哥哥,你贏了 | Oh,your brother. Score! |
怎樣? | What's up? |
我跟班在一起,想跟你問個好 | I'm here with Ben.Thought we'd say hi. |
讓他聽電話 | -Put him on. |
班,跟莫妮卡姑姑打招呼 | -Ben,say hi to Aunt Monica. |
看來他現在不想說話 不過他在笑 | I guess he doesn't feel like talking right now.He's smiling,though. |
好,待會再聊 | Okay,talk to you later. |
爸爸本來會成為籃球運動員的 | You know,Daddy was gonna be a basketball player. |
我覺得你們難過時比較好 | I think it was better when you guys were sad. |
記得這雙直排輪鞋嗎? | Hey,remember the Rollerblades? |
你知道我還不會懷念什麼? | You know what else I won't miss? |
我是莫妮卡 我一天刷十七次馬桶 | "I'm Monica.I wash the toilets 17 times a day, |
就算有人坐在上面也照刷 | even if people are on it!" |
我是瑞秋 我的毛衣太緊了嗎? | "Hi,I'm Rachel. Is my sweater too tight? |
不會?那我得洗一洗讓它縮水 | I'd better wash it and shrink it!" |
我是莫妮卡 都沒有有趣的人留言給我 | "I'm Monica. I never get messages from interesting people." |
我會打給她 | I call her. |
天哪!我愛羅斯,我恨羅斯 我愛羅斯,我恨羅斯 | "Oh,my God! I love Ross. I hate Ross. I love Ross. I hate Ross!" |
天哪!我交不到男朋友 | "My God! I can't find a boyfriend. |
乾脆到對面去看到誰就上誰 | I'll stumble across the hall and sleep with the first guy I find there!" |
拜託,這可是最後一夜了 | You guys,come on,this is the last night! |
你說得對 所以我再說最後一次 | Yeah,you're right,and so for the last time I would like to ask you: |
滾出我的房間 | Boo-hoo. Get out of my room! |
如果想趕去餐廳就得快了 | We should get a move on if we want to make those dinner reservations. |
還是壞的? | Still broken? |
真是爛透了 | It sucks,man. |
你在這裡的最後一晚 我卻失去兩樣最重要的東西 | Your last night,and I lose the two most important things: |
足球台和5百元 | The foosball table...and $500. |
有別的辦法可以把錢贏回去 要不要玩二十一點? | There are other ways to win back your money. How about blackjack? |
我不擅長玩二十一點 | Not my game. |
那就玩… 我們可以玩個新遊戲,很好玩 | You know what? We can play a new game.It's fun! |
叫什麼名字? | What's it called? |
杯牌 | Cups. |
我不會玩杯牌 我教你,來嘛,簡單又好玩 | -I don't know how. -I'll teach you. It's easy and fun. |
好吧 好,拿牌 | -All right. -Here you go. |
我有兩張惶後,你呢? | I have two queens. What do you have? |
二和五 你贏了,50元 | -A 2 and a 5. -You win! Fifty dollars! |
真的? 沒錯,再玩 | -Really? -Let's play again. |
你是什麼牌? | -What have you got? |
四和九 你在開玩笑吧? | -4 and a 9.You're kidding,right? |
怎麼了? 那是滿杯 | -No. Why? -That's a full cup! |
我真是杯牌高手 | Damn,I am good at Cups! |
我不要跟她說話 | I'm not talking to her. |
總得有人先開口 | You have to take the first step... |
這個人應該是你 因為她要搬走,她比較難過 | because she's the one who's leaving. It's harder for her. |
也許你是對的…但她嘲笑我的留言筆 | Maybe you're right.But she made fun of my phone pen! |
我知道,我也覺得很過分 | I know. I took it hard too. |
她正在裡面哭,我聽得見 | She's in there right now,crying. I can hear her. |
她沒有在哭 | She's not crying. |
她正在忍,真勇敢,快去吧 | She's holding it in. She's so brave. Go. |
瑞秋,剛才的事我很… 你在幹什麼? | I feel bad about what happened..What are you doing? |
把東西拿出來 什麼? | -I'm unpacking. -What? |
我不搬了,這幅畫正嗎? | I'm not moving. Is that picture straight? |
離左邊差了20條街 | It needs to go about 20 blocks to the left. |
你知道嗎? 是你要改變,跟錢德同居 | You're the one who wants this big change and to move in with Chandler! |
你才應該走,為什麼要我走? | You should go! Why do I have to leave? |
因為這是我的房子 它也是我的,還有呢? | -It's my apartment! -It's mine too! What else you got? |
還有就是你要搬出去 | How about: You're moving! |
這樣太可笑了 | This is ridiculous. |
我們應該幫你打包 | We should be packing you! |
你們談得怎樣? 很好,莫妮卡要搬走 | -Hey,how you guys doing? -Great. Monica's moving. |
我才沒有 | I am not! |
是嗎?那為什麼你的東西 都在這個箱子裡? | Really? How come all your stuff is in this box? |
好,我知道是怎麼回事了 | Okay,you guys,I think I know what's going on here! |
喂…停 | You guys? Stop! |
你們是假裝生氣,以免捨不得 | I know you're acting mad because it'll make it easier to leave. |
其實內心深處你們還是很難過 | But deep down,you're really sad. Deep,deep down. |
不,我很生氣 | -No,Phoebe,I am mad! |
最最最深處 我就是很生氣 | -Well,deep deep deep down! -I'm just mad. |
那就繼續追吧 | Then keep running. |
你贏了 | You win! |
你是什麼牌? 不重要,什麼都比不上三和六 | -What did you have? -Nothing beats...a three and a six. |
那叫D罩杯 | That,my friend,is "D Cup." |
你目前為止贏了多少? | How much have you won so far? |
哇,7百 | -700 |
不是正好7百吧? 是啊 | -Not 700 exactly? |
再加一倍 什麼? | Double it. |
在杯牌裡,一旦贏到7百 就得自動加倍 | In Cups,once you get $700,you have to double it. |
真的? 規則又不是我訂的 | I didn't make up the rules. |
拿到加碼獎金後 你可以拿一張牌 | Now,after you receive the doubling bonus,you get one card. |
那張牌有可能值1百元 讓你總共贏得1千5 | That one card could be worth $100,which brings your total to $1500. |
別太興奮,除非你拿到… 不會吧 | Don't get excited,that won't happen unless you get the.. No way! |
這是最後一箱衣服 | This is the last box of your clothes. |
我會在上面注明 “你在想什麼?” | I'm just gonna label it "What were you thinking?" |
有意思,我正想到對面 在錢德身上那樣寫 | I was just gonna go across the hall and write that on Chandler. |
兩位,不是我想讓事情變得更糟 | Guys,I don't wanna make things worse,but... |
但我不想跟瑞秋住了 | I don't wanna live with Rachel anymore. |
什麼? 你們對彼此太殘忍了 | You're so mean to each other. |
我不想跟瑞秋翻臉 我還是喜歡你 | I don't wanna end up like that with Rachel. I still like you. |
沒關係,因為我不搬了 | That's fine because I'm not moving. |
菲比,你一定要收留她 | Phoebe,you gotta take her. |
我說了很多她的壞話 但瑞秋也有一些好室友的特質 | I said some bad stuff...but Rachel has qualities that make her a good roommate. |
是嗎?舉個例子莫妮卡? | Like what,Monica? |
她有147,000雙靴子 | She has 147,000 pair of boots. |
真是個好例子,莫妮卡 | Good start,Mon. |
她會借給你穿 | She lets you borrow them. |
然後你再用你的大腳把它撐大 | And you stretch them out with your big old clown feet. |
你想睡路邊嗎?天氣要變冷了 | Do you wanna live outside? Because it's getting cold! |
她有一大堆目錄 | She gets tons of catalogs |
她會把我會喜歡的部分折起來 | and folds down the pages of things I'd like. |
還有呢? | What else? |
我洗澡時 她會在鏡子上留言給我 | When I take a shower...she leaves me notes on the mirror. |
我做的,是我做的 | I do. I do do that. |
真好 我喜歡浴室裡有東西可讀 | That's nice. I like having things to read in the bathroom. |
我在沙發上看書看到睡著 她會幫我蓋毯子 | When I fall asleep on the couch...she covers me with a blanket. |
我不希望你著涼 | Well,you know,I don't want you to be cold. |
當我說我要跟錢德同居時 她非常支持我 | And when I told her I was gonna move in with Chandler...she was really supportive. |
你真好,你讓事情變得很容易解決 | You were so great.You made it so easy. |
現在你要走了 我得跟一個男生住了 | And now you have to leave.And I have to live with a boy! |
不會有事的 | It's gonna be fine. |
瑞秋,我真希望你趕快搬進來 | Now I can't wait to live with you! |
而且我們應該把莫妮卡也帶來 一定會很好玩 | You know what we should do?Bring Monica,and we'll live together! We'll have so much fun! |
但是她要跟錢德住 也對 | I think she's moving in with Chandler.Oh,that's right. |
你還是要跟他住嗎? | You're still set on that? |
應該吧 | Kind of. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
莫妮卡,打包順利嗎? | How's the packing going? |
班?他很好,他就在…媽呀 | Ben? He's fine. He's right.. Oh,my God! |
把頭從衣服裡伸出來兒子 | Get your head out of your shirt there,son! |
什麼? 對,是南瓜,我過去幫忙 | Yeah,it's a pumpkin. I'll come pack. |
怎麼了? | -What's wrong? |
羅斯和我幫忙打包,在休息時 | -Ross and I were helping pack...took a little break. |
我跟他玩杯牌輸了1千5 | I lost $1500 to him in Cups! |
玩杯牌怎麼會輸? 跟你輸的方式一樣 | How did you lose at Cups?The same way you lost! |
我先拿到王和皇后 砰!羅斯拿到2和3 | I started out with the king and the queen. Bam! Ross gets a 2 and a 3. |
然後我拿到傑克和王 砰!羅斯拿到4和5 | Then I get a jack and a king. Boom! Ross gets a 4 and 5. |
羅斯拿到滿杯,D罩杯 和自動加碼 | Even Ross was getting the Cup card,the D Cup...the sitting-down bonus. |
我連半副杯牌都湊不到 | I didn't even get half a cup! Nothing! |
天哪 | Oh,man! |
他之前也沒玩過 我覺得玩杯牌都靠新手的牌運 | He never played before either.I think beginner's luck is very important in Cups! |
好,我們再玩一把 | Let's play one more hand. One more hand. |
不要,我1毛錢也輸不起了 我是說真的 | No more! I cannot lose another dime. I'm serious this time. |
事實上,我要送你一樣東西 | In fact,look.I wanna give you something. |
現在就送 免得我為了杯牌的賭債拿去當 | Let me give it to you before I pawn it for Cups money. |
我要把大白狗送給你 謝謝你這些年來的照顧 | I want you to have the big,white dog as a thank-you for being such a great roommate. |
我不能收,你很喜歡這個雕像 | I can't take the big white dog. You love it. |
他不是雕像,他是活的 | It's "him." Not "it." |
要是我跟你買呢? | What if I bought it from you? |
你可以以合理的價格賣給我 1千5如何? | Then your nice gesture would be giving it to me at a reasonable price.Say $1500? |
等一下,我知道你想幹嘛了 | Wait a second. I see what you're trying to do here. |
你又想塞錢給我 | You're trying to give me money again! |
我什麼時候塞錢給你了? 之前看帳單的時候 | When did I try to give you money?Over there with the bills! |
你想施捨我 我說不要,你也就算了 | You tried to give me charity,I said no,you dropped it. |
然後我們開心度過最後一晚 | We had a nice last night together. |
說笑,賭錢,誰也沒塞錢給誰 | We had some fun,we gambled,nobody tried to give anybody any money. |
現在你突然又想來這套 | Now you start with the charity thing again! |
我只是想幫助你 我想確定你的生活沒問題 | I'm trying to help you out. I wanna make sure that you're okay. |
我會沒問題的,你聽著 | I will be okay. |
你不能老覺得我無法照顧自己 | You gotta get it out of your head that I can't take care of myself. |
我不會懷念你借錢給我 | I'm not gonna miss you helping me out with money. |
我唯一會懷念的 就是你 | The only thing I'm gonna miss...is you. |
現在還有這只狗 | And now the dog. |
到了打電話給我,好嗎? 好 | -Call me when you get there,okay? -Okay. |
我真的會很想你 | I'm really gonna miss you. |
鑰匙要還你 | I have your key. |
拿去 謝謝 | -Here you go. -Thanks. |
天哪,多好笑 再過幾小時就會見面了 | God,this is silly. I'll see you in a couple of hours. |
房子再見 | Bye,house. |
再見 | Bye |
她真的走了 我知道 | -She really left. -I know. |
謝謝你 不客氣,室友 | -Thank you. -No problem,roomie. |
我可以問你一個問題嗎? 當然可以 | -Can I ask you a question? -Sure. |
那只狗怎麼會在這裡? | What the hell is that dog doing here? |
我捏造了杯牌規則好塞錢給喬伊 | I invented the game of Cups as a way to give Joey money. |
現在你想把錢要回去? 沒錯 | -And now you want that money back? -Exactly. |
錢德,你以為我是白癡嗎? | What kind of idiot do you take me for? |
沒有那種牌,那是我捏造的 | It's not a real game. I made it up. |
很遺憾你的錢沒了 但我贏得光明正大 | I'm sorry you lost your money. But I won it fair and square. |
遊戲是假的 | At a fake game! |
如果你想贏一點回去 我願意陪你玩 | If you wanna try to make some of it back...I'd be glad to play you for it. |
但我必須警告你 我是杯牌高手 | But I should warn you.I am very good at Cups. |
好,你上次玩 有出現杯盤牌吧? | I assume the saucer card came up when you played last. |
沒有 | No |
看看這次會不會出現 | Let's see if it comes up this time. |
好了嗎? 好了 | Ready? |
嗨… 這是… | Hi,it's |
瑞秋… 和… | Rachel and |
菲比的家 請… | Phoebe's. Please... |
留下… 留下… | -Leave.. -Leave. |
等一下,我已經說了“留下” - 我知道,因為你都分到好的字 | But I just said "leave."I know because you have all the good words. |
而我呢?“這是”、“和” 哦,對不起,我還有個“A”…算了 | What do I get? I get "it's," "and." Oh,I'm sorry,I have "a." Forget it. |
菲比,別這麼小氣 | -That's silly. |
好,那我們交換 不要,我都分到好的字 | -All right. So let's switch. -No,I have all the good words. |
好吧,我們交換 | Okay,fine,fine. We can switch. |
嗨… 各位 | - Hi... -everybody... |
這是… 瑞秋… | -It's... -Rachel... |
和… 菲比的家 | -and... -Phoebe's. |
請…慢著,你怎能這樣做啊? 什麼? | Wait. How did you do that?What? |
噢,你真是個不簡單的室友啊 | Oh,you're no ordinary roommate,are you? |
這下有好戲可看了 | This is gonna be interesting. |
菲比,待會再錄好嗎? 我想在天黑前去慢跑 | Can we finish this later? I'm going running before it gets dark. |
你也一起來嘛 真的? | -Why don't you come with me? -Really? |
對,一定很好玩,去公園跑步 當做室友間第一次聯絡感情 | It'll be fun! We'll run in the park. It'll be our roommate-bonding thing. |
好,我們去跑步 | Okay,let's go running! |
而且那裡有帥哥 | -There's cute guys there. |
那就朝他們跑過去 好 | -Let's run towards them! |
你等我一下 | Wait just one more second. |
嗨,這是瑞秋和菲比的家 請在稍後留下口信,謝謝 | Hi,it's Phoebe and Rachel's. Please leave a message. Thanks! |
等等,你都講完了 | Wait a minute. You took all the words! |
你遇到對手了,瑞秋格林 | You've met your match,Rachel Greene! |
本集播出: “菲比跑步” | The One Where Phoebe Runs |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
我剛看完一本很棒的書 | I just finished this fascinating book. |
到了2030年,有些電腦 | By the year 2030,there'll be computers... |
能執行跟人腦一樣多的功能 | that can carry out the same amount of functions as a human brain. |
所以理論上你可以把思想記憶 | So,theoretically,you could download...your thoughts and memories |
下載到這種電腦上 | into this computer |
然後以機器的形態長生不死 | and live forever as a machine. |
我剛發現我能睜著眼睛睡覺 | And I just realized I can sleep with my eyes open. |
親愛的,把箱子釘在地上真是聰明 | Honey,it was a great idea,nailing the boxes to the floor. |
我沒把箱子釘在地上 所以你可以搬走咯 | -I didn't nail the boxes to the floor. -So you can move them! |
可以,我這就搬 | And while I'm doing that, |
羅斯有個很好聽的電腦故事 | Ross has a great computer story for you. |
大家好,這是吉寧 | Hey,everybody! I'd like you to meet Janine. |
她是我的新室友 | She's gonna be my new roommate! |
艾爾·麥克珀森(著名的泳裝模特) | Elle Macpherson |
你好 | Hi |
她要來跟我住 | And she's gonna live with me! |
很高興認識你,吉寧… 勒誇,吉寧勒誇 | It's nice to meet you. Janine...? -Le Croix. |
我都不知道,好好聽的姓 | I didn't know that. What a pretty last name. |
你是哪裡人? | So where are you from? |
澳大利亞人,幾星期前剛到 | Australia. I just moved here. |
來自地球的另一面?這個我也不知道 | From the land down under?I didn't know that either! |
你做哪一行? | So what do you do? |
我是個舞者 你是個舞者? | -I'm a dancer. -You're a dancer? |
她是個舞者 | She's a dancer! |
我要去整理東西了 我幫你開門 | I think I'll go unpack. |
喬伊 | Joey |
你叫她搬來之前有先面試嗎? 當然有 | Did you interview her before you asked her to move in?Of course! |
你到底問了什麼? “你什麼時候可以搬來?” | What did you ask her?When can you move in? |
謝謝你把她帶到我們身邊 | Thank you for bringing her into our lives. |
難以置信 冷靜點,男孩 | Unbelievable.Down,boy. |
她不是我喜歡的型,她太… | Oh,no,no,no. She's not my type. Not for me,she's not my type. She's too.. |
美麗、高挑、性感、露肚臍? | Beautiful,tall,sexy,showing her stomach? |
你看這堆箱子 | Look at all the boxes! |
我好想趕快約她 | I cannot wait to ask her out. |
喬伊,你不能約她 她是你的室友 | Wait a minute. You can't. She's your roommate. |
那樣會很麻煩 沒錯,千萬不要 | It'll be too complicated.Yeah,don't do it. |
你約了她,我就不能約她了 | I mean,if you date her,then I can't date her. |
要是你跟她交往又分手呢? 那就該我行動了 | What if you started going out with her and it didn't work out?That's when I make my move. |
你之前跟唐娜交往 後來分手 | Remember when you broke up with Donna... |
記得你們在超市巧遇的尷尬嗎 | how horrible it was when you bumped into her at the supermarket? |
沒錯 | Oh,God,yeah. |
想像你住在超市里 好啊 | Now imagine you live at the supermarket.Okay! |
不 | No |
你說得對,那樣很不好 我不能約她 | You're right! I don't want that. I can't date her. |
最好也別跟她調情 住得這麼近可能會出事 | You'd better watch the flirting too,because it could be trouble. |
太難了,畢竟美女當前 我很難不打情罵俏 | Well,that's gonna be tough,Mon.It's hard for me to be around an attractive woman and not flirt. |
我老是在你面前,你也沒怎樣 | You're around me all the time,and you don't flirt. |
有點難過是吧? | A little sad about that,sweetie? |
我要綁鞋帶,你先跑,我就來 好 | I have to tie my shoes,so you go ahead. I'll catch up. |
拜託,那哪叫跑步,快點 | Come on,that's not running! Let's go! |
我是說真的,她跑步的時候就像青蛙克米特(《芝麻街》中的角色) 和六百萬美元先生(電視劇《無敵金鋼》中的角色)的合體 | I'm telling you,when she runs...she looks like Kermit the Frog lar Man. |
莫妮卡以前對他很迷戀哦 | Monica had such a crush on him. |
她睡覺之前都會親他的海報 | She used to kiss his poster every night before she went to bed. |
我也會 | I used to do that too! |
你有他的專輯 “全身綠色的煩惱”嗎? | Did you also have his album,"It's Not Easy Being Green"? |
莫妮卡… | Oh,Mon. |
所以菲比的姿勢很怪? | So Phoebe runs weird,huh? |
對,而且她還會想再去跑 我躲不掉,我跟她住在一起 | Yeah. And I know she'll want to run again.I don't know how to get out of it. I mean,I live with her. |
你就實話實說嘛 | Why don't you be straight with her? Tell her the truth. |
你說得對,我應該跟她直說 | You're right. I should just tell her the truth. |
菲比,莫妮卡把我絆倒 我再也不能跑步了 | Phoebe,Monica tripped me. I don't think I can ever run again,ever! |
但是我們跑得好開心 那些帥哥都在看我們 | But we were having so much fun. All those cute guys were checking us out. |
就是啊,他們都瞪著我們看 | I know. They were definitely staring. |
你為什麼要絆倒她? 我不知道 | Why? Why would you do that?I don't know. |
瑞秋,抱歉害你兩個腳踝受傷 | Rachel,I'm sorry I hurt your ankles. |
只有一個 等著瞧 | -Ankle. -We'll see. |
好,東西都拿出來了 多謝幫忙 | Okay. I am officially unpacked.Thanks for helping me,man. |
喬伊? | Joe? |
看來他回家了 | Well,I guess Joey went home. |
看,還有一個箱子沒拆 | And look,there is still one box I have to unpack. |
你被騙了 | I got you! |
天哪,我差點被嚇出心臟病 | Oh,my God,you almost gave me a heart attack. |
我憋笑憋得好辛苦 | It was so hard not to laugh. |
這裡真的不錯 不賴吧?莫妮卡今天要加班 | Hey,the place looks great.Not bad,right?Monica's working late, |
我要把這裡打掃得一塵不染 | so I'm gonna make this place spotless. |
還有還有 我還要下樓去買花送她 | You know what else I'll do?I'm gonna go downstairs and get her some flowers. |
誰會不想跟我住? 我不想 | Who wouldn't want to live with me?I don't. |
我想跟性感的澳洲舞者住 | No,I want to live with the super-hot Australian dancer! |
情況如何?你能不打情罵俏嗎 | How's that going? Are you okay with the not-flirting thing? |
目前還可以,但是好累 | So far. But it's tough. |
我的調情能量一直累積 無處發洩 | I've got this built-up flirting energy,and I don't know how to get rid of it. |
你好嗎? | How you doing? |
滾啦 | Get out! |
天哪 | Oh,man! |
抱歉,客廳比較寬 | Sorry. There's just more room out here. |
不是,我只是想到 我也該拉拉筋了 | No,you just reminded me that I have to do my stretches too. |
你應該… | Why don't you try to be...? |
怎麼了? | -What's wrong? |
沒事,你不要碰我 我拉筋拉得全身是汗 | -Nothing.I didn't want you to touch me...because I'm all sweaty from the workout. |
我去洗個澡 | I'm gonna hit the shower. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
抱歉在浴室晾衣服 我的丁字褲很嬌貴,不能烘乾 | Sorry about that stuff hanging in there.It's just my thongs are too delicate for the dryer. |
沒錯,是我 今早我看到你穿了跑鞋溜出來 | Oh,yeah,it's me.I saw you grab your running shoes this morning and sneak out. |
你騙我好自己跑步 | You lied so you could run by yourself. |
不是,我沒有,我是… | No,Phoebe,no. I was.... |
我只是跑跑看… 看我能不能跑,結果可以 | I was actually just checking...to see...if I could run. And I can! |
拜託,我又不是白癡 等等,菲比 | Please,I'm not an idiot.No,wait. Phoebe? |
同居真的會讓人越來越像 | Wow. Couples who live together do start to look alike. |
我在忙,有話快說,說完快走 | I am working right now. So say what you have to say and leave me alone! |
口氣也很像 | Sound alike too. |
莫德… | So,Mondler.... |
你在幹什麼? 你說呢?我在打掃 | What are you doing?What does it look like? I am cleaning. |
你動她的東西有經過她同意嗎 | Did you get Monica's authorization to move all her stuff? |
沒必要,我會把東西都放回去 | I don't need that. I'll put everything back. |
完全恢復原狀嗎? | Put it back exactly where you found it? |
當然是完全恢復原狀 | Yes. I'm gonna put it back exactly where I found it. |
這種態度對你沒有幫助 | First of all,that attitude is not helping. |
她才不會在乎有沒有恢復原狀 | She won't care if I put her stuff back in the same stupid place. |
你是剛認識莫妮卡嗎? | Hello? Did you just meet Monica? |
她會認同我的努力並感動 | She'll recognize that I did a nice thing...and appreciate it. |
其實這樣也蠻好的 | Actually,this will work out well. |
等你必須搬回去跟喬伊住 喬伊的新室友就可以來跟我住 | Because when you move back with Joey...Joey's hot new roommate can come live with me. |
我懂了,你想嚇我 | Oh,I see. You're trying to freak me out. |
錢德,莫妮卡對這種事有怪癖 | Chandler,Monica is really weird about this kind of stuff,all right? |
相信我,我跟她住了16年 她會捉狂 | Believe me,I lived with her for 16 years. She's going to freak out. |
天哪,她會壓在你身上 | Oh,my God. She's going to sit on you. |
不過她現在瘦了應該不會弄傷你 | That probably won't hurt as much anymore. |
她才不會,我證明給你看 我現在就打給她 | No,she is not. I'll prove it to you.I'll call her right now. |
電話擦好了 | Phone's done. |
莫妮卡,你好嗎? 爛透了 | -Hey,Mon. How's it going? -Terrible. |
什麼事都得我自己來 其他人只會搞砸 | If I want something done right,I have to do it myself.Other people just wreck stuff. |
我今晚可能會殺人 | I think I might kill someone tonight. |
別這樣,沒那麼糟吧 | Come on,it can't be that bad. |
是非常糟,想到快見到你了 我才撐得下去 | It's worse.The only thing getting me through...is knowing I'll see you soon. |
我看看能不能提早下班 不要… | I might even try to get out of here early. |
餐廳似乎很需要你 | It sounds like they need you there. |
你跟羅斯在一起嗎? 一切都很好,再見 | -You're just hanging out with Ross? -It's all good! Okay,bye! |
她會宰了我 | She's gonna kill me. |
電話放反了 | The phone was facing the other way. |
相框應該擺在上面 | And that goes back up there. |
好,一切都在掌握中 | This is good. This is under control. |
我們從大型傢俱復原起 比較簡單 | We should start with the big stuff.That'll be the easiest. |
先搬沙發 | Let's start with the couch. |
我沒問題 | I got it. |
位置好像不對 | That doesn't look right. |
什麼意思? 沙發剛好跟毯子對齊 | What are you talking about? The couch is in line with the carpet. |
我可以走到這邊 輕鬆的把腳翹在… | Then I can just walk over here and casually put my feet up on.... |
好,這就是我們幹的,那就把沙發往茶几那邊推 | Okay,here's what we do.We move the couch closer to the coffee table. |
那沙發的背後 就不會跟毯子邊緣對齊了 | But then the back of the couch won't line up with the carpet. |
那就把茶几往沙發那邊推 | Well,we'll just move the coffee table...closer to the couch. |
那茶几就不在座位區正中央了 | But then the coffee table won't be centered in the seating area. |
那茶几就哇哇哇…羅斯 | But the coffee table doesn't match the table! |
我該怎麼辦? | Look,what am I gonna do? |
我不調情,卻還是吸引著她 就像火吸引著飛蛾 | I'm not flirting,but I'm drawing her to me like a moth to a flame! |
這裡是怎麼了? | What the hell's going on over here? |
莫妮卡會宰了你 | Monica's gonna kill you! |
我需要你們的幫忙 我得想辦法把這個女人嚇跑 | I need your help.I have to do something to repel this woman. |
等等,你們最會把女人嚇跑了 | Wait a minute. Wait a minute.You guys repel women all the time! |
我可是結過三次婚 | Hey,I've been married three times. |
不,我親眼見識過 | No,I've seen it happen. |
你們跟女人交往得好好的 最後卻總是能搞砸 | You get a rapport going with a woman,but somehow you manage to kill it. |
一次一次又一次 | Time after time after time after time. |
你們的秘訣是什麼? | What's your secret? |
我們並不會把女人嚇跑 完全沒有這回事 | We do not repel women,okay?That is completely untrue. |
我們確實會 | Oh,yes,we do,my man. |
記不記得大學參加春季舞會 你走向你喜歡的女生 | Remember when we went to a dance...and you walked up to that girl you liked |
卻大談愛爾蘭馬鈴薯饑荒(十九世紀中葉)? | and talked...about the lrish potato famine? |
那你呢?你當年也沒那麼酷 | What about you? You weren't so hot either. |
他每次說完話都會加叭嚕砰鏘 | After everything he said,he'd go.. |
莫妮卡也不喜歡 也許我應該改掉 | Monica doesn't like that either. I should stop doing that. |
對了,女生不喜歡我聊科學 不只是女生 | Girls don't like it when I start talking about science.That's not specific to girls. |
太好了,還有呢? | This is great. What else? |
她們不喜歡你糾正她們的文法 | They don't like you correcting their grammar. |
她們不喜歡你解釋 你的笑話哪裡好笑 | And they don't like it when you explain why your jokes are funny. |
她們不喜歡你一直問她們 喜不喜歡你 | They don't like it when you keep asking them if they like you. |
天哪,幸好我有莫妮卡 我再也別想談戀愛了 | -Man,I am so lucky I have Monica. -I'm never gonna find love again. |
菲比,可以跟你談一談嗎? 好啊 | -Can I talk to you for a second? -Sure. |
好,我… | Okey,um,I… |
菲比,我只是想跟你道歉 | Phoebe,I just wanted to say I'm sorry,okay? |
我處理得很差 而且我不該騙你 | I handled the situation horribly.And I should not have lied to you. |
那你應該怎樣? | So what should you have done? |
我應該跟你說實話 | I should have told you the truth. |
而實話是… | Which is? |
我之所以不想跟你跑步 是因為… | Well,the reason I didn't want to go running with you is...because... |
你跑步的姿勢有點… | the way that you run is just a little.... |
所以呢? 很尷尬,別人都當我們是瘋子 | -So? -It's embarrassing.People were looking at us like we were crazy. |
你幹嘛在意? 因為他們是人 | -Why do you care? -Because they're people! |
你不認識也不會再見到的人 | People you don't know and will never see again. |
但他們依舊是人,有眼睛 | Yes,but still they are people...with eyes |
我就不怕跟喘氣小姐跑步 | I didn't get embarrassed running next to Miss.... |
但是好吧,難怪你會覺得 跟我跑步很尷尬 | But okay.I can see why running with me would be embarrassing to you. |
你很保守 | Okay. You're uptight. |
我哪有保守 | What? I am not uptight. |
我才不保守,老兄 | I am not uptight,man. |
沒關係,我不是在批評你 你就是這樣 | That's okay. I'm not judging you. That's just who you are. |
我就比較自由 我從小就這樣跑 | I'm more free,you know. I run like I did when I was a kid... |
因為這樣才好玩 | because that's the only way it's fun,you know? |
你從來沒有往前沖到 腿好像快斷了嗎? | Didn't you ever run so fast you thought your legs would fall off... |
例如要跑去玩蕩秋千 或是在躲“撒旦”時? | Like when you were running towards the swings or running away from Satan? |
鄰居的狗 | The neighbor's dog. |
這盞燈沒擺錯吧? 管他的,我會把女人嚇跑 | Is this in the right place?Who cares? I repel women. |
不行!你不能進來 羅斯光著身體 | You can't come in here!Ross is naked! |
什麼? | What? |
我不能說我光著身體 她可以看我光著身體 | I couldn't say I was naked,because she's allowed to see me naked. |
為什麼一定要有人光著身體? | Why does anyone have to be naked? |
羅斯為什麼光著身體? | Why is Ross naked? |
我要給錢德看一個東西 | I had to show Chandler something. |
光著身體看? | Naked? |
對,我好像有一點男生的小問題 | I guess I have...a "guy" problem. |
跟錢德的一樣嗎? | Is it the same thing Chandler had? |
待會再回來 我們搞定了你再回來 | We'll get everything squared away,and you can come back later! |
好,浴室洗手台底下 還有錢德的藥 | There's still some of Chandler's medicine in the bathroom. |
再見 | -Bye. -Bye! |
謝天謝地 | Thank God. |
你有什麼病? | Dude,what'd you have? |
沒時間了,我們必須專心 我們得把一切恢復原狀 | We have no time,okay? We must focus.We've got to get everything back into its original place. |
相簿 相簿裡有一大堆這裡的照片 | The photo album!There were millions of pictures of the apartment in the photo album. |
我們可以拿照片來對 | We just match everything to the pictures! |
太好了,好主意 | That's perfect! That's brilliant! |
說真的,你有什麼病? | What'd you have? |
喬伊,我幫你買了啤酒 | I've got some beer for you. |
你就不能說是給某人買? | Don't you mean "for whom"? |
好 | Sure. |
我正想叫披薩,你要一起吃嗎 | I was gonna order some pizza. You wanna share one? |
披薩,我又不是沒吃過 叭嚕砰鏘 | Pizza? It's not like I never had that before. |
有什麼問題嗎? 愛爾蘭馬鈴薯饑荒令我很沮喪 | Is something wrong?Yeah. I'm depressed about that Irish potato famine. |
我是指對我 你對我的態度總是怪怪的 | No,I mean with me. Because you seem to be acting really weird around me. |
好吧,我就明說了 | All right,all right.Let's just get this out in the open,okay? |
你很火辣,我很俊俏 | You're hot.I'm lovable. |
我們兩個顯然很有感覺 但我們是室友 | Clearly,there's a vibe going on between us.But we're roommates... |
我們不能走上這條路 | and it's a huge mistake for us to continue down this road. |
喬伊… 不,我是說真的 | Joey… No,no,no,I'm telling ya |
想像你住在超市里 這樣你就懂了 | Imagine living in a supermarket...and you'll understand. |
所以我們該怎麼辦? | Okay? So the question is,what do we do? |
不怎麼辦,我覺得你人很好 | There isn't anything to do.I think you're really sweet. |
但是我對你沒興趣 | But I'm not interested in you like that. |
不是… | No,I mean.... |
你人真的很好 我很高興能當你的室友和朋友 | You're a nice guy,and I'm happy to be your roommate and your friend. |
只是我對你沒有那種感覺 | I'm just,you know,I just...don't feel that way about you. |
我知道了 | I see what happened. |
因為我一直躲著你 | It's because I was trying to repel you. |
相信我,等我一放電 情況就不同了 | Right? Believe me,you'd feel a lot different if I turned it on. |
應該不會 絕對會 | -I don't think so. -Oh,I do. |
你好嗎? | How you doing? |
我很好 | I'm okay. |
什麼? | What? |
怎樣? | What? |
我的天哪 | Oh,dear God! |
對不起,你說得對,感覺好爽 | I'm so sorry. You're right. This feels great! |
對吧?你不會在意別人的目光 才幾秒鐘你就跑不見了 | And you don't care if people stare. It's only a second. Then you're gone! |
沒錯,感覺真的好棒 我覺得好自由好過癮 | It's amazing! I feel so free and so graceful! |
小心那匹馬…抱歉 | Watch out for the horse. |
我可以進去了嗎? | Can I come in now? |
為什麼東西都變了? 再見 | -Why is everything different? -Bye. |
沒有變啊,只不過你一進來 房裡變得更亮了 | I don't see anything different...other than the fact that the room got brighter when you came into it. |
小茶几位置不對,沙發怪怪的 更別提冰箱上的磁鐵 | The end table is wrong,the couch looks bizarre...and don't even get me started on the refrigerator magnets. |
你別生氣,我整理完東西 想做點讓你高興的事 | Okay,don't be mad,okay?After I unpacked the boxes,I wanted to do something nice for you... |
所以我就大掃除 | so I cleaned the apartment. |
我把東西亂搬 卻忘了該怎麼復原 | So I moved everything around,and then I forgot...where it went back. |
對不起,對不起對不起 | I'm sorry,I'm very sorry,I'm sorry. |
沒關係 錢德,你在怕我嗎? | That's okay.Are you afraid of me or something? |
你要我怕你嗎? | Do you want me to be afraid of you? |
當然不要 | Of course not. |
拜託,你做了這麼棒的事 我真的很開心 | My gosh,Chandler,what you did is a wonderful thing...and I really appreciate it. |
我知道我對東西的擺設有怪癖 但我萬萬沒想到你會擔心 | I have this thing where I want everything in the perfect place.But I'd never expect you to worry about that. |
真的? 當然是真的 | Really?Of course. |
你最好了,過來我抱抱 | Oh,you're the best.You come here to me. |
等等,先做該做的事 | Hold on,okay? First things first. |
羅斯光著身體時坐過哪裡? | Did Ross sit anywhere while he was naked? |
書上說到了2030年 | It said that by the year 2030... |
有些電腦 能執行跟人腦一樣多的功能 | there'll be computers carrying out the same number of functions...as an actual human brain. |
所以理論上人可以把思想記憶 下載到這種電腦上 | So,theoretically,you could download your thoughts...and your memories into this computer.. |
然後以機器的形態長生不死 | And live forever as a machine. |
吉寧,你知道我們現在在做什麼嗎? | Janine,do you know what we're doing right now? |
你和我,我們在連結 | You and I,we're interfacing. |
我該走了 | I gotta go. |
你好,我叫錢德,剛搬到對面 | Hi,my name's Chandler. I just moved in next door. |
想不想跟我在後末日世界 爭奪銀河系僅存的能源? | Would you like to battle me in a post-apocalyptic world for control of the galaxy's last remaining energy source? |
好啊,鄰居,請進 | Sure,neighbor! Come on in! |
吉寧在嗎? 她去上舞蹈課 | Is Janine around?She's at dance class. |
我可以看看她的房間嗎? | Can I check my room? |
可以,但是別翻她的東西 她會發飆 | Don't go through her stuff. She gets really mad. |
天哪 一點男人住過的痕跡都沒有 | Oh,my God!It's like a guy never lived in here. |
小心,這個女性風格很危險 它已經擴散了 | You gotta be careful. This girl thing is dangerous. It's spreading. |
是嗎? | It is? |
這個粉紅小抱枕是你的嗎? | Is this your pretty pink pillow on the couch? |
不是 | No |
那個什麼都不能裝的小盒子呢 | Is that your tiny little box that's too small to put anything in? |
也不是 沒錯,情況很不妙 | No. Okay,this is not good. |
你是男人,好嗎? 這是個男人的家 | You are a guy,okay?This is a "guy's" place. |
你一旦失去自覺 就會開始修指甲 | Soon,you'll be soaking your fingers in stuff. |
你會上美容院烘頭髮… 事情很嚴重 | And your head's gonna be under a big,brown,drying,big,drying.. It's not good. |
你說得對,我會找她談 找她談,做個男子漢 | -You're right. I'll talk to her. -Talk to her. Be a man! |
我是男子漢 保護你自己 | -I'm a man. -Defend yourself! |
錢德,快點,要縫新的除塵布 我馬上過去 | We have to hem the new dust ruffle.Be right there,sweetums. |
情況完全不同 | Totally different situation. |
本集播出:“羅斯的牙齒” | The One With Ross' Teeth |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你們好 | Hey,guys. |
跟希拉蕊吃飯吃得怎樣? 還好 | -How was breakfast with Hillary? -Okay. |
她還是有點為了失戀而沮喪 | She's still depressed because she broke up with her boyfriend. |
就是你的性感二廚希拉蕊嗎? | Is this Hillary,your hot assistant chef,Hillary? |
沒錯 我每次進去都盯著我的那個? | The one that stares at me when I come in? |
是你擋路而看過你一眼的那個 | The one who looked at you once because you got in her way. |
我還是看得出來她對我有意思 | Still,I could tell. She was into me. |
你幫我們安排一下嘛 | Why don't you set us up? |
你要幫羅斯找對象? | Are you setting Ross up with someone? |
她有婚紗嗎? | Does she have a wedding dress? |
莫妮卡,我是說真的 | Come on,I'm serious. |
沒問題,只要你保證不娶她 | Okay,I'll do it,but as long as you promise you won't marry her. |
好,我… | Fine,I.. |
如果她是我的真愛呢? | What if she's the one? |
你真的有毛病 | Man,you have a problem. |
瑞秋,我在做傳單找新客人 | Rachel?I'm making up flyers to try to get new massage clients. |
我可以去布魯明戴爾影印嗎? | Can I come to Bloomingdale's and use the copier? |
可以,但他們會覺得奇怪 因為我已經離職了 | Sure,but they might think it's weird since I don't work there anymore. |
天哪,怎麼回事? 我跳槽到羅夫羅蘭了 | Oh,my God! What happened?I got a job at Ralph Lauren. |
太好了,恭喜你 | Well,that's great! Congratulations! |
1年了 | A year ago. |
你撐了1年,很好 | You've lasted all year! Good for you. |
你還是可以去我現在的公司印 | You could still use the copier where I actually work. |
午休時間來,免得我老闆看到 | But come by at lunch so my boss doesn't see you. |
否則金會發飆 她本來就不太喜歡我 | Kim will freak out. She doesn't like me. |
怪了,我的上司也不喜歡我 我的也是 | -I don't think my boss likes me. -I don't think mine likes me. |
或許這是共通現象? | Maybe it's a universal thing. |
又或許現在是星期三的11點半 你們卻在這裡鬼混 | Maybe because you're all hanging around here at 11:30 on a Wednesday. |
上班去吧 | Let's head off to work. |
謝謝 不客氣 | -Thank you. -Sure. |
說了你一定不信 | You will not believe this. |
我在影印室影印時 羅夫羅蘭走了進來 | I was making copies,and Ralph Lauren came in. |
天哪,你有跟他說話嗎? | Oh,my God. Did you talk to him? |
一點點,他人蠻好的 吻功超棒 | A little. He seems really nice.Good kisser. |
什麼? | What? |
你親了他? 沒錯 | -You kissed him? -Totally. |
真的還假的? 真的 | Phoebe,are you serious? Yes |
我在裡面,他進來自我介紹 然後我們就親熱了 | He came in and introduced himself.The next thing I know,we're making out! |
菲比,你知道他已婚吧? 不知道 | Phoebe,you do know he's married? |
菲比 難道每次跟男人親熱都要先問他結婚了沒有 | Phoebe.I'm supposed to ask every guy I make out with if he's married? |
我是該問 | No,yeah,I should. |
喬伊 | Hey,Joey. |
可以跟你談一下嗎? | Can I talk to you for a second? |
你認識照片裡這個小孩嗎? 他是你的親戚嗎? | There's a kid in this picture.Do you know this kid? Is it a relative? |
不是,我只是覺得很可愛 | No. I just thought it was cute. |
我就怕這樣,好 | That's what I was afraid of. Okay.... |
吉寧,我希望你住得愉快 但你有些東西太女孩子氣了 | I really want you to feel at home here,but...some of this new stuff,it's too girlie. |
像什麼? | Like what? |
像這個 不認識的可愛寶寶的圖片 | Like this. Pictures of cute babies we don't know. |
我們不能掛這種東西 | We can't have that. |
那是安妮·格迪斯的作品(澳大利亞的兒童攝影大師),她是名藝術家 | Joey,it's Anne Geddes. She's a famous artist. |
我不認識這個寶寶 我不知道她是不是名藝術家 | I don't know this baby. I don't know if she's a famous artist or not. |
我不想刁難你 但你做的改變太多了 | I don't want to be a jerk,but you're changing too much around here. |
對不起 我只是想讓家裡舒服一點 | I'm sorry. I wanted to make the place a little nicer. |
但是也太多了 | But it's too much stuff. |
你擺了蠟燭和那個什麼東西 這裡還有一幅噴壺的畫 | You know,you got the candles and the "foofy schmoofer" thing here.Over here,you got a picture of a watering can. |
我以為… 我相信這個噴壺一定很有名 | I just thought..I'm sure it's a famous watering can. |
但是拜託啦 還有,浴室那個很燙的棒子是什麼? | But come on.And what is with the really hot stick in the bathroom? |
那是捲髮器 | It's a curling iron. |
那就沒關係 | Well,that's okay then. |
像我的浴巾,我走進浴室 | Okay,my towels,for instance. I come into the bathroom... |
我的浴巾卻不在地板上 | and my towel is not on the floor,where I keep it. |
而是掛在鉤鉤上 | It's up here on some hook. |
味道也不一樣 它變乾淨了 | And it smells different.-It's clean. |
摸起來也不一樣 它變幹了 | -It feels different.It's dry. |
好吧,我可以接受乾淨的浴巾 | All right,I can make my peace with the clean,dry towels. |
還有這些碎片是什麼? | Also what is with these chips you bought? |
不,那是乾燥花,是用來聞的 | It's potpourri. You're supposed to smell it. |
好像夏天被放在碗裡 | Well,that's like summer in a bowl. |
金,你好 | Kim,hi. |
我一直不知道 你對我的行銷報告的看法 | I handed in that marketing report,and I never got to hear what you thought. |
我沒看 | I didn't read it. |
今年的春裝一定很棒吧? | The spring line's really gonna be great this year,huh? |
對 | Ya |
聽說羅夫羅蘭在影印室 跟某人親熱 | I hear Ralph Lauren fooled around with someone in the copy room. |
從頭說起 | Tell me everything. |
你們好 | Hey,guys. |
怎樣啊? | What's up? |
就是…我的天哪 | You know....Oh,my God |
你的牙齒怎麼了? 我漂白了 | What happened to your teeth?I whitened them. |
是嗎? | Really? |
你們覺得呢? 我覺得我不該直視它 | What do you think?I think I shouldn't look directly at them. |
我是說真的 | Come on,seriously. |
也白得太誇張了 | -They're really,really,really white. |
你的人類的牙齒呢? | -What was wrong with your old...human teeth? |
我的確把漂白膠上得比較久 | I did leave the gel on a little longer than it said to. |
多久? 1天 | -How much longer? -A day. |
你知道今晚要跟希拉蕊約會吧 | Tonight is your date with Hillary. |
知道,所以我才漂白牙齒 真的有那麼糟嗎? | I know. That's why I did it. Are they really that bad? |
不會,放心好了 希拉蕊是瞎子吧? | You'll be fine. Hillary's blind,right? |
過了今晚就是了 | She will be after tonight. |
瑞秋,你有沒有發現… | Oh,Rach. Do you notice anything..? |
你的牙齒?我在外面就看到了 | Your teeth? Yes,I saw them from outside. |
說了你們絕對不信 菲比跟羅夫羅蘭親熱 | You guys are never gonna believe this...but Phoebe made out with Ralph Lauren. |
什麼? 我的天哪 | -What? -Oh,my God! |
她去我的辦公室 然後他們就親熱了 | She ran into him at my office,and they just made out. |
最瘋狂的是我因此贏得老闆歡心 她說這是這一整年最棒的八卦 | The craziest thing is,now my boss likes me because...it's the best gossip she's heard all year. |
我今天真以我的朋友們為榮 | I am proud of all my friends today. |
菲比居然跟羅夫羅蘭親熱 真是忌妒死了 | I can't believe Phoebe made out with Ralph Lauren.I'm so jealous! |
我是錢德,你活生生的男朋友 | Hi,I'm Chandler,your live-in boyfriend. |
拜託,你自己看 | Chandler,please. Come on.Look at him. |
我不是女人 不過他還真秀色可餐 | Well,I am no woman,but that is one tasty dish. |
拿去…那個銀髮老帥哥是誰? | Here.Who's the silver fox? |
那是你的親熱對象 你不認得嗎? | That is your make-out buddy. Don't you recognize him? |
等等…菲比我愛你,吻我 | Oh,wait."Phoebe,I love you. Kiss me,please." |
那才不是羅夫羅蘭 不過聲音有像他 | That's not Ralph Lauren. It sounds like him,though. |
什麼? 羅夫跟他一點也不像 | -What? -Ralph doesn't look like that guy. |
他很年輕,長發落腮胡 背個大包包 | He's young,and he's got long hair and a beard and a Hacky Sack.. |
天哪,那不是羅夫羅蘭 那是影印小弟肯尼 | Oh,my God. That's not Ralph Lauren. That's Kenny the copy guy! |
什麼? | What? |
完了,我還告訴我老闆有人跟羅夫羅蘭親熱 | I told my boss that someone made out with Ralph Lauren. |
要是她發現我騙她 一定會更討厭我,菲比 | If she finds out that I lied to her,she'll hate me even more. Phoebe! |
那個小弟為什麼自稱羅夫羅蘭 好騙你跟他親熱啊 | Why would the copy guy say he's Ralph Lauren?To get you to make out with him! |
也許這件能讓它看起來不那麼白 | This will make them look less white. |
不行 | Nope. |
好,沒有用的顏色有 藍黃綠紅黑白橘和紫 | Colors that don't work are...blue,yellow,green,red,black,white,orange and purple. |
要不要再塗一次亮彩液? 不要,我有點反胃 | Do you wanna try this highlighter again?No,I think it poisoned me a little. |
離約會只剩1小時 我該怎麼辦 | The date starts in an hour. What am I'm gonna do? |
要是你的膚色白一點 牙齒就不會那麼顯眼 | Maybe if your skin was lighter,your teeth wouldn't look so bright. |
太好了,所以我去換膚就行了 謝謝你 | Oh,great! So all I need to do is get some new skin. Thank you. |
我是說你可以化一點妝 | If we put just a little bit of makeup on you.. |
我們已經不是13歲了 | Whoa!We're not 13 anymore. |
只剩這個可行的辦法 | This is the only thing left that has a shot at working. |
她不會發現我有化妝嗎? 拜託,半數的男人都有化妝 | Won't she notice I have makeup on?Half the guys out there have makeup on. |
什麼? | What? |
半數的人,你就試試看嘛 | Half the people.. I mean.. Just try it and see. |
不要,我死也不化妝 | I am not putting on makeup. |
太好了 羅斯,幫我帖幾張傳單好嗎? | Hello? Ross,could you put up some of these flyers for me? |
魔鬼!魔鬼! | No! Demon! Demon! |
這樣抽屜就會香香的 舊褲襪也沒浪費 | Our drawers will smell nice,and we didn't waste these pantyhose. |
是啊,上帝禁止我們扔舊內衣褲 | God forbid we throw out old underwear. |
我要去喬伊那邊 | You know what? I'm gonna go over to Joey's. |
我們還要整理包裝紙抽屜 | We've got to organize the wrapping paper. |
對,但我今天已經夠女性化了 | I've really gotten in touch with my feminine side enough today. |
再縫兩個香袋 我們就要變成女同性戀了 | In fact,we're two sachets away from becoming a lesbian couple. |
今天的確很女孩子氣 你說得對,抱歉 | This has been a girlie day. You're right. I'm sorry. |
不會,我只是想去男人的家 做男人做的事 | I just feel like I need to be in a "guy" place...do kind of a "man" thing. |
沒錯,去喬伊家吧 去喬伊家喝啤酒槌牆壁 | You go over to Joey's and...drink some beer and hammer up some dry wall. |
男人並非只會喝酒槌牆壁 | When guys hang out,they don't just drink beer and hammer up dry wall. |
女生也不會穿著內衣打枕頭仗 | When girls hang out,we don't have pillow fights in our underwear. |
對不起,我們會 我不知道為什麼說出那樣的話 | I'm sorry. We do.I don't know why I said that. |
錢德 | Hey,Chandler. |
進來,我們在織隔熱手套 | Come on in. We're knitting potholders. |
不了,喬瑟芬 | No,thanks,Josephine. |
羅斯,我想說… | Ross,I was wondering if.. |
天哪,男人都死哪去了? | Oh,my God! Where are all the men? |
嗨,金 嗨,瑞秋 | -Hi,Kim. -Hi,Rachel. |
記得我昨天說的事嗎? 其實並沒發生 | Remember what happened yesterday? Well,it didn't happen. |
你沒有取消臺灣的布料訂單? | You didn't cancel the fabric order from Taiwan? |
好,有兩件事並沒發生 | Okay,two things didn't happen. |
我不是說有人在影印室 跟羅夫羅蘭親熱?結果是假的 | Remember I told you someone made out with Ralph Lauren?Well,it turns out that's not true. |
是假的?那就好玩了 因為我去查過 | It's not true? That's interesting.Because I checked. |
昨天午休時間刷卡進影印室的 只有你一個 | Only one keycard was used to access the copier yesterday during lunch,and that keycard belonged to you. |
不…天哪,你以為我跟他親熱 | You think I made out with him? |
聽著,要是你以為跟羅夫上床 就能坐上我的位子,你就錯了 | Listen to me...sleeping with Ralph is not gonna get you my job. |
我不想坐你的位子,真的 | I don't want your job. I don't. |
這真是天大的誤會 我沒跟他親熱,沒人跟他親熱 | This is a mistake. I didn't make out with him.Nobody made out with him. |
我昨天沒用我的卡 我連刷卡都不會 | I didn't use my keycard yesterday.I don't even know how to use my keycard. |
嗨,羅夫 嗨,金 | -Hi,Ralph. -Hi,Kim. |
羅夫羅蘭(著名設計師) | Ralph Lauren |
是啊,沒跟他親熱 剛才的情欲張力一觸即發 | Yeah. Nothing happened.You could cut the sexual tension in here with a knife. |
之後我也只能去當廚師 | After that,what could I do except become a chef? |
我將來想自己開餐廳 | Soon,I hope to open my own restaurant. |
你很善於傾聽 我交往過的男人多半講個不停 | You're a really great listener.Most guys I go out with,they talk and talk. |
聽到後來真想叫他們閉嘴 | It's like,"Shut your mouth." You know? |
我說太多了,來聊聊你吧 | I've been talking too much. Why don't we talk about you? |
說嘛,我想知道 | Come on,I want to know. |
好,我是長島人,來紐約念書 | Okay. I'm from Long lsland.I came to the city for college. |
我有個5歲的兒子 平常喜歡看看間諜小說 | I have a 5-year-old son,and in my spare time...I like to read spy novels. |
再來聊聊你吧 | But let's talk more about you. |
很棒的是如果先把花莖底部 在平底鍋上烤一下 | If you sear the stems of the flowers first in a frying pan... |
花就能開得更久 | your arrangement will look fresh much longer. |
好棒的小秘訣 | Joey,that is such a great tip! |
莫妮卡,請你出去一下 我有事找那位插花的女士 | Monica,I need to talk to the girl with the flowers. |
喬伊,你待會過來,我教你 用松果和花生醬做喂鳥器 | Okay,but I'm gonna teach you how to make a bird feeder...out of a pine cone and some peanut butter. |
我最喜歡鳥了 | I love birds. |
你是怎麼搞的? | What is the matter with you? |
什麼? 你在插花 | -What? -You're arranging flowers! |
你放枯掉的花 | You got dead flowers! |
你掛扮成一朵花的寶寶照片 | You've got a picture of a baby dressed like flowers! |
這不是喬伊 | This is not Joey! |
我還是喬伊,好嗎 花只不過是很好看 | Look,I am still Joey,okay?Flowers,they're just nice to look at. |
那是一個名攝影師照的 寶寶也很有名 | And that happens to be a picture by a famous artist of a famous baby. |
你正在變成女人 | You're turning into a woman. |
我沒有,你怎麼這麼說? 太惡毒了 | No,I'm not.Why would you say that? That's just mean. |
我惹你生氣了?我說了什麼? | Now I've upset you? What did I say? |
不是你說了什麼,是你的口氣 | It's not what you said. It's the way you said it. |
天哪,我是女人 | Oh,my God!I'm a woman! |
現在她覺得我跟他上床 好把她踢下去 | So now she thinks that I made out with him to get her job. |
你怎麼不跟她說實話? 我說了 | -Why didn't you just tell the truth? -I did. |
但是她覺得不會有人蠢到 把影印小弟當成羅夫羅蘭 | She doesn't think anyone would confuse Kenny the copy guy with Ralph Lauren. |
如果肯尼才是公司的後臺老闆呢? | What if Kenny were the real brains behind the whole company? |
搞不好羅夫羅蘭只是個門面 她想過嗎? | What if Kenny hired that Ralph guy to be the pretty front man,huh?Did she ever think of that? |
你今天跟肯尼約會了吧? 只有一下下 | You were with Kenny today.Just for a second. |
菲比,我該怎麼辦? | Phoebe,what am I gonna do? |
你只好跟羅夫羅蘭上床了 | The only thing you can do. Sleep with him. |
我才不跟羅夫羅蘭上床 | I'm not gonna sleep with him. |
我可以,但是我不會 | I mean,I could,but I wouldn't. |
跟肯尼上床 | Sleep with Kenny. |
那樣對我也沒好處 好處可大了 | -That wouldn't help me. -Oh,yes,it would. |
今晚真的很開心 | I've had a really good time tonight. |
我很少第一次約會 就這麼心有靈犀 | I rarely connect with someone this much on the first date. |
我也是 | Me neither. |
我也很開心 | I've had a really good time too,you know. |
你要吃那塊麵包嗎? | Are you gonna eat that bread? |
我只是喜歡聞 | I just like the smell. |
你好好笑 | You make me laugh. |
要不要去沙發上坐? | Would you like to move to the couch? |
我把燈光調暗一點好了 | Maybe I'll just turn down the lights a little? |
乾脆關燈如何? 好 | How about all the way?Okay. |
好酷的海報 或者我應該說好搶眼的海報 | Wow,cool poster.Or should I say,"groovy poster"? |
那麼,剛才聊到哪了? | So...where were we? |
那是你的牙齒嗎? | Are those your teeth? |
你看得見是吧? | You can see them,huh? |
對,白得很嚇人 | Yes. They're insanely white. |
我特地為你漂白的 | I did that for you. |
你有毛病嗎? | What's the matter with you? |
我有毛病?都怪你的黑光燈 都1999年了 | What's the matter with me? You've got a black light. It's 1999! |
太好了,金,嗨 | Oh,good. Kim,hi. |
瑞秋,我一直想問你 你看過新的羅夫羅蘭床單嗎? | Hi,Rachel. I wanted to ask you,have you seen the new Ralph Lauren sheets? |
我在想什麼,你當然看過 | What am I thinking? Of course you have. |
好,很抱歉之前對你說謊 你猜得沒錯 | Okay,look.I'm sorry that I lied to you before.You were right. |
羅夫和我交往過 但已經結束了 | Ralph and I were an item,but we're not anymore. |
是嗎? 對,他甩了我 | Oh,really?Yeah,he dumped me. |
他說“瑞秋,我不能這樣” | He said,"Rachel,I can't do this. |
“雖然你真的很美很美” | Even though you're a very,very...very beautiful woman |
“我不能這樣,我有家室,對不起” | I can't do this. I'm married and I'm sorry." |
然後不知為何他又說 | But he said,... |
“你永遠也不會升職,尤其不可能高過金” | "And you will never get promoted especially not above Kim,... |
“她是羅夫羅蘭體系不可或缺的重要人物” | who is an integral cog in the Ralph Lauren machine." |
你以為我會相信… | You expect me to believe.. |
嗨,羅夫 嗨,金 | -Hi,Ralph. -Hi,Kim. |
天哪,他看你的眼神好冷酷 仿佛對你恨之入骨 | Oh,my God.He gave you the coldest look I've ever seen. It's like he hates you! |
所以是真的咯? | Then it is true! |
當然是真的,我好難過 | Of course it's true. And it hurts so bad. |
哦,親愛的,過來,你會沒事的 我們都是過來人 | Oh,honey,come here.Oh,it'll be okay.We've all been there. |
你和羅夫? | You and Ralph? |
影印小弟肯尼 | Kenny the copy boy. |
“懷念蓋兒約瑟夫” | |
我有事要說 怎麼了?你心情不好? | -I need to talk to you. -What's the matter? You upset? |
要不要分一桶霜淇淋? 不…不要霜淇淋 | Would you like me to get a pint of ice cream and two spoons?No,no,no ice cream. |
我很抱歉 我們得把這些女生的東西扔掉 | Look....We gotta get rid of all this girlie stuff in here. |
我得當個男人 | I gotta be a man! |
客廳必須維持男人的風格 必須得這樣 | The living room has to remain a guy place,okay?That's the way it has to be. |
既然如此,我就拿回我房裡 好 | I'll just put it all in my room. |
很好,謝謝你的諒解 我不想搞得很難堪 | Good. Great.Thanks for being so understanding.I didn't want to make a big deal out of this. |
寶寶的照片可以掛在我房裡 如果你想的話 | But you could put the picture of the famous baby in my room.I mean,if you want to. |
好 | Okay. |
噴壺的畫也可以 好 | And maybe the watering can there.Sure. |
還有一兩個小盒子 | And a couple of these little tiny boxes. |
喬伊,要不要都放到你房裡? | Joey,do you want me to put it all in your room? |
好吧 | Okay. |
你們有想過 為什麼要叫感恩節嗎? | Hey,you guys ever wonder why they call it "Thanksgiving"? |
好,莫妮卡 你下星期要煮感恩節大餐吧? | Okay. Hey,Monica,you're doing Thanksgiving next week,right? |
卡蘿要帶班去佛羅里達找她父母 | Because Carol's taking Ben to her parents' place in Florida. |
好好好,我來煮,你不必求我 | Okay,okay. I'll make Thanksgiving dinner.You don't have to beg. |
我沒有求你,我只是問了你一句 | I didn't beg. I just asked once. |
求一下又不會死 | You could beg,you know. |
莫妮卡說我今年可以做甜點 | Monica said I could make dessert this year. |
你要下廚? 我會下廚啊 | -You're gonna cook something? -Hey,I cook. |
拿口香糖給別人不叫下廚 | Offering people gum is not cooking. |
莫妮卡真的是說今年嗎? | Are you sure Monica said you could cook this year? |
我記得她是說兩年後 你是說兩年後吧? | I remember her saying in two years. You said in two years,right? |
我已經答應她了 | No,I promised her. |
你確定一出手 就做感恩節甜點? | Are you sure you want to start out with something as big as Thanksgiving dinner? |
要不要先從感恩節早餐做起? 或是感恩節零食? | I mean,maybe you wanna try a little Thanksgiving breakfast? Maybe a Thanksgiving snack? |
別這樣,我一定行 我不是做過花生醬餅乾嘛? | Come on,you guys,I can do this.Remember,I made those peanut butter cookies. |
你們在擔心什麼 煮菜很簡單,照食譜走就對了 | What are you guys so worried about? Cooking is easy.You just follow the recipe. |
如果食譜說“將兩杯鹽煮沸” 你就把兩杯鹽煮沸 | If it says,"boil two cups of salt," you just boil two cups of salt. |
本集播出:“羅斯興奮” | The One Where Ross Got High |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
太好了,再見 | Okay,great. Bye. |
你猜誰要來吃感恩節晚餐? | Guess who's coming to Thanksgiving dinner? |
西德尼波蒂耶? (主演《猜猜誰來吃晚餐》) | Sidney Poitier? |
我懷念瑞秋 | I miss Rachel. |
是我爸媽 | My parents. |
太好了,我搬進來之後 他們還沒來過 | Great,they haven't seen the place since I moved in. |
對,要是你能不提同居的事 就太好了 | If you could not mention that we live together,that'd be great. |
我打算4點左右開始吃飯 | I was thinking we'd eat around 4. |
為什麼不能提同居的事? | Why can't I tell them we live together? |
因為他們不知道我們在交往 要在廚房吃嗎? | They don't know we're dating. Should we eat in the kitchen? |
你為什麼沒有告訴他們? | Why haven't you told them? |
我本來要說,真的 | Well,I was going to. I really was. |
但是後來不知怎的就沒說了 | But then somewhere,just out of nowhere,I didn't. |
你為什麼沒說? 他們不會開心嗎? | Why not? Wouldn't they be happy? |
4點左右廚房開飯,到時候見 | So,dinner in the kitchen around 4. I'll see you then. |
他們為什麼不會開心? | Why wouldn't they be happy? |
主要是因為… | Well,because...mainly... |
他們不喜歡你 | they don't like you. |
對不起 什麼?為為為什麼? | -I'm sorry. -What? Why? Why? |
也許是因為你以前很冷漠 | Maybe because you used to be aloof... |
或是很尖酸刻薄,或是老愛開玩笑 | or that you're sarcastic or that you joke around... |
或許是因為你脫了衣服都亂丟 | or that you throw your clothes on the couch. |
這是他們的還是你的看法 | Is this why they don't like me or you don't like me? |
我知道我應該告訴他們 我不該在意他們的想法 | I know I should have told them. I shouldn't care what they think. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
其實沒關係,等他們來了 我會表現得很迷人 | It'll be okay because when they come over,I will be charming. |
我會讓他們愛上我 然後我們再說 | I will make them love me,then we'll tell them. |
你真的覺得可行? | Will that work? |
我也可以很有魅力 我不就贏得了你的心? | I can be pretty charming,babe. I won you over,didn't l? |
你應該不能把他們灌到那麼醉 | I don't think you'll ever get my parents that drunk. |
太好了,羅斯 你爸媽喜歡我,對吧? | Hey. Oh,good,Ross. Your parents like me,right? |
他們當然喜歡你 | Yes,of course they like you. |
莫妮卡說他們不喜歡我 | Monica told me they don't. |
對,他們不喜歡你 | Yeah,they don't like you. |
你知道原因嗎? | Do you know why? |
也許是因為你很尖酸刻薄 或者是因為… | Maybe it's because you're sarcastic or maybe it's because you.. |
不知道就不要亂猜 | If people don't know,they shouldn't just guess! |
真好啊 又一個不值得感恩的感恩節 | Another Thanksgiving with nothing to give thanks for. |
也許我可以感恩你閉嘴 | Maybe I give thanks for you shutting up,huh? |
也許我可以感恩你把我的PS遊戲機 送去我的新家 | Maybe I give thanks by taking my PlayStation to my place. |
也許我愛你 | Maybe I love you. |
你們好 | Hey,guys. |
不要,我不想打電動遊戲,喬伊 | No,I don't want to play video games,Joey! |
你們要去錢德家過感恩節嗎? | Are you guys going to Chandler's for Thanksgiving? |
對,怎麼了? | Yeah,why? |
我和幾個舞者朋友想一起慶祝 我想說你們可能想去 | Me and my friends are doing Thanksgiving uptown.I thought you might like to come. |
真的? | For real? |
你們是該去錢德家 我們沒有人會做菜 | You should go to Chandler's. None of us can cook. |
我們應該喝一整天酒 | We'll just drink all day. |
好,我們去 | We go to yours! |
對,我們得過去露個面 畢竟她是我妹妹 | We have to stop across the hall because it's my sister. |
不過有個妹妹是好事 讓我很瞭解女人心 | But,you know,actually,growing up with a sister was nice...because it helped me understand women. |
你應該告訴你的朋友們這一點 | Yeah,you should tell your friends that. |
好 | Okay. |
真不知你怎麼能騙到三個老婆 | How you got three women to marry you,I'll never know. |
莫妮卡,你看,我在融化奶油 | Hey,Mon,look. I'm melting butter. |
太好了,跟天氣熱的效果一樣 | That's great,Rach. You now have the cooking skills of a hot day. |
菲比,你看,感恩節甜點 我決定做酒果醬松糕 | Phoebe,check it out! For my dessert...I'm making a traditional English trifle. |
聽起來好棒 | Wow. That sounds great! |
莫妮卡你呢?萬一瑞秋的甜點 好吃到被我吃光 | And what are you making,Monica?In case Rachel's dessert is so good that I eat all of it |
別人會沒得吃 | and there's none left for anybody else! |
我不做 你不做? | Nothing.Nothing? |
對,我信任你 | No,sweetie. I trust you. |
所以要是我搞砸 就沒有甜點了? | If I mess this up,there's nothing else for dessert? |
你不會搞砸的 | You won't mess it up. |
莫妮卡,我好高興 你真的對我有信心,謝謝 | I love that. You really have faith in me. Thank you. |
技術問題 這些奶油什麼時候好? | Question: How do you know when the butter is done? |
大約變成這樣2分鐘前 | It's done about two minutes before it looks like that. |
食物聞起來好香 | -The food smells great,Mon. |
這裡佈置得真漂亮 | -And the place looks so nice. |
感恩節快樂 | -Hey,happy Thanksgiving,everybody! -Happy Thanksgiving! |
真是開心 再見 | -Well,this has been great. -See you. |
你們要去哪裡? | Where you going? |
我們說過要去參加 喬伊的室友的聚會 | We did say we'd stop by this little thing Joey's roommate is having. |
火辣舞者吉寧? | Oh,Janine,the really hot dancer girl? |
有些人會說她很有魅力,是的 | Some would say she's attractive,yes. |
還有誰會去? | Who else is going to be there? |
她的幾個朋友 | Her friends. |
舞者朋友? | Her dancer friends? |
對啦,好不好? | Yes! All right? |
她的性感舞者朋友都會去 | All of her hot dancer friends are gonna be there... |
她們會喝酒跳舞 我們真的很想去 | and they'll be drinking and dancing and we really want to go! |
夥計,我們本來就快成功了 | Dude,we were good. |
你們哪兒也不准去 你們說要來吃飯就別想跑 | You're not going. You said you'd eat here and you'll eat here. |
扔下我們去看性感舞者 可不太感恩 | Yeah,and leaving us to go see hot dancer girls is not very Thanksgiving-y. |
但是第一個感恩節就是這樣 | Oh,but it is.It's like the first Thanksgiving |
印地安人和清教徒共進晚餐 | when the Indians and Pilgrims sat down. |
然後印地安人告訴清教徒 新世界的性感定義是什麼 | Then the Indians taught the Pilgrims...what it meant to be hot in the New World! |
我真的覺得你們應該留下來 | Fellas,I really think you should stay here. |
你不能去就嫉妒 | You're just jealous because you can't go. |
沒有這回事 | That is so not true. |
大家好 | -Hello,everybody! -Hi! |
爸,媽 | Hi,Dad. Mom. |
看這是誰,是錢德耶 | Look! Look who it is! It's Chandler! |
哦,是的,當然,錢德,你好 | Oh,yes,of course. Hello,Chandler. |
蓋勒夫婦,你們的氣色真好 歡迎,外套給我們吧 | Mr. and Mrs. Geller,you look wonderful.It is great to have you here. Let us take your coats. |
外面在下雪嗎? | Whoa,it snowing out there? |
沒有 | No. |
莫妮卡,菜看起來都好好吃 你應該考慮幹這一行 | Monica,all this food looks wonderful.You should do this for a living. |
就算我有頭皮屑 你也不必指著我笑 | Okay,I have dandruff. There's no need to laugh and point. |
爸,錢德是在笑你的笑話 | Chandler was laughing at your joke. |
我的笑話又不好笑 | My joke wasn't funny. |
錢德什麼事都笑 那是他的優點之一 | Chandler laughs at everything.That's one of the great things about him. |
瑞秋,我剛剛想到 | Rach,I just remembered. |
我昨晚夢到蓋勒先生 真的嗎? | I had a dream about Mr. Geller last night.Really? |
對,我夢到他把我從火場救出 他好英勇好強壯 | I dreamt that he saved me from a burning building and he was so brave and so strong. |
我對他完全改觀 | And it's making me look at him totally differently. |
他以前只是傑克蓋勒 莫妮卡和羅斯的爸爸 | He used to be just "Jack Geller,Monica and Ross' dad." |
現在他是傑克蓋勒,夢中情人 | Now he's "Jack Geller,dream hunk." |
不知道耶 對我來說他永遠都是傑克蓋勒 | I don't know. To me,he'll always be "Jack Geller... |
在你換衣服時闖進來 | walks in while you're changing." |
爸 錢德是羅斯最要好的朋友之一 | You know,Dad,Chandler is one of Ross' very best friends. |
是,我知道 | Yes,I know. |
羅斯是個好青年 | Ross sure is a great guy. |
我一直覺得兒子是父親的翻版 | I've always felt that how a man turns out...is a reflection on his father. |
我也有同感 請問你爸是做什麼的? | I always thought that too. Tell me,what does your father do? |
他是同志歌舞秀的頭牌 | He's a headliner of a...gay burlesque show. |
瑞秋你急死人了,快上甜點啦 | You're killing us. Will you serve the dessert already? |
有酒醉的舞者都在等我們 | There's drunken dancers a-waiting! |
你們看,很漂亮吧? | Look at it. Isn't it beautiful? |
是啊,這是什麼? | Yeah. What is it? |
酒果醬松糕,有很多層 | It's a trifle. It's got all these layers. |
先是一層小松糕,然後是果醬 | First there's a layer of ladyfingers,then jam... |
然後是我自己做的乳蛋糕 | then custard,which I made from scratch... |
然後是覆盆子 然後又是小松糕 | then raspberries,more ladyfingers... |
然後是豌豆洋蔥炒嫩牛肉 | then beef sauteed with peas and onions... |
然後又有一點乳蛋糕 | then a little bit more custard... |
然後是香蕉 最後再塗上鮮奶油 | then bananas and then I put whipped cream on top. |
香蕉前面是什麼? | What was the one right before bananas? |
炒牛肉嗎?我也覺得有點奇怪 | The beef. Yeah,that was weird to me too. |
不過我想連甜肉餡餅都有了 那是一種英式甜點 | But then I thought,"Well,there's minced-meat pie."That's an English dessert. |
英國人都放一堆怪東西 | These people just put strange things in their food. |
對了,可以跟你借蘭姆酒嗎? 當然可以 | Can I borrow rum from your place?Yeah,sure. |
我不在的時候你們可別偷吃 | While I'm gone,don't you sneak a taste. |
甜點加牛肉? | Beef in a dessert? |
不可能的 | No,no,no. There is no way. |
就是啊,而且果醬才一層 | I know. And only one layer of jam? |
有沒有搞錯? | What is up with that? |
天哪,這兩頁黏在一起 | Oh,my God.The pages are stuck together. |
錢德(喬伊認為是錢德對著菜譜自慰導致的) | Chandler! |
天哪,她做了酒果醬松糕加… | Oh,my God. She made half an English trifle and... |
肉餡土豆泥餅 | half a shepherd's pie! |
完了,她得重做了 | Man,now she's gonna start all over. |
我們沒辦法帶那些辣妹 認識新世界了 | We're never gonna get to introduce the hot girls to the New World. |
不,我們可以 不要告訴她就是了 | No,no,we will. We just won't tell her she messed up. |
然後讓她上那個牛肉乳蛋糕? | Just let her serve the beef-custard thing? |
對,這會是個有趣的感恩回憶 | Yeah. It'll be like a funny Thanksgiving story. |
嘔吐的回憶的確很有趣 | Vomiting stories are funny,I guess. |
喬伊,天哪,你的公寓熱死了 | Joey. God,your apartment is,like,100 degrees. |
你會不會想脫到只剩內衣? | Did it make you want to walk around in your underwear? |
不會 | No. |
還不夠熱 | Still not hot enough! |
瑞秋? 怎樣? | Rachel. Ya |
你看他,你看那雙有力的手 | Okay,look at him.Look at those strong hands. |
我真想當那瓶…煉乳 | Oh,what I wouldn't give to be that can of condensed milk. |
媽,錢德說你的毛衣很好看 | Chandler was just saying how beautiful your sweater is. |
謝謝你,這是新衣服 | Thank you. I just bought it. |
是嗎,很漂亮,米色的,很緊 | Yes,well,it's very beautiful and it's cream-colored and tight and... |
我不是指很緊,不會很緊 我沒有在看… | I don't mean tight. It's not tight. Not that I was looking at... |
他是怎麼搞的? | What's the matter with him? |
大概又嗑藥了 | I think he's stoned again. |
什麼? | What? |
我有事要告訴你 | I need to talk to you. |
我大概知道 我爸媽為什麼不喜歡你了 | I think I might know why my parents don't like you. |
是嗎?為什麼? | You do?Why? |
記不記得我們年輕的時候 | Okay,remember we were young. |
大二的春假,我在房裡正在興奮 我爸媽走進來聞到了 | Spring break,sophomore year,I got high in my bedroom...and my parents walked in and smelled it |
於是我就說你嗑藥 跳窗走了 | so I told them that you had gotten stoned and jumped out the window. |
什麼?你為什麼要這麼做? | Why did you do that? |
我不知道,我第一個想到你 | I don't know. Yours was the first name that popped into my head. |
對不起,我以為不會怎樣 | I didn't think it'd matter. |
怎麼可能不會怎樣? | How could it not matter? |
我怎麼知道我們畢業後還是好朋友 而且你會跟我妹同居 | How was I to know we'd be friends after college...and you'd be living with my sister? |
那些“生死之交”的豪語呢? | What about the "friends forever" stuff? |
不曉得,我當時正興奮 | I don't know. I was all high. |
爸媽叫我來看看 你是不是想找羅斯嗑藥 | Mom and Dad sent me to find out if you were trying to get Ross stoned. |
羅斯大學時嗑藥被他們逮到 他賴到了我身上 | Your parents caught Ross smoking pot in college,and he blamed it on me! |
羅斯,你怎麼這樣 | I can't believe you! |
他們討厭我,我們才沒公開 | We haven't told them we're together because they hate me, |
麻煩你搞定 | so fix this. |
好啦,我會說嗑藥的不是錢德 | Okay,okay,I'll tell them it wasn't Chandler who got high. |
那我要說是誰? | Now,who should I say it was? |
你!這又沒什麼 你現在又沒在嗑藥 | You! It's not like it's a big deal. You don't still do it or anything. |
好啦好啦 那我要說是誰騙我這麼做的? | All right. Now,who should I say tricked me into doing it? |
沒有人,你要跟他們說實話 | Nobody. You're gonna go out there and tell them exactly what happened. |
是嗎? 對 | -Really? -Yes! |
好吧 | Okay. |
等等,還有別的事嗎? 沒了…喔有… | Wait,is there anything else I should know?No.. Oh,yeah |
你曾經把我爸的一堆唱片放進微波爐 | You microwaved a bunch of my dad's records. |
為什麼? | Why? |
顯然你一興奮就會很失控 | Evidently,you weren't very good at handling your high. |
爸,請別在這裡剔牙 | Dad,please don't pick your teeth out here. |
如果你要翹腳,怎麼不坐… | And if you're gonna put your feet up.. |
莫妮卡,不要煩他 | Leave him alone! |
你快點好嗎? | Will you hurry up? |
你之前沒聽到我說 吉甯的朋友都是舞者嗎? | Did you not hear me when I told you that Janine's friends are dancers? |
而且她們會喝很多酒? | And that they're gonna be drinking a lot? |
我是聽到了,不過你再說一次 好浪漫喔 | No,I did. But tell me again because it's so romantic. |
你打得好慢,不能快一點嗎? | You're whipping so slow. Do it faster! |
喬伊,我不想犯錯 甜點只有這一道,要是我搞砸 | I don't want to make any mistakes!If I screw it up, |
大家會說“記得那次感恩節嗎,瑞秋把酒果醬松糕做壞了” | everybody's gonna be like:"Oh,remember that Thanksgiving when Rachel screwed up the trifle?" |
所以讓我來負責做的部分 你只管擔心吃的部分 | Just let me worry about making it,and you just worry about eating it. |
我是很擔心 | Oh,I am. |
羅斯,你再不說,我就要說了 好啦 | -If you don't tell them,then I will. -Okay. Fine. |
羅斯,你可以來一下嗎? | Ross,can I talk to you for a second? |
等一下好嗎? 我有事要告訴我爸嗎 | Can it wait? I have to tell my parents something. |
不能等?好吧 | No,it can't? Okay. |
我覺得我們應該告訴瑞秋 她做錯了 | We have to tell Rachel she messed up her dessert. |
什麼?大家是都怎麼了? | What? What is with everybody? |
今天是感恩節,不是坦白日 | It's Thanksgiving,not...Truth Day! |
等大家吃到那道香蕉肉甜點 | Look,when everyone eats that banana-meat thing... |
一定會取笑她,那樣你也好嗎 | they'll all make fun of her. Do you want that? |
好,我們就叫大家假裝喜歡 | We'll just get everyone to act like they like it. |
那樣就不會有人取笑她 我們也可以去找那些小土豆餅了 | That way,no one makes fun of her...and we still get to go to sweet-potato pie. |
別把她們物化 | Dude,they're not objects. |
開玩笑的,我去告訴大家 你把瑞秋拖開 | Just kidding. I'll talk to them. You distract her. |
瑞秋,可以出去談一下嗎? | Hey,Rach,can I talk to you outside for a sec? |
好吧 | Okay. |
什麼事? | What's up,Ross? |
所以…感恩節 | So....Thanksgiving. |
假期的季節又來了 | The holiday season is upon us. |
是啊 | Ya |
還有…你今天很漂亮 | And...you look nice today. |
不,羅斯,不要這樣 什麼? | -Oh,no. No,Ross,don't do this. -What? |
我覺得我們不適合複合 | I don't think us getting back together is a good idea. |
我早就料到會這樣 | I thought this might happen today. |
我知道逢年過節特別難熬 | I know the holidays can be rough... |
而且你一個人肯定很辛苦 | and it's probably hard for you to be alone right now. |
你也是一個人 | You're alone. |
不,我跟菲比住 你就真的只有一個人 | No,I live with Phoebe.I mean,you're alone-alone. |
但這個時機真的不對,抱歉 | And it's just not the time for us. I'm sorry. |
哦,好吧,我總得試試看 | Oh,well. Can't blame a guy for trying. |
要是有人不知道怎麼裝 | And if anyone needs help pretending to like it... |
我在表演課學過 你們可以摸摸肚子 | I learned some things in acting class. Try rubbing your stomach. |
或是說“嗯…” | Or saying,"Mmm." |
還有微笑,好嗎? | Smiling. |
我再也不花錢讓你去上表演課了 | I'm not gonna pay for those acting classes anymore. |
瑞秋,你回來了,快上甜點吧 | Rachel,there you are. Let's serve that dessert already! |
喬伊,別再催我了 | Joey,you have to stop rushing me. |
你知道嗎?罰你不准吃 | You don't get any dessert. |
是喔? | Really? |
騙你的,我才不會虐待你 | No,just kidding. I would never do that to you. |
好,各位,酒果醬松糕時間到 | Okay,everybody,it's trifle time. |
這是英式酒果醬松糕對吧? | So,Rach,this is a traditional English trifle,isn't it? |
一點也沒錯 | -It sure is. -Wow. |
那你是加牛肉還是茄子? 牛肉 | So did you make it with beef or eggplant? |
我不能吃,你也知道我不吃肉 | -Beef. -I can't have any. I don't eat meat. |
莫妮卡,我要你第一個品嘗 | Monica,I want you to have the first taste. |
是嗎? | Really? |
等等,你只挖了鮮奶油 你得挖到每一層 | Wait,you only got whipped cream.You gotta take a bite with all the layers. |
好 | Okay |
等等,你掉了一顆豌豆 | You dropped a pea. |
怎麼樣? | Well? |
嗯… | Mmm… |
好好吃 | It's good. |
真的嗎?多好吃? | Really? How good? |
好吃到我一個人吃會覺得太自私了 | It's so good that I feel selfish...about being the only one who's eating it. |
我們應該讓每個人都享用 | I think we should have everyone taste how good it is. |
尤其是羅斯 | Especially Ross. |
真是太好吃了,我要去陽臺吃 | This is so good that I'm gonna go enjoy it on the balcony. |
好邊看風景邊享用 | So that I can enjoy the view whilst I enjoy my dessert. |
我要去房裡打電話 告訴我的朋友瑪麗有多好吃 | I've gotta call my friend and tell her how good this is from Monica's room. |
我幫你撥號 | I'll help dial. |
我要去浴室,好邊吃邊照鏡子 | I'm gonna go into the bathroom...so I can look at it in the mirror as I eat it. |
這是怎麼回事?不好吃嗎? 我吃吃看 | What was that all about? Does it not taste good?Let's try it. |
什麼?不行 | No,no! |
都沒了 | All gone! |
好好吃,也許錢德還有剩 | So good.Maybe Chandler has some left. |
味道好像臭腳 | It tastes like feet. |
我喜歡 | I like it! |
不是吧? | Are you kidding? |
有什麼不好?乳蛋糕?贊 | What's not to like? Custard,good. |
果醬?贊,牛肉?贊 | Jam,good. Meat,good. |
一隻鳥就這樣一把搶過去… | So a bird just grabbed it... |
想帶著飛走 | and then tried to fly away with it... |
結果就掉到馬路上了? | and then just dropped it on the street? |
對,不過值得安慰的是 掉下去之前它好像吃得很開心 | If it's any consolation,before the bird dropped it...he seemed to enjoy it. |
瑞秋,來一下 | Rachel,come here. |
我剛剛小睡一覺,又夢到傑克 | I was taking my Thanksgiving nap and I had another dream. |
菲比,我會想聽嗎? | -Do I want to hear this? |
我不知道,你聽聽看,所以… | -I don't know,let's see. |
我夢到我們正要結婚 結果他離開去救火 | I dreamt we were getting married...and he left because he had to go fight a fire. |
所以我去一家夜總會 卻看到他跟一個女的在親熱 | So I went to a nightclub and I saw him making out with a girl. |
天哪,他在夢裡背叛你 | Oh,my God,he dream-cheated on you! |
對,但這時雅克·庫斯托(知名潛水家)出現 幫我教訓了他一頓 | But then Jacques Cousteau came...and he kicked his ass for betraying me. |
好酷喔 | So cool! |
然後他帶我去潛水 跟我介紹他養的海馬 | Then he took me diving and introduced me to his sea horse... |
海馬一直對我獻殷勤 但是怎麼可能 | who was coming on to me. Please,that is not gonna happen. |
幸好我今天系了大皮帶 | Boy,I'm glad I wore the big belt today. |
5分鐘前 那種話會讓我神魂顛倒 | Five minutes ago,a line like that would have floored me. |
現在卻毫無作用… | But now,nothing. |
一點點啦,我畢竟是女人 | Well,not nothing. I am still a woman. |
羅斯,來吧 | Ross? Let's go. |
關於告訴他們這件事 我考慮用寫信的方式 | Oh,yeah. About telling Mom and Dad...I was thinking about maybe writing a letter. |
夠了,我給過你機會 | That's it. You've had your chance. |
什麼? | What? |
媽媽,爸爸,羅斯大學時嗑過藥 | Mom,Dad. Ross smoked pot in college. |
什麼? | What? |
你這個長舌婦 | You are such a tattletale! |
媽,爸,記得你們在我房裡 聞到大麻的事嗎? | Mom,Dad...you remember that time you walked in my room and smelled marijuana? |
記得 | Yes. |
我說那是錢德,其實… | I told you it was Chandler...who was smoking the pot but |
是我,對不起 | it was me. I'm sorry. |
是你? | It was you? |
爸,錢德沒把你的唱片燒壞 | And Dad,Chandler didn't melt your records. |
是羅斯干的 | Ross did. |
是真的嗎? 還有,爸爸,記得那個被你革職的郵差嗎 | -Is that true? -And Dad...you know that mailman that you got fired? |
他沒有偷你的花花公子 是羅斯偷的 | He didn't steal your Playboys. Ross did. |
前廊的秋千椅不是格羅裡亞颶風(1985年)弄壞的 是莫妮卡坐壞的 | Well,Hurricane Gloria didn't break the porch swing. Monica did! |
羅斯已經有一年不在博物館工作了 | Ross hasn't worked at the museum for a year! |
莫妮卡和錢德在同居 | Monica and Chandler are living together! |
羅斯在拉斯維加斯娶了瑞秋 然後離婚了!又一次! | Ross married Rachel in Vegas! And got divorced! Again! |
我愛雅克·庫斯托 | I love Jacques Cousteau! |
酒果醬松糕裡不該放牛肉的 | I wasn't supposed to put beef in the trifle! |
我想走啦~~ | I want to go! |
這30秒真是高潮不斷啊 | That's a lot of information to get in 30 seconds. |
好,喬伊,你想走就走吧 | All right. Joey,if you want to leave,just leave. |
瑞秋,這道甜點的確不能放肉 | Rachel,no,you weren't supposed to put beef in the trifle. |
一點也不好吃 | It did not taste good. |
菲比,很抱歉 雅克·庫斯托已經死了 | Phoebe,I'm sorry...but I think Jacques Cousteau is dead. |
莫妮卡,我真不懂 你為何要隱瞞一段重要的感情 | Monica,why you felt you had to hide the fact that you're in an important relationship is beyond me. |
其實秋千椅的事我們心裡有數 | And we kind of figured about the porch swing. |
羅斯,嗑藥?三度離婚? | Ross.Drugs?Divorced again? |
你是怎麼了? | What happened,son? |
我都是遭人哄騙 | I got tricked into all those things. |
錢德,你一直是羅斯的好朋友 | Chandler,you've been Ross' best friend all these years... |
在他嗑藥時仍不放棄他 | stuck by him during the drug problems... |
現在你又照顧起莫妮卡 | and now you've taken on Monica as well. |
我不知道該說什麼 你真是個大好人 | Well,I don't know what to say.You're a wonderful human being. |
謝謝你 不,是謝謝你 | -Thank you! -No.Thank you! |
莫妮卡,羅斯 我真不知道該拿你們怎麼辦 | Monica and Ross,I don't know what I'm gonna do about the two of you. |
我會跟他們談 | I'll talk to them. |
各位,香蕉、奶油加牛肉耶 | You guys,it was bananas...cream and beef! |
你們居然因為怕我難過而吃掉 | I just cannot believe that you ate that so that I wouldn't feel bad. |
其實我沒吃,還放在浴室裡 | Well,actually,I didn't eat mine. It's still in the bathroom. |
沒有,我吃掉了 | No,I ate that. |
我們的在莫妮卡的房裡 | And we left ours in Monica's bedroom. |
沒有,被我吃了,你的也是 | Nope,got it and got yours too. |
錢德 你還要死守你的鳥故事嗎? | Chandler,are you gonna stick with that bird story? |
那只鳥很大,神准的沖過來 | It was a big bird. Swooped right in there. |
吉甯,聚會還沒結束吧? | -Hi. -Oh,Janine.It's not over,is it? |
結束了 節日讓我們感到更孤單 | Yeah.We all got depressed. The holidays and everything,we're alone. |
至少你有喬伊 羅斯就真的是很孤單 | Yeah,well,at least you have Joey.But Ross is really alone. |
這裡永遠歡迎你 | Well,you're always welcome here. |
這是我媽和我爸 這位是吉寧 | This is my mom and my dad.This is Janine. |
幸會…我們已經見過了 | Nice to meet you.I think we've already met. |
是嗎? 我住在對面 | Really?I live across the hall. |
你在我換衣服時闖進來 | You walked in on me when I was changing. |
請問現在為何都用小燈泡? 我記得以前都用大燈泡 | Why is everybody using these tiny,little lights nowadays?I remember when people used big ones. |
真是個很久遠的故事了,爺爺 | That's a good story,Grandpa. |
莫妮卡居然讓別人佈置她的聖誕樹 誰又把她灌醉了嗎? | Wow. Monica's letting other people help decorate her tree?Did someone get her drunk again,or...? |
耶誕節的意義不在於聖誕樹 而在於與所愛的人共度 | Having a perfect tree is not what Christmas is about.It's about being with loved ones. |
說得真好,佈置好了 | That is nice. And we're done. Ta-da! |
我總覺得它少了一股聖誕味 | It just doesn't quite feel like Christmas to me. |
那這樣呢 | Oh,here. |
這樣才像耶誕節 | See,now it feels like Christmas. |
本集播出:“招牌舞” | The One With The Routine |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
這就是猶太陀螺的由來 | And that's the story of the dreidel. |
有些人說聖誕樹源自古埃及 | Some people trace the Christmas tree to the Egyptians... |
在每年白晝最短的日子 他們會把棕櫚枝帶進屋裡 | who'd bring palm branches into huts on the shortest day of the year... |
象徵生命戰勝死亡 | symbolizing life's triumph over death. |
那是4千年前的事了 | And that was,like,4000 years ago. |
你開始講這個故事也差不多是那時候 | Around the same time that you started this story. |
你們好 | -Hey,you guys. |
喬伊,怎麼了 | -Hey. What's up? |
我不出門不行 | I had to get out of the apartment. |
吉寧到處做伸展運動 | Janine's stretching all over. |
一轉頭就看到她在… | Everywhere I look she's like.... |
難怪你無法抗拒 | I can see why that's hard to resist. |
我好喜歡她 | I like her so much. |
可惜她對你沒感覺 就是啊,她好可愛 | I'm sorry she doesn't feel the same.I know. And she's so sweet. |
我好想喂她吃葡萄 幫她梳頭 | I just want to feed her grapes and brush her hair. |
你知道她不是猴子吧? | You are aware that she's not a monkey,right? |
我已經不在乎吉寧了 | I am so over Janine. |
我原本覺得她很火辣 現在她已經成了過去式 | Yeah,at first I thought she was hot,but now she's like old news. |
你們好 吉寧 | -Hey,guys. -Janine! |
我剛接到除夕特別節目的通告 | I'm gonna be a dancer on a TV special for New Year's Eve. |
叫什麼狄克搖滾狄奇之夜的 | It's called some sort of Dickin' Rockin' Dicky Eve. |
慢著 | Hold it. |
是狄克克拉克新年搖滾之夜嗎 就是那個 | Are you talking about Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve?Yeah,that's what I said. |
天哪,我們愛死那個節目了 | Oh,my God,we love that show! |
從我有記憶以來 羅斯和我每年都看 | Ross and I have been watching it since I can remember. |
內心深處的你仍是個小胖妹 | You're still just a little fat girl inside,aren't you? |
我今年要去當狂歡派對來賓 | I'm gonna be one of the party people. |
你要去當派對來賓? 那些人最酷了 | You're gonna be a party person? Those guys rock the most! |
他們叫我帶人去 你願意當我的舞伴嗎? | They said to bring someone. Want to be my dance partner? |
當然,我很願意跟你渡過新年 | I would love to spend New Year's with you. |
明天就要錄影了,我也不太懂為什麼 | They're taping tomorrow. I don't understand why.. |
是這樣的 時代廣場的部分是現場直播 | Well,how it works is...the part with Dick Clark in Times Square is actually live. |
但他們會預錄狂歡派對的畫面 知道這一點的人並不多 | But they tape some of the party stuff ahead of time.Not a lot of people know that. |
你們也想去嗎? | Do you guys want to come too? |
真的還假的? 一言為定 | -Are you serious? -We are there! |
你笑什麼笑? | What are you laughing at? |
我跟他交往是過去式了 但你還跟她在一起 | Well,I used to date him,but you're still going out with her. |
謝謝…那我們就一起去 | Thanks. Great,so we can all go together. |
我得走了,回頭見 | I gotta run. I'll catch you later. |
再見 吉寧再見 | Bye,Janine. |
她是不是約我了? | Did she just ask me out on a date? |
應該不是 | I don't think so. |
她找他參加 千禧年最盛大的晚會耶 | She invited him to the biggest party of the millennium. |
但她也找了你和羅斯 | Yeah,but she also invited you and Ross. |
很抱歉,那應該不算約會 | I'm sorry,I don't think that that was a romantic thing. |
或許吧,但我有一個辦法 | Well,maybe. But,hey,I know how I can find out. |
我們不是要參加跨年晚會? | It's a New Year's Eve party. |
到了午夜,我可以親她 | So at midnight,I can kiss her. |
要是她也回吻,太棒了 | And if she kisses me back,great. |
要是她說“你幹什麼?” | If she says,"What are you doing?" |
我就說“都是新年害的” | I can say,"lt wasn't me,it was New Year's." |
比高中時羅斯想親我的藉口要好 他說他需要潤唇膏 | That's better than Ross kissing me in high school and saying that he did it because he needed Chap Stick. |
那天很乾燥 | It was a dry day. |
我們要上狄克克拉克跨年晚會 我的天哪 | We are going to Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve!Oh,my God! |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
聽著,我錄過影,我有些建議 | Okay,I've been on sets before...so let me give you some advice. |
雖然是上電視,我們只管跳舞 | It's a show,but we're just dancing. |
沒什麼大不了的 最重要的是要酷 | It's no big deal.Important thing to remember: Stay cool. |
瞭解 | -Got it. -Okay. |
天哪,跟我夢想的一樣 | Oh,my God! It's just like I dreamed it! |
全體集合 | Everyone! Gather up! |
借過 | -Excuse us! -Excuse us! |
我們要做的是 | Here's what's gonna happen |
音樂一放,你們就跳舞 我們會錄影,你們不要看鏡頭 | The music's gonna start,you're gonna dance...we'll tape it. Don't look at the camera. |
有問題嗎? | Questions? |
我有,什麼時候播出? | Yeah,I have a question. When is this gonna air? |
好,你們去那邊跳 你們去那邊跳 | Yeah. Now,you guys dance over there...you guys,over there. |
你們兩個在這裡,其他人散開 | I want you two here.Everyone else,spread out. |
我們最好不要配一對 因為我們是兄妹 | We'd rather not dance together because we're brother and sister. |
對,那樣會有點怪 | Yeah,it would seem kind of weird. |
會比大老遠跑來 卻得立刻滾回家來得怪嗎? | As weird as coming all the way down here and then having to go home right now? |
羅斯…所以是什麼時候播? | So when is it gonna air? |
你找廚房,我找後面的櫃子 | You look in the kitchen,I got the closet. |
不必浪費時間了,我在這裡 | I can save you time,ladies. I'm right here. |
錢德,你出去一下 這件事與你無關 | Yeah. Why don't you take a walk? This doesn't concern you. |
我們在找莫妮卡送的聖誕禮物 | We're looking for our presents from Monica. |
什麼?太差勁了 不會,我們每年都找 | That's terrible.No,we do it every year. |
那就不差勁了 | Oh,well,that makes it not terrible. |
但我們沒有找到過 她老是打敗我們,奸詐的賤人 | Yeah,we never find them.She's always bested us,that wily...minx. |
放心,我們找1個小時 就會到喬伊那邊找,好嗎? | We'll search here for an hour...and then we'll go to Joey's and search,okay? |
不好,你們不能找她送的禮物 | -You can't look for Monica's presents. |
我們一定要找 | -We have to. |
你們不一定要找,也不能找 因為我也住在這裡 | You don't have to. And you can't,because I live here too. |
那你應該跟我們一起找 | Well,then you should look with us. |
為什麼? | Why? |
你都不愁要送莫妮卡什麼嗎? 不會,我有個很棒的構想 | Aren't you worried about what to get Monica?No,I have a great idea for her present. |
就只有很棒的構想? | Oh,that's it? A great idea? Oh,yeah? |
那樣是不夠的 | That's not enough |
要是她送你一個大禮 兩個普通禮和一堆小禮呢? | What if she gets you a great present two mediums and lots of little ones |
而你只送她一份禮 她一定會很難過 | and you just get her one present? She'll feel bad. |
你為什麼要讓她難過? 為什麼?為什麼? | Why would you do that to her? Why? Why? |
有我幫忙找得更快 沒錯 | -If I help,we can find them faster! -Right! |
找到一個了 是梅西百貨的袋子 | We have a live one!-Oh,it's a Macy's bag! |
這是給誰的? | Who's it for? |
親愛的失敗者 你們真以為我會藏在沙發下? | "Dear losers,do you really think I'd hide presents under the couch? |
附注:錢德,我就知道你會讓步 | P.S. Chandler,I knew they'd break you." |
她可能已經發現了 | Uh-oh. She may be onto us. |
我們今年一定要找到 | We are so gonna find them this year. |
你們剛才說會到對面去找 該不會是每年都去吧? | You said you'd go across the hall and look. Do you do that every year? |
是啊 | Yeah. |
你們沒有到我的櫃子裡面 翻我的健身袋底下吧? | You don't go into the back of my closet...and look under my gym bag or anything? |
沒有,從來沒有 | -No. Never do that. -No. |
喬伊會托我保管東西 我看都沒看過 | That's where Joey gave me stuff to store that I've never seen. |
剛才的事是幻覺 | Okay,that did not just happen. |
又有攝影機來了 | Here comes a camera. |
好,小意思,放輕鬆 | Right. No biggie. Stay loose. |
他們為什麼一直避開? | Why do they keep doing that? |
想上鏡頭就得上那些平臺 | We have to get up on one of those platforms. |
他們一直拍平臺上的人 沒錯 | They've been taping them all day.Right. |
你們為什麼能上去? | What'd you guys do to get up on there? |
我們有練過 | We learned how to dance. |
你練舞時也忘了穿內褲嗎? | When you learned to dance,did you forget how to put on underpants?Yeah! |
你跳得很好嘛 是嗎? | -Hey,you're a good dancer. -Really? |
臀部再放鬆一點會更好 | You'd be better if you loosened your hips. |
怎麼做? 像這樣 | -What do you mean? -Like this. |
就是這樣,跟著節奏擺動 好多了 | That's it. Feel the rhythm. That's better. |
你去跟那個女生跳 | You're dancing with her. |
不,我們是一起來的 | -We're together. -Yeah,we came together. |
我看不出來 | I don't see it. |
你去跟那個高個子跳 高個子,舉手 | You are dancing with the tall guy. Tall guy,raise your hand! |
不…老兄,拜託讓我跟她跳 我很喜歡她,我覺得我有機會 | Hey,buddy. Let me dance with her. I like her,and I think I have a shot. |
你覺得有?我覺得沒有 | Really,you think so? I don't. |
喬伊那裡什麼都沒… | I couldn't find anything.. Hey,wait! |
我們找到了 在客房衣櫥的外套後面 | Yeah,we found them.They were in the guest-room closet. |
你不必擔心了,都是些爛東西 | You have nothing to worry about because they're crap. |
那是我要送給你們的禮物 | Those are mine. I got those for you. |
謝了,好棒喔 | Oh. Thanks,Chandler,they're great! |
這個奇怪的金屬AZ是什麼 | Chandler,what is this very weird metal A-Z thing? |
那是書擋,是很棒的禮物 | Those are bookends. That's a great gift. |
好,抱歉,謝謝你送的AZ (音近屁股ass) | Oh. Okay,I'm sorry. Thank you for my "az." |
記得放回衣櫃裡,好嗎? | Make sure you put all that stuff back in the closet. |
好…對了,你人真好 都搬家了還幫喬伊保管東西 | Yes,okay.By the way,I think it's really nice of you that even after you moved you still keep storing that stuff for Joey |
喂,舞女 | Hey,dancing girl? |
我想上廁所 | Can I go to the bathroom? |
來轉一下 | Here we go. |
好了 | Yeah. |
很不錯喔,蓋勒兄妹 | Looking good,Gellers! |
還用你說 | We know! |
你看那個傲慢的傢伙,他專門指定上平臺的人 | That snippy guy's the one who decides who gets on the platform. |
我們應該去他面前跳 好 | -We should go dance by him. -Okay. |
全部暫停 | Okay,everybody,hold! |
接下來的平臺舞者有… | Next on the platforms are.... |
你們兩個,還有… | You two! And.... |
你們兩個 | -You two! -Cool! |
請問一下 | Excuse me,sir? |
如果我不穿內褲會入選嗎? 莫妮卡 | Would it help if I weren't wearing underpants?Monica! |
會嗎? | Would it? |
那我不穿呢? | How about me? |
高個子 | Hey,tall guy! |
我想跟你聊聊你的舞伴 | I want to talk to you about that girl you're dancing with. |
她真不賴,我還差點帶老婆來 | She's nice,huh? To think I almost brought my wife to this. |
是啊…好 | Yeah. Yeah. Okay. |
老兄,我和她是一起來的 我想在新年倒數時吻她,我想追她 | Look,I came with that girl,okay?I plan to kiss her at the New Year's countdown.I'm trying to win her over. |
所以能不能… 不行 | I..I don't think so. |
拜託啦,你可以跟我的舞伴跳 她跳得很“西瓜” | You can dance with my partner.She's real mellow. |
你在跟這個女生交往嗎? | Look,you dating this girl you came with? |
我希望過了今晚可以… | I was hoping after tonight that maybe I could.... |
那就是公平競爭,抱歉 | No. No. She's fair game if you ask me. Sorry,buddy. |
好吧,公平競爭 你說得對,我還能說什麼 | All right. Hey.Fair is fair. When you're right,you're right. What can I say? |
你是小學生嗎? | Are you in second grade? |
尿褲子的是你 | Hey,man,you're the one who wet his pants. |
莫妮卡不會把禮物藏在這裡的 | Monica would not hide the presents down here. |
怎麼不會 我一直想要一個老嬉皮 | No,but she did. Look,there's that old hippie I've always wanted. |
要是藏在這裡,甘瑟一定知道 | If they are here,Gunther knows about it. |
我可以去套他,他很喜歡我 | And I could get it out of him. He's had a huge crush on me. |
這樣利用他不公平,還是你去 好 | That's not fair to play with his head,though. You do it.Okay. |
甘瑟 | Hey,Gunther. |
聖誕佳節又要來了 | Hi.Getting to be that holiday time again,huh? |
耶誕節確實很神奇 | Yes,it's like a miracle. |
我想說既然到了送禮的季節 | I was thinking,since it's the time of giving gifts... |
不知道這裡有沒有我的禮物? 你懂我的意思吧 | I was wondering,are there any presents around here for me?You know what I mean? |
我找到了 那是要捐出去的玩具 | -I think I found them. -That's the Toys for Tots collection bin. |
很方便不是嗎? 對捐贈單位來說 | -That's awfully convenient,don't you think? -For the tots it is. |
你們猜怎樣? 你找到了嗎? | -Hey,you guys,guess what. -Did you find them? |
不是,甘瑟昏倒了 | No,Gunther fainted. |
真討厭 | Man,this sucks. |
要是被爸媽嫉妒完卻沒上電視 到時候誰是失敗者? | If Mom and Dad don't see us on TV after we made them jealous then who's gonna be the losers then? |
我知道怎樣可以上平臺了 怎樣? | I know what'll get us up on a platform.What? |
跳招牌舞 | The routine! |
我們中學畢業後就沒跳過了 | We haven't done the routine since middle school. |
等那個傲慢的傢伙看過招牌舞 會幫我們專門搭一座平臺的 | When the snippy guy sees the routine...he'll want to build us our own platform. |
有那麼贊嗎? | Was it that good? |
我們得了兄弟姐妹組的特別獎 | We got honorable mention in the brother/sister dance category! |
假的午夜快到了,我們還能怎樣 | It's almost fake midnight. Do we really have any other choice? |
那好吧,爸媽會很有面子 | Okay,let's do it.Mom and Dad are gonna be so faced! |
五六七八 | Five,six,seven,eight! |
接下來該誰上平臺還用問嗎? | So do we really need to ask who's going up on the platform next? |
不用,你們上去照樣再跳一遍 | You get up there and do that again,exactly like that. |
拍下來當搞笑表演用 | Get this. Dick will want it for the Bloopers show. |
好了,停 | All right,cut! |
全體注意,接下來是倒數計時 大家要很興奮 | Listen up,everyone!When we start again,it'll be the countdown...so I want to see everybody's excitement! |
限你3秒鐘之內離開我的舞伴 | Hey,guy!You got three seconds to get away. |
怎麼了? 你看他的褲子 | What's going on here?Take a look at the guy's pants! |
你是叫我們要興奮 但他也興奮過頭了吧? | You told us to show excitement,but don't you think he went overboard? |
你是有什麼毛病嗎?給我出場 滾啦,濕褲子 | What's the matter with you? Go!Yeah,take a hike,wet pants! |
你相信嗎? | Can you believe this? |
進入千禧年時我們會在平臺上 我知道 | We're on the platform for the millennial moment!I know! |
你沒有偷練招牌舞吧? 當然沒有 | You haven't been practicing the routine,have you?No. |
我也有 | Me too! |
音樂響起來時我想跳機器人舞步 | When the music starts...I was thinking about maybe going into the robot. |
羅斯 跳招牌舞就好,我們不想看起來像傻瓜 | Ross,we should stick to the routine. We don't want to look stupid. |
回到現場,倒數10秒 10,9,8,7… | All right,we're back! Ten seconds left.Ten. Nine,eight.Seven. |
好,這一刻終於來了 一切順其自然 | -Okay,it all comes down to this.Whatever happens,happens. |
命運的安排 | Destiny. |
3,2,1 | three,two,one! |
停 不(與“新”諧音)! | -Cut! -No! |
…年,“新”年快樂 | Year!Happy "No" Year! |
接著是時代廣場的現場畫面 大家辛苦了,收工 | Now we go to the live shot of Times Square. That's a wrap! |
那個傲慢傢伙說什麼? | What did that snippy guy say? |
他把不跳舞的人趕走了 所以繼續跳 | I think he's kicking out anyone who's not dancing.So just keep dancing. |
看我找到什麼 你們好 | Hey,look who I found.Oh,hi,guys! |
鳥類的方向感很好 或許它們可以幫忙找出禮物 | Birds have a very good sense of direction.I thought maybe they could help us find the presents. |
如果禮物藏在南方過冬的話 | Yes,if the presents are hidden south for the winter. |
順著你的笑話去找也行 你知道在哪裡嗎?當然不知道 | Or we could just follow your clever jokes. Any ideas? Didn't think so. |
來,把禮物找出來 | Come on,show us where the presents are. |
鴨子似乎認為莫妮卡送我垃圾 | The duck seems to think that Monica got me garbage. |
什麼樣的回禮能跟垃圾一樣好 | I wonder what I could get Monica that's as good as garbage. |
我的AZ如何? | How about my "az"? |
這是空的 | -Hey. This is hollow. |
什麼? 這排座椅是空心的 | -What?This bench,it's hollow. |
我居然都不知道 | I can't believe I never knew that! |
我們的禮物 不!不要直視它們 | -Oh,the presents! -Don't look directly at them! |
什麼? | What? |
沒事,可以看 | All right,no,we could look at them. |
這是我的 | This one's for me! |
這是錢德的,拿去 太好了 | This one's for Chandler. Here. |
大包的是我的 | -And the big one's for me! |
趕快拆來看 好 | -Oh,let's open them! |
等等,我們不能這樣 | -Wait a minute. We can't do this. |
為什麼? 我不想知道莫妮卡送我什麼 | -Why?-I don't want to know what Monica got me. |
她一定很用心的替我找禮物 想給我驚喜,你們這樣會壞事 | I'm sure she worked hard at getting it and wanting to surprise me.And you guys are gonna ruin that. |
我們得把禮物放回去 這樣不叫耶誕節 | We have to put these back. This is not what Christmas is about. |
誰理你,萊納斯(漫畫史努比的主人查理布朗的好朋友)我要拆我的 | Whatever,Linus. I'm opening mine. |
誰也不准拆 | Nobody is opening anything,okay? |
我不知道你們怎麼想 | Look,I don't know about you guys |
但我想看莫妮卡 收到禮物的表情 | but I want to see the look on her face when I give her my present. |
她一定也想看 我收到禮物的表情 | I'm sure she wants to see the look on my face when I get mine. |
所以求求你們放回去 | So,please,please,can we just...? Can we put them back? |
你會送我們更好的禮物嗎? 好啦 | -Will you get us better gifts? -Fine. |
你們好 | Hey,guys. |
你們找到禮物了? 錢德,你讓她們找到?真好 | You found the presents?You let them find the presents?Great. |
你知道為你選那個濾水器花了我多久工夫嗎? | Do you know how long it took me to find you that water purifier? |
你送我濾水器? 這下我懂了,你的表情真棒 | -That's what you got me? -Yes,I see. That look is priceless. |
甜蜜的家 | Home sweet home,huh? |
回到現實真好 | Nice to get back to reality. |
我們也知道新年會怎樣了 | Plus,we know how the New Year's gonna go off. |
千年蟲根本沒什麼,對吧? | I guess there's no reason for all that Y2K panic,you know? |
好吧,晚安 | Anyway,good night. |
喬伊 怎樣? | -Joey? -Yeah? |
3,2,1 | three,two,one! |
新年快樂 | Happy New Year. |
這是幹什麼? | What was that for? |
今晚當他們喊停 我們沒能接吻,我真的很失望 | Tonight when they yelled "cut" and we didn't get to kiss...I was really,really disappointed, |
我真的…真的很想親你 真的? | and I just I just really wanted to kiss you.Really? |
那時候我也很想親你…那時候 | In the moment,I really wanted to kiss you too. In the moment. |
那時候 只有那時候 | In the moment. But only in the moment. |
你…想再親一次嗎? | So do you want to kiss again? |
想啊,離除夕只有2個星期了 | Sure. New Year's Eve is only two weeks away. |
你能等嗎? 不能 | Can you wait?No. |
我也是 | Me neither. |
3,2… | Three,two.... |
喬伊,不必每次接吻都倒數 好 | You don't have to count down every time we kiss.Oh. Okay. |
但我覺得我需要幾秒鐘做準備 | Except I sort of felt like I needed a couple seconds to get ready. |
我們在平臺上 準備帶全世界跳進千禧年 | We were on the platform,ready to dance into the new millennium... |
那傢伙卻喊了停 | and the guy yells,"Cut!" |
所以喬伊也沒親到吉寧? 當然沒有 | -So Joey didn't get to kiss Janine? -Nope,he sure didn't. |
所以你和喬伊還是平分秋色咯 | I guess that means that you guys are still tied. |
那可不見得 她應該看到我們的招牌舞了 | I don't know about that. I think she saw us do our routine. |
我用布吉舞步打頭陣 | I may have boogied right into first place. |
等等,你們真的跳了八年級的招牌舞? | So you guys are telling me that you actually did the routine from eighth grade? |
對,不過當然得稍做修正 | Yeah! But of course we had to update it a little bit. |
你反應真快,知道要接住我 | Hey,by the way,quick thinking about catching me. |
我正想說 你們絕不可能照以前的結尾跳 | There's no way you could've done the end...the way you guys did it back then |
什麼?當然可以 | What? We could do it. |
不行吧,你以前胖…壯多了 | I don't know. You were a lot bigger.. I mean,stronger back then. |
我可以,好嗎?來吧 | I can do it,okay?Come on,let's go! Come on. |
一二三四五六七八 | One,two,three,four five,six,seven,eight. |
我不行 | I can't do it! |
那樣跳就能上電視了 | Now,you do that,you're on TV. |
聽著,你們覺得我追得到吉寧嗎? | Listen....You think I have a chance with Janine? |
我們討論過這件事了 對啊,別折磨自己了 | We've been through this.Don't do this to yourself. |
她已經明白表示不可能 | She made it clear it isn't going to happen. |
那我想也不該太興奮咯,我剛剛吻了她 | All right,then. I guess I shouldn't get too excited...that I just kissed her! |
真的假的? 太好了 | -Are you serious? -That's great! |
還得觀察 | Yeah,well,we'll see. |
你吻了她 吻得可火熱了 | You kissed her?We kissed it up real nice. |
所以你跟吉寧在一起了 恭喜,你贏得很公平 | So you ended up with Janine.Well,congratulations,you won fair and square. |
是啊,原本你們還平分秋色 | Yeah,it was real neck and neck there for awhile. |
所以你吻了她,然後呢? | So you kissed. Then what happened? |
我就跑來告訴你們 | I came over here to tell you guys. |
而她在對面等你? | So she's waiting over there for you? |
本集播出:“藥師桌” | The One With The Apothecary Table |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
我得走了 好 | -I gotta go. -Okay. |
我上舞蹈課要遲到了 好 | I'm gonna be late for dance class.Okay. |
我真的已經遲到了 好吧 | -Okay,now I'm really leaving. -All right. |
但你可以把嘴唇留下來嗎? | But can you just...just leave your lips? |
再見 | Bye |
你們吻過她嗎? | Have you kissed her yet? |
太銷魂了 我怎麼吻都吻不膩 | It's awesome!I could do it forever. |
她的吻功比我媽媽好多了,廚藝 | You know what? She kisses better than my mom cooks. |
幸好你說的是廚藝 | I'm so glad you said,"cooks." |
想像你們最棒的吻 | Look,it's like imagine your best kiss ever. |
然後乘以十倍 | Right? Okay,now multiply that by,like,10. |
等等,你跟羅斯交往 你跟錢德交往 | Wait a second,you dated Ross.And you date Chandler. |
那就得乘以五十倍 | Okay,multiply it by,like,50. |
瑞秋,你得通知郵局你搬家了 | Rachel,you've got to tell the post office that you've moved. |
你的信件還是都寄到這裡來 | We still get your bills and stuff. |
陶瓷貨倉,剩下的可以扔了 | Pottery Barn! You can throw the rest away. |
我不是你的清潔工 | I'm not your garbage man. |
我是你的郵差 | I'm your mailman. |
莫妮卡你看 | Monica,look. |
這裡有我訂的桌子 | Here is that table that I ordered. |
你是在陶瓷貨倉買的? 對,這叫藥師桌 | -You got it from Pottery Barn? -Yeah. It's an apothecary table. |
有誰知道藥師是什麼? 就是藥劑師 | Does anyone even know what an apothecary is?A pharmacist. |
就是藥劑師 | "A pharmacist." |
瑞秋,菲比最討厭陶瓷貨倉了 我也討厭陶瓷貨倉 | Phoebe hates Pottery Barn.I hate Pottery Barn too. |
我才在床上坐坐,就被趕出去 | They kicked me out just because I sat on a bed. |
你脫了褲子鑽進被子裡 | You took off your pants and got under the sheets. |
我累了 | I was tired. |
菲比討厭陶瓷貨倉? 量產的東西她都討厭 | Phoebe hates Pottery Barn?She hates mass-produced stuff. |
她覺得她的傢俱 應該要有歷史,有典故 | She thinks her furniture should have a story behind it. |
它有典故啊 它是大老遠從白原店運來的 | This has a story behind it.They had to ship it all the way from the White Plains store. |
她喜歡獨一無二 | It's got to be one-of-a-kind. |
就像她那個醜到不行的水果陶碗 | Like that God-awful ceramic fruit bowl she has on her counter? |
那是我做的 | Hey! I made that for her. |
你會捏陶? 對 | -You made pottery? -Yeah. |
是從垃圾堆檢來的啦 | I made it out of a fruit bowl I found in the garbage. |
你把桌子搬回家 肯定會被嘮叨沒完沒了 | If you put that in her apartment,you'll never hear the end of it. |
好,我就說這是獨一無二的 她不必知道它的出處 | I'll tell her that it's an antique.She doesn't have to know where it came from. |
你看這些小抽屜 上面說可以放三百張CD | I love these little drawers.Oh,look! It says that it holds 300 CDs. |
正如往昔的藥師桌 | Just like the apothecary tables of yore. |
正如什麼? | Your what? |
什麼? | -What? -What? |
慢慢看你的目錄吧 | Enjoy the catalog,sweetheart. |
然後農夫說“那不是母牛” “你也不是在擠奶” | So the farmer says:"That's not a cow,and you're not milking." |
你們在一起真好 我們總算找到一對情侶朋友可以一起出去了 | I'm so glad you're together.We wanted a couple to go out with,and now we have one. |
我們是成雙又成對 | We're a couple of couples. |
今晚真開心,那家餐廳好棒 | I had so much fun tonight. What a great restaurant! |
錢德,我居然讓你請客 | And,Chandler,I can't believe I let you pay for this one. |
再次感謝 | Thanks again,man. |
明天要不要過來? 我來做我說的那種義大利面 | If you come over tomorrow,I'll make pasta. |
那太好了 | -That'd be great! -Okay. |
不過至少讓我們帶酒來 | But at least let us bring the wine. |
不必客氣了 不行,我堅持 | -You don't have to. -I insist. |
你會買吧? 會啦 | -You'll get the wine,right? -Yeah. |
那就晚安 明天見 | -Okay,good night. -See you tomorrow. |
好期待喔 | Can't wait. |
我們要怎麼逃過一劫? | How are we going to get out of that one? |
什麼? 我沒辦法連續應酬他們兩晚 | I can't handle two nights in a row with them. |
莫妮卡和錢德有什麼不好? | What's wrong with them? |
不曉得,他們就是有點哈啦 | They're just a little...blah! |
哈啦? | Blah? |
他很哈啦 她很嬌小嗓門卻很大 | Well,you know,he's blah. She's just...She's very loud for such a small person. |
他們是我最要好的朋友 | They're my best friends. |
我們不能跟他們往來嗎? 那可就麻煩了 | Are you saying we can't go out? Because that'd be a problem. |
不是,往來當然可以 只是不要連續兩晚 | Of course we can still hang out with them.Just not two nights in a row. |
好嗎? | -Okay? |
好吧 謝謝 | -I guess.Thank you. |
要我賣了朋友給你買禮物都行 | I'll sell my friends and use the money to buy you presents. |
好棒的桌子,在哪裡買的? | What a great table! Where did you get it? |
你猜 | Guess. |
舊貨市場? | A flea market? |
我就知道你會一猜就中 | I knew you would get it on the first guess. |
很酷吧,這是藥師桌 | Isn't it cool? It's an apothecary table. |
他們就是把藥材存放在這裡面 | You can just imagine that this is where...they kept all their stuff to make potions. |
幾乎能聞到鴉片的味道 | You can almost smell the opium. |
就是啊 | Almost. |
多少錢? 才5百 | How much was it?Just only 500 bucks. |
舊貨市場買的要5百? | Five hundred bucks at a flea market? |
我以為你是問 當年全新時的價錢 | I thought you meant how much was it...when it was new,back then. |
不是 | No |
因為是在舊貨市場 所以差不多1塊錢 | It was at a flea market,so it was like a dollar. |
1塊錢? | -A dollar? |
再加50元,總共51元 | -And 50?So it was like one and 50 dollars. |
他們算你當年的價格 對 | -They gave you the old-time pricing. -Yeah. |
它是哪個年代的? 往昔年代 | Well,what period is it from?It's from yore. |
就是往昔的時代 | Like the "days of yore," you know? |
我知道,天哪,真是太完美了 | Yes,I do.It's just perfect. -Oh,good. |
它一定有很棒的典故 賣方有提到它的出處或… | I bet it has a great story too.Did they tell you where it's from or...? |
有,這個我知道,它來自白原 | Yes,that I know. This is from White Plains. |
白原,聽起來好神奇 | White Plains.It sounds like such a magical place. |
我們來了 | -I'm here. -Hi! |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
你喜歡嗎? 完了 | -You like it? -Oh,my God! |
這是我的新藥師桌 | It's my new apothecary table! |
羅斯,菲比就快到了 不能讓她看到 | Phoebe will be here any second. She can't see this. |
為什麼? 她一定會喜歡,這是好東西 | Why not? She'll love it. It's the real thing. |
是在陶瓷貨倉買的 | I got it at Pottery Barn. |
我知道,我也買了一張 | I know. I bought the same one. |
她看到你的桌子 就會知道我騙她 | And if she sees your table,she'll know I lied. |
我說我們的是原版 為什麼? | -I said ours was an original. -Why? |
因為她討厭陶瓷貨倉 她討厭陶瓷貨倉? | Because she hates Pottery Barn.She hates Pottery Barn? |
我也很驚訝,她說那是量產 沒有真品,大家買的都一樣 | She says it's all mass-produced...nothing is authentic,and everyone winds up having the same stuff. |
她隨時會進來 拿個東西蓋住它好嗎? | So come on! Can we cover this up,please? |
不要,我才不要遮遮掩掩的 | I am not gonna hide it from Phoebe. |
不過我也買了很漂亮的床單 | Although I did get some great Pottery Barn sheets. |
我忘了他們也有出床單 當然 | I forgot they made sheets! Ya |
她居然會討厭陶瓷貨倉 | I still can't believe she hates Pottery Barn. |
她又不是討厭你 | It's not like she hates you. |
但是陶瓷貨倉耶 | Yeah,but Pottery Barn? |
我覺得根本是她太怪 | You know what I think? She's just weird. |
因為她是雙胞胎 雙胞胎都很怪 | It's because she's a twin. Twins are weird. |
她不是怪 她只是希望她的東西獨一無二 | She's not weird. She likes her stuff to be one-of-a-kind. |
什麼最不獨一無二?雙胞胎 | You know what's not one-of-a-kind? A twin! |
菲比來了,把燈關掉看電影吧 | Let's turn out the lights and watch the movie. |
好…好漂亮的床單 | -Hey,cool sheet! |
喜歡是吧?想知道哪裡買的嗎 當然 | -You like it?-You want to know where I got it? -Sure. |
他是在舊貨市場買的 | At a flea market. |
你上舊貨市場買床單? | You buy your sheets at a flea market? |
羅斯,別這麼小器吧 | Come on,you gotta loosen the purse strings a little. |
再過20分鐘就能吃了 好興奮喔 | Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. |
這是你今晚要帶過來的酒 | Here is the wine to bring over tonight. |
你想送花給莫妮卡卻買不起 因為你付了昨晚的錢 | You were also gonna buy Monica flowers...but you couldn't,because you paid for dinner last night. |
謝謝,但今晚只有我要過去 | Thanks. But it's just gonna be me tonight. |
吉寧怎麼了? 她病得很重 | -What happened to Janine? -She's really sick. |
真糟糕 對啊,她整天都在房裡 | -That's too bad. -Yeah,she's been in there all day. |
發高燒,鼻塞 | High fever,nose problem. It's... |
痰痰痰痰痰 | phlegm,phlegm,phlegm,phlegm,phlegm. |
莫妮卡,錢德 | Monica! Chandler! |
今晚真抱歉,喬伊說了嗎? 有演出我一定得去看,抱歉 | I'm sorry about tonight. I don't know if Joey told you...but I couldn't get out of going to this play. |
玩得開心點 好 | Have a great time,huh? |
怪了,沒有痰啊 | That's funny,I saw no phlegm. |
不,她真的病得很重 | Oh,no,she really is sick. |
那她為什麼要去看演出? | Then why is she going to a play? |
你知道的 感冒想退燒,就要去看演出 | Well,you know,"Starve a fever...go to a play for a cold." |
喬伊,吉寧為什麼不來吃飯? | Why is Janine not coming over for dinner? |
她不想連續應酬你們兩晚 對不起 | She didn't want to hang out with you guys two nights in a row.I'm so sorry. |
她為什麼不想應酬我們? | Why doesn't she want to hang out with us? |
因為她覺得你很哈啦 | Because she thinks that you are blah. |
而莫妮卡你的嗓門太大 什麼? | And that you,Monica,are too loud.What?! |
什麼? | What? |
所以她昨晚只是假裝開心? 她當面騙我們? | So she just pretended to have a good time?She was lying to our faces? |
太不可思議了,她憑什麼批評我們? 我們對她多好 | I can't believe this. Who is she to judge us?We couldn't have been nicer to her. |
我才不哈啦,我是談笑風生 | And I am not blah. I am a hoot! |
拜託啦,別生氣 | Come on,please,you guys. Don't be mad. |
她一定是緊張才會這麼說 因為你們是我最要好的朋友 | I'm sure she said it because she was nervous because you're my best friends. |
我們又是第一次約會 而且她病得很重 | And it was our first date.Plus,she's really sick. |
你明明說那是假的 | You said you made that up! |
但你不覺得生病比看演出好嗎? | But isn't the sick thing better than the play thing? |
都很好 我通常都說莫妮卡又醉了 | They're both good. I generally just go with,"Monica's drunk again." |
拜託啦,再給她一次機會 她一定會喜歡你們的 | Come on,please just give her another chance.She'll come around,I promise. |
當然好,回去煮飯吧 好 | Of course we will.-Come on,we gotta make dinner. -Okay. |
我不喜歡那個女人 我聽得見 | I do not like that woman!I can hear you! |
我的嗓門真的很大 | I am loud! |
真好笑 | That's funny |
菲比,別把腳翹在我的新… | Can you please not put your feet up on my new..? |
舊床單上 | Old sheet. |
好 | Oh,sure. |
我的藥師桌 | My apothecary table! |
什麼? 不 | -What? -No! |
這張桌子是哪裡買的? 陶瓷貨倉,好嗎? | -Where did you get this? -At Pottery Barn,okay? |
天哪,菲比 陶瓷貨倉抄襲我們的古董 | Oh,my God!Pottery Barn has ripped off the design of our antique! |
天哪,要是他們會抄襲 那張桌子一定不只值51元 | If they've ripped off our table...ours must be worth much more than one and 50 dollars. |
沒錯 | Yes |
這張連鴉片的味道都沒有 | This doesn't even smell like opium. |
當然沒有,只有你瀝的酒味 | It smells like wine,which you spilled. |
謝謝你還毀了我的床單 | And thanks for wrecking my sheet. |
別激動,我賠你80分就是了 | Ross,calm down. I'll give you the 80 cents. |
再來一次 | Okay,one more time. |
錢德,你還要柳橙汁嗎? | Would you like some orange juice? |
音量剛剛好 我知道 | -Perfect decibel. -I know! |
你們在幹什麼? | What are you guys doing? |
沒什麼,就是聊天哈啦 | Nothing. We're just talking. You know,blah-blah-blah. |
別這樣,你們說過要盡力的 | Come on,you said you were gonna try. |
我來找你們一起去看電影 你們覺得呢? | I came over to invite you to a movie with me and Janine. |
非常樂意,但是… | -What do you say? -I'd like to but |
真好笑…我也很無奈 | Very funny. I don't know what to do. |
我真的很希望你們能處得來 拜託你們跟我們去吧 | I really want you to get along.Please come to the movie with us. |
這是你們欠我的 | You owe me. |
我們欠你? 沒錯 | -We owe you? -That's right. |
你們剛交往時,我幫了很多忙 | I helped you out in the start of your relationship. |
我幫你們隱瞞6個月 搞得自己跟白癡一樣 | I helped you sneak around for six months.I looked like an idiot. |
還被羞辱,卻只賺了2百 | And I was humiliated.And I only made $200. |
我們沒有給你錢 (沒有) | We didn't give you any money. |
你以為我不知道嗎? | You don't think I know that? |
我不知道該拿它配柳條餐桌椅 黃色書桌,還是螺形托腳桌 | I can't decide if it goes better by the new chair...the Sahara desk...or the Parker console table. |
原來這裡也有陶瓷貨倉 | I didn't know there was a Pottery Barn up here. |
我知道,我有點買瘋了 | -I know,I went a little crazy. |
有點?這裡就像目錄第72頁 | -A little?Your place looks like page 72 of the catalog. |
看,裝飾鳥籠,大號的 | Look at that!The ornamental birdcage! Large. |
羅斯,小心,那個很舊 | Oh,Ross? Be careful. That is very old. |
殖民地時代早期的鳥商 都用它帶鳥上市場 | Colonial bird merchants used to bring their birds to market in that. |
有意思 | Fascinating. |
又一個驚人的發現 | Another amazing find! |
它一定也有很棒的典故 | -I bet this has a great story too. |
沒錯,這是殖民地時期 分隔房間的裝置 | -It does.It is a room-separating apparatus from Colonial times. |
有好多東西都來自殖民地時期 | A lot of this stuff is from the Colonial times. |
還有哪些時期呢,瑞秋? | What are some other time periods,Rachel? |
有往昔 | Well,there's yore. |
還有昨年 | And,you know,yesteryear. |
瑞秋對這種東西真的很有眼光 | Rachel has such a good eye for this stuff. |
羅斯,如果你家要重新佈置 我覺得很有必要 | Ross,if you ever decide to redecorate...and I think you should |
你應該找瑞秋幫忙 | you should ask Rachel to help. |
他才不需要我的幫忙 | He doesn't need my help. |
拜託,他早該扔掉那些… 你是怎麼說的? | I think he's ready to get rid of the.. What'd you call it? |
廉價的贗品和恐龍垃圾 | The "cheap knockoffs and dinosaur junk"? |
是嗎? | Really? |
你知道嗎? 既然你這麼清楚我的需求 | You know,since you have such a great sense of what I need.. |
我這裡有60元 你帶著菲比去殖民時期舊貨市場幫我買些東西 | Here's 60 bucks.Why don't you take Phoebe down to that Colonial flea market and get me some stuff. |
我覺得菲比不會想去 | I don't think Phoebe wants to come. |
不,我想去 哦她想去 | -I do want to. -She does want to. |
她想去 沒錯 | -She does want to. -Yeah! |
我去拿錢包 好 | -I'm gonna get my purse. -Okay. |
等她逼你扔掉這些東西 我可以接收嗎? | Hey,can I have all this stuff when she makes you throw it out? |
當然可以,我還會教你怎麼擺才合適 | Well,sure,and I'll show you right where you can put it. |
我不知道該說什麼 上次比較有得逛 | I guess the flea market was just better last time. |
至少我幫羅斯買了床單 沒錯 | Well,at least I got these sheets for Ross. |
看,是陶瓷貨倉 | Look at this. Pottery Barn. |
別看了 | You know what? Don't look at it. |
真的,別看了 | -Seriously,don't look at it. -Look! |
你看,他們抄襲我們的咖啡桌 | There's the table they stole from us. |
那些混蛋!我們走 | Oh,those bastards! Let's go. |
那台電風扇跟我們的有點像 還有那個鳥籠和… | That fan kind of looks like ours and the birdcage and... |
這根本就是我們的客廳 | Wait a second,this is our exact living room! |
才不是呢,我們的完全不一樣 | No,it's not.Come on,ours is totally different. |
我們沒有… | I mean,we don't have the.. |
我們沒有那盞燈 | We don't have that lamp. |
還有那扇隔板是在另一邊 | And that screen is on the other side. |
天哪,那些是陶瓷貨倉的東西 我的天哪 | Oh,my God. This is where you got all our stuff.Pottery Barn! Oh,my God! |
你說對了,對不起 | Okay,I did,all right? I'm sorry. |
我想要這些東西 又知道你討厭陶瓷貨倉 | I wanted this stuff,and I know how you feel about Pottery Barn. |
你不要生氣 但是我氣死了 | -Come on,don't be mad. -No,but I am mad. |
這些代表世間醜惡的東西 都在我的客廳裡 | Because this stuff is what's wrong with the world...and it's in my living room |
而我卻只想著我沒有那盞燈 | and all I can think about is how I don't have that lamp! |
那就買下那盞燈 我們有羅斯給的60元 | Well,then,honey,buy the lamp.We have that 60 bucks from Ross. |
我不行…除非… | I can't! I can't!Unless... |
你是說我不買那盞燈 你就要搬走嗎? | Are you saying you'd move out if I didn't buy that lamp? |
不,我不會搬走 | No,I'm not gonna move out! |
你是說我不買那盞燈 你就要搬走嗎? | But are you saying that you would move out if I didn't buy that lamp? |
沒錯,我一定會搬走 | -Yes! I would so move out. |
那我就沒辦法了 我得買下那盞燈 | -Then I don't have a choice.I have to buy that lamp! |
沒錯 | -That's right. |
不過至少那張藥師桌是真貨 | But at least the apothecary table's real. |
真好,大家都很盡興吧? | This was great. Didn't everybody have a great time? |
我很盡興,真的 | I did. I really did,and I've got to say... |
還有很抱歉上次聚會後 我態度怪怪的,可能是緊張吧 | I'm sorry if I was weird after the last time we went out.I guess I was just nervous. |
我們完全可以理解 別放在心上 | -That's understandable. -Don't worry about it. |
所以我們可以再出去嗎? 當然可以 | So we can go out again?-Absolutely. |
太好了,晚安 晚安 | -Well,good.Night! |
看吧?很開心吧? | See?Wasn't that fun? |
我們非搬家不可 什麼? | We have got to move. What? |
我就知道 | I knew it! |
你的嗓門也不小,死丫頭 | You're not so quiet yourself,missy! |
我哈啦? | I'm blah? |
比看現代舞更無聊的 就是聽你聊現代舞 | The only thing more boring than modern dance is you talking about it. |
“錢德,我剛才渾然忘我” | "Oh,Chandler,I just lost myself in the movement." |
我知道你在說話 但我只聽到嘰哩呱啦嘰哩呱啦 | You know,I know you're talking...but all I hear is,"Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah." |
我們現在就出去決勝負 | All right,you and me! Let's go right now! |
好了,夠了… 你們回去,我要跟吉甯談一談 | All right,enough!Enough! You two,go home. I gotta talk to Janine. |
你絕對可以撂倒她 | I really think you could take her. |
別讓我在走廊上碰到你 | You better hope I don't see you in the hallway! |
好了… | All right. |
我們有個小小的問題 | Look,we got a little bit of a problem here. |
他們是我的朋友 你不能對他們無禮 | You can't my treat my friends that way. |
他們也對我出言不遜 我知道,我會找他們談 | -They said stuff to me too. -I know,I'll talk to them about it. |
他們對我很重要 就像我的家人 | They mean so much to me.They're like my family,you know? |
如果你們一見面就吵,我… | If you guys are gonna be fighting all the time.... |
我們就不能在一起 這是行不通的 | I don't think we can be together. It just can't work,okay?It can't. |
我很不開心 | I'm very upset. |
好,要是我過去道歉呢? | Okay.Would it help if I apologized? |
那就太好了 | Yeah.That'd be very helpful. |
我說在走廊上碰到會怎樣? | What did I tell you about the hall? |
我只是要過去向你們道歉 | I was coming over to apologize for my behavior. |
我很希望能跟你們做朋友 | I'd really like it if we could be friends. |
我知道那樣喬伊會很高興 所以我也願意 | Well,I know that would make Joey happy,so...I would like that too. |
太好了 來吧 | -Great. -Now,come on. |
很高興能達成共識 我也是 | -I'm glad we worked it out. -Me too. |
回頭見 再見 | -I'll see you. -Bye. |
聽都聽得見 夠了,來吧 | -Or I'll hear you. -That's it,big girl! |
慢著 | Wait! |
你最好快逃 | You'd better run! |
你聽見了嗎? 聽見了 | Did you hear that? |
我該怎麼辦? 我很抱歉 | -What am I gonna do? -I'm sorry,man. |
要去看嗎? 當然 | -Want to go watch? -Yeah! |
你不見得打得過吉寧 | You know,I'm not sure you could have taken Janine. |
我當然打得過 | I could have taken her. |
她比你高多了 開什麼玩笑 | -She's much bigger than you. -Are you kidding me? |
我有對付高個子的訣竅 就是攻她的膝蓋 | I know what to do with tall girls. You go for their knees. |
你們好 | -How you doing? |
她搬出去了嗎? 差不多了 | -So did she move out?Pretty much. |
你居然就這樣跟她分手 | I can't believe you just broke up with her. |
不適合就是不適合 | When it's not right,you know it. |
你還好嗎? | -You okay? |
會好的 | -I'll be all right. |
我有辦法讓你開心 什麼辦法? | -You know what would cheer you up? -What? |
我明晚有一個地形侵蝕的演講 | I'm giving this lecture on erosion theories tomorrow night. |
你應該來聽 | I think you should come. |
我確實開心多了 | You're right,that did cheer me up. |
快看,你們一定不信 | Hey! You're not gonna believe this. |
是的,我們知道那裡面 有裸女的照片 | Yes,Ross,we know they have magazines with pictures of naked women in them. |
別告訴他還有出錄影帶 | Don't tell him about the videos! |
我編了一則笑話寄到花花公子 結果登出來了 | I made up a joke and sent it in to Playboy.They printed it. |
我不知道花花公子也登笑話 | I didn't know they print jokes. |
他們有笑話、專訪 爆炸性新聞,並非只有圖片 | They print jokes,interviews,hard-hitting journalism.It's not just about the pictures. |
媽媽不吃這一套,我們也一樣 | Didn't work on Mom,it's not gonna work on us. |
你們看,還是第一則 | Check it out. It's the first one.Right there. |
真好笑,我編出來時也很好笑 | That is funny.It was also funny when I made it up. |
什麼? 這則笑話是我編的 | -What? -I made that joke up. |
不是你,是我 | No,you didn't. I did. |
是我,我說給丹聽 他說這是他聽過最好笑的笑話 | Yes,I did. I told Dan and he said it was the funniest joke he'd ever heard. |
幫我謝謝丹 | Hey,tell Dan thanks. |
怎樣? | What? |
抱歉,我在看下面那則笑話 那則很好笑 | I was just reading the joke below it. Man,that one is funny. |
莫妮卡,你記得 我跟你說過那則笑話吧? | Monica,you remember me telling you that joke,right? |
不記得 真的不記得? | -No. -Seriously? |
你的笑話一大堆 | You tell a lot of jokes. |
錢德,那是我的笑話 | Look,it's my joke. |
不過如果告訴你他們沒有印投稿人,也許你會好受些 | But if it makes you feel better,they don't print the name. |
所以是誰的並不重要,對吧? 大概吧 | -So it doesn't really matter who gets credit. -Yeah,I guess. |
你們好 喬伊,花花公子登了我的笑話 | -Hey,guys. -Playboy printed my joke! |
不,那是我的笑話 你打電話去問就知道 | No,it's mine! Call them! They'll tell you! |
那是我的笑話 是我的 嘿嘿嘿 | -My joke! -My joke!Whoa,whoa,whoa! |
笑話? 什麼? 你們知道這上面有裸女吧? | Jokes? What...?You know there's naked chicks in there,right? |
本集播出:“笑話” | The One With The Joke |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
快,趕快轉到“音樂內幕” | Dude! You have got to turn on Behind The Music. |
紅心合唱團狀況百出 可能會解散 | The band Heart is having a tough time and they may break up. |
我們去你家看 | Let's watch that at your place. |
不行,莫妮卡在看烹飪節目 快點,我想看她們瘦的時候 | Monica's watching a show. I don't want to miss when they were skinny. |
錢德,你知道嗎? 我們應該去買新墨鏡 | Hey,Chandler? You know what we should do?You and I should go out and get some new sunglasses. |
什麼?不要,我想看電視 | What? No,I want to watch this. |
你的有線電視斷了嗎? | -Did your cable go out? -No. No,that's VH1. |
不是,那是VH1(專門播放音樂錄影帶的電視臺) | -No. No,that's VH1. |
現在的小朋友聽的音樂對我來說都只是噪音 | I tell you,the music these kids listen to today it's a lot of noise to me. |
喬伊,有線電視為什麼沒了? | Why is your cable out? |
因為我沒交費 | Oh,because I haven't really paid the bill. |
你若缺錢,拜託讓我借給你好嗎 | If you need money,would you please let me loan you some? |
不要,你別再說了好嗎 | No,Chandler. Forget about it,okay? |
我知道吉寧走後,我有點吃緊 | I know things have been tight since Janine moved out. |
天哪,她可真辣 | God,was she hot. |
就是啊 | I know,yeah. |
但是我可以應付,好嗎? 我可以聽廣播 | Look,I can handle it,all right? I can listen to the radio. |
羅斯也給了我一本很棒的書 | And Ross gave me this great book. |
要不要問那個笑話小偷 我們能不能去他家看電視? | Want to see if the joke stealer will let us watch at his place? |
好啊 | Sure. |
電話費有交嗎? 沒有 | -Paid your phone bill? -No. |
原來是你 | It's only you. |
你們在看什麼? 我們在看花花公子 | -What are you doing? -Looking at a Playboy. |
我也想看 | I want to look too! |
好惡 | Yikes! |
這些照片是有故事性嗎? | Do you think these pictures are trying to tell a story? |
當然有,像這位年輕小姐 | Sure. Like in the case of this young woman... |
她的衣服不見了,所以… | she has lost her clothes. |
她光溜溜的騎著馬大喊 “我的衣服呢?” | So she rides naked on the horse,she's crying out,"Where are they?" |
只是這樣躺在草地上是找不到的 | She's not gonna find them,lying in the grass like that. |
記不記得以前去穀倉 掀起衣服翹起屁股的日子? | Remember the days when you'd go out to the barn...Lift up your shirt and bend over? |
不過我會約這個女生 她很可愛,很陽光 | You see,now,I would date this girl.She's cute,she's outdoorsy. |
而且她會生火,可以派上用場 | And she knows how to build a fire. That'll come in handy. |
我有一個問題 | I got a question. |
如果要在我們當中挑女朋友 你們會挑誰? | If you had to pick one of us to date,who would it be? |
不知道 | -I don't know. |
我也不知道 瑞秋 | -Me neither.Rachel. |
什麼? | What? |
不知道 | I don't know. |
我也不知道 | Me neither. |
我都忘了紅心合唱團 有那麼多經典 | You know,you forget how many great songs Heart had. |
“梭子魚” 是我練鍵盤學的第一首歌 | "Barracuda" was the first song I learned to play on the keyboard. |
你聽過,彈過 所以那首歌是你寫的囉? | So you heard it,you repeated it...so that must mean you wrote it. |
你們怎麼還爭啊?老實說 | You guys with this joke. Well,I gotta say... |
我有大笑,但是我看不太懂 | I know I cracked up,but I'm not even sure I got it. |
什麼? | What? |
你看不懂?那個醫生是只猴子 | You didn't get it?The doctor is a monkey. |
猴子沒辦法開處方 | And monkeys can't write out prescriptions. |
我的笑話不准你笑 | You are not allowed to laugh at my joke. |
你的笑話?海夫納(花花公子創辦人)可不同意 | Your joke?Well,I think the Hef would disagree. |
所以他寄了這張支票給我,一百美元 | Which is why he sent me a check...for $100. |
你偷我的笑話,還偷我的錢 | So you stole my joke and you stole my money? |
我本來想直接存進自動櫃員機的 | I was gonna stick it in the ATM. |
現在我決定讓那位性感銀行女職員 知道我是個作家 | But now I think I'll show the sexy teller...that I am a published writer. |
她會知道你是偷來的 | She'll know that you stole the joke. |
你想怎樣,跟著我去嗎? 沒錯 | You gonna follow me there?-Yeah. |
反正我現在又不去 好 | -I'm not gonna go now. -Okay. |
你的帳單 | Here you go. |
甘瑟,我現在不能付 | Gunther?I can't pay now, |
我沒工作 得節省不必要的開銷 | because I'm not working.I've had to cut down on some luxuries like... |
像付帳之類的 | paying for stuff,so.... |
如果你願意的話,你可以來這裡工作 | Well,if you want,you can work here. |
我不曉得…只是 | I don't know.It's just.... |
我演過連續劇,你知道的 | See,I was a regular on a soap opera,you know? |
從明星到服務生,我實在… | And to go from that to this,it's just.... |
而且還得招呼我的朋友 | And plus,I'd have to wait on all my friends. |
好,但薪水很高 還可以隨時看瑞秋看個夠 | Okay. But the money's good.Plus,you get to stare at Rachel as much as you want. |
什麼? | What? |
工作時間有彈性 | Flexible hours. |
也許可以喔,可以用電話嗎? | Maybe I could be a waiter.Could I use the phone? |
她選瑞秋 | She picked Rachel. |
她想改口 但是很明顯,她選瑞秋 | She tried to back out of it,but it was obvious. She picked Rachel. |
他偷了我的笑話,就這樣偷了 | He took my joke. He just took it. |
這樣是不對的 還有什麼是不對的? | This is wrong. You know what else is wrong? |
菲比選了瑞秋 知道還有誰會選瑞秋嗎? | Phoebe picking Rachel.Know who else picked Rachel? |
羅斯,知道羅斯還做了什麼嗎? 他偷了我的笑話 | Ross.Know what else Ross did? He stole my joke. |
我要買一本笑話日誌 | I'm gonna get a joke journal,you know? |
記錄我每次講笑話的日期時間 | And document the date and time of every single one of my jokes. |
好主意 | Good idea. |
你知道什麼主意不好嗎? | Know what's a bad idea? |
選擇瑞秋 沒錯 | Picking Rachel. -That's right. |
什麼聲音? | Did you hear something? |
也許是羅斯爬進我的腦袋 竊取我的思緒 | Maybe it's the sound of Ross climbing into my brain to steal my thoughts. |
是客廳傳來的 | It's coming from the living room. |
我的書看完了 | I finished my book. |
你們好 | -Hey,you guys. -Hey. |
你們好可愛 | Don't you guys look cute. |
真是可愛的一對 | You guys make a cute couple. |
莫妮卡,你在幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
沒什麼 我只是想製造出前兩天的樂趣 | Just trying to re-create some of the fun that we had at my place. |
就是你選瑞秋不選我那次 多好玩啊 | Remember? When you picked Rachel over me?That was funny. |
是蠻好玩的 一點也不好玩 | -It was kind of funny. -It wasn't funny at all! |
你為什麼選她? 為什麼不選我? | Why would you do that?Why didn't you pick me? |
好,我之所以比較傾向瑞秋 | Fine.The reason I was leaning a little bit more toward Rachel than you... |
是因為你…有點難搞 我們去吃飯吧 | is just,you know,you're...high maintenance. Let's go to lunch! |
哪有這回事,你覺得我難搞? | That is completely untrue.You think I'm high maintenance? |
證明給我看,你列一張清單 我們逐條討論 | Prove it.You write out a list,and we'll go through it point by point. |
你說得對,你很好相處 | No,you're right,you're easygoing. |
你只是沒有瑞秋那麼好相處 她比較有彈性,比較圓融 | You're just not as easygoing as Rachel. She's just more...flexible and mellow. That's all. |
每個人都不一樣 | Well,people are different. |
瑞秋什麼都好 怎麼欺負她都行 | Rachel will do whatever you want. You can just walk all over her. |
慢著,你是說我沒個性嗎? 我才沒有 | What? Are you saying that I'm a pushover? I'm not a pushover. |
好,你有個性 | Oh,okay. You're not a pushover. |
天哪,你覺得我沒個性 | You think I'm a pushover. |
你聽著,我們不跟你吃飯了 | Well,watch this.You're not invited to lunch! |
怎麼樣?夠強硬了吧? 莫妮卡,我們去吃飯 | What do you think? Pretty strong,I think.Come on,Monica,let's go to lunch. |
把清單列出來 | You start working on that list. |
她真讓人難以置信 就是啊,你想吃什麼? | -I cannot believe her. -I know. Where do you want to eat? |
我很喜歡那家日本料理 | -Oh,I love that Japanese place. |
我吃膩日本菜了,不要去那家 那你想去哪裡你決定吧 | -I'm sick of Japanese. Not there.Wherever you want to go is cool. |
甘瑟,你看 | Oh,hey,Gunther...check this out. |
那個錢德真的很好笑 | Yeah,that Chandler cracks me up. |
羅斯,你要喝什麼嗎? 我要去櫃檯 | You want anything to drink? I'm heading up there. |
要,我要咖啡,謝了 不客氣 | -I'll take a coffee. Thanks. -Sure. |
咖啡? 不要 | -Coffee? -No. |
要咖啡嗎?我要去櫃檯 不用了 | Coffee? I'm going up there.No,thank you. |
需要什麼嗎?我要去櫃檯 | You need anything? I'm heading up there. |
我要一杯冰水 沒問題 | I'd love ice water.You got it. |
喬伊,你在幹什麼? 表示友善啊 | What are you doing?Just being friendly. |
喬伊,你不能去櫃檯後面 | You're not supposed to go back there. |
沒關係啦,對吧,甘瑟? | It's okay. Right? |
別跟我使眼色 | Don't wink at me. |
把圍裙穿上 | And put on your apron. |
穿就穿 你怎麼不叫其他客人穿圍裙 | Okay.I don't see you asking other paying customers to put on aprons. |
喬伊,你在這裡打工嗎? 沒有 | -Joey,do you work here? -No. |
服務生 什麼事? | -Waiter. -Yeah! |
喬伊,怎麼回事? 你為什麼不告訴我們? | What's going on? Why didn't you tell us you work here? |
這件事蠻尷尬的 | It's kind of embarrassing. |
我之前是演員,現在是服務生 一般應該反過來才對 | I mean,I was an actor,now I'm a waiter.It's supposed to go the other direction. |
你的圍裙也反穿成披風了 | So's your apron. You're wearing it like a cape. |
這份工作很簡單,薪水很高 | I mean,the job's easy and the money's good,you know? |
反正我都在這混,乾脆賺個錢 | I guess if I'm hanging out here,I might as well get paid for it. |
只是要招呼你們感覺很怪 | I just feel kind of weird serving you guys,you know? |
喬伊,我也做過,還好啊 | It'll be great.Come on,I did it and it was fine. |
對啊,怎麼會怪? 喬伊,幫我端個咖啡 | Why would it be weird?Hey,Joey? Can I get some coffee? |
確實沒那麼怪 | It doesn't seem that weird. |
我說真的,我點的咖啡還沒來 | I asked before. You still haven't gotten it. |
現在又變怪了 | See,now it's weird again. |
你來這裡工作是好事 你會賺大錢,給你一個忠告 | You're gonna make a lot of money. Here's your first tip. |
不要學壞 | Don't eat yellow snow. |
2點15分,咖啡館 | 2:15,coffeehouse. |
太好了 總算有人能傳承我的智慧 | This is great. Finally,someone I can pass my wisdom to. |
告訴你幾件我在這裡學到的事 | Let me tell you some things I learned working here. |
首先,顧客永遠是對的 | First,the customer is always right. |
微笑能讓你無往不利 | A smile goes a long way. |
有人對你不客氣 就朝松餅打噴嚏 | And if anyone is ever rude to you,sneeze muffin. |
謝了 | Thanks,Rach. |
你們對我真好 | Hey,look,you guys are just terrific,you know? |
可不可以清場,好讓別的客人進來? 有流動才有商機 | How about clearing out so I can get some new customers?It's all about turnover. |
喬伊,我要的咖啡呢 | Seriously,can I get my coffee? |
抱歉,馬上來 我送你一塊松餅做補償 | I'm sorry. I'll get it right now.And since you waited,I'll toss in a free muffin. |
菲比,我們想跟你談談 | Phoebe,we'd like to talk to you. |
好 | Okay. |
或許我是有點難搞 或許瑞秋是有點沒個性 | So,maybe I am a little high maintenance.And maybe Rachel is a little bit of a pushover. |
但你知道你是什麼嗎? | But you know what you are? |
很抱歉這麼說 但是你,菲比,是個怪人 | We are sorry to tell you this,but you,Phoebe,are flaky. |
沒錯,我是很怪 | That's true,I am flaky. |
所以你怪也無所謂? 完全無所謂 | So,what,you're just okay with being flaky?Yeah,totally. |
那我難搞也無所謂 我沒個性也無所謂 | Then I'm okay with being high maintenance.Yeah. And I am okay with being a pushover. |
太好了,無所謂就好 | That's great. Good for you guys. |
我才不難搞 我才沒有沒個性 | -I am not high maintenance! -I am not a pushover! |
誰說你們是了? 你啊 | -Who said you were? -You did! |
我是怪人,專門亂說話 | I'm flaky. I'll say anything. |
甘瑟 | Hey,Gunther. |
可不可以替我一下,我接到試鏡通知 | Can you cover for me? I got an audition. |
不行,我要去染頭髮 | No,I'm leaving to get my hair dyed. |
是嗎?我喜歡你的自然色 | I like your natural color. |
拜託啦,這是個好角色 | It's a great part. |
我演男主角的好友 在酒吧幫他占位子,你聽 | I'm the lead guy's best friend.I wait for him and save his seat. Listen. |
抱歉,這個位子有人 | "I'm sorry,that seat's saved." |
就這樣? 或許不是他的好友,但是… | -That's the whole part? -Maybe he's not his best friend. |
1小時後見 | I'll see you. |
上帝啊 | Oh,man. |
我絕對能拿到那個角色 抱歉,這個位子有人 | I could totally get that part. "I'm sorry,this seat is taken." |
抱歉 不,我不是說你 | -Excuse me. -No,I didn't mean you. |
但你以為是真的吧? 我以為你在幫別人占位 | But you believed me?I believed you were saving this seat for someone. |
所以你會雇用我囉? | So you'd hire me,right? |
用你幹嘛? | For what? |
就是說嘛…各位請注意 本店要暫停營業1小時 | Exactly! All right,everybody listen up!The coffeehouse will be closed for about an hour. |
什麼? | What? |
好幫助孩子們遠離毒品 | It's for the kids.Yeah,to keep the kids off drugs. |
這是本期花花公子的重要報導 各位一定都看過 | It's a very important issue in this month's Playboy.I'm sure you all read about it. |
你不想讓孩子們遠離槍支嗎? | Hey! Don't you wanna keep guns away from kids? |
你剛才說毒品 這是惡性循環,滾啦 | -You said,"drugs." -It's a vicious cycle. Get out! |
快點 | Go! |
那是我的笑話 是我的 | -It's my joke. -It's my joke. |
是我的 | It's my joke. |
我們再吵也吵不出結果 | I don't think we're gonna settle this. |
讓莫妮卡決定吧 好 | Let's have Monica decide. |
莫妮卡,出來一下 | -Hey,Mon! -Get out here! |
莫妮卡 | -Monica? -Okay. |
你來決定這個笑話是誰的 | You have to decide whose joke this is. |
為什麼要我決定? 因為你才能客觀公正 | Why do I have to?You're the only one that can be fair. |
我不能,你是我的男朋友 | I can't be. You're my boyfriend. |
但我是你哥哥,我們是家人 世上最重要的就是親情 | But I'm your brother. We're family.That's the most important thing in the world. |
不要想左右她 | Don't try to sway her. |
只有我能讓你生小孩 | I'm your only chance to have a baby. |
我們開始吧 | -Okay,let's go. -All right. |
我們會說出這個笑話的由來 你再決定誰說的是實話…是我 | We'll each tell you how we came up with the joke...then you decide which one of us is telling the truth. Me. |
錢德,你先 | Chandler,you first. |
好,我是2個月前 跟史提夫吃飯時想到的 | I thought of the joke two months ago at lunch with Steve. |
就是耶誕節遇見的那傢伙嗎? | -Did I meet him at Christmas? |
讓我說完好嗎? 你要我選你嗎? | -Can I finish?-You want me to pick you? |
我絕對不會那樣凶你 | See,I would never snap at you like that. |
兩個孩子 | Two babies. |
請繼續 | -Continue. -Okay. |
史提夫說他去看醫生 他的醫生姓侯奇 | Steve said he had to go to the doctor. And his doctor's name is Dr. Mompey. |
我說“猴子醫生?” 所以才會有猴子醫生這個笑話 | I said,"Dr. Monkey?" And that is how the whole Dr. Monkey thing came up. |
你開什麼玩笑 | Are you kidding? |
我是念進化論的 記得吧?進化。猴子進化成人? | Okay,look,I study evolution.Remember? Evolution.Monkey into man. |
況且我是博士,我還養過猴子 | Plus,I'm a doctor. And...I had a monkey. |
我是猴子博士 | I'm Dr. Monkey! |
這點我不跟你爭 | I'm not arguing with that. |
好,可以了,我決定好了 | I've heard enough for my decision. |
太好了,結果是什麼 快說 | -Okay,so what..? -Do tell. |
你們兩個都是白癡 | You are both idiots. |
那個笑話不但不好笑 還冒犯了女性 | It's not funny. And it's offensive to women. |
還有醫生,還有猴子 | And doctors. And monkeys. |
你們不該爭笑話是誰的 | You shouldn't argue over who gets credit. |
應該爭是誰讓這世界受這種罪 | You should argue over who gets blamed for inflicting this joke on the world. |
別再爭了,那個笑話爛透了 | Now,let it go.The joke sucks. |
那是你的笑話 才不是 | -It's your joke. -It is not. |
錢德,你在這裡 | -Oh,my God,Chandler,there you are. -Hi. |
是菲比和瑞秋 | Hey,it's Phoebe and Rachel. |
你要不要告訴她們 你剛才說我並不難搞? | Why don't you tell them what you told me about me not being high maintenance. |
莫妮卡是個自信沉著的女性 | Monica is a self-sufficient,together lady. |
跟她在一起就像在度假 | Being with her has been like being on a vacation. |
至於所謂的難搞 只是注重小細節和… | And what may be perceived as high maintenance...is merely attention to detail and |
心靈的慷慨 | generosity of spirit. |
這真是我所聽過最棒的假話 | Wow. You know what? That is the best fake speech I think I've ever heard. |
真的?我聽過更棒的 | Really? I've heard better. |
等等,那是他自己說的 你告訴她們 | Wait,he came up with that himself. Tell them. |
我已經沒詞了 可以重複嗎? | I'm out of words. Should I say it again? |
我一點也不難搞,一點也不,錢德 | Look,I am not high maintenance! I am not. Chandler! |
你是有點難搞 | You're a little high maintenance. |
你上黑名單了 | You are on my list! |
對不起,你並不好相處 但你很熱情,這樣很好 | Look,I'm sorry,but you're not..You're not easygoing,but you're passionate.And that's good. |
當你為小事不高興時 我覺得我很能安撫你的 | And when you get upset about little things,I think I'm pretty good at making you feel better. |
那樣也很好 | That's good too. |
所以她們說你難搞也行 因為我喜歡… | They say you're high maintenance,but it's okay,because I like |
搞定你 | maintaining you. |
我沒叫他說這些 | I didn't tell him that. |
你從黑名單除名了 我除名了 | -You're off my list. -I'm off the list. |
菲比 | Phoebe? |
你不找我當女朋友也沒關係 因為我有最棒的男朋友 | It's okay that you don't want me to be your girlfriend.I have the best boyfriend. |
我突然覺得你好迷人 | You know,suddenly I find you very attractive. |
兄弟,試鏡結果如何? | How'd the audition go? |
不好,我沒拿到那個角色 這裡的工作也沒了,所以… | Oh,not good. No.I didn't get the part. And I lost my job here,so... |
好慘烈的試鏡 | Wow,that is a bad audition. |
這裡的工作為什麼沒了? | Well,how did you lose your job here? |
我要去試鏡,但甘瑟叫我留下 他好去染頭髮 | I had the audition but Gunther said I had to stay so he could get his hair dyed. |
但我還是去了,他就炒我魷魚 | So I went anyway,and he fired me. |
他扔下工作去辦私事 叫才來2天的你留下負責? | He left work to do a personal errand...and left you in charge when you've been here two days? |
這樣不對吧 但是能怎麼辦? | That's not right.What are you gonna do? |
喬伊,你不能就這麼算了 | You can't let him get away with that. |
我絕不放過他,我要去教訓他 | I won't let him get away with that. I'm gonna say.. |
不,我不該多事 | I shouldn't say anything. |
不,我要去教訓他 | No,I should say something! |
甘瑟,讓喬伊繼續在這裡打工 你這樣解雇他一點也不… | -Gunther? I want you to give Joey his job back.It's not fair that you have to fire.. |
好 | -Okay. |
什麼? 他可以繼續打工 | -What? -He can have his job back. |
沒錯,他可以繼續打工 | That's right,he can have his job back. |
很高興我們講通了 | Glad we got that all straightened out. |
好了,你可以繼續打工了 | There you go,Joey.Got your job back. |
太好了,謝謝你 | -That's great. Thanks. |
不賴吧?誰沒個性了? | Pretty nice,huh? Now who's a pushover? |
你坐到我的位子了 抱歉 | -Rach,you're in my seat. -I'm sorry. |
你們都沒說會找誰當女朋友 | I never heard who you'd pick to be your girlfriend. |
我選你 沒錯,絕對是你 | -I'd pick you,Phoebe. -Yeah,definitely you,Phoebe. |
我也這麼覺得 | Yeah,I kind of thought. |
-絕不可能 -肯定選你 | -Never. -It would totally be you. |
我有一個問題 | I have a question |
如果要找另外兩個人當男朋友 你們會找誰? | If you had to pick one of the other two to go out with...who would you pick? |
少來 | -No way. |
我拒絕回答 喬伊 | -I'm not answering.Joey. |
少來,我拒絕回答 | No way,I'm not answering that. |
瑞秋,松餅加濃縮咖啡4塊5 羅斯,雙份拿鐵2塊7毛5 | Okay,Rach,that's muffin and espresso,$4.50.Ross,double latte,$2.75. |
錢德,咖啡和小圓餅4塊2毛5 菲比,花茶,1塊2毛5 | Chandler,coffee and a scone,$4.25.And Phoebe,herbal tea,$1.25. |
總共是…12塊7毛5 | All together that's $12.75. |
這是連80元電話費除以2都不會算的人 | This coming from the man who couldn't split our $80 phone bill in half. |
我的松餅和拿鐵多少錢? | How much do I owe you? |
你的由喬伊崔比亞尼免費招待 | That's on the house,courtesy of Joey Tribbiani. |
真好,幫我謝謝他 | Great. Well,tell him thanks. |
既然喬伊人這麼好 也許我們可以約個會 | And since Joey seems like such a nice guy...maybe we could go out? |
他不太習慣女人這麼主動 不過我問過他,他說好 | He's not used to women being so forward...but I could check with him. He says it's okay. |
太好了,謝謝,再見 | Great. Thanks. Bye-bye. |
喬伊,為什麼我們不是免費? | How come our stuff isn't free? |
等你穿窄裙也那麼火辣就可以免費了 | It will be when you look like that in a tight skirt. |
真好,我的約會破記錄了 | I'm getting more dates than ever. |
慢著,你只算美女免費? | You're only giving free stuff to the pretty girls? |
對啊,好噁心喔 | Joey,that is so gross! |
要不要來一塊免費小圓餅,寶貝? | How about a scone on the house,baby? |
我是美女 | I'm pretty. |
本集播出:“瑞秋的妹妹” | The One With Rachel's Sister |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
有人有口香糖嗎? 我有 | -Hey,does anyone have any gum? -I do. |
拿一下 | Here. Sorry. |
我好像… | Oh,you know what? |
不是 | No. |
等一下 | Wait a second. |
-我記得我有。-算了,不用了 | -I know it's in here. -You know what? I'm good. |
抱歉,大概在我的大袋子裡 | Sorry,I guess it's in my big bag. |
有人有金魚嗎? | Say,does anybody have a goldfish? |
你怎麼在這裡?不是正在上班嗎? | Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at work? |
他們叫我回家 | They sent me home. |
說如果我感冒就不能工作 | They said I can't work if I'm sick. |
-真可憐 -我沒有感冒 | -Sorry you're sick. -I'm not sick! |
我才不會感冒 | I don't get sick. |
軟弱和娘娘腔的人才會感冒 | Getting sick is for weaklings,it's for pansies. |
沒有人覺得你娘娘腔 | No one thinks that you're a pansy... |
但我們覺得你需要面紙 | but we do think that you need a tissue. |
我已經3年多沒感冒了 | I have not been sick in over three years. |
我覺得你感冒了,因為…… 那個原本在你的鼻子裡 | I think you're sick because that used to be in your nose. |
-我幫你拿幾張面紙 -我不需要面紙,我很好…的 | I'll get tissue.I don't need a tissue. I'm fine-d. |
好的後面還加個的 就是不好 | When you put a D at the end of fine...you're not fine. |
我很好…的,我很好…的 | I'm fine-d.I'm fine-d. |
這句話很難說 | It's a really hard word to say. |
哪一位? | -Yes? |
瑞秋在嗎?我是她的妹妹 | -Hi. Is Rachel here? I'm her sister. |
天哪,吉兒 天哪,瑞秋 | Oh,my God,Jill!Oh,my God,Rachel! |
天哪,介紹一下吧 | Oh,my God,introduce us. |
這位元是錢德 你認識莫妮卡和羅斯 | This is Chandler. And you know Monica and Ross. |
那是菲比,那是喬伊 | And that's Phoebe. And that's Joey. |
-你好嗎? -別…… | -How you doing? -Don't! |
你怎麼來了? | Honey,what are you doing here? |
這是哪個妹妹? 被寵壞的還是曾咬過她的? | Which sister is this?Is this the spoiled one or the one that bit her? |
-老爸斷了我的財源 -我知道了 | Daddy cut me off.Never mind,I got it. |
你知道我怎麼說?我說 “我要請一個律師” | You know what I said?I said,"I'll hire a lawyer, |
“把你告上法庭,沒收你的財產” “然後斷了你的財源” | sue you,take all your money...and cut you off!" |
-那他怎麼說? -他說不幫我付律師費 | Wow. What did he say?That he wouldn't pay for my lawyer. |
還叫我來跟他唯一自豪的女兒 學學金錢的價值 | Then he told me to learn the value of money...from the one daughter he's actually proud of. |
你們聽到了嗎?我爸以我為榮 我爸以我為榮 | Did you hear that? My dad's proud of me.My dad's proud of me. |
-瑞秋? -好,抱歉 | -Rach? -Oh,yeah. Sorry. |
爸為什麼不給你錢? | Honey,so what did you do that made Dad cut you off? |
-我買了一艘船 -你買了一艘船? | Okay,I bought a boat.You bought a boat? |
不是我要的,是要送朋友的 | It wasn't for me,it was for a friend. |
孩子們,我們是不是不該跟姐姐交朋友 | Boy,did we make friends with the wrong sister. |
我知道這樣很蠢很不應該 | I knew it was stupid and I shouldn't have done it... |
但她送我一大堆CD 還說我的髮型很漂亮 | but she bought me all these CDs and said I had a cute haircut. |
而你爸爸卻不理解你? | And your daddy didn't understand? |
就是啊 通常我哭著道歉就沒事了 | I know,and usually I just cry and say I'm sorry and he forgives me. |
沒錯,格林家的女生最會哭了 | Oh,yes,good criers,the Green girls. |
我是說格林家的姐妹 | I mean,the Green sisters. |
不管怎麼說,聽起來你在談論年輕人 | Man,no matter how you say it...it still sounds like you're talking about green people. |
我真是冷到極點 | I'm at rock bottom. |
吉兒,這是一次最好的教訓 | This is the best thing that could've happened to you. |
反正你也得獨立 | You've needed to get out on your own. |
我剛獨立時也很害怕 結果現在呢 | When I did it,at first I was scared,but then look at me now. |
我是唯一讓老爸驕傲的女兒 | I am the only daughter that Dad is proud of. |
真不敢相信, 我要怎麼買東西? | I can't believe him. How does he expect me to buy stuff? |
-那你就先不要買東西 -我不懂 | Maybe,you know,you won't buy stuff for a while.I don't understand. |
你現在要做的是找一份工作 找一間公寓 | This is what you'll do. You're gonna get a job.You're gonna get an apartment. |
然後靠你自己賺的錢過活 | And then you will live off the money that you earn. |
好,我知道你是這樣 但這不像我的作風 | Okay,I know this is what you did...but that doesn't sound like me. |
但你可以做得到 | Okay,but it can be. It can be you. |
我會幫你,你可以跟我們住 菲比,可以吧? | And you can stay with us. Right,Phoebe? |
-當然可以 -太好了 | -Of course,yeah. -Oh,that's so great! |
好,那我就開始獨立 真不知道該怎麼謝謝你們 | Okay,I'm really gonna do this. I don't know how to thank you. |
我喜歡汽車 | Oh,I like cars. |
你吃完了嗎? | -You all finished? |
-吃完了 -太好了 | -Yes.-Great. |
早上的小費出來了 珍50,我50 | Okay,here are the tips for this morning.Jen gets 50,50 for me |
喬伊欠8塊錢 | and Joey owes 8 dollars. |
什麼? 因為你到處送吃的 | -What? -For all the free food you gave away. |
既然是送的,為什麼跟我要錢 | If it's free,how come you're charging me for it? |
我們只免費招待當天過生日的人 | We don't give anything away unless it's a birthday. |
那模特兒比賽第三名呢? | What if they came in third in a modeling contest? |
不行 | No. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
我今天好慘,這些袋子好重 | I just had the hardest day. Some of these are so heavy. |
吉兒,你怎麼有錢? 你爸不是把信用卡都收走了? | How did you pay? I thought your dad took your credit card. |
拜託,我15歲就會背卡號了 | I memorized those numbers when I was 15. |
你們看我買的這些“獨立”的裝備 | But look at all the cool make-it-on-my-own stuff I got! |
這是“請雇傭我”毛衣 | This is my "Please hire me" sweater. |
這是 “你不想把房子租我嗎”褲子 | And these are my "Don't you want to rent me this apartment?" pants. |
叫你爸付你的置裝費不算獨立 | Charging clothes to your dad doesn't qualify as making it on your own. |
大科學家就是這麼死板 | Oh,Mr. Scientist has to get all technical. |
瑞秋真的不會贊成 | Rachel's not gonna think it's a good idea. |
-誰封她當女王了? -我喜歡這份工作 | -So who made her queen of the world? -I would love that job! |
怎麼樣啊? | What's going on? |
吉兒,你跑去購物了? | Jill!Did you shop? |
沒有,是他們 | No.They did. |
對,我們跑去購物 | Yeah,we went shopping! |
你們跑去購物? | You went shopping? |
然後把東西秀給吉兒看? 你們明知她想戒掉 | Then you came here and paraded it under Jill's nose...when you know she's trying to quit. |
你們真差勁 | That's terrible. |
抱歉 吉兒對不起 | Sorry,Jill. |
你們買了什麼? | So,what'd you get? |
我買了…謝謝,我買了這件 “我要工作”毛衣 | Oh,well,all right. Thank you.I got this,you know,"I want a job" sweater. |
還買了這條公寓褲 | And then I got.. These are apartment pants. |
公寓褲? | Apartment pants? |
對,你沒聽過嗎? | You've never heard of them? |
當然聽過 | Of course I've heard of them. |
羅斯那你呢? | Ross,what'd you get? |
我買了這個…這個 | I got this...This. |
帕什米納披肩? 對 | -A pashmina? -Yeah! |
我愛死它了 | I love these babies. |
是嗎? 羅斯,帕什米納是什麼? | Really?What's a pashmina? |
一種小毯子 | It's a rug. |
吉兒? | Jill? |
瑞秋,對不起… | I'm sorry,Rachel. |
拜託,你真以為我會上當? 淚眼攻勢是我發明的 | You think that's gonna work on me? I invented that. |
也對,但我真的很抱歉 | Right! But I am sorry. |
算了,走一次回頭路還好 就是別再犯了,好嗎? | It's okay. One little setback is okay.But don't let it happen again,okay? -Okay. |
既然這是老爸付的錢 我應該全都沒收 | Now,since Daddy paid for all this stuff,I should take it all away. |
不過我沒收披肩就好 | But I'm just gonna take the pashmina. |
還有那條褲子 | And the pants. |
還是都沒收好了 這樣你才能得到教訓 | I'll take it all,because that way,you'll learn the lesson. |
我有事要忙,我們晚餐見 | Alrighty.I'm gonna run a couple of errands and I will see you at dinner. |
都被她拿走了 | She took all my stuff. |
沒錯,除了這個藍色小袋子 | Yeah. Everything but the little blue one. |
這一樣最棒了 天哪,謝謝你 | That's the best one!Oh,my God. Thank you so much! |
天哪,你好爛 帕什米納怎麼會是小毯子 | Oh,my gosh,that was so lame. Like a pashmina could be a rug. |
那你呢?“對不起…” | Oh,yeah? How about you with the "I'm sorry"? |
閉嘴,我哪有那麼噁心 | Shut up! I wasn't like that at all. |
我那個公寓褲呢?夠蠢吧? | What about what I said about the apartment pants? How dumb was l? |
-你高中時有這麼可愛嗎? -別鬧了 | -Were you this cute in high school? -Oh,stop. |
-你才別鬧了 -你才別鬧了 | -No,you stop. -No,you stop. |
你別鬧了 | You stop |
好,我坐中間,你們都別鬧了 | Why don't I sit here and then you'll both stop it? |
你想做什麼?我們來瘋一下 | Okay. So,what do you want to do?Let's do something crazy |
我知道,我們來多休息多喝水 | I know,let's rest and drink lots of fluids. |
好,我休息 | Okay,I'll rest. |
不過如果我要上床 你也得跟我來 | But if I'm going to bed,then you're coming with me. |
我本來很難說不 但是你鼻水流不停 | See,that would be impossible to resist if you weren't all...drippy here. |
你是說你不想要我嗎? | Are you saying that you don't want to get with this? |
你最好連健康時都不要這樣 | I don't think you should say that even when you're healthy. |
來嘛 | Come on. |
我不是針對你 我就是沒辦法跟病人上床 | Don't take this personally.I just can't have sex with a sick person. |
我也是,我也不跟病人上床 那樣好噁心 | I'm with you. I can't have sex with a sick person either. Disgusting! |
但是我沒病,讓我證明給你看 | But I'm not sick!Let me prove it to you. |
我們身強體壯,青春正盛 | We are two healthy people in the prime of lime. |
我就是想繼續身強體壯 | See,that's the thing,I would like to stay in the "prime of lime." |
好,我有“性”致了 | Oh,okay,now I'll do it. |
怎麼樣啊? | Hey. What's up? |
有件事或許你應該知道 | I think there's something you should know. |
最好不是公寓褲的事 因為我的羅夫羅蘭上司愛死這個構想了 | Better not be about the apartment pants.I just pitched the idea to my boss at Ralph Lauren and she loved it. |
不是,我剛和羅斯吉兒在一起 | No. It's just,I was...I was with Ross and Jill after you left... |
我很確定他們之間有火花 | and I'm pretty sure I saw a little spark between them. |
什麼? 或許沒事 | -What? -I mean,it's probably nothing. |
我只是想提醒你 他們或許有什麼 | But I wanted to warn you that there might be something. |
-羅斯跟吉兒? -對 | -With Ross and Jill? -Yeah. |
羅斯和我妹妹? | With Ross and my sister? |
對 | Yes |
我妹妹吉兒和我的前男友羅斯? | With my sister Jill and my ex-boyfriend Ross? |
對 | Yes |
-不可能的 -那好吧 | -Oh,there is no way. -Okay,then. |
我的天哪,我真不敢相信 | Oh,my God! I cannot believe that! |
不是我反對羅斯交女朋友 但跟我妹不是等於亂倫嗎? | I don't like it when he dates anyone,but my sister?Isn't that incest or something? |
天哪,而且他們會上床 | And they're gonna have sex. |
要是他還娶她呢? | Oh,no! What if he marries her too? |
太恐怖了,真是太恐怖了 | This is just terrible. This is just terrible. |
而我又不能阻止 羅斯又不是我的 | And I can't stop it. I don't own Ross. |
而且吉兒有她的行動自由 | And Jill should be able to do what she wants to do. |
我的天哪,羅斯居然要娶我妹妹 | Oh,my God,I can't believe Ross is marrying my little sister. |
這真是我這一生最悲慘的遭遇 | This is the worst thing that could've ever happened to me. |
不過公寓褲的事真是太好了,對吧 | But great news about the apartment pants,huh? |
總共3塊8毛5 | That'll be $3.85. |
什麼意思? 昨天你還說我太美不該付錢 | What? Yesterday you said I was too pretty to pay. |
我不能請客,因為經理說我… | It's just,I can't,because my manager said that I.. |
祝你生日快樂… | Happy birthday to you |
祝你生日快樂,祝安妮生日快樂 艾美 | Happy birthday to you,Happy birthday,dear Annie.. -Amy! |
艾美,祝你生日快樂 | Amy,Happy birthday to you |
真巧,今天也是我的生日 | That's weird,today's my birthday too. |
在這裡不是 | Not in here,it isn't. |
抱歉遲到了,什麼事? | Sorry I'm late. What's up? |
-我只是想問你工作找得怎樣 -沒進展 | I just wanted to see if there were any leads on the old job front.No. |
但我經過三家折扣店都沒進去 我很堅強吧? | But I walked past three sales and didn't go in.How strong am I? |
太好了 | That is great. |
你知道誰不必找工作? 羅斯,他在大學教書 | You know who doesn't have to job-hunt? Ross.He works at the university. |
是啊 | Yeah? |
所以你知道,你們聊過 你們很投緣,你們要約會嗎? | So you guys talked? So you get along? So you're gonna go out? |
我跟羅斯約會? | Me go out with Ross? No. |
當然不會,你哪來的念頭? | God,no. What would make you think that? |
-這個…菲比覺得你們有什麼 -沒有,他人是很好 | Phoebe said she thought she saw something between you guys.I mean,he's nice. |
你會想和他做朋友 但不會想和他交往 | He's the kind you're friends with,but not the kind you date. |
你會,你跟他交往過 | He's the kind you date,because you did. |
我就沒什麼興趣 | But me?Not so much. |
沒什麼興趣?什麼意思? 羅斯有哪裡不好嗎? | Oh,not so much. What do you mean? Is there something wrong with Ross? |
沒有,只不過他有點書呆子 | No,no,no. He's just...I don't know. You know,he's just a little bookish. |
-你覺得他是怪胎? -你也有同感? | Are you saying he's a geek?You think so too? |
不,羅斯不是怪胎 | No. Ross is not a geek. |
好,就當他不是我喜歡的類型 | Then let's just say he's not my type. |
你不喜歡帥哥? | Handsome is not your type? |
聰明?好心?吻技一流? 這些不是你的條件? | Smart,kind,good kisser.What,those things aren't on your list? |
羅斯人很好 能跟他在一起是你的福氣 | Ross is great. You'd be lucky to be with him. |
好,既然你這麼在意 我就約他 | If it means that much,then I'll ask him out. |
不不不,我不是那個意思 | Oh,no. That's not what I meant. |
你知道嗎?你說得對 他對我確實很好 | You know what? You're right.He has been really nice to me. |
但他不是你的類型 | Yeah,but he's not your type. |
或許這是好事 | But maybe that's good. |
我正在做各種嘗試 或許也應該跟怪胎約會看看 | I'm doing all these different things.Maybe I should just try dating a geek too. |
但你也別一下子做太多嘗試 | Yeah,but you don't want to try too much too fast. |
你記得那個 一下子做太多嘗試的小女孩吧 | You remember what happened to the little girl who...tried too much too fast,don't you? |
什麼? | What? |
她死了 | She died,Jill. |
錢德 | Chandler! |
什麼事,你想喝茶? 還是喝湯? | What is it,honey? You need some tea? Some soup? |
呼叫大雕醫生 大雕醫生請上床 | Calling Dr. Big.Dr. Big to the bed. |
天哪,我以為你睡了 | Jeez,honey,I thought you were asleep. |
你就在外面,我怎麼睡得著? | How could I be asleep knowing that you were in the next room? |
我倒是睡著了 | I was asleep. |
不,你知道怎樣才性感? 多穿幾層 | No,honey. You know what's sexy? Layers. |
多穿幾層才性感,被子才性感 熱水袋更性感 | Layers are sexy.And blankets are sexy. And hot-water bottles are sexy. |
上床啦,我想證明我沒生病 | Get into bed. I want to prove I'm not sick. |
我想讓你跟我一樣舒服 | I want to make you feel as good as I feel. |
我拜託你休息 我沒事的 | Would you please get some rest?I'm fine. |
你在咳嗽 不是,我是在笑 | -You're coughing. -No,I'm not.No,I'm not,I'm laughing. |
-笑什麼? -我之前聽說的一件事 | -At what? -Just something I heard before. |
-告訴我 -不,我不想破壞情調 | -Tell me. -No,I don't want it to spoil the mood. |
祝你生日快樂 | Happy birthday to you |
你出錢 不,今天是她的生日 | -You're paying for that. -No,it's her birthday. |
你已經對二十個女人唱生日快樂 | You've sung "Happy Birthday" to 20 women today. |
-但是… -你失去送生日松餅的許可權了 | You are no longer authorized to distribute birthday muffins. |
媽的 | Damn it! |
瑞秋 | Rachel |
你叫你妹約我嗎? | Did you tell your sister to ask me out? |
-對… -哇,真是……哇 | -Well,yeah. -Oh,wow! I mean,wow. |
我覺得她很可愛 但我從來沒想過要跟她約會 | I think she's cute,but...I never would've thought of going out with her. Never! |
真的? | Really? |
不過既然你說行 我心想:有何不可? | But after you said it's okay,I figured,"Why not?" |
所以也不算從來沒想過 | Oh,so not really "never." |
你真的比我大方多了 | I have to say you are a much bigger person than I am. |
我們有那麼多過去,我… 真希望我有兄弟可以做交換 | I mean,after all we've been through.I wish I had a brother to reciprocate. |
如果你想跟莫妮卡交往 我絕對祝福 | If you ever date Monica,you have my blessing. |
我也是 | And mine. |
錢德,我覺得我病了 | Chandler?I think I'm sick. |
是嗎?青春不盛了? | Really?Struck down in the "pribe of libe." |
好啦,我承認,我很不舒服 幫我在胸口抹藥膏 | Okay,fine,I admit it. I feel terrible.Will you please rub this on my chest? |
不不不,你別想騙我上鉤 | No,no,no. You are not getting me this way. |
-我真的需要你幫我… -不行 | Come on,I really need your help here. |
-好,那我就自己抹 -好 | -Fine,I'll rub it on myself. -Okay. |
你在往身上抹藥膏? | So you're just kind of rubbing it on yourself? |
-怎樣? -蠻好的 | -Yeah. -It's nice. |
-不會吧?這樣你會興奮? -對 | You kidding me? Is this turning you on?Yes |
-真難以置信 -是抹的動作還是味道? | Is it the rubbing or the smell? |
都很…棒 | It's all very,very good. |
想不想…讓藥膏混合一下? | So you want to go...mix it up? |
-現在不行,我病了 -少來了,大騙子 | -Not now,I'm sick. -Oh,come on,you big faker! |
你不是不跟病人上床嗎? | What about never sleeping with sick people? |
那是在那令人酥麻的動作之前 | Well,that was before all the vaporizing action. |
-好吧,如果你真的想做… -好 | Okay,if you really want to have sex. |
真夠靈的(威克斯達姆膏-寶潔公司出品的感冒藥) | Worked like a charm. |
你來這裡幹什麼? | Why are you here? |
我跟羅斯約在這裡 我的打扮如何? | This is where Ross and I are meeting for our date. So,what do you think? |
我不喜歡 | I don't like it. |
-是嗎? -有點放蕩 | -Really? -It's kind of slutty. |
這是你的衣服 | It's yours. |
是的,我是個蕩婦 | Yeah,well,I'm a slut. |
我也是 | Me too. |
吉兒 | Hi,Jill. |
瑞秋 | Rachel. |
你不在家,你在這裡 | You're not at home,you're right here. |
我知道 | Yeah,I know. |
你一定以為會很怪,其實不會 | And I bet you thought it would be weird. But it's not. |
好 | Okay. |
我午夜之前會送她回家 | So,well,I'll...I'll have her home by midnight. |
你為什麼還沒回家 | Why aren't you home yet? |
外面有人嗎? | Is someone there? |
有,是我,抱歉 | Oh,yeah,it's me. Sorry. |
你來幹什麼? | What are you doing here? |
我只是在看窗外…的風景 | I'm just looking out your window...at the view. |
你們在幹什麼? | What are you guys doing? |
我們身上沾到藥膏 | We got some vapor rub in some places. |
他把她帶回家了 | He brought her back to his apartment. |
誰? | Who? |
那是你妹妹嗎? | Is that your sister? |
她真是個蕩婦 | She is a slut! |
羅斯在跟你妹約會,多奇怪啊 | Ross is on a date with your sister. How weird is that? |
天哪,看,他在脫她的衣服 | Oh,my God,he's taking off her clothes! |
他只是在幫她脫外套 | He's taking off her coat. |
真是太糟糕了 | Oh,this is just terrible. |
不會啦,才第一次約會 一定不會有… | Oh,no,it's not. It's a first date. I'm sure that nothing is gonna... |
他有福了… | He's gonna get some. |
能看到屋外街燈的燈光 | Of the glare...from the streetlight out of his apartment. |
所以他把窗簾拉上 好跟你妹妹好好聊一聊 | You know,so he's closed the drapes there...so he can have a nice,pleasant conversation with your little sister. |
我去睡了 | Well,I'm off to bed. |
未完待續 | To be continued |
我不舒服 | I don't feel good. |
別把感冒傳染給我 | You better not get me sick. |
我需要水果或果汁或… | I need some fruit or some juice or some.... |
或空氣 | Or some nothing. |
冰箱是空的 誰拿了我們的食物? | There's nothing in here. Who took our food? |
要不要來點千層面或雞腿? | Can I interest you in a slice of lasagna or a drumstick? |
不用了 你確定?免費的喔 | -No,thanks. -Are you sure? It's on the house. |
不用了 | -No,thanks. |
星期五晚上要不要跟我約會? 不了 | -How about going out with me Friday night?-No,thanks. |
那就沒辦法了 | -What are you gonna do. |
瑞秋,我只是來… | Oh! Hey,Rach.I was just coming over here to... |
我不必騙你,你搬走了 | Wait,I don't have to lie to you,you don't live here anymore. |
我在吃他們的東西,你呢? | I'm eating their food. You? |
羅斯跟我妹約會 窗簾已經拉上2個半小時了 | Ross is on a date with my sister. They shut the drapes two hours ago. |
我不知道我們還能跟你妹妹約會喔 | I didn't know we could date your sister. |
喬伊,我們知道你在偷東西吃 | We know you steal our food. |
不用了 | I'm good. |
窗簾還沒拉開? | Drapes still closed? |
對,其實隔兩戶的變態老夫婦 才應該拉窗簾 | Yeah. That perverted couple two doors over should've shut theirs. |
那是秋千嗎? 不要問 | -Is that a swing? -Oh,don't even ask. |
好惡 | Yuck |
羅斯居然跟瑞秋的妹妹約會 | I can't believe Ross is with her sister. |
錢德親了我妹妹 我氣了他10年 | When Chandler kissed my sister,I was mad for 10 years. |
那是5年前的事 對,還有5年 | -That was five years ago. -You got five years left. |
喬伊… 你想再加1年嗎? | -Joey.. -Want to make it six? |
本集播出:“錢德不會哭” | The One Where Chandler Can't Cry |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
羅斯,你好嗎?你在這裡 | Oh,Ross,hey. Hi,how are you? There you are. |
一杯咖啡 | Can I get a cup of coffee? |
昨晚的約會怎樣啊? | So how was your big date last night? |
還不錯,很開心 | It was okay. It was fun. |
是嗎?太好了 | It was fun? Great. |
所以你們合得來嗎? | So did you guys hit it off? |
應該吧 | I guess so. |
所以你們有怎樣嗎? 聽說你們把窗簾拉上了 | So did anything happen? Rumor has it you guys shut the drapes. |
我們沒怎樣 | No. No. Nothing happened. |
我是要放我最愛的化石幻燈片 | I shut the drapes to show her slides of my favorite fossils. |
幻燈片…所以看來你們真的沒怎樣 | Oh,slides!So really nothing happened |
我們可以會怎樣 她很喜歡我的幻燈片 | Something could've happened.She really dug my slides. |
而且她絕對有對我放電 | And she was definitely giving me the vibe. |
是“別再給我看三葉蟲照片” 的電嗎? | Was it the "Please don't show me another picture of a trilobite" vibe? |
她喜歡我,好嗎? | I'm telling you,she was in to me,okay? |
你還記得三葉蟲 | Hey,you remembered trilobite. |
總之…要是她不喜歡我 為什麼要再約我? | Anyway...If she wasn't into me,why would she ask me out again? |
她又約你了? 對 | -She asked you out again? -Yeah. |
明天晚上,情人節 一年當中最浪漫的日子 | Tomorrow night. Valentine's Day. The most romantic day of the year. |
誰曉得會怎樣 | Who knows what could happen. |
到時我拉窗簾 或許不是要放幻燈片,你懂吧 | I might not be shutting my drapes to show her my slides. |
好好好好好我懂我懂我懂 我不能接受你跟我妹交往 | Okay! I got it,I got it.I can't go with the "you and my sister" thing. |
我就是不能 那樣太奇怪了,好嗎? | It's just too weird,all right? |
一想到你們在一起我就捉狂 我會瘋掉,我受不了我受不了 | I imagine the two of you together.It just freaks me out. I can't do it! |
沒事的 | It's okay. |
如果你受不了,我就不再見她 謝謝你 | It's too weird for you. I won't see her again.Thank you. |
我是說過了明晚之後 | After tomorrow night. |
不不不,求求你我受不了 我真的會捉狂 | No! I can't do it. It's gonna freak me out! |
好,我今晚就告訴她 我不能再跟她見面 | Okay. I'll tell her tonight I can't see her anymore. |
謝謝 | Ross,thanks. |
你要我現在打給她嗎? 不用… | Want me to call her now?Oh,no. No,no,no. |
那樣太誇張了 | No. Come on,I mean,that's crazy. |
怎樣啊?你最近在幹嘛? | So,what's going on with you? |
我這學期可能會再開一堂課 | I may teach another class this semester. |
好,現在就打給她 | Do it now. Call her now. |
我最喜歡這段了 我也是 | -This is my favorite part. -Me too. |
你們難過什麼?又不會有事 | I don't know what you guys are so sad about. It all works out. |
他會留在小男孩身邊 他們會相親相愛直到永遠 | E.T. stays with Elliott,and they get to be best friends forever. |
喬伊,你看過這部電影 ET回外太空去了 | You've seen this movie before,E.T. goes back home. |
什麼? | What? |
我忘了 | Oh,no,I forgot. |
你們知道什麼更催淚? “小鹿斑比” | You know what's sadder than this? Bambi. |
那部片讓我哭了3天 不,是2天 | I cried for three days with that movie. No,two. |
第三天我媽自殺了 我也在為那件事而哭 | The third day my mom killed herself,so I was partly crying for that. |
哭ET就算了 “小鹿斑比”是卡通耶 | Well,that I can see crying over,but Bambi is a cartoon. |
斑比的母親死了你沒哭? | You didn't cry when Bambi's mother died? |
動畫師不再畫母鹿 的確很可憐 | Yes,it was very sad when the guy stopped drawing the deer. |
你們哭成這樣,乾脆轉檯好嗎 好 | If this movie's making you guys cry so much,let's just change the channel. |
好了 | There. |
喬伊,那是多力多滋的廣告 | Joey,you're crying over a Doritos commercial. |
我有去試鏡 | I was up for that part. |
錢德,哭沒什麼不對 你不必老是那麼男子漢 | It's okay to cry. You don't have to be macho all the time. |
我哪有男子漢 也對 | I'm not macho.Yeah,you're right. |
我不知道我在想什麼 | I don't know what I was thinking. |
反正我就是沒哭過 我不是那種會哭的人 | I just never really cried. I'm not a crying kind of guy. |
你總會遇見令你鼻酸的事 像… | Come on,there's gotta be something that gets you choked up. Like... |
如果你看到一隻三腳小狗呢? | What if you saw a three-legged puppy? |
我是會難過,但是不會哭 | I'd be sad,sure.But I wouldn't cry. |
要是那只小狗說 “錢德救救我” | What if the puppy said,"Help me,Chandler |
“其他的狗狗都欺負我” | All the other puppies pick on me." |
哭?我發現一隻會說話的狗 我發了 | Cry? I just found a talking puppy. I'm rich! |
我知道了…你小時候的照片 你看了一定會哭 | I've got it. I have got it.Pictures from your childhood.This'll get you going good. |
那張是什麼? | Oh,what's going on there? |
那是一年級的家長日 我和校警馬丁的合照 | Parents' Day. First grade.That's me with the janitor,Martin. |
你爸媽呢? 他們不想去 | -Where are your parents? -They didn't want to come. |
錢德 好可憐喔 | -Chandler! -Poor thing. |
這件事不會讓你哭嗎? | That story doesn't make you cry? |
不會,我就是不會哭 這沒什麼,好嗎? | No. Look,I don't cry. It's not a big deal,okay? |
不,不好,一點也不好 | No! It's not okay!It's not okay at all! |
你的心是死的 | You're dead inside! |
請問一下,你是菲比布菲嗎? 是 | -Excuse me? -Yeah?-Are you Phoebe Buffay? -Yeah. |
你可以幫我簽名嗎? 我最崇拜你了 | Can I get your autograph? I'm your biggest fan. |
你最崇拜我了? 我一直想認識你 | My biggest fan? I've always wanted to meet you. |
沒問題 | Sure. Yeah. |
謝謝你,我只想說 你真的很有天分 | Wow. Wow,thanks a lot.I just want to say,I think you're really talented. |
你是因為崇拜我才這麼說 | You're just saying that because you're my biggest fan. |
喬伊,好好招呼那個人 他是個粉絲 | Take good care of that guy. He's a fan. |
再見 | Bye. |
你看過我演的“我們的日子”? | So you saw me on Days of Our Lives,huh? |
要我來一段雷莫瑞醫生嗎? | You want me to do a little Dr. Drake Ramoray for you? |
我不知道你在說什麼 不過我剛拿到菲比布菲的簽名 | I have no idea what you're talking about.But I just got Phoebe Buffay's autograph. |
你是菲比的粉絲 沒錯,她的電影我都看過 | Oh. You're Phoebe's fan.Oh,yeah. I've seen all her movies. |
電影? 那是菲比布菲,色情明星 | -Movies? -That was Phoebe Buffay,the porn star. |
不是吧 是,她演過“性玩具總動員2”(模仿《玩具總動員》) | I don't think so.No,it was. She was in Sex Toy Story Two... |
“阿拉比亞的勞倫斯”(模仿《阿拉伯的勞倫斯》) | Lawrence of a Labia. |
而我拿到她的簽名 漫畫店的人一定不會相信 | And I got her autograph.The guys at the comic book store won't believe this. |
甘瑟,以後別讓那個人進來 他說菲比是色情明星 | Gunther?Don't let that guy in here anymore. He said Phoebe's a porn star. |
說明星太誇張了 不過她真的很猛 | Well,I wouldn't call her a star,but she's really good. |
你應該去看“檢查她的加傑特”(模仿《神探加傑特》) | You should check out Inspect Her Gadget. |
說了你一定不信 羅斯剛剛回絕我,又沒說原因 | Ross just totally blew me off,and he didn't even tell me why. |
忘掉一個男人最好的辦法 就是跟別人交往 | The best thing to do to get over a guy is to start dating someone else. |
我們公司有個鮑伯你一定喜歡 他是人力資源部的明日之星 | Oh! There is this great guy you will just love at work,named Bob.He's a real up-and-comer in Human Resources. |
也許我太說得太多了 也許我應該在性方面更主動些 | Maybe I talk too much,or maybe I should have been more aggressive sexually. |
不不不… | No,no,no. |
不要,羅斯不吃那套 | No,that would never have worked on Ross. |
不過你知道誰可能會心動? 人力資源部的鮑伯 | But you know who that might work on? Bob in Human Resources. |
謝謝你 但我不要跟你的某個同事隨便交往 | Thanks,but I'm not gonna date some random guy from your work. |
不是隨便,是鮑伯 | Not random. Bob. |
可能是因為我不夠成熟 不夠聰明 | It's probably because I'm not mature enough or smart enough... |
或許他不喜歡我的打扮… | Maybe he doesn't like the way I dress. |
不可能的,一定是我不夠聰明 | No,that can't be it. It's gotta be the smart thing. |
我好笨 我是個美得冒泡的笨女人 | I'm so stupid. I'm just this,like,incredibly pretty,stupid girl. |
不是這樣的親愛的…好吧 你知道羅斯為何取消約會? | No,honey.Okay.Okay. You want to know why Ross canceled the date? |
是我要求的 | Because I asked him to. |
你要求的?為什麼? | You asked him to? |
因為你是我妹妹 而羅斯和我有一大段淵源 | -Why? -Because you are my sister...and Ross and I have this huge history. |
我不懂,你想跟羅斯交往嗎? 不想 | -You want to go out with Ross? -No. |
你不要他,又不要我擁有他? | You don't want him,but you don't want me to have him? |
人力資源部的鮑伯… | You know,Bob in Human Resources... |
你居然這樣對我 你害我懷疑我的智商 | I can't believe you did this! You had me doubting how smart I was! |
你害我懷疑我的穿著品味 | You had me doubting my fashion sense! |
我只是叫你不要跟羅斯約會 世上的男人那麼多,你… | It's not that big a deal. Just don't date Ross. There's other.. |
你沒有資格教我做事 | You have no right to tell me what to do. |
我不是在教你做 我是在教你不要做 | I'm not telling you what to do. I am telling you what not to do! |
你為什麼老是這麼嫉妒我? | Why are you so jealous of me? |
不是我嫉妒你 是你任性,不能吃還想吃 | This is not about me being jealous.It's about you being a brat,wanting what you can't have. |
不能吃? | Can't have? |
很抱歉 我不能吃的東西只有乳製品 | Excuse me. The only thing I can't have is dairy! |
好,你和鮑伯的事吹了 | Well,you just blew your chances at dating Bob! |
誰? 人力資源部的啦 | -Who? -With Human Resources! |
我嫉妒她?她以為她是誰? 卡洛琳公主(摩納哥公主)嗎? | Jealous of her? Who does she think she is,Princess Caroline? |
你嫉妒卡洛琳公主? 我有自己的城堡嗎? | -You're jealous of Princess Caroline? -Do I have my own castle? |
菲比不在吧? 不在 | Hey.Phoebe's not here,is she? -No. |
真好,你們租了片子? | Did you get a movie? |
對,但是你們應該不會喜歡 | Yeah. Yeah.But I don't think it's the kind you're gonna like. |
你該不會又租那種 會消耗面紙的片子吧? | Not more movies that'll have us reaching for the tissues all night? |
可以這麼說 | Sort of. |
到底怎麼了? | What's going on? |
菲比是色情明星 | Phoebe's a porn star! |
什麼?是的。你們在說什麼啊 | -What? -Yeah!What are you talking about? |
“菲比布菲之布菲與吸血鬼同眠”(模仿《吸血鬼獵人巴菲》) | "Phoebe Buffay in Buffay The Vampire Layer." |
天哪 這是菲比,你在哪裡租的? | That's Phoebe. Where did you get that? |
布裡克街的成人錄影帶店 | At the adult video place on Bleecker. |
我看到喬伊正要進去 我就提前進去了想給他個驚喜 | And I saw Joey was about to go in,so I ran in ahead of him...to surprise him. |
然後我又假裝不知道他也在 | Then I pretended that I didn't know he was in there. |
天哪,我真是不敢相信 | Wow. I mean,I just can't believe this. |
真是知人知面不知心 雖然菲比一直是個問號 | I mean,you think you know someone.Even Phoebe,who's always been somewhat of a question mark. |
好詭異喔 | This is so bizarre. |
不過畢竟她的童年那麼悲慘 | I guess it makes sense. She had such a terrible childhood. |
我童年悲慘也沒去拍A片 | I had a bad childhood and I don't do porn. |
對,但是你的心死了 | Yes,but you're dead inside. |
我還是拿去還吧 為為為什麼? | I'd better take that back.What,why? Why? |
我們不能看,那是菲比演的 | We can't watch it. It's Phoebe. |
你說得對,我們不該看 沒錯 | We shouldn't watch this.Absolutely not. That goes back. |
看一點好了 前半段就好 | -Maybe a bit. -The first half? |
這樣是不對的 菲比是我們的朋友 | This is wrong,you guys! Phoebe's our friend! |
我不要看 沒錯,夠義氣 | -I'm not gonna watch it. -Yeah!Good for you,Joe. |
我就知道你在這裡 納斯佛拉吐 | I thought I'd find you here,Nosferatool. |
布菲,你要把你的尖棍 深深插進我的體內嗎? | Are you going to plunge your stake into my dark places? |
其實我有點希望是你來插 | Actually,I was kind of hoping it would be the other way around. |
等等,她的腳踝上是什麼? 你在看她的腳踝? | What's that on her ankle?Her ankle is what you're watching? |
很難看得出來… | Well,it's hard to tell. |
她能不能不要動了 | God,if she would just stop moving. |
她只是在工作 | She's just doing her job. |
你們這些變態 | You sick bastards! |
是刺青,怪了,菲比沒… | It's a tattoo.That's weird. Phoebe doesn't.. |
是烏蘇拉啦 那不是菲比,是烏蘇拉 | Wait,that's Ursula! That's not Phoebe! That is Ursula! |
倒帶倒帶 我可以看了,快倒帶 | Wait,wait! I can watch that! Rewind it! Rewind it! |
你們在幹嘛? | Hey.What's up? |
天哪!我在幹什麼? | Oh,my God! What am I doing?! |
親愛的 | Hey,sweetie. |
“心靈雞湯”? | "Chicken Soup for the Soul"? |
這張沙發背後是空的 | There's no back to this couch. |
你看它幹嘛?你討厭這種書 我想試試看 | You hate this kind of stuff.I figured I'd give it a shot. |
也許有某個故事會讓我哭 你就不會覺得我的心死了 | One of the stories may make me cry,then you won't think I'm dead inside. |
你真有心 | Oh,that's so sweet. |
但你不會哭也無所謂,我愛你 | I don't care if you can't cry. I love you. |
這話溫暖了我空空如也的胸口(《綠野仙蹤》中鐵皮人的臺詞) | Oh,that makes me feel so warm in my hollow tin chest. |
別鬧了 | Stop it. |
你想嘛,哪天我們結婚了 來到神父面前,我卻這樣 | Seriously. We get married,I'm up at the altar and I'm like this: |
我不在乎 因為我知道你內心會充滿喜悅 | I won't care.I know that you'll be feeling it all in here. |
是嗎? 當然 | -Yeah? -Yeah. |
要是有一天我們生小孩 醫生在產房把寶寶交給你 | And if we have a baby one day and the doctor hands it to you in the delivery room |
而你沒有哭,那又怎樣? | and you don't cry,so what? |
要是我們送他去念大學 回家第一次看到他的空房 | If we take him to college and come home...and we see his empty room for the first time |
而你卻沒反應…我也不在意 | and you got nothing?It won't matter to me. |
好,那我就不那麼擔心了 | Okay.I won't worry about this anymore then. |
要是我死了 | And then,you know,if I die... |
久病棄世,你在寫哀悼詞 | from a long illness...and you're writing my eulogy |
結果打開抽屜 看到我留了一張字條寫道 | and you open the desk drawer and find a note from me that says: |
“我會永遠與你同在” | "I will always be with you"... |
而你還是擠不出一滴眼淚 我會知道你的心早已淚流成河 | and you still can't shed one tiny tear?I know you'll be crying a river inside. |
我愛你… 你是怎麼搞的? | -I love you. -What is wrong with you?! |
什麼? 你居然無法為亡妻流一滴淚 | -What? -What?You can't shed a tear for your dead wife? |
我死後留了字條給你耶 | I left you a note from the beyond! |
所以剛才都不是真心話? 廢話,你這個機器人 | -So you didn't mean any of that? -No,you robot! |
死小孩!再亂按電鈴我就… | You damn kids! You ring my bell one more time and I swear.. |
吉兒 我在跟走廊那頭的小朋友玩 | Oh,Jill!That's a game I play with the kids down the hall. |
他們越來越喜歡我 | They've really taken a liking to me. |
有什麼事嗎? | What's the matter? |
瑞秋和我大吵一架 我可以進去嗎? | Rachel and I had a big fight. Can I come in? |
我知道我們不能再見面 我也可以接受 | I know we're not supposed to see each other anymore. |
只是我人生地不熟 又很需要找個人談一談 | I don't know anybody in this city and I need somebody to talk to. |
好啊,怎麼了? 我不想談 | Sure. What happened?I don't want to talk about it. |
好… | Okay. |
不過有件事會讓我比較開心 | -You know what might cheer me up? -What? |
什麼事? 再多看幾張你的超酷幻燈片 | Seeing some more of your super cool slides. |
真的嗎? 絕對的,我愛死了 | -Wow,really? -Totally. I loved them. |
你還可以繼續講解 那幾種不同的沙子 | You could finish telling me about the different kinds of sand. |
沒問題,你等一下 我去拿投影機和講義 | I'd love to. Wait right here,I'll go get the projector and my notes. |
太好了,謝謝你 你真是個好朋友 | Thanks. You're such a good friend. |
你們有看到吉兒嗎? 我到處都找不到她 | Have you guys seen Jill? I can't find her. |
沒看到 | -No. |
羅斯在家嗎?我打去問他好了 | -Is Ross home?Maybe I'll call him and see if he's seen her.. |
哪一位? 是菲比…菲比 | Who is it?It's Phoebe..."Phoebe"! |
天哪 | -Hey! -Oh,God! |
所以你在拍A片 我沒有 | So you're making porn movies.No,I'm not. |
攝影機還在轉 你現在就在拍 | We're still rolling!You're making one right now! |
菲比快點 而且還用我的名字 | Let's go,Phoebe.And you're using my name. |
對,有什麼事嗎? | Can I help you with something? |
菲比,快點 我在跟別人說話… | Phoebe,come on!Look,I'm talking right now. |
你是在叫她,噢 | You mean her. Oh. |
雙胞胎的題材一向很熱賣 什麼? | You know,twin stuff is always a real big seller.What? |
我可以幫你談到30塊錢 | I could talk them into giving you...thirty dollars. |
不要!想都別想 | No! No way! No! |
而且別再冒用我的名字 你真丟臉 | And stop using my name! And shame on you! |
你們都很丟臉,你們噁心死了 尤其是你,和你的那個 | And shame on all of you! You're disgusting!Especially you,with that! |
幻燈片快好了 | The slides are almost ready. |
好…我知道還少了什麼:酒 | Yeah.I know what this is missing:Alcohol. |
好,廚房有紅酒 太好了 | There's wine in the kitchen.Oh,great. |
我妹妹為什麼在你家? 窗簾為什麼拉上了? | What is my sister doing there,and why are the drapes shut? |
好,你別激動 她心情很差,我們只是在聊天 | Okay. Rach,calm down,okay?She's really upset. We're just talking. |
羅斯,她想藉由跟你發生關係 來報復我 | She's making something happen with you to get back at me. |
所以她來只是為了這個? | That's the only reason she could be here,huh? |
會不會是因為我很善於傾聽 放的幻燈片很好看 | It couldn't be that maybe I'm a good listener...and I put on a great slide show? |
羅斯,是真的 她在利用你來報復我 | Ross,I am telling you,she is using you to get back at me. |
我自己可以應付 回頭再聊,再見 | I think I can take care of myself. I'll talk to you later. Goodbye. |
是你姐打來的 她覺得你在利用我 | That was your sister,actually.She thinks you're just using me. |
所以呢? | So? |
我剛去過烏蘇拉的公司 | I just came from the company Ursula works for. |
連你也做了 | Oh,no,not you too? |
不,我是去領菲比布菲的支票 有很多張喔 | I went to get Phoebe Buffay's checks. There were a lot of them. |
漂亮 | Nice! |
而且我不必再去了 因為我留了我的“正確”位址 | And I won't have to go back there anymore...because I gave them my "correct address." |
太好了,但別人還是會誤會 你不會困擾嗎? | Isn't it gonna bother you that people think you're a porn star? |
不會,我有辦法 | Oh,no,I know how to handle it. |
是嗎? 沒錯 | -Good. -Yeah. |
想知道你在哪裡見過我? | Trying to figure out how you know me? |
給你一個提示:A片!好嗎? | I'll give you a hint. From porn! |
沒錯,你的變態男朋友 在A片裡看過我 | Yeah,your pervert boyfriend watched me in a porno movie! |
看吧 | -See? -Yeah. |
你對吉兒的看法或許沒錯 | You may have been right about Jill. |
我就知道!怎麼了? | I knew it! What happened? |
她吻了我 什麼?你們親嘴了? | She kissed me.What? You kissed? |
也許我們應該回避一下 | Maybe we should give them some privacy... |
我儘量不去親她 | Look,I tried not to kiss her,okay? |
聽起來可不是 想不親一個人的話,不要親就對了 | Doesn't sound like it. It's easy not to kiss someone.You just don't. |
我們現在就沒有親嘴 | Look at us right now,not kissing! |
讓我說完好嗎? 她過來親我,我沒有阻止 | Let me finish,okay? She started kissing me...and I didn't stop it. |
我沒有多想 | I guess I just wasn't thinking. |
是啊,沒有多想 我來讓你好好想一想 | Yeah. Let me give you something to think about. |
慢著,但是後來我一想就把她推開了 | Hold on! But then I started thinking and I stopped the kissing. |
謝謝你把舌頭 從我妹的嘴裡縮回來告訴我 | Thank you for taking your tongue out of my sister's mouth to tell me that. |
我是想到如果我跟吉兒怎樣 我們就再也不能怎樣了 | I realized if anything happened with me and Jill...then nothing could ever happen with us. |
什麼? | -What? |
我是說 我不知道我們還會不會怎樣 | -No,I mean...I don't know if anything is ever going to happen with us...again,ever. |
但我不想斷絕這個可能性 於是我喊停,然後… | But I don't want to know that it never could.So I stopped it |
她氣得摔壞我的投影機 | and she got mad and broke my projector. |
我都不知道該說什麼了 | I don't even know what to say. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
不客氣 | You're welcome. |
我的天哪,你在哭嗎? 這兩個人為何就是不能在一起 | My God,are you crying?I just don't see why those two can't work things out! |
好,我要走了 | All right,I'm leaving. |
我要遠離某個一直害我的人 | I'm not spending one more day with someone who's out to sabotage me. |
就是你,瑞秋 | That's you,Rachel. |
我知道 | Yeah,I got that. |
還有你,我投懷送抱你卻不要 你真夠同性戀的 | And you! I throw myself at you...and you say no? How gay are you? |
你自己保重 | You take care,Jill. |
好,我要走了 別替我擔心,我會自立自強 | Okay,I'm leaving. Don't worry about me,I'll make it on my own. |
就算我很茫然 不知該怎麼活下去 | Who knows how I'll get by,or even if I'll survive. |
吉兒,別裝了 我知道你跟爸和好了 | You can stop that now,I know you made up with Daddy. |
你怎麼知道? 猜的,而且你的禮車到了 | -You do? How? -Oh,just a wild guess...and your limo just pulled up. |
我還來不及多認識你們 真可惜 | -Sorry I didn't get to know you guys better. -Absolute shame. |
好,再見 再見 | -Okay,see you. -Bye-bye. |
吉兒居然走了 | I can't believe Jill's gone. |
沒辦法,我一發不可收拾 | I can't help it,I opened a gate! |
看來網際網路是不會消失了 | So it seems like this lnternet thing is here to stay,huh? |
不說話也沒關係 | It's okay not to talk. |
你們猜怎樣? 貝瑞和明蒂要離婚了 | Hey,you guys,guess what.Barry and Mindy are getting a divorce. |
天哪 | -Oh,my God. |
你是怎麼搞的? | What is the matter with you? |
不,是貝瑞和明蒂 | No. Barry and Mindy. |
對不起 我一聽到離婚就覺得是羅斯 | Oh,sorry. I hear "divorce," I immediately go to Ross. |
誰是貝瑞和明蒂? | Who's Barry and Mindy? |
貝瑞是我差點要嫁的人 明蒂是我最要好的朋友 | Barry was the guy that I almost married,and Mindy was my best friend. |
他們不是有一腿嗎? | Wasn't he cheating on you with her? |
對,但那只表示他做到一半 會在她身上睡著 | But that just means he was falling asleep on top of her instead of me. |
他們為什麼要離婚? | -Why did they get divorced? |
顯然是他外遇被她逮到 | -Well,apparently...she caught him cheating on her with someone else. |
很悲哀吧? | Isn't that sad? |
要是我真的嫁給他 我的人生會多麼不同 | Can you imagine if I'd married him? How different would my life be? |
我懂你的意思,我總是在想 要是我沒有離婚會怎樣 | I've always wondered how different my life would be...if I'd never gotten divorced. |
哪一次? 第一次啦 | -Which time? -The first time! |
真的,要是卡蘿沒發現 她是同性戀 | Imagine if Carol hadn't realized she was a lesbian. |
我無法想像 我老是往好的方面去想 | I can't. I keep seeing it the good way. |
那我一定還在練控手道 (空手道) | I bet I'd still be doing my karate. |
後來我經常練控手道 | Towards the end of our marriage,I did a lot of karate to release the tension... |
好發洩缺乏肉體運動的精力 | from not doing anything else physical. |
也許你不念成控手道就沒事了 | Maybe the problem was you were pronouncing it "ka-ra-tay." |
如果我還是很胖呢? | What if I was still fat? |
你一定不會跟我交往 | You wouldn't be dating me,that's for sure. |
當然會 少來了 | -Sure I would. -Come on. |
你們真的覺得我那麼膚淺? | You guys really think I'm that shallow? |
不,我只是覺得莫妮卡太胖 | No,I just think Monica was that fat. |
要是我沒被 “我們的日子”開除呢? | Hey,imagine if I'd never got fired off Days of Our Lives. |
卡蘿又出現了 | Hey. Hey,there's Carol again. |
要是我有勇氣辭職呢? | What if I had had the guts to quit my job? |
我可能在幫“紐約客”(美國第一位的文學雜誌)寫稿 拿錢搞笑 | I'd probably be writing for The New Yorker,being paid to be funny. |
現在的工作也很有趣 明天我不必打領帶 | But my job's fun too. I mean,tomorrow...I don't have to wear a tie. |
要是我去美林證券上班呢? | What if I'd taken that job at Merrill Lynch? |
什麼? 美林證券? | -What? -Merrill Lynch? |
對,我有個客人在那裡上班 | I had a massage client who worked there, |
他說我有炒股票的頭腦 | and he said I had a knack for stocks. |
那你怎麼不去? | Why didn't you take the job? |
因為當時我很相信押韻這回事 | Because at that time,I thought that everything that rhymed was true. |
我覺得要是我去做股票 就得住地窖 | I thought if I worked with stocks...I'd have to live in a box |
只能吃安眠藥,養三腳貓 | and only eat lox and have a pet fox. |
這種股票經紀人的確不是你想要的 | Yeah,you don't want that in a broker. |
你們覺得如果有這些事 我們還會在一起嗎? | Do you guys think if all those things happened,we'd still hang out? |
本集播出:“可能會發生的事” | The One That Could Have Been |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
天哪,瑞秋格林? | Oh,my God. Rachel Green? |
勞勃提爾曼 | Rob Tilman! |
不對,是我,羅斯 | No,no,it's me. Ross. |
對不起,羅斯提爾曼 | Oh,I'm sorry. Ross Tilman. |
不是,是羅斯蓋勒 | -No. No,no. Ross Geller. |
當然了,莫妮卡的哥哥 | Of course! Monica's brother. |
沒錯 | -Yeah. Right. |
你好嗎? 很好,我結婚了 | -Wow! How are you?Good. Good. I'm married. |
我也是 | Me too! |
結婚真好不是嗎? 就是啊 | -Isn't it the best? -Oh,it's the best. |
莫妮卡好嗎? 非常好 | -So how's Monica? -Really,really great. |
事實上她就在前面 | Actually,she's right down the street. |
你應該過去打個招呼 | You should stop by and say hi. |
好啊 她會很高興 | -I would love to. -She'd be so excited. |
好 走吧 | -Okay. -Come on. |
等等,你不是要買… | Wait,don't you have to pay for... |
“巨乳女郞”? | Busty Ladies? |
沒關係,有個小孩托我幫他買 | No,that's okay. Some kid asked me to pick it up for him,but I.... |
走吧 | Okey |
你不是應該把錢還給他? | Don't you have to give him his money back? |
拿去吧,抱歉,你不能看色情書 | Here you go,buddy. Sorry,no porn for you. |
我們去找莫妮卡吧 | Okay,let's go see Monica. |
莫妮卡 你還在跟無聊醫生交往? | So,Monica. Still going out with Dr. Boring,huh? |
他才不無聊,他只是… | He's not boring. He's just... |
只是比較低調 | He's low-key. |
你的榛果拿鐵 謝謝 | -Here you go,one hazelnut latte. -Thank you. |
其實榛果不是果實,而是種子 | You know,the hazelnut,actually not a nut.It's a seed. |
還有誰能說出一種 假裝是果實的常見種子? | Can anyone else name a well-known seed that's been masquerading as a nut? |
天哪,我想想看 | Oh,dear God. Let me think. |
你怎麼了? 我又被退稿了 | What's the matter?I got another rejection letter. |
他們說我的東西很有趣 只是不如“阿奇漫畫”有趣 | They said my writing was funny,just not "Archie Comic" funny. |
親愛的,我得回醫院了 好 | I gotta get back to the hospital. |
再見 | -Bye. -Bye-bye. |
對了,答案是巴西堅果 | By the way,the answer is: the Brazil nut. |
他的問題比他的人更無趣 | Was his question,"What's more boring than him?" |
好帥的毛線背心啊 | And nice sweater vest,by the way. |
你們別這樣,他人很好 是啊 | -Stop it,guys. He's sweet. -Yeah,yeah. |
老兄,退稿的事真可惜 你要我借給你一些錢嗎? | Hey,man. Sorry about the Archie thing.You need me to give you some money? |
我窮歸窮,還是有骨氣 | I may have no money,but I still have my pride. |
是嗎? | Really? |
也許喬伊不必給你錢 電視明星都有助理對吧? | Joey doesn't have to give you the money.TV stars have assistants,right? |
這個辦法好 | That's an idea. |
要是我請助理轉交 你會收嗎? | If I hire an assistant,would you take money from her? |
不是啦,錢德可以當你的助理 | No,Joey. Chandler could be your assistant. |
他可以幫你回信給影迷 | He could answer all your fan mail and stuff. |
太好了,好主意,就這麼辦吧 | -That would be great! Let's do that! -I could use the money. |
我有錢領,還有時間寫作 | I'd have time to write. |
漂亮,歡迎加入 感謝 | -Great. Welcome aboard! -Okay! |
我現在要去上廁所 我上廁所不用人幫 | All right. Now,I need to use the bathroom.Since I don't need any assistance in there, |
你就休息吧 好 | take a break!All right. |
菲比,你猜怎樣? 怎樣? | -Hey. -Hey,Phoebe.Guess what. |
喬伊找錢德當他的助理 | Joey just hired Chandler to be his assistant. |
真好 | That's so sweet. |
等一下,等我一下 | Oh! Hang on!Hang on! |
說 | Go! |
不對,不對 我是說一到50點就賣 | No. No,no. I said sell when it hits 50! |
50是一個數字,在49後面 | Five-oh! It's a number! It comes after four-nine! |
沒關係,一次錯誤可以接受 | No,it's okay. It's okay. You're allowed one mistake. |
開玩笑的,你當然被開除了 | Just kidding. You are,of course,fired. |
真可惜,我很喜歡她 | Oh,what a shame. I really liked her. |
莫妮卡,你看我遇見誰 | Hey,Mon? Mon,look who I ran into! |
天哪,瑞秋 | Oh,my God,Rachel! |
你看起來太不可思議了 你也是 | -God,you look terrific! -So do you! |
你是不是瘦了? | -Did you lose weight? |
你居然注意到了 沒錯,我瘦了3.5磅 | -You are so sweet to notice.Yes,I lost 3.5 pounds! |
記得我的朋友錢德吧 | You remember my friend Chandler. |
那位是菲比 | -And that's Phoebe over there. -Hi. |
天哪,快坐下 | Sit down. |
我們多久沒見面了? | How long has it been since we've seen each other? |
1987年,耶誕節第二天 西恩麥克曼的派對 | 1987,the day after Christmas. Sean McMahan's party. |
我彈了我的創作曲給你聽 “星際求愛儀式” | I played you one of my songs,you know,"lnterplanetary Courtship Ritual." |
喔對 | Oh,yeah. Right. |
你還在玩音樂嗎? | -So,now,do you still do music? |
偶爾,你應該來我家,我彈… | -Well,sometimes.Come over sometime. I'll play you.. |
天哪,“我們的日子”的 喬伊崔比亞尼剛剛走進來 | -Oh,my God!Joey Tribbiani from Days of Our Lives just walked in here! |
瑞秋,他是我們的朋友 | -Rach,he's a friend of ours. |
你們是雷莫瑞醫生的朋友? | -You're friends with Dr. Drake Ramoray? |
要跟他交朋友有點難 因為他很忙,又是個虛構人物 | It's hard to be friends with Drake...because of his busy schedule and the fact that he's not real. |
我也可以把鍵盤帶來 | Hey,or I could bring my keyboard here sometime. |
他過來了 | -He's coming over. -Joey? |
喬伊 好啦,拿去 | I know. Here,here. |
不是啦,這是我朋友瑞秋 我們是高中同學 | No. This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together. |
我好喜歡你演的戲 我每天都看 | I love you on that show.I watch you every day. |
你的前妻明明想殺你 你還捐腎救她… | When you took out your own kidney to save your ex-wife...even though she tried to kill you |
遇見影迷總是很開心 | It's always nice to meet fans. |
她不會很神經吧? 不會 | -She's not crazy,is she? -No. |
所以…你好嗎? | So how you doing? |
等等…等等,等一下 | Hang on.Hang on. Hang on. |
說 | Go! |
誰? | Who's this? |
好,你要替我工作 你叫什麼名字? | You're gonna like working for me.What's your name? |
布倫蒂是什麼鳥名字? | What kind of name is "Brindy"? |
我…隨便…閉嘴 | I…Whatever…Stop talking. |
好,以後你就叫瓊安 | All right,from now on your name is Joan. |
姓你自己選 | You can pick your own last name. |
我找不到我的筆 也被你吃掉了嗎? | I can't find my pen. Did you eat that too? |
你在這裡 是老闆大人 | -There you are. -Uh-oh,it's my boss. |
這是你今天的工作專案 | Here's a list of things for you to do today. |
太好了,謝謝你 | This is gonna be so great. Thank you so much. |
我要去給雙胞胎接生了 但只有一個是我的骨肉 | I gotta go to work. I'm delivering twins today,but only one of them is mine. |
把衣服送去乾洗 去拿我的維他命 | "Drop off my dry cleaning. Pick up my vitamins." |
教我怎麼寫維他命 | "Teach me how to spell vitamins." |
把我的新牛仔褲穿軟 | "Wear in my new jeans." |
你知道你的角色吧? | -You realize what you are,don't you? -What? |
什麼角色? 你像他的婆娘 | You're his bitch! |
不!不 | No,no! No! |
你不是壓壞了我的巧克力酥吧 | Wait! You didn't sit on my Kit Kats did you? |
不是,市場出了點變化 | No,there was a little,little dip in the market... |
我損失了1千3百萬 | and I lost 13 million dollars. |
不過巧克力酥沒事吧? | But the Kit Kats are all right? |
怎麼辦?怎麼辦? 通知公司我會被砍死 | What am I gonna do? I can't call my office,they'll kill me. |
通知客戶他們會砍自己 | I can't call my clients,they'll kill themselves! |
好啊,現在又胸口痛 | -Great,now my chest hurts. |
什麼? 我的胸口在痛 | -What?My chest hurts. |
現在是喘不過氣來 | -And now I can't breathe. |
菲比,你是心臟病發作嗎? | -Are you having a heart attack? |
如果是,左臂會來回抽痛嗎? | If I were,would I have shooting pains up and down my left arm? |
會 那就是了 | -Yes. -Then,yes. That is what I'm having. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我的手動不了了 幫我撥911好嗎? | Okay,this thing is useless. So will you dial 911 for me? |
別這樣,沒那麼嚴重 | Come on,Phoebe,it's not that bad. |
一般人如果可以休息兩星期 會很興奮的 | Most people would be excited if they didn't work for a couple weeks. |
一般人不喜歡他們的工作 我喜歡我的工作 | Most people don't like their jobs. I love my job. |
我才休息3小時就快瘋掉了 | I've been not working for three hours,and I'm already going crazy. |
我想念瓊安 | I miss Joan. |
心臟病發就表示你該放慢腳步 | Honey,having a heart attack is nature's way of telling you to slow down. |
我一直以為心臟病發 就表示你要死了 | I always thought having a heart attack was nature's way of telling you to die. |
但是你不會死 | You're not gonna die. |
你遲早會死,但不是今天 | I mean,you are going to die,but you're not gonna die today. |
我去死算了 | I wish I was dead. |
我們去走走 | Let's take a walk. |
你應該考慮去替 “用屁股講話”雜誌寫稿 | You should consider writing for Talking Out of Your Ass magazine. |
你最近怎麼樣? | What's going on with you? |
我練控手道練得更勤了 | Well,I've been doing a lot more of my karate. |
跟卡蘿還在乾枯期? 對 | -Still a dry spell with Carol? -Yeah. |
你們多久沒上床了? | How long has it been since you've had sex? |
上個週末… 那還好嘛 | -Well,last weekend... -Oh,that's not so bad. |
就已經2個月…放棄嘗試了 | will be two months...since I stopped trying. |
也許你應該玩一點刺激的 怎麼說? | You need to spice things up.-What do you mean? |
不曉得,你們可以綁住對方 可以在對方身上吃東西 | -I don't know.You could tie her up. You could eat stuff off each other. |
淫言穢語,輔助工具 | Dirty talk,menage a trois,toys. |
角色扮演 你當典獄長她當囚犯 | Role-playing. You're the warden,she's the prisoner. |
你當海盜她當村姑 | -You're the pirate,she's the wench. |
好,我懂了 | -Okay,I think I got it. |
或者你們都當股票經紀人 裸身在眾人面前滾來滾去 | Or you could be two stockbrokers,and you're rolling naked on the trading floor...and everybody's watching. |
我沒幹過 | It never happened. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
你幫喬伊工作得怎樣? | -So how is it going with Joey? |
很好,他現在都用暗號呼叫我 | -Just great. He beeps me now with codes. |
1是“帶吃的來” | One is: "Bring me food." |
2是“有女伴,帶吃的來” | Two is: "I'm with a girl. Bring us food." |
3是“迷路,找不到吃的” | Three is: "I'm lost and I can't find food." |
辛苦你了 | Oh,sweetie. |
這附近有吃的嗎? | Is there any food around here? |
她不會有事吧? 對,她在裡面 | -Is she gonna be all right? -Yeah,she's in there. |
那就好 | Oh,great. |
可以還我褲子了,看起來夠軟了 | Go take off those pants. They look ready. |
那裡是布瑞帝酒吧 我做完手術喜歡去輕鬆一下 | And over there is Brady's Pub...where I like to unwind after a long day of "surgeoning." |
好棒喔,還有呢? | This is so amazing. What else? |
那是一個大型電視臺設備 | Well,that is a large piece of television equipment. |
那是一個老男人,老男人你好 | And that is an old man.-Hey,old man! -Hey. |
我們要不要回我家去? | Alrighty. What do you say we head back to my place? |
我很想去,但是不行 | You know,I would really love to,but I shouldn't. |
為什麼? 為什麼世界不能停止轉動 | Why? Why can't the world stop turning... |
只要一下下,只為了我們? | just for a moment,just for us? |
那不是戲裡的臺詞嗎? | Isn't that a line from the show? |
對,不過 | Yeah,but... |
我或許說過同樣的話,但是… | I may have said those things before,but... |
只有這一刻… | I never truly meant them |
我才是真心的 | until now. |
那也是戲裡的臺詞 | That's a line from the show too! |
你看太多電視了 | Okay,you watch too much TV. |
喬伊,現榨的柳橙汁來了 謝謝 | Here's the freshly squeezed orange juice you asked for.Thanks. |
裡面有果肉 | There's pulp in that. |
怎樣? | Ya? |
我們不是講過了 | I thought we talked about this. |
我不喜歡果肉,不要果肉 果肉不是果汁,我要純果汁 | I don't like pulp.No pulp. Pulp isn't juice. All juice. |
對不起,我就是喜歡果肉 | I'm sorry. I guess I just like the pulp. |
天哪,抱歉,我太不客氣了 | I'm sorry. I am being so rude. |
瑞秋,你要喝汽水什麼的嗎? | Rachel,would you like a soda or something? |
錢德會馬上去幫你買 | Because Chandler will run right out and get it. |
好啊,就冰紅茶吧 | Yeah,well,sure,iced tea would be great. |
冰紅茶 | Iced tea. |
好,那您要什麼,先生? | Okay. Anything for you,sir? |
我剛才不是說了嗎? | Did I not just tell him? |
錢德,你想替我工作 | Okay,look,Chandler,if this is gonna work... |
就要專心聽我說話 | you have got to listen. |
你要拿果汁潑我對不對? | You're gonna throw that juice at me,aren't you? |
這不是純果汁 | It's not all juice. |
親愛的,早上我在淋浴間撲向你 很有意思吧? | So,honey,this morning was fun,huh?Me hopping in on you in the shower there? |
是啊,也許以後可以換一棟 有兩間浴室的房子 | Yeah,maybe someday we could get a place with two bathrooms. |
卡蘿,我在想 或許我們可以玩一點刺激的 | Look,Carol,I was thinking maybe...Maybe we can spice things up a little. |
怎麼說? | -What do you mean? |
卡蘿,我們的性生活不美… | -Carol,our sex life. It's just not.. |
爸 小鬼頭 | -Dad! -Hey there,little fella! |
你要不要去穿鞋? | Why don't we get some shoes on you,huh? |
自己去房裡穿鞋給爸爸看 | Why don't you show Dad how you can put your shoes on in your room. |
說真的,我們的性生活… | Seriously,our sex life. |
我想說或許… 我們可以換個新花樣玩玩 | I was thinking maybe,I don't know...we could try some new things,you know,for fun. |
像什麼? 我不知道 | -Like what? -Well,I don't know. |
互相把對方綁起來如何? | What if we were to...tie each other up? |
有些人會在對方身上吃東西 | Some people eat stuff off one another. |
不好 | Yeah. |
我們可以說髒話助長情趣 | You know,we could try dirty talk. |
我們可以玩3P | -We could have a threesome. |
這個我喜歡 | -I love that idea! |
誰的故事被“阿奇漫畫”採用了? | Who sold a story to Archie Comics? |
天哪,太棒了 | Oh,my God,that's so great. |
你有著作了,真想送你賀禮 | You're a published writer. I wish I had a present for you. |
等等 | Wait a minute. |
我的最後一個巧克力酥 | My last Kit Kat bar. |
要不要跟我分? 好啊 | -You want to share it? -Okay! |
錢德,我知道你很生氣 我想跟你道歉 | Chandler,I know you're mad. I'm sorry. |
我太混蛋、太過了 | I was a total jerk. Completely over the line. |
但我就是討厭果肉 | I just... I hate pulp. |
就像莫妮卡 對低脂美乃滋的感覺 | You know how Monica feels about low-fat mayonnaise? |
那不是美乃滋 | It's not mayonnaise! |
總之我只想說對不起 這個給你 | Anyway,I just wanted to say I'm sorry,and here. |
什麼東西? | -What's this? |
現榨的柳橙汁 有你喜歡的果肉 | -Fresh-squeezed orange juice,with pulp.Just the way you like it. |
謝了 | Thanks,man. |
喬伊 | Hey,Joey. |
喬伊,錢德的故事 被“阿奇漫畫”採用了 | Joey? Chandler sold a story to Archie Comics. |
天哪,太棒了,恭喜 | That's great! Congratulations! |
是什麼故事? | What's the story? |
也沒什麼 只是個白癡的漫畫故事 | You wouldn't care. It's just a stupid comic book story. |
開什麼玩笑 我最愛阿奇那票人了 | Are you kidding me? I love Archie and the whole gang. |
阿奇需要錢修他的老爺車 | Well,Archie needs money to fix his jalopy. |
但他不想跟瑞吉(阿奇漫畫中有錢人)拿錢 | But he doesn't want Reggie to just give him the money. |
所以瑞吉就找他當助… | So Reggie hires him as his assist.. |
當管家 | As his butler. |
然後叫他做一堆無聊事 例如叫他買不能有結塊的奶昔 | And then makes him do crazy things...Like bring him milk shakes that can't have lumps in them. |
等等,有點耳熟喔 | Wait a minute. That sounds a little familiar. |
這個故事畫過了吧 我覺得我看過 | Did they already do that one? I think I read it! |
莫妮卡,我一定要問 | Monica,listen. I have to ask. |
喬伊崔比亞尼找我去他家 | Okay,Joey Tribbiani invited me back to his apartment. |
他經常找女人去他家嗎? | -Does he do this with a lot of girls? |
對,經常,經常的經常 | -Yeah,a lot. A lot,a lot. |
而我是其中之一 | And I'm one of them. |
我真不敢相信 喬伊崔比亞尼耶 | I just cannot believe this. I mean,Joey Tribbiani. |
你不必一直叫他的姓 | You don't have to use his last name. |
但是他是喬伊崔比亞尼 | But,Monica,come on,it's Joey Tribbiani. |
看來你是非叫不可 | I guess you have to. |
雖然與我無關 但你不是結婚了? | It's none of my business,but aren't you married? |
對啊 | Yeah. |
真希望我們能不結婚一下 | I wish we could just not be married for a little bit. |
真希望我們能分開一下 | You know,I just wish we could be,like,on a break. |
你們沒有 | Well,you're not. |
你當然輕鬆,你又沒結婚 愛跟誰上床就跟誰上床 | It's easy for you. You're not married. You can have sex with whoever you want. |
沒錯 | Yeah,I can. |
別以為我沒有 我一天到晚都有 | Don't think I don't. I do.I mean,all the time. You bet! |
莫妮卡 | Monica? |
你有經驗了吧? | You've done it,right? |
當然有 你以為我是30歲的老處女嗎 | Of course I have. What do you think,I'm,like,some 30-year-old virgin? |
天哪,你是30歲的老處女 | Oh,my God. You're a 30-year-old virgin. |
再大聲一點 後面那個人應該沒聽到 | Say it louder. The guy in the back didn't hear you. |
我聽到了 | Yeah,I heard it. |
我不是沒有機會 我只是在等完美的對象 | It's not like I haven't had the opportunity.I'm just waiting for the perfect guy. |
我正在跟羅傑交往 | I'm seeing this guy Roger. |
他並不完美,但是… | He's not perfect...but |
或許我應該將就一下 把我的花芯給他 | I'm thinking maybe I should get it over with.You know,give him my flower. |
天哪,那就給吧 | Oh,my God,do it! |
你等得夠久了 | Honey,you've waited long enough. |
你知道嗎?你說得對 | -You know what? You are right. |
沒錯,沒必要看得那麼嚴重 | -Sex doesn't have to be a big deal. |
性愛不該有任何規則和限制 | There shouldn't be all these rules and restrictions. |
人應該隨時隨地,想跟誰上… | People should be able to sleep with whoever they want,whenever.. |
瑞秋,我覺得你不該背叛老公 | Rachel,I'm never gonna think it's okay for you to cheat on your husband. |
你懂什麼,處女 | What do you know,virgin? |
菲比,廁所怎麼有煙冒出來? | Phoebe?Why is smoke coming out of the bathroom? |
醫生說可能會有這種副作用 | The doctor said that could be one of the side effects. |
菲比,把煙熄掉 | Put the cigarette out. |
不,那不是香煙 煙是從我身上冒出來的 | No,it's not a cigarette. The smoke is coming out of me! |
熄掉 好啦好啦 | -Put it out. -Okay,okay! |
真高興有你們在 | -I'm so glad you're here. |
躺好 | -Come on. |
我來接 給我 | -I got it. -Give it to me! |
我來接 給我 | -I got it. -Give it! |
喂? | Hello? |
她現在不方便接電話 | She can't come to the phone now. |
好,沒問題,再見 | Right. No problem. Okay,bye-bye. |
是公司嗎?他們生氣嗎? 是傑克嗎?他有發火嗎? | Was it my work? Were they mad? Was it Jack? Did he yell? |
別緊張,沒有人發火 | No,just relax. Nobody yelled. |
傑克只是打來問你有沒有好轉 | Jack was making sure you were getting better. |
謝天謝地 | Thank God. |
她被開除了 | Yeah,she's fired. |
你已經盡力了,衛斯理醫生,該放手了 | You've done all you can,Dr. Wesley.You've got to let her go. |
別了,好好安息吧 | Goodbye and Godspeed,Hope Brady. |
且慢,衛斯理 | Not so fast,Wesley. |
雷莫瑞 | Ramoray! |
沒錯,衛斯理,我只是來說 | That's right,Wesley.I just stopped by to say that |
你是個冒牌醫生 | you're not a real doctor. |
那個女人的腦部好得很 | And that woman's brain is fine. |
太好了 | Oh,thank God. |
霍普,霍普 | -Hope? Hope? |
德瑞克 | -Drake.. |
霍普,你不會死 | You're not dying,Hope |
你會跟我過著幸福快樂的日子 哦,德瑞克 | You're gonna live a long,healthy life. With me.Oh,Drake. |
好,我決定了 | Okay.Here we go. |
喬伊,我是瑞秋 | Hi,Joey? It's Rachel. |
我明天晚上有空 | I am free tomorrow night. |
沒問題,我可以帶三明治去 | Yeah,sure,sure,I can bring some sandwiches. |
親愛的,關於玩3P的事 | So,honey...this threesome thing? |
你要去哪裡找… | How are we even gonna start to find..? |
我把可能有興趣的女人 列了出來 | Actually,I'm making a list of women I know who might be into this. |
天哪 | Boy. |
有人很用功喔 | Someone's been doing their homework. |
是啊 我知道我列了兩次蓋兒羅斯坦 | I know Gail Rosten is in there twice... |
是因為她… 我知道 | but she is so....Oh,I know. |
光是用講的就讓我有點… | You know,just talking about it is getting me kind of... |
我也是 | I know. Me too. |
是嗎?班已經睡了 | I think Ben's asleep. |
我覺得我們最好儲存精力 | You know,I think it'll be better if we just save it. |
儲存精力,沒問題 | Right. Save it. I can do that. |
你為什麼老是戴著那頂帽子? 送報要遲到了嗎? | Why do you always wear that dumb hat?What,you late for your paper route? |
“鐘斯先生太太,報紙來了” | "Hi,Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Here's your paper. |
“抱歉砸破你們的窗戶” | I'm sorry about your window." |
菲比 | Hey,Phoebe. |
還好嗎? 我得離開這張床,我快瘋掉了 | How's it going?I've got to get out of this bed. I'm going crazy here! Crazy! |
喝吧 | Here you go,sweetie. |
這是花草茶?我討厭花草茶 | What the hell is this,herbal tea? I hate herbal tea. |
但是我加了蜂蜜 | Well,I put some honey in it. |
她還不知道她被開除了對吧? | -She doesn't know she was fired? |
對,醫生說她知道的話會沒命的 | -No,the doctors say it may kill her. |
你們兩個女生在竊竊私語什麼 | What are you girls whispering about over there? |
不過我覺得應該告訴她 | But I think we should tell her. |
菲比,也許心臟病發是個徵兆 | Look,Phoebe,maybe this whole heart-attack thing is a sign... |
提醒你該考慮轉行了 | that you should start thinking about getting a different job. |
現在是在比賽誰笨嗎? | Okay,what is this,a stupid contest? |
優勝者已經揭曉了 | Because we've got a winner here. |
菲比,他說得對 31歲不應該有心臟病 | He's right. People are not supposed to have heart attacks at 31. |
我知道,但是不做股票 我還能做什麼? | I know. But if I didn't work there,what else would I do? |
你以前喜歡彈吉他 | -You used to like playing the guitar. |
真有吸引力啊 跟你哥一樣聰明 | -That was lucrative. Smart like your brother. |
那按摩呢? 按摩可沒讓你生過病 | What about the massage thing? That never gave you a heart attack. |
拿六位數的薪水 幫噁心的裸男裸女按摩賺小錢 | Pulling in a salary in the high six figures...or rubbing gross naked people for chump change. |
我該怎麼選擇? | What do I do? What will I do? |
它好逼真喔 就是啊 | I mean,it's just so realistic.I know. |
他的名字叫拍拍 拍拍狗 | His name's Pat.Pat the dog. |
我懂了 | I get it! |
你…要續杯了嗎? | Ready for a refill? |
我不該再喝了…我要喝 | I probably shouldn't.So I will! |
感覺好像下雨喔 很酷吧? | -It's like it's raining. -Pretty cool,huh? |
要是你以為把魚扔進去 不會卡進機器裡,那你就錯了 | But if you think you could put a fish in there and it wouldn't get sucked into the mechanism,you'd be wrong. |
可以借用洗手間嗎? 就在那裡面 | Can I use your bathroom?It's right through there. |
要是一個星期前有人對我說 | You know,I gotta tell you.If someone told me a week ago |
我會在喬伊崔比亞尼家撒尿… | that I would be peeing in Joey Tribbiani's apartment... |
人生真美好對吧? | Life's pretty great,isn't it? |
希望你餓了,我們先吃生蠔 | I hope you're hungry.We're starting with oysters. |
你知道生蠔的作用吧? | You know what they say about oysters,don't you? |
它有寄生蟲? | They have parasites? |
不是 | No |
有人說生蠔是一種春藥 | Some people say that oysters are an aphrodisiac. |
什麼人說的? 就是人嘛,有人說的 | -What people? -People.People say it. |
過來 | Come here. |
生蠔是吧? | So,oysters,huh? |
然後再吃一些中東的庫司庫司 | Then we'll have a little Middle Eastern couscous. |
我們可以用手拿著吃 | Something we can eat...with our hands. |
有意思,我們學到傳染病時… | When we were studying communicable diseases.. |
不是 | No,no. No. |
這樣才有感覺 | It's sensual. |
我都不知道,好 好 | Didn't know. Okay. |
討厭 | No |
抱歉,醫院找我 | Sorry,it's the hospital. |
菜都很棒,幫我留一點? | The food looks great. Save me some? |
我可不敢保證 | I can't promise anything. |
我們是來真的對吧? | We're really gonna do this? |
看樣子是 | Looks like it. |
要是你覺得很怪 我們還是可以隨時喊停… | If this is too weird for you,you can still back out anytime.. |
我來開 好 | I got it! |
蘇珊 | Susan |
謝謝你的加入 我怎麼可能錯過 | -Thank you so much for coming. -I wouldn't have missed it for the world. |
我是羅斯 | I'm Ross,by the way. |
羅斯你好 | Hello,Ross. |
我喜歡你家的佈置 謝謝你 | -I love what you've done with this space. -Thank you so much. |
好火辣呀 | How hot is this?! |
可惜在這裡的是我不是羅傑 | I'm sorry you're here with me instead of Roger. |
就是啊 | Yeah,me too. |
我可以讓你感到他的存在 | Well,I could make it seem like he's here. |
關於庫司庫司的小常識 | "Here's some little-known facts about couscous: |
第二個庫司 是1979年才加的 | They didn't add the second 'cous' until 1979." |
別鬧了,一點也不好笑 | Stop it! That's not funny! |
好 對不起 | I'm sorry,okay? It's just... |
今晚原本應該很重要的 | tonight was supposed to be a big deal. |
今晚要幹嘛? 你不會想知道 | -What was tonight? -You don't want to know. |
好吧 | Okey |
今晚要幹嘛? | What was tonight? |
今晚本來是我的初夜 | Tonight was going to be my first time. |
跟羅傑的第一次? | With Roger? |
是你的第一次?我的天哪 | Not just with Roger?Oh,my God. |
別激動,只做過四次的先生 | All right,relax,Mr. I've-Had-Sex-Four-Times! |
是四個不同的女人 次數就多太多了 | Four different women!I've had sex way more times. |
幾次? 九次 | -How many? -Nine. |
我只是在等完美的物件 | I'm just waiting for the perfect guy. |
這樣很好啊 你真的覺得羅傑是那個人? | Good for you. You really think that Roger's the perfect guy? |
不是,但他也不算糟 | No,but he's not a horrible guy. |
我都那樣自我介紹 | That's what I tell girls about me. |
錢德,我會死于處女之身 | Chandler,I'm gonna die a virgin! |
你不會,你很好很棒 你一定會如願以償 | No,you are not. You are sweet and wonderful...and this is gonna happen for you. |
是嗎?什麼時候? | Oh,really? When? |
你想跟我做嗎? 好啊 | Do you want to do it with me?Okay. |
我是開玩笑的 | I was kidding. |
我也是 | So was I. |
喬伊,你真是個了不起的演員 | You're such an amazing actor. |
你怎麼分辨雷莫瑞醫生 跟喬伊崔比亞尼的轉換? | How do you know where Dr. Drake Ramoray leaves off...and Joey Tribbiani begins? |
雷莫瑞醫生有現成的臺詞 | Well,with Dr. Drake...they always tell me what to say. |
喬伊就得自己編了 | And with Joey,I pretty much have to make it up on my own. |
你告訴我… | Tell me something,Joey. |
我剛剛從沙發上摔下來 沒錯 | -I just fell right off the couch there. -Yeah,you did. |
坐好,我問你一件事 | Here you go. Let me ask you a question. |
有多久沒有人稱讚你美麗了? | When was the last time...someone told you just how beautiful you are? |
我的手麻了 | I can't feel my hands. |
手給我 | Come on. Come here. |
我們不能這麼做 沒錯 | We can't do this. |
吃生蠔? 好 | Oyster? |
要是我們做了,我壓力會很大 | If we did do this,there'd be a lot of pressure on me. |
因為你等了很久 我不想讓你失望 | Because you've waited a long time,and I wouldn't want to disappoint you. |
但是我沒得比較 | But I have nothing to compare it to. |
就算你很遜,我哪會知道? | Even if you were horrible,how would I know? |
不錯 | I do like that. |
我還比較累 我得跟另外四個女人比 | It's harder for me. I have four women to compete with. |
其實只有三個 | Well,if it helps,there were only three. |
所以只有今晚對吧? | So it'd just be for tonight,right? |
沒錯,只是朋友在幫朋友的忙 | Absolutely. It would just be one friend helping out another friend. |
別說了,不行 | Stop it. We're not doing this. |
來做吧 不行…好吧 | -Let's do it! -No!Okay! |
你有特定的步驟嗎? | Do you have any moves? |
我有一些啦 | I have some moves. |
我沒有 | I have no moves. |
你在幹什麼? | Okay,what you doing there? |
對不起,真的太奇怪了 是啊,還是算了 | -I'm sorry,this is just too weird. -Yeah,forget it. |
要是我關燈呢? 好 | What if I turn out the lights? |
錢德? 怎樣? | Chandler? Ya? |
那是沙發 | That's the couch. |
我知道 | I know. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我知道 | I know! |
告訴你,我們一定要再來一次 | I'll tell you something.We are gonna do that again! |
沒問題 | Okey |
早安 | Morning. |
對喔 沒錯 | Oh,right. |
天哪,居然讓喬伊崔比亞尼 聽到我吐 | Oh,God.Oh,I can't believe Joey Tribbiani heard me throw up. |
其實他也看到了一點 不會吧 | He actually saw you a little bit too. |
天哪,我們沒有…沒有… | Oh,God,we didn't...? |
沒有,看完就沒興致了 | No No No,Not after seeing that. |
我真是很糟糕 | God,I'm just a horrible person. |
為什麼? 因為我已經結婚了 | -Wh..? Why? -Because I'm married. |
沒錯,我是有夫之婦 | That's right,I'm a married woman. |
還跑到一個電視明星家搞外遇 | I came to a TV star's apartment to have an affair. |
別傻了 | That's ridiculous. |
我才不是明星 | I'm not a "star." |
只是一般的名演員 | I'm just a regular famous actor. |
而我是個很糟糕的人 | And I'm a horrible,horrible person. |
瑞秋,你別再自責了 | Rachel,will you stop saying that? |
你記不記得卡普麗絲臨死前 | Hey,look.Remember on the show when Capri was dying? |
給了我… 石洞裡的戒指,記得 | -And she gave me.. -The ring from the cave. |
天哪,你可以留著它? | Oh,my God! They let you keep that stuff? |
當然,只要不被發現 想留什麼都行 | Sure. As long as they don't find out,you can keep whatever you want. |
我要把它送給你 | And I want you to have it. |
不要… 要 | No,I couldn't. |
你每次看到它 就要想起你是個好人 | Every time you look at it...I want you to remember that you are a good person. |
你有機會外遇,而且還是跟我 | Now,you had the chance to cheat...and with me. |
但是你沒有 這就是這枚戒指的意義 | But you didn't. And that's what this ring stands for. |
我以為它是代表 卡普麗絲對哥哥永不止息的愛 | But I thought that ring stood for Capri's undying love for her brother. |
你到底要不要? 我要 | Look,you want the ring or not? |
你醒了 太好了 | Hey,look at you! You're up! |
我想去走一走 | I thought I'd try to take a walk. |
你們幫我倒杯水,我馬上回來 | Will you pour me some water? I'll be back soon. |
你不是想打公共電話回公司吧 | You're not gonna use the pay phone to call work,are you? |
不是,我已經學到教訓了 | No. I've learned my lesson. |
快點,動作快 | Let's go! Come on! Move it! |
鞋子,公事包 謝了,祝你的膽囊早日康復 | Shoes,briefcase. Thanks,Lou. Good luck with the gallbladder. |
喬伊,你…你玩過3P嗎? | Hey,Joe...did you ever have a threesome? |
羅斯,我覺得卡蘿很漂亮 | Look,Ross,I think Carol's great, |
我也相信你很有魅力,但是… | and I'm sure you're very attractive,but |
不是,我之所以問你是因為… | No. The reason I'm asking is that... |
我昨晚玩了3P | I sort of had one last night. |
你? 對 | You? |
漂亮,過癮嗎? 還… | All right. So? Was it amazing?It was... |
好啦 | okay. |
只有還好?你的玩法對嗎? | Just okay? Did you do it right? |
你有沒有在參加派對時覺得 | Look,it's just,did you ever go to a party and think: |
“少了我會有什麼差別嗎”? | "Would anyone really miss me if I weren't here?" |
不過跟兩個女人再難玩 | But still,Ross...your worst day with two women, |
也勝過其他日子,你懂吧? 那當然 | pretty much better than any other day. |
只是我這個部分很快就結束了 | It's just...my part seemed to be over pretty quickly... |
然後我就一直等 | and then there was a lot of waiting around. |
你跟兩個都有做到吧? | But you got to be with both of them. |
沒有 | Not really. |
我只有跟卡蘿做 | Just Carol. |
另一個沒有? 沒有,她一直把我踹開 | -Not the other one? -No,she kept kicking me away. |
那樣很討厭 就是啊 | You don't want that. |
至少你開了眼界 | At least you got to see a lot of stuff. |
是大大的開了眼界 | Oh,I saw a lot of stuff. |
你後來有點無聊? 有一點 | -You get a little bored? -A little. |
我弄了點吃的 | Made a snack. |
你弄了什麼? 就是三明治 | -What'd you have? -Just a sandwich. |
火雞肉,加一點芥末醬 | Turkey. A little mustard. |
好像不錯 是很不錯 | -Sounds good. -It really was. |
我昨晚跟一個女生過夜了 | Let me tell you about this chick I scored with last night. |
等等,就是你嘛 | Wait a minute,that was you. |
你看我,我是個賤人 | Hey,check me out. I'm a slut! |
晚上要不要找事情做? | So you want to do something tonight? |
不行,羅傑醫生又要來了 | I can't. Dr. Roger's coming over again. |
也對,因為你還在跟他交往 | Oh,right.Because you're still seeing him, |
他人很好,我記得有一次… | and he's a good guy.I remember a time.... |
你還好吧? | Are you okay? |
好得很…你呢? | Yeah,totally.Totally. Are you? |
很好,真的好神奇 上次羅傑來的時候我好緊張 | Great. It's so amazing.Last time Dr. Roger came over,I was so nervous. |
但是跟你做過之後,我變成 | But after being with you,I'm like, |
“醫生可以看我了嗎?” | "Can the doctor see me now?" |
一定可以 | I bet he can. |
我沒有預約,但是我需要體檢 | "l don't have an appointment,but I sure could use a physical." |
你真的沒事? | -You sure you're okay? |
沒事,別管我,我很好 | -Don't worry about me,I'll be fine. |
天哪,貝瑞 | My God! Barry! |
你說你週末都不在 | You said you were going to be away all weekend! |
沒錯,對不起,我回來早了 你們請繼續 | That's right! I'm sorry! I am early!Finish,please! |
驚喜吧!看看誰回來了 | Surprise! Look who's back! |
菲比 | Phoebe |
通知警衛 | Call security. |
菲比,你不是被開除了嗎? | Phoebe,didn't you get fired? |
我可不這麼認為 | I don't think so. |
菲比? 傑克 | Phoebe? Jack |
你來幹什麼? | -What are you doing here? |
我好多了,回來上班 | -All better. Back to work. |
但這個研究部的小丑說我被開除了,他應該用功一點 | This clown from research told me I was fired.He should do his research,huh? |
你是被開除了 | Well,you were fired. |
沒有 | No |
我跟幫你接電話的人說了 | I told that guy who answered your phone. |
我沒收到留言,所以不算 | I didn't get that message. So this doesn't count. |
我先進辦公室了 | Anyway,I'll be in my office. |
菲比,沒有你的辦公室 | Phoebe,you don't have an office. |
沒關係,我在這裡工作 這裡很好,旁邊有植物 | I'll work right here.This is good. Next to this plant. |
菲比… | Phoebe |
你闖入我的辦公室了 | You're in my office. |
我替這家公司賺了很多錢 而且是大錢 | I've made a lot of cash for this company. I am talking big bucks! |
披索、日圓、盧布 我才犯了一個小錯… | Pesos! Yen! Rubles! You make one little mistake.. |
你損失了1千3百萬元 | You lost 13 million dollars. |
原來一切都是為了錢 | So now this is all about money? |
我已經夠… | You know,it's bad enough that... |
別鬧了吧 | You have got to be kidding. |
你還好嗎? | -Are you all right? |
我又發作了 什麼? | -I'm having another heart attack. |
我的心臟病又發作了 撥911 | I'm having another heart attack!Call 911! |
笨蛋 | Dumb-ass! |
菲比,你好嗎? | Phoebe,how's it going? |
我被開除,心臟病發作 | They fired me,and I'm having a heart attack. |
歡迎回來 | Well,welcome back. |
羅斯 瑞秋 | Hi Ross! Hi Rachel! |
喬伊崔比亞尼在嗎? 不在 | Is Joey Tribbiani here? No |
如果你見到他 請轉告他我在找他 | If you see him,please tell him I'm looking for him... |
這次我不會吐了 | and that this time I am not gonna throw up! |
這永遠是件好事 | Well,that's always good news. |
你還好嗎? | Are you okay? |
我?我很好 我很好,我好得不得了 | Me? I'm great!I'm fine! I'm so good! |
但是你知道誰不好?男人 | But you know who's not great?Men! |
你是男人對吧? 對 | You're a man,right,Ross? |
坐下 好 | Sit down. |
我問你一件事 | Let me ask you something. |
婚誓對你們來說是個屁嗎? | Do wedding vows mean squat to you people? |
為什麼我們一說要出門,砰! | Why is it that the second we tell you we are going out of town... |
你們就跟鄰居的 遛狗小妹上床? | bam,there you are in bed with the neighbor's dog-walker? |
我們很抱歉 | We're sorry. |
我說真的,婚姻的神聖性呢? | No,seriously. Seriously. What has happened to the sanctity of marriage? |
你昨晚不是跟喬伊在一起嗎? | -Didn't you spend last night at Joey's? |
你是偵探嗎? | -What are you,a detective? |
我不知道你和你丈夫怎麼了… | I don't know what's going on with you and your husband... |
希望那位遛狗妹已經成年 | and what is hopefully an adult dog-walker. |
但我要說男人並非都那樣 | Look,can I just say,not all men are like that. |
有些男人願意盡全力挽回婚姻 | There are men who'll do anything to make their marriage work. |
有些男人願意退到一邊 | Men who will stand by and watch... |
看老婆跟健身房剛認識的女人 | as their wives engage in what can only be described as a "twosome"... |
打得火熱旁若無人 | with some woman she barely knows from the gym! |
這些男人是誰? | Who are these men? |
就是我認識的一個人 | Just men. A guy I know. |
你可能要告訴他 聽起來他的老婆是…同性戀 | Well,you might want to tell him it sounds like his wife...is gay. |
她才不是… | She is not... |
她是同性戀 | She's gay. |
天哪 | Oh,my God. |
她好同性戀 | She is so gay! |
我真不敢相信 | I can't believe this. |
已婚者的吉日,對吧 | Good day for married people,huh? |
很遺憾你老公不忠 | I'm sorry your husband cheated on you. |
很遺憾你老婆是同性戀 | I'm sorry your wife is gay. |
看來女人也沒那麼好 | I guess women aren't that great either. |
去告訴我老婆啊 | Try telling my wife that. |
我可以進來嗎? | Okay to come in? |
進來,吃飯,隨你便 | Come in,eat,whatever you want. |
羅傑醫生又被叫走了 | Dr. Roger got beeped again. |
我知道,你猜是誰找他? | Yeah,I know. Guess who beeped him. |
什麼? 我就是那個脾臟破裂患者 | What?I'm the ruptured spleen. |
你為什麼要這樣? | Why would you do that? |
因為你不該和他在一起 | Because you shouldn't be with him. |
你應該和我在一起 | You should be with me. |
是嗎? 對 | Really? |
聽你聊羅傑讓我好痛苦 | When you were talking about Roger,that was killing me. |
昨晚的事不是說有就有的 至少對我來說不是 | Things like last night,they don't just happen.At least not to me. |
跟另外兩個女人在一起時… | I mean,with the other two women... |
到了早上 我巴不得趕快去找朋友 | in the morning,I couldn't wait to go hang out with my friends. |
但是跟你… | But with you... |
我就是跟朋友在一起 | I was,you know,already with a friend. |
錢德 | Chandler |
你八成不想跟我交往 因為我太愛開玩笑 | You probably don't want to go out with me.I make too many jokes, |
也沒認真談過感情 又不是個“醫生” | I've never been in a serious relationship...and I'm not technically a "doctor." |
只有一個女人對不對? | There was just one woman,wasn't there? |
真的有兩個 | No,there were two. |
算上我? 正是 | -Including me? -Oh,yeah. |
兩次心臟病發才終於讓你認清 | It only takes two heart attacks To finally make you see |
一次死不了 但第二次會讓你解脫 | One of them won't do it But the second will set you free |
告訴你的恨意與憤怒 是該道別了 | Tell all your hate and anger It's time to say goodbye |
只要我的老闆們一死 我就會這麼做 | And that is just what I will do Soon as those bastards I worked for Die |
還記得我之前養過猴子嗎? | Remember when I had a monkey? |
我在想什麼? | What was I thinking? |
小費怎麼才百分之二十? 我做錯事了嗎? | Hey,so,what's with the 20 percent tip? Did I do something wrong? |
百分之二十很大方了 | 20 percent is a pretty generous tip. |
你知道幾分更大方?百分之五十 | You know what's more generous? 50 percent! |
你知道怎樣更大方? 我知道你想說什麼了 | -You know what's even more generous? -I see where you're going. |
你幹嘛這麼貪? 好吧,對不起,只是… | What's up with the greed?I'm sorry. |
我得照新的大頭照,但是好貴 我只剩三張了 | I have to get new headshots made,and they're really expensive.I'm down to,like,three. |
其實是兩張,有一張的牙齒 被我塗黑…我為什麼那麼做啊 | Actually,two,because one of them I blackened some teeth.Why'd I do that? |
你不能設法多賺一點嗎? 例如在這裡多輪一班 | Isn't there something you can do to earn extra money?Can't you pick up an extra shift here? |
或是我以前當過乞丐 | Or,you know,I used to beg for money. |
如果能這樣更有用 | It helps if you've got a little of this going on. |
我現在還會 | Wow! I still have it. |
等等,你今天不是有試鏡? 也許你會入選 | Don't you have an audition today? Maybe you'll get that job. |
等等,我以前常參加醫學實驗 | Wait a minute.I used to get medical experiments done on me. |
難怪變成這樣 | Finally,an explanation. |
不是,我以前常靠這個賺錢 記得嗎? | I used to get paid for all kinds of medical stuff. |
我想想,我不想再捐精了 那種事在家做比較好 | Let's see... Well,I don't want to donate sperm again.I really prefer doing that at the home office. |
也許醫院會要我的血或口水 | Maybe they want some of my blood or spit or something,huh? |
喬伊? 怎樣? | -Joey? -Yeah. |
我說工作時聊天會怎樣 | What did I tell you about talking while working? |
幹得好? | Do it? |
那個人等咖啡等了10分鐘 他抱怨了你三次 | That guy's been waiting 10 minutes. He's complained about you three times. |
我講到哪裡? | Now,where was l? |
本集播出:“鰻魚力量” | The One With Unagi |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你們在忙什麼? | What are you up to? |
我們今天去學防身術 | We went to a self-defense class today. |
對,整個早上都在踢男人的胯部,感覺像在報復你 | Kicking a guy in the crotch all morning really takes it out of you. |
那是你們 | Takes it out of you? |
現在我們誰都能修理 沒錯 | Now we can kick anybody's ass. |
才一堂課?不會吧 | After one class? I don't think so. |
你想試試我的防身術嗎? | You want to see me self-defend myself? |
現在就假裝你是性侵犯者,有種就去 | Pretend you're a predator.Go on,I dare you! |
你當然可以抵擋已知的攻擊 | Of course you can defend yourself from an attack you know is coming. |
但那樣還不夠 | That's not enough. |
我學了很久的空手道 | Look,I studied karate for a long time. |
有個概念你們一定要瞭解 日文叫做unagi | And there's a concept you should be familiar with.It's what the Japanese call unagi. |
那不是一種壽司嗎? | Isn't that a kind of sushi? |
那是一種概念 是壽司沒錯,那是鰻魚 | No,it's a concept.Yeah,it is. It's freshwater eel. |
或許是同一個字… | Maybe it means that too. |
我現在好想吃鮭魚壽司 | I would kill for a salmon-skin roll right now. |
好,被攻擊活該,我不在乎 | Fine,get attacked. I don't even care. |
羅斯,對不起,快告訴我們 | Come on,Ross,we're sorry. Please tell us what it is. |
Unagi是一種全知的境界 | Unagi is a state of total awareness. |
只有達到真正的unagi 才能應付任何可能的危險 | Only by achieving true unagi...can you be prepared for any danger that may befall you. |
你是說有人要偷你的竹席 或魚壺的時候嗎? | In case someone's trying to steal your bamboo sleeping mat...or your kettle of fish? |
我是說應付彼此攻擊是一回事 | It's one thing being prepared for an attack against each other. |
應付偷襲又是另一回事,我不知道,比如…意外!! | Whole other story being prepared for an attack. I don't know.. Surprise! |
好,這次你們料到了 但不表示你們有unagi | You knew that was coming...but that doesn't mean you have unagi. |
你知道嗎?現在訂位 半小時後就能吃到鰻魚 | If we made reservations,we could have unagi in a half-hour. |
莫妮卡在嗎? 不在 | -Is Monica here? -No. |
幫個忙 我不知道該送什麼情人節禮物 | I need help. I don't know what to get for Valentine's Day. |
情人節已經過兩星期了 所以我不會送她日曆 | Valentine's Day was two weeks ago,so I wouldn't get her a calendar. |
她那天要上班,所以我們今天慶祝 | She was working,so we're celebrating tonight. |
何不去給你們一起訂個浪漫的SPA? | Why don't you book a day for both of you at those romantic spas? |
喬伊,這個主意很棒 | That's actually a good idea. |
還有胯下開洞的內褲 | And,of course,crotchless panties. |
雖然她的男朋友覺得很誘人… 她哥哥也是 | As appealing as that sounds to her boyfriend...and her brother... |
但我們說好今年要自己做禮物 | We promised to make each other gifts this year. |
我喜歡 真好 | -I love that. -You guys! |
你不會做開洞的內褲? | You can't make crotchless panties? |
拿一把剪刀給它剪… 好好好 | You take scissors and cut..Okay,okay,okay. |
做禮物,聽起來好好玩 | Making things sounds so much fun. |
我本來也這麼認為 直到我的眼睛糊到紙黏土 | I thought so too,until I papier-mached one of my eyes shut. |
我喜歡紙黏土,你做了什麼? | I love papier-mache! What did you make? |
我做了@#% ! | I made a flar-lar-lar. |
那是什麼? 什麼也不是 | -What is that? -Nothing! |
你要怎麼辦? | So,what are you gonna do? |
你們有沒有做什麼能借給我用 | Have you made anything I can take credit for? |
我有!我有!我做了襪子兔 了不起吧 | I have,I have! I started making little sock bunnies!Oh,for crying out loud! |
等等,那是我的襪子 | Wait a minute. That is my sock! |
現在它是你的兔兔朋友 | Now it's your little bunny friend. |
好 | Okay... |
這是一個@#% ! | This actually is a flar-lar-lar. |
我能不能問你情人節禮物的事 可以啊 | Can I ask about the Valentine's Day gifts?-Yeah. |
全都要自己做嗎? 當然,你忘了做嗎? | -Do we have to make the entire thing?Yes. Did you forget to make yours? |
當然沒有 | Of course not. |
我只是得去做的地方拿回來 好 | I just have to go to the place where I made it and pick it up. |
我好期待 這會是最棒的情人節 | I can't wait. It'll be the best Valentine's Day ever! |
我居然忘了,要做禮物 | I can't believe it! Make the presents! |
什麼? 要做禮物好興奮喔 | -What? -Just so excited to make the presents! |
見鬼 | Shoot |
你好,我是喬伊崔比亞尼 我想捐贈一些體液 | Hi,I'm Joey Tribbiani.With all due respect,I'd like to donate some fluids. |
我們的研究剛告一段落 目前沒有在找人 | We're at the end of a research cycle and not looking for applicants now. |
真可惜,我存了一陣子了 | That's too bad. I've been saving up. |
真的沒有我能參加的研究? | You sure there's no studies I can participate in? |
這是接下來的一覽表 謝謝 | -Here's a schedule. -Thanks. |
這個已經開始了 | This one starts now. |
沒錯,但只限雙胞胎 那是雙胞胎研究 | Only identical twins are eligible. It's a twin study. |
但是有2千塊錢 抱歉 | But it's $2000!Sorry. |
那喬伊崔比亞尼 對美女接待的影響力實驗呢? | And this?"Testing the Effects of Joey Tribbiani on Attractive Nurse Receptionist." |
結果已經出來了,不太理想 | Results are back on that one. They're not good. |
危險!危險 | Danger! Danger! |
你搞什麼啊? 讓你們認識unagi的重要 | What the hell was that?A lesson in the importance of unagi. |
你變態 | You're a freak! |
或許吧 | Perhaps. |
我很好奇,你們那樣哀哀叫 什麼時候才要修理我? | Now I'm curious.At what point during those girlish screams would you have kicked my ass? |
好吧,我們沒有準備 | All right,so we weren't prepared! |
抱歉用這種方法傳達我的重點 我是為你們的安全著想 | I'm sorry I had to take such drastic measures to make my point.I just want you to be safe. |
危險! | Danger! |
Unagi | Unagi! |
“選角經紀公司” | |
2千塊好多 真想有個雙胞胎兄弟 | 2000 bucks is a lot of money.I wish I had a twin. |
哪裡才有跟我長得一樣的人? | Where could I find someone...who looks exactly like me? |
錢德 | Chandler. |
我感覺到是你 | I sensed it was you. |
什麼? | What? |
Unagi,我明察秋毫 | Unagi.I'm always aware. |
你知道unagi是鰻魚嗎? | Are you aware that unagi is an eel? |
什麼事? 我不知道該為莫妮卡做什麼禮物 | -What's up? -I can't figure out what to make Monica. |
你可以講個笑話 | Why don't you make her one of your little jokes? |
我快急死了,好嗎? 你有沒有看起來像自製的東西? | I'm going crazy. Do you have anything homemade? |
這個她一定會喜歡 | You know what? She'd love this. |
這是阿波羅八號的模型 我六年級做的 | It's a replica of Apollo 8. I made it in the sixth grade. |
這個可以 我可以說你的愛讓我飛上月亮 | I could use that. I could say,"Your love sends me to the moon." |
可是阿波羅八號沒有登陸月球 | Except Apollo 8 didn't actually land on the moon. |
不過你可以寫你的愛 讓我繞行月球兩圈後順利返航 | You can say,"Your love lets me orbit the moon twice and return safely." |
我不能送這個 為什麼? | I can't give this to her.Why not? |
因為旁邊寫著“羅斯隊長” 底下寫著“我討厭莫妮卡” | It says "Captain Ross" on the side.And it says "I hate Monica" on the bottom. |
危險! | Danger! |
鮭魚壽司 | Salmon-skin roll. |
好… | Okey Okey |
沒錯,這是我自己做的 | Yes,honey,I made it myself. |
我剪不下去,我剪不下去 | I can't do it. I can't do it. |
自己錄的合輯 | A mixed tape! A mixed tape! |
可以交換禮物了嗎? 當然,你先 | Hi! Ready to exchange gifts?-Sure. You go first. |
好,過來 好 | -Okay,come here. |
我沒有包裝,因為我剛完成 好 | Okay,it's not wrapped because I just finished it. |
我錄了一卷浪漫情歌給你 | But I made you a tape of what I think are all romantic songs. |
好棒的禮物 | What a great gift! |
有“你今晚的模樣”嗎?(爵士名曲) | Is "The Way You Look Tonight" on it? |
聽了就知道 | We'll have to listen and see. |
我好喜歡喔,謝謝你 不客氣 | Oh,I love it! Thank you so much. |
你要拆了嗎? 要 | You ready to open yours? |
是襪子兔 | It's a sock bunny. |
對,我不是有叫你小兔兔? 有嗎? | Remember how I call you bunny?Not really. |
我叫過一次,以後我想多叫 | I did one time. And I want to start doing it more. |
所以做了襪子兔 我懂了 | -That's what this is about. -I see. |
菲比也有做襪子兔 | Phoebe makes sock bunnies. |
不,沒有 菲比做的是襪子兔子 | No,she doesn't. What she makes,they're sock rabbits. |
完全不一樣…好吧 | They're completely different. Okay,okay. |
這不是我做的,對不起 我完全忘了今晚和做禮物的事 | I didn't make it!I forgot about tonight and that we're supposed to make the presents. |
沒關係,我… 不,當然有關係 | It's okay.No,it's not okay. |
你那麼…你那麼用心 花那麼多心血錄情歌給我 | You're so incredible.You went through all this time and effort to make this tape. |
我要補償你,我一定會的 | I'll make this up to you. I will. |
我會下廚房煮你想吃的菜 進臥室玩你想玩的花樣 | I am going to cook you anything you want in here.And I'm going to do anything you want in there. |
我的確花了很多心血 | Well,I did put a lot of thought into the tape. |
你還小,不該看的 | You are way too young to have seen that. |
再1個半月就是你的生日 要是我又忘記準備禮物呢? | Your birthday's in a month and a half.What if I forget to get you a present for that too? |
我百分之百完全原諒你 | You are totally and completely 100 percent forgiven. |
那個得拿去洗 沒錯 | We've got to wash that. |
你不是看上一件外套 又嫌它太貴? | Remember that jacket you loved that was too expensive? |
你對我已經夠好了 | You have done enough. |
我要一早跑去買來送你 | I'll wake up early and get it. |
你不必…買黑色款,別買咖啡色的 | No,you don't.. Get it in black,not brown. |
你的蛋糕好了 | Your cake is ready. |
俗話說得好 做做愛,吃吃蛋糕 | It's like that old saying,"Have sex,eat some cake." |
嘿莫,嘿錢,拿瓶汽水 | Hey,Mon. Hey,Chan. Just getting a soda. |
你是誰? 喬伊啊 | Who the hell are you?I'm Joey. |
你好? | How are you doing? |
錯錯錯錯錯!是你好嗎 | No! No! No! No! No!How you doing? |
你好嗎…真是的!去走廊等我 | How you doing? Damn it,Carl! Go wait in the hall. |
我代替卡爾道歉 卡爾是誰? | I've got to apologize on behalf of Carl.Who the hell is Carl? |
我沒說嗎? | Did I not mention? |
我找卡爾來演我的雙胞胎兄弟 好參加醫學研究 | Carl is a guy I hired to be my twin for a medical research project. |
有時妙計就在眼前,是吧? | Sometimes the good ideas are right in front of you. |
我知道很瘋狂,但搞不好會成功 唯一的問題是卡爾的演技… | It sounds crazy,but it might work. The only problem is Carl's acting... |
唯一的問題? | The only problem? |
對,他害我兩年前 痛失那支大廣告,記得嗎? | He's the reason I didn't get that big commercial a couple of years ago. |
我們演兄弟,他卻搞砸了 | We were supposed to be brothers,but he messed up. |
我可以吃一小塊蛋糕嗎? | Can I get a piece of that cake? |
披薩,我們愛吃披薩 滾出去 | Pizza! We like pizza! Get out! |
派特·薩傑克?(《命運之輪》主持人) 可以 | -Pat Sajak? -Yep. |
阿曆克斯·特雷貝克?(《冒險》主持人) 當然 | -Alex Trebek? -Of course. |
恰克·沃拉利?(《行話》主持人) 絕對行 | -Chuck Woolery? -Definitely. |
所有的遊戲節目主持人 我都能修理 | You will not find a single game-show host whose ass I cannot kick. |
說 說我們是unagi | -Say it! -Say we are unagi! |
不是是不是,是有沒有 | It's not something you are,it's something you have. |
快說 | Say it! |
我可以輕易掙脫 但你們可能會死得很慘 | I could easily get out of this...but there's a chance you could get very,very hurt! |
接著就是我們 記住,這次不能怎樣? | Carl,we're next. Now remember,what is this not gonna be? |
重蹈“小婦人蘇打水”(可口可樂旗下產品)廣告的覆轍 沒錯 | -Another Minute Maid fiasco. -That's right. |
你不能怎樣? | And what are you not gonna do? |
我不能講話,因為… 你還講 | -I'm not gonna talk because.. -Damn it,Carl! |
下一組的資料…謝謝 | Can I have the next one,please?Thank you. |
喬伊和湯尼崔比亞尼 我們就是 | Joey and Tony Tribbiani.That's us. |
這是雙胞胎的研究 沒錯,2千美元 | But this is a study for identical twins.That's right. $2000. |
但你們不是雙胞胎 | But you're not identical twins. |
都是你啦 | Damn it,Carl! |
我的天哪 | Oh,my good God. |
你最愛吃的食物倒數 今晚,第三名 | Continuing the countdown of your favorite meals.Tonight,number three: |
起司通心粉加切丁的熱狗 | Macaroni and cheese with cut-up hot dogs. |
你對我夠好了,別再費心了 | Look,you have done enough. You have to stop this now. |
我會的,但不是今晚 | I will,but not tonight. |
晚餐音樂就來聽你錄的帶子 | For dinner music,I thought we could listen to that tape that you made me. |
那卷合輯 | Oh,the mixed tape. |
剛好就是“你今晚的模樣” 陪我跳舞 | "The Way You Look Tonight" is on here.Dance with me. |
你最好最好了 | You are just the sweetest. |
你每晚的模樣我都愛,錢德 | I love the way you look every night,Chandler. |
所以我錄這卷帶子給你 生日快樂,愛你的珍妮絲 | That's why I made you this tape.Happy birthday! Love,Janice! |
不,你最好最好了 | No,you're the sweetest. |
好,今天的課到此為止 記住,一定要平安 | Okay,ladies,that ends today's class.Remember,be safe out there. |
你教得真好 謝謝 | -Great class. -Thanks. |
我看得很仔細 | I was watching. |
不過我有一些問題 | A couple of questions: |
剛才最後那個女人把你絆倒 壓在地上 | You know that last move...where that woman tripped you and pinned you to the floor? |
你接下來會怎麼做? | What would you do next? |
她會拿鑰匙來刺… 不是,是你會怎麼做? | She'd take the keys and jam them in your..No,no. What would you do next? |
你是說攻擊者? 是的 | -Who,me,the attacker? -Yes,that's right. |
幹嘛? 我想偷襲兩個女人,卻沒成功 | Why?I tried attacking two women. Did not work. |
什麼? 沒關係,她們是我的朋友 | What?No,it's okay. They're my friends. |
我還跟其中一個結過婚 | In fact,I was married to one of them. |
你偷襲你的前妻? | You attacked your ex-wife? |
不是…我想偷襲她 | Oh,no. No,no.I tried. |
卻打不過她,所以才來找你 | But I couldn't. That's why I'm here. |
或許我們可以一起對付她們 | Maybe we could attack them together! |
不要 | That's a no. |
非常非常非常對不起 | I am so,so,so,so sorry. |
我會下廚房煮你想吃的菜 進臥室玩你想玩的花樣 | And I will cook anything you want in here...and do anything you want in there. |
你當然得煮,你想得美喔 | Yeah,you will! And are you kidding me? |
別這樣,這是我們的情人節 拜託啦? | Come on,Monica,it's our Valentine's Day.Please,please,please,please? |
好吧 | Okay. |
我有趣的情人 甜蜜逗趣的情人 你讓我心潮澎湃 | My funny valentine,sweet comic valentine!You make me high over my heart |
要進房間了嗎? 是我自己 | -So are we going in there? -I am! |
你的表情如此有趣 | You're look for laughable |
你們逃不掉了 | Nowhere to run. |
我不喜歡坐這裡,我要過去… | I don't like sitting up here. I'm gonna go over.. |
是他們先來的 | No,they got here first. |
羅斯在幹嘛? | -Why is Ross doing that? |
危險! 天哪 | -Danger!Oh,my God! |
他幹嘛撲向那兩個女人? | Why is he jumping on those women? |
我們應該去幫她們 | We should help them. |
我看她們不需要幫忙 | I don't think they need any help. |
我剛拿到教師評鑒表 你們聽這個學生寫的 | I got my teacher evaluations. Look what this student wrote. |
“我愛蓋勒博士的課” “令人大呼過癮” | "I loved Dr. Geller's class. Mind-blowing lectures. |
“蓋勒博士” “您是古生物學系的猛男” | You are definitely the hottie of the Paleontology Department." |
古生物學系的猛男們 做成月曆一定熱賣 | "Hotties of Paleontology." There's a big-selling calendar. |
那是誰寫的? | -Who wrote it? |
我也想知道 但評鑒表是匿名的 | -The evaluations are all anonymous. |
期末考考卷還在嗎? 在啊 | -You have their exams? -Yeah. |
你可以拿考卷來對筆跡 就知道仰慕者是誰了 | You could just match the handwriting and there's your admirer. |
只要和女生有關 他就成了大天才(電影《雨人)》 | A hot girl's at stake and he's Rain Man. |
等等,為何確定是個女生? | Wait a minute. Why are we so sure that this is a girl? |
是女生 | It's a girl! |
總之沒錯 因為我是老師,她是學生 | But it wouldn't matter.Because I'm a teacher. She's a student. |
校規說不行? | -It's illegal? |
沒有,但是會有爭議 瞭解 | -It's frowned upon. |
而且年齡差那麼多 | -And there's a big age gap. |
你就這麼想,等你90歲… | -When you're 90.. |
我知道,我90她就80 感覺就差不多了 | I know,she'll be 80 and it won't seem like such a big difference. |
我不是要說這個 | That's not what I was gonna say. |
我是說等你90歲 | When you're 90, |
還能擁有跟小妹妹戀愛的回憶 | you'll still have the memory of being with a 20-year-old. |
本集播出:“師生戀” | The One Where Ross Dates A Student |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
莫妮卡… | -Monica..? |
我不知道 好吧 | -I don't know. |
錢德 | Chandler |
你知道你那個當上導演的大學同學嗎? | You know your college friend who became a movie director? |
知道,黛娜基史東 我們一起修動作課 | Oh yeah,Dana Keystone. She was in my movement class. |
什麼是動作課? | -What's a movement class? |
錢德在假裝他沒修過默劇 | -He's pretending he didn't take mime. |
總之她要導艾爾帕西諾的新片 | She's directing a new Al Pacino movie. |
你得幫我爭取試鏡 | You gotta get me an audition. |
我不知道,我們10年沒聯絡了 | I haven't talked to her in 10 years. |
不,求求你,就當我欠你的 | Please,Chandler,I would owe you so much. |
你本來就欠我的 | You do owe me so much. |
你欠我3千4百… 老兄 | You owe me 3400..Hey,hey,dude. |
你幹嘛轉移話題? 什麼 | Why you changing the subject? What? |
你打不打電話? | -Will you make the call? |
好吧,我試試看 | -Okay,I'll try. |
萬歲!謝了,你最好了 | Thanks. |
試鏡是星期四截止 | Last auditions are Thursday, |
我星期四之前得過去 記得星期四就對了,你記得嗎 | so I gotta get in by Thursday.Remember Thursday. Remember Thursday? |
星期二嗎? | Yeah,so Tuesday? |
是星期四 | Thursday! |
你如果記不住就記是第三天 | Just think of it like this: The third day. |
星期一,一天,星期二,二天 | Monday,one day.Tuesday,two day. |
星期三,三天? 哪一天?星期四 | Wednesday... When day,what day?Thursday! |
第三天,好嗎? | The third day,okay? |
謝謝你 不客氣 | -Thank you. -Okay. |
莫妮卡… 她不知道 | -Hey,Monica..? -She doesn't know. |
莫妮卡,我要聽留言 你在廁所裡想到這個? | -I'm gonna check my messages. -You thought of that in there? |
當然,生理反應 她想知道還有誰在做同樣的事 | Nature called. She wants to see who else did. |
喂? | Hello? |
瑞秋 | Rachel. |
我們家有人,快報警 | Someone's in our apartment. Call the cops! |
你在用電話 | You're on the phone! |
天哪…天哪,謝謝你 | -Oh,my God! -What?Oh,my God! Thank you! |
是消防隊,家裡失火了 | There was a fire at our place. |
天哪,有多嚴重? | -Oh,my God! How bad was it? |
他沒說,但失火總是不太妙 | -It was a fire,I'm guessing not good. |
快走吧 快點 | -Come on,we gotta go! -Yeah,come on. |
笑什麼笑?有什麼好笑的? | What are you smiling about? What is so funny? |
我要應徵的角色是消防隊員 這真是天意 | The part I want to audition for is a fireman. This is so meant to be! |
你這學期的成績給得很大方喔 | You were very generous with your grades this semester. |
蓋勒教授? 是的 | -Professor Geller? -Yeah? |
我很喜歡你的課 | -I really enjoyed your class. |
謝謝你,非常感謝 | -Oh,thank you. Thanks very much. |
不好意思,說你是猛男 | I'm a little embarrassed about calling you a hottie. |
那是你? 對,我後來覺得怪怪的 | -That was you? -Yeah.I felt a little weird about it. |
你是老師,我是學生 | You're a teacher. I'm a student. |
但或許你願意和我約會? | Want to go out sometime? |
這樣恐怕不太好 | That's not the best idea. |
我想說學期結束 你就不是我的老師了 | Oh,because I was thinking,the semester's over.You're not my teacher anymore. |
什麼時候? | What time? |
當我沒說,你已經給我A了 | Oh,you know what? Forget it.I see you already gave me an A. |
瞭解 開玩笑的 | -Gotcha. -I'm kidding! God! |
說真的,什麼時候? | So seriously,what time? |
借過,借過 | Coming through. Coming through. |
你好 | Oh! Hello. Hi. |
不對,借過 | Right. Coming through! |
還好嘛 災情主要集中在臥房 | Okay. It's not so bad.Most of the damage was contained to the bedrooms. |
老兄 這星期四可以跟你借制服嗎? | Hey,buddy,think I could borrow your uniform this Thursday? |
什麼? 喬伊,人家在忙 | -Excuse me? -Joey! He's working. |
你穿一定很帥 | You would look good in that. |
災情如何? 很慘,非常慘 | Oh,how bad is it?It's really bad. |
只有一個斧頭沒被燒到 我根本不記得有買過 | The only thing that isn't burned is an ax,which I do not remember buying. |
瑞秋你呢? 東西都燒光了,床鋪,衣服 | -How's your room? -Everything's ruined.My bed,my clothes. |
你看我最喜歡的藍毛衣 那不是我的嗎? | Look at my favorite sweater.Isn't that mine? |
好,我對你的損失深感遺憾 | Fine. I'm sorry for your loss. |
這裡暫時不能住人 你們有地方去嗎? | You won't be able to live here for a while. You have a place to stay? |
好,你給我聽著 我現在沒心情被搭訕 | Okay,look,pal...I am not in the mood to be hit on right now. |
不過要是你給我電話 我改天會打給你 | But if you give me your number,I'll call you sometime. |
她們可以跟我們住 | Yes,they can stay with us. |
請問起火原因是什麼,消防員先生? | Do you know what started the fire,Mr. Fireman? |
你們有人抽煙嗎? | Well,do either of you smoke? |
沒有,不過現在來一根也好 | No. But yeah,I could use one now. Thanks. |
不是,你們有人點蠟燭燒香嗎 | -Do you light candles,burn incense? |
有,我常點,我很喜歡 | -I do all the time. I love them! |
天哪,是我害的 我把房子給燒了 | Oh,my God,I did it! It's me,it's me! I burned down the house! |
菲比,別激動 沒有必要怪誰,好嗎? | Okay,Phoebe,calm down. There's no need to place blame. Okay? |
我警告過她 | I warned her about those candles. |
能聊聊真好,居然這麼久了 | I can't believe how long it's been. |
錢德,是不是… | Hey,Chandler,is that..? |
太好了,恭喜你 | -Oh,that's great,good for you. |
是不是可以… | -So,is it..? |
好,我們可以見個面… | Okay. So,yeah,maybe we can get together... |
你等我一下…怎樣? | Hold on for one second.What? |
等你講完,要不要叫披薩? | Do you want to get a pizza later? |
我回來了 | Hi,I'm back. |
聽起來不錯 好,就這麼決定…好,再見 | Yeah,that sounds great. We'll do it then. Okay,bye. |
我什麼時候試鏡? 我知道是星期四,但是幾點? | When's my audition? I know it's Thursday,but what time? |
我們沒聊到那個 我帶她去喝咖啡時再說 | Hi. We didn't get to it.I'm taking her to coffee. We'll do it then. |
你要跟這個女生約會? | Now you're going on a date with this girl? |
這不是約會,我們失去聯繫10年了 | I haven't talked to her in 10 years. |
總不能一通電話過去 就要人家幫忙 | You can't just call up and ask somebody for a favor. |
要講人情世故,花點時間客套 | There are rules,you know? You gotta put in some time. |
沒錯,對不起 你又不是去見舊情人 | Right,I'm sorry.It's not like she's an ex-girlfriend. |
我們只約過一次會 | We only went out once. |
你跟她交往過? | You dated her?! |
一次也沒有 | Not once. |
乾脆我也去找個前男友 來幫喬伊的忙 | Why don't I just go out with an ex,you know,and do Joey a favor? |
想幫喬伊的忙就跟喬伊約會 | You want to do Joey a favor? Maybe you go out with Joey. |
真好,我朋友喬伊也在電影圈 | That's great. My friend Joey's in the movie business. |
你猜我那天遇見誰?豪伊 | You know who I ran into from school? Howie. |
我的朋友叫喬伊 | My friend's name is Joey. |
豪伊在當剪接師 | Apparently,Howie's editing now. |
他打來問能不能剪我的新片 | Yeah,he calls me up and asks me if he can edit my new movie. |
你相信嗎?我們10年沒聯絡 他居然來找我幫忙 | Can you believe that?You know,I haven't spoken to him in 10 years...and he asks me for a favor? |
我一向很討厭那傢伙 | Yeah,I've always hated that Howie. |
連聲好都沒問 連先喝杯咖啡都沒有 | No "How you doing?"Man,I mean,not even a cup of coffee first. |
好大膽 就是啊 | -The nerve. -Yeah. |
續杯嗎? | Refill? |
事出突然,抱歉房裡一團亂 | This is last-minute,so I want to apologize for the mess. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我住的時候絕對不是這樣 我知道 | It sure didn't look this way when I lived here.I know! |
問題是這裡只能睡一個人 另一個人得去住喬伊家 | But there's only room for one,so one of you will have to stay at Joey's. |
既然火算是我放的 你就睡這裡吧 | Since the fire was kind of my fault,you should get to stay here. |
誰也沒有錯,那是個意外 | Hey,hey,now. This was no one's fault. It was an accident. |
不,是我害的,你應該睡這裡 好吧 | It was my fault. You should get the nice room.Okay! |
瑞秋,你是莫妮卡旅店的首位貴客 | You're the first guest at "Hotel Monica." |
你得告訴我早餐想吃什麼蛋 我打算端到床上給你 | Just tell me how you like your eggs.I thought I'd bring them to you in bed. |
你吃了這麼多苦 就是啊 | -You've been through so much. -I have. |
這是我放披薩的地方 | This right here is where I keep the pizza. |
紙巾在那裡 | And that's where the napkin is. |
什麼味道? 就是啊 | -What's that smell? -I know! I don't... |
拜託,那麼大一個班 你根本沒有注意到我 | Oh,please,it was such a big class. You never even noticed me. |
當然有,你坐在“睡鬼”旁邊 誰? | What? Of course I did. You sat next to "Sleepy Sleeperson."Who? |
我記不住全班的名字 就取綽號代替 | Oh. I had trouble remembering names,so I came up with nicknames. |
像你的另一邊是“發臭馮棕色上衣” | The guy on the other side of you was "Smelly Von Brown Shirt." |
沒錯 | Oh,yeah. |
你有幫我取綽號嗎? 沒有 | -So did you have a nickname for me? -No. No. |
你有,是什麼? | Yes,you did. What was it? |
“漂亮美麗” | "Cutie McPretty." |
真好 | Oh,that's so sweet! |
說真的,今晚真的很開心 | Listen,I gotta tell you,I'm having a great time. |
你之前說師生約會很奇怪 | You said it might be weird,the whole student/teacher thing? |
其實我也有同感 結果不會,一點也不會 | And to be frank,I thought it would be too.But it's not. I mean,it's not at all. |
蓋勒博士 伯特 | -Dr. Geller! -Burt! |
你昨晚睡得好嗎? | -Did you sleep well last night? |
很好,莫妮卡很貼心,還在我的枕頭上 放了一小片薄荷 | -I did.Monica was so sweet. She left a little mint on my pillow. |
你猜喬伊在我枕頭上放什麼? | Know what Joey left on my pillow? |
什麼? 口香糖 | Gum. |
找到起火原因了 | -We determined the cause of the fire. |
我知道,是我的蠟燭害的 | -I know. It was my candle,my candle! |
不是,浴室有個電器沒拔掉 好像是捲髮器 | No,there was an appliance left on. It looks like a curling iron. |
我沒在用捲髮器 總有人在用 | -I don't use a curling iron. -Someone does. |
別看我,我的頭髮是直的 直的直的直的 | Don't look at me,my hair's straight. Straight,straight,straight. |
也可能是直髮夾 | -It could've been a hair straightener. -Oh. |
披薩都放這裡 | This is where I keep the pizza. |
紙巾呢? | And.. Hey,where'd the napkin go? |
什麼味道?是臭掉的蝦嗎? | What is that?Is that old shrimp? |
應該是喔 | I think it is! |
這樣,可不能讓貴客眼睛疲勞 | I wouldn't want my best guest to strain her eyes. |
謝謝莫妮卡 | Thanks,Monica. |
你怕那個味道嗎? | -Does that smell bother you? |
喬伊家的味道?這裡又聞不到 | -From Joey's?I can hardly smell it over here. |
聞得到就說 我可以烤個派把它蓋過去 | Well,you let me know if you can. I can bake a pie to cover it. |
有點聞得到,烤個派吧 好 | -I can smell it a little,bake a pie. -Okay. |
喂? 請稍候 | Hello?One minute,please. |
火場調查員找你 | It's the fire inspector. |
喂?我是菲比 | Hello? Yeah,this is Phoebe. |
是嗎? | Really? |
是的,所以直髮夾不是起火點 | Yeah,so it turns out that it wasn't the hair straightener...that started the fire. |
不,是蠟燭 把蠟燭點著不管實在不太好 | No,no. It was the candles.Yeah. It's very not good leaving candles unattended. |
消防學校最先教的事情之一… | In fact,one of the first things they teach you in fire school is... |
好,我該掛了 | okay,well I have to go now. |
我們玩得好開心,她好棒 | We had such a great time. She's incredible. |
我以為年齡會造成問題 結果一點也不會 | I thought the age difference might be a problem,but it wasn't. |
伊莉莎白非常成熟 | Elizabeth is very mature for her age. |
有些人就是不懂 | A concept lost on some people. |
所以師生可以約會 | It's okay to date a student? |
也不是,技術上沒觸犯校規 但是會受爭議 | Well,not really. Technically,it's not against the rules. |
尤其是我們昨晚遇見的教授“法官馮比你高尚” | But it's frowned upon,especially by the professor we saw last night:"Judgy Von Holier-than-thou." |
羅斯,小心一點 別被叫成“和學生亂搞”教授 | You don't want to get a reputation as "Professor McNails-his-students." |
我該怎麼辦? | -Yeah. What should I do? |
很簡單,什麼比較重要? 別人的看法還是你的感覺? | -Well,it seems pretty clear.What's more important? What people think or how you feel? |
你得忠於你的心 | -You gotta follow your heart. |
喬伊,你說得真好 | -Joey,that's so sweet. |
你跟黛娜談得怎樣? 我星期四該不該空出時間來? | -Hi. -Hey! So how'd it go with Dana?Any reason I should leave a block of time open? Say,Thursday? |
我說不出口 你說不出口? | -I couldn't do it. -You couldn't do it? |
別急,我需要更多時間 我們晚上要吃飯 | I need more time. We're going to dinner. |
什麼?你還要跟她出去 | You're going out with her again? |
跟誰出去? 大學的黛娜基史東 | -Going out with who? -Dana Keystone,from college. |
她不是… | Oh,yeah. Wasn't she...? |
那是黛娜卡普林 | No,that was Dana Kaplan. |
喬伊,你根本不知道是誰 隨便啦 | -Joey,you didn't even know her! -Yeah,whatever. |
故事真的好棒,好錯綜複雜 | Great story again.The yarns that you weave! |
我該走了 | You know,actually,I should get going. |
留下來,你應該留下來 | Oh,no,no,stay! Because you should stay. |
我真的很受寵若驚 但是我對你沒感覺 | Oh,I am really flattered.But I just... I don't feel that way about you. |
不,我不是…不是 | Oh,no,no. That's not.. |
錢德,對不起 你人很好,我也不想傷害你 | I'm sorry,Chandler. You know,you're such a sweet guy...and I don't want to hurt you. |
真想設法讓你好過一點 不…真的嗎? | I wish I could do something to make you feel better.No.. Really? |
當然 | Of course. |
我真是太傷心了,我… | Well,it just hurts so bad,I... |
對不起 | Oh,I'm sorry. |
或許你可以做一件事 什麼事?你儘管說 | -Maybe there is one thing you can do. -What? Anything. Anything. |
我是剛剛才想到的 | Well,I mean,this is just off the top of my head now. |
我有個朋友,演員朋友 他要是知道一定會殺了我 | But I have this friend.. This actor friend.He would kill me if he knew that I was doing this. |
但你可不可能讓他去試鏡 就星期四吧? | But...would it be possible for him to audition for your movie on Thursday? |
沒問題 | Absolutely. |
但是我讓你的朋友來試鏡 真的能讓你好過一點? | But...you'd really feel better if your friend could audition for my movie? |
這是我的心願,再見 | The heart wants what it wants. Bye. |
怎麼樣啊? 這5分鐘都沒什麼變化 | Hey! How's it going?Well,not much has changed in the last five minutes. |
其實有,我烤了餅乾 | Yes,it has. I made cookies! |
不了,我還在消化你做的薯片 | I'm still full from your homemade potato chips. |
但是餅乾應該剛烤好就趁熱吃 | But you should eat them now,because they're hot from the oven. |
好 但不是在這裡 | Okay.But not in here! |
床上不能吃餅乾,不能掉屑屑 | Can't eat them in bed,remember? No crumbies! |
好,我馬上出去 好 | Oh. Okay,I'll be out in a second.Okay. |
你在幹什麼? 門不能鎖對吧? | -What are you doing? -This doesn't lock,does it? |
喬伊,對不起 | -Oh! Joey,I'm sorry. |
沒關係,別在意 | -It's all right,don't worry about it. |
但是你看,會有印子 | But look! That's gonna leave a stain. |
瑞秋,沒關係,這是喬伊家 | Rach,hey,it's fine. You're at Joey's. |
真的嗎? 當然,你看 | -Really? -Yeah,look. |
我沒有這樣吃過東西 我知道 | -I've never lived like this before. -I know. |
別浪費了,這是食物 | Well,don't waste it. I mean,it's still food. |
接著要幹嘛?要不要去喝酒? | What do you want to do now? Want to get a drink? |
我不行 | I can't. |
你要念書? 不是,我還沒滿21歲 | -Oh,you have some studying to do? -No,I have some turning 21 to do. |
我以前念大學時,我們都… | You know,I remember when I was in college,we used to.. |
你幹什麼? 沒事,我只是覺得好舒服 | -What are you doing? -Nothing,I'm so comfortable with you. |
你怕被別人看見? | Do you not want to be seen with me? |
什麼?當然不是 他們走了嗎? | No,of course I do. Are they gone? |
他們還在,不過我要走了 什麼?等一下 | No,they're still here. But I think I'm about to leave.What? No,no,wait,wait.. |
你說得對,這樣太蠢了 管別人怎麼想 | You're right,this is stupid. Who cares what people think? |
我們情投意合,對吧? 這樣並沒有錯 | I mean,we like each other,right?There's nothing wrong with that. |
走吧 | Come on. |
伯特,莉蒂亞,梅爾 | Burt. Lydia. Mel. |
這位是伊莉莎白 | -This is Elizabeth. -Hi. |
你是不是有在修我的大眾文化? | Aren't you in my popular culture class? |
沒錯,伊莉莎白是學生 我們在交往 | That's right,Lydia. Elizabeth is a student.And we're dating |
你們可以皺眉搖頭 但我們不會再躲了 | And you may frown upon that but...we're not gonna hide it anymore. |
你肯定要被解聘了 | You are so fired. |
什麼? | -What? |
你會被解聘 跟學生交往是違規的 | -They'll fire you.You can't date her. It's against the rules. |
真的?不只是受爭議? | Really? It's not just frowned upon? |
我最喜歡喬伊家了 | I love it at Joey's! |
漂亮 謝謝 | -Nice! -Thanks. |
你星期四有事嗎? | So you busy Thursday? |
真好笑,不曉得你記不記得 我的試鏡就是星期四 | Oh,very funny. Remember? My audition was supposed to be Thursday. |
你幫我爭取到了?來抱抱 | You got me the audition? Let's hug it up! |
要是你入選還得了 | Okay,okay! What are you gonna do to me if you get the part? |
我有事要找你 | -Hey. -Hi.Yeah,okay,I need to talk to you. |
我知道他們說直髮夾是起火點 但我也有責任 | I know they said the hair straightener started the fire.But I think I'm partly at fault. |
我沒有告訴你 我最近放了新的衛生紙 | You see,I didn't tell you,but...I had recently refilled the tissues. |
那個太容易著火了 | And so,let's face it,that's just kindling. |
所以我應該來住喬伊家 | So I think it's fair that I stay at Joey's. |
不,菲比,都是我不好 而且我在這裡好得很 | No,no,no,this was my fault.Besides,I'm fine here. |
好吧…錢德,莫妮卡在找你 是喔? | -Okay.Chandler,Monica's looking for you. -Really? |
好像跟餅乾屑有關 | -She said something about crumbies. |
不不不,我已經那麼小心了 | -No,no,no! I was so careful. |
你一定要跟我換 莫妮卡快把我逼瘋了 | You have to switch with me. Monica is driving me crazy. |
是的,小姐們都想住喬伊家 | That's right. All the ladies want to stay at Joey's. |
不要,我不想換 拜託啦,我在這裡可以扔紙巾 | No,I don't want to switch.Please! I can throw wet paper towels here! |
在對面你可以對著水槽吃餅乾 | No,but at Monica's,you can eat cookies over the sink. |
我知道,對不起 算了 | I know. I'm sorry.All right,fine. |
這個好像很好玩,濕嗒嗒的 | This looks like so much fun. God,what a mess. |
校規裡真的有 | Wow,it actually is in the handbook. |
我不能和你約會 或是在研究室放電磁爐 | I can't date you or have a hot plate in my office. |
不敢相信我們居然不能再見面了 | I can't believe we have to stop seeing each other. |
不過謝謝你為我挺身而出 我好感動 | For what it's worth,I did appreciate you standing up for me.That felt really nice. |
我更喜歡你了 | Kind of made me like you even more. |
我知道,我也很喜歡你 但是我們不能交往 | I know,I know. I really like you too. But we can't date. |
校規明文禁止師生戀 | It's against the rules. It's forbidden. |
怎麼了? | -Wow. -What? |
光聽你說校規禁止 就覺得好性感 | Just hearing you describe it as "forbidden"...it's really hot. |
真的? 對 | Really?Yeah. |
不管有多性感,這都是錯的 | Well,I don't care how hot it is,it's wrong. |
別再說了 | -Stop it. |
不,這是錯的,這樣很壞 | -No,no. It's wrong.It's naughty. |
這是禁忌 | It's...taboo. |
把書合起來 | Shut the book. |
再去弄個電磁爐吧 | Hey. Let's also get a hot plate. |
怎樣啊? 怎樣? | -So? -So...? |
今天是星期四,試鏡結果如何 | It's Thursday! How was the audition? |
什麼?星期一,一天,星期二,二天 星期三,三天,星期四… | It's.. Monday,one day. Tuesday,two day. Wednesday,what day.. |
這個顯然沒用 | Well,that thing's clearly in the way. |
好吧 | All right. |
死冰箱 | Damn fridge! |
喬伊,你好嗎? | -Hi,Joey. How you doing? -Great... |
很好,室友 | roomie. |
我們現在的確是室友 沒錯,經你一提 | -I guess we are roommates. -I know.Now that you bring it up, |
我們的冰箱壞了,得買台新的 | our fridge is broken.We need a new one. |
我算過,你得出4百 感激不盡 | I checked and your half is $400. Thanks a lot. |
我才不跟你分 我只住到我們那邊整理好為止 | I'm not paying for that.I'm just here while they fix my place. |
瑞秋,這台冰箱是我出生之後 我父母買的 | Look,Rach,my parents bought this fridge just after I was born. Okay? |
我用都沒問題 你一來它就壞了 | I have never had a problem with it. Then you show up and it breaks! |
這意味著什麼? | What does that tell you? |
冰箱無法和人一樣長壽 | That refrigerators don't live as long as people? |
好,你也知道自動提款機 一次只能提3百 | You know the ATM only lets you take out 300,so... |
剩下的1百我就收支票 | I'll take a check for the rest. |
你在開玩笑吧? | You're joking,right? |
當然是開玩笑了,我不收支票 | Of course I'm joking. I don't take checks. |
幸好你很帥 | Thank God,you're pretty. |
本集播出:“喬伊的冰箱” | The One With Joey's Fridge |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你們有認識的帥哥嗎? | Hi! Do you guys know any cute guys? |
當然有 就是我的好朋友喬伊 | Of course. My good friend Joey over here. |
我忘了…謝謝你錢德 | I'm sorry. Thank you,Chandler. |
週末有大型慈善晚會 | There's a charity ball and Ralph Lauren has a table... |
羅夫羅蘭占了一桌,我也得去 | so I have to go. |
為什麼籌款? 不曉得 | -What charity? -I don't know. |
不是某種樹就是某種病… | Something,either trees or disease... |
羅夫很會嘮叨 | Ralph mumbles a lot. |
羅夫都趁你不專心時嘮叨嗎 | -He mumbles when you're not attentive? |
對呀,好奇怪 | -Yeah. It's weird. |
總之我得找個男伴 | But I need to find a date. |
你想找什麼樣的人? | What kind of date? |
自己有晚禮服或租得起晚禮服 | Someone that has his own tux or the ability to rent a tux. |
所以身家起碼要有50元 | So he has to be a male who has at least $50. |
只差一點 | So close. |
大家好 | -Hey,everybody! -Hi,there. |
這是伊莉莎白 | -This is Elizabeth. -Hi,Elizabeth. |
我就是那個學生 | I'm the student. |
真可愛…才怪 | Isn't she cute? Nope. |
也許我不該多嘴 但你們在一起不是不能被看到嗎 | Weren't you guys supposed to...not be seen together? |
我們沒有在一起 | We aren't. |
沒有,我們只是兩個 在咖啡館巧遇的人 | We just happen to have run into each other here. |
真奸詐 | Oh,sly! |
我很想多認識你們 但是我得走了 | I wanted to meet you guys,but I have to run. |
改天見 好 | -See you later? -Okay. |
羅斯再見 再見 | -Bye,Ross. -Bye. See you. |
老師,我不是故意撞到你的 沒關係,女士 | -Didn't mean to run into you,sir. -That's quite all right,ma'am. |
她為什麼要走? 剛放學功課一大堆? | Why is she leaving? Is it a school night and she has homework? |
對,她明天要交 分子流行病學報告 | Yes. Her molecular epidemiology paper is due tomorrow. |
幫我祝她好運 | Tell her good luck with that. |
還有嗎?別客氣 | Anyone else? Bring them on. |
她什麼時候生日? | -When's her birthday? |
我不知道,怎麼了? | -I don't know. Why? |
我好久沒去“小雞乳酪”吃兒童速食了 | It's just been so long since I've been to Chuck E. Cheese. |
我喜歡伊莉莎白 謝謝 | -I like Elizabeth. -Well,thanks. |
我真的很喜歡她 叫她今年早點送童子軍餅乾來 | I like her so much,tell her I want my cookies early this year. |
我要薄荷巧克力餅和巧克力派 | A box of Thin Mints and some Tagalongs. |
你們別鬧他了 說真的,你們交往得怎樣? | Give him a break. Ross,how's it going with her? |
非常好 | It's been great. |
她才20歲,還不想太認真 最適合現在的我 | She's 20,so she's not too serious,which is perfect for me now. |
太好了,她真的好像很不錯 | That's great. Seriously,she seems nice. |
謝謝,我知道你們喜歡臭我 但我真的很希望你們能喜歡她 | I know you guys like to give me a hard time...but it means a lot to me. |
只要知道你們… 我想到一個很棒的 | -Just knowing.. -Okay,I got a good one. |
好,她是才12歲嗎? | What is she,like,12? |
錢德,你覺得我們的溝通夠嗎 | Chandler,do we talk about our relationship enough? |
夠,有水果卷嗎? | Yeah. Do we have any Fruit Roll-Ups? |
我剛想到一個人 很適合當瑞秋的男伴 | I thought of the perfect guy for Rachel to take to her thing. |
有意思,我們也找到人了 | That's so funny. We found someone too. |
那好,她可以在我的人 和你們的怪胎之中選一個 | Good. She'll have a choice between my guy and your weirdo. |
為什麼我們的人是怪胎? 你們的品味就是那樣 | -Why would our guy be a weirdo? -Because that's just your taste. |
瑞秋才不會選你的蠢人 | See,Rachel's not gonna pick your stupid guy. |
是嗎? 沒錯 | -Yeah? -Yeah. |
我這個是律師,還當義工 | My guy is a lawyer,who does volunteer work. |
而且他有這個東西 | And he has one of these. |
臉屁股? | A face ass? |
下巴窩啦 | A chin dimple. |
我們這個是錢德的同事 人品好又聰明又會打扮 | Well,you know,our guy works with Chandler.He's really nice and smart,and he's a great dresser. |
你們看過他的身體嗎? | -Have you seen your guy's body? |
沒有,他只有一顆飄來飄去的頭 | -No. Our guy's just a floating head. |
我這個的身材很贊 他是我的客人 | Well,my guy is spectacular. He's a massage client. |
有一次他在按摩臺上 就被我看光光了 | And one time,when he was on the table,I looked at it. And I mean all of it. |
你不能偷看 員警又不會抓 | -You're not supposed to look. -Like there are police for that. |
你會偷看?我被你按摩過 沒錯 | You look? You massaged me.I know. |
好,你那個或許身材很好 但我們這個很風趣 | Fine. Your guy may have a great body,but our guy is really funny. |
錢德式的風趣? | Chandler funny? |
我們這個舞功高強 我這個飽讀詩書 | -Our guy's a great dancer. -My guy's well-read. |
我們這個發質很好 我這個牙齒漂亮 | -Our guy has great hair. -My guy has great teeth. |
我們這個香得不得了 | Our guy smells incredible. |
你真這麼迷戀他? | Do you want our guy to be your guy? |
你的臉色不太好 | Well,you don't look good,Joe. |
冰箱壞了,我得把東西都吃掉 | The fridge broke,so I had to eat everything. |
冷盤、霜淇淋、萊姆… | Cold cuts,ice cream,limes. |
咖啡色罐子裡是什麼? | What was in that brown jar? |
那個還在? 現在不在了 | -That's still in there? -Not anymore. |
總之你要怎麼付錢給我? | So anyway,how do you want to pay me? |
你要提供某種服務嗎? | Is this a service you're providing me? |
不是,是我要買冰箱 我們要買冰箱 | No,for my new fridge. For our new fridge. |
我們?我已經不住這裡了 | Our new fridge?I don't live here anymore. |
那又怎樣? 聽著,假設我們是離婚夫妻 | -So what?Look,okay,suppose we were a divorced couple |
我取得孩子的監護權 | And I got custody of the kid. Right? |
結果孩子死了 我總得買個新孩子 | Now suppose the kid dies and I gotta buy a new kid. |
好 | Okay. |
給我4百元 | Give me $400! |
幸好你很帥 | Thank God,you're pretty. |
蓋勒教授 | Professor Geller? |
哦,是一名我不認識的學生 | Oh,a student I don't know. |
能不能跟您談一下? | I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment? |
當然可以,是哪方面的事? | Yes,of course. What would this be regarding? |
在你的研究室親熱 | Making out in your office. |
好,我們進去再說 | Of course. Why don't we go inside. |
怎麼了? 門把 | -What? -Doorknob. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
我真的有事要講 好,什麼事? | I actually do need to talk to you.What about? |
春假的事 春假的事? | -Spring vacation? -Spring vacation? |
對,學校沒課 很多人要去旅行… | Yeah,we have time off,and a lot of people are going on trips.. |
蓋勒教授 是,菲森斯蘭德教授… | -Professor Geller. -Yes,Professor Friesenstinlender. |
我馬上就好 | I'll be with you in one moment. |
那我就買一盒薄荷巧克力餅 | So I will take one box of the Thin Mints. |
你們不懂 伊莉莎白想找我跟她去旅行 | You don't understand. Elizabeth was about to ask me to go on a trip with her. |
這樣叫慢慢來嗎? | Is that taking it slow? |
我還沒準備好,我該怎麼說? | -I'm not ready for this.What do I tell her? |
實話實說,說你還沒準備好 | -Tell her the truth,tell her you're not ready. |
可以試試 | I could do that. |
要是她不高興呢? 你就拿芭比娃娃逗她 | -What if she gets upset? -Then you distract her with a Barbie doll. |
或者你也可以… | Or you could just,you know,you... |
你幹什麼? | What the hell are you doing? |
我幹什麼?你弄壞我的冰箱 | What the hell am I doing? You just broke my fridge! |
什麼?你怎麼知道它壞了? | What? How do..?How do you know it's even broken? |
它怎麼壞的我會不知道嗎? | You think I don't know what breaks my fridge? |
你等一下 | Excuse me! |
看吧,壞了 | Well,what do you know?Broken! |
請賠4百 | That'll be $400. |
喬伊,我看見你推他了 | Joey,I saw you push him. |
是你推的 | You pushed him. |
喬伊,我沒把它弄壞 它已經壞了一陣子了 | Joey,I did not break this. Okay? That has been broken for a while. |
我不是提過我們的冰箱的事? | Remember I told you about our fridge? |
我還沒拿到你該出的錢 | I still haven't gotten the check for your half yet. |
不要給他錢 你少插嘴,你撞壞我的冰箱 | Do not give him any money!I'm not talking to you! You broke my fridge! |
蓋勒教授,你找我? 是的,請進 | -You wanted to see me,Professor Geller? -Yes. Please come in. |
門把? 對,你有點玩上癮了 | -Doorknob? -Yeah. It kind of grows on you. |
我想繼續上次春假的話題 好 | I wanted to finish talking to you about spring vacation.Good. |
聽我說,我… | Look,I... |
我跟你在一起很開心 | Look,I'm having a great time with you. |
我不想進展得太快 或是給我們太多壓力 | And I just don't want us to move too fast or put too much pressure on us. |
所以很抱歉 我們還不能一起旅行,太快了 | So I'm sorry,I just don't think we should go away together yet.It's too soon. |
羅斯,你誤會我的意思了 | Ross,I think you misunderstood what I was saying. |
我只是想告訴你 我要去佛羅里達2星期 | I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to Florida for a couple weeks. |
不,是你誤會我的意思了 | No.I think you misunderstood what I was saying. |
我的意思是… 你好可愛 | What I meant was..You are so adorable. |
這個,我們來討論這個 | That. Let's talk about that. |
你跟伊莉莎白談得怎樣? | -Hi. -Hi.How did it go with Elizabeth? |
沒事,只是一場誤會 | Fine. Just a misunderstanding. |
她沒有要找我去 她只是要告訴我她要去佛羅里達放春假 | She didn't want me to go with her.She just wanted to let me know she's going to Florida for a spring vacation. |
等等,她是去放春假 還是去春遊? | Wait a minute. Is she going for spring vacation or spring break? Wahoo! |
有什麼差別? | What's the difference? |
春假是跟爺爺奶奶共用天倫 | Spring vacation,you're doing nice things with your grandparents. |
春遊是跟兄弟會的人上床 | Spring break,you're doing frat guys. |
並非每個人的春遊都那樣 | You know what? Not all spring breaks are like that. |
你做了什麼? 我跟我爸去埃及 | -What did you do on yours? -I went to Egypt with my dad. |
我可以想像 “看呐爸爸,是獅身人面像” | I can see it now. "Look,Dad,it's the Sphinx,wahoo!" |
伊莉莎白那麼正經 不會去“春遊” | I think Elizabeth is a little more serious than: "Spring break,wahoo!" |
好嗎?她修了我的課 | Come on,she's taking my class. |
還跟教授上床 我去打給她 | -And slept with the professor. -I'm gonna call her. |
各位,這是賽巴斯欽 | You guys,I want you to meet Sebastian. |
我們剛剛在報攤認識 我們都買了《原野與河流》(著名的狩獵和釣魚雜誌) | We met at the newsstand. We both grabbed for the last Field and Stream. |
怎麼了,我一直在看啊 | What? I read that. |
你要咖啡嗎? 要,謝謝 | -Can I get you a cup of coffee? -Yes. Thank you. |
瑞秋,你這是什麼意思? | -Rachel,what the hell is this? |
什麼? 你叫我們幫你找人 | -What?You ask us to find a guy, |
卻自己帶了個人來 | and you come traipsing in here with a guy of your own? |
你們幫我找到人了? | You found me a guy? |
對,我們在錢德的公司 相中一個可愛風趣的人 | Yes. We found you a really cute,funny guy from Chandler's work. |
我也找了一個不是怪胎的人 | Yeah,and I found you one too,who is not a weirdo. |
你們知道嗎?真是謝謝你們 不過我帶賽巴斯欽去就好了 | You know what though,guys,I really appreciate that...but I'm gonna take Sebastian |
你確定?我們這個很香喔 | Are you sure? Our guy smells incredible. |
別再提那個了好嗎? | Would you stop it with that already? |
你的咖啡 | -Here you go. -Thank you. |
賽巴斯欽,你有在當義工嗎? | So,Sebastian,do you do any volunteer work? |
沒有,怎麼了? | -Not really. Why? |
沒事,我只是認識一個 關心別人的單身漢 | -No reason.I know a single guy who does care about other people. |
你風趣嗎? | Are you funny? |
什麼? 你們在幹什麼? | -Excuse me? -What are you guys doing? |
你風趣嗎?講個笑話來聽 | Are you funny? Tell us a joke! |
我只是想和瑞秋喝杯咖啡 | I just wanted to have coffee with Rachel. |
很多人都想 | Well,so do a lot of people. |
說實話我該走了 | -Actually,I gotta get going. -But you.. |
有空打電話給我 你沒給我電話號碼 | -Give me a call sometime. -You didn't give me your phone number. |
好,那就改天見 | Okay,see you later. |
原來他蠻風趣的 | Turns out he is kind of funny. |
你們太過份了 他人很好,卻被你們趕走了 | I cannot believe you guys!He was really nice,and he just left because of you! |
賽巴斯欽耶? 那是貓的名字嗎? | Yeah,but "Sebastian"? What is that,a cat's name? |
你知道我發現什麼? 他很容易被嚇到 | You know what I noticed,Rachel? He scares easy. |
你想帶這種人參加舞會嗎? | Is that the kind of guy you wanna take to a ball? |
“賽巴斯欽,要不要跳舞?” | "Hey,Sebastian,would you like to dance?" |
“好,我得走了” | "Okay. I gotta go." |
別再說了 | Stop it. |
瑞秋,對不起,我們太過份了 | Rachel,we're very sorry.That is a very insensitive thing to do. |
這樣吧,讓我們補償你 我們有兩個好男人讓你挑 | Let us make it up to you. We have two really great guys for you. |
對啊,你有什麼損失? 搞不好會認識讓你心動的人 | Yeah,what have you got to lose?You might even end up with someone really special. |
如果你選我這邊的話 | If you pick my guy. |
好吧 | -All right. |
你願意見我們找的人? 我願意 | -So you will meet our guys?Yes |
你要選誰都行,由你自己決定 | It doesn't matter which one you choose. It's up to you. |
我們這個很完美 | Our guy is perfect. |
或者你也可以選 菲比自己看不上眼的人 | Or you could go out with the guy Phoebe deemed not good enough for herself. |
菲比,你在這裡 你弄壞我的冰箱,欠我4百 | There you are! You broke my fridge.You owe me $400. |
好吧 真的? | -Okay,sure. -Really? |
技術上來說你欠我6百 你最近十次試鏡我都有祈禱 | Technically,you owe me $600 for sending out happy thoughts...on your last 10 auditions. |
那就扯平了? | Call it even? |
好吧 | Okay. |
回來了,伊莉莎白怎麼說? | There you are.What did Elizabeth say? |
她真的是要去德通納春遊 | Turns out she is going to Daytona for "spring break,wahoo." |
也就是有濕T恤美女選拔賽 男生朝女生身上扔水球 | That means wet T-shirt contests,guys doing shots off of girls' bodies... |
在陌生人身邊醒來 | waking up with strangers. |
她會玩得很爽 | She is gonna have a great time! |
她要住可樂娜飯店嗎? | Is she staying at the Hotel Corona? |
你熟悉那裡的飯店? 當然,我參加過81年春遊 | -You know the hotels? -I was there! Spring Break '81,wahoo! |
81年你才13歲 | In 1981,you were 13. |
那又怎樣?我開車去賣T恤 玩得好開心 | So? I drove down,sold T-shirts. Had a blast. |
你們知道誰最會瘋? 酒醉的大學女生 | You know who knows how to party? Drunk college chicks. |
好,她不准去 | Okay,she can't go. |
羅斯,你不能叫她不要去 你們才交往沒多久 | You can't tell her not to go. You just started dating. |
那我該怎麼辦? | -What am I supposed to do? |
不怎麼辦,你只能接受 | -You just have to be cool with it. |
要是她跑去跟一堆人上床呢? | What if she goes down there and sleeps with a bunch of guys? |
那這次你就別娶她 | Well,maybe you don't marry this one. |
對不起,這是很嚴肅的事 | I'm sorry,this is very serious. |
你知道嗎?你喜歡她 她也喜歡你,不會有事的 | And you know what,Ross?You like her,she likes you,everything's gonna be fine. |
你說得對,我反應過度了 | You're right. I'm probably overreacting. |
她要住在濱海飯店 有大游泳池,每頓都有免費的飲料… | It's just she's staying at this party hotel on the beach...with a huge pool and free drinks with every meal. |
她既然這麼有錢 一定能賠償她弄壞的冰箱 | If she's got enough money for that,she can certainly pat for the fridge she broke. |
你能去旅行真是好事 就是啊,我這學期那麼用功 | I'm so glad you're going on this trip.I've been working so hard this semester. |
很需要瘋狂一下,緩解壓力 當然 | I really need to go crazy,blow off some steam.Sure. |
我不知道你的計畫定了沒 | Look,I don't know if your plans are finalized yet,but... |
還有一個辦法可以緩解壓力 | I know a great way to blow off steam. |
什麼辦法? 你喜歡做手工藝嗎? | -What? -Are you into crafts at all? |
羅斯,你還好嗎? | Ross,are you okay? |
我當然很好 我只是在表示支持 | Yeah. Of course I'm okay.I'm just being supportive. |
支持你和這次旅行 還有這是什麼? | Supportive of you and this whole trip...and what's this? |
那是泳衣 你要穿它去見人? | It's a bathing suit?To wear in front of people? |
這樣叫支持嗎? 這樣是嗎? | Is that supportive?Is this? |
太好了 | Okay,good. |
很高興你答應見我們找的人 你一定會很喜歡他 | -Hey. -Hi.We're so glad you decided to meet our guy. You'll like him so much. |
你要什麼時候見他? | -When do you want to meet him? |
不曉得 我知道我明天不用加班 | -I don't know.I don't work late tomorrow night. |
明晚不錯… | -Tomorrow night is good. |
不過現在能做的事 為什麼要拖到明天? | But why put off something till tomorrow that you could do it right now? |
艾達,過來 什麼 | -Eldad,come here! -What? |
艾達,這位是瑞秋 你好嗎? | -This is Rachel. -How are you? |
有點措手不及,不過我很好 | A little blindsided but good. |
艾達,坐…你坐過去 | Eldad,sit down. Move over now. |
這就對了 | There you go. There you are. |
好,我們知道了 | Okay,we can take a hint! |
你來幹什麼? 這位是派屈克 | What? What are you doing here?This is Patrick. |
你來晚了 她跟我們那個在一起了 | -Hi. -Hi.You're too late because she's already with our guy. |
天哪,我是來晚了 他們正坐在沙發上聊天 | You're right,I am too late. They're sitting on the couch and talking. |
瑞秋 怎樣? | Rachel? |
這是派屈克 | This is Patrick. |
他就是我說的那個人 | -Hi. -Hi.This is the guy I was telling you about. |
相信我,這套西裝 太委屈底下的身材了 | This suit does not do justice to what's underneath it. |
好,但是菲比 怎樣? | Okay.But,Phoebe, |
我現在有點事 | I'm just sort of in the middle of something. |
好,沒關係,你坐 | Okay. That's okay. Have a seat. |
你不能這樣 | -You can't do that! |
我走好了 坐下,我們占上風 | -I should go.Sit down,we're winning. |
也許我才應該走 不要,坐下 | Maybe I should go.No. Have a seat! |
瑞秋,你還沒摸過艾達的頭髮 | Rachel,you haven't touched Eldad's hair. |
超柔順的,你摸摸看 不必了 | -He has the softest hair. Touch it. -I'm good. |
瑞秋,派屈克很有錢 拿錢給她 | Rachel,Patrick is really rich. Give her some money. |
這個免費按摩的代價太高了 | This isn't really worth the free massage. |
沒錯,派屈克,再見 | -That's right. Bye-bye. -No. |
艾達配合多了,而且很會跳舞 | Eldad is much more cooperative,and he can dance. |
你跳舞給瑞秋看 | You dance for Rachel. |
不,拜託不要 | Don't dance for me. Please! |
你們是怎麼搞的? | What is the matter with you? |
沒錯,大家來說清楚 我… | Yeah,let's talk it out. |
只有我覺得尷尬嗎? | Am I the only one that this is embarrassing for? |
我也有點尷尬 | I'm a little embarrassed. |
該尷尬的是你們 這實在是太不可理喻了 | I'll tell you who should be embarrassed. It's you guys. |
很謝謝你們 但我不需要你們幫我找人 | I do not need you to get me a date. |
那你為什麼叫我們… 我還沒說完 | -Why did she ask us to..? -I am still talking! |
你們還把我真正喜歡的人趕走 | Then you chase away the one guy I actually liked. |
我沒有冒犯的意思,真的 恭喜你有那麼多現金 | No offense to you guys. Really,congratulations on...all the cash. |
還有你…你的頭髮真的很柔順 | And you really do have very soft hair. |
但我寧可自己參加晚會 也不要再受這種氣,再見 | But I'd much rather go to the ball by myself than go through any more of this.Goodbye. |
你有用什麼特別的潤髮乳嗎? | Now,do you use some sort of special conditioner on that hair? |
有,木瓜粹取液 謝謝 | Papaya extract.Thank you. |
好好去玩吧 我會的 | So have a great time down there.-I will. -Yeah. |
你有帶那套泳衣嗎? 有 | Did you pack that bathing suit? -Yeah. |
我剛才把它藏起來 實在蠻好笑的 | It was pretty funny when I hid it for a while. |
總之… | Anyway. |
我不是擔心那套泳裝太曝露 這一點我不在意 | I am worried about that suit.Not because it's revealing,which I'm fine with. |
我是關心你的健康,怕你曬到 | I'm concerned about your health.Sun exposure. |
放心,我帶了一大堆防曬油 防曬係數30 | Don't worry,I have plenty of sun block.-It's SPF 30. -All right. |
如果真的有30就好了 | Well,if what's in the bottle is actually 30. |
有時候是30,有時候只有4 我發誓有很多都只是牛奶 | Sometimes you get 30,sometimes it's 4 and...more often than not,it's just milk. |
羅斯,你放心 我不是要去跟一堆男生鬼混 | Ross,it's gonna be okay.I'm not going down there to hook up with a bunch of guys. |
我很喜歡你 我喜歡我們的關係 | I really like you.I like how things are going between us. |
真的? 對,我只是跟朋友們去玩一玩 | -Really? -Yeah.I'm just going down there to relax and hang out with my friends. |
好吧 | Okay. Cool. |
他們來了 伊莉莎白 | Here they are! |
打電話給我 | Call me! |
瑞秋,抱歉把那些人硬塞給你 | Sorry for pushing those guys on you. |
沒關係,結果我玩得很開心 | That's all right. I ended up having a really good time. |
晚會很成功 籌到很多款,引起很多重視 | The charity was a big success,and they raised a lot of money and awareness. |
它是為什麼籌款? | So,what was it for anyway? |
我很想說是一種疾病 | I wanna say a disease. |
羅斯留了奇怪的留言 叫我們看MTV台 | I just got this really weird message from Ross. He said to turn on MTV. |
看,是伊莉莎白 | Oh,my God,look! That's Elizabeth! |
蓋勒教授 | Professor Geller. |
回到13歲了 是啊 | To be 13 again.... |
反應爐3分鐘後就要爆炸 | "We've got 3 minutes till it blows. |
我們逃不掉了 | We won't make it!" |
你得趕快逃命 | "You've got to get out of here! Save yourself!" |
不行,我不會扔下你 | "I won't leave you." |
別管我 | "Don't worry about me. |
我是機器人,我只是一台機器 | I'm a robot. I'm just a machine!" |
對我來說不是 | #VALUE! |
天哪 | -Oh,my God. |
怎樣? 我太有才華了 | -What? -I am extremely talented. |
你確實很棒 | -Yeah. You're great. -Yeah. |
好,我們從… 不是,我真的超會演的 | -Okay,let's take it from.. -No,I mean,I was really acting my ass off. |
我覺得我也很不錯 | I thought I was pretty good,too. |
你是很不錯,只不過不是我 | Yeah,you're solid. You're just no me. |
我看就先這樣 我不想排練過頭 | You know what? I think that's enough for now.I don't want to be over-rehearsed. |
沒關係,我自己演 | Fine. I'll do it without you! |
我不需要你或任何人 | I don't need you or anybody else! |
我會靠我自己成功 | I'm gonna make it on my own! |
等著瞧,都給我等著瞧 | You'll see! You'll all see! |
本集播出:“麥克和吉事” | The One With Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你要去試什麼鏡? | So what are you auditioning for? |
是一部新劇集 | It's a new TV show. |
我的角色叫麥克麥可維利 也叫麥克 | I'm up for the part of Mac,Machiavelli,or "Mac"! |
我是個偵探 | I'm a detective |
和我的機器人拍檔 一起打擊犯罪 | and I solve crimes with my robot partner. |
他是人性化 | He's a computerized humanoid... |
電腦電子秘密殺手 | electronically enhanced secret enforcer. |
簡稱吉事 | Or "C.H.E.E.S.E." |
麥克與吉事 | -So Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.? |
那就是劇名 | -That's the title! |
幸好縮寫剛好是吉事 | They lucked out that the initials spell "cheese." |
真是幸好 | That is lucky. |
要是你拿到這個角色 | So Joey,if you get this,you're gonna be,like... |
就有你自己的劇集了 | the star of your own TV show. |
你就會被稱為大吉事(漢堡) 或是大麥克(麥香堡) | I mean,you'll be like the "Big Cheese" or the "Big Mac." |
都是你的最愛 | Hey,you love those! |
別抱太大期望,應該沒那麼好 | Don't get your hopes up. It probably won't happen. |
你為什麼要這麼說? | Why would you say that? |
拜託,我主演的影集耶? | Well,I mean,come on,guys. My own TV show? |
我都不知道我配不配 | -I don't know if I'm good enough. |
我配 | -I am |
喬伊,你在說什麼? 你是個很棒的演員 | What are you talking about? You're a terrific actor. |
真的嗎? | -You really think so? |
你怎麼能這麼問 | -How can you even ask that question? |
她真漂亮 | -She's pretty. |
對,人也很好 | -Yeah. And she's really nice too. |
她教我怎麼面對鏡頭 和聞屁演技法 | She taught me all about how to work with cameras...and "smell the fart" acting. |
什麼? | -I'm sorry. What? -Excuse me? |
因為在短時間內要背很多臺詞 | It's like you got so many lines to learn so fast... |
有時得停下來想下一句 | sometimes you need time to remember your next one. |
在你想的時候 要來個大停頓,表情故作嚴肅 | So while you're thinking of it,you take this pause where you look intense. |
就像這樣 | You know,like this: |
好 | Okay. |
該我了該我了 | Here's my scene! Here's my scene! |
華勒斯太太,我是雷莫瑞醫生 你妹妹的神經外科醫生 | Mrs. Wallace? I'm Dr. Drake Ramorey,your sister's surgeon. |
你妹妹得了一種… | You sister is suffering from a... |
伊娃,我們有不錯的進展 | Well,Eva,we've done some excellent work here. |
老實說,你的困擾很清楚 | And I would have to say your problem is quite clear. |
你只是想要一個風鈴 | All you want is a tinkle |
你討厭流行的東西 | What you envy's a schwang |
聽它發出清脆的聲音 | A thing through which you can tinkle |
撥弄著它,或是掛在那邊 | Or play with or simply let hang |
我演艾爾帕西諾的臀部 | I play Al Pacino's butt. |
他走進浴室,然後... 我就是他的屁股 | All right?He goes into the shower and then,I'm his butt. |
天呐 | -Oh,my God. |
別這樣,這是一部艾爾帕西諾主演大製作的電影 | -Come on,you guys.This is a movie and Al Pacino's in it,and that's big! |
別誤會,這真是太棒了 | It's terrific. |
這是你應得的,這是你多年努力的成果 你終於能登上大銀幕 | You deserve this. After years of struggling...you've finally cracked your way into show business. |
行,笑吧,我不在乎 | Okay,fine,make jokes. I don't care. |
這是我千載難逢的機會 | This is a big break for me. |
沒錯 | -No,you're right,it is. -Yeah. |
你準備邀請我們參加你的首映會嗎? | So,you gonna invite us to the big opening? |
好,我要走了,祝我好運 | All right,I'm out of here. Wish me luck. |
加油,加油,我們祝你好運 | Good luck,good luck We all wish you good luck |
隨便啦 | Yeah,whatever. |
要是我會跳舞就更可怕了 | Wow,if I could dance,I'd be a triple threat. |
該你了 | It's your turn. |
我們有在玩喔? | Oh,are we playing this? |
試鏡結果如何? 很爛 | How'd the audition go?Terrible. |
我把臺詞都念壞了 我不該當演員的 | I messed up every word. I shouldn't even be an actor. |
等等,你又在假裝不順利了嗎 | Wait. Are you pretending it didn't go well,but it really did go well? |
對,有騙到你們嗎? | -Yeah,did I fool you? |
當然了 | -Totally! |
所以很順利囉 順利得不得了 | -So it did go well? -Amazingly well! |
太好了 | -Great! |
只剩我和另外兩個人三選一 天哪 | -It's down to me and two other guys. |
那兩個人都很厲害 | And they're really good. |
其中一個就是在過敏廣告裡 被巨無霸花朵追來追去的人 | One's from those allergy commercials who's chased by flowers. |
我好喜歡那個人 | Oh,I love that guy! |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
我在幹什麼? | What am I doing? |
我好緊張 明天下午5點才要複試 | I'm so nervous,you know? The callback is tomorrow at 5:00. |
我的頭好像要爆炸了 | -I feel like my head's gonna explode. |
你的頭早該爆了 | -Well,it is overdue. |
放心,你一定沒問題 | -Don't worry. You'll be fine. |
壓力真的好大 | -But it's so much pressure. |
很抱歉,但你們的工作很不同 我不知道你們能不能體會 | What you guys do is different. I don't know if you'd understand. |
是啊,我們的工作都沒有壓力 | Yeah,we don't have pressure at our jobs. |
我知道現在幾點了 但是我對這份報告很不滿意 | I know what time it is,but I'm looking at the wee-ness and I'm not happy. |
我在撕生菜 | Well,I'm tearing the lettuce. |
它髒嗎? | -Is it dirty? |
放心,我會洗 | -Don't worry,I'll wash it. |
不必,我喜歡髒的 | Don't. I like it dirty. |
你決定就好 | That's your call. |
你接下來要做什麼? | So what are you going to do next? |
我要切蕃茄 | I thought I'd cut up the tomatoes. |
它們結實嗎? | Are they firm? |
還不差 | -They're all right. |
你確定它們沒有變壞? 你確定它們沒有很壞很壞? | -You sure they haven't gone bad?You sure they're not very,very bad? |
它們還好 | -No,really. They're okay. |
你會把它們切得很漂亮嗎? | -You gonna slice them real nice? |
其實我想切絲 | Actually,I was gonna do them julienne. |
我要走了 | I'm out of here. |
莫妮卡,我要辭職 | I'm quitting. |
我幫一個老女人擠進丁字褲 結果她也沒買 | I just helped an 81-year-old woman put on a thong...and she didn't even buy it. |
我要辭職 我現在就要跟老闆說 | I'm quitting. That's it. I'm talking to my boss right now. |
我要 | Yes,I am. |
我要我要我要… | Yes,I am. |
再見,聽到留言請回電 | Bye. Call me when you get this message. |
怎麼了? | Well,what happened? |
他來按摩,本來都沒事 後來… | Well,he came in for a massage,and everything was fine until... |
天哪 | Oh,my God. |
然後突然間不只是毛手毛腳 | And all of a sudden,his hands weren't the problem anymore. |
他有沒有… | -Was it? |
用來搭帳棚都綽綽有餘 | -Boy Scouts could've camped under there. |
你吃了我的三明治? | You ate my sandwich? |
很單純的錯誤,誰都可能會犯 | It was a mistake. It could happen to anyone. |
是嗎? | Really? |
你別激動 | Now calm down. |
來我的辦公室找 垃圾桶裡可能還有 | Come look in my office. Some of it may still be in the trash. |
什麼? | -What? |
它很大,我只好扔掉一大半 | -Well,it was quite large.I had to throw most of it away. |
你…你扔掉我的三明治 | You threw my sandwich away? |
我的三明治 | My sandwich?My sandwich! |
我好想拿到這個角色 | It's just,I want this part so much. |
要是我沒拿到 | If I don't get this part, |
我就再也不吃起司通心面 | I'm never gonna eat macaroni and cheese again. |
不,我沒說,不算數 | I didn't say that. That doesn't count. |
別這樣,我又不是搬去歐洲 | Come on,guys. It's not like I moved to Europe. |
我只是搬到對面 | I just moved across the hall. |
我們也想經常請你們來坐 但是莫妮卡會過敏 | And we would have you over all the time...if it weren't for Monica's allergies. |
沒錯,我騙不了你們 | You're right,I could never lie to you. |
她討厭你們 | She hates you. |
要接嗎? | Should I get that? |
你好 | Hello? |
喬伊現在不在,你要留言嗎? | No,Joey's not here right now. Can I take a message? |
好,試鏡從5點改到2點半? | Yeah,okay. So the audition's been moved from 5:00 to 2:30? |
好的,再見 | Okay,great. Bye. |
你還沒穿衣服? | -Aren't you dressed yet? |
我又光著身體了? | -Am I naked again? |
我們15分鐘後要去見我爸媽 | We're meeting my parents in 15 minutes. |
好,我只是在跟它們聊天 | I was just talking to the guys. |
你看它們嘛 它們可以去找我們嗎? | Look at them.Is it okay if they come visit? |
那我的過敏怎麼辦? | What about my allergies? |
也對,你會過敏 | Right. Your allergies. |
都是她,她討厭你們 | All her. She hates you. |
漂亮 | Yes! All right. |
要是這些小人能變成真人大小 該有多酷? | How cool would it be if you could watch a life-size version of this? |
該有多過癮? | -I mean,how crazy would that be? |
跟真實的足球一樣過癮? | -As crazy as soccer? |
你好 | Hello? |
你在說什麼?5點才試鏡 | What are you talking about? The audition's at 5. |
沒有人告訴我,你跟誰說的? | Well,nobody told me.Who'd you talk to? |
沒事 | Never mind. |
這樣你看不懂嗎? | You mean you didn't get it from this? |
那個過敏人入選了,謝謝你啊 | -The allergy guy got the part. Thanks. |
也許還可以補救 我們可以送巨無霸花去嚇他 | -Maybe we can fix it.Maybe we can send him some big flowers and scare him! |
你怎麼能這樣? 這個角色可以讓我的事業翻紅 | How could you do this? This could've turned my career around. |
是我不好 | I messed up,okay? |
對不起,我真的錯了 | I'm sorry. I really messed up. |
你根本也不住這裡了 幹嘛接我的電話?我有答錄機 | Why'd you answer my phone?I have a machine! |
是我買給你的 | -Which I bought for you. |
還教你怎麼使用 | Taught you how to use it. |
你以為它是影印機 | You thought it was a copier. |
我願意盡全力挽救這個錯誤 | If there was anything I could do,I'd do it. |
但是人起碼可以犯一次錯 | Everybody's allowed one mistake,right? |
他可以送我錄影機 可以送我高爾夫球具 | He could have gotten me a VCR or golf clubs. |
可是他偏偏要讓我把女人嚇跑 | But no,he has to get me the "Woman Repeller." |
一個廢五金行裡最醜的東西 | The eyesore from the "Liberace House of Crap!" |
沒那麼嚴重 | -It's not that bad. |
你又不必戴著 被某個老粗淘汰的金飾到處跑 | -Easy for you to say.You don't have to sport a reject from the "Mr. T" collection. |
錢德,錢德 | Chandler |
“我真同情戴這個手飾的人” “真的” | I pity the fool who puts on my jewelry! I do! I do! |
“我真同情戴這個…” 你好 | I pity the fool that... |
你昨天晚歸 凱西和我聊了起來 | When you were late last night,Kathy and I were talking and... |
事情演變到後來就… | one thing led to another and.... |
就什麼?你跟她上床? | And what? Did you sleep with her? |
沒有,我只是吻了她 | -No! No,I just kissed her. |
什麼?那樣更糟! | -What? That's even worse! |
怎麼會更糟? 我不知道,反正都一樣 | -How? -I don't know! But it's the same! |
你說得對,我無話可說 我太過分了 | I have no excuses. I was over the line. |
過分?你根本就過分到 | Over the line?You're so far past the line you can't even see it! |
連過分見到你都會說你過分 | The line is a dot to you! |
我不是要你奇跡式的原諒我 | I'm not saying you should magically forgive me. |
但你也不完美 你也做過錯誤的判斷 | But you're not perfect. You've made errors in judgment. |
舉個例子 | Name one! |
怎麼回事? | What happened? |
他答應不拿沙發椅的 | Man! He promised he wouldn't take the chairs! |
怎麼回事?你怎麼會被關進去 我們的東西呢? | How were you locked in? And where the hell's all of our stuff? |
有一個人來看櫃子 他說它塞不下一個大人 | This guy came to look at the unit...and he didn't think it was big enough to fit a man. |
所以你就自願進去? | So you got in voluntarily? |
我想把櫃子賣出去 | I was trying to make a sale! |
要是讓我碰上他 你猜我會怎樣? | If I ever run into him again,know what I'll do? |
把屁股翹起來? | Bend over? |
她來了 | There's Lori. |
記住,不准交換 | Remember,no trading. |
美女是你的,失戀女是我的 | You get the pretty one,I get the mess. |
喬伊 | -Hi,Joey. -Hey. |
他就是你帶來的人 | Well,well. Look what you brought. |
你又帶了誰來? | And what did you bring? |
她在放外套 | She's checking her coat. |
喬伊,我要去洗個手 | Joey,I'm gonna go wash the cab smell off my hands. |
你幫我叫一杯白酒 幫珍妮絲叫一杯紅酒 | Will you get me a white Zinfandel and a glass of red for Janice. |
珍妮絲?珍妮絲? | Janice? |
我…的…天哪 | Oh,my God! |
喬伊的裁縫占我便宜 | Joey's tailor took advantage of me. |
什麼? | What? |
不可能 我找他做了12年衣服 | No way. I've been going to the guy for 12 years. |
拜託啦,他說要量褲管內側 | You said he'd do my inseam... |
然後他的手一路摸上來 然後就… | then he ran his hand up my leg and then there was... |
怎樣? | What? |
包住了 | Cupping. |
褲子就是那樣量的 | That's how they do pants! |
羅斯,你告訴他 褲子不都是那樣量的嗎? | -Isn't that how a tailor measures? |
是啊是啊…在監獄裡 | -Yes,yes,it is. In prison! |
叫你舉一個就好 | I said name one! |
我居然這麼粗心,我真白癡 | -I can't believe I did this. |
別再自責了 | -Stop beating yourself up. |
人都會犯錯,這是難免的 | People make mistakes. These things happen. |
你沒有忘記幫我記留言吧? | There aren't any messages you've forgotten to give me? |
很明顯,你不擅長這項工作 | Apparently,you're not very good at it. |
你們覺得他會原諒我嗎? | -Do you think he'll forgive me? |
當然會,但最重要的是 你得原諒自己 | -Of course.The important thing is that you forgive yourself. |
其實我已經原諒自己了 | -You know what,I kind of have. |
這麼快?你犯的錯蠻嚴重的 | -Already?That was pretty bad what you did. |
他會原諒你的 | He will forgive you. |
我接電話時都會帶便條紙… 好啦 | I like to bring a pad with me when I answer the phone,okay? |
你沒看到他氣成什麼樣子 | -You didn't see how mad he was. |
他一定會原諒你的 我們都有這種經驗 | -I'm sure he'll forgive you.We've all been there. |
吵架,和解,就是這樣 | You fight,you make up. That's how it works. |
這段感情會破裂是兩個人的錯 | It took two people to break up this relationship! |
對,你和影印店那個女的 你昨天表明願意負責 | Yeah! You and that copy girl...which yesterday you took responsibility for! |
我不知道我負的是什麼責 | I didn't know what I was taking responsibility for. |
我沒把信看完 | -I didn't finish the letter. |
什麼? 我睡著了 | -What?-I fell asleep. |
你睡著了? | -You fell asleep? |
當時是早上5點半 | It was 5:30 in the morning. |
你一廢話就廢話了十八頁 | And you had rambled on for 18 pages. |
正反面都寫滿了 | Front and back! |
還有 “You”後面加ER是指“你是” | And by the way? Y-O-U,apostrophe R-E means,"you are." |
“Y-O-U-R”是指“你的” | Y-O-U-R means "your." |
我居然會想跟你複合 我們根本就完了 | I can't believe I thought of getting back together with you.We are so over! |
無所謂 | Fine by me! |
順便告訴你 | And just so you know, |
那種事並不常見 並非男人都會那樣 | it's not that common...it doesn't happen to every guy, |
那是很嚴重的 | and it is a big deal! |
我就知道 | I knew it! |
你沒有權利和他約會 | -You had no right to go out with him. |
這真是太荒謬… | -That's ridiculous.. |
你出賣我 我沒有出賣你 | -You sold me out! -I did not! |
讓我說話好嗎? | -You did! You sold me.. -Would you let me talk? |
你彈我的額頭嗎? | Did you just flick me? |
你不讓我說完,我很… | Well,you wouldn't let me finish and.. |
好,不要這樣 | -All right. No,let's not do this. -No! |
想想快樂的事 | -Happy thoughts. -No! |
好,我要發威了 | Okay,now I'm gonna kick some ass! |
你們住手,我就放手 | All right. Now,I will let go if you both stop. |
好吧 | -Fine. -Fine. |
這不就結了 | There we go. |
如果我們在坐牢 你們就是我的婆娘 | You know what? If we were in prison,you guys would be my bitches. |
兄弟,如何啊 | Okay,buddy boy,here it is. |
你藏我的衣服 我就穿你全部的衣服 | You hide my clothes? I'm wearing everything you own. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
看啊,我是錢德 我穿的衣服夠多吧? | Look at me,I'm Chandler! Could I be wearing any more clothes? |
也許我沒有穿內褲 | Maybe if I wasn't going commando. |
穿這麼多衣服真熱 | I tell you,it's hot with all this on. |
我最好別做弓箭步 | I'd better not do any lunges. |
喬伊? | Joey? |
我買了歡樂套餐,有兩個披薩 | Got you the Joey special! Two pizzas! |
喬伊? | Joey |
你好 | Hello? |
又來了 | Damn it! |
你好 | Hello? |
喬伊現在不在 我可以幫你留言…應該吧 | No,Joey's not here right now,but I can take a message. I think. |
他還有機會?真是太好了 | He's still got a chance for the part? That's great news! |
我不是說那位被狗咬傷的演員 | Well,no,obviously not for the actor who was mauled by his dog. |
太好了,我會轉告喬伊,謝謝 | That's great. I'll give Joey the message. |
漂亮 | Yes! |
好,麥克…試鏡…2點鐘 | Okay.Mac...audition...at 2:00. |
過敏…演員…遭攻擊 | Allergy...actor...attacked. |
被狗…不是…被花 | By dog...not...flowers. |
請告訴我你有收到留言 | -Tell me you got the message. |
什麼留言? | -What message? |
要演麥克的演員不能演 他們要你2點過去 | The actor playing Mac couldn't do it. They needed you at 2. |
什麼?明明是6點 | What? It's 6:00! |
我有寫在留言板上 | Look! I wrote it on the board! |
我寫在留言板上 然後跑遍整個紐約找你 | I wrote it down,then went looking for you! |
我跑去羅斯家,跑去咖啡館 跑去每一個有三明治的地方 | I went to Ross's,the coffee house...I went to any place they make sandwiches! |
真不敢相信,錢德 | -I can't believe this,Chandler! |
對不起,我不知道該說什麼 | -I'm sorry.I don't know what to say! |
那就說恭喜吧 | -You might say congratulations! |
我看到留言板,跑去試鏡 我中了 | I saw the board,I went to the audition,I got the part! |
你覺得很好笑嗎? 我剛才真的很擔心 | Was that funny? I was worried. |
有時候這樣騙人真的很惡劣 | -I'm sorry. -That fake-out thing is just mean. |
抱歉,我不是故意要害你內疚 | Oh,I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. |
那就好 | Well,that's good. |
因為我沒有內疚 我好替你高興 | Because you didn't! And I'm incredibly happy for you! |
你好惡劣 | That's mean! |
你害我慚愧 | -You had me going! |
再玩下去就沒完沒了了 也對 | -We could do this all day.Yeah,you're right. |
好,我們來聊聊我會有多紅 | Let's talk about what a huge star I'm gonna be. |
你會變成超級大明星 | You're gonna be huge! I'm gonna hug you! |
我要抱你 來抱吧 | -You hug me! -All right. |
我們會不會太愛抱了? 我也覺得 | -Do we do this too much? -I think so. |
放開我 是啊 | -Yeah. Get off me. -Yeah. |
吉事,我不會扔下你的 | "C.H.E.E.S.E.,I'm not leaving without you. |
你從中央處理器 啟動備用電源 | Route your backup power source through your CPU." |
沒辦法,我的電路燒焦了 焦到不能再焦 | "l can't! My circuits are fried! They're fried,I tell you!" |
那我就背你 | "Then I'll carry you!" |
好棒的招數啊 等你死了再說 | "That'll be a neat trick...""when you're dead!" |
羅斯,你不必用喊的 | You don't have to yell. |
剛才有爆炸,我的聽力會受損 | There was just an explosion. My hearing would be impaired. |
我覺得你很棒 | I thought you were great. |
剛才我甚至覺得“羅斯怎麼還不出場?” | For a minute,I was like,"Where'd Ross go?" |
謝謝 你和麥克見面的第一場戲… | Thank you. And that first scene where you meet Mac... |
怎樣? 我的天哪 | -Yeah? -Oh,my God. I mean... |
今天就到此為止,多謝幫忙 | And you know what?That's enough for today. Thanks for your help. |
他拖我們後腿了 就是啊 | -Holding us back. -Totally. |
該錢德 好 | -Okay,Chandler. -Okay. |
你的星座運勢說:本月5日 某個特別的人會送你禮物 | And your horoscope says:"On the 5th,a special someone will give you a gift." |
那就先謝了 | Well,thank you in advance. |
卻會在12日引發口角 | "But the 12th brings a lover's spat." |
你要取笑我送你的禮物 為什麼? | You're going to make fun of my present.Why would you do that? |
19日有人會向你表白 | Wait. "On the 19th,a secret crush announces itself." |
大家好 | -Hey,guys. -Hey. |
天哪,是“麥克與吉事”的 喬伊崔比亞尼 | It's Joey Tribbiani of Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. |
是的,你今天開拍 | That's right. It's your first day. |
準備好跟你的機器人拍檔打擊邪惡勢力了嗎? | Are you psyched to fight crime with your robot sidekick? |
還用問嗎?在電視劇裡擔當主角? 我想了好多年了 | Am I? The lead in my own TV series?I've dreamed about this for years! |
怎麼可能沒有準備好? | Why have I not been preparing? |
你一定會演得很棒 | You're gonna be great. |
但我得跟機器人對戲 我對科技一竅不通 | But I gotta act with a robot. I know nothing about technology. |
我只會用錢德的電腦 找色情網站 | I can't even use Chandler's computer,except to find porn. |
那還是因為那是首頁 | And that's only because it's there when you turn it on. |
我們本月份的口角會提前發生 我等你 | Our spat will start early this month.I'll be waiting. |
本集播出:“羅斯見伊莉莎白的父親” | The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你看封面選書?這樣不對喔 | Are you judging them by their covers? You're really not supposed to. |
不是,我想選一本來用 我又要寫書了 | I'm deciding which one to use. I'm going to write another book. |
因為上一本很暢銷? | Because the last one was such a big seller? |
告訴你,我已經寫了十四本書 | If you must know,I have written 14 books. |
因為讀者只有我一個 | And as I'm the only one who has read them... |
我可以告訴你們,反應很熱烈 | I can tell you that they have been well received. |
但是火災把那些書都燒了 | But I lost all of them in the fire. |
所以這本我要收在防火箱裡 放得離瑞秋遠遠的 | So this one I'm gonna keep in an asbestos-lined box far away from Rachel. |
我原諒她 | Who I forgive. |
你們等一下有事嗎? | What are you doing later? |
瑞秋和我要去剪頭髮 | Rachel and I have to get our hair cut. |
有嗎? 我想先知道他要幹嘛 | -We do? -I wanna see what he wants. |
我剛得知伊莉莎白她爸想見我 | Elizabeth's dad wants to meet me. |
等等,且慢 | Wait a minute. Hold the phone. |
你不是伊莉莎白的爸爸? | You're not Elizabeth's dad? |
你只能損我這一次 | That's the only one you get. |
他討厭我 | And he hates me. |
他問伊莉莎白為何要跟一個 不交同年齡女友的男人約會 | He asked Elizabeth why she'd want to go out with a guy...who couldn't get a girl his own age. |
那她怎麼說? | And what did she say to that? |
你也不能再損我了 | And that's yours. |
拜託啦,我真的想讓他喜歡我 你們要是能幫我一下就太好了 | Come on. I really want this guy to like me.It would really help if you guys could make me look good. |
我們當然幫你了 謝謝 | -Of course we'll help. -Thanks. |
誰都知道參加家長會很辛苦 | We know how tough those parent-teacher conferences can be. |
這是你的辦公室場景 | -So here's your office set. -Wow! |
麥克麥可維利,私家偵探 | Mac Machiavelli,private investigator. |
你看我讀這麼多書 | Look at all the books I've read. |
我帶你去試戲服 好 | Let's get you to wardrobe. |
什麼時候跟機器人見面? | When do I meet the robot? |
抱歉,那就現在吧,他也在 | Right now. He's right here. |
喬伊崔比亞尼,這位… | Joey Tribbiani,this is.. |
真是栩栩如生 | Wow! He's so lifelike. |
了不起 這位是創造、操作吉事的韋恩 | Unbelievable.This is Wayne,the man who created and operates C.H.E.E.S.E. |
韋恩,你好 | How do you do there,buddy? |
你們兩個慢慢聊 好 | I'll let you two guys get acquainted. |
剛才很抱歉 | Sorry about that. |
吉事呢? 吉事就在這裡 | -So where's C.H.E.E.S.E.? -C.H.E.E.S.E. is right here. |
麥克,幸會 | Nice to meet you,Mac. |
它是半成品吧? | -This is the temporary robot,right? |
不是,怎麼了? | -No. Why? |
我以為它會長得很酷 | I thought it was gonna be a really cool robot. |
像終結者,或剛才的你 | Like the Terminator,or when I first saw you. |
我花了2年研發這台機器 它非常先進 | I spent two years developing this. It's state of the art. |
抱歉,只是它看起來一無是處 | Sorry. It doesn't look like it can do anything. |
它會這樣 | It can do this. |
布魯斯·威利斯 | Bruce Willis |
這是我爸,保羅史提芬斯 爸,這是羅斯蓋勒 | This is my father,Paul Stevens. Dad,this is Ross Geller. |
保羅,你好 | It's great to meet you,Paul. |
我比較喜歡伊莉莎白的男友 叫我史提芬斯先生 | I prefer that Liz's boyfriends address me as Mr. Stevens. |
沒問題,史提芬斯先生 | Of course. Mr. Stevens. |
羅斯… | So,Ross... |
你有什麼毛病? | what's your problem? |
什麼? 為什麼不交年齡相近的女友? | Excuse me?Why can't you get a girlfriend your own age? |
真好笑… | It's funny... |
不好笑 | It's not funny. |
我不喜歡你跟我女兒交往 | I don't like you going out with my daughter,Ross. |
好,我看得出來 | Okay,I can see that. |
但要是你給我機會 我一定能改變你的看法 | I think if you give me one chance,I can change your mind. |
好 | -Okay. |
什麼? 好,我給你機會改變我的看法 | -What?Okay. I'll give you one chance to change my mind. |
計時1分鐘 | You've got one minute. |
爸 好吧 | -Daddy. |
2分鐘,開始 | -Fine. Two minutes. Go. |
1分50秒 | A minute and 50 seconds. |
好,我以前沒做過這種事 | I want you to know,I've never done anything like this before. |
我是說我跟別人交往過 | I mean,I've been in relationships in general. |
但是我沒跟學生做過…不… | But I've never done it with a student. I mean,not... |
不是那檔事,我們還沒做過 | Not "it." We haven't done "it." |
當然我們做過一些事… | I mean,we've done stuff... |
好,講個笑話輕鬆一下 | Okay. A joke. Lighten the mood. |
兩個男人走進酒吧 一個是愛爾蘭人 | Two guys go into a bar. One of them is Irish. |
我是愛爾蘭人 結果愛爾蘭人贏了 | -I'm Irish. -And the Irish guy wins the joke. |
羅斯,居然會在這裡遇見你 | Ross! How crazy that we would run into you. |
天哪,謝謝你們 | Oh,my God! Thank you. |
史提芬斯先生,他們是我朋友 菲比,莫妮卡和錢德 | I'd like you to meet my friends. This is Phoebe,Monica and Chandler. |
菲比,莫妮卡 | -Phoebe. -Hello.-Monica. -Hi. |
強德 | Chunder. |
是錢德 我記不住的 | -Chandler. -Never going to remember that. |
你是伊莉莎白的父親? 難怪她有一種… | You're Elizabeth's dad? I see where she gets her... |
粗獷的美 | rugged handsomeness. |
你有史提芬斯夫人嗎? | Is there a Mrs. Stevens? |
你有賓先生 | There's a Mr. Bing! |
沒有,麗莎出生不久 她媽媽就過世了 | Unfortunately,Lizzie's mom passed away after she was born. |
我一手把她帶大 | I raised her by myself. |
我常碰上這種反應 | I get that a lot. |
好,大家都坐吧 | Why don't we all take a seat? |
我去幫大家點個咖啡 | I'll get us all some coffees. |
你來 | Yeah,why don't you... |
你們先隨便聊 想到什麼就聊什麼 | Talk about whatever you want.Whatever pops into your head. |
我 | me |
這時候在這裡遇見羅斯真怪 他通常都要去兒童醫院 | It is strange seeing Ross here,this time of day...because usually he's at the children's hospital. |
不是去約會喔 | But not looking for dates. |
莫妮卡是羅斯的妹妹 | Monica is Ross's sister. |
他是個很棒的哥哥 我也有一個妹妹 | He's a great brother!I had a sister. |
她過世了 | She passed away. |
你們不必每次都這樣 | You don't have to do that every time. |
不過羅斯人真的很好 我們是大學室友,好笑的是… | But Ross is a great guy. I was roommates with him in college.Funny story... |
你的大學室友死了對吧? | Your roommate in college died,didn't he? |
他算是半死不活 | A part of him did,yes. |
來吧,保羅,伊莉莎白 希望你們有找到話題 | Here we are,Paul,Elizabeth.I hope you guys are finding something to talk about. |
我們正在… 抱歉我來晚了 | -Yes. We were just.. -Sorry I'm late. |
不過我已經準備好要捧你了 | But I am ready to talk you up. |
麗莎的爸爸什麼時候來? 我已經來了 | -When does Liz's father get here? -I'm already here. |
羅斯人最好了 | Ross is so great! |
菲比,書寫得怎樣? | Hey,Phoebe. How's the book writing going? |
很好,我寫到47頁了 | Really well. I'm up to page 47. |
你在寫些什麼? 頁數 | -Wow! What are you writing? -Page numbers. |
你買印小女生的 你明明說要買印小寶寶的 | Honey,you got the kind with the little girl.You said you'd buy the kind with the baby. |
你說那個小寶寶有點恐怖 是小女生有點恐怖 | -You said the baby creeps you out. -The little girl does. |
你是說小寶寶 | -You said the baby. |
小寶寶為什麼會恐怖? 小女生為什麼會恐怖? | -Why would a baby creep me out?Why would the little girl creep you out? |
抱歉,你們講慢一點好嗎? 你要寫進書裡? | Can you please talk a little slower?-This is for your book? |
對,這是探討男女關係的書 爾虞我詐,各種禁忌 | -It's about relationships.The traps,the pitfalls,what not to do. |
繼續,太精彩了 | Keep going. This stuff's great. |
你說什麼? | Excuse me. |
還有真心相愛就能克服一切 | And how none of it matters when the people really love each other. |
還有人都喜歡聽好話 | And how people will believe anything as long as it's a compliment. |
我把鑰匙掉在這裡 | -I left my keys here somewhere. |
那趕快找 | -Well,let's look for them. |
是這一串嗎? | Hey,look! Are these them? |
不是 | No. |
好吧 | All right. |
在這裡 | -Here they are. |
太好了 謝謝你 | -Good.-Thanks for your help. -Wait! Sorry! |
保羅先生 | -Mr. Paul? |
叫我保羅就好 保羅 | -Just call me Paul.Paul. |
我只是想說,羅斯人真的很好 | I just wanted you to know that...Ross really is a great guy. |
不如你跟他交往 省得我宰了他 | Maybe you could date him. It'd save me the trouble of killing him. |
怎麼了? 你不像是有20歲女兒的人 | Are you okay?You don't look old enough to have a 20-year-old daughter. |
我們生她的時候很年輕 我們? | Well,we were very young when we had her.-We? |
對,一男一女才能… | -It usually takes two people to... |
當然,我知道 | Oh,no! Yes! Of course. I know that! |
現在也是我們 還是只剩下你? | What I meant was are you still "we" or are you just you? |
只有我,麗莎出生沒多久 我老婆就死了 | I'm just me.My wife died shortly after Lizzie was born. |
你一手把她帶大? 對 | So you raised her all on your own?Yes,I did. |
你在寫什麼? 我在畫你 | -What are you writing there? -I'm drawing a picture of you. |
真好 但要是有穿衣服有頭會更好 | Well,that's very flattering.But it'd be great if you could draw me with some clothes and a head. |
第一天順利嗎? | How was your first day? |
不錯,但機器人的態度有點差 | Pretty good. Except I got attitude from the robot. |
那些死機器人 它們應該是人類忠實的僕人 | Damn those robots. They're supposed to be our faithful servants! |
不是機器人,是操作它的人 他不喜歡我 | It was the guy who controls the robot.He hates me. |
我正要拿三明治 他就讓吉事打翻盤子 | He had C.H.E.E.S.E. knock over the sandwich table...right when I was reaching for one. |
你怎麼不解雇他? | Why don't you get him fired? |
搞不好我會 我也不想,但我是主角 | I may have to. I hate to do it. But I'm the star,you know? |
總不能老撿地上的三明治吃 | There's a limit to how many sandwiches I can eat off the floor. |
抱歉 | Excuse me. |
喬伊崔比亞尼 | Joey Tribbiani. |
喬伊,找到你就好,有試鏡 | Joe! I'm glad I found you! I got an audition for you. |
這件事是個秘密 | But it's kind of on the q.t. |
那個演員不知道 他可能會被換掉 | The actor who has the part doesn't know he might be fired. |
是一部電視劇的主角 “麥克與吉事” | It's the lead in a series.Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. |
我就是“麥克與吉事”的主角 | I'm the lead in Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. |
喬伊? | Joey? |
羅斯 | Hi,Ross. |
我在讓他喜歡你 | I was just getting him to like you. |
喬伊?喬伊? | Joey! |
羅斯,喬伊不在 | Ross,Joey is not here. |
好,那我在房裡面等 | I'll just wait for him in here! |
羅斯,沒關係,你可以出來 | Ross,it's okay. You can come out. |
沒錯,沒關係,是我 史提芬斯先生 | Yeah. It's okay. It's me...Mr. Stevens. |
天哪,我剛才沒看見你 | I didn't... Oh,my gosh. I didn't even see you. |
當然有,你走進來,覺得很尷尬 | You did. You came in,got all awkward |
就跑進房裡去 還大叫“喬伊,喬伊” | and ran to the bedroom.You were shouting,"Joey!" |
再見瑞秋 再見 | -Bye,Rachel. -Bye. |
我再打給你 | I'll call you later. |
好,再見 羅斯再見 | -See you. -Bye,Ross. |
你在…你怎麼…你在怎麼? | What? What the..? How did...? What? |
他的鑰匙掉了,就回來找 | You know,he lost his keys. So he was looking for them. |
在你的嘴裡找? | In your mouth? |
不是,在樓下找 我們聊了2小時,我很喜歡他 | No!Downstairs. And we got to talking...for two hours. I liked him. |
就請他上來喝杯咖啡 | I invited him for coffee. |
你們本身就在咖啡館裡 | You were at the coffeehouse! |
就算我親了他又怎樣? | What's the big deal? So I kissed the guy. |
他是我的女朋友的爸爸 這樣很怪 | He is my girlfriend's father. It's weird! |
你還不是跟我妹約會 那不一樣 | -You dated my sister! -That was different! |
為什麼? 這次是我覺得怪 | -What? Why? -This is weird for me! |
羅斯,這樣對你有好處 | Ross,look. This is good for you. |
承認吧 目前他一點也不喜歡你 | Let's face it. So far the guy's not loving you. |
但我可以扭轉形勢,我有門路 | But I can turn that around. I've got the inside track. |
我們可以一起去吃飯 我可以把你捧上天 | We could all go out to dinner. And I could talk you up. |
況且他是個超有名的律師 | Plus the guy is a very successful lawyer. |
這個為什麼重要? 可重要了 | -How is that important? -It's important! |
結果有一大幫人可以演麥克 | There's a million guys who can play Mac... |
機器人和操作員卻都只有一個 | and there's one robot.And this one guy who controls it. |
我不知道他能讓我失業 我該怎麼辦? | I didn't know he could get me fired.What am I gonna do? |
喬伊,你很有魅力 | -You're a pretty charming guy. |
謝了,但我有問題要解決 | Thanks. But I have a problem to deal with. |
你得讓那個操作員喜歡你 | No,you've got to win over the guy who controls C.H.E.E.S.E. |
你得用力拍他的機器馬屁 | Go back there and kiss some serious robot ass! |
這個主意不錯 | That's not a bad idea! |
既然明天要施展魅力 現在還是別浪費在你們身上的好 | If I have to be charming tomorrow,I'm not wasting it on you guys. |
不過菲比,我為你留了一點 | I got some saved for you,Phoebe. |
你覺得喬伊比我有魅力? | Do you think Joey is more charming than me? |
對,所以我跟他有一腿 | Yeah. That's why I'm sleeping with him on the side. |
你想得美喔 | You wish. |
“你想得美喔” | "You wish." |
菲比,別再寫我們了 我沒有,我是在寫別人 | Stop writing about us.I'm not writing about you. I'm writing about other people. |
誰? 莫莎和錢特 | -Who? -Marsha and Chester. |
好,那我就來寫菲莉絲 | Fine. Then you know what? I will just write about Phyllis. |
菲莉絲坐在椅子上 | #VALUE! |
我知道你想幹嘛 | -I see what you're doing. |
菲莉絲知道我想幹嘛 | "Phyllis sees what I'm doing." |
哇,我終於自食惡果了 | I have tasted my own medicine and it is bitter! |
早,我最欣賞的天才 和我的機器人兄弟好嗎? | Morning!How's my favorite genius and his robot? |
別碰他 好 | -Don't touch him! -Okay. |
韋恩,老實說 | Level with me. |
我一直聽說我會被換掉 | I keep hearing rumors that I might get fired. |
他們還找人來試我這個角色 | They even have actors reading for my part. |
拜託啦,再給我一次機會 | Come on. You gotta give me a second chance. |
我愛死這個小傢伙了… | I love this little guy. |
難怪你不讓我碰他,對吧 | That's why you didn't want me to touch him,right? |
難以置信,上帝啊 | I can't believe it. God! |
你好嗎? | Hey,how are you doing? |
看樣子我是被放鴿子了 羅斯就大方的提議要帶我去 | So it seemed that my prom date had stood me up.So Ross selflessly offered to take me. |
好感人喔 | What a nice story. |
羅斯上大學時想趁虛而入 帶一名少女參加高中舞會 | So Ross was in college...and decided to jump at the chance to take a young girl to her prom. |
想不到會有這種反效果 | I definitely did not see that one backfiring. |
我去洗手間 你慢慢上 | -I'm going to the bathroom. -Take your time. |
其實我是大一,她是高三 所以沒那麼… | I was a freshman and she was a senior. So it wasn't as bad as.. |
羅斯,我知道我一直找你麻煩 | Look. I know I've been giving you a lot of jabs. |
因為我很保護麗莎 | It's partly because I'm very protective of Lizzie... |
而且你的缺點實在很多 | and partly because they just keep coming to me. |
但是麗莎一直誇你 瑞秋又說了那麼多事 | I admit after all the wonderful things Lizzie told me...and the many,many,many stories that Rachel has told me... |
看來你也…沒那麼糟 | well...you're not...all bad. |
是沒那麼糟 | "Not all bad." |
很抱歉之前對你那麼凶 你必須知道 | I'm sorry I was so harsh. But you have to understand. |
麗莎在我眼中仍是個12歲的小女孩 | I still look at Lizzie like she's a 12-year-old girl. |
我懂你的意思,我也有同感 | I know what you mean. I do that too. |
你說什麼? | -I beg your pardon? |
不…我不是把她當成12歲的小女孩 | -I don't see her as a 12-year-old. |
我是說我有個6歲的兒子 在我眼中仍是個小寶寶 | I mean,I have a son who is 6 and I still think of him as a baby. |
你有兒子? 對,我和前妻取得共同監護權 | -A son? -My ex-wife and I share custody of Ben. |
還有,卡蘿和我的關係很好 相信你和你太太也是 | Incidentally,Carol and I are on excellent terms...as I'm sure you are with your wife. |
抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
我真蠢 | It's unbelievable! |
沒事,我只是不知道你結過婚 | Don't worry. I didn't realize you were married. |
我們是結過婚,那只是… | We were. But that was just a... |
那只是酒後鬧事 | That was just a big drunken mistake. |
你回來了 | You're back. |
你們結過婚? | You two were married? |
抱歉,你在講艾蜜莉 | I'm sorry. You were talking about Emily. |
錢德,我們是約6點樓下見 | We said we would meet at the coffeehouse at 6:00. |
我們是約7點 我們是約6點 | We said 7:00.We said 6:00! |
我如果有講到6點 應該是說:我們約7點 | The only way that I said 6:00...would be if I said the sentence,"Let's meet at 7:00, |
不要約6點 | not at 6:00." |
我如果有講到7點,應該是說 | If I had said 7:00,I would have said: |
“我男朋友真自作聰明” “什麼7點” | "My boyfriend is such a wiseass. 7:00!" |
天哪 | -Hi! -Oh,my good God! |
我知道你們約幾點 什麼? | -I know what time you said. -What? |
我知道莫莎和錢特約幾點 | Well,I know what time Chester and Marsha said. |
幾點? | What time? |
真有趣的轉變 我的書突然成了救星 | Interesting turn of events.Suddenly it's my book to the rescue. Let's see |
有意思,這樣就很清楚了 | Very interesting.Well this certainly clears things up. |
到底是幾點? | What does it say? |
你們謝謝我寫書,我就說 | I will tell you as soon as you thank me for writing my book. |
謝謝你寫書 | Thank you for writing your book. |
這真是一本好書 你是女王中的女王 | It's a great book...and you are the queen of everything. |
謝謝,你也是 | Thanks. So are you. |
我就說我不該穿這個顏色 | I told you I should not wear this color. |
莫…莫莎和錢特 打算星期天晚上去看電影 | "Monica.. Marsha and Chester are planning on seeing a movie Sunday. |
莫莎覺得應該約6點 錢特覺得電影是7點 | "Marsha thinks they're meeting at 6:00. Chester thinks it's 7:00." |
你知道我們會趕不上電影? 沒錯 | -You knew we were gonna miss the movie? -Right. |
而你只把它寫在那本蠢書裡 卻不告訴我們? | Instead of telling us,you decided to write it in your stupid book? |
莫莎和錢特很氣菲莉絲 | "Marsha and Chester are mad at Phyllis." |
我居然要被換角 | I can't believe I'm gonna lose this job. |
真可惜,我能幫什麼忙嗎? | I'm so sorry,man. Is there anything I can do? |
能,幫我把那個小冰箱搬走 | Help me get this mini-fridge past the security guard. |
喬伊,我有事找你 | Joey,I want to talk to you. |
我可不想理你 | I don't want to talk to you. |
我恨你,你毀了我的一生 | I hate you. You ruined my life. |
錢德,韋恩,韋恩,錢德 | -Chandler,Wayne. Wayne,Chandler. -Hi. |
喬伊,你幫我 我就叫他們不要換角 | I'll get you your job back if you help me out. |
我為什麼要幫你? | Why should I help you out? |
理由他已經說了 | -The reason he just said. |
幫你什麼? | -What do you need? |
我看到你跟那個美女說話 就是莎拉 | I saw you on stage talking to that beautiful woman.You know,Sarah. |
我很想跟她說話 你愛上她了嗎? | I wish I could talk to her.-Are you in love with her? |
對,她,所有的女人 誰都好 | -Yeah.Her. All of them. Anyone. |
我是過來人 | Yeah. I've been there,my friend. |
你教我跟女人搭訕 我保證讓你留下來 | Listen,I guarantee you keep your job...if you can teach me to talk to women like you do. |
韋恩,這種事是教不來的 這是一種天生的… | You can't teach it. It's something you're born with. |
教得來,我教你 | You can teach it. I can show you right now. |
真的? 當然,我就教過他 | -Really? -Sure. Yeah. I taught him. |
我找到了我完全配不上的女人 | Yeah. You should see the woman I'm with,way out of my league. |
我可以把他女友轉給你 | In fact,if you want,I can get you her. |
其實羅斯每次結婚 都學到一點東西 | Well,if you think about it...Ross did learn something from each marriage. |
學到如何讓婚姻變短嗎? | How to make the next one even shorter? |
等等,這麼說不公平 | Wait a minute. That's not fair. |
我們的婚姻比他和艾蜜莉的長 他只是沒告訴我 | He was married to me a hell of a lot longer than he was to Emily.He just didn't tell me. |
