


如果你用HTML寫了一個網頁, 裡面有用list寫成的項目, 也就是
    <li>   </li>
    <li>   </li>



<p id="contents"></p>


<li class="first">Chapter</li>

<li class="first">Chapter</li>


//get all the first order title
var f = document.getElementsByClassName("first");
//the total number of first order title
var numberOF = f.length;
//index for the loop
var i, j, k;
//give each title an id such that they can be linked
for(i=0; i<numberOF; i++)
  f[i].setAttribute("id", "f" + i);
//generate the contents
var contents = "";
for(i=0; i<numberOF; i++)
  contents += "<a href=#f" + i + ">";
  contents += (i+1)+". ";
  contents += f[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
  contents += "</a>";
  contents += "<br><br>";
//show the contents
document.getElementById("contents").innerHTML = contents;



如果是多階層的項目, 也就是


.first{color:red; font-weight: bold;}
.second{color:orange; font-weight: bold;}
.third{color:green; font-weight: bold;}

.forth{color:black; font-weight: normal;}



<h1>An Article with Contents</h1>

<p id="contents"></p>


<li class="first">Chapter
  <li class="second">Section
    <li class="third">Subsection
      <p class="forth">bla bla bla bla</p>

    <li class="third">Subsection
      <li class="forth">item</li>
      <li class="forth">item</li>
  <li class="second">Section
    <li class="third">Subsection

    <li class="third">Subsection

<li class="first">Chapter
  <li class="second">Section
    <li class="third">Subsection

    <li class="third">Subsection
  <li class="second">Section
    <li class="third">Subsection

    <li class="third">Subsection


//get all the first order title
var f = document.getElementsByClassName("first");

//the total number of first order title
var numberOF = f.length;

//index for the loop
var i, j, k;

//give each title an id such that they can be linked
for(i=0; i<numberOF; i++)
  f[i].setAttribute("id", "f" + i);

  //second order title within current first order title
  var s = f[i].getElementsByClassName("second");
  var numberOSinF = s.length;

  for(j=0; j<numberOSinF; j++)
    s[j].setAttribute("id", "f" + i + "s" + j);
    //third order title within current second order title
    var t = s[j].getElementsByClassName("third");
    var numberOTinS = t.length;

    for(k=0; k<numberOTinS; k++)
      t[k].setAttribute("id", "f" + i + "s" + j + "t" + k);

//generate the contents
var contents = "";

for(i=0; i<numberOF; i++)
  contents += "<a href=#f" + i + ">";
  contents += f[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
  contents += "</a>";
  contents += "<br>";

  var s = f[i].getElementsByClassName("second");
  var numberOSinF = s.length;

  for(j=0; j<numberOSinF; j++)
    contents += "        ";
    contents += "<a href=#f" + i + "s" + j + ">";
    contents += s[j].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
    contents += "</a>";
    contents += "<br>";
    var t = s[j].getElementsByClassName("third");
    var numberOTinS = t.length;

    for(k=0; k<numberOTinS; k++)
      contents += "                ";
      contents += "<a href=#f" + i + "s" + j + "t" + k + ">";
      contents += t[k].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
      contents += "</a>";
      contents += "<br>";

//show the contents
document.getElementById("contents").innerHTML = contents;




注意到上面的方法不能用在建立以<h2></h2><h3></h3>為標題的目錄, 這個情形之下, 使用這個方法

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