我再撒一次尿好了 | Maybe I have to pee again. |
真有意思 | Well,this is fun. |
羅斯,有哪個老婆被你殺了嗎 | So,Ross,did you kill any of these wives? |
你知道嗎?我受夠了 | I have had enough of this! |
我很喜歡你的女兒 我一直很尊重她 | I care a great deal about your daughter.And I have treated her with respect! |
要是你對我有意見,說實話… | So if you've got a problem with me.. |
你在朝我吼叫嗎? 絕對沒有 | -Are you yelling at me? -God,no. |
爸,你不喜歡羅斯也無所謂 | You know what? If you don't like Ross,that's fine. |
我不管,我還是要跟他交往 | It doesn't matter. I'm going out with him anyway. |
真的? | Really? |
要是她不管,那我也不管 | Well,if it doesn't matter to her...it doesn't matter to me. |
這不是吼叫喔 | Still not yelling. |
我還能說什麼呢 | What can I say? |
我並沒有比較喜歡你 沒關係,我也不太喜歡我自己 | I still don't like you.I'm not so crazy about myself right now either. |
所以我們達成共識 對,可以這麼說 | -Then we agree? -I guess so. |
我們沒有人喜歡羅斯 我喜歡羅斯 | -Neither of us like Ross. -I like Ross. |
小孩子 | Kids! |
等等 我又想到羅斯人很好的實例了 | I just thought of a story about how nice Ross is. |
沒關係,我們現在不喜歡羅斯 | That's okay. We're not liking Ross right now. |
這種實例也很多 | Well,I got a lot of those too. |
結果你是對的,吉事 | You were right,C.H.E.E.S.E. |
那批貨根本沒抵達阿馬哈? | -The shipment never made it to Omaha? |
沒錯,而且那個法師的鬍子 100%是馬鬃 | -You got it.And the rabbi's beard? 100 percent horsehair. |
幹得好,吉事 | Nice catch,C.H.E.E.S.E. |
吉事,該你了 | It's your line,C.H.E.E.S.E. |
韋恩!韋恩 | Wayne! Wayne! |
我來了 | Hi,you guys. |
怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
又是那種很討厭的狀況 | Well,it's just.. It's one of these situations that I just hate. |
有一個按摩的客人給我三張票 去摩根卻斯博物館看展覽 | A massage client gave me three tickets...to the Helmut Peltz Exhibit at the Morgan Chase Museum. |
你覺得你得跟他上床 | Now you're thinking you gotta sleep with him. |
不是,他給我三張票 但是我們有六個人 | No. No. It's just that he gave me three tickets and there are six of us. |
我棄權 我也是 | -I'll give up my ticket. -Me too. |
你們真大方 羅斯應該也很大方 | Okay. That's so generous.And I think Ross is generous too. |
太好了,那我們女生自己去 太好了 | Great! Then it's just us girls.Great.Yeah. |
是什麼展覽? | So what is the exhibit? |
主要是女同志性愛攝影展 還可以打電動,吃免費三明治 | It's mostly just photographs...of lesbian love scenes interspersed with video games and free sandwiches. |
討厭啦 | Oh,man! |
羅斯,錢德說你週末 不想去女同志三明治博物館 | Hey,Ross,listen.Chandler got you out of going to the lesbian sandwich museum this weekend. |
謝謝,我有節目了 伊莉莎白和我要出城去 | Thanks,but I have plans. Elizabeth and I are going out of town. |
太好了,你能賺不少錢呢 | -That's great! -Yeah.Think about all the money that you're gonna make. |
什麼意思? | Why? What? |
是她爸找你去當保姆對吧? | Well,her father pays you for babysitting,right? |
真好笑,但你們也該有所長進 別再鬧了 | That's funny. But maybe it's time to move on.You know,let it go. Stop it! |
況且瑞秋在和她爸交往 而他比她大多了 | Besides,Rachel's going out with Elizabeth's father...so he's much older than she is. |
看來不只是我對化石有興趣 | Looks like I'm not the only one interested in fossils. |
這話只會提醒我們 你對化石有興趣 | All that does is remind us that you're interested in fossils. |
好吧,瑞秋想和他甜言蜜語 必須很大聲說,否則他聽不清 | Okay,okay.Rachel's gonna need to yell sweet nothings in his ear. |
羅斯 拜託,這句很好笑啊 | -Ross? -Come on! That's funny. |
因為他戴助聽器,因為… | Because he's gonna.. He's got,like,a hearing aid. |
因為他很老 | Because he's all old. |
失陪一下 | One second. |
聽著,羅斯 | Okay,look,Ross. |
因為麗莎很喜歡你 我決定接受你們交往的事 | Just so you know,since Lizzie likes you so much...I've accepted the fact that you're dating her. |
真的?太好了 是啊 | Really? That's great. |
但後來我又反悔了 我就是這麼善變 | Yeah,but then I changed my mind.I'm funny like that. |
我已經告訴她,現在我告訴你 我不希望你再和我女兒見面 | So I told Lizzie,now I'm telling you.I don't want you seeing my daughter anymore. |
好,我知道你很不高興 沒錯 | Look,I realize it upsets you.Yes,it does. |
但伊莉莎白和我都是成年人 | But Elizabeth and I are both adults... |
所以你也拿我們沒辦法 | so I don't think there's anything you can do about it. |
我會告訴學校你們在交往 讓你被開除 | I'll tell the university about your relationship and have you fired. |
有備而來喔 | Oh,a man with a plan! |
本集播出:“保羅很男人” | The One Where Paul's The Man |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
好興奮喔 你的照片又要重回名人牆了 | This is so exciting. You can get your picture back up on the wall of fame. |
就是啊,這裡什麼大明星都有 | He's got all the big actors. |
之前在牆上時好快樂 | It was so cool when I was up there. |
我經常和吉姆貝路西說笑 | Me and Jim Belushi would just be cracking up about something. |
後來我被“我們的日子”開除 照片被拿下來 | I get fired off Days of Our Lives and he takes me down. |
現在他在嘲笑我 | Now he's just laughing at me. |
你看那個自鳴得意的混蛋 | Look at him. That smug Belushi bastard! |
也許你可以掛在麥特勞爾旁邊 | Okay. Maybe when they put your picture back up they could put you by Matt Lauer. |
你看他在對我微笑 | Look at him just smiling at me. |
我知道,我們很配 | Yeah,I know. We'd be great together. |
我回來了 你是誰? | -So I'm back. -Who are you? |
喬伊崔比亞尼,我之前上過牆 | Joey Tribbiani.From the wall? |
也許這樣你會想起來 | Okay,maybe this will jog your memory. |
總之,我可以回牆上了 我主演了一出新戲 | Okay,anyway.I'm ready to go back up on the wall. I'm the star of a new TV show. |
哪一出?指給我看 | -Show me in the TV book. |
還沒上檔 那你就還不能上牆 | -It's not on TV yet.Well,then it's not on the wall yet. |
好吧,我拿錄影帶給你看 | Okay,fine. I will bring you a tape. |
你手邊有麥特勞爾的衣服嗎? 還沒洗過的? | So,now,do you have any of Matt Lauer's clothes?Maybe? Just ones that haven't been cleaned yet? |
我好喜歡來博物館 接受文化薰陶 是的 | I love museums.Soaking up all the culture. -Yeah. |
要先去哪裡? | -Where do you want to start? |
禮品販賣部 也對 | -The gift shop! |
然後去吃飯 | -And then lunch. |
好,但我不能吃太多 保羅今晚要帶我去吃飯 | -Yes,but I can't eat too much.Paul's taking me out to dinner tonight. |
他說會有個大驚喜 | He said he has a big surprise planned. |
他會不會要告訴你他是同性戀? | Do you think maybe he's gonna tell you he's gay? |
什麼?為什麼? | What? No,why? |
不為什麼,那樣真的會很驚喜 | No reason. That would just be a really big surprise,right? |
紅毯可以鋪在這邊 然後在這邊證婚 | You could put the aisle over here and have the wedding ceremony over here. |
原來這裡可以結婚 這裡當禮堂的確很美 | I didn't know you could get married here.This would be a beautiful place to get married. |
但我不會把紅毯鋪在那邊 更不會在那邊證婚 | But I wouldn't put the aisle there. And I would never have the ceremony there. |
應該在這個漂亮的拱門下證婚 | You'd have the ceremony under a beautiful arch. |
有什麼事嗎? | May I help you? |
抱歉打斷你 這裡很美,經常舉辦婚禮嗎? | Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt. It's just such a beautiful space.Do you do a lot of weddings? |
是的,這裡很受歡迎 預約已經排到2年後,抱歉 | -Yes,we're popular.There's a two-year waiting list. Sorry. |
莫妮卡,你也應該去預約 | Monica,you should put your name down for this place. |
什麼?你瘋了嗎? 我又不結婚,我甚至還沒訂婚 | What? Are you crazy?I'm not getting married. I'm not even engaged. |
但還要等2年 | But there's a two-year wait. |
要是你2年後訂了婚 還得再等2年,那就4年了 | What if you get engaged in two years?Then you've got to wait another two years?That's four years. |
錢德才不會等那麼久 他會去找別人 | Chandler's not gonna wait that long.He's gonna find somebody else. |
某個有在這裡預約的人 | Someone who did put their name on the list. |
先預約又不會怎樣 | It can't hurt to put your name down. |
要是2年後沒訂婚就放棄不用 | If,in two years,you're not engaged,you just don't use it. |
先預約的確不會怎樣 | I guess there is no harm in putting my name down. |
我也要預約 我也要 | I'm gonna do it too.Me too! |
真的?你要嫁給誰? | -Really? Who would you marry? |
我不知道,我現在還沒有物件 | -I don't have anyone right now. |
菲比 | Oh,Phoebe. |
別為我難過 至少我的男朋友不是同性戀 | Don't feel too sorry for me. At least my boyfriend isn't gay. |
菲比,你根本… 別逼我批評你的那個 | Phoebe,that's not..Don't even get me started on yours. |
你看過錄影帶了嗎? 看過了 | -Did you watch the tape of my show? -I did. |
好,讓我回牆上吧 | -Let's get me back up there. |
不行,你不能上牆 | -You don't go up on the wall. |
但你看過我的戲了 | -What? But you saw the show. |
對,它冒犯了我的同胞 | -lt was very offensive to my people. |
乾洗店老闆嗎? | Dry cleaners? |
俄國人 它把他們演成恐怖分子和壞蛋 | Russians. It showed them as terrorists and villains. |
好,你看,你把哈里森福特掛在這 | Okay,okay. Look,you got Harrison Ford up there! |
沒錯,福特先生是個好顧客 他帶很多衣服來,你兩手空空 | That's right. Mr. Ford is a very good customer.He brings us a lot of clothes. You bring nothing! |
或許吧,但在《空軍一號》裡 | Okay,that may be true.But in Air Force One, |
俄國人是恐怖分子,很邪惡 | okay,the Russians were terrorists and evil! |
他還殺了一堆俄國人 那樣很冒犯你們 | And plus,he kills a bunch of them. That's offensive to Russians. |
我沒看過 | -I've never seen it. |
你應該要看,很精彩 | -You should. It's great! |
這裡真的好漂亮 | This place is really beautiful. |
對啊,我從小就常來 這裡以前是我奶奶家 | I've been coming here since I was a kid. This used to be my grandma's. |
我只遺傳了我奶奶的眼睛 | The only thing I got from my grandmother was her eyes. |
我不是說她的眼珠子 | I mean,not her actual eyeballs. |
大家都說我的眼睛… | But people say that my eyes look... |
要不要親熱? 好啊 | Do you wanna make out?Sure. |
你還好嗎?怎麼了? | Are you okay?What's wrong? |
我只是想到你爸爸 | Yeah. I was just thinking about your father. |
只要你能興奮就好 | Well,whatever works for you. |
不是,他有點把我嚇到了 | No.He just really freaked me out before. |
我們得再多瞞著一個人 那又怎樣 | So we have to hide our relationship from one more person.Big deal. |
況且我們一直很樂在其中 沒錯 | Besides,we've had fun hiding it.Yeah. |
你有準備防護措施嗎? | -Yeah? -You brought protection,right? |
怎麼了?這裡有熊嗎? | Why,are there,like,bears or something? |
你是說那個,沒有,我忘了 | Protection. Yeah. No,yeah. That.. That I forgot. |
我居然帶了兩瓶防蚊液 卻忘了帶那個 | I can't believe I brought two cans of bug spray and forgot that. |
那我去買 | -I'll run to the store and get some. |
不,我是男人,我去買 | -I'm the guy. I'll get it. |
你知道商店在哪裡嗎? 不知道 | -Do you know where the store is? -No. |
你想騎粉紅腳踏車逛大街嗎? | Do you wanna ride around town on my little pink bicycle? |
有點想 | A little bit. |
我10分鐘後回來 好 | I'll be back in 10 minutes. |
你先進浴缸裡等我 好 | Get in the hot tub and I'll meet you there.Okay. |
天哪,好棒的驚喜 這棟房子好漂亮 | Oh,my God! What a great surprise! This is such a beautiful house! |
謝謝,這是我媽的房子 這裡是廚房 | Thank you. It used to be my mother's. This is the kitchen. |
錢德 喬伊 | -Hey,Chandler. -Hey,Joe. |
人總得找點事情做 | Everybody's gotta be doing something. |
這裡是莫妮卡和錢德的家 | You've reached Monica and Chandler's. |
如果你聽到這則留言 我們可能在篩選電話 | If you're listening to this message,we're probably screening. |
就是 | Yeah,we are. |
我是摩根卻斯博物館的海蒂 我要找莫妮卡蓋勒 | Hi,this is Hildy from the Morgan Chase Museum.I'm calling for Monica Geller. |
有人取消預約 如果她還想在我們這裡舉行賓和蓋勒的婚禮 | I wanted to let her know that there was a cancellation.If she's still interested in having the Bing-Geller wedding in our facility... |
現在有空了 | ...it is available.. |
我是錢德賓,我是錢德賓 | This is Chandler Bing! This is Chandler Bing! |
是的,我是新郞 | Yes,the groom. |
不,我不是 | No,not the groom! |
這裡好幽靜 | It's so secluded up here. |
我知道,所以我喜歡這裡 | I know. That's why I like it here. |
全世界好像只剩我們兩個人 | I feel like we're the only two people in the world. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
怎麼了?你看到老鼠了嗎? | What's the matter,honey?Did you see a little mouse? |
不是,大熊,外面有大熊 你要不要…要不要去看一下? | No! Big bear! Big bear outside!I think I..Actually,would you go check on that? |
親愛的,這裡沒有熊 | We don't have any bears here. |
好吧,幫我倒杯健怡可樂好嗎 | Well,okay.Would you get me a Diet Coke? |
好,我馬上回來 好 | -Okay. Be right back. -Okay. |
你在這裡幹嘛? 你又在這裡幹嘛? | -What are you doing here? -What are you doing here? |
我是跟保羅來的 我認出他的腳踝了 | -I came with Paul! -Yeah. I recognized the ankles. |
伊莉莎白呢? 她去買東西 | -Where is Elizabeth? -She's at the store. |
你讓女生去買東西? 我知道商店在哪裡嗎? | -You make the girl go to the store? -Do I know where the store is? |
快出來 | Hurry up. Get out. |
拿來了,親愛的 | Here you go,honey. |
謝謝你 健怡可樂 | -Thank you! -Diet Coke. |
冰塊,我要冰塊 | Ice.I need ice. |
好 | Okay. |
謝謝你 我馬上回來 | -Thank you. -Be right back.Okay. |
又是冰塊這一招 | You and your ice. |
出來,快點 | Get out! Get out! Go! Come on! |
不行,他在那裡面 | No,not in there! Not in there! He's in there! |
你真的聽到熊叫了嗎? 進去啦 | -Did you really hear a bear? -Go! |
來了 | Here you go,honey. |
一杯加冰的健怡可樂 | One Diet Coke with ice. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
真高興有你在 | I am so happy that you're here. |
我回來了 伊莉莎白 | -Here I am! -Elizabeth! |
看,伊莉莎白來了 | Look! Elizabeth's here! |
你在跟誰說話? 你們啊 | Who were you talking to?You guys? |
你怎麼知道我們在這裡? | How did you know we were here? |
她一定是看到往車庫的方向 有輪胎印 | She obviously saw the tire tracks leading up to the closed garage. |
是啊 | Obviously. |
伊莉莎白,你來這裡幹什麼? | What are you doing here? |
你是來這裡寫學期論文的嗎? | Did you come up here to work on that term paper or something? |
沒錯 | Yeah. |
那你去那個房間寫吧 | Well,why don't you go in that room and do your homework? |
我不會去那個房間寫 那是我爸的臥房 | I wouldn't do it in there. That's my dad's bedroom. |
那是你爸的臥房 | That's your dad's bedroom. |
那是你爸的臥房 | That's your dad's bedroom! |
你幹嘛這麼大聲? | Why are you yelling? |
這杯健怡可樂讓我好興奮 | That Diet Coke,I think,just straight to my head! |
親愛的 | Hi,honey. |
待會兒見 | See you later. |
我買了東西要幫你煮晚餐 | Wait. I bought groceries. I was gonna make you dinner. |
下次先問我 | Well,next time,ask! |
或者至少等我先開口 | Or at least wait for me to ask! |
我是摩根卻斯博物館的海蒂 | Hi,this is Hildy from the Morgan Chase Museum. |
我要找莫妮卡蓋勒 完了 | -I'm calling for Monica Geller. -Oh,no. |
有人取消預約 如果她還想在我們這裡辦賓和蓋勒的婚禮 | I wanted to let her know that there was a cancellation.If she's still interested in having the Bing-Geller wedding in our facility... |
現在有空了 拜託,他沒聽到,他沒聽到 | it is available....Please. He didn't hear it! |
我是錢德賓,我是錢德賓 | This is Chandler Bing! This is Chandler Bing! |
不! | No! |
有什麼事嗎? | Can I help you? |
決定誰能上牆的那個人呢? | Yeah,where's the guy who decides whose pictures go up on the wall? |
他現在不在 不會吧 | -He's not here right now. -You're kidding me! |
記得告訴他 喬伊崔比亞尼帶了一堆衣服來 | Make sure you tell him that Joey Tribbiani stopped by to drop off all these clothes. |
我是個演員 我想讓我的照片上牆 | I'm an actor. I'm trying to get my picture on the wall. |
其實有兩個人能決定這件事 | You know,there are two people who could get your picture up there. |
是嗎? | Oh,really? |
也許我們應該去喝一杯 | Well,maybe you and I go out for drinks. |
你是另外一個沒錯吧? | You're the other one,right? |
麗莎,你今晚要留下來嗎? | So,Lizzie,are you planning on staying the night? |
不,我要儘快離開 | No,no. Believe me,I'm leaving as soon as possible. |
那好…不是我們不要你留下來。很明顯我們歡迎你 | Good. Not that we don't want you to stay. Obviously,you're welcome. |
你還有多少功課? | How much more homework do you have? |
只剩一個問題不知道怎麼解決 | I just have one problem left that I do not know how to solve. |
瑞秋,也許你可以上樓來幫我 | Rachel,maybe you wanna come upstairs and help me figure it out? |
是嗎? | Really? |
好,我上樓 你去車上幫我拿東西 | Okay,I'll go upstairs...if you get me something from the car. |
你要拿什麼東西? | What do you need from the car? |
給我驚喜啊 | Surprise me. |
好 | Okay. |
你要去車上,我要去樓上 這就是目前的狀況 | So you're gonna be in the car! I will be upstairs!That's where everybody's gonna be! |
放輕鬆,放輕鬆 你表現得很好 | Just relax. Relax,Paul. You're doing great. |
她喜歡你,她…她喜歡你 | She likes you.I think she likes you. She likes you. |
知道為什麼嗎?因為你是個純爺們 | You know why? Because you're a neat guy. |
你是男子漢,你是男子漢 | You are the man.You are the man! |
還是很有料,很性感 | Still got it.Still sexy. |
你是個愛情機器 | You're just a love machine. |
我是個愛情機器 我只為你服務,寶貝 | I'm just a love machine and I won't work for nobody but you! Hey |
上場了 | Showtime. |
我是個愛情機器,寶貝 | I'm just a love machine,yeah baby |
菲比,你有見到錢德嗎? 沒有,怎麼了? | -Phoebe? -Yeah?-Have you seen Chandler? -No,why? |
博物館那個女人打電話來說 有人取消預約 | The museum called and said that there was a cancellation... |
我們可以提前舉行婚禮 結果錢德聽見了 | and that we could move up our wedding. And Chandler heard. |
就是啊,你覺得有多嚴重? | I know. How bad is this? |
對一般男人來說很嚴重 但是對錢德…我的天哪 | Well,with a regular guy,it's bad. With Chandler,oh,dear God! |
我知道,他被嚇到了 我到處都找不到他 | I know! And he totally freaked out. I can't find him anywhere! |
你要怎麼辦? 反正我再也不聽你的話了 | -What are you gonna do? -I'm never going to listen to you again. |
“先預約又不會怎樣” | "What harm can it do if you put your name down?" |
那是瑞秋說的 瑞秋不在這裡 | -Rachel said that. -Well,Rachel's not here! |
她真的已經把你掛上去了? | You really think she put your picture up already? |
這是什麼話? | Did she put my picture up? |
開玩笑,約會完之後 她就算掛十張我都不會驚訝 | You kidding,after the date we had?I wouldn't be surprised if she put 10 of my pictures up there. |
只不過我只給了她一張 不知道她要去哪裡再弄九張 | Except for the fact that I only gave her one. I don't know where she'd get the other nine. |
在這裡 | Here it is! |
喬伊,你為什麼要簽“混蛋” | Joey,why did you sign it "son of a bitch"? |
我沒有啊,這是誰幹的? | -I didn't do that. Who would do that? |
混蛋 問他好了 | -Son of a bitch!Okay. Maybe ask this guy. |
你,滾出我的店 | -You! Get out of my shop! |
他做了什麼? 他跟我老婆約會 | -What did he do?-He went out with my wife! |
喬伊 | -Joey! |
我沒有跟你老婆約會,好嗎? 我是跟她約會 | I did not go out with your wife! Okay?I went out with her. |
她就是我老婆 | That's my wife! |
我指的不是她,我指的是她 | I'm not pointing at her,no. I'm pointing at her. |
賽妲麥默瑞 | "Zelda McMurray." |
她是誰啊?她憑什麼上牆? 快滾 | Who the hell..? How did she get up there?!Get out! |
我們還是走好了 | -Well,we should go. -Yeah. |
羅斯?羅斯? | Ross? |
伊莉莎白 | Elizabeth! |
好,我從窗戶爬出去 | Okay. I'm gonna go out this window. |
我們前門見,你就說你要回家 好 | I'll meet you at the front door. Tell them you're going home.-Okay. |
等等,別進去,我還要喝汽水 | -Wait! No,don't go in there!Don't go in there! I need another soda! |
羅斯 | Ross! |
天哪,羅斯,你在這裡幹什麼 | Oh,my God,Ross! What in heaven's name are you doing here? |
所以我們不能再見面了 | And that is why we cannot see each other anymore. |
羅斯,我們得好好談一談 | Ross,you and I are gonna have to have a little talk. |
爸 接著就是你 | -Daddy,I.. -You're next! |
好,我不知道他在這裡 | Okay. I didn't know he was here. |
讓我把話問清楚 | Let me just see if I got this straight. |
我叫你離我女兒遠一點 否則就讓你被開除 | I tell you to stay away from my daughter or I'll have you fired. |
結果你聽到的是 | What you heard was: "Take my daughter... |
“帶我女兒到我鄉下的別墅” “破壞我和瑞秋的週末” | come up to my country house and ruin my weekend with Rachel." |
拜託,你聽我說 | -Please,Paul. Just let me explain. |
不,你聽我說:開除 | -No! Let me explain! Fired! |
好,開除就開除 | Okay,fine. Fine. Have me fired. |
我只想你知道 我們也沒那麼不同 我的意思是 | But I want you to know...that you and I are not all that different. I mean... |
我也是個純爺們 | I,too,am a "neat guy." |
什麼? | What? |
我也是個愛情機器 | And I,too...am "just a love machine." |
羅斯… | Ross |
我帶你去客房看看 好 | -Let me show you the guest room. -Okay. |
對不起,你別再害怕了 | I'm so sorry. Please stop freaking out. |
我沒有害怕啊 | I'm not freaking out. |
我幹嘛害怕? | Why would I? |
有個叫海蒂的說我們要結婚了 這是常有的事 | A woman named Hildy called and said we were getting married.But that happens every day. |
親愛的,那個地方很漂亮 | Honey,we were at this beautiful place... |
我只是預約好玩的,會怎樣嗎 | and I just put our names down for fun.I mean,what's the harm in that? |
會這樣 | -Right here. |
錢德,你千萬別以為我想給你壓力 | Please don't think I was trying to pressure you. |
菲比和瑞秋覺得… 菲比和瑞秋 | -Phoebe and Rachel thought.. -Phoebe and Rachel? |
所以比我早知道我們要結婚的 有你,菲比和瑞秋 | So the people that knew about our wedding before me were you...Phoebe and Rachel, |
海蒂和一個叫星光魔力的樂團 | Hildy,and some band called the Starlight Magic Seven... |
對了,他們也有空 | who are available,by the way. |
我錯了,我完全沒有那個意思 | It was a mistake.Please don't take this to mean anything,because it doesn't. |
好吧 | Okay. |
真的? | Really? |
如果你真的沒有那個意思 你知道我還沒準備好 | Yes. If it really doesn't mean anything,because you know I'm not ready. |
我知道,我知道 好 | I know.I know.Okay. |
我去告訴喬伊你回來了 我們剛才好擔心 | All right.I'm gonna go tell Joey that you're back.We were really worried about you. |
不是叫了卷餅沒送來嗎? 他以為跟那件事有關 | And that guy that never delivered his burrito?He thought there was some sort of connection. |
她相信了嗎? 相信了 | Did she buy it?Totally. |
海蒂有帶你參觀嗎? 有,那裡好漂亮 | -So did Hildy show you the place? -Yeah. It's beautiful. |
你居然要跟莫妮卡求婚了 就是啊 | I can't believe you're gonna ask Monica to marry you.I know. |
甘瑟 | -Hey,Gunther. |
把這些卡布奇諾端到11桌 那個男的要義大利脆棒 | -Take these cappuccinos to table 11.And that guy wants some biscotti. |
我只是要一杯咖啡 | I just actually came in for a cup of coffee. |
你還在這裡打工嗎? | Do you still work here? |
沒有,我早就不做了 | No. I quit a long time ago. |
我沒有告訴你嗎?抱歉 | Did I forget to tell you that? I'm sorry. |
反正我也打算開除你 太好了 | -Cool. I was gonna fire you anyway. -Great! |
菲比,幫我挑訂婚戒指好嗎? 我覺得好難挑喔 | Can you help me pick an engagement ring?I can't figure this out. |
我要選蒂凡尼切割法還是… 公主方切割法還是… | Should I get her a Tiffany cut or a princess cut or a..? |
被紙切割法 | Paper cut! |
你有告訴其他人嗎? | -Have you told anyone else? |
沒有,我不想讓莫妮卡發現 | -No,I don't want Monica to find out. |
可是你告訴我了 | You told me. |
因為我信任你 你是我的好朋友 | Because I trust you and we're friends... |
而且你在我看戒指目錄時闖進來 | and you saw me looking at ring brochures. |
進房不敲門再次大有收穫 | Once again,not knocking pays off. |
只要你不是在廁所就好了 我有同感 | -I wish you hadn't been on the toilet. -Me too. |
我看看,有莫妮卡切割法嗎? 有的話就是它了 | Let me see. Is there such a thing as a Monica cut?Because that would be you best bet. |
錢德,要不要去喝咖啡? | -Want to go to the coffeehouse? |
好啊 走吧 | -Oh,all right. |
太好了,我們正想找你們下去 | We were just gonna see if you wanted to go. |
不要,我們要去別的地方 | Well,we don't because we got the other place. |
真沒禮貌 | How rude. |
抱歉,你要吃嗎? | Sorry. Want a bite? |
本集播出:“完美的戒指” | The One With The Ring |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
你和保羅交往得怎樣? | So how are things going with Paul? |
很好 | Good. |
只不過他很內斂 | Although,you know,he's a private guy. |
真想讓他稍微敞開心胸 分享心情 | I wish I could get him to open up,share some feelings. |
簡單 把他想成打不開的罐子就對了 | You just have to think of him as a jar of pickles that won't open. |
你要我捉他的頭沖熱水敲桌子 | I should run him under hot water and bang his head against a table? |
不是,那是拷問的手法 | That's what you do when you want to get the truth out of someone. |
親愛的 | Hello honey |
看我的 好 | -Watch this. -Okay. |
保羅 菲比 | -Hey,Paul. -Hi,Phoebe. |
你最近好嗎? | How are things going with you? |
沒得抱怨 | Can't complain. |
嘿 嗨 | -Hey! -Hi. |
我也很高興見到你,我很好 | -Great to.. -Ross,good to see you too. |
保重 | You take care. |
你們剛才為什麼見到我們就跑 | What was the deal with you and Chandler blowing us off before? |
很怪吧? | That was so weird,huh? |
菲比,為什麼? | Why did you do it? |
不是我,是錢德 | I didn't do it. It was Chandler. |
他…他在生你們的氣 | He's mad at you. |
為什麼? 拜託,你明知故問 | -What? Why? -Oh,please. I think you know why. |
我想不起來 | I can't think of anything. |
羅斯,你是古生物學家 再往深處去挖 | Come on. You're a paleontologist. Dig a little deeper. |
等等,是不是因為兩個星期前 喬伊和我沒找他去看尼克隊的比賽? | Is it because Joey and I didn't invite him to that Knicks game? |
你覺得他會為這種事生氣嗎? | Is that something he'd be mad at you for? |
應該會 我想就是這個原因 | -I guess it could. -Well,then I think that's it. |
他不該隱瞞他的情緒 他應該老實告訴我 | If he's angry,he shouldn't hide it. I wish he'd just tell me the truth. |
那你應該捉他的頭 去沖熱水敲桌子 | You should run him under hot water and bang his head against the table. |
我在“中國花園”訂了位 可以嗎? | Honey,I made a reservation at China Garden. Is that okay? |
可以啊,很棒 | Yeah,that's great. |
但你先跟我說說話 說說你今天好不好 | But first,talk to me. Talk to me. Tell me about your day. |
蠻好的 | It was fine. |
好吧 | Okay. |
你在想什麼?你現在在想什麼 | What are you thinking right now? |
我在想你穿這件裙子很好看 | That you are looking really fine in that dress. |
太好了,但是… | Yeah,that's great,Paul. But,you know.... |
我想知道…哇,好結實 | I want to know what.. Wow,those are really great! |
我想知道這堅強沉默的外表下 隱藏著什麼 | I just want to know...what is behind this strong,silent exterior? |
俗語說靜水深流 我想在你的心中暢遊 | They say that still waters run deep,and I want to swim in yours. |
你在講做愛的事嗎? | Are you talking about having sex? |
不是的,保羅,我一點也不瞭解你 | No,Paul.I don't know anything about you. |
例如你的童年,聊聊你的童年 | Tell me about your childhood. |
很普通 | Normal. |
好,那青春期呢? 青春期總是很討厭 | Then how about puberty? Come on! That's always a painful time. |
朋友找你參加聚會 | Your friends have a slumber party |
趁你睡著把你的手放進熱水裡 害你在睡袋裡撒尿 | and stick your hand in warm water...while you sleep,so you pee in your sleeping bag. |
我沒碰過那種事 | No,that never happened to me. |
那是你走運 沒碰上那個賤人莎朗麥傑斯基 | You're lucky you never met that bitch,Sharon Majeski. |
總之… 其他時期有什麼悔恨嗎? | Anyway...The rest of your life. Any regrets? |
沒有 | Nope. |
保羅,我要求得不多 | I'm not asking for a lot here. |
你就講一件事,什麼事都好 | Just give me something. Anything. |
好吧 | -Okay. -Okay. |
6歲那年 我想要一輛大腳踏車 | When I was 6 years old,I wanted a Big Wheel. |
我父母卻送我一個 小雞造型的跳跳樂 | And instead,my parents got me this little...plastic chicken that you hop around on. |
太難為情了,其他小孩子都笑我 | It was embarrassing. Kids made fun of me. |
那一年蠻痛苦的 | That was a tough year. |
太好了,你看吧 我覺得我比較瞭解你了,謝謝 | That's great! See?I already feel like I know you a little better. |
好,我們去吃飯吧 | Okay,come on. Now we can go eat. Let's go! |
我好慘 | It was horrible. |
大家都叫我小雞雞 | They called me "Chicken Boy." |
五年級我跟別人打架 其實也不算打架 | In fifth grade,I got in a fight. Well,not really. |
理查達倫咬我的鼻子,我摔倒 | Richard Danville bit me on the nose and,and I feel down |
這裡留了一個小傷疤,你看 對對對,我看見了 | I still have a little scar right here. You can see it.Yeah,yeah. I see the scar. |
保羅,你聽我說 你這樣分享你的心情真的很棒 | I think this is really great that,you know,you've shared your feelings.It's really... It's beautiful. |
但是我們現在去吃飯吧 | But what do you say we go share some food? |
我現在吃不下 | No,I couldn't eat now. |
你在說什麼? 你最愛吃宮保雞丁了 | What are you talking about? You love their Kung Pao chicken! |
雞? | Chicken? |
小雞雞 天哪,對不起,我不是故意的 | -Chicken Boy! -I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. |
一無所獲 | Nothing |
逛了幾百家店 還是找不到完美的戒指 | This is the nine millionth ring store,and I can't find the perfect ring. |
醜,醜,醜 | Ugly ring,ugly ring,ugly ring... |
這些戒指真美 | It's a beautiful selection. |
要不然你不送戒指 | So maybe you don't get her a ring. |
送點不一樣的 | Maybe you do something different. |
例如訂婚手鐲,或是訂婚頭飾 | An engagement bracelet or an engagement tiara! |
訂婚獨立戰爭毛瑟槍 | An engagement Revolutionary War musket! |
真高興我是選你來幫忙 | I'm so glad I picked you to help me with this. |
你能不能想像你單膝跪下 | Imagine getting down on one knee... |
把這件漂亮的火器交給她? | and handing her this gorgeous piece of weaponry? |
我還是送戒指好了 | I'll stick with the ring. |
這只好漂亮,我喜歡這只 | This one's nice. I like it. |
先生?好心的先生?我想看這枚戒指 | Sir?Kind sir,can I see this one? |
你找我來就是因為我會講價 | This is why you brought me. I know how to haggle. |
所以接下來交給我處理 | -Let me handle this from here. |
有什麼需要嗎? | -Can I help you? |
有,我想看那枚戒指 | -I would like to see that ring. |
或是不看,隨便 | -Or not. Whatever. |
這是一隻20年代的戒指 1.5克拉,兩側鑲有藍寶石 | This ring is from the 1920s.It's a one and a half carat diamond with sapphires. |
先生,你能不能… | Sir,could I ask you...? |
拿著戒指向我求婚? | Could you hold out that ring and ask me to marry you? |
好 | -Okay. -Okay. |
你願意嫁給我嗎? | Will you marry me? |
天哪,就是它了 | Oh,my God,that's it! That's the ring! |
多少錢? 錢德,讓我來 | -How much is it? -I will handle this. |
多少錢? | How much is it? |
8600 | $8,600.00 |
我們出10塊錢 | We will give you $10. |
你到底想不想買? 想,想,但我只能出8000 | -Are you interested in this ring? -Yes.But I can only pay $8000. |
好,8000可以 我們堅持10塊錢 | -Okay. I can let it go for 8. -We stand firm at $10. |
你要怎麼付帳? 刷卡 | -How would you like to pay? -Credit card. |
不對,我的卡在喬伊那邊 | Oh,no! I lent my credit card to Joey. |
我回去拿,你守住戒指 | I'll go get it. You guard the ring. |
你為什麼把你的卡給喬伊? | -Why did you give your credit card to Joey? |
他要買尼克隊的球票 結果他這個混蛋居然沒有找我一起去 | -To buy some Knicks tickets.Then the jerk didn't even invite me to the game. |
不過我已經不在意了 | But I'm over it. Whatever! |
剛才很抱歉 | Listen,I'm sorry about before. |
你們有10塊錢的東西嗎? | Do you have anything here for $10? |
有,我有兩張嶄新的5元鈔票 | Yes. I have these two rather beautiful...five-dollar bills. |
我出1塊錢跟你買 | I'll give you $1 for them. |
昨天錢德和菲比 不是看到我們就跑了嗎? | Remember how Chandler and Phoebe blew us off yesterday? |
有嗎? | No. |
你當時在吃披薩 | -Remember,you were eating pizza? |
喔對 好 | -Yeah. |
錢德顯然是在氣我們2星期前 沒幫他買球票 | Chandler's angry at us for not getting him a ticket to that Knicks game. |
我們為什麼要幫他買票? | We were supposed to just get him one? |
那傢伙老是揩我們的油 就是啊 | That guy's always mooching off of us. |
但我還是覺得應該設法和解 | Anyway,I still think we should try to patch things up. |
我們可以找他去看另一場球賽 | We could get tickets to another game and invite him. |
好主意 而且他的卡還在我這裡 | That's a great idea. And I still have his credit card. |
帳單 | Here you go. |
我有卡,拿去吧 | Hey,hey. I got this one. Here you go. |
有時候我真搞不懂錢德 | Sometimes I just don't get Chandler. |
我和他做很多事都沒找你 你也不會生氣 | We do stuff all the time without you,and you don't get all upset. |
很多事? 可多了 | -All the time? -All the time. |
抱歉,這張卡不能刷 | I'm sorry,it was rejected. |
不可能,我看看 | That's impossible. Let me see that. |
這張是我的,拿去吧 | This one's mine. Here you go. |
我的天哪我的天哪 | Oh,my God! Oh,my God! |
還在哭? 跟小女生一樣 | -Still crying? -Like a little girl. |
我知道…都是我不好 | I know,I know. This is all my fault. |
是我要他敞開心胸的 | I wanted him to open up. |
但是我不知道我會放出一頭 哭哭啼啼又粘人的怪物 | I didn't know that I was gonna unleash...this weepy,clingy,moist monster! |
有兩個辦法能讓一個男人閉嘴 | I only know of two ways to shut a man up. |
其中一個辦法是做愛 | One of them is sex. |
另一個是什麼? 不知道,我只用過第一個 | -What's the other? -Don't know. Never had to use it. |
我只是說做愛的時候 他就不能講話 | I'm just saying,if we're having sex,he's not talking. |
沒錯,話多的是你 | That's right. You're the talker. |
總之這個主意很棒 | Anyway,great idea. |
我要去商店 我答應去幫他買面紙 | I gotta buy him some more tissues. |
我們這裡有… 你們已經沒有了 | -We have some here. -No,you don't! |
好,我還想試戴頭飾 | Okay. I'd also like to try on the tiara. |
太好了 | Oh,yeah. Okay. |
怎麼樣?太過了嗎? | What do you think? Too much? |
有一點 好吧 | A tad. |
把頭飾放回去 | Take the tiara back... |
毛瑟槍再給我一次 | and let me hold the musket again. |
少了點什麼… | Something's missing. |
把我朋友挑的戒指拿給我 | Let me see the ring that my friend picked out. |
那枚20年代的鑽戒呢? | -Where's the 1920s princess-cut ring? |
剛剛賣給那位先生 | -I just sold it to that gentleman. |
上帝啊 | Oh,my God! |
等等,別走 | Wait,no! |
放我出去,快點 | Let me out! Now! |
瑞秋… | Rachel? |
不是 | No. |
保羅,你好嗎? 還好 | -How are you,Paul? -Okay. |
錢德…你爸抱過你嗎? | Chandler...did your dad ever hug you? |
沒有,他抱過你嗎? | -No. Did he hug you? |
不是,只不過我爸都沒抱過我 | No! No.It's just that my dad never did. |
我好想念我爸 | I miss my dad. |
你可以去拉斯維加斯 看我爸親別人的爸爸 | You can see my dad in Vegas kissing other dads. |
錢德? 怎樣? | -Hey,Chandler? -Yeah? |
你能不能… | Would you...? |
你能不能抱我? | Would you hug me? |
我有點忙 | -I'm a little busy here,Paul. |
我爸也都這麼說 | -That's what my dad used to say. |
好啦,一下下,快點 | Okay. A quick one. Come on,hug it out. |
行了吧 | There you go. |
好了 | Okay. |
再5秒鐘 夠了 | -Five more seconds.. -Okay! |
喬伊 怎麼了 | -Joey! -What? Hey,what..? |
保羅是吧? | Hi. Paul,is it? |
我的信用卡在嗎? 在,在我的… | -Do you have my credit card? -Yeah. It's in my... |
我的口袋裡 | In my pocket. |
後面的口袋 幸好 | -My back pocket! -Thank God. |
我買了今天晚上尼克隊的票 | -I got tickets to the Knicks tonight. |
我不能去 去啦,多好啊 | -I can't go.It'll be fun. |
我,你,羅斯和… 保羅嗎? | Me,you,Ross and Paul,probably. |
我沒空好嗎,我得走了 | Look,I don't have time for this,okay? I gotta go. |
好惡劣喔 | That was mean. |
就是啊 | Yeah,I know. |
過來吧 好 | -Get in here. -Yeah. |
錢德,我找到最完美的戒指了 | Chandler,I found the perfect ring. |
真不錯 但我還是買之前那款好了 | I'm gonna go with the one I picked first. |
天哪,錢德,那枚戒指不在了 | Oh,wake up. The one you picked is gone. It's over! |
什麼? | What? |
被一個人買走了,對不起 | Some guy bought it. |
我想攔住他,卻被關進監獄裡 | I tried to stop him,but they put me in jail! |
被關進監獄裡? 門和門中間的小監獄 | -They put you in jail? -The little jail between the doors! |
菲比,我要你守著那枚戒指 我知道,對不起 | -I asked you to guard the ring! -I know. I'm sorry. |
但是這枚比較好 莫妮卡根本沒看過另一枚 | But this ring is better. And Monica never saw the other ring. |
但是他用那枚戒指向我求婚時 我起了雞皮疙瘩 | Yeah,but when he proposed to me with the ring,I got goosebumps. |
也許是因為那個人 是因為那枚戒指 | -Maybe it was the guy. -It was the ring! |
他知道票的事情興奮嗎? | -Was he excited about the tickets? |
不,他回絕了 | -No! He blew us off! |
什麼? 就是啊 | -What? -I know. |
太不可思議了 | I can't believe it. |
告訴你,我現在有點生他氣 | Can I tell you something?I'm a little mad at him now! |
告訴你 | Can I tell you something? |
我也是 | Me too! |
他生氣不告訴我們 | He didn't want to talk to us about being angry. |
那我們也不要告訴他 | Maybe we don't talk to him at all! |
冷落他 沒錯 | -Freeze him out. -Right! |
我喜歡 給他好看 | -I like it. -We'll show him. |
以後就是喬伊與羅斯 最佳拍檔 | From now on,it's gonna be Joey and Ross,best friends. |
我們將是新的喬伊與錢德 | We'll be the new Joey and Chandler. |
什麼? 你覺得你和錢德比我和錢德要好? | What?You think you and Chandler were closer than me and Chandler? |
別生氣 | Hey,don't get angry. |
我們一反目,他就贏了 | We turn on each other,he wins. |
我回來了 | Hi,I'm back. |
我把我想說的話都寫下來了 | I've written down more to tell you! |
真好 | Oh,that's great. |
真是太好了,真的好棒 | No,actually,that's...That's great. That's really great. |
說真的,寫東西會燃起… | You know,I gotta tell you,writing,all that writing,it gets me... |
我的欲火 | It gets me kind of hot. |
等等,你聽喔 | Wait,wait. Listen to this: |
你知道我小時候想當什麼? | Know what I wanted to be at that age? |
情聖? | A lover? |
飆網者 是嗎? | -A surfer. -A surfer? |
我想與海浪為伍 | -I wanted to be one with the waves.. |
等等,等一下,讓我把自己… | -Hold on.Let me just |
弄得舒服一點 | get a little more comfortable here. |
等一下,這樣會不會太露了? | Wait a second.This isn't too revealing,is it? |
不會,當年那個小傢伙呢? | No.Whatever happened to that little dude? |
充滿夢想… | So full of dreams. |
我不在乎那個小傢伙 | I don't care about the little dude! |
我聽不下去了 | I can't! I cannot listen to any more of this! |
只有心理醫師會想聽這些話 | The only one who'd listen is a mental health professional! |
那還是因為他們1小時賺1百 | That's only because they get $100 an hour! |
你知道我聽到現在可以賺多少 | Do you know how much money I could have made listening to you? |
2千塊錢 | $2000! |
你知道我什麼時候算出來的? 在你嘮叨的時候 | Know when I figured that out? While you were talking! |
你居然想扼殺我的情緒 | I can't believe you're trying to stifle me |
14個小時前我們才發現 那就是我媽的目的 | when 14 hours ago...we figured out that's what my mother was trying to do! |
對不起 我不是想扼殺你的情緒 | I'm sorry.I don't mean... I didn't mean to stifle you. |
我只是有點受不了 | This is all just a little overwhelming. |
瑞秋,對不起 | I'm so sorry. |
我不是故意的 只不過情緒一發洩 | I didn't mean to overwhelm you.It's just that when those gates open... |
就會…不可收拾 | it's hard to close them. |
不過現在沒事了,真的 | But they are closed now. Believe me. |
我很高興你跟我分享你的心情 | I'm so glad. I'm so glad you shared. |
也很高興你分享完了 | And I'm glad that you're done. |
那我們要不要… | So what do you say we.... |
我求之不得 | I'd like that. |
真是…太棒了 | That was so good! |
我居然聽你的話 買下這枚像口香糖一樣的蠢戒指 | I can't believe you talked me into this gumball-machine-looking ring. |
它才不是口香糖蠢戒指,它很漂亮 | It's not a gumball-machine-looking ring. It's a beautiful ring! |
它才不漂亮 | No,it's not. |
另一枚戒指 會讓我看到莫妮卡的表情 | When I looked at the other ring,I could see Monica's face... |
我會看到她點頭答應 | and I could see her saying yes. |
這枚戒指只讓我看到 一枚戒指 | Looking at this,I only see a ring. |
只有近看才會看到我的眼睛 | Unless I look at it really closely,and then I can see my own eye. |
這是我這輩子最重要的一件事 我想做到最完美 | This is the most important thing I'll ever do. I want to make it perfect. |
我們或許能把那枚戒指要回來 | Maybe we could get the other ring back. |
我聽到那個人 準備求婚的地方 | I heard where the guy was gonna propose. |
或許我們可以說服他交換 | -Maybe we could get him to trade rings. |
我不能這麼做 | -I can't do that. |
你總不能給她那枚口香糖蠢戒指 | You certainly can't give her that stupid gumball ring. |
好吧,他要去哪裡? | -All right. Where was he going? |
一家餐廳…彩虹什麼的 | -Yeah,it's a restaurant...The Rainbow something. |
彩虹餐廳? 不是 | -Rainbow Room? |
彩虹燒烤? 不是 | Rainbow Grill? |
彩虹的彼端? (電影“綠野仙蹤”主題曲) | Somewhere Over the...? |
空間 | -L'Espace. |
彩虹空間? 不是,只有空間 | -Rainbow L'Espace!No,just L'Espace. |
我很樂意想知道你是怎麼從彩虹想到空間的 | I'd love to know how you got from rainbow to L'Espace. |
你不會想知道的 | No,you wouldn't. |
我的思路很複雜 | You don't wanna get in here. |
就是他 | There he is. |
好,他還沒求婚 因為她沒有戴戒指 | He hasn't proposed yet. She has no ring on. |
你真行,我們應該去當偵探 沒錯 | Wow,you're good! After this,we should solve crimes. |
去請他過來 好 | Okay. Go get him.Oh,okay. |
抱歉,請您來一下 有您的電話 | Excuse me. Could you come with me? You have a phone call. |
是誰? 是你的公司打來的 | -Who is it? -It's your office. |
你知道是誰嗎? | -Do you know who at my office? |
約翰? 約翰啊,太好了 | -John.Oh,John! Great! |
他來了 | -There he is. |
你好,珠寶店搞錯了 | -Hi. Okay.There was a mix-up at the store. |
他們把為我保留的戒指賣給你 | The ring you have was supposed to be held for me. |
所以我得跟你要回來 | I'm gonna need to have that back. |
不過我願意拿這枚美麗的 更昂貴的戒指和你交換 | In exchange,I'm willing to trade you this beautiful,more expensive ring. |
要是我就換 | Wow,I would trade. |
的確很美,但是我要用這一枚 | It is beautiful,but I'm gonna use this one. |
失陪了 | Excuse me. |
不,這位是我的未婚妻 她就是要這枚戒指 | This is my fiancee,and her heart was set on that ring. |
你不會想傷她的心吧? | Do you want to break her heart? |
對啊 你想傷一位垂死女人的心嗎? | Yeah. Do you want to break a dying woman's heart? |
你要死了? | You're dying? |
她快死於…咳嗽了 | Yeah,she's dying...of a cough,apparently. |
對,我臨死前想擁有那枚戒指 | It's my dying wish to have that ring. |
要是不能戴著它入土 我會變成孤魂野鬼在陰間… | If I'm not buried with it...my spirit will wander the netherworld. |
夠了,親愛的 | That's enough! |
我不曉得 | Oh,I don't know. |
再讓我看一次 當然,請看 | -Let me see it. -Great. Okay,here. |
好吧,跟你換 | -All right,I'll do it. |
謝謝,謝謝,謝謝 | -Thank you. |
你即將嫁給一個大好人 | And you are about to marry a wonderful man. |
我要娶一個死人 | Hey,I'm marrying a dead woman! |
兄弟們? | Guys? |
我有大事要宣佈,兄弟們? | I've got something important to tell you.Guys? |
兄弟們?兄弟們? | Guys?Guys? |
我要跟莫妮卡求婚了 | I'm gonna ask Monica to marry me. |
我們應該對他中止冷落 | I think we gotta end the freeze-out. |
等等,你是來真的? | Wait. Is this for real? |
對,戒指在這裡 | Yeah. Check out the ring. |
天哪 | Oh,my God! |
這麼說你倆真的是認真的? | So you two are really serious? |
差不多 | Yeah,pretty much. |
你們要結婚了? | You're gonna get married? |
我們要成為親戚了,過來 | We're gonna be brothers-in-law! Come here! |
我們又可以當朋友了 | And we're gonna be friends again. |
什麼? | What? |
過去的事就別提了 好吧 | -Water under the bridge! Forget it! -Okay. |
我本來想等搞定再說 | I was gonna wait till it was official,\r} |
但我還是忍不住要告訴你們 因為你們是我的最好的朋友 | but I had to tell you guys.You're my best friends. |
我真不敢相信 | -I can't believe this. |
我也是 我本來還想問你有什麼打算 | -Me too.I was planning on having a conversation with you about your intentions. |
我要哭了 | I think I'm gonna cry. |
別再哭了,拜託 | Oh! No more crying! |
我剛甩掉一個愛哭寶寶 小心我也甩了你 | I just dumped one crybaby. I'll dump you too. |
我要跟莫妮卡求婚 | I'm gonna ask Monica to marry me. |
我的天哪,我的天哪 | Oh,my God!Oh,my God! |
錢德,你們會好幸福 | Oh,Chandler! You guys are gonna be so happy! |
我知道 | -I know. |
面紙都死哪去了? | -Where's all the tissues?! |
這是戒指 | -Check out the ring. |
真好,至少有1.5克拉 | -Oh,nice. One and a half carat,easy. |
菲比,錢德要跟莫妮卡求婚了 | -Hey. -Hey,Phoebe.He's gonna ask Monica to marry him. |
我知道,是我陪他去挑戒指的 | -I helped pick out the ring. |
你先告訴她? | You told her before you told us? |
我在看戒指目錄時被她撞見 你們能諒解吧? | She walked in while I was looking at brochures. You can understand that. |
兄弟們? | Guys? |
兄弟們? | Guys? |
天哪,錢德選的戒指好美 | God,that ring Chandler picked out was so beautiful. |
你當然很懂,你買過一大堆 | You should know. You've bought like a billion of them. |
拿我的痛處開玩笑 | Humor based on my pain. |
有趣的是 | You know what's funny? |
你的老婆裡只有我沒拿到戒指 | Of all of your wives,I'm the only one who never got a ring. |
你很在意嗎? | This a big issue for you? |
不是,只不過如果能有我們結婚的紀念品 總是蠻好的 | No,but it would have been nice to have a little memento...of our married time together. |
而不要只有離婚證書和爛醉 | Something other than the divorce papers and the hangover. |
羅斯顯然不會送你戒指 | Ross is obviously not gonna get you a ring. |
不過跟他要毛瑟槍好了,毛瑟槍 | But ask for a musket. Ask for a musket! |
你知道我們結婚時 少做了什麼事? | When we were married,do you know what I never got? |
上床 | Sex. |
沒戒指當然沒得做,你還敢提 | Well,yeah. No ring,no sex. Big surprise. |
送我毛瑟槍,一切好談 | Get me a musket and we'll talk. |
這真是世上最美的訂婚戒指 | God,that is the most beautiful engagement ring ever! |
你一定很懂,你買過一大堆 | You should know. You bought,like,a billion of them. |
但是沒有給過你 | You didn't get one. |
好,就是今晚了 | -Tonight's the big night. |
你要怎麼進行? | -How you gonna ask her? |
保證完美 我會帶她上她最愛的餐廳 | We're gonna go to her favorite restaurant. |
我要送她一瓶她很喜歡的香檳 那她就知道有多貴了 | I'm gonna get her favorite champagne. She'll know how expensive it is. |
然後等酒倒滿了,我不會敬酒 | When the glasses are full,instead of proposing a toast, |
我會向她求婚 | I'm gonna propose. |
好棒喔 | It sounds perfect! |
你會搞砸,讓我來吧 | -You'll mess it up. Let me do it. |
我才不會搞砸 | -I won't mess it up. |
要是她說不,戒指可以給我嗎 | -lf she says no,can I have the ring? |
她不會說不 | -She won't say no. |
要是 | If. |
沒問題 | -Sure. |
那我呢?我也想要 | -What about me? I want it too. |
她不會說不 | -She won't say no. |
我再借給你 | -I'll let you borrow it. |
嗨,莫妮卡 | Hey,Monica. |
還給我 吞下去了 | -Give it. -It's gone. |
菲比 | Phoebe. |
嗨,莫妮卡 | Hey,Monica. |
我們在練習接吻喔 | We're practically kissing. |
本集播出:“驚喜的求婚” | The One With the Proposal |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯阿奎特 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
晚上有人有空嗎? | Anyone free tonight? |
我老闆要主持救助兒童慈善會 | My boss is hosting a charity event for kids |
我帶越多人去越有面子 | The more people I bring,the better I look. |
莫妮卡?錢德? | Monica? Chandler? |
莫妮卡和錢德不能去 我們要去吃飯,記得嗎? | We can't go. We're going to dinner. Remember? |
天哪,真抱歉 | -Oh,my God. I'm so sorry. |
幹嘛這麼激動? | -What's the big deal? |
我只是很氣瑞秋不記得我們要去哪裡 | I get mad when Rachel doesn't remember where we're going. |
你們要去哪裡? | Where are you going? |
那你們呢? | -How about you guys? |
酒免費? 應該是 | -Open bar?-I think so. |
我可以為孩子們喝酒 | -I can do that for the kids. |
那我也要去 | I'll come. |
我現在有收入 也該回饋社會了 | I'm making money. It's time I give some back. |
你也可以把欠我的錢還給我 | You could give back the money you owe me. |
好啊,你辦義賣啊 | Okay. Have a benefit. |
羅斯 你晚上可以參加慈善晚會嗎? | Ross,can you go to a charity event tonight? |
不行,我跟伊莉莎白有約 | I have plans with Elizabeth. |
你已經在為孩童奉獻愛心了 | You're already doing your part for the kids. |
抱歉,這是她去野營之前的最後一晚 | It's our last night before she leaves for camp. |
去當指導員 | To be a counselor. |
羅斯,我問你 | I have a question. |
撇開笑話不提 這段感情要往哪裡走? | All jokes aside,where is this relationship going? |
等等,撇開笑話不提? 我可不同意 | All jokes aside? I didn't agree to that. |
你認為你們可以長久嗎? 我不知道 | -Do you see this as long-term? -I don't know. |
你比她大12歲喔 | -You are 12 years older than her. |
誰會去算? | -Who's counting? |
她會,她才這麼大 | Well,she is. She's this many. |
羅斯,她真的很年輕 | Ross,she is really young. |
等等,你們都這麼認為嗎? | Does everyone feel this way? |
有一點 抱歉 | -Yeah,sort of. -Sorry. |
我以為你們只是愛開玩笑 我都不知道 | I thought you were just making jokes. I had no idea. |
不過你們都錯了 | You guys are wrong. |
沒錯,我們是有年齡上的差異 | Yes,there is a chronological age difference. |
但是我都感覺不到 為什麼?因為她很成熟 | But I never notice it,because she is very mature. |
況且我根本不在意你們的看法 | It doesn't matter what you guys think. |
跟她交往的是我,不是你們 | I'm dating Elizabeth,not you. |
她昨晚可不是這麼說的 | Not what she said last night. |
他跟她就很般配 | See,now,he could date her. |
你願意嫁給我嗎? | Will you marry me? |
你願意嫁給我嗎? | Will you marry me? |
嫁給我 | Hey,you marry me. |
怎麼了,小精靈們? | -What's going on,little elves? |
今晚很重要,我們想祝你好運 | -It's the big night. We wish you luck. |
戒指帶了嗎? 就在口袋裡 | -You have the ring? -In my pocket. |
菲比 | -Phoebe. -Wha..? |
麻煩你們出去 我想給她驚喜,她會看出來 | Will you guys get out of here? This is a surprise. |
沒錯,快出去 | Yeah,you guys. Get out of here. |
你們好 | Hey,guys. |
你好漂亮 | -You look beautiful. |
謝謝 | -Thank you. |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
我們只是… 要參加慈善晚會覺得很興奮 | We're just really...excited about this charity event we have to go to. |
給你 謝謝 | -Here. -Thank you. |
怎麼會這樣? | -So,what's going on here? |
這是一場不喊價拍賣會 | -Well,this is a silent auction. |
要賣的東西都在這裡 你寫下競標價 | They lay the stuff here. You write down your offer. |
出價最高的就是得主 | Then the highest bid gets it. |
我知道什麼叫不喊價拍賣會 | I know what a silent auction is. |
我是說你的頭髮怎麼會這樣? | What's going on with your hair? |
怎麼說? | -Why? |
不是啊,很好看 | -No,it's nice. |
瑞秋,歡迎你帶了一位朋友來 | Nice to see you. So glad you brought someone. |
一位?我帶了兩位 湯普森先生,這位是菲比 | Someone? I brought people. Mr. Thompson,this is Phoebe |
菲比,這位是湯普森先生 他是我的部門主管 | Phoebe,this is Mr. Thompson.He's the head of my department. |
我還帶了我的朋友喬伊… | -And I also brought my friend Joey. |
蝦子吐司 | -Shrimp toast! |
我不知道他在哪裡 | You know,I don't know where he is. |
希望你會參加競標 | I hope you'll bid. |
我正打算投標這趟巴黎之旅 | Actually,I was about to bid on this lovely trip to Paris. |
有眼光,祝你好運 謝謝 | -Nice choice. Good luck. -Thank you. |
好,20元 | Okay.Twenty dollars. |
把門關上,把門關上 | Shut the door! Shut the door! |
怎麼了? | -What's going on? |
對面的男生在朝我們丟水球 | -Guys are throwing water balloons. |
你們得報警 我都這樣對付我那棟公寓的小孩 | Call the cops. That's what I did to kids in my building. |
這是水球仗,是我們挑起的 | No,it's a water balloon fight. We started it. |
聽我說 我來問你晚上要不要去看演出 | I stopped by to see if you wanted to see this play tonight. |
這出演出應該很棒,導演… | It's excellent. The director is.. |
誰把神風(雞尾酒飲料)都喝了? | -Who drank all the kamikazes? |
沒有,在水球裡 | -Nobody. We put them in here! |
你要嗎? 不要 | You want some? |
好,我可以跟你講一下話嗎? | -Could I talk to you for a second? |
當然可以 | -Yeah,sure. |
所以你要去看嗎? 它的劇評很好… | So this play,what do you think?It's gotten great reviews.. |
攻擊! | -Attack! |
放下水球 你們才放下 | -Put your balloons down! -You put your balloons down! |
統統都把水球放下 | Everybody put their balloons down |
這可是高級西裝 | Now,this is a nice suit! |
請你們出去一下 我要單獨跟伊莉莎白談談 | If you'll excuse us...I would like to speak to Elizabeth alone for a moment. |
麗莎,你爸好掃興 | Whoa,Liz. Your dad's a bummer. |
下一項拍賣品是巴黎浪漫之旅 | Our next item is the romantic trip to Paris. |
由艾彌爾亞歷山大 以2千3百元的高價得標 | It goes to Emil Alexander with a high bid of $2300. |
只差一點 | So close! |
你們看,我拿了幾杯酒 | Guys,look. Got me some drinks. |
你在幹什麼? 免費的酒吧嘛 | -What are you doing? -Open bar. |
現在酒吧都空了 | Well,now it's an empty bar. |
你就是見不得別人開心對吧? | You can't stand anyone else enjoying themselves,can you? |
最後是今晚的最大項目 | Finally,our biggest item. |
22尺豪華帆船 | The 22-foot Gentleman's Daysailer sailboat. |
得標金額高達2萬元 | The winning bid was a whopping $20,000. |
我贏了,我猜中了 | I won.That was my guess. |
什麼? 我猜2萬 | -What? What? What? -I guessed $20,000. |
喬伊,這是拍賣會 你不是猜,是買 | Joey,it is an auction. You don't guess. You buy! |
什麼? | What? |
我沒有2萬 | I don't have $20,000. |
恭喜你購得新船… 喬伊崔比亞尼 | Congratulations on your new boat,Joey Tribbiani. |
坐下啦 | Joey,sit down. |
別理她,開心就好 | Forget her. You enjoy this. |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
一個國家,在神之下 | "One nation...under God, |
不可分割,全民擁有 自由公正(入美國籍時的誓詞) | indivisible,with liberty and justice for all." |
我記得是這樣背,香檳來了 | I remembered it. The champagne is here. |
你沒事吧? | -You okay? |
我很好,你好嗎? 這一切…你很好嗎? | -Yes. I'm good. Are you good?Is everything..? Are you perfect? |
還好,其實我有點冷 | Yeah. I'm okay.Actually,I'm a bit cold. |
外套可以借我嗎? 可以 | Can I have your jacket? |
不行,我的外套不能借你 | No,you can't have my jacket. |
因為那樣我就會冷 | Because then I would be cold. |
你要是覺得會冷 應該自己帶外套 | If you thought you'd be cold,you should've brought a jacket. |
除此之外你好嗎? | But,other than that,are you okay? |
你真的沒事嗎? | -Are you sure you're okay? |
對,我很好 | -Yes. I'm fine. |
我這段日子一直都很好 我覺得… | In fact,I've been fine for a long time now and I think... |
都是拜你所賜 | the reason is you. |
好甜蜜喔 | That's sweet. |
好… | Okey |
認識你之前 我的人生微不足道 | Before I met you,I had really little life. |
我無法想像一個人… | -And I couldn't imagine growing old.. |
我的天哪 我知道,不過讓我說完 | -Oh,my God.-I know. But let me say it. |
我的天哪,理查 | -Richard. |
什麼?我是錢德 | What? I'm Chandler. |
那是理查 | Oh,that's Richard. |
天哪,也許他沒看見我們 理查 | Maybe he won't see us. Richard! |
莫妮卡,錢德 | Monica. Chandler. |
我不知道我為什麼要抱你 | I don't know why I did that. |
見到你真好 | -Good to see you. |
你也是,你把頭髮留長了 | You too. You let your hair grow. |
沒錯,你一直希望我留長 | That's right. You always wanted me to. |
你又開始留鬍子了 | -I see your mustache is back. |
我的鼻子感到寂寞 | -Well,my nose got lonely. |
你沒留鬍子,很好 | You don't have a mustache,which is good. |
我是錢德,我一難受就開玩笑 | Chandler. I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable. |
我是麗莎 | -Hi,I'm Lisa. -Hi. |
抱歉,麗莎 | I'm sorry. Lisa, |
莫妮卡,錢德 我們交往過 | Monica,Chandler. We used to date |
理查,我們的事應該保密 | Richard,no one's supposed to know about us. |
我又來了 | See? I did it again. |
錢德,我們坐下吧 好,我坐 | -Chandler,sit down. -I'll sit down. |
很高興見到你 | -Good to see you. |
您的桌子準備好了 | -Your table's ready,sir. |
很高興遇見你們 好 | Good to see you guys. |
這一桌也是空的 | If you prefer,this table's available. |
一起坐應該不錯 | That might be fun. |
你在想什麼? | -What were you thinking? |
我不知道這是拍賣會 什麼? | -I didn't know it was an auction. |
我以為是猜一猜 幫助慈善團體,免費得帆船 | I figured I'd take a guess. Help a charity. Free boat! |
慈善團體為什麼要送帆船? | Why would a charity give away a boat? |
我哪知,做慈善嗎? | I don't know. Charity? |
你就買吧 | Well,just buy the damn boat. |
菲比,你喝得夠多了吧? | Don't you think you've had enough to drink? |
我只是在幫助兒童 | I'm just helping the kids. |
你喝酒怎麼能幫助兒童? | How is you drinking helping the kids? |
我喝得越多 孩子們喝酒就越少 | Because the more I drink,the less there is for the kids to drink. |
崔比亞尼先生 | Mr. Tribbiani, |
你的慷慨解囊 讓興建活動中心的事大有進展 | your contribution brings us...a step closer to building the youth center. |
我很高興你帶他來 我也是 | -I'm so happy you brought him. -So am I. |
我很好奇,那艘船值多少? | I'm curious. How much is that boat worth? |
差不多是1萬9 | -I think it was valued at 19,000. |
我猜得蠻准的 | -Hey,I was pretty close. |
壞消息 我不能買那艘船,我沒有錢 | So,bad news.I can't buy the boat. I don't have any money. |
喬伊,你真幽默 | Joey! Joey,good one. He's silly. |
你真會演 | Good! Very good! |
好吧,我要逃了 | -So I think I'm gonna take off now. |
你不能走,喬伊 | -You can't leave,Joey! |
你答應要買船,具有約束力 | You agreed to buy that boat. It's a contract. |
而且你走了 我的主管會宰了我 | Plus,if you leave,my boss will kill me. |
那怎麼辦?我沒有那麼多錢 | I don't have that kind of money. |
我知道,好… | I know. Okay,okay. |
好,這樣吧 我們去找出價第二高的人 | This is what we'll do.We'll let the next highest bidder buy it. |
然後讓他們去買 你只要付差價 | Then you'll pay the difference. |
好 | Okay. |
這些小孩要活動中心幹嘛 | I don't know why the kids need a youth center anyway. |
放了學跟我一樣看電視就好了 | They should just watch TV after school like I did. |
我現在也蠻好的 | I turned out fine. |
但是不優秀 | Not great. |
我幫助兒童幫到想吐 | I'm helping the kids so much I think I'm gonna throw up. |
我們躲在洗手間裡 | So we're hiding in the bathroom... |
然後我溜出來 | I get out. |
但莫妮卡還沒出來 她父母就進去了 | But before she can,her parents come in. |
於是我躲到浴簾後面 接著他們就在地上做起來了 | I hide in the shower. They start going at it on the floor. |
我的天哪 | Oh,my God! |
我有一個,我有一個 | I got a good one. |
我有一次撞見我父母 跟同一個男人做愛 | I once walked in on both my parents making love to the same guy. |
遇見你們真的好開心 我想敬酒 | It's so great seeing you guys again. I'd like to make a toast. |
正如一位詩人所說 “在友誼的甜蜜裡” | As a poet once said,"In the sweetness of friendship... |
“盡情歡笑,分享歡樂吧” | Let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures. |
“人心正是從中獲得朝氣” “煥然一新” | In the dew of little things,the heart finds its morning and is refreshed." |
什麼? | What? |
天哪,你們 | Oh,my God! You guys! |
在你開口之前,我們有事要說 | Have we got a story for you. |
你猜我們吃飯時遇見誰? 誰? | Guess who we bumped into?-Who? |
理查 什麼? | -Richard! -What? |
沒錯,那個餐廳也是理查最愛的 | Right,that's Richard's favorite place too. |
所以你早知道?很好 | -Oh,you knew that? Good. |
你不是要跟伊莉莎白約會嗎? | -Weren't you going out with Elizabeth? |
沒錯,但是她忙著打水球仗 | I was. She was a little busy with a water balloon fight. |
有時大人就是不會兌現他們的承諾 | Sometimes grownups have commitments they can't get out of. |
也許她真的太年輕了 | Maybe she is too young for me. |
當我看到她跟朋友橫衝直撞 我覺得我好像保姆 | When I was over there,I felt like I was a babysitter. |
我終於開始瞭解你們的話 | I see what you were talking about. |
我不知道該怎麼辦 | I don't know what to do. |
你可以比較這段感情的利弊 | Weigh the good stuff about her against the bad. |
我當初就是這樣… | That's what I did when I first started... |
比較東西的 | weighing stuff. |
好,弊 | Okay,bad stuff. |
我比她大12歲 | I'm 12 years older than she is. |
學校發現會開除你 | The school could fire you. |
她要離開3個月 去參加野營 | -She's leaving for three months. -For camp. |
好,利 | Okay,good stuff. |
她很甜很漂亮… | Well,she's sweet and pretty and.. |
性愛方面很贊吧? | And the sex is probably great,huh? |
如果你是指很溫柔又互相尊重 | It's tender and respectful,if that's what you mean. |
羅斯,你只需要問你自己 你看得見未來嗎? | The only thing you need to ask is,"Do you see a future?" |
你能想像跟她結婚嗎? | Do you see yourself marrying her? |
天哪,你已經娶她了對不對? | My God. You married her,didn't you? |
沒有啦,我只是… | No,I didn't do that. It's just... |
好吧,我覺得我們沒什麼未來 | Okay,honestly,no. I don't see a big future with her. |
那這就是你的答案了 | Okay,I think that's your answer. |
我得告訴她 我最恨這個步驟了 | I gotta talk to her. I hate this part. |
你必須忘記伊莉莎白 | Forget Elizabeth. |
你要是不小心 今年可能會結不到婚 | If you're not careful...you may not get married at all this year. |
你今晚不是要做某件事嗎? | -Weren't you supposed to do something? |
祝你倆分手順利,夥計 | -Good luck with Elizabeth,my man. |
天哪,菲比,你喝了幾杯? | My God,Phoebe,how many have you had? |
一,二,三… 七乘以三,二十一杯 | 1,2,3... Seven times three.. 21! |
你一定醉翻了 | -You must be just wasted! |
是有點累 | -I'm a little tired. |
瑞秋 | Rach |
出價第二高的人在一號桌 太好了 | -Next highest bidder is at table one. -Great. |
標到巴黎之旅的人坐四號桌 好 | The guy with the Paris trip is at table four. |
你幹嘛管誰贏得巴黎之旅? | -Why do you care about who won? |
那是雙人之旅,失陪 | -It's a trip for two.Excuse me. |
抱歉,標到巴黎之旅的人 在這一桌嗎? | Is the person who won the Paris trip at this table? |
我就是 | -That was me. |
真迷人 | -Enchante. |
抱歉,有沒有一位波芒先生? 我就是 | -Is there a Mr. Bowmont at this table? -That's me. |
你好 你今天走運了,波芒先生 | Well,hello. This is your lucky day,Mr. Bowmont. |
那艘帆船又要賣了 | The Gentleman Daysailer has become available again... |
你開了1萬8的價格 | and I believe you made a bid of $18,000. |
你得付錢,不是猜猜而已的 | You have to pay that. It's not just a guess. |
我沒標到船還松了一口氣 我老婆會宰了我 | I was relieved I didn't win. My wife would've killed me. |
不會吧?她會愛死這艘船 | You kidding? She'll love this boat! |
是啊,尊夫人芳名? | -What is your wife's name? |
她叫潘 | -Pam |
潘,天哪,想像一下 | Just imagine this: |
“潘號” | The Pam |
我想她不會喜歡 | I don't think she'd like that. |
那想像…“波芒先生號” | Okay. Imagine this: The Mr. Bowmont. |
還是不要了 | -I don't think so. |
讓我為你描繪一下 | -Let me paint you a little picture |
你在哈德遜河上航行(貫穿紐約的一條河) | You are setting sail up the Hudson. |
風吹過你的…手臂 | You've got the wind in your... arms. |
你得到你企盼已久的安寧 | You get all that peace and quiet you've always wanted. |
你回到大自然懷抱 你可以釣魚 | You get back to nature. You can go fishing. |
你可以買一頂帽子 讓大家叫你船長 | You get one of those hats. People call you captain. |
等你老了就是老船長 | And then when you're old,Cappy. |
管他的,不買說不過去 我買了 | -It's for a good cause. All right. |
你別想,船是我的 | -No way! It's mine! |
什麼? | What? |
你剛才說的那些事我也要 | The stuff you said,I want that! |
但是喬伊,你沒有2萬 | -But you don't have $20,000! |
管他的,我分期,怎樣都好 我要“波芒先生號” | Who cares? I'll make payments! I want the Mr. Bowmont! |
天哪,你們回來了 | -Oh,my God. You're back. |
讓我看你的手,讓我看你的手 | -Let me see it. Let me see your hand. |
你為什麼要看我的手? | Why do you wanna see my hand? |
我想看你手上拿的垃圾 | I wanna see what's in your hand. I wanna see the trash. |
好髒,你最好拿去扔 | It's all dirty. You should throw this out. |
好 | Okey |
你們搞什麼? | -What did you just do? |
怎麼回事? | -What happened? |
理查也在,我無法開口 | -Richard was there. I couldn't do it. |
不會吧 | -Oh,no. |
我要延到明天,給她驚喜 卻被你們破壞了 | I was gonna surprise her tomorrow.Now you've ruined it. |
我們沒有破壞 | We didn't. |
誰會一進門就要看別人的手? | Who walks in a room and asks to see a person's hands? |
算命師、修指甲的小姐 手部醫生… | A palm reader,a manicurist,a hand doctor... |
手套推銷員 漂亮 | -Glove salesman. -Good one! |
真慘,我該怎麼辦? | This is terrible. What will I do? |
她只是在懷疑,又不是確定 你可以唬她 | She only suspects something. So just throw her off the track. |
也對,我可以讓她覺得 我完全不考慮結婚 | I'll pretend marriage is the last thing on my mind. |
沒錯,讓她相信你很害怕承諾 | Convince her you're scared of commitment, |
讓她相信你有點孬種 | that you're a coward. |
我做得到,我練了30年 | I can do that. I've had years of practice. |
你這個人總算有價值了 | Being you is finally gonna pay off! |
我不得不跑去地下室扔 | I had to go all the way to the basement because |
某個白癡小孩老是用披薩盒 把垃圾槽堵住 | Some idiot keeps stuffing the trash chute with pizza boxes. |
那個傢伙還是沒改? | That guy is still doing that? |
天哪,你們回來了 我看看你的手 | Oh,my God. Let me see your hand! |
來不及了 她已經把垃圾拿去扔了 | You're too late! She already took out the trash! |
伊莉莎白,我們得談一談 | Look,Elizabeth,we have to talk. |
我跟別人分手沒這麼平和過 | I have never had such a healthy breakup. |
她表現得好成熟 | She was such a grownup about it. |
我覺得她一點也不幼稚 | She didn't seem too immature for me. |
我是不是犯了個大錯? | Did I just make a huge mistake? |
羅斯,等等 | Ross! Wait! |
伊莉莎白,太好了 我正在想說… | Elizabeth,thank God. I was just thinking about.. |
你最爛了 | You suck! |
什麼? | What? |
好,我們仍在分手中 | Breakup's still on |
她來了 我像不像不想結婚的人? | Here she comes. Do I look like I don't wanna get married? |
像,還有點像法國人 | And,also,a little like a French guy. |
我第一次發現 | I never noticed that before. |
你們在幹什麼? | -What are you up to? |
消磨時間,聊網站 | -Hanging out. Talking about websites. |
有一個網站在討論婚姻 及婚姻的一無是處 | We saw this interesting website about marriage...and how unnecessary it is, |
說那只是政府監視你的方式 | a way for the government to keep tabs. |
是啊,專制 | Yeah,Big Brother. |
有點誇張,不過很高興你們總算上了 其他類別的網站 | That's a bit crazy.Although I am glad you're looking at other things on the lnternet. |
不過我就想 為什麼會有人想要結婚? | Got me thinking. Why would anybody want to get married? |
為什麼?因為要讚頌這段感情 要鞏固你們的承諾 | To celebrate the relationship,solidify the commitment... |
要向全世界宣佈你們的愛 | declare your love for one another to the world. |
能知道你的反應真好 | Well,that's good to know. |
“波芒先生號”來了 | The Mr. Bowmont is here! |
莫妮卡 有一位客人想向主廚致意 | A diner wants to compliment you. |
要讓他進來嗎? | Shall I let him in? |
當然,我最愛這種事了 | Sure. I love this part. |
進來吧 | -Come on in. -Hi. |
理查 | -Richard. |
其實我不是來向主廚致意的 | -I'm not here to compliment the chef. |
沒關係 我最討厭客人跑來致意 | I hate when people come back to compliment the chef. |
好像我很閑似的 | Like I have nothing better to do. |
你有什麼事? | So,what's up? |
那天晚上遇見你很開心 | It was great seeing you the other night. |
我也很開心 | Good to see you too. |
你就是來說這個的? | -You came to tell me that? |
不是,我是來說別的 | -I came to tell you something else. |
我是來說我仍然愛你 | I came here to tell you I still love you. |
什麼?你剛才…什麼? | What? What did you..? What? |
我仍然愛你 | I still love you. |
我知道我甚至不該告訴你 | I know I shouldn't even be here telling you this. |
你跟錢德在一起,我很喜歡他 | You're with Chandler,who I like. |
你說他是異性戀,我就相信你 | If you say he's straight,I'll believe you. |
但見到你之後 我知道我不說會後悔一輩子 | After seeing you,I knew if I didn't tell you I'd regret it. |
放棄你是我所做過最蠢的事 | Letting you go was the stupidest thing I ever did. |
你不該到廚房來的 | You're really not supposed to be back here. |
我知道,對不起 | I'm sorry. |
我知道時機地點都不對 但是… | I know this is the wrong time and the wrong place... |
我一定要說 | but I had to tell you. |
我想跟你共度一生,我想娶你 | I wanna spend my life with you. I wanna marry you. |
我想跟你生兒育女 | I wanna have kids with you. |
上帝啊,這裡為什麼沒擺椅子? | Oh,my God. Why don't they put chairs back here? |
我知道我這很瘋狂 已經來不及了嗎? | Look,I know this is crazy,but am I too late? |
沒錯 你3年前怎麼不說這些話? | You're too late. Where was all this three years ago? |
我知道,我是個白癡 | I know. I was an idiot. |
我也想忘記你,真的 | I tried to forget you. I really did. |
我們去年吃完飯 | After our last lunch, |
我跑去非洲6個月想忘記你 | I spent six months in Africa trying to forget. |
你去非洲做什麼? 幫助盲童 | -What did you do there? -Work with blind kids. |
你折磨我嘛 | What are you doing to me? |
很抱歉,我們之間是不可能的 | I'm sorry,but this is not gonna happen. |
好,我會離開 再也不會來煩你 | That's fine. I'll walk away. I'll never bother you again. |
但前提是 錢德也願意給你這一切 | Only if you say Chandler's willing to give you everything I am. |
他願意 | Well,he is. I mean... |
沒錯,他成天把婚姻掛在嘴邊 | marriage is all he talks about. My goodness! |
事實上是我在讓他等 | In fact,I'm the one making him wait. |
是嗎? 對 | You are? Why? |
為什麼? | Why? |
因為政府的陰謀 | Because of the government. |
很棒吧? 莫妮卡和錢德要結婚了 | Isn't it incredible?Monica and Chandler are getting married. |
就是啊,他們會很幸福 | I know. They'll be so happy together. |
兩個最要好的朋友墜入愛河 這種機率有多大? | How often do two best friends fall in love? |
並不太大 沒錯 | -Not that often. -No. |
我好替他們開心 | -I'm so happy for them. |
我也是,好開心 | -Me too. So happy for them. |
我很高興,毫無嫉妒之心 | I'm so happy and not at all jealous. |
沒錯,當然沒有 | Oh,no! God,definitely not jealous. |
我可能是98%開心2%嫉妒 | I'm probably 98% happy and maybe 2% jealous. |
2%等於沒有 沒錯 | -I mean,what's 2%? That's nothing. -Totally. |
我是九比一 我也是 | -I'm like 90/10. -Yeah. Me too. |
你們有見到錢德嗎? | Have you guys seen Chandler? |
沒有,但你知道誰來找過你? | No. But you know who was looking for you? |
坦妮爾 (《船長與坦妮爾》的女主角) | Tennille. |
你昨天說的那些話 | The marriage stuff you were saying yesterday? |
應該不是真心話吧? 當然是 | You don't believe that.Sure,I do. |
事實上我覺得婚姻本身 就很不近人情 | In fact,I think the concept of marriage is unnatural. |
你看豬嘛,我們來看一下豬 | Look at pigs. Let's take a second here and look at pigs. |
豬不會有固定配偶 | Pigs don't mate for life. |
豬的一生可以有一百個性伴侶 | A pig can have 100 sexual partners in a lifetime. |
那還只是普通的豬 而不是擅長運動的豬 | That's an ordinary pig,not even a pig that's good at sports. |
對,但那是豬不是人 | Yeah,but that's pigs,not people. |
如果結婚行得通我絕對支持 但是你知道美國的離婚率嗎?97% | If marriage worked,I'd be for it. Do you know the divorce rate?Ninety-seven percent! |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
你是說你可能永遠都不想結婚 | Are you telling me you may never want to get married? |
誰說的? 你啊,你說的 | -Who's to say? -You! You are to say! |
話不能說死,不過應該是… | Never say never,but,probably... |
永遠不會 | yeah,never. |
天哪,那我們在幹什麼? 現在是怎樣? | Oh,my God. Then what are we even doing? What is this? |
幹嘛對我施壓? | Whoa,whoa,whoa! What is all this pressure? |
這是某種新策略嗎? | Is this some new strategy? |
你別再搞爾虞我詐那一套了 | Why don't you put down your copy of The Rules,huh,mantrap? |
你知道嗎?我要走了 | You know what? I gotta go. |
放心,我自有打算 | It's okay. I got a plan. |
我們會找到真愛的 一定會的 | -We're gonna find love. -Definitely. |
我對這點有信心 | Yeah,I'm pretty confident about that. |
所以我可以有八成 替莫妮卡和錢德高興 | That's what makes it so easy to be 80% happy for Monica and Chandler. |
不過要是有保障就好了 | -A guarantee would be nice. |
什麼意思? | -What do you mean? |
有些人不是會跟朋友約定 | Some friends make a deal. |
要是兩個人到了40都沒結婚 他們就要結婚 | Like if neither of them are married by 40,they marry each other. |
你是指候補? 沒錯 | -A backup? -Exactly. |
我已經找好了 | Yeah,I've got that. |
你找好了? | You do? |
是誰? 喬伊 | -Who? -Joey. |
喬伊? 對 | -Joey? |
真的還假的? 我好幾年前就鎖定他了 | Are you serious? -I locked him in years ago. |
所以要是你們40歲還沒結婚 | Wait. So if neither of you are married by 40, |
你就要嫁給喬伊 | you'll marry Joey? |
對,我們握手為定 | Yep. We shook on it. |
不過相信我 他可不想只此而已 | But believe me,that is not how he wanted to seal the deal. |
是嗎? | Oh,seriously? |
對,他說的是… | I think his exact words were.. |
真迷人 | Charming. |
只是個候補 | He's just a backup. |
莫妮卡 | -Hey,Monica. |
你有見到瑞秋嗎?或是鏡子? | -Have you seen Rachel? Or a mirror? |
這是我的船長裝,酷吧? | -It's for my boat. Pretty cool,huh? |
很酷 | -Yeah,it's great. |
怎麼了?告訴船長 | What's wrong? Talk to the captain. |
我又發現這段感情是死路一條 | Just realizing I'm in a dead-end relationship. |
錢德欺負你是吧? | -Chandler being difficult? |
我又不是明天就要結婚 | -I don't want marriage tomorrow. |
我只是想知道 我不是在原地打轉,浪費時間 | But I wanna know we're going somewhere,that I'm not wasting time. |
你也瞭解錢德 | -You know Chandler. |
我已經不瞭解錢德了 | -No,I don't know Chandler.Not anymore. |
仿佛有什麼事變了 | It's like something's changed. |
也許是你變了? | -Maybe you changed. |
我才沒變 | -I didn't change. |
也許問題就在這裡 | Maybe that's the problem. |
什麼? | -What? |
錢德很複雜,不太可能娶妻 | -Chandler is a complex fellow.One who is unlikely to take a wife. |
這是跑船人的用語嗎? | Is that some kind of boat talk? |
我還沒想好在船上的說話風格 | I haven't totally decided how to talk on my boat yet. |
他以為我會空等下去嗎? | Does he think I'll wait around for nothing? |
面對現實吧,錢德反對婚姻 他是不會變了 | Face it. Chandler is against marriage.And always will be |
有些人可是真心想娶我 | There's some people who do wanna marry me. |
有嗎? | -There are? |
有,理查 | -Yeah. Richard. |
理查說他想娶你? | Richard said he wants to marry you? |
錢德說他痛恨婚姻? 沒錯 | -And Chandler says he hates marriage? -That's right. |
錢德熱愛婚姻 | Chandler loves marriage! |
你剛才說他痛恨婚姻 | You just said he hates marriage! |
說他很複雜,不太可能娶妻 | "He's a complex fellow who's unlikely to take a wife"! |
說他會永遠反對婚姻 | "He's against marriage and always will be"! |
你對我剛才說的話是這樣理解的? | You got that from what I said? |
白堊紀結束,恐龍也從此絕跡 | After the Cretaceous Period,the dinosaurs were gone. |
你們發生了什麼事? | What happened,you guys? |
瑞秋 嘿你 | -Rach. -Hey,you. |
請進 謝謝 | -Come on in. -Thank you. |
很遺憾你跟伊莉莎白分手了 | I'm so sorry to hear about you and Elizabeth. |
謝謝,我以為我們能克服萬難 不過… | Thanks. I really thought we'd be able to make it work. |
這大概是命中註定的 | I guess it wasn't meant to be. |
是啊,愛情…愛情真是微妙,對吧 | Yeah. Love. It's a tricky business,isn't it? |
是啊 | -I guess so. |
我們要不要來做個約定 | So,what do you say we make a pact? |
要是我們到了40都還沒結婚 我們就結婚 | If you and I are both single by 40,we get married. |
我們互相認識,互相喜歡 | I mean,we know each other,we like each other... |
我們已經上過床,不會有意外 | we've already slept together,so there'll be no surprises. |
不會覺得“搞什麼?” | No,like,"What's that?" |
你想找我當候補? 沒錯 | -Oh,you want me to be your backup. -Exactly. |
我已經有候補了 | Yeah. I already have one. |
是誰? 菲比 | -What? Who? -Phoebe. |
菲比? | Phoebe? |
但是她說喬伊是她的候補 | But she just said Joey is her backup. |
才不是呢 | Oh,I don't think so. |
羅斯,我剛跟她聊過 她說她和喬伊約好了 | We just spoke. She said that she and Joey made a deal. |
不可能的,我們早就約好了 還握手為定 | That's impossible. We have had a deal for years. We shook on it. |
只不過她覺得握手還不夠… | Although,believe me,she wanted to do a lot more than that. |
甘瑟,我是喬伊,錢德在嗎? | Gunther,it's Joey. Is Chandler there? |
我問你,在海上航行時都吃哪一種松糕 | Listen. What kind of muffins do they serve at sea? |
你上哪去了? | Where the hell have you been?! |
我在跟教授做椰子電話 | I was making a coconut phone with the Professor. |
理查跟莫妮卡說他想娶她 | Richard told Monica he wants to marry her. |
什麼? | -What? |
就是啊,我一直想去找你 叫你別玩了 | -I've been trying to find you. |
可是這雙死海員鞋子跑一跑就掉 | And I would have if these damn boat shoes wouldn't keep flying off! |
我的天哪 就是啊,爛死了 | -Oh,my God! -I know! They suck! |
他不該向我的女朋友求婚 該求婚的人是我 | He's not supposed to ask her to marry him! I am! |
我知道 那… | -I know! -What..? |
你知道嗎?我要去找他教訓他 | You know what I'll do? I'll go over there and kick his ass! |
你願意幫忙嗎? | Will you help me? |
錢德,被他海扁一頓不是辦法 | Look,I don't think us getting our asses kicked is a solution,okay? |
趕快去找莫妮卡吧 | -Look,just go and find Monica. |
你說得對,好 | -You're right.Okay. |
我去拿戒指,我去拿戒指 | I'm gonna get the ring... |
我要找到她,直接向她求婚 | I'm gonna go find her and I'm gonna propose! |
老兄 怎樣? | Dude! Dude! Dude! |
你的椰子電話 也許很適合擺在船上 | That coconut phone might be good for the boat. |
我不知道我來幹什麼 | I don't know why I'm here. |
我又沒問 | I didn't ask. |
你要進來嗎? 我不知道 | -You wanna come in? -I don't know. |
好吧 | Oh,okay. |
那我把門開著,回去坐下 | I'll just leave the door open and sit on the couch. |
錢德真是個白癡 | -Chandler is such an idiot! |
喝酒吧? | -Drink? |
好,我要威士卡加… 冰塊和萊姆片?我記得 | -Scotch on the.. -Rocks with a twist?I remember. |
還在抽雪茄? | You still smoking cigars? |
沒有,那是藝術 | No,no. That's art. |
如果你不喜歡 我可以把藝術熄掉 | If it bothers you,I can put my art out. |
沒關係 | No,that's okay. |
莫妮卡,我問你一件事 | So,Monica,let me ask you a question. |
我們分手後,你想過我嗎? | Since we broke up,do you ever...think about me? |
我2個月前還想到你 | Actually,I thought about you a few months ago. |
是嗎? | -Really? |
不過是因為我去做眼睛檢查 又不喜歡我的新醫生 | -But it's because...I had an eye exam,and I don't like my new eye doctor. |
是誰? 愛德華奈夫斯基 | -Who is it? -Edward Nevsky. |
他的確很差 | He's no good. |
你有想過非眼科醫生的我嗎? | Do you ever think about me...-in a non-eye-doctor way? |
沒有 | No. |
但忘記你是我這輩子最難的事 | Because getting over you was the hardest thing I've ever done. |
我不讓自己想到你 | I never let myself think about you. |
菲比 | Phoebe, |
你找了喬伊和羅斯? 你不能有兩個候選 | you picked Joey and Ross?You can't have two backups! |
當然可以 眼光獨到才會替候選找候選 | Of course I can.It's good sense to back up your backup. |
我已經失去錢德了 什麼? | -Look,I've already lost Chandler. -What? |
菲比,我們都是你的候選? | Hey,Phoebe! We're both your backup? |
菲比,你怎麼可以這樣? | How could you do this to me? |
我不知道你們在抱怨什麼 你們都知道這個狀況 | Why are you complaining? You were both aware of the situation. |
我們不知道 我不知道 | -I was not! -No,we weren't! |
婚後你們可不能這樣頂嘴 | This kind of backtalk won't fly when we're married. |
菲比,你不能獨佔他們 你得選一個 | You can't have both. Pick one. |
選我 不,選我,我不想當老處女 | -Pick me! -No,pick me!I don't wanna end up an old maid. |
好吧,我看看 | All right. Well,let's see. |
羅斯是個好爸爸 | Ross is a good father. |
但是喬伊有船,好難選喔 | But...Joey has a boat. This is hard. |
太不可思議了,我要換成瑞秋 | This is crazy. I wanna switch to Rachel. |
我也要換成瑞秋 | -I wanna switch to Rachel too. |
不,等一下 | -No,wait. Just wait. |
你們別急著做決定 | Wait,guys. Don't make any rash decisions. |
記得我的承諾吧?結婚之後 1星期三次 | Just remember my promise:If we get married,three times a week. |
天哪,菲比 我是說按摩 | Oh,my God. Phoebe...I'm talking about massages. |
當然不是啦 | No,I'm not. |
我知道該怎麼解決了 辦法就是 | I know how to settle it. We'll do this. |
我在一張紙巾上寫喬伊 一張紙巾上寫羅斯 | I'm gonna write "Joey" on one napkin...and "Ross" on the other napkin |
然後我們一人選一張 那個人就是我們的候選 | and we're gonna pick one.That person will be our backup. |
好嗎? | Okay? |
很公平 | -Sounds fair. |
那好,我來弄亂 | -All right.Good. Switching them up. |
選一邊 左邊 | -Pick one. -Left. |
謝謝 不客氣 | -Thank you. -You're welcome. |
羅斯 喬伊 | -Ross. -Joey. |
我們交換吧 沒錯 | -We should switch. -Absolutely. |
我想念你 醜不啦嘰的扁臉老怪物 | I missed you,you ugly flat-faced old freak. |
你說什麼? | Excuse me? |
他啦 | Him. |
我想念這間房子 這才是大人的房子 | I missed this apartment. Now,this is a grownup's apartment. |
我應該跟大人在一起,你懂吧 | I should be with a grownup,you know? |
是的,你是說你要跟比較成熟的人在一起 | You're saying you need to be with someone more mature. |
也許是一個…有醫師執照的人 | Maybe someone with...a license to practice medicine. |
或是有鬍子的人 | Or a mustache. |
說真的,我不是小孩子了 | Let's face it. I'm not a kid anymore. |
我需要一個目標相同的人 | I need someone who wants the same things. |
來我工作的地方跟我示愛 我要的是那樣 | Coming to my work and telling me you love me,I want that! |
吃飯時聊豬的性愛 我不要那樣 | Talking about pig sex over lunch,I don't want that! |
很公平 | I think that's fair. |
公平?別跟我提公平 | Please,don't even talk to me about fair. |
公平的意思是你當年想娶我 | Fair would've been you wanting to marry me then. |
或是錢德現在想娶我 | Or Chandler wanting to marry me now. |
這整件事一點也不公平 | Believe me,nothing about this is fair. Nothing. |
不公平不公平不公平… 別激動 | -Nothing! Nothing! -It's okay. |
不公平 | Nothing. |
我不…我不知道 | I don't know.I don't know. |
我知道 | I know. |
我得先把事情想清楚 | I have to figure some..Some stuff, |
然後才能… 我懂 | before I can...I understand. |
你只管慢慢想 | Take as much time as you want. |
10分鐘、20分鐘都行 | Ten,even 20 minutes,if you need it. |
我會在這裡,不會抽煙 | I'll be here. Not smoking. |
錢德 | Chandler |
她人呢?我可不怕你 | Where is she?I'm not scared of you. |
她不在,請進 | She's not here. And please come in. |
威士卡加冰和萊姆片 放在杯墊上? | Scotch on the rocks...with a twist,on a coaster. |
莫妮卡,莫妮卡 | Monica? |
好吧,她來過,又走了 | Okay,she was here. But she left. |
她去哪裡? | Where did she go? |
她說她要想清楚 | She said she had to think things over. |
天哪,我真不敢相信 我以為… | Oh,my God. I can't believe this. I thought |
我以為你是個好人 | you were a good guy. |
我們又沒怎樣? | Look,nothing happened. |
沒怎樣?沒怎樣? | Nothing? |
你沒跟我女朋友示愛? | So you didn't tell my girlfriend you love her? |
好吧,只有這樣 | Well,all right,one thing happened. |
我真不敢相信 你知道你做了什麼? | You know what you did? |
我的女朋友在想事情 | My girlfriend is thinking things over. |
你讓我的女朋友思考 | You made my girlfriend think! |
我很抱歉 | Well,I'm sorry. |
她還需要想什麼?我愛她 | -What's to think about? I love her. -Well... |
我願意給她你不願意給的東西 | I'm willing to offer her things that you aren't. |
但是我願意給 我只是故意要讓她失望 | I'm willing to offer her those things. I had a plan...to throw her off |
等真相大白,她就會很驚喜 | so when I offered all these things,she'd be surprised. |
那效果真的很好 | If it helps,it worked very well. |
你的出現破壞了計畫,你這顆大樹 | It was working till you showed up,you big tree. |
這樣不公平 | This isn't fair. |
你曾經有機會,結果你搞砸了 | You had your chance with her,and you blew it! |
現在輪到我了,我不會搞砸 因為我們是天生一對 | This is my chance. I won't blow it,because we are meant for each other. |
而這一切只是個愚蠢的錯誤 | And this has all just been one stupid mistake! |
我本來打算今晚求婚的 | I was gonna propose tonight. |
你要求婚? | -You were gonna propose? |
對,我還… | -Yeah,I even... |
準備了戒指,你有嗎? | got a ring. Did you get a ring? |
沒有,我沒準備 | No,I don't have a ring. |
你去找她吧,錢德 | You go get her,Chandler. |
我可以給你一個忠告嗎? 要是你得到了她 | And can I give you a piece of advice?If you do get her... |
一定要好好把握,相信我 | don't let her go.Trust me. |
理查…你的確是個好人 | You know,Richard,you are a good guy. |
我知道 | I know. |
真討厭 | I hate that. |
錢德 | Chandler |
待會再說,我得去找莫妮卡 她走了 | -I've gotta find Monica. -She's gone. |
什麼? | -What? |
她走了,提著一個包走了 | -She had a bag and she left. |
你在說什麼? | -What? |
她哭得很傷心 說你們要的東西不一樣 | -She was all crying...She said you guys want different things. |
說她需要時間思考 | and that she needed time to think |
你為什麼不攔住她? 不說出我的打算? | -Why didn't you tell her it was a plan? |
我有啊,我都說了 但是她不信 | I told her everything.But she wouldn't believe me. |
那她…她上哪去了? | Well,where..? Where did she go? |
她父母家,她叫你不要打電話給她 | To her parents'. She said you shouldn't call. B |
要是我就會打 | ut if I were you,I would. |
我居然搞砸了 | -I can't believe I ruined this. |
我很遺憾 | -I am so sorry,man. |
你希望是個驚喜的 | You wanted it to be a surprise. |
天哪 | Oh,my God. |
錢德…我這輩子… | Chandler...in all my life... |
從來沒想過我會這麼幸運 | I never thought I would be so lucky... |
可以…愛上我最要好的… | as to fall in love with my best... |
我最要好的… | My best... |
這就是為什麼女人從不求婚的原因 好好好 | There's a reason why girls don't do this! |
我來,我以為… | I'll do it. I thought... |
等等,我一定行 | Wait,I can do this. |
我以為開口的時間地點很重要 | I thought that it mattered...what I said or where I said it. |
後來才發現唯一重要的是你… | Then I realized...the only thing that matters is that you... |
讓我得到超乎想像的幸福 | You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. |
所以如果你願意 | And if you let me... |
我願意用下半生 讓你跟我一樣幸福 | I'll spend all my life trying to make you feel the same way. |
莫妮卡… | Monica... |
你願意嫁給我嗎? | will you marry me? |
我願意 | Yes. |
我就知道你應該會娶妻 | I knew you were likely to take a wife! |
可以進去了嗎?我們快憋死了 | Can we come in yet? We're dying out here! |
進來,進來 | Come in! Come in! |
我們訂婚了 | We're engaged! |
這是我最不嫉妒的時候 | This is the least jealous I've ever been. |
等等,不行啦,羅斯不在 | Oh,no,wait! This is wrong! Ross isn't here! |
他都做過三次這樣的事了 知道是怎麼回事 | Hell,he's done it three times. He knows what it's about! |
親愛的,你今晚如此美麗 | Oh my darling,you are wonderful tonight |
嘿,怎麼了? | Hey, what's going on? |
我家門上有張紙條說“過來莫妮卡家” | I found a note on my door, "Come to Monica's. |
帶香檳和三劍客糖果(一種巧克力牛奶糖)來? | Bring champagne and a Three Musketeers bar." |
這是我要的 | Yeah, I'll take that. |
怎麼了? | What's up? |
莫妮卡和我訂婚了 我的天啊 | - Monica and I are engaged. - Oh, my God. |
恭喜你,她人呢? | Congratulations. Where is she? |
我訂婚了! 我訂婚了! | I'm engaged! I'm engaged! |
她在那兒20分鐘了,你沒聽到嗎? | She's been there for 20 minutes. You didn't hear? |
我以為有個小孩在叫“我是同性戀” | I thought it was a kid yelling, "I'm gay!" |
對,這傢伙很激動 | No, that guy moved. |
可以帶她進來了嗎? 讓她去吧,好感人 | - Can I bring her in? - Let her stay. It's sweet. |
我要結婚了! 我要做新娘了! | I'm getting married! I'm gonna be a bride! |
不,我不閉嘴,因為我訂婚了! | No, I will not shut up, because I'm engaged! |
只敢說,你敢上來這兒當面告訴我嗎? | Oh, big talk! Why don't you come here and say that to me? |
我未婚夫會踹你屁股 | My fiance will kick your ass. |
來呀,20號,20號 | Come on, apartment 20, apartment 20. |
你去弄她進來,你鎖住門,我躲在衣櫃裡 | You get her in, you bolt the door, I'll be in the closet. |
Friends S07E01 莫妮卡的鋒頭 | The One with Monica's Thunder |
等一下 | Okay, wait, wait, wait. |
我要告訴你們我很愛你們… | I just want to say that I love you guys so, so much... |
感謝大家都在這兒 在這個對我很特別的晚上 | ...and thank you for being here on my special night. |
對我們特別的晚上 | Our special night. |
我的這一晚不會…我們的這一晚… | It just wouldn't be my night... Our night... |
如果不是因為你們和我... 我們一起慶祝!該死! | ...if you werert here to celebrate with me... Us. Damn it! |
沒關係,我願意這是你的特別的一晚 | It's okay, I want this to be your night too. |
敬莫妮卡 | To Monica. |
等一下,停 | Come on, wait, stop it. |
好,敬莫妮卡 | Okay, to Monica. |
你決定婚禮用的樂團了嗎?因為我也是音樂家 | Have you decided on a band for the wedding?Because I'm kind of musical. |
她幾小時前才訂婚 我想她還沒時間去想 | She got engaged a few hours ago, I doubt she's had time to think... |
提到有人插話,記得有人燒了我的房子嗎? | Speaking of chiming in, remember the time you burned down my apartment? |
是,你自己應付吧 | Yeah, you're on your own. |
我們換衣服出門去廣場飯店喝香檳 | We should get dressed up and go have champagne at the Plaza. |
我不能待太晚 | I can't stay too long. |
要早起去試鏡,精神必須要好 | I gotta get up early for an audition. I gotta look good. |
我要演一個19歲的人 | I'm supposed to be playing a 19-year-old. |
怎麼? | What? |
你說要早起,是指1986年? | So when you said get up early, did you mean 1986? |
你們不覺得我像19歲? | You guys don't think I look 19? |
19! 我們以為你說90 | Oh, 19! We thought you said 90. |
好了,大夥兒,行動起來吧 | Okay, everybody, let's go. |
我剩下的糖還在嗎? | Is my candy bar around here? |
沒了,你吃完了 | No, you ate it all. |
我最擔心的事情 | I was afraid of that. |
你知道什麼樣的鞋子能配這只戒指? | You know what shoes would look great with this ring? |
鑽石鞋子 | Diamond shoes. |
你沒換衣服 | You're not getting dressed. |
知道我的意思吧? | Know what I mean? |
知道,不過沒時間了 | Yeah, but I don't think we have time. |
要舉行婚禮了 | There's gonna be a wedding. |
你要做新娘了 | You're gonna be the bride. |
有200人會看到你穿著白紗 | 200 people are gonna be looking at you in a clean, white dress. |
來吧 | Let's do it. |
你是最愛打扮的那個? | So are you the fairest one of all? |
我還可以演19歲的人嗎? 可以,但必須穿的更年輕 | - I can still play 19, right? - Yeah, but you gotta dress younger. |
如果打扮合適,你可以演任何年齡的人 | If you wear the right clothes, you can look any age. |
真的嗎? 當然,我是時尚界的… | - Really? - Yeah. I work in fashion... |
…時尚就是年輕人 | ...and fashion is all about youth. |
時尚就是我? | Fashion is about me? |
是年輕人,年輕人! 聽清楚了,爺爺 | About youth. Youth! Listen up, grandpa. |
錢德,很多人都會這樣 | Chandler, it happens to lots of guys. |
你累了,喝了太多香檳 | You're tired, you had a lot of champagne. |
別擔心 | Don't worry about it. |
我不擔心,我很驚訝 | I'm not worried. I'm fascinated. |
知道嗎? 就像生物學一樣 | You know? It's like biology. |
很好笑,高中時我的生物學不及格… | Which is funny, because in high school I failed biology... |
今晚生物學讓我不及格 | ...and tonight biology failed me. |
聽聽看,來賓進場時我要唱這首 | Check it out. I could play this while the guests are coming in. Okay. |
12歲喜歡吃豬扒 | Twelve years old and addicted to pork |
沒人想到莫妮卡會結婚 | No one thought Monica would marry |
她的刀叉功夫不錯 | She knew her way Around a knife and a fork |
菲比,很好,不過… | Phoebe, that's great, but... |
你不喜歡,沒關係,還有另外一首 | So you're not convinced. That's all right because I got another one. |
第一次見到錢德時,我以為他是同性戀 | First time I met Chandler I thought he was gay |
但我現在在他的婚禮上唱歌 | But here I am singing On his wedding day |
菲比,不要 | Phoebe, no. |
如果讓我唱完 後面說他大概不是同性戀 | If you'd let me finish, it goes on to say that he's probably not gay. |
你們沒有這個問題,你們是木頭做的 | You guys don't have this problem, you're made of wood. |
你看來不錯 | Hey, you look great. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
你還好嗎? | You okay over there? |
我也不知道? 覺得有一點… | I don't know. You know? I feel a little... |
你知道嗎? 沒關係,我會沒事的 | You know what? Never mind. I'll be fine. |
別擔心,你大概只是累了 喝了太多香檳 | Don't worry about it. You're probably tired, you had a lot of champagne. |
每個人都會的 | It happens to everybody. |
莫妮卡之夜快樂 謝謝,你也一樣 | - Happy Monica's Night. - Well, thank you. You too. |
他們真的要結婚了? | Can you believe they are actually getting married? |
是啊,我結了好幾次 | Well, sure, but I get married all the time. |
你還好嗎? 我想是吧 | - You okay? - Yeah, I guess. |
你覺得我們會不會有那麼一天 | Do you think we'll ever have that? |
你說“我們”是指你和我? | You mean "we," you and me? |
不,不,不 | Oh, no, no, no. |
“我們”是指你和別人我和別人 | "We," you with someone, me with someone. |
還好,嚇了我一跳 | Good, you scared me a minute. |
是啊,好可怕 | I know. Shake it off. |
因為我們倆在一起是惡夢 | It's just because you and I, we were like a nightmare. |
可是也有好時光 當然,就像那次… | - No, but there were some good times. - Absolutely. Like, there was... |
你總想得起一點好的吧 給我一分鐘 | - Surely you can think of something. - Just give me a minute. |
對了 | Oh, well, yes. |
我想得出一件好事 | I can think of one good thing. |
你總是很… | You were always good at the... |
在行 | ...stuff. |
我很在行 | I was good at the stuff? |
我真的很喜歡你的手 | I really liked your hands. |
我的手 | My hands? |
做得好,兄弟 | Way to go, guys. |
你也有很多事很在行 | You were really good at the stuff too. |
我知道 | Oh, I know. |
你想什麼呢? | What are you thinking about? |
只是一些事 | Just some stuff. |
你知道我們從沒做過什麼嗎? | Hey, you know what we never did? |
不是那個啦 | Oh, no, not that. |
我們從沒有過“紅利”夜 | We never had a bonus night. |
什麼? “紅利”夜 | - A what? - You know, a bonus night. |
兩個人分手了,然後見面度過最後一夜 | Two people break up, but they get back together for one night. |
最後一夜,只是上床? 沒有其他? | One night, just sex? No strings attached? |
對,我們從來沒有過 沒有 | - Yeah, yeah, we never had that. - No. |
這有一點怪怪的 | Okay, this is getting a little crazy. |
我相信一定會很棒的… | I'm sure it would be amazing... |
但我想這不是好主意 | ...but I really don't think it would be a good idea. |
我真的… | I really... |
真的… | ...really... |
不 | ...don't. |
至少我能做些事 | Well, at least I can still do some things. |
怎麼樣? | 'Sup? |
怎麼樣,老兄? | 'Sup, dude? |
要什麼隨便拿,不要傷害我 | Take whatever you want, just don't hurt me. |
你玩PS(索尼遊戲機)吧 嗯? | You playing a little PlayStation, huh? |
有夠遜 | That's whack. |
PS,很遜 | PlayStation is whack. |
怎麼樣,遜PS,怎麼樣? | 'Sup with the whack PlayStation, 'sup? |
怎麼,像不像19歲? | Come on, am I 19 or what? |
對,從一到十評分 十分是一個人看來最笨的樣子 | Yes, on a scale of one to ten, ten being the dumbest a person can look... |
你絕對是19 | ...you are definitely 19. |
真的,多大? | Come on, really. How old? |
很年輕,你是男人孩子,好嗎? | Young. You're a man-child, okay? |
去換衣服,大家都準備好了 拜託,拜託,內褲別還我 | Now get changed, everybody's ready. And please, please, keep my underwear. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
你和人上床很多次,對不對? | You've had a lot of sex, right? |
何時,今天? | When, today? |
有幾次,沒有很多 | Some, not a lot. |
我問你是因為 我有一點… | The reason I'm asking is because I had kind of a... |
我不能… | I was unable to... |
我很想,可是不能… | I really wanted to, but I couldn't... |
真不敢相信我向戴這樣帽子的人求教 | I cannot believe I'm asking advice from somebody who's wearing that hat. |
我發生了一個意外 | I had an incident. |
不要擔心,有時會這樣的 | Don't worry about that, man. That happens. |
你也碰過? 對,有一次 | - It's happened to you? - Yeah, once. |
那你怎麼辦? 照樣做啊 | - Well, what'd you do? - I did it anyway. |
菲比,我們走吧 | Phoebe, come on, let's go. |
快點 | Come on. |
你為什麼還沒換衣服? | Why aren't you dressed yet? |
我替你的婚禮寫出了最佳歌曲 | I wrote the best song for your wedding. |
聽聽看 | Check this out. |
如果你現在換好衣服,你就可以演出了 | If you get ready now, you can play. |
真的? 對 | - Really?! - Yes. |
太令人興奮了,謝謝你 | That's so exciting! Thanks, Mon. |
可是如果你再動我的吉他,我會打你 | But if you touch my guitar again, I'll have to pound on you a little bit. |
很公平,去準備出門,我去叫大家 | Fair enough. Get ready. I'll get everybody. |
終於可以開始慶祝我的… | Finally we can start celebrating my... |
對不起,我一定是開了通往過去的門 | I'm sorry, apparently I opened the door to the past. |
好,莫妮卡,你剛剛看到的是… | Okay, Monica, Mon. Okay, what you just saw... |
可以問你一個小小問題嗎? 為什麼要在今晚? | Can I ask you just a little question? Why tonight? |
我花了一輩子等著訂婚… | I waited my whole life to be engaged... |
不像某些人,我只計畫做一次 | ...and unlike some, I only plan on doing this once. |
可能這很自私,我很抱歉 但我希望這是今晚的焦點 | Maybe it's selfish, I'm sorry. But I hoped tonight could just be about that. |
這是今晚的焦點 | But it is just about that. |
現在焦點是你們的複合 | Now it's about you getting back together. |
你看,你們搶了我的鋒頭 | See, you kind of stole my thunder. |
我們沒有搶了你的鋒頭,我們沒有要複合 | We did not steal your thunder.We are not getting back together. |
是啊,沒有要複合,而且沒有人看到 | Yeah, no, and you know what? Nobody even saw. |
沒錯 | That's true. |
我們只是吻了一下 只是一個吻 | - We just kissed. - It was just a kiss. |
你們吻了? | You guys kissed?! |
那是什麼意思? | What does this mean?! |
你們複合了嗎? 我可以在你們婚禮上演唱嗎 | Are you back together? Can I sing at your wedding? |
鋒頭被搶了 | Thunder being stolen. |
菲比,沒有什麼 不要小事化大 | - Phoebe, it's nothing. - Let's not make a big deal of this. |
只有發生一次,根本不算什麼 | It was a one-time thing. It doesn't even matter. |
我的天 | Oh, my God. |
你們竟然在談論這件事 | I cannot believe you guys are talking about this. |
臥房裡的問題是兩人之間的事 | Problems in the bedroom are between a man and a woman. |
好嗎? 錢德已經盡力了 | All right? Now, Chandler is doing the best he can. |
我想他們不是在討論這事 | I don't think that's what they were talking about. |
不,就說這事吧 | No, but let's talk about it. |
真是偉大的夜晚,錢德不行,他們接吻了 | What a great night. Chandler can't do it, they kissed. |
什麼? 你們接吻了? 這可是大事 | - What? - You guys kissed? This is huge. |
不,這不是大事 | No, it's not huge. |
大家覺得這事很大,讓莫妮卡覺得… | People thinking it's huge has led Monica to believe... |
我們搶了她的鋒頭,我們沒有 | ...we're stealing her thunder, which we aren't. |
我們還在談這件事 | We're still talking about it. |
那件事,還有錢德的問題 | That and Chandler's problem. |
莫妮卡,聽著 | Monica, listen, listen. |
如果我們不再談羅斯和瑞秋 你會不會覺得好一點? | Would you feel better if we stopped talking about Ross and Rachel? |
會很好 沒問題 | - That would be lovely. - You got it. |
來,我看起來可以像19歲吧? | Now, I can pass for 19, right? |
對,你可以看起來像19歲 | Yes, you can pass for 19. |
真的? 對 | - Really? - Yes. |
認真的? 認真的? | - Seriously? - Seriously? |
認真的說,不,你可以扮演你的年紀,也就是31歲 | Seriously, no. Okay?You can play your own age, which is 31. |
我30歲! | I'm 30! |
喬伊,你不是,你31歲 | Joey, you are not. You're 31. |
真爛! | Oh, crap! |
去廣場飯店,泰國菜好嗎?但你別再喝了 | So the Plaza. We'll get some mai tais?Maybe no more for you though. |
我不想去了 | You know, I think I don't feel like going to the Plaza. |
莫妮卡,這太好笑了 | Monica, this is ridiculous. |
我不想談這件事,尤其是和你 | I don't want to talk about it. I don't. Especially with you. |
有夠遜 | That is whack. |
我會在婚禮唱這首歌 | I'll play it at the wedding. |
要看他們是不是真的讓你演唱 | We'll see if they actually let you play. |
他們會說你想聽的話… | They tell you anything you want to hear... |
像是,“你看起來像19歲” | ...like, "You look 19." |
然後又後悔.說:“不,你不像” | Then they just take it away, like, "No, you don't." |
這件事莫妮卡不會後悔的 | Monica won't take this away. |
她不會嗎? 她會嗎? | - Wouldrt she? - Would she? |
她會嗎? | Would she? |
她會嗎? | Would she? |
她會嗎? | Would she? |
聽起來好像“糖果” | It's starting to sound like "wood cheese." |
我應該立刻去找些糖果吃! | Man, I could go for some wood cheese right now. |
猜猜是誰 | Guess who. |
我們似乎還有些事沒解決 | Hey, I just realized we kind of left some stuff up in the air. |
莫妮卡說: | What did Monica mean: |
“我不想談”特別是和我 是什麼意思? | "I don't want to talk," especially with me? |
為什麼不特別是你和我? 是我們兩人在接吻耶 | Why not especially you and me? We were both kissing. |
你還在想那件事 | Still thinking about it? |
我是認真的 她說:“尤其是你”是什麼意思 | I'm serious. What did she mean by that? "Especially you." |
誰在乎啊? 我在乎 | - Who cares? - I care. |
我也是 | And so do I. |
我要和她談談,讓我換衣服好嗎? | I have to talk to her. Will you let me get changed? |
我要讓你看我換衣服嗎? | Am I going to let you watch me? |
不 | No. |
我不相信她竟然如此,她就是這樣 | I can't believe her. It's just so typical. |
我知道你不高興 可別忘了要舉行婚禮了 | I know you're upset, but don't forget there is going to be a wedding. |
你會要丟捧花,然後去蜜月 | You are going to throw the bouquet, and then a honeymoon. |
可能去巴黎 巴黎? | - Maybe in Paris. - Paris? |
我們會在月光下的Rue de la什麼的大道上散步 (巴黎很多街區名字以“Rue de la”開頭) | We will take a moonlit walk on the Rue de la blah-blah-blah. |
繼續說 | Keep talking. |
會在床上灑玫瑰花瓣,做愛… | We will sprinkle rose petals on the bed and make love... |
不是因為那很浪漫,而是因為我可以 | ...not just because it's romantic, but because I can. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
你好 先生(法語) | Bonjour monsieur |
別說話,你會嚇跑它 | Don't say anything, you might scare it away. |
這是巴黎,誰知道我們在這裡? | It's Paris. Who knows we're here? |
菲比,什麼事? | Hi, Pheebs. What's up? |
你說我可以在你的婚禮演唱,我要訂金 | You said I could sing at your wedding, so I need a small deposit. |
你知道,一筆押金來保留那個日期 | You know, some good-faith money to hold the date. |
我們不會給你訂金 | We're not giving you a deposit for our wedding. |
我懂了 | Oh, I see. |
他傷了你的心,對吧 | They break your heart, don't they? |
我不需要他們的同意 | You know, I don't really need their permission. |
你想在他們婚禮唱歌,就在他們婚禮唱歌 | You want to sing at their wedding, sing at their wedding. |
如果你想看起來像19歲,就… | Yeah, and if you want to look 19, then you... |
你要修飾一下你的眼睛 | You got to do something about your eyes. |
我的眼睛怎麼了? | What's wrong with my eyes? |
他們出賣了你,裡頭有太多智慧 | They give you away. There's too much wisdom in there. |
在上面放茶袋敷15分鐘 | Put some tea bags on them for 15 minutes. |
會去除我的智慧? 也許你只需要10分鐘 | - That'll get rid of my wisdom?- Maybe 10 minutes for you. |
給她訂金,給她戒指,我不在乎 | Give her the deposit, give her the ring. I don't care. |
你是什麼意思,當你說… | What did you mean when you said... |
你不想和任何人談,尤其是我? | ...you didn't want to talk to anyone, especially me? |
好棒的道歉,你接受了,再見 | What a great apology. And you accept. Bye-bye. |
不,我是認真的 特別是和我 是怎麼回事? | No, seriously, what was the "especially me" part about? |
這樣說吧,這不是你第一次搶我鋒頭 | Let's just say it's not the first time you've stolen my thunder. |
我覺得… | Hey, here's a thought... |
莫妮卡,你在說什麼? | Monica, what are you talking about? |
我16歲的生日宴會上 你和我表哥查理上三壘 | My sweet 16. You went to third base with my cousin Charlie. |
上三壘 | Third base. |
每個人都在講那件事 | It was all everybody could talk about. |
它會發生是因為你的宴會太無聊 | The only reason I did that was because your party was so boring. |
我們請了一個漫畫家 | We had a caricaturist. |
當我結婚時,猜猜不會請誰來演唱 | Whenever I get married Guess who won't be asked to sing |
叫蓋勒的還有叫賓的 | Somebody named Geller And somebody else named Bing |
莫妮卡,你的16歲生日是一百萬年前的事了 | Monica, your sweet 16 was like a million years ago. |
你現在又再做了 | Yet here you are doing it again. |
我不想搶你的笨鋒頭 | I don't want to steal your stupid thunder. |
還有什麼原因你會和羅斯親熱? | Why else would you have made out with Ross? |
我不知道 | Got me. |
別亂來,時機己逝,不會發生了 | Easy, mimey, the moment has passed. It aren't gonna happen. |
如果今晚的注意力都在我身上就好了 | It'd be nice if I could have this night. |
我沒有想要搶你的鋒頭 | I never wanted any part of your night. |
不應該有人看到我們的 | No one was supposed to see us. |
所以你們就在秘密走廊上做 因為沒有人會到那兒去? | Is that why you did it in the secret hallway, where nobody ever goes? |
瑞秋,我想過了 | Rachel, I've been thinking. |
我覺得我們今晚在一起的主意不是很好 | I don't think us getting together tonight is such a good idea. |
我退出 | I'm calling it off. |
挽救尊嚴的好方法 | Way to save your dignity, my man. |
莫妮卡,我為什麼要搶走屬於你的晚上? | Mon, why, why would I ever want to take away from your night? |
我不知道,也許你也有一點生氣 | I don't know, maybe you feel a little resentful. |
你以為你會先結婚的 | Maybe you thought you'd get married first. |
也許你不能忍耐… | Maybe you can't stand... |
你那個以前很胖的朋友會先結婚 | ...that your formerly fat friend is getting married before you. |
噢…你知道嗎? 太不公平了 | Oh, wow, that... You know what? That is so unfair. |
現在我想搶你鋒頭了 | Now I want to steal your thunder. |
羅斯,走,我們上床去 | Come on, Ross. Let's go have sex! |
你竟然在我的訂婚夜做愛 | I can't believe you're gonna have sex on my engagement night. |
總得有人做 | Well, somebody should. |
如果我們要做… | Look, if we're gonna do this... |
我們沒有要做,只是讓她以為我們有 | We're not. She's just gonna think we are. |
我懂了,人人都是贏家 | I see, so everybody wins. |
是誰? 是莫妮卡,開門 | - Who is it? - It's Monica, open up. |
羅斯,停一下拜託,等一下 | Okay, Ross, stop it. Please, wait a minute. |
寶貝,你喜歡嗎? | Yeah, you like that, baby? |
有什麼事可以為你效勞嗎? | May we help you? |
我要告訴你,我希望你們上床 希望你們複合 | I wanted to say I hope you have sex, and I hope you get back together. |
我警告你,你宣佈訂婚時… | I warn you, the night you announce your engagement... |
我會宣佈我懷孕了 | ...l'm going to announce that I'm pregnant. |
那怎麼可能呢? | How is that ever going to happen? |
你想知道今晚我 為什麼會和羅斯在一起 | Do you want to know why I was with Ross tonight? |
我知道為什麼 你不知道 | - I know why. - You don't. |
好,為什麼? 因為我很傷心 | - Okay, why? - Because I was sad. |
什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
我很… | Look, I am so... |
很為你們高興 | ...so happy for you guys. |
但你要結婚這件事 提醒了我,我沒有 | But you getting married reminds me of the fact that I'm not. |
一點都沒有 | I'm not even close. |
也許我只想讓自己好過一點 | Maybe I just wanted to make myself feel better. |
我知道這很笨,可是羅斯結婚時… | I know that that's dumb, but you were so depressed... |
你沮喪得和錢德上床 | ...when Ross got married, you slept with Chandler. |
我無所謂,和她上床的是我 | I don't care, she slept with me. |
甜心,很抱歉毀了屬於你的今晚 | Anyway, sweetie, I am so sorry I ruined your night. |
我很抱歉讓你幾乎和羅斯上床 | I'm sorry I almost made you sleep with Ross. |
我要走了 | I'm gonna take off. |
恭喜 謝謝 | - Congratulations, man. - Thanks. |
瑞秋… | And Rachel... |
我能說什麼呢? | ...what can I say? |
你失去了你的機會 | You missed your chance. |
從現在起,只有我自己能享受這些壞孩子了 | From now on, the only person who's gona enjoy these bad boys is me. |
我們以為菲比會離開 | We thought Phoebe would leave |
但她留了下來 | But she just stayed and stayed |
沒錯,我整夜留在這裡 | That's right, I'm here all night |
錢德永遠不會… | And Chandler will never get... |
來,這兒是一塊錢 | Hey, here's a dollar. |
算是訂金,請在我們的婚禮上演唱 | Consider it a deposit. Please sing at our wedding. |
哦,謝謝 | Thank you. |
現在誰會在婚禮表演 | Now who will perform the ceremony |
誰會在婚… | Who will perform the cer... |
我早上再打他 | I'll pound on him in the morning. |
錢德,你做得很不錯,馬上就要結婚… | Chandler, you're doing so well with this whole getting married... |
…以後不和其他人睡覺.太好了 | ...never gonna sleep with anyone for the rest of your life thing. I thinks it's great. |
誰要法國吐司? 給我一點 | - Hey. Who wants French toast? - I'll have some. |
我也要,牛奶和雞蛋在冰箱裡,謝謝 | Me too. Eggs and milk in the fridge. Thanks. |
怎麼回事? 我的手怪怪的 | - What's the matter? - My hand feels weird. |
因為訂婚的關係吧! | I guess it's because I'm engaged! |
什麼時候會開始變得煩人? 開始? | - When will that start getting annoying? - Start? |
開始計畫婚禮吧 | Let's start the wedding plans. |
好 現在就開始? | - Okay. - Already? |
有很多事要做,要想花的安排,音樂… | We got a lot to do. We gotta think about the flowers, the music... |
我覺得音樂的安排.錢德,已經很多計畫了 | - I have thoughts on the music... - Chandler. Too many cooks. |
給你一個過來人的建議 你只需要出現,說對名字就好了 | Take it from me. All you have to do is show up and try to say the right name. |
那是什麼? 老天,是婚禮計畫書? | - What in God's name is that? - Oh, my God, the wedding book? |
四年級後我就沒看到它了 | I haven't seen that since fourth grade. |
這裡面什麼都有,比如說:地點 | This baby has everything. Take, you know, locations, for instance: |
先以字母順序排列 再以地理位置排列... | First organized alphabetically, then geographically... |
然後以場地大小排列 | ...then by square footage. |
好聰明 | That is so smart. |
快溜,快溜,就是現在 | Break it off. Break it off now. |
看,這是你五年級和約翰·林奇結婚的請柬 | Look, here's the invitation you used to your wedding to John Lynch in the fifth grade. |
還記得我病了,羅斯頂替當伴娘嗎? | Remember how I got sick and Ross had to fill in as a bridesmaid? |
我是伴郎 | I was a brides-boy. |
我還沒聞到法國吐司的味道,伴郎 | I don't smell French toast, brides-boy. |
Friends S07E02 瑞秋的書 | The One With Rachel's Book |
以上證明了… | That conclusively proves... |
《侏羅紀公園》是我先想到的 | ...that I had the idea for Jurassic Park first. |
我們來看看… | Let's take a look... |
菲比,你來幹什麼? | Phoebe, what are you doing here? |
我有事和你說,很緊急,有關莫妮卡和錢德 | I need to talk to you. It's urgent. It's about Monica and Chandler. |
我的天,當然 | Oh, my God. Of course. |
等我一下 | Would you please excuse me for a moment? |
你們知道彼此從哪兒來的嗎? 何不…? | Do you know each other's hometowns? Why don't you...? |
怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
沒什麼,我在想他們剛訂婚… | Well, not much. I was just thinking that since they just got engaged... |
應該多給他們一些獨處的時間 | ...it would be nice if they have privacy. |
我可以搬去你家幾天嗎? | So could I just move in with you for a couple days? |
好,當然,莫妮卡和錢德發生了什麼事嗎? | Okay, sure. But what's wrong with Monica and Chandler? |
沒事,怎麼了? | Nothing. Why? |
你說很緊急的 | Phoebe, you said it was urgent. |
是啊,我的電影5分鐘後要開演了 | Yeah, it is. My movie starts in, like, five minutes. |
你知道我有一屋子的學生在這兒嗎? | Do you realize I have a classroom full of students? |
抱歉,我很沒禮貌 有人想要一起去看電影嗎 | Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so rude.Does anyone want to come to the movies? |
我還沒和爸媽談到預算… | I haven't cleared the budget with my parents... |
不過音樂部份的安排這樣好不好? | ...but tell me how this is for music: |
行進時用絃樂四重奏 雞尾酒會時安排爵士樂三重奏 | A string quartet for the processional, a jazz trio for cocktails... |
跳舞時用灣市搖滾(七八十年代的合唱團)… | ...the Bay City Rollers for dancing... |
等一下,那是我的六年級婚禮 | Wait, that was for my sixth grade wedding. |
也不可能用他們 伊恩不演出了,德瑞克… | You couldn't get them anyway. Lan doesn't even play anymore and Derek... |
我不該知道德瑞克這個人的 | Derek is a name I shouldn't know. |
莫妮卡,有沒有別的枕頭比較舒服一點的? | Mon, do you have another pillow, something a little snugglier? |
你為什麼不回去你家,要在這裡睡? | Why are you napping here instead of at your place? |
-因為鴨子 -什麼,鴨子? | - The duck. - What... The duck? |
現在那該死的鴨子又做了什麼? | What the hell did the damn duck do now? |
它沒有到處嘔吐… | Well, he did not get sick somewhere in there... |
而且立刻被發現,並妥當處理乾淨了 | ...and it was immediately found and properly cleaned up. |
我可以看嗎… | Do I get to look at this book... |
還是只有婚禮相關人員可以看? | ...or is it just for people involved in the wedding? |
你當然可以看,我要你的意見 | Of course you can look at it. I want your opinion. |
來 | Here you go. |
桌子中間的花飾? 桌子中間的花飾! | - What about centerpieces? - Centerpieces! |
玫瑰還是百合? 當然是玫瑰 | - Roses or lilies? - Definitely roses. |
我覺得它們比較像婚禮用花 | I think they're more "wedding-y." |
但很清楚應該選百合 老天,簡直就是同一個腦袋 | - But lilies are the clear choice. - Oh, my God, it's like one mind. |
各位,各位,讓我休息好不好 | Guys, guys, you gotta let me nap. |
不然我會脾氣不好 | I'm gonna get cranky. |
喬伊,走廊對面有很好的沙發 | Joey, there's a perfectly good couch across the hall. |
是很不錯… | Yes, it is perfectly good... |
但那不是鴨子嘔吐的地方之一 | ...and it is not one of the places the duck got sick. |
什麼? | What? |
好,我要走了 喬伊,鴨子到底做了什麼 | - All right, I'm gonna go. - Joey, what did the duck do? |
我不知道,但它沒吃你的面霜 | I don't know, but he did not eat your face cream. |
小朋友,你覺得如何? | Hey, little buddy. How you feeling? |
那面霜裡到底有什麼? | What the hell is in that face cream? |
好軟 | That's so soft. |
有枕頭套耶! | Pillowcases! |
“柔達看著掃煙囪的人 她的父親是個傳教士…” | "Zelda looked at the chimney sweep. Her father, the vicar..." |
傳教士? | Vicar? |
還有好幾小時才會回來 | "...wouldn't be home for hours. |
她欲火中燒 | Her loins were burning. |
她不顧一切伸出手去抓住他的… | She threw caution to the wind and reached out and grabbed his..." |
這是色情小說! | This is a dirty book! |
菲比? | Phoebe? |
嗨,羅斯 | Oh, Ross, hi. |
菲比,你在幹什麼? 抱歉,我有客人在 | - Phoebe, what are you doing? - Sorry, I'm with a client right now. |
菲比! 好吧,我們在外面談 | - Phoebe! - Okay, let's talk outside. |
不好意思,這個仍會算在你的按摩時間裡 | Unfortunately, this time will be counted as part of your massage. |
所以… | So try... |
…思想儘量放鬆 | ...and think relaxing thoughts. |
別碰我的恐龍 | And don't touch any of my dinosaurs. |
我知道它們很酷,但那是我的 | I know they're cool, but they're mine. |
你不可以在我家幫人家按摩 | Phoebe, you can't massage people in my apartment. |
我在莫妮卡和錢德家都可以 | I did it at Monica and Chandler's. |
他們知道嗎? | And they knew about it? |
好吧,羅斯,到底怎麼回事? | Okay, Ross, what is this really about? |
這是我家,我希望能自由出入 | This is my home and I want to be able to come and go when I want. |
我會找其他地方來做我其他的客人 | I will find someplace else to do the rest of my appointments. |
這有什麼大不了的 | I don't know what the big deal is. |
我不要光著身子身上油油的陌生人在我家 | I don't want naked, greasy strangers in my apartment... |
當我想回家放鬆 拿一片拼圖…我是說啤酒,冰啤酒 | ...when I want to kick back with a puzzle... Beer, cold beer. |
嘿,喬伊,你好嗎? | Hey, Joey. What are you doing? |
掃地,怎麼? 引起你的性趣嗎? | Sweeping. Why? Does it turn you on? |
不會 | No. |
如果我掃的是煙囪呢? | What if I was sweeping a chimney? |
喬伊,你吃了我的面霜嗎? | Joey, did you eat my face cream? |
你去哪兒? 傳教士要幾小時後才會回家 | Where are you going? The vicar won't be home for hours. |
喬伊,你從哪兒學到那個字? | Joey, where did you learn that word? |
你想是哪裡 | Where do you think... |
柔達? | ...Zelda? |
你看了我的書? 對! | - You found my book?! - Yeah, I did! |
喬伊,你到我房裡幹什麼? | Joey, what are you doing going into my bedroom? |
抱歉,我想去睡一下,我知道我不對 可是你有色情小說! | I'm sorry. I went in there to take a nap.I know I shouldn't have, but you got porn! |
天哪,真想不到你會那樣侵犯我的隱私權 | God! I cannot believe you invaded my privacy like that! |
柔達 | Zelda. |
現在你有點緊張 如果洗個牛奶浴可能就會放鬆多了 | Now, you seem a little tense. Maybe you'll relax if I gave you a nice milk bath. |
好的,你知道嗎? | Okay, you know what? |
我都不喜歡那個部分 噢,我喜歡 | - I don't even like that part. - Oh, I do. |
知道嗎? 我不在乎 我不覺得我的書丟臉 | You know what? I don't care. I'm not ashamed of my book. |
女人享受一點情色沒什麼不對 | There's nothing wrong with a woman enjoying a little erotica. |
是女性性感的健康表達… | It's just a healthy expression of female sexuality... |
順便說一句,那是你永遠都不會瞭解的 | ...which, by the way, is something that you will never understand. |
你有色情小說 | You got porn. |
你好 菲比在嗎? | - Hello. - Hi, is Phoebe here? |
-不,今晚她不在 -真是的! | - No, she's out for the night. - Oh, great. |
可以幫你忙嗎? | Can I help you with something? |
我不知道,你是按摩師嗎? | I don't know. Are you a masseur? |
是,我是 | Yes, I am. |
太好了! 爸? | Great! Dad? |
謝謝你,一小時後我來接他 | Thank you so much. I'll pick him up in an hour. |
要我幫你嗎? | You need help with that? |
你父母聽到你訂婚一定很開心 | Your parents must've been thrilled when you told them you were engaged. |
哦,是啊,我應該打電話給他們 | Oh, yeah. I should probably call them. |
我記得我們剛訂婚的時候 | I remember when we first got engaged. |
-我沒聽過這個故事 -爸,你不要… | - I've never heard that story. - Dad, you don't... |
我讓茱蒂懷孕了 | Well, I'd gotten Judy pregnant. |
我還不知道怎麼發生的 | I still don't know how. |
你不知道怎麼發生的? 你的狗以為我的避孕器是磨牙玩具 | You don't know how? Your dog thought my diaphragm was a chew toy. |
真感人的故事 | What a sweet story. |
至少你不是在五年級的萬聖節宴會聽到這故事的 | At least you're not hearing it at your fifth grade Halloween party. |
他們當時說要聽嚇人的故事 | They wanted a scary story. |
我們對婚禮計畫書很興奮 | We're really excited about our wedding plans. |
很快我們就要從莫妮卡婚禮基金提一大筆錢 | I guess pretty soon we'll be making a big withdrawal from the Monica wedding fund. |
-什麼? -傑克,你告訴她,我做不到 | - What? - You tell her, Jack. I can't do it. |
你們有莫妮卡婚禮基金,對吧? | You have the wedding fund, don't you? |
我們有,只是現在叫做“海灘別墅” | We have it. Only, now we call it "the beach house." |
你把我的婚禮基金花在海灘別墅? | You spent my wedding fund on the beach house? |
對不起,我們以為… | We're sorry. We assumed... |
如果你30歲以後結婚,你會自己付的 | ...that if you got married after 30 you'd pay for it yourself. |
你們買海灘別墅時我才23歲 | You bought the beach house when I was 23. |
你在海灘享受了7年好時光… | So you've had seven years of beach fun... |
那可是無價的 | ...and you can't put a price on that. |
我們覺得很抱歉 | We do feel bad about this. |
你和理查交往時我們又開始存錢 | We saved again when you dated Richard... |
結果你們鬧翻了,我們重新裝修了廚房 | ...then that went to hell, so we redid the kitchen. |
那錢德呢? | What about Chandler? |
我們以為錢德不會求婚 | It was Chandler. We didn't think he'd propose. |
很明顯剛吃飯時,我的酒喝得不夠 | Clearly I did not start drinking enough at the start of the meal. |
我不相信竟然沒有錢讓我結婚 | I can't believe there's no money for my wedding. |
也許還有,如果你爸沒有… | Maybe, if your father hadrt tried... |
在網上賣冰的話 | ...to sell ice over the Internet. |
-那個主意看來很簡單 -笨,傑克,只能用“笨”來形容 | - It seemed like such a simple idea. - Stupid, Jack. The word is stupid. |
夠了,我不想再聽了 | Enough. I don't want to hear about it anymore. |
錢德,祝你好運 | Good luck, Chandler. |
好,現在我要… | Okay, now I'm going to... |
碰你了 | ...touch you. |
好軟 | That's soft. |
喬伊怎麼老說掃煙囪和傳教士? | Why does Joey keep talking about chimney sweeps and vicars? |
可能在排演他的一場戲吧 | I thinks he's just been rehearsing for an episode of his show. |
因為聽起來好像一本色情小說 | Because it really sounds like a bad porn novel. |
你的父母可能幫忙付嗎? | Do you think your parents could help pay for it? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
我媽大部份的錢都花在她第四次的婚禮了 | My mother spent most of her money on her fourth wedding. |
剩下的錢她離婚要用 | She's saving the rest for her divorce. |
而我爸存的錢用在他每年一次的旅行… | And any extra cash my father has he saves for his yearly trips to... |
桃利屋的(性感影星桃利·伯頓建設的主題公園) | ...Dollywood. |
你們吃飯發生什麼事了? 我父母把婚禮基金花掉了 | - What happened at dinner?- My parents spent the wedding fund. |
我的天,你點了什麼菜? | My God, what did you order? |
等一下,沒有婚禮基金? 太慘了 | Wait, there's no money? Well, this is terrible. |
你們只能在社區的活動中心結婚了 | You guys are gonna have to get married in, like, a rec center. |
天哪,你說的沒錯 | Oh, my God, you're right. |
我們要過去6個人 才可以拿掉地板作游泳池 | We're gonna have to be out by 6 so they can take out the floor for senior swim. |
-親愛的,沒關係的 -不,有關係 | - Honey, it's gonna be okay.- No, it's not gonna be okay. |
-沒有樂團,沒有百合 -那很好啊 | - No swing band, no lilies. - No, but that's good. |
你不會想要百合的 | You don't want lilies. |
如果貓吃了百合就會死的 | If a cat ate them, it would die. |
什麼? 我是說,你現在可以邀請貓了 | - What?- I'm just saying, now you could invite cats. |
沒事的 | It's gonna be okay. |
你不需要有這種… | I mean, you don't need to have this... |
義大利野宴 | ...rustic Italian feast. |
你不需要這種訂做的… | You don't need this custom-made... |
帝國式腰線、公主型絲緞禮服 | ...empire-waisted, duchess satin gown. |
你可以買現成的禮服 | You can wear off-the-rack. |
真的不會有問題的 | It's really gonna be okay. |
重要的是我們彼此相愛,要結婚了 | The important thing is that we love each other and we're gonna get married. |
你知不知道“現成的”是什麼意思? | Do you even understand what "off-the-rack" means? |
你為什麼不自己付錢呢? | Why don't you pay for it yourself? |
怎麼付? 我沒錢 | How? I don't have any money. |
-我有 -多少? | - Well, I have some. - How much? |
將近有… | Well, close to... |
-你開玩笑? -多少? | - Are you kidding me?! - How much? |
-夠辦婚禮計畫A -真的? | - Enough for wedding scenario A. - Really? |
計畫A有百合 必須有人為了貓毀掉這個計畫,當然不是我 | Scenario A has lilies. Someone's gonna have to break it to the cats and it won't be me. |
你真好,努力存錢的人! | How great are you, you little saver! |
正是理想婚禮的預算 | This is exactly the budget of my dream wedding. |
你們是天造地設的一對 | You guys are so made for each other. |
你不是要把所有的錢都花在婚禮上吧? | You're not suggesting that we spend all of the money on the wedding? |
是啊 | Yeah. |
我花了六年存到這些… | Look, Mon, I've been saving this money for six years... |
有些是將來要用的 不是都花在一場宴會上的 | ...and I kind of had some of it earmarked for the future, not just for a party. |
錢德先生,你好啊 | Hello, Mr. Chandler. |
親愛的,這是我們一生中最重要的一天 | Sweetie, this is the most special day of our lives. |
我知道,親愛的 但我不要把錢都花在一場宴會上 | I realize that, honey, but I'm not gonna spend all the money on one party. |
親愛的,我愛你 | Honey, I love you. |
但如果你再叫我們的婚禮一場宴會… | But if you call our wedding a party one more time... |
你可能不會被邀請 | ...you may not get invited. |
錢可以再賺,我們只結婚一次 | We can always earn more money. We're only gonna get married once. |
我瞭解,但我非常堅決,我的答案是不 | I understand, but I have to put my foot down. The answer is no. |
你很堅決? | You're gonna have to "put your foot down"? |
對,我是 | Yes, I am. |
有錢和有一雙堅定的手 | Money and a firm hand. |
終於是我可以認同的錢德了 | Finally a Chandler I can get on board with. |
-嘿,瑞秋 -喬伊 | - Hey, Rach. - Joey. |
有沒有聞到煙昧? | Hey, Rach, do you smell smoke? |
我懂了,煙,煙囪,掃煙囪的人,很好笑 | I get it. Smoke, chimney, chimney sweep. Very funny. Ha, ha. |
不,不,我說真的,你沒聞到? | No, no, I'm serious. You don't smell it? |
有東西著火了 | Something's on fire. |
我沒聞到什麼? | No, I don't smell anything. |
你知道嗎? 可能是你熊熊的欲火 | Oh, you know what? It's probably just your burning loins. |
-你們在講什麼? -沒什麼 | - Hey, what are you guys talking about? - Nothing. |
討厭,咖啡冷了 | Damn, this coffee's cold. |
可以在你身上加溫一下嗎? | Do you mind if I heat this up on your loins? |
喬伊,你竟然告訴了他… | You know, I cannot believe you told him. Joey... |
我猜你在我們分手後買了那本書 | So I guess you bought that book after we broke up. |
是啊,因為第一本在我們交往時被翻爛了 | Yeah, I did, because I wore out my first copy when I was with you. |
是嗎? | Oh, yeah? |
我們交往時,我看了一大堆色情雜誌 | Well, when we were going out, I read tons of porno magazines. |
怎麼樣? | What's up? |
羅斯,你怎麼可以 那樣對待那一位老先生 | Ross, how could you do that to an old man? |
對不起,小姐們 | Excuse me, ladies. |
什麼啊? | I'm sorry? |
我的按摩客人,亞瑟 | My massage client, Arthur. |
他女兒說替我工作的一個人… | His daughter said some guy that worked for me... |
替他做了很奇怪的按摩 | ...gave him a really weird massage. |
我做了很專業的按摩 | I gave him an extremely professional massage. |
他說你用木湯匙戳他 | He said you poked at him with wooden spoons. |
好吧,不是傳統的按摩 | Okay, so it wasn't a traditional massage. |
可是我有用筷子為他指壓按摩… | But I did give him acupressure with a pair of chopsticks... |
溫和地用拖把去角質 | ...and I gently exfoliated him with a mop. |
他再也不會來了 你害我一星期少進帳八十元 | Well, he's never coming back. You just cost me $80 a week. |
是你的錯,你沒更改他約的時間 | This is your fault. You didn't move his appointment. |
我的錯? 你不必替他按摩的 | Oh, it's my fault? You didn't have to massage him. |
你可以請他回去的 | You could've sent him away. |
你不必用玩具唐卡車(福特公司生產)在他背上滾來滾去 | You could've not rolled Tonka trucks up and down his back. |
他說他很喜歡的! | He said he liked that! |
你對,你對,對不起 | You're right, you're right. I'm sorry. |
你幹嘛按摩一位老先生? | Dude, what are you massaging an old man for? |
-他女兒很辣 -懂了 | - His daughter was hot. - Gotcha. |
羅斯,我每週真的很需要那80美元 | Look, Ross, I really need that $80 every week. |
你一定會找到另外一個客人的,菲比 | I'm sure you'll find another massage client, Phoebe. |
當然會了.不過在此之前 我會每週給你按摩… | Yeah, I'm sure I will too. But until then, I'm going to massage you every week... |
-收費100美元 -不是說了80嗎? | ...for the price of $ 100. - You just said 80. |
要我弄亂你的拼圖嗎? | You want me to mess up your puzzle? |
一百就一百了 | A hundred it is. |
你好,柔達 | Hello, Zelda. |
-你要扮誰啊? -傳教士 | - Who are you supposed to be? - The vicar. |
-你知道傳教士是什麼樣的嗎? -就像一個守門員,對嗎? | - Do you even know what a vicar is? - Like a goalie, right? |
夠了 | Look, that's enough. |
不要再說那個笑話了,我厭煩了 | The joke's over. I'm sick of it. |
你不是一輩子都在等那一刻欲火中燒嗎? | You mean this isn't the sweet torment you've been waiting all your life for? |
喬伊,正經點,好嗎? 夠了 | Joey, I'm serious, all right? It's enough. |
你講那個愚蠢的笑話,含沙射影… | You make stupid jokes and sleazy innuendoes... |
…一點都不好笑 | ...and it's just not funny anymore. |
對不起,瑞秋,對不起 | I'm sorry. Rach, I'm sorry. |
也許我帶你去穀倉會補償你吧 | Maybe I could make it up to you by taking you roughly in the barn. |
好吧.你想做嗎? 那就做吧 | All right, that's it. You wanna do it? Let's do it. |
沒錯.我要跟你做 | That's right. I wanna do it with you. |
來幹一仗,你剛才說的沒錯 | Been trying to fight it, but you just said all the right things. |
是嗎? | I did? |
是的,我等了這麼久,就是要你的身體 | Yeah. Oh, I've been waiting so long to get on that body. |
我的身體? 沒錯 | - This body? - Yeah, that's right. |
來吧,喬伊,跟我做愛吧 | Come on, Joey, sex me up. |
聽起來你就像第7章屠夫的老婆 | You're starting to sound like the butcher's wife in chapter seven. |
來吧.別讓我等了,脫衣服 | Come on, now. Don't keep me waiting. Get those clothes off. |
不過要戴著頭盔 因為你將會激情上路 | But I'd keep that helmet on, because you're in for a rough ride. |
我不要.我好怕 | I don't want to. I'm scared. |
聽著… | Listen... |
我想過了 | ...l've been thinking. |
要你把所有的錢花在婚禮上很不公平 | It's not fair of me to ask you to spend all of your money on our wedding. |
你很辛苦才賺來的 | I mean, you work really hard for that. |
-嗯 -好吧,你賺來的 | - Well. - Well, you work for that. |
我也想過了 | Look, I've thought about it too. |
對不起,我們應該把錢花在婚禮的 | I'm sorry. I think we should spend all of the money on the wedding. |
-真的? -對,我很堅決 | - You do? - Yeah, I'm putting my foot down. |
當我求婚時,我告訴你… | Look, when I proposed, I told you... |
我會盡力讓你快樂 | ...that I would do anything to make you happy. |
如果辦一場完美的婚禮,能讓你開心… | And if having the perfect wedding makes you happy... |
我們就這麼做 | ...then that's what we're gonna do. |
你真好 | You are so sweet. |
那未來怎麼辦呢? | What about the future and stuff? |
管他呢 | Forget about the future and stuff. |
我們只生兩個就好 | So we only have two kids. |
選一個我們最喜歡的讓他去念大學 | We'll pick our favorite and that one will get to go to college. |
-你想過這些? -對 | - Have you thought about that? - Yeah. |
你本來要幾個孩子? | How many kids were we gonna have? |
四個,一個男孩 一對雙胞胎女兒,再一個男孩 | Four. A boy, twin girls and another boy. |
你還想過什麼? | What else did you think about? |
還有我們要住的地方 | Well, stuff like where we'd live, you know. |
是在市郊的小房子 | Like a small place outside the city... |
我們的小孩可以學騎單車 | ...where our kids could learn to ride their bikes. |
可以養只貓,脖子上掛著鈴檔… | We could have a cat that had a bell on its collar... |
每次它跑出小門時都聽得見鈴聲 | ...and we could hear it every time it ran through the little kitty door. |
在車庫上蓋個房間,讓喬伊養老 | We'd have an apartment over the garage where Joey could grow old. |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我不要一個盛大的婚禮 | I don't want a big, fancy wedding. |
你要的 不 | - Sure you do. - No. |
我要你剛剛說的每一樣 我要一個婚姻 | I want everything that you've just said. I want a marriage. |
你確定? | You sure? |
我好愛你 我愛你 | - I love you so much. - I love you. |
你剛說到將來的時候,你說貓 | When you were talking about our future, you said cat. |
你指的是狗,對不對? | But you meant dog, right? |
對 好 | - Yeah, totally. - Oh, good. |
室內溫度合適嗎? | Room temperature okay? |
很好.音樂聲大嗎? 不 | - Excellent. Is the music too loud? - No. |
好 | Good. |
-你幹嘛? -噢,對不起 | - What the hell are you doing? - Oh, I'm sorry. |
你要用手的傳統按摩嗎? | Were you expecting a traditional massage with the hands? |
好的 | Fine. |
開始放鬆 | Now, just try to relax. |
大家好 | Hey, guys. |
你們覺得怎麼樣? | So, what do you think? |
你是指什麼? 什麼? | - About what? - What? |
你在開玩笑嗎? 好吧,我給你們一個提示 | Are you kidding? Okay, I'll give you a hint. |
眼睛,不,你的眼睛,不 | Eyes. No, no. Your eyes! No. |
錢德的眼睛 | Chandler's eyes! |
我戴上了眼鏡 | I got glasses. |
你一直都戴著眼鏡 | You always had glasses. |
我才沒有 | No, I didn't. |
你確定? | Are you sure? |
以前你沒有戴眼鏡嗎? | didn't you have a pair? |
你戴著圓形酒紅色的眼鏡 看起來有一點… | They were really round and burgundy, and they made you look kind of... |
娘娘腔 對 | - Feminine. - Yes! |
不 | No. |
我覺得你很適合戴眼鏡,你看起來很性感 | I think the glasses look great. You look sexy. |
真的嗎? 對 | - Really? - Yeah. |
你也以為以前我有戴眼鏡嗎? | You didn't think I wore glasses? |
當然不是 | Of course. |
Friends S07E03 菲比的菜譜 | The One With Phoebe's Cookies |
你們要什麼訂婚禮物? | What do you want for an engagement gift? |
沒關係,我們不辦派對… | That's okay, we're not having a party... |
所以你們不必送我們… | ...so you don't have to get us... |
如果有人想送我們禮物 我們不該剝奪他們的快樂 | If someone wants to give us a present, we can't deprive them of that joy. |
你應該送他們小型CD播放機 | You should get them a little CD player. |
我已經有一台了 | I already have one. |
但有人借走,把它忘在婦產科診所 | Unless someone borrowed it and left it at the gynecologist. |
對,至於“那個人”她指的是喬伊 | Yeah, and by "someone" she means Joey. |
我知道我要什麼 | I know what I want! |
是我們要什麼,親愛的 不,你不會想要這個的 | - What we want, honey. - No, you don't want this. |
我要你外婆的餅乾食譜 | I want your grandmother's cookie recipe. |
你是說巧克力碎片餅乾的食譜嗎? | You mean the chocolate chip cookie recipe? |
我外婆臨死前要我發誓… | The one my grandma made me swear on her deathbed... |
絕不會洩露給外人的餅乾食譜? | ...that I would never let out of our family? |
快死的人都會胡言亂語 | Dying people say the craziest things. |
多年來我一直都想得到它 我想幫我的孩子們做餅乾 | I've wanted it for years. I was gonna make cookies for my children. |
我真的很難過,好吧 | Break my heart. Oh, all right. |
我要當能做出全世界最好吃餅乾的媽媽 | I'll be the mom who makes the world's best chocolate chip cookies. |
我們的孩子會是胖子,對吧? | Our kids are gonna be fat, aren't they? |
你們好 | Ahoy! |
駕帆船出海還好玩吧? 我開始喜歡駕駛帆船了 | - How's the boat? - I'm getting into this sailing stuff. |
這次你終於出海了? | You finally took it out of the marina? |
我為什麼要那麼做? | Why would I do that? |
三個人才把它漂在海上 | It took three guys to get the thing in there. |
如果你不想開它出海 你在船上都做些什麼呢 | If you don't sail it, what do you do on it? |
光是坐在那裡就很舒服了… | It's a great place to just sit... |
我什麼都不做,喝啤酒,吃薯片 | ...hang around, drink a few beers, eat some chips. |
恭喜你終於找到能那麼做的地方了 | It's good that you finally have a place to do that. |
如果你要的話,我可以教你駕駛帆船 | I could teach you to sail if you want. |
-你會駕駛帆船? -我從小就會 | - You could? - I've been sailing my whole life. |
我十五歲時,我爸送我一艘帆船 | When I was 15, my dad bought me my own boat. |
-你有一艘帆船? -他想要安慰我 | - Your own boat? - He was trying to cheer me up. |
我的小馬生病了 | My pony was sick. |
-你知道我在想什麼嗎? -什麼? | - You know what I was thinking? - What? |
沒事,我只是想這麼做 | Nothing, I just like to go like this. |
-今晚你要做什麼? -你有講座嗎? | - What are you doing tonight? - Do you have a lecture? |
-沒有啊,怎麼了? -那麼我沒事,怎麼了? | - No, why? - Then, free as a bird. What's up? |
我爸想約你去打回力球 | My dad wants to know if you want to play racquetball. |
太棒了,爸一定很喜歡你 | Great! Dad must like you! |
他從來不會約人去打回力球 | He doesn't ask just anyone to play. |
他沒有約你,他要約“錢西” | He didn't ask for you. He asked for "Chauncey." |
我猜他應該是指你 | I assumed he meant you. |
你糾正他了嗎? | Did you correct him? |
沒有,我覺得那樣子比較好玩 | No, I thought it would be more fun this way. |
太酷了,或許你們每星期都該這麼做 | Cool! Maybe you could do this every week. |
你也可以坐在走廊上… | Or you could sit on the porch... |
確定垃圾桶不會被偷走 | ...and make sure no one steals the trashcans. |
他每星期都會這麼做 | He does that every week too. |
你得讓他贏,他最討厭輸了 | Just so you know, you have to let him win. He hates to lose. |
或許我該用左手打球 | Maybe I'll play with my left hand. |
你不就是左撇子嗎? | You're not a lefty? |
有人認識我嗎? | Does anybody know me? |
怎麼了? | What's wrong? |
我到以前的公寓拿餅乾食譜… | I went to my old apartment to get the cookie recipe... |
那場愚蠢的大火把它燒了 | ...and that stupid fire burned it up! |
不,你為什麼沒有影印一份把它放在防火的盒子裡… | No! Why didn't you make a copy and keep it in a fireproof box... |
將盒子放在離起火點至少一百碼的地方? | ...and keep it at least 100 yards away from the original? |
因為我是個凡人 | Because I'm normal. |
那是我外婆留給我的傳奇 | That was the one legacy my grandmother left me. |
我知道你要它當你的訂婚禮物 | And I know you wanted it as an engagement present. |
我們得送你們訂婚禮物? | We have to get you an engagement present? |
別擔心 | Don't worry about it. |
沒有人送我訂婚禮物 | No one got me an engagement present. |
我沒有食譜,但這個給你 | I don't have the recipe, but here. |
祝你們健康快樂 | I wish you health and happiness. |
一塊放了很久的餅乾? | An old cookie? |
不列出禮物清單 就是會發生這種事 | This is what happens when you don't register for gifts. |
我做了一些餅乾 把它們冷凍起來,這是最後一塊 | I made a batch and froze it. This is the only one left. |
我們不能收下它 | We can't accept this. |
為什麼? | Why not? |
因為它很噁心 | Because it's gross. |
不,等一下,我想我可以 利用這塊餅乾猜出整個食譜 | No, wait. I think I can figure out the recipe from this cookie. |
我在工作時常常這麼做 | I do this at work all the time. |
真的嗎? 我想我可以做到 | - Really? - I think so! |
好吧,羅斯,我們欠你一份禮物 | Okay, Ross, we owe you a present. |
是兩份,我訂過兩次婚 | Two! I've been engaged twice. |
快來看看這個小丑 | Look at this clown. |
他以為整條河都是他的 | He thinks he can take up the whole river. |
別擋路,大混蛋 | Get out of the way, jackass! |
誰會把自己的船,命名為海岸防衛隊? | Who names their boat Coast Guard, anyway? |
因為他們就是海岸防衛隊 | That is the Coast Guard. |
他們在這裡做什麼? | What are they doing here? |
海岸在那邊 | The coast is all the way over there. |
喬伊,別管那些船 | Joey, just ignore the boats. |
我們的課還沒有上完 好吧 | - We're not finished with our lesson. - All right. |
我要幫你複習一下基本要點 | I'm gonna go over the basic points once more. |
別麻煩了,瑞秋,我已經懂了 | Come on, Rach. I got it, okay? |
我想把船開到… | I want to go over there... |
那一船女孩旁邊去 | ...where that boatload of girls is. |
真的嗎? 你想要… | Is that it? You want to give... |
跟那些小妞鬼混? | ...a shout out to the hot chicas? |
好了,來吧,水手喬伊 | Okay, let's do that, Sailor Joe. |
快問快答,這叫什麼? | Quick question, though: What's this called? |
船上的繩子? 錯了 | - Boat rope? - Wrong! |
要怎麼把主帆立起來? | How do you get the mainsail up? |
撫摸? | Rub it? |
不,如果我說我們要轉向了,你該怎麼辦? | No. What do you do if I say we're coming about? |
我會說:“隨你轉?” | I say, "Come again?" |
我知道,這一題我會 | I know this one. I know this one. |
時間到,現在你死了 | Time's up. Now you're dead. |
我也聾了 | And deaf! |
你繼續開玩笑吧 | You go on and make your little jokes. |
如果你不知道自己在做什麼… | If you don't know what you're doing... |
你就會沒命,你聽懂了嗎? | ...you will die. Am I getting through to you? |
懂了 別只是說你懂了 | - Yes. - Don't just say yes. |
這不是遊戲,你很可能會受傷 | This isn't a game. You could get hurt out here! |
你要注意聽我說話,還是想死呢? | Do you want to pay attention, or do you want to die? |
我想從船上就打電話給錢德 | I want to make a ship-to-shore call to Chandler. |
我吃到了肉豆蔻 真的嗎? | - I definitely taste nutmeg. - You do? |
你沒吃到嗎? 那就是… | You don't? Well, that's the difference... |
專業人員跟外行人的不同 | ...between a professional and a layman. |
沒錯,專業人員很傲慢 | That and arrogance. |
嘿 | Hey. |
嘿,駕駛帆船出海好玩嗎? | Hey. How was sailing? |
我不想談這件事 | I don't want to talk about it. |
你們至少可以留一塊餅乾給我 | You could've at least saved me a cookie. |
女人太惡劣了 | Women are mean! |
我不敢相信 | I can't believe that. |
現在我外婆的傳奇只剩下… | Now the only thing left of my grandmother's legacy is... |
這塊碎屑 | ...this crumb. |
祝你們白頭偕老,婚姻美滿 | I wish you a long and happy marriage. |
嘿 怎麼樣? | - Hey. - How was it? |
我玩得很開心 | Well, I had a great time. |
但是錢西… | Chauncey, on the other hand... |
讓我來說吧 | I will tell the story. |
我們相處甚歡 我放手讓他贏球,他喜歡我 | It was going great. I let him win, we were bonding... |
甚至說我可以叫他爸爸 | ...he even said I could call him Dad. |
他要你不能叫他什麼? | And what did he ask you not to call him? |
爹地 | Daddy. |
聽著,事情是這樣的 | Look, here's the story. |
我們打完球,決定去做蒸氣浴 | We had just finished playing, and we were gonna take a steam. |
我走進蒸汽室… | I walk into the room... |
裡面霧氣彌漫 | ...and it's really steamy. |
於是我拿下眼鏡,悲劇發生了 | So I take off my glasses, and that's when it happened. |
你們在哪裡? | Guys? |
這邊坐吧,孩子 | - Over here. - Have a seat, son. |
嘿 | Hey! |
我的天啊,我不敢相信 我知道 | - Oh, my God! I can't believe it. - I know. |
你坐在我爸的大腿上跳舞 | You gave my father a lap dance. |
他們為什麼要把那里弄的霧氣彌漫? | Why do they put so much steam in there? |
不那麼做的話,那裡只能叫做“房間” | Because otherwise they'd have to call it the "room" room. |
為什麼? 為什麼會發生那種事? | Why? Why did that have to happen? |
別這樣,那沒有什麼大不了的 | Come on, it's not that big a deal. |
那沒有什麼大不了的? | Not that big a deal? |
那是種觸摸的感覺 | There was touching of things. |
我知道你想跟我爸打好關係… | I know you wanted to bond with my dad... |
但你一定要從他那個地方開始嗎? | ...but did you have to bond to that part? |
我相信爸不會在乎的 | I'm sure Dad doesn't care. |
或許他會覺得很好笑 | He probably thought it was funny. |
他會把這個故事講好多年 | He'll be telling this story for years. |
我就是不希望他把這個故事講好多年 | I don't want him to tell this story for years. |
他會那麼做的 | Oh, but he will. |
他還是會告訴大家 莫妮卡試圖逃出減肥營的故事 | He still tells the story about how Monica tried to escape from fat camp. |
我才沒有那麼做 | I wasn't escaping. |
那麼你怎麼會被卡在鐵絲網上的? | Then how'd you get caught in the barbed wire? |
我想要救一隻松鼠 | I was trying to help out a squirrel. |
你想吃掉它 | You were trying to eat it. |
如果是你爸打來告訴你這件事… | If that is your father calling to tell this story... |
那麼我們的婚禮就取消了 | ...then the marriage is off! |
別這樣,喂 | Come on. Hello. |
對不起,你打錯電話了 | I'm sorry, you have the wrong number. |
我待會回你電話,爸,我愛你 | I'll call you later, Dad. I love you. |
我要去見你爸 | I'm off to see your dad. |
你不會穿太多了嗎? | aren't you a little overdressed? |
你最好確定,這次他會付你小費 | You better make sure he tips you this time. |
我想說服他,別再提那件事 | I figured I would try to convince him not to tell the story anymore... |
我想最好的辦法就是跟他面對面談一談 | ...and I figured the best way to do that was face to face. |
我說的“面對面”指的不是他的大腿 | And by "face," I don't mean his lap. |
我說的“面對面”指的不是我的屁股 | And by "face," I don't mean my ass. |
你要送莫妮卡跟錢德禮物? | Are you getting Monica and Chandler a present? |
我不知道,他們沒有送我們禮物 | I don't know. You know, they didn't get us anything. |
謝謝你 | Thank you! |
嘿 | Hey. |
嘿 | Well, hello. |
我們什麼時候再出航? 夥伴 | So when are we getting back out on the water, matey? |
我不知道水手是怎麼說的 但我死都不要 | I don't know the boat way to say this, but never! |
為什麼? | Why not? |
因為你在船上很惡劣 | Because you're mean on the boat. |
我只是想教會你 | I was just trying to teach you. |
我的確學會了教訓,那就是瑞秋很惡劣 | Well, lesson learned. Rachel is mean. |
對,沒錯 | Yep, yep, yep. |
我還記得她駕駛她爸的船帶我出海 | I remember when she took me out on her dad's boat. |
她完全不讓我插手 | She wouldn't let me help at all. |
對不起,我要你幫我 | Excuse me, I wanted you to help. |
但你連動都動不了… | But you couldn't move... |
因為你穿了三件救生衣 | ...because you were wearing three life jackets. |
你必須得敬畏大海 | You have to respect the sea. |
喬伊,如果你覺得我很惡劣,對不起 | Joey, I'm sorry if you thought that was mean. |
但我告訴你,我一點都不惡劣 | But I tell you, that was not mean. |
我爸才惡劣,以前在船上 他總會對我大吼大叫 | My father is mean. He used to always yell at me on the boat. |
那真的很可怕,我是個很棒的老師 | It was horrible. I was being a really good teacher. |
好老師會說“把啤酒放下,豬頭”? | Does a good teacher say, "Put down the beer, pinead!" |
好學生會在上第一堂課時喝掉七罐啤酒? | Does a good student drink seven beers during his first lesson? |
是六罐半 | Six and a half. |
你把最後一罐從我手裡敲掉,記得嗎? | You knocked the last one out of my hand, remember? |
我不希望你被船杆打中 | I didn't want you to get hit by the boom. |
它的確打中我了 | Well, it hit me anyway. |
如果我能喝完最後一罐啤酒或許不會那麼痛 | It would have hurt a lot less if I had finished that last beer. |
對不起,我會試著小聲點不再對你大吼大叫 | I'm sorry. I will try to tone it down and stop yelling. |
你不會再使喚我? | No bossing me around? |
我不會再使喚你 你會對我很好? | - I won't boss you around. - And be nice? |
我會對你很好 你會脫掉上衣? | - I'll be nice. - You'll be topless? |
喬伊 你希望我學會嗎? | - Joey! - You want me to learn? |
這是二十二號 或許它們跟你外婆的餅乾味道很像 | Here's batch 22. Maybe these are like your grandma's. |
我放了一些桔子皮,沒有放肉豆蔻 | This has a bit of orange peel, but no nutmeg. |
我們來試吃吧 | Let's give it a shot. |
自從九年級後我再也沒做過這麼多餅乾 | I haven't made so many cookies since 9th grade. |
為什麼做那麼多?義賣嗎? | What for, a bake sale? |
不,那是我星期五晚上要吃的 | No, just a Friday night. |
這些餅乾真的很好吃 | These are pretty good. |
對,但沒有十七號好吃 | Yeah, but not as good as batch 17. |
十七號是哪一塊? | Which one was that? |
你幾乎快吐出來後吃的那塊餅乾 | The ones we had after you almost threw up. |
對,十七號很好吃 | Oh, yeah, batch 17 was good. |
我不喜歡十六號 | I did not like batch 16. |
我沒事 | I'm okay. |
十七號還有剩嗎? 我們可以好好研究一下 | Any more from the good batch? We could work off those. |
我想應該還剩一塊 | I think there's one left. |
十六號,這是十六號,別擋路 | Batch 16. Sixteen, people, get out of the way! |
喬伊,你表現得很好 | Okay, Joey. You're doing really good. |
我要你站到左舷去 | I just need you to step to the portside. |
還記得左舷是哪一邊嗎? | Remember talking about the portside? |
當然 | Oh, yeah. |
不 | No. |
是左邊,親愛的,但沒關係,那一題太難了 | It's left, sweetie, but that's okay. That's a tough one. |
為什麼不乾脆說左邊說好了呢? | Why not just say left? |
好,到左邊去 | Okay, go to the left. |
左邊 | The left. |
坐在那邊 | Just sit over there! |
看到沒? 你又在大吼大叫了 | You're yelling again. See that? |
不,我很小聲,語氣充滿了愛意 我沒有大吼大叫 | Oh, no, no. Very quiet. Said with love, no yelling. |
你知道嗎? 既然我已經坐在這裡,我要在左舷喝一罐啤酒 | You know what? Since I'm here, I'm gonna have a beer on the portside. |
你看到我剛剛做了什麼嗎? | See what I did there? |
風有點大,麻煩你把船繩拉緊 | We're luffing a little. Can you tighten up the Cunningham? |
你說一堆我聽不懂的話 | You just said a bunch of stuff I don't know. |
喬伊,別這樣,我剛剛才教過你 | Joey, come on! We just went over this. |
你教我的時候,有只鳥,嘴巴裡… | We did that when that bird... |
叨著魚飛過去 | ...flew over with the fish in his mouth. |
你看到了嗎? 那真的很噁心 | Did you see it? It was gross. |
我沒有看到鳥或魚 | I did not see the bird or the fish! |
也沒有看到形狀像泰森(拳王)的泡沫塑料 | I did not see the piece of Styrofoam shaped like Mike Tyson! |
我沒有看到 因為我忙著教你駕駛帆船 | I did not, because I was trying to teach you how to sail a boat. |
很明顯地那是不可能的 | Which obviously is an impossible thing to do. |
你在大吼大叫,而且你沒有脫掉上衣 | You're yelling, and I don't see you taking your top off. |
我放棄了 | I quit! |
-你是什麼意思? 你不能放棄 -為什麼? | - What do you mean? You can't quit. - Why not? |
你還沒有學會,我不准你那麼做,格林家的人不會放棄 | You're not finished! I won't have it. Greens do not quit. |
格林家的人? | Greens? |
我姓崔比亞尼,崔比亞尼家的人會放棄 | I'm a Tribbiani. Tribbianis quit. |
我的天啊 | Oh, my God. |
剛剛我說格林家的人不會放棄,對吧? | I just said, "Greens don't quit," didn't I? |
我到底說了沒有? | Did I say, "Greens don't quit"? |
對,你還在對我大吼大叫 | Yes! And you're still yelling at me. |
不,我沒有對你大吼大叫 我是對你身邊的空氣大吼大叫 | No, I'm not yelling at you. I'm just yelling near you. |
天啊,喬伊,我就跟我爸一樣 | Oh, God, Joey. I'm my father. |
天啊,這真的太可怕了 | Oh, my God. This is horrible. |
我很努力不要跟我媽一樣,卻沒有注意到這一點 | I try so hard not to be my mother, I didn't see this coming. |
我真的很抱歉 我只希望你能學會駕駛帆船 | I'm so sorry. I just wanted you to learn. |
我的確學會了 | I did learn. |
真的嗎? 沒錯,來吧 | - Really? - Yeah, come on. |
沒關係的 | It's okay. |
我知道主帆是什麼? | I know what a mainsail is. |
我知道船桅過來時一定要低頭 | I know to duck when the boom comes across. |
-我知道左舷是右邊 -左邊 | - I know port is right. - Left. |
該死 | Damn it! |
還剩這麼多餅乾我們怎麼處理呢? | What are we gonna do with all these cookies? |
喬伊 | Joey. |
這會讓我外婆覺得開心 | It would make my grandmother happy... |
我們要設法弄清楚她的食譜 | ...that we're trying to figure out her recipe. |
我敢說她正抬頭看著我們,對我們微笑 | I bet she's looking up at us and smiling right now. |
抬頭? | Looking up? |
她對我真的很好 但現在她一定在地獄裡 | She was really nice to me, but she's in hell for sure. |
我已經努力過了 | Well, I've tried everything. |
我放棄,我沒辦法成為… | I give up. I'm not gonna be the mom... |
做出全世界最好吃餅乾的媽媽 | ...who makes the world's best cookies. |
但我做最好吃的花椰菜配油封鴨 | I do make the best duck confit with broccoli raab. |
小孩子很喜歡吃那道菜吧? | Kids love that, right? |
難道你家的親戚都沒有食譜嗎? | Isn't there any relative that has the recipe? |
你妹妹呢? | What about your sister? |
不,我跟自己發誓… | No. I made a promise to myself that the next time... |
除非我死掉,不然我不會再跟烏蘇拉說話 | ...I would talk to Ursula is over my dead body. |
那一天將會是2032年10月15日 | And that's not happening till October 15, 2032. |
那天你會死掉? | That's the day you're gonna die? |
那天我要去玩推圓盤遊戲 | I've got shuffleboard that day. |
你少做夢了 | That's what you think. |
你外婆的朋友呢? 他們沒有食譜嗎? | What about friends of your grandma? Wouldn't they have the recipe? |
我在法國的親戚,可能有人知道 | I may have relatives in France who would know. |
我外婆說食譜是她外婆“鳥巢”傳給她的 | My grandmother said she got it from her grandmother, "Nestley Toulouse." |
她叫什麼名字? | What was her name? |
鳥巢 | Nestley Toulouse. |
雀巢? | Nestle Toll House? |
你們美國人就是沒辦法說好法文 | You Americans always butcher the French language. |
菲比,這是你外婆的食譜嗎? | Phoebe, is this the recipe? |
對 | Yes! |
喔 | Oh. |
我不敢相信… | I cannot believe that I spent... |
我花了兩天時間研究那份食譜 | ...two days figuring out that recipe. |
結果它一直在這裡 | It was here the whole time! |
我知道,就是這樣的事情… | I know! You see, it is stuff like this... |
害得你得在地獄裡受苦 | ...which is why you're burning in hell! |
那麼你懂了 | So you understand. |
如果你可以不把那件事說出去 我會覺得舒服一點 | I'd feel better if you didn't tell what happened. |
我覺得很不好意思 | I'm a little embarrassed about it. |
我完全瞭解 | I understand completely. |
最可怕的事莫過於在岳父母面前丟臉 | Nothing's scarier than embarrassing yourself in front of your in-laws. |
事實上我開始跟茱蒂交往時根本就沒有工作 | As a matter of fact, when I started dating Judy, I was unemployed. |
她爸問我是幹哪一行的 | Her father asked me what I did for a living. |
我說我是律師 | I said I was a lawyer. |
他們發現事實後你怎麼辦? 他們一直都沒有發現 | - What'd you do when they found out? - They never did. |
如果你看到我在幫他們做法律諮詢 只要點頭就行了 | So if you ever see me giving them legal advice, just nod along. |
我們可以進去了嗎? | Shall we? |
我猜這裡得穿泳裝才能進來 | So, I guess we wear swimsuits in here. |
喬伊,我得承認… | Well, Joey, I hate to admit it... |
你的航海方式,真的有趣多了 | ...your way of sailing is a lot more fun. |
你為什麼不拉一下那條繩子? | Why don't you give a pull on that rope? |
我們沒有要出海 | We're not sailing. |
就拉一下 好吧 | - Just pull on it. - All right. |
三明治 | Sandwiches! |
不然會是什麼呢? | What else? |
這個給你 | Here you go. |
謝謝 哇 | - Thank you. - Oh, wow. |
你在做什麼? 對不起 | - What are you doing? - Sorry. |
別那樣,好料都掉在地上了 | Not like that. You're letting all the good stuff fall out. |
小心,你浪費了很好吃的醃熏牛肉 | Careful! You're wasting good pastrami! |
天啊,我就跟我爸一樣 | Oh, my God. I'm my dad! |
我們學會一件事,吉事 | We learned one thing, Cheese: |
啦啦隊長跟強力火藥不應該混在一起 | Cheerleaders and high explosives don't mix. |
你說的沒錯,麥克 | You can say that again, Mac. |
光靠我一個人是不行的 你是個天才 | I couldn't have done it alone. You're a genius. |
是嗎? 那為什麼我還不會調整錄影機的定時功能 | Oh, yeah? Well, how come I can't get my VCR to stop blinking 12:00? |
你們覺得如何? | What did you guys think? |
有電話 我來接 | - Hey, the phone. - I got it. I got it. |
等一下,是你媽媽打來的 | Hold on. It's your mom. |
是他媽媽打來的 真的是太棒了 | - It's Mommy. - That's nice. |
媽,你覺得如何? | Ma. So, what did you think? |
喔… | Well... |
還好啦 | ...that was okay. |
它不是最棒的 | It wasn't the best. |
那是我看過最爛的東西 | That was one of the worst things ever... |
不光指的電視裡播的 | ...and not just on TV. |
-我們該說什麼? -燈光還不錯 | - What should we say? - The lighting was okay. |
上次你已經說燈光不錯,這次輪到我了 | You got lighting last time. Lighting is mine. |
服裝是我的 | I have costumes. |
那我只能說: | That means I'm stuck with: |
“我們看到你在電視上出現 結果你就坐在這裡,哇” | "So we were watching you in there and you were sitting right here." |
你呢? 我不知道 | - What about you? - I don't know. |
我沒辦法再騙他,不,我…不 | I can't lie to him again. Oh, no, I... No. |
我要用我的胸部緊緊壓著他 | I'm just gonna press my breasts up against him. |
-什麼都不說? -沒錯 | - And say nothing? - Yeah, that's right. |
哇,我爸媽很喜歡我的表演 | My folks really liked it. |
你們有什麼看法? | What did you guys think? |
沒那麼好吧 | It wasn't that good. |
Friends S07E04 瑞秋的助理 | The One With Rachel's Assistant |
你認為你最喜歡的動物能代表你嗎?(與“說關於你的事情”同詞) | Do you think that your favorite animal says much about you? |
你是指它們背著我說我的壞話? | You mean behind my back? |
你們一定不會相信,今天我發生了什麼事 | You'll never believe what happened to me today. |
我坐在辦公室裡… 大家聽我說 | - I am sitting in my office... - You guys! |
你們猜我的經紀人說什麼? | Guess what my agent just said? |
我正說話說到一半 | I'm in the middle of a story here. |
抱歉,你繼續說吧 | Sorry, you finish. |
我坐在辦公室裡,你們猜誰走了進來 | I'm sitting in my office, and guess who walks in. |
我要參加兩套電視劇的演出 | I'm gonna be on two TV shows. |
那真的是太棒了 | That's great. |
喬伊 你還沒有說完嗎? | - Joey. - You werert finished? |
對,我的故事只是“你們猜誰走進我的辦公室” | Yeah, "Guess who walks into my office" is my story. |
羅夫羅蘭走進我的辦公室 | Ralph Lauren walked into my office. |
如果你想說別的事至少讓我把我的事說完 | If you're starting another story, at least let me finish mine. |
我說的是同一件事 | It's the same story. |
哇,這件事還真長 | It's really long. |
羅夫走進來告訴我 他非常滿意我的工作表現 | Ralph just came in to tell me that he's so happy with my work... |
他要我擔任休閒衣服零售部的新銷售經理 | ...that he wants me to be the new merchandising manager for Polo retail. |
-買婚紗還有折扣嗎? -有啊 | - Still get a discount on wedding gowns? - Yeah. |
我為你感到高興 | I'm so happy for you. |
這真的是“我們的日子” | These really are the "days of our lives." |
-什麼? -哦,既然你們問起… | - What? - Well, since you ask... |
他們要我回去演《我們的日子》 | They want me back on Days of Our Lives. |
我得到大幅度加薪 | I get a big pay raise! |
嘿 | Oh, hey! |
我要飾演德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生的雙胞胎弟弟史崔克 | I'll be playing Drake Ramoray's twin brother, Stryker. |
我可以雇用專屬助理 | I get to hire my own assistant. |
我起來太快,現在頭很暈 | I got a head rush from standing up too fast. |
這份工作你做了四年? | You were at this job four years? |
-沒錯 -你的資歷非常棒,西爾達 | - That's right. - This is all very impressive, Hilda. |
我還要問你一個問題 | I just have one last question for you: |
我表現得如何? 還可以吧? | How did I do? Was this okay? |
-什麼? -我從來沒有面試過任何人 | - What? - I've never interviewed anyone. |
從來沒有人為我工作過 | I've never had anyone work for me. |
我小時候家裡有請傭人 但這完全不一樣 | When I was a kid we had a maid, but this isn't the same. |
沒錯,親愛的,的確不一樣 | No, dear, it's not. |
我知道 | And I know that. |
謝謝你來面試 | Well, thank you so much for coming in. |
-很高興能認識你 -我也是 | - Nice to meet you. - Good meeting you. |
好吧 | All right. |
我還真專業咧 | I'm a total pro. |
嗨 | Hello. |
嗨,對不起,模特兒面試在走廊盡頭的辦公室 | Hi, yes, I'm sorry. The models are down the hall. |
我來面試助理的工作 | I'm here about the assistant job. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
好吧,我知道了,請坐 | Okay, well, then, all right. Well, just have a seat there. |
你叫什麼名字? | So, what's your name? |
泰格鐘斯 | Tag Jones. |
繼續 | Go on. |
就這樣,那是我的全名 | That's it. That's my whole name. |
那是你的全名,當然 | That's your whole name. Of course it is. |
好了,我們來看一下 | Okay, let's just have a look-see here. |
我從來沒有做過辦公室工作 工作經驗不是很多… | I haven't worked in an office before. I don't have much experience... |
你在胡說什麼? 你當過三年油漆工… | What are you talking about? You got three years painting houses... |
有兩個暑假在星期五餐廳打工 | ...two whole summers at TGI Friday's. |
那些經驗很爛,我知道 | It's lame, I know. |
但我是目標導向的那種人,渴望學習… | But I'm a goal-oriented person, eager to learn... |
請等一下 | Just hold on a second, please. |
抱歉,這是人事部的要求,大家都得這麼做 能麻煩你站起來嗎? | It's for human resources. Everybody has to. Would you stand up? |
不 | No, no, no. |
嘿 | Hey. |
-總之我該走了 -好吧,再見 | - Anyway, I should go. - Okay. Bye. |
-嘿,親愛的 -嘿,甜心 | - Hey, sweetie. - Hi, sweetie. |
你們嘀嘀咕咕在說什麼? | What was with all the whispering? |
我不能告訴你,那是秘密 | I can't tell you. It's a secret. |
秘密? 夫妻不該有秘密的 | Secret? Married people aren't supposed to have secrets. |
我們深愛並且尊重彼此 | We love and respect one another too much. |
但我還是不能說 | But still, no. |
我們應該對彼此坦誠一些 我就不會對你隱藏秘密 | We should tell each other everything. I don't have secrets from you. |
真的嗎?告訴我羅斯在大三時在迪士尼樂園發生了什麼事 | Really? So tell me what happened to Ross junior year at Disneyland. |
不,我不能那麼做 | No, I can't do that. |
我會告訴你菲比說了什麼 | I'll tell you what Phoebe said. |
-好吧 -好的 | - Okay. - Okay. |
羅斯跟我一起去迪士尼樂園玩 | So Ross and I are going to Disneyland. |
我們在一家餐廳吃墨西哥卷餅 | We stop at this restaurant for tacos. |
事實上那只是一個傢伙改裝了他的車子開的路邊攤 | When I say "restaurant," I mean a guy, a hibachi and the trunk of his car. |
羅斯吃了十個墨西哥卷餅 | So Ross has about 10 tacos. |
總之我們在玩太空飛車時羅斯開始覺得不舒服 | Anyway, we're on Space Mountain and Ross starts to feel a little iffy. |
天啊,他吐了嗎? | Oh, my God. He threw up? |
不,他從另一邊把東西全拉了出來 | No, he visited a town a little south of throw up. |
-不 -沒錯 | - No. - Yeah. |
工作人員決定把公園重新命名為… | Some of the employees decided to rename the park... |
…“世界上最噁心的地方” | ...the "Crappiest Place on Earth." |
菲比有什麼秘密? | What was Phoebe's secret? |
菲比以前的按摩師同事南茜湯普森被開除了 | Nancy Thompson, from Phoebe's old massage place, is getting fired. |
就這樣? 我為了這件事說出迪士尼的秘密? | That's it? I gave up my Disneyland story for that? |
沒錯,你輸了,笨蛋 | That's right. You lose, sucker! |
請你還是要娶我 | Please still marry me. |
你有助理吧? | You have an assistant, right? |
她打電話來了嗎? | Did she call? |
你告訴她我病了吧? 每次都要說我生病了 | You told her I was sick, right? Always tell her I am sick. |
不,我只是不知道,你怎麼決定要雇用誰? | No, I just don't know, how do you decide who to hire? |
我把選擇範圍縮小到兩個人 | I have it down to two people. |
一個的推薦信很棒,經驗非常豐富 | One has great references and a lot of experience. |
-還有另一個傢伙 -他怎麼了? | - And then there's this guy... - What about him? |
我愛他 | I love him. |
他帥呆了,我真的好想哭 | He's so pretty I want to cry. |
我不知道該怎麼辦 | I don't know what to do. |
少來了,你知道自己該怎麼辦 你得雇用第一個人 | Come on, you know what to do. You hire the first one. |
別因為他長得帥就雇他當助理 你得考慮到他們的工作能力 | Don't hire assistants because they're cute. Do it because they're qualified. |
我知道了,你說的有道理 我可以再說一件事嗎? | I hear you. You make a lot of sense. Can I just say one more thing? |
他真的很帥 | Look how pretty. |
讓我看看 | Let me see. |
我的天啊 | Oh, my God. |
但還是不行 | Oh. But no. |
不,你不能雇用他 因為那麼做太不專業了 | No. You can't hire him, because it's not professional. |
這是給我的,對吧? | This is for me, yes? |
好吧,你說的對,明天我會雇用西爾達 | Okay, you're right. I'll hire Hilda tomorrow. |
那個又蠢又老,適合這份工作的西爾達 | Dumb, old, perfect-for-the-job Hilda. |
讓我瞧瞧 | Let me see. |
別讓莫妮卡看到照片 | Don't show this to Monica. |
並且別告訴她我說:“哇” | And don't tell her about the: |
-嗨,喬伊 -嗨,泰瑞 | - Hey, Joey. - Hey, Terry. |
-很高興能再跟你見面 -好久不見 | - Nice to see you again. - Been a while. |
真有趣,這裡的走廊看起來比以前小 | Funny, these halls look smaller than they used to. |
我們搬家了 | It's a different building. |
那麼… | So... |
史崔克雷莫瑞是吧? | ...Stryker Ramoray, huh? |
-我什麼時候開始? -何不現在就開始呢 | - When do I start? - How about right now? |
好吧 | Okay. |
這是試鏡的劇本 | Here are the audition scenes. |
我還以為你們決定讓我飾演那個角色 | I thought you were offering me the part. |
為什麼? | Why? |
我演過德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生 他是史崔克的雙胞胎哥哥 | I was Dr. Drake Ramoray, Stryker's twin brother. |
誰會比我長得更像我呢? | Who looks more like me than me, right? |
每個人都得參加試鏡 | Everybody has to audition. |
你知道的,泰瑞,我真的不需要這麼做 | You know, Terry, I don't really need to do this. |
我有自己的有線台電視劇… | I got my own cable TV series... |
跟機器人搭擋演出 | ...with a robot. |
對不起,喬伊,這是規定 | I'm sorry, Joey. That's the way it is. |
那麼… | Well... |
我猜你以為你很特別 | ...I guess you think you're pretty special. |
你坐在漂亮的小辦公室裡… | Sitting up here in your fancy, small-halled building... |
要大明星在你面前試鏡 | ...making stars jump through hoops for you. |
你知道嗎? | Well, you know what? |
我就是那個大明星… | This is one star whose hoop... |
我就是試演的… 大明星試演… | This is the star the hoop... This hoop... |
我是德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生 | I was Dr. Drake Ramoray! |
泰格,你在這裡做什麼? | Hi, Tag. What are you doing here? |
我來謝謝你,昨天沒當著我的面笑我 | I came to thank you for not laughing in my face yesterday. |
我注意到你辦公室裡沒有植物 所以就幫你帶盆植物過來 | I noticed there aren't any plants, so I brought you your first... |
你辦公室裡有植物 | There is a plant in your office. |
可以那麼說 | Kind of. |
-昨天沒有的,對吧? -沒錯 | - And that was there yesterday, wasn't it? - Yeah. |
同時我還買了那盆 | I got it the same time I got that one. |
對 | Right. |
我猜我不應該在 履歷表上寫著“注意力敏銳” | So I guess I shouldn't put "good at noticing stuff" on my resume. |
-謝謝 -總之… | - Thank you. - Anyway... |
我猜你錄取了別人 | ...l'm guessing you hired somebody. |
那個嘛… | Well... |
我猜中了 | Gotcha. |
謝謝你願意面試我 | Thanks again for meeting with me. |
但我錄取了你 | But I hired you. |
-什麼? -對,你得到了這份工作 | - What? - Yeah, you got the job. |
-你是我的新助理 -真的嗎? | - You're my new assistant. - I am? |
對 | Yeah. |
-我不敢相信 -我也是 | - I can't believe it. - Me either. |
-瑞秋,太感謝你了 -抱抱 | - Rachel, thank you so much. - Oh, big hug. |
-真的? -不,握手 | - Really? - No, handshake. |
好了,開始工作吧 | Okay, let's get started. |
首先我要你到樓下… | First, I need you to go downstairs... |
找一個叫西爾達的女人,要她回家去 | ...find a woman named Hilda and tell her to go home. |
嗨 太好了,你回來了 | - Hey. - Hey, good, you're home. |
我想這要比聽到“該死,又是你”還好 | Always nicer to hear than, "Oh, crap, you again." |
甜心,我幫你準備了一個大驚喜 | Hey, sweetie. I made you a surprise. |
-是嗎? -對,墨西哥卷餅 | - Oh, yeah? - Yeah, tacos. |
聽完那個故事後 我一直都想吃墨西哥卷餅 | Ever since that story I've had such a craving for them. |
你聽不懂那個故事嗎? | Did you not understand the story? |
嗨 嗨,有什麼事嗎? | - Hey. - Hey, what's up? |
沒事,我只是想知道晚餐要吃什麼? | Nothing. Just figuring out what to do for dinner. |
嘿,那是什麼? 晚餐嗎? 你在做晚餐? | Hey, what's that? Dinner stuff? You making dinner? |
不 | No. |
那是什麼? 墨西哥卷餅嗎? | What's over there? Tacos? |
不 | No. No. |
它們只是牛肉包大餅 | They're just... They're ground beef smileys. |
那是墨西哥卷餅 | Those are tacos. |
失陪一下,墨西哥先生 | Excuse me, Mr. Mexico. |
沒關係,我不吃了,我還是不敢吃那玩意 | Either way, I'll pass. Still can't eat those. |
什麼事那麼好笑? | What's so funny? |
我沒有笑 | I'm not laughing. |
你跟她說了 | You told her! |
南茜湯普森被開除了 | Nancy Thompsors getting fired. |
好吧,那時我食物中毒 我不是故意要那麼做 | Okay, okay. I had food poisoning. It's not like I chose to do it! |
我又沒有說“該怎麼做才會更好玩呢?” | It's not like I said, "What would make this ride more fun?" |
對,你說的對,抱歉,我不該笑的 | Right. You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be laughing. |
我應該幫你先鋪好紙 | I should be laying down papers for you. |
-你怎麼可以? -我非說不可,我們要結婚了 | - How could you? - I had to. We're getting married. |
夫妻不該有秘密 | Married couples can't keep secrets. |
我猜莫妮卡應該知道在亞特蘭大發生的事 | I guess Monica should know about Atlantic City. |
兄弟 | Dude! |
-發生了什麼事? -錢德跟我在酒吧裡 | - What happened? - Chandler and I are in a bar... |
你沒有聽到我說“兄弟”嗎? | Did you not hear me say, "Dude!"? |
有個女孩跟錢德拋媚眼 | ...and this girl is making eyes at Chandler. |
他走過去,一兩分鐘後我看到他們在接吻 | So he goes over to her and after a minute or two I see them kissing. |
你不會覺得他是那種會在酒吧裡泡女人的男人 | Now, you're thinking "He's not the type to go to bars and make out with girls." |
你是對的,他的確不是那種… | And you're right. He's not the type... |
在酒吧裡泡女人的男人 | ...to go to bars and make out with girls. |
你跟男人接吻? | You kissed a guy? |
我的天啊 | Oh, my God! |
我得為自己辯駁,那時很暗而且他長得很漂亮 | In my defense, it was dark and he was a very pretty guy. |
莫,我笑得很大聲… | Oh, Mon, I laughed so hard... |
你笑到又拉了一褲子? | So hard we had to throw out your underwear again? |
隨便你,兄弟,你吻了男人 | Whatever, dude. You kissed a guy. |
喬伊,你認為你最喜歡的動物會常說起你嗎? | Joey, do you think your favorite animal says a lot about you? |
不,因為山羊不會說話 | No, because goats can't talk. |
嗨 嗨 | - Hi. - Hey. |
西爾達工作的還好吧? | How's Hilda working out? |
哦,我的新助理工作的很好,沒錯 | Oh, my new assistant is working out. Yes. |
她很高興能夠得到這份工作嗎? | She happy she got the job? |
我的新助理非常高興 我雇用了我的新助理 | My new assistant was very happy that I hired my new assistant. |
喂 | Hello. |
嘿,你能等一下嗎? | Oh, hey! Can you hang on a second? |
是《麥克與吉事》的製作人打來的 請允許我失陪一下 | It's the producers at Mac and Cheese, if you'll excuse me for a minute. |
我沒想到你會打來 我正在看下星期的劇本 | Hey, funny you should call. I was just looking over next week's script. |
取消了 | Canceled! |
他們不播了? | Like they're taking it off the air? |
好吧,星期一見 | All right. I'll see you Monday. |
不再拍了? | We're not even shooting them anymore? |
好吧,再見 | All right. Bye. |
他們取消了《麥克與吉事》 | They canceled Mac and Cheese! |
-我很遺憾 -我真的很遺憾,喬伊 | - Sorry. - Sorry, Joey. |
他們為什麼要那麼做? 那套戲很棒,對吧? | Why would they do that? It was a good show, right? |
你想說秘密嗎? 好吧,念大學時… | You want to tell secrets? Okay. In college... |
羅斯都會穿暖腿褲 | ...Ross used to wear leg warmers. |
好吧,錢德參加模仿香草冰(白人說唱樂手)大賽還拿到了冠軍 | All right, Chandler entered a Vanilla Ice look-alike contest and won. |
羅斯得了第四名,抱頭痛哭 | Ross came in fourth and cried! |
-我只是眼淚湧出而已 -我的天啊 | - I welled up. - Oh, my God! |
那很好笑嗎? 你覺得很好笑嗎? | Oh, is that funny? You find that funny? |
或許錢德也應該知道你的秘密 | Maybe Chandler should know your secrets too. |
我已經告訴他一切了,你給我閉嘴 | I already told him everything. You shush! |
有一次她被罰不准吃晚餐… | Once she was sent to bed without dinner... |
結果她吃掉了她用義大利面做的珠寶盒 | ...so she ate the macaroni off a jewelry box she'd made. |
羅斯每個星期六晚上都待在家裡看《黃金女郎》 | Ross stayed home every Saturday night to watch Golden Girls. |
莫妮卡到十三歲才會看時間 | Monica couldn't tell time until she was 13. |
有些人就是學不會 | It's hard for some people! |
那當然 | Of course it is. |
哇 | Wow. |
-錢德曾穿我的內褲去上班 -嘿 | - Chandler wore my underwear to work once! - Hey! |
對不起,我想不出來羅斯還有什麼糗事 | I'm sorry, I couldn't think of any more for Ross. |
在大學時有一次錢德喝醉了… | In college, Chandler got drunk... |
他跟打掃房間的清潔工上床 | ...and slept with the lady who cleaned our dorm. |
那是你 | That was you. |
隨便,兄弟,你吻了男人 | Whatever, dude. You kissed a guy. |
真不敢相信! | I can't believe this! |
《麥克和吉事》是好電視 | Mac and Cheese was a great show. |
麥克教吉事唱民歌那段怎麼樣? 說啊! | How about that scene where Mac teaches Cheese how to yodel? Come on! |
我很喜歡那段 | Yeah, I actually liked that part. |
這種事怎麼會發生在我身上? | How could this happen to me? |
昨天我演出兩套電視劇 今天我什麼都沒有 | Yesterday I had two TV shows. Today I got nothing. |
等一下,《我們的日子》呢? | Wait a minute, what happened to Days of our Lives? |
他們有點生我的氣 | Well, they might be a little mad at me over there. |
發生了什麼事? | What happened? |
或許我有點太囂張 我告訴他們該怎麼做 | Well, maybe I got a little upset, and maybe I told them where they could go. |
喬伊,你為什麼要那麼做? | Joey, why would you do that? |
因為他們要我試鏡 | Because! They wanted me to audition. |
你?作為一個演員?那麼做太過份了 | You? An actor? That's madness! |
瑞秋格林辦公室 | Rachel Greers office. |
泰格 | Tag. |
嗨,誰打電話找我? | Hi, who was that? |
沒有人,我只是在練習 | Nobody. I was just practicing. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
-嗨 -嗨,瑞秋格林辦公室 | - Hi. - Hi, Rachel Greers office. |
你一定是西爾達 | You must be Hilda. |
他是泰格,這位是菲比 菲比,你能進來一下嗎? | He's Tag. This is Phoebe. Phoebe, can I see you for a sec? |
菲比 | Phoebe. |
-這個名字很不錯 -你喜歡嗎? | - That's a great name. - Oh, you like that? |
-你應該聽聽我的電話號碼 -好吧,我們馬上回來 | - You should hear my phone number. - Okay. We'll be right back. |
你為了自己雇用那個大帥哥,對吧? | So you hired yourself a little treat, did you? |
你知道這樣看起來像什麼 但是我要告訴你… | I know how it looks, but I am telling you... |
你不能勾搭你的助理 | You can't get involved with your assistant. |
我知道,我知道雇用他不是明智之舉 | I know that, and I know hiring him was not the smartest thing I've ever done. |
但從現在開始,我發誓我們之間是純公事 | But from now on, I swear this is strictly professional. |
-請進 -嘿,瑞秋 | - Yes. - Hey, Rachel. |
嗨 | Hi. |
你助理很帥,他有故事嗎? | Cute assistant. What's his story? |
-他是… -同性戀? 對 | - Is he... - Gay? Yeah. |
嘿,泰瑞 | Hey, Terry. |
喬伊崔比亞尼 | Joey Tribbiani. |
我很驚訝像你這樣的大人物會到我們的小辦公室來 | Surprised your big head could fit through our small halls. |
-我得走了,喬伊 -等一下,泰瑞,聽我說 | - I gotta go, Joey. - Wait, Terry! Look. |
之前的事我抱歉 | I'm really sorry about before. |
我是個白癡,以為自己很大牌根本不必試鏡 | I was an idiot, thinking I'm too big to audition for you. |
-再給我一次機會 -我辦不到 | - Give me another chance. - I can't. |
等一下,泰瑞,求求你 | Wait, Terry, please! |
聽著,我失去了我另一份工作 | Look, I just lost my other job, okay? |
你不知道我多需要這套戲 | You have no idea how much I need this. |
求你幫幫我 | Please, help me out. |
我們是老朋友了 | For old times' sake. |
這傢伙昏迷了五年,他已經沒希望了 | This guy's been in a coma for five years. It's hopeless. |
不會的,史崔克醫生擅長展現奇跡 | It's not. Dr. Stryker Ramoray is a miracle worker. |
他來了 | Here he comes. |
早安 | Good morning. |
德瑞克,我是你弟弟史崔克,你聽到了嗎? | Drake, it's your brother, Stryker. Can you hear me? |
停 | And cut. |
我又回來了,寶貝 | I'm back, baby! |
我的解釋是… | You know, in my defense... |
義大利面上沒有珠寶而且我用的膠水很少 | ...there was no glitter on the macaroni and very little glue. |
我的解釋是那個清潔工勾引我 | And in my defense, the cleaning lady came on to me. |
-你現在看時間還有困難嗎? -不 | - Do you have trouble telling time now? - No. |
-快點,現在幾點了? -吻男人的時間到了嗎 | - Quick, what time is it? - Time to kiss a guy? |
你在笑什麼? 幫寶適(寶潔公司出品的尿布)寶寶 | What are you laughing at, Pampers? |
你知道我說夫妻… | You know when I said married people... |
應該分享一切,不可以有秘密嗎? | ...should share everything and not have any secrets? |
-怎麼了? -那太蠢了 我們千萬別那麼做 | - Yeah. - Yeah, that was stupid. Let's not do that. |
一點都沒錯 | Absolutely. |
-我作證 -謝謝,謝謝 | - I'm on board. - Thank you. Thank you. |
我們不該把彼此的秘密再告訴其他人 | We should keep the stuff we told each other secret from everyone else. |
一點都沒錯 | Yeah, definitely. |
好吧,對不起… | Okay. If you'll excuse me... |
我要跟不知道太空飛車事件的人去玩了 | ...l'm gonna hang out with people who don't know the Space Mountain story. |
-我建議你別去找菲比 -天啊 | - Then I'd steer clear of Phoebe. - Man! |
一點都沒錯,我也建議你別去找我同事 | Not that you would, but I wouldn't hang out with the guys at my office. |
嗨 | Hi. |
-你有空嗎? -當然,有什麼事嗎? | - Do you have a minute? - Sure. What's up? |
今天我吃午餐的時候 有兩個人想約我出去., | I got asked out twice today while I was at lunch... |
他們都是男人 | ...by guys. |
真的嗎? 對 | - Really? - Yeah. |
你告訴別人我是同性戀嗎? | Did you tell someone that I was gay? |
你不希望別人知道嗎? | Oh, did you not want people to know that? |
我不是同性戀 我特別不希望你以為我是同性戀 | I'm not gay. I especially wouldn't want you to think I was gay. |
為什麼? | Why is that? |
-我想我不該說的 -你說吧 | - I don't think I should say. - Oh, you can say. |
別這樣,我不希望你有事不告訴我 | Come on, I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me things. |
-好吧 -好吧 | - Okay. - Okay. |
-那個 -是的 | - Well... - Yeah. |
我想約你朋友菲比出去 | I'd love to ask out your friend Phoebe. |
是啊,她是同性戀 | Yeah, she's gay. |
-怎麼了? -搭地鐵時有人舔我的脖子 舔我的脖子 | - What's the matter? - Somebody on the subway licked my neck! |
威利還活著 | Willy's still alive! |
-你們在做什麼? -我媽打電話來 | - What are you guys doing? - My mom called. |
他們要登報通知親友,我們要訂婚了 | They're announcing our engagement in the paper. |
-我們要找一張很漂亮的合照 -恐怕那是不可能的事 | - We're looking for a good picture of us. - I'm afraid that does not exist. |
我們合拍了很多不錯的照片 | There are great pictures of us. |
不,你照的很好,但你旁邊的男人是這樣的 | No, there are great pictures of you standing next to a guy who's going like this: |
天啊,他就是在自由女神像旁跟你合照的怪胎 | - Oh, my God, That's the creep that you're with at the Statue of Liberty. |
我不知道這是怎麼一回事 我就沒辦法好好照相 | I don't know what it is. I just can't take a good picture. |
這一張很不錯 | Here's a great one. |
對,那一張沒有我 -沒錯,但我全身曬得黑亮 | - Yeah, I'm not in that. - No, but look at me, all tan. |
你們為什麼不請專業攝影師幫你們拍照呢? | Why don't you go get portraits done by a professional photographer? |
那是個好點子,我敢說他們一定有大風扇 | That's a great idea. I bet they have one of those wind machines. |
那的確很棒,真的那麼做的話錢德應該看起來不會這麼蠢 | Yeah, that's great. Next to that, Chandler won't look so stupid. |
-錢德,你覺得呢? -沒問題,但我不去 | - Chandler, what do you say? - All right, but I'm not going. |
“我”會去 | "I'm" going. |
Friends S07E05 訂婚照 | The One With The Engagement Picture |
兄弟,那一記反手投籃帥呆了 | Dude, that reverse lay-up. |
-那些三分球呢? -棒到不行 | - And how about those three-pointers? - Amazing. |
這次也是就差這麼一點那些傢伙就答應讓我們上場了 | And those guys were this close to letting us play this time too. |
你們看,菲比在跟咖啡廳帥哥說話 | Hey, look. Phoebe's talking to Cute Coffeehouse Guy. |
你叫他“咖啡廳帥哥”嗎? 我們叫他“邊尿邊哼歌先生” | You call him, "Cute Coffeehouse Guy"? We call him, "Hums While He Pees." |
對,我們叫羅斯“浴室裡的思考家” | Yes, and we call Ross, "Lingers in the Bathroom." |
大夥們“邊尿邊哼歌先生”剛剛約我出去 | Hey, you guys, Hums While He Pees just asked me out! |
-我以為他結婚了 -沒錯,但他正在辦離婚 | - I thought that guy was married. -He is, but he's getting divorced. |
羅斯,或許你認識他 | Ross, maybe you know him. |
這又不是俱樂部 | It's not a club. |
如果他正在辦離婚 你覺得跟他約會適當嗎 | If he's getting a divorce, is it such a good idea to date him? |
-離婚男人不是壞男人 -他們把那句話印在俱樂部的紙巾上 | - Hey, divorced men are not bad men. - They have that on the napkins at the club. |
-我得回去上班了 -你還可以休息半小時 | - I gotta get back to work. - You don't have to be back for a half-hour. |
我的助理泰格午餐時間時會在辦公室做仰臥起坐 | My assistant, Tag, does sit-ups in the office during lunch. |
我真想把他攤在餅乾裡 | I could just spread him on a cracker. |
你在暗戀他,為什麼還要雇用他? | You have a crush on him, why would you hire him? |
-你知道你不能跟他約會對吧? -對,我知道 | - You know you can't date him, right? - Oh, no, I know that. |
我們開玩笑說,因為我們常常在一起… | We made a joke that we spend so much time together... |
他應該叫我“工作上的太大” | ...he should call me, his "work-wife." |
很快的他就可以叫你“那個被開除的女人” | Soon he'll be able to call you, "that lady he knew that got fired." |
我不會被開除,因為我不會採取行動 | I'm not gonna get fired, because I'm not gonna act on it. |
你不會介意他跟別人約會吧? | You wouldn't mind if he was dating someone else? |
怎麼了? 他有嗎? 他有,對吧? 他跟行銷部那個蕩婦約會 | Why, is he? He is, isn't he?He's dating that slut in marketing. |
或許我該成立一個離婚男子俱樂部 | Maybe I should open a divorced mers club. |
兄弟,那太慘了 | Dude, that's so sad. |
我會在後院設一個籃球場 | I could put a basketball court in the back. |
我能玩嗎? | Could I play? |
你今天不做仰臥起坐嗎? 泰格 | Oh, no sit-ups today, Tag? |
-我剛剛做完 -再做十下吧 | - I just did them. - Well, drop and give me 10 more. |
什麼? | What? |
我午餐喝了酒 | I had a drink with lunch. |
-成本報告送過來了嗎? -我昨晚就已經歸檔了 | - Did those cost reports come in? - I filled them out last night. |
麻煩你幫我影印四份 | Could you make me four copies? |
-沒問題 -太棒了,謝謝你 | - Sure. - Great, thank you. |
-嗨,瑞秋 -嗨,梅麗莎 有什麼事嗎? | - Hey, Rachel. - Hi, Melissa. What's up? |
我正好要去購物 | I'm just about to go out to the store. |
買些東西放進我的背包裡 | Get some stuff to put in my backpack. |
水果乾,速食麥片,大概就是那一類的東西 | Dried fruit, and granola and stuff like that. |
-有什麼事嗎? -泰格在嗎? | - What's up? - Is Tag here? |
他不在,怎麼了? | No. Why? |
我來問他,今晚要不要跟我出去 | I was gonna talk to him about tonight. |
真的嗎? 你喜歡泰格,對吧? | Really? You got a little crush on Tag there, do you? |
我們一直都在眉來眼去的… | We've been flirting back and forth... |
但我希望今晚事情能有點進展 | ...but I was hoping tonight it would turn into something a little more than that. |
別急,梅麗莎,這裡不是更衣室 | Easy there, Melissa. This ain't a locker room, okay. |
但我記得他說過,今晚他已經有約了 | But, you know, I remember him saying that he had plans tonight. |
-不 -沒錯 | - Oh, no. - Oh, yeah. |
好吧,快回去工作 | All right, back to work. |
那不是泰格的背包嗎? | Hey, isn't that Tag's backpack? |
我不想當辦公室的臭女人 但我會打電話給你主管 | I don't want to be known as the office bitch, but I'll call your supervisor. |
太棒了,非常不錯,莫妮卡 | Great, that's great, Monica. Great. |
好了,錢德,你能笑一個嗎? | Now, Chandler, you want to give us a smile? |
好吧 | Okay. |
-對不起,那張椅子很不舒服嗎? -不,是我很不舒服 | - I'm sorry, is the seat uncomfortable? - No, I am. |
錢德,我知道你辦得到,你笑起來很帥 | Chandler, I know you can do this. You have a beautiful smile. |
-是嗎? -沒錯 | - I do? - Yeah. |
或許你不必笑,我們來試試別的點子 | Maybe you don't have to smile.Let's try something else. |
-試著表現出性感的樣子 -好吧 | - Try looking sexy. - Okay. |
還是不要吧 | Or not. |
喬伊,你在這裡做什麼? | Hi, Joey, what are you doing here? |
我要在街尾試鏡 結果醬汁沾到衣服上了 | I got an audition down the street, and I spilled sauce on my shirt. |
-你有多餘的襯衫嗎? -當然有 | - You got an extra one? - Yeah, sure. |
拿去吧 | Here. |
太棒了 | Great. |
你有除了羅夫羅蘭外其他品牌的衣服嗎? | You got anything that's not Ralph Lauren? |
應該沒有,喬伊 | Yeah, I don't think so, Joe. |
我猜這件應該可以 | I guess this'll be fine. |
-你今晚要做什麼? -沒事,怎麼了? | - What are you doing tonight? - Nothing. Why? |
你要不要帶我的助理泰格出去玩? 我付錢 | How would you feel about taking out my assistant, Tag? I'll pay. |
要我跟男人出去約會,可得付我一大筆錢 | It's gonna take a lot of money for me to go out on a date with a dude. |
我不是要你跟他約會 | I'm not asking you to go on a date with him. |
真的嗎? 因為我真的很缺錢 | Really? Because I could kind of use the money. |
他剛搬到這裡來 我知道他沒有男性朋友 | He's new in town, and I know he doesn't have any guy friends. |
帶他去看球賽或做別的事 我會非常感激你 | Take him to a ball game or something.I'd really appreciate it. |
-好的,沒問題 -謝謝你 | - Yeah, okay, no problem. - Thank you. |
是甜甜圈 | Ooh, hey, doughnuts! |
你有紅襯衫嗎? | You got a red shirt? |
我知道,我們來試試看… | I know. Let's try a look... |
出神的表情 | ...of far-off wonderment. |
凝視我們的未來 想想我們的婚姻跟以後的日子 | Gaze into our future, and think about our marriage and the days to come. |
錢德,你的臉到底是怎麼了? | Chandler, what is the matter with your face? |
這張照片應該要表達“蓋勒和賓要結婚”的... | This picture should say, "Geller and Bing to be married,"... |
不是“英勇女市民救了快淹死的混蛋” | ...not, "Local woman saves drowning moron." |
嘿,別笑他 這個快淹死的混蛋是我的 | Hey, don't laugh at him. He's my drowning moron. |
對了,就是這樣,快拍下來 | That's it, that's it! Take it, take it! |
我喜歡這一張 | I like this one. |
它似乎是在說:“我愛你,所以我要殺了你” | It seems to say, "I love you and that's why I have to kill you." |
不會全部都那麼糟啦 | Can't all be bad. |
找那張你裝出睡眼蓬鬆的照片 | Find the one where you make your bedroom eyes. |
找到了 | There it is. |
我的天啊,這就是我睡眼蓬鬆的樣子? | Oh, my God, those are my bedroom eyes? |
你為什麼要跟我上床? | Why did you ever sleep with me? |
你真的想提這件事情嗎? | Do you really want to pull at that thread? |
-我真的玩得很開心 -我也是 | - I'm really having a good time. - Me too. |
很抱歉地鐵裡那個傢伙舔了你的脖子 | Sorry that guy on the subway licked your neck. |
不,沒關係,他是我們的朋友 | No, that's okay. He's a friend. |
恕我冒昧… | I don't mean to be presumptuous... |
但我有明天國際標準舞總決賽的門票 | ...but I have tickets to the ballroom-dancing finals tomorrow. |
對,我… | Yeah, I... |
我沒有看半決賽,我想我會看不懂 | Well, I missed the semifinals, so I think I would just be lost. |
我知道那真的很無聊 但這些票是我的老闆… | I know that it's really lame, but I got these tickets from my boss... |
哦,不,我的天啊 | Oh, no, no, no, my God! |
好了,別大驚小怪,我去就是 | Okay, don't freak out. I'll go. |
是我的前妻惠特妮 | It's my ex-wife, Whitney. |
我現在沒辦法面對她 那個女人瘋了 | I cannot deal with her now. That woman is crazy. |
好吧,我知道,等一下 | Okay, I know. Hold on. |
-嘿,羅斯 -什麼事? | - Hey, Ross. - Yeah. |
凱爾的前妻惠特妮就在外面 | That's Whitney, Kyle's ex-wife, out there. |
你可以把她誘開讓我們脫身嗎? | Do you think you could divert her so we could slip out? |
什麼? 不 | What? No. |
好吧,但我有兩張國際標準舞總決賽的門票 | Okay, but I have two tickets to the ballroom-dance finals. |
我想還是不要吧,菲比 | I don't think so, Pheebs. |
好吧,我願意 | All right, I'll do it. |
但那只是因為你是我的朋友 好吧 | - But just because you're a friend. - Okay. |
嗨,琴吉(琴吉·羅傑斯-歌舞片中的舞王) | Hi, Ginger. |
我要拿回我的鑰匙 | I want my key back. |
-我沒拿 -鑰匙就在那裡 | - I don't have it. - It's right there. |
好吧,大偵探福爾摩斯 | Okay, Sherlock. |
對不起,但你最好快點離開,菲比 | I'm sorry, but you'd better go, Pheebs. |
我只是要謝謝你幫我們誘開凱爾的前妻 | I just wanted to thank you, though, for diverting Kyle's ex. |
別客氣,待會再談 | You're welcome. We'll talk about it later. |
-嗨,惠特妮 -嗨,羅斯 | - Hi, Whitney. - Hi, Ross. |
-你準備好要去吃早餐了嗎? -是的 | - Are you ready for breakfast? - Yep. |
凱爾的前妻? 你應該要誘開她不是跟她約會 | Kyle's ex-wife? You were supposed to divert her, not date her. |
你能不能等我一下? 我得跟這個女人談一談... | Can you give me a second while I talk to this woman... |
而且,她沒有在這裡過夜 | ...who, by the way, did not spend the night? |
-沒問題 -好吧 | - Sure. - Okay. |
我的確誘開她了 後來我們玩得很開心,好嗎 | I did divert her, and we ended up having a great time, okay? |
你們一起去看標準舞比賽? | Watching ballroom dancing? |
對,那時我們發現事實上我們都酷呆了 | Yes, that's where we realized we were both super-cool people. |
聽著,凱爾告訴我她有些很差勁的缺點 | Look, Kyle just told me some really bad stuff about her. |
-譬如說呢? -譬如說她很無情… | - Like what? - Like she's really mean... |
她喜歡吹毛求疵… | ...and she's overly critical and... |
她會不經過你的同意 把房間漆成很明亮的顏色 | She will paint a room a really bright color without even checking with you. |
好吧 | Okay. |
她還會把性當成武器 | And she uses sex as a weapon. |
謝謝你的警告 | Thank you for warning me. |
吃早餐時我會注意油漆跟性武器 | At breakfast, I'll be on alert for room painting and sex weapons. |
-你還是要跟她約會? -對 | - You're still gonna go out with her? - Yeah. |
你沒有聽到剛剛我說的話嗎? | Well, didn't you hear what I just said? |
菲比,少來了,你的消息來源有問題 | Pheebs, come on. I mean, consider the source. |
她的前夫當然會那麼說,請你離開 | Of course her ex-husband's gonna say that stuff Now, if you'll excuse me. |
聽我說,她瘋了 | Listen to me, she is crazy! |
你的門沒有隔音功能 | Your door isn't soundproof. |
看到了吧? 沒什麼東西可以滿足她 | You see? Nothing is good enough for her. |
-對不起 -他不在! | - Excuse me. - He's not here! |
天哪,你們沒有其他事好做了嗎… | My God, do you people have nothing better to do... |
…就會跑進我的辦公室偷看我的助手 | ...than to traipse into my office and just gawk at my assistant. |
我是樓上的艾米麗 | I'm Emily from upstairs. |
蘇珊還在住院,我來籌錢給她送花 | Susars still in the hospital, and I'm collecting money to send her flowers. |
天哪,對不起,好的,沒問題 | Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. Okay. Yes, of course. |
都拿去吧,代我向艾米麗問好 | Just take it all. Take it all. And please, please, give my best to Emily. |
我就是艾米麗 | I'm Emily. |
沒錯.不,我是指… | Yeah. No, I meant... |
…你說的那個人 | ...the other one that you said. |
-早安 -嗨,泰格 | - Morning. - Hi, Tag. |
-昨晚你跟喬伊玩得開心嗎? -對,我們去看尼克隊比賽 | - Did you have fun with Joey last night? - Yeah, we went to the Knicks game. |
那真的太棒了 | That's nice. |
然後我們去酒吧玩 他幫我們泡上好多女人 | Then we went to a bar, and he hooked us up with all these women. |
女人? 你是說老女人? | Women? You mean, like old women? |
有點老,大概30歲 | Kind of old, like 30. |
我以前沒辦法在酒吧裡跟女人聊天… | I never used to be able to just talk to girls in bars... |
但昨晚我就拿到了二十個電話號碼 | ...but I got like 20 phone numbers last night. |
那真的是太棒了 | That's great. |
喬伊真的教會你一些事 | Joey must have really taught you some stuff. |
一點吧 | A little. |
你好嗎? | How you doing? |
看吧? 那個笑容非常燦爛 放輕鬆,自然一點 | See? That's a great smile. Easy, natural. |
現在假裝我手上拿了照相機 | Now pretend I have a camera. |
-你的笑容變了 -我控制不了自己 | - You're changing it. - I can't help it. |
你想知道,我都是怎麼拍簡歷照的嗎? | You want to know what I do when I take resume shots? |
跟我借錢拍的? | Borrow money from me? |
對,好吧,首先你得裝出自然的樣子 | Yeah. Okay, first of all, you want to make it look spontaneous. |
我都是這麼做的 我會低頭,低頭,繼續低頭 | So here's what I do. I look down, look down, keep looking down. |
然後抬頭 | Then I look up. |
看到沒? 現在你來試試看 | See? Now you try. |
低頭,低頭,繼續低頭 | Look down. You're looking down. Keep looking down. |
你的鞋子上為什麼會有果醬? | Why is there jelly on your shoe? |
我吃了甜甜圈 | I had a doughnut. |
聽說昨晚你跟泰格玩得很開心 | So I heard you had some fun with Tag last night. |
對,那傢伙還不錯 | Yeah, that guy's all right. |
對,你很高興教他怎麼當“喬伊” | Yeah, and you had fun teaching him how to be all "Joey." |
什麼? 你知道的,女人 | - What? - You know, all the women. |
你沒辦法教別人怎麼泡女人 | You can't teach someone to be good with women. |
所以我跟錢德出去老是泡不到女人 | That's why I never had any luck with Chandler. |
我在這裡耶 | I'm right here. |
你能不能別再跟他一起出去? | Would you mind just not going out with him again? |
就是你跟他一起去泡女人… | Just the idea of you, and he, and all these women... |
我知道他是我的助理 我不能跟他約會 | I know he's my assistant, and I can't date him! |
但這真的讓我很困擾,好嗎? | But it just bothers me, all right? |
不,你不能搶走他 | No, no, no, you can't take him away from me. |
我終於找到一個可以跟我一起去泡女人的拍擋 | I got a great partner to pick up girls with. Finally! |
我還在這裡耶 | I'm still right here. |
至少你可以跟他談一談… | Will you at least talk to him... |
告訴他跟一大堆女人約會既空虛又得不到滿足 | ...and tell him how hollow and unsatisfying this dating-tons-of-women thing is? |
什麼? | What? |
在我結束對他的暗戀之前 我不要他跟任何人約會 | I just don't want him to meet anybody until I'm over my crush. |
我會忘記他的 | And I will get over it. |
我並不愛他,那只是肉體上的吸引力 | It's not like I love him. It's just physical. |
我常常這樣暗戀男人 剛認識你時我就暗戀過你 | I get crushes like this all the time. I had a crush on you at first. |
我知道,莫妮卡跟我說過 | I know. Monica told me. |
我們剛認識時你暗戀過我嗎? | Did you have a crush on me when we first met? |
對,有啊 | Yeah, sure. |
難道你們就是看不到我嗎? | Can you people not see me? |
你能跟他談談嗎? | Will you talk to him? |
-我不知道,瑞秋 -我會送你十件羅夫羅蘭的襯衫 | - I don't know, Rach. - I'll give you 10 free Ralph Lauren shirts. |
一件 | One. |
不,十件,你說十件,你不能反悔 | No, 10. You said 10. You can't take that back. |
你有事要跟我談? | You wanted to talk to me? |
我不知道,你拿了東西來給我嗎? | I don't know. You got something for me? |
對,這是瑞秋要給你的 | Yeah, this is from Rachel. |
十件,好吧 | Ten. Okay. |
泰格,跟太多女人約會是不好的 | Tag, there's such a thing as too many women. |
-真的? -對你來說是的 | - Really? - Yeah, for you. |
嘿,要大風扇的話需要花多少錢? | Hey, how much would it cost to get a big fan in here? |
-嘿,你來了 -我來了 | - Hey, there you are- There I am. |
-你沒事吧? -沒事,喬伊說我需要放輕鬆 | - You okay? - Yeah, Joey said I needed to relax. |
他給我吃抗組胺藥 | So he gave me an antihistamine. |
什麼? | What? |
我搭地鐵時睡著了 結果到了布魯克林 | I fell asleep on the subway and went to Brooklyn. |
布魯克林好遠 | Brooklyn is far. |
你在想什麼? | What were you thinking? |
別擔心,因為現在我知道要怎麼拍照了 | But don't worry, because I know how to take a picture now. |
好了,看吧,低頭 | Okay, see. Look down. |
低頭 | Look down. |
低頭 | Look down. |
-錢德 -什麼事? | - Chandler? - Yeah? |
-嗨 -嗨 | - Hi. - Hi. |
你跟瘋婆子還好吧? 她把你的兔子拿去煮了嗎? | How are things going with Crazy? Has she cooked your rabbit yet? |
聽著,你只聽到片面之詞,好嗎? | Listen, you are hearing one side of the story. Okay? |
還有,她拿了二十份油漆樣本給凱爾看… | FYI, she must have shown Kyle over 30 paint samples... |
之後她才動手漆房間 | ...before she painted that room. |
他對每一份樣本的反應是“我一點都不在乎” | And his response to each one was, "I don't give a tiny rat's ass." |
或許她該少花點時間在裝潢上... | Maybe she should have spent a little less time decorating... |
多花一點時間在臥室裡 | ...and a little more time in the bedroom. |
我想我們不會有那樣的問題… | I don't think we are going to have that problem... |
但或許那是因為我不會吝於付出感情 | ...but maybe that's just because I am not emotionally unavailable. |
你認為他吝於付出感情? | You think he's emotionally unavailable? |
我想有那個可能 | I think he can be. |
如果她沒有… | Maybe he wouldn't be... |
每晚把公事帶回家做 或許他就不會那樣子 | ...if she didn't bring the office home every night. |
你得原諒她,知道該怎麼面對她的生活 | Excuse her for knowing what she wants to do with her life. |
她的確知道,她在1997年除夕做了什麼? | Well, she certainly knew what she was doing New Year's Eve, 1997. |
我就知道你會那麼說 | I knew you were going to throw that in my face! |
那是三年前的事,她一再地道歉 | That was three years ago. She apologized and apologized. |
你還想怎麼樣? | What more do you want? |
我們要找回六年的時光 | We want the last six years back! |
我們也是,我們也是 | So do we! So do we! |
很抱歉讓你們看這一幕 | I'm sorry you had to see that. |
-早安,瑞秋 -嗨 | - Morning, Rachel. - Hi. |
昨晚你做了什麼? | Hey, so, what'd you do last night? |
-我跟喬伊出去 -是嗎? | - Went out with Joey. - Yeah? |
你們又去泡妞了? | Another night of bird-dogging the chicas? |
不,我們坐下來長談 | No, we had a really good talk. |
我想我不會再去酒吧泡女人了 | I don't think I'm gonna do that bar scene anymore. |
我沒想到你會那麼說 | Wow, I did not see that coming. |
那不是真正的我 | It's just not really who I am. |
我一直都很快樂,當…我為什麼要告訴你這件事 | I've always been happier when... Why am I telling you this? |
-你不會關心這種事 -不,我很關心 | - You don't care about this stuff. - Yes, I do. |
剛剛你說“我一直都很快樂,當…” | You were saying, "I'm happier when I..." |
當我談戀愛時 | When I'm in a relationship. |
-我喜歡女朋友陪在身邊 -真的嗎? | - I love having a girlfriend. - Really? |
我可以好好寵愛她 | Someone I can spoil, you know. |
寵愛? | Spoil? |
我要問你一件事 | Let me ask you something. |
你相信我們都在尋找另一半嗎? | Do you believe there's one perfect person for everyone? |
我開始相信了 | I'm starting to. |
如果那人已經出現在你生命中 你應該努力去爭取嗎? | If that persors in your life, should you do something about it? |
對,當然 | Yes. Hell, yes. |
好吧,那麼我就安心了 | All right, then, it's settled. |
-我要跟我前女友複合 -我願意 | - I'm getting back together with my ex. - I would love to! |
什麼? | What? |
喂? | Hello? |
我應該會談上一陣子,對不起 | This is gonna be a while. Excuse me. |
對 | Yeah. |
對 | Yeah. |
我的天啊 | My God! |
對不起,吵到你了嗎? | Oh, I'm sorry. Is that annoying? |
說到在床上很自私,惠特妮還好嗎? | And speaking of being selfish in bed, how's Whitney? |
或許她不必在床上很自私… | Maybe she wouldn't have to be selfish in bed... |
如果另一個人知道哪裡是哪裡 | ...if someone else knew where everything was. |
他的確知道 | Oh, he knows. |
大部份啦 | For the most part. |
嘿,太好了,你們兩個都在 | Oh, hey. Good, you're both here. |
我們得談一談 | We kind of need to talk. |
-你們兩個在一起? -怎麼了? | - Both of you, together? - What's up? |
昨晚我到凱爾家拿一些東西… | Well, I went over to Kyle's last night to pick up a few things... |
我們回憶了一些往事 | ...and we got to reminiscing. |
幾乎談了一整個晚上… | We talked most of the night... |
我們明白,我們會這麼氣對方… | ...and realized the reason we're angry with each other... |
是因為我們還對彼此有感覺 | ...is because there are still feelings there. |
所以… | So... |
哦,快說吧,凱爾 | Oh, just say it, Kyle! |
我們要再試一次 | We're gonna try again. |
你不是說她愛抱怨常常要人注意她嗎? | What about her whining, and her constant need for attention? |
我會努力調整自己 | I'm gonna work on that. |
對,因為你很善變 | Right, because you're so capable of change. |
你知道的,他會邊尿邊哼歌 | You know, he hums when he pees. |
-我知道 -所以他都尿不准 但那不重要 | - I do know. - Makes him miss the bowl, but whatever. |
我們很抱歉 | We're so sorry. |
沒關係,我們不需要你們 我已經忘了這件事 | That's all right. We don't need you. I'm over it already. |
對,我根本一點都不在乎 | Yeah, and I don't even give a tiny rat's ass. |
我們得走了 | Yeah, we're gonna go. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
菲比,你沒有看錯她 | Pheebs, you were right about her. |
她的確試圖把性當成武器 | You know, she did try to use sex as a weapon. |
我的背真的好痛 | Yeah, I hurt my back a little. |
他做其他事時,也會哼歌 | You know, he hums while he does other stuff too. |
沒有他們,我們能過得更好 | We're better off without them. |
就算他們再分手 千萬別讓他加入你的傷心男子俱樂部 | Even if they break up again, you better not let him in your sad mers club. |
-是離婚男人俱樂部 -一樣(俚語:馬鈴薯的兩個讀音) | - Divorced men's club. - Po-tay-to, po-tah-to. |
菲比,我們不太說那個了 | You know, Pheebs, we don't talk that much anymore. |
是嗎 | Yeah. |
大家快來看 | Hey, guys, check it out. |
-我媽把報紙寄給我 -我們來瞧瞧 | - My mom sent me the paper. - Let's see it. |
-看起來不錯 -你們看起來很配 | - Oh, yeah, that looks good. - You make a very attractive couple. |
-對,我們是天生一對 -一點都沒錯 | - Yeah, we look great together. - We really do. |
好吧 | Okay. |
想像一下我們的孩子會是什麼模樣 | Imagine what our kids would look like. |
我們不必想像 | We don't have to imagine. |
我要娶她 | I'm marrying her. |
走著瞧吧 | We'll just see. |
我約你們來吃早午餐… | The reason I asked you to brunch... |
因為我一直在想伴娘的問題 | ...is because I've been thinking about my maid of honor. |
我的天啊,這一刻終於到了 | Oh, my God. This is it. Oh. |
我希望是你 | I hope it's you. |
-我希望是你 -我也是 | - I hope it's you. - Me too. |
首先,我非常愛你們 | First of all, I love you both so much. |
-你們對我來說都很重要 -廢話少說,到底是誰? | - You're both so important to me. - Blah, blah, blah. Who is it? |
我想,我們可以想出一個辦法… | I was thinking we could come up with a system... |
輪流當彼此的伴娘 | ...where we trade off being maid of honor. |
-假設菲比是我的伴娘... -太棒了 | - Hypothetically, if Phoebe were mine... - Yes! Oh. |
那只是假設 | Hypothetically. |
一樣啦 | Still. |
如果菲比是我的伴娘 瑞秋是菲比的伴娘,我是瑞秋的伴娘 | If Phoebe were mine.Rachel would be Phoebe's, I'd be Rachel's. |
我們都可以當伴娘,沒有人會難過 | We all get to do it and no one gets upset. |
-那是個好主意 -我同意,誰會是你的伴娘 | - That's a pretty good idea. - I'll do that. So, who's yours? |
那是最棒的部分,你們得決定誰是我的伴娘 | Well, that's the best part. You guys get to decide. |
-為什麼那是最棒的? -這樣我就不必決定了 | - Why is that the best part? - I don't have to. |
當然我們會幫你決定,我們會盡力幫你 | Of course we'll help you decide. We'll do anything we can to help you. |
我想要舉杯 | I'd like to make a toast. |
敬未來的錢德賓太太… | To the future Mrs. Chandler Bing... |
我最好的朋友跟最棒的… | ...my best friend and truly one of the nicest people that... |
-我真的還沒有決定 -好吧 | - Really not deciding. - Fine. |
對不起,我不是故意要偷聽的 | Excuse me, I couldn't help overhearing. |
-你要嫁給錢德賓? -對 | - You're marrying Chandler Bing? - Yeah. |
祝你好運! | Good luck! |
我也祝你好運 | Oh, and good luck to you too! |
她真是好人 | What a nice lady. |
Friends S07E06 午睡的夥伴 | The One With Nap Partners |
太棒了 | Yeah! |
《虎膽龍威》還是最好看 沒錯 | - Die Hard, still great. - Yep. |
要看第二部片子嗎? | Let's make it a double feature? |
你還租了什麼? | What else you rent? |
《虎膽龍威2》 | Die Hard 2. |
喬伊,這也是《虎膽龍威1》 | Joey, this is Die Hard 1 again. |
我們要再看一遍 那就等於是《虎膽龍威2》 | Well, we'll watch it a second time and it's Die Hard 2. |
-喬伊,我們剛剛才看完第一集 -所以呢? | - Joey, we just saw it. - And? |
再看一次一定很酷 | It would be cool to see it again! |
-太棒了《虎膽龍威》-《虎膽龍威》 | - Yeah! Die Hard! - Die Hard! |
兄弟,你沒有說《虎膽龍威》 | Dude, you didn't say Die Hard. |
你還好嗎? | Is everything okay? |
還好,只是我有別的事要做 | Yeah, I just got plans. |
約翰·麥克蘭(《虎膽龍威》中的角色名)也有別的事要做 | Well, John McClane had plans. |
我想在喬伊激動不已… | I want to leave before Joey gets all worked up... |
開始叫大家“婊子”前離開 | ...and starts calling everybody "bitch." |
你在胡說什麼? 婊子 | What are you talking about, bitch? |
-嘿,瑞秋 -什麼事? | - Hey, Rachel. - Yeah? |
我結婚時,你願意當我的伴娘嗎? | When I get married, will you be my maid of honor? |
真的嗎? | Really? |
我的天啊,菲比,我是說我… | Oh, my God, Phoebe. I mean, I'm just... |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
如果我是你的伴娘 那表示你是莫妮卡的伴娘 | If I'm your maid of honor, that means that you are Monica's. |
喔 | Oh. |
如果你真的願意的話 | Well, if that's what you want. |
想都別想,菲比,我想當莫妮卡的伴娘 | No way, Phoebe. I want to be Monica's. |
-為什麼這件事這麼重要? -你為什麼覺得它很重要? | - Why does it even matter? - Why does it matter to you? |
因為她馬上就要結婚了 | Because this one is now. |
我們兩個最好的朋友要結婚了 | And it's two of our best friends. |
誰知道你會嫁什麼樣的人 | And who knows what you're gonna marry. |
如果我嫁給羅斯呢? 或喬伊? | What if I marry Ross? Or Joey? |
你不會的 | You wouldn't. |
好吧,聽我說,瑞秋 我知道你真的想當莫妮卡的伴娘 | Okay, look, Rachel. I know you really want to do this... |
但我從來沒有當過伴娘 | ...but I've never been maid of honor to anyone before. |
我知道你至少當過兩次伴娘 | I know you've done it at least twice. |
-對,但是菲比… -請你讓我把話說完 | - Yeah, but Phoebe... - Please let me finish. |
我猜我已經說完了 | I guess that was it. |
好吧 | Okay. |
既然你沒有當過伴娘 你可以當莫妮卡的伴娘 | Since you've never done it before, you can be Monica's maid of honor. |
謝謝你 | Oh, thank you so much! |
好耶 | Yay. |
我一定會嫁給好男人 | I'm gonna marry someone good. |
我知道 | Oh, I know. |
比錢德還棒 | Better than Chandler. |
-發生了什麼事? -我不知道 | - What happened? - I don't know. |
我們睡著了,就那麼簡單 | We fell asleep. That is all. |
對,對嗎? 對 | Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. |
好了,我得走了 | All right, well, I'd better go. |
-我想那是最好的 -沒錯 | - I think that would be best.- Yeah. |
-我以後再跟你說話 -好 | - I'll talk to you later. - Okay. |
-但千萬別談這件事 -沒錯,永遠都別提 | - But not about this. - No, never. Never! |
-再見 -別碰我 | - Bye. - No touch. No touch. |
《虎膽龍威》 | Die Hard! |
開個上身裸露洗車店是個好主意 | Opening a topless carwash was a great idea. |
我們會有足夠的錢開比基尼店的 | We'll definitely have enough money to open our bikini shop. |
現在把蔥切成這樣 | Now we mince the shallots like this. |
看,寶貝,好人在切蔥呢 | Look, honey, the nice people are chopping shallots. |
也許他們切夠了就可以看比基尼泳裝了 | Maybe if they chop enough of them, they can open that bikini shot. |
我去吃早午餐時發生了一件怪事 | Hey, a weird thing happened at brunch. |
有個女人不經意聽到我要嫁給你… | This woman overheard that I was marrying you... |
她跑來祝我好運 | ...and she wished me good luck. |
那真的是太好了 | That's sweet. |
不,她的意思是“祝你好運” | No, it was more like a "good luck." |
她的意思應該是,“馴服野性的種馬,祝你好運” | Well, do you think she meant, "Good luck taming that wild stallion." |
不是評判你,有點同性戀 | Not judging you, a little gay. |
那個女人長什麼樣子? | So, what did this woman look like? |
她大概30歲,深色頭髮,很漂亮 | She was, like, 30, dark hair, attractive. |
你該不會是剛好看到一種叫做鏡子的東西吧 | Any chance you were looking into a bright, shiny thing called a mirror? |
她會是你大學時的女朋友嗎? | Was it someone you dated in college? |
不,在大學時,我只交過兩個女朋友… | No, I only dated two girls in college... |
她們都有金髮,都不漂亮 | ...both blond, both not attractive. |
讓我看看 | Let me check this out. |
-你在做什麼? -來瞧瞧吧 | - What are you doing? - Well, let's see. |
好吧,是她嗎? | Okay, is that her? |
我的天啊,沒錯 | Oh, my God, yes! |
-她是誰? -茱蒂葛拉菲 我的夏令營女朋友 | - Who is she? - Julie Graff, my camp girlfriend. |
你跟她分手了? | Did you break up with her? |
不,我們還在一起 | No, we're still together. |
我們交往了兩個暑假 後來我跟她分手了 | We went out for two summers and then I broke up with her. |
為什麼? 第三年的暑假… | - Why? - She came back the third summer... |
她變得有一點… | ...and she'd gotten really fa... |
-胖? -我沒有那麼說 | - Fat? - I did not say fat. |
我是說… | I said fa... |
你只因為女生胖就跟她分手? | You broke up with a girl because she was fat? |
對 | Yeah. Yeah. |
但那真的是很久以前的事了 她還在難過嗎? | But it was a really long time ago. Does she still feel bad? |
看起來是的 | Apparently she does. |
有句俗話說“大象永遠都不會忘記” | You know what they say: "Elephants never forget." |
說真的,嫁給我祝你好運 | Seriously, good luck marrying me. |
瑞秋,週五跟我去嗎? 我要去會會脫衣舞男 | Rach, wanna come with me Friday night? I'm gonna check out some male strippers. |
未婚女子聚會? | For the bachelorette party? |
是的 | Yes. |
嘿,發生了什麼事? | Hey, what's going on? |
菲比是莫妮卡的伴娘 | She's Monica's maid of honor. |
希望這次會比上次你幫樓下那個女孩當伴娘順利 | Hope it goes better than the last time you did it for that girl downstairs. |
你以前當過伴娘? | You have been maid of honor before? |
你看吧? 那就是人不能說謊的原因 | You see? This is exactly why you shouldn't lie. |
夠了,我是伴娘 | That's it. I am maid of honor. |
-不,我才是 -為什麼? | - No, I am. - How come you are? |
因為我在乎到不惜說慌 | Because I cared enough to lie. |
我可以幫你們決定,該由誰來當伴娘 | Hey, I could help you decide who should do it. |
我們應該試演 | We could have an audition. |
看看你們當伴娘時會怎麼處理突發狀況 | See how you'd handle maid-of-honor-type situations. |
-你是什麼意思? -當我需要一份工作時... | - What do you mean? - When I want a job... |
我會去試鏡,如果他們覺得我是最棒的… | ...I audition and if I'm the best of the people they see... |
我就可以演出 | ...I get the part. |
然後給你劇本.去拍攝現場 | Then they send you a script. You go to the set. |
彩排,衣櫃裡有你的地方 | You rehearse and you have wardrobe fittings. |
接著就是拍你的戲,太棒了 | Then you shoot your part. And it's great. |
但之後,你就再次回到街上繼續找下一份工作 | But right after that, you're back out on the street looking for work again. |
重新回到起點 | Right back where you started. |
所以說,演戲不適合你們倆 | So I gotta say, I don't think a career in acting is the right choice for you two. |
喬伊,這是伴娘的事情 | Joey, the maid of honor thing. |
好的 | Right. |
好了,試演完畢後,誰來決定伴娘人選? | So, okay, so after this audition, who decides who gets it? |
我跟羅斯可以當評審 | Oh, me and Ross can be the judges. |
-這要比讓我們自己來決定好 -這太瘋狂了 | - It's better than us deciding. - Oh, this is crazy. |
-我們不能丟銅板決定嗎? -不,銅板恨我 | - Can't we just flip a coin? - No, coins hate me. |
好吧,你知道嗎? 我們讓羅斯跟喬伊來決定 | Okay, fine. You know what? We will let Ross and Joey decide. |
嗨 | Hi! |
羅斯,甜心 | Ross, sweetie. |
你好,大帥哥 | Hey there, handsome thing. |
這種古龍香水跟喬治(喬治·阿瑪尼-世界名牌)的一樣棒 | Wow, this cologne really is every bit as good as Giorgio. |
嘿 | Hey. |
我把錄影帶拿來還你 | Just brought back your videos. |
羅斯,聽著,我想我們需要談談之前的事 | Hey, Ross. Look, I think we need to talk about before. |
不,千萬別提那件事 | No. No, we don't. |
不,我們非談不可 | Yes, we do. |
好了,聽我說,那是我睡得最香甜的一覺 | Now, look. That was the best nap I ever had. |
我不知道你在說什麼 | I don't know what you're talking about. |
少來了,承認吧 | Come on, admit it. |
那是你睡過最香甜的一覺 | That was the best nap you ever had. |
我有過更棒的 | I've had better. |
好吧,什麼時候? | Okay. When? |
好吧,好吧,那是我睡過最香甜的一覺 | All right! All right! It was the best nap ever! |
我承認,好嗎? | I said it, okay? |
但那都已經過去了,喬伊 | But it's over, Joey! |
我想再來一次 | I want to do it again. |
我們不能再來一次 | We can't do it again. |
-為什麼? -因為那太奇怪了 | - Why not? - Because it's weird! |
好吧 | Fine. |
你想喝點東西嗎? | You want a drink? |
-好啊,你有什麼? -溫牛奶跟止痛片(一起吃會使人嗜睡) | - Sure. What do you got?- Warm milk and Excedrin PM. |
錢德 | Chandler. |
我剛剛才知道你是誰 | I just figured out who you are. |
你知道我在做什麼嗎? | Can you figure out what I'm doing? |
-你是路易士波森 -誰? | - You're Louis Posen. - Who? |
他是我五年級時最好的朋友 | He was my best friend in fifth grade. |
有一天我要他當我男朋友,他拒絕了 | One day, I asked him to be my boyfriend and he said no. |
你知道為什麼嗎? | Do you know why? |
因為他上廁所時你一直在跟他說話? | Because you kept talking to him while he was trying to go to the bathroom? |
不,因為他覺得我太… | No, but because he thought I was too fa... |
每次想到這件事,我還是會覺得很難過 | Every time I think about it, I feel as bad as I did then. |
我真的覺得你該跟茱蒂道歉 | I really think you should apologize to Julie. |
甜心,你在開玩笑嗎? 那是十六年前的事 | Honey, are you kidding? That was like 16 years ago. |
如果路易士能跟我道歉,我會覺得好過一點 | It would make me feel better if Louis apologized to me. |
我會跟她道歉,但我警告你 這會讓我變成更棒的男人 | I'll do it. But I warn you, this may make me a better person. |
而那不是你愛上的那個男人 | And that is not the man you fell in love with. |
-我認命 -好的 | - I can live with that. - Okay. |
-怎麼找她呢.-她可能住在城裡 | - So how do we find her. - She probably lives in the city. |
-她剛在餐館吃飯 -應該沒錯 | - She was eating in that restaurant. - I'll bet she was. |
我怎麼了? | What is wrong with me? |
好吧,我們會假設突發狀況來考驗你們當伴娘的資格 | Okay, we'll give you hypothetical maid-of-honor situations. |
計分範圍從一分到十分 | You'll be scored on a scale of one to ten. |
-一分是最高分 -十分才是最高分 | - One being the highest. - Ten is the highest. |
-為什麼十分是最高分? -因為它是最大的數字 | - Why is 10 the highest? - Because it's the highest. |
好了,瑞秋,你先來 | Okay, Rachel, you're up first. |
一號突發狀況,你跟莫妮卡在一起 | Situation number one: You're with Monica. |
婚禮就要開始了 莫妮卡想臨陣脫逃,開始 | The wedding is about to start when Monica gets cold feet. Go! |
我不想嫁給錢德 | I don't want to marry Chandler. |
-我想臨陣逃脫 -沒事的 | - I've got cold feet. - It's gonna be okay. |
跟一個男人共度一生? 我不知道 | One man the rest of my life? I don't know. |
這表示我永遠都不能跟喬伊上床了 | This means I'll never get to sleep with Joey. |
聽我說,莫妮卡… | Look, Monica... |
臨陣脫逃是常見的事 | ...getting cold feet is very common. |
那是因為你期待過高 | It's just because of all the anticipation. |
你只要記住你愛錢德 | And you just have to remember that you love Chandler. |
我也逃過婚 | And also, I ran out on a wedding. |
逃婚的人得退還禮物 | You don't get to keep the gifts. |
你引述親身經驗 | Drawing on your own experience. |
非常好 | Very good. |
沒錯,很好,瑞秋 | Yes, very nice, Rachel. |
謝謝評審 | Thank you, judges. |
-馬屁精 -喔 | - Kiss ass. - Oh. |
-好了,菲比 -是的,陛下 | - Okay, Phoebe. - Yes, Your Honor. |
婚禮舉行到一半 | We're now in the ceremony. |
莫妮卡正要說我願意的時候… | Monica is about to say, "I do"... |
可是她的叔叔喝得爛醉 開始亂吼亂叫 | ...when her drunk uncle starts yelling. |
你會怎麼做? 開始 | What do you do? Go! |
莫妮卡還小的時候… | When Monica was a little girl... |
我記得 | ...I remember that... |
好痛! | Ow! |
-非常好 -喔 | - Very good! - Oh. |
好極了,我給你滿分 | Yes, excellent. Perfect score. |
她破壞了正在進行中的婚禮 | She just made a scene in the middle of the ceremony! |
嘿,你想嘗嘗菲比的厲害嗎? | Hey, you want a little taste of Pheebs? |
女士們,冷靜,冷靜 | Ladies, please. Please. |
好了,下一情景是瑞秋的 | Okay, the next situation is for Rachel. |
婚禮就要開始了 | The wedding is about to start. |
你走進休息室發現莫妮卡和羅斯在睡覺 | You walk into the back room and you find Monica taking a nap with Ross. |
我是莫妮卡.開始! | I'll be Monica. Go! |
不,不,不! | No, no, no! |
這個情景不被批准! | This situation is not sanctioned! |
接著來下一個 | Now, we're moving on to the next one. |
好的 | Okay. |
現在你們得以伴娘的身份說出對新人的賀詞 | It is time for you to give your maid-of-honor speech. |
我們還沒有準備… | We haven't even prepared... |
-開始 -好吧 | - Go! - Okay, okay, okay. |
韋伯斯特大字典,對婚姻的定義是… | Webster's Dictionary defines marriage as... |
好了,不,忘了它,那段賀詞太爛了 別在意,忘了它吧 | Okay, no! Forget that! That sucks! Okay, never mind. Forget it. |
我遇見…我認識莫妮卡時我們只是六歲大的小女孩. | I met... I met Monica when we were just a couple of 6-year-olds... |
我們在錢德二十五歲時成了朋友… | ...and became friends with Chandler when he was 25... |
雖然他看起來很像六歲大的孩子 | ...although he seemed like a 6-year-old. |
喔 | Oh. |
謝謝,感激不盡 | Thank you. Thank you very much. |
我看過他們單身跟交往時的樣子 | I've known them separately and together. |
我知道他們交往時深愛著彼此 | To know them as a couple is to know that you are in the presence of love. |
現在我想舉杯… | So I would like to raise my glass... |
敬莫妮卡跟錢德… | ...to Monica and Chandler... |
還有他們要攜手共度的美好冒險歷程 | ...and the beautiful adventure they are about to embark upon together. |
我認為他們做好了萬全的準備要展開這段旅程 | I can think of no two people better prepared for the journey. |
哇 | Wow. |
-說的好 -沒錯,真的很棒 | - Great speech. - Yeah, it really was. |
謝謝 | Oh, thanks. |
好了,菲比,下一個是你 雖然我覺得那麼做是多餘的 | Okay, Phoebe, I guess you're next. Although I really don't see the point. |
好吧 | Okay. |
我不敢相信莫妮卡跟錢德要結婚了 | I can't believe that Monica and Chandler are getting married. |
我還記得我跟瑞秋談過這一天… | I remember talking about this day with Rachel... |
那時我們一起洗澡,全身一絲不掛 | ...while we were showering together, naked. |
她復活了 | And she's back in the game! |
茱蒂,嗨 | Julie. Hi. |
我是錢德賓,我猜你還記得我 | Chandler Bing. I guess you remember me. |
你好,逃兵 | Hello, Skidmark. |
那是我的綽號,待會再跟你解釋 | It's a nickname. I'll explain later. |
看得出來原因 | It's pretty clear. |
我很早以前就該跟你道歉 | I owe you a long, overdue apology. |
我不該只因為你很胖就跟你分手了 | I shouldn't have broken up with you because of your weight. |
那是你跟我分手的原因? | That's why you broke up with me? |
你不知道? | You didn't know that? |
看來我的任務已經達成 | Well, I guess my work here is done. |
在你們列表的時候要不要給你們拿杯飲料啊? | Can I get you guys something to drink while you tabulate? |
其實最後的投票已經計算出來了 | Actually, the final vote has been tallied. |
-我要可哥 -太遲了 | - I'll take a cocoa. - Too late. |
但首先我要說 你們兩個都表現的很好,好嗎 | But first of all, I would like to say you both performed very well, okay? |
你們應該覺得驕傲 | You should be proud. |
我還想說在這場比賽裡,沒有人是輸家 | And I'd also like to say, in this competition, there are no losers. |
瑞秋除外,該死 | Well, except Rachel. Damn it! |
真的嗎? 我贏了 | Really? I won. |
-什麼? -對不起,瑞秋 分數真的很接近 | - What? - I'm sorry, Rach, it was really close. |
-那麼我要求重新計分 -事實上也沒有那麼接近 | - Well, then I demand a recount! - Actually, it wasn't that close. |
你知道嗎? 反正你們的方法太愚蠢了 | You know what? Your thing was so stupid anyway. |
我們來丟銅板決定,好嗎? | We're gonna flip a coin, all right? |
正面 | Heads. |
什麼? 銅板終於原諒我了 | What? The coins have finally forgiven me! |
你知道嗎? 我希望莫妮卡會原諒你 當你會用… | Know what? I hope Monica forgives you after you throw her... |
怪力亂神的素食主義方式對著她灑花片 | ...vegetarian-voodoo-goddess-circle-y shower. |
瑞秋,沒關係的,你們太棒了 | Rach, it's gonna be okay. You guys are the best! |
天啊,我得告訴你 當評審真的把我累壞了 | Boy, I tell you. That judging stuff took a lot out of me. |
-是嗎? -沒錯 | - Yeah? - Yeah. |
我想或許我該上樓去在我的沙發上好好睡一覺 | Thinking about maybe going upstairs and taking a little nap on my couch. |
那關我什麼事? | Why would I care about that? |
不為什麼,我只是說… | No reason. I'm just saying that... |
我會在那裡 | ...that's where I'll be. |
雖然結局不如預期中理想 事實上我很滿意自己的表現 | As bad as that went, I actually enjoyed myself. |
我想我要為我做過的所有蠢事道歉 | I think that I'm going to apologize for all the stupid things that I do. |
你為什麼不改掉做蠢事的習慣? | Why don't you just stop doing stupid things? |
-那樣子你就不必道歉了 -我喜歡可以兩個一起做 | - Then you wouldn't have to apologize. - I'd love it if I could do both. |
好吧,我得問你 | All right, I have to ask. |
什麼? | What? |
如果我變胖了,你會跟我分手嗎? | Will you break up with me if I get fat? |
什麼? | What? |
你跟茱蒂分手 她變得有多胖呢? | You broke up with Julie. How much weight did she gain? |
一百四十五磅 | A hundred and forty-five pounds. |
在一年之內? | In one year? |
天啊,她吃了什麼? 她的家人嗎? | My God, what did she eat? Her family? |
那不是重點 | That's not the point. |
我知道那樣子跟別人分手大蠢了 但當時我才十五歲 | I know it was a stupid reason to break up with someone, but I was 15. |
對,不只十五歲的男孩覺得肥胖是個問題 | Yeah, well, that's not the only time this was an issue. |
你還記得你跟我們一起過感恩節的事嗎 | You remember when you spent Thanksgiving with us? |
你罵我胖 | You called me fat. |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
-那完全是另一回事 -怎麼說? | - That was totally different. - How? |
你不該聽到那句話 我是在你背後偷偷說的 | You were not supposed to hear that. I said that behind your back. |
如果我懷孕了呢? 我會變得跟現在不一樣 | What if I have babies, okay? I'm gonna look different. |
我可以接受那樣的事 但我不相信你能做到 | I'm okay with that, but I'm not sure you are. |
你得瞭解 我不認為你是個苗條的美女 | You have to realize I don't think of you as a thin, beautiful woman. |
我待會就會為這件事情道歉 | This is one of the things that I can apologize for later. |
我是說你是莫妮卡 | What I mean is, you're Monica. |
好嗎? 我愛上的人是莫妮卡 | Okay? And I am in love with Monica. |
繼續說 | Keep going. |
不論你變胖或是變瘦… | So you can balloon up or you can shrink down... |
我還是會愛你 | ...and I will still love you. |
即使我縮小到只有兩寸高? | Even if I were to shrink down to 2 inches tall? |
我會把你放在我的口袋裡 | I'd carry you around in my pocket. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
逃兵還是對女人很有一套 | Skidmark still got a way with the ladies. |
嗨,菲比 | Hi, Pheebs. |
嗨 嗨 | - Hi. - Hi. |
我來跟你道歉 | I just want to apologize. |
我真的很抱歉我太孩子氣了 | I'm really sorry I was a baby. |
那太可笑了,瑞秋 我們都曾經是小孩子 | That's ridiculous. Rachel, we were all babies once. |
你是說今天的事,沒錯 | Oh, you mean today. Yeah. |
對,你知道嗎? 你應該贏的 | Yeah, and you know, you deserve to win. |
我一直在想這件事 | And I was thinking about it. |
如果你是莫妮卡的伴娘 那我就是你的伴娘 | If you're Monica's maid of honor, I get to be yours. |
-沒錯 -對 | - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. |
莫妮卡跟錢德訂婚時我收集了一些東西 | When Monica and Chandler got engaged, I put some stuff together. |
-以防萬一 -那真的是太好了,謝謝 | - Just in case. - Oh, that's so sweet. Thanks. |
我知道莫妮卡很喜歡這本詩集 | Here is a book of poetry that I know Monica loves. |
天啊,這真有趣,你看 | Oh, God, this is funny. Look. |
這是有一年萬聖節 她打扮成新娘的照片 | Here's a picture from one Halloween where she dressed up as a bride. |
她要我幫她拉婚紗 | She made me carry her train... |
那真的很奇怪 因為我扮的是神奇女俠 | ...which was weird because I was Wonder Woman. |
喔,這是我發現的小包包 | Oh, and here's a little purse that I found. |
我想應該可以把婚戒放在這裡 | I just thought they could hold the rings in there. |
-喔 -還有… | - Oh. - Something. And... |
最好的手帕,因為很多人會在婚禮哭 | ...vintage handkerchiefs, you know, because people cry at weddings. |
我得用幾條 | I'm just gonna grab a couple of these. |
這真的是棒極了 | This stuff is great. |
我都忘了我把它放在這裡 | I forgot this was in here. |
這是我留下來要在自己婚禮上用的吊襪帶 | This was the garter that I was saving for my wedding. |
我希望它能成為被莫妮卡“借走的東西” | And I wanted it to be Monica's "something borrowed." |
這是藍色的 | And it's blue. |
瑞秋,我認為你應該當莫妮卡的伴娘 | Rach, I think that you should be Monica's maid of honor. |
真的嗎? | You do? |
-為什麼? -因為我想這對你來說意義重大 | - Why? - Because I think it means more to you. |
但菲比,你贏了 | But, Pheebs, honey, you earned it. |
沒關係,我是說… | It's fine. I mean, this is something... |
你從十四歲就想這麼做了吧? | ...that you've been thinking about since you were, what, 14? |
不,那時我才十歲,我發育的很早 | No, I was 10. I just developed early. |
我的天啊 | Man alive! |
-嘿,怎麼了? -嘿 | - Hey, what's going on? - Hey! |
我們決定由瑞秋來當你的伴娘 | We decided Rachel is going to be your maid of honor. |
那真的是太棒了 | Oh, that's great! |
哇,太棒了,我們得開始計畫 | Oh, wow. Okay, we really have to start planning. |
我有很多特別的好點子 | I have really specific ideas. |
我們應該一星期開四次會 | We should meet four times a week. |
到我家來,我們得在上班前開會 | Come to my place, we'll get together before work. |
你覺得如何? 六點半,我家見,太棒了 | What do you say, 6:30, my place? So excited! |
好吧,你現在笑吧 | Yeah, okay. You laugh now. |
她會是你的伴娘 | She's gonna be yours. |
我睡得好香 | Great nap. |
我也是 | It really was. |
你在做什麼? | What the hell are you doing? |
天啊 | God! |
失陪了 | Excuse me. |
-早安 -嗨 | - Morning. - Hi. |
約會還順利嗎? | How was your date? |
-很不錯 -太好了 | - Pretty good. - Oh, good. |
天啊,很抱歉 | My God. Sorry about that. |
真的很棒 | Okay, really good. |
我得走了,我要遲到了 | I gotta go. I'm late. |
你要把她丟給我? | You're going to leave her with me? |
別擔心,她真的很棒 | Don't worry, she's a terrific girl. |
你能幫我一個忙嗎? | Can you do me a favor? |
你能跟她說我不想定下來嗎?謝謝你幫我這個大忙 | Could you mention I'm not looking for a relationship? That'd be great. |
什麼? 你在開玩笑嗎? | What, are you kidding? |
不經意跟她提起這件事 裝做輕描淡寫的樣子 | Just casually slip it in, you know. Lay the groundwork. |
告訴她我是個孤獨的人 不,我是亡命之徒 | Tell her I'm a loner. No, an outlaw. |
她不會想跟我這種人混在一起 | She doesn't want to get mixed up with the likes of me. |
這需要記的東西太多了 | That's a lot to remember. |
我不能直接告訴她你是豬嗎? | Can't I tell her that you're a pig? |
我會找時間親自打電話給她 | I'm gonna call her later myself. |
我保證 | Honest. |
錢德以前常這麼做 他還會做煎餅給她吃 | Chandler used to do it. He'd make her pancakes. |
他會多做幾塊留給我吃 | He'd make extras and leave them for me. |
我什麼時候都不會告訴她 這不是我的責任 | I'm not telling her anything. It's not my responsibility. |
好吧 | Fine. |
我們應該把煎餅放在哪? | Now, where did we land on those pancakes? |
嗨 嗨 | - Hi. - Hi. |
抱歉,我沒辦法把門鎖上 | Sorry, but I couldn't get that lock to work. |
是啊,我搬進來時喬伊就把它弄壞了 | Yeah, Joey kind of disabled it when I moved in. |
-你一定是瑞秋,我是艾玲 -嗨 | - You must be Rachel. I'm Erin. - Hi. |
我不想聽起來跟高中女生一樣 但他有跟你談到我嗎? | I don't mean this to sound like high school, but did he talk about me? |
你要吃煎餅嗎? | Would you like some pancakes? |
Friends S07E07 羅斯的圖書館書 | The One With Ross's Library Book |
-快說吧,我們為什麼要來這裡 -好吧,猜一下 | - Come on. Why are we here? - Okay, okay, take a guess. |
這裡有辣妹? | The hot chicks? |
好吧,之前我將一些名字輸入圖書館的電腦裡… | Okay, okay, I was typing names into the library computer earlier... |
你知道的,那只是為了好玩 | ...you know, for fun. |
我輸入我的名字,你猜我發現了什麼 | And I typed mine in, and guess what came up. |
我的博士論文 | My doctoral dissertation. |
它就放在大學中最大的圖書館裡 | It's right down here in the biggest library in the university. |
哇,那真的很酷 | Wow, that's actually pretty cool. |
這裡還收藏了一本書 作者是個叫溫蒂巴吉納(俚語:性、自慰)的女人 | There's also a book here by a woman named Wendy Bagina. |
那是什麼? | What is that? |
聽起來這兩個傢伙真的很享受杜威十進分類法(圖書館編目方法) | Sounds like two people are really enjoying the Dewey Decimal System. |
我們真的很抱歉 | We're so sorry. |
你該不會是帶我來這裡做這個的吧? | You didn't bring me here to do that, did you? |
她又把雞肉退了回來? | She sent the chicken back again? |
她說雞肉太幹,想親自跟你解釋她要什麼樣的雞肉 | She said it's too dry and wants to explain to you how she wants it. |
我倒想會會這個雞肉專家 | I'd like to meet this chicken expert. |
叫那位上校(指的是肯德基的創始人山德士上校)進來吧 | Send the colonel in. |
我的天啊! | Oh, my God! |
幸運的混蛋 | Lucky bastard. |
-珍妮絲 -你好嗎?… | - Janice. - How are you... |
高級大餐廳裡處理上等雞肉的辣妹大廚師 | ...Ms. Hotshot-Chef-at-the-Big-Fancy- Restaurant-With-the-Best-Chicken-Ever? |
我很好 | I'm fine. |
你手上戴了什麼? 我要瞎了 | Oh, what is that on your finger? I'm blind. |
有人在酒店外做菜哦 | Somebody's been doing a little cooking outside the restaurant. |
誰是這個幸運兒? | So who's the lucky guy? |
有趣的故事 | Funny story. |
你們還好嗎? | Hey, what's up? |
你們的朋友是誰啊? | Hey, who's your friend? |
-嗨,喬伊 -艾玲 | - Hey, Joey. - Erin. |
你還在這裡 | You're still here. |
我們整天泡在一起,玩得很開心 | We ended up spending the day together and had such a great time. |
有何不可呢,艾玲真的很棒 | Why wouldn't you? Erin is great. |
你們也是 | And then there's you guys. |
聽著,我得走了 | Well, listen, I better get going. |
今天真的很愉快,謝謝 | Today was great. Thanks. |
喬伊,昨晚真的很棒 | And, Joey, last night was fun. |
是啊,我再打電話給你 | Yeah. I'll call you. |
-我也會打電話給你 -我會打電話給你 | - I'll call you too. - Or I'll call you. |
-打電話給我 -好的 | - And call me. - Okay. |
你看,我們所有人都會打電話 | Look at that, we're all gonna call each other. |
很高興能再見到你 | Good to see you again. |
-再見 -再見 | - Bye-bye. - Bye. |
那套系統已經崩潰了? | The system kind of broke down, huh? |
喬伊,對不起,我沒辦法告訴她那些話 | Joey, I'm sorry. I just couldn't tell her all those things. |
我們開始聊起天來,我… | And we got to talking, and I... |
我們要你娶她 | We want you to marry her. |
什麼? | What? |
她真的很棒,你根本不瞭解她 | She is so amazing. You have no idea. |
你覺得是誰把帶回這裡的? | Who do you think brought her here? |
丘比特(愛神) | Cupid. |
她真的好酷,還會說四種語言 | She's so cool. She speaks four languages. |
天啊,你們真的知道男人要什麼 | Man, do you know what guys want. |
別這樣,她跟你是天生一對 她真的很漂亮 | Come on, she's so perfect for you. She's sweet. |
她喜歡棒球,午餐時喝了兩瓶啤酒 | She likes baseball. She had two beers at lunch. |
我的啤酒? | My beers?! |
聽著,她真的是個好女孩 | Look, she's a very nice girl. |
我們相處甚歡 但我不覺得我們會有結局 | We had a very good time, but I don't see it going anywhere. |
你總是那麼說 | You always say that. |
或許只要你給她一次機會 事情會變得不一樣 | Maybe if you gave her a chance, it would go somewhere. |
對不起,我真的不那麼認為 | I'm sorry, you guys. I just don't think so. |
-隨便你 -好吧 | - Whatever. - Fine. |
嘿,別開始批評我 | Hey, don't start judging me. |
你愛上了你的助理 | You're in love with your assistant. |
你跟在屋頂上養鴿子的男人有一腿 | You're having an affair with the guy who keeps pigeons on the roof. |
菲比! | Phoebe! |
那是秘密 | Secret affair. |
我剛說了什麼? | What did I say? |
嘿,寶貝兒 | Hey, cutie-cutie. |
今天上班碰到了你認識的人 | So I ran into someone you know today at work. |
是嗎? 誰? | Oh, yeah? Who was it? |
我的天啊 | Oh, my God. |
我真的很抱歉,甜心 | I am so sorry, sweetie. |
你沒事吧? | Are you okay? |
你沒有告訴她我們將會結婚吧? | You didn't tell her we're engaged? |
-她看到戒指了 -她被嚇到了嗎? | - She saw the ring. - Did she freak out? |
她的確嚇了一大跳 跟大部分人的感覺一樣 | She was shocked, but then again, so were most people. |
事實上她也交了男朋友 | She actually has a boyfriend herself. |
他叫克拉克 | Name's Clark. |
她還邀請自己來參加我們的婚禮 | She also invited herself to our wedding. |
還有克拉克 | Clark too. |
你拒絕了她吧? | You said no, right? |
你拒絕了她吧? | You said no, right? |
她逼得我頭暈,還問我婚禮是不是在城裡舉行 | She cornered me. She asked me if the wedding was in town. |
-我該怎麼辦? -說謊騙她 | - What was I supposed to do? - Lie. |
那會有多難呢? “你的支票都寄出去了” | How hard is that? "Your check's in the mail." |
“你的寶寶好可愛” | "Oh, your baby's so cute." |
“我等不及要看你的書,羅斯” | "I can't wait to read your book, Ross." |
她會來參加婚禮,或許那不會是件壞事 | So she comes to the wedding. Maybe it won't be so bad. |
你以為她會安靜地坐著? 你以為她會跟我們舉杯致意? | Think she'll sit quietly? Think she'll want to make a toast? |
你以為她不想唱《兼職情人》(斯蒂夫溫伍德的名曲)嗎? | You don't think she'll want to sing "Part-Time Lover"? |
我的天啊,她不會喜歡雞肉,對吧? | Oh, my God. She's not gonna like the chicken either, is she? |
你知道嗎? 一定會沒事的 | You know what? It'll be okay. |
或許她根本不想來 | She's probably not gonna even want to come. |
-真的嗎? -不,那是個謊言 | - Really? - No, that was a lie. |
你知道說謊有多容易了吧? | See how easy that was? |
你會騙她嗎? | So you would have just lied? |
我會 | Yes. |
-它真的那麼簡單? -對 | - It would have really been that easy? - Yes. |
星期六表演給我看 我們要跟她及克拉克共進晚餐 | Do it Saturday. We're having dinner with her and Clark. |
大家好 | Hi. |
怎麼啦? | What's wrong? |
大家在我的書面前做那種事 | People are doing it in front of my book. |
你說什麼? | I'm sorry? |
學校圖書館收藏了我的博士論文 我跑去看它 | My doctoral dissertation is in the library at school. I went to see it. |
發現學生們在古生物學區造人 | And there were students making babies right in the paleontology section. |
我的天啊,你有看到精彩好戲嗎? | Oh, my God. Did you get to see anything good? |
-關鍵不是那個 -我知道那不是關鍵 | - That's not the point. - I know that's not the point. |
我要使它成為關鍵 | I'm trying to make it the point. |
你們念書的時候… | At your school... |
校園裡有沒有什麼地方是學生會跑去鬼混的? | ...was there a place on campus where students went to fool around? |
沒錯,有 | Yeah, there was. |
圖書館的角落裡有些書根本不會有人去借 | In the corner of the library where all the books were that nobody ever read. |
沒錯 | Yes, there was. |
太棒了,因為大家都會跑到那裡去 我還以為它很受歡迎 | Great, because people kept showing up. I think it's like a thing. |
等一下 | Hold on a second. |
你是指五樓後區的牆邊嗎? | Fifth floor, against that back wall? |
大聲哭泣吧! | Oh, for crying out loud! |
-我們該去看電影了 -幹嘛這麼急? | - So we should go catch our movie. - What's the rush? |
我想看預告片 | I like to see the previews. |
我要吃糖果 | The candy. |
-嘿 -看看是誰來了 | - Oh, hey. - Well, look who's here. |
-嘿,喬伊 -嘿,艾玲 | - Hey, Joey. - Hey, Erin. |
-嗨,瑞秋 -嗨 | - Hey, Rachel. - Hi. |
我們正要去看電影 | We were about to take off and see a movie. |
-喔,不! -怎麼了? | - Oh, no! - What's wrong? |
菲比,我們忘了我們得去參加派對 | Phoebe, we forgot that party we have to go to. |
喔,不 | Oh, no. |
什麼派對? | What party? |
-生日派對 -生日派對 | - A birthday party. - A birthday party. |
誰的生日派對? | Whose birthday party? |
-愛莉森的生日派對 -愛莉森的生日派對 | - Alisors birthday party. - Alisors birthday party. |
愛莉森幾歲了? | And how old is Alison? |
-三十二歲 -三十二歲 | - Thirty-two. - Thirty-two. |
-很抱歉這樣拋棄你們 -沒關係 | - I feel so terrible ditching you like this. - No, that's okay. |
等一下,你們為什麼不一起出去玩呢? | Wait a minute. Why don't you guys do something? |
這一招真的有用 | Look how that worked out. |
-你想看電影嗎? -當然.一定很有趣 | - You want to catch a movie? - Yeah, sure. That will be fun. |
愛莉森生日派對後我有話跟你們說 | Guess I'll talk to you guys after Alisors party. |
-那可能太晚了 -我會等你們 | - That, actually, might go late. - I'll wait up. |
對不起,我是學校裡的教授 | Excuse me. Hi, I'm a professor here. |
你知道五樓437號書架的古生物學區嗎? | Do you know the paleontology section, fifth floor, stack 437? |
我知道,等我五分鐘 | Well, yes. Just give me five minutes. |
我得找人來幫我代班 | I just have to find someone to cover my shift. |
不… | No, no, no. |
我能跟負責人談一談嗎? | Can I speak to someone in charge? |
有什麼事嗎? | How can I help? |
你好,我想問館方能不能增加人手… | Hi, I was wondering, is it possible to increase security... |
巡邏古生物學區? | ...in the paleontology section? |
我寫的書放在那裡 | I wrote a book that's up there. |
但大家去那裡不是看書,而是… | And instead of reading it, people are... |
哦,他們在我的書面前打滾 | Well, they're rolling around in front of it. |
我們知道你提及的問題 | We are aware of the problem you're referring to. |
但增加巡邏這件事,恐怕館方的人力不足 | As far as increasing security, I'm afraid the library's understaffed. |
我幫不上你的忙 | I can't help you. |
喔,好吧 | Well, fine. |
如果我是唯一願意欣賞… | If I'm the only person with any appreciation... |
書寫文字之美的人,我會親自去捍衛它 | ...of the sanctity of the written word, then I'll go defend it myself. |
別跟著我 | Don't you follow me. |
-你跟艾玲玩得還開心嗎? -真是不可思議 | - How did it go with Erin? - Unbelievable. |
我們玩得非常開心 | We had the best time. |
-你不再生我們的氣了? -不,你們是對的 | - So you're not mad anymore? - No, no. You guys were totally right. |
這次比我們第一次約會棒得多 | This was much better than the first date. |
那真的很尷尬,我們都很緊張 | That was awkward. We were both nervous. |
-你們是不是上過床了? -對,那會讓我冷靜下來 | - didn't you sleep together? - Yeah, that calms me down. |
我們有很多共通點 | And we have so much in common. |
她喜歡三明治,運動 雖然她是大都會隊的球迷 | She loves sandwiches, sports. Although she is a Met fan. |
現在那不是問題 但如果我們有了孩子 | Not an issue now, but if we had kids... |
我的天啊! 你竟然會提到生孩子的事 | Oh, my God! Listen to you talking about having kids. |
喔,我的喬伊 | Oh, my Joey. |
求求你別比我先結婚 | Please don't get married before I do. |
我不敢相信克拉克會放我鴿子 | I just cannot believe that Clark stood me up. |
他應該會來 | He may still show up. |
你是笨蛋嗎? | What are you, stupid? |
-我們已經等了三小時 -只有三小時嗎? | - It's been three hours. - Is that all? |
蠢透了,我以為他是我的精神伴侶 | I just feel like such a fool. I thought this guy was my soul mate. |
我還以為我是你的精神伴侶呢 | I thought I was your soul mate. |
我在做什麼啊? | What am I doing? |
你知道,讓我們忘掉克拉克吧 | You know, let's just... Oh, let's forget about Clark. |
談一些比較快樂的事 | Let's go on to happier things. |
你為什麼不告訴我你們的婚禮呢? | Why don't you tell me about your lovely wedding. |
關於我們的婚禮,有件事我們想告訴你 | There was something that we wanted to tell you about the wedding. |
婚禮的規模很小 | It's going to be a small ceremony. |
很微小 | Tiny. |
我們甚至不知道為什麼要舉行婚禮 | We're not even sure why we're having it. |
事實上我們只會邀請家人來參加 | It's actually going to be just family. |
喔,等一下 | Oh, wait. |
你們把我當家人看待? | You two think of me as family? |
我得問你們一件事,請老實地回答我 | I have to ask you something now, and be honest. |
你們要我唱《無心快語》(威猛樂隊)還是《紅衣女郎》(溫伍德)? | Do you want me to sing "Careless Whisper" or "Lady in Red"? |
你怎麼能那麼說? 大都會隊也好不到哪裡去 | How can you say that? The Mets have no closer. |
-班尼提茲呢? -第一場比賽呢? | - What about Benitez? - What about game one of the series? |
-你為什麼不閉嘴? -你才要閉嘴 | - What about shut up? - You shut up. |
我喜歡跟她吵架 | I love arguing with her. |
-我馬上回來 -好的 | - Be right back. - Okay. |
第二浪漫的愛情故事如何? | So how's the second-greatest love affair of the century? |
第二? 誰是第一? | Second? Who's the first? |
我和這塊松餅 我的天哪,真是可口 | Me and this muffin. My God, it's delicious. |
你跟喬伊進行得如何? | How's it going with Joey? |
還好 | Oh, okay. |
還好? | Okay? |
請告訴我你喜歡他 告訴我你真的喜歡他 | Tell me that you like him, please. I mean, tell me that you like him. |
他真的很棒,我知道你們希望我們能成功 | He's a really great guy, and I know you really want this to work out... |
但我不覺得我們會有未來 | ...but I just don't see this having a future. |
但你說過你喜歡他,發生了什麼事? | But you said that you liked him. What happened? |
你改變了心意嗎? | Did you just change your mind? |
-可以那麼說 -那就快改回來 | - Kind of. - Then change it back! |
對不起,我們之間真的沒有火花 | I'm sorry. It's just, there's no real spark. |
你們不是上過床了嗎? | didn't you sleep together? |
對 | Yeah. |
蕩婦 | Tramp. |
喬伊知道嗎? | Does Joey have any idea? |
我想他不知道,你知道嗎? | I don't think he does. You know what? |
可許你可以告訴他我不想… | Maybe you could tell him I'm not interested... |
認真地跟別人交住 | ...in a serious relationship. |
你是說你是個孤獨的人? | You mean, like, that you're kind of a loner? |
對,那個說法不錯 | Yeah, that'd be great. |
-或許你真的是個大便(義大利語) -你說什麼? | - And maybe that you're a real stronzo. - I'm sorry? |
我猜你會說的四種語言 不包括義大利文 | I guess Italian isn't one of the four languages you speak. |
-嘿,要走了嗎? -我們走吧 | - Hey. Want to go? - Yeah, let's go. |
-待會見 -再見 | - Okay. See you guys later. - Bye, guys. |
謝謝你們 | Hey, thank you so much. |
哇 | Wow. |
我猜不是丘比特把她帶來這裡的 | I guess it wasn't cupid that brought her here. |
不,只是一個會飛的老矮人 | No, just a regular old flying dwarf. |
怎麼了? 需要我幫忙嗎? | Yes, yes? How can I help you? |
我們只是四處看看 | We were just looking around. |
原來你們是愛念書的學生 | Oh, you're fellow scholars. |
你們到底在找什麼? | What exactly were you looking for? |
或許你們想看查斯特史塔克博士… | Perhaps Dr. Chester Stock's musings... |
對劍齒虎的研究? | ...on the Smilodon californicus? |
快滾! | Get out of here! |
你來找人嗎? | Meeting someone? |
還是你想來看看… | Or are you just here to brush up... |
瑪莉安對進化論的看法? | ...on Merriam's views on evolution? |
事實上 我覺得瑪莉安的觀點太先進了 | Actually, I find Merriam's views far too progressionist. |
我也覺得瑪莉安的觀點太先進了 | I find Merriam's views far too progressionist. |
對不起,你是誰? | I'm sorry. Who are you? |
我是本校的教授羅斯蓋勒 | I'm a professor here. Ross Geller. |
羅斯蓋勒? 為什麼? 那個名字好熟? 它是... | Ross Geller? Why do I know that name? It's a... |
等一下 | Wait. |
這本書是你寫的嗎? | Did you write this? |
對 | Yes. |
你就是借走我的書的人? | You're the person who checked out my book? |
你跟我想像中完全不一樣 | You know, you look nothing like I would have thought. |
你好年輕 | You're so young. |
我跳了四級 | Well, I skipped fourth grade. |
我真的很抱歉 | I am very, very sorry. |
-你們的約會還順利嗎? -太棒了,我們在格林威治村散步 | - So how was your date? - Great. We walked around the Village. |
還去了霜淇淋店一起喝一杯奶茶 | We went to this ice-cream place. Split a milk shake. |
我喝的比較多,但還是很棒 | Seventy-thirty, but still. |
我想帶她到北區旅館去過一夜 | I'm thinking of taking her upstate to one of those bed and breakfasts. |
真的嗎? 她答應了嗎? | Really? She said she wants to go? |
不,那是個驚喜,但那有點難 因為她的工作很忙 | No, it's a surprise. It's gonna be tricky because she's busy at work. |
-她說的? -是 | - She said that? - Yes. |
喬伊,你不認為這太快了… | Joey, don't you think maybe it's kind of quick... |
你們要一起去旅行? | ...for you to be going away together on a trip? |
不覺得.不,我想儘量和她多待在一起 | Not for me. No, I want to spend as much time with her as I can. |
好吧,甜心,喬伊,我們得談一談,好嗎? | Okay, honey. Joey, we need to talk, okay? |
她讓我覺得… | I got the feeling from her... |
她不想認真地跟別人交住 | ...that she's not looking for a serious relationship. |
-你怎麼會那麼想 -是她告訴我的 | - Where are you getting this? - She told me. |
她說她是個孤獨的人 | She said she's kind of a loner. |
-喬伊…-嘿,瑞秋,沒關係的 | - Joey... - Hey, Rach, it's cool, you know. |
我也是個孤獨的人,對吧? | I'm a loner too, right? |
喬伊,你知道嗎? 她配不上你 | Hey, Joey. You know what? You are way too good for her. |
我發誓 下次我會告訴她們你不想定下來 | I promise, next time I will tell them you're not looking for a relationship. |
不,別那麼做,只要… | No, don't do that. Just... |
-下次確定她喜歡我 -對,你說的沒錯 | - Next time, make sure she likes me. - Well, that too. |
喬伊? | Joey? |
-你要吃煎餅嗎? -好的 | - Do you want some pancakes? - Finally. |
我們該怎麼辦? | What are we gonna do? |
我們該選《無心快語》 | I say we go with "Careless Whisper." |
錢德? | Chandler? |
她看到我們了嗎? | Did she see us yet? Did she see us? |
珍妮絲,你來這裡做什麼? | Janice, what are you doing here? |
我想回我家去… | I thought I was gonna go back to my apartment... |
但我覺得今晚我不想獨處 | ...but I just felt like I really couldn't be alone tonight. |
我在想或許我可以待在你們家 | I was just wondering if I could maybe stay here with you. |
我真的覺得我該跟家人在一起 | Just, I really feel like I need to be with family. |
我們的孩子會叫她珍妮絲阿姨,對吧? | Our kids are gonna call her Aunt Janice, aren't they? |
拜託,因為我真的不知道我會做出什麼事來 | Please. Because otherwise, I really don't know what I might do. |
你不會有點奇怪嗎? | aren't you just a teensy bit curious? |
-你有面紙嗎? -有,在浴室裡 | - Do you have any tissues? - Yeah, in the bathroom. |
我們得收留她 | We'll just let her stay. |
不,如果我們收留她 她會永遠住在這裡 | No. If we let her stay, she will stay forever. |
-就像你的巴卡蘭吉沙發椅 -你真的那麼想? | - Kind of like your Barcalounger. - Is that what you're thinking about? |
我一直都是那麼想 | I never stop thinking about it. |
-那我們怎麼辦呢? -什麼也不做,我們必須讓她留下來 | - What are we going to do? - Nothing. We'll just have to let her stay. |
不行.我們會打架的! | We can't. We gotta fight! |
打架! | Fight! |
錢德,她打敗了我 | Chandler, she has beaten me. |
我累了,錢德 | I'm tired, Chandler. |
非常累! | So very tired! |
你們還好嗎? | Hey, you guys? |
你們想上洗手間嗎? 因為我要洗澡了 | Do either one of you want to get in there before I take my bath? |
珍妮絲,對不起… | Janice, I'm sorry... |
但今晚你不能留下來 | ...but you can't stay here tonight. |
為什麼? | Why not? |
說實話嗎? | Honestly? |
我們家因為電磁輻射的關係… | Our apartment is a hotbed... |
遭到了污染 | ...for electromagnetic activity. |
莫妮卡跟我已經免疫了,但不幸地… | Monica and I have been immunized, but sadly... |
你沒有免疫力 | ...you have not. |
我需要一條棉被 | I'm gonna need a comforter. |
你有抗過敏的棉被嗎? 不然的話我的鼻子會過敏 | Do you have a hypoallergenic one? Because otherwise I get very nasal. |
你們養了貓嗎? 因為我已經開始過敏了 | Do you have a cat? Because it's already happening. |
你們聽到了嗎? 你們聽 | Do you hear that? Listen. |
我的天啊! 你非離開不可 | Oh, my God! Oh, my God! You have to go. |
為什麼? | Why? |
因為錢德對你還有感覺 | Because Chandler still has feelings for you. |
真的嗎? | He does? |
你說什麼? | Say again? |
沒錯 | That's right. That's right. |
所以今晚你不能留下來 | And that is why you can't stay here tonight. |
或許你不該來參加婚禮 | And probably why you shouldn't come to the wedding. |
感覺,很強烈的感覺 | Feelings. Such strong feelings. |
我是說我知道他對你的感覺永遠都不會完全消失… | I mean, I realize that his feelings may never completely go away... |
但你可以消失 | ...but you can. |
我的天啊 | Oh, my God. |
我瞭解,我真的很抱歉 | I understand. I am so sorry. |
我會離開的 | I'll go. |
再見,莫妮卡 | Goodbye, Monica. |
我祝你跟他永遠幸福快樂 | I wish you a lifetime of happiness with him. |
錢德 | Chandler. |
如果你們處得不好你可以打電話給我 | You call me when this goes in the pooper. |
這區由我負責 | I got this section covered. |
事實上我會拿著手電筒照別人的眼睛… | Yeah, in fact, I've got this baby to shine in people's eye... |
好吧,待會見 | Okay, see you later. |
我只是帶莫妮卡來看你的書 | I just wanted to show Monica your book. |
-大家好,感恩節快樂 -不 | - Hey, everybody. Happy Thanksgiving. - No, no, no. |
不能讓大家知道今年有感恩節嗎? | What are we keeping Thanksgiving a secret this year? |
我們正在玩一個遊戲 | We're playing a game I learned. |
你得在六分鐘內寫出美國各州州名 | You have to name all the states in six minutes. |
什麼? 那太容易了 | What? That's like insanely easy. |
事實上這個遊戲很難,你總是會漏掉一個 | It's harder than it sounds. You always forget one. |
某些人會漏掉十四個 | Or, in some cases, 14. |
這大蠢了,我沒有跟任何人玩 所以技術上來說我沒輸 | It's stupid and I wasn't playing against people, so technically, I didn't lose. |
你忘了十四個州的州名? | You forgot 14 states? |
沒有人在乎南北達科他州 | Nobody cares about the Dakotas! |
好了,時間到 | Okay, time's up. |
好了,我寫出四十八州 | All right, I got 48. |
還不錯,菲比 | That's not bad. Pheebs? |
我厭倦了寫州名所以決定寫出各種芹菜的名字 | I got tired of naming states, so I decided to list the types of celery. |
我寫了一個,普通芹菜 | And I have one, regular celery. |
瑞秋寫出四十八州 菲比在蔬菜名稱方面 | So Rachel's got 48, and Phoebe has the lead in... |
稱霸,喬伊呢? | ...vegetables. Joey? |
跟錢德的愚蠢州名遊戲新冠軍打聲招呼吧 | Say hello to the new champ of Chandler's dumb states game. |
哇,你寫了幾個? 56個(美國只有50個州) | - Wow, how many you got? - Fifty-six. |
Friends S07E08 錢德不喜歡狗 | The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs |
新英格蘭(球隊名字)為什麼不是一州? | Hey, how is New England not a state? |
他們有運動代表隊 | They have a sports team. |
南俄勒岡有運動代表隊嗎?(應該是俄勒岡州) | Does South Oregon have a sports team? |
對啦 | There you go. |
為什麼多了一套餐具? | How come we have one extra place setting? |
你邀了你的助理過來 | You invited your assistant. |
對了,抱歉,泰格不來了 | Oh, right, sorry. Tag's not coming. |
他女朋友來了,所以他得去陪她 | His girlfriend came into town, so he's with her. |
你為什麼沒有告訴我? | Why didn't you tell me? |
我幫他做了專屬的甜馬鈴薯南瓜 | I made him his own individual sweet potato stuffed pumpkin. |
我本來想說,但我想… | I was going to, but then I figured... |
你做的菜既好吃,又好看… | ...your food is so delicious and perfect... |
我想多吃一點你做的南瓜 | ...you can never have too many of those pumpkin things. |
你以為你說得太假,我會不相信,但我還是覺得很高興 | You'd think I wouldn't enjoy that because it is so fake, but I still do. |
普通芹菜 | Regular celery! |
我已經寫了 | I already have that. |
好了… | Done... |
時間還剩下很多 | ...with time to spare. |
-這可能是新世界記錄 -我討厭對你們說教… | - This may be a new world's record. - I hate to lecture you guys... |
但這真的太丟臉了 一群受過良好教育的成年人 | ...but it's disgraceful that a group of well-educated adults... |
和喬伊,無法寫出全部的州名 | ...and Joey, can't name all the states. |
你們看過地圖,或是圓圓而且色彩鮮豔叫做“地球儀”的東西嗎? | You ever see a map, or one of those round, colorful things called a "globe"? |
麥哲倫先生? 你只答對了46個州 | Magellan? You got 46 states. |
-什麼? 那是不可能的 -46個州 | - What? That's impossible. - Forty-six. |
那個受過良好教育寫不出剩下十州州名的人是誰 | Well, who's well-educated now, Mr. L-Forgot-Ten-States? |
我要借用喬伊的烤箱 | I'm going to go turn on Joey's oven. |
拜託看好他,別讓喬伊偷吃東西 | Please, watch him. Do not let Joey eat any of the food. |
我只有一個人 | I am only one man. |
-好了,時間到 -再給我一分鐘 | - Okay, time is up. - Now, just give me another minute. |
如果現在想不出來 你永遠都想不出來,好嗎 | If you don't know them by now, you will never know them, okay? |
那就是這個遊戲好玩的地方 它會讓你想要殺了自己 | That is the beauty of this game. It makes you want to kill yourself. |
這太瘋狂了,我一定答得出來 | This is crazy. I can do this. |
好吧,我敢說我能在吃晚餐前寫出五十州的州名 | All right, I bet I can get all 50 before dinner. |
好吧,但你寫不出來 就不能吃晚餐 | Okay, but if you can't, no dinner. |
就這麼說定了 | You're on. |
別偷看我寫的答案 裡面有很多你寫不出來的州名 | Don't look at my list, because there's a lot on there that you don't have. |
你知道你的烤箱壞了嗎? | Did you know your oven doesn't work? |
裝滿外送菜單的抽屜,沒壞吧? | The drawer full of takeout menus is okay, right? |
羅斯,我要借用你的烤箱 | Ross, I'm gonna use yours. |
錢德,快來幫我 | Chandler, give me a hand. |
喬伊,別讓羅斯偷看地圖或你家的地球儀 | Joey, do not let Ross look at maps or the globe in your apartment. |
別擔心,那又不是美國的地球儀 | Don't worry. It's not a globe of the United States. |
我要去散步 | I'm gonna go out and take a walk. |
菲比,你的包包為什麼在動? | Phoebe, why is your bag moving? |
-才沒有 -它真的在動 | - Oh, it's not. - Seriously, it's moving. |
-裡面裝了什麼東西? -只是我的毛衣針而己 | - What the hell's in there? - It's just my knitting. That's all. |
對,我織了這個 | Yes, I knit this. |
我真的很厲害 | I'm very good. |
羅斯的公寓很漂亮 為什麼我們從不來這裡混? | Ross' apartment is nice. How come we don't hang out here? |
或許是因為它有個怪味道 | Maybe because it smells a weird. |
有點像是放了很久的南瓜味 | It's like old pumpkins or something. |
-那是我的派 -這個味道好香 | - That's my pie. - Which smells delicious. |
-呃喔 呃喔 -怎麼了? | - Uh-oh. Uh-oh. - What? |
我們讓喬伊跟食物獨處 | We left Joey alone with the food. |
沒錯,我就知道 | Yep, yep, I knew it. |
他在… | There he is... |
拿餡料喂小狗吃 | ...feeding stuffing to a dog! |
你好,這裡是蓋勒及賓的家 有什麼事嗎? | Hi, Geller-Bing residence. How can I help? |
為什麼我們家會有狗? | Why is a dog in our apartment? |
對不起,你是誰? | I'm sorry, who's this? |
有只狗坐在我的沙發上 | There's a dog sitting on my couch. |
告訴她我對狗過敏,我會控訴她 | Tell her I'm allergic, and I will sue! |
-這裡沒有狗 -不,真的有 | - There's no dog here. - Yes, there is! |
它是黑白相間,而且毛很長 | He's black and white and shaggy. |
它就坐在瑞秋旁邊,正在舔她的手 | He's sitting next to Rachel and licking her hand. |
我的天啊,你在哪裡? | Oh, my God! Where are you? |
我馬上回去 | I'll be right there. |
他們已經回來了? 他們怎麼辦到的? | They're here already? How are they doing this?! |
嗨,泰格,你來這裡做什麼? | Hi, Tag. What are you doing here? |
我想知道你的邀請是不是還有效 | I wanted to see if your offer was still good. |
當然,快進來 | Well, sure. Come in. |
你女朋友呢? | Well, what happened to your girlfriend? |
今天早上我們分手了 | We kind of broke up this morning. |
-我很遺憾 -所以她回俄亥俄去了 | - Oh, I'm sorry. - Yeah, so she went back to Ohio. |
俄亥俄州,謝謝你 | Ohio, thank you. |
狗在哪裡? | Where's the dog? |
什麼狗? 這裡沒有狗 | What dog? There's no dog here. |
那只狗離開了 | Yeah, that dog left. |
等一下.我們之前達成一致,說你的事.對 | Wait a minute. I thought we agreed to say... Your thing. Yeah. |
菲比,快開門 | Phoebe. Phoebe, open up. |
房間裡沒有狗 | There's no dog in here. |
藏狗計畫正式開始了 | Well, the hiding-the-dog plan is off to a great start. |
菲比,我們聽到了狗叫聲 | Phoebe, we can hear the dog barking. |
不,那只是我的咳嗽聲 | No, that's just me coughing. |
很好,你們回來了 | Oh, good. There you are. |
聽著,我房間裡有只狗 | Listen, I have a dog in my room. |
它在這裡做什麼? | What is it doing here? |
我幫我朋友照顧它 他們有事出城去了 | I'm watching it for friends who went out of town. |
等一下 | Wait. |
嗨,我是克朗克 | Hello, my name is Klunkers. |
我可以跟你們這些大好人住在一起嗎? | May I please stay with you nice people? |
我也希望能留它住下來 但錢德對狗過敏 | I wish he could stay here, but Chandler's allergic. |
我對狗嚴重過敏,好嗎? | Extremely allergic, okay? |
只要我一靠近狗,超過五分鐘… | If I'm anywhere near a dog for more than five minutes... |
我的喉嚨就會緊縮 | ...my throat will just close up. |
真是奇怪,這只狗在這裡住了兩天了 | That's odd. This dog's been living here for the past three days. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
如果它在這裡住了那麼久… | If he's been here that long... |
你一點反應都沒有 或許你對它不會過敏 | ...and you haven't had a reaction, maybe you're not allergic to it. |
它還是得離開,好嗎? | It still has to go, right? |
為什麼? | Why? |
-好吧,我…-別那麼做 | - Okay, it's... - Don't do it! |
-別做什麼? -我非說不可 | - Don't do what? - I have to. |
好嗎? 時間到了 | Okay? It's time. |
好吧,我討厭狗 | Okay, I hate dogs. |
-什麼? -那太瘋狂了,為什麼? | - What?! - That's crazy? Why? |
警告過你了 | Told you. |
它們很粘人… | They are needy... |
愛亂跑,你不知道它們在想什麼… | ...jumpy, and you can't tell what they are thinking... |
那把我嚇得半死 | ...and that scares me a little bit. |
你說得對,它們很可怕 | You're right. They are scary. |
它吃掉放在我手上的點心 | She just ate a treat out of my hand! |
你不過敏? 就是說,你對羊毛也不過敏? | So you're not allergic? I mean, does that mean you're not allergic to wool either? |
你給我買了一件粉紅色高長領毛衣 | You bought me a pink turtleneck sweater. |
目錄上的那人把它脫掉的 | The guy in the catalog pulled it off. |
等一下,你不喜歡狗? | Wait. Do you not like all dogs? |
連小狗都不喜歡? | I mean, not even puppies? |
這裡有小狗嗎? | Is there a puppy here? |
-你不喜歡小狗? -喂,你是新來的 | - You don't like puppies? - Okay, you are new. |
聽著,錢德,我跟你說過別跟其他人說你不喜歡狗 | Look, Chandler, I told you. Never tell anyone about this dog thing. |
這就像羅斯不喜歡霜淇淋 | It's like Ross not liking ice cream. |
-你不喜歡霜淇淋?-它太冰了 | - You don't like ice cream? - It's too cold! |
狗讓我覺得很不舒服 | It's just that dogs make me a little uncomfortable. |
我的牙齒冰得好痛 | Hurts my teeth. |
我不希望你們討厭我… | And I don't want you guys to hate me... |
但我不喜歡這只狗待在我身邊,好嗎? | ...but I don't think I can be around that dog anymore, okay? |
不是那只狗走,就是我走 | So either the dog goes or I go. |
我的天啊 | Oh, my God! |
我怎麼可能答不出來? | How can I not get this? |
我是大學教授,SAT(大學入學考)考了1450分(滿分1600) | I'm a college professor. I got 1450 on my SATs. |
是1250分才對 | Twelve-fifty. |
該死,我忘了你在這裡 | Damn, I forgot you were here. |
我們得把克朗克送到羅斯家 | We're gonna take Klunkers to Ross'. |
馬上就回來 | We'll be back in a minute. |
在你們離開前我能問你們一個問題嗎 | Before you go, can I ask you a question? |
如果一個男人跟女朋友分手了… | When a guy breaks up with his girlfriend... |
我得等多久才能採取行動? | ...what is an appropriate amount of time to wait before you make a move? |
我想是一個月 | I'd say about a month. |
真的嗎? 我覺得是三到四個月 | Really? I'd say three to four. |
半小時 | Half-hour. |
有趣 | Interesting. |
但他是你的助理,我勸你別那麼做 | When it's your assistant, I'd say never. |
好了,瑞秋,問題是他喜歡你嗎? | All right, Rach, the big question is, does he like you? |
如果他不喜歡你 這只是一個哞的事情 | Because if he doesn't like you, this is all a moo point. |
哞的事情? | A "moo" point? |
對,就像一隻牛的看法 | Yeah. It's like a cow's opinion. |
意思是那不重要 | It just doesn't matter. |
那是哞 | It's "moo." |
是我跟他同住太久 還是他的話真的有道理 | Have I been living with him for too long, or did that all just make sense? |
別聽喬伊的 | Don't listen to Joey. |
好吧,看看他的樣子 | Okay, would you look at him? |
他很沮喪,家人又不在身邊 | He's obviously depressed. He's away from his family. |
現在他需要你這個朋友 | What he needs right now is for you to be his friend. |
你說得對,對不起,謝謝 | You're right. I'm sorry. Thank you. |
-好吧,我會那麼做的 -很好,照她們的話去做 | - Okay, that's what I'm going to do. - Fine, take their advice. |
反正沒有人會聽我的話 | No one ever listens to me. |
只要包裝好看,沒有人會在乎內容 | When the package is this pretty, no one cares what's inside. |
好的,我說話算數 | Okay, I'm keeping my end of the deal. |
為什麼狗還在這裡? | Why is the dog still here? |
-我們要走了 -好的 | - We're leaving. - Okay. |
-走吧 -再見.再見 | - Come on. - Bye-bye. Bye-bye. |
我可以脫下來嗎? | I could pull this off, right? |
-嘿 -嘿 | - Hey. - Hey. |
你還好吧? | How you holding up? |
還可以 | Not bad. |
-關於你女朋友的事我很遺憾 -謝謝 | - I'm sorry about your girlfriend. - Thanks. |
-你們在一起很久了嗎? -1年了,總是分分合合的 | - Were you guys together a long time? - A year, on and off. |
我以為我們會相守一生 現在我不會那麼想了 | I kind of thought we'd end up together. I don't anymore. |
-因為她跟你分手了 -對 | - Now that she broke up with you. - Yeah. |
這真的很奇怪 | It's weird. |
我以前總以為我會遇見一個人墜入愛河,過著幸福的生活 | I used to assume that I would meet someone and fall in love and be happy. |
好像很自然而然 最近我會想如果不是那樣呢 | That all that was just a given. Lately, it's like, what if it's not? |
你有那種感覺嗎? | Do you ever have that feeling? |
不 | No. |
有 | Yeah. |
我常有那種感覺 一直都有,那真的很可怕 | All the time. Constantly. It's terrifying. |
但後來我想 一定會有那個人的 | But, you know, then I figure, it has to work out. |
為什麼? | Why? |
因為一定有的 | Because it has to. |
-你真的什麼都知道,對吧? -沒錯,我真的什麼都知道 | - You really have all the answers, don't you? - No, no, I do. I really do. |
-謝謝你陪我聊天 -別這樣,這不是上司該做的嗎 | - Thanks for talking to me. - Come on, what are bosses for? |
來抱一下吧 | Hug it out. |
好了,他也喜歡你 | All right, he likes you back. |
我說過你該這麼做的 | Told you, you should go for it. |
什麼? | What? |
下麵的噪音有沒有蓋過那句話? | Street noise drown any of that out? |
沒有嗎? 待會見 | No? See you later. |
好吧 | Okay. |
剛剛喬伊說了什麼? 我也喜歡你?(有“背”的意思) | What did Joey say? I like you back? |
你知道的…哦…他… | You know... Well, see... He... |
喬伊知道我對我的背沒信心 | Joey knows that I'm very insecure about my back. |
剛剛你在抱我… | And you were hugging me... |
很明顯地你不討厭它,沒錯 | ...so, obviously, you are not repulsed by it. Yeah! |
-等一下,那根本就說不通 -是嗎? | - Wait, that doesn't make any sense. - No? |
好吧,事實是這樣的 | All right, here's the truth. |
喬伊會那麼說… | Joey said what he said... |
因為我被你吸引 | ...because I'm attracted to you. |
哇 | Wow. |
對,我承認 | Yeah, I admit it. |
我暗戀你,我知道那很瘋狂 因為我們是同事… | I have a crush on you. I know that's crazy because we work together... |
我們之間不該發生任何事 | ...and nothing could ever happen. |
我一點都不想嚇到你… | The last thing I wanted to do was freak you out... |
或是讓你覺得不自在 | ...or make you feel uncomfortable. |
所以我認為你最好快說句話 | Which is why it would be really great if you said something right about now. |
我的天啊,那些傢伙在偷我的車 | Oh, my God. Those guys are stealing my car. |
什麼? | What? |
就在那邊,那是我的車 | Right there. That's my car! |
-嘿 -好了,他們得花點時間 | - Hey! - Okay, that's gonna take one minute. |
你有話要跟我說嗎? | Do you have anything else you want to get off your chest? |
我不敢相信 | I can't believe this. |
我們還有時間談,他們還沒上車 | We still have time to talk, and they're not even in the car yet. |
你看,他們上車了 | Look, there they go. |
好了,菲比,或許我們該回去了 | Okay, Phoebe. We should probably go back now. |
求求你別離開我,我會很寂寞的 | Please, don't leave me. I'll be lonely. |
別說了 | Stop it. Stop. |
-我們走吧,我們可以很堅強的 -好吧 | - Okay, let's go. We can be strong. - Yeah, okay. |
你聽到了嗎? 它在叫“莫妮卡” | Did you hear that? She said, "Monica." |
我不能丟下它 | I can't leave her. |
我們可以偷偷把狗帶回去 錢德不會發現的 | We could sneak the dog back in, and Chandler wouldn't even know. |
那是行不通的 | That's not gonna work. |
我把小狗藏在房間裡三天 錢德完全不知道 | I had that dog for three days, and Chandler had no idea. |
他沒有那麼聰明 | He's not so smart. |
嘿,我也不知道 | Hey. I didn't know either. |
對,但你覺得怪怪的,對吧 | Yeah, but you kind of knew that something was going on, didn't you? |
沒錯,我知道 | Yeah, I knew. |
錢德在哪裡? | Where's Chandler? |
-我在這裡 -快去洗手 | - Here I am. - Wash your hands. |
你怎麼知道? | How did you know? |
它怎麼又回來了? | Hey, what's she doing back here? |
別激動,羅斯,它不是霜淇淋做的 | Relax, Ross. She's not made of ice cream. |
聽著,菲比,我照位置將各州州名排好 | Hey, look, Phoebe. I laid out the states geographically. |
沒時間談這件事了 我們不能讓錢德靠近我房間 | We don't have time for this. We have to keep him away from my room. |
-對,但是 -所以我們沒有時間了 | - Yeah, but, look what... - This is what we do not have time for! |
-莫妮卡在哪裡? -她在菲比房間裡,你不能進去 | - Where's Monica? - In Phoebe's room. You can't go in there. |
為什麼? | Why not? |
莫妮卡大哭 | Monica's crying. |
關於克朗克的事她非常難過 | She's very upset about this whole Klunkers thing. |
-我應該進去的 -不 | - Well, I should go in there. - No, no. |
不,現在她不想見你 | No, she doesn't want to see you right now. |
-為什麼? -因為你把那只狗趕走 | - Why not? - Because you sent away the dog. |
-那太可笑了 -是嗎?是嗎? | - That's ridiculous. - Oh, is it? Is it?! |
聽著,莫妮卡跟我小時候 我們養了一隻狗叫路佛 | Look, when Monica and I were kids, we had a dog named Rover. |
有一天我爸決定他不喜歡狗 | And one day, my dad decides he doesn't like dogs. |
莫妮卡跟她的朋友菲麗絲… | So Monica and her friend Phyllis... |
把狗送走,那是我們 最後一次見到它,好嗎 | ...take away the dog, and that was the last time we ever saw him. See? |
這次也一樣 | This is just like that... |
只不過有些細節不一樣 | ...only with a few details changed. |
好了,我換了運動褲 | Okay, I'm in my sweatpants. |
把食物端上來吧 | Bring on the food. |
-怎麼了? -莫妮卡因為克朗克的事很難過 | - What's the matter? - Monica's upset because of Klunkers. |
所以呢? 把狗抱回來 你會成為大英雄的 | So? Bring the dog back. You're a hero. |
對,我可以當大英雄 我可以那麼做 | Yeah, I could be a hero. I could do that. |
萬一它攻擊我呢? | What if it attacks me? |
錢德,它就像只大沙鼠 | Chandler, it's like a big gerbil. |
你不害怕嗎? | And that doesn't scare you? |
羅斯,你需要幫忙嗎? | Ross, you need some help? |
你要幫? | From you? |
好的,拜託你了 | Yes, please. |
首先,猶他州? | First of all, Utah? |
兄弟,你不能亂編州名 | Dude, you can't just make stuff up. |
好了,克朗克,過來這裡.你這個大沙鼠 | Okay, Klunkers, come here, you big gerbil. |
克朗克 | Klunkers. |
我的克朗克在哪呢.我的小…? | Where's my Klunkers, my little...? |
不,不,不.我不能發出那樣的聲音 | No, no, no. I am not going to do that voice. |
克朗克 | Klunkers. |
噢,不,不,不,不,不,不 | Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. |
回來這裡.你這個該死的毛絨絨聞屁股的傢伙 | Come back here, you furry, little butt-sniffer. |
不是說你,夫人 | Not you, ma'am. |
我恨美國 | I hate America! |
這個遊戲結束後我發誓我要搬家 | When I finish this game, I swear, I am moving. |
-泰格還在跟員警談? -對 | - Tag still talking to the police? - Yeah. |
該死,我為什麼要說話? | Damn it. Why did I open my mouth? |
“我暗戀你,我被你吸引” | "I have a crush on you. I'm attracted to you." |
我知道我嚇壞他了 | I know that I freaked him out. |
如果你是那種口氣,他一定嚇壞了 | If you said it like that, you did. |
我當時在想什麼呢? | What was I thinking? |
我和他共事,我必須每天見到他 | I work with this man. I have to see him every day. |
那種事怎麼會發生在我身上呢? | How'd this happen to me? |
等會.對了.都是因為你 | Oh, wait. That's right, it was because of you. |
好吧,我來幫你,知道你要怎麼做嗎? | All right, I think I can help you. You wanna know what you have to do? |
-請幫幫我 -好的,好的,好的 | - Please, help me. - Okay, okay, okay. |
你要這樣跟他說,知道嗎? | Now, you're gonna want to talk to him about this, right? |
但請相信我,瑞秋,那只會更糟糕 | But trust me, Rach, that'll only make it worse. |
你要否認所有一切 | You have to deny everything. |
那裡的談話從來沒發生過 | That conversation out there, never happened. |
喬伊,不行的.談話進行得比較長 | Joey, I don't think that's gonna work. It was a pretty long conversation. |
沒有談話 | There was no conversation. |
好吧,喬伊.我會跟泰格說的 | Okay. Joey, I'm just gonna talk to Tag. |
誰是“泰格”? 沒有“泰格” | Who's "Tag"? There's no "Tag". |
好吧,這次談話結束了 | Okay. This conversation is over. |
你看? 奏效了 | See? It works. |
嘿,錢德在嗎? | Hey, is Chandler here? |
不,他去散步了 | No, he went for a walk. |
好了,你們不能告訴他 但看看是誰回來了 | Okay, you cannot tell him, but look who's back. |
喔,不 | Well, no, no, no. |
他到羅斯家去帶小狗回來 | He went over to Ross' to bring the dog back here. |
不,小狗不在那裡耶 | Oh, no, the dog's not going to be there! |
你這麼覺得啊? | You think? |
嗨,甜心 | Hi, honey. |
求求你別對我生氣 | Please, please, please, don't be mad at me. |
-什麼? 為什麼…? -等等看看 | - What? Why would...? - Wait and see. |
或許我們會,或許我們不會 | Maybe we will, maybe we won't. |
我跑到羅斯家想幫你把克朗克抱回來… | Okay, I went over to Ross' apartment to bring back Klunkers for you... |
我忘了關門,它一定是跑出去了 | ...and I left the door open, and she must've gotten out. |
我到處找過,找遍整棟公寓,包括屋頂 | And I looked everywhere, all over the apartment, including the roof. |
對了,羅斯 你鄰居在屋頂上種大麻 | Which, FYI, Ross, one of your neighbors, growing weed. |
我找不到它… | I couldn't find him... |
我真的很抱歉 | ...and I am so, so, so sorry. |
但我知道怎麼樣能讓大家忘記痛苦 | But I do know where we can all go ease the pain. |
我們有好消息,看看誰回來了 | We have good news. Look who's back! |
克朗克,我的天啊 | Klunkers. Oh, my God! |
-它是自己跑回來的 -這是感恩節奇跡 | - She came back all by herself. - It's a Thanksgiving miracle. |
真高興能見到你 | It is so good to see you. |
它從羅斯家跑了回來 | She came all the way back from Ross' building. |
它一定遇到很多事 | The things she must've seen. |
它爬上消防梯… | She climbed up the fire escape... |
用它的小腳拍打窗戶 我們跑去開窗讓它進來 | ...and she tapped on the window with her teeny, little paw, and we ran to let her in. |
我說的太過火了,對吧? | I went too far, didn't I? |
我該在哪裡就住口呢? | When should I have stopped? |
好了,或許這個遊戲很難 是因為美國沒有五十個州 | Okay, maybe this is so hard because there aren't 50 states. |
我得告訴你一件事 我寫出四十九個州的州名 | Let me tell you something. I have 49 states... |
那已經是全部的答案了 | ...and there are no more! |
我想我應該可以吃點東西了 | I think I should be able to eat something. |
隨便你 | It's up to you. |
-嗨,你還好嗎? -我很好 | - Oh, hi. How are you doing? - I'm okay. |
我得到警局去,指認嫌犯的照片 | I gotta go down to the police station and look at mug shots. |
謝謝你邀請我來這裡 | Thanks for having me over. |
泰格,你要走了嗎? | Tag, you're going? |
我們還沒有機會好好談一談 | We didn't even get a chance to talk. |
你說你是哪一州的人? | So where did you say you're from again? |
-科羅拉多州 -你有什麼用? | - Colorado. - What good are you? |
聽著,我想我們該談談在陽臺上發生的事 | Look, I think we should talk about what happened on the terrace. |
好吧 | Okay. |
我不該說那些話的 | I never should've said what I said. |
我的感覺並不重要 | It just doesn't matter how I feel. |
我們一起工作不應該有任何私人關係 | We work together, so nothing could really ever happen between us. |
星期一我想高高興興去上班再也不提這件事 | I would love to go to work on Monday and never talk about this again. |
好了,星期一是個大日子 我們還有很多事要做 | Okay. Big day, Monday. Lots to do. |
我們應該還好吧? | So we okay? |
我一點都不好 | I'm not. |
我就知道我嚇到你了 | I knew it. I freaked you out. |
不,你沒有 | No, you didn't. |
嚇壞我的是你說我們不該有私人關係 | What freaked me out was you saying nothing could happen between us. |
-真的嗎? -對 | - Really? - Yeah. |
請不要因為我這麼做就解雇我 | So please don't fire me for doing this. |
星期一我們要做的事少了一件 | That's one less thing we have to do on Monday. |
特拉華州 | Delaware. |
特拉華州 | Delaware. |
-好吧 -我要吃我的火雞 | - All right. - I want my turkey now. |
沒問題 | You got it. |
你重複寫了兩次內華達州 | You got Nevada twice. |
-我知道 -好吧 | - I know. - Yeah. |
-我準備好了 -你確定? | - I'm ready. - You sure? |
讓我幫你把頭盔戴好 | Let me just straighten out your helmet there. |
-謝謝你,爸爸 -不,一個爸爸,兩個媽媽 | - Thanks, Daddy. - No, no. One daddy, two mommies. |
-好了,你去吧 -沒問題 | - All right, it's all yours. - Okay, okay. |
加油 | There you go, there you go. |
這是班第一次騎腳踏車 我真的是好興奮 | Wow, Bers first big-kid's bike. This is so exciting! |
對,我還記得我的第一次 | Oh, yeah, I remember mine. |
那是我六歲的生日,我到公園去… | It was my sixth birthday. I went to the park... |
-坐上腳踏車,它就垮了 -沒錯 | ...and I got on it, and it bent. - Yeah. |
-我從來沒有屬於自己的腳踏車 -什麼? | - I never had a bike of my own. - What? |
我們沒有錢 | We didn't have a lot of money. |
但在對街的女孩有一輛最酷的腳踏車 | But the girl across the street had the best bike. |
它是粉紅色的 把手掛著五顏六色的流蘇... | It was pink, and it had rainbow-colored tassels hanging off the handles... |
還有鈴檔,一個白色的大籃子… | ...and a bell and this big, white wicker basket... |
上面點綴著塑膠做的小雛菊 | ...with those plastic daisies stuck on. |
聽起來很像是我的第一輛腳踏車 | That sounds like my first bike. |
我爸把他以前的腳踏車送給我 | My dad gave me his old one. |
-那個女孩讓你騎它嗎? -不 | - Did the girl ever let you ride it? - No. |
但她把裝腳踏車的紙箱送給我 | But she gave me the box that it came in. |
紙箱前面印了腳踏車的圖案 | It had a picture of the bike on the front. |
我可以坐在上面 我繼父會拖著我在後院跑 | So I would sit on it, and my stepdad would drag me around the backyard. |
那真的太不公平了 | That is so unfair. |
也不能那麼說,我也會拖著他跑 | Not really, I got to drag him around too. |
Friends S07E09 糖果 | The One With All the Candy |
你們在做什麼? | Hey, what are you guys doing? |
我在為鄰居做糖果 | Making candy for the neighbors. |
對不起,你說誰? | I'm sorry, who? |
我要在門上掛一個籃子 | I'm gonna hang a basket on the door. |
只要鄰居一走過去他們就可以拿一塊糖果 | When the neighbors walk by, they can take a piece. |
-但我們不認識我們的鄰居 -我認識 | - But we don't know the neighbors. - I do. |
讓我想一想,那個留鬍子的男人… | There's, let's see, the guy with the mustache... |
老煙槍婆婆,我看過一些孩子… | ...smokes-a-lot lady, some kids I've seen... |
還有紅頭髮的男人 他不喜歡別人叫他“生銹” | ...and a red-haired guy who does not like to be called Rusty. |
我認識那個男人.他也不喜歡你說: | Oh, I know that guy. He also doesn't like it when you say: |
“走開,混蛋.我訂婚了” | "Back off, Howdy Doody. I'm engaged." |
你和火鬍子有過來往? | You got hit on by Firebeard? |
看吧,這就是我要做糖果的原因 | See, this is exactly why I'm making this candy. |
我們可以認識鄰居 | We can get to know our neighbors. |
搬家應該會比較簡單一點吧? | Wouldrt it be easier if we just moved? |
早安 | Good morning! |
-有人心情不錯 -我為什麼要心情不好 | - Somebody's in a good mood. - Well, why shouldn't I be? |
我有很棒的朋友,有很棒的工作… | I have great friends. I have a wonderful job... |
而且可以在辦公室跟助理鬼混 | Where you can make out with your assistant. |
那沒有什麼大不了的 | It's not a big deal. |
我們整晚沒睡 在想計畫確保我們的交往不會有問題 | We stayed up all night creating a plan so that us dating won't be a problem. |
是嗎? 你們想出什麼計畫? | Oh, yeah? What's the plan? |
我們…我們不會… | We... We are not... |
讓它… | ...going to let it... |
變成問題 | ...be a problem. |
你們花了一整晚想出那個計畫? | It took you all night to come up with that plan? |
你知道的,我們還做了別的事 | Well, you know, we did other stuff too. |
你們兩個… | Did you two...? |
哦,我不會在第一次約會時就跟男伴上床 | Oh, I don't sleep with guys on the first date. |
-麥特威爾,馬克林恩,班韋斯 -我已經不會了 | - Matt Wire, Mark Lynn, Ben Wise... - Anymore! |
泰格,今天我要開會,對吧? | Hi, Tag, I have a conference call today, is that correct? |
-沒錯,四點開會 -謝謝你,沒事了 | - Yes, at 4. - Okay, thank you, that'll be all. |
等一下 | Wait, wait. |
你看到了嗎? 他沒發現… | Did you see that? He had no idea... |
我們在戀愛 | ...there was something going on between us. |
-我得回去工作了 -好吧,工作狂 | - I'd better get back to my desk. - Okay, hard worker. |
我會在你的評估表裡提到那一點 | I'll put that in your evaluation. |
-我的什麼? -你已經來上班兩個月了 | - My what? - You've been here for two months now. |
你的上司必須為你的表現做評估 | And your boss is required to hand in a performance evaluation. |
但有一件事,我還沒有做評估 | But you know, there is one thing that I have yet to evaluate. |
-你是認真的嗎? -不,我只是一直都想那麼做 | - Are you serious?- No, I've just always wanted to do that. |
你可以幫我把東西撿起來嗎? | Can you help me clean this up? |
-別人吃我的糖果,真興奮 -我也是! | - I'm excited to see if anyone ate my candy. - Me too! |
-你不必那樣做 -謝謝 | - You don't have to do that.- Thanks. |
籃子是空的,鄰居們把糖果吃掉了 | The basket is totally empty! The neighbors ate it all! |
喔,不然的話就是… | Well, either that or... |
不.喬伊也吃不了那麼多 | No. Not even Joey could eat that much. |
零食,爆米花蝦仁之夜 | Little refresher, popcorn shrimp night. |
喬伊 | Joey! |
什麼? | Yeah? |
-你吃掉給鄰居們的糖果了嗎? -本來我打算要那麼做 | - Did you eat all the neighbor candy? - That was the plan. |
我走到籃子邊時,裡面只剩幾塊糖果 | When I got to it, there was only a few pieces left. |
整天人潮川流不息,他們喜歡它 | They've come by all day. They love it. |
他們喜歡我的糖果? | They love my candy? |
-天啊,我得多做一點 -嘿,莫妮卡 | - Oh, man, I gotta go make more. - Hey, Mon. |
多做一點義大利面 或許它也會很受歡迎 | Make some more lasagna too. Something might have happened to a chunk of it. |
羅斯,鄰居們吃光了我的糖果 | Ross, the neighbors ate all my candy. |
我的鄰居偷走我的報紙 | Mine stole my newspaper. |
這簡直是犯罪潮 | It's like a crime wave. |
菲比,你有空嗎? | Pheebs, you got a second? |
當然有 | Sure. |
自從你告訴我那個腳踏車的故事… | Ever since you told me about that bike... |
它一直在我腦中揮之不去 | ...I couldn't stop thinking about it. |
我是說大家都該有第一輛腳踏車 你知道嗎? 所以… | I mean, everyone should have a first bike, you know? So... |
我的天啊,羅斯 | Oh, my God, Ross! |
-你喜歡嗎? -我愛死它了 | - You like it? - I love it! |
是嗎? 哦,天啊… | - Yeah? - Oh, oh, God... |
我愛你 | And I love you. |
不是那一種愛 | Not that way. |
但這輛腳踏車讓你跟我更親近了 | But the bike got you a lot closer. |
哦,把它牽到樓下去 | Well, take it downstairs. |
試騎一下 | You know, give it a test drive. |
好的,我的天啊 | Okay. Oh, my God. |
我的第一輛腳踏車 | My first bike! |
謝謝你,這是我收過最棒的禮物 | Thank you for the best present I've ever gotten. |
別客氣 | You're welcome. |
錢德快哭了 | Oh, and Chandler's about to cry. |
我才沒有 | Am not. |
嘿,兄弟,沒事的.只是… | Hey, dude, it's okay. It kind of... |
…我也覺得有點了 | ...got to me a little too. |
真高興能讓她開心 | I'm just so glad I could make her happy. |
謝謝.我很高興不是只有我想哭 | Thanks. I'm glad I'm not alone on this. |
-不,你是 -不,你是 | - Yeah, you are. - Yeah, you are. |
是誰? | Who is that? |
別擔心,我很勇敢 | Don't worry, I'm brave. |
我…我很勇敢 | I... I am brave. |
不 | No, no, no, no! |
請問你是誰? | Can you tell me who is there, please? |
我是蓋瑞,我住在樓上 | My name's Gary. I live upstairs. |
嗨 嗨 | - Hi. - Hi. |
-你知道現在幾點了嗎? -現在是糖果時間 | - Do you know what time it is? - It's candy time. |
我室友說它們吃起來就像是天堂掉下來的禮物 | My roommate says they taste like little drops of heaven. |
噢,拜託 | Oh, please. |
你聽到了嗎?“天堂掉下來的禮物” | Did you hear that? "Little drops of heaven." |
淩晨四點 | Four a. M. |
你能給我一點糖果嗎? | So can I get some candy? |
對不起,但我們之中有人還得早起去上班 | I am sorry, but some of us have to get up early and go to work. |
他不知道我不是“那個人” | He does not know that I am not "some of us." |
-他聽得到我說話,對嗎? -沒錯 | - He can hear me, can't he? - Yeah. |
對不起,但明天一大早我會做一些糖果 | I'm sorry, but I'll put some out in the morning. |
好吧,我待會再來 | Okay, I'll swing by later. |
你住在這裡? | You live in this building? |
我應該會記得你 | Seems like I'd remember you. |
晚安,蓋瑞 | Night, Gar. |
樓裡有誰沒有見過你的嗎? | Is there anybody in this building that does not hit on you? |
老煙槍婆婆 | Smokes-a-lot lady. |
等等,這不對 | Oh, wait, that is not true. |
你看了你的評估表嗎? | So did you read your evaluation yet? |
不,上面寫了“極機密” | No, it was marked "confidential." |
我剛剛把它送到人事處了 | I just sent it to human resources. |
拜託,你是在開玩笑,對吧? 我故意寫那份評估表來跟你開玩笑 | Please, you're kidding, right? I wrote that one as a joke for you. |
他們會喜歡這個玩笑嗎? | A joke they would appreciate? |
我想不會 | I'm thinking, no. |
-你寫了什麼? -我說你是接吻高手... | - What did you say? - I said you were a good kisser... |
我喜歡你又小又挺的屁股 | ...and that I liked your teeny, tiny tushy. |
不,那不是我的屁股 | No, not my tushy. |
還有更糟糕的事 | It gets worse. |
關於你的主動性,我說: | About your initiative, I wrote: |
“他幾乎不需要指導就能解開我的胸罩” | "He was able to unook my bra with minimal supervision." |
至於你的表現會不會有問題,我說:“天啊,希望不要有” | Under problems with performance, I wrote, "Dear God, I hope not." |
然後…我畫了一個微笑的小臉 | And then... And then I drew a little smiley face. |
還有一張色情小素描 | And then a small pornographic sketch. |
你送菲比腳踏車真的太貼心了 | That is so sweet of you to get Phoebe that bike. |
我聽到那個故事時,差點就哭了 | When I heard the story, I almost cried. |
你差點哭了? | Almost cried, huh? |
你聽到了嗎? 錢德 ,“差點”哭了 | Hear that, Chandler? "Almost" cried. |
只要有人提到《泰坦尼克號》你每次都會哭 | Hey, you cry every time somebody talks about Titanic. |
他們兩個只擁有彼此(傑克和露絲) | Those two had only each other. |
她真的很喜歡它吧? | She really likes it, huh? |
對,我看到她牽著它過街 | Oh, yeah. I saw her walking it down the street. |
她的籃子裡面還有花,那真的很可愛 | She had these flowers in the basket. It was so cute. |
今天早上我看到她牽著它在公園散步 | I saw her this morning, walking it by the park. |
等一下,她牽著腳踏車? | Wait, she was walking the bike? |
兩次都是? | Both times? |
-嗨,菲比 -嗨 | - Hey, Pheebs. - Oh, hi! |
-你喜歡你的腳踏車嗎? -非常喜歡 | - Hey, so you enjoying the bike? - Oh, so much. |
菲比,你會騎腳踏車吧? | Pheebs, you do know how to ride a bike, don't you? |
當然 | Of course. |
我們能看你騎腳踏車嗎? | Can we see you ride it? |
好吧 | Okay. |
看到了嗎? | See? |
我早就跟你說不要跟助理交住 | I told you not to get involved with your assistant. |
不可能有永遠的秘密 | There's no such thing as a secret when it comes to affairs. |
你聽到了嗎? 錢德 | Did you hear that, Chandler? |
沒有這樣的事 | No such thing. |
發生了什麼事? 我只是在吃糖果 | What happened? I'm just eating candy. |
或許沒有那麼糟糕 他們可能看不懂我的意思 | Maybe it's not that bad. They might not take it the way I meant it. |
當然咯,你知道嗎? 因為“小屁屁”可以指屁股... | Absolutely, you know? Because "tushy" can mean both ass... |
跟好員工 | ...and good worker. |
我得把評估表拿回來 | I just gotta get the thing back. |
瑞秋,還記得你提到的素描嗎? | Rach? That sketch you mentioned? |
它跟這幅素描很像嗎? | Might it have looked a little like this? |
我的天啊,喬伊 | Oh, my God, Joey! |
-你是怎麼了? -天啊 | - What is the matter with you? - God! |
在我買不起色情雜誌前 這點天份還蠻有用的 | This little talent came in handy before I could afford porn. |
嗨,對不起,我知道現在是休息時間 但我真的需要糖果 | Hi, I'm sorry. I know it's after-hours, but I really need candy. |
對不起,我幫不了你 看到了沒? 規定就是規定 | I'm sorry, I can't help you. See? Rules are rules. |
拜託,我住在外地的朋友今天來看我 | Please, I have people coming from out of town today. |
-我跟他們提起你的糖果 -你是在開玩笑吧 | - I told them all about your candy. - You're kidding. |
他們是外地來的? 你怎麼跟他們說的? | Out-of-towners, huh? What did you tell them? |
我告訴他們你的糖果真的是好吃到無法形容 | I told them your candy was absolutely indescribable. |
有人說它是“天堂掉下來的禮物” 但那不重要 | Some people have said it's "little drops of heaven. " But whatever. |
-拜託,你不能幫幫我嗎? -錢德,我們認識那位元女士嗎 | - Please, can't you help me out? - Hey, Chandler, do we know that lady? |
她不是住在你樓下做愛時會大叫的那個女人嗎? | Isn't she the woman who lives below you and has sex really loud? |
好吧,我只破例一次 | All right, I'll do it just this once. |
-但你不能告訴任何人 -求求你,快給我吧 | - But you can't tell anyone. - Please, just give it to me. |
對,就是她 | Yeah, that's her. |
-謝謝你 -不可思議 | - Thank you. - Unbelievable! |
我不敢相信紙條沒有用 | I can't believe that sign didn't work. |
你知道什麼才會有用嗎? 別再做糖果了 | You know what would work? Stop making candy. |
但他們喜歡它 | But they like it. |
你是說他們喜歡你 | You mean they like you. |
或許吧 | Maybe. |
那就是你當廚師的原因? 你要大家喜歡你? | Is that why you became a chef, so people would like you? |
你要跟我談什麼讓別人喜歡你嗎? 搞笑的人 | You want to talk about getting people to like you, huh, funny man? |
記住我教你的一切,你會沒事的 | Just remember everything I taught you, and you'll be fine. |
好嗎? 開始吧 | Okay? Here we go. |
就位,預備… | Ready, set... |
等一下,這個椅子真的很不舒服 | Wait, this seat is really uncomfortable. |
或許我們得換張椅子再來練習 | Maybe before we start we should just get another one. |
或許我們該換個飛機座椅或裝滿豆子的椅子 | Perhaps like an airplane seat, or a beanbag chair! |
你不能逃避這件事 你得學會騎腳踏車 | You can't get out of this. You have to learn how to ride a bike. |
為什麼我非學不可? | Why? Why do I have to learn? |
-以防發生緊急事故 -什麼樣的緊急的事故? | - Well, in case of an emergency. - What kind of emergency? |
如果有人走過來拿槍指著你的頭說: | Well, what if a man comes along and puts a gun to your head and says: |
快騎上腳踏車,不然我會… | "You ride this bike or I'll... |
我會開槍打你 | I'll shoot you." |
我會按鈴鐺分散他的注意力 | I would ring the bell to distract him. |
然後我會用中國的飛鏢把那個傢伙敲昏 | Then I would knock the gun away with a Chinese throwing star. |
好吧,菲比,快坐上腳踏車… | Okay, Phoebe, just get on the bike... |
我會扶著你 幫你推,好嗎? | ...and, hey, I'll hold you up and push you. Okay? |
你不會放手? | You won't let go? |
-我不會 -你發誓 | - No. - You swear? |
我發誓 | I swear. |
-好吧 -來吧 | - Okay. - Come on. |
好了,要開始了,好嗎? | All right, here we go. All right? |
-好吧 -好嗎? | - All right. - All right? |
感覺不錯吧? 好了,試著踩踏板 | Feel good? All right, try pedaling. |
對了,你做的很好 對,控制住車子 | That's it, you're doing great. Yes, take control. |
這就對了 | Yes, yes, yes! |
哦,不 | Oh, no! |
你發過誓的 | You swore! |
-我認為你騎得很好 -我真的很震驚,很震驚! | - I just thought you were doing so well. - I am shocked. Shocked! |
大家都是那樣子學腳踏車的 | It's a legitimate learning technique. |
哇 | Wow. |
嘿,外面有些人在問糖果的事 | Hey, there's some people outside asking about candy. |
他們得等,好嗎? 我只有兩隻手 | They'll just have to wait, won't they? I only got two hands! |
-需要我幫忙嗎? -不,你不熟悉流程 | - Need some help? - No, you don't know the system. |
我不希望任何人破壞我的流程 | I don't need nobody messing with the system! |
順便說一句,你結婚前一個星期不會常常看到我 | By the way, the week before your wedding, you may not see a lot of me. |
嗨,騙子 | Oh, hello, liar. |
聽著,我真的很抱歉放開了你的腳踏車 | Look, I'm really sorry I let go of the bike. |
我可能會沒命的 | I could've been killed, you know. |
我知道 | I know, I know. |
但你能再試一次嗎? | But can we please try it again? |
我是說你只差一點就成功了,菲比 | I mean, you were so close, Phoebe. |
哦,我很樂意… | Well, I would love to... |
但腳踏車被偷了,員警找不到嫌犯 | ...but the bike got stolen and the police have no suspects. |
-菲比 -什麼? | - Phoebe. - What? |
怎麼會這樣? | What the hell? |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
如果你不學騎腳踏車那麼我很抱歉… | If you won't learn how to ride, then I'm sorry... |
-我得把它收回去 -什麼? 為什麼? | ...I have to take it back. - What? Why? |
因為它… | Because it's... |
它就像你買了這把吉他… | It'd be like you having this guitar... |
卻從來不彈它 | ...and never playing it. |
好嗎,這吉他希望被彈 | Okay, this guitar wants to be played. |
這輛腳踏車希望被騎 | And this bike wants to be ridden. |
如果你不騎它… | And if you don't ride it... |
你就是在扼殺它的靈魂 | ...you're killing its spirit. |
腳踏車… | The bike... |
快死了 | ...is dying. |
好吧,如果你真的那麼在乎不惜撒謊,我學就是了 | - All right. If you care enough to make up that load of crap, okay. |
太棒了 | Great, great. |
你讓腳踏車非常快樂 | You're making the bike very happy. |
知道了,羅斯 | Okay, Ross. |
請不要死掉 | Please don't die! |
我們得在他們看到評估表前把它拿回來 | To get the evaluation before they see it... |
所以我們得溜進則納的辦公室 通常他十點才會到 | ...we gotta get into Zelner's office. He doesn't get in until 10. |
但他的助理貝蒂一大早就會到辦公室吃早餐 | But his assistant, Betty, comes in early to eat breakfast at her desk. |
-那真的很悲慘 -沒錯,貝蒂很可悲 | - That's kind of sad. - Yeah, well, Betty's kind of sad. |
所以我相信我可以用這些巧克力把她誘開 | Which is why I believe I can lure her away with these chocolates. |
我誘開她後,你就跑進去 | While I distract her, you go in. |
-我知道了 -我們行動吧 | - Got it. - Let's roll. |
嗨,瑞秋,你有空嗎 | Hello, Rachel. You got a minute? |
當然,則納先生 你有事嗎? 我隨時都有空 | Yeah, sure, Mr. Zelner. For you? Anything. Minute. |
好吧,太棒了 | Okay, great. |
取消計畫 | Abort the plan. |
事實上,我想跟你們兩個談一談 | Actually, I'd like to speak to both of you. |
好的 | Okay. |
有什麼事需要幫忙嗎? 則納先生,或許你想吃點巧克力 | Well, can we get you anything, Mr. Zelner? Maybe some chocolates. |
不,謝謝你 但我可以把它們送給貝蒂 | No, thanks, but I'll give these to Betty. |
我看過你對泰格做的評估表 | So I read your evaluation of Tag. |
或許我該叫他的全名泰格“小可愛”鐘斯 | Or to use his full name, Tag "Sweet Cheeks" Jones? |
你們之間有什麼嗎? | Is something going on with you two? |
我的天啊 你能想像如果有會怎麼樣嗎 | Oh, my God, can you imagine if there was? |
如果是那樣的話會怎麼樣? | I mean, what would happen exactly? |
那樣啊,我一定得寫份報告 | Well, I'd be forced to file a report. |
我得跟法律部門商量 | I'd have to consult with the legal department. |
你們在公司的未來可能會有問題 | And your future at the company would be in jeopardy. |
-哦…-則納先生… | - Well... - Mr. Zelner... |
那份評估表是我寫的 | I filled in that evaluation. |
-哦,不…-對 | - Oh, no... - Yeah, yeah. |
我以為這會很好玩 | I thought it would be funny. |
你寫著你有可愛的小屁屁? | You wrote that you have a cute tushy? |
對,我的幽默感很奇怪 | Yes. I have a weird sense of humor. |
很奇怪地,我以自己的屁股為榮 | And I'm kind of strangely proud of my butt. |
開這種玩笑太危險了,泰格 | It's kind of a risky joke, Tag. |
這到底是在畫什麼? 我看不懂 | What is this drawing? I can't figure it out. |
它倒過來了,你得…那不重要 | It's upside down, you gotta... It doesn't matter. |
我不是沒有幽默感的人 | It's not like I don't have a sense of humor. |
沒錯,我甚至很喜歡寫打油詩 | Hell, I even enjoy a naughty limerick every now and then. |
但時間跟地點是很重要的 | There's a time and a place. |
除非你有寫打油詩的靈感 | Unless you have a limerick right now. |
沒有嗎? 好吧,你知道我的傳真機號碼 | No? Okay. Well, you've got my fax number. |
我不敢相信你會那麼做,那太貼心了 | I can't believe you did that. That was sweet. |
-別擔心 -你可能會丟掉工作 | - Don't worry about it. - You could've lost your job. |
你在開玩笑嗎? 有這麼可愛的屁股我一定能找到工作 | Are you kidding me? With this cute butt, I'd find work. |
謝謝你,你太棒了 | Thank you, you're great. |
-你知道嗎? -什麼? | - You know what? - What? |
我感覺棒極了 | I feel great. |
事實上… | In fact... |
怎麼? | What? |
我只是…我花了很多時間才把桌子整理好 | It's just... It took me so long to get that desk organized. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
這就對了 | There it is. |
怎麼了? | What is going on? |
我們在等糖果,把糖果拿出來 | We're waiting for the candy. Bring out the candy! |
對,小姐,快給我們糖果 | Yeah, lady, give us candy! |
喬伊 | Joey! |
-什麼事? 兄弟 -你在做什麼? | - What's up, buddy? - What are you doing? |
我在等著拿糖果 | Waiting to get candy. |
快進來 | Get in here. |
嘿,你不能在這兒抽煙 | Hey, and you cannot smoke in here. |
聖誕快樂 | Merry Christmas. |
糖果做好了 我得讓它冷卻十五分鐘 | The candy is coming! I need another 15 minutes for it to cool. |
好了,大夥們 安靜,安靜,請閉嘴 | All right, everybody, just be quiet. Be quiet! Be quiet! Pipe down! |
你們是怎麼了? | What is the matter with you people? |
這個女人在為你們做好事,看看她 | This woman was trying to do a nice thing for you, and look at her. |
她糟透了 | She is a mess. |
頭髮淩亂,黑眼圈 | Her hair's not brushed. She's got dark circles under her eyes... |
臉上有巧克力 但她還是讓人感動 | ...chocolate on her face, and she is still stunning. |
她想做糖果是為了認識你們 | She was making candy so she could get to know all of you. |
我敢說你們沒有人能叫出她的名字 | And I'll bet that not one of you can tell me her name. |
我沒說錯吧 | Am I right? |
她是糖果小姐? | Candy Lady? |
不,不是“糖果小姐” | No, not "Candy Lady." |
知道她的名字就能拿到糖果嗎? | If we know it, can we have candy? |
好吧,你們知道嗎? | All right, you know what? |
忘了糖果,你們毀了一切 | Forget it, you've ruined it. |
回家去吧,你們毀了一切 | Go home. You've ruined it. |
那是不對的,你們毀了一切 你們毀了這個 | That's all wrong! You guys ruined everything. You ruined it! |
-謝謝 -別客氣 | - Thank you. - You're welcome. |
你抽了煙嗎? | Did you smoke? |
不,老煙槍婆婆把煙直接噴入我的嘴巴裡 | No, smokes-a-lot lady blew smoke directly into my mouth. |
你沒事吧? | Are you okay? |
我沒事,但剛剛真的有點可怕 | Fine, but it was really scary for a while. |
有人會將恐嚇紙條塞到門縫下 | Someone slipped a threatening note under the door! |
對了,我很抱歉,我的暴力傾向發作了 | Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. Mob mentality or whatever. |
我不敢相信,我辦到了 我會騎腳踏車了 | I can't believe it. I did it. I rode a bike! |
我從來沒想過我能這麼做,謝謝你 | I never thought I'd be able to do that. Thank you. |
嘿,別謝我,謝謝你自己 | Oh, hey, don't thank me. Thank yourself. |
是你面對了自己的恐懼 終於克服了它們 | You're the one who faced your fears and ultimately overcame them. |
別說些陳詞濫調的話 羅斯 這不是輔導課 | Don't be so corny, Ross. It's not an After School Special. |
再見 | Bye-bye. |
我在米雪餐廳訂好位子了… | I just got us reservations at Michelle's... |
還有《音樂人》的票來慶祝… | ...and tickets to The Music Man to celebrate... |
我們成為訂婚夫妻後第一個正式的節日 | ...our first holiday season as a betrothed couple. |
-“訂婚”-訂婚夫妻 | - "Betrothed." - Betrothed couple. |
-嘿! -嘿! | - Hey! - Hi! |
菲比? | Pheebs? |
骷髏頭? | Skull? |
是啊,是我媽的 | Yeah, it's my mom's. |
我的天! | Oh, my God! |
不,不,不是我媽 | No, no, no. It's not my mom. |
是屬於我媽的 | It belonged to my mom. |
她以前每次耶誕節都會拿出來… | She used to put it out every Christmas... |
要我們記得即使耶誕節還是會死人的 | ...to remind us that even though it's Christmas, people still die. |
可以放糖果在裡面 | And you can put candy in it. |
-嘿 -嘿 | - Hey. - Hey. |
甘草霜? | Licorice? |
好啊 | Sure. |
-今年班和我一起過節 -太好了! | - I get Ben for the holidays this year. - That's great! |
-你要扮成聖誕老人嗎? -不 | - Are you gonna dress up as Santa? - Nope. |
我知道蘇珊每年都這麼做… | I mean, I know Susan does every year... |
可是今年我想教他瞭解光明節 | ...but I want to take this year to teach him about Hanukkah. |
也許我能教班… | And maybe I could teach Ben... |
有關聖誕骷髏頭和人怎麼死亡 | ...about the Christmas skull and how people die. |
你可以在今年教班認識菲比 | You may need to use this year to teach Ben about Phoebe. |
嘿 | Hey. |
-你知道他在裡面嗎? -不知道 | - Did you know he was in there? - No. |
-我們回來多久了? -大概半小時 | - How long have we been home? - About half an hour. |
好極了 | Lovely. |
Friends S07E10 佳節犰狳 | The One With The Holiday Armadillo |
你知道我在想什麼?我們結婚後,你要不要 | You know what I was thinking? When we get married, are you gonna... |
改姓“賓”? | ...change your last name to "Bing"? |
不要 | No. |
為什麼不? | Why not? |
“賓”很奇怪 | "Bing" is weird. |
我明白你的意思,蓋勒! | Yeah, I know what you mean. Gellar! |
你們好 | Oh, hey, you guys. |
猜猜怎麼著,我房東剛通知我 我的房子快好了 | Guess what. My landlord just called. My apartment's gonna be ready soon. |
我很快就搬出去了 | So I guess I'll be moving out. |
菲比,我會想念你的 | Phoebe, I'm gonna miss you. |
是啊,你會很傷心 | Yes, you will be very sad. |
-我要告訴瑞秋這個好消息 -你們要再一起住? | - I gotta go tell Rachel the good news. - You guys are gonna live together again? |
-是啊,為什麼不? -她和喬伊住得很開心 | - Yeah, why not? - She's just having so much fun with Joey... |
我以為她還會繼續和他住在一起 | ...I just assumed she'd still be living with him. |
為什麼你認為她和喬伊住得很開心? | Why do you think she's having so much fun living with Joey? |
沒為什麼,除了… | No reason, except she... |
她這麼說 | ...told me. |
真的? 她說她不要和我住? | Really? She said she didn't want to live with me? |
沒有,她沒有這麼說 | No. No, she didn't say that. |
我想你該和莫妮卡說話了 | I think you should talk to Monica now. |
菲比,別擔心 我確定她想和你住的 | Phoebe, don't worry. I'm sure she wants to live with you. |
你確定? 你很肯定? | You're sure? You're absolutely sure? |
不,我打賭她大概會 | No, but I'll bet she probably does. |
大概 | Oh, probably? |
我不喜歡這個字 | I don't like that word. |
我知道“大概”真正的意思,是啊,是啊 | I know what "probably" really means. Yeah, yeah. |
“你媽大概不會自殺” | "Oh, your mom probably won't kill herself." |
“葬禮導演大概不認識你” | You know, "No, the funeral director probably won't hit on you." |
“那對好心的夫婦大概會收養你” 好了,對不起 | "Yeah, that nice couple probably will adopt you. " Okay, I'm sorry. |
對不起,我不要把我和瑞秋… | I'm sorry, but I'm not hanging all my hopes... |
住在一起的希望寄託在“大概”上面 | ...of Rachel and I living together on "probably." |
人在這世上要自己照顧自己 | You gotta take care of yourself in this world. |
歷史教訓完全沒用 | History teaches us nothing. |
“賓”現在不是那麼奇怪了吧? | "Bing" doesn't seem so weird now, does it? |
太好了,你在家 | Great, you're home. |
猜猜菲比送我什麼聖誕禮物 | Guess what Phoebe got me for Christmas. |
-鼓? -不,鼓! | - Drums? - No, drums! |
請給我們兩個墨西哥卷外帶 | Hi, could we get two burritos to go, please? |
抱歉,不過沒那麼抱歉 因為你不用和他在一起生活 | I'm sorry. But not that sorry, because you don't have to live with it. |
我們用錢德賓的名字訂了位子 | We have a reservation under the name Chandler Bing. |
好的,大約再45分鐘 | Okay, we'll have a table for you in about 45 minutes. |
45分鐘? 《音樂人》的票是8點的 | Forty-five minutes? We have tickets to The Music Man at 8. |
抱歉,耶誕節是最忙的時候 | I'm sorry. Christmas is a very busy time, sir. |
這是因為墨西哥卷的玩笑嗎? | Is this because of the burrito thing? |
-要給他錢 -給他錢? 那只是個玩笑! | - You need to give him money. - Give him money? It was a joke! |
不,為了我們的位子這種地方都是死要錢的 | No. To get a table. Places like this are always shaking you down. |
-每個人都要小費 -好,鎮靜,歐瑪麗(迪士尼動畫《貓兒歷險記》裡的角色) | - Everybody wants a payoff. - All right, calm down, O'Malley. |
-我會塞錢給他 -可是要不著痕跡 | - I'll slip him some money. - But you've got to be smooth about it. |
嘿,我可以不著痕跡 | Hey, I can be smooth. |
我們有點趕時間 如果可以讓我們早一點 | We're in a bit of a hurry, so if you could get us a table... |
排到位子,我會很感激 | ...a little quicker, I'd appreciate it. |
-當然,先生 -好 | - Of course, sir. - Okay. |
-怎麼樣? -錢在另一隻手裡 | - How'd it go? - Had the money in the wrong hand. |
你會不會… | Hey. You don't feel... |
-想吐,會不會? -不會 | ...like you're gonna throw up, do you? - No. |
我會,我們… | Well, I do. So let's... |
班,你… | So, Ben, you... |
你知道快過節了,對不對? | You know what holiday is coming up, don't you? |
耶誕節 | Christmas. |
對,你知道另一個節日也要到了? | Yeah, and you know what other holiday is coming up? |
平安夜 | Christmas Eve. |
對,但… | Yes, but also... |
光明節也是! | Hanukkah! |
你是一半猶太人,光明節是猶太人的節日 | See, you're part Jewish, and Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday. |
聖誕老人有會飛的馴鹿 | Santa has reindeers that can fly. |
對,但在光明節… | Right, but on Hanukkah... |
光明節是慶祝一個奇跡 | Hanukkah is a celebration of a miracle. |
很多年前有一群人叫做瑪加伯人 | See, years and years ago, there were these people called the Maccabees. |
好,對,是的… | Okay, that's right. Yes... |
但在光明節,我們唱的是: | ...but on Hanukkah, we sing: |
好,這不是比賽 | Okay, it's not a contest. |
聖誕老人什麼時候來? | When is Santa coming? |
這樣好不好 今年我們不要聖誕老人 | How about this year, instead of Santa... |
我們來慶祝光明節? | ...we have fun celebrating Hanukkah? |
沒有聖誕老人? | No Santa? |
我不乖嗎? | Was I bad? |
不,不,你沒有不乖 你今年很乖,班 | No. Oh, no, no. Hey, you weren't bad. You've been very good, Ben. |
-聖誕老人生我的氣 -不是,嘿,嘿 | - Santa's mad at me. - No, hey, hey, come on. |
班,聖誕老人沒有生你的氣,好嗎? | Ben, Santa is not mad at you, okay? |
你是他最喜歡的小孩 | You're his favorite little guy. |
聖誕老人會來啦? | So Santa's coming? |
對! | Yes! |
聖誕老人會來 | Santa's coming. |
他會給我帶來螞蟻窩嗎? | Will he bring me an ant farm? |
你會放在媽媽那裡嗎? | Will you keep it at Mommy's? |
-是的 -那當然了! | - Okay. - Then sure! |
可能那小費不管用 | Maybe this slipping-him-money thing is not gonna work. |
也許我們只能等 | Maybe we should just wait. |
你不是說看不了《音樂人》就會死嗎 | You're the one who said you would die if you didn't see Music Man. |
我沒說“死” | I didn't say "die." |
我說“哭” | I said "cry." |
很簡單,保持輕鬆 | It's easy. Just keep it casual. |
說句好話,和他握手,塞錢給他 | Give him a kind word, shake his hand and give him the money. |
-你怎麼這麼瞭解? -我不知道 | - How do you know so much about this? - I don't know. |
理查以前常這麼做,是不是? | Richard used to do it, didn't he? |
我們現在可能已經在喝湯了 | We'd be eating our soup right now. |
該死的小鬍子 | Mustached bastard. |
這些人剛走,快,給他錢 | Okay, those people just left. Come on. Quick, give him the money. |
對不起 | Excuse me. |
我們趕時間,可不可以…? | We're in a bit of a hurry. Can we...? |
你喜歡鼓 | So you like the drums. |
真好 | That's great. |
我本來還擔心它們會造成… | You know, I was worried that they would create maybe... |
無法忍耐的居住狀況 | ...an unbearable living situation. |
好吧,看來沒有,好! | But, okay, well, apparently not. So, yay! |
菲比,我們學會了一首歌 | Hey, Pheebs, we already learned a song. |
準備好了,1,2,3,4 | Ready? One, two, three, four. |
龍舌蘭酒! | Tequila! |
很有趣 | That's fun. |
來了 | Here you go. |
謝謝,甘瑟,放在這裡 | Thank you, Gunther. Put her there. |
用銅板並不比較容易 | Definitely not easier with coins. |
-謝謝 -謝謝 | - Thank you. - Thank you. |
-菲比 -嘿 | - Hey, Pheebs. - Hey. |
給你,現在我欠你49塊半 | Here. Now I only owe you 49.50. |
菲比… | Hey, Pheebs... |
如果你要送喬伊毀掉整棟樓的聖誕禮物 | ...if you want to get Joey a Christmas present that disrupts the entire building... |
何不送更微妙一點的… | ...why not get him something more subtle... |
像是鐵錘… | ...like a wrecking ball... |
或是天花病毒散播在走廊上? | ...or a vial of smallpox to release in the hallway? |
不只是鼓的聲音,每5分鐘… | It's not just the drum noise. Every five minutes... |
喬伊把鼓棒丟到空中… | ...Joey throws his sticks in the air... |
然後我就會聽到“我的眼睛,上帝啊,我的眼睛!” | ...and I have to hear: "Oh, my eye! Oh, God, my eye!" |
-煩死人了 -謝謝你 | - I mean, it is so annoying. - Yes, thank you. |
你看,這是正常人對鼓的反應 | You see, this is how normal people are supposed to react to drums. |
菲比,你送喬伊鼓是為了煩瑞秋… | Phoebe, you got Joey drums to annoy Rachel... |
讓她不想繼續住在那裡? | ...so she wouldn't want to live there anymore? |
可能有一點 | Maybe on some level. |
喬伊,你知道你不用丟鼓棒的 | Joey, you know that you could just not throw the sticks up in the air. |
那怎麼能算是搖滾樂呢? | What is rock 'r roll about that? |
喬伊,送你另一個禮物 | Hey, Joey, I got you another present. |
等一下! 先不要告訴我是什麼… | Hold it! Before you tell me what it is... |
是什麼? | Okay, what is it? |
是一隻… | It's a... |
毒蜘蛛! | ...tarantula! |
瑞秋,抱歉,我在想什麼… | God, Rachel, I'm sorry. What was I thinking... |
送喬伊這麼一個噁心的 可怕的蜘蛛… | ...giving Joey this big, gross, scary spider... |
還用這麼一個鬆散的籠子? | ...in such a poorly constructed cage? |
你在說什麼? 我喜歡它 | What are you talking about? I love them. |
我小時候就有一隻 後來我的貓咪吃掉了它 | I had a tarantula when I was a kid. But it died because my cat ate it. |
然後貓咪死了 | And then my cat died. |
喬伊,這不是很酷嗎? | But, Joey, isn't this cool? |
在我身上嗎? 我覺得它在我身上,我... | Is it on me? I feel like it's on me. I got... |
不是很可愛嗎? | Oh, isn't that adorable? |
喬伊怕蜘蛛 | Joey is afraid of the tarantula. |
他好可愛喲 | He's so adorable. |
老天,他很好玩 | God, he's just so much fun. |
喬伊是最棒的 很高興你在這裡住得很開心 | Joey's the best. I'm glad you're having so much fun here. |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
怎麼回事? | What's the matter? |
我們的房子好了 | Our apartment is ready. |
你不高興因為…? | And that makes you angry because...? |
因為你比較想和喬伊住在這裡 | Because you'd rather live here with Joey. |
-你為什麼這麼想? -莫妮卡和錢德 | - Where did you get that? - Monica and Chandler... |
說你和喬伊住得很開心… | ...said that you were having so much fun here... |
而且不管是鼓還是毒蜘蛛都不會改變這點 | ...and apparently no amount of drums or tarantula is gonna change that. |
菲比,你送喬伊這些東西… | Phoebe, did you get all this stuff for Joey... |
是要讓我不想住在這裡? | ...to try and drive me out of the apartment? |
你還不如送他一條魚 | You might as well have just gotten him a fish. |
你知道我有多怕魚 | You know how fish freak me out. |
魚 | Fish. |
這些都不重要,我們會一起住的 | But it wouldn't have mattered. You and I are gonna live together. |
我們是室友,講好的 | We're roommates. That's the deal. |
對,可是我希望你想和我一起住 | Yes, but I wanted you to want to live with me. |
可是如果你在這裡住得這麼開心… | But, okay, if you're having so much fun over here... |
和你在一起更開心… | It's so much more fun with you. |
-我們住在一起時很開心,是不? -對啊,好玩得不得了 | - We did have fun, didn't we?- We had so much fun. |
記得那時我們玩碰撞球的時候 | Remember the time we were playing with the SuperBall... |
球意外地穿過窗戶,玻璃爛了 | ...and we accidentally threw it through the window and it broke? |
我記得那扇窗戶 但忘了怎麼打爛它的 | I remember paying for the window, but I don't remember how it broke. |
事情就是這樣了 | Yeah, stuff like that. |
他們說如果願意的話,今晚可以去看 | Well, anyway, they say, if we want, we could see it tonight. |
-好啊 -好,好! | - I would love to. - Yay, okay! |
-好,好 -好 | - Good, good, good. - Great. All right. Good. |
莫妮卡要我停止鼓聲 | And Monica asked me to make the drumming stop. |
好了 | Done. |
你好,要退還那件褲子嗎? | Hello, sir. You here to return those pants? |
不,這是我的褲子 | No, these are my pants. |
好吧 | Okay. |
-需要什麼? -還有沒有聖誕老人的衣服? | - How can I help you? - Do you have a Santa outfit left? |
耶誕節前兩天? 抱歉 | Two days before Christmas? Sorry, man. |
-你去了服裝城嗎? -哪都去過了 | - Did you try Costume City? - Yeah, I've tried everywhere. |
-求求你了.我會額外付錢 -對不起,不過… | - Please, please. I mean, I'll pay extra. - Sorry. But... |
…26號時就會到貨74件 | ...I do have 74 of them coming back on the 26th. |
好吧,有沒有什麼比較算是耶誕節的? | Okay, look. Do you have anything Christmas-y? |
我答應了我兒子,不想讓他失望 | I promised my son, and I really don't want to disappoint him. |
你們一定有的 | Come on, you gotta have something. |
我是佳節犰狳! | I'm the Holiday Armadillo! |
我是聖誕老人的朋友… | I'm a friend of Santa's... |
他要我來祝你… | ...and he sent me here to wish you... |
聖誕快樂! | ...a merry Christmas! |
聖誕老人怎麼了,佳節犰狳? | What happened to Santa, Holiday Armadillo? |
聖誕老人沒有空… | Santa was unavailable... |
在這麼接近耶誕節的時候 | ...so close to Christmas. |
請進,請坐 | Come in, have a seat. |
你一定累壞了,大老遠從德克薩斯州跑來 | You must be exhausted, coming all the way from Texas. |
-德克薩斯州? -對,班 | - Texas? - That's right, Ben. |
我是聖誕老人的… | I'm Santa's representative... |
西南州代表 | ...for all the Southern states. |
還有墨西哥! | And Mexico! |
聖誕老人要我來這裡… | But Santa sent me here... |
送禮物給你 | ...to give you these presents, Ben. |
這位小姐可以幫我拿禮物 | Maybe the lady will help me with these presents. |
謝謝! | Wow, thanks! |
不客氣,班 | You're welcome, Ben. |
聖誕快樂 | Merry Christmas. |
光明節快樂! | And happy Hanukkah! |
你也為光明節而來嗎? 因為我是一半猶太人 | Are you for Hanukkah too? Because I'm part Jewish. |
你是? 我也是 | You are? Me too. |
因為犰狳也在沙漠裡晃蕩? (猶太人逃出埃及後曾在沙漠中掙扎多年才回到故土) | Because armadillos also wandered in the desert? |
你想在走廊晃蕩嗎? | You want to wander in the hall? |
班! | Hey, Ben! |
佳節犰狳… | What if the Holiday Armadillo... |
跟你說光之節的故事好嗎? | ...told you all about the Festival of Lights? |
酷! | Cool! |
來,班 | Come on, Ben. |
很多年以前… | Years and years ago... |
有一群人,叫做… | ...there were these people called... |
-瑪加伯人! -呵,呵,呵! | ...the Maccabees! - Ho, ho, ho! |
聖誕快樂! | Merry Christmas! |
-聖誕老人! -嘿! | - Santa! - Hey! |
你來幹什麼,聖誕老人? | What are you doing here, Santa? |
我來看我的老朋友班 | Well, I'm here to see my old buddy Ben. |
你在這兒幹什麼… | What are you doing here... |
怪烏龜人? | ...Weird Turtle Man? |
我是佳節犰狳… | I'm the Holiday Armadillo... |
你的半猶太人朋友 | ...your part-Jewish friend. |
你要我來送禮物給班 | You sent me here to give Ben some presents. |
記得嗎? | Remember? |
什麼? | What? |
聖誕老人,你有帶禮物給我嗎? | Did you bring me any presents, Santa? |
當然有,班 | You bet I did, Ben. |
放在這裡 | Put her there. |
如果不是他的手太小,會成功的 | Well, it would have worked this time if his hands weren't so damn small. |
呵,呵,呵! | Ho, ho, ho! |
班,來開禮物好嗎 | Ben, why don't you come open more presents. |
聖誕老人 佳節犰狳和我要在廚房談一談 | Santa, the armadillo and I will have a talk in the kitchen. |
我絕對想不到會說出這句話 | There's a sentence I never thought I'd say. |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
你告訴每個人說 你找不到聖誕老人衣服 | You called everyone and said you were having trouble finding a Santa costume... |
所以我向同事借了一件 | ...so I borrowed one from a guy at work. |
謝謝,你必須離開 | Thank you, but you gotta leave. |
-為什麼? -因為… | - Why? - Because... |
我終於讓他對光明節有興趣… | ...l'm finally getting him excited about Hanukkah... |
而你正破壞 | ...and you're wrecking it. |
可是我還沒搖我那裝滿果凍的肚子呢 | But I didn't get to shake my belly like a bowlful of jelly. |
抱歉,錢德,這對我很重要 | I'm sorry, Chandler, but this is really important to me. |
好,我去還這件衣服 | Fine, I'll give the suit back. |
你可以再多借一晚嗎? | Hey, you think you can keep it another night? |
聖誕老人? 真的? | Santa? Really? |
是啊,可以嗎? | Yeah, is that okay? |
你爸有扮過聖誕老人嗎? | Did your dad ever dress up like Santa? |
-沒有 -那就可以! | - No. - Then it's okay! |
班,聖誕老人要走了 | Okay, Ben. Santa has to go. |
說再見 | Say goodbye. |
不要,他為什麼要走? | No, why does he have to go? |
因為聖誕老人和佳節… | Because if Santa and the Holiday... |
犰狳… | ...Armadillo... |
如果在同一個房子裡太久… | ...are ever in the same room for too long... |
宇宙會爆炸! | ...the universe will implode! |
聖誕快樂! | Merry Christmas! |
不要,為什麼不是犰狳走呢? 我要聖誕老人 | No, why can't the armadillo leave? I want Santa. |
好,我放棄,聖誕老人… | Fine, I give up. Santa... |
聖誕老人可以留下來! | Santa can stay! |
我留下來… | Well, I'll stay... |
因為我想聽光明節的故事 | ...but only because I want to hear about Hanukkah. |
班,你要不要和聖誕老人… | Ben, will you sit here with Santa... |
一起坐下來聽光明節的故事? | ...and learn about Hanukkah? |
好的 | Okay, Santa. |
-謝謝 -不客氣 | - Thank you. - You're welcome. |
好,來聽… | All right, it's time... |
光明節的故事 | ...for the story of Hanukkah. |
很多年以前… | Years and years ago... |
有一群人叫瑪加伯人! | ...there were these people called the Maccabees! |
聖誕快樂! | Merry Christmas! |
看看這地方! | Oh, wow, look at this place! |
真糟糕 | Oh, this is terrible. |
他們改了很多… | They've made so many changes... |
我感受不到我祖母的存在 | ...I can't even feel my grandmother's presence anymore. |
新的燭臺! | Oh, new sconces! |
我的天! 怎麼? | - Oh, my God! - What? |
記得你告訴我你祖母做了一道牆… | Okay, remember how you told me that your grandmother put up that wall... |
-來隔成兩間房? -對 | ...to make that into two bedrooms? - Yeah. |
房東可能發現了… | And that the landlord might find out... |
-把它拆了? -對 | ...and then tear it down? - Yeah? |
你真的不知道我說這些的原因? | Do you really not know where I'm going with this? |
不,當然知道.是什麼? | No, of course I do. What? |
牆沒有了,是一間大房間 | It left. It's one huge room. |
哦,不! | Oh, no! |
哇 | Wow! |
看到了? | See? |
我們必須要把牆弄回來 | I guess we'll just have to put the wall back up. |
-不行,因為新的天窗 -有天窗? | - You can't, because of the new skylight. - There's a skylight? |
哇 | Wow! |
我們該怎麼辦? 要開始找新地方嗎 | So, what should we do? Should we start looking for a new place? |
我感到… | You know, I'm sensing... |
我祖母可能不喜歡那樣 | ...that my grandmother would not be comfortable with that. |
是嗎? | Oh, yeah? |
又能感覺到她了,是嗎? | Starting to feel her again there, are we? |
-有一點,對 -是 | - A little bit. Yeah. - Yeah. |
菲比,你祖母是不是說你應該一個人住這裡? | Pheebs, is your grandmother maybe saying that you should live here alone? |
你也聽見了? 你有天份 | You heard it too? You have the gift. |
菲比,沒關係 | Phoebe, it's okay. |
我喜歡和喬伊住 | I like living with Joey. |
-你確定嗎? -拜託,我討厭打包… | - Are you sure? - Please. I hate packing... |
那裡離公司比較近 | ...it's closer to work. |
我們在一起很開心 | And we do have fun. |
雖然我真的會想念和你住在一起 | Although, I'm really gonna miss living with you. |
-我也是 -我知道 | - Oh, me too. - I know. |
等一下,你有沒有聽到? | Oh, wait. Did you hear that? |
聽,我聽到你祖母說話 | Listen. I'm getting something from your grandmother. |
她說既然你要一個人住這裡… | She said that since you get to keep the one-bedroom apartment... |
你該把那紫色椅子給瑞秋 | ...you should give Rachel the purple chair. |
沒有,我沒有聽到 | No, I do not hear that. |
不,等一下.噢,對了 | Oh, no, wait a minute. Oh, okay. |
她沒說“椅子”,她說“分享”你要跟別人分享單臥室公寓 | She didn't say "chair," she said "share." You should share the one-bedroom apartment. |
噢,紫色椅子.是的,我聽到了 | Oh, the purple chair. No, yeah, I heard that. |
奇跡在於那一點點的油… | And the miracle was that that little bit of oil... |
應該只夠燒一天的,卻燒了… | ...that should have lasted just one day, burned for... |
-整整8天 -對 | - Eight whole days. - That's right. |
這就是為什麼我們今天慶祝光明節,故事完結 | And that's why we celebrate Hanukkah today. The end. |
-好棒 -是啊 | - Awesome. - Yeah. |
我最喜歡的部份… | My favorite part... |
是超人救出全埃及的猶太人 | ...was when Superman flew all the Jews out of Egypt. |
犰狳不是那麼喜歡那部份 | The armadillo was actually not so thrilled about that part. |
為什麼聖誕老人親莫妮卡姑姑? | Why is Santa kissing Aunt Monica? |
因為莫妮卡姑姑今年非常非常好 | Because Aunt Monica was very, very good this year. |
班,該來點… | Okay, Ben, it's time to light... |
光明節蠟燭了! | ...the Hanukkah candles! |
嘿 | Hey. |
哇! 好像是復活節兔子的葬禮(復活節的一種化妝形象) | Wow! Looks like the Easter Bunny's funeral in here. |
來,來,我們要點蠟燭 | Come on, come on. We're lighting the candles. |
我瞭解為什麼超人在這裡… | I understand why Superman is here... |
但為什麼有豪豬參加復活節兔子的葬禮? | ...but why is there a porcupine at the Easter Bunny's funeral? |
-你弄好了嗎? -弄好了 | - Did you get it? - I got it. |
它進籠子了沒? | Is it back in the cage? |
它在籠子裡了 | It's back in the cage. |
籠子關好了嗎? | Is the cage closed? |
喬伊,出來好嗎? 別像個小孩一樣! | Joey, will you just come out here and stop being such a baby! |
你得試試這塊起司蛋糕 | You have got to try this cheesecake. |
我不是那麼喜歡吃甜食… | You know, I'm not that much of a sweet tooth... |
我的天啊,它好香濃 | Oh, my God, it's so creamy! |
那是我吃過最棒的起司蛋糕! | That's the best cheesecake I've ever had! |
你在哪裡買到它? | Where did you get this? |
我回家時它就已經放在門口了 有人把它寄給我們 | It was at the front door when I got home. Somebody sent it to us. |
收件人不是你 | This isn't addressed to you. |
收件人是樓下的佈雷曼太太! | This is addressed to Mrs. Braverman downstairs! |
小偷! | Thief! |
我沒看收件人姓名就打開了盒子… | I didn't read the box before I opened it... |
盒子已經打開了就無法退還! | ...and you can't return a box after you opened it! |
-為什麼? -因為它太好吃了 | - Why not? - Because it's too delicious! |
你偷了這個起司蛋糕,那是不對的 | You stole this cheesecake. That's wrong. |
不,沒關係的 因為佈雷曼太太會免費再收到一個 | No, it'll be okay because Mrs. Braverman will send for a free one. |
那可是雙贏的局面 | That way, we all win. |
唯一的輸家是大型起司蛋糕集團… | The only losers are the big cheesecake conglomerate... |
“媽媽的小麵包店” | ..."Mama's Little Bakery." |
我覺得好難過 | I feel terrible. |
我是個大壞蛋 | I'm a horrible, horrible person. |
對不起,你說什麼? | I'm sorry, what? |
Friends S07E11 起司蛋糕 | The One With All The Cheesecakes |
我得走了,我今天工作很忙 | I should get going. Big day at work. |
你們知道我怎麼會昏迷不醒嗎? | You know how I'm in a coma? |
今天他們要幫我做檢查 結果發現我沒有腦死 | Today they do a test on me and it turns out I'm not brain-dead. |
所以… | So... |
自作聰明先生 | Mr. Smarty Pants. |
沒有腦死的是我演的角色 | It's just my character that's not brain-dead. |
菲比,今晚的事沒取消吧? | Pheebs, still on for tonight? |
-當然 -八點見 | - Absolutely. - I'll see you at 8. |
什麼東西八點見? | What's at 8? |
我們約好吃晚餐,我們大約每月會約一次去討論你們的事 | - Dinner. We get together about once a month to discuss the rest of you. |
哇,我真的不知道 | Wow! Did not know that. |
我能說你今天看起來很漂亮嗎? | May I say how lovely you look today? |
那當然 | Duly noted. |
明天你要租輛車一起開過去嗎? | So for tomorrow, do you want to rent a car and drive down together? |
-你在說什麼? -芬妮表妹的婚禮 | - What are you talking about? - Cousin Frannie's wedding. |
你被邀請了? | You were invited? |
不 | No. |
我的天啊,我不敢相信 | Oh, my God, I can't believe this. |
我以為他們只邀請了爸跟媽 | I thought only Mom and Dad were invited. |
七歲到九歲,芬妮跟我形影不離 | From the ages of 7 to 9, Frannie and I were inseparable. |
或許九歲後,芬妮交了新朋友 | Maybe since the age of 9, Frannie's made some new friends. |
你要交些新朋友嗎? | Do you wanna make some new friends? |
或許這只是個誤會 我打電話去問雪若阿姨 | It's probably just a mistake. Let me call Aunt Cheryl. |
或許他們邀請你了 只是請貼寄丟了 | Maybe you are invited and the invitation got lost in the mail. |
你可以打電話告訴她,我們小時候… | You call her and tell her that when we were kids... |
她的寶貝芬妮好幾次想脫光我的衣服 | ...her precious Frannie tried to undress me several times. |
要不是我阻止了她,她也結不了婚 | If I hadrt stopped her, there wouldn't be a wedding to go to. |
她也想脫我的衣服 | She tried to undress me too. |
我以前會幫葛蘭表弟脫衣服 | I used to undress my cousin Glenn. |
喬瑟夫法蘭西斯崔比亞尼 你回家了嗎? | Joseph Francis Tribbiani, are you home yet? |
我想他還沒有回家,怎麼了? | I think he's still out. What's wrong? |
我得告訴你,瑞秋凱倫格林 | I'll tell you, Rachel Karen Greene. |
我跟喬伊有約 他留了這張字條給我 | I had plans with Joey, and he left me this note. |
菲比,我沒辦法赴約 我有約會,待會再談 | "Pheebs, can't make it. Got a date. Talk to you later. |
大爹地 | Big Daddy." |
-大爹地? -那是我們之間的昵稱 | - "Big Daddy"? - That's a nickname we were trying. |
你們為什麼不試試“法蘭西斯”? | Why didn't you guys try "Francis"? |
法蘭西斯這名字比錢德酷 不是嗎? | Francis is a cooler name than Chandler, isn't it? |
你知道什麼樣的昵稱不會跟別人重複嗎? “羅斯原子超人” | You know what nickname never caught on? "The Ross-a-tron." |
喬瑟夫法蘭西斯回來了! | Here's Joseph Francis! |
等一下,你幹嘛叫我中間的名字? | Wait, what are you middle-naming me for? |
我留了字條給你 | I left you a note. |
那不是放我鴿子的好理由 | That doesn't give you the right to ditch me! |
如果你有機會上床 當然可以取消跟朋友的約會 | You can cancel plans with friends if there's a possibility for sex. |
他說的對,這是規則 | He's right. That is the rule. |
-真的? -是的,我聽到的就是那些 | - Really? - Well, that's what I hear. |
我從來沒機會實施規則 | I've never gotten a chance to actually employ the rule. |
無法接受這種事,我們約好後 我期待你會出現 | I don't accept it. When we make plans, I expect you to show up. |
我不是你泡到女友前打發時間的代替品 | I'm not a way to kill time till you meet someone better. |
男女朋友來來去去 但朋友是一輩子的 | Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but this is for life. |
我真的很抱歉 我不知道這對你來說那麼重要 | I'm so sorry. I had no idea it would bother you this much. |
喔,它的確很重要 | Well, it does. |
我可以彌補嗎? | Well, can I make it up to you? |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
明天晚上一起吃飯吧? 我會自己付錢 | How about dinner tomorrow night? I'll pay for myself. |
好吧,你說服了我 | Okay, you wore me down. |
既然你站在那邊,拿罐啤酒給“羅斯原子超人”吧? | While you're over there, how about a beer for "The Ross-a-tron"? |
“羅斯…”它又回來了? | "Ross..." Is that back? |
又有起司蛋糕 | The other cheesecake came. |
他們又把它送到這裡來 | They delivered it here again. |
把它送到樓下去,那有什麼問題? | Just bring it downstairs. What's the problem? |
我不知道該怎麼說再見 | I can't seem to say goodbye. |
你是認真的嗎? | Are you serious? |
兩天前我們吃掉一個蛋糕 你還想再吃? | We ate an entire cake two days ago and you want more? |
噢,我已經忘記它的味道了 | Well, I've forgotten what it tastes like. |
它是起司蛋糕,它很好吃 | It was cheesecake. It was fine. |
它又香又濃,酥酥的餅乾… | It had a buttery, crumbly, graham cracker crust... |
還有非常濃郁… | ...with a very rich... |
但不油膩的奶油起司 | ...yet light cream cheese filling. |
我的嘴巴全是口水 | Wow, my whole mouth just filled with saliva. |
你知道嗎? 忘了它,我們只是餓了 | Know what? Forget it. We're just hungry. |
我們沒有吃午餐,所以頭昏腦脹 | We haven't had lunch. We're just lightheaded. |
我們去吃午餐,忘了那個起司蛋糕吧 | So let's go have lunch and forget about the cheesecake. |
我們得把它還回去,才不會被誘惑 | We'll drop it off so we're not tempted. |
-你要去哪裡吃午餐? -芝加哥媽媽的小麵包店 | - Where do you want to eat? - Mama's Little Bakery, Chicago. |
梅爾托爾梅死了(最著名爵士歌王) | Mel Torme died. |
喬伊,那是一年前的報紙 | Joey, that paper's like a year old. |
那表示山姆古迪商店的大特賣結束了?(音樂CD連鎖店) | Does that mean the Sam Goody's sale is over? |
我終於收到雪若阿姨的回音… | So I finally heard back from Aunt Cheryl... |
很明顯地這不是誤會 | ...and apparently it wasn't a mistake. |
婚禮現場座位有限… | There's limited seating... |
座位有限? 我是個微小的人! | Limited seating? I am just one tiny person! |
對,但是她不知道 | Yeah, but she doesn't know that. |
我是說上次她看到你… | I mean, the last time she saw you... |
你會把婚禮用的小椅子壓垮 | ...you'd have turned one of those little wedding chairs into kindling. |
“座位有限”那真是個爛藉口 | "Limited seating." That's such a lame excuse. |
那不是她不邀請我的原因 | That's not the reason she's not inviting me. |
那有什麼大不了的呢? 我沒被邀請觀禮,只能去吃喜酒 | What's the big deal?I wasn't invited to the ceremony, just the reception. |
如果這能讓你覺得開心一點 瓊安和我只會去亮個相… | If it makes you feel any better, Joan and I will just make an appearance... |
我們會提早離開,以示抗議 | ...and then we'll leave early as a sign of protest. |
-瓊安? -對,她是我的女伴 | - Joan? - Yeah, my date. |
她是語言系的助教,又高又漂亮 | Assistant professor in linguistics. Tall, very beautiful. |
雖然有些人說,別挑太魁梧的女孩 | And despite what some people say, not broad-backed. |
等一下,你收到的喜貼是“請攜伴參加”? | Wait a minute. You got "Ross Geller and Guest"? |
我沒有被邀請,你卻可以“攜伴參加”? | I wasn't invited, and you got "and Guest"? |
對不起,我真的得解釋羅斯的行為 | Excuse me, I do have to interrupt on Ross' behalf. |
我想規則也適用在這裡 | I think the rule applies here. |
因為他有機會跟魁梧女人上床… | Since he has a chance to get on broad-back... |
她沒有那麼魁梧 | Not broad-back! |
兄弟,我見過她.她真的很魁梧 | Dude, I've seen her. She's like a billboard. |
等一下,你得帶我去 | Wait a minute. You're bringing me. |
我不能取消瓊安的約會 | I can't cancel on Joan. |
-為什麼? -你沒有聽到嗎? | - Why not? - Did you not hear me? |
她是語言系的助教 | She's an assistant professor in the linguistics department. |
她們很辣 | They're wild. |
-你到底為什麼想去? -因為… | - Why do you want to come anyway? - Because... |
她是我表妹 | ...she's my cousin. |
我們是一起長大的 | I mean, we grew up together. |
我們是家人,你知道嗎? 對我來說那很重要 | Family, you know? And all that's important to me. |
好吧,我帶你去 | Okay, all right. I'll take you. |
我去打電話給瓊安 | I'll go call Joan. |
那真的是太棒了 | Oh, that's nice. |
家人應該要出席的 | Family should be there. |
這是她的婚禮 她一生中最快樂的日子 | It's her wedding. Happiest day of her life. |
我們等著瞧吧 | We'll see. |
謝謝你請我吃午餐 | Well, thank you for lunch. |
等一下,我以為你付了錢 | Wait, I thought you paid. |
很明顯的 我們不必再掏錢買食物了 | Apparently, we don't pay for food anymore. |
-我沒有看錯吧? -它還在那裡 | - Do you see what I see?- It's still there. |
佈雷曼太太一定是出去了 | Mrs. Braverman must be out. |
她可能出城去了或許幾個月後才會回來 | She could be out of town. Maybe gone for months. |
到時候蛋糕一定壞了 不能讓她回來看到壞掉的起司蛋糕 | By then, it may spoil. She can't come back to bad cheesecake. |
-她可能會中毒死掉 -我不希望發生那種事 | - It could kill her. - Don't want that. |
我們是在保護她 | We're protecting her. |
-我們把它拿走,-但是快一點 | - We'll take it. - But quick. |
-為什麼? -我聽到她在裡面走動的聲音 | - Why? - I hear her in there. |
快走… | Go! Go! Go! |
你認為婚禮上穿白色花邊衣服不合適嗎 | Do you think it's inappropriate to wear a white, lacy dress to a wedding? |
-是的 -太好了 | - Yes. - Excellent. |
天啊,是大衛 | Oh, my God, that's David. |
-誰? -那個科學家大衛 | - Who? - David, the scientist guy. |
我愛上的那個大衛 | David that I was in love with. |
他到俄羅斯去,傷了我的心,大衛 | Who went to Russia and broke my heart, David. |
我的天啊! | Oh, my God! |
只要一直念某人的名字 那個人就會轉過身來 | Say their name enough, they turn around. |
菲比 | Phoebe. |
大衛 | David. |
你在做什麼? 你不是在俄羅斯嗎? | What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be in Russia? |
我到城裡來開會 | I'm just in town for a conference. |
天啊,你看起來美得出奇 | God, you look phenomenal. |
噢… | Well... |
對 | Yeah. |
你看起來也很棒 你剪了頭髮嗎? | You look great too. Did you get a haircut? |
對,我大概剪了三十次 | Yeah. Well, I got like 30 of them. |
聽著,我得跟你坦誠一件事 | Look, I got a confession to make. |
我希望能在這裡遇到你 | I was hoping to run into you here. |
我不知道該不該打電話給你 我只會在城裡待幾天… | I didn't know if I should call. I was only in town a few days... |
我不想打擾你的生活 | ...and I didn't want to intrude on your life. |
我真的想見你… | I really wanted to see you... |
但我不知道你要不要見我 | ...but I didn't know if you wanted to see me. |
我當然想見你,我常常想到你 | Of course I would want to see you. I think about you all the time. |
真的嗎? 因為我也常常想到你 | Really? Because I think about you all the time. |
明斯克有一座雕像讓我常常想起你 | There's a statue in Minsk that reminds me of you so much. |
事實上那是列寧的雕像… | It's actually of Lenin... |
但有些角度… | ...but, you know, at certain angles... |
總之,今晚你想跟我共進晚餐嗎? | Anyway, do you want to have dinner tonight? |
好 | Yes. |
哦,不! | Oh, no! |
-什麼? -我不能 | - What? - I can't. |
我不敢相信,我有約了 明天可以嗎? | I can't believe I have plans. Can you do it tomorrow? |
不,再過幾小時我就得離開 我得乘夜航回去 | No, I have to go in a few hours. I have to be on the redeye. |
聽著,下次你到明斯克… | Listen, next time you're in Minsk... |
菲比,我能跟你談一談嗎? | Phoebe? Can I talk to you for a second? |
你在做什麼? | What are you doing? |
我跟喬伊有約 | I have plans with Joey. |
所以呢? 他會諒解的 | So? He'll understand. |
不,他不會的,那根本不是重點 | No, he won't. And that's not even the point. |
我教訓他不該取消朋友之間的計畫 | I made a whole speech about how you do not cancel plans with friends. |
現在只因為可能是我真愛的人… | And now just because, potentially, the love of my life... |
明天就要回俄羅斯去… | ...returns from Russia for one night... |
我就應該改變我的想法? | ...I should change my beliefs? |
我應該改變我的想法! | I should change my beliefs! |
不,如果失去了原則那麼我什麼都不會有 | No. If I don't have my principles, I don't have anything. |
你意志太堅定了 | You're so strong. |
或許我可以趕快跟喬伊吃完晚餐 然後九點跟大衛見面 | Or I should rush through dinner with Joey and meet David at 9. |
我的天啊,那真的是太棒了! | Oh, my God, that is so good! |
我吃飽了 但我知道如果我現在停下來 | I'm full. And yet I know if I stop eating this... |
我會後梅 | ...l'll regret it. |
嘿,你們在吃什麼? | Hey, what have you got there? |
噢,那是… | Oh, it's... |
豆腐蛋糕,你要吃一點嗎? | It's tofu cake. Want some? |
今晚你要做什麼? | What are you doing tonight? |
兄弟 | Dude. Dude. |
對不起 | Sorry. |
我跟菲比有約 | I got plans with Phoebe. |
真的? 莫妮卡說她九點有約會 | Really? Monica said she had a date at 9. |
-什麼? 今晚? -莫妮卡是那麼說的 | - What? Tonight? - That's what Monica said. |
她教訓了我一頓 卻同時約了我和她的男伴 | After that speech, she makes a date on the same night she has plans with me? |
她想草草解決大爹地 | She's trying to pull a fast one on Big Daddy. |
-現在請你別介意…-兄弟,兄弟! | - Now, if you'll excuse me... - Dude, dude! |
如果我現在脫下褲子 你會什麼感覺? | If I took off my pants right now, how would you feel? |
就像你表弟葛蘭 | Like your cousin Glenn. |
好了,我們的位置應該是這一桌 | Here, I think this is us. |
座位有限,我的天啊 | Limited seating, my ass. |
我們來看看誰被邀請了 | Let's see who made the cut. |
嗨,我是莫妮卡蓋勒 | Hi. I'm Monica Geller. |
-你們跟新人是什麼關係? -我是芬妮以前的同事 | - How do you know the bride and groom? - I worked with Frannie. |
以前的同事,以前 | Used to work with her. Used to. |
我是她的親戚卻沒有被邀請 | I'm a relative and I didn't get invited. |
我是她的血親,血 | A blood relative. Blood. |
別在陌生人面前提到“血” | Stop saying "blood" to strangers. |
從7歲到9歲,我們就不可分離 我甚至沒被邀! | From the ages of 7 to 9, we were inseparable, and I didn't even get invited! |
那你為什麼在這裡? | Then why are you here? |
-和我哥哥約會 -嘿,我有約會,知道嗎 | - I'm my brother's date. - Hey, I had a date, okay? |
瓊安·特德斯基,語言學者 | Joan Tedeschi, the linguist. |
你呢? 你和快樂的新人什麼關係? | So how about you? How do you know the happy couple? |
我們是他們的大學同學 | We went to college with both of them. |
現在是他們的鄰居 | Now we live next door. |
好吧,你還夠格 | Okay, you're fine. |
你會喜歡上瓊安的,她非常隨和 | You know, you would've liked Joan, she's very pleasant. |
看那邊!她的背影就像那樣 不是很魁梧,對吧? | There! There! Her back looks like that.That's not broad, is it? |
喬伊,該點菜了 | Come on, Joey, you've got to be ready to order by now. |
我不喜歡這張桌子 也許我們又要換了 | You know, I don't I like this table either. Maybe we should move again. |
不.就留在這裡.對不起 我們要點菜了 | No, we're staying right here. Excuse me, we're ready to order. |
我不在這裡工作 | I don't work here. |
那你就不該走來走去嘛 | Well, then you shouldn't be walking around. |
-你們要點菜了嗎? -是的 | - Are you guys ready? - Yes. |
我要綠色沙拉,特調醬汁和水 | I'll have a green salad, house dressing and water's fine. |
你呢? 先生 | And for you, sir? |
對,慢烤鮭魚… | Yeah. This slow-roasted salmon... |
那到底有多慢呢? | ...how slow are we talking? |
它已經烤好了 | It's already been roasted. |
那麼我不要,麻煩你再告訴我一次今日特餐 | Oh, then no. Maybe I should hear the specials again. |
我們已經聽了三次 | We've heard the specials three times. |
有烤肋排,青花魚跟特製龍蝦餛飩 | There's prime rib, mahi-mahi and a very special lobster ravioli. |
-事實上我們沒有餛飩了 -那麼一切就都要改變了 | - Actually, we're out of the ravioli. - Well, that changes everything! |
你知道嗎? 菲比 之前你說的話是對的 | You know what, Pheebs? You were right before. |
朋友太重要了 | Friends are so important. |
對,我很聰明,我知道 | Yeah, I'm very wise. I know. |
你知道我想做什麼嗎? | Know what I really want? |
-什麼? -我想花時間跟你長談 | - What? - Is to have a long, long talk. |
你知道嗎? 告訴我多一點人生道理 | You know? Get Joey out on the open road and really open him up. |
-可以點菜了嗎? -是的 | - Any progress? - Yes. |
我要點龍蝦餛飩 | I will have the lobster ravioli. |
天啊,喬伊,這得花一輩子的時間 | God, Joey, this is taking forever. |
-幹嘛這麼急呢? -噢… | - What's the rush? - Well... |
我有個約會 | ...I have an appointment. |
它非常重要 | And it's very important. |
怎麼說? | What is it? |
噢… | Well... |
一個約會 | ...it's a date. |
約會? 不,你一定弄錯了 因為你不能約會… | - A date? - No, you must be mistaken, because you wouldn't have a date... |
同時又跟朋友吃飯 | ...on the same night you have plans with a friend. |
別讓我覺得內疚 | Don't make me feel badly. |
不,我就是要那麼做 | No, I'm gonna! |
我跟那個女孩出去你讓我覺得非常內疚 | You made me feel really guilty about going out with that girl. |
好像我做了什麼可怕的事 現在你也那麼做 | Like I did something terrible. Now you're doing the same thing. |
才怪,這完全不一樣 | It's not! It's totally different! |
我跟大衛有約,你還記得科學家大衛嗎 | This is with David. Remember David, the scientist guy? |
對我來說他非常特別 | He's very special to me. |
那晚我約的女孩也很特別 她也是個科學家 | My girl the other night was special. She was a scientist too. |
-是嗎? -她高中畢業 | - She was? - Well, she graduated high school. |
隨便啦,你知道嗎? | Whatever. Know what? |
他只會在這裡待四小時 我得去見他 | He's only here for four hours and I'm gonna go see him. |
-好吧 -對 | - Fine! - Yeah. |
你還在這裡做什麼? 我說過了,龍蝦餛飩 | What are you still doing here? I told you, lobster ravioli! |
我正要離開,我以為你不會來了 | I was about to leave. I didn't think you were coming. |
我絕不會錯過這次約會 | I wouldn't have missed this. |
我很高興你來了 | Well, I'm very glad you're here. |
你是個紳士 | Oh, you're such a gentleman. |
來吧,到我家去 | Come on, we're going to my place. |
你想一個人獨吞起司蛋糕? | Are you eating the cheesecake without me? |
只要你現在能吹出口哨 我就給你一百塊 | I will give you $ 100 to whistle right now. |
-你怎麼可以不管我一個人獨吞? -你會怎麼做呢? | - How can you eat it without me? - What'll you do? |
告訴莫妮卡或喬伊? 不 你得把一切告訴他們 | Tell Monica or Joey? No, you'd have to tell them everything. |
我們是甜點小偷,我們犯了法 | We're dessert stealers. We're living outside the law. |
我不能讓你跟起司蛋糕獨處 | I don't trust you with this cake. |
我先發現它的,我要把它拿回來 | I got it first, and I'm taking it back! |
-什麼? 不 -是的 | - What? Oh, no. - Oh, yes. |
你以為我就能相信你嗎? | You think I trust you with it? |
不,我們平分它 | No, we'll split it. |
那不公平,你已經吃掉一點了 | That's not fair. You had some. |
我想莫妮卡一定想知道… | I think Monica would be very interested to know... |
你說她做的起司蛋糕“又幹又粗” | ...that you called her cheesecake "dry and mealy." |
我們要用什麼來切蛋糕? | What do we use to split it? |
好了,挑一塊 | All right, pick a half. |
這塊比較大 | Well, this side looks bigger. |
但這塊餅乾比較多 | But there's more crust on this side. |
或者我該量一下… | Maybe if I measure it... |
快挑一塊 | Pick a piece! |
-好吧,我挑那一塊 -那一塊比較小 | - All right, I pick that one. - It's the smaller piece. |
好了,拿去吧 | Okay. There you go. |
好好享受你的蛋糕吧 我的朋友,因為大勢己定 | Enjoy your half, my friend. But that is it. |
我不會跟你分,或跟你換 別哭著跑來找我… | No sharing, no switching, and don't come crying to me... |
如果一下子就把蛋糕吃完了 | ...if you eat your piece too fast. |
-你要給我一點蛋糕嗎? -不 | - You gonna give me some of yours? - Oh, no. |
我不會跟你分,或跟你換 別哭著跑來找我… | No switching, no sharing. And don't come crying to me. |
我要坐在這裡花一整天好好享用我的蛋糕 | I may just sit here and have my cake all day. |
我要坐在走廊上吃我的… | Just sit here in the hallway and eat my... |
羅斯,甜心! | Ross, sweetheart! |
嘿,米莉阿姨 | Oh, hey, Aunt Millie. |
-這個婚禮很溫馨吧? -沒錯 | - Isn't it a beautiful wedding? - Yes, it is. |
她每次都親嘴巴! | Every time, on the lips! |
為什麼? 為什麼要親嘴巴? | Why? Why on the lips? |
芬妮在那邊 她看到我一定會很高興吧 | There's Frannie. Wort she be happy to see me? |
你得乖乖的,好嗎? | You be nice, all right? |
我不是帶你來欺負她 | I didn't bring you to ambush her. |
芬妮把你的《花花公子》拿給媽媽看 | Frannie was the one who showed your Playboys to Mom. |
那個賤人 | That bitch. |
莫妮卡! | Monica! |
為什麼…? | What...? |
我在這裡做什麼? 你看到我很訝異嗎 | Am I doing here? Surprised to see me? |
羅斯帶我來的,你還喜歡嗎? | Ross brought me. How do you like that? |
芬妮,恭喜 | Hi, Frannie. Congratulations. |
你邀請我的家人卻不邀請我,為什麼? | You invite my whole family, and not me? Why? |
你為什麼不希望我來? 我做了什麼? | Why wouldn't you want me here? What could I have done? |
斯圖沃特! | Stuart! |
我相信你認識我丈夫 | I believe you know my husband. |
問題應該是,你做了“誰” | So it's really a question of "who" could you have done. |
我討厭這樣,但我得走了 | I hate this, but I have to go. |
我不能錯過飛機 | I can't miss my flight. |
我想下一班飛往明斯克的飛機是在… | I bet there's another flight to Minsk in... |
七月 | July. |
聽起來好美,它是什麼意思? | That's really beautiful. What does it mean? |
“請幫我把燒杯洗乾淨” | "Please clean my beakers." |
我不常離開實驗室 | I don't get out of the lab much. |
我以為它有別的意思 | I thought it meant something else. |
對,事實上,我想說… | Yeah, well, I really actually wanted to say... |
那個 | ...that. |
我想或許我不該說,因為… | But I figured I probably shouldn't because... |
我得離開 | ...I have to leave. |
不,你說的對,別說 | No, you're right. Don't say it. |
但我真的那麼想 | I do, though. |
我也是 | I do too. |
再見,菲比 | Well, bye, Phoebe. |
現在不是時候,喬伊 明天你可以罵我 | Now's not the time, Joey. You can yell at me tomorrow. |
等一下,不,菲比,我不會罵你 | Wait, no, Pheebs. I'm not gonna yell at you. |
我只是開始想到你跟大衛… | I just started thinking about you and David... |
我記得他第一次離開時你有多難過 | ...and I remember how bummed you were the first time he left. |
菲比,過來 | Oh, Pheebs, come here. |
-你還好吧? -不,我一點都不好 | - Are you okay? - No, I'm not okay. |
我唯一喜歡的男人要去明斯克… | The only guy I've ever been crazy about is going to Minsk... |
或許我永遠都不會再見到他 | ...and I may never see him again. |
你可以去看他 | You could always visit him. |
對,你以為他們會給我護照 | Right. Like they'll let me have a passport. |
有什麼我可以幫忙的嗎? 什麼都行 | Anything I can do? Whatever you need. |
喔… | Well, now... |
如果你可以比他先蒸餾出副原子粒子 | ...if you achieve distillation of subatomic particles before he does... |
他就可以回來了 | ...then he could come back. |
我可以試試看 | I could give it a shot. |
你看! 有一小塊沒有沾到地板 | Oh, look! There's a piece that doesn't have floor on it. |
-別越界! -快點! | - Stick to your side! - Come on, now! |
好了,我們要吃什麼? | All right, what are we having? |
-等一下,我忘了拿披肩。-好吧,我在這裡等你 | - Oh, wait, I forgot my wrap. - Oh, I'll wait here for you. |
-我不能回去! -為什麼? | - I can't go back there! - Why? |
你看到斯圖沃特盯著我嗎? 他可能還想要我 | Did you see the way Stuart was staring at me? I think he still wants me. |
-我的天哪 -進去幫我拿! | - Oh, my God. - Just go do it! |
好吧,等著 | All right, wait here. |
嗨,甜心! 你要走了嗎? | Hi, sweetie! Are you leaving? |
-喔… -親阿姨一下,快點 | - Well... - Give us a kiss. Come on. |
為什麼? 為什麼要親嘴巴? | Why? Why on the lips? |
羅斯,這個慧星的事到底什麼時候開始? | Ross, whers this comet thing start? |
理論上來說,七百萬年前 | Well, technically, it started 7 billion years ago. |
好,我不講課,好嗎? | Okay. Fine, I'll stop. No teaching, okay? |
我們只欣賞美麗的流光劃過天空 | We'll just watch the pretty light streaking across the sky. |
好嗎? | Okay? |
它的正式名字是巴布斯坦王 好! 好! | Whose official name is Bapstein-King. Okay! Okay! |
在那兒,你看! | There it is. Oh, look at that! |
大自然母親真是神奇 | Isn't Mother Nature amazing? |
那是一架飛機 | That's a plane. |
好吧,1700袋的花生飛在那麼高的地方… | Well, all right, 1700 bags of peanuts flying that high... |
也是很神奇 | ...that's pretty amazing too. |
-我在想你能不能看看我的公寓 -不,你不能 | - I wonder if you can see my apartment. - No, you can't. |
-什麼? -我不知道 | - What? - I don't know. |
看看這些星星 | Man, look at all those stars. |
無涯的天空,讓你有無盡遐思,是不是? | Infinite space. It really makes you wonder, doesn't it? |
-知道還有什麼讓你有無盡遐思? -什麼? | - Know what else makes you wonder?- What? |
看看那個妞的胸部 | Check out the rack on that chick. |
你說那是真的嗎? | You think those babies are real? |
Friends S07E12 他們整夜未眠 | The One Where They're Up All Night |
我們已經在外面兩個小時了… | We've been out here for two hours... |
還沒看到笨慧星,我們可以走了嗎? | ...and we haven't seen any stupid comets. Can we go now? |
我是說,錢德冷死了 | I mean, Chandler's getting chilly. |
不,我沒有 | No, I'm not. |
那你為什麼穿著莫妮卡的夾克? | Then why are you wearing Monica's jacket? |
因為好看 | Because it's flattering! |
走吧,莫妮卡,走吧,莫妮卡 | Come on, Monica. Come on, Monica. |
-我們也要走了,租了電影看 -我從不錯過看電影 | - We're gonna take off too. Rented a movie. - I won't say no to a movie. |
菲比,其實我們想獨處 | Oh, Pheebs, we just actually wanted to be alone. |
-帶我一起走 -哦,好 | - Get me out of here. - Oh, okay. |
-嘿,羅斯 -怎麼樣? | - Hey, Ross. - What? |
-你看看 -慧星嗎? | - Check this out. - Is it the comet? |
不,那是只被焦油黏住的蟲 | No. Look, there's a bug stuck in tar right here. |
我不能相信… | I can't believe... |
我帶你們來看巴布斯坦王慧星… | I bring you here to see the Bapstein-King comet... |
大自然最壯觀的現象之一… | ...one of nature's most spectacular phenomena... |
而你只關心被焦油黏住的蟲和一個女人 | ...and all you care about are bugs stuck in tar and some woman. |
你知道,有兩個女人,老兄 | You know, there's two women, dude. |
在哪裡 | Show me where. |
好,在那裡 | Okay. Right up here. |
喬伊,我們拿來頂住門的管子呢? | Joey, where's the pipe that was holding the door open? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
哦,我知道 | Yeah, I do. |
-喬伊 -怎麼樣? 嘿,別看著我! | - Joey! - What? Hey, don't look at me! |
是你要上來看什麼笨漢堡王慧星的 | You wanted to come up here and look for some stupid Burger King comet. |
它叫做巴布斯坦王慧星,好嗎? | It's called the Bapstein-King comet, okay? |
嘿,巴布斯坦是一位很受尊敬的太空人,來自... | Hey, Bapstein was a very well-respected astronomer from... |
不! | No! |
-莫妮卡 -她在睡覺 | - Monica. - She's sleeping. |
我知道,很快問一個問題 | I know. Just a quick question. |
哪一部是《慧星撞地球》 哪一部是《世界末日》? | Which one was Deep lmpact and which one was Armageddon? |
《慧星撞地球》是有羅伯特·杜瓦爾的那部 | Deep lmpact was the one with Robert Duvall. |
《世界末日》是如果你再叫醒我就會知道什麼叫做世界末日了 | Armageddon is what's going to happen to you if you wake me up. |
抱歉,我睡不著 | Sorry, I just can't sleep. |
你在看的那本書在哪兒? 有兩個女人在溜冰… | Where's that book you're reading with two women who are ice-skating... |
戴著有花的帽子的 | ...and wearing those hats with the flowers on it. |
每次我一看到它的封面,我就… | Because every time I look at that cover, I'm like... |
在客廳,那兒有燈… | It's in the living room, where there's also a light... |
而且沒有人會踢你小腿 | ...and no one will kick you in the shin. |
什麼? | What? |
拜託不是太空船 拜託不是太空船 | Please don't be a spaceship. Please don't be a spaceship. |
感謝上帝 | Oh, thank God. |
你怎麼可能還在嗶? 我把你斷電了! | How could you be beeping? I just disconnected you! |
我拿掉了你的電池! 怎麼還能…? 不要打斷我說話 | I took out your battery! How can...? Don't interrupt me! |
瑞秋! 莫妮卡! | Rachel! Monica! |
拜託! | Come on! |
真不敢相信! | I can't believe this! |
好吧,我想我們知道要怎麼做才能下去 | All right, well, I guess we know what we have to do to get down. |
是啊,我想我們沒有選擇 | Yeah, I guess we don't have a choice. |
救命! 救救我們! | Help us! Please help us! |
我們被困在屋頂,下不去! | We're stuck up on the roof, and we can't get down! |
羅斯 | Ross. |
我是在想用逃生梯下去 | I was thinking we'd just go down the fire escape. |
我知道,我還沒說完 | I know. I wasn't finished. |
但是不用擔心 | But don't worry! |
我們會用逃生梯下去! | We're gonna go down the fire escape! |
抱歉,我想熱點牛奶來幫助睡眠 | I'm sorry, I thought I'd make some warm milk and it would help me sleep. |
用炒菜鍋? | With a wok? |
我以為你要看我的書來幫助睡覺? | Thought you were gonna read my book to put you to sleep? |
它後來變得很有意思 | It got interesting. |
可惡的歐普拉(著名脫口秀主持人) | Damn you, Oprah! |
來,我來替你熱牛奶 反正我已經起來了 | Here, let me make the milk. I'm up anyway. |
既然我們已經起來了 你知道可以做什麼嗎? | You know what we could do now that we're up? |
我們可以促膝長談 | We could just talk to each other all night long. |
像我們剛剛開始約會時那樣 會很好玩的 | Like we did when we were first going out. It'd be fun. |
-好,聽起來很有意思 -是啊 | - Okay, that does sound fun. - Yeah. |
第二個妹妹死的時候你是不是很生氣? | So how bummed were you when the second sister died, huh? |
第二個妹妹死了? | The second sister dies?! |
沒有 | No. |
沒有,我是在說我看的那本書 | No, I was talking about the book I was reading. |
《阿奇漫畫》裡的第二個妹妹死了? | The second sister dies in Archie and Jughead Double Digest? |
對 | That's correct. |
要不要進臥房去? 比較舒服一點 | Want to go in the bedroom? It's a little more comfortable. |
-當然 -好 | - Sure. - Okay. |
等一下,你有沒有把合約寄去米蘭? | Oh, wait, did you send those contracts to Milan? |
如果你覺得這是性感的談話… | If this is your idea of sexy talk... |
你有沒有快遞寄出我拿給你的合約? | Did you overnight the contracts I gave you? |
什麼合約? | What contracts? |
拜託,告訴我這是你另一個我搞不懂的笑話 | Please tell me this is just one of your jokes that I don't get. |
像什麼? | Like what? |
像是你把電話放在褲檔? | Like the thing when you put the phone in your pants? |
泰格,我很認真,這不好笑 | Tag, I'm serious. This isn't funny. |
那些合約今天一定要寄出去 | Those contracts had to go out today. |
你沒給我什麼合約 | You didn't give me any contracts. |
有,我有,我還貼了一張隨手貼,寫著 | Yes, I did. I put a little Post-it on it that said: |
“今天一定要寄出”在“今天”下面劃了三道 | "Must go out today," and I underlined "today" three times. |
然後我還在角落畫了一顆心 因為我不想太像上司 | Then I put a little heart in the corner because I didn't wanna seem too bossy. |
你沒有給我 | You never gave them to me. |
如果我們到辦公室去 你會看到它在你的辦公桌上 | If we went to the office, you would see those contracts sitting on your desk. |
不,我會看到你很窘,因為它不在我辦公桌上 | No, I'd see you looking embarrassed because they are not on my desk. |
也許我很窘 是因為你用褲檔接電話 | Maybe I'd look embarrassed because you're talking on the phone with your crotch. |
你要現在去辦公室? | You want to go to the office now? |
算了,很晚了,我們不要到辦公室去 | Come on, it's late. We're not going down to the office. |
是,我瞭解,我也不會想被證明是錯的 | Yeah, I understand. I wouldn't want to be proved wrong either. |
好,拿外套! | All right, get your coat! |
你什麼時候解開的? 好厲害! | Oh! When did you unook this? Nice work! |
下不去了,卡住了 | It won't go down any further. It's stuck. |
我們只有跳下去 | We're just gonna have to jump. |
我們一定要確定著陸在… | Now, we're gonna have to make sure to land... |
那塊冰的右邊,好嗎? | ...to the right of that patch of ice, okay? |
不要撞到旁邊的垃圾桶 | Not hit the dumpster on the other side. |
試著避開中間那棕紅色的奇怪東西 | And try to avoid that weird brownish-red stuff in the middle. |
當你下到下麵以後… | So when you get down there... |
你到屋頂讓我進去 | ...you go up to the roof and you let me in. |
-等一下,要我跳? -你會沒事的 | - Wait a minute. I have to do it? - You'll be fine. |
就像高空彈跳 | It'll be just like bungee jumping, you know? |
但你不會回彈而已 | But instead of bouncing back up, you won't. |
要是我的頭撞到水泥呢? | Well, what if I smack my head on the concrete? |
喬伊,我不想騙你,是有這個可能的 | Well, I'm not gonna lie to you, Joey. It's a possibility. |
我不知道,這樣吧,擲銅板決定誰去 | I don't know. Tell you what, let's flip to see who does it. |
-在空中時說出你要的那一面好嗎? -好吧 | - You call it in the air, all right? - Oh, all right. |
-你看到是哪一面嗎? -不 | - Can you see what it is? - No. |
-你小心一點 -羅斯,不要這樣 | - Okay. Well, you be careful. - No, Ross, stop it. |
我不跳 | I'm not jumping. |
明天我要試鏡 如果摔斷腿就不能去了 | Look, I have an audition tomorrow, and I can't go if I break my leg. |
我不跳,我有一個兒子 要是我死了他就沒爸爸了 | Well, I'm not jumping. I have a son. He won't have a father if I die. |
看來我們平手 | So it looks like we're even. |
好,這條線… | Okay, so this wire... |
接到這條線,插到這兒 | ...is connected to this wire, which plugs into here. |
好,讓嗶聲停止,我只要… | Okay, so to get the beeping to stop, all I have to do... |
做得好,菲比 | Well done, Pheebs. |
你要我怎麼樣? | What do you want from me?! |
你的牛奶來了,你想談什麼? | Here's your milk. What do you wanna talk about? |
什麼? 什麼? 什麼? | What? What? What? |
甜心,你在睡覺嗎? 抱歉,給 | Oh, were you sleeping, sweetie? I'm sorry. Here. |
感覺好多了 | Oh, that's so much better. Okay. |
至少可以聽到自己在想什麼了 | At least I can hear myself think. |
天哪,別唱了 | God, stop singing. |
別唱了! | Stop singing! |
好,你愛怎麼找都行… | Okay. Feel free to look... |
不過我告訴你 那些合約沒在這張桌上 | ...but I'm telling you, those contracts are not on this desk. |
你怎麼可能知道? 你看看有多亂,泰格 | How could you possibly know? Look at this mess, Tag. |
這就是我說的你一定要有組織一點 | This is what I'm talking about. You have to be more organized. |
有報紙,有雜誌,你…哦! | You've got newspapers, you've got magazines, you... Oh! |
這小妞是誰? | And who's this chippy? |
對你來說太幼稚一點,隨便啦 | A little young for you, but whatever. |
是我妹 | That's my sister. |
真的? 牙套好可愛 | Really? Very cute braces. |
你知道嗎? 重點是 泰格,開始找吧… | Anyway, you know what? The point is, Tag, start looking... |
你會在你桌上找到那合約 | ...because you're gonna find those contracts on your desk. |
你想像是什麼時候給我的? 早上還是下午? | So when do you imagine you gave them to me? Morning or afternoon? |
下午,則納先生午餐後進來我辦公室… | In the afternoon. Mr. Zelner came into my office after lunch... |
他把它放在我桌上 我貼了一張隨手貼在上面 | ...he put them on my desk, and then I put a Post-it on it... |
寫著: | ...that said: |
“今天一定要寄出” | "Must go out today." |
請你繼續在那裡找,好嗎? | So you just keep looking in there, all right? |
不在這裡 | They're not here. |
奇怪 | Puzzler. |
真奇怪 | Bit of a puzzle. |
你去影印室找一找 也許你放在那兒 | Why don't you check the copy room. Maybe you left the contracts in there. |
-我怎麼可能放在那兒? -我不知道 | - How could I have left them there? - I don't know. |
你的生殖器怎麼可能打電話? | How can your genitals make phone calls? |
好嗎? 這不是個完美的世界 請你去找一找 | Okay? It's not a perfect world. Just go, please? |
-好吧 -謝謝 | - Fine. - Thank you. |
喂? | Hello? |
我還是不懂 | I still don't get it. |
你還醒著嗎? | You still awake? |
是啊,你呢? | Yeah. You? |
你知道說話的是我吧? | You do know that was me that just said that, right? |
嘿 | Hey. |
既然我們都醒著… | As long as we're both up... |
怎樣? | Yeah? |
我希望你不是想要打掃客廳 | I hope you're not thinking about cleaning the living room. |
我餓死了,晚飯時我在想什麼啊? | Man, I'm starving. What the hell was I thinking at dinner? |
“你要湯還是沙拉?” 兩樣都要,永遠都兩樣都要 | "Do you want soup or salad?" Both, always order both. |
我看了半天,我想沒人在家 | You know, I'm looking, and I don't think anyone's home here. |
我說我們打破窗戶… | I say we just break the window... |
爬進去… | ...crawl through... |
之後再解釋 | ...and you know, explain later. |
-沒人在家? -我想沒有 | - No one's home? - I don't think so. |
喂? | Hello? |
當你進去之後… | So when you get in there... |
你我該在這裡分手了 | Okay. This is where you and I part ways. |
吵死人的賤貨! | Noisy bitch! |
怎麼? 你在幹什麼? | Oh, what? What are you doing? |
你知道剛剛發生什麼事嗎? | Do you know what just happened? |
是啊,我們做愛,然後睡著了 | Yeah. We had sex, and then we fell asleep. |
不,我們做了一半… | No. We were in the middle of sex... |
然後你睡著了 | ...and you fell asleep. |
不,不,沒有這回事 | No. No, that's not true. |
不,這是最棒的一次 | No, best time ever. |
你震撼了我的世界 | Yeah. You rock my world. |
-莫妮卡? -怎麼? | - Monica? - What? |
這是我表現最好的時候 你錯過了 | I was giving you some of my best moves, and you missed it. |
請你醒來,好好做完它 | So please wake up so we can do it right. |
好,好,我準備好了 | Okay. Okay. I'm ready. |
-來,大傢伙 -好 | - Come on, big fella. - Okay. |
-好好表現一番 -是啊 | - Give me the good stuff. - Yeah. |
不,不,不,不要睡覺 | No, no, no. Don't fall asleep. |
我要替你煮咖啡 | Okay, I'm going to make you some coffee. |
我大概不會把咖啡粉灑了一地 | Well, I probably won't spill coffee grounds all over the kitchen floor. |
好吧,我起來了,我起來了 | Okay, I'm up. I'm up. |
嘿,咖啡來了… | Hi. I got you some coffee to... |
你找到東西了沒? | So you got anything for me? |
-還是沒有 -我的天 | - Still no luck. - Oh, my God. |
你有檢查過整個桌子和所有的抽屜嗎? | You checked your entire desk and all the drawers? |
-要我再找一次? -請你再找一次 | - Want me to check again? - I wish you would. |
它沒有在這裡 | Well, no, it's not in there. |
那個抽屜呢? | How about that drawer? |
它不在這裡 有可能在你辦公室嗎? | Well, it's not out here. Any chance it could be in your office? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
我找找看 | I mean, let me check. |
有嗎? | Any luck? |
請進來說話 | See you in my office for a minute? |
你找到了! | You found them! |
我不會偷笑 | I'm not even gonna gloat. |
-我很寬慰這件事…-你放在我桌上的 | - I'm just really relieved that this whole... - You put these on my desk. |
-我沒有 -真的嗎? | - I did not. - Oh, really? |
它從你最下面的抽屜溜出來 | They slid out of your bottom drawer... |
爬過地板,跳到我桌上來? | ...crawled across the floor, then jumped onto my desk? |
你怎麼知道它在我最下面的抽屜? | How did you know they were in my bottom drawer? |
此刻我令你欲火焚身 | I am so hot for you right now. |
我的天! 你怎麼回來的? | Oh, my God! How did you get back here? |
菲比布菲? | Phoebe Buffay? |
火警報警器? | Fire Alarm? |
嗨,救火員先生,有什麼事嗎? | Oh, hi, Officer Fireman. Can I help you? |
我們在垃圾桶發現你的警報器 | We found your fire alarm in the trash. |
-不是我的 -是你的 | - That's not mine. - Yes, it is. |
-你怎麼知道? -下次你丟掉警報器時… | - How do you know? - Next time you dump a fire alarm... |
不要用寫著“菲比布菲的財物 不是莫妮卡的”的毯子 | ...don't use a blanket that says, "Property of Phoebe Buffay, not Monica." |
你有搜索令嗎? | Do you have a search warrant? |
我查過了,這裡還是美國 | Because the last time I checked, this was still America. |
請把它裝回去,拆除它是違法的 | Please reattach it. It's illegal to disconnect them. |
好吧,拜託告訴我怎麼才能讓它不叫? | Fine. But please, God, tell me how to stop it from going off? |
壓下重設的按鈕 | Press the reset button. |
有重設按鈕? 謝謝,謝謝 | There's a reset button? Oh, thank you. Thank you. |
有重設按鈕? | Oh. There's a reset button? |
我的天! | My God! |
我怎麼沒看到? | Why didn't I see that? |
重設按鈕,重設按鈕 | Reset button. Reset button. |
重設按鈕在哪裡?哦,在這兒,哦! | Where is there a reset button? Oh, here it is! Oh! |
好吧,你就住這裡了,房租從15號開始算 | Fine, you live here. The rent is due on the 15th. |
-你抓好了嗎? -好了 | - Okay, you have a good grip? - Yeah. |
我要開始爬過你了 | I'm gonna start to climb down you now. |
-好,快一點 -好 | - All right, just hurry up. - Okay. |
我應該面向你爬下來所以我們面對面… | Now, should I climb down your front so we're face to face... |
還是應該背對你爬下來… | ...or should I climb down your back so we're... |
然後屁股對著臉? | ...butt to face? |
-面對面 -我喜歡面對面 | - Face to face. - I like face to face. |
-我來了 -好 | - Okay, here I come. - All right. |
我的天…羅斯,你多重? | Oh, my... How much do you weigh, Ross? |
我不想回答 過節時胖的還沒瘦下去 | I prefer not to answer. I'm still carrying a little holiday weight. |
我們說要面對面時… | When we talked about face to face... |
我想我們沒有想清楚 | ...I don't think we thought it all the way through. |
-你要我怎麼辦? -從我身上滑下,跳下去 | - What do you want me to do? - Just shimmy down me and drop. |
-嘿 -嘿 | - Hi. - Hi. |
也許我該吊著,你爬過我下去 | You know, maybe I should hang, and you should climb down me. |
是嗎? 也許我們應該多討論一下! | Yeah? Maybe we should talk about that for a little while! |
-看起來還好遠 -沒有那麼遠,跳就是了 | - It still looks pretty far. - It's not that far. Just drop. |
不要催我! | Do not rush me! |
我的褲子開始下滑,我沒穿內褲 | My pants are starting to come down, and I'm not wearing any underwear. |
我的腳踝! 我傷到我的腳踝! | My ankle! I really hurt my ankle! |
我想我扭到了…二十五美分! | I think I twisted it when... A quarter! |
真的是你的最佳表現 | That really was some of your best work. |
我說了嘛 | I told you. |
真不敢相信 | I can't believe it. |
只剩兩小時我就要打電話請病假 | I've only got two hours until I call in sick for work. |
我七分鐘後就要起床 | I have to be up in seven minutes. |
你不會相信的 如果你還有7分鐘… | Well, you're not gonna believe this, but if you have seven minutes... |
真的? | Really? |
你想要? | You want to? |
你去拿吸塵器,我拿傢俱打亮劑 | You get the vacuum cleaner. I'll get the furniture polish. |
-嘿 -嗨 | - Hey. - Hi. |
-你在做什麼? -我想把沙發搬開 | - What are you doing? - I was thinking of moving the couch. |
你為什麼要那麼做? | Why would you want to do that? |
那樣子我就有好位置可以坐了? | So there'd be a decent place for me to sit? |
-瑞秋,你本來就有好位置坐 -你的大腿不算 | - Rach, there is a decent place. - And your lap does not count. |
-來吧,幫我把它搬開 -不 | - Come on, help me move this. - No, no, no. |
-你不要 -我不要 | - No? - No. |
蘿希塔不想移開 | Rosita does not move. |
對不起,蘿希塔,它是…? | I'm sorry. Rosita? As in...? |
就是“不想動的蘿希塔” | As in "Rosita does not move." |
它只是一張椅子,它有什麼大不了的? | It's just a chair. What's the big deal? |
它到浴室跟到廚房的距離是一樣的… | It's the exact equal distance from the bathroom to the kitchen... |
而且它的角度讓你完全看不到史提夫的閃光 | ...and it's at an angle where you don't get any glare coming off Stevie. |
電視機叫史提夫? | Stevie the TV? |
-有問題嗎? -沒有 | - Is there a problem? - No. |
他又知道什麼? | What does he know? |
來吧,蘿希塔,我們這些辣妹得合作才行 | Come on, Rosita. Us chicas gotta stick together. |
你這個賤人! | You bitch! |
Friends S07E13 蘿希塔死了 | The One Where Rosita Dies |
你知道什麼事奇怪嗎? | Hey, you know what's weird? |
等你們結婚了 你們向別人介紹我的時候 | After you guys get married, when you introduce me to people... |
…你得說,“這是我大舅子,羅斯” | ...you're gonna have to say, "This is my brother-in-law, Ross." |
而不是“我的朋友,羅斯”,是“大舅子,羅斯” | Not "my friend, Ross," "brother-in-law, Ross." |
很奇怪,對嗎? | That's weird, isn't it? |
難道我不能說,“這是羅斯”嗎? | Couldrt I just say, "This is Ross"? |
可以,隨你便! | Sure, do whatever you want. |
嘿,羅斯? | Hey, Ross? |
我看過房地產廣告版 | I checked the real estate section. |
你看這個 | Look at this. |
看起來好像爸媽的房子 | Looks like Mom and Dad's house. |
院子裡的樹,正前方也有根斷掉的樹枝 | Even has a tree with a broken limb out front. |
閣樓的窗戶… | And the window in the attic... |
哦,我的天啊! | Oh, my God! |
閣樓的窗戶怎麼了? | What happened to the window in the attic? |
-我不敢相信他們要把它賣掉 -卻沒有告訴我們 | - I can't believe they're selling it. - And they didn't tell us. |
閣樓的窗戶怎麼了? | What happened to the window in the attic? |
爸爸嗎? 莫妮卡和我剛剛在報紙上看到房子的事 | Hello, Dad? Monica and I just saw the house in the paper. |
是的,我們吃了一驚 | Yes, we're surprised. |
你告訴誰了? | Who did you leave a message with? |
對不起! | Sorry! |
喬伊,真是對不起 | Joey, Joey, I'm so sorry. |
跟你說過不要動它! 你會什麼感覺,如果,我是說 | I told you not to move it! How would you feel if, say... |
我要搬動你媽媽,好吧… | ...I wanted to move your mom, okay... |
…你說,“別”,但我還是那樣做了… | ...and you said, "Don't," and I did it anyway... |
…接著她的頭掉了? | ...and her head fell off? |
我會買張新椅子賠你,好嗎? | I'll buy you a new one, okay? |
我們馬上到店裡去幫你買一張新椅子 | We'll go to the store and get you a new chair right now. |
她還屍骨未寒 | She's not even cold yet. |
蘿希塔不希望你繼續過你的日子嗎? | Wouldrt Rosita have wanted you to move on? |
我是說她永遠把你的幸福放在第一位 | I mean, you know, she did always put your comfort first. |
沒錯 | That's true. |
-好吧,你準備好了嗎? -好了 | - Okay, you ready? - Yeah. |
我不想史提夫看到她這樣 | I don't want Stevie to see her like this. |
我不敢相信,我們得跟小時候的家說再見 | I can't believe we have to say goodbye to the house we grew up in. |
天啊,有個陌生人就要搬進我的房間裡 | Man, some stranger's gonna be in my room. |
15年來,他們把你房間弄得跟聖壇差不多 | For 15 years they kept it as a shrine to you. |
現在一切都該落幕了 | It's time the velvet ropes came down. |
他們也保留你房間有一陣子 | They kept your room a while. |
拜託,我搬出來二十分鐘後 爸就把我的房間變成健身房 | Please! Dad turned my room into a gym 20 minutes after I moved out. |
一張日光浴椅跟一堆 《維多利亞的秘密》的目錄(女士性感內衣品牌) | I gotta say, a tanning bed and a stack of Victoria's Secret catalogs? |
那不是健身房 | Not a gym. |
-別這樣,你知道他們愛你 -就跟他們愛你一樣? | - Come on. You know they love you. - As much as they love you? |
我沒出生前,他們以為她不會生 那不是我的錯 | They thought she was barren until I was born. It's not my fault. |
我討厭今年 | I hate this year. |
今年有什麼不對的? | What's wrong with this year? |
現在已經是二月,我只接到兩個按摩客人… | It's February and I've only given two massages... |
而且他們給小費都給得很吝嗇 | ...and they were both horrible tippers. |
你是指我跟羅斯 | That was me and Ross. |
哦,沒錯 | Oh, that's right. |
如果你需要錢… | If you want some extra cash... |
我大學的朋友做電話行銷賺了不少錢 | ...some college friends made good money doing telemarketing. |
好主意,你打電話很在行 | That's a great idea. You're really good on the phone. |
他一定比上次我做的電話行銷工作還棒 | It'd be better than the last telephone job I had. |
或許我不必常常說“打我屁股吧” | I probably won't have to say "spank" as much. |
什麼? | What? |
對,就像你從沒打過那種電話似的 | Oh, yeah, like you never called. |
真的很簡單,你只要照著稿子念… | This is very easy. You read from the script... |
試著多賣一點碳粉 | ...and try to sell as much toner as you can. |
好吧,我辦得到 | Okay, I can do that. |
對了,我喜歡我的辦公室 | By the way, I love my office. |
-我們為什麼不來練習一下? -好吧 | - Why don't we do a trial run? - Oh, okay. |
好了 | All right. |
嗨,我是帝國辦公室文具公司的菲比 | Hi, this is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. |
-請問總務部經理在嗎? -我就是總務部經理 | - Can I speak to your supply manager? - I'm the supply manager. |
我想跟你談談買碳粉的事 | I'd like to talk about your toner needs. |
我們不需要碳粉 | We don't need any. |
好吧,抱歉打擾你了,再見 | Okay, sorry to bother you. Bye-bye. |
你說的對,這真的很容易 | Yeah, you're right. This is easy. |
好吧,那通電話哪裡不對勁呢? | Okay. What was wrong with that call? |
好吧 | Oh, well, all right. |
我沒有惡意,但你的態度真的很不好 | No offense, but you were kind of rude. |
他們永遠都會說,他們不需要碳粉,沒關係 | They always say they don't need toner. That's okay. |
不管他們說什麼 你都會在稿子裡找到標準解答 | Whatever they say, you can find the answer to it, here in the script. |
我想你準備好要賣碳粉了 | So I think you're ready to sell toner. |
-你還有問題嗎? -沒有了 | - Do you have any last questions? - No. |
等一下,對了,我的確有一個問題 | Wait, yes, I do have one question: |
什麼是碳粉? | What is toner? |
喬伊? | Joey? |
喬伊? | Joe? |
未拆包? | Full bag? |
啤酒還是冰的 | Beer's still cold. |
這裡一定發生了很可怕的事 | Something terrible must have happened here. |
喔,不… | Oh, no, no, no! |
史提夫,我沒來過這裡 | Stevie, I was never here. |
-爸? -我在這裡! | - Dad? - I'm here! |
-嗨 -嗨 | - Hey. - Hi. |
感覺上好像以前你們跑來這裡看我工作的時候 | Seems like just yesterday you guys used to come out to watch me work. |
我們不敢相信你們要賣掉房子 | We can't believe you're selling the house. |
也該讓新的家庭在這裡開始他們的新生活了 | Time for a new family to start here. |
我希望在支票兌現前他們不會發現… | I hope their check clears before they find the crack... |
地基有裂痕,天花板的石棉瓦破了 | ...in the foundation and the asbestos in the ceiling. |
我們快把東西拿一拿,離開這裡吧 | Let's grab our stuff and get the hell out of here. |
-抱歉我們不能收藏你們的東西 -沒關係 | - Sorry we can't store your things. - Oh, it's okay. |
我等不及要再看到那些東西了 | I can't wait to see everything again. |
我不知道這裡放了什麼 | I don't know what's down here. |
但閣樓上有六七箱簡易烘焙烤箱 | But there are six or seven Easy-Bake Ovens in the attic. |
我以前最喜歡玩開餐廳的遊戲了 | I used to love to play restaurant. |
但你最愛的還是“吃麵粉糊” | Not as much as you loved to play "uncooked batter eater." |
你不能要求小孩子等著電燈泡把餅乾烤好 | You can't expect a child to wait for a light bulb to cook brownies. |
我想你的箱子應該都在這裡 | So I think your boxes are over here. |
太棒了 | Oh, great. |
嘿… | Hey... |
這是誰的煙? | ...whose cigarettes are these? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
一定是你媽的 | They must be your mother's. |
但求求你別去質問她,我來把煙丟掉 | But please, please don't ask her. I'll throw these away. |
酷啊! 爸,是我的成績單! | Cool! Dad, my report cards! |
嘿,快來看看 | Hey, check this out. |
數學“優等”,自然“優等”歷史“優等”,體育…. | Math, "A." Science, "A." History, "A." Gym... |
我的磨石機 | My rock polisher! |
噢,看,你的舊化妝盒 | Oh, look, there's your old makeup kit. |
這是小丑盒,小丑盒! | It's a clown kit. Clown kit! |
不過白色好像沒被碰過 | But the white seems to be untouched. |
-慘了 -怎麼了? | - Uh-oh. - What? |
你知道每年春天車庫都會淹水嗎? | You know how the garage floods every spring? |
你要怎麼把房子賣掉? | How are you ever gonna sell this place? |
我想我不小心把莫妮卡的箱子… | I think I accidentally used Monica's boxes... |
來擋水,免得保時捷進了水 | ...to keep the water away from the Porsche. |
哦,不,爸,爸? | Oh, no, Dad. Dad? |
搞什麼? | What the... |
哦,天啊,一切都毀了! | Oh, God. Everything's ruined! |
爸,她一定會崩潰的 | Dad, she's gonna be crushed. |
你該不會是偷偷在抽煙吧? | You don't secretly smoke, do you? |
不 | No. |
那就是你媽在抽煙 | So it's just your mother then. |
嗨,我是帝國辦公室文具公司的菲比 | Hi. This is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. |
請問總務部經理在嗎? | Can I speak to your supply manager, please? |
厄爾,謝謝 | Earl. Thanks. |
嗨,厄爾,我是帝國辦公室文具公司的菲比 | Hi, Earl. This is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. |
我想跟你談談買碳粉的事 | I'd like to talk to you about your toner needs. |
我不需要碳粉 | I don't need any toner. |
我知道,但是聽了我們的價格 大家都會想買碳粉 | I hear what you're saying, but at our prices, everyone needs toner. |
我不要 | Not me. |
能請問你為什麼嗎? | May I ask why? |
你想知道為什麼? | You want to know why? |
你想知道為什麼? | You want to know why? |
我真的很想 | I surely do. |
好吧 | Okay. |
我不需要碳粉… | I don't need any toner... |
因為我就要自殺了 | ...because I'm gonna kill myself. |
那是因為你的碳粉用完了嗎? | Is that because you're out of toner? |
好吧,今天我不需要碳粉,謝謝,再見 | Okay, so no toner today. Thanks anyway. Bye-bye. |
等一下! 我不能讓你掛電話,請你跟我說話 | Wait, wait! I can't let you hang up. Just please talk to me. |
喔… | Well... |
今天我只需要做一件事(今天的任務:自殺) | I only had one thing to do today. |
我猜我能把它推遲一下吧 | I guess I could push it back. |
好吧,你為什麼要自殺? | Yeah. Now, why do you want to kill yourself? |
十年來,我一直在做… | I've been working for 10 years now at this... |
這份沒有意義沒有前途的工作… | ...meaningless, dead-end job... |
辦公室裡的人根本不知道我的存在 | ...and nobody here even knows that I exist. |
錢德? | Chandler? |
你說什麼? | I'm sorry? |
聽著… | Look... |
我相信他們都知道你的存在 | ...l'm sure that people know you exist. |
是嗎? 我在一個小房間工作… | Oh, yeah? I work in a cubicle... |
四周都是人 | ...surrounded by people. |
我已經跟你談了五分鐘我要自殺的問題… | I've been talking to you for five minutes now about killing myself... |
沒有人抬頭來看我一眼,等一下 | ...and no one's even looked up from their desk. Hang on. |
嘿,大夥們… | Hey, everybody... |
我要自殺了 | ...l'm gonna kill myself. |
回頭再跟你們說 | I'll get back to you. |
沒人理我 | I got nothing. |
等會 | Wait. |
嘿,馬奇 | Hey, Marge. |
他們不理我 | Nothing. Nothing. |
好漂亮的椅子 | Good chair. |
好了,如果有人問起… | Now, if anybody asks... |
你的名字就叫蘿希塔 | ...your name is Rosita. |
喬伊,我給你買了一張新椅子 商店裡最貴的椅子 | Come on, Joey. I just bought you a new chair, the most expensive one in the store. |
知道我在想什麼嗎? 給她取名弗朗塞特 | You know what I was thinking? We could name her Francette. |
弗朗塞特? | Francette? |
她是誰,沙發? | What is she, a couch? |
可憐的小東西,她是英年早逝 | Poor thing. Cut down in her prime. |
喬伊,新椅子一小時內就會送來 | Joey, the new chair will be here in an hour. |
或許我們該把蘿希塔搬出去 | Maybe we should move Rosita out of here. |
開始療傷過程 | Start the healing process. |
好吧,我猜你說的對 | Yeah, I guess you're right. |
也許我要帶她去焚化爐 | Maybe I'll take her down to the incinerator. |
真傷心 | It's gonna be so sad. |
也有點酷 | And kind of cool. |
她痊癒了! | She's healed! |
-那太奇怪了 -不,一點都不奇怪 | - That's weird. - No, it's not weird. |
這是奇跡! | It's a miracle! |
這不是奇跡,我相信這一定有合理的解釋 | It's not a miracle. I'm sure there's an explanation. |
沒錯,只要你的心地純正,奇跡一定會發生 | There is. If your heart is pure, wondrous things can happen. |
-我不… -你能告訴我怎麼回事嗎? | - I don't... - Can you tell me how this happened? |
-不 -奇跡 | - Well, no. - Miracle. |
可能有人進來修好它.或者其他什麼的 | No, you know what, maybe somebody came in here and fixed it. Or something. |
天使? | Someone like an angel? |
沒錯,喬伊.椅子天使進來修好了你的椅子 | That's right, Joey. The chair angel came in and healed your chair. |
從我的椅子上挪開你那不信任的屁股! | Get your non-believer ass out of my chair! |
她會瞭解的,我不是故意的 | She'll understand. I didn't do it on purpose. |
爸,對她來說那並不重要 | Dad, that won't matter to her. |
你看,我的箱子完全沒事 | Look, all my stuff is safe and dry. |
她的東西都… | And all her stuff is... |
長出新的東西了 | ...growing new stuff. |
就是這樣的事 | This is the kind of thing... |
讓她認為你們愛我更勝於愛她 | ...that makes her think you love me more than her. |
天啊,她真的那麼認為? | My God. Does she think that? |
-你能怪她嗎? -我不知道 | - Can you blame her? - I don't know. |
或許我們在潛意識上是偏愛你的 你是個奇跡 | We may have favored you unconsciously. You were a marvel. |
-醫生說你媽沒辦法…-我不想聽 | - The doctors said your mom couldn't... - I don't want to hear it. |
-真的嗎? -現在不想 | - Really? - Well, not right now. |
莫妮卡來這裡找回憶 該死,我們得給她一些回億 | Monica came here for some memories. Damn it, we'll give her some. |
好吧,拿… | Okay, grab... |
把空箱子拿過來,我們拿一些我的東西… | Grab some boxes. We'll take stuff from mine... |
放在這些箱子裡,只要能騙過她就行 | ...and whatever we can pass off as hers, we'll put in there. |
-譬如說這個,這可能是她做的 -沒錯 | - Like, this. She could have made this.- Sure. |
還有這個,也可能是她贏的。 | And this, she could have won this. |
-這可能是她的 -當然 | - This could have been hers. - Sure. |
-這個是什麼? -你的化妝盒? | - Here, what about this? - Your makeup kit? |
我感覺好多了 | I'd feel better. |
我好高興我能把這張椅子留下來給自己用 | I am so psyched I kept this chair for myself. |
對,我也是 | Yeah. Me too. |
-嘿,奇跡椅子怎麼樣? -很好 | - Hey, how's the miracle chair? - Fine. |
你知道這張椅子的頭墊上還附了喇叭嗎? | You know, this thing has speakers in the headrest? |
-不,真的嗎? -沒錯 | - No, really? - Yeah. |
你可以把它跟電視機接在一起還可以聽收音機 | You can hook it to the TV and you get radio. |
我的椅子有自療的功能 | My chair heals itself. |
厄爾,你沒聽我講話 我是說,你不孤單.好嗎 | Earl, you're not hearing me. All I'm saying is, you're not alone, all right? |
所有人都討厭他們的同事 | Everybody hates the people they work with. |
嘿,夥計 | Hey, guy. |
等一下,那人好像對你挺好 | Wait, that sounded like someone being nice to you. |
不,只是說句“嘿,夥計”的傢伙 | No, that's just the "hey, guy" guy. |
他對所有人都那樣說.他最壞了 | He says that to everybody. He's the worst. |
我想帶他跟我一起死 | I'd like to take him with me. |
好吧,我們別提辦公室的同事了,好嗎? | All right. Let's just forget about the people at the office, okay? |
一定有人值得你留戀 | There's gotta be someone won'th sticking around for. |
你的家人跟朋友呢? 或許你有女朋友? | What about family or friends? Maybe a girlfriend? |
是啊 | Yeah, right. |
哦,抱歉,你的男朋友呢? | Oh, sorry. Boyfriend? |
-天哪 -不,隨便吧,什麼都行 | - Oh, God. - No, whatever. Anything. |
嘿,夥計 | Hey, guy. |
沒錯,他應該去死 | Yeah, he's gotta go. |
好了,我應該… | Okay, I should... |
去做我想做的事了 | ...be getting back to my thing now. |
再見 | See you. |
我還沒有說完,你休想掛我電話! | I'm not finished! Don't you dare hang up on me! |
新來的女孩真不錯 | The new girl's good. |
嘿,夥計們 | Hey, guys. |
我定了一些簡易烘焙點心.3天內應該準備好了 | I just whipped us up some Easy-Bake treats. They should be ready in about three days. |
太好了! 聽到了嗎,羅斯? 3天! | That's a good one! You hear that, Ross? Three days! |
-噢,美好的回憶 -好的 | - Oh, this'll make a great memory. - Okay. |
哪些箱子是我的? | Which boxes are mine? |
-你的箱子在這裡 -好吧 | - These are yours right here. - Okay. |
塗色簿 | A coloring book. |
你喜歡那個玩意 | You loved that thing. |
你去哪裡都會… | You never went anywhere without... |
都會帶著那本塗色簿 | ...without that coloring book. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
看起來我老是沒辦法把顏色塗線上上 | Looks like I had trouble staying in the lines. |
不 | Nuh-uh! |
-舊手套? -你以前很喜歡它 | - An old glove? - Yeah, you loved that glove. |
去哪裡都戴著.沒有它你哪都不去 | You took it every place you went. You never went anyplace without the glove. |
哇,你看這個 | Wow, look at this. |
我不敢相信以前我穿得下這件T恤(暴龍羅斯) | I can't believe I even fit into this shirt. |
噢,這是你的 | Oh, this is yours. |
我不知道它怎麼會跑到那裡去 | I don't know how that got in there. |
這不是我的東西 | This isn't mine. |
嘿,這些不是我的東西 | Hey, this isn't my stuff. |
羅斯,這些是你的箱子 | Ross, these are your boxes. |
我的箱子在哪裡? | Where are my boxes? |
你的箱子… | Your boxes are... |
-怎麼了? -爸爸? | - What? - Dad? |
車庫淹水,甜心,你的箱子都進了水,對不起 | - The garage flooded, sweetie, and ruined your boxes. I'm sorry. |
只有我的箱子進水了? | Just mine? |
恐怕是那樣的 | I'm afraid so. |
為什麼羅斯的東西都沒壞? | Why wasn't Ross' stuff ruined? |
如果你說那是“醫學奇跡”我要用簡易烘焙箱蒸你的頭 | And if you say the words "medical marvel," I'm going to Easy-Bake your head. |
我用你的箱子擋水來保護我的保時捷 | I used your boxes to divert water away from the Porsche. |
羅斯的東西都沒事 但我的回憶都沒有了 | Ross' stuff is fine, but I have no memories... |
只為了你不希望你的汽車底盤碰到水? | ...so you could keep the bottom of your car from water? |
水裡有樹葉,泥巴跟雜物 | There was also leaves and gook and stuff. |
我不敢相信! | I can't believe this! |
去他的,我要抽根煙 | Screw it. I'm having one. |
-嘿,錢德 -嘿 | - Hey, Chandler. - Hey. |
你要不要試試看一張可以平躺… | How'd you like to sit in a chair that reclines... |
有滾輪按摩功能… | ...has a rolling massage... |
頭墊還附了喇叭的椅子? | ...and speakers in the headrest? |
我試過很多次… | I've tried that so many times... |
但他們已經不再讓我走進他們店裡 | ...they won't even let me in the store anymore. |
如果我說你可以到我家試坐一下呢? | What if I said you could do it in my apartment? |
你是說… | Are you telling me... |
你買了那張讓其他椅子都變成廢物的椅子? | ...you bought the chair that makes all others obsolete? |
那張《椅子雜誌》封為“年度最佳椅子”的椅子? | The chair that Sit Magazine called "Chair of the Year"? |
我剛剛買了… | I just purchased... |
懶男孩E傾斜3000型 | ...the La-Z-Boy E-Cliner 3000. |
噢,那真的是太棒了! 太帥了! 你為什麼買下它 | Well, that's awesome! That's great! What made you do it? |
說來話長,但我弄壞了喬伊的椅子… | It's a long story, but, I broke Joey's chair... |
哇…你弄壞了喬伊的椅子? | Whoa, whoa, whoa. You broke Joey's chair? |
我以為是我幹的 所以我用我的椅子跟它調換 | I thought I did, that's why I replaced it with mine. |
所以它才會完全沒事 | That's how it got fixed! |
你以為是妖精把它修好的? | You thought that elves came in and fixed it? |
不 | No. |
是天使幹的 | Angels. |
我要把我的椅子拿回來 | I'm getting my chair back. |
喔,看起來它根本沒有自療功能! | Well, looks like it wasn't healed after all! |
我猜這張椅子是我的了 | I guess this chair's mine now. |
喬伊,你弄壞了我的椅子! | Joey, you broke my chair! |
你的椅子? | Your chair? |
他以為他把它弄壞了所以他調換了椅子 | He thought he broke it, so he switched chairs. |
奇跡根本不存在? | So there was no miracle? |
沒錯,喬伊,奇跡不存在 | No, Joe. No miracle. |
喔,不,這真的是太糟糕了 | Oh, no! This is devastating! |
我的信念被擊垮了 我很高興這張新椅子能陪我走過這一切 | My faith is shaken. I'm glad I have a new chair to get me through this. |
不錯的嘗試.但你不會再擁有那張椅子了 | Nice try, but you don't get that chair anymore. |
那是我的椅子了.你來坐我的大腿好了 | That is my chair now. You can sit on my lap. |
不,我收回我的話! | No, I take that back! |
我想椅子應該是我的 | I think I should get the chair. |
-為什麼呢? -你弄壞了椅子,你也弄壞了椅子 | - How do you figure? - You broke a chair and you broke a chair. |
這裡沒弄壞的椅子的人 只有我 | The only one here that hasn't broken a chair is me. |
不,不,不.這張椅子哪兒都不能去 | No, no, no. This chair's not going anywhere. |
-什麼邏輯啊? -邏輯… | - Where's the logic in that? - The logic... |
…就是我們是兩個人… | ...is that there are two of us... |
…而且我們都強壯到可以把椅子分成兩半 | ...and we are both strong enough to break a chair in half. |
那麼喬伊弄壞我的椅子,而我一無所獲? | So Joey breaks my chair, and I get nothing? |
沒錯 | That's right. |
你們是誰? 惡徒嗎? | What are you guys, like, a gang or something? |
沒錯,是的 | Yeah, we are. |
我們是眼鏡蛇幫 | We're the Cobras. |
請問厄爾在哪裡? 他是總務部經理 | Where can I find Earl? He's the supply manager here. |
我不認識厄爾 | I don't know any Earl. |
我就在這裡! | I'm right here! |
厄爾? | Earl? |
我是菲比 | I'm Phoebe. |
菲比 | Phoebe? |
賣碳粉的小姐? | The lady who sells toner? |
聽著,你不能自殺 | Look, you can't kill yourself. |
我很感激你趕過來… | Look, I really appreciate you coming down... |
不,我不能讓你那麼做 | No, I can't let you do it. |
-為什麼? -因為命運讓我今天打電話給你 | - Why? - Because, fate made me call you today. |
我還以為是碳粉讓你打給我的 | I thought it was toner. |
好好想一想,好嗎? 這根本不是我的正職 | Think about it, okay? This isn't even my regular job. |
我第一天上班就第一個打電話給你 | My first day, you're my first call. |
其他人可能會掛掉電話,但我不會那麼做… | Somebody else may have hung up, but I wouldn't do that... |
因為我瞭解這種事 | ...because I know about this stuff. |
-我媽是自殺的 -真的嗎? | - My mom killed herself. - Really? |
-她怎麼自殺的? -我絕不會教你 | - How? - I'm not gonna give you tips. |
你看不出來… | Don't you see that this... |
這些都是註定的,所以我才會來阻止你自殺? | ...all came together so I could stop you from doing this? |
-這不是巧合嗎? -不,這是命中註定 | - Couldrt it just be a coincidence? - No, it's fate. |
它看起來不像是命中註定 | It doesn't really seem like enough to be fate. |
哦,好吧 | Oh, well. |
好吧,有件事很奇怪 | Okay, here's a weird thing. |
我媽媽也是總務部經理 | My mother was also a supply manager. |
事實上我是辦公室經理 | I'm actually the office manager. |
我的天啊! 她也是! | Oh, my God! So was she! |
還有這個,好吧 | And get this, okay. |
你叫厄爾,對吧? 她叫做普厄爾 | Your name is Earl, right? Her name was Pearl. |
普…厄爾 | Puh-Earl. |
還有別的證據嗎? | Was there anything else? |
當然有 | Sure. |
你是哪裡人? | Where're you from? |
-費城 -哦,我的天啊,她也是! | - Philadelphia. - Oh, my God, so was she! |
我都起雞皮疙瘩了 | I've got goose bumps. |
-真的嗎? -我穿太多了,而且這裡很熱 | - Really? - I'm wearing layers, and it's warm. |
或許這些混蛋不在乎你… | These jerks might not care about you... |
但宇宙在乎你,那才是最重要的 | ...but the universe does, and that says a lot. |
你們聽到了嗎? | Did you hear that? |
我不需要你們在乎我… | I don't need you guys to care about me... |
因為宇宙在乎我 | ...because the universe cares! |
整個宇宙在乎我! | The whole universe! |
我真的希望他們能在乎我一下 | I really wish they'd care a little bit. |
我認為不是你的問題,這裡太變態了 | You know, I don't think it's you. This is a freaky place. |
嘿,夥計們! | Hey, guys! |
噢,不,是你的原因 -好吧 | - Oh, no, it's you. - Yeah. |
哦,這真的是太可怕了 | Oh, this is terrible. |
所有的東西都毀了 | Everything is destroyed. |
你看這個 | Look at this. |
它一定很重要我才會保存它 現在我看不出來它是什麼東西 | It meant enough for me to save, and now I can't tell what it is. |
它還是軟軟的 | It's still soft. |
你覺得它是什麼呢? | What do you think this is? |
我想它是老鼠 | I think it was a mouse. |
-你還好嗎? 甜心 -你覺得呢? | - How are you, honey? - How do you think I am? |
你毀了我的童年回憶… | You've wrecked my childhood memories... |
你們愛羅斯比愛我多 | ...you love Ross more than me. |
我剛剛還拿死了的老鼠碰我的臉 | And I just rubbed a dead mouse on my face. |
甜心,我們愛你就像我們愛羅斯 | Sweetheart, we love you just as much as Ross. |
箱子的事我很抱歉… | I'm sorry about what happened... |
也許我永遠沒辦法補償你… | ...and I probably can't make it up to you... |
但這是個開始 | ...but here's a start. |
-這是什麼? -我的保時捷鑰匙 | - What's this? - It's the key to my Porsche. |
你的保時捷鑰匙 | Well, the key to your Porsche. |
什麼? | What? |
什麼? | What?! |
我一直想把它賣掉 有天我在車子看到自己的倒影 | I've considered getting rid of it. I saw my reflection the other day. |
你媽說的對,我看起來像個蠢驢 | Your mother's right, I do look like an ass. |
你要把它送給我? 你一定是在開玩笑 | You're giving it to me? You're kidding. |
等一下 | Well, wait a minute. |
幾箱蠢東西濕掉了,她就可以拿到保時捷? | A couple of stupid boxes get wet, and she gets a Porsche? |
-我們去兜風吧 -太好了! | - Let's take a drive? - All right! |
我呢? 我是醫學奇跡! | What about me? I'm a medical marvel! |
嘿,你們都在 | Hey, guys. |
你們看到錢德的椅子了嗎? | Have you seen Chandler's chair? |
喬伊把它弄壞了,於是他把它丟了 | Joey broke it. He got rid of it. |
你在開玩笑嗎? 我得到了保時捷而且巴卡蘭格被丟掉了 | Are you kidding? I get a Porsche and the Barcalounger's gone? |
這是有史以來最棒的一天 | This is the best day ever! |
生日快樂! | Happy birthday! |
生日快樂! | Happy birthday! |
瑞秋,別這樣 | Rach, come on. |
是你的生日耶! | It's your birthday! |
嘿… | Hey... |
她不像她29歲時那麼漂亮 | She's not as pretty as she was when she was 29. |
在格林小姐出來之前她要先把幾件事說清楚 | Ms. Green wants to establish some ground rules before she comes out. |
她希望你們不要用到如“老”或者“走下坡”等字眼… | She'd appreciate it if you didn't use the words "old" or "downill"... |
或是“它們看來還是很棒” | ...or "They still look pretty damn good." |
它們還是 | They do. |
瑞秋,出來 | Rachel, come on out. |
莫妮卡做了早餐 | Monica made breakfast. |
巧克力碎片松餅 | Chocolate chip pancakes. |
我們有禮物給你 | We've got presents. |
好的禮物? | Good ones? |
都是兩星期前你給的單子上的 | They all came from the list you handed out to us two weeks ago. |
我可以只收禮物,而仍然是29歲嗎? | Can I keep the presents and still be 29? |
瑞秋,30歲沒什麼大不了 | Come on, Rach, turning 30 is not that big a deal. |
真的? 你滿30歲也是這麼覺得嗎? | Really? Is that how you felt when you turned 30? |
為什麼,上帝,為什麼? | Why, God, why? |
我們講好的了,讓其他人變老,我不要! | We had a deal. Let the others grow old, not me! |
要知道,在關島我還是29歲(實際上關島的時間比美國還要早) | You know, I'm still 29 in Guam. |
嘿,30歲也不是很老嘛 | Hey, 30 is not that old. |
知道地球有多老嗎? | Do you know how old the Earth is? |
30多了? | Late 30s? |
只有我這樣嗎? 是我反應過度嗎? | You guys, is it just me? Am I overreacting? |
不,不是只有你,我的30歲生日也不好過 | No, it's not just you. My 30th birthday sure wasn't much fun. |
現在是錢德了! | And now Chandler! |
我們都變得這麼老 | We're all getting so old. |
你為什麼這樣對我們? | Why are you doing this to us? |
Friends S07E14 他們都三十歲了 | The One Where They All Turn Thirty |
你的生活過得很好 你有很棒的工作,很好的朋友 | You're in a great place in your life. You have an amazing job, good friends. |
你的室友是連續劇明星 | Your roommate's a soap opera star. |
你的角色在昏迷中 | Your character is in a coma. |
我答應自己這個生日一定不哭 | I promised myself I wasn't gonna cry at this one. |
我知道我目前過得很好,但我看到一些人… | I know my life's going pretty well, but I see so many people... |
在30歲以前就完成了他們的目標 | ...who've accomplished their goals before they're 30. |
是啊,你不應該和我比 | Yeah, but you shouldn't compare yourself to me. |
-來,菲比! -你做得到的! | - Come on, Phoebe! - You can do it! |
-來 -好了 | - Come on. - There you go. |
我成功了! 我在跳跳球上走了1哩 | I did it! One mile on a Hippity Hop. |
這是30歲前我想完成的全部的事 | That's everything I wanted to do before I was 30. |
除了我想和我妹修好關係 | Except I wanted to patch things up with my sister. |
嗯,可是 | Oh, well. But, yeah! |
女孩,這東西是上帝給的禮物 如果你懂我的意思 | Girls, this thing is a godsend, if you know what I mean. |
30歲.哦,我是說,30歲 | Thirty. Oh, I mean, 30. |
莫妮卡,記得5年級刻薄的老女人克雷格老師嗎?她當時也是30歲 | Monica, you remember mean, old Mrs. Kreiger in fifth grade? She was 30. |
來做點有趣的事吧,你想做什麼? | Let's have some fun. What do you want to do? |
什麼也不做,我什麼也不想做 | Nothing. I don't want to do anything. |
在30歲生日時什麼都不做總比做笨事好,像羅斯一樣 | Doing nothing on your 30th is better than doing something stupid, like Ross. |
那是很實際的一項購買 | That was a practical purchase. |
我需要那車子做交通工具 | I needed that car for transportation. |
好嗎? 我有小孩 | Okay? I have a child. |
我在這車裡看來很酷吧? | How hot do I look in this? |
羅斯,一台跑車? | Ross, a sports car? |
在褲子裡塞襪子扮酷不是比較便宜嗎? | Wouldrt it be cheaper to just stuff a sock down there? |
這不是為了那個 | That's not what this is about. |
我是跑車熱愛者 | I am a sports car enthusiast. |
-我一直都很喜歡車 -它的馬力多少? | - I've always been into cars. - What's the horsepower? |
不知道,你看它多亮呀! | I don't know, but look how shiny! |
-真不敢相信你居然買了 -真的,天啊,羅斯,你是怎麼想的? | - I can't believe you bought this. - Really. God, Ross, what were you thinking? |
我知道有點淺薄,但我有點再次想要他了 | I know it's really shallow, but part of me wants him again. |
排隊吧,小姐 | Well, get in line, missy. |
帥哥,載我一程吧? | So can I have a ride, stud? |
跳上車 | Hop in. |
準備好你這輩子最穩的一程 | Get ready for the smoothest ride of your life. |
可惡 | Damn it. |
好了,下一個是誰? | Okay, who's next? |
今天我一定要做點什麼 我不要像老太太一樣閑坐在這兒 | I am gonna do something today. I'm not just gonna sit around like some old lady. |
我要在身上打個洞 | I want to get something pierced. |
像是鼻子,舌頭,或是別的地方 | Like my nose or my tongue or something. |
真的,那會很痛的 | Really? Because that hurts. |
那又怎麼樣? 我是這麼想… | So what? The way I see it... |
婊子養的! | Son of a bitch! |
我知道你經歷的 | Look, I know what you're going through. |
我25歲生日時嚇壞了 | I'm totally freaked out about turning 25. |
離開我家 | Get out of my apartment. |
瑞秋,你做的很好 | Rach, I think that you're doing great. |
正視事實吧,沒有人能真的好好處理這件事 | Let's face it, no one handles this well. |
至少你不行 | Least of all you. |
-為什麼,你怎麼了? -你不是要走嗎,乖寶寶? | - Why, what did you do? - Weren't you asked to leave, sonny? |
放回去,莫妮卡隨時會到家 | Put that back on. Monica will be here any minute. |
可是“喬伊的蘋果”會痛(喉結叫做“亞當的蘋果”) | But it hurts my Joey's apple. |
告訴你最後一次 它不是以每一個人的名字命名的 | For the last time, it's not named after each individual man. |
錢德,你把宴會辦得真好 每樣東西都很美麗 | You've done a wonderful job with this party, Chandler. Everything's so lovely. |
沒有像你這麼美麗 | Well, not as lovely as you. |
不能相信你有位30歲的女兒 | I can't believe you have a 30-year-old daughter. |
不能相信你有件30歲的燕尾服 | And I can't believe you have a tux that's 30 years old. |
這比30年還老 羅斯是在這件燕尾服旁受孕的 | It's older than that. Ross was actually conceived right near this tuxedo. |
大家躲起來! 我看到她了,她來了 | Everybody hide! I saw her. She's coming. |
大家蹲下! | Everybody down! |
該死 | Crap. |
留在這兒,我來看看發生什麼事了 | Everybody stay here. I'll find out what's going on. |
嘿,你開門了 | Hey, you got the door open! |
嘿,你喝醉了嗎? | Hey, are you drunk? |
沒有 | No. |
好 | Okay. |
好 | Okay. |
我對要滿30歲… | See, I was a little nervous about turning... |
有點緊張 | ...30. |
餐館的工人帶我去喝酒 | So the busboys took me out for some drinks. |
待會可能會吐在你身上 | Might want to puke on you later. |
事情是這樣的 我們替你辦了一個驚喜宴會 | Here's the thing. We've thrown a very formal surprise party for you. |
-你的朋友和父母都在裡面 -不! | - Your friends are in there, and your parents. - No! |
-是的! 是的! -不 | - Yes! Yes! - No. |
哦,不! 我父母從沒看我醉過 | Oh, no! My parents have never seen me drunk. |
就他們所知 | That they know of. |
我們替你弄點咖啡,他們不會知道你醉了 | We'll get you some coffee. They'll never know that you're drunk. |
-你確定? -我會處理好的 | - You promise? - I'll take care of it. |
我好愛你 | I love you so much. |
好了,要對你的口臭想想辦法 | Okay, we have to do something about your breath. |
那你的呢? | What about your breath? |
那還是你的口臭 | That's still yours. |
記住,這是一個驚喜 | Now remember, it's a surprise party. |
你進去時要顯得很驚訝 | So when you go in, act surprised. |
好了嗎? | Ready? |
驚喜! | Surprise! |
好,前進,前進 | Okay, forward. Forward. |
停止! | Stop! |
好,退後,停 | Okay, back... Stop! |
好,前…停! | Okay, for... Stop! |
停! 停! | Stop! Stop! |
羅斯,忘記它吧,那傢伙完全將它困住了 | Ross, just forget about it. The guy's got you totally wedged in. |
-這是你的嗎? -不,是我的! 是我的 | - Is this yours? - No, it's mine! It's mine. |
兄弟,你真需要這輛車 | Dude, you so need this car. |
好,我們這麼做 | Okay, here's what we're gonna do. |
我打開這台微型廂車車門,將它放在空檔 | I'll break into this minivan, put it in neutral. |
你們把它向前推,羅斯就能開出來了 | You push it forward so Ross can drive out of the spot. |
好,來吧 | All right. Here we go. |
快逃! | Haul ass! |
30歲生日快樂! 給 | Happy 30th birthday! Here. |
給你裡面的孩子,還有女人 | It's for the child in you. And the woman. |
30歲快樂! | Happy 30th! |
你為什麼一直這麼說? | Right. Why do you keep saying that? |
因為這是我們的30歲生日 | Because it's our 30th birthday. |
不,我們不是30,我們31歲了 | Yeah, no, we're not 30. We're 31. Okay. |
等一下 | Wait. |
哦,是你 | Oh, it's you. |
是的,你說什麼? | Yeah. What? |
對,我們不是30,我們是31 | Yeah, we're not 30. We're 31. |
我的出生證明上是這麼寫的 | That's what it says on my birth certificate. |
你有出生證明? | You have a birth certificate? |
我媽去世時,我拿到了一箱子家庭文件 | I got a big box of family stuff when my mom died. |
我們的媽 | Our mom. |
好,好 | Right. Okay. |
-你有我的嗎? -沒有,我賣給了一個逃亡的瑞典人 | - Do you have mine? - No, I sold it to a Swedish runaway. |
我的老天 | Oh, my God. |
我的老天,我們31了 | Oh, my God, we are 31! |
是啊 | Yeah. |
我失去了整整一年生命 | I just lost a whole year of my life. |
好 | Okay. |
-你中間的名字是潘蜜拉? -對 | - Your middle name is Pamela? - Yes. |
我從不知道我的是什麼,你記得是什麼嗎? | I never knew mine. Do you remember what it is? |
記得,是菲比 | Yes. Phoebe. |
-那是我的正式名字 -對,好吧,那我不知道 | - That's my first name. - Right. Okay. Then, no. |
我們成功地穿過了客廳,你做的很好 | We made it across the room. You're doing great. |
怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
莫妮卡有一點醉了 | Monica's a little drunk. |
我喜歡酒醉的莫妮卡 | Yeah! I love drunk Monica. |
她比正常的莫妮卡有趣多了 | Oh, she's so much more fun than regular Monica. |
她不想讓她的父母知道 | She doesn't want her parents to know. |
好,好,我們這麼做 | All right, all right. Here's what we'll do. |
我來比她醉得厲害兩倍 就沒有人會注意她了 | I'll get twice as drunk, then no one will even notice her. |
-酒醉的菲比很惡劣 -好的,你看我的吧 | - Drunk Phoebe's mean. - Okay, you watch your tone with me! |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
莫妮卡醉了 | Monica's wasted. |
或許能讓這個宴會有點生機 | Maybe that will liven up this party. |
你能不能幫她換衣服? | Will you just help her get changed? |
照顧酒醉、裸體的女人,好像是喬伊的工作 | Taking care of a drunk, naked woman seems like a job for Joey. |
這是我的禮物 | This one's from me. |
這不是你的禮物單上的,不過它真的很好玩 | It wasn't on your list, but it's really fun. |
滑板車 | A scooter. |
照著單子買 | Stick to the list. |
永遠記得照著單子買 | Always stick to the list. |
不,不,我很喜歡,謝謝 | No, no, I love it. Thank you. |
下一個開我們的禮物! 下一個開我們的! | Open ours next! Open ours next! |
你們現在是一對,我們就沒兩個禮物了? | Now that you're a couple, we don't get two gifts? |
我上一個生日,你送我一個擁抱 | For my last birthday, you gave me a hug. |
念卡片! 念卡片! | Read the card! Read the card! |
“生日快樂,祖母” | "Happy birthday, Grandma. |
“開始走下坡總比…” | It's better to be over the hill... |
“被埋在坡下要好” | ...than buried under it. |
“我們愛你,莫妮卡和錢德”,好好笑 | All our love, Monica and Chandler." That's funny. |
不,不,只是一個玩笑 | No, no. That was a joke. |
我知道,我懂了,很好笑 | I know, I get it. It's funny. |
因為你不是祖母 | Because you're not a grandma. |
做為一個祖母,必須結了婚有小孩 | To be a grandma, you have to be married and have children. |
我全都沒有,所以真的很好笑 | I don't have any of those things. That's why it's so funny. |
我要… | I'm just gonna go... |
你只需要買張卡片而己 | All you had to do was buy the card. |
看看誰回來了.是我們的壽星女 | Hey, look who's back. It's the birthday girl. |
壽星女感覺如何? | How's the birthday girl feeling? |
很好,不過你嚇跑了其他孩子 | Well, I feel fine, but I think you're bumming out the rest of the kids. |
為沒有丈夫和小孩就不高興,是很蠢的 | It was stupid to get upset about not having a husband and kids. |
我只需要一個計畫 | All I really needed was a plan. |
我想生三個小孩 | See, I want three kids. |
你要全部在同時生 然後把他們給你弟弟 | And you want to have them all at the same time and have them for your brother. |
我正在說… | As I was saying... |
我應該在35歲以前生第一個 | I should have the first one by the time I'm 35. |
這樣我還有五年 | Which gives me five years. |
我喜歡這個計畫.我要和這個計畫結婚 | I love this plan. I'm gonna marry this plan. |
如果你可以的話,我就和跳跳球結婚 | If you could do that, I'd marry the Hippity Hop. |
如果我35時要生孩子,我34歲時才需要懷孕 | If I want a kid when I'm 35, I don't have to get pregnant until I'm 34. |
普拉達(著名時裝品牌)還有四年時間生產孕婦裝 | Which gives Prada four years to start making maternity clothes. |
我想在懷孕之前至少結婚一年 | But I want to be married for a year before I get pregnant. |
真的? 要那麼久? | Really? That long? |
你愛怎麼看都行,已經在發生了 | Look all you want, it's happening. |
我到33歲再結婚就好,我還有3年 | I don't have to get married until I'm 33. That's three whole years. |
不過,等一下 | Wait a minute, though. |
我需要一年半來籌備婚禮 | I'll need a year and a half to plan the wedding. |
我希望能認識這個人一年至一年半… | And I'd like to know the guy for a year, year and a half... |
再訂婚 | ...before we get engaged. |
這表示我必須在30歲時認識這個人 | Which means I need to meet the guy by the time I'm 30. |
沒有問題,因為你才剛滿… | Which is fine because you just turned... |
28歲 | ..28! |
不,羅斯,不,有問題 | No, Ross. No, it is not fine. |
我應該和我要嫁的對象在一起了 | I should already be with the guy I'm gonna marry. |
你可不可以不要跳? | Will you quit hogging it? |
我告訴你,這就好像看著小鹿斑比(迪士尼卡通)學走路 | I'm telling you, it's like watching Bambi learn how to walk. |
你醉了 | You're drunk. |
爸和媽會生氣 | Mom and Dad are gonna be mad. |
也許我有一點醉了 | Maybe I'm a little drunk. |
那是蟹餅嗎? | Are those crab cakes? |
我不是告訴你,蟹餅一出來立刻拿來給我? | Did I not tell you to come straight to me when more crab cakes were ready? |
覺得怎麼樣? | How you feeling? |
你好帥 | You are so handsome. |
我想在此時此地和你上床 | I want to make love to you right here, right now. |
我希望你不會 | I really wish that you wouldn't. |
再撐一下,我們就可以帶你去睡覺 | Just get through a little bit more, then we can put you in bed. |
只要微笑,不要說話 | Just smile and don't talk to anyone. |
演講,演講! 壽星演講 | Speech, speech! Let's hear from the birthday girl. |
菲比! | Pheebs! |
看,大家都在看我 | See, everybody's looking at me. |
我的計畫很有效 | The plan's working. |
我還沒脫掉上衣呢 | I didn't even have to take off my top yet. |
演講,演講! | Speech. Come on, speech! |
你連離開她一秒鐘都不行 | You can't keep your hands off her for one second. |
很好啊 | I think it's nice. |
我必須這樣 | I think it's necessary. |
我要謝謝大家來到這裡 | I want to thank you all for coming. |
我的家人和… | My family and... |
我的朋友 | ...my friends. |
我很想說我… | I'd really like to say that I'm... |
知道我真的很想說什麼嗎? | You know what I'd really like to say? |
我醉了! | I'm drunk! |
沒錯,爸,媽 | That's right, Mom and Dad. |
你們的小口琴醉了 | Your little Harmonica is hammered. |
猜猜怎麼著? | And guess what? |
我以前也喝醉過 | I've been drunk before. |
我抽過煙 | And I've smoked a cigarette. |
我在內衣櫃子裡藏了一盒叮噹餅乾 | And I've had a box of Ding Dongs hidden in my underwear drawer. |
沒關係,沒關係,因為… | It's all okay. It's okay because... |
我今天滿30歲了 | ...I turned 30 today. |
我想做什麼就做什麼 | And I can do anything I want. |
因為我是成年人了 | Because I am a grownup. |
好,好,替我脫掉 | Okay, quick. Help me get this off. |
我失去了整整一年 | I lost a whole year. |
我不能相信,真不公平! | I can't believe it. This is so unfair! |
菲比,沒有關係的 | Come on, Pheebs, it'll be okay. |
是嗎? 是嗎? | Will it? Will it? |
如果你發現你變31歲了,你會有什麼感覺? | How would you feel if you found out you were 31? |
不會的,因為我們有個新約定 | That's not gonna happen. Because we have a new deal. |
還有,這毀了我的時間表 | Plus, it ruined my schedule. |
我還沒做那些我31歲前想做的事 | I haven't done any of the things I wanted to do by the time I was 31. |
-像什麼? -像是我還不認識任何葡萄牙人 | - Like what? - Like I haven't met any Portuguese people. |
我還沒有完美地接吻過 | I haven't had the perfect kiss. |
我還沒去上狙擊手學校 | And I haven't been to sniper school. |
我們去吃蛋糕吧 | Why don't we go and have some birthday cake. |
我只想一個人靜一下,待會見,謝謝 | I just feel like being by myself for a while. See you guys later. Thanks. |
可憐的菲比 | Poor Pheebs. |
嘿,你知道嗎? 我想我要陪她走回家 | Hey, you know what, you guys? I think I'm gonna walk her home. |
-老天 -什麼? | - Oh, man. - What? |
他會吃了蛋糕 | He's gonna eat the cake. |
菲比! | Pheebs! |
聽著,我… | Listen, I... |
閉上眼睛 | Close your eyes. |
你可以將這一項從單子上劃掉 | That's one thing you can cross off your list. |
哦,是的 | Oh, yeah. |
還有,我是16分之一的葡萄牙人 | Plus, I'm one-sixteenth Portuguese. |
好,大家都清楚了? | Okay, is everybody clear? |
我們要將它抬起來… | We're gonna pick it up... |
然後移動它 | ...and move it. |
只需要團隊工作,我們要抬起這台車… | All we need is teamwork. We're gonna lift the car... |
把它滑出來 | ...and slide it out. |
抬起來… | Lift... |
滑出來 | ...and slide. |
-羅斯,我真的不覺得這…-抬起來… | - Ross, I really don't think this... - Lift... |
滑出來 | ...and slide. |
好,開始吧 大夥兒,讓我們抬起這個爛貨 | All right. Come on, dogs, let's lift this sucker. |
除非你害怕了.懦弱的人害怕了? | Oh, unless you're scared. Little weaklings scared? |
很好的團體合作 | Good teamwork. |
-好吧,開始 -好的,大家一起來 | - Okay, here we go. - All right, everyone. |
抬起來… | Lift... |
滑出來 | ...and slide. |
-嘿,喬伊…-別這樣,瑞秋,才剛輪到我 | - Hey, Joey... - Come on, Rach, my turn just started. |
其實我是要和泰格說話 | Actually, I just want to talk to Tag. |
哦,好,我可以到外面溜嗎? | Oh, okay. Hey, can I ride this outside? |
隨便,我不是你媽 | Whatever. I'm not your mother. |
不要到街上! | Not in the street! |
-有沒有覺得好一點? -有,我很好,我… | - Are you feeling any better?- Yeah, I'm doing okay. I'm... |
我們談談 | Let's talk. |
什麼事? | What's up? |
泰格… | Oh, Tag... |
你真是個好男人,我們在一起很開心 | You're such a great guy. And we have so much fun together. |
-可是我..-等一下 | - But I... - Wait. |
我想我知道你要做什麼 | I think I see where you're going. |
在你說任何話之前,我可以先說一件事嗎? | But before you say anything else, can I say one more thing? |
說的好 | Well said. |
正是我所謂很開心的好例子 | And a good example of the fun I was referring to. |
但是我想我已經過了只要開心的時候 | But I think I'm past the point where I can just have fun. |
瑞秋,不要這樣,這只是因為你30歲了 | Rachel, don't do this. This is just because you're turning 30. |
是的 | Yeah, it is. |
而你只是個孩子,你才25歲 | But you're just a kid. I mean, you're 25. |
-其實是24歲 -老天 | - Twenty-four, actually. - Oh, God. |
你知道我希望什麼? 我希望你比現在大6歲 | You know what I wish? I wish you were six years older. |
如果是希望的話,其實我希望自己年輕6歲 | Well, if I'm wishing for stuff, I actually wish I was six years younger. |
-我也是 -是啊,對不起 | - Me too. - Yeah. Sorry. |
嘿,談得怎麼樣? | Hey, how'd it go? |
如果我只要生兩個孩子我可以再保留他一年嗎? | If I only want two kids, can I keep him for another year? |
你做的對 | You did the right thing. |
我不喜歡它了 | I don't like this anymore. |
我們在這兒,一群30歲的人 | Well, here we are. Just a bunch of 30-year-olds. |
你知道再過10年,我們就40歲了? | Do you realize in 10 years we're gonna be 40? |
為什麼,上帝? | Why, God? |
為什麼這麼對我們? | Why are you doing this to us? |
太好了! 我的寶貝終於自由了 | Yes! My baby's finally free. |
好極了! | All right! |
啟動,我們走 | Start it up. Let's go! |
我們酷不酷? | How hot are we? |
-你要買車嗎? -不 | -You want to buy a car?-No |
謝謝你們趕過來 | Thanks for coming by. |
我們希望你們能幫我們想一些婚禮上用的點子 | We wanted to bounce some ideas off of you about the wedding ceremony. |
-怎麼了? 你還好嗎? -那只是因為… | - What's the matter? Are you okay? - It's just... |
莫妮卡說了“婚禮” | Monica said, "wedding." |
我們希望你們之中有人能上臺念些東西 | We thought one of you could read something. |
我愛念詩 | I would love to read a poem. |
你認為你能念完一首詩? | Do you think you could get through a poem? |
短篇 | A short one. |
好吧,那羅斯來讀 | Okay, so Ross will be doing the reading. |
好的,我想我也能勝任 | Okay, yeah, I guess I can do that too. |
也能? | Too? |
我自己想了一個點子,來慶祝你們的婚禮 | I kind of have something else planned for you guys. |
-你能告訴我們是什麼點子嗎? -抱歉 | - Do you mind telling us what it is? - Sorry. |
我想把它當成高度機密 | I'm kind of keeping this one on the q. T. |
不管你是指哪個,我希望包括眨眼睛 | Whatever it is, I hope it involves winking. |
-嘿 -嘿 | - Hey. - Hey. |
我跟《我日》的編劇談過… | I talked to one of the DOOL writers... |
-什麼是《我日》? -《我們的日子》 | - What is DOOL? - Days of Our Lives. |
你們一定不相信 我演的角色就要醒過來了 | You're not gonna believe it. My character is coming out of his coma! |
-那真的是太棒了 -哇,喬伊 | - That's wonderful. - Wow, Joey. |
不只是那個,我會有個新腦子! | And not only that, I'm getting a new brain! |
你的工作跟私生活都有了很棒的進展 | So great things are happening at work and in your personal life. |
你要換個新腦子? | You're getting a new brain? |
他們要殺死劇中一個角色… | They're killing off one of the characters on the show... |
將她的腦子移植到我的身體裡 | ...and her brain is being transplanted into my body. |
什麼? 腦部移植手術? | What? A brain transplant? |
是的,這是最有爭議的手術 | Yes, it's a highly controversial procedure. |
這太可笑了 | It's ridiculous. |
可笑的是你三個半月沒有做過愛 | It's ridiculous that you haven't had sex in three and a half months. |
現在是冬天,街上的人少了很多 | It's winter. There are fewer people on the street. |
他們要殺誰? | Who are they killing off? |
西西雅夢露,她飾演潔西卡拉哈特 | Cecilia Monroe. She plays Jessica Lockhart. |
不! | No! |
她是《我日》裡我最喜歡的角色了 | She's my favorite character on DOOL. |
不錯 | Nice. |
她最擅長將飲料潑到別人臉上 | She is so good at throwing drinks in people's faces. |
我從來沒看過她喝完一杯飲料 | I don't think I've ever seen her finish a beverage. |
還有她打人巴掌的樣子,你不想那麼做嗎? | The way she slaps people. Wouldn't you love to do that? |
不要亂來 | Don't do it. |
-西西雅夢露,多好的演員啊 -沒錯 | - Cecilia Monroe, what a great actress. - Tell me about it. |
她參與這部戲的演出很久了 | And she's been on the show forever. |
要代替她一定很難 | It's gonna be really hard to fill her shoes. |
你幫我解釋一下 | Help me out here. |
當你做過“腦部移植”手術後… | When you come out of the brain transplant... |
你要變成她? | ...you are going to be her? |
對,但是在德瑞克的身體裡 | Yes, but in Drake Ramoray's body. |
你為什麼就是搞不懂? 我還以為你是科學家 | Why is this so hard for you to get? I thought you were a scientist. |
Friends S07E15 喬伊的新大腦 | The One With Joey's New Brain |
瑞秋,那邊那個男的… | Rach, so that guy there... |
異性戀還是同性戀? | ...straight or gay? |
應該是同性戀 | Well, I'd have to say gay. |
是嗎? 為什麼? | Yeah? Why? |
主要是因為他在親別的男人 | Mainly because he's kissing that other guy. |
不,不是那個男人,是這個男人 | Oh, no, not that guy there. That guy right there. |
他太帥了,不可能是異性戀 | Oh, yeah, he's too cute to be straight. |
大波霸會幫我們查個清楚 | Knockers will help us figure it out. |
好了,他是異性戀 | All right, straight. |
而且一眼就看得出來 | And not subtle. |
他忘了拿手機 | He left his cell phone. |
我們得把它交給甘瑟,放在失物招領處 | We could hand it to Gunther to put it in lost and found. |
或是用它打電話到中國看看那些人在做什麼? | Or we could use it to call China, see how those guys are doing. |
如果他打電話來找手機,我接了電話… | What if he calls his own cell phone and I answer... |
我們開始聊天,之後墜入愛河呢? | ...and we start talking and we fell in love? |
那是個很棒的故事吧? | Wouldrt that be a great story? |
就像是數位時代的童話故事 | Kind of like a fairy tale for the digital age. |
那聽起來很棒,我要去拿手機 | That does sound great. I'm gonna get the phone. |
什麼? 等一下 你為什麼要得到這個故事 | What? Wait. Why do you get the story? |
我已經很久沒有約會了 | I haven't been out on a date in so long. |
菲比,三天前你才約過會 | Phoebe, you had a date three days ago. |
那不是約會,那只是朋友聚會,然後做愛 | That wasn't a date. That was friends getting together and having sex. |
好吧,我去拿手機 | Okay. Great. I get the phone. |
不行,一星期前你才跟泰格分手 | No way. You just broke up with Tag a week ago. |
對,直到現在,我本認為我不會再愛一次 | Yeah, and until now, I didn't think I would love again. |
-說的好 -等一下 | - Nice try. - Wait. |
我們該怎麼公平地決定,誰能拿走手機呢? | How do we fairly decide who gets the phone? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
或許我們可以… | Maybe we could... |
你動作太慢了! | Aha! Too slow! |
你太自大了 | Aha! Too cocky. |
我在跟他約會,媽媽,你管不了 | I'm dating him. There's nothing you can do. |
不,我管得了 | Yes, there is. |
你打算怎麼做? 殺了他嗎? 就像你殺了查理斯? | What are you going to do, kill him? Like you did Charles? |
那是意外 | That was an accident. |
你也好不到哪裡去 | And so were you. |
至少我不是殺人犯 | Well, at least I'm not a murderer. |
我的寶貝 | Oh, my baby. |
停! | Cut! |
你演得太好了,剛剛那一巴掌很逼真,你怎麼辦到的? | That was a great scene. That slap looked so real. How do you do that? |
-那只是多年的經驗 -快拿冰塊過來給我 | - Oh, just years of experience. - Can I get some ice here?! |
我想說我覺得你的演技很棒 | I just wanted to say how wonderful I think you are. |
你該不會是那個快死掉的影迷吧? | You're not the fan who's dying, are you? |
我要會見並擁抱一個快死的影迷 | I'm supposed to meet and hug a fan who's dying. |
但那不應該是以後的事嗎 | But that's not suppose to be until later. |
我是喬伊崔比亞尼,昨天我們合拍過一場戲 | I'm Joey Tribbiani. We did a scene together yesterday. |
-我就是那個昏迷的人 -那是真人? | - I'm the guy in the coma. - Oh, that was a real person? |
因為你離開後我要移植你的腦子… | Since I'm getting your brain when you leave the show... |
我在想如果… | ...I was wondering if... |
-我要離開? -我不知道,為什麼? 你聽到了什麼? | - I'm leaving the show? -Why? Did you hear something? |
是誰告訴你的? | Who told you that? |
-編劇之一 -哪個編劇? 是禿頭佬還是高個子? | - One of the writers. - Which writer? Was it bald or was it tall? |
那不重要,因為那不是真的 | You know, it doesn't matter, because it is not true. |
好吧 | Okay. |
如果那是真的,你竟然敢來叫我教你… | And if it were true, how dare you come to me and ask me for tips... |
該如何飾演我演了二十年的角色 | ...about a character I've played for 20 years! |
夢露小姐…哦,你真的那麼做了 | Miss Monroe... Oh, there you go. |
不,菲比,你不能那樣拿走電話 那不公平 | No, Phoebe, you cannot get the phone that way. That's not fair. |
好吧,聽著,我有個點子 | Okay, look, I have an idea. |
我們為什麼不看看他的速撥鍵記錄了哪些電話號碼, | Why don't we see what kind of numbers he has on his speed dial... |
跟他有最多共通點的人,就可以把手機拿走 | ...and then whoever has more in common with him gets the phone. |
或者看誰的名字最接近“電話”那個字(與“菲比”最接近) | Or we can decide by whoever's name is closer to the word "phone." |
我不那樣認為 | I don't think so. |
好吧.不過我肯定你還會繼續跟我爭論的 | Fine. But I bet you'd be singing a different tune if we were fighting over a ratchet. |
速撥鍵的第一個名字是“媽媽” | First name on the speed dial is "Mom." |
哦,我媽媽自殺死了 | Oh. I lost my mom to suicide. |
不行,你不能利用那一點搶走帥哥跟最後一塊藍莓松餅 | No way. You can't use that to get the cute guy and the last blueberry muffin. |
今天我已經用過那個藉口了? 對不起 | Did I use that already today? I'm sorry. |
好了,你看,還沒有結果 | Well, now, see, this isn't telling us anything. |
-“喬,卡洛斯,瑜伽,班” -等一下,我練瑜伽.那是我的 | - "Joe. Carlos. Yoga. Ben..." - Wait. I do yoga. That's one for me. |
好吧.哦,差一點,如果是“優格”就好了(酸乳酪) | Oh, all right. Oh, so close. If only it said, "yogurt." |
“彼得·盧格爾”,那是牛排店 | "Peter Luger." That's a steak house. |
好吧,肉食者.這個是你的 | Okay, fine. Meat-eater. Fine, that's one for you. |
我贏了,他在速撥鍵裡記下了巴尼斯 | Oh, I win. He's got Barneys on his speed dial. |
你不知道他指的是不是巴尼斯服飾店 | You don't know it's Barneys the store. |
那可能是他朋友家或是酒吧的電話… | That could be his friend's house or a bar... |
誰會把巴尼斯服飾店的電話記錄成速撥鍵? | Who has Barneys the store on their speed dial? |
他的新女朋友 | His new girlfriend. |
那是什麼聲音? | What is that? |
我想是快死掉的貓在舉行遊行 | I think it's the Dying Cat Parade. |
聽起來是從對街傳來的 | Sounds like it's coming from across the street. |
-我的天啊 -什麼? | - Oh, my God. - What? |
還記得羅斯說他要在婚禮上給我們驚喜嗎? | The thing that Ross was gonna do at our wedding? |
他跟我出去玩時說:“你有蘇格蘭的血統吧?” | He was hanging out with me and said, "You're half Scottish, right?" |
-不 -是的! | - No. - Yes! |
不,不可能,不可能是羅斯 | No. There is no way. It cannot be Ross. |
不可思議,為什麼你有蘇格蘭血統? | Unbelievable. Why is your family Scottish? |
為什麼羅斯是你哥哥? | Why is your family Ross? |
他不能在婚禮上演奏,大家都會跑光的 | He cannot play at our wedding. Everyone will leave. |
就好像指責我不守戒律(猶太教) | It'll be like when he rapped at my bat mitzvah. |
不能跟他說不.他可能會練習一輩子的,那樣他就完了 | We can't just tell him no. He's probably been practicing forever. He'll be crushed. |
也許有可以不傷害他感情的方法 | Maybe there's a way we can tell him without hurting his feelings. |
拜託,那只是噪音! | I mean, come on. That is just noise! |
那根本不算是歌 | It's not even a song. |
等一下,如果你仔細聽… | Wait. If you listen very carefully... |
我想它是“庫爾與夥伴”樂團唱的《慶祝》 | ...I think it's "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang. |
-嗨,你好嗎? -我很好 | - Hi. How are you? - Good. |
還記得我們在咖啡廳時… | Remember when we were in the coffeehouse... |
我們決定我可以拿走那個帥哥的手機嗎? | ...we decided I was gonna keep the cute guy's phone? |
我要把它放在我的皮包裡 如果它響了,我就能立刻接聽 | I was gonna keep it in my purse so if it rang, I could just pick it up? |
你還記得你從我的皮包把手機偷走了嗎? | Do you remember going into my purse and stealing the phone? |
我聽不懂你在說什麼? | Now you lost me. |
-你偷走了手機 -不,我沒有 | - You stole the phone. - No, I didn't. |
如果我撥號過去它不會響嗎? | You're saying that if I called it, it wouldn't ring? |
-不會 -好 | - No. - Okay. |
既然你要撥號了 我要讓你看看我剛買的響鈴皮包 | But while you dial, let me show you the features of my new ringing handbag. |
噢,它真的有用 | Oh, it does work. |
-菲比 -那是另一隻手機 | - Phoebe. - That is a different phone. |
是嗎? 喂,對,你好,瑞秋在嗎? | Oh, is it? Hello. Yes, hi, is Rachel there? |
她在,請稍等,是找我的 | Yes, she is. Just one moment, please. It's for me! |
那是鐵證 | That is damning evidence. |
我的天哪,一定是他 | Oh, my God. I bet that's him. |
我的數字童話故事就要開始了 | My digital fairy tale's about to begin. |
該怎麼樣說呢? 就說“你好”? | I wonder how it should be? Should I be, "Hello"? |
或者說,“嗨!我是瑞”? | Or should I be, "Hi! It's Ra..."? |
你能不能別再那麼做了? | Would you stop doing that? |
喂,對,我就是撿到你手機的人 | Hello? Yes, I'm the one who found your phone. |
-菲比,你不能…-我在講電話 | - Phoebe, you can't... - I'm on a call. |
對,今晚你能過來拿,就八點半吧? | Yeah, you can pick it up tonight. Say, 8:30? |
到我家來 | At my apartment. |
摩頓街五號,十四號房 | It's 5 Morton Street, apartment 14. |
或許之後 我們可以去吃點東西或者其他什麼的 | And then maybe, you know, after, we can grab a bite to eat or whatever. |
好的,到時候見,再見 | Okay. Okay, I'll see you then. Bye. |
你知道 他來的時候我會在這裡 | You do know that I will be here when he comes over. |
你怎麼知道他什麼時候會來? | How will you know what time to come over? |
你剛剛說出來了 | You just said it. |
好吧,我希望到時我能一個人呆著 | Well, I was kind of hoping that I would just be alone. |
我要好好想想我母親和她的自殺 | You know, to think about my mom and her suicide. |
-噢,菲比! -什麼? 那是今天第一次說 | - Oh, Phoebe! - What? That's the first time today. |
你喜歡墨西哥玉米片? | So you like the nachos, huh? |
-我自己,則喜歡…-我只有16歲 | - Myself, I'm partial to... - I'm 16. |
2003年見(此時是2001年,兩年之後她就18歲成年了) | See you in 2003. |
你說的對,他們要將我踢出這部戲 | You're right. They are writing me out of the show. |
他們還沒有決定什麼時候,但應該很快… | They don't know exactly when it's going to happen, but soon... |
就是這樣了 | ...and then that's it. |
我真的很抱歉,如果我可以決定 你永遠都不會離開這部戲 | I'm so sorry. If it was up to me, you would never leave the show. |
-謝謝你 -我是認真的 | - Yeah, thanks. - I mean it. |
我不敢相信他們會對你這麼做 還有你的影迷 | I can't believe they'd do this to you. And to your fans. |
他們一定會崩潰傷心,他們是那麼地愛你 | They're gonna be devastated. Heartbroken. They love you so much. |
你說的對 | Oh, you're right. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
你說你叫什麼名字? | What's your name again? |
-喬伊 -謝謝你 | - Joey. - Thank you. |
那真的太貼心了 | That is so sweet. |
失陪一下 | Excuse me. |
-那不是我的決定 -我在跟別人說話呢 | - It wasn't my decision. - I'm having a conversation here. |
你接著說 | You were saying. |
聽著,之前我會來找你 | Look, the only reason I came up to you before... |
是因為… | ...is because, well... |
因為要飾演你我真的很緊張 | ...l'm really nervous about being you. |
請你幫我抓住角色的精髓 | If you could help me capture the essence of the character, you know. |
幫助我讓潔西卡繼續活下去,可以嗎? | Help me keep Jessica alive. Please? |
好吧,喬伊,我會幫你 | All right, Joey, I'll help you. |
不是因為我對這部蠢戲有虧欠… | Not because I owe it to this stupid show... |
而是因為我虧欠潔西卡 | ...but because I owe it to Jessica. |
-那真的是太棒了,謝謝你 -別客氣 | - Oh, that's great. Thank you so much. - You're so welcome. |
我一直在看錄影帶,你覺得這樣如何? | I've been watching some tapes. How's this? |
潔西卡拉哈特永遠都不會再踏入這裡! | Jessica Lockhart will never step foot in this place again! |
永遠都不會! | Never! |
-那是我嗎? -沒錯 | - Is that supposed to be me? - Yeah. |
但潔西卡沒有英國腔 | But Jessica doesn't have an English accent. |
我有英國腔? | I can do an English accent? |
我要把這點寫在我履歷表裡 | That baby's going on my resume. |
我想吃點點心 | Well, I feel like a snack. |
你要吃點脆餅嗎? 它是你故鄉蘇格蘭的點心 | Do you want some shortbread? It's Scottish, like you are. |
不,謝謝,我不喜歡任何蘇格蘭的東西 | Oh, no, thanks. I don't like anything from my Scottish heritage. |
什麼? | What? |
因為我的家族被趕出蘇格蘭… | Well, it's just that my entire family was run out of Scotland by... |
是維京人幹的 | ...Vikings. |
總之,很多不好的回億 | Anyway, lots of bad memories. |
聽起來你家人準備要恢復蘇格蘭傳統 | It sounds to me like your family's ready to rediscover its Scottish roots. |
不,不,他們不會的 | No. No, they're not. |
他們還非常憤怒 | They're still very angry. |
不過,你知道,錢德也有瑞典血統 | But, you know, Chandler's also half-Swedish. |
知道瑞典人以什麼著稱嗎? | You know what the Swedish people are famous for? |
安靜的坐著 | Sitting down and being quiet. |
不過蘇格蘭歷史非常… | Yeah, but the Scottish history is so much... |
你不能在婚禮上吹風笛! | You can't play bagpipes at the wedding! |
你們怎麼知道? | How did you know about that? |
-我們聽到你在家裡吹風笛 -是你們去報警的? | - We heard you play from your apartment. -Were you the ones who called the cops? |
現在那真的不是最重要的部分 | That's not really important right now. |
重要的是,我們謝謝你的好意… | What is important is, while we appreciate the gesture... |
我們只是覺得我們的婚禮上不適合吹風笛 | ...we just don't feel that bagpipes are appropriate for our wedding. |
-為什麼? -因為我們討厭風笛 | - Why not? - Because we hate them. |
別這樣,那不公平.你們還沒聽過我的演奏 | Come on, that's not fair. You haven't even heard me play. |
聽過了 | We have heard you play. |
不,你們只是聽過我練習而己 | No, you've heard me practice. |
給我機會為你們表演,再做最後的決定 | Just give me a chance to perform for you, then decide whatever you want. |
我也不會告訴你們,我要吹哪首曲子 | I'm not gonna tell you what song I'm gonna play either. |
只是說當表演結束後… | Let's just say when it's over... |
我們一定會“慶祝”一下 | ...l'll bet there'll be a wee bit of celebration. |
這個角色的精髓源自于她的自信 | The essence of the character is rooted in her confidence. |
譬如說,當潔西卡走進一個房間時… | So when Jessica enters a room, for instance... |
她擁有那個房間裡… | ...she owns everything... |
所有事物跟所有人 | ...and every person in that room. |
-你來試試看 -好吧 | - You try it. - Okay. |
不錯 | All right! |
不.他已經知道他擁有房間裡的一切 | No. He already knows that he owns everything in the room. |
他不是第一次發現 | He's not finding it out for the first time. |
-再來試一次 -好的 | - So try it again. - Okay. |
他也沒有對這個房間生氣 | He's not angry at the room either. |
再試一次,他擁有它,他擁有這個房間 | Try it again. He owns it. He owns the room. |
這是他的,他擁有這個房間! 他擁有它! | It is his. He owns, owns, owns the room! He owns it! |
這有點奇怪,但已經好多了 | It's a little weird, but it's getting better. |
我一定會想念這個女人 我不知道我該怎麼辦 | I'm gonna miss this woman so much. I don't know what I'm gonna do. |
我演這部戲二十年了 | It's been 20 years of my life. |
或許這是件好事 | Hey, hey. Maybe this is a good thing. |
它給你機會做改變 扮演不一樣的角色 | It'll give you a chance to shake things up. Play different characters. |
你才華橫溢 | You're so talented. |
是的,沒錯 | I am, I am. |
但是我不知道.你知道… | But I don't know. You know... |
…上了年紀的演員,不容易啊 | ...an actor of a certain age, it's not that easy. |
那不是真的,看看安潔拉·蘭斯布(著名英國演員) 安吉麗娜·朱莉(奧斯卡最佳女配角) | That's not true. Look at Angela Lansbur... Angelina Jolie. |
或許我該在幾年前離開,那時候很多人要我接戲. | Probably should've just left years ago when the offers were pouring in... |
但我在這裡過得太舒服… | ...but I just got so comfy here and... |
我拒絕了一些大好機會 | I turned down some amazing work. |
譬如說呢? | Like what? |
哦,就說如果我在十五年前離開… | Well, let's just say if I'd left 15 years ago... |
現在墨西哥影壇會完全不一樣 | ...the landscape of Mexican cinema would be very different today. |
哇 | Wow. |
但現在…現在時機不一樣了 | But, well, now... Now's a different time for me. |
嘿,別這樣 | Oh, hey, come on. Don't do this. |
聽我說句話,好嗎? | Let me tell you something, okay? |
當我看到你演戲時,我想“天啊,她是個很棒的演員” | When I watch you do a scene, I'm thinking, "Boy, she is a great actress." |
但我也會想“她好辣” | But I'm also thinking, "She is hot." |
你覺得我很辣? | You think I'm hot? |
你擁有這個房間 | You own the room. |
或許我們應該… | We should probably get the... |
對,我們應該… | Oh, yeah. Yeah, we should get... |
當潔西卡吻男人時… | So when Jessica kisses a man... |
她通常會把… | ...she usually puts... |
雙手放在那個男人臉上 | ...both her hands on the man's face. |
我注意到了,那是因為她充滿了熱情嗎? | I notice that. Is that because she's so passionate? |
不,那是因為那樣子攝影機只能拍到她 | No, it's because that way the camera only sees her. |
你想試試看嗎? | You want to try it? |
好的 | Yeah, okay. |
太棒了,真的很不錯 | That was good. That was really good. |
但我想你手的位置不對,它們應該… | But I think that maybe your hands are just a little off. They should be right... |
嘿 | Hey, hey! |
是誰? | Who is it? |
我是湯姆,我來拿手機的 | It's Tom. I'm here to pick up the phone. |
為什麼要由你去開門? | Why do you get to answer the door? |
-為什麼不行? -因為這裡是我家 | - Why shouldn't I ? - Because it's my apartment. |
那麼由我來把手機交給他 | Then I get to give him the cell phone. |
好吧,希望你能好好跟他解釋那些打到中國的電話 | Okay. Good luck explaining all the calls to China. |
嗨 | Hi. |
我們爭執了多久? | Wow, how long were we arguing for? |
你不是那個忘了拿手機的人 | You're not the man who left the phone. |
-對,他是我的助理 -他會來嗎? | - No, that's my assistant. - Is he coming? |
不會 | No. |
-你能讓我們談一下嗎? -沒問題 | - Could you give us one second? - Sure. |
我們馬上回來,先生 | We'll be right back, sir. |
-我們該怎麼辦? -我不知道 | - What do we do? - I don't know. |
你能相信嗎? | Can you believe this? |
我們在等一個帥哥 結果來了一個超級大帥哥 | We were waiting for a hot guy, and then an even hotter one shows up. |
我知道 | I know. |
什麼? | What? |
他們不再喜歡那樣了,知道嗎? | They just don't make them like that anymore, you know? |
不.他們喜歡.不過你要等待 | No, they do, but you just have to wait. |
瑞秋,聽我說… | Rachel, listen... |
如果你能把他讓給我 我真的欠你一個大人情 | ...if you let me have him, then I will really owe you one. |
好吧 | All right. |
好吧,我把他讓給你 | All right, I will let you have him. |
但你欠我一個大人情 | But you owe me. You owe me big. |
好的,你真是好朋友 | Yeah. You're such a great friend. |
哪一位漂亮的小姐要陪我去吃晚餐? | Which one of you lovely ladies am I taking to dinner? |
是我,先生 | Oh, that'd be me, sir. |
-你先請 -謝謝 | - After you. - Oh, thank you. |
太棒了 | Nice. |
你的確擁有那個房間 | Well, you certainly own that room. |
事實上我租下整間公寓 我剛瞭解你的意思,謝謝誇獎 | Actually, I rent the whole place. I just got what you meant. Thank you. |
-嗨 -嘿 | - Hi. - Hey. |
我的天啊 | Oh, my God. |
我的天啊 | Oh, my God. |
潔西卡拉哈特! 在我家裡面! | Oh, Jessica Lockhart! In my apartment! |
我是你的頭號大影迷,我是你的頭號大影迷 | I am such a huge fan. I am such a huge fan. |
很高興能知道… | It's nice to know... |
莫妮卡! | Monica! |
她是我的室友瑞秋 | That's my roommate, Rachel. |
難怪你家會有女人內衣 | That explains all the womers underwear. |
沒錯 | Sure. |
我的天啊,是真的! | Oh, my God, it's true! |
我的天哪,你太迷人了 | Oh, my God, you are so amazing. |
我的天啊,我能請你幫我一個忙嗎? | Can I just ask you to do me just one favor? |
當然可以 | Certainly. |
你能打我一巴掌嗎? | Would you slap me right here in the face? |
我很樂意,但我的律師說 我不能再那麼做了 | I'd love to, but my lawyer said I can't do that anymore. |
天哪,看上去你人真的非常好 | God, you seem really, really nice. |
好了,再見 | Okay, bye-bye. |
我是說,不像其他名人那樣做作 | I mean, not fake at all like most famous people. |
好了,我們走 | All right, here we go. |
不,等一下,還有一件事 | No, wait. Just one more thing. |
-你是個笨女人 -我真的不能打你巴掌 | - You're a stupid bitch. - I really can't slap you. |
你真漂亮 很高興見到你 | - You are so beautiful. - So nice to meet you. |
-我的天啊,你太棒了 -謝謝你們過來 | - My God, you're great. - Thanks for stopping by. |
-我真的很抱歉 -不 | - I am so sorry about that. - Oh, no. |
我習慣被影迷包圍,別擔心 | Being adored, I'm used to it. Don't worry about it. |
-我的天啊 -什麼? | - Oh, my God. - What? |
他們寄了今天的劇本來給我 他們從來沒有寄劇本給過我 | They sent me today's script. They never send me the script. |
-是嗎? -我一直都昏迷不醒 | - They don't? - I'm just in a coma. |
這代表我有臺詞了 | This must mean I have lines. |
我是怎麼死的? | How does it happen? |
你摔下馬,然後撞到電籬笆 | You get thrown from a horse into an electric fence. |
什麼? 潔西卡討厭馬 | A what? Jessica hates horses. |
經過這件事,她也不會喜歡電 | After this, she's not gonna be crazy about electricity either. |
請記住,你們要想像我穿著蘇格蘭裙 | Now, remember, you have to imagine me in a kilt. |
我想像你穿著短格子花呢襯衫和到膝的襪子 | I can imagine you in a short plaid skirt and knee socks. |
-你要開始講秘密嗎? -不 | - You wanna start telling secrets? - No. |
請記住… | Now, remember... |
我還在學 | ...l'm still learning. |
一,二,三,四! | One, two, three, four! |
你們都知道這首歌,一起唱吧 | You know the song. Sing along. |
怎麼樣? | So? |
-不 -不 | - No. - No. |
在媽媽的馬鞍上動手腳是個超級好點子,佛萊德克 | Loosening the saddle on Mother's horse was brilliant, Fredrick. |
電籬笆那個點子太妙了 | And the electric fence, inspired. |
謝謝你,親愛的 | Thank you, sweetheart. |
我不敢相信她真的死了 | I can't believe she's really gone. |
看看你的四周,一切都是我們的 | Look around you. All of this is ours. |
我可不那麼認為 | I don't think so. |
你是誰? | Who are you? |
怎麼了? 笛娜 | What's the matter, Dina? |
你不認得你自己的… | Don't you recognize your own... |
媽媽嗎? | ...mother? |
停! 大家都演得很好,謝謝 | Cut! That was great, everybody. Thank you. |
那真的是太棒了 | That was so wonderful! |
我想你比我更適合演潔西卡 | I think that you're a better Jessica than I ever was. |
-喔,不 -當然不是,但你真的很棒 | - Oh, no. - Of course not, but you were good. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
好消息,我找到新工作了 | Good news. I got another job. |
太棒了,是什麼樣的工作 | Great. Hey, all right! What is it? |
我要到瓜達拉哈拉(墨西哥西部城市)拍電影 | A film in Guadalajara. |
你是指那個機場? | The airport? |
不,那是拉瓜迪亞機場 | No, that's LaGuardia. |
-我要去墨西哥 -哇 | - This is Mexico. - Oh, wow. |
你會去多久? | Well, how long will you be gone? |
八個月 | Eight months. |
-那真的很久 -對,但你可以來看我 | - That's a really long time. - Yeah, but you could come and visit. |
我敢說你能在那裡擁有幾個地方 | I bet that you could own a few places down there. |
你知道的,或許我該先在那裡買房子 | Oh, you know, I should probably buy a place in the city first. |
我剛瞭解你的意思,那… | And I just got what you meant. That is... |
-那真的有難度 -真的很難 | - That's a tricky one. - It's tricky. |
喬伊,我真的要謝謝你 | Joey, I really want to thank you. |
你減少了我在困境中的痛苦 | You made a very difficult time for me a little less painful. |
祝你好運 | Good luck. |
你也是 | You too. |
-嗨 -嗨,班 | - Hi. - Hi! Hi, Ben. |
-嗨 -廁所緊急事件 | - Hi. - We have a bathroom emergency. |
請用 | Go ahead. |
去之前,沒有喬伊特別的“羅曼史”雜誌在裡面吧? | Before we do, are any of Joey's special "romance" magazines in there? |
-沒有 -可以了 | - No. - Okay, all clear. |
謝謝,菲比 | Thanks, Phoebe. |
瑞秋 | That's Rachel. |
隨便啦 | But whatever. |
-那裡沒事吧? -現在不要跟我說話 | - Everything okay in there? - Don't talk to me now. |
就像他爸爸 | Just like his daddy. |
可以幫我一個大忙嗎? | Could you do me a big favor? |
院長辦公室召開會議 | I have a meeting at the dears office. |
你能幫我照看班一小時嗎? | Can you watch Ben for an hour? |
-莫妮卡呢? -她不在家 | - What about Monica? - She isn't home. |
只有我一個人? | So it would just be me alone? |
班也會在 | Ben would be there. |
怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
以前從來不曾只有我和他單獨在一起 | I've never done that before. Me and him, alone. |
他不是前科犯 | He's not an ex-con. |
好,好… | Okay, okay... |
-我要和他做什麼? -我不知道,和他講話 | - What do I do with him? - I don't know, talk to him. |
跟他娛樂,讓他活著 | Entertain him. Keep him alive. |
-好 -班,來 | - Okay. - Ben, come here. |
我要把你留在這兒和瑞秋阿姨一起1小時,好嗎? | I'm gonna leave you here with Aunt Rachel for about an hour, okay? |
你可以嗎? | Gonna be okay? |
-我想可以 -我不是和你說話 | - I think so. - I wasn't talking to you. |
-我沒事的 -好的,再見,夥計 | - I'll be okay. - Okay. I'll see you soon, buddy. |
-1個小時後回來 -再見,爸爸 | - Be back in an hour. - Bye Dad. |
-這很有趣嗎? -不太有趣 | - So this is fun, huh? - Not really. |
-要喝東西嗎? -好的 | - Okay. Want something to drink? - Okay. |
要喝健怡可樂嗎? | Great. All right, how do you feel about Diet Coke? |
-我不能喝蘇打汽水 -好的 | - I'm not allowed to have soda. - Okay. |
我們有很多種 | Well, that's pretty much all that we have. |
你喝過純瑪格麗塔酒嗎?(有“處女”的意思) | Have you ever had a virgin margarita? |
什麼是處女? | What's a virgin? |
那就喝水吧 | Water it is. |
Friends S07E10 倫敦的真相 | The One With The Truth About London |
第二位牧師如何? 我還蠻喜歡他的 | What about the second minister? I kind of liked him. |
-你指噴口水那個? -別這樣,他沒那麼糟 | - You mean the spitter? - Come on. He wasn't that bad. |
你說起來容易,你有面紗 | Easy for you to say, you'd be wearing a veil. |
-第三個呢? -他一直瞪著你的胸部看 | - And the third guy? - He kept staring at your chest. |
你能怪他嗎? | Can you blame him? |
我不希望我說“我願意”時… | I don't like the idea of me saying, "I do"... |
他想著“我也願意” | ...while he's thinking, "I'd do it too." |
-那麼我們這個問題還是沒解決 -什麼? | - Well, then we still have a problem. - With what? |
我們需要證婚人 但他們都太無趣或是討厭 | We need someone to perform our wedding but they're all boring or annoying... |
或是一直瞪著女生看 | ...or keep staring at the ladies. |
應該讓我們其中一人來證婚 | You should have one of us do it. |
我們是要“結婚”結婚 不是“六年級”的結婚 | We're getting "married" married, not "6th-grade" married. |
是真的 | No, it's a real thing. |
任何人都能在網路上被任命為牧師然後證婚 | Anyone can be ordained on the Internet and perform weddings and stuff. |
-你說真的? -我一個朋友就那樣做了,完全合法 | - Are you serious? - A friend of mine did it. It's totally legal. |
我要! | I call it! |
什麼? 是我的主意! | What? It was my idea! |
非常感謝你,但你們誰也不會替我們證婚 | Thank you very much, but neither of you is marrying us. |
提出請求,不再有任何意義了嗎? | Does calling it not mean anything anymore? |
我們要一位真正的牧師 | We're having a legitimate clergy member. |
我說正式,我指的是同性戀… | And when I say legitimate, I mean gay... |
而且能控制口水的 | ...and in control of his saliva. |
-那是檸檬罌粟籽嗎? -不要吃,不新鮮了 | - Is that lemon poppy seed? - You don't want these. They're stale. |
-我拿到外面給鴿子吃 -我要! | - I'm leaving them outside for the pigeons. - I call them! |
班,你知道,當你還是個嬰兒時… | Ben, you know, when you were a baby... |
我們常在一起 | ...we'd hang out all the time. |
那時我是你爸的女朋友 | I was your daddy's girlfriend. |
可是你現在不是了 | But you're not anymore. |
-對,我不是 -因為你們當時分手了… | - No, I'm not. - Because you guys were on a break... |
嘿,我們不是… | Hey, we were not on a... |
不說了.班,你知道嗎? | That's fine. You know what Ben? |
等你長大了,我會全部告訴你… | One day when you are a lot older, I'm gonna tell you that entire story... |
…邊講邊喝瑪格麗塔酒,好嗎? | ...over a real pitcher of margaritas. Okay? |
-我爸什麼時候會回來? -52分鐘後 | - Whers my daddy coming back? - 52 minutes. |
你沒有兄弟姐妹,嗯? | So no brothers or sisters, huh? |
真好,不用分東西 | That must be nice. You don't have to share stuff. |
分享是好事 | Sharing is good. |
你就是分享的 | You're one of those. |
我有兩個姐妹,我們彼此折磨 | You know what, I had two sisters and we just tortured each other. |
-真的? 像怎樣? -我們會… | - Really? Like how? - Well, you know, we would... |
重複另一個人說的每一句話… | ...we'd repeat everything the other said... |
或是從衣櫃跳出去嚇人… | ...or we'd jump out of closets to scare each other... |
或是把糖換成鹽 讓別人把鹽灑到早餐麥片裡 | ...or switch the sugar with salt so they put salt on their cereal. |
這個不錯 | That's a good one. |
-你喜歡嗎? -是,你很好玩 | - Yeah, you like that one? - Yeah, you're funny. |
我很好玩? | I'm funny? |
感謝上帝 | Oh, thank God. |
嘿,我有一大堆這種故事 | Well, hey, I got a ton of these. |
想聽好故事嗎? 這裡就有一個好故事 | You want a good one? Here's a good one. |
拿一個25分銅板… | You take a quarter... |
把邊緣塗黑 | ...and you blacken the edge, right? |
然後說:我打賭,你不能用這枚銅板… | And then you say, "I bet you can't roll this quarter... |
滾過你的下巴而不離開你的臉 | ...to your chin without it leaving your face." |
等他們這麼做了,會在臉正中央留下一條線 | And when they do it, they're left with a line down the center of their face. |
我可以對你這樣嗎? | Can I do it to you? |
班,我是幽默,但我不笨 | I'm funny, Ben, but I'm not stupid. |
你們找到證婚人了嗎? | So did you find anyone to marry you yet? |
沒有,但那位“對莫妮卡衝動”的牧師打電話來… | No, but "Horny for Monica" minister called... |
想知道我們是否還在一起 | ...wondering if we're still together. |
-我們永遠找不到人了 -那麼讓我來 | - We'll never find anybody. - Then let me do it. |
-喬伊…--我想過了 | - Joey... - I've been thinking. |
我是個演員,我在人前不會緊張 | I'm an actor, so I won't get nervous in front of people. |
-喬伊,請... -不,不,不 | - Joey, please... - No, no, no. |
我不會噴口水,也不會瞪著莫妮卡的胸部看 | I won't spit and I won't stare at Monica's breasts. |
大家都知道我喜歡的是臀部 | Everyone knows I'm an ass man. |
-那倒是真的 -最重要的是… | - That's true. - The most important thing... |
不是一位元幾乎不認識你的陌生人替你證婚 | ...is, it won't be some stranger who barely knows you. |
而會是我,我發誓,我會做得很好 | It'll be me. And I swear, I'll do a really good job. |
還有,我愛你們,這對我意義重大 | Plus, I love you guys and it would really mean a lot to me. |
-我們還沒找到其他人 -也許有點酷 | - Well, we haven't found anybody else. - Might be kind of cool. |
-我可以嗎? -好,你可以 | - So I can do it? - Yeah, you can do it. |
好! 好! | All right! Okay! |
好,我要開始準備我的演說 | Okay, I gotta get started on my speech. |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
網路上任命的牧師,還是可以做愛,對吧? | Internet ministers can have sex, right? |
-嘿,菲比,怎麼樣? -頭痛,非常痛 | - Hey, Pheebs. How's it going? - I have a headache. A horrible headache. |
-很遺憾.要我給你拿點什麼嗎?-天哪,你別嘮叨了 | - I'm sorry. Can I get you something? - Oh, my God, you've got to stop chattering. |
來吃幾片吧 | Here, take a couple of these. |
-什麼? -止痛藥 | - What is it? - It's Hexedrin. |
不,我不相信西方醫學 | Oh, no, I don't believe in Western medicine. |
如果一直按住這個穴位 | If you just apply pressure to these points right here... |
你的手開始疼,而頭還會疼,謝謝 | Then your hands starts to hurt and you still have a headache, so thanks. |
在藥效起作用前,你坐到沙發上吧 | While we're waiting for these pills to kick in, I'm gonna sit you down on the couch. |
來吧.頭下放些柔軟的墊子 | Come on. Get some nice soft pillows under your head. |
我會打開電視,隨便你看什麼 | I'm gonna turn the TV on. You can watch whatever you want. |
坐下,我給你泡茶,然後給你按摩腳 | Sit down. I'm gonna make you some tea, and then I'm gonna rub your feet. |
我的頭! | My head! |
來了 | Coming. |
我要找你麻煩 | I have a bone to pick with you. |
-噢! -對 | - Uh-oh. - Yes. |
班學了一個惡作劇 | Ben learned a little trick. |
-他是不是…? -對,是的 | - Oh, did he pull the old...? - That's right. That's right. |
馬桶座上包了保鮮膜… | Saran wrap on the toilet seat... |
於是尿尿時噴得到處都是 | ...so the pee goes everywhere. |
-哦,那個啊 -對,那個 | - Oh, that. - Yeah, that. |
你知道我最恨惡作劇的 | You know I hate practical jokes. |
惡作劇很惡劣,很笨,我不要我兒子學會這些 | They're mean, they're stupid and I don't want my son learning them. |
馬桶包了保鮮膜? 那沒有一點點好笑嗎? | Saran wrap on the toilet seat? Isn't that just a little funny? |
-我赤腳 -哦 | - I was barefoot. - Oh. |
我說的就是這個 | This is exactly what I'm talking about. |
你不是笑別人,正是笑他們 | You're not laughing with someone, you're laughing at them. |
取笑別人是不好的 | And laughing at someone is not nice. |
你也是他們中的一個 | So you're one of those too. |
你只有教他馬桶這一件,對不對? | Tell me, the toilet thing is the only thing you taught him, right? |
對 | Yes. |
太神奇了,我的頭完全不痛了 | It' amazing. My headache is completely gone. |
-那些是什麼藥? -止痛藥 | - What were those pills called? - Hexedrin. |
我愛你,止痛藥 | I love you Hexedrin. |
噢,還有故事呢 | Oh, look, it comes with a story. |
菲比.上面寫的是副作用 | Phoebe, those are like the side effects and stuff. |
什麼? | Say what? |
可能有的副作用 | You know, the possible side effects. |
噢,我的天哪 | Oh, my God. |
頭暈,緊張,嗜睡 | "Dizziness. Nervousness. Drowsiness. |
臉部腫脹,噁心,頭痛... | Facial swelling. Nausea. Headache..." |
頭痛 | Headache. |
“嘔吐.胃出血,肝損害” | "Vomiting. Stomach bleeding. Liver damage." |
要不是吃了你這些該死的藥片我都忘了這些症狀 | I don't recall any of these coming up when you gave me these little death capsules. |
哦,對不起.“超力”死亡藥片 | Oh, I'm sorry. "Extra strength" death capsules. |
那些不會發生的.只是因為法律原因寫上去 | None of that ever happens. They just put it on there for legal reasons. |
為什麼? | Why? |
預防它會發生 | In case it happens. |
-嘿 -向喬伊崔比亞尼牧師打招呼 | - Hey. - Say hello to Reverend Joey Tribbiani. |
-你被任命了?-對 | - You got ordained? - Yeah. |
剛上完網,網上好多色情圖片 | Just got off the Internet. Man, there's a lot of porn out there. |
我們的牧師 | Our minister. |
現在我可以正式為任何人證婚了 | I can now officially marry anybody I want. |
你們很開心嘛,要是結婚的話 記得給我電話 | Hey, you guys seem happy. If you ever want to get marry, you give me a call. |
不結婚的話,也請給我電話 | If not, you give me a call. |
我有肝損害 | I have liver damage. |
菲比,你的肝在這裡 | Phoebe, your liver is right here. |
那我一定是器官移位了 | Okay, well, then I must be disoriented. |
我已經寫下我在婚禮要說的話,要聽嗎? | I started on what I'm gonna say for the ceremony. Want to hear it? |
注意,這只是第一篇草稿,所以… | Listen, this is just the first draft, so... |
今天我們齊聚此處,在這個喜悅的場合. | "We are gathered here today on this joyous occasion... |
來慶祝莫妮卡和錢德之間特別的愛 | ...to celebrate the special love that Monica and Chandler share. |
這是奠基在付出和接受. | It is a love based on giving and receiving... |
擁有和分享的愛 | ...as well as having and sharing. |
他們付出和擁有的愛被分享和接受了 | And the love that they give and have is shared and received. |
借著這樣的擁有和付出… | And through this having and giving... |
以及分享接受… | ...and sharing and receiving... |
我們同樣分享,愛,和擁有… | ...we too can share and love and have... |
還有接受 | ...and receive." |
要不要打電話給噴口水的? | Should we call the spitter? |
-嘿,瑞秋 -嘿 | - Hey, Rachel. - Hi. |
好驚喜,你怎麼來這裡? | What a surprise. What are you doing here? |
我正好在附近… | I was just in the neighborhood... |
經過你家,我想,卡蘿和可愛的小班… | ...and I passed by your building and thought, "What's up with Carol... |
不知道怎麼樣? | ...and sweet little Ben?" |
-真好,請進 -好 | - That's nice. Well, come on in. - Okay. |
我來煮咖啡,然後我們可以聊天 | I'll make some coffee and we can chat. |
好啊,很好 | I'd love that. I would love that. |
可愛的小班呢? | So where is sweet little Ben? |
我想和小… | I would love to have a little... |
找到他了! | I found him! |
好好笑,過來 | Very funny. Come here. |
這就是我來找你談的原因 | That is exactly why I've come here to talk to you, okay? |
-瑞秋,要加糖嗎? -好,但… | - Rachel, you want sugar? - Yes, but... |
我的咖啡要不要加糖? | Do I want sugar in my coffee? |
不要,只要加牛奶就好,謝謝 | No, just some milk would be good, Carol. Thanks. |
記得我昨天教你的那些東西嗎? | Remember all that stuff I taught you yesterday? |
“記得我昨天教你的那些東西嗎?” | "Remember all that stuff I taught you yesterday?" |
-不要這樣-“不要這樣” | - Don't do that. - "Don't do that." |
-你爸爸不喜歡惡作劇-“你爸爸不喜歡惡作劇” | - Your dad doesn't like pranks. \N- "Your dad doesn't like pranks." |
-可惡!-“可惡”! | - Oh, damn it! - "Oh, damn it!" |
不,不要這麼說 | No! Don't say that. |
-可惡! -重複我的話 | - Damn it! - Go back to repeating. |
-可惡! -真爛! | - Damn it! - Oh, crap! |
“真爛” | "Oh, crap!" |
我的臉好像腫了.我的臉腫了嗎? | I feel like my face is swelling. Is my face swelling? |
菲比,你的臉沒事.你不會有事的 | Phoebe, your face is fine. None of this stuff is gonna happen to you. |
-不要像個孩子般的 -有意思,你應該那樣叫我 | - Stop being a baby. - Interesting you should call me that... |
以防我沒有這些症狀 | ...now that I may never have one. |
好,我又寫了一些,準備好了嗎? | Okay, I got some more written, ready? |
是,好 | Yeah, okay. |
當我想到這兩位付出者和接受者所分享的愛… | "When I think of the love that these two givers and receivers share... |
我禁不住嫉妒之後一生的擁有和愛… | ...I can't help but envy the lifetime ahead of having and loving... |
和付出…我想不出這兒要用什麼字 | ...and giving..." And then I can't think of a good word for right here. |
-用“接受”如何? -對 | - How about "receiving"? - Yes! |
喬伊,這不是不好… | See, Joe, not that that's not great... |
但朋友證婚的好處就是… | ...but one cool thing about having a friend perform the ceremony... |
能夠和我們有關 | ...is that it can be about us. |
可以你個人的角度,你可以說說我們的小故事 | It can be more personal. You can tell stories about us. |
就像你和我去亞特蘭大城時… | Like the time you and I went to Atlantic City... |
…我讓你笑個不停,你把整個牛排吐了出來 | ...and I made you laugh so hard you threw up your whole steak? |
不 | No. |
不是我們的事 | Not us. |
是我們的事 | Us. |
明白了,對不起 | I got you. Sorry. |
你曾讓他吐過嗎? | So did you ever make him throw up a whole anything? |
你給他吃過毒藥片,眼睛出血嗎? | Did you ever feed him a poison capsule that made him bleed from the eyes? |
不是那樣的 | It doesn't say that. |
突然有人明白了所有副作用 | Suddenly somebody knows all about the side effects. |
喬伊,我們要你講故事 不過是浪漫故事,好聽的故事 | Joey, we want you to tell stories, but romantic stories, nice stories. |
好! 我可以談倫敦 當你們搞在一起 | Okay! Maybe I'll talk about London, when you hooked up. |
我不會說“搞在一起”… | Only I won't say "hooked up"... |
我會說:他們美麗的旅程… | ...l'll say, "began their beautiful journey... |
-對了 -由“做了”開始 | - There you go. ...by doing it." |
-喬伊 -好吧 | - Joe. - Okay, all right. |
所以是怎麼開始的? 你們的雙眼越過房間相遇 | So how did it happen? Did your eyes meet across the room... |
然後你在浴缸裡,她在喂你吃草莓? | ...then you're in the bathtub and she's feeding you strawberries? |
-那不是發生在你和伴娘身上嗎? -對 | - Isn't that what happened to you? - Yeah! |
我叫它“倫敦風格” | I call that "London style." |
沒發生在我們身上 | That didn't happen with us. |
也許你應該說有,因為“倫敦風格”聽起來不錯 | Maybe you should say it is, because "London style" sounds nice. |
好,嗯… | Okay, uh... |
那天晚上我很難過 因為有個傢伙以為我是羅斯的媽 | I was sad that night because this guy thought I was Ross' mom. |
錢德對我很好,一直安慰我… | And Chandler was really sweet and he consoled me and... |
-而我們喝了很多 -好啊,寶貝 | ...we drank too much. - Yeah, baby. |
我很紳士地陪她走回旅館房間,道了晚安 | I was a gentleman and I walked her to her hotel room and said good night. |
-但那晚的晚些時候…-好啊,寶貝 | - But then, later that night... - Yeah, baby. |
可愛的睡衣,真的想在倫敦過得多彩多姿? | Cute P.J.s. Really living it up here in London, huh? |
我想不會再有人來,現在已經… | Well, I wasn't exactly expecting company after... |
9點15分 | ...9:15. |
喬伊在嗎? | Is Joey here? |
上次我看到他時 他和伴娘和一籃草莓在一起 | Last I saw he was with a bridesmaid and a bucket of strawberries. |
你不會還在為那個傢伙的話生氣吧? | You're not still upset about what that guy told you, are you? |
你不會嗎? | wouldn't you be? |
這是一個很感人的時刻,你又喝了很多… | It's been a really emotional time and you've had a lot to drink... |
你必須要讓這件事過去,好嗎? | You have to let that go, okay? |
你是今晚屋裡最美的女人 | You were the most beautiful woman in the room tonight. |
真的? | Really? |
你說笑? 你是大部份屋裡最美的女人… | You kidding? You're the most beautiful woman in most rooms... |
噢,發生什麼事了? | Whoa, what's going on? |
我們親嘴了 | We just made out. |
-我們親嘴了? -現在沒有 | - We're making out? - Not anymore. |
-可是我們不這樣的 -我知道,我以為會很好玩 | - But we don't do that. - I know, I thought it would be fun. |
你有多醉? | How drunk are you? |
醉到知道我想這麼做 但沒到你覺得內疚的地步 | Enough to know I want to do this. Not so much that you should feel guilty. |
這是最好的程度 | That's the perfect amount. |
-你知道哪裡奇怪嗎? -哪裡? | - You know what's weird? - What? |
-感覺一點都不奇怪 -我知道 | - This doesn't feel weird. - I know. |
-你的吻功很棒,-我吻了超過4個女人 | - You're a really good kisser. - Well, I have kissed over four women. |
-鑽到被窩裡? -好 | Want to get under the covers? Okay. |
哇,你好快! | Wow, you are really fast! |
我想你會欣賞速度 | It bodes well for me that speed impresses you. |
-我們要裸體相見了 -對 | - We're gonna see each other naked. - Yep. |
-同時? -數到三? | - At the same time? - Count of three? |
一,二,三 | One, two, three. |
我想我們的友誼很有效得被毀了 | Well, I think it's safe to say our friendship is effectively ruined. |
反正我們本來關係也沒那麼好 | Eh, we weren't that close anyway. |
喬伊,喬伊,喬伊…! | Joey, Joey, Joey...! |
嘿 | Hey. |
嘿,喬伊,我在看電影… | Hey, Joe. I was just watching a movie... |
老兄,對不起 | Oh, dude, I'm so sorry. |
不是! | No! |
沒事,我還跟伴娘在一起 | It's cool, I'm still with my bridesmaid. |
保險套在哪兒? | Where are the condoms? |
在那邊,我的袋子裡 | In my bag over there. |
可以留一個給我嗎? | Could you leave me one? |
給你自己? | For just you? |
對 | Yeah. |
為什麼不跟我下樓呢 下面很多正點的女孩 | Why don't you come downstairs with me. There's some really nice girls down there. |
不,我沒事 | No, I'm fine. |
好,給你,老兄 | All right. There you go, buddy. |
你去瘋吧 | Go nuts. |
原來是為了那件事用的? | That's what that was? |
因為那另外一件事 我想你猜到了什麼,不過對我無所謂 | Because that other thing, I thought you were onto something.But it did nothing for me. |
可以換個話題嗎? 因為我也無所謂 | Can we change the topic? Because it's really doing nothing for me. |
如果我沒留一個給你 你們兩個可能永遠不會在一起 | If I hadrt left you one, you two might've never gotten together. |
想像一下,如果我照原來計畫送了一個妓女上去會怎麼樣? | Imagine if I had sent that hooker like I was gonna? |
就像在星星上一樣 | It's like it was in the stars. |
是啊,你們是註定在一起的 | Yeah, totally meant to be. |
告訴他你原先那晚是要去找誰的 | Tell him who you originally wanted to hook up with that night. |
-什麼? -什麼? | - What? - What? |
什麼? | What? |
你原先是要去找誰的? | Who did you originally want to hook up with? |
好吧,不要生氣 | Okay, fine, but please don't be upset. |
我那時真的很沮喪好嗎? 而且醉得很厲害 | I was really depressed, okay? And really drunk. |
我想做又笨又無意義的事,我只想上床 | I wanted something stupid and meaningless. I just wanted sex. |
所以那晚我到你們房間… | So, when I went to your room that night... |
其實是要找喬伊的 | ...I was actually looking for Joey. |
好啊,寶貝 | Yeah, baby. |
不,寶貝 | No, baby. |
哦,我的天 | Oh, my God. |
你來找喬伊的? | You came looking for Joey? |
-你有計劃要告訴我嗎? -沒有,我覺得這不重要 | - Were you planning on telling me this? - No, I didn't think it was important. |
這不重要? 這不重要? | It's not important? It's not important? |
如果沒有那個伴娘 你嫁的會是他而不是我 | If it wasn't for a bridesmaid, you'd be marrying him not me. |
不,問題是,是你那晚在那裡 | No. The point is, it was you that was there that night. |
我要嫁的是你.我愛的是你 | It is you that I'm marrying. It is you that I fell in love with. |
這種愛是建立在擁有,付出,得到 | And it is a love that is based on having and giving and receiv... |
奇怪,我一生最浪漫的夜晚 可我卻是第二名 | Weird. The most romantic night of my life and I'm runner-up. |
你知道我有多高興喬伊不在那兒嗎? | Do you know how unbelievably glad I am that Joey wasn't there? |
嘿! | Hey! |
雖然我是神職人員 可是我還是有感覺的 | I'm a man of the cloth, but I still have feelings. |
現在你不可能替我們證婚 | There's no way you're doing this wedding now, okay? |
什麼? 不公平,不是我的錯 | What? That's not fair. It's not my fault. |
我和伴娘在一起 | I was with my bridesmaid. |
而且誰說我會答應的? | And who's to say I would've said yes? |
我是說,我會答應的 | I mean, I would've said yes. |
你把這件事看得太嚴重了 | You are making way too big a deal out of this. |
最後都很好啊 | Everything worked out okay. |
只是很奇怪,好嗎? | It's just weird, okay? |
我不要在我立下婚誓時心裡有著你和莫妮卡的影像 | I don't want to be saying my vows with the mental image of you and Monica. |
我需要…我不知道我要什麼,我要去散步 | I need... I don't know what I need. I need a walk. |
-等一下,錢德 沒有什麼大不了的 -對我是 | - Wait, Chandler, it's not a big deal. - It is to me. |
你想和蝙蝠俠上床,結果以羅賓打發了 | You wanted to sleep with Batman and settled for Robin. |
-這太扯了 -不,羅賓是同性戀 | - This is crazy. - No, Robin is so gay. |
菲比,你在想什麼啊? 你怎麼能告訴他呢? | Phoebe, what were you thinking? How could you tell him that? |
我不知道,對不起,脫口而出的 | I don't know. I'm sorry, it just came out. |
這是副作用 | It's a side effect. |
-我們都同意了? -不再惡作劇 | - So now what have we agreed? - No more pranks. |
-還有呢? -你和爸爸不是在分手 | - What else? - You and Daddy were not on a break. |
很好 | Very good. |
瑞秋,你在這裡幹什麼? | Rachel, what are you doing here? |
拜訪我的好朋友卡蘿 | I'm just visiting my good friend Carol. |
-你的好朋友? -對 | - Your good friend? - Yeah. |
她姓什麼? | What's her last name? |
卡蘿… | Carol... |
-同性戀-很好 | ...Lesbian. - Nice. |
-還有,我臉上那條線… -什麼線? | - By the way, that line down my face...- What line? |
在今天最後一堂課… | "What Line?" The line that prompted a student... |
讓一個學生說: | ...in my last class of the day to say: |
“老兄,你從來不洗臉嗎?”的那條線 | "Dude, don't you ever wash your face?" |
好,我很抱歉,對不起沒有告訴你 | All right I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. |
-但當時你已經瘋了,-當然我會發瘋了 | - But you were so mad already. - Of course I was mad. |
我跟你說過我討厭那東西 知道嗎? 並不有趣 | I told you I hate this stuff. Okay? It's not funny. |
-嘿,羅斯 -嗨 | - Hey, Ross. - Hi. |
-什麼並不有趣? -惡作劇 | - What's not funny? - Practical jokes. |
我認為很有趣 | Well, I think they're funny. |
-你的臉上有條線 -什麼? | - You have a line down your face. - What? |
-好吧,也許你不覺得好笑 -噢,我的天哪 | - Okay, maybe they're not funny to you... - Oh, my God! |
還有卡蘿 | Or Carol. |
但是孩子們覺得有趣.這傷害到誰呢? | But they're funny to kids. And who is it hurting? |
告訴你傷害到誰吧 傷害了在體操課被偷光衣服的孩子 | I'll tell you who it hurts. It hurts the kid who has all his clothes stolen in gym class... |
以致他到校長辦公室時 身上只戴著手套 | ...so he has to go to the principal's office wearing nothing but a catcher's mitt. |
那是你? | That was you? |
我們聽說過你中學的趣事 | We heard about you in junior high. |
你是否真的揮舞著拳頭喊“我會報復的!” | Did you really just shake your fist in the air and shout, "I will be revenged!" |
我會的! | I will be! |
我不要你再教我兒子那些東西 | I don't want you teaching my son that stuff anymore. |
-好嗎? -好,好 | - Okay? - Fine. Fine. |
我一教他那些東西 他叫我“好玩的瑞秋阿姨” | Once I taught him that stuff, he called me "fun Aunt Rachel." |
我喜歡做好玩的瑞秋阿姨 | And I loved being fun Aunt Rachel. |
我要做回無聊,不舒服的瑞秋阿姨 | But I'll go back to being boring and uncomfortable Aunt Rachel. |
不,我不是那個意思 | No, it's not what I want. |
很高興你們能建立感情,但… | I'm glad you guys were bonding but... |
他沒有任何兄弟姐妹 | Look, he doesn't have any siblings. |
有人得教他這些東西 | Somebody has to teach him this stuff. |
我沒有教他任何正常6歲小孩不知道的事 | I haven't taught him anything a normal 6-year-old doesn't know. |
-好爛! -我要走了 | - Crap! - I gotta go. |
-嘿 -嘿 | - Hey. - Hey. |
你要這個酥餅嗎? 是給我的,但它比較想和你睡 | You want this scone? It came for me but it would rather sleep with you. |
什麼都沒發生 | Nothing even happened. |
-我知道你要在婚禮上 -不,如果你不希望我 | - Look, I know you want to do the wedding... - No. If you don't want me to do it... |
我接受.我不在乎.我只是不想你生氣 | ...I accept that. I don't care about that. I just don't want you to be upset. |
我怎麼能不生氣? | How can I not be upset? |
我終於和這個很棒的女人墜入愛河… | I finally fall in love with this fantastic woman... |
而她最初要的是你 | ...and it turns out she wanted you first. |
是啊,某一個晚上的半小時 | Yeah, for like a half an hour one night. |
錢德,她要和你共度一生 | Chandler, she wants you for the rest of her life. |
你真幸運 | You're so lucky. |
如果我不在場,我將會失去什麼 | Look what I missed out on by not being there. |
你知道嗎? | Although, you know what? |
永遠不會像你們這樣 | It could never have worked out like you guys did. |
因為你們天生一對 | Because you guys are perfect for each other. |
我們看著你們,看到你們在一起,就是… | We look at you and we see you together, and it just... |
很配,你知道嗎? | ...it fits, you know? |
你就是知道能持續終生 | And you just know it's gonna last forever. |
這就是你該講的 | That's what you should say. |
什麼? | What? |
當你替我們證婚時,那就是你該說的 | When you're marrying us, that's what you should say. |
真的? 我可以替你們證婚嗎? | Really? I could do it? |
我希望你替我證婚 | I'd love you to do it. |
嘿 | Hey. |
不過那些將是你的演講,必須一模一樣的 | But those are the words. Those exact words. |
我不太記得了… | Well, I don't remember exactly but... |
是關於擁有和付出和分享和接受 | ...it's pretty much about having and giving and sharing and receiving. |
抱歉要再麻煩你一次… | I'm sorry to do this to you again... |
你可以替我照顧一下班嗎? | ...but could you look after Ben for a little bit? |
我在學校有個會要開 | I've got this meeting at school. |
他說要找“好玩的”瑞秋阿姨 | And he asked for his "fun" Aunt Rachel. |
當然,我們會很開心的,是不是,班? | Well, of course I will watch him. We have fun, don't we, Ben? |
-好,待會見 -好 (糞便) | - Okay, see you later, pal. - Okay. |
-等一下,班,我不能這麼做 -什麼? | - Wait a minute. Ben, I can't do it. - What? |
不能讓他這樣走掉,他還要開會 | Can't let him go out that way. He's got a meeting. |
-你背後有東西 -什麼? | - You got something here on your back.- What? |
好,好極了 | That's great. That is great. |
班,我們才說完什麼? | What did we just finish talking about, Ben? |
“班,我們才說完什麼?” | "What did we just finish talking about, Ben?" |
好,夠了,過來,年輕人,你麻煩大了! | All right, that's it. Come here. You are in big trouble young man! |
班,過來,我不是開玩笑的! | Ben, come here! I am not kidding! |
你要停止… | You gotta stop doing... |
我的天啊! | My God! |
-你們兩個沒事了? -是啊 | - So you guys doing okay? - Yeah. |
我們談過了,莫妮卡讓我知道我反應過度了 | We talked and Monica made me see that I overreacted a little bit. |
-有些事是比較重要的 -是啊,寶貝 | - Some things are more important.- Yeah, baby. |
很高興你們沒事了,但我一直在想… | I'm really glad you guys are okay, but I just keep thinking... |
如果你們兩個在一起會是什麼樣子 | ...what would've happened if you two had hooked up. |
親愛的,晚飯好了! | Honey, dinner's ready! |
我的小廚師今晚替我做了什麼? | What's my little chef got for me tonight? |
你最喜歡的 | Your favorite. |
起司炒雞 | Fried stuff with cheese. |
很多很多! | And lots of it! |
謝謝,甜心 | Thanks, sweetheart. |
來親一個 | Give me a little sugar... |
來,來,來 | Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. |
你好嗎? | How you doing? |
來了 | Here you go. |
我的天哪 | Oh, my God. |
這是六小時見效的藥 | This is a six-hour pill. |
到時間了! 我走出樹林了 | That's it! I'm out of the woods. |
太好了 | What a relief. |
很好嘛 | Good for you. |
心頭大石終於落地了 | It's like a huge weight has been lifted. |
因為,你看,沒有脫髮,沒有皮疹,沒有麻疹 | Because, look, no hair loss, no rash, no hives. |
我太高興了! | I'm just so happy! |
因為,不會氣喘,沒有短時興奮症 | Because, no shortness of breath, no temporary euphoria... |
酒席承辦人給我十二道開胃菜清單 我得將選擇範圍縮小到六道 | The caterer sent me this list of 12 appetizers. I have to narrow it to six. |
食物問題? 交給我吧 | Food? Oh, give me. |
莫妮卡跟你們提過我們結婚時要請搖擺國王來演唱嗎? | Did Monica mention we're trying to get The Swing Kings to play the wedding? |
你喜歡搖擺音樂? | You're into swing music? |
我以前會跑遍全城聽樂團演奏 | I used to go all over town listening to bands. |
-錢德 -對,是GAP的廣告詞(年輕人服裝品牌) | - Chandler? - Gap commercial. |
-你打電話訂下他們了嗎? -我會打的 | - Did you book them? Did you call? - I will. |
-你要我打嗎? -我會打的 你只需要做好你的工作 | - You want me to call? - I'll do it. You stick to your job. |
-你的工作是什麼? -別礙事 | - What is your job? - Staying out of the way. |
這是不可能的,你為什麼不挑清單上的十五道開胃菜 | This is impossible. Why don't you just pick all 15. |
-只有十二道而己 -對,我加了三道 | - There were only 12. - Oh, yeah, I added three. |
什麼是花生醬手指? | What are peanut-butter fingers? |
Friends S07E17 廉價的婚紗 | The One With the Cheap Wedding Dress |
你好 | Well, hello. |
她好可愛 | She's cute. |
我們該跟她說話嗎? | Should we go try to talk to her? |
當然,訂婚後跟美女說話我再也不會緊張 | Sure. Being engaged, I'm not nervous talking to pretty girls anymore. |
你們能過來幫幫我嗎? | Could you guys help me? |
我來幫你搬那個 | Yeah, let me get that for you. |
-它真的很重 -沒問題 | - It's really heavy. - I got it. |
嗨,我是羅斯,他是我朋友錢德 | So hi, I'm Ross, and this is my friend Chandler. |
我是克麗絲汀 | I'm Kristen. |
克麗絲汀,嗨,你剛搬來嗎? | Kristen, hi. Are you new to the area? |
如果你剛搬來這裡我可以帶你四處參觀一下 | Because if you are, I'd love to show you around sometime. |
事實上,我只從四條街外搬來這裡而已 | I actually just moved from four blocks over. |
但這裡好像另一個世界 | But this block is like another world. |
事實上這個地區的歷史非常有趣 | Actually, it does have a very interesting history. |
這條街是紐約第一條有下水道系統的街道 | This street is the first in the city to have an underground sewer system. |
之前污水跟廢棄物… | Before that, sewage and waste... |
會直接流到街上 | ...would just flow right down the street. |
有時到了腳踝 | Sometimes ankle-deep. |
說得好 | Smooth. |
你說什麼? | Excuse me? |
搬完家你一定會肚子餓 你想跟我一起去吃晚餐嗎 | You're gonna be starving after moving. What do you say I take you to dinner? |
-我很樂意 -太棒了 | - I'd like that. - Great. |
我幫你把箱子搬上去 | Let me take this up. |
-你先請-不,你先請 | - After you. - Oh, no. After you. |
我的天啊! | Oh, my God! |
是我瘋了還是這真的很配? | Am I crazy, or does this totally go? |
我的天啊! 你看起來好漂亮! | Oh, my God! You look so beautiful! |
謝謝你,瑞秋,但看看莫妮卡 | Thank you, Rachel. But look at Monica! |
就是它,就是這件 | This is it. Yeah, this is the one. |
我不敢相信我找到它了 | I can't believe I found it. |
你看起來好漂亮 如果我認識你,我會哭的 | Wow, you look so beautiful. If I knew you, I'd cry. |
我是莫妮卡蓋勒,幸福的新娘 | I'm Monica Geller. Ball like a baby. |
我是梅根巴厘 | I'm Megan Bailey. |
-你找到婚紗了嗎? -這些婚紗都很漂亮… | - Have you found your dress? - These dresses are amazing... |
-但我買不起 -我也是 | ...but I couldn't afford one. - I can't either. |
我只是來這裡找婚紗 然後我會到克萊門婚紗店買 | I'm here to figure out which one I want, then I'll get it at Kleinmars. |
他們在大減價 | They're having a huge sale. |
-謝謝你的情報 -你什麼時候結婚? | - Thanks for the tip. - When are you getting married? |
-我沒有要結婚,我只是想試穿婚紗 -我也會那麼做 | - I'm not. I just like to try these on. - I do the same thing. |
我只是在開玩笑,我的婚期是七月二十五日 | I'm just kidding. I'm getting married July 25. |
我也只是在開玩笑 | I'm just kidding too. |
我要在十二月結婚 | I'm getting married in December. |
-你什麼時候結婚? -五月十五日 | - When are you getting married? - May 15. |
已經很接近了,你請誰拍照? | It's getting close. Who's your photographer? |
-傑佛瑞 -我們跟他談過 | - Jeffrey. - We met with him. |
-他拿裸體婚紗照給你們看了嗎?-那個伴郎嗎? 哇! | - Did he show you nude wedding photos? - The best man? Wow! |
我知道,我差點取消了婚禮 | I know. I almost called off my wedding. |
-你請了哪個樂團? -我未婚夫想請搖擺國王 | - Who's your band? - My fiance wants The Swing Kings. |
你真幸運,我未婚夫想請“動物屍體重金屬樂團” | You're lucky. My fiance wants the heavy metal band, Carcass. |
是C開頭的還是K開頭的? 那不重要,他們都很棒!(Karcass也是知名樂隊) | Is that spelled with a C or a K? It doesn't matter, they're both great! |
別在這裡買婚紗 | Oh, don't buy that here. |
現在你知道你喜歡哪一件 到克萊門婚紗店買 | Now that you know what you want, go to Kleinmars. |
這裡的婚紗大貴了 | This place is so overpriced. |
我是這的老闆 | I own this store. |
這件婚紗有別的顏色嗎? 還是…? | So does this come in another color, or...? |
嗨,你要搬進來還是搬走? | Hi. You moving in or moving out? |
-我要搬進來 -需要我幫忙嗎? | - Moving in. - Can I give you a hand? |
好吧,但是你得小心一點 來幫我的那個人因為背痛先走了 | Okay, but be careful. Guy who was helping me had to leave because he hurt his back. |
-他是你男朋友? -不是 | - Boyfriend? - No. |
我是喬伊 | I'm Joey. |
我是克麗絲汀 | Kristen. |
你的名字真好聽 | What a beautiful name. |
你說你叫什麼? | What is it again? |
克麗絲汀 | Kristen. |
-你住在附近? -我就住在那邊 | - You live around here? - Right down there. |
我得提供你一些資訊 | Let me give you a little tip. |
別在那個樓梯上睡覺 醒過來時你的鞋子可能已經被偷了 | Don't take a nap on this stoop. You could wake up with your shoes gone. |
我會記住的 | I'll remember that. |
聽著,今晚你要跟我一起吃飯嗎? | Listen, would you like to have dinner with me tonight? |
今晚我有約了,明天可以嗎? | I have plans tonight. How about tomorrow? |
聽起來不錯,這個要搬到哪裡? | Sounds great. Well, where does this go? |
你看起來很壯,把它交給我 你去幫我搬箱子吧 | You look strong. Why don't I take that, and you grab one of the boxes. |
書 靠墊 | |
我來搬這個 | Yeah, I'll get this one. |
這裡就是布魯克林?(紐約西南部的工業區) | So this is Brooklyn? |
聽著,通常每件婚紗一個尺寸只有一件 | Listen up. There's usually only one dress in each size. |
他們一開門,馬上沖進去 | So when they open those doors, fan out. |
這就是你們的目標,記住它 | This is what you're looking for. Memorize it. |
找到婚紗後就吹哨子,好嗎? | When you locate the dress, blow on these, all right? |
用力吹三聲,一聽到哨音後馬上跑過來 | Three sharp blasts. When you hear it, come running. |
他來了! | Here he comes! |
-他們在推我! -別那麼孩子氣! | - They're pushing! - Don't be a baby! |
-別擋路! -我們沖吧! | - Out of the way! - Let's go! |
瑞秋? 快一點! | Rachel?! Come on! |
不,不是 | No, not it. Not it. Not it. |
別推我 | Don't crowd me. |
就是它! 就是這件婚紗! 太完美了! | This is it! This is the dress! It's perfect! |
對不起,這件是我的 | I'm sorry, this one's taken! |
-梅根! -莫妮卡! | - Megan! - Monica! |
-你來了! -是的! | - You came! - Yeah! |
-這是我的婚紗! -不! | - This is my dress! - No! |
-沒錯,它就是,你看到我試穿它 -現在你會看到我買下它 | - Yes it is. You saw me wearing it. - And now you'll see me buying it. |
你這個怪胎 | You freak! |
如果沒有我你根本不知道這個地方 | You wouldn't even know about this place without me. |
-聽著,你不會想跟我爭 -或許我想,我是很凶的 | - Look, you don't want to fight me.- Maybe I do. I'm pretty feisty! |
-我來了…-嘿! | - I'm coming! I'm coming! - Hey! |
好了! 嘿? 我該怎麼辦? | Okay! Hey? Oh, what do I do?! |
你在做什麼? 你找到婚紗了嗎? | What are you doing? Did you find the dress? |
你找到婚紗了嗎? | Did you find the dress? |
不,快救我出去,這些女人都瘋了 | No. Get me out of here. These shoppers are crazy. |
-我們得去找莫妮卡,-你得抓住我的手 -上帝啊 | - We've gotta get Monica. - You gotta hold my hand! -Oh my god |
借過… | Excuse me! Excuse me! |
快走… | Go! Go! Go! |
羅斯,那晚你跟她約會還順利吧? | So, Ross, how was your date the other night? |
你跟她提過只要一沖馬桶 魔法之旅就開始了嗎? | Did you tell her about the magical ride that starts with every flush? |
儘管笑吧,但她說她想再跟我約會 | Laugh all you want, but she said she'd like to go out again. |
事實上,我正要打電話給她 | In fact, I'll go call her right now. |
我會確定並告訴她 我朋友錢德說… | And I'll make sure and tell her my friend Chandler says... |
抱歉昨晚我失約了,但我有個約會 | Sorry I didn't stop by last night, but I had a date. |
你說你淩晨一點要過來 就算你沒來,也沒有關係 | When it's 1:00 in the morning and you don't come by, that's okay. |
我跟一個辣妹約會,她剛剛搬到對街 | It was with this really hot girl who just moved in right across the street. |
-真的嗎? 她住在對街? -對 | - Really? Right across the street? - Yeah. |
-你什麼時候認識她的? -兩天前 | - When did you meet her? - Two days ago. |
太棒了! | Excellent! |
羅斯也認識了一個女孩 | You know, Ross met somebody too. |
-嘿 -怎麼樣? | - Hey. - How'd it go? |
太棒了,我們星期六要再出去玩 | Great. We're going out again Saturday. |
但我剛剛發現她也在跟別人約會 | But I just found out she's also seeing some other guy. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
喬伊,如果你是羅斯你會怎麼做? | Joe, what would you do if you were in Ross' situation? |
我跟他差不多 跟我約會的女孩也在跟別人約會 | I sort of am. I'm dating this girl who's also seeing another guy. |
但我一點都不擔心 | But I'm not worried about it. |
你不必擔心,我不想當你的競爭者 | You shouldn't be. I wouldn't want to be the guy who's up against you. |
那個混蛋一定會輸的 | I mean, that doofus is going to lose. |
這真的太有趣了 | So this is nice. |
真希望我能留下來,相信我 | I wish I didn't have to go. Believe me. |
但我得走了 | But I have to. |
對了,跟你們約會的女孩叫什麼名字? | By the way, what's the name of the girl you're dating? |
-克麗絲汀萊夫 -再見 | - Kristen Leigh. - Bye. |
很明顯地,我們之中只有一個人能繼續跟她約會 | Well, obviously only one of us can keep dating her. |
沒錯,我們該怎麼決定? | Obviously. So how do we decide? |
好了,我們得客觀地來解決這件事 | Well, now, let's look at this objectively. |
我想我該跟她約會 | I think I should date her. |
或是我該跟她約會 | Or I'm the one who dates her. |
那真的很有趣,但是聽好了 我跟她約會 | That's interesting. But check this out. I date her. |
好吧,但是換個角度來說… | Okay, but to go in another direction... |
好吧,我們是談不出結論來的 | Okay. This can go on for a while. |
-那麼我們該點些吃的 -不,喬伊 | - We should order some food, then. - No, Joey. |
聽著,我們為什麼不讓她來決定? | Look, why don't we just let her decide, okay? |
我們都再跟她約會一次 | We'll each go out with her one more time. |
看看她比較喜歡誰 | And we'll see who she likes best. |
聽起來很公平 | That sounds fair. |
或許我會帶她到新開的法國餐廳吃飯 | Maybe I'll take her to that new French restaurant. |
等一下,我們得對約會費用設下限制 | Wait a second. We have to set a spending limit on the date. |
我沒有錢帶她到高級餐廳吃飯 | I don't have the money to take her to a fancy place like that. |
抱歉,那是我的約會方式 | Well, sorry. That's what I do on dates. |
我猜我得用我的約會方式 | Well, I guess I'll just have to do what I do on dates. |
-我們來決定費用上限 -好 | - So let's decide on a spending limit. - Yeah. |
大概是… | And a slice... |
六塊錢? | ...$6? |
-我想是一百塊 -好吧 | - I was thinking more like 100. - Okay. |
你能借給我九十四塊嗎? | Can I borrow $94? |
我知道,你能幫我拿張面紙嗎? | I know. Can you hand me a tissue? |
你沒有健怡可樂了 | You're out of Diet Coke. |
喂? | Hello? |
什麼? 你什麼? | What? You what? |
你給我聽好了,小姐! | You listen here, missy! |
是梅根打來的,她訂下了搖擺國王 日期是我們結婚的那一天 | That was Megan. She booked The Swing Kings on the day of our wedding... |
還說如果我不把婚紗讓給她,我就沒有樂團 | ...and said I couldn't have them back unless I gave her the dress! |
那麼 動物屍體樂團有空了? | Does that mean Carcass is available? |
我該怎麼辦? 我好喜歡那件婚紗! | What am I gonna do? That's the dress! That is the dress! |
錢德喜歡那個樂團,我該怎麼辦? | Chandler wants the band. What do I do? |
-想辦法說服他放棄,-我該怎麼辦? | - Figure out a way to talk him out of it. - How? |
你的衛生紙用完了 | You're out of toilet paper! |
我要來祝你約會順利 | I wanted to wish you good luck on your date. |
-謝謝 -你們約幾點? | - Thanks. - What time are you meeting? |
我們在葛蘭梅西畢斯多餐廳訂了八點的位子 | We have 8:00 reservations at Grand Merci Bistro. |
時間只剩下二十分鐘 你最好快去換衣服 | That's in 20 minutes. You'd better get dressed. |
-我已經換好衣服了,-太好了 | - I am dressed. - Oh, well, good. |
對我來說 | For me. |
這是什麼? 你在敷臉? | What's this? Did you give yourself a facial? |
我的T字部位是油性的 | I have an oily T-zone. |
好吧,兄弟 | Okay, dude. |
-你送克麗絲汀花? -沒錯 | - You sent Kristen flowers?- That's right. |
你花了一百塊,你把錢花光了,你輸了! | You spent $ 100. That's the limit. You're screwed! |
我在約會前送她花,所以技術上來說… | I sent the flowers before the actual date, so technically... |
我沒有犯規 | ...I didn't break any rules. |
謝謝你來看我 | Thanks for stopping by, though. |
-你真的要那麼玩? -我也可以犯規 | That's the way it's gonna be? I can break the rules too. |
-你打算怎麼辦 -我不知道 | - What are you gonna do? - I don't know. |
-為什麼我一點都不訝異 -我不會放過你的 | - Why am I not surprised? - Not gonna let you get away with this. |
-我想你沒有太多選擇 -我們走著瞧 | - I don't think you have much choice. - We'll see! |
嘿! 只要薄薄地敷一層就好? | Hey! So, just a light layer? |
對,只要敷這裡跟這裡 | Yeah, just here and there. |
喬伊又把肉醬滴在扶手上了 | Joey got meat sauce on the banister again. |
搖擺音樂太落伍了 | Swing music is so out. |
他得在這房間裡才可以聽的到 | He's gotta be in the room for that to work. |
你們到底在說什麼? | What are you guys talking about? |
我們在談搖擺國王… | We're talking about The Swing Kings... |
討論到底該不該請他們來 | ...and wondering whether they're the right way to go. |
有一次我去參加請搖擺樂團來表演的婚禮 | I went to a wedding once where they had swing music... |
兩個月後他們就離婚了 | ...and two months later, the couple divorced. |
我不是說這其中有什麼關係… | I'm not saying there's any connection here... |
但他們的確告訴我那是他們離婚的原因 | ...but they did tell me that's why they got divorced. |
但我喜歡搖擺音樂! | But I love swing music! |
但搖擺國王? | But The Swing Kings? |
他們爛到有人聽他們的演唱會死掉 他們就是不想活了 | They suck so much that people die at their concerts. They just stop living. |
我只知道莫妮卡跟我去看他們演唱時非常開心 | All I know is that when Monica and I went to see them, we had fun. |
事實上還有一個原因 | And there's another reason. |
-是什麼原因? -我不想說 | - Well, what is the other reason? - I don't want to say. |
你非說不可,或許它很蠢 | Well, you have to because maybe it's stupid. |
莫妮卡跟我隨著他們的音樂起舞… | It's just, while Monica and I were dancing to them... |
我第一次知道… | ...it was the first time I knew that... |
你就是我想一輩子共舞的女人 | ...you were the woman that I wanted to dance all my dances with. |
哦,爛透了 | Oh, crap. |
-我們的桌子馬上就準備好 -太棒了 | - Our table will be ready in a few minutes. - Oh, great. |
-你的背好一點了嗎? -沒事了 | - Is your back feeling better? - Yeah, that's fine. |
我猜肌肉越多… | I guess the more muscles you have... |
就越可能抽筋 | ...the more they can spasm out of control. |
-克麗絲汀? -喬伊! | - Kristen? - Joey! |
-你來這裡做什麼? -我喜歡這個地方 | - What are you doing here? - I like this place. |
技術上來說,我沒有犯規,所以… | And technically, I'm not breaking any rules, so... |
羅斯,他是喬伊,喬伊,羅斯 | Well, Ross, this is Joey. Joey, Ross. |
-嗨 -嗨,很高興能認識你 | - Hi. - Hi. It's nice to meet you. |
我以前有個朋友叫喬伊 | I used to have a friend named Joey. |
但他不再是我朋友 | I don't anymore. |
我們的桌子馬上就會準備好 | Our table will be ready in a couple minutes. |
當然,我想跟你們一起等! 謝謝! | Sure, I would love to wait with you guys! Thanks! |
喬伊,你看起來好眼熟 | So, Joey, you look familiar. |
你上過電視嗎? | Are you on TV or something? |
喬伊不喜歡提這件事… | Joey doesn't like to talk about it... |
但他主演過《我們的日子》 | ...but he's one of the stars of Days of Our Lives. |
沒錯,你是演女人嗎? | That's right. Don't you play a woman? |
那是被困在男人身體裡的女人 | A woman in a man's body. |
那可好多了 | Much better. |
真有趣,因為我也覺得你很眼熟 | It's funny, because you look familiar to me too. |
你結過婚嗎? | Have you ever been married? |
我結過婚 | Yes, I have. |
事實上,前幾天… | In fact, just the other day... |
克麗絲汀跟我還談到我結過婚,有個兒子 | ...Kris and I were talking about how I've been married and how I have a son. |
-小艾力克 -沒錯,等一下,不,是班 | - Little Eric. - That's right. Wait. No, Ben. |
你只結過一次婚嗎? | So you've just been married the one time, then? |
-嗯…-你結過兩次婚? | - Well... - You've been married twice? |
對,那個… | Yes. And... |
之後又結了一次 | ...another time after that. |
天啊,我餓了 | Boy, I'm getting hungry. |
你曾經在約會時餓到… | Have you ever been so hungry on a date... |
趁女伴去上洗手間偷吃掉她的食物嗎? | ...that when the girl goes to the bathroom, you eat her food? |
你說是服務生吃掉了我的蟹餅 | You said the waiter ate my crab cake. |
羅斯,你的第一段婚姻為什麼會結束? | So, Ross, now why did that first marriage break up? |
因為你前妻是異性戀或因為她是同性戀? | Was it because the woman was straight or because she was a lesbian? |
-你們認識嗎? -不認識 | - Do you two know each other? - No. |
只是羅斯看起來像是會跟有同性戀傾向的女人. | Just seems like Ross is the kind of guy who'd marry a woman... |
結婚後,逼得她非得出軌的男人 | ...on the verge of being a lesbian and then push her over the edge. |
等一下,你拍過性病海報吧? | Wait a minute! Were you on a poster for gonorrhea? |
你跟猴子同床共枕過吧? | Have you ever slept in the same bed with a monkey? |
別把馬修扯進來! | You leave Marcel out of this! |
好吧,你曾經被自己的皮褲卡住了? | Fine! You ever gotten stuck in a pair of your own leather pants? |
你曾經把自己鎖在電視櫃裡嗎? 性病小子 | Have you ever locked yourself in a TV cabinet, VD-boy? |
猴子愛人! | Monkey-lover! |
你覺得她是什麼時候離開的? | Where do you think we lost her? |
可能是性病那一段吧 | Probably around gonorrhea. |
蓋勒,兩人桌? | Geller, table of two? |
-你餓嗎? -出去喝杯啤酒? | - You hungry? - Does a bear shit in the woods? |
-甜心,我回來了! -別進來! | - Hi, honey, I'm home! - Don't come in here! |
怎麼了? 你的另一個男朋友在裡面? | Why, do you have another boyfriend in there? |
不,我們只會在他家胡搞 | No. We only mess around at his place. |
雖然是我開的頭 但我開始擔心了,你能出來嗎 | I started it, but now it's scaring me, so could you come out here, please? |
不行,我正穿著婚紗 | No, I'm wearing a wedding dress. |
你買到婚紗了? | You got a wedding dress? |
-對,但我要把它退回去 -那麼我為什麼不能看到它 | - Yeah, but I'm not keeping it. - Then why can't I see it? |
我猜應該可以 | Oh. I guess you can. |
但我得把它退回去 所以你絕不能喜歡它 | But I have to return it, so you can't like it. |
好吧,我發誓我會恨它 | Okay, I promise. I'll hate it. |
哇,你看起來好可怕 | Wow. You look hideous. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
那是我看過最醜的婚紗 | Yeah. That's like the most ugliest dress I've ever seen. |
你為什麼要把它退回去? | Why do you have to return it? |
因為它真的不合適 | Because it doesn't really fit. |
還有,我訂了搖擺國王 | Oh, by the way, I booked The Swing Kings. |
那真的是太棒了,謝謝 | Oh, that's great. Thanks. |
但那件婚紗可怕極了 | But that dress is terrible. |
-它讓我想把它從你身上扯下來 -好吧 | - It makes me want to rip it off you. - Okay. |
但你不可以把它弄破 | But you can't rip it. |
或許弄破一點也沒關係 | Well, maybe a little. |
你們想看看婚禮上演唱歌曲的清單嗎? | Guys, you want to look at the song list for the wedding? |
夥計們? | Guys? |
我還以為你會去一整天 | I thought you were gonna be gone all day. |
好吧,發生了什麼事? | All right, what's going on? |
對不起,或許我應該讓你們這些小女生獨處一下 | I'm sorry. I should probably leave you girls alone. |
儘管笑吧,但十分鐘後我們會有年輕好看的皮膚 | Laugh all you want, but in 10 minutes, we'll have younger-looking skin. |
她該敷一下臉的… | You know, she could use a little... |
好球! 太帥了! | Oh, nice shot! Yeah! |
菲比,在單身女士派對上… | So, Pheebs, I was just at this bachelorette party... |
…有個蛋糕的造型像男人的… | ...and they had a cake that was in the shape of a man's... |
…那個東西 | ...thing-a-ding-ding. |
我就想啊,你會怎麼認為呢? | And I was wondering, what would you have thought of that? |
令人作嘔還是好玩? | Offensive or amusing? |
我不知道.莫妮卡,你怎麼看? | I'm not sure. Monica, what do you think? |
-有點俗氣 -該死 | - Sounds kind of tacky. - Damn it. |
看能不能取消掉,要是不能 她們都會看著那討厭的“東西” | I'll see if they can cancel it. If not, maybe they can put eyes on the "hoojies"... |
我們只能說那是某種奇異的大象 | ...and we'll just say it's just some sort of weird elephant. |
大夥們,你們一定不會相信! | Guys, you won't believe this! |
-我剛剛跟我的經紀人談過...-我的天啊! | - I just talked to my agent... - Oh, my God! |
對不起,太快了,你說吧 | I'm sorry. Too soon. You go. |
我因為《我們的日子》被提名! | I got nominated for Days of our Lives! |
這真的是太好了! 恭喜你 | - Good for you! - Congratulations! |
我不敢相信你獲得艾美獎(美國電視屆最高獎項)提名! | I can't believe you're nominated for an Emmy! |
-肥皂劇文摘獎? -不,我被提名“肥皂獎” | - Soap Opera Digest Award? - Nope. I'm up for a "Soapie." |
那是你亂編的嗎? | Is that something you're making up? |
不,它是真的,這個獎從1998年開始頒發 | No, no, no, it's real! And it has been, since 1998. |
他們不會取消那個蛋糕 | Okay, they said they won't cancel the cake... |
不過我們可以在旁邊寫上“美國國家航空航天局” | ...but I was thinking we could write "NASA" on the side... |
-然後送給羅斯 - 好的 | - and then give it to Ross. - Okay. Yeah. |
嘿,瑞秋,我被提名肥皂獎了! | Hey, Rach! I'm up for a Soapie! |
我的天啊! | Oh, my God! |
天啊! 那是排名第三的肥皂劇大獎! | Oh, my God! That's the third most prestigious soap opera award there is! |
謝謝! 我猜我們知道我該帶誰參加頒獎典禮 | Thank you! I guess we know who I'll take to the awards! |
別跟我開這種玩笑! 所有明星都會去嗎? | Don't kid about that! Will all the stars be there? |
很多人都說他們會去 | Many are scheduled to appear. |
-我不能去,我一定會太緊張! -那就換我去吧 | - I can't go. I'll be too nervous! - I'll go. |
你要結婚了,那個機會是我的 | You're getting married. This is all I have. |
-我們要舉行慶祝 -對! 我們送你一個蛋糕, | - We should celebrate. - Yes! And we will get you a cake... |
造型是麥克風 | ...in the shape of a microphone. |
還有兩個網球 | With two tennis balls. |
Friends S07E18 喬伊的獎 | The One With Joey's Award |
恩斯特·穆伯拉特假設迅猛龍受到威脅時… | Ernest Muhlbrat hypothesized that the velociraptor, when threatened... |
它會把頸部肌肉張開,發出尖銳的叫聲… | ...would expand its collar and emit a high-pitched noise... |
將敵人嚇跑 | ...to frighten off predators. |
路易士,什麼事? | Mr. Lewis? |
它是怎麼叫的? | What kind of noise? |
它會發出尖銳嘈雜的聲音 | Just a high-pitched, intimidating noise. |
那到底是什麼樣子? | But like how? |
我們並不確定 | Well, we don't know for sure. |
但我想,應該是這樣的 | But in my head, it sounded something like this: |
當然,這只是種猜測 | Of course, this is just conjecture. |
好了,今天的課上到這裡 | Okay. That's all for today. |
摩斯,我能跟你談談嗎? | Mr. Morse, can I see you for a moment? |
什麼事? 教授 | Yes, sir? |
我得跟你談談你的期中成績 | I need to talk to you about your midterm exam. |
-恐怕我得讓你不及格 -為什麼? | - I'm afraid I had to fail you. - Why? |
你得答中百分之六十才能過關 | Well, you need 60% to pass. |
-我的分數是多少? -七 | - What did I get? - Seven. |
那不是很好 | That's not so good. |
不,那糟透了,奈德,到底發生了什麼事? | No, no, it's not. What happened, Ned? |
或許你可以饒我一次,我戀愛了 | Maybe you can cut me some slack. I'm sort of in love. |
抱歉,但那真的不是我的問題 | I'm sorry, but that's really not my problem. |
我愛上了你 | I'm in love with you. |
那好像跟我有一點關係 | That brings me in the loop a little. |
所以我才會考那麼爛,我沒辦法專心上課 | That's why I did so bad on this test. I'm having a hard time concentrating. |
你站在講臺上講課的時候… | When you're up there and you're teaching... |
表情是那麼得嚴肅… | ...and your face gets all serious... |
你看起來好帥 當你穿著高長領毛衣時 | You look so good. When you wear that tight little turtleneck sweater... |
我是你的老師,對不起 | I'm your teacher. I'm sorry. |
你是學生 | You're a student. |
而且我喜歡女人 | And I like women. |
雖然有人在椅背上寫了一些話 | In spite of what may be written on the backs of these chairs. |
吧台那個男人在看你 | That guy at the counter's totally checking you out. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
-我的天啊,他真的好帥! -去吧 | - Oh, my God, he's really cute! - Go for it. |
菲比,我訂婚了 | Phoebe, I'm engaged. |
我建議你去問他的電話號碼 以防萬一 | I'm saying, get his number, just in case. |
說不定錢德發生意外 喪失了性能力… | But if Chandler's in an accident and can't perform sexually... |
他要你找個愛人 滿足他無法滿足你的那個部份 | ...he'd want you to take a lover to satisfy needs he'd no longer fulfill. |
我能跟你說句話嗎? | Can I just tell you something? |
我真的受寵若驚,但我訂婚了 | I'm very flattered, but I'm engaged. |
這真的是很尷尬 | This is kind of embarrassing. |
事實上,我想跟你朋友說話 | I actually came over to talk to your friend. |
你是應該覺得尷尬 | You should be embarrassed. |
-我以為你知道我在看你 -我知道,但那真的很好玩 | - I thought you knew I looked at you. - I did, but that was really fun. |
“得獎的是…喬伊崔比亞尼” | "The winner is... Joey Tribbiani!" |
我真的沒想到我會得獎… | "I honestly never expected this. |
我沒有準備演講稿… | I didn't prepare a speech. |
我要謝謝我的父母,他們一直支持我… | I'd like to thank my parents, who've always been there for me. |
我還要謝謝我的朋友 錢德,莫妮卡,菲比,瑞秋 | Also like to thank my friends, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Rachel..." |
-我排在第四個? -天啊! | - I'm fourth? - Jeez! |
看看你,拿著楓糖獎盃 | Look at you with your maple syrup award! |
拜託你不要告訴別人這件事 | Maybe you don't tell anyone about this? |
那沒有什麼大不了的 我也會拿著洗髮水的瓶子那麼做 | No big deal. I do that with my shampoo bottle. |
-真的嗎? -沒錯 | - Really? - Yeah. |
-你假裝自己得了什麼獎? -格萊美獎(美國音樂最高獎) | - What award are you practicing for? - Grammy. |
最佳新進藝人 | For Best New Artist. |
肥皂獎的人今天打電話給我 我還得上臺頒獎 | The Soapies people called today. I also get to present an award. |
所以就算你沒得獎,你也有機會上臺 | So you'll get on stage even if you don't win. |
-你以為我不會得獎? -你當然會得獎 | - You don't think I'll win? - Of course I do. |
但最受歡迎死而復生獎? 那個獎的競爭很激烈 | But Favorite Returning Character? That's a tough category. |
你要跟一個火葬了之後還能活過來的人競爭 | You're up against the guy who survived his own cremation. |
不,我知道或許我不會得獎,但那只是… | No, I know I might not win. But it's just... |
我從來沒有被提名過,我真的很想得獎 | I've never been nominated. I want it so much. |
或許你會得獎 | You'll probably get it. |
但你應該開始練習你的“優雅的失敗者”表情 | But you should start practicing your "gracious-loser" face. |
當攝影機拍到你時,你得表現出失望的樣子 | When the cameras are on you, you want to look disappointed. |
但也得表現出對方是實至名歸的表情,就像這樣 | But also that your colleague deserved to win. Like: |
你知道嗎? | You know? |
-你也練過沒得到格萊美獎? -不,我是格萊美獎的常勝軍 | - You practice losing the Grammys too? - No, at the Grammys, I always win. |
嘿,莫妮卡,這個女人只吃了兩口牛排 | Hey, Mon. This woman only had two bites of her steak. |
-要我打包給你的狗嗎? -好的 | - Want me to wrap it up for your dog? - Oh, yeah. |
-你的狗叫什麼名字來著? -喬伊 | - What's your dog's name again? - Joey. |
-嘿 -你跟傑克約會還順利嗎? | - Hey! - How'd your date go with Jake? |
太棒了,我們一直注視著彼此 | Great. We couldn't keep our eyes off each other. |
每隔一陣子他就會靠過來摸我的頭髮跟脖子 | Every once in a while, he'd lean over, stroke my hair, then touch my neck. |
住手,你害得我好癢 | Stop it. You're getting me all tingly. |
我只能想:他要吻我了嗎? | All I could think of was, is he gonna kiss me? |
-他吻了你嗎? -我是個淑女 絕不會洩露那種事 | - Did he? - I'm a lady. I don't kiss and tell. |
但這個吻痕說明了一切 | But this hickey speaks for itself. |
好了,我知道了 | Okay, I got it. I got it. |
我真的好喜歡他 感覺上像是我今天喝了十杯酒 | I like him so much, I feel like I've had 10 drinks today. |
我只喝了六杯 | I've only had six. |
我第一次跟錢德約會後再也沒有那樣的感覺 | I haven't had that feeling since I first went out with Chandler. |
-我永遠都不會再有那樣的感覺 -你的口氣跟男人一模一樣 | - I'll never have that feeling again. - You sound like a guy. |
不,男人會說“我永遠都不能再跟別人上床” | No, a guy would say, "I'll never get to sleep with anyone else." |
我永遠都不能再跟別人上床! | I'll never sleep with anyone else! |
-你現在才知道嗎? -不,也許.是的! | - Are you just realizing this now? - No. Maybe. Yes! |
我一直忙著籌備婚禮完全忘了我要放棄什麼 | I'm so busy planning the wedding, I forgot about what I'll give up. |
我再也不會有初吻 | I'll never have a first kiss again. |
你會有最後的吻別 | You'll have a last kiss. |
我能問你一件事嗎? 有男人喜歡過你嗎? | Can I ask you something? Has a guy ever had a crush on you? |
那就是你要幫我打領結的原因? | Is that why you wanted to tie my tie? |
我班上的學生說他愛上我了 | A kid in my class said he's in love with me. |
哇 | Whoa! |
-哇什麼? -羅斯有男朋友了 | - Whoa, what? - Ross has a boyfriend! |
我沒有男朋友 | I do not have a boyfriend. |
我班上有個男學生暗戀我 | There's a guy in one of my classes who has a crush on me. |
-真的嗎? -對 | - Really? - Yeah. |
去年是伊莉莎白,現在是這個孩子… | Last year, Elizabeth, now this kid... |
這是怎麼一回事? 我散發出… | What is it? Am I giving out some kind of... |
性感教授的氣質嗎? | ...sexy-professor vibe? |
現在看起來不像 | Not right now. |
重點是我的自然魅力讓他期中考試不及格 | The point is, my natural charisma has made him fail his midterm. |
我為那孩子感到難過 | Now I feel bad for the kid. |
我也曾經暗戀過老師,那真的很難受 | I had a crush on a teacher once, and it was so hard. |
我沒辦法專心上課,每次他看著我時我都會臉紅 | I couldn't concentrate. I blushed every time he looked at me. |
你還記得十九歲時的戀愛滋味吧 | You remember what it's like to be 19 and in love. |
-我可以放他一馬 -太棒了 | - I can cut him some slack. - Yeah. |
-你怎麼忘記那個老師的? -我沒有,我跟他上床了 | - How'd you get over that teacher? - I didn't. I got under him. |
問題解決了 | Problem solved. |
-再見,菲比,-好的,再見 | - Bye, Phoebe. - Okay, bye. |
-好的,再見 -再見 | - All right. Bye. - Bye. |
再見! | Bye! |
-再見! -我會想你的! | - Bye! - I'll miss you! |
我也會想你的! | I'll miss you too! |
我們在門邊說再見,是不想炫耀我們的新戀情 | We said goodbye at the door so as not to flaunt our new love. |
沒關係,你不必顧忌我 | It's okay. You don't have to tiptoe around me. |
我已經想過了,你知道嗎? | I've thought about it. You know what? |
我可以接受沒有心動感覺的生活 | I'm okay, not having that new-relationship feeling. |
-我已經開始想你了! -我也會想你! | - I miss you already! - I miss you too! |
那真的太棒了 但我不會拿我的幸福跟你交換 | That's great, but I wouldn't trade what I have for that. |
我會一輩子跟錢德相守,那讓我覺得幸福 | I'll be with Chandler the rest of my life. That makes me happy. |
快坐下,我們正在談我們的關係有多深厚… | Come sit down. We're talking about how our relationship's deep... |
是那麼得有意義,真的是那樣,你覺得呢? | ...and meaningful. It is, don't you think? |
哦,一點都沒錯 | Oh, totally. |
拉一下我的手指(意思是否定剛才所說的話) | Pull my finger. |
好了,各位,我們30分鐘後回來 | Okay, everybody, we're back in 30. |
你去哪裡了? 他們剛要頒獎給我 | Where have you been? They're about to give out my award. |
我在洗手間,蘇珊·盧斯剛好出來 | Oh, well, I was in the bathroom, and Susan Lucci came out of a stall... |
她的鞋上有紙巾,所以我就拿了 | ...and she had toilet paper on her shoe, so I took it. |
-最受歡迎死而復生的男演員… -輪到我了! | - Favorite Returning Male... - This is my category! |
-你的演講稿帶了嗎? -帶了 | - Got your speech? - Got my speech. |
優雅的失敗者練習好了嗎? | Got your gracious-loser face? |
記住,如果你得獎了,你得抱我 | Try to remember, if you win, you have to hug me. |
我能捏你的屁股嗎? | Can I squeeze your ass? |
在電視上嗎? | On TV? |
可以! | Yeah! |
他們說你不能再回家去了 | They say you can't go home again... |
這四位傑出的演員證明了也不盡是如此 | ...but these four exceptional actors have proven that this is not always the case. |
在最受歡迎死而復生男演員獎方面被提名的有 | In the Favorite Returning Male character category, the nominees are: |
約翰惠勒《綜合醫院》(1963年開播) | John Wheeler from General Hospital. |
蓋文葛拉姆《年少輕狂》(1973年開播) | Gavin Graham from The Young and the Restless. |
唐肯哈靈頓《熱情》(1999年開播) | Duncan Harrington from Passions. |
喬伊崔比亞尼《我們的日子》(1965年開播) | And Joey Tribbiani from Days of our Lives. |
得獎的是 | And the Soapie goes to: |
蓋文葛拉車《年少輕狂》 | Gavin Graham from The Young and the Restless. |
搞什麼…? | What the...?! |
頒發最受歡迎女配角獎的是: | Presenting the Favorite Supporting Actress award: |
《我們的日子》的喬伊崔比亞尼 | Joey Tribbiani from Days of our Lives. |
所有在這個獎項被提名的優秀女演員… | Any one of the brilliant actresses nominated for this award... |
得獎都是實至名歸,可惜只有一個人能得獎 | ...deserves to take it home. Unfortunately, only one can. |
最受歡迎女配角獎被提名的有: | The nominees for Favorite Supporting Actress are: |
《熱情》,艾玲高菲 | From Passions, Erin Goff. |
《一生只活一次》(1968年開播)瑪麗羅琳畢雪 《我所有的孩子們》(1970年開播)莎拉瑞妮 | From One Life to Live, Mary Lauren Bishop. All My Children, Sarah Renee. |
《我們的日子》潔西卡艾許麗 | And from Days of our Lives, Jessica Ashley. |
得獎的是: | And the winner is: |
潔西卡艾許麗《我們的日子》 | Jessica Ashley from Days of our Lives. |
不幸地,潔西卡今晚因故無法出席… | Unfortunately, Jessica couldn't be with us tonight... |
我要代表她接受這個獎 | ...so I'll accept this award on her behalf. |
我相信潔西卡… | And I'm sure that Jessica... |
會想謝謝我的父母… | ...wants to thank my parents... |
他們一直都很支持我 | ...who always believed in me. |
她也感謝我的朋友 | She'd also like to thank my friends: |
錢德,莫妮卡,羅斯,菲比,跟瑞秋… | Chandler, Monica, Ross, Phoebe and Rachel... |
她就坐在那邊 | ...who's sitting right there. |
我們為什麼要急著離開? | Why'd we rush out so fast? |
我正好要找盧克和蘿拉 在蘇珊盧斯的紙巾上簽名 | I was this close to getting Luke and Laura to sign Susan Lucci's toilet paper. |
我們得趕快離開,因為...你看我拿了什麼回家! | We had to get out of there because... Look what I won! |
我的天啊,你偷走她的獎盃! | Oh, my God. You stole her award! |
不…我代表她收下它 | No, no, no. I'm accepting it on her behalf. |
我想你不知道“代表”是什麼意思 | I don't think you know what "behalf" means. |
我當然知道,它是個動詞 意思是“我能分一半” | Sure I do. It's a verb. As in "I be half it"! |
-你得把它還回去 -我應該得獎的,我真的好想得獎 | - You've got to take this back. - I should've won. I really wanted it. |
她根本不在乎才沒有出席 它也可以拿來當格萊美 | She didn't care enough to come to the thing. It could also be a Grammy. |
不,喬伊 | No, Joey. |
沒有人看到我把它拿走 整個桌子上都是獎盃 | No one saw me take it. There's a whole table of them. |
你想要一個不屬於你的獎盃嗎? | Do you want an award you didn't win? |
不,我想要一個屬於我的獎盃 但沒有人願意讓我得獎 | No, I want an award I did win. But nobody's given me any of those! |
如果我把它擺在這裡,大家就會看到它… | If I put it up, when people come over, they'll see it... |
以為我真的得獎了 | ...and think I won it. |
喬伊,上面寫著“最佳女配角獎” | Joey, it says "Best Supporting Actress." |
我可以把那個刮掉 | I can scratch that right off. |
這是不對的,你得把它還回去 | This is wrong. You have to take it back. |
你不會想這樣把獎盃拿回家 你真的有演戲天份 | You don't want to win an award this way.You're very talented. |
有一天你會真的得獎 那對你來說才有意義 | Someday you'll win one of these for real and that one will mean something. |
-好吧 -好嗎? 謝謝 | - Oh, all right. - All right? Thank you. |
-我明天就把它還回去 -謝謝 | - I'll take it back tomorrow. - Thank you. |
如果我不能擁有它,你也不能擁有它! | If I can't have it, you can't have it! |
-蓋勒教授? -路易士? 有什麼事嗎? | - Professor Geller?- Yes, Mr. Lewis? How can I help you? |
我知道我的期中考沒有考好 | I know I didn't do well on my midterms and stuff. |
但我希望你能幫我改成績 | But I was hoping you could change my grade. |
我為什麼要那麼做? | And why, exactly, would I do that? |
因為我愛上你了 | Because I'm in love with you. |
什麼? | What? |
對,我愛上你了 | Yeah. I'm all in love with you and stuff. |
-你可以幫我改成績嗎? -不行 | - So could you change my grade? - No! |
為什麼? 你幫奈德改成績 | Why not? You changed Ned's grade. |
那不一樣,因為他真的愛上我了 | That's different. Because he was actually in love with me. |
不,他才沒有! 他只是在耍你 | No, he's not! He's totally yanking your chain. |
他已經用這一招對付過其他三個教授 | He's done this with three other teachers. |
-什麼? -他有女朋友 | - What? - He's got a girlfriend. |
我不敢相信有人會為了成績那麼做 | I can't believe someone would do that for a grade. |
我知道 | I know. |
那太可怕了 | It's awful. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
-好吧 -什麼? 是真的 | - All right. - What? It's true. |
-噢,上帝 -你愛我? 你愛我? | Oh, God... Okay. Oh, you love me? You love me? |
好吧.你這麼愛我,過來親我吧 | All right, fine. You love me so much, come over here and give me a kiss. |
你得了80分! 沒有不及格! 有點自尊吧! | You got an 80! You didn't even fail! Have some self-respect! |
-你看到錢德了嗎? -沒有,怎麼了? | - Have you seen Chandler? - No, why? |
我一直在想我會失去的一切 | I keep thinking about all the things I won't have. |
我真的嚇壞了,我不知道該怎麼辦 | It's freaking me out. I don't know what to do. |
別擔心 | Don't sweat it. |
錢德不在,別管那麼多規矩,那個男的很帥 | Chandler's not around, so get it out of your system. That guy's cute. |
別這樣,我是認真的 | Come on, I'm serious. |
-我得跟他談這件事 -你真的不該那麼做 | - I've got to talk to him about this. - That's the last thing you want to do. |
-為什麼? -因為你要嫁給他! | - Why? - Because you're marrying him! |
你得幫幫我 | You gotta help me out here. |
我從來沒有訂過婚,也沒有結過婚 | I've never been engaged. I've never really been married. |
我只能告訴你我媽跟我說的話 | I can only tell you what my mother told me. |
當你對一段關係有疑慮害怕或焦慮時… | When you have doubts or fears or anxieties about a relationship... |
別跟你的丈夫溝通這些問題 | ...don't communicate them to your husband. |
我不該跟我要共度一生的男人… | I'm not supposed to share my doubts and fears... |
分享我的疑慮跟恐懼? | ...with the guy I'm spending the rest of my life with? |
沒錯,就是那樣 | That is correct. Yes. |
你應該把那件事埋在心裡… | You're supposed to put all that stuff in a little box in your mind... |
永遠不再提 | ...and lock it up. |
-那是你媽媽告訴你的? -對 | - Your mother told you this? - Yes. |
那個結了很多次婚 在你十三歲時她就自殺了的女人? | The woman who married a bunch of times and killed herself when you were 13? |
我的天啊,你說的對 | Oh, my God, you're right. |
去告訴錢德,快點,免得太遲了! | Tell Chandler. Hurry, before it's too late! |
等一下,這也表示放蕩是得不到真愛的嗎? | Wait! Does this also mean that putting out doesn't get you love? |
-我不信我要跟潔西卡艾許麗碰面! -等一下 | - I'm gonna meet Jessica Ashley! - Wait, wait. |
瑞秋,拜託你冷靜一點,好嗎? 我跟這個女人一起工作 | Rach, please be cool, okay? I work with this woman. |
好吧,我會很冷靜的 | Okay, I'm totally cool. |
請進 | Come in. |
-嘿,潔西卡 -嘿,潔西 | - Hey, Jessica. - Hey, Jess. |
她是我朋友瑞秋 | This is my friend Rachel. |
-嘿 -好嗎? | - Hi. - What's up? |
這是你的肥皂獎,我代表你收下了它 | Here's your Soapie. I accepted it for you. |
我的天啊,我得獎了? 你知道這代表什麼意義嗎? | Oh, my God. I won? Do you have any idea what this means? |
你不把它擺在櫃子裡嗎? | You're not gonna put it on your shelf or anything? |
不,我只想把真正的獎盃擺在櫃子裡,失陪了 | No, I try to save that for real awards. Now if you'll excuse me? |
-要把它拿回去嗎? -那當然 | - Take it back? - Absolutely. |
對,做的好! | Yeah, you do! |
甜心? 我們快結婚了… | Honey? As we get closer to the wedding... |
有什麼事你想跟我分享嗎? | ...is there anything you'd like to share? |
好吧,我覺得桌上的裝飾太大了 | Okay. I think the centerpieces are too big. |
你錯了,桌上的裝飾剛剛好 | You're wrong. The centerpieces are fine. |
-你曾經覺得害怕過嗎? -有一點,它們真的很大 | - Do you ever get scared at all? - Kind of. They're really big. |
你不害怕自己沒辦法再認識新的人嗎? | Doesrt it freak you out that you'll never be with anybody new again? |
什麼? | What? |
我非常愛你 | I love you so much. |
有時候我會很難過我無法再有那樣的感覺 | Sometimes it bothers me that I'll never have that feeling. |
當你剛訂識一個人… | When you first meet someone... |
你會覺得新鮮刺激 你知道那種心動的感覺嗎 | ...and it's new and exciting. You know that rush? |
不,當我剛認識一個人… | No, when I first meet somebody... |
我會覺得慌張,焦慮,滿頭大汗 | ...it's mostly panic, anxiety and a great deal of sweating. |
好吧,但你是男人 | Okay. But you're a guy. |
你不害怕你永遠不能再跟別人上床嗎? | Arert you freaked out that you'll never sleep with anybody else? |
不能跟別人上床,不 | Sleeping with somebody, no. |
我害怕的是焦慮,慌張,跟滿頭大汗 | Anxiety, panic and, I'm afraid, even more sweating. |
即使是跟我在一起? | Even with me? |
我們剛開始交往的六個月,我嚴重脫水 | I was dangerously dehydrated the first six months of our relationship. |
對我來說心動的感覺是我們會共度餘生 | For me, the rush is knowing that we'll be together the rest of our lives. |
-真的嗎? -對 | - Really? - Well, yeah. |
知道你有這些想法 我們又回到了慌張,焦慮跟... | Knowing you're having these thoughts, we're back to panic, anxiety and... |
我真的需要喝點運動飲料 | ...l'll definitely need some kind of sports drink. |
過來,你不必擔心 | Come here. Oh, you don't have to worry. |
而且你知道嗎? 跟你在一起我一定能遇上新鮮的事 | Besides, you know what? I'll have a lot of new things with you. |
我們第一次買房子 第一個孩子,第一個孫子 | The first time we buy a house. Our first kid. Our first grandkid. |
給我水,快點 | Water. Water. Water. |
摩斯? 我能跟你談談嗎? | Mr. Morse? Can I speak to you for a moment? |
你今天上課的內容很精彩 你剪了頭髮嗎? | That was a great lecture today. Did you get a little haircut? |
對,你喜歡嗎? 你愛嗎? | Yeah, yeah. Do you like it? Do you love it? |
我要告訴你我會把你的成績改回來 | I want you to know I'm changing your grade back. |
什麼? 為什麼? | What? Why? |
我知道你在搞什麼鬼 那是行不通的 | I know what you're trying to pull here. It won't work. |
我沒有搞鬼,聽著,我愛你 | I'm not trying to pull anything. Look, I love you, dude. |
我甚至不想談這件事 這個小“事”結束了 | I'm not even gonna talk about this. This little "thing" is over. |
我知道你有女朋友,也知道其他教授的事 | I know you have a girlfriend. And I know about the other professors. |
你覺得那會讓我有什麼感覺? 你利用我! | How do you think that makes me feel? You used me! |
你不愛我,你從來都沒有愛過我! | You don't love me and you never did! |
溫斯頓教授,佛迪瑞克森教授 | Professor Winston. Professor Frederickson. |
我馬上來 | I'll be right with you. |
別讓事情變得更糟糕 我會給你“C”,可以走了嗎 | Don't make this worse and I'll give you a "C." Shall we? |
-瑞秋。-我馬上來 | I'll be out in a second. |
這真的是太意外了 | "It's just so unexpected! |
我得告訴大家 被提名諾貝爾獎… | I'll tell you, it's such an honor to just be nominated... |
已經是莫大的光榮 | ...for a Nobel Prize. |
我竟然因為按摩得了諾貝爾獎! | And, you know, to win one for a massage! |
特別是我剛拿下東尼獎 (美國百老匯舞臺劇界最高榮譽獎)的最佳女演員獎… | Especially just after winning a Tony Award for Best Actress..." |
我們訂了八點的位置 | Our reservations are at 8. |
以《我們訂了八點的位置》得獎,編劇是尼爾賽門 | "...in Reservations at Eight by Neil Simon. |
謝謝你,尼爾,謝謝你幫我寫臺詞 | Thank you, Neil. Thank you for the words." |
快點結束吧,我們要遲到了 | Finish this later. We're gonna be late. |
請不要奏樂,還有一件事 | Please don't play the music. Just one more thing. |
“紐約現場直播 歡迎收看《週六夜現場》”(NBC娛樂王牌節目) | "Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!" |
試鏡如何? | Oh,hey! How was your audition? |
對不起,我認識你嗎? | I'm sorry,do I know you? |
你在幹嘛? | What are you doing? |
練習假裝不認識你 我要成為電影明星了! | Practicing blowing you off. I'm gonna be a big movie star! |
你得到那個角色了? | You got it? |
-還沒,但試鏡很成功! -什麼樣的角色? | -Not yet,but the audition went great! -What's it for? |
大成本製作 關於三個義大利兄弟… | A big-budget period movie about three Italian brothers... |
在世紀之初來到美國 是個經典故事 | who come to America at the turn of the century. It's classy. |
導演被認為是 下下個馬丁史柯西斯(著名導演) | The director's supposed to be the next-next Martin Scorsese. |
“下下個”? | The "next-next"? |
芝加哥的那個傢伙被認為是 下一個馬丁史柯西斯 | A guy from Chicago's supposed to be the next Martin Scorsese. |
這個導演在他之後 | This guy's right after him. |
喂? | Hello? |
喬伊,我是艾斯黛,剛和選角的談過 他們很喜歡你! | Joey,it's Estelle. I just talked to the casting people. They loved you! |
他們很喜歡我! | They loved me! |
他們明天要再見你一次 | They want to see you again tomorrow. |
-我的天! -只有一個問題 | -My God! -There's just one thing. |
你對正面全裸有問題嗎? | Do you have a problem with full-frontal nudity? |
你開玩笑嗎?我從沒租過 一部沒有正面全裸的電影! | Are you kidding me? I never rent a movie without it! |
哦 | Oh. |
好,我再回你電話 | Okay,let me call you back. |
-怎麼回事? -電影裡需要我全裸 | -What's the matter? -They want me naked in the movie. |
-哇! -是啊 | -Wow! -I know. |
-我祖母會看到的 -祖母還得排隊咧 | -My grandmother's gonna see this. -Grandma's gonna have to get in line. |
Friends S07E19 羅斯和莫妮卡的表妹 | The One With Ross and Monica's Cousin |
珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
婚禮就快到了 你緊張嗎? | The wedding's so close. Are you nervous? |
是啊,我等不及它結束 | Yeah,but I also can't wait till it's over. |
我們決定婚禮前不做愛的 | We have a pact not to have sex again until the wedding. |
“無性”條約,嗯? | A "no sex" pact,huh? |
我和全美每位女性 都有一份這個合約 | I have one of those with every woman in America. |
你能幫我整理客房嗎? | Will you give me a hand making up the guest bedroom? |
凱西要來和我們住幾天 | Cousin Cassie's staying with us for a few days. |
凱西?我很久沒看到她了 | Cassie? I haven't seen her in,like,forever. |
她是不是還帶著 芭比娃娃到處跑? | I wonder if she still carries a Barbie everywhere? |
-她25歲了 -所以呢?我還是… | -She's 25 years old. -So? I still.. |
你大概是對的 | You're probably right. |
菲比,我可以和你說句話嗎? | Phoebe,can I talk to you over here for a second? |
好狡猾啊,夥計們 | Subtle,guys. |
什麼? | What? |
我知道你們在計畫 我的驚喜告別單身女子派對 | I know you're planning my surprise bridal shower. |
好吧,別毀了它 至少假裝不知道 | Okay,well,don't ruin it. Just play along,at least. |
好,對不起 | Okay. Sorry. |
我們要替她辦告別單身女子派對? | We have to throw her a shower? |
你決定那部電影該怎麼辦了嗎? | What'd you decide to do about the movie? |
我不知道,我是說… | I don't know. |
那不是一部色情電影 這是一部嚴肅,正當的電影 | It's not like it's porn. This is a serious,legitimate movie. |
這個故事裡的裸戲很重要 | Nudity's really important to the story. |
你也是這麼說色情電影的 | That's what you say about porn. |
也許我不能去參加第二次試鏡了 | Maybe I shouldn't go on the callback. |
不,你應該去 很多大明星都有裸戲演出 | No,you should. A lot of major actors do nude scenes. |
在電影裡演出的機會?拜託! | The chance to star in a movie? Come on! |
是真的,我只有一場裸戲 聽起來真的很不錯 | That's true. And I'm only naked in one scene. It sounds really great. |
我的角色是個天主教徒 和一位猶太女孩戀愛了 | My character's Catholic. He falls in love with a Jewish girl. |
我們逃家而被陷在大雨中 | We run away and get caught in a big rainstorm. |
躲到了穀倉裡 脫掉彼此衣服,抱在一起 | We go into a barn,undress each other and hold each other. |
真的很甜蜜而溫柔 | It's really sweet and tender. |
還有,每個人都看到你那東西! | Plus,everyone will see your thing! |
我們何時能開這個告別單身女子派對? | When can we have this shower? |
她有這麼多事要做 我們只有兩個選擇 | She has so much going on,we have only two options. |
-星期五 -只剩兩天了 | -We have Friday. -That's just two days away. |
-另一個選擇是什麼? -昨天 | -What is the other option? -Yesterday. |
如果我們昨天做好就成 問題解決了! | If we make it yesterday,we're done! |
不可能 我們不可能在星期五辦 | It's impossible. We can't do this by Friday. |
要找到一個地點 邀請客人,買好食物 | We have to find a place,invite people,get food. |
太多要做的 | There's too much to do. |
-辦不到! -鎮靜下來! | -We cannot do it! -Calm down! |
好,抱歉,你是對的,抱歉 | Okay. I'm sorry,you're right. I'm sorry. |
鎮靜下來,女人! | Just calm down,woman! |
菲比,我已經鎮靜下來了 | Phoebe,I already did. |
好,那我需要鎮靜 | All right,then I need to calm down. |
有系統一點就能辦這件事 | I think we can do this if we just get organized. |
有兩天來計畫這個聚會 做決定要快 | We have two days to plan this party. We need to make fast decisions. |
要在哪裡辦? | Where will we have it? |
-在這裡,什麼時間? -4點正,食物? | -Here. What time? -4:00. Food? |
-小三明治和茶 -好極了!很莫妮卡 | -Finger sandwiches and tea. -Great! Very Monica. |
-還有辣椒! -太過頭了 | -And chili! -You went one too far. |
-花還是氣球? -兩個都要 | -Flowers or balloons? -Both. |
-我們要付錢的 -兩個都不要 | -We're paying for this. -Neither. |
-主題要什麼呢? -肌膚之愛! | -What should we do for a theme? -Lusts of the Flesh! |
-什麼? -我不知道,牛仔風? | -What? -I don't know. Cowboy theme? |
我很高興我們決定婚禮前不上床 | I'm glad we decided not to sleep together before the wedding. |
哦,男孩,我也是 | Oh,boy. Me too. |
我在想,如果我們大吵一架 分手幾個小時 | I was thinking,say we had a big fight,and broke up for a few hours. |
技術上來說,我們就可以上床 | Technically,we could have sex again. |
你說呢,頤指氣使的人? | What do you think,bossy and domineering? |
婚禮取消了,不成熟的邋遢人 | The wedding's off,sloppy and immature. |
我正是如此,走吧 | That's me. Come on. |
等一下,凱西在客房 我們要出去吃中飯 | Wait. Cassie's in the guest room. We're going to lunch. |
甩掉她,執拗尖銳的人! | Get rid of her,obsessive and shrill! |
尖銳?婚禮照常 | Shrill? The wedding is back on. |
我聽到有人講話 你一定是錢德 | I thought I heard voices. You must be Chandler. |
-很高興認識你 -很高興認識你 | -Hi. Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you too. |
-要走了嗎? -好 | -So,ready to go? -Yeah. |
-錢德? -等一下 | -Chandler? -I'll be right with you. |
-凱西必須去住你家 -為什麼? | -Cassie needs to stay at your place. -Why? |
因為這位“變態人” 一直瞪著她看 | Because "Pervie Perverson" here can't stop staring at her. |
錢德,她是我們的表妹! | Chandler,she's our cousin! |
我沒有瞪著她看 我是很專心地聽她說話 | I wasn't staring. I was listening intently. |
做一位好的聊天者,看著 | It's called being a good conversationalist. Watch. |
說話 | Say something. |
你看著南面8公分外的地方 | You were staring about eight inches south of there. |
好,她可以來住我家 | Fine. She can stay at my place. |
凱西現在長的什麼樣子? | What does Cassie look like now? |
就像馬麗蓮阿姨 | Exactly like Aunt Marilyn. |
馬麗蓮阿姨會來參加婚禮嗎? | This Aunt Marilyn,is she coming to the wedding? |
你在薄冰上 | Wafer-thin ice. |
我回來了 | Hey,I'm back. |
喬伊 | Hi,Joey. |
我要念同一場戲嗎? | Will I read the same scene again? |
我曾試著打電話給你 你今天不用來這兒的 | I tried to call you. You didn't need to come today. |
太好了 | Oh,great. |
我會是這個角色的最佳人選 | I'd have been perfect for this part. |
你錯誤的決定 會毀了你的電影,再見! | You made a bad decision and ruined your movie. Good day! |
你不需要來這兒 因為導演看了你的帶子非常喜歡 | You didn't need to come,because the director saw your tape and loved it. |
場景表演結束 | End scene. |
很好玩吧?剛剛的即席表演! | Wasn't that fun? We did a little improv there. Yeah! |
你在說? | So,you were saying? |
導演明天想見你 | The director wants to meet you tomorrow. |
哇!當然!太好了 | Wow! Sure! That's great. |
你經紀人說你對裸戲沒問題 | Your agent said you're okay with nudity. |
是,只要很有格調地表現 | Yeah,sure. As long as it's handled tastefully. |
穀倉不要太冷 | And that barn is not too cold. |
好極了,還有一件事 | Perfect. There's one more thing. |
導演希望電影裡 每一樣事物都很正宗 | It's important to the director that everything in the movie's authentic. |
你和莎拉的性愛場面… | In your love scene with Sarah... |
她說她從沒見過 不是猶太人的裸體男子 | she talks about how she's never seen a naked man who wasn't Jewish. |
所以… | So... |
所以…怎樣? | So... what? |
導演堅持演出這個角色的人… | So,the director is insisting that whoever play that part... |
是正宗的,身體組織上… | be authentically,anatomically... |
不是猶太人 你知道我在說什麼? | not Jewish. You know what I'm saying? |
是! | Yes! |
不,什麼? | No. What? |
在那時的義大利 天主教移民不會是… | An Italian Catholic immigrant at this time would not be.... |
猶太教成年禮? | Bar mitzvah-ed? |
想想13年前,沒有祭司,有一個手術刀… | Think 13 years earlier, lose the rabbi, add a scalpel. |
-要得到這個角色,你不能割… -不能 (猶太人一出生就要割包皮) | -To get this part,you can't be.. -No. |
可是你割了? | But you are? |
-你告訴他們你沒割? -對 | -You told them you weren't? -That's right. |
哇! | Wow! |
真的完全都沒有了? 沒剩下一點可努力的餘地? | It's definitely all gone? There's nothing there to work with? |
-你在想什麼? -我不知道,我想得到這個角色 | -What were you thinking? -I don't know. I just want this part. |
他們說不管試鏡時問什麼 都回答是 | They say no matter what you're asked during an audition,say yes. |
如果要你騎馬,說你會 | They want you to ride a horse,say you can. |
之後再解決 | You figure out how to do it later. |
這和學會騎馬不一樣 這就像是學會… | This is not like learning to ride a horse. This is like learning to... |
長出高領衣的領子 | grow a turtleneck. |
我知道,好嗎? 明天我去見導演時… | I know,okay? Tomorrow,when I go meet the director... |
我必須脫掉衣服 讓他們看我的身體 | I have to take my clothes off so they can see what my body looks like. |
我的天,你要怎麼辦? | Oh,my God. What are you gonna do? |
必須打給我的經紀人 告訴她我不能接這個角色 | I have to call my agent and tell her I can't do the part. |
除非… | Unless... |
除非怎麼? | Unless what? |
聽起來很瘋狂 我們可能可以做點… | This may sound crazy,but there may be something we could... |
造型 | fashion. |
-像什麼? -我還不知道 | -Like what? -Well,I'm not sure yet. |
隨便想想,我在想… | Off the top of my head,I'm thinking... |
雙面膠帶和某種午餐肉 | double-sided tape and some sort of luncheon meat. |
我有個派對主題的好主意 | I've got a great idea for party favors for the shower. |
用一個紅木箱 刻上每個人的名字 | We get mahogany boxes and carve everyone's names in them. |
在裡面放著每個人的出生石 | Then inside is each person's individual birthstone. |
好,好 | Okay. Okay. |
你來弄 | You take care of that. |
同時,派對就在明天 我們還沒有賓客名單 | Meanwhile,the party's tomorrow and we don't have a guest list. |
好,我們知道要來的有誰? 有我,你要來嗎? | Okay. Who do we know that's coming? Me. Are you? |
-嘿 -怎麼樣啊? | -Hey. -Hey,what's up? |
我在替喬伊弄點東西 可以搜一下你的冰箱嗎? | I'm making something for Joey. Can I raid your fridge? |
請便 | Have at it. |
好,火雞肉?沒有用 | All right. Turkey? That won't work. |
起司?沒有用 | Cheese? That won't work. |
橄欖麵包,希望這沒用 | Olive loaf? I hope that won't work. |
你在替他做三明治嗎? | Are you making him a sandwich? |
不,比較像是圍巾 | No,it's more like a wrap. |
好,我要走了 | Okay,so I'm gonna go,guys. |
你們可以繼續討論 要送我什麼禮物! | So you can get back to deciding on what to get me for a present! |
我們要送她禮物? | We have to get her a present? |
好吧,看我拿到什麼 | Okay,but look. Look at what I got. |
她的通訊錄 我們的賓客名單 | It's her address book. We have a guest list. |
你好厲害,你從她皮包拿的? | You're amazing. Did you pull that out of her purse? |
嗯,還有派對的經費 | Uh-huh. And a little seed money for the party. |
凱西? | Cassie? |
羅斯! | Hey,Ross! |
好久不見! | It's been so long! |
上一次我看到你時… | Last time I saw you... |
你正搭著帳篷 等著看《絕地武士歸來》(《星球大戰》第三部,1983年) | you were setting up your tent in line for Return of the Jedi. |
所以那天你有看到我 看起來像沒看到的樣子 | So you did see me that day. Because it seemed like you didn't. |
-對不起 -沒關係,請進 | -Yeah,sorry about that. -It's okay. Come on in. |
謝謝你讓我住在這兒 莫妮卡那兒不錯 | Thanks for letting me stay here. Monica's place was nice. |
但她的未婚夫一直瞪著人看 | But her fiance sure stares a lot. |
我的天!你學錢德學得真像! | Oh,my God! You do a great Chandler! |
我很會做表情的 | I have a knack for impressions. |
等我們熟了 你也可以學我 | Maybe after we get re-acquainted you could do me. |
好,不! | Yeah. No! |
你的… | How you doing on that... |
熱狗好吃嗎? | hot dog? |
-我吃完了 -感謝上帝 | -I'm all done. -Thank God. |
上次見面是我們父母 租下海邊小屋那時 | The last time we hung out was when our parents rented that beach house. |
記得我按住你 搔你癢直到你哭了? | Remember the time I pinned you down and tickled you until you cried? |
我們現在大了,不能這麼做了 | We're probably too old to do that now. |
我一直都記得那個夏天 我就是那時長了這些雀斑的 | I'll always remember that summer. It's when I got all these freckles. |
我一直都記得那個夏天… | I'll always remember that summer... |
因為那時我才知道我們是親戚 | because that's when I realized that we are related. |
我們不是隨便走在一起的人 | You know, we're not just two random people thrown together. |
我們擁有同樣的基因 | We share genetic material. |
你花了那麼久才發現? | It took you that long to figure it out? |
我是有點反應遲緩 | I'm a little slow. |
就如我們的孩子也可能會這樣子 | Just as our children would be. |
-嗨 -嗨 | -Hi. -Hi. |
你好嗎?好,嗨 謝謝大家來 | How are you? Good. Hi. Thanks for coming. |
謝謝,很高興看到你 | Thank you. So nice to see you. |
-不,謝謝 -好,瑞秋? | -No,thanks. -Okay. Hey,Rach? |
-是? -這些是什麼人啊? | -Yeah? -Who the hell are all these people? |
我不知道 我打給她本子裡的每一個人 | I don't know. I called everybody in her book. |
這些是在24小時內通知還能來的 | These are the ones that could show up on 24 hours' notice. |
有一個字來形容這種人:失敗者 | There's a word for people like that: Losers. |
我是瑞秋,這是菲比 我是伴娘 | Hi,I'm Rachel. This is Phoebe. I'm the maid of honor. |
-你怎麼認識莫妮卡的? -我是她四年前的會計師 | -How do you know Monica? -I was her accountant four years ago. |
我很想知道 這過去四年是誰替她報稅 | I'm interested to find out who's been doing her taxes the last four years. |
很好 | That's great. |
-莫妮卡何時會到? -我不知道 | -When is Monica supposed to get here? -I don't know. |
失陪一下 | Excuse us. |
-你沒告訴她? -你該通知她的 | -You didn't tell her? -You were supposed to. |
是你該通知她來的! 我要帶蛋糕! | You were supposed to tell her to come! I was bringing the cake! |
-好,我打電話給她 -要她帶蛋糕來! | -Fine,I'll go call her. -And please tell her to bring a cake! |
我們有很多選擇 有幾個雛型可以試穿 | We have a lot of options. A number of prototypes for you to try on. |
看起來很好 | Those look great. |
這個是磨菇做的 這個是香腸做的 | Okay,this one's a mushroom cap. This one is made of bologna. |
-牙籤? -只是撐著等膠水幹掉 | -The toothpicks? -Just until the glue dries. |
感謝上帝 | Thank God. |
這些比較逼真,但會腐爛 | These are more realistic,but perishable. |
這兒,粉紅色的毛皮,很不錯 | Over here,we have pink suede,which is nice. |
但濕了會縮水 | But if it gets wet,it'll shrink. |
把這個拿走好了 | Maybe we'll just take that one away. |
我也做了一個毛的 不過那是給我自己用的 | I also did a little something in fur,but that's really just for me. |
不如你去試試這些? 我們就知道哪些有用 | Why don't you try these on? We'll get a better idea of what works. |
謝謝,你真是位好朋友 這真是奇怪透頂 | Thanks,you are such a good friend. And this is so weird. |
好,太妃糖太粘了 | Okay, the taffy's too sticky. |
恐怕是這樣的 | I was afraid of that. |
-牙籤的? -是 | -Toothpick? -Yeah. |
-你現在在試哪個? -水果卷 | -What are you trying now? -The Fruit Roll-up. |
-然後呢? -很好吃 | -And? -Delicious. |
等一下,等一下 冠軍出線了! | Wait a minute. Wait a minute. We have a winner! |
怎樣?哪一個? | What? Which one? |
橡皮泥不再那麼皮了! | The Silly Putty. Not so silly anymore! |
她是你表妹 她是你表妹 | She's your cousin. She's your cousin. |
如果她知道你腦袋裡在想什麼 她會以為你有病 | If she knew what was going on in your head,she'd think you were sick. |
她會嗎? 回頭想一下 | Or would she? Let's back up for a second. |
是她提議開紅酒的 | She was the one who suggested opening a bottle of wine. |
是她把燈光調暗的 | She was the one who turned down the lights. |
是她要租《洛根的逃亡》的…(1976年) | She was the one that wanted to rent Logan's Run... |
有史以來最性感的電影(這是一部科幻電影) | the sexiest movie ever. |
我知道這眼神 | I know that look. |
不管了,我想要,她想要 | Forget it. I want it. She wants it. |
我要行動了 | I'm going in. |
你在幹什麼? | What the hell are you doing? |
說點機智的 | Say something clever. |
好吧,不必機智的 | Okay,doesn't have to be clever. |
只要說點什麼,說話 | Just has to be words. Say some words. |
什麼話都好 | Any words will do. |
我的天,這是有史以來… | Oh,my God,this is the longest... |
最長的沉默! | that anyone has not talked ever! |
說什麼都不可能讓情形更糟… | There is nothing you could say to make this worse... |
說點什麼! | so just say something! |
我很久沒做愛了 | I haven't had sex in a very long time. |
你真的不該說話的 | Yeah,you really shouldn't have said anything. |
菲比?瑞秋?是莫妮卡 | Phoebe? Rachel? It's Monica. |
什麼事這麼急著找我來呢? | I wonder what you could possibly need me for on such short notice? |
-莫妮卡,我們很抱歉 -為什麼? | -Oh,Monica. We are so sorry. -For what? |
第一,忘了替你辦告別單身女子派對 | First,for forgetting to throw you a bridal shower. |
然後忘了邀請你 | Then,forgetting to invite you to it. |
你們已經辦完了? | You already had it? |
我們打電話給你通訊錄裡每一個人 來了很多人 | We called everyone in your phone book. A bunch of people came. |
但花了太多時間找到你 客人都走了 | It took us so long to get you here that they had to leave. |
我們想給你一個大驚喜 替你辦一個大的告別單身女子派對 | We wanted to throw you a big surprise and a great shower. |
現在兩個都沒了 | Now you don't have either. |
我們毀了一切 | We ruined everything. |
不,等一下,沒有毀了一切 你們真的很貼心 | No,wait a minute,that's not true. What you did was really sweet. |
-其實這樣子最好 -什麼意思? | -It kind of works out for the best. -What do you mean? |
現在我可以和我真正喜歡的人 一起共渡我的告別單身女子派對 | Now I get to spend my shower with the only people I really love. |
我收了所有的禮物 而不必和我不喜歡的人說話! | I get all those presents without talking to people I don't even like! |
-驚喜 -驚喜,莫妮卡 | -Surprise. -Surprise,Monica. |
最酷的是,這個角色是從尼泊爾來的 | What's cool is,the character is from Naples,right? |
我全家都是從尼泊爾來的 | My whole family's from Naples. |
太好了,我聽得差不多了… | That's great. Okay. I've heard everything I need to hear... |
我們只需要… | We just need to,uh... |
萊斯莉? | Leslie? |
-喬伊,這有點尷尬 -是,沒有問題 | -Joey,this is the awkward part. -Hey,right. Not a problem. |
我完全瞭解… | I totally understand you need to... |
你們需要能確定 我沒有可怕的疤痕或刺青 | make sure I don't have any horrible scars or tattoos. |
不用擔心 | Don't you worry. |
我沒什麼要隱藏的 | I have nothing to hide. |
這兒,這就是我 | So,there you go. That's me. |
百分之百純天然 | One hundred-percent natural. |
這從來沒發生過 | I tell you,that has never happened before. |
凱西,一切都還好嗎? | Cassie,are you finding everything okay? |
是,謝謝你讓我住這兒 | Yeah. Thanks for letting me stay here. |
沒問題 | Oh,it's no problem. |
怎麼? | What? |
說話,隨便說什麼 | Say something. Say anything. |
約她出去!她不是你表妹! | Ask her out! She's not your cousin! |
我們所有人中你想下一個結婚的會是誰 | Out of all of us, who do you think will get married next? |
大概是莫妮卡和錢德 | Probably Monica and Chandler. |
給我一包新港淡型香煙好嗎? | Could I have a pack of Newport Lights? |
我們沒有賣煙,對街有賣 | We don't sell cigarettes, but they do across the street. |
那太好了,謝謝 | That'd be great. Thanks. |
梅莉莎伍伯,我沒有力氣應付她 | Melissa Worbert. I don't think I have the energy for this. |
我的天! 瑞瑞格林? | Oh, my God! Ray-Ray Greene? |
怎麼樣? | What's up?! |
你是我們社團連續7期週報主角 | You've been MIA for seven sorority newsletters. |
你怎麼樣? | What's up with you? |
我們到那邊去再說? | Why don't I tell you over here? |
上次我聽說你要結婚了 | So last I heard you were gonna get married. |
可憐的瑞瑞 | Poor Ray-Ray. |
不,其實很好 | Oh, no. It's all good. |
-我現在替羅夫羅蘭工作 -閉嘴! | - I actually work at Ralph Lauren.- Shut up! |
我不,我是男裝運動服飾的分區主管 | I will not. I'm the divisional head of mers sportswear. |
再閉嘴! 你是拉夫的朋友嗎? | Shut up more! Are you friends with Ralph? |
拜託 你是嗎? | - Oh, please. - Are you? |
不是 | No. |
我們一定要一起吃飯,你明天做什麼? | We have to have dinner. What are you doing tomorrow? |
-明天,我不知道 -你要和我吃晚飯 | - Tomorrow. I don't know.- You're having dinner with me. |
閉嘴 | Shut up. |
我要走了,看到你真好 | I've gotta go. This has been so great. |
哦,這兒,你給我這個真是個壞孩子 | Oh, there you are. You're a bad man for giving me these. |
-打電話給我,這是我的名片 -哇,謝謝 | - So listen, just call me. Here's my card.- Oh, wow, thanks. |
-你在做房地產? -不,那是舊名片 | - You're in real estate?- No, that's an old card. |
我必須離開那工作去做些… | I got out of that to do something... |
可以幫助別人和改變什麼的工作 | ...where I could help people and make a difference. |
現在你做什麼? | What do you do now? |
宴會規劃 | I'm a party planner. |
-明天見 -好 | - I'll see you tomorrow. - Okay. |
看誰回來了,是瑞瑞 | Look who's back. It's Ray-Ray. |
那是我大學的朋友梅莉莎 | That was my friend, Melissa, from college. |
她看起來很有意思! | She seems really, really fun! |
她真的很甜,我們曾經很親近 | She's actually sweet, and we used to be very close. |
等一下,她不是那個你…? | Wait a minute. She's not the one who you...? |
你什麼? 你什麼? | Who you what? Who you what? |
是 哇! | - Yes. - Wow! |
哇,什麼? 你什麼? | Wow, what? Who you what? |
沒什麼大不了 | Oh, it's not a big deal. |
他們是情人 | They were lovers. |
什麼? 什麼? | - What? - What? |
不,我們不是情人,沒有什麼 | No, we weren't. It was nothing. |
大四的一天晚上,我們去參加舞會… | It was one night, senior year, and we went to a party... |
喝了很多桑格利塔酒,你知道,結果… | ...had a lot of sangria, and you know, ended up... |
我們接吻了 | ...kissing for a bit. |
我的兩個老婆都是同性戀 | So that's two of my wives. |
你去哪裡? | Where are you going? |
找她回來! 羅斯,去拿桑格利塔酒! | To bring her back here! Ross, get the sangria! |
Friends S07E20 瑞秋的吻 | The One With Rachel's Big Kiss |
這兒是樂隊的所在,這兒是吧台 | So this is where the band is.And here's the bar. |
這些大頭針上有人名,瑞秋,你在這裡 | And all these pins have people's names on them.Rach, here you are. |
為什麼不給我一杯曼哈頓… | Why don't we just put me with a Manattan in my hand... |
讓我和可愛的酒吧服務生聊天 | ...talking to the cute bartender. |
這些大頭針不是用來玩的,是不? | These pins aren't for playing, are they? |
紅的是我的客人,藍色的是你的 | The red are my guests, and the blue are yours. |
真可憐,我只有10個客人 | This is so sad. I only have like 10 pins. |
錢德,輕鬆一點,這不是比賽 | Chandler, relax. It's not a contest. |
不是實力相近的比賽 | Certainly not a close one. |
瑞秋 | Hey, Rach. |
不要再想了! | Stop picturing it! |
我想這樣可以了 座位表好了,這是我們的婚禮 | I think that's it. The seating chart is done.This is our wedding. |
他們看來玩得很開心,不是嗎? | They all look like they're having fun don't they? |
我爸媽坐哪裡? | So where are my parents gonna be? |
如果這是結婚禮堂… | Well, if this is the wedding hall... |
那麼你的父母會在皇后區的家裡 | ...then your parents would be over here at home in Queens. |
他們沒有被邀請? 不,他們一定會很傷心 | They're not invited? Oh, no, they're gonna be crushed! |
為什麼他們以為會被邀請呢? | Why would they think they're invited? |
你問倒我了,我不… | You got me. I don't... |
喬伊! 我以為父母都會來 | - Joey! - Look, I thought parents were coming. |
你的父母會來,錢德的父母也會來 | Your parents are coming. Chandler's are coming. |
羅斯的父母也會來 | Ross' parents are coming. |
羅斯的父母就是我的父母 | Ross' parents are my parents. |
看,父母們都會來 | Well, see, parents are coming. |
-我們應該請他們 -你只是想要更多的藍色大頭針 | - We should invite them.- You just want more blue pins. |
這實在太慘了 | Well, this is just sad. |
好,也許能把他們排進來 不過要重新安排位子 | All right.Maybe I can fit them in if I just do some rearranging. |
瑞秋可能要坐在吧台 | Rachel may have to sit at the bar. |
沒有問題 | That is not a problem. |
-也許你可以叫一杯桑格利塔酒 -去你的! | - Maybe you'll order a little sangria.- Get out of here! |
這是我們的禮服 如果你有喜歡的,可以便宜些 | These are our tuxedos.If you like anything, we can make a deal. |
全部都可以 但這三件是莫妮卡先核准的 | Anything at all.But these are the three that Monica pre-approved. |
謝謝你替我們搞好關係 | Thanks a lot for hooking me up. |
我想請你參加我們的婚禮做我的客人 | And I want you to know that I want you to attend our wedding as my guest. |
我是莫妮卡的伴娘 | I'm Monica's maid of honor. |
別想把我變成藍色大頭針 | Okay, don't try to blue-pin me. |
這些不錯 是不錯 | - Well, these look nice. - They are nice. |
名人穿過這些之後,就送回來這兒 | When celebrities are done with them, they send them back. |
你是指像頒獎典禮之後? 有些是 | - You mean like for award shows?- Some of them. |
它們都上過紅地毯,被人叫著: | They've been down the red carpet with people yelling: |
“你穿的是誰的? 你看來棒極了!” | "Who are you wearing? You look fabulous!" |
容我建議你多看一點ESPN體育台… | Might I suggest watching a little more ESPN... |
少看一點娛樂節日! | ...and a little less E! |
誰穿過這些? | Okay. Who wore those? |
-這是湯姆布若考穿過的(NBC最著名的主持人) -不錯嘛 | - Well, this one's Tom Brokaw. - Not bad. |
這是保羅歐尼爾穿過的 | This one is Paul O'Neill. |
他是誰? | Who's that? |
他是洋基棒球隊的球員,真的,多看ESPN | He plays for the Yankees. Seriously, ESPN. |
有時候,開著它當背景也好 | Just once in a while. Have it on in the background. |
這是皮爾斯布魯斯南穿過的 皮爾斯布魯斯南? | - This one was Pierce Brosnan.- Pierce Brosnan? |
真的嗎? | Are you serious? |
007? | 007? |
這是詹姆斯邦德的燕尾服? 我一定要穿詹姆斯邦德的燕尾服結婚 | This is James Bond's tux?I have to get married in James Bond's tux. |
很酷 | It's a pretty cool tux. |
不只如此,我會是英格蘭最強力的武器 | It's not just that.I would be England's most powerful weapon. |
女王陛下的秘密特務 四處旅遊的斷腸人 | A jet-setting heartbreaker on Her Majesty's secret service. |
有著殺人執照,什麼都不怕的男人 | A man who fears no one, with a license to kill. |
莫妮卡會不會讓我穿這件? | Would Monica let me wear this? |
我們應該學真正的玩法 | We should really learn how to play the real way. |
我喜歡我們的玩法 | I like our way. |
將軍! | Chess! |
走得好 是啊 | - Nice move. - Yeah. |
我替羅斯和錢德找到燕尾服 你需要嗎? | I hooked Ross and Chandler up with tuxedos.Do you need one? |
不,我不穿燕尾服 | No, I'm not wearing a tux. |
你要穿什麼? 多彩的袍子 | - What are you gonna wear?- Multi-colored robes. |
也許戴一頂帽子 | And maybe a hat. |
莫妮卡知道嗎? 不 | - Does Monica know about this? - No. |
你告訴她時我可以在場嗎? | Can I please be there when you tell her? |
晚上要不要去看電影? | You want to go to a movie tonight? |
我要和梅莉莎吃飯 | I'm having dinner with Melissa. |
我可以來嗎? | Can I come? |
我不說話 你只會聽見我的攝影機的聲音 | I won't talk. You'll just hear my video camera. |
-什麼? 怎麼回事? -我可以告訴她嗎? | - What? What's going on? - Can I tell her? |
你要真正發生的事,還是喬伊的淫蕩版本 | Do you want what happened, or Joey's lewd version? |
喬伊的 好 | - Joey's. - Okay. |
我有一個大學朋友… | I had this college friend... |
我不應該告訴喬伊 有一次… | ...and I made the mistake of telling Joey that one time... |
她和我接吻了… | ...she and I, you know, kissed a little bit. |
是啊,我相信有的 | Yeah, I'm sure that happened. |
-真的 -當然 | - It did. - Sure. |
真的發生了 | Hey. It happened. |
是大四那年,那是一次社團聚會… | It was senior year. It was after the Sigma Chi luau... |
我和梅莉莎喝得大醉 | ...and Melissa and I got very drunk. |
結果我們兩個接吻了 | And we ended up kissing. |
好幾分鐘呢? | For several minutes. |
表示她喝了幾杯,輕輕吻在臉頰上 | Which means she had a couple spritzers and a peck on the cheek. |
你為什麼要奪走這件事呢? | Why are you taking this away from me? |
為什麼這麼難讓你相信? | Why is it so hard for you to believe? |
好吧,我不知道你是同性戀 | Okay. I just didn't know that you were a lesbian. |
我沒說我是同性戀 我只是說那件事發生了 | I'm not saying that I'm a lesbian. I'm just saying that this happened. |
只是覺得很狂野,你是這麼地… | It just seems pretty wild. And you're so... |
乏味 | ...vanilla. |
乏味? 我才不乏味 我做很多瘋狂的事 | Vanilla? I'm not vanilla. I do lots of crazy things. |
我喝醉了,在拉斯維加斯結婚 | I mean, I got drunk and married in Vegas. |
和羅斯 | To Ross. |
如果你不相信我… | If you don't believe me... |
今晚和我一起去吃飯 她會告訴你 | ...just come with me to dinner tonight and she'll tell you. |
好吧,可是我想像不出來 | Okay. Because I can't picture it. |
你該看看我腦袋裡的畫面 | You should get inside my head. |
猜我為你的婚禮弄到什麼? | Guess what I got for your wedding? |
頭像掛衣架,瘦巴巴的伴? | A freakishly thin date with a hanger for a head? |
瑞秋替我弄到一件燕尾服 但不是隨便的一件 | Rachel hooked me up with a tux. But not just any tux. |
是蝙蝠俠的! | Batmars tux! |
什麼? 沒錯 | - What? - That's right. |
為瓦爾基墨特別訂做 讓他穿在票房冠軍電影... | Made expressly for Val Kilmer, and worn by him in the hit film... |
那部他演的蝙幅俠電影裡 | ...that Batman film he was in. |
你不能穿那件,我要穿名人的燕尾服 | You can't wear that. I'm wearing the famous tux. |
詹姆斯邦德的燕尾服! 怎樣? | - James Bond's tux! - So? |
怎樣? 如果你穿那件會讓我的不那麼特別 | So? If you wear that, it'll make mine less special. |
你需要用一些東西來讓那天特別嗎? | You need something to make this day special? |
喂! 你有了最特別的一樣 | Hello! You have the most special thing of all. |
你娶了你最愛的女人 | You are marrying the woman you love. |
不要搶走我的鋒頭,拜託? | Don't take away my cool thing. Pretty please? |
“拜託”? 不怎麼像007的風格 | "Pretty please?" Not very 007. |
如果你要結婚 我不會做任何讓你生氣的事 | If you were getting married, I'd never do anything to upset you. |
-你和我妹妹上床 -那很007 | - You slept with my sister. - That was pretty 007. |
好,你來了,好,我想出辦法了 | Okay, good, you're here. All right, I figured it out. |
我把這兩桌的8個人,加上你父母… | I'm gonna take 2 tables of 8, add your parents... |
變成3桌6個人 | ...and make them into 3 tables of 6. |
我已經通知了辦席的人,都弄好了! | And I called the caterer. We are good to go! |
他們不來了 | Yeah. They're not coming. |
什麼? | What? |
他們覺得你是因為我才邀請他們的 | They think that you only invited them because of me. |
他們覺得不受歡迎 | They feel unwanted. |
真糟糕,是真的,但真糟糕 | That's too bad. It's true. But too bad. |
你可以打電話給我媽 | If you could just call my mom. |
讓她知道你希望他們去 | Just let her know you want them there. |
她送過你很多很多義大利面 | This is a woman who has sent you many lasagnas. |
不,她沒有 | No, she hasn't. |
有些沒有投送到你手裡不是她的錯 | Is it her fault if some didn't make it to you? |
我要說什麼? | What am I gonna say? |
告訴她請貼搞亂了,不,怪郵局好了 | Tell them you mixed up invitations.No, blame it on the post office. |
他們最恨郵局,還有愛爾蘭人 | They hate the post office. And the Irish. |
不過我想你不能怪到他們頭上 | But I don't think you could blame it on them. |
喂? 你好,崔比亞尼太太? 我是莫妮卡蓋勒 | Hello? Yeah, hi. Mrs. Tribbiani? This is Monica Geller. |
我想告訴你 我們很希望你們能來參加婚禮 | I'm just calling to say that we really hope you can make it to the wedding. |
我們很多請貼都沒寄到 | Apparently some of our invitations weren't delivered. |
我猜又是可惡的郵局搞砸的 | I guess there was some screw-up at the damn post office. |
就是嘛! | Tell me about it! |
什麼美國郵局嘛? 更像是美國遺失局 | Yeah, the U.S. Post Office?No. More like U.S. Lost Office. |
他們搞什麼,是愛爾蘭人嗎? | What are they, Irish? |
他叫艾倫,我們在一起三年了 | Anyway, his name's Allen.And we've been going out for three years. |
他是我做宴會規劃的第一位客戶 | He was my first client when I became a party planner. |
那時他正要規劃給他女朋友的宴會 | He was actually planning a party for his girlfriend at the time. |
嗯 | Oh, well. |
-他是錫拉丘茲大學“θ、β、π”社團的 -真好 | - He was Theta Beta Pi at Syracuse.- That's great. |
你參加過社團嗎? 當然 | - Were you ever in a sorority? - Of course. |
我是大腿大衛生棉條的成員 | Yes. I was a Thigh Mega Tampon. |
哪一個? | What one? |
我們也很龐大,但後來被關掉了… | We were huge too. But they had to shut us down... |
因為瑞吉娜佛蘭姬死於酒精中毒 | ...when Regina Phalangie died of alcohol poisoning. |
真是糟糕,一個女孩就毀了大家 | Isn't it a shame when one girl ruins it for the whole bunch? |
無論如何… | Anyway... |
說到喝太多,我告訴菲比… | Speaking of drinking too much, I told Phoebe... |
在∑Χ社烤野豬宴那晚,我們親吻的事 | ...about that crazy night after the Sigma Chi luau where we made out. |
什麼? | What? |
記得我們…我們穿著紗籠布裙 還有椰子殼比基尼上衣 | Remember we... Come on, we had sarongs on and the coconut bikini tops. |
之後我們回到家,在那兒瘋癲… | We went back to the house and got really silly... |
然後我們接吻了 | ...and we made out. |
瑞瑞,我不知道你在說什麼 | Wow, Ray-Ray, I have no idea what you're talking about. |
真的? | Really? |
羅斯是蝙蝠俠 | Ross is Batman. |
他的確是把身份掩護了很久 | Well, he did manage to keep his identity secret for a long time. |
瑞秋替羅斯弄到瓦爾基默在蝙蝠俠裡穿的那件燕尾服 | Rachel got Ross the tuxedo that Val Kilmer wore in Batman. |
蝙蝠俠比詹姆斯邦德酷多了 | Batman is so much cooler than James Bond. |
-什麼? 007有很多的工具 -蝙蝠俠有工具腰帶 | - What? 007 has all those gadgets.- Batman has a utility belt. |
-007有很酷的車 -蝙蝠俠有蝙蝠車 | - 007 has a fancy car.- Batman has the Batmobile. |
-007有很多女人 -蝙蝠俠有羅賓 | - 007 gets all the ladies.- Batman has Robin. |
我們有ESPN台,對吧? | We get ESPN, right? |
你何不穿上你的007燕尾服 我替你調一杯馬提尼酒 | How about you go put on your 007 tuxedo, and I'll make you a martini? |
我不喜歡馬提尼 | I don't like martinis. |
-一杯搖搖飲料,用一隻搞笑吸管? -好的 | - A Yoo-hoo with a funny straw? - Yum. |
請貼上寫晚上6點 | I know the invitation says 6 p. M. |
是指6點入席,還是6點開始表演? | But does that mean get there at 6, or the show starts at 6? |
“表演”? | "The show"? |
對,婚禮,知道了 | Right, the wedding. Gotcha. |
不過婚禮會晚一點開始,對不? | But weddings start a little late, right? |
你有參加過我規劃的婚禮嗎? | Have you ever been to one of my weddings? |
那天我侄女受洗禮… | Well, it's the same day as my niece's christening... |
我希望我父母能看到我 | ...and I want my parents to see me. |
我的部份是在開始時 不在其他部份的表演…婚禮 | My part's in the beginning.I'm not in the rest of the show... Wedding. |
婚禮6點開始 | The wedding starts at 6. |
好,我聽到了 | Okay. I totally hear you. |
這樣如何? 我可以表演到他們到達 | How about this? I vamp till they get there. |
你要“表演” | You'll "vamp"? |
像是把氛圍搞熱 問他們從哪裡來 | Like warm up the crowd. Ask where they're from. |
因為喬伊崔比亞尼在時 你有牧師和演藝人員 | Because in Joey Tribbiani, you get a minister and an entertainer. |
我是一位“牧藝人” | I'm a "ministainer." All right? |
沒有更好的,沒有更偉大的 | There's no one better. There's no one greater. |
拜託,天呐,不要表演 | Oh, please, God. Don't vamp. |
好吧,我會跟錢德說的 | Okay, maybe I'll talk to Chandler. |
也許他會喜歡在007點鐘結婚 | And maybe he'd like to get married at 007 o'clock. |
好吧,再給你10分鐘,就這樣了 | All right. I will give you 10 extra minutes.That is it. |
太好了! 非常感謝 | That's great! Thank you so much. |
我們真走運.燕尾服很合身 | Well, we're in luck. The tux fits perfectly. |
錢德,那件外套你穿太大了 | Chandler, that jacket, it's way too big. |
沒事.褲子太短了 | Oh, that's okay. The pants are way too small. |
對不起,甜心.你不能穿那些衣服 | I'm sorry, sweetie. You cannot wear that. |
這就意味著只有羅斯是最酷的那個 | Now this means Ross is gonna be the only cool one. |
對了,我從未想過我會說這樣的話 | Something, by the way, I never thought I would say. |
兄弟,脫掉吧,你就像個傻子 | Dude, take that thing off. You look like a fool. |
到隔壁去 我給你看看一些牧師的頭飾 | Come next door. I got some minister headdresses I want you to see. |
你怎麼能不記得我們接吻的事? | How can you not remember us kissing? |
我不知道,我不記得那些從沒發生過的事 | I don't know. I don't remember a lot of things that never happened. |
記得我們在睡覺的廊子時一直笑 一直笑? | Remember, we were on the sleeping porch? We couldn't stop giggling. |
我們的椰子殼撞在一起 | Our coconuts kept knocking together. |
喬伊的頭在某處爆炸了 | Somewhere Joey's head is exploding. |
我不想讓你不舒服… | I don't want to make you uncomfortable... |
但我告訴菲比這件事發生過,她不相信我 | ...but I told Phoebe it happened, and she doesn't believe me. |
對不起,如果我認為它發生了,我會承認的 | I'm sorry. I mean, if I thought it happened, I would say it. |
也許我昏過去了 你在我睡覺時對我做了什麼? | Maybe I passed out and you did stuff to me while I was sleeping. |
沒有! | No! |
好了 好吧,沒事 | - All right. - Okay, fine. |
你不用承認,因為我知道發生過 | You don't have to admit it because I know that it happened. |
好! | Okay! |
你必須承認! 我們親嘴了! 說! | You have to admit it! We kissed! Say it! |
沒關係,你不必這麼做,我相信你 | It's okay, you don't have to do this. I believe you. |
如果你說你吻了梅莉莎 那麼你就吻了梅莉莎 | If you say you kissed Melissa, then you kissed Melissa. |
謝謝,菲比 好 | - Thank you, Phoebe. - Okay. |
-可是她沒有 -我知道 | - But she didn't. - I know. |
你帶著它走來走去? | You carry that around? |
是的,我發現它是個好話題 | Yes. I find it to be something of a conversation piece. |
-你和…? -甘瑟 | - Between you and...? - Gunther. |
我們何不穿上? | Why don't we put them on? |
拍張蝙蝠俠和詹姆斯邦德一起的照片 | Get a picture of Batman and James Bond, together. |
我很願意,但我的褲子小了一點 | I would, but my pants are a little tight. |
小了一點? 我可以看到裡面的兩個0和一個7 | A little tight? I could see 00 and 7 in those things. |
真糟糕 | Well, that stinks. |
我很期待一起穿我們的名人燕尾服呢 | I was looking forward to wearing our celebrity tuxes together. |
-你不穿你的了? -你開玩笑? 是蝙蝠俠的燕尾服 | - So you're not gonna be wearing yours?- Are you kidding? It's Batmars tux! |
我試穿看看 | Let me try it on. |
好,只能穿上衣,兩個0和一個7不要進去 | Okay. But just the jacket. 00 and 7 are not getting in there. |
雙面通風的舒適,蝙蝠俠! | Holy double-vented comfort, Batman! |
這是什麼? | What's this? |
《真情難舍》首映請貼? | An invitation to the At First Sight premiere? |
瓦爾基墨沒有在《蝙蝠俠》裡穿這件 | Val Kilmer didn't wear this in Batman. |
他穿這件去參加他演瞎子的那部文藝愛情片首映 | He wore it to the premiere of a fruity love story where he was a blind guy. |
給我看 | Let me see that. |
老天 | Oh, man. |
你唯一的超能力是稍微強化的嗅覺 | The only super power you have is the slightly heightened sense of smell. |
可以和你們談談嗎? | Can I talk to you guys for a second? |
我放棄了,你要怎樣就怎樣吧 | I give up. Whatever you want, you can have it. |
你要唱歌還是跳舞? | You want to sing a song or do a dance? |
還是要你媽在聖壇前尖叫種族歧視的字眼? 我都不在乎 | You want your mom at the altar screaming racial slurs?I don't care. |
我只是要謝謝你們為我父母做的一切 | I just want to thank you guys for what you did for my parents. |
他們很高興能參加你們特別的一天 | They're so happy to be a part of your special day. |
告訴他們我們很高興他們會來 | Tell them we're glad they're coming. |
我會的,看看他們替我準備參加婚禮的衣服! | I will. Oh, check out what they got me to wear for the ceremony! |
我替你們證婚時這樣穿,然後… | I wear it like this when I marry you guys.And then this... |
在宴會時這樣穿 | ...is for party time. |
它發生了,我告訴你它發生了 | It happened. I am telling you it happened. |
很高興認識你 | It was great meeting you. |
瑞秋? 我想我不會給你打電話了,因為… | And, Rachel? I don't think I'll be calling you because... |
你變得好奇怪 | ...you know, you've gotten weird. |
保重,兩位 | Take care, you guys. |
等一下,好,聽著 | Wait a minute. Okay, look. |
那天晚上是我所做過最狂野的一件事 | That night was the one wild thing I've ever done in my life. |
我不會讓你奪去它 | I won't let you take it away. |
如果你不記得那件事 也許你會記得這個… | So if you don't remember that, maybe you'll remember this... |
我的天,你愛我 | Oh, my God. You love me. |
什麼? | What? |
我當然記得,這些日子裡我一直想著它 | Of course I remember. I think about it all the time. |
我還能聽到椰子殼碰在一起的聲音… | I can still hear the coconuts knocking together... |
我不想告訴你 因為我不覺得你會回應我的愛 | I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't think you'd return my love... |
看是誰突然變得害羞 | Look who's being suddenly shy. |
你一定和我一樣感覺 | You have to feel what I feel. |
沒人能不是真心而吻得那麼好 | Nobody can kiss that good and not mean it. |
我只是吻功很好 | I'm just a good kisser. |
閉嘴 | Shut up. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
你不必抱歉 | You don't have to be sorry. |
我在開玩笑 | I'm obviously kidding. |
我沒愛上你,我沒愛上她 | I'm not in love with you. I'm not in love with her. |
我沒聽到椰子殼撞在一起 | I don't hear coconuts banging together. |
我和男友做愛時沒幻想你的臉 | I don't picture your face when I make love to my boyfriend. |
我要走了 | Anyway, I gotta go. |
吻別好嗎? | A kiss goodbye? |
不要? 好吧 | No? Okay. |
我不知道那會… | I mean, I had no idea that that would... |
這是怎麼回事? | What the hell was that? |
想看看這一場混亂是怎麼樣的 | Just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. |
-然後呢? -我有過更好的 | - And? - I've had better. |
我找到一件合身的 | I found one that fits. |
是啊,人們常說 第23次是最好的一次 | Well, you know what they say?23rd time's a charm. |
看看你,好英俊 | Look at you, all handsome. |
-是誰穿過的? -有關係嗎? | - Whose is it? - Does it matter? |
唯一重要的是你看來很英俊 | All that matters is that you look so handsome. |
-是誰的? -我不想說 | - Whose is it? - I don't want to say. |
拜託,我沒事的,是誰的? | Come on, I don't care. Whose is it? |
黛安基頓(70年代知性女星) | Diane Keaton. |
你知道再過四個星期 我們就要結婚了嗎? | Do you realize we're getting married in four weeks? |
四個星期,寶貝,四個星期! | Four weeks,baby. Four weeks! |
你知道每星期你都越來越大聲嗎? | You realize you get louder each week? |
還有這麼多事要做! 你寫好你的婚誓了嗎? | There's still so much to do! Have you written your vows? |
我想我會去買 “派得,我要買婚誓” | I figured I'd just buy those. "Pat,I'd like to buy a vow." |
你知道講到婚禮的事 我是沒有幽默感的 | You know I've no sense of humor when it comes to this. |
-是,你寫了你的嗎? -不,我知道我要說什麼 | -Right. Have you written yours yet? -No,but I know what I'm gonna say. |
你會不會剛好知道 我要講什麼? | Do you happen to know what I'm gonna say? |
現在來做,不會那麼難的 | Let's do it now. It won't be hard. |
說你心裡想的 | Say what's in your heart. |
看她寫得多快,她一定愛我 比我愛她多! | Look at her go. She must love me more than I love her! |
我有什麼問題? 不要打開那扇門 | What's wrong with me? Oh,don't open that door. |
Friends S07E21 婚誓 | The One with the Vows |
珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
寇妮考克斯 | |
麗莎庫卓 | |
麥特勒布蘭 | |
馬修派瑞 | |
大衛修蒙 | |
“莫妮卡,沒有詞語能夠…” | "Monica,there are no words.." |
沒有詞語!不應該這麼難的! | There are no words! This shouldn't be this hard! |
你做過這事 你的婚誓裡說什麼? | You've done this before. What did you say in your vows? |
對卡蘿,我答應直到我死 不再愛另一個女人 | With Carol I promised never to love another woman until I die. |
她卻沒有做到 | She made no such promise. |
我真悲哀,莫妮卡知道要講什麼 看她下筆如飛的樣子 | I'm pathetic. Monica knows what to say,you should have seen her. |
什麼緊急大事? | What's the emergency? |
幫我忙,我需要寫我的婚誓 可是我只有這些 | You have to help me write my vows. All I have is this. |
我喜歡你穿婚紗的圖畫 | I like the pretty drawing of you in the wedding dress. |
除了你的胸部看來有點小 | -Thank you. -Except your breasts look small. |
那些是我的眼睛! | Those are my eyes! |
-那是我的胸部 -是,好吧 | -Those are my breasts. -Oh,yeah. |
何不從簡單的開始,像是: | Why don't you start with something simple? |
“莫妮卡,第一次見到你 我就知道我愛你” | "Monica,from the moment I met you I knew I loved you." |
我不確定我能這麼說 | I can't do that. |
各位,這是錢德 | Everyone,this is Chandler. |
我是羅斯的妹妹 | Hi,I'm Ross' little sister. |
好吧 | Okay. |
好,也許這樣起頭: | Okay,okay. Maybe you could start with: |
錢德,即使在我們還是朋友時… | "Chandler,even though we were friends... |
一部份的我一直知道我要更多 | there was a part of me that knew I wanted more." |
好吧,有一場核子浩劫 我是地球上最後一個男人 | All right,there's a nuclear holocaust. I'm the last man on Earth. |
你會和我約會嗎? | Would you go out with me? |
婚誓裡可以說謊嗎? | Are we allowed to lie in the vows? |
也許那時你不談你的感情 | Okay,don't talk about those feelings. |
說些他教會你的事,像是… | Just say something about...all the things he's taught you,like.. |
或是你教會他的事 | Or all the things you taught him. |
大家都知道基本的性感帶 | Everybody knows the erogenous zones. |
有1,2,3… | One,two,three... |
4,5… | four,five, |
6和7 | six and seven. |
有7個? | There are seven? |
-那算是一個嗎? -蠻重要的 | -That's one? -Kind of an important one. |
我是倒著看的 | I was looking at it upside down. |
有時候這樣也有幫助的 | You know,sometimes that helps. |
好,現在,由1開始… | Okay,start out with a little one... |
一個2,一個123… | a two,a one-two-three... |
一個3,一個5… | a three,a five... |
一個4,一個32… | a four,a three-two... |
2,一個246 | two,a two-four-six. |
246,4,2… | Two-four-six,four,two... |
2,47… | two,four-seven... |
57,67… | five-seven,six-seven... |
7,7… | seven,seven... |
7,7,7,7,7… | seven,seven,seven... |
我知道了!這樣如何: | How about something like: |
“莫妮卡,回顧我們在一起的時間…” | "Monica,when I look back over our time together..." |
-然後? -不能全部都要我做 | -Yeah? -I can't do all of it. |
回顧你們在一起的時間 | Look back over your time together. |
看,雙胞胎! | Oh,look,twins! |
不公平!我連一個都沒有 為什麼他們有兩個? | No fair! I don't even have one,how come they get two? |
-你會有一個的 -是啊,什麼時候? | -You'll get one. -Yeah,when? |
這樣吧 | All right,I'll tell you what |
當我們40的時候,如果我們都沒結婚,我們倆來生一個如何? | When we're 40,if neither of us are married,what do you say we have one? |
我為什麼會40歲還沒結婚? | -Why wouldn't I be married? |
不,不,我是說假設這樣 | I just meant hypothetically. |
假設這樣 我為什麼會40歲還沒結婚? | Hypothetically,why won't I be married? |
不,不 | No,no. |
怎麼著?真的,我是有什麼 不能結婚的地方嗎? | What is it? Is there something unmarriable about me? |
怎麼樣? | Well? |
我的老天 這個降落傘是一個背包! | Dear God,this parachute is a knapsack! |
今天我要結婚了! | I'm getting married today! |
他知道我在這兒嗎? | Think he knew I was here? |
做得好 | Nice try. |
等一下,等一下,等一下,等一下 | Wait,wait,wait. |
莫妮卡… | Look,Monica.. |
-沒有用的 -我保證這有用 | -This is not gonna work. -I bet this'll work. |
你真棒!我愛你 | You are so great! I love you. |
什麼? | What? |
沒事!我說,你真棒 然後就沒說話了 | I said you're so great,and then I stopped talking. |
-你說你愛我!我不能相信 -不,我沒有 | -You said you love me! -No,I didn't. |
-有,你有 -沒有,我沒有! | -Yes,you did. -No,I didn't! |
-你愛我! -不,我不! | -You love me! -No,I don't! |
停!停! | Stop it! Stop it! |
我在想,如果我在這裡打包呢? | You know,I was thinking,what if I unpack here? |
你的東西都會在這裡 | Then all your stuff would be here. |
那… | Well... |
如果我的東西都在這裡的話? | What if it was here? |
你會一直來來往往的 | Then you'd be going back and forth all the time. |
沒什麼道理 | Doesn't make any sense. |
好 | Okay. |
如果我們住在一起 你瞭解我在說什麼嗎? | What if we live together,and you understand what I'm saying? |
我們希望這是一個驚喜 | We wanted to surprise you. |
我的天! | Oh,my God! |
錢德… | Chandler... |
我這一生… | in all my life... |
從沒想過我會這麼幸運… | I never thought I'd be so lucky... |
能愛上我最好的… | as to fall in love with my best.. |
我最好的… | My best.. |
-女生不這麼做是有原因的! -好,好,我來 | There's a reason why girls don't do this!Okay,okay,okay! I'll do it. |
我想… | I thought.. |
我做得到 | I can do this. |
我以為… | I thought... |
我說什麼和在哪裡說很重要 | that it mattered what I said or where I said it. |
但我發現唯一重要的是你… | Then I realized the only thing that matters is that you.. |
你使我比我能想像的更快樂 | You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. |
如果你願意… | And if you let me... |
我要用這一生 來讓你有同樣感覺 | I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. |
莫妮卡? | Monica? |
嫁給我好嗎? | Will you marry me? |
好 | Yes. |
我們可以進來了嗎? 我們要死了! | Can we come in? We're dying out here! |
進來!進來! | Come in! Come in! |
-我們訂婚了! -好! | -We're engaged! -Yes! |
-嗨 -你們在幹嘛? | -Hi. -What have you guys been up to? |
幫錢德寫他的婚誓 但被他踢出來了… | Helping Chandler write his vows. He kicked us out. |
因為喬伊一直做不恰當的建議 | Joey kept making inappropriate suggestions. |
“莫妮卡,我愛你的美臀” 有什麼不恰當? | How is "Monica,I love your sweet ass" inappropriate? |
莫妮卡寫得怎麼樣? | How's Monica doing? |
這樣說吧,幸好她有一個美臀 因為她不太會寫 | Lucky she's got a sweet ass. She's not so good at writing. |
真不能相信再四個星期 他們就要結婚了! | In four weeks they're gonna be married! |
希望他們的婚姻成功 | Let's just hope it works. |
10個裡面有9個以離婚收場 | Nine out of 10 marriages end in divorce. |
菲比,沒有的事 | That's not true. |
是啊,你說的對,你太太們好嗎? | You're right. How's the missis? |
真不能相信他們在一起3年了 | I can't believe...they're together 3 years. |
那麼久了? | -That long? |
感覺沒那麼久 因為他們瞞了我們很久 | It seems like less because they hid it from us. |
是我,進來了 | Hey,it's me. Coming in. |
我今天辛苦了一整天 | I've had a very long,hard day. |
-我要去買炸雞,你要不要? -不,謝了,不要炸雞,再見 | -I'm getting some chicken. Want some? -No. Bye,then. |
你還好吧?抱歉,他不肯離開 一直問要不要炸雞 | He wouldn't leave. He kept asking if I wanted chicken. |
炸雞? | Chicken? |
我可以來點炸雞 | I could eat some chicken. |
喬伊! | Hey,Joe! |
我想要三塊雞,沙拉 豆子,還有可樂 | Can I get a three-piece,coleslaw,beans and a Coke? |
健怡可樂 | Diet Coke. |
-我不知道他們為什麼不告訴我們 -就是啊,其實我們很冷靜的 | -Why didn't they tell us? -I know,we were cool about it. |
你?和你? | You? And you? |
你不能說,沒有人知道 | You cannot tell. No one knows. |
怎麼?何時? | How? When? |
-在倫敦發生的 -在倫敦?! | -It happened in London. -In London?! |
我們沒告訴任何人 不希望把它變成大事 | We didn't want to make a big deal out of it. |
可是這是大事! | But it is a big deal! |
-我一定要告訴人 -不,不要! | -I have to tell someone. -No,no! |
-你不能 -拜託! | -You can't. -Please! |
我們不想面對告訴大家之後的事 答應我你不會說 | We don't want to deal with telling them. Just promise you won't tell. |
好! | All right! |
等不及要和你在一起了,我告訴 瑞秋我要洗幾個小時的衣服 | I can't wait to be with you. I'll tell Rachel I'm doing laundry. |
洗衣服?是我的新昵稱嗎? | Laundry? Is that my new nickname? |
你知道你的昵稱是什麼,大雕先生… | You know your nickname,Mr. Big.. |
看,是莫妮卡和錢德 嘿!嘿,你們兩個!嘿! | Oh,look,there's Monica and Chandler. Hey! Hey,you guys! Hey! |
錢德和莫妮卡! 錢德和莫妮卡! | Chandler and Monica! |
我的天! | Oh,my God! |
-錢德和莫妮卡! -我的天! | -Chandler and Monica! -Oh,my God! |
-我的眼睛!我的眼睛! -菲比!菲比! | -Oh,my eyes! My eyes! -Phoebe! Phoebe! |
-沒事的!沒事的! -不!他們在親熱! | -It's okay! It's okay! -No! They're doing it! |
我知道!我知道! | I know! I know! |
-你知道? -對,我知道! | -You know? -Yes! |
喬伊知道,但羅斯不知道 你得停止尖叫! | And Joey,but Ross doesn't,so stop screaming! |
-怎麼樣啊? -嗨! | -Hey,what's going on? -Oh,hi! |
什麼?什麼? | What? What? |
老天!我們好興奮 你可能會搬來這兒! | We're excited that you might get this place! |
-事實上,看起來不錯 -看來很不錯! | -Actually,it looks really good. -It looks pretty good! |
過來這裡!來! | Get in here! Come on! |
他們知道你知道 但他們不知道瑞秋知道? | So they don't know that Rachel knows? |
對,但你知道嗎? 誰知道什麼並不重要 | Yes,but it doesn't matter who knows what. |
現在有足夠的人知道了 就可以告訴他們我們知道 | Enough of us know. We can just tell them we know. |
謊言,秘密終於可以結束了 | The lying and the secrets will be over. |
或者我們不要告訴他們我們知道 我們可以找點小樂子 | Or,we can not tell them we know and have a little fun of our own. |
好,該走了,如果想趕上電影的話 | We better go if we're gonna catch that movie. |
-再見 -再見 | -Bye. -Bye. |
再見,錢德,我已經開始想你了 | Bye,Chandler. I miss you already. |
你看到了嗎? 她很不恰當地捏我一下? | Did you see the inappropriate pinching? |
我看到了 | Actually,I did. |
你現在相信她喜歡上我了吧? | So now do you believe that she's attracted to me? |
我的天! 我的天,她知道我們的事! | Oh,my God! My God,she knows about us! |
-菲比知道我們的事! -我沒有告訴她們 | -Phoebe knows about us! -I didn't tell them. |
她們?誰是她們? | Them? Who's them? |
菲比和喬伊 | Phoebe and Joey. |
喬伊! | Joey! |
還有瑞秋 | And Rachel. |
我本來要告訴你們的 可是她們要我答應不說 | They made me promise not to tell. |
她們以為她們很厲害,玩我們! | They think they are so slick,messing with us! |
可是,她們不知道 我們知道她們知道 | They don't know that we know that they know. |
-所以… -對! | -So... -Ah,yes! |
玩人的變成被玩的! | The messers become the messees! |
我的天,他要我過去 摸他的二頭肌還有別的! | My God,he wants me to come over and feel his biceps! |
你開玩笑? | Are you kidding? |
我不相信他會對莫妮卡這樣… | I can't believe he'd do that to Mo.. |
喬伊?他們知道我們知道了嗎? | Joey? Do they know that we know? |
-不 -喬伊! | -No. -Joey! |
-他們知道你們知道 -我就知道! | -They know you know. -I knew it! |
不敢相信這兩個人! | I cannot believe those two! |
他們以為可以玩我們? 他們想要玩我們? | They thought that they could mess with us? With us? |
他們不知道我們知道 他們知道我們知道 | They don't know that we know they know we know. |
喬伊,你什麼也不能說 | Joey,you can't say anything. |
即使我想說也不知道要怎麼說 | Couldn't if I wanted to. |
這完全失控了! 她要我替她抹乳液! | She wants me to put lotion on her! |
她說大話! | She's bluffing! |
她沒有退縮,她像這樣: | She's not backing down. She went like this. |
他沒有退縮,他去拿乳液了 | He's not backing down. He went to get lotion. |
你們還沒玩完嗎? | Aren't you guys done yet? |
菲比早點攻破錢德 這事就早一點完全公開 | The sooner Phoebe breaks Chandler the sooner this is all over. |
-我喜歡 -好 | -I like that. -Okay. |
好,給他看你的內衣 他最怕內衣,他對內衣沒有抵抗力 | Okay,show him your bra. He's afraid of bras. Can't work them. |
哇!你沒拉掉所有扣子 | Wow! You didn't rip off any buttons. |
這不是我的第一次 | It's not my first time. |
回去那兒 勾引她直到解決她 | You go seduce her until she cracks. |
好,給我一秒鐘 | Okay,give me a second. |
-你清理了這兒? -當然 | -Did you clean up in here? -Of course. |
你要走了? | Oh,you're going? |
除非你一起來,愛人 | Not without you,lover. |
這是我的內衣 | So,this is my bra. |
非常非常的好看 | It's very,very nice. |
過來 | Well,come here. |
我非常開心我們要上床了 | I'm happy we're gonna have all the sex. |
你應該開心的,我的柔軟度很好 | You should be. I'm very bendy. |
-我現在要吻你了 -如果我沒先吻你的話 | -I'm gonna kiss you. -Not if I kiss you first. |
我想我們除了接吻 沒有別的事可做了 | There's nothing left for us to do but kiss. |
來了 | Here it comes. |
我們的初吻 | Our first kiss. |
-好,好,好,好,你贏了! -哈! | -Okay,okay,okay,fine,you win! -Ha! |
-我不能和你上床 -為什麼不? | -I can't have sex. -Why not? |
-因為我愛莫妮卡 -你什麼? | -I'm in love with Monica. -You're what? |
愛她!對,我愛她! 我愛她! | Love her! That's right,I love her! I love her! |
我愛你,莫妮卡 | I love you,Monica. |
我也愛你,錢德 | I love you too,Chandler. |
我以為你們兩個只是上床 我不知道你們戀愛了 | I thought you guys were doing it,I didn't know you were in love. |
就是這樣,結束了 大家都知道了 | That's it,it's over. Everybody knows. |
-其實,羅斯還不知道 -請大家先不要告訴他 | -Well,Ross doesn't. -We'd like it if no one told him yet. |
不 | No. |
你在幹什麼? | What are you doing? |
放開我妹妹! | Get off my sister! |
朋友要結婚了 很多事會改變的 | Friends getting married,it's gotta change things. |
你想會不一樣嗎? | Think it'll be different? |
怎麼能不變呢? 他們很快會有小孩… | How can it not be? They're gonna have kids... |
會和其他有孩子的夫婦在一起 | and hang out with other couples who have kids. |
也許他們會搬離城市… | And maybe they'll leave the city... |
到某個靠近沃爾沃經銷商的地方 | to be near a Volvo dealership. |
事情會變的 | Things change. |
我不要他們搬到 賣沃爾沃車的地方 | I don't want them to move to a Volvo dealership. |
喬伊,會沒事的 | It'll be okay,Joe. |
抱歉,我只是… 我希望能像以前一樣 | Sorry. I just.. I like things the way they are. |
這個光著身子的小孩是誰? | Who's this little naked guy? |
這個光著身子的小孩是我 | That naked guy would be me. |
你看看這小東西 | Look at the little thing. |
是啊 | Yes. |
是,好,那是我的陰莖 我們現在可以做大人了嗎? | Yes,fine,that is my penis. Can we be grownups now? |
-這些是誰? -問倒我了 | -Who are those people? -Got me. |
那中間的是外婆 | Oh,that's Nana right there. |
-哇 -我看看 | -Wow. -Let's see. |
“我和大夥在爪哇喬家” | "Me and the gang at Java Joe's." |
莫妮卡,你很像你祖母 那時她幾歲? | Monica,you look like your grandma. How old was she? |
我看看,1939 | Let's see,1939. |
對,24,25 | Yeah,24,25. |
看來很快樂的一群 | Looks like a fun gang. |
看,看,看! 我找到莫妮卡光著身子的 | Look,look,look! I got Monica naked. |
我看 | Let me see. |
不,這還是我 | No,that would be me again. |
-嘿,大夥兒 -怎麼樣啊? | -Hey,you guys. -What's going on? |
我們剛剛提到… | Well,we were just talking about... |
你們要結婚了,非常的好 | you guys getting married and how great it is. |
對,你們會買一台沃爾沃 如果你們真的要那樣 | Yeah,you can get a Volvo. If that's what you really want. |
你們真好 | That's so sweet. |
-我們都寫完了婚誓 -可以看嗎? | -So,we both finished our vows. -Can we read them? |
只要我不看錢德的 他不看我的就好 | As long as I don't hear his and he doesn't hear mine. |
好美 | Oh,that's beautiful. |
好好笑!很好! | Funny one! Good! |
莫妮卡,你嫁給我好嗎? | Will you marry me? |
什麼?我不懂 | What? I don't get it. |
是哦! | Oh,yeah! |
-這太可笑了! -錢德! | -Man,this is hilarious! -Chandler! |
親愛的,別擔心 我們會讓你的好笑一點 | Don't worry,we'll make yours funnier. |
你們覺得如何? | Okay,what do you think? |
-老兄… -我從沒見過這樣的愛 | -Dude... -I have never known love like this. |
-你真的喜歡? -老兄! | -You really like it? -Dude! |
你怎麼寫出來的? | How did you write this? |
我偷了莫妮卡的 改成我的名字 | I stole Monica's and changed the name. |
-你不能這麼做! -如果他先講的話就可以! | -You can't do that! -If he goes first he can! |
我要小雞香溜肉片,不要康瓦爾烤雞 | I think I'll go with the chicken piccata instead of the Cornish game hen. |
有素食選嗎? 給我的? | Will there be a vegetarian option, you know, for me? |
當然有了 | Yes. Definitely. |
是什麼? | What is it? |
跳舞 | Dancing. |
嘿 嘿 | - Hey. - Hey. |
我看到保時捷停在前門 | I saw the Porsche parked out front. |
你能把鑰匙借給我一下嗎? 我想帶那個壞男孩去兜個風 | Can I get the keys? Thought I'd take that bad boy for a spin. |
羅斯可以開它? 我問你時你說只有你能開它 | Ross drives it? When I ask, you say you're the only one allowed to drive it. |
他是我哥哥,而且他開車那麼慢,不會出事的 | He's my brother, plus he drives so slow he could never hurt it. |
它是輛車子,莫妮卡,不是火箭 | It's a car, Monica, not a rocket ship. |
兜完風後,幫我換一下刹車燈的燈泡 | Just replace the bulbs in the brake lights after you're done. |
嘿 嘿 | - Hey. - Hi. |
我看到保時捷了,它真的很酷 我什麼時候能再開著它去兜風? | Saw the Porsche. Looking good. When can I take it out again? |
-你讓喬伊開保時捷? -我從來沒開過它,一次都沒有 | - You let Joey drive it? - I've never driven it. Not once. |
好吧,只有一次 好吧,我常開著它出門 | Okay, once. Okay, I drive it all the time. |
我們的“你可以開它去兜風 但別告訴瑞秋”計畫宣告失敗 | So much for the "you-can-drive-it but-don't-tell-Rachel" plan. |
哇,我不敢相信你騙我 | Wow, I can't believe you lied to me. |
交給我來吧,莫妮卡 瑞秋認為你只會談婚禮的事 | I can fix this. Monica, Rachel thinks all you talk about is the wedding. |
我說出你們倆的秘密,現在扯平了 | There. I've blown both your secrets. Now we're even. |
我不會讓你開保時捷 因為你是個很差勁的司機 | I won't let you drive the Porsche because you're a terrible driver. |
好了,那跟婚禮的事無關 | There. That wasn't about the wedding. |
如果你想開保時捷去兜風 我可以載你在街角轉一下 | If you want a ride in the Porsche, I'll take you around the block. |
要花好幾個小時的時間嗎? | You got a couple hours? |
Friends S07E22 錢德的父親 | The One With Chandler's Dad |
哦,真是痛快 | Whew, that was a brisk ride. |
-你開了篷吧? -跟飛上天差不多 | - Take the top down, did you? - Only way to fly. |
把鑰匙給我,莫妮卡錯了 我是個很棒的司機 | Give me the keys. Monica's wrong. I'm an excellent driver. |
你太快,又不負責任 你的確是個差勁的司機 | You're fast and irresponsible.That adds up to a bad driver. |
高中時 那些特點讓我成為啦啦隊長 | In high school, that added up to head cheerleader. |
你看到那個女孩看我的眼神了嗎? | Did you see the look that girl just gave me? |
她一定看到了我開保時捷的模樣 | She must've seen me cruising in the bad boy. |
-她在看你的蜂窩頭 -什麼? | - She's checking out your beehive. - What? |
-把梳子給我 -鑰匙給我 | - Give me a brush. - The keys. |
-不行 -那我就不給你梳子 | - No way! - Well, no brush. |
好吧,那不重要 | Fine. It doesn't matter. |
如果我沒記錯 洗手間地上有一把梳子 | If I remember correctly, there's a comb on the floor of the bathroom. |
這是我的贍養費 | Alimony. |
你爸還沒寄回函給我們 | We still haven't gotten an RSVP from your dad. |
哦,對,或許那是因為我沒寄喜貼給他 | Oh, right. Maybe that's because I didn't send him an invitation. |
為什麼不呢? | Why not? |
喜貼? 這就好像叫他來參加了 | An invitation? That's like almost asking him to come. |
他是你爸爸,他應該來參加我們的婚禮 | He's your father. He should be at our wedding. |
本來我要給他寄喜貼的 當我看到郵票時 | I was gonna send him an invite but then I saw the stamp. |
那是瑪麗蓮·夢露的郵票,於是我想: | It was one of those Marilyn Monroe stamps and I thought: |
我爸有那套衣服 | My dad has that dress. |
哇,他站在通風口那裡一定別有一番風情 | - Wow. - That must be a very different view when he stands over an air vent. |
你會看到他簽名“生日快樂,總統先生” | You should see him singing "Happy Birthday, Mr. President." |
我們應該邀請他 | We have to invite him. |
我甚至不認得他 我好幾年沒跟他見過面 | I don't even know the man. I haven't seen him in years. |
如果他知道我們沒有邀請他呢? | And when he finds out he wasn't asked? |
我們的生活圈不一樣 | We don't run in the same circles. |
我跟你們來往,而他… | I hang out with you guys and he... |
他在拉斯維加斯表演變裝秀 | ...stars in a drag show in Vegas. |
我想和他交換生活圈 | I think I want to trade circles. |
你不會想邀請他來的 沒有人會看新娘… | You don't want him there. Nobody will stare at the bride... |
因為新郎的爸爸穿著露背裝 | ...when the father of the groom is wearing a backless dress. |
那又怎麼樣? 只要他不穿婚紗我根本不會在乎的 | So what? As long as he's not wearing a white dress and veil, I don't care. |
我想我得去買點東西 | I think I need to do some shopping. |
太棒了 | Nice. |
我的天啊! | My God! |
-你以為你在做什麼? -我只是在洗擋風玻璃 | - What do you think you're doing? - Just washing the windshield. |
我絕不會讓你開這輛車 | There's no way I'll let you drive this car. |
-找不到梳子? -沒有 | - Couldrt find the comb? - No. |
你為什麼不把鑰匙還給我? | Why don't you just hand over the keys. |
喔! | Oh! |
別啟動引擎 | Do not start this car. |
好吧,我給你二十塊… | Okay, okay. I will give you 20 bucks... |
只要你立刻下車,嘿! | ...if you get out of this car right now. Hey! |
聽著 | Look. |
如果你真的那麼害怕,快上車吧 | If you're so freaked out, just get in the car. |
跟你一起去兜風? 對,是啊 | With you? Yeah, right. |
好吧 | All right. |
好吧… | Okay, okay, okay. |
-你在做什麼?坐到前面來 -你要我坐死亡之座? | - What are you doing? Get in the front. - In the death seat?! |
-嘿,大家好 -嘿,甜心 | - Hey, guys. - Hi, sweetie. |
-準備要走了嗎? -我的皮包在莫妮卡家,我馬上回來 | - Ready to go?- My purse is at Monica's. I'll be back. |
-等一下 -什麼? 喔 | - Wait a minute. - What? Oh. |
效果持久 | That one kept going. |
你跟菲比在交往? | So, you and Phoebe, huh? |
-你們交往多久了? -一個多月 | - How long have you been going out? - Over a month. |
我們應該多瞭解彼此 | We ought to get to know each other better. |
-當然,我很願意-對,所以… | - Sure. I'd like that. - Yeah. So, uh... |
你叫什麼名字? | What's your name? |
-我是傑克 -我是喬伊 | - It's Jake. - Joey. |
-你喜歡尼克隊嗎? -當然,我是他們的頭號球迷 | - Do you like the Knicks? - Yeah, big fan. |
我也是,星期二有比賽 你要一起去嗎? | Me too. There's a game on Tuesday. Do you want to go? |
太棒了,我得先確定星期二我沒事 | Great! Let me make sure I'm not doing anything Tuesday. |
拿去吧 | Here. |
-這是什麼? -你的行李 我們要去拉斯維加斯 | - What's this? - Your suitcase. We're going to Vegas. |
你是認真的嗎? 我們要私奔?不必再籌備那個笨婚禮 | Are you serious? Eloping? No more stupid wedding stuff. |
不必再煩惱那些花 想想我們省了多少錢 | No more these flowers, these flowers.Think of the money we'll save. |
我們沒有要私奔,我喜歡花 我們的婚禮能再盛大一點嗎? 拜託 | We're not eloping. I love the flowers. Can our wedding be bigger, please? |
我們要去找你爸 | We're going to see your dad. |
我想認識我公公 | I want to get to know my father-in-law. |
我們已經談過這件事,我贏了 | We already went over this and I won. |
不,你沒贏,甜心,你應該知道… | No, you didn't. Honey, just so you know... |
現在你要娶我,你是贏不了的 | Now that you're marrying me, you don't get to win anymore. |
算了吧,我不想去,我不想見到他 | Forget it. I don't want to go. I don't want to see him. |
我知道你爸讓你覺得丟臉 | I know your dad embarrassed you. |
所有的孩子都會覺得自己的父母很丟臉 | All kids are embarrassed by their parents. |
你得想個新說法來形容我的經歷 | You'd have to come up with a new word for what I went through. |
在高中的時候他參加了我所有的游泳比賽 | In high school, he came to all my swim meets... |
每次都打扮成不一樣的好萊塢明星 | ...dressed as a different Hollywood starlet. |
我十四歲的日子很不好過 | It's hard enough to be 14. |
我瘦巴巴的,穿著緊身泳褲 我媽還說有一天它會適合我 | You're skinny, you're wearing Speedos that your mom promised you'd grow into. |
我抬頭看著看臺,發現我爸在我為加油 | You look up in the stands. There's your dad cheering you on. |
他打扮成卡曼米蘭達(性感女演員)戴著有真水果頭飾的帽子 | Dressed as Carmen Miranda, wearing a headdress with real fruit... |
之後他會把那些水果交給你的朋友,作為飯後果 | ...that he will later hand out to your friends as a healthy snack. |
他已經在那裡了! | But he was there! |
我爸爸不來參加我的核仁巧克力餅比賽 | My dad didn't come to one of my Brownie meetings. |
你是核仁巧克力餅? | You were a Brownie? |
不是,我吃掉它們 | No. I ate them. |
重點是他參加了你每一場游泳比賽,幫你加油 | The point is, he was at every one of your swim meets, cheering you on. |
他是個好爸爸 | That's a pretty great dad. |
他跟嘉利巴迪先生上床 | He had sex with Mr. Garibaldi. |
-誰是嘉利巴迪先生? -那很重要嗎? | - Who's Mr. Garibaldi? - Does it matter?! |
你不再是十四歲的孩子 好嗎? 或許你該忘了那些事 | You're not 14 anymore, okay? Maybe it's time you let that stuff go. |
如果他沒來參加你的婚禮 你會遺憾終生的 | If he's not at your wedding, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. |
好吧,但我這麼做是為了你 | Okay, but I'm just doing this for you. |
-我永遠都贏不了嗎? -你以前又贏過幾次? | - So I never get to win anymore? - How much did you ever win before? |
你知道當你穿著褲子身體往前傾時… | You know how when you're wearing pants and you lean forward... |
我可以看到你的內褲嗎? | ...I check out your underwear? |
哦,當傑克那麼做時… | Well, when Jake did it... |
我看到他穿著女人的內褲 | ...I saw that he was wearing women's underwear. |
我知道,那是我的內褲 | I know. They were mine. |
噢! | Oh! |
不,等一下,那太奇怪了 | No, no, wait. That's weird. |
我們只是鬧著玩 我跟他打賭他不敢穿上它們 | We were goofing around, and I dared him to try them on. |
那真的很奇怪 | That's weird! |
-我正穿著他的內褲 -那真的 很性感 | - I'm wearing his briefs right now. - That's kind of hot. |
我也那麼認為,你知道那個小洞嗎? 它剛好可以放我的口紅 | I think so too. And that little flap? It's great for holding my lipstick. |
我倒是不知道那一點 | I wouldn't know about that. |
傑克說,事實上女人的內褲更舒服 | Jake says that womers underwear is actually more comfortable. |
他喜歡絲質內褲貼在他皮膚上的感覺 | He loves how silk feels against his skin. |
接下來他會說 穿上你的高跟鞋他更婀娜多姿 | Next he'll say your high heels are good for his posture. |
傑克沒有什麼不正常的 他是個貨真價實的男人 | There's nothing wrong with Jake. He is all man. |
我擔心的是你 | I think more than you. |
他看起來像是穿著粉紅色蕾絲內褲的伐木工人 | He looked like a real lumberjack in those pink lacies. |
我是說只有真正相信自己男子氣概的男人.. | I'm just saying only a man completely secure in his masculinity... |
才會穿上女人的內褲 我敢說你辦不到 | ...could wear womers underwear. I don't think you could. |
-我很相信我的男子氣概 -好吧,隨便你 | - I am secure with my masculinity. - Okay, whatever. |
你看過我收集的色情雜誌了吧? | You've seen my huge stack of porn, right? |
你的 | Here you go. |
隨便你看,那兒什麼也沒有 | Look all you want. There's nothing there. |
慢點,否則我會坐回後座去 | Slow down, or I am returning to the back seat. |
冷靜好嗎? | Would you calm down? |
不! 你超速15英里了 | No! You're driving 15 miles over the speed limit. |
我只超速5英里 他們只抓超10英里以上的 | I'm driving 5 miles over the limit. They raised it by 10. |
什麼,他們瘋了嗎?! | What, are they crazy?! |
天啊,我都忘了我有多愛開車了 | God, I forgot how much I love driving. |
我得去換新駕照 | I have got to get my license renewed. |
你的駕照過期了? 馬上停車 | You don't have a valid driver's license? Pull over right now. |
羅斯,你太緊張了 你得放輕鬆,好嗎? | Ross, you're so tense. You just gotta relax, okay? |
你只需要放輕鬆,好嗎? 放輕鬆 | Just need to relax. All right? Just need to relax. |
你再…? 那一點都不好笑,別鬧了 | What are you...? That's not funny. Stop horsing around. |
我沒有胡鬧,好嗎? | I am not horsing around, okay? |
我在開保時捷兜風 | I am "Porsche-ing" around. |
喔 | Uh-oh. |
保持冷靜,不會有事的 你沒有惹上大麻煩 | Stay calm. Nothing will happen. You're not in that much trouble. |
真的嗎? 你那麼認為? | Really? You think so? |
我是在跟自己說話,你死定了! | I was talking to myself. You're going down! |
有人來幫你們點東西了嗎? | Has someone taken your order? |
對,她來過了,是他才對,是她嗎? | Oh, yeah. She did. He did. She? |
抱歉,我第一次來,我不… | I'm sorry, I'm new. I don't... |
-我點了一杯啤酒 -你是異性戀,我懂了 | - I just ordered a beer. - You're straight. I get it. |
如果我們打電話給你爸 就能坐到比較好一點的位置 | If we called your dad, we'd have better seats. |
我不想讓他知道我們來了 我還沒有準備好 | I don't want him to know we're here yet. I'm not ready for that. |
而且他看到我也不會太高興 | Besides, he won't be too happy to see me either. |
為什麼? | Why not? |
我不知道我有沒有告訴你… | I don't know if I told you... |
過去幾年他常常試著跟我聯絡 | ...but he's kind of tried to contact me a lot the last few years. |
什麼? | What? |
對,他會打電話,寫信給我 | Yeah. He's made phone calls, written letters. |
他會到紐約來,但我總是說我很忙 | He came to New York. But I always said I was too busy. |
那就像是《搖籃裡的貓》(哈裡·查普林的名歌,講述父子之間的問題) 我真的不想談 | It's very "Cats in the Cradle." I don't want to get into it. |
節日要開始了 | Here we go. |
各位先生女士,歡迎與世無雙的… | Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the incomparable... |
海蓮娜漢德巴斯奇 | ...Helena Handbasket. |
嗨,親愛的 | Hello, darlings. |
他就是我爸 | And there's Daddy. |
快跟我換位置,快點! 我在上面,你在下面 | Switch places with me. Come on! I'll go under, you go over. |
-對,我願意那麼做 -快點 | - Yeah, I'll get right on that. - Come on! |
-什麼? 不,瑞秋,別那樣 -快點 | - What? No. Hey, Rach, come on. - Come on! |
我相信我們不會因為這個而被逮捕 | I'm sure we won't get arrested for this. |
天啊! | God! |
嗨,警官,我的速度有點快嗎? | Hi, officer. Was I going a little too fast? |
哦,我的天啊 | Oh, my God. |
-麻煩你把駕照拿出來 -沒問題 | - Can I see your license, please? - Absolutely. |
這太奇怪了,我昨晚做了一個夢 夢到我被一個員警攔下來 | It's weird. I had a dream last night that I was stopped by a policeman. |
然後他… | And then he... |
或許我不該告訴你接下來的情節 | Well, I probably shouldn't tell you the rest. |
他給了你一張… | He gave you a big... |
大 | ...fat... |
罰單? | ...ticket? |
- 你的駕照 - 對,在這裡,警官… | - Your license. - Yes. Here you go, Officer... |
帥哥警官 | ...Handsome. |
-是韓森 -對不起,我錯了 | - It's Hanson. - Oops, sorry. My mistake. |
親愛的主啊! | Dear Lord! |
-哇! -來了 | - Wow! - Here it comes. |
這張照片很漂亮 | This is a great picture. |
真的嗎? 你真的那麼想 拍照時我才剛剛起床 | Really? You think so? You know, I had just rolled right out of bed. |
你看起來很美 | You look phenomenal. |
一點都沒錯,那是十年前的照片了 | She should! It was taken 10 years ago! |
你知道的,或許你很納悶日期有點不太對勁 | You know, you're probably wondering about the old date. |
沒錯,你是水瓶座嗎? | Yes, I am. You're an Aquarius, huh? |
-我敢說你是雙子座 -不是 | - I'll bet you're a Gemini. - No. |
-金牛座? -不是 | - Taurus? - No. |
-處女座 -不是 | - Virgo? - No. |
-射手座? -對 | - Sagittarius? - Yep. |
我就知道 | I knew it. I knew it! |
-不要再超速了,好嗎? -我不會超速的 | - You won't speed anymore, right? - I won't speed. |
-你發誓你會去換駕照? -我發誓 | - And you promise to take care of this? - I promise. |
還有,讓他開車,他有駕照嗎? | In the meantime, let him drive. Does he have a license? |
-他會開手動的車嗎? -哦… | - Can he handle a stick? - Well... |
我會開手動的車! | I can handle a stick! |
-他不可能是你爸 -多年來我一直是那麼告訴自己 | - That can't be your father. - I've been saying that for years. |
-哦,我的天啊 -什麼? | - Oh, my God! - What? |
彈鋼琴的人就是嘉利巴迪先生 | That's Mr. Garibaldi playing the piano. |
嗨,歡迎你們來看表演 | Hello, and welcome to the show. |
在觀眾席中我看到一些常客 | I see some of our regulars in the audience. |
還有一些新面孔 | And a couple of irregulars. |
-他要走進觀眾席裡了 -放輕鬆,你會沒事的 | - He's coming into the audience. - Relax. You'll be fine. |
哦,好多了,現在你成了隱形人 | Oh, much better. You're invisible now. |
-你是從哪裡來的? -貝克斯菲爾德 | - Where are you from? - Bakersfield. |
-什麼? -貝克斯菲爾德 | - I'm sorry? - Bakersfield. |
不,我聽到了,我只是覺得很遺憾 | No, no, I heard. I'm just sorry. |
我無法接受這種事情 我們回飯店碰面 | It can't happen like this. I'll meet you back at the hotel. |
大家看,已經有人站起來鼓掌 節目才剛剛開始 | Look, a standing ovation already. So early in the show. |
轉身吧,親愛的,讓我看看你帥氣的臉 | Turn around, darling. Let me see your pretty face. |
我們的飲料能快點送上來嗎? 服務生? 小姐? | Can we have our drinks, please? Waiter? ...tress? |
-嘿,菲比 -嘿 | - Hey, Pheebs. - Hey. |
你看 | Check it out. |
我很有男子氣概吧? | How much of a man am I? |
哇,太棒了,你很有男子氣概 但你也是個蕩婦 | Wow, nice. Manly, and also kind of a slut. |
我開始瞭解傑克的意思了 | I'm beginning to see what Jake was talking about. |
絲綢的感覺真的很舒服 | The silk feels really good. |
而那玩意不像我想像中會擠在一團 | And things aren't as smashed down as I thought they would be. |
那真的是太棒了 | That's great. |
而男人的內褲選擇沒那麼多 | You have so many more choices than with mens underwear. |
比基尼,法式剪裁,丁字褲,質料有棉的,絲綢的和蕾絲的 | Bikini, French cut, thong. And the fabrics: Cotton, silk, lace. |
你知道我一直想穿什麼嗎? 褲襪! | You know what I've always wondered about? Pantyhose! |
從腳趾頭開始一路住上拉到… | The way they start at your toe, then they go all the way up to... |
-我應該把內褲脫下來的,對吧? -我想你最好那麼做 | - I should go take these off, shouldn't I ? - I think it's important you do. |
你叫什麼名字? | What's your name? |
錢德 | Chandler. |
錢德? | Chandler? |
那個名字真是與眾不同 | What an unusual name. |
你的父母一定很棒 | You must have had terribly fascinating parents. |
哦,他們只會大喊大叫的 | Oh, they're a hoot. |
你的朋友叫什麼名字? | And who is your friend? |
我是莫妮卡 | I'm Monica. |
-莫妮卡,你們從哪裡來的? -紐約 | - Monica. Where are you from? - New York. |
我不太喜歡紐約 | I'm not very fond of New York. |
但我喜歡皇后區 | Queens, I like. |
這個亮晶晶的… | What is this... |
東西是什麼? 甜心 | ...sparkling something, honey, huh? |
事實上莫妮卡跟我訂婚了 | Actually, Monica and I are engaged. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
恭喜你們 | Congratulations. |
你們什麼時候結婚? | When's the big day? |
兩星期後 | In two weeks. |
我知道了 | I see. |
喔,我祝你們兩個永遠幸福 | Well, I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. |
原來你是個禿頭 | So, you're bald. |
等一下 | Wait, wait. |
我們希望你能來參加我們的婚禮 | We'd love it if you could be there. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
我知道那會讓我覺得很快樂… | I know it would make me happy... |
夫人 | ...ma'am. |
我一定會去的 | Then I wouldn't miss it for the world. |
我都熱淚盈眶了 | I'm getting all misty here. |
你們一定會以為是我剛用熱蠟除過腿毛的原因 | You'd think I was having my legs waxed or something. |
-你還好嗎? -我很好 | - You okay? - Yeah. |
謝謝你逼我這麼做 | Thanks for making me do this. |
在繼續表演前,我要跟這對新人說… | Before we go on with the show, I want to say to the bride and groom... |
他們非常幸運能找到彼此 | ...how lucky they are to have found each other. |
每個人的人生都會遇到雨天 | In every life a little rain must fall. |
幸好… | Fortunately... |
在我的人生中… | ...in my life... |
我小時候演過最左邊那個角色 | When I was growing up, I played the one on the far left. |
今天你一定玩得夠盡興的 | I think you've had enough fun for today. |
提醒我介紹你給某人認識 | Remind me to introduce you to someone. |
-誰? -四檔 | - Who? - Fourth gear. |
他想做什麼? 我什麼都沒做 | What does he want? I wasn't doing anything. |
或許他看到你的手只會從十點的位置滑到兩點的位置 | Maybe he saw your hands slip briefly from the 10 and 2:00 position. |
或許是射手座警官折回來想泡你 | Maybe it's Sergeant Sagittarius coming back to flirt some more. |
也許他的警徽還沒丟夠臉吧 | Perhaps he didn't tarnish the badge enough. |
不是剛剛那個警官 | It's a different guy. |
-晚安,警官 -你知道你的時速有多快嗎? | - Good evening, officer. - Do you know how fast you were going? |
不,我不知道,但應該沒有超過六十哩 | No, I don't, but it couldn't have been more than 60. |
你說的對,只有三十七哩 | You're right. It was 37. |
真的? | Really? |
-請出示你的駕照好嗎? -開玩笑 | - Can I see your license, please? - You're kidding. |
你該不會因為我開得太慢而開我罰單吧? | You're not gonna give me a ticket for driving too slow, are you? |
沒錯 | That's right. |
你要幫我嗎? | You wanna help me out here? |
對不起,什麼? | I'm sorry, what? |
做你剛才做的把戲? | Can you do your little thing that you did before? |
我不這麼認為 | I don't think so. |
我不能讓他的警徽丟臉 | I don't think I want to tarnish his badge. |
你知道的,警官… | You know, officer... |
昨晚我做了一個非常奇怪的夢 | I had the weirdest dream last night. |
哇,我的天啊! | Oh, my God! |
麻煩你把駕照拿出來 | Your license, please. |
你不想想聽聽我做了什麼夢嗎… | You don't want to hear about my dream... |
警官… | ...Officer... |
…可愛嗎? | ...Pretty? |
是佩提 | It's Petty. |
我馬上幫你開罰單 | I'll be right back with your ticket. |
-你有個兒子 -我知道 | - You have a son. - I know. I know. |
-你覺得好一點了嗎? -對,我好多了 | - You feel better? - Yeah. Much. |
聽著… | Listen... |
我並不是擔心我的男子氣概… | Not that I'm insecure about my manood or anything... |
但我想我應該馬上去泡個女人 | ...but I think I need to hook up with a woman right now. |
我瞭解 | I understand. |
你看起來好眼熟,我認識你嗎? | You look familiar. Do I know you? |
應該不認識 | I don't think so. |
或許那因為我是電視演員 | Maybe it's because I'm on television. |
-我演出《我們的日子》-哇,真的嗎? | - I'm an actor on Days of our Lives. - Wow. Really? |
-一共是四塊半,謝謝,-讓我來吧 | - $4.50, please. - Oh, let me get this. |
這是送你的 | These are for you. |
你們知道這是最後一次我們以六個單身朋友的身份 | Do you realize this is the last time we'll be here... |
在一起嗎? | ...as six single people? |
咖啡廳怎麼了? | What's happening to the coffeehouse? |
從現在開始,是你們四個好朋友 我跟我太太了 | From now on, it's you four and me and the missus. |
我的小女人,好老婆,老伴兒 | The little woman. The wife. The old ball and chain. |
-老? -你是年輕性感的枷鎖 | - Old? - The young, hot ball and chain. |
-好多了 -我們得走了 | - Much better. - We gotta go. |
-去哪裡? -我要去拿婚紗跟媽媽一起吃午餐 | - Where? - Get the dress and lunch with Mom. |
喬伊,你也要去跟“媽媽”吃飯? | Joey, you too? |
不,我只是聽到了“午餐” | I just heard "lunch." |
對,我可以去,當然 | Yeah, I can go. Sure. |
事實上我很高興他們離開了 | Actually, I'm glad they're leaving. |
有件事我得跟你談一談 | I need to talk to you about something. |
-什麼事? -這或許有點嚇人 | - What's up? - This may be a little awkward. |
如果你需要錢,時機真的不太對 明天晚上我得請128個人吃晚餐 | If you need money, it's a bad time. I'm buying 128 dinners tomorrow. |
不,不是那樣的 | No, it's not that. |
我不是以你朋友的身份跟你說話… | I'm not gonna say this as your friend... |
我要以莫妮卡大哥的身份跟你談 | ...but as Monica's older brother. |
-但你還是我朋友吧? -接下來的幾分鐘不是 | - But you're still my friend? - Not for a few minutes. |
-現在你還是我的伴郎嗎? -不是 | - Right now, are you still my best man? - No. |
我還是可以叫你羅斯嗎? | Do I still call you Ross? |
你們要結婚了,我真的很高興 | You guys are getting married, and I couldn't be more thrilled. |
但身為她的大哥我得告訴你一件事 | But as her older brother, I have to tell you this: |
如果你敢傷害我妹妹… | If you ever hurt my little sister... |
如果你敢讓她不快樂… | ...if you ever cause her any unappiness of any kind... |
我會追捕你… | ...I will hunt you down... |
會踹你的屁股 | ...and kick your ass. |
什麼? 我是認真的 | What? I'm serious. |
-兄弟,別鬧了,我不是在開玩笑 -我聽到你的話了… | - Dude! Stop it! I'm not kidding. - I hear what you're saying... |
謝謝你的警告 | ...and thanks for the warning. |
別客氣 | No problem. |
我們又是朋友了? | Are we friends again? |
對 | Yeah. |
你不會相信剛剛莫妮卡的哥哥跟我說了什麼! | You won't believe what Monica's brother just said to me! |
Friends S07E23-24 莫妮卡和錢德的婚禮 | The One With Monica and Chandler's Wedding |
你在做什麼? 莫妮卡 | What you doing, Mon? |
我在列出,婚禮上可能會出差錯的事情 | I'm listing things that could go wrong at the wedding. |
那樣子我可以做好準備 | So I can be prepared. |
-哪些事會出差錯? -到目前為止有婚紗忘了拿 | - What are they? -So far, the dresses won't get picked up... |
我的頭紗不見了,或是我忘了拿藍色的東西 (西方結婚的習俗,要有新的、舊的、借的、藍色的東西) | ...my veil gets lost or I don't have something blue. |
那是我負責的事 | I'm responsible for all those. |
我得考慮所有的可能性 | I had to go with the odds. |
你們還記得之前我去試鏡沒有拿到那個角色的事嗎? | Remember that audition I had a while ago and I didn't get the part? |
-那個廣告? -那部舞臺劇? | - The commercial? -That play? |
另一部舞臺劇? | That other play? |
-那部電影 -對 | - The movie? - Yes! |
那部狗會開飛機的電影? | The one about the dog who flies planes? |
不,但我真的很傷心 | No. But, man, that one hurt. |
-這部電影是描述第一次世界大戰的士兵,-哦,是哦 | - This is the one about WWI soldiers. - Oh, yeah. |
以前我們叫它“偉大的戰爭” | Back then we called it "The Great War." |
它真的是大戰 | It really was. |
他們錄取的那個角色不演了!我今天就要開始拍戲! | The guy they wanted backed out! I start shooting today! |
恭喜 | Congratulations! |
-今天有彩排晚宴 -我一定會趕過去的 | - Today's the rehearsal dinner. - I'll be done by then. |
喔,那麼你去吧,你這個電影明星! | Oh. Then way to go, you big movie star! |
待會見,我要去跟納粹作戰了 | See you. I'm off to fight the Nazis. |
等一下,喬伊,納粹是我們在二次大戰的敵人,不是一次大戰 | Wait, Joey. We fought the Nazis in WWll, not WWI. |
誰是我們在一次大戰的敵人? | Who was in WWI? |
你說吧 | Go ahead. |
你要遲到了! 快去… | You're gonna be late! Go! Go! |
誰是我們在一次大戰的敵人? | Who did we fight in WWI? |
-墨西哥? -對,非常棒 | - Mexico? - Yes. Very good. |
-嘿,喬伊,我們準備好了 -我也是 | - Hey, Joey. We're ready. - Yeah, me too. |
理查,我們準備好了 | Richard, we're ready for you. |
喬伊崔比亞尼,這位是理查克洛斯比 他要飾演文森 | Joey Tribbiani, this is Richard Crosby. He's playing Vincent. |
-我要跟你演對手戲? -很高興能認識你 | - I'm acting with you? - Nice to meet you. |
我不敢相信,這太不可思議了 你剛剛拿下奧斯卡金像獎 | I can't believe this. This is incredible. You just won an Oscar. |
不,我沒有 | No, I didn't. |
我知道你有 | I think you did. |
我想三次我都輸了 | I think I lost, three times. |
-餅乾? 你要…? -不 | - Cookie? Would you...? - No. |
再過一小時我們就要正式開拍 | We're about an hour away from getting the scene lit. |
-你們能對一下戲嗎? -沒問題 | - Can you guys run it a couple times? - Yeah, sure. |
好了,我們開始吧 | All right. Let's do it. |
好了…開始! | And... Action! |
-我們得找到其他士兵! -算了吧,他們已經不在了 | - We have to find the platoon! - Forget it, the platoon is gone! |
-什麼? -他們都死了! 面對現實吧,東尼! | - What? - The platoon's dead! Face facts, Tony! |
我們該怎麼辦? 我們沒有援兵或食物 | What'll we do? We have no reinforcements or food. |
地下室有食物 有馬鈴薯和一些義大利面 | There's food in the basement. Potatoes and some pasta. |
等一下,喬伊,你一直在摸你的臉 | Hang on. Joey, you keep touching your face. |
有什麼問題嗎? | Something wrong? |
不,沒有 | No. No. |
我以為這麼做會很酷 | I thought it might be a cool character thing. |
他是個喜歡摸臉的人 | He's a face toucher. |
我可不那麼認為 | I don't think so. |
我們從理查最後一句臺詞開始,開始! | Let's take it back to Richard's last lines. Action! |
雖然我們沒有武器,但我們還有食物 | We may not have weapons, but we still have food. |
馬鈴薯,義大利面… | Potatoes, pasta... |
跟幾罐金槍魚 | ...and a few tins of tuna! |
甜心,我們得走了 | Honey, we gotta go! |
這個問題真的很難啟齒 | Here's a question you never want to ask: |
我爸能借用你的珍珠項鍊嗎? | Can my dad borrow one of your pearl necklaces? |
他有提到他的領口是哪一種的嗎? | Did he say what kind of neckline he's wearing? |
沒有 | No. |
我只見過他一次,但我猜… | I just met him once, but I'm guessing... |
是低胸的? | ...plunging? |
他是那種不招搖不甘休的爸爸 | He is more of a if-you've-got-it- flaunt-it kind of father. |
我去問問瑞秋有沒有適合的項鍊 | Let me see if Rachel has anything. |
對,把更多的人扯進來 | Yes, include more people in this. |
你知道明天這個時候我們要結婚嗎? | Do you realize that at this time tomorrow we're gonna be getting married? |
我明天晚上有約了 | I have a date tomorrow night. |
-我不敢相信我們真的辦到了 -別一副很訝異的樣子 | - I can't believe we made it. - Don't sound so surprised. |
對不起,但是… | I'm sorry, but... |
-沒事 -什麼? | - Nothing. - What? |
哦,說實話嗎? 自從我們訂婚後… | Well, honestly? Ever since we got engaged... |
我一直在期待發生什麼事讓你退縮 | ...l've been waiting for something to flip you out. |
真的嗎? 我也是 | Honestly? Me too. |
-真的嗎? -對 | - Really? - Yeah. |
我以為會發生什麼事,然後我會做… | I think that something will come up and I'll go all... |
錢德會做的事 | Well, Chandler. |
-但什麼事都沒發生 -我很高興 | - But nothing has. - I'm so glad. |
謝謝你在這段時間一直都非常地冷靜 | Thank you for staying so calm during this. |
它讓我非常地冷靜 | It's made me stay calm. |
我可能會更差的 | I could've been worse. |
我馬上回來 | I'll be right there. |
如果你在星期六前打電話來 這裡是莫妮卡跟錢德家 | If you're calling before Saturday, you've reached Monica and Chandler. |
但如果你在星期六後打電話來,這裡是賓夫婦的家 | But if you're calling after Saturday, you've reached Mr. And Mrs. Bing. |
請留話給…賓夫婦! | Please leave a message for... the Bings! |
嘿,墨琳! | Hey, Maureen! Hi! |
-她是我表妹墨琳 -我們是賓夫婦 | - This is my cousin, Maureen. - We're the Bings. |
嗨,你們都很漂亮 | Hi! You guys look so beautiful. |
賓先生跟賓太太 | Mr. And Mrs. Bing! |
莫妮卡 | Monica. |
你知道的,我以“大哥的身份”跟錢德談過 | So you know, I had my "older brother" talk with Chandler. |
你說了什麼? | What is that? |
我告訴他如果他敢傷害你… | I told him that if he ever hurt you... |
我都會追捕他 我會踹他的屁股 | ...I would hunt him down and kick his ass. |
大家是怎麼了? 我是認真的 | What is the matter with everybody? I'm serious. |
我會踹他的屁股! | I would kick his ass! |
羅斯,拜託,我的妝要花了 | Ross, please, my makeup! |
-錢德 -媽 | - Chandler. - Mom. |
謝謝你記得穿…衣服來 | Thanks for wearing... something. |
我真的很興奮 我以為我們害得你不敢結婚 | This is so exciting! I thought we screwed you up too much for this. |
你想想,很快地就會出現很多小賓 | Just think, soon there will be lots of little Bings. |
我不敢相信我要回去讓人家噴口水 | I can't believe I'm going back to work to get spit on again. |
你很幸運,至少噴你口水的人都很有名 | You're lucky. At least the people that spit on you are famous. |
-誰對你噴口水? -我不想談工作的事 | - Who spits on you? - I don't want to talk about work. |
賓太太? 他們是我爸媽茱蒂跟傑克蓋勒 | Mrs. Bing? These are my parents, Judy and Jack Geller. |
-很高興能見到你 -你是他媽媽還是他爸爸 | - It's lovely to meet you. - Are you his mother or father? |
傑克! | Jack! |
怎麼? 我沒看過變性人 | What? I've never seen one before. |
爸,羅斯在那邊 去跟他談一談吧 | Dad, there's Ross. Go talk to him. |
我甚至沒辦法假裝我不會在意 | I wasn't even able to act like I'm okay with it. |
大家好 | Hello, all. |
嗨…爸爸 | Hi... Dad. |
嗨,賓先生 | Hi, Mr. Bing. |
-諾拉 -查理斯 | - Nora. - Charles. |
-很高興你們兩個都來了 -對 | - It's so great to see you both here. - Yes. |
雖然有些人露的太多了 | Although we may be seeing too much of some people. |
你不覺得自己太老了 不該穿那種衣服嗎? | Aren't you a little old to wear a dress like that? |
你不覺得自己有陰莖 不該穿那種衣服嗎? | Don't you have a little too much penis to wear a dress like that? |
哦,我的天 | Oh, my God. |
你當然可以踹他屁股,兒子 | Of course you can kick his ass, son. |
你想踹任何人的屁股都沒有問題 | You could kick anyone's ass you want to. |
謝謝你們 | Thanks, you guys. |
-瑞秋? -什麼? | - Rach, Rach? - Yeah? |
快去跟錢德的爸聊天 別讓他跟錢德的媽媽碰面 | Talk to Chandler's dad and keep him away from Chandler's mom. |
-但我不知道他長什麼樣子 -他穿著黑色裙子 | - But I don't know what he looks like. - He's the man in the black dress. |
嗨,我是瑞秋,莫妮卡跟錢德的朋友 | Hi! I'm Rachel, a friend of Monica and Chandler's. |
-我是亞曼達,-我懂了 | - I'm Amanda. - Oh, I get it. |
“男人,啊!” | "A man, duh!" |
請大家聽我說 | Could I have your attention? |
-我是羅斯蓋勒 -羅斯蓋勒博士 | - I'm Ross Geller. - Dr. Ross Geller. |
爸,拜託,我剛剛說過… | Dad, please. As I was saying... |
我是羅斯蓋勒博士 | ...l'm Dr. Ross Geller. |
我是伴郎 | And I'm the best man. |
我得說,我有點吃驚大家今天聚在一起 | And I have to say, I'm a little surprised we're all here today. |
你們有人不認識錢德… | For those of you who don't know Chandler... |
…他不是很喜歡談戀愛 | ...he's not the biggest fan of relationships. |
其實,在他遇到莫妮卡之前,我想… | In fact, I think before he met Monica... |
..他唯一真正的女朋友是一個叫莫莉的女孩 | ...the only real relationship he had was with a girl named Molly. |
他本來要娶她的 但是她不能控制膀胱 | And he would've married her, only she couldn't control her bladder. |
那是他的狗.我說了那是他的狗嗎? | It was his dog. Did I say it was his dog? |
不管怎麼樣… | Any... Anyway... |
這段婚姻對我來說有雙重意義… | This marriage is doubly special for me... |
不只因為新郎是我的好朋友… | ...because not only is the groom my best friend... |
更因為新娘是我的妹妹 | ...but the bride is my little sister. |
她是所有男人夢寐以求的好妹妹 | She's the greatest sister a guy could ask for. |
請大家跟我一起舉杯… | Please join me in raising a glass... |
敬這對新人 | ...to the couple we're here to celebrate. |
-敬賓夫婦 -敬賓夫婦! | - To the Bings. - To the Bings! |
下次看到錢德你會走紅毯,真酷啊? | How cool is it that the next time you see Chandler you'll be walking down the aisle? |
真不敢相信明天過後一切都結束了 | I can't believe that after tomorrow it's all gonna be over. |
寶貝,不會結束的,你要嫁給錢德 | Honey, it's not gonna be over. You're gonna be married to Chandler. |
我可以穿萬聖節的衣服! | Maybe I can wear the dress for Halloween! |
我要去熨婚紗了 | I'm gonna steam my dress. |
誰負責確定它不會有問題? | Who will make sure nothing happens to it? |
-我會負責 -誰要負責? 有人願意嗎? | - I'll do it. - Who wants it? Anybody? |
-我說我會負責 -沒有人嗎? | - I said, I'll do it. - Nobody? |
-好吧,那麼我就自己來 -我不會搞砸的 | - All right, I'll do it myself. - I'm not gonna screw it up. |
你說的對,對不起,今晚你幫了大忙 | You're right. I'm sorry. You were a big help tonight. |
謝謝你幫忙將我奶奶安全地送回飯店 | Thanks for helping my grandmother get to the hotel safely. |
-當然,那就是我的工作 -好吧,對不起 | - Of course! That's what I'm here for.- Okay. Sorry. |
什麼奶奶? | What grandmother? |
-你跑到哪裡去了? -我送我爸媽回飯店 | - Where have you been? - Taking my parents to the hotel. |
-你要回去工作了? -對 | - Going back to work? - Yeah. |
-很酷的太陽眼鏡 -謝謝誇獎 | - Nice shades. - Thanks. |
我想如果我能戴上它拍戲 我的眼睛就不會噴到口水了 | I figure if I wear these in my scenes, I won't get spit in my eyes. |
如果我沒有記錯 雷朋眼睛是一次大戰的官方贊助商 | And, if I remember correctly, Ray-Ban was the official sponsor of WWI. |
太棒了! | Great! All right! |
-待會見 -好吧 | - I'll see you later. - All right. |
-錢德在哪裡? -我想他在瑞秋的房間裡 | - Where's Chandler? - I think he's in Rachel's room. |
錢德? | Chandler? |
-莫妮卡在嗎? -她在熨婚紗,怎麼了? | - Is Monica here? - She's steaming her dress. Why? |
-我想錢德走了 -什麼? | - I think Chandler's gone. - What? |
-他留下了這個 -告訴莫妮卡我很抱歉 | - He left that. - "Tell Monica I'm sorry." |
哦,我的天 | Oh, my God. |
怎麼了? | What's up? |
“告訴莫妮卡我很抱歉” | "Tell Monica I'm sorry." |
你自己去告訴她 | Tell her yourself. |
哦,我的天啊,錢德走了? | Oh, my God. Chandler just left, though? |
或許事情不是我們想的那樣 或許他是說: | Maybe it's not what we think. Maybe it's: |
“告訴莫妮卡我很抱歉,我把牛奶都喝光了” | "Tell Monica I'm sorry I drank the last of the milk." |
或者“告訴莫妮卡我很抱歉,我用她的鑷子拔鼻毛” | Or "Tell Monica I'm sorry I used her tweezers to pluck my nose hair." |
他做過的,我看到過 | He does that. I've seen him. |
或許他寫這張字條告訴她 他改了名字 | Or maybe he was writing to tell her that he's changed his name: |
“告訴莫妮卡 我叫抱歉” | "Tell Monica I'm Sorry." |
-這表示他嚇得逃跑了! -別那麼消極! | - It means he freaked out and left! - Don't be so negative! |
天啊,有沒有可能“抱歉”現在就坐在裡面 | Good God, isn't it possible that "Sorry" is sitting in there right now? |
菲比,我想羅斯說得對 我們該怎麼辦? | Phoebe, I think Ross is right. What are we gonna do? |
我得去找他,把他帶回來 | I'm gonna have to go find him and bring him back. |
你們別讓莫妮卡發現這件事,好嗎? | You make sure Monica does not find out, okay? |
如果你沒辦法找到他,把他帶回來… | But if you don't find him and bring him back... |
我都會追捕你 我會踹你的屁股! | ...I am gonna hunt you down and kick your ass! |
我會找到他的 | I will find him. |
好了,燙好衣服了 | Well, the dress is done. |
什麼事? | What? |
我們都在替你高興 | We're just so happy for you. |
你們真好! | That's so sweet! |
我們來談談 明天我就要嫁給的那個男人吧 | Can we just take a minute and talk about the man I'm gonna marry tomorrow. |
我是說,我多麼幸運啊? | I mean, how lucky am I? |
好問題 | That's a good question. |
我只希望你們有朝一日也能找到像錢德那樣的好男人 | I just hope that someday you guys find someone like Chandler. |
我希望我們能儘快找到跟錢德一模一樣的人 | I hope we find someone exactly like Chandler and soon. |
喬伊,你能跟我對一下臺詞嗎? | Joey? Can you go through these lines with me? |
哦,天啊,他們才幫我化好妝 | Oh, man, they just re-did my makeup. |
-只要對最後兩頁 -好吧 | - Just the last two pages. - All right. |
我發現照片了 | I found the picture! |
照片? 什麼照片? | Picture? What picture? |
我在你的背包裡,發現了我太太的照片 | The picture of my wife I found in your pack. |
-你能把劇本放下來嗎? -我不想 | - Could you lower the script? - I don't want to. |
我得看到你的臉,才能知道你的反應 | I need to see your face so I can play off your reaction. |
好吧,聽我說 | Okay, look. |
我知道你的演技很棒 演過很多莎士比亞名劇… | I know you're great and play all those Shakespeare guys... |
但你噴得我滿臉是口水 | ...but you're spitting all over me, man. |
-那當然! -你知道你會噴口水? | - Of course I am! - You know you've been spitting? |
真正的演員都會那麼做 | That's what real actors do. |
發音是好演員的標誌 | Enunciation is the mark of a good actor. |
發音正確時就會噴口水! | And when you enunciate, you spit! |
我不知道這件事 | didn't know that. |
謝了,好吧,看我的 | Thanks. Okay, check it out. |
照片? 什麼照片? | Picture? What picture? |
-甘瑟,你看到錢德了嗎? -不,我沒有看到他 | - Gunther, have you seen Chandler? - No, I haven't seen him. |
-該死 -他明天要結婚了,對吧? | - Damn. - He's getting married tomorrow, right? |
對,別擔心,一切都會沒事的 | Yes. Don't worry. Everything's fine. |
-明天婚禮上見 -我沒有被邀請 | - We'll see you tomorrow at the wedding. - I wasn't invited. |
那麼後天見 | Then we'll see you the day after tomorrow. |
媽? 爸? | Mom? Dad? |
你在這裡做什麼? | What are you doing here? |
我們想看看這裡到底有什麼特別 | We thought we'd see what the fuss is all about. |
-我知道為什麼女孩們喜歡來這裡 -為什麼? | - I see why the girls like coming here. - Why? |
為了吧台後面那個性感金髮帥哥 | The sexy blond behind the counter. |
-甘瑟? -她剛剛把他列入她的名單 | - Gunther? - She just added him to her list. |
-什麼? 你的名單? -我們可以上床的物件 | - What? Your list? - Of people we're allowed to sleep... |
我知道那是什麼樣的名單 | I know what the list is. |
快坐下吧,喝杯咖啡 | Come on, sit down. Have a cup of joe. |
爸爸,我沒空,抱歉 | Dad, I can't. I'm sorry. |
如果你看到錢德,告訴他我在找他 | If you see Chandler, tell him I'm looking for him. |
如果你看到麗塔莫雷諾(影星) 告訴她我在找她 | And if you see Rita Moreno, let her know I'm looking for her. |
開始! | Action! |
我發現照片了! | I found the picture! |
什麼照片? | What picture? |
我在你的背包裡發現了我太太的照片 | The picture of my wife, in your pack! |
你偷翻我的私人物品? | You went through my personal property? |
你的背包裡為什麼會有寶麗蒂的照片? | Why do you have a picture of Paulette in your pack? |
文森,因為我們是愛人… | Because, Vincent, we were lovers... |
兩年了! | ...for two years! |
停! 太棒了! | Cut! Wonderful! |
真的是太棒了! | Great scene! |
你真的很棒,最後那一段 你噴得我的臉都濕了 | You were awesome. In that last speech, you soaked me. |
-這是明天的時間表 -明天沒有我的戲份 | - Tomorrow's call sheet. - I'm not working tomorrow. |
-現在有了 -不,你得幫我這個忙 | - You are now. - No, you gotta get me out of it. |
我已經有計劃了,非常重要的計畫! | I have plans. Important plans! |
-羅斯說還是沒有錢德的消息,-天啊 | - Ross said still no word from Chandler. - Oh, man. |
但他們發現奶奶在第五大道上遊蕩 | But they found the grandmother wandering down 5th Avenue. |
好吧,至少找到一個人了 | Okay, well, there's one down. |
今天我要結婚了 | I'm getting married today! |
我斷了一根肋骨,但我不在乎 今天我要結婚了 | I cracked a rib, but I don't care. Today's my wedding! |
我終於要結婚了! | My day is finally here! |
或許她不會注意到他不見了 | She might not even notice he's gone. |
我要開始準備了 | I'm gonna start getting ready! |
我們不能讓她開始準備,這太可怕了 | We can't let her start getting ready. This is too awful! |
但等她換上婚紗,而他又沒有出現時… | But she'll be in the gown and then he won't show up... |
這時候她得脫掉婚紗… | ...then she'll have to take off the gown... |
冷靜點,你不能在這時抓狂 | Stop it. You can't do this here. |
對不起,抱歉 | I'm sorry. I'm sorry. |
那真的是太悲傷了 | It's just so sad. |
振作一點,別讓她看到你這個樣子 | Pull it together. She can't see you like this. |
-她會發現不對勁的 -我知道,天啊! | - She'll know something's wrong. - I know. I know. Oh, God! |
沒有面紙了 | There's no tissue. |
你能拿張衛生紙給我嗎? | Can you grab me some toilet paper? |
喔,衛生紙也沒有了 這裡是莫妮卡的浴室吧? | Oh, that's gone too. This is Monica's bathroom, right? |
-我找到一張了 -好吧 | - I found one. - Okay. |
-拿去吧 -謝謝 | - Here you go. - Thank you. |
噢,天啊 | Oh, God. |
能再給我一張嗎? | Can I have another one? |
沒問題 | Sure. |
你需要牙線嗎? | Do you need some floss? |
我無法想像如果他不出現會發生什麼事 | I can't imagine what will happen if he doesn't show up. |
這裡有一大堆衛生紙 | Here's a whole bunch. |
她會在禮堂等他… | She'll be at the wedding waiting... |
大家會說“哦,那個可憐的女孩” | ...and people will be whispering, "Oh, that poor girl." |
然後她得回來這裡獨自一個人生活 | Then she'll have to come back here and live alone. |
-哦,我的天啊 -什麼? | - Oh, my God. - What? |
垃圾桶有一根驗孕棒 是陽性反應 | There was a pregnancy test in the garbage. And it's positive. |
莫妮卡懷孕了 | Monica's pregnant. |
我猜她不會是一個人了 | So I guess she won't be totally alone. |
我的天啊! | Oh, my God! |
我知道,莫妮卡懷孕了! | I know. Monica's gonna have a baby! |
這能算是她的“新的東西”嗎? (西方結婚的習俗,要有新的、舊的、借的、藍色的東西) | Can this count as her "something new"? |
我的天 | Oh, my God. |
你覺得這就是錢德逃婚的原因嗎? | Do you think this is why Chandler took off? |
她應該是剛剛才驗的孕 我昨晚倒過垃圾 | She had to have just taken that test. I took out the trash last night. |
這將會是有史以來最糟糕的一場婚禮 | It's turning into the worst wedding ever. |
新娘懷孕,新郎逃婚,我還拿著這個 | The bride's pregnant, the groom's missing and I'm still holding this. |
菲比,我們不能告訴任何人這件事 | Phoebe, we cannot tell anyone about this. |
-對,沒錯 -好嗎? | - Right. Yeah. - Okay? |
嘿,等一下,你知道她用哪種方法避孕嗎? | Hey, wait. Do you know what kind of birth control she uses? |
不知道,怎麼了? | No. Why? |
為了將來準備,廣告上可不會提這種事 | Just for the future. This is hardly a commercial for it. |
有消息嗎? | Anything? |
不,我跟在片場的喬伊談過 他也沒有他的消息 | No. I talked to Joey on the set. He hasn't heard from him. |
我又去問了錢德的父母 | I talked to Chandler's parents again. |
你說他失蹤了? | You said he was missing? |
不,我裝作打電話過去跟他們聊天 | No. I made it seem like I called to chat. |
我很確定他們兩個都以為我對他們有興趣 | Pretty sure they both think I'm interested in them. |
-我們得告訴她他失蹤了 -不,我們不能那麼做 | - We've got to tell her he's gone. - No, we can't. |
她很快就會開始做準備 | She'll start getting ready soon. |
你不能拖延她嗎? 我會把昨晚找過的地方再找一遍 | Can't you stall her? I'll go back to the places I went last night. |
我們還有多少時間? | How much time? |
她最晚要什麼時候開始準備? | How long before she absolutely has to start getting ready? |
-頂多一小時 -給我兩小時 | - One hour. - Give me two. |
你幹嘛問我? | Then why do you ask? |
-祝我好運 -我跟你一起去 | - Wish me luck. - I'm going with you. |
為什麼? | Why? |
你累了,你找了一夜 很明顯你不是找人專家 | You're tired. You looked all night. And, clearly, you suck at this. |
我有夜盲症 | I have documented night blindness. |
不,你沒有! | No, you don't! |
好吧,但我不是那麼差! | Okay. But I don't suck! |
待會見 | See you later. |
你知道該怎麼拖延她嗎? | Do you know how you're gonna stall her? |
因為她對今天的安排失去了理智 | Because she is insane about her schedule today. |
-我會想出辦法的好吧,-祝你好運 | - I'll figure something out. - Okay, good luck. |
我想我們得先開始化妝,然後再弄頭髮 | I thought we'd start with my makeup and then do my hair. |
好吧,但你開始準備前 我得跟你談一談 | Okay. But before you do that, I need you to talk to me. |
談什麼? | About what? |
我永遠都沒辦法結婚了 | I'm never gonna get married! |
你會的,你的真命天子快出現了 | You will. The right guy's just around the corner. |
好吧,我們談完了嗎? | Okay, are we done with that? |
不,我是認真的 | No, I'm serious. |
或許我該忘了這件事,當個女同性戀 | Maybe I should just forget about it. Become a lesbian or something. |
跟你在一起的女人是個幸運兒 | Any woman would be lucky to have you. |
或許我跟喬伊上床就不會感覺那麼糟糕 | Maybe I'd feel better if I slept with Joey. |
瑞秋,你沒事吧? | Rachel? Are you okay? |
對不起,艾朗,我對通告表有點問題 | Excuse me, Aaron? I have a little problem with the schedule. |
今天本來沒有我的戲 我非去參加一場婚禮不可 | I wasn't supposed to work today. I have a wedding that I have to be at. |
我最好的朋友要結婚 我是證婚人… | It's my best friend's and I'm officiating... |
我真的四點前就得離開 | ...so I really can't work past 4. |
你得待到戲拍完 我們不能為你暫停拍戲 | You've gotta stay until the end. We can't stop filming just for you. |
又不是你要結婚 | It's not like it's your wedding. |
那是我的婚禮 | It is my wedding. |
我沒說清楚嗎? | Did I not make that clear? |
你說你最好的朋友要結婚 | You said your best friend is getting married. |
沒錯,和我結婚 | Yeah, to me. |
我和最好的朋友結婚 是不是很棒啊? | Yeah, I'm marrying my best friend. Isn't that beautiful? |
-但是你說你是證婚人 -沒錯 | - But you said you were officiating. - Yeah. |
-你自己的婚禮? -很多你想不到的事情 | - Your own wedding? - Happens more than you think. |
對不起,喬伊,還是不行 | I'm sorry, Joey. It's still no. |
我要動手術 | I'm having surgery. |
什麼? | What? |
我騙你說我要結婚 因為我不希望你擔心 | I made up the stuff about the wedding because I didn't want you to worry. |
但今天我要動手術 | But I'm having surgery today. |
什麼樣的手術? | What kind of surgery? |
移植手術 | Transplant. |
但星期一你還得拍戲 | But you're supposed to work on Monday. |
毛髮移植手術 | Hair transplant. |
但你不是禿頭 | But you're not bald. |
要移植的部位不是我的頭 | It's not on my head. |
我真的幫不上忙 或許你可以在四點前離開 | There's nothing I can do.You'll probably be out by 4 anyway. |
我們只要拍一場戲 就你跟理查,他是專業演員 | We've just got one short scene, it's just you and Richard and he's a pro. |
沒問題的 | You'll be fine. |
早安,理查 | Morning, Richard. |
你來了! 太棒了! 我們開始吧 | Hey, you're here! Great! Let's go, buddy! |
我們還得拍戲! | We got a scene to shoot! |
我系了兩條皮帶 | I'm wearing two belts. |
-你喝醉了嗎? -沒有 | - Are you drunk? - No. |
你喝醉了! | Yes, you are! |
好吧 | All right. |
我們找不到他了 在這個大城市裡 | We are never gonna find him. He's one guy in a huge city. |
噢,我的天哪,是他嗎? | Oh, my God. Is that him? |
那是一個中國老太太 | That is an old Chinese woman. |
他可能偽裝了,你知道的 | He could be in disguise, you know. |
你知道嗎? 你是對的,完全正確 | You know what? You're right. You're absolutely right. |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
錢德! | Chandler! |
現在你理性了 | Now you're thinking. |
可能我們完全搞錯了 | Maybe we're just approaching this all wrong. |
如果你是錢德,而你想躲起來的話… | If you're Chandler and you want to hide... |
哪裡是別人想不到的地方呢? | ...where is the last place on Earth people would think you'd go? |
原來這就是你的辦公室 | So this is your office. |
你們怎麼找到我的 我就知道我該躲在健身房 | How'd you guys find me? I knew I should've hid at the gym. |
-你到底在做什麼? -慌張 | - What the hell are you doing? - Panicking. |
我在上網找證據 證明我跟莫妮卡有血緣關係 | And using the Internet to try to prove that I'm related to Monica. |
-她還好嗎? -她不知道你失蹤了 | - How is she? - She doesn't know you're gone. |
她不必知道,來吧,我們回家了 | And she doesn't have to know. Come on, we're going home. |
-我不能那麼做 -為什麼? | - I can't do that. - Why not? |
因為如果我回家 我們會成為賓夫婦 | Because if I go home, we're gonna become the Bings. |
我不能當賓夫婦 | I can't be the Bings. |
那有什麼不對的? | What's wrong with it? |
賓夫婦的婚姻都很可怕 | The Bings have horrible marriages. |
他們會吵架,打成一團… | They yell, they fight... |
還會把救生員當成他們性愛遊戲的玩物 | ...and they use the pool boy as a pawn in their sexual games. |
你曾經穿上黑色裙子要我到你飯店的房間嗎 | Have you ever put on a black dress and asked me up to your hotel room? |
-沒有 -那麼你不是你父母那樣的人 | - No. - Then you are neither of your parents. |
不只是他們的婚姻 看看你的婚姻,看看大家的婚姻 | It's not just their marriage. Look at yours. Look at everybody's. |
只有保羅紐曼的婚姻幸福美滿(好萊塢模仿夫婦典範) | Only Paul Newman can make marriage work. |
我很清楚我自己,我不是保羅紐曼 | And I've met me. I am no Paul Newman. |
我不會賽車或做爆米花 也不會捐錢給慈善團體 | I don't race cars or make popcorn. None of my proceeds go to charity. |
聽我說,錢德… | But look, Chandler... |
現在沒有人比我更看不起你 | ...right now no one has a lower opinion of you than I do. |
但我完全相信你做得到 | But I totally believe you can do this. |
我也想,我很愛她,但我害怕… | I want to. I love her so much, but I'm afraid... |
這太沉重了 | This is too huge. |
你說的對,這是件大事 | You're right. It is huge. |
我們為什麼不一步一步慢慢來 | So why don't we take it just a little bit at a time. |
暫時忘了結婚的事,忘了它 | Forget getting married for a sec. Just forget about it. |
你能回家洗澡嗎? | Can you just come home and take a shower? |
好吧,不過之後 | Well, yeah. But then... |
我們只是回家洗澡 | We're just gonna go home and take a shower. |
那不可怕,對吧? | That's not scary, right? |
那得看你說“我們”是什麼意思 | Depends on what you mean by "we." |
-沒錯! -這就對了 | - All right! - There he is! |
老錢德會講同音字笑話了 | Good old Chandler with the homophobic jokes. |
你意下如何? | So, what do you say? |
我會洗澡,不過我不能保證任何東西 | I'll shower, but I won't promise anything. |
沒事,我們就說這個好嗎? 來吧,回家去吧 | Okay, that's all we're talking about. Okay? Come on, let's go home. |
誰是麥克·史密斯? | Who's Mike Smith? |
我敢肯定這是我的辦公室 | I was sure this was my office. |
漫漫長夜是最難熬的 | The nights are the hardest. |
但天亮了… | But then the day comes... |
白天就跟黑夜一樣難熬 | ...and that's every bit as hard as the night. |
-然後黑夜又來了…-白天跟黑夜都很難熬,我知道了 | - Then the night comes again... - The days and nights are hard, I get it! |
我得開始準備了,今天我要結婚了 | I have to start getting ready. I'm getting married today. |
我知道,在黃昏的時候 | I know. At dusk. |
對我來說黃昏是很難熬的 | That's such a hard time for me. |
我要化妝了 我們得在一小時內趕到飯店 | I'm gonna put my makeup on. We have to be at the hotel in an hour. |
-等一下 -什麼? | - Wait! - What? |
我們去吃午飯吧! | Let's go to lunch! |
我不能去吃午飯! | I can't go to lunch! |
對 | Right. |
天啊,我跌倒了 | Oh, good God, I've fallen down. |
發生了什麼事? | What's going on? |
好吧,聽我說 | All right, honey, listen. |
當我告訴你這件事時,我要你記得… | When I tell you what I'm about to tell you, I need you to remember... |
我們都會支援你,我們都愛你 | ...that we are all here for you and that we love you. |
好吧,你真的嚇壞我了 | Okay, you're really freaking me out. |
我們找不到錢德… | We can't find Chandler... |
的背心 | ...'s vest. |
我們找不到錢德的背心 | We can't find Chandler's vest. |
怎麼可能? 等一下,你是認真的嗎? | How can that be? Wait, are you serious? |
背心找到了 | Found the vest. |
我們得看好它,確定不會再把它弄丟了 | We'll have to keep an eye on it, make sure we don't lose it again. |
好吧,別那樣嚇我 | Okay, don't scare me like that, okay? |
剛剛我以為“天啊,最糟糕的事發生” | For a minute, I was like, "Oh, my God! The worst has happened!" |
我寧可死去也不願看到她回到你身邊! | I would sooner die in this hellhole than see her back with you! |
會解決的 | That can be arranged. |
-重來 -什麼?! 他刺中我了! | - Let's reset. - What?! He got me! |
重新來一次 | Let's take it from there. |
你今天心不在焉嗎? 那樣會很慢的 | Are you a little off today? It's going terribly slowly. |
我最好的朋友一個小時後就要結婚了,知道嗎? | Look, my best friends are getting married in, like, an hour, okay? |
我是證婚牧師.求你了,順利完成好嗎? | And I'm the minister. Please, can you pull it together? |
當然.對不起,我不能讓你因為我錯過任何東西 | Of course. I'm sorry. I'd hate you to miss anything like that on account of me. |
-我可以做到的 -謝謝,謝謝 | - I can do this. - Thank you. Thank you. |
準備,開始 | Still rolling. And, action. |
我寧可死去也不願看到她回到你身邊! | I would sooner die in this hellhole than see her back with you! |
會解決的! | That can be arranged! |
這麼滑的畜生! | Slippery little bugger! |
你們兩個結過婚是吧? | So you two were married, huh? |
後來發生了什麼事? 你們分開了嗎? | What happened, you just drift apart? |
還記得我們結婚那天嗎? | Do you remember our wedding day? |
你知道我和伴郎上床嗎? | Did you know I slept with the best man? |
當然,他告訴我了 | Yes, he told me. |
至少他是這樣說的 | At least I think that was what he said. |
他的腿纏著我的頭 所以很難理解他的話 | It was difficult to understand with his legs wrapped around my head. |
新娘來了 | Here comes the bride. |
我的天,莫妮卡 | Oh, my God, Monica! |
我想每天都穿這件婚紗 | I want to wear this every day. |
你真的好漂亮 | You look so beautiful. |
我為自己感到高興 | I'm so happy for me. |
-喂? -錢德出現了嗎? | - Hello? - Did Chandler show up yet? |
-我們找到他了,沒事了 -該死! | - We got him back. Everything's fine. - Damn it! |
-你在哪裡? -我還在片場裡 | - Where are you? - I'm still on the set. |
不到一小時婚禮就要開始 | The wedding is in less than an hour. |
我知道,對不起,跟我對戲的演員喝醉了,戲沒拍好他們不讓我離開 | I know. I'm sorry. The guy's drunk. They won't let me go until we get this. |
我的天啊,我得再去找位牧師 | Oh, my God. I'm gonna have to find another minister. |
不,我是牧師 | No, I'm the minister! |
聽著,叫他們兩個一起聽電話 我現在就幫他們證婚 | Look, put them both on the phone, I'll marry them right now. |
喬伊,我得掛電話了 | Joey, I have to go. |
別掛我電話,我現在就可以幫你跟我證婚,我有那樣的權力 | Don't hang up on me! I'll marry you and me right now! I have the power! |
你看看,你穿上了禮服 | There you go! You put on a tuxedo! |
那一點都不可怕吧? | That wasn't scary, was it? |
對 | No. |
我跟你說一步一步慢慢來 | I'm telling you, just a little bit at a time. |
接下來我們要做什麼? | What's the next little bit? |
結婚 | Getting married. |
你一定能辦到 就像其他的事你都做得很好 | You can do that too. Just like you've done everything else. |
你說的對,我可以辦到 | Yeah, you're right. I can do that. |
-我要出去一下 -你要去哪裡? | - Excuse me for a minute. - Where you going? |
我不會再逃走,我只想呼吸點新鮮空氣 | I'm not gonna run away again.I just want some fresh air. |
-好吧 -好吧 | - Okay. - Okay. |
哦,新鮮空氣 | Oh, fresh air! |
-幫我掩護 -或許你反應過度了 你可以做到的 | - Cover for me. - Maybe you're overreacting. You do that. |
我們得想個辦法 | We gotta do something. |
喬伊沒辦法趕過來,我會看看飯店裡有沒有其他人在辦婚禮 | Joey won't make it, so I'll look around the hotel for other weddings. |
別告訴他們莫妮卡懷孕了 因為他們厭惡那種事 | Don't tell them Monica's pregnant, because they frown on that. |
好吧 | Okay. |
安納斯塔賽奇斯 巴巴西法奇斯新婚,太棒了(希臘人名) | Anastassakis Papasifakis wedding. Excellent. |
恭喜 | Congratulations. |
恭喜(希臘語) | Mazel tov. |
嗨,好漂亮的帽子 | Hi! Oh, great hat. |
我要你幫另一場婚禮證婚,可以嗎? | I need you to perform another wedding. Can you do that? |
我不知道,他們是希臘正教的信徒嗎? | I don't know. Are they Greek Orthodox? |
對 | Yeah. Yeah. |
他們是我的朋友 莫妮卡·史蒂芬·諾波里斯(希臘姓) | They're my friends, Monica Stephanopolis. |
跟錢德·艾西多菲利斯(希臘姓) | And Chandler Acidophilus. |
嗨。嗨 | Hi. Hi. |
嗨 | Hi. |
有人看到錢德嗎? | Has anyone seen Chandler? |
-我還以為他跟你在一起 -他剛才是跟我在一起 | - I thought he was with you. - He was with me. |
我們在玩遊戲捉迷藏 | We're playing a little game. Hide-and-seek. |
你不能問我們,兒子,那是作弊 | You can't ask us, son. That's cheating. |
你說的對,謝謝你讓我誠實,爸 | You're right. Thanks for keeping me honest, Dad. |
他最好別到這裡來 他不能看到新娘穿婚紗的樣子 | He better not come here. He can't see the bride in her wedding dress. |
我還記得我們結婚的時候 我看到新郎穿婚紗的樣子 | As I recall, when we got married, I saw the groom in the wedding dress. |
那是婚禮後的事,應該不會帶來惡運 | That was after the wedding. It's not bad luck then. |
親愛的,那也沒帶來好運 | Honey, it isn't good luck. |
我的天! 莫妮卡 | Oh, my God! Monica. |
我知道 | I know! |
-錢德還好嗎? -他好極了 | - How's Chandler doing? - Great. |
他非常好,別擔心錢德 | He's doing great. Don't you worry about Chandler. |
你沒事吧? | Are you okay? |
你出汗了 | Well, you're sweating. |
為你和錢德流的幸福汗 | Out of happiness for you and Chandler. |
這是快樂汗滴 | These are beads of joy. |
你真好 | That's sweet. |
別碰我 | Don't touch me. |
-菲比,我能跟你談一下嗎? -沒問題 | - Phoebe, can I see you for a second? - Yeah. |
-發生了什麼事? -錢德又不見了 | - What's going on? - Chandler's gone again. |
為什麼你要跟一個可能會逃跑的人玩捉迷藏呢? | Why would you play hide-and-seek with someone you know is a flight risk? |
艾朗,你得放我走 那傢伙爛醉如泥 | Aaron, you gotta let me go. The guy's hammered. |
對不起,只要他還清醒地待在這裡 我們就得繼續拍下去 | I'm sorry. As long as he's here and conscious, we're still shooting. |
你該不會剛好有根大叉子吧? | You wouldn't happen to have a very big fork? |
我剛剛跟導演談過 | So I just talked to the director. |
就這樣,今天就拍到這裡為止 | That's it. We're done for the day. |
戲拍完了嗎? | We finished the scene? |
-你表現的很棒 -你也是 | - You were wonderful. - As were you. |
我把你的車開過來了 就停在外面 | So I got your car. It's right outside. |
為什麼? 今天的戲拍完了嗎? | Why? Are we done for the day? |
你告訴我的呀 | That's what you told me. |
謝謝,別客氣 | Thank you. You're welcome. |
不,我們得走了,來吧,要走了 | No, we gotta go. Come on. Here we go. |
那是我的屁股嗎? | Is that my ass? |
-他在那裡! -什麼? | - There he is! - What? |
這次你逃不了,先生! | You're not getting away this time, mister! |
除非你真的要我踹你屁股 | Unless you want that ass-kicking we talked about! |
羅斯! | Ross! |
我是認真的! 我不准你拋棄我妹妹! | I'm serious! You're not walking out on my sister! |
沒錯,我不會的 | That's right. I'm not. |
-那麼你跑到哪裡去了? -我知道莫妮卡的事 | - Then where have you been? - I know about Monica. |
-你知道了? -什麼? | - You know? - What? |
我聽到你跟瑞秋說話 | I heard you and Rachel talking. |
-什麼? 你說什麼? -你不知道嗎? | - What? Talking about what? - You don't know? |
如果你們不立刻告訴我發生了什麼事… | If somebody doesn't tell me what's going on right now... |
怎麼? 你會“嘿呀”嗎? | What, you'll "hi-yah"? |
莫妮卡懷孕了 | Monica's pregnant. |
我的天啊 | Oh, my God. |
我的天,你沒有被嚇跑嗎? | Oh, my God. And you're not freaking out? |
我是嚇壞了,後來我去了禮品店 因為我的煙都抽完了 | I was. Then I went to the gift shop because I was out of cigarettes. |
-煙? -請談正事 | - Cigarettes? - Big picture, please! |
我在禮品店看到這個東西 | So when I was in the gift shop, that's when I saw this. |
我想“能穿上這玩意的東西應該不可怕” | And I thought, "Anything that can fit into this can't be scary." |
你明顯地沒看過《鬼娃回魂3》 | You obviously didn't see Chucky III. |
別這樣,看看這件小衣服有多可愛 | But come on, look at how cute and small this is. |
我要把它送給莫妮卡,她會知道我沒事的 | So I got it to give Monica so she'd know I was okay. |
兄弟 | Dude. |
做的好,兒子,我知道你一定能找到他 | Way to go, son. I knew you'd find him. |
我們的小兒子要結婚了 | Our little boy is getting married. |
看看你,真的好英俊 | Look at you, so handsome. |
你看起來很漂亮,媽 | You look beautiful, Mom. |
你看起來也很漂亮,爸 | You look beautiful too, Dad. |
我愛你們 | I love you both. |
我很高興你們來了 | I'm so glad you're here. |
你是錢德嗎? | Are you Chandler? |
你是喬伊嗎? | Are you Joey? |
-這真的是太棒了 -什麼? | - This is nice. - What? |
這是我第一次走在紅毯上 並知道自己不可能會離婚 | I've never walked down the aisle knowing it can't end in divorce. |
真希望你祖母能活著看到這一幕 | I wish your grandmother had lived to see this. |
-但奶奶就在那邊啊 -不是那個老太婆,我是說我媽 | - She's right there. - Not that old crone. My mother. |
恭喜你,親愛的 | Congratulations, darling. |
我們愛你,甜心 | We love you, sweetheart. |
你看起來好美 | You look beautiful. |
-這是那個“新的”嗎? -不要在現在討論 | - Is this new? - Not now. |
-他是誰? -我是卡拉巴索斯神父 | - Who's this? - I'm Father Karabasos. |
他是希臘正教的神父 | He's Greek Orthodox. |
你們是希臘正教的信徒 | As are you. |
開始舉行婚禮吧 | Let us begin. |
親愛的來賓… | Dearly beloved... |
那是我的臺詞 | That's my line! |
我從這裡開始接手,謝謝 | I can take it from here. Thanks. |
親愛的來賓,抱歉我來遲了一點 | Dearly beloved, I'm sorry I'm a little late. |
或許你們會覺得很困惑… | You may be confused by this now... |
但到了2002年陣亡將士紀念日(5月最後一個週一)你們就會瞭解 | ...but you won't be Memorial Day weekend, 2002. |
快點開始舉行婚禮 免得新郎又逃跑了 | Let's get started before the groom takes off again. |
今天我們齊聚在這裡… | We are gathered here today... |
參加這個男人… | ...to join this man... |
跟這個女人神聖的婚禮 | ...and this woman in the bonds of holy matrimony. |
我跟莫妮卡及錢德認識很久了 我不能想像… | I've known Monica and Chandler for a long time, and I cannot imagine... |
有誰比他們兩個更匹配 | ...two people more perfect for each other. |
因為我把演講稿忘在更衣室裡… | And now, as I've left my notes in my dressing room... |
我們直接念誓詞吧,莫妮卡? | ...we shall proceed to the vows. Monica? |
-他逃走了? -快點 | - He took off? - Go on. Go on. |
錢德,從小… | Chandler, for so long... |
我就在想,我能不能找到我的白馬王子 | ...I wondered if I would ever find my prince. |
我的靈魂伴侶 | My soul mate. |
三年前,在另一場婚禮. | Then three years ago, at another wedding... |
我向朋友尋求安慰 | ...I turned to a friend for comfort. |
結果我找到了我一直在找的一切 | And instead I found everything that I'd ever been looking for my whole life. |
現在 | And now... |
我們在這裡. | ...here we are... |
一起迎接未來 | ...with our future before us. |
我只想跟你在一起 | And I only want to spend it with you. |
我的白馬王子 | My prince. |
我的靈魂伴侶 | My soul mate. |
我的朋友 | My friend. |
除非你不願意 | Unless you don't want to. |
輪到你了 | You go. |
錢德? | Chandler? |
不,沒關係 | No, that's okay. |
我以為這是我必須做的最困難的一件事 | I thought this would be the most difficult thing I ever had to do. |
但我看到你走過紅毯時 我瞭解到它真的很簡單 | But when I saw you walking down that aisle, I realized it's simple. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
無論出現什麼樣的驚喜 沒關係,因為我會永遠愛你 | Any surprises that come our way, it's okay. Because I will always love you. |
我註定要跟你共渡餘生 | You are the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. |
你想知道我確不確定嗎? | You want to know if I'm sure? |
你可以吻新娘了 | You may now kiss the bride. |
我要以紐約州跟網友們… | I guess by the powers vested in me by the state of New York... |
賦予我的權力… | ...and the Internet guys... |
我現在宣佈你們結為夫婦 | ...I now pronounce you husband and wife. |
等一下,你們願意嗎? | Oh, wait. Do you take each other? |
-我願意 -我願意 | - I do. - I do. |
太棒了,你們都願意! | Yeah, you do! |
戒指 | Rings. |
哦,該死,好吧 | Oh, crap. Okay. |
來戴戒指吧 | Let's do the rings. |
可以嗎? | We good? Yeah? Good? |
我要再一次… | Once again... |
宣佈你們結為夫婦 | ...I pronounce you husband and wife. |
你可以再吻新娘一次 | Now kiss her again. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
我知道寶寶的事了 | And I know about the baby. |
-什麼寶寶? -我們的寶寶 | - What baby? - Our baby. |
我們有寶寶了 | We have a baby? |
菲比發現了你的驗孕棒 | Phoebe found your pregnancy test. |
我沒有驗孕 | I didn't take a pregnancy test. |
那麼是誰驗了孕? | Then who did? |
看看他們 | Look at them. |
他們要有孩子了 | And they're gonna have a baby. |
我的天啊,我們真的那麼做了 | Oh,my God,we did it! |
我們剛剛結婚了,就在那裡 | We just got married. Right there! |
那是你的戒指嗎? | Is that your ring? |
我們有個不錯的開始 | We're off to a good start. |
-你確定你沒有懷孕? -我很確定 | -And,you sure you're not pregnant? -Yeah. I'm sure. |
如果你準備好要生孩子 樓上有房間 | But if you're ready to have kids we got a room upstairs. |
我是說我會搞砸這個派對 我會那麼做的 | I mean,I'll blow off this party right now. I'll do it! |
好了,大夥們 婚禮非常溫馨 | Okay,you guys,that ceremony was so beautiful. |
是嗎?它很完美嗎? 待會要看錄影帶嗎? | Was it?! Was it perfect?! Is it too soon to see the video?! |
大家能不能安靜一分鐘? 我們兩個好朋友剛剛結婚 | Can we just please take a moment? Our two best friends just got married. |
我們可以跟他們分享喜悅 真的非常幸運 | We are so blessed to be able to share in this incredible joy. |
一點都沒錯 | That is so true. |
莫妮卡,現在把雞肉 換成牛排太晚了吧? | Mon,is it too late to switch from chicken to steak? |
我為你們感到高興 你們太幸運了 | I'm so happy for you guys. And you are both so lucky! |
你們叫對了彼此的名字 | I mean,you both said the right names |
沒有人喝醉 | And nobody was drunk. |
好吧 | Okay. |
沒有人是同性戀 | And nobody was gay. |
這是你們的第一次婚姻 | And on your first try. |
本集播出:婚禮之後 | The.One.After.I.Do |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
太棒了 讓我換一下底片 | Great. Great. Just give me a sec to change film. |
我知道你不希望我知道 但我知道了,我為你感到高興 | I know I'm not supposed to know,but I do and I'm so excited for you. |
-發生了什麼事? -莫妮卡懷孕了 | -What's going on? -Monica's pregnant. |
天啊 所以你們兩個要結婚? | Oh,my God. Is that why you guys had to get married? |
-聽著,我沒有懷孕 -精子遊得太慢了? | -Guys,I'm not pregnant. -Oh,slow swimmers? |
什麼?你是什麼意思? 你沒有懷孕? | What?! What do you mean? You're not pregnant? |
-你沒有告訴任何人我懷孕了吧? -沒有 | -You didn't tell anybody I was,did you? -No. |
我馬上回來 | I'll be right back. |
你,多拍一些照片 | You. Take a lot of pictures. |
我們為什麼不拍張 莫妮卡跟英勇士兵的合照? | Why don't we get a shot of Monica and the bloody soldier. |
關於那一點,喬伊 你得在婚宴開始前換套衣服 | About that,Joey,you have to change before the party. |
-我辦不到,我沒帶衣服來換 -拜託你去找套衣服 | -I can't. I don't have any other clothes here. -Find some,please. |
別再穿著 “我在法國戰死”的衣服 | Anything that doesn't say,"I died tragically in France." |
-好吧 -不要亂抱任何人,好嗎? | -Fine! -And be careful who you hug,okay? |
我爸在樓上哭得半死 因為你害他的禮服沾到了血 | My father's upstairs in tears because you got blood on his dress. |
我們為什麼不讓新人 跟伴娘們合照一些照片? | Why don't we see the bride and the groom,and the bridesmaids. |
莫妮卡,你為什麼告訴大家 你沒有懷孕? | Hey,Mon,why'd you tell the guys that you weren't pregnant? |
-因為我沒有懷孕 -我們發現了你的驗孕棒 | -Because I'm not. -We found your tests. |
如果你沒有懷孕… | If you're not pregnant.. |
那是因為我懷孕了 | it's because I am. |
你在胡說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
對,我懷了孩子 | Yes,I am with child. |
我不想說 因為今天是你們的大喜之日 | I didn't want to say anything because it's your day. |
-我不想搶了你的風采 -於是你告訴大家我懷孕了? | -I didn't wanna steal your thunder. -So you told people I was pregnant? |
這是那種 我會想記住的對話嗎? | Does this look like a conversation I want to remember? |
-孩子的爸是誰? -對 | -Who's the father? -Yeah. |
我不能說 | I can't say. |
-為什麼? -為什麼不行? | -Why? -Why not? |
我不能說,因為他是名人 | I can't say because he's famous. |
天啊,他是誰? | Oh,my God. Who is it? |
菲比,你得告訴我們 | Phoebe,come on,you have to tell us. |
好吧,是詹姆斯布洛林(影星) | Okay,okay,it's James Brolin. |
詹姆斯布洛林是孩子的爸爸 | James Brolin is the father of my baby. |
你是說芭芭拉史翠珊的老公 詹姆斯布洛林? | As in Barbra Streisand's husband James Brolin? |
什麼? | What?! |
他一直都沒有告訴我 | Well,he never said that to me. |
莫妮卡,請你先離開 我們要拍錢德跟伴娘的合照 | Monica,if you step away,we'll get Chandler and the bridesmaids. |
何不只拍伴娘的合照呢? | How about just the bridesmaids? |
我是新郎 聽說這個位置很重要 | I am the groom. I was told it was a big deal. |
-沒錯 -對 | -It is. -Yeah. |
天啊 | Oh,my God. |
謝謝你 我還沒有辦法承受那樣的壓力 | Thank you for that. I can't deal with the stress quite yet. |
於是你告訴我 莫妮卡懷孕了? | Instead you told me Monica was pregnant? |
是你說她懷孕了 我沒有反駁你 | You said she was. I didn't disagree with you. |
很狡猾 | Sneaky. |
笑一個,小姐們 | Smile,ladies! |
-對了,詹姆斯布洛林? -我知道 | -By the way,James Brolin? -I know. |
我腦海裡浮起兩個人名 他跟小艾德貝格利(影星) | I could only think of two names: him and Ed Begley Jr. |
-然後我想起來他是同性戀,所以…-小艾德貝格利不是同性戀 | -Then I remembered he's gay,so.. -Ed Begley Jr. is not gay. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
恭喜 | Congratulations! |
看看誰結婚了 我聽說你們是奉子成婚 | Look who's married! And just in time too,I hear. |
什麼?羅斯 | What? Ross! |
如果你不去好好解釋 我會… | So if you've got this all under control,I'm just gonna.. |
我只是要你知道 你讓我們更快樂了 | I just wanted you to know that you have made us happier |
你讓我們更加高興… | You have given us more joy.. |
我沒有懷孕 | I'm not pregnant. |
什麼? | What? |
我沒有懷孕 | I'm not pregnant. |
好吧 | Oh,well. |
但我今天還是結婚了 | But I did still get married today. |
隨便 | Whatever. |
謝謝 | Thank you very much. |
各位先生女士 我很榮幸跟大家介紹 | Ladies and gentlemen,it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you: |
錢德賓夫婦 | Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Bing. |
-到舞池前我要送你一份禮物 -我不想把手伸到你的口袋裡 | -Before we go out there,I got a present. -I'm not gonna put my hand in your pocket. |
-不,我去上了舞蹈課 -什麼? | -No. I've been taking dancing lessons. -What? |
我上了六星期的舞蹈課 我希望這一刻能讓你永生難忘 | For the last six weeks. I wanted this to be a moment you'd never forget. |
那真的是太體貼了 | That is so sweet. |
你願不願意以夫妻的身份 跟我跳第一隻舞? | So would you care to join me in our first dance as husband and wife? |
我願意 | Yes. |
-怎麼了? -我的新鞋太滑了 | -What's the matter? -It's these new shoes,they're all slippery. |
-你能跳舞嗎? -不太行 | -Are you gonna be able to do this? -Not well. |
好消息是 我想沒有人在看我們 | Well,the good news is,I don't think anyone's looking at us. |
你準備要談了嗎? | So are you ready to talk about it? |
不 | No. |
現在呢? | Now? |
不 | No! |
-我們來談別的事 -謝謝 | -We'll talk about something else then. -Thank you. |
孩子的爸是誰? | Who's the father? |
親愛的,我還沒有告訴他… | Honey,I haven't told him yet.. |
我打算先告訴他 再告訴其他人 | so,until I do,I don't think I should tell anybody else. |
沒關係,那很公平 | That's fine. That's fair. |
-是泰格嗎? -菲比 | -Is it Tag? -Phoebe! |
好吧,對不起,我不說了 | Okay,I'm sorry. I'll stop. |
是羅斯嗎?是羅斯吧? | Is it Ross? It's Ross,isn't it? |
-天啊,是喬伊 -別說了,好嗎? | -Oh,my God,it's Joey! -Stop it. Okay? |
在告訴他之前 我不會告訴你的 | I am not gonna tell you until I tell him. |
至少我們知道他是個男的 | At least we know it's a him. |
天啊 | Oh,sweet Lord. |
對不起,好嗎? 我跑到禮品店 | I'm sorry,okay? I went down to the gift shop. |
那裡只賣這個跟浴袍 什麼事比較重要呢? | It was either this or a bathrobe. What's more important: |
我的穿著打扮 還是我今天能夠出席? | The way I'm dressed,or being with you today? |
我不會假裝 我聽到你說什麼 | Honey,I'm not gonna even pretend I was listening. Hey! Hey! |
我是羅斯,我相信我們沒有見過 我是莫妮卡的哥哥 | I'm Ross,I don't believe we met. I'm Monica's older brother. |
我是她在餐廳的同事蒙娜 | Hi,I'm Mona from her restaurant. |
你好,她在餐廳的同事蒙娜 | Hello,Mona from her restaurant. |
蒙娜,這個名字很美 | Mona. What a beautiful name. |
你真的那麼想? 我一直都很討厭這個名字 | You think so? I always kind of hated it. |
少來了,蒙娜麗莎 | Come on! Mona Lisa. |
蒙娜… | Mona... |
利格拉齊 | Llegglachen. |
她是著名的植物學家 | The famous botanist. |
不,她… 她死了,但是… | Oh,no,she's.. Well,she's dead now,but.. |
她曾經是植物學界 最性感的女人 | Supposedly she was once quite the hottie of the plant world. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
-我根本不認識她 -琳達利格拉齊… | -See,I never knew about her. -Linda Llegglachen.. |
你在幾號桌? | So,what table are you at? |
我也是 | Me too. |
很好,那麼有個喜歡我名字的人 會跟我同桌 | Good. Now there'll be someone there who likes my name. |
對,沒錯 | Yes,there will. |
猜怎麼了?茉莉吉柏特 你剛剛被踢到一號桌 | Guess what,Molly Gilbert. You've just been bumped up to table one. |
如果你沒有意見的話 我要代替你坐到六號桌 | And if it's all right with you,I'll take your place at table six. |
馬丁利格拉齊 | Martin Llegglachen. |
那樣子好多了,現在雙手彎曲 眼睛看前方 | That's better. Now,just bend your arms a little bit. Now look straight ahead. |
這次我要你 臀部用力頂 | This time I want you to really put your ass into it. |
看你還滑不滑? | Who's slippery now? |
那真的很棒吧? 拿叉子去磨你的鞋底? | Isn't that just the best feeling? Rubbing a fork on the bottom of your shoe? |
錢德,你看 我的男伴終於來了 | Chandler,darling,look,my date has finally arrived. |
我要你見見鄧尼斯菲利浦斯 鄧尼斯,他是我兒子錢德 | I'd like you to meet Dennis Phillips. Dennis,this is my son,Chandler. |
-恭喜 -謝謝 | -Congratulations. -Thank you. |
鄧尼斯是我的老朋友… | Dennis is a dear old friend.. |
跟好情人 | and a fantastic lover. |
我的耳朵在流血嗎? | Are my ears bleeding? |
別理錢德 他一向都很害羞 | Don't mind Chandler. He's always been shy. |
你說的對 | Oh,you're right. |
太棒了,鄧尼斯 謝謝你取悅我老媽 | Bravo,Dennis. Thanks for pleasing my mother so. |
抱歉我沒趕上婚禮 我忙著在試鏡 | I'm so sorry I missed the ceremony. I was stuck at auditions. |
對,鄧尼斯正在執導 一出百老匯新戲 | Yes,Dennis is directing a new Broadway show. |
我不敢相信能見到你 喬伊崔比亞尼 | I don't believe we've met. Joey Tribbiani. |
-鄧尼斯菲利浦斯 -多年來我一直很仰慕你的成就 | -Dennis Phillips. -I've admired your work for years. |
-你真的很棒 -謝謝 | -You've done some really amazing stuff. -Thank you. |
對不起 我要去喝點東西 | If you'll excuse me,I'm gonna go get myself a drink. |
我馬上回來 | I'll be back in a moment. |
好吧,可以停止了 | Okay. You stop. |
鄧尼斯菲利浦斯,那真的是太棒了 你們怎麼認識的? | Dennis Phillips. That's great. How did you guys meet? |
-那是個有趣的故事 -是普通有趣還是爆笑? | -Well,it's a funny story. -Funny,"ha-ha"? Or funny: |
謝謝,大家請坐 晚宴馬上開始 | Thank you. If everyone will please take your seats,dinner will be served. |
-我以為你在六號桌 -不,是九號桌 | -I thought you were at table six. -No. Nine. |
你剛剛拿給我看時 是那樣子拿的… | See,before,when you showed it to me,you held it that way.. |
我被你誤導了 | which was misleading. |
你們好 | Hello. |
你能請你媽把我的履歷表 拿給鄧尼斯菲利浦斯嗎? | Will you see if your mom can give my resume to Dennis Phillips? |
他們正把自己 鎖在男洗手間裡 | Well,they've kind of locked themselves in one of the men's room stalls right now. |
或許等他們出來再說 | Perhaps when they get out. |
只要能演百老匯舞臺劇 我什麼戲都能演 | If I could get in a Broadway show,then I would've done it all. |
電影,電視劇跟舞臺劇 | Film,television and theater. |
唯一例外是廣播劇 因為那是給醜八怪演的 | The only thing left would be radio. But that's just for ugly people. |
-你穿幾號鞋? -11,11號半 | What size shoes do you wear? -Eleven,11 |
我的鞋子太滑沒辦法跳舞 你的靴子能借我嗎? | My shoes give me a problem on the dance floor. Can I borrow your boots? |
我真的不知道 我把靴子丟到哪裡去了 | I don't really even know where I left those. |
-你的腳不可能是11號半 -好吧,我穿七號的鞋子 | -Those aren't 11 . -Okay,fine,I'm a 7! |
我的腳非常小 但其他部份都很大,我可以露給你看 | I have surprisingly small feet. But the rest of me is good. I'll show you. |
我在跟誰開玩笑呢? 我應該去演廣播劇 | Who am I kidding? I belong in radio. |
-你能相信菲比懷孕了嗎? -現在別談那件事 | -Can you believe Phoebe got pregnant? -Let's not talk about that right now. |
-這是大消息 -沒錯,但它沒有你的婚禮重要 | -This is so huge. -Sure,but as big as your wedding? |
當然,我的婚禮是最重要的 | Of course not. Nothing is. |
這是我們私下的談話 到了這個時代… | Between me and you,in this day and age.. |
誰會笨到 讓自己懷孕? | how dumb do you have to be to get pregnant? |
有時候你該做的都做了 大家都戴上他們該戴的東西… | Sometimes you can do everything right. Everyone wears what they're supposed to.. |
但有個小傢伙 還是攻過了城池 | and one of those little guys just gets through. |
-怎麼會呢? -我不知道,或許它們有工具 | -How? -I don't know. Maybe they have tools. |
我跟她談過 她想留下孩子 | Well,I talked to her,and she's definitely gonna have the baby. |
她說 她要自己撫養孩子 | She said she's gonna raise it on her own. |
-或許那真的很勇敢 -或許吧 | -Well,maybe that's really brave. -Maybe. |
我只是希望 她知道那有多辛苦 | I just hope she realizes how hard it's gonna be. |
或許她沒有 想那麼多 | Maybe she hasn't really thought it through that much. |
的確有很多事需要考慮 | Well,there's a lot to think about. |
她要怎麼處理經濟問題? 她怎麼有辦法去工作? | How is she gonna handle this financially? How is she gonna juggle work? |
她知道她在未來的18年內 都無法再去約會了嗎? | Does she realize she's not gonna have a date again for the next,like,18 years? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
你沒事吧? | Are you okay? |
我只是想到了菲比 懷了孕的可憐菲比 | I'm just thinking about Phoebe. Poor,knocked-up Phoebe. |
-要喝香檳嗎? -好的,謝謝你 | -Champagne? -Oh,yes! Thank you very much. |
法國人都是那樣喝香檳的 | That's actually how the French drink it. |
我剛剛跟我的情人 詹姆斯布洛林通過電話 | Well,I just got off the phone with my lover James Brolin. |
-真的嗎? -很明顯地他娶了一個歌手 | -Oh,really? -Apparently,he is married to some singer. |
但他說他會為了我離開她 我說“詹姆斯布洛林,你確定嗎?” | But he said he'd leave her for me. And I said,"James Brolin,are you sure?" |
-詹姆斯布洛林說… -懷孕的人是瑞秋? | -James Brolin said.. -Rachel's the one who's pregnant? |
什麼? | What?! |
幹嘛那麼麻煩呢? | Why bother? |
-你覺得如何? -我不知道我有什麼感覺 | -How do you feel? -I don't know how I feel. |
一切發生的太快 我得做出這些我不想做的決定 | This is all happening so fast. I have to make all these decisions that I don't wanna make. |
快把這玩意拿走 | Someone just take this away from me! |
-冷靜點,或許你沒有懷孕 -什麼? | -Calm down. Maybe you're not pregnant. -What?! |
我懷三胞胎時 也驗了三次孕才確定 | When I got pregnant with the triplets,I took that test,like,three times. |
對,或許是假警報 你確定你尿在驗孕棒的方式沒錯? | Yes. Maybe it's a false positive. Are you sure you peed on the stick right? |
不然我要怎麼尿才對? | How many ways are there to do that? |
我是說沒有百分之百確定前 別大驚小怪 | I'm just saying,don't freak out until you're 100 percent sure. |
好吧 我回家後會再驗一次 | All right,I'll take it again when I get home. |
我可以等到那時候再說 | I can wait until then. |
這個派對很棒 它什麼時候會結束? | Oh,this is such a good party. How late does it go till? |
-你可以現在驗 -不,這是你的婚禮 | -You gotta take it now. -No,this your wedding. |
沒有確定前你根本無法盡興地玩 就把它當成送我的禮物吧 | You're not gonna be able to have fun until we know. Do it as a present to me. |
好吧,謝謝你 | Okay,thank you. |
-我去幫你買驗孕棒 -你們真的是太棒了 | -I'll run out and get you one. -You girls are so great. |
-等一下,孩子的爸是誰? -她不肯告訴我們 | -Wait a minute. Who's the father? -She won't tell us. |
快說吧,這是我的婚禮 你可以當做是送我的禮物 | Come on! It's my wedding. That could be my present! |
-我剛剛答應為了你驗孕 -看吧,這就是你註冊結婚的原因 | -I just gave you peeing on a stick. -See,this is why you register. |
又是椅子的聲音,好嗎? 不是我幹的 | It was the chair again. Okay? I'm not doing it! |
爸爸,你不能回你的桌子去嗎? | Dad. Can't you go back to your table? |
不,很明顯地小茉莉吉柏特 正開心地吃她的大號鮭魚開胃菜 | No. Apparently little Molly Gilbert is enjoying her grown-up salmon en croute. |
聽著,我沒有… 你知道嗎? | Look,I don't.. You know what? |
-你想跳舞嗎? -好啊 | -Would you like to dance? -Sure. |
太棒了 | Great. |
-蓋勒博士 -我沒有放屁 | -Dr. Geller. -I wasn't farting! |
那是我們那一桌玩的小遊戲 | A little game from our table. |
蓋勒博士,你願意跟我跳舞嗎? | Dr. Geller,will you dance with me? |
或許待會再說 現在我要跟這位小姐跳舞 | Maybe later. Right now,I'm about to dance with this lady. |
除非這位小姐不介意 讓你插隊 | Unless this lady wouldn't mind letting you go first. |
我很樂意 你太好心了 | I'd be happy to. You are very sweet. |
沒錯 | Yes,I am. |
事實上我們來試試我的絕招 你可以踩在我的腳上跳舞 | In fact,let's try my special way. You can dance on my feet. |
-沒問題 -是嗎?跳上來吧 | -Sure. -Yeah? Hop on. |
那個美麗的小姐在看嗎? 繼續跳 | Is the pretty lady looking? Keep dancing. |
誰看得到呢? | And the world will never know. |
你跟鄧尼斯提過我的事了嗎? | Did you talk to Dennis about me yet? |
我跟他提到你非常有天份 還有《我們的日子》的事 | I told him how talented you were and all about Days of our Lives. |
你不能告訴百老匯導演那種事 現在他會以為我是肥皂劇演員 | You don't tell a Broadway guy that! Now he thinks I'm just a soap actor. |
但你不只是肥皂劇演員 | But you're not just a soap actor. |
你是有雙小腳的 肥皂劇演員 | You are a soap actor with freakishly tiny feet. |
他不知道 我有多厲害 | He has no idea what kind of range I have. |
別動 | Don't move. |
那像是他用 小腳在跑步 | It's like he's running on tiny little pegs. |
-謝謝 -不,謝謝你,米蘭達 | -Thank you. -No,thank you,Miranda. |
-是梅玲達 -好吧 | -Melinda. -All right. |
-那真的好可愛 -你在看我們嗎? | -How cute was that? -Oh,were you watching? |
下一個是我嗎? | Can I go next? |
當然是,來吧 | Of course you can. Hop on. |
好吧,但我要排在她後面 | Okay,but I get to hop on after her. |
-我一定能得分 -什麼? | -I am so gonna score. -What? |
我喜歡你的蝴蝶結 | I like your bow. |
我要請大家舉杯 向莫妮卡及錢德致意… | I'd like to propose a toast to Monica and Chandler.. |
他們是全世界最速配的夫妻 也是我最好的朋友 | the greatest couple in the world,and my best friends. |
我剛聽說他們要結婚時 我非常生氣 | When I first found out they were getting married,I was a little angry. |
我心想“天啊,為什麼? 你為什麼要把他們從我身邊搶走?” | I was like,"Why,God? Why? How can you take them away from me!" |
然後我回想起我們之間所有的回憶 快樂的回憶 | But then I thought back over all our memories together. Some happy memories. |
跟悲傷的回憶 | And there were some sad memories. |
對不起 | I'm sorry. |
可怕的回憶 | And some scared memories. |
然後我瞭解到 我永遠都會是他們的朋友 | And then I realized I'll always be their friend. |
他們的朋友 能說許多臺詞… | Their friend who can speak in many dialects.. |
接受過舞臺打鬥訓練 願意拍部份裸露的戲 | and has training in stage combat and is willing to do partial nudity. |
敬這對快樂的夫婦 | To the happy couple. |
-謝謝 -那真的是太棒了,艾許莉 | -Thank you. -That was very nice,Ashley. |
-我們能再跳一次嗎? -不 | -Can we do it again? -No,no. |
-現在輪到我了嗎? -我是下一個 | -So,is it my turn now? -I'm next. |
-沒關係,你可以先跟她跳 -你確定? | -That's okay,you can dance with her first. -Are you sure? |
-你叫什麼名字? -葛特 | -So,what's your name? -Gert. |
那個名字很美 | That's pretty. |
你在做什麼?葛特 | What are you doing there,Gert? |
跟其他女孩一樣 踩在你腳上跳舞 | Dancing on your feet like the other girls did it. |
好吧 | Okey |
跳上來吧,葛特 | Hop on,Gert. |
-你的腳為什麼不動? -我在努力了 | -Why aren't you moving your feet? -I'm trying. |
快一點,你跳的太慢了 | Faster. You're not going fast enough. |
或許我該踩在你腳上 | Maybe I should stand on your feet! |
你有聽到 我的致詞了嗎? | So did you happen to catch my toast up there? |
-天啊,你那麼做是為了我? -我那麼做是為了所有人 | -Oh,my God. That was for my benefit? -There was a little something for everyone. |
-我知道你在為新戲選角 -我想你不適合這個計畫 | -I know you're casting for this new show. -I don't think you're right for this project. |
你錯了 | You're wrong. |
不論內容是什麼,我都辦得到 如果你對剛剛的表演不滿意,考考我 | Whatever it is,I can do it. If you didn't see it up there,just try me. |
那出戲的演員全是中國人 你可以變成中國人嗎?(亞洲人眼瞼處有“蒙古褶”) | It's an all Chinese cast. Can you be Chinese? |
-我不以此為榮,但是… -天啊,求求你別那麼做 | -Well,I'm not proud of this,but.. -Oh,my God. Please don't! |
-準備重回舞池了嗎? -它變成沙地了嗎? | -Ready to get back to the dance floor? -Did it turn into sand? |
-我喜歡這首歌,你會跳得很好的 -不,我不會的 | -Come on,I love this song. You'll be fine. -No. No,I won't. |
你知道為什麼 我要去上舞蹈課嗎? | Do you know why I took all those lessons? |
我不希望你被看到 跟一個笨拙的白癡跳舞… | I didn't want you to be embarrassed to be seen on the dance floor.. |
丟光了臉 | with some clumsy idiot. |
親愛的 你不可能讓我出糗 | Oh,sweetie,you could never embarrass me. |
好吧,你很容易就會讓我出糗 但那不重要,好嗎? | Okay,you could easily embarrass me. But it doesn't matter,all right? |
我嫁給了你 | I married you. |
不論你做什麼 我會跟你回家,好嗎? | No matter what you do,I'm gonna come home with you,okay? |
我要在新婚之夜 跟我丈夫跳舞,來吧 | So I'm gonna dance on my wedding night with my husband. Come on. |
但我告訴你,那是我最後一次 在超滑鞋店買鞋子 | But I'll tell you,that's the last time I buy shoes at the Slippery Fun Shoe store. |
儘量不要移動你的腳 | Just try not to move your feet at all. |
就是那樣 | There you go. |
-我要逮捕你 -為什麼? | -I'm gonna have you arrested. -Why? |
你偷走了我的舞步 | You stole my moves! |
錢德,你是跳舞高手 | Oh,Chandler,you're quite the dancer! |
-謝謝你,蓋勒太太 -少來了,你可以叫我媽媽 | -Thanks,Mrs. Geller. -Oh,come on,you can call me Mom. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
我會的 | I will. |
抱歉,媽媽 | Sorry,Mom. |
-還要多久? -30秒 | -How much longer? -30 seconds. |
30秒,好吧… | Thirty seconds,okay.. |
我錯過了嗎? | Did I miss it? |
我要你知道如果是陽性反應 我們得… | I want you to know that if it's positive,we're gonna.. |
-我知道 -你知道,好吧 | -I know. I know. -You do. Okay. |
時候到了 | It's time. |
不准進來 | No |
來吧,瑞秋 | Go ahead,Rach. |
等一下,知道嗎?我不敢看 誰幫我看一下 | Wait. You know what? I can't look at it. Somebody else tell me. |
是陰性反應 | It's negative. |
-什麼? -是陰性反應 | -What? -It's negative. |
是這樣 | Well,there you go. |
那…那真的是太棒了 這真是個天大的好消息 | That is.. That's great. That is really great,great news. |
因為這整件事… | You know,because the whole.. |
在經濟方面我還沒有準備好 所以… | not being ready and,kind of,the financial aspects,all that.. |
事情本來就應該 是這樣的 | This is so just the way that this was supposed to be. |
那麼說的話,太棒了 | Then,great. |
天啊,這真的是太愚蠢了 | God,this is so stupid. |
我怎麼會為了 我從來沒有擁有過的東西難過? | How can I be upset over something I never had? |
-是陰性反應嗎? -不,是陽性反應 | -It's negative? -No,it's positive. |
-什麼? -不是陰性反應,是陽性反應 | -What? -It's not negative,it's positive. |
-你確定? -對,剛剛我說謊 | -Are you sure? -Yeah,I lied before. |
-現在你知道你真正的感覺了 -那是個危險的小把戲 | -Now you know how you really feel about it. -That's a risky little game. |
你真的要這麼做? | Are you really gonna do this? |
對 | Yeah. |
我要生下孩子 | I'm gonna have a baby. |
我要生下孩子 | I'm gonna have a baby. |
我要生下孩子 | I'm gonna have a baby! |
-孩子的爸是誰? -不,現在還不是時候 | -With who? -No,it's still not the time. |
我不知道接下來是快歌 | I just didn't see the fast song coming. |
別說話,我們送你回房間 讓你泡泡腳,你會沒事的 | Don't talk,we'll get you up to your room,soak your feet. You'll be okay. |
-謝謝 -那真的是太好心了 | -Thank you. -That is so sweet! |
不,我是認真的 現在好男人不多了 | No,I mean it. There are so few genuinely nice guys out there. |
你說的對 我覺得自己像是死守碉堡的士兵 | Tell me about it. I feel like I'm holding down the fort by myself. |
-你是喬伊,對吧? -對 | -It's Joey,right? -Yeah. |
等一下,不 | Wait a minute! No! |
我才是好人 | I'm the nice one! |
是我整晚跟孩子們跳舞 我… | I'm the one that danced with the kids all night. I.. |
你的腳好小 | How small are your feet?! |
聽著,先生,我最後一次告訴你 我不在乎電腦上登記了什麼 | Listen,sir,for the last time,I don't care what the computer says. |
我們沒有從房間冰箱 拿走一包糖果 | We did not take a bag of Mashuga Nuts from the minibar. |
我們沒有看《熱心助人的醫生》(模仿《怪醫杜立德》) | And we did not watch Dr. Do-Me-A-Little. |
-喬伊,昨晚你到過我們房間? -沒有 | -Joey,were you in our room last night? -No. |
他們說電影片名 不會出現在帳單上 | I was told the name of the movie would not appear on the bill. |
-我們要退掉新房了 -沒錯,我不再是新娘 | -We're checking out of the bridal suite. -That's right,I'm no longer a bride. |
我永遠都當不了新娘 現在我是某人的太太 | I'll never be a bride again. Now I'm just someone's wife. |
現在我是全世界最快樂的男人 | And I'm the happiest guy in the world. |
親愛的,別難過 我們還是有很光明的未來 | Honey,don't be upset. We still have so much to look forward to. |
對 | Yeah,right. |
-我們還要去度蜜月 -那是星期四的事 | -We got the honeymoon. -That's not till Thursday. |
-還有婚紗照 -那得等上好幾個星期 | -The wedding pictures. -It won't be ready for weeks. |
但婚宴上用即可拍 拍的照片馬上可以洗好 | Not the disposable cameras from the tables. |
沒錯 我就知道我嫁給你是有原因的 | That's true. I knew I married you for a reason! |
聽著,我拿照片去洗 你先回家吧 | Tell you what,I will go get them developed,and you can go home. |
-什麼?你拍了什麼? -沒什麼 | -What? What did you take a picture of? -Nothing. |
一定很精彩 | It was something. |
即可拍在羅斯那裡 他還沒有退房嗎? | Ross has the cameras. Has he checked out yet? |
你在開玩笑嗎? 退房時間是中午 | Are you joking? Checkout is not till noon. |
-他還有11分鐘 -所以呢? | -And he has a good 11 minutes left. -So? |
羅斯從來不會 提早退房 | So Ross had never checked out of a room a minute before he had to. |
我們在交往的時候 有一次延後退房 | One time,when we were dating,we got a late checkout. |
他非常興奮 那是我們最棒的性經驗 | He got so excited,it was the best sex we ever had. |
直到他最後 大叫著“雷迪森”(著名飯店管理集團) | Until he screamed out "Radisson" at the end. |
好吧,我去找羅斯拿照相機 然後把底片拿去洗 | Okay,well,I'm gonna get Ross,get the cameras and get them developed. |
喬伊,你32歲了 | 32,Joe. You're 32! |
-這是你的帳單 -謝謝 | -Here's a copy of your bill. -Thanks. |
香檳,草莓… | Champagne,strawberries.. |
天啊,我不敢相信 錢德在我們的新婚之夜看黃色電影 | Oh,my God! I can't believe Chandler ordered porn on our wedding night. |
對,那真的很慘 吃糖嗎? | Yeah,that's sad. Mashuga Nut? |
本集播出:紅色毛衣 | The.One.With.The.Red.Sweater |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
我還有六分鐘 | I have six minutes left! |
是我 | It's me. |
肥皂,洗髮水 你真的要把這些東西帶走? | Soaps,shampoos. Are you really taking all this stuff? |
為什麼不行? 這全包含在房費裡 | Why not? It's built into the price of the room. |
對,但你不需要… 這是什麼? | Yeah,but you don't need.. What is this? |
針線包 | Thread. |
答對了 | Score! |
-即可拍在哪裡? -什麼即可拍? | -Where are the disposable cameras? -What cameras? |
-昨晚我把它們交給你 -才沒有 | -Last night I asked you to take them. -No,you didn't. |
就是有,記得嗎? 在切蛋糕前我說… | Yes,remember? Right before we cut the cake,I said.. |
對,你問我 能不能幫你一個忙 | Yeah,you asked me if I could do you a favor. |
這時墨瑞叔叔走過來 交給你一張支票 | Then my Uncle Murray came up to you and handed you a check. |
然後你說“它為什麼叫做支票? 為什麼不叫南斯拉夫人?” | Then you said,"Why is it called a check? Why not a Yugoslavian?" |
然後你那麼做 墨瑞叔叔這樣看著我 | Then you did that,and my Uncle Murray looked at me like: |
-即可拍不在你手上? -沒錯,抱歉 | -So you don't have the cameras? -No,sorry. |
什麼?相機不見了? 莫妮卡會氣瘋的 | So,what? They're gone? Monica's gonna freak! |
我相信它們應該就在某個地方 我幫你找 | I'm sure they're here somewhere. I'll help you look. |
-太棒了 -再等三分鐘 | -Great. -In three minutes. |
你要丟下錢德 自己拆禮物? | Are you gonna open the presents without Chandler? |
不,我只是… | No! I'm just.. |
它們在呼喚我 這個小傢伙甚至爬到我的膝蓋上 | They're calling out to me. This little guy even crawled up in my lap. |
錢德不會介意我拆開一樣禮物 你覺得它是什麼? | Chandler wouldn't mind if I opened just one present. What do you think it is? |
是一面小鏡子 只要你一照它… | A little mirror that,when you look into it.. |
你會發現自己變成了老太婆 | you see yourself as an old woman. |
是一個迷你鹽罐 | A tiny salt shaker! |
天啊,是用來裝迷你鹽的 | Oh,my God,for tiny salt! |
好吧,那真的很好玩 很好玩 | Oh,wow! Okay. Well,that was fun. That was fun. |
我會等錢德 一起拆開其他禮物 | Okay,I'll just wait for Chandler to open up the rest of them. |
但這只是調味瓶組的 一部份 | Although,you know,this is part of a salt-and-pepper set. |
或許它只算半項禮物 你覺得呢? | It may just count as only half a present. What do you think? |
我猜如果它是一套的,再拆開一樣 應該沒關係,或許是這個 | I guess it's okay to open one more if it's part of a set. It's probably this one. |
或是這個 | Or this one! |
-你好嗎?早晨會想吐嗎? -男生們還不知道吧? | -How are you? Got any morning sickness? -The guys don't know yet,do they? |
喬伊跟羅斯什麼都不知道 錢德認為是菲比懷孕了 | Joey and Ross don't know anything. Chandler thinks Phoebe's pregnant. |
沒錯 錢德還是以為我懷孕了 | That's right. Chandler does still think I'm pregnant. |
他沒有問我感覺如何 也沒有幫我提袋子 | He hasn't asked me how I'm feeling or offered to carry my bags. |
我為跟他在一起的女人 覺得難過 | I feel bad for the woman who ends up with him. |
我是指在你之後的女人 | After you,of course. |
別擔心,你只需要 再假裝懷孕幾小時… | Don't worry. You only have to be pregnant for a few more hours.. |
因為今天我要告訴孩子的爸 | because I'm telling the father today. |
他就住在這棟公寓嗎? 是一樓那個高個兒嗎? | Is it someone in the building? That tall guy on the first floor? |
-不 -什麼?我覺得他很可愛 | -No! -What? I think he's cute. |
-那麼你可以去懷他的孩子 -相信我,我正在努力 | -Then you have his baby. -Believe me,I'm trying. |
這真的好奇怪 你今天要告訴這個男人… | It's so weird. You're gonna tell this guy today.. |
他不知道 會發生什麼事 | and he has no idea what's gonna happen. |
你要敲敲他的門 永遠地改變他的一生 | You're just gonna knock on his door and change his life forever. |
你就像艾德麥克馬洪(星探節目主持人)只不過手上沒有拿大額支票 | You're like Ed McMahon,except without the big check. |
也沒有原始的性吸引力 | Or the raw sexual magnetism. |
對,我猜 那是個大消息 | Yeah,well,I guess it is pretty big news. |
大消息?它是超級大消息 天啊,這個男人什麼都不知道 | Pretty big? It's huge! God,this guy doesn't have a clue. |
他走在街上心想 “我跟瑞秋格林做愛,太帥了” | He's just walking down the street thinking,"I had sex with Rachel Greene. I rock!" |
然後,碰,他當了爸爸 一切都不一樣了 | Then,bam! He's a father,everything's different. |
除非他真的想當爸爸 我不會對他提出任何要求 | It's only different if he wants it to be. I'm not gonna ask him for anything. |
他還是得做出 重大的決定 | He still has this huge decision to make. |
現在他邊走邊想 “我要當爸爸嗎?”然後,碰 | Now he's walking around thinking,"Do I want to be a dad?" Then,bam! |
這次怎麼了? | What was that "bam"? |
我不知道 他可能是撞上巴士了 | I don't know. He's hit by a bus,or something. |
喬伊,如果跟你上過床的女人告訴你她懷孕了,你會怎麼辦? | Joey,what would you do if someone you slept with told you she was pregnant? |
誰打電話到這裡來? | Who called here? |
她聽起來像金髮美女嗎?她有口音嗎? 我得去打個電話 | Did she sound blond? Did she have an accent? I gotta make a call. |
我不該到那家太陽眼鏡屋的(著名太陽眼鏡零售商) | Should have never walked into that Sunglass Hut! |
不是你 你沒有讓任何人懷孕 | It's not you! You didn't get anybody pregnant. |
你為什麼要那樣子嚇我? 發生了什麼事? | Why would you scare me like that? What the hell's going on? |
有人懷孕了嗎? | Is somebody pregnant? |
對,我懷孕了 | Oh,yeah! That's me. |
天啊,菲比 你要生孩子了? | Oh,my God,Pheebs! You're gonna have a baby? |
對 天啊,我要生孩子了 | Yes,I am. Oh,my God,I'm gonna have a baby! |
-等一下,孩子的爸是誰? -你不認識他 | -Wait a minute,who's the father? -You don't know him. |
那不重要 他不希望跟我或孩子扯上關係 | It's not important. He wants nothing to do with me or the baby. |
這傢伙是誰? 因為我要把他找出來,痛扁他一頓 | Who is this guy? Because I will track him down and kick his ass! |
-大衛林恩 -大衛林恩 | -David Linn. -David Linn! |
-誰是大衛林恩? -我在健身房認識的人,他很討厭 | -Who's David Linn? -Some guy from my gym. Little annoying. |
-錢德 -你找到即可拍了嗎? | -Chandler? -Did you find the cameras? |
-沒有,你呢? -我找到了 | -No. Did you? -Yes. |
那就是我躲在桌下的原因 我想要慶祝 | That's why I'm under the table,celebrating. |
我去失物中心問過管理員 沒有人撿到即可拍 | I checked in the lost and found. I talked to the manager. No one's turned them in. |
太棒了,今天只有那些即可拍 能讓莫妮卡打起精神來 | Great. Those cameras were the only thing that was gonna cheer Monica up today. |
你們剛剛結婚 她為什麼要心情不好? | You just got married. Why is she so depressed? |
我沒有力氣 問她那個問題 | All my energy is going into not asking that question. |
-我不敢相信我搞砸了 -我很遺憾,兄弟 | -I can't believe I screwed this up! -I'm sorry,man. |
我有個點子 你們在這個宴會廳請客 | Here's a thought. This is the same ballroom. |
這裡有樂隊 等一下會有很多人盛裝前來 | There's a band. There's gonna be plenty of dressed-up people. |
你建議 我們可以丟下問題不管? | Are you suggesting we dance our troubles away? |
不,我是說我們到禮品店 買一些即可拍… | No,I'm saying we buy more of these at the gift shop.. |
換上禮服 拍幾張照片 | throw our tuxes back on and take a few pictures. |
我們只要 不拍到任何人的臉 | We just have to make sure not to get anybody's faces. |
你是認真的嗎? | Are you serious? |
我想到 在家等你的新娘 | I'm thinking about your new bride at home. |
你想在你們共度一生的第一天 就讓她失望嗎? | Do you want to start your life together by letting her down? |
你真的要給我關於婚姻的建議? | Marriage advice? Really? |
我是在告訴你 這看起來很像你的婚宴 | I'm telling you,this looks exactly like your wedding. |
-這些花都一樣吧? -我不知道,花是莫妮卡挑的 | -Aren't these the same flowers? -I don't know. Monica picked them. |
-椅子呢? -也是 | -What about the chairs? -Those too. |
-佈置呢? -她挑的 | -The place settings? -Her. |
-你做了什麼? -我負責看好照相機 | -What did you do? -I was in charge of the cameras. |
禮品店? | Gift shop? |
-你說了嗎? -還沒有 | -Did you do it yet? -Not yet. |
那麼你在這裡做什麼? 你真的要說嗎? | Then what are you doing here? Are you about to do it? |
是甘瑟嗎? | Is it Gunther? |
-不是甘瑟 -謝天謝地,還好寶寶不會有他的頭髮 | -It's not Gunther! -Thank God. Because that hair on a baby? |
孩子的爸不在這裡,好嗎? 我還沒有告訴他 | The father is not here,okay? I haven't told him yet. |
-我想現在我沒辦法告訴他 -為什麼? | -I don't think I can tell him at all now. -Why not? |
我在街上邊走邊想 “我要告訴孩子的爸”,然後,碰 | I was walking down the street,thinking,"I'm gonna tell the father." And then,bam! |
你撞到了巴士? | Bus? |
不,是你,你嚇了我一跳 你一直在提醒我這是件大事 | No,you! You freaked me out. You kept saying how huge this all is. |
但它的確是件大事 | But it is huge. |
我知道,我只是在想 它對我來說有多重要 | I know. But I was just thinking about how huge it was for me. |
我根本不知道 這對孩子的爸來說有多重要 | I didn't even go to how huge it'll be for the father. |
你想太多了 告訴他,把事情做個了斷 | You're thinking about this way too much. Just tell him and get it over with. |
它就像撕掉創可貼一樣 越快越不痛,你看 | It's like ripping off this Band-Aid,quick and painless. Watch. |
媽的… | Oh,mother of..! |
看吧? | See? |
-我們要拆禮物了嗎? -不,我根本不該拆開禮物 | -Are we opening presents? -No. I shouldn't have even opened these. |
喬伊,我控制不了自己 你得幫我一個忙 | Joey,I am out of control! You have to do me a favor. |
不論我說什麼 不論我做什麼… | No matter what I say,no matter what I do.. |
拜託,不要讓我 再拆開任何禮物,好嗎? | please,do not let me open another present. Okay? |
再給我一個禮物 | Give me one more. |
很好,你來了 菲比,聽我說… | Oh,good,you're here. Pheebs? Listen.. |
-坐下,我要告訴你一件事 -好吧 | -Sit down,I got something I wanna say. -All right. |
外面的世界很可怕 特別是對單親媽媽來說 | It's a scary world out there,especially for a single mom. |
我一直覺得 我跟你之間很特別 | I've always felt that you and I have a special bond. |
所以… | So.. |
菲比布菲,你願意嫁給我嗎? | Phoebe Buffay,will you marry me? |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
我願意嫁給你 | Oh,yeah,I'll marry you. |
-你不能嫁給他 -小姐,你結過婚了,這次輪到我 | -You can't marry him! -Hey,lady,your day's over. It's my turn. |
-她為什麼不能嫁給我? -我可以,我也願意 | -Why can't she marry me? -I can and I will. |
她沒有懷孕 是瑞秋懷孕了 | She's not pregnant. Rachel's the one who's pregnant. |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
九個月後你生不出孩子 他會發現的 | He'd notice when you didn't have a baby in nine months! |
他是喬伊唉 | It's Joey! |
我愛你 | I love you. |
等一下,我不敢相信 瑞秋懷孕了?孩子的爸是誰? | Wait,I can't believe it! Rachel's pregnant? Who's the father? |
我們不知道 | We don't know. |
-不知道是不是那個傢伙 -哪個傢伙? | -I wonder if it's that dude. -There's a dude? |
是誰呢? | Who is it? |
大約一個月前 這傢伙跟瑞秋過夜 | About a month ago this guy spent the night with Rachel. |
我沒有看到他,但是… | I didn't see who it was,but.. |
他把故事說完了嗎? | Was that story over? |
那個傢伙留下這個 | The guy left this. |
天啊 我知道孩子的爸是誰 | Oh,my God! I know who the father is. |
說故事的人 得把故事說完 | People have got to finish their stories. |
你好 | Hello. |
我不知道我們有沒有都照進去 靠近一點 | I don't know if we're both in. Come closer. |
你的修臉潤膚露味道很好聞 | Nice aftershave. |
如果你想來一點 我包包裡有八罐迷你瓶 | If you want some,I've got eight mini bottles in my bag. |
-對不起,你能幫我們拍照嗎? -沒問題 | -Excuse me,could you take a picture of us? -Of course. |
你能幫我們照一張嗎? | Would you take one of us? |
沒問題 | Yeah,sure. |
喀 | Click. |
-我沒有聽到快門聲 -我聽到了 | -It didn't click. -I heard it. |
-但閃光燈沒亮 -你為什麼不幫我們拍照? | -But there was no flash. -Why won't you take our picture? |
對,我會幫你們拍照 | Oh,yeah. I'll take your picture. |
你的手指擋到鏡頭了 | Your finger was covering the lens. |
你是安塞爾亞當斯(著名攝影師)嗎? 快滾吧 | Who are you,Ansel Adams? Get out of here! |
(中央咖啡廳) | |
聽著,我真的很難過 之前我嚇壞你了… | Look,I feel really bad about how I freaked you out before.. |
所以我請孩子的爸到裡面等你 你可以告訴他事實 | so I asked the father to meet you here so you could tell him. |
什麼?等一下 你怎麼知道孩子的爸是誰? | What? Wait a minute. How do you even know who the father is? |
或許有時候我傻傻的… | I may play the fool at times.. |
但事實上我是個絕不放棄的 金髮美女 | but I'm more than a pretty blond girl with an ass that won't quit. |
我相信 這是孩子爸的衣服… | I believe this belongs to the father of your baby.. |
天啊,他就在裡面? | Oh,God. He's in there right now? |
你可以轉身離開或是撕掉創可貼 你打算怎麼做? | You can turn around,or you can go rip the Band-Aid off. What do you want to do? |
-我們把事情做個了斷吧 -你確定? | -Let's rip. -Are you sure? |
-菲比 -好吧,抱歉 | -Phoebe! -Okay. Sorry. |
瑞秋 | Hey,Rach. |
你為什麼不到臺上呢? 我要拍張你說話時的照片 | Why don't you go up on-stage. I'll get a picture of you doing the speech. |
1995年別克李薩布利的車主 請跟前台聯絡 | Will the owner of a 1995 Buick LeSabre please see the front desk? |
你的車就要被拖走了 | Your car is about to be towed. |
那是我的車 | That's my car! |
-1995年的李薩布利? -對 | -A '95 LeSabre? -Yes. |
-綠色的李薩布利? -對 | -A green LeSabre? -Yes! |
-抱歉,我是說藍色的李薩布利 -對,我的車是藍綠色的 | -I'm sorry,I meant a blue LeSabre. -Yes,green-blue. |
快去把它移開吧 | Well,go. Go move it! |
準備要拍最後一張照片了嗎? 拍完馬上就跑 | Ready for the last picture? Get ready to run. |
恭喜 | Congratulations on your wedding. |
這是怎麼一回事? | So,what's this about? |
瑞秋有事 要告訴你 | Rachel has something she wants to tell you. |
我相信 這是你的紅毛衣 | And I believe that this is your red sweater. |
不,這才是我的紅毛衣 | No,this is my red sweater. |
不 | Oh,no. |
有人要喝咖啡嗎? | Could I get anyone a coffee? |
或是毒藥?沒有嗎?只有我要?好吧 | Or poison? No? Just for me? Okay. |
發生了什麼事?瑞秋 | What's going on,Rach? |
沒事 菲比弄錯了 | Nothing. Phoebe kind of made a mistake. |
但你的確常穿那件毛衣 你被捲進什麼麻煩事了嗎? | But you do wear that sweater a lot. Are you involved in some kind of dare? |
事實上我很高興能接到菲比的電話 | I'm actually glad Phoebe called. |
我知道我們會分手是因為你覺得 我太幼稚,但我已經長大了 | I know we broke up because you thought I was immature,but I've grown up. |
我想我們應該複合 | I think we should get back together. |
時機不對 | It's just not the right time. |
時機非常恰當 好吧 我做了萬全的準備 | It is the right time. I'm ready for more. |
來吧,瑞秋 我們可以再試一次 | Come on,Rach. Let's give it another try. |
我懷孕了 | I'm having a baby. |
-你可以走了 -謝謝 | -You can go. -Thank you. |
我不知道 禮物怎麼會是打開的 | I don't know how any of these got opened! |
-你拆開了所有的禮物? -我知道,我是個可怕的人 | -You opened them all? -I know,I am a terrible person. |
錢德永遠都不會 再相信我任何事 | Chandler's never gonna trust me with anything ever again. |
你拆開了我爸媽的禮物 | You got my parents' gift. |
-那是什麼? -應該是跟義大利臘腸有關的東西 | -What is that? -I think it does something to salami. |
-情況如何? -泰格怎麼說? | -How'd it go? -What did Tag say? |
泰格不是孩子的爸 喬伊知道了? | Tag is not the father. And Joey knows now? |
我知道了,瑞秋 我為你感到高興 | I do,Rach,I do. And I am so happy for you. |
你沒有試著 要解開我的胸罩 | Wow,you didn't even try to unhook my bra. |
-你要告訴孩子的爸嗎? -我會的,只是今晚我不想那麼做 | -So are you ever gonna tell whoever it is? -I will. I'm just not up for it tonight. |
不論這傢伙說什麼 你不會獨自面對這一切 | No matter what this guy says,you're not gonna be alone in this. |
-是嗎? -不,聽著… | -I'm not? -No. Listen.. |
外面的世界很可怕 特別是對單親媽媽來說 | It's a scary world out there,especially for a single mom. |
我一直覺得 我跟你之間很特別 | I've always felt like you and I have this special bond,you know? |
-瑞秋格林,你願意嫁給我嗎? -什麼? | -Rachel Greene,will you marry me? -What? |
-什麼? -什麼? | -What? -What?! |
-菲比,把戒指還給我 -不 | -Pheebs,give me the ring back. -No! |
喬伊,你真的很體貼 但我不要一個丈夫 | Joey,you're so sweet,so sweet,honey. But I'm not looking for a husband. |
我瞭解 | I understand. |
對不起 我想去躺一下 | Well,if you'll excuse me,I'm going to go and lie down. |
喬伊 | Joey |
什麼?我跟你求過婚 這樣才公平 | What? I proposed to you. It balances out. |
我不能說我不心痛 | I can't say that didn't hurt. |
但我會原諒你,喬伊崔比亞尼 | But I'll take you back,Joey Tribbiani. |
-聽著,我只是說… -義大利臘腸用具 | -Listen,about that,I only offered.. -Ooh,a Salami Buddy! |
好吧 | There you go! |
-我們回來了 -太棒了 | -We're back! -Great. |
我們待在廚房吧 待在廚房就好了 | We're hanging in the kitchen. Let's stay in the kitchen. |
-現在是看照片時間 -你一定會喜歡的 | -It's picture time. -You're gonna love these. |
這是羅斯的照片 | Here's a picture of Ross. |
那是我 | And that's me. |
我跟羅斯 | And that's me and Ross. |
這是我們第一次 以新婚夫妻身份接吻的照片 | And here's a picture of our first kiss as a married couple. |
那張照片真的很棒 | Wow,that is a great picture. Yeah! |
真的太有趣了 因為我在我們的行李裡找到即可拍 | And interesting,because I found the cameras in one of our bags. |
我沒想到這一點 | Didn't see that coming. |
這不是 我們第一次接吻的照片… | So this isn't a picture of our first kiss.. |
但它的確是 我跟這位女士第一次接吻的照片 | but it is a picture of my first kiss with this lady. |
從你臉上的表情看來 我相信你會記得,所以我不必… | Which,by the look on your face,I'm sure you'll remember,so there's no need.. |
-我會拿真的底片去洗 -好主意 | -I'll take the real pictures to get developed. -Good idea. |
你不管我自己拆開所有禮物? 我們說好要一起拆的 | You opened all the presents without me? We were gonna do that together. |
你吻了另一個女人? | You kissed another woman?! |
-我們扯平了? -好吧 | -Call it even? -Okay. |
-我要把花插到花瓶裡 -你偷走了那個婚禮的花? | -I'm gonna go get these in some water. -You stole those from that wedding? |
不,這是飯店大廳的花 他們以為能多收我黃色電影… | No,the hotel lobby. They think they can charge me for some dirty movie.. |
還有一袋糖果的錢 我一定要討回公道 | and a bag of Mashuga Nuts,they got another thing coming! |
我的毛衣 | Hey,my sweater! |
我找這件毛衣 找了一個月 | I've been looking for this for,like,a month. |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
-你好嗎? -我很好,好久不見 | -Hey,how you doing? -Good. Long time no see. |
-我喜歡你的毛衣 -我也是 | -Like your sweater. -Right back at you. |
-瑞秋的事真的太瘋狂了 -她一直都瘋瘋癲癲的 | -It's crazy about Rachel. -Well,she's one crazy lady. |
-到底是誰的呢? -我不知道,應該是個義大利人吧 | -So whose is it? -I don't know,some Italian guy. |
少來了,看看你自己的標籤不就知道了 後會有期,他真是奇怪 | Come on,read your own label. See you later. He is so weird. |
你期待我們要去度蜜月嗎? | Aren't you excited we're going on our honeymoon? |
我很期待 | Yeah,I am. |
沒錯,要發作就趁現在沒人的時候 | That's right,get it out of your system while we're alone. |
-我們是來道別的 -對,祝你們蜜月玩得愉快 | -Hey. We came to say goodbye. -Yeah. Have a great honeymoon. |
-謝謝 -我最好去打包行李 | -Thanks. -I better go pack. |
不,我已經打包了 我只是找不到你的速比達泳褲(美國泳衣第一大品牌) | No,I already packed. The only thing I couldn't find,though,was your Speedo. |
我沒有速比達泳褲 | Speedo? I don't have a Speedo. |
我要去打包 我那普通的超長泳褲 | I'm gonna go pack my regular,long bathing suit. |
很好,你還在 我來祝你有個愉快的蜜月 | Good,you're still here! I wanted to tell you to have a good honeymoon. |
謝謝 | Thank you! |
我還要你們知道 今天我會告訴孩子的爸 | And I also wanted you guys to know that I am telling the father today. |
怎麼了? | What? What? |
-我們知道孩子的爸是羅斯 -你怎麼知道的? | -We know it's Ross. -How? How do you know? |
是他的毛衣,但是天啊 | It was his sweater. But,oh,my God! |
我好希望羅斯是第一個知道的 但你們知道了,我真的松了一口氣 | I so wanted Ross to know first. But I am so relieved that you guys know! |
這真的是太棒了 我是你孩子的姑姑 | That is so great. And I'm gonna be your baby's aunt! |
我知道 | I know. |
我是阿姨 | Me too! |
我是叔叔,來吧 | And I'm gonna be an uncle! Come here. |
-你們都會是孩子的姑姑、阿姨跟叔叔 -對,但只有我跟孩子有血緣關係 | -You're all gonna be aunts and uncles. -Yeah,but I'm the only one related by blood. |
現在你們知道了,你們可以幫我 建議我該怎麼跟羅斯說 | So now that you all know,you can help me. Give me some advice on how to tell Ross. |
你打算怎麼說? | What were you gonna say? |
我要告訴他我想留下孩子 他想怎麼做都可以 | I was gonna tell him that I'm gonna have it,and he can be as involved as he wants. |
聽起來很不錯 | Well,that sounds good. |
對,只是,我該怎麼開口呢?我是說我的開場白應該是什麼? | Yeah,but,you know,how do I start? I mean,what's the first thing that I say? |
-好吧,太棒了,謝謝 -祝你好運 | -Okay,great. Thanks. -Hey,good luck. |
對,再見 | Yeah,bye. |
那是怎麼一回事? | Hey,what was that all about? |
看來現在告訴你也沒關係 瑞秋懷了羅斯的孩子 | Guess there's no harm in telling you now. Rachel and Ross are going to have a baby. |
什麼?我完全不知道 你為什麼不告訴我? | What?! I didn't even know that..! Why didn't you tell me? |
我為什麼會這樣說話? | Why am I talking like this? |
-我覺得你無法保密 -什麼? | -I didn't think you could keep it a secret. -What?! |
什麼? | What?! |
我是保密高手 我一直保守著我們所有的秘密 | I am an excellent secret-keeper. I have kept all our secrets. |
-什麼秘密? -不,喬伊 | -What secrets? -No,no,Joey. |
我不會告訴你 因為我是保密高手 | I'm not gonna tell you,because I am an excellent secret-keeper. |
-待會你會告訴我? -你已經知道了 | -You'll tell me later? -You already know. |
本集播出:告知羅斯 | The.One.Where.Rachel.Tells |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
送別人去度蜜月 真的好浪漫 | It's so romantic to send people off on their honeymoon. |
莫妮卡跟錢德結婚了 羅斯跟瑞秋就要生寶寶 | You know,Monica and Chandler are married. Ross and Rachel are having a baby. |
-或許你跟我也該找些事來做 -你說的對,愛人 | -Maybe you and I should do something. -All in good time,my love. All in good time. |
該死,我把吉他放在他們家 你待會能幫我開門吧? | Shoot! I left my guitar in their apartment. Well,you can let me in later,right? |
不,我沒有鑰匙 他們拿走我的鑰匙說是要交給你 | No,I don't have a key. They took mine to give to you. |
-什麼?他們拿走我的說是要交給你 -他們為什麼要拿走我們的鑰匙? | -What? They took mine to give to you. -Why would they take away our keys? |
或許他們不信任我們 | Maybe they don't trust us. |
他們上次出城時 讓我保管他們的鑰匙 | They let me keep my key the last time they were out of town. |
那次你打破蕃茄醬瓶 拿莫妮卡給客人的毛巾來清理? | The time you broke the ketchup bottle and cleaned it with Monica's guest towels? |
-嘿,我洗了毛巾 -才沒有 | -Hey,I washed those. -No,you didn't. |
對,那聽起來不像我的作風 | Yeah,that didn't sound like me. |
-我該怎麼辦?我需要我的吉他 -我也有東西放在他家 | -What will I do? I really need my guitar. -I have stuff in there too. |
-什麼東西? -莫妮卡的乳酪雞,我得把它解決掉 | -What stuff? -Monica's chicken parm. I'll take care of it. |
崔格先生?我是喬伊崔比亞尼 | Hey,Mr. Treeger? It's Joey Tribbiani. |
聽著,我得到莫妮卡跟錢德家去 有緊急事件 | Listen,I need to get into Monica and Chandler's apartment. It's an emergency! |
瓦斯漏氣,帶大蒜麵包過來 | Gas leak. Oh,and bring garlic bread. |
-莫妮卡跟錢德出發了嗎? -對 | -Hey,did Monica and Chandler take off yet? -Yeah. |
該死,他們沒有帶 納索化石與天然歷史博物館的通行證 | Damn. They left without my pass to the Nassau Fossil and Natural History Museum. |
他們的蜜月泡湯了 | There goes the honeymoon. |
-瑞秋找到你了嗎? -不,怎麼了? | -Did Rachel find you? -No,why? |
她在找你 | She was looking for you. |
那麼我待會再見她 | Well,I guess I'll catch up with her later. |
-她真的得馬上跟你談 -對,似乎是有重要的事 | -She really wanted to talk to you now. -Yeah,it seemed pretty important. |
不 | Oh,no. |
什麼? | What? |
我想我知道她有什麼事 | I think I might know what this is about. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
對,我們答應不會告訴任何人 但是… | Yeah. We promised we weren't gonna tell anybody this,but.. |
大約一個月前 瑞秋跟我上床 | About a month ago,Rachel and I slept together. |
結果呢? | And? |
我以為 你們會大吃一驚 | Wow,I thought you'd be a little more shocked. |
抱歉…結果呢? | Oh,sorry. And?! |
我們說 只做一次… | Well,we said we'd just do it that one time.. |
我想她或許 想要跟我複合 | but now I think she may wanna start things up again. |
我想不是那樣的 | Yeah,I don't think that's what it is. |
-為什麼?不然會是什麼事? -我覺得不太舒服 | -Why? What else could it be? -Oh,wow,I don't feel well. |
我相信就是那麼一回事 | I'm telling you,that's what it is. |
難怪在婚禮上 她看我的眼神怪怪的 | No wonder she was looking at me all funny during the wedding. |
她什麼都沒有告訴你們? | She didn't say anything to you? |
-或許你吃錯東西了 -有可能 | -Maybe it's something you ate. -Could be,yeah. |
-拜託,去跟瑞秋談一談 -好吧 | -Please,just go and talk to Rachel. -Yeah,I guess I should. |
你們知道我領悟到什麼事嗎? | Man,you know what I have to realize? |
或許我是那種 讓女人一夜難忘的男人 | Maybe I'm not the type of guy women can have just one night with. |
她們對我 永遠都覺得不滿足 | You know,they always seem to want a little bit more. |
我應該記得那一點的 | I should remember that. |
下一位 | Next. |
-他們在接吻,我們先過去吧 -別管他們,他們深愛彼此 | -They're kissing. Let's just go around them. -Leave them alone. They're in love. |
我也愛你,不過愛得井然有序 | I'm in love too. But in an orderly fashion. |
下一位 | Next. |
嗨,你們能邊走邊接吻嗎? 因為她說“下一位” | Hi. Can you do that and walk? Because she said,"Next." |
抱歉,我們沒有聽到 我們要去度蜜月 | Sorry,we didn't hear you. We're on our honeymoon. |
讓我來看一下 頭等艙還有位置 | Let me see what I can do. There are some first-class seats available. |
她讓他們升級到頭等艙 因為他們要去度蜜月 | They bumped them up to first class because they're on their honeymoon! |
-我們假裝也要去度蜜月 -我們的確是要去度蜜月 | -Let's act like we're on our honeymoon. -We are on our honeymoon. |
快摸我屁股 | Grab my ass. |
-下一位 -抱歉,我差點沒聽見 | -Next. -Hi. Sorry,I almost didn't hear you. |
我深愛我的新丈夫 我們要去度蜜月 | You know,I'm just so in love with my new husband. We're on our honeymoon. |
-恭喜 -謝謝 | -Congratulations. -Thanks. |
好了,賓先生,你在25J 賓太太是25K | Okay,Mr. Bing,you'll be in 25J,and Mrs. Bing,you're in 25K. |
我們要去度蜜月 你能讓我們升級到頭等艙嗎? | We're on our honeymoon,so can you do your little thing and bump us to first class? |
抱歉,頭等艙客滿了 剛剛那對夫妻拿走了最後兩個位置 | I'm sorry,all the first-class seats are taken. That couple got the last two. |
看吧?如果你聽我的話插他們的隊,她會給我們頭等艙的位置,該死 | See? If we'd gone around them like I said,she'd have given us those tickets! Damn it! |
25J跟K 會不會剛好不在一起? | 25J and K,any chance those aren't together? |
我還是不敢相信他們拿走我的鑰匙,你都把你的鑰匙交給我保管 | I still can't believe they took away my key. I mean,you trust me with yours. |
那當然 我會把它還給你… | Of course I do! And I'm gonna get it back to you.. |
只要清理鑰匙的人 把它擦乾淨了 | just as soon as they're done with it at the key-shining place. |
-那是什麼聲音? -我不知道 | -What the hell is that? -I don't know. |
崔格,你在做什麼? | Treeger,what are you doing? |
-你說有瓦斯漏氣 -你為什麼不用鑰匙開門? | -You said there was a gas leak. -Why not use your key? |
等我找到他們家的鑰匙 這間公寓可能都炸掉了 | By the time I found it on this thing,the whole place might have exploded. |
如果我管理的公寓再發生一次爆炸意外 人們會開始問問題 | If that happens at another building I manage,people will ask questions. |
快一點 | Come on,hurry up! |
要那麼做我們也會 | Well,we could have done that. |
你看 他們走進頭等艙休息室了 | Look at that! They're going into the first-class lounge. |
-你知道裡面有什麼嗎? -不知道 | -Do you know what they have in there? -No. |
我也不知道,我們得進去才行 | Me neither. We have to get in! |
-裝做你是頭等艙的客人 -天啊,有橘子 | -Just act like you belong. -Oh,my God! Oranges! |
-很高興又跟你見面了 -先生,麻煩出示你的機票 | -Nice to see you again. -Sir,may I see your tickets,please? |
沒問題 | Yes,of course. |
麻煩將你的姆指挪開 我看不到座位號碼 | Would you move your thumb? I can't see the seat number. |
沒關係 我已經背起來了,是1A | That's all right. I have it memorized. It's 1A. |
-這不是頭等艙的機票,抱歉 -沒關係,對不起 | -Sir,this isn't a first-class ticket. I'm sorry. -Apology accepted. Excuse us. |
先生 恐怕我得請你們離開 | Sir,I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. |
好吧 | Fine. |
快跑 | Go,go! |
-嗨 -嗨 | -Hi. -Hi. |
嗨 | Hi. |
我想我們真的需要 好好地談一談 | I think there's something that we really need to talk about. |
沒錯,我們先進去吧 | I think we do. Why don't we go inside. |
-聽著,我知道你為什麼會來這裡 -真的? | -Look,I know why you're here. -You do? |
對 為了讓你有點面子… | Yeah,and to save you from any embarrassment.. |
我想或許應該我先說 | I think maybe I should talk first. |
-好吧 -好嗎? | -Okay. -Okay? |
羅斯跟瑞秋 | Ross and Rachel. |
瑞秋跟羅斯 | Rachel and Ross. |
那像是在玩蹺蹺板 對吧? | That's been one heck of a seesaw,hasn't it? |
什麼? | What? |
我是說那晚 我們過得既滿足又盡性 | I mean,look,that one night we had was fun and certainly passionate. |
但你不覺得 我們還是當朋友比較好嗎? | But don't you think it's better if we just stay friends? |
你是說…什麼? | Seriously,what? |
好吧,這樣好了 | Okay. You know what? |
如果你要的話 我們可以再做一次 | If you want to,we can do it one more time. |
我沒有問題 事實上我現在有空… | I mean,I'd be okay with that. In fact,I have some time right now.. |
好了 | Okay. |
你知道嗎?我可以說話了嗎? | You know what? Can I talk now? |
-當然可以 -好吧 | -Oh,sure. -Okay. |
我懷孕了 | I'm pregnant. |
羅斯 | Ross? |
羅斯 | Ross? |
好吧,我等你準備好再說 | Okay,whenever you're ready. |
對了,你是孩子的爸 你知道的… | And you're the father,by the way. But you got.. |
-你要喝水嗎? -我沒事 | -Can I get you some water? -I'm good. |
羅斯,別覺得有什麼壓力,好嗎? 你想怎麼做都可以的 | Ross,there is no pressure on you,okay? I mean,you can be as involved as you want. |
對,我… | Yeah,I.. |
我只是不知道… 我不瞭解… | I'm just,I don't know. I don't understand.. |
怎麼會發生這種事 | how this happened. |
-我們有用保險套 -我知道 | -We used a condom. -I know. |
但保險套的避孕功能 只有百分之九十七 | But you know,condoms only work,like,97 percent of the time. |
什麼? | What? |
什麼? | What?! |
他們應該標示在包裝上 | Well,they should put that on the box! |
-包裝上有標示 -才沒有 | -They do. -No,they don't! |
他們應該用又大又粗的字體 標示在包裝上 | Well,they should put it in huge block letters! |
-羅斯,別管保險套的事 -早知道當時也不用管了 | -Ross,let's just forget about the condoms. -Well,I may as well have! |
聽著,你知道嗎? 我發現自己懷孕時… | Listen,you know what? I was really freaked out too.. |
-也嚇壞了 -嚇壞了?我才沒有 | -when I found out. -Freaked..? Hey,I'm not freaked out. |
我是個憤怒的消費者 | I'm indignant as a consumer! |
-你知道嗎?我們待會再談 -不,我想現在談 | -You know what? Let's talk later. -No,I wanna talk now. |
事實上我想… | In fact,I wanna talk.. |
跟保險套公司的 董事長談 | to the president of the condom company. |
你知道嗎? 或許我該待會再來…好吧 | Okay,you know what? Maybe I should come back.. Okay. |
好吧,我按一鍵 | Yeah,I'll press one! |
-我到處找過,瓦斯沒有漏氣 -我可以熱一下這個嗎? | -I looked everywhere. There's no gas leak. -So then I can heat this up? |
總之我會幫他們 裝扇新門 | Anyway,I'll get moving on that new door. |
太棒了,你能幫我們一個忙 別跟錢德和莫妮卡提這件事嗎? | Great. Listen,could you do us a favor and not tell Chandler and Monica about this? |
因為他們沒有 自己的孩子… | Because,you know,they don't have any kids of their own.. |
這扇門就像是他們的孩子 | and this door was like a child to them. |
我得裝上新鎖 他們一定會發現的 | Well,I'm gonna have to put on a new lock. They'll find out anyway. |
看樣子要幹一整天 我得去取消我的瑜伽課 | It's looking like an all-day job. I'm gonna have to cancel my yoga class. |
羅斯,麻煩你告訴傑斯莫 今天我沒辦法去上瑜伽課 | Hey,Ross. Could you tell Jasmine I can't make it to yoga class today? |
沒問題 | Sure. |
頂拜(梵文) | Namaste. |
-天啊,門是怎麼了? -很明顯對吧? | -Oh,my God! What happened to the door? -So it's noticeable,huh? |
-瑞秋在這裡嗎?我得跟她談一談 -你們不是談過了嗎? | -Look,is Rachel here? I need to talk to her. -Didn't you two already talk? |
對,但是… | Yeah,but.. |
聽著,你們知道 瑞秋跟我上過床… | Okay. Look,you guys know that Rachel and I slept together.. |
但除此之外還有別的 | but there's something else. |
瑞秋懷孕了 | Rachel's pregnant. |
-我的老天爺 -天啊,我不敢相信 | -Holy mother of God! -Oh,my God,I can't believe that! |
-她懷了我的孩子 -我是第一次聽到這件事 | -With my child. -That is brand-new information! |
-你們已經知道了對不對? -知道一點 | -You already know,don't you? -Little bit. |
-你還好嗎? -我會沒事的 | -How you doing? -Okay. I mean,I'll be okay. |
我想 我沒有處理好 | It's just,I don't think I handled it very well. |
-你跟她說了什麼? -什麼都沒說 | -What'd you say to her? -Nothing. |
但我跟保險套公司的客服部門 說了很多 | But the complaint department at the condom company got an earful. |
-我一轉身才發現她走了 -羅斯 | -Then when I turned around,she was gone. -Oh,Ross. |
我知道,但我剛才發現保險套只有百分之九十七的避孕效果 | I know. But in my defense,I just found out that condoms are only,like,97% effective. |
-什麼? -我得去找她 | -What? -I gotta go find her. |
等一下,你是認真的? | Hey. Hold on! Are you serious? |
所以有百分之三的機率 它們無法發揮功能? | So,like,3 percent of the time,they don't even work? |
他們應該在包裝上做標示 | They should put that on the box! |
-他們的確那麼做了 -什麼? | -Evidently,they do. -What?! |
真的咧 | Well,I'll be. |
-我不敢相信我們來到這裡了 -開什麼玩笑 | -I can't believe we're here. -You've gotta be kidding. |
什麼? | What? |
為了慶祝你們結婚 飯店要幫你們升級到蜜月套房 | As a wedding gift to you,the hotel would like to give you the honeymoon suite. |
不,你們破壞了我們一整天 | No! You have been screwing us all day! |
-你們是誰? -我們是你們,只是遲了十秒鐘 | -Who are you? -We're you. Just 10 seconds later! |
你們已經搶走頭等艙的位置、休息室 我們也應該得到免費招待 | You already got the first-class tickets,the lounge. We should get free stuff too! |
不光是你們 在度蜜月 | You're not the only ones on your honeymoon! |
我們可以把蜜月套房讓給你們 我們不在乎要睡在哪裡 | You can have the suite if you want. We don't care about where we stay. |
我們來這裡 紀念我們對彼此的愛 | We're here to celebrate our love for each other. |
我們不需要免費招待 我們只想在一起 | We don't have to get free stuff. We just want to be together. |
我們需要免費招待 | We need the stuff. |
莫妮卡,我是喬伊 菲比跟我聞到你家有瓦斯味 | Monica,it's Joey. Phoebe and I smell gas coming from your apartment. |
-什麼?真的嗎?喬伊聞到瓦斯味 -還有什麼新消息? | -What? Are you serious? Joey smells gas. -What else is new? |
-我們想看一下,但你拿走我們的鑰匙 -快想辦法進去 | -We'd check it out,but you took our keys. -Well,do something. Get in there! |
-要怎麼辦呢?我可以把你家大門撞開 -對,就那麼做 | -How? I guess I could break down your door. -Yeah,do that. |
-你不會怪我們弄壞東西? -不會 | -And you won't blame us for any damage? -No. |
-你在撞門了嗎?我沒有聽到聲音 -好吧,我來撞門了 | -Are you doing it? I don't hear anything. -Okay,I'll break it down. |
嗨,他正在撞門 他要把門撞開了 | Hi. He's doing it,he's breaking down the door. |
好了,我們進來了 | Okay,we're in. |
-瑞秋,你還舒服嗎? -如果我很舒服,你會審判我嗎? | -Okay,Rachel,are you comfortable? -If I said I was,would you judge me? |
醫生馬上過來 幫你照超音波 | The doctor'll be here in a minute to do your sonogram. |
好的 | Okay. |
天啊,我發誓 如果他們在陶瓷貨倉賣這個… | Oh,man,I swear,if they sold these at Pottery Barn.. |
-嗨 -嗨 | -Hi. -Hi. |
我們得談一談 | We need to talk. |
現在嗎?我現在有點“新鮮空氣”(西班牙文意指光著屁股)的狀況 | Right now? Because I kind of got an alfresco situation going on over here. |
拜託,我真的…我想 為我剛剛的表現向你道歉 | Please,I really.. I want to apologize for the way I acted earlier today. |
-沒關係,麻煩你待在床頭邊 -什麼?抱歉 | -That's fine. Can you stay up near my head? -What? Oh,yeah,sorry. |
我瘋了,我只想到自己 我應該要想到你的… | I went crazy. I was thinking about myself when I should've been thinking about you.. |
-沒關係,待在床頭這邊,羅斯 -對 | -Okay,head,Ross! Head,Ross! -Right. |
我要你知道 我會一直陪在你身邊,好嗎? | I want you to know that I'm gonna be there through this whole thing. Okay? |
來做產檢、上拉梅茲呼吸課 為寶寶裝潢公寓 | The doctor's appointments,the Lamaze classes,baby-proofing the apartment. |
但我們可以等到婚後 再擔心那些事 | Although,we can worry about that after we get married. |
-婚後? -對,我想我們應該結婚 | -Married? -Well,yeah,I think we should get married. |
那就是你的解決方法嗎? | Because that's your answer to everything? |
不,那麼做是對的 | No. Because that's the right thing to do. |
或許吧,只要我們相愛 羅斯,我們並不相愛,對吧? | Yeah,maybe,if you're in love. But Ross,we are not in love,are we? |
對,但是 你不可能一個人這麼做 | No. But still,I mean,you can't possibly do this alone. |
你說什麼? | Excuse me? |
-你甚至沒辦法一個人到餐廳吃飯 -什麼? | -You can't even eat alone in a restaurant. -What? |
如果你沒辦法一個人吃飯 你怎麼一個人帶孩子? | If you can't eat by yourself,how do you expect to have a baby by yourself? |
-我可以一個人吃飯 -你什麼時候那麼做過? | -I can too eat by myself! -When have you ever? |
當某些同桌的人吃完飯 我還沒有吃完的時候 | When certain people leave the table and I am not finished! |
有些人光喝一碗湯 就得花掉兩個小時 | Well,certain other people take two hours to eat a bowl of soup! |
拜託,你是狼吞虎嚥 | Oh,please. You inhale your food. |
我跟莫妮卡一起長大 不吃快一點的話就沒得吃了 | I grew up with Monica. If you didn't eat fast,you didn't eat! |
我打擾你們了嗎? | Am I interrupting? |
不,朗格醫生,請進 他是羅斯,孩子的爸爸 | No,Dr. Long. Please come in. This is Ross. He is the father. |
但我不是她的丈夫 因為顯然她能單獨帶大孩子 | But not the husband,because,evidently,she can do this alone. |
很高興能見到你,我要開始檢查了 | Nice to meet you. I'll get started on this. |
-你為什麼不能承認你需要我? -我需要你站在床頭這邊 | -Why you can't admit you need me? -I need you to stay near my head! |
好吧,看起來很正常 銀幕上的畫面是這樣的 | Okay. Everything looks good. Here it is on the screen. |
這是你的子宮… | Here's your uterus.. |
寶寶在這裡 | and right here is your baby. |
天啊 | Oh,my God. |
它在那裡,我看到了 | There it is. I see it. |
恭喜 我讓你們獨處一下 | Congratulations. I'll give you two a minute. |
-好吧 -謝謝 | -Okay. -Thank you. |
很神奇吧? | Pretty amazing,huh? |
我看不到它 | I don't see it! |
-什麼? -我看不到它 | -What? -I can't see it. |
但你說你看到了 | But you just said that you did. |
我知道,我說謊 我不希望她認為我是個很糟糕的母親 | I know. I lied. I didn't want her to think I was a terrible mother. |
我連自己的寶寶都看不到 | I can't even see my own baby! |
當然,過來,你可以看到的 過來,就在這裡 | Oh,sure. Come here. Sure,you can. Come here. Look,it's right there. |
好漂亮 | Oh,it's beautiful. |
我看到了 | I see it now. |
-真的嗎? -不,我看不到 | -Do you really? -No,I don't see it! |
好吧,來吧 | Okay. Come on. All right. Okay. |
你看到那個像花生一樣的 小東西了嗎? | You see this tiny thing that looks like a peanut? |
是的 | Yeah. |
親愛的,就是那個 | Sweetie,that's it. |
就是那個? | That's it? |
我看到了 | Well,I saw that. |
-謝謝 -別客氣 | -Thank you. -You're welcome. |
我不敢相信那是我們的孩子 | Wow,I can't believe that's our baby. |
對,那是我們的孩子 | Yeah,that's our baby. |
他們裝了新門 | Well,they put up the new door. |
-門都鎖好了嗎? -對,怎麼了? | -So it's all locked up and secure? -Yeah. Why? |
我想知道我有多想吃 莫妮卡的火雞肉派 | I was trying to figure out how bad I want one of Monica's turkey pot pies. |
-嗨 -嘿 | -Hi. -Hey. |
-醫生怎麼說? -一切都很順利 | -So how was the doctor? -Everything went great. |
-很好 -讓他們看看你子宮的照片 | -Good. -Hey,show them the picture of your uterus. |
我看不到寶寶,它在哪裡? | I don't see the baby. Where is it? |
不,我知道,剛開始我也看不到 但它就在… | Oh,no,I know. I couldn't see it either at first. But it's right.. |
羅斯,我又看不到了 | Ross,I lost it again. |
等一下,在進屋之前 我要你知道我愛你 | Wait. Before we go in,I just want you to know that I love you. |
我蜜月時玩得很高興 | I had a great time on our honeymoon. |
我等不及 要跟你共度一生了 | I can't wait to spend our life together. |
你還戴著 那條貝殼項鍊? | You're sticking with the shell necklace,huh? |
你們回來了 | You're back! |
快進來 | Come on in! |
你們蜜月玩得開心嗎? | How was the honeymoon? |
我們很開心,最棒的是 我們認識了一對很棒的夫婦 | So much fun. The best part is,we met this great couple. |
那是最棒的嗎? 這真的是很棒的蜜月,老虎 | That was the best part? Good honeymooning,tiger. |
他們很酷 他們也是去度蜜月的 | They're cool. It was their honeymoon too. |
他們就住在城裡 | They live here in the city. |
我們能打電話給他們嗎? 現在打會不會太快了? | Can we go call them? Is it too soon to call? |
我們很興奮 我們終於認識一對夫婦朋友了 | We're excited. We finally have a couple to hang out with. |
你們想要那麼做嗎? | Oh,were you looking for that? |
對 | Well,yeah. |
夫婦朋友?你是說兩個人嗎? 像是一、二,兩個人 | A couple? Like two people? Like one,two people? |
那不一樣 葛瑞格跟珍妮結婚了 | It's different. Greg and Jenny are married. |
葛瑞格跟珍妮? “嗨,葛瑞格,我是錢德” | Greg and Jenny? "Hi,Greg. I'm Chandler." |
“嗨,莫妮卡,她是珍妮” “嗨,珍妮,嗨,莫妮卡” | "Hi,Monica. This is Jenny." "Hi,Jenny. Hi,Greg." |
-他們真的很棒,如果你們… -你知道嗎? | -They're great. If you just.. -You know what? |
快送我們紀念品 然後滾出去 | Give us our souvenirs and get out of here. |
-我們沒有機會… -你是在開玩笑 | -We didn't get a chance to.. -You're kidding! |
-我們沒有買任何人的禮物 -好漂亮的項鍊 | -We didn't get anything for anyone. -Nice necklace. |
你可以把它拿走 | That you can have. |
本集播出:錄影帶風波 | The.One.With.The.VideoTape |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-歡迎你們回來 -蜜月還好玩吧? | -Welcome home. -How was the honeymoon? |
太棒了,你們呢? 你們要有寶寶了 | Great! How about you? You're having a baby! |
沒錯,那真的很刺激 | Yeah,we are. It's so exciting. |
我就知道 你們會未婚生子 | I always knew you two would have a child out of wedlock. |
-你看,我有寶寶的超音波照片 -太棒了 | -Look,I have a sonogram picture. -Good. |
羅斯,寶寶遺傳了你的黑色卷髮 | Ross,it's got your wavy,black lines. |
現在羅斯知道了,到底是怎麼發生的?在什麼時候?你們做了幾次? | Now that Ross knows,how'd it happen? When? How many times? |
莫妮卡,那麼問是不對的,從你們在哪裡做開始說吧 | Monica,that's not right. Start with where. |
事情發生在六個星期前 | It happened about six weeks ago. |
我回到家,發現羅斯也在 他跟喬伊混在一起 | I got home and Ross was there. He'd been hanging out with Joey. |
別客氣,兄弟 | You're welcome,buddy. |
對,謝謝 | Yeah,thanks. |
我有很多事要做 羅斯主動說要幫忙 | I had a lot of work,and Ross offered to help. |
我們邊喝酒邊聊天 | We had wine,we got to talking. |
接下來 羅斯採取主動 | Next thing you know,Ross comes on to me. |
那麼說是不對的 | That's a little misleading. |
-什麼? -你剛剛說的謊話 | -What is? -The lie you just told. |
-我說是你主動的? -沒錯 | -That you came on to me? -There's the one! |
-但那是真的,老實一點吧 -沒錯,老實一點吧 | -But you did. Let's be honest. -Yes,let's. |
羅斯,希望這有幫助,我不相信你 | Ross. If it helps,I don't believe you. |
那不重要 | It's not important. |
重要的是我們要生孩子了 誰先泡誰(應該用賓格)並不重要 | What's important is,we're having a baby,not who came on to who. |
是“誰”才對 | "Whom." |
沒錯 | That's right. |
-你先吻我的 -是你求我的 | -You kissed me first. -You were begging for it! |
你發暗號給我 | You were sending me signals! |
我發暗號給你? 誰覺得是我發暗號給羅斯求他的? | I was sending signals? Anyone think that I'd send Ross begging signals? |
請舉手 | Please,show of hands. |
別人怎麼想並不重要 事情真的發生了 | It doesn't matter what people believe! It happened. |
或許我得小心一點 我正在發送訊號嗎? | Maybe I need to be more careful. Am I sending these signals now? |
-你知道嗎?別談了 -告訴我我是怎麼求你的 | -You know what? Just drop it. -Show me how I begged you. |
我可以證明 我都錄在錄影帶裡了 | I can show you! I have it on videotape. |
那只是一種表達方法 | It's an expression. |
瑞秋,快開門 聽我解釋 | Come on,Rachel,open up. Let me explain. |
-她還是不讓你進去? -對 | -Still won't let you in,huh? -No. |
我要把門關上 我們得好好討論你們的事 | I'm just gonna close this door so we can talk about you. |
我不敢相信 他錄下他們做愛的經過 | I can't believe he taped them having sex. |
對,你得先告訴對方 才能開始錄影 | Yeah. You gotta tell a girl before you tape her. |
那是菜鳥才會犯的錯誤 | Such a rookie mistake. |
-你知道誰有很棒的攝影機嗎? -葛瑞格跟珍妮? | -Know who has a great camera? -Greg and Jenny? |
-我要打電話給他們 -快打吧 | -I want to call them. -Let's call. |
問他們有沒有 買紀念品送給朋友 | Ask them if they brought their friends souvenirs. |
喂,第八街外送餐廳 | Hello. 8th Street Deli? |
快掛掉,光跟他們說話 你就會食物中毒 | Hang up. You get food poisoning just talking to that place. |
-抱歉,打錯了 -來吧,寶貝 | -Sorry,wrong number. -Here you go,babe. |
喂 又是外送餐廳 | Hello? It's the deli again! |
好吧,我要吃三明治 | All right,I'll have a sandwich. |
我想這個電話號碼是錯的 | I don't think this number's right. |
-什麼? -你們拿到假的電話 | -What? -You got fake-numbered. |
-什麼?沒有人會那麼做 -我想我們會 | -What? People don't do that. -Oh,I think we do. |
-他們為什麼要那麼做? -我不知道 | -Why would they do that? -I don't know. |
你們聊的很開心 你問了那些很棒的問題 | You were a delight. You asked those great questions. |
你也很風趣 老是在開玩笑,你真的很耍寶 | And you were never funnier. Joke,joke,joke! You were a hoot! |
你們還有我跟菲比 | You still got me and Phoebe. |
對不起 我不要葛瑞格跟珍妮的退貨 | Excuse me,I don't want Greg and Jenny's rejects. |
瑞秋不肯跟我說話 她不肯開門 | Rachel won't talk to me. She won't open the door. |
我很好奇是為什麼,變態 | I wonder why,pervert. |
好吧,我不是變態 | Okay,I am not a pervert. |
變態都是那麼說的 | That's,like,the pervert motto. |
你舉起手,把左手放進褲子裡 然後再說一次 | You raise your hand,put your left hand down your pants and repeat that. |
我不是故意要拍瑞秋 | Filming Rachel was not planned. |
事情的經過是這樣的 喬伊可以幫我作證 | Here's what happened. Joey can back me up. |
還記得一個半月前 我跑去問你一個問題嗎? | A month and a half ago,remember I came to you with a problem? |
我的私人問題? | The personal thing? |
-什麼私人問題? -關於性的問題? | -What personal thing? -About sex? |
我好幾個月沒有性生活了? | That I hadn't had sex in months? |
我知道 你在說什麼 | Yeah,I knew what you were talking about. |
(六個星期前) | |
我想談一件 我很難啟齒的事 | I'd like to talk about something I'm uncomfortable talking about. |
沒問題 | Sure. |
你跟你媽 一起洗澡? | How about you showering with your mom? |
我真的有問題 | I actually had a topic in mind. |
我正進入了 性停滯期 | I'm kind of going through a dry spell,sex-wise. |
-有好幾個月了嗎? -五個月… | -For,like,months? -Five,to be.. |
騙人的,是六個月 | lying. Six. |
六個月?那一定很難熬 | Six months? That's rough. |
沒有那麼糟糕 我學著去欣賞一些小事,譬如說… | It's not all bad. I'm learning to appreciate the small things,like.. |
鳥叫聲 跟天空的顏色 | the sound of a bird and the color of the sky. |
天空是藍色的,羅斯 我昨天做過愛了 | The sky's blue,Ross. And I had sex yesterday. |
拜託幫幫我 今晚我有約會 | Please help me. I have a date tonight. |
我得順利完成 我很擔心我的健康 | It has to go well. I'm scared for my health. |
我有個點子 我想出一個故事 | I got something. It's this story that I came up with. |
非常浪漫 聽到這個故事的女人都會心動 | Very romantic. Any woman that hears it is putty. |
說吧 | Tell it to me. |
你聽完後 一定會想跟我上床 | Now,you're gonna want to have sex with me when you hear it. |
記住,那只是一個故事 | Remember,it is just the story. |
我會試著控制自己 | I'll try to control myself. |
多年前 我在西歐自助旅行… | Years ago,I was backpacking across Western Europe.. |
-你在西歐自助旅行? -六個月後見 | -You were backpacking across Europe? -Have a nice six more months. |
抱歉,求求你 你去了西歐,然後… | I'm sorry. Please,please. You were in Western Europe,and..? |
我在巴賽隆納郊外 在第比達包山腳下徒步旅行 | I was outside Barcelona,hiking in the foothills of Mount Tibidabo. |
-太棒了 -謝謝 | -Nice. -Thanks. |
我走到小路的盡頭 發現了一座湖 | I was at the end of this path,and there was a lake. |
它非常隱密 四周都是高大的樹木 | Very secluded. There were tall trees all around. |
那裡非常安靜 美極了 | It was dead silent. Gorgeous. |
我看到在湖的對面 有個美女在洗澡 | And across the lake I saw a beautiful woman bathing herself. |
但她在哭 | But she was crying. |
為什麼? | Why? |
酒真的很棒 | This is great wine. |
它是法國酒 | It's from France. |
法國在歐洲 | In Europe. |
就在西歐 | Western Europe. |
幾年前 我在西歐自助旅行 | A few years ago I was backpacking across Western Europe. |
-真的嗎? -等一下,後面的故事很精彩 | -Really? -Wait,it gets better. |
對,我在巴賽隆納 | Yeah,I was in Barcelona. |
我在巴賽隆納念過一年書 | I studied for a year in Barcelona. |
-是嗎? -對,你什麼時候去的? | -You did? -Yeah. When were you there? |
-8… -89年? | -Eighty.. -Nine? |
83年 | Three. |
那時我才13歲? | I was 13? |
-總之我在徒步旅行… -我喜歡徒步旅行 | -So anyway,I was hiking.. -I love hiking! |
那真的太棒了 | That's great! |
我在第比達亞波山腳下 徒步旅行… | I was hiking along the foothills of Mount Tibidaybo.. |
-我想是“第比達包山”才對 -你想說這個故事嗎? | -I think it's "Tibidabo." -Do you want to tell the story? |
約會還順利嗎? | How'd your date go? |
太棒了 我正要過街去做愛 | Great. I'm across the street having sex right now. |
-你的故事爛透了 -是你說的方法不對 | -Your story sucks. -Then you didn't tell it right. |
-告訴我你是怎麼說的 -不,我不想談 | -Show me how you did it. -No,I don't want to. |
-你上次看到裸女是什麼時候的事? -我在西歐… | -How long since you seen a girl naked? -I was backpacking.. |
-我沒有感覺 -我在巴賽隆納郊外徒步旅行… | -I'm not feeling it. -I was outside Barcelona,hiking.. |
-羅斯,我不熱,你很熱嗎? -我六個月沒做愛,每天都很熱 | -Ross,I'm not hot. Are you hot? -It's been six months. I'm always hot. |
你不是在說故事 你根本就不相信它 | You're not selling the story. You don't believe it. |
我得走了,我有約會 但試試這招 | I gotta go,I got a date. But try this. |
學我在試鏡前做的那一招 | Do what I do before an audition. |
我不餓 | I'm not hungry. |
不 | No. |
我會用錄影機來自拍 看看哪裡做錯了 | Use my camera to record yourself and see what you're doing wrong. |
我會試試看 | I'll try that. |
已經設定好了,可以拍了 按下錄影鍵就可以了,祝你好運 | Now,you're all set up. Good to go. Just hit record. Good luck. |
如果你跟女人約會出了問題 我可以幫你接手 | If you ever have any problem with the ladies,you know I'll help you out. |
那對我來說意義重大 | That means a lot to me,man. |
需要我幫你效勞嗎? 要擦鏡頭嗎?電池還有電嗎? | Can I get you anything? Lens cleaner? Your battery okay? |
羅斯,謝天謝地你在這裡 你得幫我 | Ross,thank God you're here. You have to help me. |
你在自言自語嗎? | Were you talking to yourself? |
那會比較不丟臉 對,沒錯 | That's less embarrassing. Yes. Yes,I was. |
她一走進來 我完全忘記錄影機的事 | When she came in,I totally forgot about the camera. |
錄影機一直在拍 錄下了整個經過 | It kept rolling and recorded everything. |
我們得看看 那卷錄影帶 | Yeah,we're gonna need to see that tape. |
那是個好主意 那會讓瑞秋原諒我 | What a great idea! That'll get Rachel to forgive me. |
少來了,那就像是在看 探索頻道… | Come on,it'll be like watching the Discovery Channel.. |
只不過我們知道那兩隻猴子是誰 | only we'll know the monkeys. |
聽著 我不會讓你們看我們的性愛錄影帶 | Look,I'm not gonna let you guys watch us. |
-我自己都沒有看過 -我可以用我的兩卷錄影帶跟你換 | -I haven't even seen it yet. -I'll trade you two tapes of me having sex. |
謝謝,我很感激 | Thanks,I'm good. |
我們不是要看性愛畫面… | We don't wanna see the dirty stuff.. |
-我們只想知道事情是怎麼發生的 -不,瑞秋會殺了我的 | -just the stuff leading up to it. -No. Rachel's gonna kill me as it is. |
那對她來說不公平 忘了錄影帶的事吧 | It's not fair to her. Let's forget the tape. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
-不 -你說的對 | -No. -You're right. |
-喬伊,不 -我瞭解 | -Joey,no. -Loud and clear. |
我不明白為什麼 他們要給我們假的電話號碼 | I don't get why they'd give us a fake number. |
如果他們知道自己在做什麼 他們不會給你們真名 | If they knew what they were doing,they didn't give you real names. |
或許有人會給假電話號碼 但沒有人會給假名 | Maybe people give out fake numbers,but not fake names. |
嗨,肯亞當斯 很高興能認識你 | Hi. Ken Adams. Nice to meet you. |
瑞吉娜佛蘭姬 | Regina Phalange. |
-我們沒有做錯事 -我知道 | -We didn't do anything wrong. -I know. |
雖然你說了 很多冷笑話 | Although you did tell an awful lot of jokes. |
你說它們很好笑 快說笑話吧 | You said they were funny. Joke,joke,joke! |
說笑話… | Joke,joke.. |
-是你問了太多問題害的 -我的問題怎麼了? | -It was your questions. -What about them? |
你問了太多問題 那像是跟謎題先生(蝙蝠俠中的角色)坐在一起 | The sheer volume. It was like flying with the Riddler. |
-那也是笑話嗎? -那也是問題嗎? | -Was that another joke? -Was that another question? |
羅斯還在嗎? | Is Ross still here? |
小心點,親愛的 有人在問問題了 | Watch out,honey. Someone else is asking questions now. |
不,但他告訴我們發生了什麼事 那真的是個誤會 | No,but he told us what happened. It was an honest mistake. |
如果我把我跟你做愛的過程錄下來 你會有什麼感覺呢? | How would you like it if I had sex with you and I taped it? |
算我沒說 | Oh,forget it. |
他來了,我孩子的父親 西部的色情片之王 | There he is,the father of my child,the porn king of the West Village. |
那是個意外,行嗎? | It was an accident,okay? |
我覺得很難過 我發誓我還沒有看過它 | I feel bad. I swear,I didn't even watch it. |
總之,拿去吧 | Anyway,here. |
或許親手毀了它 你會覺得舒服一點 | You might be more comfortable destroying it yourself. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
什麼? | What? |
-你們不想看這玩意吧? -我們當然想 | -You don't want to see this,do you? -Hell,yeah! |
我不會讓你們看這個 | I am not gonna show you this. |
我們不是要看性愛鏡頭 只是想看你們怎麼開始的 | Not the sex part. Just the stuff leading up to it. |
算了,讓她毀掉吧 | Forget it. |
我們會想其他辦法 解決“誰先主動”的問題 | We'll think of another way to put the "who came on to who" thing to rest. |
快想 | Come on now,think! |
那是瑞秋的錄影帶 她想怎麼處置它是她的自由 | It's Rachel's tape,and she can do whatever she wants. |
她想毀了它 別說了 | And she wants to destroy it,so end of story. |
-我想看 -什麼? | -I want to see it. -What? |
你不希望我們看錄影帶 | You don't want us to see this. |
你不希望我們看它 讓我想要看個究竟 | You so badly don't want us to see it that it makes me want to see it. |
我們到底要不要看錄影帶? | Are we watching the tape or not? |
-我是要保護你 -我不相信你 | -It's for your sake. -I don't believe you. |
我想你不希望 他們看到你求我 | I think you don't want them to see you begging me. |
-瑞秋,拜託 -這是預告部份 | -Rachel,please? -Oh,a little preview. |
好吧,我要這卷錄影帶 證明我是想保護你 | Fine. I want the record to show that I tried to take the high road. |
因為再過五分鐘 我會說… | Because in about five minutes,I'm gonna be saying.. |
好吧,要開始了 | Okay,here we go. |
我好快樂 | I'm so happy. |
謝天謝地你在這裡,快幫幫我 你是在自言自語嗎? | Thank God you're here. Help me. Were you talking to yourself? |
-我出現了 -你就要懷孕了 | -There I am. -You're gonna get pregnant. |
我搞砸了 | I screwed up so bad. |
好幾個星期前我告訴莫妮卡 我會把喜帖寄出去 | I told Monica that I'd send those wedding invitations weeks ago. |
你沒有寄? | You didn't do it? |
我把它們放在辦公桌上 直到今天才想起來 | I put them in my desk at work,and forgot about them until today. |
親愛的,沒關係的 客人都來了,我沒事的 | Sweetie,it's okay. Everybody made it to the wedding. I'm fine. |
-但你把我的手弄痛了 -我知道 | -Kind of hurting my hand though. -I know. |
我不敢相信 何況莫妮卡每天都在盯我 | I can 't believe it,especially after Monica went on and on about it. |
喜帖在這裡,瑞秋 小心點,瑞秋 | "Here are the invitations,Rachel. Be very careful,Rachel. |
拜託,別在喜帖附近 喝東西,瑞秋 | Please,drinking no liquids around the invitations,Rachel." |
你們在我們的喜帖上面做愛? | Did you do it on our invitations? |
我們沒在寄出去的喜帖上做 | Not on the ones we sent out. |
你們在我們拿去裝裱 剩下來的喜帖上面做愛? | So just the ones you gave back to us and we had framed? |
感覺上像是 他們昨天才訂婚 | It seems like yesterday they just got engaged. |
我知道 | I know. |
還記得他們訂婚那一晚嗎? 你跟我差一點… | Remember the night they got engaged? How you and I almost.. |
我記得我們差一點就做了 | Oh,I remember how we almost. |
你覺得 我們真的會做嗎? | You think we would've gone through with it? |
你覺得我們會做嗎? | You think we would have done it? |
我知道我想做 但我不知道你要不要 | I know I wanted to. I just wasn 't sure if you did. |
我也想 | Oh,I wanted to. |
那麼我們兩個都想 | So we both wanted to. |
真有趣 | Interesting. |
總之這樣的結果 或許是最好的 | Anyway,it probably worked out for the best. |
沒錯 | Yeah,sure. |
再過十秒他就要吻我了 | In about 10 seconds,he kisses me. |
再過五秒你們就會知道為什麼 | In about 5 seconds,you'll see why. |
我有沒有跟你說過 我到西歐自助旅行的事? | Did I ever tell you about the time I backpacked through Western Europe? |
準備看他求我吧 | Get ready to see some begging. |
-是你對羅斯主動的 -什麼? | -Oh,you came on to Ross! -What? |
現在我好快樂 | Now I'm so happy. |
-什麼? -你用了歐洲的故事 | -What? -You used the Europe story! |
那是你想做愛時 會用的魔法故事 | That's the magic story you use when you want to have sex! |
-你怎麼知道那個故事? -你怎麼知道那個故事? | -How do you know about that story? -How do you know about that story? |
是一個傢伙 告訴我朋友愛琳的 | My friend Irene heard it from some guy. |
就是我 | Some guy! |
不,她說那個傢伙 叫做肯亞當斯 | No,she told me that his name was Ken Adams. |
我是肯亞當斯 | Ken Adams! |
大家都知道 歐洲的故事? | So,people are familiar with the Europe story? |
關於“誰主動”的問題 那真的不重要 | About that,the "who came on to who" thing really doesn't matter. |
反正結果圓滿就好了 | It would have happened either way. |
你說的對 我知道我很快樂 | If you hadn't initiated it,I know I would have. |
-那是個神奇的夜晚 -沒錯,它很神奇 | -It was an amazing night. -It was. It was amazing. |
你覺得它看起來會很神奇嗎? | You think it looked amazing? |
我不知道 我真的沒看 | I don't know. I honestly didn't watch it. |
對,我也沒看 | Yeah,me neither. |
至今為止 | Yet. |
-那應該會很奇怪 -對,它真的很奇怪 | -That may be weird. -Yeah,it would be really weird. |
-祝你好運 -祝你好運 | -Good luck. -Good luck to you. |
-我可以消音嗎? -麻煩你了 | -Mind if I mute? -Oh,please. |
-我們開始脫衣服了 -你脫衣服的速度真快 | -There go the clothes. -You are undressing awfully quickly. |
我六個月沒做了,瑞秋,六個月 | Six months,Rachel. Six months. |
-我們看起來很不錯 -我也那麼認為 | -We look pretty good. -I was gonna say. |
-你的皮膚曬得很漂亮 -謝謝 | -Nice tan. -Thank you. |
那個週末 我剛去過海邊 | I'd just gone to the beach that weekend. |
-你有在健身嗎? -我一直在健身 | -Have you been working out? -I have been working out. |
這比我之前的經驗 要好得多了… | This is so much better than I ever.. |
那真的很難看 | Oh,that's not pretty. |
-快停下來 -不 | -Make it stop. Make it stop. -Oh,no! |
葛瑞格跟珍妮的電話號碼 完全不一樣 | Greg and Jenny's number is totally different in here. |
-我有問太多問題嗎? -沒有 | -I don't ask too many questions,do I? -No. |
-真的嗎? -絕對沒有 | -Really? -Absolutely not. |
-真的? -天啊 | -Really? -Oh,God. |
我敢說電話號碼的事是個誤會 我要打電話給他們 | I bet that phone thing was some sort of mix-up. I'm gonna call them. |
喂,葛瑞格嗎? 我是飛機上跟你們見過面的莫妮卡 | Hello,Greg? This is Monica from the plane. |
聽著,你給我的電話號碼 853… | Listen,the number that you gave me,8-5-3.. |
珍妮老是給別人 他們的舊電話號碼 | Jenny's been giving out their old number! |
那真的很像珍妮的作風 | Jenny! That is so Jenny! |
你們下星期六 要跟我們一起去玩嗎? | How would you like to get together next Saturday? |
好吧,星期天呢? | Okay,how about Sunday? |
下星期呢? | Okay,the week after that? |
下下星期呢? | The week after that? |
你知道嗎? 我們是很會問問題的幽默大師 | You know what? We are interesting,funny people with good questions. |
如果你跟你的寶貝珍妮 不能瞭解… | And if you and your precious Jenny can't see that.. |
一月十五日? | January 15? |
到時候見 | We'll see you then! |
這是三分熟 這是五分熟,快去吧 | This one's rare. This one's medium-well. Go! |
菲比,晚餐好吃嗎? | Hey,Phoebe! How was dinner?! |
晚餐很好吃,我只是來打招呼 我要走了 | Dinner was good! Just saying hi! Now I'm gonna go! |
-你好 -嗨 | -Well,hello there. -Hi. |
我在功能表上沒有看到這個 | I didn't see this on the menu. |
提姆,她是菲比 菲比,他是我的新二廚提姆 | Tim,this is Phoebe. Phoebe,this is Tim,my new sous chef. |
-你是莫妮卡的老闆 -不,她是我的老闆 | -So you're Monica's boss? -No,she's my boss. |
-“二”在法文裡是“之下”的意思 -我“瞭解”了 | -"Sous" is French for "under." -I "sous-stand." |
提姆,我要一份烏賊跟一份凱撒沙拉 你可以給我青醬嗎? | Tim,I need a calamari and a caesar salad. And could you get me the pesto? |
-青醬是你做的? -沒錯 | -You made pesto? -Yes,I did. |
你覺得你的青醬 是最棒的? | Would you say your pesto is the best-o? |
我不知道 我會說它真的很棒 | I don't know. I would say it's pretty good-o. |
我還是需要烏賊跟沙拉 | I still need the calamari and salad. |
我喜歡你的項鍊 | I like your necklace. |
“馬上來,莫妮卡,我得服從你 不然的話系統會瓦解” | "Coming up,Monica. I have to obey you,otherwise the system breaks down." |
“我知道”,“那麼我們為什麼 還要談這些?” | "l know that." "Then why are we having this conversation? " |
-那是我自己做的 -你真的好有天份 | -I made it myself. -You are so talented. |
那不是青醬 | Well,it's no pesto. |
我們就別玩遊戲了 你是單身,你也單身 | Let's just cut to the chase. You're single. You're single. |
他11點下班 她會等你的電話 | He gets off work at 11. She'll be waiting for your call. |
快給我烏賊跟凱撒沙拉 我就會給他你的電話號碼 | I'll give him your number if I could just get one calamari and one caesar salad! |
我沒有大叫 我不必被罰一塊錢 | I did not yell. I am not putting a dollar in the jar. |
本集播出:瑞秋的約會 | The.One.With.Rachels.Date |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-賓,你還在熬夜加班 -你很瞭解我的,老闆 | -Wow,Bing! Burning the midnight oil. -You know me,sir. |
你知道要怎麼避過 辦公室的電腦網路… | Do you know how I can get around the office computer network.. |
進去網際網路看 超級精彩的黃色電影嗎? | so I can access the really good Internet porn? |
你真愛開玩笑,賓 | You're a joker,Bing. |
那有什麼好笑的? | What's funny about that? |
-抱歉讓你等這麼久 -沒關係,你想去哪裡? | -Sorry I kept you waiting so long. -That's okay. Where do you wanna go? |
我以為你知道我要去哪裡 | I think you know where I wanna go. |
-硬石咖啡廳?(著名的音樂搖滾咖啡屋) -對 | -The Hard Rock Cafe? -Yeah. |
-又要去? -對 | -Again? -Yeah. |
-我真的很喜歡那裡的食物 -你喜歡那裡的紫雨(搖滾名曲)裝飾 | -I'm telling you,I like the food. -You like the Purple Rain display. |
-嗨,巴伯 -嗨,托比,祝你今晚玩得開心 | -Hey,Bob. -Hey,Toby. Have a good night. |
-那傢伙叫你托比? -對,他以為那是我的名字 | -Did that guy just call you Toby? -Yeah,he thinks that's my name. |
-你為什麼不更正他? -那是很久以前的事了 | -Why don't you correct him? -It's been going on way too long now. |
第一次我們錯身而過 所以我什麼都沒說 | The first time,we were just passing each other,so I didn't say anything. |
第二次他說 “托比,你要吃甜甜圈嗎?” | The next time he said,"Toby,want a doughnut?" |
我想吃甜甜圈 | I wanted the doughnut. |
五年後甜甜圈早就消化光了 我還是托比 | Five years later,the doughnut's gone and I'm still Toby. |
-錢德,你得告訴他 -那一定會很可怕 | -Chandler,you have to tell him. -That would be so awkward. |
我們不在同一個樓層工作 他在六樓 | We don't work together. He's on the sixth floor. |
他每隔一陣子會叫我托比 | So he calls me Toby once in a while. |
反正他不是叫我穆麗兒 | It's not like he's calling me Muriel. |
穆麗兒 他為什麼要叫你穆麗兒? | Muriel. Why would he call you Muriel? |
天啊 | Oh,my God. |
錢德 M 賓? | Chandler "M." Bing. |
事實上不是M 你中間的名字是穆麗兒 | It's not just an "M." Your middle name is Muriel! |
那是家族名字 | It is a family name. |
錢德 穆麗兒 賓 | Chandler Muriel Bing. |
你父母真的 不給你任何機會,對吧? | Your parents never even gave you a chance,did they? |
德瑞克 我找出你喪失記憶的原因了 | Drake,I've discovered the reason for your memory loss. |
為什麼? | What is it? |
你的腦部移植手術失敗 | Your brain transplant wasn't successful. |
你的身體排斥潔西卡的腦部 | Your body's rejecting Jessica's brain. |
很嚴重嗎? | Is it serious? |
如果我們可以從捐贈者的身體 抽取組織… | Not if we extract tissue from the original body.. |
合成抗生素 阻止你排斥移植來的腦部 | and synthesize antibodies to stop you from rejecting the brain. |
聽起來很簡單 我們就那麼做吧 | That sounds simple enough. Let's just do that. |
我們可以那麼做 但我們想挖出潔西卡的屍體時… | We would,but when we went to exhume Jessica's body.. |
發現它不見了 | it was gone. |
非常不錯,大夥們 | Very nice,people. |
我換了衣服後我們就能離開 | I'll change and we can go. |
-潔西卡的屍體怎麼了? -你得看電視才會知道 | -What happened to Jessica's body? -You'll have to see it on TV. |
-你不知道,對吧? -我也不在乎 | -You don't know,do you? -Couldn't care less. |
-你表現的很好 -你也是 | -Good scene,man. -You too. |
什麼?你根本不是演員 | What? You weren't in it. |
凱許,她是我朋友瑞秋 瑞秋,凱許 | Kash,this is my friend Rachel. Rachel,Kash. |
-嗨 -為什麼之前我沒有見過你? | -Hi. -Why haven't I seen you here before? |
喬伊覺得我會丟他的臉 他認為我是肥皂劇迷 | Joey just thinks I'll embarrass him. He thinks I'm a soap opera nut. |
我才不是 真的 | Which I'm not. I'm not. |
雖然我真的知道 你最喜歡胡桃奶油口味的霜淇淋 | Although,I do know your favorite ice cream flavor is butter pecan. |
你的狗叫做華利 | And your dog's name is Wally. |
-天啊,我在摸你的手 -我們走吧 | -Look,I'm just stroking your arm. -Here we go. |
再見,凱許 幫我跟華利問好 | Bye,Kash. Say hi to Wally. |
(中央公園咖啡廳) | |
-莫妮卡 -嗨 | -Monica. -Hi. |
昨晚我跟提姆玩得很開心 他真的很體貼 | I had the best time with Tim last night. He is so sweet. |
我等不及 鑽到他的身體下面去 | I can't wait to get "sous-neath" him. |
-我得開除他 -為什麼? | -I have to fire him. -Why? |
他真的很可怕 他的動作超慢,還會把食物燒焦 | He's terrible. He's slow. He burns things. |
他放火燒我的甜點主廚 | He lit my pastry chef on fire. |
他太緊張了 你老是凶巴巴的 | He was nervous. You can be intimidating. |
你的甜點主廚毛髮應該可以少一點 | And your pastry chef can stand to be taken down a peg. |
現在她沒有眉毛 任務完成 | Well,now she has no eyebrows. Mission accomplished. |
但莫妮卡,他熱愛他的工作 | But,Monica,he loves his job so much. |
你不能再給他一次機會嗎? 拜託 | Can't you just give him another chance,please? |
好吧,但如果他再放火燒別人 他非走不可 | All right. But if he lights someone else on fire,he's gone. |
那很公平,謝謝你 | That's fair. Thank you so much. |
看起來 他也燒到你了 | Looks like he got you a little bit too. |
我付錢把頭髮弄成這樣 | I paid to have this done. |
我喜歡 | Love it! |
知道嗎? 凱許真的喜歡你 | Hey. You know,Kash really liked you. |
他覺得你很迷人 | He thought you were charming. |
-我以為我是個白癡 -我贊成 | -I thought I was an idiot. -I'm with you. |
-他問你願不願意跟他約會 -我想我得去吐一下 | -He asked if you'd go out with him. -I think I'm gonna throw up a little. |
-你怎麼說? -“不” | -What did you say? -"No." |
什麼? | What? |
我想因為你懷孕了 你不能跟別人約會 | I figured since you're pregnant,you're not gonna be seeing people. |
首先,他是凱許福特 不是一般人 | First of all,Kash Ford? Not people. |
其次,你告訴他我懷孕了嗎? | Did you tell him I was pregnant? |
不,我不知道你要不要告訴別人 這時候的凱許是“一般人” | No. I didn't know if you told people. This was when Kash was still "people." |
-很好,請他打電話給我 -我不覺得… | -Good. Just have him call me. -I don't think that's.. |
照我的話做,不然我會回到攝影棚 泡其他的男演員 | Go do it or I'll come back to that set. I'll meet more actors. |
-嘿,巴伯 -我朋友托比今天還好嗎? | -Hey,Bob. -How's my pal Toby doing today? |
我看到他時會幫你問一下 | If I see him,I'll ask. |
你剛剛在跟 六樓的巴伯說話? | Was that Bob from six you were just talking to? |
-對 -你認識他? | -Yeah. -You know him? |
我們會互叫彼此的名字 | We're on a semi-first-name basis. |
-如果他加入我們的團隊呢? -巴伯嗎? | -What about adding him to our team? -Bob? |
每天跟我們在這裡一起工作? 我不知道他有沒有那個能耐 | Working here with us? Every day? I don't know if he has what it takes. |
-六樓的人很喜歡他 -但這裡是11樓 | -They love him down on six. -But this is 11. |
這裡的工作要難上兩倍 | It's almost twice as hard up here. |
-好吧,巴伯還是不能調職 -我想那麼做是最好的 | -Okay,Bob will stay put. -I think it's best,sir. |
我們真的很缺人 工作開始越積越多了 | We do need to find somebody. Work is starting to pile up. |
我有一疊檔 已經疊到這麼高了 | I've got a stack of documents this high. |
把它們丟到碎紙機裡 就說你從來沒有收到它們 | Just toss them in the shredder and claim you never got them. |
那真的很好笑,賓 | That's a good one,Bing. |
我該怎麼做 他們才會覺得我是認真的? | What does a guy have to do to be taken seriously around here? |
我再給他一次機會 但提姆非走不可 | I gave him another chance,but Tim has got to go. |
我打電話 給推薦他給我的廚師 | I called the chef who recommended him to me. |
他說“哈,哈,整到你了” | He said,"Ha,ha! Gotcha!" |
-但別在今天開除他 -為什麼? | -But don't fire him today. -Why? |
-因為今天我要甩掉他 -你說他很體貼 | -Because I'm dumping him today. -You said he was sweet. |
他太體貼了 他老是打電話給我 | He's too sweet. He calls me all the time. |
“你平安回家了嗎? 你的洗澡水夠熱嗎?” | "Did you get home okay? Was your shower okay?" |
-別接電話 -他會親自過來 | -Don't pick up the phone. -Then he comes over! |
“我好擔心你” 有點男子氣概吧 | "I was so worried about you." Be a man! |
所以我不能開除他? | So I can't fire him? |
讓他在同一天被甩? 他會自殺的 | And dump him the same day? He'll kill himself. |
我開除他 你再跟他交往一星期 | I'll fire him,and you go out with him another week. |
你在開玩笑嗎? 再跟他交往一個星期,我會自殺的 | Are you kidding? Another week with that simp,I'll kill myself. |
我們都在今天跟他攤牌 他得自己想辦法應付 | We'll both do it today and he'll just have to deal with it. |
好吧,但誰要先說呢? 第二個說的人就是臭女人 | Okay. But who's gonna go first? Whoever goes second is the bitch. |
-什麼? -開除一個剛剛被甩的男人? | -What? -Fire a guy that's just been dumped? |
臭女人 甩掉一個剛剛被開除的男人? | Bitch! And dump a guy that's just been fired? |
金發臭女人 | Blond bitch! |
我幾天前就想這麼做 所以我想應該讓我先說 | I wanted to do this days ago,so I think I should go first. |
好吧,你說的有理 | All right,that makes sense. |
但去你的,我要先說 | But screw you! I'm going first! |
-托比,你有空嗎? -當然,什麼事? | -Toby,you got a sec? -Sure. What's up? |
我想被調職到這裡來 但我的美夢破滅 | I wanted to get transferred up here,but it's not gonna happen. |
很明顯地有人認為 我不是“11樓的材料” | Apparently somebody thinks I'm not "11th-floor material." |
錢德到底是誰? | Say,who the hell is this Chandler? |
今晚約會時 哪個藉口最適合我用來擋酒? | What's the best excuse for why I'm not drinking on this date tonight? |
“我正在戒酒” “我是摩門教徒”(美國的另類教派)… | "I'm a recovering alcoholic," "I'm a Mormon".. |
或是“我昨晚喝太醉 現在還在宿醉”? | or "I got so hammered last night I'm still a little drunk"? |
你不打算告訴他 你懷孕了? | You're not gonna tell him you're pregnant? |
我想還是不要吧,書上說 等到第三次約會再告訴你的對象… | I don't think so. Books say wait till the third date to tell the guy.. |
你的肚子裡 有個東西在成長 | you got something growing in your uterus. |
-嘿 -嗨 | -Hey. -Hi. |
今晚你要做什麼? | What do you want to do tonight? |
有出很棒的烏克蘭電影 你想看嗎? | There's a powerful Ukrainian film playing. Interested? |
不,但我可以陪你 看一般人看的電影 | No. But I'll go see a normal-person movie with you. |
-瑞秋,你要一起來嗎? -不行,我有約會 | -Rach,you wanna come? -I can't. I've got a date. |
-約會? -對,怎麼了?很奇怪嗎? | -A date? -Yeah. Why,is that weird for you? |
不,一點都不奇怪 那很正常 | Why,no. It's the opposite of weird. It's regular. |
那太普通了 事實上還有點無聊 | It's mundane. It's actually a little dull. |
它不是烏克蘭電影 | It's no Ukrainian film. |
耳環 | Earrings! |
-她有約會?對方是誰? -我撮合她跟一個男演員 | -She's got a date? With who? -I set her up with this actor. |
-你撮合她? -不 | -You set her up? -No. |
-你在想什麼? -那應該沒關係… | -What were you thinking? -That it was okay.. |
因為你們兩個 已經分手五年了 | because you two haven't dated in five years. |
我擔心我的寶寶 跟她約會的人也在跟我的寶寶約會 | I'm worried about my baby. Whoever she dates,my baby dates. |
-這個“演員”要帶她們去哪裡? -嘿,我也是演員 | -Where is this "actor" taking them? -Hey! I'm an "actor" too. |
他們要搭渡輪 到史坦頓島玩 | They're taking the ferry to a place on Staten lsland. |
我的寶寶要搭渡輪? 你知道那有多危險嗎? | My baby's going on a ferry? Do you have any idea how dangerous those are? |
我們是在談 那些速度緩慢的大船吧? | Aren't we talking about those big boats that go really slow? |
他們為什麼不去跳飛機 或點火柴把彼此燒了? | Why not just jump out of an airplane or burn each other with matches? |
-嘿,喬伊 -凱許,羅斯,他就是凱許 | -Hey,Joey. -Hey,Kash. Ross,this is Kash. |
我聽說 今晚你們要去搭渡輪 | Hey,I hear you're going on a ferry tonight. |
我們有點大膽吧? | Bit of a daredevil,are we? |
這件禮服是不是太露了? 嗨,凱許 | Do you guys think this is too slutty? Hi,Kash. |
-瑞秋,你準備好了嗎? -是的,待會見 | -Hey,Rachel. You ready to go? -Yeah. See you guys later. |
祝你們玩的愉快 那件禮服的確太露了 | Have a great time,you guys. And yes,it is too slutty! |
嗨 | Hi. |
嗨 | Hi. |
我很高興你打電話給我 我也覺得自己太粘你了 | I'm glad you called. I feel like I'm always calling you. |
什麼事? 菲比沒事吧? | What's up? Is everything okay with Phoebe? |
我待會就會沒事 | It will be in a minute. |
-提姆,你真的很棒 -那是因為我跟你在一起 | -Tim,you're a really great guy. -That's because I'm with you. |
但我的人生 現在走到了… | It's just,I'm in a place in my life right now where.. |
抱歉,“剛剛有消息傳過來” | So sorry. "This just in." |
是餐廳在呼叫我 莫妮卡要我馬上趕過去 | It's the restaurant. Monica needs me right away. |
不,不是的,我知道發生了什麼事 你可以留下來 | No,she doesn't! I know what that is. You can stay. |
我也會想你的,菲比 | I'll miss you too,Pheebs. |
我會把你放在這裡 | And I will be holding you right here. |
你想看哪部電影? 我不想看那種得認真看字幕的電影 | What movie do you wanna see? And not one I have to read. |
我受夠看書了 | I get that from books. |
-書? -好吧,汽車雜誌,玉米片包裝… | -Books? -Okay,car magazines,cereal boxes.. |
但那就夠我受的了 | but it's enough! |
我們別去看電影 就待在家裡閑晃吧 | Let's not see a movie. We'll just stay here and hang. |
-你要等瑞秋回來? -如果你要那麼做的話 | -Just wait for Rachel to come back? -Hey,if that's what you wanna do. |
發生了什麼事? | Dude,what is going on? |
-我得知道他們之間怎麼了 -為什麼? | -I have to find out how it went. -Why? |
-他可能是我孩子的繼父 -才約會一次他們就要結婚了? | -He could be my baby's stepfather. -One date and they're getting married? |
他不是你 | He's not you! |
我不敢相信她去約會了 | I can't believe she's dating! |
-你覺得她該怎麼做呢? -我不知道 | -What did you think she was gonna do? -I don't know. |
-我不會相信會發生這種事 -你是什麼意思? | -I can't believe this is happening. -What do you mean? |
我以為我再生個孩子 情況會不一樣 | I thought when I had another kid,it'd be different. |
我愛班 但每次送他到卡蘿跟蘇珊家… | I love Ben. But every time I drop him off at Carol and Susan's.. |
我都會覺得很傷心 | it breaks my heart a little. |
我一直想像著 我跟未來的太太躺在床上… | I've always had this picture of me and my next wife in bed.. |
我的孩子跑過來跳到床上 我們會一起看報紙 | my kid comes running in,leaps up on the bed and we all read the paper. |
或許還會搶著看科學版 | Maybe fight over the science section. |
-那很棒,你還可以擁有那樣的夢想 -不,瑞秋跟別的男人約會 | -That's nice. You can still have that. -No. Rachel's out with some guy. |
我的孩子跟她一起去了 | My baby went with her. |
如果出了任何事 那個夢想會離我越來越遠 | If anything,that picture keeps moving further away. |
我能問你一件事嗎? | Hey,can I ask you something? |
你想像你未來的太太時 她是瑞秋嗎? | In this picture of you and your wife,is your wife Rachel? |
以前是的 | It used to be. |
現在我夢裡的人沒有臉 | Now she doesn't really have a face. |
但她有很辣的身材 | Smokin' body,though. |
說的好,但是羅斯 她已經不是瑞秋了 | Good call. But the face,Ross,the face isn't Rachel. |
對,但如果是的話 事情會變得很簡單吧? | No. But how much easier would it be if it were? |
那不是她要的 | That's not what she wants. |
我知道 我不能逼自己愛上她 | I know. And I can't force myself to fall in love with her. |
羅斯,或許你需要新夢想 | Ross,maybe you need a new picture. |
它會跟你之前的夢想不一樣 但不論如何… | It won't be what you thought. But no matter what.. |
都會有個新寶寶 你的孩子 | there's gonna be a brand-new little baby. Your baby. |
誰在乎夢想是什麼樣的呢? | Who cares what the picture looks like? |
對 | Yeah. |
我們一起出去 好好地玩一玩吧 | Let's you and me go out and have some fun. |
你想做什麼都行,來吧 | Whatever you want. Come on. |
-我們還趕得上看烏克蘭電影 -不,我說好玩的事 | -We can catch that Ukrainian film. -No,I said fun. |
-嘿,托比 -嘿,巴比 | -Hey,Toby? -Hey,Bobby. |
事實上是巴伯 | It's Bob,actually. |
你在這裡工作 錢德賓的辦公室在哪裡? | You work up here. Where's Chandler Bing's office? |
它就在… | Yeah,it's right.. |
就在那裡 你問這個做什麼? | Right there. Let me ask you,why? |
我想跟那個混蛋談 看他有什麼問題 | I wanna talk to that bastard,see what his problem is. |
好吧,巴伯,聽我說 | Okay,Bob. Listen. |
是我害你無法調職 | I'm the reason you didn't get the job. |
-托比,不要 -巴伯 | -Toby,don't. -Bob. |
托比,我不會讓你幫他說話 | Toby,I'm not gonna let you cover for him. |
你說任何話 只會讓我更氣錢德 | Anything you say will just get me more upset with Chandler. |
那真的讓我很兩難 | That puts me in a difficult position. |
你生錢德的氣 只會讓自己跟他一樣卑鄙 | You do anything to Chandler,it's gonna bring you down to his level. |
我猜你說的對 | I guess you're right. |
別讓他得逞 你比錢德棒,我們都是 | Don't give him the satisfaction. You're better than Chandler. We all are. |
特別是我,托比 | Especially me,Toby. |
-沒事吧? -那得視情況而定 | -Is everything okay? -That depends. |
-你跟菲比還好吧? -很好,謝謝你介紹我們認識 | -How are you and Phoebe? -Great. Thanks for introducing us. |
這是我的榮幸,好吧 我得跟你宣佈一個壞消息 | My pleasure. Okay,I'm afraid I've got some bad news. |
-菲比 -莫妮卡 | -Phoebe! -Monica! |
-你被開除了 -我要跟你分手 | -You're fired! -I'm breaking up with you! |
我要跟你分手 | I'm breaking up with you. |
-你被開除了 -為什麼? | -You're fired. -Why? |
抱歉 我還沒有準備好跟別人長期交往 | I'm sorry. I'm not ready for a relationship right now. |
我也很抱歉 但我喜歡凡事照我的方法來做 | I'm sorry too. But I like things done a certain way. |
-我們之間的化學反應不對 -我們也同樣 | -The chemistry's just not right. -The chemistry thing for us too. |
好吧 | Wow. Okay. |
我知道我太粘了 那是因為我覺得你很棒 | I realize I came on a little strong. It's because I think you're amazing. |
我要告訴你 我很感激你給我機會 | I wanna tell you how much I appreciate you giving me an opportunity. |
你是我合作過 最有天份的廚師 | You're the most talented chef I've ever worked for. |
總之… | Anyway.. |
-提姆,等一下 -什麼事? | -Tim,wait. -Yeah? |
我話說得太快了 這份工作需要時間學習 | I spoke too quickly. There's a learning curve with this job. |
或許我們能再試一次 | Maybe we could try it again. |
謝謝 我知道我可以表現的更好 | Thank you so much. I know I can be better. |
提姆 我只想說祝你好運 | And,Tim,I just want to say good luck here. |
-你好 -嗨 | -Hello. -Hi. |
你約會情況如何? | How was the date? |
我一個人買了15塊的糖果 你覺得呢? | I'm alone and I just bought $15 worth of candy bars. What do you think? |
-發生了什麼事? -我告訴他我懷孕了 | -What happened? -I told him I was pregnant. |
-他不能接受? -他的反應比你好 | -He didn't take it so well? -Well,better than you. |
-但那仍不是你要的 -喔? | -But still not what you want. -Oh? |
對,他真的是嚇壞了 然後他說 | Yeah. He got all weird and sputtery. Then he said: |
“我聽說長痔瘡的是個婊子” | "I hear those hemorrhoids are a bitch." |
-說的好 -是嗎? | -He sounds swell. -Doesn't he? |
你要來點鼓勵嗎?坐下 | You want a little cheering up? Sit down. |
你猜誰的名字中間是穆麗兒 | Guess whose middle name is Muriel. |
錢德 M 賓,天啊 | Chandler M. Bing. Oh,my God. |
-我很遺憾你的約會沒有成功 -沒事的 | -I'm sorry about your date. -It's all right. |
我猜我受夠了約會 | I guess I'm just done with the dating thing. |
那只是我生命中 另一件完全改變的事 | Just one more thing in my life that's completely different. |
-這真的很難 -我瞭解 | -This is hard. -Yeah,I know. |
但反過來說 再過七個月你將能擁有一個孩子… | On the other hand,in seven months you're gonna have something.. |
你對它的愛 勝過於你對其他人的感覺 | that you're gonna love more than any guy you've ever gone out with. |
等著吧 | Just wait. |
等到孩子第一次 抓住你的手指 | Wait until the first time your baby grabs your finger. |
你不會瞭解的 | You have no idea. |
謝謝你,親愛的 | Thanks,sweetie. |
-你要喝杯咖啡嗎? -不,我要去吃掉10根棒棒糖 | -You wanna grab some coffee? -No. I'm gonna go eat 10 candy bars. |
-我還以為我讓你心情變好了 -沒錯,我剛剛買了20根 | -I thought I cheered you up. -You did. There are 20 in here. |
-晚安 -晚安 | -Good night. -Good night. |
羅斯,我是蒙娜 我們在婚禮上見過 | Ross? Hey,it's Mona. From the wedding. |
-嗨 -嗨 | -Oh,hi! -Hi. |
-你好嗎? -我很好,但你欠我一隻舞 | -How are you? -I'm good,except you owe me a dance. |
沒錯,你想看烏克蘭電影嗎? | That's right. Well,would you be interested in seeing a Ukrainian film? |
你是認真的,好吧 | Oh,you're serious. Sure. |
太棒了,喔… | Great. Well.. |
-我想再來一杯咖啡 -沒問題,我去幫你拿 | -I think I need another cup of coffee. -Sure,let me get it for you. |
(謹以本片紀念 老理查寇克斯) | |
巴伯 | Bob? |
巴伯 | Bob! |
巴伯 | Bob! |
-你到底在做什麼? -這是錢德的辦公室 | -What the hell are you doing? -This is Chandler's office. |
來吧,托比,快來幫我 | Come on,Toby. Give me a hand! |
-大夥們,你們猜怎麼了? -什麼? | -Guys,guess what? -What? |
我們要辦萬聖節派對 | We're having a Halloween party! |
-很好 -太棒了 | -Good! -Great! |
-你們得變裝 -我沒辦法參加 | -You have to wear a costume. -I can't make it. |
少來了,一定會很好玩的 | Come on,it'll be fun. |
我會去的 反正那天上課時我也要變裝 | I'll be there. I have to wear a costume to my classes that day anyway. |
告訴我 你不會打扮成恐龍 | Tell me you're not gonna dress like a dinosaur. |
我不會連續兩年那麼做 | Not two years in a row. |
-我會去的,但我不會變裝 -你得變裝才行 | -I'll come,but I'm not dressing up. -You have to. |
不,萬聖節太愚蠢了 變裝,假裝你是另一個人 | No. Halloween is stupid. Dressing up,pretending to be someone you're not. |
你是個演員 | You're an actor. |
羅斯,你會帶蒙娜來嗎? | Ross,are you gonna bring Mona? |
-我會的 -你在婚禮上認識的那個女孩? | -I will. -The girl from the wedding? |
如果她需要變裝建議 她可以扮成比基尼模特兒… | If she needs costume ideas,she could be a bikini model.. |
或風流護士 或性感啦啦隊長 | or a slutty nurse,or a sexy cheerleader. |
或是《德州電鋸殺人狂》裡的人皮臉 不,還是風流皮臉好了 | Or Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. No! Slutty Leatherface. |
喬伊不也很喜歡她嗎? | Wasn't Joey hitting on her too? |
沒錯,他喜歡她 | That's right,he was hitting on her. |
我把到她了 我猜最好的男人才能贏 | And I got her. I guess the better man won. |
拜託別把她搶走 | Please don't take her from me. |
本集播出:萬聖節派對 | The.One.With.The.Halloween.Party |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
烏蘇拉 | Ursula! |
等一下,是我,我是菲比 | Wait. It's me,Phoebe. |
我還以為那裡有鏡子 好吧,再見 | I thought there was a mirror there. Okay. Bye. |
等一下 | Wait a second! |
你還好嗎? | So,what's new with you? |
我很好 下星期我就要結婚了 | Nothing. I'm getting married next week. |
什麼? | What? |
婚禮很簡單 我們只邀請家人觀禮 | It'll be a small ceremony. Just family. |
他的家人 | His. |
好吧 | Okay. |
我為你感到高興 | I'm happy for you. |
等一下,如果你也想來的話 我猜應該沒關係 | Wait. If you want to come,I guess that'd be okay. |
-真的嗎? -當然 | -Really? -Sure. |
你可以當我的妹妹一天 | You could be my sister for the day. |
好吧 | Yeah,okay. |
我朋友今晚要辦派對 你可以來參加 | My friends are having a party tonight,so you could come. |
或許我可以看看他 | Maybe I could meet the guy. |
我今晚要上班 | Well,I'm supposed to work tonight. |
我現在應該去上班 誰在乎呢? | I'm supposed to be working now,so who cares! |
-那是化裝派對 -所以你才會… | -It's a costume party. -So that's why you're.. |
不 | No. |
但謝謝 | But thanks. |
-你應該變裝的 -我有啊 | -You're supposed to wear a costume. -I am. |
我扮成花錢 買心愛禮服的女人… | I am a woman who spent money on a dress she wants to wear.. |
因為很快地 她會穿不下它 | because soon she won't fit into it. |
我是貓女(蝙蝠俠中的角色)如果你穿不下它,可以把它送給我 | I'm Catwoman,who wants the dress when you're too big for it. |
-不給糖就搗蛋 -我可以分糖果給他們嗎? | -Trick or treat! -Can I give out candy? |
我想跟孩子們打成一片 我懷孕後母性的直覺都跑出來了 | I want to be with kids. Since I got pregnant,I have maternal instincts. |
-不給糖就搗蛋 -等一下 | -Trick or treat! -Just a minute! |
看看你們 | Look at you guys! |
-哇,你是個可怕的巫婆 -謝謝 | -Wow! You are a very scary witch. -Thank you. |
-你是個好笑的小丑 -謝謝 | -And you are a very funny clown. -Thank you. |
你… | And you.. |
非常符合現在的流行趨勢 | are so in style right now. |
我在羅夫羅蘭的公司工作 今年秋天流行馬術主題 | I work at Ralph Lauren. The fall line has got this equestrian theme. |
-你看過時尚雜誌的封面… -我可以拿糖果嗎? | -Did you see the cover of Vogue..? -Could I just have the candy? |
沒問題 | Sure. |
貓女,我們又見面了 | Catwoman. So we meet again. |
沒錯,女超人 | So we do,Supergirl. |
我是菲比 | It's me,Phoebe. |
莫妮卡 我能跟你談一談嗎? | Monica,can I talk to you for a second? |
謝謝你幫我找衣服 | I appreciate the costume. |
你幫他找衣服? | You did this to him? |
我覺得他一定會喜歡 | I thought he'd love it. |
-他喜歡毛毛兔 -那只兔子是棕白相間 | -He loves The Velveteen Rabbit. -That rabbit was brown and white. |
他們只剩下粉紅色的兔子裝 | It was pink,or no bunny at all. |
沒有兔子裝 他們總是說沒有兔子裝 | No bunny at all. Always no bunny at all! |
-你也沒有變裝? -不,我有,我扮成錢德 | -You didn't dress up either? -Yes,I did. I'm Chandler. |
兄弟,發生了什麼事? | Dude,what happened? |
我怎麼會是那個樣子? | How is that me? |
我是錢德 | I'm Chandler. |
那真的很像你 | That is so you! |
-我什麼時候會那樣? -我什麼時候會那樣? | -When have I ever done that? -When have I ever done that? |
不給糖就搗蛋 | Trick or treat. |
-你是最漂亮的芭蕾舞娘 -謝謝 | -You're the prettiest ballerina ever. -Thank you. |
我該再給你一顆糖果 | That deserves another candy. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我得說 我該再給你一些糖果 | I have to say,that earns "two-two" pieces of candy. |
我愛你 | I love you! |
親愛的,通通拿去吧 | Honey,here,take it all. |
莫妮卡,糖果沒了 | Monica? We need more candy. |
-剛剛只來了四個孩子 -我知道 | -There's only been four kids. -I know. |
但有個孩子說她愛我 於是我全部都給她了 | But one said she loved me,so I gave her everything. |
難怪你會懷孕 | No wonder you're pregnant. |
-你扮的是什麼?-還記得史波尼克號衛星嗎?(前蘇聯發射) | -What are you supposed to be? -Remember the satellite,Sputnik? |
我扮成馬鈴薯或者說“土豆”… | Well,I'm a potato. Or a "spud".. |
這是我的天線 | and these are my antenna. |
所以史波尼克變成了… | So Sputnik becomes..? |
土豆尼克(以“尼克”為尾碼表示新鮮事物) | Spud-nik! |
哇 原來我不是變裝最失敗的人 | Wow! I don't have the worst costume anymore. |
哦,羅斯是坨糞 | All right! Ross came as doodie. |
-不,我不是糞 -對,你是太空之糞 | -No,I'm not doodie. -No,space-doodie. |
好吧,我是土豆尼克 | Okay,I'm Spud-nik. |
-我在模仿史波尼克 -什麼是史波尼克?糞團 | -You know,like Sputnik. -What's a Sputnik,doodie-man? |
嘿,親愛的 | Hey,sweetie. |
-你不吻我嗎? -好吧 | -Aren't you gonna kiss me? -Okay. |
但我吻了你之後 你得告訴我你是誰 | But right after,you have to tell me who you are. |
-烏蘇拉? -烏蘇拉的未婚夫? | -Ursula? -Ursula's fiance? |
你是她的妹妹 我剛剛打了我未來小姨子的屁股 | You're the sister. I just slapped my future sister-in-law's ass. |
你媽媽在這裡嗎? 我可以打她的屁股 | Is your mother here? I could slap her on the butt. |
-我媽自殺死掉了 -看吧,我就知道 | -My mother killed herself. -See,and I knew that. |
我滿身大汗 | Now I'm sweating. |
我在流汗,看看我 我滿身大汗,我該走了 | I'm sweating. Now I'm saying look at me,I'm even sweatier. I should go. |
不,我們從頭來過 | No. We'll start over. |
-嗨,我是菲比 -我是艾力克 | -Hi,I'm Phoebe. -Eric. |
-你為什麼要那樣子看我? -汗滴到我眼睛裡了 | -Why are you looking at me like that? -Sweat's burning my eyes. |
-謝謝 -拿去吧 | -Thank you. -There. |
-那是什麼? -我不知道該怎麼說 | -What are you? -There's no name for it. |
我一緊張就會滿身大汗 | I get nervous,and I sweat like crazy. |
-不,我是指你的服裝 -我扮成太陽系 | -No,I meant your costume. -I'm a solar system. |
我的二年級學生幫我變裝 | My second graders helped. |
-我喜歡二年級 -真的嗎? | -I love the second grade. -Really? |
它比一年級好多了 也比三年級好 | It's much better than first grade,and definitely better than third. |
你可以玩爾虞我詐 的鬥智遊戲 | With all the politics and the mind games. |
-你是做哪一行的? -我平常是按摩師 | -So,what do you do? -I'm a masseuse,by day. |
-你不必陪我 -我覺得很開心 | -You don't have to stand with me. -I'm having fun. |
-我為你跟烏蘇拉感到高興 -我覺得自己很幸運,她太棒了 | -I'm excited for you and Ursula. -I feel very lucky. She's great. |
-她是最美麗的女人 -謝謝你 | -She's the most beautiful woman ever. -Thank you. |
-喬伊 -什麼事? | -Hey,Joey? -Yeah? |
-你常看漫畫書吧? -我是專家 | -You read comic books,right? -Exclusively. |
如果貓女跟女超人打架 誰會贏呢? | Who would win in a fight,Catwoman or Supergirl? |
-當然是貓女 -太棒了 | -Catwoman,hands down. -Yeah. |
但你跟菲比嗎? 我賭菲比會贏 | Between you and Phoebe? I'd give Phoebe the edge. |
-什麼?真的嗎? -你在開玩笑嗎? | -What? Really? -You kidding? |
菲比在街上混過,好嗎? 而且她生起氣來跟瘋婆子一樣 | Phoebe lived on the street,okay? Plus,she's got a crazy temper. |
她沒有站在我後面吧? | She's not right behind me,is she? |
不,你很安全 | No,you're fine. |
-我能打倒瑞秋嗎? -我不確定 | -Could I take Rachel? -I'm not sure. |
什麼?少來了,我很凶的 | What? Come on,I am tough! |
用力打我這裡 | Punch me here,as hard as you can! |
別激動,你為什麼那麼認真? 那不重要 | Relax. Why are you so serious? It doesn't matter. |
真的嗎?如果我告訴你 羅斯或錢德能打倒你呢? | Really? What if I told you Ross or Chandler could beat you up? |
我會說“拜託,女人家” | I would say,"Woman,please." |
烏蘇拉的未婚夫真的很帥 | Ursula's fiance is really sweet. |
-你覺得你能打倒他嗎? -胸口貼著球的那個傢伙? | -You think you could take him? -The dude with the balls on his chest? |
我想可以 | I think so. |
但他跟我姐姐在一起做什麼? 他真的太棒了 | But what is he doing with my sister? He's so great. |
他是老師 他會做義工 | He's a teacher,he does volunteer work. |
通常我不喜歡會流汗的男人 但我願意幫他擦汗 | Normally,I don't like sweaty guys. But I could just mop him up. |
-天啊,菲比 -什麼? | -Oh,my God,Phoebe? -What? |
-你在暗戀他 -不,我才沒有,是你 | -You're getting a crush on him. -No,I'm not,you are! |
她的脾氣來了 | Here comes the temper. |
不給糖就搗蛋 | Trick or treat. |
你知道嗎?我們沒有糖果了 但已經有人去買了 | Know what? We're out of candy. But someone went for more. |
我改給孩子們錢 但我的錢也都給光了 | And I've been giving out money,but I'm out of that too. |
-我可以開張支票給你嗎? -好吧 | -Can I write you a check? -Okay. |
-好吧,你叫什麼名字? -李蘭妮馬尤拉諾法維奇 | -Okay. What's your name? -Lelani Mayolanofavich. |
好吧,我會寫上 “現金支票” | Okay,I'm just gonna write this out to "cash." |
-嗨 -嗨,蒙娜 | -Hi. -Hi,Mona. |
喬伊一定會很興奮 他希望你扮成風流護士 | Joey's gonna be thrilled. He was hoping you'd be a slutty nurse. |
事實上我只是扮成護士 | Actually,I'm just a nurse. |
你以為我聽了會覺得很丟臉 但我已經丟夠臉了 | You'd think that would embarrass me,but I'm maxed out. |
-你來了 -等一下 | -You made it. -Wait. |
-你是馬鈴薯? -喔,我是土豆… | -You're a potato? -Well,I'm a spud..? |
-還有天線…你是土豆尼克 -答對了 | -And the antenna.. You're Spud-nik! -Yes! |
娶她吧 | Marry her. |
這真的很有趣 羅斯跟錢德打架誰會贏? | Here's a good one. Who'd win a fight between Ross and Chandler? |
我沒辦法回答 錢德是我的老公 | I can't answer that. Chandler's my husband. |
-羅斯會贏? -對 | -So Ross? -Yeah. |
-嘿,美女 -你好,帥哥 | -Hey,beautiful. -Hello,handsome. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
看看你們兩個 你們什麼時候認識的? | Look at you two. When did you guys meet? |
-兩個星期前 -就那樣? | -Two weeks ago. -That's it? |
我知道這聽起來很瘋狂 我不是個衝動的人,但是… | I know. It sounds crazy,and I'm not impulsive,but.. |
-我們有很多共通點 -真的嗎? | -we have so much in common. -Oh,really? |
我們都是老師 | We're both teachers. |
-我們都參加了和平團(甘迺迪創辦的志願者團體)-真的嗎? | -And we were both in the Peace Corps. -Peace Corps,really? |
我們在烏拉圭做義工時 只距離兩個小鎮遠,卻從來沒見過面 | When we were building in Uruguay,we were two towns apart and never met. |
對,我剛到時那裡一片荒蕪 但我離開時那裡已經是個小鎮了 | Yeah. It wasn't a town when I got there,but it was a town when I left. |
-我們可以去喝一杯嗎? -沒問題 | -Shall we get me really drunk? -Sure. |
你好,糞團 | Howdy,doodie. |
那真的很有趣 | That's funny,yeah. |
你是個最幽默的傢伙 穿著你太太幫你挑的兔子裝 | You're the funniest man here in a bunny costume his wife made him wear. |
別激動 你看起來有點要化掉了 | Relax,man. You're looking a little flushed. |
-我們的問題有解了 -什麼問題? | -Our question might get answered. -What question? |
你跟羅斯打架 誰會贏? | Who could kick whose ass in a fight,you or Ross? |
-那不是問題 -你也覺得羅斯會贏? | -There's no question. -So you think Ross too? |
-你選羅斯? -羅斯很強壯 | -You picked Ross? -Ross is strong. |
他是你們三個之中最壯的 喬伊除外 | He's the strongest out of all three of you. Except for Joey. |
-我不敢相信你沒有選我 -她說的對,我比你壯 | -I can't believe you didn't pick me. -She's right. I am stronger. |
我要毀了你 | I would destroy you. |
真的嗎?你覺得你比較壯嗎? 你為什麼不證明給大家看? | Really? You think you're stronger? Why don't you prove it? |
我一定會證明的 | I'll prove it like a theorem! |
好了,別吵了 | All right! Stop it! |
別吵了,誰都不准打架 | Stop! No one's gonna fight. |
大家來這裡看人打架 快打給他們看吧 | People came to see a fight,let's give them one! |
-你們可以比腕力 -聽風流護士的話 | -You guys could arm-wrestle. -Listen to the slutty nurse. |
-你死定了 -是嗎?你才死定了 | -You're going down. -Oh,yeah? You're going downtown! |
說真的 你們的叫陣臺詞太遜了 | Seriously,guys,the trash talk is embarrassing. |
甘瑟,你買到糖果了 謝謝你 | Gunther,you brought candy. Thank you so much. |
-你真的是太棒了 -真的嗎? | -You are so sweet. -Really? |
跟你在一起的人 會是全世界最幸運的男朋友 | You are gonna make some man the luckiest guy in the world. |
-我得走了 -不給糖就搗蛋 | -Got to go. -Trick or treat. |
嗨,拿去吧 | Hi! Wow! There you go. |
我朋友路易士說 你會給錢 | My friend Lewis told me you were giving out money. |
沒錯,但現在我們有糖果了 | We were,but now we've got candy. |
我寧願要錢 | I'd rather have the money. |
那由不得你來選 萬聖節快樂 | That's not your choice. Happy Halloween! |
這不公平 | This isn't fair. |
你披上斗篷就能跟別人要東西 那公平嗎? | Is it fair that you put on a cape and get stuff? |
閉嘴 | Shut up! |
你才閉嘴 | You shut up! |
-你不能叫我閉嘴 -我想我剛剛說了 | -You can't tell me to shut up. -I think I just did. |
我又想說了,閉嘴 | And here it comes again. Shut up! |
不,我可以,我很厲害的 | No,I got it. I'm good. I got it. |
等一下,我還有一句話要告訴你 對,閉嘴 | Wait,I had one more thing to say. Right. Shut up. |
你是個可怕的老女人 | You're a mean old woman. |
等一下,閉…別哭了 | Wait! Shut.. Don't cry! |
我去拿支票簿 | Let me get my checkbook! |
你不必這麼做 心地善良才是最重要的 | You don't have to do this. The strength inside you means the most. |
你既忠心又老實 而且你的品德高貴 | You're loyal,you're honest and you have integrity. |
那才是我要的男人 | That's the strength I want in a man. |
那對我來說毫無意義,來吧 | That means nothing to me. Come on! |
-嗨,騙子 -嘿 | -Hi,liar. -Hey. |
他會娶你是因為 他以為你說的話是真的 | He's marrying you because he thinks the things you were saying were true. |
-它們有可能是真的 -但你真的在說謊 | -They could be true. -But they're not. |
真假只有一線之隔 | It's a fine line. |
-你為什麼要說謊? -我不知道 | -Why are you lying? -I don't know. |
他做了那些事,我說我也是 他變得很興奮,我覺得很好玩 | He did this stuff,I said I did it too. He got so excited,it was fun. |
你不能那麼做 你會毀了他的生活 | You can't do this. You're gonna ruin his life. |
你為什麼那麼認真? 這只是婚姻而已 | Why are you taking this so seriously? It's just a marriage. |
而且如果我背著他偷人 我可以說那是外遇 | Besides,if I cheat on him,I can call it an affair. |
親愛的 | Honey? |
這是個壞習慣 我要你馬上戒煙 | It's a disgusting habit,and I want you to quit now! |
她幫助很多人戒煙 | She's helped so many people quit. |
我們得走了 | We'd better get going. |
-你還得參加教會的聚會 -對 | -You have a church group meeting. -Right. |
-很高興能見到你 -我也是 | -It was nice meeting you. -You too. |
烏蘇拉 我很高興今晚能見到你 | And,Ursula,it was really nice meeting you tonight! |
快來吧,兔子大戰糞團 我們在等你 | Come on! Bunny versus doodie. We're waiting! |
好吧,一次決勝負 贏的人是英雄 | Okay,guys. One match,winner take all. |
等一下,冠軍有什麼獎品? | Wait. What does the winner get? |
-驕傲 -跟自尊 | -Pride. -And dignity. |
好吧,你說了算 | Okay,if you say so. |
好吧,就位,預備,開始 | All right,ready,set,go! |
-加油 -加油 | -Come on! -Come on! |
-他們都很壯 -或是一樣遜 | -Wow,they're both really strong. -Or equally weak. |
天啊 錢德露出他的性感表情了 | Oh,God. Chandler's making his sex face. |
-你累了嗎? -不,我可以撐一整天 | -So you getting tired? -No. I could do this all day. |
對,我也是 | Yeah. Me too. |
-但我有點累了 -天啊,我累壞了 | -Getting a little tired,though. -God,I'm exhausted. |
我開始洩氣了,好嗎? 蒙娜就站在那裡 | This is starting to look bad for me,okay? Mona's standing right there. |
她在跟喬伊說話 你得讓我贏 | She's talking to Joey! You gotta let me win! |
讓我贏 我太太以為我無能 | Let me win. My wife thinks I'm a wimp. |
至少你還有太太 我離婚了,還搞大別人的肚子 | At least you have a wife. I get divorces and knock people up. |
我打扮的跟個糞團一樣 | And I'm dressed as doodie. |
-你是土豆尼克 -少來了,我們要騙誰呢?我是糞團 | -You're Spud-nik. -Come on,who we kidding? I'm doodie. |
拜託,她在看我 | Please? She's watching. |
-好吧 -謝謝 | -Fine. -Thanks. |
-不 -太棒了 | -Oh,no. -Oh,yeah! |
我的英雄 | My hero! |
你是個怪女人 | You're a weird lady. |
烏蘇拉忘了拿皮包 | Ursula said she left her purse. |
這真的是太好了 裡面放了她祈禱團朋友的電話 | What a relief. It has the numbers for her prayer chain. |
是啊 | I'm sure it does. |
我們婚禮上見了 | Guess I'll see you at the wedding. |
我想我沒辦法 去參加婚禮 | I don't think I'm gonna make it to the wedding. |
祝你們好運 | I wish you all the luck in the world. |
我還要給你 一個小建議 | And I also want to give you a little piece of advice.. |
我會給每對新人 這樣的建議 | that I give to everyone who's getting married. |
別相信你的太太 | Don't trust your wife. |
我想我們會沒事的 | I think we'll be okay. |
真的太完美了 她一直為我保持處子之身 | It's so perfect,and she's been saving herself for me. |
-我不能讓你這麼做,她在說謊 -什麼? | -I can't let you do this. She's lying. -What? |
她在說謊 我想我可以證明,對不起 | She is lying. And I bet I could prove it. Excuse me. |
好吧,沒有祈禱團的電話 | Okay. Yeah,not a prayer chain. |
但它看起來像是 銀行的平面圖 | But what looks like a detailed drawing of a bank floor plan. |
這是她在餐廳 當女服務生的銘牌 | Here's the name tag from where she works as a waitress. |
她不是老師,她是女服務生 | Not a teacher,a waitress. |
這裡,她總是會撒這個謊 | Here,she always lies about this. |
-她跟你說她幾歲了? -她說她25歲 | -How old did she say she was? -She told me she was 25. |
我真的不想拿給你看 | I almost don't want to show you. |
記住,我比她年輕一分鐘 | Just remember,I'm a minute younger. |
我太笨了 | I am so stupid. |
她當然不是老師 | Of course she's not a teacher. |
根本不會有 “超機密兒童間諜學校” | There's no such thing as a "Top Secret School for the Children of Spies." |
不,你不笨 | No,you're not stupid. |
我不聰明 | I'm not smart. |
我只是很想 衝動一下 | I just wanted so much to be impulsive for once. |
-找一點浪漫 -很好 | -To be romantic. -Good. |
你應該要衝動跟浪漫 只是你找錯對象了 | You should be impulsive and romantic. You did it with the wrong person. |
-什麼? -那真的很奇怪,你們長得那麼像 | -What? -It's weird,two people look so alike. |
卻完全不一樣 | And so different. |
艾力克,我們走吧 | Eric! Let's go! |
-我得去解決問題 -沒錯,你該那麼做 | -Better go deal with it. -Yeah,you should. |
快點,我得去禱告 | Hurry up! I gotta pray! |
我得給那孩子50塊 他才不哭 | I had to give the kid 50 bucks to stop crying. |
那還不賴 | That's not bad. |
我還得當他的女朋友 陪他走一段路 | I also had to go to a few houses as his girlfriend. |
我真的不會應付小孩子 | I am awful with children. |
你跟孩子們相處的很好 只是小孩子在萬聖節都會抓狂 | You're good with kids. They're just crazy on Halloween. |
他們貪心地 想多拿一些糖果 | They're all greedy,hopped up on sugar. |
-就那樣? -當然 | -That's all it is? -Absolutely. |
萬聖節是最糟糕的 除了耶誕節,還有他們的生日 | Halloween is the worst. Except for Christmas. And their birthdays. |
他們在夏天也會抓狂 | They get crazy during the summer too. |
還有他們肚子餓 跟想睡覺的時候 | And any time they're hungry or sleepy. |
小孩子很難纏 祝你好運 | Kids are tough. Good luck with that. |
聽著,我很遺憾你輸了 | Look,I'm sorry you lost. |
我得告訴你一個秘密 我故意讓他贏 | I got a secret for you. I let him win. |
那是秘密還是謊話? | Was that a secret,or a lie? |
-不,我讓他…羅斯 -什麼事? | -No,I let him.. Ross? -Yeah? |
麻煩你告訴她 我故意讓你贏 | Would you tell her I let you win,please? |
錢德“故意讓我贏” | Chandler "let me win." |
不,錢德真的好壯 我的手好酸喔,護士 | No,Chandler's really strong. My arm is so sore. Oh,nurse? |
我很強壯,我要證明給你看 | I am strong. I'll show you. |
錢德,拜託 | Chandler,please. |
怎麼了?你害怕嗎? | What's the matter? Scared? |
來吧,大兔子 | Let's go,big bunny! |
一,二,三,開始 | One,two,three. Go! |
我要去自殺 | I'm gonna kill myself! |
天啊,你打掃過了 看看地板 | Oh,my God,you cleaned! Look at these floors! |
你還擦了窗戶 我跟你提了好幾個月,你真的打掃了 | You did the windows! I have been begging you for months! And you did,you cleaned. |
-嘮叨是有用的 -不,事實上這不是我做的 | -And nagging works! -No,I didn't actually do this. |
不 我又邊睡覺邊打掃了? | Oh,no. Was I cleaning in my sleep again? |
不,打掃的人也不是你 | No,it wasn't you. |
-那麼是誰? -我請了一個女傭,耶 | -Well,then,who? -I got a maid. Yay! |
我希望你說的“女傭”是指“情婦” 因為有其他女人在打掃… | I hope by "maid" you mean "mistress" because if some other woman was cleaning.. |
親愛的,我知道你不喜歡 讓出控制權 | Now,honey,I know you don't like to relinquish control. |
“讓出”的意思 應該就是“失去”吧 | "Relinquish" is just a fancy word for "lose." |
她真的很棒,她還說 她喜歡你放海綿的方式 | She's nice,and she mentioned that she adored the way you arranged the sponges. |
她真的那麼說? | Did she really say that? |
對,我會記得 因為我以為她在開玩笑 | Yes,I distinctly remember because I thought it was a joke. |
-給她一個機會,好嗎? -好吧,我辦得到的 | -Now,just give her a chance,okay? -Fine,I can do it. |
-怎麼了? -通常我一焦慮就會打掃 | -What's the matter? -Usually when I'm this anxious,I clean. |
本集播出:汙跡 | The.One.With.The.Stain |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
是誰的手機在響? 那真的很吵,走到哪裡都會發生這種事 | Whose cell phone is that? It's just so annoying. Everywhere you go. |
我想聲音是從你的包包裡傳出來的 | I think it's coming from your bag. |
從來沒有人會打電話給我 | I never get calls! |
喂 | Hello? |
嗨,我是萬聖節派對上的艾力克 烏蘇拉的未婚夫 | Hi,it's Eric,from the Halloween party. Ursula's fiance. |
天啊,艾力克,嗨 等一下,你怎麼知道我的電話號碼? | Oh,my God,Eric,hi! Wait,how'd you get this number? |
我有個朋友在當員警 他幫我查到的 | I have a friend who's a cop,and he got it for me. |
那真的是太不可思議了 我嚇了一大跳 | Wow. What an incredible violation and wonderful surprise! |
我想你應該知道 我跟烏蘇拉分手了 | Listen,I just.. I thought you should know I broke up with Ursula. |
是嗎?他辦到了 | Oh,you did? He did it,he did it! |
-他做了什麼? -我在講電話 | -What did he do? -I'm talking! |
總之我很好奇 你會不會吃午餐? | Anyway,I was wondering if you were the sort of person who eats lunch? |
你是在約我嗎? | Are you asking me out? |
因為那很奇怪 你剛剛才跟我姐姐分手 | Because it'd be kind of weird since you just broke up with my sister. |
好吧,抱歉,再見 | Yeah,okay. I'm sorry. Bye. |
不,等一下,我會那麼做 是希望你把我當成好人 | No,no. Wait! I was just saying that so you'd think I was a good person. |
為我奮鬥吧 | Fight for me. |
我不會接受你的拒絕 | I won't take "no" for an answer. |
雖然不是很好 但我們能邊吃午餐邊練習 | Not great,but we can work on it at lunch. |
我可以在兩個小時裡 趕到你家 | I can be at your apartment in two hours. |
太棒了,你怎麼知道我住在哪裡? | Great. How do you know where I live? |
我也有朋友 | I've got friends too. |
好吧,再見 | Okay,bye. |
天啊,我要跟艾力克約會 | Oh,my God,I'm going out with Eric! |
今天比我想像中還要美好 | This day is really gonna be so much better than I thought it was gonna be. |
羅斯,我沒辦法跟你吃午餐了 | Oh,Ross,I can't make lunch. |
很明顯地 我午餐時間有空 | So apparently I'm available for lunch. |
我沒辦法,我很忙 我在找房子 | I can't. I'm busy. I'm apartment hunting. |
你要搬家? | You're moving? |
孩子生下來後 我沒辦法跟喬伊一起住 | I can't live with Joey once the baby comes. |
我不希望我的孩子會說的第一句話 是“你好嗎?” | I don't want my child's first words to be,"How you doing?" |
喬伊知道你要搬家嗎? | So does Joey know you're moving? |
我還沒有跟他談 但我知道他會覺得如釋重負 | I haven't discussed it with him,but I know he'll be relieved. |
上星期他帶一個女孩回家 我跟她談早晨嘔吐的問題 | Last week,he brought this girl over,and I talked to her about morning sickness. |
還把我懷孕紀念冊的照片 拿給她看 | Then I showed her pictures from my pregnancy book. |
-那不會很色情嗎? -一點都沒有 | -That's not really porn? -Not so much. |
今天早上我在電梯裡聽說 我住的公寓裡有個女住戶過世了 | I heard in the elevator this morning that a woman in my building died. |
天啊,她很老嗎? 她的公寓景觀好嗎? | Oh,my God. Was she old? Does she have a view? |
我不知道,但那一定會很棒 你搬到我的公寓裡來 | I don't know,but how great would that be? You living in my building? |
我可以照顧寶寶 想過去就過去… | I could take care of the baby,I could come over whenever I want.. |
當然得先得到你的允許 | with your permission. |
那真的很棒 我們能去看看嗎? | That really would be great. Well,can we see it? |
或許我們不該那麼做 我是說她今天早上才過世 | Maybe we shouldn't. I mean,if she just died this morning. |
對,不,你說的對 | Yeah. No. No,you're right. |
-去嗎? -好吧 | -Shall we? -Yeah. |
有什麼事嗎? | Yes? |
嗨,我是羅斯蓋勒 我住在這棟公寓裡 | Hi. I'm Ross Geller. I live in the building. |
我是瑞秋 我很喜歡這棟公寓 | And I'm Rachel,an admirer of the building. |
聽說佛哈芬太太過世了 我真的很遺憾 | I heard about Mrs. Verhoeven passing away,and I am so sorry for your loss. |
-她沒有過世 -什麼? | -She didn't pass away. -What? |
-我媽媽還活著 -謝天謝地 | -My mother's still alive. -Oh,thank God! |
她今天早上差點就過世了 但她是個意志力很強的老太婆 | It looked like we were gonna lose her this morning,but she's a tough old bird. |
你跟她很熟嗎? | Are you close with her? |
當然,我們常常… | Of course. She and I would talk all the time.. |
在洗衣間聊天 | in the laundry room. |
你會說荷蘭文? | You speak Dutch? |
我會的 但那太痛苦了 | You know,I would,but it's just too painful. |
她真的沒死 | So she's really not dead. |
不,她還在裡面 | No. She's hanging in there. |
你能告訴我她住的公寓 是一間臥室還是兩間嗎? | Could you tell me,is she hanging in in a one-bedroom or a two? |
賓太太,這個清潔劑太棒了 你在哪裡買的? | Mrs. Bing,this tile cleaner is incredible. Where did you get it? |
喔… 那是我自己做的 | Oh,well.. I make it myself. |
兩份的阿摩尼亞加一份的檸檬汁 秘方是… | It's two parts ammonia and one part lemon juice. The secret ingredient is.. |
你知道嗎?我們才剛剛認識 | You know what? We just met. |
好吧,我去洗衣間拿衣服 | Okay. I'm gonna go get the clothes from the laundry room now. |
我回來後 會打掃冰箱後面 | When I come back,I'll clean behind the refrigerator. |
我愛她 | I love her. |
我馬上回來 | I'll be back in a minute. |
好吧 | Okay. |
-看吧?我告訴過你 -她偷了我的牛仔褲 | -See? I told you. -She stole my jeans! |
什麼? | What? |
我找了一個星期 她正穿著它 | I've been looking for them all week,and she is wearing them. |
她偷了你的褲子,然後回來 在你面前穿著它? | So she stole your pants and then came back and wore them in front of you? |
你不明白嗎? 這是完美犯罪 | Don't you see? It's the perfect crime! |
她一定計劃了好幾年 | She must have been planning this for years! |
我會證明給你看的 | I'll prove it to you,okay. |
我把筆掉在大腿上 在胯部留下了墨水汙跡 | I dropped a pen in my lap,and it left an ink stain on the crotch. |
她回來後,我會找到它 讓你看看那個墨水汙跡 | When she comes back,I will find it and show you that stain! |
賣出那件牛仔褲的公司難道 只做了一件牛仔褲嗎? | Isn't it possible the company that sold the jeans made more than just the one pair? |
我猜你說的對 | I guess. |
我們應該先找找看 再去看她的胯部吧? | Shouldn't we give her the benefit of the doubt before we snoop around her crotch? |
好吧,我很高興 我沒有告訴她我的秘方 | Fine. I'm just glad I didn't give her my secret ingredient. |
我真的很好奇 你的秘方是什麼? | Out of curiosity,what is your secret ingredient? |
對 | Yeah. |
-嗨 -請進,我很高興你來了 | -Hi. -Come in. I'm so glad you're here. |
對,我也是 | Yeah. Me too. |
但不像你 那麼震驚憤怒 | Not in the shaky,angry way that you are,though. |
抱歉,我剛剛見過烏蘇拉 我得把訂婚戒指拿回來 | Sorry. I just saw Ursula. I had to get the engagement ring back. |
看到她讓我想起一切 | Just seeing her brought it all back. |
那些謊言,還有她是怎麼利用我的 | All the lies,the way she used me. |
我只是…光是看到她 我就覺得好生氣… | I just.. I get so angry,just looking at her.. |
-我是說看到她的臉 -對 | -Face. -Yeah. Yeah. |
抱歉 當我看到你… | I'm sorry. It's just,when I look at you.. |
我就像是看到了她 | I see her. |
我看到她時 會覺得很生氣 | And when I see her,I get a little bit angry. |
你要去哪裡吃飯? | So where do you wanna eat? |
我不是不喜歡看著你發瘋 | Not that I'm not enjoying watching you flip out. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
-或許這太奇怪了 -等一下 | -Maybe this is too weird. -Wait. |
我看著你時 只會有一個問題 | There's only a problem when I look at you. |
我知道了 | I got it. I got it. |
不,別把你的眼睛挖出來 | No,don't tear out your eyes! |
-我只是要把隱形眼鏡拿掉 -好吧,試試看 | -I was just gonna take out my lenses. -Oh,yeah. Try that. |
那樣子好多了嗎? | So is that better? |
才怪 | Not really. |
你看起來很模糊,還是很像烏蘇拉 你是“模糊的烏蘇拉” | You're blurry,but you still look like Ursula. You're "Blursula." |
好吧,等一下,或許… | Okay,wait. Maybe.. |
或許我該 暫時不要看你 | If I just don't look at you for a while. |
看吧?成功了 我不再生氣,這是個很棒的約會 | See? It works. I'm not angry at all anymore. This is a great date! |
對,沒那麼棒啦 | Yeah,not so much. |
那樣子很難說話 | It's kind of hard to have a conversation. |
不,當然,我們可以說話 | Oh,no. Sure,we can have a conversation. |
跟我談談你自己 | Tell me a little something about yourself. |
我嗎? | Oh,me? |
聽著,艾力克,轉過來 | Look,Eric,turn around. |
我喜歡你,但它不應該這麼難 這是我們第一次約會 | I like you,but it shouldn't be this hard. This is our first date. |
第一次約會應該是 刺激,火花四射… | First dates are supposed to be about excitement and electricity and.. |
“他剛剛摸了我的手 他是有意的嗎?”,還有初吻… | "He just touched my hand,did he mean to?" and first kisses.. |
第二次接吻 | Second kisses. |
謝謝你的咖啡,或者說 | Thanks for the coffee,or: |
(荷蘭語)謝謝你的咖啡,甘瑟 | Bedankt voor de koffie Gunther. [Thanks for the coffee Gunther.] |
(荷蘭語)你講荷蘭語,真酷,你家是那裡的嗎? | Je spreekt Nederlands. Dat is te gek. Heb je familie daar? [You speak Dutch. That's Cool. Have you family there?] |
對,我們解決了 | Yeah,we're done. |
(荷蘭語)驢! | Ezel! [Donkey!] |
羅斯,你要去人工造浪池 看新的IMAX大銀幕電影嗎? | Hey,Ross. You wanna go see that new lMAX movie on tide pools? |
-真的嗎? -不 | -Really? -No. |
但我幫你,我跟錢德 弄到了尼克隊的門票 | But I got Knicks tickets for you,me and Chandler. |
太棒了 | Sweet! |
之後我們可以去脫衣舞酒店 | And then afterwards,we can go to a strip joint. |
-真的嗎? -不 | -Really? -No. |
好吧,我們走 | All right,let's go. |
我得先回家一趟 | I have to stop by my place. |
你要錄球賽嗎?你每次都這麼做 你又沒有要上電視 | To tape the game? You do this every time. You're not gonna be on TV! |
不,我得去看看 那間公寓是不是空下來了 | No,I have to see if this apartment became available. |
-你要換公寓? -不是我,是瑞秋要搬家 | -You're switching apartments? -It's not for me,it's for Rachel. |
-她已經有公寓了 -寶寶一出生她就要搬家 | -She has an apartment. -When the baby comes,she's gonna move. |
-真的嗎? -對 | -She is? -Yeah. |
你該不會希望她跟寶寶 住在那裡吧? | You didn't expect her to live there with the baby? |
我真的沒想過 | I didn't really think about it. |
甘瑟,你才是驢 | Hey,Gunther,you're an ezel. |
(荷蘭語)你跟驢做愛 | Jij hebt seks met ezels. [You have sex with donkeys.] |
該死 | Damn it! |
-你的牛仔褲很漂亮 -謝謝 | -Nice jeans. -Oh,thanks. |
-我喜歡你的上衣 -你不會拿到它的 | -I like your top. -Oh. You're not getting it. |
-發生了什麼事? -我睡著了 | -What happened? -Oh. I fell asleep! |
我想要午休一下 | I was thinking about taking my lunch break. |
你能擦一下櫥櫃上面嗎? 那會讓你午餐時食欲大增 | Will you do the top of the cabinets? That'll work up your appetite for lunch. |
好吧 | All right. |
你好 | Hello. |
發生了什麼事? | What's going on? |
抱歉,我沒有請過女傭 這樣子不行嗎? | I'm sorry. I've never had a maid before. Is this not okay? |
我不瞭解 | I don't understand. |
為什麼你的頭 會在我的雙腿之間? | Why was your head just between my legs? |
那是好問題 | That's a fair question. |
我的頭 會在你的雙腿之間… | Well,my head was between your legs.. |
因為我覺得 你非常迷人 | because I find you very attractive. |
你喜歡上我了? | Are you coming onto me? |
沒錯 | Apparently. |
-嘿 -嘿 | -Hey. -Hey. |
-球賽好玩嗎? -還不錯,我吃太多了 | -How was the game? -It was okay. I ate way too much. |
我跟羅斯談過 他說你在找新公寓 | I was talking to Ross,and he said you were looking for a new place. |
對,我希望能搬到對街去 如果那些荷蘭人願意讓出公寓 | Yeah. Hopefully across the street. If certain Dutch people would just let go. |
我希望你留下來 | I was kind of hoping you'd stay. |
喬伊,我得搬走 這裡住不下一個寶寶 | Joey,I have to go. There's no room for a baby here. |
住不下?它只是一個寶寶 它就這麼大吧 | No room? It's a baby. It's,like,this big. |
你可以把它放在這裡 | You could put it over here. |
或是這裡 那很可愛吧? | Or we could put it right here. It's cute,right? |
或是這裡 你根本不會注意到它的 | Or put it over here. You wouldn't even notice it. |
“寶寶在哪裡?” “它就在…” | "Where's the baby?" "Oh,it's right over.." |
親愛的,問題不只是 要把它放在哪裡 | Honey,it's not just a matter of where you put it. |
寶寶會改變你全部的生活 它們總是哭個不停 | A baby changes everything. They cry all the time. |
想像你帶女孩回家 想跟她上床時寶寶卻哭個不停 | Imagine bringing home some girl and trying to score with a screaming baby. |
我可以接受挑戰 那應該會很容易 | I could use a challenge. It's getting pretty easy. |
你要我留下來真的很貼心 但我不能那麼做 | It's so sweet that you want me to stay,but I can't. |
那會毀了你的生活 | It would disrupt your entire life. |
只是… 我很喜歡跟你一起住 | It's just.. I love living with you so much. |
-我希望一切都不必改變 -我知道 | -I wish things didn't have to change. -I know. |
我真的很怪羅斯 | You know,I blame Ross for this. |
我也有點怪他 | I do too,a little bit. |
我會想念你的 | I'm gonna miss you. |
你是我遇過 最辣的室友 | You're the hottest roommate I ever had. |
不,我得走了 有人預約我去按摩 | Oh,no,I have to go. I have a massage appointment. |
不,留下來,我們繼續吧 我可以付錢給你 | No,stay here. We'll keep doing this. I'll pay you. |
不,之前我因為那麼做 惹上了大麻煩 | No,I've gotten in trouble for that before. |
-待會見? -沒問題 | -I'll see you later? -Absolutely. |
我喜歡你接吻的方式 | I love the way you kiss. |
真的嗎?那是我最遜的地方 你等著瞧吧 | Really? That's the thing I'm worst at! You'll see. |
嘿 | Hey. |
-我想布蘭達需要加薪 -為什麼? | -Hey. I think Brenda needs a raise. -How come? |
因為我把頭 放在她的雙腿之間 | Because I put my head between her legs. |
-你要看她的褲子? -那是我的褲子 | -To see her pants? -They're my pants! |
你確定嗎? 你看到墨水汙跡了? | Are you sure? Did you see the stain? |
不,我才剛剛定位 後來就眼前一陣黑 | No. I was getting into position,and then everything went dark. |
她沒有偷我們的東西 你能不能算了? | She is not stealing from us,okay. Will you let this go? |
好吧 | Fine. |
-她穿著我的胸罩 -天啊 | -She's wearing my bra! -Oh,dear God! |
我的粉紅色小花胸罩 我認得那條肩帶 | My pink,flowered bra! I recognize the strap! |
你不知道自己瘋了嗎? | Yet you don't recognize that you're crazy? |
我有個計畫,我先離開 你得去看布蘭達的胸罩 | Here's the plan. I'm going to leave,and you're gonna look at Brenda's bra. |
我也有個計畫,不行 | Here's another plan. No. |
我很想這麼做 但她以為我被她吸引 | I would do it,but she thinks I'm attracted to her. |
-為什麼? -你不知道剛剛我的頭放在哪裡嗎? | -Why? -Did you not hear where my head was? |
我們是一夥的 這件事我們都有份 | We're a team. We're in this together. |
我擔心陪審團 也會那麼認為 | I fear a jury will see it the same way. |
為我這麼做 我常抓到你在瞄女人胸部 | Do this for me. I catch you looking at women's breasts all the time. |
你看到了? | You see that? |
你看到這個了嗎? | Do you see this? |
好吧,我瞭解你的意思 | All right,yes. Okay. I get your point. |
如果那是她的胸罩 你能讓她打掃嗎? | But if it's not her bra,will you just let the woman clean? |
對,你會知道它是我的 因為胸罩還破了一個大洞 | Yes. You'll know it's mine because on the right cup,there's a very noticeable rip. |
你需要新衣服 | You need new clothes. |
-她還好嗎? -情況看起來不妙 | -Hi. How is she? -It's not looking good. |
我幫她帶了一些花過來 | Well,I brought her some bloemen. |
那真的是太棒了,你要跟她道別嗎? 那對她來說一定很重要 | That's so sweet. Would you like to say goodbye? It would mean a lot to her. |
我不知道該不該這麼做 | Oh,I don't know that it would. |
-她幾乎不記得任何人了 -那麼好吧 | -Well,her memory is pretty much gone. -All right,then. |
-嘿 -歡迎你回來 | -Hey! -Welcome back. |
-我們要繼續嗎? -我還因為今天下午的事覺得很累 | -Shall we pick up from where we left off? -I'm still tired from this afternoon. |
-為什麼? -我們做愛了 | -Why? -The sex. |
-什麼? -你跟我做愛了 | -What sex? -Our sex. |
我們沒有做愛 | We didn't have sex. |
如果我沒有跟你做愛 我一定是跟一個長得很像… | If I didn't have sex with you,I had sex with somebody that looked like.. |
-你跟烏蘇拉做愛? -有一點啦 | -You had sex with Ursula? -A little bit. |
她走進來,我以為她是你 我吻了她… | She walked in,I thought she was you and I kissed her and.. |
-你沒注意到衣服不一樣嗎? -我看到你覺得很興奮 | -You didn't notice different clothes? -I was just so excited to see you. |
-這真的是太奇怪了 -不會的,我不想失去你 | -This is too weird. -No,it's not. I don't wanna lose you. |
我在做愛的時候 跟烏蘇拉說… | It's like I was saying to Ursula when I was making love.. |
對,那太奇怪了 | Yeah. It's too weird. |
我猜就這樣吧 | So I guess this is it. |
對 | Yeah. |
或許這麼做是最好的 | Maybe it's for the best. |
-你的味道跟她一樣 -對,你也是 | -You smell just like her. -Yeah,so do you. |
-你在做什麼? -我在彎腰 | -What are you doing? -I'm leaning. |
我都在這裡彎腰 | This is where I lean. |
好吧 | Okay. |
-布蘭達,有蜜蜂 -什麼? | -Brenda,a bee! -What? |
它飛進你的上衣裡了 你最好快解開扣子免得被蟄傷 | It's flown into your blouse,and you better undo your buttons lest it sting you. |
-我想我知道這是怎麼一回事了 -是嗎? | -I think I know what's going on here. -You do? |
我知道你一定很難受 你太太是女同志… | Look,I know it must be hard that your wife is a lesbian.. |
但這是不對的,你結婚了 | but it's wrong. You're married. |
-我完全瞭解 -太好了 | -I totally understand. -Okay,good. |
我能看看你的胸罩嗎? | Could I just see your bra? |
嗨 | Hi. |
-你怎麼會有那條牛仔褲? -是你送我的 | -Where'd you get those jeans? -You gave them to me. |
-我才沒有 -好吧,我拿走它 | -No,I didn't! -All right,I took them. |
我以為你不會介意 因為它在胯部的地方有一大塊墨水汙跡 | I figured it'd be okay because you've got a big ink stain on the crotch. |
-不,你也拿走了我的胸罩嗎? -什麼胸罩? | -Oh,no! Did you take my bra too? -What bra? |
-有小花的粉紅色胸罩 -你是說你正在穿的這件胸罩嗎? | -The pink one with the flowers. -You mean the one you're wearing? |
我不幹了 | I quit! |
聽起來不錯 | Sounds about right. |
這是什麼? | What is this? |
我只希望你考慮一下 | This is just to give you an idea. |
我們可以在這裡裝拉鍊 寶寶還是有隱私… | We can put screens here so that the baby has privacy.. |
在搖籃上面裝個音樂鈴 | and maybe a mobile over the crib.. |
這是寶寶監控器 寶寶沒出生前,我們可以把它當對講機 | and here's a baby monitor which,till the baby comes,we can use as walkie-talkies. |
你真的是太體貼了 | You're so sweet! |
天啊 你還把哈吉送給寶寶 | Oh,my God! And you gave the baby Hugsy! |
我只是要向你示範 寶寶該躺在哪裡 | That's really just to show where the baby would go. |
快把它交給我吧 免得你誤會了 | Why don't I hold on to him so there's no confusion. |
喬伊,寶寶會哭的 那會非常地吵 | Joey,the baby is gonna be crying. It's gonna be loud. |
-我很吵 -它會整晚不睡 | -I'm loud. -It's gonna be up all night. |
-我也會 -它會大便 | -I'm up all night. -It's gonna poop. |
嗨 | Hello! |
你的女朋友們呢? | What about all the women? |
如果我把一個 受不了寶寶的女人帶回家… | If I'm bringing home a woman who can't stand a baby.. |
或許我根本 不該跟那個女人在一起 | then maybe I don't wanna be with that woman. |
或許我們該在 俱樂部的浴室裡做愛 | Or maybe we'll do it in the bathroom of the club! |
但我不會在寶寶面前 那麼說 | But I won't say stuff like that around the baby. |
喬伊,你確定嗎? | Joey,are you sure? |
對,聽著,我知道 有時候會很辛苦… | Yeah. Look,I know sometimes it'll be hard,okay.. |
但它也會非常棒 | but it'll also be really,really great. |
拜託,瑞秋 我真的希望你留下來 | Please,Rachel,I really want you to stay. |
我也想留下來,謝謝你 | I want me to stay too. Thank you. |
-喬伊,看看這個搖籃,它好可愛 -我知道,我在街上撿到它 | -Joey,look at this crib. It's so cute. -I know. I found it on the street. |
你是…真的嗎? 它看起來還不錯 | Are you..? Really? This is in such good condition. |
被子下面是什麼? | Whoa! What's under the cover? |
-我不知道 -他在動 | -I don't know. -It's moving. |
他有尾巴,快把它搬出去 | It's got a tail! Get it out of here! |
好吧 | Okay! |
(謹以本片獻給 珀爾哈蒙) | |
那位老太太過世了 我怎麼會知道呢? | Well,the old lady died. And how do I know? |
因為她的遺願是 給她最後一吻 | Because her dying wish was for one last kiss. |
因為我是個強壯的大男人… | And because I'm such a strong,strapping alleenstaande.. |
我得把她的屍體抱到大廳 | I had to carry her body to the lobby. |
而且她真的 一點都不瘦 | You know,and she was not a slight woman. |
但我不在乎 因為你拿到那間公寓了,太棒了 | But I don't care,because you got the apartment. Yes! |
對,我想我要留在這裡 | Yeah. I think I'm gonna stay here. |
那真的很棒吧? | Isn't that great? |
什麼?你… 但是… | What..? You.. But.. Bu.. |
明晚我要跟我爸一起吃飯 你要來嗎? | Hey,I'm having dinner with my dad tomorrow night. Do you wanna come? |
好啊,他很性感 | Sure,yeah. He's kind of sexy. |
不,我也會去 | Oh,no,I'll be there too. |
那麼我們得想個暗號 如果一切進行的很順利,你可以離開 | So we'll come up with some kind of signal. If it's going well,you can take off. |
不,我要你去那裡支持我 我還沒有告訴他我懷孕了 | No,I just need you there for support. I haven't told him that I'm pregnant yet. |
為什麼? | Oh. Why not? |
因為我知道他會氣炸了 我討厭讓他生氣 | Because I know he's gonna flip out,and I hate it when he's angry. |
瑞秋,這好像 “爸爸別說教” | Rachel,this is all so "Papa Don't Preach." |
不,菲比,等一下,他是個可怕的人 有次他抓到我抽煙 | No,Phoeb,wait. He's a scary guy. I mean,one time he caught me smoking. |
他說如果他再看到我抽煙 他會逼我吃下一整盒煙 | He said if he ever saw me doing that again,he'd make me eat the entire pack. |
我一定會去 | Wow. Well,I will be there. |
天啊,我不會讓那個男人 逼你吃掉你的寶寶 | Gosh,I'm not gonna let that man make you eat your baby! |
那個傢伙是誰? 我想我認識他 | Hey,who is that guy? I think I know him. |
才怪 | No,you don't. |
天啊,莫妮卡 他是你單身女郎派對上的脫衣舞男 | Oh,my God! Monica,he's the stripper from your bachelorette party! |
什麼? | Her what? |
你的秘密單身女郎派對 | Your secret bachelorette party. |
-你辦了單身女郎派對? -她用牙齒解開他的丁字褲 | -You had a bachelorette party? -She untied his G-string with her teeth. |
快來個人阻止我 | Somebody stop me! |
我們不辦單身漢或單身女郎派對 我們都同意那是愚蠢的傳統 | We weren't having bachelor,bachelorette parties. We agreed that it's a silly tradition. |
那是個很棒的傳統 | It's a grand tradition! |
抱歉,她們給我一個大驚喜 我真的沒有辦法 | I'm sorry. They surprised me. There was nothing I could do. |
你可以用手解開它 | Well,you could've untied it with your hands. |
這太不公平了 我想幫我最好的朋友辦單身漢派對… | This is so unfair. The one thing I wanted was to throw my best friend a bachelor party.. |
卻不能那麼做 我們只能一起去吃牛排 | but I wasn't allowed. All we got was a stupid steak dinner. |
你跟女服務生一起回家 | You went home with the waitress. |
對,那一晚真的很美妙 | Yeah,that was a pretty good night. |
我不敢相信你沒有告訴我 | I can't believe you didn't tell me. |
你知道在婚姻裡 開放跟誠實是很重要的 | You know that the two pillars of marriage are openness and honesty. |
我就知道送你那本書 有一天我一定會被報應 | I knew giving you that book was gonna come back and bite me in the ass. |
本集播出:脫衣舞娘 | The.One.With.The.Stripper |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-我幫大家點了摩洛哥雞肉 -我不吃肉 | -I'll order everyone the Moroccan chicken. -Oh,I don't eat meat. |
它是雞肉 | It's chicken! |
-我也不吃那個 -我一直都搞不懂女同志 | -I don't eat that either. -I never understand you lesbians. |
-寶貝,告訴我你有什麼事 -事實上… | -So,baby,tell me,what's new with you? -Well,actually.. |
你的74年拉菲紅酒(國際葡萄酒五大名品之一) | Your '74 Lafite,sir. |
我點的是75年的紅酒 它的味道很棒,74年的酒就像陰溝水 | I ordered the '75. That's a magnificent wine. The '74 is sewage! |
你為什麼要給我陰溝水? | Why would you bring me sewage? |
那是個難題嗎?你是白癡嗎? 所以你才會來當服務生嗎? | Is that a hard question? Are you an idiot? Is that why you're a waiter? |
那就是為什麼我告訴經理 我不想為你服務的原因 | This is why I told the manager I wouldn't wait on you. |
少來了,別那麼幼稚 | Oh,come on. Don't be such a baby. |
你應該注意到了 他真的很可怕 | In case you didn't notice,that is a scary man. |
但他說的對 74年的酒真的很難喝 | He's right,though. The '74 is absolute piss. |
這是個天大的錯誤 菲比,我不敢告訴他 | This was such a huge mistake. I can't tell him,Phoebe. I can't. |
瑞秋… | Rachel.. |
我得等上幾年 然後寶寶會告訴他 | I'm gonna wait a couple of years,and then the baby will tell him |
-為什麼?讓他可以對寶寶生氣? -那是寶寶的問題 | -Why? So he can get mad at the baby? -Hey,that is the baby's problem. |
-服務生沒問題吧? -我不知道,我只是去了洗手間 | -Everything okay with the waiter? -I have no idea. I went to the bathroom. |
親愛的,你得告訴我 最近你有什麼新鮮事 | So,sweetie,you were starting to tell me what is new with you. |
我有TIVo啊(互動式數字錄放影機) | I got TiVo. |
-什麼是TIVo -就是懷孕的意思 | -What's TiVo? -It's slang for "pregnant." |
菲比 | Phoebe |
不然你約我來做什麼? | Well,what were you thinking asking me to come? |
你真的懷孕了? | Are you really pregnant? |
對跟不對 | Well,yes and no. |
除了,不是不對 | Except,not no. |
所以,對 | So to sum it up,yeah. |
孩子的爸爸是誰? 不,拜託,別告訴我就是她 | Who is the father? Oh,no. Please don't tell me it's her. |
不,是羅斯,你喜歡羅斯 | No,it's Ross. It's Ross. You like Ross. |
爸爸 我希望你能接受這件事 | Daddy,I hope you're okay with all of this. |
想一想,這是件好事 這是你第一個外孫 | Think about it. This is a good thing. This is your first grandchild! |
你要當外公了 | You're gonna be a poppy! |
沒錯,我要當外公了 | That's true. I'm a poppy! |
我要當外公了 | I'm gonna be a poppy! |
-婚禮什麼時候舉行? -誰的婚禮? | -So when is the wedding? -The who? |
婚禮 你們得舉行婚禮 | The wedding. There's going to be a wedding. |
小姑娘,你休想坐在那裡告訴我 我的第一個外孫會是個私生子 | Young lady,don't you sit there and tell me my first grandchild is gonna be a bastard! |
-告訴我你們會舉行婚禮 -二月二日 | -Tell me there's gonna be a wedding! -February 2nd! |
今天去看你上課我覺得很酷 | It was cool seeing you lecture today. |
謝謝,雖然我覺得 你看起來像是睡著了 | Thanks. Although it kind of seemed like you were falling asleep. |
不,我閉上了眼睛 要專心聽你說話 | No,I had my eyes closed so I could concentrate and,you know,take it all in. |
我很多學生都會那麼做 | Yeah,a lot of my students do that. |
-我得走了 -今晚見? | -I've got to get going. -Okay,I'll see you tonight? |
謝謝你讓我參觀你收集的半珍貴的寶石 它真的很棒 | Thanks for showing me your semiprecious-stone collection. It's amazing. |
天啊,你的床上功夫一定很厲害 | My God,you must be good in bed. |
你跟蒙娜交往了一陣子 情況如何? | So you and Mona,it's been a while now. How's it going? |
很不錯 | It's good. It's going good. |
我們處得很好 她很… | I mean,we get along great. She's so.. |
-辣? -我本來說很溫柔,但你答對了 | -Hot? -I was gonna say sweet,but yeah! |
她能接受寶寶的事? | She's okay with the baby? |
我還沒有告訴她 我不想嚇跑她 | I haven't actually told her yet. I don't wanna scare her off. |
你得老實說,不然的話 你以為你們的方向一樣… | You have to be honest. Otherwise,you may think you're going down the same path.. |
事實上你們在走 不一樣的路 | but you're really going down different ones. |
我會拿那本書 把你打死 | I'm gonna take that book and I'm gonna beat you to death with it. |
天啊 你一定會愛死我了 | Oh,my God,you are gonna love me so much. |
很好,因為到目前為止 在這段婚姻裡我真的很喜歡你 | Oh,good. Because so far in this marriage,I just like you a lot. |
好吧,關於單身女郎派對的事 我真的很難過… | All right. I felt bad about the bachelorette party thing.. |
所以今晚 你要辦單身漢派對 | so tonight you're gonna have a bachelor party. |
我在餐廳的同事給我這個電話號碼 我雇了一個脫衣舞娘來跳舞給你看 | I got this number from this guy at work and I hired a stripper to come dance for you. |
我可以進太太名人堂了吧? | Am I going in the wife hall of fame or what? |
-親愛的,這太瘋狂了,我不要脫衣舞娘 -你能讓她說完嗎? | -Honey,that's crazy. I don't want a stripper. -Will you let the lady talk? |
來吧,一定會很好玩的 它會讓我覺得好過一點 | Come on,it'll be fun. It'll make me feel so much better. |
我幫你們準備了派對帽跟喇叭 | I got you party hats and porn. |
拋開我爸爸 跟魔術師上床那段不談… | Throw in my father making out with the magician.. |
這簡直就像 重演我14歲的生日派對 | and it's just like my 14th birthday all over again. |
聽著,我很感激,但它有點可怕 我已經不是單身漢了 | Look,I appreciate it,but it's a little creepy. I'm not a bachelor anymore. |
別把它當成是單身漢派對 把它當成是結婚兩個月的禮物 | Don't think of it as a bachelor party. Think of it as a two-month anniversary present. |
當然,結婚一年是紙婚 兩個月的話可以看熱舞 | Sure. One year is paper,but two months is lap dance. |
拜託,我覺得好難過 去看看那個辣妹脫光衣服吧 | Please,I feel so bad. Just watch the hot woman get naked! |
-好吧,但我這麼做是為了你 -太棒了 | -Fine,but I'm only doing this for you. -Yeah! |
還有喬伊 | And Joey. |
-謝謝,你還想邀請誰? -光羅斯跟喬伊就夠丟臉了 | -Thank you. Who else do you wanna invite? -Ross and Joey is embarrassing enough. |
抱歉,我沒辦法去 今晚我跟蒙娜有約 | Actually,sorry,I can't even make it. I'm seeing Mona tonight. |
誰會為了假單身漢派對 取消真正的約會? | Who would cancel an actual date just to go to a fake bachelor party? |
抱歉 我得取消今晚的約會,寶貝 | I'm sorry. I gotta cancel tonight,baby. |
抱歉我無法參加你想像出來的婚禮 那天我很忙 | I'm sorry I won't make it to your imaginary wedding,but I'm busy that day. |
我得參加獨角獸受洗禮 跟小精靈的猶太成年禮 | I already have a unicorn baptism and a leprechaun bar mitzvah. |
我知道,我亂了方寸 | I know,I know. I panicked. |
我不要他對著我大叫 把我當成74年拉圖紅酒(國際葡萄酒五大名品之一) | I didn't want him to start yelling at me like I was some '74 Latour. |
是拉菲 | It's Lafite. |
74年拉圖紅酒 喝起來真的很不錯 | The '74 Latour is actually drinking quite nicely. |
好吧,他來了,我得告訴他 我得很堅強 | All right,here he comes. I'm gonna tell him. I'm gonna be strong. |
我剛剛打了電話給一個朋友 | I just called a friend of mine. |
我想或許我可以 在這麼短的時間內訂到廣場飯店 | I think I may be able to book The Plaza on short notice. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
廣場飯店? | The Plaza? |
爸爸 | Oh,Daddy! |
-爸爸,我得跟你談一談 -什麼事?寶貝 | -Right. Daddy,I need to talk to you. -What is it,sweetie? |
我們不會舉行婚禮 羅斯跟我不會結婚 | There's not gonna be a wedding. Ross and I aren't getting married. |
-對不起,爸爸 -我不敢相信 | -I'm sorry,Daddy. -I don't believe this! |
-爸爸,請保持冷靜 -你怎麼能要我保持冷靜? | -Daddy,stay calm,please. -How do you expect me to stay calm? |
我完全無法接受,瑞秋 我要知道為什麼 | This is unacceptable,Rachel. And I wanna know why! |
因為那個混蛋 不願意娶你嗎? | Is it because that punk won't marry you? |
-是那樣嗎? -對,他說我是瑕疵品 | -Is that it? -Yes. He says I'm damaged goods. |
快結婚了你很緊張吧? | You nervous about getting married? |
你在做什麼? | What are you doing? |
我們假裝這是你結婚前的 單身漢派對,那樣比較好玩 | Let's pretend it's a real bachelor party,before your wedding. It'll be more fun. |
好吧,我不敢相信 明天是我的大喜之日 | All right. I can't believe tomorrow's the big day. |
知道你永遠無法跟別的女人在一起 你有什麼感覺? | How's it feel knowing you're never gonna be with another woman? |
知道你每天醒過來 都會看到同一張臉… | Knowing you're gonna have to wake up to the same face every day.. |
直到死神 來拯救你 | until you finally have the sweet release of death. |
你說的對,這樣比較好玩 | You're right. This is more fun. |
她來了,快點 | That's her! Okay,come on! |
哪個幸運兒是錢德? | Which one of you lucky boys is Chandler? |
是我 | That's me! |
是我 | That's me. |
喬伊崔比亞尼,你的頭號仰慕者 | Joey Tribbiani. Big fan. |
-那是臥房嗎? -對,就在那邊 | -Is that a bedroom? -Yeah,right over there. |
好吧,你準備好就進來 | All right. Whenever you're ready. |
那好奇怪 | That was weird. |
-她為什麼要到臥房去? -我在等著 | -Why would she go in the bedroom? -I'm waiting. |
-她是… -她是脫光衣服的妓女 | -So she's a.. -Yeah,that's one naked hooker. |
我喜歡你家 這玩意從哪裡來的? | I love your place. Where is this guy from? |
那是在加爾各答買的 18世紀印度工藝品 | That's an 18th-century lndian artifact from Calcutta. |
哇 | Oh. Wow. |
原來你不只懂恐龍的事 | So you're more than just dinosaurs. |
一點都沒錯 | So much more. |
天啊,我很抱歉 | Oh,my God! I am so sorry! |
不用管,那是在皮爾第一進出口公司(著名的工藝品雜貨店)買的 | Forget it. It's from Pier 1. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
你以為你可以搞大我女兒的肚子 然後不娶她嗎? | You think you can knock up my daughter and then not marry her? |
我要殺了你 | I'm gonna kill you! |
事實上 我現在真的很不方便 | You know,this is actually not a great time for me. |
快一點 解釋給我聽,蓋勒 | So come on. Explain yourself,Geller. |
-你先讓我的瑞秋懷孕 -你讓瑞秋懷孕? | -First,you get my Rachel pregnant. -You got Rachel pregnant? |
-誰幹的? -就是你 | -Who did? -You did! |
沒錯,但那是一夜情 那毫無意義 | Yes,I did,but it was a one-night thing. It meant nothing. |
真的嗎? 我女兒對你來說毫無意義? | Oh? Really? That's what my daughter means to you,nothing? |
不是的,她對我來說意義重大 我在乎…我愛瑞秋 | No,sir. She means a lot to me. I care.. I love Rachel. |
-什麼? -但不是那樣的 | -What? -But not that way. |
我沒有愛上她 我把她當成朋友 | I'm not in love with her. I love her like a friend. |
你就是那樣對待朋友的嗎? 你搞大她的肚子又不肯娶她? | That's how you treat a friend,get her in trouble and refuse to marry her? |
我有跟她求婚 但我不想那麼做 | Hey,I offered to marry her. But I didn't want to. |
為什麼? 因為你想跟這個蕩婦鬼混? | Well,why not? So you could spend your time with this tramp? |
蕩婦? | Tramp? |
抱歉,格林醫生,蒙娜 蒙娜,格林醫生 | I'm sorry. Dr. Green,Mona. Mona,Dr. Green. |
我不敢相信 裡面有個脫光衣服的妓女 | I can't believe there is a naked hooker in there! |
或許她是妓女 兼脫衣舞娘… | Maybe she's a hooker and a stripper.. |
但她會搞不清楚該做什麼 | but she got confused about what to do. |
有可能,技術上來說她脫光了衣服 只是我們沒看到 | Could be. I mean,technically,she did strip. We just missed it. |
小姐 | Ma'am? |
你也是脫衣舞娘嗎? | Are you also a stripper? |
不是,但我可以假裝 那得另外收錢 | No,but I can pretend to strip. But that's gonna cost extra. |
這是另外收錢的項目 手銬,鞭打… | Okay,here's the extras: handcuffs,spanking.. |
或許莫妮卡是在跟你開玩笑 | Maybe Monica's playing a joke on you. |
幫自己老公找妓女 那真的很好笑 | Getting her own husband a hooker. That's pretty funny. |
那很好笑,或許我生日的時候 她會去殺人 | That is funny. Maybe for my birthday she'll murder someone. |
我敢說羅斯也知情 他“剛好”很忙 | I'll bet Ross was in on it too. I mean,he was "conveniently" busy. |
-你不介意我抽煙吧? -事實上我想… | -Do you mind if I smoke in here? -Actually,I'd rather.. |
抽吧,反正 我們會燒掉那個房間 | Yeah,go ahead. We're gonna have to burn that room down anyway. |
-你為什麼一直沒有告訴我? -我打算告訴你,但是… | -How could you have kept all this from me? -I was going to tell you,but.. |
你以為你可以得到你要的 然後像甩了瑞秋一樣甩掉她 | You figure you'd get what you wanted,then you'd dump her like you did Rachel. |
我沒有甩掉瑞秋 我們也沒有在一起 | Hey,I did not dump Rachel. Nor are we still together. |
我可以… | Can I..? |
讓答錄機接吧 | Why don't we just let the machine get that. |
羅斯,我是喬伊 這裡有個妓女… | Hey,Ross,it's Joey. There's a hooker over here.. |
我們想或許你知情 | and we thought maybe you'd know something about it. |
不 | No! No! No! |
不 | No! |
我需要躺一下 | I need to lie down. |
大夥們,我能跟你們談一下嗎? | Hey,guys,can I talk to you for a minute? |
聽著,我要你們推銷鴨肉特餐… | Listen,again,I want to urge you to push the duck special.. |
因為如果客人不吃鴨肉 你們得吃,它不是很好吃 | because if they don't eat the duck,you're going to,and it's not very good. |
今晚是單身漢派對之夜? | Tonight's the night of the big bachelor party? |
-謝謝你給我那個女孩的電話號碼 -別客氣,誰要辦派對? | -Thanks for giving me that girl's number. -No problem. Say,who's the party for? |
-我老公 -你幫你老公雇了一個妓女? | -For my husband. -You hired your husband a hooker? |
-她是脫衣舞娘 -不,她是妓女 | -She's a stripper. -No,she's a hooker. |
-他們有時這樣稱呼脫衣舞娘? -因為她們是妓女 | -Is that what they call strippers sometimes? -When they're hookers. |
天啊 史都,我不敢相信你會這麼做 | Oh,my God. Stu,I can't believe you did this. |
你確定她是妓女? | Now,you're sure she's a hooker? |
如果不是的話 她是我約過最棒跟最貴的女孩 | It's either that,or she's just the best,most expensive date I ever had. |
或許她是故意幫你雇了個妓女 | Maybe she meant to get you a hooker. |
她為什麼要那麼做? | Why would she do that? |
或許她要你好好學一學 | Maybe she wants you to learn something. |
你在床上表現的不好嗎? | Is there anything you're really bad at,you know,sexually? |
這是最糟糕的單身漢派對 | This is the worst bachelor party ever. |
-你們怎麼那麼久? -再一分鐘就好 | -What's taking you boys so long? -In a minute! |
“一分鐘”? 一分鐘內會發生什麼事? | "In a minute"? What's gonna happen in a minute? |
好吧 或許你該去請她離開 | All right. Maybe you should ask her to leave. |
-為什麼是我? -這是你的單身漢派對 | -Why me? -Hey,it's your bachelor party. |
-所以應該是你去說 -我不要,你去 | -Which is why you should do it. -I don't want to. You do it. |
好吧,剪刀石頭布 決定誰去請那個妓女離開 | All right. Rock,paper,scissors for who has to tell the whore to leave. |
-什麼? -我想念這個 | -What? -I miss this. |
我想我們以前 沒有這麼做過 | I don't think we've actually done this before. |
不,我想念跟你鬼混的日子 | No,I miss hanging out with you. |
-我們還是混在一起 -跟以前不一樣了 | -We still hang out. -Not like we used to. |
還記得嗎?你跟我 我們以前老是粘在一起 | Remember? You and me,we used to be inseparable. |
現在一切都變得不一樣了 | You know,now it's like things are different. |
一切的確不一樣了 我結婚了 | Well,you know,things are different. I'm married now. |
別誤會我 我為你們感到高興 | And,hey,don't get me wrong,I am so happy for you guys. |
我只是想念我們一起 鬼混的日子,你知道嗎? | I just miss hanging out. Just us,you know? |
我也是 | Yeah,I miss that too. |
聽我說,從現在開始 我們找時間一起出去 | I'll tell you what. From now on,we'll make time to hang out. |
你說的對,過來 | You got it. Come here. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
聽著 我差一點就要洗劫你們了 | Listen,I am this close to robbing you guys. |
她是妓女 她是… | She's a hooker! She's a hooker! She's a.. |
嗨,我們通過電話 | Hi. We spoke on the phone. |
你爸到過我家 | So your dad dropped by. |
他是個好人 | He's a pleasant man. |
-不 -我得走了 | -Oh,no. -I better go. |
我只是要到這裡來 我不想錯過吵架場面 | Just over here. I don't wanna miss the fight. |
羅斯,我很抱歉 | Ross,I am so sorry. |
我發誓明天我會親自 跟他把事情講清楚 | I promise,I will straighten this out with him tomorrow,in person. |
或是透過電子郵件 | Or via e-mail. |
我不在乎你爸,我在乎蒙娜 當時她在場,她氣瘋了 | I don't care about your dad. I care about Mona. She was there and she's freaked out! |
好吧,我也會跟她解釋 告訴我她的電子郵件信箱 | Okay,I'll fix that too. What's her e-mail address? |
我發誓我會解決的 我發誓我會跟她說 | All right,I promise,I'll fix this. I swear. I'll talk to her. |
好吧,謝謝你 | Okay. Thank you. |
就那樣? 你們說那是吵架? | That's it? You call that a fight? |
“我們當時分手了”,“不,我們沒有” 你們兩個是怎麼了? | "We were on a break!" "No,we weren't!" What happened to you two? |
謝謝你答應回來 | Thank you so much for coming back over. |
很好,你在這裡 | Oh,good. You're here. |
我很擔心 這會是個不愉快的經驗 | And I was worried that it was going to be uncomfortable. |
不,蒙娜,聽我說 | No,Mona,just hear me out. |
首先我很抱歉 我爸對你大叫 | First of all,I am so sorry about my father yelling at you. |
但我聽說你控制住自己的脾氣 你得告訴我你是怎麼做的 | But I heard that you held your own. You have to tell me how you did that. |
-說重點 -好吧 | -Focus. -Okay. |
羅斯跟我以前交往過 | Yes,Ross and I used to date. |
我們的確有寶寶了 | And yes,we are gonna have a baby. |
但我們絕對 不可能複合 | But we are definitely not getting back together. |
-我怎麼能相信你的話? -因為我們把彼此逼瘋了 | -How can I be sure of that? -Because we drove each other crazy. |
他佔有欲很強,愛吃醋 他從來不會忘了那些小事 | He was possessive,he was jealous. He could never just let the little things go. |
試著去跟這個女人交往吧 | Trying to date this woman. |
但那都比不上 他的溫柔體貼… | None of that compared to how kind and gentle.. |
跟善良 | and thoughtful he is. |
或許你不該碰我 | You probably shouldn't touch me. |
我不想介入 這麼複雜的事 | I don't wanna get in the middle of something so complicated. |
我明白,但是蒙娜 哪段感情不複雜呢? | I get it,but,Mona,what relationship is not complicated? |
我們都有自己的包袱 你也一樣 | We all have our baggage. You must too. |
不然你為什麼還是單身呢? | Why else would you still be single? |
我得走了 | I'm so gonna leave right now. |
我應該讓門開著嗎? | Should I leave this open? |
我還不確定 你為什麼不告訴我? | I'm not sure yet. Why didn't you just tell me about all this? |
因為那跟我對你的感覺 沒有關係 | Because what's going on has nothing to do with how I feel about you. |
-你還是應該告訴我 -我知道,我打算那麼做… | -You still should have told me. -I know,and I was going to.. |
但我想最好 還是讓瑞秋的爸爸來告訴你 | but I thought it was better that you heard it from Rachel's father. |
我犯了一個錯… | I made a mistake.. |
但那是因為 我真的很喜歡你,真的 | but it's only because I really,really like you. Really. |
好吧,我想 你可以把門關上了 | Okay. I guess you can close the door now. |
我忘了拿皮包 你們和好了 | Forgot my purse. Oh,you guys made up. |
他是接吻高手,對吧? 我要走了 | He's a good kisser,isn't he? I'm going! |
我發誓我不知道她是妓女 | I swear I didn't know she was a hooker. |
你讓她在這裡抽煙? | Did you let her smoke in here? |
你奶奶的被單上還有她的屁股印子 你真的想談抽煙的事? | Her ass-print is still on your grandmother's quilt. Really want to talk about smoking? |
你知道嗎? 我要補償你 | You know what,I'm gonna make this up to you. |
我答應要幫你請脫衣舞娘… | I promised you a stripper.. |
我一定會做到 | and you're gonna get a stripper. |
-莫妮卡,等一下 -什麼? | -Monica,wait. -What? |
繼續 | Carry on. |
這雙網球鞋好緊 | These tennis shoes are so tight. |
-我想把它們脫掉 -麻煩你別說話 | -I think I'll take them off. -Could you not narrate? |
知道了,水手 | Gotcha,sailor. |
只因為你不愛這個傢伙… | Just because you're not in love with the guy.. |
-你跟你爸說實話了 -大約是一小時前 | -You told your dad the truth. -About an hour ago. |
-你想去看電影嗎? -好 | -Wanna go see a movie? -Yes. |
再見,爸爸 | Bye,Dad. |
我無法接受 愛跟這件事有什麼關係? | It's unacceptable! What the hell does love have to do with it? |
還有比愛 更重要的事 | There are more important things than love. |
你得考慮寶寶 | You have to think about the baby. |
你得想想 你做的決定會有什麼後果 | You have to think about the consequences of your decisions! |
我的確會想 我做的決定會有什麼後果 | Hey,I do think about the consequences of my decisions! |
你有什麼權利… | Well,what gives you the right to..? |
去死吧 | Go to hell! |
電話裡的笨男人 | Stupid guy on my phone. |
(當你懷孕時,你該期待什麼) | |
你知道懷孕的時候… | Did you know that during pregnancy.. |
你的手指會腫成兩倍大 而且再也不會消了嗎? | your fingers swell up to twice their size and never go back? |
天啊,讓我看看 | Oh,my God! Let me see that. |
你每次都會上當 | You fall for it every time. |
我把我的舊孕婦裝 拿來給你 | Hey! I brought you my old maternity clothes. |
菲比,那真的是太棒了 好可愛喔! | Oh,Pheebs,that's so sweet. Oh,those are so cute! |
你看,寶寶越長越大 它們也會跟著撐開來 | Look. See how they expand as the baby grows? |
寶寶出生後 可以穿它去偷西瓜 | And after the baby's born they're great for shoplifting melons. |
太好了,你們都在 感恩節,明天四點 | Good,you're all here. Thanksgiving,4:00. |
你猜我邀請了誰? 還記得高中同學威爾卡佛特嗎? | Guess who I invited? Remember Will Culvert from high school? |
-不 -他跟羅斯同班 | -No. -He was in Ross' class. |
他是儀仗隊的,有點胖 他是個大胖子 | Marching band,was kind of overweight. Really overweight. |
我屬於他瘦朋友那一群 | I was his thin friend. |
我不記得 你是說你假想的男朋友嗎? | I don't remember. Are you talking about your imaginary boyfriend? |
不,那是賈拉德 | No,that was Jared. |
我好久 沒有想起他了 | Wow. Haven't thought about him in a long time. |
威爾來這裡出差,他沒地方可去 所以我邀請他過來 | Will's here on business,and he didn't have a place to go,so I invited him here. |
-那很好啊 -他減肥成功 | -That's nice. -Oh,he's lost a bunch of weight. |
他看起來很不錯 好吧,他真的是帥呆了 | He looks good. Okay,I mean really gorgeous. |
-我還愛著錢德 -偶爾說一下不會要你命的 | -I still love Chandler. -Wouldn't hurt you to say it once in a while. |
先說好了 今年我不煮火雞… | Just so you know,I'm not gonna make a turkey this year.. |
-什麼? -菲比不吃火雞 | -What? -Phoebe doesn't eat turkey. |
-菲比 -火雞是漂亮聰明的動物 | -Phoebe! -Turkeys are beautiful,intelligent animals. |
不是的 它們既醜又笨,也很好吃 | No,they're not! They're ugly and stupid and delicious! |
而且吃火雞是傳統 | Plus,eating them is like a tradition. |
這得回溯至第一次過感恩節時 印第安人跟牛仔坐在一起 | It goes back to the first Thanksgiving when the lndians sat down with the cowboys. |
對,那個時候 他們在普利茅斯岩辦牛仔表演 | Oh,right. That's when they had that big rodeo at Plymouth Rock. |
不只是菲比,威爾還在節食 錢德不吃感恩節食物… | It's not just Phoebe. Will's still on a diet,Chandler doesn't eat Thanksgiving food.. |
-瑞秋對家禽類反胃 -是嗎? | -Rachel's having her aversion to poultry. -She is? |
對,記得嗎? 那天你吃雞肉時我得走開 | Yeah. Remember? I had to leave the other day when you had that chicken. |
我以為那是因為 我手裡… | I thought that was because I put the whole thing.. |
拿著雞要它在桌上走的關係 | on my hand and made it walk across the table. |
為了三個人做一隻火雞太不划算了 那真的很費功夫 | It's not worth it to make a whole turkey for just three people. It's a lot of work. |
但感恩節一定要吃火雞啊 | But you gotta have turkey on Thanksgiving! |
感恩節不吃火雞 就像國慶日不吃蘋果派 | Thanksgiving with no turkey is like Fourth of July with no apple pie. |
或是星期五不吃兩個披薩 | Or Friday with no two pizzas. |
好吧,如果它真的對你很重要 但到時候一定會剩下很多 | Fine,if it means that much to you. But there's gonna be a ton left over. |
不,我發誓我會把那只火雞吃完 | No. I promise I will finish that turkey. |
你是說你可以一次 吃掉一整只火雞? | You're telling me you can eat almost an entire turkey in one sitting? |
沒錯,因為我是崔比亞尼家的人 這是我們的專長 | That's right. Because I'm a Tribbiani! This is what we do. |
我們不是偉大的思想家 或世界領袖… | We may not be great thinkers or world leaders.. |
我們書念的不多,跑不快 但該死,我們是大胃王 | we don't read a lot or run fast,but damn it,we can eat! |
本集播出:謠言 | The.One.With.The.Rumour |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
第四次長傳,第三次18碼 | Four wide receivers. On third and 18. |
明年桌邊會坐一個寶寶 感覺真的很奇怪吧? | Isn't it weird how next year there will be a baby at the table? |
我是指瑞秋的孩子 但我很高興你還有在聽我說話 | Rachel's. But good to know where you're at. |
-嘿 -嘿 | -Hey! -Hey! |
-感恩節快樂 -你也是 | -Happy Thanksgiving. -You too! |
-需要我幫忙嗎? -好啊 | -Can I help? -Yes. |
通常錢德會幫忙 但他看球賽看得正入迷 | Chandler usually helps,but he's into the game. |
麻煩你幫忙折餐巾 我要去對面看看土豆泥好了沒 | Could you fold these napkins? I'm gonna go across the hall to check on the yams. |
不,親愛的,不是那樣的 | No,sweetie. No,not like that. |
我們不是在辦農場舞會 | We're not at a barn dance. |
把它們折成天鵝的形狀 我在耶誕節時教過你,記得嗎? | Fold them like swans. I showed you at Christmas. Remember? |
記得,一切歷歷在目 | Yeah,it all just came screaming back to me. |
-球賽還好看嗎? -我不知道 | -So how's the game? -I have no idea. |
-什麼? -我假裝看球賽… | -What? -I'm pretending to watch.. |
那樣子就不必幫忙 | so I don't have to help out. |
我不敢相信 這招太高明了 | I don't believe you! That is brilliant! |
-莫妮卡不知道? -對 | -And Monica has no idea? -No. |
偶爾 我會對著電視大叫 | Once in a while,I just yell stuff at the TV. |
嘿,什麼?啊 | Hey! What? Aw! Hey! |
-你的球隊贏了嗎? -安德森剛剛又得分了 | -Your team winning? -Anderson just scored again. |
根本就沒有安德森這號人物 | There is no Anderson. |
我也想如法炮製,莫妮卡 | I wanna get in on this. Hey,Mon? |
我真的沒辦法幫你 我不知道球賽打到哪裡了 | I can't help you after all. I didn't realize this game was on. |
-你喜歡美式足球? -通常我是不喜歡 | -You like football? -Normally,I don't. |
但今天是綠灣隊在比賽 | But,you know,Green Bay is playing. |
-你喜歡綠灣隊? -那是我最喜歡的灣 | -You like Green Bay? -It's only my favorite bay. |
布拉德·皮特 | Brad Pitt |
-感恩節快樂 -威爾,我很高興你能來 | -Happy Thanksgiving. -Will,I'm so glad that you came. |
你看起來帥呆了,你一定減掉了… | You look great. You must've lost.. |
150磅 我會是賽百味三明治廣告的下一號人選 | 150 pounds. I'll be on one of those Subway commercials. |
-是派 -零脂肪,無糖,也沒有奶 | -A pie! -It's no fat,no sugar,no dairy. |
-它不好吃,丟了它 -我來介紹你們認識 | -It's no good. Throw it out. -Meet some people. |
他是我丈夫錢德 他是威爾 | This is my husband,Chandler. This is Will. |
我很想跟你握手 但我忙著看球賽 | Oh,hey. I'd shake your hand but I'm really into the game. |
而且我們兩個只要不站在一起 就不會傷了我的自尊 | Plus,it'd be better for my ego if we didn't stand next to each other. |
-她是菲比 -嗨 | -This is Phoebe. -Hi. |
嘿,哇 | Hey. Wow! |
做的好 | Well done. |
-你要幫我嗎? -我真的覺得你很漂亮 | -Wanna give me a hand? -I can't get over how great you look. |
-你也很帥,你的身材真棒 -我在看球賽,但我沒聾 | -You look incredible too. You're so fit. -I'm watching the game,but I'm not deaf. |
-我一直想告訴你,羅斯也會來 -太棒了,我喜歡羅斯 | -I meant to tell you,Ross is coming. -Great,I love Ross. |
很好,瑞秋格林也會來 | Good. And Rachel Greene too. |
-有問題嗎? -沒有,沒關係的 | -Is there a problem? -No. It's okay. |
那只是…天啊,我恨她 | It's just.. God,I hated her. |
-什麼? -我恨她 | -What? -I hated her. |
高中時她對我很凶 | She was horrible to me in high school. |
但那是很久以前的事了,現在我很好 或許再見到她會很有趣 | But hey,that was a long time ago. I'm in a good place. Might be fun to see her again. |
你有蛋糕或餅乾嗎? | Got any cakes or cookies or something? |
不,威爾 | No,Will! No! |
我們很久沒大叫了 或許我們該大叫一下 | It's been a while since we screamed. Maybe we should. |
-好吧,不! -加油 | -Oh,okay. No! -Come on! |
該死的裁判,下地獄去吧! | Damn you,ref! You burn in hell! |
你在做什麼? 你還得吃掉一整只火雞 | What are you doing? You've got an entire turkey to eat. |
讓我跟你解釋一下 人體的運作方式 | Let me explain to you how the human body works. |
我得先讓我的胃暖暖身 | I have to warm up my stomach first. |
-吃薯片像是在做拉筋運動 -好吧 | -Eating chips is like stretching. -Okay. |
-別擔心,崔比亞尼永遠吃不飽 -我要告訴你一件事 | -Don't worry,Tribbianis never get full. -I'm here to tell you something. |
你可以吃個不停 但你無法填滿內心的空虛 | You can eat and eat,but nothing will ever fill that void. |
-這傢伙到底是誰? -他是我們的高中同學威爾,他是喬伊 | -Who the hell is this guy? -This is Will,from high school. This is Joey. |
-要來點薯片嗎? -不 | -Want some chips? -No. |
-威爾 -羅斯 | -Will! -Ross! |
你來了 天啊,你看起來棒極了,大帥哥 | Hey,you came! Man,you look incredible! Hot stuff! |
-大帥哥? -很高興能見到你 | -Hot stuff? -It's good to see you,man. |
我也是,你是做哪一行的? | Yeah. You too. So,what are you up to? |
-我是期貨經紀人 -聽起來很有趣 | -I'm a commodities broker. -That sounds interesting. |
-才怪 -喔 | -Yeah,it's not. -Oh. |
-但我現在既有錢又苗條 -喔 | -But I'm rich and thin. -Oh. |
自從蘭西大衛斯的畢業派對之後 我就沒有見過你 | I haven't seen you since Lance Davis' graduation party. |
那一晚真的很瘋狂 | That was such a fun night. |
如果我們都有被邀請就好了 但那還是很瘋狂 | Would've been good if we had gotten in,but still fun. |
那時我們太傻了 你還記得我們居然那麼喜歡恐龍嗎? | We were lame. Do you remember how into dinosaurs we were? |
-對 -你是做哪一行的? | -Yeah. -So,what do you do now? |
你要在城裡待多久? | So how long are you in town? |
-嗨 -嘿,親愛的,太好了 | -Hi. -Hey,sweetie. Oh,good. |
瑞秋格林 | Rachel Greene. |
啊,對了 你沒事吧? | Oh,that's right. Are you gonna be okay? |
我沒事,只是… 天啊,羅斯,我恨她 | Oh,I'll be fine. It's just.. God,I hate her,Ross! I hate her! |
高中是很久以前的事了 | High school was a long time ago. |
看看她拿著土豆泥 站在那裡的樣子 | Look at her standing there with those yams. |
我的兩個死對頭 瑞秋格林跟碳水化合物 | My two greatest enemies: Rachel Greene and complex carbohydrates. |
天啊,那是誰? | Oh,my God. Who is that? |
-他是我們的高中同學威爾 -我不記得他了 | -That's Will,from high school. -Oh! I do not remember him. |
他真的 越來越性感了 | Wow,really got that sexy smoldering thing going on. |
天啊 看他盯著我瞧的樣子 | Oh,my God. Look at the way he's just staring at me. |
他用唇語跟我說話 | He's trying to mouth something to me. |
我恨你 | I hate you! |
-好了,晚餐準備好了 -好吧 | -Okay,dinner's ready! -Okay! |
-真的很精彩 -誰贏了? | -Solid effort. Solid effort. -Oh,so who won? |
-綠灣隊 -底特律隊 | -Green Bay. -Detroit. |
-什麼? -技術上來說獅隊贏了 | -What? -The Lions technically won. |
但在士氣方面 是綠灣美人魚隊贏了 | But it was a moral victory for the Green Bay Mermen. |
嗨,你是威爾吧? 嗨,我是瑞秋格林 | Hi! Will,right? Right,hi. I'm Rachel Greene. |
-我記得你 -真的嗎?你真好 | -Oh,I remember you. -Really? Aren't you sweet? |
我得告訴你 我真的很難記得你的樣子 | I gotta tell you,I'm having the hardest time placing you. |
等一下,我想我記得你 | Hang on! I think I remember you. |
我們在蘭西大衛斯的畢業派對上 廝混過? | Did we fool around at Lance Davis' graduation party? |
-你真是不可思議 -謝謝你 | -You are unbelievable. -Thank you. |
瑞秋,你坐這邊 威爾,你坐到那邊去 | Rachel? Why don't you sit here? And Will,you sit way over there. |
就那樣?即使沒有人幫我 我也可以吃掉它,沒問題 | That's it? Even if nobody helps me,I can eat that. No problem. |
-至少給我一點挑戰 -這是錢德的雞肉 | -At least give me a challenge. -This is Chandler's chicken. |
這才是火雞 | This is the turkey. |
那有多大呢? | Oh. How big is that? |
-大約19磅 -它跟我剛出生時差不多大 | -About 19 pounds. -It's like me when I was born. |
-誰想吃土豆泥?威爾? -你喜歡那樣做,對吧? | -Who would like some yams? Will? -You'd like that,wouldn't you? |
什麼? 拜託把雞肉… | What? Oh,can we please keep the chicken.. |
跟火雞放到另一邊去 | and the turkey on the other side? |
-那個味道真的… -太典型了 | -The smell is just.. -Typical. |
-什麼? -我說那太典型了 | -What? -I said it was typical. |
你的典型作風,瑞秋女王 在瑞秋王國想做什麼就做什麼 | Typical of you. Queen Rachel does whatever she wants in Rachel-land. |
說真的,這傢伙是誰? | Seriously,who is this guy? |
抱歉,你對我有問題嗎? | Sorry,do you have a problem with me? |
-我不知道,我有嗎? -我想你有 | -I don't know. Do I? Do I? -I think you do. |
你在高中時對他有點凶 | You were a little mean to him in high school. |
-有點凶?你讓我活在痛苦深淵 -我不知道,抱歉 | -A little mean? You made my life miserable. -I had no idea. I'm sorry. |
你應該抱歉的 去他的,把土豆泥拿過來給我 | Well,you should be. Screw it. Bring on the yams. |
但你很努力在減肥 | But you worked so hard. |
-土豆泥 -好的 | -Yams! -Okay. |
不論在高中時我對你做了什麼 我都非常抱歉 | I'm real sorry for whatever I did to you in high school. |
不只是我,我們組了一個俱樂部 | It wasn't just me. We had a club. |
-你們組了一個俱樂部? -“我恨瑞秋格林俱樂部” | -You had a club? -The "I Hate Rachel Greene Club"! |
你們全都聚在一起恨我? | So you all just joined together to hate me? |
-還有誰加入那個俱樂部? -我跟羅斯 | -Who else was in this club? -Me and Ross. |
你不必指我 她知道羅斯是誰 | No need to point. She knows who Ross is. |
-你參加“我恨瑞秋俱樂部”? -沒錯 | -You were in an "I Hate Rachel" club? -Yes,he was. |
不 | No,no. |
-還有誰參加了你們的俱樂部? -那個來自泰國的交換學生 | -So who else was in this club? -That exchange student from Thailand. |
但我想他不知道那是怎麼一回事 | But I don't think he knew what it was. |
你們太酷了 | You guys were cool. |
羅斯,我們交往了兩年… | So,Ross,we went out for two years.. |
你沒有告訴我 你參加過“我恨瑞秋俱樂部”? | and you never told me you were in an "I Hate Rachel Club"? |
你跟她交往過?我們說好的 | You went out with her? We had a pact. |
-那不是永久的約定 -我們的確說了“永遠” | -It's not like it was binding forever. -It had the word "eternity" in it. |
我考慮要加入“我恨火雞俱樂部” | I'm thinking of joining an "I Hate Turkey Club." |
雖然我喜歡吃火雞三明治 | Although,I do love a turkey club. |
莫妮卡,你知道這件事嗎? | Monica? Did you know about this? |
我不知道 所以你們才會常把房門鎖上嗎? | I didn't. Is that why you used to lock the bedroom door? |
-對 -我得說我松了一口氣 | -Yeah. -A little relieved,I gotta say. |
聽著,瑞秋,我很抱歉,好嗎? 那時我是個愚蠢的孩子 | Look,Rach,I'm sorry,okay? I was a stupid kid,okay? |
-我會加入俱樂部是因為… -是一起成立 | -The only reason I joined.. -Cofounded. |
一起成立 | Cofounded. |
我會一起成立那個俱樂部 因為我那時瘋狂地愛著你 | Cofounded the club,was that I was in love with you. |
我處理的不好 如果你把“我恨瑞秋俱樂部”… | I didn't handle it very well. If you think about it,the "I Hate Rachel Club".. |
想成“我愛瑞秋俱樂部” | was really the "I Love Rachel Club." |
但它真的是“我恨瑞秋俱樂部” | Except that it was really the "I Hate Rachel Club." |
你們一起說我的壞話? | So you'd get together and say mean things about me? |
-不只是那樣 -不 | -We did a little more than that. -No,no,no. |
你們還做了什麼? | What else did you do? |
-我們散佈一個謠言 -什麼謠言? | -We started a rumor. -What rumor? |
快點,威爾 掙脫束縛告訴我們 | Come on,Will,just take off your shirt and tell us. |
-羅斯 -那真的沒什麼 | -Ross? -It was no big deal. |
我們說…那個謠言是… | We said that.. The rumor was that.. |
你同時有 男性跟女性的生殖器官 | you had both male and female reproductive parts. |
-什麼? -沒錯,我們說你爸媽… | -What? -That's right. We said your parents.. |
丟銅板決定把你當成女孩養大 但你還是有小雞雞 | flipped a coin,decided to raise you as a girl,but you still had a hint of a penis. |
-天啊 -那是你們編的? | -Oh,my God! -You started that? |
-你也聽過? -我們學校裡每個人都聽過 | -You heard that? -Everyone at our school heard it! |
我的學校裡每個人都聽過 你就是那個雙性啦啦隊員? | Everyone at my school heard it. You were the hermaphrodite cheerleader? |
不 | Oh,no! |
現在我終於懂了 所以亞當卡特不想跟我約會 | It makes sense now. This is why Adam Carter wouldn't go out with me. |
為什麼比利 只想停留在這一區 | Why Billy would just stay in this region. |
比利成了男同志 所以那不是我們的錯 | Billy's gay now,so that one's not really our fault. |
-你為什麼不告訴我? -我想或許那是真的 | -Why didn't you tell me? -I thought it might be true. |
我擔心你會大哭 把它掏出來給我看 | I was afraid that you were gonna cry and then show it to me. |
別看了,那裡面沒有東西 那不是真的 | Stop staring! There's nothing there! It's not true! |
恐怕我需要證據 | I'm afraid I'm gonna need proof. |
快掏出來吧 | Come on,whip it out. |
你是我的珠穆朗瑪峰 | You are my Everest. |
-你不必吃完它 -我要,不然接下來是什麼? | -You don't have to finish. -I do. Otherwise,what's next? |
今天我吃不完一隻火雞 明天我只能吃一半的三明治… | Today I can't finish a turkey,but tomorrow I eat half a PowerBar.. |
把剩下的東西包起來 放在冰箱?不 | wrap it up and put it in the fridge? No! |
我得去換條褲子,我在想什麼? 牛仔褲根本沒有伸縮性 | I gotta change my pants. What was I thinking? Jeans have no give. |
大家來幫我洗碗 要洗的鍋子真的很多 | Guys,help me with the dishes. There's a lot of pots and pans. |
親愛的,我很想 但第二場比賽快開始了 | Honey,I'd love to,but the second game is about to start. |
對,第二場比賽 菲比隊要看足球賽 | Oh,yeah,the second game. More football for the Pheebster. |
-哪一隊要比賽? -洛杉磯隊 | -Who's playing? -Los Angeles. |
據我所知 洛杉磯沒有美式足球隊 | Last time I checked,Los Angeles didn't have a football team. |
我說洛杉磯嗎? 我是說以前在洛杉磯… | Did I say Los Angeles? I meant the team that used to be in Los Angeles.. |
現在在聖路易斯隊的球隊 我真的知道這件事 | and is now in St. Louis. I actually knew that. |
快說出 那只球隊的三個球員 | Okay,quick,name three players on that team. |
葛瑞斯基… | Gretzky.. |
阿格西… | Agassi.. |
我是個小美女 | I'm a pretty little girl. |
你們看史恩麥馬洪 在我的紀念冊上寫了什麼 | Listen to what Sean McMahon wrote in my yearbook senior year. |
“親愛的瑞秋,你真是個好人” 我不是女孩,我是“人” | "Dear Rach,you're such a great person." Not girl,"person." |
我想你太敏感了 | I think you're reading a little too much into it. |
“你是個好人 關於你有小雞雞的事我很遺憾” | "You're a great person. Sorry about your teeny weenie." |
你要我怎麼做? 你要我… | What do you want me to do.. |
打電話給全校的人 告訴他們那不是真的? | call everyone in the entire school and tell them it wasn't true? |
-對 -順便告訴他們我變瘦了 | -Yes. -Also,tell them I'm skinny now. |
還有我 | Oh! Me too! |
我不會打電話給任何人 那是很久以前的事了 | I won't call anybody. It was a million years ago. |
我不在乎 你們告訴大家我是雙性人 | I don't care. You told people that I was half and half! |
在高中時 我沒有做過任何傷害你的事 | I never did anything to hurt you in high school. |
那不完全是真的 | That's not totally true. |
-什麼? -什麼? | -What? -What? |
你告訴大家羅斯… | You did start that rumor about Ross.. |
跟50歲大的圖書館員 亞特曼太太親親抱抱 | making out with Mrs. Altmann,our 50-year-old librarian. |
你怎麼知道那個的? | How did you know that? |
-那是真的? -不 | -It's true? -No. |
不,那是真的,我看到你們 躲在書卡目錄的後面 | Yes,it is. I saw you guys going at it behind the card catalog. |
-你在圖書館裡做什麼? -圖書館裡有雜誌 | -Hey,what were you doing in the library? -They had magazines. |
亞特曼太太,她在… | Mrs. Altmann? She also made out.. |
塔塔卡奇奇回泰國前一晚 也跟他耳鬢廝磨了一下 | with Ta-Taka-Ki-Kek the night before he went back to Thailand. |
高中時 你跟50歲的女人耳鬢廝磨? | In high school you made out with a 50-year-old woman? |
-她看起來不像50歲了 -她看起來像16歲嗎? | -Hey,she didn't look 50! -Did she look 16? |
事實上紀念冊裡 有她的照片 | There's a picture of her in the yearbook actually. |
-哇 -她不太上相 | -Wow. -She didn't photograph well! |
或者她不知道 該怎麼… | She probably wasn't familiar with the process.. |
花時間 練習坐下來當油畫模特兒 | having spent most of her life sitting for oil paintings. |
這是怎麼發生的? 她一放學就請你吃晚餐引誘你? | How did this happen? Did she lure you to an early-bird dinner? |
有一天下午我在圖書館裡看書看得很晚 館裡只有我們兩個 | I was working late in the library one afternoon. It was just the two of us. |
她需要人幫忙玩填字遊戲 | She needed some help with her word jumble. |
事情很自然就發生了 | And one thing led to another. |
我得告訴你們 安妮塔非常仁慈溫柔 | If you must know,Anita was very gentle and tender. |
希望她能得到安息 | May she rest in peace. |
-她不是柱著柺杖走路嗎? -只有在天氣潮濕時 | -Didn't she walk with a cane? -Only when it was damp! |
我不相信你告訴大家這件事 大家都知道嗎? | I can't believe you told people about this. Everybody knew? |
-好了,我要重回俱樂部 -耶 | -You know what? I'm back in the club! -Yeah! |
-我要召開大會嗎? -大家都得來嗎? | -Shall I call the meeting to order? -Is everybody present? |
除了塔塔卡之外 | With the exception of Ta-Taka. |
-我要加入 -菲比 | -I wanna join! -Phoebe? |
抱歉,我從來沒有加入過俱樂部 我沒有念過高中 | I'm sorry,but I never got to be in a club. I didn't go to high school. |
但我們三個 可以躲在垃圾箱後面學法文 | But three of us would meet behind a dumpster to learn French. |
好吧 你們可以繼續那個愚蠢的小俱樂部 | Fine,you can have your stupid,little club. |
但你對我做的事 比我對你做的事更糟糕 | But what you did to me is way worse than what I did to you. |
-你說我有小雞雞 -對 | -You gave me a teeny weenie. -Yeah! |
你真的太傻了 瑞秋,即使有那個謠言… | You're just being silly. Rachel,even with that rumor.. |
你還是最受歡迎的女孩 大家都希望能跟你一樣 | you were one of the most popular girls. Everyone wanted to be like you. |
有個女孩太想變得跟你一樣 她把棒棒糖塞進褲檔裡 | One girl wanted to be like you so much,she stuffed her pants with a Tootsie Roll. |
哇 | Wow. |
羅斯,要不是她的謠言 沒有人會知道你是誰 | And Ross,if it weren't for her rumor,no one would've known who you were. |
-是她讓你成名 -以老女人的情人成名 | -She put you on the map. -As a romancer of the elderly. |
可以看得出來亞特曼太太 她以前很漂亮 | Mrs. Altmann,you can tell,she used to be pretty. |
她的眼睛還是會發光 | The eyes did still sparkle. |
這是很久以前的事了 你們也經歷過很多事 | This stuff is so way in the past. You've been through so much since then. |
你們的未來 還有許多更重要的事 | You got so much more important stuff going on in your life. |
你們不能忘了這件事嗎? | Can't you just let this go? |
-她說的對 -我們的孩子快出生了 | -She's right. -We are having a baby together. |
等一下 | Hold on. |
-你讓她懷孕了? -對 | -You got her pregnant? -Yeah. |
-你們要結婚了? -不 | -Are you getting married? -No. |
你搞大她的肚子 但你不娶她,兄弟 | So you knocked her up but you're not gonna marry her. Dude. |
-有人要嗎? -好吧 | -Anybody? -Okay. |
它跟我想像中完全一樣 | It's exactly how I imagined it would be. |
好吧,火雞在哪裡? | All right,where's that turkey? |
-那是我的孕婦褲 -不,這是我的感恩節褲 | -Those are my maternity pants! -No,these are my Thanksgiving pants! |
好了,我吃完了 | Well,that's it. I'm done. |
流下了肉汗 | Here come the meat sweats. |
喬伊 我們非常以你為榮 | Well,Joey,we're all very proud of you. |
我相信 總統隨時都會打電話來 | I believe we can expect a call from the president any moment now. |
-有什麼我們可以幫忙的嗎? -不必了,但千萬別壓我的胃 | -Anything we can do? -No. Just nobody press on my stomach. |
還有,那條褲子你不用還了 | You can keep those pants,by the way. |
那是什麼? 那是派嗎? | What you got there? What is that,pie? |
-對,你要吃一點嗎? -切一小塊給我就行了 | -Yeah. You want some? -Just cut me a little sliver. |
大一點 | Little bigger. |
再大一點 | Little bigger. |
你害怕沒派吃嗎? 切一大塊給我 | Are you afraid you're gonna run out? Cut me a real piece! |
-嘿 -嘿,你覺得如何? | -Hey. -Hey. So,what do you think? |
新髮型?項鍊?禮服? | New haircut? Necklace? Dress? |
靴子?靴子! | Boots? Boots! |
它們比我平常買的靴子貴一點 也比租的貴 | Now,they're a little more than I usually spend on boots. Or rent. |
你說你買了“靴子” 還是“船”? | Did you say you bought "boots" or "boats"? |
我知道 | I know. |
-我會懷念買得起食物的日子 -對不起,它們真的很漂亮 | -I'll miss being able to afford food. -I'm sorry. They just looked so good. |
專櫃小姐的表情像是在說 | The saleswoman was like: |
-“這些靴子太貴了,你買不起” -她說的對 | -"These are too expensive for you." -She had a point. |
-嘿 -嗨,我的天啊 | -Hey. -Hi. Oh,my God. |
-莫妮卡,這雙靴子好漂亮喔 -它們是我的 | -Oh,Monica,those boots are amazing. -They're mine! |
-很遺憾我們得把它們退回去 -退回去?它們聽得見你說話 | -Too bad we're gonna have to return them. -Return them? They're gonna hear you. |
我不會退回它們,我知道它們很貴 但我會常常穿著它們 | I'm not returning them. I know they cost a lot,but I'll wear them all the time. |
你會看到的 而且我喜歡聽到讚美 | You'll see. Besides,I love the compliments. |
你曾經擁有美到 大家都想擁有的東西嗎? | Have you ever had something so beautiful,everyone wants it? |
-我擁有你 -說的好,這靴子我留定了 | -I have you. -Nice try. I'm keeping the boots. |
本集播出:莫妮卡的靴子 | The.One.With.Monicas.Boots |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
沒錯,我愛你 | That's right. I love you. |
我會一直跟你玩 | And I'm gonna play with you all the time. |
你怎麼能讓他對著你的胯下說話? | How can you let him talk to your crotch like that? |
-他是在跟寶寶說話 -原來如此 | -He's talking to the baby. -Oh! Okay. |
好吧,因為當他說 “我等不及要聽到你說第一句話”… | Okay,because when he said,"l can't wait for your first words".. |
我想“這招不錯” | I thought,"There's a trick." |
我得走了,待會見 | Well,I gotta go,you guys. I'll see you later. |
-好吧,再見 -再見 | -Okay. Bye. -Bye. |
聽著,你能幫我一個忙嗎? 我妹妹知道你在羅夫羅蘭工作… | Hey,listen. Can you do me a favor? My sister knows you work at Ralph Lauren.. |
算了,絕對不行 我不會再把羅夫羅蘭的衣服寄到監獄 | Forget it. No way. I am not sending more Ralph Lauren clothes to prison. |
-那是在暴殄天物 -不,不是她 | -It is a waste. -No,not her. |
我最小的妹妹蒂娜 對流行服裝很有興趣 | My youngest sister,Dina,is interested in fashion. |
她想跟成功人士談談 給她一些建議 | She wants to talk to someone successful to give her some advice. |
-我想我可以跟我的上司談一談 -不,她想跟你談 | -I guess I could talk to my supervisors. -No,she wants to talk to you. |
真的嗎?天啊,我是成功人士 | Really? Oh,my God. I'm successful. |
-你能跟她見個面嗎? -我很樂意,請她來找我吧 | -Okay,so would you meet with her? -Yes,I'd love to. Have her come by. |
天啊,謝謝,你會喜歡她的 她是崔比亞尼家最聰明的孩子 | Great,thanks. You'll love her. She's the smartest of all the Tribbiani children. |
-你知道SAT(大學入學考試)嗎? -知道 | -Yeah,you know the SATs? -Yeah. |
她有考過 | She took them. |
-班念的是史密斯菲德小學吧? -對,怎麼了? | -Doesn't Ben go to Smithfield Day School? -Yeah. Why? |
-史汀有個兒子也在那裡念書 -我知道,他跟班是同班同學 | -Sting has a son that goes there too. -I know. He's in Ben's class. |
你知道卻一直沒有告訴我們? 你只跟我們說那些笨恐龍的事? | You knew and never said anything? With all the stupid dinosaur stuff you tell us? |
好吧,我不會再說恐龍的事 我能談談化石嗎? | Fine,no more dinosaur stuff. Can I talk about fossils? |
“史汀七歲大的兒子” 還有他的照片 | "Sting's son,7 years old." And there's a picture. |
你在看什麼? “曼哈頓私立學校學童綁架指南”? | What are you reading,"The Kidnapper's Guide to Manhattan Private Schools"? |
我在看《紐約雜誌》 報導城裡最棒的學校 | It's New York Magazine. It's an article about the city's best schools. |
-你跟史汀很熟嗎? -事實上我沒有見過他 | -So how well do you know Sting? -I actually haven't even met him. |
那真的很糟糕,我真的很想 去聽他星期五的演唱會,但票賣完了 | Yeah. That's too bad. I really wanna go to his concert Friday,but it's sold out. |
我知道了 你為什麼不去跟他要票? | I know! Why don't you meet him and get tickets. |
如果你可以要到兩張,我就帶你去 | If you get two,I'll take you. |
明天我會去接班 或許他會在那裡 | I'm picking Ben up tomorrow. Maybe he'll be there. |
好吧,你真是幸運 明天你可能就會看到史汀了 | There you go. You're so lucky. You might get to meet Sting tomorrow. |
所以人一定要生小孩 | That's why you have kids. |
-嗨,大夥們 -嘿 | -Hey,guys. -Hey. |
嗨,莫妮卡,嗨,靴子 | Hi,Monica. Hi,boots. |
看吧?錢德,我常常穿它們 它們真的很實用 | See,Chandler? I'm getting a lot of use out of them already. They're very practical. |
它們可以搭配 禮服,裙子,長褲… | You can wear them with dresses,skirts,pants.. |
你可以穿著它們搭配短褲站在街角 賺點錢來付它們的帳單 | You wear them with shorts on the corner and earn the money to pay for them. |
-哇,它們好漂亮 -它們真的很磨腳 | -Wow,they're beautiful. -They hurt so much. |
-什麼? -做這雙靴子的人… | -What? -The guy who made these.. |
一定很討厭腳 想要看到它們死掉 | hates feet and wants to see them die. |
把它們送給我 我的腳好幾年沒有感覺了 | Give them to me. I haven't felt my feet in years. |
不行,我告訴錢德我會一直穿著它們 我不能把它們送人 | I can't. I told Chandler I'd wear them all the time. I can't just give them away. |
-你可以拿去退貨換錢 -我也不能那麼做 | -Then get your money back and return them. -I can't do that either. |
腳跟的地方有磨損 內襯沾滿了我的血 | The soles are scuffed up,and the insides are filled with my blood. |
-嘿 -我剛剛去學校接班 | -Hey. -Hey,I just picked up Ben from school. |
你的任務還沒完成吧 | I don't think you did a very thorough job. |
我把他送回卡蘿家了 | I dropped him off at Carol's. |
總之,我沒有要到門票 | Anyway,it turns out I'm not gonna get those tickets,though. |
不,為什麼? | Oh,no. Why not? |
結果班跟史汀的兒子 處得不好 | It turns out Ben and Sting's son do not get along. |
-怎麼會呢? -很明顯地史汀的兒子取笑… | -How come? -Apparently,Sting's son made fun.. |
班的媽媽們是女同志 | of the fact that Ben's moms are "lesbenims." |
等一下,如果他們處不好 幫他們勸和,讓他們做好朋友 | Wait. If they don't get along,smooth things over. Make them be friends. |
-你不能逼孩子們做朋友 -當然可以 | -You can't force kids to be friends. -Sure you can. |
給他們一些積木 讓他們在遊戲床裡玩 | Give them some blocks. Put them in a playpen. |
-遊戲床?班七歲了 -你的小孩七歲了? | -Playpen? Ben's 7. -Your kid is 7? |
他真的很矮喔! | He's really small. |
-拜託你去要門票 -抱歉,我辦不到 | -Please get the tickets. -I'm sorry. I just can't do it. |
-不,你可以,史汀他自己說的 -什麼? | -Yes,you can. Sting says so himself. -What? |
(羅斯可以) | Rosssss Can |
聽著,我很抱歉… | Look,I'm sorry.. |
(羅斯可以) | Rosssss can |
-菲比 -(羅斯可以幫我拿到門票) | Phoebe? Ross can give me the tickets |
(羅斯可以幫我拿到門票) | Ross can give me the tickets |
她來了,未來的流行界超級巨星 | Here she is: future fashion superstar. |
-喬伊,我真的… -我的妹妹蒂娜 | -Oh,Joey,I'm hardly.. -My little sister Dina. |
-蒂娜,很高興見到你 -嗨 | -Hi,Dina. Nice to meet you. -Hi. |
謝謝你答應見我 喬伊告訴我很多關於你的事 | Thanks so much for meeting with me. Joey's told me so much about you. |
她好興奮喔! | This is so exciting for her. |
-羅夫羅蘭在電梯裡對她笑 -你確定嗎? | -Ralph Lauren smiled at her in the elevator. -You sure it was at you? |
因為他有時候看到電梯按鈕亮了 會開心微笑 | Because he likes it sometimes when the buttons light up. |
我讓你們兩個“流行大師” 坐下來好好談正事 | Well,I'll let you two "fashists" get down to business. |
你乖一點,好好聽話 如果她帶你去試衣間,我需要襯衫… | You,be good,learn a lot. And if she takes you to the freebie room,I need shirts.. |
但我不要有個傢伙騎著狗 拿著骨頭的那一種 | but none with that creepy logo with the guy riding the dog,holding the bone. |
好吧,蒂娜 | Okay. All right,Dina. |
我們來談談 你可以考慮的… | Well,let's talk about the different areas of fashion.. |
服裝界的不同領域 | that you could get involved in. |
讓我看看,有設計部門 但那得需要相關文憑 | Let's see,there's design. But you may need a whole other degree for that. |
-銷售部門不錯,你可以旅行 -我不在乎流行服裝 | -Sales is great. You get to travel. -I don't care about fashion. |
我懷孕了,我知道你也是 你得幫幫我 | I'm pregnant. And I know you are too,so you gotta help me. |
還有行銷部門 | Then there's marketing. |
-怎麼了? -沒事,我只是在打哈欠 | -What's wrong? -Nothing. I just was yawning. |
-別忘了今晚我公司要辦派對 -是今晚嗎? | -Don't forget,my office party's tonight. -That's tonight? |
我忘了“神秘聖誕”禮物的事 | I forgot all about the "secret Santa" gift. |
我們喜歡這個嗎? | Do we like this? |
我們今晚不一定要去 對吧? | We don't really have to go to this thing,do we? |
我知道你不喜歡參加我公司的派對 但你可以穿你的新靴子 | I know that you don't like my office parties,but you can wear your new boots. |
看吧?每件事都有它好的一面 | See? Every cloud has a supple leather lining. |
-今晚我不想穿靴子 -為什麼? | -I don't wanna wear the boots tonight. -Why not? |
我擔心你老闆看到它們 會覺得他們給你的薪水太高了 | I'm worried your bosses will see them and think they pay you too much money. |
或是你的助理看到它們 會要求加薪 | Or your assistant will see them and want a raise. |
你以為我是在 幫靴子訂價的公司上班嗎? | Do you think I work some kind of boot-pricing company? |
我已經挑好了我要穿的衣服 靴子跟它不配 | I picked out this outfit I wanna wear,and the boots don't go with it. |
你說過這雙靴子 可以搭配裙子、禮服跟長褲 | You said those boots go with skirts,dresses and pants. |
你打算穿什麼? 母雞裝嗎? | What are you planning on wearing,a chicken suit? |
好吧,如果你要的話 我會穿靴子 | Fine. If you want me to,I'll wear the boots. |
事實上我要到臥室去 試穿我的衣服 | In fact,I'll go into my room right now and try the outfit on. |
穿著我的靴子參加耶誕節派對 | Christmas party in my boots! |
我不能進去,我不敢告訴他 | I can't go in there. I can't tell him. |
一定會沒事的 他一直都非常支持我 | It's gonna be okay. He has been incredibly supportive of me. |
如果他大發脾氣 快把肉餅賽百味三明治拿給他 | And if he gets a little upset,that's what the meatball sub is for. |
-謝謝 -好吧 | -Thank you. -Okay. |
我的流行界女王們回來了 | Hey! It's my fashion girls. |
-怎麼了? -你為什麼不坐下呢? | -What's wrong? -Why don't you sit down. |
蒂娜有件事 想告訴你 | Dina has something that she wants to tell you. |
發生了什麼事? 是媽媽嗎?她生病了嗎? | What's going on? Is it Mom? Is she sick? |
是爸爸的心臟嗎? | Is it Dad's heart? |
那是三明治嗎? | Is that a sandwich? |
-媽媽跟爸爸沒事 -那是三明治嗎? | -Mom and Dad are fine. -Is that a sandwich?! |
喬伊,有件事你得知道 蒂娜 | Joey,there's something that you should know. Dina? |
-我懷孕了 -什麼? | -I'm pregnant. -What? |
快給他三明治 | Now. Give him the sandwich! |
很明顯地這是個誤會 你不可能懷孕 | Obviously,this is a mistake. You can't be pregnant. |
因為你得先做愛 才會懷孕 | Because you have to have sex to get pregnant. |
喬伊,我試著學你一樣 等到25歲再嘗禁果 | Joe,I tried to wait until I was 25,like you did. |
什麼?蒂娜… | What? Dina.. |
我不敢相信,你是個好孩子 你念過大學,還念了兩年 | I can't believe this. You're the good one. You went to college! Both years! |
是誰幹的? | Who did this to you? |
巴比科索,但他是個很好的人 我很喜歡他,他很好笑 | Bobby Corso. But he's a real nice guy. I like him a lot. He's real funny. |
你因為“好笑”而懷孕? 蒂娜,如果他很好笑,你只要笑就行了 | You got pregnant for "funny"? Dina,if he's funny,laugh! |
-我馬上回來,你留在這裡 -為什麼?你要去哪裡? | -I'll be back. Stay here! -Why? Where you going? |
我現在沒辦法看你 | I can't look at you right now. |
我知道 | I know. |
你在這裡啊,班 | Oh,there you are,Ben. |
你是班,對吧? | You're Ben,right? |
菲比阿姨,你來這裡做什麼? | Aunt Phoebe,what are you doing here? |
我聽說 你跟一個同學處不好 | I heard you're having a problem with one of the boys. |
我想來幫你們冷靜下來 好好地談一談,解決所有問題 | So I thought I'd come and sit you both down,have a little talk and make it all okay. |
那個孩子叫做史汀的兒子 | Now,the boy's name is Sting's son. |
傑克?我恨他,他是個混蛋 | Jack? I hate him. He's a jerk. |
有時候人們 外表看起來像是混蛋… | Sometimes people may seem like jerks on the outside.. |
但他們有個名人爸爸 | but they have famous fathers. |
我得走了 我朋友道格在等我 | I have to go. My friend Doug is waiting for me over there. |
你朋友道格 長得好像比利喬 | Wow,your friend Doug looks a lot like Billy Joel. |
-他是他的爸爸嗎? -不,他爸爸是牙醫 | -Is that who his father is? -No. His dad's a dentist. |
你跟他做朋友? | Him,you're friends with. |
-對不起,需要我幫忙嗎? -對,我在找傑克的父母 | -Excuse me,can I help you with something? -Yes. I'm looking for Jack's parents. |
-你是家長嗎? -我來找班 | -Are you with one of the students? -I'm with Ben. |
-你是班的媽媽之一? -我是班的媽媽之一 | -Are you one of Ben's mothers? -I am one of Ben's mothers. |
我是女同志 | I'm a lesbian. |
我爸媽 很難接受這種事 | It was difficult coming out to my parents. |
嗨,我是珍妮布恩 我是新來的老師 | Well,hi. I'm Jenny Boon. I'm a new teacher here. |
-我只見過你的另一半卡蘿 -那麼我就是蘇珊 | -I've only met your partner,Carol. -That would make me Susan. |
對,你要找傑克父母 討論他跟班的問題嗎? | Right. Are you looking for Jack's parents to discuss his problems with Ben? |
我想父母們應該坐下來 好好談一談 | I think the parents should sit down together and have a conversation. |
對,我們就那麼辦吧 | Yeah,let's do that! |
聽起來很不錯 | That sounds good. |
我們應該坐下來談一談 我,我的愛人卡蘿跟史汀夫婦 | We should sit down and talk. Me,my lover,Carol,and the Stings. |
-我要怎麼聯絡他們? -聯絡簿上有他們的電話號碼 | -How will I get in touch with them? -Their number's on the contact sheet. |
我能影印一份嗎? 卡蘿把它丟了,她弄丟了我們的聯絡簿 | Could I get a copy of that? Carol threw it out. She lost ours. |
她真的很糊塗 但天啊,她的屁股真的很好看 | She's such a scatterbrain. But,man,what a hot piece of ass. |
-那場派對還不錯 -對,我不知道還有舞會 | -You know,that party wasn't bad. -Yeah. I didn't know there'd be dancing. |
那是個大驚喜 | That was a fun surprise. |
-我看不到計程車,或許我們該走路 -不,我們不能走路 | -I don't see a cab. Maybe we should walk. -No,we can't walk. |
不,有計程車 | No. Hey,there's a cab. |
那是警車 | That's a police car. |
或許我們該犯個法 讓他們來逮捕我們 | Maybe we could commit a crime,have them pick us up. |
-離地鐵站只有15條街遠,來吧 -好吧 | -It's 15 blocks to the subway. Come on. -Okay. |
你想我們可以從那個下水道孔 直接掉到地鐵站裡嗎? | Do you think we can get to the subway if we climb through that manhole? |
-什麼事不對勁嗎? -我走不動了,好嗎? | -What's going on? -I can't walk,okay? |
-買這雙靴子是個天大的錯誤 -什麼? | -These boots were a huge mistake. -What? |
你說的對,我不該買下它們 它們害我的腳好痛,我的腳趾快斷了 | You were right. I never should have bought them. They're killing me,one toe at a time. |
-它們真的很緊嗎? -我只是說你說的對,親愛的 | -So they're really tight,huh? -I just said you were right,sweetie. |
你看不出來我痛到快發瘋了嗎? | Isn't it clear I'm delirious from the pain? |
我說的對 感覺才是最重要的 | So I was right. This is what it feels like to be right. |
我為什麼覺得很不安? | It's oddly unsettling. |
我們要怎麼回家? 我們來玩騎馬打仗吧 | How are we gonna we get home? Maybe a piggyback ride? |
我不認為讓你來背我 能改善現在的情況 | I don't think me getting on your back is gonna improve matters. |
實事求事的態度 一點都不好玩 | Wow,being right sure doesn't help with the funny. |
-來吧 -好吧,等一下 | -Hop on. -Okay,wait. |
我先把靴子脫掉 | Let me just get my boots off first. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
我知道你很痛 但我有點心癢癢的 | I know you're in pain right now,but I'm a little turned-on. |
你會不會擔心走路的時候 寶寶會掉出來? | Do you ever worry that you'll be walking and your baby will just slip out? |
你念哪所大學的?蒂娜 | What college was that,Dina? |
天啊,巴比 | Oh,my God. Bobby? |
蒂娜,很高興能見到你 | Hi,Dina. Good to see you. |
-喬伊,你在做什麼? -我只是在做我該做的事 | -Joey,what are you doing? -Just what needs to be done. |
-親愛的親友們,我們齊聚一堂… -這太瘋狂了 | -Dearly beloved,we're gathered here.. -This is crazy. |
我在跟上帝說話 別打斷我 | Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to God! |
-我們說到哪裡了?你願意嫁這個人… -不 | -Where were we? Do you take this man..? -No! |
-你得嫁他 -不,我不會的 | -You'll take him. -No,I won't! |
-你沒有權利說話 -不,我有 | -You don't get a say. -Yes,I do. |
-我聽到了,已經完成一半,再來是你 -好吧,喬伊,夠了 | -I heard "l do." We're halfway there. You. -All right,Joey,that is enough! |
雖然這個婚禮既漂亮又溫馨 這是不合法的 | As beautiful and moving as this ceremony is,this is not legal. |
他們沒有結婚證書或證婚人 而且新郎只穿一隻鞋 | They don't have a marriage license or witnesses,and the groom only has one shoe. |
對,他把另一隻鞋脫了 用它來打我 | Yeah,he took the other one off and hit me with it. |
我該怎麼辦? | What am I supposed to do? |
你應該瞭解他們是成年人 可以自己做決定 | You're supposed to realize they are adults and that can make their own decisions. |
不,他們不能 他們笨到讓自己懷孕 | No,they can't. They were stupid enough to get knocked up! |
預防措施不一定有效 對吧? | Contraceptives are not always effective. Right? |
-對,我們沒有做預防措施 -孩子們,幫幫我吧 | -Yeah. We kind of didn't use any. -Come on,kids,a little help here! |
這個地方真的很棒 | Wow! This place is incredible! |
史汀的筆… | Sting's pen.. |
他送給了菲比 | that he gave to Phoebe. |
來吧,秘密通道 | Come on,secret passageway. |
-嗨 -嗨 | -Hi. -Hi. |
我是楚蒂,你一定是班的媽媽 | I'm Trudie. You must be Ben's mum. |
-不然我為什麼要到這裡來呢? -請坐 | -Why else would I be here? -Why don't you sit down. |
我知道傑克跟班 最近處得不太好 | I gather Jack and Ben haven't been getting along lately. |
我相信這個故事一定有兩面說法 | I'm sure there are two sides to this story. |
但我聽到的是 班是個“大笨蛋” | But all I've heard is that Ben's a bit of a "poo-poo-head." |
-抱歉,傑克的爸爸不會來嗎? -不會 | -I'm sorry,won't Jack's father be joining us? -No. |
我懂了,我覺得 如果父母都能來… | I see. You see,I think it would be better for the children.. |
對孩子們比較好 但班的生母跟爸爸除外 | if all the parents were here. Except for,you know,Ben's birth mother and father. |
對不起 傑克的爸爸沒空 | Well,I'm sorry. Jack's father's not available. |
好吧,我們可以再約 星期五晚上八點見嗎? | Okay. Well,then,could we reschedule for Friday night,perhaps at 8:00? |
不,我想那是行不通的 我丈夫要辦演唱會 | No,I know that wouldn't work. My husband's in concert. |
演唱會,對 那讓問題變得有點棘手 | Concert. Yeah. That does put us in quite a pickle. |
演唱會前後我都有事 演唱會的時間他又很忙 | I'm busy before and after the concert,and he's obviously busy during. |
我想你跟我 現在該來談談傑克跟班的事 | So I guess you and I should talk about Jack and Ben right now. |
除非… | Unless.. Unless.. |
我願意到演唱會上… | Okay,I would be willing to go to the concert.. |
想一想孩子們的事 | all the while thinking about the children. |
-你是來要票的嗎? -謝謝,四張就夠了 | -Are you here for tickets? -Thank you. Four would be great. |
我不會把演唱會門票 送給這樣利用自己孩子的人 | I'm not giving concert tickets to someone who'd use their son like this. |
那正好,班不是我的兒子 | Then you're in luck. Ben's not my son. |
聽著,我已經按下 靜聲警鈴 | Look,I've just pressed a button triggering a silent alarm. |
-員警隨時會到 -“員警樂隊”要來? | -Any minute now,the police will be here. -The Police? Here? |
他們要複合了?(斯汀七十年代參加的樂隊組合) | A reunion? |
好吧,已經走了十條街,只剩五條 | Okay,10 blocks down. Five to go. |
-等一下,停 -抱歉,你需要休息嗎? | -Oh,wait! Stop,stop! -Oh,I'm sorry. Do you need a break? |
是米色的靴子,你能靠近一點 讓我看看價錢嗎? | My boots in tan! Can you get a little closer so I see the price? |
我在這裡就看到了 它會害得你丟掉一個老公 | I can see it from right here. It'll cost you one husband. |
抱歉,我可以自己走了 把我的靴子還給我 | I'm sorry. I can walk the rest of the way now. Just give me my boots. |
-我沒有拿你的靴子 -我也沒拿,它們在哪裡? | -I don't have your boots. -I don't have them either. Where are they? |
你為什麼不看看馬鞍? 我先去吃點草 | Why don't you check in one of my saddlebags while I chew on a bale of hay? |
好吧,天啊 我們得回去找靴子 | Okay. My God,we gotta go back and get them! |
你會再穿那雙靴子嗎? | Are you ever gonna wear the boots again? |
我會的,好嗎?它們很實用 | Yes,I am. Okay? They're very practical. |
-我可以搭配長褲或裙子… -親愛的,親愛的 | -I could wear them with pants or skirts.. -Honey. Honey. |
好吧,我再也不會穿它們 我只是沒機會跟它們說再見 | Okay,I'll never wear them again. I just didn't get a chance to say goodbye. |
你知道嗎? 你可以跟米色的靴子說再見 | You know what? You can say goodbye to the tan ones. |
-好吧 -好吧 | -Okay. All right. -Okay. |
再見,靴子,等一下,打五折 | Bye,boots. Wait! Half off! |
他們沒結婚 不代表那是世界末日 | Just because they're not getting married doesn't mean it's a disaster. |
-或許他們有計劃 -好吧,我們聽聽他們的計畫 | -Maybe they have a plan. -Oh,okay,let's hear their plan. |
蒂娜跟巴比 會有什麼樣的未來? | Now,what's the future look like for Dina and Bobby? |
這個嘛… | Well.. |
我對我的樂團寄望很高 | I really have high hopes for my band. |
-你說的對,他是很好笑 -等一下 | -You were right. He is funny. -Now,wait a minute. |
我敢說你一開始告訴大家你要當演員 大家都笑你 | I bet when you told people you wanted to be an actor,they laughed at you. |
來吧,巴比 跟我們談談你的樂團 | Come on,Bobby,tell us a little bit about your band. |
團員只有我跟我朋友魯斯特 樂園名自叫做“呆瓜” | Well,it's just me and my pal Rooster. The band's name is Numbnuts. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
如果你要生孩子 你應該結婚 | If you're having a baby,you should be married. |
即使是嫁給巴比 我不是在誇獎你 | Even if it is to Bobby. Dude,that's not a compliment. |
-我就知道你不會支持我 -你打算怎麼辦? | -I knew you wouldn't be supportive. -So,what are you gonna do? |
你要自己帶大孩子? 沒有丈夫幫你? | Have the baby and raise it by yourself? Without a husband? |
你沒辦法當單親媽媽 你會毀了自己的一生 | You can't be a single mother alone! You're gonna ruin your life! |
-對不起,我毀了我的一生嗎? -不,你不一樣 | -Excuse me. Am I ruining my life? -No,it's different for you. |
你很堅強 你不是不知道自己在做什麼的笨小孩 | You're so strong. You're not some dumb kid who doesn't know what she's doing. |
-你說什麼? -我一次只能跟一個孕婦說話 | -Excuse me? -One pregnant woman at a time,please! |
我只是希望你過得好 | I just want you to be okay. |
逼她嫁給巴比 她就會過的好嗎? | So forcing her to marry Bobby is gonna make that happen? |
或許吧 | Maybe. |
對,“呆瓜”的音樂是什麼類型的… | Yeah. So,what kind of music does Numbnuts..? |
算了,我辦不到 | Oh,forget it! I can't! |
我真的很害怕 但我想我辦得到,我只是需要幫助 | I am scared to death about this. But I think I can do it. I just need some help. |
-巴比會一直陪著我 -沒錯 | -Bobby's gonna be here the whole time. -You bet I am. |
至於你剛剛問的那個問題 我們唱純黑幫饒舌歌 | And to answer your earlier question,we're straight-up gangster rap. |
瑞秋告訴我 你一直都很支持她 | Look,Rachel's told me how much easier you've made all this on her. |
-你為什麼不能支持我? -因為你是我的妹妹 | -Why can't you do that for me? -Because you're my baby sister! |
你是我哥哥 你是我全世界最喜歡的人 | And you're my big brother. You're my favorite guy in the whole world. |
我甚至不怕告訴媽媽跟爸爸 我害怕告訴你 | I'm not even scared to tell Mom and Dad. I was scared of telling you. |
我也會怕他們,但好吧 | I'd be scared of them,but all right. |
想到你會因為我懷孕而生我的氣 我就受不了 | I can't stand the thought of having this baby with you mad at me. |
我要他有舅舅 | I want him to have his uncle. |
我的寶寶會有喬伊舅舅嗎? | Is my baby gonna have his Uncle Joey? |
他當然會有喬伊舅舅 | Of course he's gonna have his Uncle Joey. |
我們會沒事的,即使我們沒結婚 寶寶還是會得到寵愛 | We'll be all right. Even if we're not married,this baby will be so loved. |
-不只是我們會愛他 -沒錯 | -And not just by us. -That's right. |
他的舅舅也會愛他 | By his uncle too. |
還有你 | And by you. |
巴比,我們為什麼不過來這裡 讓他們獨處一下? | Bobby,why don't we come over here and let them have a little moment,okay? |
過來 | Come here. |
不,說真的,你到底有什麼問題? | No,seriously,what's wrong with you? |
你猜怎麼了 | Guess what. |
沒事 我們認識 | We're good. We're good. We know each other. |
所以… | So.. |
-總之你猜怎麼了 -還有嗎? | -anyway,guess what. -Oh,there's more? |
你一定會很愛我 我弄到史汀的門票了 | You're gonna love me so much. I got Sting tickets! |
天啊,我真的愛你 你怎麼辦到的? | Oh,my God,I do love you! How did you do it? |
就說 | Well,let's just say: |
(羅斯可以) | Ross can |
-座位是哪一區? -在中間包廂 | -Where are the seats? -Middle balcony. |
我們的位置 離史汀,他太太… | Would you say that's more than 50 yards away.. |
跟他的家人 超過50碼嗎? | from Sting,his wife or a member of his family? |
-對 -那樣就不犯法,我會去 | -Yeah. -Then that's not breaking the law. I'm there! |
菲比,快看窗邊 那個男的,哇 | Phoebe. Will you check out that guy by the window. Wow! |
後面那個傢伙嗎?他真的好矮 而且我想他在自言自語 | That guy back there? He's awfully short. And I think he's talking to himself. |
老實說 他的床上功夫不怎麼樣 | And to be completely honest,he's not that good in bed. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
我最近是怎麼了? 我對我看到的每個男人心動 | What is wrong with me lately? It's like,every guy I see. |
譬如說那個男的 | I mean,look at that guy,for example. |
他不是我喜歡的那一型 | That's not someone I would be attracted to. |
但現在我覺得… | But right now,with the way I'm feeling.. |
我想撕開他的運動褲跟搞笑腰包 | all I want to do is rip off his sweatpants and fanny pack. |
等一下 你懷孕大概四個月了吧? | Wait a second! This is about the fourth month of your pregnancy,right? |
-對 -這真的很正常 | -Yeah. -This is completely normal. |
懷孕四個月時 你的荷爾蒙會很混亂 | Around the fourth month,your hormones start going crazy. |
-真的嗎?你也會這樣? -沒錯 | -Really? So this has happened to you? -Absolutely! |
記住我懷的是三胞胎 | And keep in mind now,I was carrying triplets. |
在醫學上來說 我的症狀要強上三倍 | So in medical terms,I was thrice as randy. |
原來是這麼一回事 | Wow,this explains so much! |
上週末我走遍每一家店 坐在聖誕老人的膝蓋上 | Last weekend,I went from store to store,sitting on Santas' laps. |
對,我記得我想要從富樂客(美國最大的運動鞋連鎖店) | Yeah,I remember trying to steal a cardboard cutout.. |
偷走伊萬德·霍利菲爾德的人形立牌 | of Evander Holyfield from a Foot Locker. |
明天我得去看醫生 我會問問她的 | Well,I go see my doctor tomorrow. I'll ask her about this. |
或許她可以 開個藥給我吃 | Maybe she can give me a pill or something. |
對,那正是你需要的東西 你需要吃藥 | Yeah,that's what you need. A good pill. |
不,那個矮瘋子認得我 他是我一生中最糟糕的錯誤 | Oh,no. Short,crazy guy recognizes me. Worst mistake of my life. |
打電話給我 | Call me. |
本集播出:緩慢的假期卡片 | The.One.With.The.Creepy.Holiday.Card |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
我把我們到洛克菲勒中心的照片 洗出來了 | I got our pictures developed from Rockefeller Center. |
太棒了,喬伊 你想看我跟蒙娜去溜冰的照片嗎? | Great. Hey,Joey,want to check out pictures of me and Mona ice-skating? |
通常我會想看 但現在我真的好忙 | Ordinarily,I would love to,but I am just swamped right now. |
那個怪咸酥餅小販 幫我們合拍的照片在哪裡? | Where are the pictures that that creepy pretzel vendor took of us together? |
對 或許在最後面 | Oh,yeah. Probably at the end. |
天啊,他只拍了我的胸部 | Oh,my God! All he took were pictures of my breasts. |
我想看看照片 | I'm missing picture time! |
你知道,她有臉的,羅斯 | You know,she has a face,Ross. |
這些照片不是我拍的,好嗎? | I didn't take these,okay? |
我甚至不知道我的相機能放大影像 | I didn't even know my camera had a zoom lens. |
“知道了,警官” | "Comma,officer." |
我們這張合照很不錯 | -Okay,here's a good one of us. |
那張真的很棒 | -Wow,that is a good one! |
看起來很像節日賀卡,中間有樹 還有溜冰客跟雪 | It looks like a holiday card.With the tree in the middle and the skaters and the snow. |
做的好,賣鹹酥餅的變態 | Good job,pretzel pervert. |
每年我都說我會寄賀卡 但我從來沒有那麼做 | Every year,I say I'm gonna send out holiday cards and I never do it. |
你要跟我一起 寄出這張卡片嗎? | Do you want to send this one out together? |
一起寄我們的合照給大家? | Together? Like,to people? |
對,“佳節愉快,蒙娜跟羅斯上” 那一定會很棒,好嗎? | Yeah. "Happy holidays,from Mona and Ross." It'll be cute,okay? |
好吧 | Okay. |
-我得去上班了,待會打電話給我? -沒問題 | -I gotta get to work. Call me later? -Sure,sure. |
-大家再見 -再見 | -Bye,guys. -Bye. |
恭喜,你剛剛結婚了 | Congratulations! You just got married! |
我知道,你相信嗎? | I know. Can you believe that? |
抱歉 一張賀卡有什麼大不了的? | I'm sorry. What's the big deal about a holiday card? |
已婚夫妻跟家人 才會一起寄照片 | Married couples send out cards. Families send out cards. |
約會了幾個月的情侶 不會一起寄卡片 | People who have been dating for a couple of months don't send out cards. |
-她瘋了嗎? -你說的人是你的太太 | -What is she,crazy? -That's your wife you're talking about! |
不,我是說真的 那會是一大步 | No,really. I mean,that would be like a huge step forward. |
我喜歡我們現在的樣子 | I like things just the way they are. |
我終於有一場 不會進展的太快的戀愛 | I'm finally in a relationship that's not moving too fast. |
一般來說 現在我早該離婚了 | You know,ordinarily,I'd be divorced by now. |
好吧,告訴她你不想寄卡片 她會怎麼做? | Okay,so just tell her you don't wanna send out the card. What's she gonna do? |
像這樣 | This. |
好吧 我無意對你施壓… | Oh,okay. I didn't mean to put pressure on you.. |
我只是覺得 跟你一起做這件事會很有趣… | I just thought it would be something fun for us to do together.. |
但沒關係 | but okay,that's okay. |
好了,別說了,你說的對 那沒什麼大不了的,我會寄卡片 | Okay,stop. Stop. You're right,it's not that big a deal. I'll do the card. |
-什麼?我說我會做 -我知道,那只是… | -What? I said I'd do it. -I know,it's just.. |
能給我20塊嗎? | Can I have $20? |
-嗨,準備好吃午餐了嗎? -等一下 | -Hi. You ready for lunch? -One second. |
-那真可愛 -賓,賓太太 | -That's cute. -Bing! And the Bingette! |
我就覺得 今天的辦公室很熱 | I thought it felt a little hotter in the office today. |
-老婆,你記得我老闆道格 -對,嗨 | -Oh,honey,you remember my boss,Doug. -Yes. Hi. |
好消息,我已經離婚了 我今天早上簽了檔 | Good news! The divorce is final. I signed the papers this a.m. |
我不知道你跟卡拉離婚了 我很遺憾 | I didn't know you and Kara divorced. I'm sorry. |
遺憾?我終於 可以離開那個苦牢了 | Sorry? I finally chewed my leg out of that bear trap. |
-恭喜你們 -我們沒有離婚 | -Congratulations to you guys,though. -No leg-chewing for us,sir. |
等著瞧吧 | Well,give it time. |
我們要慶祝 離婚跟結婚 | So the divorce,the marriage,we got a lot to celebrate. |
我們明晚 何不一起吃晚餐? | How about we all go out to dinner tomorrow night. |
我想不出來 我們要做什麼事 | I can't think of anything we're doing. |
為什麼我想不出來 我們要做什麼事? | Why can't I think of anything we're doing? |
那麼就說定明晚了 我六點可以離開法庭 | Tomorrow night it is. I should be out of court by 6. |
他們一直 把性騷擾案丟給我… | They keep throwing sexual harassment cases at me.. |
我一直 把他們打得毫無退路 | and I keep knocking them out of the park! |
好吧,明天見 | Okay,see you tomorrow. |
你知道的 我們明天不能跟他見面 | Just so you know,we're not seeing him tomorrow. |
親愛的,你認識他後 會知道他真的很可怕 | Honey,once you get to know him,he's much,much worse. |
我沒辦法一個人去 | I can't do this alone. |
我很抱歉,我幫不了你 我沒辦法再跟他共度一個夜晚 | Honey,I'm sorry. I can't help you. I can't spend another evening with that man. |
你記得他在我們的婚禮上 做了什麼嗎? | Do you remember how he behaved at our wedding? |
那是因為我們沒有邀請他 | That's because he wasn't invited. |
因為他在我們的訂婚派對上 為非作歹 | Because of the way he behaved at our engagement party. |
對,他小便時 直接噴中了冰雕,對吧? | Oh,yeah! Urine cuts right through an ice sculpture,doesn't it? |
好吧 就給“B+”好了 | Oh,what the hell? B plus. |
我去過沖印店了 你看 | Hi! I went by the photo shop. Take a look. |
這是卡片的初稿 你覺得呢? | Here is a mockup of our card. What do you think? |
那真的很棒 | Wow,that's great. |
你覺得我們該寫上 “愛你們的羅斯跟蒙娜”嗎? | Do you think it should say,"Love,Ross and Mona"? |
我們還沒有 對彼此那麼說… | Well,we haven't said that to each other yet.. |
但我猜跟其他人那麼說 應該沒關係 | but I guess it's okay to say it to other people. |
-你要多少張?我要一百張 -一百張? | -How many did you want? I'll get 100. -A hundred? |
我猜我要… | Well,I guess I'll take.. |
蒙娜 | Mona? |
我不確定 印卡片這件事對不對 | I'm not sure about the whole card thing. |
真的嗎?為什麼? | Really? Why not? |
我們一起寄賀卡? | Sending out a holiday card together? |
我不知道我們是不是 到了那個地步 | I just don't know if we're really quite there yet. |
我沒想到那一點 你說的對 | I didn't think of it that way. You're right. |
-我能問你一個問題嗎? -好啊 | -So can I ask you a question? -Yeah. |
我們到了哪個地步? | Where are we? |
我們到了哪個地步? 這段關係會有什麼結局? | You know,where are we? Where is this relationship going? |
我喜歡跟你在一起 我只是希望我們往前走 | I love spending time with you. I just hope we're moving forward. |
我們該談一談 你不覺得嗎? | We should talk about that,don't you think? |
我們一起印卡片吧 | Let's do the card! |
-什麼? -卡片,我想我們到了那個地步 | -What? -The card! I think we're there! |
好吧,但我還是覺得 我們應該談一談 | Okay. But I still think we should have this conversation. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
即使我們印了卡片? | Even with the card? |
朗醫生今天沒辦法過來 辛夫醫生會幫你檢查 | Just so you know,Dr. Long can't be here today,so Dr. Schiff will be seeing you. |
好吧 我能問你一個問題嗎? | Oh,okay. Can I ask you a question? |
是我有問題 還是幫我抽血的那個傢伙真的很帥? | Was it me,or was the guy who took my blood sample really cute? |
你知道我在說誰嗎? 那個馬桶蓋頭,手指都是毛的傢伙 | You know who I'm talking about? Bowl haircut,hairy fingers? |
事實上別理我 我已經回答了我的問題 | Actually,never mind. I just answered my own question. |
-瑞秋嗎?我是辛夫醫生 -沒錯 | -Hi,Rachel? I'm Dr. Schiff. -Yes,you are. |
-他真的很帥吧? -天啊,對 | -Okay,now he's cute,right? -Oh,God,yes. |
情況如何? | So,how's it going? |
真的很不錯 但別談我了 | It's going really good. But enough about me! Come on. |
你是哪裡人? 你是做哪一行的? | Where are you from? What do you do? |
-我是醫生 -對,我是指… | -I'm a doctor. -Right. I meant.. |
你有空的時候 你會煮飯或滑雪嗎? | in your spare time. Do you cook? So you ski? |
或你會跟太太 還是女朋友一起出去玩? | Or just hang out with your wife,or girlfriend? |
我沒有太太或女朋友 但我很喜歡滑雪 | I don't have a wife or a girlfriend,but I do like to ski. |
我喜歡滑雪 那真的很神奇吧? | I love to ski! How amazing is this? |
-你覺得不舒服嗎? -不,我非常舒服 | -Are you experiencing any discomfort? -No,I'm very comfortable. |
-放屁會不舒服嗎? -不會 | -Any painful gas? -No! |
辛夫醫生 那是哪門子的問題? | Dr. Schiff! What kind of question is that? |
好吧 麻煩你躺下來 | Okay,then. Would you like to lie down on the table? |
你要我躺下嗎? | Would you like me to lie down on the table? |
-這是怎麼一回事? -你也感覺到了嗎? | -Is there something going on here? -Do you feel it too? |
-嗨 -門診看得如何? | -Hi. -How did your doctor's appointment go? |
讓我想一想,今天他們派了 一個“帥哥”醫生給我 | Well,let's see,they gave me "cute boy" doctor today. |
檢查到一半 我用手指指著他下巴的酒窩 | In the middle of the exam,I put my pinkie in his chin dimple. |
-天啊 -你為什麼要那麼做? | -Oh,my God! -Why did you do that? |
還記得我懷孕四個月時 出的那個小問題嗎? | Remember that little problem I was having during my fourth month of pregnancy? |
對 伊萬德·霍利菲爾德的人形立牌 | Oh,yeah! The Evander Holyfield phase. |
天啊,你真的很難受 你甚至來找我 | Oh,man! You were so hard up,you practically came on to me. |
少做夢了 | You wish. |
如果我真的要你 我可以把上你 | Hey,I could have had you if I wanted you. |
是嗎?來試試看吧 | Oh,yeah? Come and get it. |
好了,連這段對話都能挑起我的欲望 我真的有問題 | Okay,even this is turning me on. You guys,I got problems. |
羅斯 你跟蒙娜還好吧? | Oh,hey. Hey,Ross! How's it going with you and Mona? |
你們還在一起嗎? | Are you guys still together? |
對,我們有所進展 你們會接到我們的卡片 | Yeah,we're moving forward. You'll be getting our card. |
你們要一起寄賀卡? | You're doing a holiday card? |
我們不只要寄賀卡 她還要談一談… | We're not just doing a card. She also wants to have the conversation.. |
我們的交往 會有什麼結局 | about where the relationship is going. |
女人 | Women! |
我知道 為什麼你們需要談一談 | I know! Why do you guys need to have this conversation? |
懂得自我尊重的男人不會問女人 “我們會有什麼結局?” | No self-respecting man would ask a woman,"So where is this going?" |
羅斯,你問過我 | Ross,you asked me that. |
你像是本沒打開的書,好嗎? 我不會讀心術 | You were a closed book,okay? I'm not a mind reader! |
你要跟她說什麼? 你們會有什麼結局? | What are you gonna say to her? Where is this relationship going? |
我不知道,我真的喜歡她 我想跟她繼續約會 | I don't know. I really like her and I wanna keep dating her. |
-告訴她 -我不能 | -So tell her that. -No,I can't. |
因為她會說 我們不會有結局… | Because then she's gonna say,"Well,it's not moving anywhere.. |
-我們應該分手 -沒錯 | -then we should just break up." -Yeah,that's true. |
而且我討厭談那些事 我真的不太會應付那些事 | Besides,I hate those conversations. I'm horrible at them. Really. |
或許我需要暗示她… | Maybe I need some kind of a gesture.. |
我們的確有進展 不必去談這件事 | something that says we're moving forward without having to talk about it. |
像是請她 搬去跟你一起住? | Like asking her to move in with you? |
比那個小 | Smaller than that. |
-幫她錄錄音帶? -比那個大 | -Making her a mix tape? -Bigger than that. |
-給她你家的鑰匙 -我們比較接近錄錄音帶 | -Give her a key to your apartment. -We were closer with the mix tape. |
你說過“我愛你”嗎? 你可以說“我愛你” | Have you said,"I love you"? You could say,"I love you." |
我想我還沒有到那個地步 | I don't think I'm quite there yet. |
但我可以說 “我愛跟你在一起” | But I could say,"I love spending time with you." |
-我們討厭那句話 -那像是被人打了一巴掌 | -We hate that. -That is a slap in the face. |
算了,你們知道嗎? 我會跟她談 | Forget it. You know what? I'll just have the conversation. |
我會說我喜歡我們現在的樣子 並懷著最好的期待 | I'll just say I like things the way they are,and hope for the best. |
你覺得呢?瑞秋 | What do you think,Rach? |
我想 如果這裡冷一點… | I think if it was a little colder in here.. |
我可以看到 你的乳頭硬起來 | I could see your nipples through that sweater. |
賓?我們今晚八點出發 | Bing? We're all set for tonight,8:00. |
我們沒辦法去 莫妮卡得上班 | As it turns out,we can't do it. Monica has to work. |
我前妻不上班 | My ex-wife didn't work. |
除非你說 回娘家是“上班” | Unless you call turning into her mother "work." |
好吧,那麼明天晚上 | Fine. Tomorrow night then. |
-她明晚也不能來 -為什麼? | -Tomorrow's no good for her,either. -Why not? |
她的草地保齡球巡迴賽 | It's the semifinals.. |
要打准決賽 | of her bocce ball tournament. |
好吧,那麼後天晚上 | Okay. The night after that then. |
那是決賽的日子 我想她應該會贏 | Well,that's the finals,and I think she's gonna go all the way,sir. |
發生了什麼事?賓 你老婆不喜歡我嗎? | What's going on,Bing? Does your wife have a problem with me or something? |
你說的太誇張了 | Well,now you're just talking crazy. |
我們三個 為什麼不能一起出去? | Then why can't the three of us go out together? |
因為我們分居了 | Because we split up. |
莫妮卡跟我分居了 | Monica and I split up. |
抱著我 | Hold me. |
天啊,賓 我不能說我很訝異 | Good God,Bing. Well,I can't say I'm altogether surprised. |
我看到她看你的眼神 就知道她不愛你 | I saw the way she looked at you,and there was no love there. |
她看著我時 充滿了欲望 | And the way she looked at me,pure lust. |
在這種時候 只有掐人才能讓我洩憤 | What would really help me through this tough time is choking someone. |
我瞭解你的感覺 | I know how you feel. Oh,yeah. |
我知道 將你的愛給了一個女人… | I know what it's like to give a woman all your love.. |
結果被她 反打一巴掌的感覺 | and then have that love thrown back in your face. |
法庭還判定 你得到那對左撇子胖雙胞胎的監護權 | And then the court decides to give you custody of those fat,left-handed twins. |
他們很幸運還有你 | Well,they're lucky to have you,sir. |
賓,孩子 我們得讓你忘了這件事 | Bing,my boy,we're gonna get you over this. |
我有個計畫,拿著你的外套 我們去脫衣舞俱樂部 | Here's the plan: Grab your coat,we're going to a strip club! |
不 莫妮卡會生氣的 | Oh,no! Monica would freak. |
但誰管那個臭女人呢 | But to hell with that bitch! |
咖啡來了 | Here we go. |
蒙娜,我們該來談談 我們之間了 | Mona,it's time we had a conversation about where things are with us. |
我想那是我提出的建議 | Yeah,I think I suggested that. |
我們非常…. | We are so.. |
我真的很喜歡你 我喜歡跟你在一起 | Well,I really like you. And I love hanging out with you. |
我非常開心 | And I'm having a lot of fun. |
好吧 | Okay. |
如果只是為了好玩 我們就不必交往了 | There's no point in spending time with someone if it's just fun. |
我們得有結果,對吧? | It's gotta be going somewhere,right? |
我們會有什麼結果? | So where is it going? |
那真是個問題 | That's the real question. |
答案是… | And the answer is.. |
我們會… | it's going somewhere.. |
很好玩 | fun. |
我知道你在想什麼 10年前你只想玩玩 | I know what you're thinking. Fun was fine for you 10 years ago. |
但現在你不年輕了 | But you're not getting any younger. |
我不是說你 不是你 | No! I mean,not you. Not you. |
你越來越年輕了 | You are getting younger! |
你每一秒都在變年輕 你有什麼秘訣? | You're getting younger by the second. What's your secret? |
抱歉,我們是什麼關係? | I'm sorry,so where are we? |
總而言之… | Well,to sum up.. |
我們很開心 你看起來很年輕 | we're having fun. You look young. |
-好吧… -但那是不夠的 | -Okay.. -But that's not enough. |
所以… | So.. |
這是我家的鑰匙 | here's a key to my apartment. |
-真的嗎? -真的 | -Really? -Really. |
你不覺得太快了嗎? | You don't think this is too fast? |
你給她 你家的鑰匙? | You gave her a key to your apartment? |
不只是那樣 我給了她我唯一的鑰匙 | Not just a key. I gave her the only key! |
現在我是個戀愛失敗 無家可歸的傢伙 | I am now a homeless person in a very serious relationship! |
-你為什麼要給她鑰匙? -是她逼我的,好嗎? | -Why did you give her a key? -She talked me into a corner,okay? |
她就像個談話魔法師 | She's like this conversational wizard. |
你被逼著 跟她談… | So you had the conversation you didn't wanna have.. |
給了她 你不想做的承諾 | and you made the gesture you didn't wanna make. |
我一開始說“嗨 今天我做了一件很棒的事”嗎? | Did I start this by saying,"Hey,I did something awesome today"? |
-你們有我家的鑰匙嗎? -你根本沒給我們 | -Do either of you have a key to my place? -I don't think you've ever given us keys. |
我為什麼要那麼做?那是我家 | Yeah,why would I? It's my home. |
-羅斯,你們談的如何? -很棒,現在我流落街頭 | -Ross,how did the conversation go? -Great. I live on the street. |
哪裡? | Where? |
-嗨 -好吧,莫妮卡,瑞秋… | -Hi. -Okay,Monica,Rachel.. |
-他是我朋友羅傑 -嗨,羅傑 | -this is my friend Roger. -Hi,Roger. |
我去拿飲料 你能幫我嗎? | I'll get us some drinks. Could you help me? |
好吧 | Yeah,okay. |
他是來跟你做愛的 | He's here to have sex with you. |
-什麼? -別客氣 | -What? -You're welcome. |
-菲比,不 -沒關係,他是個處男 | -Phoebe,no! -It's okay. He's a virgin. |
瑞秋,我跟這個傢伙提過 我想他會跟你做愛 | Rachel,I was talking to this guy. I think he'll have sex with you. |
讓他們兩個獨處一下吧 | Let's leave these two alone. |
不,我不在乎我的荷爾蒙在做什麼 我不會隨便跟男人上床 | No! I don't care what my hormones are doing! I won't do it with some random guy! |
好吧,那麼你去告訴羅傑 因為他真的很期待 | Fine! Then you tell Roger,because he was really looking forward to this! |
賓,看看那對雙胞胎姐妹 一起跳舞 | Bing! Look at those twin sisters dancing together. |
我出錢請她們 坐在你大腿上跳舞 | Let me buy you a lap dance with those girls. |
很好,而且只有一個女孩在跳舞 | That's all right,sir. And that's just one girl. |
-賓,這是什麼? -那是我的手 | -Bing,what's this? -It's a hand. |
你把它當成拿雞尾酒的工具了 | It's a thing you use as a Jack and Coke holder. |
那是婚戒,把它丟了 我們把它丟到東河去 | It's a wedding ring. Get rid of it. We'll throw it in the East River! |
-不 -要 | -No! -Yes! |
我那麼做了,那讓我覺得好多了 你甚至可能會打中海鷗 | I did it,and I felt a lot better! You might even hit a seagull in the head. |
好吧 我需要一堆備用鑰匙 | Okay. I'm gonna need a bunch of extra keys. |
很明顯地 我會毫無理由地將它們送人 | Apparently,I give them away for no reason at all. |
羅斯,發生了什麼事? 你在換鎖? | Ross,what's going on? You're changing the lock? |
不 | No. |
是那個傢伙在換鎖 | That guy is. |
你把你家的鑰匙給我 然後你換了鎖? | You give me a key to your apartment,and then you change the lock? |
祝你好運 | Good luck,buddy. |
我以為我們往前邁進了一步 你給我完全混亂的訊息 | I thought we were moving forward. Now you're sending me all these mixed signals. |
你到底想告訴我什麼? | What are you trying to tell me? |
我想告訴你… | I'm trying to tell you.. |
我幫你錄了一卷錄音帶 | I made you a mix tape. |
-什麼? -我愛你 | -What? -I love you. |
我愛跟你在一起 | And I love spending time with you. |
-親愛的,我回來了 -你從龍舌蘭酒工廠回來? | -Hi,honey,I'm home. -From the tequila factory? |
那真的好可怕 | It was awful. |
為了逃避跟道格的晚餐約會 我告訴他你跟我分居了 | To get out of going to dinner with Doug,I told him you and I split up. |
他拖我去脫衣舞俱樂部 還有色情酒吧 | So then he took me to these strip clubs and sleazy bars. |
我不肯把婚戒交給他 他用汽水罐丟小鳥 | When I wouldn't give him my wedding ring,he threw a soda can at a bird. |
過來 我可以用嘴巴呼吸 | Come here. I can breathe through my mouth. |
-親愛的 -你知道最糟糕的是什麼嗎? | -Oh,sweetie. -You know what the worst part was? |
我可以看到 沒有你的生活 | I got to see what my life would be like without you. |
那像是有貼身舞的《美好人生》(又譯《風雲人物》) | It was like It's a Wonderful Life with lap dances. |
請答應我 你永遠不會離開我… | Please promise me that you'll never leave me.. |
我們會一起變老 相伴一生 | that we'll grow old together,and be with each other for the rest of our lives. |
我答應你 | I promise. |
說到相伴一生 我們今年一起寄賀卡吧 | Speaking of together,how about we send out a holiday card this year? |
我不知道我們是不是到了那個地步 | I don't know if we're there yet. |
我想訂披薩 我能問你一個問題嗎? | I'd like to order a pizza. Can I ask you a question? |
今晚是那個金髮帥哥外送嗎? 非常“阿貝克隆比&費奇”(年輕人休閒服飾第一品牌) | Is the cute blond guy delivering tonight? Very "Abercrombie & Fitch." |
-我再打給你 -你在跟誰講電話? | -I'll call you back. -Who was that? |
-我在訂披薩 -你掛掉訂披薩的電話? | -It's just the pizza place. -You hung up on the pizza place? |
我不會掛掉你朋友打來的電話 | I don't hang up on your friends. |
-抱歉,今天我很不好受 -怎麼了? | -Sorry,honey,I'm just having a rough day. -What's wrong? |
-你不會想聽的 -不然我為什麼要問? | -You don't want to hear about it. -Then why did I ask? |
這真的很丟臉 但最近自從我懷孕後… | Okay,this is really embarrassing,but lately,with this whole pregnancy thing.. |
我發現自己… | I'm just finding myself.. |
我該怎麼說呢? | How do I put this? |
春情大發 | Erotically charged. |
那是“好色”的學名嗎? | Is that college talk for "horny"? |
對,我有那樣的感覺 不知道該怎麼辦 | Yeah. I have all of these feelings,and I don't know what to do about them. |
我沒辦法像正常人去約會 沒關係,因為我不需要男朋友 | I can't date like a normal person,which is fine because I don't need a relationship. |
我只要一夜情 我只要性 | All I really want is one great night! Just sex. |
沒有牽絆 沒有責任 | No strings attached. No relationship. |
跟我喜歡的人在一起 他得知道他在做什麼 | With someone I feel comfortable with,and who knows what he's doing. |
只要瘋狂度過一夜 那真的那麼難… | For just one great night. I mean,is that really so hard.. |
找到嗎? | to find? |
你今天過得如何? | So how was your day? |
很好,我看見一隻大鴿子 | Good. I saw a pretty big pigeon. |
我還得早起 快七點了 | Well,I gotta get up early,and it's almost 7:00. |
-我得回房了 -晚安 | -I gotta go to my room. -Good night! |
晚安 | Good night! |
-我不能那麼做 -我沒有要你那麼做 | -I can't do it! -I didn't ask you to do it! |
-你是瑞秋 -你是喬伊 | -You're Rachel! -You're Joey! |
-你是我的朋友 -你也是我的朋友 | -You're my friend! -Right back at you. |
對,而且那是不對的 那既奇怪又糟糕 | Yeah. Plus,it would be wrong,and weird and bad! |
太糟糕了,但我不知道你在說什麼 我沒有要求你做什麼事 | So bad! But I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't ask you to do anything! |
我知道 | I know! |
-你想做嗎? -不 | -You wanna do it? -No! |
-我只是在考驗你 -那麼就這樣了 | -I'm just testing you! -Well,that's the end of this conversation! |
-我們沒談過這件事 -沒錯 | -This conversation never happened! -Never happened! |
-晚安 -晚安 | -Good night! -Good night! |
快回你房裡 | Get back in there! |
聽著,關於羅傑的事 我很抱歉 | Listen,I'm sorry about that whole thing with Roger. |
那真的是不對的 我想彌補你 | It really wasn't right. And I want to make it up to you. |
我帶了一樣 我覺得你會喜歡的東西來 | So I brought you something I think you'll really enjoy. |
伊萬德·霍利菲爾德 | Evander Holyfield |
我只是借給你用,好嗎? 我會把它拿回去的 | Now this is just a loan,okay? I'm gonna want him back. |
我得走了 | I'm gonna go now. |
抱歉 我以為我辦得到,但我不能 | I'm sorry. I thought I could do it,and I can't. |
我們買了紙巾嗎? | Did we get paper towels? |
你是指我們打算 去店裡買的東西嗎? | You mean the thing we went to the store for? |
沒有 | Nope. |
我幫你們準備了一份禮物 | Hey,I got you a present! |
天啊,你把它藏在哪裡? | Oh,my goodness,where did you hide it? |
我訂了它當做你們結婚的禮物 它終於送來了 | I ordered it for your wedding and it's finally here! |
你不必送我們任何… | You didn't have to get us anything.. |
我喜歡它,它很大,我們打開它吧 | I love it! It's huge! Let's open it! |
-是吃豆人的電動 -我的天啊 | -It's a Ms. Pac-Man machine! -Oh,my God! |
我不知道該把它放到哪裡去 | I didn't know where to put it. |
-我們可以把它放在客房 -好吧 | -We can put it in the guest bedroom. -Yeah,okay. |
我喜歡把它放在這裡 | I kind of like it here. |
你喜歡它嗎? | Do you like it? |
我小時候 都待在遊樂場裡 | I practically spent my entire childhood at the arcade. |
-這是我第二喜歡的遊戲 -你最喜歡什麼? | -This was my second favorite. -What's your first? |
-我記不得它的名字了 -它的內容是什麼? | -I don't remember the name. -Well,what did it do? |
把銅板放進去 一拉把手,就能拿到糖果 | You'd put a quarter in,pull some handles and win a candy bar. |
自動販賣機? | A vending machine? |
別為我難過 每次我都會贏 | Don't feel bad for me. I won every time! |
本集播出:喬伊跟瑞秋約會 | The.One.Where.Joey.Dates.Rachel |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
我很高興你們都在 | I'm so glad you guys are here. |
猜猜古生物系 發生了什麼事 | Guess what happened in the paleontology department. |
你覺得他看到了我們 我們還有機會逃跑嗎? | Do you think he saw us,or can we still slip out? |
系主任諾曼教授 要退休了,所以… | Professor Newman,the department head,is retiring,so.. |
-他們讓你當系主任 -我要教他的高級課 | -They made you head of the department! -I'm teaching his advanced class! |
我為什麼沒有當上系主任? | Why didn't I get head of the department? |
太棒了 你一直想教高級課 | Great. You've always wanted to teach an advanced class. |
不,我知道,它真的很棒 這是我一直在期待的機會 | No,I know. It's really exciting. This is the break I've been waiting for. |
我相信強制抗過敏排毒計畫… | I'm not sure a court-ordered detox program.. |
不是諾曼教授 在等待的機會 | was the break Professor Newman was waiting for. |
但是… | But,hey. |
瑞秋,我有個重要約會 你知道哪家餐廳不錯嗎? | Hey,Rach,I got a big date. Do you know a good restaurant? |
保羅咖啡廳,那裡東西好吃 氣氛真的很浪漫 | Paul's Cafe. It's got great food and it's really romantic. |
太棒了,謝謝 | Great,thanks. |
帶她到四季飯店喝東西 | Then take her to the Four Seasons for drinks. |
或是到城裡聽爵士樂 | Or go downtown and listen to some jazz. |
或跳舞,帶她去跳舞 | Or dancing. Oh,take her dancing! |
你真的很會拖延性愛遊戲 | You sure are naming a lot of ways to postpone sex. |
我想念約會的感覺 盛裝打扮去好餐廳吃飯 | I miss dating. Dressing up,going to a fancy restaurant. |
我很久都無法再那麼做了 那真的很有趣 | I won't be able to do that for so long. And it's so much fun. |
我不是說坐在這裡 擔心生孩子不好玩 | Not that sitting around worrying about giving birth isn't fun. |
知道嗎?我們為什麼不去約會? | Hey,you know what? Why don't I take you out. |
你不想跟孕婦約會 | You don't want to date a pregnant lady. |
我想我們會玩得很開心 | Yes,I do. We're gonna have a good time. |
我會讓你忘了生孩子剖腹生產… | I'll take your mind off of childbirth,and C-sections.. |
寶寶的頭擴大了… | and baby heads stretching out.. |
好吧,我答應你 | Okay,I'll go with you. |
-那會很好玩的 -好吧 | -It will be fun. -All right. |
不,太棒了 | No,no! Yes! |
快來看 | Would you look at that. |
我打敗了你的最佳成績 太慘了 | I knocked off all your top scores. How sad. |
好吧,輪到我了 | Okay,I'm next. |
別再開始 輪到我了,菲比 | Don't start another game. I'm next! Phoebe? |
抱歉,我贏得太開心 聽不到你說話 | Sorry,I couldn't hear you over all the winning. |
-菲比在霸佔遊戲 -那是個愚蠢的遊戲 | -Phoebe's hogging the game. -It's a stupid game. |
你覺得它蠢 因為你很遜 | You think it's stupid because you suck. |
我不遜,它才遜 | I don't suck. It sucks. |
你很遜 | You suck. |
如果這遊戲會引起你們的困擾 我應該留下它 | If this game is gonna cause problems,I should keep it. |
不,我喜歡它,它是很棒的禮物 | No,I love it. It is a great present. |
你為什麼不回家等感謝卡呢? | Why don't you go home and wait for the thank-you card? |
-你為什麼要玩這個遊戲? -它不會吐出糖果 | -Why do you want to play this game? -It doesn't spit out a Clark Bar. |
好吧,菲比,夠了 快下來 | Okay. Phoebe,that's it. Out of the chair. |
菲比,錢德 | Phoebe! Chandler! |
不,這是女孩的戰爭 我希望你們能互敬互愛 | No,no. This is a girl fight. I'm hoping it will turn into love-play. |
好吧,聽著 我很抱歉… | Okay,look. Honey,I'm sorry.. |
我太凶了,我不是故意的 我真的很喜歡這個遊戲… | I'm acting hostile. I don't mean to. It's just that I love this game so much.. |
我也想玩玩它 | that I would just like the chance to play it too. |
太神奇了,你在我耳邊 像吉娃娃一樣叫個不停… | Wow,it's amazing how well I can play with you yapping around my head.. |
我還是能玩 | like a Chihuahua. |
好吧,我受夠了,錢德 幫我把她拉下來 | All right,that's it. Chandler,help me get her out of the chair. |
錢德,快點 | Chandler,come on. |
喬伊,麻煩你去開門 | Joey,could you get that? |
喬伊 | Joey. |
你這是幹嘛? 我以為你在房裡 | I thought you were in your room. |
我是來接你的 這是送你的 | I'm picking you up for our date. For you. |
百合花,它們是我最喜歡的花 謝謝 | Lilies. They're my favorite. Thank you. |
還有蛋糕 | And a brownie. |
只有一半 | Well,half a brownie. |
事實上它只剩袋子 | Actually,it's just a bag. |
從花店走回來真的很遠 我覺得頭暈,所以… | It's a long walk from the flower shop and I felt faint,so.. |
這真的是太棒了 我覺得好像真的在約會 | This is so great! I actually feel like I'm on a real date. |
但我會害喜 我穿的內褲褲頭高到… | But I have morning sickness and I have on underwear that goes up to.. |
這裡 | there. |
少來了,這是真的約會 | Hey,come on. This is a real date. |
你家好漂亮 | So nice place you got here. |
桌上足球,披薩盒 | Football. Pizza box. |
還有花花公子雜誌 你是我喜歡的那種女人 | Oh,a subscription to Playboy. My kind of woman. |
那是我室友的雜誌 | That's my roommate's. |
我想見見他 他似乎是個好男人 | I'd like to meet him. He sounds like a standup guy. |
他很保護我 你最好小心一點 | He's protective of me,so you'd better watch yourself. |
你室友很帥嗎? | Your roommate,is he good-looking? |
你一定很努力控制自己 不愛上他 | Must be tough to keep your hands off him. |
我相信他是男同志 | I'm pretty sure he's gay. |
不是的 你為什麼要毀了這個遊戲? | No! No,he's not! Why are you trying to ruin the game? |
這讓我想起葛瑞利的骨牌理論 | Which brings us back to Greely's Theory of Dominance. |
今天到此為止 | That's it for today. |
有人知道費利曼樓在哪裡嗎? | Does anyone know where the Freeman Building is? |
那是A大道的新大樓 | It's the new building on Avenue A. |
它在城裡的另一邊 我10分鐘內得趕到那裡上課 | That's across town. I'm teaching there in 10 minutes. |
那是不可能的 | Dude,that's not gonna happen. |
快閃開 | Move it! Move it! |
我是老師 | Hey! I'm the teacher! |
你們好 | Hello. |
抱歉我遲到了 我嚴重遲到 | Sorry I'm a little late. Whoa,a lot late. |
我從自我介紹開始吧 | Well,let me start by introducing myself. |
我是蓋勒教授 | I'm Professor Geller. |
總而言之… | So to sum up.. |
我是蓋勒教授 今天大家做得很好 | I'm Professor Geller. Good job today. |
-菲力牛排搭配什麼? -蒸蔬菜 | -What comes with the filet mignon? -Steamed vegetables. |
除了蔬菜… | Instead of the vegetables.. |
我可以用什麼東西搭配… | is there any way that I could substitute the.. |
三磅的龍蝦? | three-pound lobster? |
知道嗎?幫她把兩道菜都送上來 | You know what? Bring her both. |
我要點跟她一樣的東西 | And I'll have the same. |
這真的是個很棒的約會 | Wow,this is shaping up to be a pretty good date. |
我差點忘了 我沒給你房租 | I almost forgot. I didn't pay you the rent. |
別當我們是室友,我們在約會 | No roommate stuff. It's a date. |
我想知道喬伊崔比亞尼 怎麼跟女人約會 | Wow,so I get to see what Joey Tribbiani is like on a date. |
你有什麼招數? | Have any moves? |
不,我只會做我自己 如果她們不喜歡我… | No,I'm just myself,and if they don't like me for.. |
抱歉 我無法想像那種事 | I'm sorry,I couldn't even get through that. |
我就知道,告訴我你有什麼招數 | I knew it. Tell me your moves. |
好吧 | All right. |
嗯… | Well.. |
我會假裝有影迷送一瓶紅酒給我們 | I start by having a bottle of wine sent to my table from a fan. |
天啊,有用嗎? | Oh,my God. And that works? |
你得加上“這真是太不好意思了 我只想過正常人的生活” | If you add,"This is embarrassing. I just want to have a normal life." |
你們這些可憐的名人 | You poor little famous man. |
好吧,這個呢? | Okay,how about this one? |
我本來想等到送你回家再吻你… | I was gonna wait until the end of the night to kiss you.. |
但你真的太美了 我想我做不到 | but you're just so beautiful,I don't think I can. |
天啊 | Oh,my God! |
那真的太棒了 我差點就被你騙了 | Wow,that was fantastic! I almost leaned in. Really. |
告訴我你用的是什麼招數 | So tell me one of your moves. |
好吧 | All right. |
你是在哪裡長大的? | So where'd you grow up? |
那就是你的招數? | That's your move? |
瑞秋,還好你長得很美 | Boy,Rach,you're lucky you're hot. |
-快回答我的問題 -皇后區 | -Come on,just answer the question. -Queens. |
你跟父母親近嗎? | Were you close to your parents? |
-我跟媽媽親,跟爸爸不太說話 -為什麼? | -With my mom. Not so much my dad. -Why not? |
我不知道 我們之間有距離 | I don't know. There's just this distance. |
我們都假裝沒有 但事實上不然 | We both try to pretend it's not there,but it is. |
那一定很辛苦 | It's gotta be rough. |
對,那真的很辛苦 有時候我認為… | Yeah,it's really tough. Sometimes I think.. |
哇 | Wow! |
太帥了 | Nice move! |
-“你在哪裡長大的?”,太簡單了 -謝謝 | -"Where'd you grow up?" So simple. -Thank you. |
對不起,我要去洗手間 | Now,excuse me. I'm gonna use the restroom. |
-你正看著我走開 -沒錯,太簡單了 | -Now you're watching me walk away. -Yes,I am! So simple! |
-你一定不相信今天我做了什麼 -很明顯地你沒洗澡或刮鬍子 | -You won't believe what I did today. -Clearly not shower or shave. |
我玩了這玩意一整天 現在我是第一名 | I played this all day,and now I rule. |
他們應該把它改名為 “錢德小姐” | They should change the name to "Ms. Chandler." |
還是不要好了 | Although,I hope they don't. |
你待在家裡玩吃豆人 我出門像牛一樣在工作? | You stayed home and played Ms. Pac-Man while I went to work like a chump? |
我包辦了前10名 把菲比給擠掉了,慶祝一下吧 | I got the top 1 0 scores. I erased Phoebe off the board. High-five! |
你的手是怎麼了? | What is the matter with your hand? |
我打了八小時的電動 | I played for eight hours. |
它會放鬆的,看看我的記錄 | It'll loosen up. Check out the scores. |
看看我編的名字 它們全是髒話 | Also,look at the initials. They're dirty words. |
-錢德,你為什麼要那麼做? -因為它很棒 | -Chandler,why would you do that? -Because it's awesome. |
你覺得那麼做很聰明? | You think it's clever? |
我只能寫下三個字母 除了屁股外,其他的名字可是個大挑戰 | They only give you three letters,so after A-S-S,it is a challenge. |
但你全都想出來了 | But clearly you're up to the task. |
-這不是髒話 -把它跟那個連在一起 | -This one's not dirty. -Put it together with that one. |
喔 | Oh. |
如果你沒辦法把它清掉 我不會答應你的 | If you don't clear this off,you won't get one of those from me. |
班明天會過來 不能讓他看到這個 | Ben's coming over tomorrow. This can't be there. |
-他不知道它們的意思 -他七歲了,他不笨 | -He won't know what they mean. -He's 7,not stupid. |
-最近你跟他談過嗎? -我要把插頭拔掉 | -Have you talked to him lately? -I'm gonna unplug it. |
我沒辦法證明我今天做了什麼 就跟我的工作一樣 | I'll have nothing to show for my day. Like work. |
不 | No! |
你看,畫面還在 | Hey,look! It's still there! |
這玩意一定是用 唯讀記憶晶片 | This thing must have some kind of primitive ROM chip! |
你會說髒話 又懂電腦 | Wow. The dirty words and the computer talk. |
這是你做過最酷的事 | This is just the coolest you've ever been. |
-你得打敗自己的成績 -我的手指都張不開了 | -You gotta beat your scores. -With the claw? |
好吧,讓我來 我們得把這個消掉 | Fine,I'll do it. We gotta get this off. |
卡蘿還在氣 你教他“拉我的手指” | Carol's still upset that you taught him "Pull my finger." |
拉我的手指,我的手毀了 | Pull my finger. My hand is messed up! |
-我不會回答那個問題 -來吧,快挑一個 | -I am not gonna answer that. -Oh,come on. Just pick one. |
在莫妮卡,菲比 錢德跟羅斯之間… | Between Monica,Phoebe,Chandler and Ross.. |
如果你非那麼做不可 你會打誰? | if you had to,who would you punch? |
我們是朋友,我不會打他們 | We're friends. I wouldn't punch any of them. |
錢德嗎? | Chandler? |
對,但我不知道為什麼 | Yeah,but I don't know why. |
-我玩得很開心 -我也是 | -I'm having a wonderful time! -Me too! |
-這是我最棒的約會經驗 -我知道 | -This is the best date I ever had. -I know! |
我笑得好厲害 你看到酒從我鼻子噴出來嗎? | I laughed so hard. Did you see the wine come out my nose? |
喬伊,我想大家都看到了 | Joey,I think everybody saw it. |
我不知道我會這麼喜歡 沒有性愛的約會 | I never knew I could enjoy the non-sex part of a date so much. |
那是因為 你沒有跟我約會過 | That's because you have never been on a date with me before. |
好吧,別批評我 | All right. Now don't judge me. |
通常我會等我的物件離開了再這麼做 但我真的餓壞了 | I normally wait till my date leaves,but I'm ripping into the swan. |
好吧,你也別批評我 | Okay,then you don't judge me. |
我要去舔蛋糕的包裝紙 | I'm gonna suck on the cellophane from that brownie. |
對 | Oh,yeah. |
告訴我喬伊崔比亞尼 說晚安的招數是什麼 | So tell me,what are Joey Tribbiani's end-of-the-night moves? |
如果我要那個女孩吻我… | Well,if I want the girl to kiss me.. |
首先我會讓我的嘴巴 看起來難以抵抗 | first,I make my lips look irresistible. |
你都是怎麼做的? | How do you do it? |
你不能告訴任何人,但是… | Now you can't tell anyone,but.. |
我會塗上潤唇膏 | I put on shiny lip balm. |
-天啊 -女人就跟飛蛾撲火一樣 | -Oh,my God. -Like a moth to a flame,I tell you. |
-好吧,輪到你了 -不,我不想告訴你 | -Okay,now you go. -No,I don't want to tell you. |
-為什麼? -那太丟臉了 | -Why not? -It's embarrassing. |
比塗覆盆子口味的潤唇膏 還丟臉? | More embarrassing than shiny raspberry lip balm? |
我剛剛沒說覆盆子口味吧? | I didn't say raspberry before,did I? |
快告訴我,瑞秋 | Just tell me,Rach. Just tell me. |
好吧 | Okay. |
站起來 | All right,stand up. |
我們走到門邊時… | Well,when we're at the door.. |
我會將我的嘴唇 輕輕壓在他的嘴唇上 | I lightly press my lips against his. |
將身體靠向他 一秒鐘 | Then move into his body,just for a second. |
然後我會發出這樣的聲音 | And then I make this sound: |
聽起來沒什麼 但很有效 | It doesn't sound like anything,but it works. |
對,那的確有效 | Oh,yeah. That would work,yeah. |
好吧,我得睡了 我玩得很開心 | All right,I gotta go to bed. I had such a wonderful time. |
我也是 | Me too. |
你遲到了50分鐘? 你是用爬的嗎? | You were 50 minutes late? Did you crawl? |
不,我用跑的,那真的很遠 | No,I ran,okay? It's really far. |
人們什麼時候開始聽不懂 “別擋我的路”? | When did people stop understanding "Get out of my way"? |
你為什麼不搭計程車? | Why didn't you take a cab? |
塞車太嚴重,那是單行道 搭計程車得花兩倍的時間 | With the traffic and one-way streets,it'd take me twice as long. |
我一星期有三堂課 我是洛克菲勒嗎? | And I have class three times a week. Who am I,Rockefeller? |
你沒辦法再繼續下去 | You won't be able to keep doing this. |
我不那麼做 他們會取消我這堂課 | If I don't,they'll take the class away from me. |
我把它登在我家的通訊報上 | And I put it in my family newsletter. |
-什麼? -你看過的,蓋勒通訊報 | -Your what? -You've seen it,The Geller Yeller. |
對 | Right. Wow. |
我想出一條比較快的路線 我想這次我能及時趕到 | I figured out a faster route. I'm sure I can make it this time. |
我不能害怕 被車子撞到 | I just can't be afraid to get a little bit hit by cars. |
-嘿 -嗨 | -Hey. -Hi! |
還記得我們談過《狂犬驚魂》嗎? | Remember when we talked about Cujo? |
我不敢相信你沒看過《狂犬驚魂》 | I can't believe you haven't seen Cujo. |
別緊張,它不是《公民凱恩》 | Relax,it isn't Citizen Kane. |
你看完了《公民凱恩》? | Have you ever sat through Citizen Kane? |
對,它真的很無聊 但它是名片 | Yeah,it's really boring. But it's,like,a big deal. |
總之,我想去租《狂犬驚魂》 | Anyway,I was thinking about renting Cujo. |
我們今晚一起看吧 | Well,let's do it tonight. |
-你不是有約會嗎? -對 | -Don't you have that big date? -Oh,right. |
-喬伊,我能問你一件事嗎? -問吧 | -Hey,Joey,can I ask you something? -Yeah. |
昨晚約會後你覺不覺得怪怪的? | After our date,did you feel weird? |
天啊,你也是嗎? 我嚇壞了,那是什麼? | Oh,my God. You did too? It freaked me out. What was that? |
我不知道 我想應該是龍蝦的問題 | I don't know. I'm kind of thinking it was the lobster. |
對,龍蝦 | Oh,yeah. Yeah,the lobster. |
-我吐了一整晚 -我也是 | -I was up sick all night. -Me too. All night. |
真的嗎?我沒看到你 | Really? We didn't cross paths. |
對,那是因為… | Yeah,well,that's because.. |
我都待在房裡 | I stayed in my room. |
你不會想看我的洗衣籃的 | You don't want to look in my hamper. |
我懂了 | Okay,I got that. |
我要逃離那裡 回到這裡 | I'll escape there. I'll come back here. |
來吧,吃豆人 | All right. Come on,Ms. Pac-Man. |
你是個混蛋,對吧? | Well,you're just a little bitch,aren't you?! |
大家好 | Hey,you guys? |
抱歉之前 我霸佔著電動玩具 | I'm sorry that I was hogging the game before. |
如果你不快下來,我會殺了你 | But if you don't get off soon,I will cut you. |
天啊,你朋友名字的縮寫真難聽 | Oh,my God! Your friends have some unfortunate initials. |
那都是錢德幹的 | They're all Chandler. |
錢德不可能有這麼厲害 | Chandler couldn't get this good. |
我很厲害,但那是要付出代價的 | I did. But it came at a price. |
班要過來,他不能看到這個 | Ben's coming,and he can't see this. |
七歲的孩子應該都看過縱欲 | By age 7,kids have already seen orgies. |
還是只有我而已? | Was it just me? |
總之… | So.. |
我們沒時間了 | we're about out of time. |
我知道我提供你們很多新資訊 | Now,I know I've given you a lot of new information. |
那或許很嚇人 | And it may seem a little overwhelming. |
但今天… | But,if there's one thing.. |
在課堂上 你們得學會一件事… | you need to take away from class today.. |
那就是… | it's that.. |
恐龍永遠都不會復活 | dinosaurs ain't never coming back. |
下次再見 | I'll see you next time. |
我辦到了,我及時趕到 | Yes,I made it! I'm on time! |
好了,請大家… | Okay,why don't we all.. |
翻到第23頁… | open our books to page 23.. |
你們… | where.. |
你們將會看到… | where you will see.. |
很多紅點 | a bunch of red spots. |
請大家先看一下 我要… | Okay,why don't you all start to read while I.. |
這真的是太不好意思了 | This is so embarrassing. |
我只想過正常人的生活 | I just want to have a normal life. |
那瓶紅酒很貴的 | Wow,that's an expensive bottle of wine. |
是嗎? | It is? |
真有趣 通常我的影迷不會那麼做 | That's funny,my fans don't normally do that. |
你沒事嗎? 你似乎有點心不在焉 | Are you all right? You seem a little distracted. |
不,我沒事,我只是… | No,no,I'm fine. It's just.. |
我能問你一件事嗎? | Hey,can I ask you something? |
你有沒有這樣的經驗 看著你認識的人… | Have you ever looked at someone you know.. |
突然間有不一樣的感覺? | and suddenly seen them in a different way? |
你是說從背後看嗎? | You mean like from behind? |
沒錯,就是那樣 | Yeah. That's exactly it. |
我從背後看這個傢伙 覺得他真的很普通 | I saw this guy from behind,and he seemed totally normal. |
他一轉身 我才知道他是史蒂芬鮑德溫(影星) | And then he turned around and it was Stephen Baldwin! |
對 | Yeah. |
你完全瞭解我的意思 | So you know exactly what I mean. |
沒錯 | Totally! Wow. |
-抱歉離開一下 -請便 | -Would you excuse me? -Sure. |
-菲比,你真的很厲害 -我知道 | -Phoebe! You're on fire! -I know! |
你辦得到 | You can do it! |
-別碰我 -別碰她 | -Don't touch me! -Don't touch her! |
左邊,右邊,右邊 | Go left! Go right! Go right! |
我辦不到 | I can't! I can't! |
不,你這個天殺的… | No! You son of a.. |
菲比 | Phoebe?! |
嗨,班 不,別看機器 | Oh,hi,Ben. No,don't look at the machine! |
謝天謝地你回來了 我在看《狂犬驚魂》 | Thank God you're home! I'm watching Cujo. |
-你一個人? -對,這只狗是怎麼了? | -Alone? -Yes! What is wrong with this dog? |
你看到庫裘 自己去撞車的那一幕了嗎? | Did you get to the part where Cujo throws himself at the car? |
不,真的 這只狗是怎麼了? | No,seriously,what's wrong with the dog? |
等一下,你不是去約會了嗎? | Wait,what happened to your date? |
我們之間沒感覺 | Oh,it didn't work out. |
-你要跟我一起把電影看完嗎? -好吧 | -Want to watch the rest of the movie? -Oh,okay. Yeah. |
我沒有想過我會這麼說… | I never thought I'd say this.. |
但我希望這只狗死掉 | but I hope this dog dies. |
你在做什麼? 坐在這裡保護我 | What are you doing? Sit here. Protect me. |
沒問題,有何不可呢? | Oh. Sure,yeah. Why not? |
好吧 | Okay. |
-那就是他,那就是庫裘 -我知道 | -That's him,that's him! That's Cujo! -I know. |
沒事的 | It's gonna be okay. |
天啊,他現在會怎麼做? 我不敢看 | Oh,my God. What's he gonna do now? I can't watch. |
你怎麼能看這個? 你不害怕嗎? | How can you watch this? Aren't you scared? |
我怕極了 | Terrified. |
大家都來了嗎? 今天我提早到了 | So is everybody here? I got here a little early,myself. |
開始上課吧 | Let us begin. |
海德羅恐龍 主要分佈在兩個地方 | Now,the hadrosaurids have been unearthed in two main locations. |
這裡… | Here.. |
跟… | and.. |
這裡 | here. |
至於水龍… | Now,as for the hydrosaurs.. |
好了,這是全新的一天 關於瑞秋那件事呢? | All right,it's a new day. That stuff about Rachel? |
現在你沒有感覺,那太瘋了 你沒事,你好的不得了 | You don't feel that now. It was crazy. You're fine. You're better than fine. |
沒錯,就像你朋友湯尼說的 “太帥了” | You are,as your friend Tony would say,"Great!" |
一切都很正常 瑞秋她只是你的朋友 | Everything's normal. She's just your friend,Rachel. |
你的朋友瑞秋 你的朋友瑞秋 | Your friend,Rachel. Your friend. Rachel. |
-嗨,親愛的 -嗨,她是你女朋友瑞秋 | -Hi,sweetie. -Hey,it's your girlfriend,Rachel! |
本集播出:錢德泡澡記 | The.One.Where.Chandler.Takes.a.Bath |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
你…你很興奮嗎? | Are you..? Are you high? |
我剛剛泡了一個最舒服的澡 | I just had the most amazing bath. |
-真的嗎?我不喜歡泡澡 -你喜歡跟我泡 | -Really? I don't like baths. -You like them with me. |
親愛的,我不是喜歡泡澡 我是喜歡看全身濕答答的裸體女人 | Honey,it's not the bath I enjoy. It's the wet,naked lady. |
-泡澡能讓你放鬆 -真的嗎?你在裡面做什麼? | -Baths are so relaxing. -Really? What do you do? |
你坐在那裡 被自己的髒水泡著 | You just sit in there,stewing in your own filth. |
你覺得我有多髒呢? | How dirty do you think I am? |
如果有蠟燭、泡泡跟音樂 | If you had some candles and bubbles and music, |
你一定會喜歡它的 | you would love it. |
它會讓你完全地放鬆 | It would take all of your stress away. |
現在是星期三兩點 我正在看越野單車賽 | It's 2:00 on a Wednesday and I'm watching Road Rules. |
你覺得我的壓力會有多大 | How stressed do you think I am? |
錢德,你有空嗎? 我真的需要跟你談一談 | Hey,Chandler. You got a minute? I really need to talk to you. |
對,這是冷披薩談話 還是烤肉剩菜談話? | Oh,yeah. Is this a cold-pizza talk or a leftover-meat loaf talk? |
都不是 | Well,neither. |
天啊,發生了什麼事? | Oh,my God,what's up? |
我不知道,那只是… | I don't know. It's just.. |
最近我覺得… | Lately,I've been feeling.. |
好吧,事情是這樣的 | Okay,here's what it is. |
你知道嗎? 我覺得好多了,謝謝 | You know what? I feel a lot better. Thanks. |
不,快回來告訴我 男人(蘇格蘭用語) | No. Come back here and talk to me,mon frere. |
-誰? -回來吧 | -Who? -Just come back. |
好吧 | Okay. |
你跟莫妮卡 當了很久的朋友 | You and Monica,friends for a long time. |
當然這是有規則的 之後你們去了倫敦 | And sure,there are rules. But then you went to London. |
但那不一樣,這也是有規則的 你瞭解我的意思嗎? | But that's different. There are rules there too,you know what I mean? |
是嗎? | Do you? |
對你們來說是不一樣的 你們剛好去了同一個地方,對吧? | It was different for you guys. You were both in the same place,right? |
-在倫敦? -對 | -In London? -Yeah. |
對,莫妮卡跟我在倫敦時 我們剛好都在那裡 | Yes,when Monica and I were in London,we were both in London. |
你知道嗎?這是個爛主意 算了 | You know what. This is a bad idea. Forget all about it. |
聽著,幫我一個忙 別把這件事說出去 | And listen,do me a favor,this conversation between you and me. |
我會盡力的 | If that. |
(中央咖啡廳) | |
為什麼我玩井字棋老是會輸呢? | How do I keep losing at tic-tac-toe? |
不,親愛的 我的圈圈一直都停留在中間 | Oh,no,no,honey. My circle always stays in the middle. |
羅斯,別忘了 明天我們要一起去產檢 | Oh,Ross,don't forget we have that doctor's appointment tomorrow. |
-你們要知道寶寶的性別? -不,我們不想知道 | -To find out the sex of the baby? -No. We don't wanna know. |
我們只在乎 寶寶是不是健康快樂 | All we care about is that it's happy and healthy. |
對,健康快樂,還有可愛 | Yep,happy and healthy. And cute. |
-跟聰明,還要有科學精神 -受歡迎 | -And smart. With an aptitude for science. -Popular. |
你們兩個說的是 同一個寶寶嗎? | Are you two talking about the same baby? |
-你們想到名字了嗎? -對,我想到一大堆 | -Hey,have you thought of names? -Oh,yeah. I've come up with a bunch. |
-真的嗎?我也是 -我也是 | -Really? Me too. -Me too. |
真的? | Really? |
如果是女孩就叫菲比 如果是男孩就叫菲寶 | If it's a girl,Phoebe. And if it's a boy,Pheebo. |
或許吧,但想些備用名字 應該無傷大雅 | Maybe. But it wouldn't hurt to have a backup,you know? |
-瑞秋,你想到什麼名字? -好吧 | -Rach,what were you thinking? -Okay. |
我想如果是女孩 | I was thinking if it's a girl.. |
叫她珊德妮好嗎?那是法文 | how about Sandrene? It's French. |
那很適合化學溶劑公司 | That's a really pretty name for an industrial solvent. |
-好吧,你想到什麼? -我想到男生的名字 | -Okay,fine. What do you have? -It's for a boy. |
我知道那沒有什麼,但是… | I know it's a little out there,but.. |
達爾文 | Darwin. |
天啊,我們的孩子 會在操場上被打死 | Oh,my God. Our child will be beaten to death in the schoolyard. |
對,被珊德妮打死 | Yeah,by Sandrene. |
你會那麼說 因為我不喜歡你想的名字 | You're saying that because I said no to your name. |
我真的沒有 | I'm really,really not. |
你們何不各想五個名字? | How about you each get five vetoes? |
-聽起來很公平 -我想你不需要,聽著 | -That sounds fair. -I don't think you'll need it. Check this out. |
如果是女孩就叫做小雨 | If it's a girl,Rain. |
-否決 -為什麼? | -Veto. -Why? |
小雨?嗨,我叫小雨 | Rain? "Hi,my name is Rain. |
我有自己的爐子 我的衣服是用麥子做的 | I have my own kiln,and my dress is made out of wheat." |
我認識她 | I know her! |
我在死人表演裡 跟她買了一塊手工肥皂 | I bought a homemade soap from her at a Dead show! |
-好,如果是女孩就叫她柴契爾 -你為什麼那麼恨我們的孩子? | -Okay. How about for a guy,Thatcher? -Why do you hate our child? |
-好吧,輪到你了 -詹姆斯 | -Fine,you go. -Okay. James. |
-但我可能生的是女孩 -否決 | -But only if it's a girl. -Veto. |
我喜歡蘿絲,你覺得呢? | I like Ruth. What about Ruth? |
抱歉 我們要生下89歲的寶寶? | Oh,I'm sorry. Are we having an 89-year-old? |
-戴頓呢? -否決,史都華 | -How about Dayton? -Veto. Stewart. |
否決,莎耶 | Veto. Sawyer. |
-否決,海倫 -否決 | -Veto. Helen. -Veto. |
是我想歪了 還是“否決”會是個好名字? | Is it me,or is Veto starting to sound really good? |
天啊,我為你準備了一個大驚喜 | Boy,do I have a surprise for you. |
我們要在陽臺上做愛? | Sex on the balcony? |
不,但有個人 忘不了那個想法 | No. But someone's not gonna get over that idea. |
-怎麼了? -我幫你放了洗澡水 | -What is it? -I drew you a bath. |
我不喜歡洗澡 你願意跟我去陽臺上做愛嗎? | I don't like baths. Could you draw me a picture of us having sex on the balcony? |
拜託你試試看 我使出了渾身解數 | Please. Will you just try it for me. I used all my best stuff. |
我點了蠟燭,放了音樂 用了浴鹽跟泡泡澡 | I lit candles,I put on music. I used bath salts,plus bubble bath. |
我還幫你找到海軍模型船 這是男人會洗的澡 | And got you this little plastic Navy ship! So it's a boy bath. |
-這稍微有點男人味 -我發誓你試過後一定會愛上它 | -This does butch it up a bit. -I swear,if you try it,you will love it. |
如果我這麼做 我們能不能討論在陽臺上做愛的事? | If I do this,can we at least discuss sex on the balcony? |
當然可以 | Absolutely. |
但我知道 討論的結果是什麼 | But I know how that discussion's gonna go. |
好吧,這還不賴 我喜歡花香味 | All right,this isn't so bad. I like the flowery smell. |
沒關係 因為我有我的船 | Which is okay,because I've got my boat. |
我可以感覺到 壓力消除了 | I can actually feel my tension just melting away. |
我快睡著了 | I could fall asleep in here. |
我可能會被淹死 | I could drown in here. |
我快淹死了 | Drowning. |
-怎麼樣? -我的天啊 | -So? -Oh,my God. |
我說過你會喜歡洗澡 或許我可以幫你做臉 | I told you you were a bath person. Hey,maybe I can give you a facial. |
我需要大一點的船 | I'm gonna need a bigger boat. |
我覺得你對蘿絲這個名字 沒有抱著開闊的胸襟 | I don't think you had an open mind about the name Ruth. |
拜託嘛,小蘿絲蓋勒 可愛吧? | I mean,come on,little Ruthie Geller? How cute is that? |
天啊 我可以聽到麻將聲 | Oh,my God,I can practically hear the mahjong tiles. |
好了,檢查結果都很正常 你們想知道寶寶的性別嗎? | Okay. All your tests look fine. Are you interested in knowing the sex of the baby? |
-我們不想知道 -但病歷裡面有記錄? | -No,we're not. -But you have it right there in that file? |
你可以告訴我們 是男孩或是女孩? | You could tell us whether it's a boy or a girl? |
戴頓或珊德妮? 菲比或菲寶? | Dayton or Sandrene? Phoebe or Pheebo? |
沒錯 如果你們不想知道 | That's right. But if you don't wanna know.. |
-不,我們要等,對吧? -對 | -No,we wanna wait. Right? -Right. Right. |
我馬上回來 | Oh,I'll be right back. |
我知道我不該那麼說 | I know it's really not my place.. |
但請不要將你們的寶寶 取名為菲寶 | but please don't name your child Pheebo. |
你覺得哪個寶寶最醜? | So which of these babies do you think is the ugliest? |
什麼?瑞秋,那太可怕了 | What? Rach,come on,that's terrible. |
他們是寶寶 他們都很可愛 | They're babies. They're all beautiful. |
-左邊數過來第三個? -對,他為什麼要盯著我看? | -Third one from the left? -Yeah. Why is it staring at me? |
我想他知道我在說他 你不…你在偷看 | I think it knows I'm talking about it. Don't you..? You're looking! |
-我沒有 -我看到了 | -I didn't! -I saw you! |
好吧,我在偷看 但我什麼都沒有看到 | Fine,I did,but I didn't see anything. |
你太可恥了,醜寶寶唾棄你 | Shame on you! Ugly baby judges you! |
-好吧,聽我說,我沒有… -別告訴我,我不想知道 | -Okay. But listen to me,I didn't.. -Don't tell me! I don't wanna know! |
我想說也沒辦法說 因為我不知道 | I couldn't even if I wanted to,because I don't know! |
我發誓我什麼都沒看到,我不想知道 剛剛我是一時糊塗 | I swear I didn't see anything! I don't want to know. It was just a momentary lapse. |
一時糊塗? 你不懂得自製嗎? | Momentary lapse? Don't you have any self-control? |
好吧,現在跟我說教 已經遲了好幾個月,羅斯 | Okay. A couple months late on the lecture,Ross. |
嗨 | Hello? |
我在浴室,你能進來一下嗎? 我覺得不太對勁 | I'm in the bathroom. Can you come in here? I think there's something wrong. |
你知道嗎? 我在這裡等 | You know what? I think I'll wait out here. |
我在浴缸裡 | I'm in the bathtub. |
-怎麼了? -我自己放洗澡水,但我沒有弄對 | -What's wrong? -I drew my own bath,but I did it wrong. |
水溫溫的,浴鹽無法溶解 現在它們結塊了 | The water's tepid,the salt didn't dissolve and is now lodged places. |
我用的香味聞起來很不協調 尤加利樹跟甘菊? | And the scents I used don't compliment each other. Eucalyptus and chamomile? |
-什麼? -浴鹽 | -What? -Bath salts. |
它們開始冒泡了 | They're starting to effervesce. |
感覺完全不同 | It's different. |
這真的很有趣 | It's interesting. |
好吧,我們談談別的事 | Okay. Let's talk about something else. |
當然 今天你過得還好吧? | Yeah. Sure. So,what was going on with you today? |
我跟喬伊 談了一件很奇怪的事 | I actually had the weirdest conversation with Joey. |
他談到規則及對錯 | He was talking about rules and right and wrong. |
-我也跟他談過 -是嗎?他到底在說什麼? | -I had the same conversation. -You did? What was he talking about? |
自從他演過馬克白後 我還沒看過他說不出話的樣子 | He hasn't had this much trouble getting out words since we saw him in Macbeth. |
那是漫長的一夜 | That was a long night. |
好吧,我們來談談這件事 他到底跟你說了什麼? | All right,let's break this down. What exactly did he say to you? |
他說到規則 對別人有不同的看法 | He was talking about rules and looking at people differently. |
-他沒有跟我說那個 -他跟你說了什麼? | -He didn't say that to me. -What'd he tell you? |
他問到你跟我 在倫敦發生的事 | He was asking questions about you,me and London. |
我們是怎麼開始的 還有規則 | And the glue that holds this all together,the rules. |
好吧,你跟我在倫敦 | Okay. So you,me and London. |
對別人有不同的看法 | Looking at people differently. |
或許他想跟某人 發生你跟我在倫敦發生的事 | Maybe he wants to do what you and I did in London with someone. |
但他說“規則”是什麼意思? | But what'd he mean by "rules"? |
等一下,菲比走進來時 他就不說了 | Wait. He stopped talking the minute Phoebe came in. |
-因為他用不同的眼光看她 -菲比是他的朋友 | -Because he was looking at her differently. -And Phoebe is his friend. |
他覺得那違反了規則 | So he thinks that would be breaking the rules. |
天啊,他想跟菲比在倫敦上床 | My God,he wants to do it with Phoebe in London! |
-你們在哪裡? -等一下 | -You guys? -Just a minute! |
-崔比亞尼太太來了 -什麼都別說 | -That's Mrs. Tribbiani. -You don't say anything. |
我為什麼要說? | Why would I say anything? |
我們的兩個好朋友 要真正地談戀愛? | That two of our friends could start the greatest love affair of their lives? |
他們會謝謝我 然後我們可以開始生寶寶 | They would have me to thank. Then we could all start having babies! |
-我不要你告訴她 -你待在這裡 | -I'm not gonna let you say anything. -You just stay here. |
天啊 | Oh,God! |
莫妮卡,我拿熨斗來還你 | Hey,Monica,I brought back your iron. |
是你把它拿走的?我以為我弄丟了它 一個月前我買了一個新的 | Oh,you had that? I thought I lost it. I got a new one a month ago. |
太好了,我把它弄壞了 | Oh,just as well. I broke this one. |
-什麼? -沒事 | -What? -Nothing. |
我真的不該說 我不應該說出來的 | I really shouldn't say. I'm really not supposed to. |
好吧 | Fine. |
這是個好消息 | It's a humdinger. |
可惜你不能告訴我 | Well,then it's really too bad that you can't tell me. |
有人喜歡你 | Somebody likes you! |
是錢德嗎? | Is it Chandler? |
-不 -叫他別再盯著我看 | -No! -Then tell him to stop staring. |
是喬伊 | It's Joey. |
真的嗎?喬伊?你騙人 | Really? Joey? You don't say. |
-你會有興趣嗎? -我不知道 | -Is it something you'd be interested in? -I don't know,I don't know. |
我是說我在想 “天啊,我可以嗎?” | You know,I mean,on the one hand,"Mother,may I?" |
但在另一方面 | But,you know,on the other hand.. |
不行,我們是朋友 | No. No,I can't. We're friends. |
不,我不能冒險 失去我們現在的友誼 | Oh,no. I don't wanna risk what we have. |
我猜你說的對 你會跟他談一談嗎? | I guess that makes sense. You think you're gonna talk to him? |
當然,他是喬伊 我不希望他受傷害 | Sure. I mean,it's Joey. I don't want him to get hurt. |
我得說我真的很辣 先是錢德,現在又是喬伊 | Well,I must say,I am on fire! First Chandler,now Joey. |
-沒有錢德,只有喬伊 -當然 | -Not Chandler. Just Joey. -Sure. |
你知道嗎?我想過了 我接受蘿絲這個名字 | You know what? I've been thinking about it. I'm coming around on the name Ruth. |
我可以考慮 幫孩子取那個名字 | I think I would actually consider naming our child that. |
瑞秋,我無法告訴你 這對我來說意義有多麼重大 | Rach,I can't tell you how much that means to me. |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
等一下,你討厭蘿絲這個名字 你為什麼會改變心意? | Wait a minute. You hated the name Ruth. Why would you change your mind? |
除非你知道 我們用不著它 | Unless you know we're never gonna have to use it. |
你看到了,你知道寶寶是男孩 | You did see. You know it's a boy! |
我什麼都沒有看到 我真的是改變了心意 | I didn't see anything. I actually changed my mind about the name. |
我不那麼認為 你答應讓我選蘿絲 | I don't think so. You're giving me Ruth.. |
如果你生了兒子 你可以幫他取名字 | so you get to name him when it's a boy. |
那時候你會決定叫他 海瑟,布蘭恩或史奎亞 | That's when you'll swoop in and name him Heath or Blaine or Sequoia. |
我會…史奎亞 | I would.. Sequoia! |
-否決 -好吧 | -Veto. -Fine. |
除非… | Unless.. |
你知道我會看穿你的陰謀 | you anticipated that I would figure all this out.. |
你知道寶寶是女生 | and you know that it actually is a girl. |
你真的希望她叫蘿絲 | And you really do want her to be named Ruth. |
我才不會上當 好吧?我們不考慮蘿絲 | Well,I'm not falling for that! Okay? Ruth is off the table! |
-但羅斯,你要蘿絲這個名字 -現在我不要了 | -But,Ross,you want the name Ruth. -Not like this! |
怎麼了? | What's up? |
-喬伊,我知道了 -什麼? | -Joey,I know. -What? |
-我知道了 -什麼? | -I know. -What? |
-我瞭解你的感覺 -天啊,真的嗎? | -I know about your feelings. -Oh,my God,you do? |
我很遺憾,雖然錢德跟莫妮卡成功了 但那是少之又少的例子 | I'm sorry. Things worked out for Chandler and Monica,but that's rare. |
我知道 這比他們的情況複雜多了 | I know. And this is so much more complicated than it was for those guys. |
我是說她是瑞秋,天啊 | I mean,it's Rachel,for God's sakes. |
天啊,是瑞秋 | For God's sakes,it's Rachel! |
我知道,她不只是我的朋友 她是我的孕婦朋友 | I know! She's not only my friend,she's my pregnant friend. |
她是我的孕婦朋友 還是羅斯的前女友 | She's my pregnant friend who's Ross 'ex! |
對,那就是瑞秋 | Yeah,that's Rachel. |
敲我的頭吧 | Beat me over the head with it. |
我該怎麼辦? 我試著不去想這些事 | What am I gonna do? I keep trying to get rid of these feelings. |
昨晚我整夜沒睡 試著寫出我不喜歡她的地方 | I stayed up all last night and made a list of everything I don't like about her. |
-你想聽聽看嗎? -好 | -You wanna hear it? -Yeah. |
“她要我改吃低卡美乃滋” 就那樣,我只想到那個 | "She made me switch to light mayo." That's it! That's all I got! |
你知道嗎?味道一樣 但我的褲子松多了 | You know what? Tastes the same and my pants fit better. |
喬伊,我覺得你是庸人自擾 或許你只是被愛情沖昏了頭 | Joey,I think you're getting upset for nothing. This is probably just a crush. |
你真的那麼認為? | You think? |
當然,你只是一時昏了頭 但那種感覺會消失的 | Absolutely. You get this rush of feelings,but then it goes away. |
對,我只是沖昏了頭 沒錯,我只是沖昏了頭 | Yeah,just a crush. That's all this is. It's a crush! |
我是喬伊,我不會玩真的 | I'm Joey. I don't get deep feelings. |
好了 人常會被沖昏了頭 | There you go. Crushes happen all the time. |
我對你們這些男生也會有那種感覺 羅斯跟錢德除外 | I know I've had them for all you guys. Except for Ross and Chandler. |
-我相信你對我們也是 -不儘然 | -And I'm sure you've had them for us. -Not really. |
丟根骨頭給我 | Throw me a bone here. |
我打電話給醫生了 | So I called the doctor. |
-現在我們都知道寶寶的性別 -什麼? | -Now we both know the sex of the baby. -What? |
沒錯 我是青出於藍勝於藍 | That's right. The student has become the master. |
-羅斯,我發誓我真的不知道 -少來了,你知道寶寶是女孩 | -Ross,I swear. I don't know. -Oh,come on,you know it's a girl. |
什麼? | A what? |
你真的不知道? | You really didn't know? |
-我們要有個女兒了? -不 | -We're having a girl? -No. |
-你是那麼說的 -不 | -That's what you said. -No. |
-你說它是女孩 -對,我真的很抱歉 | -You said girl. -Yes. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. |
沒關係,我們要有個女兒了 | I'm not! We're having a girl! |
有時候我不敢相信孩子的爸是你 但我們要有個女兒了 | Sometimes I can't believe it's with you,but still,we're having a girl! |
我知道,你知道嗎? 我要重新考慮蘿絲這個名字 | I know! You know what? I'm putting Ruth back on the table. |
對,我們要生下小蘿絲了 | Yes,we'll have ourselves a little baby Ruth. |
-請求否決 -好吧,否決 | -Permission to veto. -Yes,please. |
這是精油味嗎? | Do I smell essential oils? |
對,我要去洗澡 我想拿本雜誌 | Yeah. I'm gonna take a bath. I was just gonna get a magazine. |
你覺得你在做什麼? | What do you think you're doing? |
忘了我的麻煩? | Leaving my troubles behind? |
我知道你是新手 但這不合乎洗澡的禮儀 | I know that you're new at this,but this is unacceptable bath decorum. |
看到你這麼輕鬆 我真的很難挑剔 | It's so hard to care when you're this relaxed. |
好吧,你可以洗澡 但我要拿走你的船 | Okay,fine. You can have the bath,but I am taking your boat. |
現在你是愛洗澡的女生 | Now you're just a girl in a tub. |
嗨,泡泡澡,太有男子氣概了 | Hi,bubbles. Manly. |
我想順道過來 告訴你結果 | I thought I would drop by and let you know how it went. |
你跟她說了? | You told her? |
是她套我的 她真的很會逼別人 | She pulled it out of me! She's like a conversational wizard! |
-結果如何? -你錯了,他不喜歡我 | -How did it go? -You were wrong. He doesn't like me. |
你會有什麼感覺 如果我把你送到李·梅傑斯(演員、導演)的家 | How would you like it if I sent you to Lee Majors' house.. |
我告訴你他喜歡你 你跑進去… | and I told you he liked you and you went there.. |
發現他並不喜歡你 你會有什麼感覺? | and you found out that he didn't like you. How would you feel? |
-我想我不會在乎 -真的嗎?李·梅傑斯很性感 | -I don't think I'd care. -Really? Lee Majors is hot. |
-嗨 -我們在浴室裡 | -Hello? -We're in the bathroom! |
-為什麼? -因為它既輕鬆又有趣 | -Why? -Because it's a relaxing and enjoyable time! |
-你們在這裡做什麼? -天啊 | -What are you guys doing in here? -Oh,my God. |
他對一個朋友的感覺不一樣 但那是不對的 | A friend he's looking at differently,but it's wrong. |
-是瑞秋 -你喜歡瑞秋? | -It's Rachel! -You like Rachel? |
那沒什麼了不起的,菲比跟我談過 我只是沖昏了頭,我會清醒過來的 | It's no big deal. Phoebe and I talked. It's a crush. It'll go away. |
你得重新排列 泡泡的位置 | Dude,you gotta rearrange your bubbles. |
恭喜你(猶太語) | Mazel tov. |
羅斯跟我在找你們 | Ross and I were looking for you. |
我們在這裡做什麼?天啊 | What are we all doing in here? Oh,my. |
-用船把它蓋起來 -它不是航空母艦 | -Honey,cover it up with the boat. -It's not an aircraft carrier. |
嗨 | Hello? |
我們都在這裡 希望你能加入我們 | We're all in here,and we'd love for you to join us! |
嘿,發生了什麼事? 很酷的船,不 | Well,hey! What's going on? Oh,cool boat. Oh,no. |
-你告訴他們了嗎? -不,我在等你 | -Did you tell them? -No. I was waiting for you. |
-告訴我們什麼? -我們就要有女兒了 | -Tell us what? -We're having a girl. |
哇,真的嗎? | Oh,wow! Really? |
我待會再加入你們 | I'll get you later. |
好吧,這是全新的一天 我只是被沖昏了頭 | All right. It's a new day. And it's just a crush. |
沒錯,我沖昏了頭 | That's all. Just a little crush. |
我到底在擔心什麼? 那太瘋狂了 | All that worrying I was doing? That was crazy. |
我的小鳥朋友會說 “那跟瘋子一樣” | Like my friend the bird here would say,"It was cuckoo!" |
一切都會沒事 我只是沖昏了頭 | Everything's gonna be fine. It's just a crush. |
-嗨,親愛的 -我愛你 | -Hi,sweetie. -I love you. |
我們能一起這麼做 真的很棒吧? | It's nice to do this together,isn't it? |
對,你讓我感覺很好 | Yeah. And what you're doing feels so good. |
我沒有碰你 | I'm not touching you. |
-是嗎? -那是浴鹽 | -You're not? -It's the salts. |
天啊,那是感官新領域 | Oh,sweet Lord,new realms of pleasure. |
只要能讓你忘了陽臺的事 就行了,大男孩 | Whatever keeps you off the balcony,big guy. |
-怎麼了? -我忘了拿吉他 | -What's up? -I left my guitar here. |
好吧,沒問題 | Okay. No problem. |
拿去吧 | Okay. Here you go. |
-什麼? -你要聊聊嗎? | -What? -You want to hang out or something? |
你來的不是時候 | You caught me at a bad time. |
-你跟錢德… -沒錯 | -Are you and Chandler..? -Exactly. |
-要我幫你們伴奏嗎? -不必 | -Can I play for you? -No. |
菲比,怎麼了? | Hey,Pheebs,what's up? |
你問了一個很有趣的問題 錢德賓 | You ask an intriguing question,Chandler Bing. |
天啊,你請人幫你按摩? 你從來不讓我幫你按摩 | Oh,my God! You're getting a massage? You never let me massage you. |
菲比,我可以解釋 | Phoebe,I can explain. |
聽著… | You see.. |
天啊,我得學怎麼說謊 | God,I gotta get better at lying. |
你說過你討厭按摩 | You said you hate massages. |
去買郵票,拿乾洗的衣服 別讓菲比進來 | Buy stamps. Pick up dry cleaning. Don't let Phoebe in. |
你背著我這麼做多久了? | How long has this been going on? |
-亞力桑德拉… -她還有名字? | -Well,Alexandra has.. -It has a name? |
菲比,別生氣 | Phoebe,don't get upset. |
好吧,太遲了,我要走了 來吧,錢德,我們走 | Okay. Oh,too late! I'm leaving. Come on,Chandler,let's go. |
我以為我… | Well,I thought I'd.. |
對,管它的 | Yeah,what the hell. |
本集播出:秘密儲物間 | The.One.With.The.Secret.Closet |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
再推一次 加油,快好了 | One more push. Come on,we're almost there. |
我很高興我們能在一起 我們要生孩子了,我愛你 | I'm happy things worked out for us and we're having this baby. I love you. |
我也愛你 | I love you too. |
我希望現在說這個 不會不是時候… | I hope it's not an inappropriate time to say.. |
你是我最棒的性伴侶 | you're the best sex I've ever had. |
你隨時都能那麼說 | That's always appropriate. |
來吧,再推一次 再推一次 | Okay,come on,one more push. One more push. |
好了 | There we go. |
你們的漂亮寶寶 恭喜 | Here is your beautiful baby. Congratulations. |
希望你做爸爸 比做朋友稱職 | I hope you're a better father than you are a friend! |
喬伊 | Joey! |
-發生了什麼事? -快來摸摸我的肚子 | -What's going on? -Come feel my belly. |
-這是寶寶第一次踢我 -真的嗎? | -The baby's kicking for the first time. -Really? |
對 | Yes. |
你知道嗎?或許你… | You know what? Maybe you.. |
或許你該走過來 我沒有穿褲子 | Maybe you should come to me. I'm not wearing any bottoms |
天啊 | Oh,my God. |
太不可思議了 | It's unbelievable! |
她踢得好厲害 她像是… | Wow,she is kicking so much. She's like.. |
那個嘰嘰喳喳的女足球員是誰來著? | Who's that annoying girl soccer player? |
-米亞·哈姆? -米亞·哈姆 | -Mia Hamm? -Mia Hamm! |
-太神奇了 -抓住你的床單,喬伊 | -It's amazing. -One hand on the sheet,Joe. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
嘿,寶貝 | Hey,babe. |
巴伯跟菲伊寶送我們結婚禮物 他們不喜歡我們,對吧? | We got a wedding gift from Bob and Faye Bing. They don't like us,do they? |
誰說買不到 六塊錢以下的高級雞尾酒碗? | Who says you can't get a nice punch bowl for under $6? |
-或許我們能把它退回去 -我們要把它退到哪裡去? | -Maybe we can take it back. -Where would we return it? |
何不從陽臺 把它丟到街上? | How about to the street,from the balcony? |
我們不能那麼做 萬一他們來看我們呢? | We can't do that. What if they come by for a visit? |
我們過橋去看 我15年沒看過的阿姨跟姨丈… | Let's cross that bridge when my aunt and uncle who I haven't seen in 15 years.. |
給他們一個驚喜 要他們送我們大一點的雞尾酒碗 | drop by unexpectedly and demand a giant bowl of punch. |
我們為什麼不找個地方放它? | Why don't we just find a place for it? |
放在那個櫃子裡? | In that cabinet? |
那是放罐頭食物的 你忘了每樣東西都要放在指定位置嗎? | That's for canned goods. Have you forgotten everything from orientation? |
浴室旁邊的儲物間呢? | How about the closet by the bathroom? |
-讓我來吧 -不,我來就行了 | -Okay. Let me do it. -No,I'll do it. |
你得放輕鬆 偶爾把事情交給我來做 | You have to relax and let me take care of things once in a while. |
上鎖了,你得幫幫我 為什麼上鎖了? | It's locked. You have to help me. Why is it locked? |
沒有為什麼 我把私人物品放在那裡 | No reason. I keep private things in there. |
我搬到這裡來一陣子了 從來沒看過裡面的東西 | I've been here a while,and I've never seen what's in there. |
裡面放了什麼? | What is in there? |
女人的東西 | Feminine stuff. |
別想用女人的東西 來唬我 | Don't try to make me uncomfortable with feminine stuff! |
那裡面沒有你喜歡的東西 如果你愛我,忘了這件事 | Nothing in there concerns you. If you love me,you'll just let it go. |
-好吧 -謝謝 | -Fine. -Thank you. |
我愛你 | Love you. |
錢德 今天天氣真好,是你 | Hello,Chandler. Lovely day,huh? You. |
如果有幫助的話 亞力桑德拉已經幫她按摩了三年 | If it helps,Alexandra's only been massaging her for three years. |
我說如果有幫助的話 | If! I said,if it helps. |
你為什麼不讓我幫你按摩? | Why won't you let me massage you? |
我會無法放鬆 你是我的朋友,我得脫光衣服 | I'd be self-conscious. You're my friend. I'd be naked. |
我們住在一起那麼多年 我看過你沒穿衣服 | We lived together for years. I've seen you naked. |
那不一樣,我們是室友 那是什麼時候的事? | That's different. We were roommates. And when? |
我對人體很好奇 | I'm curious about the human body. |
你可以瞭解 為什麼我會覺得很奇怪 | You can understand why this would be weird. |
我是專家 我真的很厲害 | I'm a professional and I'm really good. |
如果你覺得不舒服,我們就停止 給我一個機會,拜託 | If you're uncomfortable,we can stop. Give me a chance. Please? |
如果你真的覺得很重要 | If it means that much to you. |
沒錯,如果你無法分享你的廚藝 你會有什麼感覺? | It does. How would you feel if you couldn't share your cooking? |
如果羅斯沒辦法教我們龍的事 他會有什麼感覺? | Or how Ross would feel if he couldn't teach us about dragons. |
-是恐龍 -馬鈴薯、土豆都是一個意思嘛 | -Dinosaurs. -Potato,potahto. |
羅斯,寶寶在踢 | Ross,the baby's kicking. |
什麼?是嗎? | What? It is? |
她現在沒有在踢我 | It's not kicking now. |
雖然我們很想 看到你再做一次 | Although we would love to see you do that again. |
什麼時候?發生了什麼事? | When? What happened? |
昨晚我跑到喬伊的房間 他在睡覺 | Last night. I went into Joey's room,and he was sleeping. |
我沒有做夢 | A dreamless sleep. |
天啊,寶寶會踢了 真的是太棒了 | My God,the baby's kicking. That's great. |
我希望我可以摸到 寶寶第一次踢你的樣子 | I wish I would have been there to feel the kicking for the first time. |
如果你真的想摸 我的肚子正在咕咕叫 | I got some stuff going on if you want to feel. |
我不要,但你看起來有母性光輝 | I'll pass,but you look radiant. |
我不想再錯過寶寶的事了 這是我新的BP機號碼 | I don't want to miss any more baby stuff. Here's my pager number. |
只要發生跟懷孕有關的事 立刻通知我 | Anytime anything pregnancy-related happens,use it. |
我不在乎那是淩晨三點 而你想吃霜淇淋 | I don't care if it's 3 a.m. and you want ice cream. |
我能抄一份嗎? | Can I get a copy of that? |
-你裹著床單嗎? -對 | -Are you under the sheet? -Yes. |
好了,我們開始吧 | Great,let's begin. |
力道還可以吧? | How's the pressure? |
很不錯,菲比,你真的很厲害 | It's nice. Wow,Phoebe,you are good. |
很明顯,謝謝你的誇獎 | Stating the obvious,but thank you. |
-那一點都不奇怪,對吧? -沒錯 | -And it's not weird,is it? -No. |
沒錯,好好享受吧 | That's right,you just enjoy. |
對 | Oh,yeah! |
-對 -好吧 | -Oh,yeah! -Okay. |
天啊,菲比 | Oh,God,Phoebe! |
就是那樣,就是那裡 | That's it! That's it,right there! |
我發誓 我沒有試著打開你的儲物間 | I wasn't trying to open your closet,I swear. |
莫妮卡管你很嚴,對吧? 你在做什麼? | Monica runs a pretty tight ship here,doesn't she? What are you doing? |
莫妮卡有秘密儲物間 她不肯讓我看它 | Monica has a secret closet. She won't let me see it. |
-為什麼? -我不知道,她在隱瞞什麼? | -Why not? -I don't know! What's she hiding? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
我敢說是理查 | I bet it's Richard. |
-什麼? -在你說我錯了之前… | -What? -Before you say I'm wrong.. |
我要問你一件事 | let me ask you something. |
你最後一次看到他是什麼時候的事? | When was the last time you saw him? |
她為什麼要把理查關在那裡? | Why would she keep Richard in here? |
我不知道… | Off the top of my head.. |
或者她既想吃蛋糕也想吃這個 | maybe she's having her cake and eating it too. |
你是蛋糕,而理查是“也” | You being the "cake," Richard being the "too." |
-那就是你想出來的理論? -對 | -That was off the top of your head? -Yeah. |
-或是… -又來了 | -Or.. -And here we go. |
我看過一部電影裡有一扇門 沒有人知道裡面藏了什麼 | I saw a movie where there was a door. Nobody knew what was behind it. |
最後他們把門打開後 好幾百萬隻蟲跑了出來… | When they finally got it open,millions of bugs came pouring out.. |
他們會吃人肉 | and they feasted on human flesh! |
尊重你老婆的隱私 不會要你的命 | It wouldn't kill you to respect your wife's privacy! |
塞滿蟲的笨儲物間 | Stupid closet full of bugs! |
喬伊,我覺得怪怪的 那不是好事,我不… | Joey,something feels weird and not good weird. I don't.. |
我妹妹懷孕時… | When my sisters were pregnant.. |
她們都覺得怪怪的 結果根本沒事 | they got weird feelings and it was always nothing. |
-真的嗎? -當然 | -Really? -Absolutely. |
但我們得到醫院檢查一下 我會呼叫羅斯 | But we'll stop by the hospital just to be sure. I'll page Ross. |
瑞秋,看著我,一切都會沒事的 相信我,握著我的手,我們走吧 | Rach,look at me. Everything's fine. Trust me. Take my hand. Here we go. |
我快骨折了 | Crushing bones! |
還好我們要去醫院 | Good thing we're going to a hospital. |
-打開它 -你為什麼… | -Open it. -Why'd you.. |
小心你的腳 到處都有蟲 | Watch your feet. There's bugs everywhere. |
-結果呢? -她沒事 | -So? -She's fine. |
她出現“布拉克斯通·希克斯”子宮收縮 那是子宮壁出現中度不適的現象 | She had Braxton Hicks contractions. Mild discomfort in the uterine wall. |
中度不適? 我想你也出現過那種現象 | Mild discomfort? I take it you've had one of these Braxton thingies? |
-一切都很正常? -對 | -Everything's normal? -Yes. |
-沒有危險? -對 | -There's no danger? -No. |
收縮雖然會不舒服 但她沒事 | Contractions can be unnerving,but she's fine. |
謝謝你,醫生 謝謝你這麼溫和冷靜 | Thank you,doctor. And thank you for being nice and calm. |
我一點都不冷靜 我從來沒有這麼害怕過 | I wasn't calm! I've never been more scared in my life. |
-你說一切都會沒事的 -我知道什麼?我不是醫生 | -You said everything was okay. -What do I know? I'm not a doctor. |
-但一切都沒事,我沒事 -你確定? | -But everything is okay. I'm fine. -You sure? |
對,我真希望 那個醫生的子宮也會收縮 | Yes. I got half a mind to contract that doctor's uterus. |
中度不適 他到底在胡說什麼? | Mild discomfort! What's he talking about? |
-沒事吧? -沒事 | -Is everything okay? -Yes. |
你呼叫我說“趕到醫院來” 發生了什麼事? | Your page said,"Come to the hospital." What happened? |
什麼“布拉克斯通·希克斯”子宮收縮 | Something called Braxton Hicks contraction. |
那沒什麼大不了的 很多女人都不會有感覺 | That's no big deal. Most women don't feel them. |
沒有子宮的人不能置評 | No uterus,no opinion. |
糖果是怎麼一回事? | What's with the candy? |
你呼叫我時 我在電影院買零食 | I was at the concession stand at the movies. |
-你自己去看電影? -蒙娜 | -You went to the movies by yourself? -Mona! |
-我得回檢查室去 -發生了什麼事? | -I gotta go back in there. -What's wrong? |
-我得… -不,告訴我,怎麼了? | -I just gotta.. -No,really,tell me. What's up? |
聽著,我忘了穿內褲 | Look,I forgot my underwear. |
謝謝你送她來醫院 | Thanks for bringing her to the hospital. |
別擔心,那沒有什麼大不了的 | Don't worry about it. No big deal. |
但應該是由我送她來 我是孩子的爸 | But still,it should have been me. I'm the dad. |
-這是“布拉克斯通·希克斯”的資料 -謝謝 | -Here's information on Braxton Hicks. -Thanks. |
你送她過來是對的 | You did the right thing by bringing her in. |
你會是個好爸爸 | You'll make a wonderful father. |
我沒有這傢伙厲害 他買了“燈芯草”(赫氏公司生產的一種糖果) | Hey,not as good as this guy. He brought Twizzlers. |
-一定會有辦法(《星際迷航》中柯克船長的口頭語) -別緊張,柯克船長 | -There has got to be a way. -Easy there,Captain Kirk. |
-你有小別針嗎? -有 | -Do you have a bobby pin? -Yeah. |
不,等一下 我不是九歲的小女孩 | Oh,no,wait. I'm not a 9-year-old girl. |
為什麼你投球的時候很像? | Then why do you throw like one? |
-或許莫妮卡有小別針 -對,“莫妮卡” | -Maybe Monica has a bobby pin. -Oh,sure,"Monica." |
你暗戀瑞秋的事 怎麼了? | So how's the inappropriate crush on Rachel coming? |
真的很不錯 我應該隨時準備好自殺 | Really good. I should be ready to kill myself any day now. |
你這麼快就發現了 | Well,you sure found that quick. |
我希望我從沒有愛過瑞秋 我希望一切能恢復正常 | I wish I didn't feel this way about Rachel. I wish things could be normal. |
我喜歡跟她一起住 幫助她和寶寶真的很有趣 | I love living with her,and helping out with the baby is amazing. |
但我覺得羅斯覺得自己被排除在外 | But now I think Ross feels left out. |
我送瑞秋去醫院時 醫生以為我是孩子的爸 | When I took Rachel to the hospital,the doctor thought I was the father. |
你應該看看羅斯的表情 | You should have seen the look on Ross' face. |
我不知道我在做什麼 我只知道我越開鎖得越緊 | I have no idea what I'm doing. For all I know,I'm locking it more. |
-你想拿信用卡打開它嗎? -好點子 | -You try opening it with a credit card? -That's a good idea. |
羅斯很難過? | So Ross is kind of bummed,huh? |
-我覺得很難過 -那不是你的錯 | -I feel terrible. -It's not your fault. |
你要怎麼做?不送她去醫院? 你沒有做錯事 | What are you gonna do,not take her? You're doing nothing wrong. |
但你不該愛上 懷了他孩子的女人 | Except for harboring love for the woman carrying his baby. |
好了 | Well,there is that. |
理查,如果你在裡面 麻煩你把信用卡遞給我 | Richard,if you're in there,could you pass me my credit card? |
我得告訴你昨天真的很棒 按摩感覺很舒服 | I gotta tell you,yesterday was amazing. That massage felt so good. |
不,我瞭解 | No,I got that. |
-我們能每星期按摩一次嗎? -好吧 | -Can we make it a weekly appointment? -Okay. |
但你應該知道 我的時薪調成兩百塊了 | You should know though,I've raised my rates to $200 an hour. |
-好吧 -我是說五百塊 | -Okay. -I mean 500. |
-什麼? -六百塊 | -What? -600. |
怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
我按摩你時 你會發出性愛叫聲 | You make sex noises when you get massaged. |
那把我嚇壞了 之後我想弄痛你,你叫得更大聲 | It freaked me out. After a while,I tried to hurt you. It spurred you on. |
你瘋了 我的叫聲一點都不淫蕩 | You're crazy. There's nothing sexual about the noises I make. |
這一點都不淫蕩? | There's nothing sexual about this? |
天啊 | Oh,God! |
你在看什麼? | What are you looking at? |
我是說,嗨 | I mean,hi. |
所以亞力桑德拉幫我按摩時 都會戴耳塞 | Oh,that's why Alexandra wears earplugs when she gives me a massage. |
那不是因為她討厭恩雅 | It's not because she hates Enya. |
這真的是太丟臉了 我永遠都不會再按摩了 | This is embarrassing. I'm never getting a massage again. |
別讓這件事 害你放棄按摩 | Don't let this stop you from getting massages. |
我有很多客人 也會發出那種叫聲 | I have lots of clients that make those noises. |
-真的嗎? -他們不是客人,他們是情人 | -Really? -Well,not clients. Lovers. |
我們再試一次 再來找我,我們會想出辦法的 | We'll try it again. Come back,and we'll work through it. |
-你確定? -對 | -You sure? -Yes. |
-我猜是吧 -太棒了,對不起 | -I guess. -Great! Now,if you'll just excuse me. |
你聽到你喜歡的聲音了嗎? | So did you hear something you liked? |
羅斯,你看 我學到新把戲了 | Hey,Ross,check it out! I learned a new trick. |
如果一隻手放在褲袋裡 你和喬伊沒兩樣 | You know,if you stick one hand down your pants,you're the spitting image of Joey. |
我幫你買了午餐 | Hey,I brought you some lunch. |
你真的太貼心了,真好吃 | Oh,that's so sweet of you. Oh,yum. |
-你放了醃黃瓜嗎? -對 | -Did you put pickles on this? -Well,yeah. |
什麼?瑞秋,怎麼了? | What? What? Rach,what? |
-發生了什麼事? -我幫她帶了醃黃瓜魷魚三明治 | -What's going on? -I made her tuna with pickle. |
醃黃瓜?那會讓她想吐 | Pickle? Pickle makes her sick. |
讓她吃醃黃瓜就像讓我吃沙拉 | Giving her pickle is like giving me salad. |
抱歉,我不知道,你還好嗎? | I'm sorry,I didn't know. You okay? |
我沒事,但我不在的時候 麻煩誰解決掉它 | I'm fine,but someone make sure it's gone when I get out? |
我在吃了 | I'm on it! |
我不該讓她吐的 | I shouldn't be the one making her throw up. |
-誰都可以做出這種事 -你就不會,你瞭解她 | -lt could happen to anyone. -Not to you. You know this stuff. |
我什麼都不懂,而我是孩子的爸 | I don't know any of it and I'm the father. |
我希望我能多參與一點 | I wish I could be more involved,you know? |
如果有人在幫我紀錄的話 我絕不會再吃魷魚了 | Well,if anyone is keeping score,I no longer eat tuna. |
我能跟你們談一談嗎? | Can I talk to you guys for a second? |
-可以啊 -怎麼了? | -Yeah. -What's up? |
坐吧 我想談談我們的情況 | Sit down. I wanna talk about our situation. |
你要跟我們分手嗎? | Are you breaking up with us? |
我要說的是… | The thing is.. |
因為我跟瑞秋一起住 我參與了很多事 | because I live with Rachel,I'm here for a lot of stuff. |
羅斯錯過了一切,所以… | And Ross is missing everything. So.. |
怎麼了? | Yeah? |
你們兩個應該住在一起 | You two should live together. |
你要我搬出來? 你不要我住在這裡? | Are you asking me to move? You don't want me here? |
不,我喜歡跟你一起住 只不過… | No,I love living with you. It just seems that.. |
如果你需要室友 他最好是孩子的爸 | if you're gonna have a roommate,it may as well be the father. |
喬伊,我想羅斯不希望 我搬過去干擾他的生活 | But,Joey,I don't think Ross wants me to move in and disrupt his life. |
或許他想那麼做 | Or he does. |
我很樂意 照顧你跟寶寶 | I would love to be around for you and the baby. |
我們可試試看 先試一陣子 | We can just try it,like on a temporary basis. |
-但那是你跟我 -我們不會有感情牽扯 | -But it's you and me. -lt wouldn't be anything romantic. |
我在和蒙娜交往,該死,蒙娜 | I'm dating Mona. Damn it,Mona! |
我跟她約好一小時前要見面 我是怎麼了? | I was supposed to meet her an hour ago. What is wrong with me? |
你們覺得呢? | So,what do you think? |
跟孩子的爸住在一起 對我們來說那太傳統了 | Living with the father of the baby. It's a little conventional for us. |
對,但是 你一直都喜歡我的公寓 | Yeah,but hey,hey. You always have liked my building. |
我還有空房間 你還會有放鞋專櫃 | And there's more room. I mean,you could have a closet dedicated to shoes. |
你真的很瞭解你的聽眾 | Oh,you do know your audience. |
-我不知道,那很瘋狂嗎? -不 | -I don't know. Is it crazy? -No. |
喬伊,這是個聰明點子 | Joey,this is a smart idea. |
我該想到的 | Well,I was due. |
-就這麼辦吧 -真的嗎? | -Let's do it. -Really? |
瑞秋,那真的是太棒了 | Rach,that's great. That's great. |
你知道嗎? 別擔心搬家的事 | And you know what? Don't worry about any of the moving. |
一切都交給我 事實上我會從現在開始幫你搬家 | I'll take care of everything. In fact,I'll start right now. |
羅斯,蒙娜 | Ross,Ross. Mona? |
不可思議 | Unbelievable. |
還不錯 我用我太太的工具… | Not too shabby. I got this all off myself.. |
把自己弄成這個樣子 | using my wife's tools. |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God. |
你怎麼把它打開的? | How did you get in there? |
你很不整潔 | You're messy. |
-不,你不該看到這個的 -我娶了弗瑞德·桑福德(《桑福德和他的兒子》中的垃圾場主) | -No! You weren't supposed to see this! -I married Fred Sanford. |
錢德,你不瞭解 | Chandler,you don't understand. |
你知道 我喜歡把東西排得整整齊齊的 | You know,how I organize everything,right? |
這些是我無法分類的東西 | Okay,well this is all of the stuff that doesn't fit into any category. |
我不是懶散的太太 | So you see,I'm not messy. |
我太講究了,所以… | I'm just so organized that.. |
好吧,現在你知道了 我很病態 | Okay,okay,fine! Now you know. I'm sick. |
不,親愛的,你不病態 我愛你不是因為你做事有條不紊 | No,honey,you're not sick. I don't love you because you're organized. |
我愛你的原因剛好相反 | I love you in spite of that. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
-你發誓不會告訴任何人? -對 | -Promise you won't tell anyone? -Yes. |
現在我知道了,如果我有多餘的東西 我們可以一起用那個儲物間嗎? | Now that I know,if I've got extra stuff,can we share the closet? |
喔…那只是… | Well.. It's just.. |
我怕你會把它弄亂 | I'm afraid you might mess it up. |
-嘿 -嘿 | -Hey. -Hey. |
瑞秋搬出去了? 你還好吧? | So Rachel's all moved out? How you taking it? |
我要喝幾瓶啤酒… | I wanted to have a few beers.. |
但我把啤酒都丟了 因為瑞秋受不了那個味道 | but I got rid of those because Rachel couldn't stand the smell. |
我買了很多 加鈣的柳橙汁 | I have thrown back a lot of orange juice with calcium. |
它已經過期了幾星期 所以會有點酸味 | It's a couple weeks past its expiration date,so it's got a bit of a kick. |
-你沒事吧? -你在開玩笑嗎?我棒透了 | -Are you okay? -You kidding me? Yeah,I'm great. |
我好到不能再好,我很好 | I'm better than great. I am good. |
現在她離開了 我可以做以前不能做的事 | Now that she's gone,I can do stuff around here that I couldn't do before. |
譬如… | Like.. |
我又能脫光衣服亂跑了 | I can walk around naked again. |
我可以… | I can.. |
我可以在客廳看色情片 | I can watch porn in the living room. |
這對我來說是件好事 | This is good for me. |
我喜歡一個人過生活 我喜歡這個樣子 | I like being on my own. I'm better off this way. |
我是一匹孤獨的野狼 | I'm a lone wolf. |
孤獨的人,孤單一人 | A loner. Alone. |
永遠都是一個人 | All alone. Forever. |
狼要怎麼做 才能得到一個擁抱呢? | What's a wolf gotta do to get a hug around here? |
好了,放輕鬆 | That's it,just relax. |
-加油,再來 -天啊 | -Come on,more. -Oh,God! |
你喜歡那樣,對吧? | You like that,don't you? |
-對,就是那樣 -你要嗎?我就給你,寶貝 | -Yeah,right there. -Want it there? Take it there,baby. |
-菲比 -對,叫我的名字,快點 | -Phoebe? -Yeah,say my name. Say it. |
現在我要幫你 蓋上被子 | And now I'm going to cover you back up. |
我會有好幾個星期 不會再跟你說話 | And I won't be speaking with you for several weeks. |
-嗨,瑞秋 -嗨 | -Oh! Hey,Rach! -Hi. |
-情人節快樂 -你也是 | -Happy Valentine's Day! -You too! |
跟羅斯住的感覺如何? | How's living at Ross'? |
很不錯,只不過他逼我們 整天看探索頻道 | It's good,except he makes us watch the Discovery Channel all day long. |
一個在中世紀的醜八怪 發生了一件很無聊的事 | Something really boring happened to someone ugly in the Middle Ages. |
謝謝 待會見 | Oh,thank you. I'll see you guys later. |
那是一杯幸運的外帶咖啡 | That is one lucky to-go cup of coffee. |
我希望你能忘了她 我討厭看到你這個樣子 | I wish you would get over her. I hate seeing you like this. |
有什麼我能幫上忙的嗎? 你要看看我的胸部嗎? | Is there anything I can do for you? Do you wanna look down my top? |
謝謝,或許待會再說吧 | Thanks. Maybe later. |
-甘瑟,我能吃餅乾嗎? -你要什麼? | -Gunther,can I get a scone? -Want anything? |
我要很多東西 | I want a lot of things. |
我希望跟我愛的女人 共度情人節 | I wanna be with the woman I love on Valentine's Day. |
我希望她也愛我 | I want her to love me back. |
我希望能忘記 無法滿足渴望的悲傷 | And I want relief from the wrenching pain of knowing that won't happen! |
我們有紅色貝果 | We have red bagels. |
好吧 | Okay. |
本集播出:生產錄影帶 | The.One.With.The.Birthing.Video |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
你們一起住 到目前為止還好吧? | So how do you guys like living together so far? |
-很不錯 -對 | -Oh,it's been good. -Yeah. |
只不過羅斯比你更在乎餅乾碎屑 | Except Ross is more uptight about crumbs than you are. |
沙發上有根雞腿 | There was a drumstick in the couch. |
我不在乎餅乾碎屑 | And I am not uptight about crumbs. |
只不過… | It's just that,you know.. |
餅乾碎屑會引來老鼠 老鼠會隨地大便 | crumbs attract mice. And mice leave droppings. |
黑死病就是那樣傳染開的 | And that's how the plague started. |
如果你希望那種事再發生… | So you wanna relive that again.. |
老鼠不會散佈黑死病 | Mice didn't start the plague. |
是野鼠才會 | Rats did. |
正確地來說是有病菌的野鼠 | Rattus norvegicus,to be exact. |
天啊,羅斯 | Oh,good God,Ross. |
偶爾讓我們看看卡通頻道 | Nick at Nite,once in a while. |
好吧,我要走了 再見 | All right,I'm going. Bye. |
菲比,能在這裡等一下嗎? | Phoebe,will you wait here? |
-我想聽聽你的意見 -好的 | -I wanna get your opinion on something. -Yeah. |
蒙娜對瑞秋搬過去 有什麼看法? | How does Mona feel about Rachel moving in? |
我正要告訴她 | I'm on my way to tell her. |
她一整個星期都不在 但她會接受的 | She's been away all week,but she'll be cool. |
她一直都很支持我 | She's been so supportive. |
她甚至幫寶寶買了 寫著“化石是我朋友”的上衣 | She even got the baby a T-shirt that says "Fossils are my friends." |
少來了,蒙娜,別拍馬屁 | Come on,Mona. Don't kiss ass. |
我得走了 | So I'm gonna take off. |
快點 瑞秋想看這卷錄影帶 | Oh,shoot! Oh,shoot! Rachel wanted to see this tape. |
-那是什麼? -我朋友生孩子的錄影帶 | -What is it? -My friend giving birth. |
你能把它帶回家嗎? | Could you take it to your apartment? |
“糖果跟餅乾”? | "Candy and Cookie"? |
糖果是媽媽 餅乾是女兒 | Candy's the mom,Cookie's the daughter. |
她爸爸也叫餅乾 | The father's name is also Cookie. |
為什麼我會跟這些人做朋友? | Why am I friends with these people? |
菲比,過來 | Phoebe,come here. |
我要你看看 浴室裡的一樣東西 | I wanna show you something in the bathroom. |
莫妮卡,成熟一點 | Monica,grow up. |
-你的背後藏了什麼東西? -我希望菲比能給點意見 | -What's behind your back? -Something I want Phoebe's opinion on. |
-你不要我的意見? -我不要 | -You don't want my opinion? -Not really. |
少來了,我是你哥哥 問我吧 | Come on,I'm your older brother. Ask me. |
好吧,哥哥 | Okay,big brother. |
你覺得哪一件能讓你朋友 想上你妹妹? | Which one would make your best friend want to do your little sister? |
紅色那件 | The red one. |
嘿 | Hey. |
我知道你很沮喪 所以我帶了一個東西來幫你打氣 | I know you're depressed,so I brought someone to cheer you up. |
他是真的 毛茸茸的玩物 | Right outside is a real,live,furry playmate. |
我不要 再跟你朋友珍上床 | I'm not sleeping with your friend Jane again. |
是小狗 | Hey,a dog! |
你得承認 它長得很像珍 | Who,you gotta admit,looks a lot like Jane. |
它是最快樂的小狗 我跟我朋友溫蒂借了它 | He's the happiest dog ever. I borrowed him from my friend Wendy. |
你可以留下它 直到你再打起精神來 | So you can keep him till he cheers you up. |
我自己常借用它… | I borrow him myself from time to time.. |
只要我心情不好 想到… | when I get depressed thinking about.. |
世界饑荒跟貧窮問題… | world hunger,poverty.. |
不是說你的痛苦微不足道 | Not to trivialize your pain. |
謝謝你,菲比 我們一定會玩得很開心 | Thanks so much,Pheebs. We are gonna have so much fun! |
不是那種開心 | Oh,not that kind of fun. |
情人節快樂 | Happy Valentine's! |
我穿上不是很舒服 但是很放蕩的東西 | I'm slipping into something a bit less comfortable and a bit more slutty. |
“糖果跟餅乾”? | "Candy and Cookie"? |
“糖果跟餅乾”? | "Candy and Cookie"?! |
莫妮卡幫我租色情片? | Monica got me porn? |
女同志的片子? | Girl-on-girl porn?! |
她一定很愛我 | She really must love me! |
-好吧,放輕鬆 -我愛你,情人節聖人 | -Yeah,just relax. -I love you,St. Valentine. |
那真的不太好看 | Whoa,whoa,that's not pretty. |
用力推 | Now push! |
天啊,好痛 | Oh,God,it hurts! |
這是最難看的色情片 這是最難看的色情片 | Worst porn ever! Worst porn ever! |
-快停下來 -我在弄了 | -Oh,make it stop! -I am trying! |
去接球,準備好了嗎?去接球 | Get the ball. Ready? Get the ball! |
你很可愛,但你不太聰明 | You're cute,but you're not too smart. |
我剛丟了這個? | Did I just throw this? |
-嗨 -嗨 | -Hi. -Hi. |
我不小心把這些 跟我的東西混在一起 | I accidentally packed these with my stuff. |
-他是誰? -菲比朋友的狗 | -Who is this? -Phoebe's friend's dog. |
我不知道他叫什麼名字 我叫他莫查利拉起司 | I don't know his real name. I call him Mozzarella. |
你好可愛,我希望能留下來玩 但我得去上班 | You are so cute. I wish I could play,but I've gotta go to work. |
我希望開會時 我不會這樣說話,對,沒錯 | I hope I stop talking like this before my meeting. Yes,I do. |
再見,喬伊 說真的,我改不過來 | Bye-bye,Joey. Seriously,I can't stop it. |
過來 | Come here! Hey! |
她是瑞秋,以前她住在這裡 | That's Rachel. She used to live here. |
老實跟你說 我們愛她 | Might as well be honest with you. We love her. |
但我們不能擁有她 | But we can't have her. |
我真的想念她 | I really miss her. |
你瞭解吧? 你是男生 | Hey,you understand,right? You're a guy. |
你以前是的 | Well,you used to be. |
你覺得怎樣? | So,what do you think? |
我還是很辣 | I've still got it. |
-你為什麼要給我這個? -那是什麼? | -Why did you get me this? -What is it? |
裡面全是尖叫,鮮血跟陰道 | It's yelling,bleeding,dilating. |
擴張的陰道 | Oh,the dilating! |
這是紀錄生產的錄影帶? 它是菲比的,你為什麼要看它? | Is this the video of the birth? It's Phoebe's. Why were you watching it? |
我以為或許你會在情人節 幫我租色情片 | I thought maybe you got me porn for Valentine's Day. |
如果你以為我會在情人節 幫你租色情片… | If you thought I was gonna get you porn for Valentine's Day.. |
那麼你說對了 | you were right. |
片中的女主角 跑到大都市來追尋星夢… | It's about a girl who moves to the city in search of stardom.. |
最後她跟很多男人 上床 | but ends up having sex with a lot of guys. |
裡面有4個明星 | It got four stars. |
等一下,根本沒有明星 | Wait a minute. Those aren't stars. |
-總之你要看一下嗎? -喔… | -Anyway,you wanna take a look? -Well.. |
-我真的沒心情想做愛的事情 -發生了什麼事? | -I'm not really in a sexy mood. -Hey,what's going on? |
還記得你第一次 看《大白鯊》… | Remember the first time you saw Jaws.. |
你花了多少時間 才敢再下水游泳? | how long it took to go back in the water? |
我們不能讓這卷錄影帶 毀了情人節 | We can't let this tape wreck Valentine's Day. |
你得克服它 | You gotta get past it. |
重振雄風 | Just get back on the horse. |
不然我要回房 換上我的運動褲 | Otherwise,the horse is gonna go into the bedroom and change into her sweatpants. |
-好吧,你不知道,你沒有看到它 -生孩子的過程很美 | -Okay,you don't know. You didn't see it. -Childbirth is beautiful. |
很美?真的嗎? | Oh,beautiful? Really? |
你覺得這很美嗎? | You think this is beautiful? |
天啊 難怪我媽恨我 | Oh,my God! No wonder my mother hates me! |
-親愛的… -別碰我 | -See,honey,there's.. -Don't touch me! |
-嗨 -嘿 | -Hi! -Hey! |
-亞特蘭大好玩嗎? -很好玩 | -How was Atlantic City? -Good. |
我幫你買了禮物 | I brought you back a present. |
你不必… | You didn't have to.. |
咸水太妃糖? | Saltwater taffy?! |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
有趣的是 它沒有加任何海水 | Interestingly,it isn't made with seawater. |
事實上 它是用加鹽淡水做的 | It's actually made with salted fresh water. |
那一點都不有趣 | That's not interesting. |
-我覺得很有趣 -我也是,我想你 | -I think it's interesting. -Me too. I missed you! |
我也是 | Me too. |
-這星期你過得如何? -非常好 | -How was your week? -Good. |
-寶寶開始會踢人了 -太棒了 | -The baby started kicking. -How exciting! |
太神奇了 只不過第一次我並不在場 | It was amazing. The only thing is,I wasn't there the first time. |
-不 -我錯過了所有的過程 | -Oh,no. -I was missing out on all this stuff. |
-喬伊建議瑞秋搬過來跟我住 -想得美 | -Joey suggested Rachel move in with me. -Yeah,right. |
-什麼? -喬伊害我笑得肚子痛 | -What? -Joey cracks me up. |
“讓你的前妻搬進去 那一點也不彆扭” | "Have your ex-wife move in. That wouldn't be awkward." |
想像我離開了幾天… | Imagine,I go away for a few days.. |
我男朋友跟懷了他孩子的女人 住在一起 | and my boyfriend is living with a woman he got pregnant. |
你怎麼跟他說? | So,what'd you tell him? |
你沒有告訴蒙娜 瑞秋搬過去了? | You didn't tell Mona Rachel moved in? |
她似乎覺得 那是個瘋狂的點子 | She seemed to think it was such a crazy idea. |
而且她送我太妃糖 | Plus,she got me taffy. |
-真的嗎?我沒吃過太妃糖 -真的? | -Really? I've never had any. -Ever? |
我媽忙著計畫自殺 沒空買海灘小吃給我 | My mom was too busy planning her suicide to provide saltwater treats. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
你要告訴她嗎? | Are you gonna tell her? |
我想我得先哄哄她 | I will. I want to butter her up first. |
我要帶她去吃晚餐 做一些浪漫的事 | I'm gonna take her to dinner,do all this romantic stuff. |
當她覺得 我是有史以來最棒的男朋友時… | When she thinks I'm the best boyfriend ever.. |
我會告訴她我懷孕的前女友 跟我一起住 | I'll tell her my pregnant ex-girlfriend is living with me. |
或許我沒有說過 她是個非常幸運的女人 | If I haven't said it before,she's a lucky,lucky lady. |
我們… 這個玩意怎麼了? | So where are..? What the crap is up with this stuff? |
它是口香糖嗎?它是食物嗎? 怎麼了? | Is it gum? Is it food? What's the deal? |
好好吃 我能試試粉紅色的嗎? | Oh,it's nice. May I try a pink one? |
我得計畫 這個完美的夜晚 | So I just have to plan the perfect night. |
你最棒的約會經驗 是什麼? | Hey,what's the best date you ever had? |
去年葛瑞格海曼 帶我去吃很好吃的壽司大餐 | Last year,Greg Hayman took me to a very nice sushi dinner. |
我們散步 到附近的研究室… | Then we took a romantic walk to a nearby research lab.. |
我們闖進裡面 放走二十只猴子 | where we trashed the place and freed 20 monkeys. |
我就知道 我就知道我沒有發瘋 | I knew it! I knew I wasn't crazy! |
去年的確有一隻猴子 在公車站攻擊我 | Last year,a monkey did attack me at the bus stop! |
她跟我是朋友 她跟羅斯交往過… | So between her and me being friends,and her history with Ross.. |
這種事絕不能發生 | it just isn't gonna happen. |
那就像是 你愛上一隻貓 | It'd be like you falling in love with a cat. |
-嘿 -嘿 | -Hey. -Hey. |
我最喜歡的狗怎麼了? 他還好嗎? | How's my favorite dog,huh? How's my favorite dog? |
你太壓抑了 | You're subdued. |
-你讓它喝啤酒了? -不 | -Did you give him a beer? -No. |
-對不起,我們需要談一談 -當然 | -Will you excuse us? We need to talk. -Sure. |
我,對 | Oh,me,right. |
-他很難過,他是怎麼了? -沒事 | -He's miserable. What happened to him? -Nothing. |
-我們聊了一些事 -什麼事? | -We talked about stuff. -What stuff? |
關於瑞秋的事 | Rachel stuff. |
喬伊,你害得他很難過 他是全世界最快樂的狗 | Oh,Joey,you bummed him out! This is the happiest dog in the world. |
他才跟你相處一天,你看 | He spends a day with you,and look! |
他還在呼吸 | He's breathing. |
好吧,他在看著我們 表現的快樂一點,好嗎? | Okay,well,he's watching us so just look happy,okay? |
-我要帶他去溫蒂家 -他很好 | -I'll take him to Wendy's. -He's fine. |
你看 | Look. |
快接球 | Here's your ball! |
去接球 去接球 | Get your ball! Get your ball! |
去… | Get.. |
當然 | Of course. |
你不要網球 | You don't want a tennis ball. |
因為你可以吃肉球 | Not when you can have a meatball. |
來吧,去接肉球 | Come on,get the meatball. |
天啊,我對你做了什麼? | God,what have I done to you? |
我害死那只狗了,菲比 我把他弄得精神崩潰了 | I broke the dog,Pheebs! I broke the dog! |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
我要去接蒙娜 今晚你要做什麼? | I'm going to pick up Mona. What are you doing tonight? |
我有很棒的情人節計畫 | Oh,I got big Valentine's plans. |
我訂了中國菜 還有你的咸水太妃糖 | I got my Chinese food on the way,and your saltwater taffy. |
真有趣 它沒有加海水… | Interestingly,it isn't made with seawater.. |
我們是一起 看那部紀錄片的 | We actually watched the documentary together. |
我的外賣來了 我去拿錢 | Oh,my Chinese food. I'll get my cash. |
蒙娜 | Mona? |
什麼… 嗨,你好嗎? | What are..? Hi! How are you? |
我應該去接你的 | I'm supposed to pick you up. |
我幫你做了情人節晚餐 大驚喜 | I made you a Valentine's dinner. Surprise! |
-蒙娜 -嗨,瑞秋 | -Oh! Hey,Mona! -Hi,Rachel. |
她在這裡做什麼? | What's she doing here? |
我不知道 | I have no idea. |
如果你們要找我 我在房裡看電視 | I'll be watching TV if anybody needs me. |
她在做什麼? | What is she doing? |
最近 她喜歡待在這裡 | Lately she just likes hanging out here. |
-為什麼? -我想她很寂寞 | -Why? -I think she's lonely. |
但今天是情人節 我們能請她離開嗎? | But it's Valentine's Day. Can't we ask her to go? |
不行,她太激動了 | Well,no,she's way too emotional. |
我是說她瘋了 | And by emotional,I mean crazy! |
我的外賣來了 | That's just my Chinese food. |
她叫外賣送到這裡來? | She has food delivered here? |
對,她很激動,但她大膽 | Yes,she's emotional,but ballsy. |
我要去換運動服 躺在床上吃飯 | I'm gonna get in my sweats and eat this in bed. |
你還以為 她會妨礙到我們 | And you thought she was gonna be in our way! |
打開香檳 我馬上回來 | Open the champagne,and I will be right back. |
-我有大驚喜 -你另一個前妻也藏在裡面? | -I've got a surprise. -You got another ex-wife back there? |
請開始喝香檳 | Please start drinking. |
-我只是要打電話 -瑞秋,等一下 | -I'm just gonna grab the phone. -Rachel,wait. |
我希望 你不會誤會 | I hope you don't take this the wrong way. |
-你在做什麼? -你要打電話嗎? | -What are you doing? -Do you need the phone? |
不 | No. |
羅斯太好心了沒辦法說出口 但這是他的公寓 | Ross is too nice to say it,but this is his apartment. |
我們需要隱私 你為什麼不回你家呢? | We need boundaries,so why don't you go back to your place. |
蒙娜,我住在這裡 | But,Mona,I live here. |
情人節快樂 | Happy Valentine's Day! |
或者這能讓你在分手後記得我 | Or,something to remember me by. |
-這次是多久? -九十秒 | -How long has it been this time? -Ninety seconds. |
九十秒沒想到它 真的很久 | Ninety seconds is a long time not to think about it. |
但我滿腦子都是它 | Except all I did was think about it. |
我知道,我也忘不了 | I know. It haunts me. |
在這之前我看過最糟糕的事 是我爸跟服務生上床 | Till now,the worst thing I'd seen was my dad doing shots off the houseboy. |
在這之後我會很樂意 把他們的照片做成屏保 | After this,I would gladly make that my screen saver. |
我們得忘了這件事 我們得假裝它不存在 | We have to get past this. We'll pretend it never existed. |
我可以那麼做 | I could do that. |
我們只需要 丟掉那張椅子 | Now all we gotta do is get rid of this chair. |
-謝天謝地 -我知道 | -Oh,thank God! -I know. |
請進 | Come in! |
我很抱歉 破壞了你們的情人節 | Hi. I'm sorry to barge in on your Valentine. |
我得遠離那些叫駡聲 蒙娜要跟羅斯分手 | I had to get away from the yelling. Mona's dumping Ross. |
-天啊 -可憐的羅斯 | -Oh,my God. -Poor Ross. |
我們看過他穿內褲做瑜珈 但這樣的事他居然他簾子拉上了 | We watch him do yoga in his underwear,but for this he closes the drapes. |
關於那卷 你想看的生產錄影帶 | You know that birthing tape you wanted to see? |
它在這裡 | It's here. |
我們得在你看它之前警告你 千萬別看它 | We should warn you before you watch it. Don't watch it. |
你們看過了?很可怕嗎? | You saw it? Is it scary? |
諷刺的是 生命誕生的畫面… | It's ironic how footage of someone being born.. |
卻讓人想要終結生命 | can make you want to kill yourself. |
親愛的,她不必看它 但她非生孩子不可 | Honey,she may not have to watch it but she's going to have to do it. |
現在我嚇壞了 你們能跟我一起看嗎? | Now I'm all freaked out. Will you watch it with me? |
不,但我會把有我體味的毛衣 放在你旁邊 | No,but I'll leave a sweater that smells like me right next to you. |
莫妮卡,少來了 你想生孩子 | Monica,come on. You want to have kids. |
沒錯 | I do. |
但鸛雀會把寶寶送來給我 | But the stork is gonna bring mine. |
說真的 你們不能逼我一個人看這個 | Seriously,you're not gonna make me watch this alone. |
她說的對,當然不行 | She's right. Of course not. |
親愛的,去拿錄影帶 | Honey,get the tape. |
這讓我想起了 錄影帶裡某一段內容 | This reminds me of a very specific part of the tape. |
當然,如果你把雞腿放在那裡 你是個爛室友 | Oh,sure. But if you leave a drumstick under there and you're a bad roommate. |
來吧 | Here we go. |
好吧 | Okay. |
天啊 | Oh,my. |
加油 | Come on,come on. |
為什麼寶寶要折磨那個女人? | Why is that baby torturing that woman? |
為什麼我要看這個玩意三次? | Why have I seen this thing three times? |
好美 | It's beautiful. |
-好可怕 -我知道,我為你感到難過 | -It's horrible! -I know,I know! I'm so sorry for you! |
我該怎麼辦?我不要做這個 我要怎麼把寶寶丟掉? | What do I do? I don't want to do this! How do I get out of it? |
-大家快看 -什麼?她的屁股爆炸了嗎? | -You guys! You guys,look! -What? Did her ass explode? |
不,寶寶出來了,你們看 | No,the baby's out. Look. |
看看那些小手指跟小腳趾 | Look at those little fingers and toes. |
看看媽媽現在有多高興 | Look how happy the mom is now. |
-瑞秋 -去你們的,你們不必生小孩 | -Oh,Rach. -Screw you! You don't have to do it! |
-嘿 -嘿 | -Hey. -Hey! |
-怎麼了? -蒙娜剛剛甩了我 | -What's up? -Mona just dumped me. |
天啊,我很遺憾,為什麼? | Oh,man,I'm sorry. Why? |
最近我不是 完美男友 | Lately,I haven't exactly been the perfect boyfriend. |
我沒有告訴她 我讓瑞秋懷孕 | I didn't tell her I got Rachel pregnant. |
我給她我家的鑰匙 然後換了鎖 | I gave her a key to my apartment and then had the locks changed. |
我騙她 瑞秋搬到我家的事 | Then I lied to her about Rachel moving in with me. |
在某方面 我怪她不早點跟我分手 | In a way,I judge her for not breaking up with me sooner. |
那真的很爛 特別是在情人節 | That really sucks. Especially on Valentine's Day. |
等一下 你在這裡做什麼? | Wait a minute. What are you doing here? |
喬伊在情人節 沒有約會? | Joey without a date on Valentine's Day? |
發生了什麼事?你跟女人有麻煩? | What's going on,huh? Girl trouble? |
-可以那麼說 -真的嗎? | -Sort of. -Really? |
你不必表現得這麼高興 | You don't have to seem so happy about it. |
或許我能幫忙 | Maybe I can help. |
不論發生了什麼事 我相信我也有相同的經驗 | Whatever it is,I am sure it has happened to me. |
事實上 我有次在做愛時被甩了 | You know,actually,once I got dumped during sex. |
-到底發生了什麼事? -算了,沒什麼大不了的 | -So anyway,what is it? -Forget about it. It's no big deal. |
-少來了,怎麼了? -沒事 | -Come on,what is it? -It's nothing. |
是我 你為什麼不告訴我? | Hey,it's me. Why can't you tell me? |
好吧,坐下 | Okay. Sit down. |
我很喜歡一個女人 | There's this woman that I like a lot. |
但那是不可能的 | But it can't happen. |
她不會是你的姐妹吧? | She's not a Tribbiani? |
不 | No! |
她是你的同事? | So is she someone from work? |
對 | Yes. |
她喜歡你嗎? | Well,does she like you? |
有時候我覺得是的 | Sometimes I think she could. |
但我什麼事都不能做 | But I can't do anything about it. |
為什麼? | Why not? |
事情很複雜 | It's complicated. |
她跟另一個男人 交往了很久 | She was with this other guy for a long time. |
他也是我的同事 | Someone from work too. |
我沒辦法那樣對他 我們是好朋友 | I could never do that to the guy. We're friends. |
等一下 我以為你討厭所有的同事 | Wait,I thought you hated everyone at work. |
不,我會那麼說… | No,no. I only say that.. |
錢德才不會覺得被威脅了 因為我是他唯一的朋友 | so Chandler won't feel threatened because I'm his only friend. |
你說什麼? | Excuse me? |
抱歉 我也是你唯一的朋友 | Sorry,sorry. And I'm your only friend too. |
以前跟她交往過的那個男人 還愛著她嗎? | So this guy she used to go out with,is he still in love with her? |
-我想應該不愛了 -好吧 | -No,I don't think so. -Okay. |
他是好人嗎? | Is he a good guy? |
對,他是最棒的 | Yeah,he's the best. |
-跟他談一談 -我不知道 | -Then talk to him. -I don't know. |
如果你喜歡她 這值得試一試 | It's worth finding out,if you like her. |
我真的非常喜歡她 | I do,so much. |
我沒辦法不想到她 我睡不著… | I can't stop thinking about her. I can't sleep.. |
你知道嗎? 你得盡力去爭取 | You know what? You have to go for it. |
你常遇到這種事嗎? 你應該為自己這麼做的 | How often does this happen to you? You owe it to yourself. |
你的溫牛奶來了 | Here's your warm milk. |
我要回家 加點波本酒 | I'm gonna put the bourbon in it at home. |
說真的 跟那個男的談一談,好嗎? | Anyway,seriously,just talk to the guy,okay? |
告訴我結果 | Let me know how it goes. |
是瑞秋 | It's Rachel. |
你要生孩子了 你得做好準備 | You're having a baby and you need to prepare. |
你得看完整卷錄影帶 看吧 | You're gonna make yourself watch the whole thing. Just do it! |
我來到這個大城市 希望成為大明星 | I came to the big city to become a star. |
-為了圓夢我任何事都願意做 -任何事? | -I'll do anything to make that happen. -Anything? |
或許我該從她 怎麼懷孕開始看起 | Maybe it starts with how she gets pregnant. |
不知道哪個男人 是孩子的爸 | I wonder which one of these guys becomes the father. |
不 那樣子是不會懷孕的 | No,no. Can't get pregnant that way. |
前情提要: | Previously: |
我很喜歡一個女人 | There's this woman that I like a lot. |
事情很複雜 | But it's complicated. |
她跟另一個男人 交往了很久 | She was with this other guy for a long time. |
我沒辦法那樣對他 我們是好朋友 | I could never do that to the guy. We're friends. |
以前跟她交往過的那個男人 他是好人嗎? | So this guy she used to go out with,is he a good guy? |
他是最棒的 | The best. |
-跟他談一談 -我不知道 | -Then talk to him. -I don't know. |
如果你喜歡她 這值得試一試 | It's worth finding out,if you like her. |
我真的非常喜歡她 | I do,so much. |
我沒辦法不想到她 我睡不著… | I can't stop thinking about her. I can't sleep.. |
你知道嗎? 你得盡力去爭取 | You know what? You have to go for it. |
你常遇到這種事嗎? 你應該為自己這麼做的 | How often does this happen to you? You owe it to yourself. |
是瑞秋 | It's Rachel. |
對不起 你剛剛說是瑞秋嗎? | I'm sorry,did you just say it's Rachel? |
對 | Yes. |
你喜歡瑞秋? | You like Rachel? |
對,我喜歡瑞秋 | Yes. I like Rachel. |
瑞秋 | Rachel?! |
對,聽著,你知道的… | Yeah. Okay,but look,you know.. |
你知道我還喜歡誰嗎?你 | You know who else I like? You. |
光說還是不夠的 我喜歡你,羅斯 | And it doesn't get said enough. I like you,Ross. |
-那個“瑞秋”? -沒什麼大不了的 | -"Rachel" Rachel? -It's not a big deal. |
沒什麼大不了的? 抱歉,我只是… | It's not a big deal? I'm sorry,I just.. |
你剛剛說的那些話呢? | What about the stuff you said? |
你說你無法不去想她 你說你睡不著 | How you can't stop thinking about her? How you can't sleep? |
我是個演員,你知道嗎? | I'm an actor,you know? |
演員習慣了誇張 | As a group,we tend to be overdramatic. |
懷著我孩子的瑞秋? | Rachel-who's-carrying-my-baby Rachel? |
我知道那很糟糕 我知道那是不對的,好嗎? | I know it's bad. And I know it's wrong,okay? |
那是不可能會發生的事 | It's not like anything's ever gonna happen. |
那只是我的感覺 它們會消失的 | These are just feelings. They'll go away. |
我得走了 | You know,I gotta go. |
羅斯 | Hey,Ross.. |
我只是有個… 瑞秋? | You know,I just have one-- Rachel?! |
瑞秋? | Rachel?! |
本集播出:喬伊告訴瑞秋 | The.One.Where.Joey.Tells.Rachel |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
她在踢我 | Okay,she's kicking. |
她在你的體內成長 | She's growing inside you. |
-這一下踢得好用力 -她是拒絕我的最年輕的女孩 | -That was a big one. -That's the youngest girl to reject me. |
-大家好 -嗨 | -You guys! -Hey there. |
我要問你們 你們相信有心靈伴侶嗎? | Let me ask you. Do you believe in soul mates? |
我相信 | Oh,yes,I do. |
每個人都有失落的另一半 | There's one person out there for everyone. |
你知道你該怎麼找到他嗎? 停止再找了 | You know how you find him? Stop looking. |
我已經停止尋找羅素克勞(澳大利亞男星) | I've stopped looking for Russell Crowe. |
他會找到我的 | He'll find me. |
你呢? | And you? |
不,我相信有些人 非常適合彼此,但是… | No. I believe that certain people are more suited for each other,but.. |
-心靈伴侶?我想他們並不存在 -很好 | -Soul mates? I don't think they exist. -Good. |
-為什麼? -昨晚我遇到了莫妮卡的心靈伴侶 | -Why? -Well,last night,I met Monica's. |
什麼? | What? |
我跟這個男的約會 我發誓他是她的另一半 | I had a date with this guy. I swear he's her other half. |
你不覺得會有人 比我更適合莫妮卡吧? | You don't think there's somebody better suited for Monica than me? |
他長什麼樣子? | Well,what's he like? |
-他很高,是棕發 -當然 | -He's tall. He has brown hair. -Of course. |
一個發色跟我一樣的高大男人? 宇宙真的是太大了 | A tall guy with hair similar to mine? Oh,unknowable universe! |
-他從事跟食物相關的行業 -當然,他比較老嗎? | -He works with food. -Oh,sure. Older? |
-沒錯,他是英國人 -我正打算要問你 | -Obviously. And he's British. -I was just gonna ask! |
他非常聰明 成熟有自信 | And he's so centered,and mature and confident. |
真可惜他們不認識彼此 | It's so sad they never met. |
還好她老公沒聽到你那麼說 | Luckily,the guy she settled for can't hear you. |
抱歉 或許我錯了 | Oh,I'm so sorry. Maybe I'm wrong. |
我們會再約會 我會把他調查得更仔細 | We're going out again. I'll find out more. |
他跟別人是天生一對 你還要跟他約會? | He's meant for her,and you're gonna date him? |
或許他不是我的心靈伴侶 但我總得吃飯吧 | He may not be my soul mate,but a girl's gotta eat. |
瑞秋 | Rachel?! |
我不知道喬伊演過《執法悍將》 | I didn't know Joey was on JAG. |
-嘿 -嘿 | -Hey. -Hey. |
我剛跟喬伊談過 我想知道你好不好 | I talked to Joey. I wanted to see you. |
我還是不敢相信 喬伊跟瑞秋? | I still can't believe it. Joey and Rachel? |
那像是你跟我在交往 只不過更奇怪 | It's like you and me going out,only weirder. |
我知道你很難過 我也想安慰你… | I know you're hurting.. |
但別再那麼說了 | but don't say that again. |
如果他們結婚了呢? 他可能是我孩子的繼父 | What if they marry? He'd be the stepfather of my child. |
你不必擔心 | You don't need to worry. |
他不會告訴她他的感覺 | He'll never tell her how he feels. |
就算他說了 你不知道她會有什麼反應 | If he did,you don't know how she'd react. |
女人從來就不喜歡喬伊 我想他是個處男 | Sure,women never like Joey. I think he's a virgin. |
-他不想追她 -真的嗎? | -He isn't thinking about going for her. -He's not? |
他只想到你的感覺 | All he's thinking about is how you're taking this. |
這把他嚇壞了 他想搬到佛蒙特去 | It's freaking him out. He wants to move to Vermont. |
-為什麼? -他想離開這個國家 | -Why? -He wants to leave the country. |
他認為你恨他 | He thinks you hate him. |
恨他? | Hate him? |
不,我不恨他 | No,I don't hate him. |
她是瑞秋,你知道嗎? | It's just,it's Rachel. You know? |
我無法想像你有多難過… | I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you.. |
但我不希望你跟喬伊 因此做不成朋友 | but I don't want you to lose Joey over it. |
現在他得知道 你還是他的朋友 | Right now,he needs to know that you're still his friend. |
好吧,我會跟他談 | Okay,I'll talk to him. |
你最好快去 | I'd do it soon. |
他問我怎麼把美金 換成佛蒙特貨幣 | He just asked me how to convert his dollars into Vermont money. |
-嗨 -嗨 | -Hi! -Hi. |
-錢德,莫妮卡,他是唐 -你好 | -Chandler,Monica,this is Don. -Hello. |
你好,很高興能認識你 你好嗎? | Hello,nice to meet you. How are you? |
心靈伴侶 | Soul mate. |
-你們做了什麼? -我們在艾德瑞提卡吃午餐 | -What are you guys doing? -We had lunch at Adriatica. |
-蕃茄幹是怎麼了? -我知道,它是1985年的嗎? | -What's with the sun-dried tomatoes? -I know! Is this 1985? |
-我就是那麼說的,這很奇怪吧? -一點都不會 | -That's what I said! Isn't it strange? -Not really. |
蕃茄幹是怎麼了? | What's wrong with sun-dried tomatoes? |
在烤雞披薩上嗎? | On a barbecued-chicken pizza? |
不是嗎? | No? |
-你喜歡哪家餐廳? -奧克塔維歐,27與7 | -What restaurants do you like? -Octavio. 27-and-7. |
-還有亞利山多洛斯 -天啊,我是那裡的主廚 | -There's this place,Alessandro's. -Oh,my God! I'm the chef! |
你是在開玩笑 你做的菜好吃極了 | You're kidding! Your food is fantastic! |
我要跟你談談你的菜單 有人要喝咖啡嗎? | I want to talk about your menu. Anyone want coffee? |
我要喝拿鐵,如果你要談我的事 我跟你一起去 | If you're talking about me,I'll go with you. |
我要喝摩卡奇諾 | I'll have a mocha-ccino. |
你在做什麼? | What are you doing? |
我發誓我不知道你們在這裡 | I swear,I didn't know you guys would be here. |
你不相信心靈伴侶,所以… | You don't believe in soul mates,so.. |
我相信英俊的陌生人追我的老婆 | I believe in handsome strangers who hit on my wife. |
雖然我認為他們是心靈伴侶 那不代表會發生什麼事 | Just because I think they're soul mates doesn't mean anything'll happen. |
菲比,做的好 | Phoebe? Good work. |
他很棒,我愛他 | He's great. I love him. |
別擔心 我們會幫你找到物件 | Don't worry,we'll find you someone else. |
如果你是來打我的,我瞭解 這是我活該 | I understand if you came by to hit me. I deserve it. |
不,我不想打你 | No,I don't want to hit you. |
什麼?你要踢我? | What,then? Kick me? |
不 | No. |
咬我? | Bite me? |
我不想對你怎麼樣 | I don't want to do anything to you. |
我只是要說 我沒有生你的氣… | I just want to say I'm not mad at you.. |
我當然也不恨你 | and that I certainly do not hate you. |
我只是來告訴你 | I just came here to say that. |
等一下,羅斯 | Hey,wait,Ross? |
你想進來喝瓶啤酒嗎? | You wanna come in for a beer or something? |
好吧 | Yeah,sure. |
你有啤酒嗎? | You got any beer? |
我只有瑞秋留下的香瓜飲料 | All I got is melon stuff that Rachel left. |
好吧 | Okay. |
你得瞭解一件事 | You need to understand something. |
我不會對瑞秋採取行動,好吧? | I am never gonna act on this Rachel thing,okay? |
我不會做出任何 會危及你我友誼的事 | I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize my friendship with you. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
總之我只是… | Anyway,it'll just.. |
我得花點時間去遺忘它 | It'll take me a while to get over her. |
我不確定我該怎麼做 我沒有陷入愛河過,所以… | I'm not sure how to do that. I've never been in love,so.. |
什麼? | What? |
你愛上她了? | You're in love with her? |
-對,我以為你知道 -不 | -Yeah. I thought you knew that. -No. |
聽著,如果有幫助的話 我真的也不希望自己有那種感覺 | Look,if it helps,I don't want to feel this way,honest. |
我只是一直在想 “我得忘了這件事”,你知道嗎? | I just keep thinking,"I'll get over this," you know? |
但我越這麼想就越忘不了 | But it just keeps getting harder. |
我不知道該怎麼辦 | I don't know what to do,you know? |
我該怎麼辦? | What do I do? |
-你得告訴她你的感覺 -那一定是飲料害你這麼說的 | -You need to tell her how you feel. -That's the green stuff talking. |
我是認真的 你得知道她的感覺 | I'm serious. You need to find out where she is. |
如果她不喜歡你 你可以繼續往前走 | If she's not where you are,you can start to move on. |
但如果 我不是說她會… | But what if,and I'm not saying she will be.. |
如果她喜歡你… | If she is where you are.. |
我的尷尬感覺不該妨礙你們 | then my feeling weird shouldn't stand in the way. |
-你確定? -對 | -Are you sure? -Yeah. |
如果她會跟別的男人在一起… | If she ends up with somebody else.. |
說真的 她找不到更好的人選 | the truth is,she couldn't find a better guy. |
謝謝 | Hey,thanks. |
-你什麼時候要跟她談? -天啊,我得跟她談 | -So when are you gonna talk to her? -Oh,my God. I have to tell her. |
我還沒有想過 我該說什麼? | I haven't thought about it. What should I say? |
我能體諒你 但我們別太在意了 | I'm understanding,but let's not get carried away. |
我該說什麼? | What am I gonna say? |
你說的對 | Yeah,tell me about it. |
我解決了進口酒的問題 現在全力研究起司 | I'm phasing out the wine importing and focusing more on the cheese. |
你說起司嗎? | Cheese,you say? |
就是那種臭臭的東西,唐 | That's some pretty smelly work,huh,Don? |
-對不起 -起司很臭 | -Excuse me? -Cheese. It's smelly. |
你一定也常常聞起來很臭 | You must smell a lot of the time too. |
不會的 但我覺得起司越臭越好 | Not really. But with cheese,I think the smellier,the better. |
我也是,錢德討厭它 在家我不能吃藍起司 | Me too! Chandler hates it. I can't have blue cheese in the house. |
你還是嫁給了他? | And you're still married to him? |
我想到法國只吃麵包跟起司 | I would like to go to France and eat nothing but bread and cheese. |
甚至不要麵包,只要起司 | Not even bread. Just cheese. |
不,我要麵包 | No,I want the bread. |
還有餡餅 | And pastries. |
跟小餡餅 | And pate. |
我不是真的興奮 只是以前我很胖 | I'm really not high. I just used to be fat. |
我在羅亞爾穀有棟別墅 你可以住在那裡 | I have a villa in the Loire Valley you can stay in. |
它是用起司做的嗎? | Is it made of cheese? |
不,用起司做的房子 那很不可思議吧? | No. A house made of cheese,wouldn't that be incredible? |
-我明天就想搬進去 -拜託 | -I'd move in tomorrow! -Oh,come on! |
-你聽到了嗎? -對不起 | -Listen to this! -I'm so sorry. |
-我們該怎麼辦? -他們都要起司屋 | -What do we do? -They both want a house of cheese. |
我不知道你該怎麼辦 | I don't know how you fight that. |
好吧,我可以這麼做 我可以告訴她我的感覺 | Okay,okay. I can do this. I can tell her how I feel. |
好吧,挺直腰杆 | Okay,stand up straight. |
深呼吸一下 | Take a couple deep breaths. |
表現出自信 | Look confident. |
喬伊,怎麼了? | Joey? What's up? |
我來找你 因為我想告訴你一件事 | I came by because I want to talk to you about something. |
怎麼了? | What's up? |
就在走廊上談? 我們是動物嗎? | Here,in the hall? What are we,animals? |
我開會要遲到了 你能快點說嗎? | I'm late for a meeting. Could you make it quick? |
我是來告訴你… | I just came by to tell you that.. |
我想跟你一起吃晚餐 | I want to have dinner with you. |
沒問題,告訴我到哪裡找你 | Sure. Just tell me where to meet you. |
好吧,太棒了 | Okay. That's good. |
這給你 幾小時的時間做好準備 | That gives you a couple of hours to prepare. |
你們從來不敲門嗎? | Don't you people ever knock? |
我想請唐跟菲比過來 那真的很棒吧? | I'd like to have Don and Phoebe over. Wouldn't that be nice? |
沒問題,你去安排吧 | Sure. Set it up. |
我要看一下尋找伴侶的分類廣告 | I'll just be browsing through the personals. |
你沒事吧? 你有點怪怪的 | Are you okay? You're acting weird. |
好吧,我不完美 | Yeah. Fine. Not perfect. |
但我夠好了 | But good enough. |
天啊,你是怎麼了? | Jeez,what's with you? |
抱歉,你剛剛說“起司”嗎? | I'm sorry,did you say "cheese"? |
-怎麼了? -菲比說你跟唐是心靈伴侶 | -What's going on? -Phoebe says you and Don are soul mates. |
我不相信 但你們兩個處得很好 | I don't believe in that,but you two get along. |
如果你想跟唐住在起司屋 我可以退出 | I'll step aside if you wanna go with Don and live in a house of cheese. |
-你不相信心靈伴侶? -對,但我相信“蕃茄幹先生”相信 | -You don't believe in soul mates? -No,but I'm sure "tomahtoes" does. |
我也不相信心靈伴侶 | I don't believe in soul mates,either. |
-你不相信? -對 | -You don't? -Nope. |
我們不是註定要在一起的 | We weren't destined to end up together. |
我們陷入愛河 努力經營我們的關係 | We fell in love and work hard at our relationship. |
有時候我們非常努力 | Some days we work really hard. |
你不想跟唐住在起司屋? | So you don't want to live with Don in a cheese house? |
不,我想了一下 你知道它打掃起來有多辛苦嗎? | No,I've had second thoughts. Do you know how hard it'd be to clean? |
-我愛你 -我知道 | -I love you. -I know. |
我要帶你去吃晚餐 | I'm gonna take you out to dinner. |
我找到一個 做墨西哥辣椒卷最好吃的地方 | I found this place that makes the greatest jalapeno poppers. |
不?它們真的很好吃 | No? They taste so good. |
錢德一摸我的肚子就會這樣 | It happens whenever Chandler touches my stomach. |
我擔心寶寶不喜歡他 | I'm worried the baby won't like him. |
-你沒事吧? -沒事 | -Are you okay? -Yeah,sure. |
聽著,我… | Look,the reason.. |
這裡很熱嗎? | Is it hot in here? |
你為什麼不把毛衣脫掉? | Why don't you take off your sweater? |
這是個文雅的地方,而我的T恤… | This is a nice place.. |
印了加爾文(小男孩)跟霍布斯(老虎)親熱的圖案(漫畫形象) | and my T-shirt has a picture of Calvin doing Hobbes. |
天啊,真的嗎?我能看一下嗎? | Oh,my God,really? Can I see it? |
當然可以 | Yeah,sure. |
我想霍布斯不會太喜歡那樣 | I wouldn't think Hobbes would like that so much. |
我們認識多久了? | How long have we known each other? |
七,八… | Seven,eight.. |
八年了 | Eight years. Wow. |
真的很久了 | A long time. |
但過去幾星期以來我… | But over the past few weeks,I.. |
好吧,抱歉讓你們久等 今天客人真的很多 | Okay! Sorry about the wait,but it is mega-jammed in here. |
今晚的特餐是… | Our specials tonight.. |
-你能等一下再來嗎? -好吧 | -Could you give us a second? -Sure. |
時間到 | Second's up! |
哦,你們不是那種客人 | Not that kind of table. |
你要說什麼? | So you were saying? |
我不確定 | I'm not sure. |
你問我們認識了多久 我說八年 | You asked how long we knew each other,and I said eight years. |
後來服務生走過來 害他少了一半的小費… | Then the waiter came over and cut his tip in half.. |
我們說到那裡了 | and now here we are. |
沒錯 | Yeah. Here we are. |
我想我愛上你了 | I think I'm falling in love with you. |
什麼? | What? |
我愛上你了 | I'm falling in love with you. |
你在跟誰說話? | Who are you talking to? |
你在開玩笑,這是鬧著玩的 | Oh,you're kidding. It's a joke. |
真的很好笑 | Funny. It's funny! |
我不瞭解 | I don't get it. |
好吧 | Okay. |
哇 | Wow. |
今天的特餐是… | Okay,so the specials are.. |
你… | Are you..? |
怎麼會… | How did..? |
什麼時候? | When? |
那真的重要嗎? | Does it really matter? |
哇 | Wow. Wow. |
這裡好熱 | It is hot in here. |
我知道這真的很令人吃驚 | I know this is a lot. |
你什麼都不必說 | You don't have to say anything. |
你要花多少時間思考都可以 | You take as much time as you need. |
好吧,你得說說話 | Okay,you gotta say something. |
喬伊,我非常愛你 | Joey,I love you so much. |
-但是… -但是 | -But.. -But. |
喬伊 | Joey? |
對,那是… | Right. Hey,that's.. |
沒關係,真的 | That's okay. That's fine. |
我料到你會這樣 | It's pretty much what I was expecting. |
那沒什麼大不了的,好嗎? | It's no big deal,all right? |
-我想我得走了 -請不要這樣離開 | -I think I'm gonna go. -Please don't leave like this. |
你不能這樣對一個孕婦 | You can't do this to a pregnant woman! |
別那麼做 | Don't start doing that. |
你不能那麼做 因為你把我弄哭了… | You can't do that,because you're gonna make me.. |
我們一起哭吧 | Oh,there we go! |
-可以嗎? -沒問題 | -Can I? -Sure. |
喬伊,我不想失去… | Oh,Joey. I don't want to lose.. |
嘿 | Hey,hey. |
你不會的,好嗎?永遠不會 | You can't,okay? Ever. |
我真的很抱歉 | I'm so sorry. |
請你不要那麼說 | Please don't be sorry. |
好吧?別感到抱歉 | Okay? Don't be sorry. |
我只是在開玩笑 | You know,I was only kidding. |
對,那真的很好笑 | Yeah,that was a real good one. |
-他們是你的客人? -對 | -Is this your table? -Yeah. |
-你得在這裡待上一整晚 -我知道 | -You'll be here all night. -I know. |
我連特餐內容都還沒有說 | I haven't even read the specials. |
怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
我不知道 我想或許他們之中有人快死了 | I don't know. I think maybe one of them is dying. |
我希望是那個女的 | I kind of hope it's the girl. |
那個男的真的很帥 | The guy is really cute! |
| |
喬伊,你在嗎? | Joey? Are you in there? |
-是瑞秋 -你得跟她談一談 | -That's Rachel. -You have to talk to her. |
不行,經過那晚的事之後 感覺真的太奇怪了 | I can't. Not after the other night. It's too weird. |
別告訴她我在這裡 | Don't tell her I'm here. |
別吃那個 | Don't eat that! |
-嘿 -嘿,瑞秋 | -Hey! -Hey,Rachel. |
喬伊在嗎? | Is Joey here? |
-我沒有看到他,你呢? -沒有 | -I don't see him. You? -No. |
或許他在我糖碗裡 喬伊?沒有 | Maybe he's in the sugar bowl. Joey? Nope. |
至少 你們能逗彼此笑 | Well,at least you make each other laugh. |
-怎麼了? -我一直沒見過他,自從他說… | -What's up? -I haven't seen him since he said.. |
他怎麼…你們知道的… | how he,you know.. |
我不知道 我想他在避我 | I don't know,I think he's avoiding me. |
為什麼地板上會有貝果? | Why is that bagel on the floor? |
-我們在玩遊戲? -錢德沒穿衣服嗎? | -We were playing a game. -Was Chandler naked? |
像是在玩 套圈圈遊戲嗎? | Sort of like a ring-toss kind of situation? |
-沒錯 -什麼?不 | -Sure! -What? No! No! |
好吧,聽著,如果你們看到喬伊 能不能告訴他… | All right,listen. If you see Joey,will you just tell him that..? |
告訴他我很想他 | Tell him I miss him. |
-好吧,你聽到了嗎? -是啊,裸體貝果遊戲? | -Okay. Did you hear that? -Yeah. That naked bagel game? |
我不知道 那個洞真的很小 | Dude,I don't know. That's a pretty small hole. |
-你得跟她談一談 -我沒辦法 | -You've gotta talk to her. -I can't. |
你們不知道 被拒絕的感覺有多難受 | You guys don't know what it's like to get shot down. |
我不知道那種感覺? | I don't know what that's like? |
我在25歲前一直以為 “我愛你”的反應是“喔,天啊” | Until I was 25,I thought the response to "I love you" was "Oh,crap." |
我沒有被拒絕過? | No rejection? |
我在減肥營時被拒絕過 | I got shot down at fat camp. |
天啊,饑餓的孩子們 真的很殘忍 | Boy,kids are mean when they're hungry. |
我該怎麼辦? | So,what do I do? |
她是瑞秋 你永遠都不要跟她說話嗎? | It's Rachel. You're gonna never talk to her again? |
那很奇怪,也很可怕 但至少你得試試看 | It's weird and it's awkward,but you gotta at least try. |
好吧 | Yeah,okay. |
我忘了這個曾套在你的… | I forgot this was on your.. |
我們沒有玩它 | We didn't play it! |
本集播出:茶葉算命法 | The.One.With.The.Tea.Leaves |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
(中央公園 咖啡館) | |
我會看你們的茶葉 幫你們算命 | I'll look at your tea leaves and tell your fortune. |
-你會茶葉算命法? -我這麼做有好幾年 | -You read tea leaves? -I've done it for years. |
後來我放棄 因為我算得太准了 | I actually stopped because I was so accurate. |
生命的樂趣 之一… | And one of the great joys of life.. |
就是 不可預測性 | is its wondrous unpredictability,you know? |
還有 茶葉會讓我拉肚子 | And also,tea tends to give me the trots. |
-我好了,幫我算吧 -好的 | -Okay. I'm done. Read mine. -Okay. |
我看到一個梯子 | I see a ladder. |
它的意思不是升職 就是暴力死亡 | Which can mean either a promotion or a violent death. |
我是主廚 我不可能被升職 | I'm the head chef. I can't get promoted. |
下一個是誰? | Who's next? |
我好了,幫我算 | I'm done. Do mine. |
好吧 | Okay. |
好吧,我看到一個圈圈 | Oh! Okay,I see a circle. |
那表示 你懷了孩子 | Which can either mean you're having a baby.. |
或你會做出科學發現 | or you'll make a scientific discovery! |
我一直都待在實驗室裡 | Well,I have been spending a lot of time in the lab. |
-你的茶葉又告訴你什麼呢?菲比 -好吧 | -What does yours say,Pheebs? -All right. |
哇,耶 | Wow! Yay! |
我會認識一個男人 而且很快 | Oh,I'm gonna meet a guy! And really soon! |
他會是我的夢中情人 | He's gonna be the man of my dreams. |
或許他不是 我昨晚夢到的那個男人 | Probably not the guy I had a dream about last night. |
有人看到我的襯衫嗎? | Has anyone seen my shirt? |
它是前開式的襯衫 淡鮭魚色 | It's a button-down,like a faded salmon color? |
你是說你的粉紅色襯衫嗎? | You mean your pink shirt? |
淡鮭魚色? | Faded salmon color? |
不,我沒有看到你的粉紅色襯衫 | No,I haven't seen your pink shirt. |
我一定把它丟在蒙娜家了 我就知道 | I must have left it at Mona's. I knew it! |
我想你可以到安泰勒的專賣店(著名休閒服裝連鎖店)再買一件 | I'm sure you can get another one at Ann Taylor's. |
它是我最喜歡的襯衫 我愛它 | That's my favorite shirt. I love it. |
請蒙娜把它還給你 | Ask Mona to give it back. |
我不知道,或許吧 | I don't know. I could. |
我們不算是 好聚好散 | We didn't really end things on good terms. |
我想去她家 就得忘了她告訴我的一件事… | If I went,I'd be ignoring the one thing she asked me to do.. |
她要我去跳樓自殺 | jump up my own ass and die. |
等一下 | Oh,wait a second,you guys? |
我走到哪裡 都會看到那個男人 | I've been seeing that guy everywhere I go. |
我們搭同一班公車 去同一家書局 | We take the same bus,go to the same bookstore. |
或許他就是我的那杯茶 | Maybe he's the tea guy. |
你們看到了嗎? | Did you see that? |
他真的在看你 而且他很帥 | He totally checked you out! And he is so cute! |
我的茶葉出現鄉巴佬的圖案 那是什麼意思? | Mine is a picture of the Village People. What does that mean? |
嗨 | Hi. |
嘿 | Hey. |
-嗨 -嗨 | -Hi. -Hi. |
茶葉讓菲比拉肚子 | Tea gives Phoebe the trots! |
我以為 喬伊跟我可以不尷尬… | I thought Joey and l would be okay.. |
但我們不知道該怎麼相處 | but we don't know how to be together. |
還有 我一直都想這麼說 | By the way,I've been meaning to say this. |
如果你們知道這件事 我真的很希望你們提醒我一下 | If you guys knew about this,a heads-up would have been nice. |
只要給點提示就夠了 | Just a little,you know. |
“喬伊愛你 做好準備” | "Joey loves you. Be prepared." |
-抱歉 -下次別再犯了 | -Sorry. -Well,for next time. |
-那真的很難,但情況會有改善的 -你怎麼知道? | -It's tough,but things will improve. -How do you know? |
如果情況惡化… | What if it gets worse and worse.. |
但我們無法共處一室呢? | to the point where we can't be in the same room? |
我不善於給好建議 | I'm not great at the advice. |
要我諷刺你一下嗎? | Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment? |
要起司嗎? | Some cheese? |
親愛的,為什麼布魯斯史普林斯汀的CD 會放在凱特史帝文斯的盒子裡? | Honey,why is the Bruce Springsteen CD in the Cat Stevens case? |
如果我找不到正確的盒子 我會隨手拿一個盒子來裝 | If I can't find the right case,I use the nearest one. |
-凱特史帝文斯的CD在哪裡? -詹姆士泰勒的盒子裡 | -Where is the Cat Stevens CD? -The James Taylor case. |
-那張CD在哪裡? -我幫你節省一些時間 | -Where is that CD? -I'll save you time. |
那200張CD 沒有一張放在正確的盒子裡 | Two hundred CDs,not one of them in the right case. |
好吧,不需要慌張 大家深呼吸 | Okay. No need to panic. Deep breaths,everyone. |
我們只需要把CD 放在正確的盒子裡 | We'll just have to put the CDs in their right cases. |
那麼做的話 應該能將CD排好 | If we do that,we should come up with some kind of order. |
比如按照字母排列或音樂流派 | Y’know alphabetically or by genre? |
我們得談一談這件事 | We have to talk this through. |
天啊,你們真的有問題 我為你們感到難過 | Oh,my God,you have such problems! I feel so terrible for you! |
好吧,對不起 | All right. Okay,I'm sorry. |
你們兩個 滿腦子都是這件令人不舒服的事 | You're both focusing on this uncomfortable thing. |
改變一下話題 | Change the subject. |
讓他談別的事 | Get him talking about something else. |
對,那挺有道理的 | Yeah,that makes sense. |
或許你在工作上有問題 需要他的建議… | Maybe you need his advice on a work problem.. |
-我可以那麼做 -很好 | -I could do that. -Good. |
《邁阿密風雲》(80年代的員警故事肥皂劇)的原聲帶? 真的嗎? | The Miami Vice soundtrack? Really? |
那是唱片行的贈品 | They were just giving those away at the store. |
我得拿錢去換 | In exchange for money. |
嘿 | Hey. |
我真的不知道該跟你說什麼 | I really don't know what to tell you. |
或許喬伊可以幫你 解決工作上的大問題 | Maybe Joey could help you out with your big work problem. |
-什麼? -對,喬伊,她… | -What? -Yeah,Joey,she's.. |
瑞秋工作上有個大問題 那真的很傷腦筋 | Rachel's got this big work problem. It is a head-scratcher. |
你知道嗎?我們想趕上晚餐預約 就得馬上出發 | Know what? If we're gonna make dinner,we're gonna have to leave. |
對,喬伊 或許你可以幫她 | Yeah,Joey,maybe you could help her out. |
-好吧 -你知道嗎? | -Okay. -Oh,and you know what? |
你幫忙 解決這個問題時… | While you're helping solve this problem.. |
或許你想手邊找些事來說 我是不小心想到的… | you might want to do something with your hands. Like,off the top of my head.. |
譬如說將CD 放到正確的盒子裡 | maybe put the CDs in their right cases. |
來吧 | Here we go. |
你工作上出了大問題? | So you have a big work problem? |
對,那是… | Yeah. It's,uh.. |
對,那是… | Yeah,it's,uh.. |
真的沒什麼 | You know,it's nothing. |
好吧 | Okay. |
我想我該走了 | So I think I'm gonna take off. |
不,喬伊,等一下,我有問題 它真的很嚴重,是… | No,wait,Joey,it is. It's something. It's.. |
是我的老闆 | It's my boss. |
-是嗎? -對,跟… | -Yeah? -Yeah. And,uh.. |
跟我的寶寶 | And my baby. |
是嗎? | Yeah? |
我老闆想買我的寶寶 | My boss wants to buy my baby. |
什麼?我的天啊 | What? Oh,my God! |
我知道,我跟你說過了 這真的是個大問題 | I know,I told you,it's a really big problem! |
-他要買你的寶寶? -你能相信嗎? | -He wants to buy your baby? -Can you believe that? |
-那太瘋狂了 -我就是那麼跟他說的 | -That's crazy. -That's what I told him! |
-怎麼會發生這種事? -我會告訴你 | -How did this even happen? -Well,I'll tell you. |
我老闆跟他太太 他們不孕,所以… | See,my boss and his wife,they can't have children,so.. |
在聖誕派對上 我們碰到了面… | And then when we were at the Christmas party.. |
他喝醉了跟我說 “瑞秋,我要買下你的寶寶” | he got drunk and said to me,"Rachel,I want to buy your baby." |
你說你老闆跟寶寶 有問題的時候… | When you said it was a problem about your boss and the baby.. |
我以為 你是指請產假的問題 | I figured it was about maternity leave. |
對 | Oh. Yeah. |
對,那樣子 問題簡單多了 | Yeah,that would have been a much simpler problem. |
-你好 -是你,我走到哪裡都會碰到你 | -Oh,hello. -Oh,it's you. I see you everywhere. |
我是吉米,吉米尼爾森 | I'm Jim. Jim Nelson. |
嗨,吉米吉米尼爾森 我是菲比菲比布非 | Hi,Jim-Jim Nelson. I'm Phoebe-Phoebe Buffay. |
-我們最近常見面 -對 | -We've seen each other a lot lately. -Yes. |
或許明天晚餐時我們也能碰面 八點可以嗎? | Maybe we'll see each other at dinner tomorrow. Around 8:00? |
或許會吧 | Well,maybe we will. |
蒙娜 | Mona? |
如果我是鮭魚色襯衫 我會在哪裡? | Okay,if I were a salmon shirt,where would I be? |
上游 | Upstream. |
該死 沒有人聽到我的好笑話 | Damn,nobody's here for my good ones. |
抱歉我把酒 灑到你的襯衫上 | I am so sorry I spilled wine all over your shirt. |
-沒關係 -不,它還是濕的 | -It's okay. -No,it's still wet. |
我得把它拿去洗乾淨免得留下印子 我去找件衣服借你 | Let me get it out before it sets. I have something you could wear. |
拿去吧 | Here. |
我真的不想 穿女人的襯衫 | I don't know if I want to wear a woman's shirt. |
-那是男人的襯衫 -可怕的粉紅色 | -That's a man's shirt. -Awfully pink. |
那不是粉紅色 | It's not pink! |
親愛的 我們註定要在一起 | Honey,we are so meant to be together. |
-我們都有安妮的原聲帶 -親愛的,那都是你買的 | -We both have the Annie soundtrack. -Honey,both yours. |
謝謝你給我關於喬伊的建議 | Hey,great advice on that Joey thing. |
-你說工作的問題了嗎? -真的是太棒了 | -The work problem? -lt was perfect. |
我覺得他是我的朋友 | It felt like he was my friend. |
-你說你有什麼問題? -那不重要 | -What problem did you say you have? -Oh,that's not important. |
重點是 我想一切都會沒事 | The point is,I think everything's gonna be okay. |
需要我效勞嗎? | May I help you? |
你覺得你可以買走 我朋友的寶寶? | You think you can just buy my friend's baby? |
我們一直巧遇真的很有趣吧? 那就像是有人要我們在一起 | Isn't it funny how we kept meeting? It's as if someone wants us together. |
沒錯,那就是我 | Someone does. Me. |
聰明的傢伙,做的好 | Witty banter. Well done. Good. |
-跟我談談你自己 -好吧,我是按摩師 | -Tell me a little bit about yourself. -Okay. I'm a masseuse. |
-我以前在這個地方工作… -你喜歡參加派對嗎? | -And I used to work at this place.. -Do you like to party? |
我喜歡派對 | I like parties. |
你很狂野,對吧? | You're wild,aren't you? |
-對,我猜是有一點 -那沒有什麼,我也很狂野 | -Yeah,I guess. A little. -Ain't no thing. I'm wild too. |
總之… | So anyway.. |
我住在紐約 我猜那有點狂野… | I've lived in New York,somewhat wildly,I guess.. |
我從14歲就住在這裡 | for,well,since I was 14. |
抱歉我盯著你不放 | I'm sorry. I'm staring. |
因為你有雙最漂亮的眼睛 | It's just that you have the most beautiful eyes. |
-別說了 -還有你的胸部 | -Oh,stop it. -And your breasts! |
好吧 | Okay. |
聽著,你有點太快了 | Look,you're coming on a little strong. |
我會解開你的疑慮 | I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. |
宇宙要我們在一起 | The universe wants us to be together. |
我們為什麼不開始呢? 你可以跟我談談你自己 | Why don't we start over? You can tell me about yourself. |
-好吧 -好吧 | -All right. -Okay. |
我寫給小孩子看的… | I write erotic novels.. |
色情小說 | for children. |
-什麼? -它們非常不受歡迎 | -What? -They're wildly unpopular. |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
或許你會想知道 我是個博士 | Also,you might like to know I have a Ph.D. |
-真的嗎? -對,它真的很大… | -Wow! You do? -Yep. A pretty huge.. |
夠了 | All right. |
-嘿 -喬伊,聽我說 | -Hey. -Joey,honey,listen. |
謝謝你昨天跟我談 那對我來說意義重大 | Thanks for talking to me yesterday. It meant a lot. |
別客氣 我得告訴你… | Not a problem. Just so you know.. |
那傢伙不會再為了寶寶的事 來煩你了 | that guy won't be bothering you about that baby thing anymore. |
-什麼? -我已經解決了問題 | -What? -Let's just say I took care of it. |
我們得談一談 | Let's say more. |
別擔心,我好好地跟他談過 | Don't worry. I told him,very nicely: |
“你不能買別人的寶寶 別鬧了” | "You don't go buying people's babies! So back off!" |
-什麼? -什麼? | -What? -What? |
不 | No,no,no! |
他不想買我的寶寶 那是我編出來的 | He doesn't want to buy my baby! I made that up! |
什麼?為什麼? | What? Why? |
這樣我們才有話題聊 | So we would have something to talk about! |
你想不出來 別的藉口嗎? | And you couldn't think of anything else? |
你說你老闆 要買你的寶寶? | You said your boss wants to buy your baby? |
你對我老闆大叫 我會被開除,我該怎麼辦? | You yelled at my boss! I'll lose my job! What am I gonna do? |
你可以賣掉你的寶寶 | You could always sell your baby. |
我不敢相信你會去找我老闆 我會被開除 | I can't believe you brought my boss into it! I'll be fired! |
-你騙我 -是她要我那麼做的 | -You lied to me! -Well,she told me to! |
錢德有兩張安妮的原聲帶 | Chandler has two copies of Annie! |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
-羅斯 -嗨 | -Ross! -Hello! |
你在做什麼? | What are you doing? |
希望你們聽了能夠有點安慰 我沒有自摸 | Not touching myself,if that makes anyone less uncomfortable. |
好吧,我會打電話給你 | Okay,then. I'll call you. |
早安,你找我? | Morning. You wanted to see me? |
請進,坐下 | Please,come in. Have a seat. |
-聽著,則納先生… -讓我先說吧 | -Look,Mr. Zelner.. -It's best I speak first. |
好吧 | Yeah. |
人事部的李 將是我們談話的見證人 | Lee from Human Resources is here as a witness to our conversation. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
如果我有暗示過你 我想買你的寶寶… | If I in any way implied that I wanted to buy your baby.. |
我很抱歉,好嗎? | I am sorry. Okay? |
上星期我問你 你的“預”產期是什麼時候… | Last week,when I asked you when your due date was.. |
我並沒有那個意思 要告訴你我想“預謀”你的寶寶 | I certainly did not mean that I felt that I was "due" your baby. |
我希望清楚地告訴你… | I want to be very clear.. |
我瞭解 她是你的寶寶… | that I understand that it's your baby.. |
我不能買下她 | and it is not mine to purchase. |
只要把話說清楚就好了 | Well,as long as we are clear about that. |
到了 | There it is. |
-這不是你常去的洗衣店 -我知道 | -Not your regular cleaners. -I know. |
那個怪胎會去那裡 我得找新的洗衣店 | That creep goes there. I had to find a new one. |
我還得找新的銀行 成人書店,雜貨店… | I have to find a new bank,adult bookstore,grocery store.. |
-什麼? -新的雜貨店 | -What? -A new grocery store. |
宇宙說我會認識一個好男人 那是真的嗎? | The universe said I'd meet a nice guy. I got that? |
我上天堂後 一定會痛扁它 | When I get up there,I'm gonna kick some ass. |
你會認識某人的 如果我能找到好男人,你也可以 | You'll meet someone. If I can meet a great guy,so can you. |
對,我們都可以,也都會做到 | Yeah,we both can. And we both will. |
-你不必進來 -你在開玩笑嗎? | -You didn't have to come in. -You kidding? |
他們在這裡把衣服洗乾淨 對我來說這裡就像是迪士尼樂園 | This is where they get out stains. This is like Disneyland for me. |
我要到這裡 看乾淨襯衫跳舞 | I'm gonna be over here watching the dance of the clean shirts. |
對不起 我想你掉了… | Excuse me. I think you dropped.. |
-哇 -什麼? | -Wow! -What? |
抱歉 你真的是美得不可思議 | Sorry. You're just so incredibly beautiful. |
我也這麼覺得 但又能怎麼辦呢? | Well,I'm sorry about that too. But what are you gonna do? |
別覺得我瘋了 我本來是要幫你撿這個 | Don't think I'm crazy,but I was meant to pick this up. |
-你相信那種事嗎? -有一點 | -Do you believe in that kind of thing? -A little. |
你說的對 | Now you're talking. |
-你要去喝咖啡嗎? -我很樂意,我去跟我朋友說一聲 | -Want to go for coffee? -I'd love to. Let me tell my friend. |
是墨水印子 我能看著你把它洗乾淨嗎? | An ink stain! Can I watch how you get this out? |
她一定是離開了 | She must have left. |
-所以呢?發生了什麼事? -沒事了 | -So? What happened? -It's all gonna be okay. |
他們很高興我不告他們 我還能多放一個月領薪產假 | They're so happy I'm not suing,I got an extra month paid maternity leave. |
只要我知道 那些錢絕不是… | So long as I understand the money should not be construed.. |
這個寶寶 或其他寶寶的訂金 | as a down payment on this or any other child. |
羅夫羅蘭 真的想盡辦法… | Ralph Lauren is going out of their way.. |
要證明 他們不是販嬰集團 | to show they're not in the baby-buying business. |
-能讓我們獨處一下嗎? -你要把我踢出我家的客廳? | -Give us a minute? -Kicking me out of my living room? |
對 | Yeah. |
我會在那裡 | I'll be in there. |
抱歉我騙了你 我只是希望事情… | I'm sorry I lied to you. I was just trying to make things.. |
我知道 | I know. I know. |
你的方法的確有效 | It kind of worked. |
我不知道你是怎麼想的 但我一直沒想到我們的事 | I don't know about you,but I haven't thought about our thing. |
對,你說的對 | Yeah,you're right. |
對,我們又恢復了 “朋友”的樣子 | Yeah. It's kind of been like "us" again,a little bit. |
-我喜歡,我很想念那段時光 -我也是 | -Yeah,I know. I've missed that. -Me too. |
我沒有想到 自己怎麼會… | I haven't thought about how I put myself out there.. |
跟你說那些話 你跟我的感覺不同… | and said that stuff. How you didn't feel the same.. |
那真的很可怕 | and how it was really awkward. |
我的婦產科醫生想殺我 | My gynecologist tried to kill me. |
編號是J437-A | Item J437-A. |
顏色,冬莓色 | Color: winterberry. |
聽著 過來,來吧… | Hi,listen. Come here. Come.. |
關於昨天的事我很抱歉 | I'm so,so sorry about yesterday. |
但我不是跟你說過 不要在門外留備份鑰匙嗎? | But what did I tell you about leaving your key outside the door like that? |
還好那是我 不是別人 | I mean,you're lucky it was me and not someone else. |
我想那麼說太重了一點 | I guess lucky is too strong a word. |
總之蒙娜,我真的很抱歉 那只是… | Anyway,Mona,I'm really,really sorry. It's just.. |
聽著,你不必道歉 我瞭解你為什麼會去那裡 | Listen,you don't have to apologize. I understand why you were there. |
-真的嗎? -對,你還對我有感覺 | -You do? -Yeah. You still have feelings for me. |
老實說 我也對你還有感覺 | To be honest,I still have feelings for you. |
我希望我們能複合 那是不可能的 | I wish we could work it out,but we can't. |
你跟瑞秋還有寶寶的事 太複雜了,我只是… | It's too complicated with you and Rachel and the baby. I just.. |
對我來說沒法忍受 | It just wasn't meant to be. |
天啊,你說的對 | Oh,God. You're right. |
羅斯,我們得堅強 | Ross,we have to be strong. |
好吧,我得走了 | Okay,I'm gonna go. |
我能留下它來懷念你嗎? | Can I? To remember you? |
不行 | No. |
我可以帶人去參加 你爸媽的結婚周年派對嗎? | Is it okay if I bring someone to your parents' anniversary? |
-沒問題 -好啊 | -Sure. -Yeah. |
-你要帶誰去? -派克,我們在洗衣店裡認識 | -Who's the guy? -Parker,we met at the cleaners. |
他把漿糊放在你的外套裡? | Did he put a little starch in your bloomers? |
是誰說的? | Who said that? |
不,但他真的很棒 他對生命非常狂熱 | No,he's really great,though. He has this incredible zest for life. |
他把我當女王一樣 但有時他當我是頑皮女孩 | He treats me like a queen. Except when he treats me like a naughty girl. |
我可以致詞嗎? | Would it be okay if I give the toast? |
即使經過 他們20周年紀念日的意外後? | Even after what happened at their 20th? |
-我真的很想 -希望這次媽不會噓你 | -I'd really like to. -Hopefully this time Mom won't boo you. |
對,每年都是羅斯致詞 他把他們都弄哭了 | Yes! Every year Ross makes the toast,and it always makes them cry. |
-今年我要把他們弄哭 -你不知道他們為什麼最愛羅斯嗎? | -This year,I'm gonna make them cry. -You wonder why Ross is their favorite? |
只要羅斯一致詞 大家都會哭著拍他的背 | Any time Ross makes a toast,everyone cries and pats him on the back. |
他們都來跟我說 “天啊,你哥哥” | And they all come up to me and say,"God,your brother." |
你知道今天他們今年會怎麼說嗎? “天啊,你” | You know what they're gonna say this year? "God,you." |
至少有個人會哭 | Well,at least one person will be crying. |
我是演員 演員隨時都可以哭 | I'm an actor,and any actor worth his salt can cry on cue. |
-真的嗎?你做的到嗎? -你是在開玩笑嗎?看著 | -Really? You can do that? -Oh,you kidding me? Watch. |
你們盯著我看 我辦不到 | Well,I can't do it with you guys watching me! |
本集播出:馬沙皮卡市 | The.One.In.Massapequa |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
嘿 | Hey. |
天啊 你看起來美極了 | Oh,my God. You look so fantastic. |
我在來這裡的路上 用我的心靈之眼想像你的模樣 | On my way over,I pictured you in my mind's eye. |
現在我想說 “心靈之眼,你錯了” | Now I'm like,"Mind's eye,you had no idea!" |
-我們再來一次 -好吧 | -Let's do that again! -Okay. |
-你在做什麼? -我在寫我的演講稿 | -What are you doing? -I'm working on my toast. |
或許我該叫它 “哭泣的集會 2002” | Or as I like to call it: "Sob-fest 2002." |
我等不及要看他們哭了 | I cannot wait to see them cry. |
那不是一般的哭泣 他們會像《母女情深》裡的演員一樣大哭 | It's not gonna be like regular crying. It's gonna be like Terms of Endearment crying. |
我要我爸媽痛哭流涕… | I'm gonna reduce my parents to sniffling,quaking masses of.. |
我可能還在為小時候的事 生我爸媽的氣 | I may have some unresolved anger from my childhood. |
-你看 -是小狗 | -Hey,check this out. -It's a dog. |
那是只死狗 | It's a dead dog. |
琪琪在我高中時死掉了 | Chi-Chi. She died when I was in high school. |
-你要談一隻死狗? -那個主題不錯吧? | -You're talking about a dead pet? -It's good stuff,huh? |
喬伊 你準備好要送我爸媽的禮物了嗎? | Joey? You got a present for my parents? |
為了紀念他們結婚35周年 我用他們的名字幫星星取名 | In honor of their 35th anniversary,I had a star named after them. |
-那真的太酷了-我還買了老年版的《愛經》(描述做愛姿勢的印度古書) | }-That is so cool. -And I got Kama Sutra for the Elderly. |
我想或許一樣禮物就夠了 | You know,I think maybe the one present is enough. |
-你們有多餘的緞帶嗎? -當然有 | -Do you guys have any extra ribbon? -Sure. |
你要什麼?我們有蕾絲 緞子、棉布、亞麻、條紋布 | What do you need? We got lace,satin,sateen,raffia,gingham,felt.. |
我想我的蛋蛋 應該也在這裡 | And I think my testicles may be in here too. |
琪琪,我愛這只狗 | Chi-Chi! Oh,I loved this dog. |
莫妮卡當時很不安是 因為琪琪得動膝蓋手術 | Monica couldn't get braces because Chi-Chi needed knee surgery. |
-什麼? -你是騎著它跑的兩百磅重大胖子 | -What? -You're the 200-pounder who rode her! |
大夥們,他是派克 派克,這是… | Hey! Everybody,this is Parker. Parker,this is.. |
不,別告訴我,讓我猜 喬伊,莫妮卡,羅斯,瑞秋… | No,don't tell me. Let me guess: Joey,Monica,Ross,Rachel.. |
對不起 菲比沒有提過你 | and I'm sorry,Phoebe didn't mention you. |
錢德,我是在開玩笑 你已經是我的最愛了 | Chandler,I'm kidding! Already you're my favorite. |
-跟我談談你的事 -事實上我們該走了 | -Tell me a little about yourselves. -Actually,we should get going. |
典型的羅斯 | Classic Ross! |
瑞秋,你好漂亮,我可以嗎? | Rachel,look how you glow! May I? |
我想你已經不請自來了 | I think you already are. |
瑞秋 你體內孕育著一個小生命 | Rachel,you have life growing inside you. |
有什麼更神奇… 一張狗照片,這是誰的狗? | Is there anything more miraculous.. A picture of a dog! Whose is this? |
那是我以前養的狗 他在好幾年前過世了 | That's my old dog. He passed away years ago. |
至少你很幸運能擁有他 汪汪,我的老朋友,汪汪 | Well,at least you were lucky to have him. Bow-wow,old friend. Bow-wow. |
大夥們,我們真的該走了 | You guys,we really should get going. |
我又犯了多話的老毛病 | There I go again,my catch phrase. |
-派對在哪裡舉行? -在馬沙皮卡 | -So where's the party? -It's in Massapequa. |
馬沙皮卡,聽起來跟魔法一樣 它是美國原住民歷史上的名勝嗎? | Massapequa,it sounds magical. Is it steeped in Native American history? |
那裡有原住民帳篷形狀的 艾比餐廳 | Well,there is an Arby's in the shape of a tepee. |
我拿了紙條,你拿了禮物嗎? | I've got my notes. You got the presents? |
-我拿了車鑰匙 -我們要開車嗎?太棒了 | -I've got the car keys. -We're driving? Aces. |
-他似乎是個好人 -對,我很喜歡他 | -So he seems like a nice guy. -Yeah,I like him a lot. |
-你想被丟下搭計程車嗎? -好吧,除非我不想去 | -You want to hang back and take a cab? -Okay,otherwise I'm not going. |
-嘿,媽媽 -這個派對真的很棒 | -Hey,Mom. -This is such a great party! |
35年,太棒了 你們有什麼至理名言嗎? | Thirty-five years. Impressive. Do you have any pearls of wisdom? |
-傑克 -為什麼食物上要插著牙籤? | -Jack? -Why serve food on such a sharp stick? |
那是個好問題,爸爸 那是個好問題 | It's a good question,Dad. It's a good question. |
-恭喜你們 -謝謝,我們很興奮 | -Congratulations,you two. -Thank you,we're so excited. |
還要恭喜 你們結婚了 | And also,congratulations on your wedding. |
-我們能跟你們談一下嗎? -好吧 | -Can we talk to you for just a moment? -Yeah. |
這只是件小事 | It's just a little thing. |
我們覺得你們未婚生子 真的很棒… | While we think it's marvelous you're having this baby out of wedlock.. |
但我們的朋友沒有那麼開放 | our friends are less open-minded. |
-我們告訴他們你們結婚了 -什麼? | -We told them you're married. -What? |
謝謝你們願意配合 | Thanks for going along with this. |
-我們得假裝我們結婚了 -我為了今晚必須要掏耳朵 | -We have to pretend that we're married? -I had to shave my ears. |
這你至少可以做到 | You can do this. |
-你能相信嗎? -我知道 | -Can you believe that? -I know. |
如果你要掏耳朵 最好順便挖一下鼻子 | If you do the ears,you may as well take a pass at the nose. |
我不想騙人 我結婚了 | I don't want to have to lie about being married. |
我也不想,但這是他們的派對 而且只有一晚而已 | I don't either. But it's their party,and it's one night. |
我們不必說謊 我們只要不說話 | We don't have to lie. We won't talk. |
如果有人提起 我們只要微笑點頭… | If it comes up,we'll smile,we'll nod along.. |
-羅斯 -瑞秋 | -Ross? -Rachel? |
嗨,麗莎阿姨,丹姨父 | Hi,Aunt Lisa. Uncle Dan. |
恭喜你們懷孕 還結了婚 | Congratulations on the baby and on the wedding. |
-這是個好開始 -你們婚後還好吧? | -Here's something to start you out. -How's marriage treating you? |
-不可思議,太棒了 -我們喜歡結婚 | -Unbelievable. It's great! -We love marriage. |
待會見 | We'll see you later. |
-嘿 -嗨 | -Hey! -Hi! |
莫妮卡 你的駕駛技術太棒了 | Can I just say,Monica,that your driving is exquisite. |
謝謝,我之前說過 我只是沒有越線… | Thanks. Like I said before,I pretty much just stayed in the lines.. |
試著不要撞到人 | and tried not to hit anybody. |
好漂亮的地方 好棒的夜晚 | What a beautiful place. What a great night. |
我得告訴你們 能跟你們一起在C宴會廳… | I have to tell you,being here with all of you in Event Room C.. |
我覺得好幸運 想想這裡曾有過的美好時光 | I feel so lucky. Think of the good times that happened here. |
生日,畢業舞會 猶太教戒規,酒後的喧嘩 | The birthdays,the proms,the mitzvahs,both bar and bat! |
它們都比不上今晚 我不想忘了它 | None will compare with tonight. I don't want to forget it. |
我想在我心裡 幫你們拍張照,喀 | It's like I want to take a mental picture of you all. Click. |
我想閃光燈沒亮 | I don't think the flash went off. |
-我要去男洗手間 -我跟你一起去 | -I'm gonna find the men's room. -I'll go with you. |
有人躲在某個地方 拿著麻醉槍… | Somewhere there is someone with a tranquilizer gun.. |
跟大蝴蝶網 在找那個傢伙 | and a huge butterfly net looking for that man. |
我也想上廁所 但我不想讓他誇獎我的小弟弟 | I have to go too,but I don't want him complimenting my thing. |
還好我們沒在車上 他發作了嗎? | Glad we weren't in the car. Did he let up? |
他叫長島高速公路 是“水泥奇跡” | He called the Long lsland Expressway a "concrete miracle." |
這個房間,今晚 | This room. This night. |
服務生,他的鞋子 我得用心拍張照片 | That waiter! His shoes! I must take a mental picture! |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
你們在取笑派克嗎? | Were you guys making fun of Parker? |
那得看你聽到了多少 | That depends,how much did you hear? |
他是有點狂熱 那有什麼不對? | He's a little enthusiastic. What's wrong with that? |
-他太過火了 -那又怎麼樣?我喜歡他 | -It's so much. -Well,so what? I like him. |
我會取笑你們的約會對象嗎? 泰格,珍妮絲,蒙娜 | Do I make fun of the people you date? Tag,Janice,Mona. |
不,因為朋友不會那麼做 你們想知道我的想法嗎? | No,because friends don't do that. Do you want my opinion? |
你們的約會紀錄 加起來跟人渣歷史差不多 | Your collective dating record reads like a who's who of human crap! |
-我覺得好難過 -我知道 | -I feel terrible. -I know. |
蒙娜有哪裡不好? | What was wrong with Mona? |
-快打開 -好的,寶貝 | -Open it,open it,open it. -Yeah,baby! |
我們不知道你們結婚了 | So we never got to hear about your wedding. |
-我們很訝異我們沒有被邀請 -不,婚禮的規模很小 | -We were surprised we weren't invited. -No,it was a small wedding. |
但它很美 規模很小但很特別 | But it was beautiful. It was small,but kind of spectacular. |
-你們在哪裡舉行婚禮? -在巴貝多(加勒比海小島)懸崖上的黃昏婚禮 | -Where did you have it? -On a cliff in Barbados,at sunset. |
我走上紅毯時 史提夫汪達(黑人盲人歌手)唱著《她真美》 | And Stevie Wonder sang " lsn't She Lovely" as I walked down the aisle. |
-史提夫是我們家的朋友 -天啊,那真的是太棒了 | -Stevie's a family friend. -Oh,my God. That's amazing. |
-我想看照片 -對,我也是 | -I'd love to see pictures. -Yeah,so would I. |
你們不會相信 安妮·萊博維茨(著名女攝影師)忘了裝底片 | You wouldn't think Annie Liebowitz would forget to put film in the camera. |
失陪一下 | Would you excuse us for a second? |
-你在做什麼? -什麼?那可能是我唯一一場婚禮 | -What are you doing? -What? This may be my only wedding. |
-我希望它真的很棒 -好吧 | -And I want it to be amazing. -Okay. |
-或許我該騎著哈雷機車入場 -羅斯,我們得編得很像真的 | -Maybe I rode in on a Harley. -Ross,it has to be realistic. |
你好嗎?你似乎很安靜 | Say,are you okay? You seem kind of quiet. |
-我沒事,我跟你在一起 -我跟你在一起,真的是太棒了 | -No,I'm fine. I'm great. I'm with you. -And I'm with you. What a great time! |
看看這個送盤器 | Look at this plate bouncy thing. |
這是個天才發明 解決了端盤子的問題 | What an inspired solution to man's plate-dispensing problems. |
-生蠔,讓我來喂你 -你不必那麼做 | Oysters! Let me feed you. That's not necessary. |
-拜託 -我不吃… | -Please? -I don't eat.. |
-你不吃的話我絕不甘休 -好吧 | -I won't quit until you try one. -Okay,fine. |
-很好 -它們是什麼味道?我從來沒吃過 | -Good. -What're they like? I've never had one. |
-試試看 -它們看起來好奇怪 | -Try one. -They look too weird. |
我知道 | I know,I know. |
聽著,你的家人 真的開始喜歡我 | Listen,your family is really starting to warm up to me. |
你剛剛吻的是承辦酒席的 | You just kissed the caterer. |
-你在做什麼? -準備我的演講 | -What are you doing? -Going over my toast. |
會讓他們好好的嚇一跳 | Those two will never know what hit'em |
我等不及了,他們會痛哭流涕 他們會喘不過氣來 | I can't wait. They'll cry so hard,they'll be fighting for breath. |
如果你要的話 我可以抓住他們,讓你… | If you want to,I could just hold them down and you could just.. |
我戴著蕾絲婚紗 它是由比利時瞎修女織的 | And my veil was lace,made by blind Belgian nuns. |
-瞎眼? -本來不是的,但這工作非常傷眼力 | -Blind? -Not at first,but it's intricate work. |
她們說雖然她們眼睛瞎了 但這還是很值得的 | They said even though they lost their sight,it was worth it. |
-我敢說你看起來很漂亮 -我不知道 | -I bet you looked beautiful. -Well,I don't know. |
但有些賓客說 我看起來像飛天天使 | But there were some people that said I looked like a floating angel. |
-你怎麼求婚的? -對,那是個很棒的故事 | -How did you propose? -Oh,yeah,that's a great story. |
事實上 我帶她去看太陽系模型展 | Well,actually,I took her to the planetarium. |
我們在那裡第一次約會 | That's where we had our first date. |
我在房裡 放滿了她最喜歡的百合花 | I had the room filled with lilies,her favorite flower. |
-那真的太棒了 -我還想聽 | -That is so sweet! -I want to hear the rest! |
弗雷德·阿斯泰爾(電影及舞臺劇演員)唱著 《你今晚的樣子》… | Then Fred Astaire singing,"The Way You Look Tonight" came on.. |
燈光熄了,我單腳跪下 | the lights came down,I got on one knee.. |
圓頂另一端 在群星間寫著 | and written across the dome,in the stars,were the words: |
“你願意嫁給我嗎?” | "Will you marry me?" |
戒指有我的拳頭那麼大 | And the ring was the size of my fist. |
菲比,聽著… | Hey,Phoebe? Look.. |
我想道歉,好嗎? 我們太壞了 | I want to apologize. Okay? We were being jerks. |
-派克人很好,我想多瞭解他 -你最好快去找他 | -Parker's nice,I'd like to know him. -You better do it now. |
-為什麼? -因為我要殺了他 | -Why? -Because I'm gonna kill him. |
-什麼? -他對所有事都太興奮了 | -What? -He's too excited about everything. |
我也很喜歡生命 但這是蓋勒夫婦結婚35周年派對 | I'm all for living,but this is the Gellers' 35th anniversary. |
就算我們扯平了 這個派對爛透了 | Let's call a spade a spade. This party stinks. |
我真的覺得無聊到極點 | I'm having the worst time. |
大家排隊拿食物 我拿到盤子時… | There was a line for the buffet,and when I got to the plates.. |
踩到一大坨鼻涕滑倒 | I slipped on a giant booger. |
你確定那不是生蠔嗎? | Are you sure it wasn't an oyster? |
有可能,我沒看 | It could've been. I didn't look at it. |
我把它抹在錢德的外套上 拔腿就溜 | I wiped it on Chandler's coat and got the hell out. |
我還以為他是個好人 我對他真的很期待 | I thought he was a great guy. I was so excited about him. |
嘿,你應該對他充滿期待 | Well,hey,you should be excited about him. |
他沒有什麼不好的 | There's nothing wrong with him. |
-真的嗎? -對,你知道嗎? | -You think? -Yeah,know what? |
-我們太悲觀了 -你說的對 | -We were all just being too negative. -You're right. |
他只是在擁抱生命 我們可以跟派克學習 | He's just embracing life. We could all stand to be more like Parker. |
你知道嗎?我就跟他一樣 我是個樂觀的人 | You know what? I'm like him! I'm a positive person! |
-事實上你說的對 -那是什麼? | -Actually,you have an edge. -What's that? |
-是派克 -看,兔子舞 | -Oh,it's Parker! -Look,the Bunny Hop! |
-我喜歡 -是嗎? | -Oh,I love it! -You do? |
你在開玩笑嗎? 跟著音樂學動物跳舞?來吧 | Are you kidding? People acting like animals to music? Come on! |
好吧,該致詞了 | Okay,it's time for the toast. |
我知道一向都是由羅斯來致詞 但今年由我來 | I know normally Ross gives the toast,but this year I'll do it. |
不,它真的很棒 | No,it's gonna be great. Really. |
好的 | Okay. |
媽,爸,我結婚時… | Mom,Dad,when I got married.. |
我很確定 我要以你們為榜樣 | the thing that made me sure I could do it was the example you two set. |
為了那一點及其他事 我要感謝你們 | For that,and other things,I want to thank you. |
我想或許我不常那麼說… | I know I probably don't say it enough.. |
但我愛你們 | but I love you. |
我轉頭一看,悲傷地想起 沒辦法出席的人 | When I look around,I'm saddened by the thought of those who could not be here. |
我親愛的外婆 她真的很想來 | Nana,my beloved grandmother,who would so want to be here. |
但她來不了… | But she can't.. |
因為她死了 | because she's dead. |
還有我們的狗琪琪 | As is our dog,Chi-Chi. |
你們看它多可愛…那是以前的事了 | I mean,look how cute she is.. was. |
幫我一個忙 請把這個傳給我爸媽 | Do me a favor,pass this to my parents. |
記住它死了,好嗎? 它跟外婆都死了 | Remember she's dead,okay? Her and Nana,gone. |
哇 | Wow! |
有誰記得… | Does anybody remember when.. |
黛博拉·溫格在《母女情深》中得跟她的孩子們說再見的樣子? | Debra Winger had to say goodbye to her children in Terms of Endearment? |
你們沒看過? | Didn't see that? |
沒有人是影迷? | No movie fans?! |
你們想聽些悲傷的事嗎? | You want to hear something sad? |
我在《60分鐘》 看到羅馬尼亞孤兒院的報導… | I was watching a 60 Minutes piece on orphans in Romania.. |
他們遭到拋棄 無法被愛 | who have been so neglected that they were incapable of love. |
你們的心都是石頭做的 | You people are made of stone! |
敬爸媽,隨便啦 | Here's to Mom and Dad. Whatever! |
謝謝莫妮卡 那真的是太有趣了 | Thank you,Monica. That was interesting. |
-那真的很有趣吧?傑克 -為什麼我不記得這只狗? | -Wasn't it interesting,Jack? -Why don't I remember this dog? |
羅斯,你為什麼不為我們致詞? | Ross? Why don't you give us your toast now? |
不,媽 今年輪到莫妮卡了 | Oh,no,Mom. It's just Monica this year. |
在我們35周年派對上 你不致詞嗎? | You're not saying anything? On our 35th wedding anniversary? |
當然不是 | No,of course. |
大夥們,我只是想… | Everybody? I just wanted to say.. |
代表我的新娘瑞秋… | on behalf of my new bride,Rachel.. |
跟我自己說… | and myself,that if.. |
如果我們結婚35年後 有你們一半幸福… | if in 35 years,we're half as happy as you guys are.. |
我們會覺得 自己是全世界最幸運的人 | we'll count ourselves the luckiest people in the world. |
羅斯 | Oh,Ross. |
希望外婆還活著 聽到羅斯的致詞 | I just wish Nana were alive to hear Ross' toast. |
天啊 這個走廊的燈光真漂亮 | My God,what a fantastically well-lit hallway. |
你需要喝點東西嗎? 譬如水跟鎮靜劑 | Can I get you something to drink,like a water and Valium? |
我得說這間公寓 它…我不知道該怎麼形容 | I must say,this apartment,it's.. there are no words. |
-謝天謝地 -它是個天堂 | -Thank God. -It's a haven. |
-位於三樓的天堂,現代伊甸園 -我知道,我瞭解 | -A third-floor paradise,a modern Eden. -Yeah,I know,I know. Gotcha. |
聽著,我們為什麼不坐下來放輕鬆 安靜地彼此依偎 | Listen,why don't we just sit and relax,just be with each other quietly. |
聽起來很不錯 | That sounds great. |
這是我坐過 最舒服的沙發 | This is the most comfortable couch I've ever sat on. |
我們試試別的點子 我們來玩遊戲 | Let's try something. Let's play a game. |
-我喜歡玩遊戲 -太棒了 | -I love games. -Shocking. |
我們來玩… | Let's play the game of.. |
誰能最久不說話的遊戲 | who can stay quiet the longest. |
或層層疊 | Or Jenga. |
我們先玩這個 記住,先說話的人就輸了 | Let's play this one first,and remember,whoever talks first loses. |
-我輸了,現在來玩層層疊 -我的天啊 | -I lose,now Jenga. -Oh,my God. |
-哪裡不對勁嗎? -你知道什麼是“不對勁”嗎? | -Is something wrong? -You know the word "wrong"? |
一切不是美好又神奇嗎? | Everything isn't perfect or magical? |
一切不是都在 發光發亮嗎? | Everything isn't aglow with the light of fairies? |
那只是刹車燈,派克 | They were just brake lights,Parker! |
對不起,我美化了塞車 | Excuse me for putting a good spin on a traffic jam. |
你不必美化所有事 | You don't have to put a good spin on everything! |
-抱歉,我是個樂觀的人 -不,我是個樂觀的人 | -I'm sorry. I'm a positive person. -No,I'm a positive person. |
你像吃了抗憂鬱藥的聖誕老人 | You are like Santa Claus on Prozac. |
在迪士尼樂園做愛 | At Disneyland,getting laid! |
你要我悲觀嗎? 你要我不快樂嗎? | You want me to be negative? You want me to be less happy? |
非常不快樂 | Much less happy. |
好吧,引用羅斯的話 “我最好走了” | Fine. Well,then to quote Ross,"I better be going." |
再見 | So long! |
別讓“全世界最棒的門” 在你出去時打到你的屁股了 | Don't let the "best door in the world" hit you in the ass on your way out. |
這是你一輩子 吵過最不可思議的架吧? | Isn't this the most incredible fight you've had in your life? |
你坐在車鬥裡 我們從婚禮現場走到接待處 | We could've gone from the ceremony to the reception with you in the sidecar. |
那行不通 | It just isn't feasible. |
但鴿子停在你的戒指上 就沒有問題 | But a dove placing the ring on your finger would've been no problem. |
-跟你結婚真的太棒了 -對,這四百塊真好賺 | -It was fun being married to you. -Yeah,and it was an easy 400 bucks. |
-羅斯,我能問你一件事嗎? -好吧 | -Okay,Ross,can I ask you something? -Yeah. |
-在天文館求婚? -我知道,那太蠢了 | -That proposal at the planetarium? -I know,I know. It was stupid. |
你在開玩笑嗎? 有百合花、歌跟星星? | Are you kidding? With the lilies,and the song and the stars? |
那真的是太棒了 你是隨便編的嗎? | It was really wonderful. Did you just make that up? |
我們交往時 我想過要那麼做 | I thought of it when we were going out. |
是我想跟你求婚的樣子 | That's how I imagined I would ask you to marry me. |
哇 | Wow. |
要拒絕你一定很難 | Well,that would've been very hard to say no to. |
還好我沒有那麼做 聽起來那會是個昂貴的婚禮 | It's a good thing I didn't do it,it sounds like a very expensive wedding. |
-好吧,晚安 -晚安 | -Okay,good night. -Good night. |
即使車鬥有擋風玻璃 不弄亂你的頭髮也不行嗎? | Even if the sidecar had a windscreen to protect your hair? |
-我會考慮的 -我問完了 | -I will think about it. -That's all I'm asking. |
好吧,夠了,我放棄了 | Okay,that's it. I give up. |
在爸媽的40周年派對上 由你來致詞 | At Mom and Dad's 40th anniversary,you give the speech. |
我不瞭解他們為什麼沒哭 你的致詞真感人 | You know,I don't understand why they didn't cry. |
-好了 -你說的關於真愛的事? | -Come on. -That stuff you said about true love? |
你說的對 我們從爸媽那裡學到了很多 | You were right. We did learn a lot from Mom and Dad. |
琪琪在照片上 調皮地笑著 | That picture of Chi-Chi with her mischievous grin. |
還有外婆那一段 她真的會很想去參加 | And what you said about Nana? Yeah,she really would've wanted to be there. |
你知道嗎? | And you know what? |
我想她去了 | I think she was. |
天啊,羅斯 你是怎麼辦到的? | Oh,good God,Ross,how the hell do you do it? |
嗨,我在填《肥皂劇文摘》的 字謎遊戲 | Hi. So I'm doing the Soap Opera Digest crossword puzzle.. |
你猜誰是豎著第三排的 字謎提示? | and guess who is the clue for three down? |
“我們的日子的大明星 空格 崔比亞尼” | "Days of Our Lives star,blank Tribbiani." |
就是我,我是空格 | That's me! I'm blank! |
太酷了,我們認識豎著第三排 我在摸豎著第三排 | How cool! We know three down. I'm touching three down. |
沒錯,寶貝 | Yeah,you are,baby. |
豎著第三排知道我結婚了 豎著第三排在做什麼? | Three down knows I'm married. What's three down doing? |
他們有通知你上了雜誌嗎? | Do they call to tell you you're in it? |
不,他們想做人物專訪 我拒絕了 | No. They wanted to do a profile on me. I said no. |
為什麼? | Why'd you say no? |
還記得我上次接受採訪的結果嗎? | Remember the last interview I did? |
我說我自己寫臺詞 編劇抓狂 | I said I write my own lines,the writers got mad.. |
我摔下電梯間 誰知道這次我會說什麼? | and I fell down an elevator shaft. Who knows what I'd say now? |
你得控制自己說的 每一句話 | If only there was something in your head to control what you say. |
拜託 這次你會表現的很好 | Come on,you'll keep it in check this time. |
讀者會喜歡你 你有那個實力 | The publicity would be good for you. You deserve that. |
在專訪裡你可以提到 我不知道“女性朋友瑞秋格林” | In the interview,you could mention,I don't know,"gal pal Rachel Green." |
“女性朋友”的意思是失敗者嗎? | Is that "gal pal" spelled L-O-S-E-R? |
-好吧,別聽他的,拜託 -好吧,我會那麼說的 | -Okay,don't listen to him. Please? -Fine,all right,I'll do it. |
你們得在場 阻止我說出蠢話 | You have to be there to stop me if I say something stupid. |
你只指專訪時還是一輩子? 因為我們還得去上班 | Just then,or all the time? Because we have jobs,you know? |
我們會在場的 但你得記住 | We'll be there the whole time. Just remember: |
女性朋友瑞秋格林 | Gal pal,Rachel Green. |
我要上《肥皂劇文摘》了 不只是上愚蠢的字謎遊戲 | I'm gonna be in Soap Opera Digest! And not just in the dumb crossword. |
我真的以你為榮 | Seriously,proud of you. |
本集播出:喬伊專訪 | The.One.With.Joeys.Interview |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-謝謝你抽空接受訪問 -別客氣,我很樂意 | -Thanks for taking the time for this. -Not at all. Happy to do it. |
你們覺得我們很明顯嗎? | You think we're being obvious? |
不,我們只是四個脖子有問題 會這樣子說話的人 | No. We're just four people with neck problems,who talk like this. |
約在這裡見面是個好主意 | It's great that we met here. |
大家聽說雜誌社付錢 都約到高級大餐廳進行 | When people hear the magazine's paying,they want a big,fancy restaurant. |
我真的不知道 雜誌社會付錢 | Actually,I didn't know the magazine was paying. |
那不重要 我這麼做是為了影迷,不是為了白吃 | Wouldn't have mattered. I do this for the fans,not the free food. |
-你們要點些什麼? -咖啡 | -Can I get you anything? -Coffee. |
各種松餅通通來一份 | And I'll have all the muffins. |
-嘿 -我們不能說話 | -Hey. -We're not talking. |
終於 | Oh,finally. |
根據你的個人資料 | According to your bio, |
以前你做過很多工作 | you've done quite a bit of work. |
有哪個工作 是你覺得很驕傲的? | Anything that you're particularly proud of? |
你只是想要一個風鈴 | All you want is a dingle |
你討厭流行的東西 | What you envy's a shwang |
聽它發出清脆的聲音 | A thing through which you can tinkle |
撥弄著它,或是掛在那邊 | Or play with,or simply let hang |
有可能嗎? 你想喝杯牛奶 | This ever happen? You want a glass of milk.. |
但紙盒 很難打開 | but these darn cartons are so hard to open! |
天啊,你說的對,麥克 | Boy,you said it,Mike. |
-一定有更棒的辦法 -沒錯,凱文 | -There 's gotta be a better way! - There is,Kevin! |
這是他第一次使用它 很簡單的 | This is the first time he's ever used this. It's easy. |
-這適用於所有牛奶紙盒 -很簡單 | -This works in any milk carton. -It is easy. |
現在我每天都能喝牛奶 | Now I can have milk every day. |
就這樣?維克多 | So this is it,Victor? |
我猜是吧,所以 | Yeah,I guess it is. And so.. |
我要搭上這艘太空船 | I'm gonna get on this spaceship.. |
到巴拉根七號星 尋找另類能源 | and I'm gonna go to Blargon 7 in search of alternative fuels. |
但兩百年後我再回來 你早已經不在 | But when I return 200 years from now,you'll be long gone. |
我卻一點都不會變老 | But I won't have aged at all. |
你得要你的曾曾孫女 來找我 | So you tell your great-great- granddaughter to look me up. |
因為,艾德莉恩 | Because,Adrian.. |
寶貝 | baby.. |
我想見見她 | I'm gonna want to meet her. |
我要出現了 我要來修影印機 | Here I come. I'm coming to fix the copier. |
我沒辦法靠近影印機 心想“我該怎麼辦?” | I can't get to the copier. I'm thinking,"What do I do?" |
我看著他們做愛 然後我說…等一下,這是我的臺詞 | So I just watch them have sex. And then I say.. Wait,here's my line: |
你知道嗎? 那會把送紙夾弄壞 | You know,that's bad for the paper tray. |
-做的好,我的朋友 -等一下,我又出現了 | -Nice work,my friend. -Wait,you see me again. |
等一下,那傢伙的屁股擋到我了 | Hang on,the guy's butt's blocking me. |
我出現了,我出現了 我出現了 | There I am. There I am. There I am. |
我做過太多工作 要選一個真的很難 | There are so many things,it's hard to pick just one. |
我要去拿咖啡,你們需要什麼東西嗎? | I'm getting coffee. Want anything? |
-我要藍莓松餅跟甘菊茶 -雙份拿鐵 | -A blueberry muffin and chamomile tea. -Double latte. |
-我要貝果加… -我只是禮貌性問一下 | -A bagel with only.. -I was just being polite. |
你不工作的時候呢? 你有空時都在做什麼? | How about when you're not working? What do you do in your spare time? |
看看這個小丑 他以為整條河都是他的 | Look at this clown. He thinks he can take up the whole river. |
別擋路,混蛋 | Get out of the way,jackass! |
誰會把自己的船 取名為海岸防衛隊呢? | Who names their boat Coast Guard,anyway? |
他們就是海岸防衛隊 | That is the Coast Guard. |
他們在這裡做什麼? 海岸在那邊 | What are they doing out here? The coast is way over there! |
太不可思議了 | This is unbelievable. |
喬伊已經憋氣 快四分鐘了 | Joey has been holding his breath for almost four minutes. |
你想害死我嗎? | Dude,are you trying to kill me? |
看來 今天你真的很忙 | Well,I see you've had a very productive day. |
-這頂牛仔帽太花了吧? -來吧,真的很好玩 | -Isn't the cowboy hat a little much? -Come on,it's fun! |
好吧 | All right. |
這不是女人的帽子嗎? | Isn't this a woman's hat? |
別說傻話了 快去幫我們泡茶 | Dude,stop talking crazy and make us some tea. |
我們得把A片關掉 | We have to turn off the porn. |
我想你說的對 | I think you're right. |
-好吧,準備好了嗎? -一 | -All right,ready? -One. |
-二,三 -三 | -Two,three. -Three. |
那真的很棒 | That's kind of nice. |
-我松了一口氣 -對 | -It's kind of a relief. -Yeah. |
-你想看我們還能不能看到它嗎? -好吧 | -You wanna see if we still have it? -Yeah. |
我們有免費的A片 | Free porn! We have free porn here! |
我有空時會念書給盲人聽 | In my spare time,I read to the blind. |
我還是孩子們的曼陀珠 | And I'm also a mento for kids. |
-曼陀珠? -曼陀珠,我是他們的榜樣 | -A mento? -You know,a mento. A role model. |
-曼陀珠? -對 | -A mento? -Right. |
-吃的曼陀珠? -事實上沒錯 | -Like the candy? -As a matter of fact,I do. |
讀者想知道 肥皂劇明星是怎麼維持身材的 | Our readers always want to know how soap stars stay in such great shape. |
你有健身妙方嗎? | Do you have a fitness regime? |
明星們會正確地飲食 大量運動 | We stars usually just try to eat right and get lots of exercise. |
你知道我們已經丟了一小時的球 球都沒掉嗎? | You know we've thrown this without dropping it for an hour? |
真的嗎? | Are you serious? |
半小時前我發現這件事 但我不想破壞它 | I realized it a half-hour ago,but I didn't want to jinx it. |
-我們真的很厲害 -對 | -Wow,we are pretty good at this. -Yeah. |
我們忘了吃午餐 | Hey,we totally forgot about lunch. |
這是我第一次 忘了吃飯 | That's the first time I've ever missed a meal. |
我的褲子都松了 | My pants are a little loose. |
你怎麼了? | What's wrong with you? |
我舉啞鈴時 覺得肚子好痛 | I got this blinding pain in my stomach when I was lifting weights. |
後來我昏了過去 | And then I passed out. |
我沒辦法站起來 但我想應該沒關係 | I haven't been able to stand up since. But I don't think it's serious. |
聽起來像是疝氣 快去看醫生吧 | Sounds like a hernia. Go to the doctor. |
不行 | No way! |
如果我去看醫生 就得把這玩意夾出我的肚子 | If I go to the doctor,it's for this thing sticking out of my stomach! |
我為什麼 要恢復健身的習慣呢? | Why'd I have to start working out again? |
該死的15磅啞鈴 | Damn you,fifteens! |
-它是什麼? -松糕,它有好幾層 | -What is it? -A trifle. It has layers. |
一層手指餅乾 然後一層果醬 | A layer of ladyfingers,then a layer of jam. |
然後是甜凍 我用剩下的東西做的 | Then custard,which I made from scratch. |
覆盆子,手指餅乾 加了豆子跟洋蔥的焗牛肉 | Raspberries,more ladyfingers,beef sauteed with peas and onions. |
再加一層甜凍 | Then a little bit more custard. |
它的味道好像臭腳丫 | It tastes like feet. |
我喜歡 | I like it. |
-你在開玩笑嗎? -它有什麼不好的?甜凍,好吃 | -Are you kidding? -What's not to like? Custard,good. |
果醬,好吃,肉,好吃 | Jam,good. Meat,good! |
你的臉色不太好,喬伊 | Well,you don't look good,Joe. |
冰箱壞了 我得把所有東西吃掉 | Well,the fridge broke,so I had to eat everything. |
冷盤,霜淇淋,萊姆 | Cold cuts,ice cream,limes. |
那個棕色罐子裡裝了什麼? | Hey,what was in that brown jar? |
-它還在? -現在不在了 | -That's still in there? -Not anymore. |
這一塊沒有沾到地板 | This piece doesn't have floor on it. |
-別越界 -拜託 | -Stick to your side. -Hey,come on,now. |
好吧,我們要吃什麼? | All right,what are we having? |
我不相信瘋狂的節食法 只要正常飲食就行了 | I don't believe in these crazy diets. Just everything in moderation. |
你的松餅來了 | Your muffins. |
我要外帶 | I'll take those to go. |
給孩子們吃 | For the kids. |
我知道我想問什麼 | I know what I wanted to ask. |
多年前他們安排你死掉 發生了什麼事? | They killed you off years ago. What happened there? |
我在一次訪問中 說了我不該說的話 | I said some stuff in an interview I shouldn't have said. |
-但今天我不會那麼做 -瞭解 | -But that is not gonna happen today. -Understood. |
-那時你說了什麼? -我說我… | -So,what'd you say back then? -I said that I.. |
-嘿,喬伊 -你好嗎? | -Hey,Joey! -How you doing? |
她是雪麗,她在訪問我 雪麗,他們是我的朋友 | This is Shelly. She's interviewing me. Shelly,these are my friends. |
嗨,我是女性朋友瑞秋格林 你想知道八卦消息就來找我 | Hi,I'm gal pal Rachel Green. If you want the dirt,come to me. |
這可能是喬伊的孩子,誰知道呢? | This might be Joey's baby,who knows? |
我只是在開玩笑 我只是女性朋友瑞秋格林 | I'm just kidding. Seriously,gal pal Rachel Green. |
她剛剛丟夠了 她還沒有出世的孩子的臉 | Who just lost the respect of her unborn child. |
我得去加點熱水 | I'm gonna go get this warmed up. |
-你表現的很好 -到目前為止沒有說傻話 | -You're doing great. -So far,nothing stupid. |
-曼陀珠? -不用了,謝謝 | -Mento? -No,thanks. |
身為喬伊的朋友 有什麼事是讀者應該知道的嗎? | As Joey's friends,is there anything our readers should know? |
不,他是個大好人 | No,just that he is a great guy. |
你可以上 《肥皂劇文摘》 | That'll get you into Soap Opera Digest. |
我… | Well,I.. |
我想說喬伊 | I'd like to say that Joey.. |
真的豐富了 我們的生活 | truly has enriched the days of our lives. |
你應該沒想到 這麼性感的男人會那麼體貼 | I think that you don't expect someone so hot to be so sweet. |
-我喜歡,你叫什麼名字? -菲比布菲 | -I like that. What's your name? -Phoebe Buffay. |
-要怎麼拼? -菲比的P,希比的H | -How do you spell that? -It's P as in Phoebe. H as in Heebie. |
歐比的O,艾比的E | O as in Obie. E as in Ebie. |
比比的B E是“你好,朋友” | B as in Beebee. And E as in,"ello there,mate!" |
太棒了,很高興能認識你們 | Great. It was nice meeting you. |
-對,我也是 -謝謝 | -Yeah,you too. -Thanks. |
你似乎有很多朋友 誰是你最好的朋友? | It seems you have a lot of friends. Who is your best friend? |
你為什麼會有兩個? | How come you have two? |
這個是送你的 | Well,this one's for you. |
-不可能 -對,我無法不這麼做 | -Get out! -No,I can't. |
我知道這對你來說意義重大 這不只是首飾而已 | I know how much this means to you. This isn't just about jewelry. |
它代表了 你跟我是最好的朋友 | It's about you and me and the fact that we're best buds. |
這是友誼嗎?我想是的 | Is this friendship? I think so! |
你看,我們是手鐲兄弟 | Check it out! We're bracelet buddies! |
他們是那樣子叫我們的 | That's what they'll call us! |
-對不起 -沒關係,別擔心 | -I'm sorry. -It's all right. Don't worry about it. |
它會留下印子 | That's gonna leave a stain. |
瑞秋,沒關係 你在喬伊家 | Rach,hey,it's fine. You're at Joey's. |
-真的嗎? -對,你看 | -Really? -Yeah,look. |
-我沒有過過這種生活 -我知道 | -I've never lived like this before. -I know! |
別浪費它 它還是食物,天啊 | Well,don't waste it. I mean,it's still food. Jeez! |
我覺得有罪惡感 我想當個好朋友 | I feel guilty. I wanna be a good friend.. |
該死,我是個好朋友 閉上你的嘴巴跟眼睛 | and damn it,I am a good friend. So shut up and close your eyes. |
你是個好朋友 | You are a good friend. |
我今天早上去試鏡 但我失敗了 | The audition was this morning,and I didn't get it. |
那個吻真的很棒 瑞秋是個幸運的女孩 | But that was a hell of a kiss. Rachel is a very lucky girl. |
請參賽者離開 隔離區 | Let's get the contestants out of their isolation booths. |
他們出發了 | And they're off! |
別擋住我的選手 裁判 | Get your foot off my contestant! Judge! |
裁判判決沒有犯規 | Judge rules: No violation. |
-鴨子踩到奶油了 -不,那是以前掉的餛飩 | -The duck gets the Nutter Butter! -No! That's just an old won ton. |
裁判判決是奶油 | Judge rules: Nutter Butter! |
真的很難決定 | Tough call. |
-我在探索頻道看過 -等一下,我看過它 | -I saw it on the Discovery Channel. -Wait a minute. I saw that! |
對,關於水母 如果你… | Yeah,about jellyfish,and how if you.. |
你尿在自己身上? | You peed on yourself? |
別那麼說,你不瞭解那有多痛 | You can't say that! You don't know! |
我以為我會痛得昏過去 | I thought I'd pass out from the pain. |
總之我試過了 但我沒辦法那樣子彎曲身子 | Anyway,I tried,but I couldn't bend that way. |
所以 | So.. |
沒錯,我幫了她一個大忙 | That's right,I stepped up! |
她是我的朋友,她需要幫忙 | She's my friend and she needed help! |
有必要的話 我會尿在你們身上 | If I had to,I'd pee on any one of you! |
不,我沒有最好的朋友 | Nope. No best friend. |
我只有很多密友 | Just a lot of close friends. |
現在言歸正傳 | So now back to the show. |
有那麼多男同志支持你 你有什麼感覺? | How does it feel to have a huge gay fan base? |
真的嗎?我? | Really? Me? |
我不認識 任何男同志 | Wow,I don't even know any huge gay people. |
我真的覺得心好痛 | It hurts me. It physically hurts me. |
這是我們的私下談話,你不是 | Now,off the record,you're not.. |
什麼? 你在質疑我的男子氣概嗎? | What? Are you referring to my man's bag? |
剛開始它看起來不錯 但它真的很實用 | At first,it just looked good,but it's practical. |
它有很多放東西的小袋子 你可以放皮夾,鑰匙 | It's got compartments for stuff: your wallet,your keys. |
化妝品 | Your makeup. |
我要從你的正面滑下 讓我們面對面 | Should I climb down your front so we're face to face.. |
還是從你的背面滑下 屁股對臉? | or should I climb down your back so we're butt to face? |
-我想面對面比較好 -對,面對面 | -I think face is best. -Yeah,face. |
-好吧,我來了 -好吧 | -Okay,here I come. -All right. |
天啊… 你有多重?羅斯 | Oh,my.. How much do you weigh,Ross? |
我不想回答那個問題 假日結束後我胖了不少 | I prefer not to answer that. I'm still carrying a little holiday weight. |
我們說“面對面”時 我們沒有想清楚 | When we said "face to face," we didn't think it all the way through! |
-嘿,菲比 -嘿 | -Hey,Pheebs. -Hey. |
你看 | Check it out. |
我很有男子氣概吧? | How much of a man am I? |
太棒了,你是男子漢也是個蕩婦 | Nice. Manly and also kind of a slut. |
你變成女人了 | You're turning into a woman. |
不,你為什麼會那麼說? 那太傷人了 | No,I'm not! Why would you say that? That's just mean! |
我惹毛你了,我說了什麼? | Now I've upset you? What did I say? |
不是你說的話 是你的語氣 | Not what you said,it's just the way you said it. |
天啊,我是個女人 | Oh,my God! I'm a woman! |
-我睡得很熟 -沒錯 | -Great nap. -It really was. |
我?男同志?不 | Me? Gay? No. No. No. |
但我有很多密友 是男同志 | But I have a number of close friends who are. |
我們來談談女人 | So let's talk about women. |
我相信女性讀者 對你的愛情生活很有興趣 | I'm sure our female readers are interested in your romantic life. |
我會看著女人 跟她說 | What I do is,I look a woman up and down and I say: |
“嘿,你好嗎?” | "Hey. How you doing?" |
拜託 | Oh,please. |
嘿,你好嗎? | Hey. How you doing? |
嘿,你好嗎? | Hey. How you doing? |
他有一輛很棒的保時捷 | He has an amazing Porsche under there. |
我很樂意讓你們參觀 但我才剛把它停好,它在休息 | I'd love to show you,but I just tucked her in. She's sleeping. |
你們兩個 想去喝一杯嗎? | Would you two girls like to go for a drink? |
-瑞秋在嗎?我是她妹妹 -天啊,吉兒 | -Is Rachel here? I'm her sister. -Oh,my God! Jill! |
-天啊,瑞秋 -嗨 | -Oh,my God! Rachel! -Oh,hi! |
-天啊,快幫我們介紹 -他是錢德 | -Oh,my God! Introduce us! -Well,this is Chandler. |
你認識莫妮卡跟羅斯 她是菲比,他是喬伊 | You know Monica and Ross. That's Phoebe. That's Joey. |
-嘿,你好嗎? -不要 | -Hey,how you doing? -Don't! |
你是個好人 我喜歡當你的室友跟朋友 | You're a really nice guy. I'm happy to be your roommate and friend. |
我只是你知道的 我對你沒有那種感覺 | I'm just.. You know,I just don't feel that way about you. |
我知道發生了什麼事 | I see what happened. |
那是因為 我試著抗拒你,對吧? | It's because I was trying to repel you. Right? |
相信我 我發動攻勢後,你會有不同的感覺 | Believe me,you'd feel a lot different if I turned it on. |
-我不那麼認為 -我那麼認為 | -I don't think so. -Oh,I do. |
你好嗎? | How you doing? |
我很好 | I'm okay. |
什麼?天啊 | What? Oh,dear God! |
沒什麼好說的 我真的很害羞 | Not much to tell there. I'm really shy. |
好了 我猜我已經問完了 | So that's it. I guess that's all I need. |
謝謝你 我想應該下一期就會刊出 | Thank you so much. I think they'll run this next month. |
太棒了,謝謝你 | Oh,great. Great. Thank you. |
-再見 -拜拜 | -Bye. -Bye-bye. |
-我辦到了 -太棒了 | -I did it. -Amazing. |
等一下,我差點忘了 我們得問每個人這個問題 | Wait,I almost forgot. We have to ask everybody this: |
除了“我們的日子”以外 你最喜歡哪出肥皂劇? | Other than Days,what's your favorite soap opera? |
我不看肥皂劇 抱歉,我的生活沒那麼無聊 | Oh,I don't watch soap operas. Excuse me? I have a life,you know? |
《肥皂劇文摘》的讀者 知道那一點一定會很高興 | The readers at Soap Opera Digest will be happy to learn that. |
非常好 | Good enough. |
只差一點而已 | So close. |
他們沒登出 你說你不看肥皂劇那一段 | They didn't put in the part about you not watching soaps. |
我打電話告訴那個女記者 我是在開玩笑,她接受了 | I called the lady and said l was joking. She was nice about it. |
-你跟她上床了,對吧? -可以那麼說 | -You slept with her,didn't you? -A little bit. |
你的這張照片有點模糊 | This picture of you is steamy. |
那是為了配合 我的男同志影迷的喜好 | That's just a little something for my huge gay fan base. |
-你在跟我眨眼睛嗎? -你喜歡那張照片 | -Did you just wink at me? -You're the one who loves the picture. |
-嗨 -嘿 | -Hi! -Hey! |
有多少人會來參加 寶寶的歡迎會? | So,what's the final head count on my baby shower? |
大約有20個人 有些同事有事沒辦法來 | About twenty. Couple people from work had something else to do. |
你的妹妹們打電話來說她們沒辦法來 | Your sisters called and can't make it. |
什麼? 你說她們不來參加… | What? You mean they're not coming to a social event.. |
沒有男人跟酒的社交聚會? 那真的是太稀奇了 | where there's no men and no booze? That's shocking. |
我不在乎,只要我媽能來就行了 | I don't care,as long as my mom's here. |
-天啊,你媽 -什麼?我媽不會來嗎? | -Oh,my God. Your mother. -What? My mom's not gonna be here? |
說不定我們忘了邀請她 反而能讓她鬆口氣 | Well,given that we forgot to invite her,it would be a big coincidence if she was. |
我的天啊 | My God! |
不是我的錯 菲比負責發請帖的 | Phoebe was in charge of the invitations. |
我沒有媽媽 所以我常忘了… | I don't have a mother. So often I forget.. |
得了吧 | Oh,give it a rest. |
我媽媽不來參加 寶寶的歡迎會? | So my mother is not coming to my baby shower? |
對 | No. |
我媽也不會來 | Neither is mine. |
我們會處理的,我們會打電話給她 你先回家做準備 | We'll take care of it. We'll call her. You go home and get ready. |
確定她一定會來 這很重要,她是我媽 | Make sure she comes. It's important. It's my mom. |
-我知道,她電話號碼幾號? -我不知道 | -I know. What's her number? -I don't know. |
你去吧,我記在我的電話簿裡了 | Go. I have it in my book. Go. |
如果你負責寄請帖 為什麼是我打電話給她? | If you're in charge of invitations,why am I calling her? |
喂,格林太太 嗨,我是莫妮卡蓋勒 | Hello,Mrs. Green! Hi,it's Monica Geller. |
-你好,莫妮卡 -嗨 | -Oh,hello,Monica. -Hi. |
這是緊急通知 我們打算在今天… | It's last-minute,but we've decided to throw an impromptu.. |
-幫瑞秋的寶寶辦歡迎會 -我的女兒們已經告訴我了… | -baby shower for Rachel today. -My daughters told me.. |
她們在一個月前 就接到歡迎會的請帖 | when they received their impromptu invitations a month ago. |
-好吧,我很抱歉 -為什麼呢?親愛的 | -Okay,I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. -For what,dear? |
為了沒有邀請我 還是你說謊騙我呢? | For not inviting me,or for lying about it? |
天啊,我的屁股在流汗 | Oh,my God! My ass is sweating. |
我為所有的事道歉 真的,我是說… | I'm sorry for everything. Really,I mean.. |
計畫寶寶的歡迎會 真的累人 | there's a lot of planning in a baby shower. |
我們會忘了一些事 還有… | You know,things get overlooked and.. |
菲比的媽媽自殺了 | Phoebe's mother killed herself. |
為什麼? 你們也忘了邀請她? | Why? Did you forget to invite her too? |
你真是幽默 | Oh,you're so funny. |
拜託,你能來嗎? 歡迎會四點開始 | Please,please,can you come? It starts at 4:00. |
-好吧,四點見 -謝謝 | -Well,all right. I'll see you at 4. -Thank you. |
-不是三點開始嗎? -婊子養的 | -Isn't it at 3? -Son of a bitch! |
本集播出:寶寶歡迎會 | The.One.With.The.Baby.Shower |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
喬伊,你要去打籃球嗎? | Hey,Joe! Wanna shoot some hoops? |
我得告訴你 這次我不要防守那個高個子 | And for the record,I am not covering the tall one this time. |
好吧,但她沒有那麼高 | Fine,but she's not that tall. |
我不能去,我在練習 我要參加新遊戲節目主持人的試鏡 | I can't go. I'm practicing. I got an audition to be the host of a new game show. |
-酷啊 -太棒了 | -Cool! -Great! |
如果我能當上主持人 白天我是德瑞克拉莫瑞醫生 | If I get it,by day I'll be Dr. Drake Ramoray. |
但晚上我是喬伊崔比亞尼 | But by night I'll be Joey Tribbiani! |
你非常適合這份工作 節目名稱跟你的名字一樣 | You'll be perfect for this! That's already your name! |
我知道 | I know. I know. |
我能夠得到這份工作是最好的 因為誰都不知道演肥皂劇結果會怎麼樣 | It'd be great if I got this because you never know what could happen on a soap. |
但我可以一輩子 當遊戲節目主持人 | But I could be a game-show host forever. |
就像巴伯貝克 他主持猜價遊戲75年 | Like that Bob Barker guy. He's been doing The Price is Right for 75 years. |
我敢說前25年的收視率 一定不太好 | I bet the ratings weren't good for the first 25. |
那時根本沒有電視機 | You know,before there was television. |
問題是 這項遊戲真的很複雜 | But the problem,this game is really complicated. |
拜託 你也那麼說饑餓河馬 | Come on. You said the same thing about Hungry Hungry Hippos. |
上星期你贏了班 | And last week,you beat Ben. |
對 我得跟你們承認 | Yeah. I have to be honest with you guys. |
他故意讓我贏的 | He kind of let me win. |
再過幾小時就要試鏡 我搞不懂這個遊戲 | The audition's in a couple hours,and I don't understand the game. |
你需要幫忙嗎? | Do you want some help? |
真的嗎?那真的太棒了 你們可以當參賽者 | Oh,really? That'd be great. Hey,you guys can be the contestants! |
我們可以下次 再去打敗初中女生 | We can lose to junior-high girls some other time. |
好吧,我們來玩暈頭轉向 | All right. Let's play Bamboozled! |
-暈頭轉向? -對,那個名字很酷吧? | -Bamboozled? -Yeah. Isn't that a cool name? |
-對 -不 | -Yeah! -No! |
好吧 第一位參賽者是羅斯蓋勒 | All right. Okay. Our first contestant is Ross Geller. |
做個自我介紹吧,羅斯 | Tell us about yourself,Ross. |
我是古生物學家 我住在紐約 | Well,I'm a paleontologist. I live in New York. |
我有個兒子叫做班,嗨,班,還有… | I have a son,Ben. Hi,Ben! And.. |
我叫你介紹一下自己,羅斯 你呢?錢德 | I said,a little bit,Ross. How about you,Chandler? |
我是個獵頭 引誘那些第三世界的蘇維埃科學家… | I'm a headhunter. I hook up out-of-work Soviet scientists.. |
辭去他們的工作 嗨,拉斯普廷 | with rogue Third World nations. Hi,Rasputin. |
太棒了,我們開始吧 錢德,你先 | Excellent! Let's play! Chandler,you'll go first. |
-哥倫比亞的首都在哪裡? -波哥大 | -What is the capital of Colombia? -Bogota. |
是波格大,但很接近了 | It's Bogota,but close enough. |
可以把機會讓給羅斯 或挑魔法機會牌 | You can either pass your turn to Ross or pick a Wicked Wango Card. |
-魔法機會牌可以做什麼? -我早該知道的 | -What does a Wicked Wango Card do? -I should know that. |
讓我看看,請等一下… | Let's see. One moment,please.. |
好了,魔法機會牌 能決定你要向上或是向下 | Here we are. A Wicked Wango Card determines if you go higher or lower. |
什麼東西向上或是向下? | Higher or lower than what? |
-這真的是太丟臉了 -你能相信這有多爛嗎? | -This is embarrassing! -Can you believe how lame this is? |
抱歉 我想參賽者不該交談 | I'm sorry. I don't believe contestants are allowed to talk to each other. |
我叫脫衣舞男五點要到 那很棒吧? | I told the stripper to be here at 5. That's good,right? |
你請脫衣舞男來寶寶歡迎會? 那太不適當了 | You ordered a stripper for the shower? That is inappropriate. |
為什麼?他會打扮成寶寶的樣子 | Why? He's gonna be dressed as a baby. |
嗨,格林太太 我很高興你趕來了 | Oh,hi,Mrs. Green. I'm so glad you could make it. |
謝謝你,我們很抱歉 我們真的很過意不去 | Thank you so much. We're so sorry. We could not feel worse about it. |
試試看吧 | Try. |
我女兒在那邊 | There's my little girl! |
-她還在生氣 -對,我知道 | -She's still mad. -Yeah,I know. |
那不是很棒嗎? 少了一個人跟你說悄悄話 | Isn't it great? One less person to make small talk with. |
你好嗎? | Hey,how are you? |
對,好吧 | Yeah,yeah. Okay,okay. |
菲比,珊卓拉也在生你的氣 你不會感到困擾嗎? | Phoebe,Sandra's mad at you too. It doesn't bother you? |
我們道了兩次歉 我真的沒辦法了 | We've apologized twice. I can't do any more than that. |
你討厭 別人生你的氣… | You hate it when people are mad at you.. |
但你得去 接受它 | but you just have to be okay with it. |
好吧,我辦得到 | Okay. I can do that. |
-我得去幫我的屁股撲痱子粉 -喔 | -I gotta go powder my ass. -Oh. |
看看你的臉 你跟念高中時還是一樣 | Look at that face! Just like when you were in high school. |
要不是我很瞭解你 我會以為你是個有麻煩的啦啦隊長 | If I didn't know better,I'd say you were a cheerleader in trouble. |
-來吧,我們去喝點茶 -好吧 | -Come,let's get some tea. -Okay. |
天啊,你看 只剩三星期了 | Oh,my! Look at that. Only three weeks to go. |
你挑好奶媽了嗎? 如果請管家兼職,她會分心的 | Did you pick a nanny? If you use your housekeeper,it will split her focus. |
事實上我不請奶媽 我也沒有管家 | Actually,I'm not gonna use a nanny. And I don't have a housekeeper. |
你好像山頂洞人 | It's like you're a cave person. |
你得請個奶媽 你不知道帶孩子有多累 | You must get a nanny. You don't know how overwhelming it will be. |
你小時候我雇用了K太太 | When you were a baby,I had Mrs. K. |
K太太,對,她人真的很好 她教我西班牙文 | Mrs. K! Oh,yeah,she was sweet. She taught me Spanish. |
我想 我還記得一點 | I actually think I remember some of it. |
你母親是瘋了(西班牙文) | Tu madre esta loca. |
她真是個好人 | Such a sweet woman. |
更重要的是 她成為我們家的一部份 | And more important,she became a part of our family. |
沒錯,K太太 她到底姓什麼? | That's right,Mrs. K. What did that K stand for? |
我不知道,親愛的 她只是個奶媽 | I have no idea,dear. She was the nanny. |
她真的很棒 我出不起那筆錢 | As great as she was,I can't afford that. |
抱歉 有時我忘了不是大家都有贍養費 | I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget not everyone has alimony. |
-瑞秋 -什麼? | -Oh,Rachel! -What? |
我想到一個好點子 我要搬過去跟你們住 | I just had a great idea! I'm gonna come live with you! |
什麼? | What? What? |
我很高興 我能幫我女兒這個忙 | Oh,I'm so happy I'm gonna do this for my little girl. |
看看你 你感動的都快哭了 | Look at you. You have tears in your eyes. |
沒錯,我是快哭了 | Yes,yes,I do. |
羅斯,現在是你領先 | Ross,you're in the lead. |
你要再回答一題 或旋轉處罰輪? | Would you like to take another question or spin the Wheel of Mayhem? |
今天我轉輪子的運氣不太好 喬伊 | The Wheel has not been my friend tonight,Joey. |
我要再回答一題 | I'll take another question. |
好吧,這題很難 仔細聽好了 | Okay. This is gonna be tough. Hold your breath. |
沒關係,我準備好了 | It's okay. I'm ready. |
你得注意聽 再回答問題 | You gotta hold your breath until you answer. |
這太可笑了,他沒辦法注意… | This is ridiculous! He's not gonna hold his.. |
好吧,如果你害怕恐懼的感覺 那該怎麼說?懼… | Okay. What do you have a fear of if you suffer from this phobia? Triska.. |
天啊,那個字真長,懼… | Holy cow. That's a big word. Trisk.. |
看看這個,它該怎麼念? | Look at this. How do you say that? |
-讓我看看 -就是這個字 | -Let me see that. -This one right here. |
-數字十三恐懼症 -對三層夾心餅乾的恐懼 | -Triskaidekaphobia. -Fear of Triscuits! |
-不,是對數字十三的恐懼 -對三層夾心餅乾的恐懼? | -No! No. Fear of the number 13. -Fear of Triscuits? |
這有可能 餅乾的邊緣很鋒利 | It's possible. They have really sharp edges. |
錢德,輪到你了 | Chandler,you're up. |
我要用天使通行證 換免費的機會 | I'm entitled to use my Angel Pass for a free turn. |
對,但你只能使用一次 請考慮清楚 | Yes,yes. But you can only use it once,so choose wisely. |
這真的很難決定 | This is tricky. |
現在是我領先 但我想再試一次金猴 | I mean,I am in the lead,but I would love another shot at the Golden Monkey. |
-這個遊戲真的很沒有道理 -你很生氣是因為你輸了 | -This game makes no sense! -You're upset because you're losing. |
拜託,羅斯 我想我們都是失敗者 | Oh,come on,Ross. I think we're all losers here. |
我想用 我的天使通行證 | I would like to hang on to my Angel Pass please. |
你可以選輪子 或選張穀歌搜索牌 | You can either spin the Wheel or pick a Google Card. |
讓我想想 我不在乎 | Let me think,let me think. Oh,I don't care. |
你非選不可 | You must choose. |
-那還是沒有差別 -快選吧,混蛋 | -Either. It makes no difference. -Choose,you jackass. |
-我要抽卡片 -你選到了給我卡 | -I'll take a card. -You picked the Gimme Card! |
-你拿到羅斯所有的分數 -什麼? | -You get all of Ross' points! -What? |
這個遊戲開始好玩起來了 | This game is kind of fun! |
你不覺得你拿到我的分數 太瘋狂了… | You don't think it's crazy that you get my points..? |
參賽者 不該交談的 | The contestants aren't supposed to speak to each other. |
你要開始 拆禮物了嗎? | Now,do you wanna start opening presents.. |
因為大家 似乎急著想離開 | because it seems like people are getting itchy to leave. |
我說大家 指的是我自己 | And when I say people,I mean me. |
-你為什麼要邀請我媽來? -什麼? | -Why did you invite my mother? -What? |
她要搬過來跟我和羅斯住 以便幫忙照顧寶寶 | She wants to move in with me and Ross to help take care of the baby. |
-多久? -八星期 | -For how long? -Eight weeks. |
我愛我媽,但是天啊 跟她一起吃午餐太久就是種折磨 | I love my mother,but,my God,a long lunch with her is taxing. |
如果她想跟我住 我會覺得很光榮 | I'd be honored if she wanted to live with me. |
她聽不到 | She can't hear you. |
我該怎麼樣? | What am I gonna do? |
如果不希望她搬過去 你該直說的 | If you don't want her to move in with you,just tell her. |
你說的對 我就快生了 | You're right. I'm about to have a baby. |
我可以說我不希望 她睡在沙發上 | I can say I don't want her sleeping on my couch. |
她會睡在我床上 絕不能讓那種事發生 | She'll wanna sleep in my bed. This can't happen. |
沒錯 | That is right. |
告訴她 你不希望她搬過去跟你們住 | Tell her you don't want her to live with you. |
別讓她拒絕你 | Do not take no for an answer. |
這真的太棒了 現在她會生瑞秋的氣 | This is great! Now she's gonna be mad at Rachel! |
我要跑過去 扮她的乖女兒討好她 | And I'm just gonna swoop in there and be like the daughter she never had. |
親愛的 你得忘了這件事 | Oh,honey,you have to let it go. |
好吧 | Okay. |
誰不會接受道歉呢? | Who doesn't accept an apology? |
那真的很簡單 | I mean,it's just so simple. |
“對不起,珊卓拉” “沒關係,莫妮卡” | "I'm sorry,Sandra." "That's okay,Monica. |
我原諒你 | I forgive you. |
還有,你非常漂亮 | And by the way,you're very pretty." |
我真的要很尊敬錢德了 | I have new respect for Chandler. |
好了,大夥們 該來拆禮物了 | All right,everybody! It's time to open the presents! |
對 瑞秋要拆的第一樣禮物… | Yes! The first gift that Rachel opens.. |
應該是外婆送的禮物 | should be from the grandmother. |
因為你是這裡最重要的人 也是全世界最重要的 | Because you're the most important person in this room! And in the world! |
我沒有準備禮物 因為我在最後一分鐘才被邀請 | I don't have a gift because I wasn't invited until the last minute. |
但非常謝謝你,親愛的 讓大家都注意到這一點 | But thank you so much,dear,for bringing that to everybody's attention. |
你們這些不重要的人呢? 我們來拆你們的禮物吧 | How about you less important people? Let's open your presents! |
-你沒準備禮物也沒關係 -但我也算是送了你一樣禮物 | -It's okay that you didn't get a gift. -I kind of did. |
我要跟你同住八個星期 | Me! Eight weeks of me. |
好吧,媽媽 事實上我可以自己照顧寶寶 | Okay. See,Mom,the truth is,I can do this on my own. |
我知道你會是個好媽媽 | I know you're gonna be a terrific mom. |
但一開始你需要幫忙 | But you need help at the beginning. |
我知道我在做什麼 我應付得來 | I know what I'm doing. I can handle it. |
真的嗎?還記得閃光嗎? | Really? Remember Twinkles? |
它是只倉鼠 我不會拿吸塵器吸我的寶寶 | He was a hamster. I'm not gonna vacuum up my baby! |
快來吧,瑞秋 拆禮物的時間到了 | Okay,come on,Rach. It's present time! |
你是 這個派對的主角 | You're the glue holding this party together. |
現在這個派對也快毀了 | It's kind of falling apart here. |
-你看 -哇 | -Oh,look! -Wow! |
這是你同事送的 | This is from your friends at work. |
天啊,哇 我知道這是什麼 | Oh,my gosh! Oh,wow! Oh,I know what this is. |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
不可能 | That can't be right. |
這是寶寶的啤酒機嗎? | Is that a beer bong for a baby? |
女兒,那是擠奶器 | Darling,that's a breast pump. |
我說過我不再猜了嗎? 好吧,謝謝 | Did I say I was done guessing? Okay,thank you for that. |
哇,這是什麼? | Oh,wow! What's this? |
-它是尿布精靈 -它是用來放乾淨尿布的 | -It's a Diaper Genie. -It dispenses clean diapers! |
那是放髒尿布的 | It's where you put dirty ones. |
我為什麼不直接 把尿布丟在外面的垃圾桶? | Why don't you take it outside and throw it in a dumpster? |
-你每天要丟十次嗎? -什麼?寶寶一天可以拉十次? | -You're gonna do that 10 times a day? -What,it goes 10 times a day? |
我們得喂她印度食物嗎? | Are we feeding this baby Indian food? |
不,寶寶都是那樣的 | No,dear. That's what babies do. |
瑞秋,聽你媽媽的話 她非常聰明 | Rachel,listen to your mother. She is very smart. |
你去倒垃圾桶時 寶寶要放在哪裡? | What will you do with the baby while you trot out to the garbage? |
我不知道 把她放在尿布臺上? | I don't know,I'd leave it on the changing table? |
-什麼?我做了什麼? -你不能丟下寶寶一個人 | -What? What did I do? What did I do? -You can't leave a baby alone. |
我當然知道 | Of course,I know that! |
千萬不能 丟下寶寶一個人 | Of course you never leave a baby alone. |
它會… 她會不安全 | It would.. She wouldn't be safe. |
她跟我這個菜鳥媽媽在一起 也不會安全 | Not as safe as she would be with me,the baby dummy. |
現在拆禮物 太刺激了 | Opening the presents is a little overwhelming right now. |
我待會 會把它們都拆開 | I'm gonna maybe open them all a little bit later. |
謝謝你們趕來 還送了禮物… | Thank you for coming,for the gifts.. |
-這個籃子很漂亮 -它是搖籃 | -and this basket is beautiful. -It's actually a bassinet. |
好吧,媽媽,別離開我 | Okay,Mommy,don't ever leave me. |
你會在哪部電影聽到這句臺詞? “我們不需要臭警徽” | In what film would you hear this line: "We don't need no stinking badges!" |
-《浴血金沙》 -答對了,倒念還能加分 | -Treasure of the Sierra Madre! -Correct! Backwards Bonus. |
-沙金血浴 -對 | -Madre Sierra the of Treasure! -Yes! |
什麼?那樣子可以加分? | What? There's extra points for that? |
平公不 | Fair not that's! |
我要爬上機會梯 到金泥屋去 | I'd like to go up the Ladder of Chance to the Golden Mud Hut! |
-聰明的選擇,幾階? -六階 | -Wise choice. How many rungs? -Six! |
-那個聲音只代表一個意思 -饑餓的猴子 | -That noise can only mean one thing. -Hungry Monkey! |
-我要魔法機會牌 -這是聲音題 | -I'd like a Wicked Wango Card. -It's an audio question. |
說出這出電視劇的主題曲 | Name this television theme song: |
天啊,我知道 讓我想一想 | Oh,my God. I know this. Give me a second. |
-去跟時間烏龜說吧 -閉嘴 | -Tell it to the Time Turtle! -Shut up! |
-《太空仙女戀》 -答對了,你再度領先 | -"I Dream of Jeannie"! -Yes! Back in the lead! |
我要轉輪子 | I'd like to spin the Wheel. |
快點 | Oh,come on! |
超級快速回合 | Super Speedy Speed Round. |
-跳躍有加分嗎? -當然 | -Is there a Hopping Bonus? -Of course. |
-誰發明了雙焦點透鏡? -班·佛蘭克林 | -Who invented bifocals? -Ben Franklin! |
答對了 哪個君王統治英國最久? | Correct. Which monarch ruled Great Britain the longest? |
維多莉亞女王 | Queen Victoria! |
你忘了換題時要換腿跳 跳躍動作沒加分 | You forgot to switch legs between questions. No Hopping Bonus! |
每次都這樣 | Every time! |
-對,現在輪到錢德了 -我要穀歌搜索卡 | -Yeah. Now over to Chandler. -I'd like a Google Card. |
-你確定? -對,不,穀歌搜索卡 | -Are you sure? -Yes! No! Google! |
天啊,恭喜你,羅斯 因為錢德… | Oh,my God! Congratulations,Ross! Because,Chandler.. |
-你已經出局了 -不 | -you've been Bamboozled! -No! |
-對 -這是我玩過最棒的遊戲 | -Yes! -This is the best game ever! |
只要我有需要,你就會留下來? | You'll stay as long as I need you? |
-當然 -我發誓我不是白癡 | -Of course. -I swear I'm not an idiot. |
我看了 懷孕跟生產的書 | I read books on pregnancy and giving birth. |
我沒有看 帶孩子的書 | I didn't think to read about what to do when the baby comes. |
寶寶出生後… | And the baby's coming.. |
我不知道我該怎麼辦 我可以吐在尿布精靈裡嗎? | and I don't know what to do. Oh,can I throw up in my Diaper Genie? |
親愛的,你會沒事的 | Sweetie,you're gonna be fine. |
-你要去哪裡? -我得上洗手間 | -Where you going? -I'm going to the bathroom. |
別擔心 一切都會沒事的 | Now,don't worry. Everything's gonna be okay. |
會沒事的 | It is gonna be okay! |
這值得一試 | Worth a shot. |
你幹嘛滿臉通紅全身是汗? | Hey! Why are you all red and sweaty? |
我剛剛幹掉了錢德 | I just Bamboozled Chandler! |
跟性無關 | Which is not a sexual thing. |
-歡迎會這麼快就結束了 -因為你沒來 | -Well,that was a quick shower. -Not if you were here. |
看來我們收到不少好禮物 | Looks like we got a lot of good stuff. |
沒錯 我媽送給我們最棒的禮物 | We did. My mom got us the greatest gift of all. |
培樂多理髮師工具組? | A Play-Doh Barbershop? |
不,她要搬過來 跟我們住八星期 | No. She's going to live with us for eight weeks. |
什麼? | What? |
對 她要幫我們照顧寶寶 | Yes! She's gonna help us take care of the baby! |
你不是認真的 | You're not serious! |
她是個好人 但我們無法忍受她八個星期 | She's a very nice woman,but we can't take eight weeks of her. |
-她會把我們逼瘋… -嗨,羅斯 | -She'll drive us crazy.. -Hi,Ross! |
嘿,室友 | Hey,roomie! |
喬伊,我是雷 本節目的製作人 | Hey,I'm Ray. I'm the producer of the show. |
很榮幸能見到你,雷 | It's a pleasure to meet you,Ray. |
他們是唐肯跟艾玲 他們會幫你試鏡 | This is Duncan and Erin. They're gonna help with the audition. |
-對,雷 -你準備好了就開始 | -Right,Ray. -Whenever you're ready. |
你好,我是喬伊崔比亞尼 我們來玩暈頭轉向吧 | Hello. I'm Joey Tribbiani. Let's play Bamboozled! |
艾玲,第一個問題,在曲棍球史上 誰被稱為是“偉人”? | Erin,first question. In hockey,who is known as "The Great One"? |
-葛瑞斯基 -答對了 | -Gretzky. -Correct! |
你要挑魔法機會卡 或轉輪子? | Want to pick a Wicked Wango Card or spin the Wheel? |
你的經紀人沒有給你 改變過的遊戲規則嗎? | Didn't your agents give you the revised rules? |
我們把那些東西都刪掉了 沒有輪子或機會卡 | We've eliminated all that. No wheel. No cards. |
為什麼? | Why? |
那太複雜了 觀眾沒辦法瞭解 | It was too complicated. People didn't follow it. |
複雜? 轉輪子上機會梯… | Complicated?! Spin the Wheel to go up the Ladder of Chance.. |
穿越彩虹環 找金猴 | through the Rainbow Ring to the Golden Monkey. |
拉它的尾巴 就能到天堂池 | You yank his tail,and you're in Paradise Pond! |
對,那些都刪掉了 | Yeah. All that's gone. |
現在這只是個 簡單的問答遊戲 | It's a simple question-and-answer game now. |
那有什麼好玩的呢? | Well,what's fun about that? |
你要我主持 觀眾回答問題的無聊遊戲? | You expect me to host a boring game of people answering questions? |
會有比基尼女郎拿得分板 | Women in bikinis hold up the scores. |
我們來玩暈頭轉向吧 | Let's play Bamboozled! |
我想我們該把尿布台 放在客廳裡 | So I thought we'd put the changing station in the living room. |
我想請我的設計師過來 因為我覺得我最擅長… | I thought I'd bring in my decorator because I feel like I'm at my best.. |
把房子弄得到處都是珠寶 | when surrounded by jewel tones. |
當然,誰不是呢? | Sure,who doesn't? |
你買的那些 恐龍小玩意… | Oh,and all those dinosaur knickknacks you have.. |
它們或許比較適合 放在車庫裡 | they might be more at home in the garage. |
-我們沒有車庫 -我說車庫嗎?我是說垃圾桶 | -Well,we don't have a garage. -Did I say garage? I meant garbage. |
你知道嗎? 或許你不一定要跟我們住在一起 | You know what? Maybe it's not absolutely vital that you live with us. |
-瑞秋需要人幫忙帶孩子 -真的,我什麼都不會 | -Well,Rachel needs help with the baby. -I really do. I don't know anything. |
我相信那不是真的 | I'm sure that's not true. |
是嗎? 我會帶孩子嗎? | Oh,no? Do I know anything about babies? |
-不 -那真的很可怕 | -No. Not a thing. -It's frightening. |
就算她不會 但是我會 | Even if she doesn't know anything,I do. |
我會教她 | And I'll be there to show her. |
瑞秋的爸爸 也是那麼告訴我 | That's exactly what Rachel's father told me. |
你知道第一次半夜三點起來餵奶 他說什麼嗎? | Know what he said at the first 3 a.m. feeding? |
“我累了,交給你吧” | "I'm tired. You take care of it." |
後來他想跟我做愛時 我也是那麼告訴他 | Which I later said to him when he wanted to have sex. |
我不是瑞秋的爸爸 | Well,I'm not Rachel's dad. |
我沒有惡意 但他是個混蛋 | And no offense,but he's an ass. |
我真喜歡你,羅斯 | I do like you,Ross. |
我有個兒子 他媽媽跟我沒有住在一起 | I have a son. His mother and I didn't live together. |
他跟我一起住時 我都是自己照顧他 | When he was with me,I took care of him all the time,by myself. |
-沒錯,你還有一個孩子 -對 | -That's true. You do have another child. -Yeah. |
跟另一個女人生的 | With another woman. |
你沒有自製力嗎?羅斯 | Have you no control,Ross? |
那是另一個問題 | That's a different issue. |
重點是寶寶出生後 我會幫忙喂她… | The point is,when the baby comes,I will be there to feed her.. |
幫她洗澡換尿布 | and bathe her and change her. |
我願意照顧她 | I want to do all those things. |
-你們不需要我搬過去 -對 | -You don't need me to live with you. -Yes! |
對,我會想念你的 | Yes. You're gonna be so missed. |
-你會是個好爸爸 -你會是個好外婆 | -You'll be a great father. -You'll be a wonderful grandma. |
你好 我還是不知道我該做什麼 | Hello? I still don't know what the hell I'm doing! |
新手媽媽 都會有那種感覺 | Every first-time mother feels that way. |
你可以慢慢學,你會的 當你剛到紐約來時… | You're gonna pick it up. Hey,you will. Look,when you first came to the city.. |
你是個被寵壞的無助小女孩 只會用爸爸的信用卡 | you were a spoiled,helpless little girl who used Daddy's credit cards! |
我希望 你真的有話要告訴我 | I hope you're going somewhere with this. |
看看你 你現在是個大主管 | Look at you. You're this big executive. |
你很能幹 證明了自己的能力 | You are more capable than you give yourself credit for. |
我相信 你會是個好媽媽 | I have no doubt you're gonna be an incredible mother. |
-真的嗎? -沒錯 | -Really? -I'm telling you. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
好吧,我得走了 | All right. I'm gonna get going. |
不,親愛的,別送了 | No,sweetheart,stay put. |
我自己出去,就當我沒來過這裡 我差點真的來不了 | I'll let myself out. It's like I'm not here. Which I almost wasn't. |
你真的太幽默了 我做了什麼? | You're just so funny. You're so funny. What do I do? |
沒什麼 你跟她道歉很多次 | Nothing. You have apologized to her,like,a million times. |
她只是 無視你的道歉 | And she's been nothing but terrible to you. |
你讓她女兒辦了 一個可愛無聊的歡迎會 | You just threw her daughter a lovely,albeit slightly boring,shower. |
-她甚至沒有謝謝你 -你知道嗎?你說的對 | -And she hasn't even thanked you for it. -You know what? You're right. |
如果你有話要說 快告訴她 | If you wanna say anything,I'd tell her off. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
好吧,我會的 | Okay,I will. |
格林太太 | Mrs. Green? |
格林太太 | Mrs. Green? |
不跟主人道別 就離開派對是很無禮的 | It is rude to leave a party without saying goodbye to the host. |
如果有人跟你道歉 你得接受 | When someone apologizes to you,the decent thing to do is to accept it. |
我不是故意要那麼做的 | What I did wasn't on purpose. |
但你對我的態度 太可恥了 | But what you're doing to me now is plain spiteful. |
-可恥? -沒錯 | -Spiteful? -That's right. |
你該好好去照鏡子 小姑娘 | It's time you took a good look in the mirror,young lady! |
老太婆 | Old lady! |
女士 | Lady! |
別說了 | Wrap it up. Wrap it up. Wrap it up. |
只要你準備好跟我道歉 我會原諒你 | So whenever you're ready to apologize to me,I will forgive you. |
再見 | Good day. |
我的腿沒有知覺了 | I can't feel my legs! |
你真的太棒了 我非常以你為榮 | You were fantastic! I'm so proud of you. |
-是嗎?我也以自己為榮 -你應該的 | -Yeah? I'm proud of me too. -You should be. |
-你能幫我拿杯飲料嗎? -沒問題 | -Could you get me something to drink? -You got it! |
格林太太,我真的很抱歉 對不起,如果你… | Mrs. Green? Okay,I'm really sorry! I apologize. If you.. |
好吧,我咬到舌頭了 | Okay! I bit my tongue! |
但我真的很抱歉 | But I'm still really sorry! |
-好吧,我準備好了 -你確定? | -Okay,I'm ready. -You sure? |
我看過書 把一切都弄清楚了 | I've done my studying,and I know my stuff. |
好吧 | All right,then. |
瑞秋格林 我們來玩暈頭轉向 | Rachel Green,let's play Bamboozled! |
你該如何測試 寶寶洗澡水的溫度? | How do you test the temperature of the baby's bath water? |
-用手肘去試 -非常好 | -Put your elbow in it. -Excellent! |
-如何讓寶寶小睡一下? -喂飽她,換幹尿布,趴睡,被子蓋緊 | -How do you put a baby down for a nap? -Full,dry,on its back,no loose covers. |
答對了 | Correct! |
這題有跳躍加分 我不建議你那麼做 | There's a hopping bonus here,but I don't suggest you take it. |
好吧 | Okay. |
這題是聲音題 寶寶發出這種聲音時你該怎麼辦? | This is an audio question. What do you do when a baby makes this sound: |
檢查她是尿濕或餓了,幫她拍背 | Check if it's wet or hungry,burp it. |
太棒了,你要再回答一題 或抽魔法機會牌? | Excellent! Now do you want another question or a Wicked Wango Card? |
-我要抽牌 -對不起 | -A card! A card! I pick a card! -Oh,I'm sorry. |
你出局了 你會是個爛媽媽 | You've been Bamboozled! You're gonna be a terrible mother! |
我忘記我們為什麼要這麼做了 | I've lost sight of why we're doing this! |
請不要走開 | Please don't walk away. |
我說得太過火了 | I've gone too far. |
-有個壞消息 -什麼? | -Hey. I got some bad news. -What? |
那不是賣報紙的好方法 試試“快報,快來買喔” | That's no way to sell newspapers. Try,"Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" |
不,莫妮卡的餐廳 在紐約郵報上的評價很差 | No. Monica's restaurant got a horrible review in the Post. |
我不希望她看到它 所以跑遍附近報攤買下所有報紙 | I didn't want her to see it,so I ran around and bought all the copies. |
二,四,六,一百萬 對,你把它們都買回來了 | Two,four,six,one million. Yeah,you got them all. |
這真的很糟糕 我一直都被批評的很凶 | This is bad. And I've had bad reviews. |
我還記得我第一次被讚美 | I remember my first good one: |
在《我們的小鎮》裡 其他的事都很糟糕 | "Everything else in Our Town was terrible. |
喬伊崔比亞尼是個無底洞 | Joey Tribbiani was abysmal." |
我的天啊 看看這些報紙 | Oh,my God! Look at all the newspapers. |
評價一定很不錯,對吧? | It must be a good review. Is it great? |
我的天啊 | Oh,dear God. |
但好消息是 兩條街裡沒有人會知道 | But the good news is,no one in a two-block radius will ever know. |
-曼哈頓其他的人呢? -他們都會知道 | -And the rest of Manhattan? -They all know. |
天啊,這太可怕了 我覺得好丟臉 | Oh,my God,this is horrible. I'm so humiliated. |
他們說沒有所謂的負面報導 | They say there's no such thing as bad press. |
你不覺得“鯕鰍魚難吃極了” 是負面報導嗎? | You don't think that "the mahi-mahi was awful-awful" is bad press? |
那又不是我寫的 | I didn't write it. |
-天啊,他說的對嗎?我很遜嗎? -不 | -God,is he right? Am I awful? -Oh,no! |
莫妮卡,聽我說 | Monica,listen to me. |
我這麼做 不只因為我是你的朋友 | I'm not just saying this because I'm your friend. |
你的食物是個無底洞 | Your food is abysmal! |
本集播出:烹飪課程 | The.One.With.The.Cooking.Class |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-羅斯 -什麼? | -Ross? -What? What? |
-我快嚇死了 -是嗎? | -I am freaking out! -Are you? |
我的預產期是一星期後 | My due date is in one week! |
-你為什麼不睡覺? -只剩七天 | -What are you doing up? -That is seven days. |
我睡前喝了太多水 我們可不可以讓我先去… | I had a lot of water. Can we do this after..? |
不,羅斯 | No,no,no,no,Ross! |
我們沒有準備任何東西 | We don't have any big stuff we need. |
我們沒買尿布台或搖籃 | We don't have a changing table or a crib. |
-我們甚至沒買尿布 -你現在提起尿布太有趣了 | -We do not have a diaper service. -Funny you should mention diapers. |
-我是認真的 -沒什麼好擔心的 | -I'm serious. -There's nothing to worry about. |
西十街有家嬰兒用品專賣店 我們到那裡去… | There's a baby store on West 10th. We'll go there.. |
-買我們需要的東西,好嗎? -好吧,謝謝你,太棒了 | -and get everything we need. Okay? -Okay. Thank you. That's great. |
西十街在哪裡? 那裡有家鞋店… | Where on West 10th? There's a shoe store.. |
好吧,如果你要這麼做 我要那麼做,所以… | Okay. If you're gonna do this,then I'm gonna go do that,so.. |
-等一下,羅斯,抱歉,還有一件事 -對 | -Wait,Ross! I'm sorry,one more thing. -Yeah. |
我們的情況 我們對彼此的意義… | Our situation,you know,what we mean to each other.. |
我是說我們要一起撫養孩子 我們要住在一起… | and,I mean,we're having this baby together and we live together.. |
那…那不是很奇怪嗎? | Isn't that..? Isn't that weird? |
喔… | Well.. |
我只是在開玩笑,你可以去上廁所了 | I'm just kidding. You can go pee. |
我們約好在這裡 或是在電影院裡碰面? | Did we say we were gonna meet here or at the movie? |
-我們約好在電影院裡碰面,但是… -我們到電影院見 | -We said at the movies,but.. -I'll see you there. |
-既然你來了… -跟你們碰面之前先和你們聊聊 | -Now that you're here..? -I'll hang out till I have to meet you. |
-你為什麼不去? -我要去面試一個新工作 | -How come you're not going? -I've got a job interview. |
-我以為你已經有工作了 -大家還說你不太關心別人 | -I thought you already have a job. -And they say you don't pay attention. |
這份工作比較好 它是一家公司的副總裁… | It's a better job. It's vice president of the company.. |
這家公司為其他公司 做資料重構 | that does data reconfiguration for other companies. |
-你怎麼知道該怎麼做? -那就是我現在的工作 | -Wow. How do you know how to do that? -That's what I do now. |
-喬伊,來試吃一下 -什麼? | -Joey? Come taste this. -What? |
還記得給我爛評價的那個人嗎? 喔… | Remember the guy that gave me a bad review? Well.. |
我要向他報復 | I'm getting my revenge. |
你把他煮了? | You cooked him? |
不,他在新校 開了一堂課… | No. He teaches a course at The New School.. |
我要他再試試 我的馬賽魚湯 | I want to make him try my bouillabaisse again. |
我等不及要看 明天的報紙頭條 | I can't wait to read the front page tomorrow: |
“餐廳評鑒家承認: 我錯怪了莫妮卡” | "Restaurant reviewer admits: 'I was wrong about Monica.'" |
頭版? | The front page? |
你真的活在你的小世界裡 對吧? | You really do live in your own little world,don't you? |
-我最好快去看電影 -對 | -I better get to my movie. -Oh,yeah. |
如果我要去電影院 你也要去電影院… | If I'm going to the movie and you're going to the movie.. |
我們為什麼不一起去? | why don't we just go together? |
這個資料重構還不錯吧? 錢德 | How's that for data reconfiguration,huh,Chand? |
我是凱蒂 很高興能為你們服務 | My name's Katie if there's anything else you need. |
天啊,我不知道,我要… 這裡的東西好棒,我要通通買下來 | Oh,God,I don't know. I want.. Everything is so great,I just want everything. |
你看,我們需要這個 | Oh,look at this. We need this! |
-它是什麼? -我不知道 | -What is it? -I don't know. |
你們曾經有過 兩個客人不穿小丑裝… | Have you ever had two people who weren't wearing crowns.. |
卻在這裡花了這麼多錢的記錄嗎? | spend this much money here? |
你們選了很多好東西 | You have selected a lot of nice things. |
需要我們做外送服務嗎? 蓋勒先生跟蓋勒太太 | You want these delivered,Mr. and Mrs. Geller? |
-不 -不 | -Oh,no,no. -No,no. |
-我們沒有結婚 -我們的孩子快出世了… | -We're not married. -We are having a baby.. |
但我們沒有結婚 | but we're not involved. |
我是說 我們曾經交往過… | I mean,we were seeing each other a while ago.. |
之後我們變成了朋友 有天晚上我們喝醉了… | but then we were just friends,and then there was one drunken night.. |
對,陌生人 我們需要外送服務 | Or,yes,stranger,we'd like this delivered,please. |
-麻煩你填一下住址 -好的 | -Can you fill out this address card? -Oh,okay. |
-你挑了很多恐龍 -對 | -You picked out a lot of dinosaurs. -Yeah. |
所以那也就是為什麼 我們沒有結婚 | That's one of the reasons why we're not a couple. |
我選了那些,我是古生物學家 | I chose those. I'm a paleontologist. |
真的嗎?那太酷了 | Really? That is so cool. |
別太誇他 你可能以為他是醫生(與“博士”同詞),但事實上不然 | Don't get too worked up. It sounds like he's a doctor,but he's not. |
不,我喜歡古生物學 | No. I'm fascinated by paleontology. |
-你看過沃爾特·阿爾瓦雷斯(美國科學院研究恐龍的院士)的書嗎? -是我的教科書 | -Have you read the Walter Alvarez book? -I teach it in class. |
我站在收銀台,手裡拿著信用卡 卻覺得很無聊 | Standing at a cash register,I'm holding a credit card,and I'm bored. |
我喜歡你住的社區 街角有家很棒的健身房 | I love your neighborhood. There's a great gym around the corner. |
-那是我的健身房 -我看得出來你有健身 | -That's my gym. -I could tell you work out. |
一位會健身的古生物學家 你跟印第安那鐘斯一樣 | A paleontologist who works out. You're like Indiana Jones. |
我是跟印第安那鐘斯一樣 | I am like Indiana Jones. |
-嗨,菲比 -寶寶的東西買得怎麼樣了? | -Hi,Pheebs. -Hey! Oh,how did baby shopping go? |
太棒了,我們需要的東西都買到了 | Great! We got everything we needed. |
羅斯差點拿到 清單上沒有的東西 | Oh,and Ross almost got something that wasn't on the list. |
一個妓女 | A whore. |
什麼? | What? |
我們正在付帳 這個女銷售員開始泡他 | We were paying,and this sales woman just started flirting with him. |
你能相信嗎? | Can you believe that? |
-她知道你們沒有結婚嗎? -知道 | -Did she know you two weren't married? -Yeah. |
天啊,那… 一個女人在泡一個單身男人? | Oh,my God. Well,the idea.. A woman flirting with a single man? |
-我們得通知教會的長老 -不 | -We must alert the church elders. -No. |
你不瞭解 你沒看到她多不要臉 | You don't understand. You didn't see how brazen she was. |
-你好像在吃醋 -我才沒有 | -Sounds like you're jealous. -No,I'm not. |
我只是覺得那是不對的 我是說我就快生了… | I just think it's wrong. I mean,here I am,about to pop.. |
他在蕩婦專門店泡女人? | and he's out picking up some shopgirl at Sluts-R-Us? |
真的有那種地方嗎? | Is that a real place? |
他們雇人嗎? | Are they hiring? |
嘿,菲比,肥婆 | Hey,Phoebe. Fatty. |
你為什麼那麼高興? | Why so fancy? |
我得到一個面試機會 | I got a job interview. |
薪水比較高 我要做資料重構的工作 | It's more money,and I'd be doing data reconfiguration. |
-我知道有個人就做那一行 -那就是我 | -I think I know someone who does that. -Me. I do that. |
我看起來還好吧? 我好緊張 | So do I look okay? I'm nervous. |
對,你看起來很棒 | Oh,yeah. You look great. |
別抱太高的希望 | You know,just don't get your hopes up. |
-為什麼? -你要去面試 | -Why not? -Well,the interview. |
-所以呢? -你知道的 | -Yeah? -You know. |
你無法給人留下良好的第一印象 | You don't make a very good first impression. |
-什麼? -喔,你不知道啊 | -What? -Oh,you don't know. |
-你是說真的嗎? -我第一次見到你,你是這樣的 | -Are you serious? -When I first met you,you were like: |
我就覺得… | I was like: |
我怎麼了? | What is it that I do? |
你太努力想要說笑話… | It's just,like,you're trying too hard,making jokes.. |
你太急了 | You come off a little needy. |
我們第一次見面時,你喜歡我嗎? | Did you like me when we first met? |
錢德,我不想騙你 但我要離開了 | Chandler,I'm not gonna lie to you. But I am gonna run away from you. |
她胖了太多 | She's put on so much weight. |
他在那裡 | There he is. |
天殺的王八蛋 | That smug bastard. |
好了,同學們 下次見 | Okay,class. We'll see you next time. |
他在那裡 | There he is. |
嗨,我是莫妮卡蓋勒 亞利山多洛斯的主廚 | Hi. I'm Monica Geller,chef at Allessandro's. |
現在還是? | Still? |
你說的評論有點不公平… | The things you said were unfair.. |
我要你再試試 我的馬賽魚湯 | and I want you to try my bouillabaisse again. |
我看不出來 我有什麼原因再試一次 | I don't see why I'd do that to myself again. |
你不吃就煮了你 | Either eat it or be in it. |
湯匙? | Spoon? |
-你覺得呢? -我很為難… | -What do you think? -I'm torn.. |
不知道要老實說 還是避免自己被打一頓 | between my integrity and my desire to avoid a beating. |
但我得老實說 你的湯是個無底洞 | But I must be honest. Your soup is abysmal. |
做的好,我們應該離開這裡 新的一班要上課了 | Thattagirl! We should get out of here,there's a new class coming in. |
歡迎大家來上烹調入門 | Welcome to lntroduction to Cooking. |
誰能告訴我荷蘭酸味蘸醬和貝納斯醬的差別? | Can anyone tell me the difference between hollandaise and bearnaise sauce? |
-我知道 -請說 | -I can. -Okay,go ahead. |
它們都放了蛋黃 跟奶油 | Well,they both have a egg yolk and butter base. |
但貝納斯醬有放蔥、雪維菜 跟最重要的小龍艾 | But a bearnaise has shallots,chervil,and most importantly,tarragon. |
非常好,你叫什麼名字? | Very good. What's your name? |
莫妮卡 | Monica |
-你來當班長 -好吧 | -You go to the head of the class! -Okay! |
這些玩意占好多空間喔 | This stuff takes up a lot of room. |
你要留班在你身邊一輩子嗎? | How serious are you about keeping Ben in your life? |
我的兒子嗎?我非常認真 | My son? Pretty serious. |
嗨,凱蒂 你來這裡做什麼? | Hi,Katie. What are you doing here? |
外送部忘了這個 | The delivery went out and they forgot this. |
這一定很明顯 因為它是你店裡唯一剩下的東西 | It must have been obvious,since it was the only thing left in your store. |
聽著,老實說 我的工作不包括送貨到家服務 | Listen,to be honest,home deliveries aren't really part of my job description. |
我是來這裡約你的 | Oh,I actually came here to ask you out. |
哇 那聽起來很棒 | Oh. Wow. Yeah,that sounds great. |
我要把這個放回我的口袋 假裝那件事沒有發生過 | I'm just gonna put this back in my pocket and pretend that didn't happen. |
現在我有空 你要去喝咖啡嗎…? | I'm free now. You want to get coffee..? |
-當然好 -蕩婦 | -Sure. -Horny bitch. |
不,你是蕩婦 不,你是蕩婦 | No,you're a horny bitch! No,you're a horny bitch! |
不,你是蕩婦 | No,you're a horny bitch! |
祝你們玩得愉快 | You guys have a good time. |
我去拿我的外套跟鞭子 | I'm just gonna grab my coat. And my whip. |
因為我像印第安那鐘斯 | You know,because of lndiana Jones. |
不是因為我喜歡性虐待 | Not because I'm into S & M. |
我沒有怪癖,你知道嗎? | I'm not into anything weird,you know? |
我只喜歡一般的性愛 | Just normal sex. |
我去拿外套 | So I'm gonna grab my coat. |
你今天過得很不錯嘛? 泡老爸賺大傭金 | So you had a good day,huh? Big commission,picked up a daddy. |
你沒問題吧? | Are you okay with this? |
當然,拜託 你們好好玩吧 | Oh,yeah. Yeah,please. You guys have fun. |
-好吧 -對 | -Okay. -Yeah. |
很高興能見到你 | Nice to see you. |
我也是 你看起來好極了 | Oh,and it was great to see you too. And you look fantastic. |
-雖然你有顆扣子忘了扣 -事實上我… | -Although you missed a button. -Oh,actually,I.. |
好吧 我知道你想做什麼 | Oh,okay,I see what you're doing there. |
我不敢相信 我的形象有那麼糟? | I can't even believe this. I really come off that badly? |
那沒什麼 不久後你會靜下來… | It's okay. You calm down after a while.. |
大家會瞭解你有多棒 | and then people see how wonderful you are. |
好吧,因為我相信 這次面試會維持好幾個星期 | Good. Because I'm sure this interview will last weeks. |
好吧,別驚慌 我會幫你的 | All right,don't freak out,okay? I will help you. |
-你什麼時候要出發? -一小時後 | -How long before you have to leave? -An hour. |
-我幫不了你 -菲比… | -I can't help you. -Phoebe.. |
我們得盡力而為,我是面試官 我第一次跟你見面 | We'll do our best. I'm the interviewer and I'm meeting you for the first time. |
-好吧 -請進,我是瑞吉娜佛蘭姬 | -Okay. -Hi. Come on in. I'm Regina Phalanges. |
-錢德賓 -賓 | -Chandler Bing. -Oh,Bing. |
-你的名字很罕見 -你應該見見我的巴達叔叔 | -What an unusual name. -You should meet my Uncle Bada. |
我自己出去 | I'll let myself out. |
你的義大利寬條面有點幹 你有放起司嗎? | Your alfredo's dry. Did you use your cheese? |
你說“放”是指 “把它當作菜前的點心吃掉了”嗎? | When you say "use," do you mean "eat as a pre-cooking snack"? |
-奶油呢? -起司讓我口渴 | -And the cream? -Cheese makes me thirsty. |
-好吧,我們繼續 -好吧 | -Okay. Let's move on. -All right. |
莫妮卡做的菜 味道很香 | Something smells good over at Monica's station. |
天啊,這真的是太好吃了 你從來沒有做過這個? | My God! This is amazing! You've never made this before? |
不 我不懂烹飪 | Oh,no. I don't know anything about cooking. |
我不知道水冒泡後 要做什麼 | I had to ask what it was called when the water makes those bubbles. |
-向主廚致意 -你嘴裡都是東西,我聽不到 | -Hats off to the chef. -Your mouth was full. I didn't hear. |
-跟誰致意? -主廚 | -Hats off to who? -The chef! |
沒錯 | That's right! |
你會發現我不會事必躬親 我不害怕溝通 | You'll find that I don't micromanage. I don't shy away from delegating. |
那真的很棒 但別談那些你不會做的事… | That's good to know. But let's stop focusing on what you don't do.. |
我們來談談你會做的事 | and focus on what you do do. |
我會… | What I do do.. |
支援為我工作的人 | is create an atmosphere of support for the people working with me. |
你剛剛回避的很巧妙 | Nice sidestep on the "do do" thing. |
-那是我做過最難的事 -你得出發了 | -Hardest thing I've ever done. -Oh,you gotta go! |
-別擔心,你準備好了 -真的嗎? | -Don't worry. You're ready. -Really? |
當然,跟著你的直覺走 你會很棒的 | Absolutely! Just fight all your natural instincts,and you'll be great. |
莫妮卡,你看 | Monica,check these out. |
那看起來像餅乾 | Those look like cookies. |
我知道 完全是我自己做的 | I know,yeah. And I made them all by myself. |
我混合所有材料 將它們放進烤箱裡再拿出來 | I mixed the ingredients,I put them in the oven,I took them out. |
我不知道要用隔熱手套 但沒關係 | Granted,I should have used the oven mitts,but still. |
莫妮卡,我的明星學生 | Monica,my star student. |
之前你那麼叫我 所以我用錫箔紙做了一顆星星 | You called me that before,so I fashioned a star out of foil. |
別覺得壓力太大 如果你喜歡我的餅乾,給我一顆星星 | Now,no pressure. If you like my cookies,you give me the star. |
一顆星星 | Wow,a star! |
我知道你們都恨我 對不起,但我不在乎 | I know you all hate me,and I'm sorry,but I don't care. |
-好吧,喬伊,下一個是你 -是的 | -Okay,Joey,you're up next. -Yeah. |
天啊,這真的是太棒了 | Oh,my God! This is amazing! |
你得到A | You get an A. |
我在學校裡得到A? 我是個書呆子了 | I got an A? In school? Hey,I'm a dork! |
喬伊,我非常以你為榮 | Joey,I'm so proud of you. |
-我想你該把你的星星給他 -你說什麼? | -I think you should give him your star. -Excuse me? |
-他不知道自己在做什麼 -初學者沒有人知道自己在做什麼 | -He doesn't know what he's doing. -Nobody knows what they're doing. |
我知道,我是職業主廚 | I do. I'm a professional chef! |
少來了,這又不是法庭戲劇 | Oh,relax. It's not a courtroom drama. |
如果你是專業主廚 為什麼要上初級烹調課? | Why are you taking Introduction to Cooking? |
就是嘛 | Yeah! |
抱歉 我是亞利山多洛斯餐廳的主廚… | I'm sorry. I cook at this restaurant,Allessandro's.. |
我得到了很差的評論 | and I just got a bad review. |
-亞利山多洛斯?我喜歡那個地方 -是嗎? | -Allessandro's? I love that place! -You do? |
你是個很棒的主廚 但你的個性有點… | You're a great chef. As a person you're a little.. |
-我是很瘋狂,但你喜歡那裡的食物? -非常喜歡 | -Oh,I'm crazy,but you liked the food? -Very much. |
好吧,那麼我不賴 我是個好主廚,好吧 | Okay,then. I don't stink. I'm a good chef! Okay. |
我不想離開,我玩得很開心 | I don't want to go. I'm having fun. |
你們有付學費嗎? | Did either of you pay for this class? |
如果我的朋友說 我們該走了,我們就該離開 | Hey,if my friend says it's time to go,it's time to go! |
我在我的公司負責KL5系統 轉換到GR6系統的工作 | I was the point person on my company's transition from the KL5 to GR6 systems. |
-你一定忙得不可開交 -沒錯,沒錯 | -You must have had your hands full. -That I did. That I did. |
我們來談談你的責任吧 | So let's talk a little bit about your duties. |
我的責任? | My duties? |
好吧 | All right. |
你將負責一整個部門 所以你得負起很多責任 | You'll be heading a whole division,so you'll have a lot of duties. |
-我瞭解 -你手下會有30個人… | -I see. -But there'll be 30 people under you.. |
你可以把很多工作分給他們 | so you can dump a certain amount on them. |
-那太好了 -我們可以仔細地… | -Good to know. -We could go into detail.. |
不,我求你 | No,don't,I beg of you. |
好吧 我們會在星期一回復你 | All right. We'll have a definite answer for you on Monday. |
但我相信 你在這裡會適應的很好 | But I can say with some confidence,you'll fit in well here. |
-真的嗎? -當然 | -Really? -Absolutely. |
-你可以放輕鬆,你表現的很好 -謝謝 | -You can relax. You did great. -Yeah,thanks. |
我真的很緊張 大家都說我太喜歡講笑話緩和氣氛 | I was really nervous. I'm told I come on too strongly. |
要避開“責任”的問題真的很難 | And then it was really hard to sidestep that "duty" thing. |
責任? | Duties? |
笨蛋?(與“責任”諧音) | Doodies? |
傻瓜? | Poo? |
傻瓜? | Poo? |
天啊,這不算,好嗎? 面試已經結束 | Oh,my God. This doesn't count. Okay? The interview was over. |
那才是真正的錢德賓 這只是個瘋子 | That was the real Chandler Bing. This is some crazy guy. |
叫警衛來! 走廊上有個瘋子 | Call security! There's a crazy guy out in the hall! |
傻瓜? | Poo? |
我期待你的來電 | I'll look forward to your call. |
-嘿 -嘿 | -Hey. -Hey. |
-你約會回來了? -你還好嗎? | -You're back. -How are you? |
我很好,但那不重要 重要的是她還好嗎? | I'm fine. But that's not important. What's important is how was she? |
我們玩得很高興 我們一起去喝咖啡 | It was fun. We just had coffee. |
喝咖啡在桌下調情? | Oh,uh-huh,uh-huh,coffee,a little rub-rub-rub under the table? |
怎麼了? 你不喜歡凱蒂? | What's going on? Do you not like Katie? |
不,她很好 她有點淫蕩,但誰不是呢? | No. No,she was nice. I mean,she was a little slutty,but who isn't? |
我喜歡她 | Well,I liked her. |
你當然喜歡她,就算猩猩叫你印第安那鐘斯,你也會跟他約會 | Of course you did. You'd date a gorilla if it called you lndiana Jones. |
你拿到今天的 懷孕荷爾蒙報告了嗎? | Did you get a fresh batch of pregnancy hormones today? |
不,那只是… 凱蒂讓我覺得困擾 | No. It's just that.. Katie bothered me. |
為什麼?她有哪裡不好? | Why? What was wrong with her? |
她沒有哪裡不好 她非常可愛 | There was nothing wrong with her. She was lovely. |
-好吧,怎麼了? -我不希望你跟她約會 | -Okay. So,what's the matter? -I don't want you to date her. |
為什麼?你在吃醋嗎? | Why? What,are you jealous? |
對 但不是因為我要你跟我交往 | Yes. And not because I want you to go out with me. |
因為我不希望 你跟任何人交往 | Because I don't want you to go out with anybody. |
光想到這一點我就不舒服 那是不對的… | It's terrible to even think this and it's inappropriate.. |
但我希望你每天24小時 都能陪在我身邊 | but I want you to be at my constant beck and call,24 hours a day. |
我非常抱歉 但那就是我的感覺 | I'm very sorry,but that is just the way that I feel. |
-好吧 -什麼? | -Okay. -What? |
我不約會,我會… | I won't date. I'll.. |
我會一直陪著你 | I'll be here with you all the time. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
但我的要求很無理 | But I'm being so unreasonable. |
沒錯,但你可以無理取鬧 你懷了我們的寶寶 | True,but you're allowed to be unreasonable. You're having our baby. |
羅斯,謝謝你 | Oh,Ross,thank you. Thank you. |
你覺得好多了嗎? | You feel better? |
真的沒有 你把寶寶壓在我的膀胱上… | No,not really. You're pressing the baby into my bladder.. |
現在我得去尿尿 | and now I have to pee. |
-好吧 -瑞秋 | -Okay. -Rach? |
-什麼事? -只有一件事… | -Yeah? -Just one thing.. |
我們住在一起,你懷了我們的孩子 我不跟任何人約會 | We live together. You're having our baby. I'm not gonna see anybody else. |
你確定 你不想更進一步嗎? | Are you sure you don't want something more? |
我不知道,或許吧… | Wow. I don't know,maybe.. |
瑞秋,我只是在開你玩笑 | Oh,Rach,I was just messing around. |
-就像我要尿尿時你做的一樣 -我就知道 | -Like you did when I had to pee? -Oh! I knew that. |
我就知道 我也是在開你玩笑 | I knew that! I was just messing with you too! |
好吧 因為你看起來似乎… | Okay. Because for a minute you seemed.. |
-不,那是… -像是你真的… | -No,it's just.. -Like you actually.. |
那只是因為 我很會開玩笑 | That's just because I'm such a good messer! |
-瑞秋 -什麼? | -Rach? -Yeah? |
-你要上廁所 -對 | -The bathroom? -Right. |
我非常愉快,我學會了烤東西 吃美食 | I had a great time. I learned how to bake,ate great food. |
這是我從七年級後第一次得到A 我甚至沒有跟老師上床 | It's my first A since 7th grade and I didn't even sleep with the teacher. |
-你看,初級戲劇班 -對 | -Oh,look. Acting for Beginners. -Yeah. |
-你想更滿意自己嗎? -管它的 | -Wanna feel good about yourself? -What the hell! |
我們從基礎開始吧 | Let's start with some basics. |
誰能告訴我 後臺跟前台的差別? | Can anybody tell me what the difference between upstage and downstage is? |
對,這個點子很蠢 | Yeah,this was a stupid idea. |
你們在看什麼? | What are you looking at? |
我演的一戰電影海報 你看 | A poster for that WWI movie I'm in. Check it out. |
看起來真的好暴力 | Wow! It looks really violent! |
我知道 我即將在各大影院露面 | I know. I'm coming soon to a theater near you. |
我用的是THX音效(電影院聲音處理方案) 我不適合孩子們觀看 | I'm in THX. I'm unsuitable for children! |
-我等不及要看這個 -它有拿下奧斯卡金像獎的希望 | -I cannot wait to see this. -It's generating Oscar buzz. |
-是我開始的 -我以為是我 | -I started that! -I thought I did! |
我剛剛跟經紀人談過… | I just talked to my agent.. |
下星期有首映會 你們通通被邀請了 | and the premiere is next week and you're all invited! |
-我們要坐加長禮車嗎? -當然 | -Will we take a limo? -Sure! |
我喜歡在不是葬禮的時候 搭加長禮車 | I love taking limos when nobody died. |
我沒辦法去 | Well,I won't be able to come. |
那些還沒查過日曆的人聽好了 今天是我的預產期 | For those who haven't checked their calendars,today's my due date. |
你應該來的 或許你會在加長禮車上生孩子 | You should come. Maybe you'll have the baby in the limo. |
那樣她的人生第一刻看到我們 會覺得我們都很棒 | That way for the first few moments of her life,she'll think we're really fancy. |
我要謝謝你們 一直很支持我 | I want to thank you guys for how great you've been during this. |
沒有你們我絕對辦不到 我很喜歡過去的九個月 | I couldn't have done it without you. I loved these last 9 months. |
我很期待下一個階段… | I'm looking forward to the next part.. |
我會很懷念懷孕的感覺 | I am really gonna miss being pregnant. |
沒錯,我還是沒生 | That's right. Still no baby. |
怎麼了? 汗臭味十足的臃腫孕婦… | What's the matter? Is the puffy,sweaty pregnant lady.. |
打擾了你們寶貴的咖啡時間? | disturbing your precious coffee time? |
大家快讓開 | Come on,people,make some room. |
或許你坐在這裡 會比較舒服 | Sweetie,maybe you'd be more comfortable here. |
你 | You. |
你似乎做的還不夠多 | Like you haven't done enough. |
我知道你很難過 我真的希望能幫上忙 | I know you're miserable. I wish there was something I could do. |
我希望我是海馬 | I wish I were a sea horse. |
因為是雄海馬 負責孵育小寶寶 | Because with sea horses,it's the male. They carry the babies. |
而且,我可以逃到海裡 | And then also,I'd be far away in the sea. |
天啊 | God. |
我這輩子 從來沒有這麼難受過 | I have never been so uncomfortable in my entire life. |
我瞭解,我記得… | I know. I remember toward the end.. |
那是個很棒的故事 幫我拿冰茶來再說 | That's a great story. Tell it while you're getting me some iced tea. |
天啊,滾出來,滾出來,滾出來 | Oh,God,get out! Get out,get out,get out! |
走吧 | Let's. |
本集播出:遲來的寶寶 | The.One.Where.Rachel.is.Late |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
你的寶寶生了嗎? | Hey,did you have the baby yet? |
你要我坐在你身上嗎? 因為我真的會那麼做 | Do you want me to sit on you? Because I'll do it. |
-你在這裡做什麼? -公司要我回家 | -What are you doing here? -They sent me home from work. |
他們說“開始休產假 回家去休息吧” | They said,"Start your maternity leave now. Just rest." |
你知道嗎?去他們的 | You know what? Screw them! |
如果他們不要我待在那裡 我可以跟你們鬼混 | If they don't want me there,I'll hang out with you guys. |
或許你可以去做義工 | Or you could do volunteer work. |
-嗨 -喬伊,我是艾斯黛 | -Hello? -Joey,it's Estelle. |
我幫你跟你的一個朋友 弄到首映會的門票 | I was able to get you and one guest tickets to your premiere. |
-你說我可以拿六張票 -我把四張拿去eBay網拍賣了 | -You told me I could have six tickets. -I sold four on eBay. |
你得坐在帥哥372旁邊 | You'll be sitting next to HotGuy 372. |
就那樣? 我只能帶一個朋友去? | So that's it? I only get to bring one guest? |
對 你什麼時候來接我? | Yeah. What time you wanna pick me up? |
喂? | Hello? |
你們聽到了嗎? 我只能帶一個朋友參加首映會 | You hear that? I only get one extra ticket to my premiere. |
所以我得在你們三個 跟羅斯之間做挑選 | So somehow I have to pick between you three and Ross. |
-我呢? -你說過你不想去 | -What about me? -You said you didn't want to go. |
沒錯 但我還是希望有被重視的感覺 | I don't. But I would still like to be acknowledged. |
-我懷孕了就變成隱形人? -你絕不是隱形人 | -Because I'm pregnant,I'm invisible? -Definitely not invisible. |
羅斯根本不在這裡 所以他出局了 | Ross didn't care enough to be here,so he's out. |
-你打瞌睡你就輸了 -他沒有打瞌睡,他在教書 | -You snooze,you lose. -He's not snoozing. He's teaching. |
那麼一定有人在打瞌睡 | Well,then somebody's snoozing. |
喬伊,我不是要你聽我的 但如果你選了我… | And,Joey,not that this should affect you at all,but if you pick me.. |
我計畫穿露到這裡的 緊身禮服 | I was planning on wearing a sequin dress cut down to here. |
-我還沒有看過這套禮服 -去看電影明星吧 | -I haven't seen this dress. -Star in a movie. |
你想挑誰都可以,聽你的心說話 它跟你說了什麼? | Pick whoever you want. Listen to your heart. What does it tell you? |
菲比… | Phoebe. Phoebe. Phoebe. |
這個嘛… | Well.. |
我想我要挑錢德 | I think I want to take Chandler. |
菲比… | Phoebe,Phoebe,Phoebe. |
-你要挑我? -對,我希望能帶大家去 | -You want to take me? -Yeah,I wish I could take everybody. |
但錢德一直都很支援我的工作 | But Chandler's always supported my career. |
他幫我付表演課 跟沙龍照等等的費用 | He's paid for acting classes,headshots and stuff. |
這就是我回報你的方式 | This will be my way of paying you back. |
所以你打算不還我錢? | So you're never actually going to pay me back? |
只因為他幫你付沙龍照的錢 你就要選他? | Just because he paid for your headshots,you're gonna take him? |
我想你不瞭解那件禮服有多露 | I don't think you're comprehending just how slutty this dress is. |
不光只因為他付了錢 他真的很支持我,你們知道嗎? | It's not just the stuff he paid for. It's everything,you know? |
他跟我對臺詞 我很緊張時陪我去試鏡 | He read lines with me. He went with me on auditions when I was nervous. |
當我沒拿到我要的角色時 他會安慰我 | Then he consoled me after I didn't get parts that I wanted. |
你一直相信我 即使連我都不相信自己 | You always believed in me,man,even when I didn't. |
我一直都知道你會成功 我非常以你為榮 | I always knew you were gonna make it. I'm so proud of you. |
謝謝,那對我來說很重要 | Thanks,that means a lot to me. |
莫妮卡,或許他們之中 有人想穿你的禮服 | Mon,maybe one of these guys wants to wear your dress. |
-我得去刮鬍子 -對,我得去吐痰了 | -I'm gonna go shave. -Yeah,well,I'm gonna go spit. |
我得去尿尿了 | I have to pee. |
五分鐘後如果我沒出來 那是因為我被花香味薰死了 | If I don't come out,it's because I've choked to death on the potpourri stink. |
等她出來時你捏住她的鼻子,我對她的嘴巴吹氣,寶寶就會掉出來 | You hold her nose,I'll blow in her mouth and the kid'll just.. out of her. |
她晚了一個星期 今天她一定會生 | She's a week late. She's got to have it today. |
我不知道 我想應該還要一陣子 | I don't know. I think it's still gonna be a while. |
你想做點有趣的事嗎? | Care to make it interesting? |
-我跟你賭她明天會生 -沒問題 | -I bet you she'll have it tomorrow. -You're on. |
-好吧,賭多少? -10萬 | -Okay,how much? -One hundred thousand dollars. |
-50塊如何? -我會打電話到蘇黎世請他們匯錢來 | -How about 50 bucks? -I'll call Zurich and move some money. |
好了,這次輪到誰來扶我? | All right,whose turn is it to help me get up? |
沒有人在 | No one's here. |
該死 | Oh,damn it! |
《在那邊》 (世界首映會) | |
這真的是太刺激了,太棒了 好多人幫我們拍照,我看起來如何? | This is exciting. So glamorous! People taking our picture. How do I look? |
-太高了一點 -什麼? | -A little tall. -What? |
你能不能蹲低一點 讓我看起來高一點? | Would you crouch down a bit so that I look taller? |
這樣好 | There you go. |
真的是太棒了 | It's just so glamorous. |
莫妮卡,瑞秋來了 | Oh,hey,Mon? Rach is here. |
你還沒生 | And you're still pregnant. |
真對不起 我知道你很不舒服 | I'm sorry. I know how uncomfortable you are. |
你知道嗎?你看起來棒極了 就跟50塊鈔票一樣 | You know what? You look great. Yeah,like 50 bucks. |
我得去尿尿,很明顯地這個寶寶 把我的膀胱當成玩具捏 | I have to go pee. Apparently this baby thinks my bladder is a squeeze toy. |
該死,50塊拿去 | Damn it. Here's your 50 bucks. |
你會輸真的是太有趣了 我忘了,你喜歡輸嗎? | That's interesting that you lost. Now,I forget,do you like to lose? |
好吧,別說了 | All right,stop it. |
-我們加倍來賭她明天會生 -好吧 | -Double or nothing she has it tomorrow. -Fine. |
在那之前,葛蘭特將軍 你為什麼不在這裡…紮營? | Until then,General Grant,why don't you set up camp.. right there? |
-瑞秋在這裡嗎?我們得去看醫生 -在廁所裡 | -Rachel here? We have an appointment. -In the bathroom. |
-瑞秋,我們得走了 -馬上好 | -Rach,we gotta go. -In a minute! |
大家問我們為什麼不在一起 我不知道該怎麼告訴他們 | People ask why we're not together. I just don't know what to tell them. |
好吧,我們該走了 | All right,let's go. |
等一下 | Oh,wait a minute. |
我又得尿尿嗎? | Do I have to pee again? |
不,我沒事 | No,I'm good. |
你要不要先去換衣服? | Do you want to go change first? |
醫生會等我們 但如果你快一點… | The doctor's staying open late for us,but if you hurry.. |
-不,我很好 -你不覺那套衣服很不適當嗎? | -No,I'm fine. -You don't think that's inappropriate? |
-什麼? -天啊,別惹她 | -What? -Good God,man. Don't anger it. |
羅斯,外面有一百度 這是好幾個星期以來我第一次… | Ross,it is 100 degrees outside. For the first time in weeks,I am.. |
好吧,隨便你 你是媽咪 | Fine. Whatever you want. You're the mommy. |
不,別叫我“媽咪” | No! Don't call me "Mommy." |
你那樣叫你媽就已經夠糟了 | It's bad enough you call your own mother that. |
這一次我同意她的說法 | I'm actually with her on this one. |
快點,羅斯 我們要遲到了 | Come on,Ross. We're gonna be late. |
你們想不想當羅斯? | Either of you want to be Ross? |
我以為我知道敵人是誰 但敵人卻是你 | I thought I knew who the enemy was,but it was you. |
好吧 我的打鬥戲要開始了 | Okay,this is it. This is my big fight scene coming up. |
我要跟82地區的每個人戰鬥 | I'm fighting for every man in the 82nd Ground Division. |
羅斯 我能問你一件事嗎? | Ross? Can I ask you something? |
卡蘿懷班的時候… | When Carol was pregnant with Ben.. |
你有這麼暴躁嗎? | were you this irritating? |
-你說什麼? -沒事,你只是… | -Excuse me? -Nothing. You're just.. |
你最近對我很不耐煩 我不想惹毛你 | You've been a little short with me lately. I'm not trying to irritate you. |
那麼你一定是有惹毛我的天份 | Well,then,you must have a natural talent for it. |
醫生馬上到 在那之前我們還是別說話 | The doctor will be in soon. Why don't we not speak until then? |
好吧 | Okay. |
說真的,呼吸再大聲一點,羅斯 那真的太棒了 | Seriously. Breathe louder,Ross. That's great. |
我們應該問醫生 她知不知道… | We should ask the doctor if she even knows.. |
怎麼接生半人半惡魔的孩子 | how to deliver a baby that's half human,half pure evil! |
-朗醫生,你好嗎? -你對她很好 | -Hi,Dr. Long. How are you? -You're nice to her. |
她有藥 | She has the drugs. |
-我很快幫你檢查一下 -好的 | We'll do a quick check. |
已經遲了八天嗎? 你一定會很不舒服 | Eight days late,huh? You must be getting uncomfortable. |
對,只有一點 | Yeah,just a tad. |
寶寶已經下降了八成,就快了 但你可能還得等上一陣子 | You're 80% effaced. You're on your way. It still could last a while. |
-如果你很急,有些方式可以説明你 -那就做吧 | -There are ways to help things along. -Do them! |
事實上你可以用這些方法 在家做治療 | Actually,they're things that you can do. Home remedies. |
根據我的經驗 我發現有些方法很有效 | In my experience,I've found some are very effective. |
-我們願意嘗試任何事 -你可以喝一種藥草茶 | -Well,we are ready to try anything. -There's an herbal tea you can drink. |
你可以喝麻子油 吃辣的食物 | You can take some castor oil. There's spicy foods. |
我們全部都願意 | We will do all of those. |
-長時間散步 -很好,沒問題 | -Taking a long walk. -Good. Done. |
根據證實最有效的方法 就是做愛 | And there's the one that's proved most effective: sex. |
你一定是在開玩笑 | You've got to be kidding me! |
演的好,喬伊,太棒了,一流的 | Good job,Joe! Well done! Top-notch! |
-你真的喜歡嗎? -喜歡 | -You liked it? You really liked it? -Oh,yeah! |
-你喜歡哪個部份? -全部,我們走吧 | -Well,which part exactly? -The whole thing! Here we go! |
不,說詳細一點 | No,no,no. Give me some specifics. |
我喜歡全部 全部都很棒 | I loved the specifics. The specifics were the best part. |
袋鼠的那一段呢? 你喜歡嗎? | Hey,what about the scene with the kangaroo? Did you like that part? |
看到一戰的電影裡 出現袋鼠我嚇了一大跳 | I was surprised to see a kangaroo in a World War I epic. |
你睡著了 | You fell asleep! |
片中沒有袋鼠 他們沒有接納我的意見 | There was no kangaroo! They didn't take any of my suggestions! |
-我不敢相信你睡著了 -我也不敢相信 | -I can't believe you fell asleep. -I can't believe it either. |
或許它沒有發生 | Maybe it didn't happen. |
或許你睡著了 這一切都是你在做夢 | Maybe you fell asleep and dreamt the whole thing. |
我們現在的談話也是在你夢中 | And this conversation we're having right now is part of that dream. |
醒一醒,喬伊 | Wake up,Joe! |
-謝謝你來看,回頭見 -別走,我很抱歉 | -Thanks for coming. See you later. -Don't go. I'm so sorry. |
聽著,這傢伙睡著了 他也睡著了,生他的氣啊 | Look,this guy fell asleep! He fell asleep too! Be mad at him! |
或是叫救護車來 | Or call an ambulance! |
醫生說什麼? 知道寶寶何時會出生嗎? | What did the doctor say? Any news on when the baby will come? |
不,她教我們 如何加速生產的腳步 | No. She gave us ideas on how to induce labor. |
我們都試過了 | We tried them all. |
我們去散步,喝了茶 吃麻子油跟辣的食物,通通沒用 | We went for a walk,we tried tea,castor oil,spicy food. Nothing worked. |
有個方法我們沒試 | There is one thing we didn't try. |
但有人覺得 那會惹來大麻煩 | But someone thinks that that will open up a can of worms. |
什麼辦法? 如果有辦法讓寶寶在今天出生… | If it's gonna help bring the baby here,today.. |
我想你們應該試試看 | I think you should do it. |
-我們得做愛 -就做啊 | -It's sex. -Do it! |
-莫妮卡 -你們很久沒做愛了 | -Monica. -It's been a really long time for you. |
我是說女人也有需要 快去吧,滿足你的需要 | I mean,women have needs. Do it. Get yours. |
這個嘛,我不知道… | Oh,I don't know about that. |
我想如果你們兩個做愛 結果一定會很糟糕 | I think if the two of you had sex,the repercussions would be catastrophic. |
好吧,我們實際一點 | All right,let's be practical. |
如果羅斯不願意 不只他能跟你做愛 | If Ross isn't willing,he's not the only guy you can have sex with. |
你可以借用錢德 錢德很厲害 | You could borrow Chandler. Chandler is good. |
好吧 我不想那麼做 | Okay,okay. Yeah,I don't think I wanna do that. |
你確定?我是說… | You sure? I'm just saying.. |
寶寶的頭不會愈變愈小 | the baby's head isn't getting any smaller. |
莫妮卡,你是怎麼了? | Monica,what is the matter with you? |
-我只是希望寶寶能在今天出生 -為什麼一定要今天? | -I just want the baby to be born today. -Why today? |
好吧 | Okay,fine. |
我一直在跟菲比打賭你會生 我不想再輸錢了 | I bet Phoebe that you're gonna have the baby,and I don't want to lose. |
什麼?她這麼痛苦 你們卻在賭錢? | What? While she's been going through this hell,you've been making money? |
你們拿朋友是否會持續 這種難忍的痛苦來當賭注? | You're betting on your friend staying in this misery? |
-我要賭 -什麼? | -I'll take that bet. -What? |
我已經夠慘了 還不如找點錢賺 | I'm miserable. I may as well make some money out of it. |
我也可以加入嗎? | Can I get some of that action? |
等等,現在變成我跟你們三個對賭? | I'm betting against all of you? |
別擔心 我真的覺得應該是明天 | I really feel like tomorrow it's gonna happen. |
好吧 | Okay. |
60,80,100 | Sixty,80,100. |
50塊 | And 50. |
兩塊 | And two. |
好耶,寶貝 | Yeah,baby. |
嘿,睡美人 | Hey,Sleeping Beauty. |
你跑到哪裡去了? 我想跟你談一談,我還是很難過 | Where have you been? I want to talk to you. I still feel bad. |
不,你很難過? 你睡不著嗎? | Oh,no. Were you upset? Did you lose sleep? |
我很抱歉 | I'm so sorry. |
我來這裡解決我們之間的問題 你幫了我很多忙 | The reason I came over is to settle things between us. You've done a lot for me. |
我請你去看首映會報答你 但你睡著了 | I wanted to pay you back with the premiere,but you missed it. |
-我欠你多少錢? -什麼? | -So how much do I owe you? -What? |
-我不想欠你 -你不欠我 | -I don't want to owe you anything. -You don't owe me. |
-我不要你的… -我們得這麼做 | -I don't want your.. -We're doing this! |
你幫我付第一次沙龍照的費用 多少錢? | You got me my first headshots. How much? |
-我不知道,五百塊 -好吧,五百塊,還有呢? | -I don't know,$500. -Okay,$500. What else? |
還有第二組沙龍照 可怕的“怪物”大頭照 | Then there was the second set. The infamous "booger" headshots. |
好吧,再加五百塊 五百加五百是… | Okay,so that's another $500. That's 500 and 500. That's.. |
-你需要計算器嗎? -謝謝 | -You want a calculator? -Please. |
拿去 | Here. |
好吧,還有呢? | All right,what else? |
還有表演課 舞臺打鬥課,踢踏舞課… | Well,there's acting classes,stage-combat classes,tap classes.. |
還不只是那些 | Which we're still keeping under our hats. |
我付錢請教練教你說南方腔 | That dialect coach who helped you with a Southern accent. |
上了20小時的課後 你還是滿口牙買加腔 | Which,after 20 hours of lessons,still came out Jamaican. |
你在胡說什麼? “南方將會再起” | What the hell are you talking about? The South will rise again,man. |
對,那筆錢花得很值得 | Yes,money well-spent. |
好吧,還有呢?房租 | Okay,what else? Rent. |
兩、三年的房租 雜費、伙食費… | Two,three years of rent,utilities,food.. |
好吧 給你的支票金額是… | Okay,so I'm writing you a check for.. |
你看我的電影看到睡著了 沒什麼大不了的,對吧? | So you fell asleep during my movie. Big deal,right? |
這玩意要怎麼消除? | How do you clear this thing? |
把你的墨西哥卷吃掉 | Finish your enchilada. |
羅斯,我們試過所有的辣食物 根本沒用 | Ross,we've tried all the spicy food. It's not working. |
好吧,拿去,吃根辣椒 | Okay,here,have one of these peppers. |
天啊,好辣,我的天啊 | Oh,God. So hot. Oh,my God. |
還有拿過辣椒後別用手摸眼睛 | By the way,you don't want to touch the pepper and then touch your eye. |
我沒有感覺 | I am feeling nothing. |
說到辣 看到你那麼做… | Speaking of hot,watching you do that.. |
真的讓我想跟你做愛 | really makes me want to have sex with you. |
-別鬧了 -快點,我們為什麼要浪費時間? | -Stop it. -Come on! Why are we wasting time? |
我們知道它會成功 這是醫生的建議 | We know it's gonna work. It's doctor-recommended. |
抱歉,但我們得有界限 天啊,我快辣死了 | I'm sorry. But we have to have some boundaries. My God,I'm dying. |
我們以前做過 可以再做一次 | We've done it before. We'll do it again. |
那是結束懷孕的好辦法 | It'll be a nice way to bookend the pregnancy. |
我不會因為要讓你生孩子 就跟你做愛 | I'm not gonna make love to you so you'll go into labor. |
做愛?你是女孩嗎? | Make love? What are you,a girl? |
那是惹毛男人最棒的方法 | Always a great way to get into a man's pants. |
你只是在提供服務 把我當成一罐蕃茄醬 | You'll be performing a service. Think of me as a ketchup bottle. |
有時候你得敲敲瓶底 才能把蕃茄醬倒出來 | Sometimes,you have to bang on the end of it to get it to come out. |
我喜歡你說髒話的樣子 | I love when you talk dirty to me. |
我知道,那說的對 那一點都不性感 | I know it. You're right. That's not sexy. |
我的叉子掉了 | Oh,I seem to have dropped my fork. |
我得彎下腰來撿它 | Let me just bend over and get it. |
天啊 | Oh,God! |
好吧,夠了 這是不可能發生的 | Okay,enough. This is not going to happen. |
來吧,羅斯,我真的很難受 | Come on,Ross. I'm miserable here. |
來吧,這是你惹出來的 你得結束它 | Come on,you started this,now you finish it! |
來吧,懦夫,跟我做愛 | Come on,wuss. Make love to me. |
-你知道嗎? -什麼? | -You know what? -What? |
算了 | Forget it. |
怎麼了?羅斯 你不想談嗎? | What now,Ross,you're not gonna talk? |
你到底要惹我惹到什麼時候? | How on earth will you ever annoy me? |
等一下,我知道了 | Oh,wait a minute,I know. |
你覺得辣椒能治好 你的鼻竇炎,但是你錯了 | You'd think the jalapeno would clear up your sinuses,but no! |
那還是不夠… 你在做什麼? | That's not enough.. What are you doing? |
我要讓你把寶寶生出來 | I'm getting that baby out of you! |
-天啊 -我知道 | -Oh,God! -I know. |
不 | Oh,no,no,no. |
我想我的羊水破了 | I think my water just broke. |
我太厲害了 | I am good! |
好吧,我拿了枕頭 還有包包 | Okay,I got the pillow. I got the bag. |
-你拿了鑰匙嗎? -我拿了 | -You got the keys? -I got the keys. |
我們的寶寶要出生了 | We're having a baby. |
我還來不及看書上這個部份 但我們是否有時間… | I didn't have time to read this part of the books,but do we have time..? |
-我們的時間不多 -好吧,我們走吧 | -Not so much. -Okay,let's go. |
-兩百 -謝謝 | -200. -Thank you. |
夠了,我不在乎寶寶何時出生 我不要賭了 | That's it. I don't care when the baby comes. No more betting. |
好吧 | Okay. |
喂? | Hello? |
我們再賭一次也無妨 | I guess we could bet one more time. |
-瑞秋要生了嗎? -你怎麼知道? | -Is Rachel having the baby? -How did you know that? |
-喬伊,錢德,時間到了! -他們在咖啡廳 | -Joey! Chandler! -They're at the coffee house. |
你什麼都知道 | You know everything! |
等一下 我跟你賭寶寶超過七磅重 | Wait. I bet you the baby is over 7 pounds. |
我跟你賭寶寶有頭髮 我跟你賭是女兒 | I bet you it has hair! I bet you it's a girl. |
-我們知道她要生女兒 -我給你很高的賠率 | -We know it's a girl. -I'll give you really good odds. |
太棒了 | All right! |
從家裡趕到醫院 花了不到七分鐘的時間,我們辦到了 | Yes! From home to the hospital in under seven minutes! We did it. |
對,最難的部份完成了 | Yes,the hard part is truly over. |
不,但打起精神來 我們有個不錯的開始,對吧? | No,but come on,we're off to a great start,aren't we? |
我知道我可以很快趕到這裡 但這一定是創下了記錄 | I knew I'd get here fast,but this has gotta be some kind of a record! |
-你們趕到了 -嗨 | -Oh,you made it! -Hi. |
-你們怎麼會比我們先到? -我們搭計程車,你們是走過來的嗎? | -How the hell did you beat us here? -We took a cab. Did you guys walk? |
不,我們也是搭計程車 但我做過實驗… | No,we took a cab too. But I did test runs.. |
你們趕到了 | Hey,you made it! |
好吧,難不成有魔法地道 通到這家醫院? | Okay,is there some kind of magic tunnel to this hospital? |
羅斯,你留下來聊天 我要去生孩子了 | Ross,you stay here and talk. I'm gonna go have a baby. |
好吧,她是瑞秋格林 我是羅斯蓋勒,我們在車上打過電話 | Okay. Hi,this is Rachel Greene. I'm Ross Geller. We called from the car. |
對,我們為你們準備了 雙人待產室,所以… | Right. We have a semi-private labor room waiting for you,so.. |
對不起,雙人房? 我們訂了單人房 | Oh,whoa! I'm sorry. Semi-private? We asked for a private room. |
我知道,不幸地是 我們無法保證一定有單人房 | Yes,I see that here. Unfortunately,we can't guarantee a private room. |
-現在單人房都滿了 -你該快點過來的 | -And,currently,they're all unavailable. -Man,if only you'd gotten here sooner. |
抱歉 我們只有雙人待產室 | I'm sorry. Semi-private rooms are all we have. |
好吧,等我們一下,羅斯 | Okay. Just give us a second. Ross? |
什麼? | Yeah? |
-塞點錢給她 -我真的相信他們沒房間了 | -Give her some money. -I really think they're out of rooms. |
才怪,羅斯 他們為大人物保留房間 | They're not,Ross. They're just saving them for important people! |
好吧?如果我是總統呢? | Okay? What if I was the president? |
那麼我們麻煩大了 你不知道任何國家的地理位置 | Well,then,we'd be in a lot of trouble. You don't know where any countries are. |
好吧 | Okay. |
你能再幫我們看看嗎? | Say,would you mind checking again? |
有沒有我們可以使用的 單人待產室? | See if any private rooms may have opened up? |
這裡是醫院 | This is a hospital. |
我懂了 我們能跟經理談一談嗎? | Okay,I see. Could we please talk to the manager? |
這裡沒有經理 | There is no manager. |
只有護士、醫生 跟雙人待產室 | Just nurses,doctors and semi-private rooms. |
好吧,你知道嗎?我得說 我真的不在乎你的語氣 | Okay,you know what? I have to say,I don't really care for your tone. |
這是市里唯一一家醫院 我們沒有問題…天啊 | And this is not the only hospital in this city,and we have no problem.. Oh,gosh! |
-什麼? -是陣痛 | -What? What? -Contraction! |
-你們想看看雙人待產室嗎? -好吧,看看又何妨 | -Would you like to see a semi-private room? -Yeah,it couldn't hurt to look. |
本集播出:瑞秋生產記 | The.One.Where.Rachel.Has.a.Baby |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
你只開了兩公分 得等到開十公分才行 | Well,you're only two centimeters dilated,and we need to get to 10. |
-那得等上一段時間 -好吧 | -It'll be a while. -Oh,okay. |
-我一小時後再回來幫你檢查 -謝謝 | -I'll be back in an hour to check you again. -Thank you. |
等一下,朗醫生 我能問你一件事嗎? | Oh,wait,Dr. Long. Can I ask you something? |
生產真的跟大家說的一樣 那麼痛嗎? | Is labor really as painful as everybody says it is? |
天啊 我的呼叫器響個不停 | Oh,look at that. My beeper's going crazy. |
別…你知道嗎? 你會沒事的 | Hey,don't.. You know what? You're gonna be fine. |
-我猜我們得想辦法消磨時間 -沒錯 | -I guess we have some time to kill. -Yeah,guess so. |
你看 | Oh,check these out. |
我從來沒有這麼做過 | Never done this before. |
不覺得很舒服 | Doesn't feel good. |
對,它看起來很不錯 | Yeah,well,it looks great. |
謝謝 我想我們準備好… | Thank you very much. I think we're ready to.. |
嗨,我是羅斯 我來幫你們毀了這美好的一天 | Hi,I'm Ross. I'm here to ruin this magical day for you. |
一點都不會,沒關係的,馬克何格 她是我太太茱莉 | Oh,no,not at all. It's okay. Marc Horger. This is my wife,Julie. |
-嗨,茱莉,她是瑞秋 -嗨,瑞秋 | -Hi,Julie. This is Rachel. -Oh,hi,Rachel. |
-這是你的第一胎? -對 | -Is this your first? -Yeah,it is. |
小吉米是我們的第三胎 | Well,little Jamie here is our third. |
如果你們有問題 或需要幫忙,叫我們一聲 | So if you have any questions,or you need anything at all,just holler. |
-那真的是太棒了 -對 | -That's so sweet. -Yeah. |
-我得給你們私人空間 -沒關係,我們可以一起 | -Let me give you guys some privacy. -Nonsense. We're all in this together. |
我們願意 跟你們分享每一刻 | We are gonna share every moment of this with you. |
-我想我們會非常愉快 -對 | -I think we're gonna have some fun. -Yeah. |
-我猜好吧 -笑一個 | -Oh,okay,I guess. -Hey,smile! |
-我不知道… -我真的不要… | -I don't know if.. -I really don't want any.. |
謝謝 | Oh,thank you. |
羅斯 我又開始陣痛了 | Oh,Ross! Here comes another contraction. |
好吧,深呼吸 | Okay,just breathe. |
-親愛的,我想我也開始陣痛了 -天啊 | -Oh,honey,I think I'm having one too! -Oh,my God! |
你看 | Hey,look at this. |
-來吧 -不 | -Here you go! -Oh,no! |
三個小時還是沒生 | Oh,wow. Three hours and still no baby. |
生產的奇跡 的確讓人很想打瞌睡 | The miracle of birth sure is a snooze-fest. |
-你要看看好玩的事嗎? -當然要,什麼? | -Hey,you wanna see something? -Sure. What? |
這一定會很好玩 看我怎麼嚇錢德 | This is gonna be fun. Watch me freak out Chandler. |
-親愛的 -什麼? | -Honey? -Yeah? |
聽著 我一直在想… | Listen,I've been doing some thinking.. |
我不知道是因為 我們來到這裡… | and I don't know whether it's because we're here.. |
或是瑞秋要生孩子… | or Rachel's giving birth.. |
但我想我們應該試著懷孕 | but I think we should try to have a baby. |
好吧 | Okay. |
你說什麼? | What's that now? |
好吧,我也一直在想那件事 我想我們準備好了 | Okay. I've been thinking about it too,and I think we're ready. |
你在開玩笑嗎? 你覺得我們準備好要懷孕了? | Are you kidding? You think we're ready to have a baby now? |
這真的很好玩 | This is fun. |
你們準備要懷孕了? 我的小男孩長大了 | You're ready to have a baby? My boy's all grown up! |
你說你也準備好了 | You said you were ready too. |
對,我只是想跟你開玩笑 讓你用高八度的怪聲音說話… | Yeah,but I was just screwing with you to try to get your voice all high and weird.. |
就像我現在一樣 | Like mine is now! |
對,但你不是一直 都想要生孩子嗎? | Yes,but haven't you wanted a kid,like,forever? |
對,但沒有人 想跟我生孩子,我是說… | Yeah,but no one ever wanted to have one with me. I mean.. |
如果我要的話,我要生個孩子 你對我做了什麼? | Now I'm just gonna have a baby if I want to. Oh,what are you doing to me? |
抱歉我提起這件事 | I'm sorry I brought it up. |
好吧,滾開,先生 | Okay,then,back off,mister! |
因為我準備生孩子了 | Because I am ready to have a baby. |
我只是希望喬伊是孩子的爸 | I just want Joey to be the father. |
-什麼?你瘋了嗎? -就是那樣,那就是我的目地 | -What? Are you crazy? -That's it,right there! That's all I wanted! |
抱歉,醫生剛才非得拉上布簾做檢查 | I am sorry. The doctor insisted on closing the curtain for the exam. |
那非常… 真的沒關係 | Oh,that's very.. Really,very,very okay. |
茱莉的子宮頸開了七公分 大約是四指寬 | Julie's cervix is dilated seven centimeters. That's about four fingers! |
-醫生讓我自己摸摸看 -你摸過瑞秋的子宮頸嗎?羅斯 | -Doctor let me feel it myself. -Have you felt Rachel's cervix,Ross? |
-沒有…我們不會那麼做 -我們不會那麼做 | -No,I don't.. We're not gonna do that. -We won't be doing that. |
如果你要的話,你可以摸摸瑞秋的 再摸摸我的做比較 | Well,if you like,you could feel Rachel's,then feel mine to compare. |
-我打擾了你們嗎? -太棒了,謝謝,待會見 | -Am I interrupting? -Yes! Thank you! Later. |
-不,你不能丟下我跟他們獨處 -對不起 | -No,you can't leave me alone with them. -Oh,I'm sorry. |
不,羅斯 我的孩子沒有父親 | No,Ross? Ross? Ross? My child has no father! |
我很高興你來了 可能還要再等一下,你該先打電話來 | I'm so glad you're here,but it's gonna be a while. I wish you'd called first. |
沒關係 我待會會再跟你爸來一趟 | That's all right. I'm coming back later with your father. |
-在孩子出生前我得跟你談一談 -好吧,什麼事? | -I needed to talk to you before the birth. -Okay. What's up? |
羅斯,我得用媽媽的身份 跟你談… | Ross,I want to talk to you as your mother.. |
即使我知道 你跟我也是好朋友 | even though I know that you and I are also very close friends. |
我真的不知道你在說什麼 但沒關係 | I really don't know what you're talking about,but okay. |
我有樣東西要給你 | I brought something that I want to give you. |
假設你真的要它 | Assuming,of course,that you want it. |
媽,你要我娶你? | Ma,you're asking me to marry you? |
這是你外婆的訂婚戒指 我要你把它送給瑞秋 | This is your grandmother's engagement ring,I want you to give it to Rachel. |
-媽,不,別這樣,謝謝你 -聽我說… | -Mom,no. Come on. Thank you. -Just hear me out.. |
不,好嗎?我們談過了 | No! Okay? We've been through this. |
我們不會因為她懷孕了 就去結婚,好嗎? | We're not gonna get married just because she's pregnant. Okay? |
說真的,羅斯 她不是你在酒吧泡到就上的女孩 | Honestly,Ross,this isn't just some girl you picked up in a bar and humped. |
年輕人比我們 更常用那個字 | You think young people use that word more than we actually do. |
羅斯,孩子應該要有家庭 | Ross,a child should have a family. |
你知道嗎? 我現在無法思考此事,抱歉 | You know what? I can't deal with this right now. I'm sorry. |
去…去跟莫妮卡聊一聊 | Go.. Hey,go talk to Monica. |
她換了新髮型 你會討厭的 | She got a new haircut. You'll hate it. |
考慮一下,如果你不那麼做 我會再跟你談上女孩的事 | Just think about it. If you don't,I'll talk more about humping. |
給我吧 | Give me. |
-嗨,親愛的 -謝謝你趕過來 | -Hi,dear. -Hi. Thank you so much for coming. |
羅斯,快進來 | Ross,get in here! |
你想看好笑的事嗎? | You wanna see something funny? |
莫妮卡 | Monica. |
好吧,別鬧了 你把我嚇壞了 | Okay. All right,stop it. You're freaking me out. |
再來一次 | Do it again. Do it again. |
瑞秋生了 | Hey,Rachel had the baby. |
-什麼? -真的嗎? | -What? -Really? |
不 | No. |
我不知道為什麼 我會覺得那很好笑 | I don't know why I thought that'd be funny. |
媽走之前 你跟她打過招呼吧? | You said hi to Mom before she left,right? |
我就知道是她 | I thought that was her. |
我叫了她 她躲進樓梯間裡 | Yeah,I called her name,and she ducked into a stairwell. |
你知道嗎?你真的很幸運 | Well,you know what? Consider yourself lucky. |
她把我拖出待產室 問我為什麼不跟瑞秋結婚 | She pulled me out of the labor room to ask me why I'm not with Rachel. |
-天啊 -那一定很煩 | -Oh,my God. -How annoying. |
對 | Yeah. |
-你為什麼不跟瑞秋結婚? -你在開玩笑嗎? | -Why aren't you with Rachel? -You're kidding,right? |
我們不會因為孩子的關係 就去辦結婚 | Look,we're not gonna be together just because we're having this baby. |
我知道她不是 我上過就算的女孩… | And I know she's not just some girl I humped.. |
上過就算? | Oh,humped? |
少來了,羅斯 | Come on,Ross. |
但看起來 你們兩個屬於彼此 | But it just seems that you two belong together. |
別說了,現在我無法想這件事 我得去等孩子出生 | Okay,stop it. I can't deal with this right now. I have to go have a baby. |
對,你還要跟誰生孩子? | Right. And with who again? |
他瘋了 他為什麼不跟瑞秋結婚? | He's crazy. Why doesn't he wanna be with Rachel? |
我知道 | I know. |
說真的她是個完美女性 我知道她拒絕了我… | Seriously,she's like the perfect woman. I mean,I know she turned me down.. |
如果她沒有 她想跟我在一起… | but if she hadn't and she wanted to be with me.. |
我會抱著她… | I would take her in my arms and.. |
我有一陣子 沒有這樣嚇你們了吧? | I haven't bummed you guys out like this in a while,have I? |
-嘿 -嘿 | -Hey. -Hey. |
-那是誰? -新來的人 | -Who's that? -New people. |
噁心夫婦怎麼了? | What happened to the Disgustingtons? |
他們去生孩子了 那不公平,羅斯,是我先來的 | They're having their baby. It's not fair,Ross. I got here first! |
你離開不久 他們就將她推進產房了 | Right after you left,they wheeled her off into delivery. |
但她走之前 讓我看了一下她的產道 | Oh,but not before she gave me a nice,juicy shot of little Jamie crowning away. |
抱歉 | Wow. Sorry. |
新來的人怎麼樣? | So how are the new people? |
他們幫彼此 取了很不尋常的綽號 | Well,they have some unusual pet names for each other. |
包括“壞心賤人”跟“病態混蛋” | Including "Evil Bitch" and "Sick Bastard." |
-天啊,是陣痛 -是嗎?好了,深呼吸 | -Oh,gosh,a contraction. -Yeah? Okay,okay. Just breathe. |
-你在看她嗎? -不 | -Are you looking at her? -No! |
-別看她,病態混蛋 -親愛的,我發誓我沒有看她 | -Don't you look at her,you sick bastard! -Honey,I swear I wasn't looking at her! |
她要生了 你喜歡嗎?病態賤人 | She's in labor. You like that,you sick son of a bitch? |
我只是… | I'm just gonna.. |
看吧?那都是你偷看的關係 胖變態 | See? It's because you were looking,you fat pervert. |
不,我相信沒有人在偷看 我們只是需要一點隱私 | No,no. I'm sure no one was looking. Just want some privacy. |
你想念你的女朋友嗎? | You miss your girlfriend? |
別理他們 | Just ignore them. |
-你沒事吧? -沒事 | -You okay? -Yeah. |
-羅斯 -什麼? | -Ross. -What? |
-他在偷看我 -嘿 | -He's looking at me. -Hey! |
你想活著看到你的孩子嗎? | You wanna live to see your baby? |
別那樣跟我丈夫說話 你這個大笨蛋 | Don't you talk to my husband like that,you stupid bastard! |
天啊,如果你那麼想要孩子 去偷一個吧 | Oh,good God! If you want a baby so bad,just go steal it! |
別擔心 對我們來說這些寶寶太醜了 | Oh,don't worry. These babies are far too ugly for us. |
你是怎麼了? 你什麼時候這麼喜歡孩子了? | What is going on with you. Since when are you so crazy about babies? |
我不是喜歡孩子 我是為我們感到瘋狂 | I'm not crazy about babies. I'm crazy about us. |
什麼? | What? |
我們總是說以後要生孩子 不是現在… | We've always talked about having babies someday,not now.. |
但我開始認為我們應付得來 我們準備好了 | but I'm starting to think that we can handle it. We're good. |
我們真的準備好了 | We're really good. |
我們準備齊全 | We are pretty good. |
但你沒準備好前 我是不會行動的 | But nothing has to happen until you're ready. |
或許我準備好了 | Well,maybe I'm ready now. |
我是說它有點可怕 或許沒關係 | I mean,it's a little scary,but maybe it's right. |
什麼?才不會沒關係 我們還沒有準備好要生孩子 | What? It's not right! We're not ready to have a kid now! |
-什麼? -我是在開玩笑,這一定會很好玩 | -What? -I'm kidding. This is gonna be fun. |
我們要試試看嗎? 我們現在要試嗎? | So we're gonna try? I mean,we're trying? |
我們要試著懷孕 | We're trying to get pregnant. |
我不想在寶寶面前 那麼做 | I'm not comfortable doing this in front of the babies. |
-你想什麼時候開始試? -好吧,等一下 | -So when do you want to start trying? -All right,hold on a sec. |
-你在算生理週期? -對 | -Period math? -Yeah. |
我們可以從現在開始 | Well,we could start trying now. |
-在這裡? -不是 | -Right here? -No,not here. |
或許吧 | Maybe here. |
這裡很完美,我們得想辦法消磨時間 而且醫院裡有很多床 | It's perfect. We got a lot of time to kill,and we're in a building that's full of beds! |
它還很乾淨 | And it's so clean! |
加油,你這個笨機器 | Come on,you stupid machine! Come on! |
-它吃掉你的錢了嗎? -沒有 | -It ate your money? -No. |
-那麼樓下見 -好吧 | -I'll see you downstairs then. -All right. |
我拿到了 | Hey,I got one! I got one! |
-嗨 -嗨 | -Hi. -Hi. |
-上或下? -下樓,謝謝 | -Oh,up or down? -Oh. Down,please. |
我討厭搶男人的風頭 但可以由我來嗎? | I hate to be a ball-buster,but can I just do it? |
-麻煩你按上樓 -沒問題 | -Could you press up too? -Sure. |
-我真的很遺憾,我也曾摔斷過腿 -是嗎?你怎麼會摔斷腿? | -I feel bad. I broke my leg once too. -Yeah? How'd yours happen? |
說來話長 那有點丟臉 | Well,it's a long story,it's kind of embarrassing. |
那是性愛手冊排版上出了點小錯誤 | Let's just say there was a typographical error with a sex manual. |
-你呢? -車禍 | -How about you? -Car accident. |
有個白癡在打手機 沒注意看前面? | Some idiot on a cell phone wasn't paying attention? |
對,就是我 | Yeah. Me. |
-抱歉 -不,別那麼說 | -Sorry. -Oh,no. No,don't be. |
沒有別人受傷 我非常幸運 | Nobody else got hurt. And I was pretty lucky. |
我很高興你沒有大礙 | Well,I,for one,am glad you made it. |
是嗎?你並不認識我 | Are you sure? I mean,you don't know me. |
我可能是被派來 摧毀地球的外星人 | I could have been sent from another planet to destroy Earth. |
你連“下樓”按鈕都按不到 我想地球很安全 | Couldn't press the "down" button. I think Earth's okay. |
我的電梯來了 | Oh,hey,that's me. |
我想你是來探病的 | Hey,I take it you're just visiting someone. |
如果你有時間想拜訪其他人… | Well,if you have some time and you wanna visit someone else.. |
對,我很樂意 | Yeah,I would like that. |
-太棒了,我的房號是… -等一下,什麼?不,電梯 | -Great. I'm in room.. -Wait! What? No! Elevator! No! |
你得按下按鈕才行 | You gotta press the button. |
護士說 他們要送另一位女人過來 | The nurse said they're bringing in another woman. |
她懷孕了嗎? | Oh. Is she pregnant yet? |
她不需要 她還是能比我更快將孩子生下來 | She doesn't need to be. She'll still have the baby before I do. |
-羅斯,我又陣痛了 -好吧 | -Oh,Ross! Another contraction. -Oh,okay. Here,here. |
沒錯 | That's it. |
-聽起來好像很痛 -沒錯 | -Oh,that sounded like a bad one. -Yeah,it was. |
我的陣痛沒有那麼厲害 又來了 | Mine haven't been so bad. Oh,here comes one now. |
真的好痛 | Oh,that was a big one. |
那像是最痛的一次 你沒事吧?親愛的 | That was,like,the biggest one yet. Are you okay,honey? |
我沒事 | I'm okay,honey. |
我有壞消息 越來越痛了 | Well,I got some bad news. It gets worse. |
到了最後 它們真的很痛… | And when you get to the end,they get really big.. |
每分鐘就會來個一次 | and they come,like,every minute. |
我的陣痛間隔很短 我想… | Well,mine are pretty close together. I think.. |
-對不起 -沒關係 | -Excuse me. -Yeah,that's quite all right. |
對了,我是瓊安娜 你呢? | Oh,by the way,my name's Johanna. What's yours? |
對不起,你能幫我一下嗎? | Excuse me,could you help me with something? |
我在找一個男人 | I'm looking for a man. |
誰不是呢? | Well,who isn't? |
你不是 | You. You aren't. |
太好了 | Good for you. |
總之我在找 一個斷了一條腿的病人 | Anyway,the patient I'm looking for has a broken leg. |
他坐著輪椅,31到35歲 非常迷人 | He's in a wheelchair. He's early to mid-30s,very attractive. |
連你都會那麼想 | Even you would think so. |
-我知道你在說誰 -太棒了,他住幾號病房? | -I know who you're talking about. -Great! What room number is he in? |
抱歉 我們得對病人的資料保密 | I'm sorry. Patient information is confidential. |
我不會打擾他 我們剛剛說過話… | No,I'm not gonna bother him. We were talking earlier.. |
小姐,對不起 只有醫院人員能取得資料 | Ma'am,I'm sorry. That information is restricted to hospital staff. |
-她跟我是一起的,德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生 -哪個德瑞克醫生? | -She's with me. Dr. Drake Ramoray. -Dr. Drake who? |
雷莫瑞,那是葡萄牙姓 我們需要他的資料,我是醫生 | Ramoray. It's Portuguese. We need that information. I'm a doctor. |
-這間醫院的醫生? -該死,我們正在浪費寶貴的時間 | -A doctor at this hospital? -Damn it,we're losing precious time. |
你希望頭上 沾了這男人的血… | You want this man's blood on your head..? |
-是手 -手上 | -Hands. -Hands! |
你必須告訴我 他住幾號病房 | It is absolutely essential that you tell me what room he is staying in. |
他是我的病人 我治療他很多年了 | He's a patient of mine. I've treated him for years. |
-他住816號病房 -816,謝謝 | -He's in room 816. -816. Thank you. |
-他叫什麼名字? -不用 | -And what is his name? -No. |
-我想我們找到一個地方了 -好吧 | -I think we found a place. -Okay. |
等一下,你想增加一點氣氛嗎? | Wait. Wanna set the mood a little? |
喂,莫妮卡 | Hello,Monica. |
-不是那樣 -好吧 | -Not like that. -Oh,okay. |
-把燈關暗些 -好吧 | -We'll dim the lights. -Okay. |
或者通通關掉 | Or turn them out altogether. |
沒有精油蠟燭 好吧,我們上吧 | No scented candles. Okay,here. There we go. |
好吧 給我消毒,但沒關係 | Okay,okay. Making me sterile,but okay. |
對不起,等一下 我們有保險套嗎? | Okay. I'm sorry. Oh,wait. Do we have a condom? |
對了 | Oh,right! |
98點6度,你會沒事的 | Yes,98.6. You're gonna be fine. |
就是這裡 | This is it! |
-就是他 -太棒了,去找他吧 | -That's him! -Great. Go get him! |
等一下 或許你該先進去 | Wait a second. Or maybe you could go in first. |
他真的不是我喜歡的那一型 | He's not really my type. |
不是你,雷莫瑞醫生 問他問題,看看他是什麼樣的人 | Not you. Dr. Ramoray. Ask him questions and see what he's like. |
-大家會對醫生說出所有事 -你說他是個好男人 | -People tell doctors everything. -You said he was this great guy. |
我認識的男人一開始都很好 最後都成了大混蛋 | All the guys I meet seem nice at first,then turn out to be big jerks. |
-你的確吸引了一些爛男人 -對,我知道 | -You do attract some stinkers. -Yeah,I know. |
朗醫生 我已經等了17個小時 | Dr. Long,I've been at this for 17 hours. |
三個女人被推進來 又被推出去生下了孩子 | Three women have come and gone with their babies. |
你得給我好消息 我張開了幾公分?八?九? | You gotta give me good news. How many centimeters am I dilated? Eight? Nine? |
-三 -只有三公分? | -Three. -Just three? |
我才張開了三公分 | I'm dilated three! |
雖然進度有點慢 放心,你做的很好 | We are moving along just slowly. Don't worry,you're doing great. |
-我馬上回來 -謝謝 | -I'll be back soon. -Thank you. |
你知道嗎?我不等 我要把孩子生出來 | You know what? I'm not waiting. I'm gonna push this baby out. |
我要那麼做,三公分 大概是這麼大吧? | I'm doing it. Three centimeters. That's gotta be like this,right? |
-事實上是這麼大 -愚蠢的度量衡系統 | -Actually,it's more like this. -Oh,stupid metric system. |
我們得直接將你推到產房 | We're gonna need to take you straight to the delivery room. |
我的天啊 | Oh,for the love of God! |
孩子要出來了 | It's coming! It's coming! |
她生了 | And here it is! |
天啊 | Oh,come on! |
我是德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生 我得問你幾個例行的問題 | I'm Dr. Drake Ramoray. I have a few routine questions I need to ask you. |
真的嗎?一直是威爾斯醫生在治療我 | Really? I've been dealing with Dr. Wells. |
我是說,我是神經科醫生 為了預防萬一… | I know. I'm a neurologist. Just to be on the safe side.. |
威爾斯醫生需要更多相關資料 所以他請我過來 | Dr. Wells wanted a more comprehensive overview. So he sent me. |
威爾斯醫生是女的 | Dr. Wells is a woman! |
我是在考你,反應不錯 | That was a test. Good response. |
-好吧,全名 -克利夫伯奈特 | -All right. Full name? -Clifford Burnett. |
-生日 -1968年11月16日 | -Date of birth? -November 16,1968. |
年齡 | Age? |
-你不會自己算嗎? -我是醫生,不是數學家 | -Can't you figure that out? -I'm a doctor,not a mathematician. |
-33歲 -好吧 | -I'm 33. -Okay. |
-已婚嗎? -不 | -And are you married? -No. |
真的嗎?33歲還是單身? 你害怕許下承諾? | Oh,really? So 33 and single? Would you say you have commitment issues? |
所有的問題都是私人問題嗎? | Are all the questions this personal? |
對 | Yes. |
如果你想知道的話,我是鰥夫 | Well,if you must know,I'm a widower. |
-太可怕了,我真的很遺憾 -對 | -Oh,that's terrible. I'm really sorry. -Yeah. |
我太太五年前 因為輕度心肌梗塞過世 | I lost my wife five years ago to a mild cardial infarction. |
-她得了心臟病,醫生 -對,輕度心… | -A heart attack,doctor. -Oh,yeah. Well,yeah,mild car.. |
你會頭暈嗎? | Are you experiencing any dizziness? |
不會 | No. |
-疼痛有加劇嗎? -沒有 | -Has the pain been getting worse? -No. |
你會跟女人上了床後 不再打電話給她們嗎? | Do you sleep with women and never call them again? |
-不會 -太棒了 | -No. -Excellent. Excellent. |
最後是 你有奇怪的性癖好嗎? | And finally,are you into any weird stuff,you know,sexually? |
-沒有 -答錯了 | -No! -Wrong answer. |
-這個房間是空的 -好吧,等一下,聽我說 | -This room's available. -Okay! Wait,you listen to me! |
已經有四個女人… | Since I have been waiting,four women.. |
一共是四個 比我子宮頸張開的公分數還多一個 | that's four,one higher than the number of centimeters I'm dilated.. |
進來這裡,又被推出去生孩子 下一個是我,輪到我了,那才公平 | have come and gone with their babies. I'm next. It's my turn. It's only fair. |
如果你再推個女人進來 她又比我先生,我要告你 | If you bring in one more woman who has her baby before me,I will sue you. |
不是這家醫院,我要告你 我先生是律師 | Not this hospital. I'm gonna sue you. My husband is a lawyer. |
-瑞秋 -你別管這件事 | -Rach? -You get back on that case,honey! |
我想下一位產婦 不會太快生 | I don't think the next patient is very far along. |
好吧,把她推進來 | Okay. Well,then bring her in. |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
我不敢相信 | I can't believe this! |
但這是真的 | And yet,somehow,it's true. |
我是說這太棒了 我們可以指腹為婚 | I mean,this is so great. We're gonna be baby buddies! |
把你的雙腿併攏 別讓寶寶聽見了 | Squeeze your legs together and cover the baby's ears. |
-嗨,親愛的 -嗨,親愛的 | -Hi,sweetie! -Hi,sweetheart. |
他是我丈夫希德,你們應該沒見過他 羅斯,瑞秋,他是希德 | This is my husband,Sid. I don't think you've met him. Ross,Rachel,this is Sid. |
一年前我在皮膚科診所 認識他 | I nabbed him a year ago at the dermatologist's office. |
還好我長了成人型青春痘 | Thank God for adult acne! |
我還是不敢相信 我是全世界最幸運的人 | I still can't believe it. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
他說什麼? | What'd he say? |
你得大聲一點 他幾乎快聾了 | You have to speak very loudly,he's almost completely deaf. |
-沒錯 -那當然 | -Oh,there you go. -Of course he is. |
恭喜你們 我不知道你們結婚了 | Congratulations,you two. I didn't even know you got married. |
-我們沒結婚 -什麼? | -Oh,we didn't. -What? |
我們只是要生下我們的孩子 就是那樣 | We're just having this baby together,but that's all,you know. |
為什麼? | Why? |
我們還沒有到那個程度,知道嗎? 但我們很期待寶寶的出生 | We're just not in that place,you know? But we're very excited about this. |
那樣我就沒話說了 | Oh. Well,then shut me up. |
告訴我我該怎麼做 | Just tell me how. |
我又開始陣痛了 | Oh,I feel another one coming. |
希德,你這個幸運的聾子 | Sid,you lucky,deaf bastard. |
-還有呢? -他33歲 | -What else? What else? -He's 33. |
是個鰥夫 | A widower. |
他似乎是個標準男人 他沒有奇怪的性癖好 | He seemed like a standup guy. And he's not into anything weird sexually. |
菲比要出馬了 | Enter Phoebe! |
我們該告訴瑞秋 她隔壁就有一間單人待產室嗎? | Should we tell Rachel there's an empty private room right next door to hers? |
沒錯,或許我們可以在這裡做愛 | We could. Or we could have sex in it. |
讓我邊脫褲子邊想 | Well,let me think about that while I remove my pants! |
好吧,先生,讓我受孕吧 | Okay,mister! Fertilize me! |
那是珍妮絲的聲音嗎? | Does that sound like Janice? |
如果不是的話,就是有個人很像她 | If it's not,then there's two of them. |
那表示世界末日到了 | And that would mean it's the end of the world! |
嘿 | Hey. |
-嘿 -嗨 | -Hey. -Hi. |
我不敢相信要這麼久 你還好嗎? | I can't believe this is taking so long. How you doing? |
還不錯,你知道試著 將聖伯納犬從屁股推出來的感覺嗎? | Not bad. You know that feeling,trying to blow a Saint Bernard out your ass? |
很快會有人叫她“媽” | And soon someone will call her "Mom." |
真的太奇怪了,我聽到… | Weirdest thing. Did I hear..? |
上帝他母親的,是真的 | Mother of God,it's true! |
錢德賓 | Chandler Bing! |
珍妮絲 | Janice. |
不只那樣,珍妮絲要生了 她正在陣痛 | Not just Janice. Janice in labor. Contracting and everything. |
這應該很容易 我的骨盆很寬 | Oh,this should be easy. I have a very wide pelvis. |
你應該記得的,錢德 | You remember,Chandler. |
我為你感到難過 | I feel so bad for you. |
她是你的前女友,我前男友是理查 | She's your ex. And I have Richard. |
珍妮絲 我不知道你懷孕了 | Janice,I didn't even know you were pregnant. |
你偷走了哪個笨蛋的心? | Who's the unwitting human whose essence you've stolen? |
這是你的孩子 | It's you. |
這是你的孩子 | This is yours. |
什麼? | What? |
看他有多緊張 我們好幾年沒上過床了 | Look how nervous he gets! We haven't slept together in years! |
那真的很有趣,會痛嗎? 生產會痛嗎? | That's funny. Does it hurt? Does the labor hurt? |
好吧,我想到一個 如果非吃不可,你要吃哪一個? | Okay,I've got one for you. If you had to,which would you eat? |
千里眼的小狗或會說話的猩猩? | A Seeing Eye dog or a talking gorilla? |
我猜是會說話的猩猩 | I'd have to say the talking gorilla. |
因為至少我可以跟他解釋 是你逼我吃掉他 | Because at least I could explain to him that you're making me eat him. |
-有人念過大學 -對 | -Oh. Somebody went to college. -Yeah. |
怎麼了?對不起 | Wow. What is it? I'm sorry. |
對不起,我的腳好癢 | I'm sorry. My foot itches like crazy. |
讓我來吧 | Oh. I'll get it. |
通常我會跟女人混熟後 才會讓她用湯匙幫我搔癢 | I usually get to know a girl better before I let her spoon me. |
別激動,它不是叉子 | Relax. It's not like we're forking. |
太棒了 | When. When. |
謝謝,聽著 | Thank you. Listen. |
你一定是個湯匙高手 | You seem to really know what to do with a utensil. |
你願意跟我共進晚餐嗎? | Would you like to go to dinner sometime? |
-我很樂意 -是嗎? | -Yeah,I'd really like that. -Yeah? |
對,我發誓不會逼你吃聰明的動物 | Yeah. And I promise I won't make you eat any remarkable animals. |
我在想… | I was thinking.. |
我想追求你 | I'd kind of like to make a move. |
但我的腿不方便 | But,you know,with the leg. |
對 | Oh,yeah. |
或許需要一點幫忙 | Maybe a little help. |
好吧 | Okay. |
我來幫你拉枕頭 | Let me fix your pillow. |
克利夫,你太猴急了 | Cliff,you're so forward. |
很高興認識你們 | Oh,it was really nice meeting you. |
希德 | Sid! |
那是我第一次聽到她的聲音 | That's the first time I heard her voice. |
我不在乎 | I didn't care for it. |
一共是五個,羅斯 五個女人生了五個孩子… | Oh,that's five,Ross. Five women have had five babies.. |
我還是沒生 | and I have had no babies. |
她為什麼不肯出來? | Why doesn't she want to come out? |
你知道我在想什麼嗎? 我想九個月來… | You know what I think it is? I think you made such a nice home for her.. |
她在你的身體裡很舒服 所以她不想離開 | over the last nine months that she just doesn't want to leave. |
你甚至在瞎掰哄我 | Oh,look at you making up crap for me. |
-天啊 -好吧 | -Oh,God. -Okay. Okay. |
21小時,你是英雄 | Twenty-one hours. You're a hero. |
醫生,你得想想辦法 給我藥… | Doctor,you gotta do something! Get me drugs.. |
或是放火 把她熏出來 | or light a fire up in there and just smoke it out! |
事實上 我想你可以進產房了 | Actually,I think you're ready to go to the delivery room. |
什麼? | What? |
開了10公分了 你快當媽媽了 | Ten centimeters. You're about to become a mom. |
天啊,好吧 | Oh,my God. Okay. |
打敗你了,混蛋,寶貝 | Beat you,sucker! Oh,baby. |
這是剛剛你拿來 幫我搔癢的湯匙嗎? | Is this the same spoon that was in my cast? |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
這支才是 | This one is. |
天啊 他就是剛剛來看過我的醫生 | Oh,my God! That's the doctor who was in my room before. |
那一定是醫院裡的 閉路電視系統 | Well,it must be one of those closed-circuit hospital channels. |
不,那是肥皂劇 | No,no. That's a soap opera. |
這是家充滿戲劇性的醫院 | This is a very dramatic hospital. |
我是說 電視裡的那個人剛剛來過… | I'm telling you,the guy from that show was here.. |
還問了我一些怪問題 | asking me all these weird questions. |
好吧,幻想先生 | Okay,Mr. Percocet. |
我發誓就是他 | I swear to you,that's the guy. |
好吧,克利夫 | Okay,Cliff. |
你真的相信電視明星 來過你的房間? | Do you really believe that a character from a TV show was here in your room? |
很可能是你在看電視 結果睡著了… | What probably happened was you were watching this,you drifted off to sleep.. |
你夢到他來過這裡 | and you dreamt he was here. |
瑞秋要生了 | Rachel's having her baby! |
身為神經科醫生的我 沒有興趣,我… | Which is of no interest to me as a neurologist. I.. |
就是他,你認識他? | That's him! You know him? |
醒一醒,克利夫 | Wake up,Cliff! |
發生了什麼事? | What is going on? |
好吧,我…好吧 | Okay. Okay. I.. Okay. |
我派我朋友喬伊 來調查你 | I sent my friend,Joey,in here to find out stuff about you. |
如果…如果你想知道的話 我們覺得你是個好人 | If it.. You know,if it helps,you came off great. |
比現在的我好多了 | A lot better than I'm coming off right now. |
我不敢相信 你要他假扮醫生? | I don't believe this. You got him to pretend he was a fake doctor? |
假扮?對不起,喂 | Fake? Excuse me? Hello? |
-你要我以為自己瘋了? -那是不對的,我非常抱歉 | -You tried making me think I was crazy? -That was wrong. I'm so sorry. |
那只是因為我非常喜歡你 我們能重新開始嗎? | It's just that I liked you so much. Can we just start over? |
我不那麼認為 | I don't think so. |
我可以說話嗎? 你跟我透露了很多你的私事 | If I may? You told me a lot of personal stuff about you,right? |
或許你應該知道 一些關於她的私事 | Now,maybe it would help if you knew some personal stuff about her. |
她曾跟男同志冰舞選手結婚 | She was married to a gay ice dancer. |
她幫她弟弟 生下三胞胎 | She gave birth to her brother's triplets. |
她的雙胞胎姐姐是A片演員 | Her twin sister used to do porn. |
-我們不想聽那些瘋狂的事 -對 | -We're trying to dial down the crazy. -Right. |
我們並不認識彼此 要忘了這些很容易… | We don't really know each other,so it'd be easy to forget about this.. |
但我們對彼此有感覺 我不知道你是怎麼樣… | but there's something between us. I don't know about you.. |
但我不是常常遇到這種事 | but that doesn't happen to me a lot. |
-我也是 -我也是 | -It doesn't happen to me either. -Me neither! |
-瑞秋要生了 -對 | -The baby! Rachel! -Right,right! |
我喜歡這場戲 | Oh,I love this scene. |
聽著,我也得走了 | Okay,look. I gotta go too. |
但…你覺得呢? 我們能一起吃晚餐嗎? | But.. What do you say? Can we just have that dinner? |
三胞胎 | The triplets. |
你跟你弟弟沒有… | You and your brother didn't..? |
不,他們植入了胚胎 | No! No,they implanted embryos. |
-那麼我們可以去吃晚餐 -太棒了 | -Then dinner sounds great. -Great! Okay. |
好吧,待會見 | All right,then I'll see you later. |
我們的朋友要生了 | Our friend's having a baby. |
-那是她自己的孩子? -對 | -Her own? -Oh,yeah. Yeah. |
不,她真的很傳統 | No,she's really old-fashioned. |
用力 你得再用力推五秒 | Push. Push. We're gonna push for five more seconds. |
五,四… | Five,four.. |
三,二,一 | Three,two,one! Oh! |
下一次陣痛 是20秒後 | The next contraction should be in about 20 seconds. |
-我沒辦法再用力了 -你表現的很好 | -I can't push anymore! -You're doing great. |
天啊,還要20秒耶 | Oh,God! Twenty seconds,my ass! |
來吧,繼續用力 | Here we go. Okay,keep pushing. |
-來吧 -推,等一下 | -Come on. -Push. Wait. |
-我看到東西了 -什麼?真的嗎?我的天啊 | -I see something. -What,you do? You do? Oh,my God! |
-別說“我的天啊”,什麼? -那是什麼? | -Don't say "Oh,my God!" What?! -What is that? |
寶寶的屁股,她倒過來了 | The baby's buttocks. She's breech. |
-我以為她有兩個頭 -天啊 | -I thought she had two heads. -Oh,God! |
她沒事吧? | Is she gonna be okay? |
-她沒事的 -好吧 | -She's gonna be fine. -Okay. |
她的胎位不正 你得更用力推 | She's in a more difficult position,so you have to push harder now. |
-好吧 -就是那樣,推 | -Okay. -That's it. Push. Push. |
你得更用力推 | You're gonna have to push even harder. |
-抱歉,我辦不到 -不,我知道你辦得到 | -I'm sorry,I can't! I can't! -Yes,you can. I know you can do this. |
我不知道 拜託,幫我推吧 | I had no idea. Please,you do it for me! |
來吧,再一次 最後一次,準備好了嗎?一,二,三 | Let's go. One more time. One final push. Ready? One,two,three. |
很好 | Good. |
繼續用力 | Keep pushing! |
你沒事吧? | Are you okay? |
你不知道那有多痛 | You have no idea how much this hurts. |
繼續用力 | Keep going! Keep going! |
好了 | Here we go! |
寶寶胎位不正,但她要出來了 | She's upside down,but she's coming! |
-天啊 -我的天啊 | -Oh,God! -Oh! Oh,my God! |
天啊,她出來了 | Oh,my God,she's here. |
她太完美了 | Oh,she's perfect. |
哇,她好小 | Oh,wow! Oh,she's so tiny. |
-她要去哪裡? -他們得先把她包起來 | -Where'd she go? -They're just wrapping her up. |
好吧,小心一點 她真的很小 | Okay. Well,be careful with her,she's really tiny. |
來吧 | Here she is. |
謝謝你終於出來了 | Oh,thanks for coming out of me. |
我知道 | I know. Oh. |
她在看我,嗨,我認識你 | She's looking at me. Hi. I know you. |
-你們取好名字了嗎? -還沒有 | -Do we have a name yet? -No,not yet. |
沒關係 先叫她格林之女 | That's fine. For now we'll just call her Baby Girl Greene. |
不,蓋勒格林之女 | Oh,no. Baby Girl Geller-Greene. |
嗨,小女孩 | Hello,Baby Girl. |
-我們能進去嗎? -請進 | -Can we come in? -Oh,come on in. |
-她在那裡 -她好漂亮 | -Oh,there she is. -Oh,she's so beautiful. |
來吧 | Here. |
天啊,她好神奇 | Oh,my God. She's amazing. |
我很高興 你們喝醉後上了床 | Oh,I'm so glad you guys got drunk and had sex. |
太不可思議了 前一分鐘她還在你肚子裡… | It's incredible. I mean,one minute she's inside you.. |
47小時後她就出現了 | and then 47 hours later,here she is. |
她看起來好真實 | She looks so real. |
你們瞭解我的意思 | You know what I mean. |
她是個小寶貝 | She's this whole tiny little person. |
她已經有眼睫毛 膝蓋跟… | And she already has eyelashes and knees and.. |
-什麼? -不,沒事 | -What? -Oh,no,no. It's okay. |
剛剛我以為她有六根手指 但有一根是另一隻手的,沒事 | For a second,I counted six fingers,but one was from the other hand. So we're good. |
-好了,輪到我了 -菲比阿姨 | -Okay,my turn. My turn. -Aunt Phoebe. |
寶貝,你好可愛 | Oh,baby. Oh,you're so cute! |
我可以捏碎你小小的頭 | Oh,I could squeeze your little head. |
我不會那麼做的 | I won't. |
-親愛的,怎麼了? -沒事,我只是不由自主地哭了 | -Honey,what's the matter? -Nothing. I just can't stop crying. |
醫生說這很正常 都是荷爾蒙害的,而且還會睡不著 | The doctor said it's normal,with all the hormones,plus you're sleep-deprived. |
你們都會失眠 | So. You guys are all sleep-deprived. |
我沒看過你因為鞋子穿錯腳 就哭個不停 | I don't see you weeping because you put your slippers on the wrong feet. |
天啊 | Oh,God. |
-怎麼了? -我又想起來了 | -What's the matter now? -I was reliving it. |
你們幫她 取好名字了嗎? | Do you know what you're gonna call her yet? |
等一下,她不是叫女孩嗎? 我覺得那個名字很有創意 | Wait,it's not gonna be Baby Girl? I thought that was so original. |
事實上 我們正在考慮兩個名字 | Actually,we've narrowed it down to two names. |
你知道嗎?兩個名字我都很喜歡 你們幫忙挑一個 | And you know what? I love them both. So just pick one,and that'll be it. |
好吧,大夥們… | Wow,okay. Everyone.. |
她是伊莎貝拉 | this is lsabella. |
-嗨,伊莎貝拉 -嗨 | -Hi,lsabella! -Hi. |
什麼? | What? |
那不是她的名字 | That's not her name. |
抱歉 她感覺上不像伊莎貝拉 | I'm sorry,she just doesn't feel like an lsabella. |
我猜弗迪南出局了 | So then I guess Ferdinand is out. |
-另一個名字是什麼? -黛利拉(《聖經》中參孫的情婦,後出賣參孫) | -What was the other one? -Delilah. |
太棒了 突然間她成了聖經裡的妓女 | Oh,great! Suddenly she sounds like a biblical whore. |
我猜還是叫她女孩吧 | So I guess we're back to Baby Girl. |
我們該怎麼辦? | What are we gonna do? |
-沒關係,你們會想到好名字的 -你說的倒容易 | -It's okay. You'll find a name. -Easy for you to say. |
你已經知道 你的孩子要叫什麼名字了 | You already know what your kids' names will be. |
-是嗎? -我14歲時就幫他們取好了名字 | -You do? -I had them picked out since I was 14. |
不,你的寶寶會以點心 或烘烤食物的名字來命名吧? | Oh,no,it's gonna be named after some snack or baked good,isn't it? |
-告訴我們你想了什麼名字 -好吧,如果是男孩的話就叫丹尼爾 | -Well,tell us,what are they? -Okay. If it's a boy,it's Daniel. |
-如果是女孩呢? -我不想說 | -And if it's a girl? -I don't wanna say. |
少來了,告訴我們 我們不會搶走它的 | Oh,stop. Tell us. We're not gonna want it. |
好吧,她叫艾瑪 | Okay. It's Emma. |
艾瑪 | Emma. |
看吧,我不喜歡它 | See,I don't want it. |
你還想到其他你不會用的 完美名字嗎? | Do you have any other totally perfect names that you're not gonna use? |
-拿去吧 -什麼? | -Take it. -What? |
她真的很適合叫艾瑪 | She's clearly an Emma. |
親愛的,但你喜歡那個名字 | Oh,honey,but you love that name. |
對,但我更愛你 | Yeah,but I love you more. |
而且什麼名字都跟賓不配 所以我是死定了 | Besides,nothing goes with Bing. So I'm screwed. |
嗨,艾瑪 | Hi,Emma. |
對,就是你 | Yep,that's you. |
你是我們的小艾瑪 | You're our little Em. |
怎麼了?親愛的 | What's that,honey? |
什麼? | What? |
你要個小表妹? | Oh,you want a little cousin? |
你現在就要? | You want a cousin right now? |
你們覺得 我看起來像個大精子或… | Do I look like a giant sperm to all of you,or..? |
(清潔間) | |
-那真的是太神奇了 -我知道 | -That was amazing. -I know. |
你知道我們很可能 已經永遠地改變了我們的生活嗎? | Hey,do you realize that we may have just changed our lives forever? |
我們可能已經開始組成了我們的家庭 九個月後我們可能會來這裡… | We may have started our family. In nine months we could be here.. |
生下我們的孩子 | having our own baby. |
要是沒辦法的話 我們得把寶寶生在桶子裡 | And if not,we got to do it on a bucket. |
我非常愛你 | I love you so much. |
-是嗎? -對 | -Oh,yeah? -Yeah. |
你想再做一次嗎? | You wanna do it again? |
這次是為了我們? | This time just for us? |
或許吧 | Probably. |
亞朗利普曼古拉尼克 要跟他未來的新娘打個招呼 | Aaron Lipman-Guralnick would like to say hello to his future bride. |
他真的會讓人說不出話來 對吧? | Wow,he kind of takes your breath away,doesn't he? |
他是個謙虛的人 | He's a keeper. |
看看那個小可愛 | Look at the little munchkin. |
別擔心 當你大到可以跟他約會時… | Don't you worry. By the time you're old enough to date him.. |
他會有個不一樣的鼻子 | he's gonna have a different nose. |
-你覺得如何? -我很好 | -How you feeling? -Oh,I'm fine. |
我真的很佩服你做的事 你要自己撫養她 | I really admire what you're doing. Just raising her all alone. |
我不是一個人,我有羅斯 | I'm not doing it alone. I have Ross. |
現在是的,如果他認識別人結了婚 那時又會是怎麼樣的呢? | Sure. Now. But what happens when he meets somebody else and gets married? |
他會離婚的 那就是羅斯 | Well,then he gets a divorce. It's Ross. |
我得告訴你,瑞秋,聽珍妮絲的話 | I'm telling you,Rachel,listen to Janice. |
男人都說他們會在 但他們會成立自己的家庭 | They all say they're gonna be there,until they start their real family. |
-羅斯不會那麼做的 -以前我也那麼相信 | -That's never gonna happen with Ross. -That's what I thought. |
如果我的孩子能跟她爸 及新的波霸小姐共度一個週末… | I'm lucky if my kid gets to spend a weekend with her father.. |
那算我運氣好 | and little Miss New Boobs. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
我討厭跟你這麼說… | I hate to be the one to say it.. |
但你們兩個得靠自己 | but,honey,you two are on your own. |
那是…你知道的,那是… | Well,that's.. You know,that's.. |
我們已經單獨相處了20分鐘 我們表現的很好 | We've been alone for the last 20 minutes and we're doing okay. |
或許我們不會孤單的 | Maybe we won't be alone. |
因為最近 我跟羅斯之間有些事發生 | Because lately things have been happening between me and Ross. |
我來醫院前 我們還接了吻,你知道嗎? | And right before I went into labor,we had this kiss. You know? |
或許那會是個開始 | So it might be the beginning of something. |
-嗨,珍妮絲 -嗨 | -Hey,Janice. -Oh,hi. |
這個小傢伙是誰? | Who's this little guy? |
-亞朗,那是你未來的岳父 -不 | -Aaron,your future son-in-law. -Oh,no,no. |
不 | No. |
-我讓你們一家人好好獨處 -好吧 | -I'm gonna leave you three alone. -Okay. |
天啊,你看到那孩子的鼻子了嗎? | Man,you see the kid on that nose? |
你知道我剛剛想到什麼嗎? | You know what I was thinking about? |
我們出門前的那個吻 那真的很特別吧? | That kiss before we left the apartment. That was something,huh? |
對,真的是 | Yeah. Yeah,it really was. |
但我們…我們得小心點 | But we.. We gotta be careful. |
我們…你知道的 我們不能讓歷史重演 | We.. You know,we can't let that happen again,you know? |
對 | Right. |
-我們不希望再發生那種事 -對,所以我才會跟你提這件事 | -We don't want to go down that road. -No. That's why I brought it up. |
-他們沒有汽水嗎? -天啊,對不起 | -They didn't have any sodas? -Oh,my God. I'm sorry. |
我忙著跟護士說話 完全忘了 | I was talking to this nurse. Completely forgot. |
現在就已經開始了 | And so it begins. |
她在裡面嗎? | She in there? |
對,護士正把她放在床上 那就是她 | Yeah. She's putting her down now. That's her. |
每個寶寶都很漂亮 那真的很神奇吧? | Isn't it amazing how every baby is beautiful? |
除了那個以外 | Except that one. |
這是什麼?寵物動物園嗎? | What is this? A petting zoo? |
你看,快看艾瑪 | Look. Look at Emma. |
我無法決定 她長得像你或瑞秋 | I can't decide who she looks like,you or Rachel. |
什麼?你在開玩笑嗎? 她美極了,完全是瑞秋的遺傳 | Oh,what,are you kidding? She's gorgeous! It's all Rachel. |
對不起,這是我最後一次問你 你們兩個為什麼不結婚? | I'm sorry. For the last time,why aren't you two together again? |
不,我知道 因為你們沒有到那個程度 | No,I know. Because you're not in that place. |
那真的很棒 但事實上你們真的到了 | Which would be fine,except you totally are. |
情況很複雜,好嗎? | It's complicated,okay? |
對,那是真的 | Yeah,that's true. |
你一直都愛著她 你們生了一個孩子 | You love her,you always have,you have a child together. |
沒有答案是百分之百的正確 | There's no right answer. |
我們曾經交往過 後來分手,複合後又分手 | Look,we've been together. Then apart. Then together,then apart. |
現在我們生了一個孩子 | And now we have a baby. |
如果我們又複合 結果還是不行… | It's just,if we got together again and it didn't work out.. |
我不會對艾瑪那麼做 | I could never do that to Emma. |
她來到這個世界 想像每件事都…這是我的想法 | I mean,she came into this world thinking everything.. Now me. |
什麼? 他們在水裡放東西? | What,do they put something in the water here? |
瑞秋跟我 現在過得很好 | It's just,Rachel and l,we're doing really well now. |
我知道,如果你想更進一步 就得突破現狀 | I know. If you try to make it more,you might wreck it. |
-沒錯 -對 | -Yeah,exactly. -Right. |
或許你可以得到 你從15歲開始夢想的世界 | Or you might get everything you've wanted since you were 15. |
嘿 | Hey. |
我看到一個女人 同時在喂雙胞胎母乳 | I saw a woman breast-feeding twins at the same time. |
那真的很像怪物秀 | It is like a freak show up here. |
-怎麼了? -沒事 | -What's the matter? -Nothing. |
怎麼了?嘿 | What is it? Hey. |
-真的沒事,我… -瑞秋,別這樣,什麼? | -Really,it's nothing. I'm.. -Rach,come on. What? |
我一直在想 我跟寶寶要怎麼獨自活下去 | I've just been thinking about how my baby and I are gonna be all alone. |
你在說什麼?羅斯呢? | What are you talking about? What about Ross? |
拜託,他會有自己的家庭 雙胞胎跟新波霸小姐 | Please. He'll be with his real family. The twins and little Miss New Boobs. |
好吧 我看那個女人多久了? | Okay,how long was I watching that woman? |
我那麼說… | I'm just saying that,you know.. |
因為有一天 羅斯會認識別人… | someday Ross is gonna meet somebody.. |
他會去過自己的生活 | and he's gonna have his own life. |
對吧? | Right? |
我猜你說的對 | Yeah,I guess so. |
我沒有想過 我要自己撫養這個寶寶 | I just never thought I'd be raising this baby all by myself. |
那真的很傻吧? | That's pretty dumb,huh? |
你得聽我說,聽著 | Hey,you listen to me. Listen to me. |
你永遠都不會是一個人 | You are never,ever gonna be alone. |
好吧? 我發誓我不會讓那種事發生 | Okay? I promise I won't let that happen. |
喬伊,喔,親愛的 沒有你我該怎麼辦? | Joey. Oh,sweetie,what would I do without you? |
你不必擔心,好嗎? | You don't have to worry about that,okay? |
你能再幫我 拿盒面紙來嗎? | Could you grab me my other box of tissues? |
-就在羅斯的外套下面 -沒問題 | -They're under Ross' coat. -Sure. |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God! |
喬伊 | Joey? |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God. |
好吧 | Okay. |
喬伊? | Joey? |
喔,我的天啊! | Oh,my God. |
好吧 | Okay. |
那麼… | So.. |
我想我們應該要正式點,對吧? | I guess we should make it official,huh? |
聽著,瑞秋,我… | Look,Rach,I.. |
嘿,羅斯來了! 嘿,瞧我的好朋友羅斯來了! | Hey,Ross is here! Hey,look,it's my good friend Ross! |
-嘿,羅斯 -嘿,喬伊 | - Hey,Ross. - Hey,Joey. |
-嘿,你好 -嘿,你好 | - Hey,you. - Hey,you. |
還有花耶!謝了,羅斯 我比較是那種會送糖果的人 | And he brought flowers! Thanks,Ross. I'm really more of a candy kind of guy. |
你今天真詭異 | You're weird today. |
我有事想跟你談 | Listen,I wanted to talk to you about something. |
事實上,我也需要跟你談談 | Yeah. Actually,I kind of need to talk to you too. |
-喬伊,你可以回避一下嗎? -辦不到 | - Joey,could you give us a minute? - No. |
-什麼? -我很抱歉,我是說做不到 | - What? - I'm sorry. I meant,"No." |
嘿,瞧瞧誰來了 | Hi. Hey,look who's here. |
我的孫女在哪呢? 我一直在練習變魔術 | Where's my granddaughter? I've been practicing my magic tricks. |
他從我耳後變出一個銅板 | He pulled a quarter out of my ear. |
-嘿,媽呢? -她去接莉蒂阿姨 | - Hey,where's Mom? - She went to pick up Aunt Liddy. |
莉蒂阿姨要來? 那我們又可以有錢拿囉! | Aunt Liddy's coming? That means we get $5 each! |
我何時才可以見到艾瑪 然後表演這個給她看呢? | So when do I get to meet Emma and show her this: |
好耶,哇 | Okay,wow. |
艾瑪在育嬰室 如果你要看她,我現在就帶你去 | Emma's in the nursery. I'll take you now if you want. |
-但是我真的想要跟你談談 -我知道,我也要跟你談談 | - But I really want to talk to you. - I know. I still need to talk to you. |
但是在你們談之前 我需要跟你談談 | But before you guys do that,I need to talk to you. |
還有羅斯,我需要跟你談談 | And Ross,I need to talk to you. |
-而我需要跟你談談 -談什麼? | - And I need to talk to you. - About what? |
看你知不知道他們是要談什麼 | To see if you know what these guys are talking about. |
無人求婚 | The.One.Where.No.One.Proposes |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
她真是漂亮 | Isn't she beautiful? |
瞧瞧她,我第一個孫子 | Look at her,my first grandchild. |
那班算什麼? | What about Ben? |
喔,班,當然也是 我指的是我的第一個孫女 | Well,of course,Ben. I meant my first granddaughter. |
天啊,她真是漂亮 她看起來好像瑞秋,是吧? | God,isn't she beautiful? Doesn't she look just like Rachel? |
我知道大家都一直這樣說 但是我倒覺得是像範·迪塞爾(好萊塢最佳猛男代表) | I know everybody keeps saying that,but all I see is Vin Diesel. |
你覺得我們的小孩會像誰? | What do you think our baby will look like? |
喔,天啊,拜託,要像你 | Oh,God. Please. You. |
但是他會有我的幽默感覺 | But it'll have my sense of humor. |
-你有想過跟瑞秋之間的可能性嗎? -有啊… | Have you thought any more about you and Rachel?Yeah |
事實上當你們進來時 我本來正要問她 | actually I was gonna talk to her when you guys came in the room. |
真是太好了!哇 | That's so exciting! Wow. |
即使我們在,你也可以開口啊 | You could've done that with us there. |
-是啊,沒錯 -當然,是啊 | - Yeah,right. - Sure. Okay. |
你能在我們面前自摸 卻不能在我們面前跟瑞秋談 | You can touch yourself in front of us,but you can't talk to Rachel. |
什麼?我何時在你們面前摸過我自己? | What? When have I ever touched myself in front of you guys? |
喔,拜託,就在不久前 當你在客廳睡著時 | Oh,please. Just before,when you were asleep in the lounge. |
那些亞美尼亞人都不看電視 反而在看你 | That Armenian family was watching you instead of the TV. |
這倒提醒了我 我的任天堂還在賀斯梅先生那裡 | That reminds me. That Mr. Hazmegian still has my Game Boy. |
-錢德,我可以跟你談一下嗎? -當然 | - Chandler,can I talk to you for a second? - Sure. |
兄弟,我剛做了一件很糟糕的事 | Dude,I just did something terrible. |
原來是你做的,我以為是傑克 | That was you? I thought it was Jack. |
不,那件事是傑克幹的 瑞秋以為我跟她求婚 | No,no. That was Jack. Rachel thinks I asked her to marry me. |
-什麼?她為什麼會那樣以為呢? -因為看起來好像是我跟她求婚了 | - What? Why does she think that? - Because it kind of looked like I did. |
再說一次,什麼? | Again,what? |
好啦,我單膝跪在地上 手中拿著戒指… | Okay,I was down on one knee with the ring in my hand.. |
像每個男人在一天當中 的某個時候都會做的 | As we all are at some point during the day. |
那不是我的戒指 是從羅斯的夾克掉出來的 | It wasn't my ring. It fell out of Ross' jacket.. |
然後當我蹲下去要把它撿起來時 瑞秋以為我是在求婚 | and when I knelt down to pick it up,Rachel thought I was proposing. |
羅斯準備了戒指? 他要求婚? | Ross had a ring? And he was gonna propose? |
-我想是吧 -而你搶在他之前先做了? | - I guess. - And you did it first? |
他會很不爽的 你明知道他有多愛求婚這檔事 | This is gonna kill him. You know how much he loves to propose. |
我知道,這真是太糟糕了 | I know. I know. It's awful. |
那她怎麼回答呢? | Well,what did she say? |
她答應了 | She said,"Yes." |
你在微笑 | You're smiling. |
我沒有 | No,I'm not. |
你有,我從你的嘴型就可以看出來 | Yes,you are. I can tell by the way your mouth is. |
羅斯知道嗎? | Does Ross know? |
喔,我的天啊 我該怎麼告訴他呢? | Oh,my God. What the hell am I gonna tell him? |
-或許你根本不用告訴他 -正合我意 | - Maybe you don't have to tell him. - I like that. Yeah. |
如果你先去跟瑞秋解釋清楚 羅斯就永遠不需要知道了 | If you clear things up with Rachel,Ross never needs to find out. |
但你必須在他發現而痛扁你之前 趕快行動 | But you have to do it before he hears about it and kicks your ass. |
好吧,我們不要分心了 | All right,let's not get carried away. |
我想要個小孩 | I want a baby. |
親愛的,我們已經討論過了 我必須要先轉過來才行 | Honey,we've been over this. I need to be facing the other way. |
如果我們再做愛 那我懷孕的機率就會增加一倍 | If we have sex again,it'll double our chances of getting pregnant. |
-我想那間更衣室現在還是沒有人 -我好累喔 | - I think that closet's still available. - I am so tired. |
-好啦,但是說好沒有前戲喔 -沒問題! | - Yeah,okay,but no foreplay. - Deal! |
爸,拜託 | Dad,seriously! |
你應該要找醫生檢查看看了 | You know,you really should see someone about that. |
知道了 | Noted. |
我要去找瑞秋談談 你自己一個人在這裡沒問題吧 | I wanna go talk to Rachel for a minute. Are you gonna be okay alone for a bit? |
你在開玩笑嗎? 我可以目不轉睛的看著她 | Are you kidding me? I could stay and look at her forever. |
事實上… | Actually.. |
-嘿 -嗨 | - Hey. - Hi. |
你還好嗎? | Are you all right? |
-我想我剛訂婚了 -喔,天啊!他求婚了 | - I think I just got engaged. - Oh,my God! He did it? |
什麼?你知道他要求婚嗎? | What? Did you know he was gonna ask me? |
你在開玩笑嗎? 我就是那個慫恿他的人 | Are you kidding? I'm,like,the one who talked him into it. |
我喜歡當我們這群人的玩偶操縱大師 | I like to think of myself as the puppet master of the group. |
-你真認為這是個好主意嗎? -我才剛慫恿了他 | - And you really think this is a good idea? - I just talked him into it. |
別連你也要我慫恿才行 | Don't tell me I have to do you too? |
-玩偶操縱大師也是會累的,拜託 -好吧 | - The puppet master gets tired,people. - Okay. |
我不知道,總覺得怪怪的 | I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. |
為什麼?你們倆是註定要在一起的 大家都這麼認為 | Why? You two are so meant to be together. Everybody thinks so. |
真的?即使羅斯也是這樣想? | Really? Even Ross? |
羅斯更是這樣想 | Especially Ross. |
嘿,菲比 我等一下再回來 | Hey,Phoebe. You know what? I'll come back later. |
哇,這裡真是擁擠 | Wow. Kind of a full house here. |
我想,我等一下再回來 | I guess I'll just.. I'll come back. |
他走了,你的未婚夫 | There he goes. Your fiance. |
我想是啊 | I guess so. |
不過他會在睡著的時候自摸 | Although he does play with himself in his sleep. |
我一點也不驚訝 | I can't say I'm surprised. |
-爸,你在做什麼? -有兩個人在裡面做愛 | - Dad,what are you doing? - There are people in there having sex. |
不可能是我,我人站在這裡 | It can't be me. I'm standing right here. |
-想要偷看嗎? -不要! | - Wanna peek? - No! |
別這樣 | Come on. |
你知道嗎? 我討厭媽不在你身邊 | You know what? I don't like you without Mom. |
走吧 | Come on. |
我們不偷看嗎? | We're not peeking? |
我還是要偷看 | Well,I'm peeking. |
喔,我的天啊! | Oh,my God! |
您好,您認識莫妮卡的 | Hello,sir. You know Monica. |
-嘿,可以進來嗎? -當然可以 | - Hey,is it okay to come in? - Of course. |
喬伊,這個戒指,我… 真是太美了,我好喜歡 | Joey,this ring,I.. It's beautiful. I love it. |
是啊,聽著,瑞秋 有件事我必須要告訴你 | Yeah. Look,Rach,there's something I gotta tell you. |
-嘿 -嗨 | - Hey. - Hi. |
-你準備好要再試喂母乳了嗎? -是啊,嗨,艾瑪 | - Are you ready to try nursing again? - Yeah. Hi,Emma. |
你想她為什麼不吸我的奶呢? | Why do you think she won't take my breast? |
沒關係的 嬰兒需要一點時間適應 | It's all right. It takes babies a while to get it. |
-不過別擔心,她會吸的 -好吧 | - But don't worry,it'll happen. - Okay. |
好的,親愛的,你可以辦得到的 張開嘴巴,然後把它放到嘴裡 | Okay,sweetie,you can do it. Just open up and put it in your mouth. |
救命啊,上帝 | Dear Lord. |
-我很抱歉,親愛的,你剛說什麼? -喔,對,聽著,我想… | - I'm sorry,honey,what were you saying? - Yeah,look,I think that.. |
因為,瞧,她又轉開了 | Because,look! She's pulling away again. |
會不會是我的乳頭 對她而言太大了呢? | Do you think my nipples are too big for her mouth? |
她像是被嚇到了 她看起來是不是像被嚇到了呢? | She looks scared. Doesn't she look scared? |
你知道的,我跟她又不是很熟 | You know,I don't really know her. |
我們試試看按摩胸部來刺激乳汁分泌 | Why don't we try massaging the breast to stimulate the flow? |
-好的 -你在玩我嗎? | - Okay. - Are you kidding me? |
真是好沮喪! 她為什麼不喜歡我的胸部呢? | This is so frustrating. Why doesn't she want my breast? |
我不知道!或許她發瘋了! | I don't know! Maybe she's crazy! |
-嘿,等一下 -嗨 | - Hey,wait up. - Hi. |
恭喜了 | Congratulations. |
我不想在喬伊面前說 我不知道他是否知道 | I didn't want to say anything in front of Joey. I didn't know if he knew. |
什麼?他不知道我們有了小孩嗎? 我們別太低估他了 | What? That we had a baby? Now let's give him a little credit. |
雖然他在稍早才吃了一個塑膠水果 | Although he did eat a piece of plastic fruit earlier. |
不,我是說你跟瑞秋訂婚的事 | No,no,that you and Rachel are engaged. |
-什麼? -喔,那是秘密嗎? | - What? - Oh,it's a secret? |
太棒了,我們很久都沒有 玩秘密遊戲了 | Goody. Yes! We haven't done the secret thing in a long time. |
不,瑞秋跟我沒有訂婚 | No,Rachel and I are not engaged. |
我想你們有 | I think you are. |
你在說什麼?誰跟你說的? | What are you talking about? Who told you that? |
瑞秋,你的未婚妻 | Rachel,your betrothed. |
-我們沒有訂婚 -喔,沒錯,那是個秘密 | - We're not engaged. - Oh,that's right. It's a secret. |
沒錯,你們沒有訂婚 我誤解她了 | Right,you are not engaged. I misunderstood her. |
菲比,沒有什麼秘密,好嗎? 我沒有求婚 | Phoebe,there is no secret,okay? I didn't propose. |
你在說謊嗎? | Are you lying? |
是不是又跟上次一樣 要騙我們你是醫生(博士)? | Is this like that time you tried to convince us you were a doctor? |
我的確是博士! | I am a doctor! |
你知道嗎?我要自己去跟瑞秋談 | You know what? I'm just gonna go and talk to Rachel myself. |
好吧,我也是 | All right. Well,me too. |
-要不要叫醒她? -不,別這樣,讓她睡 | - Well,should we wake her up? - No. No. Come on,let her sleep. |
-她真的是累壞了 -而且真的是訂婚了 | - She's so exhausted. - And so engaged. |
喔,我的天,她以為我們訂婚了! | Oh,my God. She thinks we're engaged! |
為什麼?她為什麼認為我們訂婚了呢? | Why? Why,why would she think we're engaged? |
或許是因為你給了她訂婚戒指嗎? | Perhaps because you gave her an engagement ring? |
你知道的,羅斯 博士應該要是很聰明的 | You know,Ross,doctors are supposed to be smart. |
-我沒有給她那個戒指 -你沒有嗎? | - I didn't give her that ring. - You didn't? |
-沒有! -那是誰的戒指呢? | - No! - So whose ring is it? |
是我的 | It's mine. |
-那是訂婚戒指嗎? -是啊 | - Is it an engagement ring? - Yes. |
-但是你並沒有拿給她? -沒有 | - But you didn't give it to her? - No. |
-但你本來是要求婚的? -不是! | - But you were going to propose? - No! |
我可能對這件事沒興趣了 | I might be losing interest in this. |
聽著,我媽給我那個戒指… | Look. Look,my mom gave me that ring.. |
是因為她要我跟瑞秋求婚 | because she wanted me to propose to Rachel. |
但是我只想要知道… | But all I wanted to do was see.. |
她是否願意再重新開始 | if she maybe,kind of wanted to start things up again. |
不冷不熱的情感可真是美好啊 | What beautiful lukewarm sentiment. |
我不想要衝動行事 看起來她也不想要那樣 | I didn't want to rush into anything. It seemed like she didn't want to either. |
但我不瞭解這是怎麼發生的 | But I don't understand how any of this happened. |
是她在我夾克找到戒指 然後就認為我要求婚… | What,did she find the ring in my jacket,assume I was gonna propose.. |
便急著戴上戒指,向大家宣佈嗎? | throw it on and just start telling people? |
不,她說你有向她求婚 | No,no. She said you actually proposed to her. |
我沒有!我沒有求婚! | Well,I didn't! I didn't propose! |
除非… | Unless.. |
我有嗎? | Did I? |
我已經四十個小時沒睡而… | I haven't slept in 40 hours and.. |
這聽起來的確像是我會做的事 | It does sound like something I would do. |
聽著,我們不能永遠待在這裡 | Look,we can't stay in here forever. |
我只是不敢相信我爸看到我們在做愛 | It's just,I still can't believe that my dad saw us having sex. |
我的鋼琴獨奏會他連一次也沒去 但他卻看到這個! | He didn't make it to one of my piano recitals,but this he sees! |
沒關係的,我們都是大人了 沒有什麼好害羞的 | This is okay. We're all adults here. There's nothing to be ashamed of. |
現在,我們把內褲放到口袋裡 然後走出去 | Now,let's put our underwear in our pockets and walk out the door. |
嗨,爸 | Hi,Dad. |
-我還是可以叫你爸,對吧? -當然,我永遠都是你爸 | - I can still call you that,right? - Of course. I'll always be your dad. |
我只想讓你知道,你在那裡所看到的 並非為了好玩而已 | I just want you to know that what you witnessed in there,that wasn't for fun. |
-不好玩嗎? -為什麼,為什麼你… | - It wasn't fun? - Why,why,why would you..? |
我只是不想讓你認為… | Look,I just don't want you to think.. |
我們像動物一樣 隨時愛怎麼做就怎麼做 | that we're animals who do it whenever we want. |
我不會那樣想的 | Well,I don't think that. |
在今天之前,我從未想過你們會做愛 | Before today,I never thought of you two having sex at all. |
還是以前較簡單 | It was a simpler time. |
事實上是,爸,我們正在努力 | The truth is,Dad,we're trying. |
要氣死你 | To kill you. |
為什麼,為什麼你… | Why,why,why would you..? |
我們正在努力要孩子 | We're trying to have a baby. |
-什麼? -是啊,我們正在努力要懷孕 | - What? - Yeah,we're trying to get pregnant. |
喔,我的天啊,這真是太好了 | Oh,my God,this is so exciting. |
那再進去裡面!我來看門! | Well,get back in there! I'll guard the door! |
沒關係,爸,我們可以等 | That's okay,Dad,we can wait until later. |
哇!我可不這麼認為 你不是正在排卵嗎? | Whoa! I don't think so. Aren't you ovulating? |
爸! | Daddy! |
你要把握時機,小公主 | You gotta get at it,princess. |
當你媽跟我試著要懷你的時候… | When your mother and I were trying to conceive you.. |
只要她在排卵,我們就做! | whenever she was ovulating,bam,we did it! |
這就是為什麼我的臀部會不好 | That's how I got my bad hip. |
真好笑,這個對話就是關於 我的頭怎樣被一顆子彈穿過 | That's funny. This conversation's how I got the bullet hole in my head. |
有一次我把膝蓋放到洗手臺上 而你媽… | This one time I had my knee on the sink,and your mother was.. |
真的,我的腦漿全都噴到牆上了 | Seriously,sir,my brains,all over the wall. |
我想我們不需要知道 你跟媽的特殊姿勢 | I don't think we need to hear the specific positions you and Mom had. |
沒錯,應該要討論 你們的姿勢才對 | You're right. This is about your positions. |
我剛在更衣室裡面看到的,並非… | Now,what I saw in the closet is not the optimum position.. |
最佳受孕姿勢 | for conceiving a child. |
-雖然那感覺可能會很棒 -我現在一點也感覺不出來 | - Although it might feel good. - I don't feel good right now. |
但是快感是很重要的 而且如果女人有高潮是會有幫助的 | But pleasure is important,and it helps if the woman has an orgasm. |
你要接受任務了嗎?小子 | You up to the task,sailor? |
喔,我的天… | Oh,my God.. |
-嘿 -嘿,喔,我需要告訴你一件事 | - Hey. - Hey. Oh,I need to tell you something. |
現在就正是時候 我正要去把我的耳朵切掉 | Well,now's a good time. I'm on my way to have my ears cut off. |
喬伊要我嫁給他 | Joey asked me to marry him. |
-什麼? -喬伊向我求婚 | - What? - Joey proposed to me. |
-他瘋了嗎?你才剛生下羅斯的孩子! -我答應了 | - Is he crazy? You just had Ross' baby! - Well,I said yes. |
什麼?你瘋了嗎? 你才剛生下羅斯的孩子! | What,are you crazy? You just had Ross' baby! |
我覺得你不會 幫我辦慶祝會了,是吧? | I'm sensing you won't throw the shower? |
這真是太不配了 不,這更糟,這是不對的 | It's so inappropriate. No,it is worse than that. It is wrong. |
而且比我的還大! | It is bigger than mine! |
我知道,《我們的日子》 真是太感謝電視了 | I know. Days of our Lives,thank you very much. |
-你不能嫁給他 -為什麼不能? | - You can't marry him. - Why not? |
我不想要一個人苦撐 而且他是個好人 | Come on,I don't want to do this alone,and he's such a sweet guy. |
而且他很愛我 | And he loves me so much. |
那你愛他嗎? | Well,do you love him? |
當然 | Sure. |
-當然? -是啊,我是說,隨便啦 | - Sure? - Yeah,I mean,whatever. |
如果你擔心他會心碎 別擔心,從上次到現在他的心還是碎的 | If you're worried about breaking his heart,it's still broken from the last time. |
所以,你只不過是把上次的碎片… | So really,you're just taking the already broken pieces.. |
再輾成更小的碎片而已 更好處理的碎片 | and breaking them into smaller,more manageable pieces. |
好吧,算了 | Okay,forget that. |
親愛的,問題是… | Honey,the question is.. |
你是真的想嫁給喬伊嗎? | do you really want to marry Joey? |
不是 | No. |
不,我不想 | No,I don't. |
你可以好心一點幫我去告訴他嗎? | Could you be a dear and go tell him? |
你還沒有告訴瑞秋 你不是在求婚? | You still haven't told Rachel you weren't proposing? |
還沒有,她戴上了戒指… | No. She had the ring on.. |
她看起來很興奮 然後她露出胸部 | she seemed so excited,and then she took her breast out. |
喬伊,你得要告訴她事實真相 胸部看起來怎樣? | Joey,you have to tell her what's going on. And what did it look like? |
我沒有看到 | I didn't look at it. |
被那笨小孩的頭擋住了 | The stupid baby's head was blocking most of it. |
在羅斯發現之前,馬上去跟瑞秋說 | Go and tell Rachel right now,before Ross finds out. |
聽著,事情沒那麼簡單 她說她想要嫁給我 | Look,it's not that easy. She said she wanted to marry me. |
我不想要傷害她 | I don't want to hurt her. |
好啦,聽著,反正就是溫和地告訴她 | Okay,look,just do it gently. |
你說的沒錯 | You're right. |
沒錯,我得在羅斯知道之前趕快告訴她 我會溫和地告訴她 | You're right. I'll go tell her now before Ross finds out,and I'll be gentle. |
我辦得到的,我是個溫和的人 | I can do that. I am a gentle person. |
對了,有兩個人在那裡面胡搞 你可以瞧瞧 | By the way,two people screwing in there if you want to check that out. |
嘿 | Hey. |
嘿 | Hey. |
我聽說訂婚的事了 | Listen,I heard about the engagement. |
驚訝吧? | Surprised? |
而且很困惑 | And confused. |
瑞秋,親愛的… | Rach,sweetie.. |
我沒有向你求婚 | I didn't propose to you. |
我知道 | I know. |
我想你不知道 | I don't think you do. |
你沒有向我求婚 | You didn't propose to me. |
是喬伊向我求婚 | Joey did. |
可憐的寶貝,你累壞了 | Poor baby,you're so tired. |
瑞秋,我沒有向你求婚 | Rach,I didn't propose to you. |
喬伊沒有向你求婚 | Joey didn't propose to you. |
錢德也沒有向你求婚 | And Chandler didn't propose to you. |
你沒有向我求婚 | You didn't propose to me. |
錢德沒有向我求婚 | Chandler didn't propose to me. |
但是喬伊有 | But Joey did. |
喬伊跟你求婚? | Joey proposed to you? |
-我可以等一下再回來 -等一下,等一下 | - I can come back. - Wait. Wait. Wait. |
-喬伊,你有跟她求婚嗎? -沒有 | - Joey,did you propose to her? - No. |
-你有 -事實上,技術上而言,我沒有 | - Yes,you did. - Actually,technically,I didn't. |
-那你為什麼給我戒指呢? -等一下 | - Well,then,why did you give me a ring? - Wait. |
-你給她戒指? -沒有,而且我也沒向她求婚 | - You gave her the ring? - No,and I did not ask her to marry me. |
-有,你有 -不,我沒有 | - Yes,you did. - No,I didn't. |
-你有 -我沒有 | - Yes,you did. - No,I didn't. |
你有,別再說你沒有了! | Yes,you did,and don't you say you didn't! |
他就在這裡,單膝跪下來 然後跟我求婚 | He was right there. He got down on one knee and he proposed. |
-你跪了下去? -是啊,看來真慘 | - You were down on one knee? - Yeah,that looks bad. |
但是我並沒有求婚 | But I didn't propose. |
-那到底是怎麼回事? -是啊,到底是怎麼回事? | - Then what did happen? - Yeah,what did happen? |
是這樣的,戒指掉到了地上 然後我蹲下去撿… | Okay,the ring fell on the floor,and I went down to pick it up.. |
然後你就以為我是在求婚 | and you thought I was proposing. |
但是你有說“嫁給我好嗎?” | Yeah,but you said,"Will you marry me?" |
-不,我沒說 -有,你有 | - No,I didn't. - Yes,you did. |
-不,我沒有 -有,你有,喔,天啊!你並沒有 | - No,I didn't. - Yes,you did. Oh,my God,you didn't. |
-你為什麼不早點說呢? -我有試著… | - Why didn't you tell me that before? - Well,I tried.. |
但是一直有人打斷 然後你又露出胸部 | but people kept coming in,and then you took your breast out. |
你看到她的胸部了? | You saw her breast? |
我待會再告訴你,冷靜點 | I'll tell you about it later. Be cool. |
那你拿個戒指幹什麼呢? | Then what the hell were you doing with an engagement ring? |
那不是我的戒指!是羅斯的 | It wasn't my ring! It's Ross' ring. |
這就是為什麼我好難過,瑞秋 因為本來是他要求婚的 | That's why I felt so bad,Rach,because he was gonna propose. |
什麼? | What?! |
你本來要跟我求婚? | You were gonna propose to me? |
沒有 | No. |
喔,這真是尷尬 | Well,this is awkward. |
但是我本來是要問你 是否願意再重新開始約會 | But I was going to see if,you know,maybe you wanted to start dating again. |
-但是,我是說,只不過是這樣,瑞秋 -老兄,加點油吧,我都求婚了 | - But that,I mean,that was all,Rach. - Dude,step up. I proposed. |
不,你沒有 | No,you didn't. |
沒錯,發生太多事了 我想我一定是吃了什麼壞掉的水果 | That's right. There's a lot going on here,and I think I ate some bad fruit earlier. |
好了,讓我把事情搞清楚 | All right,so let me just get this clear. |
你沒有求婚 | You didn't propose. |
你也沒有要求婚 | You weren't gonna propose. |
所以今天早上,我沒有男朋友… | So this morning,I didn't have a boyfriend.. |
然而卻被拋棄了兩次 | and somehow I got dumped twice today. |
嘿,她剛醒來,而且餓了 我們再來試試看吧 | Hey,she just woke up. She's hungry. Why don't we give this another try? |
又來啦 | Here we go again. |
我不敢相信你竟然告訴她我要求婚 | I can't believe you told her I was gonna propose. |
-我不敢相信你並沒有要求婚 -嘿,我不想要急著做什麼 | - I can't believe you're not gonna. - Hey,I am not gonna rush into anything. |
是啊,老兄,我完全可以理解 | Yeah,dude,I totally understand. |
通常在我跟一個女人生了小孩之後 我也會想要放慢腳步的 | Usually after I have a baby with a woman,I like to slow things down! |
-喔,天啊! -怎樣? | - Oh,my God! - What? |
她在吸了! 她在吸奶了! | She's doing it! She's breast-feeding! |
真是太美妙了 | It's beautiful. |
-我等一下再回來 -謝謝 | - I'll come back for her later. - Thank you. |
-哇,感覺真奇怪 -怎樣,是好的奇怪嗎? | - Wow,this feels weird. - What,good weird? |
棒透了的奇怪 | Wonderful weird. |
你們知道嗎?我也要走了 | You know what,you guys? I'm gonna go too. |
我很抱歉 | And I'm sorry about everything. |
-親愛的,別擔心,是我的錯 -不,瑞秋,我應該早點告訴你的 | - Honey,don't worry,it was my mistake. - No,Rach,I should've told you sooner. |
只不過… | It's just that.. |
天啊,這小孩真是厲害啊! | Man,that kid is going to town! |
她真是完美 | She's perfect. |
我們真幸運 | We're so lucky. |
我們真的很幸運 | We really are. |
聽著,我知道這不是求婚 而且我也不知道你的意思如何… | Look,I know it's not a proposal,and I don't know where you are.. |
但是有了艾瑪之後 一切的事,我… | but with everything that's been going on and with Emma,I'm.. |
-我一直感到… -是的,我知道 | - I've been feeling.. - Yeah,I know. |
我一直感到… | I've been feeling.. |
-是嗎? -是啊 | - Yeah? - Yeah. |
好的,那麼,那… 哇,好的,那麼… | Okay,well,that.. Wow,okay,well.. |
那麼或許我們可以再考慮在一起? | Then maybe at least we can talk about us again? |
是啊,或許 | Yeah. Maybe. |
那,很好,好的 | Well,good. Okay. |
我有點想,你知道的 如果我們,如果… | I kind of think,you know,if we,if.. |
你手上戴著戒指 | You're wearing the ring. |
你說什麼? | What's that? |
你告訴菲比你訂婚了 | And you told Phoebe you were engaged. |
很抱歉,你說什麼? | I'm sorry,what? |
當你以為喬伊是在求婚… | When you thought Joey proposed.. |
你有答應嗎? | did you say yes? |
孩子們,我跟醫生談過 拿了這些懷孕須知的傳單給你們 | Kids,I spoke to a doctor and picked up these pamphlets on how to get pregnant. |
-嗨,爸 -嗨 | - Hey,Dad. - Hi. |
很抱歉再打擾你們 但是可不可以把我的傳單遞出來呢? | Sorry to bother you again,but could you pass my pamphlets back? |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
你答應要嫁給喬伊? | You said you'd marry Joey? |
你要知道我可是累壞了 當時我很情緒化 | Okay,you have to realize,I was exhausted,I was emotional. |
任何人求婚,我都會答應的 | I would have said yes to anybody. |
就像上次你向我求婚一樣 | Like that time when you and I got married. |
我控制不了自己 | I'm not helping. |
你才剛生下我們的小孩 卻答應要嫁給他? | So you said yes to him,and you just had our baby? |
沒錯,而且按照習俗 父親應該要送母親一個禮物的 | That is right. And traditionally,the daddy gives the mommy a present. |
但是我不打算跟你計較 | But I am prepared to let that go. |
所以當我過來看你 是否願意重新來過… | So when I came here to see if you wanted to maybe start things up again.. |
你已經跟我最要好的朋友訂婚了? | you were engaged to my best friend? |
嗯… | Well.. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
我以為錢德才是你最要好的朋友 | I thought Chandler was your best friend. |
錢德是我的老朋友 喬伊是我…不! | Well,Chandler's my oldest friend. Joey's my.. No! |
嘿,我要走了 進來說一聲再見 | Hey,I'm gonna take off. I just wanted to say goodbye. |
瑞秋答應要嫁給你? | Rachel said she'd marry you? |
我走錯房間了,不好意思 | This isn't the right room. Sorry,folks. |
艾瑪哭不停 | The.One.Where.Emma.Cries |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
(我是男生!) | |
我不想否定你,所以我要說 你挑的標語大部分都是很棒的 | I don't want to be negative. So I'll say most of the signs you bought are good. |
“我是女生!”賣完了 但是我可以處理一下的 | No,they ran out of "It's a Girl!" But I can fix this one. |
(我不是男生!) | |
瞧?怎樣? | See? Huh? |
真性感 | So sexy. |
-親愛的? -什麼? | - Honey? - Yeah? |
-親愛的,你何不去躺下休息呢? -沒關係 | - Honey,why don't you lie down? - It's okay. |
羅斯跟瑞秋很快就要回來了 然後我得去辦公室 | Ross and Rachel will be back soon,and then I gotta go to the office. |
這是從我嘴裡長的嗎? | Am I producing them? |
-你為什麼這樣累呢? -我昨晚無法入睡 | - Why are you so tired? - I couldn't sleep last night. |
我很擔心今天的大型部門會議 | I started worrying about this big divisional meeting I have today. |
我越是擔心 越是沒有辦法入睡 | The more I worried,the more I couldn't sleep. |
你知道的,我會想 如果現在睡著,我頂多睡六小時 | You know,and then I was,like,"If I fall asleep now,I'll get six hours' sleep. |
但是如果我現在睡著 我頂多睡五個小時 | But if I fall asleep now,I'll get five hours' sleep." |
無論我怎麼試,就是睡不著 | No matter what I did,I couldn't fall asleep. |
你知道你應該做什麼嗎? | You know what you should've done? |
對你自己講那個小故事 | Told yourself that little story. |
-嗨 -嘿 | - Hi. - Hey. |
-歡迎回家 -嗨 | - Welcome home. - Hi. |
標示是菲比做的 | Phoebe did the signs. |
你們,真是太謝謝你們了 | You guys,thanks for doing this. |
瞧瞧大家送來的禮物 | Look at all that stuff people sent. |
喔,我的天啊 這正是每個母親所需要的 | Oh,my gosh. Look,there's something every mother needs. |
一個擠爆整間公寓的大型黑猩猩娃娃 | A giant,stuffed gorilla that takes up the entire apartment. |
真搞不懂有些人在想…? 你們大家,我真是太喜歡了 | What are people think..? You guys,I love it. |
嘿,羅斯在哪呢? | Hey,so where's Ross? |
他在樓下把東西搬出計程車 | He's downstairs getting the stuff out of the cab. |
-他還在氣我們兩個嗎? -氣你多過於我 | - Is he still mad at us? - Well,you more than me. |
他總不能一直跟我生氣 我才剛生下他的小孩耶 | But he can't stay too mad at me. I mean,I just had his baby. |
太不公平了,我又不會生 | That's not fair. I can't do that. |
我不知道他上來時 你應不應該在場 | I'm not sure you should be here when he comes up. |
我也不認為我該在場 但有人跟我說羅斯應該已經釋懷了 | I didn't think I should be here either. But somebody said he'd be over it. |
嘿,我怎麼會知道呢? 我只是想要買只大一點的黑猩猩啊 | Hey,what do I know? I wanted to get a bigger gorilla. |
我們在芝加哥、紐約 與倫敦的業績都很扎實 | The numbers we're seeing in Chicago,New York and London are solid. |
但是我們許多分公司已經呈現衰退 | But many of our field offices have reported disappointing yields. |
波士頓衰退、亞特蘭大衰退 休士頓衰退 | Boston is down. Atlanta is down. Houston is down. |
我可以一直念下去 但是為了不要讓你們覺得無趣 | I could go on and on. But instead of boring you.. |
我直接說明我的四十二點計畫好了 | I'll go straight to my 42-point plan. |
華特 | Walter. |
她真是太可愛了 | She's just so cute. |
我真想咬下她的耳朵 當成糖果一樣吸 | I just want to bite her ear off and use it as a sucking candy. |
菲比 | Phoebe. |
但是我可以把這些小腳 放到面餅裡面 | But I could take one of those little feet and put it in a pita pocket. |
-好了,我把大部分的東西都放好了 -喔,太好了,奶嘴呢? | - Okay. I put most of the stuff away. - Oh,great. The pacifiers? |
-在櫃櫥裡 -打嗝圍兜? | - It's in the cupboard. - The burping cloths? |
-毛巾櫥裡 -尿布? | - Linen closet. - The diapers? |
在醫院 | In the hospital. |
-哇,你們有間醫院?真酷 -不,我把尿布忘在醫院了 | - Wow,you guys got a hospital? Fancy. - No,I left the diapers at the hospital. |
在袋子裡面還有一些 但是我現在就出去多買一些 | There's some in the bag,but I'll run out and get some more. |
好的,謝謝 | All right,thanks. |
經過咖啡屋時可以幫我買個松餅嗎? | Could you stop at the coffeehouse and get me a muffin? |
-當然,什麼口味的? -讓我想想 | - Sure. What kind? - Let me think. |
我要什麼口味呢? | What do I want? |
我要什麼口味呢? | What do I want? |
請你慢慢想 這是非常重要的決定,不像是… | Please,take your time. It's an important decision,not like.. |
決定要嫁給誰那樣簡單 這是松餅喔 | say,I don't know,deciding to marry someone. This is about a muffin. |
-藍莓的 -好吧,藍莓 | - Blueberry. - Blueberry it is. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
哇,他還在記恨,對吧? | Wow,he's not letting this go,is he? |
天啊,你覺得這會持續多久呢? | God,how long do you think that's gonna last? |
我不知道,他倒是對“我們當時分手了” 那件事,釋懷的挺快的 | I don't know. He got over the "We were on a break" thing quickly. |
你們知道嗎? 我現在無法去擔心那件事 | You know what,I can't worry about it right now. |
因為我有了這個可愛的小寶貝 | Because I've got the cutie little baby. |
我無法相信我是這樣的愛她 我是說,我太愛她了 | I can't believe how much I love her. I mean,I can't get enough of her. |
就像現在,我好想她 我真的好想她 | Like,right now? I miss her. I actually miss her. |
你知道嗎?她就在這裡 | You know,that's her? |
我知道,但是她在睡覺 | I know. I know,but she's sleeping. |
如果她醒著,我就可以看她扭來扭去的 | It's not like when she's awake and I can see her stretch and wiggle. |
喔,天啊,看到她打哈欠沒? | Oh,my God,have you seen her yawn? |
-真是太可愛了 -真的是 | - It's so cute. - I know. |
你們覺得她什麼時候會醒來? | When do you think she's gonna wake up? |
她告訴我,如果她十一點還沒醒 要我打電話給她 | She told me to ring her if she's not up by 11. |
她有個面試要去 | She has a job interview. |
好的,但是當她打哈欠時 烏雲都消散了 | Okay,but the clouds part when she yawns. |
天啊,瞧她睡著的樣子 我好愛她 | God,look at her sleeping. I love her so much. |
-我想我要把她吵醒 -瑞秋,不要 | - I think I'm gonna wake her up. - Rach,no. |
你永遠都不應該吵醒熟睡的嬰兒 | You know,you're never supposed to wake a sleeping baby. |
我可以高興怎樣做就怎樣做 她是我生的 | Well,I can do whatever I want. I made her. |
來吧,小女孩 是的,嗨,艾瑪,嗨 | Come on,little girl. Yes. Hello,Emma. Hello. Hi. |
我應該說我早就告訴過你了 但是她已經幫我說了 | Well,I would say I told you so,but she's kind of doing that for me. |
我很抱歉,媽咪很抱歉 再睡吧 | I'm sorry. Mommy's so sorry. Go back to sleep. |
再睡覺吧 | Go back to sleep. |
-這真是令人心疼,不是嗎? -沒錯 | - It breaks your heart,doesn't it? - It really does. |
你認為我們還要呆多久? | How long do you think we have to stay? |
好了,如果每個人都各就各位 那就搞定了 | Okay,if everyone's onboard,it's settled. |
錢德? | Chandler? |
-錢德? -怎樣 | - Chandler? - Yeah. |
你要就位了嗎? | Are you onboard? |
是的 | Yes. |
那麼問題就解決了 錢德會負責我們在土爾沙的辦公室 | Well,then problem solved. Chandler will run our office in Tulsa. |
你會喜歡奧克拉荷馬的 | You're gonna love Oklahoma. |
好了,我們已經喂過她了 換過尿布、幫她打嗝了… | All right. We already tried feeding her,changing her,burping her.. |
試試看這個 回去聽聽菲比的話吧 | Try this one. "Go back in time and listen to Phoebe." |
-好了,試試看這個 -什麼? | - All right,here's something. - What? |
這裡說試著把嬰兒抱起,貼近身體… | It says to try holding the baby close to your body.. |
然後快速的左右搖 | and then swing her rapidly from side to side. |
好的 | Okay. |
太有效了! | It worked! |
不,只是讓她吐了一點奶 | No. Just stopped to throw up a little bit. |
莫妮卡,我應該怎麼辦呢? | Mon,what am I gonna do? |
已經好幾個小時了 它就是哭個不停 | It's been hours,and it won't stop crying. |
-她,瑞秋,不是它,是她 -是喔,我可不太確定了 | - She,Rach. Not it. She. - Yeah. I'm not so sure. |
-喔,我的天啊,我快瘋了 -是啊,說得沒錯 | - Oh,my God,I'm losing my mind. - Yeah,no kidding. |
這正好證明跟羅斯做愛 絕對沒有好事會發生 | All right,this just proves no good can come from having sex with Ross! |
嘿,甘瑟,我要外帶幾個藍莓松餅 | Hey,Gunther. Can I get a couple of blueberry muffins to go? |
-尿布,是吧? -是的 | - Diapers,huh? - Yep. |
我猜瑞秋生下你的小孩了 | So I guess Rachel had your baby? |
-是啊,你能相信嗎? -不能 | - Yep. Can you believe it? - Nope. |
首先我就不能相信 她竟然會跟你上床 | I can't even believe she slept with you in the first place. |
你是說,像是… | You mean,like.. |
嘿 | Hey. |
我知道你生我的氣 但是我們必須談一談 | I know you're pissed at me,but we have to talk about this. |
事實上我們不需要 | Actually,we don't. |
隨便,但是我要說 技術上而言,我並沒有做錯什麼 | Fine. Okay. But I gotta say,technically,I didn't even do anything wrong. |
什麼?你並沒有做錯什麼? | What? You didn't do anything wrong? |
-我說是技術上而言 -好的 | - I said I didn't technically. - Okay. |
我們暫時不管你“不小心”… | Let's put aside the fact that you "accidentally".. |
撿起我祖母的戒指,然後又 “不小心”跟瑞秋求婚 | picked up my grandmother's ring and you "accidentally" proposed to Rachel. |
我可以先打斷你一下嗎? | Can I just stop you there for a second? |
當有人做這個動作時… | When people do this: |
我真的不知道是什麼意思 | I don't really know what that means. |
你剛剛說什麼? | You were saying? |
我還可以諒解你沒有跟瑞秋解釋 | And I could even understand that you couldn't tell Rachel. |
但是為什麼你沒有告訴我呢? 你有一整天可以說,你卻沒有 | But why couldn't you tell me? You had all day to,and you didn't. |
我知道,我應該說“我很抱歉” | I know. I should've. "I'm sorry." |
你用錯地方了,喬伊 | Not using it right,Joe. |
“我很抱歉” | "I'm sorry." |
-我要走了 -不,別這樣 | - I'm gonna go. - No,come on. |
-羅斯,我們必須要放下這件事 -把袋子給我 | - Ross,we have to get past this. - Give me the bag. |
不,我不知道還能怎樣 我已經道歉了,現在… | No,I don't know what else to do. I said I'm sorry,now.. |
現在你應該對我吼叫、咒駡 或是打我 | Now you should scream at me or curse me or hit me. |
-我不會打你的 -你會比較好過,我也會比較好過 | - I'm not gonna hit you. - You'll feel better. I'll feel better. |
你知道,你想打我 我從你眼中看得出來 | You know you want to,I can see it in your eyes. |
-我不想 -有一點 | - I don't. - A little bit. |
-不想 -有一點 | - No. - Little bit. |
-不想 -多一點了 | - No. - A little bit more. |
-把那個袋子給我,把袋子給我 -不,打我,打我 | - Give me the bag. Give me the bag. - No,hit me. Hit me. |
-給我袋子,給我袋子 -打我 | - Give me the bag. I'm not kidding. - Hit me. |
-不 -打我,打我,打我! | - No. - Hit me. Hit me. Hit me! |
-你閃開了! -我很抱歉!這是反射動作! | - You ducked! - I'm sorry! It was a reflex! |
-喔,天啊!真的好痛! -我不得不閃哪! | - Oh,my God! This really hurts! - I couldn't help it. |
當有拳頭要打上你的臉 你會閃啊,瞧 | When a fist comes at your face,you duck. Look. |
你是怎麼搞的? | What is the matter with you? |
你應該要閃的!為什麼沒閃呢? | You were supposed to duck! Why didn't you? |
我們去醫院的路上再談 | Let's talk on the way to the hospital. |
好,是啊,或許當我們過去的時候 他們可以檢查一下你的反射神經 | Good. Yeah,maybe while we're there,they can check your reflexes. |
-再喂她看看 -我已經喂過了 | - Try feeding her again. - I already fed her. |
我知道,所以我說“再” | I know. That's why I said,"Again!" |
你們,我們不可以窩裡反,好嗎? | You guys,we can't turn on each other,okay? |
這正是她想要的 | That's just what she wants. |
-嗨 -嘿 | - Hi. - Hey. |
我告訴過你別讓她看《母女情深》 | I told you you shouldn't have let her watch Terms of Endearment. |
-我們可以到外面談談嗎? -待在這裡 | - Can I talk to you outside? - Just stay here. |
我要去檢查她的尿布 菲比,你要不要一起來呢? | I'm gonna check her diaper. Phoebe,you want to come? |
這事與我也有關 | I'm kind of part of this. |
事實上,這是夫妻兩人之間的事 | Actually,it's a husband-and-wife kind of thing. |
我就知道我應該嫁給錢德的 | I knew I should've married Chandler. |
-好了,怎麼回事呢? -好的 | - Okay,what's up? - Okay. |
我們曾經討論過如果能搬到巴黎 住一年一定會很棒 | You know we said it would be fun to move to Paris for a year? |
你可以學習法式烹飪 我可以寫作… | And you could study French cooking,and I could write.. |
我們可以在塞納河畔野餐 去波爾多品酒 | and we could picnic along the Seine,and go wine-tasting in Bordeaux. |
-是啊 -很好 | - Yeah. - Okay. |
你知道有些人說土爾沙… | You know how people say that Tulsa.. |
就像是奧克拉荷馬州的巴黎嗎? | is the Paris of Oklahoma? |
什麼?是誰說的? | What? Who says that? |
那些從沒去過巴黎的人說的 | People who have never been to Paris? |
-到底是怎麼回事? -我們要搬去土爾沙了 | - Well,what's going on? - We're moving to Tulsa. |
-你說什麼? -好吧 | - Excuse me? - Okay. |
我老闆的上司,麥肯納小姐 | Ms. McKenna,she kind of works above my boss. |
-我想你應該見過她 -我不在乎,快說土爾沙是怎麼回事 | - I think you actually met her. - Don't care. Get back to Tulsa. |
她要我搬到土爾沙 去當那邊分公司的總經理 | She asked me to move to Tulsa and be president of our office there. |
我當時正在打瞌睡,然後 顯然我是答應她了 | And I was sleeping and apparently said yes. |
-奧克拉荷馬州的土爾沙? -搶先之州(奧克拉荷馬州的昵稱) | - Tulsa,Oklahoma? - The Sooner State. |
不管那是什麼 | Whatever that is. |
錢德,我連歌舞劇《奧克拉荷馬》 都不想看 | Chandler,I don't even want to see the musical Oklahoma. |
“喔,美妙的早晨” “坐在馬車上頭” | "Oh,What a Beautiful Morning," "Surrey With the Fringe on Top"? |
你是在說我們要搬去奧克拉荷馬 還是說你是同性戀? | Are you trying to tell me we're moving to Oklahoma or that you're gay? |
我想我可能躲不掉了 | I don't think I can get out of this. |
-喔,天啊! -但是你不知道… | - Oh,my God! - But you don't know.. |
土爾沙可能會像巴黎一樣 你還是可以在奧羅·羅伯特大學… | it could be like Paris. You can still take a cooking class.. |
上烹飪課 | at Oral Roberts University. |
好吧,這些都沒關係 但至少他們有幫你加薪吧? | All right,not that this matters,but did they at least offer you a huge raise? |
沒有,但是他們會 幫我們租一台福特福克斯 | No. But they are going to lease us a Ford Focus. |
-我會試著脫身 -謝謝 | - I'll get out of it. - Thank you. |
-艾瑪是怎麼了? -她誤會了 | - What is wrong with Emma? - She misunderstood. |
她以為是她要搬到土爾沙 | She thought she was moving to Tulsa. |
請問您現在有空嗎? | Ma'am,do you have a minute? |
我有些壞消息 我想我不能去土爾沙了 | I kind of have some bad news. I don't think I can move to Tulsa. |
-什麼? -事實上這是件很好笑的事 | - What? - It's a funny story,actually. |
我在今天早上的會議上睡著了 | I kind of fell asleep in the meeting this morning. |
所以當我說我可以搬到土爾沙時 我根本不知道我在說什麼 | So when I said I'd move to Tulsa,I didn't really know what I was saying. |
你睡著了? | You fell asleep? |
但那是因為我整晚為會議擔心而失眠 | But only because I was up all night worried about this meeting. |
是不是很好笑呢? | Isn't that funny? |
很諷刺,不好笑?好吧 | Irony. Not a fan? All right. |
好吧,事情是這樣的 | See,here's the thing. |
我回家告訴我老婆土爾沙的事 但是她不想去 | I went home and told my wife about Tulsa,and she won't go. |
至於我,我愛死土爾沙了 土爾沙是天堂,土爾沙是義大利 | See me,I love Tulsa. Tulsa is heaven. Tulsa is ltaly. |
拜託別逼我搬去那裡 | Please don't make me go there. |
-錢德,我… -我知道你很不高興… | - Chandler,I.. - I know that you're upset.. |
但是我只是… 我真的寧可留在這裡 | but I just.. I would really rather just stay here. |
不是說在你的辦公室這裡… | Not here in your office.. |
而是在這裡的這間公司 | here at the company.. |
我在這裡明顯不受歡迎 | where I'm rapidly feeling unwelcome. |
聽著,凱蘿 我可以叫你凱蘿嗎? | No,look,Carol. Can I call you Carol? |
我真不應該 因為你的名字是依蓮 | Why would I when your name is Elaine? |
你兒子拍得真棒,雄壯威武 | What a great picture of your son. Strapping. |
是你女兒的照片,對吧? | That's a picture of your daughter,isn't it? |
她真是甜美 我喜歡有堅毅下巴的女孩 | Well,she's lovely. I like a girl with a strong jaw. |
我會從土爾沙打電話給你的 | I'll call you from Tulsa. |
嘿,怎樣呢? | Hey. So how is it? |
-我的拇指斷了 -你的拇指? | - I broke my thumb. - Your thumb? |
真是奇怪,你確定 你出拳的方式是正確的嗎? | That's weird. Are you sure you're punching right? |
握拳 | Make a fist. |
或許等一下好了 | Maybe later. |
羅斯,我覺得很糟糕 | Ross,I feel terrible. |
你可以走了 我只要填一些表格就可以了 | You know what,you can go. I just have to fill out some forms. |
需要我幫忙嗎? | You want me to help you with that? |
為什麼?我看起來像是沒辦法 使用我的畸形爪子嗎? | Why,does it look like I'm having trouble with my misshapen claw? |
姓名? | Name? |
我知道羅斯 但是那是什麼的簡稱呢? | No,I know Ross. But what's it short for? |
你知道的,像是羅素 | You know,like Rossell. |
或是羅斯多福 | Or Rosstrophor. |
就是羅斯 | Just Ross. |
好名字 | It's pretty. |
-好了,生日呢? -你知道我生日的 | - Okay,date of birth? - You know my birthday. |
當然 | Sure. |
五…九月? | May.. tember? |
-十月十八日 -職業?恐龍 | - October 18. - Occupation? Dinosaurs. |
事實上我是古生物… 恐龍也可以啦 | Actually,I'm a paleon.. Dinosaurs is fine. |
畫圖可不行 | The drawing is not. |
好了,緊急聯絡人是誰呢? | All right,who do you want as your emergency contact? |
-瑞秋,我想應該是吧 -好的,關係呢? | - Rachel,I guess. - Okay. Relationship? |
天啊,這可能要花上一點時間 | Boy,this could take a while. |
-寫室友 -少來了 | - Just put roommate. - Come on. |
你們比室友還更進一步 你們要在一起了,不是嗎? | You guys are more than that. You're gonna get together,right? |
我不認為我們有要在一起 | I don't think that we are. |
但是你們應該要在一起的 | But you two are supposed to be together. |
我也這樣想過 但是她卻答應要嫁給你 | Well,I thought so too. But then she said she'd marry you. |
別這樣,羅斯 那根本沒有什麼 | Come on,Ross,that didn't mean anything. |
她才剛生完嚇壞了 要獨自扛起一切 | She'd just had the baby. She was freaked out about doing it alone. |
-任何人求婚,她都會答應的 -是啊,她也是這樣說 | - She would have said yes to anybody. - Yeah,that's what she said. |
-所以呢? -所以我不想要當“任何人” | - So? - So I don't want to be just anybody. |
-哇 -你知道嗎? | - Wow. - You know what? |
反正這樣也比較好 | It's better this way anyway. |
我不知道我在想什麼 再回到之前的關係 | I don't know what I was thinking,going down that road again with us. |
如果我們純粹做朋友,只是有個小孩 那事情就會簡單多了 | It's just much easier if we're just friends who have a kid. |
-真的嗎? -是啊 | - Really? - Yeah. |
-你這樣沒關係嗎? -是啊,這本來就是我們的計畫 | - And you're okay with that? - Yes. That's what we always planned. |
如果你有計劃,你就應該照計畫執行 | And if you have a plan,you should stick to it. |
這就是計畫的意義,不是嗎? | That's why they call them plans. Hello? |
我沒事的 | I'm fine. |
嘿,關於瑞秋… | Hey,for what it's worth.. |
我不認為你會只是“任何人”而已 | with Rachel,I don't think you'll ever be just "anybody." |
嘿,你做對了 | Hey,there you go. |
“謝謝” | "Thanks." |
喔,天啊,她哭多久了? | Oh,my God. How long has she been crying? |
大約一個星期半 | About a week and a half. |
看起來你們都已經處理好了 所以我先回去了 | Well,it looks like you guys got it under control,so I'm just gonna go. |
不好嗎?真的? 一定要有人共用悲慘命運嗎? | No? Really? Misery really does love company? |
好吧 | All right. |
-試著用另一種方式抱她 -我已經盡力而為了 | - Try holding her a different way. - Look,I'm doing the best I can. |
-任何人都歡迎來試試看 -好吧,我來試試看 | - Anyone else is welcome to try. - All right,I'll try. Fine. |
-好了,好的,好的 -抱去吧 | - Yes. Okay. Okay. - Here you go. |
嘿,喔,天啊 | Hey. Oh,gosh. |
這小孩什麼都沒用! | Nothing works with this child! |
天啊,我該怎麼辦呢? 我根本照顧不了我自己的孩子 | God,what am I gonna do,you guys? I can't even comfort my own baby. |
-我是史上最糟的母親 -不,你只不過是不熟悉罷了 | - I'm the worst mother ever. - No,you're just new at this. |
你會克服的 想想你第一天上班的時候 | You'll get better. Think about your first day at work. |
那也不是很簡單的事 但你也擺平了啊 | That couldn't have been easy,but you figured that out. |
是啊,我不認為穿得辣一點 對現在的情況會有説明! | Yeah,I don't think dressing provocatively is going to help me here! |
-天啊,請幫我抱一下 -好,我來抱,來吧 | - God,just please take her. - Okay,I'll take her. Come on. |
喔,天啊,我要去上一下廁所 | Oh,boy,I have to go to the bathroom. |
我要去枕頭堆裡吼一吼 | I have to go scream into a pillow. |
活潑,活潑的寶貝,活潑的寶貝 | Bouncy. Bouncy baby. Bouncy baby. |
喔,寶貝,寶貝,喔,寶貝,寶貝 | Oh,baby,baby. Oh,baby,baby. |
喔,寶貝,寶貝,寶貝 | Oh,baby,baby,baby. |
我聾了嗎? | Have I gone deaf? |
有效了,喔,寶貝,寶貝,寶貝 喔,寶貝,寶貝,寶貝 | It worked. Oh,baby,baby,baby. Oh,baby,baby,baby. |
你在床上一定像個火球! | You must be a fireball in bed! |
我不敢相信,她睡著了 我讓她睡著了 | I can't believe it. She's asleep. I got her to go to sleep. |
我真的有神奇的魔力 | I have actual magical powers. |
我可以聽到汽車跟鳥叫聲 | I can hear traffic and birds. |
我又再度聽到我腦海中的聲音了 | I can hear the voices in my head again. |
開玩笑的 | I'm kidding. |
喔,我的天! 你讓她不再哭了! | Oh,my God! You got her to stop crying! |
是的,我辦到了 我是超級姑姑莫妮卡 | Yes,I did. I'm Monica,super aunt. |
-你是官方認可的嬰兒止哭專家 -是啊,我正是 | - You are the official baby-crier stopper. - Yes,I am. |
-你永遠都不能離開這間公寓了 -什麼? | - You're never leaving the apartment. - Say what? |
這是你的新工作,日夜兼顧 只要她一哭,我就需要你在這裡 | That's your new job,day or night. She starts crying,I need you here. |
-不,不,不 -很慶倖,你一點都不需要我 | - No,no,no. - Thankfully,you don't need me at all. |
那麼,嘿,超級姑姑 下次見囉 | So okay. Hey,super aunt? See you later. |
瑞秋,我們試試看六到八個月 | Rachel? Let's give it six to eight months. |
好的,聽著,我要去睡一下 | Okay,so listen,I'm gonna go lay down. |
什麼? | What? |
書上說只要她一睡 我也應該要睡 | The book says whenever she's sleeping,I should be sleeping. |
所以… | So.. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
嘿 | Hey. |
-我們才剛讓她睡著 -所以現在不能大聲吼叫囉? | - We just got her to go to sleep. - So there can't be any yelling? |
沒錯 | No. |
-我們要搬去土爾沙了 -什麼? | - We're moving to Tulsa. - What? |
我…我聽不到 | I can't.. I can't hear. |
-嘿 -嘿,你去哪了? | - Hey. - Hey. Where have you been? |
-發生什麼事了? -我跟喬伊打了起來 | - What happened to you? - I had a little thing with Joey. |
如果你認為這很糟糕 你應該看看喬伊 | If you think this is bad,you should see him. |
不,羅斯,這真的很糟 | No,Ross,this is not good. |
我們必須談談喬伊這件事,請坐下 | We have to talk about this Joey thing. Please sit. |
好了,你必須放下喬伊這件事 | All right,you have got to get over this Joey thing. |
好嗎?我從未真的 想要嫁給喬伊,好嗎? | Okay? I never really wanted to marry Joey,okay? |
好的 | Okay. |
你知道我真的很想、很想要什麼嗎? | You know what I really,really want? |
什麼? | What,Rach? |
我想要睡覺 | I wanna sleep. |
我想要吃東西,我想要洗澡 | I wanna eat. I wanna take a shower. |
我是說,她醒來以後 我們又有得忙了 | I mean,before she wakes up,and we gotta do this all over again. |
-沒錯 -因為我必須告訴你 | - Right. - I mean,because I got news for you. |
艾瑪,一點都不好帶 | Emma: not easy. |
那正是我在這裡的用意 | Well,that's what I'm here for. |
-你要我去嗎? -不,真的沒關係 | - You want me to get that? - No,that's really okay. |
-莫妮卡? -來了,來了,來了 | - Monica? - Got it,got it,got it,got it. |
我一直在想 而且我要告訴你,這不是我的錯 | I've been thinking about this. And I gotta tell you,it's not my fault. |
-那是自然的本能 -你們在說什麼? | - It's a natural instinct. - What are you talking about? |
好吧,如果我這樣你會怎麼做? | Okay,what would you do if I did this? |
是什麼驚天動地的大消息 要我們馬上趕過來? | So,what's the big news you had us rush all the way over here for? |
你們光過個馬路就花了四十五分鐘 | It took you 45 minutes to cross a street. |
真是的,只不過是個嬰兒 | Come on,guys. It's just one baby. |
好吧,你們現在都沒有人要幫腔 | Oh,sure,now you guys clam up. |
我們要宣佈的消息就是 公司要我去土爾沙帶領新的分公司 | Our news. My company has asked me to head up our office in Tulsa. |
所以從星期一開始 我已經正式被調職了 | So as of Monday,I'm being officially relocated. |
-喔,我的天! -什麼?星期一? | - Oh,my God! - What? Monday? |
-你得要去多久呢? -他們說有可能會長達一年 | - How long do you have to go for? - They said it could be up to a year. |
-一年? -那你也要去嗎? | - A year? - Well,do you have to go? |
我似乎是沒有選擇,不是嗎? | Well,I kind of have to,don't I? |
都是因為這個愚蠢的東西 | Because of this stupid thing. |
再也沒有比愛妻的支持 更棒的東西了 | There's nothing like the support of your loving wife,huh? |
等一下,你不能去土爾沙 | Wait a minute. Wait,you can't go to Tulsa. |
也許你忘了 但是下星期我們要去看球賽的! | Maybe you forgot,but we have tickets to the Jets game next week! |
我很抱歉,但是我想我可能去不了 | I'm sorry,but I don't think I'll be able to make it. |
但是我們是要去看球賽耶! | But we were gonna go see the Jets! |
你不能離開我們 你就像是維繫這個圈子的靈魂人物 | You can't go. I mean,you're the glue that holds this group together. |
-真的嗎? -不是你 | - Really? - Not you. |
一切都會沒問題的 | This whole thing is gonna be okay. |
他們會幫我們在郊區租房子 你們可以過來看我們 | They said they'd rent us a house in the suburbs. You guys can come and visit. |
喔,天啊,那真的是不太可能 | Oh,God,that is so not gonna happen. |
我真不敢相信你們要搬走了 | I can't believe you guys are moving. |
-我承接他們的公寓! -不行! | - I call their apartment! - No! |
兒科醫生 | The.One.With.The.Pediatrician |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-咖啡來了,瑞秋 -謝謝你,喬伊 | - Here you go,Rach. - Thank you,Joey. |
你知道嗎? 我不確定可不可以喝有咖啡因的東西 | You know what? I'm not even sure I can have caffeine. |
我在養育班還有卡蘿的經驗告訴我 一杯咖啡不會影響你的母乳的 | I went through this with Ben and Carol. One coffee won't affect your milk. |
為了安全起見 我要打電話給歪愣醫師 | Just to be sure,I'm gonna call Dr. Wiener. |
這麼好笑嗎? | Every time? |
沒有必要每次有問題 都打電話給他,好嗎? | You don't have to call him whenever you have a question,okay? |
-相信我,我是有經驗的 -好吧,我相信你 | - Trust me. I know this. - All right. I trust you. |
我看到你在撥電話 我不瞭解為什麼… | I can see you dialing. I don't understand why.. |
我在講電話!歪愣醫師嗎? | I'm on the phone! Dr. Wiener? |
看到羅斯跟瑞秋有了小孩 真是奇怪,好像大人 | It's so weird seeing Ross and Rachel with a baby. It's just so grownup. |
我知道,是啊 | I know,yeah. |
覺得好像我們都一起長大了 | I feel like we're all growing up. |
有人的名字叫“歪愣” 真是笑死我了 | A person named "Wiener." God,that kills me |
-瞧瞧你就像個大人 -事實上,你知道嗎? | - Look at you all grownup. - Well,actually,you know what? |
我的確是長大了,知道嗎? | I am,you know? |
跟瑞秋發生的那件事讓我意識到… | Well,that whole thing with Rachel made me realize.. |
或許我已經準備好 要接受更認真的交往了 | that maybe I'm ready for a more serious relationship,you know? |
我想要找一個… | Like,I'd like to meet a |
善良、成熟、穩重的女孩子 | nice,mature,commitment-minded lady. |
外表並不是非常… | And looks aren't as important as.. |
不,她一定要很辣才行 | Nah,she's gotta be hot. |
我也許認識這樣的人 | You know,I might know somebody. |
要不要你幫我找個物件 然後我們一起兩對約會 | How about you set me up with someone,and we double-date? |
我可以啊,星期五怎樣呢? | I can do that. Yeah. How's Friday? |
-沒問題! -好的 | - Done! - All right. |
很好,真的? 好,我們來看看 | Good,really? Okay,let's see. |
好的 | All right. |
你知道誰不錯嗎?珊蒂普霸 | You know who's great? Sandy Poopack. |
“普霸”? | "Poopack"? |
好吧,沒關係 那萊娜緹婉樂可能也不行了 | Yeah. All right. Well,that rules out Lana Titwyler. |
-我有好消息 -你不用去土爾沙了嗎? | - I've got good news. - You got out of the whole Tulsa thing? |
好吧,我有新消息 | Okay,I have news. |
你不用跟我一起搬到土爾沙 你可以待在這裡,繼續你的工作 | You don't have to move to Tulsa. You can stay here and keep your job. |
太好了!是怎麼回事呢? | That's great! How? |
老闆跟我達成一個協議 我一星期在土爾沙待四天就可以了 | My boss and I worked out a deal where I'm in Tulsa four days a week. |
所以另外三天我可以跟你在一起 | So the other three,I can be here with you. |
所以一星期有四天你不在? | So you're gonna be gone four days a week? |
不行 | No. |
不好意思,你是不是 太習慣說不行了呢? | I'm sorry,are you just used to saying that? |
不是,我不能跟你分開那麼久的 | No. I can't be away from you for that long. |
-真的嗎? -是啊,你是我先生 | - Really? - Yeah,you're my husband. |
我不要一年兩百零八天跟你住在不同州 | I won't live in a different state than you for 208 days out of the year. |
算的真快,我們土爾沙的分公司 可以聘請你的 | That's fast math. We could use you in Tulsa. |
謝謝你試著想出更好的方式 但是如果你要去土爾沙,我會跟你去 | Thanks for trying to figure out a way,but if you go to Tulsa,I go with you. |
你這樣說的時候竟然沒有做嘔吐狀 | You said that without gagging. |
真的耶! | I know! |
你說什麼? | Well,excuse me? |
喔?那你也去吃屎吧! | Oh,yeah? Well,up yours too! |
-那到底是誰啊? -歪愣醫師 | - Who the hell was that? - Dr. Wiener. |
瑞秋,你不能在淩晨三點 打電話給人家的 | Rach,you can't call people at 3:00 in the morning. |
你知道嗎? 你聽起來就像他老婆一樣 | You know what? You sound just like his wife. |
艾瑪有怎樣嗎? | Was there anything even wrong with Emma? |
當然是有怎樣! 好嗎?我又不是瘋了 | Yes,of course there is! Okay? I'm not insane. |
是怎樣? | What was it? |
打嗝 | Hiccups. |
我告訴過你了,不能每次 有雞毛蒜皮小事都打電話給他 | I told you,you can't call him every time any little thing comes up. |
看來我是真的不能了 他不接我們了! | Well,not anymore I can't. He fired us! |
你敢相信嗎? | Can you believe that? |
我敢相信如果他在這裡 一定會用雜誌砸你的頭 | I could believe it if he came here and hit you over the head with a copy of Highlights. |
我們該怎麼辦呢? 我們得再另找一個小兒科醫師了 | What are we gonna do? We have to find a pediatrician. |
等一下,莫妮卡說你們小時候… | Wait,Monica said that when you guys were growing up.. |
很喜歡你們的醫師 他叫什麼名字呢? | you liked your doctor. What was his name? |
葛曼醫師嗎? | Dr. Gettleman? |
不,我認為這不是個好主意 | Yeah,no,I don't think that's a good idea. |
事實上,我想他死了 | In fact,I think he's dead. |
為什麼壞事都發生在我身上? | Why does everything happen to me? |
我保證,明天第一件事 就是找到一個新的醫生 | I promise,first thing tomorrow,we'll find another doctor. |
但是我要很早起床 而且我現在覺得不是很舒服 | But I gotta get up early,and I'm not feeling well. |
你不舒服? 是怎麼回事呢?德國麻疹嗎? | You're not feeling well? What do you have? Rubella? |
別靠近艾瑪 她還沒有注射預防針 | Because don't go near Emma,she has not had that shot. |
我仔細想想 倒還感覺像是德國麻疹 | You know,come to think of it,it does feel rubella-like. |
歪愣! | Wiener! |
歪愣!歪愣!歪愣! | Wiener! Wiener! Wiener! |
瑞秋! | Rachel! |
太棒了,現在他就知道那是我了! | Great! Now he's gonna know it was me! |
還有宮保雞丁 | And the kung pao chicken. |
一人用的餐具 | Utensils and plates for one. |
可以重複我的訂單嗎? | And can you read the order back to me? |
太棒了 | Great. |
好的,謝謝,再見 | Yeah. Okay,thanks. Bye. |
看我為今晚我們兩對約會打扮如何? | So how is this for our big double date tonight? |
喔,天啊 | Oh,my God. |
太棒了,這正是我要的反應 | Great. Just the reaction I was hoping for. |
是啊,你有幫我找到人嗎? 你沒有忘記吧? | Yeah,so you found someone for me? You didn't forget? |
當然沒有 你會愛死瑪莉艾倫的 | Of course not. And you'll love Mary Ellen. |
她真的很聰明、可愛風趣,而且… | She's really smart and cute and funny and.. |
我不能告訴你我是怎麼知道的 但是她並不反對三人行 | I can't tell you how I know this,but she is not opposed to threesomes. |
好耶 | All right. |
-說一點我的約會物件吧 -不行 | - So tell me something about my guy. - No. |
別這樣,透露一點嘛 他叫什麼名字? | Come on,give me something. What's his name? |
我不明白你的問題 | I'm not sure I understand the question. |
大家都是怎麼叫他的? | What do they call him? |
-麥克 -麥克,好的,他姓什麼呢? | - Mike. - Mike. Okay,what's his last name? |
可惡!就不能為浪漫 而保有神秘感嗎? | Damn it! Is there no mystery left in romance anymore?! |
幾個小時之後在餐廳 與你跟麥克見 | We'll see you and Mike at the restaurant in a couple hours. |
好的,沒問題 待會見,拜拜 | All right,great. See you. Bye-bye. |
我為什麼要說麥克呢?根本不認識 誰叫麥克的!為什麼不說…? | Why'd I have to say Mike? I don't know a Mike! Why couldn't I have said..? |
這裡面根本就沒有男生! | There's no guys in there! |
所以這就是帶孩子,是吧? | So this is being a parent,huh? |
我想我可以處理得很好的 | I think I can handle this. |
太難了,太難了 | Too intense. Too intense. |
好了,我說了 | Well,I did it. |
我告訴餐廳的同事 我要搬到土爾沙了 | I told my crew at the restaurant I'm heading off to Tulsa. |
-是嗎?他們反應如何? -還不錯 | - Oh,yeah? How'd they take it. - Pretty well. Yeah. |
他們是勇敢的小尖兵 | They were brave little soldiers. |
盡全力冷靜 | Did their best to be stoic. |
有些還互相擊掌來掩飾離別的傷痛 | Some of them even high-fived each other to mask their pain. |
要找好醫生真是好難 要如何分辨哪個是好醫生… | It's impossible to find a good doctor. How do you know the good ones.. |
哪個又會拿小弟弟 摩擦你的膝蓋呢? | from the ones who'll push their penis against your knee? |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
我知道她的意思 | I know what she's talking about. |
你們或許也碰過 會毛手毛腳的鋼琴老師吧 | You probably also had the piano teacher with the wandering hands. |
我們要找新的小兒科醫生 | Well,we've gotta find a new pediatrician. |
羅斯昨晚不舒服 艾瑪或許也被感染到了 | Ross was getting sick last night,and Emma may have caught it. |
-你為什麼不去找葛曼醫生呢? -羅斯說他死了 | - Why don't you see Dr. Gettleman? - Ross said he died. |
他沒死 我上星期才遇到他女兒 | He didn't die. I just saw his daughter last week. |
她說他很好,但是她呢 可被肉毒桿菌搞慘了 | She said he was fine. Her,on the other hand,botched Botox. |
太好了,那我要帶艾瑪去找他 | Great. Well then,I'm gonna take Emma to see him. |
為什麼羅斯說他死了呢? | I wonder why Ross said that he died? |
或許他把他跟 他小時候的心理醫生搞混了 | Maybe he confused him with his childhood therapist. |
他有心理醫生? | He saw a therapist? |
他以前常常做重複的噩夢 嚇死他了 | He used to have a recurring nightmare. It freaked him out. |
哇,什麼噩夢呢? | Wow,what was it? |
夢到我要吃掉他 | That I was going to eat him. |
麥克! | Mike! |
怎樣? | Yeah? |
好了 | Okay. |
真不敢相信,我竟然跟你做這件事 | I can't believe I'm doing this with you. |
我才剛結束一段九年的戀情… | Although I did just end a nine-year relationship.. |
所以我應該敞開心胸迎接一些挑戰 | so I should be open to taking some risks. |
這樣很好 把那些無聊的舊東西拋掉 | That's good. Get all that boring stuff out now. |
一切都好啦 跟著我就沒事,好嗎? | Everything is gonna be fine. Follow my lead,okay? |
你只要假裝是麥克就可以了 | All you have to do is pretend to be Mike. |
-我就是麥克啊 -演的真不錯 | - I am Mike. - Attaboy. |
她們來了 | Here they come. |
-我是菲比 -菲比,這位是麥克,你好嗎? | - I'm Phoebe. - Phoebe. Mike. How you doing? |
-很高興認識你 -喬伊,這位是瑪莉艾倫珍金 | - Nice to meet you. - Joey,this is Mary Ellen Jenkins. |
麥克,你跟喬伊是怎麼認識的呢? | So,Mike,how do you and Joey know each other,anyway? |
我跟喬伊是怎麼認識的呢? | How do Joey and I know each other? |
如果每次有人問我這問題 我就有五塊錢賺,那我就變富翁了 | If I had a nickel for every time somebody's asked me that. |
-在學校認識的 -我們在大學認識的 | - From school. - We met in college. |
我是說高中 | I mean high school. |
那你們認識可久了 那你現在是做什麼的呢? | You guys go way back,then. So,what are you up to these days? |
-我是律師 -麥克,律師! | - Well,I'm a lawyer. - Mike,attorney at law! |
-事實上,我才剛放棄執照 -什麼? | - Actually,I just gave up my practice. - What? |
這種事你應該先跟我討論的 | That's the kind of thing you usually run by me. |
我想要成為專業鋼琴音樂家 如果現在不趕快做,就來不及了 | I want to play piano professionally. If I don't do this now,I never will. |
太好了,我喜歡音樂家勝過律師 | Great. I like that better than the lawyer thing. |
這就是為什麼我等到現在 才介紹麥克給你 | Which is why I waited until now to introduce you to Mike. |
你不是還以為他是律師嗎? | You thought he was still a lawyer. |
不,我並沒有那樣說 我們幫你點杯雞尾酒吧 | No,that's not what I meant. Let's get you a cocktail. |
你在做什麼呢? | What are you doing? |
幫你在土爾沙找餐廳的工作 | Looking for restaurant jobs for you in Tulsa. |
真是貼心,有找到嗎? | That's so sweet. Did you find anything? |
-速食外餐 -什麼都沒有,是吧? | - Slim Pickins. - Nothing,huh? |
不,速食外餐,是間烤肉店 | No. Slim Pickins. It's a barbecue joint. |
他們在找廚師,事實上 並不全然是“廚師” | They're looking for a cook. Actually,"cook" may be a bit of a stretch. |
他們在找炒豆子的幫手 | They're looking for somebody to shovel mesquite. |
“速食外餐”?聽起來真是不高級 | "Slim Pickins"? That is so cheesy. |
“不高級”也有在招人 | Well,So Cheesy also has an opening. |
親愛的,沒關係 我認識一個叫南西的人… | Honey,that's okay. I know this woman,Nancy.. |
她是專門幫餐廳招人的 她或許會知道一些職缺 | who's a restaurant biz headhunter. She may know something. |
我真的是太感激你願意跟我去 | Can I say how much I appreciate you coming with me? |
當我們抵達土爾沙 我會帶你去速食外餐吃大餐的 | When we get to Tulsa,I am taking you for a great dinner at Slim Pickins. |
那“不高級”呢? | So Cheesy? |
全豬餐廳呢? | Whole Hog? |
在土爾沙要找到正式餐廳還真是不簡單 | It's gonna be tough to keep kosher in Tulsa. |
嗨,南西嗎? 嗨,我是莫妮卡蓋勒 | Hi,Nancy? Hi,it's Monica Geller. |
我很好,我需要在土爾沙找份工作 | I'm good. Listen,I'm looking for a job in Tulsa. |
是啊,因為我先生被調職到那邊 | Yeah,well,my husband's been relocated. |
因為我愛他 | Because I love him. |
不,我不想要紐約的工作 | No,I don't want a job in New York. |
傑屋在找人?喔,我的天啊! | Javu's looking? Oh,my God! |
他特別指名要我? 喔,我的天啊! | He asked for me personally? Oh,my God! |
哇,我真的是太受寵若驚了 | Wow,this is really,really flattering. |
但是我要搬到土爾沙了 | But I'm moving to Tulsa. |
所以,請你告訴傑屋… | So,just,if you would tell Javu.. |
我接受這份工作! | I'll take it! |
我是瑞秋格林 我有幫艾瑪預約看診 | My name's Rachel Greene. I have an appointment for Emma. |
葛曼醫生快看完病人了 他等一下就會出來 | Dr. Gettleman is finishing up with a patient. He'll be out shortly. |
我想你只是感冒了 沒有什麼嚴重性 | I think you just have a cold. It's definitely not strep. |
謝了,醫生 | Thanks,doctor. |
-要不要來根棒棒糖呢? -還用問嗎? | - Would you like a lollipop? - Do you even have to ask? |
他還活著! | He is alive! |
好奇怪,你跟喬伊認識這麼久了… | It's so surprising that you and Joey have known each other for so long.. |
而我卻從沒有聽說過你 | and I've never heard about you. |
因為我們有吵過架 | That's because we had a bit of a falling out. |
麥克開車撞到我媽 | Mike hit my mom with a car. |
-才沒,我沒有 -沒關係,我已經原諒你了 | - No,I didn't. - That's okay. I have forgiven you. |
現在我們又是朋友了 一切都很美好 | Now we're friends again,and everything's great. |
等一下,你媽還好吧? | Well,wait. Is your mom okay? |
拜託,我們在講話耶 | Please,we're trying to have a conversation. |
你在《我們的日子》中親切多了 | You're a lot nicer on Days of Our Lives. |
《我們的日子》! 怪不得你看起來有點眼熟! | Days of Our Lives! That's why you look so familiar! |
-什麼? -什麼? | - What? - What? |
什麼? | What? |
你們彼此不認識嗎? | Do you not know each other? |
我們當然認識 他是在玩我們高中常玩的遊戲 | Of course we do. He's playing a game we used to play in high school. |
我們假裝不認識 我們玩很多種遊戲的 | We pretend we don't know each other. We played all kinds of games. |
你還記得有一次 你因為太蠢而被我揍嗎? | You remember that one where I punch you in the face for not being cool? |
讓我問你一個問題 喬伊有幾個姐妹呢? | Let me ask you something: How many sisters does Joey have? |
-六個 -不,他有七個 | - Six. - No,he doesn't. He has seven. |
你在搞什麼鬼?我這是七個! | What are you doing? I said seven! |
喬伊,為什麼你要介紹陌生人給我呢? | Joey,why did you set me up with a stranger? |
因為我忘記了,我很抱歉 | Because I forgot about our date. I'm so sorry. |
我也很抱歉,還有要澄清一下 我沒有開車撞他媽 | I'm sorry too. And just to be clear,I didn't hit his mother with a car. |
不過我現在真的很想被車撞一下 | Although I'd like to be hit by one right now. |
是喔,沒問題 | Yeah,no problem. |
你真是太不應該了 我花這麼多時間幫你找完美的對象 | You are unbelievable. I spent so much time finding the perfect girl for you. |
瑪莉艾倫真的很聰明 很可愛又很隨便 | Mary Ellen is really smart and cute and loose. |
嘿! | Hey |
你別裝了吧? | Who are you kidding? |
你在街上隨便捉個男的塞給我? | You find some guy off the street for me? |
天啊,這真是太羞辱人了! | God,this is humiliating! |
我很抱歉,如果你不喜歡這一個 我可以幫你找更好的 | I'm so sorry. If you don't like this guy,I can find you a better one. |
麥克?麥克? | Mike? Mike? |
我要走了 | I'm out of here. |
很高興認識你 | It was nice meeting you. |
-你也要走? -你說的出我的名字,我就留下 | - You're leaving too? - I'll stay if you can tell me my name. |
再見 | Have a good night. |
我們明天就要走了 而你還有好多東西要打包 | We leave tomorrow,and you still have a lot to pack. |
你說得對 | You're right. |
或許我不應該去 | Maybe I shouldn't go. |
什麼? | What? |
南西告訴我有一個 很棒的餐廳在征人,傑屋 | So Nancy told me about this job at this great restaurant,Javu? |
離土爾沙不會太遠 | But it's just a little outside of Tulsa. |
那是多遠呢? | Well,how far outside? |
跟曼哈頓差不多遠吧? | Manhattan? |
你要接受這份工作嗎? | And you're thinking of taking it? |
你之前說跟我在一起 比任何工作都重要 | Before,you said that being with me was more important than any job. |
但我猜,現在是 舊工作,我,新工作 | But I guess now it's old job,me,new job. |
我會想念這只手的! | I'm gonna miss this hand! |
我知道這很過份… | I know this is a lot to ask.. |
但是,天啊,這是千載難逢的好機會 | but,my God,this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. |
那你說無法忍受每星期四天 要分開,是怎麼回事呢? | What happened to "you can't live without me four days a week"? |
如果你仔細想想 四天並不是很長的時間 | Well,if you really think about it,I mean,four days is not that long. |
星期一你去上班前我會見到你… | I see you Monday before you go to work.. |
然後星期四晚上我也會見到你… | and Thursday when you get back.. |
而我總是在星期二忙到很晚 所以如果你仔細想想… | and I always work late on Tuesdays,so really if you think about it.. |
事實上只有分開一天而已 | it's really just one day. |
而如果我們連一天都撐不住 我們真的是有大問題了 | And well,if we can't make it one day,we got real problems,my friend. |
-我認為你應該接受這份工作 -真的嗎? | - I think you should take the job. - Really? |
當你開始像猴子一樣鬼吼時 我就知道這對你一定很重要 | I know it must be important to you when you start chattering like a monkey. |
這是我聽過最美好的形容了 | That's the nicest thing anybody's ever said to me. |
這是你的夢想工作 我不能要求你放棄的 | It's your dream job. I can't make you pass it up. |
況且我還以你為榮 | Besides,I'm proud of you. |
-真的嗎? -是啊 | - You are? - Yeah. |
當我去到土爾沙,有人問我 “你老婆呢?” | And when I get to Tulsa and people say,"Where's the missus".. |
我會告訴他們,她在傑屋當主廚 | I'll tell them she's a chef at Javu. |
然後,當他們 搞不清狀況盯著我看時… | And then,when they stare at me blankly.. |
我就會說一些污辱土爾沙的笑話 然後開始被他們排擠 | I'll make some offensive Tulsa joke,and thus,begin my isolation. |
-新醫生怎樣呢? -我真的很喜歡他 | - How was the pediatrician? - I really liked him. |
是啊,是啊 真的,真的,真的很不錯 | Yeah,yeah. It was really,really,really good. |
-你答應我不會說出去的 -我知道 | - You promised not to say anything. - I know. |
羅斯還在看他小時候的醫生! | Ross still sees his pediatrician! |
我不在乎 | I don't care. |
真的嗎? 你還在看葛曼醫師? | Are you serious? You still see Dr. Gettleman? |
他是醫術高明的診斷師! | He is a brilliant diagnostician! |
診斷師還是醫生叔叔呢? | Diagnostician or boo-boo fixer? |
真的,你應該去看適合你的醫生才對 | Seriously,you gotta go to an appropriate doctor. |
不是牙科醫生… | And not an orthodontist.. |
不是婦科醫生… | not a gynecologist.. |
也更不是獸醫 | and not a veterinarian.. |
為什麼?我知道這是有點怪 但是他是個很棒的醫生,好嗎? | Why? I know it's a little weird,but he is a great doctor,okay? |
他知道我的病史 | He knows my medical history. |
而且每次我去看病 他都非常的慎重其事 | And every time I go in there,he makes a big deal. |
你知道的 “瞧,這是我最喜歡的病人” | You know,"Look,it's my favorite patient." |
是不是在把體溫計 插到你嘴裡之前說的呢? | Does he say that before he sticks his thermometer in your tushy? |
我還記得有人把他的 安全毛毯帶到大學宿舍 | I seem to remember someone bringing his security blanket to college. |
那不是安全毛毯 那是壁毯 | That was not a security blanket. That was a wall hanging. |
它倒是沒有被掛在牆上太久! | It didn't spend much time on the wall! |
對不起 | Excuse me. |
嗨,我原本就希望可以再遇到你 我們可以談談嗎? | Hi. I was hoping to run into you. Can we talk? |
當然 | Sure. |
我想要介紹你認識一個人 | Yeah. There's someone I want you to meet. |
這位是我高中最要好的朋友 | This is my best friend from high school. |
很抱歉,我並不認識你 | I'm sorry,I don't think I know you. |
真是太容易了 | How hard was that? |
我真的很抱歉 我實在太不好意思了 | Look,I'm sorry,really. I'm so embarrassed. |
拜託 | Please. |
真的,我是個還不錯的人 你可以問我的保釋官 | Really,I'm a pretty nice guy. Just ask my parole officer. |
很明顯地,我並不是很風趣 | Apparently,I'm not a funny guy. |
那你為什麼要這樣做呢? | Well,why did you go along with that? |
因為他說,我可以吃一頓 免費的晚餐,不過並沒有 | Because I was told that I'd get a free dinner,which I didn't. |
還有他說,我可以認識 漂亮的女生,這倒是有 | And that I'd meet a pretty girl,which I did. |
那倒是真的 | That's true. |
那你告訴我的事有哪些是真的呢? | Well,is anything you told me about yourself true? |
我的名字真的是麥克 還有我真的會彈鋼琴 | My name is Mike. And I do play piano. |
-證明給我看 -這裡並沒有鋼琴 | - Prove it. - There isn't a piano here. |
那對真正的鋼琴家來說不會是問題吧 | That wouldn't stand in the way of a true pianist. |
好吧 | Okay. |
你真的很棒 | You are really good. |
-我會彈一點吉他 -真的?太棒了 | - I play a little guitar myself. - Really? That's great. |
-你彈奏什麼音樂呢? -像是重原音、有民俗風味的 | - What kind of music do you play? - Like acoustic,folksy stuff,you know? |
但是我現在在製作“金屬少女”的CD封面 | But right now I'm working on a couple lron Maiden covers. |
你想,或許,有空的話,我可… | Do you think that,maybe,sometime,I could.. |
沒關係的,來吧,約我吧 | It's okay. Go ahead,ask me out. |
好吧,你想,或許有空的話 我可以約你出去嗎? | Okay. You think,maybe,sometime I could take you out? |
你真是讓我一點心理準備都沒有 | You just caught me off guard. |
好啊,我很樂意 | Yeah,that would be nice. |
瞧瞧!我兩個最要好的朋友! | Look at this! My two best friends! |
不好意思,我不想太著急… | Excuse me. I don't mean to be a jerk.. |
但是那個長疹子的嬰兒 是在我後面進來的 | but the baby with the rash came in after me. |
-醫生等一下就可以看你了,先生 -我知道… | - The doctor will be right with you,sir. - I hear you.. |
但是你有沒有比較高難度的謎題呢? | but do you have any harder puzzles? |
媽咪,我找不到華多 | Mommy,I can't find Waldo. |
你在第幾頁呢? | What page are you on? |
遊樂場嗎?他在大象後面 | What,the circus? He's behind the elephant. |
哇,你的孩子一定也很迷華多 | Wow. So your child's a big fan of the Waldo books too? |
是啊,所以我也很熟 | Yeah,that's how I know. |
-對了,我叫羅斯 -嗨,我叫莎莉 | - I'm Ross,by the way. - Hi,I'm Sally. |
沒有戒指,所以我推想你也是單親? | So no ring. Can I assume you're also a single parent? |
-我是單親沒錯 -很難,對吧? | - I am a single parent. - It's hard,isn't it? |
根本沒有可以社交的時間 要去哪裡認識朋友呢? | There's no time for a social life. Where are you gonna meet someone? |
-那個… -媽咪,我找不… | - Well.. - Mommy,I can't.. |
海邊嗎?在小船上 | Sea shore? Row boat. |
我想,我不知道 可以在小兒科醫生那裡認識人吧 | Let's say,I don't know,you met someone in the pediatrician's office. |
小羅斯?輪到你了 | Rossie? We're ready for you. |
是啊… | Yeah.. |
走吧,小羅斯 輪到我們了 | Come on,Ross Jr. It's time to go in. |
媽咪 | Mommy. |
媽咪,那個人是怎麼了? | Mommy,what's wrong with that man? |
嘿,是我幫你找到華多的耶! | Hey,I helped you find Waldo! |
-太好了,你還沒走 -你去哪了? | - Good,you haven't left yet. - Where have you been? |
有事情在葛曼醫師那耽擱了一下 | I got held up at Dr. Gettleman's office. |
有一個人嚇壞了所有的人 | There was some guy that freaked everybody out. |
我想我再也不要回去那裡了 | I don't think I'm going back there. |
你正好趕上 我得要走了,兄弟 | You got here just in time. I really have to go,buddy. |
喔,真是的 | Oh,man. |
-答應我一下飛機就打電話 -當然,我愛你 | - Promise to call me when you land? - Of course I will. I love you. |
我也愛你 | I love you too. |
不要舌吻,你們,兒童不宜 | Watch the tongue,people. We got a baby over here. |
-再見,錢德 -再見 | - Bye,Chandler. - Bye. |
-再見,親愛的 -再見 | - Bye,honey. - Bye. |
-怎麼了,喬伊? -我很生氣你要走 | - What's the matter,Joe? - I'm mad at you for leaving. |
你知道嗎?你什麼都不會 就最會拋棄人家 | You know,you're nothing but a big leaver. |
帶著笨行李的負心漢 | A big leaver with a stupid suitcase. |
你是不是故意說一些氣話 讓自己好過點呢? | Any chance you're trying to pick a fight to make all of this easier? |
老兄,你真是太瞭解我了! | Dude,you see right through me! |
好了,那麼…再見了,莫妮卡 | Okay,well.. Bye,Mon. |
再見,羅斯,瑞秋 | Bye,Ross. Rachel. |
-再見,艾瑪 -好了,拜拜 | - Bye,Emma. - Okay,bye-bye. |
旅途愉快,好了,喔,天啊 | Have a good trip. Okay. Oh,my God. |
錢德,等一下 | Wait. |
應該是舊工作… | It goes old job.. |
新工作… | new job.. |
然後是你 | and you. |
那只不過是我要做的工作 | This is just something I have to do. |
我知道 | I know. |
我好愛你 | I love you so much. |
我也知道 | I know that too. |
別擔心 我很快就會回來了 | Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it. |
是的,一切都不會變 | Yes,it will be the same. |
因為我就是知道 | Because I know,that's how. |
我保證 | I promise. |
你可以雙重保證嗎? | You double promise? |
一下飛機就打電話給我 | Call me when you land. |
-輪到我講了嗎? -好的,再見 | - Can I talk now? - Okay,bye. |
-喬伊! -他要登機了 | - Joey! - He had to board. |
嘿,羅斯 | Hey,Ross. |
真高興有人在這裡 你可以幫我把拉鍊拉起來嗎? | I'm so glad someone's here. Could you zip me up? |
-當然可以 -謝謝 | - Sure. - Thank you. |
你相信從我家到這裡的路上… | Can you believe no one between my apartment and here.. |
竟然沒有人願意幫我拉拉鍊嗎? | offered to do that for me? |
人啊 | People. |
你穿這麼漂亮做什麼呢? | So why are you so dressed up? |
麥克要來接我去約會 | Mike's picking me up for a date. |
交往得如何呢? 是不是越來越認真了? | How's that going? Is it getting serious? |
我不知道,我不知道 我是蠻喜歡他的 | I don't know. I don't know. I mean,I like him. |
但是我還沒有準備好讓我這麼優秀的人退出市場 | But am I ready to take my Grade A loins off the meat market? |
我不太確定 | I'm not quite sure. |
我真的很欣賞你的約會態度 | You know,I really admire your whole dating attitude. |
真是很健康的態度 我總是在想會不會進展太快了?… | It's so healthy. I'm always like,"Is this moving too fast? |
會不會進展太慢了? 這將怎麼發展呢? | Is this moving too slow? Where's this going?" |
我知道 你就像是個戲劇女王 | I know. You are a bit of a drama queen. |
你真是太厲害了 男朋友一個接著一個… | You're so much better off. You just go from guy to guy having fun.. |
享受樂趣,完全不擔心沒有結局 | and not worrying that it never turns into anything serious. |
我不敢說“完全不” | I wouldn't say "never." |
有一次有個男的… | You know,there is that guy. |
好的,那個…? | Okay,well,what about..? |
總該有個人吧 | Okay,there's gotta be someone. |
-根本就沒有!我就說吧 -喔,天啊,你說的沒錯! | - There isn't! That's what I'm saying. - Oh,my God,you're right! |
我知道,一段戀情才剛結束 馬上又可以跟其他人約會 | I know. And yet,here you are,all ready for the next date. |
真不敢相信 我之前都沒有注意到這點 | I can't believe I never realized this before. |
我已經三十幾歲了 從來沒有愛情長跑過 | I'm in my 30s,and I've never been in a long-term relationship. |
喔,天啊,我是有什麼毛病? | Oh,my God,what's wrong with me? |
你沒有什麼毛病 | There's nothing wrong with you. |
我是說,你不像那種 看起來會想結婚的人 | I mean,you don't strike me as the type of person that wants to get married. |
我想結婚! | I want to get married! |
別這樣,拜託…別因為我而哭 | No,please.. Please don't cry because of me. |
我根本不知道我在說什麼 我離婚三次了 | I don't know what I'm talking about,okay? I've been divorced three times. |
至少你結過婚 | At least you've been married. |
喔,我的天啊! 我竟然羡慕起羅斯了? | Oh,my God! I want to trade lives with Ross?! |
菲比 | Phoebe. |
-怎麼了? -沒事,要跟你約會太興奮了 | - What's wrong? - Nothing. I'm excited about our date. |
麥克,這位是羅斯蓋勒 羅斯,這位是麥克… | Mike,this is Ross Geller. Ross,this is Mike.. |
-對不起,我沒有聽清楚 -麥克漢尼根 | - Sorry,I didn't catch that. - Mike Hanigan. |
-羅斯蓋勒 -嘿 | - Ross Geller. - Hey. |
你確定準備好了嗎? | So are you sure you're ready to go? |
我看起來怎樣? | How do I look? |
-你皮包裡有小鏡子嗎? -沒有 | - Do you have a compact in your purse? - No. |
你看起來棒透了 | You look great. |
鯊魚 | The.One.With.The.Sharks |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-嘿,喬伊 -那個女的就是不轉過來 | - Hey,Joey. - This girl won't turn around. |
我無法判斷她是不是很辣 你覺得呢? | I can't tell if she's hot or not. What do you think? |
喬伊,我不會跟你一起把女性物化的 | Joey,I am not going to objectify women with you. |
但是如果她的臉 跟她的屁股一樣棒的話… | But if her face is as nice as her ass.. |
-媽啊! -好的,謝謝 | - Mama! - All right. Thanks. |
-你有跟錢德通電話了嗎? -他這週末要留在土爾沙 | - Have you talked to Chandler? - He has to stay in Tulsa this weekend. |
-為什麼? -我不知道,有工作要做 | - How come? - I don't know. He has to work. |
要趕那個… | There's some big rush on the.. |
討厭!我應該要開始 認真聽他講工作的事了 | Damn it. I'm gonna have to start listening when he talks about his job. |
你何不飛過去給他個驚喜呢? | Why don't you fly out there and surprise him? |
我很想啊,我真的很想念他 | I'd love to. I really miss him. |
但是不行,我只放一天假 而且機票太貴了 | But I can't. I have one day off and it's just too expensive. |
真好玩,所以機票錢 比錢德還重要 | Interesting. So Chandler's not worth the price of a plane ticket to you. |
當然是錢德較重要 | Of course he is. |
或許我應該飛過去 | Maybe I will go. |
我們可以在土爾沙的飯店 來個二度小蜜月 | We'll have a little second honeymoon at the Tulsa Ramada. |
你應該帶你那件黑色透明性感內衣 加上吊帶褲襪 | You should bring your black see-through teddy with the attached garters. |
-你怎麼知道我有那件呢? -本來不知道,現在知道了 | - How do you know I have one of those? - Didn't until just now. |
辣,不辣 | Hot. Not hot. |
辣! | Hot! |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
我說我覺得你很辣 | I said that I think you're hot. |
而…現在我糗死了 | And.. now I'm embarrassed. |
我以為你是說“嗨” | I thought you said "hi." |
如果是那樣就好了 | That would've been better. |
我來試試看,嗨,我是喬伊 | I'll try that. Hi,I'm Joey. |
我是海莉 | I'm Hayley. |
通常我不約在咖啡店遇到的女生出去 | Look,I don't normally ask out women that I meet in coffeehouses. |
祝你早日康復 | Gesundheit. |
但是… | But.. |
真是很難開口,我有點害羞 | This is hard. I'm kind of shy. |
真的,你應該去看醫生的 | Seriously,you should see someone about that cold. |
如果感冒越來越嚴重,你可是會死的 | If it gets much worse,you could die. |
-反正… -我很樂意跟你出去 | - Anyway.. - I would love to go out with you. |
真的嗎?太棒了 | Really? Great. |
我有…我有開口約你嗎? | Did I..? Did I actually ask you? |
由你說話的方式 我就猜得到你要做什麼 | That's just where you were going. I figured I'd help you out. |
你不像是那種經常這樣的男生吧? | You don't seem like the kind of guy who does this a lot? |
真是的,甘瑟,你傳染給我了 | Damn it,Gunther,you gave it to me. |
喔,是你 | Oh,it's you. |
我帶了素食熱狗 | With vegetarian corndogs. |
別這樣,我只想跟你說說話 | Come on,I just want to talk to you. |
說什麼?說我還剩下幾個卵子嗎? | About what? How few ova I have left? |
別這樣,我只想為昨天發生的事道歉 | Come on,I just wanna apologize for what happened yesterday. |
我很抱歉,菲比 | I'm sorry,Phoebe. |
沒關係,羅斯 | That's okay,Ross. |
-約會還好嗎? -糟透了 | - So how'd the date go? - Well,it was awful. |
我幾乎撐不過晚餐 | I barely got through dinner. |
每次我想到你說的話,我就哭了 | Every time I thought about what you said,I cried. |
我非常肯定他整晚都驚恐的盯著我看 | I'm pretty sure he spent most of the night just staring at me in horror. |
但是我無法真的確定 因為我的眼睛已經腫到張不開了 | But I couldn't know for sure because my eyes were swollen shut. |
你知道我不是故意要惹你哭的 | You know I wasn't trying to make you cry. |
我本來是想要說一些很好聽的話的 | I was really trying to say something nice. |
我只是要說,即使你 從未有過認真的感情… | I was basically saying even though you've never been in a serious relationship.. |
-我們還要再討論這個嗎? -對不起 | - Are we gonna do this again? - Sorry. |
-他還沒打來嗎? -你會打給這種女的嗎? | - So he hasn't called? - Would you call this girl: |
“謝謝…美好…一晚” | "Thanks for.. a lovely.. evening"? |
我覺得糟透了 這全都是我的錯 | Now I feel terrible. This is all my fault. |
你知道更糟的是什麼嗎? | You know what you should feel terrible about? |
這男的有可能是可以認真的物件 | This could have been my serious guy. |
他很體貼、聰明又風趣 | He was sweet and smart and funny. |
你知道要遇到這樣的男生有多難嗎? | You know how hard it is to meet a guy like that? |
我們的確是很稀有 | We are a rare breed. |
嘿,可能就是他哦 | Hey,maybe that's him. |
喂? | Hello? |
你可以等一下嗎? | Could you hold on one sec? |
-我需要一點隱私 -是不是麥克呢? | - I need some privacy. - Is it Mike? |
不,是騷擾電話 我現在什麼電話都接 | No,it's a heavy breather. I'll take what I can get. |
我在聽著 | I'm listening. |
晚餐實在太棒了 | What a great dinner. |
再次謝謝你讓我吃最後一塊蛋糕 | Thanks again for letting me have that last piece of cake at the restaurant. |
不用客氣,我要去煮咖啡 | You're welcome again. I'm gonna go make some coffee. |
-你要什麼呢? -你有蛋糕嗎? | - Can I get you anything? - Do you have any cake? |
真是進行的太順利了 | So this is going pretty good. |
晚餐很棒,我們有許多共同點 | Dinner was nice. We've got a lot in common. |
“維多莉亞的秘密”性感內衣目錄 | Victoria 's Secret. |
我們甚至喜歡相同的書 | We even like the same books. |
這幅畫真可怕 | There's a scary painting. |
等等 | Wait a minute. |
我記得好像被這幅畫給嚇過 | I think I've been scared by that painting before. |
你知道嗎? 這地方看起來真眼熟 | You know what? This whole place looks familiar. |
我一定曾經來過這裡 | I have definitely been in this apartment. |
我看過這棵可怕的植物 | I know I've seen this weird plant before. |
它上次也是這樣刺我! | It did that the last time! |
喔,天啊 我跟這個女的約會過 | Oh,my God. I've gone out with this girl before. |
沒錯!我們在這沙發上做過愛! | Yeah! We had sex on this couch! |
然後在那張椅子上 還有…,不對 | And then on that chair,and.. No. |
不對,沒有在這裡… | No,we didn't do it here.. |
這倒是很奇怪,看起來超適合的 | which is weird,because it seems like a perfectly good place. |
這就是原因 | That's why. |
嘿,麥克,很抱歉這樣跑過來 我可以進來嗎? | Hey,Mike. Sorry to just drop by like this. Can I come in? |
當然 | Sure. |
你是誰呢? | Who are you? |
我是羅斯,菲比在咖啡屋的朋友 | I'm Ross. Phoebe's friend from the coffeehouse? |
我真的非常需要跟你談一件事 | I really,really need to talk to you about something. |
除非… | Unless.. |
你不是要拉我信什麼教吧? | You're not gonna try and get me to join a cult,are you? |
沒啦,因為,你知道的 你長得很像那種人 | No,it's just,you know,you have that look. |
該死的超級髮型! | Damn Supercuts! |
-怎麼回事呢?菲比還好嗎? -喔,還好,還好 | - Well,what's up? Is Phoebe okay? - Oh,yeah,yeah. |
菲比很好,但是… | Phoebe is great. But.. |
我是個蠢蛋 | I'm an idiot,okay? |
就在你們出去約會前… | Right before you guys went out.. |
我不小心惹得她很難過 | I accidentally got her all upset. |
難怪她不對勁 | That's why she was weird. |
是的,是啊,我… | Yes. Yeah,I.. |
我說了些蠢話,關於她從沒有過 認真的戀愛關係等等 | Yeah,I said something stupid about her never having had a serious relationship. |
但是你應該知道,她是很風趣的 很棒的一個人 | But you should know,she is so much fun. A wonderful person. |
-拜託,請別離開她 -我不會離開她的 | - Please,don't blow her off. - I'm not gonna blow her off. |
我才剛跟她說完電話 我們明晚要出去 | I just spoke to her. We're going out tomorrow night. |
我是說,如果你沒有意見的話 咖啡屋的陌生人 | I mean,I hope that's okay with you,stranger from the coffeehouse. |
太棒了,所以她狂哭並沒有嚇跑你? | That's great. So the crying didn't turn you off? |
我剛剛跟一個躁郁症患者 結束九年的戀情 | I just got out of a nine-year relationship with a manic-depressive. |
跟她相比,菲比根本是只小貓 | Compared to that,Phoebe's a Mousketeer. |
好吧,那我就不需要再打擾你了 | Well,then,I didn't need to bother you. |
你,外加四個麥克漢尼根 都被我打擾了 | You or the four other Mike Hanigans I bothered. |
其中一個還很高壯 有點愛打情罵俏 | One of whom was quite large and a little flirty. |
等等,等等 你剛剛說的是真的嗎? | Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Is that true what you said? |
菲比從未談過認真的戀愛? | Phoebe's never had a serious relationship? |
她當然有過 | Of course she has. |
如果她沒有談過認真的戀愛… | If she's never had a serious relationship.. |
你認為我會到處去廣播… | do you think I'd go around broadcasting it.. |
像是無法克制的白癡一樣 見人就說嗎? | like some kind of unstoppable moron? |
-但是你的確是那樣說了 -是的,是的,我是說了 | - But you did say it. - Yes. Yes,I did. |
而且我還會說… | And I will also say.. |
我接下來要說的… | what I'm about to say.. |
相對於… | vis-a-vis.. |
以下的說法 | the following. |
菲比從未談過認真的戀愛… | Phoebe has never had a serious relationship.. |
是從… | since.. |
她超級認真地… | her super-serious relationship.. |
跟… | with.. |
偉軟分手之後 | Vikram. |
-偉軟? -怎樣?那是真的名字 | - Vikram? - What? That's a real name. |
停停吧! | Stop it! |
為什麼不是派我去德克薩斯州呢? | Why couldn't they have sent me to Texas? |
七點鐘 | Seven o'clock. |
或許我該去健身房 | Maybe I'll hit the gym. |
少來了,還是看色情頻道好了 | Who am I kidding? Pay-per-view porn. |
-不要打擾!不要打擾! -驚喜吧! | - Do not disturb! Do not disturb! - Surprise! |
-莫妮卡? -一切都還好吧? | - Monica? - Is everything all right? |
是啊,一切都很好 我剛剛… | Yeah,everything's great. I was just.. |
在看一些正常的電視節目 | watching some regular television there. |
這個驚喜真是太令人興奮了 | What a pleasant surprise. |
-我去梳洗一下,好嗎? -好的,親愛的 | - I'm gonna go freshen up,okay? - Okay,honey. |
差一點點 | That was close. |
你根本沒去德克薩斯州 | You're not even there |
-喂 -嘿,瑞秋,是我 | - Hello. - Hey,Rach,it's me. |
我剛到錢德的房間 然後看到他… | Okay,I just got to Chandler's room,and I caught him.. |
正在猥褻他自己 | molesting himself. |
那畫面可能不是很好看 | That couldn't have been pretty. |
但是你知道的,男生常那樣做的 | But you know,guys do that. |
但是,很奇怪的是… | Well,the weird part is.. |
他在看的是鯊魚攻擊影片耶! | he was getting off.. to a shark-attack show! |
-好惡! -是的!錢德竟然在看鯊魚色情片! | - No! - Yes! Chandler watches shark porn! |
-在看鯊魚的時候? -是啊 | - While watching sharks? - Yeah. |
你確定他是在做那檔事嗎? | Are you sure that's what he was doing? |
你知道我看他 那樣跳起來過多少次了嗎? | You know how many times I've seen him jump up like that? |
相信我,我知道他在做什麼 | Believe me,I know what he was doing. |
天啊!鯊魚! | Man! Sharks! |
我就知道那個人有地方不對勁 | I always knew there was something weird about that dude. |
你發誓過無論如何都要愛他的 | You promised to love him no matter what. |
“無論如何”講的是像如果他得病 還是殺了人什麼的 | "What" means,like,if he gets a disease or kills someone. |
而不是如果 他把小弟弟放到鯊魚嘴裡 | Not if he gets his jollies to Jaws. |
你知道嗎?親愛的 男生是很不一樣的 | You know what,honey? Guys are just different. |
他們喜歡一些我們無法理解的東西 | They like things that we can't understand. |
我曾經約會過一個男的 總是想要假裝… | I once dated this guy who wanted to pretend.. |
他是考古學家 而我是… | that he was an archeologist,and I was this.. |
他從冰塊中解救出來 調皮的山頂洞女人 | naughty cavewoman who he unfroze from a block of ice. |
你是在說我哥嗎? | Are you talking about my brother? |
我裝得不像,對不對? | I didn't disguise that very well,did I? |
-嘿 -嗨 | - Hey. - Hi. |
我昨晚跟一個女孩子出去 我到一半的時候才發現… | I went out with this girl last night. Halfway through our date I realized.. |
我已經跟她上過床了 | I already slept with her. |
所以你已經跟全紐約的女人上過床了 現在只是從頭開始再來一次? | You've slept with all the women in N.Y.,and now you're going around again? |
這還不是最奇怪的地方 | That's not even the weird part. |
-她竟然不記得跟我上過床了! -你也不記得跟她上過床啊 | - She didn't remember sleeping with me! - You don't remember sleeping with her. |
但是她應該要記得的 我可是很令人難忘的! | But she should remember sleeping with me. I am very memorable! |
-你們知道的 -我們怎麼會知道呢? | - You guys know. - How do we know? |
-我們又沒有跟你上過床 -那是誰的錯呢? | - We've never slept with you. - And whose fault is that? |
又沒有什麼大不了的 你忘了,她忘了 | What's the big deal? You forgot,she forgot. |
-或許那天晚上你沒有成功! -嘿! | - Maybe you were having an off night. - Hey! |
我沒有一次不成功的,好嗎? | I never have an off night. Okay? |
雖然有時候如果我吃太飽 可能就不會覺得很性感 | Although,sometimes if I'm a little bloated,I don't feel that sexy. |
但是即使是那樣,我都比別人強! | But even then,I'm better than most! |
親愛的,你何不就此釋懷 再約她出去呢? | Honey,why don't you just let it go and ask her out again? |
你們都是騷貨 你們根本都不記得跟誰上過床 | You're both so slutty,you don't remember who you slept with. |
你們是天生的一對 | You're made for each other. |
真有趣 | Interesting. |
好吧,我會再跟她出去 然後忘了過去 | Well,I'll go out with her again and I'll try to get past it. |
不吃鹽!會脹氣! | No salt! Bloaty! |
-喬伊? -幹嘛? | - Joey? - What? |
你會覺得鯊魚很性感嗎? | You don't think sharks are sexy,do you? |
不會 | No. |
等一下,等等 小美人魚是鯊魚嗎? | Wait a minute. Wait,what was the Little Mermaid? |
門沒鎖! | It's open! |
-嘿 -麥克打電話來了,我們要再約會了! | - Hey. - Mike called! We're going out again! |
一件小事,我去找麥克談過 | Quick thing. I went to talk to Mike. |
什麼? | What? |
你做…? 你做了什麼?羅斯 | What did you..? What did you do,Ross? |
喔,天啊,光這樣你就生氣了 | Oh,boy. You got mad at that part. |
我過去找他,告訴他… | I went over there,you know,to tell him how.. |
你是個很棒的人,但是… | How great you are. But.. |
嗯,你知道我的,話太多了 | Well,you know me. Blah-blah-blah. |
-然後我最後竟然告訴他… -什麼? | - And I ended up telling him that.. - What? |
你有過六年的戀情… | You had a six-year-long relationship.. |
跟一個叫做偉軟的人 | with a guy named Vikram. |
什麼?為什麼? | What? Why? |
因為,他… | Well,he seemed.. |
在我說你從未談過 認真的戀情之後,好像有點驚訝 | to bum hard when I told him you'd never been in a serious relationship. |
如果你不是剛跟我 最要好的朋友生下小孩 | If you hadn't just had a baby with my best friend.. |
我跟魔王發誓… | I swear to Lucifer.. |
一隻狂犬病瘋狗正要吃掉 你褲檔裡的那根東西了! | a rabid dog would be feasting on your danglers right now! |
我想如果你知道多一點關於偉軟的事… | I think you'll feel differently when you know.. |
你會感覺好多了 | a little bit about Vikram. |
好的,他是… | Okay,he's a.. |
他是風箏設計師 | He's a kite designer. |
而且他曾經跟奧普拉約會過 | And he used to date Oprah. |
我不會跟你一起說謊的,羅斯 | I'm not going along with some lie you made up,Ross. |
-我會跟他老實說 -很好 | - I'm just gonna be honest with him. - Good. |
跟他老實說 | Just be honest with him. |
-我沒有什麼好隱瞞的 -沒錯 | - I have nothing to be ashamed of. - No. |
就算我的每段感情 都沒有超過一個月… | So I haven't been in a relationship that lasted longer than a month. |
那又如何呢?是啊 我是沒有過真正的男朋友 | Okay? I haven't had a real boyfriend. |
如果他無法接受 那他可以離開,我想他會離開的 | If he can't handle it,then he can leave. Which he will. |
而這一切都沒有關係 我只不過會永遠孤單而已 | And,you know,that's okay. So I'll just be alone forever. |
都沒關係了,一切都會沒事的 | You know,all right. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. |
我就跟寡婦還有同性戀一起出去玩嘛 | I'll go on walking tours with widows and lesbians. |
-我去開門 -好的 | - I'll get it. - Okay. |
讓我想想有哪一次,開門的人不是你 | I'm trying to remember the last time I opened a door and you weren't there. |
菲比,你還好嗎? | Phoebe,are you okay? |
還好,只不過是… | Yeah. There's just.. |
有件事你必須要知道 | There's something you should know. |
偉軟剛打電話來 | Vikram just called. |
所以在經歷二十五年的婚姻之後 這真是很讓人驚訝 | So it was really a shock after 25 years of marriage.. |
我的模範父母竟然要離婚 我真的很難接受 | my parents getting divorced. I took it the hardest.. |
-因為我是家裡最小的 -當然囉 | - because I was the youngest. - Sure. Yeah. |
你怎麼會忘了我是誰? | How can you not remember me? |
什麼? | What? |
你怎麼會忘了我們上過床? | How could you not remember that we slept together? |
-什麼?何時? -我不知道! | - What? When? - I don't know! |
我真的、真的認為 如果有我會記得的 | I really,really think I would remember sleeping with you. |
快點,快點 仔細回想,好嗎?那就在… | Come on,come on. Search your brain,all right? It was.. |
之前某個時候 我在這裡,你在這裡 | a certain amount of time ago. I was here. You were here. |
我們在這裡,這裡,這裡… | We had sex here,here,here.. |
沒在那裡,做愛 | Not there. |
-想起來了嗎? -沒,一點印象也沒有 | - Anything? - No,it's not ringing any bells. |
天啊,女人! | My God,woman! |
你跟多少人上過床 讓你根本不記得我? | How many people have you been with not to remember this? |
嘿,海莉 我們真的要修理那個門把了 | Hey,Hayley. We really gotta fix that doorknob. |
喬伊? | Joey? |
我跟你上過床! | I slept with you! |
而且很明顯的你記得我! 嘿,表示我還不賴! | And you obviously remember me! Hey,I still got it! |
所以我們還好嘛 | So we're good. |
我自己出去 | I'll let myself out. |
然後我說,偉軟… | And I said,"Okay,Vikram.. |
你不能每次寂寞就打電話給我 | you can't just call every time you get lonely. |
在你跟瑞秋上床之後 你就沒有那個權力了 | You gave up that right when you slept with Rachel." |
瑞秋?我以為她才剛生下羅斯的小孩 | Rachel? I thought she just had a baby with Ross. |
是啊,嗯… | Yeah,well.. |
是啊 | Yeah. |
艾瑪的出生證明上或許生父是羅斯… | But Emma's birth certificate might say "Geller".. |
但是她長得像偉軟 | but her eyes say "Mukherjee." |
這實在太糟了 而且他還吸毒? | That is so wrong. And on top of that,he's a glue sniffer? |
我知道,但是他打來時 我的心就飛向他了 | I know. But he calls,and my heart goes to him. |
你知道的,那個渾蛋是個很會 說話的風箏設計師 | You know,that bastard is one smooth-talking freelance kite designer. |
如果你要的話,我可以幫你修理他 | If you want,I'll mess him up for you. |
真的嗎? | You would do that? |
除非他很壯 如果他真的很壯,我會給他… | Unless he's big. If he's really big,I'll send him.. |
一封信,罵死他 | a rude letter. |
我想有更好的人在等著你 | I think there's somebody better out there for you. |
我是說,你知道的,我… 我不是指我,但是… | I mean,you know,I'm.. I'm not saying me,but.. |
或許…是我 | Maybe.. me. |
而且你不用擔心我會吸毒 | And you don't have to worry about glue-sniffing with me. |
雖然有時候我會聞馬克筆的味道 | Although,I do smell the occasional Magic Marker. |
是啊,反正,我只是… | Yeah. Anyway,I just.. |
我想我可以讓你快樂 | I think I can make you happy. |
-好了,我辦不到 -怎麼了? | - Okay,I can't do this. - What's wrong? |
根本沒有偉軟這個人 羅斯亂扯的 | Well,there is no Vikram. Ross made him up. |
因為我… | Because I.. |
我從未有過愛情長跑 | I really never have been in a long-term relationship. |
我從未跟男人同居過 從來沒有慶祝交往一周年 | I've never lived with a guy. I've never even celebrated an anniversary. |
所以… | So.. |
如果這對你而言太奇怪… | If that's too weird for you.. |
所以你想現在就走 我可以理解 | and you want to leave,I understand. |
事實上,我要閉上雙眼 讓這一切不至於太尷尬 | In fact,I'll close my eyes to make it less awkward. |
你親了我 | You kissed me. |
-你不認為我是怪人嗎? -不 | - You don't think I'm a total freak? - No. |
那麼… | Well.. |
那,我可不…? | Look,can I..? |
我可不可以認為你有點怪 但又有點酷… | Can I think you're a little weird and also cool.. |
因為你告訴我事情的真相 而且讓我想親你? | for telling me the truth and also want to kiss you? |
我想應該可以 | I guess so. |
我可不可以認為,你親我真是很酷… | Can I think it's cool that you kissed me.. |
而且我想要親回去? | and also want to kiss you again? |
有一點擔心馬克筆的事可以嗎? | And be a little concerned about the Magic Markers? |
當然 | Definitely. |
我是偉軟 | This is Vikram. |
我需要跟你談我們之間 那段長期的戀情 | I need to talk to you about the long-term relationship we had. |
回電給我,我在我的風箏工作室 | Call me. I am in my kite-making studio. |
嗨,親愛的,我回來了 | Hi,honey,I'm home. |
嗨 | Hi. |
-旅途還好嗎? -不錯 | - How was your flight? - It was great. |
我從飛機上的購物目錄訂了浮板 | I ordered a pool float from the Sky Mall. |
為什麼我要訂呢? | Why'd I do that? |
過來坐下吧 | Why don't you sit down. |
放輕鬆、舒服點 | Get yourself comfortable. |
因為我有個小… | Because I have a little.. |
驚喜要給你 | surprise for you. |
喔,喔,喔 土爾沙現在一定是五點… | Well,well,well. It must be 5:00 in Tulsa.. |
因為紐約現在是“六”點(跟“性”音近)! | because it's "sex o'clock" in N.Y.C.! |
好了,這代表我有多愛你 | Okay. This is how much I love you. |
大白鯊… | The great white.. |
親愛的? | Honey? |
為什麼要我看一群鯊魚遊來遊去呢? | Why am I watching a bunch of sharks swimming around? |
這不是…? 這不是你愛看的嗎? | Is this..? Is this not the good part? |
要我快轉嗎? 轉到露齒…比較多的地方嗎? | Do you want me to fast-forward to something.. toothier? |
不,我只是想確定 你是不是拿錯了錄影帶 | No,I'm just not sure that you got the right movie,that's all. |
錄影帶店裡只有這一卷 | This is the only one they had at our video store. |
不過他們倒是有一部叫“鱷魚殺手”的 | Though they did have something called Crocodile Killers. |
還是說,你非要鯊魚不可呢? | Or does it always have to be sharks? |
為什麼我非要鯊魚不可? | Does what always have to be sharks? |
聽著,我們可以來點別的 | Look,we can do something else. |
你要我到浴缸裡…再用力扭嗎? | Do you want me to get into the tub and.. thrash? |
-到底是怎麼回事? -沒關係,沒關係的 | - What's going on? - It's okay. It's okay. |
我還是愛你的 | I still love you. |
-讓我瞭解這一切 -是你應該讓我瞭解這一切! | - Let me be a part of this. - Let me be a part of this! |
我看到你在土爾沙做的事 | I saw what you were doing in Tulsa. |
憤怒的鯊魚讓你“性”奮! | Angry sharks turn you on! |
不,並沒有 | No,they don't. |
那為什麼你一邊看著他們 一邊自己玩呢? | Then why were you watching them and giving yourself a treat? |
喔,天啊!當你一進來 我就轉檯了 | Oh,my God! When you came in,I switched the channel. |
我本來只是在看一般的色情片 | I was just watching regular porn. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
是的,只不過是一些正常 老套、美式的女對女動作片 | Yes. Just some good,old-fashioned,American,girl-on-girl action. |
這件事真是讓我太高興了 | Can I tell you how happy that makes me? |
你是個不可思議的老婆 | You are an amazing wife. |
真的,太不可思議了 你真的願意為我這樣做? | Really,you are amazing. You were actually gonna do this for me? |
你是怎麼會有這樣的 意志跟諒解呢? | Where do you find the strength and the understanding for that? |
因為我現在非常、非常地醉 | I'm very,very drunk right now. |
通常我會去跟她搭訕的 但是我的自信已經動搖了 | Ordinarily,I would talk to her,but my confidence is shaken. |
我有跟她上床嗎? 我沒有跟她上床嗎? | Did I sleep with her? Did I not sleep with her? |
或許該是你反省的時候了 檢討你的整個約會態度 | Maybe this is a wake-up call. You know,about your whole dating attitude. |
你已經三十好幾了 沒有談過一個長期的戀愛 | You're in your 30s and you have never been in a long-term relationship. |
女人從一個換到另一個… | Here you go from woman to woman.. |
沒有意義的關係 換到另一個沒有意義的關係 | meaningless experience to meaningless experience. |
從不擔心這些戀情都沒有任何的發展 | Never even worrying that it doesn't turn into something more serious. |
你說的沒錯,我愛死我的人生了! | You're right. I love my life! |
事實上我跟她上過床了 | I actually did sleep with her. |
喔,嘿,你們大家 | Oh,hey,you guys? |
我生日當天晚上訂不到餐廳… | I couldn't get a reservation for the night of my birthday.. |
所以我們要改到星期四晚上 | so we'll have to do dinner Thursday night. |
-星期四?但是那是萬聖節耶! -那又怎樣? | - Thursday? But that's Halloween. - So? |
只不過是很詭異而已 | It's just spooky,that's all. |
那,麥克也會跟我們吃晚餐嗎? | So,is Mike coming to dinner? |
不會,我第一次可以跟男朋友過生日 他卻要上班 | No. It's my first birthday with a boyfriend,and he has to work. |
我很想對他發脾氣 但是我想這會太快露出我的本性 | I'd get mad at him,but I think it's too soon to show my true colors. |
那這樣我會只訂五個人的位子 我們其中一個要留下來照顧艾瑪 | I would make the reservation for five. One of us has to stay with Emma. |
-我們倆應該誰去呢? -瑞秋! | - Which one of us should go to dinner? - Rachel! |
事實上,我想或許我們兩個都可以去 | Actually,I was thinking maybe both of us could go. |
哦,真好! | Oh,yeah |
謝謝,我會多用點心準備你的禮物 | Thanks. I'll put a lot of extra thought into your gift. |
好了,太棒了,我們全部都可以去 | All right,so great,we can all go now. |
真棒!嘿!你們知道嗎? | That is fun! Hey! You know what? |
我們六個人已經很久沒有這樣在一起了 | We all haven't been together,the six of us,in such a long time. |
你在說什麼呢? 我們現在就在一起啊? | What are you talking about? We're together now. |
莫妮卡,錢德並不在這裡 | Mon? Chandler's not here. |
喔,老天 | Oh,dear God. |
菲比的生日晚宴 | The.One.With.Phoebes.Birthday.Dinner |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
(土爾沙) | |
大家好,很高興第一次我們全員到齊 | Hello. It's nice to see our team together for the first time. |
現在,在我們開始之前 有任何問題嗎? | Now,before we get started,are there any questions? |
-是的,肯,對吧? -沒錯 | - Yes. Ken,is it? - That's right. |
聽說你會來土爾沙的原因 是因為你在開會的時候睡著… | Is it true the reason you're in Tulsa is,you fell asleep in a meeting.. |
然後隨口就答應接下 這份你根本搞不清楚的工作,是嗎? | and took the job without realizing what you were saying yes to? |
嗯,別道聼塗説,肯 | Well,don't believe everything you hear,Ken. |
但是沒錯,那是真的 | But yeah,that's true. |
好了,我們先開始看一下上一季的數字 | All right,let's get started by taking a look at last quarter's figures. |
克勞蒂亞,你不是應該要 先問一下老闆可不可以抽煙嗎? | Claudia,aren't you supposed to blow smoke up the boss's ass? |
-我很抱歉,你介意我抽煙嗎? -不,我抽了好多年,然後戒了 | - I'm sorry. Does the smoke bother you? - No. I smoked for years. Then I quit. |
現在也忘了為什麼要戒 | Right now,I can't remember why. |
在辦公室不准抽煙的,不是嗎? | You're not allowed to smoke in this office,right? |
可以的,在奧克拉荷馬… | Yes,in Oklahoma |
在十五人以下的辦公室 抽煙是合法的 | it's legal to smoke in offices with 15 people or less. |
-你要來一根嗎? -喬伊想要吃兩個披薩嗎? | - Would you like one? - Would Joey like two pizzas? |
你不知道我的意思嗎? | You don't know what I'm talking about. |
好了,聽著,我戒煙了 | All right,look. I don't smoke anymore. |
如果你們其他人也想抽 請便,沒關係的 | But if the rest of you want to light up,go ahead,it's fine. |
原來你們全部都抽煙 | So,you all smoke,then? |
你們知道嗎? 我不抽煙反而看起來很沒禮貌 | You know,it's almost rude that I'm not smoking. |
-沒那回事,如果你不想… -肯,拜託! | - That's not true. If you don't want.. - Ken,please! |
不,不行,我不能抽煙 如果我抽煙,我老婆會殺了我 | No,I can't. I can't smoke. If I smoke,my wife would kill me. |
不好意思,但是你老婆不是在紐約嗎? | I'm sorry,but isn't your wife back in New York? |
我一直都很喜歡你,肯 | I've always liked you,Ken. |
不給糖就搗蛋 | Trick or treat. |
-嘿 -真是好吃啊! | - Hey. - And "treat" it is. |
哇,幸好我有換衣服 | Wow. So glad I changed. |
我差一點就穿上那件 連胸部都遮不住的破睡袍 | I almost wore my threadbare robe that can't contain my breasts. |
我不是要穿這件出門 我正在排卵… | This is not what I'm wearing. I'm ovulating.. |
而錢德很快就回來了 所以我想我們可以在晚餐前試一下 | and Chandler's gonna be home. So,I thought we would try before dinner. |
喔,我以為我們全部要一起過去 | Oh,I thought we'd all go over together. |
好了,我們晚餐見 | All right,I'll just meet you there at dinner. |
除非,我是說,如果有幫助的話 我可以留下來當觀眾 | Unless,I mean,if it helps,I could stay and watch. |
-不必! -喔,反正我也不想看 | - No! - Well,I didn't want to anyway. |
你知道的,我只是想要 禮貌性地問一聲 | You know,just thought I'd be polite and offer. |
等一下,這表示你們會遲到嗎? | Wait,does this mean you'll be late? |
我們已經超過一個星期沒有見面了 | We haven't seen each other in over a week. |
我們可能會是第一個到的 | We'll probably be the first ones there. |
好了,待會見,祝你們搞的愉快 | Okay. See you there. Happy humping. |
嘿! | Hey. Well,hey! |
哇,有人在這裡抽煙嗎? | Wow,somebody smoked out here? |
天啊,難道他們不曉得 在公共場所是不可以抽煙的嗎? | My God,don't people know you're not allowed to smoke in public spaces? |
事實上,在奧克拉荷馬 在少於十五人的辦公室抽煙是合法的 | Actually,in Oklahoma smoking's legal in offices with fewer than 15 people. |
喔,是你抽的! | Oh,you smoked. |
不是,我只是剛好知道 不同州的抽煙規定 | No. I just happen to know a lot of trivia about smoking in different states. |
例如,在夏威夷 香煙叫做雷拉納路卡斯 | For example,in Hawaii,cigarettes are called lei-lana-lukus. |
-喔,錢德,你身上都是臭煙味! -你想莫妮卡會聞得到嗎? | - Oh,Chandler,you stink of cigarettes! - Do you think Monica will smell it? |
你在開玩笑嗎? 那女人的鼻子像狗一樣靈 | Are you kidding? That woman has the nose of a bloodhound. |
胸部像希臘女神一樣美 | And the breasts of a Greek goddess. |
菲比? | Phoebe? |
我要走了 | I'm gonna go. |
好了,有什麼可以掩蓋味道 | Okay. Something to cover the smell. |
爐灶清潔劑 | Oven cleaner. |
無添加香味 | Unscented. |
歡迎回來 | Welcome home. |
我好想你 | I've missed you. |
-想要跟我進房間嗎? -不,謝了,不用 | - You want to join me in the bedroom? - No,thanks,I'm good. |
好的,你想要這樣玩,是嗎? | Okay. So you want to play it that way,do you? |
嗯,你知道嗎?事實上 我才剛下飛機… | Well,you know what,actually,I just got off a plane.. |
覺得有點髒 我應該先洗個澡 | so I'm feeling gross. I should take a shower. |
-過來,你不需要洗澡 -好的,事實上是… | - Come here,you don't need a shower. - All right,the truth is.. |
我在遇到空中亂流時弄髒了自己 | I soiled myself during some turbulence. |
什麼味道?我聞到煙味 | What do I smell? I smell smoke. |
你有抽煙嗎? | Did you smoke? |
有,但是只抽了一根 | Yes. But I just had one. |
兩根 | Two. |
兩小根,好吧,五根 | Two tiny cigarettes. Okay,five. |
一包,兩包…一條 | A pack. Two pack.. A carton. |
兩天抽三大條香煙! | Three big fat cartons in two days! |
但是都結束了,我已經決定 再也不要抽煙了 | But it's over. I've made a decision,I'm not gonna smoke anymore. |
嗯,那是要送給你的 | Well,those are for you. |
好的,嗯,到時候見,拜 | All right. Well,we'll just see you when you get here. Bye. |
喔,那是我媽,她遇到大塞車 | Oh,that was my mom. She's stuck in terrible traffic. |
這是第三個徵兆 告訴我不應該離開艾瑪 | That is now the third sign that I should not leave Emma. |
-另外兩個徵兆是什麼呢? -嗯,第一個是,我不想要 | - What are the other two? - Well,the first one is,I don't want to. |
第二個是,我不要去 | And second one,I'm not going. |
我知道這是我們第一次離開艾瑪 | I know this is the first time we're leaving the baby. |
我知道這對你很困難,但是… | I know how hard it is for you. But.. |
但是一切都會很好的 我是說,我媽會在這裡照顧她 | But everything's gonna be fine. I mean,my mom is gonna be with her. |
-她很會照顧小孩的 -真的嗎? | - She's great with kids. - She is? |
真的 | Yeah. |
那莫妮卡是什麼情況? | What about Monica? |
你都只聽她說的話 那個肥妹是個恐怖份子! | You only hear Monica's side of that. Okay,that little fatso was a terror! |
-我只是不認為我辦得到 -你知道嗎?你應該、也辦得到 | - I just don't think I can do it. - Know what? You can and you should. |
真的,這對你是有幫助的 | Really,it will be good for you. |
事實上,你知道嗎? | In fact,you know what? |
你先去餐廳,我留下來等我媽… | Go ahead to the restaurant,and I will wait for my mom.. |
然後我再過去找你們 真的,你應該過去,出去 | and then I'll meet you there. No,no,really,you should go. Go out. |
真的,這世界是你的 甩開高跟鞋,揮灑出自己的顏色! | Really,the world is your oyster. Kick up your heels. Paint the town red! |
-你是該學些新的廣告詞 -我是說真的,走吧,你該走了 | - You need to learn some new slang. - I'm serious. Come on,you should go. |
來,去吧 | Here. No,just go. |
-那… -不,不!你知道嗎? | - Well.. - No,no! You know what? |
你別想要進去!寶寶沒事的! 現在快走吧! | You're not getting back in there! The baby's fine. Now,scram! |
是啊,邁開步伐走吧! | Yeah,hit the bricks! |
跟著你的感覺向前行! | Tell your story walking! |
我只是要說,我忘記帶鑰匙了 | I was just going to say that I left my keys. |
老天啊,這下我們慘了! | Holy moley,are we in a pickle now! |
他們人呢?已經遲到四十分鐘了 | Where is everyone? They're 40 minutes late. |
-我知道 -我餓死了 | - I know. - I'm starving. |
我知道我們今晚要來這裡 所以我整天都沒有吃東西 | I knew we were coming here tonight. I ate nothing all day. |
那我怎麼說呢?我才吃一頓午餐而已 | What about me? I only had one lunch today. |
那麼,其他的貴賓很快就會到臨嗎? | So,are we expecting the rest of our party shortly? |
是的,我們衷心期盼他們的即將到臨 是啊 | Yes,they are expected presently. Yeah. |
他們即將現身了 | Their arrival is in the offing. |
好的,我們也有兩人座的位置 | Right. We have a table for two available. |
-或許你們… -不用了,他們要來了 | - Perhaps you'd.. - No,they're coming. |
我們就在這裡等 | We're waiting right here. |
喬瑟夫!(喬伊全名) | Joseph! |
沒有“您”需要擔心 他們應該不會太“漫長” | One needn't worry. They shan't be long. |
我們有一些人在等著要用餐 | It's just that we do have some large parties waiting. |
喔!有“您”真的 需要這樣煩人的嗎? | Oh,one really does have a stick up one's ass,doesn't one? |
你為什麼又開始抽煙? 它對身體那麼不好 | Why would you start smoking again? It's so bad for you. |
我才開始抽了兩天 沒那麼快就… | It's only been two days. That's not enough time to.. |
這跟那個一點關係都沒有 | That's totally unrelated. |
什麼時代了怎麼可以還抽煙呢? 你沒有看過反煙廣告嗎? | How can you smoke in this day and age? Have you not seen that ad? |
那個小孩穿過他爺爺那個廣告 真是嚇死人了! | Where the little kid walks through Grandpa? It's chilling! |
我搞砸了,不過是一個會議 每個人都在抽煙啊! | I messed up. It was a meeting. Everybody was smoking. |
那又如何?你難道沒有任何意志力嗎? | So what? Don't you have any willpower? |
意志力? 我看過你在吃巧克力的家庭錄影帶… | Willpower? I've watched home movies of you eating Ding Dongs.. |
…連包裝紙都來不及打開! | without taking the tinfoil off! |
你說那看起來很性感! | You said that was sexy! |
好了,好了,可不可以算了? 我不會再抽煙了 | Okay,look,can we just drop this? I'm not gonna smoke again. |
沒錯,因為我禁止你抽煙 | That's right,because I forbid you to smoke again. |
你禁止我? | You forbid me? |
我大老遠飛回來見我可愛的老婆 | I've flown a long way to see my loving wife. |
對了,她在嗎? | Is she here,by the way? |
錢德,別開玩笑,好嗎? 我現在非常非常地不高興 | Chandler,don't joke with me. Okay? I'm very,very upset right now. |
-現在是你最不高興的時候嗎? -我想應該是的 | - Is this the most upset you could be? - I think so. |
那,我何不就… | Well,then I might as well.. |
這樣做 | do this. |
不確定接下來要幹麼 | Not really sure what to do now. |
我告訴你我們要做什麼 | I'll tell you what we're gonna do. |
我們要去參加菲比的生日晚餐 我們已經遲到了 | We're already late for Phoebe's birthday dinner. |
所以你要把香煙熄掉… | So you're going to put out that cigarette.. |
我們先暫停吵架 先上床再說 | we're gonna put this fight on hold,and go have sex. |
好,什麼? | Fine. What? |
怎樣?你耳朵是塞了香煙嗎? | What,do you have cigarettes in your ears? |
上床!今天是我排卵的最後一天 如果我們不做… | Sex! This is the last day I'm ovulating. If we don't do it.. |
我們就要等到下個月了! | we're gonna have to wait until next month! |
你是認真的嗎? | You're serious? |
-喔,是的! -隨便,做就做,但我不跟你說話! | - Oh,yeah! - All right,fine,I'll do it,but no talking! |
-而且沒有抱抱 -而且不親吻你脖子 | - And no cuddling. - And no kissing your neck. |
喔,很好!反正我也很討厭你那樣做! | Oh,good! I hate it when you do that! |
那我要儘量親你的脖子! | And lots of kissing your neck! |
嗯,管理員不在家 | Okay,well,the super's not home. |
但是我媽快到了,她有鑰匙 | But my mother's gonna be here,and she has the key. |
我等不了那麼久,你得想想辦法 把門撞倒吧! | I can't wait that long. You have to do something. Knock that door down! |
我也想,但是我就跟桃子一樣容易撞傷 | I would,but I bruise like a peach. |
而且,你知道一切都會沒事的 寶寶在睡覺 | Besides,you know,everything's gonna be fine. The baby's sleeping. |
-萬一她跳出搖籃呢? -根本連頭都抬不高,還想跳 | - What if she jumps out of the bassinet? - Can't hold her head up,but jumped. |
喔,天啊!我水龍頭還開著! | Oh,my God! I left the water running! |
你沒有讓水龍頭開著 拜託,冷靜一點,好嗎? | You did not leave the water running. Please,pull yourself together,okay? |
-那,我有把爐子開著嗎? -1996年之後你就沒有煮過飯了 | - Well,did I leave the stove on? - You haven't cooked since 1996. |
窗戶有開著嗎?如果開著 鳥可能會飛進來然後… | Is the window open? If the window's open a bird could fly in and.. |
天啊,你知道嗎?我想你說對了 | My God,you know what? I think you're right. |
-聽 -什麼?什麼? | - Listen. - What? What? |
是鴿子,不,等等,不 是老鷹飛進去了! | A pigeon. No. No,wait,no. An eagle flew in! |
飛到爐子上然後燒了起來了! | Landed on the stove and caught fire! |
嬰兒看到這一切 從公寓這邊跳過去幫助老鷹 | The baby,seeing this,jumps across the apartment to the mighty bird's aid. |
而老鷹卻誤判認為 這是個攻擊的行動… | The eagle,however,misconstrues this as an act of aggression.. |
用爪子捉住嬰兒 | and grabs the baby in its talon. |
就在這時候,水龍頭的水 充滿了整間公寓 | Meanwhile,the faucet fills the apartment with water. |
嬰兒跟老鷹還在激戰中 雙方被死亡的陷阱困住… | Baby and bird,still ablaze,are locked in a death grip.. |
在公寓內的漩渦裡旋轉著! | swirling around the whirlpool that fills the apartment! |
天,如果這一切是真的你就死定了 | Boy,are you gonna be sorry if that's true. |
-你們好 -嗨 | - Hello. - Hi. |
已經一個小時了 | It's been an hour. |
經理要我問你們是否要考慮換到小桌子 | The maitre d' asked if you'd reconsider switching to a smaller table. |
或許我們應該先用餐 | Maybe we should just eat now. |
在人還沒有到齊之前你們不能點餐 這是餐廳規定 | You can't order until the entire party's arrived. Restaurant policy. |
好,那如果說另一桌離開了… | Well,how about this? Another table leaves,right.. |
但是他們的餐盤裡還有食物… | but there's still some food left on their plates. |
餐廳有規定不能吃那些食物嗎? | Okay,what's the restaurant's policy about people eating that? |
-那是很不合適的 -但是還是會發生啊 | - It's frowned upon. - But it happens. |
-好了,我要去廁所 -你不能去 | - All right,I got to go to the bathroom. - You can't go. |
不,不,不 我沒有辦法自己保住這張桌子 | No,no,no. I can't hold this table on my own. |
如果他們要我換位子,我會屈服的 | If they ask me to move,I'll cave. |
如果你要我留下來,我會尿褲子的 | Well,if you ask me to stay,I'll pee. |
晚安,小姐 | Good evening,miss. |
小姐? | Miss? |
小姐?小姐? | Miss? Miss? |
好了,算了,我換位子,好了 你不需要動手動腳的 | Okay,fine,I'll move. All right. You don't have to manhandle me. |
-哪裡? -好的 | - Where? - Okay. |
謝謝,哇 | Thank you. Wow. |
現在你可以停止盯著我們看了嗎? | Will you stop staring at us now? |
看情況,你朋友可以停止 喝那瓶橄欖油了嗎? | That depends. Will your friend stop drinking olive oil directly from the bottle? |
或許沒辦法 | Probably not. |
終於,你們到了 | Finally. You guys made it. |
菲比,這些人是誰…? | Phoebe,who the hell..? |
你是在摸什麼摸這麼久 快點,我們早做早完成! | What is taking you so long,Come on,let's get it over with! |
馬上好,親愛的 | In a minute,sweet cakes. |
多花點時間在領帶上! 那樣可以生出小孩來 | Spend more time with the tie! That will make a baby. |
聽著,我做不到 我沒有辦法在吵架的時候還跟你做愛 | Look,I can't do this. I can't make love to you while we're fighting this way. |
喔,是啊,現在你可真敏感纖細 | Oh,sure. Now you're Mr. Sensitivity. |
那當初你想在我叔叔喪禮之後做愛時… | But when you wanted to have sex after my uncle's funeral.. |
那是慶祝生命! | That was a celebration of life! |
好了,我不想這樣做 | All right,I'm not gonna do this. |
你想要我們的孩子 在這種情況下受孕嗎? | Is this the way you want our baby to be conceived? |
不,你是對的 | No,you're right. |
我們不應該在這種情況下做 | We shouldn't do it like this. |
反正,我很抱歉 | For what it's worth,I'm sorry. |
我不應該對你抽煙這件事這樣的刁難 | I shouldn't have come down on you so hard about the smoking. |
你是抽了幾根煙,又不代表世界末日 | So you had a few cigarettes. It's not the end of the world. |
-真的? -是的 | - Really? - Yeah. |
你真不可思議 | You are incredible. |
聽著,我不會再抽煙了 | And listen,I'm not gonna smoke again. |
如果我抽,我保證也會 隱藏到讓你看不出來 | And if I do,I promise I will hide it so much better from you. |
-想嗎? -我們來慶祝生命! | - Want to? - Let's celebrate life! |
好了! | Okay! |
喔,天啊 | Oh,God. |
喔,感謝上帝你沒事 | Oh,thank God you're okay. |
我很抱歉我們離開你 媽咪再也不會離開你了 | I'm sorry we left. Mommy will never leave you again. |
再也… 再也不會 | Never,ever,ever again. |
太棒了,我們走吧 | Great. So let's get going. |
我是說真的,在經歷過剛剛的事之後 我再也不會離開她了 | I mean it. After what just happened,I'm never leaving her again. |
我瞭解,分離是很煎熬的 | I understand. Separation is hard. |
有一次我要離開羅斯去美容院 | One time I was about to leave Ross to go to the beauty parlor. |
他就變得很不開心 他把衣服脫光… | And he got so upset he took off all his clothes.. |
把小雞雞夾在雙腿間…. | tucked his willy between his legs.. |
然後哭喊“媽咪,我是女生 帶我跟你去” | and cried out,"Mommy,I'm a girl. Take me with you." |
時光飛逝 現在跟你分開已經變得容易很多了 | Somehow,over time,it got easier to be apart from you. |
不客氣 | You are welcome. |
-你知道嗎?我們還是不要說話 -什麼? | - You know what? Let's not talk. - What? |
-我對你抽煙的事還是很生氣! -但你說你已經原諒我了 | - I am still so mad at you for smoking! - But you said you forgave me. |
只不過是幾根煙,沒有什麼大不了的 | It was just a couple of cigarettes,no big deal. |
我正在排卵,而你卻說如果我們在吵架 你是不會跟我做愛的 | I was ovulating and you said you wouldn't have sex if we were fighting. |
-你騙我跟你上床? -沒錯,我得到我想要的了 | - You tricked me to get me into bed? - That's right. I got mine. |
我被利用了 | I feel so used. |
我想他們不會來了 你想要點餐了嗎? | Well,I guess they're not coming. You want to just order? |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
服務生?好了,我會說很快 所以記好 | Waiter? All right,this is gonna go fast,so try to keep up. |
義大利扁面配松露切片 然後肋眼牛排… | Risotto with shaved truffles and the rib steak.. |
加上酥炸雞油菇和波爾多紅酒醬… | with the golden chanterelles and the Bordelaise sauce.. |
希望我以上說的那麼多東西 沒有包括“蝸牛” | unless any of that stuff I just said means "snails." |
是沒有 | It does not. |
蕃茄餡餅,你建議哪種面呢? | Tomato tart,and which of the pastas would you recommend? |
-嗯,兩種都很美味… -兩種都要,謝謝 | - Oh,well they're both exquisite.. - Both it is. Thank you. |
現在,快點,寶貝 用餐了,上菜吧,婊子 | Now,let's go,baby. It's food time. Bring it,bitch. |
-很抱歉 -沒關係 | - Sorry about that. - It's quite all right. |
喔,我可以有個特殊要求嗎? | Oh,can I make a special request? |
你可以全部一起上嗎? | Can you bring everything as it's ready? |
-前菜,前餐,我們不介意 -嘿! | - Appetizers,entrees,we don't care. - Hey! |
-我可以等你們繼續點 -我有對不起你嗎? | - I'll wait to put your order in. - What did I ever do to you? |
沒有,婊子 | Nothing,bitch. |
你們遲到一個多小時了 | You guys are over an hour late. |
-發生了什麼事? -很抱歉 | - What happened to you two? - So sorry. |
-我們被鎖在公寓外面 -真是好藉口,可以給我吃嗎? | - We got locked out of the apartment. - That's a great story. Can I eat it? |
然後瑞秋在猶豫是不是要離開嬰兒 | And then Rachel wasn't sure she could leave the baby. |
不是很容易,但是今天是你生日 我做了我必須要做的事 | It wasn't easy,but it's your birthday and I did what I had to do. |
那是茱蒂跟艾瑪在吧台那邊嗎? | And that's Judy over there at the bar with Emma? |
這是最好的方式,這樣我才不會分心 擔心艾瑪… | This is for the best. I'm not distracted,worrying about Emma.. |
在家有沒有事 我得要完全跟你們待在這裡 | how she's doing at home,and I'm gonna be completely here with you. |
-喔,她吐了,她吐了 -什麼? | - Oh,she spit up. She spit up. - What? |
茱蒂?她吐… 茱蒂,醒醒,茱蒂! | Judy? She spit.. Judy,look alive,Judy! |
-謝謝 -謝謝 | - Thank you. - Thanks. |
喔,每道菜看起來都很美味 | Oh,everything looks delicious. |
我應該點什麼呢? 我應該點什麼呢? | What should I have? What should I have? |
不能打女人 不能打女人 | Never hit a woman. Never hit a woman. |
我知道你的意思,功能表實在太棒了 | I know what you mean,this menu's incredible. |
羅斯像桃子一樣容易受傷 他像桃子一樣容易受傷 | Ross bruises like a peach. He bruises like a peach. |
好了,我要點無花果沙拉 還有鴨肉 | Okay,I'll have the fig salad and the duck. |
我要點湯跟鮭魚 | I'll have the soup and the salmon. |
記住,先做好的就先出,好嗎? | Remember,whatever comes up first,okay? |
-快點… -生日快樂! | - Hurry.. - Happy birthday! |
狗娘養的! | Son of a bitch! |
-你們去哪了? -嗯,我們剛剛在吵架 | - Where have you been? - Well,we had a little fight. |
我怎樣都不會騙人上床 | I would never lie to get someone into bed. |
你曾經騙過女生你是甘迺迪家族的人 | You used to tell girls you were a Kennedy. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
謝謝,哇 | Thanks. Wow. |
有點擠,不是嗎? 你為什麼不訂大一點的桌子呢? | A little tight,isn't it? Why didn't you get a bigger table? |
你有訂,但他們要你換桌 | You had a big table but they made you move. |
閉嘴,莫妮卡 | Shut up,Monica. |
嗯,我想錢德應該想要點“煙”熏鴨肉 | Oh,well,I suppose that Chandler will have the smoked duck. |
而我想莫妮卡應該想點酥“詐”鼠肉 | And I suppose that Monica will have the manipulative shrew. |
我怎麼沒看到那些呢? | How did I miss that? |
-我再讓你們考慮一下 -什麼?你要去哪? | - I'll give you another minute. - What,where you going? |
他說她想要鼠肉的! | He said she wanted the shrew! |
瑞秋,別這樣,艾瑪沒事的 | Rach,come on,Emma's fine. |
你已經變成過份關心的母親了 你要停止這樣 | You're turning into an obsessive mother,okay? You need to stop. |
你們有聽過羅斯他媽 去美容院的故事嗎? | You ever hear the story about when Ross' mom went to the beauty salon? |
-你是說小雞雞的事嗎? -他們早就知道了 | - You mean the willy story? - They already know it. |
我們等你們好久了 | We've been waiting for you for a long time. |
-你們應該點餐了 -沒關係 | - You should order. - That's okay. |
-我告訴服務生他們要點什麼了 -你為什麼那樣做呢? | - I told the waiter what they want. - Why would you do that? |
錢德,控制一下你的女人 | Chandler,control your woman. |
好了,嗯… 既然大家都已經點餐了 | Okay,well.. Everybody has ordered. |
我想要先敬菲比一杯 來開始今晚的慶祝 | I would like to start the celebration and make a toast to Phoebe. |
-她襪子掉了 -什麼? | - She dropped her sock. - What? |
-不,不,艾瑪的襪子掉了 | No. No,Emma dropped her sock. |
-你怎麼知道? -她就在那邊 | - How do you know that? - She's over there. |
-媽跟她在一起 -媽在這裡? | - Mom's with her. - Mom's here? |
我今天想跟她一起用午餐 她告訴我她不在附近 | I wanted to have lunch with her today. She told me she was out of town. |
她還是沒有注意到 嬰兒的襪子已經在地上了 | She still has not noticed that the baby's sock is on the ground. |
真是敬的好 | It's a good toast. |
聽著,你可不可以叫她呢? | Look,will you please get her attention? |
媽咪? | Mommy? |
母親 | Mother. |
喔,天啊,茱蒂,把襪子撿起來! | Oh,for God's sake,Judy,pick up the sock! |
撿起襪子!撿起襪子! | Pick up the sock! Pick up the sock! |
我很抱歉,這樣很沒禮貌嗎? | I'm sorry,was that rude? |
我這樣的吼叫… | Did my little outburst.. |
有使今晚 變得比較難堪嗎? | blunt the hideousness that is this evening? |
聽著,我知道你們都有自己的事… | Look,I know you have a lot going on.. |
但我想要的只不過是跟我的朋友 一起吃晚餐慶祝我的生日 | but all I wanted to do was have dinner with my friends on my birthday. |
你們全部都遲到 而且連打電話告知的禮貌都沒有 | And you are all so late,and you didn't even have the courtesy to call. |
這已經來不及了 | Well,it's too late now. |
菲比,我想那應該不是我們 | Phoebe,I don't think that's us. |
喔,那,這個…還沒有完! 你好? | Oh,well,this is.. This is not over! Hello? |
真對不起她 | I feel terrible. |
-我們應該堅強一點把艾瑪留在家 -什麼我們? | We should've been strong and left Emma at home."We"? |
-還有成人版的小雞雞事件他們沒聽過 -我們是該堅強點 | There are some adult willy stories they don't know.We should've been stronger. |
-你們倆是怎麼回事呢? -喔,是這樣的,我正在排卵 | - What is going on with you two? - Well,you see,I'm ovulating. |
喔,是啊,她總是那樣說 | Oh,yeah,that's what she says. |
或許你根本沒有在排卵 或許那只是要拐我上床的藉口 | Maybe you're not ovulating. Maybe it's a clever ruse to get me into bed. |
是啊,煙蟲,就是那樣沒錯 我就是很想要 | Yeah,Smokey,that's what it was. I just can't get enough. |
你們不會相信的 | You're not gonna believe this. |
她竟然騙我跟她上床 | She tricked me into having sex with her. |
所以呢?你得要做愛的,不是嗎? | So? You got to have sex,right? |
我是怎麼了?我又不是女生 | What's the matter with me? Why am I such a girl? |
-好了,那是麥克 -喔,菲比,親愛的,我們很抱歉 | - Okay. That was Mike. - Oh,Phoebe,honey,we are so sorry. |
你說的對極了 我們在這裡會全心全意… | You are totally right. We are here 100 percent.. |
而且我們愛你 我們已經準備好要開始慶祝你的生日了 | and we love you,and we are ready to start your birthday celebration. |
你們,這對我實在太意義重大了 | You guys,that means the world to me. |
好了,我要走了 | Okay,I'm gonna take off. |
什麼? | What? |
我也愛你們,但是 麥克提早下班了 | I love you guys too,but,Mike got off work early. |
等等 | Wait. |
我不是那種會拋下朋友… | I'm not the.. I'm not the kind of girl that just ditches her friends.. |
見色忘友的人 | to be with her boyfriend. |
你們知道嗎?事實上我是… | You know what? I am. |
再見,大家,茱蒂!再見 | Bye,guys. Judy! Bye. |
如果菲比走了,我們可以 帶艾瑪回家嗎? | If Phoebe's gone,can we take Emma home? |
好主意,我們的保姆 剛剛又點了一杯白酒 | That's a good idea. Our babysitter just pounded another chardonnay. |
-再見 -再見 | - Bye,you guys. - Bye. |
再見,我想就只剩下我們了 | See you. Well,I guess it's just us. |
我或許還在排卵 你還想再試試看嗎? | So,I'm probably still ovulating. Do you want to give it another try? |
好的 | All right. |
你從沒有跟甘迺迪家的人上過床嗎? | So,you've never had sex with a Kennedy,have you? |
事實上,理查他媽媽那邊 是甘迺迪家族的人 | Actually,Richard was a Kennedy on his mother's side. |
那你為什麼要跟他分手呢? | Why did you break up with that guy? |
-你們不會就這樣跑去做了吧? -我們時間不多了 | - You're gonna go do it? - We don't have much time. |
一旦卵子落到輸卵管… | Once the egg descends into the fallopian tube.. |
喔,等等… 滾吧! | Oh,wait,oh,get out of here! |
我誠摯地希望你的朋友會回來 | I sincerely hope the rest of your party is returning. |
不,只剩下我一個人 | No,just me. All alone. |
六人份晚餐全給我一個人 | Dinner for six for one. |
很好,你們將會目睹到 一個非常特別的表演 | Well,you boys are about to see something really special. |
-一切都還好嗎? -棒極了 | - How was everything? - Excellent. |
特別是鼠肉,真是美味 | The shrew,in particular,was exquisite. |
我希望你還有胃口 | I hope you've got some room left. |
喬伊,喬伊 | Joey. Joey. |
這是最棒的生日了! | This is the best birthday ever! |
你好 | Hello. |
你好 | Hello. |
我愛死我的新工作了! | I love my new job! |
-親愛的,你在吼叫 -你說的沒錯,我就是! | - Honey,you're screaming. - You bet your ass I am! |
這工作是有史以來最棒的! | I just had the best first day ever! |
那個廚房,比之前的餐廳大兩倍… | The kitchen? Twice as big as Allessandro's. |
喔,太棒了 | Oh,that's great. |
說到乾淨,不只是符合衛生局標準 是莫妮卡式的乾淨! | And clean? Not just health department-clean,Monica-clean! |
酷斃了 | Awesome. |
喔,還有同事都很好 | Oh,and the people are so nice. |
有一個男的叫傑佛瑞 他是餐廳領班 | There's this one guy,Jeffrey,he's the maitre d'. |
錢德,你會很喜歡他的! | Chandler,you will love him! |
毫無疑問他是我遇過最風趣的男人了! | He is without a doubt the funniest guy I have ever met! |
男保姆 | The.One.With.The.Male.Nanny |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-這真棒 -我知道 | - This is nice. - I know. |
-你需要兩隻手才打得開? -是啊,應該是要 | - You need both hands for that? - Yeah,I kind of do. |
嗯,那這樣呢? | Well,how's this? |
你確定那樣夠甜嗎? | Are you sure that's sweet enough? |
瞧瞧你們兩個 手握著手 | Look at you two holding hands. |
是不是開始認真了呢? | Is this getting serious? |
你們有沒有談過了呢? | Have you not talked about it yet? |
我是不是讓你們很不舒服呢? | Am I making you uncomfortable? |
如果你再高壯一點你就會扁我了 對不對? | If you were bigger you'd hit me. |
不好意思 | I'm sorry. |
很明顯地現在就討論那種事 對我們而言是太早了 | It's obviously way too early for us to be having that conversation. |
-會嗎? -或許不會,會嗎? | - Is it? - Maybe not. Is it? |
當我離婚後… | When I got divorced.. |
有一段很長的時間 我不認為會對任何人有這種感覺 | I didn't think I'd feel this way about someone for a really long time. |
而且,我也不認為會 遇到像你這樣的人… | Then again,I didn't think I'd meet someone like you. And.. |
這或許太瘋狂快速了 但我希望給你這個 | This may be crazy-soon,but I want you to have this. |
不,不是…那是口香糖 | No,not.. That's gum. |
喔,五塊錢! 我超喜歡這種事發生的,你知道嗎? | Oh,five bucks! I love it when that happens,you know? |
-你不知道那裡有… -我知道,繼續挖 | - You don't know it's there.. - I know. Keep digging. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
是一隻鑰匙 | It's a key. |
老實說,我想我寧可要那五塊錢 | To be honest,I think I'd prefer the five dollars. |
-我公寓的鑰匙 -哇! | - It's to my apartment. - Wow! |
菲比跟麥克 兩人關係的一大步 | Big step for Phoebe and Mike. |
我不希望你覺得這樣 你也要給我你的鑰匙 | I don't want you to feel like you have to give me your key.. |
-不,我要 -感謝上帝 | - No,I want to. - Thank God. |
哇,我本來還在想 我應該不會遇到一個人… | Wow. I was starting to think I'd never meet someone that.. |
讓我想要這樣做的 | I wanted to do this with. |
拿去吧! | Here you go. |
-這太酷了 -真的是很酷 | - This is cool. - It really is. |
我知道,太驚人了 這些小東西可以把門打開! | I know it. It is amazing. These little things open doors! |
我四星期之後才需要回去上班… | So I don't go back to work for another four weeks.. |
但是我們希望我們的保姆可以馬上上班 | but we would like our nanny to start right away.. |
那艾瑪才有時間熟悉她 | so that Emma could get a chance to know her. |
我想這樣做是很聰明的 | I think that's really smart. |
我們換手過程越流暢對她越好 | The easier we can make the transition for her the better. |
太棒了,很好 | That's great. Great. |
-那你有沒有其他的問題想問我們呢? -沒有 | - So do you have any questions for us? - Not really. |
好了,那謝謝你跑這麼一趟 | All right. Well,thank you so much for coming. |
-謝謝 -很高興認識你 | - Thank you. - It was really nice to meet you. |
-我們會打電話給你 -喔,等一下… | - We will call you. - Oh,you know,wait. |
我是有一個問題 | I do have one question. |
你們會不定期對人做毒品測試嗎? | Do you guys do random drug testing? |
天啊,我們還真的沒想過這個 | Boy,we hadn't really thought of that. |
沒關係,但是如果你們要求要做 我需要你們提前三天告訴我 | That's cool. But if you do,I'm gonna need three days' notice. |
好的,沒問題! | Okey-dokey! |
我們永遠都找不到保姆了 | We're never gonna find a nanny. |
別這樣,瑞秋,我保證我們會找到的 我們還有其他的面試 | Come on,Rach. We will. I promise. We have more interviews. |
情況不可能更糟 我們總是可以重新考慮第一個人選 | Worse comes to worst,we can always reconsider the first one we met with. |
-什麼?那個沒穿胸罩的金髮女郎嗎? -她的頭髮是金色的嗎? | - What,the blond with no bra? - She was blond? |
等一下 | Just a sec. |
好的,這個叫做珊帝 | Okay,this one's name is Sandy. |
她有幼稚教育學位 | She's got a degree in Early Childhood Education. |
她在上個工作的家庭做了三年 | She worked for her last family for three years. |
嗨,我是珊帝 | Hi. I'm Sandy. |
小弗雷迪·普林茲(影星) | Freddie Prinze Jr. |
而且她看起來有點男性化 | And she's a little mannish. |
喔,我的天!大衛! | Oh,my God! David! |
-現在會打擾你嗎? -不,現在很好!進來吧! | - Is this a bad time? - No,it's a great time! Come in! |
哇!嗨! | Wow! Hi! |
喔,天啊!你在這裡做什麼呢? 你從明斯克回來嗎? | Oh,my gosh! What are you doing here? Are you back from Minsk? |
只回來幾天 | Just for a couple of days. |
我是回來跟提供基金的人解釋… | I'm here to explain to the people who gave us our grant.. |
為什麼我們花光了所有他們給的錢… | why it's a positive thing that we've spent all their money.. |
什麼都沒有做出 是件正常的事 | and accomplished nothing. |
誰在乎呢?反正你回來了 | Who cares? It got you here. |
我回到紐約,然後在機場叫了部計程車 | It got me to New York. Then I got in a cab at the airport.. |
司機問我要去哪? | and the guy said,"Where to?" |
我想都沒想就給了他你的地址 | I just gave him your address. I didn't even think about it. |
你的行李呢? | Where's your luggage? |
該死 | Damn it. |
好了,我來打電話給計程車公司 | All right,I'll call the cab company. |
我們可以等一下再打 你可以先站在那邊一下子嗎? | We can call them later. Can you just stand there for a moment? |
天啊 | Boy. |
有一句俄羅斯老諺語是這樣的 | There's an old Russian expression that goes: |
大略的翻譯就是: | Roughly translated,that means: |
“我現在盯著的東西,哇!” | "This thing that I'm looking at: Wow." |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
你應該看看當我… 事實上,不用,我看起來挺不錯的 | You should see me when.. Actually,no,I look pretty good. |
你在開玩笑嗎? | Are you kidding? |
你知道的,當很久沒有見到一個人… | You know,when you don't see someone for a long time.. |
你會在腦海中建立起這個人的影像 然後開始想 | you build them up in your head,you start thinking: |
“少來了,別發神經了 沒有人是那樣美的” | "Come on,don't be crazy,nobody's that beautiful." |
但是,嗯,你真的就是那樣美 | But,well,you are. |
那麼,你現在有在跟誰交往嗎? | Well,so are you seeing anyone? |
沒有 | No. |
我是最糟糕的人! | I'm just the worst person ever! |
我怎麼可以不告訴大衛 我跟麥克在一起呢? | How can I not tell David that I'm seeing Mike? |
或許他沒有給你機會說 | Maybe he didn't give you a chance. |
他問我有沒有跟誰交往,而我說沒有 | He said,"Are you seeing someone?" and I said,"No." |
喔,那本來是你可以澄清的機會的 | Well,that would've been your window. |
我真的不知道,我看著他的雙眼… | I mean,I don't know. I was looking in his eyes.. |
然後只能想 “我的天!是大衛,大衛在這裡” | and I was just thinking,"Oh,my God,it's David. David's here." |
他真是令人無法抗拒 | He's so irresistible. |
-真的嗎?那個科學家? -真的嗎?錢德? | - Really? The scientist guy? - Really? Chandler? |
繼續說 | Continue. |
然後越來越糟糕… | Then it gets worse.. |
因為我答應他明晚跟他見面 | because I told him I would see him tomorrow night. |
-菲比! -我知道!邪惡的女人! | - Phoebe! - I know! Evil! |
我真的好喜歡麥克,你知道嗎? 發展得真的很順利,我的天! | I like Mike so much,you know? It's just going really well. Oh,my God! |
大衛出現在你跟麥克 交換鑰匙的同一天… | Isn't it ironic that David would show up.. |
這真是很諷刺 | on the same day that you and Mike exchange keys? |
是啊,而且你知道我一輩子都在 找尋諷刺的事… | Yeah. You know,and given my lifelong search for irony.. |
你可以想像的到我有多開心! | you can imagine how happy I am! |
-你要怎麼辦呢? -我想我只能… | - What are you gonna do? - I mean,I guess I just have to.. |
告訴大衛我們之間是不可能的 | tell David that nothing can happen between us. |
除非我不用告訴他 | Unless I don't. |
你知道的,複雜的道德情況… | You know,complicated moral situation? |
-是沒有錯或對 -你必須要告訴大衛 | - No right,no wrong? - You have to tell David. |
我就知道我應該去問喬伊才對 | I knew I should've had this conversation with Joey. |
她遇過最風趣的男人… | Funniest guy she's ever met. |
我很風趣,不是嗎? | I'm funny,right? |
你知道個什麼?你只是一道門 | What do you know? You're a door. |
你就像是“敲敲門”笑話 | You just like knock-knock jokes. |
等到裡面再發揮 | Save it for inside. |
奧克拉荷馬真是瘋狂 他們把那裡稱為早到者之州 | So Oklahoma's a crazy place. You know,they call it the Sooner State. |
事實上,我還真希望 可以早點離開到其它的州! | Frankly,I'd sooner be in any other state! |
而且奧克拉荷馬 為什麼有個平底鍋柄呢? | And what's with Oklahoma having a panhandle? |
其它的州可以有像那樣的東西嗎? | Can all states have stuff like that? |
嘿,我是從懷俄明州的腰部來的 | Hey,yeah,I'm from the waistband of Wyoming. |
但是當我七歲的時候 我們就搬到胯下部了 | But when I was 7,we headed over to the crotch. |
你的機艙是不是壓力太大? | Was your cabin pressurized? |
而且不要讓我開始告訴你們 土爾沙人說話的方式… | And don't get me started on the way the people from Tulsa talk. |
好的 | Okay. |
“你全”到底是個什麼字呢? 只不過是“你們”跟“全部”加在一起 | What's with the word "y'all"? You know,just two words just pushed together? |
我們可以那樣做嗎? 因為如果可以,還有很多字可以這樣玩 | Are we all allowed to do that? Because if so,I say why stop there? |
你的“新獅子狗” 可以變成你的“新獅” | You know,your new poodle could be your noodle. |
“油炸雞塊”可以變成“炸塊” | And fried chicken could be fricken. |
服務生?服務生,不好意思 我想要點“炸塊”! | Waiter? Waiter,excuse me,I'll have the fricken! |
瞧,“炸塊”很好笑吧? | See,that's funny with the fricken,right? |
不,只是讓我想起今天工作時 有個人講的笑話… | No,it just reminds me of something this guy did today at work. |
我有跟你提過一個風趣的人叫做傑佛瑞 對嗎? | I told you about that funny guy,Jeffrey,right? |
是啊,你提過 | Yeah,he came up. |
嗯,他做了一件事 你應該要在現場才感受的到… | Well,he did this bit. You probably had to be there.. |
莉莎明妮莉被鎖在冰箱裡面吃生雞肉 | but it was Liza Minnelli locked in our freezer eating a raw chicken. |
-你在現場嗎? -沒有,但是聽起來非常(與炸塊同字)好笑 | - Were you there? - No,but it sounds fricken funny. |
我真的可以理解要把孩子交付給 另一個人是很困難的事 | I really understand how hard it's gotta be to leave your child with another person. |
我是說,這就像把心上的一塊肉割下 | I mean,it's like leaving behind a piece of your heart. |
珊帝,這正是如此 | Sandy,that's exactly what it is. |
你是同性戀嗎? | Are you gay? |
我很抱歉,這就是我們的羅斯 他總是直言不諱 | I'm sorry,that's our Ross. He's just Mr. Shoot Straight From The Hip. |
沒關係,我的工作常引來誤會 | It's okay. I get that a lot doing what I do. |
但我不是同性戀,事實上我已經訂婚 | But I am straight. I'm engaged,actually. |
-她的名字叫做狄莉亞 -真是好名字 | - Her name's Delia. - That's pretty. |
所以你只是一個當保姆的男人 | So you're just,like,a guy who's a nanny. |
我知道這對一些人來說是很顛覆傳統的 | I realize how it's a bit unorthodox for some people. |
但我真的相信照顧小孩是一輩子當中… | But I really believe the most satisfying thing you can do with your life.. |
最令人感到滿足的事 | is take care of a child. |
好的 | Okay. |
就像我上一個工作… | Like at my last job. |
我在丹尼爾三星期大的時候就認識他 | I met Daniel when he was 3 weeks old. |
然後我看著他成長變成一個很棒的人 | And I got to watch him grow into this awesome person. |
當我離開的時候,我說: “希望很快再見到你” | When I left,I said,"I'll see you soon." |
然後他說“珊卡丹帝” | And he said to me,"Skadandy?" |
那是他給我的名字 | That was his name for me. |
“我每天都會看到你在…” | "I'll see you every day right in.." |
-沒關係 -是啊,小孩子盡是會說些鬼話 | - It's okay. - Yeah,kids say all kinds of crap. |
喔,天啊,她一定是需要換尿布了 | Oh,God,she must need her diaper changed. |
-我可以幫你處理,如果你要的話 -太棒了 | - I can take care of that,if you want. - That would be great. |
順便跟你說一下,那些恐龍玩具 可能不適合她的年齡 | Just so you know,these dinosaur toys aren't really age-appropriate. |
那些是我的 | They're mine. |
同樣也是不適齡 | Also not age-appropriate. |
我愛他,我愛他,我愛他! | I love him,I love him,I love him! |
別這樣,瑞秋,他是個男人! | Come on. Rach,he's a guy! |
那又如何?他很聰明,資歷又符合 | So what? He's smart. He's qualified. |
給我一個理由為什麼我們不能試用他 | Give me one good reason we shouldn't try him out. |
因為這實在太奇怪了! | Because it's weird! |
為什麼? | Why? |
哇,我從來都沒有那樣想過 | Wow,I never looked at it that way. |
男人做那種工作像話嗎?保姆? | What kind of a job is that for a man? A nanny? |
我是說,那就像一個女人想要成為… | I mean,it's like if a woman wanted to be.. |
什麼? | Yes? |
國王? | King? |
我希望你不介意,我在艾瑪身上 用了我自製的乳液 | I hope you don't mind. I used some of my homemade lotion on Emma. |
那是混合金盞花跟蜂蜜的乳液 對紅疹是立即見效的 | It's a mixture of calendula and honey cream. It'll dry that rash right up. |
而且,使雙手保持年輕 | Plus,it keeps the hands young. |
是的!珊帝,你被錄取了! | Yes! Sandy,you're hired! |
太棒了! | That's great! |
不好意思 | I'm sorry. |
只是被歡迎加入一個新家庭 是一件很令人感動的事 | It's just such an emotional thing when you're welcomed into a new family. |
喔,天啊,過來這裡 | Oh,God. Come here. |
你至少也是雙性戀 | You gotta be at least bi. |
《大胸部女人》 | |
我需要你幫忙 讓我講笑話… | I need you to set me up for a joke. |
當莫妮卡在的時候,問我消防車怎樣 | When Monica's around,ask me about fire trucks. |
我不知道,錢德,我不是很會記臺詞的 | I don't know,Chandler. I'm not so good with remembering lines. |
感謝上帝你不是靠記臺詞吃飯的 | Thank God your livelihood doesn't depend on it. |
我知道,棒吧? | I know,right? |
我們為什麼要這樣做呢? | Why are we doing this? |
莫妮卡說他們餐廳的領班 是她遇過最風趣的男人 | Monica says that her maitre d' is the funniest guy she's ever met. |
-真的嗎?她真的那樣說? -是的,我這樣不爽很瘋狂嗎? | - Seriously? She actually said that? - Yes. Am I crazy to be this upset? |
-不!風趣是你的專利! -是啊! | - No! Being funny's your thing! - Yeah! |
沒有了它,你還有什麼吸引女人的! | Without that,you just got "lame with women"! |
嗨!你們都在 | Hi! There you are. |
消防車! | Fire trucks! |
-嗨 -嗨 | - Hi. - Hi. |
我從明斯克帶回來這個給你 | I brought you this from Minsk. |
你不會相信的,這是檸檬口味的伏特加 | You're not gonna belief this. This is lemon-flavored vodka. |
是嗎?事實上這裡也有 | Yeah,we actually have this here. |
我用四條牛仔褲換來的 | I traded four pairs of Levi's for that. |
謝謝你 | Thanks anyway. |
哇,你看起來比昨天更美麗 | Wow. You look even more beautiful than you did yesterday. |
事實上,我現在要親你 | In fact,I'm going to kiss you now. |
-等等… -我就是沒有辦法… | - Wait,wait. - I can't get away with stuff like that. |
在我腦海中聽起來很性感,所以我… | It sounded sexy in my head,so I.. |
不,不,不是那件事 | No,no,it's not that. |
你記得當你問我有沒有跟誰交往 而我告訴你沒有嗎? | Remember when you asked me if I was seeing someone and I said no? |
事實上我有,他叫做麥克 | Well,I am. His name's Mike. |
-我應該早點告訴你的 -不用… | - I should've told you. - No. |
嗯,你應該要的 | Well,yeah. |
我很抱歉,我想告訴你 但是我又沉醉在你的眼神中… | I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you,but then I just got lost in your eyes.. |
然後我就完全忘了… | and I just forgot all about.. |
-麥克? -是的,沒錯 | - Mike? - Right,yes. |
-我很抱歉,我很抱歉 -沒關係,我可以理解 | - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Well,it's okay. I understand. |
那,你跟這個人在一起快樂嗎? | Well,are you happy with this guy? |
-我是很快樂 -該死 | - I am happy. - Damn it. |
我很抱歉,我不是那個意思 我要你過得快樂 | I'm sorry. I don't mean that. I want you to be happy. |
但是只能跟我,不,那並不公平 管他的,拋棄他吧! | But only with me. No,that's not fair. Who cares. Leave him. |
我不是那個意思,是的,我是 我很抱歉 | I don't mean that. Yes,I do. I'm sorry. |
我想我應該離開了 | I think I should probably go. |
但是,大衛,我只想要你知道… | But,David,I just want you to know that,you know.. |
跟你坦白 是我做過最困難的事 | telling you this is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. |
嗯,讓你知道一下… | Well,just so you know.. |
聽到這件事也不是像在過嘉年華 | hearing it wasn't exactly a Vladnik carnival,either. |
-我們至少可以擁抱道別吧? -當然,可以 | - Can we at least hug goodbye? - Of course. Yeah. |
你知道的,在臉頰上親一下 應該不會是太不適當 | You know,and a kiss on the cheek wouldn't be totally inappropriate. |
-不,不 -我是說… | - No. No. - I mean.. |
-在明斯克… -怎樣呢? | - In Minsk? - Yeah? |
是在兩邊各親兩下… | It's two on each cheek.. |
-還有一下親在唇上 -嗯,好吧,如果那是明斯克的習俗 | - and one on the lips. - Well,if that's what they do in Minsk. |
在紐約,是… | In New York,it's.. |
喔,天啊 | Oh,boy. |
一切都還好吧? | Is everything all right? |
喔,是的,很好,很好 | Oh,yeah. No,it's fine. It's fine. |
珊帝只是在告訴我他是如何 跟他未婚妻求婚的… | Sandy was just telling me about how he proposed to his fiancee.. |
實在是太夢幻了 | and it was so beautiful. |
她最喜歡的花是山茶花 從那首詩… | Her favorite flower is the camellia. From the poem.. |
我沒辦法再聽一次 | I can't hear it again! |
我也沒辦法再說一次 | You know,I can't tell it again! |
而我也還好不用聽到 | And I'm fine never having heard it. |
-瑞秋,我可以跟你說一下話嗎? -好啊,失陪了 | - Rach,can I see you for a sec? - Yeah. Excuse me. |
你有發現那男人在我們家 已經哭過三次了嗎? | Do you realize that man has cried in our apartment three times? |
我從搬進來之後也沒哭過那麼多次! | I haven't cried that many times since I moved in! |
別這樣,羅斯,當班打破你的 “我愛化石”馬克杯,你也哭了啊! | Come on,Ross,you got a little misty when Ben broke your I-heart-fossils mug. |
那個馬克杯可是博物館同事 送我的離別禮物 | I'll have you know that was a farewell gift from my colleagues at the museum. |
-好嗎?他們全部一起出錢買的 -他們一定都很喜歡你 | - Okay? They all chipped in for that. - They must have all loved you very much. |
聽著,羅斯,珊帝只不過是很敏感 不過是如此 | Look,Ross,Sandy's just sensitive. That's all. |
好了,看吧,那就是個問題 他太敏感了 | Okay,okay. See,that is the problem. He is too sensitive. |
太敏感就不能照顧我們的小孩嗎? | Too sensitive to take care of our baby? |
不,我是說,那個男的… 這真是太好吃了! | No,I mean,that guy.. These are amazing! |
珊帝做的馬德琳餅乾 | Sandy made madeleines. |
這就正是我在說的 | This is exactly what I'm talking about. |
什麼樣的男人會做精緻的法式餅乾呢? | What kind of a guy makes delicate French cookies? |
看起來根本不像是男性化 雄糾糾的餅乾,有那種… | They're not even butch,manly cookies with.. |
你知道的,大塊咬的快感! | You know,with chunks! |
嗯,你知道的 我不知道能說什麼 | Well,you know,I don't know what to say. |
我是說,我從沒想過你是那種 需要“男人”是真正男人的男人 | I mean,I never thought of you as a guy who needed his men to be men. |
我必須告訴你,羅斯 你也不像是臉上有烙印的男子漢 | I gotta tell you,Ross,it's not like you just came in from branding cattle. |
嘿,敏感跟太敏感是有區別的 | Hey,there's sensitive and there's too sensitive. |
好吧,那什麼是叫做太敏感呢? | Okay,what is too sensitive? |
不,我不能,我不能這樣做,這樣不好 | No,I can't. I can't do this. It's bad. |
但是感覺很棒,而很棒就是好 | But it's nice. And nice is good. |
而好就不是壞事 因此,我們應該繼續親吻 | And good is not bad. Ergo,we should keep kissing. |
-不,不,不 -但是… | - No,no. No. - But.. |
但是什麼? | Ergo. |
聽著,大衛,如果你沒有離開過… | Look,David,if you had never left,then.. |
那或許現在我們還是在一起的 | yeah,we'd probably still be together right now. |
但是你離開了,而我現在跟麥克交往 而且我很在乎他 | But you did leave. And I'm with Mike and I really care about him. |
好的 | Okay. |
嗯,他很幸運 | Well,he's very lucky. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
再見 | Goodbye. |
鑰匙可以用 | The key works. |
嗨,麥克 | Hi,Mike. |
還有你,謝謝你的臉部按摩! 謝謝你! | And,you,thanks for the face massage! Thank you! |
瑞秋有告訴你我們雇了一個男保姆嗎? | Did Rachel tell you we hired a male nanny? |
我認為那太棒了! | I think that's great! |
她有說他會吹直笛,吟詩 還會做馬德琳餅乾嗎? | Did she tell you he plays the recorder,recites poetry and bakes madeleines? |
-好吃嗎? -好吃極了,但那不是重點 | - How are they? - Lighter than air,but that's not the point. |
瑞秋跟我雇了一個男保姆 | Rachel and I hired a male nanny. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
男生會做那樣的工作嗎? | Guys do that? |
-真是奇怪 -謝謝你! | - That's weird. - Thank you! |
-那就像是女人想要成為… -什麼? | - That's like a woman wanting to be.. - What? |
-成為什麼? -是啊,成為什麼? | - What's the end of that sentence? - Yes. What is the end of that sentence? |
陰莖模特兒! | A penis model! |
你有告訴錢德有一個男同事… | Anyway,did you tell Chandler that some guy from work.. |
是你遇過最風趣的男人嗎? | is the funniest guy you ever met? |
-有啊,怎樣呢? -哇! | - Yeah. So? - Wow! |
真的嗎?你是不認識錢德嗎? | Really? Do you not know Chandler? |
這就是他最近行為詭異的原因嗎? 他在吃醋嗎? | Is that why he's acting so weird? He's jealous? |
喔,我的天,這真是太瘋狂了 | Oh,my God,that is crazy. |
-又不是說我喜歡上傑佛瑞 -那又怎樣? | - It's not like I'm attracted to Jeffrey. - So what? |
風趣是錢德的專長 就像羅斯的專長就是… | Being funny is Chandler's thing. Like Ross' thing is.. |
科學? | Science? |
學術?好父親? | Academia? Being a good father? |
-我不敢相信他在不高興 -你在開玩笑嗎? | - I can't believe he's that upset. - Are you kidding? |
這就像是錢德告訴你他遇到 比你更急躁不安的人一樣 | That's like Chandler saying he met someone who was more uptight than you. |
-什麼? -抱歉,對不起,應該是比你更控制狂 | - Excuse me? - I'm sorry. Sorry. More controlling than you. |
-嗯,好多了 -是的,好了 | - Well,that's better. - Yeah,okay. |
你要做一些事來彌補 | You have to do some damage control. |
因為他覺得… | Because he's feeling like.. |
你們在說些什麼? | What are you guys talking about? |
瑞秋跟我雇了一個男保姆 | Rachel and I hired a male nanny. |
你雇了一個男人當保姆? | You got a man who's a nanny? |
你雇了一個“男保”? | You got a "manny"? |
你知道的,我是不介意男保姆… | You know,I don't mind a male nanny.. |
但是我倒是很介意男的洗澡護士 | but I do draw the line at male wet nurse. |
你真是太酷了,老兄! | You are on a roll,mister! |
如果我知道你們要過來 我就會多買幾份批薩 | If I'd known you guys were coming over,I would've brought more pizza. |
好了!好啦!停止,你們! 你們停止! | Okay! Okay! Stop it,you! You stop it! |
那有什麼好笑的呢? | What is so funny about that? |
莫妮卡? | Monica? |
我不知道,就是… 你說的方式很好笑 | I don't know,it's.. Just the way you say it. |
我是說,你很風趣 你有風趣的特質,就是很風趣的人! | I mean,you're funny. You have that funny thing. You're a funny guy! |
你跟她說我們談過的事嗎? | Did you tell her what we talked about? |
所以那些是同情的笑聲嗎? 同情笑聲! | So those were pity laughs? Pity laughs?! |
親愛的,聽著 | Honey,listen. |
你根本不需要擔心傑佛瑞 | You have nothing to worry about with Jeffrey. |
喔,是嗎?他比我風趣嗎? | Oh,yeah? Is he funnier than me? |
你們風趣的方式不同 | Well,you're different funny. |
我是說,你是比較挖苦式的 | I mean,you're more sarcastic. |
嗯,他是做一些模仿跟打油詩等等的 | Well,he does bits and impressions and limericks. |
我也會打油詩啊! | I do limericks. |
有一個叫做錢德的男的 他老婆讓他死在裡頭 | There once was a man named Chandler whose wife made him die inside. |
親愛的,你知道我認為你超好笑的 | Honey,you know I think you're hilarious. |
你知道你上星期告訴我的笑話嗎? | You know that joke you told me last week? |
傑瑞路易士跟有惺忪睡眼女生的笑話 | The one about Jerry Lewis and the girl with the lazy eye. |
那真是笑死我了 | That slayed me. |
嗨!那是我編出來告訴你的 | Hey! I made up that joke and told it to you. |
-不知道什麼時候該閉嘴 -是的,那就是我的專長 | - Not knowing when to shut up. - Yep,that's my thing. |
有多少男人有你家的鑰匙呢? | So how many guys have your key? |
實際情況並不像看起來這樣糟 | It's not as bad as it looks. |
我只是在跟一個老朋友道別 | I was saying goodbye to an old friend. |
你的口紅都在他唇上了 | Your lipstick's on his mouth. |
我們只是剛好都用相同的口紅 | We just happen to wear the same shade. |
不,我跟大衛以前在一起過 | No,David and I did used to go out. |
但是是幾年前了,而且他住在明斯克 他只是回來幾天而已 | But years ago. And he lives in Minsk. He's only in town for a couple days. |
-你有沒有…? -不,不 | - Did you..? - No. No. |
-親他? -喔,嗯,有 | - Kiss him? - Oh,well,yeah. |
是的,但是… 聽著,她真的很喜歡你 | Yes,but.. Look,she really likes you. |
事實上,她停止了一個相當美好的親吻 | In fact,she stopped what was a pretty amazing kiss. |
-大衛,大衛,大衛 -不,不,他應該要知道的 | - David,David,David. - No,no. He should hear this. |
我不認為你知道你有多幸運,老兄 | I don't think you realize just how lucky you are,fella. |
-別用手指指著我! -為什麼? | - Don't point your finger at me! - Why? |
你要怎樣呢? | What are you gonna do about it? |
好的,我會讓你瞧瞧我能怎樣 | Well,I'll show you what I'm gonna do about it. |
-喔,真的嗎?真的嗎? -你想試試看嗎? | - Oh,really? Really? - You want some of that? |
停止!停止! 在有人受傷前快停止! | Stop it! Stop it! Before someone gets really hurt! |
拿去,大衛,你應該離開了 | Here,David,you should just go. |
好的 | All right. |
但是如果我從明斯克回來 你最好小心一點 | But if I ever do come back from Minsk,well,you just better watch out. |
-如果我去明斯克,你也小心點 -喔,你會去明斯克嗎? | - If I go to Minsk,you better watch out. - Oh,you're going to Minsk? |
-喔,或許會 -真的嗎? | - Well,I might. - Really? |
如果你要去,最好在春天 春天是很宜人的 | Well,if you do,come in the spring. It's just lovely there. |
事實上我有聽說過 | I've heard that,actually. |
好了,你們 | Okay,well,guys? |
-再見,菲比 -再見 | - Goodbye,Phoebe. - Bye. |
-嘿,你在開玩笑嗎? -沒事,沒事 | - Hey,what,are you kidding me? - Right-o. Right-o. |
好好照顧她 | Take good care of her. |
我很抱歉,非常抱歉 | I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. |
如果你想拿回你的鑰匙 我完全理解 | If you want your key back,I totally understand. |
-這不會再發生了,對不對? -沒錯,我發誓絕不 | - It's never gonna happen again,right? - Right. Never. I swear. |
我只想說,如果你來明斯克 這是我的號碼 | I just want to say,if you do ever come to Minsk,that's my number. |
我們可以以俄羅斯方式開派對 | We'll party up Vladnik-style. |
是!好的! | Yeah! All right! |
嘿!羅斯!快過來! 看珊帝教我吹“甜蜜家庭” | Hey,Ross! Check it out! Sandy taught me "Hot Cross Buns"! |
真的嗎?聽起來像是“三隻瞎眼鼠” | Really? Sounded like "Three Blind Mice." |
-“三隻瞎眼鼠”是這樣 -別逼我 | - "Three Blind Mice" goes like this. - I swear to God. |
-誰想要看布偶秀呢? -我!我要看布偶秀! | - Who's up for puppets? - Me! I'm up for puppets! |
喔,請歡迎… | Well,please welcome: |
鼻塞小子! | The Snufflebumps! |
誰想要當搖擺先生 還有誰想當小挑剔? | Who wants to be Mr. Wigglemunch and who's gonna be the Grumpus? |
一個兩歲大的嬰兒怎麼看得懂布偶呢? | How exactly is a 2-month-old supposed to appreciate puppets? |
研究報告顯示動作跟顏色 可以幫助大腦發展 | Studies show that the movement and colors help their cerebral development. |
這些古怪的角色只是要讓我們笑而已 | The whimsical characters are just for us. |
我想要當搖擺先生! | I want to be Mr. Wigglemunch! |
喔,我的天 | Oh,my God. |
嗯,我想我知道誰要當小挑剔了! | Well,I guess we know who's gonna be the Grumpus! |
-你實在是有點沒禮貌 -喔,我很抱歉 | - That was kind of rude. - Oh,I'm sorry. |
請代我跟珊帝還有鼻塞小子道歉 | Please apologize to Sandy and the Snufflebumps for me. |
-你知道的,他只是在做份內的事 -你知道嗎? | - You know,he was just doing his job. - You know what? |
我很抱歉我是唯一 一個不喜歡“魔法保姆”(迪士尼音樂劇)的人 | I'm sorry I'm the only one who isn't in love with Gary Poppins out there. |
但是我只是… 我就是沒有辦法接受 | But I just.. I can't go through with this. |
-別這樣 -不!你知道嗎? | - Come on. - No! You know what? |
我絕對不會強迫你雇用你不喜歡用的人 | I would never force you to hire someone you were this uncomfortable with. |
那倒是真的 | That's true. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
是你要解雇他的,你去跟他說 | You want to fire him,so you have to go do it. |
所以,搖擺先生 這就是分享的重要 | So you see,Wigglemunch,that's why it's important to share. |
我從你身上學到好多 | I am learning so much from you. |
好了,我要去土爾沙了 | Well,I'm off to Tulsa. |
如果你的領班朋友有任何 好笑的奧克拉荷馬笑話… | So if your maitre d' friend has any funny Oklahoma jokes.. |
叫他寄電子郵件到 WWW點,一點都不好笑,點COM! | tell him to e-mail me at www-dot-ha-ha-not-so-much-dot-com! |
親愛的,你可以放輕鬆了 | Honey,you can relax. |
昨晚工作時傑佛瑞說了個 很性別歧視的笑話 | Last night at work Jeffrey told this really sexist joke. |
-從此之後,再也沒有那麼好笑了 -真的? | - After that,not so funny anymore. - Really? |
瞧,都是這樣的 要學聰明一點的! | See,that's the thing. You gotta keep it smart,people! |
別錯過班機,你知道我愛你 | Don't miss that flight. You know I love you. |
我也愛你 | I love you too. |
-而我像朋友一樣喜歡你 -沒錯 | - And I like you as a friend. - Right. |
-再見 -再見 | - See you later. - See you. |
-那個男的真的有說那個笑話嗎? -沒有,他還是讓我捧腹大笑 | - Did the guy really make that joke? - No,he still kills me. |
我發誓昨晚他讓我笑到 真的有點尿跑出來 | Last night he had me laughing so hard,I swear a little pee came out. |
好了 | Here goes. |
我沒有辦法看,這就像開除艾摩(《芝麻街》中的角色)一樣 | I can't watch. It's like firing Elmo. |
珊帝?嗨 | Sandy? Hi. |
-嗨 -我們… | - Hi. - We.. |
我們可能需要談談 | We kind of need to talk. |
我想恐怕這樣是行不通的 | I'm afraid it's not working out. |
我是說 瑞秋跟我認為你帶艾瑪實在是很棒 | I mean,Rachel and I think you are great with Emma. |
-我們只是覺得… -你!是你覺得! | - We just feel.. - You! You feel! |
我只是覺得… | I just feel.. |
沒有化學反應,我很抱歉 | that the chemistry isn't right. I'm sorry. |
我們很樂意幫你寫推薦信的 | We're more than happy to give you a good recommendation. |
不,沒關係,我還有很多其他的家庭 要我過去幫忙 | No,that's okay. I had a lot of offers from other families. |
我挑選你們是因為… | I just picked you guys because.. |
-我最喜歡你們 -喔,該死的,蓋勒! | - I liked you the best. - Oh,damn you,Geller! |
好了,我很高興沒有任何不愉快 | Anyway,well I'm glad there's no hard feelings. |
一點也沒有,你們需要一個 能相處融洽的人才行 | None at all. You need to be happy with whoever is in your home. |
不過,如果你不介意告訴我… | Although,if you don't mind telling me.. |
問題是出在哪裡呢? 或許是我在將來可以改進的地方 | what was the problem? Maybe it's something I can work on in the future. |
不,不關你的事,是我的問題 | No,you know,it's nothing you did. It's my issue. |
是什麼呢? | What is it? |
拜託? | Please? |
我只不過是不習慣 跟像你一樣敏感的男人相處 | You know,I'm just not that comfortable with a guy who's as sensitive as you. |
可以諒解 | That's fair. |
但是,我可以問你為什麼會是這樣嗎? | Although,can I ask,why do you think that is? |
為什麼?我不知道 | Why? I don't know. |
或許是我父親的緣故 | Maybe because of my father? |
在我的成長過程中 他總是像個硬漢一樣 | You know,when I was growing up,he was a tough guy. |
小時候,我不像現在一樣這麼有運動感 | You know,and as a kid,I wasn't the athlete I am now. |
我會玩壁球! | I play squash! |
反正,我總是覺得他認為我太敏感 | Anyway,I always got the feeling he thought I was too sensitive. |
那一定很難受 | That must have been hard. |
的確是很難受 | It was hard. |
我記得有一次我在房間 跟我的恐龍玩… | I remember I was in my bedroom,playing with my dinosaurs.. |
是一邊玩一邊學習 | Playing and learning. |
然後我父親走了進來說 你是在跟那些東西做什麼? | And my father walks in and says,"What are you doing with those things? |
你有什麼不對勁?為什麼你不能去外面 像真正的男生一樣玩呢? | What's wrong with you? Why aren't you outside playing like a real boy?" |
-但是你是真正的男生啊 -我知道我是的! | - But you are a real boy. - I know I am! |
夏天很熱的時候 為什麼不能穿背心裝呢? | And when it's summer and it's hot,why can't you wear a tank top?! |
沒關係,哭泣是好事 大聲哭出來吧 | It's all right. Crying is good. It lets the boo-hoos out. |
哭出來了! | Here comes some more! |
艾瑪,有天你會長成大女孩 就跟你爹地一樣 | Emma,one day you're gonna grow up and be a big girl,just like your daddy. |
哪一種船是永遠不會沉的船呢? | And what's the one kind of boat that can never ever sink? |
-哪一種? -“友船”(音同友誼)! | - What kind? - A friend ship! |
哇!你真讓我大開眼界! | Wow! You blow my mind! |
我要走了 | I gotta go. |
-我該給你多少呢? -二十塊 | - How much do I owe you? - Twenty bucks. |
這真是史上最便宜的大學了! | It's like the cheapest college ever! |
-明天見 -好的,再見,珊卡丹帝 | - I'll see you tomorrow. - Okay,bye-bye,Skadandy. |
而那就是為什麼不管媽咪說什麼… | And that's why,no matter what Mommy says.. |
我們都真的暫時分手了 是的,沒錯… | we really were on a break. Yes,we were. |
是的,沒錯 來吧,漂亮寶貝 | Yes,we were. Come here,gorgeous. |
瞧瞧你 你是史上最可愛的小嬰兒了 | Look at you. You are the cutest little baby ever. |
你只是個小不點嬰兒 你知道嗎?但是你擁有… | You're just a little-bitty baby,you know that? But you've got.. |
你擁有大大漂亮的雙眼 | You've got big,beautiful eyes. |
是的,你有,還有… 還有大大圓圓的肚肚 | Yes,you do. And a.. And a big,round belly. |
大大的嬰兒屁屁 | Big baby butt. |
我喜歡大屁屁 | I like big butts. |
喔,天啊,艾瑪你在笑 | Oh,my God,Emma. You're laughing. |
喔,我的天,你從沒有這樣過,對嗎? | Oh,my God. You've never done that before,have you? |
你從來沒有這樣過 爹地逗你笑了,對吧? | You've never done that before. Daddy made you laugh,huh? |
嗯,是爹地還有混音老爹 | Well,Daddy and Sir Mix-A-Lot. |
什麼?什麼? 你還想聽更多是嗎? | What? What? You wanna hear some more? |
我真是個糟糕的父親 | I'm a terrible father. |
羅斯的饒舌歌 | The.One.With.Rosss.Inappropriate.Song |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-你們懂得投資嗎? -怎麼了? | - What do you know about investments? - How come? |
我的演出開始讓我賺到一些錢了 所以我想我應該好好利用那些錢 | I'm starting to make good money on the show,and I should do something with it. |
-那你現在是把錢放在哪裡呢? -藏在我家馬桶水箱後面 | - What do you do with your money now? - It's taped to the back of my toilet tank. |
我沒有那樣說 是放在銀行由機器人看守著 | I didn't say that. It's in a bank guarded by robots. |
-你有什麼想法嗎? -有個同事的提議讓我覺得很興奮… | - Do you have any ideas? - A guy at work got me excited.. |
是關於投資鴯鳥農場 很酷吧? | about going in on an emu farm. That'd be kind of cool,huh? |
在週末的時候過去幫忙 幫助種植鴯鳥 | Pitching in on the weekends,helping to plant the emus. |
喬伊,鴯鳥是鳥類 是養來當食物的 | Joe,emus are birds. You raise them for meat. |
嗯,是喔! | Yeah. Right! |
人類會吃小鳥,小鳥肉 | People eat birds. Bird meat. |
他們是直接飛進你的嘴裡嗎? 還是你可以到餐廳說: | Do they just fly into your mouth? Or you go in a restaurant and say: |
“不好意思,我要點一份炸鳥” | "Excuse me,I'll have a bucket of fried bird." |
或是一個翅膀,或是… | Or maybe just a wing. Or a. |
你應該考慮比較低風險性的投資 | You should consider something a little less risky. |
我認為房地產會是最好的投資 | I think real estate is your best investment. |
聯邦儲備銀行才剛降息 而且房貸的利率也可以扣減所得稅額 | The Fed just lowered the rates,and the interest on your mortgage is deductible. |
沒錯,我懂投資 | That's right. I know some stuff. |
房地產,是嗎? | Real estate,huh? |
你知道誰要賣一間 很棒的公寓嗎?理查! | And you know who's selling a great apartment? Richard! |
你知道誰對她前男朋友的熟悉度 很嚇人嗎?莫妮卡! | And you know whose knowledge of her ex-boyfriend is shocking? Monica! |
-我爸告訴我的,他們一起打高爾夫球 -那麼或許我應該加入他們 | - My dad told me. They play golf together. - Well,maybe I'll join them sometime. |
我只希望球杆不要滑出我的手… | I just hope the club doesn't slip out of my hand.. |
然後把他的八字鬍從他臉上打掉 | and beat the mustache off his face. |
然後醫生說艾瑪的體重 已經是出生時的一倍了… | And then the doctor said Emma has doubled her birth weight.. |
她比百分之九十的嬰兒快 很快就可以吃固體食物了 | she is in the 90th percentile and she's gonna start eating solid foods soon. |
-太棒了! -我知道! | - That's great! - I know! |
-我們以前都在談什麼呢? -不知道 | - What did we used to talk about? - No idea. |
嗨!你們要幫我選衣服 我今晚要跟麥克的父母見面 | Hi! You have to help me pick a dress. I'm meeting Mike's parents tonight. |
哇,男朋友的父母親,真是一大步 | Wow,the boyfriend's parents. That's a big step. |
-真的嗎?我倒是沒有這樣想過 -他們會喜歡你的,自然隨性就好 | - Really? That hadn't occurred to me. - They'll love you. Just be yourself. |
他們住在上東區的公園大道 | They live on the Upper East Side on Park Avenue. |
那她就不能自然隨性了 | Yeah,she can't be herself. |
好了,那麼,哪一件呢? | Okay,so,all right,which dress? |
-你們可以說都不好 -喔,天啊,都不好 | - You can say neither. - Oh,God. Neither. |
你們大可以委婉一點說 | You can say it nicely. |
我很抱歉,我們會帶你去買衣服 沒事的 | I'm sorry. We'll take you shopping. It'll be fine. |
我會幫你的 我很會搞跟父母親見面這種事 | You are in such good hands,and I am so good with meeting parents. |
面對他父親,稍微打情罵俏一下 但是不要太過火 | With the father,you wanna flirt a little,but not in a gross way. |
有像是“品瑟先生,我現在終於知道 華勒斯帥氣的長相是遺傳誰的了” | Just kind of like,"Mr. Pinzer,I can see where Wallace gets his good looks." |
-你跟華勒斯品瑟交往過? -他代替我考聯考 | - You went out with Wallace Pinzer? - He took the SATs for me. |
-我就知道你沒有考過1400分! -是啊,哈!我們說的是… | - I knew you didn't get a 1400! - Yeah,well,duh! I mean.. |
那麥克的媽媽怎麼辦呢? | So now,what about with Mike's mom? |
至於他母親,只要不斷的告訴她 她兒子有多棒就行了 | Well,with the mother,just constantly tell her how amazing her son is. |
舉我為例,母親們都很喜歡我 羅斯的媽有一次甚至還說… | Take it from me. Moms love me. Ross' mom one time actually said.. |
我就像是那個她從未有過的女兒 | I am like the daughter that she never had. |
-她說什麼? -她就像是那個她從未有過的女兒 | - She said what? - She's like the daughter she never had. |
聽著 | Listen. |
我才幫菲比打扮好讓她去見麥克的父母 | I just got Phoebe all dressed to meet Mike's parents. |
她好緊張,真是太感人了 | She's so nervous. It's so sweet. |
猜猜怎麼了,我今天逗艾瑪笑了 | Guess what. I made Emma laugh today. |
你什麼?而我竟然錯過… | You what? And I missed it.. |
都是因為要幫那 愚蠢的嬉皮改變造型? | because I was giving a makeover to that stupid hippie?! |
是啊,而且就像是小大人的笑喔! | Yeah,and it was like a real little person laugh too. |
就像是… | It was like: |
只不過不像這樣嚇人 | Only not creepy. |
-你做了什麼逗她笑? -我… | - What did you do to make her laugh? - I.. |
嗯,我唱了歌 其實… | Well,I sang. Actually.. |
是饒舌歌… | I rapped.. |
“寶貝,你的背影好靚” | "Baby Got Back." |
你什麼? | You what? |
你對著我們的寶貝女兒唱… | You sang to our baby daughter.. |
一首關於男人想要跟巨大屁股女人… | a song about a guy who likes to have sex.. |
上床的歌? | with women with giant asses? |
你知道嗎?如果你仔細想想… | You know what,if you think about it.. |
它事實上是在提倡健康的身體觀念… | it actually promotes a healthy body image.. |
因為即使是大屁股… | because even big butts.. |
或是“可口多汁的雙乳”都是… | or "juicy doubles" are.. |
請不要把她從我身邊帶走 | Please don't take her away from me. |
嗨,請進 我是凱薩琳,仲介商 | Hi,come on in. I'm Catherine,the listing agent. |
嗨,我是喬伊,這是錢德 | Hi,I'm Joey. This is Chandler. |
為什麼理查要賣掉這地方呢? 破產了嗎? | So how come Richard's selling the place? Went bankrupt? |
醫療誤診?被自己的鬍子噎死嗎? | Medical malpractice? Choked on his own mustache? |
他要買一間更大的公寓 景觀很棒,可以看到中央公園… | He's buying a much bigger place. It's got a great view of Central Park.. |
你說夠了! | That's enough out of you. |
這地方有什麼我們應該要知道的嗎? | Is there anything we should know about the place? |
電器用品全部都包含 光線充足,還有新的廚房 | All the appliances are included. There's a lot of light,a new kitchen. |
我想你們倆住在這裡一定會很快樂 | I think you guys would be very happy here. |
不,我們沒有在一起 我們絕對不是一對 | No,we're not together. We're definitely not a couple. |
-好的,抱歉 -沒關係 | - Okay. Sorry. - That's all right. |
哇,你看起來好像是被侮辱了一樣 | Wow,you seemed pretty insulted by that. |
是怎樣?我配不上你嗎? | What,I'm not good enough for you? |
我們不要再討論這個問題了 | We are not gonna have this conversation again. |
瞧瞧這地方 我為什麼備受這傢伙的威脅呢? | Look at this place. Why am I so intimidated by this guy? |
矯情的藝術品,這張大又陽剛的沙發 | Pretentious art. This huge,macho couch. |
我們知道他只會坐在那邊… | When we know all he does is sit around.. |
哭泣著為什麼莫妮卡會離開他 而投入一個真正男人的懷抱 | crying about losing Monica to a real man. |
-他應該不在這裡吧,對嗎? -我不知道 | - You don't think he's here,do you? - I don't know. |
這是個好地方,但是我必須要說 我不知道我能不能住得習慣 | It's a nice place,but I gotta say,I don't know if I see myself living here. |
嗯,讓我們來試試看 | Well,let me see. |
是的,我可以住得習慣 | Yeah,I can see it. |
瞧瞧這些錄影帶 他以為他是誰啊? | Look at these videos. I mean,who does he think he is? |
《緊急搜捕令》、《骯髒哈裡》 《鐵窗喋血》 | Magnum Force,Dirty Harry,Cool Hand Luke. |
-喔,我的天 -怎麼了? | - Oh,my God. - What? |
有一卷帶子上面有莫妮卡的名字 | There's a tape here with Monica's name on it. |
有一卷帶子上面有女生的名字 可能是性愛錄影帶 | A tape with a girl's name on it. It's probably a sex tape. |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
上面寫著“莫妮卡”… | This says "Monica." |
而且這裡是理查的公寓 | And this is Richard's apartment. |
快點想! | Get there faster! |
哇,你看起來… | Wow. You look.. |
真像我媽 | like my mom. |
我有穿絲襪 | I'm wearing pantyhose. |
-太棒了!請進 -好的 | - Great! Come on in. - Okay. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
-喔,我的天,你真有錢 -不,是我父母親有錢 | - Oh,my God. You're rich. - No,my parents are rich. |
喔,那又如何呢?他們有天也會死的 嗨! | Well,so? They gotta die someday. Hello! |
爸媽,這是菲比 | Mom,Dad,this is Phoebe. |
菲比,他們是我父母 希爾多跟貝西 | Phoebe,these are my parents,Theodore and Bitsy. |
希爾多,貝西… | Theodore,Bitsy.. |
很高興能與你們見面 | what a delight. |
-終於見到你真是太高興了 -我也是 | - It's so nice to finally meet you. - And you. |
你們家真是美好 | Your home is lovely. |
謝謝,等一下我可以帶你參觀 這裡其實有三層 | Thank you. I'll give you a tour later. It's actually three floors. |
我的媽啊! | Holy crap! |
過來認識我們的朋友吧! | Why don't you come meet our friends. |
非常榮幸 | Try and stop me. |
-你在做什麼呢? -試著讓你父母親喜歡我 | - What are you doing? - Trying to get your parents to like me. |
我相信他們會的,但是你不用這樣假 | I'm sure they will,but you don't have to do this. |
我要他們認識菲比,不是“菲比” | I want them to get to know Phoebe,not "Phoebe." |
不過很好玩,不是嗎? | It is fun,though,isn't it? |
-知道了 -好了 | - You've got it. - All right. |
很難停止 | It's hard to stop. |
好了,來吧 | Well,come on. |
菲比,這是我們的朋友 湯姆跟蘇安格 | Phoebe,these are our friends Tom and Sue Engel. |
菲比,來坐下 跟我們介紹一下你自己 | Phoebe,come sit. Tell us a little bit about yourself. |
-你是哪裡人呢? -好的 | - So where are you from? - Okay. |
嗯,好的,我本來是上州人… | Well,all right. Originally,I'm from upstate.. |
但是後來我媽自殺,然後繼父去坐牢 | but then my mom killed herself,and my stepdad went to prison. |
所以我就搬到市中心 住在一輛火燒車裡一陣子 | So I moved to the city,where I lived in a burned-out Buick LeSabre for a while. |
那倒是沒關係,還好啦 | Which was okay. That was okay. |
直到我染上肝炎,你知道的… | Until I got hepatitis,you know.. |
因為有個壞蛋吐口水到我嘴裡然後… | because this pimp spit in my mouth and.. |
但是我已經好了 | But I got over it. |
然後,反正現在我是 自由按摩治療師… | And,anyway,now I'm a freelance massage therapist.. |
賺的錢不是很穩固,但至少不用繳稅 | which isn't always steady money,but at least I don't pay taxes. |
那大家都到哪度暑假呢? | So where does everyone summer? |
我不會看的,我不需要看 | I'm not gonna watch it. I don't need to watch it. |
我是說,看了又有什麼好處呢? | I mean,what good could possibly come from watching it? |
嗯,我們知道我還是要看 | Well,we know I'm gonna watch it. |
-嘿,兄弟,怎麼了? -別審判我!我只不過是個普通人! | - Hey,dude,what's up? - Don't judge me! I'm only human! |
你拿走那卷帶子嗎? | Did you take that tape? |
我必須要!假設你結婚了 然後你發現一卷你老婆帶子… | I had to! Imagine you were married and you found a tape of your wife.. |
在另一個男人的公寓裡 你難道不想知道裡面是什麼嗎? | in another guy's apartment. Wouldn't you need to know what was on it? |
我不知道,我跟誰結婚呢? | I don't know. Who am I married to? |
某個女孩子 | Some girl. |
她辣嗎? | She hot? |
她是怎麼讓我定下來的? | How did she get me to settle down? |
好了,我要看 | All right,I'm gonna watch it. |
我是說,或許根本不是我想的那樣 | I mean,it's probably not even what I think it is. |
即使是,或許也不像我在腦海中 想像的情景那樣糟糕 | Even if it is,it can't possibly be as bad as what I'm picturing in my head. |
會嗎? | Can it? |
依據我的經驗 如果女生答應可以錄下來… | In my experience,if a girl says yes to being taped.. |
其它的也就都不會拒絕了 我跟你說 | she doesn't say no to much else,I'll tell you. |
-那你先幫我看 -什麼? | - Then you have to watch it for me. - What? |
幾秒鐘就好,讓我知道那是什麼,拜託 | Just for a few seconds so I can know what it is. Please? |
好啦,可以,但是萬一我很樂在其中 你就只能怪你自己! | All right,fine. But if I enjoy this,you have only yourself to blame! |
-為什麼我聽到歡呼聲? -沒關係,是足球賽 | - Why am I hearing cheering? - It's okay. It's just a football game. |
-只是足球賽? -你擔心是多餘的 | - It's just football? - You were all worried for nothing. |
是足球!只是足球! | It's football! It's just football! |
太棒了!這是我第一次真正喜歡足球! | This is great! This is the first time I've ever enjoyed football! |
我想這時候喝啤酒很對味 | I think it may be customary to get a beer. |
搞什麼…? | What the..? |
-你在做什麼? -你不想要看到我剛看到的東西! | - What are you doing? - You don't wanna see what I just saw! |
你們在做什麼? | What are you guys doing? |
喔,我的天!那是理查嗎? | Oh,my God! Is that Richard? |
-喔,天啊,真是進行的不順利 -不,你做的很好,真的 | - Oh,God,this is not going well. - No,you're doing fine. Really. |
-你何不去找我爸聊聊 -好,好的,好的 | - Why don't you go talk to my dad. - Okay,okay,okay. |
-還確定要我做我自己嗎? -當然 | - Still sure about me being myself? - Absolutely. |
或許少說一些“壞蛋吐口水”的事 | Though maybe just a little less "pimp spit." |
希爾多,我現在知道麥克的帥氣外表 是遺傳自誰的了 | So,Theodore,I can see where Mike gets his good looks from. |
嗯… | Well.. |
-你一定經常做運動 -不是很常,不過我儘量 | - You must work out all the time. - Not all the time. I do the best I can. |
是啊,我想也是,看招! | Yeah,I bet. Look out! |
-喔,我的天,你還好嗎? -我最近剛動完手術 | - Oh,my God. Are you okay? - I recently had surgery. |
-我很抱歉 -沒關係,我沒事 | - I'm so sorry. - No,I'll be fine. |
-我只是應該要去檢查一下傷口 -我真的很抱歉 | - I just should check the stitches. - I really am sorry. |
你怎麼會知道呢? 為什麼你不會打我肚子呢? | How could you know? Why wouldn't you punch me in the stomach? |
你剛剛是不是打了我爸? | Did you just hit my dad? |
是的,我很抱歉 我從來沒有見過男朋友的父母親 | Yes. I'm sorry. I've never met a boyfriend's parents before. |
但是,你總該有見過人,對嗎? | But,I mean,you have met humans before,right? |
你何不去找我媽聊聊 | Why don't you go talk to my mom. |
好的,你媽,她看起來很和善 我可以跟她聊的 | Okay,yeah,your mom. She looks nice. I can talk to her. |
你去聊吧! 我要去看看我爸是不是有內出血的現象 | You do that,and I'm gonna go check my dad for signs of internal bleeding. |
貝西,我想要再次謝謝你 邀請我今晚過來 | Bitsy? Listen,I wanted to thank you again for having me here tonight. |
喔,不用客氣 | Well,not at all. |
還有,我只想讓你知道 你兒子是個很棒的男人 | Also,I just want you to know what a wonderful man your son is. |
-謝謝,我也這麼認為 -一切都是他受了良好的家庭教育 | - Thank you. I think so too. - It's a testament to how he was raised. |
尤其是你的功勞 因為他十分尊重女性 | Especially to you,because he's very respectful of women. |
-他真的嗎? -他非常體貼我的感受 | - Is he really? - He is so considerate of my feelings. |
我認為你也會想知道 他在床上非常溫柔 | You know,I think you'd also like to know that he is a very gentle lover. |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
不,別誤會我 不,不是那種娘娘腔的樣子 | No,don't get me wrong. No,not in like a sissy way. |
當他瘋起來的時候… | When he gets going.. |
他可是像休假的船員一樣神勇 | he can rattle a headboard like a sailor on leave. |
那就是…我兒子 | That's.. my boy. |
絕了 | Awesome. |
好了,給媽咪笑一笑 拜託 | Okay,please laugh for Mommy. Please? |
請為媽咪笑一個 | Please laugh for Mommy. |
不好笑,對吧? | Not funny,huh? |
嗯,所以是不是… | Well,so is it.. |
只有低級好玩的饒舌歌才行呢? | only offensive novelty rap? |
或許只要是饒舌歌都行 因為媽咪會饒舌喔 | Or maybe just,you know,rap in general. Because Mommy can rap. |
我不會饒舌 | I can't rap. |
好了,親愛的,這只是因為我太愛你了 | All right,sweetheart. This is only because I love you so much. |
而且我知道你不會告訴別人 | And I know that you're not gonna tell anybody. |
艾瑪,你在笑!你笑了! | Emma,you're laughing! You are! |
你真的很喜歡大屁股,對不對? | You really do like big butts,don't you? |
你這個漂亮的小怪蛋 | You beautiful little weirdo. |
你錯過了!她剛剛在笑! | You missed it! She was laughing! |
真是不可思議 | It was amazing. |
是很不可思議,那就像是最美妙的聲音 | It was amazing. It was the most beautiful,beautiful sound. |
我知道,可不是嗎? 你做了什麼逗她笑? | I know,isn't it? What'd you do to get her to laugh? |
你知道的,我只不過… 試了一些東西,不同的… | You know,I just.. A couple of things I tried. Different.. |
只是唱了一點“癢癢小蜘蛛” | Just sang a little "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider." |
你唱了“寶貝,你的背影很靚” 對不對? | You sang "Baby Got Back," didn't you? |
其它的方法都沒有用! 這女孩就是喜歡屁屁! | Nothing else worked! That girl is all about the ass! |
然後再回到主旋律 | And then it goes back to the chorus. |
然後那就是歌曲的結尾 | Resolve. And that's the end of the song. |
我知道你們沒有要我唱… | I realize you hadn't asked to hear it.. |
但是已經有十七分鐘沒有人說話了 | but no one had spoken in 17 minutes. |
菲比創作了許多歌曲 你那天晚上唱的歌是什麼呢? | Phoebe writes lots of songs. What was that one you sang the other night? |
《變態遊行》嗎? | "Pervert Parade"? |
-《陰毛頌》嗎? -停止 | - "Ode to a Pubic Hair"? - Stop. |
喔,天啊,這是小牛肉嗎? | Oh,God. Is that veal? |
媽,我以為我跟你說過菲比是素食者 | Mom,I thought I told you,Phoebe's a vegetarian. |
不,沒關係,沒關係 我是說,我是素食者… | No,that's okay. That's okay. I mean,I am a vegetarian.. |
不過我吃小牛肉 是的,我愛吃小牛肉 | except for veal. Yeah. No. Veal I love. |
-菲比,你可以不用吃的 -我喜歡任何小動物食物,小貓,小魚 | - Phoebe,you don't have to eat that. - Any baby animals. Kittens,fish babies. |
但是,尤其喜歡小牛肉 | But,you know,especially veal. |
這上面還有帶一點很棒的肥肉 | You know,and this nice vein of fat running through it. |
好吃 | Yummy. |
那… | So.. |
你們覺得如何呢? | what do you think? |
所以你從理查的公寓偷了這卷帶子? | So you stole that tape from Richard's apartment? |
聽聽這色情片明星在批評我! | Listen to the judgment from the porn star! |
那帶子本來就不是要讓… | That tape was never meant to be seen by.. |
喬伊,我希望可以私下談論這件事 | Joey,I would feel more comfortable if this conversation were in private. |
莫妮卡,聽著,我不認為 你我之間存在任何秘密了 | Monica,look,I don't think you and I have any secrets anymore. |
還沒有準備好可以開玩笑嗎?待會見 | Not ready to joke about it yet? See you later. |
你為什麼要拿這卷帶子呢? 而且為什麼要看呢? | Why in the world would you take this tape? And why would you watch it? |
因為我就是這樣的人,好嗎? | Because that's who I am. Okay? |
我相信像理查那樣的男人可以 看這樣的帶子而且不會被說教 | I'm sure a man like Richard could see a tape like that and not be bothered. |
這只不過是個黃色的小插曲… | It'd just be another saucy anecdote.. |
讓他可以在他的男性俱樂部裡 邊喝著白蘭地摸著鬍子和兄弟們分享 | for him to share at his men's club over brandy and mustaches. |
這一切跟你沒有辦法長鬍子有關嗎? | Is all of this about you not being able to grow a mustache? |
這跟你還有理查有關 很明顯地他還沒有忘記你 | This is about you and Richard. He's clearly not over you. |
他保留這帶子讓他可以 在任何想的時候就看 | He keeps a tape so he can look at it whenever he wants. |
那不是很悲慘嗎? 你看不出來這是多可悲的事嗎? | Isn't that sad? Can't you see how pathetic that is? |
別吃醋了,你應該為他感到可憐 | Don't be jealous. You should feel bad for him. |
是啊,可憐的理查,他… | Yeah,well,poor Richard,he.. |
我可以長鬍子的 | I can grow a mustache. |
這不是我們的問題,我們擁有彼此 這是最重要的 | This is not our problem. We have each other. That's all that matters. |
但是我就是忘不了你滾在他身邊 穿著你的… | But I just keep picturing you rolling around with him,with your.. |
牛仔靴子在空中晃來晃去 | cowboy boots in the air. |
牛仔靴子?我這輩子 從沒有穿過牛仔靴子 | Cowboy boots? I've never worn cowboy boots in my whole life. |
很好,非常好,再多放一點 因為我想看結局是怎樣 | Good,good. Play more because I wanna see how it ends. |
-那不是我! -什麼? | - That's not me! - What? |
那不是你!美好的生活 又再度來臨了! | That's not you! Life is good again! |
騎上去,牛仔女! | Ride 'em,cowgirl! |
那混蛋錄了別人在我的帶子上! | That bastard taped over me! |
那有什麼問題嗎? | Is that a problem? |
真是太侮辱人了 花錢買新的空白帶子嘛,醫師! | It's just so insulting. Spring for a new blank tape,doctor! |
是的,但是重要的是我們擁有彼此 不是嗎? | Yes,but the important thing is that we have each other,right? |
嗯,是的,不過這非常沒禮貌! | Well,yeah. It's just so rude! |
-我們做的方式要比那個好太多… -你要把這個句子說完嗎? | - And the way we did it was a lot better.. - Are you going to finish that sentence? |
我無法想像他在她身上 看到什麼吸引人的 | I can't imagine what he sees in her. |
她還真讓我懷念起他那嗑藥的前妻 | She actually makes me miss that pill-popping ex-wife of his. |
嗨,親愛的 | Hello,dear. |
-怎麼了? -我們只是在隨便聊聊 | - What's going on? - We were just chitchatting. |
-你的朋友還好嗎? -好一點了 | - How's your friend? - A little better. |
你知道誰要搬回城裡了嗎? 湯姆跟蘇的女兒,珍 | Do you know who's moving back into town? Tom and Sue's daughter,Jen. |
你記得她的,麥克 她很可愛,行為舉止端莊,而且單身 | You remember her,Michael. She's lovely,well-behaved and single. |
-我沒有興趣 -拜託,親愛的,我們老實說 | - I'm not interested. - Please,darling,let's be honest. |
你跟那個也可以享受像船員般的樂趣的 | You can have all the sailor fun you want with that one. |
-但是我們要面對現實 -好了,停 | - But let's be real. - All right,stop. |
菲比所做的一切都是為了要讓 你們喜歡她,或許不是很明顯… | All Phoebe has done is try and get you to like her. Maybe it's not clear.. |
但是她已經盡力而為了 | but she did her best. |
-她是跟你們有點不同 -麥克,一個壞蛋吐口水在她嘴裡 | - She's a little different than you are. - Michael,a pimp spit in her mouth. |
那又如何?如果我都無所謂了 你們有什麼好在乎的 | So what? If I can get past that,it shouldn't bother you. |
你們沒有必要去喜歡她 只需要接受我喜歡她的事實就可以 | You don't have to like her. Just accept the fact that I do. |
如果你們無法對我愛的女人… | If you can't even be civil to the woman I love.. |
-你什麼的女人? -是啊,你什麼的女人? | - The woman you what? - Yeah,the woman you what? |
我愛的女人 | The woman I love. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
我不該當我父母面前 第一次說這種話 | Something I shouldn't say for the first time,in front of my parents.. |
還有湯姆跟蘇面前 | and Tom and Sue. |
對了,他們是我一生中 遇過最無聊的人 | Who are,by the way,the most sinfully boring people I've ever met in my life. |
-我也愛你 -真的? | - I love you too. - You do? |
很棒嗎? | How great is this? |
想要離開這裡嗎? | Wanna get out of here? |
-爸媽,謝謝你們的晚餐 -我很開心 | - Mom,Dad. Thanks for dinner. - I had a great time. |
這裡真的很高級,而且更棒的是… | It was really top-drawer. And here's something rich. |
這裡有十三間浴室 但是我吐在衣帽間裡面 | Thirteen bathrooms in this place,I threw up in the coat closet. |
別了! | Ta-ta! |
從頭再來一次! | One more time from the top! |
瑞秋,拜託! 這實在太不恰當了! | Rachel,please! That is so inappropriate! |
(梅西百貨感恩節遊行) | |
親愛的,你可以幫我把盤子拿下來嗎? | Hey,hon? Would you help me get the plates down? |
嘿,我有個主意 我們今天用我們的結婚瓷盤好不好? | Hey,here's an idea. Why don't we use our wedding china today? |
或者我們可以等到很特別的場合再用 | Or we could save them for a fancy special occasion. |
可不可以這樣: 你要不就平等對待我… | How about this: You could treat me like I'm an equal.. |
要不就把我當成小孩對我說話 | or talk down to me like I'm a child. |
不,我只是認為我們應該把瓷盤留到 真正特別的場合使用 | No,I just think we should save our china for something really special. |
像是英國女王來訪的時候 | Like if the queen of England comes over. |
親愛的,她一直取消跟我們的約 你還不懂那是什麼意思嗎? | Honey,she keeps canceling on us. Take the hint. |
打破了怎麼辦呢?它們可是很貴的 | What if something breaks? They're expensive. |
東西擺著不用的意義何在呢? | What is the point of having them if we never use them? |
好吧,但是如果打破了 然後女王又要來訪… | Okay. But if something breaks and then the queen comes over.. |
-我會跟她解釋 -你以為我會讓你跟她說話啊 | - I will explain it to her. - Like I'd let you talk to the queen. |
哇,今年的遊行真是棒 | Wow,the parade is really good this year. |
天啊,那些馬還真能拉屎 | Man,those horses can crap. |
下一個遊行隊伍是來自 奧克拉荷馬州的馬斯科吉 | Next up is a marching band from Muskogee,Oklahoma. |
馬斯科吉?離土爾沙才四小時車程! | Muskogee? That's like four hours from Tulsa! |
你全看起來棒透了! | Y'all look great! |
沒錯,我是說“你全” | That's right,I said "y'all!" |
接下來是日間肥皂劇… | Here's the float with the stars of the popular daytime soap.. |
《我們的日子》的眾星們 | Days of Our Lives. |
喔,我的天! | Oh,my God! |
你不是日間肥皂劇 《我們的日子》的眾星之一嗎? | Aren't you one of the stars of the popular daytime soap Days of our Lives? |
我忘了!我應該要參加遊行的! | I forgot! I'm supposed to be there! |
我不敢相信我忘了! 我通常會寫在手臂上的! | I can't believe I forgot! I usually write stuff like this down on my arm! |
蠢長袖衣服! | Stupid long sleeves! |
-你要怎麼辦呢? -我得找個好藉口說明… | - What are you gonna do? - I'll come up with a good reason.. |
我為什麼沒有到 | why I wasn't there. |
製作人一定會很生氣 他們昨天把我們全都叫進去然後說: | The producers are gonna be mad. They sat us down and said: |
“大家都要在早上六點整到 尤其是你,崔比亞尼” | "Everyone has to be there,6 a.m. sharp. That means you,Tribbiani." |
好像我是什麼笨蛋似的 | Like I was some kind of idiot. |
嗯,你剛好證明了他們是錯的 | Well,you proved them wrong. |
瑞秋的另一個妹妹 | The.One.With.Rachels.Other.Sister |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
喔,艾瑪 | Oh,Emma. |
這是你第一個感恩節 | This is your first Thanksgiving. |
你要感謝什麼呢? | What are you thankful for? |
媽咪的胸部嗎? | Mommy's boobies? |
很多人都會感謝那東西的 | A lot of people are thankful for those. |
嗨?瑞秋? | Hello? Rachel? |
是誰? | Who is it? |
是你最喜歡的妹妹 | It's your favorite sister. |
-吉兒? -艾美! | - Jill? - Amy! |
把我的戒指藏起來 | Hide my rings. |
艾美!感恩節快樂 | Amy! Happy Thanksgiving. |
克莉絲蒂娜·艾伯蓋特 | Christina Applegate |
你有沒有直發器呢? | Do you have a hair straightener? |
嗨 | Hi. |
-嗨 -嗨 | - Hi. - Hi. |
直發器 | Hair straightener. |
-我好像一年沒有見到你了 -我知道,我知道,我忙壞了 | - I haven't seen you in,like,a year. - I know. I know. I've just been crazed. |
喔,我也是,我生了小孩 | Well,me too. I had a baby. |
我把爸的辦公室重新裝璜了一次 | I decorated Dad's office. |
是嗎?除非你有把桌子從陰道擠出去 否則那可是不同的事 | Yeah? Well,unless you pushed a desk out of your vagina,not the same thing. |
關於直發器的事 親愛的,我真的需要 | About that hair straightener,honey,I really need one. |
我要到我男朋友家用晚餐 | I'm gonna have dinner at my boyfriend's house. |
喔,我的天 | Oh,my God. |
這是愛門嗎? | Is this Emmett? |
是艾瑪 | It's Emma. |
是個女生? | It's a girl? |
-嗨,艾美 -艾美,你記得羅斯吧? | - Hey,Amy. - Amy,you remember Ross? |
不太記得 | Not really. |
但是你比她之前的呆頭鵝男友可愛多了 | But you are much cuter than that geeky guy she used to date. |
那個人就是我 | That was me. |
不,他是高中時代的怪男生 從好像是九年級… | No,he was this creepy guy from high school who had this huge crush on her.. |
就很喜歡她的 | since,like,the ninth grade. |
那還是我 | Still me. |
不,我不是在說你 | No,I'm not talking about you. |
那是你那個胖朋友的哥哥 留著可笑的黑人頭 | It was your fat friend's brother with that bad Afro. |
好了,艾美,讓我節省你的時間 都是我! | Okay,Amy,I'm gonna save you some time,okay? All me! |
小心,小心 | Careful. Careful. |
小心! | Careful! |
這樣子好了 我們這一輩子… | I'll tell you what. For the rest of our lives.. |
我都會很小心,除非你要我做別的 | I'll be careful until told otherwise. |
-這不是我們選的瓷盤 -我知道 | - This isn't the china we picked out. - I know. |
在你離開店裡之後,我選了別的 | After you left the store,I chose different ones. |
-為什麼? -你的品味對我而言太女性化了 | - Why? - Your taste is a little feminine for me. |
花朵什麼時候變成女性化的象徵了? | Suddenly flowers are feminine? |
嘿,大家好!感恩節快樂! | Hey,everybody! Happy Thanksgiving! |
-感恩節快樂,菲比 -怎麼了,喬伊? | - Happy Thanksgiving. Phoebe! - What's going on,Joe? |
聽著,我需要編個天衣無縫的謊 | Listen,I need a good lie. |
好的 | Okay. |
“阿波羅登月”那個謊言如何? | How about the whole "man walking on the moon" thing,you know? |
根本就可以看到線,真是的! | You can see the strings,people! |
不,不,我需要一個謊言來解釋 為什麼我今天錯過了一件工作的事 | No,no,no. I need a good lie to explain why I wasn't at a work thing today. |
-親愛的,你根本不會說謊 -我會的 | - Honey,you stink at lying. - I do not. |
真的?讓我問你 昨天發生在咖啡屋的事… | Really? Let me ask you something. Yesterday at the coffeehouse.. |
我去上廁所,回來的時候我的松餅 就不見了,是誰拿走的? | I went to the bathroom. When I came back,my muffin was gone. Who took it? |
有人打開咖啡屋的大門… | Somebody opened the door to the coffeehouse.. |
然後一隻浣熊就跑進來 直接拿走你的松餅,我說: | and a raccoon ran in and went straight for your muffin. I said: |
“嘿,不能吃!那是菲比的!” 然後他說… | "Hey,don't eat that! That's Phoebe's!" And he said.. |
他說“喬伊,你根本不會說謊” 我該怎麼辦呢? | He said,"Joey,you stink at lying." What am I gonna do? |
別擔心,我們會想個謊的 我會幫你的 | Don't worry. We'll come up with a lie. I'll help you. |
-太好了,太棒了,謝謝你 -沒問題,你錯過了什麼工作的事? | - Great. That'd be great. Thank you. - Sure. What was the work thing? |
-“到機場接奶奶” -喔,天啊! | - "Pick up Grandma at the airport." - Oh,man! |
她真是我的心肝寶貝 | She's precious. |
你會不會擔心 她會遺傳到你真正的鼻子? | Do you ever worry that she's gonna get your real nose? |
艾美… | Amy.. |
是的,我會,我真的會 | Yes,I do. I really do. |
喂? | Hello? |
是,等一下 我可以到樓上講嗎? | Yeah,hang on,one sec. Can I take this upstairs? |
當然,我們不住在樓上,但是… | Sure. We don't live there,but.. |
真的嗎?只有這幾間房間? | Seriously? It's just these rooms? |
-我以為你是醫生(音同博士) -不,羅斯有博士學位 | - I thought you were a doctor. - Yeah. No,Ross has a Ph.D. |
天啊,她真是不可思議 | God,she is unbelievable. |
對啊,博士學位就跟醫學學位一樣好啊 | I know. I mean,a Ph.D. is just as good as an MD. |
是喔,羅斯,對啊! | Sure,Ross,yeah! |
如果我在餐廳時心臟病發 我會希望你跟你的化石刷子就在一旁 | If I have a heart attack at a restaurant,I want you there with your fossil brush. |
-蠢感恩節 -怎麼了? | - Stupid Thanksgiving. - What? |
-怎麼了?發生什麼事? -我男朋友跟我取消約會了 | - What? What happened? - My boyfriend canceled on me. |
我好不容易才找到一段真感情 | I mean,I finally find a real relationship. |
一個可以跟我共渡今天的人 然後他老婆竟然回來了! | Someone that I can spend this day with,and then his wife comes back into town! |
我發誓 跟已婚男人約會真是不值得 | I swear,it's almost not even worth dating married guys. |
別這樣說 | Don't say that. |
天啊,我本來很期待今天的 | God,I was so looking forward to this. |
本來會是很美好的感恩節的 | It was gonna be such a beautiful Thanksgiving. |
我們本來要吃壽司的 | We were gonna have sushi. |
艾美,別哭 | Amy,don't cry. |
-羅斯,我可以私下跟你談談嗎? -當然,你想要去樓上或是…? | - Ross,can I talk to you in private? - Sure,you wanna go upstairs,or..? |
聽著,我想如果莫妮卡不介意的話… | Look,I was thinking,if it's okay with Monica.. |
我想要邀請艾美跟我們共度感恩節 | I would like to invite Amy to Thanksgiving. |
我認為這是個好主意,就像清教徒 把梅毒帶來美國給印地安人一樣 | I think that's a great idea. It'll be like the Pilgrims bringing the Indians syphilis. |
聽著,我知道她有點難搞 | Look,I know she's a little tough to take. |
但是她沒有其他地方可以去了 而且她是我妹妹,是艾瑪的阿姨 | But she has nowhere else to go,and she's my sister. She's Emma's aunt. |
-而我想要讓她們相處融洽 -我不想要她們相處太融洽 | - And I would like them to bond. - I don't want them bonding too much. |
我不要她告訴艾瑪說 她需要整形 | I don't want her telling Emma she needs a nose job. |
羅斯,她很可能會需要的 我們也只能接受了! | Ross,she may need one. We're just gonna have to make our peace with that! |
艾美… | Amy.. |
艾美? | Amy? |
艾美! | Amy! |
我在外面 | I'm out in the hall. |
你們的嬰兒好像爆發出一股臭氣 | Your baby had some sort of explosion of stink. |
相處的可真融洽 | The bonding's going great. |
-嗨 -嘿 | - Hi! - Hey. |
嘿,大夥兒,這是我妹妹艾美 | Hey,you guys. This is my sister,Amy. |
這是錢德、喬伊、菲比 還有你認識的莫妮卡 | This is Chandler,Joey,Phoebe,and you know Mon. |
喔,我的天 | Oh,my God. |
你有演《我們的日子》 | You're on Days of Our Lives! |
是的 | Yeah. |
哇!他們一定是幫你化很濃的妝 | Wow! They must put a lot of makeup on you. |
感恩節快樂 | Happy Thanksgiving. |
-嘿 -嗨 | - Hey. - Hi. |
歡迎,這是你第一次見到艾瑪嗎? | So welcome. Is this the first time you're seeing Emma? |
是的,我想是的 很高興認識你,艾瑪 | Yeah,I think so. It's nice to meet you,Emma. |
-菲比 -那聲音真好玩 | - Phoebe. - That's a funny noise. |
-菲比?我還需要你幫我 -好的 | - Phoebe? I still need some help here. - Right. Okay. |
不止是你說的謊言本身 你說的方式也很重要,例如… | So it's not just the lie you tell,but it's the way you tell it. For example.. |
如果你說的時候看著地上 人們就知道你在說謊 | if you look at the ground when you talk,people know you're lying. |
我不知道為什麼這對我如此困難 說謊基本上就跟演戲一樣 | I don't know why this is so hard for me. Lying is basically just acting.. |
-而我可是演技精湛的演員 -你是演技精湛的演員 | - and I am a terrific actor. - You are a terrific actor. |
我可以幫你跟製作人說 我可是說謊高手 | I could talk to the producers for you. I'm a great liar. |
舉莫妮卡的衣服當例子,我說我很喜歡 | Take Monica's dress. I said I loved it. |
-事實上我討厭極了 -嘿! | - I hate it. - Hey! |
我同時也是白癡高手 | I'm also a great moron. |
-嘿,嬰兒在哪裡呢? -我們剛把她抱去睡了 | - Hey. Where's the baby? - We just put her down for a nap. |
聽著,我剛剛在想 你們知道什麼事會很棒嗎? | Listen,I was just thinking. You know what would be incredible? |
就是如果你們死了! | If you guys died! |
謝謝你,艾美 | Thank you,Amy. |
然後我就可以得到嬰兒 | No,no,then I would get the baby. |
就像是電影情節一樣 剛開始我會全無頭緒 | It would be just like a movie. At first I wouldn't know what to do with her. |
然後時機來臨時 我會完全改變,然後結婚去 | And then I would rise to the occasion. Then I'd get a makeover and get married. |
很棒的電影! | That's a great movie! |
反正你們也不能阻止我… | Now,listen,not that you guys could stop me or anything.. |
因為你們已經死了 | because you know,you'd be dead. |
但是我想要幫她改名字 | But I was thinking about changing her name. |
我就是不大喜歡艾蜜莉 | I'm just not really a big fan of Emily. |
艾瑪 | Emma. |
艾瑪?羅斯在叫你 | Emma? Ross wants you. |
菲比! | Phoebe! |
她為什麼一直發出那種怪聲呢? | Why does she keep making that noise? |
親愛的,我不知道要如何告訴你 | Honey,I don't know how to tell you this.. |
但是如果我跟羅斯發生了什麼事 | but if something were to happen to Ross or myself.. |
-你不會得到嬰兒的 -那,誰會呢? | - you wouldn't get the baby. - Well,who would? |
嗯,我們還沒有正式問過他們 | Well,we haven't officially asked them yet.. |
但是我們會希望是莫妮卡跟錢德 | but we would want Monica and Chandler. |
-誰? -我們正在他們的公寓裡 | - Who? - You're in their apartment. |
我不敢相信你們要我們撫養艾瑪 | I can't believe you'd want us to raise Emma. |
喔,我的天,我真是太感動了 | Oh,my God,I'm so moved. |
我不敢相信,等一下 你們死了… | I don't believe this. Hold on a second. You guys die.. |
然後嬰兒不是我的? | and I don't get your baby? |
艾美,我們跟莫妮卡跟錢德比較親近 | Amy,see,we're a lot closer to Monica and Chandler. |
我們每天都見面,而且老實說 你好像也不太親近嬰兒 | We see them every day. And truthfully,you don't seem connected to the baby. |
親近?親近什麼? 她只是一堆肉 | Connected? To what? She's a lump. |
我必須要跟你們說 這對我意義重大 | You know,guys,I've gotta say this means so much to me. |
我是說,你們肯相信我 托負你們的孩子給我 | I mean,that you would trust me with your child. |
大家都知道莫妮卡跟我一直試著… | I mean,we all know that Monica and I have been.. |
想要生小孩 | trying to have a baby of our own. |
我也有懷疑過 自己當父親的能力,但是… | You know,I've had my doubts about my skills as a father,but.. |
你們兩個… | That you two.. |
-你們兩個… -這個人嗎? | - That you two.. - This guy? |
真的嗎? | Seriously? |
好了,晚餐時間到了 | Okay,it's time for dinner. |
各位,我們將使用我們的精緻瓷盤… | Everyone,we're using our fancy china.. |
它們是很貴的,所以請小心 | and it's very expensive,so please be careful. |
好了,再說明一次 不要拿這些盤子開玩笑 | Okay,just to be clear,comedy with the plates will not be well-received. |
嘿 | Hey! |
為什麼我的盤子不如別人的精緻? | How come my plate's less fancy than everyone else's? |
你不信任我 不讓我用你的精緻餐盤嗎? | Do you not trust me with a fancy plate? |
不,親愛的,那是特別的盤子 | No,honey. That's a special plate. |
這是一個遊戲 拿到那盤子的人就是贏家 | See,it's a game. Whoever gets that plate wins. |
我不敢相信我贏了! | I can't believe I won! |
這真的很侮辱,我是你妹妹… | You know,this is such a slap in the face. I mean,I'm your sister.. |
你卻可以把嬰兒給這些陌生人而不給我 | and you would give your baby to these strangers over me. |
莫妮卡是羅斯的妹妹 | Monica is Ross' sister. |
不,羅斯的妹妹很胖的 | No,Ross' sister was really fat. |
那就是我 | That was me. |
不,她是個蠢蠢的女生 在學校時就像小狗一樣跟著瑞秋 | No,she was this dorky girl in school who followed Rachel around like a puppy.. |
艾美,我不許你再這樣了! | Amy,you've got to stop doing that! |
好了,我知道你現在正在經歷家庭危機 | Okay,listen,I know you're having a bit of a family crisis.. |
但是你不需要把氣出在盤子身上 | but you don't have to take it out on the plates. |
其實我認為每個人… | I mean,in fact,I think that everyone.. |
都應該這樣切食物 | should cut their food like this: |
現在,看到了嗎? 這樣不只可以保護盤子… | Now,see? This way,you protect the plates.. |
而且還挺好玩的 | and let's face it,you have fun. |
好吧,要是這樣呢? 如果你們死了… | Okay,how about this? If you guys die.. |
而且瘋狂盤子女士也死了… | and the crazy plate lady dies.. |
-那我可以得到嬰兒嗎? -不,如果瘋狂盤子女… | - then do I get the baby? - No,if crazy plate lady.. |
如果莫妮卡死了 那艾瑪就是我的了,對嗎? | If Monica dies,then I would get Emma. Right? |
-嗯,其實… -怎樣? | - Well,actually.. - Actually what? |
只是… 如果是那樣的話… | It's just.. It's just that in that case.. |
那艾瑪就會去跟我父母親住 | then Emma would go to my parents. |
-什麼? -很傷你的心,對不對? | - What? - Hurts,doesn't it? |
我要等誰死了才能得到她? | Who has to die for me to get her? |
所以如果莫妮卡不在了 我就沒有資格撫養艾瑪了? | So if Monica's not around,I'm not good enough to raise Emma? |
不,我們不是這個意思 | No,that is not what we're saying. |
他在說謊,他看了地上 | Yeah,he's lying. He looked down. |
那我有什麼不好的呢?我無能嗎? | Well,what's wrong with me? Am I incompetent? |
因為無論是什麼東西殺了你們三個 我都存活了下來! | Because I managed to survive whatever it is that killed the three of you! |
你反應過度了 我們認為你會是很好的父親 | You're taking this the wrong way. We think you are going to be a wonderful parent. |
只是…你是比較風趣的父親 | It's just.. You're more the,you know,fun parent. |
是的,我們想要確定艾瑪也有像 莫妮卡這樣的人照顧 | Yeah,and we wanna make sure Emma also has someone like Monica.. |
比較有紀律的人 | who's more of a disciplinarian. |
比較堅定嚴格的人 | Someone who can be firm and strict. |
你們對我的感覺不是真的那樣吧? | That's not how you see me,is it? |
不,你真的很好玩 | No,you're all about the fun. |
我或許不是很瞭解嬰兒 但是你們真的認為我沒有能力嗎? | I may not know a lot about babies,but do you really think I'm not capable? |
不,你們兩個能力相當 | No. You both are equally capable. |
只不過你們在一起的時候是最強的 | It's just you're strongest when you're together. |
好的,如果我們有艾瑪,然後我死了… | Okay. So if we both had Emma,and I died.. |
她也不能擁有她 | she'd have to give her up. |
當然,莫妮卡也必須把她讓出來 | Sure. Monica would have to give her up. |
我說謊說的至少比他好,對吧? | I lie better than that,right? |
讓我搞清楚,如果我的兩個朋友死了 我得到艾瑪 | Let me just get this straight. So my two friends die,I get Emma. |
然後我老婆死了,那我生命中剩下的 唯一一小塊希望,艾瑪… | Then my wife dies. Then Emma,the one tiny ray of hope left in my life.. |
-也會從我身邊被帶走? -演的好精采哦 | - gets taken away from me? - There's your movie. |
嘿,你在這裡 | Hey,there you are. |
-你在晚餐之後就消失了 -有人想念我嗎? | - You disappeared after dinner. - Did somebody miss me? |
有嬰兒需要被無能的父親撫養長大嗎? | Was there a child to raise poorly? |
羅斯跟瑞秋根本什麼都不懂 | Ross and Rachel don't know what they're saying. |
他們自己也不是多有責任感 | It's not like they're so responsible. |
艾瑪只不過是一瓶紅酒 跟一個過期保險套的產品 | Emma is a product of a bottle of merlot and a five-year-old condom. |
不,他們是對的,我不是強悍的父親 我永遠都不會是 | No,but they're right. I'm not a strong father figure,and I never will be. |
不,這些是要學習的 你會逐漸學會的 | No,you learn these things. You grow into it. |
是的,但那就不是我了 | Yeah,but it's not who I am. |
他們說的一切,都是我擔心有小孩之後 會面對的問題,是真的 | Everything they said is exactly why I was worried about having a kid. And it's true. |
-而且,大家都知道 -我並不知道 | - And look,everybody knows it. - I don't know it. |
我要跟你生小孩因為我認為 你會是很棒的父親 | I wanna have a kid with you because I think you'll be an amazing dad. |
不管是風趣還是有紀律 | At the fun parts and at the hard parts. |
那你可以想像我說 “回房去,你被禁足了”嗎? | Well,can you picture me saying,"Go to your room,you're grounded"? |
你可以想像我說“你被禁足了”嗎? | Can you hear me say,"You're grounded"? |
你上星期才那樣對我說 | You said that to me last week. |
我叫你不要穿著鞋子踏在傢俱上 到底有多難呢? | How hard is it? "No shoes on the furniture!" |
製作人剛剛留言 問我為什麼沒有參加遊行 | The producer from Days left a message asking why I wasn't at the parade. |
他說大家都對我很不爽 而且他們都有見到聖誕老公公! | They said everybody's really pissed off at me. And they all got to meet Santa! |
沒關係,我幫你想了一個完美謊言 | It's okay. I thought of the perfect lie for you. |
很容易記,而且不會引來更多的問題 | It's easy to remember,and it doesn't invite a lot of questions. |
是跟太空船有關的嗎? | Does it have something to do with a spaceship? |
自由女神活了過來… | The Statue of Liberty came to life.. |
你沒有參加遊行 因為家裡出了緊急狀況 | You weren't at the parade because you had a family emergency. |
我喜歡!耶! | I like that! Yeah! |
我沒有參加遊行 因為家裡出了緊急狀況 | I wasn't at the parade because I had a family emergency. |
發生什麼事? | What happened? |
-我妹的浣熊… -不,別提浣熊! | - My sister's raccoon came.. - No,nothing with a raccoon! |
-等等,你們在做什麼? -擺餐具 | - Wait,what are you doing? - Setting the table. |
我們覺得用這些精緻餐盤來吃甜點 應該也很不錯 | We thought it might be nice to use the fancy china for dessert too. |
很不錯,或許等一下我們可以 去拿我的結婚禮服來擤鼻涕 | How nice. Maybe later we can all go blow our noses on my wedding dress. |
嘿,兄弟,你還好嗎? 剛剛的事我很抱歉 | Hey,dude,you okay? Sorry about before. |
沒關係,你完全是對的 我根本就不知道如何管教孩子 | That's okay. You're totally right. I don't know anything about disciplining a child. |
但是我還是很傷心 而且我要你知道,如果我死了… | But it did hurt my feelings,and I want you to know that if I die.. |
你別想得到喬伊 | you don't get Joey. |
如果你還沒注意到 我現在不會跟你說話的 | In case you hadn't noticed,I'm not talking to you. |
真的是… 這是典型的瑞秋 | You know,this is just.. This is classic Rachel. |
喔,對喔,記得在高中我死的時候 也沒有把我的嬰兒給你嗎? | Oh,yeah,right. Remember in high school when I died and didn't give you my baby? |
這或許是我唯一擁有小孩的機會,瑞秋 | This might be my one chance to have a child,Rachel. |
你知道我一直忙於我的事業… | I mean,you know that I have been so busy focusing on my career.. |
-什麼事業? -我是室內設計師 | - What career? - I'm a decorator. |
你裝璜了爸的辦公室 就是設計師了嗎? | You decorate Dad's office and now you're a decorator? |
好的,我昨天去了動物園 現在我就是樹袋熊了 | Okay,I went to the zoo yesterday,now I'm a koala bear. |
-你為什麼不能多支持我一點? -你要談支持嗎? | - Why can't you ever be supportive? - You wanna talk supportive? |
我在醫院生小孩時你可沒有來看過我! | You didn't come and visit me when I was in the hospital having the baby! |
我在醫院整形嘴唇時你也沒有來看我! | You didn't come see me in the hospital when I was getting my lips done! |
我第一次有去 | I did the first time. |
你想知道我為什麼不要 把艾蜜莉給你嗎? | You know what? You wanna know why I am not giving Emily to you? |
-是艾瑪 -你是站誰那邊的? | - Emma. - Whose side are you on?! |
我不給你艾瑪,是因為你無法扛起 照顧小孩子的責任 | I'm not giving you Emma because you can't handle the responsibility of a child. |
那有多難呢?你都做得到 | Well,how hard could it be? You do it. |
你知道,你為什麼 不想讓我得到嬰兒嗎? | You wanna know why you don't want me to have the baby? |
因為你不想看到我快樂 | Because you don't want me to be happy. |
-你總是在忌妒我 -忌妒你什麼? | - You have always been jealous of me. - Jealous of what? |
忌妒你沒有責任感嗎? 還是你的不成熟? | Of your lack of responsibility? Your immaturity? |
你那種完全忽略別人感受的作為嗎? | Your total disregard for other people's feelings? |
這只是其中幾項 | To name a few. |
你總是這樣 | You've always been like this. |
你總是要所有的東西 而我什麼都得不到 | You had to have everything,and I couldn't have anything. |
就像在初中的時候 你搶走我的提米 | Like in junior high,when you stole Timmy from me. |
你知道那傷我有多深嗎? | I mean,do you even realize how much that hurt me? |
提米是我的男朋友 而你跟他偷偷親熱! | Timmy was my boyfriend,and you made out with him! |
別這樣,那已經是二十年前的事了 別太記恨 | Come on,that was 20 years ago. Get over it. |
我不敢相信我在今天邀請了你 | I cannot believe that I invited you here today! |
是喔,你知道我不能相信什麼嗎? 我所謂的姐姐… | Yeah,well,you know what I cannot believe? That my so-called sister.. |
有羅夫羅蘭七折的折扣優惠 而我卻要付零售價 | gets a 30 percent discount from Ralph Lauren,and I still have to pay retail? |
是五五折 | It's 45. |
你這個賤人 | You bitch. |
你就是認為你很完美… | You just think you're so perfect.. |
擁有你的新生兒 還有你的小公寓 | with your new baby and your small apartment. |
讓我告訴你一件事 你的嬰兒並不怎麼可愛 | Well,let me tell you something. Your baby isn't even that cute. |
太過分了,艾美,太過分了 | Too far,Amy. Too far. |
-你收回那句話 -不 | - You take that back. - No. |
-收回那句話! -不,你能怎樣呢?強迫我嗎? | - Take it back! - No. What are you gonna do? Make me? |
嘿,我有上健身房! | Hey,man,I work out! |
-我也有 -我有做普拉提 | - So do I. - I do Pilates. |
-我有做瑜伽 -放馬過來! | - I do yoga. - Bring it on! |
盤子放到箱子裡! 盤子放到箱子裡! | Put the plates in the boxes! Put the plates in the boxes! |
-你剛剛推了我嗎? -是的,沒錯 | - Did you just push me? - Yeah,I think I did. |
好了,夠了 | All right,that's it. |
別管泡泡包裝了!沒有時間了! | Forget the bubble wrap! There isn't time! |
卷髮,卷髮,卷髮! | Frizzy,frizzy,frizzy! |
-我們應該阻止她們嗎? -你瘋了嗎? | - Shouldn't we stop this? - Are you out of your mind? |
我們應該倒一些果凍到她們身上! | Let's throw some Jell-O on them! |
嘿,有人會受傷的 | Hey,someone could get hurt. |
踢她,瑞秋!踢她! | Kick her,Rach! Kick her! |
把她上衣脫掉,瑞秋! 把她上衣脫掉 | Pull her top off,Rach! Pull her top off! |
噁心! | Gross! |
好了,到此為止,這是我們家 你們不可以有這種行為! | All right,that is it! This is our apartment,and you cannot behave this way! |
如果你們不能表現得像成人 你們就不應該在這裡 | If you can't act your age,you shouldn't be here at all. |
那些瓷盤或許沒有像我挑的那些 粉紅色瓷盤好看… | Those plates may not be as nice as the pretty pink ones that I picked out.. |
但是它們對莫妮卡很重要 而我要你們現在就跟她道歉 | but they're important to Monica. And I want you to apologize to her,now. |
-我很抱歉 -莫妮卡,我很抱歉 | - I'm sorry. - Mon,I'm so sorry. |
好了,這樣好多了 | Okay. That's better. |
現在,我要你們誠心地跟彼此道歉 | Now,I want you to apologize to each other and mean it. |
-對不起 -對不起 | - Sorry. - Sorry. |
對了,剛才那場架真是讓人情欲高漲 | By the way,that fight was totally arousing. |
幹的好 | Dude,well done. |
如果我跟瑞秋還有莫妮卡死了 你可以照顧艾瑪 | If I die and Rachel dies and Monica dies,you can totally take care of Emma. |
是嗎?謝謝 | Yeah? Well,thanks. |
那… 那我可以得到喬伊嗎? | So.. So now do I get Joey? |
好的,但是你得知道他一天吃五餐 而且還會塞硬幣到鼻孔裡 | Okay. But you should know he eats a lot and shoves pennies up his nose. |
你還好嗎,莫妮卡? | Are you okay,Mon? |
這種事常發生的 只不過是盤子而已 | I mean,these things happen. I mean,it's just a plate. |
-又不像是有人死了 -沒關係的,你可以哀悼的 | - It's not like somebody died. - It's all right. You can mourn. |
謝謝你 這些本來都很漂亮的! | Thank you. It was so beautiful! |
我要去喬伊家拿幾個派 | I'm gonna go to Joey's and get the pies. |
事實上,不是幾個派,是一個派 | Actually,not pies. It's just pie. |
我不在乎 | I don't care. |
天啊,我已經失去嘮叨的力氣了 | Oh,my God,I've lost the will to scold. |
聽著,艾美… | Look,Amy.. |
我們有一點… | we got a little.. |
失去了理智 | a little out-of-control over there. |
我很抱歉 | And I'm sorry. |
你是我妹妹… | You're my sister.. |
如果你真的很在乎… | and if it really means that much to you.. |
-那你要給我你的嬰兒了嗎? -不,我只是… | - So you're gonna give me the baby? - No,I was.. |
我只是要讓你用我的羅夫羅蘭折扣 | I was gonna let you use my Ralph Lauren discount. |
你不會後悔的 | You are not gonna regret this. |
-她要換尿布了 -不,不,不,讓我去 | - She needs changing. - No,no,no. I'll get her. |
我超級有自信,完全有責任感 而且是扶養艾瑪第四位置的人 | I am super confident,totally responsible and fourth in line to raise Emma. |
我馬上就來,艾瑪! 先讓我拿一下我的尿片袋子 | I'll be right there,Emma! Just let me get my trusty diaper bag here. |
你們知道嗎 我想我將是第一個死的人 | Well,what do you know? I guess I'll be the one who dies first. |
-莫妮卡知道瓷盤的事嗎? -不知道 | - Does Monica know about her plates? - Nope. |
-全都打破了,是嗎? -是的 | - Broke them all,huh? - Yep. |
-你要告訴她嗎? -不想 | - You gonna tell her? - Nope. |
嘿,我要把這些盤子放回去 | Hey. So I'm gonna put the plates back. |
我想你是對的,我們近期內不應該 再用這些盤子 | I think you're right. We shouldn't use these plates for a long time. |
-只有女王來的時候才用嗎? -或許那也不是時候 | - Like only if the queen comes? - Maybe not even then. |
嘿,我辦到了 | Hey. I did it. |
我告訴我的製作人說 我家裡發生緊急事件,他完全相信我 | I told my producer I had a family emergency. He totally bought it. |
-謝謝你教我如何說謊 -不用客氣,下星期教你偷竊 | - Thanks for teaching me how to lie. - No problem. Next week,stealing. |
-再見,盤子 -你告訴她你打破所有的盤子了? | - Bye,plates. - You told her you broke all the plates? |
什麼? 盤子發生什麼事了嗎? | What?! Something happened with the plates? |
是啊,一隻浣熊跑進來… | Yeah,this raccoon came in.. |
這只小貓叫手套 這只是費修 | This kitty is Mittens. This one is Fitzhugh. |
然後這住在貓公寓的小男生是金吉 | And this little guy in the cat condo is Jinkies. |
好多貓喔,裘琳 | That's a lot of cats,Jo Lynn. |
你是單身吧? | Single,are you? |
-我來接 -好啊! | - I'll get it. - Okay. |
錢德賓 | Chandler Bing. |
為什麼你是自己接電話呢? 你的瘋狂助理去哪了? | How come you're answering your own phone? Where's your crazy assistant? |
你沒有瘋,你沒有瘋 | You're not crazy. You're not crazy. |
否則你怎麼會養那麼多隻貓呢? | Otherwise,why would you have all those cats? |
什麼事,喬伊? | What's up,Joe? |
有什麼事是我們一直想要一起做的? | What have we always wanted to do together? |
幫彼此編辮子然後在海邊騎馬嗎? | Braid each other's hair and ride horseback on the beach? |
不不不,你明晚回家時… | No. No. No. When you get home tomorrow night.. |
你跟我要去看魔術師隊對尼克隊球賽 場邊座位! | you and I are gonna be at the Wizards-Knicks game,courtside! |
-場邊座位?喔!我的天啊! -是啊! | - Courtside? Oh,my God! - Yeah! |
或許邁克爾喬丹會撲過來搶球 然後用他的膝蓋撞斷我的下巴! | Maybe Michael Jordan will dive for the ball and break my jaw with his knee! |
真是太酷了,我來告訴莫妮卡 | That is so cool. I'll let Monica know. |
這些需要你的簽名 | These need your signature. |
聽著,裘琳,那是我朋友喬伊 他總是叫每個人瘋狂的 | Listen,Jo Lynn,that was my friend Joey. He calls everybody crazy. |
-嗨? -嘿,親愛的,是我 | - Hello? - Hey,hon,it's me. |
嘿,那個瘋狂貓女人還好嗎? | Hi. How's the crazy cat lady? |
喬伊剛打電話來… | Joey just called. |
他幫我買到了明晚 尼克隊比賽的場邊座位 | He's got courtside Knicks tickets for him and me tomorrow night. |
但是明晚是我唯一不用上班的晚上 | But tomorrow night's the only night I get off from the restaurant. |
如果你去看球賽 我們會有一星期沒有辦法在一起 | If you go,we won't have a night together for a week. |
但是親愛的,那是場邊座位! 啦啦隊就在正前… | But honey,it's courtside! The cheerleaders will be right in.. |
這不是說服你的好方式 | That's not the way to convince you. |
我不想要成為那種老婆 老是說: | I don't wanna be one of those wives that says: |
“你不能去看球賽,你要陪我” | "You can't go to the game. You have to spend time with me." |
所以如果你自己能夠有認知… | So if you could just realize it on your own.. |
我知道,你說的對 我也想要見到你 | I know. You're right. I wanna see you too. |
我得要想想要怎麼告訴喬伊 他是滿心期待著 | I gotta figure out a way to tell Joey. He's looking forward to it. |
告訴他你很久沒有見到老婆了 | Tell him you haven't seen your wife in a long time. |
告訴他長距離關係是很難維繫的 | Tell him that having a long-distance relationship is really difficult. |
告訴他我們這些 有限的相處時間是很寶貴的 | Tell him that what little time we have together is precious. |
我會想想別的 | I'll think of something. |
瑞秋的電話號碼 | The.One.With.Rachels.Phone.Number |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
你看起來… | You look.. |
我是說,這真的… 這件禮服… | I mean,it's just.. That dress.. |
嗯,我希望那句話的結尾是正面的 | Well,I hope the ends of these sentences are good. |
是好的,只是我很久沒有 看到你這樣打扮 | They're good. It's just been a while since I've seen you like this. |
你產後恢復的真好 | You clean up good. |
真的嗎? 喔,謝謝你 | Really? Well,thank you. |
好了,別再這樣看著我了 | Okay,stop looking at me like that. |
-上次這樣的時候,就那樣了 -對,是的 | - Last time that happened,that happened. - Right,right. |
你很高興你第一次可以離開艾瑪 晚上出去玩嗎? | So are you excited about your first night away from Emma? |
是啊,菲比跟我會玩的很開心的 | Yeah,yeah. Phoebe and l are gonna have so much fun. |
-謝謝你幫我看小孩 -不用客氣 | - Thank you for watching the baby. - It's fine. |
事實上,我有邀請麥克過來 | Actually,I invited Mike over. |
-菲比的麥克嗎? -是啊 | - Phoebe's Mike? - Yeah. |
-我不知道你們很熟 -我們沒有… | - I didn't know you hung out. - We don't.. |
但是我想要多認識他 | but I'd like to get to know him. |
或許用點晚餐,喝點酒然後聊聊天 | Maybe have a little dinner,drinks,conversation. |
太可愛了 羅斯跟麥克的第一次約會 | That's so cute. Ross and Mike's first date. |
這不是約會 | It's not a date. |
但是如果發展成更進一步的關係… | But if it turns out to be something more.. |
我會在門把上綁帶子 | I'll leave a tie on the door. |
那會不會很尷尬呢? 你們要聊些什麼呢? | Will that be awkward? What are you gonna talk about? |
我不知道,但是你知道的 我們有許多共同點,你知道嗎? | I don't know. But you know,we have a lot in common,you know? |
他會彈鋼琴,我在大學彈過鍵盤 | He plays piano. I played keyboards in college. |
他離過婚,我在那方面也有些經驗 | He's been divorced. I have some experience in that area. |
-是的 -嗨! | - Yeah? - Hi! |
果真是女人之夜 | Girl's night out indeed. |
我想艾瑪今晚可能已經睡了… | So I think Emma is probably down for the night.. |
-但是如果你們需要… -我們會沒事的 | - but if you need anything.. - We'll be fine. |
-祝你們玩得愉快 -好的,你們也是 | - You go have fun. - Okay,you too. |
-謝謝 -還有我希望你可以上壘得分 | - Thanks. - And I hope you score. |
-好的,再見 -再見 | - Okay. Bye. - Bye. |
嗯,歡迎 | So,welcome. |
-我有啤酒 -我有瓶裝母乳 | - I got beer. - I got bottled breast milk. |
-我看我們先喝啤酒好了 -好的 | - Why don't we start with the beer. - Okay. |
-菲比告訴我你會彈鋼琴 -是啊 | - So Phoebe tells me you play piano. - Yeah. |
我在大學的時候也會彈鍵盤 | You know,I used to play keyboards in college. |
你這裡有嗎? | Do you have one here? |
沒有 | No. |
好的 | Okay. |
你知道的,我離過婚… | You know,I'm divorced. |
菲比…菲比…說你… 你也離過婚? | Phoebe.. Phoebe says you're.. You've been divorced? |
是的,是啊 | Yeah,yeah. |
很抱歉,我真的不太喜歡談那件事 | Yeah,I'm sorry. I don't really like to talk about it. |
沒關係,我們可以聊別的 | That's okay. We'll talk about something else. |
-這間公寓蠻不錯的 -謝謝 | - This is a nice apartment. - Thanks. |
這些裝飾條板都是原來就有的 | The moldings are all original. |
我不知道我公寓的裝飾條板 是不是原有的? | I don't know if the moldings are original in my apartment. |
-你是古生物學家,是嗎? -是啊 | - So you're a paleontologist,right? - Yeah. |
我表哥也是古生物學家 | My cousin's a paleontologist. |
嗯,他跟我可能會有較多話題可以聊 | Well,he and I would probably have a lot to talk about. |
-歡迎回家 -嗯,瞧瞧你 | - Welcome home. - Well,look at you. |
是啊,覺得怎樣呢? | Yeah. What do you think? |
嗯,看起來很棒,只不過… | Well,it looks great. It's just.. |
我裡面穿的也跟你一樣,所以… | I'm wearing the same thing underneath,so.. |
你知道我的意思嗎? | You see what I mean? |
嘿!為什麼你的門是鎖著的? | Hey! How come your door's locked? |
-等一下! -不不不! | - Just a second! - No,no,no! |
-喬伊不能看到我在這裡 -為什麼不能? | - Joey can't know I'm here. - Why not? |
我不知道怎麼告訴他 我不能去看球賽… | I didn't want to say I couldn't go to the game.. |
-所以我跟他說我得要留在土爾沙 -所以你跟他說謊? | - so I told him I had to stay in Tulsa. - So you lied to him? |
說謊比費口舌解釋要好太多了 | It's always better to lie than to have the complicated discussion. |
除了跟你之外 | Except with you. |
嘿,開門!是怎麼回事? | Hey,open the door! What's going on? |
-你是在幹麼? -嗨 | - What are you..? - Hi. |
你為什麼穿成這樣呢? | Why are you dressed like that? |
因為錢德幾天以後就要回來了… | Because Chandler's gonna be home in a couple of days.. |
所以我想說可以 先練習一下嫵媚的技巧 | so I thought I would just,you know,practice the art of seduction. |
我剛剛好像有聽到男人的聲音 | I thought I heard a man's voice before. |
沒有,我只是在扮演錢德說話 | No,I was just doing Chandler's side of the conversation. |
你知道的,就像是: “嗨,我看起來如何?” | You know,like,"Hi,how do I look?" |
“真性感,我還能比現在更興奮嗎?” 你知道的 | "Really sexy. Could I be any more turned on?" You know? |
好的,等一下 | Okay. Wait a minute. |
為什麼有兩杯酒呢? | Why are there two glasses of wine out? |
因為一杯是要給你的 | Because one of them is for you! |
乾杯!好了,再見 | Cheers! Okay,bye-bye. |
真好玩,我自己也一直 在練習勾引的技巧 | You know,it's funny. I've been practicing the art of seduction myself. |
-你最好繼續加強練習 -是喔! | - You might wanna keep practicing. - Yeah. |
-是喬伊 -什麼? | - It's Joey. - What? |
-嘿,喬伊 -老兄,回家! | - Hey,Joe. - Dude,come home! |
-什麼?為什麼? -回家! | - What? Why? - Come home! |
聽著,我不行,是怎麼回事呢? | Look,I can't. What's going on? |
我不知道要怎麼開口 但是我想莫妮卡有外遇! | I don't know how to tell you this,but I think Monica's cheating on you! |
早就告訴過你,你不應該娶一個 比你辣那麼多的人! | I told you,you shouldn't have married someone hotter than you! |
如果你沒有辦法回來處理這種事 那我去處理 | If you can't deal with this,then I'm gonna. |
-不! -我聽到他的聲音了! | - No! - I just heard him! |
你現在有聽到他的聲音嗎? | Can you hear him now? |
沒有,好了,我要進去了 | No. All right,I'm going in. |
-不,等等! -我又聽到他了! | - No,wait! - I heard him again! |
好了,你就待在那裡別動 我要回家了 | All right,just stay there. I'm coming home. |
等你回來的時候見 | I'll see you when you get here. |
我會在門外守著以免他走了 | I'll wait out in the hall in case he comes out. |
-有那個必要嗎? -當然,你也會為我這樣做的 | - Is that really necessary? - Absolutely. You'd do it for me. |
不是說你會有機會那樣做 因為我知道要如何滿足我的女人 | Not that you ever have to,because I know how to keep my women satisfied. |
-是啊,聽著,萬分感謝 -好了,再見 | - Yeah,listen,thanks a lot. - Okay,bye. |
他認為我是淫蕩的女人 | He thinks I'm a slut. |
喔,對了 你這不是應該當救火隊員的嗎? | Oh,right,and you're supposed to be a fireman? |
披薩不是早就該到了嗎? | Shouldn't the pizza be here by now? |
我是說,他們說不用三十分鐘就會到 已經多久了呢? | I mean,they said 30 minutes or less. Well,how long has it been? |
十一分鐘 | Eleven minutes. |
現在是十二分鐘 | And now 12. |
-那你想看電視嗎? -你以為我沒有想過嗎? | - So you wanna watch TV? - You think I haven't thought of that? |
我也想啊,但是有線電視沒有信號了 | I mean,I would like to but the cable's out. |
本來不覺得有什麼大不了的,直到今晚 | Didn't seem like such a big deal until tonight. |
-你喜歡這啤酒嗎? -是的,我喜歡 | - So you like the beer? - I do. I do. |
不過,這事實上是淡啤酒 | Although,it's actually a lager. |
那啤酒跟淡啤酒有什麼不同呢? | What's the difference between beer and lager? |
我不知道 | I don't know. |
我們可以查一查 | We could look it up. |
真是越來越有趣了 | Things are about to get wild. |
喔,天啊 還記得以前的女生之夜我們… | Oh,God,remember the girls' nights we used to have.. |
坐在一起討論你跟羅斯的事嗎? | sitting around talking about you and Ross? |
喔!天啊!感覺好像是上輩子的事 | Oh,God! It seems like forever ago. |
我知道 | I know. |
那,你跟羅斯是怎樣了呢? | So,what's going on with you and Ross? |
喔,我不知道,我是說 已經很久沒有怎樣了 | Well,I don't know. I mean,for a long time,nothing. |
但是,事實上 就在你來接我之前… | But you know,actually,right before you picked me up.. |
羅斯跟我有個小小的“插曲” | Ross and I had a little thing. |
喔!我的天!我最愛小插曲! 發生什麼事? | Oh,my God! I love things! What happened? |
嗯,他先是告訴我 他喜歡我看起來的樣子 | Well,first he told me he liked how I looked. |
然後我們做了個小小的… | And then we had a little.. |
眼神接觸 | eye contact. |
眼神接觸? | Eye contact? |
我希望你們有用避孕措施 | I hope you were using protection. |
不好意思 這些是吧台最後那兩位先生請的 | Excuse me,these are from the two gentlemen at the end of the bar. |
喔,事實上 因為喂母乳的關係我不能多喝一杯 | Oh,actually,I can't have another one on account of my breast milk. |
好的 | Okay. |
嘿,瑞秋,有沒有比較不噁心的理由 可以讓你不喝酒的 | Hey,Rach,maybe there's a less disgusting way to decline a drink. |
我們應該回請他們什麼嗎? 我們請他們吃土豆泥好了! | Should we send them something back? Let's send them mashed potatoes! |
不,等等!別那麼做! | No,wait! Don't do that! |
那樣他們就會認為他們可以過來 | That'll make them think they can come over. |
所以呢?過來又如何呢? | So,what if they do? |
我們不是來這裡釣男人的 你有男友,我有小孩還有羅斯 | We're not here to meet guys. You have a boyfriend. I have a baby and a Ross. |
是啊,但這只是好玩 又不會發生什麼事 | Yeah,but nothing has to happen. We're just having fun. |
你知道的 不是每件事都得發展到眼神接觸地步的 | You know,not everything has to go as far as eye contact. |
錢德,你得要告訴喬伊你不在土爾沙 | Chandler,you have to tell Joey you're not in Tulsa. |
讓他認為是你在欺騙我… | Isn't it better for him to think you're cheating on me.. |
總比他認為我在欺騙他好吧? | than for him to think I'm cheating on him? |
我自己聽到了 | I heard it. |
我不想讓他誤會我有外遇 | I don't want him to think I'm having an affair. |
好了,我有個計畫 我會從防火梯爬下去… | All right,I've got a plan. I'll go down the fire escape.. |
所有完美的計畫都是從 “我會從防火梯爬下去”開始的 | Because all good plans start with,"I'll go down the fire escape." |
聽我說完,女人! | Hear me out,woman! |
我會從防火梯爬下去然後等著 | I'll go down the fire escape and wait. |
然後就會像是我剛從土爾沙回來一樣… | Then it'll be like I just got back from Tulsa. |
然後喬伊跟我進來 看到這裡根本沒有男人 | Joey and I will come in and see that there's no guy in here. |
你難道不怕喬伊會識破嗎? | Aren't you afraid that Joey's gonna figure all this out? |
我自己聽到了 | I heard it. |
-我要等一下 -可怕的鴿子又回來了嗎? | - I'm gonna wait. - The scary pigeon's back? |
超大的 | It's huge. |
我不敢相信你住在那棟公寓 我奶奶也住在那棟公寓! | I can't believe you live in that building. My grandmother lives in that building! |
艾達格林,沒有個人空間感… | Ida Greene? No sense of personal space.. |
聞起來像雞,看起來像馬鈴薯 | kind of smells like chicken,looks like a potato. |
-“洋芋”是你奶奶? -那就是我“阿奶”! | - "Spuds" is your grandmother? - That's my bubbe! |
我們要再去幾個派對 | So we're on our way to a couple of parties. |
或許我們可以跟你們要號碼 如果遇到好玩的,打電話給你們 | Maybe we could get your numbers and call if we find something fun? |
我很抱歉,我們並沒有在找什麼物件 | Yeah. I'm sorry,we weren't really looking for anything to happen.. |
我有男朋友了 | with you guys. I have a boyfriend. |
-好的 -沒關係 | - All right. - It's no big deal. |
只是好奇,你們哪一個喜歡我呢? | Just out of curiosity,which one of you was for me? |
-是我 -很好 | - That would've been me. - Nice. |
如果情況不同,小子 你可是會有得忙的 | Different situation,cowboy,and you would've had yourself a handful. |
所以她有男朋友 那你的情形是怎樣呢? | So she has a boyfriend. What is your situation? |
嗯,這有點複雜 我並沒有男朋友,但是… | Well,it's complicated. I don't actually have a boyfriend,but.. |
那我可以跟你要電話號碼嗎? | Then can I have your number? |
我很抱歉,不行 | I'm sorry,no. |
好的 | Okay. |
喔,當然可以! | Oh,sure! |
喔!天啊,你給他的電話是真的! | Oh,my God,you're giving your real number! |
好的,謝謝,我今晚會打給你 | Okay,thanks. I'll give you a call later tonight. |
-太好了 -再見 | - Great. - Bye. |
再見 | Bye. |
那真的太棒了 | So that's great. |
你、比爾、羅斯、還有艾瑪 會很快樂在一起 | You,Bill,Ross and Emma are gonna be so happy together. |
你是在想什麼呢? | What were you thinking? |
我不知道,他很可愛然後又喜歡我 我衝動之下就給他了 | I don't know. He was cute,and he liked me. It was an impulse. |
就像我買這雙鞋的時候 它們很可愛而且也喜歡我 | Like when I bought these shoes. They were cute and they liked me too. |
那羅斯怎麼辦嗎?你們的小插曲呢? | But what about Ross? What about your moment? |
我們是有過小插曲 我們對看了彼此 | We had a moment. We looked at each other. |
或許如果我們一起住了十年 我們可能就會牽手了! | Maybe if we live together for another 10 years,we may hold hands! |
但是你原本對這件事 是非常高興的 | But you were really excited about it. |
-你不想要跟他談嗎? -不想 | - Don't you wanna talk to him? - No. |
不想,因為我完全知道 談話的結果會是怎樣 | No,because I know exactly how the conversation's gonna go. |
“嘿!羅斯,我認為我們 剛剛有個小插曲” | "Hey,Ross,you know,I think we had a moment before." |
“是啊,我也這麼認為” | "Yeah. Me too." |
“嗯,但是我不太確定 我是不是想再更進一步” | "Well,but I'm not sure I really want to do anything about it." |
“是啊,我也不確定” | "Yeah. Me neither." |
我們是不是就住在一起… | "Should we just live together.. |
然後不要告訴彼此 我們互相的感受? | and not tell each other how we're feeling?" |
“是啊,我沒意見” | "Yeah,that works for me." |
是啊,我知道你的意思 | Yeah,I see what you mean. |
對了,你模仿的羅斯真像 | By the way,nice Ross imitation. |
你模仿的瑞秋 不夠愛發牢騷 | Your Rachel wasn't whiny enough. |
-嗯…嘿! -好多了 | - Well.. Hey! - Better. |
重點是我或許應該停止等待 跟羅斯之間的小插曲 | The point is maybe I should just stop waiting around for moments with Ross. |
你知道嗎?我應該要過我自己的生活了 | You know? I should just move on with my life. |
真的,你要放棄羅斯了? | So really,you're moving on from Ross? |
我不知道,我得要現在做決定嗎? | I don't know. Do I have to decide right now? |
你好像已經做了 那男的今晚會打電話給你 | You kind of just did. That guy is gonna call you tonight. |
羅斯會接起電話,這是挺明白的訊息了 | Ross will pick up the phone,and that's a pretty clear message. |
喔!天啊,羅斯! | Oh,my God,Ross! |
羅斯會接起電話 | Ross is gonna pick up the phone. |
我得拿回我的電話號碼 喔!天啊,他走了! | I have to get my number back. Oh,my God,he's gone! |
“我得拿回我的電話號碼 喔!天啊,他走了!”模仿的真棒 | "Oh,I have to get my number back! Oh,my God! He's gone!" Dead on. |
-我想我該走了 -這麼快嗎? | - You know,I'm gonna take off. - So soon? |
-是啊 -好的 | - Yeah. - Okay. |
嗯,謝謝你帶啤酒過來 | Well,thanks.. Thanks for the beer. |
-你是說淡啤酒吧? -是啊,快樂時光 | - You mean lager? - Yeah. Good times. |
-好的 -好了 | - Okay. - All right. |
-嗨? -嘿,麥克,是我 | - Hello? - Hey,Mike,it's me. |
聽著,羅斯在你旁邊嗎? | Listen,is.. Is Ross near you? |
沒有,我才剛走 | No,I just left. |
而現在,是我今晚 有過最有趣的對話了 | And that,right there,is the most interesting conversation I've had all night. |
真的嗎?好的 | Really? Okay. |
嗯,你得要再回去 | Well,you have to go back in. |
什麼?回去?回到時光暫停之地嗎? | What? Go back? To the land where time stands still? |
我很抱歉,親愛的,但是… | I'm so sorry,honey,but.. |
瑞秋給了一個男的她的電話… | Okay,Rachel gave this guy her number.. |
她不希望羅斯去接電話 | and she doesn't want Ross to answer the phone. |
所以你必須要攔截他所有的電話 | So you have to intercept all his calls. |
我不能這樣做! | I can't do that! |
-他說他不能那樣做 -電話給我 | - He says he can't do that. - Give me the phone. |
麥克,聽著,我知道這個要求很過分 但是你知道嗎? | Hi,Mike. Hi,listen,I know that this is a lot to ask,but you know what? |
如果你照做 菲比會做一切你想要她做的事 | If you do this,Phoebe will do anything you want. |
-真的,我說得是很骯髒的事 -好了,謝謝,嗨? | - Seriously,I'm talking dirty stuff. - All right. Thank you. Hello? |
嗨,我替她道歉,但事實上 關於骯髒的事,她說的沒錯 | Hi,I'm sorry about her. But actually,she wasn't wrong about the dirty stuff. |
好了,我照做 | All right,I'll do it. |
但說真的,會有多骯髒呢? | But really,how much dirtier can it get? |
喔,麥克 | Oh,Mike. |
再見 | Bye. |
嘿,老兄 | Hey,buddy. |
嗨 | Hi. |
-我可以回來嗎? -為什麼? | - Can I come back in? - Why? |
嗯,我只是在想我們 還有很多東西可以聊 | Well,I was just thinking about how much more we have to talk about. |
但是你走了 | But you left. |
那倒是挺快的 | That didn't take long. |
我以為你說土爾沙到這裡要飛三小時 | I thought you said Tulsa was,like,a three-hour flight? |
嗯,你忘了把時差算進去了 | Well,you're forgetting about the time difference. |
-你準備好了嗎?我跟你一起進去 -謝謝 | - You ready? I'm gonna go in there with you. - Thanks. |
以防裡面不只有一個男的 | Just in case there's more than one dude in there. |
-再一次謝謝你 -是啊 | - Again,thanks. - Yeah. |
錢德,你回來了! | Chandler,you're home! |
沒錯!你老公回來了! 所以現在性愛派對可以停止了! | That's right! Your husband's home! So now the sex can stop! |
你知道我在說什麼 | You know what I mean. |
你是在說什麼? | What are you saying? |
喬伊說你跟另一個男人在一起! | Joey said you're here with another man! |
這裡根本沒有男人! 你怎麼敢這樣誣賴我! | There's no man in here! How dare you accuse me of that! |
好了,那或許你不介意 我和我的朋友到處看看 | All right. Then maybe you won't mind if me and my friend take a look around. |
他現在又看不到! | He can't even see us! |
-我蠻喜歡這樣的 -我也是 | - I kind of liked it. - Me too. |
他在做什麼? | What's he doing? |
我用枕頭做成人形在床上 | I arranged some pillows on the bed to look like a guy. |
臥室沒有人 不過你們可能需要換新的枕頭了 | Bedroom's clear. Although you might need some new pillows. |
好了,那我去檢查客房 | All right,well,I'll check the guest room. |
我為什麼聞到男人的古龍水味? | Why do I smell men's cologne? |
我想那是你的味道 | I think that's you. |
喔,對喔,我剛剛才用 雜誌磨擦到自己身上 | Oh,yeah. I rubbed a magazine on myself earlier. |
裡面沒有人,喬伊 | There's nobody here,Joe. |
我想也沒有 | I guess not. |
我不敢相信你認為我會有外遇 你要對我道歉 | I can't believe you thought I was cheating. You owe me an apology. |
-你說的對,我很抱歉 -這是出自好意的誤會 | - You're right. I'm so sorry. - It's an honest mistake. |
可能發生在任何人身上的,再見 | It could happen to anybody. See you. |
等一下,等一下 | Wait a minute,wait a minute. |
如果你才剛從土爾沙回來 你的行李怎麼會比你先到? | If you just got back from Tulsa,how did your suitcase beat you here? |
我從防火梯爬了下去 而你就不能把這個藏到衣櫥裡嗎? | I climbed down the fire escape,and you can't put that in the closet? |
所以,除了發酵過程不同之外… | So,with the exception of the fermentation process.. |
啤酒跟麥酒基本上是相同的東西 | beer and ale are basically the same thing. |
真引人入勝,不是嗎? | Fascinating,isn't it? |
或許你應該查一下“引人入勝” | Maybe you should look up "fascinating." |
我來接! | I'll get it! |
嗨?羅斯家,我是麥克 | Hello? Ross' place. Mike speaking. |
要找你的 | It's for you. |
我不懂剛剛發生的事 | I don't understand what just happened here. |
是怎麼回事? | What's going on? |
我很抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
我會跟你說我在土爾沙是因為 今晚我想要跟莫妮卡在一起… | I told you I was in Tulsa because I wanted to spend the night with Monica.. |
而我不知道… 我以為你會不諒解 | and I didn't know.. I didn't think you'd understand. |
你以為我笨到會不諒解 老公想要跟老婆在一起嗎? | You think I'm too dumb to understand a husband needs to be with his wife? |
你以為我就像… | You think I'm,like.. |
-喬伊? -怎樣 | - Joey? - Yeah. |
我不知道該說什麼 我們不應該欺騙你的 | I don't know what to say. We shouldn't have lied to you. |
我覺得很難過,我能做什麼補償你嗎? | I feel so bad. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? |
你可以跟我一起去看球賽 雖然你說了你不行 | You could go to the game with me. Even though you said you couldn't. |
但是你欺騙我 然後又害我頭腫了一包 | But then you lied to me and tricked me and gave me a bump on the head. |
我很抱歉,這是我唯一無法做到的 我答應莫妮卡要跟她在一起了 | I'm sorry,that's the one thing I can't do. I promised I'd be with Monica. |
好吧 | All right. |
-你去吧 -什麼? | - You can go. - What? |
你應該去看球賽,沒關係,我要你去 | You should go to the game. It's okay. I want you to. |
-真的?你沒關係嗎? -是的,我沒關係 | - Really? You gonna be okay? - Yeah,I'll be fine. |
你知道的,或許我可以留在這裡 然後練習一下勾引的技巧 | You know,maybe I'll stay here and practice the art of seduction. |
-你要換上運動服然後打掃吧 -一定會很性感撩人! | - You're gonna put sweats on and clean. - It's gonna be so hot! |
-再見 -再見 | - Bye. - Bye. |
謝了 | Thanks. |
你的門票 | Here's your ticket. |
謝了,嘿,聽著… | Thanks. Hey,listen.. |
我再也不會跟你說謊了,好嗎? | I'm never gonna lie to you again,okay? |
而且我要你知道沒有人認為你是愚蠢的 | And I want you to know that nobody thinks you're stupid. |
謝了,老兄 | Thanks,man. |
-你要去哪? -球賽是明晚,喬伊 | - Where you going? - Game's tomorrow night,Joe. |
我很高興跟你媽說話 她聽起來人不錯 | I'm glad I got to talk to your mom. She sounds nice. |
是啊,她人很好 | Yeah,she's a peach. |
喔!天啊! | Oh,God! |
真高興你們回來了! | So glad you're back! |
那你們做了些什麼呢? | So,what did you guys do? |
你知道的,我們喝了一些啤酒 | You know,we just drank some beer. |
麥克示範了正常社交禮儀的界線在哪 | Mike played with the boundaries of normal social conduct. |
是真的,我做得很好 | It's true,I did. |
-好了,再見 -好的 | - Well,goodbye. - Okay. |
-再見,真好玩,菲比 -我知道,真好玩 | - Bye. That was fun,Phoebe. - I know. It was fun. |
再見! | See you,guys. |
鎖門!鎖門,快點 | Lock the door! Lock the door,seriously. |
糟了,我忘記給菲比酒錢了 | Shoot,I forgot to pay Phoebe for the drinks. |
等等,等一下,不好意思 他有打來嗎?那個男的有打來嗎? | Wait,wait. Wait,sorry. Did he call? Did that guy call? |
沒有,只有他媽打來 | No,just his mom. |
在八點半左右嗎? | Around 8:30? |
-是的 -然後九點再一通嗎? | - Yeah. - Then again at 9:00? |
是的 | Yeah. |
嗨? | Hello? |
她現在不在,要留言嗎? | No,she's not here right now. Can I take a message? |
酒吧認識的比爾? | Bill from the bar? |
好的,酒吧認識的比爾 我會把你的號碼給她的 | Okay,Bill from the bar,I'll make sure she gets your number. |
好玩嗎? | So.. So how was it? |
你們有…? 你們玩的開心嗎? | Did you guys..? You guys have a good time? |
我們玩的很開心,出去玩真是快樂 | We had so much fun. It felt so good to be out. |
瑞秋? | Rach? |
什麼事呢? | Yeah? |
沒事 | Never mind. |
-嗨,你們 -嘿! | - Hey,you guys. - Hey! |
馬上回來,我要去上廁所 | I'll be right back. I gotta go to the bathroom. |
黑啤酒也是啤酒的一種 | Stout. That's a kind of beer. |
他拉起他的雪橇 他吹起他的口哨 | He sprang to his sleigh To his team gave a whistle |
他們賓士而去 如同薊草的細毛 | And away they all flew Like the down of a thistle |
但我聽他喊出 就在他要消失飛去之前 | But I heard him exclaim Ere he drove out of sight |
“祝大家聖誕快樂 還有大家有個美好的夜晚” | "Merry Christmas to all And to all a good night." |
哇!真是太棒了! 真的是你自己創作的嗎? | Wow! That was great! You really wrote that? |
沒錯 | Uh-huh |
再見了,精靈們 我要去土爾沙了 | Say goodbye,elves. I'm off to Tulsa. |
我不敢相信耶誕節你竟然會不在這裡 | I can't believe you won't be here for Christmas. |
你真的不回來嗎? | You're really not coming back? |
我們有很多報告都要 在年底的時候歸檔 | We have this paperwork that needs to be filed by the end of the year. |
為什麼那些愚蠢的土爾沙人 沒有辦法做呢? | Why can't those dumb Tulsa people do the work? |
因為那些愚蠢的人得接收一切… | Because those dumb people got everything dumped on them.. |
王八蛋紐約人丟給他們的工作 | by the arrogant jerks in the New York office. |
我被卡在兩個世界中間 | I'm caught between two worlds. |
-如果我不去做,我就會被炒魷魚 -真是不公平 | - If I don't get it done,I'll be fired. - It's so unfair. |
-你根本就不喜歡你的工作 -那又如何呢,誰喜歡他們的? | - You don't even like your job. - So. Who does? |
-我喜歡我的 -我愛我的工作 | - I like my job. - I love my job. |
-我等不及要回去上班了 -我對恐龍就是玩不厭 | - I can't wait to go back to work. - I can't get enough dinosaurs. |
我很抱歉沒有辦法回來 | I'm sorry I won't be here. |
平常沒有辦法見到你已經夠難受了… | It's hard enough not seeing you during the week.. |
但是耶誕節… | but for Christmas.. |
如果這就是你必須要做的事 我會諒解 | If this is what you have to do,I understand. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
新年當天見 | I'll see you New Year's Day. |
你除夕不回來嗎? | You're not gonna be here New Year's Eve? |
-我沒有提過嗎? -沒有 | - Did I not mention that? - No. |
那大家晚安了! | And to all a good night! |
在土爾沙過聖誕 | The.One.With.Christmas.In.Tulsa |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
好了大家,我知道今晚是聖誕夜… | All right,everybody. I know it is Christmas Eve.. |
你們都想要跟家人在一起 但是也不可以寫… | and you'd rather be with family,but there is no call for writing.. |
“去你的,賓先生” 貼在我的椅子後面 | "Screw you,Mr. Bing" on the back of my chair. |
對了,你們叫我錢德就可以了 | By the way,you can all call me Chandler. |
-嘿 -嘿,你跑哪去了? | - Hey. - Hey. Where you been? |
我去三樓看那間保險公司的聖誕派對 | I was checking out that insurance company's Christmas party on three. |
真的是很美,他們有很多裝飾品 還有一顆很大的樹 | It was really beautiful. They have decorations and this huge tree. |
然後我就想,去他們的 我們竟然要工作 | And I just thought,to hell with them,we have to work. |
所以我偷了他們的火腿 | So I stole their ham. |
聽到了沒? 你們或許沒有跟家人在一起… | Hear that? You may not be with your families.. |
但是至少這裡也可以 聞到過節的火腿味 | but at least it's gonna smell like ham in here. |
我的小孩現在正在表演話劇 | My kid's in a play right now. |
你們知道嗎?我知道要怎麼鼓舞你們 | You know what? I know what will cheer you up. |
我跟紐約那邊的人談過了 我告訴他們你們全是如何辛勤工作… | I had a talk with the boys in New York. I told them about all your hard work.. |
所以你們可能都會 得到一些聖誕獎金 | and that a little Christmas bonus may be in order. |
已經以您的名義把一項捐款… | "A donation has been made in your name |
捐贈給紐約市立芭蕾舞團 | to the New York City Ballet." |
嗯,那其實就像是 進了你們的口袋一樣啊? | Well,that's like money in your pocket. |
好了,你們一定要逼我說嗎? 這實在很爛 | All right,you want me to say it? This sucks. |
在這裡真是爛,這份工作真是爛! | Being here sucks. This work sucks! |
現在就有點像是耶誕節了 | Now it feels like Christmas. |
我很抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
至少今晚你們都還可以 回家跟家人在一起 | At least you get to go home and be with your families tonight. |
我只能回去一間空蕩蕩的旅館房間 然後躺在… | I have to go to an empty hotel room and lay down.. |
一張很有衛生問題的床單上 | on a very questionable bedspread. |
然後明天,你們都可以 在自己家裡過節 | Then tomorrow,you get to have Christmas in your own houses. |
順便提一下,你們沒有一個邀請我去 | Which,by the way,none of you have invited me to. |
-你可以來我家 -不用了,謝謝 | - You can come to my house. - No,thanks. |
-真是精彩的精神講話 -謝謝 | - It was a nice pep talk. - Thanks. |
我是真的有在想要成為激勵演說家 | I'm actually thinking about becoming a motivational speaker. |
那如果你現在在家 你會是在做什麼呢? | So if you were home right now,what would you be doing? |
一般的耶誕節活動,你知道的 我們過節的方式是很傳統的 | Typical Christmassy stuff,you know. Our holidays are pretty traditional. |
有一首十分特殊的節慶歌曲… | So here's a very special holiday song.. |
是我為一些對我很重要的人寫的: | that I wrote for some very important people to me. |
我去店裡坐在聖誕老公公膝頭 | Went to the store Sat on Santa's lap |
要他送堆禮物給我朋友 | Asked him to bring my friends All kinds of crap |
他說你只需要幫他們寫首歌 | Said all you need is To write them a song |
這首歌你們沒聽過 別想跟著我唱 | Now you haven't heard it yet So don't try to sing along |
不要跟我唱 | No,don't sing along |
莫妮卡…光明節快樂 | Monica,Monica Have a happy Hannukah |
我看到聖誕老公公 | Saw Santa Claus |
他要我跟羅斯說你好 | He said hello to Ross |
請告訴喬伊 | And please tell Joey |
耶誕節將瑞雪紛飛 | Christmas will be snowy |
還有瑞秋和錢德…@#$% | And Rachel and Chandler |
大家聖誕快樂 | Happy holidays,everybody. |
菲比,去檢查廚房,我去看衣櫥後面 | Phoebe,look in the kitchen. I'll look in the back closet. |
我可以節省你們的時間,女士們 我就正在這裡 | I can save you time,ladies. I'm right here. |
錢德,你何不出去一下 | Yeah. Chandler,why don't you take a walk. |
這跟你沒有關係 | This doesn't concern you. |
我們在找莫妮卡準備的聖誕禮物 | We are looking for our Christmas presents from Monica. |
-什麼?這實在太過分了 -不不,我們每年都這樣做的 | - What? That's terrible. - No,no. We do it every year. |
喔,那這樣就不過分了 | Well,that makes it not terrible. |
是啊,我們從來沒有找到過 她總是高明過我們,那個狡猾又… | No. Yeah,we never find them. She's always bested us,that wily.. |
邪惡的女人 | minx. |
我們會在這邊找一個小時… | We're gonna search here for an hour.. |
然後再過去喬伊家找,好嗎? | and then we'll go to Joey's and search. Okay? |
不,不好 你們不可以找莫妮卡的禮物 | No,not okay. You can't look for Monica's presents. |
-我們一定要 -不,你們不需要這樣 | - No,we have to. - No,you don't have to. |
你們不行,因為我也住在這裡 | And you can't,because I live here too. |
-那麼你應該幫我們找 -為什麼? | - Well,then you should look with us. - Why? |
你難道不煩惱要買什麼 聖誕禮物給莫妮卡嗎? | Aren't you worried about what to get Monica for Christmas? |
不擔心,我已想好一個 很棒的禮物要給她 | No,I have a great idea for a present for her. |
就這樣?“已經想好”? | That's it? "A great idea"? |
那是不夠的 萬一她送你的是一個很棒的禮物… | That's not enough. What if she gets you a great present.. |
兩個中等的禮物 還有很多的小禮物… | two medium presents and lots of little presents.. |
而你只送她一個很棒的禮物? 那會讓她很傷心的 | and you got her one great present? That's gonna make her feel bad. |
你為什麼要那樣對待她呢? 為什麼?為什麼? | Why would you do that to her? Why? Why? |
-如果我幫忙,我們就可以更快找到! -沒錯 | - If I helped,we could find them faster! - Right. |
-我找到一個了!! -這是梅西百貨的袋子! | - We have a live one! - It's a Macy's bag! |
這是要給誰的? | Who's it for? |
親愛的失敗者:你們真的認為 我會將禮物藏在沙發下面嗎? | "Dear Losers: Do you really think I'd hide presents under the couch? |
附注:錢德,我就知道 她們可以說服你 | P.S. Chandler,I knew they'd break you." |
瑞秋,這些是給你的 | Rach,these are for you. |
雨刷,但是我根本就沒有車子 | Wiper blades. I don't even have a car. |
是沒有,但是加上這個有 新車味道的芳香劑,你會以為你有的 | No,but with this new-car smell,you'll think you do. |
好了,菲比,輪到你了 | Okay,Phoebe,your turn. |
馬桶座蓋紙! | Toilet seat covers! |
這是不是在我給車加氣的時候 你們去弄的呢? | Is that what you were doing while I was getting gas? |
你們倆 | You guys. |
還有給羅斯,甜食先生 | And for Ross,Mr. Sweet Tooth. |
-你們送我可樂? -還有…檸檬口味! | - You got me a cola drink? - And.. a lemon-lime! |
喔,這… 這禮真是太大了 | Well,this.. This is too much. |
我覺得我應該再送你一件毛衣 | I feel like I should get you another sweater. |
最後一位… | And last but not least.. |
是羅紋保險套,讓你得到絕頂滿足 | They're ribbed,for your pleasure. |
嘿!班 | Well,hey,Ben? |
要不要節日犰狳來告訴你 光明節的由來呢? | What if the Holiday Armadillo told you all about the Festival of Lights? |
好啊! | Cool! |
來吧,班 | Come on,Ben. |
很多年以前,有一群叫做 馬加比家族的人… | Years and years ago,there were these people called the Maccabees! |
聖誕快樂! | Merry Christmas! |
聖誕老公公! | Santa! |
你在這裡做什麼呢?聖誕老公公 | What are you doing here,Santa? |
喔,我是來看我的老朋友班的 | Well,I'm here to see my old buddy Ben. |
你在這裡做什麼呢?你這只… | What are you doing here.. |
奇怪的烏龜男? | weird turtle-man? |
我是節日犰狳,你的半猶太血統朋友 | I'm the Holiday Armadillo,your part-Jewish friend. |
你要我過來送些禮物給班的 | You sent me here to give Ben some presents. |
記得嗎? | Remember? |
什麼? | What? |
班,你何不去打開更多的禮物 | Ben,why don't you open some more presents. |
聖誕老公公、犰狳跟我要去廚房談談 | Santa,the armadillo and I will have a talk in the kitchen. |
我以為這輩子都不可能說這樣的話 | There's a sentence I never thought I'd say. |
你在做什麼呢? | What are you doing? |
你打電話告訴大家 說你找不到聖誕老公公的服裝… | You called and said you had trouble finding a Santa costume.. |
所以我跟公司的同事借了這一套 | so I borrowed one from a guy at work. |
謝謝你,但是你得要離開 | Thank you,but you gotta leave. |
-為什麼? -因為… | - Why? - Because.. |
我終於讓他對猶太光明節有興趣了 | I'm finally getting him excited about Hanukkah. |
而你破壞了這一切 | And you're wrecking it. |
但是我還沒有機會把肚子裡的果凍搖來搖去 | But I didn't get to shake my belly like a bowl full of jelly. |
我很抱歉,錢德 但是這對我真的很重要 | I'm sorry,Chandler,but this is really important to me. |
好的,沒關係,我去還這套衣服 | Okay,fine. I'll give the suit back. |
嘿,你覺得可以把 這套衣服多留一晚嗎? | Hey,you think you can keep it another night? |
聖誕老公公?真的嗎? | Santa? Really? |
-是啊,可以嗎? -你爸爸有扮過聖誕老公公嗎? | - Yeah,is that okay? - Did your dad ever dress up like Santa? |
-沒有 -那就沒問題了! | - No. - Then it's okay! |
你們知道嗎?你們大家 | You know what,everybody? |
回家去,你們應該跟家人在一起 | Go home. You should be with your families. |
我們要在除夕夜工作就已經夠糟了 | It's bad enough we're working New Year's Eve. |
我沒有告訴大家除夕夜的事嗎? | Did I not tell anyone about New Year's Eve? |
好了,聽著,回去,回家去,好嗎? 聖誕快樂 | All right,look,go. Go home,okay? Merry Christmas. |
-聖誕快樂 -世界和平 | - Merry Christmas. - Peace on earth. |
-再見 -很好,快走,一群好人 | - Bye. - Good. Godspeed,good people. |
-你沒有要走嗎? -沒有,我不能留你一個人在這裡 | - You're not gonna go? - No. I couldn't leave you alone. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
除此之外,我得要等到樓下的派對 都結束了我才能走 | Besides,I can't leave until that Christmas party downstairs clears out. |
有一些氣壞了的保險員 正在找他們的火腿 | There are some pissed-off insurance people looking for that ham. |
-錢德賓 -嗨,親愛的,我們全部都在這裡 | - Chandler Bing. - Hi,honey. We're all here. |
我們想要祝你聖誕快樂 | We want to wish you a merry Christmas. |
-聖誕快樂! -聖誕快樂! | - Merry Christmas! - Merry Christmas! |
聖誕快樂,我想念你們 | Merry Christmas. I miss you guys. |
很難受嗎?每個人都在認真工作嗎? | So is it horrible? Is everybody working really hard? |
嗯,沒有,只有我跟溫蒂 | Well,no,it's just me and Wendy. |
溫蒂?聽起來像是女生的名字 | Wendy? That sounds like a girl's name. |
就是女生,我沒有提過她嗎? | It is. Did I not tell you about her? |
應該就在你跟我提起 除夕夜的事的時候 | About the time you told me about New Year's Eve. |
-大家去哪了? -我讓他們回家了 | - Where's everybody else? - I sent them home. |
你真是好老闆,她漂亮嗎? | You are such a good boss. Is she pretty? |
快點回答,快點回答 | Answer faster. Answer faster. |
-我不知道 -回答高明點,回答高明點 | - I don't know. - Answer better. Answer better. |
我沒有那樣想過她 我是說,她是我同事 | I don't think of her that way. I mean,she's a colleague. |
-她在那邊是做什麼的? -她是區域副總 | - What does she do there? - She's regional vice president. |
-她在我下面 -她什麼? | - She's just below me. - She did what? |
她的職務在我下麵 | Below me. |
等一下,溫蒂是那個 奧克拉荷馬小姐選美第二名嗎? | Wait,is Wendy the runner-up Miss Oklahoma? |
什麼! | What?! |
嗯,她沒有贏得冠軍 | Well,she didn't win. |
好了,或許我應該讓你… | All right,maybe I should let you.. |
跟奧克拉荷馬第二漂亮 的女生回去工作了 | and the second prettiest girl in Oklahoma get back to work. |
那一年第二漂亮的,以奧克拉荷馬 全部的女生來說,她或許… | Second prettiest that year. Of all the girls in Oklahoma,she's probably.. |
錢德,快閉嘴 | Chandler,stop talking. |
親愛的,根本沒有什麼需要擔心的 | Honey,there's really nothing to worry about. |
-好的 -我是說真的 | - Okay. - I'm serious. |
好的 | Okay. |
-聖誕快樂 -聖誕快樂 | - Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. |
-你們大家聖誕快樂 -聖誕快樂 | - Merry Christmas,you guys. - Merry Christmas. |
-我老婆打招呼 -談得愉快嗎? | - The wife says hi. - Fun conversation? |
嗯,她有一種奇怪的想法 認為… | Well,she's just got this weird idea that.. |
因為我們兩個單獨在一起 所以有事情會發生 | because you and I are alone something's gonna happen. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
那樣很糟糕嗎? | Would that be so terrible? |
我或許擔心得不對… | This is probably the wrong thing to be worrying about.. |
但是你把火腿沾上我唯一的領帶了 | but you're getting ham on my only tie. |
-走開,小妞! -小妞? | - Back off,missy! - Missy? |
我不知道,我不習慣女孩子 對我採取行動 | I don't know. I'm not used to girls making passes at me. |
等一下,我在奧克拉荷馬 算是性感的嗎? | Wait a minute. Am I sexy in Oklahoma? |
-你對我是的 -不不,不! | - You are to me. - No. No. No! |
-聽著,我已經結婚了 -那又如何?我也結婚了 | - Look,I'm married. - So? I'm married. |
我的婚姻很幸福 | I'm happily married. |
那是什麼樣的感覺呢? | What's that like? |
-是的,所以我很抱歉,但是… -真的?婚姻很幸福? | - Right. So I'm sorry,but.. - Seriously? Happily married? |
所以剛才那通電話叫做幸福? | So that phone call before,that was happy? |
你知道,長期分開是很不容易的 | Well,look,it's not easy to spend this much time apart. |
她是有資格有點神經質的… | She's entitled to be a little paranoid. |
而且針對這件事 她猜對了 | Or,in this case,right on the money. |
她很好、漂亮又聰明… | You know,she's amazing and beautiful and smart. |
而且如果她現在在這裡 她一定會海扁你一頓的 | And if she were here right now,she'd kick your ass. |
聽著,你是個好人 除了會偷火腿跟偷情之外 | Look,you're a really nice person,ham-stealing and adultery aside. |
但是我跟我老婆的感情很好 | But what I have with my wife is pretty great. |
所以我們之間是不可能的 | So nothing's ever gonna happen between us. |
好的,讓我問你一件事 | Okay,let me ask you something. |
如果你跟你老婆感情很好… | If what you and your wife have is so great.. |
那你怎麼會跟我一起過耶誕節呢? | then why are you spending Christmas with me? |
今晚你是這屋子裡最漂亮的女人 | You were the most beautiful woman in the room tonight. |
-真的嗎? -你不相信嗎? | - Really? - Are you kidding? |
在大部分的屋子裡 你都是最漂亮的女人 | You're the most beautiful woman in most rooms. |
這是怎麼回事? 我們剛剛親吻了 | What's going on? You and I just made out. |
-我們在親吻? -嗯,以後不會有了 | - You and I are making out? - Well,not anymore. |
-但是我們倆從來不會那樣的 -我知道,我只是覺得那可能會很好玩 | - But we don't do that. - I know. I just thought it would be fun. |
-你有多醉呢? -我醉到讓我想要這樣做… | - How drunk are you? - Drunk enough that I wanna do this. |
但又沒有醉到讓你覺得 占我便宜是有罪惡感的 | Not so drunk that you should feel guilty about taking advantage. |
真是醉到恰到好處 | That's a perfect amount. |
-你知道什麼很奇怪嗎? -什麼? | - You know what's weird? - What? |
-就是這感覺一點都不怪 -我知道 | - This doesn't feel weird. - I know. |
-你真是接吻高手 -嗯,我吻過超過四個女人 | - You're a really good kisser. - Well,I have kissed over four women. |
你想要到棉被底下嗎? | You wanna get under the covers? Okay. |
哇,你真快 | Wow,you are really fast. |
得到你的讚賞 對我來說是好兆頭 | It bodes well for me that speed impresses you. |
-我們將要看到彼此裸體了 -是的 | - We're gonna see each other naked. - Yep. |
-你想要一起看嗎? -數到三? | - You want to do it at the same time? - Count of three? |
- 一 -二 | - One. - Two. |
三 | Three. |
我想我可以很肯定的說 我們的友情已經完全被摧毀了 | Well,I think it's safe to say that our friendship is effectively ruined. |
反正我們本來也沒有很好 | We weren't that close anyway. |
你真的要跟那個男護士出去嗎? | Are you really gonna go out with that nurse-man? |
嗯,反正你跟我只是玩玩而已 | Well,you and I are just goofing around. |
所以我想,我也可以跟他玩玩 | I thought,why not just goof around with him? |
我不知道你有沒有查過字典 “玩玩”是什麼意思 | I don't know if you've ever looked up "goofing around" in the dictionary. |
我有查過… | Well,I have. |
專業的解釋就是兩個朋友… | And the technical definition is two friends.. |
很在乎彼此 然後又做了很棒的愛… | who care a lot about each other and have amazing sex.. |
而且想要花更多的時間在一起 | and just want to spend more time together. |
如果你那新版的字典 讓你對我生氣… | If you have this newfangled dictionary that gets you mad at me.. |
那我們就只好幫你買 我這本原版的字典 | then we have to,you know,get you my original dictionary. |
我真是不會說話 | I am so bad at this. |
我認為你比你想的還棒 | I think you're better than you think you are. |
-真的嗎?好的,所以如果…? -知道什麼時候該停 | - Really? Okay. So if..? - Know when to stop. |
我感覺到我應該停了 | I sensed that I should stop. |
-所以我們沒事了嗎? -是的 | - So we're okay? - Yeah. |
-別跳那個舞 -好的 | - Don't do the dance. - Right. |
我沒有什麼舊的、什麼新的 什麼借來的、什麼藍色的… | I can't get married without something old,something new.. |
-就沒有辦法結婚(美國習俗) -好的,好的 | - something borrowed,something blue. - Okay,okay. |
這是藍色的,而且是新的 | Here's something blue and new. |
你真是有效率,我愛你 | You are so efficient. I love you. |
-我們走吧 -不不,等一下 | - Let's go. - No,no,wait! |
我們需要什麼舊的東西 | We need something old. |
好的,我有個保險套 我從十二歲就放在錢包裡了 | Okay. I have a condom in my wallet that I've had since I was 12. |
那就可以拿來用了! | That'll work! |
我可不認為 | I don't think so. |
好了,現在我們需要一個借來的東西 | Okay. Now we just need something borrowed. |
-這個,拿去 -這是偷竊 | - Here,just take this. - That's stealing. |
我們會歸還的,塞到你禮服裡 | We'll bring it back. Just put it under your dress. |
好了,事情一件一件照步驟來 | Okay,one thing at a time. |
聽著… | Listen.. |
我一直在想 | I've been thinking. |
我要求把你所有的積蓄花在 我們的婚禮上,是很不公平的事 | It's not fair for me to ask you to spend all of your money on our wedding. |
我是說,你工… 你辛苦工作才存到的 | I mean,you work.. You work really hard for that. |
-嗯… -好了,只是工作,沒有辛苦 | - Well.. - Well,you work for that. |
聽著,我也有想過,而且… | Look,I've thought about it too. And.. |
我很抱歉 我想我們應該將所有錢花在婚禮上 | I'm sorry. I think we should spend all of the money on the wedding. |
-你真的覺得嗎? -是的,我徹底的想清楚了… | - You do? - Yeah. I'm putting my foot down. |
聽著,當我求婚的時候… | Yeah,look,when I proposed.. |
我告訴你我會盡一切能力讓你快樂 | I told you that I would do anything to make you happy. |
而如果一個完美的婚禮 能夠讓你快樂,那麼… | And if having the perfect wedding makes you happy,then.. |
那就是我們必須要做的 | Then that's what we're gonna do. |
你真的好貼心 | You are so sweet. |
但是等一下,那我們…? 那我們將來的計畫呢? | But wait. What about our..? What about the future and stuff? |
管他什麼將來的計畫 我們只生兩個小孩就好了 | Forget about the future and stuff. So we only have two kids. |
然後我們再挑選我們喜歡的那一個 送他去念大學 | You know,we'll pick our favorite,and that one will get to go to college. |
-你有想過我們的將來嗎? -有啊 | - You've thought about that? - Yeah. |
-我們要生幾個小孩呢? -四個,一個男生,雙胞胎女生… | - How many kids were we gonna have? - Four. A boy,twin girls.. |
然後再一個男生 | and another boy. |
-你還有想過什麼呢? -嗯… | - What else did you think about? - Well.. |
像是我們要住的地方,你知道的 | stuff like where we'd live,you know. |
在市中心外面的小房子 我們的孩子可以學習騎腳踏車 | Like a small place outside the city where our kids could ride bikes and stuff. |
我們可以養只貓,頸圈上有個鈴鐺… | And we could have a cat that had a bell on its collar.. |
然後每次他經過小貓咪門的時候 我們就可以聽到鈴鐺聲 | and we could hear it every time it ran through the little kitty door. |
我們會在車庫上面留一間房間 讓喬伊可以在那裡養老 | We'd have an apartment over the garage where Joey could grow old. |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我不需要大型豪華的婚禮了 | I don't.. I don't want a big,fancy wedding. |
-你當然需要 -不 | - Sure you do. - No. |
我想要你剛剛說的一切 | I want everything that you've just said. |
我只想要結婚 | I want a marriage. |
你確定嗎? | You sure? |
-我好愛你 -我愛你 | - I love you so much. - I love you. |
-我太喜歡了! -真的嗎?你不會拿回去退嗎? | - I love it! - Really? You're not gonna return it? |
嗯,不會馬上 | Well,not this second. |
嘿,你們瞧,下雪了 | Hey,look,you guys. It's snowing! |
-哇,真漂亮 -哇,真的是 | - Wow,it's so beautiful. - Wow,it really is. |
溫蒂是胖女生的名字 | Wendy's a fat-girl name. |
我們還沒有說夠嗎? | Aren't we done with that? |
好啦,不說了 我們來聊雪 | Okay,fine. Fine. Let's talk about snow. |
你們覺得我老公在影印機上面做愛 的那個土爾沙有在下雪嗎? | Do you think it's snowing in Tulsa where my husband's having sex on a copier? |
-嘿 -喔!我的天! | - Hey. - Oh,my God. |
瞧瞧這,這真是聖誕奇跡! | Look at that. That's a Christmas miracle! |
-你在這裡做什麼呢? -我想要跟你在一起 | - What are you doing here? - I wanted to be with you. |
我好想你 | I missed you so much. |
-嘿,你最想念誰呢? -莫妮卡 | - Hey,hey. Who'd you miss the most? - Monica. |
知道了 | Gotcha. |
-我再也不要離開你了 -我以為如果你走了會被炒魷魚的 | - I never want to leave you again. - I thought if you left,you'd get fired. |
他們沒有辦法炒我魷魚的 因為我不幹了 | Turns out they can't fire me. Because I quit. |
-什麼? -什麼?你?你真的辭職了? | - What? - What? You..? You really quit your job? |
是的,那是份愚蠢的工作 而我無法忍受離開你 | Yeah. It was a stupid job,and I could not stand leaving you. |
我為什麼要當那個唯一 必須做他不想要做的事的人? | Why should I be the only one who doesn't do what he really wants to do? |
-那你真的想做什麼呢? -這件事我沒想清楚 | - Well,what do you really wanna do? - I have not thought this through. |
-喔!我的天! -我知道,我應該先跟你討論的 | - Oh,my God. - I know. I should've talked to you first. |
不,我想如果這是你想要的 我認為這很棒! | No,I think that this is what you wanna do. I think it's great! |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
錢德,你能夠在這裡 是我有過最棒的聖誕禮物了 | Chandler,your being here is the best Christmas present I could ever imagine. |
-現在給我真正的禮物 -好 | - Now give me my real gift. - Yeah. |
-謝謝 -這裡,分給大家 | - Thank you. - Here,pass those around. |
“一項捐款已經以您的名義 捐贈給紐約市立芭蕾舞團” | "A donation has been made in your name to the New York City Ballet." |
你怎麼會知道我要這個呢? | How did you know? |
什麼?你在開玩笑嗎? 我不能退還這個的 | What? Are you kidding? I can't return this. |
該是我們關懷別人的時候了 | It's time we started thinking about other people. |
除此之外,這份禮物還包含了 “我愛你們” | And besides,this gift still says,"I love you guys." |
-我的上面寫“給莉莉安邁爾” -我可是失業了 | - Mine says,"To Lillian Myers." - I don't have a job. |
精算師?不 | Actuary? No. |
簿記員?不 | Bookkeeper? No. |
露點舞者? | Topless dancer? |
嗨,你知道我剛才想通什麼嗎? 你是家裡唯一收入來源 | Hey,you know what I just realized? You are the sole wage earner. |
你是這個家的戶長 我什麼都沒做,我是被供養的小白臉! | You are the head of the household. I don't do anything. I'm a kept man! |
沒錯 | You are. |
親愛的,這裡有二十塊 | Honey,here's 20 bucks. |
我明天去上班的時候 你去買一些漂亮的東西 | Go buy yourself something pretty while I'm at work tomorrow. |
老虎,早安 | Good morning,tiger. |
我在幫你準備豐盛的早餐 這樣你才有辦法在今晚繼續奮戰 | I'm making you a big breakfast,so you can keep up your strength for tonight. |
你可要認真做,讓我懷孕 | You're gonna get me good and pregnant. |
我今天早上竟然沒事 我失業了 | I've got nowhere to go this morning. I'm unemployed. |
我不知道人生該怎麼辦才好 | I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life. |
嗯,我沒有性趣了 | Well,I just lost my erection. |
不,我是認真的 我的人生該怎麼辦呢? | No,I mean,what am I supposed to do with myself? |
你應該要找尋生命中的熱情 | You're supposed to find your passion in life. |
你現在可以做任何你想要做的事 這是很刺激的 | You can be whatever you want to be now. It's exciting. |
是啊,但是這一切都太突然了 我不知道要如何開始 | Yeah,but it's all so overwhelming. I don't know where to start. |
等一下,我可以幫你 | Wait a second. I can help you with this. |
你只要整理好就行了 我們可以列出你的資歷 | You just need to be organized. We can make a list of your qualifications.. |
然後將工作機會以產業類別做分類 可以用檔案夾跟檔案… | and categorize jobs by industry. There could be folders and files.. |
嘿,這就是你超愛整理的偏執個性 派上用場的時候了 | Hey,this is where your hyper-organized pain-in-the-ass stuff pays off. |
我知道! | I know! |
我又有性趣了! | My erection is back! |
瑞秋復工 | The.One.Where.Rachel.Goes.Back.To.Work |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
喬伊,我可以喝一口你的咖啡 跟吃一口你的松餅嗎? | Joey,could I have a sip of your coffee and a bite of your muffin? |
-好的 -謝謝你 | - Okay. - Thank you. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
菲比,你有沒有被饑餓的 義大利人咬過呢? | Phoebe,have you ever been bitten by a hungry Italian? |
我很抱歉,只是我最近手頭有點緊 | I'm sorry. It's just,I'm a little short on cash. |
如果你有需要,我可以借你一些錢 | If you want,I could loan you some money. |
喔,不,我已經得過教訓 千萬別跟朋友借錢 | Oh,no. I learned never to borrow money from friends. |
這就是理查德萊弗斯(奧斯卡影帝)不再跟我說話的原因 | That's why Richard Dreyfuss and I don't speak anymore. |
你何不跟你男朋友拿呢? | Why don't you just spunge off your boyfriend? |
是喔,那個把信託基金全捐給 慈善機構的失業鋼琴師嗎? | Yeah,right,the unemployed piano player who gave his trust fund to charity? |
我要回去跟他分那個松餅的 | I'm splitting the muffin with him. |
嘿,要不要這樣? 來當我們電視劇的臨時演員? | Hey,how about this? Wanna be an extra on my show? |
可以嗎? | You could do that? |
錢還不錯,而且只要 你有需要就可以做 | The pay's pretty good,and you could do it for as long as you need. |
-喔,我的天,我要上電視了! -好了,現在… | - Oh,my God. I'm gonna be on TV! - Okay,now.. |
我必須告訴你,上電視並不像你想像的 那樣光鮮亮麗跟好玩 | I gotta tell you,being on TV isn't as glamorous and exciting as you think. |
-真的嗎? -沒錯 | - Really? |
比你想的更棒 | - No,it is awesome. |
嗨,你們好 | Hey,guys. |
-為什麼你們穿的這麼正式? -我們要帶艾瑪去羅夫羅蘭跟大家見面 | Why are you all dressed up?We're bringing Emma to Ralph Lauren today to introduce her to everyone. |
-她看起來真是可愛吧? -當然很可愛 | - Doesn't she look cute? - She sure does. |
為什麼要貼那個粉紅色的 蝴蝶結在她頭上呢? | Why does she have a pink bow taped to her head? |
因為如果再有人說 “真是個可愛的小男生…” | Because if one more person says,"What a cute little boy".. |
我會用車子的天線鞭打他們 | I'm gonna whip them with a car antenna. |
我想她會是辦公室裡面最時髦的 | I think she's gonna be the hit of the office. |
是啊,她一定會比那些 農家女上衣跟A字裙時髦多了 | Yeah,she's gonna be hotter than peasant blouses and A-line skirts. |
可以給我個粉藍色的蝴蝶結嗎? | Can I get a blue bow? |
好了,我看過很多的就業廣告… | Okay. I have looked through a bunch of career guides.. |
拷貝好並劃線標示出重要訊息… | photocopied and highlighted key passages.. |
然後以字母分類歸檔 讓你可以做正確的決定 | and put them into alphabetical folders,so you can make an informed decision. |
我在裡面多久了? | How long was I in there? |
好了,我們先從A開始 廣告 | Okay,let's start with the A's. Advertising. |
等一下,廣告,這是很棒的主意 | Wait. Advertising,that's a great idea. |
你不想要聽別的了嗎? | Don't you wanna look through the rest? |
我想我不用聽別的了 廣告最適合了 | I don't think I have to hear the rest. Advertising makes perfect sense. |
很抱歉浪費你這麼多時間 | Sorry you had to waste all this time. |
你是說八小時 加上使用標籤機是浪費時間? | You call eight hours alone with my label maker wasted time? |
現在可以用上我的碎紙機了! | Now I'll get to use my shredder! |
我可以創作廣告口號的 能有多難呢?是不是? | I mean,I could write slogans. How hard could it be,right? |
“起司,是可以咬的牛奶” | "Cheese. It's milk that you chew." |
“餅乾,是起司的良伴” | "Crackers. Because your cheese needs a buddy." |
“葡萄,因為整顆西瓜塞不進嘴裡” | "A grape. Because who can get a watermelon in your mouth?" |
我想到一個 | I got one. |
“襪子,因為你家人的腳 值得用最好的” | "Socks. Because your family's feet deserve the best." |
親愛的,讓專業的人說好嗎? | Honey,leave it to the pros. |
我認識一個在廣告業工作的人 | I actually know someone in advertising. |
我跟他從小玩到大 現在他是一家大廣告公司的副總 | I grew up with a guy who is a vice president at a big agency. |
或許我可以請他跟你談談 把電話給我 | Maybe I can get him to meet you. Give me the phone. |
“電話,讓你跟有電話的人更貼近” | "The phone. Bringing you closer to people who have phones." |
“婚姻,不是每個人都適合的” | "Marriage. It's not for everybody." |
真不錯,幾乎大家都知道她是女的 | That went well. Almost everybody knew that she was a girl. |
是啊,在你揍了那個搞錯的男的之後 大家很快就知道了 | Yeah,after you punched that one guy who got it wrong,word spread. |
我要進去我辦公室拿點東西 | I'm just gonna go in my office and pick up some stuff. |
-你是誰? -你是誰? | - Who the hell are you? - Who the hell are you? |
我是擁有這間辦公室的人 | I'm the hell person whose office this is. |
說的好,瑞秋 | Good one,Rach. |
我是蓋文米丘 那個要接替你工作的人 | I'm Gavin Mitchell,the person who's taking over your job. |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
你的寶寶真可愛 | Your baby's so cute. |
但是為什麼在男生頭上 別個粉紅色蝴蝶結呢? | But why would you put a pink bow on a boy? |
嘿,喬伊,看看我 | Hey,Joey. Look at me. |
我是護士耶 | I'm a nurse. |
是啊,你是 | Yes,you are. |
我想該是擦海棉澡的時候了 | I think it might be time for my sponge bath. |
對不起,我太習慣泡臨時演員了 | Sorry,I'm just so used to hitting on the extras. |
-你很期待出場嗎? -是啊,但是我有點緊張 | - So are you excited about your scene? - Yeah,but I'm a little nervous. |
放輕鬆,別緊張 他們可能只會要你站在後面 | Relax. Don't be. They'll probably just make you stand in the background. |
-很好 -你,這裡,過來,這裡 | - Good. - You. Here,come here. Here. |
拿著這個託盤,站在黃線這裡 聽到“開拍”就開始移動 | Take this tray,stand on this yellow mark. You're gonna move on "action." |
走過去手術臺,停在藍線那邊 然後把託盤放下 | Walk over to the operating table,stop on the blue mark and put the tray down. |
別走太快 | Don't walk too fast. |
但是也別拖拉 | But don't dawdle. |
好的,現在是怎樣呢? | Okay. Now,what? |
開拍! | And,action! |
停!停! | Cut! Cut. |
-我很抱歉,我只是有點緊張 -那就別緊張 | - I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous. - Well,don't be. |
好的,真是幫了大忙 | Okay,that helps. |
開拍! | And,action! |
停! | Cut! |
別擔心,菲比 我通常也是要三次才行 | Don't worry about it,Phoebe. It usually takes me three takes too. |
好啦,八次 | All right,eight. |
開拍! | And,action! |
那你對於廣告還有其他的問題嗎? | So do you have any other questions about advertising? |
沒有,但是讓我表演一下我的專長 | No. But let me show you what I can do. |
貝果跟甜甜圈… | "Bagels and doughnuts. |
任何心情都適合吃的圓圈圈 | Round food for every mood." |
莫妮卡警告過我,你可能會這樣做 | Monica warned me you might do that. |
我想我們公司可能有個適合你的職務 | I think we might have something for you at the agency. |
-真的嗎?太好了 -有個不付薪水的實習職位 | - Really? That's great. - It's an unpaid internship. |
真好笑,當你說“不付薪水”的時候 聽起來好像是“不付薪水”的意思 | That's funny. When you said "unpaid," it sounded like you said "unpaid." |
又不是永久的,只是要一至兩年 來建立好的工作經歷 | It won't be forever. It just takes a year or two to get good portfolio together. |
嗯,我可以省幾個步驟吧?不是嗎? 你有聽到我具創意的圓形食物廣告詞啊 | Well,I can skip a couple of steps,right? I mean,you did hear my round food thing. |
你在轉業中,不管你怎樣努力 你都需要從基層做起的 | You're changing careers. No matter what you do,you'll have to start at the bottom. |
要到達你之前的階級 你還有好幾年要努力 | It's gonna be years before you're making anything near as much as you were before. |
所以你會買單,對嗎? | So you're paying the check,right? |
別這樣,莫妮卡有份很不錯的工作 又不是說你有家庭要養 | Come on,now. Monica has a good job. It's not like you have a family to support. |
事實上,我們正在努力受孕 我不認為莫妮卡想要延期 | Actually,we're trying. I don't think Monica is gonna want to postpone it. |
我們今晚應該要做愛的 | We're supposed to have sex tonight. |
事實上,現在她或許就已經 光著身體在家了 | Actually,she's probably at home,naked right now. |
如果沒有人阻止我,我會一直說話 | I tend to keep talking till somebody stops me. |
-我可以想像她在床上的樣子 -停! | - I can just picture her on the bed. - Stop! |
等等,你是什麼意思 要接替我的工作? | Wait. What do you mean you're taking over my job? |
當你去度你的育嬰假的時候 你的工作是我在做的 | While you were on your baby vacation,I was doing your job. |
假期?我對假期的定義可不包含… | A vacation? My idea of a vacation does not involve.. |
讓什麼東西吸我的乳房 吸到破皮 | something sucking on my nipples until they are raw. |
顯而易見地,你從未去過 天體營渡假小島 | Clearly,you've never been to Sandals Paradise lsland. |
好了,別讓你自己太舒服 因為我兩個星期之後就回來了 | All right. Don't get too comfortable there,because I'm back in two weeks. |
我要一切回歸原狀 | I want everything back the way it was. |
我實在不太滿意 你重新擺設我辦公室的方式 | I can't say I care too much for the way you've rearranged my office. |
我實在不太滿意那股你帶進來的味道 | I can't say I care too much for that smell you've brought in. |
-你說什麼? -瑞秋,我們有個棕色警戒狀況 | - Excuse me? - Rach,we have a code brown situation. |
親愛的,可以拜託你幫我處理一下嗎? | Honey,could you please take care of it for me? |
好吧,但是有時候你也該處理一次 | All right,but you're gonna have to do one sometime. |
讓我把話說清楚 | Let me just get this straight. |
我去生個小孩 然後他們派一個人過來接我的工作? | So I go have a baby,and they send some guy in to do my job? |
嗯,本來有說要關閉整個羅夫羅蘭的 | Well,there was talk of shutting down Ralph Lauren altogether. |
好了,你只不過是個不要臉的臨時工 | Okay. Right. You're very cheeky for a temp. |
我不是臨時工 我是從別的部門調過來的 | I'm not a temp. I was transferred here from another department. |
是什麼部門呢?混蛋部門嗎? | And what department was that? The jerk department? |
他們並沒有告訴我,你反應是如此快 | They didn't tell me about your quick wit. |
那他們也沒有告訴你 我是橡皮擦、你是膠水嗎? | Well,did they mention that I'm rubber and you're glue? |
-蓋文,羅夫很喜歡你的創意 -嗨,則納先生 | - Gavin,Ralph loved your ideas. - Hi,Mr. Zelner. |
瑞秋,我想你見過蓋文了 | Rachel. I see you've met Gavin. |
當你離開的時候 我們都不知道該怎麼辦 | When you left us,we weren't sure what we were gonna do. |
但是,蓋文拯救了我們 超級蓋文 | But then,Gavin to the rescue. Super Gavin. |
喔,太好了 | Well,that's great. |
那麼,超級蓋文,當我回來以後… | So now,Super Gavin,when I come back.. |
你計畫要飛到哪去呢? | where do you plan on flying off to? |
全看則納先生的意思 我相信他會做出正確的決定 | That's up to Mr. Zelner. I'm sure he'll make the right decision. |
超級馬屁精 | Super ass-kissing power. |
對了,你什麼時候要回來呢? | Incidentally,when are you coming back? |
今天 | Today. |
-你剛剛不是說兩星期後 -不,我是說今天 | - You said two weeks. - No,I said today. |
看吧,身為超級英雄 聽話能力可也不怎麼樣 | See,for a superhero,not so much with the listening. |
我很抱歉,瑞秋,我們該走了 | I'm sorry. Rachel,we should probably go. |
尿片用完了,我得用你的毛衣代替 | I ran out of diapers,and I had to use your sweater. |
-我沒有帶毛衣來 -那麼我們最好趕快走 | - I didn't bring a sweater. - Then,we should really go. |
那他怎麼說呢? | So,what'd he say? |
他有時候有點粗暴… | He can be a little rough around the edges.. |
所以我要用“小狗” 代換掉他常用的一個字眼 | so I'm gonna replace a word he used a lot with the word "puppy." |
他說如果你的小狗朋友 不把小狗的角色演好… | So he said,"If your puppy friend doesn't get her puppy act together.. |
我將會小狗的開除她 | I am gonna fire her mother-puppy ass." |
我很抱歉,我辦不到 我不是演員的料 | I'm sorry. I can't do this. I'm just not an actor. |
沒錯,你不是演員,你是護士 | That's right. You're not. You're a nurse. |
-你是拿託盤的護士 -不,喬伊… | - You're Nurse With Tray. - No,Joey.. |
拿託盤的護士不認識喬伊的 她沒有時間交朋友 | Nurse With Tray doesn't know Joey. She has no time for friends. |
她進去手術室把託盤交給醫生… | She gets in that operating room and she carries that tray to the doctor.. |
因為如果她不這樣做,有人會死的 | because if she doesn't,people die. |
誰會死? | Who dies? |
戴眼罩的男人! | Man With Eye Patch! |
現在你過去做好你的工作 | Now,you get in there,and you do your job. |
是的,醫師 | Yes,doctor. |
好了,我們再試一次 | Okay,let's try this one more time. |
撐著點,戴眼罩的男人 你的託盤來了 | Hang in there,Man With Eye Patch. Your tray is coming. |
開拍 | And,action. |
是的,我辦到了!我搞定了! | Yes,I did it! I nailed it! |
接下來是什麼呢? | What's next? |
是後面的劇情 | The rest of the scene. |
好的,大家,從頭開始 | Okay,from the top,people. |
嘿,你知道我在想什麼嗎? 我不知道“棕色警戒”是不是好的暗號 | Hey,you know what I was thinking? I don't know if "code brown" is the best code word. |
我想大家可能都猜得到我們在說什麼 | I think people might know what we're talking about. |
沒關係,聽著,計畫改變 我的產假要結束了 | That's fine. Listen,sudden change of plans. My maternity leave just ended. |
他們說如果我不今天回去工作 他們就要開除我 | They said if I didn't come back today,they'd fire me. |
什麼?那樣是非法的 | What? No,that's illegal. |
我要馬上通知勞委會,他們不… | I'll have the Labor Department here so fast,they won't.. |
沒關係,冷靜點,諾瑪蕾(工會創建者)他們並沒有真的那樣說 | All right,calm down,Norma Rae. They didn't actually say that. |
我只是害怕如果不現在回去 那個男的會把我擠掉 | I'm just afraid if I don't come back now,this guy will try and squeeze me out. |
那艾瑪怎麼辦呢?我們還沒有找到保姆 | But what about Emma? I mean,we don't have a nanny. |
我知道,我們只好今晚再想辦法了 | I know. We're just gonna have to figure out a plan tonight. |
今天你可以先照顧她嗎? | Can you please just take care of her for today? |
當然,只要給我你的胸部 我們馬上就走 | Absolutely. Just give me your breasts,and we'll be on our way. |
別這樣,我不知道還能怎麼辦 | Come on. I don't know what else to do. |
好啦,好啦 | Fine. Fine. |
我們會很開心的,不是嗎? 是的,我們會,是的,我們… | We'll have fun,won't we? Yes,we will. Yes,we.. |
羅斯 | Ross. |
你好漂亮 | You're pretty. |
不管我決定要做什麼 我都得從基層做起 | Whatever I decide to do,I'm gonna be starting a new career from scratch. |
要過一陣子我才有辦法真正賺些錢 | It's gonna be a while before I make a living at it. |
或許現在不是生小孩的好時機 | Maybe now's not the right time to be starting a family. |
所以你要跟莫妮卡說 你現在不想要生小孩? | So you have to tell Monica you don't want to have a baby right now? |
是啊 | Yeah. |
再見了 | Goodbye. |
好了,生小孩時間 褲子脫掉,賓 | Okay,it's baby time. Pants off,Bing. |
沒看到你也在,蓋勒 | Didn't see you there,Geller. |
羅斯在這裡,所以… | Ross is here,so.. |
我真的希望,可以跟你們待在一起 | And I was really hoping that maybe I could hang out. |
你們想要做什麼呢? | You know,what do you feel like doing? |
我們想要做愛 | Well,we're gonna have sex. |
我倒是不太想做愛 | I don't feel like having sex. |
或許…我不知道 或許我們可以一起看電影什麼的 | Maybe.. I don't know. Maybe we can watch a movie or something. |
讓我這樣說好了 | Let me put it this way: |
不管你在不在,我們都要做愛 | We're having sex whether you're here or not. |
褲子脫掉,賓 | Pants off,Bing. |
現在既然我回來了 何不告訴我你做了什麼 | Now that I'm back,why don't you just fill me in on what you've been up to. |
嗯,我把你超級男孩的屏保改了 | Well,I've changed your screen saver from that picture of *NSYNC. |
嘿,我離開時那可是很受歡迎的 | Hey,they were popular when I left. |
我在準備明天的一個重要報告 | I'm working on this big presentation for tomorrow. |
我應該要參與,跟我說明吧 | I should be involved in that,so get me up to speed. |
那可會花上好幾個星期 讓我處理這個報告就可以了 | That'll take weeks. Let me take care of the presentation. |
不,我知道你在玩什麼花樣,好嗎? | No. I see what you're doing here,all right? |
這是我的工作,我已經做了五年了 我知道一切流程 | This is my job,buddy. I've had it for five years,and I know how it works. |
-所以趕快跟我解釋 -好 | - So why don't you just catch me up. - Fine. |
天啊,你把我椅子的高度完全變了 | Oh,God. You've totally messed with the back support on my chair. |
-你是怎麼弄的? -你已經在這裡五年了 | - How do you fix this? - You've been here five years. |
-你自己想 -很好,我自己來 | - You figure it out. - Fine,I will. |
好了,跟我說吧 | All right,fill me in. |
你有沒有藍色的領帶跟這配? 艾瑪吐奶到我的領帶上 | Do you have a blue tie that would go with this? Emma spit up on mine. |
有啊,但是如果我找到工作時要還我 | Yeah,but you have to give it back if I get a job. |
當然,到那時候 領帶已經被淘汰了… | Of course,by that time,ties will be obsolete.. |
而我們將全都穿起銀色的連身裝 | and we'll all be wearing silver jumpsuits. |
早安,愛人 | Hey,good morning,lover. |
我得要說,在經過昨夜之後 我的雙腿還在發軟 | I gotta say,after last night,I'm a little weak in the knees. |
麻煩你,每次走進來的時候 先快速看一下四周吧 | Here's an idea. You walk into a room,take a quick scan. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
但是我有點覺得 我們昨晚成功了 | But I kind of have this feeling that we may have made a baby last night. |
喔,天,我必須告訴你一件事 | Oh,God,I have to tell you something. |
你沒有懷孕 | You're not pregnant. |
你在說什麼? | What are you talking about? |
嗯,那件能使你懷孕的事? | Well,that thing that I have to do to make a baby? |
我裝的 | I faked it. |
什麼?你裝的? | What? You faked it? |
你知道嗎? | You know what? |
我不需要領帶了 | I don't need a tie. |
我是說領子開著比較好,不是嗎? | I mean,it's better open collar,you know? |
比較輕鬆自在 | It's more casual. |
喬伊,聽著,我辦不到 這實在是沒有道理 | Joey. Listen,I can't do this. It doesn't make any sense. |
昨天我是護士,然後今天我是服務生? | Yesterday I was a nurse,and today I'm a waitress at a cafe? |
有時候我們會用相同的臨時演員 扮演不同的角色,沒關係的 | Sometimes we use the same extras for different parts. It's okay. |
是有關係的 因為昨天我扮演護士,演的相當好 | Well,it's not okay,because I gave a very memorable performance as the nurse. |
然後現在突然間,我變成服務生? 我的影迷會混淆的 | And now,suddenly,I'm the waitress? That's gonna confuse my fans. |
嗯,或許你是護士… | Well,maybe you are a nurse.. |
但是你也兼職當服務生 | but you moonlight as a waitress. |
因為我是撫養兩個小孩的單親媽媽 | Because I'm a single mother supporting my two children. |
沒錯 | Nice. |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
雷莫瑞醫生跟我在同間醫院工作 我不用過來打招呼嗎? | Dr. Drake Ramoray and I work at the same hospital. Wouldn't I come say hi? |
不、不,你跟德瑞克在吵架 | No. No,see,you and Drake are having a fight. |
吵什麼? | About what? |
他跟你上床… 順便一提,是你有過最美好的一次 | He slept with you.. Best sex you ever had,by the way. |
然後再也沒有打電話給你 | And then never called you. |
而我只想幫大衛跟貝琪找個新爸爸 | And I just wanted a new daddy for Davey and Becky. |
好了,好了,從頭開始 | Okay. Okay,from the top. |
開拍 | And,action. |
我很訝異你會同意跟我用午餐 | So I'm surprised you agreed to have lunch with me. |
我也很訝異,但我終究是來了 | I'm surprised too. But yet,here I am. |
停!停! | Cut! Cut! |
你是在做什麼? | What are you doing? |
我很氣他,因為他跟我上過床之後 就再也沒有打電話給我了 | I'm very angry at him because he slept with me and never called me back. |
-我也是 -還有我! | - Me too. - Me too! |
冷靜點,她是說在劇情裡面 | Calm down. She means on the show. |
我們需要新的臨時演員 | We need some new extras around here. |
哇,你已經到了 | Wow. You're here already. |
是的,艾瑪跟我提早進來準備報告 | Yes. Emma and I came in a little early to do research on the presentation. |
事實上,我做了一些修改 我想我都準備好了 | Actually,I made a few changes. I think I'm caught up on everything. |
隨便問我一個問題吧 | So ask me anything. |
-你要怎麼調整椅子呢? -除了這個! | - How do you fix the chair? - Except that! |
嗨,則納先生,今天下午的報告 我們都已經準備好了 | Hello,Mr. Zelner. We are all ready for our presentation this afternoon. |
-很好,因為十分鐘之後就要開始了 -什麼?我沒辦法,我寶寶在這裡 | - Good,because it's in 10 minutes. - What? I can't do that. I have the baby. |
羅斯一個小時之後才會來接她 | Ross is not gonna pick her up for an hour. |
那蓋文可以上臺報告 我們現在就要開始了 | Then Gavin can give the presentation. We have to do it now. |
羅夫今天要提早走 他要搭直升機去購物 | Ralph needs to leave early today. He's going helicopter shopping. |
但是我愛那個男人 連地獄我都會跟他去的 | But I love that man. I'd follow him into hell. |
監聽器開著 | Microphones. |
好了,順你的意了,你贏了 你贏了 | Well,there you go,you win. You win. |
你可以上臺報告,讓他們愛死你 | You get to do the presentation. You'll knock them dead. |
沒有人會記得我在這裡工作過 然後羅夫會搭上直升機… | No one will remember that I worked here,and then Ralph will buy his helicopter.. |
還有超級蓋文跟他一起飛 | and Super Gavin will just fly right alongside of him. |
-你可以上臺去報告 -不,我不行,我寶寶在這裡 | - You can do the presentation. - No,I can't. I have a baby. |
我會看著她 | I'll watch her. |
你為什麼要這樣? | Why would you do that? |
因為你工作很辛苦,而這是你的工作 還有你有點瘋狂 | Because you worked really hard,and it's your job. And you're a little crazy. |
你真的很好 | That's really nice. |
我應該告訴你 哭泣的女人讓我覺得很不自在 | I should tell you that crying women make me very uncomfortable. |
嗯,那你可能不會喜歡接著要發生的事 | Well,you're not gonna like what's coming. |
我很抱歉,我很抱歉 我很抱歉,我很抱歉 | I'm sorry,I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. |
天哪 | God. |
謝謝你,謝謝你 | Thank you. Thank you. |
我沒事的,別擔心 我很會帶小孩的 | I'm really fine. Don't worry. I'm great with children. |
我是蓋文米丘,很高興認識你 | Gavin Mitchell. Pleased to meet you. |
請不要開除我的朋友 讓我先跟她談談 | Please don't fire my friend. Just let me talk to her. |
-好吧,但是這是她最後一次機會 -謝謝 | - Okay,but this is her last chance. - Thank you. |
我幫你一個忙如何? | How about I do something for you? |
明天,我幫你帶一頂帽子 讓你遮住禿頭 | Tomorrow,I'll bring you a hat,cover up the bald. |
聽著菲比,我剛跟導演談完… | Listen,Phoebe. I was just talking to the director.. |
他說或許,這一次你不要打德瑞克 | and he was thinking maybe this time you don't hit Drake. |
你只要端盤子就可以了 | You just wait on the tables. |
我不能那樣做,我是演員 我有我的程式的 | I can't do that. I'm an actor. I have a process. |
你是按摩師 你有的是挖了個洞的桌子 | You're a masseuse. You have a table with a hole in it. |
等等,我知道這是怎麼回事了 你感到威脅了 | Wait,I see what's happening here. You're threatened. |
什麼? | What? |
我的演技好到搶了你的鋒頭 | I'm so good in the scene that I'm stealing focus from you. |
接受挑戰吧,崔比亞尼 因為我只會提高你的水準 | Rise to the challenge,Tribbiani,because I just raised the bar. |
提升自己、向我看齊吧 | Come join me up here. |
-好的,很好,我會的 -好,很好 | - Okay,great. I will. - Okay,good. |
你可以開除她,但是最好叫警衛過來 她不會那麼容易走的 | Yeah,you can fire her,but I would call security. She won't go easy. |
你裝的?你不可能裝的 | You faked it? You couldn't have faked it. |
是可以的,只要裝點表情跟聲音 | Yes,you can. You just make the faces and the noises. |
男生可以裝嗎? | Guys can fake it? |
不可思議,明明只有女生才會裝的 | Unbelievable. The one thing that's ours. |
為什麼在我們想要生小孩的時候 你卻要裝這種事呢? | Why would you fake it when we're trying to have a baby? |
嗯,這正是我要裝的原因 | Well,that's actually why. |
聽著,我正在換工作 | Look,I'm starting a whole new career now. |
我不是說我不想要孩子 | I'm not saying I don't want a baby. |
只是或許我們可以等一陣子 | I'm just saying maybe we could wait a little while. |
一個月嗎? | Like a month? |
-或是一年? -真的嗎?你想要等一年? | - Or a year? - Really? You wanna wait a year? |
不用到一年,我是說 你知道我的能力 | It could be less than a year. I mean,you've heard my stuff. |
“褲子,跟襯衫一樣,只是長一點” | "Pants. Like shorts but longer." |
可能會不止一年吧 | It'll probably be more than a year. |
-我真的很想要生小孩 -嗯,是啊,我也是 | - I really wanna have a baby. - Well,yeah,me too. |
聽著,我回去做老本行好了 | Look,I'll just get my old job back. |
不,我要你做你熱愛的工作 | No,I want you to have a job that you love.. |
不是什麼資料分析跟資料重組的 | not statistical analysis and data reconfiguration. |
我辭職後,你才瞭解我在做什麼? | I quit,and you learn what I do? |
我想永遠不會有適合生小孩的時機的 | I think there's never gonna be a right time to have a baby. |
現在你失業了,但一陣子過後… | Now you're unemployed,and in a little while.. |
你就會找到一份讓你忙不過來的工作 | you'll find a new job that'll keep you really busy. |
總是會有理由不能生小孩的 | There's always gonna be a reason not to do this.. |
但是我想,一旦有了孩子 我們就會忘了這一切的理由 | but I think once the baby comes,we'll forget about all those reasons. |
我想也是 | I guess. |
我是說,有小孩總是很嚇人的事 | I mean,it's always gonna be scary when we have a baby. |
真的會是很嚇人的 | It's gonna be really scary. |
當我們有小孩的時候… | I mean,God,when we have a baby.. |
將會有許多事情我們無法控制 | there's gonna be so much that we're not able to control. |
我是說這間公寓將會一團亂 | I mean,the apartment's gonna be a mess. |
我會沒有時間整理 | I won't have time to clean it. |
要是寶寶跑到緞帶抽屜裡… | What if the baby gets into the ribbon drawer.. |
把所有的緞帶都弄亂了呢? | and messes up all the ribbons? |
萬一沒有地方可以放緞帶… | What if there's no room for a ribbon drawer.. |
所有的空間都被寶寶東西占滿了呢? | because the baby's stuff takes up all the space? |
緞帶要放哪呢? | Where will all the ribbons go? |
該不該在你改變主意之前 趕快去受孕? | Should we go make a baby before you change your mind? |
-是啊,拜託快點! -好的 | - Yes,please! - Okay. |
而且我保證,這一次我不會裝了 | And I promise I will not fake it this time. |
嗯,我希望我也可以說相同的話 我現在有點激動 | Well,I wish I could say the same. I'm a little shook up. |
我知道你故意手術失敗的 | I know you botched that operation on purpose. |
我還沒有辦法證明,但是當我可以時 你會因謀殺而坐牢的 | I can't prove it yet,but when I do,you'll be going to jail for murder. |
我不在乎你是不是我弟弟 | I don't care if you are my brother. |
我不是你弟弟 | I'm not your brother. |
我的孩子怎麼辦呢?德瑞克 | What about my children,Drake? |
不!不!不! | No! No! No! |
天啊! | God! |
-莫妮卡呢? -她在家… | - Where's Mon? - She's at home.. |
幫瑞秋今晚的生日派對做佈置 | putting up decorations for Rachel's birthday party tonight. |
-你不用幫忙嗎? -我有試過… | - You're not helping? - I tried.. |
但是很明顯地,用假音唱 “我會活下去”並沒有幫助 | but apparently singing "I Will Survive" in a helium voice,not helping. |
-嘿,你們好 -嘿 | - Hey,guys. - Hey. |
別說那麼大聲,甘瑟會過來抱我的 | Don't say that loud. Gunther's gonna want to hug me. |
好消息,我們終於找到保姆了 | Good news,everyone. We finally found a nanny. |
-這位是莫莉,莫莉,錢德,喬伊 -嗨 | - This is Molly. Molly,Chandler,Joey. - Hi. |
有人有點不高興喔 | Somebody's getting a little fussy. |
你說的沒錯,我就是不高興 我已經等餅乾等了七分鐘了 | You're damn right I am. I've been waiting for a cookie for seven minutes. |
好了,我想我帶她出去好了 | Okay. You know what,I'm just gonna take her outside. |
-不,你留下來,我去 -好的,謝謝 | - No,you stay. I'll do it. - Okay. Thank you. |
-很高興認識你們 -是啊,我們也是 | - Nice to meet you guys. - Yeah,you too. |
-哇,莫莉真的很不錯 -是啊 | - Wow,Molly's just great. - Yeah. |
是啊,真棒,請了個辣保姆 | Yes,bravo on the hot nanny. |
-什麼?你真的覺得她很辣嗎? -你看不出來嗎? | - What? You really think she's hot? - Are you kidding? |
如果我未婚,她現在就在拒絕我了 | If I wasn't married,she'd be rejecting me right now. |
喬伊? | Joey? |
覺得她的姿勢怎樣? | How do you think she's doing? |
我是唯一不覺得她辣的嗎?羅斯? | Am I the only one that doesn't think she's hot? Ross? |
-我覺得她不算是沒有魅力,但是… -沒錯 | - I mean,she's not unattractive,but.. - Right. |
但是算辣嗎? | but hot? |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
瑞秋走了,說吧? | Now that Rachel's gone? |
她真辣,我昨晚是哭著入睡的 | So hot,I cried myself to sleep last night. |
菲比的老鼠 | The.One.With.Phoebes.Rats |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
嘿,麥克,秘魯的首都是哪呢? | Hey,Mike,what's the capital of Peru? |
-利馬 -不是 | - Lima. - No. |
是V開頭X結尾的字 | It starts with a V and ends with an X. |
然後最好中間有T跟O | And hopefully with a T-O in the middle. |
我仔細想想之後,我想秘魯的首都 應該叫做“VTOX” | You know,come to think of it,the capital of Peru is "Vtox." |
-喔,天啊! -怎麼了? | - Oh,God! - What? |
好了,我不想要嚇壞你 | Okay. I don't want to freak you out or anything.. |
但是我剛在櫃子裡看到一隻老鼠 | but I just saw a rat in your cupboard. |
喔,是喔,那是鮑伯 | Oh,yeah. No,that's Bob. |
是你的寵物鼠嗎? | Well,he's your pet rat? |
不太算是,只是偶爾會來拜訪 我有時候會喂他 | Well,not so much a pet as,you know,an occasional visitor.. |
有點像聖誕老公公 | who I put food out for. Kind of like Santa. |
除了聖誕老公公 不會在餅乾盤裡便便以外 | Except Santa doesn't poop on the plate of cookies. |
你不能在公寓裡養老鼠 | You can't keep a rat in your apartment. |
那很不衛生的,我是說,他們可能會 傳染細螺旋體病或是漢他病毒 | They're unsanitary.I mean,they transmit leptospirosis and hantavirus. |
-那是什麼? -我不知道 | What are those? - I don't know.. |
但是聽起來可不像是SPA吧 | but they don't sound like spa treatments. |
-你必須要處理掉他 -好啦 | - You have to get rid of it. - Okay,fine. |
如果你這麼在乎,我會處理掉鮑伯的 | If it means that much to you,I'll get rid of Bob. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
真奇怪,你覺得他很噁心 卻又在吃他的餅乾 | It's so weird you think he's so gross,yet you're willing to eat his crackers. |
-嗨 -嗨 | - Hello. - Hello. |
蓋文,我想再次跟你道謝 | Gavin,I just want to say thank you again.. |
謝謝昨天幫我照顧艾瑪 | for watching Emma yesterday during the presentation. |
我真的需要跟你道歉 | I really owe you an apology. |
-道什麼歉? -當我們第一次見面時,你知道的… | - For what? - When we first met,you know.. |
我以為你是自負、高傲又討人厭的人 | I thought you were pompous and arrogant and obnoxious. |
這是你的第一個對不起嗎? | Is this your first apology? |
不,我是說第一印象 通常不是很重要的 | No,I just mean,you know,first impressions don't mean anything. |
而我認為你是個好男人 很抱歉我錯看了你 | And I think you're a really good guy. And I'm sorry that I misjudged you. |
-早安 -嗨 | - Morning. - Hello. |
但是你知道嗎? 新的一天,新的開始 | But you know what? Hey,new day,new leaf. |
我只是真的很高興… | I am just really,really happy.. |
我很抱歉,很明顯地,海瑟的屁股 有更重要的事要對你說 | I'm sorry. Obviously,Heather's ass has something more important to say.. |
我先讓它說完好了 | so I'll just wait till it's finished. |
-什麼? -我正在跟你道歉… | - What? - I was giving you an apology.. |
而你一直在打量她 | and you were totally checking her out. |
我沒有,我是在時裝業工作 我只是在看她的裙子 | I wasn't. I'm in fashion. I was looking at her skirt. |
還是褲子呢?我並沒有看清楚 屁股以下的部位 | Or was it pants? I didn't really see what happened below the ass area. |
哇,你真的是… 你真是小人 | Wow,you are really.. You're really a creep. |
就算我是在看她,你又在乎什麼呢? | What do you care if I was looking at her? |
你是在忌妒嗎? | Are you jealous? |
喔,是啊,我好忌妒 | Oh,yeah. I'm jealous. |
“喔,蓋文,拜託請看看我的屁股” | "Oh,Gavin. Please,please look at my ass." |
不要看我的屁股! | Stop looking at my ass! |
我只是認為這樣的行為是不妥的 | I mean,I just think you are totally inappropriate. Okay? |
這是工作場所,她是你下屬 | This is a work environment. She's your subordinate. |
但是你跟你前助理泰格上床 卻是可以的? | But it was okay when you slept with your old assistant,Tag? |
那是不一樣的事,因為兩個原因 | That is totally different for two reasons. |
一:我不知道你知道這件事 | One: I didn't know that you knew that. |
二:我不是盯著他屁股看的小人 | And two: I wasn't some creep staring at his ass. |
我們有很深入、有意義的交往 | We had a.. We had a deep,meaningful relationship. |
泰格姓什麼? | What was Tag's last name? |
姓… | It was.. |
喔,我的天 | Oh,my God. |
他沒有…他沒有… 他沒有姓 | He didn't.. He didn't.. He didn't have a last name. |
只是叫泰格而已,你知道的 就像雪兒或是… | It was just Tag,you know,like Cher or.. |
摩西一樣 | you know,Moses. |
但是那是很深入、有意義的交往 | But it was a deep,meaningful relationship. |
你知道嗎?我對你的第一印象 完全正確 | You know what? My first impression of you was absolutely right. |
你很高傲,你很自負 摩根!摩根! | You are arrogant. You are pompous. Morgan! Morgan! |
-泰格姓摩根! -是鐘斯 | - Tag's last name was Morgan! - It was Jones. |
你是誰啊?他男朋友嗎? | What are you,his boyfriend? |
(中央咖啡廳) | |
-天啊,我希望我有個像你一樣的保姆 -你是說在你小時候嗎? | - Man,I wish I had a nanny like you. - You mean when you were a baby? |
當然 | Sure. |
你可不可以別再盯著她看? | Would you stop staring at her? |
我沒有盯著 | I wasn't staring. |
我是斜眼瞄著 | I was leering. |
她有什麼了不起的呢? | What's the big deal with her? |
或許她有很搶眼的魅力 | Maybe she's attractive in an obvious kind of way. |
是啊,很搶眼的魅力最糟糕了 | Yeah,obvious beauty's the worst. |
你知道的,當它就顯現在你面前時 | You know,when it's right there in your face. |
我比較喜歡漸漸去發掘一個人的魅力 | Me,I like to have to work to find someone attractive. |
讓我感覺像是我辛苦得來的 | Makes me feel like I earned it. |
看起來喬伊好像跟她處的不錯 | Looks like Joey's doing all right with her. |
嘿,你們兩個這次願意退讓出… | Yeah. Hey,that was nice of you guys to back off.. |
讓喬伊去泡她,真是好心 | and let Joey get the girl for once. |
-我要帶她回去了 -好的,我下班之後就回去 | - I'm gonna take her to the apartment. - Okay. I'll be home right after work. |
-好的 -好的,艾瑪再見 | - Okay. - Okay,bye,Emma. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
-再見 -再見 | - Bye. - Bye. |
他們推選我來跟你說 你模仿嬰兒說話的事 | They've elected me to talk to you about the baby talk. |
大家不是很喜歡 | It's not so good. |
我覺得挺可愛的 | I think it's sweet. |
再見,艾瑪 | Bye,Emma! |
嘿,喬伊,關於莫莉 我希望你不要去動她 | Hey,listen,Joey. About Molly,I would really prefer if you didn't go after her. |
-為什麼不行? -因為我們花了好幾個月才找到好保姆 | - Why not? - It took months to find a good nanny. |
而我不希望有任何事情讓她離開 | And I wouldn't want anything to,you know,drive her away. |
所以你認為我只會跟她上床 | So you think I'm just gonna sleep with her.. |
之後就不再打電話給她 讓一切都變得很尷尬嗎? | and never call her again,and things are gonna get uncomfortable? |
是啊,聽起來好像也對 | Yeah,that sounds about right. |
別這樣,外面到處都是女人 | Come on,there are plenty of other women out there. |
忘了她好嗎?她不是你可以要的 | Just forget about her,okay? She's off-limits. |
天啊!你為什麼要這樣說呢? | Oh,man! What'd you have to go and say that for? |
你這樣說之後,我就更想要她了 | Now that you told me I can't have her,makes me want her even more! |
-你還是小孩啊? -是的! | - What are you,a child? - Yes! |
沒錯,他就跟小孩一樣,像班 | It's true. He's like a little boy,like Ben. |
想像他就是很色、很色、很色的班 | Just think of him as a really,really,really horny Ben. |
不對! | No! |
聽著,喬伊,別這樣,為了我,拜託 | Look,Joey,come on now. For me,please. |
把你的性能量轉移到別人身上 | Just try to focus your sexual energy on someone else. |
好啦 | Fine. |
帶我回家吧 | Take me home. |
你想被書打嗎? | Do you want a piece of this? |
-嘿,麥克 -嘿,菲比 | - Hey,Mikey. - Hey,Phoebe. |
-你在做什麼呢? -放捕鼠器 | - What are you doing? - Setting rattraps. |
-要殺鮑伯嗎? -不是,只是測試一下他脖子有多硬 | - To kill Bob? - No. No,to test his neck strength. |
不,我不想殺死他 我以為我們要活抓他 | No,I don't want to kill him. I thought we were gonna capture him.. |
然後到鄉下把他放生 | and,you know,set him free in the countryside.. |
讓他可以認識友善的大老鼠 | where he could meet a friendly possum.. |
還有愛說笑的貓頭鷹 | and a wisecracking owl. |
-好了,我把捕鼠器丟掉 -好,我會找到鮑伯,我會抓到他的 | - Okay,okay. I'll throw away the traps. - All right,I'll find Bob. I'll get him. |
鮑伯?鮑伯? | Bob? Bob? |
羅伯特? | Robert? |
等等,我聽到他的聲音了 | Wait,I think I hear him. |
天啊!鮑伯生小孩了! 鮑伯當媽媽了! | Oh,my God! Bob had babies! Bob's a mom! |
我們得替她改名字了 | We'll have to think of a new name. |
我不知道,我喜歡“鮑伯”當女生名字 | I don't know,I kind of like "Bob" for a girl. |
不不,我是說我不確定我們… | No,no. I mean,I'm not sure that we.. |
天啊,我們殺了鮑伯嗎? | Oh,my God. We killed Bob? |
或許不是鮑伯,或許只是只老鼠 | Well,maybe it wasn't Bob. Maybe it was a mouse. |
蘇西? | Susie? |
就這樣? | That's it? |
結束了嗎? | It's over? |
誰殺了JR? | Who shot J.R.? |
誰殺了JR? | Who shot J.R.? |
我得要找份工作了 | I have got to get a job. |
怎麼樣? | What's up? |
說真的,老兄,三年了 | Seriously,dude. Three years ago. |
聽著,你可以幫我一個忙嗎? 我今天要出去 | Listen,can you do me a favor? I'm gonna be out today. |
你可以幫我看著喬伊 | Can you keep an eye on Joey.. |
確保他跟莫莉之間不會出事嗎? | make sure nothing happens between him and Molly? |
-你不相信他嗎? -嗯,不相信 | - You don't trust him? - Well,no. |
昨晚有個聽起來 很像喬伊的女人打電話來 | Some woman who sounded a lot like Joey called earlier.. |
要找她那個叫做“辣保姆”的女兒 | and asked for her daughter,the "hot nanny." |
你打算讓我長期干預他們嗎? | Is this your long-term plan,for me to run interference? |
我可能隨時都會找到工作的 | Because I could get a job any day now. |
你在職場上可真是炙手可熱 | You do appear right on the cusp of something. |
聽著,拜託 我確定他一兩星期就會沒興趣了 | Look,come on,man. I'm sure he'll lose interest in a week or two.. |
但是現在,你可以幫我這個忙嗎? | but for now,could you please just do this for me? |
好啦,但是如果失敗可別怪我喔 | Fine,but don't blame me if it doesn't work. |
因為你也瞭解,喬伊一旦下定決心 | Because you know once Joey sets his mind on something.. |
無論如何,他都會把她搞上手的 | more often than not,he's going to have sex with it. |
那我們得要做點什麼,不是嗎? | Well,I mean,we've gotta do something. Okay? |
像她那樣的保姆是不會 憑空出現在樹上的 | Nannies like her don't grow on trees. |
-在想像那棵樹嗎? -是的,沒錯 | - Picturing that tree? - I am,yes. |
你要去哪?喬伊 | Where you going,Joe? |
去散步 | For a walk. |
我也去好嗎? | You mind if I join you? |
事實上,我想要一個人去 我真的需要厘清一些想法 | Actually,I'd rather be alone. You know,I really need to organize my thoughts. |
一些? | Your thoughts? |
複數的? | Plural? |
好啦,我只有一個想法 | All right,fine. I only have one thought. |
就是關於那個辣保姆!我必須見到她! | It's about the hot nanny! I gotta see her! |
-恐怕我不能讓你去,喬伊 -你是說我不能見她? | - I'm afraid I can't let you do that,Joe. - Now you're saying I can't see her? |
你是在害死我!她是禁果!這就像… | You're killing me! She's forbidden fruit! It's like,like.. |
她是公主而我是馬童 | like she's the princess and I'm the stable boy. |
聽著,我知道她是世上最漂亮的女人 | Look,I know. She's the most beautiful woman in the world. |
我聽見了 | I can hear you. |
你可以幫我把枕頭跟毛毯 鋪到沙發上嗎? | Could you set my pillow and blanket on the couch for me,please? |
為什麼你要這樣? | Why are you doing this,huh? |
是不是羅斯要你別讓我過去的呢? | Did Ross tell you not to let me go over there? |
沒錯,事實上就是 所以我不能讓你過去 | Yes,as a matter of fact,he did. So I can't let you go. |
有趣,現在出現阻礙了 | Interesting. Now there are obstacles. |
辣保姆跟我一起抵抗全世界! | Hot nanny and me against the world! |
這就像偉大的愛情小說 | This is the stuff great novels are made of. |
-偉大的愛情小說? -好啦,二流的情色書刊 | - Great novels? - Fine. Mediocre porn. |
-蓋文米丘辦公室 -瑞秋格林辦公室 | - Gavin Mitchell's office. - Rachel Greene's office. |
電話給我 | Give me that phone. |
嗨,我是瑞秋格林 可以為您效勞嗎? | Hello,this is Rachel Greene. How can I help you? |
好的,我會把電話傳給你兒子 | Okay then. I'll pass you back to your son. |
媽,不是,她只是我的秘書 | Hey,Mom. No,that's just my secretary. |
對不起,蓋文 我有個問題必須要問你 | Excuse me,Gavin. I have a question I need to ask you. |
媽,我再回電給你,是的 | Mom,I'll call you later. Yeah. |
-怎樣? -如果你那麼喜歡看屁股… | - Yes? - If you like looking at butts so much.. |
你何不自己去照鏡子呢? | why don't you just go look in a mirror? |
感謝上帝,你終於說了 | Thank God you finally said that. |
三個小時前我就看到 你寫在筆記本上了 | I saw you make a note on your pad three hours ago. |
-天啊,我真的惹你厭,是不是? -喔,不,拜託… | - Man,I really bug you. Don't I? - Oh,no. Please.. |
我根本不在乎你,更別提討厭你 | I don't care about you enough to bug me. |
事實上,從現在開始 我會表現的很有格調 | In fact,from now on,I'm going to take the high road.. |
而且我會對你非常好 媽媽的乖寶寶… | and I'm going to be very,very nice to you,you mama's boy.. |
從現在開始 | starting right now. |
-嘿,瑞秋 -嗨 | - Hey,Rach. - Hi. |
-準備好要吃生日午餐了嗎? -好了 | - Ready for your birthday lunch? - I am. |
但是首先,莫妮卡 我想要介紹你認識… | But first,Monica,I would like to introduce you.. |
我非常能幹的同事,而且更重要的是… | to my very talented colleague and more importantly.. |
我的好朋友,蓋文米丘 | my wonderful friend,Gavin Mitchell. |
-幸會 -幸會 | - Pleased to meet you. - Pleased to meet you. |
你會來參加瑞秋的派對嗎? | Are you coming to Rachel's party? |
喔,不不不不,蓋文沒有辦法 他已經有計劃了 | Oh,no,no,no,no. Gavin can't. He already has plans.. |
應該是要去看他媽媽 | most likely with his mother. |
我不介意,我可以取消 我不想錯過我秘書的生日 | I don't mind. I'll cancel them. I would never miss my secretary's birthday. |
為什麼你要邀請他? 我無法忍受那個男的! | Why did you invite him? I can't stand that guy! |
-你看起來跟他很好啊 -我是裝出來的 | - You were being so nice to him. - I was faking it. |
你難道看不出來我是裝的嗎? | Can't you tell when I'm being fake? |
嘿,菲利浦先生,很好看的西裝 | Hey,Mr. Phillips. Nice suit. |
抓到了,真是好假! | Right there. That was so fake! |
嘿,錢德,你比較喜歡… | Hey,Chandler,which do you like better.. |
鮪魚派還是烤蘑菇餃? | the tuna tartare or the mushroom empanadas? |
-一堆生魚還是墨西哥手卷? -喔,手卷,當然是手卷 | - The pile of raw fish,or the tacos? - Oh,the tacos. Definitely,the tacos. |
我真不敢相信,你邀請了蓋文 | I still can't believe you invited Gavin. |
他是我最不想見到的人 | He is just the last person I want to see. |
安排派對的事,不用跟我客氣 我很高興你喜歡 | You're welcome for the party. I'm glad you're having a good time. |
我希望他不要出現 他當然不會,他討厭我 | I hope he doesn't show up. Of course he won't,the guy hates me. |
-是嗎? -什麼? | - Does he? - What? |
或許他一直惹你生氣 是因為喜歡你 | Maybe he keeps bothering you so much because he likes you. |
就像在小學一年級的時候 史基藍吉會推我… | It's like in first grade when Skippy Lange would push me.. |
其實是因為他在暗戀我 | because he secretly had a crush on me. |
莫妮卡,你以為史基喜歡你嗎? | Monica,you think Skippy liked you? |
親愛的,所有的男生都在打賭 看他是不是有辦法撂倒你 | Honey,all those boys had a bet to see if he could knock you over. |
-她睡了,我帶她回去 -好的,謝謝 | - She's out. I'm gonna take her home. - Okay. Thank you. |
再見,甜心 | Bye,sweetheart. |
你有在她身上看到 那些男人看到的東西嗎? | Do you see what all the guys see in her? |
不會想要踢她下床的 | Wouldn't kick her out of bed. |
我不可以再喝伏特加了 | No more vodka for me. |
嘿,瑞秋,現在可以 唱生日快樂歌了嗎? | Hey,Rach. So can I sing "Happy Birthday" to you now? |
-當然可以 -好的 | - Yeah,sure. - All right. |
待會見 | See you later. |
瑞秋,有人送你鞋子 | Hey,Rach. Somebody got you shoes. |
給我看! | Give me! |
-哇哇,我的天啊! -小心!小心! | - Wow. Wow. Oh,my God! - Careful! Careful! |
這些是我的老鼠寶寶! | These are my rat babies! |
是啊,我們現在有老鼠寶寶了 | Yeah. We have rat babies now. |
你帶老鼠來參加我的生日派對? | You brought rats to my birthday party? |
我感覺像是中風一樣 | So this is what a stroke feels like. |
我必須要帶著他們 我們殺了他們的媽 | Well,I had to bring them. We killed their mother. |
他們現在是我們的責任了 | They're our responsibility now. |
你知道的,他們需要一直被照顧 你應該知道的,你自己也是母親 | You know,they require constant care. You should know that,you're a mother. |
你把我女兒跟一隻老鼠做比較? | Are you comparing my daughter to a rat? |
不,是七隻 | No. Seven rats. |
我們應該帶他們回家了 他們需要吃東西了 | We should take them home. We need to feed them. |
你因為要照顧這盒老鼠 而離開我的派對? | You're gonna leave my party to take care of a box of rats? |
嗯,我很抱歉,瑞秋 但是我不像你,好嗎? | Well,I'm sorry,Rachel,but I'm not like you. Okay? |
不是每個人都請得起保姆的 | Not everyone can afford help. |
嘿,喬伊跟莫莉去哪了? | Hey,where the hell are Joey and Molly? |
我要你看住他們的 | I asked you to watch them. |
我很抱歉,我有點分心了 | I'm sorry. I got a little preoccupied. |
聽著,我們要在發生事情前阻止他們 | Look,we have to stop them before something happens. |
我會跟隨你的,大哥 | Right behind you,big guy. |
所以你瞧,莫莉 人們不瞭解… | So you see,Molly,what people don't understand.. |
演戲是一種紀律,是很辛苦的工作 | is that acting is a discipline. It takes a lot of hard work. |
-所以你是在哪裡學的? -我沒有上大學 | - So where'd you study? - I didn't go to college. |
-那,是從哪裡學會演戲的呢? -莫莉,演戲不是學來的 | - No,where'd you study acting? - Molly,people don't study acting. |
莫莉,可以讓我們談幾分鐘嗎? | Molly,do you mind giving us just a minute? |
-當然,我去看艾瑪 -謝謝 | - Sure. I'll go check on Emma. - Thanks. |
馬童就不能得到公主嗎? | Will the stable boy never get the princess? |
你以為你是在做什麼? 在我家沙發上跟她作愛? | What do you think you were gonna do,have sex with her here on my couch? |
不,沙發皮會黏住我的屁股 | No. The leather sticks to my ass. |
這實在不公平,你憑什麼認為 我會跟她上床… | This isn't fair. What makes you think I'm gonna sleep with her.. |
然後就拋棄她呢? | and then blow her off,huh? |
你們難道不能敞開心胸接受 或許我是真的喜歡她… | Can't you guys open your minds to the possibility that I actually like her.. |
而且要的是真感情? | and might want something real? |
聽著,事情是,自從瑞秋之後 我就沒有對任何人有過這種感覺了 | Look,the truth is,I haven't felt this way about anyone since Rachel. |
好嗎?我以為我不能再愛人了 | Okay? I didn't think I could ever love again. |
-少來了! -喬伊! | - Come on! - Joe! |
嗨,莫莉在嗎? | Hi. Is Molly here? |
在,請進,莫莉? | Yeah,yeah. Come on in. Molly? |
-嘿,各位,這位是塔比莎 -嘿 | - Hey. Guys,this is Tabitha. - Hey. |
-明天見 -好的 | - I'll see you tomorrow. - Okay. |
嗯,喬伊,我猜我們沒事了 | Well,Joey,I guess we have no problem. |
這就像是美夢成真 | It's like my favorite fairy tale come true. |
公主、馬童跟女同性戀 | The princess,the stable boy and the lesbian. |
好了,你先泡牛奶 | Okay. Okay,you start preparing the formula.. |
我去換盒子 | and I'll start changing the box. |
然後就送他們上床睡覺 | And then we gotta put them straight to bed. |
為什麼要讓我們的愛情生活… | When did we become one of those couples.. |
環繞著老鼠呢? | whose lives revolve around their rats? |
你知道嗎?他們現在是我們的責任了 | Well,you know what? They're our responsibility now. |
好的,這些老鼠是我們的責任 | Okay,fine. These rats are our responsibility. |
要是他們交配後 變成上百隻呢? | What happens when they mate and there are hundreds? |
交配?他們是兄弟姐妹耶 | Mate? They're all brothers and sisters. |
是啊,但是對老鼠可不是問題 | Yeah,not such a problem with rats. |
他們是“愛上誰就上誰”的那種 | No,they're more of a "love the one you're with" kind of animal. |
才不,真的嗎? | No. Really? |
喔…不要搞你妹妹啦! | Oh,my.. Get off your sister! |
我的天,我們該怎麼辦呢? | Oh,my God. What are we gonna do? |
我們有七隻老鼠 | The.. We have seven rats. |
如果七隻老鼠的每一隻… | So,what if each of them has seven rats.. |
都再生七隻,那就是… | and then each of those has seven rats? That's like.. |
我不會數學! | That's math I can't even do! |
我們該怎麼辦呢? | What are we gonna do? |
嗯,我知道這聽起來很瘋狂… | Well,I know this is gonna sound crazy.. |
但我們可以不讓這盒老鼠 毀了我們的生活 | but we could not let the box of rats ruin our lives. |
是啊,好吧,我想你說的對 | Yeah,okay. I guess you're right. |
好了,我們必須要送走他們 | All right,so we should just give them away. |
但要送給有小孩 還有低脂餅乾的好人家 | But to nice families with children and reduced-fat Wheat Thins. |
那些是鮑伯最喜歡的 | Those were Bob's favorites. |
會沒事的 | It's gonna be okay. |
-你一定認為我瘋了 -不,我覺得你很善良 | - You must think I'm crazy. - No,I think you're sweet. |
這真是很難,好難割捨 | Good. This is just so hard. It's hard for me to let them go. |
我猜這讓我聯想起很多往事 | I guess it just brings back memories,you know.. |
就像我懷了我弟的三胞胎 最後還是必須送回給他們養 | from when I gave birth to my brother's triplets and I had to give them up. |
我沒有告訴過你那件事嗎? | I haven't told you about that yet,have I? |
謝謝你幫我辦派對,親愛的 我應該幫你打掃嗎? | Thanks for the party,honey. Should I help you clean up? |
不要,你的派對結束了 現在換我的 | No way. You had your party. Now I have mine. |
-一切還好吧 -我只是有點累 | - Is everything all right? - I just get bummed.. |
生日結束了 | when my birthday's over. |
至少有一件事值得你高興 | Well,at least you have one thing to be happy about. |
你辦公室那個混蛋蓋文沒有來 | That jerk,Gavin,from your office didn't show up. |
是啊,他好討厭哦 | Yeah,I hate him. |
我們不是在說你,我們… | We weren't talking about you. We were.. |
好吧,來不及掩飾了,算了 | No. No way to recover. No. Okay. |
-一定很好玩 -嗯,是的 | - Fun party. - Well,it was. |
你本來會看到的,如果你出現在… | And you would have seen it if you didn't show up at.. |
九點半?天啊!這派對糟透了 | 9:30?! God! This party was lame. |
再一次,不用客氣! | Again,you're welcome! |
-聽著,我只是要給你這個就走人 -你買禮物給我,為什麼? | - Look,I'll just give you this and go. - You bought me a present. Why? |
讓我解釋一下生日派對 是怎樣的情況,通常有禮物… | Let me explain how birthday parties usually work. There are presents.. |
有蛋糕,或許還有第四個或第五個人 | and a cake,perhaps a fourth or fifth person. |
好的,我… | Okay,I.. |
我送禮物給你 彌補一下我對你的惡劣 | I got you the present to make up for being such a jerk to you. |
嗯,好的,真好,而且你還寫了卡片 | Well,okay. Well,that's very nice. And you wrote a card. |
-“蓋文贈” -肺腑之言 | - "From Gavin." - I really mean it. |
很美耶 | It's beautiful. |
如果你不介意… 讓我來 | If you don't mind..? Let me. |
誰知道呢,非常合適 | Well,what do you know,it fits. |
瞧,蓋文,你是可以當個好男人的 | See,Gavin. You're capable of being a nice guy. |
為什麼你要刁難我呢? | Why do you give me such a hard time? |
我不知道 | I'm not sure. |
莫妮卡好像認為 是因為你對我有感覺 | Well,Monica seems to think it's because you have feelings for me. |
我是對你有感覺 | I do have feelings for you. |
-真的嗎? -是的,我覺得你很煩人 | - You do? - Yes. I feel that you're a little annoying. |
為什麼?蓋文,為什麼? | See,why? Gavin,why? |
就在我要對你改觀的時候,你就… | Right when I'm about to change my opinion of you,you go and you.. |
你就這樣做了 | And you do that. |
嘿,聽著,我有東西忘了帶走 | Hey. Listen,I think I left something here. |
是有人忘了這個,是你的嗎? | Well,somebody left this. Is this yours? |
不是,但是我蠻喜歡的 | No,but I like it. |
有一隻老鼠寶寶我忘了帶走 | No,I think I left one of my rat babies. |
沒,我沒有看到 但是如果有,我會讓你知道 | Well,no. I haven't seen it,but if I do,I'll let you know. |
老鼠寶寶!老鼠寶寶!老鼠寶寶! | Rat baby! Rat baby! Rat baby! Rat baby! |
或許就是他 | Maybe that's him. |
-嘿 -嗯、嗯、好啦,當然 | - Hey. - Yeah. Yeah,okay. Sure. |
聽著,我們可以談談 昨晚這裡發生的事嗎? | Look,can we talk about what happened here last night? |
當然,給我幾秒鐘讓我變得跟你一樣 怒氣衝天、怪裡怪氣的 | Sure. Just give me a second to get all huffy and weird like you. |
你敢相信某某人昨天晚上 做了某某事嗎? | You believe that whoever did something last night did what they did or didn't do? |
你真的不知道我在說什麼嗎? | Okay,you really don't know what I'm talking about? |
-不知道 -好的,昨天晚上,在派對過後… | - No. - Okay. Last night,after the party.. |
我看到瑞秋在你家的陽臺上 親她辦公室的那個混蛋 | I saw Rachel kissing that jerk from her office out on your balcony. |
在我家陽臺?真的嗎? | Our balcony? Seriously? |
真是好玩,我告訴莫妮卡我們應該 在陽臺上加個燈的 | That's so funny. I told Monica we should put lights on our balcony.. |
可是她說“不不,外面太冷了 沒有人會站到外面去的”,然後我說… | and she said,"No,no. It's too cold. Nobody will go out there." And I said: |
“如果我們加個燈 或許就會有人了” | "Maybe if we put some lights out there they will." |
對,那就是我要談的事 我看到瑞秋親吻一個男的… | Right,that's what I came over to talk about. I saw Rachel kissing some guy.. |
就在你家陽臺上 即使那裡一片漆黑! | on your balcony,even though there were no lights! |
那你要跟她談談嗎? | So are you gonna talk to her? |
為什麼?為什麼我要? 如果她要找尋新生活,沒關係 | Why? Why should I? I mean,if she wants to move on,that's fine. |
你知道“沒關係”要怎樣說才有 說服力嗎?噴著口水用力吼 | You know when "that's fine" sounds true? When someone yells it and spits. |
不,我是說真的,如果她想要跟 別人約會,沒關係,我不在乎 | No,I'm serious. I mean,if she wants to date people,fine. I don't care. |
但是至少她要跟我說啊 | But at least she could have told me. |
你知道的,我的生活都已經停擺 注意力完全集中在艾瑪身上 | You know,I've been putting my life on hold and concentrating on Emma. |
但是如果她要去親那些不是 很熟的男人,我也要那樣做 | But if she wants to go out there kissing guys she barely knows,then so will I. |
很好笑!羅斯是同性戀! | Very funny! Ross is gay! |
不,很好,所以你也要有新的生活了 | No,no. Good,so you're moving on. |
你知道你要怎麼樣過新生活嗎? | Do you have any idea where you're moving on to? |
我是有很多機會的 | I've got plenty of opportunities. |
剛剛在咖啡廳就有個女人對我笑 | Just now,there was some woman at the coffeehouse smiled at me. |
還有一天在地鐵,有個女人 “不小心”坐到我的手 | And then the other day on the subway,a woman "accidentally" sat on my hand. |
老兄,別再跟我說你瘋狂的單身生活了 | Dude,don't rub my face in your crazy single life. |
還有,在學校有個人類學家 | And there's an anthropologist at school.. |
在跨部門餐會的時候 不停在勾搭我 | who totally came on to me during the interdepartmental potluck dinner. |
我為什麼要結婚呢? | Why did I get married? |
莫妮卡唱歌 | The.One.Where.Monica.Sings |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
嘿,讓我問你們一個問題 | Hey,let me ask you guys something. |
我明天要拍新的大頭照 | I'm having new headshots taken tomorrow. |
攝影師說,她覺得我應該要修眉毛 | The photographer said she thinks I should have my eyebrows waxed. |
男生那樣做是不是很怪呢? | Is that weird for a guy? |
-嗯,那要看情況 -什麼情況? | - Well,it depends. - On? |
看他是在變性過程中的什麼階段囉 | On how far along he is in the sex-change process. |
不,我完全不同意 我覺得男生那樣做沒有什麼 | No,I totally disagree. I think it's fine for a guy to do something like that. |
尤其是演員 | Especially an actor. |
我不是說你有那個必要,你的眉毛… | I mean,not that you need to. Your eyebrows are.. |
你們別這樣,別盯著我看 要嚇死我了 | Stop it,you guys. Stop staring,you're freaking me out. |
你的手指上也有毛 | Your knuckles are kind of hairy too. |
天啊,現在我也要除這些毛嗎? | Oh,man,now I have to get those done too? |
-哇,你要做的改造可不少啊 -你也染髮啊 | - Wow,talk about high maintenance. - You dye your hair. |
-我是女人啊 -雙重標準! | - I'm a woman. - Double standards! |
差點忘記 你今晚會去麥克的鋼琴酒吧嗎? | Before I forget,are you coming to Mike's piano bar tonight? |
-只要我不需要上臺唱歌 -但是大家都要唱歌啊,會很好玩的 | - Only if I don't have to get up and sing. - But everybody sings. It's so fun. |
上次有個可愛的老先生上臺… | Last time,this adorable old man got up there,forgot all the words,flipped out.. |
忘了所有的臺詞,糗呆了 然後大家就噓他下臺,真是好玩 | and everyone booed him off the stage. It was so funny |
聽著,我唱歌不行的 | Look,I'm not good at singing. |
喔,怎樣?你怕了嗎? | Oh,what's the matter? You scared? You afraid I'm a better singer? |
怕我唱的比你好嗎? 怕我會用唱歌打敗你嗎? | You afraid I'm gonna beat you at singing? |
不,這招對我沒用 | Nope. Nope. It's not working on me. |
哇,我一定是長大了 | Wow,I must be growing up. |
好吧,就過來支持麥克就好了 你不需要唱歌 | Okay,fine. Just please come and support Mike. You don't have to sing. |
所以我不用唱歌,而且還可以坐在那裡 討論、批評其他人? | So I don't have to sing,and I can just sit there and pass judgment on others? |
-還可以一邊喝酒 -我要去 | - While drinking. - I'm there. |
嘿,你們好 我需要你們的幫忙 | Hi,you guys. Listen,I really need your help. |
我想我做了一件很蠢的事 | I think I did something really stupid. |
嗯,是的,瑞秋,但是至少她很漂亮 | Well,yes,Rachel,but you got something so beautiful out of it. |
不,不是那件事 我昨晚親了蓋文 | No,not that. I kissed Gavin last night. |
-我的天 -你親了他? | - My God. - You kissed him? |
是啊,就在派對結束之後 我們在陽臺上… | Yeah,it was after the party,we were on the balcony.. |
等等,我一直都在家,為什麼沒看到? | Wait,wait,wait. I was at home the whole time. How did I miss that? |
派對才剛結束 你可能正忙著燙平包裝紙 | Well,it was the end of the party. You were probably ironing wrapping paper. |
喔,是啊 | Oh,yeah. |
那你們怎麼會親起來的呢? | So how did you end up kissing? |
我們單獨在一起,然後他又很體貼 | We were all alone and he was being really nice.. |
-然後又送我這條圍巾 -我以為你討厭他 | - and he gave me this scarf. - I thought you hated him. |
愛與恨之間只有一線之隔 | Well,there is a thin line between love and hate.. |
而結果,那條線就是這圍巾 | and it turns out that line is a scarf. |
你在想要跟這男的交往嗎? | Are you thinking of starting something up with this guy? |
我不知道,真是太複雜了 這男的是我同事耶 | I don't know. It's so complicated. I work with this guy. |
我已經有小孩,有羅斯 我不知道該怎麼辦 | I have the baby,and I have Ross. I don't know what to do. |
而我再過十分鐘就要進辦公室見到蓋文了 | And I have to be at the office and see Gavin in 10 minutes. |
聽起來你應該想想 要怎麼跟蓋文說了 | Sounds like you need to think about what you want and talk to Gavin. |
-而且你一定得要跟羅斯說 -或者… | - And you definitely should talk to Ross. - Or.. |
我可以打電話請病假,那就不用管了 | I could call in sick and not deal with it at all. |
哇!請了五個月的產假 才回去上班四天… | Wow! Five months maternity leave,you're back for four days.. |
親了一個同事就請病假 他們有你這個員工真幸運 | kiss a co-worker and call in sick. They are lucky to have you. |
-嗨 -嗨 | - Hi. - Hi. |
-我有預約修眉毛 -什麼姓名? | - I'm here for my eyebrow appointment. - Name? |
錢德賓 | Chandler Bing. |
好的,很好 | Okay,very good. |
請先坐一下,賓先生 桑妮亞很快就出來了 | Have a seat right here,Mr. Bing,and Sonya will be right with you. |
好的,謝謝 | Okay. Thanks. |
我碰了那東西 | I touched the stuff. |
讓我來處理 | I'll take care of it. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
那你們… 你們這裡有很多男生會來嗎? | So do you..? Do you get a lot of guys in here? |
-喔,當然 -喔,很好 | - Oh,absolutely. - Oh,good. |
-你想要認識他們嗎? -好了,我們開始吧 | - You looking to meet somebody? - All right,let's just do this. |
好的,我們等一下再上熱蠟 | Okay,we'll get to the wax in a minute. |
首先我要先拔一些雜毛,好嗎? | First,I want to tweeze some of the strays,okay? |
-這可能會有點痛 -我很可以忍痛… | - Now,this may sting just a little bit. - I have an extremely high threshold.. |
我的媽啊! 喔,我的臉!我的臉! | Holy Mother of God! Oh,my face! My face! |
我沒事,我沒事,我沒事 | I'm all right. I'm all right. I'm all right. |
只是有點嚇到,沒什麼 | It's just a bit of shock,that's all. |
-但是我沒事,你可以繼續了 -好的 | - But I'll be fine. You can go again. - Okay. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
可惡,你這女人! | Damn it,woman! |
全紐約最有身價的單身漢來了 新生活進行得如何呢? | It's the most eligible man in New York. How's the moving on going? |
不太好,在地鐵上 又有個人坐到我的手 | Not well. I went on the subway again and someone did sit on my hand.. |
但是,這個人既不是女性 也沒有穿內褲 | but that person was neither female nor wearing pants. |
或許你完全錯估形勢了 我是說,你想想看 | Maybe you're going about this the wrong way. I mean,think about it: |
單身白種男性,離婚三次 有兩個非婚生子女 | Single white male,divorced three times,two illegitimate children. |
你應該要自己心裡有數的 | The personal ad writes itself. |
真是好笑,是啊 那你覺得你這輩子會找到工作嗎? | You know,that's funny. Yeah. So do you think you'll ever work again? |
你在幹嘛? 你知道我們會鬥個沒完的 | What are you doing? You know I can only dish it out. |
我不敢相信,瑞秋就這樣拋下 我們的過去,而且沒有跟我說 | I can't believe Rachel just moved on and didn't say anything to me. |
或許她並沒有拋下 | Maybe she didn't move on. |
或許那只是衝動之下吻的 過生日才發生一次的那種 | Maybe that kiss was just an impulsive,one-time birthday thing. |
不,一個月以前,她還把電話號碼 留給一個在酒吧認識的男的 | No,a month ago,she gave her number to some guy in a bar. |
-她有跟他出去嗎? -沒有,當他打電話來時… | - Did she go out with him? - No. When he called.. |
我把留言丟了 | I threw the message away. |
真是厲害啊 | The high road. |
你知道嗎?夠了 說夠了,我要展開新生活了 | All right,you know what? Enough. Enough talking. I have to get moving. |
嘿,瞧瞧那兩個金髮美女 嘿,跟我一起過去 | Hey,check out those two blonds over there. Hey,come with me. |
你要害每個人都離婚嗎? | Are you trying to get everybody divorced? |
你不用做什麼 但是我們兩個一起過去會比較好 | You don't have to do anything. It'll just be easier if it's two of us. |
就像大學一樣,記得嗎? 你先過去說笑話熱場面 | Like college,remember? First,you break the ice with some kind of a joke.. |
讓她們知道你是好玩的人 然後我再插入有趣的話題 | so they know you're the funny one. I swoop in with interesting conversation.. |
讓她們知道我既聰明 有教養又性感 | so they'll see that I'm the brilliant,brooding,sexy one. |
我還以為說笑話是我的專利 | I thought I got to make the jokes. |
-你不用上班嗎? -拜託,走吧 | - Don't you have to be at work? - Oh,come on. |
嗨,我叫錢德 這是我朋友羅斯 | Hello. Hi,my name's Chandler. This is my friend Ross right here. |
我們在想… | We were wondering.. |
如果你們有興趣的話 我們還需要六個人來完成人體金字塔 | if you're up for it,we only need six more people for a human pyramid. |
接手,接手 | Swoop. Swoop. |
嘿,我注意到你在看報紙 | Hey,I notice you're reading the paper. |
歐洲又有水災了,對嗎? | Another flood in Europe,huh? |
問題來了 | Here's a question: |
你寧願被淹死還是被活活燒死? | Would you rather drown or be burned alive? |
-很抱歉,我們要走了 -好的 | - I'm sorry,we're just leaving. - Okay. |
我們還是老樣子 | We still got it. |
-是誰? -蓋文,我帶一些湯來給你 | - Who is it? - Gavin. I brought you some soup. |
-為什麼? -我聽說你生病了 | - Why? - I heard you were sick. |
喔,對!等一下 讓我先整理一下 | Oh,right! Hold on,let me just clean up in here a little bit. |
嗨,蓋文 | Hello,Gavin. |
今天上班我好想你,你還好嗎? | I missed you at work. How you feeling? |
我不想對你說謊,我病得很重 | I'm not gonna lie to you,I'm pretty sick. |
喔,好,因為我還擔心… | Oh,good. Because I was having a totally paranoid moment.. |
你是在裝病逃避我 | where I thought you called in sick to avoid me. |
喔,不、不、不 | Oh,no,no,no. |
我昨晚很愉快 | So I had fun last night. |
我也是 | So did I. |
你的病到底傳染性有多高呢? | Exactly how contagious is this thing you have? |
是因為站在陽臺上受涼了 還是被猴子咬呢?? | Is it a cold from standing on the balcony,or did a monkey bite you? |
-只是單純的感冒 -有發燒嗎? | - It's just a cold. - Do you have a fever? |
讓我看看 | Let me see. |
怎麼?怎麼了?怎麼回事? | What? What is it? What's the matter? |
在那張照片中 羅斯在對你做什麼? | What's Ross doing to you in that picture? |
喔,他在用化石刷子幫我除塵 | Oh,he's dusting me with a fossil brush. |
他覺得那樣很好玩 | He thought it would be funny. |
-是啊 -是的 | - Right. Right. - Yeah. |
-羅斯 -是啊 | - Ross. - Yeah. |
你們之間有什麼嗎? 我不想要當第三者 | What's the deal with you guys? I don't wanna get in the middle of anything. |
你不是第三者,別擔心羅斯 | You're not getting in the middle of anything. Don't worry about Ross. |
快躲!是羅斯!躲起來! | Hide! That's Ross! Hide! |
-躲起來!躲起來! -但是你說不用擔心… | - Hide! Hide! - Yeah,but you said not to worry.. |
我說謊,而且我也沒有生病! 躲到窗簾後面! | I lied and I'm not sick either! Just stay behind the curtain! |
-嗨 -喔,莫莉,不是羅斯 | - Hi. - Oh,Molly. You're not Ross. |
不是,我是來接艾瑪到你媽家的 記得嗎? | No. I'm here to take Emma to your mother's,remember? |
對,是的,是的 | Right. Yes,yes. |
-別緊張 -怎麼了? | - Don't panic. - What? |
有個男人躲在窗簾後面 | There is a man behind your curtain. |
-我皮包裡有防狼噴霧 -不,沒關係!不、不、不 | - I have Mace in my purse. - No,that's okay! No,no,no. |
那是我同事蓋文在發神經 出來吧! | This is my business associate Gavin being silly. Come out from behind there. |
嗨,我叫蓋文,很高興認識你 | Hi. Gavin. Pleased to meet you. |
是我要站在那裡的 | It was my idea to stand there. |
-嗨,我去帶艾瑪 -好的 | - Hello. I'll just go get Emma. - Okay. |
那麼… | So.. |
-為什麼我要躲呢? -我以為那是羅斯 | - why did I have to hide? - I thought it was Ross. |
我以為你們之間已經沒有什麼了 | I thought there was nothing going on between you. |
是沒有,完全沒有 | There isn't. There totally isn't. |
你聽到鑰匙轉動的聲音 就像野牛一樣跳了起來 | You hear keys in the hall and you jump like a bronco coming out of the chute. |
我做過鬥牛士 | I used to be a rodeo clown. |
好的,聽著,蓋文 | All right,look,Gavin.. |
我想,你在這裡 讓我覺得有罪惡感 | I guess I felt guilty that you were here.. |
我這樣想是不對的 | which I shouldn't. |
你知道的,羅斯跟我並沒有在交往 | You know,Ross and l are not in a relationship.. |
他是我孩子的父親,而且… | but he is the father of my child. And,you know.. |
我們還住在一起,還有 我們有太多過去了,你知道嗎? | we do live together. And plus,there's just so much history,you know? |
只是…我不知道 | It's just.. I don't know. |
-我很抱歉,我頭腦很不清楚了 -沒關係 | - I'm sorry. I'm just all over the place. - It's okay. |
這或許不關我的事 但是我可以給你一個建議嗎? | It's probably not my place,but can I give you a piece of advice? |
-好的 -你應該跟羅斯談這件事 | - Yes. - You should talk to Ross about all this. |
大家都這樣說 | People keep saying that. |
我很抱歉,蓋文 | I'm sorry,Gavin. |
別抱歉 | Don't be. |
只是現在不是好時機 | It's just bad timing. |
講真的嗎?鬥牛士? | So seriously,rodeo clown? |
技術最棒的,小姐 技術最棒的 | One of the best,ma'am. One of the best. |
(鋼琴酒吧與夜總會) | |
喔,她是我女朋友 不只是在臺上而已 | Oh,she's my girlfriend. That's not just how we do it here. |
我要休息一下,當我們回來時 | I'm gonna take a little break,and when we come back.. |
肯尼將要演唱“我自摸” | we've got Kenneth singing "I Touch Myself." |
我不是來當評審的 | I'm not here to judge. |
-你一定要上臺唱 -不,我告訴過你我不行 | - You have got to sing. - No,I told you I can't. |
但是你會很喜歡的 而且你的聲音很好啊 | But you would have so much fun. And you have a really nice voice. |
-你是何時聽到我唱歌的? -常常,當你在煮飯的時候 | - When have you heard me sing? - All the time,when you're cooking. |
-什麼? -是啊,你總是一邊唱著… | - What? - Yeah,you're always singing: |
好吃,好吃,好吃 我肚子裡有愛情 | Yummy,yummy,yummy I've got love in my tummy |
是啊,我那倒是唱得不錯 | Yeah,I do rock that one. |
你難道一點都不想要上去唱嗎? | Isn't there just a little part of you that wants to get up there? |
一點而已,但是老天,好可怕喔 | Just a little. But,God,it's so scary. |
我根本不知道要唱什麼 | I don't even know what I would sing. |
-嗯,我有一本歌本在… -“破曉時分” | - Well,I've got a book around.. - "Delta Dawn." |
(中央咖啡廳) | |
嗨,我不得不注意到 你特別的項鍊 | Hi. I couldn't help but notice,but that's an unusual necklace. |
你一個小時前就來搭訕過了 | You already hit on me an hour ago. |
沒錯,所以確定不要嗎? | Right. So that's a firm no? |
我不敢相信,我一直被拒絕 | I don't believe this. I just keep striking out. |
我也不敢相信 | I don't get it either. |
我是說,很明顯地你是很饑渴了 | I mean,you're obviously desperate. |
你問女人她們想要如何死法 | You're asking women how they wanna be killed. |
太棒了,瑞秋繼續去親男人… | This is great. Rachel's gonna keep kissing guys.. |
直到她找到她想要的男人 而我將孤單地死去 | until she finds the one she wants,and I'm gonna die alone. |
是淹死還是… | By drowning or..? |
-他為什麼要跟我分手呢? -我不知道,親愛的 | - Why would he break up with me? - I don't know,sweetie. |
我要的只不過是愛他,希望他也愛我 | All I ever wanted was to just love him and have him love me back. |
我是說,我有這麼不值得愛嗎? | I mean,am I so unlovable? |
-哇 -我知道 | - Wow. - I know. |
好了,以上是肯尼所帶來的… | All right. That was Kenneth with his.. |
即興表演“我自摸” | much too literal rendition of "I Touch Myself." |
接下來是莫妮卡演唱“破曉時分” | Coming up next,we've got Monica singing "Delta Dawn." |
等等,我不能在這些人面前唱 | Wait. I can't sing in front of all these people. |
假裝他們不在,沒關係的 | Just pretend they're not even here. It's okay. |
一旦聚光燈照到你,會很亮的 反正你也看不到任何人 | Once that spotlight hits you,it's so bright,you won't see anyone anyway. |
嗨,我是莫妮卡 我要唱的是“破曉時分” | Hi,I'm Monica. And I'm going to be singing "Delta Dawn." |
-你可以看穿她的上衣嗎? -像X光一樣 | - Can you totally see through her shirt? - Like an x-ray. |
今天不是不穿內衣的好日子 | Bad day not to wear a bra. |
我打來詢問廣告工作的 | I'm calling about the advertising job. |
是的,我瞭解這是基層職務 | Yes,I realize it would be entry level. |
喔,所以我真的要穿小雞裝嗎? | Oh,so would I actually have to wear the chicken suit? |
我需要你的幫忙 | I need your help. |
哇,看起來很嚴重 | Wow,it seems serious. |
是怎麼了呢?艾什莉賈德(好萊塢女星)? | What seems to be the problem,Ashley Judd? |
我要照新的大頭照 所以我去修了眉毛 | I'm getting new headshots taken. So I went to get my eyebrows shaped. |
很抱歉,讓我笑一下吧 | I'm sorry. Moment to make fun of that,please. |
我看起來可能娘娘腔的 但是我還是可以海扁你的 | I may be a sissy,but I'll still pound you into the ground. |
聽著,好痛喔,我只能讓她做一邊 所以就… | Look,it hurt so bad,I could only let her do one eyebrow,and now.. |
兩邊不對稱了! | they don't match! |
就像是毛毛蟲寶寶在追媽媽一樣 | It's like a baby caterpillar chasing its mama. |
你得要幫我,好嗎? 看,我有馬克筆 | You got to help me out,okay? Look,I have a magic marker. |
幫我把細的這邊劃粗 照起相來才不會很蠢 | Fill in the skinny one so I don't look stupid for my pictures. |
好的,但是,首先這是綠色的 | Okay,first of all,this is green. |
-我他媽的該怎麼辦呢? -我會幫你的 | - What the hell am I supposed to do?! - I will help you out.. |
但是你要答應我 不會把我要告訴你的事說出去 | but you have to promise you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. |
什麼事?什麼事? | What? What? |
好了 | Okay. |
你知道大部分的小孩都是利用除草 或是倒垃圾什麼的… | You know how most kids get their allowance from mowing the lawn.. |
來賺取零用錢 而我賺零用錢的方式… | or taking out the garbage? Well,I earned mine.. |
就是幫我父親 還有他的“合夥人”拔眉毛 | by plucking the eyebrows of my father and his "business partners." |
喔,我的天 | Oh,my God. |
好的,我猜你不需要我的幫忙了 “雙面俏佳人” | Yeah,well,I guess you don't need my help,Victor-Victoria. |
不、不、不,我要,我要 我需要你的幫忙 | No,no,no. I do. I do. I need your help. |
但是錢德,我不知道能不能 再忍受拔毛,真的好痛 | But,Chandler,I don't know if I can take any more plucking. It hurt so bad. |
放心,有我的冰塊跟蘆薈配方 加上… | Not with my combination of ice cubes,aloe vera and my gentle.. |
連自己也厭惡的溫柔接觸 | self-loathing touch. |
我很抱歉,歌唱完了 | I'm sorry,the song's over. |
-你有看到我在上面嗎? -全身上下看通透 | - Did you see me up there? - Every little bit of you. |
我不敢相信我在大家面前唱歌 而且他們喜歡我 | I can't believe I sang in front of people and they liked me. |
你們有聽到還有人大喊 “瞧瞧那些小費(意同乳頭)”嗎? | Did you hear that guy shouting,"Look at those tips"? |
我是說,我有幫你多賺小費嗎? | I mean,did I really help you get a lot of tips? |
當然有 | Sure. |
-莫妮卡,不是說你唱的不好… -不好? | - Mon,not that you didn't sound good.. - Good? |
你沒有聽到他們的叫聲嗎? 我棒透了! | Didn't you hear them? I was great! |
謝謝你逼我這樣做 這是我有過最好的禮物了 | Thank you so much for making me do this. That is the best gift ever. |
內衣也會是好禮物 | Also a good gift: underwear. |
謝謝你讓我過來 | Thank you so much for letting me do this. |
公共廁所讓我覺得很惡 我根本沒有辦法上廁所,更別說其他的 | Public bathrooms freak me out. I can't even pee,let alone do anything else. |
但是更棒的是,你根本不介意說出來 | But what's great is you don't mind talking about it. |
這真是太神奇了,在我跟艾瑞克分手的 這一天,我就遇見了你 | It is so amazing that I met you on the same day that Eric broke up with me.. |
這就是,失去一個男朋友 又得到一個男朋友 | because it's like,you lose a boyfriend,and you get a boyfriend. |
你不用擔心,這不是替補療傷法 我已經完全不愛艾瑞克了 | No,don't worry. This is not some rebound thing. I am totally over Eric. |
挑的真好,羅斯 | Good choice,Ross. |
嘿,嗨,你在家 | Hey. Hi. There you are. |
-我到處在找你 -嗨,我在家 | - I've been looking for you everywhere. - Hello. Well,here I am. |
我媽到九點才會把孩子帶過來 | My mom is not bringing the baby back until 9:00. |
所以我希望,我們可以有機會來… | So I was hoping you and I could have a chance to kind of.. |
-有人在這裡嗎? -是的,是蜜雪兒 | - Somebody here? - Oh,yeah. That's Michelle. |
-誰? -喔,是我最近在約會的女生 | - Who? - Oh,just this woman I've been seeing. |
-你有在約會? -是啊,我沒有提過嗎? | - You've been seeing someone? - Yeah,didn't I mention that? |
我是說,我們並沒有約會很久 | I mean,we haven't been going out too long.. |
但是我們之間有很奇妙的感情 | but there's this amazing connection between us. |
而且就在你進來之前 她才說我是她男朋友 | I mean,in fact just before you came in,she called me her boyfriend. |
我是覺得有點太快,但是覺得也不錯 | I thought it was a little too soon,but also,it felt kind of nice. |
你為什麼要用青黴素呢? | What are you taking amoxicillin for? |
真是太棒了,你已經可以自在的… | How great is this? You're already comfortable enough.. |
偷看我的東西了 | to look through my stuff. |
很抱歉,蜜雪兒 這位是我室友,瑞秋 | I'm sorry,Michelle,this is my roommate,Rachel. |
而且我也是艾瑪的母親 | And I'm also Emma's mother. |
-艾瑪是誰呢? -我跟你說過,是我的女兒 | - Who's Emma? - I told you about my daughter. |
這位是你女兒? | This is your daughter? |
我可以當你的新媽媽喔 | I could be your new mommy. |
好了 | And done. |
我的天 | Oh,my God. |
我根本都沒感覺 嘿,你還在找工作嗎? | I didn't feel a thing. Hey,are you still looking for a job? |
你比那個美容廳的臭娘們會拔多了 | Because you could tweeze circles around that sadistic bitch at the salon. |
-謝謝,想要看看嗎? -好啊 | - Thanks. Wanna see what it looks like? - Yeah. |
對稱了,很好看耶 | They totally match. They look great. |
看起來真棒,你好嗎? | They look great. How you doing? |
是啊,我覺得看起來挺不錯的 我本來有點擔心會… | Yeah,I think it looks pretty good. I was a little worried I was.. |
讓這上面的胎記露出來 | uncovering a birthmark right about there.. |
但原來那只是一點巧克力渣 | but it turned out to be a little piece of chocolate. |
-錢德,真是感謝你 -不用客氣 | - Chandler,thank you so much. - No problem. |
聽著,我們剛花了一小時做女人的事 | Listen,that was a pretty girlie hour we just spent. |
我們應該做一些男人的事來彌補 | We should do something manly to make up for it. |
是啊 | Yeah. |
-把睫毛夾一下 -好啊! | - Curl my eyelashes. - Yeah! |
下一首歌我想唱比較輕快的,好嗎? | For my next song,I think I'll sing something a little more upbeat,all right? |
唱龐特姐妹的“我很興奮”怎樣呢? | How about the Pointer Sisters' "I'm So Excited"? |
彈得活潑一點哦 | And make it bouncy. |
嗯,你自己就可以辦得到了 | Well,you can probably take care of that on your end. |
很抱歉我遲到了,等一下你看到喬伊 就知道為什麼了 | I'm sorry I'm late. You'll understand when you see Joey. |
親愛的,你正好趕上 我正要唱另一首歌 | Honey,you're just in time. I'm about to sing another song. |
-真的?在所有人面前嗎? -而且他們很喜歡我 | - Really? In front of all these people? - And they love me. |
-我的天 -她給的正是他們想要的 | - Oh,my God. - She gives the people what they want. |
好的,看著 | All right,watch. |
那是我老婆的乳頭嗎? | Are those my wife's nipples? |
真是好玩,我之前怎麼沒有注意到? 要不然我不會讓她上去的 | Isn't that funny? I didn't see that before. I wouldn't have let her go up again. |
我必須要制止她 | I've gotta stop this. |
管他的,他們還是愛我 | Who cares? They still love me. |
你,在自摸!出去! | You,touching yourself! Out! |
哇!她這麼常上廁所 | Wow! She does that a lot. |
羅斯,你沒有告訴我你是博士 | Ross,you didn't tell me you were a doctor. |
等一下,你還沒有告訴她 你是博士? | Wait a minute. You haven't even told her you are a doctor yet? |
你認識她多久呢?一個小時嗎? | How long have you known her,like an hour? |
事實上是一個小時半 | Actually,about an hour and a half. |
我告訴過你了時間不長,但是我們之間有 很奇妙的感覺 | I told you it wasn't long,but there's an amazing connection between us. |
你也有感覺到嗎? | You feel that too? |
-我以為只是我單方面而已 -你開玩笑嗎? | - I thought that that was just me. - Are you kidding? |
-你想要這週末一起去度假嗎? -再說 | - Do you wanna go away this weekend? - We'll see. |
羅斯,這是怎麼回事呢? | Ross,what's going on here? |
我們現在是可以帶陌生女人回家了嗎? | Are we just bringing strange women back to the apartment now? |
我不知道,我們現在是可以 在陽臺上親吻男人了嗎? | I don't know. Are we just kissing guys on balconies? |
-你怎麼會知道呢? -我有神奇之眼 | - How do you know about that? - Through the magic of sight. |
-我在這裡,把我們的女兒哄睡 -艾瑪 | - I was here,putting our child to sleep.. - Emma. |
當我從窗戶看過去 就看到你在親一個男的 | When I looked through the window and saw you kissing a guy.. |
一個你認識有多久的男生,一星期嗎? | you've known for what,a week? |
天啊,這就是原因嗎? 你帶她回來報復我嗎? | God,is that what this is all about? You bring her up here to get back at me? |
不,事實上是我要上廁所 而我又不能上公共廁所 | No,actually,see,I had to pee because I can't use public bathrooms.. |
-因為有寄生蟲 -好了,蜜雪兒,你該走了 | - because of the doody parasites. - Okay,Michelle,it's time to go. |
-那,打電話給我 -好的 | - Well,call me. - Okay. |
等等,你沒有我的電話 | Wait,you don't have my phone number. |
你知道嗎?如果是命中註定 我會猜到的 | You know what? If it's meant to be,I'll guess it. |
再見 | Bye-bye. |
高招 | Score. |
你不喜歡她嗎? 我還希望我們可以… | Did you not like her? Because I was hoping we could come.. |
去參加你的陽臺親吻派對 | to your kissing parties on the balcony. |
我不敢相信你竟然小題大作 只不過是一個吻! | I can't believe you are making a big deal about this. It was one kiss! |
-跟一個人,一次而已! -喔,真的嗎? | - One guy. One time! - Oh,really? |
-是啊 -喔,真的? | - Yeah. - Oh,really? |
喔,真的 | Oh,yeah. |
-那個酒吧認識的男的呢? -誰? | - What about the guy from the bar? - Who? |
你給他電話號碼的那一個 | The guy you gave your number to. |
-你是怎麼知道的? -因為他打來找你 | - How do you know about that? - Because he called here looking for you. |
所以別跟我說,你親這個男同事 只是一次而已 | So don't tell me kissing this guy from work is a one-time thing. |
因為你又在酒吧,又在陽臺上… | Because you've been out there in bars and on balconies.. |
已經一個多月了 而你根本就沒有禮貌性地告訴我 | for over a month now. And you don't even have the courtesy to tell me. |
-為什麼我沒有拿到留言? -什麼? | - Why didn't I get that message? - What? |
那個酒吧的男的留言? 為什麼我沒有拿到留言? | From the guy in the bar? Why didn't I get that message? |
因為我折起來放到褲子口袋裡了 | Because I folded it up and put it in my pants pocket. |
你沒有去找過嗎? | Do you not look there? |
羅斯 | Ross. |
我沒有拿給你 | I never gave it to you. |
為什麼? | Why? |
-我不知道 -天啊,你知道嗎?我不… | - I don't know. - Oh,God,you know what? I don't.. |
你以為你是誰呢?誰讓你有權決定… | Who do you think you are? Who are you to decide.. |
什麼留言我該收或是不該? | what messages I should or should not get?! |
我是誰?我是那個照顧我們孩子的人 | Who am I? I'm the guy who's taking care of our baby.. |
-而你卻在酒吧跟男人混! -我真不敢相信 | - while you're at bars meeting guys! - I cannot believe you. |
我回來希望能夠 跟你成熟的談談我們之間 | I actually came in here hoping to have a mature conversation with you about us. |
但是我不能跟會藏我留言 還會帶瘋女人… | But I can't do that with someone who hides my messages.. |
回我公寓的人談! | and brings crazy women back to my apartment! |
嘿,正常的人沒有一個要跟我回來! | Hey,none of the sane ones wanted to come back with me! |
這不是重點好嗎?重點是… | That's not the point,okay? The point is.. |
是你拋下我們的過去,而你卻沒有說 | you are the one who moved on and didn't tell anyone. |
天啊,羅斯,這真是糟透了 | Oh,God,Ross,this is just so messed up. |
我們是怎麼了? 當大家知道我們的情況都會問… | What is wrong with us? When people hear about our situation,they ask: |
你們住在一起,不是一對 但是你們又有小孩?… | "You live together,but you're not a couple,yet you have a baby? |
不是很奇怪嗎?我會說 不會,我們都沒問題 | Isn't that weird?" And I say,"No. It's not,because it works for us." |
但是你知道嗎?是有問題的 | But you know what? This doesn't work. |
-事實上,還正好相反咧 -的確如此 | - In fact,this is the opposite of working. - Clearly. |
你也知道 | And you know.. |
我們有說過只要一切沒問題 我們就會一直住在一起 | we said that we would live together as long as this makes sense.. |
然而,或許一切不再是沒問題了 | and maybe this just doesn't make sense anymore. |
是啊,或許不再是了 | Yeah,maybe not. |
那你想要怎樣呢? | So,what do you wanna do? |
嗨 | Hi. |
我跟艾瑪可以過來住一陣子嗎? | Can Emma and I live here for a while? |
天啊 | God. |
-當然可以 -謝謝你 | - Of course. - Thank you. |
你的眉毛很奇怪 | Your eyebrows look weird. |
所以不管怎樣,你都會自摸啦 | So you'll just touch yourself for anything,then? |
-室友早! -嘿! | - Morning,roomie. - Hey! |
今天早上你記得穿上衣服了 | You remembered to put clothes on this morning. |
第五天終於記得了 | Fifth day's a charm. |
能夠搬回來真好 你幫了我跟艾瑪一個大忙 | It's so great to be back here. You're making it so easy on me and Emma. |
你能夠搬回來也真好 你要待多久就待多久 | It's great having you back. Stay as long as you want. |
她是什麼時候才不會哭一整晚呢? | And when does she stop crying all night? |
嘿!你沒有光著屁股 | Hey! You're not naked. |
瑞秋,你今晚什麼時候會回來? | Rach,when will we expect to see you tonight? |
大概六點吧,她在房間裡 已經準備好了 | Probably around 6. But she's in the bedroom,all ready to go. |
她又睡著了,所以… | But she fell back to sleep,so.. |
可能是因昨晚美妙的哭聲而累壞了 | She's probably exhausted from all that adorable screaming she did last night. |
-再見 -再見 | - Bye. - Bye. |
嘿,我希望艾瑪沒有帶來太多麻煩 | Hey,I hope Emma isn't making it too hard on you. |
沒,嘿,一切都很好 | No,hey,it's been great. |
我只想讓你知道,雖然瑞秋住在這邊 | I just want you to know that with Rachel staying here.. |
但是我之前對她的感覺早就已經沒了 | all my feelings from before are totally over. |
即使本來還有… | And even if they weren't.. |
當你看到一個女人用吸奶器… | when you walk in on a woman using a breast pump.. |
-是啊,沒錯 -哇! | - Yeah,that'll do it. - Wow! |
那你怎樣呢? | So how are you? |
-不錯啊 -真的嗎? | - I'm okay. - Really? |
當然,我有沒有希望過 和瑞秋快樂地住在一起? | Sure. I mean,do I wish me and Rachel living together would have worked out? |
當然有,你知道的,我是有點失望 但是這又不像是離婚 | Of course. You know,I'm disappointed,but it's not like it's a divorce. |
-嗯,事實上這… -這不是離婚,這不是離婚! | - Well,actually it.. - It's not a divorce. It is not a divorce! |
反正我認為我跟瑞秋 應該要過自己的生活 | Anyway,I think Rachel and I need to get on with our lives. |
或許開始跟其他人交往 | Maybe start seeing other people. |
哇,真的嗎? | Wow. Really? |
當然,為何不呢? 事實上,你有認識適合我的人嗎? | Sure,why not? In fact,if you know anyone that'd be good for me..? |
-當然,我認識很多女生 -腦海中有浮現任何名字嗎? | - Sure. I know lots of girls. - Any names come to mind? |
名字? | Names? |
盲目的相親 | The.One.With.The.Blind.Dates |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-我才正要吃點東西,你要嗎? -你有什麼呢? | - I was about to eat. Want something? - What you got? |
好的,讓我看看,我們有豆子泥 胡蘿蔔泥… | Okay,let's see,we got strained peas,strained carrots.. |
梅子泥 我們還沒有試過這個! | strained plums. We haven't tried that yet! |
好棒! | Goody! |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
跟瑞秋再住一起如何呢? | So how is it living with Rachel again? |
我是說,除了有很多好吃的之外? | I mean,apart from the great food? |
很好,很好,只是… | I'm fine,I'm fine. It's just.. |
她跟羅斯之間真的是很詭異 | It's just weird what's happening with her and Ross. |
昨天他要我介紹女生給他 | Yesterday he asked me to fix him up with somebody. |
瑞秋也問我有沒有男生可以介紹給她 | Rachel asked me if I knew anyone for her too. |
-他們為什麼要這樣呢? -不知道 | - Why are they doing this? - I don't know. |
他們彼此再適合不過了,真是神經 | They're so perfect for each other. It's crazy. |
你知道什麼才神經?這些罐子? 才兩口就沒了? | You know what's crazy? These jars.What is there,like,two bites in here? |
我只希望他們可以發現 彼此是適合在一起的 | I just wish they'd realize they should be together. |
當他們一起住時… | When they moved in together, |
-我以為事情就解決了 -他們應該是一家人 | I figured that's where things were headed.They should be a family. |
-結婚生更多的小孩 -是啊,而且該把其中一個取名叫喬伊 | They should marry and have more children.Yes. And they should name one of their kids Joey. |
我或許不會有小孩 | I may not have kids. |
總是要有人幫我傳承家族姓氏吧 | Someone's gotta carry on the family name. |
你知道嗎?或許他們一旦開始 跟別人約會,知道別人是怎樣的… | You know what? Maybe once they start dating and see what's out there.. |
他們就會發現彼此是多麼適合 | they'll realize how good they are for each other. |
是啊,因為他倆真是絕配啊 | Yeah,because it is slim pickings. |
我昨晚約會的女生遭透了,討厭! | I had this date last night. Yuck! |
但是應該要說小聲一點 她還在房間裡面 | But we should probably keep it down,she's still in the bedroom. |
那我們該怎麼做呢? 我們要幫他們介紹人嗎? | So,what are we gonna do? Are we just gonna set them up with people? |
我知道,這樣只會使他們漸行漸遠 | I know,that just pushes them further and further apart. |
我知道要怎麼做了 我們可以幫羅斯跟瑞秋介紹可怕的人 | I know what we can do. We could set Ross and Rachel up on horrible dates.. |
讓他們發覺彼此是很好的 | so they'll realize how good they are together. |
-真是好計畫 -是啊 | - That's a great plan. - Yeah. |
你知道最棒的是什麼嗎? 我可以來個計畫成功之笑 | You know what the best part of it is? I get to do my plan laugh. |
好了,噓!不要那麼大聲 不要吵醒… | Okay,shh! Not so loud. We don't want to wake up.. |
嗨,你們今晚沒有計劃,對嗎? | Hi. You guys aren't doing anything tonight,are you? |
為什麼你那樣以為呢? 就因為我們已經結婚了嗎? | See,now,why would you assume that? Just because we're married? |
我是說,我要讓你知道 我們是非常時髦好玩的人 | I mean,I will have you know that we are very hip,happening people. |
現在不好意思,我要繼續看報上的死亡新聞了 | Now if you'll excuse me,I have to get back to reading the obituaries. |
我會問是因為 今晚我需要有人幫我帶艾瑪 | I was just asking because I need someone to watch Emma tonight. |
我們當然可以,你要做什麼呢? | Sure we'll do it. What are you up to? |
-嗯,菲比幫我安排了一個約會 -喔,我的天 | - Well,Phoebe set me up on a date. - Oh,my God. |
-為什麼?有什麼不對嗎? -我以為你跟羅斯是… | - Why? What's the big deal? - I figured because you and Ross are.. |
是怎樣?一年半前上過床嗎? 是啊,那我就全搞定了 | What? Slept together a year and a half ago? Yeah,I'm all set. |
我認為你能夠去約會是件好事 聽起來很健康 | I think it's great you're going on a date. It sounds healthy. |
我是說你有你的需要 面對你的女性特質吧 | I mean,you have needs. Embrace your womanhood. |
你要找工作嗎?關掉奧普拉脫口秀 然後去寄履歷表 | You want a job? Turn off Oprah and send out a resume. |
-我七點左右帶她過來好嗎? -太棒了 | - I'll bring her by around 7,okay? - That's perfect. |
你們會很開心的 她現在正是可愛的時候 | You guys are gonna have so much fun. She's at such a cute age. |
有幾件事,現在她會吃固體食物了 所以會按時排便 | A couple things. Now that she eats solid food,she poops around the clock. |
還有小心你的頭髮,因為她喜歡抓 | And watch out for your hair because she likes to grab it. |
這時期的她還會在你離開房間的時候大叫,但是… | She's also in this phase where if you leave the room,she screams,but.. |
謝謝你們,祝你們玩的開心 | Thanks,you guys. Have fun. |
突然間,我希望自己的名字在上面 | Suddenly I wish I was reading my own name. |
喬伊,嘿,我好興奮 | Joey,hey. I'm so excited. |
-我幫瑞秋約了一個最糟糕的男生 -好的,是誰呢? | - I set Rachel up with the worst guy. - All right. Who is he? |
是我曾經按摩過的一個男的 而“按摩”時… | It's a guy I used to massage. By "massage".. |
我得按住他 讓他不能轉身沖我露出來 | I mean hold down so he wouldn't turn over and flash me. |
-等你聽聽我介紹誰給羅斯再說吧 -喔,好啊 | - Wait till you hear who I got for Ross. - Oh,yeah. |
她真是個很無趣的女人 她是個老師 | Okay. She's this really boring woman. She's a teacher. |
-老師? -她喜歡歷史跟外國影片 | - A teacher? - She's into history and foreign movies. |
而且她喜歡猜謎遊戲 | And she loves puzzles. |
拜託,誰會喜歡猜謎遊戲呢? | Come on,who loves puzzles? |
嗯,羅斯喜歡啊 | Well,Ross does. |
你毀了計畫了! | You're ruining the plan! |
喬伊,你把他的天生另一半介紹給他了 | Joey,you fixed him up with his perfect woman. |
-我的天,你說的沒錯! -是啊 | - Oh,my God,you're right! - Yeah. |
她甚至還喜歡讀書! | She even reads for pleasure! |
-你怎麼會認識那種女人呢? -我不能認識聰明的女人嗎? | - How do you know a woman like that? - I'm not allowed to know smart women? |
-喬伊? -在圖書館,我進去上廁所時認識的 | - Joey? - We met at the library. I went in to pee. |
-那我們現在該怎麼辦呢? -嗯,好吧 | - So now what do we do? - Well,okay. |
我打電話跟她說取消 然後再找別人 | I'll call her and tell her the date's canceled and find him somebody else. |
要是我們找不到別人呢? 我們只要跟她說約會取消了… | What if we don't find him somebody else? We'll just tell her the date's off.. |
但是不要跟羅斯說 他會去餐廳等,然後被放鴿子 | but we don't tell Ross. He'll go to the restaurant and get stood up. |
真是太壞心了 | I hear that's bad. |
太棒了,瑞秋會有個很糟糕的約會 | So this is great. Rachel's gonna have a terrible date.. |
羅斯被放鴿子,然後他們會發現 對方才是最好的 | Ross gets stood up,and then they'll realize how good they have it together. |
是的,好計畫 | Yes,the plan. |
這不是聖誕老公公的計畫 | It's not Santa's plan. |
不,這是… | No,it's.. |
-你知道嗎?不太好玩了 -是不好玩,我們弄僵了 | - Yeah,you know,it's not that fun. - No,I think we killed it. |
艾瑪?艾瑪?瞧瞧我! | Emma? Emma,look at me! |
嗯,我想我要下樓一下子 | Well,I think I'll go downstairs for a while. |
不!沒關係!沒關係!我沒有去! | No,no,no! It's okay! It's okay! I didn't go! |
別哭,我是開玩笑的 | Don't cry,it's just a bit! |
我是你的錢德姑丈,我只會搞笑啊! | I'm your Uncle Chandler. Funny is all I have! |
好了,讓你知道一下 我從明天開始到六號都在排卵 | Okay,just so you know,I'm gonna be ovulating from tomorrow until the 6th. |
所以接下來的四十八小時 你可別自慰 | So don't touch yourself for the next 48 hours. |
我不自慰的 | I don't do that. |
我會試著克制自己 | I'll try to stop. |
-你是說到六號嗎? -是啊 | - Did you say until the 6th? - Yeah. |
今天就是六號 | Today is the 6th. |
不,不是 | No,it's not. |
是的,而且是2003年 | Yes,it's also 2003. |
我的天,今天是六號? | Oh,my God. Today's the 6th? |
我可能已經排完了! | I may be done ovulating! |
我在餐廳做的肉類 或許都很有問題 | I may have also served some very questionable meat at the restaurant. |
-去做測試,看是不是還好 -好的 | - Go take the test,see if we're okay. - Okay. |
定力不錯啊 | Tough crib. |
嘿,我其他的排卵測試劑呢? 只剩下一個了 | Hey,where are all my ovulation sticks? There's only one here. |
我可能拿了幾個測試看 我是不是有排卵 | I might have checked to see if I was ovulating a couple times. |
我沒有工作,沒事做很痛苦的 | I'm not working! There's not much to do around here! |
(德莫尼可餐廳) | |
抱歉,還需要麵包嗎? | Sorry. You want a roll with that? |
不好意思 | Excuse me. |
有沒有一個女人在吧台那邊等人呢? | Is there a woman waiting at the bar? |
不高不矮,黑髮? 可能在玩猜謎遊戲? | Someone average height,dark hair? Or perhaps doing a puzzle? |
是有個喝醉的中國人 | There's a drunk Chinese guy. |
嗯,如果我一小時之後還在這裡 幫我請他喝一杯 | Well,if I'm still here in an hour,buy him a drink on me. |
您要不要再點一杯酒呢? | Can I get you another glass of wine? |
我不知道應不應該 不想喝到醉醺醺的,然後… | I don't know if I should. I don't want to be drunk when I.. |
今晚獨自回家 | go home alone tonight. |
-被放鴿子了,是嗎? -沒有什麼,只不過是跟陌生人約會 | - Got stood up,huh? - It's no big deal. It's just a blind date. |
你擔心那個女的一來 看到你就走了嗎? | Are you worried your date came,saw you and left? |
不! | No! |
還好,我還在排卵 | We're okay. I'm still ovulating. |
很好,因為今天下午四點的時候 我沒有在排卵 | Oh,good,because as of 4:00 this afternoon,I am not. |
那我們來進行吧 | So let's do this. |
-我想我沒辦法 -喔,別這樣 | - I don't think I can. - Oh,come on. |
我知道你不是十八歲了 但是給它一點時間啊 | I know you're not 18 anymore,but give it a minute. |
-因為艾瑪的原因 -天啊,艾瑪 | - Because of Emma. - Oh,my God,Emma. |
親愛的,我忘記你在這裡了 | Oh,sweetie,I forgot you were here. |
你是對的,我們不能這樣做 我們不能單獨留她在這裡 | You're right,we can't do this. We can't leave her alone. |
對不起 | Sorry. |
除非… | Unless.. |
或許我們可以在這裡做 | maybe we do it here. |
我是說,她這個年紀懂什麼呢? | I mean,how much can she even be aware of at this age? |
我們離開房間她都知道 或許她也會注意到我們… | She's aware when we leave a room. She may notice if we start.. |
在親熱 | canoodling in it. |
-親熱? -嗯,我總不能在一個娃娃面前說… | - Canoodling? - Well,I can't say hump or screw.. |
做愛或是上床吧 | in front of the B-A-B-Y. |
我不知道,我想在嬰兒面前做愛… | I don't know,I guess having sex in front of a baby.. |
-不是很… -可怕?嚇人? | - isn't so.. - Horrifying? Scarring? |
沒有人因此而坐牢? | Something people go to jail for? |
-我想你說的對 -你想? | - I guess you're right. - You guess? |
住在旅館的時候,我們沒做愛… | At that bed-and-breakfast,we didn't have sex.. |
因為你認為有只鹿站在窗外看 | because you thought a deer was staring through the window. |
什麼樣變態的人 想要在一隻鹿面前做愛呢? | Well,what kind of a sick bastard wants to do it in front of a deer? |
哇,每樣東西看起來都很好吃 | Wow,everything looks so good. |
我想我要點雞肉 | I think I'm gonna have the chicken. |
強·洛維茲(知名主持人) | Jon Lovitz |
我必須要這麼說 | I just have to say this. |
-你真的很漂亮 -哇,這真是貼心,謝謝你 | - You're really beautiful. - Wow,that's very sweet. Thank you. |
我長得有點好笑 | I'm kind of funny-looking. |
-什麼? -聽著,我是說少來了 | - What? - Look,I mean,come on.. |
你不是我可以高攀的起的 這裡每個人都看得出來 | you're way out of my league. Everybody in here knows it. |
我敢說那邊那個男的 可能在想… | I bet that guy over there is probably saying: |
“為什麼她會跟他出來呢? 他一定是很有錢” | "Why's she out with him? He must be rich." |
可是,我並不有錢 | Well,I'm not. |
好吧 | Okay. |
嗯,那我想,算是他的問題好了 | Well,I guess,then the joke's on him. |
你想要點什麼呢? 我真的很期待他們的雞肉 | What do you think you want to order? I'm real excited about that chicken. |
我也不風趣 | I'm not funny,either. |
所以如果你是在想 嗯,他倒是不太好看… | So if you were thinking,"Well,he's not that good-looking.. |
但是也許他很幽默 那你就錯了 | but maybe we'll have some laughs," that ain't gonna happen. |
別這樣,史提夫 我們不要讓彼此尷尬 | Well,come on,Steve,let's not rule out nervous laughter. |
所以現在,我想我們應該點餐了 | So,now,I think that we should order.. |
然後用餐,然後再離開 | and then eat,and then leave. |
我一身是病 | I have a lot of medical problems. |
嘿,等等,菲比告訴我… | Hey,now,wait a minute,Phoebe told me.. |
你是自己開餐廳的,真是了不起 | that you owned your own restaurant. That's impressive. |
我因為吸毒把餐廳賣掉了 | I lost it to drugs. |
我現在做絹印T恤 | I silk-screen T-shirts now. |
真的?做得怎樣呢? | Really? What's that like? |
做你痛恨的工作、又賺不到錢 真是非常充實啊! | It's really fulfilling doing something you hate for no money. |
沒錯,我沒有錢,又不風趣 | That's right. I have no money,I'm not funny.. |
住在一間沒有隔間的公寓 跟兩個男的一起生活 | I live in a studio apartment with two other guys. |
而且我很確定,我有不孕症 | And I'm pretty sure I'm infertile. |
別這樣,別這樣,史提夫 | Now,come on. Come on,Steve. |
你一定有什麼自己喜歡的地方 | There must be something that you like about yourself. |
我是挺喜歡我的頭髮的 | I do like my hair. |
真的嗎? | Really? |
(中央咖啡廳) | |
-嗨? -菲比,是我 | - Hello? - Phoebe,it's me! |
我一定要追殺你、把你給剁了 | I'm going to hunt you down and kill you. |
嘿,瑞秋 | Hey,Rach! |
這真是史上最爛的約會! 你怎麼可以介紹這個怪人給我呢? | This is the worst date ever! How could you set me up with this creep? |
你是在批評我最要好的朋友耶 | You know,you are talking about one of my dear,dear friends. |
我不在乎,這個人是個惡夢 | I don't care. This guy is a nightmare. |
好了,他只不過在 吸毒的時候才有點失常 | All right,so he gets a little crazy when he's stoned. |
-他沒吸毒 -他有出去抽煙嗎? | - He's not stoned. - Did he go out for a cigarette? |
-有啊,四次 -我親愛的甜心瑞秋 | - Yeah. Four times. - My dear,sweet Rach. |
我們的計畫奏效了 瑞秋現在很悲慘 | Well,our plan is working. Rachel's having a miserable time.. |
而羅斯正一個人在某家餐廳呆坐 被放鴿子了 | and Ross is stood up somewhere at a restaurant all alone. |
他們很快就會複合了 | Pretty soon they'll be back together. |
等到大家發現我們做的好事時 我們早就在陽光普照的墨西哥了(《肖申克的救贖》的臺詞) | By the time anyone's figured out what we've done,we'll be in sunny Mexico. |
喔,等等,那是另一個計畫的結局 | Oh,wait,that's the end of a different plan. |
她睡著了,錢德? | She's asleep. Chandler? |
-你在做什麼呢? -艾瑪也都這樣做啊 | - What are you doing? - Emma was doing it. |
她睡著了 | She's asleep. |
-她睡了,表示我們可以… -是的,但是我們必須要動作快 | - She's asleep. That means we can.. - Yes. But we have to be fast. |
喔,好的,我儘量 | Oh,okay,I'll try. |
-而你不能發出任何聲音 -好啦,我儘量 | - And you can't make any noise. - Okay,I'll try. |
嗨? | Hello? |
艾瑪? | Emma? |
嘿!嗨! | Hey! Hi! |
你好嗎?你好嗎? | How are you? How are you? |
你的保姆們呢? | Where are your babysitters,huh? |
為什麼房間的門是關著的呢? | Why is the bedroom door closed? |
在照顧小孩的時候是不能××的 | You can't have S-E-X when you're taking care of a B-A-B-I-E. |
我有個壞消息,那個中國人走了 | I've got bad news. The Chinese guy left. |
如果不是命中註定,就不是命中註定 | If it was meant to be,it's meant to be. |
聽著,就算是被放鴿子又如何呢? | Look,you got stood up. Who cares? |
我們會好好招待你,你好好坐著享受 | We're gonna show you a good time. Sit and relax. |
事實上,讓我免費招待您 蟹肉餅當開胃菜 | In fact,let me bring you a crab-cake appetizer on the house. |
哇,免費的蟹肉餅嗎?真是周到 | Wow,free crab cakes? Well,that's nice. |
雖然我本來希望今晚可以做愛的 | Although I was hoping to have sex tonight. |
只要蟹肉餅就行了 | Just the crab cakes. |
你在做什麼?要把他留下來嗎? 你不可以那樣 | What are you doing? Are you trying to get him to stay? You can't do that. |
-不要多管閒事好嗎? -很抱歉,這是怎麼回事? | - Just get out of here,okay? - I'm sorry,what's going on? |
服務生們都在打賭 | Okay,the waiters have a little pool going. |
賭你會等多久才會放棄 回家去 | We have a bet on how long it'll take before you give up and go home. |
什麼! | What?! |
你們拿我的悲慘境遇來贏錢? | You're making money off my misery? |
嗯,如果你待到九點二十分,我就贏了 | Well,if you stay till 9:20,I am. |
太離譜了,我從未被如此羞辱過 | This is unbelievable. I have never been so insulted in my life. |
現在如果你幫我把蟹肉餅打包 我就馬上離開 | Now,if you'll wrap up my free crab cakes,I'll be on my way. |
真是奇怪,你倒是很大聲 我倒是挺快的 | Well,that was weird. You were loud and I was fast. |
我想我們這一次可能會成功 | I think we may have really done it this time. |
我希望我不用等到作驗孕測試 | I wish I didn't have to wait to take a pregnancy test. |
你可能需要再多買一些 | You may want to get some more of those too. |
艾瑪呢? | Where's Emma? |
我的天,艾瑪呢?艾瑪呢? | Oh,my God,where's Emma? Where's Emma? |
別問我,我跟你在裡面親熱 | Don't ask me. I was in there canoodling you. |
好吧,我想應該是瑞秋提早回來 把艾瑪帶回去了 | Okay. Okay. I'm sure that Rachel came home early and picked up Emma. |
你去對面看看,我來打電話給她 | You go look across the hall,and I'll call her cell. |
你最好祈禱我有懷孕 | You better hope we're pregnant.. |
因為無論如何 我們得要有個嬰兒可以還給瑞秋! | because one way or another,we're giving a baby back to Rachel! |
我不敢相信我在你面前哭泣 | I can't believe I'm crying in front of you. |
你一定覺得我很可悲 | You must think I'm so pathetic. |
不、不、不,我欣賞會哭的男人 | No,no,no,I admire a man who can cry. |
-真的? -別碰我的外套 | - Really? - Don't touch my coat. |
對不起,我有電話 | Sorry,that's my phone. |
-嗨? -嘿,瑞秋,進行的怎樣呢? | - Hello? - Hey,Rach,how's it going? |
我的天,這是我有過最爛的約會了 | Oh,my God,this is the worst date ever. |
喔,拜託 | Oh,come on. |
聽著,我很抱歉,但是你真的認為 一切進行的很順利嗎? | Look,you know what,I'm sorry,but did you really think that this was going well? |
-怎麼了? -嘿,你有來過嗎? | - What's up? - Hey,did you stop by here? |
-沒有 -喔,我的天,那… | - No. - Oh,my God! Then.. |
感謝上帝!艾瑪 原來你在這裡! | Thank God! Emma,there you are! |
什麼?“原來你在這裡?” 是什麼意思,她在哪裡? | What? What do you mean,"there you are"? Where was she? |
我們在玩躲貓貓 她愛死我的戲劇性演出了 | We were playing peekaboo. She loves it when I'm dramatic. |
-你為什麼要帶走她呢? -因為你們兩個在做愛! | - Why the hell did you take her? - Because you two were having sex! |
-不,我們沒有 -別對我說謊 | - No,we weren't. - Don't you lie to me. |
我從錢德的頭髮就可以看出來 你真懶,你就不能有一次在上面嗎? | I can tell by Chandler's hair. You are so lazy. Can't you get on top for once? |
好啦,好啦,我們是在做愛 | All right. All right,we were. |
我們是要努力懷孕,莫妮卡正在排卵 | We're trying to make a baby. Monica's ovulating. |
我今天下午測自己的時候都沒有呢 | Which is more than I can say for myself as of 2:00 today. |
你們…你們… | Guys! |
說真的,那些測試棒很貴的! | Seriously,those sticks are expensive! |
有艾瑪在這裡 你們就不能在裡面做愛 | It's unacceptable that you'd have sex with Emma in the next room. |
-我必須要告訴瑞秋這件事 -拜託不要,她會殺了我們的 | - I'll have to tell Rachel about this. - Please don't. She will kill us. |
嘿,我一定要,除非… | Hey,I gotta. Unless.. |
除非怎樣? | Unless what? |
除非你們把第一個小孩取名叫喬伊 | Unless you name your first-born child Joey. |
-什麼?為什麼? -嘿,我可能永遠都不會有小孩 | - What? Why? - Hey,I may never have kids.. |
總是要有人幫我延續家族姓氏吧 | and somebody's gotta carry on my family name. |
你姓崔比亞尼 | Your family name is Tribbiani. |
你差點就騙過我了 | You almost had me. |
聽著… | Look.. |
我想我知道這個問題的答案,但是… | I think I know the answer to this question,but.. |
你想要跟我做愛嗎? | would you like to make love to me? |
真的,真的不想 | Really,really not. |
只不過是問問 | It's just as well. |
看來不起作用 | It doesn't work anyway. |
好的,那就這樣,晚安,史提夫 | All right,well,that's good to know. Good night,Steve. |
-嘿,怎麼了? -我剛度過糟糕的一晚 | - Hey,what's wrong? - I just had a rough night. |
要蟹肉餅嗎? | Crab cake? |
發生什麼事了? | Well,what happened? |
跟你聊這件事真的是有點奇怪 但是… | This is kind of weird to talk to you about this,but.. |
莫妮卡跟我說你去約會了 | Monica told me you had a blind date. |
-是啊 -我也是 | - Yeah. - I did too. |
但是如果對方沒有出現 那到底算不算是約會呢? | But is it technically a date if the other person doesn't show up? |
喔,你覺得是她看到你 然後就走了嗎? | Oh,no. Do you think she walked in,saw you and left? |
為什麼大家要一直這樣說呢? | Why does everyone keep saying that? |
我可以讓你好過點 我真希望我的物件沒有出現 | If it makes you feel any better,I wish my date hadn't shown up. |
-那麼糟嗎? -他是做T恤的 | - That bad? - Well,he makes T-shirts for a living.. |
而且他認為送這樣的禮物給我是… | and he thought it would be appropriate to give me.. |
很適當的 | this. |
(聯邦調查局 女性身體檢查官) | |
“女性身體檢查官”? | "Female Body Inspector"? |
這是什麼尺寸的? | What size is that? |
等等,所以他們要把 第一個孩子取名喬伊? | Now wait a minute. So they're gonna name their first child Joey? |
那我要怎樣才能讓他們 把第二個孩子以我的名字取名呢? | How do I get them to name the next one after me? |
很簡單,你只要在 他們做愛時走進去就行了 | It's easy. You just walk in on them having sex. |
喔,所以他們已經欠我三個菲比了 | Oh,so they owe me,like,three Phoebes. |
我的天!瞧,那是羅斯跟瑞秋 | Oh,my God! Look,it's Ross and Rachel! |
計畫奏效了 | The plan is working! |
別再做那個計畫成功之笑了 | Don't do the plan laugh. |
我們幾個月以來的第一次約會 而結果卻這麼慘 | The first dates we've had in months,and they were both such disasters. |
你知道,真是奇怪… | You know,it is weird.. |
菲比幫我安排一個很爛的約會 | that Phoebe would set me up on a date that was awful.. |
而在同一晚,喬伊幫你安排了一個 根本沒有人出現的約會 | on the same night Joey set you up on a date that didn't even show. |
等一下 | Wait a minute. |
你不會認為這是故意的吧 | You don't think it was intentional? |
我是說,這實在太愚蠢了 | I mean,that's just stupid. |
我們真是天才 | We're geniuses. |
-瞧瞧他們!合得不得了 -再度墜入愛河了 | - Look at them! They're really bonding. - They're falling in love all over again. |
喔,他們看到我們了,看起來很生氣 | Oh,they see us. Oh,they look mad. |
他們知道了,他們過來了,快跑! | They figured it out. They're coming. Run! |
-跑去哪? -墨西哥! | - Where? - Mexico! |
誰敢相信她們居然還沒有出現? | Can you believe they're still not here? |
是啊,雙對約會 我們竟然一起被放鴿子 | I know. A double blind date and we both get stood up. |
怎麼可能呢? | What are the chances? |
我知道,我好難過 | I know,I'm so bummed. |
現在可以上免費的蟹肉餅了嗎? | Could we have our free crab cakes now? |
-什麼? -我們被放鴿子了 | - What? - We've been stood up. |
我們想要免費的蟹肉餅 | And we want our free crab cakes. |
-你昨晚才在這裡被放鴿子 -我知道,真是傷心 | - You were stood up here last night. - I know. It hurts. |
一連兩晚被放鴿子,已在我心中留下 像蟹肉餅一樣大的傷口了 | Being stood up two nights in a row has left a crab cake sized hole in my heart. |
你們倆,不用裝了 今晚沒有人在拿你們打賭 | Guys,give it a rest. Nobody's betting on you tonight. |
不過我們倒是有在賭 看那個男的多久才會哭 | Although we do have a pool going to see how long it takes that guy to cry. |
我的手好肥 | I have such fat hands! |
我恨我的小雞雞 | I hate my dick! |
各位!各位! 我有個好消息,猜猜看 | Guys! Guys! I've got great news. Guess what. |
-莫妮卡懷孕了! -真的嗎? | - Monica's pregnant! - Really? |
當我沒說過 | Let's get past the moment. |
-是什麼好消息呢? -謝謝 | - What's your news? - Thank you. |
我找到一個廣告工作了 | I got a job in advertising. |
親愛的,這真是太棒了! | Honey,that's incredible! |
天啊,薪水怎樣呢? | Gosh,what's the pay like? |
喔,你們,別這樣 | Oh,come on,people. |
如果我不知道誰賺最多… | If I don't know who makes the most.. |
我怎麼知道要最喜歡誰呢? 嗨,喬伊 | how do I know who I like the most? Hi,Joey. |
沒有薪水,是實習的工作 | It pays nothing. It's an internship. |
《我們的日子》也有實習生 | We have interns at Days of Our Lives. |
沒錯,所以是一樣的東西 不同的只是不用常跟你上床 | Right. So it'll be the same,except less sex with you. |
你覺得你去那裡要做什麼呢? | What do you think they'll have you do there? |
這只是個訓練課程 但是之後他們會聘請他們喜歡的人 | It's a training program,but they hire the people they like. |
-太棒了! -一定會有些無聊乏味的工作讓人討厭 | - That's great! - There's gonna be some grunt work.. |
一個大男人幫大家端咖啡真是羞辱 | which will stink. A grown man getting people coffee is humiliating. |
羞辱,卻高貴 | Humiliating and noble. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
如果我不是早有工作了 | You know,if I didn't already have a job.. |
我應該會在廣告業做得很好的 | I would've been good in advertising. |
羅斯,“今天喝牛奶了嗎?” 不是你想出來的 | Ross,you did not come up with: "Got Milk?" |
是的,是我想的!是我! | Yes,I did! I did! |
我應該要把它先寫下來的 | I should've written it down. |
打劫 | The.One.With.The.Mugging |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
錢德呢? 我想要祝他第一天上班愉快 | Where's Chandler? I want to wish him good luck on his first day. |
而且我也聞到培根香了 | And I smelled bacon. |
-他才剛走 -誰才剛走? | - He just left. - Who did? |
喬伊,你不會相信的!她打來了! | Joey,you're never gonna believe it! She called! |
-是嗎? -你得到了! | - She did? - You got it! |
-是嗎? -她是在說什麼呢? | - I did? - What is she talking about? |
我不知道,但是聽起來倒是挺棒的! | I don't know,but it sounds great! |
你的經紀人打電話來 你得到試演的機會了! | Your agent called. You got that audition! |
-跟李奧納多海斯嗎? -是的! | - With Leonard Hayes? - Yes! |
我的天啊,太棒了! 這是百老匯的一齣戲 | Oh,my God,that is great! It's for a play on Broadway. |
在一間真的劇院,而不是像上次一樣 是在速食店下面的那種 | And in a real theater. Not that little one underneath the deli like last time. |
-是一出好戲嗎? -肯定是的 | - Is it a good play? - It must be. |
因為我讀了劇本 而且根本連一個字都看不懂! | I read it and didn't understand a single word! |
-李奧納多海斯也會參與演出 -是啊,兼導演 | - Leonard Hayes is starring in it. - Yeah,and directing. |
他在《馬克白》的演出真是精彩 | He was so good in that movie of Macbeth. |
-你有看嗎? -沒有,但是我看了預告 | - You saw that? - No,but I saw the previews. |
他們在《蠢蛋》播出之前有預告 | They played it right before Jackass. |
-他做了些挺好的東西 -喔,是啊 | - He's done some amazing work. - Oh,yeah. |
我喜歡他的電話廣告演出 | I loved him in those phone commercials. |
猴子用巨形塑膠電話打他的臉 | When the monkey hits him in the face with the giant rubber phone.. |
或許猴子也會在試演會上 | Maybe the monkey will be at the audition. |
別讓我再更緊張了! | Don't make me more nervous than I already am! |
-早安 -我可以幫您倒咖啡嗎?先生 | - Good morning. - Can I get you a cup of coffee,sir? |
喔,不,我是實習生 就跟你們一樣 | Oh,no,no. I'm an intern,just like you guys. |
除了這領帶,公事包,還有我已到達 合法年齡可以租車以外 | Except for the tie,the briefcase and the fact that I can rent a car. |
真的?你是實習生? | Seriously,you're an intern? |
我在轉換職業跑道中 得要從基層做起 | I'm heading in a new career direction and you gotta start at the bottom. |
老兄 | Dude. |
我知道我比你們大一些 但不至於像鮑勃·霍普(喜劇演員 2003年辭世)一樣 | I know I'm a little older than you guys,but it's not like I'm Bob Hope. |
喜劇演員,USO(慰問軍隊組織的發起者) | The comedian. USO. |
先生,美國是USA | It's U.S.A.,sir. |
這位是喬伊崔比亞尼 喬伊,這幾位都是製作人 | This is Joey Tribbiani. Joey,these are the producers. |
而你或許早就知道了 這位是李奧納多海斯 | And as you probably already know,this is Leonard Hayes. |
傑夫·高布倫 | Jeff Goldblum |
能夠見到你真是太驚喜了 我是你的超級影迷 | It is so amazing to meet you. I am such a big fan of your work. |
我很幸運能夠演出許多很棒的角色 | I've been blessed with a lot of great roles. |
那倒是沒錯,“不限分鐘 不限時數!” | Tell me about it,huh? "Unlimited nights and weekends!" |
你是在取笑我嗎? 我可不是背叛者 | Are you making fun of me? Because I am not a sellout. |
我不是為錢而做的 我相信他們的電話好用! | I didn't do it for money. I believe in those phones! |
一家很爛的無線電話公司 害我差點失去一個表哥 | I almost lost a cousin because of bad wireless service. |
不,我不是在取笑你 我認為你在廣告裡的演出很棒 | No,I wasn't making fun of you. I think you were great in those commercials. |
-真的? -是的 | - Really? - Yeah. |
嗯,我倒是真的有說服力扮演那角色 | Well,I do bring a certain credibility to the role. |
何止如此 當他們拍攝你從火箭筒沖出來時… | Are you kidding? When they shoot you out of that cannon.. |
“掛掉那個電話!” | "Hang up that phone!" |
-一次就拍成 -哇 | - One take. - Wow. |
-那我們要開始了嗎? -喔,是的,當然 | - So shall we read? - Oh,yeah,sure. |
第二幕開始,我會出場,知道嗎? | Top of Act 2. This is my entrance. You got it? |
你為什麼還愣在這裡? | What the hell are you still doing here? |
-我想你知道 -渾蛋! | - I think you know. - Bastard! |
這都是你造成的 你知道嗎?我現在就可以走 | I am what you made me. You know what? I could go right now. |
-走!走! -我不行 | - Go! Go! - I can't. |
喔,我想要,長暫停… | Oh,I want to,Long Pause.. |
但是我不行 | but I can't. |
很抱歉,但是你不應該說出“長暫停” | So sorry. You're not supposed to say "long pause." |
喔!喔,我以為那是你角色的名字 | Oh! Oh,I thought that was your character's name. You know? |
我以為你可能是印地安人 你知道的,名字都是… | I thought you were,like,an Indian or something,you know,with the.. |
不,謝謝你過來,我們很感激,謝謝 | No. Thank you so much for coming in. We appreciate it. Thank you. |
你不要我再演一次嗎? | You don't want me to do it again? |
-我可以加上口音喔 -不用了 | - I could do an accent. - No. |
你知道的,南方的口音 “我可以現在就走,老兄!”怎樣? | You know,Southern. "l could go right now,mon!" Huh? |
我的老天爺啊 | My God in heaven. |
喬伊,等一下 李奧納多,我們可以跟你談一下嗎? | Joey,hang on. Leonard,can we talk to you for a moment? |
怎樣?你是在開玩笑吧 他根本不會演戲 | Yes? You've got to be kidding. He can't act. |
我不在乎你是不是覺得他很帥 | I don't care if you think he's hot. |
如果你想要跟他上床,隨你便 但是這是一場戲劇表演 | If you want to sleep with him,do it on your own time. This is a play. |
如果你堅持這樣… | If you insist on this.. |
我會馬上打電話給我的經紀人 | I will call my agent so fast.. |
用話質清晰的手機打 讓他以為我人就在隔壁! | on a cell phone connection so clear,he's gonna think I'm next door! |
嗨,謝謝你這麼小聲幫我說話 | Hi,thank you so much for whispering for my benefit. |
跟我說我是哪裡不好 我會改進,然後再表演一次給你看 | Tell me what I did wrong. I'd love to work on it and try it again for you. |
還有,你好嗎? | And also,how you doing? |
再給我一次機會 我真的想要改進,拜託 | Give me another chance. I really want to get better. Please? |
如果你想要明天再回來 | If you want to come back today.. |
-這是我的建議,準備好了嗎? -好了 | - here are my notes. Ready? - Yeah. |
-你在你的腦子裡,想太多了 -我真的很懷疑 | - You're in your head. Thinking too much. - I really doubt that. |
不是,你並沒有跟你的身體做連結 | No,no. It's that you're not connected with anything in your body. |
沒表達出迫切感,這一幕是很掙扎的 | There's no urgency. The scene is a struggle. |
是一種競賽,還有 你的表演是水準的 | It's a race. Also,what you did was horizontal. |
別害怕發掘垂直的情感 | Don't be afraid to explore the vertical. |
而且不要體會那些文字 讓文字體會你 | And don't learn the words. Let the words learn you. |
我不能跟製作人睡一睡就好了嗎? | Couldn't I just sleep with the producer? |
我快不行了,快爆炸了 | I'm gonna blow |
嘿,要不要一起去吃晚餐? | Hey,do you want to go to dinner tonight? |
不行,我要跟那個女服務生凱蒂約會 | I can't. I've got a date with that waitress,Katie. |
我們只有出去過好像兩次 但是我不知道… | I know we've only gone out,like,twice,but I don't know.. |
-我對她的印象很不錯 -喔,我聽到離婚的聲音了 | - I have a good feeling about her. - Oh,I hear divorce bells. |
錢包給我,不然你們就慘了 | Give me your wallets,and there won't be a problem. |
-什麼? -我有槍 | - What? - I have a gun. |
好的,不要怕,菲比 冷靜一點 | Okay,relax,Phoebe. Just stay calm. |
我的天,我找不到錢包! | Oh,my God,I can't find my wallet! |
-好了,女士,該你把皮包給我了 -不要 | - All right,lady,now give me your purse. - No. |
“不要”?你是什麼意思?我就知道 我會死在你手上,菲比布菲! | What do you mean "no"? I knew you'd be my death,Phoebe Buffay! |
-羅威,是你嗎? -菲比? | - Lowell,is that you? - Phoebe? |
-喔,我的天啊! -真不敢相信,我的天啊! | - Oh,my God! - Unbelievable! Oh,my God! |
我很抱歉,羅斯,這是我 街頭的老朋友,羅威 | I'm sorry. Ross,this is my old friend,Lowell,from the streets! |
-羅威,這位是羅斯 -羅斯,很高興認識你 | - Lowell,Ross. - Ross,nice to meet you. |
是啊,真是高興 | Yeah,a real pleasure. |
真是好久了,哇,真久 | It's been so long! Oh,so long. |
-不敢相信你還在幹這行 -我知道,但是我戒煙了 | - I can't believe you're still doing this. - I know. But I quit smoking. |
好極了 | Good for you. |
你看起來好像過得不錯 | You look like you're doing well. |
我猜搶劫的日子對你而言 已經是過去式了 | I guess your mugging days are behind you. |
我的天,菲比 你以前會搶劫人? | Oh,my God. Phoebe,you used to mug people? |
對不起,羅斯 我們老朋友正在敘舊耶 | Excuse me,Ross,old friends catching up. |
-試演進行得如何呢? -他們要我再去,但是… | - How'd the audition go? - They want to see me again,but.. |
李奧納多海斯並不喜歡我 | Leonard Hayes did not like me. |
-怎麼了? -他說我迫切感不夠 | - What happened? - He said I wasn't urgent enough. |
我演的是水準的 應該要垂直一點 | Everything I did was horizontal,and I should be more vertical. |
-他說我應該不要想太多 -喔,目前為止還不錯啊 | - He said that I should think less. - Well,so far so good. |
親愛的,我老了! | Honey,I'm old! |
我不知道你要回家吃午飯 想要來點什麼嗎? | I didn't know you were coming home for lunch.Can I get you anything? |
當然囉,假牙清潔劑… | - Sure,a tube of Polident? |
大人用的紙尿布、維蘭德·斯考特唱的生日快樂歌? | Some Depends?Birthday wishes from Willard Scott. |
怎麼了? | What's wrong? |
我比其他的實習生老太多了 我無法跟他們競爭 | I am so much older than these other interns. I can't compete with them. |
你是年紀比較大一點沒錯 | So you're a little older. |
往好處想,你有更多的生活經歷 | Look at the positive. You have all this life experience. |
是的,但是我不認為生活經歷 可以幫助我這個 | Yes,but I don't think life experience is gonna help me with these. |
哇!它們就像著火了! | Wow! It's like they're on fire! |
-這些是什麼? -樣品鞋 | - What are they? - Prototype sneakers. |
我需要想出該怎麼賣 而我辦不到 | I need ideas on how to sell them. Which I can't do.. |
因為有自尊的成人不會穿這種東西的 | because no self-respecting adult would ever wear these. |
我給你五百塊買下這雙 | I'll give you $500 for them. |
-我應該怎麼辦呢? -別這樣,步鞋很容易啦! | - What am I supposed to do? - Come on,sneakers are easy. |
-你也常常在穿啊 -它們現在不叫做步鞋了 | - You wear them all the time. - They're not called sneakers anymore. |
改叫“溜鞋”或是“滑輪鞋” 我還聽到有人說“輪鞋” | They're called "kicks" or "skids." I think I heard somebody say "slorps." |
它們底部有輪子突出來 讓你可以滑來滑去 | They've got wheels that pop out from the bottom so you can roll around.. |
因為很顯然,走路太耗費體力了 | because apparently walking is too much exercise. |
“孩子們!孩子們! 向前滑到兒童肥胖區吧!” | "Kids! Kids! Roll your way to childhood obesity!" |
這年頭小孩子要變胖可真快啊! | Kids today have such an easier time getting fat. |
你可以幫我賣這些東西嗎? | Would you help me try to sell these? |
好的,有沒有想過用大波霸呢? | Okay. Have you considered using a girl with huge knockers? |
那不會是他們想要的 | That's not what they're looking for. |
嘿,那對我很有用喔 | Hey,that would work on me. |
你想我為什麼要買巴特沃斯夫人的產品呢? | Why do you think I buy Mrs. Butterworth's? |
(中央咖啡廳) | |
你不會相信剛剛發生什麼事 | You'll never guess what just happened. |
-菲比跟我被搶了 -你們沒事吧 | - Phoebe and I got mugged! - Are you okay? |
沒事,因為菲比認識那個搶匪 | Yeah. Phoebe knew the mugger. |
你怎麼會認識搶匪呢? | How do you know a mugger? |
不好意思,除了我們六個人之外 我還是有其他朋友的 | I'm sorry,I have friends outside the six of us. |
你知道他們是怎麼認識的嗎? 因為菲比以前也是在搶劫別人 | Know how she knew him? Because Phoebe used to mug people. |
真的嗎? | Seriously? |
我不覺得很光榮,但是你們知道的 | Well,I'm not proud of it,but,you know.. |
當我流落街頭的時候 我也需要錢買食物之類的東西 | when I was living on the street and I needed money for food and stuff.. |
-真是太糟糕了 -我不像你們那麼有錢,好嗎? | - That is awful. - I wasn't rich like you guys,okay? |
我沒有金湯匙也沒有飛天馬 | I didn't eat gold and have a flying pony. |
我的生活很苦 我媽被毒販給殺了 | I had a hard life. My mother was killed by a drug dealer. |
-你媽是自殺的 -她自己就是毒販 | - Your mother killed herself. - She was a drug dealer. |
幸好菲比認識他 否則我會讓他死得很難看 | It was a good thing she knew him. I was about to do some serious damage. |
好吧 | Okay. |
這一定讓你想起不好的回憶,羅斯 | This must have brought back some bad memories for you,Ross. |
-為什麼? -羅斯小時候被搶過 | - Why? - Ross was mugged as a kid. |
-是嗎? -是的,受到非常嚴重的創傷 | - You were? - Yeah. And it was pretty traumatic. |
就在漫畫王外面 | It was outside St. Mark's Comics. |
我正在做我自己的事 看蜘蛛人又惹上什麼麻煩了 | I was minding my business,seeing what kind of trouble Spider-Man was into. |
是神力女超人 | Wonder Woman. |
反正,我正在要去麵包店的路上 | Anyway,I was heading towards this bakery.. |
幫某人買幾個蛋糕 | to pick up a couple of dozen linzer tortes for someone.. |
然後不知道從哪裡冒出來的惡棍 拿著一條管子跳出來說… | when out of nowhere,this thug with a pipe jumps out and says: |
-“小子!錢交出來” -喔,我的天啊 | - "Give me your money,punk!" - Oh,my God. |
我知道,最糟糕的是 他們搶走了我的背包 | I know. And the worst part was,they took my backpack.. |
裡面有我自己畫的漫畫,《科學小子》 | which had all the original artwork I did for my own comic book,Science Boy. |
對啊,他的超能力是什麼? | Oh,yeah! What was his super power again? |
一個渴望知識的超人 | A super-human thirst for knowledge. |
我要趕去上課了 | I better get to class. |
你還有其他朋友 我需要小心的嗎,菲比? | Are there any more of your friends I should look out for? |
沒有,事實上 你或許得離詹恩街遠點 | No. Actually,you might want to stay away from Jane Street. |
那是刺客喬的地盤 | That's where Stabby Joe works. |
-我想我們有麻煩了 -怎麼了? | - I think we have a problem here. - What? |
在我當搶匪的時候 漫畫王是我的地盤 | Back in my mugging days,I worked St. Mark's Comics. |
-是嗎? -我用的武器是管子 | - Yeah? - A pipe was my weapon of choice.. |
而且小孩子、漫畫書蟲 都是我的目標 | and preteen,comic-book nerds were my meat. |
所以呢? | So? |
有一個小孩子 在背包上有張貼紙寫著… | There was one kid who had a sticker on his backpack that said: |
-“地質學酷斃了!” -“地質學酷斃了!” | #VALUE! |
-喔,我的天啊! -我知道!我搶了羅斯! | - Oh,my God! - I know! I mugged Ross! |
-你遲到了 -我知道,我很抱歉 | - You're late. - I know. I'm sorry. |
但是我可以先去上廁所嗎? | But can I just run to the bathroom? |
-不行,李奧納多是不等人的 -但是我快尿出來了! | - No. Leonard doesn't wait. - But I am bursting with Yoo-hoo! |
喬伊,來吧! 我們開始,快一點 | Joey,here we go! Let's go. Very quickly. |
-我真的想要… -我們現在就得開始,快點 | - I really need.. - We must go now,quickly. |
-好,是的 -好了嗎? | - Yeah. Yes,sir. - Ready? |
-你還在這裡做什麼呢? -我想你知道 | - What the hell are you still doing here? - I think you know! |
-喔,你該死的渾蛋! -這都是你造成的,你知道嗎? | - Oh,you sick bastard! - I am what you made me! Know what? |
-什麼? -我可以現在就走 | - What? - I could go right now. |
-那就走,走啊! -喔,我不行,我很想,但是我不行! | - Then go. Go! - Oh,I can't. I want to,but I can't! |
停,演得好! | Cut. That was good! |
-非常精采,你做到我的要求了 -是嗎? | - Very good. You did everything I asked. - I did? |
是的,而且你把這種扭曲的特質… | Yes. Plus which,you've got this,I don't know,this squirmy quality.. |
加入到這個角色中 我想都沒想過 | you bring to the character I couldn't have imagined. |
我們接下來可以這樣… | Here's what we're gonna do: |
明天過來參加最後的試演 | Come back tomorrow for the final callbacks. |
照你今天演的,但是你知道嗎? | Do all of this,what you got going now. But you know what? |
加強,再加強,你可以嗎? | More. More. Can you do that? |
當然,我沒有時間說謝了 我真的得走了! | Sure. I don't have time to say thank you because I really gotta go! |
瞧瞧他!還那麼入戲,我喜歡他 | Look at that! Still in character. I like him. |
我播了種,快得無法解釋 我不知道 | I plant seeds. I can't explain it. I don't know. |
-嘿,你在做什麼? -在試穿步鞋 | - Hey. What are you doing? - Putting on the sneakers.. |
融入年輕人的世界 看會不會激發出什麼點子 | to get in the young mindset,see if it sparks anything. |
-喔,想出什麼了嗎? -是的,聽聽看這個 | - Oh,anything yet? - Yes,how's this? |
“它們舒服到就像是 被腳踢到蛋蛋一樣” | "They're so uncomfortable,it's like getting kicked in the nuts for your feet." |
你可能很納悶,不知道我在做什麼 | You're probably wondering what I'm doing. |
不,看起來很正常 | No,that seems about right. |
昨天在試演的時候我好想尿尿 很明顯地,那讓我演的很棒 | Yesterday at my audition,I had to pee. Apparently,that makes me a good actor. |
可以參加最後試演 所以我要喝多一點東西,對了 | I got a callback,so I'm drinking everything. Oh,by the way.. |
我們冰箱裡面的蛋奶實在太好喝了 | that eggnog in our fridge was great! |
-喬伊,那是特調嬰兒奶粉 -我們一定要多買一些 | - Joey,that was formula. - We gotta get more of that. |
這些東西挺不錯的 你應該要向羅夫羅蘭推薦 | These aren't half bad. You should suggest these to Ralph Lauren. |
好的,第一,那很蠢 再來,他們不允許我跟羅夫說話 | Okay,first of all,that's stupid. Second,I'm not allowed to talk to Ralph. |
好的,我已經開始覺得年輕多了 | All right. I feel younger already. |
我想我摔傷臀部了 | Yeah,I think I broke my hip. |
-嘿,你來了 -嘿 | - Hey,you! - Hey. |
嘿,課上得怎樣? | Hey. How was class? |
沒有人這樣問過我,怎麼了? | No one asks me that. What's wrong? |
-沒事,我真的想知道而已 -喔 | - Nothing. I really want to know. - Oh. |
我們針對“更新世” 有很熱烈的討論 | Well,there was actually a rather lively discussion about the Pleistocene.. |
好了,我不需要這樣折磨自己 | All right,nothing is worth this. |
我有件事需要對你坦白 | I have a confession to make. |
你記得那個在你小時候 搶劫過你的女生嗎? | Okay,you know that girl that mugged you when you were a kid? |
你在說什麼呢?那不是女生 是個高壯的男生 | What are you talking about? It wasn't a girl. It was this huge dude. |
他帶著草耙,還有一把劍 | He had a pitchfork and a sword. |
你不需要說謊了 我知道是個十四歲女生 | You don't have to lie anymore. I know that it was a 14-year-old girl. |
-不,不是 -是,是的 | - No,it wasn't. - Yes,it was. |
你認為我不會反抗 一個十四歲女生嗎? | You don't think I would have defended myself against a 14-year-old..? |
-“小子!錢交出來” -我的天,那是你! | - "Give me your money,punk!" - Oh,my God,it was you! |
我真不敢相信,你搶劫我 | I can't believe it. You mugged me? |
是的,而且我很抱歉,羅斯 我很抱歉 | Yeah. And I'm so,so sorry,Ross. I'm sorry. |
但是如果你仔細想想,這倒是有點酷 | But,you know,if you think about it,it's kind of neat. |
我是說,我常常覺得我像是個局外人 | I mean,well,it's just that I've always felt kind of like an outsider. |
你們其他的人都彼此認識很久了 | You know,the rest of you have connections that go way back.. |
而現在,你跟我也有老交情了 | and,you know,now you and I have a great one. |
這並不是好事! | It's not the best! |
我知道,請原諒我,我不知道該說什麼 | I know. Please forgive me. I don't know what to say. |
你不用說什麼!那是我這輩子 最可恥的事了 | There's nothing you can say! That was the most humiliating thing ever. |
-甚至比… -我們不要說了! | - Even more humiliating than.. - Let's not do this! |
然後在廣告結尾,女孩子們離開浴池 | And then,at the end of the commercial,the girls get out of the hot tub.. |
開始一起親熱 | and start making out with each other. |
有趣 | That's interesting. |
順便提一下,你沒有提到鞋子 | Just one thought: You didn't mention the shoes. |
下一個是誰?錢德 | Who's next? Chandler. |
一開始有個男的穿上這鞋 | You start with a guy putting on the shoes. |
-他大約是我的年紀 -你的年紀? | - He's about my age. - Your age? |
他在街上滑行著,接著就失去控制 | He's rolling down the street and he starts to lose control. |
或許他跌倒了,或者受傷了 | Maybe he falls. Maybe he hurts himself. |
就在這時候,有個小孩 穿著這雙鞋飛過去 | Just then,a kid comes flying by wearing the shoes. |
他跳過那個老男人,然後大笑 接著廣告詞出現… | He jumps over the old guy and laughs. And the line reads: |
“成人不宜” | "Not suitable for adults." |
-錢德,這個很棒 -謝謝你,先生 | - Well,Chandler,that's great. - Thank you,sir. |
或是,比我小兩歲的人 | Or,man who's two years younger than me. |
你們瞧,銷售訊息很清楚 抓住了我們主要客戶群的心態 | You see,that has a clear selling point. It appeals to our key demographic. |
-你是怎麼想出來的呢? -我不知道!我不知道! | - How did you come up with that? - I don't know! I don't know! |
我只是設法用年輕的心態去思考 然後點子就出現了 | I was just trying to get into a young mindset,and stuff started to flow. |
-太棒了,做得好 -謝謝 | - That is great. Good work. - Thank you. |
那我們大家明天見 | We'll see all of you tomorrow. |
冷天讓我的臀部很痛 | The cold weather hurts my hip. |
嘿,羅斯,我知道你還在生我的氣 但是我可以跟你談一下嗎? | Hey,Ross. I know you're still mad at me,but can I just talk to you for a sec? |
當然,說吧,喔,等等 當然,說吧 | Sure,go ahead. Oh,sorry. Sure,go ahead. |
我真的想要再次跟你道歉 | I just really wanted to apologize again. |
而且讓你看些 你會覺得很興奮的東西 | And also show you something I think you'll find very exciting. |
(街上的垃圾) | |
喔,我的天啊!“街上的垃圾!” | Oh,my God! "Crap from the street!" |
聽著,羅斯,在這箱子裡 | Look,Ross. In this box.. |
都是在搶來的東西之中 我覺得太特別,而不想賣掉… | are all the things I got from mugging that I thought were too special to sell.. |
或是燒掉的東西 | or smoke. |
反正,我在整理時發現了… | Anyway,I was looking through it,and I found.. |
《科學小子》 | Science Boy. |
喔,我的天啊! | Oh,my God! |
我從沒想過我會再見到它 | I never thought I'd see this again. |
全部都在裡面 | It's all here! |
你為什麼這些年都留著它呢? | What made you save it all these years? |
我猜我只是覺得它很棒 | I guess I just thought it was really good. |
而且或許有一天會很值錢 | And maybe it would be worth something one day. |
你真的認為《科學小子》值得收藏? | You really thought Science Boy was worth saving? |
是的,但是你應該知道 我還留了一罐凡士林跟一副貓骨頭 | Yeah. But you should know I also have a jar of Vaseline and a cat skull in here. |
不管,這還是很令人驚喜! | Still,this is amazing! |
我的天,謝謝你,菲比 | Oh,my God. Thank you,Phoebe. |
不用客氣,謝謝你的科學小子 我從他身上學到很多 | You're welcome. Thank you for Science Boy. I learned a lot from him. |
不用客氣 | You're welcome. |
等等,你有加東西到他身上嗎? | Wait a minute. Did you add something to him? |
喔,是啊 | Oh,yeah. |
你瞧你畫他的樣子 | You see,the way you drew him.. |
他是不可能會勾引到地心引力女孩的 | there was no way he was ever gonna get Gravity Girl. |
他看起來像穿了緊身褲的娃娃 | He looked like a Ken doll in those tights. |
那是什麼?你是在… | What's that? What are you..? |
“那是個大杯子,還是 你很高興見到我呢?” | "Is that a beaker or are you happy to see me?" |
我不明白 | I don't get it. |
-我需要答案! -我無法告訴你我不知道的事 | - I need an answer! - I can't tell you something I don't know. |
-你知道的! -我不知道! | - You know! - I don't know! |
-我現在就要答案! -你要答案嗎?答案就是… | - I need an answer now! - You want an answer? The answer is.. |
她從未愛過我,她只愛你 | She never loved me. She only loved you. |
你一直都知道而你卻沒有告訴我? | You knew this all along and you never told me? |
我永遠都不會原諒你,或是我自己 我沒有活下去的必要了,結束! | I can never forgive you,or myself. I have nothing to live for. Bang! And scene! |
精采得不得了 | Absolutely amazing. |
-這個角色是你的了 -謝謝!現在我得要走了 | - The part is yours. - Thanks! Now I really gotta go. |
不,等等!恭喜了!你辦到了 | No,wait! Congratulations! You did it. |
你辦到了,現在可以放輕鬆了,是的 | You did it. You can relax now. Yeah. |
哇!有線電視帳單真貴 | Wow! That's a big cable bill. |
你沒有工作 可是倒很敢付錢看色情片啊 | You don't have a job,but you have no problem ordering porn. |
在星期六下午? | On a Saturday afternoon? |
我也在家耶! | I was in the house! |
嘿,菲比有沒有提到… | Hey. Phoebe didn't by any chance mention that.. |
她就是那個搶了你的大塊頭嗎?有 | She was the huge guy that mugged you? Yeah. |
我知道了,你有沒有告訴… | I see. You didn't happen to tell.. |
-我們認識的每個人嗎?我有 -太好了,謝謝 | - Everybody we know? Yeah. - Great. Thanks. |
她在爬!艾瑪在爬了! | She's crawling! Emma's crawling! |
他在流血!喬伊在流血了! | He's bleeding! Joey's bleeding! |
對不起,但你一定要來看 我去找莫妮卡跟錢德 | I'm sorry. You've gotta see this. I'm gonna go get Monica and Chandler. |
莫妮卡!錢德! | Monica! Chandler! |
過來!過來!快點、快點、快點! | Come over! Come over! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! |
怎樣?什麼事? | What? What? |
-刮鬍子嗎? -不,狂犬病 | - Shaving? - No,rabies. |
-是怎麼回事? -是艾瑪,她會爬了 | - What's going on? - It's Emma. She's crawling. |
哇,瞧瞧她 | Wow,look at her go. |
給她一點時間 | Give her a second. |
-喬伊,喬伊 -哦,對不起 | Joey,Joey. -Oh,sorry |
我真不敢相信她長得好快 好像昨天她才… | I can't believe how fast she's growing up. It seems like only yesterday she was.. |
在我腿上放屁 | farting on my lap. |
有人對你那樣做的時候 並不好笑吧? | Not so funny when someone does that to you,is it? |
艾瑪,來吧,讓大家看看你會爬了 | Emma,come on. Show everybody how you were crawling. |
-艾瑪,來吧 -爬呀,艾瑪 | Come on,Emma |
我想我們讓她分心了 大家先一分鐘不要動 | I think we're distracting her. Let's everybody be still for a minute. |
誰在畫我們呢? | Who's painting us? |
隆乳手術 | The.One.With.The.Boob.Job |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
你有看過我們的銀行對帳單了嗎? 沒錯嗎? | Have you seen our bank statement? Can this be right? |
就是嘛,天啊 從我小時候雙層夾心餅上市之後… | I know. God,I haven't seen my savings take a hit like this.. |
我的存款就沒這麼少過 | since I was a kid and they came up with Double Stuf Oreos. |
-我們的錢跑哪去了呢? -我不清楚他們做了什麼… | - What happened to all of our money? - I'm not sure exactly what they did.. |
但是我傾向于責怪安然公司破產案 | but I'm inclined to blame Enron. |
因為你在做實習工作 我們花的比賺的還多 | With you doing the internship,we're spending more than we're bringing in. |
是啊,或許我應該辭掉 然後找個有薪水的工作 | Yeah,maybe I should quit and get a job that pays. |
但是你終於找到你喜歡的工作了 | But you're finally doing something that you love. |
我是說,我不能要求你放棄的 | I mean,I can't ask you to give that up. |
不過如果你喜歡做的事 是尋寶,那會好多了 | Although it would be nice if the thing that you loved was finding gold. |
我覺得我們太小題大作了 | You know,I think we're making too big a deal out of this. |
我們這個月會比較緊 下個月我們就節省一些開銷 | We'll pay our bills late this month. Next month we'll cut back on a few things. |
而且或許我們可以改變一下 到喬伊家的冰箱找食物 | And maybe we start eating out of Joey's refrigerator for a change. |
你是廚師 你可以用蘇打粉跟啤酒做出什麼呢? | You're a chef. What can you make out of baking soda and beer? |
最糟糕的情況下,我們只好向我父母借錢 | Worst-case scenario is,we borrow some money from my parents. |
或者,你上個月在他們家溜冰滑倒 我們可以告他們嗎? | Or,you slipped on ice at their house last month. Can we sue them? |
不可以,而且我們也不借錢 | No,and we're not borrowing money. |
-為什麼不行? -我們不能那樣做,我們是賓家的人 | - Why not? - We don't do that. We are Bings. |
我爸有教過我 | If there's one thing my father taught me,it was.. |
在進入檯球間時一定要先敲門 | well,to always knock before going into the pool house. |
-還有,永遠都不要借錢 -我不知道你是如此有自尊心 | - The other thing is,never borrow money. - I had no idea you had this much pride. |
沒錯,我就是,我是你男人 我會讓我們度過難關的 | That's right,I do. I am your man. I'm gonna get us through this situation.. |
就算要你加倍努力工作也是 | even if it means you working twice as hard. |
你知道嗎?真的是很奇怪 | You know,it's just really weird. |
你不喜歡吃動物 卻喜歡看他們彼此廝殺 | You don't like eating animals,but you love watching them tear each other apart. |
不,我不喜歡…抓住他,抓他! | No,I don't.. Get him. Get him! |
把病倒的那個從群體隔開! | Separate the sick one from the herd! |
-我要回去了 -為什麼? | - I'm gonna go. - Why? |
我有好幾天沒有回家了 而且我需要多拿幾件衣服 | I haven't been home in days,and I need to get more clothes. |
你不用回去,我有衣服可以給你穿 | You don't have to go. I have something that'll fit you. |
我穿女生的緊身衣是為了要好笑 | I put that tube top on as a joke. |
-我想要你留下來 -我也想要留下來 | - I want you to stay. - I want to stay too. |
但是我已經不能再穿這幾件內褲了 | But I've got as much use out of these boxers as I can. |
-為什麼不反過來再穿呢? -已經反過了 | - Why don't you turn them inside.. - Done it. |
-我幾個小時之後就回來 -好吧,我會想你的 | - I'll be back in a couple of hours. - All right. I'll miss you. |
我也是 | Me too. |
喔,好啦,你是逃走了 | Oh,fine. Yeah,you got away. |
但是不要太沾沾自喜 你會失血過多而死的 | But don't look so smug. You're gonna bleed to death. |
你知道嗎?我剛驚覺到一件事 我不想要回家 | You know what? I just realized something. I don't want to go home. |
-太好了,好的,我去拿緊身衣 -不,我的意思是… | - Great! Okay,I'll go get the tube top. - No,no,what I mean is.. |
我不喜歡回去自己的公寓 | I hate going back to my apartment now. |
一方面是因為我住在 一間髒亂的小房間上面 | Partly because I live above a known crack den.. |
但是,主要是因為我回去的時候 我真的好想你 | but,you know,mostly because when I'm there,I really miss you. |
所以… | So.. |
我們一起住好不好? | do you want to move in together? |
哇,麥克漢尼根 | Wow,Mike Hanigan.. |
你倒是挺清楚要如何 讓女生說“好!” | you sure know how to make a girl say "Hell,yeah." |
-那我們要這樣做嗎? -好啊,就這樣做,我們一起住 | - So we're doing it? - Yeah,let's do it. Let's live together. |
-我們真的要同居嗎? -是啊 | - We're really gonna move in together? - Yeah. |
我一直都想要跟男生同居 | I've always wanted to live with a guy. |
襪子撿起來,馬桶坐墊放下來 | Pick up your socks. Put down the toilet seat. |
不,我再也不跟你做愛了 | No,we are not having sex anymore. |
一定會很好玩 | It's gonna be fun. |
真討厭《電視指南》 | Shame on you,TV Guide. |
男人的屁股不算是裸露! | A man's ass is not nudity! |
-嘿,喬伊 -嘿 | - Hey,Joey. - Hey. |
聽著,我需要你保證 我接下來要問你的事… | Listen,I need to know that what I'm about to ask you.. |
不會被錢德知道 | will never get back to Chandler. |
如果說我沒有想過那件事 我就是在說謊 | I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it myself. |
但是錢德是我最好的朋友 那是不對的 | But Chandler is my best friend. It would be wrong. |
感覺不錯,卻是不對的 | Good,but wrong. |
好的,首先,感覺會是棒透了 | Okay,first of all,it would be great. |
但那不是我在想的事 我需要跟你借錢 | But that's not what I'm here to talk to you about. I need to borrow money. |
喔,我不知道,莫妮卡,你知道的 | Oh,I don't know,Monica. You know.. |
借錢給朋友不是什麼好事 | lending friends money is always a mistake. |
-但是錢德借過你錢啊 -而他也會告訴你,那不是什麼好事 | - But Chandler lent you money. - And he would tell you it was a mistake. |
別這樣,我只是… 我需要付房租跟一些帳單 | Come on,I just.. I need it for some rent and some other bills. |
多少錢呢? | Well,how much? |
-兩千塊 -兩千塊? | - Two thousand dollars? - Two thousand dollars? |
你以為我是誰?肥皂劇明星嗎? | What do you think I am,a soap opera star? |
-是啊 -沒錯,我就是 | - Yeah. - That's right,I am. |
答應我,你不會告訴錢德 | Promise me you'll never tell Chandler. |
這真的會很傷他的自尊心 | It'll really hurt his pride. |
錢德?自尊心? | Chandler? Pride? |
我知道,他還以為他有 真的是很可愛 | I know,he thinks he has it. It's really cute. |
-嗨,你們好 -嘿 | - Hi,you guys. - Hey. |
-袋子裡面是什麼? -你們都知道艾瑪已經開始會爬了 | - What's in the bag? - You know how Emma started crawling? |
我發現這地方對嬰兒而言 是很不安全的 | I realized that this place is very unsafe for a baby.. |
所以我去店裡買了一些東西 來讓公寓更適合嬰兒活動 | so I went to the store and I got some stuff to baby-proof the apartment. |
喔,天啊,適合嬰兒 | Oh,God,baby-proofing. |
有什麼了不起的呢? 我小的時候,常常都… | Why is it such a big deal now? You know,when I was a kid,it was like: |
“哇,喬伊跌下樓梯了” | "Whoops,Joey fell down the stairs." |
或是“哇,喬伊又電到自己了” | Or,"Whoops,Joey electrocuted himself again." |
你要找人幫忙安裝這些東西嗎? | Anyway,are you going to get a handyman to install this stuff? |
不,我自己來就行了 | No,I was just gonna do it myself. |
-你要自己來? -是啊,不行嗎? | - You're gonna do it? - Yeah. Why? |
-你覺得女人不可能自己做嗎? -女人可以,你不行 | - You don't think a woman can do this? - Women can. You can't. |
莫妮卡,可以請你告訴喬伊 他是豬嗎? | Monica,will you please tell Joey that he is a pig. |
-你是豬,而你不會做 -什麼? | - You're a pig. And you can't do this. - What? |
別這樣,我自己找到五金店的 | What? Come on,I found the hardware store all by myself. |
那間店就在街尾 | The store's right down the street. |
街尾就有一間五金店嗎? | There is a hardware store right down the street? |
嘿,各位,我們有好消息要宣佈 | Hey,you guys? Okay,we've got great news. |
-菲比跟我要一起同居了 -恭喜了 | - Phoebe and I are moving in together. - Congratulations. |
我知道,好興奮 我從來都沒有跟男生同居過 | I know,it's so exciting. You know,I've never lived with a guy before. |
嗯,那就像跟女生一起住一樣 只是他們不會偷用你的化妝品 | Well,it's just like living with a girl,only they don't steal your makeup. |
除非他們是在玩 “我妹妹就是長這樣” | Unless they're playing "This Is What My Sister Would Look Like." |
是啊,她不太可愛 | Yeah,she's not so cute. |
-我要上洗手間 -上完把馬桶坐墊放下來 | - I'm gonna go to the bathroom. - Well,you put down the toilet seat. |
是的,親愛的 | Yes,dear. |
-那是你們在玩的遊戲嗎? -是啊,我們在模仿你們兩個 | - Is that a bit you guys do? - Uh-huh. We're playing you two. |
我們沒有那樣,告訴她我們沒有 | We don't do that. Tell her we don't do that. |
我們有,親愛的 | Yes,dear. |
不敢相信你們要同居了 我真替你們高興 | I can't believe you're moving in together. I'm happy for you guys. |
我是說,他是個好物件 而且那一雙眼睛… | I mean,he's a great catch. And those eyes.. |
我是科學家,我會觀察 | I'm a scientist. I observe. |
天啊,這真是太令人興奮了! 你們真是交往的太順利了 | Gosh,this is so exciting! You guys are really moving along. |
-我聽到婚禮進行曲了 -莫妮卡,別急好嗎? | - I hear wedding bells. - Monica,slow down,okay? |
我只是很興奮要跟他一起住而已 | I'm just excited to be living with him. |
你知道的,我是說,我不知道… | You know,I mean,I don't know.. |
我能預見有天跟麥克結婚嗎? 是的,當然 | can I see someday being married to Mike? Sure. Yeah. |
我可以想像自己 穿著婚紗走在紅毯上 | I could picture myself walking down the aisle in a wedding dress.. |
婚紗以很明顯、但高雅的方式 集中突出我的胸部 | that highlights my breasts in an obvious yet classy way. |
但問我想不想要在康乃狄克州 有學校區的房子… | But do I want that house in Connecticut near the good schools.. |
讓麥克跟我送我們的 小蘇菲跟小麥克去上學? | where Mike and I could send little Sophie and Mike Jr.? |
喔,我的天,我好想 | Oh,my God,I do. |
-我不曉得你是這麼傳統的人 -我想我是的 | - I had no idea you were so conventional. - I know. I guess I am. |
我的天,開著沃爾沃汽車 大包小包載孩子去練足球 | Oh,my God,load up the Volvo,I want to be a soccer mom. |
-你準備好要走了嗎? -當然好囉,新室友 | - You ready to go? - Yeah,you bet,roomie. |
你是說“新郎”吧 | Don't you mean "groomie"? |
親愛的,把爛笑話留給我吧 | Honey,leave the terrible jokes to me. |
-你在說什麼? -拜託 | - What are you talking about? - Please. |
我們都還沒一起住 而他們就要我們選結婚的瓷器圖案了 | We haven't even moved in yet,and they have us picking out china patterns. |
瓷器圖案! | China patterns! |
這很容易的,“你不行…” | This is easy. "Can't do this.." |
哇,還真的咧,就是不行 | Wow,seriously. Can't do this. |
(中央咖啡廳) | |
-嘿,喬伊 -嘿 | - Hey,Joe. - Hey. |
你有跟別人在這裡嗎? | You here with somebody? |
沒有 | No. |
聽著,我需要你幫個忙 而且不能跟莫妮卡說 | Look,I need to ask you a favor,and we can't tell Monica anything about it. |
-我以為你們之間沒有秘密 -表面上是那樣沒錯 | - I thought you guys didn't have secrets. - That will remain the official party line. |
莫妮卡跟我有一點點經濟上的問題 | Look,Monica and I are having a little financial trouble. |
-是啊,我知道 -什麼?你是什麼意思? | - Yeah,I know. - What? What do you mean,you "know"? |
我猜的,你知道的 | I just figured it out,you know? |
我是說,你沒有工作 而且現在經濟又很蕭條 | I mean,you're not working,and the economy is bad. |
喔,對 | Oh,right. |
這是我反應最快的一次了 | That is the fastest I have ever thought. |
反正… | Anyway.. |
我需要跟你借點錢 | I need to borrow some money. |
當然囉,多少錢?兩千塊嗎? | Oh,sure. Yeah,how much? Two thousand dollars? |
是的,正是兩千塊 你是怎麼知道的? | Yes,$2000 exactly. How did you know that? |
我知道你之前賺多少錢 而且我也知道你們的房租 | I know how much you used to make,and I know how much your rent is. |
喔,好的 | Oh,okay. |
我真是天才 | I am on fire. |
聽著,你真好 | Listen,this is really nice. |
你開了一張兩千塊的支票給莫妮卡? | Did you write a check to Monica for $2000? |
莫妮卡跟你借錢? | Did Monica borrow money from you? |
-好像是 -我不敢相信她竟然這樣做 | - Kind of. - I can't believe her. |
她有跟你說我們有經濟問題嗎? | Did she tell you we were having money problems? |
不,不是為了你們的經濟問題 | No,no,no. It wasn't because of your money problems. |
是她自己的東西 | It was for something for her. |
什麼? | What? |
很私人的東西 | Something personal. |
她要花兩千塊的東西還不能告訴我? | What would she get for $2000 that she wouldn't tell me about? |
不好意思 | Excuse me. |
隆乳手術 | Boob job. |
什麼?這真是太可笑了 她才不需要隆乳 | What? That's ridiculous. She doesn't need a boob job. |
她為什麼不能告訴我呢? | Why wouldn't she tell me about it? |
她怕你會反對 | She was afraid you wouldn't be supportive. |
-我是會,沒錯 -她非常瞭解你 | - I'm not. - She knows you well. |
你不能告訴她你已經知道了 我發過誓不會告訴別人的 | You can't tell her that you know. I swore I wouldn't tell. |
隆乳手術?她根本不需要 這真是瘋狂 | A boob job? She doesn't need that. That's crazy. |
不算太瘋狂,好嗎? | Well,it's not that crazy,okay? |
把它們變小才叫做瘋狂 | Making them smaller,that would be crazy. |
嘿,你的秘密色情影帶放哪兒? | Hey,so where do you keep your secret box of porn? |
我沒有什麼色情影帶 | I don't have any porn. |
我房間後面的櫃子裡 | Back of the closet in my bedroom. |
嘿,我想要問你關於 莫妮卡的“新郎”笑話 | Oh,hey,I wanted to ask you about Monica's little "groomie" joke. |
我想大家會笑 是因為她在玩“新室友”這個詞 | Well,I think the reason people laughed is that it's a play on the word "roomie." |
我聽得懂這個笑話,真是高深啊 | I get the joke. Sophisticated as it was. |
不,我要說的是… | No,the thing I want to say is.. |
或許我們之前就應該先談過 | Maybe we should've talked about this before. |
我們住在一起這件事 你應該沒有期望我會求婚吧 | Us living together,you're not expecting a proposal,right? |
-喔,不、不,一點也沒有 -好的 | - Oh,no,no. Not at all. - Okay. |
我們才剛搬進來一起住,再看看吧 | We're just moving in right now. We'll see where it goes. |
對,這就是個問題 對我而言,這已經是我的極限了 | Yeah,well,that's the thing. For me,it's as far as it can ever go. |
-你是什麼意思? -聽著,菲比,我… | - What do you mean? - Look,Phoebe,I.. |
我非常愛你,但我不想再結婚了 | I love you very much. But I never want to get married again. |
-哇 -只是我的第一次婚姻太… | - Wow. - It's just,my first marriage was.. |
太糟糕了,我已經對婚姻失去信心了 | you know,such a disaster that I kind of lost faith in the whole idea. |
-有那麼糟嗎? -有一次,到最後… | - Was it that bad? - At one point,near the end.. |
-她故意便便在我的… -喔,那真糟 | - she deliberately defecated on my.. - Okay,well,that's bad. Yeah. |
但是你不認為換個人會不一樣嗎? | But don't you think it might be different with someone else? Perhaps.. |
或許是一個會在廁所便便的金髮女郎? | a blond who always uses the toilet? |
除了有一次是便在海裡 | Except for once in the ocean. |
聽著,不是我要娶誰的問題 | Look,it's not about who I would marry. |
我本來也確定我第一次的婚姻 會維持永遠,我錯了 | I was certain the first time I got married it'd last forever. I was wrong. |
-但是,只是… -菲比,不是你的原因 | - But,it just.. - Look,Phoebe,it's not about you. |
我只是再也不想結婚了 | I just never want to get married again. |
我很抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
你可以接受嗎?如果不行的話 或許我們一起住不是個好主意 | Are you okay with that? If not,maybe us moving in together isn't the best idea. |
可以,喔,我當然也不希望結婚 | No. Oh,I definitely don't want to get married. |
我只想確定你也不想要 | I just wanted to make sure you didn't want to,too. |
因為如果我們住在一起 然後你開始改變心意… | Because if we move in and you start changing your mind.. |
我們就有麻煩了,先生 | there is gonna be hell to pay,mister. |
-相信我,我永遠不… -好的,我知道了 | - Trust me. I will never.. - Yeah,I get that. Yeah. |
嗨,最後你決定請人來幫忙了? | Hi. So you gave in and decided to call someone? |
是啊,我不知道我是在想什麼 我連筷子都不會用 | Yeah. I don't know who I was kidding. I can barely use chopsticks. |
-都裝好了 -喔,真的很謝謝你 | - You're all set. - Oh,thank you so much. |
等等,你忘了你的… | Wait. You forgot your.. |
玩具 | game. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
-瑞秋,這是我的線衫嗎? -是啊 | - Rach,is this my sweater? - Yeah. |
袖子怎麼了呢? | What happened to the sleeve? |
蛀蟲嗎? | Moths? |
嘿,瑞秋 我身材完美的老婆在這裡 | Hey,Rach. There she is,my perfectly proportioned wife. |
別看我,我從來沒有聽懂過他的笑話 | Don't look at me. I never get his jokes. |
-謝謝你 -不、不,別謝我 | - Thank you? - No,no. Don't thank me. |
謝謝你,你知道我不會想要 改變你任何一點嗎? | Thank you. Do you know there is not one thing I would change about you? |
一點也沒有,而且特別是… | Not one single thing. And definitely not.. |
那兩點 | two single things. |
好的,你真的很怪 你想上床嗎?還是做了什麼錯事? | Okay,you're being weird. Do you want sex,or did you do something bad? |
不、不、不,我就是愛你這模樣 我愛你的… | No. No. No. I just love the way you look. I am warm.. |
身材 | for your form. |
好的,你知道傳統上都是說 “你看起來很好”吧? | Okay,you know the old classics like,you know,"You look nice"? |
這句話還是適用 | They're still okay. |
但是“你看起來很好”可能只是代表 “你的臉蛋看起來很好” | But "you look nice" could mean that I'm saying,"Your face looks nice." |
我想要讚美你的身體 | I want to compliment your body. |
我是說,我一點都不想改變它 | I mean,I wouldn't change it at all. |
而且更詳細地說,就是 我不想要加大任何東西 | And more specifically,I wouldn't want anything to get any bigger. |
-好的 -我是說… | - Okay. - I mean.. |
你也不會想要我身體的某部份加大 不是嗎? | you wouldn't want any part of me to get any bigger,would you? |
不用回答 | Don't answer that. |
我還以為那老兄不可能更怪了 | Just when you thought that dude couldn't get any weirder. |
你覺得他為何要擔心我會變大? | Why do you think he was so worried about me getting bigger? |
我不知道,那是怎麼回事呢? | I don't know. I mean,what brought that on? |
我的天,你知道嗎? 我們正努力要懷孕… | Oh,my God. You know what,we're trying to get pregnant.. |
所以他可能很怕我的身材會變形 | so he's probably starting to freak out that my body's gonna change. |
-你認為是這樣嗎? -你也看到了 | - You think that's what it is? - You heard him. |
“不要變大,你很完美了 不要再變大了” | "No bigger. You're perfect. Just don't get any bigger." |
天啊,他聽起來就像是 我高中的摔角教練 | My God,he sounded just like my high-school wrestling coach. |
-我必須要跟錢德談談 -是啊,如果你不去,我會去 | - I'm gonna have to talk to Chandler. - Yeah. If you don't,I will. |
當然你的身材會變形 你的胸部會變大 | Of course your body's gonna change. Your breasts are gonna get bigger.. |
你的屁股會變大 | your ass is gonna get bigger.. |
你會膀胱無力 | you're gonna lose bladder control. |
我的天,真是奇妙啊 | God,it's just such a magical time. |
嗨,聽著,我想要請教你關於婚姻的事 | Hi. Listen,I wanted to ask you something about marriage. |
現在你跑來找我,是要取笑我嗎? | Now you're seeking me out to make jokes? |
我們出去在一起的時候被取笑 我可以理解,但是跑到我家來… | I mean,I can see if we're all hanging out,but to come to my home.. |
不,我真的想知道你的意見 | No,I really want to know how you feel about it. |
-為什麼? -麥克永遠不想要結婚 | - Why? - Mike doesn't ever want to get married. |
-永遠嗎? -永遠 | - Never? - Never. |
哇,你還要跟他同居嗎? | Wow. Are you still gonna move in with him? |
我想啊,但是我要你告訴我 結婚真的不算什麼 | I want to,but I wanted you to tell me that marriage really isn't that big a deal. |
沒結婚也不必後悔,婚姻爛斃了 | You know,that I won't be missing out on anything. That marriage stinks. |
是啊,婚姻爛斃了 | Yeah,marriage stinks. |
我是說,如果你想看到男人變肥 女人不再除毛… | I mean,if you want to see a man gain weight and a woman stop shaving.. |
就叫他們結婚吧 | get them married. |
-那不是你真正的感覺,對吧 -不是,我很抱歉 | - That's not how you really feel,is it? - No,I'm sorry. |
我知道那不是你想聽的話 但是我沒有辦法說謊,我喜歡結婚 | I know it's not what you want to hear,but I can't help it. I love marriage. |
真的嗎?你這個“離婚專家”? | Seriously,you? "Divorce-o"? |
如果你要幫我取綽號,我比較喜歡 “羅斯,離婚王”,聽起來較酷 | If you have to call me a name,I'd prefer "Ross,the Divorcer." It's just cooler. |
聽著,我知道我的婚姻並沒有成功 | Look,I know my marriages didn't exactly work out.. |
但我喜歡對另一個人做那種程度的承諾 | but,you know,I loved being that committed to another person. |
在卡蘿變成女同性戀之前 我們度過許多快樂的時光 | And Carol and I had some good times before she became a lesbian. |
之後還有一次 | And once afterward. |
反正,很抱歉 | Anyway,I'm sorry. |
沒關係,這是你的真實感受 | It's okay. That's how you feel. |
但是,別這樣,住在一起也很棒啊 | But,come on,I mean,living together will be great. |
我是說你們會很快樂的 而且你愛麥克啊 | I mean,you guys have so much fun. And you love Mike. |
-我是很愛麥克 -是啊,不是嗎? | - I do love Mike. - Yeah,see? |
而且你之前很期待同居的 | And you were so excited about moving in together before.. |
而且你知道嗎?期待是對的 這是很大的一步 | and you know what,you should be. It's a big deal. |
是啊,我想你說的對 | Yeah,I guess you're right. |
是啊,謝謝,真有幫助,謝謝 | Yeah,thanks. This helped. Thanks. |
離婚王拯救眾生 | The Divorcer to the rescue. |
-並沒有比較酷 -我聽到了 | - It's not cooler. - Yeah,I just heard it. |
瑞秋? | Rach? |
瑞秋! | Rachel?! |
所以我想做什麼都不行嗎? | So I can't do anything I like?! |
不可思議 | Unbelievable. |
錢德要你生小孩 但是不許你身材變形 | Chandler wants you to have a baby,but he doesn't want your body to change. |
他自己又不是多完美 | It's not like he's so perfect. |
-嘿,他是我老公 -好吧 | - Hey,that's my husband. - All right. |
我們一次解決一個問題 | Let's solve one problem at a time. |
嘿,瑞秋 | Hey,Rach. |
完美,什麼都不必改變,完美無缺 | Perfection. Wouldn't change a thing. Not a thing. |
-親愛的 -怎樣? | - Honey? - Yeah? |
關於那件事 | About that. |
-我會變的 -是的,但是親愛的,你不需要 | - I'm going to change. - Yes,but,honey,you don't have to. |
我會變得大一點 | I'm gonna get bigger. |
親愛的,我… | Honey,I.. |
我喜歡你胸部現在的樣子 | I love your breasts the way they are. |
大男人 | Fascist. |
我的胸部會變大的,不管你喜不喜歡 | My breasts are gonna get bigger whether you like it or not. |
而且不只是我的胸部 我的屁股也會變大 | And it's not just my breasts. My ass is gonna get bigger too. |
你的屁股? | Your ass?! |
而且如果她的手腳也變大,別太驚訝 | And don't be surprised if her hands and her feet get bigger too. |
-它們也會嗎? -這就像整套的一樣 | - They do that? - It's kind of a package deal. |
天啊,為什麼? 為什麼你要對自己做這種事呢? | God,why? Why would you want to do that to yourself? |
我以為這是我們倆都想要的 | I thought it was something that we both wanted. |
如果這對你那麼重要 關於胸部,我或許可以釋懷 | If it means that much to you,I may be able to get onboard with the boobs.. |
但是大屁股還有大腳丫? | but the giant ass and the big clown feet? |
喔,天啊,錢德 | Oh,my God,Chandler. |
如果你連這個都受不了 那你到了醫院要怎麼辦… | If you can't handle this,what will you be like in the hospital.. |
加上流血和尖叫聲,還有那個 從她身體擠出來的小人? | with the blood and screaming and the little person that's shooting out of her? |
什麼? | What? |
喬伊,你為什麼要跟錢德說 莫妮卡要去做隆乳手術呢? | Joey,why did you tell Chandler that Monica was getting a boob job? |
因為她是要啊 | Because she is. |
-錢德知道我跟你借錢了 -為了要做隆乳手術 | - Chandler knows I borrowed the money. - For your boob job. |
-喬伊 -結束了 | - Joe.. - It's over. |
好了,所以我借出了四千塊 結果沒有人的胸部會變大? | Okay,so I'm out $4000 and nobody's boobs are getting any bigger? |
嘿,嘿,你們覺得這樣如何呢? 羅斯,離婚強力 | Hey. Hey,what do you guys think about this: Ross,the Divorce Force. |
-比較好了 -是嗎? | - Better. - Yeah? |
非常酷 | Very cool. |
嘿,菲比 我真的很高興那天你過來找我談 | Hey,Phoebe? You know,I'm really glad you came to talk to me the other day.. |
-希望我有幫上忙 -是啊,你幫忙很多 | - and I hope I was a little helpful. - Yeah,you were helpful. |
-是啊,很謝謝你 -很好,很好 | - Yeah. No,thank you. - Good. Good. |
因為我越想越覺得… | Because the more I thought about it,the more I realized.. |
婚姻對你而言,不見得是必經之路 | I don't think marriage is necessarily the right path for you. |
你是什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
我知道那天在咖啡屋的時候… | I know the other day in the coffeehouse.. |
你很沉醉於當足球媽媽什麼的 | you were all caught up in the whole soccer-mom thing.. |
但是那是真的你嗎? 你可以想像自己開著沃爾沃汽車嗎? | but is that really you? I mean,can you honestly picture yourself in a Volvo? |
沃爾沃是太有棱有角了 | They are awfully boxy. |
像我這樣的人才需要安定感 你不需要 | People like me like stability and security. You don't. |
而這就是你很了不起的地方 | And that's what's so incredible about you. |
你有狂放不羈的生活 | You got this wild and crazy life. |
我是說,婚姻對你是很無趣的 我是說,那太中規中矩了 | I mean,I don't know,you'd be so bored with marriage. I mean,it's so normal. |
是啊 | Yeah. |
嘿,需要幫忙嗎? | Hey,can I help? |
我們爬了四層樓 好不容易通過狹窄的通道 | Well,we climbed up four flights of stairs,maneuvered a narrow hallway.. |
再躲過一隻狂犬病鬥牛狗 但是最後這三尺路才是最崎嶇的 | dodged a rabid pit bull. But these last three feet are where it gets really tricky. |
有時候你的話真傷人 | You know,sometimes your words,they hurt. |
嘿,你們要把這個放哪呢? | Hey,where do you guys want this? |
是啊,快點,因為真的很重 | Yeah,seriously,because this is really heavy. |
不是對我,因為我只是假裝扶著 但是他們幾個真的快被壓死了 | I mean,not for me,because I'm only pretending to hold it,but for these guys. |
最後再問你一次結婚的事 沒有再思考的空間嗎?一點都沒有? | Just one last time on the marriage thing. There's no wiggle room? None at all? |
沒有,但你也不想結婚,不是嗎? | No,but you don't want to get married either,right? |
沒錯 | Right. |
此外,我是真的想要結婚 | Except that I do want to get married. |
不能在樓下卸貨前先談這個嗎? | Couldn't have had this conversation down at the truck,huh? |
什麼?你想要結婚? | What? You want to get married? |
總有一天 | Someday. |
還有…疝氣 | And.. hernia. |
我從未有過正常的生活 而我也從沒有覺得失去過什麼 | I haven't had a normal life. And I never felt like I was missing out on anything. |
但是總覺得好像 該輪到我擁有正常的東西了 | But it feels like now it's my turn to have some of the regular stuff. |
你為什麼不早說呢? | Why didn't you say something before? |
我之前不確定我有多想要,而且我愛你 我想要跟你一起住 | I didn't know how much I wanted it. And I love you,and I wanted to live with you. |
我也想跟你一起住,我們就這樣做吧 | I want to live with you too. I mean,let's do that. |
但是我不覺得我可以 | But I don't think I can. |
當我不清楚未來時 我們是可以一起住的 | It was okay to move in when I didn't know what was gonna happen. |
但在知道將來什麼事都不會發生之後 我就沒辦法了 | But I can't move in knowing nothing is ever gonna happen. |
我說先搬椅墊,你們就不要 | I said to bring the cushions up first,but no. |
我們可以至少先試試同居吧? 你或許會改變對婚姻的想法 | Can we at least try living together? You might change your mind about marriage. |
你會改變你的想法嗎? | Are you gonna change yours? |
不會 | No. |
我也不會 | Me neither. |
我想我需要跟想法一樣的人在一起 | I think I need to be with someone who wants what I want. |
但是我不想要結束 | But I don't want this to end. |
我也不想要結束 | No,I don't want it to end either. |
我不敢相信就要這樣結束了 | I can't believe this is gonna end. |
我會把我的東西打包好 | I guess I'll have my stuff picked up. |
好的 | Yeah. Okay. |
好的,那麼… | Okay,so.. |
再見 | Goodbye. |
-再見,麥克 -再見,麥克 | - Take it easy,Mike. - Bye,Mike. |
我很難過,菲比 | I'm so sorry,Phoebe. |
我們都很難過 | We're all sorry. |
往好處想 至少你不用跟那張醜椅子在一起 | Look on the bright side. At least you won't have to live with this ugly chair. |
那早就在這裡了,對不對? | That was here already,huh? |
我愛你們 | I love you. |
我辦到了!我辦到了! | I did it! I did it! |
太好了 | All right. |
最好多拿一點 | I'd better take all I can carry. |
誰知道下次能不能打得開呢? | Who knows when I'll be able to get in here again,huh? |
-你準備好要走了嗎? -讓我先把這個完成 | - You ready to go? - Let me just finish this. |
嘿,羅斯,瞧 | Hey,Ross. Check this out. |
我就是做不好 | Yeah,I can't do that. |
-你在做什麼呢? -你有看過這個嗎? | - What are you doing? - Have you seen this? |
這是我們大學校友會的新網站 | It's our new alumni website for college. |
你可以留言給大家 讓大家知道你的近況 | You can post messages for people,let everyone know what you're up to. |
喔,太好了,一個更快速的方式 去告訴大家,我失業又沒小孩 | Oh,great. A faster way to tell people that I'm unemployed and childless. |
知道大家在做什麼,真有趣 | It's actually interesting to find out what people are doing. |
記得艾卓雅裡奇嗎? | Remember Andrea Rich? |
不肯跟你上床的那個高個子女生嗎? | That tall girl that wouldn't sleep with you? |
她的網路公司倒閉了 而且在一次划船意外中失去一隻耳朵 | Well,her Internet company went under,and she lost an ear in a boating accident. |
我敢說她現在一定會跟你上床了 | Bet she'd sleep with you now. |
不會的,我已經發電子郵件問過她了 | No,I already e-mailed her. |
讓我看看你是怎麼寫自己的 | Let me see what you wrote about yourself. |
“古生物學博士,有兩個小孩” | "Doctor of paleontology,two kids." |
等等,你跟卡蘿分開的原因 是因為興趣不同嗎? | Wait a second. You split with Carol because you had different interests? |
我認為你跟她分開的原因 是因為就是有相同的興趣 | I think you split with Carol because you had one very similar interest. |
我等一下再寫好了 讓我拿一件外套 | I'm gonna finish this later,okay? Let me just grab my coat. |
好的 | Okay! |
怎樣?你認為你花了兩分鐘 就能學會嗎? | What,did you think you learned how to do it in the last two minutes? |
或許我們可以幫他完成 | Maybe we finish this for him. |
同時,我在實驗室裡克隆了一隻恐龍 | Also,I cloned a dinosaur in my lab. |
她現在是我的女朋友了 | She is now my girlfriend. |
我不在乎社會的眼光 這是我所有過的最完美的性愛 | I don't care what society says,it's the best sex I've ever had. |
-然後,寄出 -不,你不可以這樣 | - And send. - No,no.. You can't do that to him. |
-好了,我們走 -老兄! | - All right,let's go. - Dude! |
我想你很清楚的證明了 讓你在室內抱著球是不行的 | I think you made it clear you can't be trusted with the ball inside the house. |
然後,寄出 | And send. |
追悼會 | The.One.With.The.Memorial.Service |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
嘿,籃球好玩嗎? | Hey. How was basketball? |
很好玩,一直玩到錢德的眼睛 被手指戳到 | It was fun. Right up until Chandler got a finger in the eye. |
喔,天啊,是誰弄的? | Oh,no! Who did that? |
錢德自己 | Chandler. Yeah. |
嘿! | Hey! |
-瑞秋 -怎樣? | - Rach? - Yeah? |
哈吉為什麼在艾瑪的嬰兒車裡呢? | What's Huggsy doing in the crib with Emma? |
她在到處爬的時候抓到他 所以我就讓她跟他一起睡 | She was just crawling around and found him,so I just let her sleep with him. |
-沒關係吧? -當然,沒關係 | - That's all right,isn't it? - Of course. Yeah. |
只是填充玩具,你知道的 是給小孩玩的,不是給大人的 | It's a stuffed animal,you know? It's for kids. Not for adults. |
這點我知道 | I know that. |
喬伊,你確定嗎? 我知道你很愛他 | Joey,you're sure? I mean,I know how much you love him. |
瑞秋,讓我們說清楚好嗎? | Rachel,let's be clear on this,okay? |
我沒有愛哈吉 | I do not love Huggsy. |
我只是以正常的程度喜歡他 | I like him a normal amount. |
好吧,但是艾瑪愛死他了 | All right. Well,Emma loves him. |
是啊,為何不呢? 他是多麼好的人啊! | Yeah. Well,why wouldn't she? He's a wonderful person! |
-嗨 -嘿,菲比,你還好嗎? | - Hi. - Hey,Phoebe. How you doing? |
-你感覺好點了嗎? -分手真是難受 | - You feeling better? - Breaking up sucks. |
-喔,我真的好想麥克 -喔,真抱歉 | - Oh,I really miss Mike. - Oh,I'm so sorry. |
我已經試過所有療傷法了 | I've tried everything to feel better. |
我甚至還嘗試要寫首歌 | I even tried writing a song about it.. |
但是我想不出任何可以配這個調的… | but I can't think of anything that rhymes with: |
喔,我知道你的感覺 | Oh,I so know how you feel. |
跟理查分手是我一生中 最困難的事了 | Breaking up with Richard was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. |
好嘛,我會再放一塊錢到 “理查”罐子裡 | All right,fine,I'll put another dollar in the Richard jar. |
嘿,莫妮卡 我需要你幫我度過這段時期 | Hey,Monica,I'm gonna need your help getting through this. |
你是說你不需要我幫忙嗎? | You're saying you're not gonna need my help? |
不,當我準備好要聽… | No. When I get to the point where I'm ready.. |
糗死的麥克笑話時,我會來找你的 | to hear cruel,mocking jokes about Mike,I'm gonna come to you. |
很好,因為我已經想出三個了 四個!我剛剛又想出第四個! | Oh,good,because I've already thought of three. Four! I just thought of a fourth! |
好了,我知道我的決定是正確的 | Okay. I mean,I know I did the right thing. |
麥克永遠都不想要結婚 | Mike never wants to get married.. |
而我也不應該經營一段沒有未來的感情 | and I shouldn't be in a relationship that has no future. |
但是很快的,我會很想念他 | But pretty soon,I'm gonna miss him so much.. |
我會想再見到他 你一定要阻止我 | I'm gonna want to see him again,and you have to stop me. |
好的,沒問題 | Okay,you got it. |
除非… 我是不是想太多了呢? | Unless.. Am I being too crazy about this? |
好吧,就算沒有未來又如何 那不表示我們不能玩一玩啊 | All right,so there's no future. But that doesn't mean we still can't have fun. |
-你知道嗎?忘了我剛剛說的 -真的嗎? | - You know what? Forget what I said. - Really? |
-好吧,如果你那樣想的話 -那是個測試,你沒過關 | - All right,if that's what you want. - That was a test,and you just failed. |
該死的!新手失誤! | Damn it! Rookie mistake! |
我跟恐龍做愛? | I have sex with dinosaurs? |
我確定我好像在哪看過耶 | I believe I read that somewhere. |
不只不好笑,而且根本不可能 好嗎? | Not only is it not funny,it's physically impossible! Okay? |
由於物種不同,我必須要有六尺長的… 不好笑! | Depending on the species,I'd have to have a 6-foot-long.. It's not funny! |
我真心表示無法苟同 | I respectfully disagree. |
不敢相信你會在 我的校友網頁上那樣寫 | I can't believe you put that on my alumni page. |
-誰在乎呢?有誰會去看啊 -你最好是希望沒有 | - Who cares? Nobody reads those. - You better hope not.. |
因為我剛剛就看到 你網頁上的一些訊息 | because I just read what you put on your page. |
-我沒有網頁 -喔,我真心表示無法苟同! | - I don't have a page. - Oh,I respectfully disagree! |
哈吉? | Huggsy? |
哈吉? | Huggsy? |
哈吉 | Huggsy. |
我要我的企鵝 | I want my penguin. |
瞧瞧你,甜美又天真的樣子 睡得跟天使一樣 | Look at you. All sweet and innocent,sleeping like an angel. |
還有艾瑪那只肥肥的小手抱住你 | With Emma's chubby little hands wrapped around you. |
沒關係,艾瑪,你繼續睡 | It's okay,Emma. You stay asleep. |
不要靠近嬰兒床!我有武器! | Step away from the crib! I have a weapon! |
沒關係!沒關係,瑞秋 是我,把發卷放下來 | It's okay! It's okay,Rach! It's me! Put down the scrunchie. |
-你在做什麼? -喔,我聽到艾瑪的聲音 | - What are you doing? - Well,I heard Emma stirring.. |
所以我過來確定一下 讓她可以抓到哈吉 | so I came in to make sure she could reach Huggsy. |
謝謝,既然我已經醒了 我要去上廁所 | Oh,thanks. All right,well,now that I'm up,I'm gonna go to the bathroom. |
好的,拿去,親愛的 | Okay,there you go,sweetie. |
我們還沒完! | This isn't over! |
等等,為什麼羅斯 要跟你班上每個人說… | Wait a second. Why would Ross tell everyone in your class.. |
你是“同性戀到不能再同性戀了”呢? | that you are "as gay as the day is long"? |
因為我告訴大家說,他跟恐龍上床 | Because I told everyone he slept with dinosaurs. |
那很明顯的是個笑話 但是這個很有可能是真的 | Well,that's clearly a joke. This could easily be true. |
拜託你去接好嗎? 我整天一直接到大家恭喜我的電話 | Would you get that,please? People have been calling to congratulate me all day. |
嗨? | Hello? |
不,他不在家,我是他老婆 | No,he's not here. Yeah,this is his wife. |
是啊,我也被嚇了好大一跳 | Yeah. Well,it came as quite a shock to me too! |
嗯,我早就該猜到了 他總是強迫我看《紅磨坊》 | Well,I guess I should've known. He just kept making me watch Moulin Rouge. |
掛掉!掛掉! | Hang up! Hang up! |
那是部好電影 | And that was a great movie. |
我一定會報復羅斯的 | I'm so gonna get back at Ross. |
喔,是的,這會讓他好看 來吧 | Oh,yeah,this'll show him. Here we go. |
-你在做什麼呢? -喔,你等著看吧,我的朋友! | - What are you doing? - Oh,you'll see,my friend! |
我死了? | I'm dead? |
英年早逝 | And so young. |
公告我死了?這一點都不好笑 | Posting that I died? That really isn't funny. |
你怎麼死的比較好笑 | Well,how you died was funny. |
拜託,被飛船撞死? | Oh,please. Hit by a blimp? |
那每年都會殺死一個美國人的 | It kills over one Americans every year. |
受不了,我同學們會以為我死了 | Unbelievable. My classmates are gonna think I'm dead. |
我的教授,我父母會接到許多電話的 | My professors. My parents are gonna get phone calls! |
你在玩弄大家的情感 | You're messing with people's feelings here. |
你要談大家的情感是嗎? 你應該要知道當我告訴史登教授… | You wanna talk about people's feelings? You should have heard how hurt.. |
不能跟他一起去度假時,他有多受傷! | Professor Stern was when I told him I wouldn't be able to go to Key West! |
你真的太過份了,但是沒關係 | You've really crossed a line here. But that's okay. |
因為我要去買Photoshop | Because I'm on my way to buy some Photoshop software.. |
和一疊的同性戀色情照片 | and a stack of gay porn. |
沒錯,你的出櫃將會是圖文並茂了! | That's right. Your coming-out is about to get real graphic! |
天啊,我真希望麥克在這裡 | God,I wish Mike were here. |
好了,如果麥克在這裡 你們要做什麼呢? | Okay,if Mike were here,what would the two of you be doing? |
你們是動物嗎?現在才下午四點耶 | What are you,animals? It's 4:00 in the afternoon. |
我得打電話給他,只是跟他說說話 應該不會怎樣 | I gotta call him. Just to talk to him. There's no harm in that. |
事情都是那樣開始的 我不需要吃蛋糕,我只要聞一聞… | That's how it starts. "I don't need to eat the cake,I'll just smell the icing. |
那麼,一點點就好 或是 好吧,一小片就好 | Why not just a little sliver?" Or,"Okay,just a slice or two." |
接下來一下子你就210磅了 | The next thing you know,you're 210 pounds.. |
而你連過門都會被卡住! | and you get wedged in going down the tunnel slide! |
-那不是真的吧 -他們得要破門才能… | - That's not true,is it? - They had to cut me out.. |
把我救出去 | with the Jaws of Life. |
菲比,親愛的,我知道這很難 | Phoebe,honey,I know this is hard. |
但是如果你跟他說話 然後你就會想見他了 | But look,if you talk to him,then you're gonna want to see him. |
而如果你見了他 你就會想跟他複合了 | And if you see him,you're gonna wanna get back together. |
我知道,那不是你想要的 | And I know that's not what you want. |
好了,把電話給我 | All right,so give me your phone. |
拿去 | Here. |
-還有你的手機 -好吧 | - And now your cell. - Okay. |
拿去 | There you go. |
-這是你的手機? -是啊 | - This is your cell phone? - Yes. |
這是你目前在用的手機? | This is your current cell phone? |
是的,它讓我想起簡單的往日 | Yes. It reminds me of a simpler time. |
菲比?你的皮包呢? | Phoebe? Where's your purse? |
-嘿,不行 -不! | - Hey! No! - No! |
-給我! -不給你! | - Give it to me! - You can't have it! |
-給我! -不要! | - Give it to me! - No! |
-我會伸進去拿的! -喔,是喔 | - I'll go in there! - Oh,yeah. |
-菲比,過來! -不! | - Phoebe,come here! - No! |
-給我! -你瘋了! | - Give it to me! - You're crazy! |
去你的,莫妮卡蓋勒—賓! | Damn you,Monica Geller hyphen Bing! |
別想要偷跑出去打公用電話 | Don't even think of sneaking out and using a pay phone.. |
因為我無所不在,寶貝! | because I am everywhere,baby! |
嘿,瞧瞧是誰來了,是喬伊 而且他帶新朋友來了 | Hey,look who's here. It's Joey. And he brought home a friend. |
艾瑪在這裡,你答應不會在白天 帶女生回來的 | Emma's right here. You promised not to bring girls home in the middle of the day! |
不、不、不,不是女生,是… | No,no,no,it's not a girl. It's.. |
全新的哈吉! | a brand-new Huggsy! |
喔!這真是太棒了! 現在艾瑪有兩個哈吉了 | Oh! Oh,that's so great! Now Emma has two Huggsies! |
不、不,喔不 不,艾瑪只有一個哈吉 | No,no. Oh,no. No,Emma has one Huggsy. |
新的哈吉 | The new Huggsy. |
另外那個哈吉,我不知道 我想我就把他拿回去好了 | The other Huggsy,I don't know,I guess I'll just take him back. |
你知道嗎?當我還是小女孩的時候 我有一隻粉紅色的小馬,叫小棉花 | You know what? When I was a little girl,I had a little pink pony named Cotton. |
喔,我好愛她,去哪我都帶著她 我會梳她的尾巴… | Oh,I loved her so much. I took her everywhere. I would braid her tail.. |
快點移交吧! | Make the transfer! |
舊哈吉身上有個鈕扣不見了,我找不到 有沒有關係? | Should I be concerned that a button fell off the old Huggsy and I can't find it? |
不,不用擔心 很多年前被我吞下去了,嘿! | No,don't worry about it. I swallowed that years ago. Hey! |
喔,怎麼了?我想她不喜歡新哈吉 | Oh,what? I don't think she likes the new Huggsy. |
-但他是一樣的啊 -我想她要舊的哈吉 | - But he's the same. - I think she wants the old one back. |
-是喔,但他們一模一樣啊 -喬伊,拿來 | - Yeah,but he's the same. - Joey,come on. |
根本是一樣的嘛! | But he's the same! |
你不一樣啦 | You're not the same. |
你這樣嚇不到我… | You know,it's a lot less surprising to do that.. |
因為是我按開樓下的門讓你進來的 | after I've buzzed you into the building. |
菲比,為什麼門邊有男人的鞋子呢? | So,Phoebe,why are there men's shoes by the door? |
那是我的鞋子 | Those are my shoes. |
嗯,當你複元之後,我們一定要去購物 | Well,when you get over this breakup,we need to go shopping. |
聽著,莫妮卡 我真的很感激你這樣關心我 | Look,Monica,I really appreciate you checking in on me. |
-但是我已經覺得好多了 -真的? | - But I'm actually feeling a lot better. - You are? |
是的,我只是有點想自己獨處 | Yeah,I just kind of want to be alone right now. |
-是誰啊? -我叫了中餐外送 | - Who's that? - I ordered Chinese food. |
真是太巧了 | What are the chances?! |
在十億的中國人當中 他們竟然派麥克來! | One billion Chinese people,and they send Mike! |
-你來這裡做什麼呢? -菲比打電話給我 | - What are you doing here? - Phoebe called me. |
-菲比! -我很抱歉,我受不了 | - Phoebe! - I'm sorry. I broke down. |
我想要見他 | I wanted to see him. |
在我的監視之下不准 | Well,not on my watch. |
該死的,菲比 你是怎麼打電話給他的? | Damn it,Phoebe,how did you even call him? |
電話主機有子母機聽筒 | There's a speakerphone on the base unit. |
主機,用腦啊,莫妮卡,用用腦! | Base unit. Think,Monica,think! |
-我可以進來嗎? -不可以,不可以 | - Can I come in? - No! No. |
菲比,你不是要我阻止你 跟麥克見面嗎? | Phoebe,isn't seeing Mike exactly what you wanted me to stop you from doing? |
-聽著,如果我想見菲比,而她… -這不關你的事! | - Look,if I want to see Phoebe,and she.. - This doesn't concern you! |
對不起,我只是聽到有人提到我的名字 | Sorry. I guess I was thrown off by the mention of my name. |
聽著,你們不能這樣做 | Look,guys,you can't do this. |
這會使事情更複雜的 | It's gonna make getting over each other harder. |
如果什麼事都沒發生就不會 我們不能當朋友嗎? | Not if nothing happens. Why can't we just hang out as friends? |
當然可以,如果你們只是朋友 那我也可以加入你們 | Sure. If you're just gonna hang out as friends,then maybe I'll join you. |
你知道的,我是你的朋友 也是麥克的朋友 | You know,I'm your friend and Mike's friend. |
坐下吧 | Sit down. |
讓個位置給你們的朋友 | Make room for your friend. |
-你過得好不好? -我還挺不錯的 | - So how have you been? - I've been pretty good. |
-你真的很美 -謝謝,你看起來也不錯 | - You look really beautiful. - Thanks. You look good too. |
不對,這太危險了,放乾淨點 | No,no,no. This is dangerous territory. Keep it clean. |
鋼琴演奏還好嗎? | So how's the piano playing going? |
事實上,我最近彈了許多情歌 | Actually,I've been playing a lot of love songs lately. |
-我一直很想你 -我也是 | - I've missed you. - I've missed you too. |
在我要過來這裡的路上 我看到一個酒鬼吐了一地 | You know,on the way over here,I saw this drunk guy throw up. |
然後一隻鴿子還去吃 | And then a pigeon ate it. |
嘿,羅斯 | Hey. Ross. |
聽著,我只是想過來跟你道歉 | Look,I just wanted to apologize. |
別告訴我你真的在做我的同性戀照 | Don't tell me you actually made those gay pictures of me. |
瞧瞧這個 | Check this out. |
所以如果我有健身,看起來就會是這樣 | So that's what I'd look like if I worked out. |
而且還有員警先生為我服務 | And was being serviced by a policeman. |
你不是真的要貼出這些照片吧? | You're not gonna actually send these out,are you? |
事實上,我沒有必要 因為你“羅斯死了”的笑話根本沒用 | Actually,I don't need to,because your little "Ross is dead" joke didn't work. |
好嗎?根本就沒有人回應 | Okay? There were no responses. |
沒有人張貼任何東西 沒有人打電話給我父母,你才好笑 | Nobody posted anything,nobody called my parents,so the joke is on you. |
沒有人來電,沒有人寫什麼 沒有人在乎我死了 | Nobody called,nobody wrote anything,nobody cares that I'm dead. |
喔,我的天 | Oh,my God. |
-沒有人在乎我死了嗎? -喔,別這樣,你知道不是那樣的 | - Nobody cares that I'm dead? - Oh,come on,you know that's not true. |
你在說什麼呢?你有六十個回復 | What are you talking about? You get 60 responses.. |
只不過是因為出櫃而已 | just for coming out of the closet. |
而我死了,卻連一個回復都沒有! | I didn't get one response,and I'm dead! |
嗯,同性戀社團比死人社團還要活躍 | Well,the gay community is a lot more vocal than the dead community. |
我不敢相信,連我地質學同事都沒有回復 以前都是我帶他的! | I can't believe this. Not even my geology lab partner. And I carried that guy! |
聽著,我們不要再多想了,好嗎? | Look,let's think about this,okay? |
你認為大家會想要在 這悲傷的時刻打擾你的家人嗎? | You think people are gonna disturb your family at this tragic time? |
有人會在網站上張貼哀悼辭嗎? | That people are gonna post condolences on a website? |
不是說大家不在乎 | This isn't about people not caring. |
而是那並非適合的抒發悲情的管道 | This is about people not having a decent outlet for their grief. |
-你說的沒錯,那不是適合的管道 -沒錯 | - You're right. There isn't a decent outlet. - Right. |
我確定如果你有舉辦追悼會 一定會有很多人來的 | I'm sure if you had a funeral or memorial service,tons of people would come. |
沒錯! | Exactly! |
羅斯,你要幹嘛? | Ross,what are you doing? |
你要幫自己辦追悼會? | You're having a memorial service for yourself? |
不,那會太離譜了,你要幫我辦 | No,that would be stupid. You're having it for me. |
-羅斯,不要寄出,不要寄… -不,太遲了,太遲了,寄出了 | - Ross,don't press send. Don't press.. - No,too late. Too late. It's sent. |
對不起,還有你 跟員警先生的照片也寄了 | Sorry,so is that picture of you and the policeman. |
沒關係,我曬的很黑又很健壯 | That's all right. I'm tan,limber.. |
看起來好像是我在求他不要開罰單 | And it looks like I talked my way out of that ticket. |
手術失敗後,你說: | The surgery was not a success. And then you say: |
“我們該怎麼辦,德瑞克?” | "What are we gonna do,Drake?" |
進來 | Come in. |
我剛要哄艾瑪睡一下 你有看到哈吉嗎? | I'm trying to put Emma down for a nap. Have you seen Huggsy? |
原版的還是爛的? | Original or crappy? |
-原版的 -沒有,抱歉,沒有看到 | - Original. - No. Sorry. Haven't seen him. |
那你床上突起來的是什麼? | Then what's that big lump under your covers? |
-是莫妮卡,好嗎? -那不是莫妮卡! | - It's Monica,okay? - That's not Monica! |
好啦,沒關係!是原版的哈吉! | All right,fine! It's original Huggsy! |
我知道艾瑪要他 但他是我的,而我需要他 | I know Emma wants him,but he's mine and I need him. |
她真是不講道理 | She's being unreasonable. |
喬伊,艾瑪愛那個蠢企鵝是有原因的! | Joey,there is a reason that Emma loves that stupid penguin so much! |
喔,不要捂住他的耳朵! | Oh,don't cover its ears! |
他讓她想起她的喬伊叔叔 | It's because it reminds her of her Uncle Joey. |
-真的? -是的 | - It does? - Yeah. |
而我認為她很喜歡他 是因為他聞起來有你的味道 | And I think she really likes him because he smells like you. |
而她很喜歡那味道的 | And she.. She loves that. |
誰知道呢 | Go figure. |
她很喜歡他是因為 她是那麼愛她的喬伊叔叔 | And she's comforted by him because she loves her Uncle Joey so much. |
-真的?她愛我? -喔,是的 | - Really? She loves me? - Oh,yeah. |
但是你知道嗎?如果你需要哈吉 沒關係 | But you know what? If you need Huggsy,don't worry. |
艾瑪會諒解的,我不會 但是那又如何呢 | Emma will totally understand. I won't,but whatever. |
好的,等等,瑞秋 我是說如果… | Okay,wait a minute,Rach. I mean,if.. |
如果艾瑪那麼喜歡哈吉,那麼… | If Huggsy means that much to Emma,then.. |
嗯,就給她吧 | Well,she can have him. |
喔,親愛的,我就知道喬伊叔叔最好了 | Oh,sweet,I knew Uncle Joey would step up. |
-瞧,艾瑪,瞧瞧是誰回來了 -不,算了!算了!我做不到! | - Look,Emma. Look who's back. - No,forget it! Forget it! I can't do it! |
你…你要把哈吉從一個小孩手上搶走? | Are you..? You're gonna take Huggsy away from a little child? |
要不然你認為我當初怎麼拿到哈吉的? | How do you think I got him in the first place? |
然後它就將吐出來的東西 狼吞虎嚥吃下去,我是說… | And then it just gobbled up that puke. I mean.. |
那真是只噁心的鴿子 | That was one gross pigeon. |
天啊,我為什麼不是 請喬伊幫我們分開呢? | Oh,man. Why didn't I ask Joey to keep us apart? |
只要在門外丟塊肉 現在我們就在床上打滾了 | You throw a meatball in the hallway,we'd be doing it like rabbits right now. |
好了,你們兩個,我要去上廁所 | All right,you two. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. |
我不希望在我離開時 發生什麼事 | I don't want anything going on while I'm gone. |
有幾件事你們可以討論 | Here's a few things you can discuss: |
粘液、菌類 還有我跟羅斯如何把玩這些東西 | Mucus,fungus,and the idea of me and Ross doing it. |
我真的好想你 | I've missed you so much. |
我不會要求你複合 我知道我們要的是不同的東西,但… | I won't ask you to get back together. I know we want different things,but.. |
-只要跟你再共度一晚就好 -我也想要 | - Just to be with you one more night. - I want that too. |
-但是那會使事情更困難嗎? -再也不會比現在更困難了 | - But is that gonna make it too hard? - It can't be any harder than this. |
如果我知道上一次見到你 就是最後一次,我… | I mean,if I had known the last time I saw you would be the last time,I.. |
我一定會努力記住你的臉 你的行動 | I would have stopped to memorize your face,the way you moved. |
你的一舉一動 | Everything about you. |
如果我知道上次親吻你 就是最後一次… | If I had known the last time I kissed you would be the last time.. |
我就不會停下來 | I never would have stopped. |
親啊,你這個傻瓜! | Kiss him,you fool! |
-什麼? -你沒有聽到他說什麼嗎? | - What? - Didn't you hear that speech? |
如果你不親他,讓我來 | If you don't kiss him,then I will. |
我好想你 | I missed you so much. |
-我就知道你在這裡! -媽的 | - I knew you'd be here! - Crap. |
-他是誰? -我朋友曼尼 | - Who is this? - My friend Manny. |
我請他看好我,遠離你 | I asked him to keep me away from you. |
-嘿,我也在幫菲比做同樣的事 -那你根本沒做好你的工作 | - Hey,that's what I'm doing for Phoebe. - Well,you're not doing a very good job. |
-什麼? -親吻是怎麼回事呢? | - Excuse me? - What's with the kissing? |
嘿,至少我也在現場哪 | Hey,at least I knew where my guy was. |
是啊,感謝上帝 你在這裡監看他們親吻 | Yeah,thank God you were here to oversee all the kissing. |
-你沒有聽到他說的話 -我聽到了 | - You didn't hear the speech. - I've heard the speech. |
如果他知道那是最後一次… | If he knew it was gonna be the last time.. |
嘿,那很令人感動的 你真是沒心肝! | Hey,it was very moving. You're just heartless! |
-你太軟弱了! -你太奇怪了! | - You're weak! - You're weird! |
你褲子拉鍊沒拉 | Your pants are undone. |
他們呢? | Where'd they go? |
-該死的 -我們搞砸了 | - Damn it. - Well,we blew it. |
我只能怪我自己 | I blame myself. |
而我也只能怪你 | And I blame you too. |
已經一個小時了 而我同學竟然一個都沒來? | It's been an hour,and not one of my classmates has shown up? |
我告訴你,要是我真的死了 有些人一定會被鬼纏死的 | I tell you,when I actually die,some people are gonna get seriously haunted. |
來了,有人來了 | There you go. Someone came. |
好了,好了,我要去躲起來了 | Okay. Okay. I'm gonna go hide. |
真是緊張,我第一個追悼者! | This is so exciting. My first mourner! |
嗨,很高興你能夠來 | Hi. Glad you could come. |
-請進 -嗨,你是錢德賓嗎? | - Please come in. - Hi. You're Chandler Bing,right? |
-我是湯姆高登,是你班上的同學 -喔,是的,是的,讓我幫你拿外套 | - I'm Tom Gordon. I was in your class. - Oh,yes. Yes,let me take your coat. |
謝謝,很難過聽到羅斯的事,真是… | Thanks. I'm so sorry about Ross,it's.. |
沒關係,至少他死時正在做喜歡的事 | No,at least he died doing what he loved. |
看飛船 | Watching blimps. |
-那是誰? -你認識一個叫湯姆高登的嗎? | - Who is it? - You know some guy,Tom Gordon? |
我不記得他了 | I don't remember him. |
但是,我影響了太多的人 | But then again,I touched so many lives. |
那你跟羅斯很熟嗎? | So did you know Ross well? |
事實上我不太認識他 我來是因為聽到錢德的事 | Actually,I barely knew him. I came because I heard Chandler's news. |
你知道他有在跟誰交往嗎? | Do you know if he's seeing anyone? |
-是的,他有,就是我 -什麼?你是說… | - Yes,he is. Me. - What? You mean..? |
我可以問你一個私人問題嗎? 你是怎麼將鬍子刮得這麼乾淨的? | Can I ask you a personal question? How do you shave your beard so close? |
好了,湯姆,你哀悼得夠了 | Okay,Tommy! That's enough mourning for you. |
走吧,再見,好了 | Here we go Bye-bye. All right. |
-嘿,聽著,打電話給我 -好的 | - Hey,listen. Call me. - Okay. |
-我死了還沒有人在乎? -我看起來像男人嗎? | - I'm dead and no one cares? - I look like a man? |
拜託,一次一個荒謬的問題就好 | Please,one ridiculous problem at a time. |
這並不荒謬,瞧瞧四周 根本沒有人來 | This isn't ridiculous. Look around,no one's here. |
你才通知他們一天而已 又不是每個人天天都上網 | You gave them one day's notice. Not everyone checks the website every day. |
而莫妮卡,或許是因為你的站姿! | And Monica,it's probably the way you stand! |
我猜你說的對 但是,總該要有人看到啊 | I guess you're right. Still,somebody must have seen it. |
我讀那所學校四年了 而我竟然沒有影響到任何人? | I went to that school for four years and I didn't have an impact on anyone? |
嗯,不是那樣的 你有影響到我 | Well,that's not true. You had an impact on me. |
我是說,已經十五年了 而我們依然是最要好的朋友 | I mean,it's 15 years later and we're still best friends. |
那不算是什麼嗎? | Doesn't that count for something? |
太好了,更多狂野男孩來找錢德了 | Oh,great,more party boys for Chandler. |
我敢說一定是來看你的,去躲起來 | I'm sure it's somebody for you. Now go hide. |
嗨,我來參加羅斯蓋勒的追悼會 | Hi. I'm here for Ross Geller's memorial service. |
-可芮?可芮薇絲頓? -是的 | - Kori? Kori Weston? - Yeah. |
-你看起來真棒 -你是誰呢? | - You look amazing. - And you are? |
錢德,錢德賓 而且我不是同性戀,我一點都不是 | Chandler. Chandler Bing. And I'm not gay. I'm not gay at all. |
但是你已經結婚了 | You are married,though. |
別聽“他”的,“他”只是心情很差 | Don't listen to him. He's in a really bad mood. |
我不敢相信羅斯已經走了 真是難過 | I can't believe that Ross is gone. It is just so sad. |
我不知道羅斯跟你很熟 | I didn't know Ross and you were so close. |
喔,並沒有,但是我們一起上過一堂課 他是個很棒的人 | Oh,we weren't. But we had one class together. He was such a great guy. |
而且他總是很熱情地討論科學 | And he talked so passionately about science. |
-我一直記得他 -我確定這對他的意義深遠 | - I always remembered him. - I'm sure that would mean a lot to him. |
而且如果天堂有一扇門 | And if heaven has a door.. |
我敢說他一定耳朵貼著門仔細在聽 | I'm sure he's pressing his ear up against it and listening intently. |
我好多次都想打電話約他出去 | I thought so many times about calling him and asking him out. |
我想我真的再也沒有機會了 | I guess I really missed my chance. |
不,你還有機會! | No,you didn't! |
我還活著! | I'm still alive! |
那我們埋葬的是誰? | Who did we bury? |
可芮,我知道這件事讓你很驚訝 | Kori,I know this is a big surprise for you. |
說來話長,但是你剛說的話 讓我這一天變得很美好 | It's a long story. But the things you just said really made my day. |
你的到來真是對我意義重大 | The fact that you're here means more to me.. |
比房間都充滿了人還要好 | than if this room were filled with people. |
你這變態的怪物!誰會做這種事? | You sick freak! Who does that? |
我不敢相信我喜歡過你 | I can't believe I had a crush on you. |
你們有聽到嗎? | Did you hear that? |
可芮薇絲頓喜歡過我! | Kori Weston had a crush on me! |
沒啦,媽,我沒死 | No,Mom,I am not dead. |
我知道這是不可以開玩笑的 | I know it's not something to kid about. |
這只是我跟錢德在玩的惡作劇 已經結束了,好嗎? | It was just a practical joke between Chandler and me,but it's over,okay? |
事實上不會的,即使我死了 你也不會沒有孩子 | Actually,no. Even if I had died,you would not be left childless. |
莫妮卡不算嗎? | Monica? |
(中央咖啡廳) | |
莫妮卡,我可以借你的保時捷嗎? | Monica? Hey,can I borrow the Porsche? |
-好的 -太好了! | - Okay. - All right! |
有什麼“不准”的呢? | But what is it not? |
不准在車上和我女性朋友玩樂 | A place to entertain my lady friends. |
-還有什麼呢? -不准在車上吃義大利面 | - And what else is it not? - A place to eat spaghetti. |
非常好,你為什麼會需要開車呢? | Very good. What do you need it for anyway? |
超級大彩票獎金已經累積到三億了 | The Powerball lottery is up to 300 million.. |
-但是這裡沒有在賣彩票 -所以你要開車到康乃狄克州買? | - and they don't sell tickets here. - So you're driving up to Connecticut? |
對,康乃狄克州,不是西維吉尼亞 | Yeah,Connecticut. Not West Virginia. |
或許我可以開車載你去 我自己也想買幾張彩票 | Maybe I'll drive you up there. I'd like to buy some tickets myself. |
錢德現在沒有在賺錢 三億對我們可是會很有用的 | Yeah,with Chandler not getting paid,we could really use $300 million. |
是的,因為如果我還是以前的工作 我們會說“要三億嗎?不用,謝謝” | Yes,because if I was at my old job,we'd say,"300 million? No,thank you." |
-你可以幫我買嗎? -對啊,我也要 | - Will you get me tickets too? - Yeah,me too. |
-當然 -我有個點子 | - Sure. - I have an idea. |
我們可以各出資五十塊 把錢集合起來 | Why don't we all pitch in 50 bucks,we'll pool our money together.. |
-然後如果我們中獎,我們就平分 -這主意很棒! | - and then if we win,we'll split it. - That's a great idea! |
不用,謝了 | No,thanks. |
-你不想要中彩票嗎? -我當然想 | - You don't wanna win the lottery? - Sure I do. |
我還想當國王呢 | I also want to be king of my own country.. |
或者探索艾美利亞·埃爾哈特(第一位飛越大西洋的女飛行員)怎麼了 | and find out what happened to Amelia Earhart. |
-還在想艾美利亞·埃爾哈特嗎? -那女人就這樣消失了! | - Still on Amelia Earhart? - The woman just vanished! |
說真的,你真的不要加入嗎? | Seriously,you don't want in on this? |
不要,你們知道 中彩票的幾率有多大嗎? | No. Do you know what your odds are of winning the lottery? |
比你被閃電打到四十二次的幾率還小 | I mean,you have a better chance of being struck by lightning 42 times. |
但是我們有六個人 所以我們只需要被打到七次 | But there's six of us,so we'd only have to get struck 7 times. |
我喜歡這種幾率! | I like those odds! |
真的,你們,我不敢相信你們會 願意花250塊錢在彩票上面 | Seriously,you guys,I can't believe you're gonna spend $250 on the lottery. |
這實在太唬爛了吧? | I mean,that's such a bunch of boo-hockey. |
我來問 | I'll ask. |
“唬爛”? | "Boo-hockey"? |
我們認為艾瑪已經快要開始說話了 | Oh,we think Emma's about to start talking.. |
所以在她面前我們會小心用字 | so we're trying to be careful about what words we use in front of her. |
所以準備好 你們會聽到很多的“唬爛”… | So get ready to hear a lot of boo-hockey.. |
“討厭”還有“惹人煩”等等 | gosh darn it and brother pucker. |
你怎麼知道她要開始說話了呢? | How do you know she's gonna start talking? |
當我跟她說話時,我幾乎可以感覺到 她聽得懂我在說什麼 | When I talk to her,I almost feel like she understands what I'm saying. |
有點像喬伊 | Kind of like Joey. |
你說什麼? | What's that now? |
彩票 | The.One.With.The.Lottery |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
天啊,瞧瞧這全部的彩票 真是緊張刺激 | God,look at all these tickets. It's so exciting. |
自從六年級後 我就沒有贏過任何東西了 | I haven't won anything since sixth grade. |
吃派大賽呢? | Pie-eating contest? |
因為我很胖,你就以為 那是我唯一能贏的比賽嗎?? | You assume because I was heavy that's the only way I could win something? |
不,我看過你埋在藍莓派裡面的照片 | No,I saw a picture of you covered in blueberries. |
-那時候真快樂 -是啊 | - That was a good day. - Yeah. |
-他們在拖吊你的車! -我停在車庫裡面 | - They're towing your car! - I'm parked in a garage on Morton. |
他們正在拖吊一輛車 | They're towing a car. |
我眼花了 | And I am seeing spots. |
羅斯,你沒有在帶艾瑪! 瑞秋,你也沒有在帶艾瑪! | Ross,you don't have Emma! Rachel,you don't have Emma! |
-艾瑪呢?艾瑪誰在帶呢? -喬伊,別緊張 | - Where's Emma? Who has Emma? - Joey,relax. |
我媽兩小時前來帶走她了 你也在場啊 | My mother picked her up two hours ago. You were there. |
-有嗎? -是的,而且你還跟她說話 | - I was? - Yes,and you talked to her. |
-我有嗎? -她還帶來了砂鍋菜來 | - I did? - She dropped off a casserole. |
喔,對啊,那個砂鍋女士 | Oh,yeah,the casserole lady. |
你過來看我們中大獎的嗎? | Did you come by to watch us win the big bucks? |
是啊,然後我想在你們中獎後 我們全部到陽臺上… | Yeah. And then I figured after you win,we can all go out to the balcony.. |
看有小精靈… | and see a night rainbow |
在跳舞的夜間彩虹 | with gremlins dancing on top of it. |
別接電話!我來接! | Don't touch the phone! I'll get it! |
-你覺得他有洗手嗎? -嗨? | - You think he washed his hands? - Hello? |
-嘿,查理,有什麼消息? -怎麼回事? | - Hey,Charlie,what do you know? - What's going on? |
錢德想知道他有沒有得到 公司內部的一個工作機會 | Chandler's supposed to find out if he's getting a job at his agency. |
但在十五名實習生中 他們只聘請三個人 | But out of 15 interns,they're only hiring three. |
-幾率真小 -是啊 | - Tough odds. - Yeah. |
還真希望能像你們二十四州… | If only it were a sure thing |
聯合彩票的幾率一樣高 | like your 24-state lottery |
是啊,瞧瞧誰想通了! | Yeah,look who's coming around! |
該死,好啦,有更多消息再告訴我 | Damn it. All right,call me when you know more. |
-你有得到嗎? -一個名額已經被占了 | - Did you get it? - One of the slots got filled. |
-被你嗎? -注意我的語氣 | - By you? - Sense the tone. |
-不是,一個叫做奈特的小子 -喔,我討厭那個人 | - No,that kid Nate got it. - Oh,I hate that guy. |
我是說,真是的,小子 穿上褲子吧! | I mean,come on,kid,pull up your pants! |
還有兩個名額不是嗎? | Well,there's two spots left,right? |
是啊,我真的好想要,我想要被錄取 | Yeah. I mean,I want this so much. I wanna get one. |
也希望我朋友查理被錄取 | I want my friend Charlie to get one. |
其實我不是很在乎查理 | Except I don't care about Charlie. |
-嘿,你們好 -嘿! | - Hey,you guys. - Hey! |
你們不會相信的 我剛剛去找過我的算命師 | You are not gonna believe this. I just saw my psychic.. |
她說我今晚一定會中彩票! | and she said I was definitely gonna win the lottery tonight! |
我想要增加好運… | I thought we could use some extra luck.. |
所以從餐廳帶幸運骨頭回來 | so I brought a wishbone home from work. |
算命師跟幸運骨頭? 拜託給別人一點機會吧 | A psychic and a wishbone? Guys,give someone else a chance. |
-好了,誰要來做呢? -我可以嗎? | - All right,who wants to do it? - Can I? |
素食者從來就沒有機會玩幸運骨頭 | Vegetarians never get to do the wishbone. |
真是不公平,我們只是不吃肉 | It's really not fair. Just because we don't eat the meat.. |
不代表我們不喜歡玩骨頭 | doesn't mean we don't like to play with the carcasses. |
好了,瑞秋呢? | All right. Rach? |
我不想要雙手沾滿火雞的味道 | I don't want that turkey smell all over my hands. |
我來,我要把砂鍋菜的味道蓋過去 | I'll do it! It'll get the casserole stink off of mine. |
-希望我會贏 -嗯,沒有關係 | - I hope I win. - Well,it doesn't really matter. |
你們的願望是一樣的 | You're both wishing for the same thing. |
我不能告訴你我許什麼願 要不然不會實現的 | I can't tell you what I'm wishing for,or else,you know,it won't come true. |
對,但是我們都知道你許什麼願 | Right. But we know what you're wishing for. |
-我不能說 -我瞭解 | - I can't really say. - I understand. |
但是你許的願 跟我們想的一樣,不是嗎? | But you're wishing for what we think,aren't you? |
我真的很不喜歡這些問題! | I'm not really comfortable with these questions! |
-拜託! -趕快做! | - Please! - Just do it! |
好的,一,二,三 | Okay. One,two,three. |
我贏了!嘿! | I won! Hey! |
你們知道嗎?我確定 你們的願望會成真 | You know what? I'm sure your wish is gonna come true. |
但是,為了以防萬一 我們來磨擦這個燈,或許精靈會出現 | But,you guys,just in case,maybe a genie will come out if we rub this lamp. |
那東西好燙! | That thing gets hot! |
羅斯,繼續說你的笑話吧 | Ross,just keep making your jokes. |
如果我們中了 你有什麼感受? | How are you gonna feel if we actually do win? |
-你們不會中的 -我知道幾率很小 | - You're not gonna win. - I know the odds are against us.. |
但是總是有人會中,可能就是我們 然後你會覺得如何呢? | but somebody has to win,and it could be us. And then how you gonna feel? |
我們會說“大家開直升機去海角玩吧” | We're gonna be like,"Everybody,let's take our helicopters up to the Cape." |
而你只能說喔,我不行… | And you're gonna be all,like,"Oh,I can't,guys. |
我們到那邊碰面好了 我先幫我的現代汽車加滿油 | I'll have to meet you up there. I gotta gas up the Hyundai." |
好了,我聽過自己在錄音帶裡的聲音 我聽起來根本不像那樣 | Okay,I've heard myself on tape,and I sound nothing like that. |
我可以想像頭條新聞是 彩票贏家的朋友… | I can see the headline now: "Lottery Winners' Friend.. |
充滿懊悔,吃下自己的手臂 | Filled With Regret,Eats Own Arm." |
我為什麼要吃自己的手臂? | Why would I eat my own arm? |
你當然不會,但是報紙是我們的 我們愛怎麼寫就怎麼寫 | Well,you wouldn't,but we own the paper. We can print whatever we want. |
你知道嗎?我幫你出五十塊好了 | You know what? I'm gonna throw in 50 bucks for you. |
-為什麼? -因為我知道你認為… | - Why? - Because I know that you think.. |
彩票是很唬爛的東西 | that the lottery is boo-hockey.. |
但是我們全都聚在一起 看開獎,會很好玩的 | but we're all here,and we're gonna watch the numbers and have fun. |
而你是我哥哥,我希望你能參與 | And you're my brother,and I want you to be a part of this. |
你不需要這樣做的,我可以自己出錢 | You don't have to do that. I mean,I'll pay for myself. |
但是你想要讓我跟你們一起同樂 真的是太貼心了 | But just the fact that you want me to have fun with you guys,that's so sweet. |
過來 | Come here. |
去開個房間吧 | Get a room. |
那既然你已經加入了 要是中獎,你要做什麼事呢? | So now that you're in,what are you gonna do if we win? |
-我不知道,或許投資吧 -對,要冷靜 | - I don't know. I'll probably just invest it. - Calm down. |
正經點,你的夢想呢?投資? | Seriously,that's your fantasy? To invest it? |
喔,我很抱歉,我是說投資嗎? 我的意思是“快樂的全部花光光” | Oh,I'm sorry. Did I say,"invest it"? I meant,"Be cool and piss it all away." |
我知道了!我們該把全部的錢湊起來 買下尼克隊! | I know! We should pool all our money and buy the Knicks! |
我不是很在乎尼克隊 | I don't really care about the Knicks. |
如果我選你當前鋒,你就會了 | You will when I pick you as starting forward. |
你會那樣做嗎?我從沒有被選上! | You would do that? I never get picked! |
我不確定球隊會是正確的選擇 | I'm not sure a sports team is the way to go. |
你不讓我買尼克隊嗎? 我不敢相信你要打碎我的夢想 | You won't let me buy the Knicks? I can't believe you're taking this away. |
你說的對,這個夢想 已經有十五秒之久了 | You're right,it has been your dream for over 15 seconds. |
他們還有多久才會公佈號碼呢?媽咪 | How long until they announce the numbers,Mommy? |
這個也讓我來 什麼“媽咪”啊? | I'll take this one too. "Mommy"? |
喔,我已經習慣叫瑞秋… | Oh,I've gotten into the habit of calling Rachel.. |
“媽咪”,只要是艾瑪在場 | "Mommy" when we're around Emma. |
我現在發現她並不在 | Which I now realize we are not. |
我希望如果她聽久了 這將成為她第一句會說的話 | I'm hoping that if she hears it enough,it'll be her first word. |
如果我們真的要這樣做 你也應該叫我“爹地”才對 | Although if we're gonna do that,we should probably call me "Daddy" too. |
我喜歡,爹地 | I like that,Daddy. |
我只是在說瑞秋 | I was just talking about Rachel. |
爹地生氣了嗎? | Is Daddy getting angry? |
爹地要打我嗎? | Is Daddy gonna spank me? |
嗯,要看情況 | Well,that depends. |
你是不是壞…? 不,我演不下去了 | Have you been a bad..? No,I can't. |
嗨?嗨?嘿,查理 聽說其他人的消息了嗎? | Hello? Hello? Hey,Charlie. Did anybody else hear? |
什麼?蘇珊拿到了?怎麼會呢? | What? Susan got it? How? |
喔,天啊,早知道我也跟他上床! | Oh,man,I would've slept with him! |
好了,再見 | All right,bye. |
老兄,我很抱歉 但是,還有一個名額不是嗎? | Dude,I'm sorry. But hey,there's one spot left,right? |
-查理會得到的 -嘿,別那樣說 | - Well,Charlie's gonna get that. - Hey,don't say that. |
你也有機會得到那工作的 | You've got just as good a chance of getting that job. |
他是老闆的兒子 | He is the boss' son. |
-好了,彩票! -是啊! | - Come on,lottery! - Yeah! |
-再大概二十分鐘就開獎了 -好了,我們來吧 | - It starts in,like,20 minutes. - Okay,here we go. |
我們需要快點分配這些彩票來對獎 | We need to sort through the tickets quickly to see if we've won. |
有人有什麼主意要怎麼安排嗎? | So does anybody have any ideas how to organize this? |
好的,看看這樣如何 | Okay,how about this: |
我們分成六組各四十張 | We divide them into six groups of 40. |
剩下的十張就由先對完的人來對 | The remaining 10 can be read by whoever finishes first. |
-我還有一個主意 -很抱歉,提議時間已經過了 | - I have another idea. - I'm sorry,idea time is over. |
-所有的彩票都在碗裡了嗎? -是的 | - Well,are all the tickets in the bowl? - Yeah. |
-那床頭櫃上面的那些呢? -那邊沒有彩票 | - What about the ones on the nightstand? - There are no tickets there. |
是的,那邊有 我幾分鐘前才看到 | Yes,there are. I just saw them a few minutes ago. |
不對,沒有,你看錯了 | No,you didn't. You must be mistaken. |
-床頭櫃上有二十張彩票 -錢德,注意我的語氣 | - There are 20 tickets on the nightstand. - Chandler,sense the tone. |
喔,喔,喔,瞧瞧媽咪找到了什麼 | Well,well,well. Look what Mommy found. |
好啦,我幫自己跟錢德多買了二十張 | Okay,fine. I bought 20 extra tickets for me and Chandler. |
算命的還說我會被朋友背叛 | The psychic also said that I would be betrayed. |
我不敢相信,我以為我們是一起的 | I can't believe this. I thought we were all in this together. |
-嘿,你五分鐘前才加入的! -是三分鐘! | - Hey,you just got in five minutes ago! - Three minutes ago! |
我不知道那有什麼重要的 | I don't know why that's important. |
我一直都跟你在一起 你是什麼時候買的? | I was with you the whole time. When did you even get those? |
當你在看未拆封的色情書刊的時候 | When you were reading the dirty magazines without taking off the plastic. |
我會分給你看的 | I'll show you how. |
好了,莫妮卡 假設你的彩票中獎了怎麼辦? | Okay. Well,Monica,suppose one of your special tickets wins? |
你覺得中了彩票 失去了朋友又怎樣? | How are you gonna feel when you win and lose your friends? |
拜託,如果我中獎了 你們才不會離開我 | Please. If I win the lottery,you guys are not gonna leave me. |
有人上星期給我一堆松餅 害我整整三天都被你們騷擾! | Someone gave me muffins last week,and I couldn't get rid of you for three days! |
錢德,你可以告訴她這是不對的嗎? | Chandler,would you just tell her what she did was wrong? |
她說的對,你不應該 幫我們兩個另買彩票 | She's right. You shouldn't have bought tickets just for us. |
讓我說完 | Let me finish. |
然而,看起來我好像得不到這份工作了 | However,it doesn't look like I'm gonna get this job.. |
所以我不能太有原則 去你們的!彩票是我們的! | so I can't afford to have principles. So screw you! The tickets are ours! |
這才是我嫁的好男人 | There's the man I married. |
好了,相信我,如果你們中獎了 | All right. Believe me,if you win the lottery.. |
你們就跟我們不是朋友了 | it's the last you're gonna hear from us. |
無所謂,不要當我的朋友就算了 我會買新朋友的 | Fine. Don't be my friends. I'll buy new friends. |
是的,我還會付錢讓他們動整形手術 讓他們看起來跟你們一模一樣! | Yeah,and then I'll pay for their plastic surgery so they look just like you! |
你知道嗎?我要拿回我的份 | You know what? I want my share of the tickets. |
我也要拿回我的彩票! 而且我要買下尼克隊! | I want my tickets too! And I'm buying the Knicks! |
還有施特菲·格拉芙(德國女子網球明星)! | And Steffi Graf! |
太好了,那我也要拿回我的! 而且如果我中獎… | Cool. Then I want mine too! And if I win.. |
我要拿全部的錢去買低利公債! | I'm gonna put it all into a very low-yield bond! |
不行,我們必須要 把全部的彩票集合在一起 | No. You guys,we gotta keep all the tickets together. |
不,我們應該分一分 | No. No,we should divide them up.. |
而且我應該多分點 因為是開我的車買的! | and I should get extra because we used my car! |
嘿!嘿!如果有人可以多拿一些 那個人應該是我! | Hey! Hey! If anybody gets extra tickets,it should be me! |
-這整件事都是我想出來的! -是啊,謝謝你發明彩票! | - This whole thing was my idea! - Yeah. Thanks for inventing the lottery! |
把彩票給我,我來分! | Just give them to me,and I'll split them up! |
嘿,嘿! | Hey,hey! |
天啊,我再也受不了了! 我來結束這一切! | God,I can't take it anymore! I'm putting an end to this! |
-如果她跳樓了,她的彩票就是我的! -等等,不!嘿! | - Okay,if she jumps,I get her tickets! - Wait,no,no! Hey! |
如果我們不要一起合資 那我們就什麼都不要 | If we're not doing this together,we're not doing it at all. |
-跟你們的彩票說再見吧 -不!不!不! | - Say goodbye to your tickets. - No! No! No! |
不要再靠過來了! | Do not come any closer! |
我可以再靠近一點點嗎? 我的寶貝被壓到了 | Can I come a little bit closer? Valuable things are getting squished. |
現在,什麼比較重要? 朋友還是錢? | Now,what's more important,your friends or money? |
-朋友! -錢! | - Friends! - Money! |
朋友 | Friends. |
嘿,莫妮卡,那你其它的彩票呢? | Hey,Monica,what about your extra tickets? |
全都在裡面了 | They're all in there. |
-還有我內衣藏的這五張 -莫妮卡! | - Even these five that I hid in my bra. - Monica! |
好的,很好,你們都嚇壞了 | Okay. Good. You guys were so scared. |
我根本不可能會丟掉這些… | There is no way I was gonna dump this.. |
天啊!不! | God! No! |
我想我把你的碗摔破了 | I think I broke your bowl. |
快、快、快! | Go! Go! Go! |
到街上去找彩票 真是美好的夜晚啊 | What a beautiful night to be running around the street,looking for tickets. |
而且被風一吹就更有趣了 | And the wind sure made it fun. |
-菲比,有一半不見了 -那又如何呢? | - Phoebe,we lost half of them. - So what? |
莫妮卡,我們還是會中獎的 | Monica,we have the winning ticket. |
算命師說我會中獎的,記得嗎? | My psychic said I was gonna win,remember? |
奇怪的是 算命師並沒有算到可怕的鴿子 | Weird your psychic didn't mention anything about the scary pigeon. |
事實上她是有說過 我會那樣死去 | As a matter of fact,she said that's how I'm going to die. |
所以,原諒我有點被嚇到 | So excuse me for being a little skittish. |
有兩通留言,可能是工作的消息 | There's two messages. This could be from work. |
-喔,放來聽聽 -好了,來了 | - Oh,play them. - Okay. Here we go. |
嗨,我是陽臺上的鴿子 打電話過來道歉的 | Hello. This is the pigeon from the balcony calling to apologize. |
我不應該把彩票 從那個漂亮小姐手中弄翻 | I shouldn't have knocked the tickets out of the pretty lady's hand. |
這全是我的錯,不關她的事,再見 | It was all my fault. Not hers. Bye. |
嗯,我敢說要他這樣道歉 一定很難 | Well,I bet that was very hard for him to do. |
嘿,錢德,我是查理 | Hey,Chandler,it's Charlie. |
就是這個了 | This is it. |
聽著,結果是我拿到最後的名額 | Listen,it turns out I got the last spot. |
我很抱歉,老兄 很高興跟你共事過 | I'm really sorry,man. It was a lot of fun working with you. |
再打電話給我吧 | Give me a call if you want. |
天啊,我很難過,親愛的 | Gosh,I ' m so sorry,honey. |
真替你難過,錢德 | Sorry,Chandler. |
這真是不公平,這就像那次 他們升珊卓,而不是我一樣 | It is so unfair. It's like that time they promoted Saundra over me at work. |
她跟羅夫羅蘭有親戚關係嗎? | Was she related to Ralph Lauren? |
沒有,只是她工作能力比我強太多了 | No,she was just much better at her job than me. |
你們大家,快要開獎了 | You guys,the drawing's about to start. |
我們應該打電話給我媽 跟艾瑪說晚安 | We should call my mom's and say good night to Emma.. |
-趕在她睡著以前 -好主意 | - before she goes down. - Good idea. |
親愛的,面對這件事你真的很堅強 | Honey,you're being really strong about this. |
我知道你很想要這份工作 | I know how badly you wanted that job. |
是啊,你知道的 我真的以為這是該給我的 | Yeah,you know,I really thought I deserved it. |
讓我們來中彩票吧 我們還有一百三十個機會不是嗎? | But let's go win the lottery. I mean,we still have a 130 chances to win,right? |
一百三十一個 | Hundred and thirty-one. |
是的,晚安甜心,我愛你 | Yeah,good night,sweetheart. I love you. |
還有記住,你是爹地的小女孩 | And remember,you're Daddy's little girl. |
菲比完全毀了“爹地”這個稱謂 | Phoebe's totally ruined that for me. |
嗨,媽,讓艾瑪聽 | Hi,Mom. Put her back on. |
瑞秋,他們在開獎了! | Rach,they're announcing the numbers! |
我的天啊,我可以感到自己在改變了 | My God,I can already feel myself changing. |
這裡是正式超級大彩票中獎號碼 我們有五十三 | Here are your official Powerball numbers. We have 53. |
-我有 -我們也有一個! | - I've got that. - We have one too! |
我們快中獎了! | We are on the road,people! |
快點! | Come on! |
媽,拜託,我知道你喜歡你的新嘴唇 但是我不太懂你在說什麼 | Mom,please,I know you love your new lips,but I can barely understand you. |
你可以讓我跟我女兒道晚安嗎? | Would you please just let me say good night to my daughter? |
然後接下來的號碼是七 | And here we go. The Powerball is seven. |
好了,你們快對號碼! 讓我發財吧! | All right,check your numbers! Make me rich. |
你們大家,你們不會相信這個的 | You guys,you're not gonna believe this. |
我剛剛在跟艾瑪說晚安的時候 她說了第一句話 | I was just saying good night to Emma,and she said her first words. |
-什麼? -那她說了什麼呢? | - What? - Well,what did she say? |
她說了“葛利巴”! | She said,"Gleba"! |
讓我發財吧! | Make me rich! |
-是不是很驚人呢? -是啊,真是太棒了 | - Isn't that amazing? - Oh,yeah. No,no,no,that's great. |
為什麼你沒有很興奮呢? | Why aren't you more excited? |
瑞秋,葛利巴不算一個詞 | Rach,gleba is not a word. |
-它當然算 -好吧,那它是什麼意思呢? | - Well,of course it is. - Okay. What does it mean? |
嗯,我又不認識所有的字詞 | Well,I don't know all the words. |
我只是很高興我沒有錯過 我女兒說第一句話 | You know,I'm just glad I didn't miss my daughter's first word. |
-你就是錯過了!葛利巴算! -好的,那用它造句 | - Yes you did! Gleba is a word! - Okay. Use it in a sentence. |
好的,艾瑪剛剛說了“葛利巴” | Okay. Emma just said,"Gleba." |
-那不算說話 -好的,我來查字典 | - It's not a word. - Okay,fine. I'm gonna look it up. |
好的,太好了 | Okay,great. |
順便查一下 有天她也說了另外一句… | While you're at it,she said another word the other day. |
你何不也查查看這個: | Why don't you look up: |
好了,葛利巴,葛利巴,葛利巴! | All right. Okay. Okay. Gleba. Gleba. Gleba. Gleba! |
找到了!“含孢子的豐厚菌種” | Here it is! "The fleshy,spore-bearing inner mass of a certain fungi." |
她會成為科學家的 | She's gonna be a scientist. |
-該死的,有人有對到嗎? -沒有 | - Damn it. Anybody got anything? - No. |
我還在對我的 | I'm still looking through mine. |
再對一次,沒有 | Just double-checking. No. |
沒有,沒有 | No. No. |
沒有! | No! |
嗨?等一下 | Hello? Hold on. |
是你老闆 | It's your boss. |
“很抱歉沒用你”的電話來了 | The "I'm sorry I rejected you" phone call. |
我還真不習慣男生打這種電話來 | I'm not used to getting these from guys. |
-嘿,史提夫 -錢德,嗨 | - Hey,Steve. - Chandler,hi. |
我想你已經聽說我們三個名額都滿了 | I'm sure you've heard we filled the three positions. |
我們覺得以你的成熟度及經驗 | We felt that with your maturity and experience.. |
你不會想要當助理的 | you wouldn't be happy being someone's assistant. |
我愛死當助理了,接聽電話… | I'd love to be somebody's assistant. Answering phones.. |
倒咖啡,我就是為那些工作而活的 | getting coffee,I live for that stuff. |
而且我並沒有很成熟 放屁、咪咪、屁蛋! | And I'm not too mature. Farts,boobies,butt cracks! |
錢德,你是全部的人裡面最優秀的 | Chandler,you were the strongest person in the program. |
我們要聘請你當初級廣告文案 | We're offering you the position of junior copywriter. |
我?那個剛才說“屁蛋”的人? | Me? That guy who just said,"butt cracks"? |
是的,沒錯 | Yes,that's right. |
我們很期望你能帶給這份工作… | We're excited about the level of sophistication.. |
一定程度的深度 | you'll be bringing to the job. |
好的,謝謝,你不會失望的 明天見 | Okay. Well,thanks,you won't regret it. I'll see you tomorrow. |
怎樣? | What? |
對,我要當初級廣告文案了 | Oh,yeah,I'm gonna be a junior copywriter. |
恭喜了!親愛的,我真以你為榮 | Congratulations! Oh,sweetie,I'm so proud of you. |
謝謝,這表示我今晚可以得到愛嗎? | Thanks. Does that mean I get the good loving tonight? |
當然,不看電視或什麼其它的 | You bet. No TV or anything. |
-嘿,恭喜你找到工作了 -謝了,老兄 | - Hey,that is so great about the job. - Thanks,man. |
我其實也有幫到忙 | I'd like to think I had something to do with it. |
-真的嗎?怎麼說? -剛剛在玩幸福骨頭的時候… | - Really? Why? - Well,before with the wishbone. |
我沒有許願我們中彩票 我許的願是你得到工作 | I didn't wish we would win the lottery. I wished you'd get the job. |
喔,是嗎? | Oh,yeah? |
聽著,別告訴莫妮卡 她會把你的心臟挖出來的 | Listen,don't tell Monica. She'll rip your heart right out. |
你們知道嗎?我一直有一點點感覺 | Well,you know what? There was a little part of me.. |
覺得我們好像真的會中獎 | that really thought we were gonna win. |
我也是,都是為了我的恐龍與 艾美利亞主題公園 | Me too. So much for my dinosaur/Amelia Earhart theme park. |
各位,特別號碼是多少 | You guys? What was the Powerball number again? |
-七 -我們中獎了 | - Seven. - We won. |
-什麼? -我們中獎了! | - What? - We won! |
-讓我看,讓我看 -別撕掉了 | - Let me see! Let me see! - Don't tear it! |
菲比,你其它五個號碼都不對! | Phoebe,you don't have any of the first five numbers! |
我知道,但是我們中了特別號 我們中了三塊錢! | I know that,but look,we got the Powerball number. We won $3! |
哇,你覺得我們應該分二十年領取還是一次領光呢? | Wow,you think we should get that over 20 years or go for the big payout? |
我不管,我從來就沒有中過任何東西,我真不敢相信! | I don't care. I've never won anything before. I can't believe this! |
菲比,你要怎麼運用這三塊錢呢? | So,Phoebe,what are you gonna do with your $3? |
又不是全都是我的 我們每個人都有五十分 | Well,it's not all mine. We all get 50 cents. |
你知道嗎?我的份給你 | You know what? You can have mine. |
-我的也是 -我的也是 | - Me too. - Me too. |
我的也是 | Me too. |
好吧,既然大家都要給你 | Well,I guess if everybody else is. |
(中央咖啡廳) | |
嘿,我剛剛打電話給彩票公司 | Hey,guys. So I just called the Powerball hot line. |
-你們敢相信嗎?沒有人中獎耶 -我希望不是那樣 | - Can you believe it? Nobody won. - I beg to differ. |
或許沒有人中頭獎 但是稍早有個人在這裡… | Maybe nobody won the jackpot,but there was this guy in here earlier.. |
在外面撿到一張彩票 中了一萬塊錢 | and he found a ticket on the street right outside and won $10,000. |
不要再責怪漂亮小姐了 | Again,don't blame the pretty lady. |
那不是她的錯,是鴿子我的錯 | It was not her fault. It was me,the pigeon. |
真的,不要再瞪她了 | Seriously,stop staring at her. |
天啊,你真美 | God,you're beautiful. |
我們為什麼要抗拒這種感覺呢? | Why are we fighting this? |
你跟我一樣都想要的 | You know you want it to happen as much as I do. |
我想要你,我需要你 | I want you. I need you. |
讓我跟你做愛 | Let me make love to you. |
我不想要介入這場真愛還是什麼的 | I don't wanna stand in the way of true love or anything.. |
但是我想如果你找一個甜瓜來愛 可能會比較不痛 | but I think a cantaloupe might hurt less. |
不是啦,我是在練習我的臺詞 | No,I'm rehearsing my lines. |
他們在《我們的日子》裡頭幫我 安插了愛情故事情節 | They're giving me a romantic story on Days of Our Lives. |
這是我的角色第一次戀愛 我很緊張,我想要把他演好 | It's the first time my character's gotten one. I'm nervous. I want it to be good. |
自從你上次做那個狗食廣告之後 我就沒有看你這麼認真練習過 | I haven't seen you this worked-up since you did that dog-food commercial.. |
而且那次你還以為是要跟 一隻真的會說話的狗一起演出 | and you thought you were gonna be with a real talking dog. |
是啊,那次我真的很失望 | Yeah,that was a disappointment. |
你想來片廠看我表現如何嗎? | You wanna come down to the set and tell me if I'm doing okay? |
-真的嗎? -是啊 | - Are you serious? - Yeah. |
只要你保證不要再被趕出去 | You just have to promise not to get thrown out again. |
-那只是個錯誤 -沒錯 | - That was an honest mistake. - Right. |
“天啊,這是男廁所嗎? 我真是好蠢” | "Oh,my God. Is this the men's room? I feel so foolish. |
“你一直都很清楚自己要當演員嗎?” | Have you always known you wanted to be an actor?" |
是啊,真是精彩的一天 | Yeah,that was an awesome day. |
瑞秋的夢 | The.One.With.Rachels.Dream |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-嘿 -嘿 | - Hey. - Hey. |
你們接下來幾個星期 有想要到我們餐廳用餐嗎? | You guys wanna come eat dinner at the restaurant in the next few weeks? |
-我很想 -喔,可能沒辦法 | - I'd love to. - Well,you can't. |
-我們下個月全部都被訂滿了 -喔,我不能幫你按摩 | - We're booked solid for the next month. - Well,I can't give you a massage.. |
因為我的執照又被取消了 | because my license has been revoked again. |
-菲比,發生什麼事? -喔,只是個意外 | - Phoebe,what happened? - Well,it was an accident,you know. |
當用很多精油的時候 有時候手是會滑的 | It's a lot of oil and sometimes the hand just slips. |
所以你是說餐廳生意很不錯囉? | So the restaurant's doing well,you say? |
好極了,還有人排隊排到街上… | It is so great. There are people lining up in the street.. |
只是為了嘗嘗我做的食物 下個星期六的排隊名單上有五十個人 | to taste my food. Saturday,there's a waiting list of 50 people. |
我知道那是什麼感覺 | I know how that feels. |
上個學期我有兩個學生想上我的 一點鐘的課,但是那堂課已經滿了 | Last semester,I had two students..who wanted to take my 1:00 class,but it was full. |
所以他們只能上我五點的課 | So they had to take my 5:00. |
那一點也不像 | That's not the same. |
我要給你個驚喜,回家去打包吧 | Have I got a surprise for you. Pack your bags. |
喔,不,你們七年之內不可以離婚的 | Oh,no. You guys aren't supposed to get divorced for seven years. |
什麼?不,我是要帶莫妮卡 去佛蒙特州的浪漫小木屋度假 | What? No,I'm taking Monica to a romantic inn in Vermont. |
還好,好的,很好 | Oh,good. Okay,good for you. |
試著找回往日情懷 | Trying to recapture the magic. |
-你可以請假嗎? -親愛的,我沒有辦法 | - So can you get out of work? - Honey,I can't. |
-餐廳現在忙瘋了 -你真的那麼忙嗎? | - Things are crazy at the restaurant. - You're really that busy? |
是的,我很抱歉,我真的很忙 | Yeah. I'm sorry,I really am. |
沒關係,我來試著更改日期好了 | That's okay. I'll just try and reschedule. |
嗨,我是錢德賓 我有預定過小木屋 | Hi,this is Chandler Bing. I made a reservation there.. |
現在我需要更改日期 | and I need to change it. |
無法退費是什麼意思? 我不能擇期再去嗎? | What do you mean,it's nonrefundable? Well,can I just come some other time? |
你不能破例嗎? | Can't you make an exception? |
告訴他們我是紐約一家大餐廳的主廚 | Tell them I'm a chef at a big New York restaurant. |
告訴他們在兩星期以後 我又會再度成為很棒的按摩師 | Tell them that in two weeks,I will once again be a masseuse in good standing. |
聽著,這實在太可笑了 這錢我不會付的,你聽懂了嗎? | Look,this is ridiculous. I'm not paying for that room,okay? |
好的,非常謝謝你 | Well,thank you very much. |
我得去佛蒙特州 | Yeah,I'm going to Vermont. |
-別擔心,你可以用你的旅遊保險 -我沒有旅遊保險 | - Don't worry,use your travel insurance. - I don't have travel insurance. |
當人們活在危機邊緣的時候 就是會發生這種事 | Well,this is what happens when people live on the edge. |
-親愛的,你該怎麼辦呢? -我去就是了 | - Honey,what are you gonna do? - I'll go. |
好的,我十點去接你 | Okay,I'll pick you up at 10. |
喔,跟你去嗎? | Oh,go with you? |
喔,我不能去 | Oh,I can't go. |
你何不跟羅斯一起去呢? | Why don't you take Ross? |
你不覺得那會有點奇怪嗎? 兩個大男人住一間浪漫小木屋? | Don't you think that'll be a little weird? I mean,two guys in a romantic inn? |
-不會啊,如果有兩張床就好了 -我猜也是 | - No,not if the room has two beds. - I guess. |
但是還是有點… “月光船遊”! | It still seems a little.. "Moonlight boat ride"?! |
(銀盃攝影棚) | |
喬伊,這是奧莉維亞獻出第一夜 的那張床嗎? | Joey,is this the bed where Olivia lost her virginity? |
我不知道,倒是有個臨時演員獻出過 | I don't know,but one of the extras sure did. |
瑞秋,再次謝謝你過來看我的演出 | Listen,Rach. Thanks again for coming down to watch my scenes. |
拜託,親愛的 我光是想到你要我的支持,我就… | Please,honey. Just the fact that you want me here to support you,I'm.. |
喔,天啊,那是克利斯桑德嗎? 他真的是非常帥! | Oh,my God. Is that Christian Saunders? He is so gorgeous! |
而且是非常同性戀 | And also,so gay. |
在我腦海中,他做了很多不是同性戀的事 | Well,in my head,he's done some pretty not-gay stuff. |
在聖誕晚會上,他跟聖誕老公公 做了很多絕對是同性戀的事 | Well,at the Christmas party,him and Santa did some definitely-gay stuff. |
喬伊?喬伊,我們準備好要拍你了 | Joey? Joey,we're ready for you. |
好的,祝我好運 | Okay. All right,wish me luck. |
你不是真的需要運氣才做的好,但… 天啊!那是傑斯萊西特嗎? | Okay. Not that you need it,but good.. God! Is that Chase Lassiter? |
-他是異性戀,對吧? -瑞秋,如果沒有你在這裡猜測… | - He's straight,right? - Rach,if you weren't here wondering.. |
這些男的是不是同性戀… 我還真的不知道我能不能演的好 | if these guys were gay,I don't know if I could do this. |
我很抱歉,你說的對 很抱歉,祝你好運 | I'm sorry,you're right. I'm sorry. Good luck. |
拜託準備好,安靜 | On a bell,please. Quietly. |
開拍! | And action! |
德瑞克,你在這裡做什麼呢? | Drake,what are you doing here? |
阻止你嫁給不對的人… | Stopping you from marrying the wrong man.. |
犯下你這輩子最大的錯誤 | and making the biggest mistake of your life. |
-出去 -你並不愛他 | - Get out. - You don't love him. |
你知道什麼是愛嗎? | What do you know about love? |
我知道那晚我們在 橋下接吻的感覺是什麼 | I know what I felt that night when we kissed under the bridge. |
-那個吻並沒有發生 -那麼,這個呢? | - That kiss never happened. - Well,what about this one? |
我說過了,滾出去 | Now,I told you to get out. |
好,我走 | Fine,I'll go. |
但是讓我問你一個問題 | But let me ask you one question. |
-你看起來很面熟,我們有…? -噓!他要問她問題 | - You look real familiar. Have we..? - Shh! He's asking her a question. |
你可以渡過一生 而不知道我們如果在一起會是如何嗎? | Can you live the rest of your life never knowing what we could have been? |
-我沒有選擇 -你有選擇的 | - I don't have a choice. - Yes,you do. |
你有的,我才是那個沒有選擇的人 因為我… | Yes,you do. I'm the one who doesn't have a choice because I.. |
因為我無法停止愛你 | Because I can't stop loving you. |
-別那樣說 -你叫我停下來吧 | - Don't say that. - Tell me to stop. |
你只要… | Just.. |
叫我停下來 | tell me to stop. |
-停! -不! | - Cut! - No! |
停也好,那是你的決定 | Or,cut. You know,that's your call. |
-每道菜都很美味 -謝謝你 | - Everything was delicious. - Thank you. |
真的,尤其是鴨肉更是美味絕倫 | It was. The duck in particular was superb. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
你還沒有開口說話 | You haven't said anything. |
其實我有一個小小的抱怨 | Actually,I do have one small complaint. |
喔,請說,我歡迎各種批評指教 | Well,please,I welcome criticism. |
餐廳外面的歌手有點破壞氣氛 | The musician right outside the restaurant is kind of a mood killer. |
什麼歌手? | What musician? |
你在這裡做什麼呢? | What are you doing here? |
你說你們的客人都排隊排到街上 所以我就過來娛樂他們了 | You said you had customers lined up in the street,so I'm here to entertain. |
-很好 -是啊,一切都進行的很好 | - Great. - Yeah,it really has been great too. |
他們一定有看我表演過 | They must have seen me play before.. |
因為他們一直要點我的許多歌曲 | because they requested a bunch of my songs. |
像是《你遜斃了》 | Yeah,"You Suck".. |
還有《閉嘴回家去》 | and "Shut Up and Go Home." |
聽著,菲比,你知道我很愛聽你的歌的 | Listen,Phoebe. You know how much I love listening to your music.. |
-但是… -但是什麼? | - but.. - But what? |
這是個蠻高級的場所 | This is kind of a classy place. |
好的,不用多說了 | Okay,say no more. |
大家一起來! | Everyone! |
高級,不是嗎? | Classy,huh? |
嗨,我是錢德賓,我有訂房 | Hi,Chandler Bing. I have a reservation. |
歡迎來到小木屋 你們是從哪裡來的呢? | Welcome to the Chestnut lnn. Where are you joining us from? |
-紐約 -大蘋果 | - New York. - The Big Apple. |
他太興奮了,我們來這裡的路上 每間楓糖糖果店都有停下來 | He's wound up. We had to stop at every maple-candy stand on the way here. |
我吃光了要買給大家的禮物 | I ate all my gifts for everybody. |
我很抱歉,電腦沒有登記您的預定 | I'm sorry,there's no record of your reservation in the computer. |
-那是不可能的,請再查一次 -請再查一次 | - That's impossible. Check again,please. - Check again,please. |
-我很抱歉,沒有 -沒有 | - I'm sorry,it's not here. - It's not there. |
讓我搞清楚,我有打過電話來 試著要取消我的預約 | Let me get this straight. I called to try to cancel my reservation.. |
你們告訴我不能取消 然後我們開了六小時的車到這裡 | was told it's not refundable. Then we drove six hours all the way up here.. |
-現在你又說我們沒有訂房? -我不知道該說什麼 | - and now we don't have a reservation? - I don't know what to say. |
她不知道該說什麼 | She doesn't know what to say. |
那給我們最便宜的房間就好了 | Just give us the cheapest room you have. |
我們現在剩下來的房間就只有精緻套房 價格是每晚六百元 | The only thing we have available is our deluxe suite. The rate is $600. |
-這真的過分 -真是太過分了 | - That's insane. - It's totally insane. |
我們開車回家吧,可以在回家路上 再去每間楓糖糖果店 | Dude,let's drive home. We'll hit all the maple-candy stores on the way back.. |
而且如果他們關門了 或許我們可以找棵樹自己做楓糖 | and if they're closed,then maybe we'll tap a tree and make some ourselves. |
那個房間有個衣櫥 可以讓我把他鎖起來嗎? | Does that room have a closet I can lock him in? |
-我們要那間房 -太好了 | - We'll take it. - Great. |
他們完全就是在剝削我們 每人三百塊? | They are totally ripping us off! Three hundred dollars each? |
“每人”?我是你的約會伴侶耶 | "Each?" I'm your date. |
所以我得負擔所有的開銷 而且還不能做愛 | So I pay for everything and have no sex. |
喔,在有莫妮卡之前的生活就是如此 | Oh,life before Monica. |
老兄,別擔心 | Dude,don't worry about it. |
我知道要如何讓你花的錢回本 這是間不錯的飯店,有很多福利設施 | I know how to make your money back. This is a nice hotel. Plenty of amenities. |
我們只要儘量拿走那些東西就好了 像是這些蘋果,不要只拿一個 | We just load up on those. Like those apples. Instead of taking one.. |
我拿六個 | I take six. |
太棒了,一個蘋果一百塊,我們辦到了 | Great. At $100 an apple,we're there. |
別這樣,你知道我的意思的 我們很快就可以回本了 | Come on,you get the idea. You know,we'll make our money back in no time. |
-老兄,你在發抖耶 -是糖在搞怪,可以幫我拿蘋果嗎? | - Dude,you're shaking. - It's the sugar. Could you hold the apple? |
-嗨 -嘿 | - Hi. - Hey. |
喬伊,我要跟你說 我整天都在想你的演出 | Joey,I gotta tell you,I have been thinking all day about that scene you did. |
你真是棒透了 | I mean,you were amazing. |
你知道的,編劇很棒 導演也很棒 | You know,the writing was good. And the director's good. |
我的對戲演員也很棒 | And my costar's good. |
但是他們還是不如我棒! | But they're not as good as me! |
你得告訴我明天會發生什麼事 | You have to tell me what happens tomorrow. |
我現在正在看劇本 你要幫我一起對臺詞嗎? | I'm going over the script now. Wanna read lines with me? |
我嗎?喔,我不是演員的料 | Me? Oh,I'm not an actress. |
-好吧,我去找莫妮卡 -去她的!那角色是我的! | - All right,I can ask Monica. - Screw her! That part is mine! |
好的,從這一頁開頭開始 | Okay,so just from the top of the page right here. |
好的 | Okay. |
嗨,德瑞克,我很訝異會在此看到你 | Hello,Drake. I'm surprised to see you here. |
-我不敢相信你嫁給他了 -我能有什麼選擇呢? | - I can't believe you married him. - Well,what choice did I have? |
他把我妹妹關在地牢裡 | He was keeping my sister in a dungeon. |
那我們呢?我們對彼此的感覺呢? | So,what about us? Everything we feel for each other? |
結束了,你必須要接受 | It's over. You have to accept that. |
當我知道我再也無法把你擁入懷中 或是碰觸你的肌膚 | How can I,knowing I'll never hold you in my arms again.. |
或是感覺你的雙唇 或是永遠無法跟你做愛 | or touch your skin or feel your lips.. |
我怎麼能夠做的到呢? | knowing I'll never make love to you? |
我怎麼能接受 我再也無法親吻你 | How can I accept that I can never kiss you again.. |
而我現在最想要做的 就只是親吻你 | when it's all I can do not to kiss you right now? |
親我 | Kiss me. |
什麼? | What? |
親我 | Kiss me. |
-瑞秋,劇本不是那樣寫的 -不,是我說的 | - Rach,it doesn't say that. - No,I'm saying it. |
-但是… -不要說話 | - But.. - Just don't talk. |
那倒是新鮮 | Well,that's new. |
嗨,我是206號房的羅斯蓋勒 | Hi,this is Ross Geller in suite 206. |
我忘了帶幾樣東西 | I've forgotten a couple of things. |
你可以幫我送幾樣贈送的 衛生用品到我房間裡來嗎? | Could you have some complimentary toiletries sent up to my room? |
謝謝你 好的,牙刷、牙膏 | Thank you. Okay,a toothbrush,toothpaste.. |
刮胡刀、漱口水、體香劑、牙線 繃帶、刮胡乳液、收斂水 | razor,mouthwash,deodorant,floss,Band-Aids,shaving cream,after-shave. |
我覺得我好像漏了什麼東西 | And I feel like I'm forgetting something. |
你還有什麼東西是我沒有提到的呢? | Is there anything else you have that I haven't asked for already? |
好,那就送一些衛生棉條上來 | Yeah,go ahead,send up some tampons. |
-你拿了什麼? -《美國時報》 | - What'd you get? - USA Today. |
很好,跟其它的放在一起 | Nice. Put it with the others. |
而且我還多拿了兩個蘋果 | And I also got two more apples. |
還差四個就可以做水果花籃了! | We're four short of a bushel! |
天啊,我覺得充滿活力 我喜歡鄉間生活! | God,I feel so alive. I love being in the country! |
還有,我從餐廳裡拿了這些… | Also,got these great salt and pepper shakers.. |
-鹽巴胡椒罐 -這不好 | - from the restaurant. - That's not cool. |
兄弟,這一切都不好 | Dude,none of this is cool. |
聽著,錢德,你要找出介於偷竊跟… | Look,Chandler,you have to find the line between stealing.. |
拿取飯店欠你的東西之間的界線 | and taking what the hotel owes you. |
例如,吹風機,不不不 | For example: A hair dryer,no,no. |
但是洗髮精跟潤髮乳,可以可以 | But shampoos and conditioners,yes,yes. |
鹽巴罐是不行的 | Now,the salt shaker is off limits. |
但是鹽巴… | But the salt.. |
我希望我剛剛有想清楚點 | I wish I'd thought this through. |
我想我知道你的意思了 就像檯燈是飯店的… | I think I get what you mean,though. Like,the lamp is the hotel's.. |
但是燈泡… 喔,你已經拿了 | but the bulbs.. Oh,you already got that. |
我的朋友 這可不是我第一次住飯店 | Not my first time in a hotel,my friend. |
-好的,那這個呢? -不不不 | - Okay,how about this? - No,no,no. |
-你不能拿遙控器 -是的,但是可以拿電池 | - You can't take the remote control. - Yes,but the batteries. |
謝謝,太謝謝你了 | Thank you. Thank you very much. |
-我們來吃楓糖慶祝吧 -不! | - Let's celebrate with some maple candy. - No! |
至少告訴我你把它藏哪裡去了 | At least tell me where you hid it. |
(中央咖啡廳) | |
-我可以問你一個問題嗎? -好的 | - Can I ask you a question? - Yeah. |
你有沒有作過任何… | Have you ever had any.. |
奇異的… 浪漫的夢呢? | weird,romantic dreams? |
讓我想想 | Let me think. |
當我較年輕的時候 我曾經夢過跟麥當勞的卡通市長結婚 | When I was younger,I used to dream that I got married to Mayor McCheese. |
然後在我們新婚之夜,我吃了他的頭 | And on our wedding night,I ate his head. |
好的 | Okay. |
這一點也… | Well,this is like that.. |
不像是那樣 | in no way. |
我昨晚夢到我想要親喬伊 | I had a dream last night that I wanted to kiss Joey. |
哇!你是說真的親吻他嗎? | Wow! You mean like "kiss him" kiss him? |
是啊,我是說那種很激情的 | Oh,yeah. I mean,it was pretty intense. |
-為什麼會那樣呢? -我不知道 | - What brought that on? - I don't know. |
或許跟我看到他演出那場愛情戲有關 | Maybe it had to do with the fact I saw him do a love scene. |
-愛情戲?跟誰呢? -奧莉維亞 | - A love scene? With who? - Olivia. |
奧莉維亞?我以為她要跟康納結婚了 | Olivia?! I thought she was marrying Connor?! |
對了,現實生活比較重要 | Oh,right. Real life more important. |
-你認為我的夢代表什麼嗎? -我不知道 | - You think my dream means anything? - I don't know. |
你看到他演出愛情戲 | I mean,you saw him do a love scene. |
或許對喬伊沒有感覺 或許你是對德瑞克有感覺 | So maybe you don't have a thing for Joey. Maybe you have a thing for Drake. |
是啊,在夢裡是當喬伊 在念德瑞克臺詞的時候 | Well,it was Joey reading Drake's lines in the dream. |
當然囉,相信我,只要是跟心理學有關 | Of course it was. Trust me,when it comes to psychology.. |
我是很內行的 | I know what I'm talking about. |
我在大學的時候修過兩堂心理學 | I took two psych classes in college. |
你一堂課重修兩次 | You took the same class twice. |
-那很難耶! -我知道 | - It was hard! - I know. |
-嘿 -嗨,菲比 | - Hey. - Hi,Phoebe. |
莫妮卡,瞧瞧我為了要到你餐廳演唱 買了什麼 | Here,Monica,look what I got to wear when I play at your restaurant. |
等等 | Wait. |
我想這會提高 “沒有割包皮男人之民謠”的格調 | Right? I think this might even class up "The Ballad of the Uncircumcised Man." |
菲比… | Phoebe.. |
或許我之前說的不夠清楚 | maybe I wasn't clear before. |
我真的很喜歡在這裡聽你的音樂 | I really love listening to your music here. |
但是我的餐廳是比較高級的地方 | But my restaurant,it's sort of an upscale place. |
好的,好吧,我會要管家幫我把 我的鑽石從保險箱拿出來 | Right,yeah,okay. I'll ask the butler to fetch my diamonds out of the vault. |
菲比,不是你穿的衣服的關係 | Phoebe,it's not what you wear. |
是你的歌 | It's sort of your songs. |
我只是覺得你不應該再到餐廳演唱了 | I just don't think you should play at the restaurant anymore. |
好的,沒關係,我就… | Okay. Fine,I'll just.. |
我把帽子拿回去退 | I'll take the hat back. |
好了 | There. |
嘿,我辦公室發生一件最好笑… | Hey,so,you guys,the funniest thing happened at work the.. |
我的歌不夠格登上你們餐廳的大堂嗎? | My songs aren't good enough for your restaurant? |
好吧,我們還在談那個 | Okay,we're still on that. |
-我沒有說它們不夠格 -那有什麼不對呢? | - I didn't say they weren't good enough. - Then what's wrong with them? |
是怎樣?他們不夠格配你的 一丁點份的,自負的食物嗎? | What,they don't go with your tiny portions of pretentious food? |
-一丁點份? -是啊不好意思… | - Tiny portions? - Yeah,well,"Excuse me. |
我點了熏鮭魚 但是我看不到鮭魚,我看不到 | I ordered the smoked salmon appetizer,but I can't see it. I can't see it." |
-菲比,份量不是最重要的 -喔,品質也不是最重要的 | - Phoebe,it's not about quantity. - Well,it's not about quality. |
真的嗎?你想要談品質嗎? | Oh,really? You wanna talk about quality? |
你有聽過什麼叫“調”嗎? 那是大家唱歌要對的 | Have you ever heard of a "key"? It's what some people sing in. |
至少我所有的歌都沒有蒜頭味 | Well,at least all my songs don't taste like garlic. |
是的,莫妮卡 還有其它的東西可以拿來調味的 | Yeah,there are other ingredients,Monica. |
所以我們要這樣做囉 | So that's what we're doing. |
當我在咖啡廳裡跟著你的歌打拍子時 | When I'm in a coffeehouse bopping along to one of your songs.. |
我是有戴耳塞的 | I'm wearing earplugs. |
是耳塞還是蒜頭塞呢? | Earplugs or cloves of garlic? |
你知道嗎?我收回我所說的話 | You know what? I take back what I said before. |
繼續到餐廳演唱吧 因為你的音樂會把人逼進餐廳裡… | Keep playing at the restaurant,because with your music driving people inside.. |
我們吧台的營業量會瘋狂激長的 | my bar sales have gone up like crazy. |
他們都點什麼呢?蒜頭馬提尼嗎? | What are people having,the garlic martini? |
那你想要聽聽我今天工作的事嗎? | So you wanna hear my work story? |
我省省好了 | I'll save it. |
這是您的帳單,希望您還住的愉快 | Here's your bill. We hope you enjoyed your stay. |
喔,我們很愉快 而且你們的檯燈都還在 | Oh,we did. And you still have all your lamps. |
-我沒有把稅金算進去 -兄弟,不用擔心 | - I didn't factor in the room tax. - Dude,don't worry about it. |
我找到了一台沒人看管的女傭拖車 我們在這場遊戲中是領先的 | I found an unattended maid's cart. We're way ahead of the game. |
-喔,我的天 -怎樣? | - Oh,my God. - What? |
那盆子裡有新的東西 | There's something new in the bowl. |
-聽著,我們拿夠了,走吧 -不,但是我想要松果 | - Look,we have enough. Just walk away. - No,but I want the pine cones. |
-外面就有一片森林 -那不一樣 | - There's a forest right outside. - It's not the same. |
-不,她會看到的 -不,她不會,我會動作很快的 | - No,look. She's gonna see us. - No,she won't. I'm sly. |
好吧,快點 | Okay,go quick. |
謝謝你們令人愉快的服務 | Thank you for a delightful stay. |
我的楓糖糖果! | My maple candy! |
原來是你,我還以為有人 拿了一袋子的貓往牆上砸 | It's just you. I thought someone was swinging a bag of cats against the wall. |
你最好回去廚房 蒜頭是不會自己多用自己的 | You'd better get back in that kitchen. The garlic's not gonna overuse itself. |
-好了,你現在必須要停唱了 -為什麼? | - Okay,you have to stop playing now. - Why? |
我的歌干擾到的人只有你 | The only person my playing is bothering is you. |
-是嗎?我們來解決這件事,來吧 -把你的蒜頭手拿開 | - Oh,yeah? Let's settle this. Come on. - Get your garlic peelers off me. |
不好意思,不好意思 | Excuse me? Excuse me? |
我是莫妮卡蓋勒,這裡的主廚 | Hi,I'm Monica Geller. I'm the head chef here. |
好的,我本來真的希望有人鼓掌的 但是沒關係 | Okay,I was actually expecting a little applause there,but whatever. |
一個問題,請大家舉手回答 | Quick question. By a show of hands.. |
你們有誰被這女人 在外面唱歌干擾到呢? | how many of you were bothered by this woman's singing outside? |
好的,好的,我有個問題 | Okay,okay. Well,I have a question. |
你現在可以把手放下了 | You can put your hand down. |
你剛剛吐口水到我的吉他箱上 就已經表達的很清楚了 | You made your point earlier when you spit in my guitar case. |
好的,你們有誰喜歡外面的音樂呢? | Okay,okay. How many of you enjoyed the music outside? |
讓我問你們這個問題 有誰認為音樂還好… | Let me ask you this question. How many thought the music was fine.. |
但是跟本餐廳的格調不符呢? | but not in keeping with the tone of the restaurant? |
好的,誰認為這個餐廳的格調是 “自以為是又充滿蒜頭味”呢? | Okay,well,who identified this restaurant's tone as "pretentious-comma-garlicky"? |
好的,有誰覺得食物是很美味的 而一點點做作是沒關係的? | Okay,who thinks the food is delicious and a little pretension never hurt anyone? |
好了,沒關係,有誰覺得食物很好 音樂也很棒 | Okay,well,all right,who thinks the food is fine,the music was fine.. |
但是你的晚餐已經被這個持續不斷 的民意調查給毀了? | but your evening was ruined by this incessant poll-taking? |
不好意思 | Excuse us. |
好了,我問你 | All right,here's a question. |
有誰認為她的餐廳是那麼的高級… | Who was so worried about her restaurant being fancy.. |
讓她過分的擔心 她的朋友會演唱不適當的音樂… | that she made a big deal about her friend playing her music.. |
而現在真的覺得很難過呢? | and feels really bad about it now? |
有誰很愚蠢又很頑固… | Well,who was so stupid and stubborn.. |
批評了她朋友的烹飪技術… | that she lashed out against her friend's cooking.. |
而其實她是覺得她的烹飪很好呢? | which she actually thinks is pretty great? |
-我很抱歉 -我也很抱歉 | - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry too. |
嘿,你要不要留下來 然後我幫你準備晚餐呢? | Hey,you wanna stick around and I'll whip you up some dinner? |
好啊,只要是免費的 | Yeah,as long as it's free. |
這裡的食物真的是超貴… | The food here is ridiculously overpr.. |
誰希望舉手這件事 可愛到使你不要恨我呢? | Who hopes the hand-raising thing is still cute enough that you won't hate me? |
-嘿 -嘿 | - Hey. - Hey. |
喬伊,你的頭後面有花生醬嗎? | Joey,do you have peanut butter on the back of your head? |
喔,天啊,我以為我都擦掉了 | Oh,man. I thought I got it all. |
怎麼會… | How..? |
怎麼弄到的呢? | How? |
我正在做花生醬冰沙 | I was making a peanut butter smoothie,right? |
我找不到果汁機上面那個小塑膠蓋 | I couldn't find this little plastic thingy that goes in the top of the blender. |
然後我想 “那個小東西有什麼重要的呢?” | And I thought,"Well,you know,how important can that be?" Right? |
結果是非常重要 | Turns out,very. |
哇,一定只是因為德瑞克 | Wow,definitely just Drake. |
-什麼? -德瑞克演的如何呢? | - What? - How's it going with Drake? |
-我想可能演的不是很好 -什麼? | - I don't think it's going very well. - What? |
我看的那一場戲很好啊 | That scene I saw was so good. |
我對明天要拍的那場戲 覺得很沒安全感 | Well,I'm feeling really insecure about the one we're shooting tomorrow. |
你是不是又故意說自己很糟 然後讓我來讚美你呢? | Is this that thing you do when you say you're bad so I'll give you a compliment? |
有點 | A little. |
不,我是真的很擔心 我必須要演得像是我真的愛上奧莉維亞 | No,I really am worried. I have to make it convincing that I'm in love with Olivia. |
-所以呢? -所以…我從來沒有演過那種戲 | - So? - So I've never played that. |
喔,親愛的,那不會很難的 你也有投入戀愛過啊 | Oh,honey,it can't be that hard. I mean,you've been in love before. |
嗯,只有一次… | Well,just once.. |
就是跟你 | with you. |
好了,這實在是有點尷尬 | Okay. Well,this could be a little awkward. |
我們跳過好了 | I'm just gonna blow past it. |
聽著,你何不運用你那個特殊方法 | Well,look,can't you just use that method-actor thing.. |
就是利用你的真實生活回憶 來幫助演出呢? | where you use your real-life memories to help you in your performance? |
你在說什麼? | What the hell are you talking about? |
好的,只要試著回憶起 你在投入戀愛時候的感覺 | All right,look,just try to remember how you felt when you were in love.. |
然後在演出的時候回想起那些感覺 | and think about that when you're playing the scene. |
好的,是啊,我想我做的到 | Okay. Yeah,I think I can do that. |
好的,有個派對的劇情 | Yeah. Okay,there's this party scene coming up. |
奧莉維亞跟她老公就在那裡 | And Olivia and her husband are there.. |
而德瑞克想要做的只有抓住她 然後親吻她,但是他不能 | and all Drake wants to do is grab her and kiss her,but he can't. |
那讓我想起許多時候我好想抓住你 然後親吻你 | That makes me think about those times I wanted to grab you and kiss you.. |
但是你並不知道 所以我只能假裝沒事 | but you didn't know,so I would just pretend everything was cool.. |
但這真的讓我很受折磨 | but really it was killing me. |
喬伊,你從來沒有說過這些 | Joey,you never talked about that before. |
嘿,你知道我還可以用什麼嗎? | Hey,you know what else I could use? |
有一場戲是德瑞克偷偷溜進 奧莉維亞的房間 | There's this scene where Drake sneaks into Olivia's bedroom.. |
她不知道他就在那裡 當然,我們之間沒有發生過這樣的事 | and she doesn't know he's there,which never happened with us. |
他知道他不應該去那裡 但是他只想看看她 | I mean,he knows he shouldn't be there,but he just wants to look at her. |
你知道嗎? | You know? |
而且我記得有好幾個早上 就在你開始要化妝之前 | And I remember all those mornings before you even put on your makeup.. |
我會想“天啊,她真是美麗” | when I would think to myself,"My God,she is beautiful." |
而且讓我好心痛 因為我知道我永遠不能告訴你 | And it hurt so much because I knew I could never tell you. |
但是光是看著你 我就覺得心滿意足了 | But it was worth it just to be there looking at you. |
謝了,真是太棒了! | Thanks,dude. This is great! |
我從佛蒙特州幫你帶了些東西 | I got you something from Vermont. |
衛生棉條跟鹽巴以外的東西嗎? | Besides tampons and salt? |
喔,我的天 | Oh,my God. |
楓糖糖果,你真是貼心 | Maple candy. That's so sweet of you. |
真是奇怪,裡面是空的 | That's weird,it's empty. |
嘿,你們好,怎麼了呢? 你們要一起怎樣嗎? | Hi,you guys. What's going on? You guys wanna hang out or..? |
你們有聽到嗡嗡聲嗎? | Do you guys hear a buzzing? |
嘿,你們明天晚上有事嗎? | Hey,you guys? What are you doing tomorrow night? |
嗯,讓我看看,我想我… | Oh,well,let me see. I believe I'm.. |
是的,會在電視機前面睡著 | Yes,falling asleep in front of the TV. |
我經紀人給我六張票 去看一出很棒的舞臺劇 | Well,my agent hooked me up with six tickets to a great play. |
我也可以在那出舞臺劇演出時睡覺 | I could fall asleep at a play. |
-是什麼樣的舞臺劇? -是一個女人的獨場戲叫做… | - What is it? - It's a one-woman play called: |
《你為什麼不喜歡我? 一個悲慘女人的生命歷程》 | Why Don't You Like Me? A Bitter Woman's Journey Through Life. |
-聽起來挺有趣的 -是聽起來挺有趣的 | - That sounds interesting. - That does sound interesting. |
聽一個女人抱怨兩個小時 我不認為那會更… | To listen to a woman complain for two hours. I don't think it gets bet.. |
我知道,我們可以開車 可以投票,可以工作 | I know! I know. We can drive. We can vote. We can work. |
那些女人還想要什麼呢? | What more do these broads want? |
你們會喜歡的,我保證 | Well,you guys will have a great time. I promise. |
什麼?為什麼你不去呢? | What? How come you don't have to go? |
我希望我可以,但是我發現… | I wish I could,but I found out.. |
我隔天要很早就起來工作 所以我不能去 | that I have to be at work really early the next day,so I can't go. |
但是你們可以用剩下的那張票 邀請任何人去都可以 | But take the extra ticket and invite whoever you want. |
讓我瞧瞧我最恨誰呢? | Let's see. Who do I hate? |
對不起 | Oh,sorry. |
-哦,對不起 -好的 | - Oops,sorry. - Okay. |
-好的 -好的,抬起來 | - Okay. - Okay. Up we go. |
-天啊,好的! -好了 | - Oh,gosh,okay! - All right. |
我可以問你一個問題嗎? | Can I ask you a question? |
你覺得有沒有可能兩個朋友… | Do you think it's possible for two friends to fool around.. |
打情罵俏後不會有事情發生? | and not have it be a big deal? |
不可能,為什麼? | No,I don't think that ever works. Why? |
-沒事 -等一等,瑞秋? | - No reason. - No,no. Rachel? |
-你想要跟誰打情罵俏呢? -沒有人!別想太多 | - Who do you want to fool around with? - Nobody! Forget it. |
喬伊嗎? | Joey? |
或許吧 | Maybe. |
-不行 -為什麼? | - You can't. - Why? |
因為! | Because! |
說真的,你說什麼 我一點都不瞭解 | Okay,seriously,did not understand a word you just said. |
-到外面去 -好 | - In the hall. - Okay. |
-你想要跟喬伊打情罵俏? -是啊 | - You wanna fool around with Joey? - Yeah. |
自從我做過那個夢之後 我就一直忘不了 | Ever since I had that dream about him,I can't get it out of my head. |
我是說那又會怎樣? 很多人都是那樣做的 | I mean,what's the big deal? People do it all the time. |
你認識誰只在打情罵俏的? | Who do you know that are friends that just fool around? |
好的,隨便想想… 唐跟珍娜 | Okay. Off the top of my head.. Don and Janet. |
-他們是誰? -工作上認識的人 | - Who are they? - I know them from work. |
-兩個都是嗎? -不,只有其中一個 | - Both of them? - No,just one of them. |
哪一個? | Which one? |
我不知道,我剛才說了哪些名字呢? | I don't know. What were the names I just said? |
瑞秋,事情會變得很複雜的 | No,Rachel,things could get incredibly complicated. |
好吧,你說的對,我不會對喬伊怎樣的 我只是以為… | All right. You're right. I won't do anything with Joey. I just thought it.. |
好的,那就兩杯的龍蒿、一磅的蘇打粉 還有紅洋蔥 | Okay,so that's two cups of tarragon,one pound of baking soda and a red onion? |
你是想要煮什麼呢? | What the hell are you cooking? |
肥皂劇派對 | The.One.With.The.Soap.Opera.Party |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
你們不會相信 我今天要做什麼樣的工作 | You guys won't believe what I have to do for work today. |
但是羅斯,是你自己選擇 要談論恐龍的工作的 | Yes,but,Ross,you chose a career of talking about dinosaurs. |
有兩個教授要加入我的部門 | There are these two professors who are joining my department.. |
而我要在這裡跟他們碰面 然後帶他們到校園看看 | and I have to meet them here and show them around campus. |
那怎麼會糟糕呢? | What's so bad about that? |
我只知道他們會是那種老空談者 | I just know they'll be a couple of old windbags.. |
穿著在手肘的地方 縫上仿麂皮的花呢外套 | wearing tweed jackets with suede elbow patches. |
羅斯? | Ross? |
怎樣?這些不是仿麂皮 | What? These aren't suede. |
不好意思,我在找人 | Excuse me. I'm looking for someone. |
你認不認識 一個叫做羅斯蓋勒的? | You don't,by any chance,know a Ross Geller? |
不認識 | No. |
嗨,我是羅斯蓋勒 | Hi. Hi,I'm Ross Geller. |
嗨,我是魏勒教授 | Oh,hi. I'm Professor Wheeler. |
喔,這…這太好了 | Oh,that's.. That's.. That's nice. |
很高興見到你 | It's good to meet you. |
謝謝你願意花時間幫我介紹環境 | Thank you so much for taking the time to show me around. |
不,這一點也不麻煩的 | No,it's no big deal. |
如果我沒有這樣做,反正我也只是 在健身房健身而已 | If I weren't doing this,I'd just,you know,be at the gym working out. |
他會介紹我們嗎? | Is he gonna introduce us? |
我想他現在根本就看不到我們 | I think we're just blurry shapes to him now. |
對了,我真的很喜歡你寫的… | By the way,I really enjoyed your paper.. |
地域隔絕與快速突變之間關係的論文 | on the connection between geographic isolation and rapid mutagenesis. |
我一個晚上就寫完了 | I wrote that in one night. |
我賭二十塊錢 他們一個月內就會結婚 | Twenty bucks says they're married within the month. |
那麼我們最好走吧 | Well,we should probably get going. |
我們有很多地方要去 | You know,we've got a lot of ground to cover. |
不是有另外一位教授要加入我們嗎? | Isn't another professor supposed to come with us? |
我想應該沒有 | I don't think so. |
我非常確定 是從康乃爾來的史伯夫教授 | I'm pretty sure. A Professor Spafford from Cornell? |
他可能是遲到了 而我上課的規矩就是: | Well,he's obviously late,and the rule in my class is: |
如果你不能準時到,那就乾脆不要到 | If you can't come on time,then don't come at all. |
我很多學生 最後都選擇後者 | An option that many of my students use. |
-我們要走了嗎? -我們不用等他嗎? | - Shall we? - We shouldn't wait for him? |
你知道嗎?他是個大男孩了 我確定他可以找到我們的,好嗎? | You know what,he's a big boy. I'm sure he'll find us,okay? |
-蓋勒教授嗎? -喔,媽的! | - Professor Geller? - Oh,damn it! |
嗨,喬伊,我是珍羅傑 等不及要參加你今晚的派對了 | Hi,Joey,it's Jan Rogers. Can 't wait for your party tonight. |
我忘記你的位址了,可以回電給我嗎? 謝謝,再見 | Listen,I forgot your address. Can you give me a call? Thanks. Bye. |
怎麼了? | What's happening? |
真可惜你沒有辦法參加 今晚的女人獨角戲 | It's a real shame you can't make it to that one-woman show tonight. |
我也想去,但是我隔天要好早起來 | I'd love to,but I gotta get up so early the next day. |
-你知道我的,工作最重要 -是啊,是啊 | - You know me,work comes first. - Oh,yeah,yeah. |
嗨,喬伊,我是珍羅傑 等不及參加你今晚的派對了 | Hi,Joey,it's Jan Rogers. Can 't wait for your party tonight. |
珍羅傑,你還真蠢! | Stupid Jan Rogers! |
你今晚要開派對? | You are having a party tonight? |
-沒有 -喬伊! | - No. - Joey! |
是的 | Yeah. |
我幫《我們的日子》的人員 辦了一個聚會 | I'm kind of having a thing for the Days of Our Lives people. |
而你卻不告訴我們? | And you weren't gonna tell us? |
你認為你可以逃得掉嗎? | How did you think you were gonna get away with that? |
我每年都這樣做啊 | I do it every year. |
你每年都這樣做! | You do that every year?! |
我不需要告訴你的! | I didn't have to tell you that! |
天啊,我比珍羅傑還愚蠢! | God,I'm stupider than Jan Rogers! |
所以你就給我們去看舞臺劇的票 甩掉我們! | That's why you got us tickets to that play,to get rid of us! |
是啊 | Yeah. |
去年你就送我們去那間中古世紀餐廳? | Last year is that why you sent us to that Medieval Times restaurant? |
是啊 | Yeah. |
而前年你幫我們安排紐扣工廠之旅? | And the year before that,you set up that nighttime tour of that button factory? |
我不敢相信那個你們也會去 | I can't believe you guys went for that one. |
你為什麼不邀請我們參加你的派對呢? | Why wouldn't you invite us to your parties? |
你還好,但是其他人在名人面前 都表現的像傻瓜一樣 | You're fine,okay? But everyone else acts like an idiot around famous people. |
那麼,就只邀請我就好了啊 | Well,then,so just invite me. |
拜託,我只是在說好聽的話 你是最糟糕的 | Please,I was trying to be nice. You're the worst one. |
喬伊,別這樣!拜託啦 讓我參加,我會克制自己,我保證 | Joey,come on! Please,please? Let me come. I will behave. I promise. |
-我會克制自己,拜託 -好啦,你可以參加 | - I will behave. Please,please,please. - Okay,fine. You can come. |
但是不要告訴其他人 八點鐘在屋頂上面 | But don't tell anybody else. It's up on the roof at 8. |
肥皂劇屋頂派對! | A soap-opera roof party?! |
我要參加肥皂劇屋頂派對! 喔,我的天啊!… | I'm going to a soap-opera roof party! Oh,my God! Oh,my God! |
好了,發洩完了 | And it's out of my system. |
然後我老婆跟我搭遊輪到加拉巴哥 | And then my wife and I went on a cruise to the Galapagos. |
你們不會相信他們的海鮮自助餐廳有多棒 | There was a seafood buffet you wouldn't believe. |
有蛤蜊、河蚌還有生蠔 | There were clams and mussels and oysters.. |
還有螃蟹… | and cracked crab.. |
還有花蟹… | and snow crab.. |
還有帝王蟹 | and king crab. |
真可惜我對殼類海鮮對敏 | It's a pity I'm allergic to shellfish. |
你大學是在哪念的呢? | So where did you get your undergraduate degree? |
-而且我不只對那些過敏 -喔,還沒有結束啊 | - And that's not all I'm allergic to. - Oh,it's not over. |
我還有對花生跟腰果過敏 | I'm also allergic to peanuts and cashews.. |
還有杏仁果跟榛果… | and almonds and filberts.. |
所以基本上是所有的堅果類! | So basically all nuts! |
有趣的是,並不儘然 | Interestingly,no. |
你在說“有趣的是”時說的挺慢的 讓人以為就是如此 | You're kind of playing it fast and loose with the word "interesting." |
不好意思失陪一下,我要去洗手間 | If you'll excuse me,I'm going to use the restroom. |
當我回來的時候,提醒我告訴你們… | When I come back,remind me to tell you.. |
我對哪些動物過敏 | about the different types of animal dander I'm allergic to. |
喔,我的天啊! | Oh,my God! |
我已經喪失活下去的意志力了 | I've lost the will to live. |
-我們甩了他 -什麼? | - Let's ditch him. - What? |
在他還在洗手間的時候,我求求你 | While he's still in the bathroom. I am begging you. |
好的,但是我有個問題要先問你 | Okay. Okay,fine,but I just have one question for you. |
我們出去的時候 應該是用走的、跑的… | When we exit,should we walk or run.. |
跳的還是散步出去? | or prance or stroll..? |
別說了!他的話說得慢 搞不好尿得快,我們快走! | Stop it! Stop it! He talks slow,but he might pee fast. Okay,let's move! |
-幸好今天過的還不錯 -是的,沒錯 | - We actually managed to salvage the day. - Yeah,we did. |
謝謝你花這麼多時間陪我 | Thanks for spending so much time with me. |
我很幸運,你星期二沒有課 | I'm so lucky it worked out you don't have class on Tuesday. |
沒錯 | Right. |
你們好,這位是查莉 | Oh,hey,you guys,this is Charlie. |
查莉,這是菲比,還有我妹妹莫妮卡 | Charlie,this is Phoebe and my sister,Monica. |
-嗨 -查莉將要加入我們系 | - Hi. - Charlie will be joining my department. |
-你也是古生物學家嗎? -是的 | - You're a paleontologist too? - Yeah. |
那好,你對於… | Oh,okay. Now,what do you think.. |
雷諾的分割類人猿物種多樣性的新理論 有何評價? | of Renyard's new theory of species variegation in segmented arthropods? |
我覺得他有點太前衛了 但是他是有些有趣的觀點 | Well,I think he's a little out there,but he does have some interesting ideas. |
很抱歉,我要接一下電話 不好意思 | Oh,I'm sorry. I have to take this. Excuse me. |
雷諾的物種多樣性? | Renyard's theory of species variegation? |
我在你的咖啡桌上看到一篇文章 我背下了標題想要來嚇你 | I saw the article on your coffee table. I memorized the title to freak you out. |
你們倆相處的愉快嗎? | So did you two have fun? |
天啊,她真的是太棒了 | Oh,my God. She's great. |
我們有許多共同點,她真是太酷了 你知道嗎?還很風趣 | We have so much in common,and she's just cool,you know? And funny. |
而且我不知道你有沒有注意到 但是她真辣! | And I don't know if you've noticed,but she's a hottie! |
嗨! | Hi! |
嗨,大家聽著 我覺得不太舒服… | Hi,you guys. Listen,you know what,I'm not feeling really well.. |
我想我可能不能去看舞臺劇表演了 | and I don't think I'm gonna get to go to the play. |
真的嗎?怎麼了? | Really? What's wrong? |
我不知道,好像蠻嚴重的 | I don't know. I think it's kind of serious. |
我今天早上在電視上有看到… | You know,I was watching this thing on TV this morning.. |
什麼關於新城疫的 我想我可能感染到了 | about Newcastle disease,and I think I might have it. |
新城疫是跟分泌物有關的病毒 | Newcastle disease is a secretion-borne virus.. |
只有雞或是其它家禽才會被傳染到 | that only affects chickens and other poultry. |
好的,這是誰? | Okay,who's this? |
抱歉,瑞秋,這位是查莉魏勒 她是我同事 | I'm sorry. Rachel,this is Charlie Wheeler. She's a colleague. |
嗨,我應該要跟你握手的… | Hi. Well,I would shake your hand.. |
但是我想你不會想要 被傳染到我的雞病 | but I'm sure you don't want to get my chicken disease. |
-瑞秋,我可以跟你談一下嗎? -當然 | - Rachel,can I see you for a second? - Sure. |
你沒有生病 | You're not sick. |
什麼?我當然有! | What? Yes,I am! |
那麼為什麼你要穿成這樣呢? | Okay,then why are you all dressed up? |
當你生病的時候,你會做任何事情 來讓自己覺得好過一些 | When you're sick,you do whatever you can to make yourself feel better. |
你只是想要待在家裡 對喬伊採取行動 | You just want to stay home so you can make a move on Joey. |
不是,我聽進去了你之前說的話 事情不是這樣的 | No,I heard you before. That is so not what this is. |
好的,那是怎麼回事呢? | Okay,then what is this? |
好的 | Okay. |
喬伊幫《我們的日子》在屋頂舉行 秘密派對 | Joey is having a secret Days of Our Lives party up on the roof. |
他送你們去看舞臺劇來甩掉你們 | And he sent you guys to the play to get rid of you. |
什麼? | What?! |
什麼?這是怎麼回事? | What? What's going on? |
喬伊幫《我們的日子》 在屋頂舉行秘密派對 | Joey is having a secret Days of Our Lives party up on the roof! |
他不想要讓你們知道 但是我還是過來告訴你們了 | He didn't want you to know about it,but I came over here to tell you. |
-你是過來說你生病的 -你到底是教授還是偵探? | - You came to say you were sick. - All right,professor or detective? |
等等,喬伊要開派對 但不邀請我們? | Wait,Joey's having a party,and he wasn't gonna invite us? |
他每年都那樣做的 這就是為什麼他要請我們去看舞臺劇 | He does it every year. That's why he's sending you to the play. |
這就是為什麼他請我們去中古世紀餐廳 還有紐扣工廠 | That's why he sent us to that medieval restaurant and to that button factory. |
而有那次糟糕的博物館之旅嗎? | And that horrible museum tour? |
不是,那是我安排的 | No,I arranged that. |
你們好,我過來打招呼 祝你們玩的愉快 | Hey,you guys,I'm turning in. Have fun. |
我們知道你的派對了,喬伊 | We know about your party,Joey. |
-什麼派對? -遊戲結束了,把睡袍脫掉吧 | - What party? - The game's over. Take off your robe. |
好的,我是說… | Okay,I mean.. |
穿起來!穿起來! | Close it up! Close it up! |
很高興見到你 | Nice to meet you. |
嘿,你來了!太好了! | Hey,you made it! All right! |
很高興你來了,謝謝你參加 | Glad you could make it. Thanks for coming. |
-我的天啊,凱爾羅德! -嗨 | - Oh,my God. Kyle Lowder! - Hi. |
我愛你! | I love you! |
喂,這就是我為什麼不想邀請你 你要冷靜點,好嗎? | Hey. That's why I didn't invite you. You have to calm down,all right? |
去喝點飲料什麼的 | Just go get yourself a drink or something. |
是啊,你就是要讓我的自製力崩潰 | Oh,yeah,that's what you want. My inhibitions lowered. |
我的天啊,你敢相信我們 被這些人包圍著嗎? | Oh,my God,can you believe we're surrounded by all this? |
我幾乎控制不了自己 | I can barely control myself. |
莫妮卡,你該瞭解到你已經結婚了 | Monica,you might want to remember that you're married. |
錢德呢? | Where is Chandler anyway? |
我的天啊!錢德! | Oh,my God! Chandler! |
大家死哪去了? | Where the hell is everybody? |
你為什麼不喜歡我? | Why Don't You Like Me? |
第一章:我的第一次生理期 | Chapter 1: My First Period. |
喬伊說不能要簽名的 | Hey,Joey said no autographs. |
但是如果她有,那我也要! | But if she's getting one,I want one too! |
“給莫妮卡”,而且別寫什麼 “祝福”之類的,要寫“愛” | "To Monica." And none of this "best wishes" crap. I want "love." |
事實上,莫妮卡 馬修只是給我他的電話 | Okay,actually,Mon,Matthew was giving me his phone number. |
天啊!如果我知道 我要參加這個派對… | Oh,man! If I had known I was coming to this party.. |
我就一定不會結婚! | I never would've gotten married! |
-很高興認識你 -很高興認識你 | - It was nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. |
-打電話給我 -我們會的! | - Call me. - We will! |
瞧瞧你周旋在眾多男生之間! 我猜你把喬伊都忘光了 | Look at you with all the guys! I guess you've forgotten all about Joey. |
是的,我想我是忘了喬伊 | Yeah,well,I guess I have forgotten about Joey. |
而很明顯地,你也忘了錢德 | And clearly,you've forgotten about Chandler. |
拜託,錢德是我的摯愛 | Please. Chandler's the love of my life. |
皮褲耶!不會吧! | Oh,leather pants! Have mercy! |
你常常參加這種派對嗎? | So do you get to go to things like this often? |
是啊,這裡是紐約耶 | Come on,this is New York. |
我是說,有時候晚上在屋頂上 跟很多肥皂劇明星開派對… | I mean,one night you're at a rooftop party filled with soap stars.. |
有時候,就是… | and the next night,you're.. |
我是在騙誰呢,這實在太酷了! | Who am I kidding,this is so cool. |
離開波士頓對你而言 一定很困難吧? | So it's probably gonna be hard for you to leave Boston,huh? |
事實上我很高興離開那 我剛剛分手 | Actually,I'm kind of happy to be leaving. I just broke up with someone. |
真令人傷心 | Oh,so sad. |
但是離開哈佛 一定也是不容易 | Still,it can't be easy for you to leave Harvard. |
尤其是跟諾貝爾得主 亞伯特溫麥爾共事過 | Especially after working with a Nobel Prize winner like Albert Wintermeyer. |
事實上,阿亞就是我分手的人 | Actually,Albie is the guy I broke up with. |
-你跟亞伯特溫麥爾交往過? -是的 | - You dated Albert Wintermeyer? - Yeah. |
而你叫他“阿亞”? | And you called him "Albie"? |
我是說,這就像是叫 亞伯特愛因斯坦… | I mean,that's like calling Albert Einstein.. |
阿亞一樣 | Albie. |
對,他是個很聰明的男人 | Yeah,well,he is a brilliant man. |
你認為嗎?我是說,你跟一個… | You think? I mean,you dated the guy.. |
提升了碳十四的精准測定法的 男人交往! | who improved the accuracy of radiocarbon dating by a factor of 10! |
是的,而那正是每個人 對男朋友的需求 | Yes,and while that is everything one looks for in a boyfriend.. |
他有很多問題 | he had a lot of issues. |
像是什麼呢? | Oh,like what? |
很抱歉,我不是要刺探隱私 只是跟… | I'm sorry. I don't mean to pry. It's just that this must be.. |
一般人看《直擊好萊塢》 有一樣的反應 | what regular people experience when they watch Access Hollywood. |
好的,你想要知道內幕嗎? | Okay,you want the dirt? |
阿亞有很嚴重的沒安全感 | Albie was seriously insecure. |
他對我之前男朋友感到非常地不安 | He was really intimidated by the guy I dated before him. |
誰能夠威脅到諾貝爾獎得主呢? | Who's intimidating to a guy who won the Nobel Prize? |
得過兩個諾貝爾獎的人 | A guy who won two. |
兩個?什麼? | Two? What..? |
別告訴我你跟班傑明赫伯交往過? | Don't tell me you dated Benjamin Hobart? |
是的,交往了三年 | Yeah,for three years. |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God. |
你有沒有跟沒得過 諾貝爾獎的人交往過呢? | Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who hasn't won the Nobel Prize? |
沒有 | No. |
但我的第一個男朋友比利沒有 | But there was my first boyfriend,Billy. |
是嗎?他沒有得諾貝爾嗎? | Oh,yeah? No Nobel Prizes for him? |
沒有,但是他倒是得過麥克亞瑟的 “天才獎學金” | No,but he did just win the MacArthur "genius grant." |
真是個失敗者 | What a loser. |
要再喝點酒嗎? | Some more wine? |
羅斯,跟查莉進行的如何呢? | Hey,Ross. How's it going with Charlie? |
很好,在我喝完酒之後… | Oh,great. After I finish my wine.. |
我正常水準的腦袋會爆炸 | I'm gonna blow my average-sized brains out. |
怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
她只跟天才還有諾貝爾獎得主交往 | She only dates geniuses and Nobel Prize winners. |
我的天啊,今天在中國餐廳… | Oh,my God,at the Chinese restaurant earlier today.. |
我把筷子放在嘴中假裝是長毛象 | I put chopsticks in my mouth and pretended to be a woolly mammoth. |
我很喜歡那樣耶 | I always loved that. |
當然你會喜歡,你的大腦比我的還小! | Of course you would! Your brains are smaller than mine! |
我不能跟她交往過的男人相比 | I can't compete with the guys she goes out with. |
他們比我好太多了 | They're so out of my league. |
我的天啊! | Oh,my God! |
-還有更糟的嗎? -比那還糟 | - Worse? - Oh,much,much worse. |
我還模仿瓊·裡弗斯(傳奇女喜劇家)演出最早的兩栖人 | I did my impression of Joan Rivers as one of the earliest amphibians. |
“我們可以去散步嗎?” | "Can we walk?" |
-你喜歡嗎? -不 | - Oh,you like that? - No. |
怎樣? | What? |
別這樣!我覺得這樣很好笑啊! | Come on! I think that's funny! |
長毛象 | Woolly mammoth. |
很好笑耶! | It's good! |
我想你們一定在想現在該中場休息了 是嗎? | I bet you're thinking that now would be a great time for an intermission,huh? |
是的,上帝,拜託 | Oh,yes. God,yes. |
你們不會休息的! | Well,you're not gonna get one! |
因為現實生活是沒有中場休息的! | Because in life,there are no intermissions,people! |
現在開始第七章:離婚是四個字! | Now,Chapter 7: Divorce is a Four-Letter Word! |
他怎麼可以離開我呢? | How could he leave me?! |
我不知道,你看起來挺可愛的 | I don't know. You seem lovely. |
羅斯,這是我同事登克 登克,這是我好朋友羅斯 | Ross,this is one of my costars,Dirk. Dirk,this is my good friend Ross. |
-很高興認識你 -你是哪出戲的呢? | - Nice to meet you. - So,what show are you on? |
我不是演員,我是古生物學教授 | I'm not an actor. I'm a professor of paleontology. |
科學的東西 | That's science. |
嘿,聽著,我在 《我們的日子》裡面演的是科學家 | Hey,well,listen,I play a scientist on Days. |
我的角色剛剛贏得諾貝爾獎 | Yeah,my character just won a Nobel Prize. |
羅斯,登克想問你帶來的那個女生 是不是你的女朋友 | Ross,Dirk was wondering about the woman you brought and if you guys are together? |
嗯,不是,不過… | Well,no,but.. |
她只跟非常、非常聰明的男生交往 | I mean,she only goes out with really,really smart guys. |
嘿,我大學聯考考了六百九十分 | Hey,I got a 690 on my SATs. |
真是高分啊 | I'd lead with that. |
好了,就簽在胸罩上面就可以了 | That's it. Just sign right on the bra. |
莫妮卡! | Monica! |
別擔心 喬伊,我明年不會來了! | Don't worry,Joe. I won't come next year! |
是怎樣? | What the..? |
你那是什麼呢? | What do you got there? |
只是一些男生給我的電話 | Just some boys gave me their phone numbers. |
真的嗎?讓我看看 | Oh,really? Let me see. |
該死,還真多男生呢 | Damn,that's a lot of guys. |
你是不是有點風騷呢? | Are you a little slutty? |
沒錯 | I think I am. |
讓我看看有哪些小丑是夠格的 | Let me see if I approve of any of these clowns. |
-這個男的戴假髮 -喔… | - This guy wears a rug. - Well.. |
這個男的是加拿大人 | This guy's Canadian. |
這個男的參加秘密教派 | Oh,and this guy is in a cult,okay? |
你得花五千塊才能升到第三級 但我也沒有感到有什麼不同 | It'll cost you $5000 to get to level three,and I don't feel any different. |
跳過,哈…喔,跳過,跳過 | Pass. Pa.. Oh,pass. Pass. |
-為什麼?這些男生有什麼不好的? -嗯,沒有什麼特別不好的 | - Why? What's wrong with these guys? - Well,nothing major. |
只是他們全都配不上你 | It's just that,you know,they're not really good enough for you.. |
而你應該跟最好的人在一起 | and you deserve the best. |
喬伊,你真是貼心 | Joey,you're so sweet. |
那倒是,不過沒關係 我已經知道你會跟誰回家了 | It's true,but it doesn't matter. I already know who you're going home with. |
誰? | Who? |
我 | Me. |
什麼? | What? |
真的? | Really? |
是啊,因為我們住在一起 開玩笑的!開玩笑的 | Yeah,because we live together. It's a joke! It's a joke. |
是啊,真好笑!我聽懂了 | Right! That's funny! I get it! |
-唬到你了! -你真好笑,喬伊 | - Got you! - You're funny,Joey. |
喔,我的天 | Oh,my God. |
喜歡那場舞臺劇表演嗎? | So how did you enjoy the play? |
我的天,親愛的,我真是抱歉 | Oh,my God. Honey,I am so,so,so,so sorry. |
沒錯 | Well,you should be. |
你錯失了戲劇史上最強勁的三個小時 | You missed the most powerful three hours in the history of the theater. |
-你真的喜歡嗎? -對,一開始我是很討厭的 | - You really liked it? - Oh,yeah. I mean,at first I hated it. |
我一定會的啊,因為身為男人 我就是被訓練成不要聆聽的! | But why wouldn't l? Because as a man,I've been trained not to listen! |
但是在第十六章之後 | But after Chapter 16: |
《肥胖、單身而且準備好要亂搞》 | Fat,Single and Ready to Mingle.. |
我就被鼓舞起來了 | I was uplifted. |
-真的嗎? -是的 | - Oh,really? - Oh,yeah. |
我根本不曉得 女人的經歷過程是這樣的神奇 | I had no idea the amazing journey you go through as a woman. |
告訴我,跟我說你的第一次生理期 | Tell me.. Tell me about your first period. |
不! | No! |
有人在你的胸罩上簽名嗎? | Did somebody sign your bra? |
我是十三歲時候來的,非常難過 | So I got it when I was 13. Very difficult. |
羅斯,聽著 關於你跟那個恐龍女生的事 | Hey,Ross? So listen,about you and the dinosaur girl? |
你真的就要讓幾個諾貝爾獎 把你嚇走嗎? | Are you really just gonna let a couple of Nobel Prizes scare you off? |
那是怎樣?不過是幾張論文不是嗎? | What is that? Come on,a piece of paper? |
事實上是一百萬的獎金 | It's actually a million-dollar prize. |
查莉你真行! | Go,Charlie! |
但是我的重點是… | But my point is.. |
她是跟他們交往過,不過都分手了啊 | okay,so she dated them,but she also broke up with them. |
或許她正在尋找一般平凡的博士而已 | Maybe she's looking to,you know,slum it with some average Joe Ph.D. |
或許吧,而我的事業正在發展中 | Yeah,maybe,and I do have my whole career in front of me. |
我是說… | I mean.. |
我還是有可能贏得諾貝爾獎的 | I could still win a Nobel Prize. |
雖然我最近的兩份論文被廣泛地批評過 | Although the last two papers I've written were widely discredited. |
你不只是聰明而已 你很貼心、很仁慈又很風趣 | You're so much more than just brains. You are sweet and kind and funny. |
還有性感 | And sexy. |
好的,給她一個機會見識這全部 | Okay,well,give her a chance to see all that. |
對,你說的沒錯 | Yeah. Yeah. You're right. |
-謝謝,我要去找她了 -太好了 | - Thanks. I'm gonna go find her. - Good for you. |
還有你關於泥盆紀時期突顯均勢的論文 是有很精闢見解的 | And your paper on punctuated equilibrium in the Devonian Era was topnotch. |
不要再翻我的東西了! | Stop going through my stuff! |
我只想讓你知道,我改變主意了 | I just wanted to let you know I've changed my mind. |
我要做了,我要去親喬伊 | I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna kiss Joey. |
不!你不行!朋友在一起是件壞事 | No! You can't! Friends hooking up is a bad idea. |
拜託!那你跟錢德呢? | Please! What about you and Chandler? |
那是不一樣的,我喝醉了而且很蠢 | That's different. I was drunk and stupid. |
拜託 | Well,hello? |
那些給你電話的男生呢? | What about all the guys that you got the phone numbers from? |
-你為什麼不去親其中一個 -我是可以… | - Why don't you just kiss one of them. - I could.. |
但是我不想,我想要親喬伊 | but I don't want to. I want to kiss Joey. |
好吧,我認為這樣是不對的 但那是你自己的決定 | All right. I think it's a big mistake,but it's your decision. |
我要去做了 | I'm gonna do it. |
-而我無法阻止你嗎? -對 | - And I can't stop you? - No. |
那至少把那些電話號碼給我吧 | Well,can I at least have the phone numbers. |
瑞秋,你有看到查莉嗎? | Hey,Rach,have you seen Charlie anywhere? |
我比他聰明多了! | I'm smarter than him! |
謝謝你送我們票,錢德 | Hey,thank you so much for these tickets,Chandler. |
這對我是很重要的經歷 而我想跟你們分享 | This was a really important experience for me and I wanted to share it with you. |
你真是好人 | You're so wonderful. |
你為什麼不喜歡我? | Why Don't You Like Me? |
第一章:我的第一次生理期 | Chapter 1: My First Period. |
我不敢相信你們竟然這麼好騙 慢慢享受死刑吧 | I can't believe you guys bought that. Enjoy your slow death. |
真是太奇怪了 喬伊昨晚最後怎麼會去親查莉呢? | It's so weird. How did Joey end up kissing Charlie last night? |
-我還以為最後會是你去親查莉 -我也這麼以為啊 | - I thought you'd end up kissing Charlie. - I thought I'd end up kissing Charlie too. |
但是…驚喜! | But surprise! |
我錯過大部分的派對 | I missed most of the party. |
查莉是女生,對吧? | Charlie's a girl,right? |
是的,她是剛來我系 而我沒親到的那個新教授 | Yeah,she's this new professor in my department that I did not kiss. |
我不知道為什麼喬伊要親她 有這麼多女生在派對上,天啊! | I don't know why Joey had to kiss her. Of all the girls at the party,God! |
-你為什麼這麼在乎呢? -是啊,瑞秋,你為什麼這麼在乎呢? | - Why do you care so much? - Yes,Rachel. Why do you care so much? |
因為羅斯是我孩子的父親 | Because Ross is the father of my child. |
你知道的,而我希望他可以有機會 跟很多女人交往 | You know,and I want him to hook up with lots of women. |
我的意思是說,我不認為喬伊跟查莉 有任何相同之處 | All I'm saying is,I don't think that Joey and Charlie have anything in common. |
我不知道,他們似乎對彼此的扁桃腺 有相同的興趣 | I don't know. They seemed to have a shared interest in each other's tonsils. |
哇,喬伊跟大學教授 你們能想像萬一他們有小孩嗎? | Wow. Joey and a professor. Can you imagine if they had kids? |
如果小孩子遺傳到她的智慧… | And if the kids got her intelligence.. |
還有喬伊的原始性吸引力… | and Joey's raw sexual magnetism.. |
書呆子可以歇歇了! | those nerds would get laid! |
好了,羅斯你對這一切都沒關係嗎? 我是說… | All right. So,Ross,you're okay with all this? I mean.. |
又沒有什麼大不了的,我才剛認識她 我沒事的 | It's no big deal. I just met her. I'm fine with it. |
天啊,我忘了她有多辣了 | God,I forgot how hot she was. |
我要去多倒些咖啡 | I'm gonna get some more coffee. |
-喔,我跟你去 -好的 | - Oh,you know,I'll come with you. - Okay. |
-是教授嗎? -是啊,她真酷,而且很聰明 | - So a professor,huh? - Yeah. She is cool. And she's so smart. |
她的內心是完全的“尖酸刻薄” | Her mind is totally acrimonious. |
她好像不是那樣用那個詞的 | Guess that's not how she used it. |
我覺得我應該向你解釋… | I feel like I owe you an explanation. |
我通常不會在派對上亂親男生的 | I don't ordinarily go around kissing guys at parties. |
我… | I'm.. |
嗯,我有點難為情 我希望你不會因此而瞧不起我 | Well,I'm kind of embarrassed. I really hope you don't think less of me. |
瞧不起你?我不會瞧不起你的 | Think less of you? No. I don't think less of you. |
我是說,你看到喜歡的人 然後你親了他 | I mean,you saw someone you liked and you kissed them. |
那些有喜歡的人 卻又不親他們的人… | Those people who like someone and don't kiss them.. |
那些人是笨蛋,我恨死那些人了 | those people are stupid. I hate those people. |
事實上,我自己也是很驚訝 | Actually,I'm a little surprised at myself. |
我是說,喬伊跟我以前 交往的人太不同了 | I mean,Joey's so different from the guys I usually date. |
他們全都是教授、高知識份子 大部分是古生物學家 | They're all professors,intellectuals. Paleontologists mostly. |
-你知道的,非常有理智… -是的,我知道那一類型的人 | - You know,very cerebral.. - Yeah,I know the type. |
如果你想要在上班前先吃點東西 我們最好趕快尖酸刻薄 | If we want to grab a bite before work,we'd better get acrimonious. |
不對嗎?意思很接近吧? | No? Am I getting close? |
生育能力檢查 | The.One.With.The.Fertility.Test |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-嘿! -嗨 | - Hey! - Hi. |
嘿,你們瞧瞧我買了什麼 | Hey,you guys. Look what I just got. |
哇!我喜歡這雙鞋! 你去哪買的? | Oh,wow! I love those! Where did you get them? |
我從eBay網站上買的 這本來屬於去世的仙妮亞唐恩(加拿大流行樂天後)的 | I bought them off eBay. They used to belong to the late Shania Twain. |
菲比,仙妮亞唐恩還活著 | Phoebe,Shania Twain is still alive. |
喔,那我多付錢了 | Oh,then I overpaid. |
嘿,這是什麼? | Hey,what's this? |
喔,那是蘇活區一間 新開水療中心的禮券 | Oh,it's a gift certificate to this new spa in SoHo. |
你不能給菲比看到 她痛恨這些大型連鎖按摩中心的 | You can't show Phoebe this. She hates those corporate massage chains. |
什麼?我連按摩都不行嗎? | What,now I can't get a massage? |
有很多事情她都不准我們做 | There are so many things that she disapproves of. |
我不能吃小牛肉,我不能穿皮草 | I can't eat veal. I can't wear fur. |
我不能去打獵 | I can't go hunting. |
-你想要去打獵嗎? -至少我要有選擇的權利 | - Do you want to go hunting? - I would like to have the option. |
那是什麼?嘿,瑞秋? | What's that? Hey,Rachel? |
不,你不能去! | No,you can't go there! |
你知道我對這些按摩中心的觀感 | You know how I feel about these big massage places. |
它們害得像我這樣的人失業 | They're putting people like me out of business. |
她也想去打獵喔! | She wants to go hunting too! |
菲比,別這樣,我不想浪費掉它 | Phoebe,come on,I don't want to waste it. |
這就好像是白白丟掉一百塊 | It would be like throwing away 100 bucks. |
這跟錢無關,好嗎?? | Okay,this is not about the money. Okay? |
這跟大企業貪婪毀滅我們的心靈… | It's about corporate greed destroying our hearts.. |
然後讓我們只剩下 空空的軀體 | and leaving us hollow shells. |
我根本不在乎那些 | I don't care about any of that. |
那你在乎我們的友誼嗎? 我對這個真的很反感 | Well,do you care about friendship? I feel really strongly about this. |
請不要用這張禮券 我以朋友的身分要求你 | Please don't use this gift certificate. I'm asking you as a friend. |
喔,不要以朋友的身分,菲比! | Oh,not as a friend. Phoebe! |
好啦,我不用就是了 | Fine. I won't use it. |
-保證嗎? -我保證 | - Promise? - I promise. |
-謝謝 -不過我會去打獵的 | - Thank you. - Well,I am going hunting. |
嗨,親愛的,我今天好想你 | Hey,honey. I missed you today. |
-喔,是嗎? -是啊 | - Oh,yeah? - Yeah. Hey. |
-你今晚想要做什麼呢? -或許我們可以… | - What do you wanna do tonight? - Oh,well,maybe we could.. |
好,想用把東西弄亂 來讓我性奮嗎? | Okay,trying to turn me on by making a mess? |
多瞭解一下你的對象 | Know your audience. |
況且,明天我們要做不孕症的檢查 | Besides,tomorrow we're doing those fertility tests. |
在那之前 你得要把你的蝌蚪放在池塘裡 | Until then,you need to keep your tadpoles in the tank. |
我們一定要做那些檢查嗎? | Do we really need to take those tests? |
我不喜歡他們用的 那些字眼,你知道嗎? | I don't like the words they use,you know? |
太醫學化了 這是小弟弟,那是小妹妹 | They're so clinical. This is a pee-pee,that's a hoo-hoo. |
我們為了要懷孕已經試了一年了 | We've been trying to have a baby for a year. |
我認為檢查一切是否正常 是件好事 | I think it's a good idea to find out if everything's okay. |
-只是幾樣例行的檢查 -但是我不想要弄在一個杯子裡 | - Just a few routine tests. - But I don't want to do it in a cup. |
-有什麼大不了的呢? -很怪!在診所裡 | - What is the big deal? - It's weird! You're in a doctor's office. |
不能在診所做… | It's not okay to do it in a doctor's office.. |
但是在塔可鐘速食後面的 停車場就可以嗎? | but it is okay to do it in a parked car behind a Taco Bell? |
我不敢相信羅斯告訴了你 | I cannot believe Ross told you that. |
但是我要澄清的是 那是在溫蒂漢堡 | And in my defense,it was a Wendy's. |
聽著,我也不想做那些檢查 | Look,I don't want to do these tests either. |
但是我真的認為這是個好主意 | But I really do think it's a good idea. |
我想在醫院做總不會比… | I'm sure a doctor's office can't be worse.. |
在去巧克力工廠的路上做還糟糕吧? | than on a class trip to the Hershey factory. |
喔,是的! 瑞秋也是大嘴巴! | Oh,yeah! Rachel talks too! |
誰說酒一定要比牛奶貴呢? | Who says wine has to cost more than milk? |
-嘿! -嗨 | - Hey! - Hi. |
-請進,你好嗎? -我很好 | - Come on in. How are you? - I'm good. |
-你要喝一杯嗎? -好的 | - Can I offer you a drink? - Please. |
我整天都忙瘋了 | I have been crazed all day. |
我跟系主任開了會 我暑期班的課程表又要交… | I had a meeting with the dean,my syllabus for summer school's due.. |
然後我要幫一個朋友寫新書的序 | and I'm writing the foreword for a book. |
我今天工作也很忙 今天我要開門然後做… | I had a pretty hectic day at work too. Today I had to open a door and go: |
所以我很興奮能夠來到這裡 | So I am just so excited to be here. |
-我等不及要發掘這個城市了 -如果你需要導遊… | - I can't wait to explore the city. - If you need a tour guide.. |
你是說真的嗎?一定會很好玩 | Oh,you mean it? That would be so fun. |
喔,是一定的 好了,你想先去哪裡呢? | Oh,yeah,definitely. Definitely. Okay. What do you want to see first? |
我們可以去國家音樂廳聽 克諾斯四重奏 | We could go see the Kronos Quartet at Avery Fisher Hall. |
好的 | Okay. |
在市立圖書館有惠特曼書信的展覽 | There's a collection of Walt Whitman letters on display at the public library. |
我知道 | I know. |
-但是,我想先去看看大都會博物館 -好的,讓我先打斷一下… | - But first,I have to see the Met. - Okay,let me stop you right there. |
大都會隊遜斃了,好嗎? | The Mets suck,okay? |
你會比較喜歡洋基隊的 | You wanna see the Yankees. |
不,不是大都會隊 是大都會,是單數 | No. No,not the Mets. The Met. Singular. |
哪一隊?反正他們 全部都很遜 | Which one? They all suck. |
博物館 | The museum. |
我可不認為這一隊 會好到哪裡去 | I don't think so. |
-嗨 -嗨,歡迎光臨薰衣草芳香療法 | - Hi there. - Hello. Welcome to Lavender Day Spa. |
我能為您服務嗎? | How may I help you? |
嗨,我是瑞秋格林,我有預約按摩 | Hi. I have a massage appointment under Rachel Greene. |
-好的 -這是我的禮券 | - Okay. - And here is my gift certificate. |
-這被撕掉了 -而且被粘回去了 | - This has been torn up. - And taped back together. |
好的,等您的按摩師準備好後 我會馬上通知您的 | Okay. Well,I'll call you as soon as your massage therapist is ready. |
-好的 -請在玻璃門外的沙發坐一下 | - Okay. - Have a seat through the glass doors. |
-在玻璃門外 -在玻璃門外 | - Through the glass doors. - Through the glass doors. |
好的 | All righty then. |
菲比,你的下一位客人 在候客室等著 | Phoebe,your next client's in the waiting room. |
當客人不在的時候 我們也要這樣說話嗎? | Do we have to talk like that when they're not around? |
喔,不不不… | Oh,no. No,no. |
聽著,有人可以幫我做這一個嗎? | Listen,is there someone who can fill in for me? |
-對不起,大家都被預約了 -那女人不能知道我在這裡工作 | - Sorry. Everyone is booked. - That woman can't know I work here. |
她是我朋友,而我告訴她我很討厭… | She's a friend of mine and I made this big stink.. |
這些糟糕的按摩連鎖店 | about how awful these massage chains are. |
-那你為什麼要在這裡工作呢? -因為薪水很好啊! | - Then why do you work here? - Because it's good money. |
但是那並不會改變… | But that doesn't change the fact.. |
這是個邪惡、吸血、大企業體的事實 | that this is an evil,bloodsucking corporate machine. |
我倒是覺得這是個不錯的工作環境 | Well,I think this is a great place to work. |
好,他們有在監聽嗎? | Okay,are they listening? |
-羅斯 -嗨 | - Ross. Hey. - Hi. |
我需要跟你談查莉的事 | I need to talk to you about Charlie. |
喔,真的嗎? 有必要嗎? | Oh,do you? Do you really? |
是啊,我有一點小問題… | Yeah,I'm kind of having a little problem. |
聽著,如果你不知道“尖酸刻薄” 是什麼意思,那就不要用它 | Look,if you don't know what the word "acrimonious" means,just don't use it. |
聽著,你瞭解查莉,不是嗎? | Look,you know Charlie,right? |
-她很酷、風趣,而且她的身材又很… -說重點 | - She's cool,funny,her body is so.. - Get to the problem. |
好的,她只是比我約會過的 所有女生… | Right. She's just so much smarter than all the girls I've ever dated. |
全部加起來 都還要聰明 | Combined. |
你知道嗎?而我只是… 我不想要讓她覺得我很笨 | You know? And I just.. I don't want her to think I'm stupid. |
你系兩條皮帶嗎? | Are you wearing two belts? |
嘿,你怎麼知道的呢? | Hey,what do you know? |
你剛剛說你不想看起來很笨 | You were saying you didn't want to seem stupid. |
嗯,她想要去那些 很有文化的地方… | Well,she wants to go to all these cultural places.. |
而我不知道要怎麼談論那些東西 你一定要幫我 | and I don't know how to talk about that stuff. You gotta help me out. |
我不想要介入你們的關係當中 | I don't want to get involved in your guys' relationship. |
老兄,拜託,別這樣 你是我認識的最聰明的人 | Oh,dude,please. Come on,you're the smartest person I know. |
而我真的很喜歡這個女生,好嗎? 我不想要失去她 | And I really like this girl,okay? I don't want to lose her. |
-好啦 -謝謝 | - Fine. - Thanks. |
好的,讓我想想… | Okay. Let's see. |
-喔,你應該帶她去大都會 -大都會隊 | - Oh,you should take her to the Met. - The Mets. |
不,大都會 大都會藝術博物館 | No,no,no. The Met. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. |
喔,原來她指的是那個 | Oh,that's what she meant. |
如果他們要用簡稱,應該把它 叫做“博物”,你知道嗎? | If they're gonna shorten it,they should call it the "Muse," you know? |
博物館的簡稱,避免混淆 | Short for "museum" and avoid all the confusion. |
是啊,很多時候那地方都擠滿了混淆 又生氣的棒球迷 | Yeah,most days the place is packed with confused,angry baseball fans. |
好的,那我帶她去大都會 | Okay. All right,so I'll take her to the Met. |
對了,在麥迪森大道上 有間很棒的書店 | Yeah. Okay. There's this great rare bookstore on Madison Avenue. |
你知道嗎?她熱愛建築 | You know what? She loves architecture. |
你應該帶她從第五大道散步 到聖派屈克教堂 | You should take a walk down Fifth to the St. Patrick's Cathedral. |
在那邊有間很棒的烘培坊 她一定會喜歡 | And there,there's this great little pastry shop that she'd love. |
天啊,聽起來好像 是你應該去約會才對 | Jeez. Sounds like you should be going on this date. |
但是我並沒有 | But I'm not. |
-而你知道嗎? -好的,說慢一點 | - And you know what..? - Okay,slow down. |
你說的太快了,好嗎? 先回去講大都會 | You're going way too fast. Okay? Just go back to the Met. |
你必須要詳細告訴我在那邊要做什麼 | So you gotta tell me exactly what to do there. |
當你們進入博物館時,先向右轉… | When you walk into the museum,take a right,okay? |
那邊是古代文物廳 | That's the antiquities wing. |
古埃及、美索不達米亞直到 拜占庭帝國 | Ancient Egypt,Mesopotamia,up to the Byzantine Empire. |
好的,所以我進門以後 往右轉… | Okay. So I walk in the door and make a right. |
我覺得這地方怪怪的,我怎麼知道… | I have a weird feeling about this place. How do I know.. |
他們會不會偷錄下來 然後放到網路上呢? | they won't secretly videotape me and put it all over the lnternet? |
因為,親愛的… 我以我能做到最甜美的方式告訴你… | Because,honey,and I mean this in the sweetest way possible.. |
沒有人會想要看的 | nobody's gonna wanna watch that. |
賓先生?拿去吧 | Mr. Bing? Here you are. |
進去那間房間,然後把樣本放入容器內 | Go into that room and deposit your specimen into the container. |
把樣本放入? | Deposit my specimen? |
我通常要打一些900電話 才能聽到這種談話 | I usually have to call a 900 number for that kind of talk. |
謝謝,知道了 | Thanks. Got it. |
好了,親愛的 我的檢查在另外一邊 | All right. Honey,my tests are down the hall. |
-你確定你還好嗎? -是的,我想應該吧 | - Are you sure you're gonna be okay? - Yeah,I guess. |
聽著,我知道這很尷尬 但是沒有人在乎啊 | Look,I know this is embarrassing,but nobody cares. |
在這裡根本沒有人認識你 | No one here even knows you. |
喔,我的天啊! | Oh,my God! |
喔,拜託! | Oh,come on! |
這是不是太棒了呢? | How great is this? |
我們或許沒有不孕,我們回家吧 | We're probably fertile. Let's go home. |
你為什麼會在這裡呢? | Why are you here? |
西德跟我想要再試一次 我們上一次有問題… | Sid and I are trying again and we had trouble last time.. |
不,我是說,為什麼? 為什麼她會在這裡? | No,no,no. I mean,why? Why is she here? |
有人今天不太高興因為他們要 弄到一個杯子裡面… | Oh,someone's a little cranky today because they have to do it in a cup. |
喔,他們給你小孩用的杯子 | Oh,they gave you the kiddie size. |
什麼? | What? |
這真有趣,但是我有內診要去做 | This was fun. But I've got an invasive vaginal exam to get to. |
我也希望我可以留下來 但是我有個火辣的約會 | I'd love to stay but I've got a hot date. |
請便,如果你需要幫手的話告訴我 | Please go. Just let me know if you need a hand. |
我想它剛剛消退了 | I think it just fell off. |
嗨 是的 | Hello,ja. |
按摩時候到了,是的 | It's time for your massage,ja? |
把你的臉放入洞中 | Put your face in the hole. |
真正瑞典人做的瑞典式按摩 | A Swedish massage from a real Swedish person. |
好的,那我就是瑞典人 | Okay,then I'm Swedish. |
你叫什麼名字呢? | So,what's your name? |
只是平凡一般的瑞典名字 | It's a normal Swedish name. |
宜家(瑞典傢俱賣場) | Ikea. |
-哇,真是有趣的名字 -是啊 | - Wow. What an interesting name. - Yeah. |
-你知道,我… -頭皮按摩時間到了 | - You know,I.. - Time for your scalp massage. |
哇,我真的好喜歡你的… | Wow. I really love your.. |
-有什麼不對嗎? -不,只是… | - Is something wrong? - No,it's just.. |
只是覺得很舒服… | It just feels so good.. |
宜家 | Ikea. |
嘿,看你知不知道這個 瑞典的首都是哪裡呢? | Hey,say,you'll know this. What's the capital of Sweden? |
斯德哥爾摩 | Stockholm. |
該死的,希望我知道那是對還是錯 | Damn. I wish I knew if that was right. |
看那些線條,潛藏多層顏料 厚塗在畫布上… | Note the painterly lines and subtle impasto on this canvas. |
莫内快速地作畫,而且通常是在戶外… | Monet painted quickly,and usually outdoors.. |
因為他和光線一樣喜歡孤獨 | as his elusive subject was light itself. |
你知道你剛剛說的是什麼意思嗎? | Now,do you have any idea what you just said? |
不,我的嘴巴說著那些字 但是我的頭腦想的是“怪獸卡車” | No,no. My mouth says the words,my brain is thinking "monster trucks." |
現在,記住,當你進入博物館時… | Now,remember,when you get to the museum.. |
莫内的寫法不是MONAY 我只是… | Monet is not spelled M-O-N-A-Y. I just.. |
-幫你用發音寫下來 -發音? | - I wrote that out phonetically for you. - Phonetically? |
是的,那是… 我們沒有時間討論那些了 | Yeah,that means.. We just don't have time for this. |
我得說我真的很驚訝你可以這麼快速 背下這些東西 | I gotta say,I'm really impressed you were able to memorize all this so quickly. |
我是演員,我可以背下任何東西的 | I'm an actor. I can memorize anything. |
上星期在《我們的日子》劇中 我得說: | Last week on Days,I had to say: |
“前端顳顴骨切開術” | "Frontal temporal zygomatic craniotomy." |
-哇,那是什麼意思呢? -不知道 | - Wow. What does that mean? - No idea. |
但是那個被我那樣說的男的 在下一集就死了 | But the guy I said it to dies in the next scene.. |
所以我想那可能是說 “你會被熊給吃了” | so I guess it means,"You'll get eaten by a bear." |
好的 | Okay. |
-那我們來看文藝復興時期 -好的 | - So let's move on to the Renaissance. - Okay. |
卡拉瓦喬在這裡使用了 明暗對照法… | Caravaggio uses chiaroscuro here.. |
突顯出中央人物的極度痛苦 | to highlight the anguish of the central figure. |
碰觸它,還真是凹凸不平 | Touch it. It's really bumpy. |
不,不能即興演出 還有,你不能亂碰的 | No,no,no. No ad-libbing. And,dude,you can't touch the paintings. |
-擔心什麼? -不,不! | - Come on. - No. No! |
我的樣本在房間裡了 | My specimen's in the room. |
我只想謝謝剛剛那個 我在裡面的時候敲門的人… | I just want to thank whoever knocked on the door while I was in there. |
真的説明加速了整個流程 | Really helped speed the process along. |
珍妮絲,你還沒有消失啊? | Janice,you're not gone? |
西德還在他的房間裡 | Sid is still in his room. |
我不許家裡有色情書刊 所以這對他而言簡直是快樂假期 | I don't allow porn at home,so this is like a vacation for him. |
所以你做了嗎? 完成你的樣品存放手續了嗎? | So did you do it? Did you make your deposit? |
-是啊,最困難的部份結束了 -那不是最困難的,親愛的 | - Yeah. The hard part's over. - That's not the hard part,honey. |
沒錯啊,跟你說完了 莫妮卡出來了 | No,there's talking to you,but Monica's coming out. |
我們很快就要走了 | And we're gonna go soon. |
錢德 | Chandler. |
接下來才是最困難的部份 你難道不擔心結果嗎? | The hard part's what comes next. Aren't you worried about the results? |
我是說,當西德跟我上次來做的時候 我的天,我緊張死了 | I mean,oh,when Sid and I did this last time,my God,I was a mess. |
我根本沒有想過結果 | I haven't even thought about the results. |
我只是以為一切都會沒事 | I just assumed everything would be okay. |
結果你知道嗎?或許就是沒事 | Well,you know what? It probably is. |
但是要是有事呢? | But what if it's not okay? |
我是說萬一我們不孕是有原因的呢? | I mean,what if there's a reason we can't have a baby? |
錢德,聽著,你跟莫妮卡一定會有小孩 | Chandler. Look,you and Monica are meant to have children. |
我敢說一切一定都沒事的 | I'm sure it's gonna be just fine. |
是啊,是啊,好了,謝謝 我不敢相信我竟然沒有想過 | Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thanks. I can't believe I didn't even think of that. |
我是說我好擔心要過來這裡做檢驗 | I guess I was so worried about having to come here and do that. |
你可以在塔可鐘餐廳的停車場做… | You can do it in a Taco Bell parking lot.. |
但是你沒有辦法在診所做嗎? | but you can't do it at a doctor's office? |
是在溫蒂漢堡! | It was a Wendy's! |
這就是瑞典國歌,謝謝你問了 | And that's the Swedish national anthem. Thank you for asking. |
哇,宜家 | Wow,Ikea. |
真是豐富的文化 | What a rich culture. |
你知道嗎?我有個朋友也是按摩師 | You know what? I have a friend who's a masseuse. |
-喔?是嗎? -是啊,不過她不是很行 | - Oh? Ja,ja? - Ja. She's not very good,though. |
-你為什麼會那樣覺得呢? -我不知道 | - And why do you think that is? - I don't know. |
或許是因為她的手指很僵硬 | Maybe it's because she's got such callousy fingers.. |
大概是練彈爛吉他造成的 | from playing crummy guitar. |
或許因為她很難放鬆你的筋骨 | Or maybe she has trouble loosening your knots.. |
因為你真是個難搞的俏屁股 | because you're such a high-maintenance tight-ass. |
-菲比! -你知道是我? | - Phoebe! - You know it's me? |
嗯,知道半個小時了! | Well,for like a half an hour! |
天啊,你還真能扯瑞典的事! | Man,you can lie about Sweden! |
你怎麼能夠到這裡來呢? | How can you come here? |
-你為什麼沒說你在這裡工作呢? -我不需要告訴你每件事! | - Why didn't you tell me you work here? - I don't have to tell you everything! |
如果你讓我覺得來這裡享受免費按摩 是很罪惡的事,那你就要 | You do if you're gonna make me feel guilty for getting a free massage. |
小費還是要照算的 | Tip's not included. |
為什麼你不敢說你在這裡工作呢? | Why did you lie to me about working here? |
因為我覺得很丟臉,好嗎? 我為金錢出賣自己 | Because I was ashamed,okay? I sold out for the cash. |
他們提供一些福利,像是醫保、納稅什麼的 | And they give me benefits,like medical and dental and a four-oh-wunk. |
但是你知道的,要付出代價的 現在我成了大公司的傀儡 | But,you know,you pay a price. Now I'm this corporate stooge.. |
每天打卡上班 | and punching a clock.. |
然後還要繳稅! | and paying taxes! |
菲比,親愛的,如果 你這樣痛恨這工作… | Phoebe,honey,if you hate it so much.. |
你應該馬上走出去然後辭職 | you should walk out there right now and quit. |
相信你所堅信的理念 | Be true to what you believe in. |
親愛的,你是有原則的人 所以我很欽佩你的 | Honey,you have principles,and I so admire that. |
我才是沒有原則 | I don't have any. |
你知道嗎?你說的對,我要去辭職 | You know what? You're right. I am gonna quit. |
-該是我重新生活的時候了 -很好,菲比 | - It's time I took my life back. - Good for you,Phoebe. |
如果你們在裡面也有裝麥克風 我在裡面說的都不是真的 | If you guys have microphones in there too,I didn't mean any of that. |
我愛你們 | I love you. |
打到了!死吧!死吧!死吧! | Got you! Die! Die! Die! |
誠摯地,蓋勒教授敬上 | Respectfully,Professor R. Geller. |
-嘿 -嗨 | - Hey. - Hi. |
嘿,大都會好玩嗎? | Hey,how was the Met? |
博物館真的很驚人 | The museum was amazing. |
是啊,喬伊真的很懂藝術不是嗎? | Yeah,Joey really knows his art,huh? |
並不儘然,不 | Not so much,no. |
很明顯地他清楚地背下了要說的東西… | He had clearly memorized all this stuff to say.. |
但是很多東西都很不對勁 | and some of it didn't even make any sense. |
-你是什麼意思呢? -嗯,例如… | - What do you mean? - Well,for one.. |
他談論的都是根本不在展出的繪畫 | he was talking about paintings that were nowhere around. |
等等,你們進入博物館之後 是往右邊走嗎? | Wait a minute. When you guys walked into the Met,did you go to the right? |
-不不,我們往左邊走 -喔,喬伊,喬伊,喬伊 | - No. No,we went to the left. - Oh,Joey,Joey,Joey. |
可是你們看起來也是度過快樂的時光啊 | Still,it seems like you guys are having a great time together. |
是啊,是很好玩 | Yeah. Yeah,it's fun. |
怎樣? | What? |
事實上,喬伊是你的朋友… | Actually,Joey's your friend.. |
而你也不是很瞭解我 這會很奇怪的 | and you don't know me that well. It'd be weird. |
嗯,可能會有點,但是不會啦 怎樣呢?跟我說 | Well,I mean,a little. But no,what? Go on. |
嗯… | Well.. |
我在想或許喬伊不是很適合我 | I'm thinking that maybe Joey isn't the right guy for me right now. |
你知道的,或許我應該跟… | You know,maybe I should be with someone.. |
跟我比較相像的人在一起 你知道我的意思嗎? | I have more in common with. You know what I mean? |
是啊 | Yeah. |
是啊,但是你知道嗎? | Yeah,but you know what? |
我想你應該給喬伊一個機會 | I think you should give Joey a chance. |
我是說他是個好男人 | I mean,he's a great guy. |
當然他是不知道很多藝術的東西 | And sure,he doesn't know that much about art.. |
但是你可以跟其他知道的人談論啊 | but you can always talk about that with someone else. |
-我想也是 -如果你仔細想想… | - I guess that's true. - If you think about it.. |
他背下所有的東西只是因為 他認為那些東西對你很重要 | he memorized all that stuff because he thought it was important to you. |
你知道的,喬伊就是那樣子的人 | You know,that's the kind of guy Joey is. |
他是非常貼心的 | He is very sweet. |
還有,他真是帥斃了! | Plus,he is hot! |
這就是我下一個要爭論的 | That was gonna be my next argument. |
-你準備好了嗎? -好了,我們走吧 | - You ready? - Yeah. Let's go. |
哇! | Wow! |
-謝了,羅斯 -不客氣 | - Thanks,Ross. - Yeah. |
嘿,羅斯,藝術那些東西真是有效 你真幫了大忙 | Hey,Ross. That art stuff worked. You hooked me up. |
很高興能夠幫上忙,兄弟 | Glad I could help,man. |
有些你說的東西並沒有在那裡 但是我都搞定了 | Some of the stuff wasn't where you said it would be,but I made it work. |
我現在不能因為這個而勃起了 | It is not okay that I'm aroused by this now. |
嗨? | Hello? |
喔,嗨,唐納利醫生 | Oh. Hi,Dr. Connelly. |
不,她現在不在… | No. Well,she's not here.. |
但是我可以轉告她 | but I can tell her. |
我應該先坐下來再聽嗎? | Should I be sitting down for this? |
那,那是什麼意思呢? | Well,so,what does that mean? |
好的,好的,謝謝你 | Okay. Okay,thank you. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
嘿,親愛的 | Hey,sweetie. |
唐納利醫生剛剛打電話來 | Dr. Connelly just called. |
有好消息嗎?當然不是好消息囉 | With good news? Of course it's not good news. |
你是說“唐納利醫生剛剛打電話來” | You said,"Dr. Connelly just called." |
如果是好消息你會說 “唐納利醫生剛剛打電話來!” | If it was good,you'd have said,"Dr. Connelly just called!" |
那,是怎樣呢?是不是… | So,what is it? Is it..? |
有問題嗎?是我的問題還是你的呢? | Is there a problem? Is there a problem with me,or with you? |
事實上我們兩個都有問題 | Actually,it's both of us. |
什麼? | What? |
很顯然地,我的精子活動力太低了 | Apparently,my sperm have low motility.. |
而你有不適宜著床的環境 | and you have an inhospitable environment. |
喔,那是什麼意思呢? | Well,what does that mean? |
意思就是說我的傢伙根本沒有辦法出兵… | It means that my guys won't get off their Barcaloungers.. |
而你的子宮已準備好 要殺死入侵的小兵了 | and you have a uterus that is prepared to kill the ones that do. |
-意思是 -等等,錢德 | - It means.. - Wait,Chandler. |
意思是我們可以繼續嘗試… | It means that we can keep trying.. |
但是我們很有可能永遠都不會懷孕 | but there's a good chance this may never happen for us. |
喔,我的天 | Oh,my God. |
我很抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
我也很抱歉 | I'm sorry too. |
嗯… | Well.. |
我們會想出辦法的 | we're gonna figure this out. |
我知道 | I know. |
-早安,菲比 -早安,總台小姐 | - Good morning,Phoebe. - Good morning,receptionist. |
這是你今天的工作排程 你第一位客人在一號房 | Here's your schedule for the day. Your first client is in Room 1. |
“瑞秋格林”,狗娘養的! 她又回來了? | "Rachel Greene." Son of a bitch! She came back? |
你準備好要享受蘇格蘭式按摩了嗎? | Are you ready for your Scottish massage? |
把臉放到洞中間 小妞!(蘇格蘭叫法) | Put your face in the hole,lassie! |
哇,這真是舒服 | Oh,that feels so good. |
哎呀,我運氣真好 有咖啡喝還可以看現場性愛演出 | Oh,lucky me. Coffee and a live sex show. |
-不好意思,什麼呢? -不好意思 | - I'm sorry,what? - I'm sorry. |
-沒事,我只是在念書給艾瑪聽 -時尚雜誌? | - Nothing. I was just reading to Emma. - From Cosmo? |
是啊,是啊,是… | Yeah. Yeah,it's: |
《讓你有更細緻的肌膚》 | "Climax Your Way to Better Skin." |
我今天必須要去買衣服 這真是我最不喜歡做的事 | So I have to go shopping today,which is my least favorite thing. |
我實在是很不會挑選衣服 | I'm so bad at picking out clothes. |
所以你需要有很瞭解 時尚的人來給你建議 | So you need someone who knows fashion to tell you what looks good. |
不要是我,不要是我,不要是我 | Not me. Not me. Not me. |
-嘿,瑞秋? -怎樣? | - Oh,hey,Rach? - Yeah? |
-或許你可以帶查莉去買衣服 -喔,嗯… | - Maybe you could take Charlie shopping? - Oh,well.. |
-你可能很忙沒空吧 -你在開玩笑嗎? | - I'm sure you have better things to do. - You kidding? |
瑞秋愛死逛街了,而且她品味極佳 | Rachel loves to shop,and she has great taste. |
就是她教我在勞工節之後 不要穿白色衣服 | She's the one that taught me not to wear white after Labor Day.. |
而且永遠、永遠記住在試穿衣服時 一定要穿內衣褲 | and to always,always,always put on underwear when trying on clothes. |
如果你有空,我會很感激你的幫忙的 | If you have the time,I'd really appreciate the help. |
好的,好啊,我們逛街去 | Okay. Yeah,let's shop. |
好的,你一定會 買回來很多有格調的衣服 | Okay,you are gonna come back with some very classy clothes. |
還有一些淫蕩的內衣,淫蕩喔! | And some slutty lingerie. Slutty! |
好的,太好了,再見 | Okay,great. All right,bye. |
超級討厭的! | Pain in the ass! |
-已經掛掉了,對嗎? -怎麼了?菲比 | - That's off,right? - What's the matter,Phoebe? |
麥克的姐姐剛邀請我去今晚的派對 而且他也會去 | Mike's sister just invited me to a party tonight and he's gonna be there. |
她說“別擔心,我問過他了 他完全不介意見到你” | She was like,"Don't worry. I asked him and he's totally okay with seeing you." |
所以現在我一定得去了 否則他會認為我很介意見到他 | So now I have to go so he'll think that I'm totally okay with seeing him. |
-你根本就很介意,你還沒有忘記他 -沒錯 | - Which you're not. You're hung up on him. - Exactly. |
你想要他懊悔不已 所以你一定要看起來豔光四射 | You want him to eat his heart out,so you have to look fabulous. |
我根本沒有那樣想過 | I didn't even think about that. |
性欲權術! | Sexual politics! |
菲比,我要帶查莉去逛街 | Phoebe,I'm taking Charlie shopping. |
-一起來,我可以幫你挑衣服 -太棒了 | - Come and I'll help you find something. - That'd be great. |
真是太好了,你們三個人 一起試穿淫蕩睡衣 | Oh,isn't that nice? The three of you,trying on slutty lingerie together. |
-我們沒有要那樣做 -你為何要破壞這個畫面?我得罪誰了? | - That's not what we're gonna do. - Why'd you ruin it? Who was I hurting? |
精子捐獻者 | The.One.With.The.Donor |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
哇,還好她有個漂亮臉蛋 | Fortunately,she has a very pretty face. |
我還是無法相信 我的子宮是不適宜著床的環境? | I still can't believe this. My uterus is an inhospitable environment? |
我一直都很努力想要當個稱職的女主人 | I've always tried so hard to be a good hostess. |
我不敢相信我的精子的活動力太低 | I can't believe my sperm have low motility. |
當我在長大的時候 它們倒是等不及要到處去遊玩 | While I was growing up,they sure seemed to be in a hurry to get places. |
-嗨 -嗨 | - Hi there. - Hi. |
關於你們上星期的測試 我很抱歉,沒有什麼更好的消息 | I'm sorry there wasn't better news from your tests last week.. |
但是我想要跟你們談談你們可有的選擇 | but I wanted to talk to you about your options. |
好的 | Okay. |
雖然你們以正常方式 受孕的幾率很低… | Even though your chances of conceiving through natural means aren't great.. |
但是很難定論的 所以你們還是持續進行性生活 | you never know,so keep having sex on a regular basis. |
該死! | Oh,damn it! |
別擔心,等一下你就會習慣了 | Don't worry. After a while,you'll tune it out. |
在這種情況之下,最佳的選擇就是… | Given your situation,the options with the greatest chances for success.. |
代理孕母或是經由捐贈精子受孕 | would be surrogacy or insemination using a sperm donor. |
如果你們認為上述兩種選擇都不適合 你們還是可以選擇領養 | If you feel that neither of those is right for you,you could always adopt. |
這是個暗示嗎? | Is that a hint? |
我們是挺熱愛你的,唐納利醫生 但是我們不想要領養你 | Because we love you,Dr. Connelly,but we don't want you to be our child. |
糟糕!說的話還真不受歡迎 | Wow! Talk about an inhospitable environment. |
嗨,你準備好要去接菲比逛街了嗎? | Hi. Okay,you ready to go pick up Phoebe and go shopping? |
-我們走吧 -好的,祝你們逛的愉快 | - Let's do it. - All right,have a good time. |
那裡面是找不到衣服的 | Not gonna find any clothes in there. |
-你們好 -嗨 | - Hey,you guys. - Hi. |
猜猜看誰是 全國古生物學大會的主講人? | Guess who's up for keynote speaker at the National Paleontology Conference? |
-克裡斯培利嗎? -對啊,是啊 | - Chris Bailey? - Yeah,right. |
他上次準時提交摘要是什麼時候呢? | When was the last time he made a submission deadline for an abstract? |
你為什麼要笑呢? | Why are you laughing? |
只是想瞭解一下 當古生物學家是怎樣的 | Just seeing what it'd be like to be a paleontologist. |
真好玩,是啊 | It's fun. Yeah. |
所以你要當主講人? | So you're up for keynote speaker? |
-是誰做的決定呢? -薛曼教授 | - Who's deciding? - Professor Sherman. |
-我今天要跟他見面 -他是個蠻難伺候的人 | - I'm meeting with him today. - He's a pretty tough guy to impress. |
我想我知道要怎麼迷惑他 | I think I know how to dazzle him. |
你應該不是要變魔術吧? | You're not gonna to do a magic trick,are you? |
不是 | No. |
-大家好 -我想要問你們一個問題 | - Hey,guys. - I want to ask you something. |
我可能會在這個古生物學大會演說 | I may get to speak at this paleontology convention. |
如果是這樣 我想邀請你們來聽我的演講 | If I do,I'd love for you guys to come and hear me. |
我想如果說我們都有家庭 工作或是身體不適等理由是安全的 | I think I can safely say that we all have family issues,work and/or are sick. |
-是在巴貝多 -但是你是最重要的 | - It's in Barbados. - But you come first. |
我去定了 | I'm there. |
-我不知道,羅斯,我不是覺得很… -巴貝多是在加勒比海,喬伊 | - I don't know Ross,I'm not feeling too.. - Barbados is in the Caribbean,Joe. |
為什麼沒有人說呢? | Why didn't anybody say so? |
-待會見 -好的,再見 | - See you later. - Okay,bye. |
-再見 -再見 | - Bye. See you. - Bye. |
-驗孕診所怎麼說? -不像上次一樣好玩 | - So how did it go at the fertility clinic? - Not as much fun as last time. |
很明顯地,他們只有在采精子樣本時 才會給你看色情書刊 | Apparently,you only get porn if you're giving a sperm sample. |
那醫生怎麼說呢? | So,what did the doctor say? |
可以用代理孕母,但莫妮卡這一輩子 都在夢想懷孕… | There's surrogacy,but Monica's dreamt her whole life of carrying a child.. |
而她會覺得看著代理孕母懷孕 對她而言會太難受了 | and she just felt that watching a surrogate would be too hard for her. |
-所以你們不考慮代理孕母? -沒錯 | - So you're ruling out surrogacy? - Yeah. |
所以我不用知道那是什麼意思囉? | So I don't have to learn what that means? |
除了領養外,剩下的選擇 就是接受精子捐贈 | Aside from adoption,the only other choice is insemination.. |
所以我們現在在討論精子捐贈者的事 | so we're talking about sperm donors. |
夠了,我隨時為你效勞,兄弟 她在哪?樓上嗎? | Enough said. I'm there for you,man. Where is she,upstairs? |
我是非常感激 你長期以來想跟我老婆上床的好意 | Your long-standing offer to have sex with my wife is appreciated. |
-但是我想我心領了 -那你的感覺呢? | - But I think I'll pass. - So how do you feel about all this? |
我真希望我們有更簡單的方式可生孩子 但是我們並沒有選擇 | I wish there was an easier way for us to have a child,but there isn't one. |
別這樣,羅斯,做做好人 挺身而出吧 | Come on,Ross,be a good guy. Step up and do it. |
什麼? | What? |
什麼?不! 我不會把班給他們的! | What?! No! I'm not gonna give them Ben! |
我們從磁共振造影跟去氧核糖核酸測試 所取得的化石… | The data we're receiving from MRI scans and DNA testing.. |
資料資料是很驚人的 | of these fossils are staggering. |
我的意思是我們一直以來都將 李奇年代法視為理所當然 | I mean,we've been accepting Leakey's dates as a given. |
但是如果它的誤差 即使只有十萬年左右… | But if they're off by even a 100,000 years or so.. |
那你可以捨棄我們大部分推論… | then you can just throw most of our assumptions.. |
你知道的,丟到垃圾桶裡 | you know,right in the trash. |
所以,我要說的是… | So,what I'm saying is.. |
是… | Is that.. |
是所受影響的後果是很大的 | Is that repercussions could be huge. |
我是說,不只是在古生物學 但是如果你仔細想想… | I mean,not just in paleontology,but if you think about it.. |
甚至是在進化生物學、基因學、地質學 | in evolutionary biology,genetics,geology. |
我是說,真的,無限想像的空間 | I mean,truly,the mind boggles. |
嗯,結果不該是這樣的 | Well,that's not what you want. |
-男人的動機? -我要噴一點 | - Incentive for Men? - I'll take some of that. |
-菲比,那是男生的香水 -我知道 | - Phoebe,that's for men. - I know. |
在我等一下去派對時… | When I go to the party later.. |
麥克會知道我已經忘了他了 因為我聞起來會有另一個男人的味道 | Mike will know I'm over him because I'll smell like another guy. |
好了 | Okay. |
太好了,我在跟俄羅斯計程車司機約會 | Oh,good,I'm dating a Russian cabdriver. |
拜託,有人買這個嗎? 這聞起來像是甜菜 | Seriously,does anyone buy this? I smell like beets. |
我真的很喜歡那些有墊肩的外套 在哪邊有呢? | I really like those jackets with the shoulder pads in them. Where are those? |
梅蘭尼·格里菲斯在《打工女郎》裡面穿的 | On Melanie Griffith in Working Girl. |
我想你適合穿的在這邊 | I think what you want is over here. |
我就知道 我需要有人幫我 | See,I told you I needed someone. |
對了,為了要謝謝你 我真的很想請你吃飯 | By the way,as a thank you,I would really love to take you out. |
-真的嗎? -喬伊跟我今晚要去看電影 | - Really? - Joey and I are going to a movie tonight. |
-你想要一起去嗎? -我不行 | - You want to come? - Oh,I can't. |
因為我看過了 | Because I've seen them. |
你已經看過所有的電影了? | You've seen all the movies? |
是啊,我為之入迷 | Yeah. I'm a big fan. |
電影迷 | Of the movies. |
所有的電影 | You know,motion pictures. |
有聲電影 | The talkies. |
瑞秋,你可以跟我進去試衣間試穿嗎? | Rach,will you come with me to a dressing room? |
-當然 -好的 | - Sure. - Okay. |
或許我們可以做別的事 | Maybe we could do something else. |
你知道的,那要看是什麼事 很多東西我都做過了 | You know,that depends on what it is. I've done a lot of stuff. |
你剛剛是怎麼了? 你不喜歡查莉嗎? | So,what were you doing out there? Do you not like Charlie? |
她還好啦,我不知道 我只是跟她不投緣吧 | She's okay. I don't know,I just don't get a really good vibe from her. |
-為什麼? -我不知道 | - Why? - I don't know. |
你知道的,只是她的一舉一動 聰明的要命… | You know,just the way she waltzed in here all smart.. |
而且又高挑,你知道的… | and tall,you know.. |
然後又把喬伊迷的東倒西歪的 別人都沒有機會 | and just swept Joey off his feet. Nobody else has a chance. |
-還有誰呢? -任何人啊 | - Who else? - Anybody. |
你,我 | You. Me. |
你知道的,莫妮卡的媽 | You know,Monica's mom. |
你喜歡喬伊? | You like Joey?! |
菲比! | Phoebe! |
好吧,你說的沒錯 我對他是有點感覺,只是… | All right,look,I do. I have a little thing for him. Just.. |
-喔,我的天啊 -只是肉欲的 | - Oh,my God. - It's just physical. |
我已經完全控制住了,好嗎? 只是當我看到他們在一起… | I have it totally under control,okay? It's just when I see them together.. |
有時候,我就會有點忌妒 | sometimes,I just get a little jealous. |
哇,好諷刺喔,他以前喜歡過你 然後現在你喜歡… | Wow. Isn't that ironic that he liked you,and now you like..? |
我知道! | I get it! |
好吧,一切都控制住就好了 | All right,as long as it's under control. |
你不可以採取任何行動 他已經跟她在一起了 | You can't do anything about it. He's already dating her. |
她是個好人,那是不對的 | She is a nice person. That wouldn't be right. |
我知道,我知道,所以沒事啦 | I know,I know. So it's just not a big deal. |
-你可以不要說出去嗎? -當然 | - So can we keep this between us? - Sure. |
太好了,因為我得出去了 我快被甜菜味熏死了 | Great,because I gotta get out of here. The smell of beets is killing me. |
查莉可能會有耳聾的雙胞胎妹妹嗎? | Any chance Charlie has a deaf twin? |
-嗨,親愛的 -嘿 | - Hi,honey. - Hey. |
我帶個朋友回來吃晚餐 這是我同事柴克 | I brought a friend home for dinner. This is Zack from work. |
當然啦,很高興再見到你,柴克 | Oh,of course. It's so nice to see you again,Zack. |
-我也是 -你們並沒有見過面 | - You too. - You guys haven't actually met before. |
天啊,你們還真有禮貌 | But,boy,you're both polite. |
請坐,我幫你拿啤酒 | Have a seat. I'll get you a beer. |
-我來拿 -謝謝 | - I got it. - Thanks. |
-柴克不錯吧? -是啊,應該吧 | - So Zack's pretty nice,huh? - Yeah,I guess. |
那你想不想要跟他生個小孩呢? | So how would you like to have a baby that's half yours and half his? |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
我們在講的是精子捐贈者 而柴克或許就是適當的人選 | We're talking about sperm donors,and Zack may be the guy. |
他很聰明、健康、體格強壯 我是說,他是最佳人選了! | Look. He's intelligent,he's healthy,he's athletic. I mean,he's sperm-tastic! |
錢德,這太瘋狂了 你是怎麼跟他說的? | Chandler,this is crazy. Well,what did you even say to him? |
“上來看看我老婆 給我們你的精子” | "Come up. Meet my wife. Give us your sperm." |
我邀請他來吃晚餐讓你見見他 | I invited him to dinner so you'd get a chance to get to know him. |
如果是精子銀行 我們根本不能見到那個捐贈者 | With a sperm bank,you never meet the guy,get to check him out. |
-錢德! -我告訴你,他棒透了 | - Chandler! - I'm telling you,he's great. |
我是說,即使我的精子沒有問題 我也認為我們應該選擇他 | I mean,even if my sperm worked fine,I think he'd be the way to go. |
我不要做這件事 | I'm not going to be a part of this. |
你不能隨便帶個男的回來 當精子捐贈者 | You can't bring some random guy home and expect him to be our sperm donor. |
好吧 | Okay. |
-柴克 -謝謝 | - Zack? - Thanks. |
你有杯墊嗎?我不想留下印子 | Do you have a coaster? I don't want to make a ring. |
多聊聊你自己,柴克 | Tell me about yourself,Zack. |
天啊,你覺得她聽到了嗎? 如果她聽到就慘了 | Oh,God,do you think she heard? It'd be so bad if she heard. |
或許她沒有聽到,我到隔壁間說話 你待在這裡 | Maybe she didn't hear. I'll go into that dressing room and talk. You stay here. |
-看看你是不是可以聽到我說話 -好的 | - See if you can hear me. - Okay,great. |
喔,感謝上帝,我聽不到你說話 | Oh,thank God,I can't hear a word that you're saying. |
-我還沒有開始說話 -那回去裡面然後說話啊 | - I didn't say anything yet. - Well,get back in there and talk. |
我是瑞秋 | I'm Rachel. |
讓艾瑪在電話上跟我朋友講話 真的很討厭 | It's so annoying when I put Emma on the phone to talk with my friends. |
什麼? | What? |
嗯,有些事是很難當你的面說的 | Well,some things are just hard to say to your face. |
好吧,我聽到了,表示她也聽到了 | Okay,well,I heard that. Which means that she heard it too. |
-我們有麻煩了 -喔,我們該怎麼辦呢? | - We have a problem. - Oh,what are we gonna do? |
就老實跟她說吧 | Just be honest with her. |
喔,我的天啊! | Oh,my God! |
父母讓嬰兒聽電話 的確是很討厭 | It is annoying when parents put babies on the phone. |
好了,你說夠了! | All right,enough out of you! |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我是哪裡做錯了?這是很好的東西啊 | Where did I go wrong? This is good stuff. |
-嗨? -我要跟查莉講話,她在嗎? | - Hello? - I need to talk to Charlie. Is she there? |
不在,她跟瑞秋去逛街了 為什麼?怎麼了? | No,she went shopping with Rachel. Why? What's up? |
我正在跟薛曼教授 討論關於我當主講人的事 | I'm meeting with Professor Sherman about my being the keynote speaker. |
-進行的如何呢? -可以更順利的 | - How's it going? - It could be better. |
他睡著了 | He fell asleep. |
什麼?但是我已經 訂了到百慕達的機票了! | What? But I already bought my ticket to Bermuda! |
-是巴貝多 -好啦,我再租車開過去 | - Barbados. - Fine,I'll rent a car and drive. |
你一定要得到這工作 | You have to get that job. |
我應該怎麼辦呢?他完全睡著了 | What am I supposed to do? He's out cold. |
事實上,剛剛他還在說夢話 | In fact,he was just talking in his sleep before.. |
而且他還要一個叫法蘭的人 “再打用力點” | and evidently he wants someone named Fran to "spank him harder." |
-那叫醒他吧 -我不行 | - Well,just wake him up. - I can't. |
如果他發現我是讓他睡著的人 我就得不到這個工作了 | If he realizes that I'm the one who put him to sleep,I won't get the job. |
那倒是挺難的 | That's a tough one. |
等等,這以前也發生在我身上過 | Oh,wait a minute. This happened to me before. |
是啊,我之前在試演一齣戲劇的時候 那個製作人睡著了,我… | Yeah,I was auditioning for a play,and the producer fell asleep. I.. |
不,等等 | No,wait a minute. |
其實是我睡著了 | It was me who fell asleep. |
我是說,莎士比亞 來點動作場面吧? | I mean,hey,Shakespeare,how about a chase scene once in a while? |
-嘿,晚餐好了 -我先去洗手 | - Hey,guys,dinner's ready. - I'm gonna go wash up first. |
謝了 | Thanks. |
你覺得呢?我要我的孩子有他的基因 那雙眼睛,那顴骨 | What do you think? I want his genes for my kid. Those eyes,those cheekbones. |
好了,可能是過度狂熱 也有可能是同性戀 | Okay,there's enthusiastic,and there's just plain gay. |
-你不喜歡他 -我想他不錯 | - You don't like him. - I think he's fine. |
但是我們對他瞭解不夠 | But we don't know anything real about him. |
-我希望我們可以知道多一點 -好的,跟著我的話鋒轉 | - I wish we could get more information. - All right,just follow my lead. |
-你們家真是好棒 -謝謝,我很喜歡這地方 | - You guys have a great place here. - Thanks. I'm crazy about our place. |
嘿,說到瘋狂… | Hey,speaking of crazy.. |
你們家有遺傳性精神疾病嗎? | do you have a history of mental illness in the family? |
沒有,但是我是有個叔叔 投票給杜凱吉斯 | No. Although,I did have an uncle who voted for Dukakis. |
那真的不是我們所希望看到的 | That's really not the kind of thing we're looking for. |
好的 | Okay. |
告訴我,你們是怎麼認識的呢? | So tell me,how'd you guys meet? |
剛開始是朋友,在倫敦喝醉,你知道的 | Oh,friends first,drunk in London,you know the story. |
我有個更棒的問題要問你 | I've got a better question for you: |
你或是你的血親 有人有糖尿病嗎? | Do you or any of your blood relatives have diabetes? |
沒有 | No. |
心臟病?阿茲海默症?痛風? | Heart disease? Alzheimer's? Gout? |
你們不常請朋友到家裡用餐,是嗎? | You guys don't have people for dinner a lot,huh? |
我們只是在找話題聊聊 | We're just making conversation. |
好吧,我今天聽到一個笑話 真的是挺好笑的 | Yeah,well,okay. I heard a joke today. It's pretty funny. |
你知道有什麼是不好笑的嗎? 雄性禿頭 | You know what's not funny? Male pattern baldness. |
你們今晚對我很有興趣,我很受寵若驚 | You guys have shown a lot of interest in me tonight,and I'm flattered.. |
而且老實說,是有點受驚 | and quite frankly,a little frightened. |
我們可以聊聊別的話題嗎? | Can we just talk about something else? |
-當然 -好的 | - Sure. - All right. |
這個義大利水餃真是美味 | This ravioli's delicious. |
我發現你享用那水餃的牙齒真是整齊 | I notice you're enjoying that ravioli with a beautiful set of teeth. |
你小時候有戴牙套嗎? | Did you have braces as a child? |
-不,沒有 -太好了! | - No,I didn't. - Yes! |
我們很重視牙齒的,柴克 | We're teeth people,Zack. |
我們過去問她有沒有聽到 | Let's just do it. Let's just go over there and see if she heard. |
-好主意 -好的 | - Good plan. - Okay. |
-什麼?你是在做什麼呢? -對不起,瑞秋 | - What? Where are you going? - Oh,I'm sorry,Rachel. |
我沒有時間玩你的幼稚遊戲,好嗎? | I don't have time for your childish games,okay? |
我還得要找到很驚豔的衣服穿 | I still have to find something incredible to wear.. |
那我才可以在“誰先忘了誰”上 打敗麥克! | so I can beat Mike at "Who's More Over Who"! |
-你去哪裡了? -去試穿衣服 | - Where have you been? - Trying on clothes. |
真的嗎?在試衣間嗎?喔,真奇怪 | Oh,really? In the dressing room? Well,that's so weird. |
菲比跟我剛剛也在試衣間 天啊,這世界真是小 | Phoebe and I were in the dressing room. Gosh,it's just such a small world. |
瑞秋,我聽到你們倆的對話了 | Rachel,I heard you two guys whispering. |
天啊,你聽到了 好的,聽著,讓我解釋 | Oh,God,you did,you heard. Okay,look,let me explain. |
沒有必要解釋,我都聽到了 | There's nothing to explain. I heard you. |
菲比喜歡喬伊 | Phoebe likes Joey. |
是啊 | Yeah. |
我不明白,我是說菲比喜歡喬伊 | I don't understand it. I mean,Phoebe likes Joey.. |
可是她卻來買衣服 來驚豔另一個男人? | and then she's here to buy a dress to impress another guy? |
是啊,菲比就是那樣,她就是那樣 你知道的,她就是全部都要 | Yeah,that's Phoebe. That's Phoebe. You know,she just wants them all. |
那就像是女色情狂 | It's,like,she's nympho. |
-哇! -是啊 | - Wow! - Yeah. |
對了,我有聽到你告訴她 不可以做任何事 | You know,by the way,I heard you tell her not to do anything. |
謝謝你替我說話 天啊,你真是個好人 | Thanks for sticking up for me. God,you are such a nice person. |
我儘量 | I try. |
我的天啊 你真的要我當主講人嗎? | Oh,my God,you really want me to be the keynote speaker? |
謝謝你! | Thank you! |
不用客氣 | You're welcome. |
哇!你看起來… | Wow! You look.. |
真是辣得讓人不想吃東西! | stop-eating hot! |
這是最高階段的辣耶 | Which is like the highest level of hotness. |
你確定嗎? 因為我真的很不想去這派對 | Okay,are you sure? Because I am really dreading going to this party. |
那就別去啊 | Then don't go. |
麥克知道我要去,如果我沒出現 他會以為那是因為他… | Mike knows I'm coming. If I don't show up,he'll think it's because of him.. |
我那樣就會很沒面子 這對我來說是很嚴重的事 | and then I'm gonna lose face. That's a very serious thing in my culture. |
好吧,那就去派對吧 然後假裝已經完全不受麥克影響 | All right,then you go to that party,and you pretend to be over Mike. |
之後你再來我家 我再幫你好好借酒解愁 | Afterward,you come to my place and I'll get you good and drunk. |
沒問題,好的 | You got it. Okay. |
但是不要喝你自己釀的酒好嗎? | But not on the wine that you made,okay? |
因為我不想要再進急診室了 | Because I just don't want to go back to the emergency room. |
我很抱歉,我沒有足夠的現金 | I'm sorry,I don't seem to have enough cash. |
你可以接受盧布嗎? | You would accept rubles,would you? |
這是張面額十萬的盧布 大約的價值是… | This is a hundred-thousand-ruble note,which is worth approximately.. |
零 | nothing. |
-大衛? -菲比!嗨 | - David? - Phoebe! Hi. |
-喔,我的天! -嗨 | - Oh,my God! - Hi. |
哇!你看起來真是漂亮極了 | Wow! You look unbelievable. |
喔,是啊,嗯… | Oh,yeah,well.. |
你在這裡做什麼呢? | What are you doing here? |
我從明斯克回來了,永久地 | Well,I'm back from Minsk. Permanently. |
發生什麼事呢? | Well,what happened? |
記得我正在嘗試製造… | Remember how I was trying to achieve.. |
次原子陽電子淨化嗎? | the positronic distillation of subatomic particles? |
是啊 | Yeah. |
在經過八年的研究之後,我發現… | Well,after eight years of research,I discovered.. |
那是做不到的 | that it can't be done. |
-很抱歉 -沒關係 | - Oh,I'm sorry. - It's all right. |
這種事在科學界常發生… | This kind of thing happens all the time in science. |
尤其是因為科學期刊上一個誤刊 而用八年時間研究的人來說 | To people who base eight years of research on a typo in a scientific journal. |
嗯… | Well.. |
你終於回來了真是好,你好嗎? | great that you're back. How are you? |
-很好,過的還不錯 -很好 | - Good. Good. Life is good. - Good. |
我現在有交往的物件了 | Well,I'm seeing someone. |
-這樣啊,恭喜你了 -是啊 | - Good for you. - Yeah. |
她也是科學家,很聰明也很漂亮 | She's also a scientist,so she's very smart and pretty and.. |
而且事實上是因為你 我們才在一起的 | It's actually because of you that we're together. |
我是說,我看到你跟那個麥克在一起 | I mean,I saw what you had with that Mike guy.. |
然後我告訴自己 “天啊,我也想要那樣” | and I just said,"Boy,I want that." |
-麥克跟我分手了 -你在開玩笑吧 | - Mike and I broke up. - You're kidding me. |
因為我沒有在跟誰交往 我完全是編出來的 | Because I'm not seeing anybody. I just totally made that up. |
-真的嗎? -我不知道為什麼,我很抱歉 | - Really? - I don't know why,I'm sorry. |
我猜我只是不想沒面子 | I guess I just didn't want to lose face. |
我能瞭解 | I understand. |
是啊,好的,那… | Yeah. Okay. So then,okay.. |
我們都住在紐約 沒有交往物件 | So we're both living in New York,not seeing anyone. |
-這太不像我們了 -是啊,我知道 | - That's so not like us. - Yeah,I know. |
嗯,這或許是個蠢問題 看到你穿這樣… | Well,this is probably a stupid question,seeing that you look like that.. |
但是你現在有要去什麼地方嗎? | but do you have someplace that you need to be right now? |
嗯… | Well.. |
沒有 | No. |
-那你想不想去喝點東西呢? -我很想 | - Well,do you want to get a drink? - I'd love to. |
-太棒了 -好的 | - Great. - Okay. |
你有聞到甜菜味嗎? | Do you smell beets? |
好吧,站到我的逆風邊 | All right,stay upwind of me. |
嘿,那是菲比,那是麥克嗎? | Hey,there's Phoebe. Is that Mike she's with? |
不是,那是大衛 | No,that's David. |
還有第三個男人? | There's a third guy? |
只是冰山的一角 | Tip of the iceberg. |
我現在要走了 | I'm gonna take off now. |
你們會讓我回家嗎? | You're gonna let me go home,aren't you? |
你確定不要再多坐一下嗎? | Sure you don't want to stay a little longer? |
不了,我應該要回家了,我有點累 | No,I should get home. I'm kind of tired. |
你很容易累嗎? | Are you always tired? |
因為這很有可能是憂鬱症的前兆 | Because that could be a sign of clinical depression. |
不,只是要想出我祖父母 是幾歲過世的讓我很累 | No,it's tiring to figure out the age at which all my grandparents died. |
-明天見 -好的 | - I'll see you tomorrow. - Okay. |
再見 | Bye. |
我想我們找到我們的精子了 | I think we found our sperm. |
他看起來是挺完美的 | He does seem pretty perfect. |
你也這麼認為嗎?我要開口問他嗎? | Yeah? You think so? Should I ask him? |
不要 | No. |
為什麼呢? 就只因為他曾祖母有肥胖症嗎? | Why not? Just because his great-grandmother was obese? |
反正我們的孩子也是會從你那遺傳到 | Our kid's gonna get that from you anyway. |
不,不是那個緣故 | No,that's not it. |
只是在我們問他那些問題時… | It's just that when we were asking him all those questions before.. |
我認識到我不在乎 他是不是世上最完美的男人 | I just realized I don't care if he is the most perfect guy in the world. |
-他不是你 -是啊,他比我更好! | - He's not you. - Yeah,he's better! |
不,他不是 | No,he's not. |
如果我不能跟你懷孕,我也不想跟他… | If I can't get pregnant with you,then I don't want to get pregnant by him.. |
或是跟任何人 | or anyone else. |
-真的?你確定嗎? -是的,我確定 | - Really? Are you sure? - Yeah,I'm sure. |
感謝上帝,因為我也不想這樣做 | Thank God,because l don't wanna do this either. |
我會這樣做 是因為我以為你想這樣 | I was just doing it because I thought that was what you wanted. |
我是丈夫,我理當要提供精子的 | I'm the husband. I'm supposed to bring the sperm. |
這實在是很體貼 | That is so sweet. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
所以你知道我們唯一的選擇就是… | So you know this leaves us with.. |
領養 | Adoption. |
你覺得如何呢? | How do you feel about that? |
我想我沒問題 | I think I feel okay about it. |
事實上我覺得非常的好 | Actually,I think I feel really good about it. |
我也是 | Me too. |
我想找到一個需要家庭溫暖的小孩 然後跟你一起撫養他 | I wanna find a baby that needs a home,and I wanna raise it with you. |
然後我想用我們自己的方式來亂養他 | And I wanna mess it up in our own specific way. |
這就是決定嗎?我們真的要領養? | So this is it? We're really gonna adopt? |
是的 | Yeah. |
-我的天!我們要當父母親了! -我們會是很棒的父母 | - Oh,my God! We're gonna be parents! - We are gonna be great parents. |
而且可能會很快 | And it could be soon. |
我是說,想想看 就是現在,在外面某個地方… | I mean,think about it. Right now,somewhere out there.. |
我們的孩子可能正被受孕 | our baby could be being conceived. |
等等,如果我們夠幸運 而且我們真的、真的、真的很安靜… | Wait. If we're lucky,and we're really,really,really quiet.. |
我們或許可以聽到保險套破裂的聲音 | we may be able to hear the sound of a condom breaking. |
嘿,柴克 | Hey,Zack. |
嘿,錢德 | Hey,Chandler. |
我想為昨晚的事道歉 | I wanted to apologize for last night. |
我感到我們讓你很不舒服 | I got the feeling we made you uncomfortable. |
-不,並沒有 -真的嗎? | - No,you didn't. - Really? |
沒錯,你們是有 | No,you did. |
我老婆跟我越界了 | My wife and I have some boundary issues. |
有時候我們會問些很不適當的問題 | Sometimes we ask inappropriate questions. |
我們正在改進中 | We're working on it. |
-這些是星期五推銷會的看板 -謝謝 | - Here are the boards for Friday's pitch. - Thank you. |
你知不知道珍娜 是否要留著她的孩子? | You wouldn't know if Jeanette's planning on keeping her baby,would you? |
嘿,我都打包好可以走了 | Hey! I'm all packed and ready to go. |
沒錯,爹地跟喬伊叔叔今天要出門去 | That's right. Daddy and Uncle Joey are going on a trip today. |
我們要去參加一個在巴貝多的研討會 你會說“巴貝多”嗎? | We're going to a conference in Barbados. Right? Can you say,"Barbados"? |
巴貝多 | Barbados. |
我覺得要你們 到那麼遠的地方去… | Okay. I've gotta say,it means so much to me that you guys are coming.. |
聽我的演講,對我真是意義重大 | all the way over there to hear me give my speech. |
我要讓你們高興一下 我費盡功夫… | And I have a surprise. I had to pull some strings.. |
幫大家爭取到整個研討會的通行證 沒錯! | but I was able to get everyone passes to the entire conference. That's right! |
這些寶貝可以讓你們自由參加所有的 古生物學演講或是研討會 | These babies will get you into all the paleontology lectures and seminars. |
你有什麼東西 是可以讓我們不用參加的嗎? | Do you have anything that will get us out of them? |
我們真的很興奮要聽你的演講 但是其他的時間… | We're excited to hear the speech,but the rest of the time.. |
我們想要做一些島上活動 | we're gonna want to do island stuff. |
大衛或許會想要聽幾場演說 | David will probably want to hear a few lectures. |
-沒錯,因為他是科學家 -不,不 | - Right,because he's a scientist. - No,no. |
他在明斯克待了八年 如果他在陽光下太久… | He's been in Minsk for eight years. If he gets too much direct sunlight.. |
他會死的 | he'll die. |
-好的,我們最好出發了 -是嗎? | - Okay,we'd better go. - Yeah? |
-那我們明天見 -好的,明天見 | - So we'll see you guys tomorrow. - All right,let's do it. |
跟查莉一起飛行五個小時,喝幾杯酒… | A five-hour flight with Charlie,have a couple drinks.. |
在毛毯下做一些自然會發生的事 | get under that blanket and do what comes natural. |
那是毛毯,喬伊,不是隱形大衣 | It's a blanket,Joe,not a cloak of invisibility. |
巴貝多之行 | The.One.In.Barbados |
主演:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 | |
主演:寇妮考克斯 | |
主演:麗莎庫卓 | |
主演:馬修派瑞 | |
主演:麥特勒布蘭 | |
主演:大衛修蒙 | |
-哇,這地方真漂亮! -瞧瞧這些古生物學家! | - Wow,this place is beautiful! - Look at all these paleontologists! |
我知道 明天游泳池旁一定有許多蒼白的人 | I know. There are gonna be some pasty folks by the pool tomorrow. |
-我的天啊,我不敢相信你在這裡! -我想我被認出來了 | - My God,I can't believe you're here! - I think I've been recognized. |
-這常常發生的 -蓋勒博士?我真是仰慕你 | - This happens all the time. - Dr. Geller? I am such a huge fan. |
這倒是從來沒有發生過 | That never happens. |
我多年以來一直很注意你的研究 我等不及要聽你的演說了 | I've been following your career for years. I can't wait for your keynote speech. |
-哇,你太過獎了 -我會很想要你的簽名的 | - Wow! This is very flattering. - I would love your autograph. |
喔,當然 | Well,sure. |
-親愛的? -莎拉 | - "Dear..?" - Sarah. |
“莎拉,我挖(喜歡)你” | "Sarah. I dig you." |
-“羅斯蓋勒博士上” -哇,真是太謝謝你了 | - "Dr. Ross Geller." - Oh,thank you so much. |
不客氣,莎拉,讓我幫你介紹一下 我同事,魏勒教授 | Sure. Sarah,I'd like you to introduce you to my colleague,Professor Wheeler. |
-這位是喬伊崔比亞尼 -你是古生物學家嗎? | - And this is Joey Tribbiani. - Are you a paleontologist? |
不,天啊,不,我是演員 | No,God,no,no. I'm an actor. |
你或許有看過我演的一出小戲叫做 《那個我們的日子》 | You probably recognize me from a little show called The Days of Our Lives. |
老兄,只是《我們的日子》 | Dude,it's just Days of Our Lives. |
沒有“那個” | There's no "the." |
好的,羅斯,天啊,你…是啊 不,我扮演德瑞克雷莫瑞醫生 | Okay,Ross. Boy,you.. Yeah. No,no. I play Dr. Drake Ramoray. |
-我很抱歉,我家沒有電視 -你家沒有電視? | - I'm sorry. I don't own a TV. - You don't own a TV? |
那你家的傢俱是擺向哪個方向呢? | What's all your furniture pointed at? |
-很榮幸認識你們 -我們也是,莎拉,再見 | - Well,it was a pleasure to meet you all. - You too,Sarah. |
天啊,這年頭誰沒有電視呢? | Jeez,who doesn't own a TV? |
嗯,事實上,我沒有 | Well,actually,I don't. |
是啊,我的兩個月前壞了 還沒買新的 | Yeah,and mine broke two months ago and I still haven't gotten a new one. |
那你們兩個還真是來對研討會了 | Well,didn't you two come to the right convention. |
大衛,你可以幫個忙嗎? | David,can you help me? |
我正在跟錢德解釋 飛機是怎麼漂浮在空中的 | I'm trying to explain to Chandler how a plane stays in the air. |
當然,那是波諾利原理加上… | Certainly. That's a combination of Bernoulli's Principle.. |
-牛頓第三運動定律 -知道了嗎? | - and Newton's third law of motion. - See? |
是啊,那還真是跟 “跟風有關的”一樣 | Yeah. That's the same as,"It has something to do with wind." |
我要去為這次旅行買幾樣東西 | I'm gonna go pick up a few things for the trip. |
我也應該走了 明天你們要一起搭計程車到機場嗎? | I should go too. Now,tomorrow do you want to share a cab to the airport.. |
還是說我跟麥克到機場跟你們碰面呢? | or should Mike and I meet you? |
麥克?誰是麥克呢? | Mike? Who's Mike? |
-麥克是你的前男友 -沒錯! | - Mike's your ex-boyfriend. - That's right! |
哇,我已經完全忘了他了 | Oh,yeah. Wow,I had totally forgotten about him. |
-難忘往日情懷脫口而出嗎? -不,沒關係的,無心之過 | - That's a blast from the past,huh? - No,it's okay. Honest mistake. |
那真的不代表什麼 我是說,你知道的… | It really doesn't mean anything. I mean,you know.. |
莫妮卡也常常把錢德叫成理查 | Monica refers to Chandler as Richard all the time. |
-她有嗎? -我們快讓你離開吧 | - She does? - Let's get you out of here. |
至少你也拖我下水了 | Well,at least you took me down with you. |
我很抱歉,我只是… 我一直在想麥克 | I'm so sorry. I just.. I keep thinking about Mike. |
我非常喜歡大衛 而且我們在一起很開心 | I'm crazy about David,and we're having so much fun together. |
為什麼我會想念麥克?這真是… 這會消逝的,對嗎? | Why? Why do I miss Mike? That's just.. That's gonna go away,right? |
-嗯,我猜是吧,總有一天 -是啊 | - Well,I guess. In time. - Yeah. |
我是說我對理查的感覺 都已經消失了 | I mean,my feelings for Richard are certainly gone. |
你又來了,是錢德 你對錢德的感覺都已經消失了 | You just did it again. Chandler. Your feelings for Chandler are certainly gone. |
天啊,菲比還在想麥克嗎? | Boy,Phoebe's still pretty hung up on that Mike,huh? |
我不會想太多的 | I wouldn't read too much into it. |
但是女生把你叫成 她前男友的名字… | Still,a girl calls you by her ex-boyfriend's name.. |
-那不是什麼好事,不是嗎? -讓我先打斷你一下 | - that's not a good thing,right? - Let me stop you there. |
因為我想我知道這是怎麼回事了 我對給人建議不太行 | Because I think I see where this is going. I'm not very good at giving advice. |
如果你想知道披薩的餡料或是… | See,if you want advice,go to Ross or Monica. Or Joey.. |
為何尿尿時有灼熱感之類的建議,那就去找羅斯或是 莫妮卡或是喬伊 | for advice about pizza toppings or a burning sensation when you pee. |
很抱歉,我只是希望能做點什麼 你知道嗎? | I'm sorry,I just wish there was something I could do,you know? |
-嗯,你知道菲比… -真的,我們要這樣嗎? | - Well,you know Phoebe.. - Seriously,we're gonna do this? |
很抱歉,我只希望我能讓她忘了麥克 | I'm sorry,I just wish I could make her forget about Mike already. |
-菲比跟麥克為什麼分手呢? -因為他的陰莖太大了 | - Why did Phoebe and Mike break up? - Because his penis was too big. |
抱歉,那才是我擅長的事 | I'm sorry. That's the kind of thing I do. |
他們分手是因為麥克不想要結婚 | They broke up because Mike didn't want to get married. |
如果讓菲比知道 你對婚姻沒有異議呢? | What if you let Phoebe know you'd be open to marriage? |
太棒了,太棒了,我會跟她求婚 | That's great. That's great. I'll propose to her. |
什麼? | What? |
反正我遲早都會這麼做的 | I was probably going to do it at some point. |
-不,我沒有說現在 -為何不呢?這實在太聰明了 | - No,I didn't mean now. - Well,why not? It's brilliant. |
再見,麥克,我們婚禮見,老兄 | "Goodbye,Mike. We'll see you at the wedding,fella. |
我們可能也不會 邀請你參加婚禮,但是… | Well,we probably won't invite you to the wedding,but.." |
-衷心地謝謝你,錢德 -你不用客氣 | - Well,thank you,Chandler. Sincerely. - Well,you're welcome. |
很高興能夠幫得上忙 | Glad I could help. |
-你認為我該怎麼求婚呢? -我在假裝閱讀 | - How do you think I should propose? - I'm pretending to read here. |
抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
你好嗎?嘿,你好嗎? | Yeah. How you doing? Hey,how are you? |
你說你要穿丁字褲的,丁字褲呢? | You said you were gonna wear a thong. Where's the thong? |
我不是說丁字褲 我是說夾腳涼鞋 | I didn't mean a thong. I meant thongs. |
你應該要說清楚的 | You really should have been more clear about that. |
你們不會相信我在樓下看到誰 | You're never gonna guess who I just saw downstairs. |
小甜甜布蘭妮! | Britney Spears! |
是啊,她從來不會錯過 這些研討會的 | Yeah. She never misses these conferences. |
-我剛剛看到肯尼斯史華茲博士! -喔,我的天啊! | - No,I just saw Dr. Kenneth Schwartz! - Oh,my God! |
-我知道 -你有跟他說話嗎? | - I know! - Did you talk to him? |
是喔,我要跟 肯尼斯史華茲說什麼呢? | Oh,yeah. What am I gonna say to Kenneth Schwartz? |
你可以說“嗨,肯尼 為什麼你不是小甜甜布蘭妮呢?” | You could say,"Hey,Kenny,how come you're not Britney Spears?" |
-你準備好要走了嗎? -你現在就要走了嗎? | - You ready to go? - You're gonna go now? |
-我以為我們可以在一起度過 -我不行,我整天都有研討會 | - I thought we could hang out. - I can't. I have seminars all day. |
我答應羅斯我會看看他的演說稿 | I promised Ross I'd look at his speech. |
但是或許我們晚點可以共進晚餐 在陽臺外面,會很浪漫的 | But maybe we could have dinner later? Out on the balcony? It'll be romantic. |
你可以穿丁字褲嗎? | Will you wear a thong? |
你穿我就穿 | I will if you will. |
你的交換條件真是奇怪 | You got yourself a very weird deal. |
我很好,我晚餐已經有安排了 | I'm good. I have dinner plans. |
-你一個人可以嗎? -是的,可以 | - So you gonna be okay? - Yeah,yeah. |
我有很多事可以做 我要去海灘,去游泳 | I got tons of stuff I could do. I'm gonna hit the beach,go swimming. |
喬伊,你有看看外面嗎? | Joe,have you looked outside? |
沒有,為什麼呢? | No. Why? |
-天啊 -這裡有室內游泳池 | - Oh,man. - There's an indoor pool. |
-你可以在那邊游泳 -是啊 | - You could swim there. - Yeah. |
我沒有要游泳,我是要去挖洞的 | I wasn't gonna swim. I was gonna dig a hole. |
麥克那件事真是有趣,我不知道… | That Mike thing was interesting. I don't know what's gonna happen.. |
-菲比跟大衛之間會發生什麼事 -我知道,想要個提示嗎? | - with Phoebe and David. - I do. Want a hint,huh? |
我願意 | I do. |
我願意 | I do. |
好的,我可以感到 這是什麼文字遊戲的 | Okay,I'm sensing this is some kind of wordplay.. |
因為你已經有點 無法控制的興奮發紅了 | because you are pink with barely controlled glee. |
-大衛要跟菲比求婚了 -什麼?為什麼? | - David's gonna propose to Phoebe. - What? Why? |
因為我們本來在談 有哪些他可以贏過麥克的方式 | Because we were talking about ways he could beat Mike.. |
而我告訴他菲比想要結婚 | and I told him Phoebe wanted to get married. |
錢德,我們已經談過了 | Chandler,we have talked about this. |
你不可以給別人建議的! | You are not supposed to give people advice! |
你不能說一些什麼 不適宜的笑話就好了嗎? | Couldn't you have made some inappropriate joke? |
我說了! | I did! |
一個陰莖的笑話! | A penis one! |
說明一下,我說的有什麼不對的呢? | Just so I know,what was so wrong about what I said? |
他們才交往幾個星期而已 | They've only been going out for a few weeks. |
菲比還無法忘記麥克 我想她會拒絕的 | Phoebe is completely hung up on Mike. I mean,she'll say no.. |
然後大衛的心會碎 他們會很難複合 | David's heart will be broken,it'll be too hard for them to recover.. |
而然後菲比又會是孤單的一個人 | and then Phoebe will end up alone again. |
天啊,真是糟糕的建議 | Man,that's some bad advice. |
感謝上帝你們來了 | Oh,hey. Thank God. You guys are here. |
-怎麼了? -這裡的一切都不對勁 | - What's going on? - Everything is upside-down here. |
整天都在下雨,沒有人看電視 而且羅斯還很有名氣 | It rains all day long and nobody watches TV,and Ross is famous. |
我不想要驚動大家… | I don't want to alarm anybody.. |
但是莫妮卡的頭髮 比下飛機時大了一倍 | but Monica's hair is twice as big as it was when we landed. |
好了,當我去高濕度地區的時候… | Okay. When I go places with high humidity.. |
頭髮就會比較蓬鬆,好嗎? | it gets a little extra body,okay? |
那就是為什麼我們的蜜月照 看起來是我跟戴安娜羅絲(黑人女歌手) | That's why our honeymoon photos look like me and Diana Ross. |
我帶你們去登記住房 | I'll show you guys where to check in. |
親愛的,你可以確定我們可以拿到 超大尺寸的床嗎? | Oh,honey? Can you make sure we get a king-size bed? |
大衛,也幫我們確定一下 還有看看他們有沒有心型的床 | Oh,David,get one for us too. Oh,and see if they have a heart-shaped one. |
而且天花板上要有鏡子 | And with mirrors on the ceiling. |
還有確定我們的房間 不要在他們的隔壁 | And make sure our room isn't next to theirs. |
喔,你們真幸運 有人陪你們到這裡 | Oh,you guys are so lucky you're here with people. |
我真想跟某人分享這一切 | I'd love to share this with someone. |
親愛的,你有我們,我們愛你 | Oh,honey,you have us. We love you. |
太好了,你們誰要跟我睡? | Okay,which one of you is gonna sleep with me? |
這是個很浪漫的地方 | You know,it's just such a romantic place. |
我只希望可以跟一個男人共度 | I just wish I could share it with a guy. |
-不是喬伊 -不是喬伊,不是 | - Not Joey. - Not Joey. No. |
-我只是在垂涎錢德 -是啊,沒錯 | - I was just lusting after Chandler. - Yeah,right. |
我今晚要跟菲比求婚了 | So.. I'm proposing to Phoebe tonight. |
今晚? | Tonight? |
訂婚戒指不是應該要有鑽石的嗎? | Isn't an engagement ring supposed to have a diamond? |
喔,在這裡 | Oh,there it is. |
是啊,一個失敗的科學家 並沒有你想像的賺的多 | Yes,well,being a failed scientist doesn't pay quite as well as you might think. |
那是七十分之一克拉 | That's one-seventieth of a carat. |
清晰度是很差 | And the clarity is quite poor. |
很好 | Nice. |
-莫妮卡,我可以跟你談一下嗎? -好的 | - Monica,can I talk to you for a second? - Okay. |
大衛要在今晚跟菲比求婚 | David's gonna propose to Phoebe tonight. |
瞧瞧這就是你給別人建議的後果 | See what happens when you give people advice? |
-我希望你有告訴他不可以 -那又會是一個建議了! | - Well,I hope you told him not to. - That would be advice! |
好的,沒關係,讓我來處理 | Okay,fine. I'll handle this. |
-菲比? -怎樣? | - Phoebe? - Yeah? |
-我需要跟你談談 -你要離開你的主宰了嗎? | - I need to talk to you. - Are you leaving the Supremes? |
我老公剛給了你男友 一個很糟糕的建議 | Okay,my husband just gave your boyfriend some very bad advice. |
大衛今晚要跟你求婚了 | David's gonna propose to you tonight. |
哇,真的嗎? | Wow,really? |
這實在太棒了! | That's fantastic! |
什麼?你是說真的嗎?你想嫁給他? | What? Are you serious? You want to marry him? |
-那麥克呢? -好的,你要我嫁給麥克是嗎? | - What about Mike? - Oh,okay,you want me to marry Mike? |
讓我們把他塞住嘴巴 用手銬銬住他 | Let's just gag him and handcuff him.. |
然後逼他踏上紅毯,好嗎? | and force him down the aisle,okay? |
我已經可以預見到 “麥克,你願意娶菲比嗎?” | I can just see it. "Mike,do you take Phoebe?" |
你知道嗎?真是每個女孩的夢想 | You know? It's every girl's dream. |
你真的認為嫁給別人是對的? | Do you really think marrying someone else is the right answer? |
當然,聽著,最重要的是 我愛麥克…大衛! | Sure. Look,okay,bottom line? I love Mike.. David! |
大衛!我愛大衛! | David! I love David. |
別那樣看我,Roseanne Roseannadanna(吉爾達·瑞德創造的字元,吉爾達的髮型與莫妮卡相似) | Don't look at me that way,Roseanne Roseannadanna. |
借由使用中央標準掃描法跟電腦影像 我們可以以非常真實的方式… | "By using CT scans and computer imaging,we can,in a very real way.. |
將中生代時期帶進二十一世紀 | bring the Mesozoic Era into the 21st century." |
太棒了 | It's great. |
你真的這麼認為嗎? | Yeah,you really think so? |
你將成為此次研討會的焦點 | You'll be the hit of the conference. |
明天還會更好 | It'll be even better tomorrow.. |
因為我不會一直被喬伊打斷… | because I won't be constantly interrupted by Joey.. |
一直來檢查我枕頭上 是不是有放巧克力 | checking to see if they put chocolates on my pillow yet. |
-你們好 -巧克力還沒送來 | - Hey,guys. - The chocolates aren't here. |
該死的! | Damn it! |
羅斯剛念了他的演講稿給我聽 真是精彩 | Ross just read me his speech. It's fantastic. |
在電腦裡面嗎?因為我也想讀讀看 | Oh,is it on the computer? Because I'd love to give it a read. |
如果你想要查電子郵件就說吧 | If you want to check your e-mail,just ask. |
什麼?我可以嗎? | What? May I? |
那個雨是怎麼回事呢?蓋勒 我是說當我報名恐龍週末的時候… | What's with the rain,Geller? I mean,when I signed up for dino week.. |
沒有人說過現在是雨季 | nobody said anything about it being monsoon season. |
-雨季是六月到十二月 -現在不是時候,查莉 | - The wet season is June to December. - It's not the time,Charlie. |
哎呀,糟糕!親愛的上帝,不! | Oh,no. No,no! Dear God,no! |
怎麼了?有人比你搶先拍下茶壺嗎? | What,did someone outbid you for the teapot? |
秘密茶壺 | Secret teapot. |
你的電腦,我不知道怎麼… 一切都不見了 | Your computer. I don't know what.. Everything's gone. |
-你是什麼意思呢? -一定是病毒 | - What do you mean? - Must be a virus. |
我想它把你的硬碟全清掉了 | I think it erased your hard drive. |
什麼?我的天啊! 你幹了什麼好事? | What? Oh,my God. What did you do? |
一個我不認識的人寄了封信給我 然後我打開了它 | Someone I don't know sent me an e-mail and I opened it. |
-為什麼?為什麼你要打開? -那上面又沒有寫“這是病毒” | - Why? Why would you open it? - Well,it didn't say,"This is a virus." |
-那上面寫什麼? -“裸體的…” | - What did it say? - "Nude.." |
“安娜庫爾尼科娃(網壇美女)的照片” | "Pictures of Anna Kournikova." |
-我很抱歉 -我該怎麼辦呢? | - I'm so sorry. - What am I gonna do? |
-我的講稿不見了! -沒有不見 | - My speech is gone! - It's not gone. |
我相信你有列印出來,你有拷貝嗎? | I'm sure you printed out a copy. You have a hard copy? |
不,我沒有! | No,I don't! |
那你現在一定很氣自己 | Well,you must be pretty mad at yourself right now. |
-真的不見了嗎? -是的 | - It's really gone? - Yep. |
我想要謝謝你們過來這裡… | I'd like to thank you guys for coming down here.. |
抱怨這些雨 然後毀了我的事業前途 | to complain about the rain and ruin my career. |
-我覺得糟透了 -你的確應該 | - I just feel awful. - Yeah,you should. |
安娜庫爾尼科娃的裸照? 她根本連什麼大獎都沒贏過 | Nude pictures of Anna Kournikova? She's never even won a major tournament. |
我是有試過比利·簡·金(20世紀70年代的網壇名將),但是… | Well,I tried Billie Jean King,but.. |
你知道嗎?你跟莫妮卡一樣都有那種 我想要殺死你的表情 | You know,you and Monica have the same I'm-gonna-kill-you look. |
我通常可以親她一下 就逃過一劫 | I can usually make it go away by kissing her. |
滾出去 | Get out. |
我工作的電腦也常常發生這種事 | You know,this happens all the time to my computer at work. |
-那你怎麼辦呢? -我通常會… | - What do you do? - I usually go.. |
到別人的電腦上 玩俄羅斯方塊 | play Tetris on somebody else's computer. |
我不敢相信發生這種事 | I can't believe this is happening. |
我明天就要演講了 | I have to give the keynote speech tomorrow. |
我要站在所有人面前,我要說什麼呢? | I have to stand up in front of all these people. What am I gonna say? |
你可以用我背下來 參加試演的那段話 | You can use a speech I memorized for auditions. |
我不認為你在《星球大戰》裡的獨白 可以對我有所幫助 | I don't think your monologue from Star Wars is gonna help me right now. |
羅斯,不會有問題的 我聽過你的演講 | Ross,we can solve this. I just heard your speech. |
-我們可以重建它,我們有一整晚 -什麼?你真的認為我們辦得到嗎? | - We can re-create it. We've got all night. - What,you really think we can do that? |
等等,喬伊跟我應該要共進晚餐的 | Oh,wait. Joey and I are supposed to have dinner. |
別擔心,我知道羅斯需要你 | Don't worry about that. I mean,Ross needs you. |
瑞秋跟我會留下來儘量幫忙 | Rachel and I will stay and help any way we can. |
好的,我們開始吧 | All right. Okay,let's do it. |
我知道我們一開始 是討論碳年代測定法的缺點 | Well,I know we start by discussing the shortcomings of carbon dating. |
然後我接著解說很明顯地什麼是… | And then I move on to what is clearly the defining moment.. |
中生代的決定時刻,原始大陸的分裂 不是嗎? | of the Mesozoic Era,the breakup of Pangaea. Hello? |
然後接下來是三疊紀的概觀 | And then there's the overview of the Triassic. |
有可能這一切都是在 很遠的銀河發生的嗎(星球大戰的臺詞)? | Any chance any of this happened in a galaxy far,far away? |
-嗨? -好了,麥克? | - Hello? - Okay,Mike? |
鬧夠了,你愛菲比,而她也愛你 | Enough is enough. You love Phoebe,and she loves you. |
所以不要再說什麼不想要結婚的話了 | So get over your I-never-wanna-get-married thing.. |
趕快站出來! | and step up! |
你是誰? | Who is this? |
我是莫妮卡,菲比的朋友 | This is Monica,Phoebe's friend. |
莫妮卡,你又回到我生命中 真是太好了 | Sure,Monica. So good to have you back in my life. |
聽著,菲比跟大衛複合了 | Listen,Phoebe is back with David. |
他即將要求婚,而她將會答應 | He's gonna propose,and she's gonna say yes.. |
但是我知道 她真正想要的是跟你在一起 | but I know she really wants to be with you. |
他要求婚了? | He's gonna propose? |
很抱歉,你說什麼呢? 該死的頭髮遮住我聽不到! | I'm sorry,did you say something? I can't hear through all this damned hair! |
如果菲比想要嫁給大衛,那就去吧 | If Phoebe wants to marry David,she should. |
我不會從中作梗,你也不應該 | I'm not gonna stand in the way of that. Neither should you. |
你不用告訴我該怎麼做 我來告訴你怎麼做 | You don't tell me what to do. I tell you what to do. |
打電話給她,她在巴貝多的天堂飯店 | Just call her. She's at the Paradise Hotel in Barbados. |
對了,你也有卷髮 | And while I've got you,you've got curly hair. |
在濕氣重的地方你怎麼辦呢? | What do you do in the humidity? |
該死的! | Damn it! |
-嗯,我希望你很快樂 -我也希望你很快樂 | - Well,I hope you're happy. - I hope you're happy too,honey. |
菲比會答應大衛的求婚 | Phoebe's going to say yes to David. |
-這就是你愛管閒事的結果 -菲比要答應?太棒了 | - That's what happens when you meddle. - Phoebe's gonna say yes? That's great. |
不,一點也不,她還愛著麥克 | No,it's not. She's still in love with Mike. |
-那不會有什麼結果的嗎? -沒有,我已經打過電話了 | - There's no chance that will work? - No,I called. |
-不會發生的 -八婆!八婆! | - It's not gonna happen. - Meddler! Meddler! |
如果你不先多管閒事… | If you hadn't meddled to start with.. |
那我就不用插手進來管事了 | then I wouldn't have had to go in and meddle myself. |
不管我們插手多深 我們都沒有辦法補救… | No matter how much we meddle,we'll never be able to unmeddle.. |
你一開始多管閒事惹出來的禍! | the thing that you meddled up in the first place! |
這場假期真是爛! | This vacation sucks! |
(歡迎古生物學家們) | |
我好無聊 | I'm so bored. |
愚蠢的雨,我們什麼都做不了 | Stupid rain. We can't do anything. |
我帶了些書來,我們可以閱讀 | Well,I brought some books. We could read. |
嘿,還沒糟糕到那個地步 | Hey,it hasn't come to that yet. |
嘿,等一下 | Hey,hey,hey,don't mind if I do. |
對不起,先生,這些是給藥學研討會的 | I'm sorry,sir,these are for the pharmaceutical convention. |
你想要去參加研討會嗎? | You feel like going to a convention? |
-我們不行,我們不是藥劑師 -我知道我們不是… | - We can't. We're not pharmacists. - I know we're not.. |
但是法蘭克馬迭歐跟伊娃齊羅歐… | but Frank Madaio and Eva Trorro.. |
溫芭還是… | Womba |
-凱特米勒 -就是凱特米勒 | - Kate Miller. - Kate Miller it is. |
-好的 -喔,很好… | - Okay. - Oh,good.. |
而這將是我這週末 僅能有的性接觸了 | And that's the most sex I'm gonna have this weekend. |
如果是這樣 我應該確定它粘的夠牢嗎? | Well,in that case,should I make sure it's on real good? |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
那麼,凱特… | So,Kate.. |
藥局這一行好玩嗎? | how's the pharmacy game treating you? |
嗯,法蘭克,我告訴你,很難喔 | Well,Frank,I tell you,it's rough. |
我是說,是我的問題還是說醫生寫的字 都越來越難讀了呢? | I mean,is it me or is doctors' handwriting getting harder and harder to read? |
我知道,我知道 | I know,I know. |
我告訴你 | I tell you. |
但是好處是 我們可以穿那些白色外衣… | But on the plus side,we get to wear those white coats.. |
-然後站在非常高的櫃檯後面 -對,是沒錯 | - and stand behind that really tall counter. - Oh,that's true. |
你是《我們的日子》裡的喬伊崔比亞尼 | You're Joey Tribbiani from Days of Our Lives. |
終於有人認出我了 | Finally,someone recognizes me. Okay. |
是《那個我們的日子》 | And it's The Days of Our Lives. |
-賈姬,是他 -是的,賈姬,是我,過來吧 | - Jackie,it is him. - Yeah,Jackie,it's me. Come on over. |
天啊,這真是大驚喜! | Oh,my God,this is so exciting! |
你為什麼會在這裡呢? | So why are you here? |
我正在研習一部 關於藥劑師電影的新角色 | I'm doing research for a role in a new movie about pharmacists. |
是的,片名叫《愛的處方》 | Yeah,it's called Prescription for Love. |
-很好 -是的 | - Nice. - Yeah. |
這是我朋友瑞秋 她也有在這電影中演出 | This is my friend Rachel. She's in the movie too. |
我是女演員 | I'm an actress. |
電影內容是什麼呢? | So,what's the movie about? |
我扮演英俊有男子氣概的藥劑師 | Well,I play the handsome,macho pharmacist.. |
而瑞秋是我的學生 | and Rachel is my student.. |
她想要學習一切關於… | who wants to learn all about.. |
-藥學的知識 -對 | pharmacing. |
而且我一開始是很害羞的… | And,see,I'm shy at first.. |
但是然後我把眼鏡拿掉 然後變得很性感,知道吧 | but then,I take off my glasses and become sexy,you know. |
然後有一些裸露戲,但是是很有格調的 | And there's some nudity,but it's very tastefully done. |
我在劇中的裸露可是一點都沒有格調 | My nudity in the film is not tasteful at all. |
所以你們是在做研究? | So you're doing research? |
-你對我們有什麼問題嗎? -我當然有 | - Do you have any questions for us? - I sure do. |
那個人是去哪 拿那個大杯粉紅色的飲料? | Where'd that guy get the big,pink drink? |
喔,然後你開始談將中生代世紀… | Oh,and then you said that thing about bringing the Mesozoic Era.. |
帶到二十一世紀 | into the 21st century. |
對,就這樣嗎? | Well,yeah. That's it? |
這就是整份演講稿 | That's it. That's the whole speech. |
-是的 -天啊,我們辦到了 | - Yeah. - Oh,my God. We did it. |
事實上是我辦到了,羅斯 你對自己演講稿的記憶真是少到驚人 | Actually,I did it,Ross. You remembered shockingly little of your own speech. |
是的,但是我倒是用沐浴產品 做了個金字塔 | Yes,but I did make a pyramid out of the bath products. |
這真是驚人,謝謝,真是很謝謝你 | Oh,this is amazing. Thank you. Thank you so much. |
這真是漂亮的項鍊 | That's a pretty necklace. |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
我們慶祝一下吧?要香檳嗎? | Hey,what do you say we celebrate? Champagne? |
好啊,軟木塞留著,這樣我們就可以 把瓶子裝滿水… | Yeah! Save the cork,and that way,we can fill the bottle with water.. |
然後再放回去他們就不會收錢了 | and put it back so they don't charge you. |
我的天啊,我愛你 | Oh,my God,I love you. |
艾瑪這張照片真是可愛 而這是你兒子… | This is such a cute picture of Emma. And is this your son.. |
還是你會帶在身上 某個小男孩照片呢? | or just some kid whose picture you bring on vacation? |
那是班,我第一次婚姻所生的兒子 | That's Ben,my son from my first marriage. |
-你第一次婚姻? -是的 | - Your first marriage? - Yeah. |
你結過不只一次婚嗎? | You've been married more than once? |
沒有 | No. |
那你為什麼離婚呢? | So why'd you break up? |
嗯,因為… | Oh,it was.. |
很複雜的,她是… | It's complicated,you know? She was.. |
同性戀 | gay. |
事實上並沒有這麼複雜 | Actually,it's not that complicated. |
我的天啊 | Oh,my God. |
這實在太酷了! | This is so cool! |
好的,為這怪事興奮是很奇怪的事 | Okay. Odd thing to get excited about. |
不是,只是我曾經跟一個男的訂婚過 而他最後竟然是同志 | No,it's just that I was engaged to a guy who turned out to be gay. |
嘿,擊掌吧! | Hey! High-five! |
你有沒有覺得沒有看出 端倪實在是很笨呢? | Didn't you feel so stupid that you didn't see the signs? |
我未婚夫總是跟 他的“網球球友”一起度週末 | My fiance was always going on long weekends with his "tennis partner." |
我老婆有一年跟一個朋友 天天都到健身房健身 | My wife had a workout friend she went to the gym with every day for a year. |
她也沒有變瘦 | She didn't get any fitter. |
-每個人都說“我早就知道了” -我知道 | - Everybody's like,"I knew all along." - I know. |
如果知道,怎麼不告訴我呢? 我是說只要打電話,留個紙條什麼的 | If you knew,why didn't you tell me? I mean,call,leave a note. |
“嗨,只是過來告訴你 你老婆是同性戀” | "Hi. Just dropped by to say your wife's gay." |
-我知道 -然後… | - I know. - And then.. |
然後你試著在困境中求生存… | And then you try to make the best of a bad situation.. |
所以你提出三人行的建議 | so you float the idea of a threesome. |
我沒有那樣做 | I didn't do that. |
我也沒有 | Me neither. |
誰會知道呢?藥劑師們真好玩 | Well,who knew? Pharmacists are fun. |
我知道,那位老太太 最後都已經準備要帶你回家了 | I know. That old lady at the end was ready to take you home. |
這世界的藥還是不夠的,瑞秋 | Not enough pills in the world,Rach. |
那你呢?你才是單身的人 有沒有看到喜歡的人呢? | What about you,huh? You're the single one. See anybody in there you like? |
讓我想想,那個跟我 說過話的大個兒… | Well,let's see. There was that really big guy that I was talking to.. |
有著很不錯的胸部 | with the really nice breasts. |
那在家呢? 有什麼嗎?你有喜歡的人嗎? | But what about back home? Anything going on there? Anybody you like? |
沒有 | No. |
-有的,你臉紅了 -沒有,我沒有臉紅 | - There is. You're blushing. - No,I'm not blushing.. |
這是曬傷的 | and I'm sunburned. |
因為下雨的緣故 | From,you know,the rain. |
你喜歡某人,告訴我是誰 | You like someone. Tell me who. |
-告訴我是誰,說啦 -不,喬伊 | - Tell me who it is. Come on. - No. Joey. |
你喜歡誰呢?你別想輕易躲掉 | Who do you like? You're not getting away that easy. |
-你喜歡誰呢? -喬伊,別這樣 | - Who do you like? - Joey,come on! |
沒什麼大不了的,你知道嗎? 又不是說會發生什麼事 | It doesn't matter,you know? It's not like anything's gonna happen. |
什麼?為什麼不呢? 瑞秋,有誰你得不到呢? | What? Why not? Rach,who can you not get? |
好,你真想知道是誰嗎? | Okay. Okay. You really want to know who it is? |
-是的,是誰呢? -你真的想? | - Yeah. Who is it? - Do you? |
-嘿 -嗨 | - Oh,hey. |
-嗨 -我才剛留言給你 | - I just left you a message. |
羅斯跟我剛要去吃點東西… | Ross and I were gonna go grab a bite.. |
但是既然你在這裡 我們可以共用晚餐了 | but now that you're here,we could have that dinner. |
沒錯!當然 演講稿寫完了嗎? | Right! Of course. Hey,did you guys finish the speech? |
是的,完成了 我們完成了,非常謝謝 | Yep! We got it. We got it. Thank you so much. |
-我很愉快 -是啊 | - I had a great time. - Yeah. |
這還沒完,因為我真的想知道… | This isn't over,because I really want to know.. |
以後,以後 | Later. Later. |
-那我們走吧? -好的 | - So shall we? - Yeah. |
-好的 -晚安 | - Okay. - Good night. |
晚安 | Good night. |
-好的,晚安 -晚安,羅斯 | - Okay,good night. - Good night,Ross. |
我不敢相信她會答應 | I can't believe she's gonna say yes to David. |
她很明顯還是愛著麥克 | She's clearly in love with Mike. |
你看起來這樣子 實在很難把你的話當真 | You know,it's very hard to take you seriously when you look like that. |
我們可以點瓶香檳嗎? | Could we have a bottle of champagne,please? |
我手頭有點緊,所以有沒有本地… | And I'm kind of on a budget,so if you have anything local.. |
或是加拿大的香檳就可以了 | or Canadian. |
菲比,我要說一些話 | Phoebe,I have something I want to say. |
天啊,他要開口了 我看不下去,我們走 | Oh,God,he's gonna do it. I cannot watch this. Let's go. |
我想我們還有時間 你有聽過他說話嗎? | I think we have time. Have you heard him talk? |
“菲比,我將會很榮幸如果…” 說快點,大衛 | "Phoebe,I would be honored if.." Spit it out,David! |
菲比 | Phoebe. |
你實在是太好了,我們分開的時候 實在無法讓人忍受 | You're an amazing woman,and the time we spent apart was unbearable. |
當然明斯克衛生設施員工的 罷工讓情況更糟 | Of course,the sanitation strikes in Minsk didn't help. |
當然,好的,是的 | Sure. Okay. Yeah. |
但是現在我們又一起了 我再也不想分開了 | But,well,now that we're together again,I don't ever want to be apart. |
所以… | So to that end.. |
-喔,我的天啊,麥克 -事實上,我是大衛 | - Oh,my God,Mike. - It's David,actually. |
不,麥克在這裡 | No,Mike's here. |
嘿,麥克 | Oh,hey,Mike. |
嗨,大衛 | Hi,David. |
錢德,莫妮… 哇! | Chandler. Monic.. Oh! |
是濕氣! | It's the humidity! |
-嗨,菲比 -你在這裡做什麼呢? | - Hi,Phoebe. - What are you doing here? |
我有個問題必須要問你 | I have a question I need to ask you. |
我也有個問題要問她 | I have a question I was kind of gonna ask her myself. |
我瞭解,但是在你那樣做之前 她真的需要先聽我說 | Yeah,I understand,but before you do,she really needs to hear this. |
好的 | Okay. |
-你要坐我的座位嗎? -事實上會很好 | - Would you care for my seat as well? - Actually,yeah,that'd be great. |
很公平,你一路這麼遠趕來 | Well,that's fair,you've had a long trip. |
菲比,我愛你 | Phoebe,I love you. |
我過去幾個月非常思念你 | I've missed you so much these last few months. |
我原以為我們分開是有好理由的 | I thought we were apart for a good reason.. |
但是我發現根本沒有夠好的理由… | but I realized that there was no reason good enough.. |
能夠讓我不與你共度下半輩子 | to keep me from spending the rest of my life with you. |
有點毀了我將要說的話 | Kind of steps on the toes of what I was going to say. |
抱歉,大衛 但是她真的有需要知道這些 | I'm sorry,David,but she really has to know this. |
好的,但是之後 我要在外面跟你單挑 | All right,but after this,I want to see you outside. |
如果外面停止下雨的話 | If it stops raining. |
你是我遇過最不可思議的女人 | You're the most incredible woman I've ever met. |
我怎麼能夠失去你呢? 我現在並沒有戒指 | How could I lose you? Now,I don't actually have a ring. |
-我有戒指 -我不會在這時候炫耀,老兄 | - I have a ring. - I wouldn't brag about that,big guy. |
但是,菲比… | But,Phoebe.. |
你願意嫁給我嗎? | will you marry me? |
不 | No. |
我愛你,但是我從不需要你求婚 | I love you,but I never needed a proposal from you. |
我只需要知道我們之間是有發展的 | I just needed to know we were headed somewhere. |
-我們是有未來的 -我們可以有任何你想要的未來 | - That we had a future. - We can have any future you want. |
好的,我要走了 | Okay,well,I'm gonna take off. |
大衛,我很抱歉,我好抱歉 | David,I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. |
讓我知道一下,如果我先問了? | Just so I know,if I had asked first..? |
我有可能會答應,但是那是不對的 | Yeah,I might have said yes,but that would've been wrong. |
你不用解釋,沒關係 | Please,you don't have to explain. |
我是說 如果我當初沒有去明斯克… | I mean,perhaps if I hadn't gone to Minsk.. |
我們之間可能就沒問題了 而我也不會毀了我的事業 | things would have worked out for us,and I wouldn't have ruined my career. |
或是因凍瘡而失去那只腳趾 | Or lost that toe to frostbite. |
那是趟好旅程 | It was a good trip. |
-我現在可以擁抱你嗎? -喔,可以 | - Is it okay if I hug you now? - Oh,yes. |
就是因為我們的多管閒事,好嗎? | Because of our meddling! All right? |
這樣不是很好嗎?如此安靜 我可以整天都躺在這裡 | Oh,isn't this nice? It's so quiet. I could just lie here all day. |
我知道 | Oh,I know. |
-打開窗簾!打開窗簾! -我們的房間是相通的還真不錯呢 | - Open your drapes! Open your drapes! - So glad we got adjoining rooms. |
-太陽出來了! -嘿!記得我有眼角膜嗎? | - The sun is out! - Hey! Remember when I had corneas? |
趕快去游泳池占位子 | Go to the pool and reserve chairs. |
-我會拿雜誌跟防曬乳液 -羅斯的演講再四十五分就開始了 | - I will get the magazines and the lotion. - Ladies? Ross' speech is in 45 minutes. |
-不! -該死的! | - No! - Damn it! |
牆壁很薄的,你們這些人 | Walls are pretty thin,guys. |
我們必須考量最近磁共振造影資料 與去氧核糖核酸測試資料… | "Then we have to weigh the data from recent MRI scans and DNA testing.. |
而這些對多年來的碳年代 測定資料收集方式形成了一些疑點 | which call into question information gathered from years of carbon dating." |
瞧瞧那個坐在游泳池畔 享受日光浴的女人 | Look at the woman sitting out by the pool getting tan. |
她的皮都有皺紋了,我真是忌妒! | She's all leathery and wrinkled. I'm so jealous! |
最後,有最近 許多豐富新物種的發現 | "Finally,factor in the profusion of new species recently discovered. |
巨獸龍 | Giganotosaurus. |
-阿根廷龍 -更不用提冷龍 | - Argentinosaurus." - Not to mention Coldsaurus. |
而這些只是草食性的 我還沒有要提到肉食性的 | "And that's just the herbivores. I'm not even gonna discuss the carnivores. |
他們的頭都已經是太大了 | Their heads are already too big. |
這是蠻諷刺的 因為他們的大腦卻是發育不良的 | Which is ironic,considering their stunted cerebral development." |
真的嗎? | Really? |
但是撇開玩笑不談,這是相同於… | "But all kidding aside,in much the same way.. |
匠人曾被認為是直立人(音近勃起)的 另一個分支 | that Homo ergaster is thought to be a separate species from Homo erectus.." |
-什麼? -他說勃起 | - What? - He said "erectus." |
-你在開玩笑嗎? -不,他是真的那樣說 | - You're kidding,right? - No,he really said it. |
而當然有許多很大的差異… | "And while there are certainly vast differences.. |
介於這些中生代化石 跟此直立人例子 | between these Mesozoic fossils and the example of Homo erectus.." |
勃起? | Erectus? |
-同性戀(音同人種) -沒錯 | - Homo. - Right. |
“以非常真實的方式,我們可以 將中生代時期帶入二十一世紀” | "In a very real way,we can bring the Mesozoic Era into the 21st century." |
謝謝 | Thank you. |
-真的很棒 -謝謝你們 | - Really great. - Oh,thanks,guys. |
我認為很精彩,我是傑維斯歐伯勞 康乃爾大學 | I thought it was wonderful. Jarvis Oberblau. Cornell. |
你突顯出來的議題 尤其是你是這樣的年輕而且… | I mean,the ideas you put forth,and from someone so young and.. |
好的,現在我們只是在握著手 | Okay,now we're just holding hands. |
好的,我們要去海灘了 演講真的很棒 | Alrighty. We're gonna hit the beach. That was really great. |
-謝謝 -是啊,而且很有趣 | - Oh,thank you. - Yeah. Oh,and so funny. |
-放輕鬆點 -好的,謝謝,非常謝謝 | - Take it easy. - All right,thanks. Thanks so much. |
我無法告訴你 你們在此對我意義有多大 | I can't tell you how much it means that you were here. |
你在開玩笑嗎?我們不可能會錯過的 | You kidding? We wouldn't have missed it. |
我回來了 | I'm back. |
好的,失陪一下好嗎? | Okay. Well,excuse me? |
-怎麼樣? -你真是不可思議 | - Well? - You were incredible. |
你完全迷住了他們了 | You blew them away. |
我無法告訴你在人群中 看到你的臉有多棒 | I can't tell you how great it was to look in the crowd and see your face. |
我是說 你知道你嘴巴在跟著我念嗎? | I mean,did you know you were mouthing the words along with me? |
-我沒有 -不,沒關係 | - I was not. - No,it's okay. |
那讓我覺得很像搖滾巨星 | It made me feel like a rock star. |
我的天啊 我跟你是一夥的 | Oh,my God. I'm your groupie. |
我最好不要在房間裡 發現你脫光光喔 | Hey,I better not find you naked in my hotel room. |
哎呀,我又扯太遠了 | Look,I took it too far. |
我以為你要去海灘 | Hey,I thought you were going to the beach. |
-又在下雨了 -什麼? | - It's raining again. - What? |
你瞧瞧吧 | Would you look at that. |
這星期以來 唯一有太陽的時候… | The only time the sun comes out the whole weekend.. |
就是我在演講的那個小時 | is the one hour I'm giving my speech. |
那上頭的某人還真喜歡我 | Someone up there likes me. |
但是下面的一些人都氣死了 | But people down here are pissed. |
我不敢相信又在下雨了,真是不公平 | I can't believe it's raining again. It's so unfair. |
往好處想就是我們不用看到… | Well,on the bright side,now we won't have to see.. |
那些古生物學家脫掉上衣 | all these paleontologists with their shirts off. |
不是你們 | Not you guys. |
你們還不錯 | You've got it going on. |
-我們今天要做什麼呢? -他們樓下有遊戲間 | - What will we do today? - They have a game room downstairs. |
有兵乓球還有其他的東西 | They have Ping-Pong and stuff. |
乒乓球?親愛的,他們有乒乓球耶 | Ping-Pong? Honey,they have Ping-Pong. |
-我們來玩 -我不要 | - Let's play. - I don't think so. |
-為什麼不要? -你知道你有多麼得好勝 | - Why not? - You know how competitive you get. |
我以前說那樣很可愛,可是 別人都不同意,而且我在說謊 | And while I say it's cute,others disagree,and I'm lying. |
-我又不是永遠都那樣糟糕 -是嗎? | - I'm not always that bad. - Oh,yeah? |
我們上次玩的時候發生什麼事呢? | What happened when we played last time? |
我揍了你 | I punched you. |
-還有呢? -還有菲比 | - And? - Phoebe. |
-還有呢? -我把你們的頭撞在一起 | - And? - I clunked your heads together. |
-你在這裡 -嘿,聽著 | - There you are. - Hey. Listen. |
只要一停止下雨 我們一定要去潛水 | As soon as it stops raining,we have got to go snorkeling. |
有個小孩告訴我有海龜 如果你對著他的臉吹氣泡… | Some kid told me about this sea turtle. If you blow bubbles in his face.. |
他會追著你跑喔 | he chases you. |
我很抱歉,我不能去 我整個下午都要主持一個討論 | I'm sorry,I can't. I'm running a discussion group all afternoon. |
沒關係,我找別人去好了 | That's okay. I'll find someone else to do it. |
我是可以一個人去,但是… | I'd do it alone,but.. |
我不知道海龜 如果抓到我會發生什麼事 | I don't know what happens if the sea turtle catches you. |
我覺得很糟糕 | You know,I feel so bad. |
我整趟旅途都沒有跟你在一起 尤其是昨晚… | I haven't seen you this whole trip. Especially last night.. |
不用擔心,沒關係 我跟瑞秋玩的很開心 | Don't worry about it. It was fine. I had the best time with Rachel. |
我只是為你難過 跟羅斯關在房間裡趕演講稿 | I just felt bad for you,stuck in that room working on Ross' speech. |
事實上,結果還蠻好玩的 | Actually,it turned out to be a lot of fun. |
那至少我們都過得很愉快,不是嗎? | Oh,well,at least we're both having fun,right? |
-我們不在一起卻很快樂,很怪吧? -是啊 | - Is it weird that it's not with each other? - Yeah. |
有一點,是啊 | A little bit,yeah. |
我想我們需要談談 | I think we need to talk. |
是啊,我想我們是需要 | Yeah,I think we do. |
談什麼呢? | About what? |
-別這樣,會很好玩的啦! -好啦 | - Come on,you guys,it'll be fun! - All right. |
-不計分我才要玩 -那我們怎麼知道誰贏呢? | - I'll play if we don't keep score. - Well,then how do we know who wins? |
-沒有人會贏 -所以我們是四個輸家,超級的 | - Nobody wins. - So we're just four losers. Super. |
-我不要跟她玩 -我不要玩了 | - Well,I'm not playing with her. - I'm out. |
-我跟你玩 -好的 | - I'll play you. - Okay. |
-你不知道你在做什麼 -她會很瘋狂的 | - You don't know what you're doing. - She gets crazy. |
這個疤痕是從猜字遊戲來的 | This scar? That's from Pictionary. |
我想我會沒事的 | I think I'll be all right. |
-你想要先熱身一下嗎? -當然,如果你想要的話 | - You want to volley a bit for serve? - Sure,if you want to. |
順便說一下,我很厲害的 | Oh,by the way,I'm awesome. |
親愛的上帝,他們倆是一樣的 | Oh,dear God,there's two of them. |
-你準備好要玩了嗎? -當然了 | - You ready to play? - Hell,yeah. |
-你有看過他這一面嗎? -沒有,我以為他跟你一樣軟弱 | - Did you know this about him? - No idea. I thought he was soft like you. |
-想要更好玩點嗎? -你想要多少呢? | - Want to make it more interesting? - How much you thinking? |
-十塊錢一局嗎? -加到五十塊錢好了 | - Ten bucks a game? - Make it 50. |
-我加到一百塊錢 -一千… | - I'll make it 100. - One thousand.. |
好了! | Okay! |
我們擲銅板來決定誰先開球 你有銅板嗎? | We'll flip to see who goes first. You got a quarter? |
沒有,你們兩個女生誰有銅板呢? | No. Either of you girls got a quarter? |
親愛的,把這種罵人的話 都用到他身上 | Honey,try to focus the trash talk on him. |
-莫妮卡,你來猜 -正面,不,背面!正面! | - Monica,you call it. - Heads. No,tails! Heads! |
-背面 -幾率有這樣低嗎? | - Tails. - Oh,what are the chances? |
-我得分! -不,我可不這麼認為 | - My point! - Oh,no,I don't think so. |
根據標準規定,若參賽者 在任何時間將沒握球拍的手… | Standard rules: If at any time a player uses his nonracket-bearing hand.. |
碰觸到球桌表面,將不算得分 | to touch the playing surface,he or she forfeits the point. |
他曾經是律師 | He was a lawyer. |
東岸的天氣十分良好 | All the East Coast is having beautiful weather. |
在紐約是華氏七十二度 而且陽光普照 | In New York,it's 72 and sunny. |
氣象婊子 | Weather bitch. |
門沒鎖 | It's open. |
-嗨,喬伊 -嘿 | - Hi,Joe. - Hey. |
-怎麼了?一切都還好嗎? -查莉跟我分手了 | - What? Is everything okay? - Charlie and I broke up. |
不,為什麼? | No. Why? |
嗯,她說我們沒有任何共同點 | Well,she said we have nothing in common. |
這真是胡說 | That's crazy. |
不,是真的,我們沒有任何共同點 | No,it's not. We have nothing in common. |
-是啊,沒錯 -是啊 | - Yeah,that's true. - Yeah. |
她應該跟像是羅斯那樣的人在一起 | I mean,she should be with someone more like Ross. |
你知道的 他也會用那些很難的字眼 | You know,I mean he uses all those big words too. |
-天啊,聰明的人真是無趣 -喂,嘿! | - Man,smart people are dull. - Well,hey! |
得了吧,瑞秋 | Okay,Rach. |
我覺得好蠢,你知道嗎?為什麼我一直 都喜歡不適合我的女生呢? | I feel so stupid,you know? Why do I keep going after the wrong girls? |
-你在說什麼呢? -喔,少來了 | - What are you talking about? - Oh,come on. |
我是說,有你,然後是查莉 這就像是…我到底是哪根筋不對呢? | I mean,there's you,then there's Charlie. It's like.. What the hell's my problem? |
我只是… | I just.. |
或許你並沒有都跟 不適合你的女生一起 | Okay. Maybe you're not always going after the wrong girl. |
我告訴你,瑞秋 查莉並不適合我 | I'm telling you,Rach,Charlie is not right for me. |
-我不是在說她 -是喔,那是誰呢? | - I'm not talking about her. - Well,then,who? |
那個我上個月約過的女服務生嗎? | The waitress I went out with last month? |
-你知道嗎?算了 -不… | - You know what? Forget it. - No,no,no,no. |
-你是在說誰呢? -不,我不… | - Who are you talking about? - No,I don't.. |
事實上我並不知道 我在說什麼,所以… | I actually don't know who I'm talking about,so.. |
-好的 -嗯 | - Okay. - Yeah. |
我要去看看有沒有辦法 再訂到另一間房間 | Well,I'm gonna go see if I can get a room for tonight. |
-待會見 -是啊,好的 | - And I'll see you later. - Yeah,sure. Okay. |
-你喜歡我? -好吧 | - You like me? - Okay. |
-我們不要過度渲染這件事 -這是一件大事! | - Let's not make a big thing about this. - It's a huge thing! |
你很不合作喔,喬伊 | Okay,not working with me,Joe. |
聽著,事情是這樣的 最近,我有些想法 | Look,here's the thing. Lately,I have been having thoughts. |
應該說是冥想 | Musings,if you will. |
-多久了呢? -大概只有一個月 | - Well,for how long? - Oh,only like a month. |
-一個月? -嗯… | - A month? - Well.. |
小聲點,或許只是一些瘋狂的想法 但是有時候我就是會想啊 | Dial it down. Listen,maybe they're crazy thoughts,but sometimes I do. |
我一直在想我們之間的可能性 | I have been thinking about,you know,us. |
-好的,現在音調提高一點 -你說的對,好的 | - Okay,dial it up a little. - Oh,you're right. Okay. |
-我只有一個問題 -該死 | - I just have a question. - Shoot. |
-你倒底是在做什麼? -我試著不要做任何事 | - What the hell are you doing? - I'm not trying to do anything. |
只是當我們在一起時非常地快樂 你知道嗎? | It's just,we have such a good time when we're together,you know? |
你難道都沒有好奇過 那會是怎樣嗎? | And I mean,aren't you just a little curious what it would be like? |
我好奇過?我就跟… | Am I curious? I mean,I'm as curious as.. |
喬治一樣好奇! | George! |
-誰? -《好奇的喬治》啊! | - Who? - Curious George! |
那只猴子還有那個戴黃帽的男人 | You know,the monkey and the guy with the yellow hat. |
-我當然記得 -他還有個紙路線圖 | - Of course. I remember. - He had a paper route. |
是啊,沒錯 | Yeah,he did. |
-這就是我說的 -我知道,我們棒透了! | - See,this is what I'm talking about. - No,I know. We're great! |
但是瑞秋,不,不能這樣的 | But,Rach,no,this can't happen. |
不能有一點點機會嗎? | Can't it just happen a little bit? |
-不!一點也不行 -為什麼不行? | - No! It can't happen at all! - Why not? |
我最希望事情是這樣了,好嗎? | Because,look,no one wants this to happen more than me,okay? |
我在我腦海中已經幻想過 這情節一百次了 | I have gone over this moment in my head 100 times.. |
而且我從沒拒絕過 | and not once did I ever say no. |
我不能這樣對羅斯 | I couldn't do it to Ross. |
-但之前卻不是這樣 -我知道… | - But that wasn't gonna stop you before. - I know. I know.. |
但是在那之後我想了很多 這是不對的 | but I've thought about it a lot since then,and it just wouldn't be right. |
我很抱歉 | I'm sorry. |
我也很抱歉 | I'm sorry too. |
-天啊,我不應該說出來的 -不… | - Oh,God,I shouldn't have said anything. - No,no. |
別這樣,我們沒事的 | No,no,no,no. Hey,we'll be fine. |
-就像你所說的,這沒有什麼 -沒錯 | - Like you said,it's no big deal. - It's not a big deal. |
-沒有什麼 -真的是沒有什麼 | - No big deal. - It's so not a big deal. |
-待會見,好囉 -好的,太好了 | - I'll see you later. All right,hey. - Okay,great. |
好的… | Okay.. |
真抱歉喔,我想… 我想那可能沒有碰到桌面 | Oh,I'm sorry,I think.. I think that may have missed the table. |
-是嗎? -是的 | - Oh,do you? - Yeah. |
-是嗎? -是的 | - Do you? - Yeah. |
-是嗎? -是的! | - Do you? - Yeah! |
-你真的認為他這樣很有魅力嗎? -是的 | - You really find this attractive on him? - Oh,yeah. |
你要告訴我你現在沒有 被莫妮卡撩的心癢癢的? | Are you telling me you're not even a little turned on by Monica right now? |
這是婚後我第一次覺得 我是比較有魅力的那一個 | This is the first time in our marriage that I've felt like the more attractive one. |
好了,加油,麥克,你可以打敗她的 | All right,come on,Mike. You can beat her. |
把她打的落花流水 | Knock that dog off her head. |
-該死的! -我跟他上床喔! | - Damn it! - I sleep with him! |
-賽點 -別太驕傲 | - Game point. - Don't get too cocky. |
記住上次是我贏的 | Remember,I won the last one. |
喔,對了 輸給一個女生感覺如何呢? | Oh,by the way,how did that feel,losing to a girl? |
你應該先照照鏡子再這樣說 | You should look in the mirror before you call yourself that. |
-不!不!不! -而就是這樣結束了 | - No! No! No! - And that's how it's done. |
好了 | Okey-dokey. |
你們都各贏了一局 而我感覺好像是失去了一年的生命 | You've each won a game,and I've lost what's felt like a year of my life. |
每個人都可以跟一個贏家回家 | Everybody goes home a winner. |
-三戰兩勝? -我就是這樣想 | - Best of three? - That's what I'm thinking. |
我應該運用我的隱形術 來打擊罪犯或是惡魔? | Should I use my invisibility to fight crime or for evil? |
-開球吧,木頭人 -“開球吧,木頭人” | - Serve the ball,chump. - "Serve the ball,chump." |
好的,重披戰袍會更好,麥克 重披戰袍會更好 | Okay,better comebacks,Mike. Better comebacks. |
我來接! | I got it! |
順便提一下,我沒事! | I'm fine,by the way! |
我是說我在阿爾剛金有間小木屋 | I'm just saying,I have a cabin in the Adirondacks. |
如果你有想要遠離塵囂 那會是… | If you ever want to get away from the city,well,that'd be.. |
很不錯的 | just nifty. |
嗯,我現在事情是蠻多的 | Well,I've kind of got a lot on my plate right now. |
不是說我不喜歡 跟陌生男人到鄉間度週末 | Not that I wouldn't love a weekend in the country with a strange man. |
-傑維斯? -喔,你回來了 | - Jarvis? - Oh,you're back. |
-這是我老婆,南西 -少來了! | - This is my wife,Nancy. - Well,get out! |
-羅斯,我可以跟你談談嗎? -當然了 | - Ross? Can I talk to you for a minute? - Yes,please. |
他還在看我嗎? | Is he still looking at me? |
是的 | Yes. |
-還在看嗎? -是的 | - Still? - Yes. |
而他老婆好像是在看我 | And his wife's kind of looking at me. |
發生什麼事呢? | So,what's going on? |
嗯,喬伊跟我分手了 | Well,Joey and I broke up. |
-我的天啊,發生了什麼事? -喬伊是個好男人 | - Oh,my God. What happened? - Joey is a great guy.. |
但是我們就是… 我們很不一樣了 | but we're just.. We're so different. |
就像是在你演講的時候 他一直在笑“直立人” | I mean,like,during your speech,he kept laughing at "Homo erectus." |
我就知道是他! | I knew that was him! |
反正,我只是… 我想這樣是最好的 | Anyway,I just.. I think it's for the best. |
-嘿,你還好嗎? -還好 | - Hey. Hey,you okay? - I guess. |
還有… | There was.. |
還有另外一個原因 讓我跟喬伊分手的 | There was another reason that I thought it was time to end it with Joey. |
我開始發覺 我對另外一個人有感覺 | I started to realize that I was having feelings for someone else. |
好的,蓋勒,研討會的最後一天了 | Okay,Geller. Last day of the conference. |
你知道主講人會被怎樣的 | You know what happens to the keynote speaker. |
克雷克教授,我們正在談話當中 | Professor Klarik,we're in the middle of a conversation here. |
-不能等會再丟他進游泳池嗎? -或是把你們倆都丟進去 | - Can't you throw him in the pool later? - Or we could throw you both in now. |
男士們,拜託,我們會不會太老了呢? | Okay,gentlemen,please. Aren't we a little old for this? |
我是說我們是科學家,好嗎? 我們都有學術素養 | I mean,we're scientists,all right? We're academics.. |
而且最重要的 你們必須要先捉住我們 | and most importantly,you will have to catch us first. |
跑!跑!跑! | Go! Go! Go! |
好的,又平手了,四十一比四十一 | Okay,so it's tied again,41 to 41. |
-好的,聽著,夠了 -不 | - Okay,look,enough is enough. - No. |
-我剩下兩分就可以打敗他了 -莫妮卡,一小時前你就這樣說了! | - I just have two more points to beat him. - Monica,that was also true an hour ago! |
拜託,瞧瞧你自己 | I mean,please,look at you. |
你的手都起水泡了,你連站都站不住 你的頭髮真是莫名奇妙! | Your hand is blistered,you can barely stand,your hair is inexplicable! |
菲比,去跟麥克說,幫我一下 | Phoebe,talk to Mike. Help me out. |
麥克,只要你贏,你將會享受到 你從未享受過的性愛 | Mike,you win this,you will get the best sex you've ever had in your whole life. |
好像是打擊罪犯比較好 | I say to fight crime. |
你沒有看到我們! | You didn't see us! |
莫妮卡? | Monica? |
你已經證明你跟他一樣好了 | You've already proven you're just as good as he is. |
我們已經錯過晚餐預約 所以我們就上樓去… | We missed our dinner reservations,so let's just go upstairs.. |
點客房服務,洗個澡 然後剃光你的頭髮! | order room service,take a shower and shave your head! |
我不能這樣走掉 我已經投入四小時了 | I can't just walk away. I've put in four hours. |
當你娶我的時候 你就知道我是這樣的 | You knew this about me when you married me. |
你答應無論我生病 或是健康都要照顧我的 | You agreed to take me in sickness and in health. |
這就是我的病! | Well,this is my sickness! |
-那潔癖呢? -那只是好習慣 | - What about the obsessive cleaning? - That's just good sense. |
-你還好嗎? -親愛的,我還好 | - You okay? - No,honey,I'm okay. |
甩一甩,噢,不能甩 不能甩,不能甩 | Shake it off. Oh,no shaking. No shaking. No shaking. |
我的天,我不能玩了 | Oh,my God. I can't play. |
-所以你要棄權? -麥克贏了嗎? | - So you forfeit? - Mike wins? |
我不敢相信,我輸了 | I can't believe it. I lost. |
-不,你沒有 -什麼? | - No,you didn't. - What? |
-因為我要幫你玩 -你不能這樣做 | - Because I'm gonna play for you. - You can't do that. |
沒關係,我不在乎 到底是打敗他們其中哪個 | It's okay. I don't care which of them I beat. |
好的,我們要把 那個球拍帶回家,先生 | Okay,we're taking that paddle home,mister. |
-親愛的,你沒有必要這樣做 -是的,我有必要 | - Honey,you don't have to do this. - Yes,I do. |
我或許無法理解 你為什麼一定要贏… | I may not understand why you have to win so badly.. |
但是如果這對你很重要 對我就很重要 | but if it's important to you,it's important to me. |
因為我愛你 | Because I love you. |
但是你很遜啊 | But you suck. |
不客氣,親愛的 | You're welcome,sweetheart. |
好的,我們快玩吧,快點受死 | All right,let's get this over with. Sudden death. |
-贏得這一分的人就算贏了 -好的 | - Whoever wins this point,wins. - Okay. |
-天啊,你真棒 -這就像是看色情片一樣 | - Oh,my God. You're good. - It's like watching porn. |
而這就是這樣結束的 | And that's how it's done. |
我的天啊… 這實在太驚人了 | Oh,my God. Oh,my God. That was so amazing. |
嗯,你是何時… | Well,when did you..? |
等等,我差點忘了,失敗者 | Hold on,I almost forgot. Loser. |
-你是什麼時候開始不遜的? -我從來就不遜,我只是不想讓你… | - When did you stop sucking? - I never sucked. I just didn't want you.. |
-知道我有多棒 -為什麼? | - to know how good I was. - Why? |
-我不知道 -這真是太棒了 | - I don't know. - Well,this is so great. |
-現在我們可以參加雙打比賽了 -這就是為什麼 | - Now we can enter doubles tournaments. - That's why. |
-他們還在找我們嗎? -是的 | - They still looking for us? - Yeah. |
吧台的人說他們分成兩組搜索隊伍 | The bartender said they split up into two search parties. |
草食性組跟肉食性組 | The herbivores and the carnivores. |
我們這一組並不是最酷的 | You know,we,as a group,are not the coolest. |
喔,小心 | Oh,look out. |
-我想他們沒有看到我們 -沒錯 | - I don't think they saw us. - I don't think they did. |
身為研究家 他們並沒有很認真的探索 | You know,for a bunch of researchers,they sure don't look very carefully. |
我剛剛要開始告訴你一些事 | So I started to tell you something earlier. |
還有其他的原因 讓我跟喬伊分手的 | There was another reason that I realized it was time to end it with Joey. |
我有點驚覺到我開始對某人… | I kind of realized I was starting to have feelings.. |
有一些感覺 | for someone else. |
我可以問是誰嗎? | And can I ask who? |
我想你知道是誰 | I think you know. |
我想我也是,但過去我對這種事的判斷 都是錯的,所以… | I think I know too,but I've been really wrong about this stuff in the past,so.. |
-我很抱歉,我們不能 -好的,好的 | - I'm sorry,we can't. - All right. All right. |
我是說 你才剛跟我最好的朋友交往過 | I mean,you just went out with my best friend,you know? |
我只是認為這會是個很不好的主意 | I just think it would be a really,really bad idea. |
或許不會,我是說… | Or not. I mean.. |
什麼? | What? |
噢,你用乒乓球打敗麥克真的太帥了。 你想要…那個嗎? | The way you crushed Mike at Ping-Pong was such a turn-on. You wanna..? |
呃,我是想,不過我有點累了 | You know,I'd love to,but I'm a little tired. |
- 我會用枕套把頭包住的。 - 那來吧! | - I'll put a pillowcase over my head. - You're on. |
- 嗨! - 有事嗎? | - Hey. - What's up? |
麥克在洗澡 順便說一下,我們還沒有做那個... | Well,Mike's taking a shower,which,by the way,there's no law against. |
我想去吃點東西,所以如果你們也想… | And then we're gonna grab some food. So if you want.. |
那是羅斯嗎? | - Finally. - Is that Ross? |
是啊,那面破牆什麼聲音都包不住。 | Yeah. You can hear everything through these stupid walls. |
- 好象有人和他一起。 - 應該沒有吧 | - Sounds like he's with someone. - He could be alone. |
今天早上我聽見他做俯臥撐 後來還跟他的三頭肌說話。 | This morning I heard him do pushups and then talk to his triceps. |
等等,我想菲比是對的。 | Wait a minute,I think Phoebe's right. |
我也聽見有人和他在一起。 | Yeah,I hear someone else in there with him. |
- 蓋勒博士! - 天呐,太不可思議了… | - Dr. Geller! - God,you're amazing. |
我剛想讓你這樣稱呼我呢。 | I didn't even have to ask you to call me that. |
- 噢,天呐,是查莉! - 她背著喬伊和羅斯亂搞! | - Oh,my God,that's Charlie! - She's cheating on Joey with Ross! |
噢,那個尖酸刻薄的…大…蕩婦… | Oh,that tart! Floozy! Giant! |
- 我不應該這樣 - 對,你是對的。 | - I'm not sure about this. - Yeah,you're right. |
這根本不關我們的事。 | This is none of our business. |
不,我應該找個方法好好的偷聽。 給我個玻璃杯! | I'm not sure it's the best way to hear everything. Get me a glass! |
噢,我不會那麼做的。 我不會偷聽我朋友的。 | No,I'm not gonna do this,okay? I'm not gonna eavesdrop on my friend. |
噢…我愛巴貝多! | I love Barbados. |
噢…我不敢相信我在吻你。 我在吻瑞秋啊! | I can't believe I'm kissing you. I'm kissing Rachel! |
我知道,我就是她! | I know. I'm her. |
瑞秋和喬伊!是瑞秋和喬伊!!! | Rachel and Joey! It's Rachel and Joey! |
- 什麼? - 過來這邊! | - What? - Get over here! |
噢,天呐,我喜歡這些薄牆! | Oh,my God! I love how thin these walls are! |
謝謝。 | Thank you. |
喬伊親了瑞秋之後 | The.One.After.Joey.And.Rachel.Kiss |
嘿,之前你說我們是不可能的 為什麼又改變主意了? | Hey,before,you said that nothing could happen between us. What changed? |
之前這樣說是因為羅斯... | Well,I only said that because of Ross. |
- 可後來我看見他在吻查莉… - 什麼? | - And then I saw him kissing Charlie. - What? |
羅斯和查莉? | Ross and Charlie? |
哇! 她真的很想加入到我們中來呢,呃? | Wow! She's really making her way through the group,huh? |
- 啊,說這個幹嗎? - 啊.... | - Eh,who am I to talk? - Yeah. |
真不敢相信,瑞秋和喬伊? | I can't believe this. Rachel and Joey? |
那邊那對恐龍二人組怎麼辦啊? | How about the dinosaur twins in the other room? |
- 那堵牆沒人負責啊! - 有我呢! | - No one is manning that wall! - I'm on it! |
- 聽到什麼了? - 我想我聽見他們在拉窗簾… | - Anything? - I think I hear curtains closing. |
我們聽到鞋被踢掉了 | We've got shoes being kicked off over here. |
彈簧床,不會錯的! | Bedsprings! Unmistakable! |
- 你有想過那是你哥嗎? - 你說出來才想到。找個人來換我啊! | - You realize that's your brother. - Not until you said it. Somebody switch! |
等等! | Wow! Wait a minute. |
羅斯和查莉,喬伊和瑞秋, | Ross and Charlie. Joey and Rachel. |
菲比和麥克!我們是唯一沒有換過人的一對呢! | Phoebe and Mike. We're the only ones leaving with the person we came with! |
不是啊!我和莫妮卡一起來的 卻要和古怪阿爾(惡搞專家揚科維克的外號)一起走。 | That's not true. I came with Monica,I'm leaving with Weird Al. |
好吧,我受夠了這種頭髮的笑話了。 | Okay,I've had it with the hair jokes. |
- 明天早上,我們走之前我會去髮廊的。 - 好的,蕎麥! | - Tomorrow I'm going to the salon. - Okay,Buckwheat. |
你們該來聽聽這個,太棒了… 簡直就像是免費的A片! | You gotta hear this,it's great! It's like free porn. |
- 呃…怎麼啦? - 對,只是…我想我不能這麼做… | - Is everything okay? - It's just.. I don't think I can do this. |
噢…是否因為躺在床罩上? | Oh,is it because of what might be on the bed? |
- 我也看過那些報導了,在紅外線下和... - 不,不! | - I saw that report,with the infrared.. - No! No. |
不。 | No. |
呃,我要跟喬伊談談。 你們才剛剛分手。 | Look,I need to talk to Joey. I mean,you guys just broke up. |
我們之間再發生什麼之前 我要確定他不反對。 | Before anything more happens between us,I need to know he's okay with it. |
- 我,呃…我完全明白。 - 好吧,我想我要去找他了… | - I completely understand. - All right,I'm gonna go find him. |
我想…我需要點時間…讓我那個… | I just need a second before I can,you know.. |
外婆…外婆…外婆… | Grandma,Grandma,Grandma. |
- 好了,過會兒見。 - 好的… | - Okay,I'll see you later. - Okay! |
關門聲,他走了… | That's the door. He's gone. |
而她…打開了電視… | And she's turning on the TV.. |
在看…《選美俏佳人》。 | and watching Miss Congeniality. |
親愛的,如果你連這都聽得到 那你知道的就太多了! | Honey? If you know it through a wall,you know it too well. |
嘿,你們幹什麼呢? | Hey,what are you guys doing? |
噢,我們在… 快要走了,我們很傷心 所以在跟這旅館告別。 | We're just.. We're sad to go,so we're just saying goodbye to the hotel. |
我愛你… | I love you.. |
天堂旅店 高爾夫勝地和水浴… | Paradise Hotel Golf Resort and Spa. |
對,我們玩得很開心,謝謝! | Yeah. We had a great time,thank you. |
再見! | Bye. |
呃… 嗨,你們看見喬伊在哪兒了嗎? | Okay. Hey,have you guys seen Joey anywhere? |
他應該現在在他房間裡 和他現任女友查莉在一起。 | He's probably in his room with his current girlfriend,Charlie. |
這就是我們知道的情況… | That's the situation as we know it. |
好吧,如果看到他,告訴他我在找他好嗎? | If you see him,could you tell him I'm looking for him? |
- 沒問題! - 謝了! | - You got it. - Thanks. |
謝謝你! | Thank you. |
另一邊牆,夥計!另一邊! | Other wall,people! Other wall! |
- 瑞秋,你在嗎? - 噢天呐,是羅斯啊。 | - Rach,you there? - Oh,my God,that's Ross! |
- 怎麼辦? - 噢,保-保-保持鎮靜。保持鎮靜。 | - What are we gonna do? - Okay,just be calm. |
我們只是隨便聊聊。 | For all he knows,we're just hanging out. |
好嗎? 隨意一點。 | All right? So just be nonchalant. |
- 這不叫隨意! - 我不知道那是什麼意思。 | - That's not nonchalant! - No idea what it means. |
哦…好吧,躲起來! | Okay,just hide. |
- 瑞秋? - 來了!試試床下行不行! | - Rach? - Coming! Try under the bed. |
床底不夠高啊。 | There's no room under the bed.. |
- 出什麼事了? - 沒… | - Is everything okay? - Yeah. |
- 嘿 - 嗨… - 你知道喬伊在哪兒嗎? | - Hey. Do you know where Joey is? - Hi. |
我真的不知道… | I really don't. |
- 我能和你談談嗎? - 當然,可以… | - Can I talk to you for a minute? - Yeah. Sure. |
我簡直不敢相信…你們一直… | I don't believe this. Have you guys been..? |
噓噓…趴在牆上好好聽。 | This is the listening side of the wall. |
然後她告訴我她和喬伊分手了 | Then she told me that she and Joey had broken up.. |
某種程度上是因為她對我有感覺。 | and part of the reason was she had feelings for me. |
呃呃…對…沒錯… | Right. Yeah. |
你知道嗎,我碰到查莉的那天就想約她出去。 | You know I've wanted to ask Charlie out since the day I met her. |
噢,我明白…我知道這對你來說很難。 | Oh,I know,I know. That's been really hard for you. |
不管怎麼樣,事情一件接一件,而且… | Anyway,one thing led to another,and.. |
噢…還沒知道是怎麼回事,我們接吻了。 | before you know it,we were kissing. |
你覺得喬伊會多生氣? | How angry do you think Joey's gonna be? |
這很難說,羅斯。這很難說。 | That is hard to say,Ross. That is hard to say. |
我要去找他了。他一定就在什麼地方。 | I gotta find him. He's gotta be here someplace. |
就是啊! | You would think. |
喬伊! | Joey? |
- 他走了嗎? - 你怎麼做到的? | - Is he gone? - How are you doing this? |
怎麼…哇…嘿! | What? Hey! |
你們怎麼…這是怎麼回事? 你們一直聽著嗎? | What are you..? What is this? Have you been listening this entire time? |
對! | Yeah! |
那,這又是怎麼回事? | Now,what is this? |
啊,這是怎麼回事? 好吧,這麼說吧 我們吻了十分鐘 | What is this? Well,let's see. We kissed for 10 minutes.. |
然後現在和朋友說這件事 我想只有六年級學生才這樣! | and now we're talking to our friends about it,so I guess this is sixth grade. |
哦,不…你想過這會變得多複雜嗎? | No,no. Have you thought about how complicated this could get? |
- 羅斯怎麼辦? - 可他現在跟查莉在一起。 | - What about Ross? - Well,he's with Charlie now. |
對,可他想在正式開始之前先和你說一下。 | Yeah,but he wants to talk to you before anything really happens with her. |
作為朋友,你們不覺得你們也應該這麼做嗎? | And as his friend,I mean,don't you think he deserves the same from you? |
你戳到我痛處了,蓋勒! | You're a pain in my ass,Geller. |
好吧,很感謝你們的意見 | Look,we appreciate all the advice.. |
但這是我和喬伊之間的事,我們能處理… | but this is between Joey and me. We can handle it. |
好吧,我們要回去了,可你能幫我們做件事嗎? 為這些在乎你們的朋友... | We'll go. Will you do one thing for us,the people that care about you? |
- 當然… - 去說清楚! | - Sure. - Enunciate. |
出去! | Get out! |
你覺得怎樣? | Are they right? |
可能吧,是… 我是說 | Probably,yeah. I mean,maybe we should.. |
我們應該先和他說清楚。 | hold off until we talk to Ross. |
對…對,我們可以等 我們今天晚上什麼事都不做。 | Yeah. Yeah. We can wait. We don't have to do anything tonight. |
對,我想這樣最好… | Yeah,I think that would be best. |
那麼,那麼我要…我要走了… | So,I'm gonna.. I'm gonna take off. |
- 除非… - 我喜歡“除非”! | - Although.. - I like "although." |
我是說 | I mean,you know.. |
我和羅斯已經有將近… | Ross and I haven't dated in,like.. |
6年沒約會了。 | six years. |
6年? | Six years? |
哇…跟讀高中一樣久了… | Wow. That's almost as long as high school. |
而且,他現在跟查莉在一起。 | Plus,you know,he is with Charlie now. |
就是啊! | Absolutely. |
- 他已經對你沒感覺了。 - 是啊。 | - He's not thinking about you. - No. |
我才對你有感覺... | I'm thinking about you. |
對… | Yeah. |
- 我們忘了羅斯吧… - 已經忘了。 | - Let's forget about Ross. - It's forgotten. |
-怎麼了? - 沒事… | - What's wrong? - Nothing. |
說真的…怎麼了? | Seriously,what is it? |
沒事…真的… 沒事…再來…再來… | Nothing. It's really.. It's nothing. Come here. Come here. |
怎麼了? | What's wrong? |
對不起,我只是,呃… | Sorry,I just.. |
看起來我無法忽略羅斯… | I can't seem to get Ross out of my head. |
好吧,讓我來幫你忙吧。 | Well,maybe I can help. |
哦,你的唇真軟…再來一次… | Your lips are so soft. Do that again. |
你說得對…我們真的要跟羅斯談談… | Yeah,we need to talk to Ross. Yeah. |
嗨!你們準備好要走了? | Hey. You guys ready to go? |
還沒。莫妮卡還在髮廊,而我還沒收拾好。 | Not quite. Monica's at the salon,and I'm finishing packing. |
夥計!你不打算帶上你的聖經嗎? | Dude,you're not taking your Bible? |
你不應該拿這個走的。 | You're not supposed to take that. |
而且這是新約,你要它幹什麼?(猶太人只信舊約) | Besides,it's a New Testament. What are you gonna do with it? |
瞭解耶穌… | Learn about Jesus. |
- 嗨! - 你跟喬伊說過了? | - Hey! - So did you talk to Joey? |
呃,沒…還沒。我找不到他。 我會在飛機上跟他說。 | No. I couldn't find him. I'm just gonna talk to him on the plane. |
對,聽起來不錯…蓋勒博士! | Okay. Sounds like a good idea,Dr. Geller. |
別這麼說! | Stop it. |
PHD(博士) | Ph.D. |
你真淫蕩! | You're filthy. |
- 嘿,你們見過莫妮卡了嗎? - 呃,我想她去髮廊了。 | - Hey. Have you guys seen Monica? - Actually,I think she went to the salon. |
哦,對,噢,她剛去了髮廊… | Oh,yeah. Oh,she went to the salon,all right. |
看一下! | Check it out! |
誰會最喜歡這個啊? | Whose day just got better? |
錢德! | Chandler! |
嘿!... 啊啊啊! | Hey! |
- 你覺得怎麼樣? - 我想… | - What do you think? - I think.. |
我想我能看見你的頭皮。 | I think I can see your scalp. |
你們不喜歡嗎? | Don't you just love it? |
對…對…對…你把貝殼掛在頭上。 | Yeah. Yeah,you got shellfish in your head. |
真是太…那個了…去吧女朋友! | It's something. You go,girlfriend. |
- 你以前沒這麼說過是嗎? - 不止一次。 | - You never said that in your life. - Not once. |
我想也是。 | I thought so. |
- 菲比? - 很高興你這樣做了! | - Phoebe? - I'm so glad you did that. |
聽聽這個… | Oh,and listen to this. |
你知道嗎?…這真是對視覺...和聽覺的享受。 | What do you know? It's a treat for the eyes and the ears. |
哦,噢。哇,我和查莉分手後還要坐在她旁邊,太尷尬了。 | Wow,it's kind of weird that I'm sitting next to Charlie after we broke up. |
就是啊,巴貝多航空真是不關心你的私生活。 | Yeah. It's almost as if Air Barbados doesn't care about your social life. |
嘿,有人想替我跟查莉坐嗎? | Does someone mind switching and sitting with Charlie? |
我…嘿!夥計,我跟查莉整個會議都在一起。 | Oh,I mean,I.. Dude,I spent the whole conference with Charlie. |
- 我瞭解… - 不,我要的。 | - I understand. - No,I'll do it. |
我也想跟誰換換。 我真的不想跟阿倫·艾佛森(籃球明星)坐在那兒。 | Wish I could switch. I really don't want to sit with Allen lverson over there. |
- 嘿! - 嘿! | - Hey. - Hey. |
呃…知道嗎,當我們升空 機長關閉系好保險帶的標誌後… | Once we're in the air and the captain turns off the seat belt sign.. |
你就可以自由的在我的小屋裡遨遊了… | you feel free to roam about my cabin. |
你檢查行李箱的時候要小心 | And you should be careful when checking your overhead bins. |
- 很容易和別人的搞混的... - 啊…調情你真的不在行… | - Because items may shift during.. - Oh,you're not good at this. |
- 今天晚上你非要回家嗎? - 不,我想我可以來過夜的。 | - Do you have to go home tonight? - No,I think I could come over. |
今天星期六,不是嗎? | It's Saturday,right? |
怎麼了? | What? |
- 呃…今晚我不行。 - 為什麼? | - I can't do anything tonight. - Why not? |
我有約會。 | I have a date. |
- 你有個…你有個約會?跟誰? - 噢,是…我女朋友。 | - You have a date? With who? - Oh,it's my girlfriend. |
- 你有…你有女朋友? - 對…呃 | - You have a girlfriend? - Yeah. |
之前我們分手後,我開始約會其他人。 | Well,when you and I broke up,I started seeing someone. |
- 那...多久了? - 3個月。 | - Well,for how long? - Three months. |
3個月? | Three months? |
好吧… | Okay. |
這可能不關我的事,只是 呃…你認為你還會跟她好多久? | This is none of my business,but how long are you gonna keep seeing her? |
今天晚上晚飯的時候,我會告訴她結束了。 我保證。 | I'll tell her that it's over tonight at dinner. I promise. |
噢,好吧…好的。那你去吧。 | Oh,okay,good. You do that. |
然後當你回到家 可能會有個特別的郵包在那兒等著你。 | When you get home,maybe there'll be a special delivery package waiting for you. |
我可能會簽收。撕開它。 | Maybe I'll sign for it,tear it open. |
- 扯開包裝材料…. - 你知道嗎,我們會做愛。你不用再說了 | - Pull out the packing material.. - We'll have sex. Let's leave it there. |
這是我們看巴貝多的最後一眼了! | It's our last glimpse of Barbados. |
也是我看世間萬物的最後一眼。 | And my last glimpse of anything. |
好吧,我要去和喬伊談談。 我想現在是時候了。 | All right,I'm gonna go talk to Joey. I think this is the right time. |
空姐說完“duty free”(免稅)以後他總是情緒很好。 [喬伊聽成doody free(隨便做)] | He's in a good mood after the flight attendant says "duty-free." |
好,祝你好運! | Okay. Good luck. |
你知道,如果他不能接受 那我們之間就什麼都不能發生 | You know,if he's not okay with this then nothing more can happen between us. |
我知道。 | I know. |
如果事情真的那樣了我想讓你知道... | Well,if that's the case,I just want you to know.. |
我認為我可能已經愛你非常非常深了 | that I think I could have fallen for you really,really hard. |
另一方面來說,如果他能接受 | On the other hand,if he is okay with us.. |
那就...你知道...算了,管他呢 | then,you know,it's cas,whatever. |
羅斯要過來了。 我想現在會是個告訴他的好時候。 | Ross is coming over. I think now would be a good time to talk to him. |
我想是的。只是…我好緊張啊。 | I guess so. I'm just.. I'm really nervous. |
好吧,你這樣想著: 你說完以後 | Well,keep in mind that by the time you're done.. |
他們就上餐了。 | they'll probably be serving dinner. |
還緊張嗎? | Still nervous? |
我要吃義大利面。 | I'm gonna get the lasagna. |
- 嗨,瑞秋… - 怎麼! | - Hey,Rach? - Yeah? |
- 介意我在這兒坐一會嗎? - 不介意,當然不!不! | - Do you mind if I sit here for a sec? - Yeah. Yeah,sure. Yeah. |
祝你好運! | Good luck. |
- 嗨! - 嗨! | - Hey. - Hey. |
我,呃… | So I.. |
有點兒關於查莉的事要跟你說。 | I kind of need to talk to you about Charlie. |
- 好的 - 好吧,昨天晚上你們倆分手以後… | - Yeah? - Last night,after you guys broke up.. |
當然我覺得很遺憾… 呃 | So sorry to hear about that,by the way. |
查莉和我傾訴,然後… | Well,Charlie and I were talking,and.. |
呃 | Well.. |
你們接吻了。 | You kissed. |
哇…什麼? | Wh.. What? |
你怎麼會這樣想的啊? | What? What would give you that idea? |
- 我看見了。 - 對,我們是接吻了 | - I saw you. - Yeah,we kissed. |
不過…什麼都沒發生,知道嗎。 | But nothing else. Nothing else happened,okay? |
- 羅斯…沒關係的。 - 什麼? | - Ross,Ross,Ross. It's okay. - What? |
這沒關係。 | It's okay. You know,look.. |
我完全理解,好嗎? 你們 | I totally understand,all right? You guys.. |
你比我更適合她。你知道嗎? 而且… | make way more sense than her and I ever did,you know? And.. |
- 我希望你們幸福。 - 真的? | - I want you to be happy. - Are you serious? |
當然… | Yeah. |
- 我也有點事想說… - 我真是無話可說了… | - Now I have something.. - I am speechless. |
你居然把我的幸福放在第一位。 我是說 | I mean,the fact that you would put my happiness first like that,I mean.. |
你真是個令人難以置信的好朋友 你知道嗎? | You're an incredible friend,do you know that? |
- 噢…呃…呃…在你… - 不,我說真的。 | - Well,look,before you go.. - No,I mean it. |
你既忠誠,又無私,慷慨… | I mean,you're so loyal,man. And selfless and generous. |
我是,當然是。 | I am those things,yeah. |
你知道嗎?我認識錢德更久 我也一直把他作為我最好的朋友 | I've known Chandler longer,so I think of him as my best friend. But now.. |
不過現在… 我想應該重新考慮一下了… | I may have to rethink some stuff. |
夥計! | Dude! |
嘿,有沒有事情我能幫忙的? | Hey,if there is ever anything I can do for you.. |
暫時還沒有… | I can't think of anything. |
- 謝謝! - 沒什麼! | - Thanks. - Yeah. |
- 嗨! - 嗨! | - So hi. - Hi. |
- 你,呃,你和喬伊談過了? - 啊,對。我們聊得很開心。 | - So you talked to Joey? - Oh,yeah. We had a really good talk. |
- 噢!太棒了! - 對! | - Oh,that's great. - Yeah. |
- 噢,一切都好嗎? - 噢,不,簡直太棒了。 | - So everything's okay? - Oh,no,it's great. |
- 太棒了。他真是…他真是好得讓人吃驚。 - 啊…呃,顯然我也這麼想。 | - It's great. He's an amazing guy. - Oh,well,obviously,I think so too. |
對,我感到很興奮。 | Well,I'm so excited about this. |
真的?興奮? | Really? Excited? |
你開玩笑嗎?我現在做夢 都在想著要去幹那事… | What,are you kidding? I have had some very dirty dreams about this. |
讓開! | Excuse me. |
你沒說是嗎? | You didn't tell him,did you? |
我沒法說。他把我說得天花亂墜。 | I couldn't. He was saying all these really nice things about me. |
我不想惹火他,收回他說的話。 我快要頂替錢德的位置了。 | I didn't want him to get mad and take them back. I'm gonna edge out Chandler! |
好吧,好吧!回紐約以後,我跟他說。 | Fine. Forget it. When we go back to New York,I will tell him. |
謝謝。真的,我很感激。 | Thank you. Yeah,I appreciate that. |
- 嗨,麥克家。 - 嘿,是麥克。 | - Hi,Mike's place. - Hey,it's Mike. |
- 噢,真快。 - 噢,呃…不,她還沒來。 | - That was fast. - Oh,no,she's not here yet. |
知道嗎,我想我應該走了 我可以在電話上跟她說分手。 | You know,I'm just gonna take off and break up with her over the phone. |
不,你不能走!快用東西捆住自己! | You can't do that. Oh,come on,Mike,strap on a pair. |
你為什麼不直接告訴她我們又在一起了。 知道嗎,女人欣賞誠實。 | Why don't you tell her that we got back together. Women appreciate honesty. |
也喜歡輕柔的拍打。 | We also appreciate gentle spanking once in a while,just FYl. |
還有一件事… 可能…在我的咖啡臺上有張珍貴的照片。 | One more thing. There might be a picture of Precious on my coffee table. |
她叫珍貴? | Her name's Precious? |
她是純種的嗎? 你在獸籠裡挑的她? | Is she a pure breed,or did you pick her up at the pound? |
- 不管怎麼說,我只想讓你知道一下。 - 好吧,噢,如果她傷心的話 | - I just want to give you a heads up. - Okay. And if she gets upset.. |
記得撓撓她的肚子,逗她高興 | just scratch her tummy and give her a liver snap. |
你知道嗎 又一個金髮女郎。 | What do you know,another hot blonde. |
嗨,我是珍貴,你是誰? | Hi. I'm Precious. Who are you? |
- 我…我是菲比。 - 菲比? | - I'm Phoebe. - Phoebe? |
麥克的前女友菲比? 他一生所愛的?那個菲比? | Mike's ex-girlfriend,Phoebe? The love of his life? That Phoebe? |
很高興認識你(法語) | Enchante |
噢,我真想快讓同事們快點看看這個…嗷! | Oh,I can't wait for everyone at work to see these! |
- 明天晚上你就要回去工作了是嗎? - 對! | - You go back to work tomorrow night? - Yeah. |
那麼如果你想讓他們看 | So if you want people to see them.. |
也就是說你今晚不會把它們解下啦? | you're not having them taken out,say,at the break of dawn? |
呃,如果我解下來了,我就不能這麼做了。 | Well,if I had them taken out,then I wouldn't be able to do this. |
你喜歡的,是嗎? | You like that,right? |
- 你唱什麼呢? - 《十全十美》裡的波利羅舞曲。 | - What are you singing? - It's "Bolero" from 10. |
那是《現代啟示錄》裡的《狂熱的瓦格納》。 | It's "Ride of the Valkyries" from Apocalypse Now. |
事情是這樣的:這些貝殼是用來解決 你頭髮的捲曲問題的。 | Here's the thing. The cornrows were a solution to your frizzy-hair problem. |
而現在我們回家了,我們不再受那個問題困擾了 所以如果你考慮一下… | Now that we're home,you don't have that problem. If you think about it.. |
我討厭它們! | I hate them. |
- 什麼?你說過你喜歡的。 - 我說過嗎?我們回想一下。 | - What? You said you liked them. - Did I? Let's refresh. |
我想我說的是“我可以看見你的頭皮”。 | I believe what I said was that I could see your scalp. |
好吧,那麼你不喜歡。可其他人都喜歡。 | Well,fine. So you don't like them. Everybody else does. |
再想想,讓我們回到那次旅遊… | Again,let's journey back. |
我記得瑞秋說的是 她以前從沒注意過你的頭骨的形狀。 | As I recall,Rachel said she had never noticed the shape of your skull before. |
還有喬伊… 喬伊當時看不出你有什麼不一樣。 | And Joey? Well,Joey didn't realize there was anything different. |
知道嗎?我不管。 我喜歡這樣,喜歡它,而且我要留著它。 | You know what? I don't care. I like it,and I'm gonna keep it. |
你嫉妒是因為你的頭髮不能這麼做…嗷! | You're just jealous because your hair can't do this. |
- 敲在你的牙上了? - 還有眼睛! | - Get yourself in the tooth? - And the eye. |
嗨…她來了。嗨艾瑪。 噢,天呐,我想死你了。 | Hi! There she is! Hi,Emma. Oh,my God,I missed you. |
哦,艾瑪,我真是太想你了,嗨! | Oh,Emma,I missed you so much. Hi. |
嘿…你和外婆過得開心嗎?呃? | Did you have a good time with Grandma Greene? Huh? |
她喋喋不休的時候給你興奮劑了嗎? | Did she give you a bottle of antidepressants again to use as a rattle? |
只有一次,羅斯,而且只有5毫克。 | That was one time,Ross,and they were only,like,five milligrams. |
噢,嘿,艾瑪,爸爸有禮物帶給你。 知道嗎? | Hey,Emma,Daddy has some presents for you,okay? |
我想讓你在這兒等一會兒, 等等,寶貝兒。 | I want you to wait right here.Come here,sweetie. |
呃…羅斯 事實上我有點兒事要跟你說。 | Ross,actually,there's something that I really need to talk to you about. |
好的,說吧! | Okay,shoot. |
- 好吧,呃…好的,事情是這樣的。 - 哦不! | - Okay. All right,here's the deal. - Oh,no! |
- 怎麼了?那是什麼? - 噢,大瓶的洗髮液破了! | - What is it? - Oh,major shampoo explosion! |
- 呃,聽著羅斯,這很難開口。 - 啊!!還沾得到處都是。 | - Look,Ross,this really isn't easy. - Oh,it's all over everything! |
為什麼?為什麼偏偏是我? | Why? Why me? |
因為你拿了300瓶洗髮液? | Because you took 300 bottles of shampoo? |
我想所有的事情都跟我作對. | I guess things were just going too well for me. |
對不起,對不起。你剛才說什麼? | I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You were saying? |
- 好吧,呃…好吧,聽著,是關於我和… - 噢,不要,又一瓶 | - Well,yeah. Look,it's about me and.. - Oh,not another one! |
噢,天…是摩絲。這個更難清理! | Oh,my God.. Oh,and this is moisturizer! It's even harder to clean! |
為什麼?為什麼壞事總是落到好人的頭上? | Why? Why do bad things happen to good people? |
- 哇!好吧,很顯然這不是個好時候。 - 嗯,你覺得呢 | - Wow. Clearly this is not a good time. - You think? |
好的,再見。 | Okay. Bye. |
好了,麥克已經回來了。 | All right,so Mike's on his way over. |
知道嗎,你以為你們在這兒見 他卻以為在餐館見面 | You thought you were meeting here,he thought at the restaurant,so.. |
所以…誰對誰錯不重要 重要的是…我要走了。 | It doesn't matter who's right or wrong. The point is,I'm gonna take off. |
你告訴我到底發生了什麼之前 我不會讓你走的。 | Wait. I'm not letting you leave until you tell me what's going on. I mean.. |
我是說,你們和好了還是怎麼了? | are you guys getting back together or something? |
好吧… | All right. |
蘇茜,我能叫你蘇茜嗎? | Susie.. Can I call you Susie? |
我叫珍貴。 | My name is Precious. |
對,可我叫不出口。 | I can't say that. |
呃…蘇茜,我想跟你直說… | Susie,I'm gonna be straight with you. |
麥克和我和好了… 並且,呃…不幸的是 | Mike and I are back together. And unfortunately.. |
這樣就要終結你們的關係。 | that effectively ends your relationship with him. |
並且他對此感到很抱歉,並祝你好運。 | He's very sorry about that,and wishes you the best luck in all your endeavors. |
我無法相信…為什麼? | I just can't believe this. Why? |
- 這個我也不知… - 噢,他為什麼這麼做? | - Well,I don't.. - Why would he do this? |
- 我做錯什麼了? - 沒有,你什麼也沒做錯。 | - What's wrong with me? - There's nothing wrong with you. |
我是說,現在我到底該做什麼? | What the hell am I supposed to do now? |
可惡!你這女人,鎮定點,鎮定。 | Damn it,woman! Pull yourself together! |
保持你的尊嚴,看在上帝的份上! | Have some pride,for the love of God! |
好吧,你好象不喜歡苦澀的愛情。 | Okay,not a fan of the tough love. |
我真不明白,為什麼他不給我點暗示在先呢! | I just can't believe that Mike didn't give me any warning. |
他之前也不知道的 他本來沒計畫到巴貝多向我求婚的… | He didn't know. He wasn't planning on coming to Barbados and proposing to me. |
他向你求婚了? 我這個生日真是糟透了。 | He proposed to you? This is the worst birthday ever! |
聽著,珍貴… | Look,Precious.. |
你不值得為麥克傷心。 你是個迷人的、聰明的女孩 | Mike's not worth this. You're an attractive,intelligent woman.. |
你看 麥克簡直有點混蛋。 | and let's face it,Mike's kind of a wang. |
我是說 他向我求婚的時候甚至還跟你在一起… | He proposed to me while he was still seeing you. |
他居然想在你生日的時候跟你分手? | He was gonna break up with you on your birthday? |
並且,我本來也不想說的 不過這個週末他對你不忠的太多了。 | I don't like to kiss and tell,but he cheated on you a lot this weekend. |
噢,天呐,可能你說對了。 可能我並不需要他。 | Oh,my God,you know,maybe you're right. Maybe I don't need him. |
我應該受到尊重。 | I deserve to be treated with respect. |
你這個混蛋,麥克。 你這個膽怯的雜種,我希望你爛死在地獄裡。 | Screw you,Mike. You're a coward and a bastard,and I hope you rot in hell! |
不用謝我! | You're welcome. |
親愛的,你在裡面好久了…沒事吧? | Honey? You've been in there for a long time. Is everything okay? |
有一點事。 | Not really. |
我出事了。 | I have a problem. |
是嗎?怎麼了? | Really? What happened? |
好吧,我唱著《沒有女人哭泣》跳舞... | Well,I was dancing around and singing "No Woman,No Cry".. |
然後就掛住了。 | and I got stuck. |
- 一點都動不了? - 噢,不,我可以動… | - You can't move at all? - Oh,I can move. |
如果我解開你,你會解開這個玉米壟髮型嗎? | If I untangle you,will you please get rid of the cornrows? |
我想會… | I guess so. |
- 有些看起來纏在一起了。 - 對,我自己試著解開過。 | - Some of these look a little frayed. - Yeah,I tried to gnaw myself free. |
- 嗨! - 嗨! | - Hey. - Hi. |
- 呃…你跟羅斯說了嗎? - 沒有,我想說 | - So? Did you tell Ross? - Well,I tried.. |
但他的洗髮液出事故了。 | but then he had a shampoo-related emergency. |
- 所以我想該輪到你去了。 - 不,不,不,不,不,不,不,不… | - So I guess now it's your turn again. - No,no,no,no. |
我想最好是你去告訴他,知道嗎 這對女人來說容易些。 | I think it's better if you tell him. You know,it's easier for a woman. |
你知道,如果他抓狂了 你就可以… | That way,you know,if he gets mad,all you have to do is go: |
我不是有意的。 | "I didn't mean it. |
我太抱歉了。 | I'm so sorry." |
對,我們的確會這麼做的 | Yeah,because that's what we do. |
好吧,好吧,這樣,呃…這樣,這樣怎麼樣? | All right,all right,okay. How about this? How about this? Tomorrow.. |
明天…明天我們一起去,一起告訴他。 | Tomorrow we'll both go and we'll tell him together. |
好吧,聽起來公平些。 | Okay,that sounds fair. |
- 可這樣我們又不能… - 我知道,我知道… | - That just means,once again,we can't.. - I know. |
不過沒問題。 我們有自製力,我們不是動物啊。 | That's okay. I mean,we can control ourselves. We're not animals. |
- 當然,當然我們可以等。 - 是啊。 | - No! Of course,we can wait. - Yeah. |
那麼我想該說晚安了? | All right,so I guess that means good night then. |
好的!晚安! | Yep. Good night. |
晚——安! | Good night. |
晚安! | Good night. |
- 說真的,晚安! - 別說晚安了。 | - Seriously,good night. - Stop saying good night. |
真對不起啊... | I'm so sorry. |
看我在抽屜裡找到了什麼… | Look what I found in the drawer. |
你還說我永遠不會戴它呢。 | And you said I'd never wear this. |
我把你解救下來,你還沒報答我呢? | Now that I untangled you,how about you do a little something for me? |
-當然,你想讓我怎麼報答? - 你應該知道的啊。 | - Sure. What did you have in mind? - I think you know. |
- 真的?但我有點不想啊。 - 我就是想要。 | - Really? I don't.. I don't really feel like it. - This is what I want to do. |
好吧。 | Okay. |
我不知道你為什麼這麼喜歡它。 | I just don't get why you like it so much. |
她是個聯邦特工,還參加選美呢(《選美俏佳人》)。 | She's an FBI agent posing as a beauty contestant! |
好吧,羅斯 | Okay,Ross. |
我知道你不想進來看到這個 | I realize that you didn't expect to walk in and see that,but.. |
-可是…聽我解釋好嗎? -我們什麼都沒做! | - Let me explain,okay? - We weren't doing anything! |
瑞秋,他看到了 | Rach,he just saw us. |
但你所看到的,就是全部的 知道嗎?僅僅一個吻而已 | But what you saw,that is the extent of it,okay? One kiss. |
-不,天呐,你在說謊。我們在巴貝多就吻過了。 -夥計,冷靜點! | - That's a lie! We also kissed in Barbados. - Dude,chill! |
好吧,我們在巴貝多也吻過 | Okay,we also kissed in Barbados.. |
可我們沒想那樣,知道嗎? 發生這件事的唯一原因 | but we didn't plan it. The only reason that that happened.. |
是我看見你吻查莉了。 | was because I saw you kiss Charlie. |
對,是你開始的! 我想要冷靜的。 | Yeah,you started it! I have got to chill. |
好吧,我們或許應該在事情 發生之前跟你說 | Look,we probably should have talked to you about this before it ever happened. |
-可是… -我們對於這感到非常害怕,羅斯 | - But.. - Oh,we feel so terrible about this,Ross. |
是,對,可它確實發生了 | Yeah. But it did happen. |
所以… | So.. |
羅斯? | Ross? |
羅斯? | Ross? |
我們可以關上門了麼? | Can we just close the door? |
羅斯不難過 | The.One.Where.Ross.Is.Fine |
羅斯,說點什麼。 | Ross,say something. |
什麼都行。 | Anything. |
所以說你們倆…? | So you two are..? |
-是。 -是。 | - Yeah. - Yeah. |
那你們有沒有…呃? | And have you had..? |
-沒,沒 -沒有。 | - No. No,no,no. - No. No. |
可如果我沒進來的話,你們會不會…? | But if I hadn't walked in here,would you..? |
也許。 不,不會! | Probably.. No. No. |
羅斯,我們本來沒想讓你 以這種方式發現。 | Ross,this is not how we wanted you to find out about this. |
你有權力抓狂。 | You have every right to go nuts. |
我不會抓狂的。你看我抓狂了? | |
不,可你知道我的意思。 | No,but you know what I mean. |
如果你們倆開心 | If you two are happy.. |
我也會為你們開心。 | then I'm happy for you. |
我沒事! | I'm fine. |
-真的? -當然。 | - Really? - Absolutely. |
我沒事! | I'm fine. |
完全沒事! | Totally fine. |
我不知道為什麼我的聲音又大又尖 | I don't know why it's coming out all loud and squeaky.. |
不過說真的。我沒事。 | because,really,I'm fine. |
我不是說我看見你們接吻一點也不吃驚 | I'm not saying I wasn't a little surprised to see you guys kissing. |
我是說,開始我有點… | I mean,at first I was like: |
不過現在我已經開始接受 | But now that I've had time to absorb it.. |
喜歡了。 | Loving this. |
- 羅斯... -都解決了! | - Ross.. - It's all working out. |
我和查莉,還有你們倆。 | Me and Charlie. And you two. |
-知道我們應該幹什麼嗎? -冷靜下來? | - You know what we should do? - Calm ourselves? |
不。 | No. |
我們應該一起吃頓飯。 | We should all have dinner. |
對,我們明天晚上就吃。我來做! | Yes,we'll do it tomorrow night. I'll cook! |
呃,你不覺得那樣太怪了嗎? | Look,don't you think that would be a little weird? |
怪?為什麼?哪兒怪了? | Weird? What? What's weird? |
如果有人不喜歡墨西哥菜才是唯一的怪事 | The only thing weird would be if someone didn't like Mexican food.. |
因為我會做“法加它”!! (一種開胃點心) | because I'm making fajitas! |
我非常喜歡法加它。 | I do like fajitas. |
天呐,領養這件事真讓人無法抵抗。 | God,this adoption stuff is so overwhelming. |
有跨國領養,從屬領養… | There's inter-country adoption,dependency adoption. |
有這麼多方法 這就像我們一生中最大的決定。 | There's so many ways to go,and this is,like,the biggest decision of our lives. |
我咖啡裡有頭髮。 | There's a hair in my coffee. |
嗨,夥計們! | Hey,guys. |
嗨,你們看見小弗蘭克了嗎 他要帶著他的三胞胎來看我。 | Have you seen Frank Jr.? He's meeting me here with the triplets. |
知道嗎,太有意思了。每次你說“三胞胎” | It's funny,every time you say "triplets".. |
我馬上就想到三個火辣的19歲金髮女郎。 | I think of three hot,blond 19-year-olds. |
想的美 | That's sweet. |
喝你的頭髮吧。 | Drink your hair. |
嘿,這些是什麼? | Hey,what's all this stuff? |
哦,這些是我們從不同的 領養中心找來的小冊子。 | They're brochures from different adoption agencies. |
哦,小孩子! 哦,這個好可愛 | Babies! Oh,this one is so cute. |
就要這個! | Get this one. |
這不是這麼用的。 | That's not really how it works. |
-噢,那怎麼用呢? -我不知道! | - Oh,how does it work? - I don't know! |
好吧,如果你們遇到什麼困難 可以跟我的朋友們談談 | If you're having a hard time,you should talk to my friends.. |
比爾和克琳. 他們領養了個孩子,肯定會幫你們的。 | Bill and Colleen. They adopted a kid. I'm sure they'd help you. |
謝謝,這太好了。 | Thanks,that would be great. |
嘿,老公,是不是很棒? | Hey,honey,wouldn't that be great? |
好吧,好吧,好吧。 記住我們剛說的。 | All right,all right. Remember what we talked about. |
在公共場合,要有一定的規矩。 | When we're in a public place,there are certain rules. |
我們不是這麼說的! | That's not what we talked about! |
-嗨!弗蘭克。 -嗨! | - Hi,Frank. - Hi. |
-見到你真好。 -我也一樣。 | - Good to see you. - Good to see you too. |
-嗨,弗蘭克. -嗨,過得怎麼樣? | - Hi,Frank. - Hi. Hey,how you doing? |
哦,天呐,他們都這麼大了! 哪個是哪個啊? | Oh,my goodness,they've all gotten so big. Which one is which again? |
哦,那個從那個女士包裡 | Well,that's Frank Jr. Jr.. |
扯出棉球來的是小小弗蘭克。 | pulling the tampons out of the lady's purse. |
錢德在往錢德身上爬。 | And that's Chandler climbing on Chandler. |
萊絲莉在往他身上扔百吉餅。 | That's Leslie throwing bagels at him. |
她扔的真准啊,是不是 不是嗎? 是的. | She's got quite an arm there,doesn't she? Yeah. |
嗨,夥計們,來給我個擁抱吧. | Hey,guys,come give me a hug. |
三胞胎,抱抱你們的姑姑! | Triplets,hug your aunt! |
就像抱著剛出爐的餅乾. | It's like hugging fresh cookies. |
噢,好了. | Oh,okay. |
我要吃了你們! | I'm gonna eat you! |
你怎麼樣,弗蘭克? | So how you been,Frank? |
喔,還好.你知道 生活還不錯,一天捱一天 | Oh,good,you know. Life is all right. Just taking it day by day. |
看起來某個人需要你的某個部件. | Seems like somebody needs something. |
噢,不是. 他只是試著 把我的肩膀拽脫臼. | Oh,no. He's just trying to pull my shoulder out of it's socket. |
- 噢,我的天. - 沒事,我很好. | - Oh,my God. - No,it's fine. |
我每次都嘗試不讓他那麼做 但他總能成功,所以.. | After I black out,he tries to put it back in,so.. |
想領養三胞胎嗎? 不! | "Willing to adopt triplets?" No. |
呃,我要說我們這麼做是為了羅斯 而且這很酷 | Can I just say,I know we're doing this for Ross and that's cool. |
不過如果讓我來定的話 我們第一次約會的時候不會做這個。 | But if it was up to me,this is not what we'd be doing on our first date. |
那麼,我們會做什麼? | Well,what would we be doing? |
我會帶你出去過一個浪漫的夜晚。 | I'd take you out for a romantic night. |
有香檳,法國大餐 在馬車送你回家的路上動手動腳。 | Some champagne,fancy dinner,feel you up on the carriage ride home. |
動手動腳? | Feel me up? |
在馬車裡面! | In a carriage. |
好啦,也許我們應該晚點再約會. | Well,maybe we can have our date later on tonight. |
你知道,在這之後,我們會回到我們的房間.. | You know,after this,we'll go back to our apartment.. |
對,對. 是. | Right,right. Yeah. |
我們放些音樂,點些蠟燭,然後.. | We could put on some music,light some candles,and then.. |
你想說對我動手動腳,是不是? | You want to say feel me up,don't you? |
我只是覺得這是我們應該做的. | I just think it's something we should do. |
-嗨,查莉! -嗨 | - Hey,Charlie! - Hi. |
-嗨 -嘿 | - Hi. - Hey. |
那麼.. | So.. |
- 害怕嗎? - 噢,肯定的. | - dreading this? - Oh,you bet. |
所以,你給羅斯帶來點東西? | So did you bring a little something for Ross? |
實際上…這些是你落在我公寓的。 | Actually,it's some stuff you left at my apartment. |
噢,噢,謝謝。 | Well,thanks. |
知道嗎,你可以隨時把我的東西還給我。 | And you can just give me my stuff whenever you want. |
好,我什麼都沒丟掉… | Yeah,I didn't throw any of that out. |
我說我聽到什麼聲音了! | I thought I heard voices. |
嗨,查莉! | Hi,Charlie. |
嗨,喬伊 | Hey,Joey. |
呃…噢!你該向我介紹你的新女朋友。 | And,oh,you're gonna have to introduce me to your new girlfriend. |
我開玩笑的,我認識瑞秋,我認識。 | I'm just kidding. I know Rachel. I know.. |
進來,請進來。進來。 | Come. Please come in. Come in. |
好的,呃,我們帶來點酒。 | Okay. Well,we brought you some wine. |
噢!想得真周到。 | That is so thoughtful. |
她是管家 | She's a keeper. |
-你又帶來了什麼? -呃,實際上,這是… | - And what did you bring me,huh? - Actually,that's.. |
內褲,牙刷 | Underwear,a toothbrush.. |
還有範海倫的CD。 | and a Van Halen CD. |
這些我都用得著!! | I can use all these things! |
天呐,羅斯,知道嗎,你有點… | Gosh,Ross,you know,you seem a little.. |
什麼?心情很好是嗎?本來我就是! | What? Fine? Because I am. |
你們呢?你們呢?你們呢? 看到了嗎? | Aren't you? Aren't you? Aren't..? You see? |
還有誰心情好? | Who else is fine? |
好吧 | Come on. |
聽著,嘿,羅斯。放鬆一點,好嗎? 來喝點什麼。 | Listen. Why don't you try to relax. Maybe have a drink. |
知道嗎?這是個好主意。 | You know what,that is a very good idea. |
我要去弄一大罐馬格麗塔酒。 | I'm gonna go make a pitcher of margaritas. |
噢,我的天。 | Oh,God. |
真可愛。 | So adorable. |
看他們睡得就像天使一樣。 | Look at them,sleeping there like angels. |
對,我也很珍惜這段時光 | Yeah,I really cherish these moments.. |
因為你還沒意識到它的可貴 他們就會醒過來。 | because before you know it,they're gonna be awake again. |
嗯,他們可能比較難控制 | Well,they may be a handful.. |
-可他們真得很可愛。 -是啊。 | - but they're so cute. - Yeah. |
噢,天呐,我最後一次照看他們的時候 他們做了最有意思的事… | Oh,God,last time I babysat them,they did the funniest thing. |
我已經4年沒睡覺了! | I haven't slept in four years. |
這麼,這麼久了? | That's a long time. |
你不知道這有多難,菲比 | You just don't know how hard it is,Phoebe. |
他們太多了。 | There's just so many of them. |
知道嗎,兩個我還能行。 | You know,two I could handle. |
兩個就太好了。你正一手抱著一個 | Two's great. You just hold one in each hand. |
可第三個帶著自行車頭盔 朝我跑過來的時候我能怎麼辦? | What do I do when the third one runs at me with his bike helmet on? |
我又沒有另一隻手來保護我的要害! | I got no more hands to protect my area. |
他們是三個,菲比,三個! | There's three of them,Phoebe. Three. |
是,我知道,弗蘭克。 | Yeah,I know,Frank. |
我生他們的時候數過了。 | I counted them when they were coming out of my area. |
有時候我甚至想… | Sometimes,I think that.. |
哦,不,不,不,我不能說, 太可怕了。不。 | Oh,no,no,no,I can't say it. It's too horrible. No. |
什麼? | What? |
不,我不能。 | No,no,I can't. |
噢,天呐,弗蘭克,你想擺脫他們? | Oh,my God,Frank. Are you thinking of leaving? |
那三胞胎不算是我的 所以你就想要拋棄他們! | Because I didn't have those triplets so you could run out on them. |
噢,不!我永遠不會那麼做。不。 | Oh,no,I would never do that. No. I just.. |
我只是想,你知道嗎 也許你可以帶走一個。 | was thinking that,you know,maybe you could take one. |
什麼?! | What? |
你不能把他們分開!這太可怕了。 哪一個? | You can't separate them,that's terrible! Which one? |
謝謝你能讓我們來。 | Thank you so much for seeing us. |
菲比跟我們說過你們做的好事了。 | Phoebe has told us great things about you guys. |
噢,請進,我們很願意幫忙。 | Please,we're happy to help. |
我們領養的時候也經歷過這種事 | We went through the same thing when we were adopting. |
那麼,這間屋子裡也充斥著 wee-wee和hoo-hoo的故障聲了,呃? | So a lot of malfunctioning wee-wees and hoo-hoos in this room,huh? |
我是說,你們的家很溫馨。 | I mean,you have a lovely home. |
好吧,你們說的一切我們都很感激。 | We appreciate anything you can tell us. |
當然,實際上,我想會有幫助的。 | Well,actually,I think this might help. |
這些大概就是 | It's pretty much.. |
-你們所需要的所有資訊了。 -噢,天呐! | - all the information you need. - Oh,my God. |
所有的東西都按類別分開 可以互相引用 | Everything is broken into categories,then cross-referenced. |
還根據背面的顏色進行了標注。 | Then color-coded to correspond with the forms in the back. |
太感謝了。 | Thank you. |
我想我剛經歷了一次小高潮。 | I think I just had a tiny orgasm. |
我知道過程是讓人沮喪的 不過是值得的。 | I know the process is frustrating,but it's so worth it. |
領養歐文是我們經歷過的最好的事情。 | Adopting Owen was the best thing that ever happened to us. |
太棒了。我能看看這本書嗎? | That's great. Can I see the book? |
你想讓我先洗手,是不是? | You want me to wash my hands first,don't you? |
這…這個這麼漂亮,而且是白的。 | Please. It's just so pretty and white. |
洗手間在走廊那頭,左邊。 | Bathroom is down the hall to your left. |
我也讓他這麼做過。 | I would have told him to do it too. |
我能領養你嗎? | Can I adopt you? |
-嗨,你一定是歐文。 -對。 | - Hey,you must be Owen. - Yeah. |
我叫錢德。嗨,我也當過童子軍。 | I'm Chandler. Hey,I was in the Scouts too. |
-真的? -當然,實際上我爸爸是童子軍的女訓導員。 | - You were? - In fact,my father was a den mother. |
你知道怎麼用指南針嗎? | You know how to use a compass? |
我得過一枚徽章。 | I have a badge in it. |
-真的?真是太棒了! -你想看嗎? | - You do? That's fantastic. - You want to see it? |
當然想,不過我得先回去跟你的父母聊聊。 | I'd love to,but I gotta get back to your parents. |
他們在告訴我們怎麼領養你的事。 | They're telling us about how they adopted you. |
什麼?!? | What? |
怎麼了? | What? |
我是領養的? | I'm adopted? |
我什麼都不知道。 | I got nothing. |
我是領養的? | I'm adopted? |
不 | No. |
我沒那麼說. 我是說.. | I didn't say that. I said.. |
你是個醫生. | you're a doctor. |
一個醫生. | A doctor. |
嗨,大夫,我的胳膊疼. 你能幫我修理一下嗎? | Hey,doctor,my arm hurts. Can you fix it for me? |
我真不敢相信我是領養的. | I can't believe I'm adopted. |
那..你不準備修理我的胳膊了? | So you're not gonna fix my arm? |
第一批馬格麗塔不是太好 | Well,that first batch of margaritas was not so great.. |
可第二批實在太棒..棒了。 | but this second batch is good. |
好吧,希望到下一批的時候 我們都能喝一點。 | Well,maybe the next batch,we could all get some. |
噢,夥計們,這很有趣,是嗎? | Oh,God,this is fun,isn't it? |
知道嗎?就我們四個。 | You know,just the four of us. |
就這麼呆著。 | Just hanging. |
夥計,你還好吧? | Dude,are you okay? |
法加它什麼時候才能好? | And when are the fajitas gonna be ready? |
我很好!嘿,我很棒!我只是… 我只是為我們而驕傲。 | I'm fine,okay? I'm great.I'm just.. I'm just proud of us. |
一點都不古怪,一點都不緊張。 | You know? There's no weirdness,no tension. |
一點都不清醒。 | No awareness. |
我們組成一個“四人組”。 我們應該一塊再做些什麼。 | We make a great foursome. We should do more stuff together. |
哦! 我們去旅行吧! | Let's take a trip! |
我們可以坐你的船去. | We could all go on your boat. |
喬伊有一艘很棒的帆船. | Joey has this amazing sailboat. |
實際上,羅斯 兩年前我已經把船賣掉了. | Actually,Ross,I sold the boat two years ago. |
哦,不. 白癡! | Oh,no. Idiot! |
呃,是的,不過我可以弄來另外一個. | Well,yeah,but I could get another one. |
- 這個旅行聽起來棒極了. - 是嗎? | - This trip sounds great. - Yeah? |
好,你覺得我們能去哪? | Okay,where do you think we can go? |
我的法加它!! | My fajitas! |
聽著,查莉,我只想讓你知道。 | Look,Charlie,I just want you to know.. |
羅斯還需要時間習慣我跟喬伊在一起。 | Ross is just having a little trouble adjusting to the thought of Joey and me. |
知道麼,他一般不這麼喝酒的。 | You know,he normally doesn't drink like this. |
噢,你知道嗎?這沒什麼。 我爸爸就是個瘋狂的酒鬼。 | You know what,this is nothing. My father is a raging alcoholic. |
噢,對不起 讓你們不舒服了? | I'm sorry,have I made this evening uncomfortable? |
法加它! 當心,盤子很燙,盤子很燙!! | Fajitas! Be careful! Very hot plate! Very hot! |
羅斯,你怎麼沒戴手套! | Ross,you don't even have oven mitts on. |
明天手要疼了! | That is gonna hurt tomorrow. |
好吧,好吧,這太瘋狂了。 | Okay,well,this is crazy. |
我們不可能是在嚴肅的討論 我要帶走一個孩子,是嗎? | We can't seriously be talking about me taking one of your kids,can we? |
不,當然不是。 | Oh,no,of course we're not. |
- 太愚蠢了。 - 我知道。 | - That's insane. - I know. |
愛麗絲不會支持的,是嗎? | Alice would never go for it. |
噢,我不知道,她也太累了。 我想她可能會入夥的。 | She's pretty tired too. I think we could get her on board. |
好吧,知道嗎,只是為了爭論, 知道嗎,是假設的。 | Well,just for argument's sake,you know,hypothetically.. |
你要放棄哪一個? | which one would you be willing to give up? |
小小弗蘭克? | Frank Jr. Jr.? |
對我的胳膊倒是個好事 | Well,it'd be great for my shoulder. |
噢,你選了這麼好的一個。 | You'd be getting a really good one. |
我是說,知道嗎,他真是太有趣了。 | He's really funny. |
比如,那天他說了個笑話 | Like,the other day,he made up this joke: |
什麼東西是綠的並且說“嗨,我是一隻青蛙”? | What's green and says,"Hey,I'm a frog"? |
一隻會說話的青蛙! | A talking frog. |
噢,不,你不能帶他走。他太有意思了。 | Oh,no,you can't have him,he's too funny. |
好吧,好吧,沒問題。那萊絲莉呢? | Well,all right,that's fine. What about Leslie? |
噢,不,不。不要是萊絲莉。 | Oh,no,no,not Leslie. No. |
不,她…她是唯一一個會 打著嗝說出字母表來的。 | She's the only one that knows how to burp the alphabet. |
好吧,那就剩下錢德了。 | All right,so that leaves Chandler. |
噢,不,不,你不能帶走錢德 不。不,不。她是個小天才。 | No,no,you can't have Chandler. No,no. She's my little genius. |
我對她抱有很大期望。 | I got big hopes for her. |
她會成為醫生或者房地產經紀人… | She's gonna be a doctor or a realtor. |
哇,弗蘭克。我想我誰都帶不走了。 | Wow,Frank,I think we just ran out of kids. |
噢,我想你是對的。 | Oh,I think you're right. |
哦,哇,菲比 我不認為我能放棄任何一個。 | Oh,wow. Phoebe,I don't think I can give one of them up. |
我是說,知道嗎 他們讓我發瘋,可他們是我的孩子。 | I mean,you know,they drive me crazy,but they're my babies. |
很抱歉,弗蘭克。我沒想到事情會這樣。 | I'm sorry,Frank,I didn't realize things were so bad. |
知道嗎,我會幫你的。 | You know,I'll help out more. I can baby-sit anytime you want. |
你說一天,我會去的。 | You name the day and I'll be there. |
-明天怎麼樣? -呃,不好。 | - How about tomorrow? - Well,that's not good. |
不過知道嗎,我會推掉其它事 我會到的。 | But I can move some stuff around and I'll be there. |
你和愛麗絲可以整天呆在一起。 | You and Alice just take the whole day together. |
你為我們這麼做? | You'd do that for us? |
你開玩笑嗎?你以為姐姐是幹什麼的? | Are you kidding? That's what sisters are for. |
看看他們! | Oh,look at them. |
噢,我真愛你們。 | I love you so much. |
噢,天呐,別醒過來,別醒過來! | Oh,crap,don't wake up! Don't wake up! |
-比爾和克琳呢? -他們在廚房弄點吃的。 | - Where are Bill and Colleen? - Kitchen,getting something to eat. |
你能想像他們有多好嗎? | Can you believe how nice they are? |
我們必須走!! | We have to leave. |
為什麼?你在洗手間做了什麼? | Why? What did you do in the bathroom? |
我還沒去洗手間呢。 我在路上碰到了歐文 | I didn't get to the bathroom. I bumped into Owen on the way. |
可他還不知道他是被領養的。 有一個小小的機會 | He didn't know he was adopted. There's a slight chance.. |
我告訴了他。 | I may have told him. |
噢,天呐,我的手袋呢? 不,我們別管那些了。 | Oh,my God,where's my purse? No,I can replace everything in there. |
- 拿上活頁冊,走! -嗨。 | - Get that binder and let's go! - Hi. |
給大家的一點小吃。 | Some little snacks for everybody. |
哦,你們不用吃酸蠕蟲, 那是給歐文的。 | You don't have to eat the sour worms. Those are for Owen. |
我一會兒去叫他。 | I'll go get him in a second. |
順便說一句, 你們該知道 我們還沒告訴他他是領養的。 | By the way,you should know,we haven't told him he's adopted yet. |
可孩子們直覺很靈敏。 | But kids are so intuitive. |
你不認為某種程度上他已經知道了? | Don't you think,on some level,he already knows? |
- 我是領養的?! - 看?直覺! | - I'm adopted? - See? Intuitive. |
什麼?你從哪兒聽來的? | What? Where did you hear that? |
他告訴我的! | He told me. |
他還給我50塊錢讓我別說出來。 | And he paid me 50 dollars not to tell. |
那現在你該把錢還給我了! | Which,technically,now you should give back. |
你告訴他他是領養的? | You told him he's adopted? |
實在對不起,可你們應該在那兒或者什麼地方寫明白。 | I'm sorry. You should have a sign out there or something. |
或者在人們進門的時候悄悄告訴他們: | Or at least whisper it to people when they come in the door. |
“歐文不知道他是領養的, 他也認為聖誕老人是真實存在的。” | "Owen doesn't know he's adopted,and he also thinks Santa is real." |
他不是嗎?! | He isn't? |
我們必須走了,親愛的! | We have to get out of here,baby. |
你怎麼了? | What is the matter with you? |
好了,聽著,我知道 錢德做的不是最好的.. | All right,look,I know what Chandler did was not the best.. |
但是任何人都應該想到 一個12歲的孩子會被告知是被領養的 | but anyone would assume that a 12-year-old has been told he's adopted. |
- 是的,他8歲. - 喔,他長得好高. | - Yeah,he's 8. - Wow,he's tall. |
你從哪個國家領到他的? | What country did you get him from? |
諸位,我要向 | Everyone,I would like to make a toast.. |
瑞秋和喬伊敬酒。 | to Rachel and Joey. |
還有愛情。 | And to love. |
啊,愛情。 | Ah,love! |
L-O-V-E,愛情。 | L-O-V-E. Love. |
L是生活。 | L is for "life." |
沒有愛情哪有生活? | And what is life without love? |
噢,我的天呐,我們要回答嗎? | Oh,my God,are we supposed to answer? |
O是 | O is for: |
“噢,哇!” | "Oh,wow!" |
V是 | The V is for this.. |
事情轉變的這麼快 | very surprising turn of events.. |
而順便說明,我完全應付得來。 | which I am still fine with,by the way. |
E是 | E.. |
我發現 | is for how.. |
這是多麼的正常。 | extremely normal I find it.. |
你們倆 | that you two.. |
走到了一起。 | are together. |
有一天你們會結婚 | And that one day you might get married.. |
還會有你們自己的孩子。 | and have children of your own. |
-夥計,你還好吧? -完全沒問題。 | - Dude,are you okay? - Totally. |
羅斯,你看起來不太好。 | Ross,you don't seem okay. |
對不起,一定是快樂的壓力太大了。 | I'm sorry,it must be the pressure of entertaining. |
我想如果我們吃點餡餅會感覺好點。 | I think everyone would feel better if we had some flan. |
等等,羅斯,我要走了。 | Wait,Ross. Ross,I.. I have to take off. |
- 不行! - 對不起 | - No! - I'm sorry. |
我明天早上還有一節很早的課, | I have an early class in the morning. |
不過這已經很好了。 | But this has been lovely. |
是嗎?可你認為跟喬伊一起很不自在 | Wasn't it? And you thought it would be awkward with Joey. |
而且你從沒真正喜歡過瑞秋。 | And that you never really liked Rachel. |
你過火了! 我早上給你打電話,好嗎? | You are on fire! I'll call you in the morning,okay? |
- 好吧。 - 好 | - Okay. - All right. |
天呐,瑞秋,羅斯剛才說得簡直太… | God,Rachel,what Ross just said,that's just.. |
噢,沒事,女孩們從來都不喜歡我。 | That's okay. Girls tend not to like me. |
再見。 | Fine. |
好吧,我想只需要給三個人吃餡餅了! | Okay. I guess it's just flan for three. |
嘿,嘿,這還挺押韻! | Hey,that rhymes. |
知道嗎,羅斯? 我想我們也該走了。 | You know what,Ross,I think we're gonna take off too. |
噢,噢,當然。天呐,我真蠢。 | Of course. God,I'm so stupid. |
你們現在是一對了。 | You guys are a couple now. |
我是說,你們可能想單獨待著。 | I mean,you probably just want to be alone. |
-不,不,我只是說天晚了… -嘿,嘿,沒事的。真的沒事。 | - No,it's just getting late.. - It's fine. It's totally fine. |
我已經喝了夠多的馬格麗塔。真得很好。 | I've got plenty of margaritas. It's all good. |
我都不知道那是什麼。 | I don't even know what that's for. |
知道嗎? | You know what? |
我想我應該留下 保證他沒事。 | I think I'm gonna stay here and make sure he's okay. |
-對,這可能是個好主意。 - 對,明天早上見。 | - That's probably a good idea. - I'll see you in the morning. |
嗯,好吧。 | Okay. |
知道嗎,喬伊 | Yeah,you know,Joey,I.. |
我不認為他會接受我們倆在一起。 | I don't think he's ever gonna be okay with this. |
看起來不太好,是嗎? | It doesn't look good,does it? |
我猜我做了土豆泥 | I guess I made Tater Tots. |
羅斯,手套! | Ross,oven mitts! |
早上好。 | Morning. |
-你醒了。 -謝謝 | - Here you go. - Thanks. |
-你整個晚上都在這兒? -對。 | - Did you stay here all night? - Yeah. |
你脫了我的褲子和鞋? | So you took off my pants and shoes? |
不,不,不。 | No. No,no. |
實際上是你跟著《芝加哥》 的原聲音樂跳舞時自己脫掉的。 | You actually did that when you were dancing to the Chicago soundtrack. |
聽著,羅斯 | Look,Ross.. |
關於我和瑞秋 聽著,你什麼都不用擔心,知道嗎? | about Rachel and I. Listen,you don't have to worry about that.. |
因為什麼都不會發生。 | because nothing's gonna happen. |
你是什麼意思? | What do you mean? |
好吧,我們從一開始就說 | She and I said from the beginning.. |
如果你不接受的話我們什麼都不會做的。 | we weren't gonna do anything unless you were okay with it. |
而很明顯… | And clearly.. |
嘿,你在說什麼?我很好! | What are you talking about? I'm fine. |
- 我們可以繼續這樣? - 不可以. | - Are we still doing this? - No. |
很好,羅斯,好嗎? 我完全明白。 | It's okay,Ross. You know,I totally understand. |
你當然接受不了。你們是… | Of course you're not fine. You're.. |
你們是羅斯和瑞秋 | You're Ross and Rachel. |
除非我們不是。 | Yeah,except we're not. |
我是說,我們已經有, | I mean,we haven't been a couple in,like.. |
6年沒在一起了。 | six years. |
噢,天呐,真的嗎? | My God,is that right? |
有這麼久了? | Has it been that long? |
我也是這麼聽說的,是的。 | That's what I hear,yeah. |
這太瘋狂了。我是說,6年? | This is crazy. I mean,six years.. |
就因為我,你們不能在一起? | and because of me,you guys aren't gonna be together? |
我能問你點事嗎? | Can I ask you something? |
說真的 | Really.. |
你覺得跟瑞秋在一起怎麼樣? | what is this thing with you and Rachel? |
別鬧了,我是說,你瞭解我,你知道… | Come on,you know me. You know.. |
喬伊 | Joey. |
我為她感到瘋狂。 | I'm crazy about her. |
她也這麼想嗎? | And she feels the same way? |
我想是的。 | I think so. |
好吧,那麼 | Well,then.. |
可能現在我們都該往前看了。 | maybe it's time we all moved on. |
對,不過,羅斯 我是說,你並沒有完全接受。 | Yeah,but,Ross,I mean,you're not okay with it,so.. |
不,我會的。 | No,but I want to be. |
嘿,我會的。 | I will be. |
另外,我還有查莉呢,對吧? | Besides,I'm with Charlie,right? |
噢,天呐,我還跟查莉在一起呢,是嗎? | Oh,my God,I'm still with Charlie,aren't I? |
-我是說,她沒看見我跳舞吧? -不,不,不,不 | - She didn't see the dance,did she? - No,no,no. |
只有 只有我看見了。 | No,that was.. That was just for me. |
你…… | Hey,you..? |
你說真的? | You sure about this? |
對,我是說真的。 | Yeah,I'm sure. |
那... | And.. |
我們的關係沒問題嗎? | we're okay? |
- 嗨,菲比 - 嗨。 | - Hey,Phoebe. - Hey. |
呃,我們只是想給你提個醒。 | We just want to give you a heads up. |
- 比爾和克琳討厭我們。 - 為什麼? | - Bill and Colleen hate us. - Why? |
歐文不知道他是領養的, 可莫妮卡告訴了他。 | Owen didn't know he's adopted and Monica told him. |
什麼? | What? |
- 他不知道?他12歲了啊. - 不,他才8歲. | - He didn't know? He's 12. - No,he's only 8. |
我打賭他是俄羅斯人. | I'll bet he's Russian. |
可是,他總有一天會發現的。 | Still,he had to find out sometime. |
對,可如果有人告訴這三胞胎 是你生的他們 你會高興嗎? | How would you like it if someone told the triplets that you gave birth to them? |
我要去告訴艾瑪,說她是個事故的結果。 | I'm gonna go tell Emma she was an accident. |
嘿,錢德,你覺得他們為什麼叫它桌上足球 | Hey,Chandler,why do you think they call it foosball? |
- 知道我喜歡你哪點嗎,喬伊? - 哪點? | - Know what I like about you,Joe? - What? |
你愛提問. | You're curious. |
- 嘿. - 嗨. | - Hey. - Hi. |
如果我們今晚繼續 我就把艾瑪放在我媽那 | I'll drop Emma off at my mom's if we're still on tonight. |
- 噢,肯定. 是的. - 好的. | - Oh,you bet. Yeah. - Okay. |
- 說 "再見" - 再見. | - Say,"Bye." - Bye. |
- 再見. - 再見. | - Bye. - Bye. |
-今晚和瑞秋有約,呃? -對 | - So you and Rachel tonight,huh? - Yeah. |
我們第一次正式約會。 | Yeah,it's actually our first official date. |
哇!看樣子今晚有事發生! 你緊張嗎? | Wow,so tonight may be the night. You nervous? |
不,不。這是我最擅長的。 | No. This is the part I'm actually good at. |
即使是恐懼和自我厭惡情緒也不能產生影響? | What must it be like not to be crippled by fear and self-loathing? |
對! | It's okay. |
你怎麼能這麼有信心? | How can you be so confident? |
呃,我…因為我明確地知道我要做什麼! | Well,I know exactly what I'm gonna do. |
- 真的?就像例行公事? - 不不不。知道嗎,女人個個都不同。 | - Really? Like,you have a routine? - No. See,each woman is different. |
你要欣賞到她們的特性。 | You have to appreciate their uniqueness. |
- 真的? - 不,我會做六件事! | - Really? - No,I do six things. |
首先,我要深情地望著她的眼睛 然後,我會吻她。 | First,I look deep into her eyes,then I kiss her. |
隨後我用手輕輕地擦過她的大腿 | Next,I take my hand and I softly graze her thigh. |
你是說這樣? | You mean like this? |
不!不是像那樣,不不。 是像這樣 | No,not like that. No,no. No,like this: |
噢,我知道你的意思了,真的感覺很棒。 | I see what you mean. That's quite nice. |
- 再來一局桌上足球? - …還有啤酒!! | - More foosball? - And beer. |
羅斯的曬膚 | The.One.With.Ross's.Tan |
- 嗨! - 嗨! | - Hey. - Hey. |
嗨,親愛的! | Hey,sweetie. |
嘿!不許看我老婆的腿! | Hey,stop staring at my wife's legs. |
不不!不許看你妹妹的腿! | No,no. Stop staring at your sister's legs. |
對不起,只是… 你怎麼曬得皮膚? | I'm sorry,it's just.. How'd you get so tan? |
她去了一個那種噴霧曬膚俱樂部 | She went to one of those spray-on tan places. |
那應該是個秘密. | That was supposed to be a secret. |
我是說的噴霧曬膚俱樂部? | Did I say spray-on tan places? |
我是說衝浪競賽. | I meant surf contest. |
她獲勝的那個. | Which she won. |
呃,你做了噴霧曬膚? | You got a spray-on tan? |
錢德去美甲了! | Chandler gets pedicures! |
什麼?你做了美甲? 你用了那種腳趾隔離器? | What? You do? Like,with the toe separators? |
為…為什麼? | Why? Why? |
我還是不能相信那是噴霧曬膚的結果… | I can't believe that's sprayed on. |
我是說,這看起來不錯 我也想做一次! | I mean,it looks really good. I wonder if I should get one. |
當然,然後你應該穿上超短裙去街上秀給別人看。 | Sure,then you should get a miniskirt so you can really show it off. |
那麼,你是塗了趾甲油還是只留了法式的長趾甲? | So do you get colors or just French tips? |
- 在這兒。我這兒有張名片。 - 謝謝。 | - Here. Here's their card. - Thanks. |
嗨,我知道這個地方! | Hey,I know where this place is. |
那兒曾經是個成人錄影帶… | It used to be an X-rated video.. |
花店。 | Florist. |
-嗨! -嗨!菲比! | - Hey. - Hey,Phoebe. |
噢,你們不會相信誰搬回來了。 | You won't believe who moved back to town. |
我知道,阿蔓達! | I know. Amanda. |
-啊!她也給我打電話了!她是最差勁的! -誰是阿蔓達? | - She called me too. She's the worst. - Who's Amanda? |
她是你搬進來以前住你那間房子的女人。 | She's this girl who lived in the building before you did. |
後來她搬去英國了, 還學了假惺惺的英國口音。 | Then she moved to England and picked up this fake British accent. |
她在我留言機上的留言是這樣的: | On the machine,this is her message: |
“莫妮卡,親愛的! 阿蔓達在給你打電話!” | "Monica,darling,it's Amanda calling." |
你是要模仿英國口音? | Are you trying to do a British accent? |
錢德去美甲了! | Chandler gets pedicures. |
我只想知道 我還要受多少次這種奚落? | Just so I know,how many more of those can I expect? |
你知道阿蔓達跟我是在電話上是怎麼說的? | Know what Amanda said when she called me? |
“哦,很抱歉打你的手機! | "Oh,so sorry to catch you on your mobile." |
如果你不想跟我在手機上說 那就別給我手機打電話!” | If you didn't wanna get me on my mobile,then don't call me on my mobile. |
我知道, 她還老是拿她碰到的名人來吹牛。 | And she always brags about all the famous people she's met. |
噢,我知道! | Oh,I know! |
“哦…我跟比利·喬(音樂人)睡覺了”。 | "I slept with Billy Joel." |
誰不是呢? | All right,who hasn't? |
噢,我們該怎麼辦? 我不想見她! | What are we gonna do? I don't wanna see her. |
呃,我們隔離了她! | Let's just cut her out. |
- 什麼? -把她從我們的生活裡隔離! | - What? - Cut her out of our lives. |
不理她的電話, 躲開她直到她明白過來! | Just ignore her calls and dodge her till she gets the point. |
哦,我覺得我們可以試試, 不過…有點太苛刻了吧! | Well,I guess we could try that. But it seems so harsh. |
- 你這麼做過嗎? - 沒,不過有人對我做過。 | - Have you ever done that? - No. Had it done to me,though. |
感覺不錯! | Feels good. |
好的蓋勒先生! 請走這邊! | All right,Mr. Geller,right this way. |
那麼,你想要多深呢? 我們有一級、二級和三級。 | So how dark do you wanna be? We have one,two or three. |
呃…我喜歡你的顏色 你是什麼等級的? | Well,I like how you look. What are you? |
- 我是波多黎各人。 - 二級,我想要二級。 | - Puerto Rican. - Two. I think a two. |
你要面對著紅燈。 | You'll face the red light. |
紅燈亮的時候噴淋開始, 所以,閉上眼睛 | When the light's on,the spraying's about to start,so close your eyes. |
噴淋停止的時候,數五下。 | When the spraying stops,count to five.. |
向後仰一點防止出現液體流下的痕跡 然後轉身我們就可以噴你背後了。明白了? | pat yourself to avoid drip marks,then turn to get your back. Got it? |
噴,數,仰,然後轉,噴,數,仰。 | Spray,count,pat and turn. Spray,count and pat. |
- 哇,你掌握得真快。 - 那當然,我有個博士學位,所以… | - You catch on quick. - Well,I have a Ph.D.,so.. |
一個密西西比,兩個密西西比,三個密… | One Mississippi,two Mississippi,three.. |
等等!等等!我還沒… 我還沒數完呢!! | Wait,wait! I'm not.. I'm not finished counting! |
你噴了我正面兩次! | You sprayed my front twice! |
- 你沒轉身嗎? -沒有,我甚至還沒數到三個密西西比呢。 | - You never turned? - No! I barely got to "three Mississippi"! |
密西西比? 我是說數到五! | Mississippi? I said count to five. |
不要密西西比? | Mississippi-less-ly? |
好吧,那這有多糟糕? | Well,how bad is it? |
不會多糟糕的 不過隨後的四個小時顏色會變得越來越深。 | Not that bad yet. But it gets darker for the next four hours. |
- 那麼,會變得多深? - 你噴了兩遍二級而且… | - So how dark will it get? - You got sprayed with two twos and.. |
我是四級的了? | I'm a four? |
對,不過你背上是零級。 你想讓前後一樣的吧 | Yeah,but your back's a zero. You'll wanna even that out. |
是嗎? | Really? |
- 你可能要再進去一次。 - 好吧! | - You might wanna get back in there. - Oh,okay! |
等等,等等, 後面牆上沒有燈! | Wait a minute,there's no light on the back wall. |
我怎麼知道它什麼時候開始? 有人嗎? | How do I know when it's gonna start? Hello? |
我的眼睛! | My eyes! |
同樣的事情再次發生了! | The same thing happened again! |
- 你又做了兩次二級? - 我是八級的了! | - You got two more twos? - I'm an eight! |
謝謝你的晚餐。 | Thanks for dinner. |
我還以為是你付的錢呢。 | I thought you paid. |
哈,看來我們以後再也不會去那兒了。 | Guess we won't be going back there. |
- 那麼。 - 好吧。 | - So.. - Yeah. |
嘿,我們到沙發上去 你說怎麼樣? | Hey,what do you say we move this onto the likes of the couch? |
我要說‘爛主意’,不過,行。 | I say cheesy line,but okay. |
- 怎麼了? - 對不起,我也不知道,對不起, | - What's the matter? - I don't know. I'm sorry. |
- 我不知道為什麼那麼做! - 好吧。 | - I don't know why I did that. - Okay. |
真對不起。 | Okay. Sorry. |
再一次,對不起!我不知道…我怎麼了 我一定是太緊張了! | I'm sorry. Again,I don't know what happened. I must be nervous. |
我搞不懂,錢德很喜歡的! | I don't get it. Chandler loved it. |
好吧,我保證,我保證,我不會再這麼做了。 真的,我保證。這次會很完美的。 | I promise. I won't do it again. I really do. This is gonna be great. |
- 好吧。 - 好吧。 | - Okay. - Okay. |
呃,你喜歡這樣? | Was that good for you? |
不,不,別接。 讓答錄機接。 | No,don't get it. Let the machine pick up. |
哦,對 可能又是瑞秋要我們幫她看孩子。 | Yeah,it could be Rachel asking if someone could babysit again. |
- 可能是阿蔓達! - 哦,對了! | - It could be Amanda. - Oh,you're right. |
我只是拿瑞秋開玩笑的。 看孩子很好玩! | I was just kidding about Rachel. Babysitting's a gas. |
莫妮卡,你好。 是阿蔓達又打來電話。 | Hello,Monica. It's Amanda calling again. |
我就在隔壁 想到你家來坐坐。 | I'm in the neighborhood,hoping I could pop by your flat. |
你來自揚克斯市市! 你姓Buffamonteezi! | You're from Yonkers! Your last name is Buffamonteezi! |
我看…為了確保你知道了 | Let's see. So should you get this directly.. |
給我的手機回電話 | ring me back on my mobile. |
好了,別憋住氣說話! | Okay,don't hold thy breath. |
- 喂?有人在用電話嗎? - 對,我在找莫妮卡。 | - Hello? Is someone on the line? - Yes. I was looking for Monica. |
等等,她在這兒。 | Hang on,she's right here. |
- 有人打電話,找你的。 - 我們在過濾電話呢,是阿蔓達! | - Someone's on the phone for you. - We weren't picking up. It's Amanda. |
我做美甲了! | I get pedicures. |
嗨,阿蔓達! | Hi,Amanda. |
實際上…現在…現在不太合適。 | Actually,now is not a good time. |
明晚一起吃晚飯? | Dinner tomorrow night? |
好的,我和菲比都會到的! | Okay,Phoebe and I will see you then. |
為什麼,為什麼,為什麼你不拒絕! | Why? Why? Why didn't you just say no? |
呃,我已經拒絕讓她來了! 我不能拒絕她兩次! | Well,I said no to her coming over now. I couldn't say no twice. |
我不由自主地取悅別人的需要! | I got this uncontrollable need to please people. |
好吧,好吧! 一拷問你就會招的! | Fine. Fine. You would not hold up well under torture. |
- 那你呢? - 我已經招了! | - Oh,and you would? - I did. |
- 瑞秋,你確定你想嗎? - 當然!當然! | - Rach,are you sure you wanna do this? - Absolutely. |
我…只是有點奇怪,是你和我 | It's just a little weird. It's you,and it's me. |
- 我們需要點時間來習慣。 - 好吧。 | - It'll just take some getting used to. - Okay. |
啊… 我們怎麼能讓這個變得容易點? | Okay,well,how can we make it easier? |
好吧,讓我們從上往下! | Okay. Let's work from the top down. |
- 解開我的胸罩,喬伊! - 好的,呃,明白了。 | - Just work the bra,Joe. - Okay,got it,yeah. Absolutely. |
- 好吧。 - 好吧。 | - Okay. - Okay. |
- 這玩意兒焊住了嗎?! - 哦!. | - Is this thing welded shut? - Okay. |
- 要我幫忙嗎? - 不! | - You want a little help? - No. |
- 好吧! - 我能處理這個! | - Okay. - I can handle it. Okay? |
-我9歲的時候就會了。 - 9歲就會了? | - I've been opening these since I was 9. - Nine? |
- 9歲的女孩穿胸罩? - 不,不,是我9歲的時候。 | - What kind of 9-year-old girl wears a bra? - No,no. I was 9. |
呃,她16歲 | See,she was 16. Okay? Yeah. |
我爸爸媽媽已經… 哦!我不能一邊說一邊做! | My parents had.. I can't talk and work at the same time! |
好了,轉個身,我得看看這東西。 | All right,turn around. I gotta get a look at this thing. |
對不起! | Sorry. |
這真夠浪漫的! | Well,this is romantic. |
對不起! 這種事從來沒有發生在我身上! | I'm sorry. This has never happened to me before. |
我是解胸罩的專家! 我一隻手就能解開! | I'm an expert at taking off bras. I could do it with one hand. |
我閉著眼睛也行! 有一次我只看了一眼 | I could do it with my eyes closed. Once I just looked at one.. |
它自己就開了! | and it popped open. |
- 都怪你的胸罩! - 這是個標準型的胸罩搭扣! | - I blame your bra. - It's a standard-issue bra clasp. |
那就怪你!對! 是你把我的天賦都打走了! | Then I blame you. Yeah. That's right. You threw me off with all your slapping. |
好吧,我真的 真的很抱歉,喬伊! | Okay,look,I'm really sorry about that,Joey. |
可你想過嗎? 可能是你潛意識裡不想脫掉我的胸罩? | But do you think maybe,on some level,you don't want to take off my bra? |
不!我沒有那種潛意識!! | No,I don't have another level. |
嗨! | Hi. |
哦,天啊! | Oh,dear God. |
等等!有點不對勁。 | Hold on. There's something different. |
我去了你老婆推薦的地方。 | I went to that tanning place your wife suggested. |
那個地方…是太陽? | Was that place the sun? |
哦!比那還糟! | Oh,and it gets worse. |
哦,天呐! | 你一個人就能同時表現黑檀木和象牙! |
你怎麼能搞成這樣? 這很容易呀! | How could you mess this up? It's so easy. |
你進到小隔間裡 數到五,轉身!! | You go in the booth,count to five and turn around. |
- 你是怎麼數到五的? - 一、二、三… | - How do you count to five? - One,two,three.. |
可惡! | Damn it! |
我知道! | I know! |
夏威夷熱帶小姐怎麼了 | What is up with Miss Hawaiian Tropic? |
你和喬伊的約會怎麼樣? | How was your date with Joey? |
嗯,還不錯… 至少在我們回家之前 | Well,it was good,until we got back to our apartment. |
後來我們就搞砸了 他把手放在我的腿上 | And then we were fooling around and he started to put his hand up my leg.. |
可我卻不停的打他! | and I kept slapping it away. |
你不喜歡? | You didn't like that? |
嗯,不光是我,明白嗎? 他也出問題了! | Well,it wasn't just me,all right? He freaked out too. |
他甚至解不開我的胸罩! | He couldn't even undo my bra. |
哇,真的?有一次 他只看了我的胸罩一眼,它就自己嘣開了。 | Really? One time he just looked at my bra and it popped open. |
我不知道我們怎麼了 | I do not know what's wrong with us. |
我是說 我們以前接吻過,那很好! | We've kissed before and that's been great. |
可是,可是這次 | But this time it was leading somewhere.. |
我很在意喬伊撫摸我。 | and I was very aware of the fact that it was Joey touching me. |
呃,你們要永遠做朋友了。 | You guys have been friends forever. |
記得你第一次吻羅斯嗎? 那次多奇怪! | The first time you kissed Ross was weird. |
你不停的笑? 可你渡過了。 | You couldn't stop laughing. You got through that. |
對,是這樣。 是這樣,我們能行。 | Okay. That's true. That's true,we can do this. |
對,對,我們能行。 我們有能力渡過! | You're right. We can do this. We'll just power through. |
嗨,錢德 我能跟你談談嗎? | Chandler,can I talk to you for a second? |
沒必要了!! 問題解決了,我們要努力渡過。 | No need,problem solved. We are powering through. |
錢德,停下!它不會嘣開的。 | Chandler,stop. It's not going to pop open. |
你怎麼知道! | You don't know. |
- 嗨,菲比! - 嗨! | - Hi,Phoebe. - Hey. |
- 阿蔓達來了嗎? - 還沒。 | - Is Amanda here yet? - No. |
好吧,我很抱歉搞砸了那個隔離她的計畫。 不過我有了個新計畫。 | I'm sorry for screwing up that "cutting her out" plan,but I have a new plan. |
錢德答應我幾分鐘以後給我打個緊急電話。 | Chandler will call in a few minutes with an emergency. |
哦! 那,什麼緊急的事情能把我們兩個人都叫走呢? | Okay,what kind of emergency gets us both out of here? |
這樣,你覺得麥克和錢德出了車禍怎麼樣? | What do you think of Mike and Chandler being in a car accident? |
- 你在開玩笑嗎?,我太喜歡了! - 好! | - Are you kidding? I love it! - Okay. |
- 嗨! - 嗨! | - Hi. - Hi. |
你好! | Hello! |
看到你們真好! | It's so nice to see you. |
你們兩個!看看我。 看我看起來多年輕! | Both of you,look at me. Look how young I look! |
噢,天呐! 我們有太多的事情要分享了! | Oh,gosh,we have so much to catch up on. |
不過最首要的是: 摸摸我的腹肌,我一點兒都沒鍛煉! | But first things first. Touch my abs. I don't exercise at all. |
噢,天呐,莫妮卡,你結婚了! | Oh,gosh. So,Monica,you're married. |
- 對!對!他叫錢德而且… - 聞聞我的脖子! | - Yeah,his name is Chandler and he's.. - Oh,smell my neck. |
這不是香水!這是我! 這是我自然的體香! | It's not perfume. It's me. It's my natural scent. |
發黴了! | Musty. |
噢!天呐!這太完美了。 天呐,就像以前一樣, | Gosh,this is brilliant. Gosh,it's just like old times. |
真高興看到你們倆又和好了! | I'm so happy you two are friends again. |
- 我們什麼時候不是朋友了? - 呃,是1992年, | - When were we not friends? - Well,it was 1992. |
我記得是因為那年我和伊夫·肯尼(飛車表演者)上床了。 | And I remember,because that was the year I had sex with Evel Knievel. |
呃,1992年我們是朋友啊。 | We were friends in 1992. |
不,我清楚地記得你當時在過濾她的電話, | No,I distinctly remember you were dodging her calls.. |
還儘量不見她。 | and trying to avoid seeing her. |
- 你在隔離我? - 呃…差不多吧。 | - You were going to cut me out? - Well,kind of. |
- 噢,我的天! - 噢!見鬼。 | - Oh,my God! - Oh,bugger. |
我是不是不該說? 我覺得自己就像個飯桶! | Should I not have said that? I feel like a perfect arse. |
對,對,不過在美國你只是個蠢蛋! | Well,in America,you're just an ass. |
喂? | Hello? |
錢德,怎麼了? | Chandler,what's wrong? |
噢,天呐,你沒事吧? 好的,我馬上到。 | Oh,my God,are you all right? Yeah,I'll be right there. |
對不起。錢德出車禍了。 | I'm so sorry,but Chandler was in a car accident. |
- 噢,我的天。 - 噢! | - Oh,my God. - Yeah. |
- 麥克跟他一起嗎? - 沒! | - Was Mike with him? - Nope. |
- 買了香檳了? - 是,女士,準備好加速過渡了! | - Got the champagne? - Yes. Ready to power through. |
太棒了!把它放到冰桶裡 電話線已經拔了 | Excellent. Put it on ice,the phone is off the hook.. |
集中精力加速過渡! | and,in the interest of powering through.. |
哦,好,現在 | Oh,sure. Now. Yeah. |
好了,性感點兒,性感點兒 性感點兒 | Okay,sexy.. |
很性感 好了!我們開始! | very sexy. Sexy. All right,let's do it! |
好的,你有點兒嚇到我了。 | Okay,you're scaring me a little bit. |
噢!過來大兵,我們要開始了! | Get over it,soldier,we gotta do this. |
- 好的,啊!你喜歡是不是? - 哦,是的。 | - Okay. You like that,huh? - Oh,yeah. |
你喜歡嗎?我們開始換到高速檔。 | You like that? Let's kick this into high gear,huh? |
對,寶貝兒, 我來告訴你我們怎麼做! | Yeah,baby! I'll show you how we do it! |
不,不,不! | No,no,no! |
你頂住我的小先生了! | You kneed me in my misters! |
什麼?噢,天呐! 對不起 | What? Oh,my God. I'm so sorry. |
喬伊?你還好嗎? | Joey? Are you okay? |
大兵犧牲了! | Soldier down. |
我們和菲比不再是朋友了。 | We are not friends with Phoebe anymore. |
要是她問起來 我會表示一點抗議,不過沒問題! | If she asks,I protested a little,but okay. |
我剛知道,她曾經試圖隔離我! | I just found out that she tried cutting me out. |
你有沒有想過人為什麼那樣做? | Can you think of any reason why someone would want to do that? |
我怎麼了,錢德?告訴我 | What is wrong with me,Chandler? Tell me. |
我出了嚴重的車禍! | I had a very bad car accident. |
噢,錢德!感謝上帝你還活著。 莫妮卡,能和你到外面談談嗎? | Chandler,thank God you're alive. Monica,can I talk to you outside? |
- 我跟你沒什麼可說的。 - 哇,我的房子有這兩個大! | - I have nothing to say to you. - My flat is twice this size. |
你要知道,他們曾經邀我參加辣妹組合 | You know,they asked me to be one of the Spice Girls. |
好嘛,莫妮卡!去走廊裡? | Please,Monica,in the hall? |
噢,那場車禍一定很恐怖。 | Oh,that accident must have been terrible. |
你看起來臉色蒼白得厲害。 | You look positively ghastly. |
好了,你不滿意嗎? | Well,aren't you a treat. |
我簡直不能相信你要隔離我。 為什麼菲比,為什麼? | I can't believe you tried to cut me out. Why,Phoebe? Why? |
那是在我們住在一起以後 | It was right after we were living together.. |
你快要把我逼瘋了,知道嗎? | and you were driving me crazy,okay? |
你什麼都要控制,強制,還要尖叫。 | You were really controlling and compulsive and shrill. |
我現在仍然這樣! | Well,I'm still all those things! |
你現在還很慷慨 善良,鬥志旺盛! | You're also so generous and kind and scrappy. |
我鬥志旺盛。 | I am scrappy. |
當然!看,無論我要做什麼 我都不能把你從生活中剔除。 | Exactly. No matter what I tried to do,I couldn't keep you out of my life. |
在我隔離的所有人中 | Of all the people I've cut out.. |
你是唯一一個我又把她拉回來的。 | you were the only one who ever clawed her way back in. |
因為我鬥志旺盛? | That's because I'm scrappy. |
對,是的。 而且我也很高興你通過鬥爭又回來了, | Yeah,you are,and I'm so glad that you fought your way back in.. |
因為我不知道沒有你該怎麼辦。 | because I don't know what I would do without you. |
我也不知道沒有你該怎麼辦。 | I don't know what I would do without you. |
好吧,我想我們該回去了 既然你又給了我一次機會 | Well,I guess we should go back in. I mean,you gave me another chance. |
- 我們應該用同樣的方法對付阿蔓達 - 對,你說得對。 | - We should do the same for Amanda. - Yeah,I guess you're right. |
你能相信嗎? 我從來沒有受過專業舞蹈訓練。 | Can you believe it? I've never had any professional dance training. |
現在我來給你解釋她是怎麼工作的。 你走進隔間,然後… | Now,let me explain how this works. You go into the booth and.. |
就說到這兒吧,葛蘭達。好嗎? | I'm gonna stop you right there,Glenda. Okay? |
我看起來像是第一次嗎?呃? | Does it look like this is my first time? |
我現在想要一個四倍的二級 …而且我想都噴到背上。 | Now,I want four two's,and I want them all on my back. |
好吧… | Okay. |
等等,這兒有兩套噴嘴兒 應該用哪一個?哪個…哪個才是? | Wait. There's two sets of nozzles! Which one is it? Which one is it? |
哦!渾蛋! | Oh,son of a bitch! |
你在開玩笑嗎? | Are you kidding? |
- 我們該怎麼辦? - 我現在12倍了! | - How did we do? - I'm a twelve. |
我們到底怎麼了? | What is the matter with us? |
呃,我知道我到底怎麼了。 | Well,I know what's the matter with me. |
不,我是說我們,知道嗎。 我是說,真的應該這麼… | No,I mean with us,you know? I mean,is it supposed to be this.. |
難嗎? | difficult? |
我不知道。 | I don't know. |
這個假惺惺英國腔的女人真是個婊子 可她還真的以為自己會跳舞… | That fake British woman's a real bitch,but she sure can dance. |
- 嗨! - 嗨! | - Hey. - Hi. |
嘿,聽著,能問你個問題嗎? 你和莫妮卡剛好上的時候 | Hey,listen,can I ask you a question? When you and Monica first hooked up.. |
從朋友到超越那層關係的時候有什麼怪事嗎? | was it weird going from friends to more than that? |
應該…你知道, 到處躲藏,跟你們玩捉迷藏… | Kind of. Sneaking around,having to hide from you guys.. |
不,不,不…不是 我是說… | No,no,no. No,I mean.. |
性方面… | sexually. |
呃,是不是你們倆某方面 …感覺… | Yeah,was there a part of you that felt like it was.. |
這麼做不對? | really wrong? |
實際上,不是。 沒有,感覺很好。 | Actually,no. No,it felt right,you know? |
知道嗎,感覺就像 呃…我不能相信我們居然一直沒這麼做。 | If felt like,"I can't believe we haven't been doing this the whole time." |
我能從你們的話裡聽出來你們想的好事… | I can tell from your expressions that's the good news you were hoping for. |
好吧,我想我該做的是 …繼續傳播快樂。 | Well,I'm gonna go continue to spread the joy. |
好吧 他們的反應是那樣的不見得我們也要那樣。 | Just because it happened that way for them doesn't mean it has to for us. |
對,對…完全正確。 | Yeah. Yeah,absolutely. |
我是說,事情困難並不意味著你要退卻。 | I mean,just because something's difficult doesn't mean that you quit. |
- 完全正確。 - 好吧 | - Right,totally. - Yeah. And so.. |
那我們會不停地試啊 試啊,直到我們…成功。 | we'll just keep trying and trying until we do it. |
對,如果不行的話, 我們就作對沒有性愛的夫婦吧。 | If not,we'll just be a couple that never has sex. |
這也是個…計畫。 | That's a plan. |
- 哇…我看這種事不會發生。 - 我知道。 | - I did not see this coming. - I know. |
那我就不明白了。 我說,我很確定我確實需要啊。 | I don't know,I don't get it. I mean,I was so sure this is what I wanted. |
呃…我也是… | Me too. |
我想知道莫妮卡和錢德是怎麼做到的? | Well,how come Monica and Chandler could do it? |
我想或許他們不像我們是一對這麼好的朋友吧。 | I guess they weren't as good friends as we are. |
啊…我想你肯定是對的。 | I bet you're right. |
那麼… | So.. |
好吧。 | Yeah. |
我愛你。 | I love you. |
我也愛你。 | Love you too. |
- 好了,我要去睡覺了。 - 好,我也是。 | - All right,I'm going to bed. - Yeah,me too. |
噢,對了 暫時我還不想去任何地方。 | Yeah. I'm not going anywhere for a while. |
- 哥們兒,是錢德。讓我進來。 -走開! | - Dude,it's Chandler. Let me in. - Go away! |
我誰都不想見。 | I don't wanna see anybody! |
我知道,我也去了那個地方 而且同樣的事也發生在我身上了。 | I went to the tanning place and the same thing happened to me. Let me in. |
真的? | Really? |
你也數了密西西比? | Did you count Mississippi-ly? |
夥計,你沒去曬。 | You're not tan. |
沒,我只是來拍張照 回頭見! | No. I just had to get a picture of this. I'll see you later. |
- 嗨,大家 - 嗨! | - Hey,guys. - Hey. |
親愛的,這週末我有訂到那個伍德福飯店 | Honey,I got us that room at the Woodford Inn this weekend. |
就是在佛蒙特的? 我的暗示果然有用!! | That place in Vermont? You can take a hint. |
你們這周未不能外出啊 那天是艾瑪生日 | You can't go away this weekend. It's Emma's birthday. |
會有一個派對 | We're having a party. |
能不能等我們回來再舉辦呢? | Can't you have the party when we get back? |
那就會很怪,等於不是她真正的生日 | No. It won't be her real birthday. |
喔,更何況她才一歲 也不知道生日到底是什麼 | Gee,if only she were 1 and had no idea what the hell a birthday was. |
嘿,這對我們很重要呢 | Come on,you guys,this is really important to us. |
喔,很抱歉,我和錢德 希望一起度過假日 | Sorry,but Chandler and I could really use a weekend away.. |
- 我們想溝通溝通,心理上的 - 我們從以前就很想做這件事 | - you know,to reconnect,emotionally. - There's this thing I really want us to do. |
我在美信雜誌看到的 | I read about it in Maxim. |
你們可以選擇其他日子吧? | Well,can't you just go to Vermont the next day? |
我們非常希望大家都能來... | Yeah,we want everyone to be there. |
跟我非常討厭你對我妹做 那奇怪的“性”事,一樣多 | As much as I hate to delay your doing weird sex stuff to my little sister. |
這是一件大事呢 | And,I mean,you know,you guys,this is a big deal. |
她不能度過她的一歲生日 如果沒有她姑姑和姑父陪她 | How can we have her first birthday party without her aunt and her uncle? |
我保證我絕對不會表演魔術的 | I promise I won't do any magic. |
好的,我們會留下來 還是可以趕過去 | All right,we'll stay. We can just drive up after the party. |
如果派對的事情害我們沒做雜誌上的事情… | Fine. But if we end up not doing this Maxim thing because of this party.. |
那不是理由,好不好? | Believe me,that is not why we won't be doing that. |
艾瑪的生日蛋糕 | The.One.With.The.Cake |
你知道嗎,菲比 小的時候... 在我的生日... | You know,Phoebe,when I was little,on my birthday.. |
我爸會在家裡每個房間藏禮物 | my daddy would hide a present in every room of the house. |
然後會給我們“寶藏地圖” 叫我們自己找 | And then he would draw a treasure map to help me find them all. |
喔,我喜歡這種家庭習俗 | I love family traditions like that. |
但小時候,在我生日 我繼父... | When Ursula and I were kids,on our birthday.. |
...會去賣他的血 來買吃的 | our stepdad would sell his blood to buy us food. |
- 嗨,大家 - 嗨 | - Hey,guys. - Hi. |
- 我帶了攝像機,來錄艾瑪的派對 - 喔,好呢 | - I brought the camera for Emma's video. - Oh,good! |
我們想要錄艾瑪的派對 | We had this idea to make a birthday video for Emma.. |
- 當她十八歲時,再拿給她看 - 喔,酷 | - and we'll give it to her when she's 18. - Oh,cool. |
- 就像一個“時空膠囊” - 是啊 | - Wow,it's like a time capsule. - Yeah. |
想像一下,到時 | Oh,just think,she's gonna be watching that video on a TV.. |
她就會在一種現在還未發明的電視來看這個影帶 | that hasn't even been invented yet.. |
和朋友,當前跟她一樣還是個嬰兒,一起看 | with friends who,right now,are just,like,babies. |
然後,我們住在一個浮起來的城市... | And they'll be living in a floating city that the humans built.. |
...為了逃避螞蟻人 | to escape the ant people. |
希望是如此!! | That's the hope. |
- 所以,艾瑪起來了嗎? - 沒有,現在午睡時間 | - So is Emma awake yet? - No,it's still naptime. |
- 不過,馬上她就會醒了 - 喬伊在哪裡呢? | - But she'll be up soon. - Where's Joey? |
我說過了,現在是午睡時間 | I said,it's still naptime. |
- 嗨,來看看喬伊叔叔吧 - 嘿! | - Hey,there's Uncle Joey. - Hey. |
說句話,給十八歲生日的艾瑪吧 | Hey,say something to Emma on her 18th birthday. |
- 十八歲,哈? - 嘿,喬伊,不要… | - Eighteen,huh? - Joey,no! |
怎麼啦,怎麼啦 ? 是要給艾瑪很辣的朋友 | What? What? It's for her hot friends. |
當她看到這個,你已經是五十二歲了 | When they see this,you'll be 52. |
就是我開始穩定下來的時候呢 | And starting to think about settling down. |
喬伊,可以幫我打開嗎? 這樣就可以放艾瑪的禮物 | Joey,will you please set this up for people to put Emma's presents on? |
喔,非常願意呢 | Love to. Yeah. |
- 我們要給她禮物嗎? - 是啊。我寫了一首歌給艾瑪 | - We were supposed to bring presents? - Yeah. I wrote Emma a song. |
我怎麼知道? | Oh,yeah. How was I supposed to know? |
- 這是一個生日派對呢 -是啊,但她僅一歲而已 | - Joey,it's a birthday party. - Yeah,but for a 1-year-old. |
重點在哪裡? 那天她對著杯子大笑一個多小時 | What's the point? The other day she laughed for an hour at a cup. |
只是一個普通杯子 上面有艾魔(芝麻街的卡通形象)的農夫圖案 | Just a cup with a picture of Elmo on it,dressed as a farmer. |
艾魔站在牛旁邊 牛說了:艾-魔 | And he's standing next to this cow,and the cow says,"El-moo." |
真是好笑的杯子 | Man,that's a funny cup. |
- 嗨 - 嗨 | - Hey. - Hey. |
- 生日的女主角呢? - 她還在睡覺呢 | - Where's the birthday girl? - Oh,she's still napping. |
喔,當然,她昨晚知道要辦一個派對... ...就太興奮了,睡不著 | She was probably up all night excited about the party she knows is happening. |
我知道,你們很想去佛蒙特 對你們也是一件大事 | I know you guys really want to get to Vermont,and this isn't a big deal to you. |
但這對我們也是一件大事,好嗎? 艾瑪不會再有第二次的一歲生日 | But it really is to us,okay? Emma will never have a first birthday again. |
好的,你對,我們很抱歉 | You're right. We're sorry. |
那把艾瑪叫醒,開始派對吧!! | Let's wake up Emma and get the fun time started! |
她昨晚沒睡好所以我們不能叫醒她 | |
你是不是在跟我 開玩笑啊,格林!! | Are you frigging kidding me,Greene? |
- 嗨 - 嗨 | - Hi! - Hey! |
- 很高興你來了 - 真不敢相信,艾瑪已經一歲了 | - I'm so glad you came. - I can't believe Emma's already 1. |
我還記得你的一歲生日 | I remember your first birthday. |
羅斯很羡慕我們給你的一切 | Ross was jealous of all the attention we were giving you. |
他很用力的去拉他的蛋蛋 | He pulled on his testicles so hard.. |
所以我們要帶他去看急診 | we had to take him to the emergency room. |
有些關於你爸爸的事情你還不知道 | There's something you didn't know about your dad. |
嗨,蓋勒先生和太太 我幫你放下來吧 | Hey,Mr. and Mrs. Geller. Let me help you with that. |
- 謝謝 - 見到你們真好 | - Thank you. - Oh,man,this is great,huh? |
我們三個又聚在一起 你知道更有趣的事嗎? | The three of us together again. You know what would be fun? |
就當做這禮物是我們 三個人一起送給艾瑪的,怎樣? | If we gave this present to Emma from all of us. |
你是哪一位啊? | Which one are you? |
- 真不敢相信,艾瑪還在睡 - 我知道,但沒轍啊 | - I can't believe Emma's still asleep. - I know. What are we gonna do? |
我有計劃,一個好計畫 | I've got a plan. I've got a plan. |
我會把這個鐵盤 很用力的砸到你身上 | I'm going to ram this platter really hard into your ribs. |
那你會痛的哇哇大叫 這樣會吵醒她,對不對? | You're gonna scream out,and that'll wake her up. |
我不會和這種莫妮卡去佛蒙特的 | I'm not going to Vermont with this Monica. |
嗨,菲比,你知道嗎? | Hey,Phoebe? You know what? |
既然你寫了歌給艾瑪 | I was thinking since you wrote a song.. |
那我也可以給艾瑪表演我的才藝 | maybe I could do something for Emma using my talents. |
所以,你要去泡艾瑪,是不是? | So you're gonna hit on her? |
不是,不是啦 我的才藝是演戲 | No,no,no. My talents as an actor. |
我可能,可以… | You know,I could,like,maybe.. |
給她邊讀本書邊演出來 | I could do a dramatic reading of one of her books. |
或是,你可以把一個叉子叉在蘋果上? | Or you could stick a fork in an apple. |
- 嘿,我想艾瑪會喜歡呢! -喔,艾瑪會喜歡什麼? | - Hey,I think Emma might like it. - Oh,Emma might like what? |
- 我的禮物! -你要給她什麼? | - My present. - What did you get her? |
- 實際上,我們正準備一個表演 - 分開的表演 | - We prepared performances. - Separate performances. |
但是差不多 | But equally real. |
喔,聽起來好好玩 | That sounds like fun. |
你知道嗎?因為大家 有點不耐煩要等艾瑪起來... | People are getting a little antsy waiting for Emma to wake up from her nap. |
...所以,你們可以現在表演一個嗎? | So would you mind performing them once now? |
- 當然可以 - 好…好,那好吧 | - Sure,yeah! - Okay. |
大家聽著,我們開始吧 | Okay. All right. Everybody,let's get this party started. |
喬伊和菲比要表演給大家看呢 | Joey and Phoebe are gonna perform a little something for us. |
喔,太好了 | Oh,great. |
還沒準備就上去表演,那你會不會覺的丟臉呢? | Aren't you gonna be embarrassed having nothing prepared? |
嘿,我每個禮拜都這樣呢,還加上 三個攝像機和所有團隊等著我 | I do it every week with three cameras pointed at me and a whole crew waiting. |
那,喬伊,你要表演什麼呢? | So,Joey,what are you gonna do for us? |
我會邊讀艾瑪的書邊演出來 | I will be doing a dramatic reading of one of Emma's books. |
哇,好耶,哪一本? | Oh,okay. Which one? |
哇,她最喜歡的其中一本 | Well,it's one of her favorites. |
從暴風雨中脫險: 對抗產後的抑鬱症 咿…咿…咿 | "Riding the Storm Out: Coping With Postpartum Depression." |
始終愛你 | Love You Forever. |
始終愛你,作者:羅柏曼 螢火蟲出版社出版 | "Love You Forever,by Robert Munsch. Published by Firefly Books. Printed.. |
在墨西哥印刷 | in Mexico. |
一個母親抱起她的嬰兒 慢慢的,往前搖,往後搖 | A mother held her new baby and very slowly rocked him.. |
往前搖,往後搖... 往前搖,往後搖... | back and forth,back and forth,back and forth. |
當母親抱著時,她唱了: 我會始終愛你 | And while she held him,she sang,'I'll love you forever. |
我會一直喜歡你 只要我還活著 | I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living.. |
你就是我的孩子 | my baby you'll be.'" |
當母親抱著時,她唱了: | "And while he rocked her,he sang: |
我會始終愛你,我會一直喜歡你 | 'I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. |
只要我還活著 | As long as I'm living.. |
你就是我的孩子 | my baby you'll be.'" |
哇! | Oh,wow! |
哇,真的太棒了 | That was amazing. |
真的非常感謝你的禮物 | Thank you so much for that gift. |
今天我心理沒有這個準備 | I was not ready for this today. |
- 太棒了,太棒了 -喔,菲比,抱歉 | - Amazing. Amazing. - Phoebe,I'm sorry. |
- 菲比也要表演給大家看 - 沒錯, | - Phoebe has prepared something as well. - That's right. |
我準備了一首歌給艾瑪 直接從我心裡到她的心裡 | I prepared a song for Emma,from my heart to hers. |
沒有比音樂更好的禮物了 | For there's no greater gift than the gift of music. |
“艾瑪” “你的名字給我一個困境” | Emma Your name poses a dilemma |
“和你名字押韻的少極了” | 'Cause not much else rhymes with "Emma" |
“也許僅有演員理查·克裡納” “他是演藍波的長官” | Maybe the actor Richard Crenna He played the commanding officer in Rambo |
“生日快樂,艾瑪” | Happy birthday,Emma |
就這樣? | Is that it? |
不,當然不是,還有… | No,of course not. |
其他的… 我也要讀一本書給她 | No,I've also,you know,prepared a reading. |
性愛和單身母親 | "Sex and the Single Mother." |
- 查找性感帶的方法 - 不要啊 | - "Finding your G-spot." - Oh,no,no,no! |
嗨艾瑪,祝你十八歲生日快樂 | Hello,Emma. Happy 18th birthday. |
如果從現在算起,還有十七年之久呢 | Right now,that seems so far away,17 years. |
到時候你已經長大了,而到時候我們… | Yes. You'll be all grown up by then,and we'll be.. |
你爺爺和我都不在了 | Well,your grandfather and I might not be here. |
沒錯,這信息 | That's true. This message |
會是來自我們的墳墓裡 | could be coming to you..from beyond the grave,Emma. |
- 還有,我父母親很年輕就過世了 - 我的膽固醇還過高呢 | - After all,my parents died very young. - And my cholesterol's off the charts. |
艾瑪,請記得 女生也會因心臟病而死 | Remember,Emma,heart disease kills women too. |
好了,好了,這樣就夠了 | Okay,cut! Great. Great. That was just.. |
- 噢! - 哦,好的! | - Yeah. - Oh,good. |
羅斯,別忘了要拍蛋糕 | Ross,don't forget to get a shot of Emma's cake. |
- 在盒子,在冰箱裡 - 好的,沒問題 | - It's in a box in the fridge. - Okay,sure. |
喔,你會喜歡這蛋糕 我從新澤西州的麵包店買來的,加理諾麵包店 | You're gonna love this cake. I got it from a bakery in New Jersey,Carino's. |
喔,他們有全世界最好吃的奶油 | Oh,my God,that place has the creamiest frosting! |
我小時候喜歡搭便車去那裡 | I used to hitchhike there when I was a kid. |
無論如何,他們做了很多種口味 | Well,anyway,they make these great novelty cakes.. |
很多種造型,如果你自己準備照片 他們還會放到蛋糕上 | in all different shapes. And if you give them a photo,they'll copy it in icing. |
-那你一定放艾瑪的照片嘍 -當然,在一個兔子形的蛋糕上 | - Did you do a picture of Emma? - Yes. On a cake shaped like a bunny. |
瑞秋,這家店是不是剛好 | Rach? Does this bakery by any chance also bake.. |
也賣色情蛋糕? | erotic cakes? |
上面寫:給單身派對使用 | Say,for bachelorette parties? |
你在講什麼啊? 喔,我的天啊。 | Ross,what are you talking..? Oh,my God! |
他們還把 我女兒的臉放在“小弟弟”上 | They put my baby's face on a penis! |
這才像派對嘛 | Now it's a party! |
喔,如果真有那麼好笑的話 | Wait,you guys,this isn't funny. |
我也可以自己做這種形狀的啊 | If I wanted this cake to be a disaster,I would have baked it myself! |
啊,沒事,我還是認為很好吃 | Is it okay that I still think it looks delicious? |
-傑克,你看看 -我知道你在想什麼 | - Jack,look at this. - I know what you're thinking,Judy. |
其相似程度非常驚人 | The resemblance is uncanny. |
我也差點再度拉我的蛋蛋 | |
諷刺的是,那和美信雜誌一樣. | Ironically,that was the Maxim thing. |
不是,不是,這不是我要訂的 | No,no,this is not what I ordered,okay? |
我特地去新澤西州 只為了我女兒有完美的生日蛋糕 | I went all the way to New Jersey so that I could have the perfect cake.. |
還有,我需要兔子蛋糕。現在!! | for my daughter's birthday. And I need a bunny cake right now! |
如果要快點的話,我們可以從“小弟弟”上取出她的照片, | Ask them if it would be faster if we cut the baby's face off the penis.. |
再貼到兔子蛋糕上 | so we could put it on the bunny. |
好像不是很適當 | That is a weird sentence. |
我會把蛋糕換回去 | Oh,believe you me,I am going to bring this cake back. |
甚至我不想有這種蛋糕在我家 喬伊,不要碰 | I don't even want it in my home. Don't touch it! |
我很困擾!!! | I'm so confused! |
是的,我還是要我女兒照片 但是在兔子形狀的蛋糕上 | Yes,I still want my daughter's picture,but on a bunny cake! |
黃色蛋糕,有奶油和花生!!! | Yellow cake,chocolate frosting with nuts! |
說實在的,這上面沒有花生 | To be fair,this one does have nuts. |
嗨,莫妮卡,你真好啊,把車借給瑞秋 | Mon,it was nice of you to loan Rachel your car.. |
-為了她可以換蛋糕 -因為她一直拉我頭髮 | - so she could get the cake. - It was nice of her to pull my hair.. |
直到我給她鑰匙 | till I dropped the key. |
你知道嗎,即然閑著 | Well,while we're waiting,you could tape your message to Emma.. |
就先錄一段給艾瑪的十八歲生日 好不好? | for her 18th birthday,huh? Okay? |
嗨,艾瑪,現在是 2020 年 | Hi,Emma. It's the year 2020. |
你還在享受你的睡眠嗎? | Are you still enjoying your nap? |
我們是莫妮卡姑姑和錢德姑父 | We're Aunt Monica and Uncle Chandler,by the way. |
你可能不認識我們 | You may not recognize us.. |
因為我們已經十七年沒有和你父母親講話了 | because we haven't spoken to your parents in 17 years. |
我們本來已結婚 | We used to be married. |
但我們搞砸了我們的一個週末,造成我們分開 | But then we missed a weekend away together,and things kind of unraveled.. |
就是因為你!!! | because of you. |
-生日快樂!! -謝謝. 又一個有趣的胡扯 | - Happy birthday. - Thanks. Another good one. |
我不能相信我竟然錄了這些. | I can't believe I taped over my Big Brother audition for this. |
羅斯,瑞秋答應過這時候可以結束了 | Ross,Rachel promised it would be over by now. |
我們如果要去佛蒙特現在該出發了 | We seriously have to go if we want to get to Vermont. |
-我問過了,最後班次在半小時後 -你知道嗎,我有要按摩的客戶 | - The last train leaves in a half-hour. - And I have a massage client soon. |
嘿,大家,忍耐一下 | You guys,just,please,a little bit longer. |
瑞秋隨時會回來 | I promise,Rachel will be back with the cake any minute. |
莫妮卡,記得這間店的奶油味道嗎? | Monica,remember the frosting,huh? |
好,我再等五分鐘 | All right,five more minutes. |
喂? | Hello? |
發生什麼事? | Oh,no,what happened? |
好的,好的,你在哪裡? | Okay,okay,where are you? |
我會過去的 | Okay,I'll be right there. |
那是不是艾瑪? 她起來了嗎? | Was that Emma? Is she up? |
瑞秋因超速被員警攔下來 | Rachel got pulled over for speeding. |
她忘了帶駕照,我得送過去 | She forgot her license. I have to bring it to her. |
-如果你要走,那我也得走 -等一下,如果有人要走那就是我們 | - If you're leaving,I'm definitely going. - Wait,if anybody gets to go,it's us! |
是我們抱怨最久的 | We've been complaining the longest! |
等等,你們不能退出 | No,wait,you guys. No,you can't leave. |
蛋糕的事已讓瑞秋很煩 | Rachel already feels bad that the cake's messed up. |
如果回來時發現大家不在 那她會怎麼覺得? | How do you think she'll feel when she comes back and you're gone? |
我不知道,你禮拜一再告訴我吧 | I don't know. You'll tell us on Monday. |
喬伊,你負責這裡,要確認沒有人退出 | Joey,you're in charge,okay? You make sure nobody leaves. |
瞭解 | Got it! |
嘿嘿嘿,你要去哪? | Hey! Where do you think you're going? |
去洗手間啊 | To the bathroom. |
即然大家會待一段時間 請當做自己家裡… | Well,the rest of you get comfortable,because we are gonna be here for a.. |
-等等,洗手間裡有個窗戶... -不要讓他逃走 | - Wait,there's a window in there. - No! He's not getting away that easy! |
喂,你們幹什麼啊!! 快滾出去啊!! | What are you doing? Get the hell out of here! |
那個“小弟弟”上沒有艾瑪的照片 | Well,that one did not have Emma's face on it. |
-是,當然沒有 - 對。 | - No,it did not. - No. |
已經很晚了,我們真的要走了 | Well,we'd better get going. It's late. |
傑克不能在晚上開車了 他沒法讓車保持在車道上行駛 | Jack can't drive at night anymore. He has trouble staying in his lane. |
去年冬天,我開車經過教堂的草地 然後撞上馬的食槽 | Last winter I went up on a church lawn and drove right through a manger scene. |
報紙誤以為那是一個報仇計畫 | The papers thought it was a hate crime. |
-無論如何,很高興可以見到你們 -好的 | - Anyway,it was lovely seeing you. - Okay. |
-再見 -晚安 | - Bye. Bye,dear. - Nighty-night. |
-晚安 - 再見. | - Nighty-night. - Bye. |
-喬伊,你怎麼可以讓他們退出? -嘿嘿 | - How could you just let them leave? - Hey,hey,hey. |
我不會和傑克過不去的 他是一個好人,會保衛國家的 | I'm not gonna mess with Jack. He's a great man. He fought for our country. |
他才沒有呢,他裝成貴格會教徒 才可以逃離朝鮮 | No,he didn't. He pretended to be a Quaker to get out of Korea. |
夠了,他是最後一個退出的 我把門鎖上了 | Well,that's it. He's the last one to go. I'm locking you guys in. |
你知道那個鎖是 可以從裡面打開的 | You do know I can just turn them the other way around,right? |
喔,我忘了你以前住過這裡 | Oh,I forgot you used to live here. |
-喂 -喬伊,我是艾斯黛 | - Hello? - Joey,it's Estelle. |
-嗨,你好 -你今天的試鏡如何? | - Hey. - So how'd your audition go today? |
-什麼試鏡? -上禮拜我和你說過的啊? | - What audition? - The one I told you about last week. |
什麼?你根本沒有說過任何試鏡! | What? You never said anything about an audition. |
那我從新開始,我剛接到你的試鏡通知 | Let me start over. I just got a call about an audition. |
你現在去還來得及 | I think you can still make it. |
就在艾斯特戲院,還要自己帶獨白 | It's down at the Astor Theater,and you need to have a monologue prepared. |
獨白? 我沒有呢… | A monologue? I don't have a.. |
有了... | I got it. |
那我要走了 | So I'm gonna take off. |
-什麼? - 不,等等,你不能退出 | - What? - No,wait! You don't get to leave. |
我有按摩客戶等在我家門外呢 | I've got a massage client waiting outside my door any minute. |
我們已經付錢給一個 我們現在應該住在裡面的房間 | And we paid for a room that we're supposed to be in right now! |
好好 | Well,okay,now.. |
只要有一個人照顧艾瑪就行了 | only one of us has to stay with Emma. |
是我發現的這一點所以我可以走了 | Okay,and as the person who realized that,I get to go. |
不行,不行 | No,no,no. No. No. |
那我們想一個較公平的 方法來決定誰要留下來 | Let's figure out a fair way to decide who's staying. |
喔,有了。 | Oh,I got it. |
大家選擇一到十的數字 | Okay,everyone pick a number from one to 10,all right? |
誰選到最大的數位可以先走 | Whoever gets the highest number gets to go first. |
-好喔,我選“十” -那我選“九” | - Okay,10. - Okay,Monica picks 10. I call nine. |
還有其他的嗎? | Anyone else? |
-大家來抽籤吧? | - 好。 |
或是可以用硬幣… | Or we could flip a coin and multiply the answer.. |
-拜託你,不要講話了 - 好 | - I'm begging you to stop. - Right. |
這樣好啦,我們從艾瑪的 生日禮物選一個發條玩具 | Okay,how about this? We got wind-up toys for Emma. |
拿來賽跑 哪個跑最後的,就要留下來 | We can make them race,and whoever comes in last stays. |
好吧,就這樣 | Yeah,let's do that! |
這好像和佛蒙特的事情比起來,好玩多了! | That sounds more fun than the thing we were gonna do in Vermont! |
- 好,各位,開始選玩具吧。 -我要用那個海豚!! | - Okay,everybody,pick your toys! - Okay. I want the dolphin! |
-菲比,那是一隻熊 -抱歉,我太興奮了!! | - That's a bear! - I'm too excited! |
菲比,你用這只熊 喬伊,你用機器人 | Phoebe,you get the bear. Joey,you get the robot. |
-哦,好的。 -錢德就用這只狗吧 | - Oh,yeah. - And Chandler and I get the dog. |
比賽就要開始了... 從這裡,到這裡 | And the race is going to go from here to here. |
誰最後一名的,要留下來!! | Now,the one who comes in last stays! |
各位先生及女士,卷好你的發條 | Okay,ladies and gentlemen,wind your toys. |
-準備好了嗎?預備,開始! -快,快!! | - Okay. On your mark,get set,go! - Go! Go! |
不要停!機器人! | Come on,robot! |
你在幹什麼啊?!!? | What are you barking at? |
那個動作有什麼作用嗎!?!? | Well,how is that gonna help? |
我買了你! 我竟忘了你只會這個動作? | I bought you! How did I forget that that's all you do? |
好樣的,機器人! | Way to go,robot! |
幹的好,阿倫 | Good job,Alan. |
-真是一個好比賽 -是啊,那就再見嘍 | - Hey,good race,you guys. - Yeah,see you later. |
不,不,你們等一下 | No. No,no. Wait. |
我們沒有輸呢 | We didn't lose. |
規定是說,最後跑到終點才是輸家 | The rules clearly stated that the last one to cross the finish line was the loser. |
那我們的狗,沒有跑到終點,所以技術上來說… | Well,our dog never crossed the finish line. So technically.. |
他們已經走了! | They left. |
你知道嗎? 根本沒時間去麵包店 所以我們現在回家了 | There isn't time to go to the bakery. We're gonna come home. |
大家已經走了? | Everybody left? |
好吧,告訴艾瑪我們會儘快回家,再見 | All right. Well,just tell Emma that we'll be there as soon as we can. Bye. |
-瑞秋!!! -喔,天啊,抱歉 | - Rachel! - Oh,God,sorry! |
真不敢相信,他們給了你一個罰單 你真是一個好駕駛人 | I can't believe they gave you a ticket. You're such a good driver. |
-艾瑪起來了 -是喔? | - Emma's awake. - Yeah? |
真不敢相信 | I can't believe this. |
在她的一歲生日 她醒來時,我們不在 | This is her first birthday,she's awake,we're not even there. |
大家也已經退出了 還加上這個爛蛋糕!!! | Everybody left. We still have this stupid obscene cake. |
嘿,也許我可以弄好這蛋糕 試試看,改成別的形狀嘛 | Hey,maybe I can fix that. You know,try to turn it into something else. |
已經無所謂了 | Oh,don't even bother. |
我們已經毀了她的第一個生日 | We've already ruined her first birthday. |
你不知道這些早期的經驗對她有多重要嗎,羅斯?非常重要 | And do you know how important these early experiences are,Ross? Very! |
依照你給我的那本書的背面圖案弄 | According to the back cover of that book that you gave me. |
瑞秋,她不會記得這些 | Rach,she's not gonna remember this. |
也許吧 | I guess. |
喔,我本來想像今天是怎樣的一天 | Oh,I just had such an idea of what this day would be like,you know? |
艾瑪在笑 | Emma laughing.. |
大家圍繞著蛋糕唱“生日快樂” | and everybody gathered around her cake,singing "Happy Birthday." |
然後…嘿,不要擋路你這個笨蛋新手!!! | And then we would all.. Hey,get out of the road,you stupid student driver! |
他們總要學這點 | They have to learn. |
-嘿 -什麼? | - Hey. - What? |
這不錯嘛 | This is not bad. |
喔,天啊。你怎麼弄的,羅斯? | Oh,my God. Look,you made it into a bunny. How did you do that? |
我把這邊改成臉頰 | Well,I just made these two things cheeks. |
這部分再分兩邊,變成耳朵 | And then I split this to make ears. |
喔,我非常感動呢 | Well,I am very impressed. |
有些人會唱歌,有些人會跳舞 | Some can sing,some can dance. |
我顯然的可以把“小弟弟”改成兔子蛋糕 | I,apparently,can turn phallic cakes into woodland creatures. |
還有另外一種方法來整理玩具 就是按照大小 | Now,another way to organize your stuffed animals is by size. |
對不起,這是給艾瑪玩的遊戲,或是給莫妮卡? | I'm sorry,is this a game for Emma or for Monica? |
遊戲? | Game? |
你知道今天是你生日嗎? 你是一… | Emma,do you even know it's your birthday today? You're 1. |
就是一歲,這麼小 | One year old. That's little. |
天呐我的女兒 | That's my girl. |
這就是你的年齡 | That's how old you are. |
是我教她的嗎? 或是我傳授智能給她? | Did I teach her that? Did I just impart wisdom? |
喔,我也想要有一個 | I want one. |
我也是 | Me too. |
這裡沒人,乾脆我們帶走她,好嗎? | There's no one around. Why don't we just take this one? |
-然後跑去加拿大? -我在開玩笑 | - And head to Canada. - I was kidding. |
我可沒有呢!! 快點出發吧 | I wasn't. Let's get going. |
-嘿,羅斯和瑞秋回來了嗎? -還沒有呢 | - Hey,are Ross and Rachel back? - No,not yet. |
-喔,好耶,我沒錯過派對嘛 -那你的按摩客戶呢? | - Oh,good,I didn't miss the party. - What about your massage client? |
我覺得很內疚如果錯過這派對 所以我給了他一些東西 | I just felt so bad missing this. So I just slipped him a little something,you know. |
五或六個小時後再做也可以 | As long as I'm back in five or six hours,it'll be all right. |
好! | Okay. |
嘿,如果羅斯、瑞秋問起我, 說我一直待在這裡 | If Ross and Rachel ask,I've been here the whole time. The whole time. |
我一直待在這裡的 | I've been here the whole time. |
喬伊,我們剛看到你進來 而且你跑上來時,在樓梯超過了我們 | Joey,we just saw you come in. You ran past us on the stairs. |
我不管你有沒有退出 我很高興你們現在在這裡,謝謝大家 | I don't care that you left. I'm just glad that you're here. Thanks,you guys. |
嘿,大家過來 你們應該看看艾瑪剛做了什麼 | Hey,guys,come on. You gotta see what Emma just did. |
- 什麼? -艾瑪,你幾歲? | - What? - Emma,how old are you? |
你今天幾歲? | How old are you today? |
對了, 艾瑪,你就是一歲 | Emma,that's right. You're that many. |
喔,天啊,我們女兒是一個天才 | Oh,my God,our daughter's a genius. |
-這表示… -不要有科學的說教了 | - This means.. - No! No science camp! |
喔,真是的,我把蠟燭放到蛋糕上 | Damn it! I'll put a candle on the cake. |
喔,艾瑪,看看你的玩具排的如此整齊 | Oh,and,Emma,look at your stuffed animals lined up so neatly. |
謝謝 | Thanks. |
好了,要開始了 | Okay,here we go. |
這是艾瑪第一個生日蛋糕 | Emma's first birthday cake. |
快吹啊,吹滅蠟燭 | Go ahead,Emma,blow out the candle. |
快,艾瑪,你能做到的。 | Come on,Emma. You can do it. |
-怎麼啦,你還好吧? -喔,沒事 | - What's wrong? Are you okay? - Oh,yeah,nothing. |
這是快樂的眼淚 | These are happy tears. |
這就是我想要的 | This is just what I wanted. |
嘿,蛋糕已變成兔子形狀了 | Hey,you made it into a bunny. |
喔,我怎麼啦,為什麼我覺得“小弟弟”的形狀時看來比較好吃 | What is wrong with me? It looked more delicious when it was a penis. |
-好,準備好了嗎? -是的 | - Okay,you ready? - Yeah. |
-那,開始錄了 -好。 | - And record. - Okay. |
試音. | Big Brother audition. Take one. |
我猜你會說 我是一個演員.. | I guess you could say I'm kind of a player. |
好了.讓我... | Okay. Let's.. |
- 讓我再試一次. - 好的. | - Let's just try that again. - Okay. |
嗨,艾瑪,你的生日剛結束了 而且… | Hi,Emma. Well,your first birthday is over,and.. |
快啊,快啊 | Go! Go! Come on! |
快啊,快點 | Go! Go! Come on! |
阿倫,快跑啊 你這個毛絨絨的混蛋 | Go! Go,Alan! Run,you hairy bastard! |
我琢磨著該給艾瑪吃第一塊餅乾了 | You know,I'm thinking about letting Emma have her first cookie. |
第一塊?她常吃餅乾 | Her first cookie? She has cookies all the time. |
我沒喂過她餅乾 | I've never given her a cookie. |
-你給她了? -沒有! | - Have you? - No. |
另外,我也沒從罐子裡拿糖給她。 | No. And for the record,I've also never given her frosting from a can. |
瑞秋,領養中心要我們交一份推薦信。 | Hey,Rach,the adoption agency needs letters of recommendation.. |
你願意幫我們寫一封嗎? | and we wondered if you would write one for us? |
-樂意效勞,我的榮幸 -謝謝 | - Of course. I would be honored. - Thank you. |
怎麼不找我? | I think there's been an oversight. |
喬伊,我們本想找你,但又覺得你可能沒興趣 | We would have asked you. We thought you wouldn't be interested. |
我們覺得你可能不擅長跟文字打交道 | It's just that we don't think of you as really being so much with the words. |
看樣子我們錯了 | Clearly,we were wrong. |
對於你們二位,我有很多好話可寫 | I got a lot of nice stuff to say about you guys,okay? |
而且我也非常清楚你們多想要個寶寶 | I know how much you want to have a baby.. |
我很想幫你們 | and I would love to help you get one. |
好吧,喬伊,你來寫 | You know what? Then we want you to do it. |
謝謝,我想想怎麼開頭。 | Thank you. All right. Let me see how I'm gonna start. |
親愛的嬰孩領養權決定人: | "Dear Baby Adoption Decider People.." |
迫不及待想看你寫的推薦信。 | So excited about your letter. |
-嘿! -嘿!菲比! | - Hey. - Hey,Phoebe. |
-你可真好看! -沒錯,是很美 | - Wow,don't you look nice. - Yes,I do. |
今天麥克和我慶祝一周年。 | Today's Mike and my one-year anniversary. |
什麼的周年? | What's it the anniversary of? |
第一次約會?第一次親吻?第一次上床? | Your first date,your first kiss,first time you had sex? |
對。 | Yeah. |
你們會去好地方隆重慶祝咯? | So you must be going somewhere fancy to celebrate. |
看尼克隊比賽。 | A Knicks game. |
你好象穿得過於隆重? | Aren't you a little overdressed? |
我從未和哪個男人有過一周年。 | I've never had a one-year anniversary before.. |
所以不管去哪裡慶祝,我一定要盛裝打扮 | so no matter where we go,I'm wearing something fancy.. |
戴最好的珠寶 | I'm gonna put on my finest jewelry.. |
還要在公共洗手間做愛 | and we're gonna have sex in a public restroom. |
是嗎? | You guys do that? |
錢德連在我家洗手間做愛也不肯 | Chandler won't even have sex in our bathroom. |
洗手間是尿尿的地方! | That's where people make number two. |
瑞秋的妹妹帶孩子 | The.One.Where.Rachel's.Sister.Babysits |
我有點時間,你想不想 | So,you know,I have a little time if you want to.. |
好想,但是要給卷子評分 | I'd love to,but I really have to grade these papers. |
好,那好吧 | Fine. It's fine. |
那我就自己去洗澡 | I'll just shower by myself. |
“B”、"B"… | B,B,B,B,B |
你給陶瓷貨倉的目錄也打了個"B" | You gave a B to a Pottery Barn catalog. |
他們有很好的創意。脫衣服吧 | Well,it had some good ideas. Take off your shirt. |
- 該死! -開門,瑞秋,你妹妹來了。 | - Damn it. - Rachel,open up! It's your sister! |
我要談談 | I have to talk to you. |
嗨!艾美. | Hi,Amy. |
克莉絲蒂娜·艾伯蓋特 | Christina Applegate |
-你不是瑞秋 -仍然牙尖嘴利 | - You're not Rachel. - Still sharp as a tack. |
查莉,這是瑞秋的妹妹艾美。艾美,這是查莉。 | Charlie,this is Rachel's sister Amy. Amy,this is Charlie. |
-很高興認識你 -嗨! | - Hi. Nice to meet you. - Hi,hi. |
你是? | And you are? |
羅斯,以前跟你們住一個街區 | Ross? I grew up on your block? |
去年我們一起吃感恩節大餐 | We had Thanksgiving together last year? |
我和你姐生了個孩子 | I had a baby with your sister? |
不,我… | No. I.. |
昨天我從你那兒買了中東三明治? | Did I buy a falafel from you yesterday? |
沒錯 | Yes. Yes,you did. |
瑞秋,你妹妹艾美來了。 | Hi,Rachel. Here's your sister Amy. |
她說我需要胸肌整形 | She thinks I need pec implants. |
艾美?嗨! | Amy? Hi. |
-記得喬伊嗎? -當然 | - You remember Joey. - Yeah. Hey,sure. |
-《我們的日子》裡的演員 - 對! | - The Days of our Lives guy. - That's right,yeah. |
你演得真爛 | You are not good. |
見到影迷總是讓人高興 | Always nice to meet a fan. |
-你來幹嘛? -我有大新聞 | - So,now,what are you doing here? - Well,I have huge news. |
-抱歉,先看看孩子 -我有很重要的事,愛拉不能等等? | - Hold on. Let me check on the baby. - This is important. Can't Ella wait? |
她名叫“艾瑪” | Her name is Emma. |
幹嘛改名呀?愛拉好聽多了! | Why did you change it? Ella was so much prettier. |
我哪曉得,我只是推著小車賣中東小吃的罷了 | What do I know? I just sell Middle Eastern food from a cart. |
你英文有長進 | Hey,your English is getting better. |
-天呐! -對。 | - Oh,my God. - I know. |
她可能是我恨過的最辣的女孩 | She may be the hottest girl I've ever hated. |
-你幹嘛? -莫妮卡和錢德的推薦信 | - What you working on? - Monica and Chandler's recommendation. |
我想讓文字透著機靈勁 但深奧的詞我又不會 | I want it to sound smart,but I don't know any big words or anything. |
-那你試試"詞典" -我剛說了深奧的不會 | - Why don't you use your thesaurus? - What did I just say? |
看著 | Watch. |
選中想改的詞 | Here,highlight the word you want to change,go under "tools".. |
在工具條找到"詞典" 啟動 | and the thesaurus generates.. Gives. |
“給出”供選詞語表。 | Gives a whole list of choices. |
選一個更有學問的詞,就行了 | You can pick the word that sounds smartest. |
太好了!我變機靈了! | My God,that's great. I'm smart. |
不,我變得 | No,no,I'm: |
“才華橫溢”、“聰明伶俐” 我愛這軟體 | "Brainy,bright,clever." I love this thing! |
各位,喬伊崔比亞尼重裝上陣了! | Look out,ladies! Joey Tribbiani's got the whole package! |
天呐! | God.. |
美極了! | so beautiful. |
是啊,她好可愛 | I know,isn't she? |
不,我是說你的毯子 | No,I was talking about your bedding. |
艾美,你要說什麼新聞? | All right,what's your news,Amy? |
呃… | Well.. |
我要結婚了 | I'm getting married. |
天呐! | Wow! Oh,my God! |
- 和誰結婚? - 一個男人 | - To who? - This guy. |
他的房子太爽了 | He has a killer apartment. |
-還有呢? -在第五大道 | - And..? - And it's on Fifth. |
電梯開門就到起居室 | And the elevator opens up right into the living room. |
-他人如何? -還行 | - No,what's he like? - Oh,he's okay. |
還記得我以前的男朋友馬克嗎? | Do you remember my old boyfriend Mark? |
-記得 -我要嫁他的父親 | - Yeah. - It's his dad. |
-那他可… - 太老了?對 | - Wow,so he's gotta be.. - Old? Yeah. |
但他常常旅行,不怎麼待在家 | But he travels a lot,so he's hardly ever there. |
你好像更喜歡他的房子 | Sweetie,I gotta tell you,it sounds a little bit like..you like the apartment |
勝過...? | more than you like.. |
馬瑞. | Myron. |
說過他年紀大嘛 | Yeah,I told you he was old. |
坐下 | Sit down. Sit down. |
寶貝,你知道嗎 | Honey,you know.. |
我也曾差一點嫁給一個我不愛的人 | I once also almost married somebody that I didn't love. |
-記得貝瑞嗎? -記得? | - Do you remember Barry? - Remember him? |
你睡了以後我們常一起鬼混 | God,we used to make out all the time after you went to sleep. |
有時點頭回答就夠了 | Sometimes just nodding is okay. |
不管怎麼樣,聽著 | But anyway,listen. |
不嫁貝瑞,是我一生最英明的決定 | Not marrying Barry was the best decision that I ever,ever made. |
親愛的,你應該得到真愛 你的另一半就在某處 | Honey,Amy,you deserve true love. Your soul mate is out there somewhere. |
一個同齡人,聰明而有趣,你也愛他 | Someone that is your age,that is smart,that is fun.. |
在乎他 | and that you care about. |
沒錯。 | You're right. |
-沒錯。就這麼幹 - 好! | - You're right. I'm gonna do it. - Okay. |
我要嫁給馬瑞,再接著找我的另一半 | I'm gonna marry Myron and keep looking for Mr. Right. |
接著說吧 | Okay,let's keep talking. |
請讓讓,我們過周年 | Excuse me. Anniversary. |
請讓讓,我們過周年 | Excuse me. Anniversary. |
先生,請把玉米片挪挪 這是我的位子 | Sir,could you move your nachos? They're in my seat. |
我們過周年 | It's my anniversary. |
一年了 | Here we are. |
-真不敢相信 -是啊 | - I can't believe it's been a whole year. - I know. |
這是最好的一年 | This has been the best year.. |
-我一輩子最快樂的一年! -我也是! | - This has been the best year of my life! - Me too! |
從不知道會如此愛一個人! | I never thought I could love someone this much! |
我有同感! | I feel the same way! |
你慷慨又高尚,善良,床上又好厲害! | You're so generous and kind,and you're amazing in bed! |
我們在慶祝周年 | It's our anniversary. |
尼克隊的球迷們,請看亮分牌大螢幕這邊。 | Knicks fans,please turn your attention to the big screen on the scoreboard. |
有人要問一個很特別的問題 | Someone has a special question to ask. |
(朱莉,你願意嫁給我嗎?) | |
老套!俗氣!丟人現眼! | How lame. It's so tacky and impersonal. |
-真的嗎? -這是最不好的求婚方式! | - Really? - It's the worst way to propose. |
失陪一下 | Excuse me. |
請看我寫的推薦信 | I finished my recommendation. Here. |
你們一定會高興得不得了 | And I think you'll be very,very happy. |
從來沒這麼久盯著電腦,居然沒去看色情網站的 | It's the longest I ever spent on a computer without looking at porn. |
看不懂 | I don't understand. |
是不是有些詞對你來說有點太深奧? | Some of the words a little too sophisticated for you? |
根本沒有任何意思 | It doesn't make any sense. |
哦,當然,我太聰明了,我查了詞典 | Well,of course it does. It's smart. I used a thesaurus. |
每個詞都用? | On every word? |
沒錯 | Yep. |
這句話原本是什麼意思? | All right,what was this sentence originally? |
他們是熱心的好人 | "They are warm,nice people with big hearts." |
結果變成:他們是潮濕的 給人好感的智人人類 | And that became,"They are humid,prepossessing Homo sapiens.. |
具有標準尺寸的心臟大動脈 | with full-sized aortic pumps." |
我真心這麼想 | Yeah. Yeah. And hey,I really mean it,dude. |
喬伊,恐怕我們不能用這封信 | All right,Joey,I don't think we can use this. |
-為什麼? -因為你的簽名是: | - Why not? - Well,because you signed it: |
袋鼠寶寶:崔比亞尼 (有一個卡通袋鼠形象叫喬伊) | "Baby Kangaroo Tribbiani." |
算了,你還是不要假裝有學問 就用你的本色來寫怎麼樣? | Why don't you stop worrying about sounding smart and just be yourself. |
你不必用詞典,要用“心”寫 | You don't need a thesaurus. Just write from here. |
讓它發自你的標準尺寸的心臟大動脈? | Your full-sized aortic pump. |
- 艾美!嗨! -我聽了你的話 | - Amy. Hi. - I took your advice. |
-我跟馬瑞分手了。 -太好了 | - I left Myron. - Good for you! |
是啊,簡直像愛琳布勞克維奇(《永不妥協》的女主角,很堅強的女性) | I know. I'm Erin Brockovich. |
對。 | Yes,you are. |
-以你為榮 - 謝謝 | - I'm so proud of you. - Thank you. |
我能住你這裡嗎? | So can I stay with you? |
愛琳布勞克維奇有自己的家 | But Erin Brockovich had her own house. |
看誰又來啦 | Look who's back. |
你怎麼帶行李? 她為什麼帶行李? | Why do you have bags? Why does she have bags? |
我要和你們住一塊了 | I'm staying with you guys. |
- 什麼? -我們是同居室友了! | - What? - We're gonna be roomies! |
來。 | Come on. |
-你睡在外面? - 是啊! | - You slept out here? - Yeah. |
她夢中把我踢出來 還叫囂什麼:馬瑞,滾出去! | Amy kept kicking me in her sleep,yelling,"Myron,get off!" |
我們會把她趕走對吧? 答應我,趕走她 | But we're getting rid of her,right? Please tell me we're getting rid of her? |
-我下不了手,喬伊 -噢,不會吧. | - Joey,I can't do that. - Oh,come on. |
昨晚我剛吃完一半披薩,她就說 | Last night I was finishing off a pizza,and she said: |
嘴上爽一把,屁股胖一生 | "A moment on the lips,forever on the hips." |
在我家不許說這種話! | I don't need that kind of talk in my house! |
喬伊,我知道她難相處 | Joey,look,I know that she's difficult.. |
但她來這裡也不錯 | but I think it's really good that she's here. |
這樣她滾蛋後我們才能更歡喜? | Because we'll appreciate it more when she's gone? |
我剛搬來還不是一樣 | No,it's just.. Look,when I first moved to this city,I was a lot like her. |
被慣壞,自我中心 你們幾個卻照顧我 | I was spoiled,self-centered. And you guys really took care of me. |
是莫妮卡強迫我們 | Yeah. Monica made us. |
不管怎樣我都很感激 | Well,whatever. I really appreciate it.. |
如果沒有你們 | because I don't think I would be the person I am today.. |
也就沒有現在的我 | if it wasn't for you guys. |
我想幫幫艾美,就像你們幫我那樣 | So I want to help Amy the way you guys helped me. |
我知道這需要極大的耐性,我可以 | And I know it's gonna take patience,but that's okay. |
-早 -是的 | - Good morning. - Yeah. |
艾美,那是我今天要穿的衣服 所以我才掛在門上。 | That's what I'm wearing today. That's why I hung it on the door. |
寶貝,你總不能給我扒下來 | Oh,sweetie,you can't pull this off. |
你知道嗎,現在我們也許應當坐下來 | You know what? I was thinking that maybe now would be a good time.. |
好好談談你的將來 | for us to sit down and,you know,talk about your future. |
我沒空,我要去修眉 | Oh,I can't,honey. I'm gonna go get my eyebrows shaped. |
這樣的眉毛我不快樂 | I am not happy. |
你真要吃嗎? | Sure you want to eat that? |
我就是想增加曲線美,我喜歡! | I'm curvy and I like it! |
-嗨! -嗨! | - Hi. - Hi. |
最爛的周年慶! | I just had the worst anniversary ever. |
才不是呢 莫妮卡,給她講講我們去年怎麼過的周年 | I doubt that. Tell her about us last year. |
我給錢德買了一隻500元手錶。 而他,給我寫了首饒舌歌。 | Well,I bought Chandler a $500 watch,and he wrote me a rap song. |
-真的? -是.. | - Seriously? - Word. |
我的比你還遜 | Mine was worse than that. |
-怎麼啦? -球賽時 | - Well,what happened? - We were at the game. |
有人在大螢幕上求婚 | This guy proposed to his girlfriend on the big screen thing. |
-老套! -我也是那麼說 | - That is so tacky. - Well,that's what I said. |
結果呢,原來麥克昨晚上就想用 這種方式向我求婚! | But it turns out Mike was planning to propose to me that same way last night. |
天哪,麥克要求婚? | Oh,my God. Mike was gonna propose? |
-真是大件事! -你想嫁給他嗎? | - That's huge. - Do you want to marry him? |
當然想啦! | Yeah,I really do. Yes. |
結果我那句話把他堵回去了 | But after I dumped on the way he was gonna do it.. |
我想他一輩子都不會求婚了。 在巴貝多我拒絕過他一次了,現在又 | I don't think he'll ever ask again. I said no in Barbados,and now this? |
沒錯。如果我是男人 | She's right. If I were a guy and.. |
我剛才是不是說: 如果我是男人? | Did I just say,"If I were a guy"? |
別等他求婚了,主動出擊吧 | You don't need him to propose to you. Maybe you could propose to him. |
哦,不知道,我又不是想嫁想瘋了 | Oh,I don't know. I don't know. Isn't that a little desperate? |
我向錢德求的婚 | I proposed to Chandler. |
好吧,繼續 | All right,moving on. |
我不覺得你想嫁想瘋了,我覺得你很棒 | I don't think it was desperate. It was amazing. |
謝謝。 | Thank you. |
-你們都認為我該求婚? -那一定很棒 | - Well,do you think I should propose? - I think it could be kind of great. |
當然!世上再沒有比求婚更美妙的感覺了! | Absolutely. You'll love the feeling. There's nothing like it. |
好,那我應該怎麼辦 | Okay. Okay. So how should I do it? |
在球賽的大螢幕上告白 | How about at a game on the big screen? |
更老套的求婚方式如何? | How about at a Foot Locker? |
他既然選擇過大螢幕求婚,可見他能接受這種方式 | What? What,he obviously thinks that's a nice way to be proposed to. |
-而且他也不會起疑心 -有理 | - Plus,he'd never suspect it. - Yeah,that does make sense. |
-你們會喜歡嗎? -我喜歡 | - Okay,now,would you two like that? - Sounds good to me. |
不過男性會怎麼想? | But what would a guy think? |
-奶奶的電話 - 哇! | - Nana's on the phone. - Wow. |
有趣,她七年前就死了 | That's interesting,since she died seven years ago. |
是嗎? | She did? |
那她在博卡的房子歸誰了? | Who got her condo in Boca? |
喂 | Hello? |
是我們的保姆 | It's our nanny. |
喂 | Hi. |
是嗎,希望你早點康復。再見 | Oh,God,I hope you feel better. Okay. Bye. |
是莫莉,她病了 | That's Molly. She's sick. |
-今天你看孩子可以嗎 -不行, 我要連堂上課 | - Can you watch Emma today? - I can't. I have back-to-back classes. |
莫莉說她生什麼病?我的喉嚨也不舒服 | Did Molly say what she had? Because my throat's been hurting. |
痛經 | Menstrual cramps. |
我可能不是這毛病 | I don't think that's what this is. |
-你們幫忙看著艾瑪成嗎? -抱歉,親愛的 | - Can any of you watch Emma? - No,I'm sorry,sweetie. |
我要上班,還要求婚 | No,I've got work,and then I'm proposing. |
那怎麼辦 | Great. Shoot. What am I gonna do? |
我可以幫手 | Well,I could do it. |
-好 -可以跟你談一談嗎? | - Well,actually.. - Can I talk to you for a second? |
我不贊成讓她看孩子 | I do not want her babysitting our child. |
-為什麼? -首先,她老是把我們的孩子喊成“愛拉” | - Why not? - For one thing,she keeps calling her Ella. |
-這名字也不錯嘛 -好,下一胎叫"愛拉" | - Ella's a nice name. - Fine,we'll call the next one Ella. |
-下一胎? - 好 | - The next one? - Okay. |
我不贊成她幫我們看孩子 | I don't want her watching our baby. |
我只是想改造她 | Ross,I am trying to help her become a better person. |
這是個好機會 | This is a huge breakthrough for her. |
可以教她為別人做點事 | She just offered to do something for another human being. |
我不懂 | You know,I don't know. |
羅斯,我是說 | Ross,I'm telling you.. |
她寧願犧牲修眉的時間看孩子 | she's giving up getting her eyebrows shaped to do this,all right? |
這件事對我們意義重大! | Do you understand how important that is in our world? |
我不小心聽到你們的談話。 因為我故意要聽的 | Listen,I couldn't help but overhear,because I was trying to. |
就讓我帶孩子吧,我真心想幫你們 | Listen,let me do this. I really want to help you guys out. |
而且,瑞秋對我太好了 | And plus,Rachel's been so wonderful to me. |
-好! -太好了! | - Absolutely. - Oh,great! |
付多少工錢? | So how much does it pay? |
喬伊,二稿如何? | How's the second draft of the letter coming? |
完成了,事實上我已經寄出去了 | Great. I'm finished. In fact,I just dropped it off at the agency. |
-寄出去了? -是啊。 | - You dropped it off? - Yeah. |
我們能讀讀嗎?再列印一份給我們如何? | Can we read it? Can you print out another copy? |
恐怕不行,朋友(西班牙語) | No can do,amigo. |
我沒用電腦,是手寫的,顯得更親切 | No,I didn't use the computer. It felt more personal to handwrite it. |
-你手寫? -別擔心 | - You handwrote it? - Yeah,and don't worry. |
我根本沒有裝得很聰明 | I didn't try to sound smart at all. |
再見 | See you later. |
天哪,信快寄到了。 | Oh,my God. Oh,my God. That letter is gonna go in our file. |
我們沒指望了 | We're never gonna get a kid. |
我們會孤獨終老 | We're gonna be one of those old couples.. |
養花弄鳥 | that collects orchids or has a lot of birds. |
別急 | It's okay. You know what? |
我打電話給領養中心 請他們扔掉那封信 | I will just call the agency and tell them to throw out the letter. |
好。 | Okay,good. |
喂,我是錢德賓 | Hello,this is Chandler Bing. |
有人手寫了一封推薦信 | Someone just dropped off a handwritten recommendation letter and.. |
好 | Okay. |
謝謝,再見 | Thank you. Goodbye. |
我們完蛋了對嗎 | We're screwed,aren't we? |
先去買鳥,路上說給我聽 | You know what? Just tell me on the way to the bird store. |
-他們喜歡那封信 -什麼? | - They loved it. - What? |
他們說我們很聰明,叫個小孩寫推薦信 | They thought it was very smart of us to have a child write the letter. |
他們以為喬伊是小孩? | They thought Joey was a child? |
他們看了他的畫,以為他只有八九歲 | She guessed 8,9,based on his drawings. |
- 嗨! -嗨!你們今天幹嘛了? | - Hi. - Hey,what'd you guys do today? |
愛拉想上街,所以我們去購物 還買了壽司 | Ella wanted to go out,so we went shopping and got some sushi. |
-有趣 -也不是啦 | - That sounds like fun. - Yeah,not really. |
寶寶很無趣 | Babies are dull. |
-我女兒怎樣了? -我很好 | - Hey. Hi,how's my girl? - I'm fine. |
我給你買了禮物,感謝你收留我 | And I got you a present for letting me stay with you. |
-準備好了? - 嗯! | - Ready? - Yeah. |
你給她穿了耳洞? | You pierced her ears? |
她的鼻子看來小點了嗎? | Doesn't it make her nose look smaller? |
你給她穿了耳洞? | You pierced her ears? |
竟然不徵求我同意? | How could you do this without telling me? |
我若先告訴你,就不是驚喜了 | If I had told you,then it wouldn't have been a surprise,now would it? |
我想她看來很可愛 | I think she looks cute. |
但我錯了 | But I am wrong. |
天哪,羅斯會發飆的 | Oh,my God. Oh,my God. Here comes Ross. He's gonna flip out. |
中東女孩不能穿耳洞嗎? | Why,did something happen to his falafel cart? |
- 嗨,各位!. - 羅斯! | - Hey,guys. - Ross! |
嗨,艾瑪。 她的帽子幹嘛壓這麼低? | Hi,Emma. Why is she wearing her hat so low? |
-她都看不見了 -我不想讓她看 | - She can barely see. - I don't really want her to see. |
為什麼? | Why not? |
因為世界上有太多可怕的事情了 | Because there are so many terrible sights in this world. |
有戰爭,還有喬伊冰箱裡的那些東西 | Like war. Or that thing in Joey's refrigerator. Remember? |
一隻牛奶盒,但看來像塊肉 | It was in a milk carton,but it looked like meat? |
快來,快來 | Come here. Come here. |
看她多乖 | There she is. Hi. |
-怎麼啦? -沒什麼 | - What? - Nothing. |
嗨! | Hi. |
什麼? | What..? |
-那是夾上去的? -是戴上的 | - Please tell me those are clip-ons! - Oh,they're real. |
是她幹的? | Did she do this to her? |
我早說過不能把艾瑪交到她手上! | I told you we shouldn't have left Emma with her! |
我知道了!你說得對 | I know,I know. And you were right,Ross. |
你太不負責了! 絕不再讓你看孩子! | Okay? You are so irresponsible! I am never letting you babysit again! |
你們知道嗎? 她需要我! | You know what? This kid needs me,okay? |
-她需要一個又酷又有趣的阿姨! -我就是! | - She needs to have a cool,fun aunt. - I'm a cool,fun aunt. |
好吧 | Okay. |
莫妮卡本來就是又酷又有趣,而且家務有條有理! | Hey! Monica can be cool and fun at organized indoor projects. |
我只不過想幫你想清楚你將來想幹什麼! | All I wanted to do was help you try to figure out what to do with your life. |
結果呢,這就是你給我的答案? | This is how you repay me? |
誰稀罕你幫忙。我自己想好了 | I don't need you to help me. I already know what I'm gonna do with my life. |
-是嗎?幾時想好的? -今天 | - Oh,yeah? Since when? - Since today. |
我要當寶寶時尚專家! | I am going to be a baby stylist. |
-啊? -有這職業嗎? | - What? - That's not a thing! |
應該有! | Well,it should be. |
我要教寶寶如何穿戴 | I'm gonna help babies learn how to accessorize.. |
選衣裳的顏色,什麼衣服較瘦身 | what colors to wear,what clothes are slimming. |
-寶寶才不想苗條呢! -如何像艾美一樣美! | - Babies don't care if they're slim! - Enter Amy. |
- 艾美,我要… -你想怎樣? | - Amy,I.. I just.. I just wanna.. - What? What are you gonna do? |
讓你永遠沒有中東三明治吃! | No more falafel for you! |
比賽很精彩 | Great game,huh? |
-你怎麼老盯著大螢幕? -沒,我在禱告 | - Why do you keep looking at the screen? - I'm not. I'm praying. |
請讓尼克隊贏吧 | Please let the Knicks win. |
謝謝!托爾(北歐神話中的雷神) | Thank you,Thor. |
-你上哪兒? -衛生間 | - Where are you going? - I'm going to the bathroom. |
-等一會 -為什麼? | - Well,I think you should wait. - Why? |
如果不憋一會兒,你就無法攝取所有養分 | Well,if you don't hold it in,you don't get all the nutrients. |
尼克隊的球迷,請注意積分牌大螢幕 | Knicks fans,please turn your attention to the big screen on the scoreboard. |
(麥克,你願意娶我嗎)有人要問特別的問題 | Someone has a special question to ask. |
麥克哈尼根,娶我好嗎? | Mike Hannigan,will you marry me? |
看啊,她向他求婚! | Get a load of this. She's proposing to him! |
我們猜一下這個家庭誰沒種呢? | Guess we know who wears the pants in that family. |
不要誤導觀眾! | Well,that's not very enlightened. |
噓我們?噓你們! | Boo us? Boo you! |
奧丁(眾神之父)將要懲罰你們! | Odin will smite you! |
喂?我就是喬伊崔比亞尼 | Hello? Yeah,this is Joey Tribbiani. |
哦,嗨! | Oh,hi. |
真高興你喜歡我的信 | Well,I'm glad you liked my letter. |
我爹哋、媽咪不在家 | No,my mommy and daddy aren't home right now. |
再見 | Okay,bye-bye. |
她真慈祥 | She was nice. |
喬伊,把艾美的箱子拿出來,她要搬走了 | Joey,get Amy's bags. She is moving out. |
-你把妹妹踢出家門? -你給我的寶寶穿耳洞! | - You're kicking me out? - You put holes in my baby's ears. |
不然大家怎麼知道她是女孩? | At least now people will know she's a girl! |
不敢相信,我竟然想過要幫你! | I can't believe I ever even tried to help you. |
-你不可救藥! - 你知道嗎? | - You are so beyond help! - You know what? |
這次見面你在否定我的一切! | Ever since I got here,you have been nothing but negative. |
-你說什麼? -你不准我… | - Excuse me? - You didn't want me.. |
嫁有豪宅的老頭 | to marry the old guy with the great apartment. |
我想幫你把你女兒的鼻子變小點 | Then I tried to help your daughter de-emphasize her flaws.. |
結果吃力不討好? | and suddenly I'm the bad guy? |
-喬伊,行李怎麼還沒搬出來? -她的破玩意太多了 | - Joey,where are those bags? - She has a lot of crap! |
我剛搬來時,還憧憬姐妹團聚 | You know? When I moved in here,I thought,"This will be so great. |
像童年那樣 | Just us sisters back together again like when we were kids." |
而且沒有該死的吉爾搗亂 | Except without that stupid Jill. |
順便說一下,她變肥了 | Who has gotten fat,by the way. |
真的? | Seriously? |
媽說吉爾肥了15磅 | Mom said she gained,like,15 pounds. |
-屁股和大腿長肉了? -屁股和臉 | - Hips or thighs? - Ass and face. |
天啊,她不是節食嗎? | Oh,my God! I thought she was on Atkins. |
本來是,後來被男人甩了 | She was. Carbs found her. |
看,這才像姐妹 | See? This is what I wanted. |
真心交談 | Two sisters talking about real stuff. |
哦,我可以這樣 | Oh,I can give you that. |
- 你可以? - 是的。 | - You can? - Yeah. |
我老想改造你。實際上 | I kept trying to make you a better person,but you're.. |
你本來就接近完美了 | You're already a pretty perfect version of what you are. |
謝謝你 | Thank you. |
必須承認,艾瑪真可愛 | You gotta admit,Emma does look cute. |
-你剛說“艾瑪”? -對不起, 是愛拉 | - Did you just say,"Emma"? - Oh,I'm sorry. Ella. |
姐姐,你要給吉爾帶義大利面嗎? | Sis,you wanna go bring Jill some pasta? |
艾美.那樣做不好. | Come on,Amy. Now,that's just wrong. |
她真正怕的是大蒜奶油麵包片. | Her true weakness was garlic bread. |
賽場裡那傢伙真是亂講 | That woman didn't know what she was talking about,Mike. |
你當然有種 | Obviously,you have balls. |
-忘了算了 -你能忘了最好 | - Please,let's forget the whole thing. - I would love it. |
- 已經忘了 - 謝謝 | - Consider it forgotten. - Thank you. |
不管你何時、以何方式求婚 | But just so you know.. |
我保證答應 | However and whenever you decide to propose,I promise I'll say yes. |
不管是籃球賽 | Whether,you know,it's at a basketball game.. |
還是寫在空中 | or in skywriting.. |
或是像有部爛電影裡的蹩腳男 | or,you know,like some lame guy in a cheesy movie.. |
把戒指藏在蛋糕裡 | who hides it in the cake. |
現在就在蛋糕裡對吧? | It's in the cake,isn't it? |
沒種的男人還會有什麼好點子嗎 | Where else would lame Mr. No Balls hide it? |
我是怎麼了?怎麼老提這個! | What's the matter with me? Why do I keep ruining this? |
-對不起嘛 -是我錯 | - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - No,it's my fault. |
我老用愚蠢的方式求婚 | I keep trying to propose in these stupid ways.. |
我只是想告訴你 我愛你,我想和你過餘生 | and I just wanna tell you I love you,and I wanna spend my life with you.. |
-我現在求婚 -天啊 | - I'm gonna do this now. - Oh,my God. |
-菲比 -等等 | - Phoebe,I.. - Wait. Oh,wait. |
哦不 | Oh,no. |
好了。 | Okay. |
可以了? | Ready? Okay. |
菲比,我愛你。 | Phoebe,I love you. |
世界上再也沒有第二個女人會讓我求婚三次 | There's no one else in the world I would ask to marry me three times. |
我想照顧你 | But I want to take care of you.. |
和你生兒育女 | have babies with you.. |
一起變老 | and grow old with you. |
菲比布菲,你願意嫁我嗎 | Phoebe Buffay,will you marry me? |
我願意! | Yes. |
-我愛你 -我愛你更多 | - I love you. - I love you more. |
不可能 | Not possible. |
她是“沒種夫人”了 | She's gonna be Mrs. No Balls! |
“寶寶時尚專家”好當嗎? | So how's the baby-styling business going? |
行情不大好 | Not that great. |
好像大家都不愛聽見他們的寶寶醜之類的話 | It's almost as if people don't want to hear that their babies are ugly. |
真讓人吃驚 | That's shocking. |
那不是羅斯嗎?羅斯!!! | There's Ross. Hey,Ross. |
你好,羅斯! | Hello,Ross? |
真沒教養 | He's rude. |
- 嘿... - 嘿! | - Hey. - Hi. |
菲比,出了什麼事嗎? | Phoebe,what's wrong? |
戴著這個超大訂婚戒指快要把我累死了! | I'm just so exhausted from dragging around this huge engagement ring. |
-噢!天啊! -恭喜你啊!哇! | - Oh,my God. - Congratulations. |
他有沒有跪下來?他有準備求婚詞嗎? | So did he get on one knee? Did he have a speech prepared? |
噢!他有哭嗎? | Oh,did he cry? |
沒錯,我喜歡求婚,很奇怪嗎? | Yeah,big surprise,I like proposals. |
實在是很溫馨,是我人生中最浪漫的一刻。 | Well,it was really sweet,and,like,the most romantic thing ever. |
嘿,我們來敬菲比 為了她找到世界上最好的男人幹一杯。 | Here's to Phoebe,who's found the greatest guy in the world. |
敬菲比和... | To Phoebe and.. |
應該是麥克吧? | I want to say "Mike"? |
-敬菲比和麥克! -喔! | - To Phoebe and Mike. - Hey. |
謝謝大家! 噢對了,我有點東西要給你! | Thank you. Oh,and I have something for you. |
這是我的小記事本 裡面有我約會過的男生的電話 | It's my little black book. It's got the numbers of all the guys I've dated. |
噢,菲比。很謝謝你,但我想我用不上了。 | Oh,Phoebe,that's nice,but you know what? I think I'm okay. |
你還是把它送給你其他獨身的女性朋友吧 | Give it to one of your other single girlfriends. |
我也想,但你是最後一個獨身的了 | I would,but you're the last one. |
那給我吧! | Give me the book! |
巴布羅.迪亞斯, | "Pablo Diaz. |
布裡迪.史密斯 | Brady Smith. |
“開貨車的男生” | Guy in Van"? |
那是我的初戀! | Oh,my first love. |
巴伯.格裡莫的名字旁邊標著個X是什麼意思? | What is the red X next to Bob Gremore's name mean? |
死掉了。 | Dead. |
沒關係,他已經很老了。 | Oh,it's okay. No,he was old. Yeah. |
他也活夠了,他參與了奧馬哈海灘(二戰諾曼第戰役)首輪攻擊 | And he lived a full life. He was in the first wave at Omaha Beach. |
嘿,對不起 我結婚時也應該把我的電話本給你們男生的。 | I should've given you guys my black book when I got married. |
儘管那不算是電話本,只是一張皺皺的紙... | Although,it wasn't so much a book as a napkin. |
...上面寫著珍妮絲的電話。 | With Janice's phone number on it. |
菲比,Jethro Tull不是一個樂隊嗎? | Phoebe,isn't Jethro Tull a band? |
沒錯。 | Oh,yes,they are. |
羅斯的科研經費 | The.One.With.Ross's.Grant |
嘿,親愛的 | Hey,honey. |
嘿,甜心 | Hey,sweetie. |
-莫妮卡不在嗎? -不在。 | - Is Monica not here? - No. |
那我先告訴你吧,我的經紀爭取到一個大廣告客戶 | Then I'll tell you. My agency was bidding for a big account,and they got it. |
-這是我第一個跨國廣告 -酷! | - It's my first national commercial. - Cool. |
不是我吹牛,但很多內容都是我構思出來的! | And I don't want to brag,but a lot of the ideas were mine. |
拜託,你有沒有在聽啊?全部構思都是我的! | Hell,you weren't there. All the ideas were mine. |
太好了!嘿,可以介紹我去拍廣告嗎? | That's great. Hey,can you cast me in it? |
...不知道啊,我想你不適合裡面的角色。 | I really don't think you're right for the part. |
怎麼會?我可以演任何角色。我是一條變色龍呢! | What do you mean? I can do anything. I'm a chameleon. |
我很老! | I'm old. |
我很累! | I'm tired. |
嘿!我很熱!我很冷! 呵?拜託,有什麼我不能演? | Oh,I am hot. I'm cold. Come on,what can't I do? |
我得說,精彩... | First of all,bravo. |
但我覺得你真的不適合 這個角色是一個死板的大學教授。 | But I don't think you're right for this. The part's a stuffy college professor. |
也可以啊! 你好,我是你們的教授。 | I can do that. Hello,I'm your professor. |
當我有空或者沒有...演講的時候 | When I'm not busy thinking of important things,or professing.. |
我會用...噢!是什麼產品? | I like to use.. What's the product? |
電子商務網路解決方案。 | Software that facilitates inter-business networking e-solutions. |
我很冷! | I'm cold. |
- 嘿! - 嘿! | - Hey. - Hey. |
猜猜誰有可能得到一筆龐大的科研補助金! | Guess who's a finalist for a huge research grant? |
給你個提示,他正在看著你。 | I'll give you a hint. He's looking right at you. |
除非你說的是那個穿裙子的怪人 | Well,unless it's the creepy guy with his hand up his kilt.. |
恭喜你! | I'm gonna say,"Congratulations." |
我實在是太興奮了,我擊敗了其他的幾百個競爭者 | I'm so excited. Apparently,I beat out hundreds of other applicants.. |
包括我們研究所的五個同事。 | including five guys I went to graduate school with. |
不是我吹噓,但...五個人! | Not that I'm keeping score,or anything. Five. |
-哇!太厲害了。 - 是啊! | - Wow,that's great. - Yeah. |
-那個是什麼補助金? -那是25,000元的補助 | - So tell me about the grant. - Well,okay,it's for $25,000. |
如果我得到了 那我就可以完成我那領域的研究了。 | And if I get it,I'll be able to complete my field research. |
然後我就可以在“古生物學刊”裡發表我的論文了 | And there will be an article about me in the Paleontology Review. |
那是我頭一次在那本書上發表論文 | It'll be the first time my name is in there.. |
而其他人不會再質疑我的工作了 | without people raising serious questions about my work. |
-等等,你是說杜瓦基金? -沒錯,怎麼了? | - Are you talking about the Dewer Grant? - Yeah. Why? |
班傑明赫伯管理著那個基金 | Benjamin Hobart is administering that grant. |
-你的前任男朋友? -對。 | - Your ex-boyfriend? - Yeah. |
那麼說 你的前男友決定了你現任男友是否能得到那筆錢? | So your ex-boyfriend is gonna determine if your new boyfriend gets this grant? |
哇,你的現任男友真草包。 | Wow,your new boyfriend is screwed. |
沒有,我們很愉快的分手的。 | No. No,we ended on great terms. |
我意思是,如果對你有幫助的話 | If anything,I think this could help you. You know what? |
我們可以把他約出來吃個飯啊 我可以把你介紹給他。 | Why don't we all go out to dinner,and I can introduce you. |
-是嗎?你覺得有幫助嗎? -當然啦,我給他打電話啦。 | - If you think it'd help. - Yeah,absolutely. I'll call him. |
那,我可以做什麼去...迎合他啊? | Now,is there anything I could do to butter him up? |
他喜歡點什麼? | Anything he really likes? |
唔...他有一整套性變態玩具。 | He does have a pretty serious latex fetish. |
我知道該怎麼做了。 | We'll see how dinner goes. |
- 嘿! - 嘿,想去看電影嗎? | - Hey. - Hey,you want to go see a movie? |
我已經告訴過你我今天一整天要打掃 好讓麥克搬進來住。 | I told you I had to spend all day clearing out stuff so Mike could move in. |
- 噢!對哦. - 沒錯. | - Oh,right. - Yeah. |
既然我都來了,我就幫你清潔和收拾一下吧! | Now that I'm here,I might as well help with the cleaning and organizing. |
剛好我有打標籤機 | I just happen to have my label maker. |
噢,要丟棄自己的物品太難了! | Oh,it's so hard to get rid of stuff. |
你和錢德要同居的時候 有為丟棄東西煩惱過嗎? | Did you and Chandler make compromises when you moved in together? |
錢德有煩惱過! | Chandler did. |
-他想你丟棄什麼? -很多東西啊 | - What does he want you to give up? - A bunch of stuff. |
我最捨不得的是...他要我丟掉格拉達斯。 | And the worst one,he wants me to get rid of Gladys. |
誰是格拉達斯? | Who's Gladys? |
噢!多麼可怕的浪費啊! | What a tragic loss. |
就是說。我真的不想放棄她啊。 噢!我想到了,你可以帶她走啊! | Yeah,I really hate to give her up. Oh,I know. Oh,you should take her. |
這個,我..我也不知道好不好... | I don't know. |
-為什麼?你不喜歡她嗎? -我當然喜歡她啊。有什麼不喜歡的! | - What,you don't like her? - Of course I do. What's not to like? |
我可以馬上就把她拿走! | I'd take her in a minute. |
但我覺得你現在說放棄太早了。 | But I think that you're giving up too easy. |
我想你應該為她作鬥爭! | Honey,I think that you need to fight for her. |
-你覺得是這樣嗎? -當然啦! | - Really,you think? - Absolutely. |
你對他說:對不起,麥克。 我不能失去她 | You say to him,"I'm sorry,Mike,I can't live without her. |
她對我來說很重要 | She means too much to me." |
好的,我是該為她爭取一下。 | Okay,I'll fight for her. Okay. |
等等,我忽然想到... 如果我這樣做,你就無法得到她了。 | Oh,wait. I just realized,if I do that,that means you don't get her. |
對哦,怎麼我沒想到呢! | Damn it,I did not think this through. |
艾瑪,媽媽給你帶了小點心 | Emma,mom's got a snack for you. |
你知道 她有時喜歡些烤肉味的番茄薯片 | You know,every now and then,she might like some barbecue potato chips. |
-嘿,你們。 -嘿 | - Hey,guys. - Hey. |
-嘿 -嘿,寶貝 | - Hi. - Hey,baby. |
推薦有回復了嗎? | Oh,any word on casting yet? |
-喬伊,我已經說過了,你不適合那個角色。 -什麼意思啊? | - I told you,you're not right for the part. - What do you mean? |
瑞秋,你會不會花錢 買像我這樣的教授介紹的電子貨啊? | Rach,don't I seem like a professor you'd buy some kind of e-crap from? |
不好意思,我對這種東西沒什麼興趣。 | I'm sorry,this sounds like something I'm never gonna be interested in. |
拜託啦!好像我很為難你似的。 | Look,come on,please? It's not like I'm asking you for some crazy favor. |
這是我的工作啊,我是個職業的演員呢! | This is what I do for a living. I am a professional actor. |
噢!原來我遲到兩個小時了! | Man,I'm two hours late for work. |
這裡有我的一盤帶子,裡面有我拍過的所有廣告。 | Here's my reel. It's got all the commercials that I've been in. |
-喬... -你就看一下吧 | - Joe.. - Just watch it. |
如果你不喜歡就別給你上司就是了。 | If you don't like it,don't pass it on to your bosses. |
-好吧! -謝謝。 | - Fine. - Thank you. |
-工作啦,喬! -可惡! | - Work,Joe. - Damn it. |
-我該怎麼辦啦? -就給你上司看看咯! | - What am I gonna do now? - Just pass the tape along. |
他的確不適合演這個。 | He's not right for the part. |
如果我推薦他 我的老闆會發現我是個傻瓜! | If I suggest him,my bosses will think I'm an idiot. |
我希望我的老闆能遲些才發現這一點 | And that's something they should learn on their own. |
那就告訴喬伊你看過帶子 | Just tell Joey that you watched the tape.. |
你很喜歡 但你的老闆們不喜歡。 | and you liked it,but your bosses didn't. |
那樣,你就成了好人,壞人就是你的老闆啦。 | Then you're the good guy,and they're the bad guy. |
好主意!我喜歡,老闆不喜歡。 | That's good. I liked it,they didn't. |
喬伊,看在上帝份上,去工作啦! | Joey,for God's sake,go to work. |
無法相信我能見到班傑明赫伯。 | I can't believe I'm about to meet Benjamin Hobart. |
我一直以為 | I've always thought of him as someone I'd invite.. |
只有在夢中才能和他共聚晚餐呢 | to my fantasy dinner party. |
他會不會帶上克利斯蒂·布林克利(超級名模)\n或者C-3PO(星球大戰中的機器人)來呢? | Do you think there's any chance he'll bring Christie Brinkley or C-3PO? |
對不起,看來他只孤身一人。 | Sorry,it looks like it's just him. |
查莉!(格雷戈·金尼爾 演員/節目主持人) | Charlie.(Gregory Kinnear) |
天啊,你簡直美得讓我頭暈了。 | My God,you look absolutely stunning. |
是嗎?今天我特地去理髮。 | Well,I am having a good hair day. |
- 見到你真好。 - 我也是。 | - It's so good to see you. - Oh,you too. |
我沒事。 | I'm okay. |
對不起...羅斯.蓋勒 班傑明赫伯 | I'm sorry. Ross Geller,Benjamin Hobart. |
很榮幸見到你。 我仰慕你都不知道多久了 | It's an honor to meet you. I can't tell you how long.. |
我是說,你得的諾貝爾獎,喔! | I've been an admirer of your work. I mean,that Nobel Prize. |
我得說 你是我從事科學工作的其中一個原因。 | I mean,I have to tell you that you're one of the reasons I got into the field. |
噢,是嗎,我也是。 | Well,likewise. |
其實,不一樣,我今早才第一次聽到你的名字。 | Not likewise. I'd never heard of you until this morning. |
但,很高興能見到你。 | But it's nice to be nice. |
- 我們...? - 謝謝! | - Shall we? - Yeah. Thank you. |
不能相信你選了這個餐館! | I can't believe that you chose this restaurant. |
-你還記得那天晚上嗎? -噢天啊,我都已經想不起了! | - Do you remember the night? - Oh,my God. I completely forgot. |
天啊,我們居然又在這裡碰頭了! | Oh,my God,I can't believe they let us back in this place. |
你當時不在場! | You weren't there. |
是不在,但想想都好笑 | No,but,you know,it's just a funny image. |
想想你們兩個 在這個餐館,還... | You know,the two of you in this restaurant with the.. |
羅斯 我去洗手間的時候你能告訴班傑你的方案嗎? | Ross,why don't you tell Benji about your proposal while I go to the ladies' room. |
來吧,告訴我吧。 | So tell me about it. |
我們會在沙漠裡進行挖掘. | Okay. Well,I would like to do a dig in the Painted Desert. |
因為裡面還有些地區還沒完全開挖的。 | There are still several areas that haven't been fully excavated. |
-和查莉分手吧! -什麼? | - Break up with Charlie. - What? |
什麼? | What? |
你剛才說 “和查莉分手”嗎? | Did you just say,"Break up with Charlie"? |
可以說是,也可以說不是 是,我是這樣說了;不是,是我沒有否認。 | Well,yes and no. Yes,I did say it. And no,I didn't not say it. |
-你不應該這樣說的,是嗎? -對不起。 | - Kind of inappropriate,don't you think? - Listen,I'm sorry. |
因為我太久沒有見她了! 以前的感覺又湧上心頭! | I just haven't seen her for so long,all these feelings are rushing back. |
我又覺得喜歡上她了 | I'm starting to realize how much I've missed her. |
所以我想你和他分手 | And I'm gonna need you to break up with her. |
-你是說真的嗎? -如果你說是,那我就是認真的 | - Are you serious? - If you say,yes,then I'm serious. |
如果你說不是,那我就是開玩笑! | If you say,no,then I'm joking. |
-不是! -我開玩笑的! | - No. - Joking it is. |
-嗨!對不起,我遲到了。 -嘿,和麥克談得怎樣? | - Hi,sorry I'm late. - Hey,how'd it go with Mike? |
-他肯讓你保留那幅畫嗎? -不行,他實在很討厭它 | - Is he gonna let you keep the painting? - No,he really hates it. |
但他肯讓我留下我那盒頭髮! | But he's gonna let me keep my box of human hair. |
所以我只能妥協了。 但好消息是,格拉達斯已經屬於你了! | So you gotta pick your battles. But the good news is,Gladys is yours. |
哇,那壞消息呢!? | Wow,what's the bad news? |
-誰是格拉達斯? -噢!她是我的手工作品,你見過啦 | - Who's Gladys? - Oh,she's that work of art I made. |
就是有個女人從畫裡面走出來的那幅畫啊 | You know,with the woman coming out of the frame. |
噢,莫妮卡把她收下了嗎? | And Monica gets to keep her? |
放在這個房間裡?我要嫉妒了! | In her house? I am so jealous. |
噢!我不知道你也想要她啊! | I didn't know you wanted her too. |
我..當然想要啊。 | Well,I mean,sure,of course. |
但..你已經給了莫妮卡了,所以... | But you already gave that to Monica,so.. |
-為了你,我可以放棄她。 -不行,我不可以讓你這樣做的。 | - You know,I would give her up for you. - No,I couldn't let you do that. |
-但我想這樣做。 -但我不想你這樣做。 | - No,but I want to. - But I don't want you to. |
-但我堅持! -但我更堅持! | - But I insist. - But I insist harder. |
女生們!停一停好嗎?我們投硬幣決定吧。 | Girls. Girls. Stop. Okay,we'll flip a coin. |
正面,她是瑞秋的 反面,她就是莫妮卡的。 | Heads,she's Rachel's. Tails,she's Monica's. |
-反面!莫妮卡,她是你的了! -不行,它掉到你的食物裡了 | - Tails. Monica,she's yours. - No,that landed in your food. |
不,沒關係,該贏的就該贏。我太難過了。 | No,no,that's okay. You won fair and square. I'm so sad. |
然後紅色的小松鼠把他所有的橡樹果 | Then the little red squirrel took all of his acorns.. |
放進他的小背包裡,離開了 | and put them in his little satchel and set off for.. |
好啦!有人開始煩啦 我看該睡覺了 | Okay. Someone's getting a little fussy. I think it's time for bed. |
小松鼠去哪了? | Where's the little red squirrel going? |
嘿 喬! | Hey,Joe? |
哦,太好了 | Oh,that's so sweet. |
-什麼事? -壞消息 | - What's up? - Bad news. |
我看過了帶子並把它交給我的老闆們 但他們不感興趣。 | I watched the tape and passed it along to my bosses and they weren't interested. |
對不起,老兄。 | I'm sorry,man. |
-但...你看過這帶子嗎? -是啊,我...我很喜歡啊! | - But you watched the tape? - Yeah,I liked it. |
但...我的老闆不喜歡。真他媽的可惡! | But my bosses didn't go for it. Stupid sons of bitches. |
-你沒有看過這帶子。 -什麼!?我當然看啦! | - You didn't watch the tape. - What? Of course I did. |
你不推薦我是一回事,但你對我說謊? | Look,it's one thing not to cast me,but to lie to me? |
-我沒有說謊啊,我看了啦! -你看,又說謊! | - I'm not lying to you. I watched it. - You lied again. |
-我看了! -繼續說謊吧,匹諾曹! | - I watched it. - Keep going,Pinocchio. |
-我看了! -沒有! 你沒看! | - I did. - No,you didn't. |
我告訴你,我看了這帶子。 | I'm telling you,I watched the tape. |
-你看過這帶子嗎? -沒有 | - Did you watch the tape? - No. |
嗨,聽著,我知道我們中 只有一個人能得到認可 | Hi. Look,I realize only one of us can get this grant. |
而我也想祝福你們所有人好運 | And I just wanted to wish both of you the best of luck. |
你繞手指了(表示“不是真心的”)? | Are you crossing your fingers? |
什麼?這個?不,這個... 只是童年受傷的結果 | What,this? No. This.. That's just the result of a childhood injury. |
痊癒了! | I'm cured! |
大家早上好 | Good morning,everybody. |
如果你們坐到座位上 我們就可以開始了 | If you go ahead and take your seats we can get started. |
實際上,赫伯博士 我能和你說句話嗎? | Actually,Dr. Hobart,can I have a word with you? |
你是...? | And you are? |
- 羅斯 - 我知道,開玩笑的 | - Ross. - I know. I'm kidding. |
我只想說,昨晚... | Listen,I just want to say,last night.. |
晚餐不太好 | Dinner was a little awkward. |
-我只想知道我們之間沒什麼問題 -沒問題!絕對沒有! | - I just wanna make sure we're okay. - Oh,yeah. Absolutely. |
- 你沒有告訴查莉我說過什麼吧? - 喔,沒有,當然沒有 | - You didn't tell Charlie what I said,did you? - Oh,no. Of course not. |
謝謝你,我想讓你知道我尊重你 沒有放棄她的決定 | Well,thank you. I want you to know,I respect your decision not to give her up. |
放棄她,是我一生中最大的錯誤 | It was the biggest mistake I ever made in my whole life. |
呃,除了這件事 還有我很蠢的把她的名字刺在肩膀上... | Well,that and tattooing her name on my shoulder.. |
就在昨天晚上.. | last night stupidly. |
真的? | Seriously? |
我的諾貝爾獎可不是為了忘記 | My Nobel Prize was not for moving on. |
- 還難過嗎? - 一點也沒有,祝今天好運! | - So no hard feelings? - None at all. Good luck today. |
- 謝謝 - 不客氣 | - Thank you. - Okay. |
評選委員會選出你們三人於今天作最後評核。 | All right. The selection committee has chosen the three of you as our finalists. |
最終決定會基於你們如何回答我的問題。 | The ultimate decision will be based on the answers you give to the questions I ask. |
先從李博士開始吧。 | We're gonna go ahead and start with Dr. Li. |
李博士 你提出學界太依賴林奈分類系統。 | You claim the field is too reliant on the Linnaean taxonomic system. |
那你打算怎麼解決這個問題? | How do you propose to correct this problem? |
我相信解決辦法在化石證據上 | Well,I believe that the answers lie in the osteological evidence. |
-我打算從那裡入手 -很有趣 | - I plan to begin there. - Interesting. |
是嗎? | I guess. |
白莉博士,你的方案有一些挖掘工作 你會從哪裡入手呢? | Dr. Biely,your proposal includes some fieldwork. Where might that take place? |
首先是南達科他州的皮爾板岩地區。 | Primarily in the Pierre Shale region of South Dakota. |
當然,很好。那蓋勒博士 你知道我的生日是什麼時候嗎? | Certainly. Very well. And Dr. Geller,when is my birthday? |
什麼?我...我... | What? I.. |
不能猜一下嗎? | Care to venture a guess? |
-5月12號? -還差很遠呢! | - May 12? - That's not even kind of close. |
李博士,你需要多少個學生呢? | Dr. Li,how many graduate students will you need? |
- 6個 -明白了,那白莉博士呢? | - Half a dozen. - I see. And Dr. Biely? |
三個負責開掘,兩個負責分析。 | Three for excavation,and two for analysis. |
當然。蓋勒博士,1965年雪倫斯樂隊哪首歌 | Certainly. Dr. Geller,which 1965 Shirelles hit.. |
被英國入侵樂隊蓋過風頭? | was later covered by a popular British Invasion band? |
什麼...?我需要6個學生。 | What? I need six graduate students. |
不是!對不起 答案是 “寶貝,就是你” | No,I'm sorry. We were looking for "Baby It's You." |
寶貝,就是你。 | "Baby It's You." |
什麼...?等等,等一下。 | What? Wait just a minute. |
我的問題沒有一條是關於古生物學的。 | None of my questions have anything to do with paleontology. |
沒錯,我該道歉。 那最後一條問題 | You're right,I apologize. Scratch the last question. |
拼寫單詞Mboscodictiasaur。 | Spell "Boscodictiasaur." |
恩....我沒有聽過Mboscodictiasaur啊。 | I've never heard of a "Boscodictiasaur." |
是,我亂編的單詞。快拼。 | Yeah,I just made it up. Spell it. |
-好的。B - O - S ... -不,開頭有個不發音的“M”。 | - Okay. B-O.. - No,it starts with a silent M. |
噢,拜託! | Oh,come on! |
我不明白喬伊,我討厭被人稱為騙子。 | I can't believe Joey. I hate being called a liar. |
但你是個騙子。 | But you are a liar. |
我剛剛怎麼說的? | What did I just say? |
-你還在啊? -是的, | - Are you still here? - Yes. |
我不僅是受傷害還被侮辱了 當我說我已經做了某事... | And I'm not just hurt,I'm insulted. When I tell somebody I did something.. |
好了好了... 我打斷你一下好嗎? 首先,你說謊,對嗎? | Okay,hold on,let me just stop you right there,okay? First,you lied. Right? |
然後,你又說謊去圓謊,好嗎? | Then you lied about lying,okay? |
然後,你又再說謊去圓你剛才圓的謊 是不是? | Then you lied about lying about lying,okay? |
所以在你說謊去圓你剛才 為圓謊...而說的謊...的那個謊言... | So before you lie about lying about lying about lying about lying.. |
不要說謊啦! | Stop lying. |
為什麼你這麼肯定我沒有看過那帶子? | Why are you so sure I didn't watch this tape? |
你想知道...? 你想知道為什麼? | You wanna know why? You wanna know why? |
事情發展得不錯呢。 | Well,this is going well. |
這就是我知道你沒看的原因了。 | Here's how I know you didn't watch. |
如果你看了這帶子,你絕對不會沒有話說的。 | If you had seen what was on this tape,believe me,you'd have some comments. |
聽好,我收了很多錢才去拍這個廣告 | All right,remember,I got paid a lot of money for this.. |
而且只在日本地區放映。 | and it only aired in Japan. |
一級棒 | Ichiban. |
一級棒,男用唇膏! | Ichiban,lipstick for men. |
一級棒,男用唇膏! | Ichiban,lipstick for men. |
這就是我知道你沒看的原因! | And that's how I know you didn't watch the tape. |
他真的是一條變色龍呢。 | He really is a chameleon. |
格拉達斯,給你的新家打個招呼吧! | Well,Gladys,say hello to your new home. |
-我的...! -哇! | - Oh,my. - Wow. |
噢!她真漂亮,又顯眼! | Oh,she is so nice and big. |
噢!莫妮卡,你會把她放到什麼地方 讓格拉達斯顯的得體呢? | Oh,Monica,where are you going to display Gladys,oh,so proudly? |
-我還沒決定放在哪裡! -那,不如放在電視機上面吧! | - I haven't really settled on a spot yet. - How about right above the TV? |
這樣的話,人們一進門就馬上看得到了! | That way,it will be the first thing that you see when you walk in the door. |
好啊,好啊!那你就可以丟掉那法國的海報了。 | Yeah,yeah,and you can get rid of that French poster. |
-我喜歡那海報啊! -是嗎? | - I like that poster. - Really? |
它沒有東西可以“冒”出來啊。 | It doesn't have anything coming out of it. |
又或者你的臥室裡有空位嗎? | Or maybe there's someplace for her in your bedroom? |
-噢!你床頭還空著呢! -你還在這裡住嗎? | - There's nothing above your bed. - Are you still here? |
愚蠢的諾貝爾獎獲得者! | Stupid Nobel Prize winner. |
對不起 | I'm sorry |
噢!嗨!你好! | Oh,hi. Hello. |
呃,你是來問我古生物學的問題的嗎? | Have you come to ask me some more paleontology-related questions? |
呃...可能你要問我你祖母的小名吧? 還是你馬格莉特阿姨內褲的尺寸? | Your grandmother's nickname,perhaps? Ann-Margret's pant size? |
我是來道歉的。 我想我對查莉的感情… | I've come here to apologize. I think I may have let my feelings.. |
影響到面試的程式了 | for Charlie interfere with the interview process. |
沒有!哪裡有! | No. Stop. |
不管怎麼說,我決定批准你的補助金。 | Anyway,I decided to offer you the grant. |
-真的嗎? -是的...只是還有一個...小條件... | - Really? - There is just one small stipulation. |
-我要和查莉分手? -嘿!你終於答對一次了! | - I have to break up with Charlie? - Hey,you got one right. |
-你發神經。 -神經,還是...浪漫? | - You're crazy. - Crazy or romantic? |
神經! | Crazy. |
-還是... -出去! | - Or? - Get out! |
噢!天啊! | Oh,my God. |
-什麼? -喬伊,這..這...東西在這裡幹嘛? | - What? - Joey,what is this thing doing here? |
我在莫妮卡那裡拿過來的 她出了個很合理的價格。 | I got her from Monica. She sold it to me for a very reasonable price. |
-喬伊,我們不能留著這個! -但它是原版的布菲作品啊... | - Joey,we're not keeping this. - But it's an original Buffay. |
好的,沒關係,你就留著吧。 | All right,fine. You can keep it. |
只要你不介意她四處遊蕩。 | As long as you don't mind that she's haunted. |
嘿?什麼?什麼?嘿!噢!什麼!? | Hey,what? What? |
有這樣一個傳說...她在半夜裡會活過來。 | Well,legend has it,Joey,that she comes alive when you're asleep. |
她爬出這畫框 | She climbs out of the frame.. |
然後她拖著她這半個身體,爬在地板上 | and then drags her half-a-body across the floor.. |
想辦法去偷一雙腿 | just looking for legs to steal. |
然後她用她唯一的一隻手 | And then with her one good hand.. |
慢慢、慢慢地 | she slowly reaches up.. |
扭開門把手 | and turns your doorknob. |
拿走這沒腳的妖怪!! | Get that legless witch out of here! |
-嘿!我把它賣給喬伊了! -所以我騙他這是鬼怪了 | - Hey,I sold that to Joey. - Yeah,well,I told him it's haunted. |
-我們都會玩這種把戲 -不行,太遲了,你不能退貨! | - Two can play at this game. - Too late. You can't give it back. |
-我當然可以! -不,你不可以,她是你的 ! | - Oh,yes,I can. - No,you can't,she's yours. |
-她是你的! -是你的! | - She's yours. - She's yours. |
-她是你的! -嘿! | - She's yours. - Hey. |
-她是我的! -是我的! | - She's mine. - She's mine. |
-她是我的! -她是我的! | - She's mine. - She's mine. |
你們啊!不用為她爭吵了。 | You guys,you don't have to fight over her anymore. |
誰得不到格拉達斯,就把格林妮斯拿回去吧。 | Whoever doesn't get Gladys,gets Glynnis. |
-我要格拉達斯。 -她是我的! | - I want Gladys. - She's mine. |
-她是我的! -她是我的! | - She's mine. - She's mine. |
你好,喬伊先生(日語) | Konichiwa,Joey sang |
不要不要.你不要這樣了 | No,no. You don't get to do that. |
很抱歉我沒有把你的帶子給他們。 | I know. Look,I'm sorry I didn't give them your tape. |
我保證,下次無論合不合適我都會把你推薦上去的。 | And I promise next time to submit you,whether I think you're right or not. |
重點不是這個啊錢德。 重點是,你說了謊 | That's not the point,Chandler. The point is that you lied. |
我知道,你說的對 我要做什麼你才能原諒我? | I know. You're right. What's it gonna take for you to forgive me? |
噢 天啊! | Oh,my God. |
太完美了! | Excellent. |
現在你該說什麼? | Now what do you say? |
說謊是不對的! | Lying is wrong. |
還有呢?...還有呢? | And? And? |
我是個漂亮小女生 | I'm a pretty little girl. |
我早就知道啦! | I knew it. |
你的前男友是個瘋子。 | Your ex-boyfriend is insane. |
-他是個有個性的人 -不是,才不是呢 | - He is a character. - No,no,no. |
查理斯·納爾遜·賴利(演員)才是 | Charles Nelson Reilly is a character. |
- 誰? - 查理斯·納爾遜·賴利 | - Who? - Charles Nelson Reilly. |
《幽靈與未亡人》和《比賽》的主演? | The Ghost and Mrs. Muir? Match Game? |
你小時侯都沒得過病嗎? | Were you never sick as a child? |
- 隨便啦! 你得到那筆補助了嗎? - 沒有,你想知道為什麼嗎? | - Whatever. Did you get the grant? - No. And you wanna know why? |
因為你的前男友還是愛著你。 | Because your ex-boyfriend is still in love with you. |
-什麼? -沒錯 | - What? - Yeah. |
他沒有給我那筆補助,就因為我沒有放棄你。 | He refused me because I wouldn't give you up. |
班傑不會還愛著我的。 因為當時是他拋棄我 | Benji isn't in love with me. I mean,he broke up with me. |
-而且,他是個有道德的人。 -是嗎??? | - And besides,he's a very ethical man. - Really? |
在補助調查中問這種問題: | Is it ethical to ask someone in a grant review: |
“誰是《超狗》的配音員?” 很認真嗎? | "Who was the voice of Underdog?" |
我肯定他是在開玩笑,羅斯。 | I'm sure he was just joking. |
如果你不相信我,我們去找他對質吧。 | If you don't believe me,let's go talk to him. |
可以告訴你 他沒有問過我一個關於考古學的問題 | I'm telling you,he didn't ask me one paleontological question. |
-真的嗎? -哦,不是,他問了我一個。 | - Seriously? - Oh,I'm sorry. No,he did ask me one: |
呃...怎麼拼Mboscodictiosaur | "How do you spell Boscodictiasaur?" |
和剛果的Mbosco湖拼法一樣,那是M-B-O... | Well,if it's like the Lake Mbosco in Congo,then M-B-O.. |
可惡! | Damn it. |
蓋勒博士...?查莉 你...你到這來幹什麼? | Dr. Geller. Charlie,what are you doing here? |
我要你告訴他一切。 | I want you to tell her everything. |
告訴他你想和我做的交易,那些神經病的問題 | About the deal you tried to make with me,about the crazy questions you.. |
沃利·考克斯!他就是《超狗》的配音! | Wally Cox. That's the voice of Underdog. |
就如之前的面談我告訴你的一樣 | Like I tried to tell you in the interview.. |
這個補助基金不是為了這些無聊的知識而設的 | this grant is not based on your knowledge of pretty useless trivia. |
不!不!不!別這樣! 我要你看著她的眼睛,告訴她真相。 | No,don't do that. I want you to look her in the eyes and tell her the truth. |
班傑? | Benji? |
是的,的確是這樣。我之前簡直是亂來。 但這都是因為我還愛著你。 | All right. It's true. I behaved horribly,but it's only because I still love you. |
只要你回到我身邊,我可以做任何事。 | And I would do anything to have you back in my life. |
太少了,太遲了,班傑! | Too little,too late,Benji. |
-我不敢相信。 -我真不應該離開你 | - I can't believe this. - I never should've broken up with you. |
我無時無刻不想起你。 難道你一點都沒有想起我? | I think about you all the time. Do you ever still think about me? |
沒有! | No. |
-有! -什麼? | - Yes. - What? |
我不知道該說什麼好了,班傑。 這一切實在太... | I don't know what to say,Benji. This is all so.. |
浪漫了 | romantic. |
或者... | Or? |
我知道,或者我做得太過火了 | I know I may be way out of bounds here.. |
但我們還有機會在一起嗎? | but is there any chance you would take me back? |
或者可以... | Maybe. |
甜心,你們的對話讓我覺得有點不舒服了。 | Sweetie,this conversation is starting to make me a little uncomfortable. |
噢 天啊!我很抱歉,但... | Oh,God. I am so sorry,but.. |
我是說...我們之前有太多的過去了... | I mean,there's so much history between us,you know? |
我也覺得抱歉... | I'm sorry too. |
-我愛你! -噢! 我也愛你! | - I love you. - I love you too. |
好了,夠了。我們算是完了! | Okay,that's it,we are seeing other people. |
格拉達斯? | Gladys? |
哈哈哈,這個星期的第三次了。 老兄,你怎麼還沒長大啊? | For the third time this week. Man,this does not get old. |
-你真可惡! -不要這麼孩子氣啦! | - You're mean! - Oh,don't be such a baby. Please. |
嗨,大家!在幹什麼? | Hey,you guys.\nHey,what are you doing? |
-籌備婚禮\n-有趣得很,我們也正合計這事呢 | - Figuring out our wedding plans.\n- Funny. We were doing the same thing. |
瘋了,場地,服裝,食品 | It's really crazy.\nThe hall,the dress,the food. |
-沒想到結個婚這麼貴\n-是很貴 | - I had no idea how expensive this was.\n- Yeah,it is really pricey. |
-第一次算出結婚費用,我被那個數字嚇呆了\n-結果你們怎麼做的? | - I freaked when I heard the numbers.\n- So,what did you two do about it? |
簡單,我各個項目都想出了一些省錢的方案 | It was simple. I came up with\nsome cost-cutting solutions.. |
結果莫妮卡叫我去死 | wrote out a list,\nand Monica told me to go to hell. |
沒錢好省的,接受事實,這的確很費錢 | There's no way around it. Just accept\nthat this is gonna cost a lot of money. |
聽說每年花在結婚上的錢高達400億 | I heard that weddings are,like,\na $40 billion-a-year industry. |
這其中我貢獻過半 | Yeah. And I'm responsible\nfor just,like,half of that. |
我不知道,一天花這麼多錢太過了 | I don't know. It's a lot of money\nto spend on one day. |
嘿,我以前結過婚\n我都沒有盛大的婚禮 | Hey,I've been married before,\nI don't need a big wedding. |
我所想知道的是你沒有迷上我弟弟並和他上床 | All I ask is that you don't do ecstasy\nand make out with my brother. |
我覺得這錢應該用在更有意義的事上 | But really,it does seem like\nthis money could be put to better use. |
嘿,你可以買一噸安利的產品 | Hey,you could buy a ton\nof Amway products. |
-或者全部捐給慈善機構\n-喔,這個想法不錯 | - Or give it all to charity.\n- Oh,that's great. |
那些安利的東西該怎麼樣卸貨呢? | How am I gonna unload\nall those Amway products? |
當真? | Are you serious? |
把婚禮經費捐獻給慈善事業 | Yeah. How would you feel if we gave\nall the wedding money to charity.. |
我們就到市政廳登個記。如何? | and we just got married at City Hall? |
這讓我越發想娶你了! | I think it would make me\nwanna marry you even more. |
我必須要說,真是個高姿態 | I gotta say,you guys,\nthat's an incredible gesture. |
下次你結婚也這麼幹如何? | Maybe you do that\nnext time you get married. |
下次我要在夏威夷斜陽下結婚 | No,no,no. The next time's\ngonna be Hawaii at sunset. |
下下次吧 | But maybe the time after that. |
家訪 | The.One.With.The.Home.Study |
-嘿! 忙啥呢?\n-嘿! | - Hey. What's going on?\n- Hey. |
領養中心有人來家訪,所以我們在掃除 | Our adoption social worker is coming,\nso we're cleaning the apartment. |
我們? | "We"? |
你說不想我摻和,怎麼又責怪我不幹活 | You know you don't want me to help.\nYou can't have it both ways. |
你們能否領養全靠這個人說了算? | Is this the person who decides\nwhether or not you get a baby? |
-差不多,這人來視察我們的生活環境\n-我們必須表現得完美 | - She's coming to see where we live.\n- And it has to go perfectly. |
若她有絲毫不滿,我們就永遠沒戲 | If she doesn't like us,she can keep\nus off every adoption list in the state. |
我可以過來友情協力一把\n她沒准愛看肥皂劇 | Hey,maybe I should stop by.\nShe could be a soap opera fan. |
小人物認識演藝名流,可以加分呢 | It's very impressive when\nthe little people know a celebrity. |
小人物? | "Little people"? |
名流 | "Celebrity." |
差不多滿分了 | So I think I'm just about done here. |
除非你還有什麼,像黃書,香煙? | Unless you have any bad stuff hidden\nsomewhere,like porn or cigarettes? |
什麼? | What? |
-才沒有!\n-錢德 | - No.\n- Chandler. |
你無中生有,汙人清白 | I don't,and I'm offended\nby the insinuation. |
沙發下沒有雜誌? | So there's not a magazine\nunder the couch.. |
廁所水箱後沒有一包香煙? | or cigarettes taped to the back\nof the toilet tank.. |
錄影機裡沒有下流影片? | or a filthy video in the VCR? |
香煙和雜誌我認帳,但帶子不是我的! | I'll admit to the cigarettes and magazine.\nBut that tape is not mine. |
-也不是我的!\n-永遠不會知道是誰的了! | - It isn't mine.\n- I guess we'll never know whose it is. |
可以幫忙嗎? | May I help you? |
我們來捐錢給孩子 | Yes. We're here to make a rather\nsizable donation to the children. |
捐錢不論多少,心意都是一樣重\n我們都會感激 | Any contribution,large or small,\nis appreciated. |
數目這樣大,你一定會異常感激 | I think you're gonna appreciate\nthe crap out of this one. |
-你們真大方\n-我們不留名.匿名捐助 | - Well,this is very generous.\n- And we don't want any recognition. |
完全匿名 | This is completely anonymous. |
完全匿名,兩個陌生好人 | Completely anonymous.\nFrom two kind strangers. |
X先生和菲比布菲 | Mr. X and Phoebe Buffay. |
我們可以把二位的名字登到新聞通訊裡 | We can put your names\nin our newsletter. |
-沒必要\n-布菲的拼法是:Buffay | - Not necessary.\n- Buffay is spelled B-U-F-F-A-Y. |
X先生的寫法是:麥克.哈納根 | And X is spelled "Mike Hannigan." |
也許標題應該寫:\n迷人的夫婦讓世界變的更好 | Possible headline:\nAttractive Couple Makes World Better. |
我代表孩子們多謝兩位 | Well,on behalf of the children,\nthank you both very much. |
-感覺真棒\n- 是啊,非常棒。 | - I'm glad we did this. It feels so good.\n- It does. It feels really good. |
還有免費T恤拿 | Oh,look. And we get these free T-shirts. |
那是我健身穿的 | Actually,that's the shirt\nI wore to the gym. |
難怪是濕的 | It's moist. |
-艾瑪會很快起床的\n-哦,好的。 | - Hi. Emma will be up in a minute.\n- Oh,good. |
嘿,羅斯\n聽說你跟查莉的事了,替你難過 | Hey,Ross,listen. I heard about\nyou and Charlie. I'm really sorry. |
沒事,美貌的考古學家多的是! | That's okay. I'm sure there are tons of\nother beautiful paleontologists out there. |
-當然!\n-只有一個!就是她! | - Absolutely.\n- There was one. She's it. |
其他的就好象是橋洞居民一樣! | All the rest look like\nthey should live under a bridge. |
今天想怎麼玩? | So,what are you gonna do today? |
帶艾瑪去街心遊樂場怎麼樣? | I was thinking of taking Emma\nto the playground. |
上帝啊,什麼? | Oh,my God. What? |
我又沒說帶她去武器彈藥博物館 | Like I said,I was thinking of taking\nEmma to the Museum of Knives and Fire. |
我反對艾瑪去遊樂場 | Okay,look,Ross. I do not want\nEmma going to the playground. |
因為? | Because..? |
好吧,如果你想知道… | All right,if you must know,\nI had a traumatic.. |
我小時候蕩秋千遇險 | swing incident when I was little. |
-真的?\n-我才四歲 | - Seriously?\n- Yes. I was 4 years old. |
我蕩秋千 | And I was on the swing.. |
突然頭髮纏到鐵鍊 | and then all of a sudden my hair\ngot tangled in the chain. |
結果媽媽剪掉我一大縷頭髮,才救我出來 | And to get me out,my mom had\nto cut a big chunk of my hair. |
結果有好幾星期頭髮都不整齊 | And it was uneven for weeks. |
你竟熬了過來? | And you made it through that? |
簡直可以拍成電影 | I wonder who's gonna play you\nin the movie. |
你儘管拿我取笑,反正我就是不想艾瑪去 | Okay,fine,you can make fun of me.\nI do not want Emma going there. |
而且我在想克雷爾·鄧尼斯(電視電影演員) | And I was thinking Claire Danes. |
你的悲劇令我同情 | Look,I'm sorry to hear\nabout your tragedy. |
不過秋千很安全\n而且艾瑪喜歡蕩秋千 | But the swings are perfectly safe.\nAnd besides,Emma loves them. |
-我們同去,你就知道了\n-秋千速度40英里/小時 | - You should come,and you'll see.\n- Those things go,like,40 miles an hour. |
蕩到高處 | And there's that moment\nwhen you're at the top.. |
鬼才知道會不會返回地球 | when you just don't know\nif you're gonna return back to Earth. |
宇宙充滿小孩子繞軌道運行 | Space is filled with orbiting children. |
來嘛 | Look,please,just come on. |
你若看見艾瑪的小表情,決不會後悔 | When you see the look on Emma's face,\nI swear,you won't regret it. |
-好吧\n-太好了。 | - All right.\n- Good. |
你不會像有的媽媽那樣\n把自己愚昧的恐懼遺傳給小孩吧 | You don't wanna be a mom who passes\nher irrational fears to her children. |
愚昧? | "Irrational," huh? |
下次你被家裡的蜘蛛嚇到\n我們再談這個話題 | I'll remember that next time you freak\nout about a spider in your apartment. |
這兩個可以相提並論嗎!我保證那上面有30種毒液 | That's the same. I'm sure there are 30\ndifferent species of poisonous swings. |
哦,天哪,領養中心的來早了 | Oh,my God.\nThe adoption lady is early. |
好的好的.鎮靜鎮靜!!! | Okay. Okay. Here we go.\nHere we go. |
站直咯 | Stand up straight. |
微笑 | Big smile. |
你好,請問這是"毛骨悚然"家嗎? | Hello. Is this the Creepy residence? |
還以為是領養中心的來了\n你來得正好 | We're waiting for the adoption lady.\nBut I'm glad you're here. |
今早打掃時發現的,不知道你用不用得上 | I was cleaning this morning\nand I found this. |
我不知道你是不是想用,但是... | I don't know\nif you wanna use it,but.. |
你真好 | Oh,this is so sweet of you. |
不過我不需要頭紗,我根本不需要服裝 | But I won't be needing a veil.\nI actually won't be wearing a dress at all. |
裸體婚禮,我不會參加的! | I told you,I am not coming\nto a naked wedding! |
我們不會開招待會 | No. We're not having a big reception. |
我們把婚禮經費捐給兒童慈善事業了 | We took the wedding money\nand donated it to a children's charity. |
你瘋啦? | That's crazy! |
-是慷慨!\n-瘋得這麼慷慨 | - Generous.\n- Crazy generous. |
抱歉,只是無法想像.\n一生只有一次啊 | I'm sorry. I can't imagine giving up\nmy one wedding day like that. |
我們不同! 我不在乎什麼盛大婚禮 | Well,we're different.\nI don't care about having a huge party. |
頭紗是很美,但是 | This is really nice for you,but.. |
你看我一戴上,簡直就… | Oh,please. I put this on\nand I just look like.. |
美極了 | Well,radiant. |
管它的!我不需要頭紗婚紗這些玩意 | All right,but who cares? I don't need\na pretty veil and a fancy dress. |
對! 你們是互許終身 | That's right.\nYou're making a commitment. |
不管在廣場舉行還是別的什麼地方都是一樣 | You know,that's the same\nwhether you do it at the Plaza or.. |
-你選了啥地方?\n-市政廳 | - Where you gonna do it?\n- City Hall. |
好地方 | Oh,that sounds nice. |
市政廳的人該忙不過來了 | I was just there for jury duty.\nThey've really spruced that place up. |
沒關係,這是我自己的決定 | Okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.\nI've made my decision. |
但我真正想要的,只是一個盛大的婚禮 | What I really want\nis a great big wedding. |
-但錢已經捐啦\n-可以要回來 | - But you gave all the money to charity.\n- Well,I'll just ask for it back. |
-不行吧\n-怎麼不行? | - I don't think you can do that.\n- Why not? |
她結婚!這可比什麼\n愚蠢的小孩子重要多了! | This is her wedding day. That's way\nmore important than some stupid kids. |
說得好,省著點,等領養中心的人\n來了再表演不好嗎 | That's sweet,honey,but save\nsomething for the adoption lady. |
-好,準備就緒\n-好 | - All right,okay. Be careful.\n- Okay. |
小心,小心她頭髮 | Careful. Watch her hair.\nWatch her hair! |
-她才三根毛!\n-我知道,我知道 | - Rach,she's got,like,three hairs.\n- I know. I know. |
但是很漂亮\n糟糕,扯掉一根 | But they're just so beautiful.\nOh,my God,I just pulled one out. |
我保證,她很安全,你看她多喜歡玩秋千 | I promise you she's safe.\nWatch how much she loves this. |
- 好吧好吧\n- 你準備好了嗎,親愛的?開始嘍 | - Okay. Okay.\n- Are you ready,sweetie? Here we go. |
小心 | Okay,careful. Okay. |
她笑了 | She's smiling. |
她真的很喜歡 | Look at that,she does like it. |
看,我告訴過你的吧 | See,I told you. |
哦,天啊,看看她,真有不怕死的精神. | Oh,my God. Look at her,\nshe's a little daredevil. |
-讓我推好不好?\n-哦,當然。 | - Oh,God. Let me push. Can I push?\n- Oh,absolutely. |
你拿相機,在尿布包裡 | Oh,God. Okay,get the camera.\nIt's in the diaper bag. |
好。 | Okay. |
還怕秋千,真夠傻吧? | See? Scared of the swings.\nI bet you feel pretty silly. |
-我們真要把錢要回來?\n-結婚要用! | - We're asking for the money back?\n- It's for our wedding day. |
他喜歡男的還是女的?\n我們中的一個要去跟他調情 | Now,is this guy gay or straight?\nBecause one of us has to start flirting. |
同一天捐兩次錢 | You here to make another\ndonation the same day? |
前所未有呢 | I don't think that's ever\nhappened before. |
是個同性戀,你上 | Gay. Go. |
你衣裳真帥 | Oh,my God,I love your shirt. |
今天捐的錢,我們想要回 | The donation we made earlier?\nWell,we want it back. |
啊? | Excuse me? |
那是辦婚禮的錢,我們本想從簡 | Okay,that money was for a big wedding\nwe thought we didn't want. |
但現在我們改變了主意 | But it turns out we do. |
要我們退還你們捐給孩子們的錢? | So you're asking us to refund\nyour donation to the children? |
對! | Yeah. |
感覺不錯 | This feels really good. |
對不起,但婚禮對我相當重要 | I'm sorry. I am. But this wedding's\njust really important to me. |
關我啥事\n這也許是好事 | Hey,it's none of my business.\nBesides,this is probably a good thing. |
別把孩子慣壞了\n讓他們吃飽穿暖怎麼行 | We've really been spoiling the children,\nwhat with all the food and warm clothing. |
這麼說不公平,結婚是大事 | That's not fair.\nA person's wedding is important. |
尤其對我! | And especially to me. |
我沒參加過畢業典禮,沒有畢業舞會 | I didn't have a graduation party.\nAnd I didn't go to prom. |
在我的甜蜜16歲, | And I spent my sweet 16\nbeing chased around a tire yard.. |
我被精神病人狂追\n他還說 | by an escaped mental patient who,\nin his own words,wanted to: |
"殺"我什麼的 | "Kill me,or whatever." |
我應當有個隆重的婚禮! | So I deserve a real celebration. |
你這個流汗男,別想讓我內疚! | And I'm not gonna let some sweaty\nlittle man make me feel badly about it. |
她可能沒有在說我們 | She could've been talking about\neither one of us. |
好的,來吧 | Okay. Here we go. |
祝好運 | Good luck. |
你在舌吻? | Tongue,really? |
我叫蘿拉,我來做領養家訪 | Hi,I'm Laura. I'm here\nfor your adoption interview. |
我叫莫妮卡,他叫錢德 | Hi,I'm Monica.\nAnd this is Chandler. |
- 請進!\n- 謝謝 | - Please come in.\n- Thank you. |
-請進.喝點什麼?\n-喝水可以了 | - Would you like something to drink?\n- Water would be fine. |
你總算來了 | We're so glad that you're here. |
我們好興奮,要開始領養小孩了 | We're excited about\ngetting this process started. |
我們愛小孩,愛得要死 | Because we love kids.\nLove them to death. |
不是要孩子"死",只是修辭手法 | Well,not actually to death.\nThat's just a figure of speech. |
我們愛孩子,不多不少 | We love kids the appropriate amount.. |
符合法律法規 | as allowed by law. |
-你們家好可愛\n-謝謝 | - Your place is just lovely.\n- Thank you. |
這裡有家的溫暖 | Yes,this building does have\na wholesome,family feel to it. |
我好象來過,這裡還有誰申請領養? | I feel like I've been here before. Any\nother couples in the building adopting? |
一樓那家? 我們應該比他們先要孩子 | Is that that couple on the first floor?\nWe should get a baby before them. |
他還想賣毒品給我 | That guy tried to sell me drugs. |
其他都是好人 | But other than that,\nwholesome,wholesome building. |
- 怎麼?\n-我想起來了,難怪來過 | - What?\n- I realized why I remember this place. |
-怎麼?\n- 哦,沒什麼! | - Really? What is it?\n- Oh,it's nothing. |
我和一個男人約會,結果無疾而終 | I went on a date with a guy who lived\nin this building. It didn't end very well. |
那人該不是叫喬伊崔比亞尼吧? | That wouldn't,by any chance,\nbe Joey Tribbiani? |
-就是他!\n-當然是他 | - Yes!\n- Of course it was. |
我們有過一個很棒的晚上,過後,他說他再打電話給我\n結果再沒聯絡! | We had a great night. In the morning,\nhe promised he'd call and he didn't. |
這混球! | Rat bastard! |
-你們該不是他朋友吧?\n-當然不是!不! | - So you're not friends with him?\n- Oh,God,no. |
-當然不是!不!\n-當然不是! | - No,no,no.\n- No. Nope. |
抱歉提這事 | Well,I'm sorry I brought it up. |
那麼你們當中有人打算待在家裡嗎? | So are either one of you planning\non staying at home? |
有人嗎? 名人駕到 | Hello? Anybody in there\norder a celebrity? |
什麼人? | What was that? |
走廊上的瘋子 | That's just some crazy guy\nwho roams the halls here. |
不過他對小孩很慈祥 | He's great with kids,though. |
- 羅斯,噢,天啊, 你還好嗎?\n-他娘的! | - Ross. Oh,my God,are you okay?\n- Son of a bitch! |
別緊張,我又沒說F打頭那個字(fuck)! | Oh,relax. I didn't say the F-word. |
羅斯,看,早告訴你了,秋千危險 | Ross,see,I told you!\nThose swings are evil! |
算了,這輩子再也不許艾瑪接近它 | That's the last time Emma is getting on\none of those things for her entire life. |
別這樣,不是秋千的錯,是我錯 | No,no,no. Okay,it wasn't\nthe swing's fault. It was my fault. |
還有他的錯 | And kind of that kid's fault. |
他還笑,算你狠 | Who is still laughing. Nice. |
在再有人受傷之前,我們走吧 | Come on. Can we just get out of here\nbefore somebody else gets hurt? |
這樣吧,你去蕩秋千,你就會… | No. Wait. I have an idea.\nI want you to get on the swing.. |
發現那有多安全 | and you'll see that there's\nnothing to be afraid of. |
我明白了 | I know what this is all about. |
你一貫嫉妒我的頭髮 | You've always been jealous of my hair. |
這才是成年人的做法\n克服愚蠢的恐懼 | I just think you're an adult,okay?\nAnd you should get over your silly fears. |
-好!我要做\n- 好! | - All right,fine. I'll do it.\n- Good. |
-如果你敢抓蜘蛛\n-在哪兒? | - If you hold a spider.\n- Where?! Where?! |
我說"如果"你敢抓蜘蛛 | If you hold a spider. |
聽見了 | I know. |
沒事吧?是我,喬… | Guys,is everything okay?\nIt's me,Joey. |
領養! | Adoption! |
到底什麼事? | What's going on? |
就是那個瘋子名叫 | Oh,it's just like I said,that crazy.. |
伯特的,在走廊上跑 | Bert,roaming the halls. |
- 嗨!伯特,接著跑 | - Guys?\n- Keep on roaming,Bert! |
今天我們不看你瘋了 | We don't want any crazy today! |
他獨自一個在外面,不會出事吧? | Is he all right out there by himself? |
沒事,他哥哥照顧他 | Oh,yeah. He has a caretaker.\nHis older brother.. |
叫厄尼 | Ernie. |
- 伯特 和 厄尼? (芝麻街的動畫角色)?\n-絕對不是編造的 | - Bert and Ernie?\n- You can't make this stuff up. |
- 怎麼了?\n- 我們等會再說,一切都好! | - What's going on?\n- We'll talk later! Everything's fine! |
聽起來一切都不好! | Everything doesn't sound fine. |
伯特 和 厄尼 有一隻大黃鳥! | Bert and Ernie have a big yellow bird. |
你沒說過你16歲時被男人追殺的故事 | You never told me about that guy\nand your sweet 16. |
-真可憐\n-結局還算好 | - I'm sorry about that.\n- Oh,it ended okay. |
我朋友斃了他 | One of my friends shot him. |
至少你會有個體面婚禮,你該得的 | At least you'll get a proper wedding.\nYou really deserve that. |
沒錯,我這輩子還沒風光過 | Yeah,I really do. You know,\nI had nothing growing up. |
就像被我剝奪金錢的那些孩子一樣 | Just like the kids\nI took the money from. |
看出你的意思了,別又想讓我退回去 | No. No,no. I see where this is going.\nDon't make me go back there. |
抱歉,但我又想把錢給孩子們了 | I'm sorry,but I want to regive the money\nto the children. |
但是我們不能,我是說\n你管那男人叫流汗男 | But we can't. I mean,\nyou called that guy a sweaty little man. |
除非你在說我\n我們從沒真正弄乾淨過 | Unless you were talking about me.\nWe never really cleared that up. |
我不能用這錢辦婚事,這不道德 | Look,I can't have a wedding\nwith this money now. It's tainted. |
好吧,退回去吧 | Fine,we'll give the money back. |
如果慈善捐助處那傢伙又叫咱們難堪 | If that guy at the charity\ngives us a hard time.. |
我朋友好久沒開過槍了 | my friend hasn't shot anyone\nin a really long time. |
我想說,你們的家庭撫養小孩似乎很理想 | I must say this seems like a lovely\nenvironment to raise a child in. |
你盡可以在各種傢俱下面搜查 | You are welcome to look\nunder any of the furniture.. |
絕無黃書和香煙什麼的! | because,believe me,you won't find\nany porn or cigarettes under there. |
在到處看看之前,要問你們一些問題 | Before we look around,let me make sure\nI have everything I need up to here. |
帶你看看嬰兒房 | Why don't I show you the baby's room. |
-你幹什麼?\n-你不讓我進來 | - What are you doing?\n- You wouldn't let me in. |
-我以為你們出事了\n-才沒有! | - I thought you were in trouble.\n- Well,we're not. |
但你叫我"伯特", | But you called me "Bert." |
那是"危險"的暗號 | That's our code word for danger. |
-我們沒約定過什麼暗號\n-是嗎? | - We don't have a code word.\n- We don't? |
應該約一個 | We really should. |
從今往後,"伯特"就用來作為\n遇到危險的暗號 | From now on,"Bert"\nwill be our code word for danger. |
參觀完嬰兒房 | So that was the baby's room. |
-下麵參觀哪裡?\n-除了沙發下面都可以參觀! | - What room should we see next?\n- Any room that isn't behind this couch. |
有些人不懂他的笑話\n但我覺得他真幽默 | Some people don't get him,\nbut I think he's really funny. |
我不在乎被你粗暴對待 | I did not care for that. |
你得回避 | You have to leave. |
你和這個社工睡過,再沒聯絡她 | You slept with our social worker\nand never called her back. |
她還在生你的氣,不能讓她見你 | She is still pissed,\nso she can't see you. |
好,好,好! | Okay,okay. |
- 怎麼了?\n-忘了拿球棒 | - What?\n- I forgot my bat. |
天啊! | Oh,my God. |
最後警告,我們不想和你做朋友! | And for the last time,\nwe do not want to be friends with you! |
也不想買你的球棒! | And we don't wanna buy your bat! |
你在這兒幹什麼? | What are you doing here? |
伯特,伯特,伯特,伯特 | Bert. Bert. Bert. Bert. |
-你們是朋友?\n-我來解釋 | - Are you friends with him?\n- I can explain. |
喬伊你說 | Joey? |
好吧! | All right. Okay. |
你有種,還敢回來 | You have got some nerve\ncoming back here. |
-你竟不打電話給我\n-什麼? | - I can't believe you never called me.\n- Excuse me? |
你連我名字也忘了,我叫喬伊 | You probably don't even remember\nmy name. It's Joey,by the way. |
不必說你的名字,我記得,女士 | And don't bother telling me yours,\nbecause I totally remember it,lady. |
我一直等你電話 | I waited weeks for you to call me. |
我給你電話號碼,你沒聯絡我 | I gave you my number.\nYou never called me. |
還想栽贓給我 | Don't try to turn this around on me. |
我可不是讓你 | I am not some kind of social work.. |
想做就做的 | that you can just.. |
"社工" | do. |
-我確信給過你電話\n-真的?你想想看 | - I'm pretty sure I gave you my number.\n- Really? Think about it. Come on. |
你漂亮,聰明,有趣 | You're a beautiful woman.\nSmart,funny. |
咱們相處甚歡 | We had a really good time. |
如果我有你電話,怎麼可能不打給你? | If I had your number,\nwhy wouldn't I call you? |
不知道 | I don't know. |
可能我搞錯了,對不起 | Well,maybe I'm wrong. I'm sorry. |
現在道歉太晚啦\n你傷了我的心 | Hey,too late for apologies. Okay?\nYou broke my heart. |
就為了忘掉你,我睡了多少女人啊! | You know how many women\nI had to sleep with to get over you? |
-喬伊,等等\n-不! | - Joey,wait..\n- No! |
我等得夠久,不可能再等了 | I waited a long time!\nI can't wait anymore. |
抱歉讓你們笑話了,真尷尬 | I'm sorry that you had to see that.\nI'm so embarrassed. |
-沒事,\n-我們理解 | - Oh,that's really okay.\n- Yeah. We totally understand. |
-約會可夠人受的\n-你們真好 | - Dating is hard.\n- Boy,you people are nice. |
我得說… | And I've got to say.. |
你們一定會是很棒的父母 | I think you're going to make\nexcellent parents. |
蘿拉! | Laura! |
我們回來啦 | We're back. |
還想要錢? | Are you here to take more money? |
你們應該找提款機 | Because I think what you're\nlooking for is an ATM. |
不不,我們把錢退給你們 | No,no,we're here\nto give the money back. |
為了孩子 | Yeah. Because you know what?\nIt's all about the children. |
至於我們的婚禮 | Although it's also about the wedding. |
好吧,給.不要!喔天啊! | All right,here. No. Oh,God. |
好像忘了道喜,恭喜你們 | If I haven't said so already,\nsir,congratulations. |
哦,等等 | Oh,wait. Wait. |
如果我們捐一半留一半呢? | What if we give half to the charity\nand we keep half? |
或者,就象我們留75%,而另外25%...\n或者,90%和10% | Or,no,like,75 percent for us\nand 25 percent for.. Or,no,like,90-10. |
好啦!你知道嗎?已經夠了,好嗎? | Okay,you know what? Enough,all right? |
我要插手,而且做決定 | I'm stepping in\nand putting my foot down. |
作為你的\n未來老公,我要說了算 | As your future husband,\nI'm gonna make this decision for us. |
你說咋辦? | What do you think we should do? |
-不是你們說了算了\n- 什麼? | - It's not your decision anymore.\n- What? |
代表紐約兒童,我拒收你們的捐款 | On behalf of the children of New York,\nI reject your money. |
-但是我們在給你錢啊\n-退給你們 | - But we're giving you this.\n- And I'm giving it back to you. |
當作贊助好了 | Come on. Consider it a contribution. |
你真大方 | Well,this is very generous. |
支票拿走,祝你們婚禮成功,幸福甜蜜 | Take the check. Have a great wedding\nand a wonderful life together. |
聽來不錯,我們以後存了錢 | Sounds good to me. We can save up,\ncome back in a few years.. |
過兩年捐更多 | and make an even bigger donation. |
好得很,下次記得找布萊恩 | And when you do,ask for Brian. |
-布萊恩是你?\n-不! | - Oh,is that you?\n- No. |
喂? | Hello? |
哦,嗨! | Oh,hi. |
喂,天啊,真的,我等不及要告訴錢德 | Oh,my God,really?\nI can't wait to tell Chandler. |
好,再見! | Okay. Goodbye. |
-打錯電話的?\n-是蘿拉 | - Wrong number?\n- That was Laura. |
她替我們大大美言\n我們正式上了領養排隊名單 | She gave us a great report and\nwe're officially on the waiting list. |
-太好了!\n-下個電話 | - That's great.\n- Now we just wait for a call.. |
就會有人說有寶寶等我們去領養了 | and someone tells us\nthere's a baby waiting for us. |
喂? | Hello? |
看見喬伊的球棒了嗎? | Have you seen Joey's bat? |
好了, 我捉到了蜘蛛! | Okay. I got a spider. |
有兩隻,我挑了大的一隻。 | There were two,\nI picked the bigger one. |
-好的\n-好的 | - Okay.\n- Okay. |
感覺一切正常。 | This feels perfectly normal. |
好了,你上秋千去 | Okay,get on the swing. |
好啊 | Okay. |
好 | Okay. |
好啊! | Okay. |
-看到了嗎?\n-啊,沒事了,我可以玩秋千了。 | - See?\n- All right. I can do this. |
是啊。幹得好! | There you go. Good for you. |
知道嗎?\n我習慣小蜘蛛啦。 | You know what?\nI'm getting used to this little guy. |
-完全沒有異樣的感覺。\n-因為它爬上你脖子啦 | - I don't even feel him in here anymore.\n- That's because he's on your neck. |
-嗨! -嗨! | - Hey,guys. - Hey. |
-嗨! -嗨! | - Hi. - Hey. |
啊,有點事和你們談談。 | We need to talk about something. |
我們覺得... 今年我們不能再做感恩節晚餐了。 | Yeah. We don't feel like we can host Thanksgiving this year. |
-什麼,什麼? -什麼,你是在開玩笑吧 | - What? - Are you kidding? |
嗯,由於工作,還有領養孩子的壓力 | Well,it's just with work and the stress of adoption.. |
我們只是覺得沒有精力弄了。 | we don't feel like we have the energy. |
而且,每年都讓我們受累,不公平。 | Plus,we don't think it's fair that every year the burden falls on us. |
這不像你啊! | That doesn't sound like you. |
這像是莫妮卡的話! | That's Monica talking. |
-不,不,這是我們兩個人的決定! -這一定是她把話語放進了你的嘴裡 | - No,we made this decision together. - She's putting words in your mouth. |
你不應該把話送到我們口中 而是把火雞送到我們口中…… | Don't you put words in people's mouths. You put turkey in people's mouths. |
無法相信 這可是艾瑪的第一個感恩節! | I can't believe this. This is Emma's first Thanksgiving. |
-不是... -不是?她什麼時候出生的? | - No,it's not. - It's not? When was she born? |
我個人認為,你們是應該休息一下子了。 | Well,personally,I think it's great you're giving yourself a break. |
-謝謝,菲比。 -不客氣,這樣很好 | - Thank you,Phoebe. - Sure. It's just as well. |
還有,去年的晚餐棒極了 今年她不可能做得更好了。 | I mean,last year wasn't very good. I think she's losing her touch. |
-什麼?你搞錯了,女士! -是麼? | - What? You are way off,lady. - Am I? Really? Am I? |
那你就再弄一次,證明我錯。 | Well,why don't you cook Thanksgiving dinner and prove me wrong. |
你想想 你是在試圖超過去年的頂峰 | Well,think about it. You'd be trying to top what you did last year. |
你是在和...自己競爭! | You'd be in competition with yourself. |
真對我胃口! | That's my favorite kind. |
好吧,今年,我們繼續! | Okay,we are doing this. |
別讓自己這麼容易被左右。 | Don't let yourself get manipulated this way. |
不關你的事,錢德 這是我和……“我”之間的事情! | Stay out of this,Chandler. This is between me and me. |
我們應該一起決定啊! | We are supposed to make these decisions together. |
還記得費爾醫生對你說的話麼? | Did you not watch the Dr. Phil I taped for you? |
遲到的感恩節 | The.One.With.The.Late.Thanksgiving |
-嗨 -嗨,感恩節快樂! | - Hey. - Hi. Happy Thanksgiving. |
是的,火雞殉難日快樂! | Happy Meatless Turkey-Murder Day. |
我從布裡克麵包房訂了些巧克力派 | You guys,I ordered some chocolate pies from that bakery on Bleeker. |
-你們能幫我去取過來麼? -你不自己作派嗎? | - Could you pick them up for me? - You're not making the pies? |
不,我不做巧克力派的。 | I don't make chocolate pies. |
我小時候參加過一個吃派比賽 | When I was younger,I entered this pie-eating contest. |
吃的太多了,導致我一想就噁心。 | I ate so many that the thought of them makes me sick. |
那你贏了沒有? | Did you at least win the contest? |
兩分鐘吃了12個外加一罐! | Two minutes,twelve pies and a part of one tin. |
-好吧,我們4點見。 -很讓人期待哦! | - Okay,I'll see you guys at 4. - Can't wait. |
去年的莫妮卡,我要你好看! | This dinner is gonna be so great. In your face,last-year me. |
-嗨,瑞秋 - 嗯? | - Hey,Rach? - Yeah. |
艾瑪今天有事麼? | What's Emma doing today? |
嗯,她啊,我只知道她今天要和律師見面 | Well,let's see,I know that she has a meeting with her lawyer.. |
然後要去大便 | and then she has to make a very big poop. |
-怎麼了? -嗯,我想讓她參加嬰兒選美。 | - Why? - I want to enter her in a baby pageant. |
哦,天哪,這是我聽說過的最奇怪的事情。 | Oh,my God. That's the creepiest thing I've ever heard. |
我朋友蘇珊帶她的孩子參加了 | Okay,but before you say no,my friend Suzanne is entering her kid. |
和艾瑪比起來,那小傢伙就像只小狗! | And compared to Emma,she's a real dog. |
-哦,菲比,所有孩子都是美麗的! -好吧 | - Phoebe,all babies are beautiful. - Oh,okay. |
菲比,難道我們只是為了一個獎盃 | No. Phoebe,just the idea of pitting one baby against another.. |
就把孩子們比來比去,決定誰更漂亮麼? | I mean,you know,and judging who's cuter just for a trophy.. |
- 一千美金。 -對此我很感興趣! | - And a thousand dollars. - is something I'm very interested in. |
對了,別告訴羅斯。 | Oh,please,do not tell Ross. |
他始終不信任那些內部的... | He still believes that what's on the inside is important. |
對了,艾瑪得穿牛仔裝! | Okay. And Emma needs a cowgirl outfit for the competition. |
感恩節我上哪兒找牛仔裝啊? | Where am I gonna get a cowgirl outfit on Thanksgiving? |
讓我想想…… | Well,I was thinking.. |
把喬伊的菜地娃的衣服扒了! | Take the clothes off Joey's Cabbage Patch Kid! |
又有人把指揮棒給掉了? | Did someone drop the baton again? |
為什麼每次都是堪薩斯的? | Why come all the way from Kansas to do that? |
我不是越來越老,而是越來越好! | I don't get older,I just get better. |
你知道我剛想到什麼? | You know what just occurred to me? |
這可能是最後一次 只有我們兩個人一起過感恩節了。 | This could be our last Thanksgiving just the two of us. |
我覺得,我們很快就會有個孩子了! | I mean,we could be getting a baby soon. |
-你怎麼知道? -有人會選擇我們的。 | - You don't know that. - Somebody's gonna pick us. |
可是這幾周我們都沒收到領養消息! | But we haven't heard a thing from the adoption agency. |
我敢保證 | I'm telling you,it's gonna happen. |
明年會是你、我、還有海明威·賓! | Next year,it's gonna be you,me and little Hemingway Bing. |
- 怎麼了?他可是我最喜歡的作家。 -說出他一本書的名字。 | - What? He's my favorite author. - Name one of his books. |
《糖衣陷阱》?(作者:約翰·格林斯海姆) | The Firm? |
好吧,火雞已經在烤箱裡了 添料也準備好了。 | Okay,let's see. Okay,the turkey's in the oven. The stuffing is ready. |
你知道麼,你總是自己弄這些東西 今年讓我幫幫你吧。 | You know,you always cook this meal all by yourself. Let me help this year. |
哦,錢德,這太好了! | Oh,Chandler,that's sweet. |
但你不用一直按費爾醫生說的做 | But you don't have to do everything Dr. Phil tells you to do. |
我是認真的。讓我做點什麼吧 不是火雞,也不是填餡,做點不難的東西。 | I'm serious,let me do something. Just not the turkey. Nothing high-profile. |
我想想……啊,酸梅醬! | Okay,let's see. Oh,the cranberry sauce. |
容易做,而且大家也不是很在意那東西! | It's easy to make,and no one really cares about it. |
說來聽聽? | Tell me more. |
我去對門兒檢查別的 你先把這個洗乾淨吧。 | I'm gonna go check on something across the hall. You start by washing these. |
別用洗滌劑!! | Not with soap! |
你肯定沒吃過我做的烤土豆…… | You obviously haven't tasted my Palmolive potatoes. |
-嘿,猜猜喬伊拿到了什麼? -三張今天紐約遊騎兵的票(美國冰球大聯盟NHL)! | - Hi. Hey,guess what Joey has. - Three tickets to today's Rangers game! |
兄弟,我是讓他猜的! | Dude,I wanted him to guess. |
-哦,天哪! -是啊,而且是好座位哦! | - Oh,my God. - Yeah,they're great seats too. |
-猜猜什麼位置? -正中間! | - Guess where they are. - Center ice. |
我是不是和你有什麼過節? | Did I do something to you? |
-嗯,比賽一點開始。 -怎樣? | - The game's at 1. - So? |
-晚飯4點開始,我們趕不回來的。 -那我們就提前退場,這樣時間就夠了。 | - Dinner's at 4. We'll never make it back. - So we'll leave before it's over. |
你現在這麼說,可是到時候必定要花很多時間回來的 | But it could take us a long time to get back home. |
另外 喬伊可能會迷路,還得把他領回來。 | Plus,Joey could get lost and they could have to page us to go pick him up. |
老兄,才發生過兩次而已! | Dude,two times that happened! |
莫妮卡為了做晚飯忙了一整天 | Look,Monica's been working hard all day. |
她希望她的晚餐最重要,我們不該去的。 | She didn't want to host in the first place. We shouldn't go. |
他說得沒錯兒 | He's right,man. |
-好吧。那麼四點鐘見。 -嗯 | - Yeah,I guess. So we'll see you at 4. - Okay. |
準備好品嘗我的特製酸梅醬哦! | And get ready to taste my very special cranberries. |
或者,應該叫做“錢梅”... | Or should I say "Chan-berries"? |
夥計,又不是在演輕喜劇 | That's some gentle comedy,dude. |
-我們要去看比賽吧? -是的! | - We're still going to the game,right? - Yeah. |
-嘿! -菲比,我想走了 | - Hey. - Phoebe,listen,I think we gotta go. |
這地方讓我坐立不安。 | This place is freaking me out. |
你看到那邊那個人了麼 我可不認為他帶來的是個孩子! | I've been watching this guy over there. I don't think he came with a kid. |
但你現在不能離開啊 | But we can't leave now. |
最被看好的那個孩子海利 | There was this one baby,Haley,who was favored to win.. |
因為感冒不能來 | she got croup,so she had to stay home. |
競爭才剛剛開始哦! | This competition just blew wide-open,folks. |
菲比,這太奇怪了 | Phoebe,it's just too weird. |
我看見一個一歲的小孩穿連褲襪! | I just saw a 1-year-old with pantyhose on. |
哦,我就覺得我們準備不夠充分 | Oh,I know. We should've been more prepared. |
我覺得,咱們最有力的競爭對手是卡米隆。 | It's okay. Now,the way I see it,our real competition now is Cameron. |
哦,天哪,她的衣服被脫掉了 | My God,they just took her sweater off. |
看她的手臂,就像...米其林 (著名輪胎的卡通形象,綠色的) | Look at those arms. Hello,Michelin Man. |
菲比,已經三點鐘了 而他們還沒有評審到艾瑪這一組 | Phoebe,come on. You know what,it's already 3:00. |
我們該走了,回去吃飯。 | They haven't even gotten to Emma's group yet. We got dinner. |
但艾瑪今天肯定能贏 | But Emma's got what it takes. She could go all the way! |
-菲比,冷靜點。 -好吧, | - Phoebe,you have to calm down. - Okay. |
瑞秋,現在 這附近最漂亮的寶貝們都在這裡了。 | Rachel,the hottest babies in the tri-state area are in this room right now. |
而我聽見一個評審說 沒人比得過艾瑪。 | I overheard a judge say that not one of them holds a candle to Emma. |
-真的? -沒錯! | - Really? - Yeah. |
-你聽見他們這麼說? -對。 | - You heard him say that? - Yeah. |
好吧,那就讓我們 給其他的孩子們一點悲慘的回憶! | All right. Okay. All right,let's give these babies something to cry about. |
太好了,開工吧!艾瑪需要化妝。 | Good. Let's get down to business. Emma needs some makeup. |
什麼? | What? |
她應該比其他孩子看起來更漂亮! | She's gonna look washed-out next to the others. |
菲比,我不會讓你給我的孩子化妝的! | No,I'm not letting you put makeup on my baby. |
-為什麼不? -因為我已經給她化過了! | - Why not? - Because I already did. |
鮑伯,幹掉那傢伙! | You suck! Get off the ice,you idiot! |
-太精彩了! -沒錯,耶! | - What a game. - I know. Yeah. |
-真遺憾錢德錯過了這場比賽! -我也替他覺得遺憾 | - I can't believe Chandler's missing this. - I'm sorry he's not here. |
但我要說的是,我真的很喜歡這個“玉米片”座! | But I gotta say,I am really enjoying nacho chair. |
嗯,要是你不總是把我的手打開, 我可能也會吃不少呢 | Yeah,I'd probably enjoy it more if you didn't keep batting my hand away. |
-哦! -這位置太棒了! | - Yeah! - These seats are great. |
是啊,沒錯! 上次假期我在這看滑冰比賽,座位太遠了 | I know,I know. When I was here for "Holidays on lce".. |
關穎珊(花樣滑冰世界冠軍)根本就看不到我舉的條幅。 | I was sitting so far away,Michelle Kwan couldn't read my banner. |
老兄,我認為她知道你心裡有她 | Dude,I'm sure she knows you heart her. |
希望吧 | I hope so. |
嘿,我們該走了啦,回去吃飯。 | We'd better get going. If we don't leave now,we're gonna be late. |
可比賽太精彩了! 我們可以晚回去點吧,女生們應該準時的 | But it's a tie game. So we're a little late. The girls will be there. |
再進一個球再走啦 | Let's just stay for one more goal. |
-不好吧.. -再進攻一輪? | - I don't know. - One more fight. |
-好吧。 -好吧。 | - Okay. - Okay. |
大家都哪裡去了?他們遲到了45分鐘! | Where is everybody? They're 45 minutes late. |
我不相信他們會不來!我辛苦了一天 而我這麼辛苦是為了什麼? | I can't believe they're not here. I slave and I slave for what? |
他們毀了我的酸梅日! | They've ruined Cranberry Day. |
-我們遲到了多久? -45分鐘 | - How late are we? - Forty-five minutes. |
- 給. - 好的. | - Here. - Okay. |
瑞秋和菲比應該已經到了 也就是說她們應該已經開始了 | Rachel and Phoebe are already there,so they probably started without us. |
讓我們溜進去,這樣誰都不會注意我們的。 | We could just slip in,and no one needs to know where we were. |
-你不把這個泡沫大手指扔掉嗎? - 哦,才不呢! | - You may want to lose the foam finger. - Oh,no,no,no. |
我知道你想搶走它! | You just want to put it on your hand. |
-你們沒在裡面? -不,我們遲到了! | - You're not at Thanksgiving? - No,we're late. |
-你們在這裡幹什麼? -我們也遲到了! | - What are you doing here? - We're late too. |
我們本以為你們不會遲到的! | We figured we could be late because you'd be on time. |
別用這個指著我,崔比亞尼! | Don't point that thing at me,Tribbiani. |
-那...裡面沒人,莫妮卡會殺了我們的! -你們到什麼地方去了? | - Nobody's here? Monica's gonna kill us. - Yeah,where were you? |
- 啊… -那是什麼獎盃? | - Well.. - Yeah,what's with the trophy? |
嗯,我們去參加拼字大賽了。 | Well,we were at a spelling bee. |
我贏了! | And I won. |
你在感恩節這天 贏得了一場成人拼字遊戲? | You won an adult Thanksgiving Day spelling bee? |
是的,Y-E-S,是的! | Yes. Y-E-S. Yes. |
讓我看看…… 超級小可愛,紐約區。 | Let me see this. "Grand Supreme Little Darling,New York Division"? |
那便是我! | That's me. |
你們讓艾瑪參加了選美比賽? | You entered Emma in a beauty pageant? |
而且還給她化了妝? | And it looks like she put makeup on her. |
等等,等等 我好像在什麼地方見過這身牛仔... | Wait a second. Where have I seen that cowgirl outfit before? |
無法置信,她是我們的女兒! | I can't believe this. She's our daughter. |
你把她當成觀賞狗一樣,不可饒恕 | That you would treat her like some kind of show dog is inexcusable. |
-她為我們贏得了一千美元! -啊,是一年一次的嗎…… | - She won a thousand dollars. - So this is an annual thing? |
啊,這是愛麗舍·梅·艾莫瑞的裝備! | That's Alicia May Emory's outfit! |
夥計們,有人在裡面要發火了! | Guys,there are people in there who are not getting any happier. |
-天哪,我們該怎麼辦? -我不知道,你們想吧,我先把艾瑪送回去。 | - What are we gonna do? - I gotta put Emma down for a nap. |
哦,瑞秋,至少給個主意嘛 | And,Rach,while you're in there,throw something on Alicia May. |
-我們該怎麼說? -我們可以說,我們被搶劫了 | - All right,what are we gonna say? - We'll say that we were mugged. |
當有人被搶了的時候,是不能生氣的! | You can't get mad at someone who's been mugged. |
嗯,不錯,但你看起來不像被搶過。 | Good. But you don't look like you were mugged. |
不像..這樣才像 | No. Here. |
嘿! | Hey! |
你有沒有聽到什麼? | Do you hear something? |
-他們都在外面! -讓我看看! | - They're out there. - Let me see. |
我真沒辦法相信,他們遲到了一小時 還在那裡聊天! | I can't believe this. They're an hour late,and they're just standing there talking. |
一切都亂套了,喬伊有只大手! | Everything's so distorted. It looks like Joey has a giant hand. |
上面寫“遊騎兵”,他們去看比賽了! | That says "Rangers" on it. They went to the game. |
哦,這太可怕了! | Oh,they are in for a world of pain. |
-羅斯的襯衫撕壞了。 -他們不但遲到,而且衣衫不整! | - Ross' shirt is torn. - They're late and they're sloppy. |
好了,艾瑪睡下了。你的襯衫怎麼了? | All right,Emma's napping. What happened to your shirt? |
我被搶了,他們還偷走了我的錢包。 | I got mugged,and they stole my pocket. |
瑞秋,我們是在找藉口。 | We're just trying to figure out an excuse. |
好吧,想想 | How about this? |
我們可以說,莫妮卡告訴我們是5點 而不是4點,所以我們沒遲到,我們是準時的! | We could say that Monica told us 5:00,not 4:00. That way we're right on time. |
或者,我們可以在房間裡放些迷藥,布個局! | Or we could plant PCP in the apartment and call the cops on her. |
嗯,這的確是個下迷藥的好辦法。 | That would be a good way to get rid of all the PCP we have lying around. |
你可以說她說的是5點 | We'll just say that she said it was 5:00. |
做得自然些 所以我們根本沒有遲到! | We'll just act casual. We're not late,we're right on time. |
“我們知道你們在外面。” | "We know you're out there." |
你覺得這是誰寫的? | Who do you think it's from? |
哦,太糟了,太糟了。 | Oh,God,this is bad. This is so bad. |
好吧,讓我們進去面對他們吧。 | Well,let's just go in there and face them. |
我不要先進去 莫妮卡生氣的面孔會讓我發瘋的。 | I'm not going in first. I bet that vein on Monica's forehead is popping like crazy. |
嗯,我也不要 那張臉就像扭曲的閃電一樣…… | I hate that thing. It's like a bolt of lightning. |
嘿,我有主意了 我們可以玩石頭剪子布,輸了的先進去! | Why don't we play Rock,Paper,Scissors,and whoever loses,goes in first. |
-好吧,開始吧。 -準備好了麼? | - All right,I'm in. - Ready. |
啊,我贏了! | I win. |
-這是什麼? -火焰,贏過一切! | - What is that? - That's fire. It beats everything. |
真的麼?能贏過一個水球麼? | Oh,really? Does it beat water balloon? |
好極了,菲比,玩得真好。 | Well-played,Phoebe Buffay. Well-played. |
好啦好啦,讓我們一起進去算了。 | All right,let's all go in at the same time. |
-好。 -好。 | - Okay. - Okay. |
-鎖住了! -哈,他們把門鎖上了 | - It's locked. - What? Oh,sure,now they lock it. |
等他們在躺椅上 準備做愛的時候,他們就會說 | When they're having sex on the couch,it's like: |
“啊,快進來,快進來,我等不了了!” | "Come on in,my butt is surprisingly hairy!" |
好吧。夥計們,你們怎麼樣啊? 很抱歉我們遲到了 | All right,come on. All right,you guys,we're so sorry we're late. |
讓我們進去一起吃晚餐吧! | Please let us in so we can have dinner together. |
不,東西都涼了 火雞幹了,餡也松了! | No,everything's cold. The turkey's dried out and the stuffing's all soggy. |
嗯,而且那碗酸梅醬也…… | Yeah,and there's a bowl of cranberry sauce that's.. |
酸梅醬怎麼了? | What happens to cranberry sauce? |
-沒事兒,很好。 -哦,謝天謝地。 | - Nothing,it's fine. - Oh,thank God. |
好啦,夥計們 真的抱歉,我們的車壞了。 | Come on,you guys,we're sorry. Our subway broke down. |
說謊!你們去看比賽了 我能看到喬伊的手! | That's a lie! You went to the game. I can see Joey's hand. |
我說過了讓你把它扔掉了! | For the love of God,take it off! |
夥計們,我們是否遲到了並不重要 重要的是我們都到了 | Guys,it doesn't matter why we're late. We're all here now. |
讓我們進去吃美味的火雞吧! | Please let us in so we can have some of your delicious turkey. |
我曾經夢到有這樣的一個傳真機 | I had a dream once about a fax machine that did that. |
這就是你們該得的火雞! | That's all the turkey you're gonna get. |
-怎麼決定誰吃? -水球! | - How are we gonna decide who gets this? - Water balloon! |
我們該怎麼辦啊,我餓死了! | What are we gonna do? I'm starving. |
哦,對了,我想起來了 | I just remembered,we do have something to eat. |
今天早晨莫妮卡放了點東西在烤箱裡面! | Monica put something in our oven this morning. |
嘿,動了它你會後悔的! | You touch that,and you will be sorry! |
大夥,最好聽她的 她的血管漲到前所未有的大 | Guys,I'd listen to her. The vein is bigger than I've ever seen it! |
天哪,是甘藍菜! | Oh,my God,it's Brussels sprouts! |
這是什麼嘛,不能吃的! | That's worse than no food. |
啊哈,你們喜歡莫妮卡的發臭甘藍菜麼? | All you got was Monica's stinky Brussels sprouts. |
發臭的? | Stinky? |
請讓我呆在這一邊…… | Please let me stay on this side of the door. |
對了,我還有以前的鑰匙呢。 | Oh,I know! I still have my old key. |
我們可以直接把門打開! | We can just unlock the door. |
我不覺得這是個好主意 他們明顯不想和我們在一起。 | I don't know if that's a good idea. They don't wanna be with us. |
你知道嗎,我也不想和他們一起 | I don't wanna be with them either.. |
但今天是感恩節,不想在一起也要在一起! | but it's Thanksgiving,and we should not want to be together together. |
讓我們進去面對面的道歉吧 | If I could just get in there,make a face-to-face apology.. |
看到我的眼睛,他們就會原諒我的。 | |
-我不知道。 -我來告訴你…… | - I don't know. - I'm telling you.. |
我做得到。 | I can do it. |
嗯,你做得到。 | Yeah,he can do it. |
啊,太美了! | It all looks so beautiful. |
-那火雞,那填料…… -那酸梅呢? | - The turkey,the stuffing. - The cranberries. |
夠了,猴子都會做! | Enough! A monkey could've made them. |
嘿,聽我說,我們真得很抱歉…… | Hey,listen,guys,we feel really terrible. |
他又來那什麼“目光接觸”了 | He's doing that weird eye-contact thing. |
別看他,別看他。 | Don't look at him. Don't look at him. |
聽我說,夥計們,我們想讓你們瞭解 我們真的,真的很抱歉…… | Come on,you guys. We want you to know we're very,very sorry. |
對吧,夥計們? | Right,guys? |
-真的很抱歉 -非常,對不起…… | - I feel terrible. - Oh,so sorry. |
別讓我們毀了這一天,你們如此的辛勞! | But let's not ruin this day. You've worked so hard. |
讓我們忘了這件事,一起吃飯吧! | Let's move past this and try to have a nice meal all together,huh? |
那些漂浮著的腦袋好像說的沒錯。 | The floating heads do make a good point. |
是啊,他們真的好像很抱歉。 | Yeah,they do seem to feel pretty bad. |
-很抱歉 -很抱歉 | - So bad. - So bad. |
好吧 | Okay. |
好吧,你們兩個去拿甜品來 我讓你們進來。 | Okay,you two go get the dessert,and I'll let you in. |
甜品? | Dessert? |
是啊,我讓你和菲比去取派 你記得的,對吧? | Yeah,I asked you and Phoebe to pick up the pies. You did remember,right? |
派?啊,我們以為是“獎”! (發音相近) | Pies. Oh,we thought you said "prize." |
這個! | Here. |
-超級小可愛? -恭喜! | - "Grand Supreme Little Darling"? - Congratulations! |
天哪,你忘了拿派?無法置信! | Oh,my God,you forgot the pies? Well,I cannot believe this. |
你們強迫我做飯,又遲到一小時 | You forced me to make dinner,you're an hour late.. |
居然還忘記了我拜託你們做的一點點小事! | and you forget the one little thing that I asked you to do. |
真的,女孩們,一點都不好 | Really,girls,not cool. |
好吧,你們男人又好到哪裡去? 你們說謊,去看比賽 | Well,you man-heads aren't any better. You lied about going to the game. |
明知道會遲到,還堅持要去。 | You knew it'd make you late,and you went anyway. |
我有點煩了。我們都道歉了 | Hey,I'm getting a little tired of this. We said we're sorry. |
今天是感恩節,是原諒之日! | It's Thanksgiving,for Pete's sakes! A day of forgiveness. |
-是感謝之日吧…… -別和我唱反調! | - It's a day to be thankful. - Don't make me come up there! |
現在道歉太晚了! | It's too late for apologies. |
好吧,我們走,我們可以不在這裡吃飯! | Fine,let's just go. I don't need your stupid dinner. |
如果你們開玩笑的話,可能更可信點。 | That would be a lot more convincing if you weren't drooling. |
-哦,我們現在就不是麼? -對不起 | - Oh,is that what that is? - Sorry. |
夥計們,我們自己準備感恩節晚餐吧! | Come on,you guys,let's just do our own Thanksgiving. |
-好,我做飯! -好,走吧! | - Yeah,I'll cook. - Yeah,let's go out. |
你們三個,感恩節快樂! | Yeah,you three have a nice Thanksgiving. |
-三個? -你,錢德,還有“白忙活”! | - The three of us? - Yeah. You,Chan and the vein. |
-啊,我被卡住了! -喬伊,少來! | - I'm stuck. - Joey,that is not gonna work. |
不,我是認真的 | No,seriously. |
-我真的被卡住了 -我把你拖過來 | - I'm really wedged in here. - I'll pull you through. |
好。 | Okay. |
啊,住手,住手 我擔心會弄傷我的頭! | Stop,stop,I'm worried about damaging my head. |
已經晚了 | It's a little late for that. |
快點,幫幫忙啊! | Hurry up,you gotta do something. |
這不會改變什麼的! | All right,well,this does not change anything. |
我們需要點能增大空隙的工具。 | We need to get something to grease his face. |
-我們有火雞汁! -拿來。 | - We got turkey grease. - Bring it. |
我很抱歉,我把“白忙活”算作一個人 | I just want to say that I'm sorry I referred to the vein as a separate person. |
來了。 | Here you go. |
啊,味道不錯 | Oh,that smells good. |
-好了嗎? -好,試試看。 | - Okay? - Okay,try it. |
沒用! | It isn't working. |
-把鏈條卸下來吧。 -快點,我都感覺不到我的耳朵了! | - We're gonna have to unscrew the chain. - Hurry,I can't feel my ears. |
你曾經感覺到過耳朵麼? | Can you ever feel your ears? |
嗯,很有趣。 | Interesting. |
-錢德,你的工具哪裡去了? -啊,我把它們放在推土機裡了 | - Chandler,where are your tools? - Oh,I left them on my bulldozer. |
我沒有工具。 | I don't have tools. |
-我有,但被瑞秋借去了。 -我借給了羅斯。 | - Well,I do,but Rachel borrowed them. - I lent them to Ross. |
-我給了喬伊。 -我留在停車場了。 | - I gave them to Joey. - I left them at the park. |
這還真麻煩。 | I'm finding it really hard not to mess with him. |
我把甘藍塞到他的褲子裡 | I stuffed Brussels sprouts down his pants. |
很好。 | Nice. |
好,我去接電話 | Okay,I have to get that. |
當我回來的時候 我希望你和你的朋友們已經離開了。 | Now,when I get back,I want you and your friends to be gone. |
感恩節完了!這是“白忙活”說的! | Thanksgiving is over. The vein has spoken. |
-我的頭真的被卡住了! -好吧,我會拉門 | - It's really starting to hurt. - Look,I'm gonna pull on the door.. |
然後你們努力推 這樣他就有足夠的空隙出來了,好吧? | and you guys push. Maybe we can get enough room to wiggle him out,okay? |
好,推吧! | Okay,so push. |
啊,等下,我們正忙著…… | Just a sec. We're kind of in the middle of something here. |
別往我的褲子裡面放東西! | Hey,stop putting things down my pants. |
-來吧,夥計們,推吧! -來,推,推,推! | - Come on,guys,push! - Yeah,come on,push! |
推,推! | Push! Push! |
-我的酸梅! -我全身都是! | - My cranberries! - Man,I got food all over me. |
難以置信,莫妮卡會殺了你的! | I can't believe what you did. Monica's gonna kill you. |
看,看,看 這個“飄腦袋”作了什麼? | Look! Look! Look what the.. Look what the floating heads did! |
沒關係。 | I don't care. |
怎麼了? | What's going on? |
是領養管理處打來的。 | That was the adoption agency. |
然後? | And? |
-我們可以領養孩子了! -真的麼? | |
有個俄亥俄州的孕婦選了我們! | There's a pregnant woman in Ohio,and she picked us. |
-恭喜!真為你們高興! - 太好了! | - Oh,my God,that's great! - That's incredible. |
恭喜你們! | I'm so happy for you. |
今年的感恩節比去年好太多了! | This Thanksgiving kicks last Thanksgiving's ass! |
敬莫妮卡和錢德 還有那俄亥俄州的小傢伙! | To Monica and Chandler and that knocked-up girl in Ohio. |
你們兩個終於有孩子了,這真讓我高興。 | I'm just so happy you guys are finally getting a kid. |
你們沒考慮過懷孕麼? | I know. Have you considered pageanting? |
他們打來電話,我們就會有孩子了 這真是不可思議! | I can't believe they called. I mean,we're actually getting a baby. |
我能體會你們的感受。 | I know how you feel. |
-真的? -當然啦 | - Really? - Sure. |
我以前為了買愛麗舍·梅·艾莫瑞經歷過完全相同的事情 | I went through the exact same thing with Alicia May Emory. |
那種期待,那種迷茫 | The waiting,the wondering. |
直到有一天 我從玩具反鬥城買到了她! | Then one day,I get that call from Toys "R" Us. |
她又有貨了! | She was in stock. |
確實“完全相同”。 | That is the exact same thing. |
嘿,艾瑪 你最好現在感謝這個還能支撐你.. | Hey,Emma,you better appreciate this while it lasts.. |
因為當你長大了,你就不能整天都坐著啦! | because when you get older,you're not gonna be able to just sit around all day. |
-確實 -是啊 | - So true. - Yeah. |
-嘿! -嘿! | - Hey. - Hey. |
我們來道別,要去俄亥俄州 | We're here to say goodbye. We're off to Ohio. |
對呀,你們要去領養面試 | Oh,right,your adoption interview. |
對方有可能是我們寶寶的媽媽 | Yep. We'll meet the lady who could be carrying our baby. |
難以置信,你們回家時會帶著寶寶! 很奇怪 | I can't believe it. When you come back,you'll have a baby. That is so weird. |
也很不正確 | And so incorrect. |
她懷孕沒幾個月 | She's only a couple months pregnant. |
她選中了我們的申請表,是否喜歡我們還不一定 | She liked our application but might not like us. |
她會相中你們的! | Come on,she's gonna love you guys. |
謝謝,我們滿懷希望 | Thank you. But we're trying not to get our hopes up. |
看運氣吧 | A lot could still get in our way. |
她可能會決定拒絕把孩子給人領養 也可能選中其他夫婦 | She could decide against adoption,like another couple better. |
你們打算給小孩取啥名字? | What are you gonna name it? |
我就有這個本事,費盡口舌 而旁人卻充耳不聞 | I could develop a condition in which I talk and talk and no one hears a word. |
試想,如果一切順利 | But just think,okay? What if everything goes right? |
她真選了你們倆 | What if this woman does pick you guys? |
天呐!那她就會選我們 | Oh,my God. She's gonna pick us! |
我們決心,決不輕易放棄希望 | So we're standing firm on "not getting our hopes up"? |
我明白,有可能出差錯,但萬一順利 | No. I know things could still go wrong,but if they don't.. |
我們就會有孩子了 孩子! | if this works out,we're gonna have a baby. A baby! |
- 是的,但是… -會成功的! | - Yes. But.. - Oh,my God. It's gonna work! |
我們會盡力! | We're gonna make it work! |
我要當媽媽,你要當爸爸 | I'm gonna be a mommy,and you're gonna be a daddy! |
回見了笨蛋,我要去領我的寶寶 | All right,I'll see you suckers. I'm gonna go get me a baby! |
去你們的,我要當爸啦 | Screw it. I'm gonna be a daddy! |
代理孕母 | The.One.With.The.Birth.Mother |
菲比跟誰一起? | Hey,who's Phoebe with? |
麥克! | Mike. |
不,喬伊 和菲比站在門口的是誰? | No,Joey. Who is Phoebe with at the door? |
我想說,會跟我上床的姑娘 | I wanna say,"Someone I'm gonna have sex with." |
-嘿! -嘿! | - Hey. - Hey. |
-你朋友? -莎拉 | - So who's your friend? - Oh,that's Sarah. |
不,你少打我朋友的主意! | No. Don't you get any ideas. |
我再也不給你撮合我的朋友了 | I'm not setting you up with any more of my friends. |
- 為什麼?為什麼? -你約會人家一次,睡一個 | - Why? Why? - Because you'll date her once.. |
然後就把人家忘到九霄雲外 | sleep with her,then forget she exists. |
舉例說明 | Name one friend of yours I did that with. |
-曼蒂 -曼蒂,是嗎? | - Mandy. - Mandy,huh? |
金髮豐胸辣妹? | Really hot blond,big boobs? |
-錯 -我明白為什麼會忘了她了 | - No. - Might be why I don't remember,huh? |
你好像把我當別人了? | Do you think I'm someone else? |
過去我也許待你朋友不好 | Look,I may not have treated your friends well in the past. |
但我現在成熟多了,真的,瑞秋 | But I have grown up a lot. Really. Honest. Rach? |
信不信由你,是真的 | Yeah,believe it or not,it's true. |
喬伊和我交往的時候很乖 | I mean,when Joey and I were together.. |
體貼,成熟 | he was wonderful. He was thoughtful and mature. |
我們交往那一周 | And for the one week that we went out.. |
他沒和其他女人上床 | he didn't sleep with anybody else. |
成長 | Growth. |
-好,給你她的電話號碼 -謝謝 | - Fine,I'll give you her number. - Okay. Thank you. |
我保證這個不會忘記 | And I promise you I will not forget this one. |
-曼蒂 -莎拉 | - Mandy. - Sarah! |
莎拉 | Sarah. |
- 嘿! - 嗨! | - Hey. - Hi. |
- 嗨! -嗨,給點著裝建議 | - Hey. - Hey,guys,I need some fashion advice. |
帽子好看嗎? | How does this look? |
有點低了..抬高點,再高,再高,好了 | Well,it's.. It's a little low. Pick it up a little. |
再高 | A little bit more. |
再高 | A little bit more. |
好了 | There you go. |
扔一邊去 | Now throw it away. |
別這樣,是好帽子 | Come on! This looks good. |
信我,我一個月買30本時尚雜誌 | Ross,please trust me. I buy 30 fashion magazines a month. |
我不清楚誰在競選總統,也不知道北約那傢伙是誰 | Now I don't know who's running for president or who that NATO guy is.. |
但我知道,你該離那帽子越遠越妙 | but I do know that you have to get far away from that hat. |
見鬼 | Damn it. God.. |
明晚我要約會,我得扮帥才行 | I have this date tomorrow night,and I have to look cool. |
-她是誰? -她叫瓊 | - Well,who's the girl? - Her name's Joan. |
她在時尚界工作 她在Hugo Boss(服裝品牌)工作 | She's in fashion. She works for Hugo Boss. |
Hugo Boss?你不是說她在時尚界工作嗎? | Hugo Boss? I thought you said she was in fashion. |
在羅夫羅蘭的辦公室說這些 你就死定了 | At the Ralph Lauren offices,that would've killed. |
如果你需要著裝建議 明天我和瑞秋要去購物 | If you want fashion help,Rachel and l are going shopping tomorrow. |
-歡迎同去 -真的?太好了 | - You're welcome to come with us. - Really? That would be great. |
我必須有備而去 | I mean,I have to do something. |
她總是取笑我的衣著 | She kind of teased me about how I dress. |
顯然,就憑你那襯衣 | I can see why. Nice shirt. |
你和我穿得一樣啊 | You're wearing the same shirt. |
愚蠢的隨處都是的GAP(美國最大服裝公司) | Stupid Gap on every corner! |
隨便坐,我帶艾瑞卡過來 | Make yourselves comfortable,and I'll be back with Erica. |
好,謝啦! | Okay,thank you. |
總算到了 | Well,this is it. |
- 你狀態如何? -很好,有點奇怪 | - Are you okay? - Yeah,it's just weird,you know? |
"我叫錢德,你體內的小人 可以給我養嗎?" | It's like,"Hi,I'm Chandler. May I have the human growing inside you?" |
你會表現出色 | You're gonna be great. |
你也是 | You're gonna be great. |
顯然 | Well,obviously. |
莫妮卡,錢德 這位是艾瑞卡 | Monica? Chandler? I'd like you to meet Erica. |
-嗨! -真高興跟你見面 | - Hi. - Hi. It is so,so nice to meet you. |
-嗨! -謝謝你同意見我們 | - Hi. - Thank you for agreeing to see us. |
-嗨! -你們熟悉一下 | - Hi. - I'll let you get acquainted. |
- 好的! -莫妮卡和錢德? | - Okay. - So it's Monica and Chandler? |
我只知道你們是“檔案CRW33815-D” | I only know you as "File CRW33815-D." |
朋友們愛這麼叫我們 | That's what our friends call us. |
你們這一對令人羡慕 | Gosh,you know,you're just such an amazing couple. It's.. |
簡直叫人嫉妒 | kind of intimidating. |
是嗎? | I don't know about that. |
你在開玩笑嗎?我是說,您是醫生 | Are you kidding me? I mean,it's enough that you're a doctor. |
可您竟娶了個牧師! | But on top of it,you're married to a reverend? |
-我認為... -讓她說完,醫生 | - I don't think that's exactly.. - Let her finish,doctor. |
- 嗨! - 嗨! | - Hey. - Hey. |
莎拉昨晚跟你一起很愉快 | My friend Sarah had a great time last night. |
-是嗎 -是啊,這次你會再約她? | - Yeah. - Yeah,so you gonna call this one back? |
絕不 | No. |
什麼意思,莎拉很棒 | What are you talking about? Sarah's great. |
是嗎?你知道你的很棒的朋友 幹了什麼好事? | Oh,really? You want to know what your "great" friend did? |
我們出去吃飯 | We're out to dinner,okay? |
相處融洽,和諧 | We were getting along,having a really nice time. |
我覺得她很可愛 | I was thinking she was really cool. |
突然間 | And then,out of nowhere.. |
就這樣? | That's it? |
這是你不理她的理由? | That's why you won't go out with her again? |
吃你的薯條有什麼大不了? | So she took some fries. Big deal. |
我不是氣她吃我幾根薯條 | Hey,look,it's not about a few fries. |
你得清楚薯條的象徵意義 | It's about what the fries represent. |
-什麼? -所有食物!!! | - What? - All food! |
對不起 | Well,I'm sorry. |
竟然介紹你和"怪物"約會 | I can't believe I set you up with such a monster! |
我帶女孩吃飯 | Hey,look,I take a girl out.. |
她點什麼都可以,多吃無妨 | she can order whatever she wants. The more the better,all right? |
但不可以自己 只點沙拉卻奪我的食物 | Just don't order a garden salad and then eat my food! |
這麼做有可能被切手指的! | That's a good way to lose some fingers. |
-謝天謝地你來了,你來聽聽 -什麼? | - Thank God you're here. Listen to this. - What? |
喬伊昨晚約會我朋友.晚飯時 | Joey and my friend are out last night,having dinner,and she reaches over.. |
-她伸手拿他的薯條 -不! | - and takes a few of his fries.. - Oh,no! |
這有什麼? | What? |
你知道這條規則? | You know about the plate thing? |
我瞭解喬伊從不分享食物 | Oh,yeah,yeah. No,Joey doesn't share food. |
上星期我們早餐時 | I mean,just last week we were having breakfast.. |
他盤裡有些葡萄 | and he had a couple grapes on his plate. |
-你不讓她吃葡萄? -不是我 | - You wouldn't let her have a grape? - No,not me. |
是艾瑪 | Emma. |
喬伊從不分享食物!!! | Joey doesn't share food! |
我仍然認為因為這條破事就 放棄好女孩很不明智 | Well,I still think that is a stupid reason not to call someone again. |
你再約她,如果有必要 | You are calling her,okay? |
乾脆再點一盤薯條不就完了? | And if you need to,then just get an extra plate of fries for the table. |
我喜歡 | I like that. |
共用緩衝區 | A sharing buffer. Yeah. |
多點一盤薯條 再點一盤洋蔥 | Yeah,I'll order some extra fries. Maybe a plate of onion rings. |
好好! | Yeah. Yeah. |
還要冷盤蝦 | And a shrimp cocktail. |
和辣雞翅 | And some Buffalo wings. |
或許,一份披薩 | Maybe.. Maybe an individual pizza,huh? |
和牛排 | And some mozzarella sticks. |
我們在談什麼? | What were we talking about? |
哇,這地方真嚇人 人人都那麼吝嗇 | Wow,this place is awesome. Everyone is so mean. |
太有意思了! | So fun. |
我們走吧,我在這尋不到什麼的 | We should just go. I'm not gonna find anything here. |
這的東西都太可笑了 | This stuff is ridiculous. |
這地方真不賴! | Oh,this place is great! |
好了,你們開心吧 我要用這種聲音和人聊天了 | Okay,you guys have fun. I'm gonna go talk to people in this voice. |
拜託,我才不穿銀色的 | Rach,come on,I'm not gonna wear any of this. Nothing silver. |
- 為什麼? - 有毛毛領的 | - Why? - Okay,nothing with hair. |
更不穿帶掛鎖的 | And nothing with padlocks on it! |
我知道有些衣裳不入你眼 | Ross,look. Look,I know that some of this stuff is out there. |
但你看這件 | But I mean,come on,look at this. Look at this sweater. |
多美 | I mean,this is just beautiful. |
是很柔軟 | Wow,this is really soft. |
350元? | Three hundred and fifty dollars? |
從700塊打折下來!你差不多省了200塊! | Down from 700. You're saving,like,200 bucks. |
邏輯學和數學都飽受摧殘 | Both logic and math are taking a serious hit today. |
這件好,很襯你 | Hey,check this out. It's totally you. |
- 哇哦! - 嗯 | - Wow. - Yeah. |
哇哦!這件看起來不錯。 | Wow. Actually,this looks pretty good. |
是啊! | Yeah. |
"孩子就是孩子"(舞曲名)? | "Boys will be boys"? |
-本來就是! -好好。 | - What? They will be! - All right. |
-算了,我走 -別,羅斯,等等嘛! | - That's it,I'm getting out of here. - No,Ross,wait,come on. |
還有其他的呢, 衣裳和褲子都不錯 | There's other stuff here. There's some nice shirts,these nice pants. |
其實,這些看起來挺適合我 | Actually,these might look pretty good on me. |
嗯,不錯。這樣,你隨便轉轉先 | Yes,they will. You know what you should do? Go take a walk. |
我知道你尺碼,我幫你挑些上等貨色 | All right? I know your size,and I'll pick out some really good stuff for you. |
-當真? -對 | - Really? - Yes. |
我知道男人穿什麼最性感 | I know what looks sexy on guys. |
穿我推薦的衣服,不迷死她才怪 | Just wear what I suggest,and she is gonna go nuts for you. |
你是說… | So you're saying.. |
我若穿這條褲子,她會允許我侵犯? | if I wear these pants,I might be getting into hers? |
為什麼男人老跟我來這套? | Why do men keep talking to me like this? |
我是醫生,我太太是牧師, | So the fact that I'm a doctor and my wife's a reverend.. |
這對你很重要? | that's important to you? |
是啊,很多申請人都很優秀 | Yeah. I read some great applications.. |
但是,帶孩子誰也比不上牧師 | but I thought,"Who better than a minister to raise a child?" |
阿門 | Amen. |
何況還有醫生的妙手 | Plus,I thought the baby would be in good hands with a doctor. |
很好的一雙手。 | Good hands. |
療傷聖手 | Healing hands. |
牧師,聖經上有寫領養孩子嗎? | Reverend,can I ask? Does the Bible say anything about adoption? |
寫了:但做無妨! | It says,"Do it." |
(模仿聖經句式:)她讓他們領養了一個嬰孩 (原為"你要懷孕生子,可以給他起名叫耶穌") | "And behold,she did adopt unto them a baby. |
此乃善舉 | And it was good." |
-哇 -我也哇 | - Wow. - Yeah,wow. |
我在想 你們工作都責任重大 | I was wondering.. You both have such serious jobs. |
有時間照顧寶寶? 還兼顧你的教友們? | Would you have time to take care of a baby and your flock? |
- 我的教友? - 你們教堂裡的人。 | - My flock? - People in your church. |
哦,我的教友。 | Oh,my flock. |
我的教友? 我的教友們很不錯 | Oh,no,my flock? My flock is good. |
現在他們能照顧自己 | Yeah. My flock pretty much takes care of themselves by this point. |
很好的教友,教友,教友,教友 | Good flock. Flock,flock,flock. |
當醫生很花時間吧? | But being a doctor,that must take up a lot of time. |
我的情況不同 | Not for me it doesn't. |
談得如何? | So how's everything going in here? |
問題問完了,很滿意 | We're great. I think I may have asked all my questions. |
你們有什麼要問她? | Good. Do you have questions for Erica? |
我想問問,你讀到滿意的申請表 | Yeah,actually. So you read a file that you liked.. |
然後告訴代理人編號 然後他們聯繫到我們? | and then you gave the agency the serial number and they contacted us? |
我們的系統中使用者完全匿名 | Yes. Our system ensures total anonymity. |
-我們以此為榮 -應該驕傲 | - We're very proud of it. - You should be. |
的確是一流 | You're really on top of stuff. |
別的沒什麼了?那我們倆談談 | Well then,if there's nothing else,then the two of us should talk. |
實際上… | I actually.. |
-我想我們不必談了 - 為什麼不? | - I don't think we have to. - We don't? |
我看了你們的檔案就確定要選你們 | Yeah,when I read about you two,I was pretty sure I wanted you.. |
但還想當面見見你們 | but I just thought we should meet face to face. |
我決定了 | I've made my decision. |
就選他們 | I choose them. |
哦,天啊,太棒了 | Oh,my God,this is great. |
太棒了,聽見嗎 | This is so great. Did you hear that? |
是的,聽見了 | Yeah,I did. |
嘿! | Hey. |
謝謝,太謝謝了 | Thank you. Thank you so much. |
你將來一定進天堂! | You are so going to heaven! |
- 我們買了些很棒的東西。 - 對! | - We got some really great stuff. - Yeah. |
但是,有些胸罩似乎不妥 | Yeah,but I'm not sure about some of the bras I got. |
真的?你能穿上試給我看嗎? | Really? Do you want to try some of them on for me? |
好 | Okay. |
等一下,我們是在喬伊的幻想裡嗎? | Wait,are we in Joey's imagination? |
糟糕,錯拿羅斯一袋 | Oh,no. I took one of Ross' bags by mistake. |
我那件不見了 | And one of mine is missing. |
肯定在羅斯那裡,找他拿回來好了 | Ross probably has it. You'll get it from him later. |
如何? | So,what do you think? |
這次我們可沒穿一樣! | I think we're not wearing the same shirt anymore. |
對,瑞秋幫我選的 | Yeah. Yeah,Rachel picked it out for me. |
她讓我相信她 真高興我答應了,一路回頭率暴高! | She told me to trust her,and you know what? I'm glad I did. |
在來的路上,有很多人看我 | I turned quite a few heads on my way over here. |
老兄,別穿成這樣 | Dude,I really don't think you should be wearing that. |
我明白 | I see. |
有人怕我搶走了女人的目光 | Somebody's afraid of a little competition with the ladies? |
有人好像變成了女人! | Looks like someone is the ladies! |
你嫉妒,因為你沒出風頭 | You're just jealous because you couldn't pull this off. |
現在失陪了,我約會去 | Yeah. Now if you'll excuse me,I have a date. |
看到沒?大家都只看我! | See? All eyes on me! |
-不能簽 -為什麼? | - We are not signing those papers. - Why not? |
這不對,他們搞錯,當我們是別人 | It's wrong. They made a mistake. They think we're somebody else. |
上帝的安排,凡人懂什麼 | God works in mysterious ways. |
別再冒充了! | You have got to stop. |
但她喜歡我們 | But she liked us. |
她喜歡的是錢德醫生和莫妮卡牧師 | She likes Doctor Chandler and Reverend Monica. |
回想一下,我其實滿像牧師 | If you think about it,I'm kind of like a reverend. |
作為廚子,我給饑餓的人和窮人提供食物 | I mean,as a chef,I serve God by feeding the hungry and poor. |
你一份牛排賣34塊9毛5! | Your veal chop is 34.95! |
拜託,我認為這是我們的機會 | Come on,I just.. I think we've been given an opportunity. |
不如將錯就錯,他們都在簽協議了 | The mistake's already made. They're writing up the papers now. |
但我們是冒充的 | But we're not the ones she chose. |
你竟然理直氣壯 | How can you feel okay about this? |
因為… | Because. |
雖然我們不是她選中的人 | We may not be who she thinks we are.. |
但沒人比我們更愛那個小寶寶 | but no one will ever love that baby more than us. |
- 我明白 - 我的意思是 | - I know. - I mean,who knows.. |
誰知道我們到底還要等多久 才會有人給我們寶寶? | how long it's gonna take for someone else to give us a baby? |
萬一永遠沒人選我們? | What if no one ever picks us? |
哦,親愛的 | Oh,honey.. |
行嗎? | Please? |
求你了,我們快成功了 | Please. We are so close. |
莫妮卡,我也想要孩子 | Monica,I want a baby too. |
但她要送出她的孩子 | But this woman is giving away her child. |
她應該知道對方的真實身份 | She deserves to know who it's going to. |
好吧,你說的沒錯 | Okay. You're right. |
我們跟她坦白, | So we'll tell the truth. |
而且誰知道呢,對吧? 沒准,她喜歡的是咱倆本人 | And who knows,you know? Maybe she'll like us for us. |
或許! | Maybe she will. |
我怎麼就不是牧師呢! | Why couldn't I have been a reverend? |
你是猶太人 | You're Jewish. |
技術性的問題 | Technicality! |
女士點的戈登沙拉 | Garden salad for the lady. |
看來很誘人,真會點 | Oh,that looks great. Good ordering. |
男士點的海鮮拼盤,另有一盤薯條,請慢用 | Seafood platter for the gentleman,and extra fries. |
請慢用 | Enjoy. |
薯條很美味 | Those fries look delicious. |
你也喜歡吃法國薯條? | I didn't know you liked French fries. |
吃吧,我的就是你的 | Help yourself. What's mine is yours. |
好大的清蒸粉蚌 | Wow,are those stuffed clams? |
對,是我的清蒸粉蚌 | Yes,they are my stuffed clams. |
吃薯條如何? | How about those fries,though,huh? |
-真美味 -是啊 | - They are delicious. - Yeah. |
你真漂亮,知道嗎 | You are beautiful,you know that? |
你嘴好甜 | That is so sweet. |
好! | Okay,then. |
你搗什麼亂! | Now look what you did! |
怎麼回事? | What? What is the matter with you? |
我不喜歡別人搶我的東西吃 | I don't like it when people take food off of my plate,okay? |
但你說過"我的就是你的" | But you said,"What's mine is yours." |
我指的不是這個! | Well,I didn't mean it! |
好吧,對不起,沒想到你這麼在乎 | Fine. Sorry,I didn't think it was that big a deal. |
抱歉 | No,I'm sorry. I.. |
我反應過激,食物方面 | I'm overreacting,okay? It's just,when it comes to food,I.. |
我有一些戒律 | have certain rules.. |
我是說 | okay? I mean.. |
有些事可以做,有些事嚴禁做 | there are things you do,and,you know,things that you don't do. |
這兒很不錯 | Wow,this place looks great. |
你會喜歡的,真高興我們在一起 | Oh,you are gonna love it. And I'm so glad we're finally doing this. |
-我也是 -我來 | - Me too. - Here. |
真有趣! | So this was fun. |
剛才的事真抱歉 | I really am sorry about,you know,before. |
我想說,我真的喜歡你 | And I want to make sure you know I really do like you. |
是啊,但是沒有喜歡蛤蚌那麼多 | Sure,just not as much as clams. |
清蒸粉蚌 | Well,stuffed clams.. |
女士要的巧克力甜品 | Chocolate torte for the lady. |
男士的乳酪蛋糕 | Cheesecake for the gentleman. |
抱歉,我的蛋糕上不是應該有些紅葡萄嗎? | Excuse me,sir. There seems to be some sort of red crap on my cheesecake. |
是的,那是覆盆子 | Yes,that's a raspberry coulis. |
覆盆子不是一種猴子嗎? | Coulis is not a monkey? |
當我看到覆盆子這個詞的時候 我還以為是一種猴子呢! | When I read the description I thought it came with a little raspberry monkey. |
- 哦,天啊 - 我要換成她那種 | - Oh,my God. - I'll just have what she's having instead. |
抱歉先生,那是最後一塊了 | Oh,I'm sorry,sir. That was our last piece. |
點乳酪蛋糕真夠蠢,試著保持健康吧 | I'm so stupid ordering cheesecake,trying to be healthy. |
哦,不 | Oh,no. |
工作電話,我得複機 | This is work. I should call in. Can you excuse me? |
請便 | Yeah,sure. No problem. |
幹嘛?你不是不和人分享食物? | What are you doing? I thought you don't share food? |
確實是 | Sure I do. |
要覆盆子嗎? | Coulis? |
不,我都不能吃你的蛤蚌 你也不能碰我的甜品 | No. If I can't have your clams,you can't have my dessert. |
規則是雙向的 | This is a two-way street. |
是嗎? | Really? |
是的。 | Really. |
我回來時希望它完好無損 | Now this all better be here when I come back. |
當然,我能控制自己 | Yeah,of course. I can control myself. |
別再瞪著我! | Stop staring at me! |
就一小口 | Just a tiny little.. |
我不說對不起 | I'm not even sorry. |
- 嗨! - 嗨! | - Hi. - Hey. |
領養的初步手續就這些了 | So these are the preliminary forms for an open adoption. |
後續的手續還很多,希望一切順利 | There's a lot to go over,but I'll explain as we go through. |
-孩子的照片? - 對 | - Is that a picture? - Yeah. |
是上周給寶寶拍的超聲波 | It's a sonogram they took of the baby last week. |
你們也許有興趣看看 | I thought you might want to see it. |
醫生快看 | Look,doctor. |
簽字前我們得談談 | Look,before we sign anything,we really have to talk. |
我們不是你選中的夫婦 | We're not who you think we are. |
-什麼意思? -代理公司肯定出錯了 | - I don't understand. - The agency must have made a mistake. |
我太太不是牧師,我不是醫生 | My wife is not a reverend,and I'm not a doctor. |
-啊? -不可能 | - What? - That's impossible. |
我可以替你開刀,向你證明 | I could perform an operation on you and prove it if you'd like. |
我去查檔案,失陪一下 | I have to check your file. Excuse me. |
你們到底是誰? | So who are you? |
我們是叫莫妮卡,錢德,紐約來的 | Our names really are Monica and Chandler. We're from New York. |
但重要的是 | Yeah,but the important thing to know about us.. |
我們真的很愛這個小孩 | is how much we would care for this little baby. |
你們先前跟我撒謊? | So you lied to me before? |
我們給了假的“證詞” | Well,we "bore false witness." |
看,我真有當牧師的天賦 | See? I could be a reverend. |
我真不敢相信 | I can't believe this. |
我們希望說明真相後 | But we were hoping that since we told you the truth.. |
-你能網開一面 -把我的寶寶給你們? | - that you still might consider.. - Giving you my baby? |
把孩子給兩個騙子? | You think I'd give you my child after this? |
不必馬上決定,請看看我們的檔案 | You don't have to decide now. If you look at our file.. |
沒興趣,到此為止 | I don't want to look at your file. This is over. |
艾瑞卡 請等等, | Erica,wait. |
我跟你無話可說 | I have nothing to say to you. |
你很有理由生氣 | Look,you have every reason to be upset. |
我們是撒了謊 | We did lie. |
但那是因為我們想要個孩子等太久了 | But only because we've been waiting and trying to have a baby for so long. |
我們也不知道下一個機會 何年何月才會到來 | And we don't know how long it's gonna be before we get another chance. |
讓你的牧師祈禱去吧! | Why don't you ask the reverend to pray on it? |
艾瑞卡,等等 | Erica,please. |
考慮一下我們吧 找他們要我們的資料 | Just consider us. Ask them to see our file. |
我們姓賓 | Our last name's Bing. |
我太太是廚師,我從事廣告業 | My wife's a chef,and I'm in advertising. |
嗯 | Oh,yeah. |
我的確喜歡你們 | I actually liked you guys. |
但你們不該撒謊 | But it doesn't matter. What you did was wrong. |
但你喜歡我們對不對 | But you did like us. |
你沒有喜歡錯 | And you should. |
我太太很了不起 | My wife's an incredible woman. |
有愛心,樂於奉獻,關懷他人 | She is loving,and devoted and caring. |
別告訴她我這麼說 但是她的確一貫正確 | And don't tell her I said this,but the woman's always right. |
我愛我太太勝過世上一切事物 | I love my wife more than anything in this world. |
所以.. | And it.. |
不能給她個孩子,我難受得要命 | It kills me that I can't give her a baby. |
我很想要孩子 | I really want a kid. |
有了孩子以後 我會學習如何做個好爸爸 | And when that day finally comes,I'll learn how to be a good dad. |
但我太太… | But my wife.. |
她已經做好了準備 | she's already there. |
她是一個媽媽 | She's a mother.. |
可惜沒孩子 | without a baby. |
求你了 | Please? |
你還要那孩子嗎? | You still want that baby? |
上帝保佑錢德賓 | God bless you,Chandler Bing! |
原來這是女人穿的 | Turns out this sweater is made for a woman. |
那你還穿? | So why are you still wearing it? |
因為它摸起來很軟 | Because it's soft. |
今天過得如何? | Hey,so how was your date? |
不太好 | Not so good. |
看起來今晚就咱倆了是吧老兄 | Well,looks like it's just the two of us tonight,huh,buddy? |
是啊,你知道嗎,我們夠倒楣的 | Yeah. And you know what? We could do a lot worse. |
-是啊 - 嗯 | - Yeah. - Yeah. |
喬伊從不分享食物! | Joey doesn't share food! |
這蛋糕太好吃了 | This cake is amazing! |
天啊,去開房吧。 | My God,get a room. |
我會跟這個蛋糕去開房的 | I would get a room with this cake. |
正是時候讓你們看看美味的蛋糕呢。 | I think I could show this cake a good time. |
如果你們必須放棄一樣的話 你們會放棄哪一樣兒,食物還是性愛? | If you had to,what would you give up,food or sex? |
性愛 | Sex. |
說真的,你回答得也太快了吧 | Seriously,answer faster. |
不好意思,親愛的 | Oh,I'm sorry,honey. |
我剛才說的性愛,並不是指和你一起的性愛 | But when she said "sex," I wasn't thinking about sex with you. |
好象我還受了很大恩惠似的。 | It's like a giant hug. |
羅斯,你呢? 你會放棄哪一樣?性愛還是食物? | Ross,how about you? Which would you give up? |
食物 | Food. |
那如果是性愛和恐龍呢? | How about sex or dinosaurs? |
老天啊,真是兩難的選擇啊。 | Oh,my God,it's like Sophie's Choice. |
哦,天啊 | Oh,God. |
喬,你放棄什麼?性愛還是食物? | What about you,Joe? What would you give up,sex or food? |
我不知道,這太難取捨了 | I don't know,it's too hard. |
不行,你必須得選一個 | No,you gotta pick one. |
食物,不,性愛 | Food. No,sex. |
食物,性愛,食物,性愛… 我不知道,老天,我都想要! | Food. Sex. Food. Sex.. I don't know! Oh,God,I want both! |
我要坐在麵包上的妞兒! | I want.. I want girls on bread! |
錢德的外遇 | The.One.With.Chandler.Gets.Caught |
-我這兒有我女兒最新的照片 -哇,真可愛啊 | - You gotta see these pictures of Emma. - Oh,how cute! |
-她看上去就象個娃娃 -不不,那就是個娃娃 | - She looks just like a little doll. - Oh,no,that is a doll. |
噢,感謝上帝,因為我覺得它看上去有點嚇人 | Oh,thank God,because that thing's really creepy. |
錢德在那兒 | Look,there's Chandler. |
噢,那個金髮女郎是誰?她很漂亮 | Who's the blond? She's pretty. |
他有外遇了 | He's having an affair. |
他才不是有外遇呢 | He is not having an affair! |
你知道的啦,我在這事兒上面感覺很准的。 | I'm always right about these things. |
不,你才沒有呢 上周你還在想羅斯想把你宰了 | No,you're not. Last week,you thought Ross was trying to kill you. |
對不起,但確實很讓人難以相信 | Well,sorry,but it's hard to believe that |
有人能講一個洋娃娃也會講的故事。 | anyone would tell a story that dull..just to tell it. |
我敢發誓他們倆之間肯定有些什麼事 | There's something going on with them. |
快看,他們倆上了同一部車 | Look! He's getting into the car with her. |
那並不能說明什麼 | That doesn't mean anything. |
是嗎?讓我們走著瞧 | Oh,yeah? Well,let's see. |
喂,趴低點 | Okay,duck down. |
-喂? -嗨,錢德,我是菲比 | - Hello? - Hi,Chandler. It's Phoebe. |
我知道今天莫妮卡要上班 | I know that Monica is working today.. |
所以我想你要不要跟我和瑞秋一起去看電影 | so I was wondering if you wanted to come to the movies with me and Rachel. |
噢,我也得上班。 我在這辦公室裡都悶了一天了 | Oh,I have to work too. Yeah,I'm stuck here at the office all day. |
太可惜了,你不能去看電影 | Well,it's a shame that you'll miss the movie.. |
因為我們打算看《大話王》(1997年) | because we were gonna see,you know,either Liar Liar.. |
《危險女人心》(1983年)或者是《金玉盟》(1957年) | or Betrayal or An Affair to Remember. |
噢,這些片子可不是一般的老啊 | Those are all really old. |
是啊,也可能會看… | Okay,then maybe it'll be.. |
《豬頭,我的車咧?》(2000年) | Dude,Where's My Car? |
-什麼? -他們現在在車裡 | - What? - They're in a car. |
好了,遲點再跟你說,再見 | Okay. Well,talk to you later,okay? Bye. |
快,我們得攔輛計程車跟蹤他們 | Okay,quick. We gotta find a cab and follow them. |
好的,我得先去拿我的夜視鏡和眩暈槍 | Yeah,okay. Let me just grab my night-vision goggles and my stun gun. |
我這兒有 | I got them. |
-嘿 -嗨,親愛的 | - Hey. - Hey. Hi,sweetie. |
你身上有香水和香煙的味道 | Hey,you smell like perfume and cigarettes. |
-我今天和南茜在車裡面呆了一天 -南茜可不抽煙 | - I was in the car with Nancy. - Nancy doesn't smoke. |
那至少那香水不是我的 你這點倒是不用擔心。 | Well,at least the perfume's not mine. Be thankful for that. |
那麼,你認為那房子怎麼樣? | So.. What did you think of the house? |
簡直太棒了,就是我們一直以來要找的 | It's everything we've been looking for. |
是嗎?那些漂亮的塗層,冠形屋頂 | Isn't it? And what about the amazing wanes coating.. |
偏廈窗子和閣樓? | the crown molding and the dormer windows in the attic? |
還有蠕蟲和爬蟲? | And the wiggle woms and the zip zorps! |
你剛剛在說什麼? | What were the things you said? |
-你喜歡那個大院子嗎? -還有睡房裡的壁爐 | - Don't you love the huge yard? - The fireplace in the bedroom. |
南茜還說這個價錢非常優惠 | And Nancy said it's really underpriced.. |
因為那傢伙丟了工作不得不搬去跟父母住 所以急於出手。 | because the guy lost his job and has to move in with his parents! |
看把你興奮的 | This is bringing out a lovely color in you. |
你認為我們是不是應該把它買下來? | So do you think we should get it? |
我不知道,你怎麼想? | I don't know. What do you think? |
-我想我們應該買下來 -我也這麼想 | - I think we should. - I do too. |
這是件大事。 現在想不想抽一支? | This is huge. How bad do you wanna smoke right now? |
你說什麼呢,進言有功獎勵香煙? | I don't know what you mean,giant,talking cigarette. |
對了,我正在南茜車上的時候,菲比打電話來了 | Phoebe called as I was getting into Nancy's car. |
如果她問起就說我一天都在工作 | If she asks you,I was at work all day. |
明白,你打算什麼時候跟他們說這件事 | Got you. When do we tell them? |
至少要等到事情完全確定下來,現在沒有必要讓大家都難受 | We don't. Not until it's 100 percent. Why upset everybody over nothing? |
嗯,好的 | Okay. Right. |
-上帝,這將會非常難受 -我知道。希望一切順利 | - Oh,my God,that is gonna be so hard. - I know. Good luck with it. |
我只是不明白錢德為什麼要騙莫妮卡 | I just can't see Chandler cheating. |
告訴你們吧,我們一直跟蹤他們 到一所位於西賈斯特的房子的外面 | I'm telling you guys,we followed them out to a house in Westchester. |
他們在裡面待了有45分鐘, 出來的時候兩人看上去都很高興 | They went in for 45 minutes,and then they came out looking pretty happy. |
錢德? | Chandler? |
45分鐘? | Forty-five minutes? |
肯定有什麼地方不對頭 | Well,something's not right. |
所以你們跟蹤到 西賈斯特 還在外面等了45分鐘 | So you went all the way to Westchester,waited 45 minutes.. |
- 然後坐計程車回來? - 是啊 | - and came back in a cab? - Yeah. |
如果你們誰願意給100元的補助 那真是太好了 | If each of you guys would like to pitch in 100 bucks,that would be great. |
我不敢相信他這樣對莫妮卡 | I can't believe he'd do this to Monica. |
是啊,而且他們就快有小孩兒了 | I know,and with the baby coming? |
-那我們該不該告訴莫妮卡? -我不知道 | - So should we tell her? - I don't know. |
菲比,如果我們看到麥克跟另一個女人在一起,應不應該告訴你? | If one of us saw Mike with another woman,would you want us to tell you? |
什麼?你看到他跟誰在一起了? | Why? Who'd you see him with? |
-沒有,我只是說 -告訴我你知道些什麼! | - No one. I'm just saying if we did.. - Tell me what you know! |
我什麼也不知道,我只是假設 | No one! Nothing! Mike's a great guy! It was hypothetical! |
好了,好了,他是個好人 | All right. He is a good guy. |
是啊,他是個好人,他不會騙我的 | You're right. He wouldn't cheat. |
如果我真看到他跟另一個女人在一起… | If I did see him with someone,there's no way I.. |
你看見他跟誰在一起了? | Who did you see him with? |
看,她多開心啊 | Oh,look at her. So happy. |
要是有更小的來清理這個該有多好 | If only there were a smaller one to clean this one. |
錢德在嗎? | Hey,is Chandler here? |
不在,他去買晚餐去了,出什麼事了嗎? | No,he's picking up dinner. Why? What's up? |
無論發生什麼事,我們都跟你在一起,我們愛你 | Look,whatever happens,we're here for you,and we love you. |
-好 -我想錢德可能有外遇了 | - All right. - Chandler might be having an affair. |
-什麼? -菲比和我今天 | - What? - Phoebe and I saw Chandler.. |
看見錢德和一個金髮女郎在一起 | with a blond woman today outside on the street. |
然後我們跟蹤他們到了一所位於西賈斯特的房子 | And then we followed them to a house in Westchester. |
他們一起進去了,很抱歉 | They went in together. I'm so sorry. |
我的上帝…太可怕了 | Oh,my God. Oh,my God,that's awful. |
你們覺得房子怎麼樣? | What did you think of the house? |
什麼? | What? |
莫妮卡,你明白我們剛才說的話,對不對? | Monica,you understand what we're saying,right? |
明白,當然明白 非常清楚你的意思 | Yeah. Sure. I mean,I'm devastated,obviously. |
你們認為那些鄰居熱不熱情? | Did you think the neighborhood was homey? |
- 嘿! -你這個狗雜種 | - Hey. - You son of a bitch. |
你是在說我還是說附近不再受歡迎了? | Is it me,or have the greetings gone downhill around here? |
菲比和瑞秋今天看見你和南茜在一起 | Phoebe and Rachel saw you with Nancy today. |
他們以為你和她有一腿 | They think you're having an affair. |
-誰是南茜? -到底是怎麼回事? | - Who's Nancy? - What's going on? |
好的… | Okay.. |
好的,好的,夥計們,坐下說話 | All right,you better sit down. |
-這是件大事 - 是的 | - This is.. This is pretty big. - Yeah. |
我沒有外遇 | I'm not having an affair. |
南茜是我們的房地產經紀 | Nancy is our realtor. |
我就知道他不可能跟一個女人做45分鐘那麼長 | I knew he couldn't be with a woman for 45 minutes! |
你們為什麼要請地產經紀? | Why do you have a realtor? |
最近以來她帶著我們去看市區以外的房子 | She's been showing us houses outside of the city. |
-什麼? -你是說真的? | - What? - Are you serious? |
我們認為因為我們馬上就要有小孩兒了 | When we found out that we were gonna get this baby.. |
我和錢德商量過了 我們決定不能在市區撫養我們的小孩兒 | Chandler and I decided we didn't want to raise a kid in the city. |
所以你們要搬出去? | So you're.. So you're gonna move? |
我的上帝! | Oh,my God. |
這種事我們總要投票解決吧? | Shouldn't we all vote on stuff like this? |
在市區裡帶小孩兒有什麼不妥嗎? | What is wrong with raising a kid in the city? |
我不就正在市區裡帶小孩嗎? 羅斯也是 | I'm doing it. Ross is doing it. |
莎拉.潔西嘉.派克也是這麼幹的 | Sarah Jessica Parker is doing it! |
對你們來說這沒什麼問題 但是我們想要一個長長的秋千 | And that's great for you guys,but we want a lawn and a swing set. |
還有一條小孩可以在上面騎單車的馬路 | A street where our kids can ride their bikes.. |
不時還會有雪糕車經過 | and maybe an ice-cream truck can go by. |
所以你們想買一棟50年代的房子? | So you want to buy a house in the '50s. |
你們有沒有想過你們正放棄什麼嗎? | Have you thought about what you're giving up? |
你們不能搬出市區 | You can't move out of the city. What if..? |
要是,要是你們想淩晨五點鐘吃中餐怎麼辦? | What if you want Chinese food at 5 a.m.? |
又或者想買一塊一響就散架的假勞力士怎麼辦? | Or a fake Rolex that breaks as soon as it rains? |
又或者是想召一個亞洲妓女怎麼辦? | Or an Asian hooker sent right to your door? |
知道嗎?如果你們只是想看看房子,沒問題 | You know what? If you want to look for a house,that's okay. |
不,不, 不,別聽他的 小心我扁你 | No! No,it's not! Don't listen to him. I'm gonna thump you. |
的確是沒問題,等他們真正住進去之後 | It's okay,because they have to get it out of their system. |
你們會發現這裡才是你們真正想要住的地方 | Okay? But you're gonna realize this is the only place you want to be. |
實際上 | Actually.. |
我們已經找到合我們心意的房子了 | we already found a house we love. |
-什麼? -大約一小時以前,我們開出了我們的價碼 | - What? - About an hour ago,we made an offer. |
我打賭你們現在寧可我有外遇 | Bet you wish I was having an affair now,huh? |
-你們已經開出價碼了? -那房子真的很好 | - You put an offer on a house? - It's so sweet. |
的確是,那裡有一個很大的院子 一直通到一條小溪 | It really is. It has this big yard that leads down to this stream. |
那裡還有很多楓樹 | And then there's these old maple trees. |
跟自然環境有什麼關係?你們又不是水獺 | Oh,again with the nature. What are you,beavers? |
我知道你們一時很難接受我們的決定, 我們也非常的抱歉 | Look,I know this is really hard,and we're really sorry. |
是不是因為我常不敲門就過來拿你們的東西吃? | Is this because I come over here without knocking and eat your food? |
我可以不那樣做 | Because I can stop doing that. |
我真的可以改 | I really,really think I can. |
喬,你知道這不是我們要搬出去住的原因 | You know that's not the reason,Joe. |
我想如果你們到實地看一看的話 你們會明白的 | I think if you saw it,you'd understand. |
你們倆去看過,那的確很美,不是嗎? | You guys were there. It's beautiful,isn't it? |
-是,確實是很美 -你在幹什麼? | - Yeah,it is. - What the hell are you doing? |
我的意思是我們今天到那兒的時候 我所想的是 | Well,it is,all right? When we were out there today,all I kept thinking was: |
我簡直不敢相信錢德在和那女人幹那事兒, | "I can't believe Chandler's screwing this woman.. |
但那並不意味那裡不是一個適合居住的地方! | but,man,this would be a nice place to live!" |
是,但漂亮又能怎樣? | Yeah,but so is this. |
對,我是說如果你們搬到那裡去住 你們就得離開這兒了 | Yeah. I mean,if you move there,you have to leave here. |
你們怎麼能離開這個地方? | I mean,how can you leave this place? |
爸爸,你聽我說 | Come on,Daddy,listen! |
在我生命中 每個人總是對我說 | All my life,everyone's always told me,"You're a shoe!" |
你是鞋子!你是鞋子,你是鞋子! | "You're a shoe! You're a shoe. You're a shoe!" |
今天我停下來說 如果我不想當鞋子會怎樣? | I stopped and said,"What if I don't want to be a shoe? |
如果我想做手袋? | What if I want to be a purse? |
或是帽子? | Or a hat?" |
不,我不是要你給我買頂帽子 | I don't want you to buy me a hat,I.. |
我是說…我只是打個比方,爸爸! | It's a metaphor,Daddy! |
你知道他的麻煩在哪裡了 | You can see where he'd have trouble. |
好吧,也許我應該和莫妮卡待在這兒 | Well,maybe I'll just stay here with Monica. |
我猜我們已經決定誰和莫妮卡住在一起了 | I guess we've established she's staying with Monica. |
你的錢要歸我啦,格林。 | Your money's mine,Greene. |
你的拉鍊沒拉上,蓋勒。 | Your fly's open,Geller. |
夥計們,知道我剛發現了什麼嗎? | You know what I just realized? |
Joker(11)是帶"J"的Poker(撲克牌) | "Joker" is "poker" with a "J"! |
巧合吧? | Coincidence? |
那真是帶"C"的'巧合(joincidence)' | That's "joincidence" with a "C"! |
呃,看,那個醜陋裸男點了一堆蠟燭 | Look! Ugly Naked Guy lit a bunch of candles. |
那一定很痛 | That had to hurt! |
嗨,這也是你們的感恩節 | Hey,it's your Thanksgiving too. |
除了看球賽,你也可以過來幫我們幹點活 | Instead of watching football,you could help. |
我們會的 | We know. |
好了,瑞秋, 你想把這些軟糖粒擺成一個同心圓 | Rachel,you want to put the marshmallows in concentric circles. |
不,莫妮卡, 是你想把它們擺成那樣 | No,Mon. You want to put them in concentric circles. |
我只是想這樣 | I want to do this. |
每年如此 | Every year. |
我被卡住了! | It's stuck! |
小心階梯 | Step. |
你怎麼會把頭給套進去了? | How did it get on? |
我想把它戴上去嚇嚇錢德 | I put it on to scare Chandler. |
我的上帝,莫妮卡會抓狂的 | Oh,my God! Monica's going to totally freak out! |
還有,這裡面難聞得要命 | Plus,it smells really bad in here. |
那是當然了 你腦袋伸到火雞的屁股裡面去了 | Of course it smells bad. You have your head up a turkey's ass. |
莫妮卡 | Monica. |
嗨,你們把火雞…… | Did you get the turkey..? |
啊,我的上帝,我的上帝 | Oh,my God! |
這是什麼? | Who is that? |
是喬伊 | It's Joey. |
我明白了。 | I got it! |
如果我們贏,你們就得把那公雞處理掉 | If we win,they have to get rid of the rooster. |
有意思 | That's interesting! |
如果你們贏 | If you win.. |
我們就放棄那只鳥兒 | we give up the bird. |
但是,如果我們贏了 | But if we win.. |
我們要你們住的地方 | we get your apartment. |
- 一言為定! -什麼? | - Deal! - What? |
莫妮卡當曲棍球守門員時候的綽號 | "Monica's nickname when she was a hockey goalie?" |
-大胖守門員 -正確。 | - Big Fat Goalie. - Correct! |
瑞秋說她最喜歡的電影是? | "Rachel claims it's her favorite movie." |
《危險關係》 | Dangerous Liaisons. |
-正確。實際上她最喜歡的電影是? -《老闆度假去》 | - "Her actual favorite movie is..?" - Weekend at Bernie's. |
莫妮卡給她的毛巾分類, 一共分了多少類? | "Monica categorizes her towels. How many categories are there?" |
-每天用的 -正確 | - Everyday use. - Fancy. |
- 客人的 - 正確 | - Guest. - Fancy guest. |
- 2秒 - 11種? | - Two seconds. - Eleven? |
太令人難以置信了,11是正確答案 | Unbelievable! Eleven is correct. |
錢德第一次摸女孩子胸部的時候有多大? | "Chandler was how old when he first touched a girl's breast?" |
- 14? - 不,19. | - 14? - No,19. |
謝了兄弟 | Thanks,man. |
喬伊有一個想像中的童年時的朋友 | "Joey had an imaginary childhood friend. |
-他叫什麼名字? -莫里斯 | - His name was..?" - Maurice! |
-正確,他是幹什麼的? -太空牛仔! | - "His profession was..?" - Space cowboy! |
錢德是幹什麼工作的? | "What is Chandler Bing's job?" |
還有10秒,你們得答對這一題,否則就輸了 | Ten seconds. You need this or you lose. |
嗯,好像是跟轉碼有關的 | Something to do with transponding. |
啊,啊,是轉碼員! | He's a transponster! |
你說的都不是一個正確的單詞! | That's not even a word! |
知道嗎?你們是些卑鄙的傢伙,太卑鄙了! | You are mean boys who are just being mean! |
嗨,別沖我們發火!沒人逼你越賭越大 | Don't get mad! No one forced you to raise the stakes. |
不對,是她逼我的! | That is not true! She forced me! |
你答錯題了。 | You got the question wrong. |
那是一個愚蠢的,不公平的問題。 | It was a stupid,unfair question! |
不要把責任怪在題上 | Don't blame the questions! |
你們能不能不要在屋子裡瞎嚷嚷 你們把我們的搬家日給毀了 | Stop yelling in our apartment! You are ruining moving day for us. |
錢德! | Chandler! |
錢德,我從窗戶那裡瞧見你們在幹那事兒了 | I saw what you were doing in the window! |
我看見你在對我妹子做什麼! 現在你給我滾出來! | I saw what you're doing to my sister! Get out here! |
哇!聽著,我們在一起很快樂 | Listen,we had a good run. |
多久? 四個月?五個月? | What was it? Four,five months? |
這已經超過大多數人一輩子的恩愛時光了,所以再見,保重 | That's more than most people have in a lifetime. Goodbye. |
嘿,羅斯,出什麼事了,老哥? | Hey,Ross. What's up,bro? |
你們到底在幹什麼?! | What the hell are you doing? |
嘿!出什麼事了? | What's going on? |
我想,我想羅斯知道我和莫妮卡的事了 | I think Ross knows about me and Monica. |
老兄,他就在那呢 | Dude,he's right there. |
我還當你是我最好的朋友呢!她可是我親妹妹。 | I thought you were my best friend! This is my sister! |
我最好的朋友跟我妹妹!我簡直不敢相信! | My best friend and my sister! I cannot believe this! |
我們不是玩玩而已的。 我愛她 | We're not just messing around. I love her. |
我跟她墜入情網了 | I'm in love with her. |
真不好意思,你是以這種方式知道我們相戀的 | I'm so sorry that you had to find out this way. |
抱歉,但這是真的,我也愛他 | I'm sorry,but it's true. I love him too. |
我最好的朋友和我妹妹! | My best friend and my sister! |
我簡直不敢相信! | I cannot believe this! |
這是你最後一箱衣服 | This is the last box of your clothes. |
我想在這上面貼個標籤:你在想什麼? | I'm just gonna label it "What were you thinking?" |
有趣,因為我正想到對門去 在錢德身上也寫上這句話 | I was gonna go across the hall and write that on Chandler. |
二位,我不想把事情搞砸 | Guys,I don't wanna make things worse,but.. |
但是,嗯,我再也不想跟瑞秋住在一起了 | I don't want to live with Rachel anymore. |
你們對對方太刻薄了! | You're so mean to each other. |
而且我也不想跟瑞秋最後鬧得不歡而散 我還是喜歡你 | I don't wanna end up like that with Rachel. I still like you. |
菲比,那沒關係,因為我不搬了 | That's fine because I'm not moving. |
哇,哇,哇,菲比,你得跟她一起住! | Phoebe,you gotta take her. |
你知道,我是曾說過一些她的壞話 | I said some bad stuff.. |
但是,瑞秋還是有很多優點的, 這足以讓她成為一個好的室友 | but Rachel has qualities that make her a good roommate. |
她有很多商品目錄,嗯 她會把那些她認為我會喜歡的產品所在頁折起來 | She gets tons of catalogs and folds down the pages of things I'd like. |
還有呢? | What else? |
我在洗澡的時候 | When I take a shower.. |
她會在鏡子上給我留下留言 | she leaves me notes on the mirror. |
是,那是我幹的 | I do. I do do that. |
很好,我喜歡在洗手間裡讀點東西 | That's nice. I like having things to read in the bathroom. |
當我看完書在沙發上睡著的時候, | When I fall asleep on the couch.. |
她會為我蓋上一張毯子 | she covers me with a blanket. |
你知道啦,我不想讓你著涼了 | Well,you know,I don't want you to be cold. |
還有,當我告訴她 我要跟錢德一起住的時候, | And when I told her that I was gonna move in with Chandler.. |
她真的是很支持我 | she was really supportive. |
你太好了 | You were so great. |
你把一件困難的事情變得輕鬆簡單 | You made it so easy. |
現在,你得走了 | And now you have to leave. |
而我得和男生住在一起! | And I have to live with a boy! |
-她真的走了 -我知道 | - She really left. - I know. |
-謝謝 -沒問題,室友 | - Thank you. - No problem,roomie. |
-我能問你一個問題嗎? -當然! | - Can I ask you a question? - Sure. |
那只狗在那兒幹什麼? | What the hell is that dog doing here? |
我來說點祝酒詞吧 | A little toast here. Ding,ding! |
我知道這並不是你們所計畫的感恩節 | This isn't exactly the kind of Thanksgiving you planned.. |
但對於我來說,這個節真的是太棒了 | but for me this has been really great. |
知道嗎?我之所以這樣認為是因為 這個節裡面沒有離婚和 | I think because it didn't involve divorce.. |
吐得一塌糊塗 | or projectile vomiting. |
無論怎樣,我只是在想,如果你去了山谷 | If you had gone to Vail.. |
如果你和你的家人在一起 | or if you had been with your family,or if you didn't have.. |
如果你沒做性病這類的廣告 | syphilis and stuff.. |
我們就不可能在一起,對不對? | we wouldn't be all together. |
所以,我想說的是 | So I guess what I'm trying to say is.. |
我很感激你們 因為你們的感恩節計畫全砸了 | that I'm very thankful that all of your Thanksgivings sucked. |
-太感人了 -謝啦 | - That's so sweet! - Thank you. |
為糟糕的耶誕節乾杯 | Here's to a lousy Christmas! |
也為糟糕的新年乾杯 | And a crappy New Year! |
- 乾杯! -乾杯! | - Hear,hear! - Hear,hear! |
你們不能搬,你們就是不能這樣做 | You can't move. You just.. You just can't. |
瑞秋說得對,你們倆是屬於這裡的 | Rachel's right. This is where you guys belong. |
是啊,你們可不能搬到西賈斯特,那是最糟糕的賈斯特。 | You don't wanna live in Westchester. That's the worst of the Chesters. |
知道嗎,有時我獨自一人在我的寓所的時候 望向這邊 | You know,sometimes when I'm alone in my apartment,I look over here.. |
你們正在吃晚餐 | and you guys are just having dinner.. |
看電視或是做著其它什麼事 | or watching TV or something.. |
這讓我感覺好很多 | but it makes me feel better. |
現在,你們搬走之後 我再望過來的時候,我會看到誰? | And now when I look over,who am I gonna see? |
高特裡?楊? | The Gottliebs? The Yangs? |
他們不會讓我感覺如此之好! | They don't make me feel so good. |
是啊,所以別搬了 對,就留下吧 | Yeah. So don't move,okay? Just stay here.. |
-晚上的時候別忘了拉窗簾就行了。 - 喂! | - and maybe close your blinds at night. - Hey. |
喂? | Hello? |
是南茜,他們答覆我們開出的價碼了 | It's Nancy. They responded to our offer. |
然後? | And? |
好的,謝謝 | Okay. Thanks. |
他們否決了 | They passed. |
他們不想對價格做任何讓步 | They said they won't go a penny under the asking price. |
-我們負擔不起那價格 -我知道 | - We can't afford that. - I know. |
好了,如你們所願了 | Well,there you go. |
真抱歉 | I'm really sorry,you guys. |
我也很抱歉。要是那個電話 | Yeah,I'm sorry too. I'm even more sorry that phone call didn't come.. |
在我說出從 窗戶那邊望過來之前打來的話,就好了。 | before I told you about looking through the window. |
我們還是讓你們倆單獨待一會兒吧 | Yeah. Well,we're gonna let you be alone. |
-你們沒事吧? -我們沒事的 | - You gonna be okay? - Yeah,we'll be okay. |
我愛你們 | Love you guys. |
很抱歉,剛才沒有支持你們 | You know,I'm really sorry I wasn't more supportive before. |
沒關係,我們能理解 | That's okay. We understand. |
對了,關於這個南茜 | Yeah,and about this Nancy.. |
如果你沒跟她上床的話,能不能讓我上? | If you're not sleeping with her,should I? |
我知道外面還有很多房子,但是這棟… | I know there'll be other houses,but I just.. |
-我太愛這棟房子了 - 是啊 | - I love that one so much. - Yeah. |
所以得到這棟房子是天大的喜事 | Well,it's a good thing we got it then. |
-什麼? -我們買到那房子了 | - What? - We got the house. |
-噢,我的上帝 -我只是不想當著他們的面告訴你 | - Oh,my God. - I didn't wanna tell you in front of them. |
我的上帝,上帝啊,我們買到那棟房子了 | We got it?! We got the house?! |
我們買到那棟房子了 | We're getting a house! |
-對,我們買到了 -還有孩子 | - We're getting a house. - And a baby. |
我們長大了 | We're growing up. |
是啊。 | We sure are. |
-誰去跟他們說呢? -不是我 | - Who's gonna tell them? - Not it! |
也不是我,晚了一步 | Not it! Damn it! |
瑞秋,這是給你的 | Rachel,this is yours. |
為什麼送我們這些禮物? | Why? What are these for? |
-過會就知道了 - 好了,大家都請打開來看看吧 | - You'll see. - All right,everybody open them. |
好漂亮啊 | Wow,this is so beautiful! |
這個正是我上次在商店裡相中的那一款小飾品! | These are the ones I was looking at in the store! |
-我知道 -我喜歡這個 | - I know. - Oh,I love this! |
賽百味肉球三明治! | A meatball sub! |
謝謝 | Thanks! |
說真的,你們怎麼了? 為什麼送我們這些禮物? | Seriously,guys,what's going on? What are these for? |
我先前不知道該怎麼跟你們說 | Well,I didn't know how to tell you before.. |
-但是,我們買到那房子了 -好好享受吧 | - but we got the house. - Enjoy! |
他們剛才說什麼? | What did they say? |
- 嘿,夥計們… - 等等,我來跟他們講。 | - Hey,guys.. - Wait! Let me tell them. |
-好 -喬伊要 | - Sure. - Joey's gonna be.. |
在一個益智節目中做嘉賓了。 | a celebrity guest on a game show. |
真的?哪個節目? | Really? Which one? |
魚,海草 | Fish. Seaweed. |
- 沉船… -海中之物… | - A sunken ship. - Things you find in the ocean. |
-你要上智力金字塔! - 對 | - You're gonna be on Pyramid! - Yeah. |
-哦,那是我們最喜歡的益智節目了! - 除了匹配賽以外! | - That was our favorite game show ever. - Except for Match Game. |
還有輸贏簽。 | Or Win,Lose or Draw. |
瞧瞧我結的親家。 | What did I marry into? |
你們想明天來看我錄節目嗎? | You guys wanna come and watch me tape the show? |
不行,我們要給菲比開個婚前告別單身狂歡。 | Oh,we can't. We're throwing Phoebe a bachelorette party. |
對嘍,抱歉,兄弟們,此路不通。 | Yeah. Sorry,boys,this ride's closing. |
哦,錢德和我要參加一個校友聚會。 | And Chandler and I have this stupid college alumni thing. |
難以置信你要跟多尼·奧斯蒙德做節目。 | I can't believe you get to meet Donny Osmond. |
當真? | Seriously? |
羅斯和我以前總想變成多尼和馬瑞 | Ross and I always wanted to be Donny and Marie. |
你們倆還越說越起勁兒了。 | You guys just keep getting cooler and cooler. |
對,我們以前還在家裡和朋友面前表演過 | Yeah,we used to perform for our family and friends. |
哦,沒錯,我還真給它忘了。 | Oh,God,that's right. I blocked that out. |
我要離開你了 | I'm leaving you. |
脫衣舞男之淚 | The.One.Where.The.Stripper.Cries |
又見到這些人了。 | It's so weird to see all these people again. |
哦,我的上帝,那是傑佛.克拉瑞。 | Oh,my God,look. There's Jeffrey Klarik. |
-誰? -約翰.盧瑟夫的室友。 | - Who? - He was roommates with John Rosoff. |
他當時跟安卓.特布里諾拍拖。 | He went out with Andrea Tamborino. |
她後來又跟麥克.斯克勞夫好上了。 | She dumped him for Michael Skloff. |
我上的是這所學校嗎? | Did I go to this school? |
嘿,那是米西.戈爾伯格,你肯定記得她。 | Hey,there's Missy Goldberg. You gotta remember her. |
當然,她很正點。 | Sure. Nice. |
夥計兒,你可跟我妹妹結了婚的。 | Dude,you're married to my sister. |
你說的沒錯,我誇她正點就是跟她不正經了? | You're right. By saying "nice," I'm virtually licking her. |
嘿,我聽說她又單身了 你說我是不是該跟她約會呢? | Hey,I hear she's single again. You think I should ask her out? |
你是不是想要打破君子協定? | Are you asking permission to break the pact? |
對了,求求你。 | Yes,please. |
瞧瞧樂隊的傳單。 | Hey. Hey,check out the fliers for the band. |
-我在機房的蘋果機上做的。 -乖乖 | - I made them on a Macintosh. - Awesome. |
名字還挺醒目的。 | The name really stands out. |
感謝24號大小的 海維提卡粗體字(蘋果電腦預設字體) | Thanks to a little something called Helvetica Bold 24-point. |
夥計兒,我們要在亞洲學生聯盟搖滾了。 | Man,we're gonna rock that Asian Student Union. |
- 嘿,夥計們。 - 嘿,米西。 | - Hey,guys. - Hey,Missy. |
-你知道嗎,我們樂隊星期五演出。 -是啊,你該來看看。 | - Our band is playing on Friday. - Yeah,you should come check us out. |
我們管它叫"行,還是不行"。 | We're called Way/No Way. |
- 不行。 - 行! | - No way. - Way. |
- 好吧,到時見 - 新鮮 | - Great. I'll be there. - Fresh. |
- 老闆. - 薄荷. | - Boss. - Mint. |
- 她走了。 - 我知道。 | - She's gone. - I know it. |
-你知道嗎,我一定要約到她。 -夥計兒,我還想約她呢。 | - I am totally gonna ask her out. - Dude,I was gonna ask her out. |
-是我先說的,兄弟。 -那我還先想到的呢,老哥。 | - I said it first,bro. - Well,I thought it first,Homes. |
-聽著,你要是約… -等等,我們在幹嗎呢? | - Look,if you date.. - Wait! Wait! What are we doing? |
我們不需要為了某些女孩而反目成仇 | What we have is too important to mess it up over some girl. |
我的意思是,我們隨時都能得到我們想要的女人 | I mean,we can get laid any time we want. |
就是。 | Totally. |
-我高中就有性生活了。 -我也是,我是情場高手。 | - I had sex in high school. - Me too. I'm good at it. |
好吧,我們倆立個君子協定, | All right,I say we make a pact. |
誰都不許跟米西.戈爾伯格約會。 | Neither of us will go out with Missy Goldberg. |
一言為定。 | You got it. |
那麼,現在我們就不能跟米西.戈爾伯格 菲比.凱特 | That's Missy Goldberg,Phoebe Cates and Molly Ringwald.. |
-還有莫莉.裡沃特約會了 -沒錯,打包。 | - who we can't go out with. - Those are the pacts. |
哦,還有西娜.伊斯特 反正我們也追不上她。 | And Sheena Easton. But we probably couldn't get her anyway. |
你追不上她倒是真的。 | Maybe not you. |
好吧,我正式授權允許你打破君子協定。 | Well,I officially give you permission to break the pact. |
謝謝。 | Thank you. |
好,我要上啦。 嘿,還記得上學時你跟女孩說話都慌神嗎? | Here I go. Hey,remember how scary it used to be going up to girls in college? |
- 你的手在發抖呢。 - 我知道,我還一個勁地冒汗。 | - Your hands are shaking. - I know. And I can't stop sweating. |
5,4,3,鼓掌。 | Five,four,three. Applause. |
哦! | Yeah! |
歡迎大家,這裡是智力金字塔,肥皂劇之周。 | Welcome. It is Soap Opera Week here on Pyramid. |
來看看選手們 首先,是資料庫專家金.拉斯特。 | Let's meet our contestants. First,Gene Lester is a database specialist. |
他的搭檔是“我們的日子” 劇中的明星 喬伊崔比亞尼。 | He's gonna be playing with Days of Our Lives star Joey Tribbiani. |
嘿,我知道普通人跟名人在一起時都會緊張。 | I know it can be intimidating for regular people to be around celebrities.. |
不過沒事兒,我跟你差不多 就是好看點兒,錢多點兒。 | but relax. I'm just like you,only better-looking and richer. |
…要跟"綜合醫院" 劇中的明星萊絲莉.查爾森搭檔。 | She'll be playing with star of General Hospital,Leslie Charleson. |
歡迎大家,祝各位好運。 我們開始玩智力金字塔,好嗎? | Welcome,everybody. Good luck to all of you. Let's play Pyramid. |
我們在節目開始之前已經拋過硬幣了。 | All right? Now,we flipped a coin before the show. |
金,你猜對硬幣,所以你先開始。 | Gene,you won the toss,so you'll start. Which category? |
- 你選哪組題目? - 我選"你越過了那條線"。 | - "You Crossed the Line." - "You Crossed the Line." Joey.. |
喬伊,你給金描述那些有線條的東西。 | describe for Gene these things that have lines. |
限時20秒。 預備,開始。 | Give me 20 seconds on the clock,please. Ready? Go. |
(超市)呃,像超市一樣的商店…哦! | Okay,it's a store like a supermarket. |
(筆記本)我明白,我明白。 呃,我寫… | I see what I did there. Okay,okay. I'm writing in my.. |
-日記。 -不是,更像個筆記本…該死! | - Diary. - No,more like a notebook. |
(設計圖)哦,要是我建所房子 | If I'm building a house,the plan.. |
那個規劃,不是叫平面圖的… | isn't called a "shmooprint".. |
這樣都不行? | I can't do that either? |
(足球場)在高中,有一次我跟個女孩做愛在… | In high school,I once had sex with a girl right in the middle of the..? |
-食堂。 -是有過那麼一次,但那不是他們要的那個詞 | - Cafeteria? - Yeah,but they're not looking for that. |
-你們辦的還真不錯。 -哦,你喜歡嗎? | - Thank you so much for this. - You like it? |
哦,我的上帝,還挺高雅的呢。 | Oh,my God,it's all so elegant. |
什麼時候開始來點兒刺激的? | When's the dirty stuff starting? |
-什麼? -你知道的,脫衣舞男啦 | - What? - The strippers and the guys dancing.. |
男子豔舞啦,屁屁晃來晃去之類的。 | and,you know,pee-pees flying about. |
菲比,我… 今天沒有豔舞表演。 | Phoebe,I.. There isn't gonna be any "flying about." |
事實上,我們覺得我們老大不小的了 還玩這些? | We thought we were a little too mature for stuff like that. |
哦,好吧。 | Oh,okay. |
我知道你們在幹嗎,好的。 今天就是個茶話會,好的。 | I see what you're doing. That's fine. This is all there is. Just tea. Okay. |
好淫蕩 | Raunchy. |
真的,菲比,這不是那種狂歡。 | Seriously,Phoebe,it's not gonna be that kind of a party. |
真的?這就是 | Really? So this is..? |
我的婚前單身告別會? | This is my big sendoff into married life? |
瑞秋,我可就只有這一次單身告別會啊。 | Rachel,this is the only bachelorette party I'm ever gonna have. |
我提包裡可有一大筐東西呢。 | I've got a big wad of ones in my purse. |
真的?今天就只是茶話會? | Really? I mean,really? It's just tea? |
當然不是了。 | No. |
-菲比,還有別的呢。 -好吧 | - Phoebe,of course there's more. - Okay. |
我是說,我去問問莫妮卡 | I mean,let me just go talk to Monica.. |
看什麼時候上屁屁豔舞。 | and get an ETA on the pee-pees. |
我們有點問題 | We've got a problem. |
哦,天啊! 有誰發現我的創可貼在她們的烤餅裡了嗎? | Oh,my God. Did someone find my Band-Aid in their scone? |
那不是一個杏仁嗎? | That wasn't an apricot? |
-什麼問題? -菲比想要脫衣舞男 | - What's the problem? - Okay. Phoebe wants a stripper. |
我記得我說過 我們長大了,不需要那個了 | I thought we said we were too grown up for that. |
對,但是她想要的 | Yeah,well,it's what she wants. |
嘿,為什麼有脫衣舞男電話的一頁折上了? | Hey,why is the page that has strippers on it dog-eared? |
錢德在土爾沙時,我太無聊了 | Chandler was in Tulsa. I was bored. |
請別告訴他 | Please don't tell him. |
現在,金,我要提醒你 必須答對全部6題才能留下來 | Now,Gene,I must remind you,you need all six of these to stay in the game. |
給喬伊描述冰箱裡的物品。 | Describe for Joey "things you find in your refrigerator." |
我看這簡直是給我們送分啊。 | They might as well just give us the points. |
限時20秒。預備,開始。 | Give me 20 seconds on the clock. Ready? Go. |
(奶油)-你往咖啡里加的東西。 -勺子,手,臉。 | - You put this in your coffee. - A spoon. Your hands. Your face. |
- 它是白色的。 - 紙,雪,鬼! | - It's white. - Paper. Snow. A ghost! |
-它比牛奶重。 -呃,石頭,狗,地球。 | - It's heavier than milk. - A rock. A dog. The Earth. |
過。 | Pass. |
(蛋黃醬)-你往三明治上放的東西。 -薩拉米香腸,鳳尾魚,果醬。 | - You put it on a sandwich. - Salami. Anchovies. Jam. |
- 白色的。 - 紙,雪,鬼! | - It's white. - Paper. Snow. A ghost! |
- 它使用雞蛋做的。 - 小雞? | - It's made from eggs. - Chickens? |
過 | Pass. |
(番茄醬)- 你往漢堡包上放的東西。 - 番茄醬。調味品 | - You put this on a hamburger. - Ketchup! Relish! |
停。 | Stop! |
哦,時間到。 喬伊,你… | Oh,time's up. Well,Joey,you were.. |
超常發揮了。金.. | almost on a roll there. Gene.. |
你下半場還可能有機會進入決勝圈的。 但是現在 | you'll have a chance to go to the Winner's Circle,but now.. |
亨瑞達 你待會兒將進入決勝圈一試運氣贏取10000美元。 | Henrietta,you're going to the Winner's Circle to try your luck for $10,000.. |
不要走開。 | right after this. Don't go away. |
現在進廣告 | And we're out. |
-剛才的番茄醬怎麼樣啊? -對!印像深刻 | - How about that ketchup thing,huh? - Yeah. Impressive. |
哦,我們沒贏,不過樂在其中也不錯,對吧? | Oh,so we didn't win. But it's fun to play the game,right? |
我有個孩子剛上大學,我的膝蓋要做手術 | I got a kid starting college. I have to get surgery on my knee. |
你剛剛讓我損失一萬美金。 | You just lost me 10 grand. |
喔。 | Oh,wow. |
抱歉,我保證下一輪我們發揮好一點。 | I'm so sorry. Okay,I promise,we'll do better next time. |
我會發揮好一些,因為我不會跟你搭檔了。 | Well,I will,because I won't be playing with you. |
你要知道,有些題目也太難了點。 | Hey,some of those are pretty hard. |
例如我的冰箱裡怎麼會有鬼的? | Like,why would there be a ghost in my fridge? |
是啊 | Yeah. |
-那麼,星期六晚上。 - 我很願意。 | - So Saturday night? - I'd love to. |
太好了。 | Great. |
你怎麼這麼長時間才約我? | So how come it took you so long to ask me out? |
呃,這聽起來有些愚蠢,但是… | Oh,well,this is gonna sound kind of silly.. |
你還記得我的室友 錢德賓? | but do you remember my roommate,Chandler Bing? |
當然,他在你的"樂隊"裡。 | Sure. He was in your "band." |
已經16年了,不過那個引號還是挺傷人的。 | It's been 16 years,but the air quotes still hurt. |
- 對不起。 - 沒關係。 | - Sorry. - That's okay. Anyway.. |
呃,總之,我們那時都很喜歡你, | Well,he and I both really liked you a lot.. |
但是我們又不想為此傷友誼 所以我們約定 | but we didn't want it to jeopardize our friendship,so we made a pact.. |
誰也不能跟你約會。 | that neither of us could ask you out. |
-真的? -是啊,怎麼了? | - Really? - Yeah,why? |
呃,錢德和我曾一塊兒親熱。 | Well,Chandler and I used to make out. |
經常 | A lot. |
-你們倆? -對呀 | - You did? - Yeah. |
-我們常在下課後到實驗室去。 -還在我的地盤上? | - We'd go to the science lab after-hours. - And on my turf?! |
嘿,那傢伙還沒來?都一個多小時了。 | Hey,where is this guy? It's been over an hour. |
他要從澤西趕過來,他說會儘快趕到的。 | He's coming from Jersey. He said he'd get here as fast as he could. |
哦,對了,菲比的朋友馬切 在黃瓜三明治中發現了一隻耳環 | Oh,by the way,Phoebe's friend Marge found an earring in cucumber sandwich. |
呃...它不是我的.. | Well,it's not mi.. |
我今天不在狀態 | I am not on my game today. |
-誰呀? -員警。 | - Who is it? - It's the police. |
哦,員警! | The police! |
沒錯,是"好身材"警官。 | That's right. It's Officer Goodbody. |
出什麼事啦,警官?是不是有人調皮了? | What's the matter,officer? Has someone been bad? |
丹尼·德·維托(影星) | Danny DeVito |
唔,這麼多樓梯。 | That's a lot of stairs. |
唔,老天! | Boy. |
你們應該告訴人家這棟樓沒電梯。 | You should warn people there's no elevator. |
我午飯不該吃墨西哥菜。 | I should not have had that Mexican food for lunch. |
你沒事吧,警官… | Are you gonna be okay,Officer..? |
-"好身材" -你非要那麼說的話。 | - Goodbody. - If you say so. |
那麼,哪位是 | So where's the young lady.. |
我要“逮捕”的年輕女士啊? | who I am supposed to take downtown? |
哦,上帝。 | Oh,God. |
你,親愛的,被捕了(意同停止) | You,my dear,are under arrest. |
心跳停止了? | Cardiac arrest? |
好了,誰告訴我插座在哪 | All right. Somebody show me where to plug in my box.. |
我們開始狂歡吧。 | and we'll get this party started. |
-在這? -對啊! | - Over here? - Yeah. |
- 好吧 -瑞秋? | - All right. - Rachel? |
-啊? -呃,你是不是在開我的玩笑? | - Yeah? - Are you kidding? |
好吧,我們原來不知道你想要脫衣舞男 所以 | We didn't know you wanted a stripper,so we got the phone book.. |
-我們臨時在電話簿上找了一個。 -你們的電話簿有多老了? | - and got the first name we could find. - How old's your phone book? |
哦,我的上帝 這個男人要在我的公寓裡脫光光! | Oh,my God,this man is gonna get naked in my apartment. |
哦,上帝,不要。我可不想看他跳脫衣舞。 | God,no. I don't wanna see him take his clothes off. |
你們在說我嗎? | Are you talking about me? |
哦,不。 | No. |
我是說,我們顯然是要看你跳脫衣舞的, | I mean,obviously we wanna see you take your clothes off. |
你這個迷人的糖果。 | You big piece of eye candy. |
好的,女士們,請注意了。 | Okay. Okay,ladies,can I have your attention,please? |
哦! | Oh,yeah. |
有人呼喚法律的長臂了嗎? | Did someone call for the long arm of the law? |
我要警告你,我有秘密武器呦。 | I should warn you,I have a concealed weapon. |
我希望你們熟悉本州法律規則。 | I hope you're familiar with this state's penal code. |
好了好了,玩笑開夠了 | Okay,okay. Enough teasing. |
現在該樂一樂了。 | Now for some pleasing. |
喔,她躲著我。 | She cringed. |
這就是我興奮時候的樣子。 | This is how I look when I'm turned-on. |
你們剛才就是在說我。 | You were talking about me before. |
我可不需要這些。 我要走了,我的帽子呢? | Look,I don't need this. I'm out of here. Where's my hat? |
我幹這行已經很長時間了。 | Look,I've been in this business for a long time. |
駭人聽聞。 | Shocking. |
現在,你付我300塊,我這就走人。 | Now,if you'll just pay me my $300,I'll be on my way. |
- 300?你開什麼玩笑? -沒關係,我來拿支票。 | - $300? Are you kidding? - That's okay. Let me get my checkbook. |
不,你不用付他錢,他什麼也沒幹。 | You're not gonna pay him. He didn't do anything. |
什麼也沒幹? 我大老遠的從鮑肯搭公車趕來 | Didn't do anything? I took a bus all the way from Hoboken. |
我爬了,天知道的,上億的臺階。 | I climbed,I don't know,like,a billion stairs. |
這可不像是我一次能幹的事。 | And it's not like I can take them two at a time. |
我不管,我們才不會就為這個付給你300塊錢。 | I don't care. We're not paying you $300 for this. |
那好,你那麼保守 欣賞不了男性的身材和魅力 | It's not my fault if you're too uptight to appreciate.. |
這又不是我的錯。 | the male form in all its glory. |
是,我保守,所以我不想看個半大老頭兒 | Okay,I'm uptight. That's why I don't wanna watch a middle-aged guy.. |
穿一身我敢說是小孩萬聖節的行頭跳脫衣舞。 | dance around in what I can only assume is a child's Halloween costume. |
我也許是從我侄子那兒借的衣服 | I may have borrowed this from my nephew.. |
但我擔保衣服裡頭可是貨真價實的真男人。 | but let me assure you,what's underneath is all man. |
哦,抱歉,你是說真男人還是老男人? | I'm sorry,did you say "all man" or "old man"? |
哦,你可真刻薄。 | You're mean. |
-哦,瞧,警官… -哦,該死,啊! | - Look,officer.. Sir? - Damn it. |
沒想到吧,大胖子也很脆弱。 | Big surprise. The hunk of beef has feelings. |
鼓掌。 | Applause. |
好,亨瑞達 你選了"傑克和吉爾去爬山"。 | Okay,Henrietta,you picked "Jack and Jill Went Up The Hill." |
我朋友瑞秋有個小孩,我對兒歌很熟悉。 | My friend Rachel has a kid. I totally know nursery rhymes. |
喬伊,描述以下跟美國國會有關的事物。 | Joey,describe these things associated with the United States Congress. |
限時20秒。 | Give me 20 seconds on the clock,please. |
預備,開始。 | Ready? Go. |
(州議會) | |
過 | Pass. |
(圓形大廳) | |
過 | Pass. |
(阻撓發言) | |
過 | Pass. |
(附錄) | |
-呃,你喉嚨後面掛著的小東西。 -懸雍垂(小舌頭)。 | - The thing hanging in your throat. - Uvula. |
哦,那,過。 | Then pass. |
(聯席會議) | |
好了,亨瑞達,你沒有得到所需的點數 | Okay. Henrietta,you didn't get all the points you needed.. |
所以,那就意味著,金 你將進入決勝圈來贏取$10000 | so that means,Gene,you are going to the Winner's Circle to try for $10,000. |
而且你將與 喬伊崔比亞尼一起參賽。 | And you're gonna be going there with Joey Tribbiani. |
過 | Pass. |
不行,你要為別人考慮一下 | Nope. You must be thinking of someone else. |
我從來沒加入過樂隊 | I was never in a band. |
你跟米西.戈爾伯格親熱過? | You made out with Missy Goldberg? |
你怎麼能在向我保證過之後還這麼做? | How could you do that after you promised me? |
失陪一下。 | Excuse me. |
那聽起來倒一點不像同性戀。 | That didn't make us sound gay at all. |
-你違反了君子協定。 -羅斯,那是16年前的事了。 | - You broke the pact. - Ross,that was 16 years ago. |
那也不行,現在說的是我們之間友誼的基礎。 | That doesn't matter. We're talking about the foundation of our friendship. |
我以為我們之間友誼的基礎是難堪的髮型。 | I believe the foundation of our friendship was unfortunate hair. |
要是我們真的算帳的話, 你也不是沒幹過違反君子協定的事。 | If we're really gonna do this,it's not like you never broke one of the pacts. |
-我沒有。 -真的? | - I didn't. - Oh,really? |
-沒有。 -真的?! | - No. - Oh,really? |
-沒有。 -安卓.特娜 | - No. - Adrienne Turner. |
怎麼了? | Yes? |
-嘿,安卓 -嘿,安卓. 嘿 | - Hey,Adrienne. - Hey,Adrienne. Hey. |
我從沒跟安卓.特娜攪和到一起。 | I never did anything with Adrienne Turner. |
哦,得了吧,你知道我有多喜歡他。 | Oh,please. And you knew how much I liked her. |
我不知道你在說什麼。 | I don't know what you're talking about. |
真的?還記得那個入學後第一個耶誕節假期 | Really? Remember that party freshman year? |
前一周的晚會嗎? | A week before Christmas vacation? I do. |
我記得,當時有人找你。 | You had some visitors. |
難以置信我們在一個真的大學聚會上。 | I can't believe we're at a real college party. |
我興奮的直想尿尿。 | I have to pee so bad. |
這可真棒。 | This is so awesome. |
大學男生好可愛。 | College guys are so cute. |
-嘿,你有男朋友了。 -我知道 | - Hey,you've got a boyfriend. - I know. |
不過要是有個像克瑞.哈姆那樣的想親我 我是不會拒絕的。 | But if a guy who looks like Corey Haim wants to kiss me,I am so gonna let him. |
嘿,那是錢德。 | Hey,look,there's Chandler. |
你知道的,羅斯的傻朋友,說我胖的那個。 | That stupid friend of Ross' who said I was fat. |
-你要知道,我都瘦掉4磅了。 -就是,一眼就看得出來。 | - I've already lost four pounds. - You can so totally tell. |
我就知道! | I know! |
問問他羅斯在哪。 | Well,let's see,maybe he knows where Ross is. |
嘿,怎麼樣? | Hey,how's it going? |
-你不是… -對,瑞秋。 | - Aren't you..? - Yeah,Rachel. |
這是羅斯的妹妹,莫妮卡。 我們感恩節見過。 | And this is Ross' sister,Monica. We met at Thanksgiving. |
對。那,你怎麼樣? | Right. So how you doing? |
更浪了。 | Bitchen. |
-嗨,莫妮卡。 -嗨,錢德。 | - Hi,Monica. - Hi,Chandler. |
我是說,見到你很高興...才怪。 | It's really nice to see you. Not! |
好吧。 | Okay. |
我看看能不能找到羅斯。 | I'll see if I can find Ross. |
哦我的天,瑞秋,充氣椅。 | Oh,my God,Rach. Beanbag chairs. |
千萬別讓我坐上去,不然我就起不來了。 | Do not let me sit in one of those. We'll be here for days. |
聽著,安卓,你可不能告訴錢德。 | Listen,Adrienne,you can't tell Chandler about this. |
哦,相信我,羅斯,我不會告訴任何人的。 | Oh,believe me,Ross,I won't be telling anybody about this. |
酷。 | Cool. |
不可能 | No way. |
我以為你不知道。 | I didn't know you knew about that. |
但是我知道了,我還很傷心。 | Well,I did. And it hurt. |
所以我才寫了"在休息室被背叛"那首歌。 | That's when I wrote the song "Betrayal in the Common Room." |
所以那首歌才那麼帶勁 | That's why that song had so much power. |
嘿,對不起。 | Man,I'm sorry. |
好了,那都是陳年往事了。 | Look,that was a long time ago. |
那,我跟安卓親熱,而你跟米西親熱。 | So I made out with Adrienne,and you made out with Missy. |
我看我們倆扯平了。 | Well,I guess we're even. |
我們倆扯平了,對吧? | We are even,right? |
還有一件事。 那晚我特生你的氣,想報復你 | One more thing. I was so pissed at you that night,I wanted to get back at you. |
所以我當時想,誰是羅斯最喜歡的人呢。 | So I thought,"Who does Ross like more than anybody?" |
你對我媽做了什麼? | What did you do to my mom? |
不是她。 | Not her. |
我可真醉了。 | I am so drunk. |
那就怪了,我跟你喝的差不多 怎麼我一點事兒沒有。 | That's weird. I've had the same number of beers as you and don't feel anything. |
你們倆玩的好嗎? | So you girls having fun? |
告訴你吧,蠢貨 | For your information,ass-munch.. |
我瘦了4磅,沒準兒跳完舞會瘦5磅。 | I've lost four pounds. Maybe even five with all the dancing. |
-有人定比薩餅了嗎? -哦,是我。 | - Somebody order a pizza? - Oh,that's me! |
我明天的入學考試算是沒戲了。 | I am so not gonna do good on my SATs tomorrow. |
那,明年也許你可以到我們這兒來上大學 我們可以一塊玩玩。 | Well,maybe you could go to school here next year and we could totally hang out. |
哦,對,是個主意, | Oh,yeah. There's a plan. |
那我乾脆現在就吃點聰明藥丸得了。 | Why don't I just start taking my smart pills now. |
唔,沒準兒你能拿到選美獎學金呢。 | Well,maybe you could get in on a beauty scholarship. |
哦,別騙人了 | What a line. |
-那,你都申請了哪些學校? -唔.. | - So where are you applying to? - Well.. |
你知道,我覺著我要去的地方應該陽光明媚 這很重要 | I think it's kind of really important that I go somewhere where there's sun. |
所以我想…嗨! | So I'm sort of.. Hey! |
我是大學生,還是樂隊成員。 | I'm in college,and I'm in a band. |
那好吧。 | Yeah,okay. |
怎麼啦,你們沒見過五十歲的脫衣舞男哭嗎? | What's the matter? You never saw a 50-year-old stripper cry before? |
你看,算了吧,我們付你錢 | You know,it's fine. We'll pay you. |
不是那麼回事兒,你說的對,我在開誰的玩笑? | No,no,you're right. Who am I kidding? |
早幾年我就該用那條撐開的護身帶上吊算了。 | I should have hung up that breakaway jockstrap years ago. |
經常的它自己就斷開了 | Half the time,it just pops off by itself. |
也許現在應該是蛋糕和禮物的時間 | Maybe now is a good time for cake and presents. |
現在我該怎麼辦? | What am I gonna do? I mean.. |
我是說,我幹這個都32年了。 | this has been my life for 32 years. |
我只會在人家面前脫衣服。 | Taking my clothes off in front of people is all I know. |
哦,等等,一定還有別的事你能做的。 | No,there's got to be something else that you can do. |
我是說,你還有什麼技術嗎? | I mean,what skills do you have? |
我不知道。 | I don't know. |
我能跳肚皮舞。 | I can make my pecs dance. |
我可以用屁股蛋兒夾起1美元的鈔票。 | I can pick up a dollar bill with my butt cheeks. |
我能變得毫無廉恥之心。 | I can go to that special place inside me where I feel no shame. |
那你也許可以從政。 | So maybe something in an office. |
或者你可以教人跳脫衣舞。 | Or you could.. You could teach stripping. |
你知道嗎?分享你的才能,發揚光大。 | You know,share your gift. Pass the torch. |
對呀,這主意不賴 | You know,actually,that's not a bad idea. |
我可以在我的公寓外頭幹。 我想我媽不會介意的。 | I could do it out of my apartment. I don't think my mom would mind. |
這下好啦,你感覺好一點了吧? | There you go. Okay. You think you're gonna be okay? |
-對,好點了 - 好 | - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. |
世事難料啊。 | This is so weird. |
你不會知道什麼時候曲終人散。 | You never know when it's gonna be your last dance. |
而且我甚至都沒能跳完最後一支舞。 | And I didn't even get a chance to finish it. |
那你把它跳完吧。 | Finish it. |
-什麼? -你的最後一次,給我們跳完吧。 | - What? - Your last dance. Do it for us. |
-當真? -當真? | - Really? - Really? |
是的,他應該最後再做一次他喜愛的事。 | Yeah. Yeah,he deserves to do the thing he loves one last time. |
好的,準備好了,女士們。 | Okay. All right. Get ready,ladies. |
好 | Okay. |
哦,這可真讓人興奮! | Oh,this is so hot! |
哦,別,別停下來。 | Oh,no,don't stop. |
跳不動了。 | Have to. |
真抱歉你要和我一起幹這個 | I am so sorry that you have to do this with me. |
聽著,我知道這個不能送你的孩子去大學.. | Listen,I know this won't put your kid through college.. |
但是,你喜歡《我們的日子》的杯子嗎 | but would you like a Days of our Lives mug? |
我們現在倒數5,4,3,2.. | We're back in five,four,three,two.. |
鼓掌 | Applause. |
歡迎來到決勝圈。 喬伊,金,你們準備好了嗎? | Welcome to the Winner's Circle. Joey,Gene,you guys ready? |
- 好了。 - 當然。 | - Yeah. - Sure. |
好,限時60秒。 | Okay. Give me 60 seconds on the clock,please. |
預備,開始。 | Ready? Go. |
(樹種)橡樹,楓樹,榆樹,樺樹… | Oak. Maple. Elm. Birch. |
我-我-我不知道,樹種? | I don't know. Types of trees..? |
(西班牙語) | Buenos dias. Enchilada. Por favor. |
哦,抱歉,我一點不懂西班牙語。 | Oh,I'm so sorry,I don't know any Spanish words. |
(燃燒物)火柴,蠟燭… | A match. A candle. |
撲滅時發出"嗞"聲的東西。 | Things that go: when you put them out. |
火炬,篝火… | A torch. A bonfire. |
-哦,你的小便。 -燃燒物。 | - Your pee. - Things that burn. |
(狗會說的話)我要去散散步。 撓撓我的肚皮。 | "I'd like to go for a walk." "Scratch my belly." |
夥計兒,你是不是跑題了。 | Dude. Dude,I think you're losing it. |
呃,我有毛,我會吠叫。 | "I have fur." "I like to bark." |
哦,狗會說話啊 | What a dog says. |
- 義大利辣香腸… - 比薩餅料。下一個! | - Pepperoni. - Pizza toppings! |
(超級名模)辛蒂.克勞馥,克莉斯蒂.布林克利 海蒂.克勞姆,克勞迪婭.西佛。 | Cindy Crawford. Christie Brinkley. Heidi Klum. |
克莉斯蒂.特林頓,凱特.瑪斯… | Claudia Schiffer. Christy Turlington. Kate Moss. |
錢德永遠追不上的姑娘? | Girls Chandler could never get? |
- 超級名模! - 哪兒?! | - Supermodels. - Where? |
真沒想到你這麼生氣 | I can't believe you're so upset. |
-你說呢?你吻了瑞秋 | What do you mean? You kissed Rachel. |
羅斯,她喝太多了 她第二天甚至什麼也不記得了 | Ross,she was so drunk she didn't even remember it the next day. |
另外我要告訴你,那個並沒持續太長 | Plus,I should tell you,it did not last long. |
嘿! | Hey! |
我上大學,而且是樂隊成員 | I'm in college,and I'm in a band. |
啊,好啊! | Yeah,okay. |
我已經搞定了一個 | And now I've killed one. |
嘿,瑞秋在哪? | Hey. Where's Rachel? |
她和菲比送脫衣舞男上醫院了。 | She and Phoebe took the stripper to the hospital. |
聽起來好像你的"一流茶會"按計劃進行 | Sounds like your elegant tea party went off just as planned. |
你知不知道錢德吻過瑞秋? | Did you know Chandler kissed Rachel? |
什麼?什麼時候? | What? When was this? |
上周,我們喝了些酒,然後.. | Last week. We had some wine and.. |
你不知道我是開玩笑的嗎 | You don't know I'm kidding. |
1987年。 | 1987 |
你們倆上學校找我去的那個週末。 | The weekend you guys visited me at school. |
-我的天,那也太瘋狂了。 -是,不過那是很久以前的事了 | - Oh,my God. That's wild. - But it was,like,a million years ago. |
- 沒什麼要緊的。 - 但那對我很要緊。 | - It doesn't matter. - It matters to me. |
- 為什麼? -因為你吻瑞秋的那晚 | - Why? - Because the night you kissed Rachel.. |
是我第一次吻瑞秋。 | was the night I kissed Rachel for the very first time. |
-你那晚也吻瑞秋了? - 一晚上兩個男人? | - You kissed her that night too? - Two guys in one night? |
我還以為她整過鼻子以後才變得放蕩了呢。 | Oh,I thought she became a slut after she got her nose fixed. |
- 說真的,你在哪兒吻的瑞秋? -是這樣的 | - Seriously,where did this happen? - Okay.. |
你告訴我瑞秋在我們屋裡睡了之後 | after you told me she was passed out in our room.. |
我進去看看她怎麼樣了。 | I went in there to make sure she was all right. |
她躺在我床上,睡在一堆衣服下麵。 | She was lying on my bed,all buried in people's coats. |
呃,我過去想吻她的額頭 | I went to kiss her on the forehead.. |
但屋裡太暗,我不小心親到了她的嘴唇 | but it was so dark,I accidentally got her lips. |
我想回身但我覺得她也開始吻我。 | I started to pull away,but then I felt her start to kiss me back. |
那只有一瞬間但感覺太奇妙了。 | It was only for a second,but it was amazing. |
但是現在,我卻發現你先吻了她。 | And now I find out that you kissed her first. |
-呃,等等,你剛才說她在哪張床上? -我床上。 | - Wait,what bed did you say she was on? - Mine. |
- 我記得很清楚我把她放到我床上的。 - 不對,她肯定是在我床上。 | - I'm sure I put her on my bed. - No,she was definitely on my bed. |
我幹嗎吻完一個姑娘後把她放到你床上? | Why would I kiss a girl and then put her on your bed? |
那當時我床上的是誰? | Well,then who was on my bed? |
不!不! | No! No! |
是的! | Yes! |
-你在那堆衣服下麵? -那堆衣服就是我。 | - You were under the pile of coats? - I was the pile of coats! |
哦,我的上帝! | Oh,my God! |
你是我的午夜神秘接吻人? | You were my midnight mystery kisser?! |
你是我和瑞秋的初吻? | You were my first kiss with Rachel?! |
你就是我這輩子的初吻?! | You were my first kiss ever?! |
瞧瞧我結的什麼親家。 | What did I marry into?! |
哦,倒楣! | Crap! |
我看的雜誌中的女孩多數可都是裸體的 | Girls in my magazines are a lot nakeder. |
嘿,喬伊 | Oh,hey,Joey. |
-嘿 -我有點事要跟你商量 | - Hey. - Listen,I need to ask you something. |
你還記得我繼父在監獄裡的事吧? | You know how my stepdad's in prison? |
-嗯 -嗯 | - Yeah. - Yeah. |
嗯,這個週末他本來有個假期的 這樣明天他就能來參加我的婚禮了 | He was supposed to get a weekend furlough so he could go to the wedding. |
但是他剛剛打電話來說,嗯 | But he just called and.. |
他實在忍不到週一就在操場上捅了一個送冰的傢伙 | Well,apparently stabbing lceman in the exercise yard couldn't wait till Monday. |
- 這麼說他來不了了嗎? - 對。 | - So he can't come? - No. |
這麼一來就沒人挽著我走過紅地毯了。 所以,嗯... | And so there's no one to walk me down the aisle. And.. |
嗯,我很希望你能挽著我 | Well,I would just really love it if you would do it. |
-真的? -對 | - Seriously? - Yeah. |
你知道,一直以來我都把你當作父親一樣 | You've,you know,sort of been like a dad to me. |
我是說,你一直以來都很照顧我, 和我一起分享你的智慧 | You've always,you know,looked out for me and shared your wisdom. |
我的確很有智慧。 | I am pretty "wisdomous." |
所以...你覺得呢? | So,what do you say? |
當然,這是我的榮幸,菲比 | Are you kidding? Phoebe,I would be honored. |
哦,謝啦。 | Oh,thank you. |
我希望 | I hope.. |
你能夠瞭解你對我來說有多麼重要。 | I hope you know how much you mean to me. |
聽著,我希望 | Listen,I hope.. |
我希望你知道...... | I hope that you know.. |
我不想讓你看到爸爸哭的樣子 回自己的房間去! | I don't want you to see your father cry. Go to your room! |
菲比的婚禮 | The.One.With.Phoebe's.Wedding |
哦,不不不,讓你爸付吧 | Oh,no,no,no. Let your dad get this. |
哦,是我的婚禮策劃人。她快把我逼瘋了。 | It's my wedding planner. She's driving me crazy! |
喂,嘿, 行了行了,別這麼大聲嚷嚷! | Hello? Okay,stop screaming! |
好,那就比目魚好了。 | Okay,so halibut. |
好吧,三文魚也行,隨便什麼都好。 | All right,so salmon. Either way. I don't.. |
-我無所謂。 -可我有所謂! | - It doesn't matter to me. - Well,it matters to me! |
好吧,我不在乎,聽你的好了。 | Well,I don't care. So you pick. |
你剛才掛我的電話? | Did you just hang up on me? |
好了,聽著,我要你在1800點整的時候準時到達婚禮彩排的現場。 | All right,look,I need you at the rehearsal dinner tonight at 1800 hours. |
哦,好,那是幾點鐘啊? | Okay. What time is that? |
你不知道軍用時刻嗎? | You don't know military time? |
哦,當時我在接受導彈訓練,所以沒學到。 | I must have been in missile training the day they taught that. |
減12就行了。 | Just subtract 12. |
噢, 那1800減去12 | Okay,so 1800 minus 12.. |
就是1788。 | is 1788. |
- 6點鐘! -噢!. | - Six o'clock! - Okay. |
哦,等一下。好,我是蓋勒 | Hold on. Yeah? Geller here. |
不,我說過了,一定要在4點之前送到。 再見。 | No,I said it has to be there by 4:00. Goodbye. |
天哪,做一個冰雕有那麼難麼? | How hard is it to make an ice sculpture? |
比看起來難! | Harder than it looks. |
冰雕? 太隆重了吧。 | Wait. Ice sculpture? That sounds really fancy. |
我跟你說過我只想要一個簡單的婚禮就好。 | I told you,I just want a simple wedding. |
放心好了,親愛的。一切都包在我身上。 | Please,honey,leave the details to me. |
為了你,我會儘量把這一天弄得特別一些。 | Now,I wanna make this day as special for you as I can. |
好了,我打算讓豎琴師穿成白色。 | I was thinking the harpist should wear white. |
豎琴師? 不是我朋友馬崔來敲鋼鼓的嗎? | Harpist? My friend Marjorie is playing the steel drums. |
-哦,她退出了。 -她退出了? 為什麼? | - Oh,she backed out. - She did? Why? |
我叫她這麼做的。 | I made her. |
鋼鼓和高雅的婚禮不太搭調 | Steel drums don't really say "elegant wedding." |
-而且馬崔的體味太濃了。 -嘿! | - Nor does Marjorie's overwhelming scent. - Hey! |
西藏獨立之後她才會洗澡的。 | She will shower when Tibet is free. |
-嘿。你看起來真美。 - 你也是。 | - Hey. You look great. - You too. |
真高興能有彩排,我打算在把這些食物吃下去之前演習一下。 | I'm glad we're having a rehearsal dinner. I rarely practice my meals before I eat. |
嘿,還記得你答應過要送給我們的禮物是什麼嗎? | What did we say was your one gift to us? |
不開無聊的玩笑。 我以為那只是在正式的婚禮上。 | No stupid jokes,but I thought that was for the actual wedding. |
先演習一下吧。 | Rehearse it. |
嗨。 | Hi. |
-真高興你們都來了。 -哦,我... | - Thanks for coming,you guys. - Oh,yeah.. |
我只打算握個手。 | I was.. I was going for a handshake. |
所以你把手頂在我的褲襠上? | That why your hand's against my crotch? |
-沒錯。 -好了 | - That is why. - Yeah. |
瑞秋,艾瑪呢? | So,Rach,where's Emma? |
哦,莫妮卡讓我把她送到我媽那裡去了。 | Monica made me send her to my mom's. |
顯然,嬰兒和婚禮可摻合不到一塊兒。 | Apparently,babies and weddings don't mix. |
你還在為你那煩人的小傢伙哭哭啼啼的? | Are you still crying about your damn baby? |
菲比,待會兒在致酒時你要說快點。 記住,跟每個人都是20秒。 | Phoebe,you got to keep the line moving. Remember,20 seconds per person. |
你和這些傢伙天天見面,沒什麼可說的 | You see these clowns all the time. |
你最好把婚禮策劃人的名字給我 | You must give me the name of your wedding planner. |
我真想把緊張的舞會拋開 | I wanna throw a really tense party. |
-嘿,你們是麥克的父母吧? -是的。 | - Hey,you're Mike's parents,right? - Yes,we are. |
眼看著我們的小傢伙們都長這麼大了,是吧? | Our little ones are growing up fast,aren't they? |
-你說什麼? -你知道… | - How's that? - You know.. |
一方面替他們高興,但另一方面心裡又有點捨不得。 | on one hand,you're happy for them. On the other,it's hard to let go. |
你想怎麼把假日給分開過呢? | How do you want to divide up the holidays? |
我想感恩節在我家,聖誕在你家 | I was thinking Thanksgiving at my place,Christmas at yours. |
你到底貴姓啊? | Who in God's name are you? |
我也不喜歡你們,老兄,我是看在孩子們的面子上才跟你們客氣的。 | I'm not that fond of you either,buddy. I'm just trying to be nice for the kids. |
你知道我剛想起什麼嗎? 咱倆還沒有被分配在婚禮上的任務呢。 | You know what? We have no idea what we're doing in the wedding tomorrow. |
我覺得咱們會是伴郎。但是現在他們怎麼還不跟咱倆說呢? | I thought we'd be groomsmen. They would have asked us by now. |
你什麼時候知道你是伴娘的? | When did they ask you to be a bridesmaid? |
-呃... 11月? -我覺得情況有點不妙。 | - November. - I wanna say it's not looking good. |
- 嘿,菲比! - 幹嗎? | - Hey,Phoebe? - Sorry? |
呃,你還沒有告訴他們倆在婚禮上要做什麼呢。 | You haven't told these guys what they're doing in the wedding yet. |
哦,那個,他們不會出現在婚禮儀式上。 | Well,they're not in the wedding. |
什麼? | What? |
呃 | Well.. |
氣氛有點尷尬。 | this is really awkward. |
哦,這兒沒我的事兒了。 | Oh,and I can leave. |
真對不起你們,但麥克有一個哥哥 而且還有他在學校的死黨 | I'm sorry,you guys. But Mike's got his brother and his friends from school. |
所以...如果這麼說 | So,you know,you were.. |
能讓你們好受一點,你們兩個是頭號候補,就差那麼一點。 | If it helps,you were next in line. You just missed the cut. |
哦,天哪. | Oh,man. |
以前在選花樣滑冰隊員(女子運動項目) 的時候就是這樣。 | This is like figure skating team all over again. |
我是說,水上芭蕾(還是女子運動項目) | I mean,synchronized swimming. |
我的意思是,平衡木(仍舊是女子運動項目) | I mean.. I mean,the balance beam. |
-幫幫忙. -橄欖球! | - Help me. - Football. |
謝了。 | Thank you. |
噢,菲比,趕快吐出來。那裡面有豬肉。 | Oh,Phoebe,spit that out. That has pork in it. |
我記得那個砂鍋應該是全素的。 | I thought the pot stickers were supposed to be vegetarian? |
啊,是的,但我做了點變動。 我發傳真告訴你了。 | Yeah,I changed them. I sent you a fax about it. |
可是我根本沒有傳真機啊。 | I don't have a fax machine. |
哈! 那你可能會發現有一些意外。 | Well,then there are gonna be a few surprises. |
我簡直不敢相信 只有我們倆不會出現在儀式上。 | I can't believe we're gonna be the only people not in the wedding. |
-是啊,我討厭被冷落。 -要知道這是一個婚禮! | - I know. I hate being left out of things. - And it's a wedding. |
如果缺了我感覺會很奇怪的。 | It'll be weird if I'm not in it. |
-嘿,你們倆怎麼樣? -還好啦。 | - Hey,guys,how's it going? - Fine. |
坐在這,就我們倆,無所事事。我們在為明天做彩排呢。 | We're sitting here,alone,doing nothing. It's our rehearsal for tomorrow. |
嘿,關於明天,我有個問題問你們。 | Look,about tomorrow,I've got a question for you. |
我剛知道我的一個伴郎出了點急事, 所以不能來了。 | I found out one of my groomsmen had an emergency and can't make it. |
- 出什麼事了? - 管那麼多幹嘛! 所以...? | - What happened? - Who cares? And..? |
所以我在想,也許你們兩個人中的一個能... | And I was wondering if one of you guys.. |
- 我來替他! - 不,我! | - I'll do it! - Me! |
你們兩個都想做? 呃,只有一個名額。 | You both wanna do it? There's only room for one. |
選我! 我適合穿燕尾服 而且我這模樣也不會搶你的鏡頭。 | Pick me. I look great in a tux,and I won't steal focus. |
不,麥克,不。選我! 我的意思是,瞧! | No,Mike. No,no,you wanna pick me. I mean.. Watch. |
呃,我不太習慣來做這種決定。 | You know,I really don't feel very comfortable making this decision. |
菲比更瞭解你們 我會讓她來選。 | You know,Phoebe knows you better. I'm gonna let her choose. |
嗯,如果是菲比來選的話,你現在就可以跟麥克的新伴郎打招呼了。 | Well,if Phoebe's choosing,then say hello to Mike's next groomsman. |
哦,我會的。但我要先找一面鏡子 | Oh,I will. But I will need a mirror.. |
因為這個人就是我。 | as he is me. |
- 省省吧,你遜死了。 - 你更遜. | - Please. You're going down. - You are going "downer." |
他們在選花樣滑冰隊員的時候就是這麼說你的? | They say that on the figure skating team? |
我不知道,我沒被選上。 | I wouldn't know. I didn't make it. |
明天我會扮演菲比的繼父,你知道吧? | You know I'm filling in for Phoebe's stepdad tomorrow,right? |
-知道。很感謝你能這麼做。 -哦,嘿,這是我的榮幸。 | - Yeah. Yeah. Hey,thanks for doing that. - Oh,hey,my pleasure. |
那好,你對我的菲比有什麼企圖? | So,what are your intentions with my Phoebe? |
-我“企圖”跟她結婚。 -哦,自作聰明的人。 | - I intend to marry her. - Oh,a wiseacre. |
照我的理解,你似乎打算靠彈鋼琴來養活老婆 | I understand you plan to support your wife by playing the piano? |
這種工作好像不太穩定。 | Isn't that kind of unstable? |
-哦,跟演戲比起來還算好啦。 -第二次攻擊。 | - No more so than acting. - Strike two. |
你說得對。我可能需要她來養活。 | You're right. She probably will support me. |
嘿,除非我們搬去跟你一起住,爸爸。 | Hey,unless we move in with you,Dad. |
第三次攻擊。 | Strike three. |
你只有最後一次機會了,麥克。 | You only get one more,Mike. |
-麥克,我能和你聊聊嗎? -可以,當然 | - Michael,can I see you for a moment? - Yeah,sure. |
那真是.. | This was.. |
太怪了 | weird. |
- 嗨 - 嘿 | - Hi. - Hey. |
臉色怎麼這麼差? | What's with the face? |
那個麥克不尊重人.我不知道他怎麼這樣 | That Mike has got no respect. I'm not sure about him. |
等下,那不是他,他在這 | Wait,that's not him. There he is. |
怎麼樣? 你決定了沒有? | So? What did you decide? |
我決定...要去廁所。 | I decided to pee. |
你要在我們兩個人裡選一個來參加儀式。 | You have to choose one of us to be in your wedding. |
-有個伴郎來不了了 -哦,不。 | - One of the groomsmen fell out. - Oh,no,no. |
你們兩個叫我怎麼選啊。你們對我來說同樣重要。 | I can't choose between you two. I love you both so much. |
的確重要,差一點就能參加原定的婚禮了。 | Just not enough to put us in the original wedding party. |
真差勁 | Such bitterness. |
最好把這態度留到婚禮 | Best to keep that attitude in the seats. |
來吧,菲比.我們都想參加,而且由你來決定 | Come on,Phoebe. We both really want to do this,and it's up to you. |
我沒法選。這太... | But I don't wanna choose. It's.. |
哦,等一下。瑞秋! | Okay,wait. Rach? |
呃,我需要你作為伴娘替我選樣東西。 | Listen,I have a very special bridesmaid task for you to do. |
太棒了! 選什麼? | Goody! What is it? |
嗯,現在伴郎有一個空缺 | Well,there's a spot open for only one groomsman.. |
你需要在羅斯和錢德中間選一個 所以...祝你好運。 | and you have to choose between Ross and Chandler. So good luck with that. |
什麼,什麼? 不,不要,我不想選這個。 | What? What,what,what? No,I don't wanna do that. |
好吧,我想我只好去另找一個新的伴娘了。 | I guess I have to find a new bridesmaid. |
我來! | I'll do it! |
好,現在是2100點。 | Okay,it's 2100 hours. |
-到你敬酒的時間了。 -我能不能先去一下洗手間? | - Time for your toast. - Do I have time to go to the bathroom? |
你的小便時間是2030點。 要專時專用,麥克. | You had a bathroom break at 2030. Pee on your own time,Mike. |
關於致酒詞,要儘量簡短一些。 | In regards to the toasts,okay,you wanna keep them short. |
婚禮彩排的時候 沒有什麼比又臭又長的致酒詞更煩人了。 | Nothing kills a rehearsal dinner like long speeches. Okay. |
你要做的就是:上場,幹活,然後走人。 | You just get in,do your thing,and get out. |
你跟錢德也這麼說? | Is that what you say to Chandler? |
現在已經2101點了,而且我一點也不覺得好笑。 | It's 2101,and I am not amused. |
好吧 | Okay. |
新郎和新娘要說幾句。 | The bride and groom have a few words they'd like to say. |
嗨,大家好 | Okay. Hello,everyone. |
很高興各位今晚能夠光臨。 明天就是正式的婚禮了。 | And thank you all for being here tonight. So tomorrow's the big event. |
大家可能還不知道,我和麥克的開始 一點也不精彩。 | Some of you might not know,but Mike and I didn't get off to the best start. |
呃,是這樣的。 | Yeah. My friend Joey and I.. |
當時喬伊和我決定相互替對方介紹朋友。 | decided to fix each other up with friends. So I.. |
所以呢,我,我... | Oh,okay. I.. |
我... 我考慮把我的朋友瑪麗埃倫介紹給他。 | I thought about it,and I fixed him up with my friend Mary Ellen.. |
瑪麗埃倫今晚沒有來,因為她 | who couldn't be here tonight,because.. It's not.. |
這不重要,她正在戒毒 | It's not important. Well,she's in rehab. |
總之呢,喬伊說他要介紹他的朋友麥克給我認識 | Anyway. So Joey said that he was fixing me up with his friend Mike.. |
但他並沒有朋友叫麥克,所以就把我的麥克帶去了 | only he didn't have a friend Mike,so he just brought my Mike. |
然後... | And.. And.. |
儘管如此... 呃,結果呢,結果還不錯。 | But despite,you know.. It got good. |
我想用一點時間來緬懷我的母親。她今晚不能出席 | I wanna take a moment to mention my mother,who couldn't be here. |
哦,天哪。 | Oh,God. |
呃,緬懷時間結束。好了, 呃... | And.. And moment's over. |
哦,這個就不說了,然後... | So okay.. Oh,no,forget that. |
我可以跳過這裡,這個很有意思 | I can forget that. Oh,this is funny. |
哦但首先你得知道... | Oh,but you need to know that to get that. |
哦,好吧,我... | So.. Oh,well,okay. |
我... | I.. Okay. |
好了,莫妮卡,我再也受不了了! | Okay,Monica,I can't do it like this! |
這是我的婚禮! 知道嗎?我不需要這樣 | This is my wedding,okay? I don't want this.. |
或者這樣,或者這樣,好嗎? | Or this.. Or this.. |
我要的只是一個簡單的婚禮 | Okay? I just wanted a simple wedding.. |
我要我的未婚夫能夠隨心所欲地上廁所! | where my fiance can go to the bathroom any time he wants! |
-你知道嗎,你完了。 -什麼? | - You know what? You're done. - What? |
你被炒了! | You're fired! |
乾杯! | Cheers. |
- 嘿! - 新婚快樂! | - Hey. - Happy wedding day. |
我的新婚也祝你快樂。 | Happy my wedding day to you. |
喬伊,聽著,從現在開始這裡是伴娘的地盤,好嗎? | Joey,listen,this is gonna be bridesmaid central,all right? |
我們要在衛生間裡面做頭髮,然後... | We're gonna have hair and makeup in the bathroom. |
哦,我要把冰箱裡的東西挪一下 給胸花騰出地方。 | I had to move a couple things in the fridge to make room for the corsages. |
噢,真是的! 早知道有胸花我就不吃早飯了。 | Man! I wouldn't have had breakfast if I knew there was gonna be corsages. |
嗨 | Hi. |
關於昨晚, | About last night.. |
我知道你壓力很大,所以... | I know you're under a lot of stress,and.. |
儘管你說的話讓我有點傷心 | Well,even though the things you said were a little hurtful to me.. |
作為一個從未被解雇的人.. | as someone who's never been fired before.. |
高中時是什麼感覺.. | What about in high school.. |
當賣優酪乳的小店讓你做樣品招牌? | when that yogurt store let you go for sampling toppings? |
大夥都這麼做 | Everyone there did that. |
對啊!但是不是每個人都在暑假結束時賺了3000塊 | Yeah,but did everybody owe 3 grand at the end of the summer? |
我的意思是... | My point is.. |
好吧,我願意複職。 | Well,I'm willing to take my job back. |
哦,還是算了吧。 | Oh,well,that's okay. |
我覺得如果你只做伴娘的話情況會好得多。 | I think you and I will do much better if you're just here as a bridesmaid. |
哦,既然你這麼說 | Is that so? |
好吧 | Okay. |
如果你真這麼想的話,好吧 | If that's really what you want,then here. |
給你這個耳機。我還是不太想給你這個耳機。 | I give you the headset. I don't really wanna give you the headset. |
還有就是,如果你要接手的話 你大概需要回復這些資訊。 | I guess if you're taking over,then you should probably return these messages. |
哇,真不少啊。 | This is a lot. |
我相信你能處理它們。 我是說,儘管 | But I'm sure you can handle this. I have won awards.. |
我曾經獲得過組織技能的證書,但是呢 我相信你肯定沒問題。 | for my organizational skills. But I'm sure you'll do fine. |
-你獲得過證書? -是我用自己的電腦列印出來的. | - You've won awards? - I printed them out on my computer. |
- 嘿。 - 嗨。 | - Hey. - Hi. |
- 瑞秋呢? -她在自己的房間,有事嗎? | - Where's Rach? - She's in her room. Why? |
我要跟她談談關於那個伴郎的問題 | I have to talk to her about this groomsman situation. |
我可不想像個傻子一樣坐在那兒 看著錢德在婚禮上露臉。 | I'm not gonna watch Chandler up there while I'm in the seats like some chump. |
這可不是你的婚禮 | This wedding isn't about you. |
不是嗎?那是誰的啊? | It's not? Then who's it about? |
好吧,這婚禮曾經和我有關 但現在我也不知道了 | Well,it used to be about me,but now I have no idea. |
啊,天哪,你簡直美得令人窒息。 | My God,you're breathtaking. |
你想幹嘛? | What do you want? |
你還沒決定伴郎的人選吧? | You haven't by any chance chosen a groomsman yet,have you? |
哦,羅斯,求你了。 我已經很為難了,你就別再添亂了。 | Ross,please don't make this harder than it already is. |
我沒有啊。我是在讓事情簡單化,選我! | I'm not. I'm making it easier. Pick me. |
可是,錢德也說這個機會對他十分重要。 | Chandler said it's important to him too. |
抱歉,你和錢德出去過嗎? | I'm sorry,did you and Chandler go out? |
你和錢德曾經抱過嗎? | Do you and Chandler have a huge history,huh? |
你和錢德有孩子嗎? | Do you and Chandler have a child together? |
如果我說是,就會讓你發瘋,是不是? | If I said yes that would freak you out,wouldn't it? |
聽著聽著 | Listen. Listen. |
無論你選誰,你要知道 你選的這個人將要跟你一起走過紅地毯 | Whoever you pick is gonna walk down the aisle with you. |
我可以保證,到時候我一個字也不會說 但如果你選錢德的話 | Now,I promise I won't say a word. But if you pick Chandler.. |
他肯定會一直在你耳朵旁邊嘀咕他那些無聊的玩笑。 | he's gonna be whispering stupid jokes in your ear the whole time. |
哦.....兩個惡魔裡你確實好一點.. | Oh,you are the lesser of two evils. |
沒錯 | Yes! |
先別跟錢德說,我來和他說 | Don't say anything to Chandler until I talk to him. |
-明白了 -好 | - You got it. - Okay. |
真不相信你居然拿艾瑪來說事 | I cannot believe you played the Emma card. |
行了!我把自己的身體都獻給你了 | Oh,please. I was prepared to offer you my body. |
喔天啊!我竟然沒阻止你 | Oh,my God! And I didn't hold out. |
你知道,那通常都會傷我的感情.. | You know,normally,that would hurt my feelings.. |
但是今天,我是伴郎 | but today,I'm a groomsman. |
塞文,我不知道你在說什麼。 花又有什麼問題了? | Sven,I don't understand what you're saying. What is wrong with the flowers? |
Lorkins? Lorkins是什麼見鬼的玩意? | "Lorkins"? What the hell are "lorkins"? |
我知道。 | I know. |
-嘿. -嘿,麥克,如果你是瑞典人 | - Hey. - Mike,if you were Swedish.. |
你用lorkins來代表一種花,會是什麼花呢? | and you were saying the word "lorkins," what flower would that be? |
-蘭花(Orchids)? -真棒 | - Orchids? - Right there! |
我就是因為這個才嫁給你的。 | That's why I'm marrying you. |
你好,麥克爾(麥克的全名). | Hello,Michael. |
喬瑟夫(喬伊的全名). | Joseph. |
我能跟你說兩句嗎? | May I have a word with you,please? |
你想站那裡說嗎? | You wanna step it up there? |
這裡真是... | This is.. |
棒極了。 | great. |
坐。 | Have a seat. |
昨天晚上, | Last night.. |
我試著歡迎你進入我們的家族。 | I tried to welcome you into my family. |
然而,你對我很不尊重 | And instead,you disrespect me. |
我不能容忍這一點。 | I cannot allow this. |
你是在排練什麼劣制黑手黨電影嗎? | Are you rehearsing for some really bad Mafia movie? |
還敢頂嘴。 | More back talk. |
沒錯,我也許是從我沒有成功的《家族榮譽2》的 | And yes,I may be borrowing a few lines from my recent unsuccessful audition.. |
試鏡劇本中挑了兩句。 | for Family Honor 2: This A-Time It's A-Personal. |
喬伊,我今天比較忙 你到底想要幹嘛? | Joey,I kind of have a lot to do today. What do you want? |
我想要你認真一點。 | I want you to take this seriously! |
菲比對我來說非常非常的重要,知道嗎? | Phoebe is very,very important to me,okay? |
我要你保證,你會好好照顧她。 | I wanna make sure you are gonna take care of her. |
喬伊,我愛菲比 | Joe,I love Phoebe. |
在我的生命中沒有什麼比她更重要。 | She's the most important thing in my life. |
我寧死也不會讓她受到任何傷害。 | I'd die before I let anything happen to her. |
這才是我想聽的。 | That's what I wanted to hear. |
因為我當她是家裡人,知道嗎? | Because she's family,okay? |
現在你也要成為家裡的一份子了。 | And now you're gonna be family. |
在世界上沒有什麼事比家庭更重要。 | And there's nothing more important in the whole world than family. |
那個電影可真是爛得可以。 | That must have been one lousy movie. |
不是臺詞,是我說的! | That was me! |
-嘿 -嘿,我能跟你商量一下伴郎的事嗎? | - Hi. - Let's talk about this groomsman thing. |
如果你選羅斯,你知道的 你們倆只能安安靜靜地走過紅地毯。 | If you pick Ross,he'll walk you down the aisle just fine. |
但如果你選我的話 | But if you choose me.. |
你可就有笑話聽了。 | you'll be getting some comedy. |
即便如此 | Even so.. |
我想我還是選羅斯 | I think I'm gonna pick Ross. |
沒錯,我覺得你可能.. | Yeah,I figured you might.. |
因為過去,而且你曾經愛過他.. | because of the history,and you used to love him.. |
而且還生了個孩子 | and you guys have a baby. |
那麼就謝謝你尊重我的決定了 | Well,thank you for respecting my decision. |
我來告訴你為什麼你要選我。 | Let me tell you why you need to pick me. |
當我還是個孩子的時候,無論做什麼 我總是被冷落的一個。 | See,when I was a kid,you know,I was always left out of everything.. |
你要知道,這種經歷總是讓我缺乏安全感。 | and it really made me feel insecure. |
在運動場上我永遠都是被人家挑剩下的那個 | I was always picked last in gym.. |
甚至落後于那個交換學生,連棒球規則也不懂的胖子 | even behind that fat exchange student who didn't know the rules to baseball. |
那個傢伙一打著球,撂下球棒就朝三壘上跑。 | I mean,this guy would strike out and then run to third. |
真是太恥辱了 | It's just so humiliating. |
我是說,你應該知道被排在萬事之外的感覺,對吧? | I mean,you know how it feels to be left out of things,right? |
- 不 - 不 | - No. - No. |
總之,如果我成為唯一一個不能參加婚禮的人 | Anyway,if I'm the only one left out of this wedding.. |
以前那些淒慘的回憶就會再次浮現在眼前。 | I just know that all those feelings are gonna come rushing back. |
好吧,我選你。 | All right,fine,I pick you. |
太棒了! | Yes! |
終於有錢德的房間了。 (“伴郎”與“房間”諧音) | Make "groom" for Chandler. |
噢,我的天哪! | Oh,my. |
不,要照我說的做。 因為你的辦法太笨了。 | No,we're gonna do it my way. Because your way is stupid. |
好了,有電話正打進來,我要掛了,牧師。 | All right,I got to go. I have another call,Reverend. |
喂。 | Hello? |
- 這次小小的談話還算愉快。 - 是啊,沒錯。 | - I'm glad we had this little talk. - Yes. |
對了,謝謝你關於新婚之夜的那些建議。 | And thanks for all the wedding night advice. |
我一點都不覺得尷尬。 | That didn't make me uncomfortable at all. |
好了,就這樣吧。大家晚上見嘍。 | All right,so I'll see everybody tonight. |
- 好 - 再見 | - Okay. - Bye. |
呃,你們知道在走廊裡有個大號的冰雕麼? | Did you guys know that there's a giant ice sculpture in the hall? |
哦天哪,為什麼會在這兒的? | Oh,my God,what's it doing here? |
呃,我猜是送貨的傢伙把投遞地址和付款人地址搞混了。 | I guess it got sent to the billing address as opposed to the shipping address. |
-哦,真是個蠢貨! -我的天哪! 什麼事都是一團糟。 | - What a pickle. - Oh,my God,everything's such a mess. |
為什麼這些事情會發生在我身上? | Why is this happening to me? |
你們想不想用舌頭去舔舔它? | How bad do you wanna stick your tongue on that? |
-你怎麼樣? -我很好啊。 | - How's it going? - Good. |
我來要點咖啡喝 這樣我能在婚禮上清醒一點。 | I'm just getting some coffee so I'm alert for the wedding. |
我也是這麼打算的。 | That's what I was doing too. |
那好,今晚玩得高興點。 | Well,you have fun tonight. |
- 你也是。 - 哦,我會的。 | - You too. - Oh,I will. |
我也會的。 | Me too. |
慢著,我知道自己為什麼這麼得意 但你為什麼也這樣? | Wait a minute. I know why I'm being such an ass. Why are you? |
-我不能告訴你。 -我也不能告訴你。 | - I'm not supposed to tell you. - I'm not supposed to tell you. |
瑞秋說過你可以參加婚禮了嗎? | Did Rachel say you could be in the wedding? |
- 沒錯 - 她也那麼告訴我的 | - Yes. - She told me that too! |
真不能相信,我打著艾瑪的旗號說事 | I don't believe this. I played the Emma card. |
我審視了自己的靈魂 | I looked into my soul. |
你同時答應我們兩個人參加儀式? | You told us both we could be in the wedding? |
我的解釋是,你們不應該告訴對方的! | In my defense,you weren't supposed to tell each other! |
瑞秋,只有一個人可以參加婚禮儀式。 你必須要選一個。 | Rachel,only one of us can do it. You have to choose. |
你和我,我們又能在一起了。 | You and me together again. |
瑞秋,瑞秋,咚,咚敲門聲 | Rach,Rach? Knock-knock. |
- 是誰啊? - 在婚禮上我再告訴你。 | - Who's there? - I'll tell you at the wedding. |
嘿,我忘拿圍巾了。 | Hey,I forgot my scarf. |
我做不來,我真的不知道應該選誰。 | I can't do this. I don't know which one of you guys to pick. |
哦,你還沒選好呢。我倒是有個好主意。 | Oh,you haven't picked yet? Oh,good,because I had an idea. |
我覺得如果由我們家的狗恰皮來擔任伴郎的話 肯定很有意思。 | I thought it would be fun if the third groomsman was my family dog,Chappy. |
什麼,一隻狗? 不,讓瑞秋來選。 | What? A dog? No. Rachel gets to choose. |
真是難以抉擇啊。 | Wow,this is a tough one. |
看起來我只有選那只狗了。 | I think I'm gonna have to go with the dog. |
等一下,你是說,廚師已經到漢密爾頓俱樂部了 | So,what you're saying is that the chef is at the Hamilton Club.. |
但食物還沒有送到? 飲料和酒水已經送到了,但男招待還沒有到? | but the food is not? And the drinks are there but the bartender is not? |
你... 他媽的開什麼玩笑!? | Are you freaking kidding me? |
怎麼樣了? | How's it going? |
- 幫幫我... - 什麼? | - Help me. - What? |
我想讓你做回瘋婆子。 | I want you to be crazy bitch again. |
真的? | Really? |
求你了。 | Please? |
-你真想讓我回來? -嗯,勝過我想結婚。 | - You really want me to come back? - More than I wanna get married. |
好,夥計們,我們回來了。 | Okay,people,we are back in business! |
哦天哪,我可想死你了。 | Oh,God,I have missed you so much. Okay. |
好了,去做你的頭髮吧。 這兒一切交給我好了。 | Get your hair and makeup done. I'll take care of everything. |
-嘿,你們打算怎麼辦? -什麼怎麼辦? | - Hey,what are you guys gonna do? - About what? |
暴風雪啊。我剛看電視 | The blizzard. I just saw on the news.. |
說這是20年來最大的一場暴風雪。 | it's the worst snowstorm in 20 years. |
所有的橋和隧道都關閉了。 | They already closed all the bridges and tunnels. |
可是樂隊和攝像師還要從新澤西趕過來呢! | But the band and the photographer are coming in from New Jersey. |
看來他們夠嗆。 | I don't think they are. |
哈哈,看起來你恐怕也參加不了儀式了吧。 | Looks like you're not gonna be in the wedding,either. |
真遺憾啊,菲比 | So sorry,Phoebe. |
-俱樂部停電了。 -是啊,聽新聞說,市里大部分地區都停電了。 | - Well,the club lost its power. - The news said most of the city did. |
-你從什麼時候開始看起新聞來了? -呃,告訴你好了 | - Since when do you watch the news? - For your information.. |
從那個靚女開始主持天氣預報的時候 | since they hired a very hot weather girl. |
真不敢相信,你們兩個今天的婚禮辦不成了。 | I can't believe you aren't getting married today. |
是啊 | I know. |
哇,你們看哪,外面真的好美。 你不是總想在戶外舉行婚禮嗎? | It's so beautiful out there. You always wanted to get married outside. |
-你們倆幹嘛不乾脆在街上結婚呢? -什麼? | - Why don't you just do it on the street? - What? |
看哪,雪幾乎已經停了。 | Well,look,it's hardly snowing anymore. |
我想,沒有比這更加浪漫的佈景了。 | I mean,you couldn't ask for a more romantic setting. |
這不正是你一直想要的簡單的婚禮嗎? | This could be the simple wedding you've always wanted. |
你認為呢? | What do you think? |
我只想今天就跟你結婚。 | I think I wanna get married to you today. |
我也是。莫妮卡,你覺得這樣可行嗎? | Me too. Monica,do you think we could do it? |
贊成。 | Affirmative! |
好! 大家把椅子都搬出來。 | Okay,let's get these chairs out here! |
甘瑟,把聖誕用的燈飾都打亮。 | Gunther,hit the Christmas lights. |
喂! 是哪個傢伙把冰雕放在熱水井旁邊的? | Okay,who left the ice sculpture on the steam grate? |
- 麥克 - 嘿,你們來了,太棒了. 恰皮! | - Michael. - Hey,you made it. Great. Chappy! |
- 對啊 - 嗨 | - There you go. - Hi. Hi. |
媽媽,我知道在大街上結婚這種事 肯定不合你的脾氣... | I know getting married in the street isn't what you approve of. |
不,這挺有趣兒的,又是燈又是雪的。 我怎麼看都看不夠。 | No,it's lovely. The lights and the snow. I could look at them forever. |
我剛才在她的飲料裡下了點藥。 | I crushed a pill and put it in her drink. |
來吧,親愛的。 | Come on,sweetheart. |
你們看,恰皮太弱小了恐怕難以應付積雪 | You know,Chappy's too small to handle all this snow. |
到時候需要有人抱著它。 | Someone has to walk him down the aisle. |
-那麼,這個人也算參加了婚禮儀式吧? - 我想是吧. | - Would this person be in the wedding? - I guess. |
- 我來。 - 我來。 | - I'll do it! - I'll do it! |
等等,錢德,你不是害怕狗嗎? | Chandler,hello? I mean,aren't you scared of dogs? |
誰說我害怕。我只要抱著小恰皮 然後... | I'm not scared. I'll just take little Chappy and.. |
它知道我害怕它! 我的嗓子都翻出來了! | He can sense my fear! My throat is exposed! |
哦,那麼我猜 – 出現在婚禮上的人就是我嘍。哈哈! | I guess I'm in the wedding then. |
好臭。 | You stinks. |
一級警報! 重複,一級警報,這不是演習! | Level one alert! I repeat,level one,this is not a drill! |
我們碰到難題了,牧師剛才打電話來說 他被大雪困住,趕不過來了。 | We have a situation. The minister called. He's snowed in,he can't make it. |
-哦,不是吧。 -嘿,不用擔心。 | - Oh,no. - Hey,don't worry. |
-我在你們結婚那會兒獲得的牧師資格到現在還有效。 - 真的? | - I'm still ordained from your wedding. - Really? |
是啊。你認為我會放棄牧師資格和免費坐地鐵嗎 | Yeah. You think I'd give up being a minister and pay to ride the subway? |
部長坐地鐵也不能免票的 | Ministers don't ride the subway for free. |
我仔細研究過聖經的,沒錯,我們不用買票。 | I had to read the Bible pretty carefully,but,yeah,we do. |
如果讓喬伊來主持婚禮的話 那我們還需要有個人來挽著菲比。 | We have to find someone else to walk Phoebe down the aisle. |
我來! 啊哈哈... | I'll do it! |
好, 麥克和喬伊,各就各位。 | Okay,Mike and Joey,get in position. |
錢德,跟我來。 | Chandler,come with me. |
喬伊負責主持婚禮 你由錢德負責。 | Okay,Joey's doing the ceremony,and Chandler's giving you away. |
哦,好。嗨,新爸爸。 | Oh,okay. Hi,new Dad. |
那麼,你準備好了麼? | So you ready to do this? |
哦,天哪,這一切都是真的。 | Oh,my God. This is really happening. |
-哦,菲比,我真替你高興,親愛的。 -謝謝 | - Phoebe,I'm so happy for you,honey. - Thank you. |
我愛你。 等等,不要抱,當心禮服! | I love you. Wait,wait! No hugs! The dresses! |
-管它的。 -來吧! | - Oh,what the hell. - Oh,come on. |
-我愛你們,親愛的。 - 我愛你 | - I love you guys. - I love you. |
好了, 現在倒計時結束。 各小組聽我的指令行事。 | Okay,it's zero hour! All teams execute on my count! |
我們開始吧! | Let's get this bad boy on the road! |
我想讓你今晚戴著這副耳機上床,你不反對吧? | Is it okay I want you to wear that headset in bed? |
呃,根據計畫 我的裸體時間被安排在2300。 | I have you scheduled for nudity at 2300 hours. |
噢耶。 | Oh,yeah. |
好了,馬崔,開始敲吧。 | Okay,Marjorie,hit it. |
-天哪,羅斯,你就不能先洗個澡嗎。 -是狗身上的味! | - Jeez,Ross. You could've showered. - It's the dog. |
伴郎,為什麼只有你一個人站在這兒? 伴娘呢? | Groomsman? Why are you standing there? Where's your bridesmaid? |
我們遇到情況了,伴娘失蹤了。 | We've got a broken arrow! Bridesmaid down! |
噢,是我自己。 | Oh,that's me. |
- 準備好了麼? - 好了 | - Ready? - Okay. |
哦,等一下,哦,等等。 | Oh,wait. Oh,no. Wait. |
哇,你不覺得冷嗎? | Wow. Aren't you gonna be cold? |
我不在乎。 | I don't care. |
我要做自己的“藍色”物品(象徵新娘純潔) | I'll be my "something blue." |
- 你看起來美極了。 - 謝謝。 | - You look beautiful. - Thank you. |
天哪 | My God. |
你不冷嗎? | Aren't you freezing? |
朋友們,家人們 | Friends. Family. |
狗 | Dog. |
感謝你們能夠到場來見證這一場天賜的姻緣。 | Thank you all for being here to witness this blessed event. |
冷空氣已經蔓延到我“那裡”了 | The cold has now spread to my special place.. |
所以我會長話短說。 | so I'm gonna do the short version of this. |
菲比和麥克是完美的一對兒。 | Phoebe and Mike are perfect for each other. |
我相信在場的每一個人都會和我一樣 | And I know I speak for everyone here.. |
祝願他們一生幸福。 | when I wish them a lifetime of happiness. |
願他們有很多孩子.. | And may they have many children.. |
能夠為家族的榮譽而報仇 | who will one day avenge their family's honor. |
我怎麼沒得到那部分臺詞?愚蠢的拉爾夫·麥奇奧(《家族榮譽》主演) | How could I not get that part? Stupid Ralph Macchio. |
好 | Right. Okay. |
戒指呢? | Who has the rings? |
好的 | Okay. |
在我成長的過程中,我不曾擁有真正的父愛和母愛, | When I was growing up,I didn't have a normal mom and dad.. |
或者和別人一樣擁有一個正常的家庭 | or a regular family like everybody else. |
我總是覺得自己缺少了些什麼 | And I always knew that something was missing. |
然而現在,我站在這裡 | But now I'm standing here today.. |
我知道自己已經得到了自己所需要的一切 | knowing that I have everything I'm ever gonna need. |
你就是我的家人。 | You are my family. |
菲比,你是這麼的美麗 | Phoebe,you are so beautiful. |
這麼的善良,這麼的大方。 | You're so kind. You're so generous. |
古怪得這麼神奇。 | You're so wonderfully weird. |
和你在一起的每一天都像是一次探險。 | Every day with you is an adventure. |
我簡直不敢相信自己是如此地幸運。 | And I can't believe how lucky I am. |
我迫不急待地想要和你分享自己的生命 直到永遠。 | And I can't wait to share my life with you forever. |
哦等一下,我忘了說 | Oh,wait! Oh,I forgot. And.. |
我愛你。 | I love you. |
還有,你的眼睛很漂亮。 | And you have nice eyes. |
我也愛你。 | I love you too. |
- 喬伊 | - 怎麼了 |
恰皮的心臟越跳越慢了。 | Chappy's heart rate has slowed way down. |
菲比 | Okay. Phoebe.. |
你願意這個男人成為你的丈夫嗎? | do you take this man to be your husband? |
我願意。 | I do. |
麥克,你願意這個女人成為你的妻子嗎? | Mike,do you take this woman to be your wife? |
我願意。 | I do. |
我現在正式宣佈 | I now pronounce you.. |
你們結為夫妻。 | husband and wife. |
我結婚了! | I got married! |
誰遞給我件衣服? 我快要凍僵了。 | Could someone get me a coat? I'm frigging freezing. |
-真是場讓人難以置信的婚禮。 -是啊,的確。 | - It really was an incredible wedding. - It was. |
我真不想讓它就那麼結束。 嘿… | I kind of don't want it to end. Hey.. |
你想來喝一杯嗎,還有一些胸花可以吃。 | you wanna come in for a drink and a bite of corsage? |
我很想去,但現在已經2300了 | I'd love to,but it's 2300 hours.. |
我現在要去 經歷一次有史以來最有組織的性愛。 | and I'm about to have the most organized sex anyone's ever had. |
-嘿,羅斯呢? -我不知道。 | - Whatever happened to Ross? - I don't know. |
大概和那個剛才聊天的辣妹搞在一起了吧。 | Maybe he hooked up with that hot girl he talked to. |
快點,恰皮,拜託你快點解決了吧, | Come on,Chappy! Do your business! |
拉啊! | Make! |
拉啊! | Make! |
我不是做這項工作的。 | I did not sign on for this. |
嘿! | Hi! |
- 嘿! - 嘿! | - Hey! - Hi! |
-蜜月過的怎麼樣? -哦,好極了! | - How was the honeymoon? - Oh,incredible! |
哦,香檳,燭光晚餐, 還有銀色沙灘漫步 | Champagne,candle-lit dinners,moonlight walks on the beach. |
非常浪漫! | It was so romantic. |
-那,麥克在哪呢? -哦,看病去了。 | - Where's Mike? - He's at the doctor. |
我們在那的時候他並沒拉個沒完 | He didn't poop while we were there. |
該死,我不應該告訴你們這些的 | Shoot,I wasn't supposed to tell you that. |
我是說........好吧,他在演出 | I mean.. Okay,he's at a gig. |
我們不會再去看了 | A gig we are definitely not going to. |
-很高興你回來了,我需要你幫忙 -哦,什麼事? | - I'm glad you're back. I need your help. - Oh,why,what's up? |
唔,我有個面試,劇本要求有些臺詞說法語 | I have an audition for this play,and I have to speak French.. |
而我的簡歷裡說我法語很流利。 | which,according to my resume,I'm fluent in. |
- 喬伊 ,你不應該在簡歷裡撒謊。 -對呀,你真的不應該! | - Joey,you shouldn't lie on your resume. - Yeah,you really shouldn't. |
哎,對了 你在開羅那一年的考古挖掘怎麼樣了? | By the way,how was that yearlong dig in Cairo? |
還行啦。 | It was okay. |
我怎麼不知道你會說法語。 | I did not know you spoke French. |
哦,你真性感。 | You're so sexy. |
-唔,那你願意幫我嗎?我真的很想演這部戲 - 當然 | - Well,so will you help me? - Sure. |
說真的,別再說法語了 不然我就撲到你身上去了。 | Seriously,stop it. I'm gonna jump on you. |
喬伊講法語 | The.One.Where.Joey.Speaks.French |
- 嘿 -嗨! | - Hey. - Hi. |
嘿。你幹嗎穿著我的圍裙? | Why are you wearing my apron? |
我在給艾瑞卡做餅乾。 | I'm making cookies for Erica. |
哦,對了,我們得快點兒去機場 她的飛機一小時後降落。 | We have to leave soon. Her plane comes in in about an hour. |
哦,嘿,那她到了以後,我能不能把 你們倆介紹成我老婆 | When she gets here,is it okay if I introduce you two as my wife.. |
和我孩子她媽? | and the woman who's carrying my child? |
不行? | No? |
你要跟我離婚? | Divorce? |
-嘿 -嘿 | - Hey. - Hey. |
-你們知道瑞秋在哪嗎? -不知道,從今天早上就沒見著她。 | - You know where Rachel is? - Haven't seen her since morning. |
難以置信! 她半小時前就該帶著艾瑪跟我碰頭的。 | It's unbelievable. She was supposed to meet me a half-hour ago with Emma. |
-嘿! -嘿! | - Hey! - Hey! |
-這些是給艾瑞卡準備的! -那她也吃不了這麼多吧? | - These are for Erica! - She's gonna eat all those cookies? |
嗯,我想讓小寶寶養的胖胖的。 | Well,I want the baby to come out all cute and fat! |
-艾瑞卡幹嗎要來這兒? -我們想跟她再熟悉熟悉,還有… | - So why is Erica coming to visit? - We wanna get to know her better. |
她沒來過紐約,所以她想逛逛那些旅遊景點 | She's never been to New York,so she wants to see the tourist spots: |
自由女神像啦,帝國大廈啦… | Statue of Liberty,Empire State Building. |
哦,那些爛地方總是像牛群一樣擠的滿滿的 | There's always so many people,and they're being corralled like cattle. |
還有,那兒總是有些傻瓜學牛叫。 | And,you know,there's always some idiot who goes,"Moo." |
唔,要是那這麼惹你煩,你幹嗎也那麼做呢? | Well,if it annoys you so much,then why do you do it? |
-你應該帶她去博物館 -喔,得了吧 | - You should take her to a museum. - Oh,please. |
那樣我會聽到錢德一遍遍地說: | So I can hear Chandler say over and over again: |
"你管這叫藝術?我也能畫" | "You call this art? I could make that." |
那就是個海綿做的塔 | It was a tower of sponges. |
哦,嗨,謝天謝地,你才晚了30分鐘。 | Oh,hi. Hi. Thanks for showing up 30 minutes late. |
不用多費口舌,我肯定你有個好藉口。 是什麼,美髮預約? | No,I'm sure you have a great excuse. What was it,a hair appointment? |
修指甲還是巴尼斯(紐約精品店)大降價? | A mani-pedi? Was there a sale at Barneys? |
我爸爸得了心臟病… | My father had a heart attack. |
在我逛巴尼斯的時候。 | While I was at Barneys. |
- 哦,我的上帝。 - 親愛的 | - Oh,my God,Rach. - Honey? |
-我很抱歉。 -他還好吧? | - I'm so sorry. - Is he okay? |
是的,他們說他會好的。 但他還是得服藥靜養。 | Yeah,he's gonna be fine,but he's heavily sedated. |
好吧,我跟你一起去長島, | Okay,I'm gonna go to Long Island with you. |
-你現在不能就一個人。 -不用了,我還行。 | - I mean,you can't be alone right now. - No,come on,I'm totally okay. |
我用不著你來。 | I don't need you to come. |
-我一個人能撐得住。 -儘管如此,還是讓我來吧… 就算是為了我。 | - I can totally handle this on my own. - Still,still,let me come for me. |
好吧,如果你真的需要的話。 | Okay. If you really need to. |
我看吃點莫妮卡剛烤好的餅乾你感覺會好點。 | I bet someone could use one of Monica's freshly baked cookies. |
哦,我還真想吃點。 | Oh,I really could. |
好的,這看起來很簡單。 | All right,it seems pretty simple. |
你的第一句臺詞是 "我的名字叫克勞德。" | Your first line is,"My name is Claude." |
好,跟我念。 | So just repeat after me. |
-呃,我們再試一遍。 - 好 | - Well,let's try it again. - Okay. |
你跟我說得… | It's not.. |
不太一樣。 | quite what I'm saying. |
真的?我聽著一模一樣啊。 | Really? Sounds exactly the same to me. |
-是嗎?真的? -好吧 | - It does,really? - Yeah. |
-我們再試一遍。 -好吧 | - Let's just try it again. - Okay. |
- 仔細聽著。 - 好 | - Really listen. - Got it. |
-嘿,夥計們! -嘿 | - Hey,you guys! - Hi. |
我想要你們見個特別的客人 | I want you to meet someone really special. |
菲比,這是艾瑞卡,這是小寶寶。 | Phoebe,this is Erica. And this is the baby! |
-喬伊,艾瑞卡,寶寶。 -嘿 | - Joey,Erica,baby. - Hi. |
大傢伙兒!艾瑞卡,寶寶。 | Everyone,Erica! Baby! |
莫妮卡,冷靜,自持。 | Monica. Calm. Self. |
- 請坐。 - 謝謝。 | - Hey,sit down. - Thank you. |
真高興見到你們。我都不敢相信來到這兒了。 | It's really nice to meet you guys. I can't believe I'm here. |
唔,歡迎來到紐約,或者我應該說 | Well,welcome to New York City,or should I say: |
你幹嗎要說那個? | Why would you say that? |
你們今天打算幹什麼? | Okay. What are you gonna be doing today? |
哦,我想看看所有的地方 時代廣場,科尼島,洛克菲勒中心… | Well,I wanna see everything! Times Square,Coney Island,Rockefeller Center. |
哦,你知道你該幹什麼嗎, 你應該一路爬到自由女神像的頂上。 | You should walk to the top of the Statue of Liberty. |
- 哦,對呀,我們去爬吧! - 好主意。 | - Oh,yeah,let's do that. - Great. |
這個小寶寶得夠結實才行。 | This baby better be really good. |
嗨,打擾一下,我來看望我的父親。 我叫瑞秋格林 | Hi. Excuse me,I'm here to see my father. My name is Rachel Green. |
-我是羅斯蓋勒博士 - 羅斯,行了吧。這裡是醫院 | - And I'm Dr. Ross Geller. - Ross,please,this is a hospital. |
博士(與“醫生”同詞)在這兒是有其他意義的。 | That actually means something here. |
- 那麼,我們能進去嗎? - 當然了。 | - So can we please go in? - Absolutely. |
瑞秋,我想我還是等在外面吧 | Rach,I think I'm gonna wait out here.. |
我的喉嚨有點癢,我不想傳染給他。 | because my throat is feeling a little scratchy. I don't wanna infect him. |
-羅斯,得了,別那麼怕他。 -我不是怕他,我真的病了。 | - Ross,please. Don't be so scared of him. - I am not scared of him. I'm really sick. |
-鎮靜劑藥效還沒退,所以他還在昏睡著。 -我感覺好多了。 | - He's under sedation,so he's out. - I'm feeling better. |
哦,我的上帝。 | Oh,my God. |
哦,哇,我給他買的耳毛和鼻毛剪算是白花錢了 | That ear and nose hair trimmer I got him was just money down the drain,huh? |
格林小姐,你爸爸的醫生打來電話, 你要不要跟他談談? | Ms. Green? Your father's doctor's on the phone if you'd like to speak to him. |
哦,好的。呃,你在這等著沒事吧? | Oh,great. Are you gonna be okay? |
-他還沒醒,我想我們沒事兒。 - 好 | - He's unconscious. We'll be just fine. - Okay. |
-是不是電視吧你吵醒了? -不是 | - Did the TV wake you? - No. |
你把腳翹到我床上,壓住我的導尿管了。 | When you put your feet up on my bed,you tugged on my catheter. |
你在這兒幹嗎? | What are you doing here,Geller? |
唔,我和瑞秋一塊兒來的,她一會兒就回來。 | Well,I came with Rachel,who should be back any second. |
-最近怎麼樣? -哦,我得了點兒心臟病。 | - So,what's new? - Oh,I had a little heart attack. |
很好,痛苦嗎? | Right. Is it painful? |
哪方面?是心臟病還是坐在這裡跟你聊天? | What,the heart attack or sitting here talking to you? |
咱們看看能不能把瑞秋叫過來。 | Let's see if we can get that Rachel back in here. |
那麼,你最近怎麼樣,啊? 是不是又讓我別的女兒也懷孕了? | So,what's new with you? Knocked up any more of my daughters lately? |
沒有,還是原來那個。瑞秋! | Nope. Just the one. Rach! |
爸爸,你醒啦! | Daddy,hi. You're awake. |
-覺得怎樣? -還好 | - How are you? - I'm okay. |
順便說一句,羅斯剛才慰問我了 | By the way,Ross has been of great comfort. |
他們想要你呆幾個晚上 | They want to keep you here for a couple more nights. |
知道了 | I know. |
但我得回家去,給你拿點東西... | But I'm gonna go home and get a bunch of your stuff.. |
好讓你更舒服 | so that you're really comfortable. |
喔謝謝,親愛的 | Oh,thank you,sweetheart. |
有點諷刺,哈? | It's pretty ironic,huh? |
你是做心臟手術的,而你又得心臟病 | You being a heart surgeon,and you had a heart attack. |
就好象我被恐龍吃掉了 | It'd be like if I was eaten by an Allosaurus. |
我在外面等 | I'm gonna wait outside. |
"他早就該出去了" | "He's pretty much out." |
不對! | No! |
好吧,也許我們應該拆散了試試。 | Okay,maybe if we just break it down. |
好吧,我們試試一次一個音節。 好的,跟我念。 | Okay,let's try it one syllable at a time. Okay,so repeat after me. |
很好,快一點。 | Great! Okay,faster. |
-好吧,這太難了,我教不了你! -你幹嗎? | - Okay,it's too hard. I can't teach you. - What are you doing? |
我得走了,不然我要拿你的頭撞牆了! | I have to go before I put your head through a wall. |
不,別走,我需要你。 我明天就要面試了! | Don't go,I need you! My audition is tomorrow! |
嘿,我本來想做晚飯的 | Hey. I was gonna make us some dinner.. |
但是你爸的冰箱裡只有熏肉和奶油。 | but all I found in your dad's fridge was bacon and heavy cream. |
我想我們找到他得心臟病的原因了。 | I think we solved the mystery of the heart attack. |
-你給你父母打電話了嗎? -哦,打過了,艾瑪很好。 | - Did you call your parents? - Oh,yeah. Emma's doing great. |
哦,好。 | Oh,good. |
-怎麼? -只是不敢相信 | - What? - I just can't believe.. |
我在瑞秋格林的房間裡。 | I'm in Rachel Green's room. |
-你什麼意思?你以前到過我的房間。 -對,當然,沒錯。 | - You've been in my room before. - Yeah,sure,right. |
就跟我真來過瑞秋格林房間似的。 | Like I'd ever be in Rachel Green's room. |
好吧,我得跟你說 你叫我的全名可真有點兒怪。 | Okay,I gotta tell you,it's really weird when you use my whole name. |
對不起。 | Sorry. |
- 你還好吧? - 還行。 | - You okay? - Yeah. |
-今天很糟,是吧? -是啊 | - Yeah,you had a rough day. - Yeah. |
看到他那個樣子很奇怪,你知道嗎? 我是說,他是個醫生 | It's just so weird seeing him like that,you know? I mean,he's a doctor. |
醫生怎麼會得病的呢? | You don't expect doctors to get sick. |
但我們確實會得病。 | But we do. |
你知道,他會好的,瑞秋 | He's gonna be okay,Rach. |
哦,我不想讓他醒來一個人,我得去醫院。 | I don't want him to wake up alone. I should go to the hospital. |
-什麼,不,等等。嘿,你看, -什麼 | - What? No,no. Hey,hey,look. - What? |
他服了很多鎮靜藥 | They gave him a lot of medication. |
他甚至都不能知道你在不在那兒。 | He wouldn't even know if you were there. |
我們明天一早就去看他,好嗎? | We'll go see him first thing in the morning. |
- 真的,今天不去沒事嗎 - 沒事兒,上帝。嘿 | - Really? I shouldn't feel guilty? - No.. God,hey. |
瑞秋,你是個好女兒,知道嗎? | Rach,you've been an amazing daughter,okay? |
-現在,你需要好好休息一下。 -好吧,也許你說得對。 | - Right now you need to get some rest. - Okay,maybe you're right. |
晚安。 | Good night. |
等等。 | Wait,wait,wait. |
你能不能陪我呆一會兒? | Would you stay here with me for a little while? |
-當然。 -嗯 | - Sure. - Okay. |
-謝謝你今天陪我來。 -哦,應該的。 | - Thank you for coming with me today. - Oh,of course. |
瑞秋格林很高興你在她屋裡。 | Rachel Green is very happy you're in her room. |
我也很高興,來。 | Me too. Come here. |
我只是不想晚上一個人在這兒。 | I just don't wanna be alone tonight. |
好吧,唔,我可以找條睡袋什麼的… | Okay,well,I can maybe grab a sleeping bag or.. |
不行,瑞秋! | No,Rach! |
抱歉,我只是覺得這樣不好。 | I'm sorry,I just don't think this is a good idea. |
我們不做怎麼知道好不好,對吧? | Well,we won't know that until we do it,will we? |
不,呃,你看,嗯… | Look.. |
你為你父親的事兒心煩,你現在很脆弱。 | You are upset about your father,and you're feeling vulnerable.. |
而且我覺得這時候占你的便宜 | and I just don't feel it would be right. |
不太合適。 | I feel like I'd be,you know,taking advantage of you. |
什麼佔便宜?我在主動投懷送抱,你盡興好啦! | What..? Taking advantage? I am giving you the advantage. Enjoy! |
是,我肯定那會很棒,但是… | Look,I'm sure it would be great.. |
我認為我們倆得有一個保持清醒 | but I think one of us has to be thinking clearly. |
所以我要走了。 | So I'm gonna go. |
好吧 | Okay. |
明天早上見。 | I'll see you in the morning. |
4個月沒有性生活 我剛才的高姿態應該得塊獎牌! | I haven't had sex in four months. I should get a medal for that! |
謝謝你們帶我去了那麼多地方 我玩得很高興。 | Thanks so much for taking me to all those places. I had a great time. |
哦,我也很高興。但是,我得為錢德道歉。 | I'm glad. Listen,I wanna apologize about Chandler,though. |
-我沒想到他會這樣。 -紐約可真棒! | - I just did not see this coming. - New York is awesome! |
-你怎麼回事兒? -你知道嗎,我以前去過那些地方 | - What is with you? - I've been to these places before.. |
但是我都沒有好好看過風景。 | but I've never really seen them. |
沒錯,你學牛叫的時候錯過好多風景嘞。 | Yeah,you miss a lot when you're mooing. |
我們去看百老匯音樂劇吧,《貓》? | Let's go to a Broadway show. Cats! |
我覺得我們做的夠多了 | I think we've done enough. |
親愛的,他們裝扮的像貓,卻又像人一樣唱歌 | Honey,these are actors dressed like cats who sing like people. |
我是說,去吧 | I mean,come on! |
-非常感謝你們帶我觀光。 -哦,我們很高興陪你去。 | - Thank you for showing me around. - Oh,it was our pleasure. |
我們也想跟你熟悉熟悉。 | We're so much enjoying getting to know you. |
呃,你們還有什麼想瞭解的嗎? | Well,if there's anything else you wanna know.. |
哦,呃,好吧。 | Okay. |
你不會介意我問幾個有關孩子父親的問題吧? | Can we ask you some questions about the father? |
哦,沒關係。 | Oh,sure. Yeah. |
呃,他是我高中的男朋友 足球隊長,很可愛。 | Well,he was my high-school boyfriend,captain of the football team,really cute. |
-後來他得到獎學金,上了大學。 -那不錯啊。 | - Got a scholarship and went to college. - That's great. |
是啊,差不多就是他了。 | Yeah,it's almost definitely him. |
那怎麼說? | How's that,now? |
唔,也有可能是另外一個人。 | Well,there's a chance it's another guy. |
我是說,我只跟兩個人好過 | I mean,I've only ever been with two guys.. |
但是時間上有些重疊。 | but they sort of overlapped. |
那麼,另一個人是幹什麼的 | So,what does the other guy do? |
-他也上大學了嗎? -不,他在蹲監獄。 | - Does he go to college too? - No,he's in prison. |
呃,那他是被誣告的吧? | Was he falsely accused of something? |
不 | No. |
他用鐵鏟殺了他爸爸。 | He killed his father with a shovel. |
但是除此之外他還是個不錯的人。 | Other than that,he's a great guy. |
我猜他爸爸不這麼想。 | I'll bet his dad doesn't think so. |
- 你還沒睡? - 我當然還沒睡。 | - Are you awake? - Of course I'm awake. |
從今往後我是睡不著啦。 | Assume from now on that I'm always awake. |
我們也不知道就一定是他 我是說,也可能是那個踢足球的。 | All right,we don't know that it's him. I mean,it could be the football guy. |
親愛的,我們這對兒倒楣蛋 肯定是攤上那個鐵鏟殺手。 | Honey,it's us. Of course it's the shovel killer. |
好了,好了,就算是他。 | Well,all right,let's say that it is him. |
我們就不要這孩子了?不 | Would we not want the baby? No. |
-我們會對他另眼相待嗎? -我會睜著一隻眼盯著他的! | - Would we treat him any differently? - I'd keep an eye on him. |
我們一定得查出哪一個是孩子的父親。 | We have to find out who the father is. |
-怎麼查? -我不知道 | - How? - I don't know. |
-這種事兒可以測出來的,對吧? -是,不過我們也許反應過度了。 | - They have tests for these things,right? - Yes,but maybe we're just overreacting. |
你說得當然輕巧,他殺的是他爸爸。 | Easy for you to say. He's a father killer. |
他沒準兒很愛他老媽。 | He probably loves his mommy. |
他沒準兒在揮鏟子的胳膊上刺著"媽媽"呢。 | He's probably got a tattoo that says "Mom" on his shovel-wielding arm. |
現在我們從一數到五: . . . . . | We'll now count from one to five. |
- "說得真好!" - 謝謝。 | - Good job. - Thank you. |
-嘿 -嘿,喬伊。 | - Hey. - Hey,Joey. |
聽我說,昨天的事兒我覺得不太好 | Listen,I feel really badly about yesterday,and I thought about it a lot. |
我想是我太沒有耐心了。 所以,我們今天再試試。 | No,I was too impatient. So let's try it again. |
哦不,不用了。我不用你幫忙了。 | That's okay. I don't need your help. |
我可以自學而且我得說我學的還不錯嘞。 | I worked on it myself,and I gotta say I am pretty good. |
-真的?說幾句給我聽聽。 -當然可以。 | - Really,can I hear some of it? - Sure,sure. |
好 | Okay. |
怎麼樣? | See? |
好吧,你說的不是… | You,you're not.. |
你不是在…… | You're not.. You're.. |
我再次重申,你說的不是法語! | Again,you're not speaking French! |
哦,我覺著我說的是法語 而且我肯定能得到那個角色。 | Oh,well,I think I am. Yeah,and I think I'm definitely gonna get the part. |
你怎麼會這麼想的? | How could you possibly think that? |
至少,磁帶上的那傢伙說我念得不錯! | The guy on the tape said I was doing a good job! |
嗨,瑞秋,給我倒杯咖啡好嗎? | Hey,Rach,can you grab me a cup of coffee? |
當然可以。 | Sure. |
你一早上話不多,沒事兒吧? | You've been quiet all morning. Is everything okay? |
- 你肯定沒事? - 當然。 | - You sure you're all right? - Yep. |
好. | Okay. |
好吧,嗯,那我去吃點早飯。 | Well,I'm gonna go grab us some breakfast. |
- 事實上… - 來啦。 | - FYI. - There it is. |
以後 | In the future.. |
如果有女孩子需要點不理智的、安慰性的性生活,就滿足她好啦 | when a girl asks for some ill-advised sympathy sex,just do it. |
等等,你是因為昨晚的事兒生我的氣? | Wait,wait,you're mad at me about last night? |
-我只是做了正確的決定。 -真的? | - I was just trying to do the right thing. - Really? |
唔,對我來說要是你做得對的話 | If you had done the right thing.. |
我就不會一早起來感覺又愚蠢又尷尬 | I wouldn't have woken up feeling stupid and embarrassed. |
我只會覺得舒適而滿意。 | I would've woken up feeling comforted and satisfied. |
- 唔… - 哦,得了吧! | - Well.. - Oh,stop that! |
我不敢相信。你怎麼… 我只是做了回好人。 | I can't believe this. I was just being a good guy. |
我以尊重和同情之心待你。 | I treated you with respect and understanding. |
啊,那可真性感。 | Oh,that is so hot. |
嘿,我是在為你著想。 | Hey,I was looking out for you. |
哦,真的?羅斯,你要知道 我不是個小丫頭 | Oh,really? Well,you know what? I am a big girl. |
我不需要有人告訴我什麼對我來說最好。 | I don't need someone telling me what is best for me. |
雖說以前我也經常沒過成性生活 但這次是最糟糕的。 | I gotta say,I've not had sex a lot of times before. This is the worst ever! |
哦,真的,真的? 唔,這對我來說也好不到哪兒去。 | Oh,really? Really? Well,it wasn't very good for me either. |
哦,你知道,嘿 嘿!你說怎麼著? | Okay,you know..? Hey,hey,you know what? |
為了以後少惹這種麻煩 | To avoid this little thing in the future.. |
咱們就乾脆說定,以後不再一起睡覺了。 | let's just say you and me? Never having sex again. |
-什麼? -對了,性這個字以後免談! | - What? - That's right! Sex is off the table! |
我再也不會跟你做愛啦。 | I am never having sex with you again! |
格林醫生,你感覺好點兒了嗎? | Dr. Green,are you feeling better? |
-嘿,午飯怎麼樣? -我們吃得不錯。 | - Hey. How was lunch? - We had a good time. |
對了,我想求你一件事。 | By the way,I wanted to ask you something. |
這對我來說很重要。 如果是個男孩 | It would really mean a lot to me if the baby was a boy.. |
你能不能讓孩子 隨我父親的名字 | that you name him after my father.. |
吉米·比利·巴伯(意同“劈裡啪啦砰) | Jiminy Billy Bob. |
-哦,真的? -不! | - Oh,really? - No! |
你說的沒錯,這真好玩。 | You were right. That was fun. |
我要去收拾東西了。 | I'm gonna go finish packing. |
-那麼,她願意去做檢測嗎? -不,用不著了。 | - So is she gonna take the test? - No,she doesn't have to. |
-我知道誰是父親。 -哦,上帝 | - I found out who the father is. - Oh,God. |
-是鐵鏟喬,對吧? -不,不是的。 | - It's Shovely Joe,isn't it? - No,it's not. |
你怎麼知道的? | How do you know? |
唔,看來艾瑞卡性教育課學得不好。 | Erica didn't pay attention in sex ed class.. |
她跟蹲監獄的傢伙做的事 | because the things she did with that prison guy? |
不太可能讓她懷孕。 | It'd be pretty hard to make a baby that way. |
哦,上帝。做的什麼? 是我們很少做的還是我們從沒做過的? | Oh,God,what was it? The thing we hardly ever do,or the thing we never do? |
我們從沒做過的。 | The thing we never do. |
好個鐵鏟喬。 | Shovely Joe. |
- 你準備好了就開始吧,喬伊 - 好的。 | - Whenever you're ready,Joey. - Right. |
-對不起,怎麼回事兒? -哥們兒,拜託,說法語啦。 | - I'm sorry,what's going on? - Dude,come on,French it up. |
喬伊,你會說法語嗎? | Joey,do you speak French? |
那不是法語 | That's not French. |
什麼都不是 | Neither is that. |
我看這次面試就到此為止吧。 | You know what? I think this audition is over. |
呃,打擾一下。 | Excuse me? |
呃,我是Ugeon Phillogne(瑞吉娜佛蘭姬的法國讀音) | I am Regine Phalange. |
我剛路過,聽到這個人在說 | I was passing by when I heard this man speaking.. |
我們法國小鎮雅詩蘭黛(化妝品)的方言。 | the regional dialect of my French town of Estee Lauder. |
你真的認為這個人在說法語? | You really think this man is speaking French? |
好吧 | Okey |
跟你說實話吧 | I'lltell you the truth |
他是我弟弟 | He's my little brother |
他…有點智力障礙 | He's a little retarded |
能請你幫忙跟他開個玩笑鼓勵一下他嗎 | Would you please just humor him? |
幹得不錯,小傢伙。 | Good job,little buddy. |
你的法語講得很好。 | That was some really good French. |
但是我覺得還是其他人更適合這個角色。 | But I think we're gonna go with someone else for the part. |
-哦,好吧。但是我的法語很好? -非常好。 | - All right,but my French was good? - It was great. |
看到了吧 | See? |
謝謝,再見 | Thanks,goodbye |
- 艾瑪睡著了。 - 哦,好的。 | - Emma's down for the night. - Oh,good. |
-那,我看我該走了。 -好的 | - So I guess I'm gonna take off. - Okay. |
嘿,聽我說,你走之前,我… | Hey,listen,just before you go.. |
我想再次謝謝你能陪我一起去看我爸。 | I just wanna say thank you for coming with me. |
哦,沒問題。 | Oh,no problem. |
還有,你知道我… | And also,you know,I.. |
我在想你說的話,呃,你知道的,關於性什麼的… | I was thinking about what you said,you know,about the whole sex thing.. |
也許再重複一次確實不是個好主意。 | Probably not a great idea to go down that road again. |
謝謝,我很高興你也這麼想。 | Thank you. I'm glad you agree. |
這也有點可惜,我是說, 我們做的時候感覺不錯。 | It's a shame,though. When we did it,it was pretty good. |
對 | Yeah. |
對,對,那倒是真的。 | Yeah,that's true. |
嘿,你還記得特別棒的那次嗎? | Hey,do you remember that one really great time? |
-哦,記得。 -你記得? | - Oh,yeah! - You know? |
-那天是情人節… -是你的生日… | - It was Valentine's Day. - It was your birthday. |
- 哦,對呀。 - 哦,對呀。 | - Oh,yeah. - Oh,yeah. |
唔,我猜那都是陳年往事了。 | Well,I guess that's all in the past now. |
- 以後不再幹了。 - 一次也不。 | - Not even one more time. - Not even once. |
- 不管我們有多想要。 - 即使我們真的… | - No matter how much we want it. - Even if we want it.. |
-真的很想要 -我們就這麼說定了。 | - really bad. - That's what we decided. |
沒錯。 | Right. |
- 但這有點難哦。 - 是啊。 | - It's kind of hard,though. You know? - Yeah. |
你知道,當兩個人之間有了一種聯繫 那… | When two people have a connection,you know,that's.. |
就好像… | Just seems like.. |
好像是…。 | such a.. |
浪費 | waste. |
我不喜歡浪費。 | I hate waste. |
- 羅斯… - 嗯。 | - Ross? - Yes? |
就像你知道的 | Just so you know.. |
我們之間 | with us.. |
從未消失過 | it's never off the table. |
天呐,從未消失過 | Damn it,it's never off the table. |
-好了,你真的會跳踢踏舞嗎? -不會。 | - Okay,can you really tap-dance? - No. |
從簡歷上去掉。 | It's off the resume. |
- 箭術? - 不會。 | - Archery? - No. |
- 騎馬? - 經常掉下來。 | - Horseback riding? - Would fall off a lot. |
你能在10秒鐘內喝掉一加侖牛奶? | You can drink a gallon of milk in 10 seconds? |
這我能做到。 | That I can do. |
得了吧,你能在10秒鐘內喝掉一加侖牛奶? | Come on,you can drink a gallon of milk in 10 seconds? |
好吧,我喝給你看。 | All right,watch me. |
-你給我計時,準備好了嗎? -預備,開始! | - Okay,you time me,ready? - Ready,go! |
你成功了! | You did it! |
謝謝你們準備了這一切. | Thank you guys for having us over. |
-這是為可愛的夫妻準備的. -我不知道 | - Yeah,this is fun,couples night. - I don't know why we don't hang out.. |
-為什麼我們不多來幾次這樣的聚會. -也許是因為每次我們吃飯 | - with married couples more often. - Because every time we do.. |
你總是開玩笑,把他們嚇跑了. | you make jokes about swinging and scare them away. |
你是指那對葡萄牙夫婦? 好像你沒有做過一樣. | You mean that Portuguese couple? Yeah,like you wouldn't have done it. |
嗨,大夥. 我有個好消息. | Hey,you guys,I have great news. |
-羅斯. 我們似乎還在吃飯. -呃..我已經吃過了,不過...好吧. | - We're kind of in the middle of dinner. - Oh,well,I already ate,but sure. |
猜猜今天工作上發生了什麼? | Guess what happened at work today. |
一隻恐龍在一百萬年前死了? | A dinosaur died a million years ago? |
應該是6千5百萬年前。請閉嘴~~ | Try 65 million years ago. And then try: |
我的工作續約考察會議今天開了 我聽說進展得不錯. | My tenure review board met today,and I hear it's looking really good. |
你知道這在學院圈子裡意味著什麼嗎, | Yeah,do you have any idea what this means in academic circles? |
我可以留下來了. | I am gonna get laid. |
-嘿,大夥. -嘿 | - Hi,you guys. - Hey. |
義大利風味 | Oh,Italian. |
沒人想歇一下嗎? | No one.. No one wanted seconds,right? |
不,不,我很好. | No,I'm good. |
嘿,你們一定不相信? 獵頭給我打了電話 | Guys,you're never gonna believe it. This headhunter called me. |
說古奇(Gucci)要和我面試. 古奇會聘用我! | I have a meeting tomorrow with Gucci. Gucci wants me. |
-我可以續約了. -祝賀你. | - I'm up for tenure. - Congratulations. |
你也是. 真巧! | You too. What are the odds? |
猜發生了什麼? | Guess what? |
我終於把那個核從我的牙齒里弄出來了. | I finally got that seed out of my teeth. |
我真不知道我最該為誰感到高興? | I don't know who I'm happiest for. |
我知道. 他一整天都在弄它! | I do. He's been working on that all day. |
康斯薇拉公主 | The.One.With.Princess.Consuela |
嘿,莫妮卡,把你的名字改成蓋勒·賓奇怪嗎? | Hey,Mon,was it weird changing your name to Geller Bing? |
不,不. 感覺這樣也挺好. | No. No,it felt nice to acknowledge this. |
-你打算在哪裡辦? - 呃.. | - Where'd you go to do it? - The.. |
姓名...服務 | The Ministry of Names.. |
事務所.. | Bureau. |
你沒有改! | You never did it. |
我很抱歉. 只是一個變成正式的 | I'm sorry. It's just the idea of.. |
賓的想法……. | Of being an official Bing. |
嘿! 我得讓你知道..啊.. | Hey,I will have you know that.. |
我真是在開玩笑. 就讓孩子叫蓋勒吧 讓賓隨著我到死. | Who am I kidding? Let's call the kid Geller and let Bing die with me. |
-給你 -謝謝 | - Here you go. - Thanks. |
親愛的,你想要我隨你的名字嗎? | Honey,would you want me to take your name? |
你決定吧. 這是你的名字. 你有特權. | Oh,it's up to you. It's your name. You've gotta live with it. |
-讓我想想.叫我漢尼根夫人. -漢尼根 夫人? | - Let's see. Call me Mrs. Hannigan. - Mrs. Hannigan? |
什麼? 你不覺得我的名字在什麼東西的當中嗎? | Can't you see I'm in the middle of something? |
我喜歡. | I like it. |
-嘿,大夥! -嘿,喬伊 | - Hey,guys. - Hey,Joe. |
我們還有些事要做,我們要去看新房子. 你想和我們一起去嗎? | We got things to check out at the new house. You want to come? |
-不,謝了. -我們搬家你不高興 | - No,thank you. - You're not happy about us moving.. |
但你是唯一沒有看過我們新房子的人. | but you're the only one who hasn't seen the house. |
是啊. 和我們一起去吧,你會知道那離城很近. | Yeah,come with us. You'll see how close it is. |
不,才不近. 你說它在“契約”裡. | No,it's not close. You said it was in escrow. |
我在地圖上都找不到那地方. | I couldn't even find that on the map. |
不,喬伊 契約是.. | No,Joey. Escrow is.. |
有錢,而且... | There's money,and.. |
卻不是銀行 | It's not the bank exactly. |
我不知道它是什麼 | I don't know what it is. |
喬伊,求你來吧. 你對我們真的很重要. | Joey,please come. It would mean so much to us. |
知道嗎,你們是我的朋友. 我會支持. | You know what? You are my friends. I want to be supportive. |
我會和你們一起去的,決定了! | I will come with you. Shotgun. |
太好了. | Damn it. |
一會見. 我們在11點接你. | See you guys later. We'll pick you up at 11. |
-真高興你能來. -好 | - So glad you're coming. - All right. |
-真不錯. 你夠成熟了. -什麼? 不. 我去那所破房子 | - Good for you. That was really mature. - What? The only reason I'm going.. |
唯一的原因是我能說出裡面所有的缺點 | to their stupid house is to point out everything wrong with it.. |
讓他們不要住進去. 我要他們留在這裡. | so they don't move. I'm gonna make them stay here. |
你的成熟太奇怪了. | You're a strange kind of grownup. |
喬伊,你不能讓別人做他們不願做的事. | Joey,you can't make someone do something they don't want to do. |
相信我,有些事我想讓麥克在床上做 但他.... | Believe me. There's something I've been trying to get Mike to do in bed,and.. |
-我們現在不談那個好嗎 -好吧,假正經 | |
聽著. 莫妮卡和錢德真的很喜歡那所房子. | Look,Monica and Chandler really love this house. |
你不應該說服他們住在這裡。 | You are not gonna talk them into staying here. |
嘿,我能說服人們做任何事情 | Hey,I can convince people to do anything,you know? |
我打賭我能讓麥克做那事. 那是什麼? | I bet I could even get Mike to do that thing. What is it? |
我才不要幫你做那個! | I am not gonna help you do that! |
哦,我的天 | Oh,my God. |
嗨,我來見古奇的坎貝爾先生 | Hi. I'm here to see Mr. Campbell,with Gucci. |
這個位子也許就是在古奇名下預定的. | The reservation's probably under Gucci. |
拼起來像"拜火教徒"(Gukki),也許會弄錯! | It's spelled like "gucky," which can be confusing. |
坎貝爾先生現在還沒到. 讓我把你帶到他的位子. | Mr. Campbell's not here yet. Let me show you to his table. |
哦, 我的天. 那是我的老闆. 你必須把位子安排在別處. | Oh,my God. That's my boss. You have to seat us somewhere else. |
我很抱歉. 這一直是坎貝爾先生的桌子. | I'm sorry,that's always Mr. Campbell's table. |
但我的老闆不能在這看到我. 我在面試另一個工作. | But my boss cannot see me. I'm interviewing for another job. |
我知道,面試"拜火教徒"(Gukki). | I know. With "gucky." |
- 瑞秋 - 我在約會 | - Rachel? - I'm on a date. |
太好了. | That's great. |
是啊. 這是艱苦的單身母親的工作啊 | Yeah,it is. Yeah,you know,it's tough. Single mom. Career. |
你必須脫離苦海. | You gotta get out there. |
呃,你很有精力. | Well,you've got a good energy. |
-瑞秋? - 是的 | - Rachel? - Yes,hi. |
- 詹姆斯·坎貝爾 - 嗨 | - James Campbell. - Hi. |
-抱歉. -請坐 | - Excuse us. - Please. |
他很可愛. | He's cute. |
謝謝,JewHunks.com(約會網站),是吧? | Thank you,JewHunks.com,huh? |
所以. | So.. |
你的簡歷很好. | your resume is quite impressive. |
我的簡歷.. | My resume? |
我不會把我的私人約會檔稱做簡歷. | I wouldn't.. I wouldn't call my online dating profile a resume. |
約會簡歷?不,我是說..我是說工作簡歷 | Dating profile? No,I'm.. I'm talking about the work resume. |
不論發生什麼,就只是毫無理由得唱歌. | Whatever happened to just singing for no reason? |
也許別人覺得奇怪. | Maybe people found it weird. |
那麼 | So.. |
-你為什麼想離開羅夫羅蘭? -什麼? | - Why do you want to leave Ralph Lauren? - What? |
-我,我沒有. -你沒有? | - I don't. - You don't? |
不. 我喜歡那裡. | No,I love.. I love it there. |
如果你不想離開,為什麼我們在這裡吃午飯呢? | Well,if you don't want to leave,why are we having this lunch? |
那是我的老闆 | That's my boss |
什麼? | What? |
那是我的老闆 | That's my boss |
那是Hugo Boss(著名品牌)? | That's Hugo Boss? |
我覺得她想告訴你的是我是她老闆 | I believe what she's trying to tell you is that I'm her boss. |
鮑斯(音同老闆)先生. | Mr. Boss.. |
見到你很高興 | it is a pleasure to meet you. |
這個地方太令人傷心了. 如果我在這裡工作,我會自殺的. | This place is so depressing. If I had to work here,I'd kill myself. |
顯然你不會. | But you obviously haven't. |
-我能幫你嗎? -我想要改我的名字. | - How can I help you? - I need to change my name,please. |
我想改掉它因為我在逃避法律的制裁. | See,I need to change it because I'm hiding from the law. |
你很好. | You're fun. |
-請填一下這個表格. -好 | - You need to fill out this form. - Okay. Well,just so I know.. |
我只是不知道應該怎麼做 看,我叫布菲 | I don't know how it works. My name is Buffay.. |
我丈夫叫漢尼根 | and my husband's name is Hannigan. |
那麼應該是布菲.漢尼根 還是漢尼根.布菲? | So is it supposed to be "Buffay-Hannigan" or "Hannigan-Buffay"? |
-你想什麼就是什麼 -任何名字? . | - It can be anything you want. - Well,not anything. |
是..任何 | Yeah. Anything. |
哦..那需要花些時間. | Oh,this could take a while. |
-站到一邊去. - 好 | - Get out of my line. - Okay. |
- 嘿 - 嘿,菲比 | - Hey. - Hey,Phoebe. |
不再是了. 我今天改了我的名字. | Oh,not anymore. I changed it today. |
-抱歉. 漢尼根夫人. -又錯了. | - Oh,I'm sorry,Mrs. Hannigan. - Wrong again. |
顯然你能改成任何你想要的名字 所以我想.. | Apparently,you can change it to anything. |
這是發揮想像力的好機會. | So I thought,"All right,here's an opportunity to be creative." |
所以來見過康斯薇拉·巴娜娜·哈莫克(意為香蕉吊床)公主. | So meet Princess Consuela Bananahammock. |
那是我想給我們寶寶的名字. | That's what we were gonna name the baby. |
- 菲比 - 康斯薇拉公主. | - Phoebe. - Princess Consuela. |
你真的把你的名字改成那個了? | You seriously changed your name to that? |
好吧. 從今往後我們得叫你康斯薇拉公主了. | Okay,so from now on,we have to call you Princess Consuela? |
我知道.我想讓我的朋友叫我瓦萊麗(意為強壯的人). | No,I'm gonna have my friends call me Valerie. |
- 嘿,面試如何? -不妙. | - Hey,how did the interview go? - Not good. |
你知道嗎,面試後我經常有這感覺. 但我打賭肯定比你想得好. | I always feel that way after an interview. I'll bet it went better than you think. |
哎,我沒有得到古奇的工作, 還丟了羅夫羅蘭的工作. | Well,I didn't get the job at Gucci and I got fired from Ralph Lauren. |
那面試的確不好. | That is a bad interview. |
你在說什麼呀?怎麼會這樣? | What are you talking about? How did this happen? |
我老闆在同一家餐廳,我在那裡面試 | My boss was at the same restaurant where I was having my interview.. |
他聽見了一切. | and he heard everything. |
後來他把我叫到他的辦公室, 告訴我他要解雇我 | Later,he calls me into his office and tells me he'll have to let me go.. |
因為我沒有團隊意識. | because I'm not a team player. |
然後我說“等等,我有團隊意識” | And I said,"Wait a minute. Yes,I am." |
然後我得在那裡坐45分鐘 | And then I had to sit there for 45 minutes.. |
而他證明了,事實是這樣的. | while he proved that that,in fact,was true. |
哦,真抱歉. | Oh,God,I'm so sorry. |
嘿 | Hey. |
這,這是什麼? | What..? What's this? |
是一瓶香檳! 它為什麼在這? | Why,it's a bottle of champagne. Why is this here? |
- 羅斯 -我想是 | - Ross. - I guess it's here.. |
因為我得到了續約! | because I got tenure! |
-恭喜你. -恭喜你. | - Congratulations. - Congratulations. |
這是我職業生涯中最偉大的一天. | This is the single greatest day of my professional career. |
- 甘瑟,6個杯子. - 6個? | - Gunther. Six glasses. - Six? |
-你要我也喝? -我以為喬伊也在這兒。5個好了 | - You want me to join you? - I thought Joey was here. Five is good. |
明天我要小心我咖啡裡的粘稠物了.. | Wow,I'm gonna have a loogey in my coffee tomorrow. |
-好吧,我告訴他 -不不,誰也別告訴他 | - Okay,I'll tell him. - No. No,nobody tell him. |
今晚對他很重要,我不想破壞它 | This is a big night for him. I don't wanna spoil it. |
- 你確定? - 對,確定 | - Are you sure? - Yeah. I'll be fine. |
好吧.大家都來一杯怎樣? | Okay. Everybody take one,okay? |
以色列香檳(比較低檔) | Israeli champagne. |
還是香草味的 | And it's vanilla. |
我有了續約,但我沒有贏彩票. | I got tenure. I didn't win the lottery. |
嘿,瑞秋,你的事怎麼了? | Hey,Rach,so how did your thing go? |
挺好,但是要幾天以後再出結果. | Good. But I won't hear about that for a couple days. |
你知道嗎,你會得到工作的.我能感覺到. | Oh,you know what,you're gonna get it. I can feel it. |
你能嗎? | Can you? |
好的,為了羅斯 | All right,everybody,here's to Ross. |
為了幾年的艱苦工作終於有了回報. | And to years of hard work finally paying off. |
為了懂得你的工作並不意味著什麼. | And to knowing that your career doesn't mean everything. |
也為了懂得它意味著很多. | But also knowing it means a lot. |
更為了多彩豐富的生活. | But more importantly,to full,well-rounded lives. |
以工作為中心. | That center around work. |
- 為了羅斯 - 為了羅斯 | - To Ross. - To Ross. |
你知道最棒的是什麼嗎? 我永遠都不會失業. | You know what the best part about this is? I can never be fired. |
- 哦,天啊 - 不,正經得說. | - Oh,God. - No,seriously. |
我有了終生工作保障,你知道. | I have job security for life. |
我是說我永遠都不會為它而擔心. | You know? I mean,I never have to worry. |
看看你. 看你多為我高興. | Oh,look at you. Look how happy you are for me. |
不,不是那樣,我今天被辭退了 | No,it's not that. I got fired today. |
而且又沒有得到新的工作. | And I didn't get the other job. |
瑞秋,很抱歉 | Rach,I'm so sorry. |
-我覺得自己像個白癡. -不,沒什麼. 你不知道. | - Great,I feel like an idiot. - No,it's okay. You didn't know. |
你們要是給我小小的警告應該會很好. | Little heads-up would've been nice. |
謝謝你再讓我們看看房子. | Thank you for letting us see the house again. |
也謝謝你解釋“契約”... | And thank you for explaining to us what escrow means. |
我已經忘了你說什麼. 但是,謝謝你. | I've already forgotten what you said,but thank you. |
想待多久就待多久. 你們看完之後告訴我. | Take as long as you want. Just let me know when you're through. |
-很高興你決定來. -我也是. 這地方真好. | - So glad you decided to come. - Me too. Yeah,this place is great. |
真為你們高興. 儘管你們知道我希望你們會喜歡黴菌 | So happy for you guys. Although,you know,I hope you like fungus. |
-什麼? -黴菌. | - What? - Fungus. |
它們在任何地方都有. | Yeah. Place is full of it. |
不,才不是. 我們檢查過但沒有找到 | No,it's not. We had an inspection and they didn't find anything. |
好吧. 我想我毫無原因地眼睛乾燥喉嚨痛. | Okay. Then I guess I have dry eyes and a scratchy throat for no reason. |
也許是因為你像狗一樣把頭伸在窗外的緣故. | Maybe it's because you hung your head out the window like a dog.. |
一路上都伸在外面 | the whole ride here. |
也許. | Maybe. |
那這是客廳? 哦,真暗啊. | So this is the living room,huh? It's pretty dark. |
-才不是. -你在開玩笑. | - No,it's not. - Are you kidding? |
我想我剛才在角落看到只蝙蝠. | I think I just saw a bat in the corner. |
當你的頭伸在窗外的時候沒有撞到信箱吧? | When your head was hanging out the window,it didn't hit a mailbox,did it? |
也許. | Maybe. |
我只是覺得你們不買這個房子更好些, | Look,I just think you guys can do better than this house,you know? |
或者另一所房子. | Or any other house for that matter. |
哦,喬伊 | Oh,Joey. |
我們知道你覺得不好受但我們 | We know you're having a hard time with this,but we.. |
-真的喜歡這裡. -好吧. 好吧.如果你喜歡這所房子 | - We love it here. - Fine! If you love this house so much.. |
你就應該住在這裡 我只是希望你們能習慣那種奇怪的聲音. | you should live here. Okay? I hope you get used to that weird humming sound. |
- 喬伊,我們知道那是你. -不. | - Joey,we know that's you. - No.. |
不是的. | it's not. |
-歡迎回來. --我想你. | - Welcome back. - I missed you. |
-哦我也是. -有什麼新鮮事? | - Oh,me too. - So,what's new? |
我不再是菲比·布菲了 | Well,I am no longer Phoebe Buffay. |
- 太棒了.你改名字了? -是的. | - That's great. You changed your name? - Yes,I did. |
康斯薇拉·巴娜娜·哈莫克公主. | Meet Princess Consuela Bananahammock. |
-你在開玩笑? -不. | - You're kidding,right? - Nope. |
-你真的那麼做了? -對. | - You really did that? - Yep. |
你不能那麼做. | You can't do that. |
為什麼? | Why? |
為什麼?那很好玩 . 很不同. 沒有人有那樣的名字 | Why? It's fun. It's different. No one else has a name like it. |
好吧. 我也要改我的名字. | Then I'm gonna change my name. |
好. 你要改成什麼? | Great. Okay,what are you gonna change it to? |
廢物. | Crap Bag. |
- 麥克廢物? -不.沒有麥克. 不. 僅僅是廢物. | - Mike Crap Bag? - No. No "Mike." No,just "Crap Bag." |
第一個字是廢 姓是物. | First name: Crap. Last name: Bag. |
-你不是認真的吧? -我是認真的. | - You're not serious,right? - Yeah,I'm serious. |
很好玩. 那很不同. 沒有人用這樣的名字. | It's fun,it's different,and no one else has a name like that. |
好吧. 如果你喜歡,我就喜歡. | Well,then great. If you love it,I love it. |
我的確喜歡 我也喜歡你的名字. 我喜歡康斯薇拉公主. | I do love it. And I love your name. I love Princess Consuela. |
我喜歡廢物. | And I love Crap. |
-你是誰? - 哦,是喬伊 | - Who are you? - Oh,hi. I'm Joey. |
我愚蠢的朋友要買這所房子,你是誰? | My stupid friends are buying this house. Who are you? |
我是麥坎西. 我愚蠢的父母要賣這所房子. | I'm Mackenzie. My stupid parents are selling this house. |
我恨我的父母. | I hate my parents. |
我恨我的朋友. | I hate my friends. |
瞧,我們能做一些事阻止他們. | Look,there's gotta be a way that we can stop this from happening. |
比如? | Like what? |
你跟我來告訴他們這房子鬧鬼. | Okay,you come with me and you tell them that the house is haunted. |
你才8歲嗎? | What are you,8? |
-好吧,你有什麼好主意. -我沒有好主意 | - Okay. Let's hear your great idea. - I don't have any great ideas. |
我才8歲. | I am 8. |
一定要想一個辦法. | There's gotta be a way. I mean,you know.. |
莫妮卡和錢德搬走了 菲比和麥克結婚了. | if Monica and Chandler move here,and Phoebe's married to Mike.. |
只剩我和羅斯和瑞秋,你知道意味著什麼嗎? | that just leaves me and Ross and Rach. You know what I mean? |
不太知道. | I really don't. |
我能作什麼? 我覺得我要失去我的朋友了. | What am I gonna do? I feel like I'm losing my friends. |
-我父母說我能交到新的朋友. -好吧,對你而言很容易. | - My parents say I'll make new friends. - Yeah,sure,easy for you. |
你比我年輕.我只能自己傷心. | You're young. Me? I'm set in my ways. |
那就是我媽媽一直說的: 哭哭啼啼的人始終哭哭啼啼. | This is what my mom was talking about. Whiners are wieners. |
好吧.你希望你的朋友開心,是嗎? | Look,you want your friends to be happy,right? |
是的. 我想是的. | Yeah. Yeah,I guess. Yeah. |
搬到這裡來會讓他們開心的. 你難道不希望他們這樣嗎? | Well,if moving here is gonna make them happy,don't you want them to do it? |
也許. | Yeah. Maybe. |
那你就應該讓他們走. | Then you've gotta let them go. |
我不想承認這個,但你也許 | Oh,I hate to admit it,but you're.. |
是對的. | You're probably right. |
你怎麼那麼會說話? | How'd you get to be so smart? |
我讀了很多書. | I read a lot. |
我以為我們能成為朋友呢,看來是不行了. | Just when I thought we could be friends. |
這裡,瑞秋. 我剛聽說. 我很抱歉. | Oh,hey,Rach. I just heard. I'm so sorry. |
哦,謝謝. | Oh,thank you.. |
還是不知道我的名字,是嗎? | You still don't know my name,do you? |
現在我不用知道了. | Well,now I don't have to. |
羅斯,你怎麼那麼慢? | Ross,what is taking you so long? |
抱歉.我得說它的尺寸不適合搬動. | I'm sorry. It's almost as if this wasn't built for a quick getaway. |
瑞秋? | Rachel? |
馬克? 哦,天呐 | Mark? Oh,my God. |
-你怎麼樣? -太好了! 你記得羅斯? | - How have you been? - Fantastic. You remember Ross. |
當然. | Sure. Sure. |
椅子怎麼了? | What's with the chair? |
你知道,在地鐵上沒有座位... | You know,you can't always get a seat on the subway,so.. |
真聰明. | Clever. |
你怎麼樣? | So how are you? |
今天對我來說正巧不是好日子. | You're not catching me on my best day. |
整箱的你辦公桌裡的東西似乎不意味著升職 | Yeah,a box full of your desk stuff doesn't say "big promotion." |
不,但那很好,你知道. 我要休息一段時間.. | No,but it's good. You know,I'm gonna take some time off.. |
-做一些慈善工作. -你肯定? | - and do charity work. - Are you sure? |
我想我們路易士威登(LV)現在需要人手. | We may have something at Louis Vuitton. |
慈善工作,你們有什麼? | Screw charity work. What do you got? |
我們邊吃飯邊討論吧? | Why don't we have dinner and talk? |
-我給你打電話. -好吧 | - Great. I'll call you. - Okay. |
-很高興見到你. -啊..我有穩定工作. | - Nice to see you again. - Yeah. Yeah. I got tenure. |
哦,我的天. | Oh,my God. |
看到沒有,我告訴你好事會來的. | See? I told you something good would come along. |
他看起來真不錯.我以前見過他嗎? | And he seemed really nice. I've met him before? |
羅斯,那是馬克. | Ross,that's Mark. |
布魯明戴爾的馬克,你嫉妒得發狂. | From Bloomingdale's? You were insanely jealous of him. |
-那是馬克 - 是啊 | - That is Mark? - Yes. |
我恨他. | I hate that guy. |
不,不. 你不能和他吃飯. | No,no,no. You cannot go to dinner with him. |
-什麼? 你不希望我有這份工作? -當然. 我肯定他會給你一份工作. | - What? You don't want me to get a job? - Yeah,I'm sure he'll give you a job. |
也許讓你當他的性夥伴. | Maybe make you his "sex-cretary." |
我是認真的. 我只是不相信他 | I'm serious. I just don't trust that guy,okay? |
羅斯,你知道嗎? 好,我們以後再談. 保安來了. | You know what..? Okay,let's talk about it later. There comes security. |
我喜歡這個街道. | Oh,I love this street. |
樹,大的前院. 那個樹樁. | The trees and the big front yards and the actual picket fences. |
天呐,那兩隻狗在做什麼! | Man,those two dogs are going at it. |
- 嘿. 你到哪裡去了? -哦,只是隨處走走. | - Hey. Where you been? - Oh,just,you know,looking around. |
你知道嗎 | But you know what? |
這房子太棒了. | This house is great. |
真的,什麼使你改變了? | Really? What changed your mind? |
那個住在這裡的小姑娘讓我覺得好點. | The little girl who lives here made me feel better about the whole thing. |
喬伊,以前有小姑娘住在這兒但30年前就死了. | Joey? There was a little girl who lived here,but she died,like,30 years ago. |
什麼? | What? |
我只是在嚇你. | I'm just messing with you. |
這不好笑. 你知道我害怕小女鬼. | That's not funny. You know I'm afraid of little-girl ghosts. |
現在你喜歡這房子了, 你想看看你的房間嗎? | Now that you're okay with the house,do you want to go see your room? |
什麼? | What? |
我會有我自己的房間? | I get my own room? |
你不會認為我們買了房子卻沒有給你房間吧? | You don't think we'd buy a house and not have a Joey room,do you? |
噢,天呐. | Oh,my God. |
我能有個魚缸嗎?加個做愛秋千? | Hey,can I have an aquarium? And a sex swing? |
-不. -為什麼不行? 我會保持魚缸乾淨的. | - No. - Why not? I'll keep the tank clean. |
你先請,巴娜娜.哈莫克夫人. | After you,Ms. Bananahammock. |
謝謝,廢先生. | Thank you,Mr. Bag. |
- 哦,你好 瑞塔. -你怎麼樣? | - Oh,hi,Rita. - How are you? |
瑞塔是一個按摩的客戶. | Good. Oh,Rita's a massage client. |
哦 | Yeah. |
你為什麼不介紹我? | Why don't you introduce me? |
瑞塔,這是我的丈夫. | Rita,this is my husband. |
我要你告訴她我的名字. | Why don't you tell her my name? |
好的,我會的 這是我的丈夫廢物. | Okay,I will. This is.. This is my husband,Crap Bag. |
廢物? | Crap Bag? |
如果你需要記得簡單點,就把它想像成一包垃圾. | If you need an easy way to remember it,just think of a bag of crap. |
- 好的,失陪了. - 好 | - Okay. Excuse me. - Yeah. |
好吧.你的目的達到了. 你能再做我的麥克.漢尼根嗎? | Okay,fine,you made your point. Can you please just be Mike Hannigan again? |
除非你還是菲比.布菲 | Only if you'll be Phoebe Buffay. |
布菲-漢尼根怎麼樣? | How about..? How about Buffay-Hannigan? |
真的? | Really? |
是,我是菲比·布菲·漢尼根·巴娜娜·哈莫克 | Yeah. I'm Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan-Bananahammock. |
你知道巴娜娜.哈莫克是什麼嗎? | Do you even know what a banana hammock is? |
那是個有趣的字. | It's a funny word. |
那是一種泳裝牌子. | It's a Speedo. |
噢,廢物 | Oh,crap. |
- 你在想什麼 - 哦… | - What are you thinking about? - Oh,you know. |
那兩隻狗 | The two dogs. |
- 嘿,瑞秋在嗎? -不. | - Hey,is Rachel here? - Nope. |
她還在吃晚飯? | She's still at dinner? |
-我想是的.她和誰在一起? - 是馬克. | - I guess. Why,who's she with? - That guy,Mark.. |
布魯明戴爾的馬克. 她認為他只是對她好, | from Bloomingdale's. She thinks he's just being nice to her. |
但我知道他想和她睡覺. | But I know he really wants to sleep with her. |
已經7年了. | It's seven years ago. |
我的時間機器起作用了! | My time machine works. |
我們今天在路上碰到他 他說也許他有工作給她 | We ran into him on the street today,and he said he might have a job for her. |
但我知道他只是想讓她接近他的褲子. | But I know he just wants to get into her pants. |
那為什麼他不想和她睡覺? 我是說她單身而他可愛. | So,what if he wants to sleep with her? I mean,she's single,and he's cute. |
什麼? | Excuse me? |
哦,拜託 | Oh,please. |
昨天在地鐵上 | Yesterday,on the subway,you couldn't stop staring.. |
你不停地盯著一個大胸脯的女人看 | at that woman with the big breasts. |
像你看到的那樣,我在看她的寶寶. | For your information,I was staring at her baby. |
我們就要做父母了. | We're about to be parents. |
哦,對不起 | Oh,sorry. |
- 嗨 大夥. - 嗨. | - Hi,you guys. - Hi. So.. |
-晚飯怎麼樣? - 噢, 很棒. 馬克人真好. | - how was dinner? - Oh,it was great. Mark is so sweet. |
哦,是嗎,我想知道為什麼. 那個聰明的人更可能需要什麼? | Oh,yeah? Yeah,I wonder why? What could that smarmy letch possibly want? |
哦,羅斯,別這樣 他已經結婚了,他的妻子生了雙胞胎. | Oh,Ross. Come on. He is happily married. His wife just had twins. |
我們該說點什麼? | Should we send something? |
工作怎麼樣? | How did the job stuff go? |
他給了我一個工作. | He offered me one. |
-太棒了! -恭喜你 | - That's great. - Congratulations. |
我知道那很棒. 那很棒. | I know,it's amazing. |
那比我在羅夫羅蘭要好得多. | It's amazing. It's so much better than what I had at Ralph Lauren. |
-薪水很不錯. - 我們 | - The money is great. - Can we..? |
我們能停一停嗎. 是誰說一切都會好起來的,啊? | Can we just stop for a second? Who said something better would come along? |
你不相信我. 我告訴你一切都會有起色. | You didn't believe me. I told you everything was gonna work out. |
你知道嗎,這時候該來一瓶以色列佳釀。 | You know what? This calls for a bottle of Israel's finest. |
工作在巴黎. | The job is in Paris. |
我是說,肥皂劇是很好的機會, | I mean,this soap opera is a great gig.. |
但,我錯過了機會嗎? | but am I missing opportunities? |
你知道,我總是覺得我自己是個正經的演員. | You know,I've always thought of myself as a serious actor. |
我指,我是不是應該嘗試更多的獨立電影? | Should I be trying to do more independent movies? |
我不知道. | I don't know. |
你知道嗎,我讓我的熊聽電話. | But you know what? I'm gonna put you on with my bear. |
等等. | Hold on. |
嘿 小熊,我需要一些事業上的意見. | Hey,Bailey,I need some career advice. |
前情提要: | Previously on Friends: |
-工作的事怎麼樣? -他給了我一份工作。 | - How did the job stuff go? - He offered me one! |
這時候該來一瓶以色列的佳釀。 | You know what? This calls for a bottle of lsrael's finest! |
工作是在巴黎。 | The job is in Paris. |
天啊,你們說話呀。 | Oh,God,please,somebody say something. |
如果你接受這份工作 你將要搬去巴黎嗎? | So if you take this job,you'll be moving to Paris? |
難道是乘飛機上下班? | Or facing a bitch of a commute. |
我明白這很艱巨,我感到恐懼 而且離你們那麼那麼的遙遠。 | I know,it's huge,and it's scary and it's really far away from you guys. |
可是這對我是一個很好的機會。 | But this is such an incredible opportunity for me. |
我還跟他們說明了艾瑪的情況 | I've already told them about our situation with Emma.. |
他們答應盡力給予我方便。 | and they said they'll do whatever we need to make us feel comfortable. |
我可以回來看望她,你也可以帶她去看望我。 滿足我們任何要求。 | I mean,I'll fly back and forth,they'll fly you out. Anything we want. |
我老闆答應給我的睡房買一盞新的檯燈。 | My boss said I might be getting a new lamp in my cubicle. |
- 好的,沒問題。 - 謝謝。 | - All right. We'll work it out. - Oh,thank you. Thank you. |
-這是你渴望的嗎? -我相信是。 | - You sure this is what you want? - I think it is. |
-怎麼了? -我得到一份很棒的工作。 | - What's going on? - I got a really incredible job offer. |
- 太好了。 - 為你高興。 | - Hey,great! All right! - Good for you! |
-是在巴黎。 -什麼? | - It's in Paris. - What? |
不…不…不… 發生太多改變了 | No,no,no! No,no,no! No,too much is changing,okay? |
首先,菲比結婚了 …恭喜。 | First Phoebe getting married. Congratulations. |
然後這兩個傢伙要搬到,那所討厭的房子。 | And then these two move in to a stupid house in the stupid suburbs. |
-嘿,今天下午你還說會支持的。 -我變來變去的,不能相信我。 | - Earlier,you said you'd be supportive. - It comes and goes. I wouldn't trust it! |
夥計們,這對我十分十分重要。 | You guys,this is really,really important to me. |
如果你們嘗試接受,我會很感激的。 | It means a lot if you could try to get onboard. |
-我們當然會。恭喜你。 - 謝謝 | - Of course we can. Congratulations. - Thank you. |
喬伊 | Joey? |
我只關心留在美國的那些人。 | No,my hugs are reserved for people staying in America! |
喬伊,我… | Joey,it would mean.. |
不,要去法國的人別靠近我。 | No! Get your France-going arms away from me! |
-你不會難過嗎? -實際上我感到傷心。 | - Are you okay with this? - Well,it makes me feel sad,but.. |
- 我是在問羅斯 - 知道了。 | - Talking to Ross. - I see. |
瑞秋去了另一個國家 不能每天看到她? | Rachel moving to another country? Not being able to see her every day? |
我怎麼會不難過!? | How could I be okay with this? |
我們又能怎麼樣?她需要這份工作。 | But what are we gonna do? She really needs this job. |
如果羅夫羅蘭公司請她回去,她會願意嗎? | Do you think if Ralph Lauren offered her her old job back,she would take it? |
這怎麼可能? | How's that gonna happen? |
你就是這麼使用你的3個魔法願望的嗎? | Is this the best way to use one of your three magic wishes? |
也許,我能跟她的老闆談談。 | Like,I don't know,I could talk to her boss. Yeah. |
對,我跟他在聖誕派對見過面。 我們相處的很好。 | I met him at that Christmas party. I mean,we really hit it off. |
-是那個一直管你叫羅的傢伙嗎? -我並沒有說我們是兄弟呀。 | - The guy who kept calling you "Ron"? - I didn't say we were brothers! |
技術上說,這不算擁抱 | Technically,this is not a hug. |
艾斯黛去世 | The.One.Where.Estelle.Dies |
你在讀訃告? | You read the obituaries? |
是的,而且,我受到一些人的詛咒 | Yeah. Well,I got a few curses on people. |
我只想看看他們有什麼下場 | I just like to see how they're coming. |
- 嘿,菲比 - 嘿。 | - Hey,Phoebe. Hey. - Hi. |
在我們打算買的那座房子旁邊, 有一座房子也在出售。 | The house next door to the one that we're buying just went on the market. |
我想去看看,可錢德不願意。 | I wanna take a look at it,but Chandler doesn't. |
我們明天就簽約了。 | We close escrow tomorrow. |
再看其它房子只會迷惑自己。 我們很容易感到迷惑 | Seeing another house can only confuse us. We're easily confused. |
我們並不機靈。 | We're not very bright. |
那如果它比我們的更好呢 至少應該看看。 | But what if it's better than ours? Shouldn't we look? |
你怎麼看,菲比? | What do you think,Phoebe? |
我覺得你穿這件襯衣 像巴斯金羅賓斯雪糕餐廳的服務員。 | Well,I think that shirt makes you look like you should work at a Baskin-Robbins. |
反正怎麼都像。 | Anyway.. |
- 喬伊的經紀人是艾斯黛雷納多嗎? - 對. | - Hey,isn't Joey's agent Estelle Leonard? - Yeah. |
- 她死了。 - 真的嗎? | - She died. - You're kidding! |
- 真糟糕。 -是的,在上個星期。 | - That's terrible. - Yeah,last Saturday. |
哇!她是第一個獨自駕機飛越大西洋的黑人男性。 | Wow! She was the first black man to fly solo across the Atlantic! |
-哦,等等。我看錯了另一個。 -哦? | - Wait a minute,I read the wrong one. - Oh,yeah? |
-她只是一個經濟人。 -喬伊肯定感到很難過。 | - Yeah,she was just an agent. - Joey's gonna be so upset. |
是的。他一直希望成為第一個獨自駕機飛越大西洋的黑人男性。 | I know. He always wanted to be the first black man to cross the Atlantic. |
我們不能讓喬伊知道這件事。 | We cannot tell Joey about this. |
一切都在改變,他都快要發瘋了。 | He's already flipping out about everything changing. |
不能再刺激他了。 | This'll push him over the edge. |
-你真的認為我們不應該告訴他嗎? -至少暫時不說。 | - You don't think we should tell him? - Not for a while. |
給他幾天,先消化已經發生了的事。 | Let's just give him a few days to get used to everything else. |
如果他從報紙上看到呢? | What if he reads the paper? |
除非是八卦的史努比告訴查理布朗 否則就沒問題。 | Unless Snoopy says it to Charlie Brown,I think we're okay. |
-有什麼事嗎? -我是瑞秋格林的朋友。 | - May I help you? - Yeah. I'm a friend of Rachel Green's. |
我們2年前在聖誕派對上見過面。 | Actually,we met at the Christmas party about two years ago. |
- 哦,是唐嗎? - 差不多,是羅。 | - Oh,right. Don? - Close. Ron. |
有什麼能幫忙的嗎? | Well,what can I do for you? |
想瞭解一下,能不能恢復瑞秋的工作? | Well,I'm here to see if you'll give Rachel her job back. |
是她讓你來的嗎? | Did she ask you to come here and do this? |
不。如果你同意了 | First I have to get you to agree.. |
我還要問問她是否願意回來。 | then we'll see if she wants to come back. |
哇,這真吸引人。 | Wow,that is tempting. |
她很喜歡這份工作 實際上你找不到比她更好的人選 | She loved her job here. Let's face it,you're not gonna find anyone.. |
是這樣嗎? | who did it as well as she did. Isn't that true? |
-是很不錯。 - 我真沒料到。 | - She is good. - I took a shot there. |
可是,很抱歉。我無能為力。 | But I'm sorry,there's nothing I can do. |
事實是,我不想出力。 | Oh,that's not true. There's nothing I want to do. |
好的。 | I see. |
謝謝 | Thanks very much. |
-是你兒子嗎? -對,他叫羅斯。 | - Is this your son? - Yeah,his name is Ross. |
-怎麼了? - 沒什麼,跟羅很接近嘛。 | - What? - Nothing,it's just that it's close to Ron. |
這小羅斯也會碰巧對恐龍有興趣嗎? | Does little Ross like dinosaurs,by any chance? |
是的,他老是說起。那又怎麼樣? | Yeah,they're all he talks about. Why? |
他是否願意和我到自然歷史博物館 | How would he like to come with me to the Museum of Natural History.. |
在其他人都離開之後,就剩我們兩個。 | after everyone else has left,just the two of us.. |
他想摸哪裡就摸哪裡。 | and he can touch anything he wants? |
我說的,你都聽到了。 不是那麼回事。 | I just heard it how you must have heard it,and that's not good. |
讓我再說一遍。 我是古生物學家。 | Let me start again. I'm a paleontologist. |
你也可以在場 摸的只會是骨頭……和化石。 | You'll be there with us,and the touching refers only to bones.. fossils! |
-你真的可以安排到嗎? -如果你能讓瑞秋回來,那就這麼定了。 | - You could really arrange that? - You let Rachel come back and it's done. |
我想,讓瑞秋回來,不見得就是壞事。 | I guess having Rachel back wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. |
太好了,十分感謝。 | Yes! Thank you! This is great! Thank you so much. |
我保證,這是你的孩子終身難忘的經歷。 | I swear,your kid's gonna have the time of his life. |
太好了。我對他挺擔心的。 | That's great. I worry about little Ross. |
他老是捧著書本,收集石頭。 完全被恐龍給迷住了。 | He's always reading,collecting rocks and he's obsessed with dinosaurs. |
他會很好的。 | He'll be fine! |
- 嘿,菲比。 - 嘿。 | - Hey,Phoebe. - Hey. |
-你怎麼了? -我在生我經紀人的氣。 | - Everything okay? - I'm just mad at my agent. |
艾斯黛?為什麼? | Estelle? Why? |
有一部電視電影 其中的角色很合適我演。 | There's a part in this TV movie that I would be perfect for.. |
她沒有推薦我去。她必須告訴我原因。 | and I didn't even get put up for it. She better have a good reason. |
我想她有原因的。 | I'm guessing she does. |
我想聽聽,她老是這樣。 | Well,I wanna hear it,because she keeps doing this. |
噢,等等。我要先走了。 | No,wait,wait,wait! All right,I gotta go. |
答應我,等一會再打給她。 | Just listen. Promise me that you will wait a minute before you call her. |
為什麼? | Well,okay. Why? |
因為,朋友之間的諾言,從不需要有原因。 | Because a promise between friends means never having to give a reason. |
我喜歡這句話。 | I love that saying! |
-嗨! - 喬伊,我是艾斯黛。 | - Hello? - Joey,it's Estelle. |
我正想打電話給你。太怪了。 | I was just gonna call you. That's weird. |
這是巧合,但是可信。 | It's a little coincidental,but believable. |
我想你肯定想知道,我為什麼沒有安排你 | Listen,I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't get you.. |
為那部電視電影試鏡。 | an audition for that TV movie. |
是的,確實是的。 | Yeah,actually I am. |
我想我失職了。哦! | I guess I dropped the ball there. |
就這樣?似乎你最近老是失職。 | That's it? You know,it seems like all you do lately is drop the ball. |
不要這麼和我說話。你以為自己是誰? | Don't take that tone with me. Who do you think you are? |
阿蘭·萊蒙? 第一個獨自駕機飛越大西洋的黑人男性? | Alan Lemon,the first black man to fly solo across the Atlantic? |
聽我說,你是我的經紀人。 | No,look,all I'm saying is you're my agent.. |
但是你沒有為我爭取到試鏡機會。 我受夠了。 | and you're not getting me any auditions and I'm tired of it. |
你這樣說什麼意思? | What are you saying? |
我意思是,不能再這樣了。 艾斯黛 | I'm saying that this isn't working for me anymore,okay,Estelle? |
你被解雇了。再見。 | You're fired. Goodbye. |
噢,這個星期艾斯黛真不走運。 | Man,tough week for Estelle. |
- 嗨。 - 嗨。 | - Hi. - Hi. |
艾瑪把這忘在我房間了。 | Emma left her stuffed T. rex at my house. |
-沒這個她可睡不著哦。 -嗯,她現在在睡覺呢。 | - You know she can't sleep without it. - Well,she's asleep now. |
-別再塞這玩意兒給她。 - 好的。 | - Stop forcing that thing on her. - Okay. |
哦,你絕對不會相信今天發生的事。 | You're not gonna believe what happened to me today! |
羅夫羅蘭公司打電話請我回去。 | Ralph Lauren called and gave me my job back! |
-不會吧。 -這是多麼古怪呀。 | - No! - I mean,it was the weirdest thing. |
他們先是解雇我 然後又無緣無故重新聘用我。 | They fire me and then out of nowhere,they just hire me back. |
一定是沒我就不行了。 | I mean,that place must just be falling apart without me! |
-那麼,你不去巴黎了吧。 -去呀。我還去。 | - So you're not going to Paris? - No,I'm still going! |
什…什麼?! | What? |
好吧,當路易士威登公司發現 | Well,when the Louis Vuitton people found out.. |
羅夫羅蘭公司請我回去 他們就提高了我的報酬。 | that Ralph Lauren wanted me back,they offered me more money! |
羅斯,是不是太棒了? | Ross,isn't that great? |
我們有意買下旁邊的那座房子。 允許我們參觀一下這裡嗎? | Hi. We're buying the house next door. Could we just take a look around? |
當然可以。 我剛好帶人來參觀,你們進來吧。 | Sure,I'm showing it to someone else right now,but please,look around. |
我感到這是對我們房子的不忠。 | I feel like we're cheating on our house. |
你會為了另一座年輕漂亮的房子 | If we cheat,shouldn't it be with a hot,younger house.. |
而對老房子不忠嗎? | that does stuff that our house won't do? |
我們的比這裡更棒。 | Ours is so much better! |
客廳更小。餐廳像個洞穴。 | This living room is smaller,the dining room looks like a cave. |
真受不了。 | What a hole! |
-你們覺得怎麼樣? -喜歡! | - So,what do you think? - Love it! |
我們本來有一位買家 樓上的女士是另一位。 | We already have one offer. I think the lady upstairs will make another one. |
是我們的鄰居耶。他們是什麼樣的? | They could be our neighbors. What are they like? |
樓上這位女士很好,她和丈夫有2個小孩。 | The woman upstairs is nice. She and her husband have two kids. |
-丈夫在華爾街工作,她是… -喔…我的…上帝啊 | - He's on Wall Street,and she's a.. - Oh.. my.. God! |
沒錯。 | Sure. |
喬伊,你想和我去…? | Hey,Joey,you wanna come with me to..? |
你怎麼啦? | Are you okay? |
我為解雇艾斯黛的事難過。 | Yeah,I just feel bad about firing Estelle. |
她肯定傷心死了。 | This has gotta be killing her. |
她不會因此死的。 | No,that wouldn't kill her. |
除非她有血栓塞。 | A coronary embolism might. |
她肯定很難過。我是她唯一的客戶 | I don't know. She's gotta be taking it hard. I was her only client. |
那個會吃紙的傢伙除外。 | Except for this guy who eats paper. |
我猜他吃的錢比掙得多。 | And I'm guessing he eats more money than he makes. |
我明白她不是優秀的經紀人, 但我們合作10年了。 | Look,I know she's not a great agent,but she did stick with me for 10 years. |
-我要給她打電話,重新雇傭她。 -不…不…不要給她打電話, | - I'm gonna call her and hire her again. - No,no,no! Don't call her. |
-你等她給你打電話。 - 為什麼? | - You wait for her to call you. - Why? |
耐心是通向理解的大道 | Because patience is the road to understanding. |
那是得到快樂的關鍵。 | Which is the key to a happy heart. |
你真讓人吃驚,我服了。 | You blow me away. |
答應我,你等她給你打電話。 | All right,so promise you're gonna wait for her to call you? |
-我答應你。 - 好的 | - I promise. - Okay. |
這意味著,從不需要有原因。 | And that means never having to give a reason. |
這世界真小呀。 | What a small world! |
我還沒碰到過碧昂絲(流行天后) | And yet I never run into Beyonce. |
你們認識? | You two know each other? |
在莫妮卡認識他之前 | We go way back. Before Monica made an honest man out of him.. |
錢德是我的小甜餅。 | Chandler used to be my little love muffin. |
別審我 | Don't judge me. |
為什麼不?我要. | Why not? I do. |
這麼說,你們也要想買下一座房子。 | So are you guys thinking of getting this house too? |
如果是要投標競價的話 我可要警告你了 我可是流氓 | Are we gonna have a bidding war? I better warn you,I'm a toughie. |
哦不 | Don't.. Don't.. Don't.. |
不要 | Don't do that. |
其實我打算買下隔壁那座房子。 | No,actually,we are buying the house next door. |
為...為什麼? | Why? |
我不知道為什麼 | I don't know why. |
那就這麼定了。 本來我還在猶豫。 | Oh,that decides it,then! I was on the fence. |
沒想到我們會成為鄰居。 | But knowing that you two would be our neighbors? |
那我就買下來了。 | Now we have to get it! |
艾倫,我們去定下價錢。 | Ellen,we're gonna talk numbers. |
怎麼會搞成這樣? | This cannot be happening. |
經紀人不是說還有 另外一對夫婦有意購買嗎? | The realtor said another couple made an offer. |
珍妮絲可能就買不成了。 另外的夫婦可能會買下。 | Maybe the Janices won't get it! Maybe the other couple will. |
這絕不可能發生 除非那是希特勒夫婦才能搶過她。 | The only way that'll happen is if the other couple are the Hitlers! |
我們兩座房子都買下來,怎麼樣? | Okay,okay! All right,what if we get both houses? |
-將這裡作為家庭旅館。 -真是好主意。 | - We can turn this one into a guesthouse! - That's a great idea! |
不過我想知道 | By the way,I don't mean to sound distasteful.. |
你從什麼時候開始愛亂花錢了。 | but when did you start crapping money? |
-好呀。那你來想辦法。 - 好啊 | - You come up with an idea. - All right. |
還有3個小時才簽約 | We've still got three hours till escrow closes on our house. |
-我們現在取消還來得及。 -我們喜歡這座房子。 | - We can still get out. - But we love our house. |
你也同樣喜歡住在她隔壁嗎? | Will we love it so much with her next door? |
她還會在這大聲嚷嚷, | And she's gonna be louder out here too! |
討厭的“喔…我的…上帝呀…” | Just the crickets and,"Oh.. my.. God!" |
即使我們不買這座房子 她還是會在我們面前出現。 | Okay. But if we don't get this house,she'll still show up wherever we go. |
她住在這,起碼不會突然嚇我們一跳。 | At least if she's here,it eliminates the element of surprise. |
你不會再聽到那3個字 | Never again will you have to hear the three words.. |
連你的蛋蛋都被嚇得縮進去。 | that make your balls jump back up inside your body! |
我們得想想辦法 不能就讓她住在隔壁。 | Well,we have to do something. We can't have her living next door. |
嗯,確實會。 | Oh,that does it too. |
誰? | Who is it? |
是我,羅。 | It's me. Ron. |
我知道瑞秋拒絕你了。 | Look,I know Rachel turned you down.. |
不過我有一個法子能讓她回來。 | but I think there's a way you might be able to get her to come back. |
請你別見怪,重新聘用已經解雇的員工 不是我主要的工作。 | This may surprise you,but rehiring fired employees is not my main job. |
先聽我說。 | Just hear me out. |
給她提高薪酬,你認為怎麼樣? | How would you feel about offering her a raise? |
不好。羅。 | Not good,Ron. |
可能我會說服你。 | Perhaps I can persuade you. |
你希望送給你兒子 | What if you could give your son.. |
這麼一隻恐龍蛋嗎? | this genuine pterodactyl egg replica. |
哇,這很不錯呀。 | Wow! That's pretty cool. |
這麼說…我們成交了? | So? Do we have a deal? |
-好的。你成功了。 -太好了! | - Okay,you got it. - Yes! Yes! |
這會讓我很受歡迎。 | This is gonna make me very popular. |
喔,相信我,女士都喜歡。 | Believe me,the ladies,they love it. |
我指的是我兒子。 | I meant with my son. |
對。女士對它不感興趣。 | Good,because the ladies,not so much. |
喬伊,我是艾爾, 那個吃紙的人。 | Joey,this is Al Zebooker,the guy who eats paper. |
相信你聽說了艾斯黛過世的消息。 | I'm sure you've heard that Estelle passed away. |
我通知你參加追悼會 | I wanted to let you know there 's a memorial for her.. |
在韋斯特賽德教堂,明天10點。 | at the Westside Chapel tomorrow at 10. |
希望你能來。 | Hope you can make it. |
天呀。 | Oh,my God. |
-你好? - 喬伊,我是艾斯黛。 | - Hello? - Joey,it' s Estelle. |
艾斯黛? | Estelle? |
我打電話是要告訴你 我沒有因為你解雇我而感到傷心。 | Yeah,I wanted to call and tell you that there's no hard feelings for firing me. |
好的。真難以置信你會打電話給我。 | Okay. I just.. I can't believe you're calling me. |
我覺得我不應該冒然造訪。 | I didn't think I should just drop by. |
不,不要來訪。 | No,no! Don't drop by! Don't drop by! |
總之,你繼續做你的事。我很好。 | Anyway,you did what you had to do. I'm okay. |
能問你個問題嗎? | Can I ask you something? |
你那邊怎麼樣? | What's it like there? |
還湊合。 | It's all right. |
我要掛了。祝你好運 | Look,kiddo,I gotta go. |
你會飛黃騰達的。 | Good luck with the career. You're gonna be huge! |
謝謝你艾斯黛。再見。 | Thanks for everything,Estelle. Bye. |
不在服務區?!我說呢。 | "Out of area." Boy,I'll say! |
我們討論過了。 | Well,I just talked to Sid. |
我們要買下這座房子 | We are definitely putting in an offer on the house. |
一定會成功的。 | And I'll bet we get it! |
希特勒夫婦肯定會很失望。 | The Hitlers will be so disappointed. |
我要先走了。幫我跟莫妮卡說再見。 | All right,I gotta run. Tell Monica I say goodbye. |
我們回頭見,鄰居。 | I'll see you later,neighbor. |
等等。 | Wait! |
我想告訴你。 你住在這裡我很開心。 | I just want you to know that I'm so happy you're going to be here. |
噢,我也是。 | Oh,me too! |
因為 | Because.. |
這樣… | that way.. |
我們就能再續前緣。 | we can pick up where we left off. |
我一直都愛著你。 | I never stopped loving you. |
-喔…我的… -對對。 | - Oh.. my.. - Yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah. |
我想你 | I want you. |
我愛你 | I need you. |
我要你,珍妮絲·利特曼·高軟尼克·尼·豪森斯特 | I must have you,Janice Litman-Goralnik nee Hosenstein. |
錢德,你在說什麼啊? | Chandler,what are you talking about? |
你現在住在隔壁,我們會每天在一起。 | Now that you live next door,we can be together every day. |
莫妮卡根本不會察覺。 | Sid and Monica never have to know a thing. |
我不知道該說什麼。 | I don't know what to say. |
很顯然,我們之間還有熱情。 | I mean,you know,obviously we have this heat between us. |
很顯然。 | Obviously. |
但我愛我的丈夫。 | But I love my husband. |
我也知道你愛你的妻子。 | And I know you love your wife. |
我現在認為我不應該買這座房子。 | I don't think we should get this house now. |
別這麼說,別打破我們的美夢。 | Don't say that. Don't dangle the dream and take it away. |
錢德 我們其中必須有一個人立場要堅定。 | Chandler,one of us has got to be strong. |
我知道。 | I understand. |
儘管…, | Although.. |
最後就軟弱一次吧。 | Maybe just one last moment of weakness. |
再見了,錢德賓 | Goodbye,Chandler Bing. |
我的蛋蛋不會再縮回去了。 | They're never coming down now! |
-嘿。 -嘿。 | - Hi. - Hi! |
嘿,你肯定不會相信今天的事。 | You are never going to believe what happened to me today. |
是什麼? | What? |
羅夫羅蘭公司又打電話來了。 而且他們給我更高的報酬。 | Ralph Lauren called,again,and they offered me more money. |
- 真的嗎? - 是的。 | - They did? - Yes! |
真的太古怪了。 則納說願意以任何代價請我回去。 | It was the weirdest thing.Zelner called me and said,"We will do anything we can to get you back." |
還說我應該為此感謝羅。 | And that I should thank some "Ron." |
可我連他是誰都不知道。 | I don't even know what department that guy's in! |
-那麼,你決定要怎麼做? -我接受了。 | - So,what are you gonna do? - Well,I took it! |
這太好了。你會留在紐約。 | That's great! So you're staying in New York! |
-你高興嗎? -是的。報酬很優厚 | - You're excited,right? - You know.. Look,the money's great. |
-是理所當然的選擇。 -對呀。 | - It's certainly the easier choice. - Right. |
我本來是盼望著去巴黎的, | But,you know,I mean,was I looking forward to going to Paris? Sure. |
為能在世界時裝之都工作而感到興奮。 | Was I excited about working in the fashion capital of the world? |
哦,太棒了。 | Oh,absolutely. |
不過 | Yeah,but you know,this is.. |
這樣也不錯。重新回到原來的工作 | It's fine. I'm fine going back to a job where I've pretty much.. |
我覺得還不錯。 儘管我已經忘掉它了。 | gotten everything out of it that I possibly can. |
我不知道 | I had no idea.. |
我不知道你為巴黎如此著迷。 | I had no idea you were so excited about Paris. |
你說過你感到害怕。 | I mean,you said you were scared. |
我想這是良性的害怕。 | I mean,it was "good" scared,though,you know? |
當我搬來紐約時,我感到害怕。 | I mean,like "when I moved to New York" scared. |
當我發現懷上艾瑪時,我感到害怕。 | Or "when I found out I was gonna have Emma" scared. |
這很不錯啦,能行的。 | But this is fine. This is gonna be good. |
你應該去。 | You should go. |
什麼? | What? |
那是你希望做的,去吧。 | It's what you want. You should go. |
你真的這麼認為嗎? | You really think so? |
真的。 | I really do. |
可是我已經答應了回去。 | But I already told Zelner that I would come back. |
我相信他會理解的。 | I'm sure he'll understand. |
好的。我就這麼定了。 我要去巴黎。 | All right. All right! I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna go to Paris! |
- 好啊 -好啊 | - Yeah. - Yeah. |
好啊,我要去巴黎。 | I'm going to Paris! |
-謝謝你,羅斯 -是啊 | - Thank you,Ross. - Yeah,yeah. |
我太高興了。 | Oh,I'm so happy. |
我也高興。 | Then I'm happy too. |
謝謝你們的到來。 | Thank you all for coming. |
我們相聚在此懷念一位優秀的經紀人 | We're here today to pay our respects to a wonderful agent.. |
一位美麗的女性,… | and a beautiful woman. |
內在美。 | Inside. |
作為艾斯黛僅有的兩位元客戶 我們有話要說。 | As Estelle's only two clients,we would like to say a few words. |
我的講稿上哪去了? | Dude,where's my speech? |
這是娛樂環節 各位,這是艾爾 | That is entertaining. Al Zebooker,everybody! |
好,好,再玩一次,好嗎? | All right,let's play one more time,okay? |
如果我贏了你就不能去巴黎。 | And remember,if I win,you do not move to Paris. |
好吧,我就再冒一次險。 | Okay. I can't believe I'm risking this again,but you're on. |
別忘了規則,喬伊,正面是我贏,反面是你輸。 | All right,Joe,you remember the rules. Heads,I win. Tails,you lose. |
快點扔吧。 | Just flip. |
-啊,是反面。 -該死的! | - Tails! - Damn it! |
嘿,我們為你準備了一個送行會,7點鐘開始。 | So we thought we'd throw you a little going-away party around 7. |
哦,聽起來不錯嘛。 | Oh,that sounds good. |
嘿,瑞秋,你明天就要走了,現在還不開始收拾? | Hey,Rach,you're leaving tomorrow. Shouldn't you be packing? |
-已經收拾好了。 -哈,是嘛? | - It's all done. - Oh,yeah,right. |
今天早上我洗澡的時候,我把毛巾扔在地上了... | And after I took a shower this morning,I just threw my towel on the floor. |
-哦,天哪,就算是開玩笑我都心疼。 -我知道。 | - Oh,God,it hurts to even joke about it. - I know. |
莫妮卡,我是說真的。我全都收拾好了。 要帶的行李都在臥室裡 | Honey,seriously,I did it all. The luggage that I'm taking is in the bedroom. |
這些是艾瑪要在巴黎用的東西 這些箱子都是要托運的 | This is Emma's Paris stuff. These are the boxes that I'm having shipped.. |
那個是我打算飛機上吃的三明治。 | and that's the sandwich I made for the plane. |
不過應該多加些芥末 | Which could've used a little more mustard. |
-看起來你幹得還不賴。 -是啊 | - Okay,so you've done some good work. - Yeah. |
你的手提行李呢? | What about your carryons? |
哦,需要的東西全都在這個包裡 | Oh,well,everything that I need is in here.. |
而旅行要用到的檔和材料都在檯子上。 | and my travel documents are on the counter.. |
我已經把它們按照使用順序排好了。 | organized in the order that I will be needing them. |
哦,天啊,我好像沒什麼要提醒你的了 | Oh,my God. I have nothing left to teach you. |
-你的護照呢? -應該跟我的機票在一塊。 | - Where's your passport? - It should be next to my plane ticket. |
-嗯...沒有啊? -沒有嗎?也許我放在這裡了? | - Well,it's not. - What? Well,maybe I put it in here? |
噢,沒有,不在這兒...哦不會吧 | Oh,it's not in there! |
我肯定是把它封在這些箱子裡了... | Oh,no,I must have packed it in one of these boxes! |
-我來幫你。 -倒楣... | - Here,let me help you. - Shoot. |
真不敢相信...我怎麼會放在這兒的... | I can't believe I did this. |
玩笑是不是開過頭了... | At what point did it stop being funny that I took her passport? |
瑞秋的送別會 | The.One.With.Rachel's.Going.Away.Party |
天哪,只剩三個禮拜了,真是讓人難以相信啊。 | Oh,wow,can you believe you're only three weeks away? |
是啊。 | I know. |
-你不介意我摸你的肚子吧? -我不介意你摸我的肚子 | - You don't mind me touching your belly? - I don't mind you touching my belly.. |
但是你的手現在好像 已經摸到孩子出生的地方了。 | but your hand's kind of blocking the part where the baby's gonna come out. |
- 嘿。 - 嗨。 | - Hey! - Hey. |
嘿,艾瑞卡,歡迎回來。 哦,你都已經變得這麼豐滿了! | Hi,Erica. Welcome back to town. Wow,look how big you've gotten. |
這是因為我懷孕了! | That's because I'm pregnant. |
-哦,對,沒錯,我知道。 -哦,哈 | - Right. No,I understand. - Oh,okay. |
我就是怕別人以為我本來就是個胸大的胖妞。 | I'm just always afraid that people think I'm just fat with big breasts. |
哦,不,不,我不會的。 | No,no,I knew. |
-嘿,別死盯著人家啊 -是她先提起這事兒來的。 | - Okay,well,stop staring at them. - She brought them up. |
你怎麼這麼快就回來了? | I didn't realize you were coming back so soon. |
再過兩個星期我就不能旅行了。 | In a couple weeks I won't be able to travel. |
我想讓她先見見醫生,然後在酒店安頓下來。 | And I wanted her to get to know the doctors and get settled into the hotel. |
-為什麼不讓她和你們一起住?-因為我們馬上就要搬了 | - Why isn't she staying with you guys? - Because we're moving in a couple days. |
酒店裡很好玩兒啊。我的房間有一個小冰櫃塞滿了免費的零食 | Plus,hotels are fun! My room has this little fridge full of free snacks. |
艾瑞卡,那些零食可不是免費的。 | Erica,those things aren't free. |
實際上,酒店裡的食品是最貴... | They have one of the highest markups of any consumer product.. |
羅斯,她正準備給我們生個孩子 就算她把你吃了都無所謂。 | Ross,she's giving us her baby. She can eat you if she wants. |
我馬上就回來。 | I'll be right back. |
哎,真不敢相信你們就要離開這兒了。 | Oh,man,I can't believe you guys are leaving this place. |
是啊... | I know. I know. |
如果你想要這間公寓的話可以住進來,仍然是以外婆的名字登記的 | You know,you could take it if you want. The lease is still in Nana's name. |
哦,不,不。這裡永遠是屬於你們的。 住在這兒太傷感了 | No,no. This will always be your place. It would be too sad. |
而且... 每個月喬伊會吃掉多少錢? | Plus,how much a month does it cost to feed Joey? |
兩個人掙的都不夠 | Yeah,it takes two incomes. |
嘿,錢德在麼? 我們約好了要去看電影的。 | Is Chandler here? We talked about catching a movie. |
他可沒那個閒工夫。 | Oh,no,he doesn't have time for that. |
如果你有空 你可以去客房幫他和喬伊一起收拾東西 | You can go help him and Joey pack up the guest room. |
嗯...是收拾東西呢? 還是去看電影裡性感的女啦啦隊員呢? | Packing. Sexy cheerleader comedy. |
嗯...是一個好哥哥呢? 還是一個去看青春片的老衰人? | Helpful brother. Creepy loner at teen movie. |
-你們倆幹嗎呢? -快來試試!我一點兒都不疼!! | - What are you guys doing? - Try it. I can't feel a thing. |
你們開什麼玩笑! | Are you kidding? |
-這叫收拾東西麼?! -我們累了,正在休息呢。 | - This is packing? - We're taking a break. |
怎麼會累著的? | From? |
...剛才在床上蹦來著... | Jumping on the bed. |
好了,瑞秋的送行會就快開始了 我們有一堆兒事情要做呢! | All right,Rachel's party is in a couple of hours,and there's a lot to do. |
羅斯,別忘了你流著蓋勒家的血 你負責看著這兩個傢伙! | Ross,you've got Geller blood. You're in charge of these yahoos. |
- 知道了。 - 好吧 | - You got it. - All right. |
她說的對,我們得認真一點兒。 | All right,she's right. We gotta get serious. |
讓我們把這個塞到他的褲襠裡,然後踢他! | Let's put Styrofoam peanuts down his pants and kick him! |
她說的對 我們得開始工作了 我把櫃子裡的東西搬出來 | No,guys,she's right. We should get to work. I'll take stuff out of the closet. |
喬伊你打包, 羅斯你負責把所有喬伊打過的包重打一遍。 | Joey,you pack them,and Ross,you repack whatever Joey packs. |
你們聽到有什麼東西嗡嗡叫麼? | You guys hear a ringing? |
-這是什麼鬼玩意兒? -嘿,手銬,還裹著皮毛! | - What the hell is this? - Hey,handcuffs. And fur-lined. Nice. |
真有你們的!不知道你們還來這一手兒... | I didn't know you guys had it in you. |
錢德,你沒有妹妹 所以你大概 | Chandler,you don't have a sister,so you can't understand.. |
不能體會我現在有多鬧心 | how much this bums me out. |
我不知道莫妮卡什麼時候開始有這玩意兒的 | I didn't know Monica had these. |
嗯,也許這是她用在別的男人身上的。 也許是理查呢... | Maybe she used them with another boyfriend. Maybe Richard. |
為什麼她和理查玩兒這個,卻不跟我玩兒? | Why would she use them with Richard and not me? I can be kinky. |
有一次我還光著身子給她跳舞來著 當時我用的是領帶。 | I once did a naked dance for her with scarves. |
越來越過分了... | Bumming hard,guys. Bumming hard. |
- 嘿。 - 嗨。麥克呢? | - Hey. - Hey. Where's Mike? |
他有一場演出... | Oh,he has a gig. |
我越來越覺得自己像是個搖滾歌星的老婆了... | It's kind of like being married to a rock star,you know? |
我老公有場演出! | My husband has a gig. |
在哪兒演出啊? | Yeah? Where is it? |
哦,是一個少兒滑旱冰的聚會。 他去那兒彈琴。 | Oh,he's playing organ for a children's roller-skating party. |
還真夠勁兒啊! | Rock on! |
哦,擺了這麼大一桌子。這些都是什麼啊? | Wow,this is quite a spread. What is all this stuff? |
嗯,我覺得今天的晚會是一個好機會。 | I thought this would be a great opportunity to use up all the food.. |
我可以把所有不想帶走的食物全都用了... | that I don't want to move to the new house with me. |
那麼...盡情享受吧。 熏牡蠣卷拌早餐麥片 | So enjoy. Smoked oyster casserole with a breakfast-cereal crust. |
四季豆加豆漿 然後甜點是...一個過期的柳丁。 | Kidney beans in their own juices,and for dessert,a questionable orange. |
那麼,我應該替大夥說話了 | Well,I think I speak for everyone when I say: |
- 嘿 - 嘿 | - Hey. - Hey. |
- 嘿,瑞秋呢? -她在哄艾瑪睡覺呢 | - Where's Rach? - She's putting Emma down. |
馬上就過來。 可能是因為要走了,她現在情緒有點激動。 | She'll be over in a second. It just hit her that she's leaving. |
所以別刺激她,記住了麼? | She's kind of emotional,so no one say anything to set her off,okay? |
-嘿,瑞秋 -嗨 | - Hey,Rach. - Hey. |
在這呢 | There she is. |
嗨,大家好 | Hi,you guys. |
我剛才怎麼交待你們的!!! | What did I just say? |
不,不,我沒事。 | Oh,no,no,no,it's okay. It's okay. I'm gonna be fine. |
-過來,我給你弄點喝的。 - 好的 | - Come here,I'll make you a drink. - Okay. |
哦,天哪,我真不敢相信,她真的要走了。 | Oh,man,I can't believe she's actually leaving. |
讓我怎麼開得了口說再見啊 | How am I gonna say goodbye to Rachel? |
她對我來說這麼重要...就好像 | I know,she's been such a big part of my life. |
就好象梅爾羅斯(美國麻塞諸塞州東部一城市) 要被剔除了 | It feels like when Melrose Place got cancelled. |
我是說.. | I mean.. |
忘了吧,我想念梅爾羅斯 | Forget it,I miss Melrose Place. |
-我本來有機會阻止她的,- 是嗎? | - I had a chance to stop her too. - Yeah? |
沒想到猜硬幣我會連輸57次。 | Who loses 57 coin tosses in a row? You know? |
正面她贏,反面我輸嘛... | Heads,she wins. Tails,I lose. |
等等... | Wait a minute. |
-怎麼了,喬伊? -我忘了把衣服從乾洗店拿回來了... | - Yes,Joe? - I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning. |
你還好吧? | So you doing okay? |
嗯,我好多了。你們都會來看我的,對不對? | Well,I've been better. You guys are gonna come visit,right? |
當然了!再過6個月我的禁令就過期了。 | Yes! You know,in six months,the statute of limitations runs out.. |
到時候我又可以作國際旅行了。 | and I can travel internationally again. |
- 我一定會很想你的! - 我也是。 | - I'm gonna miss you so much. - I know. |
你知道麼,我對你們每個人都有些告別的話要說。 | You know what? I have some goodbye stuff that I wanted to say.. |
我本來打算在結束的時候說的,但是...跟我來。 | to each of you. I was gonna save it till the end of the night,but come here. |
嘿,你們說她們到屋裡去幹嗎? | Hey,what do you think they're doing in there? |
嗯,照我看來 | If I had to guess,I'd say.. |
肯定是瑞秋戴上塑膠泡沫, 然後菲比來動手打。 | Rachel's putting on the bubble wrap,and Phoebe's doing the punching. |
哦,菲比,我真不知道應該怎麼開口。 | Phoebe,I don't even know where to start. |
嗯,這樣吧 我知道今天本來不需要給你準備禮物的 | Okay,well,before you do,I know we weren't supposed to get you presents.. |
但我還是準備了一個。 | but I do have something for you. |
-哦,哦,這是什麼? -是一個棉花棒 | - What is it? - Well,it's a cotton swab.. |
上面沾了些我的口水。 | with a bit of my saliva on it.. |
這樣一來 如果你在巴黎的時候發現那邊的克隆技術成熟了 | so that if they perfect the cloning process while you're over there.. |
你就可以用這上面的DNA來另外做一個菲比 | you can use the DNA to create your own Phoebe. |
啊...我可能會把這個扔掉... | I'm gonna throw this away.. |
但是我很感謝你這份心意... | but thank you so much for the gesture. |
錢德? | Chandler? |
我剛才在臥室的枕頭上發現了這個 | I was just in our bedroom,and I found these on my pillow. |
哦,我決定把這個先給你留著。 萬一哪天理查過來 | Oh,yes,I decided to leave those out for you in case Richard stops by.. |
你可以跟他的鬍子一起玩。 | and you want to engage in a little light bondage and mustache play. |
你說什麼呢?這不是我的! | What? These aren't mine. |
啊?是嗎? | Oh,yeah,right! |
以後休想再讓我給你跳領帶舞了! | Good luck getting another scarf dance from me. |
這種“懲罰”太可怕了... | That would be a terrible punishment. |
我是說真的。我以前從來沒見過這東西。 | But I'm serious,I've never seen these before. |
真的嗎?那它怎麼會出現在我們的客房裡的? | Really? Then what are they doing in our guest room? |
瑞秋曾經在那裡住過。 | Rachel used to live in that room. |
瑞秋...戴著手銬... | Rachel. With handcuffs. |
真不錯...(幻想) | Interesting. |
光著屁股的喬伊(打破幻想) | Joey's bare ass. |
真有你的。 | Well played. |
- 我愛你,菲比! - 我也愛你! | - I love you,Phoebe. - I love you too. |
你.. | Please.. |
你可千萬...千萬... | Please don't.. |
別...別變成一個...法國婊子... | Don't turn into,you know,a French bitch. |
不會的 | I won't. |
我得繼續找其他人了。 | All right. Well,if I'm gonna do this,I better keep going. |
- 好的 - 好的 | - Okay. - Okay. |
- 莫妮卡 - 哦! | - Monica? - Yeah? |
-跟我進來一下好嗎? - 當然 | - Will you come with me for a minute? - Sure. |
-你的面霜是防水的麼? - 不是啊 | - Are you wearing waterproof mascara? - No. |
哦,你完蛋了。 | Oh,you're so screwed. |
嘿 | Hey. |
這是怎麼回事? | What was that all about? |
她打算跟我們每個人單獨告別。 | She's gonna say goodbye to each of us individually. |
哦,開什麼玩笑,天哪! | Are you kidding? Oh,my God. |
是啊,我知道,輪到你的時候可能會更糟。 | Yeah,I know. It's gonna be even worse for you. God. |
天哪,準備好好大哭一場吧。 | Well,just get ready to do some serious crying. |
天哪,我怕我會撐不過去... | Man,I'm not gonna be able to handle this. |
我現在終於知道每個學期末我的學生們的感受了。 | Now I know how my students feel at the end of each year. |
他們因為太捨不得我所以在教師評定中給我打那麼低的分數 | And why they act out by giving me such bad evaluations. |
莫妮卡,好吧 | Mon. Okay. |
我就直說了。我想說的是... | I better just say what it is I'm gonna say. |
如果沒有你,我在過去十年裡 | None of the amazing things that have happened to me in the last 10 years.. |
我不可能會這麼幸福。 | would have happened if it wasn't for you. |
一直以來,你對我來說就像是姐姐一樣。 | No one has been more like a sister to me. |
我知道 | I know what you mean. |
我也一直把你當作妹妹。 | You're like a sister to me too. |
我不知道沒有你我會怎麼辦! | I don't know what I'm going to do without you. |
你是我最好的朋友 | You're the greatest friend I ever had. |
每天都看見你 | seeing you every day. |
你說什麼? | What? |
我,我… | I.. I.. I.. |
每天都看見你 | see you every day! |
太讓我感動了!!! | That is so sweet! |
哦,她連莫妮卡都搞定了 | Oh,no,she took down Monica. |
要知道在蓋勒家我是最愛哭的。 | And I'm the crier in the family. |
哦,天哪,可能該輪到我了。 | Oh,God,I could be next. |
如果我跟你說話,她可能就不選我了。 | Maybe she won't talk to me if it looks like we're deep in conversation. |
哦,那麼說你之前說的那個什麼 | Oh,so that thing you said about the thing.. |
讓我想起了那個什麼。 | it really made me think about that other thing. |
- 瑞秋? -好了,看起來錢德找上她了。 | - Rach? - Oh,it's okay,Chandler's talking to her. |
你想起了什麼啊? | I really made you think about that thing,huh? |
瑞秋,我想這個應該是你的吧? | Rach,I think I have something that belongs to you. |
你的笑話每次我都得逼著自己樂 我一定會懷念這種感覺 | I'm sure gonna miss pretending to laugh at your weird jokes that I don't get. |
不,不,這真的是你的。 我們是在你住過的房間裡找到的。 | No,no,they're really yours. We found them in your old room. |
但這不是我的啊 也許這是莫妮卡以前和... | These aren't mine. Maybe Monica used to use them with.. |
別提理查! | Don't say Richard. |
如果這不是莫妮卡的,也不是你的,那是誰的呢? | Well,if they're not Monica's and they're not yours,then whose are they? |
我想你大概忘了 在客房裡住過的所有人裡面,誰是最變態的? | I think you're forgetting the kinkiest former resident of that room. |
- 菲比 - 哦 ! | - Phoebe! - Yeah! |
我想這個是你的吧? | I think these are yours. |
這不是我的! 這麼鬆鬆垮垮的。 | These are not mine. Look how flimsy they are. Come on. |
如果你用這個把人栓在水管上面 | My God,you try to hang a guy from a water pipe with these.. |
他輕而易舉就跑掉了。 | they'll snap like a piece of licorice. |
- 我能單獨跟你談談嗎? - 當然。 | - Can I talk to you alone for a minute? - Sure. |
你不會真的把人拷在水管上吧? | You don't really handcuff guys to water pipes do you? |
你以為麥克現在在哪兒? | Where do you think Mike really is? |
哦,親愛的。 | Oh,honey.. |
讓我先說兩句吧。 要不然待會兒一旦我覺得不自然 | Let me just saying something because once we get into this.. |
我可能又該開始開無聊的玩笑了。 | I'm gonna get all uncomfortable and probably make some stupid joke. |
我就是想說,我...我愛你。 | I just want to say that I.. I love you. |
還有就是,我會想你的。 | And I'm gonna miss you. |
你就這麼走了,我真的很難過。 | And I'm so sad that you're leaving. |
哦,你知道嗎 | Oh,you know what? |
哦,其它的什麼也不用說了。 | Let's not say anything else. |
我也愛你 | I love you. |
哦,別抱的這麼緊! | Not so tight. |
- 對不起,再給我一次機會。 - 好吧。 | - I'm sorry,give me one more chance. - Okay. |
好吧。 | Okay. |
走吧,走吧。我控制不了自己。 | I'm sorry. Just go. Just go. I can't. I can't. |
-看來你是下一個了。準備好了沒有? -還沒有。 | - So I guess you're next. You ready? - I don't think so. |
顯然你沒有。 我幾年都沒有這麼哭過了。 | Oh,you're definitely not. I haven't cried like that in years. |
昨天晚上你還對著六點鐘的新聞哭來著 | You cried yesterday at the 6:00 news. |
那個老太太被那個修理工騙得好慘! | That old woman was being scammed by her mechanic. |
天哪,沒想到她居然把我排在最後。 | God,I can't believe she saved me for last. |
他們倆怎麼還沒說完? | Why are they taking so long? |
不知道 不過看起來喬伊好像沒什麼事兒,真是意外! | I don't know. But,God,Joey seems to be handling it surprisingly well. |
- 不 - 不!喬伊 | - No! - No! Joey! |
好了, 輪到我了。 | Okay,here we go. |
- 啊,好吧。 - 嗯。 | - Well.. - Yeah. |
我想我該走了。 | I think I'm gonna take off. |
我明天會很忙,所以.. | I have such a big,big day tomorrow,so.. |
- 瑞秋. - 怎麼? | - Rach. - Yeah? |
你是不是忘了什麼事? | Aren't you forgetting something? |
- 喔對了. 羅斯 - 怎麼? | - Oh,right. Ross. - Yes? |
我忘了給你媽媽寫生日賀卡了.你能幫我寫一張嗎? | I forgot to write your mom a birthday card. Would you please do that for me? |
- 當然. - 謝謝. | - Sure. - Thank you. |
哦大夥,真是奇妙的夜晚啊,非常感謝 | Oh,you guys,this was an amazing night. Thank you so much. |
我愛你們 | I love you. |
晚安 | Good night. |
什麼 | What?! |
都不和我說再見? | I don't get a goodbye? |
你這個幸運的混蛋 | Lucky bastard. |
我簡直不敢相信.... 她跟你們每個人告別,卻不跟我說。 | Unbelievable. She says goodbye to everyone but me! |
也許她覺得你們這麼多年的默契... 一切都 | Well,maybe she thought that with all of your history,it could be.. |
- “盡在不言中”了呢 - 啊!那起碼需要“言”呢 | - you know,implicit. - Well,it needs to be "plicit." |
你知道,也許她和我們講話花費不少體力 | You know,maybe she was just really spent from our talk. |
- 真是非常的激烈啊 - 對啊,我的也是 | - It was pretty intense. - Yeah,mine too. |
- 我的非同尋常 - 好了 | - Mine was a humdinger. - Okay! |
我們好好想想,肯定是有什麼原因的。 | All right,let's think about this. I mean,there's gotta be an explanation. |
-你是不是惹她生氣了? -沒有啊。 | - Did you do anything to make her mad? - No,I don't think so. |
那你有沒有借她的"野性女孩"錄影帶 而且又不還 | You didn't,say,borrow her Girls Gone Wild video and never return it? |
真的?現在? | Really? Now? |
我真的那麼無足輕重嗎?幾滴眼淚,一個簡單的擁抱... | I mean,don't I deserve anything? I mean,a few tears,a cursory hug? |
不是跟你抱! | Not from you! |
羅斯,如果你這麼在意,你應該去跟她直說。 | Ross,if you're this upset,you should go and talk to her. |
說什麼啊?說“你還沒跟我告別呢”? | And say what? You owe me a goodbye? |
-他的自尊心往哪兒放? -什麼自尊心,見鬼去吧 | - I mean,he's got more pride than that. - The hell I do! |
-連再見都不跟我說? -什麼? | - I don't get a goodbye? - What? |
你跟別人都告別了除了我?我要做什麼你才跟我說句再見? | Everyone gets a goodbye but me? What do I gotta do to get a goodbye? |
和你做好朋友?和你約會? | Be best friends with you? Go out with you? |
跟你生個孩子? | Have a baby with you? |
哦,等一下,等一下,這些我好像都做過! | Oh,wait a minute. Wait a minute! I did all those things! |
- 羅斯…-哦,也許我應該體諒你一下。 | - Ross.. - Or maybe I'm just not giving you.. |
也許連續跟五個人說再見是太困難了一點,嗯... | enough credit. I mean,it is difficult to say goodbye to five people. |
再見,再見,再見,再見,再... | Goodbye,goodbye,goodbye,goodbye,g.. |
哦,簡直不可能啊!!! | It's physically impossible! |
你知道嗎,我們這麼多年的感情 | You know what? After all we've been through.. |
我真沒想到這就是你想要的結局。 | I can't believe this is how you want to leave things between us. |
祝你在巴黎一切順利。 | Have a good time in Paris. |
瑞秋,我知道現在可能不是最佳時機. | Rach,I know this may not be the best time.. |
但是喬伊又去陽臺了,你能過來和他談談嗎? | but Joey's going over the balcony again. Could you just come talk to him? |
-我希望羅斯不會太沮喪。 - 我肯定… | - I hope Ross isn't too upset. - I'm sure he's not more bummed out.. |
-我比他難過。 -誰說不是呢。 | - than I am. - Tell me about it. |
看來我們的聚會辦得不錯! | Well,you can't say we don't know how to throw a party. |
我要撤了。 | I think I'm gonna head out. |
-你打算去哪兒? -我打算回家睡覺。 | - Where do you think you're going? - I thought I was going home to bed.. |
不過現在我感覺到有人要逼我留下來了。 | but I'm sensing there's something less fun for me to do here. |
我們馬上就要搬家了,有很多東西需要收拾。 | We're moving,and we got a lot of packing to do. |
-如果你們能來幫忙就太好了。 - 喬伊和我可以繼續收拾客房。 | - It'd be great if you guys could pitch in. - Joey and I can finish up the guest room. |
是啊,是啊,好主意。 | Yeah,good idea. |
噢,不行。 你和菲比留在這兒幫我。 | Oh,no. You and Phoebe are gonna help me in here. |
你就不會裝得冷靜一點。 | You couldn't be cool. |
好的,讓我們從廚房開始。 | We're gonna start in the kitchen. |
首先盤子放在盤套裡,然後十個一組裝箱。 | Plates get put into plate protectors and stacked 10 to a box. |
銀器要先用橡膠膜捆上,然後用塑膠泡沫包上。 明白了沒有? | The silverware gets bundled in rubber bands and then bubble wrapped. Got it? |
- 明白了。 -好 ,你們要小心一點 | - Yeah. - Good. I need you to be careful.. |
同時動作要快。記住,如果我朝你們吼叫 | and efficient. And remember,if I'm harsh with you.. |
那肯定是你們哪裡做錯了。 | it is only because you're doing it wrong. |
嘿,莫妮卡,我想我知道手銬是誰的了。 | Hey,Mon,I think I figured out whose handcuffs they are. |
-你怎麼知道的? -我剛才在收拾櫃子的時候 | - You did? How? - Well,I was cleaning out the closet.. |
發現了這個… | and I found some pictures of them.. |
-一些相關的照片。 -天哪,讓我看看。 | - being used. - Oh,my God,let me see. |
那個又老又髒的女人是誰啊? | Who's that dirty old lady? |
莫妮卡的祖母。 | Monica's grandmother. |
哦,天啊 原來她喜歡粗野的! | Oh,my God. Nana liked it rough! |
- 嗨 - 嘿 | - Hi. - Hey. |
- 你們在看什麼? - 哦,只是普通的照片.. | - What are you guys looking at? - Oh,just normal pictures.. |
正常的家庭卻沒有做愛 | of our regular family not having sex. |
-來,坐下,坐下。 - 好 . | - Oh,here,have a seat. - Yeah. |
-今天晚上過得怎麼樣? - 還不錯. | - How was your night? - Oh,it was okay. |
我和我堂兄去看了場電影 然後一起吃了晚飯。 | I went to a movie with my cousin then out for dinner. |
我們去的餐廳... | We went to this place that had.. |
噢...噢... 總之呢,那家餐廳的起司漢堡真是棒極了。 | Anyway,they had these really amazing cheeseburgers. |
- 艾瑞卡,你是不是不舒服? -有一點。可能是我吃多了。 | - Erica,are you okay? - Yeah,you know,maybe I ate too much. |
我的胃一直有點疼,每隔幾分鐘就疼一下。 | I keep getting these stomachaches. They come and go every few minutes. |
-哦,天哪。 -別緊張,我們給她點胃藥就行了。 | - Oh,my God. - Relax,we'll just get her some antacids. |
那不是胃痛,那是陣痛的症狀 | She doesn't have a stomachache! She's in labor! |
-哦天哪! -要趕快送她去醫院 | - Oh,my God! - Yeah,you gotta get to the hospital! |
錢德去拿外套,艾瑞卡我們馬上出發。 菲比和喬伊,繼續收拾! | Chandler,get the coats! Erica,let's go! Phoebe and Joey,keep packing! |
哦,天哪,我們要有孩子了! | Oh,my God,we're gonna have a baby. |
哦,天哪,我們要有孩子了! | We're gonna have a baby! |
哦,天哪,我們要有孩子了! | Oh,my God,we're gonna have a baby! |
哦,我的上帝,我得坐一下,我得坐一下。 | Oh,God,I've gotta sit down! I've gotta sit down! |
-親愛的,一切都會很順利的。 -你一定能撐過去的,深呼吸。 | - Honey,it's gonna be okay. - You can do this. Just breathe. |
好好好 | Okay. Okay. |
我覺得好一點了。 | Okay,I feel a little better. |
噢...你真的好一點了麼? | Are you sure? |
-是的,我沒事。親愛的,我們走吧。 - 好 | - Yes,I'm sure. Oh,honey,let's go. - Okay. |
- 哦,親愛的,走吧 - 大夥兒再見了! | - Come on,let's go. - Okay,bye,everyone! |
- 我們就要有孩子了 - 好運! | - We're having a baby! - Good luck! |
- 錢德,等等,等等 - 幹嗎? | - Chandler,wait,wait,wait! - What? |
如果有空的話 幫我問問她那個起司漢堡是在哪兒買的 | If you get a second,find out where she got that cheeseburger. |
"親愛的.裘蒂 | "Dear,Judy. |
生日快樂,愛你的瑞秋.." | Happy birthday,love Rach.." |
不行,你知道嗎?我做不來這個 | No. You know what? I'm not doing this. |
你真的以為我不跟你告別是因為我不在乎你? | You think I didn't say goodbye to you because I don't care? |
看起來就是這樣啊 | That's what it seemed like. |
我真不敢相信,都十年了 你居然對我連最起碼的瞭解都沒有。 | I cannot believe that after 10 years you do not know one thing about me! |
-那你為什麼不跟我告別呢?-因為那對我來說太困難了,羅斯 | - Then why didn't you say something? - Because it is too damn hard,Ross! |
一想到我會那麼掛念你 我根本就開不了口 | I can't even begin to explain to you how much I am gonna miss you. |
每當我想到自己不能再天天看到你 我就不想走了。 | When I think about not seeing you every day,it makes me not want to go. |
如果你以為我不跟你告別是因為 | Okay? So if you think that I didn't say goodbye to you.. |
你對我來說不如其他人那樣重要 那麼你錯了。 | because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else,you're wrong. |
對我來說你比他們都重要。 | It's because you mean more to me. |
好了,現在明白了吧,這就是你要的告別。 | So there,all right? There's your goodbye! |
- 瑞秋 - 幹嗎? | - Rach! - What? |
-你...你不...你不能... -不能什麼? | - You keep.. You can't.. - What? |
- 再多塞一點。 -哦。 | - A little more. - Okay. |
- 再多一點,多一點 - 好 | - A little more. A little more. - All right. |
再來一點。 | Little more. |
-行了。來吧。 -好。你準備好了麼? | - All right. All right,let's do this. - All right,ready? |
好了。記住了要用全力。 | Yep. Now give me your best shot. |
行。來了 | All right. Here goes. |
不起作用... | Doesn't work. |
如果箱子上沒有標籤,莫妮卡會生氣的 | Oh,you know,Monica's gonna freak if every box isn't labeled. |
好…一箱… | You're right,yeah. Okay.. |
垃圾 | "Box of crap." |
莫妮卡和錢德回來時會帶個孩子 | It's so wild. When Monica and Chandler come back,they are gonna have a baby. |
-孩子! -我知道 | - A baby! - I know. |
哦,羅斯還不知道 | Wait. Ross doesn't know the baby's coming. |
打個電話給他嗎? | Should we call and tell him? |
我不知道 瑞秋還在那沖他喊叫 | I don't know. Rachel's still there yelling at him. |
可憐的傢伙.我現在可真不想成為他啊 | Poor guy. I would not wanna be him right now. |
等一下,我們該這樣嗎? | Wait. Wait. Should we be doing this? |
不知道 | I don't know. |
-說不定是個好主意 -也許不是 | - It's probably not a really good idea. - Yeah,probably not. |
-我們以前從來沒停止過 -是啊 | - Well,that never stopped us before. - No,sir! |
大結局 | The.Last.One |
不敢相信幾小時後我們就成父母了 | I can't believe we're gonna be parents soon. |
不能相信已經三個星期了 | I can't believe it's three weeks early. |
我愛我們的孩子這麼迅速 | I love that our baby is prompt. |
剛才護士說艾瑞卡在哪兒? | Okay. All right,what room did the nurse say Erica was in? |
- 702. - 哦 | - 702. - Okay. |
-來吧,寶貝 -來吧,你能行 | - Come on,baby. - Come on. You can do this. |
快把那個鬼東西從我裡面弄出來! | Get this damn thing out of me! |
這是給你們的 | Well,these are for you. |
你看見那女人出來的東西有多大嗎? | Did you see the size of the thing that was coming out of that woman? |
我都不知道誰在生誰 | I couldn't tell who was giving birth to who. |
-嗨 -嗨,怎麼樣了? | - Hi. - Hey. How's it going? |
很好,醫生說還要一會兒 | It's okay. The doctor says it'll still be a while. |
-感覺怎樣? -有時候疼 | - How do you feel? - Well,it hurts sometimes. |
不過不厲害。我有點害怕 | Not too bad yet,though. It's a little scary. |
我知道,沒事的 | Oh,I know. But,honey,you're gonna be fine. |
告訴她那個702房生孩子的女人 | Tell that to the lady in 702 with the toddler coming out of her. |
我想那個孩子是穿著衣服的 | I think that kid was wearing a shirt. |
你會沒事的 | You're gonna be fine,though. |
嗨~ | Hey. |
接著睡吧,我該回家了 | Go back to sleep. I have to go home. |
真是太棒了 | Oh,God. This was amazing. |
的確是太棒了 | It really was. |
你學了不少新招兒嘛 | You've learned some new moves. |
同事給了我一本《菜鳥性愛指南》想取笑我的 | Yeah,well,this guy at work gave me Sex for Dummies as a joke. |
-現在看誰笑到最後了 -沒錯 | - Who's laughing now? - I am. |
呼氣、呼氣、呼氣 | Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. |
這樣就對了 | Okay. Good. |
下次我說呼氣行嗎? | Next time,can I say "breathe"? |
不行,剛才你說得像吸血鬼一樣,嚇死她了。 | No. Last time,you said it like Dracula,and it scared her. |
還要點東西嗎?冰片? | Do you want some more ice chips? |
-沒事,不用了 -我馬上就回來 | - No,I'm okay. - All right. I'll be right back. |
-去哪裡? -洗手間啊 | - Where you going? - To use the bathroom. |
-別把我們倆丟在一起啊 -什麼? | - You can't leave me alone with her. - What? |
這是個很重要的場合 | This is exactly the kind of social situation.. |
我最怕的就是這種場合了 | that I am not comfortable with. |
什麼樣的場合你不怕啊! | What kind of social situation are you comfortable with? |
我和她從來沒單獨待在一起過 | It's just that we've never spent any time,you know,alone together. |
沒事的…才怪。不過我馬上就回來了 | You'll be fine. You won't,but I'll be back in two minutes. |
哦 | Okay. |
那個…夏天有什麼打算? | So any plans for the summer? |
不清楚,可能參加個教會野營吧 | I don't know. Maybe church camp. |
哈…我為啥非要提這個 | May not want to mention this. |
有沒有想過哪種情況更糟? | So you ever wonder which is worse? |
產前陣痛和蛋蛋被踢? | You know,going through labor or getting kicked in the nuts? |
-說什麼? -就是想想挺有意思的。 | - What? - Oh,it's just interesting. |
誰也不會知道的,因為沒人兩種情況都能經歷吧。 | Because no one will ever know because no one can experience both. |
這是關於生命的難以置信的問題之一 | One of life's great unanswerable questions. |
誰知道,也許還有比那兩種情況更糟糕的呢! | Who knows? Maybe there's something even more painful than those things. |
比如現在 | Like this. |
-請進 -早啊 | - Come in. - Morning. |
-嗨! -什麼呀?! | - Hey. - What's that? |
送莫妮卡和錢德的喬遷之禮 | Oh,it's my housewarming present for Monica and Chandler. |
剛出生的小雞和小鴨! | That's a baby chick and duck. |
我給它倆取名叫小小雞和小小鴨 | And I named them Chick Jr. and Duck Jr. |
真的是沒想到哈 | I did not see that coming. |
那麼大的後院它倆肯定會喜歡的 | They'll love it at that new house. It has that big backyard. |
以後要是老了的話 錢德可以和上次一樣把它們送到 | When they're old,they'll go to that farm.. |
上次那個農場去 | that Chandler took the other chick and duck to. |
-沒錯 -是啊 | - Yes. - Yeah. |
-不過不能去看望實在是太不爽了 -沒辦法,規矩就是這樣 | - It's a shame people can't visit there. - That is the rule though. |
-好消息!你馬上就要當舅舅了! -什麼? | - Guess what. You're almost an uncle. - What? |
艾瑞卡馬上要生了 莫妮和錢德現在正在醫院呢 | Erica went into labor. Monica and Chandler are at the hospital right now. |
-天哪! -我敢肯定是個女孩 | - Oh,my God! - I have a feeling it's gonna be a girl. |
你原來還猜班是個女孩來著呢 | Phoebe,you were sure Ben was gonna be a girl. |
從沒看過他踢球吧? | Have you seen him throw a ball? |
-瑞秋在不在? -還在睡覺吧 | - Is Rachel here? - I think she's still asleep. |
嗨!昨晚你倆怎麼樣了,她好像怒了 | How did it go with you guys last night? She seemed pretty pissed at you. |
啊…後來事情解決了 | We worked things out. |
笑啥呢?你倆是不是有點什麼事? | What's that smile? Did something happen with you two? |
我不會親了不說 | Hey,I'm not one to kiss and tell. |
也不會做愛了再閉嘴。我們什麼都做了 | But I'm also not one to have sex and shut up. We totally did it. |
天啊,你和瑞秋? | Oh,my God. You and Rachel? |
-是啊,感覺太棒了 -意味著什麼啊? | - I know,it's pretty great. - So,what does that mean? |
-你們複合了? -說不好 | - Are you guys getting back together? - Oh,I don't know. |
-我倆還沒仔細談過 -你自己想複合嗎? | - We didn't really get to talk. - But do you want to get back together? |
不清楚啊… | I don't know. |
真的是難以置信,再合適不過了 | It was incredible. I mean,it just felt so right. |
我把她抱在懷裡時,永遠都不想讓她離開。 | When I was holding her,I mean,I never wanted to let her go. |
嗯…沒錯,我想和她在一起 | Know what? Yeah,I do. I want to be together. |
那她還去巴黎嗎? | So is she still going to Paris? |
還沒想過,希望不會吧 | Wow,I hadn't thought of that. I hope not. |
今天太偉大了、太偉大了! 你倆要複合 | This is,like,the best day ever. Ever. You guys might get back together. |
莫妮卡和錢德要有小孩 而且… | Monica and Chandler get their baby. There are chicks and ducks.. |
世界上又有小雞小鴨了! | in the world again. |
啊~!感覺就像在音樂劇中一樣! | I feel like I'm in a musical. |
-早啊! -永遠也唱不完整了… | - Morning. - Guess you'll never know how it ends. |
- 嘿 - 嗨! | - Hey. - Hi. |
-睡得怎樣? -很好,你呢? | - Hi. How'd you sleep? - Good. You? |
-不錯 -那還用說 | - Good. - I'll bet you did. |
啊…能讓我倆單獨待會兒嗎? | Would you guys mind giving us a minute? |
好,幫忙看著點小雞和小鴨 | Sure. Just keep an eye on the chick and duck. |
小雞和小鴨?不是已經死… | Chick and the duck? Didn't they die..? |
死活非要去農場哦 | Dive. Yeah,they dove. Headfirst into fun on the farm. |
所以… | So.. |
-早啊 -你也是啊 | - Morning. - You too. |
-昨晚太棒了 -真的是 | - Last night was just wonderful. - Oh,it really was. |
-我今天醒來滿臉都是笑容 | I woke up today with the biggest smile. |
-我也是啊 | I know,me too. It was.. |
就像…有些事情覺得從來不可能 | You know,it was one of those things you think is never going to happen. |
但有一天真的發生了 而且是自己所希望的那樣 | And then it does,and it's everything you want it to be. |
我知道,實在是… | I know. It was just.. |
實在是最好的告別方式了 | It's just the perfect way to say goodbye. |
-再努力一點! -疼死我了! | - Just a little bit more,honey. - Oh,man,this hurts! |
真疼得那麼厲害? | Is it really that bad? |
現在該踢你蛋蛋了,看看哪個更疼! | I think it's time to kick you in the nuts and see which is worse. |
嬰兒的頭已經要出來了 | The baby's head is crowning. |
天哪!我所見過的最美麗的頭頂了! | Oh,my God! That is the most beautiful top of a head I have ever seen. |
-錢德!過來看! -我就不用了 | - Chandler,you have to see this. - I'm okay. |
錢德!絕不能錯過的! 你孩子出生了! | You don't want to miss this. This is the birth of your child. |
-生命的奇跡啊! -好吧 | - It's the miracle of life. - All right. |
哇!這麼噁心的奇跡! | Wow,that is one disgusting miracle. |
開始往外擠 | Start pushing. Here we go. |
好!肩膀出來了! | Here come the shoulders. |
是個男孩! | It's a boy. |
-他不要緊吧?! -不要緊的 | - Is he okay? - He's just fine. |
你成功了! | You did it. |
嬰兒! | It's a baby. |
美麗的小嬰兒! 還有點其他東西我就裝沒看見吧! | A beautiful little baby. And some other stuff I'm gonna pretend I don't see. |
-準備好切臍帶了嗎? - 好了 | - Would you like to cut the umbilical cord? - Okay. |
居然還一跳一跳的! | Well,that's spongy. |
嘿!帥哥 | Hey,handsome. |
我愛死你了!誰家的女孩兒都配不上你! | I'll love you so much that no woman is ever gonna be good enough for you. |
-咱們太幸運了! - 是啊 | - We are so lucky. - I know. |
他眼睛和你的一樣 | He has your eyes. |
雖然不可能吧,不過真的是 | I mean,I know that's not possible,but he does. |
把他擦乾淨些 | We'll just get him cleaned up a bit. |
真是太美了 | Oh,my God,he's beautiful. |
-多謝你啊 -太為你們倆高興了 | - Thank you so much. - I'm really happy for you guys. |
-現在感覺如何? -很累 | - How do you feel? - I'm tired. |
沒多少時間可歇了,下一個馬上就出來。 | You don't have that much time to relax. The other one will be along in a minute. |
抱歉…誰要出來?剛才你說啥?! | I'm sorry,who should be along in a what,now? |
下一個孩子馬上就出來 | The next baby should be along in a minute. |
我們只訂了一個! | We only ordered one. |
-你們知道是雙胞胎吧? -才怪 | - You know it's twins,right? - Oh,yeah. |
知道的話我們倆還能這副表情? | These are the faces of two people in the know. |
怎麼可能不知道是雙胞胎? 以前從來沒有過的 | I can't believe you didn't know it's twins. This has never happened before. |
啊!我現在感覺還真特別爽啊 | Well,gosh. That makes me feel so special and good. |
等等,你知道是雙胞胎? | Did you know it was twins? |
是啊,門診送過來的文件裡面寫著呢 | It's here in the paperwork we got from the clinic. |
-有人告訴過你嗎? -沒有啊 | - Did anybody tell you? - I don't think so. |
不過確實提到了兩種心跳 我當時覺得應該就是我和孩子的吧 | They did mention two heartbeats,but I thought it was just mine and the baby's. |
他們就一直說兩個心跳都很強 | They said,"Both heartbeats are strong." |
我就覺得 不錯啊,因為我正懷著孩子哪 | And I thought,"Well,that's good,because I'm having a baby." |
-太難以置信了 -我家有雙胞胎的傳統的 | - This is unbelievable. - Twins actually run in my family. |
真有意思哈 | Interesting. |
跟你談點事 | Can I see you for a second? |
-現在咋辦? -什麼咋辦? | - What do we do? - What do you mean,"What do we do?" |
雙胞胎! | Twins! |
雙胞胎! | Twins! |
-錢德!你在發抖 -沒錯!和我一起抖吧! | - Chandler,you're panicking. - Join me,won't you? |
我們留一個,另一個給別人如何? | What do you say we keep one and then just have an option on the other one? |
-怎麼可以分開啊! -怎麼不行啊! | - We can't split them up. - Why not? |
給他倆一人半塊信物 | We could give each of them half a medallion. |
數年之後他們憑著信物重逢 | And then years later,they'll find each other.. |
大團圓! 到那時候大家該多開心啊 | and be reunited. I mean,that's a great day for everybody. |
如果領養另一個人的是壞蛋呢? | What if the person who adopts the other one is horrible? |
要不是呢?要是被某國王領養了呢? | What if they're not? What if it's adopted by a king? |
是哈,聽說國王要領養個孩子! | Yeah. Because I hear the king is looking to adopt. |
莫妮卡,咱倆沒想好要兩個孩子的 | Monica,we are not ready to have two babies. |
又有什麼關係! 咱們等了這麼久 | That doesn't matter. We have waited so long for this. |
我才不管是一個孩子還是兩個孩子! 仨孩子都沒關係! | I don't care if it's two babies. I don't care if it's three babies. |
生出《八寶喜事》全劇組來都沒關係! | I don't care if the entire cast of Eight Is Enough comes out of there. |
一定要把他們帶回家 因為他們是咱們的孩子啊。 | We are taking them home because they are our children. |
好吧 | Okay. |
- 好 - 好 | - Okay. - Okay! |
好了 | Okay. |
看來我們這裡準備好了!來吧,艾瑞卡. | It looks like we're about ready over here. Come on,Erica. |
現在,再推一次吧 | Start pushing again now. |
-女嬰也出來了! -女嬰?!是個女孩?! | - Here she comes. - She? It's a girl? |
對 | Yeah. |
現在一男一女了! | Well,now we have one of each. |
然後就別再生了! | And that's enough. |
後來她說那個是最好的告別方式 | And then she said it was the perfect way to say goodbye. |
天哪,你說什麼了? | Oh,my God. What did you say? |
-什麼都沒說。能說什麼啊? -羅斯!一定要告訴她你的感受啊! | - Nothing. What do you say to that? - You've got to tell her how you feel. |
-不行! -不能就這麼放棄她啊! | - No way. - Well,you can't just give up. |
恐龍會這麼做嗎? | Is that what a dinosaur would do? |
-什麼? -我就是想用你們的語言和你說 | - What? - I'm just trying to speak your language. |
瑞秋不知道你想複合 | Ross,Rachel doesn't know that you even wanna get back together. |
如果她知道 想法可能就會變啊,也許就不會走了 | If she did,she might feel differently. She might not even go. |
-真的? -沒錯的。 | - You really think so? - I'm telling you! |
啊!如果是音樂劇的話,現在就應該是高潮了。 | Oh,this is the part of the musical where there'd be a good,convincing song. |
-嗨! -就不能讓一個女孩把歌唱完嗎 | - Hi. - Can't a girl finish a song around here? |
-嘿 -剛把艾瑪交給我媽了 | - Hey. - Hi. I dropped Emma off at my mom's. |
-哦 -你今晚不帶艾瑪走? | - Okay. - You're not taking her tonight? |
不帶了,我先去整理好 我媽星期天把艾瑪帶去 | We decided I'd set up,then my mom would bring Emma to Paris on Sunday. |
哇!陪一歲小孩飛八個小時?祝你媽媽好運 | Eight-hour flight with a baby. Good luck,Mom. |
開玩笑,聽我媽嘮叨八個小時的阿特金斯減肥法? 祝艾瑪好運 | You kidding? Eight hours with my mom talking about Atkins. Good luck,Emma. |
你說得對,至少要告訴她我的感受 | All right. You know what? You're right. I should at least tell her how I feel. |
-羅斯等一下! -什麼?什麼? | - Ross. Wait,wait. - What? What? |
給我帶個松餅吧 | Could you get me a muffin? |
-瑞秋? -嗯? | - Rachel? - Yeah? |
我知道你今晚就走了 我就是想告訴你… | I know you're leaving tonight,but I just have to tell you. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
不知道你的計畫會不會因此改變… | Now,I don't know if that changes your plans at all. |
不過我覺得還是應該告訴你 | But I thought you should know. |
甘瑟! | Gunther. |
我也愛你 不過和你愛我含義應該不一樣 | I love you too. Probably not in the same way. |
但我真的愛你 每次我在咖啡屋喝咖啡 | But I do. And when I'm in a cafe having coffee.. |
或者看見誰的頭髮比太陽還亮 | or I see a man with hair brighter than the sun.. |
我都會想起你 | I'll think of you. |
-回頭見 -再見~ | - Bye,you guys. - Bye. |
天哪! | Oh,my God! |
難以置信啊 | Unbelievable. |
-我有個好主意… -我不會給你拿松餅的! | - Hey,you know what might help? - I'm not getting you a muffin! |
你覺得他倆從肚子裡出來,認得出對方嗎? | Do you think they recognize each other from in there? |
也許,不過也可能像倆多年的鄰居 | Maybe. Unless they're like people who've lived in apartments.. |
突然有一天被擠出產道 | next to each other for years,then one day they're pushed through a vagina.. |
終於見面了 | and they meet. |
我們現在帶艾瑞卡去休息了 | We're going to take Erica to Recovery now. |
有點事情我們要和你說 | There's something that we wanted to tell you. |
我們決定給女孩起名為艾瑞卡 | We decided to name the girl baby Erica. |
天哪!這不和我名字一樣嗎?! | Oh,my God,that's just like my name! |
他媽的絕對是啊 | Son of a gun,it is. |
總之我要先去休息了 | Anyway,I'm gonna go get some rest. |
能選中你們倆我太高興了 你們倆一定會成為好父母的 | I'm really glad I picked you guys. You're gonna make great parents. |
甚至連錢德也是 | Even Chandler. |
-再見 -再見 | - Okay,well,bye. - Bye. |
-我們會給你打電話的 -好 | - We'll call you. - Okay. |
教會野營愉快啊! | Have fun at church camp. |
-看看這些小傢伙 -是啊 | - Look at these little bunnies. - I know. |
想換換嗎? | You ready to trade? |
- 好 - 好 | - Okay. - Okay. |
好,這樣 | Okay. Let's see. |
-一會兒再換吧 -沒問題 | - We could trade later. - Yeah,I'm good. |
-嗨,你在幹嘛呢? -寫歡迎標語呢 | - Hey,what are you working on? - A "welcome home" sign for the baby. |
(歡迎回家,寶寶)真不錯啊,那畫的是嬰兒嗎? | How sweet! Oh,is that the baby? |
不是…我坐到顏料上了… | No,I sat in the paint. |
-嘿 -和瑞秋說了嗎? | - Hey. - So did you talk to Rachel? |
-沒說,也不打算說了 -什麼? | - No. And I'm not going to. - What? |
-為什麼啊 -因為她會拒絕我的 | - Why not? - She's just gonna shoot me down. |
你倆也看見甘瑟了 最後成那樣有意思嗎? | You saw what happened with Gunther. That did not look like fun. |
你怎麼能把自己同甘瑟比? | How can you compare yourself to Gunther? |
的確他從表面上來說比你更性感… | I mean,sure,he's sexy in a more obvious way. |
你和瑞秋真正做過戀人啊 你們倆昨晚還一起過夜了 | You have a relationship with her. You slept together last night. |
沒錯!可是她還是要走! 很清楚她現在是怎麼想的了 | Yeah,and she still wants to go. It's pretty clear where she is. |
我能理解,有時候… | I know what you mean. I mean,sometimes.. |
-啊,喬… -媽的! | - Joe. - Damn it! |
即使我要和她說,也不用現在吧 | If I were gonna tell her,I don't have to do it now. |
以後還能見,有的是時間 | Okay? I'll be seeing her again. We've got time. |
哪兒有?她是要去巴黎啊! 她會最終和某人定下來的! | No,you don't. She's going to Paris! She is going to meet somebody. |
知不知道巴黎有多少帥哥?! 簡直就是甘瑟之城! | Do you know how many hot guys there are in Paris? It's a city of Gunthers. |
- 嘿 - 嘿 | - Hey. - Hey. |
-手裡拿什麼呢? -做了點東西 | - What do you have there? - Oh,I made a little something. |
時間充裕本來可以更好的(歡迎來到這個世界,賓寶寶) | If I had more time to work on it,it'd be better,but.. |
-哇!你自己一個人弄的? -這也太漂亮了吧親愛的! | - Oh,my God,you did that yourself? - Honey,that's gorgeous. |
嬰兒又不識字,麥克! | You know,the baby can't read,Mike. |
去機場的車都來了,他們怎麼還沒回來! | Hi. The car service just got here. I can't believe they're not home yet! |
我要趕飛機啊!我要看看孩子! | I have to catch my stupid plane. I want to see the baby. |
莫妮卡剛才在車上打電話說馬上就到 | Monica just called from the cab. She said they should be here any minute. |
-而且好像還要有個驚喜? -她聽起來口氣高不高興? | - Apparently,there's some big surprise. - Yeah,did she sound happy about it? |
我有個朋友的孩子剛出生就有點鬍子 | Because my friend Ethel's baby was born with a teeny-tiny beard. |
-歡迎回家! -天哪! | - Welcome home. - Oh,my God. |
-天哪! -嘿 | - Oh,my gosh. - Hey. |
嘿 | Hey. |
你說的驚喜是什麼啊? | Hey,so,what is the big surprise? |
-天呐! -這個問題… | - Oh,my God! - How did this..? |
有點尷尬 不過醫院知道你們拿了兩個回來是吧? | Okay,awkward question. The hospital knows you took two,right? |
-知道,是雙胞胎! -太可愛了啊 | - Yes. It's twins. - Oh,my.. They are so cute. |
-是男是女? -這是男孩,那是女孩 | - Now,what kinds are they? - This is a boy. And that's a girl. |
女孩名叫艾瑞卡。 | Her name is Erica. |
那個懷孕的女孩不也叫艾瑞卡嗎? | Hey,that pregnant girl's name was Erica. |
沒錯…你們倆沒多相處相處太可惜了 | Yeah. It's a shame you two didn't get to spend more time together. |
我們給男孩起名叫傑克,隨爸爸的。 | Yeah,and we named the boy Jack,after Dad. |
-他一定會高興極了。 -傑克賓…這名字我喜歡! | - He's gonna be so happy. - Jack Bing. I love that. |
聽起來像是四十年代寫新聞的啊。 “傑克賓,早報 | It sounds like a '40s newspaper guy. You know,"Jack Bing,Morning Gazette. |
看我怎麼渲染這個故事的!” | I'm gonna blow this story wide open." |
哦,我的天 | Oh,my gosh. |
-太美了! -我也想要一個 | - So beautiful. - I want one. |
哦?告訴我哪個,一會兒夾在大衣裡帶走 | Oh,yeah? Well,tell me which one. I'll try to slip it in my coat. |
說真的,不想生一個? | Seriously. I mean,you want to make one of those? |
-一個?一堆怎麼樣? -真的? | - One? How about a whole bunch? - Really? |
是啊。啊!可以教他們唱歌! 就像《音樂之聲》範特普一家一樣! | Yeah. We can teach them to sing,and we could be like the von Trapp family. |
不過要把納粹部分刪去… 但是這樣就沒意思了… | Only without the Nazis. Although that sounds kind of dull. |
真是讓人不爽,不過我要是 再不走就趕不上飛機了 | I can't believe this. If I don't leave now,I'm gonna miss my plane. |
-你能見孩子們一面我真是太高興了 -我也是 | - I'm so glad you got to see the babies. - Me too. |
真遺憾不能留下來看你照顧孩子手忙腳亂了 | I'm just sorry I'm not gonna be around to watch you two attempt to handle this. |
真的說不出告別的話 | All right. Oh,I can't say goodbye to you guys again. |
-我太愛你們了 -我也愛你 | - I love you all so much. - Love you. |
-愛你 -到了打電話啊 | - We love you. - Call us when you get there. |
一定,羅斯,過來 | I will. Ross,come here. |
我想告訴你 | I just want you to know.. |
昨晚… | last night.. |
我永遠都不會忘記的 | I'll never forget it. |
我也不會 | Neither will I. |
現在真的要走了 | All right. Now I really have to go. |
Au revoir!(蹩腳的法語“再見”) | Okay,au revoir. |
啊…巴黎人一定會恨死我的 | They're gonna really hate me over there. |
你就這麼讓她走了? | So you just let her go? |
嗯 | Yeah. |
-這樣也許是最好的了 -真的? | - Hey,maybe that's for the best. - Yeah? |
真的,關於昨晚 | Yeah. You know,you just.. Look,you gotta.. |
她怎麼想 你也應該怎麼想 | You gotta think about last night the way she does. |
也許… | Okay? You know,maybe.. |
也許在一起過夜 就是最好的告別了 | Maybe sleeping together was the perfect way to say goodbye. |
他們一起睡覺了? | They slept together? |
我和你在一起 | I was with you. |
-可是這樣一來她就不知道他的感受了啊 -也許沒關係的 | - Now she'll never know how he feels. - Maybe that's okay,you know? |
也許這樣更好。 | Maybe it is better this way. |
現在…現在你可以向前繼續生活了 | I mean,now.. Now you can move on. |
你已經努力適應這麼久了 | I mean,you've been trying to for so long. |
現在你們倆身在不同的大陸… | Maybe now that you're on different continents.. |
是吧? | Right? |
也許你現在終於可以解脫了 | Maybe now you can actually do it,you know. |
終於可以不再想她了 | You can finally get over her. |
的確是這樣沒錯 | Yeah,that's true. |
可是… | Except.. |
-我不願意就這樣解脫 -什麼? | - I don't want to get over her. - What? |
-我不想…我想和她在一起 -真的? | - I don't. I want to be with her. - Really? |
-嗯,我去追她 -去吧! | - Yeah. I'm going to go after her. - Yeah,you are! |
穿上外衣!穿上外衣! | Wait! Wait! Get your coat! Get your coat! |
-外衣… -太酷了! | - My coat. - This is so cool! |
雖然一點都不明白咋回事 不過我現在太興奮了! | I have no idea what's going on,but I am excited! |
-羅斯!你覺得她會怎麼說? -不知道! | - What do you think she's gonna say? - I don't know. |
不過即便她拒絕我 我也不會餘生 | Even if she shoots me down,at least I won't spend my life wondering.. |
都活在猜測之中 我外衣哪兒去了! | what would have happened. Where is my coat? |
你根本就沒穿來! 我車就在下麵,開車送你去機場! | You didn't bring one! My cab's downstairs. I'll drive you to the airport. |
-大夥祝我好運! -快! | - Wish me luck. - Hurry! |
祝你好運 | Good luck! |
天啊 | Oh,my God. |
羅斯去追瑞秋,你們有了孩子 | Ross is going after Rachel. And you guys have babies. |
這就像是最棒的一天! | This is,like,the best day ever! |
我沙發上怎麼有屁股形狀的東西? | Why is there an ass-shaped paint stain on my couch? |
是你的問題,麥克! | She asked you a question,Mike. |
你真覺得我們能及時趕到? | You really think we'll make it in time? |
嘿,我的駕照還沒被吊銷,因為我開車很小心 | Hey,I didn't have my license taken away because I drive carefully. |
-沒安全帶? -沒關係,一旦車撞到什麼東西, | - There's no seat belts! - That's okay. If we hit anything.. |
馬達就會爆炸 相比之下還是被甩出去比較好 | the engine will explode,so it's better if you're thrown from the car. |
-好!我們走! - 好! | - All right,all right. Let's do this. - Okay! |
- 嘿 -東區80號 | - Hey! - 80th and East End. |
-我不載客 -法律規定逢客必載的! | - No. I don't take passengers. - The law makes you accept any fare. |
你不明白,這車本來就不是計程車! | You don't understand. This cab isn't real. |
等我去投訴你,你牌照號多少 | What's your medallion number? |
號碼是:滾出車去! | My medallion number is,get out of the cab! |
-什麼? -滾出車去!滾出車去! | - What? - Get out of the cab! |
嘿!大家看 | Hey,you guys. Check this out. |
- 不! - 好 | - No! - Okay. |
哦!現在給你們喬遷之禮怎麼樣? | Oh,hey,can I give you guys my housewarming gift now? |
-可以呀 -好 | - Now,that you can do. - All right. |
問個問題 | I have a question. |
如果不看下面你能分清他們嗎? | Without looking under their diapers,can you tell them apart? |
當然可以,我是媽媽啊 | Of course I can,I'm their mother. |
好,那個是誰? | Oh,yeah? Okay. Which one is that one? |
是傑克 | That's Jack. |
哇!有陰道的傑克在高中會有麻煩了 | Jack's gonna have a tough time in high school with that vagina. |
小小雞?小小鴨? | Chick Jr.? Duck Jr.? |
別和媽媽捉迷藏! | Don't hide from Mama! |
現在可以睜開眼睛了 | You can open your eyes now. |
-下橋了嗎? -下了! | - Are we off the bridge? - Yes! |
-自行車上的老太太還活著嗎? -活著!她及時跳開了! | - Is the woman on the bicycle still alive? - Yeah,she jumped right back up. |
-天哪!菲比!開慢點! -你到底想不想及時追上瑞秋! | - Oh,my God. Phoebe,slow down! - Do you want to get to Rachel in time? |
想!不過我不想死在你車裡! | Yes,but I don't want to die in your cab. |
上車之前你怎麼不想清楚!!! | You should have thought of that before you got in! |
-收費站 -什麼? | - Tollbooth. - What? |
收費站! | Tollbooth! |
四塊錢,雜物箱裡有零錢 | Four bucks. There are quarters in the glove compartment. |
快點! | Hurry! |
哦 | Okay. |
媽的,窗戶怎麼這麼乾淨! | Damn,that window's clean. |
我們還奇怪拿禮物這麼半天還不回來 | We were wondering what was taking so long.. |
現在才知道你在幹這個… | but now we understand. You were doing this. |
我本想給你們個驚喜的… | Okay. I wanted to surprise you,but.. |
作為喬遷之禮,送給你們一隻小雞一隻小鴨! | For your housewarming gift,I got you a baby chick and a baby duck. |
真的?給我們小雞小鴨? | Really? You got us a chick and a duck? |
太好了,家裡有嬰兒,鳥糞正合適啊! | Oh,great. Just what you want for a new house with infants. Bird feces! |
一定是從桌子上跳下去了,現在都不見了啊! | But they must've jumped off the table. Now they're gone! |
別著急,慢慢找 | Don't worry,we'll find them. |
我去看孩子去了 | Actually,I'm gonna go check on the twins. |
啊!我剛才踩著什麼了! | Oh,God! What did I just step on? |
沒事,就是個蛋捲 | It's okay. It's just an egg roll. |
你竟敢踩著我的蛋捲! | You stepped on my egg roll?! |
抱歉,誰會想到地上會有中國菜! | I'm sorry. I didn't know to look for Chinese food on the floor. |
放到盤子裡,然後快走 | Just put it on a plate and leave. |
-好了. 開始找吧 - 好 | - Okay. Let's find these birds. - All right. |
等等!聽到了沒? | Wait,wait. You hear that? |
-啊!在桌子裡! -這可不妙了! | - They're in the table! - Well,that can't be good. |
-必須要取出來! -怎麼取?! | - We gotta get them out of there! - How? |
也許能引誘他們出來,你知道鳥怎麼叫嗎? | Maybe we can lure them out. You know any birdcalls? |
當然了,我就是幹伐木工的 | Oh,tons. I'm quite the woodsman. |
把桌子一頭抬起來點也許管用 | Well,maybe we can just tip the table a little. |
喬伊等一下!球還沒... | Joey,wait! The ball! |
現在怎麼辦! | So,what do we do? |
不清楚…也許邊上什麼地方能打開吧 | Maybe we can open this up somehow. |
好 | Okay. |
不行啊,都粘上了 | No. It's all glued together. |
也就是說要…撬開? | Does that mean we have to bust it open? |
-不知道…也許吧 -天呐! | - I don't know. Maybe. - Oh,my God. |
我明白…這可是足球桌啊 | I know. It's.. It's the foosball table. |
好吧,你知道嗎,我們別無選擇 | All right,you know what? We don't have a choice. |
就像一部如果我得到角色的科幻電影裡面的臺詞一樣 | It's like I would have said in that sci-fi movie if I'd have gotten the part. |
“裡面有人!必須要救出來!” | Those are our men in there,and we have to get them out.. |
“即使要犧牲我生命中最重要的東西-- | even if I have to sacrifice the most important thing in my life.. |
我的時間機器…” | my time machine. |
-這電影拍出來了沒? -根本也沒拍… | - Did that movie ever get made? - It did not. |
-羅斯!你去哪裡? -去找瑞秋啊 | - Ross,where are you going? - To talk to Rachel. |
所以我才坐死亡計程車來的 | Isn't that why we took a ride in the death cab? |
你就直接去登機口? | You're walking up to her at the gate? |
以前沒在機場追過人?! | Have you never chased anyone through the airport before? |
我的員警戲鏡頭被取消之後就沒有過了… | Not since my cop show got canceled. |
必須先買票才能通過安檢 | You have to get a ticket to get past security. |
-那就趕不及了啊! -保持這種氣勢!快滾過來! | - What? We're never gonna make it. - Not with that attitude. Now,haul ass! |
大家再走慢點就好了 | Okay,if you could all walk slower,that'd be great. |
- (法式英語)小姐,看一下您的護照? -天呐! | - Madame,your passport,please. - Oh,my God. |
我還害怕高中學的法語都忘乾淨了呢! | I was afraid I wouldn't remember my high school French. |
你剛才說的每個字我都聽明白了! | But I understood every word you just said. |
-看一下您的登機牌? - 哦,當然 | - Your boarding pass,please. - Oh,sure. |
好的…找不到… 本來在啊…真叫人… | Shoot,I had it. Oh,I can't believe this. |
-小姐,如果您沒有… -我有我有我有我有! | - Madame,if you don't have your.. - I have it,I have it! |
哎呀,找不到,不過我清楚記得 我的座位號是32C | Okay,I can't find it,but I remember that I was in seat 32C.. |
因為跟我的胸罩大小一樣。 | because that's my bra size. |
-小姐,您必須要有登機牌,否則… | You must have your boarding pass.. |
知道嗎,我要是36D,就沒這麼多麻煩了! | You know what? If I was in 36D,we would not be having this problem. |
-您好,我要買一張票 -就買一張? | - Hi. I need a ticket. - Just one? |
我開車這麼大老遠送你過來 不能看看結局啥樣? | I drive you here,and I don't get to see how it works out? |
-好吧,兩張,我買兩張票! -我們在度蜜月 | - Fine. Two tickets. I need two tickets. - We're on our honeymoon. |
-目的地是? -隨便,最便宜的吧 | - And the destination? - I don't care. Whatever's the cheapest. |
我嫁給你真是太走運了 | I'm so lucky I married you. |
啊!倒楣!媽的!哪裡去了! | Oh,shoot. Damn it. Where is it? |
啊!找到了找到了!哈! 找到了!早和你說了我有! | I found it. I found it. I told you I would find it. |
你是另外一個人了.. | In your face. You're a different person. |
抱歉 | Sorry. |
421航班,巴黎 | Okay. Flight 421,Paris. |
-找不到,你呢? -我也找不著。錯過了? | - I don't see it. Do you see it? - No. Did we miss it? |
不可能,20分鐘後才起飛的 | No,no,it's impossible. It doesn't leave for another 20 minutes. |
航班號錯了吧 | Maybe we have the flight number wrong. |
天呐 | God. |
-嗨 -嗨,是我,這是羅斯 | - Hello. - Hey,it's me. Here's Ross. |
什麼? | What? |
嗨!聽著… | Hey. Hey,listen.. |
天啊,孩子的聲音太可愛了!羅斯你聽! | You wouldn't believe the cute noises the twins are making. Wait,listen. |
但是莫妮卡 | But Monica.. |
莫妮卡?…莫妮卡!莫妮卡!… | Monica. Monica. Monica. |
抱歉,他倆剛才還出聲來著 | I'm sorry. They were doing it before. |
-莫妮卡!聽著… -等等!又來了!! | - That's all right. Listen,listen. - Oh,wait,wait. Here they go again. |
莫妮卡!莫妮卡!莫妮卡!莫妮卡! | Monica. Monica. Monica. |
- 莫妮卡? -可愛吧! | - Monica? - Isn't that cute? |
可愛死了!聽著 | That is precious! Listen.. |
-我要瑞秋的航班資訊 - 哦,好 | - I need Rachel's flight information. - Oh,okay. |
- 421航班,8點40起飛。 -是啊,就是這個,看板上找不到 | - All right,it's flight 421. Leaves at 8:40. - I have that. It's not on the board. |
這裡就是這樣寫的啊,421航班 8點40起飛,紐華克機場 | That's what it says here. Flight 421. Leaves at 8:40. Newark Airport. |
-什麼? -紐華克機場 | - What? - Newark Airport. |
-怎麼了?你們在哪裡? -甘迺迪機場… | - Why? Where are you? - JFK. |
別著急!會把你們救出來的! | Don't worry,you guys! We're gonna get you out of there! |
然後再給你們買小鳥用的助聽器… | And we're also gonna buy you tiny bird hearing aids. |
好,來了… | Okay. Here goes. |
怎麼了? | What's the matter? |
我要先跟桌子告別 | I need to say goodbye to the table first. |
我理解 | I understand. |
好 | Okay. |
桌子! | Table.. |
你曾經給予我們太多的歡樂時光 | you have given us so many great times. |
你們大夥…喬丹、維克多,還有喬 | And you guys,Jordan,Victor,Joel.. |
你們所有人,我得說 | All of you guys. What can I say? |
是你們讓我倆更有形象 | You guys make us look good. |
-你想說什麼? -不清楚… | - You want to say anything? - I don't know. |
不過,最後一次… | Except that,for one last time.. |
幹得好…幹得好…幹得好…幹得好… | Good game. Good game. Good game. |
幹得好 | Good game. |
好吧,來,動手 | Okay. Here we go. |
我下不了手 | I can't do it. |
我也下不了手啊! | Well,I can't do it either. |
-找到沒? -在桌子裡面! | - Hey. Did you find them? - Yeah. They're stuck inside the table. |
必須要撬開,不過我們倆都下不去手! | And we have to bust it open,but neither of us can do it. |
是啊…太難了… | Oh,well,sure. It's got to be so hard. |
我來吧,給我! | I'll do it. Give me. |
菲比! | Phoebe! |
不要啊! | No,no,no! |
以前從沒開這麼快過!! | Wow,I've never gone this fast before. |
菲比!算了吧!紐華克 一個小時才能到 | Phoebe,forget it,okay? Newark is,like,an hour away. |
根本趕不上 | There's no way we'll make it in time. |
-她拿著手機呢!打電話! -我不要在電話上談 | - She's got her cell. You could call her. - I am not doing this over the phone. |
你沒其他辦法了啊 | You don't have any other choice. |
- 喂? -瑞秋?太好了! | - Hello? - Rachel. Oh,good. |
順便問一句,你是不是剛上飛機? | By the way,did you just get on the plane? |
-是啊 -如果機場沒去錯的話 | - Yeah. - We would have caught her.. |
我們能趕上她的 | if we were at the right airport. |
-瑞秋,等一下 - 不不不 | - Rachel,hang on. - No. No. No. |
菲比?你那邊不要緊吧? | Phoebe,is everything okay? |
啊,事實上,有點事情 你必須下飛機 | Actually,no. No. You have to get off the plane. |
-啊?為什麼? -我有種感覺 | - What? Why? - I have this feeling that.. |
飛機有問題,左“弗蘭基”有毛病 | something's wrong with it. Something is wrong with the left phalange. |
親愛的,飛機肯定沒問題的。 | Oh,honey,I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the plane. |
馬上要起飛了,我愛你 一到巴黎就給你打電話。 | Look,I have to go. I love you,and l will call you the minute I get to Paris. |
-你剛才說什麼? -哦,我的瘋朋友 | - What was that? - Oh,that was just my crazy friend. |
讓我下飛機 因為她就是感覺到 | She told me to get off the plane because she had a "feeling" that there.. |
飛機左“弗蘭基”有毛病 | was something wrong with the left phalange. |
-聽起來可不妙吧 -不用擔心 | - Okay. That doesn't sound good. - Oh,I wouldn't worry about it. |
她老是這樣,而且幾乎從沒對過。 | She comes up with this stuff,and she's almost never right. |
-也就是說她也有對的時候? -啊 | - But she is sometimes. - Well.. |
-你要幹嗎? -這飛機我不能坐 | - What are you doing? - I can't take this plane now. |
-對不起先生,您去哪裡? -我要下飛機。 | - Excuse me,sir. Where are you going? - I have to get off this plane. |
她朋友感覺到 飛機左“弗蘭基”有毛病 | Her friend has a feeling something's wrong with the left phalange. |
請給我拿點花生好嗎? | Could I get some peanuts? |
-飛機怎麼了? -飛機一點異常都沒有 | - What's wrong with the plane? - There's nothing wrong. |
-左“弗蘭基”有毛病了 -根本就沒有什麼“弗蘭基”! | - The left phalange. - There's no "phalange." |
天哪!這飛機連“弗蘭基”都沒有! | Oh,my God. This plane doesn't even have a phalange. |
-我不飛了 -女士,請您坐好 | - I'm not flying on it. - Please sit down. |
-出什麼事情了? -我們都下去!飛機上根本就沒有“弗蘭基”! | - What's going on? - We're getting off. There is no phalange! |
太荒謬了吧,我… | This is ridiculous. I.. |
啊隨便吧 | Yeah,okay. |
好了,工作完成 | All right. My job here is done. |
太令人欽佩了 | That was impressive. |
大部分連工具都沒用就弄下來了 | Yeah. You didn't even use the tools for most of it. |
工具只會拖慢我的速度 | Yeah,they were just slowing me down. |
好啦,我回去看孩子了 你們兩個姑娘一會兒見。 | All right. I gotta get back to the babies. See you girls later. |
-真抱歉,桌子這樣了。 -嗯 | - Sorry about the table,man. - Yeah. |
要買新的嗎? | You gonna buy a new one? |
也許不了…不會了 | Probably not. No. |
你走後我估計也不會怎麼玩了 | I don't know how much I'm gonna want to play after you go. |
-至少這兩個小傢伙救出來了 -是啊 | - At least we got these little guys out. - Yeah. |
我們還擔心你們呢 | We were worried about you. |
以後要習慣有東西在我手里拉屎的事情了 | I guess I better get used to things crapping in my hand,huh? |
我會想你們的,小傢伙 | I'm gonna miss these little guys. |
再養養鳥還真挺不錯的 | It was nice having birds around again. |
這樣吧,它們就交給你了 | Hey,you know what? Maybe we should keep them here with you. |
-什麼? -嗯,我們現在也忙得要死 | - What? - Yeah. We got a lot going on right now. |
而且這裡也有它們的房間啊 | And plus,here,they'd have their own room. |
還可以再養只鵝! | I could get a goose! |
我覺得家禽類這兩隻就夠了 | You know,I think you're set with the poultry. |
多謝了。 聽到沒有? | Thanks,man. You hear that,you guys? |
你們要留在這裡啦! 而且這樣也挺好的 | You're gonna get to stay here. And it's good.. |
因為… | you know,because.. |
你就有理由多回來看看了 | Because now you have a reason to come visit. |
其實還有一個理由 | I think there may be another reason. |
那個… | So.. |
是尷尬的擁抱呢… 還是假酷男握手呢 | Awkward hug or lame cool-guy handshake? |
還是假酷男握手吧 | Yeah,well,you know,lame cool-guy handshake. |
-女士,我向您保證,飛機沒有問題。 - “弗蘭基”也裝好啦? | - Ma'am,I assure you,the plane is fine. - And you fixed the phalange? |
沒錯,裝好了,而且 | Yes. The phalange's fixed. |
還又帶了一個備用的以防萬一 | In fact,we've put a whole lot of extra phalanges onboard,just in case. |
-她在哪兒? -看不到 | - Where is she? - I don't see her. |
-瑞秋!瑞秋格林!-她在那裡! | - Rachel! Rachel Green! - There she is! |
瑞秋! | Rachel! Rachel! |
-先生,您有登機牌嗎? -沒有,我就是要找裡面的一個人說句話… | - Whoa,do you have a boarding pass? - No. I just have to talk to someone. |
對不起,沒有登機牌不能再往前走了 | I'm sorry. You need a boarding pass. |
-不 不… -瑞秋! | - No,no. But you don't.. - Rachel! |
什麼?上帝啊?你們在這裡幹嘛呢? | What? Oh,my God. What are you guys doing here? |
輪到你了 | Okay. You're on. |
怎麼了?怎麼了羅斯? 你嚇到我了,出什麼事了? | What? What,Ross? Okay,you're scaring me. What's going on? |
- 嗯…我想說的是: - 什麼 | - Okay. Thing is.. - Yeah. |
-不要走 -什麼? | - Don't go. - What? |
留下來和我在一起,我太愛你了。 求求你不要走 | Please,please stay with me. I am so in love with you. Please don't go. |
-天哪 -我知道,我知道 | - Oh,my God. - I know. I know. |
不應該拖到現在才說的 我太笨了,對不起。 | I shouldn't have waited till now to say it,but.. That was stupid,okay? I'm sorry. |
不過我現在和你說:我愛你 | But I'm telling you now. I love you. |
-不要上飛機 -小姐?您是否要上飛機? | - Do not get on this plane. - Miss,are you boarding the plane? |
嘿 | Hey,hey. |
我知道你愛我,我知道 | I know you love me. I know you do. |
-小姐? -我… | - Miss. - I.. |
我要上飛機 | I.. I have to get on the plane. |
-不要,別上飛機 -我要上 | - No,you don't. - Yes,I do. |
-不要,別上飛機 -都等著我呢,羅斯。 | - No,you don't. - I do. They're waiting for me,Ross. |
我現在真的不能這麼做,對不起 對不起 | I can't do this right now,I'm sorry. I'm sorry. |
瑞秋 | Rachel. |
真的對不起 | I'm so sorry. |
我本來以為她會留下的… | I really thought she'd stay. |
我知道 | I know. |
我很遺憾 | I'm sorry. |
那麼,就這樣了 | Well,that's it. |
收拾完畢 | Everything's packed. |
-啊,感覺有點怪啊 -我明白 | - This is weird. - I know. |
嗯 | Yeah. |
啊…也就是說沒吃的了? | Does this mean there's nothing to eat? |
我在你冰箱裡面放了三盤義大利面 | I put three lasagnas in your freezer. |
我愛你 | I love you. |
- 嘿 -怎樣?趕上了嗎? | - Hey. - Hey. Did you guys make it in time? |
趕上了,他跟她說了 不過她最後還是上了飛機 | Yeah,yeah. He talked to her,but she got on the plane anyway. |
羅斯呢? | Where's Ross? |
回家了,他誰也不想見 | He went home. He didn't want to see anybody. |
“羅斯,嗨,是我” | Ross. Hi,it's me. |
“我剛回到飛機上” “我現在感覺太難受了” | I just got back on the plane,and I just feel awful. |
“我絕不希望我們之間這麼就完了” | That is so not how I wanted things to end with us. |
“只是…只是我根本沒料到你會出現” | It's just that I wasn't expecting to see you. |
“猛一下子你就來了,還說那些話…” | And all of a sudden you're there and saying these things. |
“我現在坐在這裡,靜靜地想…” | Now I'm just sitting here and thinking.. |
“想我應該說卻沒有說出口的話” | of all the stuff I should have said and I didn't. |
“我甚至都沒跟你說我也愛你” | I mean,I didn't even get to tell you that I love you too. |
“因為,我真的愛你” | Because of course I do. I love you. |
“我愛你” | I love you. |
“我愛你” | I love you. |
“我到底在幹什麼?我愛你!” | What am I doing? I love you. |
“我要見你,我要下飛機!” | I've got to see you. I've got to get off this plane. |
天哪 | Oh,my God. |
-“打擾一下!” -“小姐,請坐下” | - Okay,excuse me. - Miss,please sit down. |
“真對不起,我要立刻下飛機! | No,I'm sorry. I'm really sorry,but I need to get off the plane. |
-去告訴他我愛他!” -“小姐,現在不能下飛機” | - I need to tell someone that I love them. - I can't let you off. |
讓她下飛機! | Let her off the plane! |
“請您務必坐好” | You have to take your seat. |
“求求你了,你不明白!” | Oh,please,miss. You don't understand. |
試著去明白! | Try to understand! |
“拜託了,有沒有辦法讓我能下…” | Come on,miss,isn't there any way that you can just let me off the..? |
不要! | No! No! |
上帝啊,到底下沒下飛機?到底下沒下飛機?! | Oh,my God. Did she get off the plane? Did she get off the plane? |
我下飛機了… | I got off the plane. |
你下飛機了… | You got off the plane. |
我真的愛你 | I do love you. |
我也愛你,再也不會讓你走了 | I love you too,and I am never letting you go again. |
我也希望留在這裡,再也不要有遺憾 | Okay. Because this is where I want to be. No more messing around. |
- 我不想再搞砸了 - 我也不想,我們已經蠢過一次了 | - I don't want to mess this up again. - Me neither. We're done being stupid. |
只有你和我,好不好, 只有你和我 | Okay. It's you and me,all right? This is it. |
只有你和我 除非我們是在分手中… | This is it. Unless we're on a break. |
現在可不是開玩笑的時候 | Don't make jokes now. |
請小心點,這是我祖母的, | Okay,please be careful with that. It was my grandmother's. Be careful. |
請務必小心,多謝 | Thank you. |
如果這玩意兒從車上掉下去, 也沒什麼大不了的 | If that falls off the truck,it wouldn't be the worst thing. |
是啊 | I know. |
看起來好像小了一圈 | Seems smaller somehow. |
一直都是紫色的?! | Has it always been purple? |
小傢伙們,看看四周吧 這裡曾是你們的第一個家 | Look around,you guys. This was your first home. |
一個幸福的家 充滿了愛心與歡笑 | And it was a happy place,filled with love and laughter. |
更重要的是 租金管制簡直就是明搶啊 | But more important,because of rent control,it was a frigging steal. |
嗨,你們有沒有意識到, 我們每個人都在這裡住過 | Hey,do you realize that,at one time or another,we all lived in this apartment? |
真的是 | Oh,yeah. That's true. |
啊…我沒有 | I haven't. |
你大學有一年暑假過來和祖母住 | What about that summer during college that you lived with Grandma.. |
然後你想靠跳舞來掙錢… | and you tried to make it as a dancer? |
你有沒有意識到,這都十年前的事了你還往外挖? | Do you realize we almost made it 10 years without that coming up? |
啊親愛的,我差點忘了。 我答應崔格把鑰匙留下 | Oh,honey,I forgot. I promised Treeger that we'd leave our keys. |
好 | Oh,okay. |
-都結束了? - 是啊 | - So I guess this is it. - Yeah. |
嗯…應該是吧 | I guess so. |
比想像中的還要難啊! | This is harder than I thought it would be. |
會好的 | Oh,it's gonna be okay. |
好了 | Come on. |
你們倆馬上要去新房子了,或者能擠出點時間來嗎? | Do you guys have to go to the new house now,or do you have some time? |
還有點時間 | We got some time. |
-去喝杯咖啡怎麼樣? -好啊。 | - Okay. Should we get some coffee? - Sure. |
去哪兒喝? | Where? |
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